Miami Gazette January 27, 1909 - July 14, 1909

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WenDlan •

J Sooi~ty . Column I ~......or,. "';.,...

Messrs, Ja;. · StooPs arid F rank Is t the hom'e, near Gordon, Darke d....' '14nook wlllatt.endthe'National COD County, Ohio, o( Mr. Gideon'l'bom~ ••• , , " •••••••••• , , ' ••• elt )tannon IlpeD~ Thurld"y with venUon of Cannera alJd Paokers, as, of the brlde,oD We want to make th18 column of th~ WUl KorriB and family. ' . whloh oonVBnes In LOuis:vUle. Ky., Thorsday. J unoary 21, 1909, Mr. GBV.etW B leaJlog feature 'his wtnter. Bnd Ehin I'tree and family apen' Sa.. . on Febrnary 1st to 6th. Th~y are George E . Ha·rtsook and MItis 'Nina atik our frJen08 1.0 send In society· events. urdayafternoon with Jaoob Sear. expeotlng a goo~ -timeJ ' a~d lots· of Antram were nnited in marriage by and wife. inforOlat.ion . · . · . , the Rev ,' J . F. Cadwallader. Mr~ and Mn .. Chaunoey .BaDnell Mr. and Mrs. E, V. Barnhart en· ' . Mr , Stoops lnteqds to ran a 't raln At 12 o'olook they took upoa them. tertained at a slxo'olook dinner Sat· and tamily ~Dd lira. Will DuDn aDd of Ohio callners il'lto LonlsvilJe, a,nd 8el ves th!t vows that made them one ordayevenlng, Mr. and Mr~ . Ray daoghter 'were the ID"~I of GeorBe 111 sending out lettera. t~ll~ng the~ for life •. Rev. Cadwallader using Smith and Mrs. Luther Sellers. of Bogan and famtly Thurlday. h9 w ~b go. 'l'he Ohio ~ratn will start the beautiful marriage ceremony of Mt'8. Ed V.omatel' 0.11.,d:on Kn. from 'I.'oledo over the BII Foul'. the ¥rotestent Episoopal Churoh Oayton. · Barley Henderson ~turday at ....When it arrives dele .' The'two li ttle - io 'Cinoinnatl, , , nieoes of the bride', Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Bally enter· DOOb. · , gates who arrive o.ver other .roads Wanda and Tllelma Thoma8 Qui8t . will join, the Qltiotrain and be made ed lu the oeremony, the former play. tained at a turkey dtnner last weftk. George Bogan .and family eDterup loto one trliin of sever,-l cOftohes. Ing the wedding maroh and the lat 'fhose present were: ~eth FnrnM tainoo Mr. and Mn. Gearle DaTil and family, Israel &tterthwalte and and Elvin It'lrea and family'Satarday ltem9 of ink-lest will be disol1l8ed tel.' serving as rln'g bearer. on the , t rain,,' 'and Mr. M&OopEI ",Ill The only per80ns present were: family' and Joseph Chapman and eV~lDlng. land tbe 011"0 deligatlon into LoQie. 14r: and Mrs, .' Thomas arid two f~mily. Mr. and Mrl. Frank Howe aDd vme, and make people thare look.. Iloghtere Wand~ and Thelma of daoghter were Sonday goea" of ElMr. and Mrs. Fred B, Sherwood vin FirM and·family. up and takenotioe of Oht? Ql)rdon j Mrtt, Charlott/) Burton, of Mn. tlOOrge va,,11 and Mn. o.1E Speakers of prommenoe will Middletown 1 Eaphatriie Hough entertained at dinner M~day, Mr. addres,ea, there. being three govern· BDd Rev. aod Mr8. Cadwallader, of and Mrs, L~ther Sel~ers, of DaytoD, 'ley Unlle.b8e called on O. P. WI. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jl. V. Barnhart, Mr. and famlly.Ertday afternoon. ora on th~ Ust·, and prominent can· Wav.nesville. ners wUl talk. 'The bride Iii well and favorably and Mrs. Ray Smith and danghter Un. Bet MorarJand .pen' · sa'orknown througho~t Warr.en Oounty., and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. CartwriRht d. w'lth Will Clark and fam117 Y, • and by thoee who know her teat .~d dao~hter. . Mr.1'bomuBarU,ofUeDna, DI.. , m08t higbly esteemed for her many' Ia vlaiting fiienM tn WI 'rielnl" George . Jaokson, who Was Ren' noble qUII,I1~ie8 of bearrt. and mind, The event o~ ·the . past week . was Blain. . , tenoe<} to five yeaUJ' i~prisonlilent 'J'he .groom is a man of sterling the Golden weddinR of Ablja.h and · ' . , uta Heeftlle in Dayton In for a&aaUna earl Mmlth 8 horsll, was worth aild nprlght life ' one who Jodith ColUer at their home near lire, Geo~18 DaN .peD' 1'1aan. 1"_ldallioe ~ • very lIiok al.... pardoned laat week by the board of has won and holds the l:~peot and Wellman on TaeJilay, Janaary 19tb, 'day e~enl.g with Ilrt. WI)) C....k. pardons, and I.,rl~ed Jto~e 8onda;v' oonfidenoe of alt who know. bim '; a this event beinR m~de more pleasant , Bert aud Ildlth Botan we,. Sprtoa.......It'BDrDeU "nd lin; Shere nlBbt. lion of WhOUl WlLynesvllle Is justly by their IKlU Wtll and ta~ilY ooming bill vl'itor. S1:m~y aftel'Doua • ...... .D,tcbe 11'81'8 tD Dayton 1I0nday Be eerved a little over thrfle year~ prond. . . New 8~;linrto __• from their l!tdiana home &0 be with pp.D8. _ in the pea, and I. ln a. bad ehape Arter Maroh "12't'h Mr. and Mrs Pf'rentB and relat~ vee on 'bls happy 8 8. 80w.U will be In _"endanoe physically.. He ha.e oon,ulD~tion Hartsook wtll be "At Bome" to tbelr OC08eion. Of ooarle, the dinner Wal .Kiaa BerDloe>BaWk~ I~" ~ 1I'f"" illlllliUlH • aee. abow in Ctnolno.ll thl.. and to lleep blm won~~ bave muny trl"nds at the Iroom'8 reel IItopendon8 and -eumptloos' ae ooly wtl8t..end with rela,h. ill Oolom, been aure death in a litt.l e while. deuce on Third street; a farmer'lI wife and a 1>rL.e of Afty bDl. • Be wa. a I(Ood prisoner and had ' . _ • years knows how to prepare. Tha.e RevLval . . vlo8I oo.Una at the .. Xtu., of New Burltn,~o. ~alned oODalderable time tor good DOG CAME BACK good people were remembered by M. Ill. obaroh With Inoreuecl . .~__ ....... '....... . D. BUl'lle" and famlly behavior. ' . In another oolomn we print & sto I many 1188ful pre&enta. '1'b088 pre. elt. 1duJ ..... . OeorgeBawkewere BIBLE CLASS ryo'. Jj'~ank.MlI.ple '8dogwhlohtra'Y: ent ~ere : Will Colher, wife and .FredMoKlaneyretumedlad . . .k !ittl. . . .· l&at .&arday vleltlnB el d mUea to get back home apin. threeobildren jEarnea~Co1ller, "Ife, from LeetI!riar. 'where bell.. , beea Tbe hlble clUB met io regular ses 'l'he dog lefif h~me about ten lnd two ohildren; Charley Colller, ~lIlting reIMiT... U. Wl1Oo&t, of Chicago, was lion lut Friday nisht. Tbe noxt ~oQthe ago, and baa been on the Barldef Rioh and wite. Will Btob Wm. l!lriautok who baa beaD ~ of hie aunt, Mnt. A. B 18lBOU will be the laat ODe in P~rt 4 roa(1 baok , hOOle all of this time. and ·wlfe, M088S Bogan, wife ,and ltiDI .t 'WID. lIeadIDhalll,. uid Aool'rding to thtl week's Lookoat Bow it manag~ tomaJui the tripon Ion; Laura Collier, Oora Barrta, whoae wtf~....... qw.. ln ..... lfribt d I we lee Ohto tt ahead In number of (0 aDd dnd tta way home apia ia Mary Cl8l'ver., Marluet Smith. - e'ol'D8Cl iaOlU .... ,_ _ _ _. ,. Ofl h -:: to D' to indlviduale enrolled In t.ober.train. more than any haman can teU. , WlahlpB them ~any paore yean r &7 D 1D" . Tot.t enrollment to date 18B, The dOB .i. very home.lok. It, In thi._ beautiful wq,ld, and an hav, D:e batsal of A.~. Oslel...; took 'W• •_.~.I opp B . . iN. We give tbe enrollment of aooording to neighbora. 1088 to 'be tng llpent a pleasant day we depart· UII. 10.... &lid dalllbter. tonrteea. of the htlhest r ..~k a. fol. honae every morning, bnt not aee.tng ed for oar re.pective homea, plaoe IA ...,..Oeaat~"~ 01 IOwa .ir:~cmtlrCllil.'- were WaY~8Iville 1ow. .. . any one.t knowa , gOes awav .. - • 1I0ndayon Weok. -*aI~ 11_..1_· . . 01 In&o the B 1111.. ...,'.... - ' - - __A _ _ .. _ ...- - ~.,. l'he number in the tint oolnmn Aeldeand I'aya untUtheuextmorn HORSE FELL DOWl\.f enry· .._ --- - -' .., N. LalDp&oD and 1truoe 8mlth Indloatea Ole nnmber of aohoola ID UHf, when it mak..- anotber . villt to ~ hOlDe by a ....ere oold. · . 01_ ns v.n." were In ~wo 1100- the $tale, tbo I800nd oolumn Indi- ite old home wI~h the same dlaap. A horae driven by Benry Prater Th. baad baa IDOM ttl beed.4., AD ~.. . oate. the nliUl ber ofBoboqla earolled plin tmeot. fell on ~!,ln ~h'eet uear lb.e TOWD- quartan ~. 'tbe room . 0'981' P8Mr• ,brothuof A. lIaflUt, In teaoher training. and the t.hird III all probabntty a dapghter ~t 'hlp hoase Satnrday momtng 'about lOll 'I II'OOV~ I*lDI V.Uey, w.. tn 'o.n lion. oolumn lndleatee the number of In, Mr. Maple, ",ho livee north of town, 9 o'olock. , There W:~. no dama.. Jobn ~iUDi .... ii, aDd a b . CD buln. .: l divido"la enrolled . In ~oh Mtate: will,Geantown (n~ tTY to get done farther 'bln ·the ~reaktng of a .mer realde.',bf our towD, f.ll .4•• ana .ea, &D aun, of 3In. . the dug. few Itrapein the ~rn888. in, the t01'"a,,,,r ~d brouthe .. _11. ... .._'.. .... ...... b O)1io ....... .......... 575 432 1,,968 .. • • • femoral boDe' Dear 'bla Jatp_ a.. O . t..U::~7 re ...rn~.o or ;DUnoi................. 709 466 1~7.9~ C~NNl~O PLANT ,Spring V.II~y. . makeahtahomnrlthbtlloaWUDaaa , rh W '-ill 1'- i '· Co . . tD Wtlmtfa.tOD. · ' .' Kan...a...... ......... . SIS2 311 10,6S:! ·...08 BUl. or Cedarvtll4J, was 1 Cila ' • ' 825 168 i ' 58 e .ayn~". e V.nn ng mpa, Tbe IrUg.. Edu aDd Paaline Bar-.... . oj _ • he,. on 4&OOO~n' of tbe;i aa i'~'"'' ···1200 229 '6t~21 ,ny' i_ntends to fix up in royal style ail ley, of DaytOn, are lanY o.t Ii:." N. 0.... . It Brl.... ---"' --bl1' father AlDOl RomiDe, BIOur ·.. r .. •• .. • • .. , 'BOOn !UI the weather iB auitable. , ..,. . . 111'8. aU..,.' 'BDrDe' Ihoppecl lD . n Iowa .................. 450 173 5,815 They In~nd to paint all the balld Barley and wife. L1Jtb , Sellen, of Day to • Kentnoky .. 800 ll,i2 ' ,148 iogs and ln all prob' btllt.,. will add M.... WilBon . Oompton. ta ,ery ton LI..... _ .... _ _ • • • ~~~~~.~ wife who baa been ..lalt- Oklah ma . 3115 104 '2 6 4 8 ' a 01 ' I Ultol -:_ _ nAaol ~ ' 0 •• •• •••••• , . ' t o their already larBe poeaeulon... poor y. , 1111. AM ' Wbltaker qated ... ~ti~~*~~'f:~11 liere, over 8unday. Penuylvania ...... . 167 63 2,039 t!;leyate lookilig forw.rd to alarle IDclward HartaoOk, wbo lor 'he Illter lin >Bat1le14 UH ' I.efluaoa ...... Cf!Pde 81a• .ad little d.qh • .-rexa........... ......... 656 60 1,883 bUline88 t\1is year I . past yaar, ha. frD&de hta home wI'b on ThDn&.y •. dii~h..~·,.1.... bt WlDeb8ltttr, lad., 18 Ole lB.' California...... ...... 1:64 ' 47 1,771 1 , At their meetinl heid a Ihott bll gran4Iatber.,' ~ B. Maaon, ' ~ . lin Alta Kibler . . . . . . .~ 'er .~&her, ~re. Ly41& Wrigbt- OoloradQ. !~ ... ........ " 48 Slit 1!2~ 1 , time ago, ma\tera were talked ~ver married Jannary litb. to MI .. Alma h b' th • II Q . B . . of I'ee4 ,rlodlnl TnHdal•• 'l'b~ W.,.t Vi~gintll .....,:- H~ 32 943 .nd enrvthing was IIIltiafactorv ~ Knookenb&ner of. BoeteH, Ohio. er ro u," r. .or.. U • . '. \ • 01 . • , Londoll Ob1'O aDIl IllatardaYL WaY1!eeviUe , ; l. , . - ~ , . '. thedlreotQrl Notwlth8tandiagthe TheY,will go to'boaaekeepiDg In 'he ' ., .' . . Mil. . . . .\ THE ,NEW CEN1 URY CLU~_ il8Ilaon -t.~l1 year was a ahort one, springl on' ~e farm he reoently p~r- B. M. ~,." and f&Dll~y she AileD Bole .....ted Wilbur Sea... . . . -. '- they ' mAd~ good siles and sold an ohaBed, on ~be Centervllle pike. Monday ~... Dr. B. Ill. lJatha. .., tD 1110'911\1 to "ftrry I••• )IondaY; The ,New 98o,tury Clu,~ W88 roy~l '-their. good~ Itt a goOd filure. '. IMrl, qnderwood retnrned home to Way~.. . M" &0.... hu pnrohu84 the Iy ~n~er'lUned on Frld'il.y ·tbe 22Dd Mr. Snook; the man~e~, is a Tnelday atte~ s)~ndt':lg aove~1 IIv"r~~. weloomed tbe ratn ...., , .Ul..lCll.1ifGOII~ ' Iby ~rs. BIll'~a and Mra. Aioeber, hard wor,"er,,,nd knowlI the buelneftl weeks With her daughter; Mr•. O,. week f~ many of our fanDeN Jia~ .. II 1 AI od r d II . !The history J8t!lJon IWa. ~xplained from th.e office to t~e oob refuse, and barn, of Dayton. bee~ h.~llD' watlr alnoe earl, .1 -, "'~ ,e eD Q, &n .lae lAnd Ie(! by M~, Mendeohall" anel t~e he' hl~~ds to rna ke t~e tactory here Oarl Sherwood aDd wtf. ~ere~. ~ummer. ; • . t.t'.~ A;e:bd«tr o~ DIl~1Ony'\V~re .llldte~, took mqcb iDtereatd n 'h~lr f,he beSt in ·the couotry .' . gaNti offrtenda.ln I'erry I.., week. lIr. aD4:' !In. peroy, lIoI'arJUst r. reo , . , " lwork. ShClrt bliltorlea ~f .William ENTERTAINS S 'RIDE-ELECT Mre. ThotqU Booaton died Wed. were called to .1un.&owulu'TiIiI. : I Penn and John Wt!lley ~ere given needa, after a lingering Uln8l8. Bu. day by tbe .udden d_',h of 111'- . reed. ,mndinK ';l'nO$1ay'!!, Thu.,..,- ~y M1'8. .»e.v ltt . • n~ Mrs Bt wke · Misl Edith Neeld wab the h08te~s ne,.l ' lervi088 were held Fdday MoFarland'e father. ,. . -. . .Dd .t1a,a~.!". ' W.a,DflAville t>nrlbg tbe'liocilil bboor ,.a'lrl'la "Mou.: d tt d 11 btf 1 morning at the realdenae Tbe "lIefrY Butohen,f me'.' uie .' . ~tnr I. ernOOD, at a e g u • , " , . IIhtlr with hill b ~' h onori ng b er coosi n, ~..J. Ralph Le-". . hflnt.tlrtalned h • I t. ~ oJDh I • ,p"rOOtI sower, .an, . "".. .nd 11"leoblld'' home of.Allen . Kibler on MODday.u4 . , Cl..~ BorLle" Itt4tnd~ th~ '.grllp ....P on." . J:p~· o~nb e~peots ~o. •Mls • .t,and St'. :.John"Wbqtl8·marr.lage ofJLytle. were I ae8H over! Bnnday a..~.~ them ~'b. teht'bato~..... \1'1lan81'11l bet nocl ... Mr. GaorlJp, . ::te~~:~: tP:e~ent ~f to .. Mr. Lytle,-.of Wa:yneeville, will of Mr. and Mr•• Sherw()Od. · work. ,-' ~I wh'l Jived I.. 0e4al'vllle1 e e.·1l OD 0 ·omen s be an event of' Wednesday. FC)llr Berman EvaDi 'Of ColnmbDi I:Ilokneu lI.el'1 P1'evalnt ID thta , olube In tbe near future ' . '. ' . . , '. t B ..... an. •..:.. ....:..:. _111t8l.,. , ~n g)rlB were e~tertain8d, a~d a lpant 8uday with bIa par,nu 1', f)Ommun ty. . owana "~-~. LOOK' HEDE 'FA~'MEri;Si . variet" ot ~rtloles tlll~t, w,n be pret·s. lIlv~' aDd wife. '. ., ' , Irene VloerNettteBama, Le'~ .... . ~ " , Ii( tj and O8tIf,!1 In her new nome, w~re 'l."barlea .tOON il .paDdlng and ReIIa.8mith ban all be_ GOlD. . ' tm' t' o -. no..... t· received by the bride 8leot. A fe~t aeveral weeka with'relative tn Phil- platniDlc the ~t, wHk. ,FarJDeI'8 W.., g .grow 8"".... r th f . tnt · . . U 0 WIt - _ .......- _ _ A_ hi - ' - ' eeville- ur., 0 e ~ ter.,o~n .~.. 'Roa que adelpbia. , . I 'eorn lease ,cat .t the . . ~, apt . .. oonte.~, wlitoh dord~ m~o~~1iIe < " ' .' • " • lDooth)J ylII'to QNeII Brlal' "Qat rI. Wilbur Q.b1aD, of Obtoago, CabnlDIr·CO.~ o.mce ~ make ~ont~t meDt, A ' dainty ' lunoliedu ~ ~a~ Salsbury tal~Pro~ On I'rtday atternOOb. 'Be . ~ ·a.""",~,,1CI by her niece, 11181 Zilla for the ~DUq I8rved,-Xenla ( . · .. . nioel~. . '. . the DQpl18 .lD pnotioal ~' ~~~a4...6," he.. ..., Ilr'. '. . , •- • M~. 1111& Traman,a ~ormer na~. Ad hla ..... '~ra':" \ _.... M. ~ or 14&18, D~IRYINQ . . NOT!CE den'of ~h~ p,laoe bU',now·of Colam 1MK*11' .........D. u4 tDlRaotlft. _ wife. .04'. 0. The Ollrd of 'be Two-,....,'k...'oa.... . ,lJlbe Ltt~r.i1 , wilt bold ·a Bo~ .0. ' ~I feU from &ohatr breaklD, her . ..... aDel ......, Loa ~ ..... . . . 4a.bte'r, . . . . belinn'nK J'ebrauy Sthand end~· ,'he home of Mr. ' a~cl 'I IH. hlp . .. I, ' • ' . ·~., ""'r cloOn.oD _ ' ·WlllD....]': .... ............... 8tAaOt1l, Dorch lebruar, lith, . will be'deveted· Gao. S~r Irld"y~v8ninK, January· )11.. B18te ~paer hQ~D~' ~D4 w81~ ,!i1ioU _strely to lJ,a'ter lDaktq. t ~, .liog. ' J'JaRR S1QJ)~ Sao', In Deyton ~urlda7. . . . ... tq their· hOlD. m' II. . 01 reoeiwcla The foorOl of th! ' Tw.o;weeu AT AOAlN D. W. Anabee a~ Ben cnur, ·t1Wr ~, lit. GOy ........ , .. . . . rOo•••·b ...... "ebruary Pt4 &D4 .. WIn vs.tton III XeDIA ~. . - ~ . aDd IDDOoMaa· 41"'.... wtU be4e'f0te4 Beth CJook, who hac1. fall ' Bevt"~l I8rft08l a. 0.. II... . . . the Iunin . . . .aU taO -WIIIb. ;a*.It.:·,~...IU~Ilo..Qi_IDUI.... -OhlotJt_t1Dl. OD \he IDe We4D~a.,.ticnat oharolaolOl84T1mr1dqDllb. WI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ba' ta.tIll. U.... 10ft. a few a4d1tt~ to the oh~. ,..a". ~ . . ..

r.-. J. II: Jllnn&y tllill beeD , qoite l1II'.~IIIOUI .tok with Ifr l p, ...... rrta Moeber 8pent ~at'or(la.y It.nd J-tt11lJU;1aY tn (!lnObtnatl. ' M..... 08 iI'. Roblttlftr 18 very III and t. opDUned to ber bed , Mr. albd MrR. Charles ' Olementa wer., In Dayton Taeld.,. \Albert 1I0Kay. of Daytt)Q, visited word wltb .,.,,4e over Snna.." ~~~~~:"'~~'Il La Lo l Pr1 t t 1:1 n d It" ever, bl.... ~~t'er Q.r n zUe~pet.n Ilule. ay w "" n erv l\J!lU~_,'V,ftry 1)1, . ' • • •bitlileolllilllaill . 0 W. HamUton was vhutlng hta bro bel' tn D.,"'n IAit Bnnday .Mt•. LAura aIainM hie ~en Visit. inl rela'ivee in MUlml Oounty. ltay Mm. I. in attenllanoe at the au~ how In Ctnolnnatl thil week. llill_lr.ild '.n. Jueeph Seare, of Ferty, Is ".~» 11t .,ery ill aad aot expeoted to anrvlve Ion.. Mr. UndeDDmtb, of Dayton, wal dutau.' of Mr. Ju. Stoopenn I(OD





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,..,.c1 to Ute !lICIt.....t Wt. . . pul8el bolD within -th.... ar. mont

The Miami Gazette

tha~ to be pertodl or dl.qule:ull$ In whlclbl the ' aceu'a lnc ~olce ot CIlA, IcJenee I. heard chutlslnl tbe BOul for Ita per:t1dy. 80 It waa with tlla parente of little ElIl:her. 1I1any times after they , t.,d watchfl(l the faithful Jewa 4epart Solutlon~ Which Are ' Less ,Trouble to Prepare Thaa I~ ~::'rt\er: :!Om~~roU:ledt.thouglita I~:~ "UIIl...Sulphurr- •By J. L. PhUllps. EntQDlOloztsC.. w en he f.ther P q .. • . era, ,Iylnt his last wordl had been or regret 'that he had not gone blck to Jel' UlIalem. ' Tbe Il00CHfilphur sprsy la -ODe of our !nlgbt be causel! by t~:e rapidly rlsir" IOU wIght all have been dlfferetlt.' moat Imporlilut Insectlcld~.. apd I. ateam. . orled the bereaved motho! over a.i" "&ltlned to [llay a ' pTomlnen.t part In. The wholll shouhl ~b n btl surred. Sf! oller agalt!. And {h • . llttle .aue Istand. tile hortlcuitul' of tutur ... It I., 8S to mIx It thoroughly. nrter wblcl! Ing' at he.1" knee and wlY half r~lIzlnl eminently Batisfactory fo!' UBe Against It .shQuld form a somewhat ropy soap all tbat the death of her tattier meant the San J08'0 Bcale and aome other mixture, t hat docs not separate or deto her, wondered about It aU and tried Insects; and. a Ilumber 'at tungo ,a terlorote upon slandill/r. 'U will elllp' t f ,diseases, such as llcach leaf cud. and orate to aome extent, I~ left open :a;~~ art her In her stmple, ohlldllb peach blight. It also aids In a gen· henc a cover should be placed ovel The 4ays Which tollowed were day. eral WilY, In ~ile(\rlllg up a UlI ImprovlD/r the barrel. A st\Ulple. left open It. II tbe condition of lbe lre 8. 1ls good wal'lD room in a ()OO o. c. graduate!, losl t o hardship and prlvatlon. It was encb points are sufficient to outweigh any . about 1 6 Jlel,' cenL 0.• It 8 bUlk '.n 11 a struggle as many a . mother beCore 0~jectlon8 to Its use for the above month's time, and alnce baa known W~e)l tbe tather purposes. ex,oept In specIal C08es. No heat Is reQuired aIter thtt soap haa been taken and the burden ot he Every (Jne Is Camlllar with the fllct BoluUon ·Is. prepared. It may be l.lh:ed livelihood falls upon tbe mother. that 011 dOEis not readily mIx wllb with the ol\s even at n freezIng tem· Esther'S .m other knew of berbnsband's t Th ere are proces8es. h oweve.r . perat"lre. but rulxes better when mod· ~eJ)hew Mordecai, who was connected wa er. . . with the royal establlsbment. but she by which al1l emulsion may be mode crl\lely worm. nnd mucb Iqss stlrtlng wlt;b the oU18. and this emulsion" will Is then necessary to bring the mnss was too proud and Independent to · let mix with \Va.ler at almost nny desh'cd to a good soluble 011. The oils IIhould him know ot her naed. and she .trug· sh'ength. Siome patented brands at be kept In a moderately warm room gled . Buton. the pressure at the b.ardens cmu Is Ions h ave bee.n on the , market In cold weat her, so t b ey wIII n1 III bet. trom without ond the troubled con. ·several years, and have gained wld~ ter, ' . science wlthl.n lapped the nona too publicity ae substitutes tor lIme·Bul· 'l'he formulae we bave tested are great supply of atrengt ' It ot the pllur. One lOt the milln objections to given below. It wl\l be necessary to mother, and on. day sbe fell slcll.. ond Ules8 prepareel onills ,jielt· cost. Prof. reduce thu qua~tltI s l)y one-tblrd or when sbe reaUzed that she would never again get well and Ulat she must leave the b,eDutJful little daugbtesr, an.








"Dee down 1J,l the nalW'O o~ vaf)". What Klnii 1~=~:':;,::~~11.~==:::;~~~~~=== • Many a nervous woman haa oecasloll propeii-ly eqnad u idmu ~ tbe d••lr.. to consld r what kIna of a . nolll& It to own .some land.'" A WriteI' I~ til.. most likely to banlab sleep. It 18 wot Iowa State Register thWl teraely es.atrange tbat th& cr~sade against \1\1. prelaell a wen·know~ truth. The quunecessarY nol8e sbould be led by 8. tion II where 18 the beat land to behad at the 1Qwest prices, and tb1s lh.. woman, and Lbat ah~ should lind theiu· lame wrltef polulS ounn the same ,&1'aands of eag r IUPDOrtera- among bel Ucle; ' JIhe tact II not ellsgolied thaI aeX. 'rho C~\1nt'7 and tbe city pN)sent CanonicIty 'ot the BoOk of Jllather.-Tbe the wrUer haa a p~rsonal Intell'elt tn of Esther fa ODe of the canonIc.,. dllferent probl IDa to the aeeIU r for Book book. of Scripture. havtnc been wrlttell ~e IIta~eJDent or hil case. and ,there I. Quiet. rhe ateady 1'0&1' of the city late In tbe re~ of Xerxefl. OJ' early In no htdden meaning when he' reters to atreet II orten leu trylne tban UI a per- ~t of bla 80n Artaxerxu Longtmanu8. Western Canaila al presenting creat'J:be author Ia not' ,mown. but may al8te~t cro'w of the earlN'lslng rooater probably bave beell Ho-rdeca1 .nt~nll"llr. er pollalblllUell than any other pArt at or . the clang of lbe cow·bell. 1'hs ThOle wbo ascribe It to Er;ra. or the mep the AmeriollD Continent, t.Q . the maDI. the Great 8yno,I08'l10. "tnI!.Y have m er~ wbo Is Incll.n ed '0 ttu the soU ·0J' nelsbbor who aUta coal .asbes bofore of. • ~, -.. I,. meant that Eara edited and added ft livelihood qnd possible compe~no ••. light belongs .to the same olass with to the canon of the Sarluture, Whluh bo What Interestll one are the argument. the one 'f\'h9 nu;rates ~Is family affalra Ilrobably dId. Tbfl Book ot Eath~r appears a dltr.eront form In the L.."CX .• and the advanced by Ulis writer. and whe .... at dawn lInder "h. window In a Joud In tranalaUona . therefrom. from that In folrly ano.1yzcd the · conclusion ' Ia. and eheertul voice. The shriek ot tbe whlob It .. foulld In the Heb1;ew BIble. reached th ' at no matter what persoDah canonleal s:.ther I. placed amonc tbo whJstle, Ule call or the newsboy, the The haalographa by tho .TewlI. and In Ulat Interest the writer msy have )lad, hi • . rattle of the mllk-eart are aU "trial· !ll'llt.portlon of them whIch O,er call .. the re080ns appear to have tbe quality ot aome," &8 • Oertaln old lAdy uaed to !lve roll"." ' It I, IIOmetlmel \imphatlcnlly great souhdDess. 'The cllmaUo condl~ called "Xegtllah" (roll). without oth r .ay of her clt.l1dren. but, . saYII the cSl.UnctlOn. and I. 'read through lIy tho Uons at Western Canada are tully ... "'ood·· "-'-0Youth'i CompanJon; perhaps the m~t Jewa ln tholr IYDagocuea at the feut of . . . . . . those o'• MJnnelO.· - . 'the 101 ... rt hlUl often beq remarked IUS llnforgtYable notae tor. • sensitive \)e?t aPurim. t~ or Iowa. the producUveneas 01 tb. peculiarity of this book that tlto name SOil Is as great. the social conditione aOn fa one whlCkrreoura at allghtly Ir of God doea Dot ocour III It. It WIUI alare on a porlty. the are u well "gular Interv4b. and for a: long perIod way. reCkoned In the JewIsh canon, and Ia named or Implied In almost every onl.\· established and as caretull1 ob.served. IT h. drip of a watel"plpe. · the whine of meraUon ot the book. compoalng It. trom In nddlUon to lbese tbe price ot iand • \10g~ the 118m of a' blln(t-~.beae are Josephua downward: The te...t of PurIm to thla day u lUI evidence of the 18 much less, casler to ~lIre. So, "Itb iIIe noilles wblcb deetro ' temper and umaJna truth of the aton'. these advantages. wby II~O~u't II eleep. eyen tor well women. Wben one -the offAr of Western Cnnada-be baa struggled through a night tortllred re~S~e~!t almost drove ber mad filled " mbraced. . he hundrecla of thousand. br ' auch obj~.dlo.nable elamora, Qlle SERMONETTE• . "Oh, had we only gone back tu tbe at settlera now there~ wbose bomea. reallzea tJi6 tuU meaning of tbe poet's "She had neither 'fIlther nor land of our folhers •.the land where were originally In tbe Unlted ' Stat., dream at peace, where "8l1ence like a mother." A .. d childhood. InGod baa Pl'9mIaed hIs p.eople ble.alng. appear to lie-ore satielled Once la deed. It la not known how young 'poulUee comes. to heal the blows of It 'mlght .U bave bt-en so dIfferent. It awhile complaints are heard. but th.· .Ihe waa when death robbed her Is but U1e hand of curalne upon U8 for Canadians have never spoken of tbe.. .oundl" our aln." • country as an Eldorado no . matter. of both parenta and broke up I His yellow·tided Imperial hlghllen the home. 8he waa pl'Obably. Little Hadassah Ustened to awe~ wbat they may bll.V& thougbt. Tb. quito, young.' for tho word uted Pu·YI, emperor. ot tbe OhJnese and wonder to her mothfl'r's worda ot fa. writer happened to blLve At hand a fft'lf to' tell of Mordecal'l klndneal proach ullon bereelf and. wlthp'ut IIno",. letters. written by tormer residents (If' therefore tbe · mOe brother 'to most of carrlel the thought of 4'"OU ... Ing juat wbat the)' meant, but 1I1th a the United States. trom which one Of< the beavenly bol(les, bas 80 Durses ' OD lahed.'· Robbed of mothr love tender. lovlng heart. which JonKed tAl tw~extraets are submitted. These hJs staff. In addition to the . nurses and father at..ength and pr6t.asp~k comtortlngiy, she said: to prove that tile writer In tDe Rell. 'there are probably ~ many bottle. tlon. It would have leemed that , 'But, mamm~ can't God' be Ja thl. ter has a good basl.s of tact In suppo.l holders. an e«tual number to hand 'roy, her life waa blighted and all land, too" He was with the areat at hie BtDtement~ regarding the. cllcel· alty,hls rattl" and another relay to 8IlY 'hope of the tutu... gone. But lency or the graIn growing . area q. 'Danlel, and he will b~ with UI whell 'Da da" to keep In good bumor. the breaking up of t/1e homo and we need blm so munb... ·. MlUllloba. Saskatcbewan and .Alberta. must be more or lesa annoying to .. the kindly Offer of her older couThe mother stopped . her convulsln On the 2~tb ot, April ot this year W. aln afforded her jUlt the oppa ... j1)aby to be an emperor. The job may so~blng and, tUrnJng her head 80 that R. Conley, of LQlIgllced. Albe('ta. wrote .tunlty ehe needed o~ prepa~· ber. eyes were full upon \he 'faCe 01 a friend In :pet roiL H.e sAys: "The ~uJt him In la.ter lite. but as an tnflU\\ tlon for the exalted p ~c • .Y(hlch her daughter, sho lay tor some t r ; l f D . weat.ber bas b en just 1lJte. ever slnc. ~e fa prevented from chasing alley Ihe came to till. .He wal conutes as If trying to get h~ld at . the 1 came bere In Mnrcb, And ( bellen and enjoying most of the otbe~ nected wl~h the royal eatablle'" thougbt whlQb the child bad el[pl't'laaed one could find If 110 want.e.d to aome ,oys or cblldhood. The only 'sport w~ ment and could thue brlnll hla with but a hall conscloullneas of all small· bunches of snow around the jean see tor him aa he goea aloag con· young charge Into tho atmo. ~hat her worcls m88llt. edge of the lake. 'There Is a froat near· alsts In tbrowlng thIngs at 30 nurses. 'phere 'and lifo for which ehe waa "PerhaplI be . Will." whispered the Iy e\'el'Y morning: at lunrlse It begin• .In amusement of thlil sort he would ds.tined. mother, wearily, and then ahe otOlied to fade away. tben tbose blue Bow· ~ve a cinch over all tbe Pother ' llttie It Ie • moll Insplrlnq thought · her eyes and a lltue Jater the frlenda era open and look. nl fresh a8 If thoro boy.s tn the world. tor spanklng hila Iq that 'out of tho mlafor\",nea of .wbo bad come In led the JIllle -&11'1 hod been no fro t tor a week. • • • life there often unfold th'. Ilu" raturn for the cOlnpllp!ent would be away, teUJtig her genUy that her There Is no reDaon 'why thIa COUDt~ Gar purpole and opportunity for mother ~aa dead. . should not become a garden of Eden; anCb a rank case o~ lese ma.le.,ty that a human, Itruggllng aoul. In fact · "Baa ahe gllne back to the land tbe wealth la In the ground anI! on11 ~o one would tblnk ~I suggesting It. It la the \!ery trlall themlelvOi h h needa a little encolU'11gement fruut tia. W ere s !l laid God was'" ahe u\Cedl .go:vern. ment t«Jlnduoo cap' Ita! In he.... whIch prove the echool of prepf. Art cannoUseura .and crItics 10 Lo~, wonder1nllY. And when they tried to ,.. aratloJ11for tho placea. of wit explain to ' her tllit her mammt"1lad Thero la overytblng here tobull4 don are el[erclsed 'jtiBt n()w over tile and Influence. . gone to be wUh tlie dod' 01 Abraham, wllh: good clay tor l.lrlck; coal un~eJ:" authorship of a portrait of a lady In t\ettle for PreparIng Ll.m""lphu~Alao au neath. 1I1~ty of water In tho aprlq , ThInk of the .ngula .. of. that and laaac, an.d Jacob• .a little amU, the eXhibition ot ' 1)ld maltera,' organ mother aa ahe looked upon her broke oyer her fAce and Ihe II8.ld. 11m. Penny of the Delaware ex""'riment ' one-half In fo ..... ulae 1 and 2. If Ih; lakea, and good spTlngs comlne out oC lied by Meaara. Agnew tor the belle:IU IIttl. girl and realized Ihe mUlt .. .. 1 py: station plllbllsbed recently a. method' miXIng hi to'b.-e dOlle In Il 5().gallon Ule......banks." ....,"""'=--,..---====:----=---:-T.;'-;~~; ot a cbarlty. The portrait Ia about 160 leave hel'. ThInk of the father "May. ( go to He her lome timer' ot preparlt;lg tbe oils for spraying. pur· bal·rel. 7eal'1l old. beauUrully .PI'Inted and In VAIN THREATt. whoae· heart waa torn· within . Formula No.1. . ''-Poor 'Uttle motberleas girl. What polleS, the, product a or ~hlch hCl tbe moat pert;ect condlUon. It Is obvl· him .1 he lay dy'1nQ becau.. no 011110nl. wu to become at herT She had but termed "1i'orne,made Miscible 'On8;" SIJOP aolutlon ........................... ously Engllah. yet no one can guess longer would tils. arm be Itrong ; .. . 9 IIvlns ~latlve of wbom anyony prel)arallons appeared to be so rude 011 ........................... .. .. , . ... 20 to protect the tender little life the Identity 'or tbe admirable artIst by Roeln oil ... .. 04 .............. .... .... . ...... knew. and that W&8 MordeqaJ. the DlAII promiSing that we undertook. during Water .... ........ ....... ....... ........ ...... ·6~ which wal "nfoldln'g ~ belutl· . whom It was produeed. It (a curious who le"eel In the gate <it the klng'. the' aprlng ot 1908. to test lome M his Cost•. about 11% ()enla per galton . .f.ul!y, . But th, tragedy of that that In England. qt all pl8ColS. an artlat palace. But what could he do With formula. They are less trouble to Cont$llUl about 69 4·5 per cent: of 011. flome gave blrth' not to a blalted . oouId escape ' recognJUon, but the , Fo'rmula No, 2. ber. he who had maintained auch de,~ pl'epare than UtnlHfUlphur, though t~e life. but rather to a larger. fuller GnIlOM; CUeS8jlS. of U1e best judpI cover a tlon to ' the kJng that h. b",d estab- mi3tbod Is a Uttle more coJ,Dvllcated Soap .olutl\>n .................... ........ IIf.. ' . , . . ... 9 • 1I\'Jde fleld -l\.lld have really unearthed Ushed no home of his own, but had rrom the I~ct .tllat mor materialS enCrude 011 ....................... : .. , ..... .... 10 Th .... II every j"ltlflcatlon In Pliratnn 011 ...... .. , .... .. ................ ... 10 continued .tn the palace,' wbere h. tel\. .Into their preparation. By carenames w.lllch are untamU(ar to most 01 the belief that .the parent. of Roeln all ... . ........ , ... .... . .. ........ .. ... 0 could know day and tiJlbt who pRIed rully Mlowlng tlrecUons, however, ~o the 'brotherhood ot "rlters!. 'JIhe Either, wJ1en called upon · to ~bii\ir j2' ~6' ·rita:·pej." i iilio'ri:·" 6\4 tlu'Ougb the gate to·the palace. trouble sblould be ·e-xperlenced. "'lYbe wa~:r ape<:lal portrait h~s the ear marks o~ le,v. hlr committed ,her to the Contains about 18 ·per cent. ot 011, When' tidings of the death of ~I cost Is a little &reater! than that or Formula ·No. 3, merol(ul watchcare of, . God and Ithe Royal Aca4e!!1y, ~hut : tt la dlMcult uncle'lI w1fe re.ched MordeCai, h~ went IIlne·sulp~\lr. ' , . that It brouglh comfort to their Gollon....;to \letermlne the academlclo's name. at onc;e' to the bome. wondering what There are three distinct. processes Soap eolutlon .......................... .. .. 9 I '., ,. dyIng mo';enta to realb:e that In JImmy Junine-It yOU do DTlt COD' Paramn .bll .......................... . ... .. .40 could be done wltb the mUe girl. It In tJie pruparatlon of the home-made RosIn 011 ........................ .. ... ........ 8 sent to my marriage wlth lour ~aqsbhla hands ahe w.e lafo. i 'rhe opening the bOflle show re troubled and V~dd ~bD. He relt in DO soluble 'olIB: Wilt r ........................ ............... ]14 Mow marvelously the pro.yl. ter. I swear I'll kill mYllel(, . , minds us tbat tb~ horae 18 not only nol oBt. about 1(1% ce ntl per gallon. position to look. atter her. Jf be did 1st. 1tfallfng the "soap tlolutlon." . Conlalns about 88 9·10 Il4lr c nt of 011. denc .. of God .atand, out In thIs Her Pa-Ha. that·s good; you'll &ave ~extinct. but an object of creal and af. not. however. Whl't would beoom, ot 2d. Ad41ng the required amO\lnt of beautiful iltory. Every .atep II Jceep distinctly In mlnll the tact that fecUonate Interest to men Ilnd -wo en. her' Perhaps .. fata worse tban death olle and water to · make the soluble tit ere ate three s~pl.\rllte steps In this me the trouble. markell, by ttle overtullng hand comments tbe Chteago lnter Gcean. It would overt&k.c! ber. It wu a 'I trugsle 011. Too Itrong for Daddy. proc8aa: 1st, prel)araUOIl or the 80ap Of God. an" yet the name of God , the way aero.. the Ireat: CIty to ·~cJ. DII~ltlng the soluble 0\1 with ,Is fre~uent1y assumed t~Ult the horse It was raiDIng o\ltalde. and UtUe . . sofutlon: 2d. making the soluble oil; la '!'Iowha,e mentioned In the the home "lhere death had come,. but water to make the emulston rendy tor 3d. dilution of ·the soluble 011 to make terr.ogatlve Irma was in olle or ber b 8Qme th!n~ , autor,nobUes bOok. · . . ' . when he had! r.eacJ?e'd· the ~re.holc\ he: app!~lnlr 'to Ute tree9. wJIl sup~lant bim, Others tbat raclng the emulSion rendy to Ill/ply to the worat, or at least most tf;Jlng, moocla. True piety II ',xpreited In the had mastered tile se~fl8hness of , hill . Formula for the Soap Solution • Fatbllr, buslll writing his desk. had .restricUons will 'deal .l1m ,iL deadl tree". .\ '\lfo' rather than · b9 the ·lIpl. ' . .. · Gwlo~a. ", own lieart and had brought' hlmaelt'to alrell,dy reproved ber several limes for blow. Otbe'r s that men ~are losing In whoee worde may be but .hypo'the p.oint where he liad . ..Menhaden 011 .............. ...... .. '......... 5 , eMboli acId : \lIquld, 9r!\de. alraw Waiting portio" of Corn Crop.- ~therlng him with usele88 .questtoD&. , crltlo, veneer for the life. , terest In the speoles I ,the charm or vowed that !Ie wQuld loo~' after the ~Ior, 100 per cent. pul'll) ... r.......... , .. 4 "'Do you know." says .P. J. JuHan of "I BaY, P&' what-" ~erhape It waa at. reat permore rapid. means of 'J~motlon, Bul , ' ,.................... ' Pound8. Kossu ' U1 county, Iowa. "1 think the tie .glrl and iltrlve ~ bring .ber up to CUusUc polo.llh , ........ "~8k' your mother." lY.s . aonal lacrilico of time and the cbances are that w lm automobUe. "ffoneBt. pa. thll Isn·t a IUI7 nne fill 0. life of usefulness and honor. ' . Galloos. time I~ pasSing when we are gQlng to "1oney'that .Mordeca! took upon are much more generall; :ulled, when That was' the beglnnlng fot .• a ·· new. '. Heat. to , 290 or 30& !legrees Fabren· bave our. big corn ftel4s, with 40 per thIs time." hlmlelf the burden of caring for racing Is agaJn In favor •.the horse wUl "4.)1 %'I~ht, tbls ()n~e, What Iii it'" life tor Hadasaah. Wbat a new won· helt. and add tbe follo'l"1ng qunnhUes .cent. of tbe value ot the COI'D plant hla uncle'l child. But un,elfleh atln be occu.pYln~ the 'promlnent plac~ "'Well. If the nd of the wotld .w u der world the DOllr life the J;alace' or keroElen.e (reflt1ed) ahlt water. Jeft olii In the ·fleld. to be worth per, devotion on his part waa like that he now baa In the census t;eports, proved to hel', and how. WJth ,th~ devel· ' It 18 stUl hot;. ' , . haps 50 cents an acre tor caUleto to. come. and the earth waa' destroyed bread Gut upon, the Yo:atera. It ar.d tbat sbows will arise from time to opment Or the /rrace and beauty, ot the . ....................... : ....... :... 1 pick ov~r1' We have got to stop whIle a man waa up 10 an ' airshiP. ~eturned unto ;'1", 'with bleased . young girl. there came.the reflll-III!, ....................................... 11 that, 'nnd we n~ going to do It by the wbere would be land whcn h. caine Increale In the years that fot· hobor·to the liner breeds. l1mo to lowed. . . folding Influences of 'tbe larger Ufe· to. This wm :cost.~Il1!.out 1.! to 21 cents , silo. We cllnnot· alford.. with JlUld down ?"-Everybody·,. whlch her uncle's elation. admltte!l her. ~.r gallon., . . . . worth $'t00 or. more per n.cre to al. Preljldent Edmund J.fI~ames of the So the years came and weDt. 'and Do not: for~et . that th.s rulxtllre Is loW nearly baIt of this valuRble prod. OPpo ..d to Toll Roadl. University or mlnols. recently Issued THE STORY. th,e little pIotherle8s and fatb,e rlees hIghly In'Oammable wblJe. hot. Bnd that uct tei lie out ot dOorl." . Maryland. following the recent leat · an address, .. the students on .bazlng, girl bad developed Into ' a woman of. dlsagreeElble odors are given oft from l • . ' or PenosylvanJa. Is. movilli to aboUlb In Wb.l ch he declared th~t . hazing HEN the rather of the /IIttle Iiadas· rare beauty and Vt1lnsome . gra~ce~ 10 It. For , thes,e . reasOns It I.S well to . I,;I~e Dark Ne..._Hens · like rallier toll roads. Go~. Crothers .bali u. 'would not be tolerated. and that any !lab had il/ed. lhe mother bad telt that. as M.ordecal looked upon he~. 'ba conduct the operations ou~. of .doo1'S,· dark · or hidden nesta In whlcl) ,to lay presaed the h9P8 that betqre hfa term Itudentll .found guilty ot It would be It waa. almoet a judgment upOn them found hlmselt manellng and wonde,· or unde" an, open shed roof, 1:Ieat· doe8 :Thls CQndltlon can 'be .met by tack I . II . ended evei7 tollgate In the atate dismissed trom the University. ·PreSl· becaulle they hlftS .not retur,ned to Ing how much longer he could keep ,\ot re~dil1y from iii. mixture c>f 'd~rk . pieces ofcl6th In front of n.!~ ,,111 be abolished , and everJ roa4 tree. dent James said: "Hazing Is a viola.- JerusMem In company with thE! jews, her as the joy aplt brightness of btl thll , CC?nll~lItency. an~ ve,ry IItUe heat ,bOxell i~ that the~ w.rn hang JJke cur. He believes that the work of the ·s 004 tion of good manners and of t".e right wbom th6 decree o~ 'Cyrua had permit. own~ home. Is requlr,ed. to rat.. the temporatur.e to talns. Wli Ii n.es11 are located and ar. roada commllslon will' ultimately r.Gt IndIvidual lIOOlt,.. It la provocative ted to leave 'the lana ot their captivIty '''She la a .veritable Queen:' lIe had ~~, I?roper .pol~t. 4bout ~ree-quarters . ranged to sul.t the hen8' tute', th suit /n wlplDg out tbe gates. "The toU- . of IlUbllc disorder. In Its milder tOrlnS and apln rebuild 'tbe lbeloVed city ot 'thought to blmaelf. "but bow could' ( howr la lIt!mclent to make up one will not . 80 rl18.dlly lleek other pI ey gate," .anys the gOVernor. "li~ not "01 . "'. ,10 lay and hide', ~belr nests. J~c~: thhl age and ~aa no proper ptace I. ·it Ia a ' nonsensIcal and almost· 'Idlotlc .Zlon; Bu~ It had s!lemed sU~h' 11: long giyO her UP. even ,to the ~g?,: . . I~t. , And when he had uke.d'that (Ill'" The !lIeQbaden 11. caTbollc acid • . beat to have all tli'e laying done where ·thls time, It· II tldlcliloue to t~nk'- of 'form or amul4!D1ent · UD"ol'tliv 01 tbe Journ~y. IiJid the ~a~ashlps to be met ·and carulHa' potash .shoul~ be' put J~t~, tbe eggs can be, conveniently IrRi'.h .. ro" cha.-glng, P89L'~. mone, lor Cl9mtlll to IUpport or' favor of any II8D1Ilble unl. with when reaohlng the rUIned city 110 lion .to hlmselt, be ' Ju!!1 ne~rr Jc>ur CIty." great, 'that they had ilUlle!\ the inner that It would requfre asking. .the kettle before 'lt g<ltl bot. ~e ·mlx· en.c:h day and· their age aCCtlral ;.e~l.rn Itudoilt. In Ita ~arser f?riI:l8 10nilDss to be: found In every . loyal , e'venta moved swiftlY' and. tonq~IDI t\Jre 8lwiild. th~n be,stlz:r~(r for" ahort In!own. . . . , ~ng tl .a 'Vulgar. brutal. alwaYIl de- Jewish heart tor. new nallonal life' the l!enaationaJ re~o~a1 ot QUeeD Hme, 'to' pl'9ven,t tile potaah trom calc· moralising, and someqtnes dangeroul and a new telJlple In whlc~ tbelr God Vashti h 'orD h~" pJa~ '011 .tbe "tl!."rone.. luj ·to t:he"bottom or } be ~ettle: after -E~pr"l ~l)t;rIp~ny Reiponllbre. ~ A forJlllot svent ,wblch tbe university can. mlg1\t dwell In their midst, nnd .bad came tbe ·royal· decree ••eking (or Uie which tlbe· kettle' IIbontil be covered. woman ~be other day won a suit .tor ·!lot.co14Dtenance or. tolerate." settled b'a ck In ,the comfort and eu. king a ne~ queen. · . 'llhe . k'ettle ' l!bOuld not ··-be more damages8ga\nat an exiil!~s com. ,\ whl~h tbey had made .tor "s~e la worth;,. to ·be queen. but bo,. than b.lf fuil, (or ' when . foam· · pany 'for , carelesaly e.lpolling her I '!'be Proteataut Jllp~c~paJ ,dlooOle of In the land of their captivity. can 'l live ber \lJlt'" Mordecai cHeel In Int begIDa,' at ',' a~ut 2.60· degreell. ~9wlll to t!le lilting troats of wlnt.e t. .a hit reall18d tbat he ..... mar · Qve~fto",. Keep ·tl,le · ftre well thereby . cauallig the loss ot 'combs New York' J1aa bed the. minimum sal. had neyer·aeen Jeruaalem. T~ey to face with the 'barcleat qUesUQD ;un«er control. ~iad raise the tempeta:. Eyen exprel, c:omllllnies must reco!. ' ."Jt""Jr1N ..,..,.u.,\i.lUoo ...,. ot Jtl married clerc at '1.100 a or ·t he ¥Cond leneratl,oil ot Uloile who tare ~dual1r from thla point even ... ~Ie tbe rapt that pure bred towll' have _~...,c..:~,_~ ~ea.r and hOUle .ront, .and of Ita unman had been c4Lrrled captive by Nebucbad. he 'had eyer ~o called upon to .. r. and, however much the rae,al Iwe". But at' came: '4uc:llrg the Bre. It *eP.eual'Y. to pre- a. value above ths~ of ,ordinary IICrubl S · Accepted with fhflOk.. 'lied <:Iercy at '1,000 and 'houle rent Dea "--' 1 II tl ca ~re ·maIn~ne!1, .al . '.Per_1IS .. a It Ia t 0 thfI end· t "_6 ome bloodl. . ' pel!lihnllt ' .... O....,-8Cler and .... I h • vent .a t I~ IJl te.... a t ure. A.1 t Tth olJ,h It may · take a leg.t' atrnJ. .. ... jft. step wtll meet ' with ,ener&! all' ulloluJe loyalt,. to Jemlh tradlttona haa been prelllrYed In WI lan",~' 190 to either femo.e the ,Ie' epmetlmea to pro"e It to som. lour .face 181a that Idall Wm.DOD ·proval. botb,1D and out ot that chuI'Cb an4 'famlly life .\l8t.sne4, thtre!lad A~4 wbeo h. hacl ~nl;lJ' u~tpl4ed tct Jlut' lntn JIa"'" people. \ releg&l.lId to tJio lower cJuitI. Iud It, la to. be hoped that oUler dellom: tome euch ~ natural a~d euy adapt&- E8~er 1M laJ'pr lite wblch " ... ap' the 011 ' and water'; ArId, no cloub~ pod euu... tudc:lDB> ·1n wblob the ~y Ia eftD tlOD 'to tlie new oonlllUcml tll~t. patentl,. oP8lllDC to b.. Ihe bid ~ t,be, fire t.Q alfuOlt Make Wom_!'·. · Work E..y•...:.Mu.. PlaIa. ne.t.... .amaUer, ma,. see th~r w., OJeiar k the lrat jl~ll of enlilaatura ant" tb. mlnl~-eJ,. "4: . IL 111e oil 1,DUlt '.IM! uded w~k em the farm .. long. but 'wom; talk of return to,the laod 01 ClIUiUll ..It ....n. be ...... to I.... th.., lieu lDi.ture I. bot, 1Ma.t abu14 an a ~. Ioqer. The~o", m,,-. the tab is&IJar 1;1I. . .una. had died aw.,.. ther. had found them· foaer ratJaer. Bat I wUJ Itrlor. w be to (lOOlllpWJl to abollt 1wQ~ attracUve and lupply all IJlbo.... ,. fIlltbtul to til. u ' UIoll b .. ..... t.f the ....ter- II addecl. "'liD, deltlCl8a J!OIIaible. :Part1CllJarl,. , TIl... are DlUl17 of 4umb waJ~ NI,e. qldt. . t..t tQ remaID. ' ~ eM ..... to aae.," • . aUlbt tliat ,to .the ·" " . IUPiJII. . . ~ IIIar4 OIa4.' 1II,1tI,1 " .














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-. '.'7 Jya Former$ecret Se-N);ce Operat;et.Je I

Oo~ern ",~nt Probo 1i=~~;;;;;;;;~;;iiiiiii_i;iii~iiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiii=~iii=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii==iiiiij==iiii=;;;;;;;;';iii1 'Into Afiairs In mands. Majors, my frend, had duly bls Clauae ' l!i tbe Insolent manner be He told me about thIs one afternoon blmfartherlhantheneartlstcornerto, We s t s t a t e sldered Investigated t1telr comphllnts and COD- dJsplaye4 durtng thelntervle",'. when I visited him at his omce. One my own lodgings. When we came to ern their demands and bad found ' Majors heard the ~mpassloned &4. of, the omce boys bung about as we shake. bands, he held on to mine like a 'Where Mall Threat- tbat tbere was \irtue tn neither, but drels of the delega~e without Inter- talked, In a way that I did not Ilke, dt'ownlng man to a plank and seemed d t B D that both were Insplr~d by labor ruptlng him and, ",hell he had Gctlhed, and I cautioned MaJors lest he be over- halt Inclined to confide something to cne 0 e elqcd agitators who SIloW. a cblUlce to advance turned to the others, wbom be called heard 'and, Halliday warned, but he me. He opened bls mouth several Beesuse 01 Walkout their own seltlsh ,nterests by bringing by name. and whom he addressed as scoffed at my (ears and sllld he trusted times 8S It he were going to speak, about a dlmcldty between the road and follows: the boy. Nevertheless, I didn't like but each time be seemed to think betBrings a Frlend- Its emllloyea. The demands 'had been "Boys, I bave 100ke4 Into yourcaIJ8 the gleam that came Into the boy's ter ot It and merely wished me a ,Strange Condition refuser! alld the men had goue out on as carefully as It It were my OMS. You eyes when be heard what Majors had bearty ·"goodlllght." strlkIA are In the wrong; there la no virtue In to say about Halliday. Things looked As we 'Blood tal kf ng, I noticed Ralll. (JI Allairs Related Mlljors had come up from the r~nks your contentions and I cannot consider threatening for the delegate. I knew day passing down tbe opposite side of bY ,Man

DJ~ectl'Y' lm~"

Rt:t.urrectloll til an Old Chum 01 . Co/le60 IkIv. ",'

In tho Far West--lt. ~onsequences - Thrilling Bplsode. 01 tho Labor Trouble Reunlt~d Two Me,;-Mlllor~s Death and Its Tragic RevelatJon, Which Captain 'Dlckson

the street and he scowl~d across at us malIgnantly. I 'nsked Majors It he Saw In • Plcturll aqd wer(J ormed, and hinted to htm the sus· vlclons that I )lad (ormed concerning Wisp 01 l1alr, t t t HaWclay; for I was certain that the ~=iiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiilii~1 knew that It Wiljors was out, of the way the strlkep. would carry their point and he and hll confederates his character to believe that he would Who lind wrecked the .train wouI/l conquer even Death until his Iron will probably esoape punishment. had accomplished his purpose. Majol's laughed my tear. away and I gathered hl~ Into a closer embrace said ~ had never carried a w,!!llpon In against my t.hrobblng hcarl his me and tbat he had never seen the "Don't try to find my slayer," h. time when he needed one, As I walked resumed atter a time. "It'll no use. back to my hotel,.I saw Halliday skulk- ·T he strikers didn't do It. They are The key on my watch Ing along In 'the sbadows on the tar innocent. cbaln-" A pause while he panted for side of the street. I didn't like the breath and then he continued, brokenlooks or It and decided to ~·ollow him ly, ' •!:/ccret dr,awer-desk~xplalns all. and If he In, tended barm'to my friend Good·bye." to prevent him from accomnllshln" .. .. It. I searched his desk tor the secret H dodged Into a iii de street a sbort drawer, supposing It was the J>lg roUdistance farther on and I plunged In er·top ane at his offi ce to wblch bta , C apt Dloksol', ' a former omelal of ttbe trnlted 8t4t~. Iccret sern e, now after him, as I fancied that he Intend- laborious duties beld him so constant reUred, was In a frame Of ed tnte' rcep'Hng ...- Majors on the way t uJ. a slave. But It conlalned no secret bls room' s. Nor was I wrong. Halll- d rawer, so I turned my attenUon to bIll mJ n d , wb en I caned on him the other -even Ihg and he gave ex-pression to tbe day cut through alleys and un frequent- room. It was my first visit to his 1oregol!lg words. Somet.hlng that haped streets until be came out upon the a,partments nod I was amazed at the peQed during the day. had brought to Dlaln lhorough(ilfe 'wbere the railroad '!:lareness or th·em. The back room WI\S - ~II mind one of the vivid experiences offices we're located and less h· UJ an ·a fl tied up as a sleeping apartment. It ot bl block distant (rom them. He took up was not carpeted and It contained 'l s days bl Iof active service, and 1 bad DO rou e D getting blm to relate tbe a position In the mQuth ot a dark only a bed, dresser and washstand of .cLrc'unista,i1C()s. I put tbem down · In alley, beblnd a telegraph pole and I the cheapest kind. Everything about bill own worda. was now convinced that he 'meant It suggested direst poverty. It 'war The P. 01; O. was a JltUe ralIroaa · barm to my friend. ' as barren as a priest's cell. that ran bet",een two small toWDS In a The streets were deser-ted. It was I could not account tor tbls, as I c aertalD western sta~el U1d I happe'ned about mldnlglit aJld 1>eople 11;1 small knew that Majors made an excellent ·to beqome ml;etl up with tbls labor towns retire early. Before long I salary and bls appearance bad always dllllouity because ot the tact that tbe could hear footsteps approaching and been prosperous. Sorely troubled by · roa~ carried the maUa. My depart. I readily recognized the athletlo tread this discovery, I turned my attention ment wal brought into play lo prevent of Majora. I slipped up ,behind Halll- to the front room. It was almost aa .• ay Intel'ference with tbe governmeDt , day with great cautton, 80 tbat I 'mlght bleak as hili sleeping .QUil.1'tefS, except mail lervlce by the Itrlkers. ]?Inlon hlB arm. If be attempted to Gre for an easy chaIr, .evera) casel of The eOtilltl'7 at large wu not mada the big revolver that I now detected in books, and a rlohly carved mahogany .affected by tbe tying up of this InBlghls hand. Majon bad almost reacbeil desk wblch would have lIet a col· ~lIaeant part ot tbe ,graat network' of the moutb of the alley wben I saw lector's heart beating at ~ dangerous "UMlldL Yet the government, with being slowly raised. I rate. I saw at a glance that thie wu 'the tboroucbness It dlsplayB In eY8l'1kpew It wouJ~ be' dangerous to walt the desk that Majors had reCeI'.·ed to. bing connected with It, took tbe lIve1llonger BO I sprang upon blm from be- One of his keye opened It and I looked eat Interest. In, the~. I .a. . . htnd and o)uped,o hlm In a hug tbat. about tor the secret drawer, / 'lt didn't . • 1ped ,t q It wltb In8tructlonB to lee ,made hia rtbs pop Uke a pack of fire- take long to locale It but I ,~ip~lenced '1!lat the maO traiD made It. regular crackers. -..... Bome dlftlculty In. openIng 1t. Within, dally trip wltbout belllg molested. He' wal taken so completely- by eur- I f~und a tin )fond·box w1licb ·t.he tiny I waa J)Jucb .urprtled ~ tilict aD olt prise that be Wall at my mercy, and key from hIS 'Wa.CO ohaln unlocked. -conege-mate o( mine omelaUDg a. geD' although be struggled like a demon, I ' It conmfned two packela, une &d· era! manqer. of' the ro&d. I remem. disarmed hlm and handcuffed h:t.m tn a dressed to me, . <bere4 blm u a, studious, ga.wky, red. verY short space of time. Just aa I Openln.g the latter packet I found a . beaded J.ouppter, "ho was taking a accompllibed thll, Majors came ruah- letter with my Dame upon It and I Nt AOOurae ID cIvil englneorlng,. 1 had . hig up. The mouth of the alley was about readlog it at once. IIOme wotk with hlm In .tbe surveying tn complete darknels but out on the Dear Friend : I am within ,the Ihadow . ~..., wblCh ,,~ a -part of.1."o coura 8 street there was afaint lIgbt trom tbe ot death .1UI I write. A danger which hu ,ot mining engineering to wblob arc light at '''e my birth unfortunate h..I" d Ilnae , . I ,'Wa. \"" Cot11er. I called to hovllred ~he hourOVllr of my ' 111 alO8ln~ upon de..oUnc m, attention. He wu too MaJori so th~t be might know of my me. There II no elcaplng It. It It we... aelf-ceDtered and too Itudluul to bll presl}nce. ,At this, he itopped B'toc~ my lecret alone, J would co~lld. In )'ou. popular with the boy. of his ciass, and; still nnd peered Into the gloom of the' J,u It L. not minto aniS I mUlt let It dl • b, I, lonellne8s aneyway. . with •because I . apnreciated .t:' I plclonme. wjll·1 am not wrlUn. attach thll to 80 the that.'.uIItrlk.,.. .and sbowed him some alight courtesles\ "Oreat . Heavens, Dickson," he eJao- should I be tonnd dead, for they ,,\1' . . formed a deep attachment for me, ulated .. 4'what are you doing In there?" hl1~e nothing to do wIth my IlUUllna~ Wet IIro.IIM to write "hen we' left words of expla· come, \JOb. Ibut do Inot or how do know knowwhen that the ond ItIs will not ' "college, but ~ tbole proDilsea gen. nation, and Majors W81I In the the act ,t ar orr nnd I thank God for If. I hUll! .rally 80; Delther ua tho\1gbt ' of I~ of stepnlng Into t,be darknesl to · join no rcloUves and none will come to alalm er, If we cUd. ever act..... upon It. We me wlien tbere was a loud report and my body or the IIltle property· tbat I I. t b 0 th' er un Ul I and I wllnt you tothetake deak • .,uIta I010" ' t raCK 0 MC I . saw him st.gger and pltoh , forward .books, ell.y ohaJr, only my Pleu~ < , ,allted Into btll, oIDce one afternoon on bls taco. •ije fetl half In tbe light tllat I have .had 11'\ lite, for It· II rI,ht 'to cooter with blm about the .trlke. and half In the gloom ot tb. alley's that they IIhoulll go to you who hay. ~ . z ' . been my onl,. frI end. o£.. e ",al DOt quite al ,red;beaded and mouth Sinco my earliest recolleciloD I have I ran forward and gathered him Into nursed nw lIecret sorrow and endeovore4 ' ,gawk" as .In bls collegfl d!lY:s, but he ,/ DP. · I'.Q . ~W my armB, lifting his face out into t~e to walt with patlonce for the bloW that , : bad clianged .0 i.IWe tbat · I readily recognlzeil him. ~ He knew me lnatantlight of the street. ' I saw that be was slllUt when I, at le~t pected.fall Youu\1on comemeInto my Itlite oneex· o• .,. and greeted me wlui a wavmt1~ and Y, '~~ , ;::-n/l M . I .t:~ , I/'A / fatalIy wounded, tbe·. clammy sweat of II., darkellt perIods and you have com. 1'/./,] / kV'~>I'; QL.-/'//YL./, death being upon.bls brow. Halliday Into It a~aln at 0. time when I needed a " ~ leJlulne Il le lUlur, tbat Wall moat.. ' '/ bad ' not tried' to · esoape but friend and .more evon mynor colle }tlll'eeable. . ke WBS snowed under wltb , bad run daYlI, yet than I could not Inthen can....1 wqrk, \>ut-,b e ' ~rus h.ed aside the '!las. torward with me, and as I looked up now conftci6 to you the trouble that Ie >or pape~ that lItt~red his cleek and at bls trom the face of my prostrate 8Dawlnlr at my vitalI And keepln~ my made' me alt' down an~ tell. blm some. friend I saw that he was almost as Boul tortured ,Oil 1\0 poor Bplrlt wall II.ver 'thIng ot, my exJ)erl~l1ce8 BI.lice I bad. white a8 a corpse. A ·moment punlllhed . , ·,before ellt bIgot. In the mYltic hell of the bllnd- _ ~efL college before he WOllld take up roaiJ. 'I t Willi a ~l1ver mine, a~d that have the pUt, run down aud' PIlD- tbat 'he had a88um~d lately. It ~ be had been Intent upon . tnklng t,he Do not .ellfoh for my Blayer. It w.11I bualnesll matters with me. ' He told metal W88 nuoted at a good ftgure jue:t Isbed 1f"lt takes a thousa.nd ye' ars. '1 S ' d life of my friend, but now the enormity pront you nothlnl'. Your lIearch ,will be ' me o( th. struggle he ~ h,cl bad ~n tb " . , - r: aturday nlgbt and, &II the road dl ot his conteniplated act. waB full upon In VAIn. My only apprehensIon II tha' .clhnblDB from obakurlty ~o 'hlB 'p~eDt . ~m; Consequently, he cli!lled at the baie notblDg lartber to IIny' to you." not operate a Siuiday tro,ln, Majora him a.lll be trembled like a leat In a some ot the atrlkeN! may be lIullpected of .' l'UpOo.lble poaltton;,wblob .was notln !or:ced · ID~tI~lty. 'o f, bls mine and t~ , Halllaal" the ngltator, glared dm~ could a.fford ,to take ,tbe 1l,IgM ' off !lnd gale. ...... ~ry~~'I~:J~~: ~:~, r:;yor~!a;r~~n~~ the'Majo':'" oonces810ns ,tbe rest he, needed so, badly. I ...., aenle an unlmpor.tant on.e. ,. HII bvqre" .. tbe gt'anUng Ipen. B"t _ ... a"aakeu firm" ~1'onS;v~ at M·a jors· ~urtng tbe. IDter- enjo"" # "My 0011,·' ha moaned, "I might Bhlp for me an" your# hope of happln.l. .. I, '" # .., view, ud ai he lluIklly slu.n k ont of tJIJnk he appreciated tbls, tor 'he a& 'Th a beyond tile grave, to burn IIVeT)' vellU" have been bts murderer. ank od ot paper. withIn the dellk where you will road wal 0 , feo der. ur tap,-u,na (or ond u a roqi. bll posltlon once taken, and the room , I oVerh8!'rd blm breathtD.l cepted my' Invitation wltb ~lacrlty. c,f ~e ~I~ t!Bn~'CODUnen~ s,..tems, be fo\lg)lt th~ president blD1Belf ,wlth tbrqta a~alnst my frieDd to one of bll He came, In latel 'nd I saw at once I am notl" " . find thl' letter, especially being o.~tu' . .aM bl. potIt p."t' bhn I dl~t Une (or' -the aanie dogged tleter.mJnaUou be h&a1 comllanlo~s; .. ' ' • ~tJ~!lf something' ,vaa preying \lpon his The seal ·of deat)! Wal \ \lpoq the to destroy the. po.oket In the lIeoret drawthe lattoward I men: The cUrDU &r atr,lke came mind. , I was" tar from guesllns the 'blanched taCIJ of, my trtend;-hls · _ prom.oUon Into tbe Bervlce "tel'. . " . Majors wll. the k~Y 'to the IltUat1p~ following day when ,0Jle' of the train a real nature of hIs trouble for I at- came In long, rlLslllng gasps, and bls prefer, tor your own eake, that you avol" Jle waa .. frank and enga"nl, and th.' I~~mbl'ng-b~ck t.o both Interes~, wfa.- derailed a~d the ft~man and ~n- ) rlb.uted It . to the strike. We made a eyes · were ·rapl~ setting In that thl". -devote'll to'li.~.11 work ," wlJen he ba\f and ugl,. .,t breata were made against glneer. who were Itrl1te'breakersl were sorr)' ~1i4eavor to r'en~w our dId. col. glasBY' ltare whlctf 'comes but ' otlce 10. Go d-b,., my frienl!. . b~ 811 a",KwlU'lI,: b..hful college hlm by the strikers. He blld aueceed.- killed, ' Majotll went , m ~r801i to the lelJe gayetY" ~ui It . w.ouldn't w~rk. the lICe' of a ,human being, H,e looked . One of tbe pictures was of a brigbt~ooted cion uJ?on, sbunned ,nd df-o ed ID .oPeraUng the , Urie' atter a 8:C~l!e of the "ree" to tn'f'eIUgate. . .It M$:Jora wlllJ abstracted anI! let me ' up at me, an expreseloD . of content- eyed, laughing clierllb of iNe or sis l , ,.• plse bJ~ hls elalJm.t~ beca\lSe cf ' ra.WOD, althou,h. scbedul a were ,dll'" ,didn't take .. pro lon ge4 examtnatJ'01l mos~ of the talking. I told blm ment upon his marbled teaturea. and yeara. The other, ''''as the girl, bla. . I kntl:w~f tlje old. ~011; and .~oalIM ma~e an effort te · apeaJ{. tiomed - Jnto the radiant beauty of • •bl. ()!)Qr otie"mstancn and ,b l. I~k Qf arranged qd ~e .enlce was geBeral- tp det.ltOlne tbat tbe ,~k waa ~me to ' W "bit t!l"i' eoilslde~ t t,. 'dem?~allaed: It 'w •• onTy/ida ,tore , ~.u)t: of ~t and .p",~edltated . d,& .JOany .mus~g' Inc1dep'~iI, of our .cbC)b~ , I bent' my 'ear C;IQ88 \~·till, lIps! ' . perfec:t ~<?man1(qod. I bave.. ~eve~ ~ fello., ~e lI,all !ought bll wl!.r luI personaUb' tba~ bed accomplished- sip,. This: aro~led overy drop ,of lite, but, t could' not rouse him from :'''Old mali," h8 breathe~. so 'low tbat' ,seen ,a pret~er l ace' nor a more kIDdI~ " "upward .,atalt tbe peat..t dlmeu'- "VeA thla aDd .. IOOD .a J made eTe~ 'flIbt~Dg bloOd 10 mT friend, Del be set the at ot despondence Into which be I could scaroely b~ar htm, \'yoU don't abd loving one. 1 ~ow that my frloncl ;ties. and J' marveled at hlS."m~ • 0 a ouraqr-J eumlnaUoJ;l of cOlicUUons' I , 'aJjO~t trac1tt~g- doWll t~e IJIIlty "'~ wu IUQlIt. ~st thl'f?U'l1lt . , ' ~o. wbat your trlendatilp ' hal ·been 1!a~ loved ber. and th"t there was noth· , .cope wJtIi the adYere8 eonclitlO1lIl! that . . . ~~ ml 1tt_I!d 'beld a d&D1~U. aona -.yltJl the utmoat vl,or, ,H e em- Rt wltb a ,(a",a\'lay look on to me ~tieae Jut \ ~ew day,.. ',..1 ba'f'e !J)g etra~ge a~ut thl., , but wbethe~ .. I 'fb'" ~~ OODfro~t8ilhim 19 btl bat,: u"..1 u a dtmewt ppltUQD. ' ptoJect the best detective t~ent ob· and 1 sal' tllIlt h., was bot na..Q 'bad ·any otber whom I. consld~ ahe Willi slltel'... moth!!r or .swee,the,a rt ,' tie, SIDCe tIlfn I bay. ~ to kaQ), The ~ afttll' sD7 artlvall WU II*' tainabte: ancllt wa. ·not many day. hi.. my ramb.11lI talk. for onee 01' "twice ~re4 my fden~, I "ne~ thls w.. com- 0,J11y ~~ ,cold heart ,of . my . f~entl , ,tbat ,t I. onJ, bJ flptiDI that. ma" 'ell ;wben 'be recetved ,a' de1epttnn ot fore t"iro olUe atrlker", tooll ot'HalU. .."ben I paused tor hlm,to auwer some tn,. There was zw. w!'y ,t o e.cape ; t~ ltn.!W and bl. $ecret w~ ute fOreT.1'.caD d..,el9P tI. ,belt th,t :1, 'f." ~~ tfte at'Kke'rI....4 ,. 1 w.. more th~"~ d~, bad been &rTf,IIJted aDt:tbel<'8,,,~ .clueIUon,' he Z".. ·.q .deeply Involved 1ft 'ind I am, glad your bands ' ~11 ,b e tbe. ~ore. . ' ,.. , ,~d tb*t the • . , obi&acles be eu.001lD' ImJlrelsed with hi" .n~oml'-ble' by eye!')': Chance tbit ~ of tbem ·woula. h1a o1n1gloomJ ~ol1llitll tha,t. • e 4~dll't 'onel to ciq~ my' eJ~I/" :.:. :. (coP(:~~.rc\~'G:~tag~~~:.;U;) ' ten and on..,.. tile btU.. maQ b_ tblaliltervje•• The,.. ere fOUJ',ot the 'ba. tor the job• . SUlplcIQ ' polnte4 know 1 bad stopped IpeatIDg. " H. ~uaed a ,~ome~t for br~"'th. ', ---. ' . ; malE.. fa the eat. . , atrlke,.; Jleacte4 ,by . 'mu DJDae4~. .tronll" towardl Halllctar u the laltl- . Neve~eleu, I ~ CODylnC'.8d that Tbe candle of b1a t~e was,b~rnlnc low . , C.leul.tln~ , C;hlld~~ . ~ t.aial 014 ~ tor. Uda" th. ".tlElN delapte to, wb(Jlll I gator of the plot, ,}Jut we were ' ~he djolec1 the ev,nlna, poor ' fellow, and I .]ple" tha~ t ~~ ~nY could, .' IU. ~ ~arlQIlI' sip at ~e timn tbaJ '......... pt 'cIInrq. to bil..... _ 1 '-&.u'8f8rre!i. He ~ pompou.. 9"'" fled OW be bad Dot _d ant direct for to,ru:41' th. end of It he ·rarue,, '. Dof ten:~" ~ ~at . be WU ' , ebU~rell ,\OW~Il1~ shoY;'. ~Ilarbbl. eooq ...........~. . . . .~_. _ _I 'ft1ICl'*'• .,...nPt1kNli led I~lt til ~q It out. ,He wu too bit. and .'" bad a Un'" htfbour or J!l&kl1iK a de~peI~W .lrort ~ Dv. until Illt*"t tit ·• .,.. ~ey ~t t.o bow of dli . - - .- • ~. laM ~ Of. IIlPIt ma1.... aat ocnqat....... 1I111e for ~ 1nat,Jla,Jora ..thered·.... "betore be bad to tate his ".pam...., b. ,coal4 tell m. soUlet'litnSI for • .1ook th. OO8t 01 "Jeota. thell love to .,IV ._ . . . . . Qaat ~ " . . 1iIbC . . . . . . . a. . ~ '~8f tor th ~ • . - ...sut IdIIl tl3at ,fOIQe4 to 1 wanted to walk with him to • of bIa old tim. ·4.~rmlaatloD came with 00I1UI, Iiiul IDOD', ..... to ... Sud!. treated' u~ 11M ..... ~ alP,t.J tllQaalit daM 1 d.ttctec.... p•• 1aIa ....................,.. whicb ..... oy.r bIa .ato IllI tace .~4 ~. balf·llf~ecI bbIMIr lb. ,,..., .... eomJlllafi. __till . t.~ ............ ~ wtIGl4 lad IInDlt mil to " I I I " , .... ¥ ••lbowe. I' himself and bad, eyery symlla'thy for the men untll he bad convinced himp/Jested In Them. selr that they were In the wrong. Once convinced on this point, be had bowed ~iiii;iii=iiiiii;;iiiiiii~ his neck and refule/l to treat with them turther unless tb y returned to IS humau Dature for work unconditionally. Tlte men knew very 'man ' to tblDk that hil determined cbaracter and tbey -bls troqoles are greater ~eallzeCl that he meant just what he than those at lUly other ba~ sald. I belJeve they would bave son, but no one really ever dllcontlnued the sU'lke, so popular ' s th e Sorrows gnaw- WM Majors wtth the men and. so well know Ing at another pers,m's willi bls bonesty known, "it It bad not heart, even thougb the been for the activity of Ii wolklng deleotber be one'l 'dearelt gate ot the trainmen's union. Another obstacle to a settlement of Crt en cl . Tht 8 rac t was I0\' the trouble was tbe presldeDt of the .a presse d upon me In a ~t\ _ . road. fie was' a wealtby mine owner, an'd 0 ..... r tbat Ikl's h a II never At while De Willi . I ~vl' I. .. . .ot the· beat paying pronerUes '" " wor . ngt on a sailmp 0 -u slt ... ted ' at the term'In". of' the ltl tb t . . . . . .... nna llro..__ ona grew ou of a r way 'strike," ..,



tbem fU.r ther. You have been recollv· Ing better wages and better and fairer ,treatment tban the employos o( Itny other road In tbi. atate. You bavton't a legitimate cause of complnlnt ~nd you are wasting your own Ume and mine as . ~ell to seek a turther. confer· ence with me until you come to your lenael and are willing to ,.hlrn to . Wdl'k ·on the old 'terms. Any ()C you who wish to return to tbe sorvlce mllY do so without prejudice. You aro beIn; deluded by a selfish agitator wbo Is profiting by. the mlsfort\mea which bls connsel. bas.' brought upon you. If you prefer to follow ' 111m rather than me, I have"nothlng farther ·to S'8'" to you. I am going to run the P. eft# O. In spite of you 'or anytlling that you do. If you resort to violence I will

that he was a dangerous character and I tear&l that he might try to es· cape trom the net that 'Majors W88 weaving about him by trying to silence Majorl In the only way that was po.· sible. That nIght Majors' had promised to calion me at my hotel to sample a bottle ot SO·year·old liquor that a frlond In the r venue service bad sent me from Kentucky. I had Invited Majors more to gel him sway from his work tban with any Idea that he would care eSIleclally for the liquor, 811 I knew tbat be was temperate In all hl8 tastel! and l.ablls. J knew that he needAd .t11e rest, that he waa overta.. y lng ,hltnsel! with. the wa be .:\\'88 wop. co lng , with the strikers,' and 1 bad not liked 1Lhe haunted, worrted eX[lresslon A


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nor and SlJenc~, $10.27; W. H. JackBOn &: Son, mdfte. for jail , $6.20; "XeJl\a Work House, boarding prisoners Thurn L. Humpl)r . ~ . plaintiff du r:ing Dt>cember . $16.5Q; Cent ral ¥ . Wilfianl ~ttl emeY~I· . deft'ndant Uniun Tel t'ph()n~ Co' 1 $16. 5; John Plahltitf say. $2!l as d8 01 a~~ i' d\le K .• J}tmc:er. Qn l-ract. $,1 .65 . . ~im 11 'aUfle ow .bel on~ ing, to de- ' . - . - - I fendant jnm1$llnto buggy of plain~ · . A Horrible 11(') d- UP' th nr d' " 't " AbOl\ t t 11 Y It r~ t\ "P my b ro , er I • ~maClng 1 : .•• '. WII~ " het(). up " h0 1L work, helLlth ' h':lrh~s Schnell, pl!Untllf. vs. E hza- and 'b"pplnelft4 by wh"t was beJleved beth Schnell, etc defendant. Petltio~' t il be hopeI 88 Uoosumpti'on." w.rites 'jor ,partition of' three t racts. Eltz- W . R. Lipsoomb, of Washington. I'Qth and Maple a ttor~ey t or plain.' N. U. ' Be t·ook all kinds of ~emtt. ' . ' ,. . dlee liod tre~tment from several tlff.~ .' . dootor tl but foond no help . tiIJ h~ '. C~"lft Proceeding~. used Dr'-lpng 's New Dt809very lind Ex; parte\ Charles L . Hendel' on et ·W &S wboJly o.ored b:y six bottles, It t- f Af'rIcan ,Methdd'1 t ~~PI.8··1, quiok He Is a weJ1 man ~day. " .It's a TU ees 0 to reliev Rnd the' surest oure, copal church. of. Lebanon, O. 'Loan for wen k Ot' sor longs. , Bemorrba. of ,1000 for on. year a t ix per c hL ' 8~S, Uo nghs.and ()oldl'. -BroQohi.ti8, h.tere;t by enclmbering mQrtgage· 1..& <'; rllJ~ .. ~8tbm" , aud 'aU Brnnis ap'proved by eOll rt. ?hilll RffectlOllt~. 500 anci ' 1.00. A_... . V Co k . L & F l ' t ' rrlal bottle .tree. (;i uarautieed by _.a . 0 VS.. • . . rae Ion Fred . t;chwart.z. ' Co .Ca1i~e dismiBSed wi thout preju:':"- __ ~ _ _ ~' aice to bel' ril'ht ' to br ing ,mother Ten thousand grosS of steel pene I ction. may be made from a ton of the metal. -~Maaon.. ad,nr., VI . J. W. Ridge. .. -- • ause diemisaed witheut record at A wor-ks at Hyogo has just comcosts of plaintiff, pleted the "ret. modern locomotive State of Ohio, ' ex reI: E . ever bui lt ill Japan ~ Y OUJlg, prosecut ing attorney VS. A I t' Ii h~-k' t- t- h t I k ·Maud haner et al. Court oroers ' . n e ec 'rlc g .. 80C e . .a oc s ~titio~ in Oa8e stricken f rom the files .WI tlJ a key h~ been d~vIsed t o·pre:Sar~la R. Nichole vs. Charles W. vent t heft o~~~ '" . Nichols. Case . di8~i~ed wi thout A I&nl"series of eXp8riments has record at e08~ of plaln~ft. , demonstrated SQiteof Ohio ex rel.E<l1th R. Bridge make the best lightning rods. 'fs. Henrv C. Campbell. Cause dis· . • -___ . · 'mil8ed ,!ithou record at e sts of Experts in the federal plaintiff. entomology Eltated that more Charles T. Urton vs. Dot:a Urton. than 95 ner cent of the flies of a city ~ DivorCe 'ltranted on ground of plea. lire bred i n stables. . •~. ' . / Charles Parham v.. Cincinnati Northern Traction Co. Court rules The D!Jtch will celebrate the c~n· that plaintiff give security for COlts. tenary ~f t ile r~-establishment:- of Lee Gl'eI'ory vs: Ohio Electric Co. national Indepea4enee , by a World's' Motion to require 'pJaintilf to Jive Fair at Th~ ' Hque in 1913. . . ' secunty fQr eoet.s, overr~led ~y cou~t. Oon't.Oet a Divorce. Marpret G~ry ve. OhIO Elee. . tric CO. Motion to require plaintiff A western jlldgegrantada divoroe .. . ' . on Itoconnt of m ·t emper \lnil bad to glve securl~Y for costs, overruled breatb Dr King's New Life PiUs , . would i,revented it ~ey oure by cdurt. John Suliivan VI. ElizabethSuJiivan Constipation, causing bad breath Court orders ' $500 due defendant and LIver . rrou~le the U.l~temper, L... •• • .' ' dispel ooIds. banIsh heallaohea. oon · · uvm pl.mtl,1f on.-.ccount of expenses quer ohills. 250 at Fred C.Sobwartz's and .ttomey fees.' . I ' ' • ._ • ' Liv. Oak DistilUn&, Co. VI. W. 11. THE COU~TRY WEEKLV':I. Snook. admin~tor o( estate ot A. M.. Browa. EXceptiolll fA) allow- 'fhe weekly paper is pre-eminently an~ to widow of 8um.of $1500 for the molder of publie opinion, says support of herM!lrarid two minor 'EditoJ Delann VI. Gee' in .t he IRadehil«:lren f~r one year ,after d~ath of ~lIe, (CoI.) :..Press. While ' big dai• decedent are ,ovel,'ruled. ." lies are m' e rely scanned for the " , news . Probate Court. tb~ w~klies are carefully ~tud~ea by . Eat,te"oi MarY M;"Mills. dee~~ every m~?'ber of the houseliold, and Invento~ and appraisement filed' many country schoolboys know,more 1--""-.:::----· Eltate of .Mary E. Brown. de: about the qu-:stionaof t~e;day· ~an c...a. G· F. Brown appOinted·ad. the man. That'18 why, al~, m&u.t~tor1rivbig bOlld of $600 with tha eo manY'coun~ry-b:r~ ~()ys have · C. C. Eulua ~d c. Wilbu~ Ivins as su~e;eaful. careers m .the CItIes.. . The' sureti". Inv.entory 'dis~ruied with. d~~ly papers,are r~~ tpQstly m ~the of 2Iiza J.' p~m.sco. de.. cltl.-:and to,,!ns; w?J1e the weeklu;l, 'cea8ed' First .nd flnal aecount.filed . beeldes c~verml' t~)S field, seek out F.b,te of .E1iu i. probasco, de: the farmers an~ t}.le miners i? ' ~heir ~. Adm'ni!5~l1lter'8 repqrt of homes, an~ ~he1r columns fU~lllsli the ' sale of property approved. wor~er W:lt~ ~h~ ~os~ of hiS infor. ~, . Marr,Iate L~ .. ' m!'tlon on tll'p~ly tOP1~. . '.. , ..'. ", . . .... ,.' Sonteth1rig c~ be reamed from ad· Eriieet Eltzrotij·.21. f~er. JlI~ vertisers~8uCcessful ~ve~tjser&-of ant ,Plain an? 'y~lura .B:S~les •.' 20. ~ommoditi~ euch' are §Old prinei. ' PI~~ Plam. Rev. Kl.g. , ' . ~lIy, to the wprking cl~. Th~ • ",. Jo~A .tirown, 34. f~er, SPri n,- dealers are suceeBa.ful becauee the~ . • ,~ro and ~ary. Ell. N ull 27. SprinJ- haye learned that they can only 'r each .boJZO. ' Rev.-From. Sprin&,boro. theworkingpeoplethroughthe ~eek. Real EState Tr~';en., ly'preas. ,.: ' ' . '.. . ':'L.- ·r.......a. . t " W''''lte '' M .Cl' ti ' '.Hat! oino the.countrY news.l>aper! JlUMIa • .a.&,~ I 0 • r ~ In C; . W t '.p bl' h ' ., ~l ~tate lJl . .....1i' cl_I·... " Ip. - . 'es. ern Ul~. .... ran.,. 1.. ""'u. ""nnsh • _ er. • · tllO. / . . .' , G. K eII y to . Eupne C. ,WIRt;LES'1 Clar'i._~n " MESSAQ~'. ~ · Danham, r.J e6tat~ in Rochester, .La." &tnrd~y , 6ne mile out 'or $1000• .. '. '....' '~..' . ' , New, YOl'k,~ 8t~m~r I)f t,he I~Ji,a'~ John. J , Stoe~ton ~ Anna Stock.. Une rammed tp~o a W~.ite '. Star ton. real ~tate tn Lebanon. $1'. .i8a~er rw fth·SOO ·.people on ·board. , Sarah E."~bY ~, A;lbert. Fren'c~, Wirel~ ~~.m8·. ~~re I.~t '~ ~~w' ' real es~te in Gozaddale, $260., <'. .y 9rk; I'nd hi 1"'18. than rio time ,e8 SoU!!' Ell,. Settle to M.ry B. , Don- uli w~re at. t~eCwreok.and 'o~ly' fonr 8On ·~ . esta~ hl Warren county. $1 ~ere loet. t;tileJy the .wfrel~8 teleg•. , and oUiereonsiderations. . ~phY: l&a gred in\'ention. ' . . Ed H. Morrie to Cbades ·B. De. ', " '. . ch~t ,real 'eatate leban~n, .$40010. Charles . E. Eaton . to Charl~ G. Deck real estate in Franklin. '$600. ~r.e· B: Evans , ,e t al ~o Cbarl~ .. ." r E. Eaton r4)'8t~ta'te in.FrankHn $950. .. . . "': ·G. 'l;'t1tcm. oI" ~1'e. o,J.'o1 Grace M. Bennett and husband to write.: . 'I pl~ked up: rr:o~ ln1 . doo~ . .. . " '" ' ....p ODe 4&, a U~Ue ' ~k In which I , WIIbam E. · rea'" estate lp .ooa. 'bee_ine yer,. ·Dinah ·'Intere.ted. .' ,. . ~ ·!itUe slrl 01 aYe 7!~ ' of ,ace hl'd Malon .. $V Edwln '~. W~ and Mary E. ~ . heeD . ~ot1~led . for ' .. . 'IODS " .me ' . to Charlee A. Spencer real ' estate in. ,Joel o.r app~tJte, utrem. ~e~ot,UD~ • LeI) · . $1 . . ' , . .and Wldue. I,&U,ue. Sh' ... all. runanon.. .~ . . do.. and , Ill a YeI7 dell.te colldlUon! Conimlal.....' Proceedin&s. : ."'llhl. l1tU, })colt " .. compr,8l, wrltt.D. aDd ·t tld of the' ae. < ' h a ' hellahe 'lls ' "D · ' BI ~ .' E. Dun m, V1~w•.r . on .m;thod or ntr"otIDS·'th. m'~JcIDal.l~ · Dayton pike 8~"ey; $8; B.~. Settle- '.melita of ,tbe"ecid'•. 'llfeid rom: tb. oil' · myra. 'viewer on Da~n:pi~e sUrV.ey.. ~l~~ID~tlnKJb,8'·obDP.XIOU• .o~I"~hlch ~~ · ,8; L. B. Thon,P,son. vi.wer on .. Da~- 10" ~ard, f~. ~bll.~~.~ ':to ·.~k,.:~.' ' ". ton pike 8UrVeY..·.$8· Roy E. Miller \ t~inli ~Id t~ '; 'lo~ m~Uttle . . .' -~ • .' '','. • n '( . "daugbter,' a.nd 1 'l~m.dl~tel"" weDt- · for , ~arktm ~d ch,mm&J:lt. $4, ..."pe~ce.r. .a ~tUe of ,Vlll~l. 'vlt Jl~lped' Jier ""ODi· ~. Monroe, lumJ,>er. $&6:.4:1j..~~rrles- del'ful.i,. ~~~b~ . ,.111111 :rap~di1 In Gal~ dO'" blapb for el.r~.; $15:50? 8eab .Ud . • tre~~,.. and ~e ~oel Jl!lt ,L, M,. Prince 'Uppli8s~or 8urVeyor·. take cold balf 10 ,-.11.1;;, I ' . . ' $22.40' War~h cO. Times ·Iet~ . I', &mextrem,l, ' ~..efUI ~or the. . . ... . .. . .,00 It. baa done her" an' .I .bope .otber ' ta~ for: ahenn, '~t; .'Wamm eo. .motber• .',~b.o ~&ve .weaa. .dellcate. Or Ti~88,r' }>l~nk~ ~or. treaapr.r, .$7;' S ••i!lo, cblt41'f1D "lll"bebe~f~fJte~ b1 :m~ , Fred & "CO., ~ cl0'!tin..' f9r jail;' aperl.Dee aud J~ ,..,. Yl!,ol a tl'laL·~. ".40; ~. ~n';' costs ·in caa,'.' . ~.'. ' ,:1 . . . • ••.• .




·a t . . Stake· .




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We coqldn't conduct this store



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$'14• 75

MEN 't; su iTS ANO OVER' O'ATS, BAND TAILORF.l D, . PL UN AND EAFCY. Af.SO P RA-VENl!lT'rEI'I. VALUES UP'I.'O $1/), NOW .. ;........ .... ... ... ........ .




made an, en.t ird new stock possible


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' UlTA.'ro JZES 38. IN 'I'H E I:lN AP. P~ V A f. UE'" U P 'fO $ 18, (!SOl C.E


ABOUT THIRTY BOYt.4' suns. 81 ro 35. AJ.L W OL ANI) WELL T.oULOREO, VALf' ES '[0 114, 'NO W.


A SPLENOID At.4t.40RTMIj1NT OF BOYt.4' OVERCOATt.4 112 AND '1 4 VALUES. NOW ... .................. .... :..





A ·t.4M .A LL LINE OF BOYS ' OVEROO A1' • 9 1'0 1 :~ YEAR , VALU Eo. NOW ......... .. .. .. .. ... .... .... .. ...


OB[LD8EN'8 OVEROOAT' ANO RE EFER, 3 '1' YEARS,15 AND V.U.UEB, N W . ... ... ........ .. ,.



~--------~~------,-------------~ , -------------. .


NmARLY 50 UlilLD 't.4 .BUll' , IN SAILOR AND RUt). t.4I~N t;l'YLE, ALSO REE9'ER, VALUES NOW ·

* Suits 36 SUITS. KNICKElt ' PANTS, 8 to 17 . YEARS, VALUES UP TO $9, choice. '


MENIS-SUITSAN:D OVEROOA'l'S ' BLACK AND F AN- . 'OY, VALU~ UP T<)$30, NOW .... , .... :....... .. .. .. ...

· al.on~ ul,1p-t~-da~e" lines~ unless ~e .








$5.7.5' . .


NOW ...,... ......... ................ .. .... .. I


MEN'S TROUSERS, YALUES UP . TO t4:50 and " 5. now ., .. : ... .. .. , . .......... .. .

ME~;~J:~U~::,~ ~~~~~\~:...~~ . ,


M~~~D T.~~~.S~~~~ .. ~~.~~.~. ..~.~:~ $1.24 '} A speeiallin~ of Sw~t-Orr Tro~sers, 11.50 values! now 98c •

A diScount 'of .20 'p er cent on blat·k and , 8~ple . Qfavenettes. ~ln .C~ats and ~Ults~ \ _ Mall! new . mddels ,for sprint .- J.n this collection.


. $3.00 values, no~ ... ...... ~ .: ... .. . .,. ....... ... .. .............. $1.98 .200 values. now ................'.. : .. ........ .. .. ... . .... , ....... 148 11.00 values. now ..! . ! • . , ...... ... . ...... ... ... .. ~ •.• ~, .. ... .. ..... ~ and 65c values ............ ~ .. ....... ... ..... ... .. .... , ... :. :4l$


CAPS '1 :50 caJl$. now ..,•. ;......... ..... ...... '...., ..... ... '," "" .,. '1'.00 cape. now ;;... .... ...... ......... ....: ... , . .... .. .....{.. 75 , .75 cape. riow ..... ~ ..... ...... ... .. ..... ........ .. ....... ....,... ·, '.50 .50 capS. nOw ,.I:..·........... : .... ,.".••,. .. ........ ,.. .. .. .... 89 .25 e8PS, nO.w .. ·: ........ ~·· .. · '·.. ~i·. · ....... ~ ...... . ·• •~...... :19



MEN'S"STIFF , . .. . HATS .


2.ov and t8 vaI.ues ........ ....... .':... . , .... ...... .... .... .......1'.98




' ..



,~ 25c initial and .fancy ...... :.............. .' .... .. . , ...... ... ,.... 1'''' , 1Scal v ues . ,; ..... .. :,. . .. , .. .... ',: .. . . .....'.. . , .. ~ ... ..... ..08U )~ values .... . . . ·.': . . . , .. . .'.... . .. . .... " . . , . . : . '.04 J


'1.00 &i!~ '~.26 silk h'ose·...... .' ,: . , ~.... . . . , ...... : . .79 .50 hoee, now ······· · ,··, .. . .., . ..... . . . . . . ;. I , . ' .39 ' .25 hoee. now...... , .. ... , ..' . . .. . ........ . ... '.' .' .



L " Il OR :KERo. e- E L

.~:tll.v ('hiltll't!1l ltrt' lJtully


------~---.;;-~-- .llu1 " I JI<l




:-lorn ..

1.ltf'>WI IJ


or !:oal IliJ



and by


denth '


lh\" UV~I· t\Jl'IlIll

If III P , Wh ', ' n lamp i~ (:\toppo'rl ,JI· llIlwked

'J'he am lInl of rood r~ading giv n 1'51 to ill Youth 's (,Im-, ' pall; n dur-in ltw yctar il3 indicut d uy t1pfolJ wing ultll1lal'yof on f>nt., lutureJaK\.wk. for lhis year: appointed chai r n'uth - 50 ~tar Al'tkl on HljncJ Instit ntl'ibut d-by-M"errSclld \\ om n f of the com itt e l l ' 1(1'; 'ulture,' \Vide i til1c_tion in Public Life, ill Apr ttY good atnl't'fo l'' term r. Lit ra~ul' . in i nce, in BU 'in gs • The t udtlr l\:lli" lit IL burllllel''' ,in a cor of Profession • In l)" . b ell lil1~ trl o nntllluol1t-1 s brnl;.. . .1..250 Capital Sto'riel'l~-' ~ iv.1 I 0,·. !Sb llo» .'tI U ' ul(u Ite rn dy In'ludillg ' iX' · I·ial 'todell: lTu lT'lol'-


" . plod t:~, UI' 0 \'; /H. lUi: , )tIM,'r · Iw~l M'HlII~t\I ' !!I' a IU Vi'e,k)1, llrning oi l il' !lplashed al)(!ll l ami lh cloth, (\f p t~ns. 'Rates of ' Subscription within r 'nch of Ih i liquid nre begin ';'.6 . cur ('~rIU~I.l' i n.lldvance,} ... , .. , I,Ul tv bm'lI11plHl thi rbo<l i s, • '''II'Ie. ·OPY , .. .. '.... \: .. " . _,. .un All the fa~ts of th , ~llemis I'y of ---------~--- fil'e . and O.r xpl sion aH w 11, can b til ld in a ~ illlpl E' stOI'" of what ,or,( ill th t! lig hl of u ual ",Hllun£). !~~

lowly cllsupp 'al'~, btlll1g ·~Itln '"PO to ).~Ul,\I;!!3 Wh.'ch 'annvt u' S'tm, Kerosene, being the thinn st f thb oils, safe for use in lain'}n is drawn rapidly to the top . k ' ( f a WIC . When a matc~ ' flame is touched to the oil in the WiCK'S top its heat 100f!ens lheatoms of carbon and hyurdgell, or \vhich the oil is made. Th y ~h en unit wilh alo rn~ o f oxygen of the ail', fo r whi~h they have a greatel' attl'action than they hav f or each oth r: This caU!3es a liame. Each corbon atom is 0 greedy that it eizes two atoms of oxygen from the air to form carbonic acid ' while each pair of hydrogen atoms takes one of oxygeft to form water. The carbonic acid, which iaa gas,and the water in the fo/'m of a vapor are cat'ri d ouL of the top of the chinlnf:lY 'J'HE USE ~' 1'liE HIMNE'r' . 'rhe chl' mnet, of a la lnp forces the ~ cu rrent of fre&h a it· caused by the rising of the heated ,air within it, lo pass close to th flam , 0 that oxygen'can be taken from it. This move-

. 1'"

Lil t' 1I111lP \)llI'nll lhl'l'lt ,

(l,rll or

'i'hank . , -:-, . . . • "lIolution -. . . .. . . . . .r,O~ Mel 11". te . Wb ro clllUII I ~ rna!ltl ..• _.::r, ." '."II1Y Adv ~ t\ll hlg. per In oh . . .. . . . . . lOr




oQ oontrllCL.

\ -----:--------, WI'lUNFJ<;UA v , .1 NlJAflY·!, . 1111111 .

-======================== Any t raction nt;WS to,day, n ig-h·


Farmers who hat! any lobacco al' busy with working it these warm days, Don't forget that your sal bill printed' h~re will bring you good I'elulta. Society seems tu be l'~st iH g n w · astbere are f w ot!(Icial r ulu/' es gO~ . 109 on.. We will announ' next w ek t11e new serial we are about to star t , Look for it, for it is Q good one.

',) 't I t I The snow d lun ali vel'Y ong, but it made a fellow work hal'd whil~ it b ~ Sh I' . th WI!8 e.r . . ove mg sn.ow IS e , batd as t JO b Ion e~l' thh' especla! Iy wh en you get up ate tn t e m rmng and find it knee deep. _ _ _ ___ ..





The heating, of brass' in ~ burner ni~y warm the oil until it gives off a vapor in the lump globe. If ilie wick is too small to fill tlie tube the flame will fl~h down this vapor and the hunp will blow up. The screen must be kep t open so the flame can breathe. 1f :tlu~ cbimney is not clear down on the burner, the 'lamp smokeS because the flame gets too 'much ·air. When a lamp is turned U>O hi~h it sm.okes b cause there is too much fuel for the air supply. . The brass in the burner and collar should be kept'clean and., bright so that the heat pass off. Only djrty burners heat lamps so as to make them explode Whim a burner ca n b bb .f b . h . sh Id b not e ru eu rig t It ou e thrown aWI~Y because it is dangeroua, A lamp should not be set in the . I t tl . fi ' h . sun nO,r,c ~lIe 9 .Ie re, nor " u~g to the celll'1g over a table on whu:h a lamp i/.l used

Come, Sleep; come, Nightl Nigbt,of. SQft starlight, moonlight, and dew; Lax, mqnanimo\ls Night Laving the earth with qlJietanil with sbadowt, . Come. 'and r shall let myself down softly. $Dftly Into thy 'tenebrous depths, Cool, c()el: cool ~at.,c. un ~ ant,


ment of airls called a draft. Light is . m~de by ~be part icles of carbon becommg whIte hot before they are burnt. up. The hottest flames make' no lig ht. . Do not try to blow out a lamp while the Rame is high. £?oing so may b k th h' f tl. fl rea . e c Irnneyor orce .,eame down IOto the amp bowl and cause an explosion, Turn the wick down until the. blaze is half it.~ usual size and then blowo'v er the chimney's top; d .; ' b , \'I t ow,:, It. :0 turn the laz.e qUIte I wand blow tnto the burnerts more danae rous ·, If the top 0 w'lck l'S above the l.o p of the tube' 'when t he I • t I' bt d '1 '\1 b d ' am.p IS D? Ig e, 01 WI e 17awn up and wlll ,run down oVer the lamp.

Ice men have been busy cutting ice tor several days,but the thaw stopped this. It was of good quality but n t tbick . uite a thund l' shower ~turdIlY, Q which means colder weather. Hicks ll8y$, "cQlder w~athel' and don't for~8t , it." ,

~me, ~Ieep! d I





'tome With plaCid dreams. Oh, beautiful ia t1le great, voraci?us go,ld~n. day" . ,


,utthia iii the gl~t of the kmg of the Earth: ·~ . . Blue nicht and sable Sleep! . . , ......Har~s ~er~~ Lyon In February .• J1ampto~ 8 ¥agazme.

• •

P~ent Helps Orpbans, red .DaDd "of orpblloa b"~8 bflfD hel~ by tbe Prej.1I1ent. nf 'rh~ 10. duarla) aDd ~rpb.l1'~ B')D1 • at, t4"OOD, Ga •• w~o writ.ea.: "W., h,,'e ued 1180&1',0, Bitters to tblR IOlltilt1, &loD' for Dine.yean It b,v~ pr" vtld /I "dlt' e~~leDt 'lIi~tciot' f,'r Stl)maob Liver aad ·KtdDe~ troubles. . We fa prd tt, as poe of t,be ': best ,'tnull ...... , I ..", II, t • ,>, ~ 0ID81I1npa~tl'. ' nv' jlOl'H."-«, , , ~e vital o....n., pOl'Ule~ f.b., · ~loftd. ' , aide d18eetlon, 0","'8S .uppelit.R, 'ro , ....6DIU1~D aad build up thlD, plllR, ~_k ohlldreD or I tin dowD l e 'p'e ,00 eqt1ll1 Bt!lit lor female OQmpl&lnta\. 001., 1i00, "r. FI'I'd C, Rob t.u war~ a. . • _ .. .

~ . --0'

IIlIH vel o l\tI

Il l'~tiV" 1>1' POl'tilltll \lU3

11!f ht"t llC\k hu l!,lIrdlfd,t· MA\~I( ougbll kl y\ III tll l,he benh ng, 001b· lllg u liMI ll J. 1.lrls IIpleuuid IJJ'esol'ip~ UI

'Lori s; Htori II


:ha l'3 'leI" H l'oi:;in ' .' 10 0 {! p~to- [:lle NoLes On Ul'l'ent, Recent Oiscoveries in the wOl'ld of Science and NatUl'e, Important ·Ma tters in Poli tics and G t ' overnmen ·. - 2000 ne-MinutE! Stories- . lnimit;able Oemestic. ketches, Anecdot s, Bil:luf Humor, and Selected Misc IInny. 'rhe Week ly H aIth ..1\" t i 'Ie, lhe Weekly Woman'. At-lIC\ ~, T im Iy EJito l'ial:!, 'leo , A f ull d Cri)JU OII of UI Ul'I'ent vol urne wi ll b s nc wi t h sample copies IIf the paper to any' address on request, The new s ubscriber who at one sends $ 1.75 for a yeal'S subscri ption will, receive free The ompanion's 't1 w Calendar for 1900, " 111 l'al1l.lrn the l" s Garden," Ii thog'l'aph 'll in thi !'tt'~n colo!'s.

'l'hifl and foo tso re, at J' travellRg doubtless afoot about 1.000 miles,a fox terrier dog is baflk at his old home n a r Genntown, 'rh dog was take)) to Nebraslca last March when his owner, ~'rank Maple, moved West, · T,houg h back - in his puppy: hood home he seems unhappy al,ld restless, . appal'~ntly searching for some one,

f t be most distressi ng cases and is sold ou its merits hy a ll druggists in1lfty-cent IUlll one:d liar ize bOltles. You m u.y -' bave 8, sample bottle n OlD.. orS1l'alD~Boot. hy mail fte , nlsc a pamphlet telling YOll h ow to find out if you' have kiduey or blalltler' trouule. M.ention this paper wh en ",d lill , t o Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Binghamton, N. Y. u't lUak\! auy mistake, but rem mbcr the II UIIIO, Swamp-Root. Dr. lGlmer's Swamp·R t, and ' the ad· dress , Uinghlllntoll, N, Y. on every bottl..



Brave Fire Laddies.

'often r eoMive t!evere tm,ros; potting ont. fi~!:!, t·heD a~e Buoklen' Arnica &l~ ", !.Lud (orl4eto them. It soo.o drive. out pilla. For Bur~8. 80alds, Wonud!l, <';utll llnd Brm. elf Its ea.rtb '1\ grelites heale'\'. ~niokly our es Skin EruntioD8, Old ~"rtlli, Bolltl, U:1oers, Felons i beat Plio oure mad. Relief is iofltIlUI,. • 250 i~t E. U :3ob war I;z's . _ _ . - - - i'--




THE LA.MP. Wh~malampthathasbeenbuk'tling

Betwe rl

needs to be .filled · do not take off the


and Daytpn

h' " there are more' modes of travel runburner near ~n~t er hght or a fire,. ning side -by side than in any part of . ,

You will find the


Haedquarters tor All Kinds



Lumber and Mill Feed




obarIII.t the







..... ....... ,ear,



Miami A Time Clea ri ng House, H I cOllld only hav e Ii mOil poly or tim und !!t;1\ Il at tlon I'll oe Ii bllll ulll r In a s hol't tim e. Olllll llIen hu v more tim thun th ey ku ow what to «0 wllh ; the surplus 15 wasted. Oth· ers could use 4 h ours a day It t~ey hutl t bom. I wo uld eslabllsh a time I al'lug hO\lse, or' a time brokerage nn d comm lssloh bou se, and ' buy ti me of all who have It to wa.ste and sell It at a great profit to such all are In need ot mo~e than nature haa a llotted. It m n could buy time whnt a price some WnU \lt give tor It, and 110 W ch aply otberll would l et ' It go! - N w York


Ga~ette WAYNESVILLE~CHURCHES. .. Orthodox Friends CbwdJ. Bawk.llIs, Putor, Sa b ba ~h ohdal, II :80 a . Ill. ReRllIar obureb Illlrvloe. ) 0 ;30 Q . m. Ohrlstl_n Bll4e••or, 7:aOp. m. . Rev. Benjllwlll

Hicluite Friends Churdl. Firat Day MlleUnl{, 10':00 '. DI, Pln'Da, Sol 001 , 1'1 :00 a, DI, Fourloll Day MeeeiD. 10 :00 a, DI. .

Christian Chun:h. II ;30 " . m , Soolal meet·

SWiday Sollool ,

ln g, 10 ::10


m.. IInel Ohrlstlan Jilndeavor,

'1 :OU p. UI

Metbodist Episcqpal Church • Among 'he Commonplace, The wny In will h 1 have come to tb con luslon tbat humun nature Is luvllbJe--tb way 1 h a ve l earned someth lug ot Its deep palhos, Its s ublime Illy sterl s/ hllB· been by JIving a great deal amon g p ople mote or l eBS com· monplace., ot whom you would perhaps hea l' 1101 bing vel'Y surprlslnl; If you were 10 Inquire al:loul them III the n , 1~hbol'h oC)d whet'e ' th ey dwe lt, a ro ",~e Eliot.

Sucrene Feed

·Acme Flour

_-au,. .


£lr BS.

£un- ,.

,. .

If you ar~ contemplating a sale, it will be wise to consult us before going elsewhere. We' can. put you up a goo~ bill as cheap and ~s attractive as you can get any where else. Besides, we will carry the sale a~ in the paper until the d'!lY on which the sale occurs. Come in and we'll talk it over. Others say our '· bills and our prices are the ."real thing·. "




This Spring?

Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over.. Work.




tlon-O r. l:ihoop 's (';ongb Remedy , And it is 80 sufe lind ood for obll dre n,~s well (J'1n tltinin g no opium, obl oroform, or tber b~rmful drugt', motl'ert< IIauld in II.fety UIWILYS d _ Ullmd Dr. h oop 's. If olher reme. (\ieH IH ~ offer ed, tti ll ~ llf'm No I Be y rl Ul' OWll jlldge I S oh1 by nil d nl er~ . ___ _ _ APP12;A.R i N CALICO - - -In an fTor t to disco urage a " d >plol'alJle and useless custom " among girl gradu ates · of wearing costly gowns, Milton W, Wimer, a member of the Cold water board of ed ucation, offered $10 ' to any g irl who would appearin calico. Two, Miss s Beltha Hume.iton and Stal'l' Reed, have accepted. ____ --~ '1'11 ra it! un (~UJl)\ 1I lI othiu g TH E YOUTII '::! OMPANI N, wha t. ver hurllh IIl' sicke'lIn~ III Pr e· 1·14 Hark ley ~ll' el, Hoston , Mu S. v n Ii II. 'l'h lib IiU,le 'andy 'o ld 'ur L'lLbl e t~ a ot nS by Tnttgio. A few h OllrM-u ufl your t,brelltt1oiog 'old ill hl·o k e n. ()f\uflyliku ill I~, ste, PrA v6utlol! pIe .Ile t.l1 6 ohildren-Iwd Lbey br6llk t he reverisb nesf', ulwflY· , And l elisli ot "II II lIe eooDoru y. A ll\i'ge box-4 P r eventin -2!1c IItl!. It u. e!1 to bc c. 11 5iril:rCII t hnt only AI!k yonr dru' gist. Be Imo ws! urillary and bludcle r lru\l"lc ~ wcrt! to be tracell to th e kJc1 lleya, Jd by ,,11 deal rs ._ _ ~_ ;;~~tm but If your ~torult cb, Heu rt, or Kid , I '!\ckll cII II'pro\-esmodern that oeyl4 I1re w\"~k I try Rt, ltiUll f I a. fuw neurl \' all diseasea ,lw\'c'their hCg'illlling dOR{lt! ouly !)fOr . . boop 's R tlt .l t·utIV to; in th e di~(m.\(:r of In fiv e or f, u d n.ys obly, t bn rUllnlt lh C~l! m ost illlporlant will 8 ur IJ ri Se yoP. A f WOfl ut t! WIll organs. oover the _oost Anil hure i why ' th' kitlneys filte r b Ip p:tOl! 0 quiokly . Ur . ~h oop ullcl purify the \)1 oddoo lI 't drug tb IStuUIII Ch, nor stiUlthat is III ir work. ulut . t.he Hanft or &hl l1 ys. IJr Therefore, w hen )'OU I' kitll1l!ysurc weak t;1l V'::I R torutlva goe clll'eotly or out of onl'r, \'011 call ullcler lancl how t o · weuk aud falling nerves. quickly your e lltire bod)' is affected :Iud Ell b or glUl hI! its owo controlling 11 W \'cry or~lIu seems l fo,il to do ita nerv . When thes8 nerves I u.i1, tl e .luty. If YOll are sick or II feel badly," beRill d e})~n d IDg ' \" org.108 UtlUI t 0 f uAlles!>!.y l nking the gretlt kidney remeliy, Dr. f{tlter. This phuo, y et ·vjt~l trat\l, Kilmer',s SWllmp-Root . becaus IlS 50011 olearly t.ells wby Dr. ~b 0 1) 1'4 R as your kidneys are well they will h~lp tutu.t.! vo 1 80 noi v~rsa,ll y 8ucoe!!'s- all the other orguns t h ealth. A tnal Cnl. , Its SUCOfltlS is leadin " oru I~ i st will convince anyone . If you are 5i 'k you call make 110 mleeVe r .\' where to Hi ve tt uni verlll.l.l )Jr ef take by first doctoring y our kidneys. 6rl\0 A f st will lO 11rf!ly t II. The mild and the ext raordinary effect of 1I11l by ~ll ~·.l rtl, Dr, I{i\mer 's Swamp-Root. the great kitlney r.ellled y, is soon realized, It DOG COM ES BACK stllnds the big hest for its wonderfu l cures




Adv nl.u1'''',

The vapor in the bowl, of the lamp the country. There are two steam ' may eXl!and until it reaches a ·blaze " . path, for bicy' . and explodes. Flaming oil • is then roads , a canill, cinder ' thrown over everY one who is near cles, l oad fal: autos an.d w~onlt and . . ' . . plenty room overhead for' Wright The Famous Dairy Food. Above , ~11. ,remember . t~at .fillmg.a Bros. airships from Dayt~n - Morlamp ,Without first put lS very dlUlgerous, .. row Tribune, . . • . -------------7 When two-thirds 01 th,e '. oil in. a Th e secon d ':'" -h ~ t e-. rtl~l1oceros L' ; evCorn Seed Oats Coal lamp has been uSed it sllOuld be filled er captured alJve 111 AfrIca has b,e en ' . ' ( . ' INTENT .kll:l . again. _Ouce a weelt t~e oil left in a, brou'g ht to a museum n~ar Brusse,ls. and Cement. ,. ,. '. laplp .should be pour~ lIa<ik iijto the ,. _ . I .00000ed with with intent can througli a piece of clpt'h' op a The chh~f' ingredient in a new se· to kUI, A:I~rt P~nce.l>rhicipal of t1}e nel to flltel.' it "Clear. 'fhi, is to J'e~ C1:et preparation t~t filling .life preIf you want Good Bread, u se SOuth Lebano1rhjgh school, was .t ried move dirt wh\ch has settled ' to ,the sel:V~rs is said tq be common soot, .m~ui~ ~jain..n'8colltt ~tu~ay~ bottom. ,' .p~c~.. i~i all;jed j · str.uck MeKin., ' " THE WICK, . . . . ley Greely ov~r the head with a poker, ' ' THe char sMu ld be r emoved from " lnfti.tirig ~ deep ~, ', when' the pu. ~he wick' >vel'y,· day. When a wic~ _ , p~l ~8ted th~,t~cber'lI Ilttftmpt to Is .l,nlf ·?u~J.1ed up a h~W ne ~liolll~ ",tafntblh~In.II7Where.i-t.. " ' 1111. Try Our Mill Run Feed f~r Hogs 'pu ... t_,- him . . , be pUt uk. A lamp cal'ad for In t hIS PiIi"OOII-.uOlltpa1ulabloodl!~tna ' ..l1li1 . ' ,., 'Il·. b . b 'r' I' h At I'*JaIG :fee Drk~~p, Uti:: ', pence'.pl,eaded,g·uUty 'to assault~d way V!III glvbel'Q Il r.l ~tht,. bW lIte I Ig t ~~~Sh::'. V~:'l1abl::. battery the ~ayot flned. him $I) an d ",I ~ot ~CKeh "e Ul'rl~r ,np r J:ZsblOlXl ~ "".7 frolD··r~_tarI. We also hll~c , ~ lot of I..!nch costs. 'This f failed ., to RBtisfy' E!~plo~e,.· The ' bur-nel·s. fl>I' .1'Q~nd :w~~~~~ ~ LUMBER cheap. Oe't our GreeJf.'s relatives and"1l ,warrant wlcks are,safer tl1,on those WhlCIl qllP. b&,"~' ~~It'. MoOd~. prl~ befo~e buying' . more ..ri.... olfence ft.~ ~~... . . ' t" " , f:..~ T.~ , ' elsewhere; was secil~ 'from '$quire Jam~n: . · ~r ~n ei&'hth.oll vapor ~v~ll blo~ oa;~~~~~ ~..;: ~ _. i bPi l ~t to",cbes ~ ~all)e. '/ In OhIO iDlDut.etI=:=,IitI':i1J!IP1J '~ j, The ,latest ' Parisian novelty in there are mO're than ~\Vo hO!18e$Jire d ~, ~,anOldIIOIIJ'III. 4.~·I••it ... J&" re,cLaa4 ' , ' . ' , " . . and Palll J'OQf 00D0 is one set hl'lulna t9 elic;h w~k. by .the explod~ng 01' upset- ~bJ004 ~_, You'uau~lh'''''''' , .' " T 'h ' ~JI. H.llnlplJ~--' . worn on the"tiria' ftn~r on , the , Ieft:-tm~ o,f coa .01.1 ·lamps. ... l~ ou~~. : _~. 0IIItf,~ ,~" .. ,....." .: baDd over the ~l()"e. burned d,Qwn by ~~8ta~ed lJy,18mp~ } .. '. - ~ . • ' an<J lanterl)So in this state..,: i'l\1"907 'c ost .. ~NI 'nthertd by , the, gove~- '168.~. T~. person" 'burne,d ~t() . ". mtDt IIbOW tbat the ~Yerqe ~en- death 'by laJtlp accidents J:l,\Jmt>erecl', . . . . . . . . . half hIa weia'ht, or 82.6 ae~enteen. " . ~ W. S. ·I«)GERS. S~te Fi~i .~.


to ' Ha"e

to UbSClib



Uev. W. T . GlIlIlaad, Pulor, undBY SC:hOOI, 9 ::10 a, m . 1140rolo,," I'Ic~, ilL


10 :30 a. m, Epworth T,eague, ~ :00 p Ev 'nlng 8ervl~e, 7 :30 p. m. 1If14week

Pr Iy er Mee UIllr, 7': 0 p. m.

' ,

St. Mary·s, EpiSCOpal Church. , Uev. J . £0'. CnllwallOder, Rec:tor. S unlla)l Sobool. 0 :80 8, m. lIonlne Mr' VJce, tu :110 a. m. lih· · IICrvtce, '1 p, m. Holy Oom,mu.o lon thO ftrNt Sunday 0', ~Ilcb month ,


. ll'Bther George ld8venboefer, PutOI'. MU8 every BellOod Sunday of tbe .month' at 11 :00 a . III,


" '.


\,y",yu6sville'a ,Le&diDg Dentin . Office In Keys Bidg, 'Mala 8•

dE REV•.IRL R. HICKS ' Almanac tind M....~... ,




WQrthy ,,,dlylelu.' Hail All the Dtt,-". In Hla Mind. A Chtcaco aruet '1'4!Iat.e1 1I0~ a weal



Ie broidered Articles D« ~'oratl"~ Bor\i«,. T [or er\'e Tbelr Give 0004 tefflect P opuf rfty_ ·to W'i.,d·o \fs._.

tb7 In41Y14ual fro~ KanIU City, wltll til. 'Wlte and three .olle and fOllr . ' tlIbtet•• , 011c8 cailed upon blm. . , "Here ' WI) are!" e101al~ed the h.a4 ~ II1Ilo w l Oll l~ oue ot" tb J~w e,ro· Thel' IR IL fashlonatJIl decoration . ol the (amUy. 4'NearJy a dozen of 'ut; .broll! rell ttl U I or which 1.)\1" 1'$ can· thut should be helptui to the woman . ·Mr, PaIDt.... 'liow muoh tor ' a pain... not b t many. Wbnt \womnn hns 'Vho mUllt fit ' shOf~ curtains to .. new =h~~ ~. whot. of . ut. dllcount for

"That will' depen4:' anawered the arUat., hldlnS a smile wIth hll band. "upon the dlmenalol1s, at),le, etc," "Ob. that's all flxad." respontfed the ether breuUy. with the air ot a mu who knowa exacUy what he wuta. 'We are to 6e dashed off. tD one pl~ . .. la'We 'a lite. alttlne OD the lawn 01 . , place JUlt outside of lIttl. old K. C., alngtllC 'Hall ColumbIa!' "-H~ oer'. WeekI!'. - --


'DREADFUL DANDRUFF.l Girl'. Head Encrusted-Feared Lo.. of All Her Hair-Baby 'Had MilkCru.t ..... Mlaelonary~. Wlf. Mad. Two Perfect Curea by Cutleu .... '

"For aenral years my busband a missionarY In the Southwest. Evel7 one fn that high and dl7 at· mosphere baa more or It-ss trouble with dandruff and my daughter's scalp became 80 encrul/ted wHh it that I M'aa alarmed tOl' fear she woUld loie alfh8T ball'. After trylDg various rem· eates, in desp'eratlon I bought a cake of CU\loura Soap and a box of Cutl· oura OIntment. They left the Bcalp lIeautltt"'Y clean and tree trom dandrutr. and I aui happy to ny that the CuUaura Remedies wete IL com· plete lueceu. ,I bave ~so used IDC> ceaatull,. the OuUcura :Remedlea for .d·C/dled 'mllk-Clrutlt' on baby's bead, CuUcun. fa a blell8tng. . ,Mre. J. A. DarUng. 810 Fifth St.. C&rthqe, OhiO, ;J~ 20, 19Q8." . ~a



.. ow.. Oofp., IIoIa Prop&, . . . . . .


VPI' b en" at 11 ' loss to IUspose 811 xtJ'!\ cou h pUlow? For

o'f wludo,,' s. . it 'fbill Is the Idea fJ! havlrti: "deep ciec. they are .-eull y elljo~ed they g that\! ofatlve borders on fabrics of 8011d \ eur, nnd need fr quent reillenlsh- color, lng. New clll'lafna are mnde tn .thia rash. Flowel' d slg\) ure especlaily at· ion and sold 'at ex ensive prlc s at tractive, thol!gb conv nUQllal scrolls tbe I/hops that make ·a '15peclaltr .ofllew hold high fa.vor. things. . . .t\s for the material t.o be worked, A skl.l ltul WOOl aD can accompUsb the , pongee, chinn silk, ' satin. velvet or suDie reSUlt, but, mInd you, strqs8 Is v Ivcleen, e pecl811y the latter' treat- laid UllOn tbe adjective skillful. A. ed with gold thread, would be extreme- woman who basn't a clenr Idea of Iy· good·looklng; though tbere 18 noLb· color and who hasn't tbe Inborn knack lug for ordluary use qulte so acoept- of 'gettlng thlngs I'lght with scissorS able as ,the art linens and cl'tUlhes; and needle, should turn the work over These may be secured In such charm- to ~he I woman who has tbls 11()Wer: Ing shnd 8 that the work must nece .. Mnny a seamstress has it whose work sarlly rosult In a good errect. costs little. , . In view ot the pOllularlly of s ten· 'Separate borders can b.e bought at cUing tlltl work will be· mosl elfectJv& the shops with surpl'1swg ase by the If done 1n flat · ~mbrolde ry heavily woman wbo : kJ),ows how to rQot out outlined. Th e well ·kno'Yu Keo8ln~ ,the artisUc thing, They do not come t09 stitch ts th oue to use. Suppos· for curtains as a rule. but th y serve the design to be one ot roses or ndmlrably. Tile founda Uon color Is usually deep carnations one shade of pink and one shade ot green wLll ' ett~t a good tinted, although som good p"tterns result, and then the whole should be can be goLten wllh the foundation In outlined In a clarker shade of Mch nalural crash ton s. Those are nSu. color, or a very strlkJng method would aUy tlle best to work 00 . They' go so be ' to gold·thread t he entire deSign. w II with almost auy oUler cover. . Treating It In tllis manner the ell' ct The designs 011 lhes e borders are Is a compromise belween a stenciled Egyptian, Dyzan'une, or wbatever design nnd ~llle tor embroidery. Jtame SuJts bost these formal lines In ome consl(leratiou tor lhe oolOl' vivid 'ColorQ. scheme of the r ecipient's boudoir will . Thoy can b put at t h sides, botbe greatly appteciated. Green, of tom and tOil ot short. narrow curtains, COUTS. tones In with. any hue, and and one Is surpr.lsed at the trect, Cor l\ pink room a rose mlj.Y be el1l· They not onlv make an old curtain broiiiered 1n plnk,for a yellow In ot ~se, but they · give It new character yellow. : FOI' the room done up in and atyle. red or mauve th conventional fiowers These borders can be used as a may take on more or less the sbade to plain 01' plaited valance. This fashion matcb. .. . has wJdely returned In decoratlng If tbe work be done upon linen It rooms, and although It keeps ·out. Ilght should be done with a view to its to a certain xtent, It gives finish to launderublsn SS, In which caae you the top of the window. mus~, ot cours , elimin ate gold thread Otten the ' Ifect., without a valance:' o;,od do t be entire wor~ wllh wnsh Is bare. Tbls Is especLally s o when silk, using tilo for th K nslngton em- the window jamb Is d ep and wide. broidery and t he rope s ilk for the There Is another fashion of us lng outllne work, . ten.lnch ' bord'e rs across the tops qr Back the pillow with ~he same mao windows and down the sldes- with terlal ns th Cnce-not .embroldered. pane ' curtains that are set deep In at course; and It tor boudoir use, a the window embrasure against the pretty method Is ' to hem eacl! . s quare. glass. joining Iront and back at the lhl'e of ,._ _ _ hem8t1tchlng. This gives a sl.mpltbut lIeoUv finish and Is 11 little relief Crom cords" and tassels. It the slip be made with buttons and buttonholes or button loops, and the mater~als be all selected With a view to their washableness, the plllo.w may be ·kept tresh and dnlnty. For den or slttlng·room, It da rlC and Velvet buttona are popular trim· heavy fnbrlcs are used, a cord is the mlngs. conservat~ve ~.nd best lIn.lsb. Mutf8 are gigantic In size and 10 To Piece Laco. cost. . To piece lace tnke the tigure at the Cloth top boots again are to be In end the lace, and commenCing at vogue. the end of the scallop cut around It, Paris declares tllat an bata must be close to the thread that outlines the dark. ' • ftgure, being careful not to cut the Ollnglng robes are the feature of thread. ' . the year. • U there Is plain net at the top cut Squirrel pelts are In great demand straight through It. for linings, Baste this figure over a similar one, Black Is In the height of 'ashlon' for being careful that every pOint and dot opera gowns. tl exact. M.any sklrta are unlined, and cllng With a fine thl'ead, silk or cotton,.ae' as never.. before: cordIng to tbe lace. sew the cut edge StartUng effe.c ts In millinery are ot the lace down, sewing over tlia out. now dIscouraged. , ·Jine thre~d with fine stlches. Gold Is a conspIcuous note In pr'; Then cut away the, extra lace on the ent fashions. ' wrong side, ieavlng ~nly a very nar· Many of tbe best coata have detach· row seam. able fur Ilnlngs. It carefully dOlle, the seam Is al· Dloertolre bat scarfs come In colors most Invlslbl . t!> match any hat. Pre-tt-y-B-Io-u-.-e-.-E-y....,o-Ived. . Trimming for Muff•• A pretty fasblon Is tbat of adding Very fetcbfng separate blouses are a frill of soft or very closely plaited evolved froQl the remnants. of wfde chllfon to the .ower edge of fur mulfs. lace flouncln~s of prominent pattern: Brown Is used with all brown furs, These are used for tbe baok and black wltb black nnd wWte wllh such tronts, ~ the bO.I'der, edging being arfurs as et.Ullne aud wblte {ox. ' ranged hi V shape over a net founda· When Curl! are scant this ' addition tlon and the deeply pointed lace capa Is R decided Improvement. draped over tlght-fltUng . sleeves ' of The Immellse I'ound mulls tbat are tucked net with Ince \lands piaced en. forcing their way to the (ore have tbe tre deux. The high lace collar haa a cosIest looking artangement at quilled wid frill of net and fastens under 8 and primly looped ribbon at the ends black velvet rosette similar to thOR wbere the ·hands are received. ,'. used on ,street neck rucbes.


Doctor (to man who bal fallen)You need a strong punch of some kind Mr. Flynn "(an old enemy)-Let m. elve It to him, doc! Rather Remarkable CertaInty. The ,la'W}"er for the' plaintiff had flllbh8d blB 'argument, and counsel tOJ the 4efenae 's~pped' forward to apeak wben the new Judge Interrup~ him Hla eyel .were I1Jtde open and flUed w!tlt '1;Jonder and admiration for lb. plea of the pllintltr. dDefendant need DOt apeak." It. aal4 "PI,.sntUr wlna." . 'IBIl~ .,our honor:' aald the attol'1le) fQr the defendant,· "at .e..t let me p,. .ent my case." ''Well, BO ahead. then." 1&14 tIM




Tlie lawyer went ahead. When h. bad ftnl8hed ,tbe judge gaped In .". C~ ..tontshlnent. ''bon:t l,t' beat all!" he .ltclalqle4 "Now defend~t WID8;"-Green B~. HI. Pecflllr...

TIl. ea1f, :wl1lch Gideon KJac ba takeD tb. ~Dier realdent to He.

euryeJec1 hla owner and the "atranpr with a wary e,e.., ."El'-;-what brea4 II

Jdllr eaUr' _ ". the rial tor. Mr. KiDS remond a wllp of .tr&1f

from hla mouth and said: "Tbat crltter'a father sored.a JuaUoe 0' the peac~, knocked a Ughtnlng·rod. .ent end aTer end, and lltted & tramp over a .picket rence;and a. Cor hr. mother. she chased the whole Ran· bUJ'T brUs band out 0' toWn' last JI'ourth 0' July. " If Ulat ain't breed enough to pa, .. tor, you can leave hLm be. I'm not pressing him on an,.. body.tO-Youth'. Comp~nlon. .-.. 8ple.,dld. "That'. a flne 10okl11l maid you hal'. DOW, dear.v ' t ' "Yea, she's a dnrllng, and ehe cama to me blghly recommended." "Knows all about the Latelt Ityle. of maldlng, [ aUIlPose?" "Oh, 80 far as knowing tbe dulle. of a maid goes, I don't sup,ole ah. kaowa a thing." "But abe came highly recommended. you said?" "·Yea••be. broke the jaw of the lut man wbo tried to kla. her!'-HoustoD POIt. ROSV AND PLUMP Good Health frOm Right Food. ''It"a uot a - Dew food to me...· remarked & Va. man, in speaking of



• "About twelve montha agO my wife !"al m Ve17 hn4 health, Co~d not keer> u)'tbhJg on ber stomach. Tbe Doctor recom.mendec! inlJlt balf water but It :"ae not eumlliently nourIshing. "A. .frleDd ot mine told me one dl7 , to t17 Grap~Nuts ~d crciam. ~be reo .u1t waa rcall, iurVeloua.. My wlte 8Oq1l regained her usual ' Itrength an4 to-4ay.l8 aa rosy and plump B8 wbea a Irtr~ of , .I'J:t~n. . . • "TIl", ar~ plalD ' fac" and 110lh;ln. I . ~~ : .,. In ptalse ot Grape-Nuta WOUld .,.nerate In the Jeast ~d" or UUs' ~t tood... . ' '. Name,atnn by p'aatulIl Co., ,J;latt)ll Oreelt, MI~lt. Read "The R9ad to W.rillO." III P-'~, '~Tbere~a a ReUOll." .",' . . . .


. . .~~,

A __

....... · ~ ' u.. tit ..... · ft.., P""'It~ ... \UUI' h1l "'Iiaio ,!m.. . .






"ily LU""I • Combination of Cake 'and Bread.

Womeh ThInk They AN Doomed to aackacha. . .--It. III not · right for WOlDen tQ be aIailing wJth backa.che, 'Urlnar, MOLASSES IN WINTER. Jlls headache and other Sy~ptotn8 of kidney S L \\.' II ~ IT\ In a N"s I.ft disease. There Is a 'Way \\llllh t\" to end these troublel . 111 (\ al/nUu 'opu n lIlV quickly. Mrl. Jobn H. u liu~ d . l Ftll t'o n8I d(' ~ t~l s .. llI It not Wrght, 606 East First , m Iy St., Mitchell, S. D., 'l'h c Iloar stu IY III 1:I0111'esaya: "I suffered ten . wll ut ubuaoo ? years wLth kidney com· ,\Vhy not \I')' to wurm up plll.lM nnd a doctor told Die 1 would th e molo ses? , A nd Uum sell how f ils t never get more than temporary rellet. It will 1$0. \ A dr"gglng padn and Jameaolss In my !\funy llllnss \\' 0 111<1 h o .out back almost disabled me. DiZZY spells ot th . 'ru nnl ng. I t th 'I I' '3V 'r Wlir g l\'tln came and went and Ule kidney seoretlons were Irregular. ' Doan's mdney 11 "hoW . Pills rid ine ot these' troubles and I '1' 1111 m ssensc I' h (,'1 n nn feel better tban for years p&8t." I·ra nd . Sold by all dealers. 500 a box, Fe.. 'rhe n I ~ hl ..)r \\' thlllk 8u('h Il IJn r : Try wllI'mlng UI m lip- wi th 11 kind word. ter·Mllburn Co., Bulralo, N. y,

T~ke six ounooa. of flour tbat hall been sift d and warmed; put a quarter Qt this 1nto a basin an.d keep the oth r t,llt:e'e part~ warm In the. scr~eni mix. a cake ot compressed r~ast with four ' 800d tablespoonful\! . of warm or am and WOlk It Int.o t.h~ flour In the baaln ~Ill " light dougo, then lIut It In tl\e 8 . reen to rlee Ull It Is about double Its former size. Take the . other three parta of tbe flour and mix Into It In a basin a good pinch of salt, three-Quarters of an Ounce of castor sugar, two raw 70lks of ' egge, .two · and a halt ounces ' of WllTm cream . When these have been worked together for four or five minutes, and' it II quite light, add the other part prepared with ,the yealt and work a\l to· gether tor five 01' six minutes ; put It A hnmJllh ll)w l' Brull nl III dOO,t'. Into buttered tins and stand them on a bakJng Un In a warm soreen until tbe The. nowsll y who tUntlll (,N ( r pennlcH; paste rises to about twice Its original Th II dill r who "cOrc 1'1 n \I h o)tl size, brush it over with a little warm Hi s pock III 111" n nger \j- l! VOlh>ut. It lOuy b e ! hey o nly nro olel. mille, and balce In a Quick oven for 15 minutes. So. now h' t u s 011 plensc r ' Ill ' lO be r, The tin should be nbout two and a '\Til ' n tolks, 11110 lIl olu88eH, lI ro "s lOW," bnlf Inches deep nnd the mixture put 'l'r y worm i n g the lll up with l h o Oro Th at oPI'lngH trorn Hum n nlt y 's 1: 10 "" In to about halC the depth. When aoout to be servcd tbese Cooking A. B. C'a. cakes can be Cllt. toasted. and but· ' ." hat Are Anchovies? - Tbe an teredo or when talten trom the oven chov y Is a small fish found they may be split. warm butter p()ul'ed In European wat ra. ThOBe caus hl In In. and cut like mumns. tile Baltic allll. North seas ar the hug r coarse varlot)', bu t tit besl come from Gorgono a smnll Island olt Italy. At L ghorn the population (those not busy shlpp1n' hals) . nre ngaged In the anchovy fisheries. The curing of the fish takes place In brine, Always scald chIna. milk pltcbers and 011 Is seldom added. Til ess nco nnd add Boda to the water to malte Is a s picy addition to soups, gravies, them p rfectly sw et smelling. to .• nnd comes bottled. like catsupWhen starchlllg children's pinafores which, by the wny, It reseinbles In col· add a small pleoe of sugar to tbe 0\'. It 111 not expensive, as a small bot· boiled sta~ch , ThJs wUl make them tie wnt last a long time, Iron more easily a.nd leave a beautU'ul Sholt.ltI the water tor cooking eggs gl08S on them. be boiling ",hen they are put lu ? Oen· . GUt on china will not last long If tI}', but Ule eggs should firs t bnve been soda be used In the washing of It; heated that tbe" may not crack. there.tore use soapy water for wll8hlng \Vbat Are Escurgots!-Tlle FI'eDch teacups, etc., pntterned with gilt, and name tOl' snulls. These oro served In keep soda carefully away trom them. aome French res taurants and ur con· PnJnt on clothing. even when It has sldered a great dellciicy by . p1cur S. beqome hard and dry, may be removed Sbould hlldr n Have Variety I\t with a mIxture of equal parts of am- l\f als?- Not at tile sam ' men l; til€: mpnla and turpentine. Saturate the variety Is deslrnble, bllt stlOuld b so paInt sP~t as often as necessary and cured by changing th fe, d Ilt differ· wash out In soapsuds. When pat9hlng Willi paper dOl1't for- e nt m~ ls rather than s l'Vlng mun, get to preface operntions by putting dill rent kInds at ,once, the new piece of paper tn the sun. Potato Croquettes. sblne to fade Ull It matches that on Tb.e Germans add to thl:' rna he.t! P()o the wall. Don't cut the patch a neat tatoes a UtUe s ugnr, tbe yolk of an square, but tear It. The Irregularity e.,S!; IJ,nd chopped , nuts, pre r rably al· ot Its edges wUl .m ake It less eou. monds. This l\IIxture Is d lIelous and splcuous. deceptlv , antI should be fried In deep To prevent ~attlng from becomIng tae like ordinary 'crOQuoU s. . . yellow on ~he floor. wash off occallonaUy with a llll'ge coarse cloth THE FAILURES. wWcb has heen dIpped In a atrong solu~lon of salt water. This will not BOUT tho vel'1lo 1\'0 n.evor only j>revent It trOLl becom.1q yellow, wroto, • The sonG'1I wo U 'er hnve out will give the various colorl a sung. '. . (resh and new look, AnI.t of the d ~1I we n var· dIll, Cocoanut C~"am .. Tho prllilee bM'e been Buy ,large cocoanut, anc! In rung. . brealdng It open eave evel7 bit of ItS QlIlte rll'ht; without 'Ihe mJlk. Pour a pound and a balf of tal urell, true graulated sugar· Ibto a , pan with the 8UCCt?89 .w u n a \( e r mJllt of the nut and beat slowly tomnde. 'Ve Cl\nnot all bn'sk In lh. gether until the lugar II melted, and liun, Ulen let 1t almmer for about 11 e minFor some mUlt "It IQ utes. Grate the freali cocoanut and ehn(}e. add It slowly. BoU for ten mlnutea But at one rullurcj PIlI'· after the cocoanut II aU In, and IUr don ua, conatan~y to keep It from IUcklq to If we're dlssatlsfted: the bottom of the pot ~d burillng. "TIl tho\lght 01 cakes we ml&ht ' PoUr 'out onto buttered cblDa platel , bak~. n8(:elplll we n}lght ' lrl~. and cut Into aquares. Thla ab,l)uld then ~ aet tnto a cool' place and left for At overy party. lunch or ball 48 hours, as It takel about that tim. ' We IIny In eClitu.:y: "Wnl not that snlad IIphmdld? I to harden. Must aet tho recl" I1.'~ Potted ' Be.f. We COPy It. 'We bring It l~onte, Take ~().cent atew 'beet and one tenAnd aft r 1hat-torgot• . cent IIOUp bone, sllUmer un meat Js Then pl'1lJI!O the fnllurca 0.11 you pie.... Bllt f helle nil cook!, regret. tender. Take ' from the at~ck , aad run through meat chopper, al80 a small , Cu/~In"e Querle.. . plece of bread; seasoQ w~th sal~. pe~ What Is "Fondl'nt!"-A foundaUon per, Ilutmeg, thyme, add two or threll creaD) ' ,fqr cand~ee, made ot confeetableapoolla of the .tock; mil: all well Ulmer's logar. kneaded Into a paite together with tlle bands. I Press wen With '· . little water.. It 18 often preInto a glass dish, pour UtUe melted pared 'bl ' cooking gMmulated sugor. butter over ' the top and serve cold' but' that III a tedious !lnd dlmcul~ ta9~, garnish with parsley. A illce and as a shade too much . bolJ~g spoils It. quickly ' 8~~ved luncheon dlsb, alilo Tbe cold prooess Is,. t,berefore. the breakfast. The stock makes fill:e aoup beat. . , ....:an tor ' 30 cenls. . 1



Spanish RIce: Put one tablespoonful . each of · bu~ ler and olive 011 In a , frying pan'-:' when hot add ODe cupful dry rice, . stirring constantly until It. beccmes a golden brown: T'ben ' hdd water eDOugb to cOOK the rice. All on6 targe oDlon. cbopped flne. "and alt to Put two large dry peppers JD 'the , OyeD unUl ~ark brown or crhip. them In a 'cloth', and rub w,U to ppwder. Add' thls ·to tbe rice. 'When rIce is ~rol1lhli coo)red ' ad4 a large pl~e or ' butter~ Serve· bOl C'I . '



Mr, Knngg-Before YOll met me you snld you wouldn't marry the best man In the world. Mrs. Knagg-And you are the only one who thinks tbat 1 broke my word. Unique Visiting Card. Mme. Jobanna GadskJ baa brought to thIs country a fad that haa become Quite the rage In Garmany, wbere " waa Introduced by no less a personage than the crown princess herself. n .11 a new form of vlsltlpg card, · CODtat~lng not only an elaborately en. graved border, but a silhouette of the person It repr sents. The custom call. for a doslgn appropriate ·to the hold· er's station. Thus, In Mme. GardskJ'a case the prima donna'8 head Is framed In a border ot laurel. while a lyre forms tbe base of the design. The card 'Is not only unique bu~ exceed· Ingly pretty and etrecUve. Rather Hard. The mesaenger entered the palace with the dlspatcbea. "Brlmlltone and asphalt!" Qjnculat,e4 Castro, as he rend the yellow. IUp. "Hollond threatens to spank us!' "Well, what or It, your eJtcollencyr re8ponded tho sooretary. "Other n.. Uons have threatened to do the aa"".!· "Yes, but, . confound_ lt.,. thll Ja • lpanklng . tbat. will burt. The Dutcla ' wear wood!"n slJoea." .

Important to

Mo~h. . .

Examine 'carefully ever, bot~. of CA8TORIA a sote and aure remedy for Infanta and clilldren, and ae~ that It

Beare the


~i . : ; C "

Sipature Of~ In Ule For Over 80 Yea.... The KiDd You HaTe Alway. Boupt. The ,TactfUl Husbancf; '~oy

did you cure yoar wife 01 cbatterlng 80 much r' " ''I told ber that wheD her lIpa ·.,.ere closed tlley torm~d a p&.-tect CUpid'. bow."-Cleyeland Leader. ' .






In Many RelPeotl Superior tq It I 81. t~r, {he Irilh-Three Good Way. 0,1 Servl.,g the Succulent veget_ble,

'The sweel potato la not In, 80 b£gb '''Don't be alarmed, Miss Hasb, thl:! f."or 8S the Irlsb; yet· n(lt dis. eased like 'the I~~ microscope Is merely to e'lable me to Boe wbat I'm eating!" (Copyrl,ht, br .obba-Merrlll Co,) te.r , says VI,ctor ~mltb t I~ ~hQ New BREAKS A COLD PROMPTLY 'lib re'li A.I.' 8(1 (I\Rcluotion about j'(juod be Wllnt. H(I danced divinely. York Press, Orat. meditation. I Cab sIt fOr hour·s and I didn't lee I the leallt bit .thy or . ed, it makes the The following form Ula Is a never bours looklng' into nothing. jllst thlllk· tonglle-tlod. 1 cbatted away ga) Iy. ~ . finest pie you ever failing remedy for colds: Ing; thinking, and thinking. ThInk· A fau~·palj n,enrl)' -always lead:s to I tasted. Sliced and One ounc'e of Compound Syrup or Ing about tbe "mlgbt. have beens" of Intimacy. It seems to break up {he ~ candled, It Is.a.'dlsb Sarsa'partlla, one ounce Torls Com· the past and plctuflng the "cowe what Ice In one huge smIte, Instead .,1 of such 'excellenoe pound and one-bait pInt ot good mays" ot the future. '1'hat's why I'm througb a lot of tiny bits, . that cbUdren cry Whiskey, mIx and sbake tllOroughly When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain called funny, 1 /:luppose. I don't mean, Every moment I felt tbat I WIiS for It-ala . WheD a large yam eacb tlnte and use In doses ot a tableto say that I'm a wlt-ob. no! Per· growing madder and madder, tbe Is sUced I\. la KornahreDs. a slxteentb apoonful every tour bours. remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't haps I should have explained what I lights. the music. and-and the While or an Incb thin and tried In a caldron ThiS' It follow ed up will cure an any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would was beUer had I termed myself pa· Knight. It was all a dream! of superheated taL (ueef suet pre- acute cold In 24 hours, Tbe Ingrealso benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? I am laying my Inmost soul bl.ra ter,r ed) there Is noUllng better to dients can be gotten at any drug store. cullar, tor that'a wbat my relations call me-anyway, tbe dlsagreeablo ones. Never, never In my life bave I , fea III) muncb on. The sweet potato Is as far Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia I suppose 1 am peculiar, for 1 have wlldly hilarious 68 on the night of ahead of the Irlsb potato as caullftow· 8he Will • f\eal Orator. ~, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. no regard tor conventionalities. I am Aunt Helena's tancy dress ball. er Is abead of coll(\rd8, the favorite Senator BeverIdge durIng a recent not pesslmlstlc, real,y, for I love Ure. Bang, baug, bang~ 'rhe dance \ 1aS vegetable of Cbamp Clark, minorIty nalt to Portland talked about oratory. Bcd Banks, !lls8. -"Words are Inadequate to express wba~ It Is so lUDuslng. so entertainIng, It Is ended. I paused breathless but ra· leader of the house of ·representatlves. "The campaign," he said, "has given LydlaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound }Ia8 done for roe. I one big speciation. One never knows 'dlantly happy. It furolshed the brruns or the SOuth Uti oratory more remurkable for quan· suffered from (\ fem"le disease anti weakness wWclt tbe doc' what Is going to bappen next. Sor· "Wasn·t It, ob, wasn't It jus' too tor a century, ond enabled tbe black tlty than quullty. True oratory is that tors said was caused by a fibroid .tumor, and I commenced to row chases joy. and joy chuses sal'· glorious!" I cried, excltedl.y. man to live and wax strong and tat whIch brings results, Is that whlcb think there was no help for me. Lydia E. Pinkbam'lt Vegetable. row; now one, now tbe otber wins the "You look "s if you'd enjoyed I\.," when othel' food was out of his reach. converts an alldl ence ot supllorters. Compound made me a well woman after all otber means bact race. And when one comes to thInk Ilnd he survey d w.e carefully. "Bllt 'Let your mlpd dwell on "good ole pos· Such oratory Is rare. failed. ~Iy friends are all asking wbat has heJI)ed me 80 much~ of It, what 18 life composed of? Why. come-or we shB'n't find any nice sum. roasted brown , with plenty o' and I gladly recommend Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com"I have a fri end whose wIle, 0. 'Silt· It I" all made up ot "little bits at notb· cozy corner leCt." gravy n sweet taters all around de fragette: Is a great orator. Her pound/'-Mrs. Willie Edwards. Inga." .Tust Incld~nts, Uny Incldenls, "Oozy corners-I hate tbe word age 0' the plate'" sp~'eches from the 1)lntrorm are won· HatpPRtead, Maryland.-" Before ta1dng Lydia. E..Plnkbam'. '-adlng oue on tbe otber, IUld these cozy.comer; It's 80 8U b ur ban."1 anBrowned Potatoe'.-Wa~h and Deal dertul, and ber busband the other ... .'C Vegetable Compound I was weak and nervous, and could not form existence. ' nounced, reuelllollsly. neatly two pounds of medium sIzed po- day gave me an Illustra.tlon of the be on my feet half a day wItbout suffering. The doctors told U's nice,' but It Is full ot altam and "Shall we go outside. then '" be tatoes, WIlen draIned arrange them on efficiency ot bel' private speeches. me I never would be well without an operation, bnt Lydia E.. humbug all tbe same. NIue out or eald. gayly, humorIng my caprice. a baking pan, season willi salt and Pinkham's Vegetnble Compound 1mB done more for me than au "'An agent called 00 my WIle tbla the doctors, and I hope this vaJuabJe lnediclne may come Into e very ten persons you Dleet are pre· I wnll pleased with the. Idea. The add two oUllces or ,dissolved bulter or afternoon: he sRld, 'and tried to soli the bands of many more auffer1D&r women:'-Mrs. Joseph JL_ tending. Pretending to grieve when . house see.m·ed eo cramTled-tbe world meat drillpings. Balte 10 a moderately bel' a Dew wrinkle eradicator.' beated ov n until done. Shake tbe pan Dandy• .• ·A.nd bow did the man make out?· • relation they don't care a brass far· outsIde 60 big and protecting. occoslonall" so a8 to "'et tbe p' otatoes thJng about goes ott to KIngdom We wa.ndered UP and .down the nut .. '" .all1 L We will pay a handsome reward to any person who will Come.; pret ndln " to be rich when walk, and we continued to chatter and nIcely browned. To servEl, drain them "'He lett in balf an hour: was the .. from fat and dish liP on n hot vegeprove to us that ·these letters are not genwne and truthful answer. 'with a gross of bottles of they're not; pretending to be blue· laugh . . blooded when U's nothing hut bright He was un awfully nice man, and table dish, that either of these women were paid in any,way for' or wrinkle eradIcator or my wlre's own crimson whlcb rUll8 through th Ir I liked biOI. Tbere was n'o sentimental Stuffed Potato ... - Take large. manufacture, that he bad purobased their testimonials, or that the letters are published without "elns. It's per[ectly sickening, ' butnonll ns I\bout him. sbapely potatoes, bake. when done cut from ber.''' th~t the original letter from each did. their pennission, or If I '80 on tblnking any long I' I shall Bul the tlme dew (time always Is oft ·top of each and sorape Insides out Deafness Cannot Be Cured never be dressed, Alreally I oan henr s Iflsh, willi no CODslderation for oth. carefully. don't break the sldn. Mash . not come to us entirely unsolicited. b d Insides, adding butter, cream, one D, local applleatlona. u tbey Cannot reach tbe die the band commencing to tune up and er people's wishes) and t h e an beaten en'g, and one 'finely-choPlled tued portloo 01 th oar. There ~ only Oaft way to What more proof can anyone ask? turD dea.llless, snd mat II by constitutional ...,moole-. tbe ellte w1l1 be arrIving 10 a few mo· struck up the last dance. .. OUln_ II eo.UR<I by an In Oamed ""odllion 01 tho ments, for Aunt Helena Is giving a My Whit KnIght looked down on on!on If flavor Is desired. season well. mucollII Ilnlllg 01 Ihe E\l8taeblan Tub.. When tbll For 30 years Lydla E. Pln~am's Vegetable fancy.dress ball. (am 116r goddaugh· me wIth hIs twinkle. 1 dLdu't want to Take spoon and fiJI llotatoes, repince tube Is In!l4med you \lllve 11 rumbling lIOund or 1m· perfect bearlnr, and wben It III enllN:ly dote<!. Dw· Compound bus been tbe standar(l remedy for ter, and ell Insisted lba I sboul d go sny; I jU8t. wanted to scream. tops. and retllrn to oven long e'nough _ \I the rliSUlt.. and uDI_ tbe InRammUIoD eruI be female Uls, No sick woman docs justice to to ber for it. 1t.. wus over! ' to heat and have arranged potatoes, !&ken out and thla tube restored to I.. normal condlherself who will not try this famous medicine. uno. hear\ni ,,\II bo d .....ruyed loreveT; nine c.."Good·bY. UlUe peasant." and he caps UDPermost, in de p dIsh 01' naIl' oo, ot \en are l'l'uaOO loy 14rrh, "bleb \I nothlnl How (ew godpnrents are 80 thoughtMade exclusively from roots and herbs, and but an IDlIIlmed condition or me muoous ourla-. tw! Godparents join til I'ank of b\lIU' 1)11\1 d my hand softly, llke-well. 'like l'ln and serve hot. These Ilre excel· has thousands of cures to its credit., o!'~m (~~~yH~=) D:'~e.!~~o~beea:ur:r . n I' ally nine man can pat It. , lent. _ _ Mrs. Pinkham invites aU sick ~omeD to .. Ball'. Catarrh (Jure. Send lor ctrrulaR. rreo. "I flo hope you'll come and See us Potato RolI •.-Three sman, bOJled F. J. OHENEY 4: CO.. Tolec1o, 0____ to write her for advice. Sbe has 8014 by DruqlllA. 1k. 110m ~lllle8. " 1 l)leaded, grasping at the and mashed; one cup warm mJlk, two CUided. thonsands to healtb free of charge. Talte Ball'. Family I'm. IIII' -..tlpa\loa. Inat fltra,w. and my mind went gallop. e.ggs well beaten, one calie com, Address Mrs. P~am. Lynn. Maas. Ing on as I spoke. PI' sHed yeast, one -tablespoon lard, HI. Idea, WOUld be ))rop08e to me-what one tablespoon butter, one teaspoon . Mrs. Crlmsonbea.k-I see for uae' would the fa.mlly say-should I ba"e salt, one CUI> potato water. Melt on rural delivery routes a letter b0ilt AD shoes made in much a ,. half-hoop of diamonds for an en. butter Rnd lard III lullk, mix well to- haa an electric attachment whlcb the way. gagement ring? I felt that Indeed I gether) aud ' pour Into flour 1n mixIng, Clves tbe alarm'ln the bouse 80me dIs· Here'. the difference. could be bappy wIth him. It's not tbe take care not to \lss too muoh flour. IADce away when matI matter haa least good anybody lookinl horriD d Let Mse Rnd work down twice. Then Iteen deposited wItbin by the carrler. Stvliah White House Shoes· fit. and saying: "How coWd she!" tOl' It's out with small biscuit cutter, dip tops • Mr. Crlmsonbeak-Seema to me it Not the Ordinary b~ fit. Not exactly what every girl does when In melted . butter, · told and place 'In "oulc! be more valuable if It only gaTe the fit that ta~e. three weeks to she meets a favored man. only she pans one-hnlt Inch apart. It wanted an alarm when a bill waa deposited ID break in. But the fit that lsn·t honest enougb to own to It. foJ' six p. m. set: about ten a. m. the bOz. feeIi lIlug - fiijt time. And stay. He went on DattlnK my hand. I , Stewed Che.tnut•. Thl. Will Interellt Mcthers. ===!!U~ IDOl and graceful' aD times. wpnder wb~t 'tbe fasolnat.lon Is about A del1c~ous aceompanJment of roast Kother Gray's Swe t PoWders for ChlJdren UlIod b)' Mother Gray, a. nurse In It; ·there certainly Is on.. .turkey that deserves to be better Borne. New York. cure ConsU»'OBMBN ••.aO,",OO,e3.00aad8e.oo J'OBWOJlEN8S.aO,e&.OOaocl.~ "'Ot course, ' 111 come and see -you." known with us Iii a dish of th~ Span. Cbtl~rsD'S pa.Uon, Feverlahn6lls. roothlng Dl80rdertl. BUSTER BROWN .m~. SHOES :~: a~~l:-£81I~c::';.:w.n Kitty was eomlng' toward ua. Isb. not to be bad fro~ any ,c ountry Stomach Troubles' and DeBtro)' Wormll; teatJmonlals ot curea. All drulrglsl:a. , n.LcsTRATED mSTOBY or TIlE Wm'I'B noco: ..amJII " , My spirits rose. The White Knllht grocer. Boll, sbell and strip tbe sldns 30.000 I6c.Sample FREl!l. :Addreas Allen 8. 0101- t1J1C!D _Ip& of k to COTer poat.ce.,.e,.11\ mell to those sendln, • certlll~ D7'OIIm.1 Was adorable. ' aledo La RoY. N. Y. alpl)Cl b, a .hoed~lor. Iho"loa the purcballO of a pal ' Of "White Uou..,:· I!>OC! .... tr: . mPMlCe'" He paused. He dldn't Ilgh. just from the chestnuts. Bave ready In a oS"toarToluaaet of LIIo "wlllTa 1I01:IIUlftOar." Ot ,.ill &eDit tor26c. wltbo .. ~ <Ie, .. _tAl. . paused, then be added quickly; , ··.May saucepan a UtUe of tbe gravy from the HI. Explanation, drlppfng pan In wblch the turkey was THE BROWN SHOE CO. !A!:"-": St. Louis. Mo. "What does you · reck.o n dey me~ I brIng-my wIfe and boy wltb me? 1 cooked. Tbln 811gbtly wltb. bolling shollld like you ·to know Harry, be'. water; sijr In a tablespoonful or' but• .~y saylo': 'Last of all come Satan?'" "Hit means dat be waite 'twel all de ter w,bloh has been worked Into a suob a jolly ll,ttJe . C~~p." "anilla. BY.tbl,ls dluc!ITiDIl l ate~ 501&1'1" ~ A fluorlDf uled.rall. tbo u"DI. e III 1e1Q.0II_ TIle moon whirled round. Ria eyes past with th tlt f crowd Is In an' den whirl8 In au' u"ba ter and add!n, Mal/leine. Il ~eUclou. liJR.R . . e O , . made and a 'Yiop bellet t~.n. maple. MaplelJle Knight.· were upon me. they t"'nkl~ througb bro:ned ' flo e ;:!ImthI . qU~ Yt tb de wbole bualu8Ssl"-Excbange. . II l old by ,rocero. , Send ~o for his helmet. , , r: '.' , 8 u~. Jlu e , and rellipe book. Cr.lCtnt 'rlt Dever trust (wlnkhng ~yea" qatn. cbes~nuts Into a saucepan 'lln~ pOllr tbE! The Idealllt: I 11ulled Jl'yselt tOgether with all ef. gravy' over th.em. Set In l\ot, water The Brlde-l want a piece of meat fort. untJI YOU, are ready .. t~ .seryte. Then wltliout any bone, fat or gristle. , .et over th,e fire at\d brl~g it to IL gen· "That w11l be nice," I said ' with a tle boll. Tbe chestnuts should be , The But.cber-Madam, f tbJnk fOP'd radiant smile. "I stmply d~te on cbl)' soaked to .the be art In he gravy, 'but better have an egg.-Harper'a WfekJy. ~t~ , need DO other cookJng.--;MarloD Har· . . Dellclous cakes lUld' past~e8 are proJast n ·formal sood·by, a · COQvenUon· land. 'dt1ced by the use of Souders' Cream of Mayl a1 bandsbake. and be was gone. , ,T artal' BakIng Powder, and SOuders' Kitty followed me up to lilY bed· Ice 'Cream Candy. room. and l'emalnecJ gossiping o,er, In 11 Ilorcelrun lined. or agate IIIlUCe- Flavoring Extracts. All good grocerlea. ,tb fl1'e.. People alWl\YS ,have a IUlack pan boil logether<)n and one·ball The total gifts for lu~ " ycar to the of staymg when you lea8t want t.hem cups or, white sugar. three.guarters of I Fawned flVe 'llmes. In succession; a ~p ' ot cold water. tablespoon of Christian MIssIonary alliance amount at h~lIt sbe tool;, the' 1lhl.t and went. 'butter. tablespoon of lemo)} eitra6~, ·to cl6se to .$250,OOO, the largest In tbe or juIce of lemou, enougb make .tbat blstol'1 .of tbe orpnllatlon~ amount ~,nd just a ', plnch, of cream tar· , Garfield Tea, the Herb Loxntive, ngre6tar. ,BolI unW' It becomes hard wlien IIbly 'stimulates the liver, corrects constlpa· Genuine Must ,. Bear dropped ,Into cold water, and wlll tion anti relievcsll clogged HYatem. Write for Fac-Si",lIe Signature crackle o~ ,~e side ot tbe Clip. Add IBmpl~. Garfield l 'eJ!. Q>., Brooklyu, N. Y. the tlavorlng just ~hen the eaDd.)· Is CQm.lng ott tb ,fire, anll sUr ,well, Pour , What a splendid tbing It ,would be If ott Int.o buttered tins. WId wlten cool people who lose their t~nlper8 were lII!!!~.J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. .. enough to liandle pull notII pertectlf unable to find them again' white. ,PuU out .lilto ' 8trID~s abQ!1t , ~s Acr~8 o~~~3at . ONLY ONE "BROMO QUUfI1US" thick , 8S your thumb and cut' Intc:i 'I'Ilat la LA.xATIVB BUOKO OtJl.NINIlI, LOOk tot Ibe IIIlt1a~ure of Ill. W. GKOVrt. UIOd lb. Wor~ olecett with. latile· Bclssors. to Cure a Cold In ODe Day. • • A' Popular ' Sandwich. WILl. MAKE YOU RICH ,: .CleanIng upsela " hou.e almoat .. Cut sllcell o( bread ahQut.;.·a quarter blAdly . as, It does " ""tch. or an Inch ,thick; remove ' tbe crusts .. "nd. reaervl;l balt of ' the ' 811ces to t.e ADen', Ji'OOr.~tICI·j. Powder I'cwIWOUea •• "eatt ... foet. ,n...,. loitaotrellef. 'file Used pl~ln. ~ Toast rematnhig.l!aU very ~~ P9Wd,r, tor tIle,""".. III al\ ~11&a, d'lilcately and . butter -almost impercep' , , tlbly, 80 little Is used. Broll very thin· ly {lut 8H~e8 of 'bacoD. Place strips or "aeoll on plain bread, cover 'WIth a heart leaf o[ lettuce; ' ad(! mayonnaise citeplng .~~ ~nd daintily.: sliced cold ciliekeil and finish ·witb touted ' tlUee on ,~ ~p. ··/ S~l·ve :o~ . ,,~~es . o~ " iet'tuoo~ ga~nlshec! with, panlley .. or on dolly "







' l BlEIIE 1I •



~~ - ~.-



- _ _----'- '



l:::t: '






""""""""""""...""'....,"'''''''''''''''''''''"''''~~'''''''''"''''''''''....~'~' ....'''''''l $ t'~*''*o:H::H: ...... '**'*'r'*~'*:'*'*~ T b ~ Day Ii g b .t S tc It ~~'*'k'*''*'*''*'*''*"*'*''k'*''*''*''*''*''*'*'*'*'*''**; $ Work OUtIng tlo *', Felt Mep's ,?tc $ . *' . , ' * Gl *'*' . . . ,. Cl(\thing ' Boots . ove$ * * $ = $ * .*'*' '*' '*' b # ,~

',JJ." '



. 'J'fo'


<t.t it l!

'1', ::'0

0 U. k

,. ~l e.9 OR L~ · · .. ,· ... oj! "

'. ".,.. ' 2 00 ·Duck "oa · ......... · 1 as ~ ~g ;~~~o~ oats ... ·~ ~~ 2 60 rduroy Pant~ ... 1 9 2 00 . ~ rd uroy Pal t .... 1 69 ,t. . 1 '50 J elln Pants .... .... 1 19 .;


;,.,. $ '* ~ I '----~.-~ "$'+, . . M' en's $ .*~*. Shirts $ $ ~



. ..


All Qur Gem Work Shirts 45c 50c Genl Dres! Shirts ...... 39c *1 00 Giln1 Dress Shirts ... 79c ....fA 1 00 Shirts s li a- ht1 y soiled 6ge J1Io If you e.xpect to buy a Shirt ~ soon. you can't afford to ov-

All t2c Flanriel, now .; ...... 10<£ AlII FI anne . t.. nQw ...... .... Be ~,. -.".. . ~ll Flaun let~e now : ... :'! .. 8c •

k9L.:sale-was vry satitlfaetOry, but, -e.w-iflg'ttl the bad .weather many wei' kept away. We still have some lines that we wish· to close out, so will offer even greater bar&,ains ~this'week than bef r .

•. . .F

}~b~eG~~~, ~~~~~:.::i~c

All Apron Gingbams ... ..... 7 1 c All alicoes .. ............. .... ... 6c ' ~ alicoes and Ginghams aq- ,...,.. vanced the 25th. You had -J1Io better take advantage of

'*' ~:~s_~~~' _ ~ t ----------- . "~',. u


M'e n's Un'derwear

Men's Heavy fleece-lined Shirts or Drawers ..... ... 39c Ladies' Set Snug per suit .. 79c 15c Vesta or Pants ........ .. 19c Boys', Misses'. and Children's


'*'*t '.fc


~ ~~;;~;~,*$'****;;~;;;.*~'*'*t


Sealshipt Oysters '



Th' ,

' ,...,.. -J'fo'

S d'" " d b atur Q.y we will sell 25 poun 8 est Granulated ·Sugar for, $1.25~





~ ~all Band l{ubber ~oots ,...,.. (These at:, uargfltn ) ,


1c +


~ $~




~ 50 :~ 00




* $ ''**'


We pay the limit.



a 75

..,_ :3

We deliver goods to any pat·t of t OWl1. Teleph one your order.


doz ':n)

'J!c r:?~

W ",,. Mell 's Dl'ess Sho s ~2 . 8 ';r.Men's Dress hoes ~ 49 Ladies' RUl'sun H()se .... ... . ~ l<- "JIC' !l 50 Men's Dress . hoes 1 9 Children':-! 'arn:-;on , SUlIllllW ClI' 00 Ladies' OI'ess Shues 2 49 Pickininny, the IJ -'sl hll~e • ''!t-' 2.50 Ladies' ~I', ss :shoes, 1 98 ! m~d unl~ ..... .... ....... .. .. . I!-If' . Misses and hlldl'en 's Shue~ Ladl s ' or Misses' 15c Hll);e lie




,..... -JI'w-'

15 Hf'a vy Ti ck MiUs ~ pi'S 2/;c ~ 15c M dium Tick Mi ttH ..... lO· ~,: ' . . ~ ... We 'rick MH t.'I ... ... .... .. . 7 \ · 'J'fo


pe r Ib .. .... ....... ... .... .. .. 45e




'*' '*' ! ~-----.-- ______________ 'J!c * _'~~Jr-_ ''J*!c'

4c 5c


Bring us ~our Produce.


1 75 Heavy At-li eH .... .. 1 40

itiS ~:~~ttoe:~~;:/f::~:::~ I~:~~~lJ~~:~h!I;:t·ib ~g~ ters' buy seal shlptand you. Royal FancvCal~Aprlcotsperlb 15l~ Baktng Powder won't want any other brand.

? "1''', ,H avy Canvu,<; (~In~tl~ -:lfil' ., OJ " ~ , HI t· p r luz II). 4 ~~·.~', ~.~JI.~ .. , ..'~~'.'. :.l~~ (.;. 1.(.'25~


t3 00 Felts aJld ven; ... *~ pI) 5 : h~~s' aFdl ls: .. ~:~:::. ~ i~



Fresh Rolied ats per lb. '\ l')lncy Jap Rice ... ........ · .. ·



~""'~""'~""~"""""""~""'~~/'~"''''''''~'''''''''''''''''''''''"~''''''''''''''~ . I I PUBLIC SALES

All in- the MlnG. Like a Fairy Story. On the opening day of on winter They were going to the theater, He session t he lat Prot. 'I'alt of F:dlnburgb , The barn and tobaooo sbed on tbe had reached home at 0: 30 o·clock. and j unlverslty entered th Ililturni ph1l08' Wallaoe Be.-ryhlll plaoe, north of an hour later was ready to s tart. There ollhy classroom In th midst of Ibt' upliellbrook were entirely oonsnmed waa just time to reach the plnyhoU6e roarous ap(llaus common to lbo!t6 oe· by eight. She had had nothin g to do I /lSlO Il S . by fire Tuesdav. all atternoon e.xc pt to. dress, y ,, ' Il Pres ntly h looked up at tbe tu· waa 8:16 When, she ca m trom her tnt,ll tuous b,en hes abov , him wllh the slolle or one who had Imown th" waYIi room wltb her hal and coat on. "I'm al"ald we shall b late," sbe or students ror a ~etl1Jle, lald. At lus t, when a mOlD nta ry lull "You look so lo\'ely:' he replled, came. he re marked , his g ra y ey's kl'8In~ her. "that It would have been twlukllng: worth waltln, another hour tor 'you." "G utI m 11, I mUSl I' mind yo u tha t No, they were not bride aod bride- tb r Is I' a lly no such thlllg a ll noi se. «room. They had beeu married ten It Is me\' Iy 1\ ma tter of 8ubj 'U" 1m· yeare. But what Is the use tel1lng .pr sslou. "- Youth ' Companion. you any more? As you can see by thll aaJl)ple, you would n't b lIeve it. Flower. for the Prima Donna. AD1way. It Is suld tha t the op "8 !!l ll rs do nol re e lv as m all Y flo 'er all formerly. There I. Full Proof of Thi. One. The treasurer or a cf'l'l:Iln company "'We have lots of curious 'lallt re- aa.ld to me the oth I' day: "T 11 years que8ta' trom paUents who are about to ago It was nothing tor 8 J}1' 10l1l donna bave operations performed," said a to recelve.ln a slogle night $2.000 or nurse In t he women's surgical ward or $3 ,000 worth or flo wer!!. tr one of the one of the New York boapltaTs, "but t b st gets $600 worth atter a' gr al pel" thourht about the last word had be n tormance nowuu!4Yl! sbe I mighty laid on this subject one . day last lucky. It us d to keep most of our week when one of my patients, before . ush fS I?llsy handllig noral pi s over going to lhe operating room, called the footlights, or s pl11lng tb m on the me to her -and a8ked me to write t wo heads ot the musicians, 'One ush r ·a n 'postal cards bel' . hl1l1band,. 'so that care or th e job now."-N. Y. Ihe ml,bt lien th~m before the 0,," ~re8s. J:atiOD. -..Qne :u-te--r-ead' . ' ea ·· .bullbaDd: The operation wu at ten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thl. morning and t am getting, along' 'floe!' The otber- one ",a8: "My dellr hUlband : ~The operation was at' ten Weekly thll mornlnl and 1 am sorry to 88Y I died. From your lovin« wlte: "

Olassifled Ads





We wish to call YOUI' att 'nlio,n to our line of offe s, which is without doubt the finest as!'ortment of offees ever halldied in town.




HOUle Coffee' - - 40c Th 111168t ( 'u lrell t hn., m Olley cnll J)IIr· .e h llHO

Baker-i18d Steel-Cut Coffee Vigoro-A 8~roUg, hluck . Ulik r-i:r.oo

0 '-

' 00. tull uf upUf~ . Hpi y frll/fMIIWe " uel goll I'OUS lin vur . medlulII streng. h .Bilk r·lzoU 'o/foo, (In\lclllllHly • Ulullth nlld frllgmll' ,

SicstaA dollcat

reo, mUll .



(t a lll ~Y

Bl\kor· l~ed


(;o fmello wed


C:,·( 1('1

til'e lR, ~ 11l· 1 .v /IIII Ullllllpl'luU:4 l'I!:t Il'. W . A ~llrf"" \ lI .y ut<t- vdl ; Oh lll.


~N IIr

HU t! l",trL'·I(L·.f W .VIHlJ . J\ 1,1", H. " I:lIIY. 'OI'WIIt,


Uhio .

BLUUIJ Fu LL hthltlll

lthllrl Mitt tl-l Ancl E1 rl.! l)O, H.. L) :1, WllJ nl1 vl llt·, U. H.l'1>,1lllh r et~ l)tJo k I' )H Mrtl.

U. 'kt!l'~I" llufto . witi'\", H . 8 . \Vt lktlrtllUi. OreguOIII. VIlllt·y PllilIltI 2- :$

O ttt'INH TON ull,l bll1c~


QU A !i.E t xttln '''II I." 1.1 .. / . gUild Hli


ll\qlllr~ 11(; ., 111'"


LO T l SUMFW1H;RE ..,1l ~I"iu \Ir ''I'lIl1ll Mtreat". t'l:( luv". l!'lud r J-OI /I U I'~ftllrn t.., UK ~!i t, r.6 • /tio •

l'he "Fir"d Out", Package-


1ft n puc.kugll with a ho o r each or ~he ubov . 'ol100H In , /10 you eM " flll(l out" whiCh Co if 1I1I1I,s

your tlllIlC.

.. ~' In<l Ou t . "

Market 'Letter.

h ,'8




Refined Ground Coffee -



Safvr,d a)'a Specials.


WIll offer a h s t of BargaIns Saturday. 5 Ib • Sflda Cracker!; 25c 5 Ib5'. Milk Jiisc ul~S 25c 5 Ibs. nuttenlut CQokie 25c 4 lbe. HoarhoulICt'Oahcly 26c 4 III • PeppermilH Ca nily 25c 5 Ibs. Nice c lean Rice 25C "3 lbs. Fancy Pellches 25c 3 Ib • Fancy Prunes ' 25c 3 Doz. Large pickres "250 18 lbs. Whlte Corn Meal 25c






outo bu GOOD 190M (.1I)"!J r.v anlt 1JOJ.l rtllldily . Villi ilL t hill uffi A. uy()n~ bo.vlDK ollh lum!! 1.0 rflm t'Dlber 1 will 1J1l. ·t.h e high . MUoit


Our 20c: Cofl'ee.

f Nah Cracker.

CftV :=\'l'A L \


by- all .

Will White's



Barrington Hall!-


The Puzzle Craze. "One or the curious ~h1ngs about thla reTtyal of the puz;ele c.raze." remarked the man wbo noUces little thlnp, "II the tac,t that 1 never haye met .a lJlan or 'Woman wbo plaY8 with .the cut·up pictures nowadays who knew' them ~ , a cblld . . Wbenever ) have commented on the ' superior beauty and'dlmculty ot tbe present· day puzzles over tbe one8 1 knew as a little boy the' Invariable response has been : 'It I. curious. but I never saw any wben I was a ohlld: J dOD't just know how my youthful 80clal stundlng could have -compared with theIrs, but I do know the old·tlme plct\lre puzzles were 101d In the best 8hops Ill- my olty at that time.


3 Kinds-3 Flavors

Allli will h e IIIHenl'll '1II 11e r t his h. ;,,1 rur IWCIlLY ' llv C l' lIt~ rll .. ~hrc .. 11I., ,'r UulI s . "hull us llllI II v l il IOn! I h.1II 11 \' ,' Il Il ~H . .

ha ve Ii . offtltl tlmt


be dupllclll"oo I1ny plaoo. OUllrtlll •.(II>(\ to I)Ic8IIO or' monllY rerumlod .



..tit llJurktlt. Phon~ Gly',

In'leu. :'Ihtrlutl Lytlu. Uillu.


Berlin, 18c: Breakfast, 17e Atme Santo8, 15t Pa·ckawe. Coffees Old Reliable and D. & M ... ... 20c Arbuokle and Lion .. ...... ; ..... 15c '

If y6u don ;t like -Coffee. tr;; of Po~um. 15c« 25c:: pkg.



Gi v.e us trial when you want· We are' pleasing Coffee. others. why not you?


l~'. "in


Blarney. Of the culprIts haled ,berol'e a pollee mal lBU'ute In Ne,w York oue . Monday . morning there · was on.6-"P · lr1shmuu - who had caUsed no ena or-trouble t(i ttl . pollc th e Slilurday night prac d. Ing. 'fh Illall","rate regar ded tbe pr~son" er With mingled .curlQsl ty and IndignatiOn. "So you're ·the Dllln t hat iav~ ' ~he office l's 80 mucb trouble'?." 'b~~ bonor asked. "I understand that It t~Ok Heven poltctlmen to~1ock you up," "Yls, your honor:' responded tb,. Ce l~ , With a broad grin; "bul It would take on ly ~a n. to let me out."-Har"" ..,~ \ Uo,,"Jv-

the Packing.

Soak a j ui~y sirloin in tce water t • week.-theu CO'Ok and &erve it. Would it taste 11. it should? . Ndther do oystera treated that way . .

"Sealshipl" .Oysters

Teakettles. Cofhe Ilnd pots~ Wash~oilers,

the Rome Th.e chea~st





lute rirhl-have a11 the peculiar delicacy of oysters you get at tho Ih~re because no ice or water touches them no preservative ia used or needed. The iee ia packed around the ~Ied ;·.gaIY8I\ized steel cana. "~t;al.h,pt". Oysters are c:leBufreih, thoroughlY'palata ble. always.

Modeby ~fauufacturing Co. New 'weys of preparing oy.lers are aud .best goods on -.inn 111 "lItat.hfpl Senw-au l11t!!mtrUI ~It abOl1t o)'.lue., Ask auy 'of Ihe fOlrowlnlt deatl!J'a for B ~py and try a

Whea.t rt(rina. . .Sc 'a , lb. , ·Ib•• ZSc.


. pmt ~f. "8nt.hll>l" ()ysle .. tOday. . . water. AlIlOtld mut •.













il, HIO!>.



Society Column



Lincoln Day

. .' . ' . Asoin till:! funern,l cbi.m es ring III t he presence of fifty gue ls, Mr~ Bfll.t.ifl Clt'II)twtR IS vl~ltlDU tn forth IllJd lin thQr whose being 'NIl , Miss Ju ia Mau de St. John. daug h ter r,; 'It ITo be DuJy Observed by' the Dllytlln. , bll t Ii few nlt y tl PIlSto, 1l 0W number of Mr . and MI'!;. J. F . St.John' be- -"~.p!f"'!JHlWiM'ln'f F LAST WEEK W~~ST.. Mrs .JI\~ Hit·... oIHs vlt'oitlin" lelft· one ttlIIong tbe mighty I.hrung f came t he brill of Mr. Harry. Lytle, nHlk,· 11 01 I·"hll lll\ nr Iht School and Citizens, klllu,,, LIoI. ",IIIL,'I'. 11£,,1 I F(!bruary ' 12th OF THE SEASON tl Vt'lI III 1),1 tall. t.ho~o whe t.U,V8 Jt~nl:l before. "In of Waynesville, at the home of her OU,7. Lto " 1~.hll"l1to 101111 III HI)I'I('l), .\. ·I,l.1 . W'lt"b rnr our serial IItorV t.o be the mldl'4t I)f life we death" paren tR, s~ven mil es ollth nat of th StUI t .. d !OlIon. tlnrt ere 10Tig feeble 8~.ruggJ e of city. at 6,30 0 'c1ock Wednesday v r h~ fl)lluwiug prograDl wiJl be obMr 1'.•J. Brown hi," been very eao\.i inclivi dUtlt'peo~ling this8phel'e ening. The Rev. Ft'aflk Le V 'I' , of rverlnt the Rehool Hall. Februllry . Made Trouble for Every- siok wi tb Ileuta inrllgest,\on. ) shull huve luin tJlelr burden d o w~ N ew J asper. pastu r of th bride, HQ 12tb. The program is II. good Olle, body, Espec.ially the d anrt the icy bund of Iltlath sha.1I SI_ emnized the marriage, whil anrl al\ should oome onto Tbe ·lr . llnu MrH . J . E. Jllnuey I\tteo • lenoe for ever the buuy form. sl.1I1JI OU . t d b fo"e UtI aI' ng ' 11 B ' d . unoed in ed tbe auto sllow io Utll~iIlOP.t i 118 t d ., ff t h e Y ng pall' s 00 n ..., VIC- Wuynee. vI e Mal' Carriers e. • Mr"'" . ..,I~r c1 IJ~ 1\(1 raOll "'us t un an ILS o.nno . . 8tlJ1 . 1 the tongntl, till our e or 8 er ment of green vines and plants in the tim of u I:l onlna Imrpri ",e In t FrilillY th e 0 lumns of the Gllzette, will . . will oens" like the bIllowy wl1ve that parlor. The r wel'e no atW!nuants, thut bein g 1J r hl rth rluy, wh o'o 1,lle Dltlk e its h.litilLl appenru noe: .. "Kid" Horniok II pen t, Sunday 10 hflllvel:4 theu vdnlshe3 for and the bridegroom and bride en- fol1 uwi u gwlI\lt e,l iu to tmt " Ited. WhIte an(l .. ::.. .. ... Band Xenia. Uis wife retorned home ever mure lie ;hom we mourn AS tered the parlor togethel·. The supper with h er: Air..-. Llllli..-o Wuol nt 'tj Greeting ... .I. E. ,JRnney with him dead today bot 1\ few short hf)urs bride's gown was of whitechitronett ley, Mr, IlUd MrH . .r. H. \ 1Itll.uun, In vooution .. .......... Rev . B. Hawkins Mrs. Ed. Mlloy tlnd dBughter 8go Wttll 'fullot lusty life, the intln i lace trimm ed , and she carried a clus- Mr. nnll Mr~ . D. I.. l jrnn o un(l so n "'l'flntin~ on tho OldUllmp.ground" Ed:vthll vIsited relBtlve~ in Xenia mate form todllY is but u memory ter of white carnations. Etht\ll. .L ...... ... .............. Male Quartet Ill8t ·wa(lk. of whtlt it WIlS Hts life work iR A wedding supper followed the Re itllti ') l) .. ....... ...... ... J ohn Burton Dr. !lud Mrll . J. T. Ellis were 10 o'er 'IUd wbat Il monument. t.o hiS ceremony, anrl the bridal table, Mrs. Annie 'l'hurpo tlote rlaiu uIl lit "Like AlJralHlm Linooln" Clrioinullt.lllist: week attending the mamory . Levi 8 . Lukens WIlSU mun aLout which were seated twelve onrds Wedn SUllY e ven in g the fol . ......... Mllrgl1ret l:httertllwaite Iluto disPl~Y; of moral integrit,y, ul'right and hon young people. was very pretty in its lowing g ue8ts: Dr. und MI· s. A . 1'. " WCtS Linooln Il Klng ~" ........... . ... ........ ................ ln~z Kellison MrtI. Cball. Clements and obildreu est i!lall de!lli~g. Honoroble with- decoration!1 of pink and white. Wright, MI' . 1I1ll\ Mr . F.mlllor Bltlly , ftptlnt lRst'l'horsday witb Mrs. Lind· oat" fault. truthful in ,all things, Carnations in pink and white were Mr. and Mrl!. I rn el ~lIt, t l·t 11 wlIit,e, Lin oln'f:I. Young Amerioa ......... lev Mencienhftl). . and his every de~l\ng with mllnklDd us d on the table, arid it was softly M .. unll Mr . Joe hl1))lllnn fw d Mr~ . .. .......... ..... .. .....Edwurd LevVlS \lesers. Chl1s. Clemen til and O. ' J . was unlmnAAollable r~' f B . j d lighted by uainty pink and white Lina. Dev itt. Elegllut r ufr., hlll ents "TraIllIJ, trump, tmmp. the Boys are Edward8 trllnsaoted boeiotlllll in Lab He walJ the 801i. O eOJum n an candles. The place cards were in were served . MUfohing ...................... ... ..... Band 1'h d . Mary MutterthwBlte Lukens WIlS pink and white . 'A Good EXllmple". ,.HelenRawkir;ls Itnlm un BY· . boro January 19th 1846 and Among guests from a distance at ne of the prel.tie t; sooial events "Abmham Llncoln" ... Edytha Maoy was for the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. of thesettsonwa the Go'cl o k (lin · .Linouln" ....................IrmaBoogh .feral tll1Vlllli8t wtlek but is around 64 yellrs and 6 dBYs. He was mar Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Lytl , of lIer given by Mrs. W. B. Dow at the " A Tribute to Linooln" .......... .. all right now . . . ned June Sf-b, 1870 to ruoy E. Bam, Waynesville. Krumer hot.ellu!lt evening. lit whIch ......... ... .... .. : ...... 8e1en Hawke lIrs. C11·e Billttll.nd littledaoght- 110j to them were bam three ohH Mr. and Mrs. Lytle left during the time t,be engllgement of her <1Angh . "MArohing'l'hrough Georgia" Band sr h~ve ref,urn~d to their home in dren,. Benjamin, Mary anci Alioe. Of ev(~ning on their hUn"lymoon triP. ter, Miss 1... uise to George Allen Tbe Boyhood of Linooln .......... . Winohester, Ind. tbis offspring there remains but one bu t their destination was kept a se- Funkey. of Uhiottgo, wa Announoed. .. .............. .... Prof. C. H. Carey Mrs. George Bogan. of near Har- living, Mary L. 1.\logett. The rellg- cret from their friend. They exThe dinin g room wn s beAut.ifully Pinno DoeL.Roth Zimmerman v6,YllborR, III the Roellt of Mr. and ion of the Lukens fllmily Willi of the pect to be at home March 15. on lind Ilrtistica lly deoorntJU in out ......... ,........ aod Ruth Hort-sook f.iioksite persotllilun and . one ef their farm near Waynesville. Mrs. ltow r and foliage, nod the m enu " 'l'be LAst L at" ......... Edna Janney Mrs. W E. Bogan. Mr . W .' E. Bogen is visiting his the predominating fell.tures Willi, tQ Lytle is one of l'eene county's most (or the dinntlr wus ~Iflb ') rate . A 'Cu.ptl\in, my Captaio .............. . IlI.w, Rev. W. B . do good. We OflDnot odd t·o o. extol charming girls. and her husband is a dnluty bit f tationllry on which ......... .............. Ruth Uinwiddle of BroadwliY, Oblo. the vlrtue8 of oDe ",bose every dtlY prominent young ' farmer of near I the "onOtUlC ~ nt bnd boen writte?, "Immortu.1ity" ......... ..LuoileCornell .Mrs. FraDols 'l'hoDl8On and danaht- life WtlS an example C)t goodness,_8S Waynesvi lle.-Xenia Gazette. ( \Va onoon.lec1 m the nnu thIS Extraots from Lincoln 's !;aoond Iner, of OioverpoJ:t, Ky ., are · villtt:1ng tbls epitaph was an Iloknowl.edged was later found n.n~ reud. by Mrs. augoral. .............. Lee Earnhart J . tt. TbomJOn and family. truth while he lived u.nd. ollngJed POMONA GRANGE A. D. Moffitt. T el ve ItldleS were Linoolll's Fa.vorite Hymn ...... :.. Mb.a &rah Car'w~iMht. who ba~ wUh men . We OIlDno~ lidd eology WArren Uonnty Pomona present, aud if the afl'air oa,n be ta· .......................... MlxooQaartet . t OOtt the man hlld not when in life . Tbe .' ken as au in~icu.tion of Miss Dow ' Linooln's Pllblio Ltf~ .............. . ill fot a long s no . er Would might emulate his m et iu Lebllnon luture, it wiH indeed be u happy ............ Rev. J. E. Cadwallader and ber oonditton 1a 88rlOOI. 1 B h' -b e' d t i 08 ·day. A olll-ss of seven were IDtt,mt· " Ba d . ., e. y IS so t to 08 r o . . . one. . ' Stllr Spangled BaDner ......... 0 . .' Born IIr. and Mra. AUll .. ,_ habits, had acoOblula'ed mean's aod ad llltO tibe myster.les?f the degree. Miss Dow bas made ber home with Gettysburg Address and Tbe Perfeot Dee Beula nnar of North Ton,,:: . the best evldenoe of h18 jU8t deRling Au excellent Qlnner her porent.s in thl oity for the pus t .1.rlbnte ............... S. L. Oartwrllbt cia, 1iI. Y. Ja 1 17th. a daog • 1a voioed in the tenant that Dever and In de, four- y.ears, slld haR fi bust of frieud I .... .. ......... Rev. W. T. Gilliland -Air•• · BeDj Ha~Jdn8 spent ~veral had aught ugain8t,..hie treatment. ~"kron. gllV~. an mtereet ng Isou88 here. She i a graduate of the I~oa 'Amerioa" ............................ .. day. in . <Jolambaa Jatt week, the To ..he deserving and indigent wall 100 on the InitiatIve a~ Refer~l~- high sohool ILnd one 01 the sOCIety., ....... Audlenoe Jed by thu Band "aeet of her alsser, Mr•. M. Bel. 11OOra1 in helping to pave the way dum". '1'hose from e Jelldurs of the OIty. Mr . Funkey 18 Benedlotion ...........ReV. B. Hawkin8 lera. . for higber atta.lnment Rttd to relieve who braved . ~hlt st~rm to Iltt ~d a proml eDt business man of Ohio/\.. . • _ ,; . were, WHrre Keys and Ohathe .go, and itl well knt)wn here , ~aving Spring Valley. Miohener. visited the oity a numbor uf time~ ST. MARY~ CHURCH during the Pllst few years.- Elwood Mr . T. M. Gartrell re'oroed.' l'oes· 'u 11 Leud 1' . dllY froUl (1, week'il yJslt with J. F. ~ti.lmp ·s Ilnu E. L. Truman'eln AItjelltullgosimll Munday, F(j bl'U llI'S STRICKf.N WITH PARA~\'SIS bUllY, Alu . DEATHS OF THE WfEK 7th: Litl1ny, sermon and Ei oly (;010_ Auron Sears and wife, of CenterMrs. Thoa.· Ua,tlll.", tlgerl ' 25, died /l,t mu nion at 10 :30 o. m. In the even. Mrs. Ollie Mi~lldin e NIl.S strioken ville l spent Wedttesday with Carl . wit.h pBrralysls Frida.y evening, nt 8herwooc1 apd wife. Lawrenoe Wolfe, who expeow to her bome on the Lebanon pike. Sbe go to Oinoinnati to learn the barber is in Il serious oondition but Willi trude • 801d. his hoosehold goods at resting eas ier ytlsterdn.y. publi~ sllle Il riday. Bolrn Tuesduy to AI. Gales and worship wi'th ut!. . . 1'lANO TUNING wife Ii little d,mghter. Revi vitI servIces oommenoed TaesMERS' CLUB J , j. 'fhompsou Jr. 4·1:J E. dav evening at the Erlend's Ohurch St Lebll noD Ohio. ntisfaction by Rev. '1'omln80n ossist-ed by Mr. 'l'he Lebanon Fl;lrmers' CI h held gu·~ranteen. 'Vull y Phone G4 ' B. Hoke II. singer. " Ed. Wa.1ton and 'wife Ilre the par~CUBA lIBRB ents of a. little girl. Tpe number of the looture oouree' YSlJterdl1Y Ilt.12 o'clock, Uuba Li. bra bEiOllme a. filet for a tl6cond 'time by ~ymon'd Piel<,le was weI} at~nd. through the oourtosy I1ml hlghsenliB ed. Miss ~.thel Bier. of Vau Wert, Ohio, is vildting bel' grandmother, Mrs. Enis, of thi8 place.




I swe1l81l~d

·Mr.~. L,U&rtwlight






edtbi8lifeJanulu~2Gtb, 1909,.1t. ~ed












WllsRs~ve~ th~ ILfte~noo~ ~r. ~~ aYDeB~l




Green · Briar.

, 'Tqe H'n e weather of lust we~k put . tJte notion of m8king '~olassee into t.he '. head of the owner8 of oampsl and 8ev~r8.i . qpeDed th~ir 'o amps ape,! bad II. good flow o( watlk M.r. Bur ton mlirDhu.r~ made about 100 gl\ll.oLS ofsyrop, . . ' .' . Lewiil-8.nd He~ders.o.n g(,t abo.o t 6~·i gI1U!>08.. and !,bo~t the ia~e: Camp oWDap' say th"


I, TfOu1at. Contncted b1 Tho. ..nda In the C1vll W....

\nd the Englnee, Who Knew Llt ~Ie Spanllh and T" le~ to BOil Them,

U 1I11 W. ot~, 666 W. Jl'afette 8t., BaJUlbore, Md. .,e; '1: _walt {rou·


bled ""Itll klilnoy complaint tTom · the' tJme or thoOlvll war. 'l'her'O was (''oosl"nt By H. TI~TqN STECK l'aln In tho hncl, nnd head ane' Lbo klc1· n y seoreUons 'wero I ain l'ul nnd showed n sOdhnent. Tile first r ttl dy to hell) lue ( opyrtgllt, b y Dal17' Bton' Pub. Co.) WII.S Donn's Kidney PUls. Throo box s "DI • 011 gelmo thos new socks toThe odor or rank cooking, tog ther mOdo 0. cClmlllete ouro and durin!; (he uneasiness. ,.oors pust I b::we had no return. ot t he da., Mubol?" gruuted Joucs, as he wiLli a trango fe ling scruped the lust Illt or IUlber from Ills caused him to gtanc;e up hastlly. lie troubla." Soi" by an denIers. 500 a box. FoB- 'cllft'lIng c un tf:lIun . hllstlty up{llled II. was In tront of a dingy ,restauraut~oollng lollon, und removed hIs slip· one of those allurIng ' whoso t~Mi1bum Co .. D,ulralo, N. y, pera. chief source or Income dopenOB -On tll@ "Oh. psba w! I fOl'got them, dear. 'sule Cir "slnkers and coffeo'." T HE GIRL ~IND THE LOBSTER. But what forced au Irrepressible try Really, J bad so Ulany thIngs to get, Pos81bly Harmlesl Remark. 'f11otlgh and so little time tllat 1-" ot joy trom hla lips wa. a eight 'or Decidedly Malapropos. "Forgot tll m! That's It! Alway. tho Lone customer perched on olle ..,f when I am coucerued, you forget. I'll the stools at the counter, contentedly Dornndo Pletrl, at one ot tbe m8.l11· toel \'ery comfortallio at tbe Bhow t o- muncll,lng away on a buge bun clutched ltalJan bapquet.8 gtyon In his honor LD night, won't I ?" and J ones scow lod at In hli leCt hand, while the right vlgorNe" York, talked about profeaaloual the darned socks on elthel' foot. ously stirred a cup of steaming "bootaUl leUcs. "I'm very sorry, dear," replied his lep," and who, but a abort ,time be· fo re, ' had tlo , banally relieved blm "~m.atcurl8m Is no doubt mOt'e r0- wlfo trom the next room. "Lot of good'that does. It's a funny tickets and bank roll. mantic tbn,n profesalOllallam," be sald. tblng yo u can always remember a new "but we live In an' unromantlo age." Controlling a desIre to haullhe thIef He sr,ntlocL bat. uew glovos, new aboes-8ome- from his meal and admInister a sound "Only the otliet' night. at olle of thing tor yourself-and then when I dl'llbblng, Jones raced to the corner, ,our gayest ytallau restaurants," be want some socks, I cali eIther get fOWld au otncer, and excitedly told lAid, "I overheard a dialogue thAt u· them myself or go wlthout. You want hJs story. tuatrated forolblJ tile laok of ro to go to the show to-night so bad"And yez say he's In Foley's place manco. what It 1 had torgotton to procure blowln' himself to ,a feed T" ques. "It was late.. A tho table next to tlokets, eb? What· If I forgot any of tioned the guard Inn ot the peace, look. mIno a rich YOUI\C Italian contrac\.Ot the hUlJdred thIngs you are eternally Ing suspicioullly at tho Immaoulate tis. was lupplng wltb a beauUM young olamorlng for? 1 would fret a nloe Jaw. ure before blm. clr!. As the young Clrl played wltb lng, and be sarcll8t1cally compliment"Yes, In tbat IItUe restaurant 'dowQ the stem or ber wtneglaaa 1 heard her ed on ha,1ng sawd uBt for brains. there. We can nab blm with the goods, murmur: Then, when I want a .Iwple pair of If we hu rry." , "'It II true, Isn't It., that r ou lOTe sooks-rubblsh! " Jonell wall eloqu"ut)n his apIlea,I, aa me and ,me onlJ r How Jones managed to dress that the thought of the fellow stuffing him. "'Yes; ea1d lho young man, 'thougb evenIng for the opera has heen 0. source sell at hIs (Jones') expense, was gall tbll tobater la certal.n, good:" of puzzle to him ever since. That and w.ormwood. The patrolman, convinced that measly lIltle slUrt-button persJsted In hiding under various pleceB or furn!· things were all right, aoted <lulC/kIy; NO TE,.,PTATION. ture, until hIs supply of choice profan- Foley's was luvaded, and the prisoner, tty was exhausted, 8.Ild his temper a 'protestlng bls Innocence at eyerr ,Lep raging volcano. He couldn't' find his was bu tIcd ot! to tbe station, ' Jones went over his stol'J' agnln to cuff·llnks; a ten·minute searcb brought to light one collar fairly tidy, and his tie the sergeant, dllaUng on the detalls 8tl1bbornly reCused to form Itself Into a unUl Uie outlook waa Indeed black for tho unfortunate, who bad given the name of MarsbaJl. A thorough SfBrch, however, Called to bring forth either tickets or moner, and JoneB waa furl-





Wag (refe.rrlng to ' MIlia Oldbl d)-

Urn, 1 should think It woUld be more s uitablo It she were 8~dlng' undin "elderberries" lristead of ' mistletoeb tries. "

Sat1.tactlon, Stern Officer (on German tro~tler)­ Paaap,ort, ait'! ' GatiUe Graduate of Yate-Jerusb;y J'~bn!Fergot all ,al)out-that Is, ( did not , ~now I bad to sbow , It here. 1well-bOld on! Herel (Produces' a bArIbbon ad and dooumont) ExcuBe~me, I did not know Y01,l wero the proper officor. OIDcer. (t"les to read .tho LaUn) - Ha -DUctum-fiA-IDa Jl:mporl um-HA I (Returns 8t\.Cred parebDl6nt.) Y:e,earel It .lB su1Dclent! Axcuse mil It Is of the blgb royn.l "household. . Special envoy Much apollgo. Houu" , 00 at once. Grndu"te (rel1eved)~reat ScottI That was 1\ otolle shave! That's the beet thing _ Yalo ,diploma eyer did (or mOl -From the' Dobem.!sn. How to Know the TreeL There Ie an' auctioneer noSe "gtft ot gab" and DaUve wit draW' maJl1 porobe,sers to his sales, bul som& Umea .he Is the subject 'rather, tban the cause ot amUllemeat.. Tbe man'e nlUrie Is 0: ,.. Kelle,. Not .Iong ago lie ha!l .to seU, amoUg other th~s, a tot <O,f tUDe loge; and tbe ClaJ before the salo he' we t ' , , n O~ _ ......m and m~rked the, oM at each 101 wltb his tnlU&la.



"Sergeant," ho stormed, "be's bad a confederate near by, 'and-" " YOI' another'" broke In MarshalL "I never lICled. yer wad. an' you know It. Just such fr'esh guys-" . "SlIenco!"- exclaimed the Bergeant. "Lock hlnl up, officer." Then to Jones : "Be on hand In the mornIng to .ap· peur." He promised and lett the station. "You ~et I'll 8pl,l8c"lr al!llinst blm," Jones was suylng la ter to his wife. a.e he snapped on the electrlcs. "Why Ilot,.. \~ "Oh. It's Buch a bother, and, ~ tlldes. are you posItive be took tbem'" "POSitive! Certainly I'm positive! Where else could they have gOlle ,to'" "Well, you might haye forgotten them. or elBe--" "Rubbish!" anorted Jones, and dlaappeared Into bls room. A rather lurid excla.matlon caus&d )ler to follow. He W8.S Btandlng In tbe middle or the . floor, gazing Idiotically at the dresser. . - On It-Just where he had lert them - lay the miBslng tiokets and roll of bills! Was It any wonder tbat Mrl, Jonell swept majestically from the l'QOtn, and banged the door after ber? . -

He Olutched Wildly for Hil Sank Roll. neat bow, unUl wlfeY-lIummol'led by a' clarion call-came to nls resoue. Altogether, it Willi ' e, very hot and wratby Jones, who, dabbing a bIt ot cologno . !1bout his person, s urveyed hllDself In the glass, and .deman,ded to THE DANCE IN MONTANA. know Ir Mrs. JOilett would take aU , ~venlng to get ready. "In a t d Don't forget De~crlptlon of , 8cefte of ,Joy ,M akel . ,m~m, ell, ear. ' tho tickelll. One Long. to Have aeon ,There,

. An ongluPllr who cam UII a whllll Igo 'rum ,!'It ) ico told 0. stOl'y Ilb{lut 11 nan In hili Un ' who luul a I'ntber Um· ,104 lelia' lod~e of Spanish b\ll fo.u I d bal by.; mtilnltig wltat b knew nnd ome EuglJsh h ould malte th peuns IDploy d QU tho raHway understan d. In bltl vocullu.IIlI·Y-W 1'0 tilese wO\;da: Para, stop; ~Btcdes homb!' s, YOlIll',lon; pletlrlls, stones, and via. road. Oue tillY lblll ugln Or was w '1\ Ing up lh track Bnd Saw a lot of Ileonsstandlng arollud dOing Doth.!ng. ijo be stopp d uDd Inld: "Ullted 8 hombres: why are you standIng Broulld Idle? Tako ~h0 8e piedras and th,'ow tbelll In the ,nldill.e or We vin." The ulways polite Mexlonus snllled lind sllld, "SI, senor," aDd tbe Ilglneer marched awu)'. 'rhen they debated whut he meant and decided . he wanted tho stonss throw n on the othel' slde of the track. They started to do that an!l back came the engineer. "Para, ulltOOoS homb res, para! Didn't ustedos hombretl henr what I said? Didn't I tell usledos hombres to tak tholle pIedras alld throw 'them In the mlddlo of the via? Why don't you do wbat ,I sWd?" And he milrcbed away, liB the peons sald suavely, "BI. senor." . 'I'bey had another consultaUon and decldod that what h e wanted was to have the piedras thrown clear across tho lrack In the other direction. So ~ ey ,began, agai n, tOSSing tbe stoneB back agaIn. The englneor cnme rush· Ing back, shouting: ' "Para, ~ara! Wba.t Is the malte: wlth ust,edes hombres! Do ustedes bombres take me (or a fool?" He pauBed and, bellel' lug tltat he hn~ coQle to the end of hIs speech thll peons bowed gravely and saId : "SI, Benor." ·The MissIon of Jimmy, There were two methods of com· municatlon In Covo City, both of wltlch were equally olfectlve. One was the te l ~phoue, whIch Crom a single, Iso· latOO case, had developed Into an epI· demIc, and the other, which enjoyed the dignity of precedence Ill)d estall· ilsh d cUlllom. was to tell Jimmy Fal· lows. . . , As a general reUreB to n htlltop to organlz his forces nud IIBue orders. to bJs subordinates, 110 Jimmy hu.og upon Ws front f~nce and conducted the dalrs ot the town. ' He knew wbat time each tarmer came ln, wbere the "Helping Hands" were going to sew, where the doctor was and wbere the servIces would be held next Sunday. He was coroner, ' wharC· maeter, undertaker and notarYI and the only thing In the heavens above or the e1l\·th below concel'nlng which he did not attempt to give tlltormation was ,the 'arrival' o~ the nexi' Ilt umhoat. Prom j\Uce Hogan R lcs's "Mr. Opp III Ceulury. Dickens' Stories In China, The ChineS are rapidly taking up western Ideas, and trnusIaUons of English lllId _ Fren~ novela ar\! now In Increasing demand. ,Our romanUc and sen~lmental treatment of lovo at. fairs, howevel', Is ,Ii thing BO foreign to oriental ethics that the hero of the ord~ary European novel apilears to the Chinese mind as' a. person of perverted moral sense ,and doubtful san· Ily. Tranalattons of Dlckena, therefore, Impress the Ohinese reader less than they 'amuse him, and detective ltortes and talea of adv~ntu~ com· mand a more sympathetic audience. To the celestial IX\lnd tbe love af· fairs of DavId Copperfield can only detract f rom the' human Interest of that hero; a CblneSe novelist w.ould have 'qolved his dIfficulties ~i ma1;d~ him woo and mal'J'}' Dora and Agnos stinul· taneouely. So of cOunle John Cblnaman does not underSlllnd ' the' patbos. Nevertheless, 'Dickens' worka com· mand a steady 'llale.-Wornan's LI!e.

"You needn't give yourself any con'!'bMe was sure IOmethlng 'dolng at cern on that score whateYar," , reach- the Bllv:er Tip scboolboUile 8atnrdar Ing for a cigar and glanclng at the ntgh At elgbt o'clock the bntldlng pasteboards and 1'011 of blUs lying on waa dark and glQOtD7 and the fJoor the dresser. " MY.. memory Is not In was cOvered witb everytbing from True and Faithful. the .Ieast affected, with distinct em· chalk to pieces of aqe brush and ooal, One does not look for the whole phasls on the possessive pronoun. 'but behOld tbe transformation which truth upon a tombstone, but tbere are Mrs. Jones quIckly noticed the insln. bad ta.k en place In lese tban an bour. exceptlona to· the rule, 88 Is Show'll uatlon but wisely held ber peace. '!'brae . men wltb broomll ewept the by the example furnished In a cburch· HER MOTHER·IN·LAW She knew him well-better than be noor: then for good me88ure 'the wom. yard In , H~rstown, Md. ' knew ltl'llsolf.-and on several occa- en swept it agaln: Somebod, brtm.·h t'l '!'bls touching epitaph t:l,lna , 88 fQl· Proved • Wile; ' Good Friend, , slons htd D1enl.l!l lapses had prdduce!1 a ,stove; some one else arranged boards Iowa, e:icep~ that Il~tltlous Da.m~ have, ,A )'Oung woman out In In. found. complications embarrassing In the ex. for seats. Still another sprlnkllld wax for obvious reasons, rbeen stibst~tuted ' wise, good friend Iii hor mothtlf' trome, but Ws capaclty for aelf·ad- on the floor about an Inch deOl), aDd bere tor the r:Bal ones: jokes notwltbataocllng. · Stu)' write*,. ',":"I,"Ull'I~U~'U was llmltl6fl8. There~ore, tben the music started; al80 ' the fun. Mary F .. "It III two' ....:·ra -'':'-0 -e began oa' a basty dab ot powder, she qulet- Tw t five ......·ples -e..... th 'W ife of Walter' jeaklnli. J......, .. ly' "ronounoed readiness, ';-d en y""u ... on e OOr . tng Postum In our hOU88, [W88 great· 0' ..... at ten o'clock. They "ere sltn there Died Deeember 20. t884, aged 70 I, troubled:~th mi stolllacb, comple~. Jones anapped off the lights. dancing like mad unUi mldnlgbt-and years nine months. ' . . Sbe was a true and falthful wife to Ion was blotchy anol r&lIow. ' After . 1' he theater reached, hla MImed tem· then some. meals I o~len sutrered sbarp pains and per was agaIn aggravated by . a seedy A boiler or colfee wu made, No each ot the following person.: would haYe to lie down. My mother' tellow who was trying ' to foree bls one knows wbo made rt; but we wUl Jacob Wineman. me It waa tho cot!..... I d"an~ way through the jam, and who seemed I t tb t . Of'" tb ht ,Henry Snow., O rten toad I ~" • .. to take particular patns to crowd ., " 001' e a pass. ouurle, one oug . at meals. 'But whOIl rd qltlt cotree I'd tul person drol'e a cow up to the door, Philip ,Harrow. bave a severe headache, J~ne8. Jones lost no bOle in telllng him so there was plent,. 'of milk. A peck Walter Jenkllll. ' "WhUa visiting my' mother.lo-Iaw 1 : s opinton of publIo nuisances In gen· measure con~fned sugar, and for ' -~8rpe!:s 'Yeekly. ' . remarked that she atwa.)d made s~oh .. ral, but th,? rude one advlse~ Wm to spoons you could take, YOUr o~oIce of good ooftee, o.n d asked bOl' to leU me hlro a hall, and promptly dlBappeared using your 'ftnSer or ebaklng the con. The 'Ruling P...lon • .:. bow. She lAugbed and told me tt was In the cl'ush, at which h e swore sortly/ tents of the tin cup around until tb. 'rile man who ~Bted p,roverb.s and easy t~ make goOd 'coffee' "bon JOu and felt fOf ~e '~I~ket~. . Illgredlents were wallln1xed. . ~ld them ~_ c~~p' magapn.ea was p They were gone! : , llae OSlum. . He clutcllOd wlidly fOt' bil ba.nk~ And then 'those bam sandWlohes. Ilnallr ~rrea~ for his mlsd~meanora. '!'bel a-~"~w.ered him and. put a "I began to uao ~um a8 800n as I rolL ' Tied up In CJl8ue paper with 00d libgot home, and now we ltaYe thfl same bons. .some were E8 bungry' after the ·mc.. new, .biny set of manacleil ob good '(,'Offee' (Postum) .overT da).' and Gone! ft'renuO'l1tl bounl'- of tbe earl~ "'8.enin~ W1t. Dill 'he assert ~s Jnno0f3nee1 I bavo no moro trouble. IndigOlltion is With horrible thoughts of plckpook· that" they ate the sandwlcbea without .~e glan~oo.l at his bandcuffs, and sa!d ets chaslug rampant through his dis' ' with a 1le1\dlsb grin: '''Fine fe~enl a th1 og 0 t ~h e pas~ and my oomJlex- 9t'dored brain, be hurried Mrs. Jones removing either the ribbon or paper. Ion hns cleared liP'" b,e au,UfaU', . , B t ' th d n t th ere .mU:e line jailbird.," Into a near·by drug store,. gasped out. u e a ce wen on. UT ~aa "M:" grnndmotbi>r haU b 'e~ "... ·e"• Old,t ashi'"une d me .. su«ered a. great hi" troubleB, cauUoned ber to-walt,tor ev,eE\ 8nco doal with bet' itomaQti , Her cioctor hlm-he would 800n Ond the 'wrewh- QuadrUles were mlx.1ttf In. wllh walt~~n tolll h6l' . to lea~e, colfee . abe theu' and, regain" the street, his head In a an d t wo-JJeps, t an. d "\or' good ' ' W"'IUIII." took, tea;but th';' ~.. 'jUllt as' bad. ,', wblrl: " jigs were t1irownln .. . The old scli'X)l. "811.& fhis,ll1' W,!Ut tDduceli to , Here was 'a DIce mOIls. . Folir dolo' house mar haye, 'se~D IJts best .darf .1I f08t.nm ,whJch .a1le"has used 'for over lars'worth of tlcketa and 15' oi ber cold' tar 88 "leamlng" la CODC~~ed. but, t~ ·'ear. 8be travel,e d durln« the wtnUlr plunks IItf,ed ,from hls pnrsoll with an, is a : pretty SOOd d~ce. baU In a plllClh, over lbe greater part of Iowa, vlsiUng. that wsltlv.elJ uncanny, He rlg~tn9w. . .,: " ., aomethlng.ahe bad not, been abla "to do could, see t all nuw; toe- seedJ-lo9k: 'Tune up" the Addle ~ pu~ mo~ roaln tor 7 e..... .~ taTa' Ibb o"08...her In ... 'ello,w. j .h. e IntenUCiG&.1 bro~,IIn.g" on tbe ' bo" an.d ,J et ,ber CO,' , Wow~ ~Il,t 1OO4t1IMl~'w Poatqm." .. ... • -,.,.. .y . Ham.. ctYen by. -Pollit~.~Co.,~ , and;, to crown It aU. tM monumental GarbQn COU1Ity Ne... . . Creek, MJeh'.. Rbd, ,~~ 'Road'to g~lI dlsplQye~ 1n 8dYI.',~$ htm.,.....J0}in ril'e.~ f. i .... ' "'raere~ & ' ~eaIob.,. · Walt~am Jon~ (lo' ~1Je~ & vn...... ,;, , Il\lt'h wear that bed em her araaT , ~ ' ..... ' .~e' ... ~~~~.~ thin,g ' ~ ""blre & ~aU:" ,. the ' Y8r7 Colton: Nat to aeQuld... , ;'~r--Wht 1hoal,,'lbe eonT _~... ~ ~ t._,~~!j on.e, ~()Ug~~" or 'wblch br.q. .~t' lila b~ ~entl~ 'tbe beat ~aqQI~~. ~ tbat . cd • LIttle ~!17-,Well, Ibt" .. ,.~ , ~ ,~ 0( IgaiQ. ~ th~ 1JolUia' 1M?~t. ' " .' ' RJcl, bookll, '< , , . ~_ bun... lIP&.

On the IdaT of the aactton &11 Irish'man clllDe ~ong and imMedIatelY 111»0 ttoecl tbe toga with the.lettera on them. "0. A. ({;:' he, 'reacl. lO~d enough ror aU round to ~ear. "Begorra, If 'tla not Just ilkI:' KOlle, to deceiYe 'us into belavlng thlm pine loP are oakl"8prlq8eld !lepubUItan.










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PfNSIONS Points lor

Soldle" IIl1d SlllIors lind Their tlolrs \WI'1rlllbt, l li<l.J, 1>1 • £. JooOl/ 'h eboy ' ull F'uIiB. Wi s. Query- I :un u s lell \' or til e Span Ish· merlcnu wal" 1 lI\II ree Irln ' $11\ per U1'imth for hl)rlli n. Th p I1slon of· flc rejected Ill)' cla im [or illcr ItSO q( I) nslon on tljo gl'OlHlel tbnl [ lim 1'6, , Ivlng the full nmO\\Jlt nllow 'I.1' for h min. T am uow (otnlly rllsn blod from work nn'd Ihp hp.l'nlll Is III slI ch condition I bnt It cannot be rotalnell MR. WM . A, PRE88ER. by a lrll s. Plens' Intorm we through R. WILr.. IAM A. 'PRESSllIR, 1m your . pellslon olUffin whal a eps I 'fbiI'd· Ave. , Moline, Ut, wrlt ••: should lake ~o luwe I he pen'sloD ofllco "I have b"en Bl1ffl.lrl ngfromcotarr~ r consIde r Ib r.a s(',- Phlllv L. 1\1 . '0. in the head for the past two month. Answe r-You sh01lld !lie 4tlOIlt er a\l' and tried innllnieq\ble so-called reme plication for Incren 'e of peuslon, et· dies wiUlon t a vuil. Noone know. h"" t1ng for th the fa lS In your ens lind 1 hnve BIIJIored not only from the dt. Jt.s 'I f, but/rolD mortification who del!crlb'ng tho prl!aent c mdllion or tlle ease ln compuuy of "'iunda 01' I~ngers. h mill, Th affidavit of your physl· "I bavo used two bottleaofyourmed· clan corroborating your ' IIl1egnt!onB tclne for .. IIhort time only, ,.nd " should be tiled ,vlth tbo llJlllllclltlon effected a complete medlul cure. 8n' what. I" botter yet, th~ d1acaae b .. Dol fot Increase of penslou. returned. "I can moat empbat!ca!b'recommen' Ity. Perunl~ to all suttcrera from tbia d" Query-W hy cannot a captai n of t.he ease." clvlt war get th p uslon allowed for Read this EMperiellCe, ag . undar the act of February 6, 1907, Mr. A. Thompson, Box M, R. It. 1 tf be Is receIving $20 per month pone Martcl, Oblo, writes: "When I begu • slon allowed him for disability con, yonr t.reatment my eyel were ln~amecl trncted In the service? The calltaln Dose M'U .topped up half of the tlm61 wa soro Ilud scabby. I could 00 In wbo e behalf [ '\\'Tlte served all and rest at night on Recount. o( ooutlnaa: through the civil wal' and he IB 79 bllwklngand .plttlng. . years of ago. He Is totally dlBlIbled , "I hud tried Sllvcrnl remedlea and ..... and cQnflned to bls bed most of the shont to give up, but. thought. 1 woul~ time on account of the Inlhmltles of trv)'cruna. f,Atter I bad taken aboutolle-thlrd 01 old age. If there Is allY way for him bot~le 1 noticed "dU'lereoce. I aD to get a higher rate of pension, please aDOW (;omplett!ly (;ured, lutferin, lell me know.-Notnry M. X. X . with clltarrh for elgbtclln years. Anlwef'-Twenty dollars per month " I think if tit e who are aMlcte. Is the mulmuOl rate of p nslon 1\1· with catarrh \V 1I1d try Poruna tbe! lowed under the. act of Febru81')' 6, wouJd Do\,er reg!' t. u~" Portlno. la mauufl4ctured bytlu 1907, tor the ' ag of 75 yoars or over Peruua Drug Mfg. Co. , Columbus, Ohio and th law prohibits tho puyment of A k your Drugrrlst lor a FI'H PerulJl two II nslons to the saUl Ilorsoll Cor AlmllnllC lor J909. lhe silmo p riod of Ume. 'l'llererorc, the only way for the captalJl to ob· FrIendly Advice. Lnln l\ higher rate of pen sion throlJgh "If I ever marry," sald the baehelor the pension bur au Is to how th t ho Is totally disabled by rel\soa ot Ihe dis· Wh0 WIlS b ginnIng to be old, "I lhall ahillty fOI' whlcb he Is p nsloned or be careful to plok out IL lady wbom J by tho r s uIts of lh sam. l( thl'S can can treat as my equal." "Ob, say, old cbap," anlwer d the be don , he should 61 Dn application (or incl'ease of pension under the g n· married maa: "I wouldn't do that II I were )·ou. 1 can l 11 you trom ex· eral law. aocQtnnanted by lh affidnvl ot a phY!liclan oorroborating bls slale, llorl 0. e tbat a woman Whet would m nts. ' submit to such trcatment wouldn't bl worth bavlng l:\Tound the bouse." \ , Edgar 8prlll1;8, Ill. The extr ordInary popularltr of aal Query-To whom will U e penSion f an Insane soldIer be paid? Th enid white goods t.hJa summer makel thl sOlO IeI' is conti ned In B private hos· choice of Starch a matter of great 1m. pl,tRl for the Insane and Is 011 the pen· portanc.:e, Defiance Starch, betng frea sIan rolla al $jiO pel' moiitb ~ fie bas from all Injurlou!J <1hemleatlJ, II the -oocome Insane sin bltl 'Iast Ilenslon only one WhIch II !t\fe to ule on ftlll Da day. His wif and 'hJldr n noed fabrlCII. Ita great strength lUI a .tUfe.. lhe money. PI as advise me In the er makes balf the usual quanUt7 Starch necessary, w(th the reeult 01 matter.-HiraUl L. W. Answer-In CIlse or an InsElu pen- oerrect finlah, "qual to that "When (Ia. sl n r having no guardian. but 0. wlte loods were new. and children dependent upon him, the Lay Hold of the Common GoOd. wlf being a womall of gOQd moral . It men hate tile presumption of (hQJ' cbnl' llcte r, the commlselon I' of pon· "jho olnlm a reputation to which the) slolls Is authorized In his dlscrellon to have' no rig,bt, tbey equally conclem. cause lhe penston to be paid to tho the falnt-hl:lartedoesl of (bole who ,rau wile upon .her pl'opol'lr exe'c uted below the glory wblcb I. theIr ' OWIL voucber. AppJlca!lon for such pension Lose, then, the aenBe of your prl..u should be made to tho comnllssloner sorrowa and lay hold of Ill. ~ of pensions. 100001-Demoathenee. . Hag rstown, Md. Important to Mothere. Query-My claim for widow's penExamine carefully everJ boWe sion un~er the act of June 27, 1890, CASTO RIA a sate and sure remed7 fOa was rejected on tbe' ground that ( wall Infante d chUdren, lee tbat II not the soldler'8 widow. I applJ d for Beafa tho ~'fh---­ a divorce from hllii aud the divorce Slinaturo o r _' was granted but tbe par)er8 were ~bt signed by the court omolals. . ~ t ap- . In Use For Over 30 YOU'll., , ' Th~ KInd You Have ~w~ , p(lars, however, tbat some of illY euemleB made. atlldavlt to tho ' penBlon ofGood Judgl' of Huinan Natur.. . , nee that the divorce had been gt'anted "Jon61 lays be C&4 'u'Silal17 C._I nnd : therefore ' my claim, for pension ,ras .t:~Jected. Is ther~ any show {or men'a occupatlonl from Uielr liP.,... &nee." . me to obtain pension under the act or "Yea, Jones can. He eaD apot " d congress passed In April, 1900, lor the beneftt of soldiers' wJtlows?-Mra, lector ~ far as be call . . . Ill&". Detroit Free Pre. . SUllan H. D. Anlwer-]n order to determine Importar)ce of , Knowlnll Poiltlwl,.. whether or not the decree of dIvorce EYel'7 ODO .bould know pcMriU~el.r w'W· was gr,a n(ed, It w11l be necB1lsary to eaulIe8 dan druB', IIray, or ' ta'lliq ~ • , . produce a certified transorlpt of 'the that you ClIlD remedy it. Sena ten . ~ , '10; for f.moue book "&ir l30ience and leu.. final recor4 ot the court In which the ~~ ,~f. Frederic ' Gou;on. ,AddJ:C!ll Dtt , .. stitt for divorce was ' flied. It it Is PlUner '" Ole., 723 Lesillaton A".,,,W,,, . ',.' ~shovJn that 'the dlvorce was not legal- York. , Iy granted. and tbat you Were the .."Ife , A Glye.way, -' or thl) soldier al the time ot his death, "I telllou .ml wife Is hard to you will be entitled, to widow's pen"'l ~nugbt you told me that Joa ,__ ' lIon under \he act of AprlJ 19, 1908, . that black el. IPUtUq , ,,OO4 rprovided he served 90 days , In the Hoa.toll Poet. _ '. ' civil . war ' ana received an ' 110norab'1e •'. d:lscharge therefrom and you were .PIL1l8 CtrBBD ·Uf. '*'0 '16 D:"p 'married to ~.Im prior to Jl\ne 21. 11&0. ,rfreb?J.~~B1:::I""~~"



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If every man wal ,C!C)mp.,llell to . . as hla o~ fool-killer tbere' woulci '1M , an ~pldelDIc of luJotdo~ ;. , -..-

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A .'I!III\' .ONL




following I. a falUn, re.... tor rheumaUam. ,Dd If foll"wed .p It wOI effeot a complete cure of OUR ANCE8TORIS DI8COU;C the nry worat caaea: "Mix one-half "QED PERJ!JRY. pint of good wblskey with one ounce . \ Work Just --BatJ!oolns to ReceIve tbe Serious Atuatloll 01 of Tort. cOmpound anel-add one ounce SYTUP Saraaparllla' Compo~d. Take_ , Ex~rlmenf. Stattons. Fearful P!-,n"h.lIUlnta Ttlreatenld In · table.spoonful doses before each Flliled to.Dot.r 81nful M.~ from mea) and at ~Ume." Tho Ingre· tile Crime-Some Quaint, , The gr~t: plasticity ot tbe It nUB of t.o Wll'lt xtellt tb lie cbnmctel1l may dlente CR.n be procured at any drug Folklor~ C?athl~ plants to which aUaUa bel,o ngs' In It. be Inll J'lt d, aud whether by thle meth· store · and easUy inlxed at home. Dutln oue' or t he occa!llonal out· adaptablllty to soli and climate Is od tbere may not be Isolated and prop. Mice on the Pillow. Tapps-Of cour8ei Bome rO!>'ilngs of pure thougllt with wblch strongly emphasized "'1hen ' w~ ('.ompare agated, at once, elCtremely drought·re"I'm not 10 much afraid ot mice ae are extremely expert. Ililltant stralus. the recent Ru ! trial ' In Judge Ca· ' tho extremes or the types, The wIry , Olerk-Oh, yes. I know. of ono who banJois' court in . Ban Francisco was iI· stems, 'the AltalCn is susoeptlble to several dla· some "omen," sald she. "but I don't low·spreadlng, mucbmarrl('t' a rich employer In lesll t,haD lumlDa led, ' It was stated by a distln· brnnchcd habit and extreme bartllnesB eases. All at these are cal)able of do- like them In my hall', Tbe olher night 1 flnl shed a biscuit I was eatlns three months. cUlijl~ild prosecutor that "perjury bas of Turkestnn alfalfa present such a Ing more or Ie B serious damllge, and afler I went to bed nnd naturally left ......,.----~ becr,Dle tIl e gr,e nt, st crime of the ace." contrast to the ' large, 1'lltber st~tr, tall, th I'e Is as yet 110 practlcnblo method lome crumtis about, not meaning to, TOLD TO U8E CUTICURA. Pmhaps the trouble Is that perjury upTight and little-branched Btem8 Of of contl'ollltlg tbem known. It would never thinking or mice. doe" not en tnll such dire calam ities the sub·troplcal Peruvian alfalfa, that seem. mor over, ,Umt the only n.etbod "Well, about the middle of tbe night After 8peclallst Failed to Cure Her ,~ now~dnys as It once did. Delving Into one would I1ttle suspect that be was In whl h tbe l'c Is orrel'ed Clny large deten.e itching Eczoma-Had Been tho subject wIth the spur of cUl'loslty, dealing with plants of the samo origin. gree of h elle for success Iie~ In ' the I heard scampe ring, and tbere were the mJce all over my ball', trying to Tortured and Disfigured But we loam that two or t.hree cent uries Tbls aclaptabJllty, or in other. words possibili ty ot s\?cndng more dlseasd·re. get at those crumbs. slataut strnlns by s lectlon and brl.' d, ago It cost BomeUllng to swenr falsely . abUliy to become acclimatized, has nt· "1 tell "ou, J gave ODe shriek, sprang 800n Cured , ~f Dread Humor, Th,m It was a mortal sin rather than a roady beeD explnlned by the 'fact that lng, up, li ghted all the gna 10 the room An Ideal nlfnJra pl nnt should be ,ery simple crlm ,and some of the domesUc wlthJn 8Jl)' one at the given tnes "I contracted eczema. and Buttered troubles which followed we re Ii cUl'se mnny variations as to form, hu.blt, vlg- lea(y. 'rbl s Is so fol' two relisons. In and Bat up the rest ot tbe nlglrt walch· Ir.tensflly for about ten mpnths. At runulng to tbe seventb gen raUon, or, drought and cold· resistance occur the fl l'st plnc , the greater tbe leaf bUt' Ing tbat pillow." Umes I tllought I would scratch my· de:.lh from Q lingering disease wIthin wbl'\h need only to be selected by soli face flJll'Oall Oll t to the IIgbt the greatel Laundr1 work at hom,; would be selt to pl\ ~U. My face .and arms were 12 months, or being tUl'lled In to a and climatic fac tors kllUng out the le!;s Ule nSBlmllatlng powe r of tbo plaut much more satiBfacto ry If t ho rlgbt covered with large red patobes, 80 stone swallowed up by the earth Dnd . suited individuals In order that a type and henco lho more raplll nnd vigor that I was apbaVled to go out. I was ever 'atte nvard crawling about as a may lie establlsbed. What, therefore, ous growtb, In the !;I.'cond place, the Starch were uaed. In order t o ge t the delli red sUrtness, It Is usual necesWlvlsed to go to a doctor who was vampire. ' bas beon done by the !;Iow process of leaf form s more pala tublQ and dl g\'& sary to UBe so mucb starcb that , the a specialist In skin diseases, but 1 ' bose punishments , hlch deterred, natural seelction may be hastened and Uble fooll than do th e s tem8. H en'!t beauty and flnene ss of the fabrlo II reCe ived very little relief. I tried rops and 0. bettCl hidden behind a paste of varying If one believed them. As a matter of emphasized by Ute conscious selection more prodllc tlv every known remedy, wfth the sllm. fact, tew dll), and people committed and propagation of the best plants. quality ot bay would be secured frore tbJcknell, which not only destroys the results. I tb(lught I would never get bet. perjury as merrily In the good old There is thus o~en ed , In this wonder· pltlnts ha ving' n hi gh pe rcentage of leal aQpearance, but also aaects th a wear· ter unUI a friend or mine told me to tr1 seventeent h century as In the twen , tully plastic nnd variable group, 0: field to tlie total wcJghl. Ing quality ot the goods. This trou· tho Cutlcurn Remedies. 1511 I tried the.m, t1etb. ' Tllen, as now, the moral man !or the breeder. pregnant with the Iu selectin g plants for breedlD~ and after four or five appllcatlona of spoke thJ:l truth fOl' pl'llctical moral probability ot tbe most profound suc- habit of growth must b considered ble can be entirely overcome by ualnl Deftance Stal ~b, as It can be applJed Cuticura Ointment I wal relieved or This should be fiS nearly upright at much more thinly because of It I greatreasons and tbe Immoral man lied tor cess. my unbearahle itching. I used two Immornl I' asons. The breeding ot thts forage pJilDt Is possible In ord l' tliut all of the steml .r IItrengtb than otber makes. lIele of tho Cuttcura Remedies. and J Superstition has always been the jU9t beglulIlng to recelvetbe serlou8 at· may be cut by tb e mower. am completely cured. AlIss Barbara basis of oalhs, and tbe,h' practical tenUon of the experiment stations and Wblle relati vely n sUlall number 01 Tho MOlt Dangeroul Capital. Kral, 'Hlgblandtown, Md., ~an. 9, '08," value has depenrled on the depUl ot tbe t he United States deparlment of agri· aJCalfn growers pl'oduce tbls lliant fOI Lon40n, wbJeb used to boast of be. Pot&cr Oro. .. 0IIem. Corp., Sol" Prop .. , JIoIIoa superstition. That, of course, Is evl· culture ·In the alfalfa·growlng states of ,t he purpose or harves ting the se&1I Ing the quietest and safest oapital at dent enough, as all that dltterenUatee the west and.soutbweRt. By a cOp1pa .... 5tIII Ihe question of seed prod ucUon h the wmld, has become noi Sier than Grows Only In Four Statol. an oath from a plain stalemeDt Is that aUve study ot Ute adaptablllly ot re- one of prUne Importo.nce. No bettel Paris and more dangerous than New Bromine, ,usefUl In medicine, phoom pbasls on thlB point could be madE tography, the manufaature of dye. one IntroduceR an element or religioUS g1ona) varieties It 18 clear that ih than to ca.lI attention to tile present York. Nearly 300 persons are now <&Dd In oertaln 'metallurgical opera. faith. In California takln~ IlD oath work of tbe agricultural explorer must bl gh pl'lc ot alfalfa sced. The blgb klUed annually by street accidents, r quires simp ly that 1\ witness rslse now gIve place largely to thM of the tlone, Is produced OODlDlerclally In his right ha.r,d while the clGl'k In. pla.nt·breeder, and that we must 10 the probab ility of Rasy Improvem ent along and how many more just escape wltb tbclr Uvea cannot be computed.-out· only four states or this country-Mich· rOI'ms him that he solemnly swears to future look to tbe Improvem nt of our tbls line Is s lIs !;ested by extreme vart looll:. -tgaD, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West "tell tbe truth, the whole trutb and OWD rather lhan the IntTodllctlon of aliolls wl t.h res pect to tho seeding ablJ Virginia. Last year'. output wu nothing but tbe trutb, so help yo new v~rieUes for tbe amelloraUon of lty of different Individuals found 1L 1..879,496 poundll. God'. " The ebarm of legendary at· With • llmooth IroD and Deftana. taches to the explaDatlon that ' the Starcll, yeu can Inunder your ahin. hand of tbe witness was originally 'Waist Just as well at home as tho raJsed to show Illat h o had not · a .team laundry can; It wtll have the weapon conceal d III It, but this Is apocryphal. pro~r IrtIttneal aDd tlnlsh, there wtu Touching a SAcred objeCt is a world· May ~e ~t\\\o.\\e\\\\~ oW'(co",e, be lea8 wear and ' tear of the good.. and ' It wl1l be a posltive ple,asure til wide method of oatb ta.klng.' In earll~r \>y ~'(~t~Q'\¥l\~Ql\';\\i\\\\\\\~~ ages one swore by the sun 'or by a uae • Starch that clotS not lltick to tho gr Ilt river or sorue other awe80mt S\s\m\c~~ fue Q\\2. \~~\~ ~\\rS\c\o.\ thIng In .nature. Even now tb Folly. \o.xo.\\.ve, lm~)I.S~mvo3r\i5&n\i\l"' Ganges Is the most binding 'oath to a Jtlm~ dml't see how 'OU caD brill' , Rlndu-. The ,Tuugaz witness sUI QJ Se.,,\\tl~C" e\\~~\2s OOI!.\o~ te~U'QX :roar."lf to Irlsa tbat dog. , bl1Uldl~hes a knife before the SUD. Bay lJ r-And 1 suppose the dog don" Ing: "If 1 lie may the sun plung( ro.\)\\s al.\~ so \\\\\\ ~\S\(1w:.Q '0 Mmte. see bow I can brtng myself to kts8 JOIl slckneai Into my entrails like this mo.y be ~\~ ~\S~nsOO. w\\\\ We're a foolillb tieS, aren't wet knife." " Tbe Somali .. administering an oalh, declares: "God Is before \18 and whe\\. \\0 \Q\\~ ~~a.~ '\w, best Q,! Th.,.. H••- Aecent'~ ~" t:'!aced this stOOl;! Is tram Amr Bur." naming ID au lbe drua .tor. . an _ _aUc, pleaB", ~\es w\\m ~\'i\~ Q.le \Q<lSS\s\ Tbe man to be a.erb Clure for w"iOaa'" Ill., c,!alled )lutllet a sacred mountain Oral". AUSTRALIAN LEA.' '. l~ Ie the oul, sworn (hen takes the stone and says. "~\uw.~w\UQ\ s~'{)?\(1\\' \\(1\U\U\ _taln re lator. Qul'lld1 ~U~ve, (emalt "I sball not lie In this agreement." . . . Ii Ilea an4 Baekaclle. KldMJ', BlacIde' ~""~\lS.w\\"\\l\~ h~ ~\~­ _4 Urinal., troubl"- ..b all Drulfllt."- OP 111 It would be pleasant to ' believe thht aa11 60 en.... Samble FUE. ~i1rMe. TIM he does not.-San'Franclsco Chronicle. ~y ~~~. \\OU.ils\\me\\\, ~ 0.107.0.,.,1:.. Roy, N. Y. .





GenUI~e ~ust Bear /. Fae-Simile Signature


REFUSE SUBSTITUTES• 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre lIave




farm land. in

WESTERN CANADA Much leu would be "li,faclor.:. Tho geoeral avei~ U .bo" Iweo.ty bwhell.


"All ore loud In th.1r ptallu or the I:'r.en\

croP!) and that..wo.n .. derful caunt,4Y. - J:J4 fMct from cotffspondtnu N.llonll j EdUorl .. t A.socl.Jllon of Augusl, J9~',

It 'i. now polHole to eecure • bome.tead 01 169 aer ... frcc and another 160 aeu:. al $3.00 J>C'r aeN. Hundred. have paid tho tott of theit farms 6t purch&Ae<l) and then had • bale~ ollrom $IO.flCI

to $1 2.00 per aao from one aop. Wheal, barle,. Mixed farming is a \!leal IIICCeu and dairyiDQ .it bishly profitable. E..tce\. leDI c1imale, Iplendid achoola and churchea, IIi\. ways bri"8 mD,lI every Watliel within ea,y read.

0011.8ax- al1 do well.

Railway and land complUliea haft land. for 11110 at low s>ricu and OD euy term ••

of market.

"Lan BertWut"PDmphlete .nd mapi . " nt

free. For the" and Information a. to how to etcure low"t railway rlltn, "pply \ 0 Bupe.lnten4ent of Immhrrllilo n, Ott Awa. Canoda , o. tbl ... lhodaed C.n lldlu.n Governmellt AlienI!

R, III. WILLIAMS. Toledo. 0"&0.

Law Dulldln..






The New Way. B1I-'DarJing, allis over between us. 8b~b. George, thll .. 80 Abru&-' -Punch. ' ,.

DeUoioUI -cakfl _d pastrtes are pro 4QCOd by the 1Ise or Souders' Oream 01 "l'artAr BoklDi ' Powder and Souden', Flavoring Enr.acts. All good Kt'Ocer1e8. EYeD • rut man may not make , rapd l'8CO~err ft8D ho'. Ul

on. on "BROMO OU1~NB"

~ 1 " ·t.AU'1'I'V.~aO)lO QUl~INIII. Look Itl Ole "~"'NI ·et" 01Ol4 \be w..11 .,.. . \0 Oaft a OeM ' • 0.0 0.,. 260.

. (11&0"..

The averattS WOmB. Is Cond of , . . INt b... 'h~ 1& ~ In thaL c ......

' '11.

~·.tb.cnu\ ~\\V\'i ~t(1\\y.

Rabbit'.' Foot, or Plllf Toi,..iil bcNf,,*I\1f~~wo.y.s lilly \he ~~\\\iI.~ ~""v""C."',,","r:_DO"""'C Rheumatism Is not the onll' allmen. to " hlch the possession ot a rabbit's FlO SYRUP ~o. (oo( or hare.·s foot bas been a specific: Showing Cage and M;lnne.. of Inclosing Alfalf. Plant to .. Hand Pollination. SOLD .... AU. UADING DRUO"!isTS PepYI, the seventeentb century diarist. OIIEItU:OM.Y-M:OULNI PRICE sot PEA BOTTLE: bad one as a chsrm against tlle colic. lUI' alfalfa cropa. Especially is this .any ordluary alfalfa field. For Instance, But he was never quite suro wbether true for the etates of t.he mfddle' Wetlt, 'In one expeTiment at the Kansas ex. 600t•• he ought to be gl'ateful to It. At the notably Utah, Colorado, Kansas and peTiment etation (BuJlettn 151) some a bu. end of 1664, noUng bls abnormally Nebraslm. These states are the home plants produced only 0 .• seeds per ten. Per SaLt0r'. C&lalo. P&lIO 120. good health' fo some months past, he ot tho AmeTican tY]le at alfalfa, aud In gram weight of stem and lenf, whereWJ Laraoat .rowon of .eed oalS, wbeal. ba rle;.r,• remarked: "But I am at a great loa '.heQl no other 'alfalfa has been able to tro'tn oUler plants in the same field as • ""h&, corll, politoel •• ru5cllUld cloven IIIId t ... IIl •• ed.ln tbn world. BI8 Oatalolf froe : O~. to 'know whether It be my hare's fool compete with IL Wben, therefore, the blgb u 137 seeds per ten·grllm weight lond 100 In Itamp. and reoeivo 5I1mpl, of or taking every morning or a pill of breeder has found ' that Itraln ' or tyPe were harvested. That tbeBe charac. Billion Doll.rGra.., ,Ieldlnlf 10tone orhn), pe racre, OlliS, .""lIz, barle" etc. , eaaily worlb tUrpentine, ,.01' my having left oft: the I )f alfalta which II most eulted to tbe ters are strongly heritable Is shown by SlO.OO ot allY mall'. money to eelilitart with , nnd C:,dalolf tro •• Or ••• od 140 and ... I!dd a wearing of a gown. " Tbree weeks locality Within which he muat work, the following, quoted from BulleUn 101 •• U11'la 'arm teed novelty never .cen beroro later a ' fri end 8bO~ed him tbat his I tt la from this straJn that he ehould at the Soutb Dakota experiment sta. b'70". IlLlER IEEOCO.,.ol',ltCrm'.IIII. hare's toot was defectlTe, not bavlng look to draw hIS materials for further tlon: "the joint to It." "And it Is a etrange '6lec(lon and improvement. He must "In the pp.dlgree rows ol1906 a thing bow fancy works," wrote P epys, Ilrat study the needs of htl locnlJ ern en ency toward uniformity wu Jlea rUlfol Sonvenlr POAt (Ja ...... IIImp l, eeDd ,OUJ' nl\lU tuld .ddre.. 10 tal "f9 r I n~ sooner llandled bls toot, but iUld determine wbat lines .of Improve. observed In the plallte trom the sanie ona 10 IIRal card, IIlrlDI Nil.wtU abow 11M :.u lO"en 01 ruur friends, and "o'll I became very well, and 80 continued." ment are mOst necessary In order to sIO'lectlou. ' For example, all tbe plante 80114 oo_troeQtal)cbAl1!e_12uf~homotJ\beauU1ll1 Pepya got ' anotber hare's toot, and Increase tbe yield or feeding Valqe. In pedigree row No. 162.98 exhibited 8oD'~n1r nn".r lanlu".o l'o.~Onn1~.!(lu u"'l.!rt~~· Wo'U a1ao W!U10U 10U .,.n lI~t ... moro • O~I'!' ___ 00., 6001\0" WaahlJli\Ol1, 8prtnlltleld, ~ throve agaJn, but In MAreb he waa Wben thJa Is done he may JDtelUgently , exceptional forage qualities as com. 81 BUll woudertng whether (bll 'W~s due leek out aDd select fOT bree!1lng pur· Vll¥ed with the plaDts of other rowa (190~) 2266. to the Charm or to the ' turpentlnll poeea those Individual plantl wbJch grown, wba:tever tbe source. and an ' A. N. K.-E puts. leem most likely to pos.s valuable tho. plants of pedigree row No 65-74 ----------------~ l ~h..rlW!t.el'tlltiCS. ' ' bOre heavily of seed pOds, wblle otbel-B Nearly I Hero. For what "oInta IIhouJd we breed? In from the same orlgtnal ~ourQe ~rete "Hands 'up." , , \he tlNt place, bardln6&s .md vigor are light bearEl'tS of tbe pods." ' The ' passengers on the Pullman cat ' indlspensabw, In order that the plant However, In the breedCng ot altnJra, took In the situation at a glance and may not be dTl"en out ))y wee~s . or the tact must not be lost sight at that did exaotly what the train robber told lUlled by severe weatber con,dIUolls. It must be preeminently n rorage plant, thein to. , Yoreover, hardy, vigorous. plants will and that' It the productivity of sesll be At the I)Olnll of bls' gun,s he fellevell 'Ive longer, be more llroduoUve, and Increased It must not be done. at tbe them their ' valuables. But at , ~ 't he expense of reseeding will not be 80 eltpenae of the forage ,'nlue. lIua~.,,,,,,, c;,>ne womnn, be paused with 8 freqne~t. ' ProducUvJty Is, of course, tile most Another nlm ot the breeder ot alfalfa "Who are you, ' ,woman," be de 8 to sllour~ plants of grea(er drougb - Important o'r the qualities to be sougbt mnnd!!d. :ealstance, In order that the area 'over In the hnprovement of altalfa, and ruay "I," shc q~avel'ed, "am Miss FI,ly de which . thla valuable plant cart ' be be said to Include all the others deMuch of the chronic lameness in hOrses is due to neglect. Flume, tho' well·known ~ctr~s8. Here grown wltb proftt may be turtb~r ex· scrlbed. Thus, In order to be prodllO' 'are D!1..leweJs-tAkll tbem, ani" See that your horse is not aJlowr.d to gt) lame. Keep Sloan's tende'd Into the lIeW·arld regioDs and t1ye ot ilie largest quantity or the bf}8t" . The : hbld~up h,e ld ~p ' bla ' head l that better crops may , tie secured In quality of hay, the plant muat be Liniment on h~d and apply at the first sign~ of stiffness. proudly, the drIer sections In which it ' Is al· hardy, vigorous, disease and droughtIt's wonderfully penetrating-goes right to the spot-relieves ""No," he replied, "r' ma.y be a rob ready gl'own. Drougbt.reslstance in a resistant, very leafy, and of such babl~ ,the soren~s -liinbers up the joints and makes the mus~les ber, but I am Ijo pross agent: Keep olsnt depends eIther upon Ita eft:e<it- of growtb . as to be barvested wlth clastic and pliant. your wealth!" ' veneRs In gathering 'water ,trom the caBe and ,w'l thout great loss !.rom lowI~ aDd prostrate stems. IOU , or Its, ablUty .to retaIn It when L~ ~ '1'00 Literal, tatbered, or upon both. , Obv.loHly .fh.. Tbey ten or an Atcblaon man vihe blillt tr. y to determine the drought· Cut F.ruh Bone. for Poultry.was gotDg down street wltb a girl I'88latJDg quallUe8 of plante Is , by Probably IlO other food that he1is caD will ldll 'a tptvln, curb cr 'aplint, rcc:t1;lCC Whld pUfr~ and awol-. Sbe w'aa one of the kind who believes 'aieane of .QOmIlWl~lve tes~sln d,r y le~.' ,have does more to balst In the projointS; and is a sure and spcedyrc:medyfo '~tula, sweeney, "In {h'e power or tile gentle hint. and. ,UoDII, 'but wller.el.!!!J~ I.a ImpracUcaJJle ,\1WlP\Nl, 81 eggs.' 'w.lnter than cut or , Price, Soc:. and ,11.00. founder and thrusH. "8 , \hey passed a candf etor e, ' S,hf ~reJlDJlnary ' te.t may be made by '~un(f'1'resh ,bonea fr the ~_er sid: ."Doe,an't that candy smell 'mePUJ1I!.g tb, q~anUty ot water trang.· shop, BODel ,may be obtained usuallJ Earl S: Sloan, - '. Boeton, Ma... gGlOdT" ';plred ,bY"a'glven amount of leaf aurt~ tor from halt' a cent to a cellt and a ~•• bookOlil . . . . . ea&&J..~ ..... ~,~ . . . ,.,.. . ""Yea,'.... the man , repiled; "let's .atop' (~ a given Ume l . 1;'b6 , I~pol'ta,nce ',ot balt a poulld and maehlnea for cut! l. , he.... and smell it awhUe."~Atchjlon 4uch t!J ts a':ll~stecl by ~he lact t,b at , Ung th~m may be p.u rehaaed .at van-





Lameness irtHorses


"., .'inlmell~ -= .81oatis




~~~~[~r:i:~~;i~!~~;;{1 Olo~~.'

~nll p~lces. , About half an ounce to each {owl ,per day 11 the' rlgli~ nmoun~ t" 't eed ,'or It may be feel every otber day . abcnit. an. oUnce' to 'eaeb ,fowl. 'Bom~tlme8 a flock ot. bens ,which h8en fed , nothtng but ,grain will be-

i~I~I;~~;~tl .'" ,.£&~-I. ":.ta.~ • atliraJ to-.llpPQ8e ,that. ' cbu-I.elaYlng beg.!!S wltoJn10 ' a teU IIhort 'Oiat 80', ~t. 1n the tet'.l~UCII betDgt'!9!1.r~· theotber plalit ' lIJlow lPD the ' o"ne~ cuttime bon~aJter ~. ,,~rld da )'ou *u~ ~~ ,doctor C!l1l !JIg the leut 1..- ot: water', 'Woulet be ill".,. ~Tlill ' ts b~~ua8 the elements :tkI'mii~" "" 1.Jl ttlat U1~t-'YC)~ .u¥-~ litoi~ ' .l1lted for '& '_d t88toa. ~ WhIch the"bon., contalu,,, were laeldnc.



)f two 1l1im~, 'groWing sldt! by, .aide In !he · breeding plote 0( Pie bOtaD1cal deparlmG.n t 9r the K~aaa atation, o!le d;.o"'ed III .~erge·trapapI~ttpri rate reir e~uaJ flreasol .eat 'lurface nearly tW!ce ~ ~t ll8 ; the . pt~~l'. · It ~ ~ut




. --.'

! . •. ' ·b DOn'leatjct. FIr.aric.



lot too




to eat.

'UtllC~Dt Boon Quantity. as

:901UnJlltecl ,MidS tbe ~q~ aDd 'or 'e :dat' tlon itt aD.d :roiled _til baYeur< 'fteeu lit d.d the Dot. Jl~

.Uo. tlplJrur ,.. die .P~tp,t.e.t tlataip"'• .

1'11L';~~iz.~=~t-::'I~,~~: T .

. . . ..iJIuar __~


'til,. IP'iIII eC ~




ta.ere to ....'.... 'p4 tbe. dw

~ elem raw ·~ lIae d· lIeU."ete a . t. 8"'- ..-4eta(mlD..... we" JIlf...



arrIap Lk:en ' , ov r i r nt C)f the Frank I.. Samlt 26: farmer of the lhlited ta Ilre granted fl'!1 L'I"I' nee, nid- ~he two m~t serious grounds of _-- Eli za beth -J ackson, w . h0 I'\ves .I I Wa ·n !I\,'II 1 e am .. r " I It d dese t' 1 th l' .... lYLnl. akar 3(}. (If \\a)'nt'~ville. I(e\'. W, ~~u ler~ :n th'rd r ~o~h ~ 0 ;. in Ml. Hol~y was badly burned last , . l A. ruup I'. . WO\'(, In woo ed Sf0 b bC88e8 d- I· Wetlk. She is the -mother of Frank \I 47 f'u'mer (){ vor was grant a ter us an !lpd L ucas an d Mrs. Wm • .,ones l' b r J Th omas. , < .~ 1 d t' II . 0f Xema, 'u anlJ M ){ na la l'k S WI~' were a rea y prac Ica y separ· d I te f M G ' ' 1 1 r\v\ 1 r. "" , t d . an Ii a 8 l,' 0 rs. ranvi e J .. Ml\.!!on. , ~ e '. I d h h . Osburn, of this place . . 'he ·was well W mu. t con u a, t ere'eJr j t at k h: . 1 · H. W ' 1 I I .blacksmith of , Ill , ' \( ~ : ' B ' 1 ' divl)l'ce i prevalent not b~aus of nown et e. . ' , MHlnHSbu l'g an<'l 11 ' Lena ru > ! tl I 't f I b t ' th b Mrs .•Jackson, who IS Illmost entll'e. b • 1 RlO yo our aW8; u I a ar e- I hi' d _.1' fi ' , P1'1I11!, .oro. ' f th decR f our' fa -'1l lif ' Y \l') " ~tt('mpteu to stIr a re m a JOhll Bogan 25, fat'm r f Harvey - ;ariU _e u I ~I' ':It d . . mb Y the. stove at. her h0me, and while doing . h1 1 rea eVl I no )vorce, u t e . burg and linn mIt d , cay 0 f th e very ' , t .....\, 0, her ,lothmg aaucht on fire. vir ues upon w'h t\;ll ' • burg. th I r ' Th bl m ' In an Jl1statlt 3he was all ablaze, Real Estate Transfer • ~Qme . e, . : ' ~ pro e m and she wa saved from a horrible I k t" fh Amertcan fanllly life IS whether we d th I b th William ABedI to Jame M. are able to b12i1d up the virtue ea on Y y he ~u c, atchlOnoo eart \ . . h d h' h son amue,I w 0 was m e r om William", real tate in outh Leba- upon whl a new an Ig er type th"'; H tit ' b . I thO , b ed" h urnmgc non, $1 and other on ideration . of family may e fou.nd , hlg er,. e ".Ine. f· h e bore d et d' d'0 • . hi ' d . ' . mg I'om er 0 y an m so OIng, P tel' rub I' to ,hurl Uhde, that IS, t an t le espotlc, seml-pa. ed . . fib h's velY pam u urns on I real estate in Deerfield town hip 1 trial'chal type of family of OU)' fath- ~ece~ el'S which i now passing away or is, aMn , J k ' d bod and other considerations. ' rs. ac son, arms an y were d" D S 'th f S ' , A. t ilwell to harel E. Eaton, rather, alr'eady extinct. It must be (b dl b a y urne. r. ml ,0 prmg real e tate in Franklin township. remembered , however, t h at t h e fi rst V 11 dD h d lied Delinqu ' nt tax sale, e nti~1 element in the hom£ life of a ey, an r. ~r~o? wereca . t bTt h I A Ell and dressed her lDJurles, and they ,Jeanne . Shoemak r to Homer G. a p o~Ie )s s a I' ~ , . tate that her burns are not neces..~Le ver, real estate in Hal'lan town- wood In the February Dehneatol'. '1 f tal Ith ' rI Y a ,a ough't ) WI'11 be some


N,>lhl. Bruwn

Hall V'I. WiII;am Hall. Petition for dh' I'ce on v;r und of willful 'n gligence and drunkt>ness. PIllintiif asks f{II' ·U.Study of. her hild, Fr~l~k C, Ander· on, Iltt mey f I' plaintitf. . Cvnthi" P, \iff I'd" \Ill. .hAr! nlitfvrd. Pet.iti(ln for diyorc on ground of willful l\ glig TIC and cru Ity. Plaintiff a ks (I' ustod, f minor childr n . J. D.··Miller, t rney for vlaintitT. John Fl1leze v . Will R. tr asurer of Warr n unty . Petition to njoin defendant fl'om d m8n ~ling and collecting on certain de.'I('l'ibed property urn of $11.70 laimed to b due as additional tax for y ar 190, C. B. Dechant" attorney for "Iaintiif. William W. rane and Agnes Hel11bury vs, Wilber Corwin, Maida Cot''win and Anna Mc lelland, Petition for money only. Amount claimed In iokness, if !l certain hidden time before she recovers. ship, $260, $1000 on promissory not . Mrs. Jackson, at last accounh!, ComQlissioners' Proceedings. nllrve goes wrong ' then the organ tbis nerve oontrols will 1l1~0 was getting along nicely. . ( that. BIlIs- Ruggle Gale 0t:npany, sup- sarely fail It way be Ii Stomach __ __ _ Court Proceedh'fS' " plies for clerk, $12; Stakalta ·Pen nerve, or it way bRve given strength I . . . . Oliver Typewriter Company vs. Co d f c rder <l5 12' Rnd support to the Heart or Kidney's 1 hreateDlng feverlsbnp,8S With mpanymse.,orreo ,'P" ' h ' ld ren i 8 qUlo ' kl,y tt.,u d SIl,t'lyo\ed " gIVen d eLouise . Evanl. Leave IS '. f ' h It WIlS Dr. Shool) tbat first pointed 0' e 11 111 _ fil f thwitlr typewriter ribbons 01 stenograp er, to this vitlll trutb Dr Shoop'lI by Prevent-los. fhese little Canoy ~.. $2; type writer for probate judge, Re t.orative wus not' mllde to dose Cold Cure 'rllblets sbould IllWII.Y8 be fend ant to eanswer. or Perry H. Rue, recelv<'r v~. . Ulse 60 cents; supplies for sheriff, $7 20; t.he StODIIWb oor to temporarily a.t IUU1d-for prornptn&18 Is all-1m Leary, executrix upon application of d f d' to $'> 25 ' Illdse for stimulate the Hetl.rt or Kldnevs pOrhtnt PrevE'nt·io8 noqui. " , granted Ieave t 0 fil e m L se. or M au I r, a , . .a.1I. nne, 1 ' h Ill'sb 0 r 8- ioke nil 1 g. plaintIff he IS P '. , . . , \' That old.fushlOnf'ld method 18 DO'th lUg f th 'th tion to str,ktfout from clerk, 20cents; . . rlllc~, supp les wrong, Dr , 'hoop's Hestorllhve 'l'bey "re lnfleed,·'tbe stitch III timf'!. " or WI mo fLo' Le d for surveyor, $3,02; C. L. Want~, goes to the e failing inside Cllrried in pooket, or pnr~e, Prev~neach answers 0 ~I e aryan lumDer, $3,90; John Wolfe, repairs nerves, ' 'l'he remllrkllble suooeS8 of tics are Il genuine safegullrd agaiU!H, Mary ~. Lear~ certain parts th~reof in Wayne township, $6.30; Bert Reed, thu. presorlption demonstrates the VoIds, 'a50 !;old by 1111 delllerM, and said motions. are accordmgly r pai 'Sin Deerfield towrrship $1580; w1 dom of ~~entlug the Itotual ~use __ ••---.-_ filed. , e t . ' o f these flllhng organs, And It ts VA UDEVILLE ' William H S enC6 et al vs, Philip J. B. Smith & ,Company, lu~be.r, indeed easy to prove. A simple five fi ds will $54 .17; T. N. Wilkerson, repaIrs III or ten days test, wlll Murelyt,ell, Try . P pence, adm, e.t d J~ry n t d Washington.township,$8; E. T. Thom- it onoe, I:I.nd Elee ! old by all dealers , The Lyceum Theater nt Lebanon to be ~he last wll an testamen an as, blank for auditOl;,.$13.50; Caro• - ha' added a first class Vaudeville nct same IS ordered to stand. line Chenoweth tax on dol' listed by Why Working Women Do Not Marry to its programs of movina- pictures Probate Court. error, $1; W, Siegfried, spikes ,." Q • I for which it haS become noted. ' It gives three performaces eacr anq nails, $7. 30; W. H.' Antr~m, 600 In an ar~lCle e~,tl~led A. ubsbtute Estate of Sarah G. Trumble. two,cent stamp for; auditor, $10; for MatrImony m the. February evening, and four on Saturday night. Fourta account filed. R. Harshbarger, salary for January, Woman'~ Home Comp8:nlo~, A~na The Vaudeville Acts are supplied In matter of will of Aman~.a D. $40; James Follen, salary for January Steese Rlchar~so~l provesc?nclusI.v~ by the Gus Sun Booking Agenc-y, of . Lyon, deceased. Application to, ad- $50; Sam D, Henkle. tax map work, Iy that the majority of buslness.glrls Springfi~ld, which is a ufficiel1t 'mit same to probate set for hea~lDg. $253.82; Warren County Times of to-day dO.not marry because the guarantee th9.t they will be good . F.i,tate of Samuel Brix!)er, mm~r. atamped envelopes for treasurer, men they might marry do not earn Admission: Adults 15 cents; children John Brixner appointed .~ardlan '$12,60; Warren ounty Times, blanks ~ much money as ~ey do. .Mrs, 10 cents. ~viQ~ bond of $50 with Wilham Ba- for auditor $6. Rlcbe,rdson 8p~aks WIth ~uthorlt~_ _ _ __ .. '--_ _ con as surety. , - she has a greater experience than Revolts At Cold Steel. &tate of John W. Jrwin, minor. The Secret of Long life. perhaps any other woman i~ Ameri· "Year only bopp," @aid t.brtle doo Sixth account filed. A Frencb soient·i8t bas dlsoovered'lca ... She concludes h~r article thus: tors to Mrs. M. E Fl8ber, Detr~llt. Eetate of John Conner, deceased. one secret of 10nK IIf~ . Bls method "The business woman of to-day is Mioh, ,sutTerlng from severe rectlt) Dpeproo' of pubJif:&tion of notice of deal~ wltb the »Iood, But long ago achieving financial 8UCCess at the troubl~,.tiesln ''',n ope... atl~n,': "tbl\? . tm t filed \ mllhons of Amerloans had proved sacrifice of dOJDestic content and ma- I -used Or. King 8 New LIfe · Pill .. , • . , Eleotrio Hitter8 prolongs life a.nd , . ' . .J " h-' h'l sb~ writes, "tHl wholly ourult· apP'Oln en , Eetate of Sylvan ~. WIlI}am., de- make8 it worth living, It parifies, ternal Instinct, ... !:~wort ... Ie. fhey prevent; Appendioltbl , oor, ceaaed. Inventory aaQ appraisem~nt enriobes l:I.od tbe bloQd, . Oon8I:ip~tion, Headaohe, e250 lit F. e. 1-'-~~-i\1 , rebnil'ds wasted nerve oells, imparts Washington OnceOave Up.' V &hWartz's. Eetate of Sylvan N. Williams de- life lind. tone to tbe entire system to three 'd ootors; was kept in bed _ _ 10 ceased. Firat and final account filed. Its a godsend to weak;, aiok and de· for fi VtI week8.: Blood pOison from a Apple P.le Too Good, b\}itated .11eople. "Kidney troubJe sp-lder's bite ocU18d ll:l.rge, deep 80res In matter of will of Nancy J, hl:l.d bligbted m,y Ufe tor m.ont~s," to oover his leg. THe doctors failed, The superlnl ndent of the dining' Maltbie, d8ceased. Will admitted to write,~ W M. I:)~erm!,n, of Cashmg, tben" Bnoklen 'a Arnica ~lilve oom car service on one of our great rall, probate. Louis F. C~leman appoint- Me" bn~, Electrlo Bitters oured me pletely oured !;De, "writes Jobn roa.d systems Is protesUn, hotly entirely., Only 1i0o at ~red C Washington, of Bosqueville, fex against the quality ot appl pIe lIerved , ed'executor~ L' ot: eozemll, b ()il f! , b urns I:I.n d PI ' l e,8 by the bilker Who suppllell thl' lusury, ~te of L'~dl'a Cunnl'ngham, de- Bobwartz s . __ • JJ &:<ItWi " . 25 t F (J 'b t '''It Is too blamed good," he ellceaaed. wventol"f and . appraiee· REAL CAUSE OF DIVORCE' EVIL Its supreme. 08 .' . ~ war z. claImed, "We don't want Jt 10 ,ood! ment flIed. . It la pie, pie, pie, apple pie, all tbe 1. ma~te~ of estate Mary R. Frost If the one million divorces in the lime al ever" caU for drnner, and wIth d ........t...--.I . Administrator ordered to country during the last twenty years each' slice of apple pIe ev~ry p....en. ~.-. Fountain yring,:aa ft pint of cream! . It ' sell t!te 11 shares of capital stock of had been granted for trivial causes, -v ger the demands pie wasn'thilit 80 good our cream bill CinciDJlati,Street Railway company the outlook would be bad enough, 65e to $1.5() at would b about one,tent h what It II. of which deeeased ~ized,· valued at but the situation becomes all the SOHWARTZ'S It's teu c nls' worth. of pie and a quar. more serious when the separations '. ter's I#GI' lb ot crpftm!" $726. ..' In matter of will of Amanda D. take place for gra~e moral . reasons, • • •- - - - - - -_ _ __ yon deceased. Will admitted to Itjs g~nerally recognized that such !!'!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!"!~~!!'!!!!!"!~!!'!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!"!~~!!!!'!~!!'!!!!!"!~~!!!!'!!!'!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!"!,!!!!'!,!!!!!!'!!!!!"!~~~probate. . causes as adultery, desertion, cruelty, . Eetate of Amanda D. Lyon, de- imprisonment fOI' ci'ime, habitual ceued.· H. S.· Stevenson appoint. drunkeness and neglect to provide . eel a4ministrator with ' bond of are grav~ reason!! for divorce; and $3000 ~ving The American Surety while some of our States have omni· Company of New York as surety. b.1J s c1~u~es ill their divorce law, these Sherman WillOn, Alvin Smith and SIX prinCipal grounds are the ones Geollre H. '-Fledkamp appraisers. recognized by the majority of States. H. E. Null executor of J, J. Null, Moreover, the statistics of divorces deceased, fif~h account; A. B. Chan- granted show t.h at ninety-seven 'per dler, aruardian of estate · of Frank cent of all divorc~ are &Ta ted on Clark, Imbecile, final account' F, M, these six principal grounds. Only Cunnin~hill1l and '~R. J, Sh~whan, an insignificant fraction of the diprint admr., of (:atharine' Compton de.. vorces in the United States are grantceased, final and,distributive account, ed for trivial reasons; such as "j,,John Q. Mulford, admr., of Eliza J . compatibility of temper," Again, Probasco, deceased, first and final !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ account; J. Gilpin Trimble, trustee uf Sarah G. Trimble, fourth account; William' Hankiril6n, guartli~n of John W. Irwin, minor, sixth account; Ernest W. Ramsey, administrator of Anna Boyle, deceaSed, ftrst and final account; J. LeeThpmpson, administrator of David E. Bennett, dece8sed, final aCcount; Wi1Iiam Sheelan et al executors (>f JohnSh~lan, deceased, first and fina~account, J, D. Miller, assi&1lee of M. M. Culp assignor. Report of dividends filed, Estate of Anna Boyle. First and finaJ aocount flied, Es~te of David E, Bennett, de. , . .. , ceaseq. ' FinalaccQunt filed, ' '1\To . .....r"I~,...~ . Eetate of John S~eeha~, deceased. .L~ Jl'irstand fblal ~unt , ~!~. , '.. .. ~t~ena and -Estate of II. 'M, Culp assIgnor '''"'In 'l to' , f d·IVI , 'd end' 8 filed byasslgnee ' ". 0 nes up "Ul"'CU'~1I Hepo..:.... "".0 alda·"aaJm1lation, EtatatM',for settlement: 'Willard aod ,rejuve.~tes every organ ·W ......... t ".' < f th f bjJdy. lJil thiS natural manner ~"" " ~x~u~.~? e estate 0 replace I wel!ojtnes8 with ableD Ehzabeth Th~mpson, dece&sed, fil'!Jt We are. po.IUve it will be-".ai eve ~ ftnal~unt. John W.Dunharn• • 14 pe~1i wllo ,wnl .... it ' : VI:! iniltntol' of EliZabeth Dunhani ~.~t «10.11 t w~ wl~l ref"',4 ~ur'''o~.










t 7th -

, February Watch 'for




is good. '


A New Serial

The Romanfe of a Pennsylvania Farm



Author of "Madame Butterfty," ··N.u~hty Nan," Eu,



Seffy is charming

one of

the most

of ,typical




cal' roman~es.


There '

is in' it

humor and a




t h a t will appeal to






Old Pe~ple

• I'_.••••• " -





EED.., .

,~, first and 'ftDaf~~Urit;':-' . ~ J.; . E~ JANN~V~:;:f)rU"18t


W.,oeaVill" Olaf... •



. "



a r e not ,

you h a d , better




If you ' a r e

subscriber, :t at

"in &rrears~e


ne~ ,a t

once, as


if,wiD ,pay


were several of enia us and I needn't af~id tell I RepubliC!an, teHs o( It reminlacence he.f. I told her that everyone '-"I'UJN IN AI ••.,.:N 0 1\1;' 111 ~h"" tIt tbe war, as follows: escaped but myse If an d I as e . . . LIt 'llELItPAO:.l)! OAI. ... NO. I H It is very irue that the slick trick only one left. She looked at me a of Gen. ~el' that-night was d4;!cid- little bit and said, ' II don' t believe ". _L. URAMil, .Ef!.ltl'r and Mil IIH 1ott;1 edlya slick trick. He'Captured both you believe a word I say." I said, regiments without a figh~ . . Howe~- "No, I think you are Iying."--. Rates of Subseripthm - er'there wiLs agmall part of' the 34th She said, "Where are you from"" .. .,. Y!Ar (SLI'I~tly 10 a,lnnce ) .. . ,. <. ' 1\ 111 that t·o ·· wil v Gen raJ overloaked . 1 said, Woynesville, Warr n coun. ··'lIle 'OilY : • •. .ur, ::lome t;lliy' t.hat. " 'OV rlook :!<l" n'o t lly ': Ohio," The~ she said ' "I ~m - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-' - - the word to be used here but, provi- frornFranklin, Warren county, Ohio• .aate. of ~4verti8elrien~ dence,' .Be that.asit· m~y, .let me'l'e- and 1 have 8,ll uncl~ living in Waynes' . • ladIng Looall1, per lin e ".. . .. . '. -.Ooc late something that. came 0 thi :ville by the name of Dr. Anderson." . .&dlog LOU'll .,blll<lk fuw , per Iluc . . II' l "sm~lI .part" . ot the old 34th while Or\ I said "give me your. hand old gal. '. fJ'lUBlfted ·"ds . I\O~ w tlxoeed 11vlf llllc~: had ' B I d h'I 't ' f ,. In .c rtlon ~ . . . . . . . .:!6. t e ro ·. to ever y, an wh I e34 ah there. are about twenty 0 us up • 'l'hrce o .r4 of 'l'bankH• . . ,.. . .Ulit Beverly thE! brass band of t e t stairs." . ".oluttonH . . . . .. . ... .r.o, wascomp~ed of JG members. 011 he was the wife of one of the 8th e.<:lalll. III • "' her,, h nrge I lD a rl . ~(" , th 19th. of· December ISGt, we, Witl,l O. Y.. C., and wa.~ there on a visit to .... olay Ac1V" t' II Rln g . pur Inuh . 11" I f h f t f Sh our regiment e t t e ron 0 e1'I-. see her husband. Her name was UlliCOIITIl It lvl' n nn o'o nl ro n . ,dan's army in the Shenandoah Valley Denise and through her efforts we --.,.- - - - - - - - - and marched to Martinsburg. escaped. She furnished us with hot "EDNIllS DAV . FEIIR AII.Y a. 11l01l . The snow Wall 6 or 8 inches deep coffee and Bome things to eat, and and very cold. After our uS1;lsl sup- after two da)s hard marching we Watch for our new serial, Seffy. per of hal'dtack, fat pork-and coffee, arrived at Phillipa. .we began to make up a train of To escapes so close togethel' ont! freight ct\rs to take us to Webster- from death, the other from prison, Are YOIl rearl.v fOI' that sale bill? a I'IttIe s tat'Ion on tl1e B. &, . R'. R.•. was it Providence? from here 'we were to march' to Bev- ' ___ _ __ Come in and see UR. Soldier Balks Death Plot. erly. I was ordered to take the band, How'd you like to be the mail man?andgetin.thecarjustbehindthE:ItseewedtoJ.At!tone. 1.1 oi vii engine. We all got in, but I didn't war vet6r1tn, of Kemp, taxd.. tbllt tB None for ~our UncIe Ze ke.I like the idea very much riding so plot existed betwRtln a ~porB A Inng troubl8 I\ud the grave to ouulle Lincoln day will be ob!lervM here close to the engine, so I got out to his dedtb . "I cont.rltctel'l R stuhborn ·what. l could do. I founrl a loose enId" be wri les, " t,hat devel oped B ~n a befitting way. See program on aee car a little ways behind the tram oOllglt that stuok to me, in spltb of another page. that was being 'made up. I went bll remedies. tnr years. My weight· and called the boys, ana we got be- ran down to iao pouods " Then [ be· gan to use Dr. King's New Disoovery McKinley day was observed in hind this car and pushed it up to the whioh relltored my health complete. most of the 'schoo s, by appropriate t~in, fas~ned it on and goUn. We Iy. I now .w eigh 178 pouods For ':Ie had not much more than done 'this, vere ColdB,' 0\Jstin8te UoughB, Hem: exercises. when the . train was ready to ~tart. (lrrh~ges, Asthma, and to prev!1ot Pneumonia it'" unrivtlled. 500 Rnd Sunday was a day that tried the Some of the rest, finding this car be- '1.00. L'rial bottle free . Gouran Christian. The churches had small hind the engine empty, a number of teed by Fred U. l"obWR.rlz. congreaoations. them go( il)to it. It was about 10 • - ...- - o'clock at hight when the train startCANADA'S IMPORTS , ed. I think I.t wasn't longer than 10 Our ' ne~ serial will commence or 16 minutes after we stlu'tedIt is uSeless to pretend that Canada on February 17th. Watch for it, be- just about'long enough to get under haS no interest in proposals which cause it is going to be a good one. with . h may be made for freer trade M 't' See announcement on another page. full headway-when all at once, WIt a tremendous crash, thetrains\;opp~ the ~nited States.. ThQ atl Ime We sprang tl) o.ur feet, supposing we ~rovtnces are especially concerned, . The daily papers of last week gave were attacked, and jumped out and since for forty ye~ they have sufd t th t h rl had a collision fered most from bemg <;ut off from examples of heroism that are seldom f witnessed in the latter days. The ;:nra:~p i: f~~t ~d found that trade with the adjoining seaboard of one nearest home being Lieut. Poppe, the-ear which 20 minutes before we ; of Cincinnati, who, at. the rear end h'ld abandoned, was literally crushed of a car rushed forward .to hl!lp the to'pieces, and every soldier in it was motorman •. either killed or wounded. . When I think of an overruling . LOOK - PrOVidenCe, which I most ' certainly believe in, I often wonder. if this Farmers wanting to grow sweet could haV'a been one. eom please .call at th9 Waynesville Canning office to make contract After the wreck had been cleared .for the cOlJling year. away, we again started on our jour--:-- ......_... ney, and on the 24th of D~ember, HER fIR~T. CALLER 1864, 'we arrived at Beverly. We . found old quarters here that had It is probable that no girlhas for? been built by others, ~ust out of town .rotten that excitin~ thrill caused by 90 the 34th with the' 8th O. V: C.,



Have a


• =============


Lumber and 'l\1ill Feed This Spring?

Sucrene Feed The I::amoll. Dairy Foo I.

Corn, Seed Oats, and Cement. If YV U wHnt Gilod Rread.ll se


Acme Flour Try Our Mill Run Feed for Hogs

We also ha ve a lot or I-inch LUMBER cheap. Get OUI' prices before buyinK elsewhere.

Spencer&Monroe Oregonia, Ohio.


Yalley Phone 237-3 rings

If you are contemplating a sale, it will be wise to consult us before going elsewhere. We can put you up a good bill as cheap and as attractive as you can get . I any where else. Besides, we will carry the sale ad in the paper until the day on which the sale occurs. Come in and we'll talk it over. Others say our bills and our prices are the "real thing".

Hot Water Bottles "

75c and $1.00





Miami Gazette



how cold ,,(ere her hands as she won'. dered what she would · talk to him • about: ho,! abe was divided between t}{e, fear ~hat her family would cOme . in and spoil his visit, and that they would not come in to help her out. . The very"1irs~ question which wor-' ri. a young airl, wHen ahe has met

"In".... ro""'"

r •• ,o. Ie tho V.II" that .. tban of Tblo Ia .<cotint 01 tIMIr l«IOta., an .... plldt'. McVall'. M "';1 • ., ( Tbe Ou,.n or Fuhl4n) II.. more tub.criben lb. n allY ot her Laa"u' Macu lnc. On. ,.. ,·....;on ( •• num......' ""f,. GO ceD'."_~1,... t number, 3 ceo'.. Every 5ub.c:ribcr &CUI. Me\,;-.. &(.0ItrD Jrne. Sub.enIM ,000. y.

Latl, ..... IIC. W ••


HandlOlDo pftmluat. OT

In...... I c.. b comml •• lon. Pa"om c.,.IOI.'( or 600 ... • len.) .nd Premium C.. aloR u, (.bowl...·400 premlu...) .... ~ Md,t- TH& McCALL CO .• lI •• Vork.

WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Orthodox Friends Church. Rev. Bcnjamln HawkJns . PaBLOI'. . !;a bbllth . 011001. \I :110 a. m . Rcg u l" r ohu rch 86 r1' 10ll, 10

7 ::'0 p . m.


n. m.

OhrlsLlau Endea vor,

Hicksite Friends Church. Firs t Day Me Un r(. 1U :00 B. m . . First Day So1.ool, 1) :OP a . -m. Founh OILY Mectln g 10 :00 a. m:

II ;30 II . m . Soulnl O1eet and b brls llan Endea vor .

Methodist Episcopal Church. R.:v . W . T . GUllla nd . PBlltor . chonl, SI : ~o :L. 01 . Morning ser



Funeral Director.


Almanac and


Should be lD. every bome In I 'relephone day or night. the land. · . Bi. ' . weatber predfo- . ' / Valley phone No. 7. ~on g tioDlcan bebad Distance No. 69-'3r. only1D hi. own WA VNESVILLE, OHIO. publloa tl on I, No ot.her publlaber la to Bran~h Office, HarveY8burg. O• print \hem lD an1 form, el\her Wl&la 01' without credl". Bla 1909 Al~ao aeel. all former edltloDa~ be~.J UI4 value, and seUa for 35 cente, ponpeld. ma mODLhly magazloe, WoaD .AIm WORKS, cODtalDa bia Weatb. fo~ Undertaker and Embalmer. casta for each'month, t.ogethe. w1\1a. va8' amount of tbe best famU, Will be f~und in the old and OO8\a II. a year, ODe almaaao with Bank Bunding, opposite eaoh subsoriptioD, Everyeutbg,uaU t.he National Bank. 'Dalephone in house and of· . and seriOU8 storm for ··1 0 y.... h .. flee where I can be called been predioted b1 Prof. BWb. YCMl day Qr night. Caunot atrord .to be wl\bouUIwIe p • . Va.lley r'hone 14-2, UuatiODa. Addre.. all ordera1G Main ,S treft, Wayne8ville, Ohio. The MJaml Gazette, Waynesville. O~


,: .



vloe , 10 :0 0 a. m . }!pworth Lellgue. 7 :0 0 p m. Eveoln g Hc rvlc', 7 :3 0 p. rn . MIdweek Pnyer M.e ellnll. 7 : 30 p. !D.

St. Mary's Episcopal Church.

Oysters With '. "Sea Tang"

St. Augustine's Catholic Church. Fnther Geol'l! MlLv cnboefor, Pa8tor. 'M11.'S ev",ry s6000d Sundll)' of t'he montb a~ 9 :I)U

a. m.


Oysters with the true o)lsl.ct·flavo~­ the kind you 've smacked your lips over at the sb orc.

, , Sealshipt " Oysters They are shipped in a steel co~taitJ~r, /' . air-tight seafed, packed W1th Ice around the container. No ice or water laucAts the oyatera. YOQ tn ~t.e-perfe· ct and unbroken. . .' . '''Sealshipl'' Oysters go .lurlher an~ tate so different! Come and see them. . .



Ask for "S.E ALSHIPT S'EN8E "-a 8~.k · All the

'About Oy.t.... followl~1t dealers sell . "SCa1ihipt":

W~lter J.:Kilbon,

tb tllaa 11l000dit lID IIa aato aDd plead with b1m for.,tlle Uy. 01 UlJ people, 181C, IUld for thiDe OWIl Ufo









Ol)e of tbe fI.rst Rcq- 51 ot Has Bee" Aba.,ulslte for Hcaltb cloB)ed for a 5tr.l,bt Beauty. LI.,e- effed.

"Leave me to tbtnk," cried the WAYNEBVlLJ.E, f:lHIo. QlMen. wrlng:hiS ber baudJI. "Ob, ~ J, terrible." When aJone ahe UuJ. la.solt upon aFJd Horae Breeding to Type. b.r ()(\ucb and, burying ber tace In tbe l'armera, and others, tor that maUer, BY THE "tUGHl/VAY Af(D BoVWAY" Fauqy laml) shade. bave a ll8umed BQ 10ft cushions thllt. her voiC'"e might be A certAIn well-known society elrl 'as will, mllIIt br cd to t"tpe. Tho), PREACHER ' sUfled, Ibe gave .ay to 'b~ (loocS oJ ·who Is noted far the frcebnells of her alm08t straight BIde line I~stead of Ule lOust know what Idnd of horles UI y grict which overcame be~. 1''e4U' &Ild complexion and the 'g eneral air of relit· 81&tlt which onoe characterized thesl! / wlsb to proauce and IIttl"e to ·tha~ , 00P'r1c!',,'WI. ijl , ... AuLllo,-, W. ~ ~,) lIOn-OW, llupersUtlous dread and ""'" fulDCSS and well tieing that .seema to <lalnty trUles of alllJ, brocade and floW· end, declares John Gilmer Speed lu Scripture Authori ty-The Boolt of r sentmant ~led her heart and IW&P\ emllllate from her was recently asked ra. Amons the newest Frencb ahades Century ma,lUi .. To do O1ls, they Esther. her In fi r<:e' paaelon like a helpfaa. to tell the secret of h'ow sbe managed Is one r.eeembllng a eel)t1on of cylln· Bould know ..... hat kind of material 1.11 aWp In the grasp ot a lerrible slorm. to keep so well. Sbe answered non· ~er having the outeJde covered with Penlotlal History of Esthor ..:....It I. 1m· M.llan lace, In B rtcb yellow tint, with at band, and bow It can be ,used. Here po8t'lble Jt canllot; ' lt must not be" ab, cha)anUy : "Oli, to III ntl f) lilslher with Dny a lining of rose-colored silk. Tiny rose I. lowethlng that the United Stat ns lU C,.n mcntton~d In procane ' hlltory, and cried al last, ber womanhOOd a8B~ritn8 "I Ju8l, sl l~and I sleep right." Naturally, for 'worda aroused B'Ome sa.Un flowers border tbe top, wblch Is 4epartment ot agr1~uJture should do It 14 mORt probable tllat IIhe wile II. favor· Itllelf and checldna the sobs which had Ite COil: ubhul t o whom th" Utle of qu en' .And th e wllr department might also WIUI accorded. Tbe nome Esthe r III Per- sbaken her tnlJlle. "It e&nnot, it can.' curIosity. and a dJscullllon follo ..... ed IlS finished with an edge or goid lace with lo Just wbat was meant by the wQrda frIn ge added to the bottom. Each &8111.t, for proper cavalry remounts are 81dn, botng til t! , transla.tlon or tbe He- not bel" . I'Ir w name at Hadl\888.h. She "'aM Q b 1\\1She sat up and looked about h~r "sl eeping right." Anel' listening for quarter of the sbade bas a vertical row 4Uncult to secure. In European coun- Uful JowlJlh maid n whoRp. n.nccator Kish Wae ahe not Que~ 7 What liad Ibo e01\le u'me to the conjectures and ot tiny silk rosee reaching ' Its !lUre tries, where gr"at .lIIlldlng armlea are h ad been amo n g the cap Iv e 1 d IlWny to fear? The tbo\lib.t fllUlhed acres. Qu~ sUons of tbc group ot girls wllh h Ighl. These arc placod In double mailltained, there are not only govern- crom Jerusalcm by Nebuchadnezzn r wheD lIer mind to ·take 11 r cbance of eec&p. wham alie WQS conversing. ' the ~11'1 rows In rather a conventional ety le J cholachlm \Ya. lnken captive. Bhe WOll mental breeding farms, but tbe farm, on orph a n , anll WDJI brought up by her Ing the eff ct, of tbo d cree of the king. ~'hose c:uele!js words had set tbe ball wllhout giving a stiff look to the luseare ncouraged to breed army coullln, Mordecai, who had an olftco In t be No one knew sbe W8S 11 Jew. Alld wt.y oC -conversation rolllll1l condescended ful ornaruen t. hold or Ahneull rll9. king o f Peraln, For B dInner t nble sbade there Is )loMles by the glvlnl of prl~es, and by h(luS and dw It at "ShU8hIlcD lbe palnce. " shOUld not her exalted etatlon lUI QueeD to e~plaln, permlttlug governmeDto()wned atalUona When Vashti wu dlsmlsscll trom botng shclter ber? "In the first piac ,:' s he ' said, "I nothIn g more attractive nutI pleasing Dut scarcely had the t.hougllt 1l l\shl~d sle p with the wlndo ..... s open. Nolh· ·than -one of rose-colored s ilk tull ed of proper breedIng to stud to ap- quoen. and nil the faIrest v lr«ina of tho klng,10m had been gaUlered at hll8hn.n proved stock at meroly nominal te.l, Cor the king to make cholcR ot II. IIUC· Into her mind than she lurned trom It lug Is worse tor one's health and good over th e fram o and wlUI a narrow gllt _ looks than ele ping In a room wbcre ga lloon at the upper /lnd lower edges. JP Austria I have .een a wbole regi- cessor to her from among them. the In disgust. chol'e tell upon Esther . The king wna "What though my llre were eparOll: the windows are closed and the all' Is Then over th e shirred silk goes a lat· tlJent of cavalry mounted onborse8 so not awnr c. however, of her race nnd sbe demanded ot her e lt fiercely, .oil Impure. Then 1 el p on a bed that tlce of nar row gold ribbon with gold tnle to type t hat ft would take st1ldy parentoge, t OT. Mordecnl had straightly, all my people sbould perish and above Ls hard rather than eoft. '1'00 sort a sequIns holding ,the f Intersections of -.ud acquaintance to tell one hOnle churg~tl hor that ahe ahou ld not r eveal all, my MordecaI. Ob Mordec~1 Mol' bed Is e nervating. the ribbons together. It. 80 It wtu! that when Haman the Aga· from another. In Germany the govern· glle mnde representaUon! to ttle 1(lng dOON, why hall such 'trouble b~tallen Oold passemenlerlc hnparts a dainty "Then I sl p on a pillow that Is ment blla been breedIng tor the cav· l hat tho J,,\\'o 8cntt.ered througb his us? .B ut what can I do? I cannot go hard and small. I am careful to be touch to a dinner candle shade which realm wer e II. pernl loull ra , be pve '~rJ slnce tbe time ot Frederick the U aman full power 9,n<1 authority to kill lu unto the king utlleas he bid me, and warmly 'covered, but I the cover- bus tbe trame covered with gol{l~col ­ Oreat, and wIth mo.t saUsfactorJ reo tht'Dl a lt, young ond old . women and ohll- why should I perish before him betllr. bIgs light of weIght and pliable. It Is ored silk shirred on mther full and the pHI!. In these conUnental countrlel dren , and t ll ko posscs Ion ot all their I had had cbllllce to aid my people! btltler to have lighter covers and top and bottom edges fini sh ed with properly. The Uleu n. tll.ken by E9th~r more of them than two or three heavy gJll lace. Festoons -of tiny gilt roses smuch enterprise Is ebown In 8ecurlnr: t o avert this gr a t cal amity fro m h er Surely, 1 am perplexed." Then, ca ll1ng liatach, she bade him hOrBe blankets tbat tire the- body add a rich louch to thle ornament. The the best blood that may be had .In p eopl o and her kindred lLre fully retatO<'! ~wflrs are draped In sha.llow curves, In thlo Book of l':s t her. . carry word back to Mordecai and loay merely by r sUng on it. other countries. not omitting the De.· to him: . "No matter how lllte I getl bome, I with long dnngllug fringes or ropes of ~rt of Arabia, whence comeo the beet ....................................... "A ll tb e klng's e l'Vllnta, and all tht always tollow out a regulru' program roses trailing down the Irnme, where and purest equine blood In all the : SERMONETTE. : people of the klng's provinces know before I am settled for the nIght. I, the testoons a re caughte up to Ule top world. In !hI. mattes:. at horse-breed· : "And If I perl.h, I perl.h."- : that whosoever. whether man or worn. first of aU, take a warm bath. Then ot tbe shade. ina tbe ltallanl are not the leaet eDte,.. • No lubllmer word. of lelf-abneFlower-ed s ilk ribbon 01' materlw by an, shaH oome unto the king Into lbe 1 rub down wen with Turklsb towels. .. rlsluS, nor, by tbe way, are the Ita. : gaUo'), and- .ulTflnder to a high : Inner court, who Is not called, there I. When I am all aglow 1 slip on gown the .yard can be converted Into most one law of his to pul him to death, 8X. and ba throbe, put my feet Inlo warm deUgbttul lamp shades by shirring a lian. by any meana Inferior 1D theJr • miSSion were ever Ipoken. :. They have proved an Inlplra· : cept such to whom the kin~ ehall hold slippers, IIlld then drink a cup of hot width or length at It over a firm wire lIoraemanablp. frame ·a nd l\n~ng the shade with a thIn • tlon fI; many anothel' one .Ince : out the golden sceptre, that lie may milk and eat a cmcker or two. Americans ..... ho have' hesitated be. •• then who hal been called upon live; but 1 have not been called to "Next I maesage my (ace tor about plaJn·colored sll1r, Before sewing on 'tween the usa of "Scotch" IIlld "Scot- • to throw themlelves Into the come in unto the kJJ:lS these 30 days," five mlnutee with cold cream. 1 put the passementerie a short silk frluge t1ah," not knowing wblch Is preterable • breach and become a lacrlfloe: Tbat nIght little sleep came to lIllother five mln\ltes Into the work or can be faslened around tbe bottom and or correct, wlll be Interested In know. • that other. might obtain dellve,.. QueeD Esther, and she waa r eady wait. brushing my hair vigorously. ,Then the n au lnch·wlde silk or gilt golloon ••• ance and blestlng. ' Ing early In the mo rning lor the relurn 1 am ready tor bed, clean, warm, and be sewed over thIs, wIth pll8semen· tug that others have felt the same ' Hatach, whom she knew would well l~d, ani:! with a comfortable Bens terle oruaments decoraUng the upper It II s .trlklng JIIulltration of t. at • c10ubt The subject recently came up • that declaration of Chrllt'. that ; . bring he.- word as soon IUY possible. of having performed every dut y' that part at Intenals. .. the bouse ot commoDi whE'n a memo : "he who would eav. hie life : And be did not keep her 10Dg waiting, I shonld have performed. For a ~ore elaborate and leBs sub· from Dumfries urged that the nnme at •• mullt 10le It." for the message of lIordecal was IU' '" know someUmes one tee!s stantlal lIbade they are using tulle the Scotch education department Selfish nell la withering snd • gent and full of omlnoua meanIng: . too tired to get ready to sleep right. sWrred ve ry' full over silk wllh trlnges ~bould be changed to "Scottish." dutructlve. It seek. to eave "Think Dot:' W8S the message Mor- One comes home fagged out, and the tor the bottom and passemeDtel1e trim· ~lcb, be saJd, waa wrong, but wben .elf for lelf's lake, and In the : decal sent to her; "that thOIl shalt.. one thought 1D th mind Is to get Into mlng the top In a deep band. The cen· ~pd by hla assoctatea to prove this very act provides the condition cape lr) the kiDS'S house, more than all bed 8e quickly RS ' ls possible. This tel' ~t tbe sti(lde Is decorated with !Ie could not do so 8atisfactorlly. which will eventually prove It. : the Jews." Is all wrong. 1 have done this and hand ome pasBementerle In an arbor e ffect, 'and the whole shade Is then undoing ft'ler I was on"4 lI'acetious members Insis ted that b l s ' A flush overspread the palUd tace of have (ouud tha.t .... ..., u.n· that .plrlt of sacrifice the nueen, and sbe spoke up hasUI", der tho coverll I 'was Incapable ot lined with rote or gold silk. There arc Not olllJec:Uons to the word "8c:otch" gTeW .. " I I I Id whloh glvel Itaelf that othera inlertupting the words of Hatach: a eflP ng. was 00 , nervous, and few colol'S suitable for this purlUlse; out of hl8 temperance proc:lIvlUee aud had n wretcbed fe,e II nb ' " tb a t my race. I'lcb yellows, rolMYpln1cs and cream col· may find help and ble .. lng. Such "Nay, nay, lI61'dooai did mJeundeJ'o" tile fact that the word suggested other glvll'lg glvea birth to a new and S\4IId t.he Import of my 'l'\'or~s. I "sa dirty and my hair tousled. After 01' produce very good effect •. thlnga than n race of 'people. Tho ad· larger experl.nce which enrichthQught not of myself, but ot my peo- a few of these nights I made up my yocat. of "Scottish" did not convince ea life here and life beyond. : pie IuId of MordecaI. What aball " mind that, no matter ,bow late the hi. English hearers, but aa a matter of E.ther mIght ealily have perpro11t them 1f I perlah mJaerably b& hour or how tired 1 felt, I would get fact It 18 anid tbat the word "Scottlah" auaded herl.lf that ahe had : for.e the wrath of the king? . 'l'hen .1D. ready lor bed In a proper manner and IN'evaJlIIlll ScoUand. It la a Dlatter of everything to loae by e.pou.lng deed I could not .serv. them. lIay sleep Tight. ~ cuatom, however. without 'speclal philothe cauae of her people and : there llOt be' lOme more lure' WII,Y oC "As a rule, I eleep about nine hours, logical basis.-· - --'--' nothing to gain. "otwlthstandll'lO • brtnJl.n g deUverance?" and 1 find that l ' do .not feel right 'u n.. • • the omlnou. wal'l\lng of MOrde-: Without replyIng to QU6eD JIlsther'. less I get ru11y this much rest. Sleep . '- It tQ suppl1 • want before tt ascal that ahe need not t..,k that Que.t1on, Hataoh cont1Dued: is not ~nly tbe power triat keepe me Hats are Dearly aU dark. .. a" w Id I well and filii o( energy, It Is my medl· iata. ParIs ~ alre,ad., · luppUed with. '. .,! ou. e oape. "For 1t thou altogether boldest thJ clne. No matt er' how poorly I am Tbe blples/J girl Ii In' the belght of roof atatlon for aeroplane. ID tbe veNo, " do not th!nk. that warnpeace at this time, then shall there en· style. • .I I . d h d th I t I ht Ceelln" a good. sound aleep will usual· ceDter of tbe clty. . The house III IltU' ng wor a e ea. we g largement and dellv~rance ame to the I, set me rl~ht.." , Bo~cea are abaolutely ftnt and clos8with E.ther. Jew8 from another place" Bttlng. . :~ t~~u~~~:r ':~d ~lo::,uI;:ar: Fear la a poor goad to the per.: "Yea," fervidly resPO~ded Either, pr~:I~mgl!~ ~a;btlnll::~.ty, ;f~;:I~!!! Bldrta are long, narrow and hlgb wealth- a ....hltect, u Morin who bal formance of duty. : catcblnl the Inaplratlon at Mordecai's agree that sleep does more for the waleted. • .I'" . ro" But when Mordecai ro.e to faftb. "Yea, God wlU stve deLJve.ranee The vest 18 an Important feature taken tlDle by the to,r elock. No flrlng higher ground and .ald: "Who to bl& peopl.. " bnman body tban' ~ other one thlna;. thla winter. '-'e. are, 0 f •conrse, . In ... b bl k noweth w h et h er t hou ar:t oome if a womao would be beau· mach .... U.e a t A new Ilgbt at hope broke over lb. Therefore, i A II d HairpIns with the OPeD arched top. or landlug on 'the top "'f this slx.•lat 0 th e kl ng do m f or • uc h a tl me t rut. an .. .bout, we .. an pleaaant person are most styllah. " '.1 face ot Hatach at Queen Esther'. to have she a must aleep-and bouae as yet, but the tenllllts are as thl.,,, hIs plea had won the . words, and he continued, confldently~ ,sleep rlaht. Lines are (or the most part long, and, ..arned' berorehand b., a claule In their noble heart of the queen. "Wbo Jmowetb whether thou art ftat, and straight.. It la alwaYI wi •• to put dutY'1 : come to the klugdom for such a HOLDER FOR THE HATPIN8. . Ohlldren'a white fur bats sound • I ...e that they .m not be entitled to an., compensation It, In the Dear fu. : call upon the high plane ot mar. : .. thlaf' wide range of style. lure, the roof 1s used as a ataUoo or • . al obligation. fr Her beart gave a l1'eat bound' as" U for 'Room In Cheaply-Mad. The IIUpper Is colored to match or carage .for "aerial vehlclea." Mean.: There II 00 stlmulua ,to r'elM : reeponded to the subUme ' thougbl Contrivance. contrast wltl1 · Uie gown. 'While the tenants are entltled to the : JIving and doing In holding up How It dignified ber present pOSition. )' f • White fur of every IOrl anti kind wlli the evil con.equencea of what Here w .. a glory and "00·0" f"" An 'Uract1ve hatpln bOlder which be much worn the comiog wtnter. > Ute of tlie ten-asse" osa roof garden \ :• will follow If the right thing la : lug any..., " 0" . whIch the mere possession toay be cheaply made, yet la quite an Plaids 's eem ·to be the. favorlte wear



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Gen. Grant says that his father did ' .

not done. But how quickly the heart of - --.........c=avtqre of FOrt Donslson. The • even a little child will respond •• to the appeal for lacrlf!ce and alorT went through the nation that I • aery oe, If that heart I. mad" to Glllut had fought tile JlatUe wit):! a •• feel the dignity and power of ~r In his mouth. Frlendl conl1'lltu· • right choice. va lVIc-. . laUDg hi m on thl a, t b e. f rst great "It may b~ that thou art , 1D ' b.1S 1Id3, • accompanied their • to the kingdom for JUlt .uch a 1DJ')' 1Ulelilaages "Ub boxea of cigars. The • time as thl.... Who II gqlng to kero was thus encouraged to smoke : fall when the In.plratlon of auch more tll~n was good for him. It Is an • a thought grIp. the .heart 1 ayoh extreme case of the dtlmagtng effect of • In.plratlcln can find but one ex· D8 he American trealJlng bablt. : prelilon: "I ::VIII go, and If I per.: "Perhaps, Indeed, It was lor · just • ish, I perllh. sucb a time as thlii that I 'b ave come eoftly to' herself. That old ndage; "The more haste the ~.............................. ~,......" •••~ blther," she repeated . 'Iess speed," finds exempllficaUon In THE STORY. ~!~ll~~~: ~~ P:r~~ !~3.~:~I~;;f~;-' the dl6ll.8ter In the Panama callal . . , ' HA TEVEn the trouble that bad the new tbought, and ev~ry curve grew IIOUa. The dynamite at· overtaken Morc!ecal, Queen Esther firm wltl1 the resolve wbJch had been trlbuted to tbe desire cn the port ot IIOme 01 the men to "make the dlrt felt confident that she would be able tormed ~1th1Il, and with ,. v~lce fro~ which oJl tra.c~ ot, fear ' and doubt ha.cI jJy," which led to neglect of proper to help him. So confident was she of now ' vruUshed sbe said: this, In fact, tbat when IIhe . had dis· Jlrecaullons io handling the explosive, "00 In hute, H~tach I Gather to, putche d Hatach with her last message, Zeal Is rlgbt und pralsewortby, but lelllng Mordecai that whatever hla gether all tbe Jews that are' pre.ent ia ,.,hen dealbig with deadly materials It trouble sbe woul~ help blm, she quite Shuehan, and fast ye for me, aneS ~ould be properly t empered with pru· dismissed the matter from her mind, neither eat nor drink tbree days, night .4Ieoce. believing that Hatacb would be able or day. 1 also, and my maidens will 'to afford the reUef which her cousin fast likewise. And so wtll I gO In unto "The ebeapest hou!;es at Bournvllle, needed. the king, wblch Is not according to the England, rent (or only $7.80 .0. month. In this frame ot mind ahe continued law, and If I perish, I periBh." wblcb lncludee taxes and water rates. hel' plannIng for some social tunctlon Suob a hOllse contlanB five rooms and which was to bring the women of the The Sourc. 'of ,All, .. wonderful fold.lnif bath, which stands palace together and help to, relieve the When we see the mUllon raID d~ 1lP "lte a cabinet when not In use. tedIum ot tbe place, and was quite u'n- of the ehowet we say, with ·1'I'.88on, eterkA and artisans, however, general. prepared for the message of Hatach there must be one great If,a trom .., pa.., about $12.30 a month tor seven when he presented himself at the door wh·l ch all these drOllli cOme. 'And w1leo of her apartments the next morning wo' see sa It were, counthillS drope bond ' 2IOOIDS ancl an eighth of an acre." and pressed the Importance ot a secret countlesB rays of aoodness scattered abOut In the world, a UtUe good In Presldenl Hadley ot Yale tells Har. Interview. "Wha t tiding'll bring you?" crled .the this man, and a li~tle goOd '. n tliat, -ward atu.denta that braln and not queen In some aTarm, for she saw by shall w~ not say, there Dlut b..e one brawn ·ehould be tbe Ideal of college the countenance of HiLtach that he great sea, one central aUD of gqodniiss, ___ It 11'88 Doted on a recent occ. wa" the bearer at omlnous tldlngs. "Is from , whence 'all humall', JWod,iiesa eIoa that eome of the Harvard men Motdl"C U sare 1" com~B1 And whet:4t CaD ~ ' center a..ct IMicome too· bra.wny. to suit th. "Yea. and no," Hatacb replied. "And gOodness be, ' but fn ,the i~ .cbarac· "-aIe »eople. as tor ourllelve. al Jews Wd ' 'll'e all In ter ot God ;J\lJJiaelrr-~.. ,,~l~ , peril." An.1 he went on ~1I bor KlIllBleY'- 1 ",.".. " ... - Larger, locomotivel . are ' heine bunt at the decmle,' w~lch the king hil4 seal the Penn8ylviln1a railroad to bandle ror~ at 'the prompting ot Haman; or. ... ,trdl. that Is ..pected to com. derlng ~at aU the Jews in" all , th~ ,II , w~~l say tl3vat! ~, unCODl,n8!l cll~ _ t 'year. The new 'maehinea are mOJl. ,realm, lioth old and 'foung, me;t, wom· member' 1. DO more JlIt~J,. to, 80 to' ~ ...,.. tbat could DO\. d'taJllecr en ~nd chlJdreq, shoull. UD. a certaln buv8D than a atuller iD tile 11uml, will ' ,: , - not have any trouble~. k"p~ ~ - . . " ,..,. nao. '. day be slaln. ".And ·,'Mordeca) plea~etb .l~ th~ . con~repUOD ~"q& " ,





Ttie . i~wlnl IlltereaURI bit of ... form~Uon appeared 1D • Montreal paper: "Last December, ID review lUI the .,·e ar 1907, we had to record a wheat harvest considerably smaller In vol· ume than 1n 'the previoul year. Aplnat ninety 1Il1/JIons In 1906 tbe wheat crop of the Welt In 1907 only totaled .ome Beventyo()ne million bushels, and much of thla of Interior Quality. But the price averaged blgb, and ~e total reItult to the farm erl was not unproftt. , able. This year we have to record by tar lhe largest wheat crop In the coun· .try's ( history. Estimates vary as to the exact Ogm'e, but It Is certainly not less than olle bundred mIJl1NI 1>uohell, anil In all proba bIlity It reacbel one bundred and ten million bushels, Tb. Quality. moreover, Is good, and the price obtained ve ry high, 10 that In .. II respects the Western harvest of 1908 hIlS been a memorabls one. The result upon tbe commerce and finsnee ot the country Is alreudy apparent. The railways are al1;aln reporting In- I creases In traffic. the ~e neral trade or the community has become active after twe lve montbs' Qui et. and the banks are loosening their purse .tringa to meet the demand for money. The prospects tor 1909 are excellent. The credit of the country- njlver stood as high . . The Immigrants o( 1907 and 1908, bave now been absorbed Into the · IDr dustrlal IIlld agrlcultursl communll1. and wise regulnllone are In torce to prevent too great an (nflux next ye81'. Large tracts of new country will b, opened up by the Grand Trunk Paclno both In East and West. If the seasonl are favorable the Western wbeat crop Ihould rellah one bundred and twenty mllIIon bushell. The prospect,t tor next ye..r seem very faIr." An Interesting letler Is received trom Cardaton. Alberta (We8~ern Canada)" written to an agent of the Canadian Government, any of wbom will be plez:sed to advill. correspondents ot the low rate. tha, may be allowed Intending lettlers. "C&rd!'ton, December 21et, 1908. "Dear Sir: Now that my tbr sbln, I. done, and the Question 'Wbat WIU the Harvest Be: hoa btlcpme a certainty, I wish to report to you lIle r-. Bults thereat. believing It will be of In. terest to you. You know I am onl, It novlco In tbe agrlcullural line, awl do not wish you to tblnk I am boa.lln, because 'of my success. for somq ot my neighbors have done much better than i have, and l ' expect to do much bet· ter 'next year m·yself. My winter wheat went 63 bU8bels per acr&-jLnd graded No. 1. My sprIng wtieat went 48,,1 bushels per acre, and graded No. I, My oats went 97 bushels per acre, and are nhe aa any oats I ever laW. M1 stock ts all nice and fat, and are out In lhe 11eld ploldn, their own three 'lIij1ilre maaTi a day. The weather ta nlClt and warm, no Inow-&Ild ver"l UlUe frosl Tllll, (n ahorl, JI an Ideal country tor farmers ond .tockm.... The stoCk reQulres no abelter or w\D. tel' (eedlng, 'and cattle fatteD on thJa I1'astl and make the flneat kind at beet.. better than com fed cattle I~ Ill.. Southwestern Alberta wlll SOOn be known as the rar.nera' paradlae; anti I am only aorry I did not come here fly, years ago. Should a rambl. ever strike North AmeriCa, I .111 bt. amonl the last to starve-and you can count on that. · "I thank 10U for the personal a ..II" ance you rendered me while COmJD, In bere, and 1 nasure you I Iball ' nOC IOOD forle\ 10ur kind . om~"

*** * royal bonora and power could ever b& &dorament to a glrl'1I roo~,le concoct- forWomen's schoolglrlll, botb large and small. : stow. Tbe memory of bell eventful ui. ~ from, a long spoOl. Tllese may be calJlng oarda have changed ** swept over her 11ke a flood. How ehe of any ' dea1red alze: but t)lose wbleb slightly In lJhape and are now almost had been left a helpless defenselese bold baby iibbon are bC!lt . square; .. ' T h rt f tb I 41-1 h- *** orphan. and In that dark bour had beeD e' me e apOlJ s are. T,tie Bow Under th, e Chin. ' claimed by her father's nephew. How In Bold ~r BUver paint and the body * he had nurtured .... "-11 ""red tor her .... ClOvered with a gay bit of brocli4e, or At. ·small evenJng alra1ra where slightly Low gown. are worn there ** he might have done for a da"~"'teJ\. ' _ bit of , -'lk hand-palllted or embrold· bow hla 'p lace the omclal..... Ute· of• ~... re," Aa tb ere' 18 no strain' on Wle come aliout a prettY fa8bJqp of' . wear: *** IIlld ~ ... r Ins a band of colored Telvet ribbon the palace had given him ollportUD.tJ uteI' part of the IIpoon; ~ oovertns around tlie De~lI:. ~ * o.f preparing her for the place "'hI~~ baa puled. . This III tied In a 8i1u~!1l flat bow dl. : had so wondroUBlr.openod up for her !" N4 r roW' rlhbons ,are tled l~ each end rootly ullder the chin. GI .... who bave * Queen. fo~ a loop by which the holdedl good featurea'''and welFBhaped ' faces

DOt amoke ,to gr~at excess unUl after:

, .T



u.u S




~uspended. TheBe. are fbUllhea· at the top With a small rosette. Through the heart lot the IIpOol la . thrust a cOre o~ cork or ot 'Wool through Which the hatplns are easll~ Bt uck from either end -', . Harmle•• Rouge. ,\Vater hi which 'beets have been. cooked and to which a tablespoonfUl ql alcohol-.lias been added 1s Uie on]y; harm1ela, roullOe.-The ,January Denne. ator. " " , ,!' , ' . JIi • '

ah'obl\!' 'wear n, but It Is rather h b' h v t.. "I'll give j~nt °ls~ di 0 Ua :& ~"c1 f fish ..... II" rec Y 00..... rom the 0ld spell ~'d·o-d." Both ucber P(otuf~..:4ltlld4 ::alI.a1~0.Ptedttl,b' , "TtUlt ain't flsb." e women 0 . wa a". ." 8 pre er "What Is It, then'" when wom wlUi a gown that II not . , v~ry low, ,nd It goes weU wl~h a 811ghtly square neck. It inuet 'b e 't1ed 'at tbe "'17 t(lp the neck. If put at the ,batle It de, stroy/!. the line, ~m eartlp to ahout.' der. ' ' ' ' ' "







. ~eJi. Trepoff.'s Face to Face with Death the Moat Famous of Russian Q~tec:­ lives.Frustratea Plot to Take Nicholas' LifeBlood-Monarth· Sees . Only Quietude of Crowd as Evidence of Vic:ioul Plana Beins Nipped - How Chief

Did IL .l .l • •

(Gen. Trepotr, ono UlnO chillf of the St. Pel nburl:' police, ranks with tho most detectlvell In the UU8sll\n ·emplre. H e WAil In conll'ol of Ibo lIeorot Iltlr vlce


department of tho pollee of .at. P etenvur&, durlug the 11\",11.'88 p rlod "tending rrom 1S76 to 1880. He 8eemll to have bee n uCl"l'lIIIful In thlll mmcult position b '·AWI. he won the warm comme ndation of the czar, and o.t the Um(J, lit hearty detl"lIl.lI.(JoD Of the people. HII! ImmedIate preductllUlor was !Ul8ussln:ued nd hili own lifo WIUI In dllngQr on Illoro tllan ono. occnalon. Vem ZO ll80llc, a y ou ng I\lbll18t. IIhot o.t him whllQ h

In hili om


In the

WM 8 uled'

carly purt of 1 . Tropotr WIUI 8 rlou ly IIIJur d but 1'0c.overed Ilnd lIoon . tel" ~hl\t WI\II hon red d

Great·"March 13" Coup-Its Accomplishment .

Dy Saturday Marcil 12, the general had 11 regiment of men at work, The mildest mannered person .In St. Peterllburg was considered fit subject for 8usplolon. Innumefnblo arrests were made and lome ot these were 'upon luch ftImsy basis that even the rigor of Russian poUcedoDl could not Juattry their detention. Hourly reports were handad ~ to Gen, Trepo1t He'de-: 'voure the90 with eager' lnterest, l)UT8- . Ing up his shaggy eyebrows-aud thinking all the whlle. Presently one of his omcers brought In a printed clr· cular-a sort of proclamation-and this bit of paper was given more attentlon than any of the regular reports. After that he sent out other squalls . of police and they, In retum. brought In other repor'ta. There was great activity at tho Ijecret lIervlce quarte\'8 but, It must be confessed, not much posItive evldenoe of the alleged conspiracy. ' It was the eve of SlIndlly, March 13. One- of the persollal attendants of lhe czar cailed on Gen, ·.Tr potr. . , "Don't you tbl uk Il would be wIse


"Let the procession pro·ceed." The route over which the czar travelod was lined with poUc\.}. They stood 'alouo, In pairs, aud 10 squads. Thoy were consJllouous and yet not unduly so, (or hundreds of th~m tn plalo clothes mLnj;led freely with Ule peo· pie. . Just before the parade started Trepotr arrested fOUT students. They were 'Young men wattlng tv see the royal show. The people protosted against tho arrest 118 an outrage, but the -rizzled headco! tlie St. Petersburg poll<.'O grinned-and said nothlug. In· deed the calm d!meanor of the prls· onors seemed to justify the protest of the people. One of the men carried a boOk under his arm, evidently, from tile gilt lettering on th outside, a dev6t1onal volum ; nnother had a gre n bag containing legal documents; the tillrd, apparently with a desire to got Il good look at the czar. carried 'a pair of opera glasses, while .the fourth had nothlug unusual about bts person , ·un· I~ss a roll o( music ' be so regarded. They were hustled off to the nearest

Out t hlflgs we re different In ~he famous "Third S ctlolU," as the secre t poll e aro caUed. Gen. Trepotr WIl S there arra nging in consecutive , (orm tile rcsult of five days of hard work. He re Is the Btory of what had b ~'6n gOing on behind tile scenes the knowl· edge of which had been so carefully kept from ' tll ozar. The first cluo came In a most casunl manner. One night a couple of men In a restaurant on the Nevsky hud attracled attontlon uy their earnest whispered conversu\.loll. During pllrt of tb talk the name of the czar and the dnte, the 13th of March, had beon overheard. That was enoUJi;h. Detectives pl aced 011 their tracks followed them like bloodhounds. On tho evo of the fateful thirteenth one of the mcn mot a woman In the s tree ts of St. Peters burg and had a hurried conversation with he r, Five minutes aftnr they separated the woman was placed under arrest A search of her pemon revcalell n large quantity of nihilistic proclamations all calling fOl' the death of tbe czar. She

the who, made hIm a councilor

or IItat<:.) .


usual Intelligence. The other {emnle was h r servant. One of tbe meu was rath r aristocratic In appearar.ce. He l:Ialll he occupied a minor minIs te rial office and color was given to his s tatement by the portfOlio which he had In bill hand. The other man, named Lubkln. was a consumptive, about 23 years of age. "Where Is your printing press ?" demanded the ofJIcer. Madame' shrugged her delicate shoulders aud outstretched ber hands In a mallnor wblcb enid plainly enough that the police were welcome to any prlnUng presses they might find In that place. A printing press Is a bulky thIng. It should not be hard to find. But tho officers searched the house from cellar to garret wlUlOut result. All the wblle the quartet sat In t.he large cHnlngroom, prIsoners. On the return of tbe police, the two men and the two women were Pllt through tho "eweatIng" process, but they revealed nothIng. . ThlJ arlstocratic·looklng young mall laid his portfolio WIlde for a mo· ment. One of the policemen picked It up and .opened It, Asl.onlsbmcnt made him speecbl ss. He silently handed the portfolio to bls chief. It was filled with manuscripts rind proofs 'of 11 pro· hlblted nihili st pallel' c&!led " Lund and Liberty." The arlstocratic·looking per· SO li with th e portfgJlo merely smiled a t tbe ons l.ernation of tile officials. He reall:>:ed the gravi ty of his olfenso. H knew the pe nalty. But he never Illall ed [or an In s tant. "Come," ahout d the chIef, "you're convlctod already. You mi ght as well cun foss. Wh re Js tile press?" The quarlet re main ed s ll aut. They w r not offens ive. It was th· 611 0nce of s ubmission- but not of fear. Sud· rlonty Ib e chi ef ga ve n shout of s urprise nnd poin ted to·llle C1J pbOllrd. 'Phe ther policemen follow d th e COUTS!\) Indica ted by his accuslpg fin ge r. 'rhey s aw nothing aud th eir bla nk countenan c S sl.Ild as much. " Don't · you seo?" almost s hrl ~ k e d. the.-Dm c llli.

. '






~ceA ~arE SlZP.AHZJ J..zLJ:J£OJ'Y GOT YOlQ:)~"""1Y:S'!

to PolltllQ~~ the procession to-~orro,!,"" , . ' ' , TreIiotr r~sed those. eloquent eyebro,,8 ' In surprise. "What~' be cried ,land confeSs to the world , that ~ ~mperor of Russ.a fears to appellr In -the st.reets ot his ,ca.,ltaI?'" , . '!Yes," protested tbe other, "J>ut tbe danger-:-" .. ' , • "The danger Is (or me to consider,;" . • •


pollee station ' anil. In ' a ' mtJiqt~, the wu llt.erall1 IQ{1d ~ down with the Ctlr.iOU8 multitude, I\cc~~e~ ,: to. document.. which , werO b.e lng dis constant police Interference, forgot tflbuted l{) tbos IJl tbe conspiracy. aU' about tile incident. SlmultAn80\I8· She admitted that the young cadet 11 '1Ix persons were being arrested at wbo bad commlLted' 8ulclde bad been Paulv.oDJa on the ' Finnish . railroad. '.. selected , to assassinate the emperor. . Tens 'of thousands of the ,,,pcop,le But Iwben be realized tile meaning of stood on 'the sidewalks on that chill, tits 8sslgmJ:leut he Idlled himselt She .gray,. March ,morning 'aw~IUng ~e gor- 8top~d at this 'Iltuge of ber confes· g¢o\18 JlroceSalQn. It, came preB~Uy, 810D. Neltber persllaslon nor tortore witb . the czar" In an open barr,uch 'noT threats of death would .Induce her " • CIt A

"No," replied his chief Houtl'nnn t. "Wbat Is it?" "A daub of luk Oil the doo\' of that olose t." "/\. d,aub of Ink?" re peat ed tho oth r. parrot·llke nnd with no Indica· tlon of Intelllgence. "Yes! Yes!" ho retorted, "a doub ot printer's Ink." Slowly a consciousness of the meanIng of his words penetTated tbe h' dull heads, At the lIame moment t1)ey made a simultaneous ' dash for lbe cupbollrd. To the,r Ilmazement tb y met with resistance. Mme. Krllolf, he r servant, the aristocratic mall ot the portfolio, nnd the consumptive comJlosltor were lined ufl In tront of the cupboard. All were , armed nnd Mme. Krl1otr; pointing ber pistol at tlle head of the .ehlef efficer, said with great dellberation: "Advance a single step and I'll blow out your brains, ' We're , dosperato. Lire means little to UII now. ' yonra." Here was a dJlemmL The cblef .knew Lf he made a move to reach for his pistol this frenzied wpman would carry out ber threat. Only two other policemen were In the room with him and they wer~ covered by the aristocrat and the consumptive compolitor. The remainder of his mell were In otber parts of tbe bouse. He backed out. by degrees. It was humiliating, but he telt that It was politic: He mnst have time to think and ' plan, His two como' panloDs retreated with him. As they reached the outer slll of the floor the cunsumptlve ' compositor slilmmod the door violently and one of bls WlSOelate!:' bolted It. 'Che racket brought the other policemen to the aid of their chlet. There on the lauding they held a cClunoll of war. The basleged nlWlIsts, on tbel.r part, were sparring f~T tlme--they had something tu cOnceal or destroy. The house was already strongly ,guarded on the outside and the stege held Ollt ror less 'tban U ' minute, Tbe dOQr was broken In and after a fterce resistance the tour Diblt1sts sur· rendered, The aristocrat fought. like a demon aDd at the lallt asked ..quarter only for ' the wonlc,n. Wbl,e the pOlice were completing' their work 'the conel1mptlve .composltQf bad a vtol~nt ti~roxysm . .of cougblng 'a nd asked permlsillon to lie oli a cot In an ailjoln. lng 'room. • Th'e cupboard' proved to he a vental>le magic closet. It contained. como' pletl'! printing outfit. ' Nellilless to ;say tbe parap.h oroalfa 'was e~traordlnarl1y. simple ,aDd adapted pec~lI~rly to (~e There purpos8IJ of the coDsplrators. was a 'large 'cylinder -covered wIth. 'cloth ,which . an8wered" tile require-'


In and found Lublrln, the consumptlv. compos itor, In the death agonies. Ho had shot hlmseIr. . [a balf a n hour's time lhe remalnlns prIsone rs and all of tho fllctS In tbe caso we re In til (lossession of Gen. l'rflpolf. He rubbed bls clumsy bands wIth satisfac tion . " Movo lhe second In the game of lire and death," he lUuttered. "We shall postpone our third move until morning, Not becaus e wo like to, but because we must" In the morning, as already t'tatedr .t be arres t of Ule four students 00currad. Tholl' InD.ooent·looklng posses· slons were taken from t he m at the pOlice heudquartel·s. 'I'ho book, the g~een bag, the opera glass, and the 1'011 of music oach contained bombs .whlch were to' hllve been tbrown at. the emperor. They woro stripped. On eacb student wns found a s ruall via. suspended with a strlns frum hi. neck !lnd resting agalllllt hils breast. Those frail bottles each contnlned a. most active polson, The pUl'pose was e\'ident. Failure or refusal to do their WghtfuJ work on tho part of either of the students would hnvo brought forth s ecret agents of th e nlhlllBts, whose duty It was to sLrlk& the unsllc.cessful or delinquent COllSIJlrator OD the chest, thus s mas hin g tile botUe and permittin g t he nolson to nte r tha wounds ca used by the broken glass_ Little · wonde r thl ~t tho ~n !! u cessfuJ s tudents took their arrost s toically_ They w re m erely exch r. ll glng one fate for an other. Oell. Tr porr had modo , otlle r arrosts of those who wore dlreotly con· ce rned In tbe a tle m plod assasslnalLou. ,( , fIe coulltcd t il rn o\' \'. "Nine Hsll In Lhe net; wa nee4 more." His chi f of sta rf and a sq uad at his trus tiest Ul n ha d al ready staTtecl 01T for Paulvon ia ~ tho Fin'nish railway. He wl rod l aaIU lo net Iwmedl-' !I.tely. 'I'll .v found what h bad sus.pected- a bomb manutllotory. It WI\S Utero that th e deadly missiles ot the four s tOllen ts had been dovl Sis more a rrests w ra made In cannecUoD wit h th lH prlvnl'e Drs nal. On t h day fo llow log March 13, Oen. T repofr 11:l.d 15 \1I'190116rs In a1\ on ILla haad iJ. Each one r e proR uted U IItnge ill the conspI racy i tho c omposlto~ an d pressman Wobo pu bli shed tha proe-la ulntloll Si tile gI rl who distributed them; Lho s lllll ents who we re to throw th e bombs, and the tn II who JIlanu> {a cl\lr ~ d the deadly nl18!1l1ca. The 15 were cond lun d to deatb, but, on th e recomme ndation of the ' court. eI ght. e'scaped hanging and were sente nced to penal servitude fOr liCe In Sibe ria. The c'zar learned nil or these .details. late r: 011 the evening of the t3tb of Marcb, 119 ho e nlareU the Wlnte~ palace, he was' credited with say Ing: "The people were very [IolLte and r-. spectful. The detalls were nlcel~ planned-and by the way, tell Trepofl.. I was plea&ed with tho pollce arrangements."


(Copynght. ItlO8, by W . O. Chapman.)

Home·Loving Montenegrin ... Nowbere Is love of country more I ... tense than among the Montenegrin..., to whom a'slle Is the !;,reqtest of pan.. lallments. When W. J, BU!Jman w . . here In the seventies all the me. were away fighting, nnd he obse"_ that when a messengell ,vas want.ed the omclal took a man out of " Uprison and sent IIJm olr, wltb no feu tiuit be would tiot return. Oue 8\1CZ. messenger WWl Bent to Oattaro, III Austrian territory, w1th a large sum 01 money for the bank. and lie duly cam. baok. Another asked a Russian at Cattaro ~o Intercede With Prince Nlchoia8 fo • . bls reiease from prison. "But· you are hot In prison!" said the '?uslllan. "Oh," 8ald the man, "I have only com. do'",n tor a load of skins for So·aDd-So. but I muat ,go Ihto prison again wheD [ get back to CettlnJe." ,One , pr~son guard watcbe~ all tbe prisoners when they Sllllned them selves o lit ~i)t. doors, and It be was called away a Ilrlsoner would taIte, bJa rifle nnd act as serit~y for the time. . .. American Teacher's Life In Japan. , An American teacher, Miss Helea Hyde 'Is D.ow', llvlng Lll Japan and US1DIJ the lite there as material ' for her -prints. Miss Hyde 'has her boul!e 04 studio at Akllsakn, wh('l'o she' \lY.e8 ID Japanese style, but still retain. ·~aU tbe comforts cif borne," lnto the IItU. Jnpo.nese ' bOuse, wHh Its' "bamboo ' rran!~, QJld wails ·of 8111110g Ilc(eona. ¥lss Hyde hRS Introd~cel\ \.he Auiertr can pusb·buttonbeU, AmeHean' cbal,.. (the Japanese prefer sit upon JI~t mats), 4nd even tbe unheard of, lu'1IUJ)" ot ~n o'.c!~'t~llte ·ftfe. 13Y.'" deatpln&



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~Outing , ~



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befor. •



'Jlt' ...,,. ',;r.




Bring us ~our Produce,

('fh cs al' b ')' , al'gum.

$ _



! ~~ ~~ .~:::;'-. 1- S$ (11 N (1 HAM,



W uelivel' go us Lu any pal' of town. Tclcpholl YOlll'



t E;;~- s;ci~i!~,~A-;;.-;..'-:;;m; -6-c~' ~ $

Fallcv ,a la Apricot I er \I 15 '

U T~ ,


90c I ';. dqzen). ';., 4 PI'S Medium alWHS .. .... ........ " '......... .. ...(;ll)ve~ ... 25· To

1 ~ 1 ~o


'*' $

I,GOe pel' t10z 11) ' .....,''''. \, TiCK Mitl.rl :.. Pf!l 2fi '.'1'..' 15 Heavy t 15 ~~ • c Moo' . 1ll1l! 'I"Ie'k M'I lt g ... :.: 10 (, C t 10 TIck MItts .. .. .. , ' .... / ."~, 'JiC


pel' lb.


~rw· Ra II Ran d RUl}I·b r B00 t s ""'5 ,~I


..... '.1-,.. '2 00 B lYS' Fits ~.", , 115 H avy . 1'ti~~·""""".

l r:r

' 1' PE PR IT, P I , , D T E HAt:E, SWEET POl'ATq8~. .


, ; .~ 07°5 Fre!ttss' aaln1dd Oovv,el~S':::*22 2550

Grocerie I"l'e::;h Roll d


,Men's G'l


3 p.r s.H' ,avy' ,"I,va,s Ginves 25c ....,,.'

~:~" ;;:~~;~;A';;~~~';::;~:'~ A:~~; ~~;:~p~t~~~u ~:~



iti. hard Log tg odfl'es \toy:;-

''**' *'*'

;em W'k ::shit' C -liic -Oc (~ III Dre!'; 'hil't,s ...... 39c *1 0 em D r : ::;hi .. H, . 7~(' 1 0 hil't.'J ,~lightly s lil~cl (ige If y t1 e:\p ct tu l.IllY a hirt 0011 , y U call't afTord to (l \' edook he (~.


Um, fy..uwhen ~:~;;ti",~i~,~3ib;: "?: FancyMuirP aehf:'s pel'lb

1'h; ;",1,

Felt ,Boots


Saturday we will ell 2) pounds best "r' a nul"'~+ed Sug'ar.. for $1 ' 25~ >




'J!c . 11 lO U I'

'$ *''*

h~l'Jr-aint) thi!< W, k than






"" -- -~..,..,..,..".. ':l!c Men's Underwear "".


t~tt~· t'*'~**'*'*****'*'*'*''lIe**,*,,*,'tic***~ ~

a y .i g b t

Uur t \'0 . '( r . 'Ie '\'. , V ·r·y .. LlsfH,tt)l,), bu t owing to th blu] \\' Oil h'r rml1lY W' l' k pL, I:\W • 'VI; have l11t' '!iTt .~ I h \t w\'! wil>h t clog ut., ·iIl () . l' f'V n g'l' at l'

Hie Drl.'''''· .l (lud~, n I\v ...... llc T All ,1\, tun ·illghums:....... 7\, 'JlC .,.. ~ 11 'ulicot:!:i I.. ..(" .... . ; ....... ... lie Sealsh.'nt 'I' h I ~ :~:..


01'(111'"J l'anl~ .. 1 ~),

~1 00 ' ("ll·tlu r o), J I)

" ~~

' \ ,Flanne,l All l ' I'}! hUlll ,I


IJ r yd .. ·





1M 50 Men's DressShoe5 *2 98 3 00 Men's Dr ssShoes 2 49 2 50 Men's DI'~ Sln>es 1 9 *.~ 0 Ladie 'D1' ss hoe Q 2 tlH ~ 50 Ladies' Dr ss ~hoes 1!) {t'. Mi!>'es anci hildl' n' s hoes

' LacHes' Burson Ho .... ;.. . :?Ic .J\t.' ChilliI' n' s Samson. jlndow vI' Picldninny, the h e.l huse ;.,. muue only .. ......... ,........ lUt· ,;r. Ladi s' ol'Miss s' 1 5~ Hwp llc 15c H avy fleece Sox t)llly IOc




''** $ ,*,*,*,**,*,,*,****,*,*r;t**i+*,**,*"~'lIe,*,*

OI'U l'I·.

We pay the limit.


at co;;t

$ *,*,*,*,*,,*,****,*,**,**,*,,*,*,*,*'J!c'Jlc'Jt::-'** WALTER J. KILBON. ~~~~""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"''''~''''~~~~'''.....~'''''~ ~~~~~~-~=-~~~~~~~ ------------------------~--~~~~~~~~~~~ Hot Water Bottles I, !. :-1 HardBurnt TelI e 1 SCHWARTZ"S I


Closing Out Sale I

New Burlington.

Our t nohors ntt n dnd Vall y 'f OWtli'; hip T fllin itt r . . on Frid ll .V.

'arS~. PI~t ... r RA\nl i~\'i

I eI' a t


General Merchan dise at Sacrifice Prices In order to mak . room for . e veral new lines of ~ d. which I contemplat putting in , in the l'}eal' futur , am offering the below-named goods at X 0 X of the reg~lar price'i • Look over the list and' !'ou see anything y u want, it will'pay you to bu it N W!


r •

Dessert Dishes, each ., .. . . , .. 7c Wood ~poons. , ..' .. ... .. . ... ; . 3c Berry Sep~ <;ut to . .. .. ' . .. . . . . 75c Scrub .Brushes .. . .. ... .. '. . .. , Ladies' Handkel·chiefs . .4 for 15c Pie Pans, all sizes . . .. . . ... .. . 3c Gem Pans, eac.h . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 7 c Tin Lids, ,all size . . .. .. . . , . . . 4c Tin Wash Basin . . . . . . . , , . , .,. 7c Oatmeal Dishes, each, . . , . ... ' Saf-eti Pins . . . . . . .. , . , .24 for 5c Enamel ' Lids . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 4c Coffee St rainers, each . . .. ... . 7c ,Cake Pans, round ., .. . . .. .. . 3c ,Cake Cutters, each ..... .... , . 3c Milk Strain r ... . . .. . . , ., ; . 7 TableSpoons, X doz , : .. , . . .. . 12c' Ironing Wax, each., . ....... . PIcTURES, CUT FROM 6 c to35 Tack-Hammers . , .. ... . . . . : .'.. 6c .,. - d' , B Its 7 J/ d 7 .ua u~ e . . , , .. , .. , .. " , . c T ea Spoona, .r'.! oz .. . .. , .. . .. c Coffee an d ea Cam. t el's . ,.. . 6 ' GI ass Le mon queezer . ..... , 6c 1 q t • g~'a d ua t e d' T'In Up• . . , .. 6 3c, E B U· tt.ons, " ' card .. . .. . .. .. . . . . , .. 3 ' gg Beat et' ·. , .. , . . .... .. , , . . 7(: Muclng poons. . . . .. ... . .. . . c W d T I R' 3 C h t Cotto I 4. 00 Owe mg . . , . . . . . . . e roc e n, spoo ... .. : . ,'. c Wo d Bow ls .. ,,_ .. . .. ... . .. . 6c CLOCKS, CUT FROM $2.50 T Baskets wit h lid ... , .. .. , " . . 6c .Toboggan ars ......... .... 8e ' \ $1.50, A BIG BAR AIN :Ribbon, ... .. .... . . 12 yds. for 12c Baby H od , .. ... . , . . . .. , ... 7e 1 qt. Tin Eucket& . ... , .. . , . .. 6\! helf ,Brackets, pail' . . . , . . . . .. 7e 2 qt. Tin Buckets ....... :" .... 7c Boys' Su pender .. .... .... . 7 S qt. Tin ·Buckets'.. ' .... ... . . 7c Machine Oil, boWe .. , ., , . . . . ' 5c 4. qt. Tin Buckets . . ..... . ... . 8c Meat Pounderl1. , . .. . .. . , . . . 7c Pie Plates, cut fl'OlT! " .. lOe to 7c Cedar Fa\'eet:s .. .. ... .. .. ... . 5c Sink Cleaner ....... , .. , ... .. , 6c 1 gill. Stone J al's . .. .. " .. .. .. 7c c,.ke Pans, square , . . . . . . , . .. .' 7c hail' Bottoms .. : . . ... .... . . , ,7c Vegetable Cutter . , .. . . . . .. , . 7c Glass ream Pitcher . . . , . . , . , . ~ c ' Bread Platters, cut from 3 tQ 23 ~ G1a ~ ugar Bo~vl .. , . . . . ,.,. 5c Bread Platters, cut from 50to 35c ANVA G,LO ES, PAIR , ,, 7c Black Basting Thread, sp 01.. Ie Shoe Nails, box . . .. : . . . .. ... . · 3e ake Tu rnel's . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c Heavy Meat Forks . . , . . . . . . . . 7c Dust Pans ... . .. . . . . . . , . . , . . . 4c






T a 'I 0 r S h 0 p .




. I ,. .~ I


. ._ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _






W~ite's '

Zjmmerman~s I

I Thursd~y, lebruar~

There' a package ~altil1g , ror you .

I •


~ .\ W,hole Whel:\.fflour.

' yOU witl. ' . .1 a· vee st. peti(lf , of Flour made t fro~ " tbe, ' ell,tll'e wbeut: , Very 'muc'h " ; upe,r'J or to 'Grab'a:~ ~'Iour. ; fr& barrel ac~s ~O!:. ,

, - We cau ,.tlow fu'rhisl~ ) ,

February ' . Specials y"


Yellow' Muir Peaches

Bright and Sweet. '11he bigge:! ' bargain ever offered in Warz:en C QI1'ty: Cala Evap Muirs

71c 2

6'le . Evaporated

lL (.lOUt\t t


Auy Quantity ,t





\Sui.r fured Hams~ ale

I , '..'

Il lXIun\1 .,}lY t'h :/1\,x,


T 'h . "Swe t ·Hickorv" PI'g




. l

'8 , ',tr! , 1.0 !b,S\ ~ .· ave rage; lI

8 ye~rA old, good . driver

10 yeare old,l general pnrp.oS8 b~r8e, 1 Lyears old, five . m-llo4 cowe;' two fre@b obe 1 . in Maroh, one in . April and <:>~e in June. ,A I~t. of fl\rmlug lmple~eots .b~ggles, WII~OD8, surrey, roJUl. cart etc. A I!l,t of ,hpuseh6ld farott.are suoh &tlltwves, 'oarpets, eto. " Terms-':Alllluma of '6, aDd QDdel~ Ol\s):1 i over. th"t ~~ooqt:r.~ or8(l,lt of va months will ba given with securit.y. / OLAIUCN lC',O ltAN JIi. ' 6us' l:loiker " l ' , ' . 1 ! Kurl Br,?wn, .~ Anots. , " .Fred St .•Johll, Olerk.

Apricots , .. . Have .Y·9 u tined :. t\1e~? ...Eve,ry. l)od\' . U,y5 n~ Sl! at:e the heapesl Bl'ignt arid fair s ize; another and h ', I lll cl,t , to be, found ---:--_~_ ..... ~ , Big Bargain .' where. ." tOe n 1.iOlIUd ge 'By [the box "

Smith's Evap Al'ples,

lOe ·8

IFt; b ,,'





That' tb e \Don~h . fo ' b,e Klu. : with 'tock ~l1d PouHri (i'eed--f;n F~n cy Ohio S~gar Corn ' .. good n~ 'j ult~. 2E- 'Iu.' lJa;1 o.n l. 6c 'a Can 70c 8 Dozen I lIllSO: Seedless Rai~ins, . 4

Qt Bottle


boxes fo1' 25c

TQ~at9 Gat8u~~~.:.,'. lS(!


Qt Jal' Swee t Pickles ....... : .... 15c Qt Jar Prepared Mustird ..... l0c · Pound Pail Baking Rowder .:.15c '


New Codfish,


Sweet Florida· Oranges,

,~Pine Apples,


New Halibu~, Grape F.rult,





.""'""'~ .. _ _ __


'rh ursday, February 18,1909

21 h eud ot b1!~h bred catt,le oon sistio~ of ~ A ogns bull, 2 Angoit Hu g oftbe8. ofV. oow~, 1 Augus bAirer, 2 hali.blood

t--------------I l

We have- rented the store Fancy ,Apples, .- Dates, Figs; ' . h L k' b Extra Fancy Celery, ro~t:n :, In t e . ea uild,ing , .. · , Cranberries, ap~ wdl , be , prepared on the ~ .Fao~~d~:~~e~:~~~ :~t~!rSI l5th of February , to do all ~ Cabbage, Oplons. P,!lr&nlps ki~ds :of Cu's tom Work, -La- ~ Give us 'your,orders: We , Clies.'',- Gents'.Cle,.ani~and. ,.~ , '. b~ve the ·gQ9ds -and ~~~~ . a II. k~nds of T adonng ~ , k. , all" ','


['U A uDllprSI


iC_• •_UI@I«MUUUU~



I uert will HI \I at, publio , lInct.ioll on t,lI e lowoi' 'prln~hoI'O l :l~k llt, VtHllLul tlltir)J'l IItlOa.m" I

Ma' rket .Lette,r.

Waynesville, Ohio.


7 v~c and $1.00 at

l1lJereguli r m n ~llturdl\, V afterno u. will meet Friday MATT ni~ht nt t,heir hll\1. O PAIUlJ) LI~: Angus ttlv6S ~ h~lf ' hloot! An- ' MrR. B . F mpton is oonflu d to __ ... ~us steers,7 heifer,.. 2 brood t'!o W8 ber hOme with Doumlgill , NO BLEACHED FLOUR ' 2 horset! ttnd 11 lot u( farlHlng imllie. ment.s . ' J bn Hit-! nnll 8i ter, Muttie, IltT rm8 of sale II.S usual. tencl tld th t llO r u I of' Am o Rom}n The new regulation of the D part meuf of Agrioulture, whioh went lD 'OBfilltLL & L y . In WIl YII ~vll l If\ ~ t ''if! k. ., , , . t<1 ' effec~ Monuay, prohibiting . tbA ·r.:. 'f, BIl\vkfl, I HOrtlo Cumpton nnd family w r a bleaohing of wbite tl ur will not. 'btlI'. ul'flloe Au t!.4. Dayton v1sitor one dllY In t week. have Rny elf ot upon 10081 mills, oc. Fred Hurt.!! k, 'lerk. Mt' . Batt,ie Pet r on Wilt'! given Il oording'to Ed. Our t, of the Dor t post-card showI}r 'fnesdt~V of la t Milling Company. week it h lng h e t birthday. 't he g vernment hos gi,ven the '1 h~ .undo·rslgn d wtllsell fi t pnbli~ 1,B Wb ' t k " M' ' w It milleT8 until JUDe U to dispos of the ",uotion a WIles 80Qth of Oentenllle, 1 It ur, re. Ii blea'Qhed flour on btUld. n r.. Compton and ..Mrs. laallo Peterson I on the nlly'on and LeMn'on pfkA, on attended Autt-81\loon Lellgue . tbe old Cro8816Y f .. r~ on . UOl}vention.- in Oolumbus the fore 11. 19C)? pa~t of last week. 5 horses, 6 ) eild of ~ttle .. farmiDg. A . W . Reeves, rura.l mai , en,rrier Weekly impldments, 900 yard.s ~I> 0110 on Ron,te No 11 found it impossibl VI\S, ,,!!,arn8lls, Hi b~b~j8 seed o"t!l• to make hi trip 00 tttutdn.y on oorn loa orib lind 11 lo t 'ot' fodder " . ~ oooount of the snow drirts. form.s os USIla.l. .. Word WI\ reoeived bere last week All Records B~oken LK\v1S BURTON. ' ' d th f R H W" h . , A. 'A. MeN II. net., o t th e ea 0 ev, enr.v M " lu for sale ill Dneil. Fruit for, "t E J . E . Bimel', ·I~r.k. U,U) a former p~storJ ~f t~e . . .Januury. We , hall. a choice lot ohu rob bere. He d led lD Nor!:h C"li(ornia Dri ed Fruits, 'and our Dl.lkotl\ wbere he bad Hved for v~ . ' _ . • ' The ' . ' frIend w\sel V ttok ad vantage of uDaeralgo d WIll !jall at, 11~8 ern 1 y ear s . . id . , ' 1 , . th e low pnces. ' " ra 6Doe oDa 101 e sontu0 0 f R' IClge . ' villt>. on the UraDe ann Bilthaw'liy Subscribe ' for the Gazette ·Royal Butter Ciacker.'.2Ibs.~c, pike, on No rnlltt , r how g' ood a 'raoket· Th d F b '. urs ay. e ruaty 11. 1909 ' yQu ntay . ~.ave . a~eJl, .there's aJ~ at lOo'oloolt,thb followiugartloltls: ways <?ne 'J)eller. w..~' . (llIo.k ' weFonf hor es-1 geDer&1 P O W086 ""ane fOUI)d thtl' bettecr on" .· bo r~ e" 5 ". I 1. 1 ' b I..' . 1"'1 . " • u J8lrS 0 U on~ itT gfl u DK,



M ID ~




' llriD !,:


Tbfl fune ru l of .J . F . HdOlilt.OD, wh o wu raised in this n ighborhod,ooonrredut h e M . E. :l1l1rcb

---OF'- - -


e fll" ,

iti ng




am getting a carload of

Hard Burnt Tile. Anyone desiring 'f.ile, had better con-

sult with me before buying elsewhere, a s my prices will be all right.

Chas. B. Lewis, Waynesville. Ohio.

- -I.r. : ·(

r :r::!' ro o ~

1"0 't : · ·:C ~'1 ": O ':I.

Alway. There Will De Time Ablol ute· Iy to Give Up Hope. There;1I1 be Ilnoth~r .nlght. Yll lI .~oke . ~bls morning !lUll Ured. Y III' •work kept YOII golt., 10 I~t. !l~d your, hOUI'S tor sl ep were so t w. You w re r sU Ill! b sldel. You losBed \.Ill almost the down, ant) · then 10ill your· .seH., short hOllr, and found y~ur!lW wIth- a sta"t and collecte.d "youf' dar. d wits. Then"1 Ule InevltabJt\ snapped Its whip, and you harness d yourself' and , ~Qt In the shar~ . for jl n9,t her day'. ,Th day looked long and Bleep--too long ror 'lilt! nee, a.nd too Bt ,eOl tor , ~ col· strengtll; bllt you litrailled lat the lat, and n9w you ure tuggt6g ,atnng III I~e Burne ord ilklt. ~ou would chllUge the galt-you 'would·· speed, ,p , li YOlf cou ld, but you are Itlll 'ttr'ed! Never mln~. old tl\l\~hor8e. there will be an· oUler night. Maybe ' lo-mor'row you will 8t p lighter, ~lld mllke 'more mll 8' on lh , ancient highway thanto;day . YOII ,cim' sUII hope,' Tbey -c.,ti nev r seale down bope.· nor ta\Ce Il oft the free list. 'though eve yililo, else go, s up, hope r mains c,heap. iJ'o not give up; nor .'lillt, nor toll down exlla .tecl. LI te~-t~e,re will be . anpther.;~II.MI ,:-' You may. r,est, and ~o-mO~N>w . ma)' ",b l ' ' your. lQ do 'wllh 1\8 yOU like,




TIlotter-Retentlve; abllorbs a df;'u1 . ._ Th Oetik--..U c pllv , symJ}nllletlc ; Ilk Ii tO' b J 1111 don. TIH) lnk·\v 'JI- ElXll' mely versallle; can w Tlt n wrong 0 1' wl'ong n wrll . 'rhe Sclssors- Sal!castl Ilnd mao IIclo us ; very culling and v r willing to BE'lInl'at . "he Pnste-Pol-,P rsi::itpnt. p 1'8 vel'Ing; ll()Sses:>(>s th e til lilly or sllc ldng to thin gs. ' The P n- l~ nterprI HI Il Y, Ilmultlous ; ev I' walts ror Ull op]lorlllnity to malte Its llUll·11. Th Wus te-Snsl,et-Int e mpe rate. ag:rress lv ; rrequ e~t1y g ts full , and Is fond of II I'IlPS. The Wl'llIlI ~· Pap o l' Diminutive, 1llIlet ; can as lly be OI'C I'!ll1. null a iwa 'S remu lns stati one ry . The Calc nll:I.l'-Cun tc mJlornll ' OilS, but lazy; lllwllYIi liP tu unt '. hll frqu en tly tal,t's 1\ m onlb off. Th e Hovolvlng· hnir- Ite t rUh'l'l'HS!\'O but phllanthruplc; go(>s bacll warti. bllt Is a lwuYII I'l:aliy to lICJ U gooti tUl'D.Jull ge ..

HQme Llfl!. Mr. Wlddle- WeU. my d aI', yo u've mnd ' Sil ttlll 'h tllSS b cnllijo J don:'t liP nu roy even ings at hom , like 0 gooll hl1sba nd llnd rat her, thnt' I have l'6si g ne ll from the clu b. ' Docs that Bull yo u ? !\II'S. 'v'ldt]) - 1t'B jll llt Sill ndld! Now, him'y through dll H) \' alld get el l' liS d, so we can gu to 1\1l's. Highup's ball ; nnd lo·morrow nI ILh..t w e'll gu to Mrs. 1'lplOV's parly; and tb e ncxt nig ht, you k now, hlt·s. Way.up hus {L musical , ur.d we must n't forg et til Clobetrotter's I'" plion , be night art !'.-New York W e kly.


gf'i. at


His Gu ess. ]\"·s. 1'llll!lullbeall - 1 s c" 1\ 1011 ut all hus Ul'l' lI obtal ;u'u froll1 til ' lun ~ \l I' uf u sin!;le wha le. J\I r. 'rlJII son bellk-I'll'll but Il WIl8 a ge llll enr.lll wllah ~ . I lI C' v !' r kn C' w a fe1II01o! ' s t oog u' to noetl oll.-Yonkers Stall..'5mllu . LIKE MOST OF THI::M, U t1 ham- 1 saw you Ilnd Moille WIl· II UIH II l a ililll J; ror all you we re worth on the strc£'l Ih ls afternoon. Wbat wtis the burning Iss ue? ~ll's. Ii nh nm- \Ve W l'e talktng obout 'un old flume of mln c .-Chicago N ws. Changeable Weather. ~ialne Man (Ilnlshlng Dc s tory) I kill e d t hat b ar with Yt's. s ir. Dothln' but this lIttl o jack-knife. Gu 8S YOIl nev I' h d 11 tussl e wit h 0. helll', did y '! N w York LIlt.r-Oh , yes. I was oul tlllhing olle day on Staton !sland when a big bear mad' (l rush for m nnd Iwocke d the po l from my hand , leaving Dl without v n that means of d eCense. Well,. si r, I grabbed that bar. Ihr w him down , and he ld him th re until he froze 10 d eath. Maine Man (gas)llug)-I might 'a' "Yea. my son Is very brilliant. He dou that many a time mys elf, but tbe W ather up our way don't change 118S a poe t's dream." "Ab. y s, 1 see. Dr am s he Js a so quIck us It does here.-New YOI!< Week ly. 110 t." . DEAR LITTLE BROTHER.

"The run on lh bank Is over, Isu'UtT" "6. yes: It pe te r d out as soon as th crowd SIl.W til re was m a r mon ey coming In than was gOing out." " You knew It to be a pertectly solvent baTIk. didn't you?" "or course." "Theu why did you join In th e r un on It ?" "0, j\l.9t tor fun."-Chlcago 'rrlbune. Wanted to Give Demonst ration •. " Do you know wbat s hou ld be done with liQuor?" asked tile total abstln cnce Ju!llie to tbe hard·looklng ~lan at tb~r~ " No, Judge, I can't exa.ctly explain It here," replied the hobo; "but If you've' got a clime and wl\1 come out· Ilde with me, I think I can show you I" -Yonkors Statesman.


The Youth-Do you use anylhlng for your balr! . The Anclen,t-No; Uust leL It grow

out. 'Understood Both, Indulgent lo'atber-My 80n, your ed· ucatlon bas cost me ,20,000. .1 have ,pent all 1 have and you must now go rlgbt to work. and ·(larn · a living at lIomotblng you uqderstand. Finished SCin-Well, f!lth er, which would you raUle r bave m e be, ' a basebaH pitcher or a tl1Uard mal'kel'?New York. W eekly.


ReI{. George A, E, Troutman. . Washington, Mo" Writes, "My Wife and I Are Strong

Believers in Pe-ru-na," Catarrh and La Grippe.

Th e Bull ·Pup-l RlIJlJlOSC tbls wbat th ey call a family treo.

, For scv 1':\1 yl'nrs T 1lnv been t roubled with II pl'c\llillr fil1u~modic Ililectiurr. of t h e throat. It \\, (IIlId Rci)'.c mt' sudd 'nly nnd f ur ;\ f>w IlIillll tcs 1 "'u\lld be ,I" able to pca It l"lui Iii,\', nnr! my brcalh would l ) (! g'1'l'n lly illlcl'fel'l' u with. 1 wotlld be olll i,,'(} to /-rus p for ul"!!ath . .. I 1I111111y C Included t hat it. WIlS some catarrhal uf\'ectioll \V hi ·h pl'obabI,y oxc ited ~ho 5pas m. It iot dercd \ViL~ .lJly vocatIO n ns 0. pr(,llcher, o.ttacldug tho occasionally In t,h pulpit. "I h nd IW I\I'd 110 much ahout Pcrunu as 0. catarrh r mOIl y tlmt 1 det I'JUi llCU to try it. Aflet'1I11dog two botU~;ny traubla IIRS dlsoppcsred. I feel sllre that P eril un. has g reo.tly ben fitt<>dr;mc. " Rcv. P. E . S wanstrom, Swed ish Hap• tist Pastor, Dox 2:18, Grantsburg, Wis., writes Lila!; irom th use of Pcrtlll& lie is perfcctly w ell, cnti rely c utL'<l of chronic diarrhea. lIud catarrh. .

"One day. we noticed that our l1tUe boy was a ll broken out with Itcblng sores. We first noticed It on his little hands. Ris haflds were not as bad tben, and we didn't think an ything serious would r suit. But the next day we benrd of th e Cutlcura Remedi es bei ng so gooll for Itching sores. By this tim e the disease had spread all over his body, and his hands were nothin g but n solid mass of this itching disease. I purchased a box of Cut]cura Soap and one box of Cutlcura Ointment, and that night I took the CuUcu rn. • Son)) and lukewarm water and washed him well. The n 1 dried him and took tbe Cutlcura Ointment and anointed him with It. I did this every evening and in four night s ht' was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Donabu e, 208 Fremont St., Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 16, 11)07." It Make. Trade, Homer Folks, New York's noted authorlty on charIty, said the olher dny ot an applicant tor he1p: , .. "His recommendation was not very liatlsfactory. It r eminded me or a woman i: heard about recently. " Some body said tq this woman', hus banl!: "'So you've ins ured in 111e Blank oompanr, oh? ' V110 on earth induced you to choose that or all con· , oerns? II 'My wIfe' was the reply. 'She . , says they iss ue the l)retttiest calen· .,_ , " .... rs. , I mportant to Mothers. Examine carcfully every bottle of CASTORIA a snre and sure remedy for infants and children ond see that It ' -BearS til e . ~ Signature ot ~ '. ~ • ID use For Over 30 Years,


Frank If Not Compl imentary. H r brotller, ugell 17, had been made captalll of a hi gh s chool football team and consequ e ntly had lJ come sudd nIy popu lnr with th e girls In the ne lgb· borbood. Because of thi s tbe mUllager of a skating rink prescnte d brother wIth a season pass. Sister, who bad attained th e t remendo us age ot 20, was truly fluttered when brother a sked her, I'atlle r thnn s~mlO of lhe younger be lles of his acquaintance, t u share ,the privileges of tbat skating rink pass. B ut brothe r' s exp1annllon J:emoved all dangcr or tll e Immed iate growth of s iste r's vnnity . .. You see," he told be l' wit h frauk s implicity, " I'm n ot used to skating with girls. l'll practice all yo u for a month 01' two, and then wh en ·r can do It r eal well l'U. ask some or 'the othe r girls."

His Hands Were a Solid Mass, and Disease AllOver Body -Cured In 4 Days By Cutlcura.

Peruna in Tablet rorm. For two years Dr. Ho.rtman and JII8 assistnn ts 1111vo iJlc ~ssa ntly laborecf to create Perllua in t lLblot form,,eir stl'enUOII labors IllLv · just b een crowned with s uccess. l'eopfo w ho object .t o Iiqu iil medicincs co.n n ow secure Pel'unn Tublets, wh ich 1'0pl'\lSent the m e~Hc in n.l lhroot Trouble. ing-redi nts of Poruua. Elwh ta.l>let ill Rev. n. W. TntI', U20 Lin 'oln Avc nuo, C'qluvalcut to o ne avero.R'c dose of Walnut 11 il1 ', ('incilluati, Ohio, writes : Peruna.

I WIIS cur d of n bad case of cntarrh when notl1ing else that I t ri ed llll,d. auy effoct. My wife W:l S cnrod from 0. sCI'erc CBse 01 Is grippe, nnd w e f eel that th e len s t \YO CUll do)s to gTatoIully u!:lmowl 'dgo the merit of PCrllllo.. .. My wire joIns 1116 in sc ndi ng best wishes for YOllr slIccess. to

Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1908. ,

Made Him Nervoue. "What In the world is the matter, Harold?" anxiously Inquired the pretty girl. "Why, you seem too n e rvou s to ' sit down a minute." "You'll have to pardon me," reo sponded Harold Hatband, with an eye on the window, "but--er-l jllst saw your father prowling around. with a. bird gun." "Oh, nonsense! Why, fathe r likes you. Didn't I hear him say that you , were good enough to eat?" "H 'w! Tbat's just the reaSOD why I he mlghl try to p epper me." .

I \



Be Cured

is unsurpassed . It ~netrates and relieves pain verY. quickly- needs very Iitt1e rubb1nq • ana does not leave a scar or blemiSh. An antiseptic, remedy for thruah. It$tula and any ab~ce$s. PRICE ~.5f.. JO·l l. t •.O~ _

tutlonal dle'c••e. Illd In order 10 euro" )'ou molt taka loternal remedlel. Ball'. Catarrb Curoll taken ID· \~r.D.II)', aDd I OU IlIJ'C(: tl), on UIO blood anll IOU COU . .Qrt.c~l . nill'. Catarrb Cllre I. not a quack metU· cine. U was prellCrl~ed by one of tbe helt "by.lellnl In lbil count ry r.)r y~ar. and II. "cllular prc,erlpUon. n I. computed Of Uie be.~ 10n icI lIoo .... n. combIned yUb Ibe boEt-hlood purH1MlI. actl0i: dlreetl)' on Ibe mucoul lottlCU. Tho perfeot eomblDatlun of lbo two 101/1'IIdlonli li what produce. lucb wondettul re. luila In curlDIl aat~rrb. Send f or rhUmonlall. tree. F. J . ORE'NE.Y & CO.,l' ropI., Toledo, O. Sol4 b )' Dru~/CIIt•• price 7~c. Taka 8&11'1 lo'amUy Pili. for conl tlpallon.

In Luck. All growth and achievement depend DeDn1$-Hlnnlsy' Is the luckiest very lIuitely upo~ knowIng ourselves divll that Iver walked. I and how to apply that knowledge.Patrick-How's that? I French. Dennls-Fa!th, an' be promised to . A iuggcstioll for lOOS: '.:'a1,e Garfichl Ten pay me the flve dollara he borrowed to cstnb!ish ~ nd Ulnintnin a ~ormnl Ilction bext week-an' he up an' d1ed yester. of the dl~c8tlve orgnnP, to purify ~he blood: I clOllIlEC the IIYi tcm and to bnni Goga ctay.-S m Ith '... s .... agaz De. lIealth.

BrIng to bear upon ' thyself the resohlUon ' of a noble mind; thou mayeet be what lliou resolve't to be.-Men. clua.

Cattle.H09s and PoIdtrY-

~~~W ~Ug~O~~~~lli~a~t~~=====J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;

nlaglstrnt.e an answer to the charge tbat. he aends far too few cases court? . R eporter-No, slr. He was non· committal._ _ _ _ _ __ If You Suffer from Asthma or Bronchitis get Immediate reltet by . usin g Brown's Brouchlal Troch ea. Contain no harmful arugs.


FITS, St. VitWi Dance and aU Nervoll.!! permnnently cured by Dr., Kline '. Qreat Nel've Ueat.orer. Send for Free 12.00 trial bottle and treatisc. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld" 981 Arch St •• .Philadelphia. Pa,


Troutthr.-~ - - - -l-




Curb or Splin't Slo~I\.'s .Ll~i:rn.en,t

with L'OOAL APPLI CATION S, as tho)' canna' reacll lba lcat ot tbo .u..01ll.. OalllrTb It. bloud or COOHU,

Juat the

--- ~





Geo, A, ,E , Troutman, Mt. Washin gton, Mo" writes: "My wife &nd 1 are strong bellevers1n Perun .. Ro~,






BM~~~~~~_~~~I Thrundi~Hue~WQs~u~l



In Hie Prayer,

tel'; \s your s is te r coming down? " I'\'c nrranged It beautifully, 016 A "ery s tout pcr3011 chall. I told het;"' It was you, first, and namcd Grny she sll1d to toll you sll was out, and Was askl'd wby b. th on T sa Id 1 was roo lln g , and that It stood wo,y. "It la," InhethIs r<lpUed, was .har1ey Jones, and you ought to "A matler of hnve seen her hus tl to ' g~t Into a · prhlc; clean sh h'lw(I.lst! She'll be right Ji"gr It ' mal,es mo down ! "-ChIcago Journa l. ~~~~" taUer, they . No Great LOSB. Re had just been Introduc d to the wIdow 6f a mun who bad warried tor money. "Whut klud of n mllll was the late lamented?" h e asked. " W e ll," was tbe suggestive reply, "be was just . an expens/!."-Chlc4;:O Dally N


Bernard P. Woods or Jackson street, . For s~veral we ks, llttle Ralph bad Lonuconlni, bid,. says: , "Hard wo rk enjoyed tho use of n SblUnml pony, and l)oavy Ilfll ug the prop r ty at 11. horse dealo!' who w n n ed my kid- was n fl'lend of th family. But much nell's ... 1 was tlre(\ to RJllpb's ' sorrow, there came a day ev ry ruol'nlng and recenUy when tll e pony was sold , and my IImhs stHt. and t ile d IIghtftll horseback rides came. DI2ZY sl?elLs to a s udd ' n nd. The purcbaser, a ,Hore. Ilnd h t!lldaches wero I Ralph found .out by inquiry, was a frequ Itt, and the llttle girl of a bo ut hi s own matur kldn y secretions age of five. Ever -'sl nce h.l s oc:q ual ntm u c h 'd isordered. ance witb the pony began, R:Jph had D,ued for fitleen y aI's an d Included , h!m in his bedtime prayer, I began us ing Doan's Kidney and "Ood bless the pon y," was an Pills. Tben I Improved steadil y un t il earnest nightly petition. The flr s l cured, and natul'ally, I recommend. evening an el' tbe sale 01 th e pony, them stl'o n gly." Rnlph hesitated when be r eache d his Sold Ill' nil deniers, GO cen ts a ·box. ]l e t' ~ place In the praye l'. The ll , arter F oster.Mll lJul·n Co., B utra.lo, N... Y. a morn nt's th ought, h continued: . "Plense, Ood, Illnss th e ]lOllY jll s t BEYOND 1.IMIT OF PATIENCE, the sam e ; but. God , don't you bless lbe littl e girl wh at's got the POllY ." Explanation' Satisfied Policeman That Pun is hment Was Due. GENEALOGICAL.




E)(perlencc of Thouaand, of Other.,

Policeman Knelrcm , or the Tenderloin precinct, saw an old man beaLing u smull lloy 00 Seventh aveuue r· c ntly In a fash ion that re~ltld e d th o ofll cer of t ho happy days when he used to u at It from lhe paronto.l b ·athl!;. So wHit a cheerful smile, havin g children of ills own , th o poll ce llla n upproaehed the old mllll. • "Lis ten," rcplled th o man; "balr an hour ago I SCnt Isaac to th tl licntess on. J g ave him two quarte rs , ODe with which to buy ' lJrCIld, the other· to buv li511. Anu DOW he comes back and ~ay s he wan tll to know \\'hlcb QlUlrtc l' Is ror th e- tl s h u. nd whi ch for tll(> breall. Is it eno ugh ?" "It Is," replied Kn eil·e m.-~ ew York World.


-His-Little - - Joke. --


The Experience of Mr, Waoda Ie the DI,appalrtted Youngster Dracriminated

In common things the law of 1Ia.e· rlftco takea ,he torm of positive duty. -Froude.

_ _ _ _ _ __

Will it be the same old resolutiolUl with a new coat · of varniab?

PAY..o 01 N'l'.M liNT la I(UDrnDlet'CS to C1I Ie a'\Ie. r~l:~:.:"I::::n~%'1~~~:i.l~~1DoI F


III.... WIndow'. IiootillDlf 8ynp, Por chlldreo \4IcUlIII¥, aot1.cDa 'bc ltU",a, ",duoc. IIIIlamlllaUOIl, aUa11 paIIl. alUM ,,1114 collAl. 2:oc a boWe.

Remember It's a poor that wlll not hold water,


Brains can make money, but moner can' t make bralbs,









A substilute for and superior to mustard or any other' plasler, ~d' wUl rl9t blisler the most delicate skin, The paln-alklylng and curallve quall~.Ics of the article' are wonderful. It will stop the toothache at once, and relieve Head-ache and Sciatica. W. recommend It as the best and safest external counterIt r!tant known, also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralgic and Gouty complalnt3. A trial Will tlrove what we clalin for It, and It will be found to be Invaluable In the ht.l1sch6ld and for children. Once 'used no family will be wllhout it. Many people ISay "it Is the best of all your preparations." Acc;ept no preparation of vueUne \:.nless the same carries our label, as otherwise it is not genuine • . Sond your .dd,••• _nd w. will mall ou" V•••"n_ BoOklet d.IIO.lltlnD our p ... p, ••"on_ whloh will t YOI'. 17 Stat.




New York


,If you have ~niaJe troubJes which r,eed ~ttentionJ take Cardu,. .The ingredientS. of which Car~ul is comwsed, have a strong influence,Qve.r th,e wom~nly organs and build up the womanJy strength.. They are purely vegetable, perfectly harmless; and act In a scientific 'manner on wo~n's vital .energIes. If sick, you ar~ urged to try, .

· Wmeof · ·epdui,



'I h"H' i: 11 ,iI!>l'''""" .lpTl·vailm~ 'iu ~bb ,'( ' "III ~ ltI,,~t, hm ..,uUS ht','nU"'-MHI't· .. p· Ii , IIH·. )1!1l1y8ntlll~1I

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The LIttle Miami On an Icy Rampage \Ve werA . ~llhjeor ti/l Iht> fi rs rflh l wpft.ther of tte "'HIII'!!,n of \ 90) -IVO laM WAAIr , fl.D n. i n !u'ldit.inn t . two dayt! ann n ights f wind blow wln~r

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ing .t. a terrifi rlttoP. to remain )I'';

It,,,,,, ,

dLcURI.l, If -.I' ll I't ' t ("", II ' , " (1'," ,!,' V kidll,' " Ir onhl ' i~ ' . , ", ' 1I1hlw~tl l lllltnl l1C'l' \ .. 11. ,111'1" . 1-. " ""


pos8ible, wh ert~ tll A,~ In Il few feet of red hot· fl t{) ves. ther 1 11' 1 ,,~ )111.11 W ,,, I (If I \ '\I !I"r vii lll, \\·,·,h ,'~0111", l"t'h rn ll l' ,V 1\1, T . U was a beavy fall of rllin W dnes lilY n " I I, "! 111 ' 1",; \\",--t III (' h 'I lltll llll'lll night whioh cauSM the Li ttle Mia m i ("l'dtlllti ..: to rise above her bllnks und flood ' I ' IIIII ''' ''" ~ , F, ·h l'l l:1 I·" ~O , ,J o lin the wide bottom lands anclll.lso our \\' ,H' '' '' ''d :1 11I 11t·" 111 ,1'1 11 " 1:-1 1) 1' ' P II sadly dillflgored Corwin /0 venue , I" I' ,' 1111 , 10" ' 11 11 v , \i',I\' I'II I1I'Y :! I . i\I 'H'" r" ii, I , orwin .nnd PllsSIJge bet ween ,I 11111 "" ':-11 111 II "" 'iii of l 't' lIt '· l'vlllt·, WII.ynesvi1l8 W8t:< ent.1rely out ofI 1111 :-;lIl lIl'dll .... I'" 11 111 111'\' :.!". io' l'lIllt. day Thursday not onlv or. uO f) unt ("" ,, 1. ~III \' ",11 ", , ' 1. 011\' 1,111 , of the Ia.rge. volume o,t rupidl y flow. ~1 ' ·I1t1 ,,~. F" " ' I' (\ , ,;. ~. :!I. I.~·W I .~ 1 ,"'111,"-,:: III , It·,. l1"I'Il! II I \ \'11 ,V n tl" , II I" In ~ waters, Lut 'owi ug also to t,he I ' I 11 .. ,,0111 ,'. "'t. "I' ll tt ry :! ;; , P l'I'Y (Ilot thllt the AVfln1l8 was oove red ' \\"' 11,>1'. " 1', :; 1l ,11o,. (,,,,, I II I ( :,' nlpl' , by !he taps of the be8utifl11 hade ~ ,. Ill, . treetl, whioh once were the pride \\' ",I 1I1',.:,I " .r , I,"·hl'lw I'Y :lll, ( ' hilI' Ip~ _nd delight of the public, wba trll\". H"",'I I, :l lllrl t'H , " .. , " I :\ io-:-.n n tl,' I· vil l ~ ' IIIIl'SJ u y , Li' 1.1'1:11'\' ':!7 , \\' 111 1'1111 eled between these sist,er villllges. CLlX, llllifelj W' " t "I L, I ' " . but which ure recently out down fl'lI lft,", F ... br l1/1 ry ' :!:-i , 1-;,1w/l rd for the sopposeO iml' rovAllIfl ul, of tlw li o pl;in s , :.llllile" Wt,,.t, " I' I3nll loro,)k , Aveuue. 'l' n I'IH.1tl\· , Mlt!'!'!1 a, C hllrl eil Kincll e, No mati was broq~bt in nor tao CANDIDATE FOR AUDiTOR OF S fATE, REprJB- ... luil ..; Ro ut lJ Ol1l"t, nf CHnt er vi ll l', W d nc",uay, M'II" 'h 4, MTH Nom ken ou&' dnr.lug the day. except LICAN STATE CONVENTiON , 1908. Hnn e., il lnlleil 0 1 ('til IV ,t o f l :en, wh.t w,,-!! ,IUready on band was de, t r VIll l1, _ . Itvt'recl '\0 rhe rorlll patrons on the ~~~~~_~~~~~~~~...._~_~_ _!""-~~_ _ _ _ _ _~~~~ '1'h 1l1'!'ll ny, ~I II rell fl. AI P"IIRO, :! - - [n11 att t of Al{;)X" l"l f:' IO\f ll1 e . 'We!!t 81de',of the river, but by Friday March 11, J ohn It, 1 mile wes t of IQornin., traffio WrtS resumod I\S us Chas. Frye Rai ed Large Dayton Journal EI r ton, nal, pa88engers gOing to a.nd from h 12, J oseph Loy , 2 mil es N , Increases in Price. Spanish Tobacco. EoMal' 'he railroud 8taiion, freIght, express of Fl'anklin, and muH delivered , on sohedule, Mltt'ch 2fi, hUl'l es W is,'!. 3 m il l? aohool ohildren again in their places, O wing to tbe gr eltt ,,<Ivane in 1\11 nort h ~e~t of Miamisuul' " . 01 11 I' ,lutl'>I lit ~l nl'l'll will lif n il , and the men who live in Wl\ynes- ~iDds of mll.tet'inl a Dd other expenses Uhllrle\l FI'YA ul'o ll g ht, to t hI' GII~ ' vme and oonduot buainess in Cor. counected with the maint-enllne of . . tote om e Il r w I'IIlY fI Ilgn u n o nu ce c1II1(" ~l' , ,\ , ,\ . :Ylt'NIl!I L. were on dut,y as if nothing bud 1\ newspapar , the Dayton Dllily bond flf tOUtlc('o which he happened, 'Journal has Inoreased its prioe of 8ubscription from '2,00 t.o '2.21i per rni!1 Arl on hill form Il nlli e Wl'!'t of For Sal~. W~'8n t'svi ll f1 , It WOl'! f)f th fl Hpttni!lh year, or $1.25 for six monthR . A Fortune in Subsoriptidns for the ,l omnnl v9.riety, nnu W II !' pl;mtf1d .l nlV' 3,n n 1 'fhr!' t '~tI Ul /lr:i Vl!lIr, 0 .11 ·Illules. Butter and Eggs. taken at the Gazette office. (~ ~ll. E I I\f'Y. gr w t t.he mru!' na I !Ii;,. of 2i in Ir al ph(HILI :-;pl'ill ~ bI) I' O 1 -2;~ A larga per cent of country WI" k ehe!', nnd seem s t o lIo of nn ex t,r/\ , Addr Nil: L('hlln U, ft, .It' , 1>. Barry Murray haa been bnyinK Ji88 hav:e I\.lso raised their subscrip 'bntterand egpfrom farmers in this t il:! flne qUlllity . ']'h e crop thi ~ Y llr . tion price, for the same reason, Ulln vtointty for fourteen years and baul. ball n ot begun t.o rn OVA yet bo w ver , in rsading the' 't rade journllls, ona iDg thom to D!,yton where he finds finds thut there ~re very few celln BUhou g. t,h e pl'i oe oft' reel is 1 0~ per reW.1 mar~t f,o r' them, and ihere is E. ~manuel, The try weeklies pu blished in Ohio •• p~~ .(ln earth ~herQ.a gobd, aId-Indiana. for l es t,1 fI\n"$Ui1J per pound, but in view of th e fil et thllt Expert Optician, it is 110 fa r be low the nnprec dented , ole of food Is more apPa:eolated than it .. b! I>a.y~op j ' henct', tbe faot year. " prices of lat:<t· y ellr gr o wers are a lit. Wh o litis b en In Wllyn l'ls'v illell Dd remaw that the~ farmers who pro· tle slow in nooevting the ITer . vi inil :v (Inl' iJl g' III. t ,L. WUI r .intro daoe this butter may fiat·ter them· A Chief of Police Who d \I ed b," M I ', M hl Ki Il t:<ey , lms . s· 1181.88 that it is of first olll(,s grade' tIlbli hetl ll i lll !ll M in Daytllu 34 Eust or it would not b(, in the demand Saves Boys from Vagran cy The Rose ' Bill Passed Third lir et. oppo'l:Iit the Beokel It la. ' by Vote of 24 to 13. Bou e, wh e re IHl wt1l b g hld to ·Mr. Murray tells the 6azette thlLt During bls1lfe 'IlS bra.keman Chief Th m;l 11 t.ttlked of and soul{b t wail on bis patien ts, ,for the yea.. ending Deoo~ber 31, MoCabe hl\d seen hundreds of mtl e Anybody t hus not been fitted 1907 he paId to the ("rmers in this boY8~ma.ny of them not more thun oftel' ounty loon l op tion bill 'passed oommnnity j'n et '40~9 . 75, tor. butter eight years old,-klcked off tr~ins tbe 'enu te Illst W ednflsdllY niter. in lenses by Mr, EOlunuol wben can· and eggB. whioh. is the lar~t's' to fall ioto the hands of t b e£\8' vaTU· noon by II. V te of 24 to lao und the vas ln g tbis n lli,ghborhood clln ex· amount he hu ever paid to them pires or nut just as bbll.nee l1li~ht nsw!l 'Wf\, reeei v (1 wit.h g reu~ I' • change t.b ir l\3 n l'S ILOd no obllrges dUriDg the time he has been dealing diotate , 'fo tbe overage trlLinmun joicing in Worr n coun ty where ••- - ~thtbem" a boy our rider is mflrely IL "tough there Wtt..-I an e!lpf'cilll intere~t t.ak~n kid" for wbom the method of Ireut- in the bill from t,ll A heginning, os Yonng Men's' Club Room'. Chlldren Burned to Death. ment iSl?reSOl'ibed , But young Mc the r e,mlt WA nnxlously awaited Cabe saw tblLt a large number of so !LS to oontinu A t h wurfllr e al. A dQz n young m on of Wny nes' Thirty-six women, and child~en iheseboY8werej~8~normnl1.v8ctive · rel1dy hflg no 1,0 Eix ter ,/Ii note the villehl1v et/r gl\ nlzl:!dn. club {nrper' were burned to death in Ohio durina- yonngsters who hnd hjumped" fI, saloon frOll1 Lf' buJ.lon nnd ot,he r 10. sonnl nu d tnllt>uul beu elit, nnd have lut yearfrQtbmatches igniting their train as they would " hitch onto" a culities ill t.he OOUtlt.y . . fitted up t,be room over .1 . H, Cole ,clothing. Of these who suffered milk wugon IInu hud been ourried MOre thllD LWU Ilflul'B were given mon '. ~tove Rt.ore n~ tl plll ce of m eet, death in this its most h,orribie form, beyonEl tlJe point wh re thoy had to the 0 11 the meSSU t'e , AD ing: , 30 were chlldren playing with match· intend d t o dro'p off j or olse, o \'e 1'. ILmenclwllnt ot III bill pro vide that UOIISiU(\rllble of LU<:lDey ond 1.1bor es which had been left lying about imuginllti\le ' rtlllcle rs of dime n o vl'l~ it t:!hotl Ilot t.llk t' f'f ot. until Sep . ,h ll ve tdr udy been xpended in d ec· . and 6 were women w~oSe clothing who h'Ld started We t to find SOUlI:! tiemblH' 1 190 orating , the r oom llnd Illnkitlg it was Igni¥ by glowing sticks or place whE'ro !n t,e r ~ t ing thingR ~ till Wa,yneavIll i. n ow floee tro m 8 Ilttrn ctive, ttnd the toe!' und , skill ftying match heads. .. hupp,e n , B e r:tillli~.ed how illlporttmt 6aloon Ilnd it is the purpose of displayeu would do credit to uny , ' This does not include .f ive mothers it WIlS tb'lt these boys should be wOi'lter " upou tbi Hne ' tu . see thlLt · Jlldy's parlor, ' f~in , having their clothes ignited kept from beooming t,he tools of the ]>rodllotio n of .t h e liquor t rutJic B er e the young men m ,llY blLve IL while trying to save their 'burning orimlDuls and ounsti tutionhl loufe r shlll1 OOV~1' tolle until'a (J.on n ty. com1ortuble nnd gentef' l plllce to children. The number of buildingS but until he bec/Hue ohief of polioe congregate r ad n e W!\pllpArS 80fl fir~ by children with matches' was he saw no WIly of doin g I1ny thiog. ntu.~II"'ln e and flpend II aodul houl' , 118, but that, comparatively, seems l.'ben, however, h e unnounced t hllt, NOTICE w4en cv ,. t,h ey feel flO in clined, unimportant~ ' t . I • if be oould help it n o rnntlWU.Y boy 'rbe Literury will hoW II Box Th:e f O11,OWlnlr are YPIC8 stones 8hould take the do nword path for of: 'these al!cidents: want of a restmining bllnd ut Pough 'ocill! at Ul e hOlil6 of MI' , IlUd Mrs. Weather Mild "Cleveland Leader:- Rosa Telack keepsie, -the point, Ilt wllioh SO IlIllny Pllt, ey 'u n e n 0 0 6 mil e !:iouth of Duririg January. of 3181~. ' 65th street, died yester· youngsters b'Ld formerly \ )U Lyt,le O Il Va lentine night Feb, 14., day from burns. The child was play. & hobo 's oU~fler. 1~0 , Th e L Ulli es art) l'eque~tell to 'l'ho Iher . remained mild ing ~ith· , ma~hes she had obtained To this end be ordered hit:! UHm bring Il box with som ething good thrdughout ~Janullr.v, the warmest in the abaence of her mother, Her never to let 11 strange boy in town in it to eltt , being 1i7° on the 2Gtll, the coldest 6 0 dress was ignited." go unapprehended, but to !Lrre!lt. on the 30th. , 'rhe rninfnll l\IDounted Fe rn Snid er, Sec, "Mrs. Alice Heffron, 608 Literary every youngster getting On or off to 1.6 ~ Inohes Tbis is over on inoh Road, attempted to light the gaso· the trllin's Ol' wandering a.bout the less tbun thl! iove m~e for J llDun.ry, " line stove and the head of the match city, a·nd ·to bring him to the pOlioe A GOAP NATION, flew ' oft She , sat down 'failing to 8tation. There the ohief tll.lked CRAS, E . MICHENER , : .notice that the small fire br,!-nd had kindly to .the ll\d, wOn bls coufl. ,I t i~ provl:ln by ~tuti8tics t ba t the " nestlN in the folds 'of a cotton cloth· denoe got his uume nnd ' address AlU erlCl1ll poople u e more soup thun !'!!!!~~~~~~~,~~~~~!!!!!I!! >!' ~ng on ,the chair. Her clothing a.nd· birp comfortable in tb~ Ii~y o't he r nlltio~ in the ,,",orld, , King Don't keel> gl·,essing ll\Jout· your i~ted, burning her so horribly that mntro~'s quarters while efforts "of t,he LII,undry ~ou p ha s contributed trees, Spmy with . .~ecUe<l at midnight." made ~o get in touoh WJt'h his pa. more ttllLD It.t:! sbure tt) establish tbls ; • ren' or guardians. Onoe in the fllot, the unple~s~nt. task of '" fLSh Don't S~crifice . obief's clutches ~o boy len.ves the day hRS b~e~ overc.\)m~ hY ItS' use, Yo~ old I8wing mAohines, " 1 will police sta tion ut Poughket!p&ie ex. a.~~ . the ~rltl(\81 ,.hons~wife who htlt! ' __ _ ..... of Ii 'bIg p' oliceman e _"..eJD·u g ood"u new a t your ,oept In convoy . " , to tes~ed, ' .onel1fter " . another . .of the . varl, " 'k . teed' take bod o'r truin for home '~.Fro"" ous agrees that Ki,ng of ·the " , ,' . ..~ T - ' ~ h ' , All , wor guaran ......a.Ib-~..:,,~-. "'!4~ . 'McCoY, ' "a~w Pough~eppsie Deals with, L<U>~nt1r,y 1l8· n~ equal. . ~old b~ 1111 PI.... 'Guatin Hotel. Tramps." in, he .Amerioan ~view grooers, th~ee l~ge .bal's 'f~r ie,n , ., of Reviews fo J'ebruar'. · ~~~!S,

1" H1 ll'L'lln l lu g'~ o :l t' lI ,lIll l llI gd Ill' 111'( 11 " lIight , Till.' Illi iol ' " Il l dT\!l' Ill' S w,ulIl'- R (lI ll


WLT FH i~i CCLU HE f U~ ERA l 0IRE CTO..R. Telephone Day or Night. local No. 1 Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, ' OHIO . 8ranch Office. Har¥evsbur a O. .

lhrr' II ,\\ h til ,III} , l illll''; dll l ',Ug the IIIl' ,·,, 11',1 n linar\' i ~ :,(\,111 rctl lb c,i. II st,llIols , t h t· h ig h':'; l f" r il S w(llIllf':rflll , ' l' lI~'S "t' Ih e III ~l oIi"lrl!"~i ll < I·US t'S. ~ " : WI (l R Il)t I ~ 1\"''''''' lIt t u ukl: ",,,1 i~ , I. '(\101 II\" :11 1 drlq: i: is l S ill lift " . (.V; \I t 1111111


D'" H• E • fl A'L'HA WAY "


hoI l "'~, \")11 lil!l Y ha\" a ' " , '1.\ ·.l eilv~ ll \:l N L utling Dentist ,::t IIl! ,l \! I)OItt le (If 111i" \\ (\1101 <'1' [,,1 IIt:W ,lis-,I Offi ce iu K oy,; Bldg , MlI.ln ~t ,·"H·r." ,11101 II I,n,, \: l it " (,·11:: III I !lilul1t. iI , hll:h "t·lIt. fit'" iJ,V 111 Ii!. ,\,I, lr,-",;, II r. K il-I ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11111 : , l ' O " Hill ' ,h i,';!1 1'1, :\ , Y. \V lt e ll


" II,·" t.oIl:tr

\\ Iil ill .·

,,11,' r III

1I1t' 1I1 1l'1'1 th l"

I ,'.' dl l' ·~

p!ll' I .

l hi" ge lll' rl.ll1 s 1 I I II ke atl)' .

Vet rmur.v tinl'l'leon IlllU Dent! t.

II lbl.l kr.III'\ r · 11I ,·III I ."r lh '· lIa lll<: , ·WtUlip. t{ ' .u l , J I. , ~ .llll <,r· ~ S W ill II P' Root . :11111 I h e


DI·. John Hyatt;


llillgh :tltllOI' ,




Telephone No. ·121


At Bome


:-;Ilt,nrdll ,V Afternoon,

Waynesviile, Ohio.

'rite Received for ; Sutton .!Iusic Store


Sub~criptions all t~e Leading' Magazines' ,i at the Gazette Office.

Ever ytbi ll g Kn ow n in Musio, W . 'lilT. nttnn, P r op'r,

~ 19 G'reen

treet, Xenia, Ohi~.


' :day 11.



Wednc~day of each , week, I will be at J. H, Coleman' s Stove Store on Main St , to take in watch repair work and will return with same the next Wednesday. All work done in u firs t ('luss 'manner and guaranteed one year.


P. Cittany,

Watchmaker at Tiffany Jewelery Store,

Xenia, Ohto

South Detroit St.. ,

Hutcbinscn 6t


We wi8h to thank our patrons for theirli b.eral patI'onage for 1907 the best of our forty -four years. We aloe the Place for Skirt~. . January sales will conHist of ,all Cloak8 reduced in price $25 to $30 for $18.75 Many cloaks at $5.00. Qhildren's cloaks $2.50 to $5.00 . .Rugs newly assorted $5.00 to $25.00


Hutcbi' ns~n

and Ciibn¢y



, NEW' r~fD MILL l

have' installed one of the fin~st feed on the market , we 'mills , for

"ScJ11ecide' , <

.,Ji .

~ ~ •

.1 •

( 1


, ~




It,,yOl nd Rhl Itl . pl"lntiO' '1'!aOIllIU!1 OIJllt.uHh ,. ,I 1l'Il,lunt.. Pel,1 finD fa .... $HiO tiled b pllliutifl' 011 ~round8 t,bat mure (lo\tl hiu) by de· fendtlOt 00 l}r miR.tI tlJ,' t tlh e ,u .. "" ~t1 llud_anc1 a1rigl 1t ill Tru ' fountl t lj he lllm e !lud !lot w rtb :~Ii, , . b' Im",r ttl is attorn y for IJ l llir~tiff . Ullisy P nl'l Grietlt, IJluillt.ln' · VI' 'url weellY , XBoutor of tl!;tnt uf Clam W . wo py d COli ed. P ti · '\00 filetl b y pll1in tiff t o 1', v r $7.1-l whioh tlmO llnt h Olll i llis t o be d \l~ him fo l' work. 111 ba r , ll tlrsiog 1111\.1 "ElI' vicc lldu\lniMt I'fII1 to til (Ia.


H II 111;.0,

II:'~ .. I tf I. , "'111~ .'1t, I hi I \' \,::1"11"'. I II \ ' po 0>1'0. r,ll. (I I:lttl' \' 1 .,· .. 1111 "':

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I"H'I '1'11; '1'11 " "ll'j~ II H.


H. ,I ;,hll ' II .

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()th~' I~

1111 \1 :11 \


Joh n-

K" I'I-~ J·I 1I(' rMl-I in

1 III'IIlilt"~II ' hlJ1*ICj(Il'.

IJ M. 41lill" tn M:trs I'•. e lin , lots ill HilI'\' f;hu" ~, u : .lonat.hlln,l'll l Wllli llUJ L'tirahnm to .lpl·mnn ;6" ,, 1")' nn , tra(lt in Cleu,r ur'(' k town"ht!'. $:-1600. . , Mll l'gar t. E. Bllbbitt uou Horuoe G Bubbit.t to J erome Al~ derso n 40 ucr A:; ill 'l'tll'tl ~oreek t owus hlp. $lliOG . ~ :o rah " ,' mit.h und F rancls M.

Five Pay. Day$ 1'his \tollt.h. 'l.'his month will bll fiv e IItar · days. If you at fift.y yeur s old ~ow you ur e xt.r.em ly unlik Iy to wi ness lh e occnrrence ogul Ll in YOul,' lifetime. Tho. ~ who hn v h onus for fig ure JIIU ~ out thut 5(') years must oom nnc1 go lJ f re this can bapp n ~ I\in . '1'he ru .nt.h llu t urn.lly ·cnID in o·n 'aturuuy t o ucoomplieh this r ni t aud t.nd on "1 " 10 U uY, Augus t IIOC et oare the only other m onth!l in 1\1~ that hlL vo fi voaturduys oa ·U. In t bis F e hrullry there will b~ \l ua ys, lind .though t b e shortest of 1 t) O yenr it .b tlS UN long u pay r oll U!I nuy , bot it doe lI Ot put, ILOY ma n Y in you r pool; f in t he long ron,



enjflynhle t.lme WBIH,n.

t iQi patElu w/'len Mrs. CI~ Burnet 'fhe Pos1(,l',' foJ' these ' bJ shave heen . IIslIlsbed by Mr Fred ,t:!berwood i8. u ud ~ilCty invit;ttiolls for Il parCt-1 priutl'd c t 'J1 h . Ga~ette office and _ ~ .olI~ on Febtunry I in h onor of ' -Miss urllCA Kib-th ti lO S are j nsertler. wbolle marriuge to ~r. John , gale will tak~ place lit tbCl botne cd tre \ of charge. R•


her pllrentsut hlgb noon Febru·l lry · 190 , but t.he d ay ·turnin'! out to . he as ktorm y II a dllY o'iuJd we'l l be wll a quit e n d ruwhfrok : but notwitb!!t4'l Odiog tbis fu(:t, quite a number brlwed the stllrm lind ollJlle, MI'I:!. Bur net uud' ta8toi'tlllJ dool'mteu. UO verti were laid fl>r 1111 Ilntl I1tt.raotive cene was pre!lented by the dining room nnd tubles the oulur scheme io green and white being cllrri ed ou t in a most effeotive maDne r o 'rbe pln ce cur d~ being tiny white hearts ti ed with ribbon of the prevailing color a nd bearing the guests oame and da tEl I)f tjhowe r nnd wedding The luuch consisted 0 f: sandwiobes, cbeose , piokles, s ulllrl , coffee, pink lind wbite oake, pink lind whito iee oream . Miss Gruoe received quite anum. be r of pretty u nd useful pl'sseots, t.b e lis t·, IHI follJws: Mrs. John Gllrner Ilnd Mrs. A . B. '£almage, ohina fruit se t i Mrs. Gecrge Da.vitl, 1urge sll.lad diMb i Mrs. Frnnk Bart· sook , large Cli kfl plate. Miss Apphia Miller buo;\ painted plate; Miss Flossie, cbina cake pllite; Mrs. Earl Hookett, Mrs . Ernest Munnon and Miss Mary Levioy, set of 8ilver teas poons i l\1is8 S.trah Barnett, salad dish; Miss Lena ' Myers, vase i Mi3s Luoile Muson , lIyrup..jar ; Miss Laura Ki'bler, large piotnre, Misses Lillie apd Myrtle Kibler, dozen glasses; Mrs. Fred Sherwood,' granite sauoepan and olothespln upl'on with olothespins ; Bessie Burn et medallion ; Mr8 . Olem Burnet, pie plu.tes; Miss May Bromley, stl1nd cove.r ; 'Miss Mubel t:' herwood, pnir of towels i Mills' !\iary t:!herwood, pot-uta masher i Mrs. Chas. Bradbery, lemon squeezer i Mi88e8 Edna and Gla.dys Spencer, set of linen doUes and Mi!!8 Gertrude Kersey, pai r of towels. (If


1 · will ~(i1J ut )JubJi Sill I wil l otI r ~tt publiaotl tillu lit mv I'e iden e n t,he Benj . nughuD Willi llw Kitlillo fRnl1 ., }~ mil e ' f ')' II nth en st /,f ' :(· lltPI·"ilhl Il nu IX; urm , :.. /~ nil" '. ~lll1t h \'V st of bl'ook , ou mile. l1 o d ,h \ p"t o f L,- llt>, h o ' ooill~1 R oud , un FRIDA , B'EBIt ARY !ol " 11l0 ', ~)egipnin g ut H o'c lock , tbe follo w· MAR 'H :1 , l\ 1O~, o Ilsed. lI1gprll]lr>rty: oU(l fiver nrl)]d dmft Fi v h 'lid f h or. e , OUO bll,V gau rul horse, wl'l l 1!ruk /I no u g')UU wo rk tlr lO liT I'H O J£IilU I!'i ' HI tilll1 l h t.I' ,I ohn 111. \Vo lls, 711 aOrBA in uny", I"'I'(' 1 t wo It, ~,d of cattl e CO il · Iltll'poSe m a r e ill f ri ll I t·n ~ t t\n:'l ,1I '!! .,;'Ii~tll t.: ,, 1' o ll e j "' " y l1Ii1cb 00 ,~, IUlll blll cl, 11 o l'l:\e, nlHl Ul'llWn 'lruh nUlre Ch(Ll'1 US Wmld I:strnnu v~ villu"e MU~'11 t ow n. h ip, "ol UO. l'l llt' ;- Illlln th ,I , h if Ol' i f,, 1'l1J 1m in f II I ttl ' tllnfle ll '>, 1,111(:k h oi-He , n of li'rIUlkliu . ,/uu g m li t of CClIll't H . n. . ' lOKI' " 1.11 :-;1~l lIll(\ 1 I::iurfn c~, pl!'IlI"III !-, ( ' lJ lJ~H l li g of one Oli\'er sorre l g l:l IHII'll I Pll l ' p U~ 1 111111 (I II blook iH u IlI rmed and d e fflnrlllllt gl'lll1t {'c, Iut ill LHlonulIll, :\i t. ~ II' I I, r"u itillg ,Id W, IL 'fig r riding drtlft. colt ~ Ylcllll' olu , II lll'O \~D (l r nft I t3l1"~ t o r eoover ost!i fr om )1lnill tlll' ('Ulll pl\l\\', uut> lIv llOe 'ultivat or ool t C III in ' 1 Y, or ·.•Id i ix h eu d of AlI Il1in(' B. !-\ tl YI:l t,1I b:11~l lb e tu H . '1 1\f' !l " nl,l( !'bove1 p low, on cuttl,ug Cil ttl C' , a mil Il CO W!!!, O il . : frc~h , t he ~ h l l\\ han t ul VI:! ,Ju ok ut. u1 UH The Picture'~ que Sombrero t o Yellzel, I,I,L in WII ,V n t'Jo! vii h', $fIOO. , Ilt l.x. ' III' C'(l 1'11 • b eller, one side work otll 1':,1 to hI! f r es h ill Mill' h lIod fendll u Ls J ohn -'. lin d Ueo l'!!'" Hal' be taxed out of existence. h "rn,·",", t. w~) S t.s buggy huro es!1, u April , a belfe r cHlf ullC11I tmll calf DlIll ie l Bruca !., JIII11 8 \V . Ito hor! toug h g iven 1 nve to fll ., !I m tl llu £' d "1'1 dar'l'll hnef' , o(ll1 dr8 llnd bridl es, OOIDm /!: O II P 'v "nl' old, II s uckling "Oll , lut in BEtrV l1y ~bu l' ~, $·~~G. h llal1 of We l urn , Dot wilh ou t ~ I'i' f. th ;· t " lie pili ll O u nx UtH!~.Y, Ft e1 tir , ooe cnlf i 1I h l'IlLI of. h og!;, Iln swer . .l ohn M. W e llR ttl P. B. ' Iell \'ol', Mexico il:! lik el.V t o ( IlX II ... ",, " tI,I'" pI :H lI ll hUI-!(!Y; h •.n"p]}old J,{ood!l, st ocle h o~s , a bt'ood MO"'IcI ; farm im . 811lnuel Pugh vs J OWl ~ PllKh t pl s n)(\ut.s, conHistin g in PtLrt of u 'j' .ti tlor s iu ' MII !'sie tow lls h ip. ~ l. r o oot of exi te n et' . 'I'h,' 1," I-' Hcll " ' ·Il '!" Il'I tll)l.{ of 1\\' " . , (I II 1... 01", one cord McCorm iok bin l'e ll !:lev n fo ot c ut 8 Ill. Motion mnde uy Mury M. Pll ,h. II, fl . O UH WUIUIII 01 1'11,.", · 1'. on e au k t ure of the S tll t e of .1 11 \1 0:('." 1111'; d ,· Brown wn gou, Bull e~'£' orn pll\nt 'r. Ntlttie buin es and VUUrll tl PI1Io{U to Commissioners' il l l-~ "el' und wu:!h "tuud, mattress, c ltu'cd it a, nui ~ un oe rl "" II ",.. fI ,; 'n'l II ~ ~f' I ~ flf ~lJrjn g". feR t h r lied , Ct uob ne w, ~ Ollv r Htee ) ul'eukinl-{ plows be wude part ies in judgm ent it lr • Proceedings. tb!lt tbe Mexican whit \\,, ' /1 ;.0 il lou,l " " It ('I·m ~ e I' ,, 1II lit], In q.!l· .\ ifi ll ut s t und , Krau s r iding curu pl ow BllOn e~ ill~ mude knowu thg t, pluin i.fl· i wulklng CO l'n pl nw. Olle h ors culti . have a Jice n <'e, fu r wit 11' " la t' 11, 11' t 4 1X d ll\ll' l{ r "o nl ch "ir" . f'xten sioLl vlltor, t.ilJilt t,()oth h u rt' Il \\' . n di l:l , II deutl. Bil l!l ulloweu- \ \! . :h eR tcr Mll ple, wea r a numbe J'ed tU Il 111"" 1 It \\' 111r I, hlf' l;ilroi1clI IIlIhill" ' . /I of t oa l top ~ Jll'iu g \V u ~on, G ra y's fOl'oe f"ed ::)umuel Pugh vs .'UIU P,. Pu gh e t (ltt.oruey fe o, $;J1I; D. Trott e r ~nd Il.:" tin J,! !'l Io n'. UIII' tl hill(' Mtl'el m nge out- the ti cen e and tla p "' V W'·HI'· W1l1t I·,· . ... n ·oit·. ~"I ... "dld I'/l ke r i on soed !!OWBr .s(1t of huy IHdder ll, g rllv Ill. Sheriff is orue r ed t o ull\' el't·i!;o oompan y , Iumbel' , $fi10.0ts i F. B . er is s ubj ect · t u 111'1', ·,1 ," ),1 till ", ('0 ',) 1111 ;.;Iove OOtl /,>/I~"Ii"" "tO VEl lin d el b ad. -l. et,!! of work hurn esl:i, 01r a j I tate. Drak e , lu mbe r, $:H r,o i C:. U. 'leav1'pe muin obj ect of ri ll" III \\' I,; ' n " ve il tl ll A s ln\'iTlgo ll\u r hil1P. six kitob It\rs,. lind otb er Il l' ti 'I es i ·1 dozen PIYDlO Il tb Roc k oh iokeolcl - wood el' bl'hl "e !'epui l' , $ lti.:!:'; N. '}',IIlPROD A TIC 0 111 cure peon' tUHte for Ill " JlIl' I II r'l'lol fJ l\~ n f'l1Illl' ~ . ':1'Willl:! UlII I'hl nt-', ooo kill~ Ilelltiug 8t ov ,~, Itit-c hen cobin'et, ne w g~ r"tl l, lll'i(l ~tI rnp ll ir ~. * 11 ; Fr eq. 8. .~ tUl' ~II~ 1111(1 di s11..:,. 2:, Vtll' US mnt Estu.te of Emmeline M 'uue, de- 811ll\lsn n , lJrit1gl1 r('pILirR, * : ri.~;' i En- hClldgear. wbi ob . clt l·tl l· d ", jlh !.{' J J t in/!, ;,11 .r /l rd ", o f rill;; I·ur·pet. tl buut. ben twood chu t·n . I::ilu~ e r sow ing Ina O,!IIII U. S. A. Mo "ane,l1 n xecllto r t tl rpri "a Printin g 01 1l1111"n y. puhlish ond silver and six fe'· ! 10" 11 )1 · .. • "llr li S III fr uit : thrpu II ze~ c hick chin , ern ok . C IIAIlLItS W . KINDLm. ac r oss the brim is till eXlltl I, t:ii \' til II ".1"", L" gh ul'u IlIi d \Vy undot te; one til el:! stloond /looount. n o ti cE' , .~;j i EJ1t.f!l'lJt·i Htl Pr intin g OU IIlA. A , McN eu l, uucli oll ee r. Q d on e sell· ::i ure H'ltc l.l in cnlo'l lor, U the humbl Mexican .:Jften ",ark" It J . E . Him :< , c le l'k . . hA>tate of George R. :;[I!~e, de- plin y. r t>cei pt, hOll k. Hi 50; J . .J. s() n, I "ooderA UIII I poop!.' about 100· whQ1e year t o earn tbe pl'ice of on o a !lci. Executors ' o rde t'('ll t o sell T h II1PiWlI, ;ler vi eeR lUI ill fil' m u. ry dif et of ~ o ultr .y n ... • ting und mtln y The~ eg i sluture of .Ta lisoo isof . t be o the r 'Irl lOles n OI Itl ent,ilHled , pruperty I1t pri vate su le . reo t,Clr , $60.40 i l{ . U SO litb, cOI\I , opinion that the peon mi!?ht e si ly Ii:. W . H OPKI N". I,u t ,1l uf O hio vs 'l'hll Wu y u e Township 'chool Estate of CharlesE. Boli1l Mr, t fi1, $2a. ,G ; ' \l tl:l I A.. . A . MoN ii, IIIH'tioneer . sp lit 11 year's w~ge!! better than O il BOlll'd wi II (,ff r fol' public su Ie on Chu Tl e~ 8mit,b, $ IO .:! j'ool:l tfl'stute of minorll. cona !-Jcoount tHud by M. C. F -My 1'8 , Il' t'\{ . one of tbese gorgeous huts . '1'he t il HI h \llli grollnd', kn o wn us the Uhio V B Ln ura O 'Nell ll , i\4; W . J. W. Bulmer is oontlfllled. 1l~l l wi ll e h nd IeI' Dist,ri t, ~ miles tra veler, h o wever will hll ve h i ~ Wl·i~ht, u.s tnx (:oll e t UI' , ' 137. 2-1 . 1 will ofl'.·1' li t lJu lJli c SO iA (tt III \' wc!;1 of 'Vnyn eH villfl on doubts about this' on el will h upl' Estate of Evaline St rlin ~, decen . Account of th tl t\\'o alepoitories thut the peon will stick to h is pi o I'~ ~i cl en 'a :~ ! 'J lillie 11 0rtll of W llyu e8. .1. First and fiull1 acC, 'llU t can · MARCH 9, 1!lU~, ' of tbe Lebuuou Nllt ionn l bank Ilnd turesque hut., pItying bi s t li X lik e u VIII ond a' ,. mil es soutb of BtllI . · fir med with H. W. I viu :! Io!! admin Citizens NotionQ, bll uk for mon b ~r~~~i :~il(\~~ Bellbr ook un o Wil Y, th I'oll t\\~ il~g proporty; the brick man and weuring hilcl l1ullll ,PI'!!(' is t utor . , [lcn ool bU IILllO g, one ~oou bell 00111 of .lllnnliry WfOre exnmined a.nd t.u.O' like nn [\Utom bil e .-N . Y . Estate of Edwin E. H Quver, miION [IA Y, E E:BHl! ARY !ol.J, 1\) I ' , !"b ed, lot of new posts lot, of !I'ohool found oorrilot. rrribune. Tb ~ fo ll ow in g prop I't.y, coneois ln/o{ ~ r. sks, tlull 1111 othe r pI'operty belongnot·. On application of 'rhomns E. Filllln oial stutemenl !; of Iluultor of .1 h orses, oue It good bl'oorl fU Rre )U ~ to the !::)Chool Boa rd, Houvt.r 8ixth UCOO Ullt i8 tl pJlorved . ______- . . . 4 -______ 14 yenrs old, .o nen rood broou mOl' e By order of I::lch 01 Board. and t·r eiISUt· r phowing balnnoe in Estate of .d.nnll Hesler , minor, l f, years olu,. both good line Dlllre. . '. '1'. BllWk , uU tioneer. ollch fund aml Accouot ut beginning First Ilnd final account approved on n g ad borse Yflllrs old , £I, good TELL YOUR NEIGhBOR. of month ,vere presen ted llnd orgeneI'll I purpose b ol' e i 1(j h e ud of nppliootion of W. J. Wright. dered plncell on fil e. . If you tbink King of the Lllundry s bonts rudy for t h e lUfll'ket i tw o Estt~te of Jame8 D berty, d ec as· I will oft er for sale on the Slimuel t.he }Jure t !lnd fDO t ecou l·ntinll l sEllltad oarriage, ~ oo d liB new ' IL ·1 incb. tread iron wheel fa rm wagon ; ed . Firllt nnd final a ooouut IIpprovP.ugh farm 3 miles west of Wayn6.\j . The What Babito" the Boy. soap you ever nsell , why not. 1"1' 11 c uttmg box, tobncco pl ow, rIdin g v ll! fI, 0 11 t·he upper Wayne ville and d on Ilppliootion of Ellen Doh er ty . your neighbor , s b R willIlPPI' illie Krl\uB C'u1tivn,tol', .Juyn Rvillo disc prlllgbor o pike, on Wellman. A N w York bnsi u s mUD b- it as much as you d o. One bill' of orn plow, good urill witb Est-at-e of William B. Witham, de A'rURDAY FEl3RU ARY I ii, 1908, cetUled. t:!econd aooount of J . Lee tained (\, pOl!it·i 'n f or h is son in a t hiR pure soap will go farth I' nlld terti liz I' u.ttaohlll E'nt, I l Rcie ntifi t he following chuttel property: four -fbOl1lp on, admini8trator is oon· largo COOlUl f1 r cin1 concern ut a d o better \vork t :um any other St'I- feed grinder, '2 set.", of Imrness. col heRd of h orse, on!! a bay g Iding' 2 . Mose Bogen, wife and son. called laf!~, good logcbain, " 100 bush e l good DOlllinul !'IOIIII'.7. He wtLuted t h e low, laundry soap nnd oos t.~ lells. firmed. oorn, 1I hout 200 s boc k!' ' orn fodder r yellrs old a bI'own m Rro 7 yeurs old. on George Bogan and famiJy Monday boy t o beoll mu II 'q IlU i Il t d with Three large bars for t e n cen~ . u bro\vn mare 11 yeurs o ld, I~ brown Es tate of Riohard P. Evu. n~ , d esLIm e olav l' hllY. 100 su gur oroc ks George Davis and wife spent last t ud col t 1 m ont h s old; 6 hend of r outtne mca work l\UtI to learn a large uga r pan, 1 !i00 th high grade' ceased. Final Mccount of Willillm W ednesday ' in Harveysbarg with ' catt.le, one a, jersey cow years o ld self re1iiLucu A f e w d'lYS ILgO, a.fter fert.i1i zOl·, ,000 tol mooo sticks; one F. ohenok, executor,llpproved. bed s teud , dresser, ('herry d rop Ie If Il durbam oow 4 years 01d due to h er mother, Mrs. Mary Cleaver~ three weekI! of ' wOl'k whioh tb e be.v MalO Street Resiin Juue, 11 durham oow 6 yen-rs t.uble, 2 ~ta nd s, (,l1 pboll I'd, dishes ollif J;:stQte of Mary . Martin, deMrs . Maude Cleav~r and dau,hter old due to cu.lf in June a dorhll'm, i<1 h e likeu '/irtit mt e," be WIIS a nd glaeosware win i1c,w h lltle , our · dence for Sa"k. oellsed. First and final ac ou nt of told thnt h e . \Vo s diMcburgett , the oow 3 years old due to cltif in June ' spent Friday and Saturday·with Rev. tnin tretcbers, 7(l yards on rpet II. Edwin C. Martin, approved . r ason given to tb e futher in u. 10 gallon milk CR ", U lot of sy r'up J er sey oow 8 yeurs old with calf b~ and Mrs. Willis O'Neall. Miss Flossie Fires called on MJ'ss 'fhe r esiden ce property of tbe lu te ('..a n , 4 wood h enti ng stove!!. lot of h e r !'lide, u. durham bull 3 years old' 0111 udia E . t:;urfaoe, benefiolary . note whloh W lloH olLrl'ied h om 6 was 2 merino buoks i 25 heu~ of hogs ~ Thirteenth aooount of Hiram Eyer, "He has u woll d evelop d cuse of Mrs. Dr. G . W. H ende rson i offered stove !lipe, 2 gu. nline NtoVCS. big pollllHl china boar, 3 ohe ter white Edith Bogan Sunday·aftemoon. bnng m g lamp, churn lind butte r trustee, is oonfirmed. 'wlmt ?' When h e bllS bean c ured {or ~ale. Mrs . Ernest Mannon spent Thursworker, <!lothes rllok, and mnny sows du e t·o pig first week 10 May 16 pigs ubout ~ months old; t.imothY day afternoon with ' her mother:, E tate of Abiah Wil l:eI'lIOO , de· send him I·a.ok, for we like him." f1 9 otber articles . Inquire o f the Ileirs, huy in the mow, about. 100 bu'slJBIs In case of rltin snl e will be beld in oorn in t be orib about 25 bushels of Mrs. George Davis. cea tld. Third account fil "d by Ira In furt,h er tlXpltlD llti on to the futber ~--:-~::------- la rge h r d. F. Bigolly, an exeoutor, i~npJlro ved the mer oh 'lIl~ thllt· the boy had' =~==Mrs George Bogan spent Monday r..unch by Ladi es o f Ferry ohurch . oats in t11e bin, some seed corn ' farm the • tl81jernting hnbit of askiug iUIJll em eut.s conSisting in part of ~ and ' Tuesday with her daughter LlCw[s 'TlBBB. Estate of Blanche BUI, minor. , What,?" \v4en· aus t,hin g wus \Lsked brenklDg plo w tobl~o'oo setter 110 50 Mrs. Chauncy' Bunnell: • A. A . McNeil , au c tione r. First iind finall\eoount oontlrmed on o f hiw. Thi" WIlS not beon.use t he , L . Cnr tw right ll Olt A. B . np vi[l tooth bflrrow, un A barrow, 3 farm Mr. and ·Mrs. George Davis enterapplioation of Charles Ludlum, boy's h earing W~B defeot,lVe. but CI rk . ' wngons, do uble shovel pl", w, bar. , e ... · -~-+ained to Sunday dinner Rev. and guardian. ~NClNNMI, becI~use h e was a sIll va to, It ha bi t . bunclJer. ea rringe, buggy, spring M w'n' . r, t h .undersigned . will ell at. pub- WllgUU, hu y 1'I1ke, binl1el', mower, . rs. 1 lam Dudley and daughter E~tate of Etlllyn K. J ones, mi- whioh WIlS II tax on lat.lenoe , Ilnd .rIME 0 ~RD hc auchon at my f ii-I'm 3 m il es south hllY fork, rope aod pul~eys hllld and Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Mannon. nor. F r.mrth account npproved on preclued prolll'pt attentIOn to orders. west of B<!lIbl'ook and one mil e north r o ll et:, oult,i vutor, set .doub1~ work Lew Wolf and wife spent Wednesl::FFE l'I\'E MA lt II :1) , loll '; applioation of &rab E,q~ .1 one!!, This isourub1 e in It boV, 1 know, l of Ferry on th e 13e1lbrook and Ferry hn.rness, 2 sets buggy blu'nesp IInM and [lUll s ura thllt when you in. N R'l'IlUU NO. road , on ' and bridles, set. fly nels, work bencb day with Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. gunrdian. form me tbllt 1\. OUI'O hilS been SLatlflos No. 1 0 No. ;; O No. r,' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1908 , 11\.wn tl),)W r , 20 root ladder, wheel! A . A . M . A . M . PM . Estll te of Robert Bluir, '~inor . e ff ecte d nn d ( Bt:1 k yoo t o Be nd J ohn LclJanou Jc.At'. 00 Jl . 3U ,,'''' at 9 a clock, 10 h ead of h orses and lllurow. lot f mu1uerr.'t posts , lot of Finllt MOount oqnflrmect on IlppliM baok here 'b e wi II Hot sll,y 'whItt?' Sbakcr r. mule, of which 3 ar good work ouk pos ts, 1 t of pine lumber, lot of 7 58 \I 2S n Ui tiOli of B. , Billlr, guardian . horse, one .drivinJ; hoI'S I 4 dlmlt h n.rd wood lumher a 3: head wbeat -New ~ ork 'l'iibun Roslyn f 7 5 1 i 11 .2 1 1(, 1:\ ' Hemi>s l e a(~ 7 -.11 j 1 )8 5 o~ colt and 2 mule cults 3 and 4 yeal' drIll, !10001) abovel, 3 Iron kett;les , ..Est.a1e' of Elton M. Hadley at a1 , old; 6 head of milch cow' 4 fresh 2 lot· of, tobllOCO t,ic ks, lot of old iron ; Centerv(lte '; 4 0 11 10 ;, 0 (' benefiolary. Third acoonot llpprov17 :J:! " 11 O ~ will be fresh by day of saie' 2 wh ' at . OlILllllud w ' dges, bucket!!, wire, post .Ianor A GR~~AT OON'l'E 'T. 8d on I!-pplication of W . Obe t et 7 :.17 .1 I 07 drill ,one wi th fertilizer a t tachmen t diggers' ba l'fCIIl, fenoin~ hO tLrd~, bq~ Lytle 1;7:1 1 ; 1 I :;4 breaking plows , hal'i'ows, corn culti~ gy poleR ILtld Shllfts ,. c hltins, farlD 44-1 Yellow sonp I~ I\. favorit. in many F.c!lI:owood Maple, tt:ulltee. +4 ~U vator , corn plante r , one hay r ake 4 bdl , ~ rind Hton l'l. WInd mill , seed *7 ~O ~ I U 50 famili es, our mi ssiun is t,o lighten Ve nable ;0{ HS spr ing wagons, w,d< harn ess. c~l- ' 8~ot't , potnt4'A " ubout 25 buttheJs of 17 III :::10 ~ 8 Estate of Nettie Lear, insana. tbe burden or wI\Mhdu.y . Have you KI tclmor ' "; 10 110 Hi l al'~ , lines, bridles .nnd manyothcr I !'lsh pot-ll ~oef\; b ou elIold goods of ~ all Second and flnnl ncoount, Ilpproved u';!~d Kiog of t·h e Lllundry 8oap? If Dodds ,I ~ o articles not m ention .d; 4 tons t imo- Vllrl OU R klllll!l, besides Uluny other +7 Ou 1 iii 30 Leland on applioo't ion of 'fhomils C. Ohl'istle not, be ndvistl(} by mi111 0nR who L eba.n o ri.-L ~. 'i UO ).):10 4 :;0 thy hay , also some hou chold goods. Ilrticles, Mas. SAMUEL P UOH . guardian. o 1:1 ~) u.s. .'1' ' H . 0 PERRY WELLER, 1'. hELve . A mutchlelSs oiElIlDsel' und II. V . t:; PUGH Munager. /) hi) o 40 ,I' for, A . A. McNeil, auct ioneer. . Est~te . of Amanda M. 80hnell, fo.vorite in the wodd's cootest for. ' . H . SUI·fllce. auot·l0ne r. o . X'I' o . X'I' J. E. Himes, clerk. deoeased. Firtlt 'aooount filed by SOIlI> suplemao.\', mutle from the W lllter Kenrick, clerk. Il 0 0 ao Ladies of M . ch urch wHl ser ve " . C).ltl.rles SohneU and Oharl e~ J one~, oleanest nnd be t Ulnterin.\ and it I.un oh stand I·eserved . lunch. .' SOU'l'HBO ·~O executors. oon tu.ins sOIue nl1lJthll. ~o Id by 11.11 If you want the full piquant . A . M. P. M. P . M. na va," of t-he choioest oY8~eret' . live ~ea,lers, 2 lnrge bars .f or ten Leave No 4 ' No O ' No 2' Estate of William B. Fulkereth, fresh. f~oili the ,;cool depths of , r, on ' Dayton : C H D mind\,: ¥ary R : Fnlkeretb, gUl\rdilln the oce~n, t~y the .d elioious . Dayton : 0 X '1' 8UO 2 OQ Ii 0'1 ~leil first lWCount, Lebanon .Te. 8:\ 0 2 ao . Estate of Perry Maxwell, de- N ~tice of Appointment • Sbaker CrossIng t1:13 l 3" Roslyn t8 a1 +! 40 eeMied. J. D; 'Miller, executor file.s '.L"hey '"re taken frop! the ' Hemp8tead II 41 2 ~ ll E~Ltue of A va rill a F . Ebright. dcccaijctl . invedto~y and app'raisment, .Ii :; 1 sheUs, 'w88hed quiokly and Centerville 49:! ,, 1 'l'be uncterslgne(\ h UH b ee~ appolnt.ed (lnd put 'into a C888 of pnre white :l 02 "0 o. '857 quahlte(.l a Executor of Lb e E8L:lt.e of A \'11' M.anor 608 enamel, s~'ed a~d paoked ,in o 01 3 ()7 rllla F . EbrlghL. late of Warn:» County, l.ytle OhIo, deceased. ' ioe. They are tt'o t. opened '&ill ta 11 G Ii 0 06 E.!gt:wood Dated Lbls Ud (h~y Of FelJruary. A.D., 1905. they reaoh the ' ilellle·r . 'T hey AU Ii, \flU Il Ofl . b-: ~IM I) II S. SAILV, Venab le oome out fresh, firm, u.-brok.' 17 "EXCIlutor 0 '( th e £l!llale of +0 11 Kltllbncr JU J 1 AvarUia to'. Illb . l ll ht. en and ful. of the delloiQ~ 'j III .~ Ii) iO U Dcd/1s " •• l i 19 Seth W . .brown, ntt.ornc y salt tang . . The I!ecret of'.heir '. " to :!:I Lelanil :ll! snperiority Heil tn ' the , tlIlCf of " ",han on Art Ive 980 the P,atent ' , .t.. " .; •,







Rt 'a.








. --

J. S. Hynes.



SeaJs~Jpt Oyst~rs

Tin, Slate and ' 6alv~nized· Roofing.


" .Sea'.ls~ip~. O~rriers ....




n .


bern ttl be,::lnlllllg or a I 11110 In· Preparatlqn of ,tie Soli Where Trel!t II mac' Y b l't Wt'I'1J U w tW I), anlt ' l h n 0 BROWN" MeKAV, rpw y" arK lull'r It NHl\f' tIl 11 iii f'a l'U YNero to Be Plaflted, II tll t Dll vlrt cl" .. If'f' tl to hulld ~ 1tn!;(O tr a Ir I'lU H'" Ir e' 11:1(1 ('n t tlll' ~ r llnl (,."ltlr Amo n!; Ihe \trilL I hlu II I did 1(1 \\'111'11 aJ'lpl'nl to tho WcU-IJ\rlJ l'OlI~J iJl eNer1 hnprov [ug QII I' flll'ttL aftf' I' h\lylllg It tim h"I . fl'OOl L '!J1I110 1l , lind lho h')!ls " wllik uf Uf nnJ nrc C!I ontiul to J}lWI1'BDCnt 0... of .". Twol •• Storl•• of Solomo • • WAS to sol two nc r t! to II\la('11 lIud The Alrlhlp Menace, had 1)''''0 ll. tl lI : . nt! Ih l' n wbe n II . 8uccell~ and CJ'(' Ii tubl staooing. ~1;01'0 nppl U ' P N. I t has 11I'OV \l t I \Ju t h ll~otb r Shlp'~n rode her 1\1':1 1'11 Ihul 1{l 1I 1; I Ilv ld d ','II'('d to ~1I 1 11r: Bero.... . '" ,,~."" BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" tn t vlllllnbl , two a r II 0 11 thu f. I'm. logly, i ~ is not rlal.ned that YI:l\P of Ftg. broomstick ov r Into the' Innd of c r. PR£ACH'tR a h OIl. a t n h·l" Gild. h hllli ha.s le n II .;;_......____~_----........--.,to :lIm iu o lT!' r hi m th Ihn Tl('lrH rro l:) \\'h lle 11 lug fiv c II111 t>1:1 aw n)' fro ' all)' and Eli xi r of .... cnna ill tho ClIuy romeuy of talnt lel,. lt Is s uld that shl) propb s l d Le hull tm, Bul ror s um ' "'!<J!>o I. whir'" CLEANING POTATOES QUICKL. y, rr\l lt 111(\1'11 t , y t w oft.e ll I ' 1\11 2>11 a k.nown vaillo, but ,ono of many rea80DII the cornltig or bOth tho s ubma \,ln a nd I \ f" n.w r ,. It' 3 1' IY ' Ull1m ' S II1f1(1. 0 a\"t ll' ~ c lAllr JU' fit of $7 from f ruit 110;"\, (CQPydlrl."ltOio,lJr' ho ' "'bu ~, W . II. IW'~ I\ I , ~Yl!y it I~ lho b~st of personal and ~i1y J l;1e alt sbJp. rWhy did sh . n ot far es pln ns hnrl h oen HlulcJ I'll c h ' 111'e1. ;1n .I ' Home·Made Contrivance Which Will b s lqe gr ea t IJ'II lit j'ro Ul I'attenlu t; 110m It ctive check on ill alrsblp' 88 l'llllu Authorl t y. .-- 1 Kings 11) h is ulTl' r s IJllv itl hu.1 merf}ly s u g. Also Sort the Tube rs, laxatives is th fa Jt thnt it clcansca, O UI' hogs, . ' The IUDd was· a loam y, (' 18y s ii, s\vect liS anel relievcs the aq;tlilli a 1,1l0d rn arm:,!' ass t? La Pat rie, tbe hAllt r Il nod 7 ! 13·'Ui. g(>!\ I" cj . tlia t. J)fll'hollS RO Ill l:! tl ay h e . , / F m l!: ht rr>n 'v t ho Orrf' r to hi s !Wn, The s lcr tch s h o ws m y h Ol\lp·muue with hea\')' clay tl ub sr,lIl, a ud luy 0,. lit· r !loh war do partmont's airshIp, be- . <>O<>OOO<::>.¢<>O<>O<>O O O<>oOO 1\ nd no w tlrn 1111 n pWR hn.1 'n n\! p otato c l a n r a nd so rt r whi c h 1 t! slOllin g, whl cb lus urctl goud dl·a ln.' on wh ich it ncts without any,' for es caping the otli1!t day, llicke d up SERMONETTE, of Dn \1 d 'il rl"" fh Ihl s was ' t.t'l' Ors t have us d ot F a lrvl w (a rm fo r a 01,;(>. .I t wos PUl'tl y pro t c t Itl on th .. ofter ('\Teets nnd without hav ing to iucrelL'lo Ita hal f-dozon men Ilnd cbnng d its _ _ ~ I th o ught wh irll OCrU l'1' 'Ii 10 K tn;:r III nurn b or 0' y IIl'S , wrj l ' s 8. corr ' sp 0 R · north by tllllue r. A tlilc h thr 0 r et the qunntity from t.iUIO to time) s tation trom the capita l to Ve rdun, Not the least v<lluabte legacy ~ 1':\ 111 . \ Vo ll id th , n(' w 1\l lI g ")~ dent ot .F',II·m und H om e. It co ns is ts d ' p uuu two f (' t widel was c ut on ·thlJ It aots pleasantly and nntl.U' and 180 mHes n aror to tb e Ger man fron· wh ich a fat11er ' leave a child Is o m on bav" Iho ,lc!;iJ' II nll th (. n blll l y Or n num be r o r boops to wlrlch a r nOl'll! &Id('. whl h c ut o ff [1I1 roots lill' truly !Ill a lJu:utivo, n"d its CQID.Paoen t ti er, bc twoon 8': 45 in the morning and the fri e nds he has made', Gold 10 Nl.h, Y (l u I. t..he will lIII tl \\'I ~ IH'~ , C hi s fns tened ha lf·ln c h s luts 80 a s to Ul ul,e nlu g out t ro m lhe tllIIbe r . 3 : 45 In the a tternoon, The c raft cov· and silver, house s and tand s are fa lher , H e hntl !';{1,' 1I Ih r . o lln ~ mall hoi s 1~!! Inches. s qual'o. Two h nvy 1 bega n I)rt plI l'ut\ on 0 year . bel 11'8 parts nre knowu t o and npprov.ed ~Y e red the 300 kilom eters at a s peed of as nothing In comparison with bu I. op CC! . and Ulal "' fiR II po n th l! oc} pleoos, A, are placed Ins ide tb e cyll ll' se ttiu g th e 1I' 's. · I haul ' d 20 ~ wo· ph y s iol nn~, :\9 it is free froUl nIl otUcction. ha n; loads of bn l'll yut'd 1IJ:l llll rl' nnd uhle substances. To b'O t its ~ficiat more than 26 mil s an bour without the true and loyal fr iend who ~ cas lrlll or nn e o r hill visi ts t o .1 l ' U bl'onc\ caswII It, ()X IJlulns tb[s J rl'C' s topping fo r a tresh su pply at gas, a nd stands re ady to s how that kind. ~'n l o nt, bllt h(' l'r> rIlPIlI t) t" rl'y ho w hI' (: .\ 1\ ('rTects al\\'l\YM purchasD tho ganuin s POUd UUL ur Forlll an ll HO.tll ~1 . The maintained an e le vation ge nerall y nen Rnd bes tow th <l t wise cou,, · hP-foll s ll'lll' k hy th l! ben 'lty or he mlltiuraliturod by t he Cu.l ifornin Fig $yrup lun.1 was the n hl'Qk e n w ' lI with f.w o· above 1,000 Fuds. Now, tb e best pro. sel- whi c h is like unto that whi c h yo ullg mn n. Co., only, uml for sale by alllcndin& drug· th e fath e r himself would have 0 " Ah, bu t It 101ft'S mlll'!' Ihil n h 111 111 [ hurse Illow , follo wing se veral I cll£'8 vis ion ao fnr made a gains t the dl rlgl· given, ~ o r pr. r!l() l1 t l) malw 1'1 \\' \1 I'[h )' I\ in/ .... h ~ de II wilh lI 11b!ioll 1I10 \\,. I ~h e n ~ u t gi ~ts. ble as a dost roy e r at t ortl Ucations a no! "H ira m was ever a lover of ha ll nt nl tt" l'rll I I) h illl:,r lf ;l S l\'ill1 Iho s lI rface s've ra l limos will] d \s/< David."' This s trong , close fr ie nd. DI1.I' Irl Ir ad 1J1'01I:,: hl II", ~' n ll ll;:' lad I a m ennce to bodies of t roops Is the ha rro\\, a ud sow d l \" 0 bn she ls ot .DW A RESOLUTION TO BE K£2T. shI p Is the bes t kind of a n In. his s l.l!' Hlltl hnl l \\' hl ~ I)(' r (' . 1 In I lIm l" '" German a rm or ed autom obil e, and th a t pros 11 ' 1' IICI' ('. Th e y lll ud' I.L !l1' I .n· can dis abl e a n airship on ly It It fil es ~ d t th h t d . d I 0 1' :1 r t ha I ro nd hncl P I' OIll i"NI I ha t t hli lIl tl g ro wth 3U4 t he ViU(, ll wu re tIl luwed low r th ll n 1,000 yards. Mllll a nt. th~S ~ a~ , ar~~r:~"ankln'g eao: ~ 1m ' r; l\olllo! !lit. " pO II h i,.; Ihrtln,'. I lu l'llllH1l n o n th o soi l. minded E uro pl'a ns are wrl nltllng their Tyre. Th ere ca n be nl) ques. ~ ,I'"rI now 11f" II IO\' f'( 1 fri plHI On\' ltl lu l h fal l (hi s g row lh was t\.ll uNI was fien d an d his S O li Solomo n £\:i t Home·Made Pota to Sorter, 111ltlOI', 3 1HI tile hUHI agul n \.I rok(> n '~lld t lon but t hat th is fri ends hip wa s brows. Mr. Taft, urged by tllO offire rs at our army s ignal ("orps, w ll nt s can. base d ent ire ty upon the q ua li . . u pon his th ron f' . WOllld h(' j1 l'O vr Il de r to hol t! Ih e ax l . O. whic h extends BlI bsul le d to a d t' IJth ot n!Jollt J jj t ies of goodness, nr-,d manhood worlh y !lon ? \\' onld hI' ('!'; cn pc th t! Incl.J(' s, s ll rl'nr e hll I' rO\\'(>d w(' ll" d "reBS to s et us ld A .." 200.000 to 'ol'gln Ill "~ I II' f{I I ( 1 Il lfr~l lI t\rcly IlJrou"h .. and honor c haracteri s t ic . of .. ln., \\' 11 I~, 11 \\' o u IIr Sll r· ... Ihe m llc bl ll nuu Is ry e suwn (\ t (IH! I'llt of 1 Y. bus hp.·!! ex porime nts ", Ilb d irI Rlb tr.s. Tho both men, ra th e r than upon ro und h im In h is !' 'a ll NI poslti oll '! . turn ed by n 1'11 111(. W. Th e frullIE! PCI' le re. This uttalued Jl flo e gl'o wlh, .DrjUsll war authori t ies bc-Hove tb,ty 5! s elfish motive'll of pOlitical or 0 "\\' II. th e f rie nd o r Oa vl ll Will he made Is fOll l' tn r hea Inwe l' a t th e Ol'e n· whi ch was ut th e followhll; sLJrlug are on tho way to sec urin g a s uccess· ~ materIal advantage to be ga ined. 0 th e fr ie nd 10 IlIlYI I!'s !Jo n," (' xrl ull nE'r\ lUg ond of l he cy llnu er s u thRt t ho n ud left to decay. I fi l'alll. "\vha IN'pr t ho y Ollu g m a ll pat u loos \\' ~ I rll n thruu gh frc Iy. ful ae roplan e, and tb e m ys t~! rlo u s a p' l l t has been sa id most truth. That s prin g I boug ht tr as e lloltg h pa ratus or th e Wr ig h t brothe rs Is be · fully that "tru e fr iend s hips are may be. w s hnlt s tr lvll 10 s l:ow III I At th o c1'lI nk ,' Il .l If! I\. hopper. F, to ~c t on e ac r('. I bo ugh t ,I! I'('c l fl,\.1lI • m made In heaven ." .And surely k indn ess for his fa ther Onv ld'R sn k ~. " hl to wh ich tbo 1101:1 10(>8 arc llour ed. a llu rSc.J'ymlln a nd got t r es t ruo to I ng Ila w II' r d a bau t .rom OliO war 0 • ce on this friend s hip which exist. f:; It W lHI Iha t n mn n ~ the Ors t 10 T h cy ll ndt'r Is l" fo t Inng and t.hre . ua me, fresh a nd In Hne oudIUr)n. 1 to another. The pro ble m, obs Hrves ed between this king of Tyre s (>nd wo rd s of l{rcr> t 11I g an d n r.o u r a,~"" feel ill ula n t 1' . It will no t bru ise w at; afraid to 1'Is k 1111 OI'Chll l'U ot t.... ee Collle r's Weekly, Ree nt S to ha ve and King David we find the In nt 10 l h o yo un g 1'111 r ot Israr l was t he potato a n nd th e dir t anti s mall boug ht from a gent s , an!! , too, Is V l-l t! passtld trom " How aro wo to get our brand mark of heaven. It was th e kin g or T yr(' . th N1P. s llml fi cant , oues rim t hroug h 011 t he tloor or c ra te ulmost 011 ·half th (' ('ost by hu) log aJrshlpe up?" to "Bow ca n we make of that enduring kind which wo rrl !! b pl n ~ pa rt or th p nl r. ssug: I nnd th e mnrlf E' t a bl£' oues 1'110 ou t at di rect from th e uU l's(' ryma u. 'J' ue them come down ?" when the fa ther was gone wa:J " Th e ce .lur!! of Le ban on m a k 'ahol · t he ope n end of th e c ylinde r Into un· t rees we re pl unled 30 r a t nllart transferred with warm·hearted Ra nce t o Is rael' s 1,Ino; n nd de llght to o th e r c ra te . With on muu to tum tbe way, whl cb ma:d c ultiva tlon A Network of Wireless L.lne.. I c ra nlt aDd un otll e r to nil th hoppe r, eaneh . loyalty to the son. aW ll It hi s p Ir.:umrc ," sy. ITO One at the UIOst ambItious scheme~ This, then, Is the fir"t point " It may hI'," thought Htrnm . ns h n 700 to e09 bushtll s cnn be sort ('d In a III (he Call th e re maining uere 'I'rut til wbicb wire less telegraphy la to bear we would emphasize: The en. Indlrted th o mellsagf' , " th nL It will doY. Mr. Woodson resolv ea that b& "Ul s e t and the tre s g rew 01T be ttor thau an Important part )ooks to p e rfe~tlng during quality of true friend. hrln g to th e mind of Solomon he I tlros se l In th e spring . 1 u ~ed I ys never again we llr a high bat when a s3' stem or trRnsmlllslon by whIch all ahlp, What kind of friendship ' g rnnt. · eomml s!lloll whI p-II hi s fa l he r DEMAND FOR CHERRY STOCK. and crimson clove r as a rail uud win· snowballs are ripe. the British Islands In the Paclfio sb~n II that which fllta like the sun. (} Da vid rl a s lrr d hllll tn Il p rfol'm . W!II ter crop and find nOlblng el.:ce ls the m Hopeless cale. be conne('ted wUb oae anoth e r and beam and II 'gone when the (. th e YO lln g mnn reall zo his g reat oppor· Chance for Some Enterprising Amer. for this purposl:'. I prefel' ry e to trw Evangelist Torrey, wbp prlde..1. ~. with Dritish ColumbIa. Thla Incl\~fJes eloud arises and darkness and tllnl ly or will tll oth r 1Ilin,:!;R or tbe I lean Horticulturist to Grow Treel. clove r , as It Is more certain and leBl s e lf upon the nU,mb er of hJs converLs, trouble come-? Who I. worthy kin gdom o('r.upy Itl s th oughts 'l Pel" I e xpe n s ive. I culUvate In spring un· not merely the relatively small Islands, h a rm II H w III d oslro conques t rath e r the name of friend who let. the \V. F . HpJk es of Huntsville, Ala .. til Jun e, the n so w cow P OM and 'nJIQVI m e t one hnrde ne d sinner in Oh1.c,aR()o but areas of s\l~h magnitude as Aua· dark valley fix the limits of' that t ha n the bu ilding ot a te mpl e for his s lates tlte re are Imported luto the t be vines to decoy on th e' ground. 1 whom he fail ed to convert, 'IVl8 min· . trail" and New Zealand. An American friendship? Friend to the fa. GOII." Unite d Sta tes froll1 Frllllce annuall y wrap th e bodle!! of tbe youn g tl' os ister had been preaching to a tent tull engineer baa 'the matter ' In cbarge, ther-frlend to the children!, Nf' a rly tour' yeare w ent by and HI · 10,O(){),OOO to 15,OOO.uO& cherry stock.s. In \Vlnte r to pr ve nt ra bbits f rom of people, He had desc ribed tllO v.lces. nad hayIng !ust returned tram a tonr And 10 we find Hiram sending rAm walle l!. No word had ('.o m o from Full'l y t rus tworth y ngures s bow that g nawin g, always uslu g ne ws papers. or the rtcb .. and had pOinted Blhllcal of Inspection over the region men· the message of consolation and Kin g Solo mon of his pllrpose to bnllrt from this numb e r of stocks th out put [ take tbe wrupp ra oft In the spring analogies at th eir luxuri e~. Qne man tloned he reports the enterplise to be cheer to the young K I,ng Soloth e hOlllle or God In a(~cordnnce with at me rchantable treel:' at two years and whitewas h with lime to prevent In tbe baok of tb e te nt had seemedbe much Interes ted. He 1t,ane.d ,enUrel)' tfJaRlble, and his report has mon when he hears of the death th p. wis he s of Da vid his rather. 'Ves, old, of nU sizes, Is 1I0t mar than one· worms from doing Injury, torward to catch every 'Ward. Torbeea traasmltted to the Rrltlsh coloof his old friend King David, Hi ra m hacl. h ea rd of th o g rowIn g th Ird of the number at stocks plaaud, rey, takJng the Inte rest to mean ' The friendship for the father spl ndor or the kln gclom. H bad anti of these not more than one·lhlrd IMPLEMENTS FOR PRUNING, llPproacblng conve rsion, redoubled hl.a nla) .,cretary. In nddltlon to the sh..-n be perpetuated In friend, b eard or th e grace and wi sdom whi ch wfll grade flve-elgbtbs and up. Tbe daring' Dature at tbe! undertukln"('0 , "The road to heU 1& \lned ihlp for the lo.n. Hlr"m will mar k d t h e b gt nn I ng r Q s a Iomon ' s first dIfficulty e ncounte red In cberry Its Use Will Save Mucb Inconvenlenct efforts. with v1ntn~e, wine, beauillul WQD\ n wh~t will eX(llte special wonder Is Its prove how true his friendship r Algn, Rncl he noted with a carlaln de- growing Is In ge tting a slaud. So and Many Scratches. and fine automobiles!" be e.xcln1med. amazing ' cI181lpnesa. The engineer to David was by showing kind. , gree of hopefulness thnt king and peo. much de pe nds on the condltlou of tbe 'menUoned' ~atlmate9 that tbe total ne.. and encourOigement to KIng plo were devoted to th e se rvi ce anel plunts on tb e lr arrival from France. Raspb erry and blacltberry bushel WIth a s igh as ot r eUet, the .man in ''Oh~ coat will not exceed '600,000, and In Solomon. . worRhlp of th e Ood of Is ra e l. There are various causea at injury can 'be safely pruned without scratch, the back of tbe tent arose. View of tbe extraordinary And the other point we 'would " Rnt how can he (Jelay the build· from the time th plants leave the es by using the dev ice s hown In the death, where Is thy stingY"' bo .d~ tlolpated tbat Is 11 trilling sum, Of emphasize Is the apprenlatlon of Ing or a hoarse to his God ? What can growe r In France to th e time of their Rather Equivocal. the SOft for his father's friend. I e do with aU tho g Qld and all v r arrival at destination. The l'e Is more Uncle Morton, an uged na~ who 1 C!ourse. tio 4etalls are given out, but Young man! Young wom3nl wltich hIs fllth e r Oavid gllthe r ed? An,l or les s dange r from fr eezing or heat. had been a slave In the we Wore whep one rellects on the vast extent Had you a worthy father or the cedars of L e banon ~oan In Ing on the way. Some times the plants the clvU war, was a retainN rn the ot'the Paclne ocean, lays the Troy mother? Then cherith as their destre to find place hi a bU.!lu, are dug too early, and sulfer tram behousehOld of an AtlJlnta famU{. Be , (N. Y.) Tlmee, ~omething of tbe chaJ'oo earth~8 ~st trealure for you the Ing to David's God," and Biram Ing beeled In, or they are dug when was something or a phUosoplilll.', and acter of the plaa may be conjectured loyal, true frIends they left be. Sigh ed within him, the grollnfl Iii t oo wet and packed In a good deal or a diplomat. ane da~' Tlte advantage ot direct communlca· hInd, No new friendships you ' ~ What Is that?'" be asked as at bOxes be ~ore tbey An Il~parated from the waltrcsaes, two yoUllg mwaUos. UOD be~w8eQ British colonies without can form will prove so loyal and that. mome nt a servant Interruptcd his the mud and proPElrly drl d. In tblB we re chaffing him, contTOJ ot the apparatus by a'lY other true as those ,w hich your par· revf1 rl e. "A messengel' from King condlWou they start to grow In the "Uncle Mo'ton," one at thenl e&td. . erits tested through the storm.. Solomon? Show him In at OIice." boxes, and howe ver carefully they th.&n R~tl9h handa Is ot course at once "who do you like best, Belle QI ~?" . and sunshine of thclr busy Eage rly Hiram walled whllo the may 110 handle d, there Is sure to be Tbe l,fray·headed negro ~ flrst appartmt, and It tbe project Is carried IIvel. Cleave to them, .and form courtier entered and made his abel. a heavy loss In planting. In some In· at one then at the otber, and $alcl'wltl1. oat, succeesfullr It will add a consplcu· the new friendships slowly, teat. 9 sance. Iftanoes the plants are grown on lond a tone or Indecision: - 00. trlm'pb to ~hat has aJrA'\dy been Ing and provIng so that you In "1 will bear at once the message unsuH.ed · for the ir growth, when they "It am too tedious to say." wrouabt by ..... Ireless." tum will have the rich legacy..... from the son of my frl~nd David ." sulfer lu health, quality and appear· of tried and true friendships to Wltliollt. fl1rther de )ay the courtier Ilnce. Such plants are abnormally A Little Child's Impres~ OaeI rellgtous "Rper, the Sunday " leaWl to your children. Too unrolled bls parchment nnlt I'cad : branched" Rnd , usually present a Lying at the baae of Echo n@lb&aSu, orten children cast ruthlessly "Tn Hiram, king of Tyre: Thou blackIsh appearance of tbe rqota, 'SchonJ OUtlook of Boston, has lolved In California, In the. San Q.~ val· 'the Santa Claus Question I" thla way as1de the friends parents have Imowost how that David, my tatber, 'rhere Is room for some e nterprising ley, Is the pretty cJty ot PoaocSepa: for the benefit of 'anxlou. parents: won to themllelves through the could not hulld an h011l~ e unto tho laorti'culturlst here who Wlll collect At night, when , tbe lights arp &1IatenTeacll children the myth, It .ay ~, but yU.... name ot the Lord ' his God for the Mazzard cherry seeds and grow some ina and sparkllng, the erteaa ~lD, ~ a Wtb, not AI tact. Tbey wlll ' en· , What a eplendld picture we wars which were about him on e vory or the s eedlings r~qulred by nufsery· Echo IlIountaln Is beautlCuL . It 811 wen aa. do MY other have here of thIs young, Inexpe. side, until lhe Lorc' Pllt Ulem nndor mell 1'01' budding and graftlug llur· One everitng, dlrecUy aUer dkIIIW: a. ~~~:="":::=--==-"::;:~;-:'::~::'::""'::::~~:'==-~~ rlenced .-Kln1t'Solomon finding In tho SOIRR of his feet." poses. ,-little girl who- was remab'eg ever falp< 8001'7, and children al'e ways The Pruner. In hie father's friend an adviser With the beginning of the reading and night on the mountain, ruahed bIleAth· read,' to "pretend" the existence or NURSERY TREES. an d h elper In the great and ' th e first refe r nca to thR building ot accompanying illus tration. It Is maa'll lesoly Into the dlnlog·room. e.x:aIattJ.m. f.srietl. Tben tbey can be taught the nobie' enterprlle which was ' to a house to the Lord Hiram's fn.c lit ing: , "Oh, mamma, mamma.. <:IlIDO t;lnt reat ' afgalftcllnce of the doy nnd enter mark hI, retgn, ' up with a glow, Ills ~yes sparkled with Proven That They Do Not Exhault of Ii piece of l%xl% ,and 31A1 feet ln on the porcb, all the stan hn.\"e~6b le ngth. Into the spirit of gt"lng. rather than Young man, you cannot do a n(l W e nthllslasm, and h e exclaimed the Land of ItI Fertility. 1n one end a slit 19 tour on the groundl" be .absorbed tn lh'O selfisb thongbt of be~ter .than to make the frIend undAI' his breath : .•BleR!:ed be tha . inches long to lusert a mower knIfe. A gifts to be received. The Idea Is of your father your friend, nam o of the' Lord this day which hath All experience proves tbat a CI'OP C?f . BANISHED nail may be used to b'o ld It In place. rather ._ good onEl, In tbese doya faith glvfl n David a wise !Ion ove r his nursery trees does not exhaust the Another piece of 1 %.xl ~~ is made two Coff~e Finally Had to .~..... In a g~nulne Santa Claus lasts but a people." land at Its fertility, says T. R. Pey.ton, feet In iength nnd attached to the oth· brief Urne at best and the THE STORY. Th e m essenger pauned and looked Cooper county, Missouri, In fact, It II er corner of the mower knife after the chUd fare. best who knows tl!e saint lip h.asUly, hut he ing I'eassured hy the ge nerally considered that l'tnd Irom same ·filshlon, The other entls of the 'al ,;,. t-Irr and an 'olo-erll no dl~ kl f T I h lively Interest which Hiram was tak· which treCII have been moved Is In the uprights are fal\tened to a lever · as oaly .. ~ ...... u.. ~ ,Tlg 0 yore, rece ved t e tni: In his reading, he cant, inued: "ery best condition for a crop at wheat lIIuBiDDmeut. news of tb e deat.h of the gonlt ljhown, King David wltb dpep Borrow. H e "CommanfJ thou now, therefore, that ' or potatoes, AD automobile owne r In a New bad bee n pr01ICI to count himself one th ey hew me cedar trees out of Leb.' The best nursery lands are . those POISON 'DANGERS IN SPRAYING, . wblch contain a basis at clay, and York town 1iaa been placed on trial tor ot Da\1d's friends. Ever slnce.the In. anon," cldents yearR before whl('h had "The Lortl be praised! The Lord these ar.e the ones which soonest aut· French Sclentlstl ' Suggest the Colo~ man,laughter becaUBe hI- rnacblne, brought them together In friendly In. be praised!" Hiram cl'led fervently as fer under ullwlse treatment. The land Ing of Arsenic Compounds. willie liPe&tlni, ran down and kll.led te rcours6 these two klnRs had main. thll messagfl waa completed. And fa Itept under high culture, and IS, t ...o a&ed women. There appears to ~alned tbe most cordial re lations. turning to his servant be hastily sum· ' theretore, deeply pulverized. There French sclentllts, 'WHile recognlzln" be a ceaeraJ 'dlsposltlon to enter a vlg, The mercbants of tb9 busy commer. moned his seeretarlea and had In· Is practically no herbage ou the soU tbe necessity for the ulle of arsenlo oroUs proteat against the theory that clal Tyro fonnd good markets In the scriberl at once a measage to' King ' to J;lrotect It during the winter. compounds In spraying, bave macte a k1l1tng pedestrian a la a regrettable but kingdom of Israel for t.helr merchan. Solomon, Baying: The soil. deeply broken and robbed wlae r"!commendation to their govern. "I p-onsldered the things which of Ita humus" runa together and ceo meD ' that aucb ,material shall not be aeceaaalT risk to be allowed In speed· dlse, which came to that port from all parts of t'he world, for the Tyrp.8.ns thou se nt,esl to me for: al)d I wUl dO 'j menta ltSAlf, and It then requires ,aold, unless colored In s,u ch a' mannet "IS,. were great tradcllI. And In exchange all thy desire cohce~nlng timber of I "rear.- In clover or other herbage CI'OP, t1!;&t it can not pOssibly be contused No"" all Invenlor has come forward tbey took the fruits and the grains, cedar and concerning timber of ftr," to briDg it back 'to Ita rIghtful condl· with foods or condlmentll. The buyer ·wlth tbe annouD('cment that it w(JI the abeep and the catUe, which thEl Which messag n when Solomon read Uon. and tbe seller are to be held equally Tbls resUng period allows nature to respoDalbl" for ' this denaturation or 80011 be po..lble to CI'Oft8 the ocean by land ot lsraet produced so hountifully. he thnnked the Lord and took courage electrlott, la a much shorter time and And so as a result there had come to In the great undertaking, saying, replace the fiber In the soli and to arsenic and the Insecticides are to be between tho kingdom of Tyrp. gratefully: malte it once more so porous and mel· I at a mucb smaJler cost than now. It. exlat and t1le k1ngdom at Israel the most "Surely Solomon hath found a low that plants can find a congenial BoJd, onlS' In Pl,lo cages plainly ma\ked begins to 'ook as If the time would friendly Intlil'counle.· And Hiram cle. friend tn ,th~ frleod ot D~vld' DIY root'bokl to. it. ' "pollllon," SucH a regulation w\l~ld 'be come whon the . ocean traveler may lighted in this frlendsbllJ whlcb the father." with comrort be sbot acrolla In a aub- good King Dnvfd shnwed towards him. Antl·Alcohol Sentiment GroWl. marine tulle In a couple of hou .... Hiram was a great lover of the tru est Tbe Finnish Die t has paslled uuanl· L "~IVUt~1l and best In manbood, and long beforc nicknamed "Spider" I. he had come to the Idngdom and moosly a bill providing that no alcohol A suape ' 'under arrest llt pOlice J"'Iadquarters, , wblle yet David was fle,elng hither and shall hereaftel' be manufactured 10 says the [)(>trolt Free Presa, and Is be· thither to escape the murd e l'OUs wrath Finland or Imported Into the couutry. \JleveC! to be the man who has been of Bnul, he had felt a great admlra· In Russia, of which Finland Is a par~ 'Crabb!ng womlm's pockE'tbQoka. "Spl· tlon for th e bold young adventurer der" ta. wo ... tangled In a web of evi· who was eve r r endy to strike Ii blow In defe nse of the weak and (he opdeVee, pressed. Stories 'reachetl hIm from , • > , tim e to time of the bravel'Y and skill • , ,.' of the indomitable Warrior an.d 'hls . . W.lreleia TelephoI)Y· . bardy , band, .a'Dd ,when ' a 'te"/V -yeara • 'A . DanlB~ sc1enllat namecl' ~~.ll~,...I_,I'p','-PJ~~e afte r h!! (Hiram) corn~ to t~~, tbrotie baa Perfec~j!d h~$. ~p~.atu8 ' ot "'~{.Qna tlventa tra~'~lted (n~lej th.J; , t be Cln rael ' which 8~v.e pav(d ~h~ klngd in, ,~ ~m C , q~~~"1SI


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he sent a- -deputation· "IUi I1fta } d • . ... tt '; ,















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Lincoln Day


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rang Vall e'y .

Sooiety If"'. 'Column '

Oil ou utber ,," go we piint . th 'I'b ~lli rit f o'lIrllll ·lu·tWl'lght I' \ UI. Arl,lllld lall IDB d ll' 10 t IIUI,' 1 cI Ih llt tho.l. hustling anotion r. JlI1HRI'tl fl'(III\ IlIrth ,Ill Moml y mOl'll All Inv t1rl( ul I h ., III Illllr.v or I , ttHl rillg t.he Il grLlneutl!! In bit! WlIlt61' KllIlIIU WIIH 111 '111 1 11I1I~ tl . : A. Mo,Neil, is gOing to bl "e. H lug, 1· lH'11(h'Y t.h Ilt, ~ v II • ·Iook. /lllkle. Ll no:>lll ",hontll tnrn Ollt, Il'l'itlll.V I:\\, . walil lu HOI,k,' t hl '.'1.)1 1"" nl t\lt I Mi ndllY. 1M In g rotlt dtllUlll;tl for' hi!! work, ond 'rlt~ iut DO, ufforing, 0 grout n 1.I1IWe .1\ 1~,1 lelL,lIoK 1.",lucc llll;,: wlole,·. IIml Mrl!. Du g 011, o f Wayne. ville . wa@ e,!liog ancl III,t ml I,ll ' UI el,i ll ~ h I " Frank:OOll wu II Dct.yton visitor judging fI'oln .tl1e limount of \vor k. tl'iul f OI' her lo v dOll to b Ill''' lJ n ;1 k OUI' (rlt' n') \ lI~n" .It l.cic l \'11'11" . ' tll f'l ~ Il to the latter: pu rt cf tbe week school hllil. l' he chy bo l.! beooD1e" I/f Mr . 0 u Vetter . ust F rldll.Y. no he doin g, ~Ei iEl very Sll oe srul in n, .1' 11 f onl d be gi vtln, I rt h r a IM~aliz~ Qne, ol,d Govern r HIII'IIIOI ' his Iiu. His wol'le tl1keJ'l him 1\1\ f w uon l' b fore d uth ia imeu 11(11' ~'i"R 001'1\ ' EI.II~ spent I::iuuday witb ~li t!~ .ros pblu e O"tesbt e au I,e l' · hl&s laued htl4 prooltl-matl oll, . . over oeotrl11 and !!ollthern.Ohio, und body. um! s be pas ed peaoefully mto tnlned OIl · Iloday. F red H l~ wlc e, Lu The QommH tee 'httvtl arrtlugsd h -::. Is not entirely oonfined llt or Deur r C'Ht, Bll vi ng betlll leH at. t;lJe farm ci le ( :O L'O Jl nud t>yLiI H nw ltl~ . I! ",,-1 proflrlllll. '/lid thfl h, ' o' , 7 :911 .Jn ~ . StO .l p ~ WUR \0 hi s hODl6 . If y ou wont YOIll' guod!,; hllllle wit h 11 I' futhm' y urI! II so, sbe pm, Hh"rp. I I!4 .,," l.v Hnol1~ II t l! III. .l!l.v IIU bllRITlet!l'. o lll 0.11<1 .. old ri ght . g ive "Mn •. W I' S Il m ,ls t u evotecl ,llw 'lIt e)', (lv "r low tile Olllhlrtlll t., o'''nfl . . 110 Ii dtl ll . Ul enn Bl'Ilok Rj)ent HlltUI'r.1Il), 1J.Ut1 It. cl1 l1llDlI 11 1:1 wllIlle on hllnd to ."l·ry" on u!:Iicilll'lJ)g lll s pIon nl'e nnd e,) ILl · !U>t. keep tha lli Ill' !ttft'. ::;O llll.IIY ill [Jayton . . tbem . ' fUI'L. I-\he W Il always ready to foThe prOKr lLJlI i.!l Ill! follow ~ : - VO l' hel' islsl's, br oth 1':1 I\ nu othol' Mr. fUlll MrR. Frtld Hend erKon WAre "~tHr panl;tlt'cl S'lllD r" ......... Buna In I.ub·unoll Mo· CHRlSTIA N CH URCH {. E• " • ¥. loy tl UD ~, lIud It a; I oIT.ns h OI' ll(l(llth Pretlldont's OI·tlHtI Il K.. . I. E. Jrlllll ey . ... Irvin Reed wIls ln Wellston Ohio P rOli l.teu, Lo reli eve 'si kneHR BOli Invooation ...... .. .... Rev.B. Bllwkin.. ' ''l'heEudollvorSooietyoftho(; bri "Tenting OD thA Old o und " otnl'day alln I::iund"y tifln Ch orch celebrutad the 28t,b fl uil'erio g um ong fri eo(1!1 or wher v· .......................... Mltl~ Quartet O. D. Reed. whu hu& been ill for Ohrist.iun Eodsflvvr Duy ill It most sr ~he found it. 'l'he hllrdest r OSH Reoit"tl~D ...... .. .... .......lobo tlurtoD !le vi- rul ... ae kll, Is out IIgtdn . uppropriatelllunnertiunllA.y ovpni ng. ~h l hilt! t o bonr. WOII lwin g uullttetl .' Llke Abrallllln 1..,lnoolll· · ~no~ Bill. nf (Jedorvil1e. lIl~de R A reg uhlr pr'lgmtn WIIS rand ereO by h Al' ytlll l'!j ui illuO!IR, f u r milli tAI' . Ilere Iltllr d fly. ......... MliI'g,lre, :~,tt tl rt b Wit I I llUMIn 8" t rip pr pure d ,. uy t Ile 1l'ortligu (Jhrist.iun in~ to utll el'f4. Wh ile llooO lllill ~ ' l1is "W8S Ll nco 1II 1\ Kt Il g ·}ft M' . f ...... . ..... Gail RUIlSUIl1, of OllytuO, lI}lent IsslOnury.H a Iety 0 f t I111 t deuDln. conrH"oti tit ti mos . yt't Mh(l 1·C'tILi n ed I ,' III . t' hul' faith in 11 I' hAliv DIy Fathor f'aymond Eu gle .vas 11 Xenill visi . ......... .... .. ... .. ...... . I 11 1':1. L\ tl 8011 l::iundllV with r ellttlve8 here IOU Ion . Lioooin's YOllng Americu .... .. ... Born to Mr. I\lId Mr8. Dan!. Book. 'l' he F.:ndeuvor e rs liave beon ·s up. und WII >! snstnin utl nutl! r leuse tor Satnrtluy. ~ i ' CU IlI S. Mr. James Adl1ms moved la8t ................... ..... E"wltrd LeW l1l ef.t., at 7 11. m. '1'oesday, a dAugbter port. ng au Orphl1Dllge /tnd Iodustrl . ,. . . . Vi e k ou t.he J. F. t:!tump farm. "Tramp, trllmp • •.tamp, tb BllYlllI.rtl, . . ill sohool in India, und er the oontrol . 1he fUII OHIl tlp rVI Cell Wi ll b h eld Miss .Ju8ephiuo Oglesbee dssillted U hi .. . B Charlrul Aostm wbo til teliohmg f . j , d Ub ' I Wedoe dRY a ltem oon At a' loolr. by Mis Luoile 'ornell eDt rtaiu ed Mra Jllmes Mullen Bnd baby, of ... aro ng .................. ........... lIud t I ' 0 IL1SS eoarles an n st OlllZtld . Ferry, were guests Friday of Carl "A Good Exltmpl.f· ... t:h.len Allowklnl' 80~01l Itt Mianll!!burg l was home 811t· n eti ve helpers at M. E ohuroh . II numbel' of 11 r t! Ito lmtltes S!Ltllr- t:!h erwood and wife .. "Abrabam Lh;lOnlu .. ... Edyiha MilO. m "y .. --.... - -.... dlLY 6veni lll(. FabrulLry (.!til in hon or F rank Hol\y, wife and obildt:en ".t..tnoulo .................... .. IrlUl\ BOllgh 8rne t Butte rwort.h and family HOME FROM CONVENTION OBITUARY of ,Iohll I, Inm on. who will !loon wore guests 'atllrdny of Forest Be1t "A Tribute to Llncolrl " vlf'lted rellltiveR in Barveys bnrg lBst [" "'ll 1 tt ve I' l l' U" ylll'ln. All vot d tile and wife. , .. ... ....... t:!llnday . · Mosllrs Jill! I::itoops Ilna b'rtmk uu HUl'l on. fOI' h!JlJUi two ladie liS perf ct bosto!J es. Dainty Mr . hl.rbnok, who for some time ..... ............ , ....... 8 elen Bl\wl!e t:!nook return d home {rl. lll LoUl!! yf'l1r!l pfl :,\LII IHlIII'lI r lit th Jj ri ell'JN refres"o'icuts were Aorved. AII'.aci h'lS mllde his. home with bls son Band Alex Ma.rt. who hus been in Ohio ill Sat d '" I U JJ .. "MlU'Ohln" • 'l'hrollgh Geur.,IIl" n d d HlIDl e, l I'i e J "rllllY llfterLl O n III!lt of . .. J oseph. of thiS plaoe, died Satllrday • The Boyhood ot Lmo.Jlri.. ......... 01\(;0 for about a montb , bas been v fl Ilr ny an report a goo bellrtfllilUl'e. tlg odtllnt:lIlBnSllu J ,wlthMI Bs .~ o81e . mornmg. He has beon in feeble . P of ' u , quite slok time, and lots of good 8lJel\kio~ heultll tor SOlne time . .... , ........... , ... I' • • u. Ilrey ' Et h A WOlUtlD of DI rfl thlt u 1'011 1' ..;aO ra () u 1 I S d PianoOoet ..• Roth .ZiOlmerfllRrO Bnnnell Bn~ Hatfield shipped B "teenapplicants Were afLer th y I t fl ' d t . n ..,Il.I.ul'l llY ught Illld nn uy , Wm.A lexanderwlfe lind daugb. , Ill> oonventlon for next yea r bnt '1'ole. I I·I!\. Y 0 v gu rou~ lOin , S r ong Mi .. D OUDll Hn.w,ko ontel'tlli neu to tOl' visited over Sondo.y with rela . ' w r tbe chanlote,'. g ntle s lll' rit UIllI kl ......... ......... Aod ",ath 8ottllook .double.dAoked CRr of hogs to Oayton do, Ohio and Atltmtio City . . ' Ullly dinner in h. r ·(1. 01l1 ch urmlng man· tl ve bere. "l'be La.llt Lenl" ......... &1nll Jllnney' MondllY. m'llln r!l tIm· won fOI' 11 I' '110 I'e One8 voted for . 1'be oommittee will ' , ,. • . nel'. iu hon or of Mi llS ~te llu. Lemmon On her wlI.y home from ohuroh "ClLptlalu; my (:lIptatn" Mias M-ry L"whem b" been deo\(le. in a few days whioh pluoe 81) I !UI (1 e t e~ llI 0 f '1l II W 110 ,.Kn~w whu ·will move t Dayton in n few '1"'uurs d ElY evening, M ra . CIII h oun a. ~ ...... ... .. .. Q .." .... , ............ ., .... uth Ulo w·i ddit' quite ill wit grippe, bot Is s me will get it. h r, (wd by the hOtlru rll u t the h ome week. 'l'b o!Je pr ent were ~ Mlss- Oglesllee fell breaking her arm. "Immol'tIlJi.t y" ...... ..... 1..\\ illlL' rnell btltte r now whn knew h r l.. e~ t wns uen rly lle'\es ·telhl L mmon nnd Edith Mosher Mrs. G. ViiI Sims is the gueat of I1&traot8 In. J . M. K' WILL START BUSINESS B ar bul'iul f r om the F 1'1' n dS I Messrs Warren Keys Ed ward Rloks . ' Dayton relatives. , troro Lin 01n '8 ouod " eys ~ll d wif e .y ISl' t d .1. G , a~g~ra .......... .. .... Lee liJurnbl1rl Bu'r net flUil wife of HarveY8burg, BUUle on tillodtly nfterooon. con· and Er~sst Rosnltgle' Their gener l~orQliT~ur~d~y to Wm. Roll and Lincolu" Fo.vorlt HymD ........ last Thursday , LeI'OY Irons wen1 tio Dayton Tue . d notec1 lJy Rev. Cadwulludel' 11 sist- ous hospitality ia su oh thllt 0.11 invi: w.:, a t! ~glr T' MGt 11 i it ., ....',........ "e wil'l S"ftl't an l' U ur e'" 'G' I'e d H r. an inrs. . • ar re v s P b ...... ' ...... MlxedQollrtel Miss Anna ' Thom on, of DllytOD, d"y, '" where u U lln , U oy ~ r n S {LW kl ns fin d U n d er· tatlons t.bere t~re eagerly accepted , ed I::iunday Springfield. Lt noolo 8 '\ Ito Life .. ' ........... ,. "noe b · .. oh f tb .... 1 ' I .• wood "(Is lorgely .. ttende" Inter . J!!peot t:!l1turdliY nigbt lind SundllY .. roo or e n: mme aDu ." . , ~. u. . and all so iul funotions given by Miss Blanche Copseywaatbeglleat ...:;...... IW\t. J. ~ . C.w",allad81' wlth her pa.rents. .Freehufer real estate deIl1l;irl!. Mr. m nt lU Frlel) ds ohuroll yard. tbem Bre very pleasant On 8. Sunday of .l\ii8S Elaie Oopsey. "Red, .n h(~ auO Bloe .... ·....... · Bllud M R' 1 d M L J Wil Irons lS well versell. in tbe Insur. Revivalaervioe is still in progresa rs oy ro~san r8... • UDee bURin.eas, and will ' 8urely build. Pea rl J nb 11e Robitzer, daughter ,.,. b rUlll'y t being the bil·tbdayof at tbe F rien d .Uett1.bu~g Addr ,.ls".,ndThePerfeol ~ »e . S ohurcb. r ·.l,.,.bok) ........... ,._ • L . . (;urtw , ri gbt lenb Vlirl,ey, wale ill up branoh of the bll8iness for 01' Th omtHI North IloOU L."dlu. JI~ne Mrs. I::i"nnull Ro en thal und Miss CI' ri, of I MSpring d ,r .. ...... .. ...... Rav, -W·. T. GUHland DOlDnat . ob Ily. thla firm., born ot ~ardlnia. Br Wll C un· Lola Cornell MillS LolB entertained OreeQ Briar• •~Am~rIOil ., ...... :... ..... ...... ......... . Mi 8 Edlt.h, Mosber arrivt'd lu~m e • -t:y. Ohio. Mtl.roh :.10th, 1 II, died at at Ii 7 0'01 ok three oourse dinner in • •........ Audiello~ 100 by th" Band l"~t w~ek nfter ." Vl81t of sevet'al HAD BAD LUCK ber .hom ut Wayne vii! ,Obi I Fe'b oompliment to Mrs. R osentbal beBenediotion .......... ,R ev. B. f:j~wkinr;' ~~k8· in Cinolnnllti . • ru Iry 3rd. 190\), Age 211 yeurs, 10 fore her llepMtnre for her new llome. . b.arles MIlHen Slld family viaited :rhe 'm lioy friends of John Bur~et Dr. B . L. HIlIl.S, an optician of mout.he Rnd 3 days'. N .g hb df i d h b 10 Harveysbllrg Sunday. D to h b M d el . ortlan r en to t e num er Myrtle Kibler -I1S the week· end tire (II)rry ' to "ear tbat be is no!: I1s av D, w 0 ~Ilme li\re on ay, She "'as united in marriage, ~o f ~h t f t P I .... London, Ohio. . ... , to t Ir t - - :1..... t I - -~-- 0 L' Ir .y. our wer~ presen . Ilce gue t of re!a.tivesin ' to,ort,h ~· ' weH as be been. .Oll • poe e O(J~ oon II ning' on Oburle' M. Rbb1tzel' June 3rd, 1902 ~r t1s wore IIliu Il f if. V. Adamtl,. the nnlJl"er or t.welve ut eaob Mr. ond Mrs Carl Sarber, of Lima, a train Tbey wade t.beir hom e Ilt Barn. to "u 1a, lin d COllun d rums wore foond are the pleasllnt guests of Aaa Whit.. of tile CoQt,e, de)i~eted. bi!! leotllrp ' R D Ke I Iison. and 1aUl\Jy enter ontit! d ton tt he l ' U, k L, tO h '.&t O. h • .i'oI '. ·.ute 00 or nn s 18 own a 00 VIII \ \1D t y, ()b l·....v , Uti t I'l OD tile bllck of au h whioh were u.ltar Bnd family. "urape& of Gold" Monday I)tglltlll. ,t&ll1ed H. V. AdalJls tbe Ie turer · d . h ot 1 f i t . k db d e, n lm on t ',-,O 'he IOhpol hall. Bill leoture t.hrougu .";ondl'Y aM Monday.' ' tOO, a;k ~ II. k t ~ tt IlS w~e tlan aepteml)er 20th', 100;1. then at M t. r eael and ans wer.1 with 11 great B, M. Burnet and family attended W

M . Hubl t. 114


II g ulll .








.aII foU of Ito()(l



~18hf.~, alid , The Ladies' GUild of '8 t. p,}~rY '8' 0 wa

w~o beard bim went away . leeIiDllo.~8 bectet· .~ Reliandled hia .uh~p()t. both in a. 10lP0IllaDd., ~DmOt()~ .way, aDd .ho~ld' he be , ~~ed io ft futllre Oouns, wn~ be gr at.ed with a. rull bOUle. . _ .. ' . , llI!ITIA.flO~ CLASS

~ , Bupt aod lab, C, E . Bratt.en "ud iI.... seth furoll.., Jr. were iulti~ bed' . iQ.o~e mYlterjes of ~he glaogaJA t "....... '. a.torday,eD},Dinlt ' ". • .. .

.. _ .


B.,,~~ DBEDS'" CHA~OE .' \, _


~~l.e ra u OrGb, Ohio, Ilntil Marob 1. 04, goi ng deu! of merriment.. 'Ihe deoora. Grange in Waynesv11le 00 Saturday TAKEN TO DAYTON fronl tbere to Rook well Oi ty . Iown, tions were in W1H to and green. evenln~. ao


ohllrO'l wUI meot 'l'bursday after. noon witb Mrs. U.!l'. O :Nea.Il. Mr. ~ Dd Mrs. Ohar1ea 'Ole nent8 Mrs. J . N . Lemm n was ttlken to 8pen~ last Wednesday tbe gueete of Dayton M.:lnday uftelno~D. til un BtlI' . .and MrR, ~60rge Witorllft soutb ambu1tmce from Miuma. h ospital. l)f tOW!l . ' . She will be ope~at.ed on at thi8 hos. pita! Dr. A. T . Wright I1nd Mor Le.mmon aooompanied bAr:

~everal of our young tolks attend.;. present wer e : Mr. an .ed,"Lena Rivera" at the Lebanon November,1904. '1'0 this union two Mr~ .ls1iI1O Rosenth~l, Mr. and Mrs. opera. honse on Tuesday eveDing. ohlldren were ttorn, MM'y Louise, Elmer Rogers llnd son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper and' Dllrward Vioe who wa s Ott:lled to the Better Land Frank Oarmon and dUllghter. Mr. attended (\0 surprise party at Olive only a f w montb ago, and H'redar. Frank Bartsook und fnmily. Mr. Branoh on Thnrsday evening. iok North . Perry thomas ocOd fnmily , Mr. 8nd U. E Bratten visited GreeD .Briar lirer UlotbBl' di ed when the decens- Mrs Pearl (Jornell und :laughter 80bol:>1 on Thurs(lay. Be i8 quite a ad ws s Hi yeal's old , she being 't b t l ' , \ , fJl.vorlts bere a.nd no doubt .· ·ourtu· Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mullen , Mr. 110d ture flU'Dlers" will prove the vallle OEttiNG BETTER. . elde t. It fall to her lot: to are for Mr, . J8me~ Munen lind daughter, ofbis faithfollnatruQt!oo lnagrieuIher on ly Bi~te.r and two' b .. othe.r~ Mrs . Hotop and son. ture. Little Alice Bennet~, of corwin,,' wbllO were . quite . sOJall. ~Ile KILve Mr. and Mrs. Barvey Burnet wete who ~~ mr.ned some. time a go, 't em tbe attention of a. ~Qth 1', and LINCOLN STA~PS very mtloh surprised on Toeeda;' · W~8 but ned W rsa tUtln thollgbtfor . ) lllways m' Ufe .bright tor them evening ~ hen ' a wagon Joad of M R b friends drove IlP to IIpend the ev~· Dr. !::Sherwovd says it wil1 be neurly I rA. 0 It.?:er at Iln earJy og ~ be. lng. '.rbey 800n rfloovered their a month before sbe will be entirely loame a memh I' of tbe Presbyterian oompo nre Rnd warmly welcomed well, t.heir gue8~s who sveut a pleuaDt - - , - -___ .• -....-~ evening with musio and "pit." LID. ,. ST.MARV'S CHURCH

ret urnl' ng to ' Wayne I






r, ·



New Butlington.

Caesars Creek. Miss Mlible Bentley hns returned


The Art of Vengeance




Fre. public Llcturea. It Is not uncommon to bear eultlva,," ed mon Bnd ""am n of middle ago la· ment' the de()lIne of the lyoeum system. 'Wblch did much to ralse the standard or taate and knowledge 0. generation "'0. ' The re are atlll courses oJ publlo lecturea and enter~lnment. 1\'hlch en· Uven wint r evenings In many small towns 6lJd In the clUes. but the old 9YS· tem has cbanged Its characterlsllcs and lost a measure 01 Its Influence. In It I place. bowever. hu risen somethIng wbJob may be even more Importantthe free lecture courses mnintaJned by many ' of the larger municipalities. such .. New York. Chicago and Bos ton. The old lyceum lecture ' dealt .frequentl y with philosophical subjects. and' was 1U!ually delivered by some one ot w14e reputation. An admission fee was ebarged. 'nnd the illustrations, If there were any, and that was not otten, were produced by the magic lantern. The patroDs were drawn mainly Cram tbe cultivated and well·to·do. Tbe model'n mUnicipal lectures are t ree. and are UBuaJly deli vered In the public school· bouses. The aUdiElnoes. says Youth's Companion. are compos d largely of J)el1lOns who cannot alrord to pay mucb (or the Instruction and ente rtainment they r'ecelve, but wbo eagerly embrace the opportunity for melltal culture. The • ubJects ot the lectures cover an 1m· mense range. The courses are fre.quently diversified by evenings wblcb are giveD to music or other wholesome entertainment. They enjoy the great advantage ot lheostereoptfcon and the ~talCope, and enlist the 8ervlc98 of many emln4lDt specialist.. TheIr purlJ)OIe Is to reach those Into whose lives eomes tbe leut of bealthtul joy an.d the IImallest opportunIty for kuowledge. !New York city alone baa more tban a Jlundred ot these lecture centers. aU '\trell·known and weU patronized. AI· lbougb free to the audiences. these leclture. and otber entertainments are. of Icourse. nQt tree to the munlclpalltfel which maintAIn them. Yet they are so useful. and 80 admirably adapted to tducatlng, entertalnlng and upl!ttlng the people. that even 'the country town 4lOuld spend !poney wIsely by the or· canlutlon ot snell. cow:se•.

AJthoUSh not a shot was fired when the Dutcb warship .captured the VeneauelaD scow-much to the l'ellet. for _ all we know, of the omcers and crewtile capture w\ll go down 10 Dutcb 11.1. tor)' as second only to the historic tatr. In« \If Holland by the HollaDder~ ay. the Youth's Campanian. Scbool· I~':""'.~~-!!:~ wUl gloat Over the occurrence. ~blllh w111 aplM!lU" to them ·crand and Ileroic. Their vatriotlc blood will be eo stJrred that tbey will want to enlist In the navy atsd knock the atumng out or BOme minor natlon. On the other ~and, It Venezuela deigns to notice tbe cantore. Venezuelan school histories wlll trCflt It as a mJnor Incident In wbleb, a Dutch Drea\fnougbt stole UlJ , on a peaceful salll>oat and captured It after tl\e crew had resl!Jted to the last 'drop or blood. Each schoolboy ot Ven· eeueJa wlll see tn the berolc defenden IeIf the veesel an example for blm. Thu. ~t. hiatory made. It IRn't 10 mucb tbe • ~&7 thJngs occur as tbe way they are 'reported by the trutblul authors ot the IIChooJ bJstories that caules them to 1~-":::"::':"'-...lhHI-Iln the minds of the rising genera-. Uon. . So eveD the EaperantJst. Intend to abolish '-tbe-"world language" wblcb the; BOught to Introduce. Tbe New Twk Esperanto has decld~ that ·the lanpqe Is too full of logical "detects to be ,worth wasting an.y more Ume on." Thl. II giving tbe "world Ian· cuage1' the cold sh4ke. And really there does not .eem to be much room. for It.· Some ODe who bas been maklns , ill Iftlgual census reporta th.a t there are DOW 70.000 more worda In the Engllab tonsue than 10 Frencb, German, Spcm Ish and naHan combined. and at tbe rate EngllB!l la growing In popularity it bids talr to be()ome a pretty satlsfao. tory world's language Itself. Then there Is the bueball langnage, the golf language•. tootball Ungo, · 'horse talk" and a wbole lot of others. Esperanto never wlU be missed.

The movement In Turkey for more popular 'freedom will not go' bukward. That I. assured. The women. In what Is reported to be a "terment at joy," ar~ appearlug openly iD tbe streets. Uld bavln&' once tasted tbe deijghts of unrestricted promenadIng and sbopping 'no earthly power wm eet .thflm back tnto their harem prisons. And the,ltand ot the women wUJ settle tbe Queatlon.



.-1, I.



By FERDlNAND MOORE (Copyrllrbt, bp .8hortJItol'F Pub. Matias could lie I,b !Soldiers build· Ing the I!(liJlows. He, MaUns Uunagan. h r lotora an honest rice cutt r of El POre and a peaceable subj t ot th great Ame rican president of tile Phil· Ipplnea. IlDd willing to pay bls taxel! to th crewn of the Uni ted Slate must be hanged. Matias Understood e,. erytbln ~ fUll)'. He had killed Pnscual de la Cruz. It wall the result of lUI old ramlly feud . which had s tarted long before the Americans bad come to the PblUp· pInes. In fact. tho feud was so old that MaUas COUld . not remember wbat It was about. e xcept that t be Dunagan family bOd s worn by the Blessed Vir· gin to k.Il1 all the members of the de la Cruz family In the province of Cavlle. and that was all he cared to know. The Americans could not und rstand It. He bad been right In lUlling Pas· cunl; It was as much hls .duty to kill Pascual as to pay his 16lJd tax and cut. rice. But the Americans were gOing to bang Matias to·morrow. and tbrough the walls of hi s nlpa prison be . could lIee the so'i diers driving the nails and cutting lhe beams. He s quatte d on the greund and smoked and Jlstetl.ed to the music of the lIammer. The ehlldrea were play. Ing In the plaza. and he could henr the chntter of the women In the market and the' bum ot the Ohinese tallor's sewing machine In the barrio. The leAves at the palm trees were swing. lug In the breeze like tbe arms of so many windmills-swaying 8S Matias would sway In tbe breeze to-morerow afternoon. with the black cnp over bls head and the manila rope around bls Ileok. and his legs Ilnd arms bound

"Juan de la Cruz!" He Cried, Drawing Back In Terror.


I{e had seen FilipInos banged hImself. The natives came from miles around to see an execution. and be knew how It would be with him. He sat and smoked througb the at· temoon and reviewed hili Ufe. He saw the SUD go down behind the mountains of . Manila bay, and knew he would never see that sun let again. Well. be bad IdUed Pascual. and there was sOllle BaUBfaction In tbat. Since bls trllil. Juan de 10. Cruz. the brother at Pucual. had come from Manila. He hated Juan and Juan hated him. He knew Juan would be there at noon to-morrow to see him ·mount the gallows and ~Ie, and the know}. edge added mucb bitterness to his po-


That dog of a dog will stand near the gallows." thought 'Matias. "and laugh In my face as 1 ~o by. with lronson my hli.nds a~~ le~s. If I can. I will pit !n bJs eye, and much.. ,colIlforted by tbe plan, he rolled another cigarette and stolidly watched the_soldiers telt the new rope by dropping a sack ot graln trom tbe beam, with the sack at the end where Malhis would be atROOD to-morrow. . Tbey brought blm balled rice. and at dark put the death wakn over blm. Tbe sentry paced outBlde tbe guard bouse. and Matias cO)lld see him through tbe basltet·lIke wall ot the prison. Sleep? No. he would not sleep. tor tbere were but a Cew hours of llle left to· him and he would smoke' througb the night. Pray? Why sbould he l>ray? He had sworn to ldll Pascual, and God would not blame him for killing. no natter what the padre or the Ameri· cans said. He would ,die Wltbout sleeping or ' praying. and he. 'would· show the people ot EI POl'O how • BUDagan could die. It was very dark now, and all he could s¥ W8.S the Up of his cigarette when It.-flared up as he pul!ed It. lfe could he!,r the sentry pac.lng outside, and arter a wtiUe he heard a bugle blowing, and tho wind swlsbing througb tbe palm treu, but he wu going to die at noon to-mor~w and be did not 'carU" what happened. " What was that? , Did he hellr ., iIom.






to ~~ a

~ - ~ il~en


The r It was n~Rln! It wa$ almost at his r a t. and jus t ollts ldo tho spil , bamb a wnll. It wall a boring sound, und It came' when t!le aentry was' at tb farth e r 'end of his bel1t. Ue put hIs hand on the j wall and felt I~ tremble. Wbat could It be? . It stopped IlS the s entry came pait alXaln. 'l' hen tbe Itenlthy sound began aguln wilen the sentry was at the olhel end ot t he guaru house. "Matias," came a gentle whisper. . ·'Yes." hi sed MuU as, quivering wltb excitement. "Her e Is a bolo-meet me at the dead palm tree In th ,barrio- be careful- you have n 10llg time to cut outI wJll be wai ting." By all th holy saints! Wbo could 1\ be thut WIiS bringing th e much desh'ed bolo t Who was brlngl ug him sweel lI.fe ? Wllh R. sharp bolo be could cut his way to frcedom ea!Uly. MaUas felt along the wall caullousl, and hi s ba nd encountered tbe bllt 01 a grent bolo, thrus t through a !ioie In th e wa ll. Inch by Illch he 'drew It In ward. Dnll the blade cut Its was thl'ouqb the bamboo shipli noiselessly.

Df: crib q

by 1'\ , e.

1\0 t E ?)IJo)r~bl iome.nt 5 u"e t i olll

A blrtMay ·diunel: wbl~h Is to ' bi:! '!\ Is so charming In It.a appointments I CIIU 11 rdly walt to toll about It for the be nefit ot othel'S IYbo may claln1 tba firs t. lUuntb In til y ar lor their n ntal day. 1 used tv think that winte r functions were not bKlf so Ill' tty as sunllu r ones, but or rate' It eMms ns It nothing could be more sug~estlve of hospitality Ulan a room warm with red and green deco"aUons. qunnllUes of candles and n blazing fire In· an ollen Ilreplace. ,wllh· :lut whleb no up·to-date hOll se Is com. plete. . To r turn to our cUnner : '1'he table· cloth Is of cluny lace to be ;,,~Id over red silk. with a huge cnlte 1U' the ceuter plee , surroupded by 3. wreath Dr red candles and red carnations. which do not fad e as quIckl y as roses. The mllnle lpiece Is to bl1 banked with pOin settias. and a nove l, as well as decoraUve Ce ature will be the In. ;Jivldual and relisb dishes. nll to be 01 red Bohemlau glnss. The plnce carda are to Ilave tho verse for Jallunry writ· ten In red Inle aud they are to be deco· rated with red beaus In lieu at gar· nets. The gift tor the birthday girl Is to be a handsome garne t rIng set in sll· vel'. which will be prese nted on a ring holde r of rcd Bohemian glnss. The maid Is to bring It In on a t ray when the dessel't Is served. There are to be Ight guests, a\l college chums. ACter the tllnner there w1\1 be a thcllter party. chap roned oy I,he blrtbday girl's mother. After'ward there Is to be a chafing dish supper. with a delicious welsh rarebit. Each gtrl Is to asle be r best boy · friend ' to thJs. It ' all sounds excltfng, but as tbls motber said to me: "You just bave to ' let them do things. so you Juat mlgbt as well be In touch wltb It all. It pays In the end to keep pret. ty olose to 'y our daughter." Isn't she Q ' wise woman? Wonld lbere were more like he r. She Is the 3ame one who always sits up to wei· come ber daugbter home. no matter bow late the hour, and she Is bright !l.Dd Interested,· too. And. wbat Is more. bel' first Question Is: "What time Is IU" There Is a wbole sermon rlgbt there. Ponder It ye who bave.young daughters lust entering Into the Joys ot social life. t(yel1 next we

Skill d,


pl1rt of



neO(lIe. aud to BUtro·

........ ........ . :. ....... ..... l'Ucboke Wl)nt P 1111.'" In Bdl' Itlll ....... Corn

To ~~.I~W...I~..I~~r:.~~.~ . ?-..~~~. ~~ . ~~~dc~fU8h . rozt'n wllter WIUl lUl "R" I1reU" d .. RI 0 DrnVEIlAOES. Cowp T'e h erb that eh r9 .. ............ Tea Adum 'a .. Ie ."t •• • ••••• •

I• • • • • • • , • • • • • , • • •


An accompnhlmcllt to ~ cold. Ilnd the pay ot a ItlWY r .... .. ...... .. .... Colree A pice ot crayon. nn ellu,amallqn Ulhl , not on tim .. . .... ...... . .... . hoc olat Tho edge Of a thLl1lf. a n\! to blunder .: ......... '......... ..... .. ............ Cider To mako Ii hal ....................... Punch A trnct of low Itlnd ................ .... Mead A troplcul fruit. lind nn Amer1c:an pi ywrlght .. ... .. .. .. ... , ....... LelnOlmtlo

A now Hallowo'en gamo, In which • pellCh I, used Instead of an ali»La.




Interesting to Brldes·Elect. This Is an Inclent v raeleL.thnt ulay h olp a bride to be to. decldc upon t)1e month In which to launch hcr ~ID upon the matrimonial s en: Morrl d In J nnu ury's honr fl nd rim\!. MInneapoliS; Minn.-ClI was a' ~' ' Vldowed ~'ou'll b IJcfl.ll·c you,' pl'llIIo. M rll'rl ed In I.1'I'br lHl.I·Y·>! llleety wcu th r. lIutIerer h'om female tioubles wbloh Li fe yo u'lI 11' a ll 1n tun(\ tal( thel'. caused a wenlmea Married whe n March wlndl! Shl'llI and and broken down 1'081'. eo.ndlt1on of the Yo ur hOnlo will bo on Il foreIgn ahor . s)'8klm. I read 10 Murrled '11011 1h Aprll's l'hangc tul IIkles, much otwbatLydla A check!)r d pat h before ~'o u II s. E. Pinkham's Veg.Marr) It whr.n becs o· r M o. )' 111001011 OIt. etable OompounCl Stmn go rs Broune} your board will sll bad done for other Morrl d ,In month ot · fOacs-JuncLifo will be one long honoymoQn. auJfe"''' ,. Sometimes bo took ten minutes to Ma rried In Jul)'. with fl o w ' I·t! nblllze. felt ~ Bitt. r-s\\'cet m C'morl s In a fter days . cut througb a s lrlp of bnmboo tbe size belp Married In Au,::usl'tI hl'llt a lld drows . at bls finger. When a dog barked he Lover and frI end In ),our chosen 81)0UUC. gulned a couple of Inche8--when Marrle4 In gold II Scplcmb r's g lo \\' • "Taps" sounded be cnt a silt Q 'foot Smooth and II rene your lit will flolv. Marrle<l when leaves In '0 tober thIn. long In Yle wall. In an hour his little '1'011 and hardship f or you begIn. door was comillete. and when the sen· MarrIed In v lis of Novemb r mist. try wen l around the guard house he Dame Fortune your wed<1 lng rlnS' 11111 crawled th rough and sllpped away In 11I8IIcd. the darkness. ' lIfarrlt'd In days of December'S cheer. LoT'e's star bums IJrlghter from year to 2116 Queen of Angels ! It ,was good to be year. Minn. , , free again. And here he was. under ThOUSAnds of unsoUGited aDd' the very gallows which had been built A Gue.. lng Ine testimonials like tbe a~kl:oft for him. He stopped to curse' tbe tim. mi. I bope tbat the readers wllo have tho emc[~cy of Lydia E. bel'S and the Amerloans. spat on the Vegetable Compound, which is mad&re quested new guessing contests will steps. and then stole through the palm appreciate this Issue or the depar'\:" ..xoluslvely from roots and herbs. grove to meet bls unknown friend at Women who sutter from bile cUsme nt. rer thcre has been a special e1· lNlslng tht' dead palm. UI$ pecuUar to tbo1r 8e:I1boa.ld fort made to get togetber as many Dot lose slght of tbese..IaCta or doubt "Ia that you. Matias'?" new games as possl~. Tbe answers the abiUty 'ot L~ Eo Pbtkbam'. "Yes. WQo Is my savlous· Foreve, to the fQllowlng al\ end 'n "ure." and Ve~table Qompolmd tol'8ltOle tbeir I am your slave." health. ' tbey are all words In common use: ·'Oome." said the unknown. "Follow Wh ro or cows kept ..... ....... Pll8ture lI,.ou want IpeeIal aic1lioe Write me. Tbey will miss you In a few 1' 110 mother ot · u. all ................ Nalure to Mrs. Pfnkbam~ at r."iua, ..... 'Vhnt stud nts love ...............Literature ShewUl mlnute~ when the watch Is changed, . treatyourletter=~ To whnt mnny IUIPire .... . ...... ... Culture and you must hlfie," IU A Ilame applied to an anlmol .. Crealure C()D1lde1;lUaL . POl" BO baa been be1pbur lIakwGlDe1l1a MaUas followed on In the darknesll. Whnt we IIlIould lay up In heaven .... .. .. .. .. ....... .... .. .. .. .. .. ....... Tr a.UTe this way, tree Of ohara'et Dca-.. atraJd that it was all a dream and that heeltMo- write at oaoo. What moat grocers are not "gbneroull he would wake up to besr ·the guard ---' '. ... •. wIth ....... .. .. .. : ..... .. . .. . .. .. :.M sure call1l,lg him to make ready for death. Of what )VO do not have enough ..Lelllure Western CMada tilt ....... ...... \Vhat IIrUsts make.. .. ........... Onlature On through the jungle they went, Whnl Ii speaker ...... .......... IQosttlTe tow!ll'd the hills. and MaUas knew hi. • European Cttlel. nOlle leaves, ................. DepUrlllril rescuer was takJng lilm to a cave ThJs contest was used to liven up AWIIhole ........................... ...... Aper,t'Ure somewhere 1n the great canyon. where thlllgS berore t1\e regular game of , MADAMl'l HERRL , . The lowrameD~ 01 be could bide untll an opportullity p~ ~aTds In whlcb the club Indulges once Can.1• •- II. . \ sen ted Itself to escape to Manila. week'. The cards were foreign pos· .. e~q actDal .... · lals with thick white paper pastgd ~ ,. del' 180 DGre, of Soon he heard the sound at drf¥plng over the address Side, on whlch--the wlt •• t-'row.a' water and be was gu,lded Into B small fo:!owlng Questions were written: IIlINI ,.... au4 &I) . cave. and he C(1uld teel the damp and •. Amerfcana When tl oy dl " ,J,I!clltlci..... 1110 a~ sUmy wallll of roclt. .. ..... ........ .. .. ... ... .... ;...... ... PanH at $3.00 an able. 310,100 CODteDtell "Now," snld the stranger. "give me I\. make of 'orp ts ...... .. , ... .. .. : . ,Bruasels • Amerhan Clewera mt!dni tbefr hoIrlea io the bolo, tor I must go back througb What 'hollsokeeper'll ·lIke In III cab· · ~est.rD Capada .. the ft'Ideoco 01 ' the jungle and I need a weaDon. - Lle Inet .. .... ...... .. , ..... :., ... ...... Dre.den Many of t.he doslgns recall the old the luperiority of that country. They are Favorite nom tor Il gfrl .... .... .. Florenc. becoming rich,' grcnring &am as 10 50 polonaise of 1860. here unUl J come In tbe morning with Part ot Ule neck and a ROmon mlmp,r. Faded colors aro . more fn evidence bUlbela wheat to the acre; GO let 110 buillfood. Don't stir outside or make 8 at .. .... ... .. ................... .. .... }iaple. ell oata and 4S to 60 bU8be1a barley. Mn,ois". for the lIoldIers will be seeklnD ~ toilet 1Y oter.. : .: ...... .. ........ .. .Cologne than the distinct sbades. Iidel b.,,11llf ~lendld lIerda of OIlttJe t'1lIiIe4 .. A. house of prayer and n. c]omellUc I\nl. ParIs Is /lmlUng at present upon tor ),Oll everywbere. ~d If I am long mal .. . ...... , ............... .. : .. .. 1\108COW on tbe prairie g.. ..... D~" ~ '-In coming do not fear, for we mUlt be ~ame Of a fllmou. modern writ r.London metalne'it gold' and ann~r net. portant lndU8try. · ... ' ... I' H. name an d th. e F reno,h!or cautious. .Good·by." , ' \ ,.,r A color known aa kIngfishe r Is be- Tb. tlrop of 1M ItIU keepe W _ _ c..iada /" Ih. 1..d. Th. _14 wW _ look \0 It a. "good" .............................. Llsbon sbown In tbe various sbades. Itl fOe4i.procSuC4Ir. '. . ' "Who are you?" asked MaUas. 1, gfrl relaUv........ . ...... : ............. Nlce GOld an<\, &lIver lace :Is belns u'led "You must not know untU you arE '''nail tllllltf aUDltlUla Of"bleb lM _nmIi...t...d~ ·\wI. a f ' safe-I am a good friend-fear not." The GU"llng Conteat. . ~ , for yokes instead of tulle and nct. ~rlco loral parpo_"-A'..uo.o& , , Sleeves " are DeVer wQrn on ball ~,,"-poadd08. JIN/I. , ' ''May God bless you," said !lIatl~s, These two contests wer~ arraJlged and he k.Issed the hand ot tbe strangel by a clever hostess who laya they gowna nowadays eXc6pt for the merellt Lo,w ·r.nwe:r relet, fO:Od ICb~b~ ' •• rlleJ. ~onyenle11t, prfc.. thcI o1I.auI1i "Ten thousand blessings on your head proved inost entertalnlng t() her apology. ' , • Ribbons 'are playlnl a foromOtit part perfect. gueata: ' and 1 am YOur slave tor ll~e." , ~ ;.;,. ~ In the construction of the neW" even In, VEOE'DABLES. Tbe unknown glided away and Ma. Fo~ ~~~s:.y!~~:'f . 11 - c. : - ' IOwns. , Uas heard him roll a stone In the en. r\. barnyard product and a veget",ble S1'owth ., .. .. ........ .'........ Elnr pllUlt Channtng tbeater l100ds,. which look =~a;::~~S:~W~ ~~ Of trance of ihe cave and then all ' w~ Letters of the.... alphBb()t. :.'. l ,--.. ., ... ~~ ' . ... ' M . ,W1LUAJi1ao . ' ;stm, except t~e Incessant drippIng of Elmployment of ~me ' women, anil the well w,thi ()v~J')" kind of costum~. are pale allk Jln. "'w~ , dnad at all ................ ..... Bplnach made ot ~rmt'ne. , wlt~ , T~OIaIiIt the water. It was better tban tlie guard fng~ ' .. " . fa J»UDd ..... · •••••••• · ............ , .... .. ' .. Beet bouse. he thought, wJth tbe ' lentry pacing outside and .tbe~dreadful gall.' OWl with the rope swinging from the beam. In the prison yarii. He rollea a clgarette and smoked, and lat on' btl heels. All night he stared lnlo tho black. ness burnIng 'h ls hane} at Umea with the fire of his cigarette when he himself wondering if It !rere a dream. FInally. the' light ftltettl<l 't~roug'h the crevices. and then a tiny 8unbe~D' orept In througb the entrance ot th cave, but he . did not lUove from the pince where bt had aat ~I night. . Atter a long time be hard s0l!1 e ODt! at the sto,ne and a rorin came In. and after bls eyes bad ' ,become accus· t d t thll ht b aw a well. ome 0 e g, e ~ dressed na~ve standing over him 'with a bolo. "Juan de la Oruz!" he cried, drawlDI back tn.Jerrar. ' . , "Yes-Jl,lan de la OnlZ, ,T he brotber of Pascual. wbom 'OU killed. It was I who helped you ,to . escap. lut night." _ . "Tbe feud!" groaned MaUas. "You have come to kfll met You dog, you took me from prison to ~lo me here. Why did you not let them hang me? 'J would ratber be hanged a thousan4 times by tbe bated Americans than cUe by your baud!' " 1 have rtot cowe to kill ' )'ou." we! the other. "That was my plllil taat n,fght. for l\ de la Cruz mus.t .bave hll vengeance. Dut tbe "marlcan oOlonel hal offered 500 pesos for Your ca»ture. FIve bundred pes08 will ' buy maDy masses for tbe aoul of my brothel". Th. Americans will bang you an4 I' ,,,111 have no blooil on mi. ., tia~,!ls. Com&the hflnllhan I, ·wal,t Jog." . , \ . B . . . ._ . '

Forced resignation ot tbe paal.Or who .aid "I would' as leave have a black .nake In • bouse as a pack of cards. ed 1 have my. opinion of any woman who usea a powder putt" And yet ..aJack loak_ are not Inevitably dangel' and tor ~e woman Witll tb, powde.. puJr the good man ;Udn't actu,expreu. ILD opinion. He m83 jUl' thing rll~t\ e olltfllde the bam~ · wall'. It was a strange nOise, 'a nd the sentf7 m• ' heal'd It-, for he stopped hls-paclng tor a . . It must b.ave been a IDake cUiro .UI always be able t.u boast ormln·ute a tree, . : ' , ." " , . ~ nla/dl fteet ..ouid D~ hav, The s!'lntry re!lurned hlsmonotODOua . ao.e.'t,t 'al"he h&4 '..... ~ bolDe ~aJ~ and puJre,l cfiare~





For Benefit of Women whO Suffer from Female Ills


---~.~T_. La.t _••t W••t" - ...

IN , O · · l.



.... ...




He801.dlJ!ra led: Mat~ 'b8~ to 011 t~eDIII,AlIlOllll, I '1~;:~~~~~~~~~~;;=;:==~!:!5!~!!.!:!!!!!:::::l 'the puU,'oDa sad he aaw the blood ·money,. pDJd Juan. He aaW the roPe 9wlnJl:ns ~~ I!"'~. ~'~he ,~prle,.~ 1 praye~. Itep~ on. the trap ADd s,..unj '1 ' et~lty' " " , f'




a gigantic crag which pl"Ojectll f roID tho slrte of a pr c lplce. Th o people do uol walk UfJsldo down as mi ght lie aup()'Jse d . Mncon, GIl.-A c rowd ot sr lof· st rl clcen colored peop! 'o n· slgnod an assignm ent of flne pear t reea to Il grnve a t Boling· bl'oke just at dark, thinking th ey

we re tbe remain s of Tooge r Adamf', Il uegro woman, whose death was due te- 0. slnb froUl another negro woman In Tybee. Th e police had the cnso nnd worked It out; finding the dead womnn formerl y lived In Bo· IIngbrok e nnd llotl6ed trlends that Lbe remains would lie sent on Lbe afternoo n central tra in and when the box arrived contain ing tho pear trecs It had 110 much the appeara nce of 0. coffin case thnt tho party toole charge. For Bome reason , not ex· plalned, the cnsket did not get oft at Macon nnd tbe negroes who were muting at the train took the peoar trees olf wi th the deepest sor row nnd care, car· rled the box to the hOlD e of relative s and Bat up, sa ll g and prnyed all night. . The word was out that the body was t rrlbly slashed by





UNUSU AL OCCUR RENCE S (n nnInl(l.l and olh~r kingdom s are nlwll),a tho · mOISt InterOlltl ng ; to tlie Am~ rl ol1 n people. The odllorl'll aUzcs that ot IlLle t hore h~vo oot been enough "quI! r" bal)ponInll'8, which 80cmlng ly ,-Iolllte nature's laws, and .thOogh uauo.lly low·abld lng ho hall enaoavo~ to . Ullply tho 'w ant. In .pUl1Iuance with thIs ooUc)" Nato 'OrntaJeo, tlle renown~ lionel rn'Jol\-tr avoled nntur.l1 llet, who declln Pre_ldcn t 11008 VO '11 ot- _ t r to Accornp"ny ',ho executlvo on hla lilUt Artloan hunUng trip, was employed to lJ()Out up hundred s of un\l8unl , yet Intereettn« ooourrcm ce'1J. The tour took Ile V· eral mcmtbtJ lion' frqm Umo 1.0 Urn!! tho ..utbol"mo.Jl~ the ' t ollowlng nceounlB of tbe atran,e thl{lp wllioh were r ported

This Is not a 1.ocru option town. SOUle of We city om lals mlslied the l'are slgM, beln " , too tired,

to .)llm.' OnlY till. week Mr. Urefrikc '. ·

dream • .carne te an encl, and lie 1'1 lleat • · ly eooll'c4 tllat he had aworn ott "tor

Ion haR been unqllest lon d , even D8 the p1\T' rot's 110pnlarl ly bas gro wn . Dul this time a 11 n was at the bottom or It, ruther a srtll n g or eggfl, whi ch heBSen fOllnel In a n at r eposing III the rulllrlle of l\ big pumpki n which ho purcha~ed fr om Her' be rt Clllp, a t l1uc1c far mer. The IIllic brown he n hod made ent ra nce l1nol1gh a hol e whloh a hun g ry cow-al l cows are hu ngr y In a pumpki n field- b ad bitt a O\lt or tho ga mboge vegetahle. As Chessoll, who boasts that he drlvos a good bal'galn , gave only 15 cents {or the pumpki n, and tbore we re 14 eggs In the parrot nest, he thinks ho Is I.h e fin an· clal gainer, though he may have to elJl lhlt again to re-estab lish his r epulaUo n fo r veracity. . Chesson took the pumpki n In bls h leln· bouses, and now a settin g fowl Is c lucking over the eggB. He X'pects to seU t he pullets. ",hen they Rre hatch ed, nt from 35 to 60 cenls apiece.

Dyspep sia, Kan.-l n a single night (hla bllrg hUll passed IntG history and. all bec8uB of the sidetrac king o f $60,000 worth of 0 8 " trlches hero. Th e ostrlcbe s were bounl' tor Loa Angeles, Cnl. It Is said tho birds hnd not been ted sInce leaving Africa and the first lhing th Y dirt. was tO J)at liP all the fl'elght cars which pro· vlded tbelr homes, Then th 'I Ileecend ea up· on Ihls town , flrst devouri ng a $20.0 plate g lnsB window In George Erickeon'll pOllltry store nbout midnIght. The town mamhn l Ii d wben h e saw . the things tbat til e Klrlches relish d. Inadver tently be ran right Inw lbe nock In his fllghl. Th y loolced him over, smelled him, but pass d on to 1I10re SIl.VOI:Y d ell acles In th e shnpo of the rail road depot. HavIng aten this U1 0Y started In on the homes of the res ld nts and wh n dawn came tbere was only a crumple d m aSR of oelrich languag o and some human cuss words, where the town once stood, Most of the I' sldent s Hed In their nlg~t ctothlog to Hawkeye, n near·by village, ond hnve form ed the Society for . the Prevent ion ot· Wearin g Ostrich Plum ... The blrda are now roaming the coun· try devouri ng everyth ing In their WilY. Tho militia compan y at Hawklu svllle may be called out. Lo.ter- lt wasn't The oBtricheJI ~Ied .

Atmosp here, N. C.-Pb·y siclans wb.

~~·~~M · ~'~'-~Ed~I~W~rH'·~~~y~tec·~~~~~~~

were perCormlng an operatio n tor ap' penlllclUs upon Herman Grausta rk In

this ci ty to-day were ' astound ed whEm tour $5 gold·pleces (rom th e Ilppendl x ot the patient. The currenc y was plied In the append ix whell AxtTaet&d and one report has It

..~IIIIi!iIl!ll. ARIS ' cREEK ,

the] extraote d

N , itt-Thi s town was. ply sUrred up and I,>arls Creek sO(ltety clr'(lles were unmma ny a gog 'up· or the arrival () r your 1l9rTe· ·~. . .~~-!n~ondl;nt. The wi er:eot of tbls 1'8.8 the , blrtJl' of an oal\U\ed chicken ·f·r om. out of a. hard ."oUed· e~g: Tbls ,trange O(l• . carrenc e took . place 'Oil ll\e fann of H'. J . Seaman, a wealthy country man . Seaman avers lint he placed the hard bon d egg In .tlle mQthor Mn's nest s imply


. "ft!.


specl s wbo 8\' d e pcr water. The s " rp lit sp.em ed to like this little summer vII· lag uatU its appea rance I;lt night wh en It Is 811PllOIIO d that the loving COUll lcs on lhe ' IIAn9 , olther .mnde · it envious :01' gavo riM t4J !lnusen. Tl;l.'e n It 4j ,,!oppear ed, its tOIlJ lck· ing oft Ule . telegrap her's "30," wblch means "~ood nIght/,. nnd sQmetlm~s "1lC,VO\, again ." bath ers I1eserteS' t heIr 'fllVOl'lte ha~nts on the sauds and tIie young men wtt~l)y said that at that tIme there ' wOI'-sOm e excUSe for not getting lhelt pr.clty bathing ~ults wet:.

: Jt'J

the wom· an's nssa.!1. nnt and 'fOI' that rea· son, togetber wi t h th~ I ~mg delay atter death, the ' box' :was


opened. At tl)e ' hour tor the Cu· ..,)~ neraJ the r ' DeUngp llUI, Cal..,.....Probably the most won· . ('.alored J)as· 'der,fUI n!J8~ke wll~~h . nature e ver mnde I" tor h9.d hi s that wbJch • unearthe4i bcr~ In the birth · of a cow""Ith I~s bol'118 ' on 'Its rear' boots. It text; "By their f ruits ye shall lmow them." PI\Ubearers. mourners nnd nttenda nts, after Uie uaual custom, actually burled the pear

"' -

tr'le. .

., ,

that the money was iabeled ' "Issue of 190.... Mr. Gruusta rk Is cashier In . ~be First S1llte Trust. Compan y of thIs cl!:y PJld consequ ently was Immedi ately placed ' Ullder' arrest on charges ot misappl ying the fU~l!1s ot the bank. He p16ada Innocen ce, declllTlnV, that. he Dl,Ullt havo aCCidentally swallow ed tile C0108 . whUe biting .them to ace If they wale genuine .

Wilen , the next northbo und Central pas· se~ger trat'n ' ~me bearing the cOlllse at the · dead woman and ' the funeral attenda nts were notified, there ' was amazem ent and surprise . WInshIp Oabanl8s, one ; of the most promInent tllTmerl 'Of the commun ity, ' found the yYbee', Tenn. (By lo~g distanc e' telepbo ne.) · otilitake when he made a seareh for tho pear "Your corres·( hlc)·po ndent had Quito a (h~c) . time to-'d ay In this (hlc) hamlet. ·H~ . bad tre~. Quite n' sovere cold wben struck (ble) her. , ., ' " and waR one of the hiC6rehewbo were preseot . Allon, ·Ill.--Na ture. In ~n ' AltOnlaD . mOod, at the dl.cov-( ~Ic),-el')' of a magic ~eU on \.1)8 · ,brought. anotbell wonder to tbe doo~ of James · dt; hall square, The well 1J01'p. real m~l1· Cbesaen of ElI,st '"Alton, noted 08, tlJ.e oWDer · 8htne whiSky (ble, ·ble) . . T-hls '18 a 4rl~ IIUl flz:,at~ Pr.oCIAhIl~ ~e ven"UU t,. ot hJa Pllr- ', On.OD' ~d~ th~ (hlc~ wOJ;l4erCuJ dla: rot's I!,owe~ 10: profanl ly the blrd ,.was a}lbbed . ,«!qYeTJ. It Ie qonslde red verr; (ble) ~ P!'Oba~2! a..,nalbte ,(n!c~. ''So ~h.leo Iqv.t,ed a "umber Ulat tJllP 'Well . will be enJ01lie~ lrom ftOw.~ ~ J!erJIon.. among' \h~m ' Ii dIvinity student . 'b, the suprem e ' (hie) court. ¥QU" bave ,tp to bear ~b. bird reheara~ SlDOO' then' db... drOll 1~' cent. ID" tbe Bell'S ~putatJo,l f~r trutbtul n6U 'n But ~l- 'flow Yo~r. corre&-(l (blc) weD t:O make Ji . ,lI~)'])ODdeDt 18 ' brote. "

W go lIut ill the 'I"\',.'r III' alfulfa The :eh 101::; wlwrl! "hc ~Ittended . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' 'f! Ids and trlwe out tIll' root tlmt g;. lIi 'mi, I,d rOI' I h ' fl1lll'ral. '1'\tlJl'!oIdBY, ' 0111' so d V ftlr 11 IIIi .. II "~, lint! rl.' liIit~, we not , th~ I ultt:n:1 '.' (II' 11011\11· IIIl 1'1 huilt 011 'I" t! llt i li' -prill 'j. le i ttl!' IU .11 ·) I t. the r QU Ill'lll ~xlliaill 1t.,W' Ih . e , I-' - .1t.s olliesl jaw/S Ilr~ ml1de of h~nvv ,~h I'~ l\le~ 1 t h h -mes of' - milli<.lfI~ ,t lIn (\wia 'I'lill j'IfI1I1W;Il\' tllrpil hravtou th and th . muin boqy or wut r .l:'~el' Volr HIIII Jlla.~t , tha have tht' pl'llPIH·tv of li'lkiltA' til , ['hll'llllS-Or .J~~nllatl'Y ~ndIW\l'il'" lI 'it h ube of he~vy inned plate: Tho wilt r' ~a I V~K " ' . • . -. I 'll'( ~'IlH I au, n a n~ Ill , f r ~ III I'''~\.m n.l i lI t!' 11 II' (lll( rUIlR-' • >¥ • of ·bra.~ With 1'ubb l' pa kmg. Th valvO! l'Oct flll'lI\il it int',:\ ni I'ale ' Ihlll i: a l\lari , L.'Ul'fnce menn Fl'aZ and trip spring are ()f t el wi.· i thumb buttoll and other fitt ings are a lso oto m • The InU· ' ri'h planf 'fl) d. W' P. I hiin th, t th t. 'Val I "tnl~ ' ' .. H 111li " mi'th -hine i well put tl?gether "Y ith riv . t,q a nci solde l' g l'owing' anel · plowing undt'r \1:'_ HIllS.",·lI -:ul'fnc " M,I1)'i hutt: and should la t fot' yeal'!!, g-um s!'\lIcha ~ th 'i" will "c'V al l HU I'llldf',al'nhILl't Kathryn l h1ughl l's No Stooping W.hen· U sing, Th~r I' 'ilton' lht' ft'nilil \' o f I}~ \I' ,; 'il~. Pau lin' Mal'taU'I W',t l~ul'll h uI, t hl I\ut , Ilt'h kl1 l/\\;1 cll,{t' , jU:l a,; \'al I'~,\J ~" ('~ '\"I!-oll' j\ltl~l itl\l n I~tll'llhl\rt fore No Lame 13a~ks. , uah\-e to I Ill' '·(\J1, ill /l." g'pn('l'al i llJ~ ')[' J\ I\'lll I ::llItillll't J.~ · ma 1!,all ,~h~(" I'~ AII kinds f Pll1nts, " U h as abbug, o . ( hill as I h<:.o rll~ 1 I hat ,h(- a l 1111111 U\'. Ad li a ., 1 'II ,j '.ug-enIH \\ hllllkel' bae 'u ' Tomatoe!j CallHfiower, ::lll'awu 1' )'1 '!I, Ill'llow If thl' NiJ,~ l'l' Ilt' W8 thp fl'j'fili-I ' :'IHI \, h~ 111," 1' AlblH'L 1<u·lul t W t Potatoes, ugar Bets, llt C. , art-! set in ly IIf t 111' I :g~ pti,tn f mlll:-\': I (,Il'rlll<t Il ooll! Cy nthia HUl'l len waL r ann coy red at one opel·ation. The plant ruots are put down to he ,prOpel' d e pth below n(,l't1l1~ lh'ndlll·f L.ena Marlatt t he ul'face where t he gl ound is cool amI damp, 'vV e c:\p lllin t hllt. wlwll a fal'llll'r j ,h,hnnll' My rs 1';Ul"!l \,,(. l;Jrad ullcl, Y/)u never have to wait fot'" n ~ h owe1'; plant!! raise..., a good 'l'()P (If .tt'! acc", ('Ol'll I ~"I'lnHn ('c'n l~( 'I' It'ltlyd I >HIIg-ht 1';; mllY be saf Iy stou t \Vb n large l1ougn, reg 1'<.1 r hay and Ii 11: it off lh . f arlll. II l'<'_ I IIl'IlI',\ ()lllt\l'l'f .AILin lIul'd 'II 1t!!!S'llf t he w athe1' - -no mutte r how c\ I''y unJ dU!'I ty (-. K HltA'I"I' I'::-', SHIJL. th e Y; 1'oll l1d limy L . mov s front 1[it) ttl;, U pounds lIf th,'! availabl ' pl ant fond ['1'0111 t'\' ' I'Y :wrl', - - - - . - .. - - , ~~~~J1l~I~:~~C ~ljl~1; amI we how tha t if he due,. no t in ' I It 1'1' 11 I 1' 11 1Il l{ ft \. J'l rl hll ,,;!O WII Ii vel'Y, littl e pru ticp ' tlll eru ily s ' j, o lll 7,000 III t t l ' l k 'Ill ,·1I·1"1 1· ,H~<)nll·ld't· III,d , " I "I¥(·III 'IH'tl School Attendance. Co~\' Paths Tlwt I.ead FHr Apart. W,O 0 J,lIUlltll' each day. Ou .· plan ter lT1ui ntaill-l ~om .. wayyu .. 115 Hie' we \\, 1 1,1I\' l - h , J'n\ \·.' ntlC'l'I ;1 Itt·. I II I I 10 - IUtly a record of ov I' 998 plan tS to "row from eu·h 1,000 Re t , MONEY the ole h Ids of lh~ ,JaJTIC:!.' Hlv 1' 1(',01" ('111 1' 'l'hhl..t ~ i' h n uld ,e!WIL\;'1 hI-! A glance at t he hOllol' roll in un· ~ 'fh'e enw path~ arc N' diverging in REFUNDED I N CASE TH IS PLANTl!;R }I'AIL 'fO DO ALL WE va ll y, Vii'ginia, II II pi icatC'l1 ri)l.'ht 11 1. 1111 11.1- 1'111 PI'I Illpn\I'\S~ i~ ai l-1 m othercolumn showsthata l t.en u<lnce I Ohio3S lh ev wer'in IlIilllli:.o. The he r e in the Mil1nli vall ev Ohill . ,LAIM FOR IT. Weig h t , 4,X Ibs. This plante r will save its cost a l l u jI" l't lll Pr"VI'oril ';'; ( Int lil o I1 qtll . dozen tim ov r in a season fa l' replan ting ~nd for us at t he ends in Wayne township was very p or f or ; In s l'lu stain~d hy 111(' farme rs of 011io Ln't it ju~t as worl.h·\\:hil e t o t 'u(: l1 n,l nli, 111) 111111" l lllJ'>; l\ '!I' ~i(l I(I': 'Jl Ig , of th row, whel' you can' t use th ho I'S ,setter, ' , ... ', 'IIt ,,\, ' \J'I, lnrl l'(-(I ' Ih f'8 tll ('h III t,III IC'." January, Sickness and bad w athe l' l beclluse of I(, w sta lldal'd '()W~ runs I hat till.' S~))T Itl (. l'llllll 'T \ " "'1'11',1 ill p!wl.; 'r , . I' p ilI''' ''. l' l'l~ V ' II_ the chllul'PIl l?ol' sale by A. B Sidt's a nd accoun ts for some of the absence bu t up into the mi lli li S , hut the !-mod , • F, W, Wadsworth. i u sury as it is Iu (<:.oa ' h thal chal'g" I II:": " 1'1' II l!1' 1l 11 111 t> ;ll fl'/.!ll " l'(lll~lllfl!'\ 1 in many cases pupils stayed out he- co\\'~ oft II CtlVel' up th loss fr 1II thp =tr Th ese s ttet's can be se n at A. B. ide' stol'e tit any time ... ing.J )lCI' cent in er st is u"llr,",' 1'1,1 ,1 .!,)\' ~I)I" . 1, \, ·tl i tlplLlI'l'" cause of neglect of paren ts a nd he- poul'e r ones and the a\'erag ) farme r cause the parents k~pt t hem ou t fO l' has 111)1 't houghl aboul this I ak or work. The attend an 'e up to Janu- how to detf~(' t i l. ary was better lhan usual in t he l1 Out \\' sl lh'e I'll ra.1 s~holll 'hild r II A Purely Vegetable Laxative count ry chools. but for the pai-lt of the grammar gmde. al' laug ht, month and during th e pr en t month by practical PI' lbl ' ms, all su 'h farm 'urea Chronic Constipntion, and All it has been very low. It seems, a lo~ses and how to lwoid them, Liver and Kidney Troublt'~. ' great many parents fail to r ealize th e l' In 'dairy counti in om' stut Ii the importance of having their child I' n Loys and gil'ls learn how tu li S , l he I"ur "tilt~ III t il e IOtl u '"I( J" UCfl9 : regularly and promptly in school· scales ancJ Bab ,o ck t ,t 1' . Zlnllne"PlulI '~ . R II " ( >I1 ' M, It means so much to the children for I WIII I,e'S, illnuutjoy'ij ~pringfiel l . Ohio. their educational and future w \fare A I ' ducaLion in 'chool lIould that they go to school every day un· I . ) y. . less they are sick or something una- . enab~ hIm t~ find 1!1I~1 . el f·, so that voidable prevents. · 13y careful est!- ' h~ will no t d~'lft along lI~t( mal~hooil ;- :. ~!: .,' . DENTA L F' O :'. : I : mate and investigation upon average I ~Ith .no defilllte plan .of hfe, 8ducat" t l. " tt d ' Jtllt l,. , ", . , ... ttl pi tu hi \t citizens it has been found that ill the tlon 111 ab .11·act ,su bJ. etls and mer,e Proof Th at T it I f' .: -d , ., It i!o _ : , ~ . ,1 1 fl ,·... ", .. I ' ",. 11 , ""I " 1 ~' I1III"I' \" comparison of earning power of peo~ book learnmg off e rs lilt ~ UPPO I'~Unt­ clmen & Ale In SX I , I: I1C':. Id ll,'"hll, . ( 'l l 1 111'~" ' '' '' \' :<\11' .. pie of different degrees of education ty for a bo~ to fi.nd hl~ l\l'lng., I to 10\1 "1' III" I ' ~. ',' " .. It, It ~ r .. , .. I U II"'\ th,at every school day mean more Manual and m~ustl'lal tl'al~lI1g, agl'l' Dr. Suctlrurr lI11lll)lIH II"" \'I 'ud n Pil' than "BIl Jl k l l' lt '~ ,' 1)11111 l,lv llll, II' 'l'he Janua1)' tach 'L"S meeting i BLOOD POI.O 11:"\0 P r hcrol'e Ih .. L ·11 .7.1 1; ~tpllI at sOt'1 I~' ple ta),· (III·.·." ,III ', " WI'I"." .I"h ll than ten dollars to each boy and girl. culture and kmdred ubJ cts hav postponed to l" ebl'URl'Y 13th ecamt n U I1lul rO rNJII,; In nnllllul1y, H ~u lll ,V u .. h l ll !!ll1 l1 ... I' ISII q lltwllh', r. x A pupil losing a day has not only awakened many 0 call ed dllllal'ds of the bli zzard January 31 l. E hl'nim Sn >ok, viel' IJ I·tls idenl of ,t hat C:'\'f>n II for!' tlr tlllIe or I-ftpllO' b',. r 01.1'1I 11 1(,.h III , lJ ' l rl", IIIIr1 1'1' lost that day forever, but has serious- and started t hem on the r oad t o sucthe Lebanon N t.ional IJank , nce raws l'ert'rel1(, t' 10 the liS or au It In· It.R opl'fllnl ' ~rl\'lI t, ~' I : o.lo!e\Vntl:l. · .. ~ t.· lIIl) ent .. art' romld , bill n "p clm 118 .. _ .. _ __ ly injured his advancement in learn- ce '. We hope that the parents will tak e oun ty commissione.l· anrl ~nemh I' of 8.1' lU el wil h Illlllmg rh e surgical 1m· WANTED ONLY MONEY'S WOR1'H. ing for the days that follow a day' an in terest in the township p \ling th boar~ of ducatlOl1 , clu;!u Thurs- 'pI m Ins b 1011 'III ' to Iu Rll' ll UtIl P-. absence. Then again the boy or girl Most of t he s hool are r ady with conte ' t n win pl'ogr in Olll.' chools, day at hl, home on h I"Y s tr . t, as that hnv bt' n «II! overett Th is ('0 11 Example 0' the Workln os of the "New that stays out of school a day thus ' their corn selected by pupil and oon ___ , the I' . ult of blo d poi oning in his (lilly bll <lu . to the mILl ullli of wllfch England Oonl.:;lonoo." places damper to a very g reat ex- ~ wiJI be ready with· the t stet''' and . , f( ()t. H.e wa, past 77 yeal of age , th'Y IV r e III ad , L nllk . til!' IllU!\!l r tent upon the good work of the school : score cards. To know a good . ear of W~ al' . al'rangl~lg .fot' a, partlnt.q I ~I'. Snook \vas b I'll in Union town- nlh .1' (lrnec ·nOIlI/UI s llr~lr8 1 IlIsl rll·.' A woman willi hill! 8f) III IIIUIIY sum. for those that do c(;))J~e. , 'It lessens corn and how to se~ure good seed m:etml:m ea'hdlstrlc~, lha lIf\t l/ihip, Wan n 'coun.t y;' c'tober 17; m il lS . wh ich \V l' n I'ly nil of brooz .. m fS ' li t Haines' Fulls In Ihe 'utak 1111 . the interest and enthUSIasm of teach,, : and a good "tand IS , ure ly worth w111 be ann? un d, We w~nt l l :' 1, anll was named for hj grand- till' d ntal (orc'!u lll\ ur , nnUQlllfy mll ij t t lIs Ih followlll g sto ry : Ituv' b ,r o marl . of 1~'b O 01' sle~I ,. 31· " u.n.tal wagon. rllll ·or· IlUl1)mer 1;.-.:;...,---.·- er and pupils for-a h il'd-<or..:.m&Fe of ~ whi\ e, everyone mter t d 1~ the wdtt\~e Calher, Maj or Epll1' irn Kibby, w ho t lTQ\lgh mr mmlll • l i t r III nOlI I excurslollllllS StOllP d ~n the hotel one of the chools to come out to til 1l' , wal:' nRe\7o lu Li nat'ywal'soldi r, Hl facl, In ~e Arlstolellun " i\t~ ha nl uJ morning. Til ey Ivn n l d La see t it falls cow PATHS THAT LEAD FAR APART meeting , /wa;;, rear d on ~ fal'm and earl} ~r hiI'm!!, howey I', Ih "r hi 1\ pn , ·turn don: 10 o~d('r to a 8111' a good

* *' *******. CuuntJ'" ~ \~ h()nls.

Masters Rapid Plant ' ert



---- --


Every Farmer and Truck Grower

Prl·ce $3 75



Tht Alpha Chemical Go.











Frid ay of thi: W k ,eacll eh 01 f j leUrlll:ld the carpenter .tl'atl which the t owm,hip will ob l' ' I 'n In ht! fo llowed for some t Ime, • ...1 (I In 1 Fj:l h mal'l'i 'n fi 'S , Ltubec _u na~nv i th apPI'{lpriut . t:cl,'e.. . B 'nhul1l nnt! III ,th em fou l" chilul' n , were h ~wn, all living, as follows: mila, PI;of. H. A. lI1'fac, Enlllrnlllog'!<;l :wifA!lf • Ihel't Kt)tw r: HOI'u\!e I_ pfS ta e Uni v 1'8i y/ } al'ris bu l'g', Pn. 1'1'.tt HlId Anna. ' and a fo rmel' W ay ne tl)WI1 . hip l,oy -~ . ~ .. -"--has kindly off reel t . nel t h o v I'Y : l tl I(,kn(l" , if ' I (/1I'tltltl 1li ,llIen . tl' . d ' ( t'v lullpt il1 n -l'\'() ~I'e;l \ l'I) n ~, 1111'0 Uw 1I1'glln ~n er es mgan. In rue I , ' Unl l Ihil' f llll' \'1\ ' ~\llIlt'tlll\ will nh Issued ft'ol11 hIS II p artrn III LIlt:tl h '!O II'~lv fili i II lIIWV hI ~ H/,tl mlt O)) member foul' agl-i ullul'<:! cia;, II 1" '1 ' ; IIr i l H illy htt v'f'i{ iv"n 'I t,r eu g fb The boy and g irls h ave all' 'ad ' .)' • un it ' U\lJI I I to t,lw flll/H ·t Il l' 1( ld oey 's ceived 't wo numbers of the bookl t I tt. w~Q 1>1': Hhnn I thllt fir. t. ' llutrJted , t.\1 tht Illd tJ·oth. \)1' . ~ IH)np' a nd fl.ppl'e~lIue them v~ry much. r I, . t.(')tIltiv 'WIIS Dot nHlIle to dd e th e t.OUlR h ' U01' to 'telll\)oTII ri1 y For the first time dUl'ing t he school . ~~imlliute the, B Ilrt Qr ,U:ld!l y~. year death has come in to our ranks , {hut o /l1-fu hl ~D fld meth, ld l S. ",11 . , wrong. Dr. ~hoop's liestornt ve ~nd r emoved one of ou r brl ~htest ! g ~ direot,Iy to' the Ii fOiling inlltde and best pupil, February 1st, Ma-' nerves, 'l'ue r ('m 'll·kll.ble All oeSR t)f ry Marlatt answered the summons ' f t.lll~ Pl"flSCU,j I>tio n, ,dem flD!lt rllte tb~ the Great M-aste r , She has b ~n u \\'\,,(10)>1 of tr Il. illg th It tl~().1 OR'US8 " , . b h f of thfl,Pfl fllillng r gnns. And It, ts pupIl durmg the past y al 9t 0 inu d auay () prove . A sito»} Ove Mt . Holly and College Hill schools . .or t,e.n <)11,Y" t t wHl Autely t II. "rry Her teachers and schoolmates d eeply itoncEi, !.tnd eel Sol ,by "Udetde'rs .


~ class to be

abSent The whole schoo oreign horn children of t he i.e injured 'a nd public money wasted, slums in t h e .cities and the orpl1an8 of Anyt~in~ that .lesSens tqe efficiency different institu tions, t he boys and of our pu bHc scllools is a blow at the a-irls of r eform schoQls all have,ed uprosperity and welfare of the nation. ca ional t raining that r eally fits for And of the eyils that hinder the life. Why give these a more liberal progr~ of village and rciral schools and sensible education han is given irrea-ular aJ;ld tardy attendance is to t he boys and g:irls Of ' co~ntrr and surely the 'wors~. And most of. it village? eonld be avoiiled if the parents would only wake rip',to- their responsibility t hicago is to expend more than in this matter. ' $8,000,000 in ne\,Vand better buildi~gs . section 4022~3-4 plainly states for her slum children t his yeai·, This the law on this question. It says is alright. But what a scope' of rural that all children from eight to four- territory w ould we have to take fo teen years of age ahaH b~ in ' school find an equal expense for improving ,from the first day to 1.he last of the the educational opport uni t ies of the entire school term; which i~ now not farmer's children! leas than eight months, unlesS excu~ becau~ of sickness., ~nd all Correlation solve the . problem children fro"?, fourt~en to txteen very largely for the teachers ,that come ul'lder ,thIS law I,! t hey can not claim t hey have not tim~ for Agriculread and wnte weH or 1£ they can and ture in their program, Bring in the are not regularly employed. The. material at seasonable t im es. Useit penalty fo~ 'first violation of this law in g'etlgl'aphy , arithmetic, language to parents 1S a. fine. of .25 to ~O, a~d or for opening exercise , The inf~r f~rth,:r vlOlat&on a <:reased interel!t, the live teaching ud lmpnsonment may be gIVen as and practical t raining will bring 1'e-, penalty. sulta t hat are worth a ll 'a nd , more , ,The parents of Way ne township than it cos ts. , with their children to grow up to be laW' abiding ,citizens; and yet every paJ:ent that ' k~eps a boy at home to strip tobacco '01' do some <!nores is giving his b<lY 'il gO,od . lesson \;lW




Q~mg. ,

O.ur .




SIl!! , whl h. according -to 01', IIdhotr, floW ' 01 wat r ther Is a Bart ot' jO 'k lin. hll h .r( h 1I oV~I'I(l ked, tn .wb lQ,h IlIIl\t abov t lte fall s . I'll 10 k III ai1L Is menlloll d u. a fnnllil ar fo I th .lt r ways k pt I 8 d f'xre111 wben 80me, 11t;l llll1l rUrl~( ' 1 weI' mud Ilt Iroll . I n body rnuk eli 1lf\(ll'l at on 1.0 lie ' lb. th' .III I1!1C' IlDl (I t I-I tllI: hn l'~, Whel'to tll I'P fulls; therl, on" "uYIII. Plll of a Qllart r, I , ilJl al'IIO t Iln r l VI~1 '1.1 coil ()LiOIi AM lh gat B II . lIn'o wn I' h unci . "pit hon Imlll ment s. two NI~l'I-lIhll d lit II", !low Qf wulel' [,Oors forlh , The , Id maD ,nl r(l)'(~ JIll, olle fol' th lI t1fl r. lh who bad harg of Ib Call , W nt' 0' t olh ,. fot' Ih h) w a r , jllW, hl1v~ b 'l:IlI and open d t1~e gat S' I:e vlaH' o~1 rLlm~. Th u ' (renilll rem:: I)S slioulcl w r d light d, paid th~11' quarter and huv rot' I1I 'lJ IJlII'1 CIt Ih Urtll ll lll III lui· drov away. About holr an hour la ler um r Il mlll,ta r y sl\r~ II In u I' mote Iilluth)' wlIgolI lOad Oro . lip to (lie , Ull tp st sn \\ S In , wha t , c moron Il S~ h tel ulld IIskE!d to S t! Ille fu lls. Aga i n , 1 e Itls t r lllll nt \\ u~.-- Ulltl!lh ~J dl(\al Ih old nllUl WAnt 0 I d O' d h J \11' 11111 ,. ... u an . pene l e . . , galt~iI: bU l owlllg to tll .Ilr VfO UB -drain , ' -.-. ~ ~ - - . 011 th e Willer SUpply the I'esul" was fa r , ~monuI ~hould not be used 111 the fl'OIl) sathj fa 101'y, and ·the ' spectators. .



evenmg.,or ~e~l' a fire, nOr should the W I' no t n~hu9lasU , 'The old man bottle be allowed to remain uncorked, 1,lOticed lh (,II satJllfacUon of I he ' visitIt; ,i s infl~mmable and its f umes are Or!! .. ~nd ·was, perhaps, 80niewhat con~ not esPElclally heattbful " . s I nee litrl ck ti, r~r, Wh n. he wae, ot- ,

f er ~ , a q\larter--~or'()plm1''''UJI..,...:tt''''h7i:e...!.--':''~ ~:>:·' be h sllllt! d a Dlom lit , .tben,

gal 9. !;Ill l d : ,

. "No,

Keator.d· to Health b1' Vmol "( was run down and W;mk ' frOID Jn~ cU~Uon and seneral debility, aleo suf-


It wo·n·t

wortb tlillt

WIl8 JUs~ 'bout t.bal tlllle.'

thlllk the l' ~ur t b

tel'edc fromver~lgo. 1 saw a cod liver: preparation call1ld Vlnol e:dverUaed cb!c1d,d ·to give it a trial, apd .th. re-: 1u1.ta were ~OJt .gratttJtnr:" After ~~ ingt\yo bottles I ' regaJned my 8t.~e~(th 4Dd am no"," feeling tltiull'lUUl, • well!' ,,}~e~ry Cunningham, Elder Bap- ~!!!!!!;!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

'and ,

tlat ,QbUrch. ,Kingston, N. C. Vlnol II not a paten.t medlc;lne-.:....but 1\

prep~raUon ~mposed of the 'medl'e lnai eleml,lntl or cods' Hvers. combined a tonIc Iron , and wine. Vl nol oreatell a "fiea rty aJ)petite, tones up the organs of digestion and maKes rlcb, red ' blood. In 't hIs ,naturai manner, ,"Inoi 'creates ~re.ll~h' for , the run-down. 'ove.r- " ,w!)rJted .au~ deblll~ated, ·an'd tor dell • . !-late children and old · peopl\i, . For ehroil,lc'.',cougbB, ' colds'. and , bronohltls Vlnoi II ·unflxcelhld, . " . . . ',' , .All .sUell persons hi thl. Vlclnlty~'r~ , . fo try Vln!ll OD our otl!lr to r.~­ {Und their mone)" If tHalli to &lve ut:;' IstaCuo~



JANNEY, Dr~ggis~: WaynesviUe. Ohio. ",'


. ,

Do You Get. Up,

• • • • •If

William H. Brown to G. W. Fox With a Lame Back? real ~tat hi Lebllllon. 1 and other N·w SuitS. JUllncl Trouble Makcs You II1scnblc. .rt/'I '~l IN' Al-U.N it . conRiderations .. ~' t ~~~ T~LEPUO~ ~ Almost veryone knows or D,. Kilmer's 1)1'1;111' M. BpI' ·"w, J,llaiIlW( v • G,/W. Stanley to Lulu 'l'nylol'r al Swamp-Root; the great kidney. live\" aud l'homll ' TrovilJo. defendant. Peti- estate In lAlbanon $1. ~ . . ~~~~e~/ft':~~:a~~= ion for lTloney to the amountot$600 Retta R. Gustin to Henry R. le-health 'restoring Ju plaintiff on rent. Runyan &: ing 146 acrtl8 Turtlec~ef'k t~wnship, . propertie. Swamp' ~y, 4\Lti)rneys for pl!1intiff . . . Root fuHiUs almo l , . Rat(l8 of SublJ'c~iption .I every wish in overEdward L. R tallick, administra....\;Olu·..(iI~rl tly 'ID ad~U~ Ce) .· .. .. ..... t l.i) I 'Court Proceedings. CO~I!lg rh eu1l1ati$~, .. • ... '(Ie ·OIlY : . .. : .. :. .. . . .. .. .. . .,11 tor tQ John K. Spencer real estate in palU lit th e back k ian 'ys, Ii VCT. bl~dd r pr~pared N.~ w York Trllsl Co. v . Dayton. Turtlecl'eek township, " 1500 . 8 11.d every part of th l: ltates of AdvertisementsU . LehllOOl) & incinnati Railway o. un nncy {lIlS . ge. 11 lA>mmisstoner ' ProceedingS. --~orret.!u; .l nabi lit y to "'tll11\)g I,Olltll ft . pIIf li n,· . y ntutual ag reement cau'!je i!;l disA llew law ,huring been pas.'!etl by hold water atul sroltl.lng pu inlll.passillg it , ...,ulln l( l.tlllalH" bl llll fl';'fi ' lwr \I II \' missed. or bud effects flt llowl1 lg llseofl lqllof, wine ", t.IIIIIlllt:I' MIR. II qL tIl \l-~CIlI!"1 II t· 1I1"'~ ,'amuel Baughman vs. Frank Hart the Legildature ' in 190H requiring or beer. and overcolU es thut unpleasant 'i'brlle InKurl/ o nH • . . .members for the Soldiers' necessity of lJeiug olllpeJled to go often o .r,) or 'l'hltnk K....... .... .. .. .. .' .. . 2.'>c et al. W. H. Dearth as execu tor of only. two f C . f h . througb the day, ami to get up many .... o IUll o ll~.. ...... ... . •... .. . , •. .r,9r ~te of l\1ahllla Ward with leave of B . urla ommlttee 0 eac township times durillJ( tbe niglit. ·s.clal a. ot • Wher e chOiIX ' I ~ m oel .. . , _. It was moved that the following com- · Swamp-Root is not recommended for .itr.. court files cros!! petition. "'·.nl a y Atlvenlslng, JlOr In oh .. , .. all commlssion- everythin g but if yO~1 l1(~vC kld.iley, Ih'cr . 10,' 1<.:1 mel' Kibbey vs. John F, Kibbey mittees. be appointed. ' or bladder trouble. It will be found just OIHCOllnl1! Klv "11 on ronlrurL. the remedy yuu nt!ed. · II has been thoret al. On motion of D. W. Rumph'- ers voting yea:' lea l'cl' ek town!:lhip, C. '. Lang - oughly tested iu pri,' te practice,'and has r ys. administl'awl' de bonis non with A J M G'ff F kJ' · t ptov\:d so SIICCo! "Iu l tit t a pcci I or., tj! ONE<; UA\' . ~· I;' li ll l AII\' III. lUI'" the will annexed of John B. Kibby. don . ' . . C rt; ·I·an. ~n own- I !! lI ~ell1 en.t il.tls becn Dlau" by which all --« d~ceased. it it! ordered that an alias shIP. ,J . a. Wo dward, WIlham Rob- rtc'lillers 0 1 thI S p3per, who Ita I! not alinson; D el'neld township. D. D. Wel- really tried il, may h a " 1! a Blllnple lJ ttl ", : St. Val ntine'~ Day. Februal'Y 14th ord I' of private sale fol' sale of tractS ' I U· . sent free by mati. also a book telling ton. J 0 h n H I I; nlon townshIp. J. more about SWI1I1l{>-Root Ilnd to Will you get olle? d eRc rihed be issued. . George L. Croll vs. village of Frank~ M . Snook. Jos~ph . Bretney; Turtle- findoutifyouhave kld_' Peter D Hatfield ney or bl~d~er t1oul~le. lin. Court finds that relief sought creek township .' ' . ' Wilen wntlngmentlon AUfElt J. W. Wmner; Wayne township, S. reading this generous by plaintiff should not be allowed What is gl'eate r Dayton coming to? L. Cartwright, Ed .. Retallick ; Salem offer in thi paper and Another brutal ll1urder la-'ll. week, and petition is dismissed. . ., scnd your address to Funeral Director. and no clue. Ludla Toms vs. Charles Strouse. towns h IP. John C. ShIelds. Capt. Dr. Kilmer & Co ., Hum. ...,...... Motion to dismiss cause ·for reason J ames Murdock; Washing ton town- UingluulItun. N. V . The rc"ulnr Horn Frank J Sher- allli onc-~ollar sire lJottl:s are by ' 1'11 10 phnnn cill Y ur night . The snow has not enl il"ely disfi()- that it was wrongly presHlted to ship , Jol1l1 Van '. till urugKIf;tS. Don't make IIUY mi stake . : \ ull ey 1I1I u II0 n. 7. Lon ~ p eal'ed whel'e it WII.'4 ballkt'ti up from COUI·l is ov lTuled. wo?d; M~s l~ townshllJ. B. L. Dakm. but re~lIeml~" r the name, Swamp-Root, Oi t.n n eN ,). 6\1-·jr. Mix to eight fe t. Clifford Edward Parlett vs. Eliza- AblJah Collin; Harlan township Dr. Kll.mer s Swamp-Root, IIDd the a 1beth Parlett. On motion of defen- Thorton ThompHon, John A. Hites: dress, BlDghamton. N. Y., on ~very bottle. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. The flow of sap in th/? osugar trees dant plaintiff is ordel'ed into conrt to man. all~ "~:Jr:~ Branch Office, Harveysburg. Q. Contracts- Contract was entered account aceu",cr ani al",pl~•• hll.8 been go d during thtl last. week, Kive reMon why he has not paid aliThe Secret of Long Life. MaCaW. Mllaa.lall (Tb.OuNnof F... . , ... into with C. J . Moore for stone pro... tha n .n.v other L. ak.' )t _rIl1n. On. and owners of CAmps al'~ bURY mak- mOllY ordered by court. A FI'ench scientist lias disoovered Wtor,lub,Cribe .., I .ub,crlpllon ( ,. nu mb.,.) CO~ I.GO .,1111' • .1 'L.IHI Marie Pruhasco. vs. Fr d J. P1":>bas- tection to bridge on Oglesbee pike nno SBoret. of lung life . His method "numb.,. G oe.Dte. BYery . uboulbot ,oea. M~a11 Puing molassel"l, IU1I II'r••• • Subocribo 1C\d.y. co. DiVOrce granted on gro.unds of near residence of John Jobe in Mas- llf'tlJ ~ Wllh the blood . But long ago La.,A ••III. 'VaDllld. Hand.ome premlam.or llbe.ral ca.b comml u lon. Pallem Cataloaue( 01 600 d.. gross neglect and children ure or- sie township at the estimate $4.50 l ~li1llOn !il of America.utI bl\d proved .larne) .ad Premiu m Ca"aloeue (ahowlnl' .co pfemia ...) ix more weeks of wintel' say (he fiJI , tric J:iit.lArR prolOngs life and ..a' ' - .' Ad4J;... THE McCALL CO.. II_ Yorio. Contract w~ entered into with Frank del'eli to the county home. ' Undertaker and E~balmer. it. worth livin g. It purifie" wiseacres. They al~ said that w{' Walling for clearing and painting f'IIlllkeR uriohes ttOU ~Itlili?\e s the blood , would have an eady spring last year Probate Court. Will be foond in ·the -old canal bridge at lower end of Frank- rebuilds wusted nerve oells. Impart WAYNESVILLE ..CHURCHES. Well- we didn't! Bank Bollding, opposite lin at the estimate $20. life !lnd toue to tbe entire system In the matter of the estate of the Nationa.l Bank. ItB B godsend to welik, lIiok and de. Bills-Stakalta Pen Co., mdse, for Orthodox- Friends Church. 'lJelephone In hoose and of. Mary Clements imbecile. Inventory bilitu.t c.I people. "Kidney trooLle MUST BUY HOME PAPER Re\,. ,BenjamIn lJ awk llls. Pas tor surveyor. 112; John C. Simpkins, confioe where I oa.lIed httd blh!hted my Ii fe for mont hs " filed. RabbaLh ' ulloo l. Il :ao 1\ . III. ReJ(u.lar ~lI u rch tract. n02.35; Lebanon Gas Co: . gas write W M. t:ihermull, of Oasbing , ~e rl· l ce . 10 ;au n. Ill . day or night. ' hrisil n E ndea \'or A IIl)ora r m .. rH 01 .VOUDg ~h I J. W. Ward. guardian of Mary • for jail. $1. 75; W. · B. Anderson & M" .• " but. Eleotrio Bitters "".ned m 7 ::10 p. Ul. Valley.Pbone 14-2: Ilt H"llv 6 rVI~0I . " ' 11 . hllve t()rmeCl Clements, imbecile VB. Elizab~th , J Illy fiOo tit Fred Co., Wilson's code for . prosecuting nt.irely " Main Street, ~Waynesvme, Obio. ft, Jellgo8 . ,.. ,' I" lIIillA I f1fint1ll1enl Shoemaker et al. COurt ordered Hicksite Friends Church. oh WlutZ· . I attorney. '6; Frank P. Forgy. mainFirst Day M ee lln J(. 111: 00 a. m. l' lrs t Day am(lDg YOUOI{ tn.-fl, IlI,cllllJlong fitht'J property appraised. chool. 11 ;0(1 il . m. Foanb D ay Meeting q.ining horses and vehicles, $25. tbingtl, hllv" r tl olv~c1 t bl"rrV no 10 :00 a. m. Es~ate of Joseph G. Keys. deceased. THE REV. IRL R. lUCkS State of Ohio vs. Albert S. Pence: maa wbo drink, :-mokeH or h .. w.. Sale bill filed. . costs ~9.56; Inquest over dead body Almanac and M.....ln. C'lrlstian Church. &~d who 'do8/1 IWt t'll k" the I.l'nne P '- ' ]n matte!' of Zephaniah McCreary of Daniel Brandenburg, $10.85. undny uh~1. U:ao U . m . oolnl m eet per: Drioklol( i CII" hl ~ rAd tb... deceased. " Application to admit will In g. 10 ::10 II Dl .. and h rlH l la ll Endeayltr 75c and $1.00 at Should be III 7 :0Up. m ' oblef e.vil. Q"l " kin~ !\nd obewint/ to probate set for hearing January everl home In Soldier Balks Death PJo t. 0001., oext-" whi le th., ,onng womAn 25 at 10 a. in. ibe land. His It. seomed to .1. A . 8tone, a 01 vII l\\ethodist Episcopal Church. aillert thllt when" UlllD <1088 not In matter of will of Zephaniah weather pred lewar veterlln, of Kemp; Tex .. that a He ,' . W . '1'. Oll llland . Pas t or t,,~e the hom A p,llper 1\ 18 flvidfmo· McCreary. deceased. Will admitted tior.aoao behad SunaBY C)I O I, 0 :ao a. 111 . Mor ning srr plot existed betw"Cln Il deApera.te of a w~nt of tuteUIICi.lnl1e and t,bltt h. to probate. , Ylce. lO :ilO B. m. Epwonll Lea gue . 7 :00 p . onllln hi' OWD long trooble Rnd tbe gr~ve to OItOSA C ' . h h m. Evenin g serVice, ': :ao p. m . Midweek poblioa tl on s. overmg t e pan w en fish is fry- Pn wlll')tQV8 til' I "t.logy t.o .,ro·vidA .f o ~tate of'ZepbaniahMcCreary. de- his delltti. "Soont.riloted a stubtiorn yer tdee Un g. 7 : 30 p. III. oold." he'wr, i leY, "that. developed a ing is apt to make the fish soft. A No other . a lamily, ~ool\te hll4 ohUMeo Kod c~ased. Sarah M.cCreary appointed oougb t·hat stook to me, in spit" of solid, firm meat. that is at the same St. Mary's Episcopal Church. print them in anl form, With 01" enOOO"8ge to!4t.UOtiOOIS of lll.roin" it executrix. Sylvester Tilton. Louis bll remedies, tflt yeats. Mv time fiaky, is what the good cook liKes . _Rev .•T. F . 'udwalllider. Rec tor. . wlthoutTCredit,. HIs 1909 Alm&Dao ucheoommonlty . H. Thomp~on and W. C. Turton ap- ran down, to lSO.pooo(U'"':':"-.:J.:nen...L..oei•.~ Sunaay Scbool. 0 :\10 u. III Morning ser . eels former editions.tll beauty aDd -----.~~ - pointed appraisers. glln tn use Or. King's New Oisoovery vIce, 10 :80 a . m , Evenlllg . 'evlce. 7 p. ro. value, a nd selll for 35ceots, poatpalcL Revolts At Cold Steel. Mt\N KILLED Estate of Thomas Gibbs White. whioh relltored my health complete Holy Communlol\ ~h e Or SUllday of each , . mODth . His monthly magazine, WOaD AND r' i . ' David E, Dunham appointed adminis- Iy. I now weigh" l78 pooDds For 'lie "Ycur only hopl'," said three doo · _ 1/1 WORKS, contains hill weath. fdreLast Thuhlday afternoon by an ac' vere O"ld~, oLstin8te Uooghs, Hem· tors to Mrs. ' M. E. Fisher, Detroit. cidentGeo~e Guissinger,contl'actor, tra~or giving bo~d of $2500 with orrh!lgtlfl, Aeth til II, lind to prevent Mioh, . ufferlng from severe reotal St. Augustine's Catholic Church. CBsts for each montb" together with. Father George Mavenboc (cr. Pa tor. vast amount of tbe bestflUOll1"adina ' welllrnown throughout the count , E,penn~tu.s Dunl!am ,and J. M. Hay· Pnenmoniait 'R uorlvot.led. 500. and trouble, lies i~ an _operutlon, .. j'then Muss eve ry !iccond SI, lldI1Y of t b e ulOatla at and costs $1. a year, ooe almlUl&owith f1.00 L'rial bottle free. Goaran. I used Ur. Kill~'s N~'.V 'Life PiIl-," g :00 Ol. m. lost his life 'on the' new bank buildin8" ner s~reb~ and.John Ja~eson~ P. '11 she write~, . ·'till wholly cu~ed I t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ each subscription. Everye ....qqake ill tebailon. : Dunham and Chnt Col'Wln, app~ls- teed by ~red d . ~ ch WlutZ. aDd serious storm for 20 . lear- haa rbey prevent Appendioltis, oure Guissinger was on tOp ~f the 'build- era. · Oonstipll.tlon, Headache. 250 ' ~t: Feeci i-t. lHA WAY ; been predicted by Prof. Hlcks. Yo.. TUBERCULOSIS HOSPITAL ing ~lone. ins;ecting -some details of The folldWi~g accounts of e$tateS o Sohwartz's. 1 cannot 61ford to be without th~ pubthe work. Be ' began to mount a were approved. allowed and con\ : a.) :les ville's Lellcling .Dentist I licatlODS. Addreas ..11 order. SID roof ladd~r, f,uUng to no~ it was firmed: Elizabeth Hopkins, deIn an effort to stamp out thegreat =~~~~~~~~~~~= Office 10 Keys Bldg. Malo at The Miami Gazette ' WayneS\'IUe 0 J."" I , , ' • • . not ta8tened at the apex of the steep ce&lled, ftr,st and final account.. W. "White 'Plague," and in compliacne alantingroO'f. . . H: W!tham, deceased,. Ulid ·account. with a new l~w enacted by the gen. Man'and ladder slipped oyer the C~arhe Thompson. first and fi~al. eral ~mbly. Ii tuberculosis hospital You will find the edge. The ladder ~truck some elee- Milton R. Pauly, first and ftnall\c- is tobe .established in Warren county. . trio wires and 'dangled in mid air count~ W. H. ~ne. deceased. first where all 8ufferers froin the dread . ~iusainae,r's progress, was t\ot im~- a'ld ~nal acco~nt . . Harrje~. Donnell, disease may be treate:i at the cost of b~gin _lUufheiHll ~the,cementsidewalk d~eased., fi~st and final account. thecountL ~ _ _ _.. '--+a~.Aa..&l.l~nUJ 60 fee,t belo~, " lan(\iJlg 6n ' back Wllh,ehnm~ ~m?~r, deceased, ~rst The co.unt,Y commissioners. in lookwith ,cruel force. . He was 'carried a.ccount. catnerme Constable, ·Im· ~g for a suita'ble location fpr such a Q'eadquarters for All Kinds of into anear~y dru~tore, given m~i : becil~,. sec~~d.~Qunt. DanielWeid- h~pi~l, where attracted ., by the old cal attention and la r removed to ner, Imbecile. fi~t an.d final account. Stephens fann adjoining the infirhis home on Columbus avehue The EmUy Monfort, deceased; first and ~ary farm on the· sou't h·. The altiunfortunate man' rePined conscious- final ~ount. 'John Marshall, sixth tude is high. where t~e air ls pure; DellI, but died 'S, hours ·later. ' ac~ount.. "yY. H. D,ilatul!h. de:ceased , i~ is situated not far f~om Lebanon , • ... • thIrd account. ona traction line. a.nd the entire farm . LOOK.,HERE FARMeRS! 'Fstate . of Kinsey ThompsOn. 'with th~pr~'nt bUitding c~>uld be . ' " , " i . f, . ,'. Fourth a¢count filed. obtained at a lower- fi$u'r:e tllan could FfU'Mers wanting to .groW sweet In the 'matter ot Timothy Bailey, !new builc;Ung be erect~. ·. ' The Famous Dairy Food. c:o~ pl~. ,~ll at'the Waynesville alleaed. insane • ., AdJ~daed insape It i~ not 4esirable to build a struoCo's. office to .make cbntract and entitled to admission ' to State on the infirmary farm, as all of fqr the comi~ year. . . Asylum at Dayton. . th~t gr~und ~ needed for ~he purU '.' • -. - . ~te of Thomas S. Wilkerson, pose for which it riow ·answers, and Corn, Seed Oats, Coal Notice of,APPQjntment. deceased. 'fhird account filed. the Rudy place seems 'all in aU the and ~eme·nt. Oysters with the true O)lsier flavor• . I • • . ' Mary E. Marlatt, d~. In- ~ost des~rable. An option may tie the kind you' ve smacked your lips ~a:'3~~· ~a'!k=rld~~/.f,d arid ventoryand appraisementfiled; secured on this property and work over at the shore . guaWled u admlnllltJ'at.or ! of ,he e8t.ate of . Es . deeeased.: "commenc . ed. b'~.lOl'e • . ,~~elUl. , late of ~a~n u'nt')'. (1)10; , tate.9 f T.' R.. L. ~al~,. _Iong. \ l>atec1:t.hlI ,4th dayorJ\ebruary . . A.. D. IIli:O: F~k Hall.appomted admmistra~r If'you warit Good Bread. use , .", . ' . , P. D .;OL~OE'fJ:. Adm.!', ., .with bO~d . o~ $5000 giving , D., W. ~)'IW Ind 8taAJ8y~tty• .a H'.l · 'd' ~r C!n ah ' E H' i' ... .' ._ .. :~~~ - , ., lD",m~~ IUl . . • num~ Il8 . ORANoE ' MEETlNfl · ~utetieB ~d ,:Alva Hill, ' Fred Wood . ' , " . and John Wilson, appraisers. :, . The ~~anp "met. io th".r ,hAll l"lIt, ' Edward J. ,~Retallick,: adininiBt~~ Tbey are sbippecl in a steel container. air-tight. aealed, packed wjth ice ,TO' O~r Mill Run Feed for HO&~ &tnmay.ev8ninll, lU relolllorlle8l'lton. tor Qf William Retallick,.deceased VB. around the cOll~il\t! r. No 'ce or water (ouches the oysters. Y.ou get~ ~te ~a• . a kdo 1:~urubQ. 'a,;,d!lIn. John W, Retallick ' et al, 4dminiS'l1Ieats-perfect and unbroken. "Sealshipt" Oysters go further and tute so different! ,~~QllllY ~~ meif ~ll;lli. : ' -' trator's rePort of sal~. approved ana Come aDd see them. .. ~ .'~ con~rmed and , distributio~ of j)r~ We also have , a lot . of I-Inch ".f 1,oq', wop,ld ,bllovf' •• Ille yet; ~r ' ceeds onJered. ; " . Ask ·for "SEALS'HIPT SENSE " - 8 Book I :tYMBER c:J1eap. Get our "in ;O~a.h ~~ed, .in t~e Jl!}m~, , Edward L ~taIliek adminiStr&About Oysters ~ before', b~ylng , try or.8booll~"':" t ' .I.,..",t I)h~ · ·It.. '. •. . . ' ,. . .1 \ ,_ it"oroQglil, "11DI ' ~~ Imy · (It.h~r tor of M,a ry.T. Ref.lIick·vs, ~ol)~ ,w.. , 'e!sewh~~; . AU 'the f~ll~wina' dealers sell ':Seailhipt": -, .,.' CojlRb ·prepa,atto, '. ,1141 ..tllit&«! . wtlf Re~al\l~c~~t ~I" A,~minijtrat,o~:8. re . 14 ti8 .;tntt'iety De~ ' to v?u-:-nnles It '"', por~ bf.le app~Vtld ~d' Confirmed . . 1,1 4t- .your fa,v.orlt~· Uo~lb Remp,-. and dUitrib'~tion ' ot p~ ordetid'. '~ON1n, ~"~o. ~1. Noo~nm. ohlor,oform. ,orIUI,' Est8teof,A_--,tietta n..... . iml)e. IiDlf....iiiiadi . ' • r \ r " OIlJer ' "Qptf,lnl 1__ "redtM'" ,are · ,I;~lce, '.aNd. 1lbe leniler A "ann ..cile.~ -fira~ ~ final ~unt filed • .-.,IQ", ,be.llD8 m1IUD.&atQOQ. .hroti ' Estate ~f , Sarah ' E. Snydar~ d~ at.. to ·Dr. nti~p" C().,,~b' ~ medy ~. \W.'. ~. ~er appOinted ad.., HI . oQra~". · P!.9~r't". , .min~ttator Ii~ boDd of ,100 'Yith. I' oei1llD -'"4 U_';' and r \! u..J. d > • t1 ·....'111. . . . . .~a.. wDlt.lly '~ b1 ~l .LoU"... . ar u,un fill·

TaIlor ,ShoP -.'IIWe have rented the store rO'o m in the Leak building, I and will ' be on the



15th of , 'ebruary to do all kinds of Custom Work, Ladies' and Gents' Cleaning"and all kinds of ~ailoring Work.


"People's Tailoring CO. I"


JltftUU_.~ • •UU• •_






--- ..


------ ..- - -

- --

.. --'---

Hot Water Bottles SCHWAR.TZ'S

..- ----



-----_ ..



H. E. HA



Our ,Serial will

'Fehruary 17th.

Lumber and .Mill Feed

Watch for .it. It is good

Sucrene Feed



Oysters With "Sea Tang






, ,Sealshipt " ~ysters

-.- , ;r,

nJI,.,.. .

1._.".01 ,

Wa,lte' i,-' J .. Kllbcin '.. ~a~esvill~ ~~ ..' , . .. . ' .

ItQ.' DaI'.., ' . In'ver.toJ1· ,

df~ .... ~. ,_




....t. of Ex-Tlgh tw.d 8hould Point.


Moral to All. , Ol1ce th re WAS a man, dear bU. dtcn, wb<! hml the roputaU on or bl\lng Il tightwa d. \J 1:111180 he dl'essed Bbl1\J· 1J(I;r, seJ!lom lllltroulze!l a barber, ate hIs O1eol& at five-' nt luncll counLers wheiJ h was !loWl\·to;vn, "nd onrr'ell a dollor wutch. Yet thls, Ugbtwlld was g nerous with his family. At Christm as Ume he al· ways ga,'e bls wire and children numerOUB and xp(lnslvo present s with apPliren tly as wuch enjoym nt as If he were large·he orted RUt! ben volent. One Chrlstm ns seaaou, ufter he hnl' mado his purchas es fOI' the various member s ot his family, I\ot forgetti ng SOIDe deservi ng tdende besides, a slr'a nge lbought slruck him. ' "In aU these years," he ... ald, " I ha . . . e not give n myself nny Oh~lstmQs pres· ents. 1 think It'. my turh. 1 will buy 1\ tew, just tor John Joseph, Indivldu · ally." So he went to • tailor shop o.nd or· dered a Ilnc twIt or clothes. Then he bousht a gold '''ateh and c1ISlu and Pl' sen ted Ulem to hlmsolf. , Ho ate bls ru als, wheu dolvn·tow n, at first-cla ss restaura nts. went to a burber shop for a sbave every doy, jOined a club. and bogo n to look arol1nd for II. private Ii~C' retary. Then som et hing ballP neel. .. What do you wink it was, deal' cbll· dren? His family made apn,lh:ntlon to tbe !OnrlS rOt: a conserv ator,oll the grou nd thlH h was no long I' capnble of man· agIng: blt; uwn ot'JalI'S.

1!r. AbItbl , waa a man who bad


IIr. Luther Burban k, the plant WI • . Ird of U~lltornl .. bas oristeated a woaderf ul now plant wblch grows &p1~ Where, In any soil or cllmate , and bean great quafltitl os of la.clous beq1el aU tbe season. Plants '8.M ,;Tewn (rom Beed,\ and It takes .only three mObth. 10 get them In beorlng , IUld they may \Ie grown and fruited summe r iii tb~ gardeu, or In 110te dprlllg the wln~ ter. It III unquest ionably the greato~ FruIt No,'elty ever known, and Mr. Burban k has made Mr. Jobn Lewf. Childs, of Floral Park, N , Y.,. the In· trortucer. He says that Mr. Obllds I. ont' of the largest, best·kno wn, fatrest and most reliable Beadsm an Ia AmerIca. lIfr. Childs Is a4TerU sln, Beed of the Wonder berry allove r tbe world, Ilnd offering great Inducem ent. to Agents for taklllg orders tor ft. This berrY Is so fine and w.iuGole, and so easily grown anywhe re, that every· bOdy should get It at once.

no.... bad IUl1 prel10nll GSperienlle In 1a:r1n1nc, but Weater u Cnnada. had al· lurement&, and be prented . He got II Point. lor low·rate certific ate from a OanadJaa SQld/er a .IId S.I/ora OonlrnDumt a,aeat, ,and then moveu. lind Tholr /loin Mbat <bo says la s.nteresUng; ''Ranfur l1. Alberta , ·May 1().'08. "J. N. Grieve, Esqr.. Spokan e, Wll8h , tngton.......Dear str: Atter a doze n or more 7e&r8 of UIlsuoceeafUl elfort III Chlcngo, 111. Query- J am the widow or n soldier tb~ meroan Ula .buslne ss In Western of th civil war. My clolm tor '11 n· :W.lsblngton, 10 ·Auguat . 1803, decided slon nnder the general law bns been to come to Alberta with a gentlem an l' jec ted on the ground lbal my hus· ,w ho ",ae sWpplo g two cars live stock band 's death was not due to his servo to Edmont on. I ~sslsted this mlUl ie. My claim '. tor widow's penlllon )Pitb the stock o;'er one hundred under tho act of June 27, 1890, has mUes out In the Birch Lake Country , alsQ been rejected because r bov~ Oil East of Edmont on. Indeed, how surIncome or over $250 I' r yenr. Is tb re prised. how favorab ly el'eryth lng com· auy show for DIe 11II,dor th '0 ns lon pared with my dream of what I WlUlt. Jaw pnssed during the last session ot ed lo .ee In a Dew country . . KIND HEARTi::D JANE. congr ss or w1ll tho \. jectlon of those , "Had never had an, experie nce In lulms prevent me from getUng the farming , but J wsa Immedi ately con· b neflts of the sume'!- Mrs. Matilda warted lnto a tanner. And from that K, M . momen t 1 baTe prosper ed. Selectin g • homest ead Iloar Birch Lake, I 1'1:1' Answe r-IOu would have tWo to turned tor wife and three smoll chll· will ow's pE-nston ullder the act of April dren and frelgbte d Ollt (rom Edmont on l!l. 190 . Ilrovlded tbc aOldl I' s rv .!I In MaTOb followln g rOOf we shovele d 90 days In tbe civil war and ree IVl.d • spot clear of 8DOW And pItched our fill honcll'ab le discharg e UlorefrolU and tent (!.nd oommen ced oparatlo ns, at "Gl\'e the bee a ch.ance, and It will domen are obollt 140,000 YOI1 wei'e murrl d to him prior to Jline glaL a .. , that Ume we had no nulghbo rs. Four literally break the boughs of your which tbe WQ."( is secreted 27 . ] 890. Application shou ld be flied ns a wblte years have paBsed, the IO(\lulty Is well trees with the weight of trult," liquid, which hardeus on exposur e to at once. llS pensIon If allowed begins Fronk G. 'Odell ot Lincoln. Neb., bee. llte aIr. lIettled, two mUes from railway ata' 1rlls trolls-I Inve you made the cblck· fmlll tll date or Ol1ng., The tact ot tlon, wIth cb:1J'Ches and o<!chools, tele- IIlltst r, who gnve a scrles or d mon"It Is viII nt trom tbe best &u\horl· Ule r('J etlan or YOl1r form er clulO1l1 on broth, Jnne? phone Bnd good road accomm odation s. .(ration s with GO.OOO bees at the No.· ties that t.h e rorm and Jane-Yes, mum: and ted tbo chIck, will not 11I'event you trom I' C Ivlng mothod 01 w!\x "We are, enjoyin g the prlvileg08 ~ Ioual Apple show In Spokane, made se reUon were Imowln the ben fits or the provision ot the ens with It, o.g s as,! I as early as Granted to IUl1 rural district In tho fore going observu tion in tbe 1691, ond possibly at even act of April 19, 1908. an earlier ;Wash1ngb)n, Thlt Birch Lake Coun· course or au lutorvlow. dlscussl ug b e~ date. Profess or MunYon bas just Inued • Tbe extraor dinary econom y of Brain a Phonog raphic Record, try fa no exoollUon, this great tran& keeping and sci nlillc agricult ure a.nd the most b.enuWul. useful and comple te AIuse ot IYax Is shown by tbA ta.ot Pnduc:nb. Ky. Up to 0 certain age the braIn re. formati on Is repidly golnlr on In evel'1 fruit growing. He said: thnt the hive ot e ight to Query- I sen din tb nit d StuLes monac ; It con tolns not oni'y all the selen· dl8triot In Wester n Canada. "The beo Is the expel·t assistan t or capacity wlli yield but ten gallcnfl' mains plasllc enough 80 that It an In- navy during the about Spanlsh 1.'11'0 ·Amerlc an tlfic Informa llon concern ing the moon'. fury occurs to the thought bmln, tbe "I eat1mat e that overy quarter sec> lhe horticul turist and the farmer. So )>Dunds ot wax when melted. Actord· person can begin over again war and odmllte d that I hod dearnes s phases, In all the laUtude s, bnt hal U· and cre. tfon In ev8l'7 dlrecUo n Is capable of Ind Ispensa ble ore Its CU1IcUons III the ing lus trated articles on how to read producl ng a comfor table Uvfng tor a pOllination of fruits, vegetab les, cereals of to Dr. Donhot r the thlcknf' si ate new kno\vle~go centers to !,he beCore enlistm ent. I contrac ted dis· aoter by phrenol ogy, palmist cJuU.. the sides of a cell In a new comb other hemisph ere, says ry , and QUe of lungs I~ the servIce lind I was Wallace D. famIly 01 teD forever. After paying Md grasses Ulnt Its activitie s may birth month. It also tolls au about be (or tlro hOrae8 and a cow, had just Bald to lie at Lhe foundat ion of ·allsuc· Is only the 1·180th Plll't of o.n Inrb. Wattles In Nautilu s. This has ball' treated tOI" both disabili ties and know card reading, birth stones CheBhire states that be found SOltlO pened In many cases where 81ld thelt '10.00 to 80 on. Did my first plougb- c'3RsftLl ogrlcultul'e. Nature hll8 oryoung peo- that there 18 a reoord ot s'Vlh treat· D,1eanlng, and gives the Interpre tation that measure ment. d I only have 1-400th never part applled of an tor pIe p n· have loet certain ing In m,. life. J was very awkwar d to dalned one suprem e law, that of crea· ,powers or facuI. ot dreamB. Incb. ' ties by cerebral lesions, and bave at. lion because ot the admissi on of the manlourlng, It teacbes beaut, culture, any work, but uture was glad and J was Uon. the perpetu utlon ot the race glvee welght1l and moaa· type. ", otwlths exlstcnc tandlng e ot tbe deafnes fragile nature ter,ward recover ed these s 'prIor to enlist· abundan U,. paid for my etrorts. Our Thi s law, univers ul In Its appllcB tion cof the hQneycomb, It Is Btl1\ sumclen~- develop ing new centers flicultles by me nt I met with an acciden t lately, ureB, and antidote s for polson. In fact, cattle has b:lcrell8ed to about fifty and absolnte ly identica l In Its In the other Iy strong 10 carry the relative ly tm· brain. It rarely hnppen whlcb has caused the los8 of the sight It Is a Magazine Almana c, that not head. -.h1ch was very profttab le on ao- obtains In the plant world as Intorm, 'the llIense lood of sweets stored In It II oC 45, and lbe r.ou s. atter the age ot one eye and 1 am greatly In need only gives ' valuabl e tnforma tlon, bm COQt Of the abunda nce of forage. To animal world. The luscious pulp Is because most will nfford much nmusom ent for el'erJ' of tbe cells. The perfecti on of Insect lubor persons after passing that age 800n of the pension It I am entltled to It. mombe.r of the family, farm wsa compell ed to buy about four fruit Is the envelope, the package especia lly tor , the l.a shown, by the tact that human in· clog their bralna please advise me what to do.llundrOcl dollars' worth of (arm ma- strollg box, devised by nature to with calcareo us mat. parties ond evening entertai llmenta . pro· genulty hns never tt:en nble to wake ter by overeat ing, Jam s O'D .. ebinery on time, and the po.ymen ts fell tect the seeds wlthlu from Injury o.nd Farmcr s IUld people to tho raral dl1to and ortlflcla l honeycom b. The tares con· Uclty ot their brains destroy the pIas. due lut fall, and you may wonde .. how rcoder It suscepU ble of An'we~You should make nppllca· trlcts will by filling them flnd this Almana o almollt germina tion cernlng manufa otured honeyco mb are with tood w'Ilste. It all I,leople past tbe tlon tor penSion under the general law Invaluable. I expecte d to pa7 tor them when wo so that the type may be reprodu . ced In flgment s ot the Imagina tion. Conside r age of 45 wOIIl1I IJve on 12 ounces or. tor ths dillublllty contrnc ted In the liad sucb a bal! year. 'Twas a little aU Its perfectI on. It wUI be sent to anyone absolnt~l1 that any machin ery devised tor mlUlU· less of solid toad per day, we shoull) s13nice nod line ot duty, for whloll free lie(! for Weeter n Canada or for a Mis· "The bee, like other Insects, on applicat ion to tbe MUNYO aourilUl. But III not 36 or 40 busbels Inciden tal pOllination of floWers etrects fllctnrin g fioneycomb would malte all soon find that one may receive new th ere Is n recqrd ot treatme nt. Your amMED Y, CO~IPANY, PHJ'L.U N >m,. to Its parts alIke In sImilar 8eeUons. Exam· Ideas 8S readily oats a 'pre~ good yfetd per Mre ' 10 search for n e tar; nt ,75 as at 15. You admissi on of the existenc e ot n dlsa· PHTA. but Its great value Ine carefull y two or more one-J)ou nd cannot lJlllJiy States! 'Ilhen the prltle of to the fruit grower do It, howeve r, If your bratn ts blllty prIor to enll lmen,t wUl not op· 11es In this, ' that It bQxes ot boney ~t your grocer's , and Q LImited UnderstandlnlJ.. hardene d mllSS of waste motter. U erate ngalnst your clahb fQr . tbo' dlsa· 1rl'81o went out 0( slpt, so wben 1 bad goes to the fiowers specific ally to gath· "It . doe. you w11l not.e the al1ference In t he flo.· you,ove reat you will be -seem , stran!;e ," remarti ll billty aold io.J crop J found I was nble to r pollen, literally by controc ted lu the service Ilud "sot" Ln your the carload , In Ish of cap11logs nnd buUdJng the comb ways; make my paym81lte l11eely, bEll Ides we the balry baskets Dnd a hils-bee n at GO. Keep your Hne ot duty. for which Ulere Is a rec· the party ~ho ieemed to be \hlnkl.Aa Its legs, hasten- [ast to the wooden casing. 'which wlll phonog ha4 Iota of f~ No one haa any busi· ing from. l?loom to onbloom, raph records sott and r-e.ceptlve. ord of Lrentmel)t. Pension will begin aloud. rolling and "What Bellms etra~r' querle4 til. , ItEl8S ralslJlg cattle without g.-owing packing and literally rioting In the at once convinc e yon of the genuine from the date of 'fiUng ailpUcaUon lu ness ot tbe article. Innoceu~ b)l8tand er. • the pell Ion bure,au. srn1JI. or vice versa.. As to the winters , golden dust, pregnan t witb the ml roo "Not only does the bee excel ' as an Fat ' Men Alway. Popular . "That after getong a ~ In bol did 1lO~ ~ Ill)' caWe, eJ:ceptlnr; .the scoplo germs of plant , lUe unUI the artisan, but also as 01 cheml~t. Ita The tat man' has long been emblewater a womlUl can·t UJlde~aft4 wh, cal\'8ll, a to1'k of ha)' unW 10 March. golden pellets. paoked away In Its honey stomach Is the most -- delicate lUllli! oLmirt , The" la.l1l(y wlgbt Is Ranger, Ind . be should bol' over;" e1tplalQed tile Have found -tile wlntors much moro halr baakets nre . Query- My ,hllsbllnd Is a pension r nOI.BY thtnbr. -ahlcag o to be carried Dallt Nelr/L ,leaAD t than wtl did In Western Wash· hive for storage as all. Indispeto the cbemica l laborato ry in the world. Hore used as the' symbOl of frostlne ss. This at the rate or $72 per month. I have nsable distinct the ion nectar Is of not lbe sound flowers unlv rsnl1y, to work a t wllllhins Is tro.ns. Ington. 'l'bJa I. strange aud . bud to porUon of thoby tho day. He - SPOHN'S Dl food of Its young dur· formed from a blgbly dlJuted s",eet, bllt probabl y hos II. Mund basl8. ·Popexplaln , but 'U. true, ne.e.,th eleas, at Lng the winter months would not give me sufficient lUoney to our Ulnl'~[loul.ble cd of CURE ..ttl to come. ular Dl8TlWPR~ alwaY8 suscepU Is ble the Brotherh of speedy OOd of ferment Cor· ation, 10 degreoa iIe10w Eero we have more . I IK EYE, -and the b)e atnOOI 110,.. ,b uy food tor "It require s no expert knowled ge to Into the most perfect food children and ow ng to Pl of all nQe8, nnd preveDt.II ,Id) otb 1"1 fil the :product pulence . Cheerln g 'ls the tubby genUe- h1s Inhuma nIdatrel\lme e()mtort than 1.OU would at 20 degrees compre hend how nt 1 wali! com· IIUl\C Btable from blaring pertecll y tbe bee thus known. This chemica l change, In. mlUl :,llis "round belly with good capon Uo'te, 80 8t:Ui and dry-Wi th bright, perform s tbe -cruce pelled to . leave him about se~en curee chi ellen cholora, Mdthe -ditleua, AI. deg Mrtempor. alltUl)' 4&1& My wite says that the deed, It is nature's of pollination. In: vertlng the sugar, accordi ng to tbe lIned/ ' his globula r being exudlD~ th }.'OY jJoOd <inlggist CIUl ~JlPJy 10.0, or ~ , his whole fnce palpltat hig mqn s ago. Will you p lense teU me to mm; 50 centl .nJld 1.00 olll7 regret lIbe haa III that we did_ ~ot lndfspe nsable . work.chiefNoagent in this Chemist's phrase, Is uu-doubted ly 80' gen.lally 11 . .Alen~ through your pension column how J wanted. Free book. pohn bOtflo seed. no complis hed In the labo.r atory of the wltb , the smile wblch hi lesser men MediAl Co", aom'e here tan }'86rs ago, as we would trult, Is the univers sha I go about getting a part of bta Spec. al ends law, Contagio r.t Here the us Diaeawt 'Upa, Is the his galt perforc e ' a , 'Q06tieD, IDII. bee during Its shott ' flight from the now certaln!)r hltv. been In a poslUon only Insect useful In all Its habits, hav. Oeld to tbe blve. This chemica l rea~. pompou s waddle. ~ certain Frellcb pen'B lon?-M rs. Emma H. H. , to retire fl'oiB bard Answer:.T}le M01It wom· Ing a fixed babltaU on accessIble . to secretar y of thO In· \lack'. ' FaUl( P-. tlon Is so delicate that no laborato ry savant discour ses learned ly on the pre. 8n &eOD become aatisfle d' aa Delgh· ma.n, depende nt upon the pollen ot aside from that of tbe bee can succe.... cise cause of tbls strllt, and avers that terior has decided that where 11 ' hilS' , Maull- I noUoed that J'OU had Jacil bor8 bedD " to come roUnd them. every variety oC flowor band. by his cruelty and abuse drives .Clubbe rl)' to church with It Is due to the drawIng up ot the dla· as an In- tully accomp lish' It. )'QU SImo Have 98 ~ In orop tbls year, dispens bJI wUe from hIe matrimo nIal 'home" ~ay, -, able portion. of tl\e food ot I,t s phrllgm , the . Bhorten lng ' of the "Consid base er the queen bee, the sole beIIlCles twO acres· potatloes, wblch young, It may be presum ed that he -Intende d Bell-Ye s, and ~be ~ bea~n i. and going to the bloom ape- and undispu ted monarc h of ber of ,the thorax, and .. t1\e consequ enl bue a1~_ bruupt ' me a fatr clflcaJly em to etreet a separat ion by' ~Is own 10 unused to going that he wanted tllo to gather that pollen, .t hus plre. Endowe d with powers elongat ion or the w~lst. Thl. Bounds euper price. We ftnd' a read)' market for makIng wrong IUId 11Iegal acts. The one who usher ~o ~bec:" "hll hat profoun possible d, but the -lJer1lapl marvelo ~~.' ~ i tbe us portly fruit human, galt sbe governs ~t.hout exercls lnl ~g produ.ce. To the Poor crops In Is an Inheren t D~tur..l tralt-ak ln, tor lntenUo nally drives the otbe'r away is Man":"Btn'e fa a chance to establis h northwe Washin gton and the ,P aclflc visible authorit y" rule/l wllhout 'coel' the deserte r. You sbould 'P'erefo re Thl. WIII ,I~t.relt , Mot".,.., Instance , to the ' ~S/leilsQr'8 IntreDI(~lty st. T.!lat Is why I say, give cion. ' Her subject s go about L\ tbelr 7oursel t . -To the R!ch Man'7'H ere 18 a the bee a o",y'. 8W.~ . ChIlo chance, and It will literally tasks with - ~at chtlerfu l zeal wblcb In venturi ng Into • bathing 8\1t~ lir make appUaaUon und'er the act ot, drHother III USed by Motller ' ,'t~ , a (or nur.. I,. cbanoe to buy lanil t.o;" '10.00 to '15.00 brenle tho boughs Matcb '3; 1899, (0, ~De-halt ot the pen· Chllarcn '. , Hom trundlin .. " No g '. through Irk, of your cure' the Con.cth 'ees mazes with of can ,tbll only nccompa nY' toU fully racom , lier acre Whlllh wtU produce more CI.'O))S Bloner' s penlllOJi. and file with said ap. .&~!~~llFW~~iJt the v(elght of fruit. ree~"~~;~rl°~ pensed, and olfer to qlen, tom Into fac. waltz'~9111er's Weekly . than a halt dozen acres of your '60.00 pilcaUon ' evidenc e slJowlng that YOll 30.000 ustlmolll"la!1~:s~; of oures. All dnlnf "Dfl.lve into the realm ot applied tlons of contend ing opinion to '75.00 per acre land. And U ' not afe his lesal wltej :\\ womllJ) of good ~t.d~~~ito~,R:~y~~dre , an Ideal.. The Miners on the ' Co,ne·". .. Allen a ," [t'ery milch mistake n; t1;lls year will InsoblUllcs or structur al englneerLng, 80clal etate, where every membe r of moral , cbaract er _alid ·In neceBsltous "Those lllen:~ saJd ,Bh~rloc ~ Hotme~ , :mc1 your senrch is Incomp lele until a the oommlUllty Is a toJler and all~. prove all .878 0p8/1er to those who are Clltcums t~nce8. ' '''are collIers. You ~an tell It by their Wouldn 't Take Him 8.,IOUOIJy. a little 8CP.ptlcal. The trouble wltb leSIIOI\ Is conned frolD the structur e prosper ous; Deaceful anll content . ' attitude ." ' H e-:...BlIt I ns'ad you In order to .. me 18 t1Illt , J bave 'so mucb to any so of tho honeyco mb with Its mal"Velous :'The queen bee III sole motber ot OIty. The meD, hap})y. ravonb le In Alberta 'Us hard to w strength as compar ed wllb the fragile the race. 'All lite from tbe egg,' that and blaok very clean <In white sblrta Query- WIJJ you Inform me hoW'" I overcoa ts, squatte d on Uleh nature of !til fabric. No more marvel. gTeat blo~oglcol axiom, She--J cou,l dn't think of matrrtn s 'a brief. Ril8pe¢ tully, Can obtain ' tiOUl)ly .1an~ warrant ? ~y ous structur e exlsts amoog the In tbe hive. The queenIs esempll fled beels on n sunny .'corner. aeed, ~e~e_o_ n._ _-,---,.__ (BfRed ) ·mother pass. fatber acned all through' tbe civil war , ' _, Inyrlatl murvelo us workl:! of nature. Ing, 'rapldly trom comb ,............~"P. B. -AUSTIN." '.!AIiy other men, ' contln1,led HoJmes to comb, and .later place. served 17 , yea~s Ref, In tfle Weak, regltw~.n-, Watft'J' ~ ' , • This waxen fabriC, derived Drimal'Uy a single 'egg In each seler.ted ONE 'l'HING AT A Tlr.:~. celi, lay "would st":l?d, Th~y would lean .agalnll t lar ,army. ' My mother rec!l~ved_ pen- Relllovec) by ~u"IDe 'Eyo' Re!Jiody; Com .. pounded from liquid honey cqnvert ed Into wax lug the Inconoe lvable 'n , by Elcllerlcn the lamppo st sion or the wooden Indian of 1,11), to the tiine of her death. She forms to Pure ~oo(j ood PhYlllchlftlJ. Conumber of ~;OO~ t,Jie tob'acco nlst. But and DrD.g lAm. Ma.these trien, In the applied In th..'\t marvelo us labOratory of the 'to 4,000 In 24 hOUfS. tor' boun y land bilt she !lever l'Iuu .Doesn't ·Smart; Sooth.. Eye Paia. This labor rep low galler 08, or tunn.e ls, 0# 'ceial mines, \lee . .fnmed by some mysterious In- resents In a single day ~I'¥ Murille In Your EY.ea. At Drq"I{~t& tl\8 Qxpendlture for -lack of space must , work Bea~ed on )leard a.nythlng trom It.-"-l{. T, B. lIt1nct or intellige nce Into the very of physica l subs1an c equal, " .. , An.wer- -:Bount y -land warrant 8 are I to ~wo and their heels-s quattto form of aU others clcslgned tor ccon· one·hal t times the weight g, as we sa~_ And not: A ",omo.n 110 sooner fQrgiveti an, m. of 188ue~ Her body foT' setylce ~ . rendere " d subae. ' " omy of materia ls, space and extremI ty Conseq uently IIhe does luI')', 't han sbe. proceed s to torPrt about not even 't eed tbls 'Pl1}lltlon, which -....ould become , a Ql,lent to -Marcb ~, 1855. ' of s trellgth, passes beyond the meas· hersell, being always accomp hnvlbl ,forgtve n ,II.: ' nnJed by tortur~ to you c: Ine In five minutes, te . , ure ot 'luman skill ,In its perfeotlon. a devoted group of mat~s of honor, t., ' ~h ,m, trom lo~ u~age" comfort able PILD CtlQD Dr • TO 1-& DAya, " "Solll\lw hero between 1744 and 1768 worker bees, whose oIDce I~ Is to .brlug o.n4 cil'stomaI'Y. It Is their, favorite I PAZO O[JIiJTMI!IWI' Ie fItIIU·ailt.eed to ovta an, . . . DO. lIf ' U()htn,. BUpa, 1JI_I!la' or I'~ at aU thn,el'. " "Haye yau notlce-d that' the barone.. e It WIIS Ciscovcred that wax is produce d In profusio n the choices t , predIge sted alUon • to I' tI.,e, or mOD., N .hliIlllId. 100:,- ' PI"''' ,,' , • 'Hence, when between you the see plates all the lower aide food to th('llr ruler. . Not the least men Idling 'on .' never taiktl about other womon?" ...~ , or . , _ of the \TQrlcer bee's abdome n. It was tbe wlJndertul powers , . A IIgbt 'helU't ·llve. lon ..-Sbak of the queen Is their ' heeJs" on the st..r oli,t corners,. "vo,u I'H~"" could sbe? e. , Sbe is all , , ' tne John H'mter, t he celebra ted anatom ist, that ot pre·dete rmlnlng 'peare. - , ' t' time 'talklDg about herself," can always Bet .them ' down. as miners. the BeX of tho It they are bow, h~gged' die C!.se IIgaln., who dIscove red just how the hees se-l0 trsPf1n g which shali result trom.,eg gs them la dQubl,Y' strong." cre te Wlilt. and thereby settled a vexed ' ( - »r0clsely alike u~der tlie micrO. $100 ~eward. $100. question. He cOlomu.ulcnted ·llis dis· Soopf1, but which In turn may evelltu, < ' '. • covcry 1n a papol' read to lIIe Royal ate In a worker, · drone ,or ' queen, a. Getting Ita ' 8tre~gth 'Out. . , Soc1ety 01f London, !t'ebrua ry 23, 1793. their motber may e\ec't." Mrs. Wfcker abaiIt b'ad ' advertl!!ecJ " Wax Is Jlroduced at tbe will of the ' . for, an ,extier:leiiCei1 '~lt. ~ "The first bee n.nd whell called tor by the neces· Keep Milk A.way from Odo ....-Eacl\ pllcapt whq §aD!-e 1~ ~~swer to~~ a~J, ,lty' (" tho I'lve. The wax-producing CO" 's milk '"bould be taken trom the ' verUeem e\lt WP.I 'a II~OUt, rocJ.halJled bees obt'\ln a somewh at higher ,tern· barn separat ely lind not be allowed youn'g ~oman . . 1'rIrs'~ :W.ICkereban. perature . IIlIua11y by close clusteri ng, to remain In the barn until the' wbole poundEld ~6ver!,l'. q~eaUo~lI( tOt t hough thcy sometim es hang In slen- 'herd Is milked. ' It Jii~lcts_ to be BOP.' 'whlch she ,- ll11lwe "d In a ,ta'ttr" , d ' l' fesloons and chalnll. arat.e d on the farm, tt' should be ,actor)", · ~anne~. ·, .: Then .ahe ,~kect "W'a.'\( 1& not cliemlca lly a- fAt or tbrough -Lhe ,separat or I wblle warm, her! ' " , ; ' : ';' I, .. ' ,.! ' .• t; lyoerlde , nnd U\O$e who hnv.e caJled Cream sbC/uh1'- be cO,oled "l:J;o,w ·long 4~r.oU ' I1~u :!ea1 ., " . it ·the fat ot bees' have grossly erred~ possible and warm cream all. soon' a. should ,not . "Well, mf:l~f" 1I,,~d.- the.. ,Young W:orp, Same Eft~ot. yet it Is ttParly allied to tbe filts ' 111 be mixed with cream already "O:rrll," his mother, all they eat a lomlc (lolisUlut iOIl . lind' t-b.e pllyslo- ,Co"er ',canll .with, a light 'c lean clJolbd. an, ' ".ome "tol_. ·.blle," it l~nse,,~ ~t ~loth Bome; sborter l . J,t'. all d()1nl to the brell.ld~st table, "did you IQ,gl al e<>ndltlo " , os fnvorlng tpe rofma· which win admit ., air b.ut ' ,ka.;p '. out wUb fac1t tbJs morning ?" blste ....>·'"' '."i ' lion of olle nl'o curious ly slIl1lhlr \ to dlrt. ~eep the -separat or _cle~ ~Y<, the ""'len, no--:-ml!.JllOla," said he, sll;)wly, "'But' ~6 ,'!6U)~ _,,1d'lot lv M_e ting In hLs mind tor au ,t hose ai ding In the procluctoln :'Q~ the 'use of plent:v of water, .. ~r aJl vetlBOle j'Ob~ '"].'~i 98r~'''I:t~ other. We put our 'pourt!'y up to ' fat , Iilter ' cl~~l,llng! . ,. eXbnSe. :'but;" he added, reus9url,.gly. ", ,'. .' , ' - ~pu~ht .'that ' tJFo ." b~ ~ ... ' 'I ud~" a IJtUe ,betOI. I came,' down. In conJ1llemen.t. with part IIgbt.; '10 '11&" . enou's~ W: :bile .'&Dy 'tit.: ~ou , ore boelUy i(lactlvl ty w~' It~ ' P w~r~' Th• • Pbor ,Fence~The ,bOg' ~eldom a)1 :,Ui8' !'tn'f !criit 9~ It .&1tt! "~Danneator. , Inl~~tJ .~ ' :\n<l ted· hlgbly, Our ,bees,. under ,ba- 1)renks th~~g~ a gQQ4:le lice. _.1t. 1. th~' +YdUt 8- (loiJi(llUllon, .r'· · ''''-''''''-''''} DeUoI0l18 cake!! &tid 'pastrie s are PI;): tllr '11 teac~lng, put themselveB 1.up ·tAJ -m>ot' f-ence"l hat leacbes ~m '-~';:i:~:~~~~::::: Jl "e ' poe4~ br 'u,~ ,uile ~ Boudel1l: Oream of rJeld wa:~ UUder: ~~~llfons 'lIO 'i, aPPlll_t'';IlL: .p~ral, l . e l ill~le'~fo r ~I~ tp' k;t jo ut ,t . TV.t.r' ; ~D' . Pow~er a~ Soullers ~ that. ~he eul{abtt \ty of . trie fa,ttenln peIQilDD! ' uD!~~~~i~:t;bl":«a~ g rr,.· " -._ ' . , ' , .• ' '<PQ~ I"": • ...,1'~; -f, ·1t " 1l 1Oet_l'7 " "..oI1liC~~ta. ~1I10odS!nc:erle& oop Is vln.dlcated. . .. 4 ." Lo ••• W.';O~:-Th .. lIOw Jo.~~.e f~hC -tOoele, a ella clO1rQ J'p, t1aat~~f , " . . ' ''C1Ieslro In - his Inv'8UB~Uons 8ays ,wll11 8 slle III ~pfeln:s the t. " '. ~ . pip., bUt .be 1 fultrtlC}~b' act. AnD 'Qa l ... 40 I tlQr\a1a .. ha,t on thtl-<inner IIlde or the '- elg~t l~t- w.ol'g~t ~ ' I nt!' the~' ID~' lit ' "IP,II ',.... n ... I 1>11.1('11 lining ,the lower .rde or tlie abo \,Ve'ght 10 tbe "~~.- ..cae.u. , . ,












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·,.......J-.... .....--~........i.... 1 ... ft(c)e "lOIIi de4 Inter tII_D ee baG IDteDdeI1. for her malO bi

.HIUM ,."..M piilleR lmON


'1faltlq heard ber a.,eak aDd IDltaDtlJ TIle lDcreue cl use of ''Torla'' fer Clame 10. bow11l1 10.. aDd. ..king 1181' l'beumaUBD) 18 Q&UIIIDS CODBloerablQ, what she deal red. discussloD among the medical h-atel'" "1 did Aot caU," Queen Either flald, nlty. It la an almost Intalllb J, cure Women 11&" .0 muah to go through "Ith graciou s, 1tindly smile, "but ·now when mIxed w1th certain other 1.\gre. lD Ure 1Juat it', a pit)- there i. 80 much that \hou art' he~, tell me.! were these dlentll and tak.~n proper17. Tho tol. IlUUerins frOm J»aoktbe apartm entl of Queen Vashti ? And lOwing formula II efrecUve: " ache ond other com· , BY. THE "HIGHWAY AND BYW'Al"' are thele "the same beautifu l furnisb· halt pint of good whiskey add one moD curable ' iddney , ' ~"HER In$'3' which ,she enjoyed ounee-o r Torla Compound and one IU., It )'ou suffer 80, profit b.y tWa wom· :- ~=~:;:'! rn~~:r.:r.~-d~~t "The. apartm ents are tha lame, your ounce of Syrup Sarsapa rilla Oompound. hlghnes8, but the fur))lsb lngs. ara the Take In tablespo onful doses before aD'a exampl e: Mrs. .-atast and dnest'\ Yblch coulll be each meal and befof4~ retiring ." ,)lartln Do1J$10S8, 62 " tound by search throu,gh all the vast Torls compound f8 a product of the Cedar · ·St., K1ng1ltori, laborato ries '01 tbe Globe Pbarma :·ealm." N. Y., says: ' ''I had a ''',otnrl"•• 1 Faot.. ot ttle800k .~Tha pur"ICI g Ah eeutlcal Co., Chicago, but It as well a8 e II ornnd" of the bOok Is to relate an oplsQdo ID aid lame, achlD8' back, , n asu J'WI D~V' S hlltory Qt those bra lItel! who did not Que~n Esther, · , 'diu:; .8peUs, head· ~n .oft, appreci ative the other log ' ~dlel1ta .caD be ' ~ad trom an)' good druggis t. aches, auaI a teellng of languor , . Part. row", . from captivitY, and It .hows their tones, decline . . Having ol108on to reroo.ln "Yen, he Is~ save .when In hll cups. "of the time I .could not attend to my mor.] In a heathon land. Mordeeo.l and hIs flllil- He has never Delicate 80lentln c Inltrum ent ..<! to mourn for ,tbe ..ork ~and IneguJa i1ty of the kidney II)' accommodate them selvel to thclr ' The buman heat aenao can not re .. aecretlo wi was allDoyblg, Doan's ·Kiel- ailoJ'\te4 nationality till theu- IIvea are Im- beautifu l Vashti, She was, oh, SO Ilze & difference of tempera ture be'ed. me klnllwoman, Esther. being good." Promotes Digestion,CheerfulDer Pf11i brought ~e prompt reUef." pert oonaralned to cODlJ!elo tor a position In "And I s.haU try to be goocl' too," yond one-firth of a degree; but the ness and Rest.Conlains neilher 8Qld by all dealers . • (jOe a _boz. ro. tb.t\ , harem· ot a he(ltheD mODarch. Morde- spoke. up Queen Esther, In earnest thermom eter, an Instrum ent 200,000 Opium.M ter--KUbuni Co., 'Buiralo, N. Y. orphine nor Mineral cal chal'gell her to oonconl her n"tlonal lty . Umes as sensitiv e as the IIkln, notes and religion tor temporal aggrandlzemeDt. tone, "and you will help NOT NAR C OTIC . me, won't a dlfl:erence of a millionth ot a degree. Although God'. provlden co never torsakes you?" sbe added, with HI8 FATE. a winsom e ap. A hI. people. and In answer to their prayorll peal In her voice. galvano meter flexes Its finger at a deliverance 18 wrour;ht name remains The maid was complet ely won by curl'knt generat ed by limply deform· .eeret among them, Tho. his contrast through Ing It drop nt mercury 10 .. to pre,,1 out between tho 1000 ot Mordocal and- the sweet candor or the Danlol undor .Imllar c1rcume lance., (lnd gave ready assent, and new q~e en and tl out of a .pherlca ) shape Into that of tho Inferlorlt}' or the form r 10 hll can· woIch followed' she gil.V~in the days ~ eglf, . ampie evi. ~lIm1l0rdrle9 lilzra nnd Nehemlab. are dence ot a Iincere loyalty,' And it was very marked. The Inoldents ot the book Strong drug cnthartics eimply ngllTavate are supposed to have their historica l po- well for Queen Esther that she had a the condition- the truo romedy {or oonRti· altlon betweon tho sixth an.d tho seventh real (rlend In the mIdst of all that In· pRtion aDd liver trouble ia found in GarChlllltlll'8 Ezrn. Ilnd Ahnsuora8 18 confield Ten, tho mild Herb laxative. 1 ' Wh lectured toot have been Artax orxce; though tr Igue an d potting w c marked t h .. lomo aeo In him n Btroncor reaemblnnr:e life ot the great palace of Shushan . The hand can never execute lUIythln to tho etremlnalo Xorxes. antl place the The days came went. Esther, In blgher thlm the heart can aspire. l eVtll'lt.. which thla book reoorda In lbe obedien ce to the and comma nd or Morde· EmersoD. laler years ot hl8 rc llr1l. cal, bad kept the secret ot her naUon. Itr. 1'Iwia-1 was thinkin g how mucl! _._ a ••• _. _ •• _ •• ____ ••••• __ allty, and of ber connect ion with biro. 1 resemb le your carpet- always at ONI. V ONE "JlROMO QUINDi It·· nat I. 1.AXA'I' rvPJ BHOMO OtflNlNO . X-lr f91 : 8ERMO NETTE . : It .had been a long time lIince sbe ball Iho Jour feet, JOU know. ,ll'Ilalure or )1:. " . OHOVBl. VOl!<! til. Worl4 ..•• r I<l Cure " Cold In Ono Del,. lI6c. "And tho king loved E.ther - bad word trom her cousin. and MI88 81)'--1'ea, very ' mucb Uke m) _ a voice C&l'pet. I'Ill coing to sbake It lOOn. : .bove .11 the wOman , •. and : wblsper ed wlthIo that now, ae queen Water tram the River StyX .hould • made her queen Inltead of Valh. • and remove d 80 ta~ trom him, It. would be fine for prepart ol mucilage. : tl."-Kl ng Ah •• ueru. prelent l a : be welJ tor her to obutera IKIN £RUPT ION CURED. • .trlklng paradox . He pub .way : ot. connect iou 'WIth him. to all traces How easy to I t Cu",. WhIle You WAlk W.. 80 eGre, IrritatIn g a"d PainfUl : hll queen bee I h womanl y _ cut loose absolut ely trom blm. To reo ~:~:!~t.':'t":c{~r~:rl'·~~~r.~'!.na. bot, neal7 • modellty and a~':ue e:'oUld not : celve no commu nication from him and That LIttle Suffere r Could Not Sleep •• permit her to , yield to -8cratc hed Conatan tly. the d.. ' ._ to send no word to ·hiin. \Vben that A eane I. an old man'•• tren"'h an4 : grading dem.nd e of "er drunken _ voice whJsper ed such , suggest ion to a loun, mania weakne lL ' •• • lord, and he cholea a que.e~. be- : Queen Esthe~ she Ic/U'ce listened to It C~t1oura'. Etftcac'l Cle.rtf Proven, : cau.e thele very · qualltle e pro- _ at all at 61'Bt, but as the days paslled 8EED POTAT OU,faa MICHIIiE ~CIJT8 two IIor. plaDIe~ plaDIa Uiem. •• ~ about two 8I1d • half yelU'll _ \ltd. the exqul., t. lettIng for her : Ihe . found tIle ~olce repeatin g the sug· il. bo1 caD Cllt a bIIllbel oyer,. a... WOUIe&. !Co "fUel old 1111 daug)&ter broke out on her blps : beaut Ie. 0; ·,ac. and form. . • geltion, and sbe In turn arguing with If oot Mtllfacl<l l7 mooe1 retorned. Po1e~ Bead order or,WTI te for prtJ01I1aI'I. .&&auu lIIUIte4 • The true.t be.uty .11 th.t - herlelf al to the feaslbllJly 'or obeying anc1· the upPer parts ot ber Jogs with a In enrr..,.,untz. . W. O. 0'00..114. eolll' ANY, .l4ae. O. 'f'erT Irritatin g jUid painful erupUon ''It • which pertain I to heart and life : It was a struggl e between. the loyal 1m· rather th.n to the me .... phyal. . ' pulses ot the hevt toward, beCID JD October : the first I noUced ,' the friend c.l. : 01 the old and IIfe and the ..... a U~e red surface and a cODJItnnt • haughty pride of the heart wblcb 'fiode ~ on ber part to Icratch hel' Umbl. ~7s~l~~~ELECT:R8TYPES Se.uty which la only • . ID·. -... t_ deep ml" pIe••• fOr' the ekln 9&018\)' tOI'..._Ie Ib_ aoulCl noteJee p and the erupUo nt ••••tN ~ lip mo- _ blrtb In the new Ure of ._ aaClU uwl~~, , eulled sta· I _ tlon. It II cot lOre, and yellow wat!!r c:ame out a Itruggl e III tbat . ment, but It hlie nothing upon : which comeasuch to one 1l1ways who, bav. . or them. , I bad two doctors treat her, which rell frl.nd.h lp , and ...., • tng attained great and exalted staHon · 1nJt lIhe grew worse uoder their treat- . love can .....t. : In ute, find, the ment. Tllen I bought the Cutlcur a ns arising III - There II • auggen lon In .the _ to just where tbeQuelUo tormer tl-Iends are Remedi es ".nd . only uled them two fI."-t 'Ve,... of !he lecond chaptar. : going to fit Into the Dew llfe. weeke when abe wall entlrel) ' weJI. But true that King Atla.ue ru. witl tilled _ w,omanhood &aserted ItsEllf ThIa .... In Februar y. She hili never finally in · Jaaa uotb,er rough place on her iakln, • ·.• Ith poignan t rellret 9 v.r hla : th~ caso ot Estber ,.. 'It will . I,D ' aDJ hut'l and III-advlled 'ban- _ heart which rlogs true aDd genuine , Mel Ibe 18 now ' foutteen yeara old. lin. lL R. Whitak er, Wlnche ater, '. lahlng hi. noble '-qu.en V.lhtl : and, camng· ber maid to her, sbe QUes: from the pal.• ~e. Howeve r much _ Uoned bet' al to whoD) A. N. K.-E (1909-5 ) 2267. 'I'eDD., Sept. 22, 1908." Ihe couid tru.t : m.n In hla bulr. momen t. I.". - In taldng me8Sag e. outside . . . Dnar • Qbaa. Qorp., Bole ~ ...... the ' palace A lI.yo,lna'''.' I. ".ed Ihe .ame .. lemOD of • wlllln~ to drag woman down 'to : walls, tor nld ehe: "I have Yanilla. B, dillolvina ,rallulile d IUlar in a very dear -: Jaw moral lev.'!It thl. fac.t reo _ friend, ODe to whom' ter and addlna M.plcine , a dolioloUI .,rllPwa· . A ,",,,, MI~nde ...tandtng . I owe everyth lnc, II mlde and. syrup belle< Ihan maple. W.plelo. tAttle BeI_ BoUey of Loa 'Angelea. • ",alna that manhooCl a"e,ywh eNi .. to wbom I dealre to secretly lend word is .old by.rocen. Send 20 at.amll r~r IImlll. ruul recipe book. Creeonl 1111. Co., a.atU.. , IPd .'fe~ c1ead1 fovel her crandrna, .• ha. t,.u. ,admlr.t lon for woman· : aDd find out how he d~s." ~t-= wbo baa been Uvlns with her and her ' : !Y vl,rtu e8i and ,It I~ thla on.: "Hatacl l, one of the klns's chamberDUe,ta . ' lWoentJr Cl'andma ..eut to,' : atrong Inftuenc e 0tpu....rnlncled • lalne, f. such' a man," confide ntly re8eatU. fOI' it _v.fIlt. and caUlbt .cold _ nOI/I ...... rt.d wom.n whIch : . plJed ~e maid. "But I tear Bigthan a "eepa,. hUMan life t~ndlng up- • and Tereab. Thel ha.... not : OD the . ny. When abe arrived there, : cea.s ed to , ,ah. W~~. back to Helen;. parents th.a t _ w~MI\, . • grieve tor the Que-n Vashti, &nd ~wou.ld ee had i'Uabei l Seattle, but bad had : ' W. want to not••nother thing : db thee and the kine burt had they the - a ' baH' 1Pt- with the crtll. Helen • 1" rellarel to the ~~.r.ctar of· : eblUlce." ~ . -"'aDted to h~ what crandm a had to : Elth.r. Her , fj)rtun. did not _ "Who are -the.. meD' Are they the 1&7, aDd the letter wal read to • prow her Mllfortuno~ Her ex." - ones who have been so aolJc1toua in 800a .afterwa rd Ihe , IIlLW one ot ber : htioll In po.ltlon In IIf. dId not : keeping gUard over the Wing to tbe ae1lbbO.... .u 'uclalm ed: "Ob. Mrs. • deba.e or &tIft. Ut. finer qu.lI- - palace In wblch are my apartm entlfi, ,8loltb. Wft. had Jetter from graud· : tl" of the Inne .. , heart and life.: "The eame, your h1gboe. s.i , · ma. Sbe '_ to Seattle alJ rllht. but • In 'other word., her· pl'Olpe rlty. "And wby thtnk you that Hataoh .,aU. had a · ten:1b1e flgtlt with her " .. .: did not .poll her. .Her heart ' : can. be truated ,'f Questioned the queen. • beat true and h.r, could : · Ute.". 'Becaus e he fa ot a ",ce ' : not' be tumed by the ;I.Mor .nd _ from BIgtblUla ' and Tereab, dUferen t a race • ple•• ure~ of t.h. pal.ce IIf.. : called th~ Jews, many ot wbom sun : True womanhoo'" la alWlya • remaJn In Oila Jand notwith standlll l : prllof, ag.lnet t~e alllll'em ."ta of : UIat yean ago penulss lon w~ given • the INGrId'. rlche. ,nd pleaaures.. _ W , ~em l~ ietlll'D to thelr ,own land." : It, la Jult h.... that Man'l • WOnt- : Queen -EIther atarted vialbJy, but • an fall~ and .how. how IIttre - 'lll~"'rlD. ~erseJt, : depth of chanet ... ,ah. PM- : . • Urp~sed AIleS deUeh;ted tor ahe was to Jearn that • ....ed. - RAtach 'WU ot ber OWO DAUon, she : . One other point We ~Ieh to : nld, calDlly: .; . • Make' concern lng-,the qualltl .. of • .,' "It .Ia enouib . Bend Hataeb ,:th~tber, : thl. ~rul, g ....t, thl.. , bea"tlfu l, : bu~ Jet Dot Bllthao e or T'*l'eab bo.. • WClmanly ~man, .n~ th~ la .h., : Wh~t , th?1;l ~tJL" . ' . ./ . : falthful n ... ' to .. her f ..l.nd arid. 80 It, ·ClaJD. ,to pus that Queen • protecto r, MordecaI, for " . I. : mather fouod ~other fl:Iend ID the pel': aald: "E~her dId the comman d. • .an of Hatach , a ellDuCh . aDd ODe of • me.nt o~ Mordee .l, like '.a wh." : the kina's cbaJJtberlaJn~ : .he w,•• brougl1t up ,with hi",.", . 'u~.r~m. ~e It ~1UI,w~q over the l'C)yaJ proved ~ thllt)• How", ."y young women to-dity : .aeal"D fet bet~eell ·E1ther aD~ 'Mo-rd~ : have IUO" appreci ation and ..... eat. H.1t was who, at the luneati on . • epect for' the advIce of ' pa ... nte : ~t ElJther, wmed Mordec al' ot Blr, ~ FROM &E£D.. : that 'tt\el' continue' to ' obey .v_~n ' • . ,thana. and 'rl!reab, aod he It was who : .fter they have left. th. , hom. : ' later btyucb t ~ord ~ . Queen. Eltlier • nen to make home. of their _ trom KO,r decal ot.the plot ·· H ' , . of theae two • Own? ': men, and wlilch ~08 cOolmu olcated to tbe ' ilng, who ' .peedlly bad them ~I!~--~ banged to .a tree. . Luthe r ,Burba nk;. Great eet on. A LusclO ua Bel'!Y Ripen "". In THE $TORV, . It was atthle .. Ume '~ that - the kID. 'three Month s from 8eed. : Seed 20 Per Pkt." J P~ta~ fot t$O Cta..,. P08tp ald . . was pleased .dvao~ Haman In the I'rIlIt blne-blac~ lib ~n enorm'olia ricla blnl',;m,. tn l00b thou, Esther, I do declare , U a-airs' of tho·toking and I AM TKI·'Q~~.·TRODUOE" AND .GENU ' •• IIID ' dom aod ma"e b1m -~.. 'lJ1I8urp..e.e4 lor '.aUDIr raw; cooked, callned or prelHOrTe '" '. my queen' ! '. i In· allY f(lJ'I'I'I '. Tile !fl'ea\el~ !fudeD frull ..... Int1'O<lnoed and4 "AD NOWH ERE .~8E. 'chief over ,all tbe priDees ot thea realm equau" H . . Iuable e t I a signal t I hi "ot, 4t7, OOUI 01' "n .,Ihnatea. E••if.t plaO\ ,In h l "'" ~ OW IW , e S ~ SJl • ..,.0, 8tampa) I wmHod I pitt Wo~...belT7 Uae ~ol'ld to row .•1I"~io.",,oY'WIl ·r ump t0 a thing Uo and w~cb "trouble d MurdeCal,' the . of 7teldln. lf1'ut mallie •• ee, jI, ~ICh frulc all .1lmm~r. aild lal\....,.~n\\ aU wln'er In l/oU,- (AI cte;} .~ndlD)' G'IUC,&?1 CA1~GUIl WIlle" \ell' all a woman' s helU't, a,n~ bo" the .wor~8 , keC\per of the klns'. I&t~, a,po& about Ie 1ii1 &bd my BIG ~H PRIZlt:S '0 a.enta. for witb 'hii ~OUT8 . W.ufTJm . plaDt U la' both ol'lIament.a1 aDd nwul). llhe lfHate.t thrilled through the beart ot the beau booa to tbe l ..MYe ~RIlAT CATAL OGUE ...0' Flow... t •• ' " -UI . ... rden " eYer and 'f... tabl. Ienown. . JllYef'7bO adv~cemeD namaD bad assume d the dJ CAD and wlll,row ", Be'ecI,' Bul".: ' . Lu'lI~ "I"~ Bnr.baDIc. of .Oallfornla•. ~e ' ,world lalllou. lI)'tld4Uel', apPlY" , ,~() PN . . a~d ·Rar. and " - jrrulta FR •• to t~rul.young wom.,n as s~e knelt before Idngly prerOla all Uvea an" , aoo demari" Illuatrati ed on. that and .,olored cn1rlnate p'lat... 4 till. • ..... liIwho new'frul$ ..n and'Iurn K1.n.g Ahaaueru8 and graclo. asly ,bowed the' .. Dople ev~ryw' h"~ ed It oYer to ,m. 1'0 Introduc e. u. In ..... _ • ..,.tllare and ha•• half a mIllion -~om he cu.tom met .... all MYI ~r ot "'. 1&: "Till. ab. I!~y ..... Dew benJ )11"' J.& of '" .,. lotel'e •• ,!ountry. 'aa4 , , '•• ·ae " . bean tile ID..' deU.,loD!I her .heod 40 recel ve .~he. royal diadem sbould bow ,h i alioratJo .S!m~" 1 •• tll'.ctlo" "aua..n"'d to • .,.':!.on.. Do net i Wlaol.e_ e pd' bealUIJUl rail to 1"' •.n~.1IY anal Nowattl.e D and ,worilhlp Ilens.lI l a&aGa& ~ awl ~w..,. 00_ ,1 11m off.,ln. th .. ' .... ofw...... lnl. '.roID "'iI." · tIIl WONDERaaRRY, f~ the ......t •• t .• ".r ""_n" ot purple a1bbo-ri, . strlped with .wht~e, "a ·.t hing whlcb a Jew Could n'~t' • ~j fO~ ,.' Add,. .. JO,H N LEW IS CHIL DS. IFlora l ·Park which the· jeweled b~~ of the king worstilp was·,du e II-lone , N. Y. to GOd. "i P•••-Thle offer will not 'appe.r •••1n. , Wftle~fo~ WOD4er1 procseeded to 'blnd about her for~~e8,!1, !errJ 1H4, ap4,.cat"'o.n. al ooee; Do ao...ct- 01' ''''7. ..." Tbls arouaed lb.-bitt er', enmll)' ~._" . ,~. lira' to ....,....' 1\.'1. ~our \0_ aild . lil&Ice birr IIlcnaey MIlln. botIi beri1_ awl &eM: l.,ralHd MO quane and ~hlch ,,'as (he In.IPla ot ber, h-om .... p~ ~~ and souhat bO" .h., inlsllt ." ,' '. , ~.ted, st~lon ID lite. _ _ _a deltroy MOrW3ca!;' Now MordeCai ~ew The ilplend1d eeremon lea 01er , at 'Of the bat..e4 t wlil~b HamaD W for . , . ' • . , . J~Iit, tb~ ~atltUul qu,en ~Ured to ~et ..hlm ~d explate d that atDioa~ an" time ., " . ' .: tho s;,ft ,dlvans a slgli .of deUgb~d ~t: but M .tola ' non~! o.t th~Be thmcl:- . tei! . ......111, ,.tactio n escllp,ed from bel' .'PII. ~Ilt QU3en mather, for 1l.e was loth 'to cage. bea'u~ul placie It .» ow I.Ultul'!· l1er aJUJei-,. 'OD :be,lilU. 80 .~~~~!.,~': ,As '!,he tm:be~ t9 take In tbo tul,' stood .ntU :oqe' h,ta d81 word, ';bN~urht . tlvt.rtDJeni. Ita rlcb II I' to Eathel' that.'Mordecal 'stood ,wn.hcnit· e~~ltilll.~e ~r;vl~s ·Ivor)-, . ~ .s the klns'~ I ~nte ·c.otbed . J~. 118ckclotli '" ...... .."I>nllil a~c1, Illyftf.' aDd tJ ~ anel ..he •. ' ~lu,l11 wu Quee __ , JCt~ •• ~~'\lIII~,' r,~ DI-eclouil .to/l,Os al the, ' 'troubl ed; ~d . Ih',. f~t .. pther :taI~,.j it ,h&<lk In · my to Mordecai; saylor: " . ' . v.irl-<ll)lol~(1' 11181~.WII. , . baJld . e!IPp~ "'Wee~ llQ,t! Whale. . thi r ~'''''IIUII!'i of "Of . ro)'~ .lU' help ~e," coyerJQS or ,~, "",,-. ~JlIdU; " A be ine" ..





.. ·

Bears the ·






For Over



~CAST.......O-.R-........ I.....A







'T' . E·", W .' .

. -.--..... ..... ..-..




1$.V 2S, "





of ..


1" V T 'N



-~~~~~ w... ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~!~~!~~~~~I~"~~;~~~;~~I~~~~i~:~r~:~~~;lf~~!~:!~~~!!~~!f~~~~~~~~~~ '~ ",aa:



deteCl~" ChaIt..... th.

to ~"e_+

BJileJd., ' . • \ ,. .. . ber, Your iIiI!Itfe~r.1I1l8.llit . 10ft.; hlCber l81IL'""'tb,,..-!lbj'd,;'\l.' Clqt·



"".flJl ~

Slere IllrlililY1t.idlltr'




.~ ,,~

Publi' .'alt'

"'llIu willlt " I't' th


wit h IU('llt illl1 , tim niltl proil ·l·t~l, of th al . I ha\ie to ·\'ry ... · 'II ttt an pll 'l in ~oul' hM,

P\:tlvalJ trnLU r 'II)' nllt th ulie f t; I l'ul 1\1 r handi ,:lI 'h < the l\).ttowil'lg' t rticll, • ~ll1d ,indmlf~g many ol1\ r lid UI1tl 1111' ill th ,ann j c nt. lin ! , in artier to makE' '(Jom fu' !:e. E'l'al \1('" lin . 1 . 'mll 111'I lnt plltting in.

WednesdaYt f br uur IOlb. 1I"l\lrtllil o t h of DI.IS 1\ b r (>1\ It! , ftlrm im p l Tl1 t-n t . ' , M8ry ' I "," gar. A. A. 11 A.nN. , M


11th. ~

'l'h r ' m ile

h Ol' es, mell ts


n t l.l

Dt rville, fll r lll i lll pl e

b n~.,



L e wll' lim·tull.


n ','

Tiltiougb tbe It will be Time Well Spent.

::! ans String 'Bean " . _,15c :~ pk rs Mother '. Oats, ." ~c :~ p kg' ol'n Flak s, ... . 250 · lIgn • . 25 Ibs. , . . : ....' , $ 1. 2~ 100 Ibs 01' a bb l, p I' lb . . !'i

;1 I\),; Fancy 1'1'1I11 , . .,. 2fl ' ;\ lu::; ) e.. \. Roll cI ats, . We -1 Ills. hxtra Pop Corn, . 10c

Tuesday, February 16th.


:1 ~ tnr P GR, . , .20(' :.. l'ans W aYl)(! i luI' 'o1'l1.2f :~ ans Fan 'y Tomatot'. , .. 25 . 3 cans Pit! Pea he : . .. .. 2G :. 'an 'rabl P a h 8, .. ,26 1 CIlTl,S P umpkin" ...... ,15c

(ic '

F1'(;1\ (;illg 'I' Snap$'. III . >(' #!:~h tWt)Ul1 l1t Cal c ' / , .10e ~ Fr :;11 1'Ilisill 'u Id el'! .lh 10(' PI' ':;1! Fig ll!\J'B, lu . 10' Fall!', ' ,Jap I it: " II, .. ;1\' :1 11>:4 FalH'Y Peach >:0;. ., ~.;

'ut. from, .. IOc t'l 7c I', , . d(: quare ., .... . ., 7l' eg >labl lit tel's . , ... 7c llr n I Platters, eu t from :~ f) to 2ac ~an peller: .. , Wednesday, February 17th, 131' ad Platlel's, 'ut ft'Unl ;,(llo :~;l' Kniv s and F orks. wOJ'lh , J, Fourmils stlouthwe t of B Ilbrouk l3Iack Bastin).!' Thr{)ufl , ~Jl(l.()I.. 1e horses 011 UJe b ogs, f'lrm imple hoe ail '. hox ... :Ie 8U·1t u.s Beauty Pin , Veil l 11 l;\vy Meat Furk:-; m ents. Wm. Gntlllie , 7c Pin . . Bro ches, t., worlh A. A . MoNeil. Au t , W oot! Spuonl'; .. , , ... , . . :\c lOe an d Hie ...... .... 5c :It Embroider d Collar.' .. . . "... 7c S l<u b Bl'ush t' " .. , Thursday, February 18th. Pie Pan , all sizes . . Rolling Pins ., 7' , Three milelil northwe t of 'BellHalf (lIes, a pair ... , . . . . c Enamel Lid~ , brOOk, bOfse.8, caHlt" fllrm lU1ple- 1 Enam I Oi).l pers, q ts , , ....... ' 6c Cake Pam;, round .... , . ments, household goods. Milk St.rainer:> "' " ., ., . . 7c Hail' Barret t : . . , .,. . . . '" '.. 7c A. A . MoNeil , Auot. M.r . H I llok Dessert. Dishes, a 'h . . . . . . . . . 7c PI TURt:: , 'UT [0') ( 1 G clu:1Gc Ben ), et. Cll t to . . ... . , .. , .. 75 Lad i s' B lts ... , , .. .. , , " , Friday, February 19th.

:1 (' Hn~ HIliii'

Four uiiles tloiltb of Dilyton on 8prlngbororolld, bor eR, oattle, fo·rro implementll h 0 ehold goods . . W .Orluner A..A. Mc.NE:i1, Allot .

A llltl.v In town !'Ilit.! W wll nl rl IiI! t o try tholla O .V8!p rR hlll. tllf'Ylir . ohi ,h . w,ju t to la t. 1I1l t r y th em we wl1\ tlIu l;:!} ti" ]1rio til i. WP,tlk ar, eE'l) til par l1 ullr t:

1l'lye mile southeast of Day ton , h ors II, attIe , farm Implem ents . Henry Nit.i ok. A A . MoNeil, A oct..

u r tain Rods ... " ... " . ... . .

d~s e~~;J ' '~;)~I~" ~f' ·.J~~~ ..I·;~~7~



LO KS, UT FROM $2.50 TO $1.50. A BIG BARGAIN Ribbon, . ... .... , . . 12 yus. fo r 12c

Tuesday, February ~3rd.

1 q t . Tin Eu kets .. , ... . ... .. . 6c 2 qt. Tin' Buckets . . , .. , . . . ... 7c 3 qt . Tin Buckets , . .. ... ... .. 7c 4 qt. T10 Bu 'kets .... .. .. .. .. . C-

. :WedDesday, F~bruary24th.


A, 'A ; McNei!. Au'ot. ' Friday" F~bruary 26th.

Glass Cream P itcher . . . . . . . . . • 5c Gla ' Sugar Bowl. ... .. ..... 5c


L YES, ,P !R ....


Monday,. M~h ·lst. VO'ILlt,,'L'-, 1

vii Ie, hONes, cattle, hog8t ' farm imple~ent8, bay and oorn. , '

me'rm ' '. UI. 0' '8 '

Oa vttl j3i1dBt.


Saturday, March 6th. , In LytJe, stock and household goO<ls. , 1:1am Willinmson. A. A. Mo~eil, Auot . ~uesday,

Yellow Muir Peaches 'Bright and Sweet. The higg t

bar~n ,ever 'offered in.' Wal'- ~ re~ COunty. , Cala Evap· Muirs ,


70c a 'Doien

Poun.d Pail ·Baking Powder ... 16c


LI s ' 10 .B"g I S"pecll~. ~nil1,a .~





..& ....



~ F

~_c _;)0


2~c } ..,c 25c

2~ o

, 25e

25 c 2ik

Fancy Salmon Sfeak . 20e a. Ca.n ' .



g·oo,d s.

Give'·us your orders; We have the goods and ~ , our prices are ' all right; ,




,., . ,~






Hot Water,Bottlei' 75c and ',1.00' at '! . SOB.AR.~,~~_·,: f'




, ••

ky higH. '

, .

.' 'tla.s" C~ment.

$1.60 per ba.rrd.

The undersigned will Hell on t.he Jom II Elliott fllrlll ;~ mil e .,tlltt.h uf Selkf<r :8 corne r Oll t.he OilY 1.,UI, 1\ ufl

. noynesvt!• I6 pIkA, 011 Wednesday, February 17, 1909 , at lOo'olook toe followl/l~ : 8 borl! II, 1 .yeu old drllft mllre- In fotll , 1 ~ H · y Ilr·old genera,) pUrp0!:lH mitre in

i ~


fOlll, 1 15.y sr-old gf'lltlrll l l)urp I~e mrue, a cIrnft mOrel' fl..ud 3 v IIrling oolts; Gb ,ad of cuttle iHlrtlllot of flLrmi ng im phHlltlnt8. Ijlo W/:4 hnJ'rUWM




u. \lI\I . ·W. 8 . H UTR tHtc. A, A . McNeil, Auo~ J 'E Him .. , Olerk.

ti _

...Jl rh o nnclflr!4ll{UAIi will II 11,,1. puhli ... nU9"\C)U on '. IH~ IhWO.· ::;prlllgb 1'0 ~ , Plku ut 'if IJI. bit! ' ''"liull ,!1to IU fl. UI •







""'''''~~'''''~''''', ~

on Thu,r day, February J8,1909 ~ l II 1111 01 hl g'lI IJr Ii OllHJtI 011' IIi tiug OOW14,


(lr II 1\ D u ' "nUll, II ADteU,," 1 Au ~n h~ih1r. )t·/ItIlf·bl 11(\ CIiJv e~,

~ l1A lit ' r !,l

~, hors I.! '/ lbcl


hu\t h11)O,1 AIJ-

bei/,(Jt ~;; ~ 1",'lIb ei ~Q It'

m 'utH .


Jot, l,t I'll r," iUk HiJ~l a.



)ORJIlIOI.!l.. .t r.JOY .


I have the second and 'third car coming of .; 10. anil 6 In: Hard. Bur.nt ,Tile. Anyone desirmg Tile had better con· suit with me before buying elsewhere a my . prices Will

· '?C all right.




of :yook alill.



wri(oil, "Fa t.b er Hartl!,'y IAwell an t b 11 f (i u W b

(' m


e w e ~8. IS .e . llh,ce. and . an

'll lovely llli iesa.l'Oll.Drl


, '.

Chas.. B. ,.. 'Waynesville, Ohi.o.

~ear <lIIl:Vi ~ tln~ ' PREACH.tfl~ :· M.

lerk ,

' 1 be und r81~{)ea .... 111 1I0ll at. plll)lIc ",u~tltlD '3 Ullif'1! I\lIllrh of' ()p.nlttrVlllu on t,be 'O Y'UD lln-d ~Latjnn'oll pika, h~

the old

~roS(/ley fllnn O"l



ebruary 11. 1909

VIIS: barnes. , 15 1.11Uh 18 stled OIHi" cO,ro In oi-lb. ~nd Il 10$ ,of' r d4er.

1'UrUl8I\S uHual. LEWIS

~ ve . eE> nlne

A. J\ McNeil, Auot..



~" JD . B.i~el!,.t~I)e,rk:.


pring .'! ' . ',,'~ " "I , .' .,' ' M~, tl. 'v. Atlam-fl, tb leoturer, . The , .nnderSlgnea will' IOU 'at bis' , flO W. ~MI,lDI)lu~tlln • .who n ~~s . prellcherl jn the M. ,E , (Jhr.iro~ ~un- reildeooe one mile south of Ridge .,' -in Tonapnh, Nev ., wri to: .".!llU ... ·c;!llYev n~lIg. ~88elmon.,.,88 Ittul1 Ora~9 : llpd ~ ~MtjR:wa1 " oinoed'fl.D(,'l my sul:>!!orlp ~i on . , 1 most f iD spi,rti~iou lind plt,hy, pOints Ilnrt have the lI Z t.te altl~ough it. btl wus .:thdro~ghly '. ~nj ' tI~ l>y tbci . eq ~~!rt. , Y,e(l.r.s ,!\i~Ce 11eft ~n.Y~·tl8 l.!"rj: oo,?gr' ~f1 ~ !.:prelteu~ ... ,." 'vi) le, Amfl, . \Vell .~ u 11111. ' W II J' • ·e man . . 'tnnley M. SeIfers, of ~olu?1bu ! w,

I\~her-;-Ju t lilte


'u hur~eA, II 1 elto of ( lit It lei ' ..rmlng ' Impl blent , BOO' yat'dll tllh!lcOU O,In '


,Mr , kl~ _


llrfbCt', ~ An tl\l .

te~t HIIl' ~/I , k,

Ri c h 01) gOIHl. ·e ~pll g.

Tbat's a low pri,ce au ,a g'OI)e] broom:nowadays with urooll1


(J. '1 ,,8u Wf',' I



UN 0 - 11 llOOl'e kflV , (Iwner olin hlL va by opplylll~ u.t t.tll!! oftl tl.







InqolrH d , I,hlll olnOl'.



.J l1 !4 t


tti oo illl~

, Sa.turday.

exlenploo tubltl,

ne w.



"""" " ""'~~,~ """"~ ~"""~ """"""""""'~~,~

Will Wbite,'s

Cann(ld Pine Apple New Co4fish, New}1alibut, Pine Apples, . Grape Fruit, IOC a. , Ca.n. , Sweet Florida Oranges, Lemons, . Th e e a re large OllU • Fancy Apples, Dates, Fig " . eli wh re tb fl'lllt grows, Extra Fancy Celery, syrup ,' Ch e11per .t1lllU til Cranberries Fancy White"Eatiog Potatoes, Pine. . Oood cookers; and DO r,o t. Cabbage, Onions. ParsnIps Brooms 20c~

March 9th.

One lDi'le east of Lytle. horeos, . Qa.ttle .farm implements, ponsehold ~oQds ; , . . Lewis Bros. A . .A, J40~8iJ, Anot.

~QU A Rl!:


18c 16c 13c

We give Jj rounullI ti ket~ I'm; ellal'. t,,,,, le olll y

n)?p mHO! tis. Fridny " 'Ii Ding , !lud " II ' . r1 t W{lS 0» 'r-!lte <1 upon n.t 0.. . h I" plttll tn Qt Bottle Tomato CatsllP'" ... 15Ci W 1 'r eccn'c a 11P' ot 0 ' . , Qt,Jar Sweet Pickles.:, ......... 15c ' , ... , \ ' . Pi lnm~n8 MA-tmday ' af ~eFnoon n.t Qt Jar Prepared Muatal'c;l ..... 10c . blo,o~ , red salmon,; r h e~e ar ft,ll 2 :30 p . Ill. He bad 'been to ' '[oo'(n:

Four' miles nortnel!.st of Center. ville, horses, oattle, .hogs. , . . - Wm: MoConnel: , A. A. MoNell. 'Auct.

C.)ne mile north of Gettersburg, horlles\ c.attIe, farm implements . Ern~t ·W eidner. A. A, ~oNei1, A,not..

o ived.

Market ' ,--ette·t .

. Specials

6c a Can

Thur~ay, March 4th.

, " fridaY, March 5tb. ·

- .. -

u ! okerel~, huff. bluo': ulIll / wlll"", 8 . B WII_ . kerM Il, On'gnn'ill , Vulll'Y Phon,e 2- ii . RPrN(i TON

'l'tlrU1!! as

hooD'S Magic Otn_ ~_ en;


ments Household goQ(1s. , .' ~~ry' Earley. ' " A, ~. , MoNeii. Anot. I

- -


tI - - - -,--- -

We 1Iu A IL frp..h . uPIllr of B UIl!lo n!.i, i'n-ng R, HrA]Je l~rait,. A\lpl . , ~uts, ( nhlHI!;'". l)il r n ip Onions, Et 'f"!f'plHii)A onr md 1' . We d Ih.'er j·b ~ (Ill !> . PREMI M8-A lHl W I')t I)f Rllgl'\ ,no d R nc k r tl j n. to 1'E'-


,February .




we will sell ibis

Sealshipt Oysters

'jPILES'get ' Immediate reiIer' from




'rAI, Whit,n (h:).liug't.on ('C' k · e r el!4. !'urly 'hllfolu·,l.priOflIl right., \¥. A . ' udu oe. WI1 YI. tl IlVIlIIl, · I\lu.

Waynesyille, Ohio.

f r,li tbe. , A. A. Mo~eU, . Anot., S Jbs. , , 7~c ~':u~tlty"'L6~c ~~~'(hox '.,·oCra' Cracke rs ' N e w . orgtium ~. gal. Tuelday; March 2nd. , ' Evaporated Apricots ' Ne\v h ima. Bean ', 4 tbs, Five -,miles DQrtlleast o( ,· Qenter- ' , ' / ' • 11 • Bright and fair .)Slze; anothel' Hoatboll i:](L Gaud,! ·4' 11:>5.· viJ!e, bO~8@t cattle, tl!rm implettlen ttj Big Bargain Ro'a s t~d Pe all itt' 3 ] h. ,-Frank Bu ton. ,l , O c a ~\U1\1 By ( the box Large, S ~ee t Otal1 ges 15 A. A. MoNeil, Auot':" ' . , . " ' , Choi' c e IUish~ . ' ; 3 Ib ': SmitWs,Evap Ap~ies! . IQc ~ ,.b· ~ s· ,'~' Wednesday,. March 3rd.' . .'p~anli'tWafe~s '" 3 J~s. Ca~ned Pluw!> c au Four roil~ southwest' of' Centor· . Seedless RaiSins, 4- box~ for 25c vfJ1e, hones. Cattle, ' far:.m io~l4e Fancy 0hlo Sugar Com I

tn' our k ( 'U I'

11'1111111 I, ~ 11 tho h('!<t ('"Ir" , ill towll At th f.'l p rioo. 11"nn,1111111 SIH! flt l' yO UI'!!' Jr.

Chair· Bottoms .. , . . . . . . . . . . .. 7c



fl' .\" n il('

underlil ... . . .. . . .. . .. 7c

I'm "


Five miles southwest of "OenterviUe, horSes, oattJe bogs, farm' tm, plements. . G~o!ge ,Browne. . A. ,A. M.oNeil, Aliot ..



tn have v


burg, horses cattle a.nd ·farm tmple.. m~nt8. " Ben Downing •. -




2 0c Qoffee at 18c Coffe e at 1 5c Coffee at

Cedar Fawcets ....... ... ... . , 5 1 ga,1. Stone Jar .... .. .. ", .•. 7c


,Thur&day,February 25th. '.cwo miles sou.thea-st of M


nn indll

------- - ----'--------

$CRY $O $ tI' A


. ~

1, Ph,OnE', o,lInlon 14.U. .

#. FRRwelgl. ~.ow-' . I,Inquir . ': S. , M~xWU'yn ~svJlle, OhiO .

Former Residents ,

Four mUes 80n,t he&st of Center vUlethors~. ~ttle, farm imple~ent8. A. 'A . MoNeil; Audt. W. Pfna, I .

Three riiUes northeast of

:\ I'!



O"'o-h&lf mila north ot Lebanon, hones; mules, oattle, farm Imple· ments. ·' Geo. ~trtok. A. A, M.oN~i1, Auct ,



La die ' Halld ke rchiefs .. 4 fo r 16c , ' olTee and TCII Cnni leI'S , .. , G m Pans, each . .. , . .. , . . . . . 7c l Itt. g l dual t1 Tin 'lIP~ .", . Oatmeal Dishes, each , , : , ..... Egg B atel's ..... . ..... . . .. , ' Safety Pi ns .. ... .. . ... . 24 fo r Wo d Towel Pings . . . . . . ... . Coffee St.rainers, each ..... . ·. . W od Bowls . . . .. . .. .. . ... .. . h oning Wax, ach . . i • • • • ' •• • ask ts wi th lid ... . . .. . ,_. . , .. Tack Hamm rs . , .. , . .. , . . :. ' . 'foboggal) ap .•.. •' . . ...• .. • Tea &P OilS, ~ do..: , ......... . . BabyHood .... . . .. . , ...... . Gl ass Lemon qucez r. . . . . , . helf Brackets, pair . ......... . Buttons, cant ...... . , . .. . .. . B ys' u pendel' . 7c Croch ~t otton, pool .".,... . 4c Mach ine Oil, bpttle. . . .. . ' . .. 5<1,

Three miles north",est of B 11brook, horse , Ollt,t1 , farm imple. ments: , Perry Hoblit ~. A. Mo~eil, Auot.

tal' ' ol'n, . . ~!ic

BU ,'l:lEL~

11, W PlA.. rl ' 1'0 for Nul". *1.!;0 btl , Arllfr~" or !tliT N. WI1kl''1'" H t Orag ~'1 111, l~. ·n..


Fr ",h ' t il \ Hi. Clllt~.


.50 $


Good .Things, to Eat'. ,

A 'A. M oN il , Auc t,.


1\'11\ 'I' !u. I'1·LI,1 1I1l11t r Ihlk hl,.,1 hll' 1'\""111 V UH' "nh (," !IIr.. " III r!l"ll 11 1IM' lI HI Il 11,11 "lnY, ' I h,II' IIv l' I ln~ ' ,

MI'!; M,ll·.V }~il;nlbal't,\v.ho:went t~ , BeqHlrij luo 'nIl ut'l\> 'Y n:r (I go; h,ls. fl.l\nOnD·celi the , mu.rrllge bf;h ' " Ilil ugbter AuutJ. t 1.\ 1,1




~n: 1 ' llll' I ' H Yll~A R . 4.--_ _



LINCOLN . DA-¥.;;..~



waOfJ.E .NU MB1il~ ;:!99 1





ELnmo~ Bailey ~I\S just retur ned



SOl\I"ety . Column


froUl II. hut!lnes!! trIp in Kentuoky. · . . Jesse Lewis left .1'uesdl1Y morning "We as ked ' life of T hee, nnd 'I'hon V , . : , M.orrl Roge.r s was 10 OaytoD last for' hi!! uew work in the Lyoeum gavest h er a loog Ufe even f rever 4I"Z"f' · field. and ever. " . fittingly Observed in S"hool 'Hall- Program as Ren- ~"turdB.V . l~ BU I' lev Wl\ ~ '1 DII " ton lUI" \\.~ waul lO IUIlk: lhl8 oolum'n of ~h. r..,OImor " ., "< ., n . '('lie 1( . vI' P. '8 wil l g i vi a IJll nquQt At f,be 110111 0 /)C h er l:Iil'lLoT, H.lIl'hel 1:1I l,"lI.. . " "'a.lIn' fClltnre 'his wln tHr, "1Il1 dered. Made a Beautiful Story of a t,w , t:illtU I't1uy. . t ill ". eV~lIIltg, it lJei ll l( t.h oil· II Ilulvtll·· Key~, ut, til ue/,!i n nt ll l:\ of II new liuy .l~ k tlU' frlo'n,l" Lu S811\111I Hnclety ·.. vell l S, Splendid Man. Februn ry tI, ) \H)\I, tu ere fell 011 the ' .J 118 StooJlI:I wen t 10 u,n Wert on ::mr ' . lJn!<ine~ !:I . ', MrR . Dorlt Hll \luher, of 'inoi unal'i , listening ear of 'u r ah A lice Curt. MI'. und .M r8. Clint Cleaver . in - - - - '' - - - - - - I / Hn,t'ry t:ibe r wootl, cif L banon, was wus t 11 guest. of Mrs. Agne!! Wright wrigh t, IL long pra.yed fo r , Im rl t o t heir u~ ua l oha rming manner, en.'uudltY. · . I in town 8 und ll.Y . ber a weloom e summons, " It. is ter tl1 lned llt dinn~r S'u oday, Mr. aud ; Jos . A . Hirsh was a bosin ess vlei. Mlss AnnaUonurd, of New Vie nna , eno ll{l'h i come u p higb er." Her Mrs. Ed . Mo Fl\rlQ.nd, Mr. and Mrs. is (l retlident of the \<'rieutltl' Board. to r ill Dlly ton Morday . 0 Captain! my Captain ! our fearfUl' t ri p is.done, : . Ii tired hear t oenset! to beut and her F red Harlan nnd Mr. and Mrs. Ohlls. Mrf! t:.-\ . p. Kin d le h ll8 beeu vor~' 110g orne. : The ship has weathe red every rock, the p r ize we soug ht is won . ill for t b l! pu st, few days. ' . MI'. oml M r ~ . M OO D . of i n~ ioll ll , spirit retur ned to Gorl who gll,ve it . ShiUake r. Thp. port is nea r, thtl b lis I hear, th people all exul t ing, hi" "ale f wei'!' ~ueRtR of t h e Ke ll ey '1'he lillughter of t:ietu IUld I::i.a rllu WBI' t f" I' A B. "I'des '" .1 ' I. About t wenty of the Midd le a:un : While f ollow eyes the steady k 'el. t ht' ve!-!se I g rim a nd qUl'i ng; : impl eln en• l.H, wugons, eto ., " uuring (~uurt er l y metltlO lC Il r tw rl• g I]t., sue Wlnl b ~rn, )c t . 18, . ".. H u' h 1 th 1 :j , lI ud li vetiller entire li fe in the friends of Wm. Hoblit r emembered Bu t 0 heart! heart! hear t ! Wa lter Ml KllY, of 'froy, SPtltJ t, 1l.' HIS nr lD as sec urO( ? s,e~ . i 0 the bleeding drops of reJ , Sund ay wit h I r leuds ber e. vlcs:! of M .r s . H, J. 8penoor . .of CI1I. townsh ip whero she was bo r n n.od h is 76tb bi rtbday, aud came n ou . . OI1j;O u.s t,rlU1me r fo r t h e spnng sell. r ellrp.d. ODe of I faLnlly of six ohi! ' him and bis estImable wife last SatWh re on th e dec k my capthin li es , : Mr fl. psb el'e W bite vl!.4lted h er I:;on, 80 the lad ies of Wl1ynesvllle d ren.tbree son and th ree da og h ters, urdllY ,' The day waR spent in feast· Fallen cold and dad . : plHen ts neur 0 ", ton la st we6k. l and vioinity wi ll have the lldvlln tage d h : 0 Captain ! Captain ! rise up and hear the bells' ~~ MrA. J... lnll DevHt is ~ lJe ndin g 8 of Ch~cu.go lUI well nE! Cincinnnti she il! survi\'ed by two sisters, Mrs . ing an d goo c eer . sty l I . E. Key nnd Mrs. Nathan Jones; Rise ufoI') ou the fl ag is flun g- fo r you the bugle trills, ~ Ul on th w lt·h r Hla tives In I ndla na polls , 1<1 _ . _ _ _ .. . _ _ .__ Mrs . F red BIU' tsock enter'ained and It brother , Mr, t:i , f.... Curt wr igb t, For you bouqutlts a nd ribboned wreath:;--fol' you the shore Mrs . J osHe Wri ght, of Springboro, F ormer R~sidents 1111 of Woynps vl11e. at dinner on Saturday in bonor of -*, acrowding, '!l': att endcd Q Ol1r terl.v meeti ng Sunda y . Miss S tella L emmon wbo la soon to t he pllstor ntB of the Re,. Du ring ~ For you they call, t he swaying mass, th ir eager faces tUl'ning; Miss Donnn ~:It1 wke spent 8 ILturdl\y Waunesv ill e frie nds of MiB!!! Rena J J oh n Pea r son, IIbe uni ted w1t h t be m ove to Dayton . 8 merry part·y of and SnndllY wit h fri ends in Duyton MLlttbeWIlIu.n . .. Here Captain! dear fath~r! : of Daytou, who fo r. 1 II Id f i d f th b t merly lived here, h Elve r eoei ved Met.b odist E piscopal Churoh of this gir 8 , u 0 r en s 0 e as eS8 Thh:l arm beneath your h ali i Mrs J . B . Cl\s key, of Dayt.on, visited Wa.y neRville fri ends last word of her d ath wb ioh tOO It pla ce pluoe, Itnd aver sho wed for th and guest of hOl;lor. The t·able .w as It is some dream t hlll on III docl unex peotedly lit her home on Holt, ber Savior 's praise, not onl r with beautif ully deporated with pink week You 've fallan 'old 'WJ U Ild, : str et, Oll>yton View, fl,uont 11 week qer lips, b ut in her life, by gi ving up and whtte carnlltions, ferns and Born . t o Mr. fl.n n · Mrs. 'bttR. B. Ilgll She under went It surgion l Ope -I A d Ii tb 00 8e : My Captain does not answer , his 111)14 r "Ill, and still, ~ Hart,soc and by walk. SWI ax . e Olon'.l re.e ur ' . k Tb urs d f1.Y, F e b r nn.r y 11 th.' er uhon smn t t Ime ILgU, a u d w h i ItI herself to ULl I'S "ervioe, ., My father does not feel my a rm . h ' h nl, puis or will, a 8)n. she hlle! not reoov red from the ef. iog befor e fi im, in holiness and dinner W8S served to the f~llowing Thl'shipis anchored safe and so und, its voyuge clo d and done. Frank Bolm e!! of Day tou, speut feo~R of t,bu t .orden t. h er dElllth wa ri ghteousn ess a ll ber fl ays. guellts: Mrs. Will O'Neall, The Min· ~** From 'fearful trip th e victor hip c()mes in with object won ; ; Bonduy with h i~ sister, Mrll . .11l!l ~ entirely unex pllot:ed , Never m a rri ed yet her li fe was es Luella Cornell, Edi'h Cranfl, Hen Stoo S T he Mntthewma n fftllill y former . . . I f rieUa MoKlnsey, Kathryu ~le:tan . -'" Exait 0 shcn-es, and ring 0 bells! p . ,Iy li ved in t hi l:! clt-.y, wh er e MI'. Milt. ·no. t a life of gloom, bu.t one f ul o. But I, with m9urnful tread , A.lber t Befl t (ln, of Sprin ~b oro, wail " ,he\~ m n n WllR sn per in tenuent of kmdl y thonghts, a n d JOYOIlS SI\orl · der. Donna Hawke. Jessie .\ {aftaU, I Walk the deck my captain lie . . in at tendance a t Quaker Q nltrterly Mia mi Cemeter y. Mis:4 Mut tbew- fi oes und g r aoiouB deeus. When in Marthll O'Ne&I1, Stella Lemmon, Fallen cold and dead. - Wal t. Whitman. Bunch.y . mu n wus borr~ iu Xenh and h ~ d heaUII , to nm'se the siok wa s h er de . Edith Mosher and Ruth HalltsOok. , III 1.1 ny f r ien!lK 1n thll t city I::!h u 18 Thebelle of the afternoon was a beau, M,rs .J. H. ColE'man. an.d Mrs. D. sur tfi' Iight, anc1 mun Yl1rethebomes where ****'******.**** **~ ** ****** L . Crune were shpPplng 10 Dayton v'iven bv' her..varen _ pf\.st.l ing t hrough sorrow, tr ouble, young Master Albert Ellis O'N~all As gaunt of f ,rm li S the want be dtet!8, t be " invocation byJthe R ev. l::!aturdu.y . OUR MIXED CHOP siokness Ilnd dell.tb Ahe has minis \vho reoeived atteution and admira. knew; 8S Ilngnhn and roug b It tl thtll' J . F. Cild wallador. A wale qUltrte t Mr , J onat htl.u Custa rd was .tb~ tered Sh e Ii ved i~ the parental tion enough to turn the head of ~a. I bo rn ;' !1ang "'r eD ·1 h UQ ewn oa bl D i n w bi 01 h e WO R ~ ' D ~ on thue Old "vl1mp g ues"• 0 f Mr . un d M rs. J IIoS. Stoop..~ Ma I de frolD. oorn h , hoats ' h Ilnd bru"} d w1th f ad h om e. ontil tbe death of both pllr. ny an 0 ld er penon . .. IIhnple in h~ ,monn er 8S the .vild 6round," and little John Burton lllst weAk. 01 IDea l 18 J 0 Ig est g ra e e l . ' , made t or h orses or cews anel t he ents, Her mother's deoliuing ,Years I " . . ,. . fOlIe that bloo.inlld ~buot his door; told a story of wbllt he might do if MIS!! Raohel Burnett hilS boeu very pr ioe t:ha oheapest. were gladdened by her loyalty and You are invited t9 atleDd. Val. u kin"' Y to hi8 nlltor lUI tbe bird~ he WIlS iOod ill wi t h helirt trouble, but· is some' W uy nesville Mills. I d h f h 1 I i entine party at my home 00 Sator. -rO( bet ter now. ave, an ar at. er a ong t me n . , , tbat Al'Ig to bim; 8 8 generoos &R f..ike Ab · ubllm.I,.inculn " WIlS told .... villid reoeived from her an apidmg dav eve, February 13, from .I8~en. tile lIprioR whioh followed ~'Ult bill In poetry by little Margllre~ Sat.ter O. J . Edwar ds was h ome from M. E. SABBATH SCHOOL '. , . thirty to eleveD.tbtrty n . Cinolnnatl Sond1J.y. Be is servii11l devotlOn and t enderest mlDlstra- ' I . ti' ' f a . ...~ I oolOt.n g into world i a8 brave Ill! tbwltik' in a winning manner. [nez on the petit jury there. r P rogram for Febrnary 21, 1909. tlons unto the last. Suoh were th~ inkv ta on8, .-UbeQ\,l ••ood lIDan "lway,8 ' til ;· a~ ja8~ aS Ke llison '!! hU,t>jeot, •. ~118 Linooln II· SUbjeot :-"8t.ephen t he First Mar. The olos~ng years of bel' own life, by M.ies Louisa. ..,to e9 to a .num r. Odd-auoh WIU\ this man t,he linni King," WIlS admlrabtYl'tlndered, and The Afternoon Oa.rd Club will tiyr" Aots Vi. 1- :8 of her friends. At the ltateclU,me, , meet ·this , Wednesday afternoon , "t 81 . N 16" numberin g a.lmost a soore, were lltrsarV·of. WII088 birth we cplebrttf- W1t8" good theme. Edward , Lewis n gll~g ...... . ,.. ..... ...... ......... o. '* the parlors, whioh went be&u&ifull,. M liu'-ol '· .\'~v.Q~li~t..~' fAnOOln·!a the home of Mrs. John Cole~I.o. 1 ASpon8ive Re&ding ... . .. ... 1?s&lm 19 sbadowed by infirmitY ' auddisease~ deoorated' with.heart&,. betr&n to riDI ' . ~ .;,. ld ;' r ~,. :Vf!{tiug . 'i.~ r Mr~ arid Ih·s.- Reuben B.olJertf', 0 crt.yer " 010 fo g'"'w . wrd''ii "Prayer Dut not onoe <lid she complain, and . Tho Dajt~D New" editorially Youn g America." The band next ·Sollt.h Oharlest on, .were g ue ts of Si nglog ...... ..... " .. .. ".~ .. . ...... No. 245 her OI'lDs ta nt oheerfulness Ilnd Bnb. with laughter and ~u'lo: ' 'th~' flrlt apeak- bie 'm o'iler ~nd h i. baby rendertKI a seleotion ' ~riends here during Qua rter Iy fu eet, Res ponl!i1 ve Reading of Lesson . , d diverston of the evenin.! WaI, Ihoot. 1100d ·daY8·,iu1S : ~ Helen Hllwktus gave "A Good Ex. ing. 8tudy of Le8son .. . ..... .... 30 minutes dmiSSl ve S~~l'it w erde, an are Il ~ende . ing at a large red heart wUh .' &tDY t;ingiog ..... .. .. .. .. ..... ............ N o . 147 iotion to uer love ones an d f.rlen s Tile winas o r winter IIlmg ample," and 'her delivery W8S fin e: J . E . Janney left Tnesduy in co m· Collection _ To those of U 8 who- long knew her, bows and atrow.s ~ , Thl8 caused gNat to·her &hroUflb 'be r I~Kh log8abont, Irma 8ough't~ pleoe "Like Linooln" pany with C. (j Williamson tor 'fex. Re view of LeSllon from the earthly on.reor.;, of Sarah amusement, for it ·wu fooad that - ,hn'oouob: . 'rb£' qoi~ering twig" of ~was delJverea IU an excellent man· i=hd~~~:'e~e will take II. look at . Re port. of Seoretary . Cartwright there alwaY8rema,lll very iew~ere skilled In the 11889f a the .uDcoYereci Cf8811 tremblAdiwlth lDer. ',"A Tribute to Llno;)hi' " by Blngtn g, ... " .. .. ""; ... "" ... ... .. ,,No.132 tif I Itf " i f bow and arrowjthen came 'h'e ·ez. - '"'1 Mrs, SUSIlO I:3hoehlln I1Dd Mary ' Jf you Itre not 8. member of Rowe the ' visloD of" beau u " e ; " I, e . ' h > • 0 j 7· · The murmuring water · tbat. Helen Bawlm, was good Pine, of Centerville, attended Quar. Sabbllth Sohool. we cor.tally invite blessed in ' itself aud full of blesslDg obanging of .valen~lnea, ,pee' flo "-a from the liioestone. formlltlon After tho band played ,. Marohing terlv meeting ....cunllay, au d were the you to beoomt3 a member of ours . to others. ODe of whom it oan be h~ving been reqneeted to brin" • o~e near &he Otlbln lJ"og tu ber of..!m. rotigh(joorgia," Prof 0 H. Carey guests of Mr. Jason Sbe t nn. We need yonr help. If you will truthfnlly said, "She hath done addressed to one ofiJle o'h.,,.&8 mortality, and wb spered a 1!ong of gave a s ucoinot history~f "Linooln's &011. Bllttln, Orlando Battin and oome, maybe we HoanDhelKP you . what she conld. I I May onl' loved whose names were on a ImaiJ 'red ):lope. ,)at of the . Uenoe o, 'the Boyhood DaYtl, I I A oom- wife Bnd Th08. 'l'norpe of 15elma" . . ELLISON. one and frieDd rest in peaoe, and heart eBolosed ""Ith the InTtt..tlon. Dilht \here OIltt.e a 'meeMge of l~;ve. posed of 11' potpoori of Amert'ca 's were ber;" Satnrdav II.nd '3und'lY tn • - ..... iight l!erpetllalshine upon her. Many beautlei'(?) were· reoelftcl. Ber fevered oh8tlks were oooled by greate!Jt nlltionll) Illr~, WtUI rendered attendauoe II.t Qluker qua.rte rly. NOTICE OF PATRIOTIC MEETING . Th~ remainder. oUhe eV'eutug . ~Ile breeze from thcr wlng& ot·aogelS ,b y Ruth ZlmmermaD and Ruth Bart Mrs. Evaline Howell, of Yellow The undersigued having been ap "I long for household voices gone, spent in gamea and 'danoi-ng, . Att4;r Cbat.hover$l o'er the oot. f1 million sook. "'I'he Last 'Leaf," Edna Jan. Springs, tlt~eoded Quarterly muet- pointed ohairmAD of this township For vanished smiles J long. the conteats.a d~llo(OJ18 lubohe,si of stan looked down upon her, and ney delivarell In an aooeptllble man. ing 't;,.turday and Sunda,v and W8S ,by the Lincoln Farm AssooiB tion of But God hath led my dear ones on ice cream and oake Was ienea'. Coo . . hel,d ••Nt oonv,el'lle wUh t·hiI'8utl'tlr- ,n er. "Captollin , My ClLptllin,." 8S tbe goes~ of Mr. and Mrs. C: B. ~merio" 1\ ~ee~ing of IlS many oit- And he can do no'wrong. ' ceaied within &he o"ke'w~ "heart ,.. Clements. Izens uS pOSSIble IS necessary for or-,. log moth~r of a ml8b~y mt\n, 'I'he pripted Itbuve, was given by Ruth W Ed gllnization and work . . . and button. Jamee,MoCluresaoceed. fleecy olonds, glltburlng t!lutr Bill en OinwidOitl. r:uoihl G()roell spoke arren wards left Monday for A publlo is therefore I know not where, his i.slanda lift ed in findia'" 'be h8a~ a. nc) George , May"ville, Ky" wbere he goes to F Their fronded pahiu' 1n air i · ' Jor from the sweep olsky, btlthed tb'e famous u.nd well belQved pieoe work tor the interstate MercanUle called for Tuesday evening, ebro- I I k 1 ' t d 1ft Waterhon811·tbe' but~l'l. The other he~ rQrttl1ead un" ,l her' bad of PdtU of Ltncoln's ·'lmmortartty . .' An ex- Ass uciatton. tie will be ~ooe about 8.~u:~rd, at 7 :30 in the Township on y n~w oanno. r . favors were woii:;;byI J~~i>h.ine O. I___ =--~~~e. ~~ o~ (lomfort. A bijllv.· oeenlnglv hllrd hard a,~d diffioult slz wtlekir,-. . , What we do must be dune quickly . .... glesbee and ~al~r ~h~~e. Those .olotbe~ . in rlAtulent!! of thing tl> IIp A u.k was ' e~Lraotta from Mrs. Enol' Bill, of Oedarville, was lif Waynesville is to have'a par~ jn Ethel E. only daughter 'of James present ~ere: Mi8888, LOoi.. .and ,a plendor bearing !t,urel wreatllsof Llnooln 's t;eound IOtLugurll1 by Lee called bere SaturdHY on aooount. of Ithe m ost p'ltrlotio movement of the Ilnd OlllrB Lewis, W 88 bot;n in Mont. . Ethel St okes, Olara Ba~lle, EleaDbr ~.", paued befo,.e her visiou Ilnd Ell rnhltrt, whioh WIiS well rendered~ tha i~lnetul of h erm otber, Mrs . Am os day. Let e verybody oome. . . C . t Ohf A il2 1882 Eawhart Emma Hawke AJma:Wa,; -" ~m1De, who i t hreatened .with C. .Eo BRATTlilN Chairmll n Ltnooln gomery oua y, . 0, pr ! . , I JdIeed herio,t o P1'llo~fol @If'ep. ' . A. mixed qUl\rtnt gave Ltnooln 's puenmonia. ' .. ' , Fllrm Assooiat.i~n for WI'yne 'l'p. and departed this Hfe Febru"ry 11, terhQull6, Nellie ~1,1kenon, ' Ellen ADd tben t.he eptingtime. Olime, favorUe hymn .. Rev. J . F . CildwlII Elljab Co~Ptoo and famili bave / . • -, • . 1909, aged 26' years, 10 months and SherwQOd, Mary Gr_,.,,,~ Parlett wlaen ' alie' 'oould sit benelltb. t Ile lader WitS naxt,' Oil " J..inooln's Publio moved from Hamiltoo to rrenton . ST. MARY S SOCIAL 9 days. She united with tbe Lytle Luoile Cornell, Ruth Mme~, Elsie blooming br..nob88.or the wit/twood, Life, arid in the it Inrt tIme allotted His dl\llghte r, Miss Mabel, h~ S'1 The Lfl.di ea of I:3t. Mary's church M. E ohuroh, ,January 27, 1901. . Earnhart and .Tot!ephine O~bee. • 10 the Sibling of. tbe birds to him gave an t'xcellent tl\lk. obarge of tL t elephone exoha nge 10 wIll give B Noclul Thursday evening, On April 2; 1901, sbe was married MeS8rs. Lyman S.~ lver8, m,eJ:80n .ad dnn!E the fragrance from tbe The band ijl~yed. auotherseleoti on tho latter plaee. . . February Hlt lJ , in the blmquet room to Walter A. Olark. To them were Ellrnhart. Johu ~tra~n; Emmor Bal' Gowera, ,,"t.e~ to 'b er' Upon tbe bo.. II.fter wbioh. ~. Lev. C~rtwrlght gIl Vt! Mrs . Phi neat! Wa lker, of t;outh of tbe M ~1 81 nic 'l' Dlpltl. Musio a·nd born two ohildren, Elirl M. aged sev- lv, Fr~d Hawke, Lee' Earnhar', Stan. of' alOnthern.bre,l6l1-whtln IIhe a trlbot.e IITefllcing his remulla by C~llrleston, Illld Mr". Gl'een, of game!1 w1th t he !!ooll~l fea.t u re em d L 111 L ed th Be years ley Lamb John Lemmon Carl t: ' . . Rlohmond , Inel,, 'fltt IIdetJ Qua,rterly phlisize.1 will be the order for the en an uo e . ag r . . , If C · 1 eould' "U out uq,der tue eternsl hlue some fH"IS glve~ him. and eodlng by _meetmg ):lere aod were the guestoS of evening . ltefreshment s WIll be servo Ethel had unoomplaioingly suJfer. HIL~ke, Jam88 0 ,lare" a ter . of heaven a nd 'b:iP~iZ~ he, bllbt, In reudtng Lmooln s6etf,ysborgspt!ech IMr. lind Robert Crew. ed , Every body iuvited Came aod ' ed from declining health for some Whltaore "nd (3oorge WaterhoUB". ~ .'.". love of Goo. !'II ". A br!\b •• m After blYll ,lln the IlRW6 subject Oame Mltster Howu.rd Mil.sildln'e if.> milk. let. us enj o.v an eVAning together. time bot: the fatal illness whioh oar . At a late honr all d~paried hav · ~ Linool~ did not O(Hne into tbt! wo rld . Rev W'. T •.Glllllllnd. who olimaxl,d \t,l. g a protrRoted visit ~t the hom~ ~ Tied her away lasted but a f.,w days, ~og spent one more enlo~able even•. · ,Qnher~l~ed ,lIod uu~o~g : t.he tribUltlln .. fitting way , of W. A. Bltrnett !lnd flunily. The HICKSITE QtJARTF.RLY The same patienoe whioh oharac- 109 at this most hospitable home . ." The prograro a's ' printfld in t hl! Th!! ba.nd played . 1 America, I I and !ll~L~y trienOs of.bls mother are r e. , The QUfI rl,erlv me tl~g of f:lloks_ l t.ellzed her life remaiued with her • - • ' .' . w4l8 oarr1~d th TOU~ h. Wit " h Rev . .m " G I I1I18.n d pronounced . . learn t,hot s be is improv. '. . LOU KIRBY DEAD: G _ asette ooy • I IJOlcmg,to to lIte Frteods D1 ~t . here l::5a.tur d 113J an d' Ion her bed of siokDess. She loved :;-Ol1t ·. fl~w and eal'ly tbe bouse Wilt' bell P.diotion, llnd the Ilodience filed g. . , ~llndf\Y , and tbe , her home and her ohildren with an ' . filled' Ib 'I h b ·il' ·it ' )) h Lllst Saturday eveniug Rnd ~un. bud wflBth e r t,bere wa,s a bIg oon J Mr. Lou Kirby, a well . knowD and . '. w t , P,8op Of '' ! 0 I:"~~ t . e pnt we I p 6Issed ~It the progrllm. dllY WIlrreu Keys 'vilnttid Rev. Phil.' gregllt.i ()O p~esent. at eaob service . I iutense.ness seldom displayed by reapeoted farmer, of Ol~a~r~ek tDOlement _eath..r to bear the trib aud feen~g . thllt It was un evanlng Ip Trout and fllDllly of Monroe, a 'n d • _ • I m others . She loved her ohuroh and township, died at his home In RJcJI&. ate 'tb~t paid to L~oooln', s m.e m. n"ver t.o be forgotten. 8aturdily evening ~nj'oyed a VlllenPROFESSIONAL CUE 1 loved to attend more often, but was , orr· . ' ... ... , ' . . 1!oo mooh .praille Olloouot be gino tine 80011t1 given tLt tha ,h~me ·of unable to do 80, ou acconnt; . of her ville Sunday evet;liUI ~t 11 Q 0100-.. \'·neezelotie8 ~e~ . opeDed by the tbe oommUtee ou progrllm lAS \t fit Bert~.a Comptt:~ ~y t~e Wrls Cook- 1 ""ill ~tve away a prof~sioDal health. t;he leaves to m ourn' her He had been hi ill health for long 1Jand ~h~Ob, by ttie way,' hIl8 l t ~d In welt tbroughout and they all Ing Club oftbat.Ylolmty. oo~ to anyone of my ptLtrons hold- loss besides her husband and ohil. time onaooount of a .. ocmcer, and . " . ... ,, ,. . . Mis8 Bardin aDpOUnOetl the earlY l ln~ the luok~ number, on Mar.ob dren, a mother, three brothers. an death cl\me Sunday night to reUeve a:aP.ld,..prog.! eM ! ~his w1nter. ;\fter worked hlLrd to m~ke it Il pleaR!Lnt arrl val of Mrll. R. ,J . I:3penoer, of i 21st. . Come 1n and ~ee it. you can aged grandmother and many relll' his sn1l'erings. He was abouh~"~iI! oatl),e ,. Prealdent·, JaDl)ey tI Ild evening fur all who attended . Chicllgo II. milliul'r and destlloer !draw It~ ' . OTro a~ RNIOK . tives and friends. ld •• • • • , ' , • • . , 0;0 • _ • four yesrs 0 • . .. , , of wide eX'parlenoe, who will be REI. b , ' If . sooi~iec1 with her this sellson and ST. MARY':! CHURCH . A OARD OF 'lBANKS , I'he fnneral ,t.akes place to .,~y, at . _ ~O~~MEET~NG , . Pi 4! He ' who wIIl ,lle in o~ar~e of the store QuinqnBgedlmIl8uoday,'Febrnary Words oaqnot express the kind.' Utica churoh and Int~.rme~t ' .~ Mi. . : ' " I an08 I.or ntl In ~he Nathan Jones buUdiQg. 218t . Morning Praye'r lI.ud sermon at ness shown to ~s by our. friend~ In ami Cemetery. , ' wt~1 be I'!- r~ m~etinl( COli. For leu than/,I.OO per week we Among thoSil from here wbo Rt 10 :30 ; ~unday . ~hool at 9 ;30 11.. m; oar bereavement, ' 'l'he, be&.u ttful ' .' .• -SoLD :1' I ,. I"ttal or 'be 10wD~b!~ ~ ~r~M.elti', wUl rent you a :. beautiful brand ' t.ended Qa&rterly me!lt.i~g at 8prlng Evenin'g worship and o,8er~~Q 7 :00 floral tributes sent ~r tbe Knlghta: : . ' LAND ., '. . , .~4 luperlnfeodenf.8 aDd 14trtltlt .new .uaranteect piano' direct fro~JV~lley H8.turdily, were: M,. Ed. ~e- ' p , m. All , oor.dt:all., invited.. . of rytht~!5; ' Knights o( ~~e ~olden, . .: {' 27- 1:.0 • " bel ftC ••.• / .r:nluD188iODenT~ul'lld .. y, f~btul.ry · ' '. ' .. . \ .• ' .. ; ... M~ Itutl Mra, Jas~ Blihi",,,,, . _ ', :.-... . . . Eogle,IJytl~Hig.hSoh0c:»lll.ud(l~~ers . rli~ .farmo. , l . 'n~a Ona.•Dg. , ~ t. IIth· .$ the &'Ud hoale to. Leba'1l0b .the ~,.etory. DrOp u. • ~Id. ,a~,d 141'11 ~ .8 .. 'Bowt?ll, M~!,. ~usan H\LY- ,', . BIBLE. CLAss . . by .her frlen4s and .alao the o()qrs.esY .to t~e late T :. G •. ~ite. hal ~D., I . . ". " . .' .,' bee "·' ' iweWlUaend10ufllll"'L1ieUla.... ,\, ltli~ Mr8' Al.W~80nlr'Mr": Neh.~mi~.. . . -: .\ -. sh.owl;l ·to ' u" ,bY -,t,h~telephoneez. !IOtd' tobla b~other. V:1.~. Whi... ·•.· .. ,., , ~.. ,ebl1o~.~. prb~I'AIIt ~UI ~ prt! THE STD.lW'sS 'FU.DNITURE CO, . ah Mo~ID~y, the ·.Mi~ Ha~y Da- , The les800' for ' Friday eV!3nlug, e1.ange. . Therefore w:~ !l;IlLnk &lld:is noi"'fon~n' for , ~e . pOm~ ' : . ~. '11:l.! Ia~ tequlra.,. the .~:ve ..... . _.~w-a"" .!II" ," ..1~ ",'s•. Lnra ,iltfoKtnsey: .and Alma- Fetiroary 19th is LeeSOD' 19th., T;he them all. ." ..., . "', . . . . . . J" r , ""' , ' .--: to.~, ,,,~ ·; (. ' 1"14s"Ma..-,SCr Middletowa;Ohlo, . W·.~rhouee.'1 . . . . : NewTestam~t World. ,lD Part!). , · WAt:TIIIROIJ.u~F~J..~.J year., . . ; ~ b" r


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Mr. Sport-Be re Is a liUle something for you~r1nk a glass at beor to illy healt11. ' I ~ p-Llght Blat*or_ ~TCHED

or the presellt oWll8l'-(b. bad rOd balr precisely . . hi. aaughter bad)-that they had come to blows about lt to the discomfiture of Old Daumgartner: and, atterward, they did not sp ak. Yet; when tbe loaf~r~ at the s tore laugbed, Baumgartne r swore thaJ. he would, nev rI:he l ss, have ·that pasture before he died. . But, then, as It fate, too, were aga inst him. the rallroad was ' bullt, and Its station was placed 60 that the Press I ta rm lay directly between It nnd him, 'and at course the "lite" went more and more In the dlr ctlon of the s tntlon- Iert hhn more and more ,"out of Il"-and made him poorer and poor· er, and Pressel rlcber and richer. 'A nd, when tbe store laughed at that. Baumga rl ner swore that be would possess hair ot the farm before he died; and a.s Pressel and his wife died, and Selfy g rew u p, and as he noticed ' t~e tond· ness of the little red-beaded girl tor bls little to,,'·headed boy, he added to his adJu ratioa thnt he would be ' hnr· rowing tha t wbolo tarm before he






Made Handa and Feet Swell, Peel and Get Raw-A r mlJ Affected, Too-Qave Up All ... Ope 0' Cure,


Qulckfy Cured by Cut lcura,


JOHN LUTHER LONG 1U'I.t.... tlo_ by DOD WllsoD

'" suff red !'rOUl' eczoma on my hands, arms a nd t et (or nbout twnl \'e yeara" b ands an d fe t wonld swell, llwost nnd Itch, th on " 'D nld become callous and get l'ery dry, t hen II I oft anti get raw. I tri ed tOast o\' ry kind of sal'!'e a nd oln tOl .nt without 8UecesS. J trt ed s el'oral doctors , but at last gl\\'e u p t hi nking th ere \\'as a cure {or eczerua. A Crl nd of mi ne tnststGd on my trying t h Cu Uc ura RemedIca, but I d id not g h'e the m a trial nnm I got so b3.d tbat I had to (\0 atJmethlng. I secured a set and by the Ume they were used I could deG a ..alit Improvement and my ha nds a nd .feet were hoaled up In no time. I have bad no trouble sInce. Charles T. VoJan Pa., Mar. 1:1., 1.908."



died- without· pay ing a cent for It! Out both ,Seffy and Sally had grown to a marriageable a ge without any· t hing happening . Se b had become '10' ordlnately shy, while tbo coquettlsb Sally bad a ccep ted the attentions of a m Pritz, the cle rk at the s tore, as a n an tagon ist more wortby at her, and In a fa shion wblch sometimes made tbe fathe r of S e lfy s wear and lose h is tem pe r- with Seffy. Though, ot course, In the fin a l di s position at tbe matte r,. he was sure that no girl so nice as Sally would marry Bucb a person as Sam Pritz, with no eSt tremely vi s ible means of support-. salary of U a week, and IIA odious rep· utation for IIqu.or, And It was (or these things, all at wblch were known (for Baumgartner bad not a lIingle secret) that the comp a ny at the store detected the personal e quation In Old Daumgartner's communications. Setty had almost arrIved by this Ume. and Sally was In the store! With Sam! The situation wsa blghly dra.matico But the old man consummately [goored this compl\catlon and dl· rected attention to his son. For blm, tho ' molasses·tapper did not exist. The fact Is he was overjoyed, Belfy, tor once la his life, would be on Ume! He would do the rest. "Now, boys, cbust look at 'em! Dogged If they ain't bose like one an· other! Bow's the proferb? Birds of a Ceather flock wlss one anolherT I

Ill. 0W1l. Ret ltepJlIId to the acljollllag field, alld, .electlng a clod with the stee1y 'pollllib of the plow· sbare upon It, threw It at t~e QlRre. It struck her on the ftank. She gatner· ed tier feet under her In sudden alarm then slowly relaxed, looked slyly ro~ (he old man tonnd blm. aod under· standing, suddenly wheeled and am· hied plf home, leaving Serty prone all the ground as her "art at tbe. toke. The old man brought Selfy a trl· umph to the store-porch. ' "Chust stopped you afore you «at to be a ancbel!" he was saying. "We couldn't bear to sink about you being a anchel- an' wlss the ancbels etand -a harp' upon your forebead, a crown within your hand, I expect-when It'8 corn·planting Ume," Serry grinned 'cheerfully, brushed olf tbe dust and contemplated his tather's watch-held accus ingly agal1ls t him. Old Baums artner ,,'cnt on gaily. "About an Inch and a ha lt apnst

All Who Would .Ef1ioy


te n! Setty, I'm gla d you ain't break· Ing your repu tation tor being fast· nncblctt. ChuSl about a quarter of an Inch too late for the prize wlss fl our on Its hair and arms and It s frock pinned up to show Its new pottlcoat! Ubu! It 1 suctt a nloe petU. coat-" he Imitated the lady In Ques. lion, to tb e tre me ndous dellgbt o[ the ge ntle loafors. S elTy stared a little and rubbed -some dus t out of his eyes. He was pleasant but dull . "Yasslr, Set. It you'd yere at a Inch and a Quarter apast! Now Sam'lI got her. Down In the cellar .1I0klng molasses togeth e r! Doggone It Sam don't glt eferys lng-except his due bills. He don't want to be no anchel t"l1 be dies. He's got tun enough yere -but Se"y-you're like the Ilow of 't molas ses In January-at coultlng." , This obl\nue su.a slon made no 1m. .. nresslon on Setty . It Is doubtful It he .. understood It at all. The loafent began to s mile. One laughed. The old man checked him with a threat of per80nal barm. "Hold on there, Jelferllon Dalls Bus. by," he cbld. "I don't allow no one to laugh at my Setty-except chust me -account I'm his daddy. It's a Ilghtword the next time you do Il" Mr.' Busby straightened bl. coun. tenance. . "He don't seem to noUc&-nor keer - ' bout gals-do he!" No one snoke. ... . "No; durn him, be ain't no good. Say-what'U you give for blm, bahT Yere he goes to the highest bidderfor richer, for poorer, tor bettE"r, for worser, up and down, In and out, swing your partners-wbat', bid t He ken plow as crooked as & mule'. hind leg, sleep hard as a 'possum tn "'Int~rtime, eat like a snake, git left efel'1 Um_but be ken ketch dsh. The1 walt on him. What'e bid , .. No one would bazard a bid. "ylt a mInute:' shouted tha ole! fat· low, pulllng O'lt his bulra-eye-watcb again, "wbat's bid? Golnc-colnl-&iJ


. .




LD win l' , old frie n dS , old' book" a r bell I. An i. ful l h: l h o sllylng's rl~ht. , Bu t h W about Iho prIm . ,


O :~&'hl\~arll


gottl ~ Q.

prl'p Irod to slnl;

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to his

In d II'I< n 6 9 . 80. \' 0 W hO D f cl'l)ly g lell ln cCl Tho r us h or ra n OI li g h t. Or "'11I;r o I he plno IOHl t '~ w(lverlng, g lo w F lk k r ed u n d !lur ed by n lg hl . Tl ,e pI o n ('rll. Pro m I h t'II. -lIkc . F r o m hom." to hO Ill' , wo u ld ~ O, .\ 11(\ cn tl·~· II rl'-l hO!lO w r tl ki nd d a YIl. T hol!(! dil l'S ot 10nl> n yo.

g90d h01l1 h , wiLh it" bll' lnge, mUBt. ftDd r tand, qUIto ('ll'o.rly, GI tit d1'ftllvna the qu 'stlon of ri ght living wi th uU til term implic!I. Wi th p rope r knowledge of "'bat is bes , acb hour .of rr rcation, of njoyf off rt ment , o( contemplation uod 0 0 may be made to ' cont.rihuto, to Ih'ing aright. Th n tho lISO of medicin08 may be dIapensed wit,1\ to, but untler ordinary conditions in IlIAny iOlltan a simple, wholosome' rcmedy IlIAY be in''Illuablo if tnk n at tbe propcr time and the California Fig Syrup (». hold.q that it ie a1ikll important to prtlsent tho lIubjcc& truthrully and to Stlpply the onD perfect I4xath'(' to those dm;iring it. Con~qu('n tly . the fompany'a Syrup ot fi gs nod Elixir of Senna gi\' 'R general BUt' rnction . To got its Ix'nclicinl e ffccts buy t ho gt'n uinc, mnnural'lured by tho Cnlifomiu Fig Syrup ('0 . only , ami for sale by all leadi ng fl ru~i s t'8.

How a Sidew ise Dog Trots. The place was the porch of the AmI p oP- t s . Ing r f'l:' re lrll ll y. s tore. tbo time WDS abo ut 10 o'cloc k tn " T h~ l Alllt l or Otlwr \)uys. " Y , l I " 011«88. Cor ('o rn(l'l rl , r l be morning at a s umme r day, t hl\, PreC"r 1h pres" nl W II)' S. , people we re th e am iable loafe rs-4lnd n h was Ol d Baumgn r t ncr. T he pe rs O.. e Y s, for a ll Our s Cll li rn4P. nt about t he dl scours Ing a bau t was bls son S ep h en I· "good old tim a:' w must adm it th a t r;~:-;;;:;:;:~iftl Posit I Vii! Iy cured by these LIttle PIU.. Jah. 1 am not s ure t hnt the na me Ih e co ttage t o· d ay Is bite r Cor ,ilI ff P I'· They BI RO rellevo DIA· I f r u It a f hi s ra the r's io g fro Ol the prl ml tlye mode s at li g h t was not th e rIle Ir"ae (rom 1>7"1",,,,,1 .. ,10' rnncy- wIth , I I r I1a ps, th e Sc r Iptu ral log. .J lgesllo uB U<1Too D Brt,J Till "'llhln II t t! more lban bait a sugges tlon w hi ch I s Ilk'e I y t 0 b e pr es. E nlln /:. A perree ' rem· .. I [ a Pe syl\'anla edy (or Dl u ln elW!lt N ..u· th t I cootu ry ago. the, rns hll gh was In CO Dlen n e a .. a fa 0 nn Ilea, Dro llelWh n o. d G erm an-w b e tl ie r a c A mm unlcont or ilion us , un d when, by deg r s. the T". r.clo l bo MonUl. eo ..\\Y lI·to-do bons t d tho candlestick alld no t--even If h e IIve In l a ry la n d. ed TOD l!llC, 1''''B 10 lbe candles, th e IlIumi na Uon was consld· I~~~I!I~..) ~ Id ll, '1 RPlD LIVEn. "Y all-a Iway s last; expec Ia I a t t U· , d ddl E t his The1 rc1l1l1llote we Bowell. 1.'ure11 Vegel.ablo. r d dazzli ng. nerals an we ngs. xcep own In houses of the wealthy , the re was SMALL PILL SMAll DOSE. SMAll PRICE. -be's sure to b e on t I me a t hi .:I own .Q&ter Pnsc &, Ohcm. Corp" 8010 Pr'Dpa" ~ b? Ib p a dd it ion or hruldso l)le caudle t l H a. tuneral. R lg htout In [ ron. stae ds of carved woorl or at brass In And He Probably Did. Genuine Must Bear But somet I mes h e m Isses hi s we ddl ng. ·'1 gra r. ful form s wi th branching a rms; "WhAt can I do," roared the fierJ Why, I knowe d a t e II e r-yous , .. lE , Fae·Simile Signature . t here we re glrandoles and sconcos, all .atar, " when I soo my oountry gOing knowed hi m, begoshenll! - th at did n't ve ry o r nat and, tra m the standpoint to ,ruin, whOIl I see our oppressors' glt the re tell another teller'd married o[ beaut y and se ntiment, attractive . ~Ils at our throats, s t rangling . U8, her-tbout morn ,n a year a fterwar d . Rus hlight s we re the most cornmon· . _ad the blaok olo'u ds of hopelessness Wasn't It more 'n a year, b oys ? Yas REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Iy used. unUI the ma hlne·made cun· end dll6palr gathering 011 the hortwn -Dill Eisenkroul Or, now, was It his dle8 placed the latte r wltbln the reach to c:Ib1u.erate the golden sun ot pros- brother-Baltze r Iron· Cabbage ? S eems of all. Rus hllghts were ordinar y oerlt.J! What, 1 ask, can I do?" S to me now like It was Baltz. omeweedy rushes, dip ped In tallow. The re "Sit downl" .houted the audience. sing wlss a B at the front en d , anywero quaint pans of wrought Iron us ed Important to Mothere. , how." for hating the tnllow In which the EQmtne caretully every bottle of Henry Wa8serman dlmdently Inti· nlsb s were dlp[l d . Some Um s only CA8'l'ORIA t1 safe and Bure remedy for mate d that there was a curious but DAY. plain tallow was lI s ~d ; ofte n It was CURED , infanta and children, and see ,that It 8atlsfactory element of satety In b e Ing mixed with beeswax or resin. The Bean tb ~ '.,~';; . --r last-a' 'fas tnac h t"I n t h e Ir language, holder was flr!!t, merely a support, tn fact. Those tll ·front were t b e ones Blpatare tben a spring was added wllh various 1 usually hurt In raLlroad accidents, A . III Uee For OTer 30 Years. developments until It merg d Into th exander Altholf remembered. The IQl1d' Yon Have Always J)ought. plain can61esUck. "Sa.t e?" cried the speaker. "Of Ve ry tall holders wore mado specialYom Kippur. course! But for wby-sny, for why?" ly tor use with ~he spinning wbeel In Wh81l e.e1'7thlng else Is aurr8udered Old Baumgartner challenged defiantly. the long winter v ulnss. tItat hi CUattru!tive of Jewish ceremoNo one answered and be let several ,1dIIIIam tile amnemtmt reta1lls lta grip lmpresalTe minutes Interve!1e; Tf:IE SHEEP OF MANY LEGS. oil \tie"nat majortty of jaraelltea. KIpdon't knowl Hang you, Ilone _ :tIt the last Unit bllldlng them to of"Ypu yous knows! Well-because be H, MR. Butoher, tel\ me!, Ma,you'. Oold Remedy Hellene 01 • . t.beh- .aommUDlty, their talth and 1&.1 pray. atn't there when anyslng occurs-al· head, throat lind lUO,8 almost ImmedlBte~ obee"ance. ' " , Hav you MY more ". Checks Fc\'erll, It opt! VI8ClJar8'81 or ways a little late!" Lelrs of In.mb IIko one J. the lIo.te. take. awQy aU aebea aad palo They all agreed with him by a series got cauaed br. coltb. It curN Grtp and obEw,rr Wonian Will Be Intereated. Illollto CoUllh, I1Ild preveDts l'oeumenla. Lilat week In thla .toro Y" If ~\'e Di:llla In tbe back, Urln..,.,., of sage nods. PrIce 25c. . • Kfd,ll' . trouJloIe, &Dd want .. "But, fellers, the worst 18 about 11\'0 10n stllr or ,wollea ~olnta. uo mo.t. "Ob, yes, mll·am. ple nty," tf'r how cbroo,lc? Ask your druUlllt for ~.Ja.e;: courtln'ir~ It's no Way to .be always Iln8wers then er Q~. , AU . Kuoyou'. Rheamatlsm 80med)' IIJId ne This bold Knight of tbe bow quickly yon w Ill he <lllred, done-golng-'~ oIi"'iLo.tjl~t .... we ,and bIo..,er-talUng rec- ' late. Everybody else glts there first, ... .!aU DrU~or by 'mall 60 ou. and It'. n~slng for the faatnacht but C leaver. It you h .... e anT kidDIIT or IIladeler mu. "A dollar!" _ ~ ll'RE:! Adc1real, Tbe (Of COUI'3O atl butchers tell ble gilt MUl11oo'a KldDCy Ramedy. ~ Co., I.e Ro,., N. 'T. " weeplng and walling and gnashing of The bid came from behind him, and MunyoD', Vltoll"r mam weal!; mea the truth; .roo; aud rcatorea 1000t powera. No one would dlU'e dothe teeth. And mebby the oth.e r feller tbe voice was beautiful to bear. A celve her;) IIaDF e. m~ baa lost hta ute In tIT' Clts cOllllderable bapplness-and a gleam came Into the old man's eye, ... tDJ to ~nect the U'f1Dg he tho~ht the good farm." he beard It. Ha deliberately put the She ~Inted to a row of "orit' bJ.m. ' , hooks Tbere was complalnt In the old watch back In Ita p()cket. put on btl '11 . i~'.'~ '-'---....., ~---Upon which were suam.a n's voice, and they knew that he spectacles, ed turned, as If .he ware p ended, MORI OROP. IN 1908 ~ ~ tkOubl~l ... q~k meallt bls own SOD Selfy, To add to a stranger. W~ ~ P S ltYE SA.t.VE 25e, At leut 1\ dozen I p ,of I!Ihecp, Another 60,000 8ftoo oAIl ~oI';BlIffalo,N. Y. their embarrassmellt. this same son "Gonel" be announced then, "Who'. By and "shh s" attended. tiers from the Uafte4 was now ' appearing OVtrr the LusUch ~BD' antithe purcbaser? Come lorward. alld .. ' .' CitIII~ -A£L a:rtF-~tr-' , "That other leg wns very COOd," States. New die.tata bJU-1ln opportune mClment tor a ' t a k e away you' property. What'l tha The ~8dy aald. " ,Are all tric. OpeDed {ofeetpleasing 41grellslon. For you must be name, pleaae!" Then be pretendad to As good and tender? DId tbOlle grow tI~meDt. 820 aeree told urly concernln, Old Baumgart, dunno. Anyhow. Set flocks wl81 Bets recognIze ber: "Oaebl Sally! Well; On thnt lIame anImal?" on.DC! to •• ~h"t. ner's tongIng for certaIn lan'4s, tene- constant. And they understand one that's lucky! He 108, In good banda. tler.-lelO free Ye!Q. madllm." the butcher IInJc1, "Oh, menta and her8dltaments-uslng his another good. Trotting like a .Ide- He's souild and kind. but needl the bom~tead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. Nor let one nyc-lid peep.) own phrase-whIch wero not bls own. wise dog of a bot .umm.e r's day!" And whip." He held out hi. baed for th. 'OY ce, every one or al\ tll08e leg. -,. 9;!Wt rlcb countrp and a ~t.aledproe. W . . cut ftom that srune IIheep." but which adjoined hlL It had paaaed be sliowed the company. up and down dollar. pcro... people,"-B.n .... ct '/.."" c.,;.~ .. • .1 II NaJlim4I &itt"" "".4." ,,",I,. W"'Into a pr,o verb of the vICinage; Indeed, tbe store porch just how a sidewise It wa.the IIrt of .hoUl he bad o...rI... i. A"INt, 1(108,,__ ... iU1iNil-. Homely Helpl, though the property In question be- dog would be likely to trot on a hot spoken accurately as a prlle, Her The pasto In tarts or pies Is often MallY have paid. tbe entll(! e<*t 01 tbet. longed to one Sarah Pres !leI. It was summer day-and then laughed Joy· ,Ieeves were turned up as far a. tbey soggy. Tbls can be avolde'd by brush· lann, and bad a balance of from ·.10.00 tC known colloquially u ,"Baumgartner's au sly. would go, raveaUng some .oft lace- Ing It over with tb~ white of ah egg. $20.00 per acre .. a result of one crop. Yearn." If tbere had beell an artist eye to trimmed wblteness. and there WII Spring wheat, winter wheat, oets; hvl9't For batter cakes, add a Uttle finely reason of it was this: Be- see they would have been well worth flour on ber arms. Some patebel of rolleil bread crumbll. It sayes ' what fb:x and pe.. are the principal crops, w]dk tween hIs own farm nnd tb. public Its whlle--Setty and the mare so 'af- It on ber l&Ale gave a elfeet may be otherwIse wasted, besides mao tbe wild gtaaaea bring to perft!c:tlon tIM road (and tbe railroad station when fectionately dJspiuaged. And, after to ber otherwlae aggressive color Tbe king tbe bjl~t01'more Tlch and nour- ~t eaule that have ever been eold CIt the Chicago market. . It came) lay the fairest all, t am not sure that tbe speaker pretty dres. was pinned far enough Ishlng. · " Splendid climate, school. and cburcbel eye had ever rested upon. himself had not an artist's eye. For back to reveal the prettIer petticoat.Ha"e a p~li' of scIssors handy In ID all locaUties. RailwaY'll touch moat oj (1 am speaking agatn for the father sprtng pasture, or' a fallow upland: plus a pair of trlmly.clad ankles. the kitchen. Tbey will serVe 1l the settled districts; ahCl pric~ for prQduce of Selfy and with bll hyperbole.) or a drove of goodly cows deep In his Perhaps these were neither the sar- of ways. Most thIngs 'c an be Ollt more arc always good.. Landa may also be purSave In one particular. It was like an clover, 1 know be had. (Perhaps you, mentll nor the air. In which every easily and evenly with sclllsors than chAaed from railway and land c:oDlpanioa. enemy's beautiful terrHory lying be· too, have?) And this waa bls best farmer.malden ·dld ' her baking. But with tbe knIfe. Apples (after QuarPor pamphlet.., mAp. Md 1nfOrm' tlon reo cardlnc low railway rat~ .. apply to l"uperlDtween one's less beautlful own and the mare and his only son. then. Sally was 110 ordinary farmer- terlng), celery, odds and ends of tough tendent orImmicutlon; Ottawa, C....da or open sea-keeping one a poor Inlander The b!g bay, clad In broad·banded malden. She wall all this, II la true, meat, green peppers, nnc! many other tha autlilorLaed CAnll;dJan Govern_t ~b who Is mad for the seas-wbose crops harness, soft with 011 and gllttermg but she was, besides. grace and 'col'or vegetables, can be ne.lIy diced for H. M. WlLUAMS. must eltber pass acrOS8 the Jand at bls with brasses, wall sharubllng Indolent· and cbarm Itself. And If she chose to salads, etc. Trl~ the bits of oold meat &.W. BullcSln" a ToWo. 0hI0t adversary and pay tithes to him, or Iy down the hili, reslatlDg her own bake In such attlre-or, even. If ab~ betoro sending to tatlo; shred cod· go by long distances around him at the momentum by the dlagonl&l motion chose to pretend to do 10, ~~ere wal fish; remove hard sections of orange COlit of greater t1tbe3 to the soulless the old man bad likened to a dog's the churl to say her nay. even though -In a thousand ways the scls80rs are owners of the turnpikes-who aggra· sidewise trol Tbe looped trace·chalns tbe flour was part or a deliberate Invaluable to the cook. ~• • Per Saber'. c~tator 11&110 1211. . . . . vaUngly fix a gate eacb way to make were jingling a merry dithyramb. her ·'make.up?" Certainly be was no~ Larlest lrToweri of seed barlDY. o.ta, ""booal Breacf Dreiling. their tithes more sure. So, 1 say, It head " 'as noddIng, her tall swaying, at the atore that Bummer mornIng. . apohl, cor". potato"l , rraeses. elC')&'ere alia Not all housekeepers are aware at tarm Meeds In Iho world . BI, c.tal"" tree I orr was \\lie bavlng the territory ot , his and Selfy, propped by his elbow on And Selfy was there. Her hair . . .eo<l 100 In lIamPI and recul"o I&IIIplo. ot enemy lying between him 'and deep ber broad back, one leg swung be·, caped rednes!i\ by only a little. But the economy that lle~ In a bread dres8barley ,.Ialdl ... 17S bu. per ac.e. " Billion ~"Peruna Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio. Doll.r Gran. Oals, Spelt&, ole.! ete.. e••iI, wlltor-save, as ' I bave also lIald, 10 tween the hames, the other keeping that little was just tbe' difference be- Ing. it may be served with a, pot roast, wOl'.b .10.00 10 Ret Ii- llart .. Itn. Or, len\! Gtlnt~en: I hluoe u sed Peruna one parllcular, to wit: that tbe owner time on ber ribs. was singing: • tween ugliness and beauty For. a!! well as with one put In the oven, 140 and we add a sample fann eeed 1l0Ye111 61ld find t.hat it cannot ha equaled a8 ne •• r aee" b,1oU before. '" -tbe Sarah Pres!\el I have mentloQed "I want to be an angel ,,' hether Sally wer" beautiful or not- fol' the bread Is good If separately " lonic. ad welln.s a cure for coughs, lAUE" SEEO CO.. 80. W, L. C~H, .. -was not Old Baum,gartner's enemy. And wIth the angels stand, about which we m,bbt contend a bit bake d In a cake ~Un. Keep the bread ootd~ and cntarrh. , \'on are authorized to use my In fact, they were tremendou!:\ A crown upon my torehead -her hair , was, and perhaps that II Quite dry (to prevent molding), lind t" .' _ photo with testimonial in any pu utrlends. And It was by this friendship A harp wltbln my haud-" ' the ' reason why It was nearly always run It through ft meat cbopper. Molsl· 1ictiticm. -and ono other thing whlcb I mean to His adoring father chuckled. '" unco\'ered-or, possIbly. agaIn. , be- en with stook or milk. or both_ Add Joseph B. Chaee. mentlon Inter-that Old Baumgartner wonder ' what for kind of anchel he'd ~ cause It was so much uncp"e ed was sase, mlnce( onion or ' celery, or both, 8M Tenth tit-, Washing ton, D. C. hoped, before he died, to , attain tbe make, anyhow? And Betz-they'li the reason It was beautiful. It eemed and put It h t' a well·greased tin. Bake ('.old and La Grippo wish of his 11fe. and see, not only the l)ave to go together. ' Say, I wonder If , to catch some or the glory ot th~ aun half an hour. I( an1 of 'the dres81tlg Is I.eft over, Nt', C. Happy, nllrdio, Rov Co., Mo., Elysian pasture·field, but the whole It Is borse·anche)s?" Her face had It few tr,e ckles and her writleB: "I can sardy recolllmer:d I'.e: of tbe adjoining tarom, with the line , No oue knew; no one olfered' a sug· mouth waa 8 trlfte too large: But, In serve It next 'day with tomato sauce '11UJl& IUS a. remedy thK-t will cUI'e all ca· or even philn hot gravy. Be careful fences down, a part of his. Tbe other gestion . It were splendid teeth. . tarrhal trolllJles. to make' tb~ .dre6slng rather thick; It thing I promised to mention as an aid "Well, It ougbt to be. Say-he ken (TO .BE CONTINUED,) "U was of great beuofl t to met a8 U will' be more palatable, and tbe gravy, cured tne of cat.anh of the throat, nnd to this ambItion-was Selfy. And, perform clrcuB wlss 01' Betz!" or sauce w1ll correct any tendency t.o I toolc a vel'Y bnd cold and hnd la s ince tho said Sarah 'was at nEnlrly tbe Tiley expressed tbelt: pollte sur· ' F.t Men and Jobl. ~ Ju,st I:'c bruary. It. Bc t Lled in n,,, 'same age as SelTy, perllapB I need prl's e at thlll for perhaps the hun- , Employment agent,' say ,It·. about u dryness. ~t Bud ItlDI:nI- I toolt threo botllea not explaIn further, except ta say that dredth time. bard to get work (or a fat man .. for Tablet SOUPI, "OIl P01'1lJla and it CI11-e4 'm c. . "Yas-tbey have a kind of clrcus· .a =gray·balred 0118. ' Accordlng' to tbelr "t ,hl,;::hlY ' reCO\umend it. to all who t he 'only oblltruetlon the old man could This Is an InvenUon lately pUt u~or: ,are !liclr, ",Dd I am glad to ndd my en· se~ DOW to acquiring tllIB by marriage ring In the barnyard. He ~tands on stateme~ts, employers ,of , labor , hold tbe market, and mps! popular abroad. AiorHmont to thlLt of others, " was-Seft)' himself. Be was, and ai- one foot Ulen ' on another, Bnd on bls 'that a fat mall , Is Indolent. Thet a. 'It consists 0[' a tablet requiring only 'Pe-r....;. for. Colds waY8 had been, afraid of glrls,-es· hands wlss ' his fee~ kicking, and tben sert Uiat the bUIUer, 'the fa*t, nervous, to ,b e bol1~d If(tnlmites In 'WI!-ter.. Eacb L . ClU!ord Figg, .11-.. 2020 EAst peclally such aggressive, ftirtatlous, he says .word8-~lke bOkey·pokey.energetic, 1!:0rlter. I. alnewy ', ratber 'MarsbIlV, ,st., Rlcbm.,ud~ Va., wr'itt:~ pretty and ,tempestuous girls as thIs and B~tz IIhe kfcks, \lP behind and thall tat,' alld doea 30 ~r cent. -more tablet will .make a , pint of IOUp... dla~ 'w h n h (JP.1il:I n c91d lao tn.l;ies Peru· . G~.le on ' thl frO~,.: Sarsh. "~~"' _' , . " throwli hl~ or! !n the dqrig and we all ,work thall .. t~e7 aoft. fM--le.\low . • ~" ,o.D!! It ~n\l6 it ont. ot ,bls til's' These thtngs, however. 'Were beredl· }augh-;b~p,PY efer after=Setz m\lsl of nol uncoinmoia fot ua to adVise fat ap Never pour. ~ot: 'w"t~r J It. l!0ur tom. ' t~or 8overu1 "ell\'s b \Vila 1l0t pllcanta to dle~:,' .dd an e.np101ment :In cold at once) . tbat hardens ' the well. bllt t> rf1n~ oomplotely tary with the: girl. It was historical, all I," bim. ' ' , -, ~ : In fac~, that, durlng'the ute of Sarah's ' After the applal'se laid: . acent. "and reduce theIr .'"ht' before «rease, and It wID 'ot#t slDk. liltO tIM ,, ~lo who Qbj~ t t.O IIt)uid rcedlcine~ g90d.\ooklng fother, ao ,bDpottunate ' "I lues8 I'll better wake 'em' u~l bectnnlng to callYJ,a' .for a job," 81 loor. , . . . DOW secure PenlDa tcW'1 ' ' far ... reCord~, Dr. O.ler ' ".-' .ft· J!'aIi & free Ululltra.ted bonkl tODtiUed ~d been Old Baumgartner fo'r the What you sink?" · .fte '.l'nath 'About Pel uno., , a<lrlceBi PUI'chase ot at least the me&dOw- They one, and ~ thOU.lllt be bad. preued DO opinion OD the ~e1lC1 ~ ~r -"'tnQ (c,., Col a,~bas, Ohio. be couid not have ven'turecl at tbat Ther knew be "oul(1 do It, DO matter or chlQroto~IDK m •• wbo an I'UDIiIIIII (1~ IIaIkl4 ~«1tcl tlme-a.ull so obstinate hact beu the whAt they tboulht. Hie mQthOd. .. ., to adIpoaa UUu.. , \







~),J~ ~~


..1.-0_,___ .,__. .:. .__ Wastarn Canada .,a








. ¥r.

=lY one·



1I=;:..,:~,I1i"".·'IJl ••"





CItNd by Doan'. K'ldne" Pille After _Yelra of Suffering.

1'. A. RIppy, Depot Ave., Gallatln, TellD., says: "Fifteen. years ago kid· ney tlIsooso atlacketl me. The pain In ~y .back waj3 ao agonlz· lIlg I finally had to glye up work, ' Then oamo terrJblo attack$ ot gravel with acut& pain and passages ot blood. In all 1 passed 26 stollell, some as largo AS a be~. Nine years or this rail m~ down to 1\ slate or continual weakness, and I thought I never would. be better until 1 begim uiling Doan's Kidney Pills. Tho Improvement wus rapid, and .lnce using tour boxes I am cured aud ~~v ~y~ lmd any rolUl'n of tbe trouble." Bold by nil ilealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-M Uburu Co .. Dul!alo. N. Y. A Fa tal Breath. . Brookton (with stat Isllenl hent)Do YOll kllOW, old mnn, I've just h eu reading up a lot of stati stics on pres· ent'duy mortali ty, and I boy learned some romnrllnble things. Why, every I breathe a IUnn dl es l (comprehendlngly) - Dy Brocklon the grout au tof umes! Then why In the unme of lhe c'ensus don't you chew cloves? .


Prot. Munyon Bays: Cure a cold and YOII prevent Consumption. His opln· Ion Is now shared by the leadln!; phys icians of the cOllntry, and th wOlldertul c'ur s tbat are bclng made by Munyon's Cold Remedy have at· tra~ted the attention ' of the whole medlcol fraternity. TheRe little !lugar pellets break up a cold In a few hours, and almost universally prevent Dron. chitls Illld Pneumonia.. What Hie Wife Gave Him.' The boss builde:- was standing on the edge of the great cavity at Thirty· fourth street that tuey have been dig· glng [or the past f~w years, when an lrlsl\man walked to",ard him. " Look here," he Mid. "Dldn't I fire fOU r etltet'4ay 1" "Yes," snlC~ the lrlRhman, "nnd I don't want you to do it agaln, either. My wl(a gave me tbe devil about It when 1 got home."-New York TIlDes. Willing to Take a Chance. The ether evening a pluUcu18rly woe-begone nnd soulleful looking perIon stopped James ,,\ Buckley on East Sixth street "Olm.m o a dime .'or a bed, won't 10U, wister'" IUIked "the stranger ID that. halt whlsp r they always use. Buckley looked at him for. a miD ute thoughtfully. "Well," says he, s& rlously, "bring the bed Itrouod and It I think It's worth the price I'll give ';ou a ftline Cdr ' It, 'of courlle;"--Clev~ tud Plain Deuer. Caule for Complaint, Jonca, ..-e dairyman, loved his little bonts oceaslonu.11y, and at auch times , celebrated rioto\181y. He was pre~alled upon to a1gn the plMge, and this pilioe ot news was given wide publJclty. But In a few wee~s Jontta turned upon hlB temperance friends aDd aglllD sought old-time frleuds and acquaintances. , "The Icleal" grieved Jonea, .e he told the wldter to dupllcato an order. "Me driving a m.JIk wagon. and' tbose fellows .dvertlaJng that I am on the water w~;IlI"-Judge.

c , -

, Oil, Fa.therl "FatJaer, YOII must not drop yol1.r hal ','s.'" Tbua GWGlldoUn obsessed by nou· ,ou c\d.ture~ to fathe.!', reUred J?Ork packer.. . "But J haven't been. \lroppln' 'em." "There you go. Droppln'! And ' YGO --,.,.. 'cod' CUld ,goln' twd entin' , wltb. out IUl1 1lnaI 'r: sound at aU. It'e' awhIl," A


"Gwenny." ·Yes." "May I drop Ike bnai '~ In egg?" DIDN'T KNOW Coffee Wall the Cau ...

•• ••








No slrollger or better CVI\lCnc can be I~cn oL ,Yle merits o~ IL countr~ than lhat wblch comes from the t 'st i· mon.y ot tho settler who has deler· .mlned to . succeed . . ' 'This Is why we reproduce th e [ollowlng leller, wblch SD nks for Itself. These people were lu· duce d to GO to We~ tel'l1 Canada ~hl'ou~h the sollclLation of a. Canadian are st ill there. It comes in all colors Gov~l'nmen t agent, who secured for and will und0l!btedJy prove a godsend them th e low railway rlltes. to those .who know good materials. It "Cal'mnngay , Alta., Canada, ] 2·] 5·'OS. can be used for anything trom pelU· "Mr. C. ,I. Droughton, CanadIan Govcoals to gO\vlIs WId dust conts. E' l'ntn en~ Agency, 135 Ad a ms Street, Crlnkley crepes cin the order of the Cblcago ; We bad audacity enough to Japanese crepes, wblch, by t.he way, tflckl e the pl'oposlLlon of buying foUl' are made In Fr~nce, will be otre red, !lections of laud in Southern AIlJerta, and these are manufactu red n~ t on ly thlny miles ens t of Clalrsho)ru nnd In plnln but in figured pie ces, tb e fig· Ilendlng up on tbe Li ttle Bow, and our ures rnn g ln ~r f,'om small to large, two bay s ach .got a .homcstead ad· chiefly In fl oral patterns In rosebuds, loluill g. Wo renced tll rce sectlolls alld Wisteria a nd other fi oral patterns . tb e two bOlll estl' ads, and built a house, ]n wn ~h poplins a ne w produ t Is (\ [!Urn , onnl s aud gruDary, a nd hUl' e dOll ble lJord ered or t, the goods bein g &i nca enlarged some or thl'so bu ll u· 48 in ches broad , with a border at In gs. \Y e hal'O hrol\Cn 200 acres or each ellgo. 10 these fubrics the I',ody Ill nd , which has beoll sow ed to oat ~ Is a lilaln popli n, and the borders, so n lll) whea l. During tb o sc\, ul'e wln t'r fa r, are In Jllnl n ribbon tYl)es, the rlIr 0 1 two yea rs ugo til wlu to l' wh ea t bon s bt' ln g bnnds ot g rrulunted ki ll e d out some wbat, nllu our crop yl e ldeu on ly t ' Il bu shels to tho acre, wl,II11 8. In .11I1I1I nry mnny now models In on e· but the llrlng whea t weul 24 bushels piece rob s In silks, line ns and cotton to the acre. JII this count ry we mus t ar. d othor goous suit d to spring and be prepared for storm s anu co ld , at summel' \V aI', will be s llown. Every· tim es 20 to 30 lJe)ow ZCro, yet on tho thIn g points to the one·plece frock for whole tll e winters are mild; and whll o tbore ar exc pllonal crops , It Is Ca lr tho comi ng spring aud summol'. In n eckwear all styles w!ll be seen to say that tbe averuge fnrm cr can and tbe Dutch neck, tbe hlgh ·boned dflpend Oll having a yi eld In average s tack, tbe turnover linen collars, In yeal's of Cram 20 to 25 bushels to the Eton and Dutch s tyles, and a lso th e acre for spring wh oa t; nnll winter piccadilly and tbe stock will wheat In OUt· Immedlato neighborhood yl Id s from 25 to 30 bushels to the be WOI'I). acre on the average. It will be rather a matter of taste We have DOW quite a bunch of and or becomlngness, or wbat the woman thinks becoming, to her will horses, over 50 In all, about 350 sheel), aftor having sold 140 for mutton thi s govern the selection. The charu'c ter of the gown and Its tall . We have 20 head or puro brOIl registered Shropshire, whIch are place of wearing also wlll be consld· worth $20 each. Th e average )Jl1ce ered. But when warm weather comos recelvell for mutton sheep was $5.00 no end of charming neck dressings and a UtUe over. Pork brings (; and w1l1 be seen, and every woman will 6 centi a pound . We have nbout SO have no end of varying fashions to . bead ot cattle on our ranch now, choose from. . and last wlnte.r they picked their en· A faint sceht of violets Is Imparted tire JIvIng from our pasture, running to handkerchie fs by adding a small to the straw stacks for shelter at night, piece of orris root to the water In "The Increase of land values has which they are boiled. boen extraordinary. Our land {our years ' ago cost us a little less than $6.00 an acre. We have sold one section for $15.00, but we would not sell any more tor less than 125.00 per acre, as we GXJ)ect .the railroad within fo ur miles ot our ranch within the next 18 months. Southern Alberta ot West· • ern Canada Is a mighty good country for any manorwomanwholovesoutdoor Tho little girl of to·llay may wear Ufe, and who wants to get r;ood rejust as much fur lUI ber molber, In turns-tor t halr labor and InvestlIl-ent. proporUon to her size. "We bave ,been pleased with our Light gold thread Is used as ao add· treatment from the Canadian (lo\,em· ed touch upon laco In some of the ment. and can heartily commend South. smartest e vening gowns. ern Alberta as a "plendld countrY In The old·fashioned prunelle and wWcb to locate. . prJ.1De-eolored cloth haa mOde Its -ap"Yours vel')C truly, (Signed) . pearance In dlroctoiro suilS. "JAMES S. AINBLIE AND SONS," Long. earrings of brilliant cut jet are the fashion of the moment for IMPUDENCE PERSONIFIED. wear with elaborate gowns. For the everyday ' suits of childrell there Is no more satisfactory material than dark ' blue wool serge. In evening gowns tbere Is a definite preference tor beads Instead of spangles for glittering decorations, There Is now an absolute 'ban upon, • loose and wrinkled gloves; tbey mlfst be tight, neat, and closely buttoned. Black bats are, as u.Iways, good IItyle, J!.nd most strikIng and succes. ful hats of blacl( and white are'seen. Evenlpg Crocks Imported ttom Paris havo . the general Hnea of tea gowns more than anything else.. .

Materials ' and Colors in Which the Styles of 19.09 Ar~ _ to Be Displayed.- Lustrous Fabrics Is the Dictum of Fashion.

••• •• VERY cine who gives the matter any tllOught must know that dress goods are mariufactul'.ed a year' and six. months at least nhead ' of . their !jelling. It takes lime to manu fac· ture !lnd more time for buyers to ex· amine and purchase stocks, nnd etookfl must be laid In before n sea. son opens. All of nf\xl spring's dress goods are now manufactured and be buyers have purchasod or are now pur. chaSing. 1.Iaterlnls of gowlIs are som · thing Dame FlUlhlon cannot· at s hort 'notice, as she docs othe r thn lgs. Tho sprlng'fubrlcs will be lustrous, and It 18, therefore, to be Il rosuDltid that the various mohairs will be lurgo. Iy WOnt , and HR luto as next nUI IIUln as well. In tussll hs th ore Is a lus trous fini sh that promises to be smart. All tho Ind ications point to a revival of IInells for lI ox t s ummer's weal'. Lnst Bumme r compal'llth'e ly fe w linen fro clcs we I' s eon. Linen, whil e cool, mu£ses with grent rapidity and has to be pressed continually In order to preserve any degree of fres hness. The houses mnklng up garments for smart shops deali ng In ready·made garments of exclusive des ign are or· de rlng lin ns In Quantltlos for one· {llece frocks, and Fre Dch linens and others are all In demllnd. Linens of rough weave, and especial. Iy those o{ the Shantung orde r, arc being made up, and tho open mesh weaves and crash also ' promlse to be acUvely In the field for favor. A new fabric called Hlmaluya cloth, closely resembling the genuine Shantung, Is a very late comer In the field of gown mate rials. It has a double mercer..lzatton, first In tho yarn and lator In the piece, and It haa the real slIub yarn prOducing U1e smnll knots so characte ristic of the Shantung. This cloth may be washod and Iroued my number of times, but the knots

E .

l'l~S CJumm. IN

6 TO 1'6 DAl1'II. .

PAZO I!'ITMFlN'1' I~ iluO' .... lItecd tj) '01Ire alll' ~1 Il hlni! • .11111111& Dl codlnll o r J>rol~.I'l:..t. 4 LO U <la1 . or III n et rotu~od _._6OL _

A happy medJum ougbt ,ood at a spiritual seance: .

to ma_


. COME ' BACK TO OTTOMAN SILK. FabrIc of Long Ago Once More Taken Up by Fashion. Gowns of the old·fashloned ottoman silk are seen this winte r at dinners and occasionally In the street. Flrteen years ngo, whetller masQuorading unde,r tbe name of Bengaline silk, poplin or of ottoman, It waS' a preferred foundation tor costly gowns. One woman at a dinner .In Ne w York last week wore a beaul1ful robe ot ottoman In dull gray trimmed with metal· IIc braiding In gray and bronze. The r vlved fa!lh10n has spread to other clUes; Indeed It has struck the fam· Illes of. our Washlngtoll administratOrs. Mrs. Roosevelt has a walking gown of ottoman silk In green ' with trlmmlnga of a darkor shade of velvet. But the handsomest ottoman gown In that city Is Mrs, Fn.lrbankll'. . It Is London smoke colored and trimmed with blaCk silk embroidery of paJm leaf design. The skirt Is In the dl· rcctolre style, wltb a modified waist. Embroidery and metal braid are used 011 the bodice and long coat. GlplY Earrl"g., Among all the other new earrlnga tbat appear comes the old·fashloned lpop of gold, known as the gipsy eap. ring. It was' offered by the leading shops dUl'lng the bollday season', and women are al:-eady 'Wearing them In Ule day well ·as . the evening,· The 100Pil havo no gems set In them. They are large and, heavy, hang close to the neck and are clamped to the ~r with 0. . small, round ball.


Relt for Tired Feet, When a big Ironing has to be done


"Do you know of any woman who ever received any benef-:t from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. pound? " If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neig hbors this question, she will 00 surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been, restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simp~e formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousancb.of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimoi.ial withoQf . the writer's special permisslOn. Neve r have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful ar.d genuine.. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman's eJperi.. ence with Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable .Compound write: and ask her.


Houston, TCX8S,-" When I fi1'8t began taldng Lydia Eo PInltImm's Vegetable Compound I WM a totn.l wreck. I had sick for .three yca.r8 with female troubles, chronic dyapeP8le. and a liver trouble. I had tried several'dootoi-'s mediclDea, bue. notWng did me any good. "For three yean I lived on mOOJclnc8 and tbougllt. I wonl~ neyer get well, when I read 'a n advertisment of Ly~l1a E. PiDJr;. ham's Vegetable Compound, 'and was advised to try It. U My busband got me one bottle of the Compound. aDd It did me 80 much goO(I I continued its use. I am now a well .WOmaD and enjoy the best of healtb. . U I advise aU · WOluen · 'suffering fl;'OOl finch - troubles .~ . . . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable (Jompound a triaL Dey wo~'t regret It, for It wiJI surely cure you."-Mrs. Bessie .L. 'm~ 819 Cleveland St., Houston. . ' '

Any woman who is sick and s~ffering is foolish surelwnot to give such a medicine ~ ~is a trial.. Why shou~ i not do her as much good as It dId Mrs, HICks.

For Sprains

_ -+--cRobert Rustler-What dId you sa' 'Qulckly AdJult'e d Shleldl. was Uie title of your new song? A girl ·who has theories on the evils SuccessC-u1 Chorus Lady-l ca.1l it. .. ot plnD~d shields wlll not use Lbe "The Proposal." . tiny safety ones sold tor tbat purpose. Robert Rustler-.(nd the key? She compromises by not sewing In hal' Successful Ohorus ,Lady-B minor: Robert Rustler-B mlne---Q11'l HoW shields atter each washing, but hooks them In. . would you like to change It for a key A small non·rustuble hook Is sewed In A fiat? on the corners of each sbleld, and an THE PERUNA ALMANAC. eye to correspond' on the proper place on tbe armhole. . ~he preliminary The dl'ugglsts have already been su~ sewing takes only a few m1nutes, and pllcd with tbe Peruna u.Imanac for Is muoh easier than tlJ.stenlng n sh.leld with a needle and tbread each time It 1909. In addition to ·t.he regular IlstranomJcnl D1aUer usually furnished In Is .;banged. n1man3Cs, tbe articles on astrology are very attractive to most people. The mental choracterlstlcli of each sign are given wltb faltbful accuracy. A Ust ot lucky and unlucky days will be furnished to those who have our almanacs, tree ot cbarge. Address Tile Peruna Co., Columbus, .0,


SJoan:s Linimen~ is the best remedy for spraias and brUIses. . . .. I It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest part withoufhurting because it doesn't need t? be rubbe~-:-all you have to do is to lay it OIl bghtly. It]s a PQwetful preparation and , penetrates l instant~y-relieves any inflammation and congestion, and reduces the swelling. .



Linim.ent .




=~"" " tIIII;"'~~. ~ aI~~~~~!~Il~ro~"I~!. ~,;a~J'eUsh~ ..



', '


) ~. ~~ ~ed ~·;:;r.blt ~

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, .Dr.EarlS.Sioan,·Boaton,~U.sA.. '. ~'. b001l_


-:t~.~~ . '- U.u /tbe, uaU~';'~~Df m~e~; Where ther.~ " ~"~bl~h, to


. Prlce, 2&., 60 I., anti



is an ·excellent antiseptic and germ killer- heals cuts, bums, woundS auct contusions, and will dra;v the .poisaii iro~ sting of poisonous if .sect~ . ..




'MIa CGDlJtrucUOD of an IDtemanODlil& Christian Elelldeavor headquart~ buildIng at Boston, It Is not64, baa been undertaken. The profits tl'OtA tho rental 'ot offlc.o.. Quarters Ip_tl! buildin g will be devoted to thla extenalon· wOTk, • ~-_--~-

•• ••

wllat 1\ comfort and rellet It Is to the feet to use a cushion to stand on while M:IUlY dallY . hnbl~s, particularly of h·onlng. It can be nll1uo from au old eating 8.IId drinkIng, are formed by foJ.. quilt folded and covered by n piece "t lowing our eldel'l1. carpel Until it been tried, 110 OIlO III thIs way 111 health la otten faa- can believe the' rest It Is to tired feet. teaed upon children. A Ga. lady saysl "I had been allowed to drink coffee eyer since I could romember, but even Il8 a child I had IL weak stomach; wWch frequenUy refuscd to retain tood. . "The taste of, coffee was In my mouth all the timtf' end was, as I round ' • out lat~r;the cause of the stomach' ~ Camphor •• MedIcIne. . belUng 8gaJn~t tood. . All a medicine camphor Is Invuluable "I DOW see that It WIUI only from fol· It used judlclollsly, if six or ten drops lowing the eXamp1e of my GI~rs that arc tnken on a lump of sligar when .1 formed and continued the miserable sneezing starts, a blld cold In the bend Ilablt of dr1nklng coffee., My dlgelltion can otten be checked. Thla dose should remaJned poor, llenes unstrung, frenot be repeated, closer than an hour Quent'laead4che, JlIId yet I· dld ·not sus· apart. Be aure that It Agreel with pec~ tile true cause. ,ou. , . ' /'Anof.her VO\lble 'was a· bad, muddy comple:doll for whfch J spent time and Daintily ,.rranged Invalid. Tray, Together with a Single Portion Ice Cream g etc" ' , Freezer and a Fine Meat Grln.d er .Dellgned for Sickroom .CoOkery. , . How's This? .... ~ s, . m"'M1igi " -,.-_ n, money '..01' .. '--am without 8111 result~.. . :. WHEN one Is Iii, shining sliver or lacquer tray, with a dainty 'arrange- -Ca~~~~c~ ~~~~ua.: ~bJfwH:R . "Atter I waslnarrled I 'was asked to . . ment o.t linen ,an~ chh!a, will often tempt one t~ eat when the ·best nt -try Postum., ~d w.01l1d yOU, believe 1t, food served unlnvltlngly ~ould not. This the 'Qod nurse must alwaYII ~~ \be uncIert~' f!~~~ ~:, rl~~ an '. ol,d "o~~ tOP~l'l : toQk to Postum , ~. '" - b9!lr In mind. . .', . ' . lOr b't"':'"alIt4.l"".... and ~Ilev. him perleec~y bonfrom th'" vcry ilHt., We. made it r.lght· Supposing the.tray to · be an ordinary ~ound one, the pro»er arrangement. ::. ~ aft7 "U~~~b=~~ ~1lA~' , oorcUDW to directions on die pkg.·· ,tl tbls ,:' Spread a snowy dolly . pn the. tray, lay a pJatem the middle of \.be . YI.UJ.lIHO, KlNIUII ;. U.ui''iN, -ac. .... . .~. side nearest ypu, wl~ the knife IUld spoon!! on the right, the tnrk ' on th"" le.d, JlaI . . Wbo~. DruutlJla. ToIedo,II, L an4 It bad a mo8t d~lIcate; nav,!r, aud I . the wgter gla 88 and tho Indlvldual , but~er dish o'n tbe right ~ront and d,_,I~ ~~~e ~1a:::O:~ atl'once . quJt cotree, ,\.~th th~ ~applest 'tIny. coffee pot, sygar and creamer to the rlght"ot th~ spoons. :The ·tnain die: =~ .:r.~:n't~ .=~ttfe. Price a _Ie ~ results., ' . ' .~" , ,I' • '. . aJ1oul(t theni be get 'squaroly lti (mnt of the plate, aDd the oUier dllhea ruled .. TaU &.j.• l'allill, 'PIIlo 1M ~'*. "I'Dilw laue). pertectl7c lear, smooth UouQ'd It .with I19m~ semblance of order. ,. , . ,. --~ - ~ akin ' be 'dlP~ol) .and ·hav~n'~ bnc1'a .' li ·anvet' qr n.l etet dlshes CJUlnot ~ had fo .... the soup and other bot tOOd .. .· . TakE. tDe tore1cJ(l~,-·SwIn. "eada'c be ID ~oveJ: two yean," .. , ~ .uaedlot,ehlr·~ 10rJuke"arm viand8 are Dotal~llf. palaallle eve~ to.. We,ll~y. . Be ~Iae to.dE f; 'ti. ~dDea. to ' d. _ . '''1'bve'8 Ii ReAl9n.~' ;', . . . . '!'ben, .100. unhariDonloUjl colors· In tit . china and .tro~gl)' scented ilo","ers f.r,~Youns. , N' _I,~ by "P stum (JQ Battie wUl' 8pt)U a meal tor some sick peopl~, ~ ,,!Ilr a clattering o.t d~es and IpU/lay , ;' > --'-.~ ' --'-am . .. . •0 . 'f lookJlIl' (Oilt!. I ' . . ' , . . , ) . , . . w'lAIIow'. 8oothID~ 8T1'ap; , ~k. ~.h.. R-eaUI, 'The R~ad t~ , Wel~.' ;' " Wh,n,.·jt cODles to tbo ltood , Itself, care must be takeuAhaf I(·contaln. 'r.o:,:!l4N11 teeuilDIJ, ionaa th! IlUru.. re4I1.08\1 .... , Wlle, II ~~ P~. . .' . I' . ' VI . eDollah toncentrated Dourlaliment t.o cOunterbalance 'U\e slender appetite .. ..•• . AI- alIQ'~:W¥.ooUu. . ~.)oCUe. .

. =--=



Llughwr In Colll't. Au old plasterer Is c~'ed upOD to give tJvldcnce fO,r the IIlolntltr. COIm· lei tor the defense tries to ",ully him. "Have you ever been In prison?" "Yes, twice," • Abl bow lorig tbe first time?" "One whole art moon." "Wb!lt! An~ the secon . time?" "Only one hour." .. And pray what olrense bnd you com:. mltted to <\eservc !lo smnll a punishm nt 1" "I was Dent to prison to whitewash a cell ' 10 uccommodate Ii lawyer who had cheated one ·of his cUenta."


~ ' :re'l.


eauJe, . ...."aacI poIlItI,,'... . . . ...




~~~~~~~~~'-~~~~~~~~~-~ ~~'~~


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ In ma tter of estate Of Mabll,Jl\ FIRE MARSHAL NECESSARY 1 "'A~iC A8 TORPEDO DIR£CToOIl. Ward, decea ed. Petitio n &lIed to llif!pllae of cer~iil desper8 te lalDI. The Deed of IL fire waorehal to the 0.., Uee tD WhIch I""""to r Would New SUlls. Ret fnr hoorl!llr ILml orc1ered to give soour i nlf'\l f ev Id ence In . .oa"...... 0 f t nH al/o Put Sea Te r ror. notl~ of same by publica tion for oendhu ism It! show n by Court ProceecllnlSo •.he fRot that , Fishes hav e II n Pllt to tnany qUIl r hI btlilt on s(:ientil:ic ptin 'ipl I tllI'H 'l ~h 'JlIl . three oonseout.ive weeki. in the III t 2>4 yeare the .numbtlJ' of III Ij wlille stili \Iv : bllt H\ate of ObiQ Va Zi mr\ ti.t ubb8 . prt;lbahly I ts conical jllWll are mud of IWi:lvY 'h et sL~ >1 Estate of Levi ~ Lukens , dooe".e d . oonvio tioDa forln .e ndiarleD! hI Ohio the stranKest wa s that Ilugg 8t d to and the main bodY 'or watE~ l· 'rl!H'I'Y9il' and r~la~t C ur~ !'verra lN motion fbr a new P.D, CIlLl{ett. uppoiottld ILdminis- bas exoeeded th!\t for tbe bundre d t.tle wllr dl"lHlrlO1 nt by an Inventor. tub Qf heavy tinn d plHto. The wat I' valve IS 'riil and defend ant giving no rea.on 'rator with bond of '20,000 of brass with rubb t·. packing . T e valv~ I'od PI'Ollllls l n of . .Mary yea. ra proop.eding the oreaH'o n of the The ln tot·p · It II \\'1\ l he Bubj ct Bubmal' why lIenteDoe shonld n ot be pa88ed S. Clagett and ' Fr&nk undel' dls~ lIs610n, und trip spring are of stet'l wif'l~; humh but.ton Shidak er as fire D1auha l 's tleptlru Dsnt. 1'.he ~d he propose d thnl a eharlt II 1m. upon llIJU It 18 the sentence of tbe ~Dretiel. ElIa@ Og\etlb and other Ii tting::l an'! ahjl) of 1.l1·!\!-IS, Tht:! maee F rank numbe r ot in eouiary fi rell In OblO, pd !olled In a ·tub 'IIt th e l'(Oar lid of 'hine is well put IUg'l'lh I' with I iVt-1.4 :i lld ,:iultl€'I' oolitt tha~ said dafenci ant Zimri ,"'hldaker 'and W ill I;>unn apprais ers wbicb Is the mo t populo us state .the IlmJ"!'1 \1 (0 . Its rtlOv e lll l~ lItH to be anti should lu"t fOI' y,t'ani. Stubbs be impriso ned in tllft Stilte Frank Hall "dmini strator VI! Sa. having a fire Dlarsha l, was in 1901, C'o nlrollf'<i Ity Ih n live UPJlllcatioll of ' () rRh b E. BI · ndmll.n 1 b e" 1\\. Peniten tiary . at Report of 2112; in 1902, 222 i in }!l03, 190 i in I C'lrIC'lty . In 0 urn us, 10.. No Stoop ing When Using , There - I c'alle the shal'k all IOpl· ~, dnring bit na'ura l 'life and kept at Rille conft rm8li aDd ed 10 sw ifll I\way II wns ( b gi ven an dllltrlb\ 1tion of Hl04, 168 : In 1906. 91 ; in 19C5, 1:.14 i ('JOI'(I'It' fore No Lam! ! Back s. !'IH)c k, IIlId In thi s wa y kf' lIt hard labor no part of whioh time to pr0ceed 8 of pale ordered . in 1907, 126 and in 11l0!:!, 109. ~>n. Its' (,olinI\' lint I the 11'011 do had All kinds of Phmts, slIch Ill! 'abbagc , Tobe keptiol lOlitar yooDfi oemen t . Es'ate of Clara B. Spence , de 'FraOJ 1'exu where an effort .is rell('hed Ils tnl'g t. bacco, Tomato e, au Ii flower. Strawb errie.s. Samoe l Pugh v.JilmeePo~h et al. ceased . Flr'Jtandfinal~ccounU lled. wlLkiu~ to 8eOUre 1\ fireJllll r9bIiI18~, AnOlhPr I'f'mal'kllbl ~, se Sweet Potatoe s, Ug-Ill' B'et:!L<;, (>te .. arl'! set In to WhI C~ , Iilale of proper ty de8OJ'ibed in peti the seoreta ry of thelStliote F irem n 's a ft ~11 hilS beell )lUI h. us 1\ bill' IIIf'\ C I. water and covered at ontl op~J'Ution. The plant 1n fe appoin tment of Deputy . '. I'll I,l!wh Is Vf'I'Y S IISC Illlhl E' 10 III III us· "OD by .herift' I. confirm ed witb Clerk. Ann" N~e Tudor roots are put down to the IJt:oper tlt'pl;h beluw appoio ted A8soolatl on writes : IJII ~rlc cllll nKlltl. IIlId wh' n n'lal li d In : Mr• . &rah E. Mlohen or and W. B. and tII,kee oath. lh \ :i ll rfuct! where the IJ rlllllid i!-l coni ami rlUIll p . 'Tb.llt we need a St ate Fir e Milr. 1.111 aQIIII 1'1 II III I ~ IIllpl), to 1 . y I)U n vt:!1' huve:! ttl wui l I'll!' II ~ huwt'r; plan l!I .Drake all purcba sers a' t7395 44. Ihalln TeXll8 goes withou t I!ayinll . (;\It lit lil t' II II 1'H'onch 'of or IIrow iI ~,' Jr ' l E T sf may besufe lyset oul wht' n 1:.l1·g'l't:! II o1 l1gh. I'egnrdIllIrlllg li ny · •• rlbu"o o of prooeedt! "1110 made. DI .~. Rea state ran ers. Our 1088e8 for the past year amoun t- remarkable change of wincl le~ of t he w 'athel' - no IlIH tlcr hllw d 1')' lind d usly .. ell' W ' III h· , Tboma l E, CorwlD VI A, H. Ford . , III' . 01'. Ir In II pond or 'harles E . Eaton to H. R. Wilson ad to over ,If~ ,000,.000. ~'e 6 11'1'11111 . the ground may b . will have ,somell", s jump on th e' ba nk , It hll 8 I Leave granud pl&tutHf to die pati- reRI estate in Frankl in 11. tully 50 per oent of lnoend lory firA8, ! bl'E'1l kept Ullv.e In aqllllrl!l Uti a IIvln ~ ttonon appeal frouaJ ustloeo fPeace . ~~,~Il:r~~~l~ !~~h Ubarle sE . Eaton to tl . R . Wilson .ome of 5hem eo open and IIbove ~uro lll ete r rrom th e 8 \1 lJpu~ltlol\ lhlll i very little practic p can e~L"il y set out 7 .000 to Elisabe th IShoem aker va Jennie lot nDD;lber 219 of Maokin aw addi · board that they really defy us," 10,000 plants each day. OUI' plm.l lel ~ rlaln lIIovelll nls Indlcut I'nl'll lIlar ns C. Bamil' oo et aI., Defeod ao\ Jen· tion to FnnltH o a record of over 998 plants to Krow from each I,OUO ~et. mninlai chull gPtl Ihlll 1\1'(0 Ilbollt to orclir In Ih l! .' MUNE Y A WORK ~'on SPJCCIA LI8T8. '\'t'al II r. In HII S~1:1 t he (h~ ni. C. Hamilt on and 1'. Marioo REFUN lld hud)' DED or IN CASE THIS PLANT 8R FAILS T. Dt) ACL WE Mary and Josepb Leiobty to Mary 'l'btl necessi ty for Ii state lire mar- I Otl ll~ gollio. tllf' 1111111' LAI M FOR IT. Weight , 4Y. Ibs, 'l'hiR Illullter will save:! its cust 1" 6 tllllni ll. Is Hamilt on .h., in hia o~ D proper 1'. and Mllrgar et A. Butt real eet!lte shalar ises from t he faot dozen tbat times over in a selUlon fot' replant ing anti for u~e al the endsa the Ilt \l .. ~ ,1 us 1\ W 1\llu"l'('ock 1I11ng uy 1\ na-'"'n and al execot or of la.t will io Clearo reek townsb ip 12400. ,...,fti uf the I'OW, whel'e you can' t use th h OI':It' · s~tte l· , . . d ~ Ingle I rellll , It will point It) the lll!'t'(" of oounty 0 oers 18 of Marla r.' Oleme ntl are granted require I tfoll whhene th ' wind IJlows.- SulItluy e. Wilbur lvin8 to Elizabe th A. wntlon for so many differen \.'or sale IJy tortmet! t bat A . U Sides and MUl(n zln . 1..... to file an.wer . Clemen t·. and Ethel M. Hathaw ay Done of t hew can special , i". W . Wadsw orth. ize, and \ _ __ _ __ _ Efi!~ These setters can be seen at A. B. Sides' s tore at JohD Trau VI Frank •• Hilde. r~al eeLate on Cherry street any time _~m Lebl· specia1i7.atioo Is nElcesllary til great IJ UT HIS ART ABOVE WEATHER. braDt. Defend an' hal I.. ve to file non'l , BUOO6t!S In any field of human e n- ! . Ed ... .. n I L • D-talll auwer h ere1D f or.·hw ith . ' ok to Mamie deavor ..... Pa inter and Western Critics Spilt on . 'l'be detecti ves of tbe fi . re ~ Re Iii k I o - r. K. 8eroaw va Thoma . '1)'0. -. ta·~ ta 0 r8d es ..., i n Wayne mareha l 'A offioe give their UlDe ex. a Question of ~eteorology . .lUo, PlaiD,U rdl.miu lMloae e wi'b- \owuh ip '&60. oh18lve A Purel y Vege table Laxa tive ly theoha sing of fire-bu ge . ( In a gall ery Ih I'e han gs a larl;(' cnnout prejucli oe. Edwar d L. RetalU ok to John W. Until the creatiu n of a special force vas In an ImllO!!ln !: frame. .Y.,..r e' <heRor y va Ohio Elee- RetalU ok real estate in Wayne Th e \1alnl· Cure8 Chroni c Constip ation, and All ' town- tor thill purt\l'\AA, court offioers agreed ltig 'sllo\\'s a wal >rfall In olle of I he 2 98 Liver and Kidney Troubl e8. \rio Hallwa y Compa ny. Plain'i ff .htpt8 31. ... ~~tllte !l famou s for startli ng . ullt,lIrnl that, perjury aside, ipcend iarlsm sllenery . Th e pict ure hu" uccupled lis i. _I"eD 1..'f8\0 Ble reply fortb"I th. Eltl&b e\h F. Bogard osto Eva Wy- was the orime io whioh trilll was pl'ellent place for severul yenl's. Lee G"'lor y nOhlo JCleolrie Ratl· 80DI real eetate in villaRe of Wayne For &ale at tbll lolloW llIg PJace@: 8· moe' likely to result io acqoitt al, be. "Does It belong b I' 1'. as ked a visit· way CM*(laDY· Do. ville 11100. Zimmer O&08e Dl~U 'R, Kilbon 's, eviden oe 10 most ollses is en. or ot th man In charge. --lUam ....ten va J. E. CoDle" Jeue Pnah \0 W. 8, Orate real ...... . White' s, J "No Mount joy 'I:! more than I}le ol h rR you s('e~" \irely ciroum stantia Springfield, 0ltio. "Seems to me It should emU...1. Do, be III the estate 90.26 acree in Wayne \owo- fioblt to remove l,allmaking It dlf. " rellson able capitol of the state. wher IhI' sren I'Y • ..s. WaUao e .. Ohio JCleotrlo IIhlp '3177.61. BherU f'. deed. doubt, " Is," said the visitor. ,ftailwa '" CoID....o... Do. -. ----.,..~J. SOOU Wllliam a ei al \0 An\on J J "It was' painted for the state." r&- "SWEE T HOM EN i'a....t realeeu .te io Hamilt on town· OLABlI 8 1)1' CONV IOTIIlD INOICNDIARIB8 ' NOT ~OR PAYNE. 'I plied the man In churge, "bllt wll! n It WON'T REBU , hlp -4i-("' ___ _ II.D The motive s of those couvlo ted ~as ' submitt ed to the I't cOUllllit • , . . ! e Writer of Song IIaay JC. Marla" . 4eoeaM d. In· Frequen tly Without I Th ... plant of tht! Xenill Board and they refused to ncc pt It. ,. Bamue l W. Kiener jr., et al to doring the year were : "• 'j\\jhat ftMo~ .Qd"ppn~_ flied. Place to Lay Hi, Head. Paper Compa ny, which waS recent~i.y '~. t5toDe real 88ta\e in village To defrau d Insnran ce oompaniell 5 . ·'You Wall t he objection?OO 8 e. the sky Is ov rcust. The B.tMt Of •T • a.:~ ·ltall,1!ecll ..ed. of ~"'Il I, Th e 1I0ng we kll I W 90 ,... II as Iy destroy ed uy fire, will not be reo, Malice or reveng e .... .......... ... .... 23 artist Pllt In a galberlng alol'lI1 _ _";0.:"- 8 _ " ftft4...... Ilk an . " d HolII l ~. II' .t>t HUIIl ,'. WII.!! orlg1l11llly built in thi:l city. This dett'rm inala Bald A Blaokb arD el (,I \0 the 1I1llObievo08 boy8... ...... ... .......... . 2 . -. .. ~ ·apl"". ..~· a Dl. D tra- ' , a . . Imilendl llg calamit y. Th IIrt .... ol'llmit· ...& . . . . . "SW(' _ _ A 01 $",v..." --'tb 13_ .... '" I Il OIlIP, " alld .lulln Howard tion was reached at a recent meetin tee said .It was a r ft ~r· .....~: - of Edu'........ ...... oa of Olea •............. """" ...... "nu& 8-.... u.n& I g ... k P 1roD)ania ......... .... ..... ..... ........ 8 utatlon ot the atate; etlon on th r fl' Pnyne wt\ s (orlllt!l'iy • ~ ., , aDd .. " D. • ..... ' that a storm IIl1ch H kllllWII :l . .T. lof the' board 0' f dl·recto rs· . • ... t e n E. I 0 1 ' " W. aindlD&D a • •WUh'i. P reaI 611_ I ' I ' earcree.. To coooe&. or me..... .......... .. ...... 10 as Is represe nted oWArd YII.0 11 TlI was unknown In thllt proc 'Th eques.t . .1u.\U!a, Alq Bll, J'NcI Wood and' &ownaJ11p,1210. s kPa 'Ils allll e.di Sillusion It I IVing il l lOno.f WJl t ~rs~pp Iyen.te rs . The meaneali man 011 earth is he latitude.'" J ."Wt18oa appoiD ted ap... ... known that army ball(ls lu tim of war almost entirely mto th determ maG. lV. S'-aley to Luln i'aylor real "hb baras a buUdh lg '0 B"t money "Couldn 't' the artist put In anolll r ILre forbidden to play "S w , , . ·wRA_::.:!. L. u.-._ .. l0..... -.amiDi ........ -te til Lebano D '1. allllII'.a A . . .aau & MI -td Ilk)' one, thnt nccorded with the . Jale's on ae O" lI t of the 1111'1; . n11111IJl ' Hom" tion of the compan y not to rebuild whioh hi. . " neighb ors have pa ,or reputati I' or etc. ]in Xenia. Here suffi cient water canon [or sunshine?" _tOr -gJoliD k a' al. ~ Dla- . WilHam B'" d If toG s tl It A ffl ro .... n an w e . W • oOlltraoted to p&,Y. in premiQ ms or Ilh r tie onsI, wrltlns , ';1 suppose he COUld, bul h refused . th e (':lUSt' S. n 0 cpr ftlbtUi M of procel dt'ot ..1eorder ect. 'ox real8i\ ate tn Lebano n 11. IV 110t'" had throug h well:!. lo II. (rlend, J' ferr II ....~ auell8D leate to I4n iD8umn 08 oom· *e said tha.t the rumpus klok ~t1 up lO til lun e In Ih • •id t. 'RetalU ok adminI J'ra Edwar d L. Retalli ok to .Tohn K. se Words: " W nl. I _ __ He ~ot only robs othen of! by th~ art commit tee warr8n d the low It occl\lllOl'lally nt S 11., wh I'e- IHi' .:;., &ei ".~.Qbn W. Besan' ok. Rapor' 8penoe r real ee'-te In £ortleo...ek pany, 'b ' :.,. · ~~.:.::. :.:..:....:.:.'~'-.:..:..:..._.:..:..._ __ h ' 'd i . storm ct on the cal\v!ls and be 1'. men cou ld UIlI possibly 11 sel·t without of -".. . .-..... ....-.- .Dd di."rlb btlon &owna blp'155 ,04 : mOl~ey\ ey aVfi·e pill or pr~ ion CUBed 'toeIfbudge. _,.-.-.u~ • He sent It h I' ~ J nplug...a\!$OOal'd'; bill wh en ou ij)1Or aBaina t by re, but by_ Dur~ ng ~ere ..j. remains. - Of ~ ordered. -n ver!" In ta~11I whul II 110\ "rrlll .' : Re~ta R. GaatlD to Henry H. his own1088 he jeopard izes tbe buildlDl {lI ~"of·ADIDe&t. Psnoe mbeoU•.• U ..\tDB e.y' "orel! In Tor'leo reek and lives In"llIlU e BU h 1\ tUIl nllIlH bav!' on '75c and $1.. 00 at of o\hel'8:' He itt woree Flt8$ and Aii.t IOOOllDt~lecJ. a bom sl k man. thousands of Illile &owll8hip 16000. than a high waymA o for he destroy s ",alta', Peat ,. Mu,krat. '11'.."';;'.f ' 0 __ ... • t.I-. A_ d'" from wlr , mOl h ~, swef'l heart, buill !I! -- 0 h DIInUI ~. _YUCIr, ..... Mal>"'s objectionable pest Is the R - _ _ .lt_ ---W wealt ,whil e th.e hi g h wayma n on I y B S Howul'd PlI.VJI s IIr WI\S onp. Qr 1'1:\- ; _ _ _. _ de ._..... Conun illioner La a' r~l S. •• _ •• . . • . mal"f< 11IIe vlcl' !llIurleB .' D1, r .ppo... -.. . Of lin. 'I'!'lI lug \raDsfel'8 it, so 1\ ia not lost to t h e common muskrat. He Intrudes tnto V Tel ' C 117 IW1m' p','raw r ,1)'IDi boDd of'loo he WOUld st roH alol)g . every ' thp s ll'e house, t" Billa- alley IO(lk. and everyth ln &phone 0" ~ he j state: -.:. _ Bornln g a boildin g 9banK88 touches Is Inlilregnated .wlth Ule odor wi'thol larry sDyder ,aDd LoUa 8D1' B&.v. F.loyd Poe, reUglo Dllervi hi" lulo tile bl'lllliuitly light ed ",11'101'8. To secure a patent in eaoh of the oes at produo " of human effort to ueelest from which he derives d_ ~, .. Bu... ti... IDHnw ry dis· Infirm .r1 tor Janoar his name. If htl Iwe In awhll he wonld llee a ramlly 64. coun trit!$ issuing thWll would y, '12.50 j J. J . I 'I'P'I"cost e,ters a larder he Is more destruc. circle so hnllllY !lnd ~.- i~'" form1ng s b a lii I· .... OID ... w debr, s. ~ -rvi as '' IoQrm ' w.... ar ~ ", b 'L: . . f 'a.u ful a gl'ohp tlv -.. than thal a ,. he dozen ~ "'ould . '!' cats. ' 011. J I n glloZe a 'J1he wlne an man cel· invento r 115.000, exclusive of the VI 0 uoroa or, reveog e , ,; _M of Karl' BoDe Nul' mlDor, , ... h.l~_ " -7:.45 ... P F , d Is ullon Ih'e IIC ne. and W n tll"h ..-.r, u.s jA:. • oW, boar· I,a~!l attorne "'" fees. alw'~"s one w"o I·think.. he haa lar he . fs worse than a dishonest but· 00. "How otlen," saidIUl' II " JD 1.J'aaDk B. Paaly a.poiD&ed prdia J he to 0Il. Inll. , D tDg prieonere ADd jail Jee fo~ Janu- been" deeply 'wr9l1g ~ ed while F'oIDl,pllre wantonness he taints tile 'aler. nd renders uneatable evel'ythlng with~ OlBte fvlend, "have J be en In thn heart ""'!!!!~~~'!'!!'!~!!!!!"!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~ It~ t,ODd of P400 ~t'h B. V. ary, '110.'5 ; W. E. Htookto '"n repail' 8borD er' to def~aud b~~ no exouse In hIs reach . . a · Walter aD4 J. MiWri. .. aura".; ., j.U,') 111.30; .C. W. Ungles wll\ ruin dozens. of, ot PariII. B 1'lIn, London, or SOIIIt' ! by, but -ed. . bottles of , beer by merelY 'runnlng ovtfl- uther cU'y, lind h IIrd persolls Rillgiug, " ' M of FraDk 'O lark ~8OeIa1l8d. ,/'uuial, of widow of aoldier e-. ODe who burns to Bet insurao Ce Eem. BO powerful and at ' the same or Ihe hand ol·gail playing. ·Swe.. t "'oC'or & borial of, '75; 801 Proof of pnbUoa tio-. ~f notice of. ap. -_U""r 10 buy thH ' me 80 P netratln g Is .hls offensive Home. : wllhout a ~8blllJng J~ "~' " - I. , - mOIJ,e:r, If he 1s not appreh eoded, In. or. Thl a Mnltese Illuskrat Is a nt'xt meul or a IJlace ~tm_, 8Ied. ·. '>; • . dler "(175 i LeWl8 Bros" & 00" vanabl ybuysa nd barDS .galn' 10 put my heall . . Tbe quealdng little animal, wbo aMs to The world bas, Iii B.~ ., :oflla ", if BroWD ~ 48oea1ed ooa.l for ·jail, 19.eo j ooal for ooart rally,. IIUllg II IInll1 ane who bnrnl to "get even" finda 'Is e~l1 ways by di sturbIng ~'" oD of h the repose every heUl't Is (I\mlllar wllh 1111 nwl· . 15& 26 __ 8 hoo.t::.ol..publloa\~ i & Salk DO\tf)8 of~' . ; bemeD nB er, tbat he who "Iew eveD" gets noth- f the vlcUms of his ' depreda odl~ ; y 8, I hove .' .ppolD...... 81td. tions. my boyhood '. ." been a wllnd rr rrom . mdae.: for coort bo~, 10,63 i XeDia inB elll6, aDd he rarely ia \empte d -.---.~ Ell&ag of.Ol~ UP'OD e' al ml~on. ,Oily' Work Boole, ~B . prlaOp- asain \0 oomm ltthat crl~e" ~-- --- --.Two Kltldl of C':lt!cllm _ I WtlUala .. , ._·_ _ .ppolD&ed I(1l&r- ere, 112,75 i C. W. RaDdal l, olot.hing Yl8ohie v011l boy. who .tari tire W~Sl1in "l am g(Qn OnceOav~ Up• .",oin, to reUd you my sonnet :c= an'iDii. boil.d'et" 500wU h Fr~t for prillo~en, '6; The We8ter n 8tar, withoo t' reallziD g the oon.eq oenoel .. .... -.~ ~ . 'Persephone's L ft Elbow,'!:.. au-. to three dootor!! j wa ~ k8p~ rd D~ d '111 50 R B " T. W1Iltaor. uc1 &. E'faD~ .nrati.., ~ /Ol' uuuor er, ounced Miss Amma Teurltr e to her for fi Vb wt'.flks. "Blood pl'iFlon il;l bed ' ; .: " Itkely to follow, o.nally are reform ed trothed .· "I iT.a nt you to glve .,me spld r'8 bite oi ued lar~o, deepfram • ...... of 'ADD TIlomp ton in.~e. It'Dltll,. oor.l for jaU, 127,71>, 80ros e his leg. C, J. by ah admoD i'ion (rom tbe juvenil e perfectl y frank criticIsm, . just ' the to oover 'rbird .aoo1lD& lllecJ. .. , : The d ootnrMflliletl. Moore, oon'rao t, ".50 i State of Ohio t ' i mPle truth, as t hollgh you did not t.hen .. Buokle n 's Amioa 1:j")V8 .:.....!... Of T., R. S. Ball deoeue d; ". Edwar d Price oo,ew, 17.61>. ooin Ssa&e OOTurhe' pyroma niao h"'l1 a d·..... ire to IIOW me at all:' -~ . . . pletely cured IUE'L "writes J ohn ID"" .y and appraiH~t Bled. va ~iel Ltt\le; C08t., '7.5~; ... uo When 8he had flnlB her lover W~sbiogton, of HOMqaevtlle, ·r tllC Htate.. burn whiob ts irrellst tble aDll thereoke solemnly: "I dohed, . Etta. of O89I'P A. Unmba oher of Ohio VB ,Willia m B. not dare to Itor eozen. lll baile, barns tlnd .pUPII Caldwe · , ll, f sinle88 bot aoolety most <-' ellA I be eal!, frankl y, but I will Bay that suprem e. 2lio ftt F . C.l:!obwortz'14 dtc*~ed. W, J. AIl~D appolil Md ooe~, .... i oqoes.• d ve, r d ead bod o r e , . Y protect ed by depriv ing hl~ of lib tJle r~ IB a trace of a hint admID.·t.trato r with boDd of 12.000 Of.J. W. FUller, S34 36, F ot a possible ~~~'!!!!!!!~~~!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!~~~~~!!!'!'!!~!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!! . p. !orgy , erty, . !!!!!'!'!!~!!!'!'!!~!!!'!'!!~~~ r~ture promI8e." . 1 f II I j t12 00 1i-.:tD, 'l'l'he Fed.ra l Union Sare'y &1 ,.ee or DR •J =~a r:y ''th\!o fo llowillg week 8he married " .. " ALL rrRES ARJC INVaTI GA1ED . eight aDdler who had worshiped 00 . . .n ....y. JObD MoOlu r. Oarer tor yeaI'll !Info wbo de"'lar~t t' fhl!.: ..... OlnaD pr and JbhD e Bounet was fi ner'n sli!; .re .ppal. ted appral Mn. Uia' this nerve oontrol s will a.180 oumeta nooa" of every wbich Et'-wo f ly faU . It may be a Stomac h damaoe s proper ty ooourr- ing Fi_ aooou ' 81ed.Muon deoeaee d, ..... In the aei"e, or It lO&y have atre ngth · When you first try the most tempt ing, x.... e of R. lIany a aDd Laura por\to the Heargiven &or Kidney '. state, shall be inve8ti gated by 6 aavory - fine flavore d of all ~ food . . Dr. Shoop that firet pOillted munici pal or towosh ip ollioer E. Wbtte mlnon . Jamea .q. White U I\nd \0 thll vUal nUl. Dr. Sbgop' ., reporte d to 'he at.toe fire marsh" , , l .ppOlD an wish boDdaDd 12500 ••ted of \he Reeter YiD,Il1&rdt ative hwasnornotto made William D. White to arily d088 wh~ is Biveo all . the Btomao tempor powerl! of It i,&ftep Other B.eme cUea lI'nU .' '..• . '. '. Kar'ha 1:. White u " . .tim~te . the Be"rt or' KldneY8. oourt. . '-r pve b~.n troubiitld ;'Itb~ ehro~c i'rank Ball admin istrato r v. Sa. Tha' old.fuh lonM ~e\hod is all Tbe most import ant reMuH of the cOld iuJit' bronchlUI for . .. loll&' · U m. wrong. Dr. /Shoop '. lle8tor ative Ilotivit y ota fire marsh'lll ttt! det'e rI'ah E. Bindm .D e\.1. Ordere d. to Boell directl have tried many remedleta withou t y to these fatUng inside rent effect. 'Knowl edge is . ..' that inoon tlt1dln« reUef. TbrollI h the kind Iq. Nil real .$aM at ••te8&le at DO' nenes. The rsmark able 800068S 6f 1. . UlaD ap-' '-prl I kl "alne. N 'tioD of a lrlen4 f trle4 Vlbol, ~'cf Don' t associa te them with thUl preecrl p"on demon atratee tbe diaries are qu 0 y purllued oysters you com. and us &ft.r lakin, four ' bottles, 1"'-am 8Ddre.1'_ J, W. W.rd I(1l&rdtaa V8 1lUza. wiadom of &rea\tng the aotnal ~use ua1'1 hed J( r ea~.Iy 'dlo1inll!hes Y puma ,. monly cured." boy. 8h A.. H. !'Seals Wilde,' k . b ipt" 7Sa.SUi. 1 G rd are p acked with~ .nliue , of theee f"tUng organl . And It Is tbe numbe r of orimea . IdoneapoUl, M,nn: :t-'h ~ er e' a. u tan indeed easy ' . , ," out water in ~ealed; air-tigb t,. steel contain ers, ".Se~hipt'~· to prove. A eimple five N~ne atllte8 n'ow Catrler s have fire marsha 1 I, McDon ald,U1 W. . Con8'1'6H keep the oysters . fresh 111. boDd of '216 and Is ord~red '0 or teD days test will surely tell. snd firm-n ot water-s oaked. They. tetain all 'l'IIY d rt t d i fi th i S F Paul, ~ , Ioo., 'Writes: "I I con. ..U ...J . . . epa tbe men iucomp arable tang of the sea. B an n .v e e oomm 1!-"1 Dot leu \haD ap· It onoe, and tee I Sold by all dea ers. sloner . otlD8ur ailOe baa t1:le (>Qwers t~d a HYere .eold lalt winter aDd ' . Y,?u ~D t get enotig h, 0 f. ' ISealsh ipt." More than Sa S~! pralaecl ""ue. T h · -=11·1 b k l of'" fire marsba l. . In 18 Btutes eft'ort ·tbONb t I1WOU1~ DeTer let In mat&e rof Rober' Cr~wford tDrid or it. ,1 revelat ton. . ' 'e year 19()8 Wl ong e nown '. . ... ..', trieCl,:Vin.1 aa a 'last relOrt, and it haaEver¥~o taD.. .Adja4 pcl bo\ doubU nlly ID- in Grea.tB ritain usewi fe' aathe "potato year'," la being made to eeoQre Brema rahal colDple want a ~py of "Seats hipt &n~" with the . tel,. cured me." ...-.... . ....,ed - ... - , • .' . dainty ne,w oyster re'Cipc;s, The follo~i I the record crop of . almost 4,000,000 l~W8 Uke that of .ohio ng "~t'" dealers 'WiU from leglst!'... V1D~ eO~bl~ -.... k» .uua....on· nk» ~ ". two wC?rld-f~~ed b ' bee rod __ .1 you a Cflny: "orea now In sea.ion . toDl~,. tate DeMotiOD Boepi ..1 for Insane a\ tons avmg ~e heallo~" medlcln~ proper-, .' . '" , C n p " •. u~' . '. ,. ~ . i . •~DOP ....,,,. . tl of eod oU &lid torue Jr:on, .48(. . -. , . W. H. RoG.R8, . ._S~.te W ' F .The countr y'. •produc re M~r8hal 111 . llclode1 d 1 tion ""a, .. of table blister and ..... eeab .·le· .... ·ih • . ' . e~ &' ,.. Jet. . . of L1d1a c,snDI~lham.lde . and Lake cepper in 1908 exceed -'... ayn•.e&vOhe. an J.: . ed Who wonidD" sive 25 oenta to ;a~e·t .8to1;Dacb. :thll NUClD, : f ~, publlOa tion of D.o . that nf 1907 .lty , .' . • .!' : , ""o~.m. . 10 ,000.000 po~nds, atop, ,, 'p aln 20 timee? ,',Joet ooe lU, . b,;,D,lode'.r I. ' en . a 8tt: Jt\l-· ft' " . . .. uv or 'the, . . . ~ .ppola genui!le "Sealsh &aln' flied ipt" '.<bat.eJJ are aJWa-"lOtc1.,r'~ a 1 Pi .. ' It PiT . bl t U being,m S h ore than .. 900 000 • 000 pounds . t e · ' 1;1 chlr~ n. a . e - r . oop ' '. . . . . of._ba Ja Wud, deoea.e d. ' , 'w~ Po~aI g'tb e"~hipti • ~; _ ~ ~ rW,bite mark to , -~·tllstop .anY' palo ~ 20 ~lnutee,~ dr 'blue. nDi~p~I!o Th~ iii1..C~·~ ,for ~our ,~Ioo k t~ t.r molal•• 1ID4 - '- ~,..,.. it.. y, ............ "" --1O r order ... &0 : . ~--I..The uSea}eb tpt" 1earner .. ...I S,.tem t ..~ ~ . lure ..... .. patealec I Read L the 1Df~formUI a .OJ) tbebQx '~. or OW••.r .eaH.. 'OOldi u4 BrollCb ld .. · 0 ' Domor a eay it CAD '("be beUere 4. . IDCDt,8 will bO oproeec:uted 'to lb. f~U .e xtelit of ...... '''"_. . :, .... ,~ . . . . fO! Dot 1_ fuaechibca ~ ~. I*t.ed , white h~t Ohecb WOID&D1l ~ns,bead patoa, J 'E JANN EY . . .. ItaeIr ,.. ' Dlluo lat .with aoome d . .~ .IQqe d into water' Witheu t ~ ,",1 pain, N:ATI q~AL 2O ' cabJeta 250. Wold 'by • .. ~ W 'flU ' ni.:• jq eraek~ or o~enviae, dealen, . .... ' aJ1l8 l" -,..0. COUNTY COl)RTS

Masters -Rapid Plant Set ter




"ivory Farmer and Truck Grower




Prl·ce $3 75

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The Alpha Chemical Go,

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Hot Wa ter Bottles SCB WAR TZ' S

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Jo n'! Hwap horlles when cro8!ling Dr. J . A, Van Winkle , for .the last tttrea rn .' . s ix 'years a praeti&iD&' physic iu in "With malice tQWllro none , with Spring Valley, arid 8' .membe r of the


II I.. Ch:::n'~;I" ~.:vi8, I ___.___ ' Hard~~.~~~!.!~~~.

• . " cha'r i ty for all. " . . .....--.-- ..:... .---- ----- "Whtln you can' t remOve an ob~'. L. (. H .~Nte, £Allt,'r 1111(1 MIIIIII I-,J; , I I . d '" . ,tlk e, p ow aroun It. ------------"(; od bless my mother . All! am, RateR of Subscr iptioll or hope tu be, l owe to her ."

'1 1.__ __ __ __ __ __ . 5







We · · Prin t SAL E BILLS Rig ht


W.Ho?,,;,_ _.··

Greene County Medical AssQciation, died unexpe ctedly " at his home at 8 o'clock Thursd ay mom in&, in Sprin&, I have the second and third Valley. He had been ill of stomac h ~r coming of 4 In. and 6 in. and intestin al trouble , the exact na... .e: \' C IJl~ ""' tr h' l l ), In a (t" lu, r r ) Hard Burnt Tile. Anyon e ' ·1.11 ) ture of which his physici ans had .11', . , Wnen YOLI have written a wrath desiring Tile, had better con• • ..... 1.. ""I'Y been unable to determ ine, for alm6st full ettel'-- put it in the stove. " sult with me before buying two weeke. elsewhe re, as my prices will· "Don't t;hoot too high- aim low, RateN of Advert isemen tsy Dr . Van Winkle was abou t years be all right. and • ,adl ng I,ooalll, p!lr li ne . . . the commo n people will under- of age, and his home before coming .Oi, t ...adlng Localg., b l auk f U\lOj. p" r lI uc .llIc stand." to Spring Valley to praetic e, wu in "'&IIIlIUell AliH. II U~ t c.x~ ce ,1 li ve li n,) . "Gold is good in its place; but lov- Warren county . He stood high in "'b roe h1 8l' rll o l1 b c.ra o r , 'ha nkll . . ~F,u ing brave, patriot ie men are better his profess ion and in the commu nity, . . . o luU olls . .r.o. than ~old . : ' and w~ one of the best MOwn memo "'claI8. e l C . " ' he r p ch ar~e I 1II :"le "That govern ment of the people, bers of the medica l assOciation. ",,' ay A,I Vel'l lslll g. per Inolo . l tI ~ He leaves his widow and two small by t he people, an d for the people', t ,l ( uIIB l ~ .c;h,,.lIhn 4'ull tr a 4' t shall not perish from the earth." childre n, a S08 and daught er. He is The escapem ent w heel of a watch ~~~~U(:. "I want it said of me, that I plucked also survive d by two brother s, one of ~y~~~~~~~ makes whom 731:860 revolut ions a year. fi~~~~~~ lives in New Vienna , and the a thistle, al;ld planted a flower where ~~~~~~~ I though t a flower would ~row." other in Lebano n. The funeral arA combin ed carbon filamen t and ran~ements have not been comple ted. The bad days of last week re"You may fool all the people' some mercur y vapor lamp is being introttudet.l the !c'YI'Up making , of the time, and some of the people d uced in Germa ny. Revolts At Cold Steel. all of the tim~ , but you cannot fool "Ycur only hop!:'," 8!Lid throe doc Almost 10 per cent of the populaall nf the people all of the time." tors to Mr8. M . E . Fisher, Detroit , tion of Japall is depend ent upon fishOur serial sto ry COllllUt! llCes this • - .. Soak a juicy sirloin Mtob, .sutfefl nf( trom severe reota) ing for a liveliho tce water week. Keep YOUI' eyes on it for it If VIlU w .. uhi bllVto II. od : yet cer· trouble . lies in 110 operat ion," "tben • week-t hen cook and le rvC! it . saln (JIIUl!b Remed y in(Ide the home, - - -... ...- - Would it tasle 81 itshould? Neitber is a good one. try Or 8huoV' ''-llt lello"t I)oce It I used Or. King's New Life Pill.," do oYltere treated tlJat way. ----,_ The Secret of Long Life. til tbl)roul!bl.v unlike ~ny oth er she writes, "till wholly cured" . \]ou,,11 prelJ4'I He. taste w11l rhey prevent . Append ioltll!, cure A Freoch soienti st has dlsoove red How about those concert s thlS sum- tie t' DI.irely new8tion to vou-un lells -it il! Oon8tipllotlon, Headao he, 250 IIot Fred ooe seoret of long life. Bis method mer? Are we enterpr ising enough ,Ifflady your fuvorit ., <Jougb artz's. Reme- U.80hwdellls With the~. Bot long ago -'' to even want concert s? Th e expens- dv. No opium. ohlorof orm. .... m lllion8 of Amerio anlt bad proved or IIoDY es wiIJ be small Bnd think what it ... thAr stupify lng int!rtldienUl are OHIO HAS 2700 MAIL CARRIERS EI" otrio liitters prolong s Ufe and '11 d ' '1 'lMfld . The tender IAIl ves ot It harm. makes it worth liVing. It purifie s, Wl 0 for the town . e;u~,IQng bettling m ountltln ou8llbr ub It coat the govern ment 1551,468,65' e nriches ~Dd vltali7.8S the blood, lut. rirA/-h ave ail the peculiar (lve &0 Dr. /\boop 's Congh Remed y to pay the expens es of the.rur al car· r ebuilds wasted nerve cells,. Impart 8 4eUcacy of oysters you get at tbe .,... wnnder ful cur~tl ve propert ies, In anothe r column will. be found (t il4,truly " (UUllt certl\ln "nd rtera in Ohio for the last three months life lind tooe to the entire 8ntem .hore because 110 ice or 'N llter trust Its a godsen d to ~eak, atck and de, toucbea them- no preservative i. the result of a gun shoot. While a "'IIf' by prAllulp tion, dold by all of the )ast year. At this rate the an- btJit&te<1 people. " Kidney trouble !lied or Deeded. great many people do not like this lieu I.. r ll. nual cost is $2,205. 708.20 for this bl1d blighte d my Ufe for month s," Tbe ice fa packed arou"d the kind of sport, still there are athert! branch of the service , It is way 'Writes W M. ISbermlln, of Cashin g, aealed ga1vIDized Iteel canl, - -- ,.. - ...- - who do, and by the way there are SHEEP LAW AMENDED above the firat calcula tions of the Me ., "but Eleotii o Bitters oured me ''Seallh ipt'' Oy.ters are cluofresh, thoroughly ,palatable, a IWGYS. y . " Only 500 at Fred 0 several good shots in the neighb or&,ovemment officials and is ranked as entirel Ifew ..ay. of preparl nl( o),. t".. • .. Schwar tz·s. The State hood, sheep .t • .., In "Seal. Mpt 8eDW - an Intel'ftt. law has . been one of the ca\i8es of the big deficit rDlf book about Q'.te.... As k ' any of 'h .. amende d in several very import ant 'ollowlDK dralel1l for a copy and try a in the post office depart ment at the BLIND of " Snl. hlpt .. Oy.t.. r. today. PEOPLE SWIM STRAIGHT. plDt In anothe r column we print the part~culara, the vari~us . . ..aler. AlllOlld meat •. ~hanges presen t time: There are 2700 rural noti('e of a' patriot ic meetin g to be causm~ conslde~ble dlBCU88 10ns by carrier s now on the .rolls for Ohio, Keep Courae with MarveloUI Direct. held in the Townsh ip House. Any sheep grower s throug hout WayneaviUe . an d the State, the' men being paid at the rate' nlll, Guided by lound. one subscri bing their names with Under the law" lUI pow amend Corwin, Ohio. ed, ~e $60 a month, with two weeks' Yac&twenty -'five cents will have the same old process IS foll~wed Just al Bome proresll ooal lioeera ' The smulne "Sea1l1b ipt" Oyllel'l are a1_,. sold as havm~ tion in· summe r with pay. a ~I'\ th macnlftcent Toleel never learD put into the archiv~ of the Lincoln two I.r ee holders ~lew of . White 'Porcela in Diepla, Case beuiDg the ··Se'alIWP.t"from " damag~ trade to line In perfect tune, 10 do tbe tralnmark In blue. Thil fa for 10ur protec:tloa-look for it. Farm Associa tion when it is dedicat - and file rQpo~ Wlth the townsh lP PAPA IN Hit BOVHOOD DAV" erl of really flne I wlmmers otten find The "Seallh ipt" Carrier System Ie paieDted. ~ ed next Octobe r. Be patriot ic and trustee s, wbo In tum· fix the It Impolslble that mell wtth eya,.,. menta will be proaecuted to the f1ID ........ of . . iii•• amoun t attend this meetin g, Subscr iptions of the da~~. The estima NATIO te of Not the pa~~::n':!a ~~rt::. H. Would Quality tor racine CllherYlle can be NAL OYST ER CARR IER made or tau'cht to awlm eyen III aD will be taken at this office. ' SouLb Norwalk: , Om,*, -r. the dam • .es 18 forward~ ~ .the approximatelY straigh t IIlle. . county board of COmml81110nera, There Is a Clear old lady In up-to" Kan), a spleodld Iwlmmer Ii beltwhich baa 'ifithin ita power a home who doetn't take much IItock III en on this account, ror hll InTeterate Abraha m Lincoln! A man bom in justme nt of the damag e claim rea- new-fangled l urgery. More elpeclal· habit or settlq off hli courae n.&tural· want. unetluc ated save for that edu- son can be ~ound for such adjust- ly she snUI'8 ' at the theOry t.hat way- ly «ITe. bim a roundabout' jOUl'ney. . h' h f ed ward boYI can be cured of their bad Bllt tbe remarkable tact -remain s that ~tlon w Ie comes rom m - ment, One of the new amend WAL TER MCC LUR E, itatlon upon. the affaiM! of IIle, thus is that · if a verdict of damaa'ments Incllnatlon8 by havln, their bralnl blind 8wlmmera of whom there are e8 as nicked wltb a knife. In this country" a conllde rable numher this stalwa rt son of a stalwa rt race finally adopte d I>y the county Fune ral Director. comThe other day ber grandson came In conDection with various IDstlt UUODS -of people, comin~ from the soil, and mission ers isl' not satisfa ctory tor persoos so aIlUc\ed - unlveraally to the to ber. of the soil, led the conquerin~ hOlts owner, the latter upon appeal aDd without exception Iwlm w Ith .m ay "Grandm a." be .ald. "WIiS Jjapa a Te lephon e day ot' nigbt. of ana . tion ~ a victory such &If had hue the cla\;n .adjuste d by the marleio ul dlrectn ela ; Indeed, In lUI pro- pretty naughty boy when he ' was as . pEtrfectl y Itrai,ht Va.lley phooe No. 7, Long a IIDe aa II hnmanly old II we!" DeYef before been recorde d in the bate jud&,e. . "I'm sofry to Bay be Wall, Gcorgl~ . pOIslble, even when the dlatanc e .cov, Distanc e 'N o. 69-'3r. annals of time. 'l'hey called him The limit.' allowan ce for registe red He beaded all the michie' for mUea ered Is very coDllder",ble. &,rat. Before him men bowed down stock killed ill ~. per . head. Blind Iwlmm en· can, It appears . on 18 fixed around." OHIO. bearIng a nolle In anY.rlyeo dlrectloo ad aeknowled~ed hiD.' .as.Jereat · ~e ~y the fonowin~ aection: In case an "No~, Branch Office, motber, Harve " remonl y.burr trated . O. not only swim ablOlutely _I tralght to wonder ed that men called hlm increas ed allowan ce il made by the George'll fatber, "It wasU't quite aa the polot wbence the 'nolse proCeed I, leam . edt when all he lmew was ~e probate court tile coSta shall be paid but when left to tbem..I,..1 theIr bad as that." . . "Y.ou ·know ' lt wall, ; simplic ity of an ~neul1ied life • . lived equally by.; the parties retorted 8teertq II jUlt .1 accurat e. ~ Pro~ided the old lady. " And IJamell," won't have you • in sweet accord with the rou&'h nea howeve r that no amoun t shall be al- hoi dine yourself UP as a model for .. ofthe tim!a." He .. kne,v no ~ne~y- lowed for" any head of registe red 'your boyl ... what seemed so.. was only a friend sheep or lamb eligible to Undertaker and Embalmer. reariltr y in' "Say, era'hdma," Georgie Interrupt. who 'IaW 'the lirht from anothe r excess of $30. ed, "do you : tblnk It woiild ban done • . WAYNESVILLE:,CHURCHES. Will be · foond to the old papa aoy eCiOd If the doctor bad cut aqle, and. inatead of· abusill&, bini, You will hd the 'l'h · . • -f ~ 1_'" . Bank ~uUding, opposi te ith Inl o .. hll ....:.t .beliCi' to like ' 1-'.. mamma th I' wu ht readth t rell\e~ lng b~ ....Of.81 w .; ~ p ~e e l~. tbe Nation al Baok, a . childreo.1s·t&nic klyev~r and Orthod ox Friends Cburch. : tlaeothermlihtIl;881~.tull-ra.ilant-as by Prevt'ri tlc8. TbeBe s~fe11 clI)med ID' aboutt " . 'Delephone in howse and of· little Oat;1dy The Rev. old BenJaml la\!y lauibed n Hawktn8 . , P&stor. hehimael~.w.!t • .TJt~andathous- <.'o.ld Cnre ;l'lobletlll!honl fice where I can be called Elablillb Sobool, II :80 a. m. Relt\llar obureb d IIhv.,1 be 'lIn the , lint place, they eouldn't "'=-;and otlllr thinP could be said about ",to b~f1~-.rol ,)rOmpln888 .nlce, 10 ;80 II. m. Cbr.laUan Endeavor, day or night, 18 all-1m. ban caulhi -blm," Ibe sMd. "And In 7 :90 p . m . . Valley :Phone 1'-2. hlni, ~.t wIthal )lewBl agrut , good, ~~~7~to,:r::vb:~: c::':: ~:~~~~ ~~~ :;ll~I~I -::a~~! :o~~::n h:~;'!:' !cs~: ~1ck8ite Friends Church. Main .Street, IWayneavUIe, Ohio. a.!!!!p••h~ D,oble. and a gen~e- They Il1'ft Iqll.8&~,"the s\lwb ,Headq uartel'l l fo~ All Kind. of lIi' thue." -Cleye land PlaiD Dealer. Firat Day Meetlnl{. 10 :00 &: m. Flrn 'Day , mati of Ut~fiilth88~ ~.hoo1. . C~rried in pocket , or pnrse. Preven.. 8011001 , 11 ; 00 a. m. FourUI Day Meetlnll 1. , . ' - ,. tl08 are . ,geDulo e aafegu ud aplnll t 10 :00 a. m. p.rRD S."OO . T ,INO Colds. 'a~ . .; ' So.l_d .bY ."U dealertl ,. Alohl •• n Globe Rlv •• la Iler.t. . -; __ _ A rormer chief of police of · AtcJt. ChrlstJan Cburch . Alma n.a and . M ....ln. Tl)ere was a bird ahC)Ot last ThursARMIN O THEM SELVE S IIOD, the , Globe Suoday Scbool. " :80 II. m, Soolal meet says, had .\ , ' . a wide repu. . tatlon because he wal not afraid of lng. 10 ::10 a, m., and Chrilltlan Endeavor day aften.t~n at Oakdal e Park, and Should be lD 7 :01) p. m wo·men. W·hen a mad woman called lOme f&ir aliootln g was done, Otto -My, but Dayton IS gettm&, to be a 90 him and ...., bome 10 .l&ld. haughti ly: '" called Homtc k I the booby' prize, shoot- '\ bad town~ Tbe I,adies. ~ order to to the 1au4. Bta , ' Method ist Episcopal Church. see you about a little mauer." he iqtw.,nty-l'\retim~and only locat- protect.~lvea.,arebuYln . \ . ' . \he , .. preello/ gplstols. promptly re'P:!led : "lam clad you did. Rev. W . T . G UUt'and , Pa.tor ~... _ on'e bird. ' "Kid" can play. · ammom a . .J;llstol&7'the latest Sunday S cbool . 9 :30 a. m. MOrnlnl( aer U0D801Ul bebad thing There II . : lood .dMI of complaint 10 . ... ,:r yvv The Famou vice, 10 :80 a. m. EIl"onb r.earue, 1 :00 p ' 001, In hil OWD s Dairy Food. your neighbOrhood bout your temper. I ~d )ocate '~ the malls~ but wben he '\ ou~. . . ~ m. li:venlng aervlce, 7 :30 p. m. Mtdweek .~ . and ' I wallt ·~ o ..y( that if I hear any publica ttl on • •' PJ'\yer "'ee~lI&', 7: JO p. m. hu to shoot in the air ~e cannot do It 11 aatd tbat die guns . ar~ .made more aboi;t It I WOI put a atop to It In No other p1I~lI.ber . much, Fo))ow iDt ilS thalCor e: to : O? the ~rd~r of the ~ater-~ulrt gun.. a way yd.u won't like," etc., p ..IaUhem 10 au7 form, e1\her 1rlth or eUl. In ·ell • . · . B ...... St. O 1 Mary's 0 0 0 0 Episcop 0 0 1 0 al Churcb . plstol~h . Corn, ke 10 shape, Seed b~t wlth tbe butt Ihort, the lecret 11 UJat the chief How Oats, Coal wIthout creel". - m. 1909 Almaoa o uRev. J . F. cad"allader, Rector. ad f bbe Thl chewed the rae IIrlt. and kept at It 0000 0 ,0 0 1 0000 0 0 (). - 8 en d or han dlerne 1 11 f be ••• Sunda, 8obool. " :80 0 ru . r. I, m MornlDg SM I wltbout ,Ivlnl tbe womall a chaoce ' ce a a 0rDl81!. ed1Uonll ,and· Cement. "" ThOJDU, J ,..... 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .) 0 0 ~lce, 10 :80 a. m. EVflnlns IICIrvtoe. 7 p. m. y;'lu, IIoIld is bul~. sha~ ~d holds a quanti ty C?f to' say a word. Men Ihould aella forS5ce nts, poelpal d. rememb er Hal,. Communion 'be lint. Sunda, of eacb .BII mODthl" magazi ne, WOaD o 0 0 O' 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 l' 0 0 0- 6 water ·l.n. WhICh 18 'Yea1cened ammoDla thll when approac AND m~lb, bed by a mad wom· " . Thom n i .l 0 0 0 '1 1 '1 1 0 1 . WORKS, oontaiD and a goodly ~rtton o~ cayenn e pe~ an, tbe maD .houl" attack a bia weath. . fore81'1t, u4 ' St. Augusttne'. Catb9U, Cburch. cull for each mooth, togethe r with. o,l .i t 0.0 11 00 ,100 0-18 ·~er. ~herewlll besoht tleamm oDla If you want Good Bread. use . .keep quarrell~~ UDtI~ ~~~OIUll on... Fatber Georre .. a"'enboefer,'Paltor. valt amount of the beat famll1 ftadlnr White. U.:.. ;.. :0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 o· In them th~t there will be no deadly Mau eYery IIIClOnd SuD4ay of tile montb' at and 001" II. . _:rear, one almlUlltO wlt~ ' . ' 9 0 0 0 l ',Q 0 0 ~'rO 0 0 0 .~ ,0- 21~ffecta or .dls~urements . ~ tl:te .face ":00 L III. : eaCh 8IlbI0l'1pt.ion. Every earlllqu ake , I 1 aDd aerloull ltorm for 20 , 1eaN baa .. DR BAT HAW A. Y beeD predlcu.d b1 Prof. Blck.. You I TbomPIOn. G"l 0 1 O ~l 1 0 1 0 '1 18 enouc~ ~ ~~e tdhe O?tter . dermtll • • • caDDot aflord to be withou t tbwe pubTry Our MIll R~n Feed for Hop . ' . 0000 .1 ...... , .. 16 birds ......... - 7 · emart wltU ·~~. an • Wl h the ex ra Wa,)'D8 8. ~ 1lle'. Leadin g DeIltl, t l1oatlOIla. Adc1N.8 roll o~raw .'. . . '. ', '; _ • amoun t.of pepper thrown in • .if the . Oftl~ in Keys . BldK. . II ' , }faio !'The MIami Gazette, Wayt;tes\'lUe, O. ' cl . , <SoId!Or Balks Deatb PlOt. ' . . opti", ..... will be We also have • lot of . I.I~ . \ It. aeemed J . . A. tlt,nop. It ct vii . so bl~rred that the the 81!81i'llant can 11M. i' - .. =-~. ,warge &erilo ;of ·Kemp, . 1't'llt., tbltt. nothm rbutst LU",BER Cheap. Oet.our.. dprob ablya few'" ,G........ ~ . .plql.' ,exlated " ~r'~"I:;D it ,P lll'pt! .... ~· ·crelCentm~ns. <~ before buyinl . I... .... · ......: ," lll~ ",ollble "od 'the ' trr. ~tt ~,II ChUl4ft . . , . . to ,.11 cle.ltb. , "I·~D''''~9tetl. ~t..o b~lrh '. T~ eye' ..def~ta ~~ attribut ed.; 1J9 _,.. • , , .0014,''',.be .tll.fll', • ill.., ( ~t,t~~."'~ It . per (!ent also-ca lled anralJJ ie head• .~ II , GqQ,h ,"~t .~Ull~ ~.. m .., iR :,tlpif41_"' , ..11 Nm",t ea,lol' seara. II. ~" :~~es. • . . • _' '.... ' . ' . ' . ~ru:' it_. .... nil clown to 180 pqUodlil • . Il'beu (bto· .' - . .'" ,..." , .-i' .. -




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T'HE RETRACTION WAit WORBS. . Wa:J' 01'&1' t~e roc~'8tre1f1l ' !TOund lUIe,l ' Bcated himself upon one of ilio largu! ' 8econd 8tat e"TIont "Plied Up t ... of th ton s whl b b ~d cn b. 'r~ Agony" on RIval Editor. 0.1.. CRANE, I' ady fo r J18 plnce In the wal1 so 10118 ,b tOI' . • OH T WAY ~ESV1T.LE. DIstrIct AHomo), Heney of !!JIW From hb vantago point on lIie l em The Prophet Revive. the pI sit h.! could look out over t h~ Francl~co . a short time, nIter bls' wOlind lng. dlscussed with a r porter !1t Gettysburg ·Memorlal. Te.mple.Buildina Project. city lying below. H marked tho ' Minnesota Exper,lment Station , Tak.('s Up W I rk. ot Tostlng hls bedside 00 or h is alntemeDUJ Pennsyl vanln, lJl which Ge~tY, sburg II ~oodl y dwC' llIllgs which had b en .1 l . tb peop 1e Since t 1lolr ra Practlca bU1t.y of Small SUllo llbou.r tbe an FranCisco boodlel's. located, has taken ti me to arrange tor BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYW" r a reu uy "Til y :\:pect me to retraot tbat a ltate memoJinl" on tbe famous battlePREACHER turn.. lIt' saw the s moke InzlJy creEll' ntnteulent, do th ey?" he said, grimly, In!; up from the fires In til c~nlrn. I!.eld. And the result sllows that decourt s ot the ho uses and where b~ Since th!ll remo vnl of tho Inl rnal per receiving tanle (5). The Illcohol " W~Il, It I dId relract It, m)' retracti on 1m ' w UlC wom n we re bUllY pl'ella.rln~ • I' \'enu~ tall on d ~IIHurcd . ,Leohol by Is dcnaturl zed by a revenuo officer. I\'ould be like Iho To~bstone edltor·s . IIbe raUon has not been In vaIn. An· 'rh(>, Prop ('t H n:;:!;:l1.-II o W IUI probably the ml.dday r pnsL H.> could s-.n th. congross much g nern l Inle l' st hus as- who add s I n P CI' cent. wood nlcohol Douncenlent III made of tbe acceptance "110, rou know, pl'lnt d u.story to the v " ., v t d It h",.n "I 13 11 1» ' 1011, anLl 1I1' t'ompanled Z('rllh.· ot a deilgn for the memorial. fQr which l.HIbel 10 J')fll"ll l('tn: th oush som conalLler peo ple passing ubo ut through lilt serted, itsolf I' ga rdlng til to\.1ll . of or other b wi nls so as 0 rou 0 1' err ct that j\ rival edltor'l father baa '1110,000 has been appropri a ted. Thore Ih'll h e hna I!('en th o ~llII'y ot the old str ts and cnugll t :\n occa s iona' : minu acturo or the Ilrollucl. So fllr un !;ultnbl e tor In ternal us . s I'V d 37 yeal's In jail. Pressure \V~ wu If" Iy competition for the 'first lem ple b (orc It Ilestrlll't!nn (seo 2:3) Ilnd brigh t bit ot color as II fla.Shed In til, I lItlle bas resulted, _except In t.ho w y Expel·iuwr.t Slations Counde d by brought to bear ou h im, and finally h I thai he WIU! ono of (he vcry n l: d xlies bl'llll llnt light of tb e m l "d~. y sun. of ellperlulentation. The Mlnnosota 'the Untl ,d Stat'ls governmlmt art' agreed to retract tba t Sllltement. l.ll. prize. whiCh bas been awarded, says who laId Ihe foundatlnn or 'Ih new tem· u •• C pi e In lears (F.Hn 3:12). Il ls great mla· ,,,' hat a contrast th e re was. Tb _ oxperlmont stollon. Is oue of the fir st permltl d to op Illte th se s tlils or hIs I'etracllon be said : the Troy (N. Y.) Tlmea. l1\ustratlon . Ion was t ho II ... ura gelllonl of Zeru l>- l h/) people were li ving u ,. to t a )Ie up the wor.i a nd Is now operat· · xpcrlmcnta I purposos an d d IlUuntur • In comfort and "'We find that we were mistaken Ihows the dellip to be most artistic bnbel. th o Q'overnor at J l· rusnl('lJI. nnd oase. wblle tbe templo of God la" Ing a. small s U11. Ixe the rucohol on tbe snOOe dny It III wben we saId In last week's Iss ue that and efl'e c tI ve. Th e memo ri a I w 111 e b a of J o~h m\. th~ high pl'lest. In (ho r ' ~u l1 dlng ~ Th I til Tb tI tbe Iho tcm plo nnd In Itrou"lng the pco. In rulus. Til re was tbe activit¥" 01 e I lust ratton s hows Ibe ou t (:IS llllcu. 0 llerson opera ng th e CIIII'Io n odltor's papa had pn9!1ed 37 illusive double 1U"Cb, SO teet square pie to th eir support atLer the worll hnd Ibc busy mnrt, whllo Ii':!re no s~l1a~ that has recenUy been Installed fa I' 1,lant lI:ocutes a $1.000 bond. ns a summers In tbo penlte ntlnry . All e f· and 100 (eet hl&h, w1th granite steps to bcon su s p'n.l ~d for 14 yc[\rs In conso-' broko tbe stIllness sn<J God. WSII fo r tho manufacture of denattJl',)d alcohol !! lwl'nnteo that the a lcoboi will b p ro rts ot friends 10 hav his sen t nC& a telTnce wblch will give the whole qu ence o( Ihe ('ounter edk( ohln ln d t rom "'otl en. au a s mall scale, appllcabl,} to farm IIbod only for 11IIrposcs or cit'lIutul'l z· commuted to life Impri sonment fail ed. Ari a" rxcs bv the Sa mnrltnns. The.. h IItructure a conaplclJOua ond dIgnified prop!,,, y Is 8h~rt nnd ('ontlcnsetl nnd COY' "It Is :111 wrong!" elCclalmed tb, conditions. 1t was necossory to 1m· Illg. In th cas ot tllo t urDJ r. t e ond tbo old man, ns a matter of rae l. the bolAr or COllr nlo nths. In prop IIt' t I n a. va I cc 0 f ;n IlIg Ied grle1 I;ort th· e stilI from France \\'ould ' ha ve to remalu In t he 'vas hung.''' appearance. Tbere wlll be bronze pan· -re ~ , . pnrlod ~ ~ , • wh ra a l· a l"oilOI the names of officera 24 days the rl,' bll lldin g It! r nf! lVou. 'rhde IUld RIl ""er. "And bl '5 5 111'" C.. 11110t ClIme cobol Is, s uccessfully muuc on th e seA I~ d tan lt sucl be dellatul'lzoll hy a ell C.o n'Alnln" .... .. youthfu l Z (' Inrhill Is mu\" ctl to s e e o n " .. r Tl III t and men who took Dart In the battle. HaggaI's worl,. but "fl l'r nne brl('r l O God 's \Jeopla whlll! tb ~y neglect a rm, a s no fact urer In thi s govllrnm nt ontclal. le st mus Footb .. 11 Vil. the Idea beIng to record every Ion at proph('cy. Is sl lcnC'I'Il. Art er (nu r 1V(,l'lts tlll' ll' olJlI gnUons to h im ," , ho (\Ildll(\ ('{'untry engaged in tho ~o n s tntction bo opernt 1\ In nCI!ord with tbe I' v· Willie. a s u 0 ve. was tnlc6Il by hi tll(' p,' npl(' becllmc d,·sl'ollll!.!n l 1\1111 CIllll' sh!l ldng his h ' ad wllh serious C lD nnd erectlou ot dis tilling vlants 01>- cnuo regulations. othel'wlse 0110 wouh) [ath r to hi s flr ~ t rn:; tbllll gam e. ThAll 'Pennsylvania so dlltlngulshed. FIg par ' the nC' w I 1111'10 with tho old . nul fcatll re W il t callgh t his chlor Ollpro l·al. . Hnl'tr;al rorcl ... lI s grea t-'r glnr y (or til,' (nr· pbn6ls. tIT" at AbrahlUIl Llncoln and Andrew 111 1' 1', Two m,)n lhs lul l'r 11(' "1:,, 111 n 'buk es 1"0 1' n long lime he Wb._ slle'lt. while howe l·cr. di d r.ol b come el'luont till G. Curtin, the latte r being the great 11 ,,'1 ,. "I n\\'n ~ :S. nlld prUmIS!'H dl\"lll" f:l,\· IIr . ('olllllclin g emotions st n od in hit be !laid his pro)' I"S t ha t nIght. '1'0 too "war governor" of the state. w ill flauk H e flnnll y 01'1 ,('0 18 In Z rllblll\! "'1, lLH the h a rt. Tben th e Ihou r.:bt seh.rd ho lr) hort' I' of bl s paren ts, Williu pray 4, hl'lr of Ihe h o use o( Ou\'I.I. ulIll p"I'llk IS _. ODe o( the archei. baa·rellers ot artil· t ho stability of the Id ,,,!,I"1H o( Cod UflO II hi m thnt be wa sllllJ :g Idl y wil li true foolball s unp: lery, cavalry, Infantry and signal mt'n amids t tho ruin ot ten lllorn i sover 11l1I ' 111 re. and doing n othIng to tile God b l ~ ss llnpn, I 10 aC lon: I God bless mam ma. 'WIll be placed appropriately a nd the til'S. VC/)j) C od IJ less Willie; WlaOl8 will be surmounted by a bronze Scrlpl ure Authori ty-The Book of "O h. GOIi," he xclalm ed . .\s lh~ cou Boom! Ruh! Ruh! sclollsnl!ss of a n gleet. d mlsslor, IltattHl ot Victory. The memorIal Is to Hagga.! . -S uccess Mllgozl1l8. lie dedicated In July 1910. and will add s wept over him, '~ h Ip me l J s llealt to ~~~~~®<SXS •• III P ople. Give me a message." ,mother notable attrnct\on to tbe In· • • Magazine Requirements. l... • SERMONETTE. The voIce ot the prophet roso a'\~ lIIumerable InterelUng reatures ot tbo b d b "Why dou'l ' YOII advertISE! lJl !.hit Those who I .ve grown cold rever crate ock nnd forth through ltorlo spot New York baa a han d· 'Ile ma ~ s or magnzln !I?" ' In the Lord'e service can al. . .. ru Ins W 111Cb su ,'roun d 0 .... "I hardly thLnk a girl's portrait me atate monument, In addition to him. and be turned to listen as the ~orel at regimental momorlp,ls, nt Get. • ways see the dlfficultlell In the • sound died away. would go well wl\h a brand or nxl ~.ljurg, and lympathlV"~1 In tho spIrit way t? h inder further progreStl. "1'hy 'ry Is b a rd," spake " "olce ,rease, so I aUck \.0 the newspape r-. .) God. people are too prone 0 frolU tb Dllds t or the ruins. "Go tbon \Which move. PennsylvanIa to It. resay a needful work cannot be • Red, '~'euk, " ·.. nry, 'Vnt I!TT ETe. ent actlo~. dono, and rest content In the with thl a mosa g to Zorubbttbel, the Rellc" !d hy Murine J::ye R -lDlN)· . .• 01 " : ease of the present condition. ov ru", , .. ::11 ,Joah u", the hIgh priest, v ou nd~ d by E:<).lcrlenc II Ph), lclans. Mu· rlne DOMln' l Srnllrl : Soothes E)'o P aIn. I Electrlclty Is the one branch at lel· There were the foundation 86), lng: 'rhull '!l ok tb the Lord of W"I\ I' Murlno , F.~' !I Rem Ill' (.O'b hl l'~:o, ence which bonorl the great names 10 walls of the temple; Just Ila they HoatB, )lIn: 'I'hll l1eoplo say, The for IIluslrated Eye 1300k. A( rUIOI;18t». tim I. not om . . tllo Ime tbat the ~ history In Ita tundlUIlontal termln· • had been left 14 yearl before Lord's hOlls s hould be bunt. Is tt Denatured Alcohol Plant In Operation at Mlnnelota ExperIment Stlltion. The young mnn who sets out to ~, !Dlo17. The other day a tablet was un. when the work had been stoppedl and the Jewllh colony lim for )IO U, '/ " 10 (lw 11 In )'0 U the arcbltect or his own fortune must ;yelled at Ampere, N. J ., In honor of had oome to believe that the cell d hailS s, nnd thl.!l huuse, the pears to malto such small ouUlts. The be subject to fin e and Imprlsonmt'nl not scorn to be the hrlcklayer ~ud !Andre Marie Ampere, the French pby· bulldlnQ would never be com. bouRe ot the Lord. lie waste ? Now cheapest one Ull~t could be supplied ' 0 alcobol has yet been mado In tll ls bod carrier lUI welI.-WeaU 'y. ' fdclat, who flrlt meDJIured the current. pleted. "It can't be done," they therefol'e thua saUh the LoI',I of hosta : by an American fl.rm cost about $10,- stm, but a number of oxperlments us· -----JDd tor whom the unit Is named. The saId. Con s id r your ways," 000. ;llj?: various farm products are con· 0..; not ul.'glcct onatipntion, fut this co n" dilio!l POiMODll tbe blood a nd lead 0 c.hron· be.,.. the .am. of 'G..... 8, O'm, It wo. at oue•• tim. e. that Wit. , ,,.,',. . . .a."n,,. Ba...' . Th. 1". nr • malti• • vat German maq. of scfence, who dlscov. that God apake, chIding them for • IIltone,I, and wben the voIce cea3ed (6) (an old cbeese vat) supplied with The' plnnt has been Ins talled bot b ic ill IIC1lllh. Ottrflcld Ten, th mlld herb ":(1\1 h'c, correct~ l'On lrtipa tioll, bc~. tit the law on which tile unit ot elec> wicked Indifference to religioul be sprang (rom bls seat upon the bot and cold water for regulating the tar experImental and Instruction pur· 1blood pure, nnd the bealth good , obllgatlonl, and commanding stone and hastened bllCk over the ten )le raturo during the fermentation IlOSPS, and 11.1 tbe work progr sselS, cal rellistance la baaed. The 1'olt II e4 tor tho Italian Volta, the great. them, "Conllder your waYI." ruins and "own Into the olty as rapid· pl·ocess. The cull potatoell, low grade rellortb wlJl be issued giving Intorm", Of course we a.\I believe thnt ~t • This II a warnlhg as wall aI • Iy as possible, and soon burst uncero- grain 0," whatever material Is used, III, tlon upon tho! subject 1m rospons to bett r to give than to recelve-ullU! electrioal authorlty ot the elgb.. I I -, I dl " d I bl ' h I h I I I hi b h an appeal, and ccme, with equal • mon O\lS y Into the preseDce ot the "'ter gr q ng an su ta e mec an· .. e numerous nqu I' es w c avo lomo 011 passes around lbe hat.. 10ai Dl"eparntlon. placed In Ule . vat been rec Ived. Tbe st1l1 cost $67.13, . teenth cen.tu!,),. who ~all the ftrat maD • force to God'. people as • gcwernor. to conltruct a rude electric battery. A In the day. of Haggai when the Olle look. at tbe Intenlle, flusbed where It Is ferm~nted with yeast, Ilnd duty freo. The freight and Installa. Doltclous cakes and pastries are ",rofarad. the 'unit of eleetrlca1, capacity, la prophet delivered , the Lord'i • faC E of Haggai cbecked th word (It alcohol Is tormed. Tbe termented tlOD brings the tot~ cbarge to ' about t1uc.e() by the use of Souders' Cream ot Damed In honor of tile Engllib pbysl· menage and lought to arouse , 1t!;J fOof whleb he was upon tbe point product Is then placeu In tbe stili $100. Prof. ' Harry Snyder ()"p resso~ Tartar Baiting Powder aud Souderll,\i c1at, Faradll1: the coulomb, the UIIU of the people to a fulfillment of of uttering Cor the abrupt entrance, , (2), a fire Is kindled In the fire bolt the opinion tbat Amerlcan mechanic. Flavoring Extract.s. All good grocerlea. C1tl1Ultlty, tor tile P'ren~h pbyslclst ·Con. theIr o~lIgatlonl to him. • and tbe next Instant Haggai was pour. (1), and the alcohol Is vaporized, can make equally '\s good an outfit "Con.l~er your waYI," Ing Into Zerubbabel's ean all tbat pS6Bes through the tube (11) Into the at tire same If not a lowel' cost. De, Jomb, ~d the "atl, the unlt ot power, A man never realizes boW' ,alIly b ll for Jamel Watt, the Scotch InveDtor Whither do they trend? nad trans\llred at the ruins tlf the tern· conllens.:r (3), wbere It Is cooled and natured Alcobol tor uso as tu I and love lettera are until he bc:u-s 80m. "ho 1Di ro_Yed the Iteam engl·De. Aw.y from God or toward pIe and tbe words which the Lord had IIqIJUled. The condenser Is supplied light Is successfully made on 0 stpaJI of them read in court. spoken. ' I at . 9 with oold running wate r, The scale by European farmers, a nd I God? ' "Conllder. your waYI," and "I t Is enough," e xclalmecl the gOY' Alcohol dellvere ro 'Th:e-CtJIIIlt1:!UljlJT'i-1rnllW-uI~o-TeI~It)--wl~-itr-e<:I-{l1~-o:4-~l.I;ctt.~ no Snr r n m d~' ruT n 'ougb, The concern tell ':or the 'tooth of the or I roubl ~ tltnn "Brown's Brollch t 4s I pa.s sen d I t 0 tlIe Beal e d cop- 8b 0 uJd net b emild e 1u tbl s couu I ry. know whettter there ,Ie the ieven ('rnor. "We have erred." a Troches. l!5 c nta a b x. S mplo Cree. children by a Brookl:ro alderman, who . balance tQ the life whereby And without furth er comment, but J oh n I. Brown ~ SOD', 8011toO, Mus. , propo.ed to save their grinders by cioa:' God'. clalml are recog~lzed and with an earnestne8s which betokened lng' the candy, sbopi to all con~umera Less than a pint o( whisky IIlDY" God'. aervlce performed. : that It was a time for actIon and not mllko a peek of trouble. aDder 16 yean ot age, la eml.entll , A~o you getting warped 1 Are ror 'words, he ord re d tltat It be propraiseworthy, but it will never be a~ you . gettIng 10 deformed In vi.' claimed throughout tbe cIty that the preclated in youthful Quarters• • The • lIon . and dellre as to knolN only • next day the governor would go up to ebUdren wtU take all risks. Wbat II the ~etf·purpolea and ambltlonl? • tbe temple site and would Inspeot the The dllTe rc nce In vallie be tween 0 \..~'Co'nalder your waya," For If • ruins and plan (or the work Which, de· By . ~lmer O. FtpPla. goo'd dairy cow aud a beet steel' Is tOothache when a nickel la bumlne a Gild II being left out of your clared he, "should begin as 800n .'& 8 brought out vel'Y clearly and can. You might Bny of a legal weddlnl.. hole In the pocket? Very IIkell 'there rCl(:konlng you are making a fatal possible,'." \'!nolngly In the foUowlug comparison '''Ce rtainly ·knol." ~ M1'8r be an achel Better to roll mistake. You are putting your The governor'1 blessage created a It Is an Interesting fact that the by Prot. A. L. Haecker of the Nebras. !a aweet , mo~l. under the tongue With . all Into a "bag wIth holel." great stir throughout the city, and at nrat Ule drains used In America were ka experiment staliOD. I preaenta ~~~~\'\"~~:. ~lDA.,"~tl~~1'8~", • paiD In the' left blenlpld thnn to have Haggai poInt. out the lolemn the appoInted hour on the nO'Xt (. ay laid near Oeneya In 1S37 by John ,a I!ubject worthy serious thougbt: rn...... 8.01laIWCI.LoIlo7.N. Y •• o,awpto. the pain ot lelf-denlal eatln, 80me truth that wIthholding from God when Zerubbabel, the govornor, and Johnston. ?tiro Johnston's farm of 300 • Take the eteer, Ohallenger, little heart oul Ne1'ertheleu, 88ya the meana poverty of tlfe and heart; Joshua, the bigh priest, and ~Ilggnl acres cO}lslsted of· clay loam and ~Iay we nre ' nearly , all tamUJar with, (rom The more a girl Imlles the ]~••h BoltoD Herald, the Brooklyn alderman mean. a Ihrlvellng up of the reached the temJlle ruins they tound SOil8 wllh smaller areas , of : marshy ..bls wlnnl rig 'the greatest tropby that mean. it. mlltht be made to · lee hli way to reIplrltual nature which must all the city come together to see what land, but It could not be reg\lrded as can be gulned by a Iteer In the . Wl' ~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~ eventually leave one marooned the governor would do. Some ilevout being more wet , tban tbe av~rage of Uonal cont at down at Chleago; also - t.... ring detective dental works In sucb upon the deaolate Illand of lelf· hearts there were wbo waIted rev. the land In tbat region. ' During the take ,t he cow, Katie 'Gerben, wl1lcb I'eellleai ep~ndtbrttta wltttout cloalng purpole, while the ahlps of God erently, otbers were there out pt curt· cOUl'se of 30 ye!W's Mr. JohnstC!n In· has just broken a record. Challenger the Iweet Ihops. . It la an elttreme sail by bearIng theIr precloul, oslty, while tbe great majorlt,. were slalled between sixty and soyeny ,miles gained last year 700 pounds ' llvo m ...ura. • cargoea of human ' IIvea, human • unsympa,tbetlc If not bostlle, and de- of tile drillns In hJs farm with results weJght. he ' d~e8sed 60·some per cent. The patriotically Inclined Will ftW\}). IIvea which have embarked on clared that. It was worse tban toll)" en,tlrel), satisfactory to hlr,nself.' 80 ' and (hst would-meaa-that he.pto&~Id '1 ... ~ the sea ot God'i purposel and for the governor to attempt the task marked were t11.e effects of hIs drain· eome 41)0 vounds ot meat. abI)' be horrified to learn that when are bound for the aure hai'bor of of rebuilding. age system 6'n the , condition of his We are told, by, Gilbert and Lawes,the omcera and . men ot the tloet at· • eternal realization. "Was not the work stopped 14 years soli and' the yIeld of crolls, that It at· who are probl!-bly tl1~ greatest Invesll. tempted In torelgn portl to sing their· "Conlider your way'," Whlth· ago by decree of Kin" Artnxerxel?" tracted wide notice snd throu~h tl1e gatorll on thJs subject, that' beef run I own national anthem when those or tbe • el' are you trending? , tbey osl,ed. "And wbo Is the,re who New 'York $tMe Agricultural society ,(rom 54 60 ver cent. water jUlt as portl visited had been .ung few could • ••••••••• • 'dares to again take .up th~ work?" 'led to tbe public recognition ot Mr. y6u ' filld It in the live carcass. theu CO beyond three lilIes or "The StarZernbbabel had spol(en and then Hag. J~linston's se rvices to the . tarmlng we have tbe mlnoral substances; the spangled Banner." There Is some THE STORY. gal .had repeated the message which community. He was presented with bone; 'so cutting out tbls 65 per cent cauae to IIUlpect that this Ignorance ot God had give n him, and as hlG voIce ~evcral gold and sUver pieces nl em- ot water and this bone In thIs ,400 - "Our national l)ymns Is not conflned to HAGGAI did not otten pass that cenBe" a great tear fell upon the peo- bletaa or this esteem. pounds Of meat and you hnve less than the fieet, aJid ' the tact I. not creditable, way, but on thIs particular morn· pie, and 1.belr murmurs cellSed. Many Qtller men' were led·to the use 200 pounds, o.t "hat we call meat, EYery child who go(', to school and II lng, moved by Fame strange 1m· And then the religious wave o( len . of tile ~rruns thl'ough Mr. Jo~ni3toll a minus ' water and bone, that he pro. . pul~c . be bad escenoed the he ights to- tlment was swept back by the return. exam ple and the gospel ot tile arl;l."ln. duced 'In one' jrear. . , , IUC. eno~gb to sing sbould be taught ward the temple slto and stood 'View· Ing ",ave of doubt, and the ' people age seems ·to spread ou~ trllln . Katie Gerben ·produced IS,600 the words , ot "The Star-spangled Ban· Ing tbe t1esola te ruins. cried out. Geneva ' IIS a center. The drain !! In· pounds of mllk. or over 620 pounds Y()U ner," one ot the JI'lblest patriotla To tbe h€:llTt ot the devout prophet "How can It be' done? Our enemies stalled ~y,, ":r.f:r. Jobnston nre stili in ot _butter tat. In one year, also 700 poeml every written. the sight brought butl'one feeling, that about will aguln trouble us. Wo rf'. goaoj working condltlpn. The ylelc. o~ ,,(.uuds ot milk sugar, "bout • . of discouragement and doub t. meulbQr the persecutlona which arose cropa, which are .reported t~ ba,:~ In· ponnds ot clUlein, 150. pounds ot albu. The young Idea III In be taugbt lIt~ . "Could It be that the temple w~ agulnst us, and ot the final decree of ;creaeed from th,e ,Indll'fere nt amo~n~s men and 150 pounds or .asbes. Thae Then prot~t it from the daDally how to shoot 1~ tbe project tor eVAr to be completed?" he aslted hIm. tho k ing "'hleh put a stop to the work. of 15 or 20 bushels of wheat I'CI' acre would give us ' 2,000 pOll.\lds ot food ·gen of ' croup to which 'every I rifle pracUce by schoolboys. It 18 a self, nnd then by way of an5we~ shook And now, how dare 'we begIn n work to, 30 or. 40 bushels per· acre and tr.· ,·nutrle nts. , Then thIs' cow, Katie Oer. child is eubject. Keep trifle appalling to thl.,k or the havoc his bead In a dejected way, while the wblch will bring down upon our quently more, are stili malnt p.1ned un· l'en, ba~ produced In . one year to property and anlm~s. to eay noth. tears filled his eyes and a sIgh burst beacir. the batre~nd opposition ot thn der the mana~ement o( the present 2,~00 pounds at food nutrients, whll~ lug at the human lIacrlfices, while the tram his lips. SalJl;ui taus?" owner, Mr. Charles R. Mellell.. the Ilt~er, Challenger, has pr9dncod I b Fifteen years before he- had been The fir,st , tI,l e Installed wer!'! ~. 290 p,dund,1I of food', ilutrle:lts.ln Ilecellary a kill ~s ell'g attained; but, Zerubbabel and Jtlshua a~d Haggai Ibaped and soh~ tile some ot 'whJcb , o'''er "'or·de this ' h . d then, there mUlit alwllYs be lome to ~ong tbe colonIsts ,wbo had returned watched the struggle ' between the •' ., ' . ' . . . . ., , ' cow as pro ~ced .lD JOllr bom~' all ~he tlipe', then fOU'r. euffer (or eve"'" good cause, .~d tbla to J erusalem tram the captivity In hopes and doubts of the eo Ie and were. Impor~d from ScoUape), .,tbe n.. ten , time" more 'fOOd nutrients than "J -Babylon and had hopefully begun the ' p p . tlvity of Mr. Johns!:Ot;I, LaJ er he U8~ the st~er.. . read, for ilie sudden attieu of croup Will have Its quota unlells the outraged I building of the city and the templb thenbHl.sagglal stePtPhed faJ°rlwlardhand 1It~_ 'round tile. , They wP, e hard burned Now here Ie where YOU have It· A ~l, colds. ~ eglect mat COlt 1011 the III the f th I ,.11 '0 ce 80 at n t at ~eat · . ',. .', ii th f " ., . lI.e o~ ,011f. child. It's IIf9lt to be o rl 0 e nat on rise In their And whlll! the enthuslssm lasted th'e I Ilssembly could hear he .ihouted: 3ry~ 'fere .J~ld ~t: ~~ av~rage ep o. good dairy cow Is one of the liiost ecoon JOur guard. ~ wratll and Interfere. worlt went on splendidly. The city "Thus ea'tth tho Lord 1 am with 'ou." 2~ ,leet. , . ~ ~:'. " no~clt" animals On the (IlTm,' while ,Df. D. Jayne'l ExpiqtOffJlt Ii tJte began to take on something of Its . " . , .., ' . the st~er 18 the most .extravagant best!remedy knOB foricroup; It IP1'e8 . ne plan la now tor «;hauffeurs to old.tlme activity. Tbo people rebuilt As. the Inspiration of tbat thought D.on't C?v"~rf~ed , Calv~I,-;Overfeed· Tbt/rel'II, ano'ber ..,· tholigh~. ' T'ha' ,qulcltat 'ulief: ,. , _r wear womel.·s veils. One reason III It their homes and the ruins ot the gllpIJe~ the ~el1~ta of the people thelt~8 ;~~u,lIea . I~,!llgestlo~ and .1te~urs In' halS to. kill the .'.eer In order -to 'C~ aparea thetr blush.el when they ruB temple had been partially eleared ~~;.~~OO back. And with hla "belp w.' calves" {Iop.~,. IJlOl;e ' caJves dl~ .' from , thlsI f~m .hlm, but we !lave the I!OW 'SOItl;~re '" 'Ar,. ~e 6ott/e, . oYer a 1'1Ctiln. and a'lso allow.. the away snd the foundation of ' a new ovet1eed~g ~h":D ~~m .~t~v~tl(l~· To l.nt to "go ' on and, better than 11••OO•.$Oe. ~s. wearer to escape Q,,{pctlon. structure begun. do,. we.l l -t~ei' c"lf m~st jhive II 'good we ' bave bel" progen, wbtc1l ' we Ii Then had come the check 1Ji the One WhO "Ha. Been Tried. > ,,~peti~'8. :'l'bl!l}te '~not bav,e ~t ,be lil WULtWle after he,,:· . 1 ,~pe 1~~:7"~-~------~~~ . Tbe Japaneso eOlpeMr's s'atlllfactiOIl work caused by the j,.aalous ,Sam8.i1- 10nce Oharles Kingsley aaked Tn. ni.e ~' ~ette~.: I T:1l!1I.' ~ ~~!'1'U:IC~t·!lI:I ' 1,. ,.•..t~ue .. ,.', " , , ' ',' , '. - .', 1 , ,' ,- , ' . . ." ' .. ' wlllfe' .... e calf •.... ", " . 1 ,1a Y9un, p':t m-e& goll,e In oonte-mplatlng, peaceful ..elations tanll, and now for 14 years nothl~g how he came to paint hla (amous pic .b r;t'. ' h:' i. h '- Cl:)t -..Ber(ed"l/i' t rio' . Take', Chili ~ Off' the';.Water-It :' and growing frlendllneall with all the .~~~~:~r 'b:a b.e e~, dO~~ towards !'if- ture, ."~h,e S~orm at $ell." Tar:n~. re 'e~:~~t:~!llk, ,t.iolIO~~d~· .. ca~ .;. :,more, econ~DUcal ~o ',t~e·' ice-e().' ld treat)' powers II all the taore Impre. u ng t e temp el~t ad. Th~ walls pUed. I pl1\nted It unCler th~ ~UmQlUl Sldm.miltC ,pr6P.r /Q~iaiiltlea, nev~r. v,a,ter Which the c~~ " h , UPOIl .11'8. co,m lng b It doea [rom a lllier ;:,~rena~~~:~~w:e':r Id~tnc b~slthli" °o~ ~deer:;or:~~asexbPeed,rietonpthe;e ~ mwaa't at.fD;l~ 'J killed ' ~ ~\, but .It'm·~lIk taken ' !4·d;!1~lnk · during t~! wlnter . .. . ;«,.., D. , .• . aa 0 ', a d ' '. ' ' !.a... '. 'I " . .~t1 ' " '111 ' "UI' an 'a tnnk 'heat'ed 'than to . " w h 0 h a~ th e m~n an d the me!1na be- a,ympathetlc touch seems to try to ot). .blp, ln, a·' gale off tb~ cout of "Hollllli4" i ~",n , III sgrs ug q~u e, w . ~.,' t "' a.rm 'tt It.h'&Jt&lta Ii. bi':ld '~ to ulJset ~ac~ It .Dec~S.aal'7: l!terate the evidence of lDaD's Re.Jlect. HULt,I . lIIlght IItudY. ',UJ:t. Inclllent lit , ...I;:8I~~•." ot ~y.,~~e~ ~~~n I~ .. ~~" ~ .~ton: or ari«t1<ce4J'... ' , But .the very, luxur.lance of nat~re'8 detail' '~t hi ,th, maD. o~ .the ",:0_ ~lJf, -corD', 0 8.r, . a:, ' 1\; . ~t. ~-,.n'f' ' tlui ~o. · drtitka "Ie old wate ' , 0nl, 'anuncomprowllllu, OPtimiit CGverlng only e!Dpllaslzed tbe neglect who has lone tbrough trials that Call thtng elle ,~~Clh the c crav.e. and , QI ' use :0 r reed~ r Jbe ocnild rejoice at the enorflK'u.s decline the more. It war, a sight , which Hq. ~nQ"(8tand and ' er.J\pth,.le ....t "ruq. •:~a.:.~ ~e uta en~iish . ~ ~~e ' wla., Ii: e~p.:.ea to 'thQ, ~:~S:~~beLJke, I,!' Dquol' 4rlllkllli ahlt Ilmultaneollsly ga.( did. not like to behold" .lUld it wsa Wit~ thO~ ~ alm'll,a*, IiUgbL Be "JlIS: " "I .! " ' . 'use" the 'feed ,consumed . to DwD~UJI at Ute a,lleltecs tact that tile Internal .~~om h~ came thkller. . I 'W" tem,ted lIIeo as we .wert,.,et witho , A ' Cautlo,,_poultq food mu.~ ~ot heat ba"her~. It 11 ~per "to' ""lIlae taui · aoDtlne .M · hea., .. ' wm It eVt!r be ~ompleted'" Ie 01lt, lID. CUl, ~d ~ '" ,oaf ~ . 01 IHi .1UIbl, ,Co1lcOtI$te.4 .0' ~ '.bAt, Itt' .Il~ Ii tew" ~ __ d ~bl ' tbk . ,• • I ~':R _~~ _b~lt A! be plok8411a "lib ,... teIDp~'•..Jl'be QI1"r~ cro,~, U4' ~~~ ' keeP · "~ · ""' .

The Miami Gazette


~ j




"m,''',d. .





'Love Your , Child?








I ......







Sir Algernon Alwyn of Alwyn on Alwyn, Bnrt.• a man with n manor and n park. Henry Alwyn , his brother. Lady Dorothy Newman (oommonly calJed Lady Ba.njo) . Lucy l\ Clwmnn, her slbter. Tho Rev. Dr. Parsifal Penryck ~oommonI1 ' called "P nand lnlt") . Major the Hon, Marengo MarJorlbanks (com· monly called "S tubbl cs"). uncle to Sir AI· gornon. Lady Marjory Marjorlbanks, aunt to SIr AI· gernon . .

Robert Doolittle Mnrjorlbanks. son of Major nnd Lady Marjorlbanks. Guillaume Perseverance Poynter (commonly called "Pressed Beef"). Mess rs. Fudge and McPherson, family lawyers. Hnrrlet McPherson. wife or the junior partner. Fraser. n buller. !llcssengers, servants, eto, The period Is 1886. The pll1.Ce Is a country hOIlSt) Dear Oxford In En gland. Scene-The II· brary at AlWyn Hall.

ERNON (outsld ): On no aecount, FrBser, let rue be dIsturbed -(cnte rlng-slands by table )-I mus t realize my ' posltlon,-Ietters - nccounts! - Blnce rather dIed; 1 have boen In a dream, a bad dream -everything bas gone to the dogs -bills unpaId- steward postponed -even Harry-my little brother Harry-at Oxford-neglected. FIrst dlnuer sInce poor dad dIed. (Aloud) Yes-There's Lady Bnnjo-con.found It-I mean Lady Newmanollr worthy putor, Dr. PenryckMaj. the Hon. Marengo Marjorlbanks- my gallant uncle-Cou8ln Dobbie-good cbap, Bobble--Robel't 1)ooJlttle Marjorlbanks, best fellow In the world,-1e •• yes, Fraser, In " mlnutel (GoIng to wlndow)-"All mine as tnr as eye can see! All tbls Is mlnel He said to Egypt's klng:'Tush, I'm quoting-Polycrates, bad luck! Poor dad dted and I tn my "tam boeame 'Ur AlgernOn Marjorlbllnks Alwyn. seventh 1)aroriet. oC Alwyn on Alwyn-with an . Income derived trom rallrond otooks...... prlnclpally American--aecordlng 'to Fudge and McPher80n, our family lawyers.' of nearly :£10,000 a yea?-.-Flidge says, to be e~act, nine thousand et8ht hwdred .. nd slxty·elght pounds, nine IIbUllnp and '..a penoe after deducting commissions-who draws the <ommlssl~ns? Fudge, I suppose, and McPbe,rsonT fI Let me see, "hat did he explain '7 In the finlt placo lle demonstrated, quite unnecesaarl1y, that I was sole heir to the title and estate. Estate conllists ot 1,500 acres of l>ark land". Dad bad a row with his tenants Bome 20 .,ean ago and evicted the lot-turne(l every Inch of cround tnto port and garden and pa1dock--omamental lakes. and 60 on. Result very charming, but without ~ecunlan. advantages. Moreover. Alwyn IJall and park, ete.. ete., entailed and can't be sold or rented. and. according UP terma 'of dad', will, there are to be no rafma ~nd no _ eIlAntS. The cbap 'that happens to be baronet ~UBt live on hll Income of £10,000 der.lved frot,n raIlroad atoclt. bond', etc.-he must keep up the hounds, the chapel, the eon.ervatonea. the nurseri, etc.. etc. So If It w.ere not.. tor the railroads Sir Algernon Alwyn, Bart.. would be 811' A.lgernon Alwyn. Beggar,. 1I0wever, tbe bonds are there, safe enougb In a tin box. at tluL:law o1Ilce ot . Ilea.ra. ' FUdge Ilnd McPberson. . . - TJlere are Harry's letters-drat the boy-he' never wrtt.. unles, he wanta sometblng (sitting down and ta· tins up tettera).-Jmmedlate! urgentl-very ' urg entl deUver lmmedlatelyl-torwal'd at ancel-well, he'lf certainly ill a hurry-I'd better open the last one--no uae reading ti. lot.-Tbe devl1!-what~s tbls? . -A\ite-Thls i, simply to aay that If the mon,ey III not tle~ b1. nine o~loc1t on Tuesday,. 1 sball blowout mY worthies. bralna-" '. . . Toes-why.. to-day's TuelldaY!-a.nd It's five o'clockl -iet·s 880 the ftrst letter ' (ppenll and reads): , '. .. "Pla"ed With Lor4 Rook; ,S ir Winslow . Sharper--oh. of . C()u~ot u~£650 In debt to Rook and Sharper1l0por!-famlly, -will repay. aU 'from small Inc;ome

There. Fraser!-Tell Tom to run' across to Uncle Mar- Alg roon, I am forced to admire YOllr honesty In at once Jorlbanks with thIs note nnd burry bclck!-Ir he stolls to app rising my poor girl of your challged pOSition aud the talk to Matilda Ann; ['1\ lake bls scalp, correct aa d senslblo view you take of the situation. To Dut Lucy!-Lucy?-Lucy won't want to be marrIed to marry upon no thi ng n year would be absurd and It would see a s treal\ of li ght-If only, a pauper with a mansion and a park-but I know what It take YOII years .to retrlev. your fortune. My daughte r Lucy hadn't thrown me over will be :-Notblng will change me-RIch or poor, 1 am qui te agrees wiLh me In believing that when povertY -I'm glad I dldn·t go to yours, LucY.-Dear old girl (write.). w alk s In at tbe door love files out at tbe window. You her!"My darling LucY-I have just had an awful shock- must not Imnglne from this that Lucy Is not deeply (A tap lit the wln.1ow)-what's thtlt?-(tap Sa repeate4J! Mrs. McPherson writes to say that old Fudge has left fOT moved and dreadfully upset. She extonds to you all her -t:Omebody at the wlndow,-burglar,-well, he's weIAustralia lind laken my little 'aU' with hlm,-l love you heartfelt symlltllhy! She would write to you herself but come!-l}oJ\ceman perhapal-(tap repeated-goe. to wlaand shall nuver love anyone but you In all my life, but ot she la on tbe very vorge or a break·down and the neces- dow. leans out)course you won't marry n beggar (eveu with a mansIon sity to entertain hel' guests torces ber to present a brave Lucyl and a park), and so; dear, you am free, unless It Is your front to tile world I-and since the engagement hu to be S'sh! choice to: walt until I shall have Nlcovered by hard work broken olf It Is better to do It now and at once, I'alber (A pair of anna are seen encircling hi. neck for IUl my lost fortune. As for me, 1 am yours until denth. only than to prolong the surrerlng by se:lseless shllly·shalJylng. Instant.) . 1 thought It right to let you l(no9', and even If you give me Judging by your own most sensible letter, I have every Lucy! Lney. don't ge!-Lufly.1 She's cone-but ohup, I am, your devoted 111 ave. Algernon." reason to believe that YOIl will colndde with me In this. ob--oh-(comes down wIth a )lote In hJa hand)-Reads: 'But IIhe won't give me up,-I know sbe won't-my little With sIncere regard from ns botb aD~ every expression ot "My Dear, Dear, Old Darllng-I wonder It you beLucy-(folds letter and addreslles envelope, rising) Fraser good wll! and sympathy, believe me to be. dear SIr Alger- . lieve what tho mater wrote you'! How could you' Sho·. non, Yours faithfulJy, -(nngs beU)-Fraser-(goes to door)just 'lold me.-My poor, POOf' darllng-I'm going to rush Here's, a . letter from auntie and a long letter from Anita Turnlval Newman." across as Boon ~ I'm dreesed; when everybody will be la uncle: "P. S.-1 thInk It would be bettor ror 'lS not to come their rooms, and give you one kIss-and. dearest, that "Algernon-I am, I mny say. fatally woun~-(Good to your d.lnn er tbls ovenlng. 10 wlll you please accept .o ur Is to tell you that rich er poor, 1 am 10UI'II to death. heavens-baa be shot hlmselt?)-treacherously shot, mor- thanks and regrets?" ! Lucy." tally Injured by a member ot m, famlly.-The gun t.hat I don't bellev9 It-I can't believe It-Lucy-to throw Now, fall walls!-come earthqua.ka! torture me!""':'hanc fired the shot Is no other than the letter I have juat re- me over like that! Luc" a heartless woman of mel-wbat do I careT-Lucy lovea mel-Lucy'. true to cctved from 1'ou,-n(' Martlnl·Benry could bave done Its the world! Lucy to love,-to pretend to love me me.-AU tbe world may go ag~lnst me. but my Lucy's'. work ·better. Thill mOrning wbllo on a I;econbolterlng es- for my Income! No, I'll not believe It! If my faItb Il ' my Lucy and sh'e 's my Lucy sUII. pedlUon In lhe "lIIage I ran across Mrs. McPhenlon, As ber Is lost there Is Indeed nothing lett. (Knock at the door-goes to door)-LetterT she was' ftyln/t slgnala of distress. 1 haIted on my march (WhisUes a tune--opena letter). Oh. ono from Bobble-(opena letter): to quesUon bbr and 1 drew trom her the Information that "Dear Slr-Not ' he.rini trom you _., to .cloalnc time,. "Awfully sorry. old chapp(e, It'. a damned Sbam~! her busband's partner. Fudge. · had ·absconded with your I venture to remind you that I, s~nt you a most ImporWlsb J could help youl Was just oomln~ over to u funds.-The . blow was so severe that J was obliged to you for a pony. I'm stony broke. Can't come to dlnne tant communlcatlonyeeterday. Tblnldnctbat the letter may abandon my pOSition and retire upon the nearest public have escaped your notice I venture now to caU your atWIsb I could!-Governor stormy! Swore like a trooper! house. whloh happened to. be the Alwyn Arms. Here I tortention to It and request the honor of your command.. -Sa.ys bo disowns you. The Newmana corralled me titled and entrenched myself 'and It was not unUI the aft· I am. dear sir, YOUl' obedient servant, . tor dinner. If you want to get rid of your nags I thlnk 'l "George Henr,. Honejtiloon." ' erlloon that 1 telt lIufllclently ' stNlngthene4 to conUnue the advance on Marengo House. You can Imagine my can make a trade. Keep your hair on-you're not the Well, ,ust walt a mlnuM, Fraser. and I'll lee wbat · " horror on opening your dlapatcb to discover the treachery first codger that has oome to grlet. Speculation's the Is-(\ool(a over lettera on table)-Qh, yes. here's a let.devil. but I never thought you were a plungerT-Here's of one, upon whose loyalty I would have staked the CIUllter to be sure,-County Bank-(open. letter). . Bobble:" "Dear SLr-I have the bonor to Inform you tbat .,.. palgn. Had It not been for the reconnolsanee thls morn· how! InS I sbould hnve been under the Im»resslon, tbat, stilt Speculation! Plunger! Very lloon they'll ' accuse me fore leaving for Australia, Mr, Fudge. or the firm ~ amply .e ndowed wltb the fortune your father bequeathed of robbing a bank! And shortly they'll have me arrested Messra. Fudge & , MoPhetsoo. deposited wltb UII, for saf. to you. and wblch you have ao recktessly-aquandered.- tor murder! What was that game we uaed to play1 keeping, securities, etc., standing In your name and of (sQu'lllCl,e'red1-:-rec~leBSlY!)-you required a momentary You place a lot of people In a line and you say Bomethlng whlob Messrll. Fudge" McPhersou had eharge:'-Wbatt loan of ' £1,000 IUld with the motto of my bouse "nobleslle Innocent to the party at one end, and by the Ume It's Wbat!-"Mr. Fudge desires us to Inform you of thla anci oblige" ever before my eyes, I should bave Instantly eom- been pused to the other end It Isn't ftt for publication. to say that Mr. HcPh~raon }lelllg In very delicate ~eal~1l. plied-I. an old soldier. would have marched unsuspect- So that'. what they've told Lucy. Plunger! No wonder he thOUght It wiser. subject to 70Ul' consent, 'to put your Ingly Into the ambusb your cunning had prepared for my ahe doesn't want to marry lUI Idiot. (Slta down, Wrltea): artal s for the present In our Jaands. Mr. Fudge waa destrncUon. 1 enclose a tew lines from your. heart·broken "My near Mr. POYnter-Bad news travels fast 1U14 obliged to leave 1\1 ~eat haste for Sldne)" by·, yesterda,·,. aunt. Mareng!;) Majorlbanks. therefore no doubt you have heard by now of the serious steamer. to att6Dd to your uncle, M"r. Mottlmer 'Alwyn• tbe great brewet"-(b'm. I've n~ver seen hliD)-'':wholll Late Major Her Majesty's Dragoon Guard •." financial loss I have lIustalned. 1 am In Immediate nee4 "N. B.-I need not say that It w 11 'be out of the que. of (t won't ask tor a thou' tbll time. only ~nough to save we understand tu be ,ufferlna from an IncUMbfe dlseas8 tion for me or any member ot my nmUy to accept your Barry) •. of ~600, and I venture to ask you It you will and , wbose heir we believe you are. We 'are eendlnr Invitation to dinner tbla evening:' " . assist me? If yes, wll1 you please send me your c~eque cbeQue book under I&par~ cover, ap.d ,a"'a!U~, your sa. , The 'O ld-the 01d-no. i won~t.!-I won't abnse )lIm be- by bearer? I ' should not write .f I had not known ypu atru<;Uons. we !lave the hODor to be. dear elr. "Your obedient lerVaDta. . hind his baok. bUt 'when 1 Bee him I'll let hIm know I all my ·lIfo as an old and valued friend of my tather and "London .. 'County Bank. t.ta.. (Sighs), (wrlt<ls): . or. yours very truly, and wtth many thinks In advance, . "Per G. H. Honeyman." . "My Dear Doctor. and My Dear Old Frlend-A calamity AlgAmon Alwyn." Good Lord, Fraser. brinK me ilL whSaky and BOd.a -Th. .ha.s overtaken m~to be brle(-Fudge has , Reply from Dr, Penry,::lt! (Reads): , . bas been too much-and Fraser, teU the m~S8enger' 1;\1 with all my mone,v-I ,am, of course, temporarily embar"The Rectory. Tuesday. raseed. Remembering your many expressions of good "Thla Is no tlme;' mr poor boy, to preach a homily or to call a~ the bank to-morrow momlng and .ee Mr. Hone)"' " wUl and your , oft repeated request that I .hodld apply poInt a lesson. By new, I Imagine. your spirit 115 sumclent.. mAn..... brlnc me ilL whisky and 80da It 10U want to lav. to you wlien In trouble, I do DOt hesitate now to ask you \ ly chastened not to need from my Ups an,y word of re- m:r Ufe? Ab, here'a one from old Ryan."':"'Old saw bon.. Ryan,-' to aiel me by giving bearer your cheque for £1.000, for proof, tepronch, ,arltlclsm or e<.tndemnaUon. Your money (epens leUer)etc." which I enclose my 1_ O..-U.-l· hope tbaHn plte"r my ·.. as rOlJr-o~ ~, but t niUst say that If ~y belOV"ed~ fi'rend's "Dear SIr-Mr. Fudge wlabea me to Inform }OU betn send' ror Master Harry misfortune you will not faIl to come to dinner this even- tortune was to be scattered to the four winds In 150 brief to keep out of ' , . of my Lord Rook ,In fllture,- Ing and we'll unoork a bottle of '74 to drown our sorrow. a space or time, r would have praye<1 beaven to direct fore leaving to wind up the atralrs of your ·unole ,In Au. ~lleie IIfel-nlce place tor , Innocent boys-:-~randles 8.n4 Always your affectionat9 friend, Its flow Into n courlle more .wortby ot hIs hallowed memo tralla that r have been called Itl by him In consultation "'Ilh Drs. Clark a Sorrywalt. and that we have eOD)e to .odatl--alg~rds-:-pbew!-Well, here goes-teleAlgernon Atwy:n." ory! Think. too, what suffering' l.0u entaIl on ~Im who erapb blank' ', ' Ab. let·s see what Auntie Muneb has to say (opena.lot- has )nlOwn and loved you since you were an Infant; who the conclusion ~hat Mr. MoPherson will not b. able to attend to buslnees for some time. hIs memory being so . "Will bonor 10ur, draft Fudge and McPherson-£600. ter. reads): beld you In these old arms and whoBe now palsied Ongers severely arrected that It Is almost CertaIn tbat he Is sut. Algernon Alwyn." "My Dear Algernon-Your uncle has just, with ' the first guided your baby eyee across the animal alphahet! WhatT Oh, a 'note? Just come! All right. Be off with grentest delicacy and with all possible consIderation for -I can not feel that I am to blame. Had YOU listened to ferlng from a serioua dSaeaae of the brala:'-h'm, h'mt . ·the telegram. Oh-Fudge and McPherson! Business, I my feeble condition. broken to me the tearful crash that m" precepts early III lite and tater , benefited by my coun· etc., etc. ' (Sits down)-I.ucy ftrst (wrltee): 4Iuppt,.e7 . A woman/II band? Fuagl! and Mcpherson aI- hns enveloped our bouse In Its awful pall!-To think that sel, bad you taken filII advantage of my still more recent "Dearest, Dearest, Dearest Lucy-U'S an rIght-we've ways tYPewrite. «()pens letter.) Wbat's this? only a few ' mpinents ago '1 was a balll'Y woman watenng atter·dlnner tlllks, when, with a light and playful touch found all the money and more. My apologies to your "My Dear"Slr Algernol)-I am adaresslng myself to .yOU my beloYed roses Ip a , lIunllt garden, when out of a clear I nono the less earnestly endeavored to sow In your' mind mother-:..tell her to leave everythlng-} mean, leave dll)in the hope tbll,t dreadful as this communIcation must sky llIe bolt tell and ravaged In an Instant, like a pac.k .eedll ot wisdom, you would not now be seated upon ner and come and dine with me and to bring all her guest. necessarily be-and-believe me, nQ I~ss dreadtul for you of, enrds. the beautiful plncld sea on' which we were sall- the stool dr 'r epentance, contemplating the crumbllns "Your Algie:' to receive thaD for me to wrlte,-lt will . come less harsh· IDg so peac('{ully. To think, Algernon, t.bat you, In whom ruins 01 an t'rstwblle regal fortune!-Alas, yeiur life at -and not to for,;et YOU-more allon. (Takes another IIh&>t of paper): , 11 from one w"om you hM'O known .Bo long and who wns . I ha\'c always had such mistaken, shouid havo 'been Oxford was but tho prelude to your present fall:-Let "Dear Old Nunkey-H was a falso alarm-'-the money (a .once your dear molp\1r's devoted companlQ.D_.and frlend.- the serpent to gnnw away witb one blow the [Olinda- him tbat Is without sin cast the first IItone, but stili I all here-every ~enny and more In Slgbt-brlng Aunt, lfy poor 'hUllbiuid Is so strlckel! 'by tho blow whlcb has t10ns of OUr contldenc'e In humanlty!-Your pOOT uncle . must decline to become pnl'tlceps' crl.m lnls by lendIng you here to dinner n.I'. once or never speak again to YOur aJ' tuddenly- ))laBted ,our happlD,eBs, that he has fallen Into flo saYII that by your act YOll have placed yourself within money. No, It may be that what appears to be now a {ectiollate ncph~, Algie." I.ltupot from which, i rear; notMng but a mlr,ncle call rouse the power of tbe pOlice and wIthout the pale 'of .society. great affliction may become the cornenltone of your sal· (Now for the American!) . him. . Dear Sir .Algernon, I wIll not keep you In Buspense You will kuow, of COline. why It would have bEl"en 1m- . vallon! Perhap&, . my dear Algernon, tho, lOBS of your Mr., Poy~;ter-rm sorry k) have troubled YOU'wto tell ,yoU ' brleOy-and perh~B you will s~y brutally. possible for 'us to comply with your aitempt to rob us: wealth may mnk~ a man of you. Take your knapsack It "Dear was all 11 'mJstAk_I am stl11 In possession of my fo", , that 'our senior partner, Mr. Fudge; to Wh91D my husband by yielding up a thousand poullds:' We have your . and your·staff and sail for Amerlca!-Would tllue and I hear l!'lat It Is to be shortly much IncreaselL . . lOoked up wlyt such cb!I4i.~!,e .conOdence and pride. lett cousin Robert to consider! and It Is, as you ilre aware. I were young enough to accompany· you! Heaven forbid Put orr that Important busilleas engagemellt and join ,suddenly last week (c ,1.usti'alla-yeliterday my bua~and .c ompoundlng a felony to rob Peter t.o p",y Paul. l ' aiD that I I1bould deny you consolaUo'n or 811vlce, and J w(J1 "Yours v~ry truly, wlth' many apologies, • found t~ nec.ess~rl .0 gO to your boit for Bc:'me 'l1apers. the with every ezpresslpn of sorrow aud horror, your com- come at eight aud take a parting glus' with you aDd wish Algernon Alwyn." tBterest " iSde on sever_l of your tnv,estlpents, when pletely col~apsed aunt. you lo.1spoo,l and a better life! I (An hour later)-H'm-So here we aU are agaIu! as w• .lie . '. . tha~ , the bolt 'las elIl"pty!"":"every s!!curlty . Marjory Marjoribanks:' "Your true frieDd. were, only a little wiser. No. we won't be cynical-we'll '. of )'ours «t ba(l1)e~n In t4~ han~~ .of Fudge and Me"P, S.~And ob, Algernon, '1 waa lookIng forward wltb Parsltal Pf>uryck:' take tbe world IIs.we find 1t and we'l) tbank God for Lucy _ .P.hereolt .1lsappearedl· . H"oplng·agalnst hope ·my' hus· so mucb llieaauro to pur first dln~er tbls evening, umt Is (A knock at ~e door. He goea to door-comes down -(JlOUfS.OUt whisky ~dsoda)-Here's to Lilcy! (DrInks.) . . everY,"'bere.. but no, trace of YOllr ,papers another sad biowl-P. S .. P. S,-you wl11 .have to cU. with l~tteJ"): . ' . Ab, there they COIJ1~( great noise hellrd on staircaseIUUUU,,-. · ·be -came bOme tn t)le evenlng-'-pa.le, charge tbat expensive cook!" . " . Walt a mhlute,' Fruer (opens the letter), To be sure: ~oe. to ~oor-'{)pelUllt wlde)~Come' uIII~me uP. eveJ7 bts trollMa to' me and then lIanl( ,Into This Is ' getting .worBe a~d worse,!-Wby. ob. why -"Dear Sir: , ,- I . am ' In receipt of your favor this o'ne of you and welcome! Lucyl . a"Il.nIUIl"n,•.c.,u ... ~.!~'f -nothl rouse ·blm;. MY ,heart dOelln·t .. To~ come: back with a, word ·Crom . Lucy-tllen I ,d ate: · I shall " lJ~ h~~py to advance ' the' ~lDO\lnt named (Qulck c:u.rto.1D.) "., >.. uiitftln,d-'-'my heart Is 'bleed'n', ' fofyou " "wuuldnit mind ' that' ab~slve notisellsel-Slx dlnne~ , 'provldlng ' the con~t~ral or e8CuT.lty.; yOu propose .f~ · ofrer ~at . tbete D}ai ~ . -spm,~' ,~Is· ~ree" trlen.ds ' ~~n~No~ .t~at·a - not ,fall"~ , ~Obbl~ '1. ftrst-class, I "r'egret to sa), an Imporlant bU'llness en· , In Gypiy Land. . . nnlL . ..or., I'-'11nll'l~; R- 8udden departul'&'-:-the .dIBlU>.Pear(wrl~es): . . ,-', , , ' . ". : 'gageinent w!J1 prevent me ,.from :~cceptlng ' y('tUl' Inl-ltaRoumanla Iii par exceUeQQe the l~d ..~t tbe gypsy. fop se(~Urll~.e'SI 80 easily c:.oriverted IntO casli; , "Dear· Old Bobbleo-t: BlI-PPOse you've ' beard by ' nOW' "f Uon 'to dLil,n er tills ·'elTenln~. ' ' YOU~8 [al~hfullY, ' the. Tslganl, as the'~ ,!andGrl~ folk a!'l \cl\lIed, contrlbllte ". dr~_~ ' nearly ev~l')': penny" , . m1. '.atpa~h '1-&11 KO,n~D()~llln,g :.I~ft tiut the .l)o,~~ !lnd,-~"e . ~.' ,", ' . ; I ' G\lmaum~ PerSeverance PO)'llter:" , '. aome ~60,OOO of th~ to,~ pol.>ul~tlo~ ,0f"6.000,000. ~ hundred ~;:;~~;~1~~3~~d:r. ~aai'k. oan(' l ' fe~; ' ~lpt Qt , . p~fk.-;-Have Ton any ,~oUarl to ilpare? If 8O' jbrlll.g ttiem· W~tt a. -mJnute; ~fraser.-;-(wrltes . ~apldlY).: . .,' l.ears ag.o th~~ were. «opt IIl _a etate of. regular slaVery, _~b~om ,,(e ~ ,bo~ored an~ .. nrQund' t.' ~I~D.Q~, ttme,.lf;Y~~ can get out wu~out '.a row-- . I'Dear Ha1;r~ ,aeallln,I , Wlllla1p: wltll :th! dog cart belug :fre~ly bQUlbt A:ld,..o14. the Rodmanlan ' govei'l:\tilen" . {bletl-Wlth -telra 9~ .80r- W~~ fI"'la,:e ·.ono. mQ~ft , KO~!I, .d lnner aUd .!I\IJIb and clUl~ ' . f9! , you, Leaye '!L n~te for ~~s~. · ~. ,and, JUiarper, to o~lng 80.000' of . tbi):'1J . . ,It,· waa nrt· un ' 1864 that'th'01 I'OW .. . ' 'P'Oi~ , dtstf.S~d ,."r,ont, .., . . ADd dHnlt ;.,.ro~ shn r117,nel;.r 1 ~nd A~utJhe dol!&l'11_U . cO~e. 011 'bere' af,t er dl~el" and I'll saijafy, them., . I 'eD- ~ere : itra~t~C\ the.11: freedom; and . sinCe' tba.t' time ipost of , • )j, . . " •• , '." • -.; ', 'Hal:~l~t .M~'b.~n ... , .' ~ou're bard uP. bnt . t.~m~ ;.F;ro~, ~•.1lI: O~d fact .. _ ; .. elolle, 8: ,line ,Cpr . them; : .. Don't. ~"t1 tq ~.. Jlere- ~" eight them .bave .accordlngly been, either .rones .or, vagaboads, '. '. ~) ! -RulJie\tf ·! .ev.~ry-th,J.n,I" onet-:'JtQt ', i P~1l!11 ' ' ¥ " , ,. , ' r ~.~ l '.') ," '. '. .. , . 'J . ~lct .." · . . :o'clock: tor. dl~J1er, '. . . ' '. .:,' " .' : or .bb~~ !,alld..~tlnS: ~ther. ,anCl '!-hltber, ,al ll~ce<t.O IJQno' r ~8ftt--cl.8d\O\lt! JPlJIqllllblel-:;<l can!t , ~.~&~ ~f': ,.H~" . "J (~ea~ J~~er o~)' ,',: ,,.... ,. " " ~,', " ,., : ~',: ' : " ' . ..,":' '. ' '1.:., . " . ~.,. , : ' . '':Your ~~,te." h eat 11001118.- ' i:, "., <~ ~' ttiO t r~ ..beiI"rl ~~' Uiw· ~omellt. ,qo ~ w~ llCl!~t ~ ~ I'~y Deal-,.SIr AJge~~~-:-Oti-r1orm~"":'1 .~lnk " r.U' att .1101 : And, . ' .• " , ' ~ ., .': ' ,I,~ tbQlr, d~dye ~~um~la. It ,l. . .td .that the"8YJMit raee ~tS""'f(l,,~ ~rga abe~w1tb ,~ . m'lI.loD anil,a .·. dC)1rD , (sltj -""~ D,eu ~lr Jj ~.-n6n,:-,Lu~ b~ Pili'"Bl.. ' t'lg'l'D~ ~1~ ' P~Dta hls,.c~pl{m('nt.. to ",.or~ 11 r"pld.l l , ~~J~ctUi:ls' , aw"Y"!::o~ng . ', to t,D t.ermari:iqe wlU. "rk~""" it\irrt~): ,. ". '. ' • , ..., , tj~~a~l , en. .e(I,~Mr. ao~, a,j~JiI~'- II !1.JUq. ~'. :.n~ , ~lr .wIUlo~ Sharper, an~ h.1t ,.wUl be Clad to , the ROllillattlan,I. . fhr~Ulbolit th!l, Q~e.~, couDtriea Or ,the ~~ Old 'I\fUDkeY~"':iblllet ~ ~ .a CbeqU.8 tor 11. '~\.atterDo~I't:'""~mll ~~ 'lII~J~rlb!Ulb!"""'l, ~ ·.,.·tbem .at AIW1tl ·aall·~I• . • v.enll!g :w~C1l lie will ,aUlt) wt.lI~ctr IWwe~ei'. "hlcb ·. ~ey: ilia"~lJ "'llttle dimlnl}t1on ) ••• , .• thaD' b , ""~LoO~1 to..".., to ~~.. lO\l all. it . ~. it ~ ~.f '\0 ' 8uir.eJ"! ~ "tl~ .' A'a 1iOO1l: . a~ ilhq. acalGl!t.}WI' D~tbu ~ the .~ 'exteDt of ~al been liotf!;:8d ID lI~ett t4Dka~ lnd,e~. ID li'iiD"ce tlt...., ill,v. dlu.r •..-,..........1, . "Y~ .11ic~.te D~b.."., ' " .. the dear c:hltd rU4.wbat JOD liad to . . ~~ ~ ~ Str A,lcel1loP·.~ . tonu..- ., " .'. " ' ~ooQ1'e . ,~~cb . a -~.t th,t .~aclfoa1 'ill_urea' ba~ o.eD , 17 ·~ .... came ,to 'ClOdde ID .~.. 117 It' . NDg .ar. aMlAt .. black .. ~~ OIlII 'be-alld 1 doll't taken to OIPt Ut... from ~s ~u~ .




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" N ew B ur •mgton.

. Mr . N. McKinsey attended friends meeting at Spring Valley last Saturday. . John Lemmon visited his mother at Miami Hospital in Dayton last Friday. William Nedry , of Harveysburg, spen t Monday with his sister, Mrs. Alice McKinsey. . Kllte Werntz was tn Dayton one day last week . Miss Ada Snook was not able to teach last Friday on account of ick· ness. . Miss Katie Smith, of Winchester, Ohio, is a guest of her sisler, Mrs. Claude Smith. .

Quite a number of Friends in this Reighborhood attended Miami Quarterly meeting at Spring VaHey Friday and Saturday. Harvey Mills and wife have gone to houseKeeping in what is known as the Pringle property, two miles north of town . ' ' . Elisha Powell and family have movej to Wm. Hiatt's farm 6n Buck PIANOTU~INa Run. I ~ . Marion Ic:enh?wer is confined to .J . •J. 'I'hompson Jr. 443 E. Main hIS home wlth hver trouble. . St.. , Laba.non, Ohio. Sntisfa.otion Mrs. Flatter, a W. C. T. U. work- ·goara.nteeil. Vtl.lIey Pbon.e 54 B er ~ave a lecture at the M. E. church ou Thursday evening. Revival services began at the Friends' Church on 'S aturday l1ight. Rev. Orlando Tomlinson, evangelist, Weekly and Howard Cope, a sin~er. are conducting them. MiSs Maria Stout. of Oregonia, wa, the guest of Miss Bernice Hawkins over Sunday. Richard Jo!"es and wife have re- One Co a. Cust~mer. turned to theIr 'home after several flO fa,milie s are now using the weeks visit with a daughter near Westboro. ' . I'Royal" .Hutter Crackers aud Born to Chas Bayless and \yjfe pronounce the~ the best ~n the K:-,uary12th , a son, Clarence Wi!- marke t. We . have a beautiful

Will White's





ODe-balf mile nortb of Lebanon, hone., molM, . oattle, farm imple. meDM. Geo. Larriok. ·A. A. M.oNeil, Auct.

Wednesday, Februaryl4th. ~our mUe., eootbeut of Center . 'V11I.,bonMll,oattle, farm implemenu. A. A. 'MoNell, Auol. W. Pine . .

TbUJiday,FelH-uary 25th. ·

February Specials



Yel.low Muir Peaches Bright and Sweet. The biggest bargain ever offered in War- . ren County. CalaEvap Muirs


71c ~



Any quantity L 2






EvapOrated Apricots Bright and fair size; another Big Bargain ..

you. ' t

Insurance of all kinds-Life, ~ire and Accident~ Real Estate bought and sold. Also hav,c town and Country




50 BUSBELH for llltle, $1. flO 1111 . N. Wilk ..

n ""

AllIIreMR or

rM'III , llr14I(' l lIln. t{ .


I, Pltc:tif', Chfl~{)ll l.J a.

Give' Me a Call Soon



8UrfIIC~ ,

MrIL. Tbolllils flollllOll fell '1'bU1'8 day evening breltkiDg bel' hip . D.'. Van Winkle (Hed 'l'hursdIlY mOrniDa tl.fter a. weekll iHnt'8t1. J!'u nerltt serv·iotls were beld from t.he Friend'M churoh SDndAoY • t :! p. Dl. Miss VlltrA Vhl,,~e, of- Xenill; is the gUflllt of h er oon8in, Mrtl. Will. ' Ful· k rson. (~Ullrterly meeting WIlS helti Ilt tbtl Friend'lt ohorob SatnrftltY Ilnd Sonday. M I!lS Olive Anllh8tl·erl ovtlr Snoday ill Xenlu. . Mr8. Thomas Laokey III very !llok Born Fridu.y to Will. 8enson and wife a. iiI t i ll dl\ugbt-er. The H un I·t t;ouiu.1 to be gi ven uy the 0 of R. 8aturda.v night Willi postponed til1 WednesdllY night on Ltcconnlt of t·be death of Or. Von Winkle. Mrs . Joe Hawke returned home ttlst week after 8evel'll1 weeks visit with James Hawke and wife, of 8ellefon talne. Bert Griffy /lnd wife are tbe pllr ants of u. 12 pound boy . Forest Belt wife and obUdren vis. itAd over 8unday with her pareotA. Mr. and Mrs. Hdly at Cozl\ddalp. Mr. and Mr8. Stuut, of WllmlUlltoD were gue8t8 MondltY of M.. E ISberwood and wit Mrtl. ri\1a MoUrew 1181.4 porobltsad thtl rARt.uurILnt owned by Nathlln I:lU.W f'R . Mr . Bl\we.~ _od family 1Il0v6d In Mrl.4. Wu.t·son 'lI bouse on Pike tJtr.flet; Mr. j8ru~1'j Osborne and ooopln, Mi8S Ednl1 visited IM4t week wit,b relatlves ln Dunkirk, Ind. Wm. Buwmlls ter, WIfe and baby artl the guests of hill parente io Bowernille . . \ cantata, ' lOll vid tbe 8btlJ.herd" will bA gIven Sllt,urdll.Y nitl,lit, Februllry 20tb, under thtl direction of U. A. Pllioter. --- .~

Cow- Inquir C. S. MaxFRESH well, R.D. 1, Waynesville, Ohio. . "-

RYSTAL Whits Urplngton Cook· C hAt.ohtld ,pric{'s right. W. A. WIIYl16svllIe. Ohio.


RPINU1'ON () ,okers)s , boffo O hillol-' whltA . H. B WIIke rRon, Oregonl«, VI\I\t'y Phone :!- :i ' 8QUARE extenRinn t.ltbltl, good A new. Inqllil'o Itt: tbls otIlee. 1111"


Tooth Brushes, 10 Cents ·Ea~h, at

SOHWARTZ'S - - -...

-....- - -


All obltUel property twlnllwinl( to T. U. Wbittl, deoallsell , will btl 'lmld at public /luotion on Thul'8day, February 18, 1909 at his It"te home, two mileR south of Lebanon on thu1'rilction Ltne, 8top No . 106.

'rhe uoder8i~lIt:d will dell "t. pith . . lio auoUon. on the '11 Irll'l8 Plue '''rill 4 miles tlouth- Ullt: nf Centervtlle 8nll 1X miles we~t· ", Ferry. on "ItlOitl. I rOlirl on Wednesday, F..bruary 2", l~ Itt 10 o'OlOOk , 111 '1 '·ull".vtng "r~' "I "I4 : Fo ur bOrlltlR-I wo ~Ol lli draft. , "I~r..,., II. general pnrpolIsl!a lUlng, fOllr ,flltr" old; a yettrling drd, mare oolt Jr~1 VA hescl of 1\8f,t.le, fonr mllnh (,OWII, 61 teen heael of good brood lluW!! . eighteen llalld of Ilond filII pi,s. 8 lot of farmlDK Implemeotfl. "Ixt,:; hllsh. elR i!eed Olltoll, four t.O;lIl of hl\Y, oorn fodder, OCt"O · ""rt ot,bAr thh'Ml! too nnmerous 1,0 menUon . I:. W PIN J!) A. A' McNeli Allot. J . E Blmel', ClArk.

Tooth Brushes,

.. -..


.. Green Brtar.

- --



Put this art,lC\e .on your want list today. It's a Blue Ribhon lot Ne nave ·· thIS week. Nice, Little Catharine Burnet is visiting smootb tender elites. Unly a grandma Roenagle in Springboro. Misses , Lillie. Laura and ' Myrtle very few 'of those Pig Hams left Kibler attended a Valentine Sooial in Ilt 13c a Ie. , Oregonia on Saturday ·evening. Emmet,Beltz, of Corwin, visited at Santa Cla.ra Prunes. ' the hoine of Charles Mullen last week. We ha ve recei ved anotber 19t ABa Whitaker and 'B. T. Vice of Fancy Prun~ •• ' Tbese are tbe shopped in Wayn'esvillp.on&aturday. nioest goods we have bad tillS- Nesbitt Murray, of South Clt&rlesyear. Medium sIze 5lbs. tor 25c. ton, tra~ted busin~ here last La rge. 8ize 8 1bs. for 2SC.hoe~~. of~1~'Ki~~~~rta\Ded at the

Willow Clothes B~.ket~

A.lil will. b ~ IH8I'rL,' 1I unilt1r lh l hr , rl h~1 IWClllv , II".· cen ll' rol' ' ~hree I"""rllvo ~ . whtl. , Ul< lrll! not lIl.or· lhall II ...• 110" .

Ctttj /~

Property for sale.


J. E Bimetf, plerk.

rhe uDdenngned W.iI1881l at publlo auotioQ o.n tbe .low.ea' .. Sp-...~!Ilboro Pike at Veo"ble Stat.ion, lit 10 a. m.




Tb.-nday, Febrlla.., 18•. 21 h8tl.d 0 blgb breo O&Ule OOD .' .i8~ing 01 II ~ DgU8 b~~J~,. » ,A ....ll.. . oows, .1 ADgoe heUttf, S' baJI.blood Anga,s .. c6J~; . » balf . 'bt~ Au- " tl08 '8tee~8, 7' ~eifer~. 2 brood 80'" . 2 hor868 aDd a lo't '01 fal'lutDllmp~•. . meut8. Terme 1&1t' • ., u80al.


OORNJ:LL &: Lpv. lJ. T . .Ha.wke; lA ~ day evening. . Oblll. Surface, \ :lIC. lOcon POU~d ge Dy ( t he bOX ' . Ernest Rosnagle, . of Springboro" Ii'redHartaoclr, Olerk . . Smith's' Evap Apples, JOe a Ib spednft 'l~tl week with H. M. Burnet , • -. an al1u y. , Notice ()fAp~intment. Seedless Raisins, 4 boxes for 25c Green Briar SchooL fittingly ob' . .'. ' -- . Pee..nut ·W.. fers. . 10e a. Ih. served the centenarY. anniversarY ot Eltate ot Levi B. LukeDII. deceailed. 25c l Ibs.- Fancy Prunes • A Dig SpeCIal in u. .new cake. o ln's birth on Friday afternoon. Clu!lrn~n~=-=nr':ra:::DoraYCID~te~1 Country Dried Apples, a Ib - IOc Fancy lemon lIa vored . snap, cov- Linc. Charles Taylor Came down trom LeVi S . Lukena late of Warren CoUDt)'. Ohio, ere(j with first class fresh pea- Columbus .,to spend saturday an~ dT.:'l-t,hla (th daYOr~e~~, -A. D. 1901t. Fancy Ohio Sugar Com Sunday. $omethi~g or ··'some one" . P .. D . OLA~E:tT, Admr. nuts. 6c a Can 1& a Dozen seems very attractlve to Charles at Run),an and StanleyAuy." . A Nice Online.. Green 13~ar. .~. . Qt Bottle Tomato Catsup ... ... 15c ' . . . Mr. Bmkl~y, mangoer of tlie val-I . " . , Qt Jar Sweet Pickles ............ 15c D~' I u Cba~e & Sanborn's Roa~l~..ley telephone W8,9 . I\e.r e last Thu'rsQt Jar Prepared Mustard ..... lOc eel Go/fellS. 'rhl'! latest report to day ·in ,the i':lter~t '?f .' "9ur.line:." . et . Pound Pail Bakin« Powder ... 15c . 75c . d $" 00'· . I' bl '6 '" . 8 , Undoubtedly It Will be buUt and we f I us rom .t liS re III - e ' rro saV : wiU '' 'callyou up" before the l'08e8 '. " n , '.I.. .. .a~ .' ... Saturday, Marth 6'th. New Codfish, New Halibut, . ':'J'be r~cor.~ .of rour . p~rcb~~e& bloom again •. '., '.,',', , 10 Lytle, stock and houllebold Plne.' Apples, . Grape.F.ruit, lor ·the year ' lU8t pasle.d, .,w hieb .. ' Jf you ~hould want telephone stock , .. , . . ..' , Sw~t Florida Oranges, ~mOl~s, :' we· encl()8~ wlll he- of' '+nterest··· to • .\Wrp. Tayl~r or H~ MI Bu~~,t ' as goods. ~am Willt~m8on .', ' Pigs, . v~u.," Pi'ice ll) ~) 7:::":'i8~20":""2~. they haye itfot ,s ale. A. A. MoNell, Auot. • '1 Fancy AppleS, ' ' Dates, ' ,' ': f ~, ~tra Fancy Celery, .' &. 30e arb. . , . Thursday, March 11th. Cranberries; F~y Wblte Eallng Potatoes, .Two ' mUes we8t of Center~lIle, .. I. 'fo' .GOod cookers. and DO. rot. . I borel!(!, o.ttle, farm impI~m~D ta. Cabbage, O~ibns. ParSnia,s . .) OahS EasW!rn Corn . : Mary Miller. A. A. M.o~e~I,'·Auot . . , . 'Give' your orders. ' We ' '

. .. • . . N Ice .lot of well made Baskets. Clean, bright Willow atock. . AI! sizes. Price 75c to $1.25.

Some of our young people . attend-



. ' .

' w .' • . '




' '.

d ' ..

ot· . ,ater·uot .

,SOIlW:& :RTZ'S':



Two mll.• :'8 0u01_t of M.iamisTueSday, March 16th. bur,. h~ ~t.l~ .Dd ,~"rm 1'mpl'e- ··;,rwo mUes " weat ' of Mi~~ieborg, m4!iatt. '. . BeD Do~ing. - ' hones, ·oattie; farm implements' : '.' A, .A. M.oN811~· AllOt, . .


Choice Dried Beef.



The onderllhwed will ~ell ou th., .iomes Elliott, f~ru, ){ mlltf ltout.h of -8e1Jtr.r·s corner on tbe 08,,0'n ' amI Waynpsville ptkp.oo __ Wednesday, February 17, 1909 10 Cents Each,· at at 100'( look t~e fl\lIowiu~ : S boraell, SOHWARTZ'S 1 8-yeu old .drnft. mRre 10 to.l, 1 ll-year·old gen~rul pnrpo"A mitre in - ---fool. 1 15· year-uld "entlr•• purpoHe JERSP.Y CATTLE SALE mare, II d,..ft·rnaret Aod a .."rUug 001tt4, 5 bead ' of M,ttle Hnd a lot of I . sell my herd of fine Jerfarm1ogimplemente, plOWlI, b"rru,",14. sey cattle FebruuY 23rd. Those Only wanting a good cow; here is ~our eoo Terms all URul\l: W. 8. aUTRRIJ:. chance, for these are good one.. A. A. 'MoNeU, Aoot, '

Market Letter.


Three mll_ northweet of ~11Wednesday, March lrd. 'b rook, horlM, caUle, farm imp1eFoor miles southwest of Center. numts, -I101ll81:101d ville, horses, cattle, farm iwvle A. A.lloNeil,Aoot. Mr.Houok mentp, hou8ehold good!!. I.L\ry Et\rley. Frida~, February 19th. A. A. MeNeli, Aoot. Foor mU. (IOotb of Dayton on SprlDgbororoad, bOrtlea, oattle, farm Thursday, March 4th. implements, bo08ehold gOods. Four wilee nor,bea8t of Center W. Cramer vlJle, bor8es, cattle, bogs. A. A. MoNeil, Aoot. Wm. MoConnel. A, A. McNeil. Auot.. Monday, February 22nd. Three mUes nortbwest of BellFriday, March 5th. brook, bonea, cattle, farm imple. .One mlle north of Getter8burg, ments. Perry Hoblit. bone8, cattle. farm implemen ts . A. A, . Mo~eil. ·Auot. Erne8t Weidner. A. A. MoNell, Aoet, ' Tuesday, February 2Jrd.

1. 102.H9


can of the same , for 2f>c.

Followi~ are the Public Sale. , Monday, March 1st. with 'location, time. and propertY, of Three miles northeast of Cente l'the ..tea ,I have 'to ~ ·crY." ville, horses, cattle, bOg8,' fllrm imCut 0\1& e;n~ past,e in your hat. plements. hay and oorn. DaVId Bildat. February 17th. A. A. MoNeil, Aoot. .Weclaetday, , l'ourmU,..oothw8lt of Bellbrook, Tuesday, March 2nd. hoNelt, oattle, hop, farm imple. Fi ve miles northeast of Center. men~. Wm. Gothrie. vnte, hor8~ cattle, farm implemen~ A. A., 1tI~911. Auct. Frank Hoston. A. A. McNeil, Aoot. Thu~, February 18th.




a ... - - -

~:!~.i',t:~~ltI~";!:~::~I~l.~:~.- .-: 1J.-(~~'n~

.c:. \ .


A liqle body of iron ore in LebaBriquets of compressed calcium nen Couaty, Pa., has been mined carbide, which, the maker avers will almost 'w ithout i'lterrup~ion since keep ind~finitely, are recent inven· 1146. . ' tion in Vienna.

. 1

42 . II ~




dleck . . . . . :U .


A lady in town said we woold like to t·ry tbotls Oyster8 bot tbey are 80 higb. Now, j08t to Jet all try them we will makll tbe price tbl8 week 35 centa per qoart.

i ~~~':::;::'::;~~~~~""" i

jio,'; to

" '00000 Od. • I. 11011. OU 77 II;

Bill.. l>hrllhlo . ...... , .... , . . •• , 1i. 00U. 1I0 1. J . O. ' urtwrlgh l,. Ua ' hle r ur tho IIhu\'unu.m cd bUllk. do so lemnl y HW" lU' ~hlll llol' to till; uust ur lil Y ST .\ ·n : 1110' '111 0. W .\HI Il;:l'l" OO NTY . II8: J 0 ';\RTWHIUIIT (' I I I. I'. '. lllU'tsock . 'ushlor or llbo\'ca.s Il·r. ) ' "'IIIt'1\ lJ,ulk , tlo "" Iolllllly . WOllr t.lUll lh .. dll bscrl~ed uu~ s\\oru l>U!O~ 1110 tills IUlh ullo,',' ~I '\l.'",unl is l ru e to I hll lwsl or m y Ily o f I ulJrUIIr) • . 1909. Uu rllLtlL rt. k llow l..,ll-[c lI lld helior. l,'omJCt ALtllilt : NO l llry l 'u hlic. .... ( '. II " H T~1I0 I\ . l'nHh lur. II . ..\ LL I·; :-I . ' S.CLE\, . ' AIIT WHI( 11 '1' . " uhs<:rih".luIIII s wo r llltJ oornro lIIe I,hls 10lh J . \\' . \\'1.111' 1; . (h'~' lIr Ftlbrllllr.,· . • 9UN. E . \· . · ulU'lltltlr~i lliru(' wl'S. NO l llry Pilule.

65e to $1.50 at




Fountain Syringes

W. bav• • fresh .upply of B...... , ...... , . .H ..p' Froit, Apple., Nuts, Cabbage, Parsuipe, Onions, Etc. '1'elepbone Jonr orders, We deliver t.he goods. PREMIUMS-A new lot of Rogs and Rooker8 jOllt reo


III 1111 ' 1I " • • • • : .. . . . . Ilrl,lllS rllIlU ... .. ... •. . . .. .•.

I uposlls


Spring Valley.

. . •.•• .• . ••.• • . J'~ . UU lJ Dllvh l,,<1 pro II I, I .....' 0"POII8,19 SlIUJuct to ., ' '1I . • • checl<. . . . . . . .. ... 1 9 :1. ~ :Hi. 19 I_OrosI lUlu 1111 { .. . . • . . Domlul{j ct'rlUiCll les 1 '1 ~- . I ~ :.107 ., L; 3 '\ III<I b Itluul Ilu)){)sil" su ll·

"1 ld I ) lIu V Ull

$ ~


2~2n o ; " II I ' ock UlUlk 1I0 t.C.S· oui.8ltU 'd{ . 6 0' 000' on 1 •".' 11 s. .

IltlUlll11 Divldtlnus UU~l1lu

r.. OOU.O0 1.60 0. 00 ~ . 7 ·G. OII

. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .. --III~:;!iI.M

60. 00 11.011 50. 00u.01l

~,urpIIWlI ruUll ..•.......... . • . ... v ndl \' uod )JrollLs. JOIIS ox peuses

11 . 222.17 :Jl.IiO I.7 1 190.02

l.oIlIl.U8 ou c.) lIl1l 'ru l. ...•.... , . •• OLite r IUlIlI" (\vIJr<1ruflll . . . ... •. • . .. . . . ••. Rtllte. co unl y IIlltl Il lu uld po.l hOIl'ls nul I ll dlltll~I .i 1l r""orve .Iher iJOll(1 1I11t1 ~1' · Il ,·I IIt'-~ .. . . .. . ~lIrlll~llrt\ (U1t1 l1 x IUrol< ... ..... . • , ' lIlIh Il PIll~ ... . . . . . .•.• . . : ..•. Duo rmm I't'st'n '!) Imnk.$7 . 96u. n ExchlluI'US (,'r ' lc'trlllS' h 0 1l6U . .. ... . . . ... l H . JO G ulrt coi n . . . . . . . ... . . l:~5.0(J • ilve l' tJOIIIlNi . rrn '~,oun l • .."III , . '. ' . . . . . . . . ~ ~ 1:. 19 { . R. lIud :-illlluuul 1t.lI llk ' • . uolt",. . . . . . . .... I . I 1.1. 00 IlUII,11l It. It! lis IIndul r'~"Pl·\'t· . . . .. .. . . ~ . uQu . 00

1.1'\ U I LIT I E p ll i<!!lI •• .• .•. .. '"


'''lll dlsctllllll,. . .. .. .

Tutul . .. .•. . .. . •.• ... . . . . .. 3 2. I. 11. 9U . \ ~

,ap It11 I SI,ock


LO(\JUl 0" r,\11 1 OS I41 IIJ ... . ..•. ...• S ~8.0IlS . 03

.I,bOO. OO

Sealshipt Oysters

$ .S


1)uo (roUlllllllrovoU I'l!..orv l4«JII I ' 20 ~37 H ,ul or Ol,llur :oilltlnll'll llullks .... '!I10: 00 1'ructlouul pupor currou'Y, nll:kol!! . und CIlUl<!. ....... . .... . .. .. n '. 0:' I.uwful MOlLOY }(tll«lnu tu Ul1nk., 17: : Spocle • .. · ..•... . . ..... 10.h · ~ . I LegI1l-teuuur 1101·011 ... . . . . ~.OOO.Oo 1 ~ I, ;, . \til Hudem p~lou rUI1t1 WiLli l! . '. 'l·ron... ' Ilrer ~ ~";, ur drcul:lIlul1 ) .... . . 2. 6 O.U II

$ ~


JWI£ ' .


of the

.itizc!l' Ban~ at Wayn~Vlll, In the tate of OhIO, at .t he close business. February 5, 1909.

Discounts . . . ... .... . S 111:1. 013. 0 1 ratUl, StlCu l'Oll.l anu UUSUI'llI' od I .M\3.117 . S . .Bouu8 W t;t'CUJ clrc ulu~io ll IH,) 000 00 U ud... StlCUnllC8 (ll' .• 106' ar,o' Oil h ouso, 'rur ol~lu.o· i, ili(ilx ~ .,

$ $ $$ $ $

As an inducement to have you try our Coffee we will Rell thii w~ek our


1-Of-.the- Condition REPORT


:. can Wayne ictor com, Hic 3 cans Fancy Tomatoes, . . 25c 3 can Pie Peach s, . .. . 25c

Fresh Cocoanu t Cakes •. . 10e Fresh Raisin Cookies. lb . . IOc Fresh Fig Bars. lb . . lOe Fancy Jap Ri e; Ib . ~e 31bs Fancy Peach ' . . .. 21)(' 3 1b Fancy Prunes, . . 25c 3 Ibs Best Rolled Oats, . .. lOe 4IbsExtraPop COrn . ... lOc S ans Blue StarCOrn . . . . 2.'lc




Fresh Milk BiscUIts. lb . . 6c Fresh Ginger naps, lb .. fie


fWayne~villeNati th Condition nalBank f the at Wa ynesville in the tate of Ohio, a't the close of business, Feb. 5, 1909.


Good Things to Eat

_ _

No. 22 O. REPORT









. . have t~e ~OOcJs ~an.d .


q1q"l pri~ ~re

,.a.U Jight~ . :.

, (

Thi~. Week.



AND wAYNl 3SaJ ........ ..... W'AYN ESVIL LE. · OHIO., ·.WE'DNEBDAY FEBRU ARY 24, , 11109.

W. C. T. U.




. WHOL E l'I UMBli:R 299~


Mr8. Ell Burnet t entert" ined tb ft followi n g guesls last. Batnra ay : The Enquir er of Sunday bad .~h· rhe meetin g of f~-;;era and tobao M1;<8 AUDle rowu WllS ome over ' artiole, k8 ' ·grower 8 John, following arroH and Olyde King, ~ ohn Holds An Interesting Meet· B but it l00 at .Ferry last Saturd ay undll:. , M:yers, Ben Smith, Robert , Jerome thoagb 80me o~e had been lookln , nilht was tb6 m08t entbtU wtio ing-Fulll\cco~nt I .Dr. EJ1t8 who has been sufferi ng up old 11les, all the artiole aud Uummins Jones, Eth'ln (;rllu hall meetin g of th'e kind ever held in the WIth al!thmll Is out again. Miss Henrie tta MoKinsey enter. Alvin aud William Dyohe. appear ed m'tny times before. Nev. oounty . The 80hool honse Given. The w ... well _ &rn to Mr. 'and Mra, Stf>phen erthfll6118, Wayne 8ville people 8t111 filled there being over one huudre d tained a compru y offrien ds Saturd ay boys enjoye d them8e lves thorou gb BurntlU, It girl, ~turday . evenin g in honor of MlfJ8 Stella Lem- in tb? 8ugar oamp.~ hope and long for someth ing to prsbent . The meetin g was ably nlen. On Wt!dn6t1duy afterno on , Ft!brn- . Mll:Is M!lbel Urabs.m , of Xenia, The invited gaests wer", Mr. i8 help her out in the world: • - - --\ addressed by Dr. G. W . Mo_'4iUen Ilry 17th. tllH Mhl8 ~fI KaHIlY I·hrew visltinR Mrs Elizll Hilines. and Mr8 . .ired Hartso ok, the Mines With the vialt of oertain Peunl; jt. and Hon. F. W. Couron. followe Spri ng Valley. d by Hllttie Hawke , Editb Moeher open Iheir &PIloioua parlor8 to the Mrs. Sarah Lippin oott ia prepar ed vanill Rallroa d magna tea to , Donna Lab". short talll8 tr~m a nnmbe r. of otbers. Hawke ~emberll of I·he W. C. T. U Ilnd In- to do all kinds of drenm aking. and t3tella Lemmo u. Kesar8. non FridllY, the report was agaln jlt has been the writera good Mtllard Stockm an and f.IPny vlted guestll to the numbe r or a.bont fortune Rona.ld Hawke , Edwar d Sa I l:1 ith d t Rioks, Ben I t started that the Dayton , Lebano n to bave the pleasur e of "ttendi ng m moved aixtv. The ooo&sioll was one of the Wedne aday on 'h, qthe ..m 'lth I tilln i 80 n Stpen IlS and Cincip natl is about '0 be Bold to' varloua farmer s meetin lll, but I nev. Hawke !Lnd JQhn Lemmo n. re ave!! n D.y ou. Moore farm. Red LeU!!r Oa.ys io I,he W . C '1'. U wee .. w the PennA.vlvanl.. and that a eratten ded one where better . calendu r, a duy b8peulally set apart attenMrll. J. B. Cbapm au was pleasan 'Fulker son Bros. have· dluolV ed Mrll. 600. Bawke 8nrl daught er, throug h line will be opened froiD tlon was given the speake r8 and ly 8orpria ed(?) Monda to honor tht! mtlmury or Mltlll Fran Milll! DonDa, were In lJllyton y afterno partner on ship and will have a lale by ~tor- Cinoln natl to Xenia. over whloli aU more enthua iaem shown . Thla a few of ber fr~enda. About five. Thur8d ay; I'ebrua ry 008 E. Willard . The room" were day. 25th. The ~ew York traiDs would be r11n, 8hows the farmer s ~re getting tastefu lly deoora.ted with terbll. sm!· tired thirty a deUoi_as oYllter lIupper was M. E. Aid Boolety will aerve lun$)b. Mrs. Jahn Hartilook, of 8prlng thus outting off 10 miles of dietAno e giving away their orops, all of whioh served. ThOtle presen t lax aDd whl$e carnati ons, tbe flower field is the gaest of Mrs. John were, Mrs. Mrs. Lt-na Barret t hal aoceple d a Cole- from the pre.en t route ourvin g 10 can be remedi ed ' by organiz ation. A. T. Wriah t. Mra. George Bawke , poaltion al8ales of tbe orgllnlZation. On enterin g man. lady witb JobeBr oe. and out alonK the Little Miami Rlv. Anothe r meetin g will be held aUhe Mra. J. H. Colem an, Mnt, Fred Hen- Bert GrUfy an~ the hoole, ellob JlLdy was presen ted Mr. Albert MoKay , of Dayton vis- er. famtJy moved . lame place in a few daye followed deraoo, Mrs. I8rael Sattert with a oud with white ribbon bow ited the fllmUy of T. J. Brown bwaitE ', Friday .t6 the proper ty he reoeDlly over The ClnoloDatl, Lebttnon aDd by one at LyUa aDd Doddl. The. Mrs. Emmo r Baily, Mrs. E. V. Ba.rn. puroha sed In -Ladiee Ureen. bearing' ~be .,iotore Mial Willar d t!'u~day. . Northe rn In portion olthe Pennly l farmel a now bave a ohanpe to I{8t hal't.,Mi. Rowen a Wrigh t and Mrs. <lnd a quotati on trom bel' writing!!, Ed. SiDUlon: left Sanday for a vialt MI. Kather ine Gaffney. of Car- vania system , which OWD8 the right togethe r aud get a fall' prioe for Lester Crane. .. a -BuOVeDlr 0' the ooo••lou Till" ·tb;.ue, ia the gneat of Ml'II. with his brotbe r, Lee and familT-in If'. C, of way over tbe D. L. aDd C.•, far their $obaooo and their orope NomeaUn l" .W1l8 opened by a Itlw re Sob..Hart.. --. N 0 I .1 Doddll, wbich il leated to tbe Da,- .t.l Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrigh t enterlIOII theae oolumo lOA a for meekln8 datel, Vi ew I' ~•• marks from t h e P rEl I ident, _I'll . M.IN Bowen a Wrigh t, of Sprlna . ton ~d Report haa it tball.I. ill. I uined s.nurll ay at 8ixo'cl ock dinner _ II ola nawkl .... , Ilnel placed in obarge boro, ill" ~he gaest of Mr8. Ar"h cOp8ey wu a buei':' _ • E . V. tbe intenti on Ito buUd a oODneotlnl DEATH ~F A. ~. McCOMAS Mia8 Rowen a Wright , of 8prlng boro 'or in lJayt,!n TU8lda y. 01 tbe leader. MrJ.l. Mary Silver, who Barnha rt. . link from Ootld8, aorOM oouutr , to Word reaohed here late 'l'ueeda y i&nd Mr. and Mra. Emmo r Baily, led tbe devotio nal part of tbe exerThe lut numbe r of the leo. .e . Wavne eville, a diatu.noe of niBe mlle. eveninR of tbe death of 011188 by tbe repetit ion ID ooncer t of AquUla Mea ~b~ moving ptotart!s . and and tbat all train. COUrl8, "The Euclid Enler&a1a.... wlU be rnn out of MclJom asat hllllat.e home in Parker .h n(.-1 r II ..... b'1 I ing Inl4 v.udev ille tbl8 week at Bahn and Ci i Mr. an~ Mrs. &th Furnaa enter will be in 'he·To wn Ball, ~"1 • e..nSrd~ . ~ m, 0 ow.... 8mlth'I I no nnat! over th e C . L . Bnu.. N ., Col. Mr.' and Mr8. MoCom , taiued Suuday at &n elegan t dinner. evenin g, Fe.brur" 23rd. a verll8 from ".~earer My God t o · as . outting oft' tha rounda bouho ute now .Jiere saveral years ago, for tbe left # Tbee", apd rbe repetiU on of the Wellt, Tarkey with all that goes with ~ ... , Rev. J. tr. Cad"~lluder WI'. u8ed alonK 'be river. Dr. ,Beding er, of .Bellbro ok, ltu . . 'w here 141' , MoComa8 bough h raDoh, it was aerved . Tbe Lord'il Prayer . The following pro 'heluesto~M1'8 Maria LllelD Invited guesta looat~ here. . Xenia The .old route howev er, wll1 be and with the excepti .• , oo of a . few were, Mr. and Mrs. Emmo r Baily, ,ram ~aa tbeu given: Readin(l, I... ' 1I0nda y. 'Naomi Pattc>~, of Yellow 8prtop , u8ed for freight traffio, and a. would yean had been In tbe west about brae) Satte,t bwalte ' and family , "PhY8 t",l Edubat ion • T.emper_noe M.... Ann~ Thorpe an.d brother , the remain der of the D. L. and II 'he Kneet of MH. Lew WU,_b UrS. O. to thir'; year8 . . '" J . B. Chapm an and family, Cuun . Meli_o re". ' .141'1,1 . Laura M08tler. Mr o.wlo giOkB bne btten vlaltlng Dayton , but tbe obief Improv ement He marrie d Miu !It.. AllD& ADAbee vte,ted ' ....' ~,~ . ( Kate Fahb8t ook 06y BooneU and lamtly, Mila ReadiOtl. l";' btbin g OenuDoll'tion" in Will ' h m OgOOD. ' , : would . ter be 'MODi part of th, week wt~ · her"'..r, tlie 8horte mtaBun nlng neU, . of Miss t e dia LiZzie. who B~ly, Itil1su rvivel him ' til I Mn. Dt:;' tI.tb~waY Au originl ll . Mia BeleD Harteo ok apent ~t~r- noe •f or Pf8Ie!~ trana. J4u. )(endeQ wl1. Mlny Dav18. Meurl . Barry and . Mr, !doCom al Wall .. blaokami~h Berber t 8att~rtllwalte and Emmo p4per on tbe lift! of fianoe s Willard , day ~Jgbt with ber coaalo, r MArlih LDd~lton, of ~enl!" I~t Ml8S NEW MATRON by trudo, and worked bere 1n . the Bally, Jr. ' Mia LiD~ Wrigh t. Reoibt ion, "1'11e 8ealie Burnet . the week wt.1a' Iln. ~l-- Bell. l Ithop until he went Wellt. Hie ahop ." "l wC) Gl .... •.. &lIM ,Etblyo Jones . Oa 1 Bel' ~ " nd '. 'Wif ' h . Muter Ethau Crane ~alled the Truste es of the Ohio Soldie ... aad wu where; tbe exohan ge nowlta nda. . One of ,the moe~ ~ading; o. Person al Po>wer", Ih8~ augllr Glmp of hie uoole, E D. Bor cieUghtfull~1 mov:CS '~'Kr:nbOk;: . e Sailors 0 hans' hom ha'te a a e liit! Dr.&l~:BeoI ..ti'lD'''O oo''Or lnk'', Dett S:aturi layand . • nenM .of. the wln~ I W" a b1l'th~y 8uDda y edM rpA M D . ~bar D_a [ h~POf ,»~di'r DEATH S OF THE WEEK 1" dinner Riven ti Mt.. MaryT ibbi.ll ;U:n, Fra~For~,oflllaQlt . . . . . nIm . un 0 . - rODIt· c Ie ma~- nlr,' b~ r .. oOM . ebarlr . , Mt_Et hel William80n, Of Dayton ;' tron . l b ' , bt ..... 141 of flO! the inatitll tion. ~uccee4JD. '1)e 'n,.n" o~ild ,?f Mr: and Mrl. II tbe - - * of her 111.., __, E. Willard "emori til , n i'und _ ~or , Ita o~ Par ' . _ r , ",_ lpeDt ... r SODda , II ~ dwitb ora her na-n' _. U •• M BtU b ft J L Srnl. 'th wi l I f th e.~ ......1..... ". ... '0 f S.•• 1..0-1 - dl.:.,a · t ~ ' f 'h ' at thew bome IJ;l Le.haD,O~ bn &tui 8ar~. ;;;-~o _ . ... III''' , . _rs.. 0 poee ;~~ .a , 'L n ... uH·llt", \lUI, , . .,. \.'" , ., ' , arr ~ and Aln . Barry WU&m lOO. a Ula a · Jr :..' , , ...J. '11..... "II'I~ ( superb I l~nden t wh()f5e • .- • aalU'Y, \ JQ81DJ......i .. I ••'r1'l1QNC)a.y.. HolIK. ~UB} .. J~'!.~_~ .,~d .J'... ~ctIS~ -~ ,.: ~~ <~ ~r.-- ' WM . W' ..l:.- ,.iW.- _..;A , i~ ,: :t'_ --.I by ~;n;or " iIarm . ~ lut Tbe-r were CI ·81ft_ -.rill" . 'l'be on a vill~ bere .and tbe oomple :&ltIIIII' - - - . . tely .urp ~ wben . . C. L. IMMJI~ Oreaonla. " . •. .peDt 8u4ay the OOIlDk J bome · week. ' 0 . Club . girls wallted iD unanno uncMrs. Dunba r Will act u ma- obUd took a heavy oold, wbioh ~O(Irap1 ' .... pl~in. tbroag hout of" .uhl.ll n.a'Lee termiBend.D OD. . tron until the .ppoiD tment of the llated lnte pneum onta. . The 'f uneral ed bat , bllt .peoial m ...,loll .hould be made / ahequ iokly made all weI. Mr. Wm. KerM7 and , IOn "'1" • .... •• . . tend t W I h.' d ' L!·· f ·L.l-b MeI!lfihe Imain .. aDd danotn l oom new 8upenn h ild • ''\.a~ j ' " (fa of -.M oome. and mlrtb UI.D A and en r g . . . .per WIOU HOod an oheerB lUll WI oon MI' and lin Joe 1tene"" to !....-rDI e wu e a. ",...on aeun y morD-.. · . Sh L_-bee i w. . .bl, wri't t8n and well d81iveftMl • .aedla,r. at Bah • tAM! ·thth b i d I tenn 1 41 • • t oT, fIII. . . .1 d . 14i re goe Ii, luprem e. A deIIooua .. II, &nith" JaaU. , e IlIIa, . n eonnee "ve Valley WI _ e ~~, _ng ~!!..._n 8aD4iy -. ' __ . ~_ ..,.. waa .. L._ m 1 In ·f.L. - ooor88 dinner waa served 'at twelye . ._-- u.... 0ba1l•• of pr " "-m threeU mee duro u cottaRe. matron for 25 years and ' • - - 0 OM 0 _e eltero . _ a ,~ ami Ceme~ry. --.' a : Id thi If ' III I f ' Th ' a-bl 1 . f h b ' . I . 11 . i ' Mr 1ng •• , bd Krt, B. E. Wilton QeD' week r . e .... . , . 'tl{ 18 Wle e 'Was 0, 0 er,ol" " K VeD 01" eau. est . emp oyee 0 Q y D_ t e The two year-ol d ohUd of Mr and d · i~titution ted Mrs Smith' s resign aUaead."DOelDftn~ ·of1be Nmper 'tnoe . caturd a, and Sunda y1rith tbl for. ~ . ... , . ' 11ft!. Spenee r, of ChtoalJO, will 800ra . w ith oama ti onl5 au d f ernl mer', ,, ' h pArenti! M b Mr8. Wilbar Sear8 died aUheir home Work -IUI 'a memoriell to lIilll Wmaro . rI v.e aboot "aroh lit-to aeaiat 11'_. and a very realiatto;Uttle oherry (?) Ill. tioa Was to aye • . en e eet arc in Ferry i 8t I!'riday of pneum onia. tree' the HOU ;enir8 being tiny flagll. a The' ladiH were &hen I8rved to a BardlP.!!1 arraog ing for her Mia Be~ Holbroc;>k, of E&. ADmUUn. lat, thesa~ e that of her h~. Th&.fu ..' neral was heJd at CentAr · ' I who the pleasur es olent, Ilpent Saturd ay and Sunday band who 18 stIll d,lioi~ua lJuft'e$ .lu,nobeoJ) and 8pen' flrT the West: WIth 'h ~~ DI!. d f R her ihl'~ .youn.. 10 childre n and 8tep- vill B ~t81 Luotle llaion l~ 0 U~Oh toIDe "me tn eoot.1 CODnr .e. Hun ay ~ . t ernoon, ev. of the . o oollalon were: ,Mesdames with Mr and Mre. B. 8~ Bow~ll weot d Mi h" M • '11 ta tf a 0 mating . termen Wbeb tbe 'houl' for depart. ure al' to 1~llnaPOlts Sunday niaht. t was Horace Stokes , ~'barle! rs l Eulaa8, H. V. uee Edna and Mr. GladYIl haugf ter,· 8peaoe r h . ~I ~' . . CI WI\ 8 rWed°r madA 'at Center ville. .. Crew and Harold Gephar dt. The enterta ined 8aturd ay evenin rived, ~he f~rn. and olun,,'lol;1s were Howell er ormer orne 10 eve an d - . H08I on to CbiOllS.) in a few 'neSCla • - • g iii . ' . . , u_ J 0 LiD ' dlvl~ alid ••~~ to t~e ~oy 8~ul day. on bUl!ln888 .. u. __ MI8aes FJora Tibbals , Ida Byer8, Jes. h onor 0f -..",. . ' y. nan • ..._ • MADE TESTS OF MILK , 8ie an,\ Mary Sheets, Mary Hwaln, Aoh .. 8yde... , of t..'tnoluaatl, llUI (l a ·token of. tl\e love and aym~r and Mrs. B. S . Lackey, of MASON IC NOTIC E Mr. Nobles, of the State Unlver al. Anna Mill~r. Blanoh e Riley, Celelnl patby ' thte or~aniZlltion ba@ fill' all tlpriug Valley, and IItM Vernll a Mr. and !In. Jobn ~ple viti&e~ Laok. . . ty was here Saturo;,.y making a AuatIn , ~ lorenoe and Ella the .Iolt an,d Iderlo tl'. Hheets. Allen Kibler and fam\Jy tbte week • . ey,.of Hayton; IIpant 'Sunda y, witb Replar comrnu mcatlO llofWa ynes-- test' of Barry Stokes ' OOW8. . !Ii • Mr. • • "r, lind· Mra, Henry King. Mr.Oh arlel Spenoe r an'a ob~ . ville lOdge No.• 1~ F. & A. M. Tues-- SOOk St: MARV'S CHUR CH h b Itt teat ' f Mr. and Mr8, lit V. BarDb art en· of'LebaDon were 111 town' !/Suaa, .' , ' , day evenin .. , March 2,1909 . ' Work ,. ' 8S .. 1&1 een ma Warren aDa EUa KeY81Iu,' Thu", • M M D D~ a 0 $artain y and T1lItd ayev. . ... __ 1 .. tat' ' milk on oertaln kinds ot Krai.n, eto I i ' edi Monda . ' f m . • egree. &lUlua b d ay even Ing t atWD ded ,a nSl f 'u. Ion Lent.-:-A. D, 111011 R The 14iaael " l:lelen I and B88I e~ np n ~eet'QK 0 of the Distric t Lectur er Lunch and Noble 0 .~.. owena · . , Bo1llto • ., came here to determ ille W i bt of 1:5onor lIebapo n Graoge an'd ~tneaaed the in bo '. . . . B1 ., Bun- of Kinlr,8 Mille, llpent Sunday with A.Jl Wedn _••, . . • tb ','; teet A di to t8 th r Solourn 8 , m&, pr brethre g roo n. mVited ve 1 . ta· .s ~ ._~ M~ b ooorD ~ " g ' repor e dred waa tDdulgec1 in and at '& . tea. re "Yell eM• n"of" olul P.,u....u.,.• • V:UlO~, ui~apy, twenty . aD d , " lola"o J . 0' Car."rlg " he• • ht . • -of t. . . . 80na ble b our , ·W. M . teats were veryea tisfaot ory. '· e1egan t·. f h ,. t l'ln , of na.. l:I~ly OOmmanton .... ,.10:00 . ,m toD re rell m,nl Mr: Earl TbOlDnA . ' M. E.SA8,B~TH SC"OO L ...... #, c. E. Bratten. See'y. SOCIA L A SUCCESS were served. 'Tho~e pre.en t Mon- epent BDnda7 at bome. Sutid~ye ' p .~ . --- • " day eveDing were: Or, and Mr • . qram for Februa ry 28, 111011 Th& neXt meetin l of tbe . Literar y' VAUD EVILL E THIS WEEK ~or~iDI~.'e:r,' ,,~,!,on ... l0 ,so •• f:Il 8nbjec Thesoo ial given by the GuUd .o f T. Wright . Mr. and Mrll . .1. B. •• A. t :-"Tb e Goepe lin Samar ia" ... __<fa · P-"er --OD ' Cole. SOOIety will be held at the homeo f 7'00 P to ' · . , ' . . . ..y~g . ."!" , --:~... ... . Cl . L ' ill -b ~ H h & St. Mary 80burc b wal a 10006U ." Aote' 8 :4-25 arenre ·80· man, lIr. and Mrs. Uoorge B.wke , Bomer ace w e a. Hund... SOhoo1.. ....... :..... "1I:30 a .m. It ~ a n Deathe rage. Friday eveDin. g • , N SA8 Hmitb 'shalla ll this week and will clallYB 8weUa 8finano oT . iaUy. ' Noad.. IIr. andM re.J.O .Car'w rlght and na·ng .......... ........:......... ... o. ," te .al b ' ' 1 t'h ' H i ••• 8017· Commu nion, lat',3rd and 511b Reapon ml88ion was oharge d, but when the Mr. ·and Mrs. aive Re&4ing .......... .. No. 808 en r_ D, L. Craue. n t e poop e ere. Corwin. e I . a h Sunday a ltl LenL ' . ta . d . d Pr~Yer. olOsing with Lord'l Prayer 1lOng 'and ~~nOll artl8t, Those invited for Tuesda y even and is a good • . ~ete pasae 'everyo ne reapOD . ." .' -'I '. ' . . N . . ,Evrbo d , me. Frida, . ' edliber ally. There. wer~abontt"o , lngwe .......... .......... ......... ~ o . 428 one. re.Mr . andMr8 . •1.B.() h.p. e y y 00 ,: , Mr. Delmo HeJma tetler,o fDayto D i h d ad t . B.8tponeive Readin g of Leeton ' man Mr and Mrs J8tael Satter&h. • - • . un r pre88n . BeI'pn l.n l with the, 'n~ Fr14ay , . " , ~ . , . . , and 1141.. Kather ine WerDtz, of tbl. ' HAS NEW WAGON _lid ...Idaya follow{ng '.ef- . ~LE· St~7 V ELAND 01 · -M·A-N Leeaon OETS ........... JOB .. SO minute waite, Mr. and Mrs. Emmo r Bally, place were marrie d In Lebano e :or -' . . • IKID~ng \II . n lu, " No ' 119 ·Mr apd Mrs .Fred Hender son !4r oe 'abd ,Oonfir mation Lee.......... .. ......... ....... ... • . ' . £lave . you • eeen • Wedbe 1day. MiM Laura Wernt z . .'. ,', . . 7'00 ' W .. lter Kllbon'It UtA · d D CI_ . Collectl f C.... OD I dana ... , Fred Sherwo od. Dr. and and Mr Walter Smith of WawnH orell .......... , ...... ,........ p.m I . ~. ".. r, 0 ,,~ve an, ' . )( . .' n",w deliver y wagon? Wby it It lu , &lI\.t."'ll1r h • .,...wye "B h .- . .. U • b U ' W H '. ' \' .. ~view of Le8800 ....... C~ J!l. Bratt~D ift' PC ' h C lin. . a t away, _r. an d .1'1. '. . " .. . • • vllle"a ccompa llied them ' ' . paturd .ya o~er yael' , 0 uya "~" oga Report ("unof AlleD Heoreta the r'IP Mis8t18 . Mvra ~wn all the time, ,and 1111. beauty . tv ·_ . appoio ted by GoverD Baird 6 l a y ' • • , , ' • • or Hal" oT Y IIve~lpg .P~ayer .......... ..... -l:OO p, m.IS1 " ' "'1 . , t • '" n Mr - J. 14 EDgUsh who bas been ~ng ...... :.. '.j ............ : ..... NO. 71 . oll ,oa? ge t, anytu_ Wl1lh t and Ltna Wrigh t Dg Mr ~ou 0&81e wan a. , ,monu . loperin ten.d ent of the O. l). , , '. ' ~~1~ Week . Mrs Annie Thor ' . ' . you are not a membe r ' of lIome ~n~n a, aDd , get it at anr. tlrue. vlsi~S ~hI8 relatlv ee, J. Bitey and & Ii~ O. Home at Xeula and took Rtok f., ' .L 7 00 ' pe. son !eft' one day Ju" lalt Serv~e. oallY ... ~ :. ;..... ,.....: p.lD " I~bb~th School, we phone' week him, for his and it Will be at ohaqe Mondav oor.lal ly. invite . 'I' door In a hort time home in Califor nia . . --: . kilter Day . . "..' " '10U 10 bIOOmd a membe r ' of oun . Y, u. . . . ' ; . .1_ • ' . • • ~ • One of the_moet pleuan ' event8 Boly ·CogjmQDlo~ .......... .. 7:oo a m ' W~' 'n8ed your . belp. If Edtth Moeher and Stella you' will ANNIVERSARV I. O. O. F. HOTEL CHANQE' of the ~on was a lIal'~h. Wuh- ~_mmoo were guelfta of "I~ 1I0fD1DJi Prayer , iermon and " ' oome, maybe we oan 'b,lp ;'00. Hen...' . .' ., , ' WtlI GU'!ltin b8aflold the hotel here ington part, glven MODda . ' BoliOomoi~i~n ....:.10:S01",m.:· , :' . '" B. p. K~LLI8O~, y eveneUa MoKt~e ,. . &turd ay niRht and ~~pt. .The 6~nd a.{nlvlilraary of: t~e ~ to bi~ brothe r, Mr. ~rvey ·Gustln . In" by MetId&mes '3oh~rU and ""~d.y, ~.. ~: ~ I. ~" 0, F • .lodRe ,w.llll:!e. ~elebr!'ted; : wh'o"Will tak,e oharge about March ·..uqlure at 'he, hom~ 0( the Jatter, ~', "Jf4.i,!It.~oste ORlesb . A ,OR~T · BIO . St.\L': . NA~~OWESC~,PE .. 't ee lpen~ ,8&tur.' ,nexh I'rid~y nig~t~ . B'e~~,ry · 2~th. · 18t~ . .a~,.'w(l1 put.up a.itabl eandro n for the Ladlea Aid ~et,. of _the ~1witb lier friend, : . " * . " -:. a.nkl ·~.Q.• ~a!l,... .~~w ~pe aUhel r ~al~. All.'Od~~eJloWI . MI. Alma I wi. ~h .. liTer7 and Ilapk hDe' )(1'. GoiiUn M. E. o~uroh ~ ~D4 thl~ty.el~b~ A._Bo' ~,~eJI: trill., ba va a 81'tta~ big frOPl:'d.t.ti.,.~~rlit. ~,. Tu~a1i ladiea .W.a&eihouae. 14ip'..Ada Snook" ",.. aVan.1 t"ei~' familie l,: are .. oordia Uy,"n~l ted: 18' at' " preeen t l'Uulti g, a hotel in were. p~etent. The h~uee wu dec" .ale.:o f eve~*bll~g , 10: hl •. )tu~ 'o~ (nl. "." TIl:e:J~h•. Ikuok iM.d, wJ&ll be.~......nM 1lIa~1ll'dat ail'd ' hla .·~iMlo~ tQ be pr~~n*, f!>r:,~..~~ ~ ,tiine ta.u.; SpduS boro •. ' .. ,. .: . ...., orated .with bun$lD g. -.n,d ~.~ and~nD~~~ lIa~~ ..1Oth. , M. .~e arr~nl{elDe~tI , all ,;he. .... . ,~roeetPI the2 ' M~ . ilmma '~~r~n ta ~ ~raok; aure4,. ... . .. . \' ' . ' ", " . '. • ~ _ :: .. .. thtl ' oberry' ~~ ~8ln . tor, a Ir~~ lueet of ~n. Nao~ ' 8ar~. ,~o ~ l1;a_er~ for.,~~.!~~ . .,. ,YQU~ !' ' . aD~ ~~'pl;~I:f'" d~· Dloll.ed:,. '" ,·bot' . , " SHOOTERS' CftAI:LENOE .....HAs:· ~XC~T~NG Tl~B . .. ,' '. '"; . • :' Re " , .'. ·b.,'eiO apedun hu1t :. . ,':. . ~~l of ~8I',~~ent, a: l~aU t~ee d~, :_, ~. N,• .Lemm~n. ~;, ~:Jton, .pailt · ~:, --: ," .. ,," ,.""" : ," .. " . : . " I rm~~ 1,It~r . " n.~ .'; . . ,:.',,' ", ._ . -.. :..... ", ' ,\ , ' . ' ' .•.oraiedwltb.t~y:"h~rrieee-?bbat $lleWe ek.end: " ~ 8"" ~in' VaUe :To IhOO. ,"th)l afamt l • ~ ...~ 1tI'~~~y nlRb~ 1tI&~~0D: Ri.dge ,w.. Forl., . ·tbaa,l,OOpet..,,,ed , , .e , in~ ,eh~loa8d a let~. o,f ~!IIu~ . PROPE IlTY' ~Lp' , ". ill · r!tli~ · ' r " ~'·(·· ft.ii ! . " :.....' .wakeUec!: by·, bl • .w.lfe wh() aid ~e .' whol, maltln l: &" ' tenHD0 wiD ftat'" JQa ' Ii _be'aatlfill ,Iftnd :' :. '. " . ',', 8. A·'· Wh · .~:I~bto '~_~·I$e'l:aOoo I'onl .·. .e ~.:a~.~:~ 'b PA,:"I ,"e"i'k mp , WQ · a~~o't ~o "uplod e,' '1&rle . ~heiTy ~ .. ,. " ,.It ~ romo~ on the ~ree' W-.l oh&lle np on ,top laa4l ~' bi~e' a,t .,.~ ' 1<: ( " VA ' • ~~ ', • ~t ,_w:eekk• ,. . 'lIew para" .~ n_ I·PlaDO ~.' the W.yn uu~••1'0.' •• lll~ I ooten .: ' 'U:'hl " 1 ' '11 . '~:-.11 ., " . .. . ''6_, .--'d . m_ h' of .... ..:. l'dl'''''' ' ~"'D·II. ' Mr· and ; '- rd& ' 'til h' on. eel), Y·O'...-;·....·•II.h. 'ci..,mp M.fa ''"-rl Be·l14e-.. .... ..;,,: .. ........ e. _c .;Dt01 '~ .''. ~~~· .Iui ~liat= ::;;a~r:= ,. :,~:~:~· I ·~ 'r'" t~f-: ~f;~r r:o!: f9~~D '()!.. ~e; W'~d. ? j!· ~Dd.~r !l~ 'fe Will ...... 108 f~ p,U1je~ , ~~. ~~been . '14'&0 ' , i~ :' , o : i a.:. l~' we':8ll v . . ~rtba ~Ubi_ ~~da~ Im:a~ .. I~. ~~~ iiiDa Under · ~ .. · .. ~o" ' pti8 tQ ' ' ~De."l1{ ~ld ' ..~:.:iplcKl,e;.'b1lt:'t· .... ~nt~l . ~ w,_ r •. lWrl!8"~en. ·~f 101 ,o · ..MT.....~-.W9'D~~ '· pro -~.•". " ., 10 " _' .. ' _ ~-'. n ~ . ~ h~ turaJl;y .. w.y -3& ,. ' e, 401tD'b l., tbo.lo ll. ·Ii 1OQIl1 ' . . , . . ',:" D·I.AA~88"u~II.'U- ~ ~ •.. dtilia oh. aDd.C:uewere .en_a Dd ~".Jicl ~ ."~SQdioi.......a oon"~*,9I' .18 • . kD~wn, -n. .~l"" ~~ DII, k~C)w ,.a ', ODoe, he.. hQW 01_-& I~' . . uti! white oaiDat io-.we re c·llY8D .. ~ , ~~~ ~u'.baI ....... '1In ~l :Browa -.,.- . ~aP4~ .~QII'I ~~, .' A4ctr e.B.~~.i 8~... .Va11.,; .O. ,,~:', '. ... '.-..' ". -ion: .... .

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Talks to Salespeople By JliflSS D]ANA HIRSCHLER, LL. B~ (Expert Trat'ner t'1t SaleS111cmshij) , In eolectlng tablet:lot.hs It la more are laid, knows the Impossibility

aatlsfactory to g t the ·72·lnch wldtb. wblob gives a geneloull fall of 16 lIloties or eo at t~e sld~s, whloh dreB8et!1 a table bet~er than the nar«ower w1dths. Two tnd one·half yards fa very good WE'asur., tor g nera! use, a convenl(\llt a17e tor a snlall oompany l'8(lulrtng nn xtra lear. Three and .GIle-half yardl reQu.lred tor an ox· tended table, to drape over the onds and correspond with the s ides. In hemming tableclot hs. a double heDl8Utch nbol'e an Inch·and a-balf wide hem, makea a very fine dnlah. "rhe ends must be cut br tho thread to mako tbe h m true. WIth napkins to correspond and ftnlsh d In th ume way, this makes a very fine table sol, t1 the linen Is fine and heavy, with a protty patte rn . Lt till) hemstltch Is thought to be too ell'\)-- . orate. tbe so- aUed French bem at tbo ends does very l\fcely, turning a half· IIIch hem neatly atfd toldlng back, sew tIne over-and-ove.r sUtcb. 'The care at table linen Is of great lm'POrtan ce, tr one would bave the table arrayed at Its best. Th ra must 8 a pure white cloth wltbout blemlsb or wrinkle witb satiny flnlsh and with . . few folds as possible, A very good :.a1 to wash napkins and tablecloths '~r this el!ect Is to first. pour slowly a 8tream of boUing water over stains and then let Uiem soak In a good sud. kna40 with white laundrr soap for an Iwur; then lIgbtly ' rub out and just ~~ In clear watefi rinse In a light IJIllJng water :an<1, during the whole »roeeea wring by hand Instead of by wr1D.ler, . to avoid the wtlnkles that &1"& 80 hard to press out. Do .not ·1IJtaroh i. atr$h , , e!'enly and hang .uallbt on the Une to dry. ID Ironing the nnen mU.s t be evenly -.nil well ' dampened. "Felli the tAIllt!iCloth from aide to aide, JUlt once. .aDd preas 111'7 from enll to endl on _til 81dee, Thla will 'give the lIaUn ftD1ab.. VoId together " sldewlse once '1DOI'e and prea. both ·l1dos carefully, Glen fold lencth.,..lle .as lLttle as PO" . alb~. to 1&7 In )'Ouf ' lleJeboard draw~r' firi' Jtil8l1. f To ••old ~tf least foldll. .ogle Pt,boarda, Inch,as are used for . . . goOda, and wloci .t helr Ions tabl&. dotba sIDOothi.Y · over '. them, giving . . . . the appearatlce of new Unen.


.0Il "YO

For the

f ••

T.ble, '

The gtr. ~I,lo wan\8 to get a reputator ~eilclous tea.maklng ahould,

on her



tea' table

t the various served With the aft.' 4nlOOD cup_ . ". . Cream In. ,aquat alITer cit- cut glus Jas. Ja there (or- the g.randrather, wbo haa never 10lt his old.fashloned tute db!' creamed tea, '8Jld. for granddaqgb. Iter'. wllo takes It to 'be' English: Lemon. ~e moat . generaUi used iftavoring, lihould be cut, In ,thin aUces 'Yith the rind cut oft and !;IlIed In over. "plplng layers on a flat plate. " Specl~ ~h_ ar now 8hown 'for lemon. They we bt 'plates of rock crystal, with a II1lver rUn. "l1ley resemble the crY.stal >J)utter dish, bllt are mucb i.mialler. A tin,. . aliTer pickle fork Ues across the sUces, FM the JUan who likes ' a tew drops -of nlm In bls tea to addition to lemon, a ft,ne QUi¥lty of Cuban "rl!in Is kept In a liquor jug ot glass or glass overlaid 'Wltb ~l1v~r, . A fad of · the moment, Is to serve eams sod of preserves' In tea. ' Tbe B,uINIJana, for lnstance, are QuIte fond of • strawberry jam stirred , Into ·the -cnp. and wmato preaerve, heavily spiced with ginger II ~equal1y . good. 1J'beee preiserves make a 'cbiumlng ad· 'cUtlon to ' 'tbe tea tabl.!;· I.f they are 88"ed In the popular crystal marmalade ~ars set In a silver l'lm sud with 'a silver 'HI! and special spoon. Bits of candled .ginger are also Uli.od In tea. These can be passed In hon· ·Iton dishes. as can I ~e round red and 'White mints beloved at cblldren, whl~h :are the very latest tancy tor giving a delicate minty Slavor to tho afternoon -a_II of tea.

. '--eJa that are


of doing them Quickly or well If the sUf· fenlng la not first remon?d. One way to get tbem In proper can, dltlon Is to rub the linen betwe n the fin ars and thumbs along the entire length of the hem. Tbls geta out the tlfrness and pre,,-onts ne dies from breaking.Another and bette r method Is before the lin n, napkins part! ularly, Is · cut apart, wet It along the line oJ dlvlslou and for about an Incb on each sl'de with a small toothbrush dipped In 80apsuds. Not only will tbe thread draw with few, It any breaks. but the hem can be laid with much greater ense. Never attempt to cut linen by the eyt'. It takes mUll more time to draw a tbread, and that Is easily made up by the quickness an.d accuracy with wblcb the hem Is laid. In bemmlng all ta.ble linen, told It over twice to tI'e desired depth of bem, then turn back, crease and aVef" CAst neaUy on tbe wrong IIlde. This makes much neater eltect than hemming In the usual way. Colqnlal Stoneware, Since colonial furniture, glassware and chl'ltzes are back in rashlo~. thoBe ',vho make t.ableware Imve fallen into line. One of the new ImportAtlonB IB stoneware In Chinese pattel'nll, The decorations are tn hrlght OOllh"8. usually of flowers, anG t.he shapel are very quaint. In the early lays the .tonew~re cups were made without handlea and. although you can stlll get them. such a ' cup III not a convenIent thing to drink from. Thla new-old Btoneware w.eara forever and a day, It W88 orlginaUy tnvented to be of long , &enlce. aa In those days people could not pick up table eeta at the neare.t deparlment Ibops. Thil ware '11 cbarmlng for breakfasts and . Iunoheons. especlaU'y when used In a dIning room furnlsbed with cOlonIal mahogany. pretty Linen for thl Table. There III nothing that .makes a IlInch ~n so attractive 8S' pretty t~ble linen. and the centerpl~e Is the most Important of all. It sbould be IlPProX1mately 4 Inche( In dJam!'ter, plate ~oUles n Inebe. and the amaller Blze !llg~t Inchelt. The ' smaller one. ~re need~dfor ' the glaaael and the bread and butter plates, · Heavy, flrm Unen, worked wlfh mer· cerlzed cotton not too flne, should be used, Great. care should .be eurclsed In embroidering It, and especlal!y In. regard to the padded, scall.o ped edge, It, It weare rough and abows a ~lnge of threads the beauty of the piece I. spoiled, ·

Gen(:rating '5ellz1jg Ojtinlzism Mr. Salesmnn has the dyspopsla. Certainly a man has a right to haY,", bls own dyspepSia It he wants to-he pays the price tor It, and a heavy' one. at that. Well no, not exactly; a salesman be, longs to the pubU '. If he can 'get the dyspepsia and not make the public l.elp him pay for It has has the argu, ment on his aide. The trouble la. In Brite of dictionaries. dyspepsia be· longs not to the digestion alone. but also to the temper. It colors the mental outlook blue. Wbim the mind has been thorougbly steeped In blueing It Is not ·well to air It In public. The mind must be present In selling If the sales'person really wishes to make a record. Of course, a record Is sam times forced upon a sales, person In spite of blmselt, but such luck doea not become epidemic. rn brief, dyspepsia pinch s t~e tem, per at the seller-and what III more disastrous to good selling thlUl a nipped temper? Occai'!'onally the customer thinks he has a rl~ht to biwo the dyspepsia, ' too; 1Ul~ 1 don't know but that be has this rlst.t. In so tar 8S the store Is coacerned. He does not belong to the . store, but the store belongs to him, Wben dyspepsia meets dyspepsia look out for that sales·record. Then does the thing "that Is crying to be sold hold Its breath to see who comes out on top. Did you, Mr. Salesman, ever realize how It QODcei"na your duty to the pub, lIc to chew your toad so that chunks of It do not make your digestive apparatus go on a strike? Nature has ilven you wonderful machines to pr". pare the food 80 that It wUl feed the varIous parte ot the body with good red blood. She asks you not to make It too hard for these machines by Djlglectlng to ,·.e the 'rom In your moulb that Is then! tor [n'lncifng the tood. The teeth 8 re the hard'!st materials In the body and are meant to do good service before the food reaches those organs wblch you do not have . to

If r truncd, &'lYe you • beadache that Is oct n convert d Into a wst snJe.


You excuse yourself to yourself by saying t.hat YOII hllve a hendacil ,when W1Ull you ronll y havl~ Is polson be· cau!;e ot your Indn s s In not In\18l1ng tr sh nlr and breathing out un,fresl1 aIr. fie Urenthe lie Bam way counter. Don't 'make excuse that the air Is not tr sh. It Is better to .ke II our breathing machine active with half' pure .air than tp shut It olt with only a miserly bit at exercise. Re member also that the cbest Is the box In wblch the lungs are kept. It you sQlleeze It In through a bad stand, Ing posItion, rounding the shoulders, the air cannot get Into the body. When you Inhale 11ft yonr bead up as It you were not 'ashamed ~f living. Hold It well lip at the crown. Then \t does not drag down on the lung,box. And by the way wben you are through exh~lIng, keep It that way. Look the whole world In the facE' with a direct look. Tbls pulls up the muscles of Lhe chest. Always hold the chest well up and rorward as It you were ready to move InstantJ~. This lIeta It so tbe air can get Into tbe space beneath. Now you are ready to breathe . ' It your breatblng stopped su~denl; you would lOBe your job, wouldn t you, Then It Is equally true that If YOll breathe IltUe you are less capable ot holding your job. It you breathe much, you are callable of holding It; tor tl:\e body Is .necessnr y In selling goods. You can t bring your mind Into -your department without It. And tor the best seiling. YOllr body must be all thero and not In Dart. You are born In air. you live In air, YOll move about In It and would step down and alit without It., Then, all together. one, two, thre , breat.he.

Too Many People Are Inte,...ted Mlltake 'ot potter,

bother about directing: the stomaa 1, the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, all take care of themselves If you only do not impede them. The one tblng tbat does Impede them Is to throw down a lot of toad without tearing It up and mixing It Into a pulp In the moutb, They make It mighty nncomtortable tor you In consequence It you don't. AgaIn, do you realize that you are surrounded with air-that tbls all' Is a good thing tor you to breathe both day and night? One would lfllnk It waa polson from tbe way people cramp their chests to avoid It-they take sucb little stingy gasps of It. Air Is needed In tbe body, else we would not have been born with a mag, nlficent pair of bellows-the luogswith which to take It In. Do you Ima, glne any pnrt of us was mnde tor tun? Both the Inside at the body and the outside were meant to be well alred, and unless they are well aired beware of good-nature and continuous optimism, 80 necessary to selling goods week In nnd week out. A big, generous breath. bl1sldes .up· plying air to purify, sets muscles In moUon that give natural exerolse to those digestive orgnns which cause us so much trouble. This exercise helps them In their O1\'n strenuous activity of digesting an underdone potato and an ov rdone beetsteak. Do be generous with yourself In ( opyrlght. lOOS, by JOB ph B . BowIe• . ) • breathing. AJr coats nothing but ef· But lSoen, tort. and that only at first, tor after a ~·Come. 11on't be toollsh," Bald the time you 'would no more do without 'pretty youag wife. "he'. merely an all! splendid deep breathing than yoti flame ot mIne." would do without washing your face." "Indeed!" cried her a~ed but rich Out ot doors and In street cars husband. '1'1J warrant you droam count seven, the magic ."l.umber, while of bls tender advances yet.f ' • you are Inhaling, and feel your trunk "No," she replied. with 1\ faraway and chest expand I1S It it were a bal· look, " 'not yet."-The Oatholl. lland' loon. Then hold your breath to the ard and Times, count of three, and count seven while you breathe out. You know you are Well, Do They' not breathing out the same air you "Papa." have breathed In. That air . bas been "Yes, Willie." eagerly absorbed by yourself to help "Papa, when the CAnnlbala eat a In the making of rich, red blood. You man do they save his Adam'l apple are . breatblng out ImpurlUes s~ch as, (or desaert 1"


The nrs~e a slr!la ~ngaged BIle Imagines that ahe ts aa l~porllU1t .. the heroine In a novel.












1.111 pa, ,oar railroad fa" to HIII~ard, ' Florida, from ClnDlnnatl, " a." point louth or eClt of Claolnaatl, a., da, durla, F.II"a"'.' .r la,." . If ,01 lIu, JUlt aae af tbe 240..0..aore tnaok farmaln tb, a IILE LlIIT. n... aHered at tb. __ ....'"" ,rloe af 121 .n ••r.- 210 for t•• .lor..

0.,,'.0 .Ill'S a IO-*Qe


34 Cts.'a,

II tlli lorth Florid. Fruit a..d Truok Firm dlstrlot, wblob .111 PI, $a,OOO to $&,000 I ,.ar, lout.d within ••2 t. ·a mUll of IW'...., a U"

town on the'Atla.tio C,aa.t Lin. RaUroad- 30 mllll ,from Jackao.,ml, Florlda~


tourist r.tea In effect d~II, from ·CIIlolnnatl. I"e than aOG IIIlnoll, Indlanl and Ohio m.n h.,• .'ake.adlantl,' of our "" rlU.~ trip --to Flo'rldl and lIougbt 600 f.rnil, and thll' 240 FARMS WITHII THE 3 IlILE LIMIT will b, ~IIbid up In .0 tbla id"rtl.,m.nt oarefull,. S.nd r~le"atlon eoupin to-da,.

d.,I. .



to 3 mllell or BUIl ..rd. Wbeo ~hesetfll ' ..nne ... Ithln the 3 lITLB LIMIT are IIOld tbere will oot be another (nl'm a ..nUnble 68 oear BIlliard In Ule l>iOrth Florid.. Fruit and Truck F ..rm . 'd18trfct for Ius thlln fl!O an acre,", tbe price will 1m· ....etll .. telyad"anc on e",..,. f"rm to tbat lI,",re. We will not rellell your 'farm for IC88 Iban Iro an ~

acre anel DO 'f a)"Ul8 .Ul fie. reg~rYed for anyone unleaa

we receive the coupon with '6.00, Tlte IIrst ooopOn8. each accompanlell b)' 16,00. recclYCd In this oftlee will get f .. ral8 wltbln )S mile of Hilliard, I\od .... el\Clt coupon wllb ~,OO I. received It will be trelued In like manner. 'l'('u da;l"8 from tbe ~lme tbl ....lYerUsement ,. pnblI"h...s In the newep .. per. of Oblo, Indlnna and Ke ... uek), Ihere will not be ODe of tbe e 240 CannB reo mnlllllg unsold. We know thlB because the demand Cor these Carm" In 0111' 'Nonh F)urlda Frllit alld Truek , FarIU dlatrici 18 IncrelUling ,Ially nml w b"1'e only 2~0 r~m"Inlne farma UD8Qld within tbe 3 HILE LJlIUT. I .. tlj."eml YOII " ToOrlf<lllo of plcturell of the {'Hmt!, th e .. ew Improveme"IR. tbe tow" of HIIII ..rd. aud " book about Ihe wOlllleriul duelopment of truck {arm· log In Norlhern Flo"'''a. 1 will !let aalde Cor you Ibe Dearest town 10110 tbe Post Oftlce and Public Sqllart! . avnllable M the tllbe ):....~ ~(",.,on and 16.00 Cor reaer· _tioo 'Is recel ".,1. 'rbe 16,00 will be Ilpplled on tbe p "rcbnse "rice of "f"rm Dnd according to our conUatll YOll huve 00 da).'8 ln wblch to Invelllll'ate and If e "ery "'nlemellt made i:Jy U8 I. not exactly. as repre..ented YOII can bave your mone), back 10 accordance ",In our cootr .. Ol . . 111) olter to reCund to )'00 the {ull amount of tbe rolUld trll) ticket. ' Inclnn"tllo Hilliard, an)' dB), dlJ,l'lnr Februa..,. a .. d lIIarch. OD the purebu e 'or one'. or mONI {arm .. h. made &0 .\·ou Daol/ully 10Ye&tleate tbla land 10 yoor entire satillfaction. .' . Tbe willter tourllll ral us are In effect dallT dorlne Febrn .. r, IUld )wrch ar,1l you 8hould take advantnge

law)'er aboo, tbe l&1'e~ aS I· YOUR IAIIER or of tllle land luned nnder Itll ,uaranlee b)' the CblealrO .Thle .. Trn., Com",,",. and .... U/If,. yoorac:\!. The Cbleal!O TWe .. Tru8t Compan), , ISlIne " deed and lruaraDt"" tUI. &0

III' Fralt and ·,.ptala'e loll in the world,

dark. aDdy

Rich. to



to tbe IC>-acre trae' auol rhe )'00 tree.




au, IT $10 PER 101TH.

WHAT TEl A "E'cf<r..


"'' r

. • ~~~:::I!~~!h:t~~~-.:..~~~~ ~:I~~c~~···o~ bu,.1e! . .""lUp to lind ou"and .aUatyyonl'ee" ,tbat , t~I' ad..... ' II_ent la trlle; ever'i :woril 'o( It, aod t\'At' iou ~ap . ab.olntel,, · earn ,on thl. land from 13.000 to '6.00II • ,urI,. 'Jolt' ...,.ln yon'l' letter or postal: "Send. me·"a·rlleul", ... "bul'l , the "'orlb Il'lorjlla l'I"ul, ' . " and True.\< Farm' ." or ,nat BIIlU Ibereeel'YatloD eoUPOD 'a Dd lloelO,.e .. I\b It l6.OU, P. O . 01' 11&- '.



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. ,...1. plt~h .howa In detlill the , ..hionable and co'r rect lIIetllod of .• rran.. ""' Imman .. ven. It I m. . of

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S' 'a' o' ~TA' 1'\1\ pa)'meDt e·O.DIplet~ You don" , . . • . . bine to ploneer..,.tbese 'Fr'~1t and l,'rnok. . Varinto al'(! In Ibe heart of clv1JlznUon.,...Dllar.'J a k80DVllle and le85 thah Lwq inJlea .' from ~he Atlantic 00 ~ Line R),., wblolt b . . a big rw"lIt7,ear 8.-I£c4 \raqlc at BIIUtl.roCi, a oll.r;wHh ~ Itjrt'riopb, IOjlg dl 'Ianee 1t!lephofle. nrn.iK'hdol ,,~1j Urobea, tllr~. lleneral" ~,,"1 and tbe.!'" ,Nl,lrlll Florid ... FruIt. abd"Trul1li ....1'IDJl ' JO~D Oli lQ . and· .toe a sMl:t of tiiJ. cro)ll'lrw ~o"',ta . . .. " • ,:' , , " , ' , . , .' '.:.... '". " /' '. Aprs vau. FI1t81:-A al~eT m.,ldDe IlPMtJneDt .n~ a .' .' _ " ,f;, .'. 11) . ' I ', 1t0000~I'lJt \lie ftnes,."U· ;'eu :.-:ouD."·cllm.UI' ID' 'II world. 'NOn~erD :no,l.,. .~ 'Warm ..~ w;luu,r ~,Ul~ai'e .• o!Utrem". or be~' 7 lI ,lD.. 6;,..\!O)l.('au mak • ~ Roocl:uYir.... ;"t·"u~·. ,.~iabl" a~!l frulS..lD"atllI.,., a.u ee1\ )'.our,<lt(iPlt ~or c urn froiD .• a .ooo ~ .5•.oo,O,....,b Y..... .• ., THIRD- Tbeae"Nbr\h Flurliia Fruit utl'rruCk Farm. ~re. a/t· upliu"', no _.~• ..uel loam .alld' ,..11\ .IJrO'-' Uie: IInelt rfe,uw a~4 n"tabl"'" lilllrer~ ~.Le1!' IlIOn ..o:tJM ..' iiet'f! 'baD tD ..,nl' (t~ _lIOD -of •th41 5011'''' ' .~17" -'l~ In ~ 1~lIere .f~ .. Illiable. lalla. :. FOUR1'MI,-!- 't'ua..iloo·' laa • to1mo ...fa",,~ tel __" ODe 'QI·t b. . 1~ac!ri,"'al!1llll''''T 700 ""'...", " FI,r"rH ....YOU CWi'bold t£u an Ip~~_a' ~_U. 1~. a:4.~ bJ the eaid of. ,".Are'


resldeoce 10& .blela_

walcb the heayeqa for rain . There Ie DO cbaaC41 for rallure of crop. The rainfall In Northern Florida aweraau 1M) IDchell aod ComU eyer)' monlb ID &J>,. ),ear. It "Iwa,.. bas raiDed 1M) In~be. or more as Io>Dar as 1\0)' farmer. no. \lylnlr In I1orlda, Daa remember. and al.,,)'...III. ' You ow. It 10 YOllr. .lf to take adwantap of &III. opportnnll),. There newer . . . a tim. wbea a land compallY w01lld pa,. tbe railroad fa .... of a porcha........ trom.ClnclDnMI and palnls e"a~and 8Oum.or . . . . . I. • trao~ a. III aeree at Ihe bed mek price ot ftl .... acre. Ilore Ulan r.oo (arme baye 'befiI..,Id In 1_ tban ata month. And we .111 8(111 Ul""e 240 ranllft ID 'he lIlDLJI: LIMIT at 121 an acr" and tbell adW8nM &be price &0 .., ail aere, I am. th .... lo .... wllilft. to apply.". amllu"t of you, rollnd, trip ticket from CinCinnati to HUII.rd. Florld_a.1 to you, .m onthly p.ym ..... If YOII bu. on. 0.r.lh ••• 2,", farmeln til. a rt,tLI! LIM I ',bacall.' I Ie.,Ow ,you can h.,p m •••11 to a hair d~8li oth .... 'n your n.lchborhood an"" return from ,our trip of In .... tleatlon a .. d purch.... Write a letter or \IOlItai aad mall . II tHaT. and ·J wllleend the' pl"t 01 lbe laDCl and tbe book· wltb plulo ..... or.lhe land. plchn·'II. or &own or, BlI Ilar'd , aDd pl"torel of 1r1'lnnD, truck r_1 f,... No " blleatlon on lour part to buy: or ..nd m. the ' ... ...,allon coullOn. will dOeT1!l'7tl!lne . &0 aiYe )'ou the tllllt&t a.ellraDee lbal ao' tDyeatl'l I'atlop , of 'be opporllloh), we offer )'ou I• •ortb '(bile, Inn .pace In tb.le adnrtlaemeDt will DO& peI'Dll& ai. to ~ turther Into detail. .... I will alii. 'ou full p.rtlcul.... reprdlna ttl, p.ym.nt of !'Our ,afil'CNld f ...., how and w. do thl . .. and will ••M you

' AlIanUe C9108t clliell'all11 eltley ... tar wu~' All .O maha depend absolulely on ,be Florida Frll" 4"<\ Truek.fanna..tor elOrly Februltr)', Hhrch and ' Aprl~ IItraw~rrles, ' . . celery. Irish p.italoea, cabbage, letfUce and , raIlIAbell" W.lth · olle 'or·' thelSe (tirr,ns 1.0 n can lIaY .. ,I luc o!ne tha .. can be depend'ld 00, year atLer T,ear and. yon C.IOn eet It IC you save ,,.lit np .. !Dl?nlli. . . '. .' .. t ' .• ' .,

"10 IIT'ERE' T I' 10'

to lbe


0.' \.bese 'Bles an y day \0 sui" Jour cODt'cllleD'leaod



Rbund.' lrip'Gincinnali 10 Florida Fr .~

arranllements ",\11 be m,ule {or yonr Accomlllodation at Ollr b ead'lnaners at Blillard rree DCellpenseto )'OU anlll you b""e' lleeD the Illnd .. nd made a IIM1"ractory In~atlon. . My prop~.ltla ... to PIW ye",r railroad fal-. I. eood any day durlne F.bNa',..,ahd March. 1 wllla:"nnile 110 ),on can secure 10 all"'. ot h. t.he heAr\ of tbe Nort.) Florid .. Fruit and Truak Farm Dlstrlot, whhln tbe 3 lULE LUlI'l' near .Jack30nyllle, at ItO a , monw, Rud b~sldeS I will gl~e yn" a bultdlng lot 26lt11l5 reet abllOlu1.el7 fre. lD' She w·... n of BllllIOrd aitJolnlng Ibese {armll, Han,. trult 'and ,trnck rarlDll In lbe Jack80nTllIe UI.trlcI nel 1260 to . . per.acre e .. er), Tear., .


A curator up at the Metropollt&ll museum Is threatened wllh Inoanlty. tbe cause being a smnll mIsnamed ex· h1 lJ lt In the gallery-out:llde biB om~ door. ""wenty times a day," declard tbe hara's sed mntl. "people dIscover that that chJna slatuette alit In tbe Franklin collection Is named Gen, Washln~ ton Instead of Bonjamln Frntlklln. Then they burst 10 here and announce their discovery and wonder that no olle ever noticed It before. Halt my 1.lme Is spent In e~lalnlng that we 1 know It well; that It was lliroply a mistake of tbe potier wnu labeled II~:; France over a century ago, and 't If we canDot cbange It, nor wouldn I we could. I "Of COllrse r tell them this courteou!!Iy Rnd patiently, and you know what a I strain that Is when you are going over the BRme thing tor the thousa.ndth I lime! I'd latch the door only there are too many employes seoklng me all day long; so hcre I must Bit and l1st ~1l to the names, of Ol"lrge Washlngtoll l' and Benjamin Franklll repeated a mil· lion times till 1 wish that 0 llhor or those glorious pata'lots had e~or lived. . And It's driving m.a Jnflllne, 1 tell you. It's driving me Insanel' Just then the door opened and a lady popped In with: "There's a stntue ant here named Gen. Washington, but I'm sure-And tb weary curator beLng a south. erner erose smll!ngly 'to his taale.New York Times. _ _ _ _ _ __ The Tactful SUitor. A youth In TrentoD. whoae devolloll to the young woman of his choice hu encountered mnny obstacles durln~ his long courtship, recently sought her out with this apparently encourag· Ing statement: "I tblnk It's all right oow. Alice, I managed to get access to Jour fllther the other day, and while he wouldn't exactly give his conlent [ rather Imagine I've made some headway, He borrowed ,40 of me. Burel,. he can't atand me II! much longer after that!" The ,yOU(lg woman sighed. "Ye.. I~ ve heard Ilbout It,' she sald, "and I thlnk you'v*, made an awful meu of It. Father u\entloned the $40 and ,.. marked thnt t'd better ghe you up' you were too euy."-Harper'a Weekly.

North Florida Is the land of fruits and vegetables-North Florida produces the finest celery In the world-North Florida 'attracts eve.r y visitor by Its 8unllY, ba.lmy winter days an~ Its Ideal 6.ummer weather- North Florida has all the mon~y lng, vegetable and frult 'growlng possibilities of the warmer central apd southern parts of Florida with the except.lo,,· of pineapple and banana gro~lng-;North F,lorlda h~s ~65 gro",lng days ·and nights a year fo~ fruits andveg-e~bles-:-North .Florlda Is reQognlzed as "America'. greatest fruit and vegeta"le garden"~North Florida offers a better ~II the year climate " , r bl ff ' h · ' a.nd more healthfulsea~breeze air and a more Ideal Place 1or-mnne life the The rug mul! Is the rage. .J wlllaend 70U full details 0 t "0 er t e mO!DP.I:l' ' ' pace I l.a I rel!J!lye Ibe cuupon cot rrom the lower Doroer or tb18 year aroun d for men, women an d c hll'" \.Iren th an any ot h er n · Ame rI ca AU shades of gray are in high favor, advertl"NIIt1ot, .. nd plM or Ule Iruck C.. nns showIng · Nort ' h Florida hOlds rare opportunities for a man of limited means the locatlllll or I he:!.40 f .. rma all or ... blcb are wlOlIn , " . •

White suede Is a favorite evening glove. More tullnesi 18 tn evidence In new skirts. Wide Insets of laee are seen lo lingerie gowns. Lambs' wool III largely used for In· terllnlng coats. Jewel fashions of the hour are high· Iy extravaltsnt. Cuffs for spring turn-back and .re Slightly pointed. Coiton vell'ets will be much uted tor tailor mades. Arabian boo"ds tn pale shades go with theater cloaks. Good gray shades are mole, elephant To Hem Table Linen, • avery woman who has e,'er 'at- ' and London smoke, tempted. to lay hems on napkins or Buttons stili hold a high place .In tablecloths or to l1em them after they tbe trimming world.





t£~...6:;!~~~ ~~/ :' j, :.

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~{Vj// '





Cured After Doctora S.a ld Th....


You .are·In Danger

. Wa. No Hope.




O. Verrill, Ml1!ord, Me .. "Flvo years ago a ball Injury

if you let that cO ld run o~. Ne~· ·lected colds cause ir.curable dlseases. Don't risk your hcaith • Keep a bottle of

Is RcalI)'" Only a Big Dllch RouCed O ·v er. ~

. paralyzed mo and aUIlcted my . k.I(]· n YS. My baolt hurt me terribly, and the urine was bad· ly dIsord ered. Doctors sam my ri ght kldnuy was practl· oally dead. Tiley said I could never walk a gain. I read of Donn's KIdney PiIlll and began us· tng them. One box made me stronger and treer from pain. I k elit 00 usIng them and In three montbs was able to get out on crulches, and the 1(ldneys were nctln g bett r . I Improved rap. Idly, di scarded tho crutcbes and ) the wonder of my friends was soon compl etrly cured." Sl'ld by oil dealers, 60 cenls a bOlL Foster-Mllhurn .Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

This Will Intere's t Mothers.

A Slow On., .. Am I th e Orst man who ever asked you fOI ' a kI ss?" "Yes. The others showed more ne"e. They took It."-·Exchanp.

wagons are unloaded Into bini Irranged at e ach side of the driveway. Tbe doors at each end are clor d ;lur· Ing cold we ather. In tfle dry cllmaio of Colorado. says tl. o Run I New Yorker, these dugouts a:e vo"y servIceable. If need be they !aI1 be warmed In the coldest we:lthl'r. }. ew of our eastern people ruJIl'e bow ~ o­ tato growing has been r'ievclo.,ed In northern Colorado.

Looking Forward,

Mr. Wiggi ns, being In a frivoloul mood, was giving 1\ burlesque Imila· Uon .of palmistry-pretendIng to read his wife's (ortune In her palm, SU·year-old Ruth wal listening wltb Intense serlollsn ss, ' but neither . 01 them was notlclug her, "And. finally,': he concluded, atter the ·u.s ual recitals about a dark man. s .Ught man, a Journey, and a large tOI' tune, "you will live to a great age." "Thank God!" broke In Ruth. clapping ber baf)ds ecstatlcally. "Then my chUdren Will have a grandmother!" Co",,, .GeJ Your Medlclhe.


II that little bit or three.comered, balf·jolnted, pin-headed /ll)ulrt with • big automobile and a size three head ,o n his miserable, slantlng s~o\\hlera. , '1rho turned the corner Ferry and Maln .it reels on two whe~ls tb.e other ofternoon. aud nenrly sent three pede& trlanl! Into Kingdom Come, will call at lhta office ·we'll lear his scrawnl lOul to pieces and lick him to a "frllll' sle" after the most approved Roos. Teltlao method8. fle knows who we Dleao.-Butfalo Ne•••·


Original Wedding Cake. . It II old to be a curious facit that

the wed din, Cl\ke, that elaborate, In· clilrest!ble compound .0 Indispensable _ _~.t the-modern ... marrtage ceremony. I. the direct ,descendant of • cake made of Waler, flour and talt, of whlcb, at the Roman high-class , weddings, the married couple 'ana the witnesses par took at th~ time of the IIlgnlq 01 the contract.-Housekeeiling. NO MEDICINE

But. Challge of Food Gave Relief.

$'. 00. sac,

nru ,/:e bollia,



M ot h r·r Gray's SW 'Ill Powd e rs tor Chlld r .. ", u~ oJ by M Olher Gr,lY, u nurs In Chl loJren' Ho rn e. New Yo rl,. c ure ' o n stlpall o ll. F evc r lshnps 9, T thIng 0190 r'<I (:rs, Slo m ot' h Trouhh's .mcl Des troy \"" or ms ; ~n.f.\\'J I"","" "onln l", or <' lJr s . All e]r ugj{lsI8, 25c. Snmpl Jo'n b: 8. Addres8 Allen S. Otm· Gled, Le nor, N . Y.

Try Murlue Eye Remedy

For n ~ oJ . W C·llk , W 'ary, W atery Eyes. CornprJund(' \1 by Exper'lenceil Phy:!1 h lOs. Co nrorrn~ to the Pure " ood Rne] Drugs Law. Murln c Ooca n't Smart. Sooth es Eye

Pain. Try Murine tor Your Eyes.






01 n cmcdy UevclI tho almos t 'Immedlat&lh·cll. F,·'·er", stopa IJIlichargea at t.he nOlie, la ke. ow " y all aches ond poIlU! t a IlH.·d llycnltls . It ('lI res Orlp lind obo . ll lla.c ·OUilU. ooU prC\'euta Poeumonla MUDYll n',

b ('IId, I hrnn t II " ,I !UIlK


• PrIce 25c. lI a n~ you BUtT or .wolleD Jolnt9, D() mott l'r how, ('hr,' nl c ? Ask your druggist tor MUn),n n 8 I\ heu lDst lslD Remedy IJld aot blJw Qu lck l, YOII w ill he cured. It you bo ve nuy kidney or bladder tro .. t'l ~N Muuyou 's I<l dupy Hl'medy Muuyon ' s VItalizer mnkea weill m!!!l

IItr" l' ~ ~"rI l' e'8tnr,.~ I Il~t n"",f'l'1I. Prof. Uunyo n hUR lUIIL Issued .. MIlll'ftdn. Ahn an n c. \\' h h·b ",U l be ac ut fr eD to ",u.)' peP" lIOn whu n ehl r€'AA t'tt

Tbo Munyon OOUlpany. Philadelphia.

1WW,;:.mI...., At further inducement to aelliement 01 the wheal-railing lands of We.tem c"nada , Ihe Canadian Governmenl hili increaaed the area J th.t mar. be taken loy • , homesteader to 320 0(reo- 16O ree and 160 to be pwcha.ed at $3.00 per acre. Thele land. IU" I" the grain.railing _a, whele mixed farming it .110 carried on wilh unqualified IUCCes.. A railway willahorlly be built to Hud. on Bay. bring. inl! the world', mar!:'11 a tJ-,ouUllld milet nearer thete wheal.fieldl, where Ichool. and churches are convenienl. clirnalc excellenl. railway. dOlO to all aeuJemenls, and local marketa aood.








5 Acres in Oreson Will Do



Come West and See '-





. Building Good Rc;»ads m the Co••ulltry

. -_ _ _ _








_ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _...


8• 0I

WANTS AGENT8. Good ·seller. Cu .... wId In lbe 1:tea4 and Cboi\,


SuN! Tbroat, It Obi II BIIlI" .. Frost. BItes. l';clIIma Cutfl, Hllrn", ail."matlsm'r~tc. OpiTJlE!II CO.,Dox Ul Il00. ....GRANbF.4.TH.EIt'It Ie.. :New \'01'1, (lltT'



O 1~1







! III ",,"

.. ~ '....



DIS.TEMPER ~~'t;:.~;.:::~::ou.



& Catarrhal Fev••

"""'l\od"""It".p;....Mhe.Do_tterhowho........tlUly"'"' .... ~..,.,.

"aJk)Md." . LIqUId. • Ill .... "D tbo taD"U'! acl. 00 tbe 11I00tt lind Ol.... da, •• pooIe u.. ".,looDoUl1lennl (rom tbe Iiod,. Cue... n olAomjlOr In Do. . o.nd Sbeep ...." CbOl_IiW· PoU lt..,. lAl'J! ..t ..,11101111,01'0<11 remed,. CU ..... La Grippe alDO"If bll ..... ~= ...." II & line KldDIIY"......".. 100 aDd II a \)ottle,iI6ud 110. d _ CntUlil t. X

It. Rbow ""70ur.rn'II~I". wb".III,."'U~J_ ...... BooIII.- .. ~.:!.'! n..._--"" ~'-.. .: - ' - -

&D4ICU ........ 8pecl&l.., ..... teot.


.. ,


The chronic berrower depends for money on his fri en ds, and which had been employed even niter· lays: "Why If they didn't lend It, tlfe nate year to conserve molstUl e sut- chumps would only go and spend It." "It would take t Ime to 881lmllnte the revel.· tionB thllt Q ViLli t o the crent empIre Iylnl{ to nclent to produce a full crop "0,' 0 In the North of us unfo lded nt every turn."two years. The enterprising fal'mer Delicious cakes and pastries are -proCo...-espond<nr:e of .. N Ation,,' Edltor, .vho ·" tslttd W<s/ern c.rutiI. ttl August, 1908. sows rape or clover in the co!"n and duced by the use of Souders' Cream ot pastures the fi elds with sheep or c..lttlE' Tartar Baking Powder and Souderl' Land. may allO be purchued from railway aod 8y 3. E. Northrup. Minnesota. until they are In condlllC' n fur thE. Fla vorlng Extracts, All good grocerlel. land companie. a! low price. and on easy !eruu. block. This saves the expen';e "t barPor pamphlrt. , mnpI nnd Information •• 10 It takes a lot ot nerve to enable a Millet grow n on new land for l)ay la a · vesting the corn with men anrt malow rnllwny rat •• , npply to Superintendent young murrled man to enter a store of Imml(rrntlon , OUuwa, Ca n n dn, or th .. soil Improver; It helps to di sintegrate chlnery, 'also the time employed In authorhed C" n"dJ . n Government Aarent: . and purch ase a dozen safety plos (rom the soli. shades the land and makes feeding the same from crihs. & tormer sweetheart. H. M. WILUAMS. plant food available. Grown on old The clovers are fully equal to f)orli Law DuJldln" Toledo. Ohio. land for sOQd It exhausts the 8011, con. as soil Improvers. but take second The Herb m:sntive, Garfield Tea aida sequentl1 puts little back and from place as forage. The best results are ~ntuTe ill maj ntni~ing the gelleral \V'ell-beth is standpoInt Is a soli robber. The obtained 10 short rotations wIth small Ing of t he body i It corrects 'onstipation ' leguminous. crops •. peas, beans and the grains. The Introduction of the clovers pllI'ines the blood, brings hcnlth. clovers are beld In hlgb est em not on the prairie soils of the norlhwest . . . . Per SAlnr·. colalol page I~ • • • What a 'friendly old world thIs woul4 only as forage. on account of high pro- has restored fertllJty and Increased Advice aDd loformaUOD J!'arnlabwd L arRest ,row"rt or on Ion and vegelable our nelghborll as w. be If we all loved seed. in Ihe world. Blu calnloR free: or, teln content, ' but also for ilie nourish· the value of farming lands to a sur· aeml leo In Itallllla and receive catalol .nd ment In shape of nitrogen they furni sh prislng extent. Clover, I1S we all know, love ourselves I , 1000 kernels CnC O ot oni ons, carrOll, euler" radisbes. 1500 eacb leu uc" . rula baga. tu,· U to tbe be~ mothod ot proteelJna an .. p(lrfeeUN Boll. whIch bas been' exhaustell In the takes the nitrogen from tbe great IDCjJllIplete I nvenllun. or dlipolllnar of ClOfllpl~L<MI nip's, 100 pars leJ. tOO I OllUUOes. 100 we lon" NLY ONE "OROllIO QUll'fDo'E" growing ot grain cropl. These valu- ocean of air above the fields and draws rhat O loyoorl .. n. "h.,Lhr,r ""t"plAld or not. . , 1Ift"11)~. noo Cba r(()irll! Bower Iceds, In . 11 10.000 II LAXA'l' !VI!! lIRUMO QUlNlNII:. Loot fot .,," .Lrl u~11 protuMlonnl Ilnd I ,,11\ wrlle-,on t\lll:1kernels, cas.l, "onb $1.00 or an, mon', .ho IlIl'DIlLUN ul 11:. W. onovlll. UIOd Lhe Wor14 able agents, however, wlli make Ule tbe potash and Phosphoric acid from ,,..r to Cu .... Cold lu Ooa Dar. zc. mo ney. Or. aen,1 200 and w .. will aid oue ::1fl':;:'1.:1~:~ :'~'i::~f~~~:~~~Daln..... ~r. If J~ lnnd sick and return dlmLnlshlng crops the subsoil, where It lies be low the pk8. 01 Earliest )leet> U'Oay Sweet Corn, P. W. WEEKS. COlla•• llor fo ' •••afora If growQ on the slUDe ground year nt- reach of other crops. These vast stor&o SAUER SEED CO., Box W. La Crolle, Who "Easy money" Is the kind that al130 WAa' 67th St., New'Yadl CJf:It ter year, aod thus prove sull robbers. houses ot fertility are unlocked by the way. comell to the other feUow. . All Corage crops are. therefore. good leaves nnd roc;>ts of the clover planta, (1909-7) :,"::~: A. N. K.-E 2269. lIfn. Wlollow'. 800tbJDC "T"1P' or bad, nccordlng as they are used In and Incidentally converted Into avail· t.eetblD\I, IOllODI lb.e !lUlU. ",clll"" . . the proper rotation: At the Minnesota .able plant f9od· ·f or the surface·feedlnl _ .chlldrOD u..... p&&n.curea wlA4_ lICic. bow.. ----~--------~-------A On';orln g: cb"t 18 used tbe ...",e aN .em_ or ... ,,111 ... By dlslIolvlng g.-..nn .... t e'l . uIIU slate experiment station, where corn stubble growths of the farms. The In water nnd sIlllIng Uapleln'- ... d.. llelou. You can not learn to be a dramatlc was grown cor.Unuously on one plot penetrative roots of the clover plant syrup II n,,"lo nod" II1 rup belu,dhaD D.apl. crltlc by reading the Acta. .'"pl.lno Is .old bYlfTucc rs. If nuo llftDdl6ef. . for ten years, It' gave an average of mellow the earth and open compact 'O~. bo~ I10d rocl pebouk. (_0'1l4."'-. ~ 20.8 bushels per acre· for the first five subsoils to luch an extent that sur· U .. e AUeo:' Foot.E...e yeartl and 11.1 bushell to the acre for face moisture w11l escape as ~eadllY al en .... Ured , ftchln" ••w nLlnlr r.. l.::50:, Trlal pa...... ~~~~==~ '~ ~~~~~==~~ c .... A.1:I.0Iwlled ,Lelloy,N . Y. the second five yearl. ,Wblle on a plot would be the case through tiles. ' Field peas are hecomlng a standard . lllTen a girl has no use tor the otber alongside, where corn was ·planted but once In five years In . a system ot roo forage crop tn many sectlons ot the 3148 of a mirror. tatloo, the average yield for the two north Oats and peas grown as a mix· years It was planted Wlltl 48.2 bushels. ed crop yield .a n excellent substituto Tbe manner In which forage crops for clover hay. Thpse also .. make are harvested Is also a large fabtor In I splendid pasture tor sheep, swine and considering their value from a profit young stock. The millets are exten· and loss standpoint. It is becoming slvely grown on our western pralriel more and more the custom In the In rotation with small grains, especial· u~rthwe8t to turn sheep, cattle aneS 11 where clover does not succeed. A fruit farm of S· acres in any of the 21'eat awlne Into the fleld si to Ml'vellt the Sorghum, which Is' a child of the Oregon apple, peach and pear districts, puts crop, .1'bls saves labor. and at tbe south, Is no\v largely taking a perma· money in the bank f~r you, aDd iives you your same Ume ferUlIzes the fields. It II nent place as a torage crop In the livinir besides. plain, therefore, that, In the consldera~ north. The plant produces an abund· " I tion of forage plants as soU Improvers, ant yield of sweet, nutJ'iUous fora ge, You can care for five acres of trees yourself. allowauces must bl! made tor the par- or pasture, as the case may be, which I without help. Ucular field where the crop Is to be In quallty Is much superior to the acre and Orchards eacb year yield $500 grown. large southern vanettes of fodder corn. tlpward!l. Prove this by sendin6r for our free In many secUons of the northwest The seed Is usually sown In drl1ls, book on the Pacific Northwest, or. better still. !leld cQrn Is becoming a standard crop, wnh a IIpace between the rows for cuI· regardless of early or late frosUl, b~ ti'II.Uon. One , busbel ot leed per acre cause of the large quantity and su· Is required to mak~. a small; leafy perl or quallto/ ot forage It yields. . In stalk, which, wben properly cured, II addition to Its soil renovating aqd fer· relished by all ot the (omestlc ani , All the Jand there ever was-or will be-was Ullty·restorlng properties. botb as a mals. and Is consumed with little or no subltltute for summer fallow and for waste. When sorgbum Is pastured bY' created ages a6ro. But population keeps increasthe forage. It produces, It has · been sheep or swine It D:ay be classed with ln6r-a baby is bom every mlDute. demonstrated again and again that the tbe soli Improvers. . All the free land worth hsvin6r has been taken best ylelda and . qualltlE!a of small Dwarf Essex rape bas becom9 B tlp . . All the good land, at low priceR, that's left, grains come from Ilelds where corn standard .a nd almost Indispensable tor·' is going fast. Soon lund chances, like those in was grown the previous year. The age crop 1n various secUons of the the West today, will be gone forever. , Nortll Dakota experiment station gives northwcst. Many tons of seed are. a most convinCing record on Ita trial annually sown · with the am all 1I'1'81ns . If you want a fine farm or fruit ranch anygrouods. where, during a very ' dry which make a splendid afterfeed on where in the Northwest, get one now before the summer. wheat on corn land made 25 the stubble field. ' price gets too high-write to us for our free book. bushels per acre, where the crop from Root <'rops are not grown as It is costinir you money to wait~rite today. land which bad been lown conUnu· slvely as they should be on accuunt 01 ousl1 to wh.e at for 17 years made less the cost of harvest and storage, bul. E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A. tI at three' bushels to the nere. . they may' be grown al a forage crop. Pasture grasses •are not usually Dry land farming haa demo~8trated Union Pacific Rallroad Co. tbat a crop of corn grown on. semi: classed wltb tol"nge crop",. b"t they Omaha, Neb. arid lan~. preparE's It for a succeedlD& are really tbe most dependable mem~ crop tull~. al we~1 as summer fallows. oo~ ( f the fam~IY, 'J)e nd ln~

Not Afraid of a Gholt. In a v 111 age In England, a month or .0 ago, a man came running Into an Inn at nine o'dock at nigh t and cried out that there was a gbost In hIs back yard. Tbere were 14 men In the Inn, and not one of them dared to go hrme with the Ilian and Investigate. Tb ue was a person who dared, however, and tJlat was the landlord's daughter, a gIrl of 14. Some of the men followed her at a dlstlloDce. and she W'JlIt Into the . JUTd and up to the gllost fiapplng Itl arms about, and discovered-what T That It was no more nor less than a man's while shirt flapping ' on tbe c:lothes line In I strong breei e. That'l .about t1!e way all ghosts turn out.

In your home. It's the solesl, surest and quickest t cn'edy for colds ever compound ed. l or Cou ghs , B:ou· chitls , P I ~risy, Infl ammation of the Lun gs , iu"'flfl;t, all d iseases caused by negl~ctcd colds. It has no eq ual. Recommended and sold by drug· gists everywhere.

Removing a Blot. "Mi ster," Inquired the tramp, "would yo us co nlrlbute a dollar to help beau· tlfy your lown 1" """hal'S th f' Id ea 1" "I' er a dollar I'll move on to do l1ext town."


,.gave your poems heen read by many people?" "Certalnly-ahout twenty publlshert that 1 know ot."


"Whereupon he Instantly drew hi s I! word,"

Our IUustrallon shows a form of storage us d In Colorado for storing potllto s or rools. It Is a du gout Qcraped out like a large ditch and lh en lin lshed up like a eellar and roofed over. Vontllators are put In to glvo air. The picture shows the oUlc r conslructlon well. These dugouts are made large enough so that a team can be driven through them, and



i:J:..t:f:.,:g. GOSHEII, IND.~ U~ 'So L


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r Y 'OURT '

ni nt Hleu lJY H.M . Hatli Id.lldmill - NOT AN UNPA R DONABI.,E ERROR . i"tra O J:: . E..:;tat uf (; eorge A. l)Ulll bflch r; Mll i l ~y T IJ l e L ed to' Purser's Unfor· d east'o .. l nv ntoi'Y a nd ;:tpp rals tu n ate A n l g nment of B ert hs. me.nt fi l tI by aOlll ini . t l'U t\1I', W. J. ' \ teroom !\S' As I nt l' d th e a Ail n. s l ~Ill' d to m II on of the ·oU ti l wl:; t\\a rriage Licenses. . 1 1 am 1'5 On m y lasl 1I'lll S 11 th, I W llR 15 s ta rll ed to find the 10 1\"1' 1' b rth li lt 1"" F r d . U. Str ick ler , :l l . l'arlridg'l' with fe llli ll ine appal' ' I. " sa id Jl' ('orn m aker. of .Ki n ~ M i l l ~ tl Ka thar ine Illl!rc:lul tra v 1 .1'. "1 Il umN la l 1 ' t IT Lt. 2:3 . of lI opk in>,v illt' . Rf1O\·. sOll l1. hl 0111 Ihe purse r of III hmll !lil t! Mr . ·wartz. o f J( in g~ 1 i l l ~ . Inltl hi m til! l\I ' ~l\ t hav,.:' III !I It· some • . ' 1I t1 ~t a k,' III all ol I 1111; I li t' r(Joll n; . li S lh Ray mund . Bel' 'e r , :! l . Rh IPPlng' 1"'1'$11 11 9 11 h o d JlUt 111 Illilll' WlIS 1111 ' cl rk. of Fra nk lin to Ann a Ma Byer s, duu t ll'dly a woma n. If I mig ht jllltgC 1 '. o f Frank lin Rev ..J. J , Hobbins. by 1". 1' Ill' h111 ;..: lngs ,John H . Dawson. ~ G . (. m ell t Dn ish.... \\·1'11 : 1\l' II , " II(' (·x(' llI lnr '(\ . mil ch I l'~ i.' II \" d "T hl're I11 I1 S I hI' ~ llIlIl' ml s. 1 t'I', of Le ba non t il F.d na L. Ti b 1:\ s, luk e, I',pi' s IOllk nl I It t' p:l ~~"II !:." 1' !I,;I.' " ICX!l lI lilla li,," of I h ,' 11,;1 ~ h() \\' .. " li lY 2 1, of Lebanon. Real Estate Transfers, Illl llll' 1\ 1101 It. ,I I or · ~I ;tj . \\, hil '" : , ~ tilt' \J \'( ' IIPI\II IS o f Ihe sall ll.: I'VU II 1. '1' 11<' Ra~ h el Lyons to Geu rg Gil m oul'. )11 ' '''11'1' and I weill 10 Ih sl:II ' ·""" 1I1. In Ih dllOI'WlI)' RlOnoi a 11111 01 · tra t in l \ lr tl ecreek to wnship , $125. lIt! ynflt1ttthy ere o un g WO n U:lll . \\ ' 11 ; ' 11 I h t O )1\ ' I':-- t 'r Lon P a'ug h to Lue lla K . Paugh, ll"k('t! h r It Ihal was h.:'1' ,''' '"1 "II ,' trac t in learcreek township, $l. ~ l u l1\' e tl 81 hint l'a:ill uil y !llI,l 1" ' 1" 1" <1 Van Mounts and Be rnice Mounts Ih at II was. 'nut : ub j ·· I tI I hn n Ol t'I'I' . '1 h;1 " ,-I hiR wife t o or a Mo u nt~ ochrun. !lssl!;lIetl th l roo m ((. ~l u J \\·h il.,. t ra ct in Ham ilton t{) wllsh ip $1. lI a\'C~ I the ill a ~ n re o( ;; I wa l d ng I II his , a rah S . Sm ith to har! s B. m il h. w lf ? ., 'No. si r: was 1111' 1" '''111 1'1 1'""l y: ., lot in Lebanon . $1. Lida S . Smi th to Laura B. Gemi n , nm ;\>Iaj. Whlte- :\IHj. \\, hil ' l1 r til l! Sal va lion Arl\l~' : " r eal e tat e in Turtlecr eek township ,

cw 'uil s.

'har l 8 . Haines pla in Litf vs. Ida H Mootl .• o rge F. Mooll , he\' hushand et a l. Pla in ti ff all eges in p li tiun t hat has a legal rig h t to and is imple as a child 'md one s ized in f • of the h irs-nt-law a nd d eviRe S IIf Zimri H. Hainetl. d t' ·east>d. of t.h undivid ed lIe -s \'en t lt part of ce rtain describt>d 1't'nl ' state and ask ~ for uch .s4lttl emen t Elt zroth & 1ap l atto l'll y ' fo r , Iain t itf. anni e Ed. C. Pence, plaint ifl' v . R. Eag le and Gorg e W. ~agl . defendan ts. Petit ion for mo ney Ju e on promisSo ry nole o f $23 - W . •' . Wright at torney for plaintiff . Katherine W . ~ Fi tz r as ad ill inistratrix of John N . Fitze r. deceased. plaintiff vs. The Cle veland, inci nnati, Chicago & St . Lou is Rai lway com pany. Petition for $10 ,000 in death of Joh n W. F . Fitzer at Fou r th stred crossing in Fran k li n at whi h plaintiff claims lumber was piled a nd cars s. arranged t ha t app roach of train could not be seen . Patrick Gaynor and ,J. D. Cla rk , attorneys for $1. plai n tiff.


Commissioners' Proceedings.

' . . . , .F rank Brandon as,trustee for bond. f 'M '" , . I n 'Sickness. If ~ cer tam h Id d en ~rro\V Bre~mg ~ompa- nerve goes w ro ng th en t h e orga D o .,.em 0 ny et at Court ' finds a])egatlbns to tbat thls . nerv~ con t r ol s will 1I.1so be t rue and .finds there is due upon sarely fail It ~a y be ~ Stom ach bonds ~d mort&,age a sum of $12,000. nerve, Or ~ t Ulay ha ve ~iven 8trengt~ Philip Spence administrator etc and 8upport t o t he H eart or K,ld~ ey 8 . .' . " . It was Dr. Sh ooJ) thnt fi rs t pOIn ted vs. Home MIssIonary SocIe ty of Pres- to t his vit al truth. Dr . Shoop'tl ," b;teriaD church etal. Direction ~nd Restor a t ive W II.S not · tntlde to d08e judgment of court in construln&, cer- the Dor to . tmp o rarily tain ~ of will ' of Colon Spence stimulate the. Betlrt or Kid~eys. · ," .. 'Tbat old-ftlshlODAd m e thod 18 all dec~ , asked for and same IS com· wrong. Dr. Idboop 's Hoestora t l ve .plied WIth. goes direot ly to t hese fa iling ' inside Anna M. Lewis VS. Richard E. nenes. 'I'he remtlrkll.ble !juoceS8 of Morrison and' Loeise A.' Morrison. th18 presoriptto~ demoDstrates I t h e . p] . .• rff · l ' .f ' wisdom of tre& t lUg the flotu",1 cause 8.lrt.,. 81yen eave to r eco!er . rom of tbese (Ililtn g organ s . And it is · fedant 8um (If $165.17 With m ter- indeed ellsy to prove. A ' simple five .est, the amount due . or ten days test will lIurely tell. Try Probate Court. it onoe, aDd see ! Sold by all d elLl er s. .



H~~ilton Jr., as executor of



b uil l on s 'ien t,i/ i(: p l' i n " ip ~ .; l hroll ).(hlJ u t uf IWl1 vy 1·;\w t' L !,'I lt,,·I · and lh e main hod y or wale I' 1" :St' I'vui r and III HI!l ' (UbH o f hea vy linn -II ·pl atl ' . . 'I'l l(' waL,' r valYt> l!.i III' III'u>IS wl t.h rllu!l r"r p add ll g'. '1'11\' I'a l\" , I'I .t\ Lilid Ldp l-Ip l'i ng- 111'1 ' or " L(''''' wi rL' ; L11 111 1t1 1 1111(, 111 11 !tll d U tlli' I' f i tli ll l:.~ i ll'" al ,," "I' I II ' I!'<~ , I' h,' 11I a ' chin e i::; wel l put lug-d lll!r w it It I' i\' l'l" all" ~(l l d l' l' ~il d Rhou ld Im'( fill ' y ·ars .

.. - .. -- -

Way to A p pe a r Y Oll n g. "- wis.· r 'lII ll!; \1 1)111;111 " h,\~ u~ her 1'1'11 ;;(, " ('I I' I lll l'l ll ~ It IlIll ·,r ; lIl' 1 "Il1 a l wlill nc : " T hl ~ f, .rl11 .,( \\r il l ll ~ ha ' tll"' n liS d r OI IlIl1 fI f(' 1I' ) l' l( I' ~ III S(1 1l1 0 -,1 .. ,01 1". \ ' ht'll I J,;\ " () (':I;i oll t \lTi IP 10 II II Yhnd.I' Ih ,'), I.l r~ 1' , ' 1':: II p t to "UI·ItIl ),' rl'O lIl 111)' h :1I1 d \\T ltlllg t ha i 1 hal'" h"" 11 0 11 1 or !',' h ' H1 1 1" 11 :I r w Y{1a l's. an d a'· . · . II · d ll1 ~ I .~ I \I III Il. ' 1" (111 8 1.1· '! ' oj II 1.",, 1 ~I1I1I' ~: \\ (01 ,.,1 1 " '1'ltl~ d,w lI ul (' ( 11111 1 rol r ~L' 11111 ,,1, at I III, ·"PII I. IIII' I HilI (' lily ~ ;; ~' , II I C. hil t II IIln y rOll ll t fI ;.!ri· nl ' k :1 : III fi ,· II IIl ..; me It ' ta r l ill Ih,' f l'l.·I>. ! -: II ; ' II I :; 11 1'1.11 11' 1<' 1' I \\' ill 11. ,1 /I f " . , ... ~ ... I .' ~tI " ,11 11 1.1' !~I·.

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·the ]ut Will of Margaret C]ements deceased, phlintiff vs . WaynesviUe I t takes Iota ' of coal to rUil a big ~j;ional ~Imk of WaynesVille, Ohio concern. Following is an accoun t of defendant. "Plaintiff asks court t o how mtlch it takes to run t he Na-

,; order and require defendant to issue tional Casn Register Co.: and deliver to him a Jlew certificate TheN. C. R. Company used 70,000,of stock, aUe&,ed in said pet it ion to 000 pounds of coal to heat and run be de8troyed. Court is set for bear- the machinery of their plant in 19:08. iog' M~ch 8, 1909. If it were all piled in one heap it . ~tate of Pe*er Doughman, de- would be almost t he size oj t he new


Every Farmer and Truck Grower ~:'\ ~tI (:l~~:~~e ~\Itl~

ve ry littl pI'aclic p call easily ",'L \Ju t 7.000 to 10,000 p lan ts each dllY. 0 111' ph,lllt:r II l11i lll a ills a r ecord 111' U\' l;'1' 998 plat\ Lq to )(TOW fro m eal'1t I .U.H) ~wt. MO N EY HEF UN UIW IN CA .' El'H IS P LA NTER FA ILS TO l it) AL L WI>: CLA IM F'O I{ 11'. We ig ht, 4!. IbH. Thi::; plant er will SHve il!1 (:ost a d ozen lim >s ove r in a eas on ,fo r repla n t ing and fur ti S' a t t hl:' e nd s ()f th ' I'UW, whe r e you can't use th e hOI'sl'-::;e lt t! r, Fo r s<ll e by A. B Sides and , • .... W . Wa d!J wllrth. l .0 The,' ~e tte rs can be seen at A. B. Sid e " st o re nl ·un t im '


Pr.·ce $3 75





A Purely

Vt! ge tabl~


Cures ' Chronic Cons tipll tion, lind All J..i ver and Kidney Trouble ~ .

The Alpha Chemical Go,

Zltnmc..m tw·!\, K il bon ·!!. White 'l\, Moun t.joY'1:!

Spring field. Ohio .


I>3 .We I Print I SALE BILLS >3 R.ight·

. I ~ "n rlces ' r


A New York mnqufar turlnll' conc rn In whl h onl y one-hal( oC th e employ",! work In Ih e d ay ti ~e h a s a !!4·boll r clock In the tlmeke [I r's OmCll, by wh ich th e worll record Is not d. The business day begl us at on o'clock In the morn ing. and wh n o·l h r clocks Indi cate ' midnight t hi s factor y !.l ote. piece- sh ows tbat It Is 24 'clock. Th men who go in work at lhe time orrli · narlly know n as six p. m., are r· corded as havIng started at 18 o'clock. The people In charge of th \Vo rll suy that UiJII change In the Um 1(' oplltg method has preve'n ted Dlany elTors. and ,al tbough It took he men a IIt l le while to become accll stomed to It th E'y now speak ' ot 14 Hud' 16 o'clock III a ~ a tt8 r,o t· Cao t wa y aOd without the s mile whIch a ( first the stra llg . fig· urea provoked .

All kintl:; o f l 'lanl :4. ,,0(, 11 a:-\ t:a l .tHlg·(·. 'I'll ' huccu , 'l'uma !oc, t ·,.lt lill,, \\ c l' , Slruw he rri t.'.:4 , Swee t Pot a t ovs , S \t g'al' J1l,pl s . •·1,' .. u rI' sl.'l III wa te r ami e ll \' 'I'ed at Illl ~ up 'ratioll . Th l.! plall t r oots a re pu t d owil ( 0 til , p J'l) fll~I' de pth below tit, su r face where Lhl' gTll und is eno l and d amfj. You n lV ' 1' huv e tu wail f it!' a ~ hllwt' r : plHUls IIIUY be safely set lJ u l whl 'n larg \' l'Il IUg-I'I, I' g:m lI E'~S 1)[ tlt e weill It 'I' li n II ta t.I VI' II . )\V d I'y and d UHt.y th l~ g- I' n \t n d may be. .

, :l \ot •.d .l",

The Seaet .of Long U k .

23 : 15 O' C lock.


No S toopin g \ Vh e n Us il1 ~, Tll e rc .. , fore No La m t! Backs .


.. -,

})la ilt. SerreI'

I t,~ C )!l ical jaws are man

O ne

S !l I t ."

- *. . .



A l!'nm· !J ~\:l ' l1I t is t. has L1 i!'O'l t' l'l'tl l ,) 0 0 seor et 01 long Itf t1 . HI 1Ilt' 1 w d 1 ll ell lS With th e b l,hHl. But. it; l !.~ II ~O rili Ili on of A lll tl ri c Hos bUll pr o v,·d r.I " I' tri e Jj it.le n:;.... \l1'ulOIl f{S li t H IIIl U Il lU k es it: wu r l/h l i v ill ~ . It puri fie;; . .Rm·i he 1\ \1(1 Vit.1I \J :r.tlS tb tl ~ I od , BREAKING B A D NEWS GENT L Y . r(' h nilu!' wll !<tl'd Il pr VtI ee ll!', iUI )JIl YlfI life lind t on t o t he l\1 ir e R\,~W Ul M att er of Rel ati v e V a lu es As Und er - I ts 1\ godseud 10 weil l" Riek Iln u d . bllitllt ell PPOlll . " Ki u nl'5' t l'lHl ble stood In H olste i n. htltl bli g ht. rI ·tl\ .\' \if f \' m o uth R," "In th prov ince of 1I 0l sloln," says a writ es W M. ' 11 nntll1 . llf C n ~ llil.l g . traveler who s penrls :t good dpul of hl ~ M ., . bu t. EIp t r ic Bi H I rs l!~l rei I me time abroad, " whero. of COIl I·H.·. 1I . 11 h- n ti r Iv . " n /1I y riO ti t ~' I' fl d C. • Ing Is Ulore Imporl ant Ihan I h ' lJ rePII· H hwnrt'l. · . Jug of superI or ('attiC', the cc.lIl1l lry JI '0_ .... pie are Do t only very lhrifly . hut xDoll 's Dress Reg\.:Ja t ed by Law. ceadlngly fOIHI of Ihpll' I' UII' S. ItS lIIay Th ' d re"il " I' '1 I " "!W . ol .) I I ~ is rt' :': u, be ga ther cl from <I dlHl':1Cle ri K Ie' story lat e!t by I IIII' . I1r('ul'Ilinf,: to Ill(' ~::l ll nn cUl'rell t t1l1'l'e. "It apl) :I r S tJ lnt ll no farm r was o f th p cIa!';; II I' ' 1.0 1" '';,, 111 5 11 11\1 lil ll walltln g sad l y !lu WIl th road 0 11 (' !l n y ~ Irl " Il l' il rnlill d'rl 10 I'l a ~' wil ll ; h ' ir clolls !.I S n ~ llI' ( ' l n l 1'\! \\'1I1'11 for ~ oil 'on ,When t il vill age p. lor m t him . ., 'Wh y so dowDeR.·t. frh>ncl ?, nsk 'lI 11111' 1, '!' IIPs" d .. l1 11 a I',' Prf·s t' I'I·.·f\ f rOID c;c nf' r UI iOIl III J.:t' lI l'ra 10 11 . fl II II art.' frl>' the !lusto r. ." '1 lla ve a sad ena nd', Ilastor; reo 1111l' lIl1 y dl'f'ss('ol to 1'1' 111'1'';' ' 11 1 hll<Io 'rle'al {llIed th farmer. 'Fnl'mer Henl'lk's dI Ul'll!.' tt·l·s. thu s parly Inllililing the cow Is dearl In lil Y past ure, nud 1 am r hlld III 0 hl llPs hl "lol')' i ll 11 1lI0St P!11 rl ulhl llll: way. I O~l (·Lt illeSl: ,loll s on my wl\Y 10 tell him: a rt! boy lIolI s, Ill' ba hl)' II ' (,I1 W ! !' Wt t1l n " 'A ba rd lusk. Ind d.' .. 'YOIl may well say so. pa's tor ; but han· playpd II rUlh J' nnlmport ant pn l' ~ In thp hi 101'.1' or Ihal nUllol)..1 shall break It' blm g ,li lly: Bohemla ll ~l u·g U zl ne . ,. 'And how will yon do thai ?' .. 'Oh, I shall tell him t1 rsl t hat It Is his fath er who Is d lid : alld then, hav· Ing op n d th e wa y for sad der neWs Left-over cereal ' II ed not be w astsU Il. 1 shall tell him that it Is not his d. Tll Y a l'e excellent fri ed like fatber. but tbe cow!' "- l.l urper's mush ~nd eilt n with yrup or hon py Weekly.

-------..~ ~-----

F. M.

(l5c to ~ 1.50



"'h ']..:.1




Court Proceedin&s. tat e of Ohio v . Charles Mixon. Bills-F. W. T homp. on electric Defendant d eclared g uilty by j ury repairs at jail , $7.85; r epail'S at cou r t a nd ~ourt assesses fine of $20 and hOllse. $2098; W. H. Stanage & 0 .. blan ks for clerk, $11. b la n ks fo r co ~cost s. oner , $4. 0; fi les for appearance dockH enry A. C r ew vs. Aa ron. B Ch an~3 F kl ' Cb . I bl' k · 0 l' t ' f romc e , Ian D s, dl er, guard Ian . n app Ica Ion 0 et , '" 9; ran In u'ff h . ' t ed 1 ' ; . ; . t til fo r pr obate Judge, $10.50; Cha r es . . e IS g ran 0 e tl' A p1am amended &nQ supplem ental p etition. Reed , . b r ooms for COll r t house. ""' ; . F . Meeker . cemen t , $10; Fran k F ran k Ross e t at va.. Rob er t Ross· A W 11' $20 W H A p efendant has three dpys in which a mg, con t r act, ; . . n.' t ram , pos bnaster , stamps, $5; Sam . to fi] e answer-. ' ......~ " -~S k J W S k iI ,p· H enkle , fees, $45; State 0'f Oh 10 vs J!.jQ"--~ noo ¥8. . , noo .an'!' Ed S · k ~ 75 C I U ' 'r 1 ' ... PI ' t'ff h . 1 to noo , ,,,5 ; en tra mon e e-W• PH • amm.. r. am 1 as eave ~ 3 O' " WI'th'10 t h. r ee d aye.· ph one company,• ",1 .4 _. _ _ __ ft·1:e ..~ ep'I'1e8 herem

M asters ' R'a pi~

Fountain Syringes ·






. (. Miami Gazette I"

Right, Too


Of cQ1,lrse .

•.•• •• ~

~------ I

Hard Burnt Tile

I• I I I I'





WHO? . .,II,,,.............···....




PILES getDr. Shooo's Immediate from Magicftllel Olntmen;

! .-

. .

c~. Oil.application Jacob Dough- ten-story office building on

. Ma in . . Rel1ef for Toothache. street. ' It the tool h ball a cavit y use liqllid Hit could all be b,urned a t on e t ime ·amw\lnl a. Spray fro m III dlcln e dro p-:-I-have the second and third~' Wy]e as ~ureties. GeOrge Miller, it would ct:ea te a heat that ~ould p r di rectly' 'Iu to th cavit y: He ve ry: . car co'n1[llg of 4 Ill. 8nd . 6 in • .George Howard.and Willian}' Cheney make the Miami ' Valley an inferno sUI:e and )IOt tou ' b t h tend r gUIll . It Hard '~ u~nt Ti1e. . .Anyone !!. appointed appraisers. . ~ __._ ~nd driv~ all its inh abitants to the t here is un ul ce r~t droo l pre pnl'e a - --.-----...... -- ~---..- - ~---,- d~sii'ing T ile, had better con. poultice of f1 ax·sep.d meal. mix' d wi th .~ ' ._'.A _ ...,......, ......,......,,, ...,......,,. ...,... r.,"....,,, ...,,, sult with m e before uylng Estate of Ellen Br~n, deceased. lakes to cool off. waler. But. In a small vessel and ap· '..'l\o' + '.J1I."+ + + ++ '.J1I."+"+ + elsewhere, a s 'my prices will On applicatioll John Breen is apPointHere are some figure~ showing the ply to Ihe gnm, CO \· rin g the swelli ng. be all right. . . edadmj~stratoratbondof$looWithamount of material used at theN. Sprad un smn ll pleces of Ill1 en 110 ,* ~. J.Gitlinger as surety. C. R. plant last year~ which may in- lal'gpr Illall Ihe end ot the tlnger, fo lt! ...,... . one thl rk ness over the pOHlII,:e. He- · '+ ' . • . I ~*' Estate of MaJ'&'aret C. Thompson, terest you : new just as fast as they cool. This ~+ · deceased. On application John A. C~t Iron- 3,600.0oo pounds . " 'i ll sorten· th e 1I1cal'ali on aJld calise HI, Abllndlonl oly tIIn ~lr.I !lt1 weekly. l,~ r~e. t elr· aul uU u n fi t ' UlY , {'h) lItiO d jh ll r llul ~ 'J'c rll11t. A · 1J'h0mpson appointed administrator . Sheet steel-- 3,OOO,ooo pounds . to break In a. short 11m . Have II sec· Waynesville, Ohio. .fe"r~ IdIIl,r "'''"lh ...... 8011110,&11 " ".".leRle n.. at bond of $2000 with C. A. Thomp(:0Id-drawnstee]- 2,Ooo,Ooo pounds ond party prellsr the /lOUl llce~ Hpos·. ,; + '+ CO.3~'Bro.d~y, i sible. a It lII usl be done QulcL;ly. Keep i ~ IIr.D~t omoe. Il2f> Jr 81_ W ..hloM I ~". I1. C. d F 000 000 k Co 3 son as surety ran Binkley. Hot:ace pper-" poun s. hot wal er bOI·tle otll.'ide or bund nge. . ",... ..zr.. • Hoppi~&, anc;l Ed. C. Conklin are apP aper- 4.000,ooo pounds . + ..,... ~!!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~ poirtted appraisers. Luniber-250 carloads . PIANOTUNI~Q ~ . . t Il --.....:... ~ ::::z::::::

Annnlnl'''''' administer at bond of 1 -:--:--::-'-'--Slfillf)-1Irittr-f')PI'·A1;iri""-1lITvb.",~".,.iI Eva




D Holll'ngsworth *""""1 Chas. GeneraI


. .,. . .

B. Lewis,

'J!c . ................


'* --_.--


In matter of assi"nment of Nannie This material will all be hauled to 1 J T h ompson Jr. 443 E: Mu in;, '4, Oregonia, ~ - O.hlO R. Eagle and George W. Eagie. On. the plant in wagons, making a total •.•. . . . . . + r . M . f ' I 00 1 d St.. , Leban on , Oh io.. Sn t i!lfuot ion\ ~ ...,,.,,,... ,,,,. ...,......,......,,,, ..., ......,... ~ 1f1~......,t't.: app lcatlon . artlJ) A. Jameson ap- 0 approXimate y 20,0 wagon oa s, t rl VlI.lley Ph one 54 B. ') '+" +'4'+".J1I.·~+" + ~ #If' .''''' .~


pointed assignee at $6000 bond. In single liTie the wag ons used f or' gnars n ee . · .Estate of Joseph S. Riddell" de- this hauling would r e ach 110 mil es . ::=~~~~~~~~~~~=s~' · ceased. On application Jodie Rid- .a • _ __ _ _ . I

dell is appoin t ed administrator a t Who wonldn 'i gi ve 2;:; oents to bond of $500. Fr ed Mane, Call{out- Iltopapain 20times ? J ust. one lit zah~ and Fred Laycock '"appointed ap- tIe "Pink Pain Tablet," - Ur Sh oop 's

-wilJ stop any p&i.n in 20 minutes, sure I Read t,he formula on the box Estate of John Oberlin, .insane. ' Doo~orll say it Can '1; be . be ttered FOlirtb acco1l~t filed .bY Peter Ober· Checks woqlllDly pains, bead pain s , any pain . 20 t a blets 250. tiold by lin, J11ardian. . ' IQ matter of guardianship' of Bam- ~11 dealers. I:lar~ 'Smear, an .alleged imbecile. Greek . ~Ire. .. . " samue] .Carter asks ' to be 'appointed Greek 'fi re :wlis mbllsli ble om· &-uai-dian and is set to' consid er positio n (now ,uil.known, 'bilt . tlt'olight application. . '. hllve I~ matter of last will and tesfa-. .:' J1lentoUohn V.:Jack, 'deceased, .: On · application :, of · Ro~l't·' J. Shilwhan : apd ·· Gearare - W. · Carey',..~e.e~t~r~ praisers.


--- --.- _.



court ol;deni sal, .of Qo~4 as .r~ ue9t-, w \' '. ".

,: '.. ~",.rY 'M ; :H~ifie]d,.· :' adI#inis~to~. ! 1»(~te ofAnr~tte ~e'nce, dec~ • .• 'P1~titt VB. Ed •.9.·Ptmee . l.defen,:danta· On application ' of HarrY M. . H~e1d 'private ule of -N!al estate is


~ ~ted. ', . ~ ...





BIstate of

AQoen,tte 'Pen~e, ~e- by a rec-~t south ' wind, re-deitroyIn_tory aiid '-.ppI'8J8e- in&' tht oom e~p of Curacao.


We Sell



. i·

. Orthodo~ Friends Church. £l ev. B enj am i n

U aw lt t n ~ .



S 'h OOI, \) !:J(, ,l. m. HCR\II:,r uhul'e.IJ y ll:c. 10 ;all 11. UI. IJrllltiall ~~ I "ll!ll·v ur. -; ,,':11 p. Ul . . .


S n hlla~h

Hh::ks!tc Friends Church. I

Jo'!" lI l lJa y ;\1 1!~1 '1I(. ) \I :00 1\ . lb . .F'lr,! ~ D IlY, '01. 001, 11 ; 0 (1 a . rri. l"o unb Dny Ml!c t.ill g

10 :0 0

u. Ul .

. .

.Oysters ·~With· ,

, "SeJ Tdflg'" ler~~e" ~I.s/l'''

Ov Oa\'orthe killrt YUII ' \ (: 1l1II1J1,'1I.t:d y()ur lip!! uver at' the s l l u r~ .



New York




"lll ri' I~ ' 1 "' .... \til·




GAZE1"'rE WHA/..:E· ~. UST "' :0 , 11" , ,'\1 1,', 1•.1" I Accord Ing to


Showman, Leviathan Waited Long for Jonah .


OlteD The KidneJs .Are Weakened bJ OYer·Work.

' UDheallhy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Th e BIshop or M 'llrlboro'tl ~ h told a ,Mi ory III ollenlll g the S t. Th olllllMsitle, W~[\k n ud unheatthy kidneys are're. - - , , - - - - - - - - - - - - -., 01 wf)rk at IJ:~ I I', to IIlulllra l ,the sponsibte for much sickness and sufiering, •' 11m It II I therefore, if . kldl1'Y L. CHANI , \1~rllt , 'r Illtil MIIII. 1/"" I I , 1I Y IV \ I! I Ollfl'OlIl ed church trouble iSllCrmitted lo ,I WOr!I PI:S In flays go I If' hy. saytl th e L U ll ' contiuue, sed ans n:-'+-- - - - - - ' - - - - !Ifi ll SIB"d unl. 8 1 ·ty y £L l'tI ago he suils ure most li kt:l y Rultlll or f'luluJcripliulI II l lci,' II , tlO"" UU US,' errul'l 10 tl ltUlilla t to foll ow. Vour oliler 1. 11 1 1I111'oehlul Ilr If) Ih · llll" Cll nn ' or orgll ns m uy Il cel l ~ t , ~ I ""'Ir (.<Ll' lctly III aoIVlI lI l'CI •Iii) II III IlSlmlellt . hilt It WII S, be o;nld. n tentiou, but your klllbad rallul· . Th e onl y thlll g whlC'h bl' ue)'s IllOst. , because th ey do lIIO st ond I'o illd recoll ect of Ihe detail s now ,wlIlI Illat th ere Will' IL smoky rn nglc lallt I'll should have attelltion Rates of Advertisements first. Tlu:rdore, when • ,.1<11111.\ 1,,,,· a I A. (Je r IllI c . U:,,· 11'1111'11 had hf'l'n IhW <.I HI Haitian I'IlCPS. YOllr ki unt!.\·s ure w uk. or out of onl"l, I ... · 11 1101 WA H "cull ght hold 01" hy II ." 1) 11111; YOII CU ll IIlIilerslaml how quickl y your ell...,,"IUI( 1." (Ia I" . 'bl :" 'k r,h·'·. I'" r II",· Thiiol i't! On t' of the Big gest BunHide Offer/! Ever Made !Jy n ~ell pon!'llblc Concern. I'U I'IlIl' 1' II!! II propPI' thing \VII h whl l' h tire l!Cdy i ~ ulfcc\cll anu how e ery or~a lJ ,.. ""llIcll '\lIM. UCit \JJ ex u.: " ,I II ,·t· IIIII'M .::.. III /o: l v(> UII enl f' rluilim enl III til e pa ri h. scems to fui l tv ti ll its duty. ".t1,.(" III " lIrllons , '! :.l' bill II Wit S Ritllply an ex htb111UII or UIII · If you a r c:: sick or .. fecluauty," begi u We and th e manufacturers, have decid ed on a novel plan fo r further introducing the splendid makes of instruo .rtf lit ·I·h:lllk .. .r,fle 1I 11 1l i<. Ilnd 1 he room, blling darlc 11111.1 taking th e J.;l'cut kiuney remedv, Dr. lIl ents t hat we sell, and enabling cust om et·s to get better acquainted wi t h our money saving methods • . .... olutlons . . . ~hl' th .. :<h() wm all 1101. tlrst 1·l\l e. It W :ltl a Kilmer 's Swamp-Root. A trial WIll coulleclals. ell' . \\'10 r e ch ari!1l Is m fl llo' As is well known we represent makers of high g rade pianos and every pial'!o sold by us is a well known I bl tf I 8 vi uce you of it!! great merit. ~"lila )' Arb 'e rtI HIII !! . Pil i' In ell udd nly Ihe show· The mild uwl illlmediate effect (, f in!:ltl'um ent _ We want you to call and ins pect our pianos, get bett r acquain ted with us and investigate our . Iflc III Sf'rll e u a 1' . lIIan "mid : " You kno\v . hlltlre:l. I Swamp-Root, tbe great kidlley uill i liew pl an o j' ~e ll i n g. In considerati on of th is we have ueeiuild to g ive away many valuable prizes in this way . U II I f'x lof\lilln g Ih e anlmul s that ca lli e bladl\ r remc<ly, is soon rt!ulil.ed. It HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU WRITE ··STRAUSS.'· oUI or th e /Irk ." (nfol·lunuI Ply. t ht> stalHls till: hi !,:hcst because its rt:murkablc Ut!XI Ihill/!: he flx hlbll ed was a wl la ll'. I health r"storing pro/lerties have hee u Tp t he person wri ting the word " TRA USS" the largest number of'times on a space one-half the size anel a liltl e boy exclaim ed: " 1'111'1'1' pro\,en in thousalllls o the Ulostdistresswerell 't no whul e In th e ark." But IIlg cast:!s. If you nccd a mcrlicille ),011 of a postal card , we will give absolutely free $25 .00 in g old. To the next largest number of times will receive $10.00 in gold . Ih e ShOY>'IIlaJl wa H equul to thl' oc Ii' should h[J \'1:! th.e be~t. . '1'v the next largest $5.00 in gold. Cl1liforni" has uecided to be good, slon. and relllled : "No. littl e boy. Ih e Sold I? druf{J.,' lStH III The next two largest num bers will receive a P UR 'HASING COUPON for $150.00. good for part paybut it wa:> lJ.v a s mall maJ·ority. w""e wtl Sn'l th eI.t!.. It was wnII In g lar fiftY-~~l1t alill ont!-dol... SIZeoS. You fIIay ment towanls th e purchase price of any new piano in ur st ore, and one art picture. for .Jollnh . ·buve a sample bottle The next twenty· five cardR containing the largest number of words will each receive a PURCHASING by mail free, also a COU PON for $100.00, good for part payment towards th~ purchase price of any new piano in bur store and one Cuba s ems to have lnade the misLiterary Pioneers. palllphl ~ t telling; you 11....... I.·lluo' P lit 11 t I how to hutl out If you have kidney or art picture. take of t.l'ying to get along without Th e next fifty cards recei ved with the nex t largest number of words will receive a PURCHASING a I' tl'rn ure, 80 rar 1111 thIs cOlin· blautler trouble, Mt!ution lhis pap r Jl vice preNid ent. try Is cODcel'rted. undoubt elly hll!! Il tl when writing to Dr. Kilmer & C I . , COUPON for $25.00. good fol' part payment. towarcl ~ the purchase vrice of any new piano in our store and one foun!alnh eac1 In Ihl' wrItings of Wn sh· Hiughumloll, N. Y . Don' t make any lJIi ~­ a rt pictu re . Ingtoo Irving ; bllt Ihe Hrst IIt el'Utul'P t u kl:!, but rcmcmhcr the name, SwnmpAll persons ending in a cal'u will receive Ii fJt' ize .allu thmlC not desirous of purchasing a piano will be A London h iress, it. is said, is to hll v(' the llosltiv Arnel'lcan smack Root, alll\ dOll't let a deuler sell yuu allowed a proportionate amount of t heir coupon t owards purchase!i of furniture , carpets, stoves, sewing mato marry a poor young American . and flavor wel'e the novel8 of J . Fenl. liometbillg in. place .o f Sw!unp-Root- if chines, g l'a phuphones etc. more Cooper. Coopfl r's novels W El l' 8 you do ynu Will he llisappomted. OUR OFFER. Which so unds better. revelallon to the uld world of th'e ract "'!'!~~'!'-_~~~~~""""'~_~ The above reward wi)),be g iven by us and the manufacturer. We expect this advertising plan to enthat In the new wOl'lda rresh v In had ":- - - - -- - - -- abl e UR within n few weeks to sell a::I much merchandise as would he sold through continuous high priced adbeen struck. something t hal wall a8 'l'here are three things nearly ev- much Am rlcan all Dante was me. BLOOD POISONING vertising in this immediate locality in on~ year. When a teacher wishes to impress a word on the minds of ery man will fight. for- his family, dlaeval 01' VIrgil and Icem classIcal. pupil s, he often r equires them to write the word fifty to one hundred times. We want to impress our name on For thl'ee weeks , Mrs . Thomas the buying public. That is why we have adapted tbis plan. It will mean hard work for the person who receives his dog and his oltice. It 18 not tva much 10 call Cooper the 0lumbu8 of American III ('r8Iur . Lackey, living on the New Burling- any of t he large rewar.ds. You should not overlook mailing your card at once. Charles Brockden Brown, a much ton pike, near Spring Valley, has DIRECTIONS Hauling butter and eggs to mar- greater genius than oop r. approach. been almost at death' s door from Ing 10 the subtlety 01 bls Intellect the Take an ordinary postal card and draw a line through the center of the card, that is to say, up or down ket in an automobile is ideal farm blood poisoning, which developed great est of the ancient s. WIlS preven\.. life to the man who lives in town . ed Ly hi!! morbidity and Introspecllv . from a bunion. In trimming away ur across, 0 t he card is divided equally, it makes no difference which way you divide it. On one half of .the card write "STRAUSS" as many times as you possibly can. On the ether half write your name and addr_ n ss from gaIning the pulm which the calloused skin from the bunion plainly. mention "Ad No. 10" state how many times you have written the word and give us the l)ame8 . . . passed to the author of the "Deer. Mrs. Lackey accidentally cut too addresses of three of your friends who are desirous of purchasing a piano. If you haven't a postal card handy, What has become of the old-fash- Blayer" and th "Pathfinder." . , deeply, and caused blood to How. use a piece of paper the size of a pos tal card and mail to us. ' , ioned boy who used to run away from In case of a tie, competing for any of the above prizes'. the value will be divided eqt1a))y among the tied . A few days later blood poisoning decont stan ts. All persons sending a list of . words will be notified of their success within one week after the home to fight the Indians? . Home Made or St. Louis Rran. veloped, which has affected the entit'e ·untest. '108 s. All answer's must be in our hands by noon of March 15, 1909. WAYNESVILLE M1LLS. limb, and her condition has been mo t precarious. Should sh r Jf the next wa,r is to be fought in CONTEST CLOSES MONDAY NOON, MARCH IS, 1909. eover it is feared that she will be the skies, as Hiram Maxin says, how If yon would bllvt\" fide yet car· are they going to save the pieces? tttin Cough Remedy in the home, permanently crippled.- X ni a Giltry nr Shoop'8-llt lelllit /)ooe. It. zette, 18 thoroogbly noHke liny otb ~r Is the wise propQet who assured COOlCh. prepluaf.ioo H8 taste ~III .1 14 OUTH MAIN STREET, MIDDLETOWN" ~~IO , us we were to have twenty-six snow be t"~f.1rely new to \'00-00Itl88 It Itl 1 . ?jftlreUd Y your fuvorlt .. Coogh Remestorms keepmg an accurate account. <1y . No opinm. cbloroform. or liny . . We are Exclusive Agents for the follOWing High Grade Pianos; Jesse French, Kre1l \:rench, LqOllda I)ther stupifying lu~redieotEI 8,re ' 75c and $1.0o.Alt nnd. Wagner «Co • . • • : • IIMCcI The teoder lellves of.a harm. '?-"he chromc loafer hkes hard times IflslI,luog be~ling ollluntaioous s hrub' " ~ ... because it gives him an excuse to (Iva. to Dr !lhoop's Congh Remeds . THE ' REV. IlL IIICKS stand around arid . watch other p~ \tll. woocterful QUrllf.l ve l'ropertle8 .. _ ...._ __ I Ie . h u.,t,ruly It must c ,tuo Ilod tl'OS!- , Alm.nao and. .M....ln. P ewor . • _. Norihy prel!('ription. ::iold by all Somebody declares that Chicago Undertaker and Embalmer. tea Iflr!!. milk C!lust'~ bow-legs. It may not Should be ill ' Revolts At Cold Steel,! ------~.~-~.----eyer, home ID be the milk. but something surely Will be foond in the olrl "Yeor only. b"p"," .. oIld t,br..,., dno BaTIk Building. oppos\to) the laad. BI. HiE NOISELESS RIFLE causes...them . tors to Mrs.· M It FiMber, Oet.rvU. tbe National Bank . .. weather »redlo,Mloh, .saffeSr' n!! from lIeVllre reetu) Telephone in hOIlMA !lnCl of UonacaDbehad The noiseless gun which was given, Soldier Balks Death Plot. trouble. liell ill ItO operut·lllo " "t.hAl, floe where I can be ott-Hell only In Idl own a demonstration last week must not I Dsud Or. Kmg'" NAW LifA PII .. • da.y fir ni~ht,. publica tl OD I. , accepted entirely as one more tel'It seemed to J. A . Stone. & oivil sbe WI' Itt\~, . 1~lll Wholly onrl1d ,. Wilt' veterllo, of Kemp, Tex.. t,hllt Il V IlI1f\y 'Phooe 14-2. No other publ~er r"ey ' J)reVeUI, Appendiolth" oor.. ror of war, but also a'il a threatening plot existed betwllt'D It deRper&te print them In an, form, Main reet, lWaynesville, Ohio. OODs.ip"tlon. Beuduoht!. 21)0 Ilt FI'I!d weapOn of crime. loog trooble Ilnd the gr&ve to 0lU18e C. SobwKrt,z '!I • . -;t~~~;~~~ without credi"- mal909 uIt was shown that the discharge of his dellth . • "1 o,?ntrttcter! &8tubborn li ~:~~rv:~'C eele all former edlUon .. In ~&Utl ~ the gun invented by young Maxim cold." he writll!!, "that deve~'Oped It • I value, aDd .eU. for 35cents, poatpIdcL . cougb t·hat'Stuck t j me, It,t!, Of~H."• • • • • • • • • •_ •• Gr.tuitoul Advice. w~ no louder than that of the open- bll remedies for yeurs. y W t~ !irUt:.:.:rJ!::~·I;!i..,.~a~~':J(Js.. ,:. Hie monthlr ,mapdae, WQJID. Am» 'pM .... oItlu .. Ca,aIop. W OBKS, contain. hle weath., · fore. A man had sat for Borne time In • ing of a "pop" bottle. Part of the tlln down to'130 pound Y Then rbe. ..... A44r-TlIKMcc.u.&.co,.lI. . restaurant. looking thoughtfully at hlB noise came.from the impact and. un- gl1~ to use Or. Klng'8 N Disoovery casts for each mouth, together wi• • You will find the Baucer of meiHng Ice ·cream. Al lut less one were listening for the explos- wbloh rel:ltured my health 0C?mplete. valt amouDt ohha lMIsUamll,..,adi.Dr he left hi, cbaJr and made hl!l WilY to . " Iy . I now weigh 17 pounds For ':Ie. and coats a ,ear, one almaaao with Ule proJlrtelor. · 10~, the firln~ of a rl6e was no ,m ore vflfe Oold. 1 01 , tinpte Coogh8, Hem. eacb aublorip~iou. Ever1 eartbquake "I see' you adve(t1se that you make nensy than , the foo~alL of a heavy orrh:.geR, Ast.bUltt, ,and to prevent AL'l'ER 0 LURE', abdierioU8 .torm for 20 leen ,b." your own iee cream," he Bald, In a con- map., t~e rattle , of a cllr turnings PneumoD·I~, it·.A IlnriV:lllcd. 50c. a.nd been predlo&ed ,br Prof. BioU. Yoa ftd6fltlal ·tone, dist'knt corner, the dropping of a '1.00 ' L',rl&1 boUle fl ee. Goarllo· Funeral Director. cannot dord to. be wltbout. . pUJte .,"r do, str~: sll,ld the p~QP'rle tor. · . t .. .,d bn EI'8Q~' t!().u.w&J'.lI'll '.\,------Hl~----'-~---"m'\IYIV""ell:' said the man, ,,'would you book. ,-, . or " lIeadquarters for All Khids of licatloD8. Ad4teaa aU order.1D . .. permit me to give you a little pointer? The advantage · of such a weapon - _ ••- - The Miami ~tte, W8,)'IlesvQle, O. 'telephone day or night. t won't cbarge you a cent : and It'll be in the hands of .an army of reconnaisCORNSTALK P~PER Valley phone No. 7. Long · money In YOur' P,Ock?t." " sance oughtso be tremt'ndous Add"Glad to bear It, I m lure. said the ed t . th ' d f ' h' h k' I Cornstalks make a good grade of O\sta.noe No. 69-'Jr. proprietor. ' 0 e e ence w , IC smo e ess . . DR. HATHA WAY -"Get somebody else to make 11.... said , powder gives it would. be almost im- whIte book paper, but until w~od WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. man. In a hoarse whl pel·.- possible to locate a squad of sharp- pulp becomes much more expensIve ,,¥ R.yoes ville 'a Leading Dentin Branch Office, Harveysburg, O. 10ffice hi ~eys Bldg. Main e. shooters armed with the Maxim rifle. than it is at pre ent the newly disYouth's Companion. --~ . .... - . Thew~pon ,will undoubtedly be pur- covered material will not be used, ,. chased Washi ngon t Once 0 ave Up. .bY '.one of the ,big countries ' because .. . it costs much more to make but this, of course, not in~ure It mto p,aper. The Famous Dairy Food, 'c! three doot·orl\; was k.,pt In bedl .' . I . . A' . th . . 300 pounds of commercial · pulp can for fiVb weels Blood prisop from a exc uSl,ve possessIOn. sine case epider~1 bite 0 ,nsd IltrRI!, (jeep "orN of all other inventions.of the sort the be ~rocured from a ton of c~m~talks, ------------to oover hilleg. Tbedoc,ltorsfline~. rivalgovemmenta will set to work while 1,200 pound!! of pulp IS YIelded &ben "80okl~n's Arnioa ,~lthe com at Qncc to offset the advantage with by a ton of spruce wood, with I~ Corn, Seed Oats, Coal D~n't p1f)tely cur~d lOP, "writ,eR ,Iohn . '. . , . AS th M' _ ,e xpense in production. There are and Cement. Why should you get a pint of water Waahlngton, tlf 80l4qllflVlllfl, ff4x a superIOr arm. e axlm con , . . '. with every qWlrt of Oyster.? Water is ...~or ' eczemu," 'b III'l,I, bo rn o 8 Knd pil·..... trivance is only sliahtly noisy so the 1,000 paper'mllls In the Umted States <:bea~bloats and bleaches .1he oyster""" ,. d h' k ' . h 'i tuopreme. 2lioat F. 0. l'iobwartll'e imprOVEments may be alt.()gether an t IS country ran s fi~t 10 t e .poils ita natural flavor . . You hove never known bow good - ' - - -.- . I free of sound. . world in paper produ,c tion, with Gel'oysters am be unle81 you have had . If you want GoodBread, use It , \s' ih~ hop~ of Maxim to keep many as 'a poor second . .. the noiSeless gun 'c onfined to the military; which i~ expeCt , the· im~ . . .' poSsible: T)lere will be a commer- '. Eaeh,: ~t "~'I" IU~!

., I


1\I.L eN II NB

I , ~; Y 'l'11 ~ I~ PII

M a In ::; 1..", \

'!\I. I.

NU .

II ~


OVER_ $5,000 IN PRIZES -. Try for one of these Valuable Prizes at once.


Read the following Carefully.






Hot Water BottIe8 S"'HW "R"'Z'S





----- -











Lumber and'

Mill Feed


I Sucrene Feed


When You. Buy Oy.ter. Pay For Water

TOQ~h ·' 8ru8h~8~, 10 CentS



S,'op 'Jha.t' C'0Id

cial demand : thai, it is' dO\jbtful, the passage ofl~ws 'COUld restrict. .'The .' up.:~o~:ate~urg)ar wi!) .feel that, h.~ ". , . ' , " " ,'. . . . ~-, . cannot aflor:d to ,be wlthout a revolv- ' . . " , ,., . ...., • ., " ' .) ' . .. ' lJ'oohiet .... eol41 GJ1 wfda "PrtmIlUCI" " . 8,.~w •• n M.a nallere· . eT of the so,rt. ~he man' who &ets 8liaDl1IiN =r.UOf~e:CXlIa. To IfOpa 0014 0\ "I ,. ~e:r· you bav~; 1k '· 8J)IC~ .b~W .l tbt~ out to ~re8k priVate r~veng~ ' will '~~:-~~tDol:~IWl~IUl4~ ' I,,"OD: .;, .- r," , ' . look for such a ·g un. The 'irrespon8i- ...iI'~ ear. . . . 'deaP~ _ted col ~l!'. .. yep .. ·.. :' , .. , " , . ,' " ; eaktDear . dae .._~~ ,'Of ,.








. ·\Bel.~&

" :.:.

cle~~~'n.cect ~,," " ,.".' ble,~~i.1~ deslre , ~.he. ~ax~tn . ~p~h~~e, "N~t eDO!lb ~,II,.lp, b~t~~I. "~,~b." · .~~~ y)ClO,UIl _a~~ all the c:'gun-t()tlng"

. "''::;~~ '~::~. ~'/

.. ' . ~~ ,\ ,I. pe.~pl~<of.'·t?~· ~"~~1'~W9~ld! . " ' E~'= soo. ~ C::1 ~,r8!'tp.D~pg . teyt!rl,.bll! '~ ' ~IU . MI'. IMIUtlm ~as . reported BeVent . ' ~~:p.~.:;r~~ (1~ndrf)n II' ,qUlo.klY ~"d II~ ... t ~ (1IIm~ months ago ~'to be regretful ..tnat he 'ebeN ~or J;1r....... DC'Oc' by PrevpntioM '~ ,Thplle . Iii t.l.. Uft',li~. .: 'd"~""" ed .. . " i h' . h'· t,~= ~. BolcH. Cold l,'iue 'r~tJlet8 ':''''1ulo ulw.y" bt- ~aj , ~1~. 1l weapon . w t .s uc ' i n ~~ iIlIolii""::-"-:-_ _ or .. ., b~t'Id-'t,r prompb"". til all-I.m. ~1~Jh~es of danger• . It would ap- ... ~ .. ' ~ . . ._~ -'w. ~



> '.

~~~9~br::v~r; o:::t:::k~~~~· 'I'

=r:a t:t

;;;~~ f~~;: · :- PP·e '· ".en I''I·e:.,s'. . . , "im "au. DULE.~ "

h : : , 'nie,.~ tl'l,,8ecl.. t.b~..tttcb "~~" found IU'.8'Qm~t.s altopther,co}lViiic" .C,rri. tn p(JOll~""r,nrll" PreY~D. ' . . h . , . , -lui ~.n • pawllltt _ep~rd.• ptall~ i..,to ca. to ~& fa iDi~, , ~, 1bQ.. ~Id "bl ~l' d"l~~I~-:·-:~OlI(lO B~ . . 'I. ' t

l , Try

'==-r:.:&~~~1~'· ....




,~ Sealshipt"

Acme Flour


Our Mill Run Feed for Hogs

They are shucked into' air-tight steel ~ cons aDd'shipped direct from the beds-.......... , pac!ted with ice the container. not __~..~-:.: ....~.: ••~.:'.~...~~-.! in coiltact 'with the oysters. You get ~ , .; 8~t solid , J11eat8. ' .And · .I!OW fresh, .. ~bole.sotne, appetiZlDg and : delicioUl, , .... .' ' '. , , different thej ,are! . : Ask ,for "Seal~hipt Sense;" a.booklet- ·~taiDing · new and attractive .a1' Of. '. preparing oysters. , " " . '. '.. ~ . .' ,If .104r d,ea1ef do~sn:t sell . rSeals~ip.t." here 'are tiOme wlio do: ' . . ..

:...u ........

also have a lot of I-inch lUMBE~ ch~po;' Oet our pri~s .t;ef9~ ,~uyi~, :..... :.






1 "


f ..-;.--.,----~~~P:__~. '.

,Walter~ \. ,.' ·' J. ,"








Kilboll .. ., ' ·~~YJl"tme ' .~d ~, . Oblo.

. ,.


The genuine . Wbite

IIW'k iD blue.

The "Seaiahlpt" IIU;1lta

Will be



• t.



,.~ -f~."


!r ....... ,


<>nten are

~ft· .IOw.l f6ial • CUe~ltbe·.iSeIiaId~'tnde ·


for JODI' ~~Iaok; fw


8,atem -. ," ".. :1. ....- .• . .to ~ fall ~ .......... I.

The Miami Gazette


D. L. CRANE. WA YNl!l~\ 11.LE.


Th. Prop""t Tok,,' Up tb. Work

I ~

A BUly Office. . When lh e. thlrd as,llI ll1 nt llostmnst r neral makes hll annual reno , . n to b l~ hlef, the Introducll on r actti like t h.

b)' H ....a1.



and a. Z,l'barlall wellded bll "a) bome that night bl, heart was b eav) withIn blm. Delonglng u he dld'o th& trlllf ot r.evi, nod 0 log tb 901\ or d \·o.ul par nts wbo had Cral ned hlln rover nt· 1:v with the t l1mtqht of bls ul tlmatc pIn e II. m9 n g the prl sUlood, II hnd ('nrly wholly g iven hlm!l If lo od Rnd W S nn abe r III u d l1 t Of all th wou I., ( e rfal IJlslory of bls nlltlon uud o d's dealings wit b lh m. Ii r nil cI th nt nig ht durln ~ bls walk home b w as r ROoJ juyful h .~ · hnd been when tha ca ravnn t r turning J ew hud set Ollt fr 1\1 nhy· Ion. All Ihrollgh th at lOll JOUI' Il !.' ), hf hnd plctur (I hilUS If Ibe fu t ur 1:10 1') of tho b lov d J erllsalem. How th '" t emple \ ollld b I' bllllt nnd t it ~ lty t ake Otl nlllch at t he old life und DC I( v Ity whI Ch had marked It (ll the dt\yti of It s iOrl\ll' r glory. And now be contrasted d) C plelufl'1! whi ch Ills en thusl ,n ~ llc yo\. JI g IJ Ollt .. ~ had d raw n wllh th e reaHt les of thp (.Jr sent, after Hi years· of struggle ClOd '101 11 ~ \ ng. " \VIII\! h ilS bcen God's pllrjlO",e In bringi ng his Ilcoille bnc k t.o Zion 11 I I I b b II ?, l Ie te mp 0 s nol t e r \I t. nc a s ked hl msel r, as he r ache d his u.od est littl e room anti sn t tlown on tilt! low b ' nch nnll WRIChE'tI wIth II. flLr aw ay look the sun sluk alit of sig ht hi the wcst. His frugal lUea l wns forgotten, nnO h lVas uncon scious at th gat hering tlarkn ess. His whole lhous ht cen· t ered around th e his tory of the return of th c J ws 10 J erusal m and the vi· dent tnllure of the highest hopes of

THEY KNEW HOW TO WORK BUT DON'T NEED TO WORK NOW.' 89 HARD. Tbe experience of the Bis eer Dros. In Western OUllucla I slmilur to UIllt repor ted to evCJ'y ago llt of til CUUIl' dian Goveruru ' ut, whosc udvertise-, w en t app are e l6l1 wl ' re: "Wh eat wyn, ::iutll(., "ov. 6th, 1!l08. "'1'0 th e omt1ll ~s lllll ' r ot lui lulgra· lion, Wlnolp g , t- Inul lulm.-n 'ar Sir: I, 10 COlIJpuny wi lh my brolhor and other relUllons, arrlv etl In thi s Cllun· try In th e s prin g or IS!):!. AI th o tiwe we gol off Ibe truln Ilt \V"ilIOI y, as k .• we bad only a fe w doll ars , n\lt OIlOl1 gl1. to start farmins 011 our ow n accuunt. 10 IVO were CO Ill}lcllod to worll Ollt Cor a considerable lime III ord e r to waite Butncl ~ nt mon y to ell ubl e liS to OStabllsb ourstJlve':l. '.Yllou we th o ugllt we bad cnough . ,oney to slan wi t h, I and my broulci to\l11 up olle Quar ter· section (1 60 acr l') IUUlI euch In the Loon 'I'l' 'k !.lI s t riot In 1!l00 we moved on our hOlUestcu d!o wllh one teu m of borses and one wal ... lng plo w. WhlJ;, I was engaged with Ihe work In tbe Held, my broth r tolll,l a s huck aud! ba.rn ot logs, which ;ve have haul ed HE WAS SURE OF IT. during the lime we were uol ablo to wOl'lt In Ihe fi eld . We were c I·t uln ly 1'h Irnte parent presented hlm llelC workIn g very barri, but I 11m g l a~ II) beroro th o c ul prits. "Youn g mlln," de- say thal we made our Con ulle III tlJla manti II ho, wllh the utmo st stern counlry. Tv-day we do not neel! to. n 'S8 , " havo 1 caught you kissi ng my work so bllrd I1S we usod to. 9.& weuaup'lI rY" bove three IU n hire d IIt cadr (or H by lhl s ho expec ted to plung( whom we pay $30.00 to $40.00 a Illontb. th e youn g vl sl lor Into confusio n , It be Itlcs board and lodgi ng dl.: ' I\k the musl be confessed that th e old gentl(\ summar tIme! I am also g lnd ' 0 tell man wus greatly Dlls talteu, In as much you that to·dny we are owners of a as the young vlsllor evinced the great, section and throe·quarl er s of the hl'lst est culm n 5S. land, wIth first c lass buildings thcreon. "1 hopE!, sir," he sl\ld, "there Is no b sides bavlng all the necesllary ma.mistake nbout It, 'l'be li ghts are nOll8 chInery. We alwo),s do our own loo brlgbt , nnd I would be much mortl · threshing, for we hn ve a 22 borser fled to learn that, aCter all, I was kiss· power threshIng oUll1t. Ing lbe bousemald." "Our success In fllrml v.g In thle country al so enabled us to get rid ot .. A. COMMON KINO. number of horsE'S of lesli value, and Ins tead we bough l 10 pur ·bred .mllrl!tro, repr sentlng a value In tbe nelr:hbo:hood of $5.000. "Rega rdin g raising grsln, wblctl 1& th e maIn faclor In ollr dis trict, J am proud to say that we have al" \ye. bad good s uccess. We have rlll ~e () wheat as hlgll as 36 bushe ls to the ACre; and this year, althollgh ' WI! sut· rered trom lack of tl Ifficlent rain, our wheat went 27 busbe ls to the acre, and we bad !lOO am'es In crop. We have broken th is)' ar about 100 a"rCB new Illnd, and by "next year we will have about 1,110 acres In crop. For nne carload of w'li at whJch we have shipped a few "eeks ago we got .. price of 97 ceol.S per bush el, and It graded lUI No. 2 NOl'I he rn. BIt.hou gb w&o have a quantJty ot wheat whIch will .' surely go BS No. 1 Northern. Durlne the six years we have been farming for ourselves we bBve never bad one frQ3t around h re, 80 lhat we alway ... had a good crop. "I, tor mYllelf, feel compelled to say T ed-What kind of a motor car dlil tbat our Great West Is tbe land where you hll;ve? ........",,-.n u.u Is willing 10 work and trun his hands foimythlng, can make and one horse coming back. a tortune, and a comfortnble livIng. ' OUr country Is a thoroughly' tree coun· And StilI Increal'ng. lIy, and we have,a good Government; "Whllt Is Lbe matter with. tbe serv· Ice this afternoon?" asked the nngry f,nd, aB :ong as we have good crops, manager ot tbe telephone exchange and a good Governm ~:> t, we are satis'the town Is In a tumult, and every Oed, and I thInk lhat ia '111 we want.. "YpU1'8 very truly, subscriber has a cpmplalnt." "LORIDNS RISSER, "It can 't he II.volded," explained a "P. O. Wheatwyn, au ...... subordInate, cnlmly. "Tbe papers came

qlllt ot tttles 0 Iln QrlenlaJ pOlentllte \l' Pl, IW li l.IIMI,lJl llu'''Ulhv" IV " MI.OII,/ foMt-auUllltarh.el th€l su bjects wllh ~hl b ... t ... . h t d '" . Tilt' J'roph", Z~ch. Mo ll.- He w.IS the r.. C will oUlce All " O. ., ra al P '0 11 or tlerrl'ldah. anu ~ l'al"l ~n n (1 ( I del , 1u,at a telV ot th em : 'be c lasslncattotl ln rl \\"1>; pro'huh!)' 0( IllI' 11'111 of ,-" ,'1. of domestic mall .malte ~ I~clurllng thl' 1I~ 1"1." bMn In 13 b>:",n . nnJ 111«' II "~); ,, I . • : HfJl{, in J 'rtJ~al (,1t1 ,\Itll Z.,'ru b1Jnh ~ 1. 11 ,1 •• termlullliou of tb. adrul tlelbillty 01 <N'ms 10 hn\e Ilter,'u upfl n hts missio n ~ubllcatl o n ll to tb. s econd-class rates. "I"' n Qu ll,· ynllllF: IZ",·h. 2 n . T ht' fou n· 1"'" Il lion or the I(' nrp le 1m,) InrI <' d b n 111111. ithe hcarlni ot C8l.1 Involvtng Ihr but th nt W8S 811 n :r:r. r, ·I , . l1Is(,(llI ru g d 'wlthdrawnl ot tb ose rntf's. use o ~ pen· II)' Ih (\ 1'1'(\~1 1 "'1\ li nd t\o (· lernC d e ltH' o( I~ yea rs In the bulldln!; Iho! J \\'I!lh co lOlny .alt nv y 0 elopes. and Ule franking prlv. w.' re slow to 1111, (> lip the \\'0 1'11 agnln II. ,.. ge, QuestIons IO"ol\' lng li mit of fl'en wlwn the I<,U pr ,'''010 (rum ' Oat'11J9 w elibt , the Ilnanclal sYlllllm-and tbl s ~Il n c tlo!'ln&' th \\'(1\'11. nlHI prnm lsl n~ Ills prot l· l.on. A I SUdl n tlrnr nn rn orc til' 1D Itsel f Is an enormous bw;lneBs-t he ling In .. rU I"",,1 I·tlUt.] b@ (/lund 10 r lISC IlUpervl slon of tbe monufacture of Ihe peopl". ",host' h('o r ts hrlll grow n colli. L te. t b k d I than one who ull lll' rI to the auth ority of • mps, II nmp· 00 s . ltampe enve· Ihe ('Irophol the £(> 11 1 and t h Irnrtlll\llls o( upe\!, newspaper wrapperll and postlll the snl"' rcl otnl (alllll~'. 1·('nrdlnj:I~'. 10 eardll, mot.~y.ord cr aDd reiP stry BYS' Z chnrlah's InOuI'nee we nllet l !l(' reh~III <I . . IlIg n ~r('n l rn l'asurc n..crlh II IEzra u : H) . tem. This year tbe deficit of tbe d&- Lull'r Irn'Hllons as. lime. whO l Is I"<l ced ,utmen~ II the largest yP.t.......nearly \,l'ry prol)a lrlc . that 7. ('harllllr tonk per· . ~o nn ll y lin n('II\'o parI tn pl'O ",ld lng {or • 17,000.000. Th. mOlt ot ·the IncrellSe tho Ilturj.llcn l sen 'I!'!! or th e I" \l'ple. He WOMEN AND WOMEN . !Dver year Is due to tbe action ot and Hag.,.,,1 u re both snld 10 !In\' '' com· I!Iongre811 In ntJalng lbe aala lea at ost.- puspd psalms with Ihls vI w . If th lulf' r Men get along bell r with men than r p Je\\'lsh nC('onnlS may be Ir ISled . 7.N·h· "om e'l1 do with women. AI I ltst we Plasters Ilud other em ployea ot the d&- nrlah. llS well as Haggai. wa s n memb(,r thlult th e y do. And lhe r ensOIl Is th al ,artment and the rest to the extension of Ihl' ~rell l 8ynugo~ue. Zel'hnrl a h Is the lIIen ar more used 10 lib rty th a n Df pOllal f8(:l1lt1eB. Tbe constant study ~~~~n~n e or tlIo prophets who speaks or women are, Rnl( readier to concede It. lD brinK the department Into closer ' Women nl ~o seem bet lor cO Ll stltut ed touch with tbe people, remarks the S rlpture Aulhorlty - Z"Cbarlah. to live with lUe n thon with wom n, chalJter 1. outh'. Companion, II aboW'll In nuwhich Is just as It sbo uld be. On e eroua little tbln,l menUonell In tbe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• the movement. And he Werlt on to • calechise blmself as to why such grown womnn Is a fairly comfortahle provlsloB tor liny house-not 'oll ntlng eport. for erample, dew poatal cudl, • SERMONETTE, thin gs co uld be. th Ipace ror mesaage on the addre.. No permanent work of reform "God has spo~e n of gr Ilt blessln" servants (who bave theIr own troublcs de; changes lD lltamped envelop.. can be accomplished until there to his people n\ JerusalE\m," mused nbout getting along wl lh one an· blch ,,111 permit choIce of paper by Is a change of heart. ?:acharlah. "W as It not hi" promise otb er). Frequently ·women wbo have had 15 the purchuer, and tbe prlnUns ot ad. Haggai, the prophet, had suc· tbat after 70 years he would relurn _.rUalng matter upon them; perml. ceeded In arousing governor, lh e f'apUvlty and establish hIs people or 20 years' experience us the sale "on to perrorate pos~&e atampi for priest and people to a pitch of In Z!t'ln? Had not Dan ie l sellrche d oul grown·up woman at · the house, b av. turposea of Identification. Thl. baa enthuslallm where the work of these promises glve n by the proph e t daughters grow up on th em. We rebuilding the temple was taken .Jeremla.h and had not t\\ IlY found ful· would like to s ee s tati stics at lhe pro· hitherto been wltbbeld, but Ii CHnled up. And after the first burst of • ~1\me nt In the retu r h 16' ~'enrs be- portion of famUles In which that -'ow partly because ao many office bOYI entliuslalr.l Interest began to fore ? Had tlot tlte r eturn been wltb makes lroublo. It Is a nat ural trou· .teal .tampl-a cUrloul commentary lag, gladncss, and had not tbe manltest ble. Th e boss· woman who has been jim tb. clasl of boYI wh!t' ~" enl8r1n, It needl more than outwsrd bless ing of God reated IIpon the lIole despot of ber brllDch of th e do· wt'stlc kIn gdom bas gradually to ylOld "ullDeas. . • ellthullum to keep any reform movement 1" There must With what joy, h e tbou ght, lind the, Independ en 'e and a vote to another I mOvement gOIng. 1 A celebrated palmist, mind reader be depth of convictIon, and con· begun the rebuildin g of th e temllle III grown woman livIng und e r Ihe same ~lld ieneral leeond .story "Orker of aecratlon of purpose to give the order that God might bave a dweUlng root. The bos s·womnn has to learn to ,boll. who were weak tD the second long, hard, steady pull that will nlace In th eir m!dst. And the worlJ live with another gro\vn·up female al9ry , hal decnmpell from Paris, takina lead on to suocessful completion had progress d to tbe point where th £ aner being 20 years Ollt ot prar.Uce. Holley! That's not easily done. No !with blm. to .bo" that be of the work. ruins had been cleared and the • And the work whIch Haggai (oundaUon walls again built ready to wonder mothers and daughters bave ~ougbttUl ~an. ,the fortunel ot two : had so splendidly begun, the begin the superstruoture. Then hud ,belr confllct.s.- ~lfe . ICOnlldlng )'oung women as well at • young man Zechariah was raIsed come th e opposition ot tbe Samaritan!! DIsappointed. , wbat Imall cbange he could pIck up. : JP to complete . . Hit wal a deepand the decree ot Artaxerxes ordering "Ethel, didn' t I see tbat young man ,Eternal Ylgtlance on the part of tbf • er work, a work which waB to thllt tb e work be stopped . But now holdIng your hllud tast. nI ght 1" "Y s, moth e r." : ;hn: "What was he ho!<lIng it ror, Eth· kent w1l08e oulJ eltcus. for getUDelt : the hard pull, and the pull all with the cbange had come tbe new In· '!11" splratlon and hope thal the work on . .. that tbe), appear tr: want It. A curly . • together. "I don't know, motber. I thought mustacbe, a dark rolIlng eye and an: Tho IUCce .. of any movement the temple would be resumed. he was ,going to put a rIng on my elmoe fitted 'lI'Itb a few chartl ot tb" • doel not depend 10 much upon Haggai bad come with h!s sUrrlng , : the crowd who are ready to take messa"'e, and had reassured tbe 1180- linger, but hed.ldn'l."-Yonkers State8' atan II all the capital needed to make • up the ehout . of the multitudes pIe wltb tbe promIse th a t God was maa. a Uvlng by the man "bo I. on. He : du':!ng. th~ PC!Pular excitement, with them. But now after two month, PUTTING HIM WISE. ' doesn't bav. ~ know much ot any· • butl rather, upo!, the few Into the work lVostiagglill;; nnd gave Indica· -'thin; eltcept huniaan nature. With a : who.e hearts there has come tlons ot ceas ing lignin altogether. "What Is the matter?" exclaimed iteral tindenttandlng ot that and of • the deep conviction of the right. the desire of the owner of tbe huinan : eoulnesa 'of the cause In which Zechariah. "What can be done to 1-,.-.:.:----=IUl;t;o...:lgt.,e away bls or her money. ' : they have el'\lIsted, and who rouse the peoplo and hold them to the wonder worker . gazee Into the ru. • ready ' In the. face of the mOlt their tasks? It needs more tban thE enthusiasm which first aruused the , . • dilcouraglng circumstance. and 'ture abet Beet! notblng bu't . ' Ite ot ease' ci It! • for In bla ,o";n -case hIs : the : . 'dleUon, cOJDel nearer panning out than : . I~PPort '(;f the go\(.e rnor 11'1 his and watched the stars ORshlllg out one 'cSo :many predtctlon~' ,hat be eeUa ~ : great ' temple buildIng en'ter~ by one as the nIght grew Itnrker. eueto~~1 t9r a :neat prl~e. • prise waa the talk ' to which "What Ie IndIfference to God's work Zecharia'h was 'called, 811d hIs but the rorgeltlng of God and God's , : 8kr: Rldlng Nciw I~ ,';'ogu·e. : f1rat menage· wal one of watn· law?" he demanded of himself, - at Ollt and suld that a man by the name Norwelian s~l.rtdlng~ ~r .k,.jumpl~1 : Ing ~nd ap,peal. last. "Does not sin lie at the door, Orlmlnallty of Waite• ot Smith had been injured In a trolley The lad hlltory of the .put then? Ah," he excialmeJ. excItedly, ." tt , ts popularl), termed In America. ' It I wanted to train a child to be wreck. As a result every Smith 13 tel· .. a ,m , anIY and .he.altbftil ' .nort , Wbtch. : iNat , recalled that the people "that Is where the trouble ·lIes. We tbrlft, 'I should' teaob him to abhor ephonlng to every olher Smith to learn waste. J do not mean waste ot .... • who would IIlten might under· need God." .- ID the ~ortbwel!l at eaat, hlUl to It tbe Smith was 8truck was his . : Itilld how s!n ha~ taken the . As · thougb by way of r ellpoose, a money; that cures Itsel ~ bocsuse ver, SmILb."-Puck. voice ca,m e.: ftoatlng: doWn tbrqugh tile ata),. ~be altl In this cOuntry are u~· • people away frOIT! God and that loon there Is no \honey to waste-but. all; blade 'ot blrcb, ash,orblckory. as .: the lin had been followed by nlgbt and Instinctively ZecharIah 80m,. Ugly. 1I'&II(e ot material, wnste of Bomelhlne pine or ' ior~ . wOod ski Pro.v e · vet:,. es· • punishment. • knew It WaB God speaking. With Up' "She's not handsome, Is abe?" that la useful hut thaI you cannot rep.,erilve arUcles: Ibey break easlt)' and: But If now the people would . ·IiUed but reverent gaze, Zcx:harJalJ "Lord, no! Say, it tl!,ere was a tal' reaent tn money . value to the "alter.. ma)'1be' the cause ot ~erlou, accldentl.' • turn ·to the Lord he ' would turn ' whispered:' on- beauty;-lIhe'd- b.,-entitled toIL- pen7 l-4':nA" .• II waste of water, wnste of gila "Sl?eak, Lord, tby message." . ..JI~&kes a very KOOd sltt. po.slbly : t.o them, They mUtt get right sod things of tbat kind. It yOU woulcJ Re~gy-ye. ., 'VeaUy, wh'lIe I IIVIUI alon."-:.cleveland J":'1d'l~. .· " . •the' bellt' Cor ladles. aa It lighter tban • with God before' the work of the A~aln came the ",olee. saying wish your children to be thrifty I 10 New York I spent mucb or my ·tlme ...'the wood used by the professional : temple buildl~g co~ld . prosper. . ",The I_ord bath been sort'> dis· In the SUbway' and tb~ river tunne ls. would beg to Impress upon tb m th. " i1d.r;~namer)', blckory. Tb~ white aab' So It Is with any work to pleased with your fatb ers. Therl:!tote Big bores always 'Inte rest me, you criminality or wa&ffl:-Lorc1 ROBebeT7.. - --."t-uaed moBttr1JY'-boYl, ail It la more : which God call. hIs people to· say unto· them, 1'hlls s allb lbe· Lord 01 knnw. In an Edinburgh Addrels. , ' • . day. Those en!;laged In the .hosts: Turl'l ya unto mt', sallh 'he Peggy {-glanctng at clock)~,Vell­ durable tlian blrcb and less expensive : work must get right with God Lord ot hOEts, aad I '111'111 turn unto BOI~on Profanlt~, than hickory. The jumping ski, sa)'1 • before the work of the temple ' . you, saith Ihe LOTiI of hoats. Bo ·ye e~blg hares :d'o n'( tnterest me. Kat" aged !lve, and a resident ot Recreation, should br as long ' aa ' the : building could prosper. : not as your fat her.; unto whom t be America's seat of culture, ran to Iier . What Cinched It, ~elght of the mao plua lbe distance bE' So It is with any work to • former propb ets hll. ~\l cried, saying, rather one morning, exclatmlng: 'The Young Man-J wlsb to th~. ok <Clan f~acb 'wltb .extended arms 9ver : which God call. hIs p~ople to· : Thus snl th the Lord .It HOI;ts; Turn. )'0:1, sir, for glvfng me your assIstance "Father. brother Oeorge III·ore." Ilenel,usually 71h to 8~ fl:!eL Tbe akl • day. Those en'g aged In the $ ye now from your evil ways; and trom In persulldlng yoar da\lght(ir to marry ' . "Swore, did he?" Inquired tbe PaJ'o. for distance traveling are usually : work must get right with God : yOllr evil doin gs; bul l~ ey did I\ot me. . ent, grl~ly, r.eachlng ror the .Upper. " "What did he say?" JonKer. . Tbe), welgb from seven to • before they can do consistent • hear, nor hearken unlo me, Enttb tbe The Old Man-Slr; .1 WRS violently : and perSistent and efficient: Lord. But my words and my statutE-s, I,lppoeed to the match. "He said 'aIn't.''' responded Kat)' eIght pounda each, a heavJer aid belD, • work. _ which J commando! ' my servants the IOlmenly.-Succea8 Magazine. ' The Young Man-I know It.-Cleve; rather better for jumpIng, : " To tile bullderl of the king. : prophets, did th ey not , take / hold 01 Innd Leader. ' • dam of his rlghteousnesa• • yoilr fatbers? and th ey returned and ImpOrtant to Mothera• . ~lI.tDlna carefully every bottle of' Mak.lng Him Feel It Home. A Bupreme court Judge In Brookl)'D : God II saying as he spake to the • said, Like 'as the Lord of bosts thougbt CABTORIA a sare ·and eure remedy for..t aside a wlll under unusual circum· • temple builders: "Turn ye unto .: to cto unto u,!, accordlqg to our ways. PUncher-'-I hope, "old man, YOIl ' don't Infants and children, and Bee that tt .tances. , Tbe testator had directed : me, and I will turn you." • and according to our doings, so. bath expect ~e to wear my evening clothes: Pllnter-Eve ry one ' else will wear Bearl the ~ ~,fJ":,-­ .. • . l><! dealt with us." L II propert)' to be Inveated and the ·In. •• come devoted to the care ot bls b.rlal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.. ' The Lord hath toid me to speak te · them. But doxft .let ~hat bother you. SIgnature Jot. T~eJudge ordered tbe eltate to ' . THE STORY. hI" people," whlspercd Zecharlat. to I'll Vass ~ho! word around that YOll ID Use For Over 00 Yean. . be dIstributed among hll Immediate hImself after 'the voice had ceased. ue eccentric, but. marvelously ·wlttY.. The Kind Tou Have AlwUI Boupt, New York H6rald. . belrs on the groUDd tbat so purely a T WAS two ftill no" since Clear Deduction, Ftl'8t Bllrgla~l'ld 70U alt anythlnl•. .elftah dlspOllUoD ot, property was too the stirrIng message or tbe prophet and priest to serve hie p,eople?" ,', JOINED 'THE SOCIETY. "The private detective Who .... Btl11 . much opposed to public policy . and Haggai hlld arollsed governor and SeCond Burgiar - No. The bloke abadoWlng tbe gl,,'at flnancllr. bit upoo, ... t to h I people to again take ,liP tbe work of And th £n by way . ot reliPonse be ..u )' umao tf to permit. Tbe needs added, earnest 11: a ce~tat.n . way of mar.kl!1& him' abow bg. what lives there Is· a lawyer. barid." · . " .. 'Of the Hvlng, be Bald, were paramount rebuilding the temple. Much hed ' "I will . speak. All lIie Lord b~tb' F1rs~ BU~ldar'-Dldn't 'yer "loce" any· "Wbat did be do?" . to tbe claims ot the dead. Thfl lounda been ~<'ne In that Uma, for t)le people said wlll I tell the people. And Oh, ~og? ' Uke the BOund ' plain 'senae on which. In tbe first flush ot their enthusiasm that tbey may Indee.d hear 'tbe ~ohiR "He dlsgutsed ' hlmlelf .. a m~ . . took hold of the tllsk. wltb a will. But 'ot God and lurn to him. Tt Is onl'" curt.t."-BaltJmoT8 ~~erlcan. k I J LOlt HI Bea t ..w t I suppose d to be baaed, remarkl h die Boston Herald. The man wbo IIIII t e war comp eted seemed I)uthlng thus that the work ot tbe riblllldlng' ! . . "'. I . U y. . .In comparison to what stl11 remained · the temple will prosptlr.". ,. Po\tceman-Her~, youl · WLllt · are A go.o!1 ftonest · remedr. ror Rheumati;m. monoPQlIzes his property even to be done, : and dl!!~onrngement So it ('ame to pass on , the tnorrow 1t.!if,'dolng wandering around ttlR t1mo N?-uralgl& . and . 8c;Jrc 'I.hrollt Is lhmhna ~ IZIll'd 01,1. Noth!ng ,w 'lI @<,! quickly driv., death should have sucb post mortem and doubt begun Lo dampen the ar· that ' Ze ha I h"1 t!1 . t In ~ihe morlInlg? . ' \. ' power o~ absorption t"akRn by tbe law. dar of tbepeoIlle .., Fewer ,cnme. to Ille' w'all~ : .a~ :a~a~~e, bUuPt?DJerUesaI8emm' . Belated Pedeatrla.-Tbe Cluned bar- OOI~ aU &KID and loflan .nabon. \1', .. ~ labor 0 th e task nd th h did "er cut mf bair too sbort, arid I don't ' m : n . e , .a osew o . had ' a new prop,)1et whose volce'· ·w.l1l ·dare.gohome ' tOm- wite.....,.New ' yo· r.·.. Occasionally a :womlln goe'l to. sounding tbrollghout .tbe cit ~1. tbe call . . . church . for tJle purpole ot uacertalnfna, ' Tbe aurvlvQI s .of Messina are already co e labor ~ hBJ~ heurte.dly. ,~~rald. < .. ' • ti~ldl'ng meetings and confer.ncal . Tbat 'Very day Z<Jr.ubbabel t)1e go,v, . to .r 'pentance and urging the' need cir bow ~anJ ot her nelg~bor,' · do~'t. : ernor had 'sent ~lUt appeal. for more' turning to ' God. . ' . ' . .. 'Nother On.. , ... .... about. rebulldJus' tbe city. · Tbe~e are ". ~a~ who contributed a Joke, th~ olh: For . ~?u~htl, .A.ethm·Q, flnc .Lung 'l'roubles , " wlJrkers anti· had sought to arouse .'DOt Urnes wtren tbe world ' 11tS down 26:. those ' wbo were, at work to 1 more en. LC!<Ik 'AI1.ead~ er day,..wils: llo eucourued thpt llEi sent use ~I',wn e , ronchlal 'rl ,),!ltell" .:nttl a b.ox. Sa"II>'('s llcnt fno ~y John L ~~ w~l1~ belp leasly over mlljtorlul)e. er«etic eirons. lIut apparently to 'no ' a ,kea . '9' Is t a k, e, .don't, h er. mb " a:o..n 4: Son, B08(on, ~. .- . avail. . . ' . . ~cn you '. anot . ' Iii: , It IIJ dlBtlnctly, a8 every great dlulteT . . . ' .". :'. " . Jook back a' I.t long. , Ta'ke the reuon . reUo"'-:YoUt:.;~'Jre Wke Ult. a , iJ;OOk; "roya... an I\ge of elT~rl .gn'd ' hope. \ Th·, · ~Dg;;'-~~ 'tl' ~~t1Iat:.... la. r. .charIBb ba bee? .a mp?g . . tbose ot · !h.e ' th~ng Into YOllr , oym. ml.,d' and' .~oesn't sb~?' . ' . ' : . : The' l\,ory nu~, l"tll ~ ao much Wbl bad, res onded to th~ first c!ll1 l tben I~k fo.rward: Mistakes are les. Other ,~lIQW:-N~1'1" caD ab~t a ~IDJ)" every pt.. . ' .,..". ,.-.ed bY. bu~toll' wanufucturera, It ,:hit of th~ gO\ ~rn9r for , ~orkersJ a.ud every seins of ·wlsdoD) . .. .. Tbe paSt Il;'nnot book up.:.....c.lev~lanr1 Leader; rILa 'ctJJtBD nr .. TO ~~ nAa fral ' t dl'lY sin e tbeu he hlLd . been nt. his . be changod. Th~ Juture Is yeu I. ·your . ' 1-lO OIN'1'M\QN'llIR&I'rli""'d' Wt'llNan . to . _, .IP'ld~a o.t palm wblcb s~lf·Impost':d Ilust 01 duty, .But as ower --H u h Nbltc .. . .' .... Not ~duC'...te~. 1\4I.II!~. annd. 1l1""ln Qr l'rOI1'itdl~ II _.ot~I · Nr deG.· .• . ~_. hl .'Ceil. r",I ' and Sou II. AmerlcL bas been lIQJ.d. the w~rk ~Qd begun to. II . g . . . . . Bb.......Tc)Jl . do~·t mean tp teU m; tIlat I'Why dO~ "IOU bavt Balder ID .10.19. It ,0rllJ £ valuable .ctop, particularly In InS Ilod tile G1,peal 01 111e govel'nOl' Tne man that J)rocrastlbat£. ICrq \ 9.-1) . lias ,ofred ,,.ewl11, IIOCllot)·t . ·6_ke_peare cia.. . '" , ~ bl.bwaym"u . . . 10.. . . , .... ~,_ Coloai!llol. wuado! ~d "~''IL I Cba. dllY had met 1II"1Ih no respon'ae.. '1108' wlth rUJII .-lleain.c1. ' He-W.e~ 1 ~CUCl tU1 "e wu *ilw, .lIDs "He'. DO HOOd, ~l', ~e mo't " " ~1a.. tJdDp. . ' . . ' . . .. or uDcer"-New y, rll 1feraN,



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To Enjoy

"l'Ief-J don't believe yoa. Or ,ou termnlel! fare: . "or U. l4uSt h. .. HE ALIt10S1 REMEMBERED , .... wouldn't waste y"ur Ume so-aboul plnlned that tbe stove~lpo bat, In Ibn , 'Sun Prltstday nnd that country, was d e dl c~te ' Boy at Least Had eomblnatlon Somewhero Near Right. "l!!r-;:,al1y-whel'e you going to to- only to \be most momentous sooll\l 01' night 1" Selfy mCllOt to pro~e blm- caslons and that, consequently, ~t, 'the full oonfufenCle of the Wel1-Ynf?nDId Donald bad returned tram a Tilit seU, tlemeu wore It to go courtlntt, ~he Werld and the C'ommentlation to the country, aod was full of remAnd Sally answered, with a little "Yes!" declared Selfy again. THE ' SryllLING LApy. the moat eoUnent physioians it WIUI eallCnIniscences of persons and things tbat fright at the sudden aggreBs lv~ne ss "lJri ns forth stovepipe, hll.el interested him. "I met a boy, tinl that the I!6mponent partll of Sytup s he-had-pt'6CIH'ie<l-:- - - - - - - - - ! ----.:'Ule-stoveplper-the-_sto..vcp I pe--" HEY'RE hnnglng In OUI' dlnln ~ -room, mamma," he anld, "that bhd tbe queer'''Nowberes that I know ot." chanted SeUy's frivolous father In till of . Figa nnd Eliltir Senna should be All rnnged agulnst thf est name 1 ever beard. He saId hla "We ll-may 1 set up with you?" I way of tho An vII Chorus. wnll, } known t~ and Ilpproved by themi thereThe pea·green sunbonnet couhl not "And my bu tterfly necktie wl th-' A row at pretty china folks found It In tbe Old Testament. It was- It wlls-Iet me Bee-yes, It ~ore, the California . Fig Syrup Co. pubplutes, "Wlss tbe dl' mond ' on?" whispered conceal the amazement and the,n the Plain. fun cy, large and was Father William, or William Faradiance whlcb shot Into Sally's tace, his fath er. wbea a rullstalement with every package, small. ther; i've for gotten Just now wblcb.. "Set-up-wlth-:-me!" Tb ey laugbeel In confidence ot tbel! The perfect purity anti uniformity of pro"Yes !" said Serry, almost savagely. se~ret. Serry, the successful wooer ' And there Is one limon II But It WUII one or the other." 4uet, which they dcmand in a laxative "B.ut, Dona ld," said hili mother, the lot. A ROMANCE "That's wbat I said." ~ was thawing out again. The diamond With gilded ~ eco rntlon, "there Is no such name as FL.ther WI~ l'emedy or no othical character, are assured "Oh, 1-1 guess so! Yes! at eourse~" was nlJt 1\ diamond at nl\-the He OF A' That n 'llresents a malden lIam or William Father In lbe Olel she answered variously, and rushed brew wbo sol(1 It to SelTy bad can ' frorn . by the Company's original method of man· Tteslame nt." .:> An Orien tal nation. ott home. fessed as much But he also SWOI'( ufActure kno\\o"t\ to the Company only. "Are you sure, mamma'" "You Imow 1 own you," IIhe laughed that If it wero kel': In perfect pol\sl' I lier chocks are rosy, and "I cerl.ainly am, dear. I have read The figJI of Calirornia are uscd in the bllck , as If she had not been sufficient· no one but It diamon~ merchant could ~ her 1I~)8 It through several times . Wi\liam Is • ,. Are, I con fess, begulllnll'. Iy expliCit. "1 paid for you! Your teU the dlrference. 'I':Ierefore, there' produotion of Syrup of Figtl and Elixir 01 B,. Bllt somehow, sho annoy. comp'a rallvely modern nnme. It Isn't pappy's got the ·money! l'U expect my being no diamond merchant anywherl Benna to promote the pleosant taste, hut me. with &1lywhere In the Bible." pr.:>perty to·nlght." near, and the jC\" el being always 1m H r lIIendy, constant smili ng, the medicinal principles are obtnined from "Well, but~ h, I remember nowl" "Yas!" shouted the bappy old man, macul ate, Se ffy presented it clS a dla lIIaalnUoa. III' Doa WII.OD exclaimed Donald. "It was Blldad!"plnnte known t<. ..ct JOost benrficially. "and begoshens! It's a reg'ler bargain! mOllel allli had ri sr ll perceptibly In tbf A nil r pret r 'most uny ana Youth's Com"anlon. Of all the plales BdJncenl. To get it.e beneficial effecte always buy Ain't It, SelTy? You her properly- opinion of lhe vicinage. Occau8 thle rl l'nlnl clllma estute, hereditaments and tene· "And-J11\duu d-SeC-SelTr, wbal real the gIInuine-mllllufllcturcd by the CaliIs nlwnys so compla ce nt. FULL OF HARMONY. SYNOPSIS. ments." And even Se!!'y was drawn you goln' to ao ?" fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for .Ie In chin .. , lI8 In ron I lire. The crowning dC81re In the .life old Into the joyous laughing conceit at it! "00 1" br a1l1eaomg druggists. The girl Is nnl wll rlh whll , Baumga rtner, a Pennsylvania German, 18 Had he not' Just done tb e bravest Self) lIad bet:n absorbed In wbut be Who WCllrs, wlCh Irl'l ll!tlng grac.. to oblul n pOS8 8slon or the beaullful - - -' meado w \\'hleh III' S just bOI ween !laumthing ot hie small life? was gO ing to war. An everlas ting s mil e! INAPPROPRIATE. gartner's property and (he rallrond st.. "Yes!" lie cried Ilfter the- fascinating "Yas-y<\s-t hnt"s the mos t t'lnpor, tlnn. Thp. prop ' rty In Qu estion was InI'Herbs and SImples!' herited tty Sarah Prc8sel, vdy pretty Sally. "For sure and certain, to·nlgbt." tant." He ~nci r c i ed Selfy's waist and nnd alhletlc Yflu ng g,rl. and belonged There are Some of us srmtimentally "It's a bargain !" she cried... gE. utly t;Q ueezcd it. "Ob; of 4I'Ourse i so lely lo her. BUI old llallmSlIrtner had inclined cooks, who neve r use an longed tor It 80 many y em's anti en"For better or worser, richer or Hah ? But wbat yit?" deavored t~ pllr 'hase It trom Sarah's poore r, up an' doW'll, In an' out, 1 reg rel to SIlY that fJelry dtd IlQt ber b, nevet· put a bay leaf or' bIt or rather BO ma ny limes that Iho properly summer savory Into Ihe pot without became known a8 "Baumgartner's chasse? right and left! Aha·ba·hal understand. yearn." At the vicinage guth ring's on But, Se(ly,"-and ' tbe "Seffy," he said Impressivel" ' you sOnJe quaint or poetic thou ght. A lin e the porch of Ihe atore old Baumga rtner Aha·hn·ha! alwa,'s dnctarec1 tha t the property would bappy tather turnell to the happy son hat' to)' me what you goln' to \{ear. from somewhere pops Into the headOld Sporl-l suppose you' ve comn lIome dav be his. At length Baumgurtnor perhaps we sing with o.beron ; of a musical tnmlly? came to reallzo that hl8 only . hope of aud bugged him, "don't you efer forglt It ain't much. Th . weather's ylt POl>t} obtaining the property would be through that she's a featber·bead and gbt a -:01' nights. But I ken stl\nd It if yol.. I know 11 bank whereon tlla wlld thymo Tbe Other-Musical! Bless you, sir, Ihe of his Ron Bephenljah to blot\'8. why even our dog's got a brass band Sarah Pre88el. In a mock auction .. tlerry," bright red temper like her daddy! .ken-God Itnows about ~lIy! Now Maybe we never get beyond that round Its neck! as ScphenlJah P . Baumgartn !r, Jr., Is And they both work mighty bad to· what you gol n' to do-tbal'r. tke conut. populllrly known, Is rallied olr by bl. one line, but the refrain comes to us "I am glad that Washington'. fathor to Barllii for $1. gether sometimes. VJhen )'ou .et her trum 1 ast you!" as we bend, witch like, over the stew. AvoIdIng Embarralament. birthday Is a bolld!!y; It gives me Still It was not clear to Sett'r. CHAPTER I.-ContInued. Or, we chant with poor Ophe lia "Dicleey," eald bfs motber, "wben "Why-wbat rm a-going to uo, halt 1 chance to lie In bed in the morning," In sbort, fl)' the magic at brilliant something nbout the "her!H>·grace·o· rou divided those five caramels wIth "George wouhlu't II«e to have y,)11 Why-whatever occurs." color and natural grace she narrowly ee\pbrate his birthday by lylnlt." "Gosh·a'mighty! And nefer say II Sundays," wondering what herb she )vur sister did you give her three!" escaped being extremely handsomeword or do 0. sing to help the occur· meant. It ' was probably the Rue-a "No, mao I thought the, wouldn't In the way of a sun·burned peach, or CHILD HAD SIXTY (lOlLS, rencee along? Goshens! What a .et· plant having a strong, heavy odor and come out eTen, 110 I ate one 'tore I a malden'lI·blush apple. ADd even If tlng-up! Wby-say-Seffy, wbat you bitter taste. It was called "herb-a- began to 4hlde:'-UDIted Pre.byteJ'o grace" doubtless, because of an old I&D. -And ~uffered /,nnua"y ' with a Red you shnuld Ihlnk she were not handset up for?" ~ some, you would admit that there was Soald-Llke Humor on Her Head. SelTy did not exactly know. He had priestly bablt In tbe slxteentb cen· an Induscrlbable rustic churm about never hope.d to practise thll ing-Io tury, ot trying the dev~ by holy wa· her. She waa like the ' aroma of tbe ter with which was mixed sulphur. Trouble. Cured by Cutlcura. that sublimelY mili tant l)blSse. and rue. b~-fields, 01' the WOOd\ or a Oeld of "What do you tbiok?" It Is a common error to , confouDd "When my little Vivian was abOut da'sles, or dan"dellons. "Well, Sef-plow straight to ber The girl, laugblng, lI~rrendered the als: monthll old ber head broke out In heart, 1 wlsht I bad your chsnce. I'd the te rms "herb" nnd "simple." For, bolls. 8bl) had about lIis:ty In an and money, aDd the old' man. taking an show you 0. otber·guess kind a setting· on the prinCiple that "a pig may be a ~ used CuUcura Soar. and CuUcura um ot each, marched them perempup-yasslr! Mako your mouth warter hog," etc., a simple Is always an berb, OIntment which cured her t.~tlrelJ, torl1yaway, and YOUI" head swim , begoshens! Why, but an berb need not pOllsess medicin'.'Come to the house and glt his Some time later a humor broke o.·t bethat Sall y's just like a )'oung stubble- al properties which are necessary In a simple, bind ber ears and spread up on to clothes. ECeryslng gO JS In-lltofepipe field; gotb to be worked constant, and And, after all, Is It nllt a good plan her head until It was nearly halt cov- hat, butterfly necktie, diamond pin, plowed deep, and manured heafy, and ered, The humor looknd like a scald, tootb·brueh, halr-otl, razor and soap." mebby drained w~s s blind ditches, and to combine a little po.~ try with the They had got far enough aro\lnd the 1t'er:r red with a sticky, clenr ftuld com· crops changed constant, and kep' a·go humdrum duties of every day? From I fng trom It. Tbls occurred evel"7 corner to be out of sight ot tbe store log thataway -constant-const.a.nt- the days when they "song a Bong of sixpence,'.' when the [our·and-twenty epring, I always qsed Outlcura Soap during thlll gaiety, and the old man so's the weeds can't giL In her. Tbell ..-' blackbirds were baked, to the prlSlIand Ointment which never tailed to shoved Selfy and tbe girl In tront of you k en put berln wheat after Ii j4tw,.roorA-~-7CV ent, so has sentiment been the leav· heal It up. The la8t lime It broke blm, linked their arms, and retrented " 42NatT 7N4T~-n4D whUe and glt your money baclL" ~hO'I!ZY' en to lighten our daily round. out It becamo so bad that I was dill· '.0 tbe rear. This drastic metaphor had Its ef . "What Sephenl ab P . Baumgartner, at the right place onct-well. nall her feet. Selfy beglUl to understand. H~ couraged. But I continued the use of ODE ON A NEW COOK BOOK. OuUcura Soap, Ointment and Resol- :lenior, bath rlned together, let.....nO- down-hand and feet-Bo'll she can't said so, ' Tent until IIhe wall well and has never lody put athunder, begoshens!" he an- glt away, When sbe glts mad her lit"Now look here, Serry," his fathel 0, LITTLE book! been troubled In the last two :rears. .ounced. - .. Lydla E, PInt.tle brain evaporates, and It she had a went on more sofUy, "when you gil. Practi cal work to do; The proceeding appeared to be pain- knife she'd go round stabbing her best to this-and tbIs-and thls,"-he weul Mrll. M, A. Schwerin, 674 Spring Well" C.OlIIlPolUl!1 bas car., For where the geod man', me a Ave., Detr~ft, Mlcb., Feb. 24, 1908.' ful to Seffy, but Dot to Sally. She friends-that's tbe only sing tbat througb bls pantomime again, and It salary III IISht, good and Where cook Ins should ~ trankly accepted the situation and safes her-yas, and us!-no knife. if Included 'a progressl ve caressing tc: ..:- I'I*er Dna ._O"~III. On'1'-, 801. PIope., DoItoII plnln, bills should be I cannot "praise it; promptly put tnto actlon its opportunl- she had 1I. knife it would be funeral. tbe kissing polnt-"weiJ, chust wben light ; enough. I suJIered Why It', a HOMely Be..t. ties for coquetry. She b\,gged him, following ber nil the time." Advise not fancy trills : frominegularitles. you bose comfortallle-hah ?-mebb~ guide us aright, AUKUstull Thomall, 'be .playwrlght first, with consummate aplomb, to aid ~zzine8St nervouson one cheer, what 1 know-it's s~' We humbly beg ot you. tOld In a recent IIpeccn of a .h untln, her (n adjusting her parcels more se· ness, alia a' severe . II. long sence 1 done It myself-wben )' 011 female troub Ie. trIp the, had taken In tbe south. TIle, curely, InslsUng upon carrying them What Have F'e elfnga Got to Do With bose comfol~tabl e, ast ber-chu~t aliI Go, IItl1e book! !-ydiaE.Pinkham'. were after cooons and pOSllums, but tbe herself, and' It would be Impollslble to X mls~lon hl1st thou Cow-Pasture7 ber-aham!-what she'll lake for thl v~getable Com. foun\1. 'onl1 trail the dogll' IItruc~ was one describe adequately her allures. The They advanced together now, Selfy's pasture·neld. She owns you bose and pound bas restored For It perchanco, a cheap which maJe tbem put theIr tallll b. electrical touches. half·caress, )laU·de· ,fatht'r whist ling Bome tune that was she can't use bose you and tho pae and IIlrnple caito, me to perfect . tween tbCllr leg!l and turn tor bomo. Ilance: the confidential whisperings, neve r heard before on earth, and, wllh ture. A bird In tho hand Is worth When ggs ure dcar and health and kept m6 "Just wh,nt doea a polecat look like'" so that the wily old man In the rear his arm In that of bls son, they watch- seferal In another fell er'lI-not ao?" bUller hillh, we'd from the operating make. ·Ur. Thomas asked one of hi • . nell'O might not hear; the surges up against ed Sally away. ODce morEl, be without thl. But SelTy only stopped aud stated al dozen nu\rlI'r'.ITlIA in bouse."-Mrs. BAll'L pldes. · him; tbe recoveries-only to surge as she leaped , a fence, she loolted his (ather. T,hlB, again, be did nol ~[j23 , ourt1i St,.li?uisvUli, Kr. , "A polecat) boss! WIly, a polecat'. again-tbese woul,d ' requlre a mechan- laugblngly back. The old man whistled und rst8nd. somefln' like a Irltten, only 'prettler ical contrivance whlcb reports not wildly . out of tune. Selfy waved a Anotber Operation Avoided. "You know well enough 1 gpt DC Go, little book! Yell, a polecat,. n heap pretUer'n a "It· only speech but actiOD-and even tbls hand. Adrian. Go.. - .. I suffered untold Ana It books hnve a h!!art. money to bill' no pasture·field," said ten, al.n't It, Sam?" be saJd turning to might easily faU, so 'subtle was It all! misery, from female troubles, and m, .To cooks xporlenced lhy lore reveal: "Now )'ou' shouting, Self),! Shout he. !anotbel' negro f9r corroboration. '·Set..-Serty, I thougbt it was )lIs ag'ln!" the )loung unlOllrned must Ul0U doctor sal~ an operation was DIY onl, "GoslH1'mighty!" said the old ' man Nor from conceal chance, and I dreaded it almost aa Sam dId not seem 110 lIure. He haa'; "Id 'watcb he "as auctioning air, i "I didn't say a word!" joyfully, mn.l<ing ail tr hli would strikE Aus-ht which concerns the health and much as af'atb. Lyilla E. Pinkham'e tated a moment: . wanted It for-for-a nest·egg! aliadally weul "Well-It ain't too late! Go on!" Sell'y with bls huge fist-a thing hE Vegetable Compound com;vletely cured "Well," he replied. scratching hll ha.ha! ,You must excuse Ole." Go, book, act well thy part! me without an opcratioD.' -LENA V. Now S~ffy understood and laugbeel orten did. "And ain't got nosslng tr wapi, "It's always been mab conten· "You WOUldn't 'a ' 'bld at all you;d with his father . lIEN1JY, B. F. D. 8: .' 'trade?" .IGnlocc:hi." tJo~dat handsome III a~ ' bandllo(D' Ilnowed It was me.' reckon: ' said Setf)'. Thltty years of unparalleled wc"Nice gill, Se f-SelTy!" "Nothlng except tbe mare!" said the A new pathos now a'ttaches new In- cess collflrms the power doel,"=Xt:11l1lta Journal. , "Yes, J WOUld," declared the co· Lydia ~ "Yes! ;' ad·mltted' Selfy with reserve. boy. terest to everything Sicilian, and so It Pinkham's Vegetaole CompoUnd to Quette. "I'd rather have you than any "H ealthy." "Sny-aln't you got flU feelings" Y01 Is with tbls dish, Gniocchl. Tbe name cure female diseases. The great vo).. Prof. Munyon hns generOusly placed . hid t Serry ngreed to this, also. idjiot ?" bis ' Cold Ou .... with druggIsts throu,,;b- nest-egg In. the w ~ e war I -any wo sounds elaborate, but tbe dish Itself Is ume of unsoHcitm,l testimony constant. . 'v •.. . at 'em! "-and When· he dId not tl1ice "No doctor bIHs!" his falbet: ampJl· "Ob--" snhl Serry. And then : very slmpl e~ nly the Italian name lY pouring in proves conclusively tha' ·out the United States and haa author· hili cliallce-:.:"ir ·~,ey were made of fled . "B ut what's feellnss got to do wltll for dumplings. In this recipe they LyiiJa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com.bed them to sell It tor the small sum gold!" ' pound is a remlirkable remedy for those said notbing. cow .pasture?" SelTy are made ot cornmeal, prepared with distressing feminine 1118 fiom wh1cb of 25 t!'ta. a bottle. He says . these But tben she spoiled It. "Entire orphen ." "Ooch! No wonde r he wanta to bE very little trouble, but so well dressed 10 many women sWfer. "It's worse rellows than you. Selry." 'pelletll contnln no opium, morpblne, co"S he's gOl Il granny!" an an chel, and wlss the anchels stand as to be elegant on oocasion. Hero 'calne or other barmful . drugs, and he guarantees that they will relle~e the The touch or coquetry was ~ut too ap· "Yas ," chuckled the old man at the -holding Sil:gs In his hands and on are two methods ot serving: parent, head, throat and lungs almost Imme"And better." said Selfy, with a way bls son was drl'ftlng Into the his head! He's too good for lhls wUe . Have ready a pint of boiling, salted world. He'd linger shiferlng on tbE water, to wblch add a lump at butter. diately. He gives this guarantee with lump In bis Ihroat "'} know 1 ain't no situatlon-tblniling about grann}! "but Snlly ownll the tarml" brink and feaT to launch away all hi~ By degrees sltt into this a handf\41 of each bottle of his medicine: "If you buy my Cold Oure and It does not g!ve good with glrls-nnd I 'don't care!" "Uliu!" said Serry, whatever tbat durn life-it somE' one didn't pusb him gl'ated cheese, and cornmeal , alter· ODe ,eta it II, IUahwa, ___Te. "Yes!" ahe assented wickedly. might mean. In. So here goes !" nately, until lhe mixture Is thick, sUr- of tboaIaDd. b, Bad lIoIwh-No «fif. ' I.erfect. sa.t1sfaction, I wUl refund YOUI 'There are better oneil." "And SaJly's the bosll!" Th is waf; spol<en to the skies, ap· ring It unlll it Is thoroughly cooked. ,money." Prot. Munyon has just Issued ''Sa~ Pritz-" Silence. parently, but now he turned to hi! Let It cool, 11ft Oul by slJOonfuls anu fereace. CoIutipatioD aacI clMUI I •• a MagazIne-Almanac. which will be Sally looked away, smiled, and was "And granny wori't object to any son agai n. Hut tree to any person who addresses place In a baking dIsh, well·buttered . make the whole s,atem aIck-EftI'J'o one Sally marries, anyhow-!the dall' "Look a·yere, you young dummer· Sprinkle with grated cheese, and 1)0' . bodJ~w.It-CASCARE~"""""­ The Munyon Company, Phllildelphla. 811'~~~'lkY Setry!" she fina lly said. lent! She'd glt Hclted!" ux, feellnss III tbe same to gals like a drop or two of onion juice on eae} CIlN Bowel and livei' troab... by ~ "11 he does etlnk of salt maclterel, "Wbo said anything about marry· Sally. as money is to you and me. piece. Uake until brown. dol.,. work antil ,oa tel w.oIndian Pholosophy. You ken buy polatoes wiss ·'em. D< "Gnloechl alia Romana" Ie made Million. aM CASCARE~ We Sa.... t Quanah Parker, a Comanche cllier. and 'mos't always drunk'" Serry weut lDg?" . 8111 Setty was speciously savage now you understand ?" In the ~ame way, oilly substl~utlng recently 'vlslted an Ice ' plant In an on bitterly "He'lI nothing but a mo· CASCARET9 Joe: a boz for a ' -as any sllceessfui wooer might be. SerIy said lhat 'he did, now treatment, all drusrRilJta. Biggest alenet" fine lI.e molina, a form ot macaroni, In Oklahoma town. He was much Inter- lasses·tapper!" Sally began to drift further away AD tlIc ~Id. , MIllioD ~ ~pa. _,_ "Nobody but me, sank you!" said "We)), ' then, I'fe tried to tJ<lY that place of the · cornmeal. ested In everYthing p81'talnlng to tb. plant. After be l}ad been·. show~ 'lnd to sing Ca1ling Prlt1. names wae the old man wltb . equally specious pasture·Held a sousand tlml,)&--" . Serry started. Cuisine Queries, throughout ~h" building, he remarked: If no consequence' -el(l'ept It kept meelmesll "Look bow she ken jump "Yes, tJiat's a little bit a Iie-mebby What Is "Creme Panacbe?" Ice "White man smart. W.hlte man heap 'SelTy from m~kt'nl. luve ' to · her a sllt·rall fence ·L\k" a three·year ,.mart. White man .,marter th,nn God. "'lllle be was doing It-which seemed filly! She's a nice sa); .$erIy-and the a dozen times. And at last nally's cream of two or more colors, The Tbe old man came farnls fine together-her pasture-field daddy sal9 he'l1 lick me if I efer lIald word "Panaclle" Is also used to de· '0011 malle 'Ice In -,winter: white maD {oolish to Sally llP nnd ,brouglit ' them together again and OU1" corn·'field , And she's ltisslns pllsture-field . ag'in, and I said it as'in note aoy ' dish that Is variegated In make Ice In lIummer."~Jud,e,. · . "Oac h ! go long and mal(e lo(e some her hand bacltwnrds! ,At me or you, ' and he Ucl,ed me! He was a big mar color. 'more I like to see It. I e~pect J am Serry?" Is the old·fashioned Vlrgln!a corn· . - -and red·head ed ylt, like Sally . . No" . Deafness 'Cannot Be Cured I" l:?erry sh,ld he dld~'t know And he look a·yere-you Iten git that pas turf> pone baked or fri~d? •. , allPlle&tJolllo .. &IIq tAIIno. r8cb ' tbe d. n~ old fool, but 1 like to see It-Ws ,- ' ' por\lOn 01 Ule ear. 1bere II only one way \0 . like QI" times~ya8, and If you d9n 't di~ ,.n~t. ,ret~rn the kISS:-t~l~Ugb ' be field wlHsout money a9d W1S~out bi'ict " To ' make It, sUr a teaspoon at salt and that II by eonamutiOnal n!m~_ , . lit caUIIICI by aD inllamed coadltl4n .or Ule loolt ou· there, Serty, 1:11 'alte a hand yearned to. ' . , : : ' except :you' ,dam' feelings ' which and a tablespoon ot lard Into a quart . III IInIIoI 01 u.e &uatatblan 'nIbe. . When tb~ "~'cll, I.. bet a. dollaT tbat ' the HTF:t aln'l no oth~r use.. Sally won't IIc~ ' .of corn meal ' (w!llte l, nnd add . c91d . 163 R' .. dolph St.;,~ Chlplp ~ , . II In4Iallled you ban a rumblbllr eouDd or 1m- ' m.yselt~:V1t8alr' .go 'Iong! " DeIfec\ 1iIIUtq, &lid .beII ,1& II entirely. q~, Dtal· He drew 'them ver,. close tpiether. InItial 'of his · last name III S(!phanijab you-If she ' is 'bigger-don't be a water su~clent .to make a soft dough. .... lit ~ 1WII1i;' and un_ ttie IliGammatJoo II&Il be ,acli looking tbe othe~ wa~- " I _ _ 011' anll .U\lI! ""pe, ~lOred \0 Ita no~ ~ P. baumgarten, JutHor" slteered, vou got tons of feelln's yOl1 Sha'(;e hito ' sm.all rolls and bake lIOao .bearlnS .IU be dllU'Ored lore~: Dille ~ "Well!" .s nld SelT:; ' wltb ,a grt!'4t ain't got no oUler uso for-don't waste ' qulr.kly, . . . ...."01 WI .... cft~ by ·rcalartbt!.b~b~ ooUl~ ae held" them· thefe for a Inomen\, 1Iu& an IIII1a/ii8Cr eonJIUOD 01 ill- II\UOO\J8' IU~ ·roughl,.. flov,rlsh, "1 .m gltlll~ t.o I~t up wltb ber ~ePl-tl\eY:'l'e goo!!' 'grel'l n qlon,ey, an~, Wbat .Is . MlsS;ourl fried '·bam? T!lke W. will lin '0 ... HnndrW l>Ollan IDI' an, _ 01 Berry "Bt91e a Itlance at Sal)y. He f.n.nI ght.'i . we'll gle efeb WlS8 8allY'8 daddy fO' tlilck 1I!l ce a of cold boned hl\~ ' and . , . , . (.....s· b' calaritll ilia, t'Ul1lO' be euno ~ .Ball" 0UIIftII ClUe. I!en~ fOr ejraulan. 118. . wanted ·to see bow she was taking his " "Oach,glt (jut, Sef!"----:-tbough ae IIC~IDg me" ilt~and someslng OD thE f.~y until the edge.ll al'e crisp. . Re· • ,P. J. tIIl.MEY • CO•• 'l'oIedo. 0. a9ter's odlollsly 1n'.lmate .lu.Jgelf~lon. knew It. " alder' HuhY" " move from pan, an4 t? the rat add a . ~.'L,~r:tw_~UoD. " Ehit It· hl\ppened , tbat' . Sally 'WI ,tOO "'You'U lee." . - ' ' ITO BE: CONTlNtrtilD,) few teaspoons vln~pr, a dash cif mus· ..Jr . ~ ~o ~e how he wo tnkl~g Il "No, I won!t,i', ,ale! hJ~ father. "I ' , lord, a ~~t ot white sugar and a little \,' ~ I1le 91....nt Vlalt. " f. Simple Enough. neppel'. Boll .up once, and pour over "Why .... ypu wblp,lns tIl~t child . Aughed with tbe h'aDkelt of 11), lUI wouldn't be lIQ( dul'D mea... NOlllr!" - , Selty J11nned at U}ls -.ubUt! roolel')": ''W!i1 does the. farm bOy beat the sliced ham . lOt" .. m!Pl of & German who . heir eyes met. db' bo)' .0 .otten;" Wbat III OJ'geat? A drink popular In ..Belry.:....I do-Uk.' 1011." said . the oa- and h*1I riour. .e eonllnu~ · t'( ,row. waa belattorlil.'& tiOy of·ten; "l'm . lolq to w.r m, blab hat!" "Tbat'. eaIlY." ' , ' he ~Utl1 ot Fran~e, and ·eompo••a "Tbat... .oDe of JOur "J'IIIQ-." .,. I,*ette. "And' ,ou oQht to 1;klu'W It. ,be annQunced, wlUl ble DOH' ID the "lAt'., have the' .newer." ~h1efly ~f Ule milk 9~ almond., .' ~ . "s.s4a, I ba.. ~Oll Imp!" ' little ~ ecboolhoaae olren tmmeII-17 .umQlat- &1-:. . Hel8 '1D1 .... .Now tIlll










By Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound



MU.r -derl _tun'.

_It'. ,

Ughtning Rod·Supplies ., Copper Wlr, Cabl,.' Copp.r T~_i} ,~olritii" 'tC • Acentl.• Inted, inr, Count,

., R""ro-

A. C,eDaUas,aSon.,lnc.






the "a.a1'lI'lll1


clIITIoulam than

toe. tIM

----;. I

_ __ , _ , _ .~ -~-~m---


~ .~~!~~~-~ - ~~~ -~-~~~~~ -.~~~~ " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~'~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~ '

$ $ $#








$ .


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$ $ .

$. .,$ ~



@"~ ~" _~"~onon"M

Tob acco



re. ed SlliPr ~ b f b eelv. ee us O1"e uying. '5

Goo d TEha itngs to

Fancy Steak Sahn :m .. ... ... :lSc Fancy Red almon ........ 15c Fancy Olivell .. . l 0. 25 ant! 50c Horser adish ....... ...... .... 25c Sho es Pure Olive Oi!.. .......... ... 25c Don 't forget ollr Elk Skin Fancy Lemon e li n g ')1: Shoes f or Men an d Boys. Peach es ...... .. .......... ... L.UC The best work shoe made. Crawfo rd Peache s ......... . l!Oc Our spring .stock just ar- Crawfo rd' s Light Syru p, rived. Come and see them. 2 cans for · .......... ........ 25 Also a nice line of Dress FaAcy Spinach .. .......... ... 15c hoes for Ladies. GentleFancy Sour .. .. .. ...... lOc menand ChiJdr en Oorpn ces 3 cans Blue Kraut Star Corn .. ... 26c are right, Come and see 3 cans Blue Star f eas .... .. 25c for yoursel f. 2 cans }t"ancy Pe~ .. ...... ... 25c · C 2 cans Wayne VIctor Orn 15c 2 Fan e cans cY N . Y ' Com .. or:c .c.u lrts 3 cans tomato es .......... . . 25c 22 cans SP u!l1pki n .......... .. .. 15' c s c a n s t rmg Beans·... .... ,c V ~. 2 p kgs RIled 0 ts or:: 0 a ........ · =c A new lot of Gem Shirts and 3pkgsC orn Flakes ... ; ... .. 25c Overans in, the best made; 4 lbs Pop Corn... ... ......... lOc 'price right. Also the fa- 3 Ibs Rolled Oats .......... . . lOc mOU8 OX trouaer s for men. 5 Ibs good Prunes ........... 25c A new pall' free if they ri,. 31bs fancy PrUDes ... .... .. ~5c Ka Kai coats, pants ans 3 Ibs Muir Peaches ...... ... !5c sh· ts 21bs fancy Peaches 25c • 11'. 5IbsJa pRice .... .... :::·:::::. 25c 2S Ibs Gran. Sugar, .at $1.25

and ' 0 -aII


A busines s IO nanYosr t w e U r YSneS,,-

brated Warne r's Aati-R ust Corset. We have them in regular , also Girdles at


to $1.50.

We give · Prem ium Tickets Wl'tb cash trade

Ask:t~· ~

W AL TE R. J. \K'

$ $ $ $

viii call d thi s a. m. saving: "We have admit you hay the y st to rs. ThE' v. are olit! m >at.s and ta::; , . bEtter than any otht!I'H.'· Have you tried them? We will continu e to ser e Selll- • . hip't tt"tl'OllgI\ Mal' h . For Satu rday 's Mar ket weet Navel Orange , rape FrUl't, Lemon , PI·nuappl eo., '' Banana s, Figs, Date."N' uts, Fancy elery, New Let· tuce, New Radish s, Onions. etc. S



P0 t a



Just recei ved a shipme nt of New York Rose, Early Ohio' and Rural New Yorke r. Now is the time to buy, as the pl'ice will be much higher a li ttle luter.

Cor sets

W. 'are agents for the. cele-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - . . . . - -- - - .. - - -

Brin g Us You r



$ $ $ $ $

. j



Vf!lIIlW Ht<tHI (, , rll for IIllla, $1. 5U 1m. Alldl'U14R tlr . oali'r N. Wilkf!r~IlIl , C)1'8~nnlH. R. U ~, Phon A, Cllotoon 148.

~UBLIC S.\LE S ---C. A. RookhiJI, adminl strator will sell at publio I\uotion lit tbe lilte rll' idenoe 'of J . A. Rookhlll, Dtlllln'lI

. ,.

Mi s EIi:r.n bet ll Re vetl ill t,bftgues t. ohapte r,reali zt ng, " 'rh t t " 1\ o-uay tb e tIe, hoos, ... OOrD, farlO implem ents, o f h r brot,be r Hurry nud fnwily in presenc e of oor loved oneR fills our eoo. Sille oomme nces Ilt 10 ~'olook . Ri hllll)nll. In d. oop with joy: tomorr ow 1I0re be.

WUJ. it ev !I hn.s gOM into the bitt 'kslIlith lng 1m iu es:> with George Phillip s. ' \V N 1\1 . . CKIIY, W. M. of t e Mit ~ll n ie lodg here utteude d Kilwin . nin~ lodge in Cincinntlti lus t w'l~k null WIlS prese nt when Will . 'l'uft, WIIR m ad e 1\ M 1\ £0011. L Ollll r,] .J anet! {lud fa01i .v, of XeOltl, !\TtI gnest:! of Riohar d .Junes

unel wif .

Mr: linn :'.drs. L \'U Oolellbee, of J ,., n 61.1.r Wilmin gton. were guestl! of ~. V. Foll~1l(l /l nll wifo over t.lundfly. '1 '


I 'I D

ulL~P l> 0 1.11 ILnd friend of the O. O. c' O . horne, Xenln were Sunday g llestb of .lus . Molnti re lind u III

f,\mily . '

MrtrclA!I Penrso n, of N. Dakotn is tbeglle!ltofrel"tlv6~h6r6. Mi!ll4 Harriet Bmlt,b, of !JAyton, p nt t il week· end Ilt the bome of , h Ar motbcr , Mrfl.& oheJSm i tb


M Week Iy ark et Let ter

rea.vem ent UII into the valley Tbe undersh of sorrow t.'d wtll . 08stll yet feel lallObln, her llfe haa not Wa1'eb at hll ouse inCD WIlYlle llvl1le. OD been lived in vain , but will be a help WedneadllY, Mafth 10, 1909 Bod oomfor t t,o os in ou .. longer pi!. at 9 o'olook sh .. 'I.I tbe followi ng grimtlg e, until the day breaks llnd ~ods: Fonr ' tlulll wagons . a ma · the shll.dows tlee, and wlI.y we all nure t1preaderll, Ifi ruHog cultlvll torll, have tbllt trustfu l fQith whioh can 20 db.o harrnwH, ~ IItelil rollerll, 10 lighten tbese great burden s. Bemis tobaooo t.rlLnllplllllter., 25 H,6l:1olvea, further , That we extend brelkin g plow", plows of all kind., to 0111' brothe r and tbe little son our HJhaw pion grl\in drll1t1, Ueed grlnd sin fore sympa tby in their BOrrow. er, 8,000 pounds of binder tWine, Ii May tllelr paniDg be tempor ary and eeta of buggy harnell l, wash boilers. tbeir meetin g. eternal . Let tbis be bucket s, washin g WIlobine8, olothelt . d ed your consola tion, thatwi tbquie tnoss wr188 ers , k Divell, an d a bun r and oonfidence she awaite d tbesum . otber thinK!'. mons from 001' Bee.venly Flttber '0 rermll of sale-It 'lredit 01 8ix go to that new Jernul em, "Tba" months , J'llrohl\S6r Kivloll a bank .. oity not made with hands ." ble note. .A. B. Bmu. C ReSOlved, further ; That Mtllmi . 1'. B,.wae, ( Auo" Chllopter, No. 107 O. E. S. send a Ohas. Surfac e, \ p 'Ne,,11 ~ oOPY of these r8t!olntion8 to our Wm J B ' Oh ' bereav edbrot her,tb att.hey beapre ad· . apm .. n, Olel' lui ' upon tbe reoord~ Qf ~heobap~r and I wUl oft'tlr ut, publio ..uotion 1 X sent to tbe W"yne nllle papers for publica tion . l"!,tiora Ward, mileplIOuf.h of 8e1l~rook on t,he C~ n EdHh M. BlUrls, terville "nd Spring VaUoy Dike. on u. 0 K I1! tbe Matlhe w Berryb lll farm, on tI dOD. Tueada y, Mafth9 ,1909 - - - - - - - - - at 10 0' ..10011, 'be 'ollo.i ol: oDe atob te"m Of roan bo....,., i b.y ot ot bo1'88, I lorrel brl)od marti, 1 tn.te 75c and $1'.00 at 'oolt, i horlllt Ind a 01 I~, 7 beed of ca,Ue. dOt.en lAI~horD .• HW AR TZ' S_ cbiokeB10II,"'l ib.lot., ..,013. f., ' _•SC •' ___ ___ ___ mlDK Imple-


-.... B

H Water


- and - -E.-Grao\l - -lat~d --.-


We got a tip that la , Wed. -




Wil l Wh ite's

$ JI.

~o ~~_~~~~:_-_uu_-_-_-_- ~

;~~ .=-.=-=~=--.=~=~=~=-=---';.=.=~=-

New Burli ngton .

troin t be lluR6on.' world bill!' agutn invaoin g Millr:n ~ Chapte r,oome "nd we susta.\ n!l great 108s in the of anothe r of our !loti ve tid tbfn I and etIl.oient membe rs. ' And Where as, It has pleal!ed our Ben. , Iy Father to remove from our obap. tel' to t,lle Snp'rt'w e ' ohapte r above oilr dearlybelovedsl~ter,Mrtl . Pearl I Robitz er therefo re bo It • Resol~'ed: ~hfLt we ~\1l remem Uer her virtues , oherisb her memor y 'ao~ strivet o profit by bel' examp le of

.$ .:~Ii::f ~~:;~:~Y;~~;:~ . :~.~ ~~::fo~~:;';~:;i,:'·'::::·w~ .:': :::~~:;::::~~:,~h, ;:~,~: $


Sea lshi pt


65e to $1.50 at, SQ RW AR TZ' S

W . ll. lcenlH.lw r a,nd fuinily, Of WnRhingt.l)ll ' . B.cl1m eoo Wtldnes· dn y nf lll!<t W PA k to see hit! fat her. who hn~ b eu very Rio k. ~ M IMS . 1.1bertll- BlI.yless, of Wllmin g.... ton. i~ th guest of her brotbe r




:::~~::S,~:,":ES:~~,: "_C!~~~~_~. ~d.

Fou ntai nSy ring es


W e now hav e bran d new deli very wag on, a n d . d d.o wil be prep are to e l v e r you r wan ts to any p a r t 0 tow n on sho rt noti ce. - Tele pho ne you r orde rs. We

$ ~~:~: _~



T he D 'a' y·llr. g h t · S to r e'




~ nesdn y, th e s ug ar marke t had


:m;:~sD~::":::~~:~:::r'5ca'h: '

_ •


over lob at awono , a oredit of Ul, reach ed th e bottom , so we bough t " ontb", pllr' ~hln. blankable Heavil y. On Thursd ay mornI ng Habn & Smltb will have a obll.Dge ~o~. .1. M. 8".D~&"O. the marke t advanc ed IOc a htln- of progra m three timet! thii '~ w8."k. . Wm Mills, An~t, • . ~ d re d an d In ' lr o . Go an4 see the 8w • in.. and danoin , the alter noon tOe W. . 0 . Smitb ... \ . ~~"" , "Ie v ra. . ~ . ~ ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......' "' oomoo i"n all 'his eek,. . ~ more. ' . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -..... Now we are willing tn give ...... ... :. _ • t . th d . , _ 'l;'heun de..I',D8I lwillo fte"dp ub our cus om.e n ., e a vantl'g e 01 OUR · MIXED CHOP 110 auotlon (m tbeWw:q JQndle fa .. ol.' . . r Th' 1(0~u~r~g ~0~0~d~l~ k u~c~k;..~ felony T~h~e~p~r of ~i~ce teleph.o ~ $~4~ . ne..h 8~6~ ~~~un~~~OIl~~ll . oonver sation over the telepho ne. lr.e "lin r~~U ey dOOR ~ Ii b Ii t I 1'8'1 with "X~mUell itb ai, -of CeD,....Ul r s., ID barrel lot ) holds OIl mAIl I is oro. :--.rIley (the Solons of Ohio) are try- eaves r.opp ng, t:be hilCbes' grade feed and:l mHeeIl'oulhe west ot' Ferry op ~ial y 8 en ng, w good for thislwee k onlv. made tur borses ing io ." sio" the law on you. . or cows and the '80. d ' tbe assista nce of tbe operato r to . \ . price I.b" obeapeHt. A bill hai been introdu oed in the what passes over the wire. II • on " No op· Seed Potato es. INSURANCE AGEN T. . Wayne sville MUl".. 1 Tbutad ay, March 4, 1909 l.gisla tnre makmg han ., offenoe to POSI·t·Ion t 0 th em aa St1 r es 1's i n s\g ht • - • . All (I f our the followi ng pru~.,ty: 1 m ....e :· ~eed Potato es were . ' i th . · ( ·f . . i ' It , will . be a orime e er to gtve read 10 ormati on tbat s of a or copy' , , lnauran ce of ~U klnds -....fe, bough t wilen tlte price wa," very Pos t Car dS . Eve~ reader ,d. "pple gt"ldlng, 1 b ,y mAre, 1 ft.fteen . , private Da't ure to others. or indeed in any unautb ori? .d,' ma.nne r nn y rL b 1 Fire and Acdde nt. " . ~ listen .. ~ oonVer~ of tnts lltl' on os yelll"-old h.y mafe, ~.1I8t 80 l · t is b • meSRtlg e, oummu nioatio n or report ltlll C Real Estat .bo ht add Id a ower than today. We sending name and aq dre!18 and paper . . . . " . . . '" 4~ in ' e ug Red W·Uk8fl mIne,' Ii hea\l Clf SO. log carried on over the wire . passing over the wire a ; to use Bn y offe r. to our custom ers 275 busbel s stamps to pay postage and packin g m"re'_6" > Abo, 'have town and Countr y I w11I receive 12 Beauti ful Colored QRttle, 1" h ....... '. 'the bill wllJ nndoubt.edly be proper ty of a telepho ne ot bogt\, aotot tarm~ compan y' f North" rn Stock oODsistltlg of Post Cards by PrGperty for sale. first mail absol~tely tll8 impleme~t(l!~lo' of .barUe88 .nd IPUled', 6S ~t is reoeiving DO opposi- or permit it to be use(~ for tbis p\1t' oHural New l orker, S nowfla kes, free. ' THE GLE ANE B,bo ·t ion. A prisou senteno e is the pen- pose . . It will be pUDIshable neeb old goods. untler White Star, F.1,Hly Ohio and N fl W 1120 Majest ic BId;., Give Me· a ' Call Soon 'alty for violatin g this law wblob thA Detroit , Mich; 'l'''l'ms.oflale- ''llt!uD lSOr'fi ,o..~· ns bill by a fine of frum York H.ose. Price $1.00 to $1.35 =::=::::::=~ makel. it unlawf ul to listen to 11 tele -50 tHawki - .- over that amotnt s *' oredit of l2 ~1 , 000,or 0 b e t 0 tb re YOM pe r bus h e.I vuy ., 0 .. U • away. Notic fight e' of Appo intme nt. , , m . ontbll, . pU1'ohallt'r'''lv t b tb tn •o haDIi.b le phone conver sation unauth orized. 1.9 the pent'wn.1l1ry, . II or 0 . ThiS is a tip fo~ you. Dote. . Lilli .' KE~P YOUR EAR AWAY MOBIl... · . E statof Levi S. Lukens. deceaMd . The Hawkl n8 and Thomp son sen- Sena.tor ThompRon's bill, ul 0 pro Canne d Goods Sale. Be·.re ful, yon people wbo are ate bm8 seek to give better qu!lm:,o d:'I'III ::~Inl~' r",~~ra~~ID'=~~1 Wpi . Mm~~ Auot. protec. v.iding a~alDst leakn~e of inform& ..' _ nroDe ~ 1lsten io yonr neighb o ~=~~ukeDII. lat-e of.Warre ll Couoty. Ohio, Flied Bar~ook. Clerk , r·8 11;.1on to telt"phone conversa,Uons. ! 'IO~ from telepbo ne hnes. .. '. deolare , ~old more callne~goods last . Dated thIA 4th·dayotFebruary. • . ~. I). 11109. tb 0. t any person w h 0 doe ' " • s .lI.ny 0t tl1e week to our customer ~ tban WI> &lIuyan and StanieyA P D O~AGET The nnderl igned ' will '/Jell il.t pb~ tty... · T.' Mmr• tblngs speoified, to benefi thimse lf,' bad ~ld before for a month : . • - .. , UoauotioD,·on 'l1et)b srleeP iD.'-I&lml-- .... or II.ny other person, shall be gUIlty Evervb ocl V 'w anted to try som'! or Auc tion eer Cr?l1p ,ly .l!toplJe McN eil's Sale s d ~ tW~D· 4 mife.~;oQtb-ea8t of Center ville and of!l. misdem eanor. The pentllty ill' .' .. ty nlloote s. WIth Ii f 1100 t "1000 I d t .all · ot the 10 speCia ls ' ID Veget· Remed y . One Dr. Hhoop_1I ~ ~onp iX miles west of Ferry, on lo4oO"l ' test alone wtU Inre- road, on ' . R. · ne 0 h \0 . ii' aD .one 0 abl es, Fish, etc. Wllt' have , a 'ly .. prove this ' trnth. No vomiti ol, ' Followitijr are the Public saI8 ville, borses. cattle, farm iruple ,th ree mont s n JI\ . . .. no di!!tres s. A IIIlfe and plea8ing Wedne 8day, . F.braaf')' 24,. pply today. Pnce 3 cans .new with locatio n, time and proper ty, of ments, househ old goods. syrup-G Oo: ~old by all dealers . aHO o'o19Ok, the loUo"t 'Dl.• dlol.: Subsc ribe for . the Ga~ette for 20 . the saJes I have t. "cry." - - • Mtlry Earley. Fool' ~01'888-two 100d draft 111&1'., Cut out and paste in yoU!: hat. Canoe d Sweet' Potato es. A. A. MoNeli,. Aoot. ANOTH.ER SHOOT alener al purpoHge~dini, fon .. v~ra . • old; .. yeitl'l, nl d ...ft mare 09lt. IOe a Ca.n, WedneJday.· February24th. ~booters ~1'e getting nUme1'0118 Fl ve bead ~foat~le, f~Qr mhc)b 001'1, Thursday, March 4th. Oue custo'; 'er said, '''1 have aroand Four mUee' louthe aat of Center · Wayne sville. Even the fifteen. bead of gOod broo4 10,.... Four miles nortbetUlt of Center . hi ed all kind s of C an~ed Swe6t sohool profesa ors (who ·teacb v1l1e,h onea,ca ttle, farm implemeDl8. ville, horses, oattle, bogs. the elRbtee n bead of Jtood fall .piC" a 10' Potu toes, but t/lese ILre the best I young tOt ebOo.t ) , had thelr A. A. MoNeil, Auo'. W. Pine. 'i nning, of fa1'Dlibg tmplem ent8, ,lxty b~h­ Wm. MoOonnel. have !lver found. The callS are 'Monday, and with what reeuUs A, A. MoNeil. Auct.. tbe ela seed oaill, .four ~D:".~of b~y, ap..~ . . . . 800re will 8how. Tbunda y,Febr uary 25th. T h e ' Bes t 'Goo ds I,odder, oorn &.n. d o*hir 'ti.· tDlii\ '~ . full of DIce, yellow Sweet Pota\ 0' tt o B ' ,' k i .. ornlO 81mpro v i ~8', f01' b 9 oum8l'01UI ~ JJ}eDtlon. C. W. Pi••. Friday, Marcrh 5th. Two milee soo'be ast of MiamiB. -AT THE 'got alood (?) 80are .8ain. One mUe north of Getters burg, A. ·A. MoNell, Allot" bu"g, horses cattle and farm imple• Upshe re W;bite Dy. when he Ie'" i. III B~m8l •. Uler.k. horses, ments. cattle, farm implem ents . Ben Downin g. Rig ht Pric es . llbs. for 25c. 'relldy t,o shoot there ill the wla,.' A. A. MoNeil, Auot. ErnE!8t .W eidner. -:-... ..- - . expaDse of sky t~at ever wa., B. . A. A. MoNeil, Auct. Nice, cleane d Zante Uurran ts; 'olaim!! tbat" the 'traps ate .et for Friday, February 26th. Our aim is to handle the very spleud id for llles. ·the cheape st profel4sfoD&J sboi)t1Qg, Saturday, . March 6th. Five miles southw est of Cen~er. ' . Best that is okltainable, and evarticl e on 'the marke t. . ' GeorRe Tbompll!on holda,htB Qwn ville, hol'88s, oattle, bogs, farm im, 10 ·.C~~E~b, In Lytle. stock and houllehold ery article we sell· is.guar anteed . to be just as represe nted. . . but ·, Jess TbomtL8 l'uak&8 bi~ plemen ts. George Browne . goode. ::iam WillifuDson. Evap orate d Milk. Our stock is compl ete-ne w "bump." every thpe ' be ooble. ap. .~, *.rZ~. • t B."' • A. A. MoNeil, Auot. A. A. McNei1 , Anot ..· goods from every port and .clime Se, a Can. . FoJ}owl DR is tbeleoo re: . ' . Everythin~ in the Grocer y, ' Made by the Border Co~den.; Thursday, March 11th. Monday,. March 1st. Ftmit and V~getable li~e; also, '. . 'N!). bird. , H '~ ' '".. Enamel ware' and'Wooden wate.' sed Mtlk · Cll. You'll fiud this. a TbolDl¥'0n, G .......... .... :.,.. ~5 Tbree mUeS northea at of Cent·el·. IV 8 fine artiCle . for you.(c ofteeo r ; ro.r Harteo ok.. e J .......: .......... ..2G ville, bOM, cattle, hogs, farm 1m. We pay ,fu~'higbest pfices' for' 14 l~ .Butter ~nd Eggs at all til;ites. y~~r cookin$" 6 'cans 251':. ple~enta. bay aDd corn. ' (,)8891; O ....·••... ~ ......... , ... ~;25 11 14 . " Bornlo k, 0 ..............':........30 : 6· 2Ci . Da~ul Bildat. " . .' •• ,'. A. ,..:. MoNet.l, Auot. . " • I Tho~pAOD.; ·J .. '.: ..: .......... . ~5 · '15 to ·malter . .Cleaeftt: "(Ja"id • . 1.' III :. '. ~e Prat', .tG . 8 , 7. ·partlc l. '40 ~eW: . " ..H. 101oa IlU.d \ H " h " E .. . '. , : ' T~.1 'March 2nd. ,. ,.' ~, n, .... _. ,., ................ lu.,. 5 ~O " . .ube.....~f .\ _ , :' . . Five' ~il8IJ. ;~ortJie.lL8' of .center , Th.~•• , .,~.. , .. :.•.~.: .,:;.... .. ~5 lei 'g are ,'Q~iDatl~b~'.·, ~~' :' "b.!I ",.D" .=-,~......,..~---~~~-:.;.-.-;oiO{lgl!l1~.OD, .. B :..... ~ ........ ville, h~"OaUle, farm lmplem ents , .....20 j .1G ol~~lA.D.~lop..."'*b.17 .-liel &1>,' ,. , ,'\ ,.' 'Frank Hn8to~. . --::-1:. . Ba~·ly, E .......... ., .......... ... 16 J . ,1-8 ·~vea• .~ . .pe ~11IIOh~l'tlole8{: , .' 00 , ni~e8; · . A ; A., KONell, Auct. r lJa~n• .A .......... .......... ...., i 1 "~t ,~ 1D .no1r .loull V . {o . . - -. . . . ._



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WHOLE NUMBER !.lll!);!



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Mi ll" Mlibf\1 Thomp!!on ~pellt Fri. dtlv uigh t !luci !o.latordl1v wiM} bel flientl , MltltI Ma be l Ch i:es. . TrulUbo Wllnllow . ot' Hlokoryville Mi!:ls Nellio tUHI H.I1Jl6r Baroess vIs , Itoll t. he Liberty Hull ocbool Frid!~y Ilfternoou. Pres ley Vt1ughn returned to hiM home at South Uharle!!toD l::Iaturday ~ft-er n, we eks visit with his onole. John Edwards Ilnd family, Bomer Dea therage entertained the Urej{onlo Literary ijooiety FrtqllY evening, MrR, FletH. Huffman, nee BIBmB, _ of Leua.non. III vi8iting bel" parents Mr. und Mre . Woo. Blaine, of Sunuy. Ride .Form, !\:Jist! Myrtle Harn688 Ipent' t;;onda.t afternoon with the Misses Rutb, Carmine and GlIrnet Edward"!. That .'dr. C, V. Hllrness. of Catal. po. Lu.wn Farm, a well-kDown breeder of Daroo Jersey hogs, has met with great success with his fll. vorite bl,'eed i8 beyond qllestioD. His soc· oess is evlnoed by his having shipped tonnd given en\ire sll.tlsfaotion tn the following IndiaDlI., l\Iinois, Penusylvaola, Virginia, Mwsls8ippl, West Virg' nia, MB88BOhoseUs and N ebr!lska besides to several ooonties of the Buokeye state. Mrs. L, D. Chiles who reoeDtly suffered a palnfol fraotu.r e of her Ilnkle is oODvalesolDg 0.8 well as oaD be expected. All wish her a. sp~V reoovery. Oeorge Davi8led the Y. S, C, E, l::Iunday evening at the ai'. W. Baptilt Cburoh. -. "

Socl'ety Column

"'he nieetin-g- h-e-Itl-al Ferry last '1'1111 lIIo u '()f V Il ,VII B!oI\, ill e ! MI'!oI , ,I, E , .Junno.v OPl;lllOU 11 Itoy Ir"n~ , Ilf lIl1 .vl,,)u, WII" hou le WI' 11 orgll nl ze 11 M Dt nil ] J;) r ol,ell tl•\' pllil I , II I IIHIl O for I,he N ow l: IItliry week IlOS been th e mean!'! 0 f ·ent IlO S' inlC the men in this !loci ely , and t h~'l'e \''' l1r !::lonlin)' , A s!ln(~in 11' )1l to b e conun ·tell j II ('Ull. 'I flU '1I 1 /i' ridll til :!lit,I.i uf ll'l UrllILl'\', ~ • 'M' will beanothel' meet ing at theschool A. 8 , l'lidetol Wtl' very !liok lu!>t jno Lill ll WILlI t he Inte rtoltnle 1 r ,! 'I'l1o ll1<1 i R nUtl'~'ereu r oll ' 1111 with house in l"erry on Wednesday even- week w\l,1I gl'ip, cunt-il l-l Agency . ' qn ulnti ulI!cI from !::leot t . Mrs. "Ld. .Mrs , L:VUi l1 ::iuttf'rthwuite euter. ing, ~arch Srd, at 7 o'dock, when I Mrtl. H~rri e t E Furnai is vieillng The r:PIH'eseotatives of th o IntI'I' wlIllllder, who I11waY8 oonduct!! t,h e tulU . d Eu~ard F~rnas Hnd family good speakers will be In attendance. , bel' !lister In ijprlngboro. ..tlltl' Mereu ntilB Agenoy ure o l'ga - Clll liS I SHO ll in u very able Ulanner, flt dlone r l'unu:ty , On Friday evening, March 5th, " nizing II Bu in 8S Men's Assoeillt.i on hlld chllr ge of the hi tory l or the there will be a meeting at Lytle Hall. W W. Urllne, ef Pekin, w LM In in WIlYlIl'twilJe this week. 'rhi R tin y, ILUll bronght out many excellent Dr, nnd Mr!i . E, ' bllrles White en· The speakers on these occasions ! town MODUfI,Y on t'lHine88 IIge no., ' hll~ org!!lli;l,ed ILR800\"Li on !! Jld ll tR in ' tho course of tlle two terfalnQd JUt'lt week fi t f,heir !JOllie in will takt! as' their theme, "How to ' Dr, Alextln(ler, of ElIdtl, Ollie', WUH in LI-lhullon , Mol'fow, BI'tncllc!!tel' l II lHlI s devot el] to stlllly nnd review . I nllianllllol i!:'l, wi th II reception to oel· secure profitable priceg Cor all farm relatl vei! h era IMlt week . Ulltl Il IILO ,\ ' o riJ l' r.o wns In 0111 0 !llIll I Th e Hociulu ul1 r 'wfl s c heerily s pent ebrnte th eir t! r ystu J weddlDg .. Mrs. products," and they will diScuss it in lill J'U\JOI't fllv omhle I'es nltl:l. An.v oye,· til e llelicion ~ refresh ments White iEl L\ s iHter of Mr. B, H. Bowell Mls8 ADDie Brown WitH in Duyton all i1li detans. perslll'!\ ' baving ucconnt,tI wlJich whil 6 the Aoft notes of IL musio box who, with Mrs. Howell .. were in the , Friday. and came home from there. Mr. H. H. Wadsworth h'as been shoulel b Rattled will do well tn cull contributetl to the pleasure of the receiving lin e. They r ceived m8made qr~anizer for this district, and Mrs, Mlunda Crane, of Hyde Park upon the m e rcban.t s und seothut I,bey guests . A number of tbA member!:! ny handsom gifts of ory8tnl as he knows the details, he will make i8 visiting her sister, Mrs. Riohllrd are settled or properly udjusted, as werA alJl:lent, und ever:ll gueste at· an effort to· organize good societies Uro!!!s. 111\ mem bel'!! of thtl ussocia tlon will t oded , Seth Ii'urnA s bnd Ilootlillr chioken in every district. • Mr and Mrs. llif1', of ~pringfield, be furni sh ed with the Z Rating I,lst - -uncI lJotnt,o ronRt Snturday night, and Every tobacco district in'the United gne8ts of Rev and Mr'!l . W. T , of tlll l'l dlRtrict, which will , sh ow LITTLE MIAMI OVERFLOWED tho gue!:lts were tr eflted to the best States; exeept eillht or nine counties 011111111111. j,ust who hl1V6 fa,ileel to lilly tb ir on tllA fl.ltm. Those prBsent, were : in Southern Ohio. al' organized, and J Z II f Y II S . Itccuunt lind bow mneh they owe . Lll_t, wl,.'k th e n vllr ~ot out of he r C, E. Ridcn o nr and family, Knowles . I00ks now I'k ··u was . olli s cun obJect . . bnn k'8 lUlu ., sta y u. 1 overlllnd unt,il FriIt let h ese conntles WI th !lmei! e, f b '0 b e how Fpring!!! k Z 11 ' )nly l,blS to tlJlS Conn Itnd fnmUy, Ber\ Smith and e guest 0 IS rot er rtlD e . d come in I t k ' 8v ll tem, 1181 t proteots the hone t Ilnd ny, The l'!lim" bull been almost ftlmily of !::lpringfield; J , E ..lan~ey The plan is a union one: that is, a~ wee . prompt l1uying ollstomer , If ILny co ntinuot1s for four da,ys, and it wus and ~flmlly, EmDl ol' Baily and fami. upholds prices and still working for Albert McKay, of Dayton, attend· merohant it' i~ doubt'f! to the stRnd- more tll lln the Little Millmi coul d Iy and Will Hltrtsock's son and the othermliTI., This plan is human- ed the Milsonio 108peotlon und baD· Ing of tbls lL~enoy t,hey have ple n ty stund, so she overfl owed , ' daughter, of n eur Mt, 'Bolly. itarian-IIS is the plan of every union qUtlt;here lltst night, af time to lUvestigate from adj oi n. The Dl nil W r a not deJl1yed 111 in the ::ountry- and should appeal to J W. Hawke, of Lebtl non, Spellt ing towns where they ba ve or gIL tllongb tho carriers had Elome litt·le every farmer, as his neighbor will ~ondllY Ilnj M.ooday with his motb- nized ossocilltionlcl. trouble in comin g I.I.nd gOI ng, Web Mrll . Emmor BIlUy proved her!!elf help him 88 ~gardsSel1ing andilrices er lirl4. A.lice HaWke . •Meeks hltd hi!! tron\ole!'4, t,oo. a most charming bostallS at Iln eleinstead ot trying to down him on HORSE MEN MEET 'ril l;! Ohi o ~aR ragin g laBt w ek, gant dinner last 'fhnr!!day, given in . Benry ijaUertbwalte. of Bellbrook anu 1.L11 dl' wn the line the water over- honor of Miss Rowena Wright prIces. visited his motber. Mrs, Lydlll Sat. ' There should be a ~ood turnout at 'rhe Wayne 'rowntibip Prooootive fl o wed , In orne places rivers were of Lebanon .. Those iovited were i terthwalte, one day Illst week each of these meetings. AS800I'lIion met last Sllturd'a y Bod high l' th un Imown lu years, Mrs. Uoo. Hawke, Mrs. A. T. Wrigbt, ..,.-_ _... _ • Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ed Bergdall and eleoted nRW offioers for the ensuing • -.. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, Mrs . tsrael Sat. Green Briar. MOVINO DAYS daolrhter,of Dayton, weretbe guest!!! year, a follows: Frank Z II, prell i SIGNS CONTRACT tert.hwllite, Mrs .•J. H. Coleman, Mrs: of Philip Bopkinsaqd famIly; Suoday Oha8 Cornell, 1st vloe preA. i WllrJ . B. Cbapmlln, Mrs. Annie Thorpe Myrtle Kibler is oonvaleeoent . ~ 1teDry f!rew 'uud faU1ily, who Warren Eflwa.rds who bl1s been ren Keys, 2nd vloe pres : Fred B. , ,, I . I i 1 and Mrs, . D. L. Crane . after a severe siege of the snppe . . t , "se Je WI " la s s gnBt ~ threeMa. d S d f C aMn t boulCht 11 fllrm neKf New Burlington, workin~ in and aroond Cvnthtano, be~woodJ treaR. i·I. C. Hawke, ~llo 'Y ,yell r 0 ut rl1ct wi til the oit Lyoeum last :e:k a:r~:e h~me ~:B;T. moved oli ~he &lime this week. Ky., came home Suoday morning. R. Cross. W. p. ·tiIlY. O. J, Bur lett, Bureau. Ilnd start!! immedin.t,e y on Missef:l Alma Waterhoul!e, Laurll.\ Mrs. Charles MolleD i8 entertalnt:!am Meredltb moved to .hill farm Mr: and Mr8. Ja~es Stoops attend- trustees. __ _ his work. J sse bad only one hRn~- McKinsey. of Corwin, Golda Brown, ling ber ooosin, Jerry Coleman, of OD Middle Ron IBfltB'rtday. ed the foneral of Mrs. Stoops' aunt POWDER MILL LETS LOOSE i ng before tbe U,o it people, wben 0. Neva ~nook Ilod Minnie MoKiD8ey, Franklio. Mrs. Espy,. at ·Wbite'8 1.'orDer, Moncontraot was dmwn nlOd signed for of LebaDon. were goests at a boose Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Sberwood Abont 2 o'olook Monday afternoon a good salll.ry, party given at the home of M.issAda spent Wed~esday eveniDg at the .1. LlIod , family are moving day. . d h oiti!l8DS bere bel\.rd a noise tha.t has ' It is gratifying to Mr. Lewis' '8nook in South Lebanon from 8at- home of Allen Ktbler • 00 '" farm Dear Morro". Ohio tbis . C' .i W·ll·..1 • '-'\. I Ilimson arrIve orne . . . urd t 'l M d 0 Mr. aDd Mrs. Jobu Septe have · u t d . d become a familiar oue A smo}:e. friends here to know of IllS good Y nn I on ay. tber guests returned to their home in Ne.tootweek. t r 0 m T exa8 DII ur ay evening, an . f . , .., d M C • t Cbi Ill'"ay on b 08 i . les8 powder explosion hl\d ooourred ortun , and they all predlot for hIm on dE .,un ay were, essrs. AnI B~own ville after a. pleasant vlalt with 14n. cago ... un .._ .1 f Le banon. Oharlee B '" ..d .. .. n_ M!I1• .• tl~ tJa w ke ~r)d fjlmUy ",en..." 0 . , 'at'Kmgs'l! :Mills "Bnd ooe wiln lu t pro par ous future in his line. an !lor.. 8wain. 0 gale 8e pareotlt, _1' ......,._.... _ D la&.Ye moyed iD~ the 8r9wo proper D8M. his life. ' The mill WIlS about two • I Cunday, .Riohard LODg, Willard Par. Kibler. ' , tT oD TIlird "t..~,. MI'. C~I\tI. Wbl8tler, of Brookville, mlJett off from th o main buildings , 80ns !lnd Bawley, Clark, of t;ontb H. M. Bornet aDd family attend· Ohio. hatl beeD the guest of bis sisLECTURE COURSE DRi\ WING Lebu.non . ed tbe I , O. O. F. banqoetin Spring· . . boro on Satarday eveDing aDd OD JOlt. fliriob woved ipto the Joe. ~~r. Mrs. J. S. fieoatborD for ft few W. C. T._ U. ~OTl~ :;.:; E ,,--_ -'l%Erlllst-dra-wing of-~ectore MI M J E . Sonday were gooeu at the home of BalD.,. Property 00 _i'onrt,b street ....yll. out> .... ss er e 1U8, of Harveysburg, F. E. ROlnagle. ' t ~e8k•., The W. C. 'L'. U. meting fl)r Maroh Course will occur on ~llturdllY afterentertained at Sunday dinner in II. The moving 8ea80n is here ...... in. , Mr. and Mrs. William White were L909 will be held Ilt tbe home bf Mrs. nooo, Moro h 6t h ~t 2 0 'olock Ilt the very oharming mfLnner fl. nomber of 'l'here wm be many ~a.gee iD --chis BeD~ &aHertliwatte. .reoently of in Day too lll!!t y,eek lit tbe Y . M. C, ' T h ' U i I it P .. 1 " u n J. T. Ellis Fr1dllY the 5th, 2 P m. ownR Ip uOUSO. her 80hool girl friends , Tbose pres. v 0 D y. eroy _0 '1' anu. u, '.I.. ' ' · 8prlDI Valley, ba.reDted,a '300 aore A. oonveD~ion. Tiley had a very f Tl 1 t b Vice and Charlae MulleD have al'· lere Ilre an y wo more num erB ent were: The Kisses Edna JllnoeYf ready moved. A full lit ttlndllnoe is desired liS l.rm· Diar '8ellbrO'oir, tlnd moved enj~.ble time. bllslDess of specilll importance will in the cOOrse, Dr.•}f\mes H edley, Marguerite Thompson, MArie Miller, This week Leater Adams' will Ulere laat w·eelr. ,. ,. Naomi and Orplia Hockett enter- oome before the meeting. Leudbr wbo comes .MI11'Oh 12th tlUU the last Winplfred Mlloy, Eva .Morford, move to Centervllle and J. L, Sams tained o~ t:onday their gretlt-nelce, for the day Mrs MaUle Stoops one on Apr1l19th. Kathryn Gibbons, Elizabeth MArt. will locate in Morrow. To \he Dew M. E~ }SABBATH SCHOOL MIsS Lola· Baines, of Morrow. !lnd " •._ • . 'rhe conrse this .veal' has bee n very Ninll 8mith, Alma. and ADna Clenl- oomers we 9&y "welcome" and to , I U b 7 1non D. B. BQ9kett, ' BETTER WATCH OUT good, so far, Bnd no doubt the res t ents. The girls say tbat Merle and thios e ,!~o lea'Ye DS we Bay "beet P rogram or. !Qar!) •. II II. of th~ oour@e will be as goud, her ptlrents su'rely , knoUT how to w s b es. .-. SubJect :..... !·Pblllp 40" the Ethiop'i O. J. Edwu:ds WILS bome over ., . 'u.I .....Act.. 8 :'6~40 Sonday from OinciDnati. Oscar is The pltrr.y who. on las t Bilturnay make you bo:ve B gOQd time, . New Burllnltton. Singiog .............: ........ ,........ .. No. 1 on tbepem jnry, aDd ,expecttl to be night, entered t,be groul' ds ota fam . FELL AND BROKE HIS HIP , Be.pODs.lve Re.diDg ........... ,N~. '309 tbere for 80me d~ya yet. i,1i In Oorwin and removed the doc r Today being Israel SatterthWllite's Or. J. G. Fbodge has vbongwht '"hie property of t e Jate Dr. aD iD e · i I I b onse an d t 00 k coo, Prayer.ol~illlf ~ltll Lon,l'1t Prayer Mrs: J,}hnHllrtsook,who 'wllsher"'. 0 f tb erooll Mrs. A~and!l.Sutton,ofnearHor- birtbday.hilwifeconoeivedtbeldea V 1 d 1 · N 125" ,. ., had better pot repeat the Bot, us they b . d d '1 k In Spring al ey an wi 1 move 8i ngIDg ... :,............ : ............. 0 , last week vi'siting relatives 'a nd veys urg, reoelve wor Il'!lt wee of baving II. birthday dinner in his there 800n. RMpol},ivlt'Readioll of LoSBon , f I d ' are known a.nd will meet with serio tbat h~r brother, Mr. Ben Roberts, honor , . In order that a,11 those invit... J. B. Reeves entertained the band .. d r ~ ' S ' r en 8 rotnrnel\ to her home in ous f'rbnbh~. ' . f 0 D&n y . of ~1I0Q ............ 0 mlDoles SprlliKfield ~atorJay eve~iDi'. !l_ swego, Ran.! hod fa.llen dllting ad could bu present, the dinner was Ilt bis 80gltr oamp on Monday night. -t:HD~DR·;h".".;;-> .,.;.: ........... No. 70 M d M B D K iii d -.. the ioy 'w eather and lIroKen bip. given on SundllY. To a table loaded J, C. Crites, ,of Marlon, Ind •• i. . ~' . . CollectlOb r .• ~ , r8 . • • e SOD Iln I MASONIC INSPECTION Mr. Roberts was bere.on Il VISI' t lAst d . visiting in this nelghborbood, , . alr. Rnd ,Mrs J. C. Hawke atten e14 , d h' .. 0 ND wlth good things the foJlovr.. . " ..~. '.. u• E ' Bro,t TheW.F,M.S.metatthehome Re vi e", 0'rr~S80n en t'" t ' f h" Sib ummer, an e onJoye d it very ing gue~ts seuted tbemselvel: C. E. e IlnDlversttry 0 , e pr ng oro Mr . ISllao Kinsey, uf Dayton , \VIIS h rl U . ' , of Mrs. Catharine Uompton 00 Sat· 1 '., por,t of ~ol'e~ry I O. O. F. Sllt~udayev"Ding:' Tbey hf're hun: night Ilnd io!!p ected t'lle l ~l~O!. . 11°1 utzoktte hbo.p es tbat his Ridenour and family. Knowles Conn urday p.m. S\D,King,., .... .: .......... ~ ........... Nh. 112 bad a 'go' od t Ime. . . rt I:intitlI and family, Jesse H"wkins b"a Mfldonic IOllge 'Be was well plel1sed IIDJur as w no eep. 1m h oused , in Ilnt! fnmily, Be .. ...., returned "'ome AI , Jf youlan not:li member '01 some . oug , of ~pringfleld i Emmor Baily and after holding a 8uoo88stol revival at l:IabL.-'t·h ,'L-bool. W · e uu ":"r.llllly invite Mr. - D . d .lbs.lsrael Sattertbwalte with conditiun's bere, and thlll1lastel . -. . . . Uta DU fnwlly, S eth Furnus and famlJy Bod G rusy R UD. ' ._ ' ..... f bad 88 tbelr goests Sonday Mr 'O E mllson del(ree was conferred on one HIT WITH STICK OF WOO Mi8s Leliu HartSOCk. Mr. and Mrs . Elbert M!irtiD of, , J~1l..... ".bellOm", a . ~e~~ro Qors. 'Ridenour and family, Ko'o~les:C~nn ' candidate, A s well lunch WIiS 8erved ' D D~ y(~or h.elp. yoo will . after the work. I -- -.. Xenia are guests of .RaymoDd Reevee oome., Ina , we oanbelp "Olll , .an.1i rRD:l. Uy. and Be~'8mithan<1 fam 1 ' I. h E Flat Fork. and, wife. J n II f '3 I field I unl 'l~lgut w en <l Emley WflS Sarah Bradford , b08 gone for & : " '8. D. K&LI..lIiON; Sopt, ' if. a ~' . pr .b, t ' ORIENTAL DEGREE !I !tsket1 by Murshq) Zellers to "0 B ngk . " ho»\e 'luit~ a Jlumber of our V18itiD" ·oir. visit to her hom& in S. Charleston, b W ,. - • l aJ D . ~ aw e w 0 8 englneer I"S h '3 wn In UII illtox;c!lted OO'~dit.ioo ole gathered at the bome of Ed;ard Revival servioes at the Friends' :IN' LOVE WITH TeXAS at th~ ...Lebanon Light and. 'Water 'Chere was, a oillstl of obont thirty- ' Ed !ltruqk tit him with 8 etlck of Brown lust Friday eveDing to enjoy ohorob olosed 00 SandllY nigbt. ' ., ' I . , . '" . lpla~t:. was last .w eek suooessfnl in five took" tbe Oriental degree at tile wood wbioh tl'uck the morl!hal on IL 800ial ohat witb him aod his tami. At a missionary service in the , J. !Q,.,~a~ney j wbo arrl~~d ' "tOrne Ipa.Bi~,g t~e state examl~atl.oD Of ,R~8. l' O. U. b'. bn,1I Munda,y , ThiEl de- ' the no,.,e. Ed 8turted 10 run to Cor ly before tbey moved to tbelr new M. E. t;unday Sohooll:iuodtt.y mornlrum Tex ... last ~eelr, itl dt!Hg~'ed 'iOb~ry .engineers and 8E1oorlDg ~ gree is on6 it, whicb tbe oandida.te win, but Z HllrR loctlted him fioltlly ~~~nee ':~~i~~::y:~:~~iefG:!.p!~~ ~~~i~i~~:::D~:drj~~~e~~:~~::~ with t,h~ land, tb~ ~.l)ple't~e·c1trn .. ~ I~~t 011&8S c'ert.lflo8te. · , hlullots offuo (1') and t,he ,""ork was al'd arrested him. At the lookup ment. Tbose present were: MIsE!es ... _ • · ~a e'~eq'hIDR. &d purohatlt'd a ' Miss Hardin aDd Mrs. Spenoer are doue by n good t om Ed became unruly and Zellers hll.d ,Mabel Chiles. Mabel Thompson. Corwin. qurter [lJ8Ctlon, an'd ,Ib plell'tled .with atteDdlo~ tbe' opeoing~ in Clnrlnnati ' to quiet bim \vith hi s mace, .Jeanette, Mary and Helen Brown, . '- b 'r ' ", _____ • Me8dames Adah Talmage, Patience h AD a~~aD , ' , .' thi8 week , Mrs l:ipen~r bas 4180\ BIBLE CLASS STUDX Thompson, Margaret Brown Ilnd J. N. LemmoD mond ,hi8 bOIl86, , \ ' ~ - - '. . • been a~te:n4i'ng the ,o penings in Chi. ' ' SPRING ANNOUNCEA1ENT Mes8rs, Lee'£almage. Charles Brown bold ,g oods to Dayton Modday wbere ST~ Mt\RY'S CHURC~ . qi~o ., lInd ,~r'IDgS ,to'. Q,S the lates The. Bible (jlas8 met In rf'gnlar ClarenCe Allen, Frank Brown, Ken- hewI!J make bi. fotore home, We " " styles from that olty .i mid' ' i ht , Aft th tOD ThompsoD, Pre8ley: Vaogbn. of Ilre sorry (:0 p~rt with Mr. Lemmon , SeoQad Sunday :io " , ~nt, ~I\l ~h. " ., • ,_ eess on ~r 8y 0 g " er .e OrQ&8 Bros have a,n Ild ou tQe last So~th Cba.rleston, aud , Strawder an~ family. : 7tb: Morol.~tc 'PrilYAr aDd' ~e~~on a.t, TEM - PERA·N·C~E~M ·' EETINO I ' . le8~0~ ,was over we b~ q01.te an In plIge this week"ollilla. uttentiQn '0' Ringer. All expressed &hemselves ' W. J. KUbon was in Dayton la8t .' - "'( , ter-tl ... g· ruvlew mhe lesson for 'U ' :wit'" '.'" gn..A time." ' t.Jnto·r:day. ', . '. . :or 1.(r:8~ , .~ i,. eV8Dlog, wor~hip, a~d . .,.,". " : . " ' ':'', u ,.': ,',' ,.~ .. "9 ' t~ell' ~ustne8a for the o~mhi~ y:ear, '.... VV\& <>ea (' termOD at '7 p, m '" SQnd~y Sc:ihool Re i C WEld ida A ti sal , t~\/j weeK Is ,Lei!son ~l ..nd _2. It w,Ul be well lOf yori to call on MI~s M,yrtie Hllrqess, o~ the BlLr. Mrs. 1. N, ·Ba.rris. ot p~yton. was , • l " , . . . ., ,,,.. V", t: "e, D , 000 . ~~. , , themun~litwi'ils ' f ' f yeyaburg: Hlgh tioh901 Vlslted with agoestofherbom&. ~ol!te , Jast SUD• . \ ' . I ' J ". .....' • '. ure'Y pay, Y.9u or, bell par,a nts hete Satarda.y'and Son- day. ' ;:. ~'.' .. ,Lea.K~e/ S~~r:IRteJid,!.li~ f9f 'Jie Cin' , . \," " PeDiten::' ~n,~ati Pf8ttiot'w~ns'peak"h U~iOD', • ,~T, ~A~,Y!S ,OUJb~ " fhey, can s II A ch~p ~s any ,dfl.:Y, " , . ': , ' A:ttse~. An~a and }i,lanDali Kelly, ,. , u~V,P.#.lce,\r ,! nd .•~d.reR8!.a~ 7 .P.~: lemper~qoe:, m~~~DIt " held~ at t:~e . \ '.' t.' . , ~ , • • ' ' , ' , ',,' t ,?ne., '., ~beh)g~d!t,a~e oUhe bes~:too, ,A, .J;J ,' Taltnllge ,And ' wife, A.moS. apent last FridlLY with Mrs. A:lioe ' '-. Tbe;l.'ll~y ,eye~in~· add~88B8 ~do,r.~ ~t '~~ o,borch, 8~odllY ,ev~nlofl; , ~be Lti~U~8 . ' ~!lllo . of ~t., ~/Ir,~' '~II~t1J ~i8S 0,,10 AJlen andCLuenoe: MoKinsey. ", , J"8·~Ot ~iII"~ b~ ,'~e,":l1te Obt~~b Marob ' ':'tb. _t' "7 :$0.¥bOdy, ~b~~c.h,;~tp, rp¥t ~Lth .M,r~, '!V, ~. " SIDes' Bl0 SALE ,A~len w.~re b~8iness vi8i~or.8 at Har: 11l88e8 'LaDra MoKiolay and AJma · .~~. 1~e C~~I'~ :~)ite.l" A:n,d ,"l iot' ,alioul(1 be' pteseat to bear )lim :·,.D4· 'AileD ~li,Q.rsdIlY ,8(ferno~0~ , . '.' . ,... " vey~bti.rg Saturcmy. :' Wa~rboose . w,ere ~aets of Milts ' -: o~ly o,~jo,:OW.D, 901D.mllpjcao~1t' ~Q-t' all &0 8,UppOI',t ,lie ,C,)ag'se; , .. , ' . . !JlheJ~di,88 d'n,r1~11 ~D~' ar,~ 8ew- .' .A; B. ,Sides ' big sale is gr,o wipg (~ ,':l'lte ~tbe~ty Ball Literary Soot"ty' ~~t:Dt:~,:day, ~~_hef' home hi '. olh~n '~Ilc;t ~r:e :~Df&mJ~~~~ .whb'.tll'·: ~\ ~ t., -:~ " . flDII_ f01" t~e Cbllcl~e~ .•• BOSPltlll Itt favol' e,:.~ry ' ~ay,' a,nd is tbe ta~. ~,; :ft!:n~:~~~te:::tiU:o~:'~':,Fr~,~- ,.~, Alnn:eft~. -tvlfe '~ ' t" ; QIi~rota.Dd ,taer ~.,I'&!8'~v"~ ..nd S.' OF MEE'tINQ Qlt~OiDnati , aJ1d Mr',. Ca~wanader. t~e. sQrroundlDg c~untl'Y C6~1aajSOlved-Tbat the aUy il a ,bet,er .'urday ~d '~1iDday ' with , 111'184.t.q, .'lend." ' . the ClOlleoto~ ,f or ~b~ PI'.risb wtllwb~D ·it doel!y it gl,ves ranDer. a place t~an . tb~, 0000t1'1, for y01;1O", daQ8ht4t.1;· lira. .. Qbl'rlea Kepo1d •• • "DI ,,.,er ~tQtday dter; ., The SoDI qf, ,ye_aol will mee~ ,~toll).aooePL any contribntion oliaDoe to "et 'implemeDts · kJ oo~ people to live" The , Jaorel8 were. , Mr. l1aD Surface ' qd nODllAt ' p. ir. JC,:ir~,bucl)' l~v'ted "Ubelr ban l'rIday ,~h& a:Hbe ..... yon m.~, ctetire ~ m,ke to tJlil moat .me.aoe *beir 'spring .MIl. DoD't:: ~y ,the nega"ve., by, "~lon mQV!Mllh~ the ~m~ . ~&y' ..,U t ...... l bOlP'. JI.&'ft Com. "!'UI8.. date, 10, p ....ldent he ... ,












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,~Ol'l8t t~h8





r;e:oe~tb' .Parc~





IlIt'(' boby l roth r's ch ok!! 1I1u; go l fh, 11 0 "ubll,'11 t h r u u &1l

~t ·

Exceptional Equipment

. nnd the " ntifio attainruent.s of ita chemists have mndc\'(!d po ible tce prod uc tion of yrup (If Figs and El i ~ir of Senna, in nll of ita ooll ~n cc . by obtnin ing th pure llIe(qo. mal princi plos of plan kn own to act most bcCll'fioilll1y Ilnd combining th m most skillfully, in t he right proportions, wi tb it.. wholl'1! me and refreshing yrup 01 lifornill Figs. A8 theN is only one genuine ~YTllP 01 Figs II.nd Elixir of 8l'nna and aa tho genIdne ie man ufactured by an origi nal method known to the California Fig , yrup 00. only, it is always nocc8snry to buy the genuin 'to get its lIenl"ficial elTcc t ~ . A knowledge of the above fn cta enable. 0 110 to dec! ine imi tations or t o return thoo if. upon \;ewing tho p:lclmge, the full lllllm ollbaCnlifornia Fig, ynlpCo. is not l,,~ printed on the front thereof.

n""IIU I'~ Ill' .t\ 11(1 hr,'ll

Fpl ll ,,1 t hll Inl( all out I hl' bOlll " 100:

.\Otl n l'lI l1JII1 ,\ OIl Ril l It "11(1 t 1I"n


of tbll \)Ujfom ia Fig Syrup

(' I!' noeet lu i, a ll \'" ('( t h II " r, Ii ou r cd ba by's foce

'1'111 IL WI18 II \\,(u I 801" '. JIll I



Can Have Lots of Sport w ith Them Th is W inter,

11 1 1'1.' an' lUoro wa~' s t hnn on of enjoy In • nu iry hilI. 'I'll accompany· In g I11 mHI'llt Ion;:; sllow n Imir or com,l· ing Skill ,;:;. T hl's' Rka t cs r ail b ' wo ll ma!! ' h" all \' 1lll1111'lI r nL Ii tt lo o r 110 ' xIII' n ;:; : 6ay~ th c Sci 'u U flc A m rl ean. T ht' ua s' l Is or bare! wooll nnd Is ZO illclH's lOll ". It Is :I inl:hl'S w id ' aL fh e ml ll!Ht'. nnLI tnp rs to 1 Jnc h a t C'iILH'r (" nll . It Is 1 4 in ch thl k nnd drt'i'sed orr on Ih o UlII I I' slue , ns c1eor· I~' show n at ~n, Icavlng a IIht 1\ eLion r~ Inch lI' irln alo ng the e II t'l' lin e . T ho rro nt 'nil 15 c lI l' ved Ull " a nI. an d n st rap oC Iron or thin s t 'ul 2 Is fi ll tI to t h flat sec tlun a nd "I'rvl'S as a

wh)' "h

k f' pl

r uh"ln '


h ('11 \1 IhaL ( p it 1I11l' sand WIlt'n h e \\ liS e lt'n u li lt ho cou l(\ be I (,II ul l1 u ' t ull ,I'. " ' lllnd . A,"1 \\'IwII h ~ ("' h'd sn IInr,1 1 8a l d : " "' hnL 111ul, ~ Y'JU r llb him RO? T h.· hll', d I ~ a hn uH l " 111 111' LhrIJlIl: h I L 1.1I,·ls hill!, d Ull ' l YOU luwll' ?"

.irnn.1rn a o nl y alet : "T u t , T utl " nd. 1I 1' \' P.1" hlOlh,' d 1\1 I1H\ " " ' (1 u n' ! ha\' (' /,\1 1:"" 1' bllbl~N ro u nd " 'h e ll Hun p Ilnd W a l f' r ' ~ fl'f'O.',

IIUl ~\

Hu t hl1h >' )" ,11. ·,1 S., aw ( u l hu nt A nd w,'lI hlu ' \ Ht , l' Cl l n il Thill mll ' " Ol Il ('tim " n I'U 11IIIn' In TO se, what ' "Il!'le him liquall, And w hl'1l Nh e l.. ol(~,l lit Gra nd mn'S (ace 11(1 IIIlI I' I1 <'11 IInll l ti l'" (" I'j e d: nUL w h n t [ he f ill wns a lt n UOllt J ('ol1lt1n'l <lllite d '1(' lu(': Dll t \\ h I" li I (,",n,1 fl ilt (If( (' rw n l·d . t l nll~h,-· d wlrh InlUlllna l OO; Ft)r in)\: was nu rny n l'and nllt ' s s p ct: Sho 10 li e d III ba"y I hr II S h. - " Itill V. Young.






It 15 Made Out of a n Apple a nd a Skewer.

.J oh n ('am In to th room whoro I s win g [; lId sa t down on the ('011 h with a ))out. " A f 1I0w can't hu\'o an y fun on a rainy day, All th e boys lu thi s pokey ,.town are arra!d a lill Ie rain wl1l m It them. As if th ey W re mnd or sugar! Sturr and nonsense!" "Stuff a nd llou sens , Indeed!" I ex· claimed. "Can't you content yourself at home for a whil e ?" "What's a fe llow ' to do? I say, ma, can 1 som-a apples and nuts 1 I saw some on t he sideboard." "Yes, and after you have eaten your fill I'll show you bow to make a new kind ot top. One that you can epln on a rain y day." John shouted "Hurrah!" and ran to the dinin g room for the goodies, When he was ready ror the top, I said : "Bore a hole In a nut, just large enough to pass a thin Dkewer throu gh ; W riS

. 00terpl1l~Bow much a Ibavo. barber! Barber--.-Ten cente. but It will coet Coastl n9 Skates. YOU a d611ar; the price ot ten shave., It you want to be shaved allover. runner. Th ends or the rWllIer are turned over upon the top or tile base IN AGONY WITH .E CZEMA. and held by screws, No screws are necessary In the boltom. Iu use the Whole Body a Ma •• of Raw, Bleeding. ball of the toot rests at a pOint ap· Tortur!ng Humor - Hoped DBatll proximately midway In the length ot Would End Fearful Suffering. the Bkate. A surr strap, 3. preferably ot metal and desi gned to fit over the In Despair; Cured by Cutlcura. toe ot lhe shoe Is screwed or other; wlee secured to the base at this point. "Worda eannot deacr11)e tbe terrible This strap may be wrapped with pad· ecaema I sdered with. It broke out ding· It desire d. but If prop.e rly ,Bhaped QIl IIl7 head aad kept spreadlng uutlJ .the padding Is not necessary. A U· U covered my wbole J>ody. I shaped Iron as 4 ia fix ed to the base as ..... almost a solid mails ot sore a from shown, so as to prevent sidewise head to foot. I looked more like a of the beel. jlece of raw be'et than a human b&- movement It wll) be appreCiated that these lui. The pain and agony endured skates may be r adl1y removed 'f rom eeelQed more Ulan 1 could bear. Blood the f et after a coast down hill, and as _d pua ooze~ froin the ,great aore on readily readjusted al the top ot the IIl7 ICalp. from nnder my anger na.l1.. h111. To facllltate the use ot the and Dearly all over my body. My skates, ' a guide rop'e 5 Is used. The ~ ~'" eo eruated and swoUen I opposite ends ot this rope are seoured wu afraid they 1'ould ~k . off. to eyes, one In each ot the skates al EYe.-, bialr In my ~e,ad' f~lt' out: I the torward end. When coasting, tbe could not .U down; for my c10thee rope Is grasped In one or both hands, .woUld sUck to 'the 'raw and .b1eed1n1 and held taut (rom the eyes. ae',h. makbig me "cry out from the pain. My ,tamUy doctor did all he A QUEER SPIDER. could. but 1 got worae. and worae. My ooadlUoD was awful. I did not think Found In Florida, and I. Called a 1-- - . -- I coulci Uve. and wAnted death to "Vanllher.". eeme and end· my t~bUul sufferings. A Florida paper describes a strange "Ja thIs condition my ·mother·ln·law -'"'benecl me . to try the Cutlcura Rem· creat ure known as the "vanishing edles. I ~d J would. but had no hope spider: .. 01 reoovery. But oh. what blessed reOn the borders at the Everglades Ker 1 experienced alter applying CuU· you otten see a large yellow spider. 0Uf'& OlntlJlent. , It cooled the bleedJll8 He swings a strong web tram two and itching aesh and brought me the pliant twigs on each side of a path or aret real sleep [ bad bad In weeks. It clear space of ground. nnd walts tor was as grateful as ice to a burnIng his prey. The web Is In the ahape ~sue. ' I would batbe with warm at a hammock and tapers a t each water and CUUeura, Soap. then apply end to a tine pOint. though quite broad tb.e Ointment treely. I also took Cutt· In the mlddie. cara Resolvent tor the blOOd. In a The 1 rlght color of the owner seems Ifbort time the sores stopped r,unnlng. to mark blm out. fo r destruction- he is the aeeb began to heal. and I knew I clearly defined agai nst the white sand was to get 'well again. Theu the halr 01' dead leaves. and you wonder ' what on my bead began to grow, and fn a he would do for defense In case of at· ahort Ome I was completely cured. tack. Approach quleLly and, be watcl;les I wlsb I' conld tell everybody who haf you Inten tly. Now raise your hand - - -fCEema to use ,Cutlcura. Mra. Wm. s uddenl y, and he will di sappear! . , Hunt, 135 Thomas St. Newark, ~. J .. WbUe you are wonderin g what be. Sept. 28, 1908." . came of him, you see first a bluibeen. then several ~ Drq '" Obem. Corp .• Bois Prop .., BoatoD. where he bas s piders . then yoU catch sight a gru n of OverdoIng It. the yellow ball that you nol ice d at 1 . young Englishman, after be had !!rsl R epeat the p.erformance, nnd been In Devll's valley for 11 couple of tbo stage . ffect Is rene wed. Tho dis· montbs, beg!lD to grow thIn. Wyoming appearance Is absolute-tbere can be cooking did not appeal to blm. Be- no doubt a bout It. and tbe li llIe ma gi· aides his squeamish appetite there cinn trus ts to it eULll'e ly fo r his pro· was another thing thllt tbe natl,·"s tection. beld agaInst hlm--hls outlandlsb cusHow Is It done? As 800n as he Is tom ot taking a bath eve ry morning. threat.ened h e starts t he vl urallons of Ofte day his lanClladr waa dlscusslna hi s airy hammock. These become too hhn wlth ·a friend. rapid for tbe eye to follow, and he ., tell ye what, Sal." sa.ld the vlsl· vanishes. As these become s lowe r yo U tor. "he's jest a-wastln' a:ivay a·grlev. see a blur, and then several spiders as Ill' fur some gal back east tbar." the eye catches blm at dilTerent pOints "Nothlu' 0' the kind." said the land· as he s \\'ln 1;13, until finally he l'esLs be· lady. conte~PtUousIY . "You mark my (ore you. won II. now-tbat young feller he', ,est a washln" hlsseU away,"-EveJ")" The White Fawn, body's M~azlne. One dav r. a farm e r In Shlrkshlre district. or Conway, MUSS,. was work· Tb~e are tour advantages lD tak. Lng on my meadow and Raw a doe lng Munyon's Homeopatbfc Remedles and a fawn not more than two or First. they are positively harmless tbree days old not tar away, I went Second. they are pleasant to take. up to them, when the doe became Third. they relieve quickly. Fou·rtb. frighten ed and fled to the WOods, leav· tbey cost nothing unlels they give sat. ing the fawn In t.he sort mUd, , It did isfaotlon. not seem fri ghtened. so I picked It up Prof. 'Munyon has just Issued a Mac and took It to . my home and atter· U1ne·Al~anae. which will be sent t~ ward to SIlcluurne ,Falls, where 1 had to any person who addresses It . photographed with my little daugh· The MUllyon Company. Philadelphia ters. On returning home. I told. the children that the fawn must return to Got- up Speed. Its home, also. So I took It back to --what 10rt or record did Lem BI. the meadow. where It was soon joined IIlls make out west 1'; by the doe . It was a beautiful little • He : broke the Marathon record." anlmai. about' tbe slzO' of ,S. lllUe lamb, "I dldn't know he was eu!:h • and its back was covered with' rows ot 'prlnter." . .' , "Lem 'dldn't know It. e.ither. till the' white ~P(}ts.-St. Nicholas. .-


too!£ 'after

him." .What, She Said: ' LuclUe, a carefplly brought up , little Great Mome Eye Remedy, ' lor .11 .d isea~ of th" eye, quick rellef ~rl of fiv.e years, returned trom . her Irotn IIInnlt Pc/I'TIT'S E1."E SALVE. AU arst partr In grea . glee. · . ~.. or Boward Bro~., Buffalo, N. Y. .11 was a 'good gi1'I, mamma," sbe an· nounced, "and talkeil nice all the Rlclae. without charity are aOUll·q :-1 tlme." They are ' a bleulng 0111,. to "OIl! you remember to say ~l'Ie1dln&. t hing pleaSant to Mrs. ' TOWDsend just o~r ;;;"MBII.OIIO JI~J!'UI1I" . before l~av1Ii g ?" her ' molher IUIked. !W!&':7~~Y~""..f~.:a ~b, )'08. I did." was tbe entbualuQ1111a,.. 5. ... tie '1 smlled and sud; 'J Mrs. TO'WUlelJd; 1 had



cllDuer than J thoagbt , ...~"....- J)e~De&tc!!.




Explain. Other View po int to F~ther.

H o was ad . r tor. and not' such n YOllng do 'tor d tll!:'r. That: Is to say. be hnd Il t'l' n fH·1l. tI<'In ~ for n 'arl . t en Y UI'S, An IntOles Lln g vent hnllpell 11 In hi s fa mil y anl l h foun el hlmselr tb o fa l her of n \' e J' )' fin ' gi rl. his fir sL born. A p a t1 ~ nt wb llntl Poneti In about lhr tl a )'S ar te r Ih vent dilln't b uve Il !;rellt den.1 of cha ne to tulle about hi ;:; parltCllla r a lllll l' nt s b cuus t he [at he r WI\S \' ry " ug c r to toll nil abo ut tli o Child. ''!'v h Iped to bl'lng a lot ot chll· dren Int o the wo Id," said the doctor. "alill I kn ow a lot about the m. But 1 wa nt to te ll YOIl lh a t th is Is a bouL Lhe Ilnos t I' vc ev r see n. Now tbat may seeLO to you mCI't2 ly to btl th IIlbllSI· ru. 1ll of a futh el', but really 1 know It's s o." A'OcI ho wellt on (01' SOLOe time I e111u g 'Quout lbe mCl'lts or hi s olr· sprln g'~ 'how she wa s a Iln ely form ed hllcl nnd e mbraced a ll th 11 1' ( ctlons. H e bad tlll'lI od ove r the dullcs oC ut· t n!l ln g to bls Wi fe and child tan· oth l' r doctor, as tho Clistom Is more or IC'8s a mong phys lclau s. Thi s W UR the reasoll for on e thin g th e do lor said. " 011 afte rnoon wben tb e bnby was on ly ~hl' e d ll YS old ~h o sneezed. Some way 01' anot her lhnt mnde me nervous nllcl so I d cllled to call up til e ':octor, "It hap pe ned he wa sn't at home' and nothing would do but I must tell his wHe all about It ov 'r the t I phone. Sho jus t lau J;hed a t me and that sobered my xc.llemont. "Afte rward 1 thou gh t how angry 1 might have be-en bad some one or my pull nta called me up on a fOOlish matte l' li ke thal It just gocs to s how that this sort of thing fs done ri ght nlong by folks who ought to lmow bet· t r."

Prankll of Polltlcl"n •• Albany Is Infested with practical jokers who make the t ele phone the chlet Instrument ot torture. At four o'clock one morning Assemblyman Colne. chairman of the assembly com· mlttee on canals. was caJled out of bed. The conversaUon ~s in this or· der: "This you. Colne? Were you asleep?" "No. no; I was playing bridge whist out on the lawn t e nuls . court." \ "Well, we dislike to disturb you. but we have an argument down town, One man .says you are the best authority In these pr.rts on canals. Is that right?" "Well, 1 oonslder myself pretty good In the daytime. but I don't care to be pulled out of bed and asked to dlscliss canals at tour o'olock In the morn· lng," "You're a attIe senslUve. Is tbat It? .. "Sensitive notblug; don't you think a man has a right to be a little sensl. Uve ove r such a trick as this?" not

MANUAI_ TRAINII'IlG. l'U:oIG S ,lon' L AI'cm r loh t !l Lou l t h ..., hfl \l~I ' . I JII >l l eun' L hdp ' 0 01pl n l n l l1l\', Slnr(! 161~ r w ll n t Lo cook1111; ' /1, '110(1 1 A lltl T om t no lt t rain i ng,

In!1nuu l

'1' h " meRle a rc n il ("

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U1I'nlS ,

It I'<'II II Y R ~ I " n u' 'LII:,k· I n ~. . la ~ ' o t h (' Qut1r r. out· lnn .llj;h til l II:'" '1' 11111 BI~t \l I" !I II l wuy ~ nn· I InJ;.


hnll ~p ho .. t



S l hal

T Olllt1lr Illltl\ er.

Art! wcn d('rf u l

u llol

trol·(1l 1.

~ pllnl r r s ':;1'1 In l" ·!' I' ,· llti ll ,.. Il l ess w O'r e v ,' r y curcCli l.

A nti

~' ,. hnvc 10 pmlse t hei r elTo rl s, too, 11111>:11 1 n r' 11 11 r III1'all1lnl'; . Sl n <: ,> !lISII'r W(" Il L 10 cl)ol(\ nl:·~" h l)o l, ;\ nd T om t ok m Ul1u n l 'I',,11t 111/:.

TrIvet or Cat? In all tb 0111 bool,s of ur ('o rl y cl ay.!' we read about tl'lv t e, ulll r I\' of ll ~ hllve n clear \(\('II of what Ih ey wcr,'. " :e 811Y "we re" ud"lsclll y, for t rlv ' IS have gone th e wa y of th holl. th e grate, the r nd or nnd 1111 th a!ljuuc ts (If the fire place. Webs ter deOnes tbe trivet 8S a 'Jtool or anythlnF: lJa"lng threo l('ga, fhl s seems a dublolls and dan ge rous d tlnltlon, But the truth Is that our grandmothers usually ca lled n stool a stool . and that n trivet usually moant lhe brass support for n pInto or dish, 1t was made of brass or copper. having three legs. and stood on the gl'ate ; one Inventor made a variet y which could hang on the fender wb on not In use. Ano ther style wall ot coppe r, with n wide front 111m a Ehovel and finished with a wooden handle. Many 01 the trIvets hlld also a hlgb iron stand so that they could stand on the hob or bang on the bars of the grate. Any tripod, havIng sl!t lege (which sounds runny. by the way). wns called a cat, nnd the trivet was sometimes so called. Indeed, It would seem that our grandmothers were possessed ot an uncommon Imagination to be able to recognize the ordinary housebold utensils by so many names. THE WHITE ELEPHANT. OU'VEl hoard of the !.fo· gu l ot Slam who hart

GRIP IS PREVA-: LENT AGAIN. A prompt remedy is what every one is looking for. The efficiency of Peruoa is so well known that its value as a grip remed y need not be que~~ tioned. lfhe gnp yields more quickly if taken in hand promptly. If you feel grippy get a bottle of Peruna at once . .Delay is almost certaln to aggravate yo ur case. Fur [\ freo iUu s t rnted boolcletcntlUe4 "The Truth A bnut Poruon..," oddr~1I8



I'm ' \ IJ][\

Collltn blla. Oluo-

Mai l t1 p st.J):Lid, A Da rky·. Letter. business man wu cleani ng out his desk the ot hor d&1 and tearin g u p ble old lettera whea lho colored porter. who wu In the omce. spoke up nnd sai d: "Bon. alD me on e ob d m letters?' "W1Jat do you want It tor!"' '1 uroml sed to write 11 letter to m), old In Norf Car·llna, bat, .. I hasn't lahned to write y1t, I can jeu send her one ob dem letters ",U hala" &ot no use for. Hit will make h. reel '-;0'><2. hit willI" The gentleman gave the dectloa· ate son a patent·medlclne aaU·fat cIJ-. cular. which was duly mailed and ... dressed. A New Yo rk

rn.ES (JURED Of., TO 1& DAYS.

PAZO OINTMI!lNT l~aru'-'I0"""L'


~r~\~b~!~.~~ ~.;f.I, ~cnJU'~~

The man wbo ruined the RomaD ~ pie wa. he who first &an tbem treaI8 &nd a:ratui.Uea.- Plutarcb. .

MN. Wln.low'. aoothln.-


~ ..

"or ~bndNln t coth!D\I, IOften. tho ""...•• ""~~ O"",ma.IIID,

paUl. CIiIV wtD4 QOIIg, . . . _

When a woman'e hueband I. ~ lubject or conversation. she Isn't In • position to say what Ihe reall, thlDk&. r .... t A <th _V,. AU.n', Foat.........

U'rer Nl,oogte. Umonlal •. Rqlueo ImltaUooL 8eDO,.. ~o • .I..B. Ou.led. lA 807. N. Y.

A whllo elpphnn t Bent .r.... trial b~

hili n e ighbor,

And how. to dispose or tho trou bl 80010 g ift , o t hl8 Mognlshlp .- mon ' y anll labor.

Crook. understand the art 01 . . . tlng out ot financial ~traU••


very houscIVlt& hUi surrer d th o snme. A challng dish Is her


d esire.

The Top Complete,

the kern el should tben be extrac.ted. and another hole bore d In lbe side 01 the nut, as A In the , picture. A s kew· er sbould next he cu t or thinned, lenv. Ing It large enough at tbe top to fo rm a bead. as shown In the cut. A piece of string Is then to be tied to the s kewer. and passed through tbe hole In the sldo of the nu t at A. and an apple stuck on the end of th o skewer. The top being now omplete In all Its works. It s hould be twirled round In the SRme manner a.s th e humming tO ll to wind up the 1I1l'ing. holding t he nut statlonllry be tween the rorefi ng rand thumb of tho lert hand; wben this Is don e. the stri ng must be pulled out quickly, and tbe top will Spill round:' Needed Restraint. My nelghbor's sma ll son, not yet four years old. a ppeared at my door one mornin g. and, after looking In a mome nt, announced: "Your screen's unlocked." 1 was' uuSy, so I said: "All ri ght." "Why don't you lock It.?" he said. "In a minute I will." I answered. and .he was silent a little whlle. Then: "1 wish you would come do It now," "But why, Lawrence?" I asked. "Well," he said. "1 might tum In, and my mamma saJd not to." Undoubtedly, "Money talks,'" said the man wllh the quotation habit. "Yes." rejoined the cynical person, "and wh en It does It talks cent ....Chicago Dally . News.

Yet somebody gives her "Well, what we wantod to know Is a cost- Iro n r nng e, ' this: Is there any statuto prohlbltllng With to r too c ons uma member ot the legislature trom tak. Ing 0. lire. Ing a bath In any portion ot the Erie Sbe nellds 0. new tablo. canal whlcb 10 not used tor drinking sho gels II. ftn ~ ~ I o~k: purposes?" , (Th ough IIh e hOB not a thIng that will What Mr, Colne said then will never mnlc h 'It). ' And t1 vase when sho n eeds II. now wns hbe prlnted.-New York Herald. I ng machine: Pnper -I;ntta-whon IIho . has not a halc het. The Spirit Moved film, An old negro preache r approached So. r ender, In giving, let common·sonse a southern physician and offered a g llicle. scrap of paper, . 'Tls Ii matter ot t oslo. not Cl(P l1srs. 1'ho s enslbl w omll n. of lUodorltlo m en ns , ,"Please. sah, read dat." he said. With "wblte 01 phnnts" gladly dtsThe physician found It to be an ad· pcnse8. vertlsement In which It was asaerted t hat whisky was the ·... nly genuine and From Cook to Pirate. reliable specific tor malarIa. It Is un Interesting fact that the "Bnt YOll hav~tl't any malarIa, "blood.and.thunder" title of , buccaneer. uncle," he aSllured~{he old man; none that word whloh brln'Il'S t.o our minds of It around here Ilt all." a vision ' ot pirates. "nu quarler" a nd IN o~ " Whar do dey hab It de wust, Mars' murder on the blgh seas . bad II. slm. Jeems ?" the old man asked. curiously. e domestic 01'1 In. " It's pretty bad down on the --.,...,.,,. .I- r· It li lgnlflec1. primarily, one who press rlvel·... the physiCian told him. dried aad smoked fl esh or fi sh. The &laming a loca lity some 20 mil es away. nam e was first given to the French A few days later the physician was settlers In HISlmTllola (Hayti), wbose passing t lao old feilow's cabin and ob· aole busines s It was to hunt cattle and served hltH Climbing opon a rlcktlty wild game , They cool,ed tbe flesh old wagon plied hiSh with household after the manner of lhe Indlans-cut the heef Info lon g strips, salted It, and goods. "Movln f!. Uncle Ned ?" he said. then cooked It ou a buccan. This lat. "Where lu e you .golng?" ter waR a hurdle or gratin g, made 01 "Mars' J eem s." the old said. long sticks and placed over an open Munyon'. Oold Remet!y R~Jjen• • solem~ly. "Ab done had a call; de fire. head, throat aDd :001111 almost tmmedl • • 11, CheCk, Fevers, atopa Dllchar... · of Later. theBe peaoeable cool(s who the nOlO spel'it done mo'Ve m& to go wuck In , takes awny all Dehel! aM pal_ de Lord's vineyard on de hanks ob got the name of buccaneer from their Coused \)1' colds. It cures GrIp and ' e... atlooto Cou,ba ODd provent. Pneumo. Cytll'ess ribber! "-Harper's Weekly. tavorite ute nsil, the buccan, or bou.. Prle, 25c. • can, became the terJ;or and scourge 01 . Hove 100 .tllr or IIwollen JolDt. Do m ... ~r how, chronic' Aa" .}'oor dro;,11t , . Trlbut. to French Wlva •. the Spanl!lh malp. Their development --UOYOD I Rheumatism Rem~T\ ~ ... French girls make good wives. TbA Is a puzzling problem. but a good elga how quickly )'OU will be CTIrlHi YOU bave any kldno; or bl8dl!er t .... French bride Is comp~ratlvely less ex· to those who see In quiet domestlc:ty b IeU get MUDyon'1I KldDcy Rcmedr travagant than her British en' Amerl· only the hopelessly conventional and MUOYOD', Vita liter mallei we&1It . . . Crool and restot'l!1I 10lt power-. can sister. Where the British wite re- commonplace, Prof, MUlIyan ball JUe\ I llI80ed a Mapll_ quires $4 a week. the American wire Almanao. wbloh wlllba MIll tree &II aD,J ~ "'u who 1l,ldrells<t. $18 or $20 a week for the housekeepTbe Wunyon OolllJ)all7.l'bt1a4elp1a1a\; Meat-ThIrd Term. Ing, the French ' wlte 'wlll manage ad· We 'wlJI lIay ,that the meat was ftrllt mirably 'on $1,90. The Frenchwpman a fine roast. An expansive out It'w!u!, does not regard her husbllnd as a and did noble service for 9 company mere money making ma.-:hioe and her house !:lImply as a place to sleep In, dinner, But there was enough 'left tor stew the next nlgbt- -augmented As soon · as she Is married she Is her witb stewed tomatoes, onions and a especl.Uy thete cold winter breeaea husband's partner In .'buslness as well slloed carrot. when )'oo're 10 .ubject to coialha as in private · life. Sbe ' oonslders It colde. A little cold Jieglec*ecl .11" And the stew wbIch was left over her duty to make h~rselt acquainted will caUle lerlool trouble . later. There'l bot one lafeillard- with every detail of ber husband's busl, did YOeman service for. a third term by suffe'r lug Itself to be made Into a 'Dess. No French builb~.ld wlU th~~k pudding. A baking dIsh was well but. or tl4king any Important Btep ,without teredo the stew was Pllt .in and covered first consulting his Wife, and ber ad· 'with a good -b atter. This was ' baked ' vloo fs often· ~tl.Zingly sbrewd. to a nlce' , brown-b~hold. a meat pie!






Death ~rks '11i Evel'1 Breeze




'. A ': ' . , ZQ9"tirt. . . Dave Gibson d.Uverll hlIilse.t. ot , Thia hi a preparation or goat·s or epigram, w,hlch ~~ ; ~rab ',~ff ~!ore 'cow's mtlk,' 'Ol""w~,~b' are clalmed ·.re,et' a ehnl)oe to print it: . ' . , mark able 'Jlropert~ea I~ ,the "Way til' prO: "1be' buliJnes8 or'a' ~us.lhes.s rimilD I.' lonlng Ufe. 'l1hll .11 thl" 13ulgal't'1Ul tp see tbat hl~ employes attend to it." no.\'1e gtyen ' to milk whlc!. . has bEi(!n -Clev~1and ~ader. I boned to balf Ita orl!1aal VOlume 'and thea lnrt to ferment. lao eaten In Creat 'luanUUea by the peasants of that ~unt'l7. wbo are s,ld to be tbe


lOnpat lived. of ~Jd.


dius III the

XHp'Jt la fOUr ho~· aluiie ~m~ ', ~e~ )'ou'll b«; r,tady forltbe,battle, .. Dr, D,JayDe IEzpeCtoraDtremM. the caue of ~olde, cough., bioDch~ uthma, .lnOamm.tIOD ,0£- lall. ',aal · cb~, that'l why It Ie ~ tqfW_ ~emecly ~" . \ /,', ielil"""",.,ri ,,.. .... laid. ~ 'SOc.

,',00. 3,. . '

..........;.....;;......_ ..._~...~ I

And then Instan tl y th ore was another an d botter I'eason tor staying. Sally bad sPoen h im . As he wnVAI' d- whlch sh s )oed to Iwow- sbts came hurryIng dowu upon him. It. ~ns too late th n, eVl!n 'It ho bad had tlre courage to r trent from s uch dear danger. Sh e put hel' arm within hi s, and, loaning . bewitchingly IIpon It, I · d hllil luto the house, chattering fervldly-t·he mo st wll11n g of onptLves to the most beg uilIng at captol's. For Sn11y had put on ' all ber wItch erIes for this nI ght ot i nights. Once wltbln sh o added tbe cbarm ot tho accompllshod nma:tour bostessdoing fascinating ' t hings which need ed A ROMANCE no dolug- bove rlng about Sell'y IIlee OF A the vel'Y sp irit of II. bome-so that he PENNSYLVANIA had the InloxlcaUng sonse of difficulty In lteep lng trom , being entangled In he r nutle rlng arms and garments. For his fuet, unused to Elysium. would catch themselves In her whIrling skirts-ali It tbey knew better tban JORN LUTHE'R LONG be th clr Ultim a te destiny. All thIs 11ha.1raU..... b~ DOD WIl.OD was a splendid revelation to Serry. He h ad ne ver, In all hI s dreams of her (and tb ey were l e~on!) fancied tb ls SYNOPSIS. soft and win ning domestlolty. It I w nt to bls h eoo lIIee alcobol-o pl umThe crownIng deBlre In the life of old IIllumlrnr tncr. a l' nn llylv unln Gel'man, III ether- making it 1;0 il ght and happy to ' oUlllln l'O/l1l"1I910n or the bOlluli Cu l as to be (Iulte IIsoleS8 to him. meadow wh eh Ilea just uelwern BaUmSo, whon Sally finally took t he tall gartner's prollC",y nnll tho ralll'onll s tnlion. 'l'he prop rty In QUl'!st\OI1 WLlS .\,,- ha t nnd went to deposit It In the dnrk herlted by Surull Pressel, very pretty and ath leti c young girl. anll h longed parlor, SetTy follow ed her, for no bet· lolely to her. But old Baumgartner hnd te r reason thnn the thin gs In th e basin longcd tor It 80 many y"a rB and enbave for fo llowing th e magnet. And. d e~\'o re<l to purchase tt (rom Sarah's fath el' so malty Urnes lhat tho propcrLY und erstanding this, Sally looked· over beclltltll known I\..!I "Onumgartner's yearn," At tho vI Ihago gall' 'rln gll on h er shoulder at him. , And then. snuttthe pnrch of t lt e IItoro old Baumgarlner lug her conquest at a distance, she al w8Y8 declar d th nt tho property Yo' uld lOme dllY uo his. At length Baumgartner laughed and merCifully stopped for came to roallze th at hla on ly hope or him to catcb up, thnt she might presentobtalolng the property would be through tho marrla" of hIli 80n Sephenlj l\h to ly surrende r. She got Ills hand-to Sarah, Prcssfl. In a mock au ction "SefTy," le:td him. Only that! lUI Seph nljah P . Uuumgllrl,ner, J r., 18 "You care Il. lot for-your h at, don·t popuhlrly Itllown, III rllfll ed oft by h is rather to Sarah tor $1. "Solty" Is a meell, you, S t-Self ~' ? And you want to-Lo slow-Koln' youth. who III never first In -see"- he couldn't seo a t blng-" that the rl1ce t or a nything. He Is fai r hulred, docile, a twaYII I d uy hla fath er. f a I-that I- p ut It at a safe-place?" rather Ilngellc dlsposlllon la he- a spntH, Sti li by U\O hand further Into the an d kind youth who soems not to under. mne! nnythlnj; abou t alrlfe and compo- darkness ! Utl OIl . Thus he appears Ult rty IncapaclAnd Setty honcstly t.rled to prevaritat d to wlo tn a ny contca t of love or Ute. Sarah Prc'SlIcl ta QuIto the op.poaltc cate for h e r a "Yes ." B ut he was n't ot Serry. Ho,' hulr 10 nen.rly r e d . Sh 18 thlnlt!ng of th e treasured bat at a ll , all llfe and animation and can jump tencea llke Il wild colt and 811e Is grace only the hand- that It was deliciously llocI color Itself. H ' r one tault Is a vory warm nnd soft and electrical. Sudhigh temper. Baumgnrln r glvea SelTy lome lesaons In courtship. d nly sho stoPlled very close to hIDI. Only he wa s so dull! H e did not CHAPTER ".-Contlnued. At Jost It was ev ident tbat Setty Imow! Heavens! when a g irl walts




ntl" rllisel! bet~etm them. I!etr} moved' nway. Maids should n ot . cllvl! YOII at L d haIr- so early In tbelr coul'tRlrlp I M are Cas luaUm, was DeAr! d-p rhulls Or).lv ~ oCt ooolnil word. "Yoll- Yo u woul<1n't Ilko thatwould YO\l ?"-slill ·me,' ldy. . " No!" Setty answer · d, puzzled. "My SU:ldny coat would gil g use d !" "My sleeve did!" She In spected a soiled sleeve-In the ray from the hall- which had no spot on It! " I don't care ror tbe Ileeve. It'll wash out. Bu t Sam-h e sees every- - " S he la us hed a nd wus about to plu'nge recl() essly back luto his arms. Bllt her bail' was beautiful! And she

DROP ALL ·THOUGHT BRA IN MUST BE INACT IV E TO SECURE SLE E P. Hab it of Ai'lowlng th e Mind to Dwell on Daily Tasks While SeekIng Slumbc:r Is Direct a i d for In som nia. V. ben we ' SCI!k OUI' cOLlch It Is tor the purpose of sleep, tbe STeat restor· e r. Tber l!ro re If w " ot Into th e uad .. habit of makint( bcd th c place to plil.n the nex t day's tas kS, sleep will rEr " en g he rself by remulnlng away. Who are tb e 1Y0rkers who s ta nd th e

~~dst ~:~~t!lt S~~r~IUB:gef~~u~t:'r I~~ ~~~!ew~\~~ 1~:~~Jre::I~~I~ntbt~~~ ~:;I~~~~

1111"'I ........... ,lIlunIllIIlUnlJlIll1l11II1IIIIt1III1UI •• ,IIII.'


, For Infants and ChildreD. '

:.~ ~. t.' ! i ~ J11!The

'= E

flj~ ~ lr~l .... ,u.U .... ,IUUWU .... " .... UI.uul.n'.ullu " " •••• 111 11



A\~etable Preparalion for As·

Kind You Have Always Bousht

Bears the


/he Food llndRe~uIa­ the Slomarns and Bo~'e15 of


Promotes Digestion.Cheerfulness and Rest .Contains neilhu Opium .Morphine nor Mineral

the ray from the hall lamp Instead and ti el! and th eir Illgbt c1uLl es to conflict. fiun g It forward abo ut ber tace. It Night, or pun ot It, Is given to UII clung and cl usterej there like an tor r building (0 111' xhull sted systems. uu reole. Sefty, In his brief life, he ... h NOT NAR C OTIC rl y then s holl\.t we exhalls t them tho th ollght , h a d seen no thing more dl. more by tr ' lu t k th I k /?,."" ~I'Olri DrSAfflI£llYn'lI01 ) g a wa r e c oc vln . She looked saucily up ut blm arollnd . Alftl'k.... S..,/out of tbe tOPIi of bel' eyes. His adorllIt Is nol as It our strength Would AU S,,,,,. - •. } NltA,lI, S.1lI j stand nlllrc t bala a <!e t I amou nt of tlon made her very happy, " ""'" J,.,I • "There ! alu't tbat nIcer thun , r a n ~i'" • d b er 11 ngen I n tbe prCtlS llr. If th e rO w I'e no cases of J!i(,,~aIlJ.tltt­ yourn . If Sh e )~r,e If;"'" StIli 't I t n I'VOUS JlJ'OstJ'D.tlon 11 lid brain fn g, ' ('(,,~,.J So, .. , sp Icn did ma~s, '\on d· pus b e d . , n a t t r t .f tb dl d til it In close- leart allur{J ond Insanity rom ry· mi.•",.,,, ... ,lnYDf'. Iblr ler bsort her I1ll _f Illg to b\lrn th, ) cand le at both cnds s ln ng a ou . el t ace. tI i b i d f 'I Aperfec l Remedy forConslipa. "Oh S 11" Id S ff roaching lere 01 g t )e lIlOl'e se nse In e ) ng lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrooro, e y, app nature's I'ul B. Tbe sli ght est knowl, a y , sa Worms ,Convulsions ,fever!shb er as If sbe were so~e goddoss, edge at people shows us thoso who "wenr It that way always . have gone to th e wall from lack at a ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Th e aUen thing wa,s gonl , They prop I' division of labo l'. were In rapport once more! FAC Simile signaturr aI' "The 'd have me 10 a n a s ll£m 10 T here Is not much danger tor the . I Y B l" 7 man 01' woman who cau work wltbln ~. .. nOst mel' u S If ' a ntO e" to well·defined IIUlHs; t b re Is dan gel', orne lOW , e y s rIDS o ... _n II k In vite her back and sh e came with a and n ear al hu[,d. tor those wbo rna e low reckless laugb. The wlld abeaf uf their sleepI ng lime a planning lime, ber hall' lodged a gain close under h Is w ho take th llU rdcns at life ns bed· fellow s chin . He recklessly thrust hla falo ' Into It. Its e rrume In his nostrilS I nsomni a Is not a );}l as aut COUlpan· and Its mov:ment against bJs sltln lon, bu t It Ie a cam llanlOll who H kl sed It A~aln will soon cli ng to you us a limpet I Il' bl were ne a e . e s · . It once YOll give It II. chan cO ......S,""va _ ......... _ . . . . . . . . . It was th e strange fashion of lha cavallel'-In those k isses ! Where d id on sleepi ng lWlIl'S . Each Ume YOII he learn it ? wOlld er : "Wh llt shall tell Mr. "Oh. ally, wear It always BO!" he Jones to·morrow ?" Inslead of woo ing begged a gain. And-good heavelll!l! - s leep you make a bid for In somnIa. he put b ls lips down upon It once You canno~conl rol ),ollr t hougbts ? That Is a too llsh notion . Thoughts mori! !'Just wben YOli come to BeG me." can be controlled as well as actlolls m urmured Sally to the lapel of hIs If the desire a nd will power be prescoat. ent. Every time th e thollght at bus Ifully understood, and hl8 falher b roke "Sally-Sally. you are an angel! '. ness pops Into your brain, nush It out said Selty. aga in. Do nol think at a ll , If posslInto that dIscordant whistle once more. And this one little word which came ble; think of an yt blng ol,8e save lhe n ext day's duties. . "A gal that k en jump a au-rail to dull Setty 80 happily out of fl·11 fa. fence-and wlssout no runnin g startvorite Bong made the coquette vel'7 Making the mind a blank Is a great serious. help In tb e fight a gainst planning don't let her glt apast you!" "Well, I'm goIng to set up with her "Not an angel, Se rry. Sef-Setty,- work Instead of sleeping. Tl'y all . tbe to-Dlght." said Selfy again. with a huge she said with her b ead a little down. insomnia cures, count sheep, hold tbe abem. And tbe tune his fa ther "I dQIl't think you would Ilke me to be eyes open wide until th ey tall of their .hatted as he opened the door for such. I'm not! Angels never laugh, own weight, pedal the foot, lie with you know- nor love. And I want to t.he eyes staring cellingward. sip a blm Bounded somethlng like "l want to be an angeL" do a lot of botb. But-but-Setty. I'd glalls of milk slowly-do everything Ilke to be l10methlng very nl.ce-tc you know to force sleep and drive out "But not to buy DO·lnnd!" A quick and powerful remedy 11 needed to break up an attack of a v . warned 8eft,.. . you. What 18 the nicelt tbJng a girl thought. Sloan's Liniment has cured many cases of croup. It acts instantly - WhCD. can be to you?" It possible. do not work before bed"Oach, no, ot cour"I' not1" agreed applied both inside and outside of the throat It breaks up the phlegm. ~. , "A sister!" ventured Sefty, who bad time. Take relaxation before reti ring; h.l s wily old fath el'. , "tttat·s chust one duces the in1lammatioDt aDd relieves the difficulty of btcathing. n ever bad OM, r ead a novel If only for 15 minu tes ; ~f my dum ,okes. But 1 expect I'll Sally 8bl~red. thea laughed. Bll1 take a brisk walk; chat with your take the fence down to·morrow ! Say. ahe took herself aWI\Y from Serry. tamlly or play a game of solitaire. Bet. you chust marry the'Slll. I'U take The Pressel temper lIamed a mo Thus your last conscious thought will lr.eer tho fence!" not be at to-marrow's task s, and your ment. and certaIn words b egan to at'f'eS ~uick relief In aD ~ of utbma, bronchitis, lOre thioat. CiOaaWdi. III. In her mind like will give ne strength for the ADd palOS in the chest. ............ 1IOe.. aD4 . ..00. . But 8ally Was the Angel. and "Damn'!" FeN'. I think I baven" tlme ahead. Earl S. Sloa... .Doeton. Ma~ ;' It toot Sefty a limg time to array told you tbat Sally 1lomettmes swore------himself all he bad threatened. And In extreme clrcllme.ta1lees. Her father Waye of Rallllng Money fOT Charity. wben it was all d0ne you WOUldn't had done so. The method of raising money for have known hlm-you WOUldn't have She spoke with that trifle ()f !hard charIties by such means as tbe ocntarcared to know blm. For hlB fioe ye). brutallty which came out now and ring ot decorative coat labels on "tag & Catarrhal 1'."... . low hall' was -chs.nged to an ugly l or a yo.uth to come dOH 'to 'her In the then. day," Is not altogether OTlgi nal. From brown ' bY the patent halr·nll with . ,dark-wliat, else can 1!he mean? But "Yeu know wbat tbey &aIY ,nt ths Urnes' Immemorial in China a do.nation \. wblcb be had dressed It-and you ~etty actually did not l.mow. store-tbat I Blrt and am not 'DIce In or 20,000 taels to charity has secured would · BOt bave 1l1ted Its fragrance. l ' "Sam's over lher~ l~-wlsh-he other W.Al.},I. alld Itbey're right. But 1 tor tbe donor the much· prlzed pea- • trust. Bergamot. I think it was. Hla l - wasn'U" do want to be nIce to you. though not cock's feather, ntle for bait that sum ftne young throat was garroted wlthill ' To wblsper It abe 'had to put one a siater--qulte. Ugh! A:nd, you a title of nobility is conferred on one's a star~be«1 standing collar, . his reet ' 'hand on hl8 shoU'Hle r. How else could klW'W. ene thing tlIey say Is t pue-my ancestors to the t bJrd generation. The o'~~:-t were plncbed 10 creaking "001.9. she whisper It? And she laughed a tempc.>r. Look out for that! ~ou must late emperor ot Bra~n fdllowed the haQds cloS&.g80UDtleted In. buckskhl. lo\v bubbling laugh-half-confesslon- alwaY'll take ,time ~ forgl~ .me, and let same method when erecting a hospi tal . ClOvel. aDd be' .altoget))er I~co~par- half-(\eflanc&-all ' Invitation! me askt() be forgiven." Rio de Janeiro. ¥ a'Vlng tound a able, uncdmfOTtnble. , and triumphant. Serry stooped eo'W-bkiper back to her. Now. ·1 beg to alk YO'1I whether an dlmculty in obtaining the neces!jary Down stairs bls father 'paced the Sally waited. . amende was ·ever more dellclous-con· fundi, be annoullced that tbe title at TIley allO I'elleYe Dt.. _from O,.pepe!a..... Goor. wa1>cb .to band. FrQm tlme to "I ' know!" sideling ,t hat much of 1fhat abe eatd "baron" was to be eon1erred on eve ry Fifty bUlbehi ," , dlgeeU_au.dToOB~'. UJDe be woUld 'c~1I out the hour. like ' Only tlIa,t!-$a1ly 'w as .dlsappolnt.e d. to a'Ild tor 89fty Willi meant to aDd tor subscriber of 10,000 mUrels, and that acre bave be~ EaUn~. A. pert~' I'ea-' watchmAn on a ;JDfunret. At last: !For It was the custom In that day and herself 81one? Indeed. 'betore sbe gOt ot "count" on subscribcrs ot 260,000 grown. Geller" edy lor Dluln-. Mall" ~ "-'Y6re. Setty, U'II about vlclnoge and In B~ch circumstances to ,thrOllgb w,ith ' tt, It bad al!'ecte~14rerT1m:l1rell. This announcement produced Ilea, Dro .... lnellll. ' Ba4 averagegreaterth_ ID the Kouth, Coa," In ony otber part f(I IlIChes apast. se(en-ilnd by the time 'kiss a gil'l without fall. And could a quUe . . .tf ,Setty bad ,pleaded It. and the desired ettect, and the hospital wali ed Tongue, Palo tD .the the continent. UocIew you &It tbere--s~. neter glt another girl do more tun 'this by way ot In· her voice :sank ~o Its IIlretty me~zo, soon oom pleted. The opening eel'&.-..-:--~814e, TORPJD LIVER. new reguhtioDlk III taDer a ebance :to glt tbe re afore yoa vltaUon? Yo" must have pl!rcelved then quivered a bIt. and she under mony was performed by fbe 'emperor, ('hey rqutat.e the Bowela. Pul'ely Vept.abl.. poasible·to seCUN a homestead of 160 ~ . or to leave Biter ,you! ~· that Sally WWl learned In these mat- stlGlod that was ans~el1lng herself: and. attended by a lru'ge number of the free. and additional 160 acres at $3 ~r Se1ry descended ot tbat J!lomeat ters. And YOll may 'be sure she did "Sefty, 1 -am awfully ,. or~!" ne wly ennobled, who did not alto- WALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. ''The development orthe COUllt..,. h•• rn.'" with hill hat IPo18ed ,In his lett ha.nd. not torget SerfF's Ibashfulness and his "F.or what. Sally?" aaked Setty. gether relisb the words Inecrlbed In Genuine Must Bear lII.rveloul stride.. It I, a .revelatlon, a r _ Hia Lather dro,pped his watch 1UId ' \Inexperience. But surely anyone Selty, Serry. reallw did not kno\'t lett e rs of gold on the gable of the new ord oC conqueat by tetttement that I, remu~ Fac·Simile SlgnatiiN able."-Erl'olcl from co~spon4<1I&C of A IiAIIoMiI picked It Alp. would understaDd othnt much-In the ror what. But there is something buJld.l ng: "Human Van1ty tD Human EdIfD', 'WI'D 'fJlslf.d CanAdA In AlIgust lui, I BoUl aUla/! at ;gaze ,for a monlent. ,dnrk! It arguel !heavily .for the depth which God gives the dttH, as well ns Misery." L? PILLS. /~~ The grain CTOP 0' 1908 will net ~ "Sunder, Sof l 1'ou as beautiful .. 'of Sally's attecftan \for .Bam,. tbat she . the I5prlgh1!-y Witted. dIRt outleap. fanners $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Or...... the .uo. EGlOn ,and stars-and as Ikept ber temper. itor 'the losing of woJ1d1 to oomfort 80rrft'. And thl, REFUSE SUISTITUTU. Her Fatal Error. ralsloll. mixed Canning and dalrylng ... Itl.Ak.Y all seCernl apothecnry shopL which she was . o s t 8S tanlous as SaltY had abu~antly . ilt first ex· He wa.s s upposed tQ. be a. poor. but the principal In<,Ju~ries, Climate. .. ez'ft~ Yere, take the watch and ' glt along- iller ra~er had been for ,losing his, and preuec1ltselt 'i n the 8troag young arm. ot.herwlse honest yOlmg man, whJle lent; 1I0ciai conditlonll the be1lt; railway .... 80'. YOll hat Bome tfme 'wlss you-now ' only sighed flesperately. Any other wblclJ again dosed III utter ·aUene, she wos admittedly 0. thing of bea uty. vantages unequalledischools, churcbes . . . &it along! You late a'ready. Goshenll! :g11:1 would have lett 'hope-and Setty upon the IGrrotwlng one. markets close at hand. Land mayaleo Ii. "WJIl you morry me'!" be !lsked. You was behind time when you was ---<behind. At thAt iIII~n:'ent • .bappnl~ , Preaently (perhaps YCMI bB've nol purch,aaed from rail way and land compaai!ca. "No," she answel'ed. born! . Yas, your mammy wass dls ap- Sam was heard to Dlfl)~. ,S he put hel' forgotten bow 'tt, Is?) In the aame J,{, "You are vel'Y short.," he mut· Por "Laat Beat Welt" pamphlet.. . maPa anA p'lntcclin JOu rlg'b.t at first. You wass hand on Setty's mout.1\ ,aJt tf some lence. Setty's Ups found Ile.rJl-'llOt a. Information lIS to how to ,ecure lowelt rfLII. 1el'ed. WilY rate., Ilpply to Superint.ndent of ........ I '16 hours Inte! But now you reformHd ·danger were there_ And Se!l\Y. by a the tctor pounces upon tbe apoll 01 "Dttto," sbe replied. "That's why ..ration, Ottawll, eannda. or the autho'-' ......sank GOO! I &lw,I\Ys Imowed It wass sort .of Instinct. It G'IoUMt Ul't8 been. his conq~est:-but slowly. uncertainly there Is nothing doIng In the malrl[IlC)o Calladlan Government Alent: , , a cure 'for It, but I .dIdn't know It wals 1d8eed It! unconftdently~ 11 the. lips weJle I nlal line." H. M. WILLIAMS. -"\ '" .Dyelng a.1 nICe as Sally." "'Clh !- - " saiJlt's relies: a!)d Sal1y waited. not Law BuJl4ln,. Toledo. ~ "Oh, I don't know," he sneered, ~ Setty IllueH CorOl to his first conEoth of Sally's handa went !Up il\ ~s she had waited before, but ia tbt he elttracted an obese bill book from quest-llght.ed all ,f ar as lhe tront gate real surprise-and Sel[y ~ 8.Jld ~nowledge tba~ her bonr lmd eom~ an Inside pocket and displayed anum· by the fat lamp he14 in his tather's IdsBed tltem both! and that this kiss-the first this .Y<ltltll ber or $1 ,000 bills. "I'm not so liand. . ' ~Oh1 -ohl-oh!" , had given to woman alnce his mother'« .hort." I "A-8ef-Sefty, sba1l 'I set. up fur She bad to st,uft hor gay Uttle l1alul · died In bls Infancy-.must not be ,re Whe reupon the unwary maid trle~ YOU tell YOIl &It homeT' 'he called lntu ke rchief , Into ber mouth to ~eep the celved ,as. others had been" ~ut aa S8 to tall upon his neck, but he grace ~ the dark. ' Joy within. After al), could thta Sefty credly a8 ,I t ~me; and when It finall, full;'l' sidestepped and slte fell to the "NoP' shouted Setty. ' be playUfg ~possum'! Was be deep! fell the Ups of the coquette gulverol allor In a falDt. "Aba _ aha.- aba! That s(lunds I ' don·t know. ani more than Sally. as they recelv~ It. and then suddenl, 'rI bt" Dou't YOIl forglt when you bose boW It all bappened~xce'pt that per- subbed. and did not know WhyNothIng Lacktng, g . . hal'S Seft,. dll;covered himself ludden· Do yon·? - weJl- ~omrortahle - aha - ba:t\a! .ly brav~ In the darkness, and Sany (TO BE CONTINUED.) A Highialld minister'. ,Who wns . Mebby on on cbeer aha-:-Jaa..ha. And rl.tber '1\ , pompous "g entleman, came to we'll ' bOle take t.\le tence down to- Quit(' d~feoBel(:ss... bi1t presently her Wild Boar .~ "'ard Fighter. a sHepherd's bouse to baptize a cblla. ~orro.w. McbbY ,all three!" ~end flas ou bl.s shoulder, a~d hI's arm For sheer !lev II try, and Insane feroo "Al'e 'you prepared?" he nsked t~e ___ Willi around ber, ~n quite tbe way ble. Ity the boar Itands pre-emlnent and , " IV. ... father had 8uggelt~d , and Sally. had ror courage he hllll no equal alnon~' fond phrent. . . "Ou ay, munnlster; I have got n ' 8 t 8h . H d Greued: Her Hair! . expected. And helther of ,t hem animals A wild boar chargl'o g : hilt bam (6r" tCll." , U:::; sau:ter:d conftden'tlr. up' The tbought of him or a word h,e had sal\f~ kn·~wn to brlng 'an ~e'phant do.., D' ,grand '. "I mean' spiritual!)' p ~pllr ed, " thut} Btu of uullght upon wiuc1l ' Sally's -concerning landa" ., t~~eme.nts. and 'on Ita ~nees, and one ·~.1I authe D dered the cle.rl~~ . ,. 'houa8 ato(J(1. When within Bight It heredltamentll. ~llYS ~d crept up tl~ted 1I8ht II recordea ooetween f r-Af coarse J am; on, yes. I 'got twa be pollsbed blS hat 011 hi., .sle'e ve, let Inlidloully abo~t Self), I neck. " But boar ~d a full gJ'on .tiger In whl I . the butterfty. &1ocMle Itralgbt, ,folt tHat th~n it wall fe~rrUnY Ylthdrawp. the boar: mo.., than " beld Its own bottles 0' ftrst-",-\ass whisky trom tbe lbe apochqphal diamond · safe, . PI:ase don t grease ),oW' hall' her. Tlge,.. lI.a ve the greatelt respect tOI Ino," replied the imperturbable' Celt.-::"' TIt,Bltl. . d hed to tho bouae-on.l)' to artet. sllld Sally. ~ut Ihe kll.ed ,ttl boars aQd tref.t them according =rl:'~lttle ~~ter than a buggy from {',Hereafter! Hereaftatl" . .Selfy!. • In D1Gttel' of l)1eed tbe bon~ b.'u 8t.llndlng, which BUll Prtts," he waa ~rtatil;-liad beart ~unded. .. , . Dot " ~ been toaled ,whlcb can catct ,'utraoted Salt" If It hael DO~ been Cor "Su~PO" I'd ;reaae my' hair! '18111 • boar In .It. buraL I ~aye seel • "bott; of tun' -. poked at tile cnnrcl . oQaolllllt 1Jf ' bLt .rather. wbtcJi . speplcusb:. I Arab .tr7 \I ClODl1lUoIl- ~ ItNet '0....... bNl,.,1IJIUf baOk b It'. a " . . . . Jok..".:.·X....




--_ _--

Usa For 'Over

Thirty lelrs

--_ -



Croup Tonsilitis and. .Asthma


Sloans Liniment

Dr. ~~~--~~~~~~~

-' E-MP'ER ·:~*:'~:./ee-ua: DIS-T




320 Acres















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r I'anllin

i\cw SlIit );.


tIt i01l1l1


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J." , .'t ulit(\l1blJl'IllI ~h '

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' .\1 111t'.\·; amounl clainled .:' ·1, '. •~. - Probate C-Qurl .

E. t.ate of Eli~abe th I'h , lllpsun, d~­ d , F'i}'l;1 and final a' 'olrnt tiled . ),:.;st.ate of Eli;;;abdh Dunham, d '.'as d . "'iflh I!CrO tlll t filed. E~ I \.lt~ uf .J J, ~ I ull. d l':t ~t.'( 1. Fift h at'Co lmt til ed. ~::'., tatt' tlf Frank l'lal'k, jmhe il . Final a COUl ll lilt: d . r-:Slate of l'a lh .... l·ine '0 1111'1.:1 11, c a:-;ecl . Filial alld rii:-;ll'iU uli\',' COli n L., Ii led , Est.ale of Eliza ,J. I'~ ol .\.SCII , ceased . Final accoll nt filed. EsUit of, arab l: . Tl'imblt>, tl'U~t ftate. Fourt h 'a ccoun t filed . Estate of J ohn W. Irwin. minur Sixth account tiled . E.'1 tate of Alina Hoyl ,', cJel't!Us d. filial accuu nt tiled. Bslate of I a vid E. Bennett, dcc aaed. Fin al a count til d . Estate f John he han , de as ed. Final account ti led . Estat of M. M. ul p, al ib'llor. Rf!port of dividends filed. Estate of Cleo Upt. n , minor. Inventory filed , Fred L. Pauly, executor vs Fred L. Pauly, t at. Order granted 1.0 se ll real estate. Estate of Zephaniah McCreary deceased. Inve ntory filed. Estate of John F . Fox, deceased. Inventory filed Harry M. Hatfield " administrator, vs Ed. C. Penee et al. Order grant· ed to sell real estate at private sale. tate appraised at $9,962. 50. Real Real Estate Transfers. Van Mounts and Bernice Mounts to Cora Mounts Cochran, 189,'l{ acre in Hamilton township $1 and other ~ood and valuable consideration!!. Lida S. Smith, widow, to Laura B. Gwinn, 10BX' acres in Tuttlecreek township, $1 and other valuable considerations. Sarah S. mith to Charles B. Smith, lot in Lebanon, $1 and other valuable considerations. Jacob Cornell to William R. Con_ over; 35U acres in Clearcreek township, $1,75'0, Wi1li~ Franz and wife to Joseph McFarland, small tract in Salem township, $96. Louella T~ Johnson and husband to the Farmers' Bank of Springboro, lot in Springboro, $2,000. Cla~ H. Rice and wife to Charles Eaton, lot in Franklin, $110. Commissioners' Proceedings. , 'Ruggles-Gale Co., merchandise for probate judge, reeorder, receipts and stub books for treasurer and blanks merchandise for sh eriff, $80.95; A. B. Sides, cement, $22,74; J. B. Smith, lumber, $34.45; W. H. Andet'son & Co .. Ohio " Di~est, vol. 6, $6; W. H. Antram, stamps, $10; James FoIlen, sr.:salary'for February $50; R. Harshbarger; salary fOr February, $.0. l .'( '(I:;



_ .r p Ou (eoi ng to hav yOUl' n:1111 in th~ ar 'hiv ~ f thi!'l A. so iati n'! t f , 011 I\I'~, ~I II han bett I' hUt'I'. ; f IJ' tlw tilll will II It b long. Thi. i. a laull ih l bj ct, und "w 1.'\'(>)" I y'al Aill e rican in \~ho' hart is HI' lo' ' (If 'ounll'j! , an ideal of good ,:jtiztln, hip, atllI a I' \' ' ren 'e for the memo ry of a great inan" sh uld ry ' ant! ha e a plate on the tablets !If thi monum nl. Th i ' movement is endo rseo I,y th III and ' of great '11 n. and any :o;mall amou nts wi ll b e receiv d I,y the 10 'al cf)mm ittee, and r co rd U. TIll' cunlmi l .. e as al1Poin t pd by 'apt. C. 11 , Smith, i~ a: follow~: . E, Hralten, chair. ; F. ll. FaiT, vil:e pr .; Warren Keys , sec. ; Fr~d H, Sherwood, t.rea;;.; C. H, 'Iement.s, Rev. J, F, 'adwallad er, J. A. F'unk ey, J. C. Hawke, VV O. Rap'er, P rof. ' . H, Cal' y, PI'U f. H. D. Kellison , D. L. rane, Walter Ki lbon, e rwin ; WaIt I' K nri 'k, Lytle. n)' amount front twen ty-five cents up will e nroll your name in the e xhibi t in th e M mOI'ial Hall. You can hand your name or money in at th e Gazelle ofii cp, or to any on of t he committee , Don't d lay, as th e ti m e tor nrolhnent will not be long. .-~-

. _... -


Port William folk. hav a cause to b p uffed up, for th yare anxi usly awaiting to hear if-a traction line will go t hrough t hei r city 01' not. Besides pole; have arrived in the village and work will commence soon on a telephone lin e at Port William. A company has b n organiz 'd there to build a plant, and th e foll owing officers hav e b n el ct d : Pres iden t, J . D. Vand rvoort; vice-president, J . R. Brown; secretary, Albert EIIi ' ; assis tant . cretary , Albert Chari s onklin. , BUCKEYE PRESS


The Buckeye Press had a great t ime at Springfield laSt week, and the old town was alive with newspaper m en. On Friday moming John Marshall Mulford spoke on "The Coun t ry Weekly ; CI'edit or 'ash in Advance," and made a gr at hit . The 'mayor, W. R, Burnett, in speaking of the editors assembled, says: "If you had tl; d to entertain the kind of men who u ed t o come here year ago , it would have cost lots of money, for ther were a great many of t hem who were drinkers. The new set of editor seem to be a fine lot of men, clean and s traightforward: They all impress me as being smart business men."

- - -...

The s tat~hlJlId bill , wId h would ud111 i ( A l'iZllna and w M P. it'll in to th union ~ ~(t\.lal·atl' :;talt'K, has b l'n fa rably n t d upon uy th hous c mm ittee un tel'l'i t ri co n g r es~ . Tn ol'o et· to insure it early consid e ra t ion on t h fl oor of lire' house, a SI> cial I'ul will pl·oba: bly be ask d, '

- It---._----Savell His Leg:

" All t.b ou g ht, ] '0 111!!e Ill y leg," writ ~ .I A. w e n ~ Ill. W ,nttll'towll, W l."1, "'P 0 yellr" of , (':I. ma , t.b tlt. I i) ,111 ' turll ("JI110 li n t 111', 11't.l u,t, lu st laid III up, 'Ph il O' Hurll \1m ',; Al'Illt '( L ~lIlvtl lIrtll it so und lI uci w t' ll. ,. Infnt libla fO I' ~ki n JI';ruJlt,io nl-l E C1.U JllII, t::lllt liht111UI, Buil l:!, 11'(l \, fl r 'or II. Burne, ~ ulds " :lIt s !I ud Pil l'I. 2r)o (ll ~ ' nl d C .'ohwRrt'l. ·Ii, ~--


CRUISE OF SEVEN SEAS The followinC i. the story of the American fleet in her cruise around . the world. Number of battleships in fleet that made the trip, 16. Number of men on board 15000. .' . 418 days. Time consumed by trIp,

.. - ..

- -


DOG POISONERS In OI'W od la:;t we('k I I dogs were poison d by some vandal who:;e heart , if he has one. is far from being in the right place, siz ' or matel'iat. Among the number of vict im ~ wa: a beautifu l St. Be rnard, acolli fl ane! a N e wfoundland. ure th ere is r oom in th world for the dogs , and it is far mor e honorabl y fi ll d than it i: by those wh o po is n the m.




A fullin" tIDY n e rve-ll o l'l rg r than t he tine. t si lk( n tlu6llo-takes fr om the Hea rt i t~ im)Juls 'Its pow, or,it r eg uillrity , The'tomll ohnlso hilS itll hidd en, or insid n rye, It Wll8 Dr. ' b oop who Cil'tlt t')ld lU! it Will:! wrong to dru g I. wellk o r fltiling f.:;tollluoh, Beurt I) r Kil1u 6.vs, HiI' precription-Dr . 'b Op'N Rf's t or!l_ ti ve-i daetl1d trllh; h t for tb (\ cuose of t,hese uilmentll-tb e e w6uk a nn futtering In. ide n rv ' Thi8, no do ubt, clourly ex plainl:! why th e R es t,orutive has ur lI.te grown l<0 rnpldly in popolarit,y. Drugglt<ts oy t.1Ult those wh o t,est the R eHtul ~u tive veo for It few d11Y81! 00 ~ beoome fully oonvinoed of its wonderful merit . AnywRY, doo 't drug the organ. T ,r euting the 01:1.0 e c f 8ioknel:! IS the only sen ible !lnd sllocessttul WItY. Sold by ull dealers ,


CAN 'T MIX ICE AND OYSTERS Orders have bee n received from the state board of health to the effect that ice must be kept separate from oysters in the futut'e, and that the s)Jcculent bivalves must be kept cool by placing the ice in an utside reeptacle, the same a ice cream. Any failure to do so will be considered a violation of the pure ' food law' and prosecutions will follow . It is claimed that the pre 'ence of melting ice with the oysters has a bad ffect. - - - . -.. The Lurid Glow of Doom. \V8S seen in the red fa e, hands lind body of the little BOO of H. M Ad am!', of Henriettl1, PI1. His I1wtul plight from eozema bud, for five years, defied all remedies n.od bn med the beRt dootors, who 8u,id the poi s.piled blood bad IilIecte(l bis lun~!' lind n>lthiog could 8U ve him. "But," writes bis mother, '(lIeven bottl es of EJeotric Bitters oompletely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema, oalt Rheum, S"ros Ilnd all Blood· Disor ders and H.beumatiAID Eleotrio Bit.. tel's is supreme {)Oc. GUllr, !Lowed by J!'red C.Only &lhwnrtz.


PQsitively stopped ' iu 20 miD utes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Remedy. Une test'alone wi1lsurely prov:e this truth, No vomiting, no distres8, A safe 8nd vltl8sing syrup -I5Qo. Idold by 811 dealers .


WHERE POWER IS USED So far, more than 75 per cent of al\ the electrical power produced at Niagara is used on theAmerican side. While the larger hydraulic works are on the Canadian side, they 'have been erected pUl'ely to sell power to the United States , It has been admitted that Canada cannot in five years take over 50,000 horse-powel' for her own use, while the preparations are for developing- over 400,000 horse-power in Canada. Obviously, if importatIOn in to the United StateR is reMtricted, the diverl?ion of water on the 'Canadian side is reduced. That is the reason it is so important to have an enactment, even if a treaty with Cana~a is negotiated, limiting sharply the amol,lnt of power that may be thus partially protected. '

Cost of voyage to government (extl'a) $2,500,000. Number of men lost by death, 50. F lagship of the fleet; battleship Connecticut. uccessive admirals in command, Iwbley D. Evans, Charles M. Thomrul, Charl es S. Sperry. December 16, 1907 , fleet sail ed from Hampton Roads , Febl'uary 7, 1908 passed through Straits of Magellan. MaY ,6, 190 , arrived at San Francisco. May~, 1908, Admiral Evansl'etired and waH suceeeded in command by Rear Admit'al Charle'J M. Thomas for a period of six days when he also retired 'and died .July 2nd . May 15,

A BAKED BEAN LUNCHEON One of the most effective tables I ever laid for my little daughter's plea:>ure was for a luncheon planned just one hour before it happened. One of her chums going through my kitchen as I opened the oven door said, "011, I love baked beans, and I always order them whenever we g-o to Fields." So the "party" started . Some "left-over" crepe-paper napkins with wreaths 'of 'tiny yellow flowers were laid on the polished oak table for centerpiece and plate doilies, in the center stood a lo w glass bowl



ou r -



i::IlI,t\al1d :-; ;nd .. gl·,'a qlltlillil lf' '.( f Ill ':!, and Ilis!: ldl s to Chilla

l'U ll, lt-II: t'd

.. - .

impli .jty is u conspicuous fentur " Wal'nill)t has lil' 'n giv'>11 11_ til(' of the mull 1'1\ Jinn l"PaJ'ly; ven 1:111 lh I'iU s lu all (':lI'nIPI'S to ""'"a l',· HL ldll l ~i' 1(1' 1111 ' Ila 1:' \., "!'. P II .1 lal'g' :lnd i l1ljmrtaRl. e nt I'taim ent of rn.n !'t\IH'\'S 'lI till1{ lh cIIl SI'I, p ,' III 1'111' ('llIltl"'11 III t,'" p"ll hu !I"ll 1,\ 11\1" is no!. !'() ' Iauol'ate a.'3 it was in th li lie ag-ent>l ('If t h \ g'1iV ('!'Il11 Il'n t allo! \\"Hli!'II , day. of 0111' g ra ndpa!' n ts, wh liv d 'ha rgi ng for xaminalion 11.f 'aU11' _ _____________ _ .."'_ .. in a III re bo'u nliflll age. fe w unde r prt't 'liS ' of s arching- ('(I I' 'l'_ __Dil. . . ._Bl'3I'~_aa~ c UI'H '- eig ht or ten --i II w the hoof and m(\u th cU. fiSC, ' ! ~la nd nl'll. n exqu IsIte rvie i~ th e - -- - .. ideal, and the host, is allowed a A PEST You will find tht' g rea t lib rtvof chwi ce ill hel'm nu ~ ' g th e '] 0 rep·1 Ii, thr atclwol' 1I1\';lSIUllllf , I'IS1-1 ' t UMtum 0 f ervlll Th , I~g t t t" 't " t ' , the bl'ownlall ill uth. wlu\'h plavs !t ill' rl uS CSl' II ' t I,' UFl~ I IS WIS 0 1m 1" t h t' with lIlt-' fl' lI11 I n't'l' , LlH ' , tal. ' · , l l t a t!. I t enn LI es h er t 0 see t I' . ' . . f t be [ ore .It. IS . buard uf agl'll:lIlture will. ask c:ou rst' I..; 'at ls fie ory . ' the. Ie ,'l'e fol' an ap p,l·oJu·l·tllu!l lit St'V I , II t'a dtIUar!t'(;. [ :' 1' All K'In! I" I) f ' } Islatu Jl~ ' ec I t 0 h r g ues ts ,an d Wit' an un- I ,I t 'L' d fi 't le nd hundr d lhou: and d l) lI a r~ , all( . t r:Jl11eu 8 '!'van I g-IV . a e nl e , , . I I I . t h' h t b ' t ' \wlllllo ml o ut as a n awfu 'xamr pom upon \V IC 0 g m op ra IOns ' I I' t f f' I)f what mav happen If fund s l'nllUg' I I 1'1Ie CUSO Dl 0 reUlling a cou r 'e , f-I I ti h h' t l' 1I y which was at one tim e allow d , is now to s uccess .. . , g tt l.' pes a re . 11 0 ; I no!' can we be:J I pl aced at Its dl ~ J1u;;al, th, .> eX pL'l'len 'e j ' neve r pe rml' tt e<, of Ma ':at hu se t t~ , whIch [;111 >d lU i ,J . I IowelI t () t urn uOW Il ou r \\'me-g asses ' , . 1 - -- -' upprUPI'IUt.hlll fol' 111I~ , ' tt· mak· auuquatl'! IV Ilcn a W()(' d t u th e b u tl e l' IS su - 1• . ' ciellt tu ha\' e lhe glas.';es le ft unfill ed . ext I'llllflutl II IIr thl' Ill ul h II'h'~ 1I I I , b "an wurl" and uft('r wll !'d ~ was , - 1)he March Designe r . b ?bliged to spt'1H1 $ ' ~2,OlJlJ to VUIll! uish - --The F:\llllllI S J) Ii i ' rood. Nuthlll l! III t h ~ wily of 11 'o ug h I,. It. quIt s, IInn oying us 1\ tICkling tel1,1 The board ha:d iscove r d that th e I 1":,: , wll I'zillg, uroll hitd 'ollgll . moth is f ram ing t hing:, U)l to take I Th \! qu w ke t \' li e f OO lllei:l p Ul11,,\):; Corn, Seed Oat~. Coal f l' o lll II Vr i:loriptlon ItlloWIl to Drng'_ the Buc\<;eyt' :-;tllle by storlll and IIn~iNts ever.v wh ere II!! I r . Sh ,u')J's 1t':-lS som thing i's clone Lo h ad him and Cement. UUl1gh R III dy. Awl I S Ides, if. i" lIt> uff t h citizens wi ll be at t h Ille IT), th lJ l'oll~b l.v lin rUJ te!'" t,1l1l t, II l) t lI tl r~ of 'un a l'my uf s~verHI millions uf 1;1 va it wi th p rfC'u t rill f~ty VAil t.o the Y'longe!lt hub e~ The te u,1 r mot hs aL no far dis tant J ute. Th e I llV tlll uf n siol ple m o nn ta in Mhrub . legi ' Iatu I'e has allowed th e LI pill'l!,{ive to Dr. , 'b oop's ClI olo{h R emedy ment :bll ,OOO for ins pect iUlI uf 11' - , Itll raOlllrka bl uru(,i v efl'~ t: t , A chard!:! and wi t h which to tight the , few nay. ' test will tit. !:lold by 1111 various pests which attack the veg'd II le rs etable king d m in t his stat ' . CAN OWN A ' PINE FOREST Try 0111' Mill Rlln Fecd fflr HOJts Fortify u"w 1I ~lllD t tb e (~rip ­ All who have had t he pri vil eg' of for it OO Lll P.~ Vll rv I'ftll lHlII s un,! living among t he pin 01' in a place Prey lltk:-o- tll tl litt,le Clln tly I.:oltl easily aocessible to the fragrant fol'- Uure '!'IIIJlnt M- oll'er in thi s , e~ p t'll t We alsu have II lot hI' IDini..ll1 tl mORt CAI·tuin Ilod iltlpe nd 'LlJl e ,,"It'ests will treasure two thoughtR VI'e- gUllrd , PI' vtm t lc>I, tlt, t,b " ,mftt'z I. U lIH.: R I:heu!'. lil'! IIIII' . ented by George W. Wilde r in the "toga" will, uS well, ul s o s ure ly II ull I'ril' ' S hcforc buy ing Mar 'h Delineator, and th thought 1)11' nil co 111 mon C Id H. But prolllpt . elsewhere. Il JlrfW\1n- , doubtl ss will lead to action. The oeSRis 'III-imp rtllnt, R AA l lies in' ))"" kn l " " un ". 1'111' in two thoughts are: First: N o\-v iR "tn o t tl " illX f ·1 fllr :2:'0, !-i. ,hi the time to plant pine s eds. ec- by ,.~1J tJ tlfll I'~. ond: Now i the time to t ransplant - - - ---+ - - WOMEI'II A '~ I J J ·N.. MONEY pine t hat nature has planted fo r you. Th next month or six weeks is th Th Wom n ', I'," Ie tU1l 1'1l III 'il' t ime during which to plant pine s eds, Oregonia, Ohio. whether you pursue the " scientific" own pin -mon y til ' ~v withullt it are legiun, mo re's t h > pity . 'I'h e l' > it! nllt. method or the "easy way," say. MI'. Valk'Y Phune ~,17 ,~ r II~S Wilde r. 'fhe "scientific" method, a woman al ive t hat do :; not long, th'a t is, planting the seeds in a pre- down de p in he l' heart of IlOal'ts. [ r pared eed-bed and two years from a littl e rnQney f her OlVn to s p nil she wants to; I\nd w . meet , now transplanting- them, is , of course. just the better way, the only sure way wome n wOI'king in a llthe.c l·afL ~urn The " ea~y way, " planting the s~ d ' ing the pr cinus pin'-money as th >il' ju t where you hope ul t imately to talents ;md va.ri llS ro.'lt s pe r mit.. have your pin forest, i. better than orne ing in chureh, sorn e writ f o\' u~in e8i Sll me tJliint no way at all . N . ' . and others bake to contribute to tb plant, whatever way you elect. This Spring, next Spring a nd the '\lany " exchanges for wom n', work" hnvc the fOllrth c,lr following Spring will be occrulions on whil e st.ill th "s go into Ll,l sin e s. COIll; Il~ of ., III. an d (, in. which, with practically no work, the Thel'e ar a num!.)!!I· thut e xce l a.__ Hard Burnt Tile. An OIlC wise man whose farm nature has home millill e r's , lllld mak qui t~ a l dc siri/l~ TUc, hall hetlt'r conblessed with a planting of pine seeds handsom e t hing of trinllnillg hats f 1' 1 su lt with lIIe bcfMC /)" in~ can multiply what natUl~e hM done theil' fri enn !'l. Olle wl', wh o liVes l, elsewhere, a , Ill)' pricc!> will near a hu'ge Lach 101' ~1I)a I·tnl t' n t for bim. he all ri).:ht. house, does all the III nding f{JI' foul'In some sections in 1907, in other s ctions, in 1908, nature planted lav- teen unaltach d me ll, und make!; ishly of pines. They have sprung fine financial thin r ut o f it. , '(' II , or will spring up in spots, ten, twen- March D e ' ign~ . - ---...' - --W nynes ville, Ohio. ty , mayb~ even fifty pines to a ~ftare 'fhe linen indus tl'y o( II' lant! _ ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ foot~ and be scattered over ,8f1" acre ploys 70,00 . or two acres of land. The wise man ' w h 0 owns sueh a pIece 0 f Ian d h as ~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ :::- - - - --~,----~_ .. ~~ ,




- -- - -




OREGONIA ~ln,lS Lumber and

Mill Feed

.. - ..

Sucrene Feed


Acme Flo'Qr



p------.. ---Hard Burnt Tile


- ...





only to take up and transplant. If he has an acre covered with young pine anywhere from two inches to a 'foot tall, averaging, say, ten to afoot, he can make that good for twelve to fifteen acres of pine by resetting them during the wet Spring season some five feet apart. 'rhus it saves nature from her own , wastefulness. !lnd with a few days' ,work mak($ this acre of pine seed, which, through its own self-destruction, would some years from now be worth only two hundred and fifty dollars, show a prumise of ' threetto four thousand dollars. Thii-l really Heems worth while.


Chas. B. Lewis,

l'm. )



Masters Rapid Plat1t Setter

Is built 011 , cientifi c prilldple::l throug hout. Its conical jaws are mudt! of heavy . h et steel and the main hody 01' wat el' I·r~. !'voil' and plant t ub of heavy t inned plate. The water valve is of lll·a..o.;s with rubbe r pack ing. The va l v~ I'ld and trip spl'inl( are of steel wire ; thumb button and othet, titLjngs art! al so of brWlS, The maeh ine is well put tog thel' with ri vets and solder and should lasL for years; ,

No Sto()pin~ When USing, There' fore No Lame Backs~


All kinds of Plan t.'!, ueh as CabLJag- > Tobacco, Tomatoes, Cau liflower. ' 'trawb ;'ri s Swe ,t Potatoes , Sugar Be ts; te., al'l'! set il~ wattH' ann r.ov ' I'ed at one operation. The l11ant t'Oots are put down to the propel' de pth below I.h surface wI! ' I'e the g round is cool und damp, You nE:ve r have to wait for a ,howe I'; plaJl ts may Le saf ' Iy s t ou'!. wh e n large enongh. regllrd lells of theweaLher- no matler how d I'y alld d us ly the ground may be. should hav . rye. Any man, WIth " very little prac ticp t ~an eURily set out 7,000 to 10,{J00 plant s, each day . (Ill' plfllltel' maintain. a tecord uf ove r 99 plants to /!Crow fl'om ea h I,OUO set: MONEY REFUNDED IN CAS~ THIS PLANTER FAIL, TO 00 ALL WE' CLAIM FOR,lT! We ight, 4x;' lb.'. This plante r \vill HaVe ost a dozen' t im es over in a season fill' I:e plan t ing · an~ fIJI' use at th~ ellds Qflne row , whel'eyou can't USe thhors ,settt!I', ', . I I... A B S . :01' S!1 -, ~IY " des and ' , J",.. W .iW adsworth. " . . IF Tpese etters,can b~ ~el!11 at ~. ,6, Sides'i.s tore 8,t ,8.TIY time .. ~


1908, Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry fllled with small yellow sunflowers, took command of the fieet, which and each place favor was a larger position he retained for the remain- one. The quaint brown bean pot ol."r of .the cruise graced one corner, and diagonally Vinol Restored This lI/[an'. July 7,1908, fleet left Sail Francis- across from it was a plate of old-fashS tr,e ngth co AUl'ust 9, 1908, at Auckland, Ne\\ ioned gingerbread. On another CO I'Zealand. August 20,1908, at Syd- ner was placed the sandwiches of "Several years ago I WIlB attacked by ney, and August 29 Melbourne, Aus- tkin slices of Grahamand white bread ~ severe case of grippe, which lett me tralia. Octobe r 2, 1908, arrived a t laid together, while the fourth cor- with a hacking cough, soreness In my chost, and bronchitis, 1 took nearly Man' t'lIa, October '1 , 1908, at Yoko- ner held the hot Boston brown bread, every kind of cough syrup aold on the homa, Japan , returning later for a Salted peanuts and tiny cucumber market, hesides medicine given me b¥ s~cond visit to the Philippine' , pickle!! kept within the color scheme; physicians. December 17, 1908, fleet left Ma- while sliced 'banan'a.-.; with whi:pped i racetTed no permanent reliet until 'm y druggist asked me ,to · try Vlnol, S d nila, homeward bound via ingapore, cream for dessert made a g-oo end- a' nd after. takin';' three , b'ottl'es ,. w.. a AR60R DAY ' Colombo, the Suez canal, :vIediter- ing to the . 'Brown andlYellow Lunch- entirely cured. 0 ' 60vernor Harmon has designated ranean sea and acrQss , the Atlantic. eon." I believe Vlnol to be tbe greatest I!lIIIIIiI(. . ._~ , Friday, . Apr\l 16'th as Arbor Day I J~nuary 4, 1909' o fleet entered 'Suez· 'N'o t an extra tl1ing was needed, out~' blessing' ever"offerM to tbe pubilc, iu! . . . . . . . . .~• •~~IIIiIi!~ ' ' .side ,my ordinary 'supplies, and I may. It' does what fs' oll!4med,for it." R..Ii'. R. ; IlDd will issue Ms proo1amat~on to canal. Hicks, Mapleavllle; Ala. ,:' ',' tbis ' effect soon. , It iA to be hoped " February 9, 1909, as!3embled a~ Gr.. add I had '":0 maid .~t the time. The reason vhi'oi cures cbronlc 1"r_ _....~_~~~~....~--~--. .-~---..;.-_IIIIiIII Such a table w,ould' be very attract-, (lOug-hs, colds and pulo{ona17 .troUJ)Ij!8 II , - " ' that the 8<?hoo}8 all over the state braltar for last l~g of the long voywUl tak~"Jl aotive part in this day. age home, 'iye.,at a church fair,while ,for 'the .1s be~aU8e~ t~ ~rit,a~ns ,t,?nte"lron and t' ,', '," It would also be ,w ell for ' farmera '~o Welcomed' h~meat Hamp.ton womal) who desires to entelltain at a, ,all tbe ' beallng', an~ body buildIng .18,,' and a big &mall cost it would be II charming' ments o[ cod liver oIl but no oIL 8 aot, too ' and set out trees ' in tbe Roads by the President , ,-i,' Vlnol 18 also unexcelled 1'8 a strength wooda, 80 tbat they D;tay ha ve a goed t hrong of people, February 22, 1909. luncheo!!. , YY lid sunflo:wer or black- builder for old people, delicate ctiUdJ'8llj upply later, .. - eyed SU~Tl8 can alwaY8...b.e_foJllld ,.. or. and rwMloWD~,'n .N' ,_ _./II The department of agrlcu)ture es- 'nasturtiums might be, used, provided liabeip. .' , , - For ~ && toc lollo.lfta ,.JlU:",, ; , , " ti~ates that the ' 1'8~qeS of fieJ~ one could ,find a few ,of 'the bro~ J. E. JANNEY Drug ' 1st.' ,' Zlmmerman'lJ, KUbon's, any mIce and rats cause a'loss of $2O'~r- ones.-Woman~8 Home Compamon , -' -III ' 110"1 While'., ' M01in'3~'1I 000 annually. tor ~ Wa1lle;Y&I" ._0. 11"'~ I1111!1'1"~~"_~""

- ---


Every Farmer and Truck Grower '


.. - -----


p. r·.ce' $3, .' 75. . ]


E"IVerl, ."'. 'es' ,



'March. r·





· 1'Ul~


- thll HlHt r1

",1" "'; 1\'


\V '''\~ I I\' ~ \'IJl t \


Id f'


'(;0 I ill his \ i'ld'll1l ha:-; @en Jillo " t 'J l . I IJlll' 'Ir an . ( : A. 0 kuilt,tl(1minitl lnttor wil l . " VI. ,"'1 il ( i'" I ' I tllIl' 1\11 ~ ag-UII! , .\1) ( ' Ht- Illit \JlIbll, IiU ti u at tLe l at ret! Ii y e... l lit,tl , !lit I'e l' I'I'VlrI us. "" I.•: 'I'I. I.I·: I'II ....! I, " ,\ 1.1.', I . II ' \ Ulllt'r I , . ' I' { HI nN, of ,I. A. Ro kbill, akin '!-I , t!~ t.t:' r . :.t !'I ilK !-) 'al·. . I 1I :ion uf V ilLlIl' . a lld Mary Seal's was born : mol', 'linton O:llln ty, on I,. CII '. bIll" '}' IInc! \l a ll"!.Wl' 1n 'Ill' 'entC! rvilll' , M nlgo lll ry olinW.ed nesd lly, March 10•.190,,-,-·--"<:1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - It.\', Jun I , 1!J '7 , d Pat·t~ rI thi life th" folluwi ng proper ty: horsos, outRate::; of Subscr iptiull ti t' , llO~S, ooru, fllrLU iwplew euts, . e b1'1IU1'y I!), lOt) !l. , ag-t!tI 1 year, t1 \ ~ l lI r (:4 t 111 ,ldvUIH' ' t 'Ide CODJDlC nCe at 10 o 'clock. +1.'11 Illonths and I dayt;. ... ' l! l t " 'O p~' .11:. These littl e lives bring with them ~t jo'y , hUlJc and sUllsllilll'. anl! ill .1ur·h ','IH} lInd o l'!-li~n(~(l will sull lit his 11I'III'H as lIw",>, it i,; d illi cult f'JI' lI:-l tO Wil l' bun se in WII,VU6 vi ll e, (Ibio , 0 0 • ·. IIIJU p{ Li ll', d ot, p ,' 1l , 1f' II .. "(.' l· Cud's PIlI'PWI !-' :11111 We ":.1l1ltul 'dl, Wed'\(, RdIlY. March 10. 190!1 " ..I d"I~· L4' 1 '. l l". ''' I~" h I IH I ' 1~ ' I11III 1" \ I'(" "ig-II IJUI'S L,!lt',; III "a ), illg : !l ut 1I 11!' Ill, V 0'0 1\)' 1. sharp the folluwi ug .. . ... 11 . · .. , ,1 -. I.... I .. , ,,.,,,.t! Ill ' > II",·.. ..'" V. ill LuL lh il lt' , tlh (;1,11, hI' dlHll', 'fu n '!' I q .. ,' rt IU l i This is One of the Bigges t Bonifid e OO'er~ Ever Made by a .!ood!! : ~' c)llr farm wngou!I. :1rna Uespon sible Concer n , ., "r 'I'ha"k .... '! .,,' It was u'f "u 'h lillie olles as this, nure Fpl' fl tIAr. , lG riding cultivtl tor!l, . . .'''' LI at J l:SU S Il·ht ~ " \llhllh . . k I \1 1" f ' 20" . " I I lI t-e I olle 10 We and the manufa cturers , have deCided on a nove1.p , . I . ' . s ~1O e w 1tn I1e sal. 1I - I &..:I ~ll to . t'll' . \\ I",rt ' ,' ha r..: " i~ lO .. d" Ul ~c lIlJ'row!'l, ' lan for fur thel' introdUCing the splendi.d makes of mstru, tI r r~, ments that we sell , and enablin g custom ers to get better acquain ted with our money saving method s. ~r", t r h,ttl e . chIld ren to com e urto n:e , HeUllH. I,,,unoco trull ", ,,,lay ",II cnl. 11t1! 1"'1' Ilieh As is well known we represe nt ~akers .IU, an I [Ol'bld I hem nul, fur of 'u('h 1!-5' 1l1'8H lon g plow,,", plows sphlllte rf', 25 . hig~ grade pianos anu evel:y piano. so ld by us!s a w~11 known of ul! kmot'l, Instrum nl. We want you to rail and Inspect of our pIanos, get bette\' acquaIn ted w1th U R and investi gate our lilt:' king'dum uf heltl'ell ." Ul1I1Ulptr,n g rnin ell'i ll'!, 1 teell gri nd. new plan of sell~ng. In conside ration of thi::; IVt! have Llecided to give away III:IIIY v a lliaiJl~ pl'i1.e~ " Il is lluL all uf lif~ tIl li vl!. 1101' a:l \o," ::.OOll l'IIIlIlt\R of binder in this' way , t wIne, fi \ \. \ I t\ l \4 11 ,1 1! l iI' l HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU WRIT!.: '·STR:\ U:S." of u,·a lll It) di!>' ." I !"d~ III' Il\1 gg.Y bUl'Ul!!'!-I, wnsh boilel'A, To the l-Iel'80n wl'iting lhe wOl'lI "STRA USS" the largesl numbe 'I'l ti ~ Y')llil g' IiI', wltiell haH bt':! su lJ I lC l(I· I~, W/lH lt ILlg Ulliohiue8, r of tillle::! un a >:lpa 'E:' one-hal f the size brid' , InC:) nvt bl.,t'n a failll\:t! ; " f UI" wrin g{\I·ri ,. l(IIi ve!', and t~ cl ll tlje~ uf a lJos tal curd, we wi ll g ive aiJsolut ely free $25,UU ill go ld . hnntlre ll To the next largest num ber of tim es will receive $10.00 ill 'I'll I:' high lIate rs .It..!vt:' s ulJsidl:'d wh 'I'e uur treas ure is thel'l! gold . UU I' nth I' IllllI ~t', Tu the next largest $5.00 in gold. lIough toll,t llu s illl!~ S lal e its I··gu · haul'lt! will be al so," AnLl so wt! 1 re nll M Ill' >,u l -IL I) or . ix I The next two largest !lumbe rs will rec~ive ~ PURCH AS IN G COUP0 IV II .I I I' b l'! for $150.00. good for part pay:11' 'uurst.:'. . . . ... k tneTlt toward s t he purcha se prIce of any ou ( say WIll l1e (JO t." new plano In our store, and one art picture . mont )~, l'UI R e l giving u .. tHl 11The next twenty · five cards contain ing the largest numbe r of wo rd s will each recei ve a PURCH.4.SING Go to thy I'e t fail' chi ld ' 1 1 ~1 1j DOl ll A B ,IUEB. COU.PON for $100,00, good for part payme nt toward s lhe purcha Only two Ill!)"· nU1ll11 "'s in t.he lec, . ' . se price of any new piano in OUI' store and one ' C. 't' HIl\\'kH , / . art picture . till' COUI':'.u. The lailL tin. \\'111" wi ll (JO to lhy uream less oed, I "lltHI :--1/1'1'".ou, \ "UC'!! . . The next l,t;; 'atul'lluy. fifty cards receive d with the next largest numb~I' uf words will rec(;'iv a PlJRCH ASlNG While .vet sugcntl~, und efil ed, Will . () N 1111 / COIJPON ful' $2:'.00, good for pal't pay menl toward!-l the purcha With Llessillgt! un thy It t!ad. se price of allY new piano in OUt· store and one ,) B Chlllllll l;n i Clel'le, arl picture . oefO I'~ lhy ht!u l·t had I ~a l'n ed ' 1\11 pel'sons sending in a 'al'd will receive a prize and those not A l a Ra lt: l a~ l. wt:!t:k Su lli e cll rn sol J desirou s .uf purcllW:ling a piano will be allowed a propor liunat amoun l uf theil' coupon loward s purcha ses of furnilu re, 'al'pel.-;, !:iloves, In waywu l'lln e:;,.,; lo slt'ay; I will nll'll r II I, p ublic '1IlCf.iOI l 1 ~, chilies, ~I'flph oplt ones ut from eighl y·un> lu ninety Cl!IlLS Rewing maetc, Herurt! thy feel had eve r-turned rnileH!'O llth of B~' lIbl'o()k on t,he ~t II . I-Iel' bu~hel If com h~cps un it will OUR OFFER . Tht! t.Iar~{ a nd downw ard way. I,en'i l\ e 'lUll ~pr i n O' Vu lley pike, on ulm usL equal wheat ill price, I The above r eward will be given by us and the manufa cturer. EI'e sin hau sea red the bl'east, We expect this advertisin~ plan to enthe Mati h \V B rrs blll fll rm, on able us within a few weeks to sell as much mercha ndise as would he sold throug h continu ous high priced ad01' SOI'l'OIV woke Lhe t 'ar; Tuesda vertisin y, g in March this immed 9, 1909 iate locality in onp. year, When a teacher wisnes to impres s Say, MI'. Farm l:!r, have you a ny a word on the minds of Rille t hy horne of change less n',' t I1t 10 0'''10 k, th E! full o\",illg' ; one pupils, he of ten refJ uire them to write the word fifty to one hundre d times. We want to impres s our name on wheal in you I' grallury '! Hellel' !tot thl:! buying public. III yo n ce lestial sp here. That is why we have adapte d tbis plan, match teu III of l'OIlU h ortlE)!', 1 bu.v will mean hard work fOl' lhe p rson who receives luosCt of it fOI' it is a fancy IJI'kl:' ltv\\', any of lh~ I:lI'g • rewal'd:'l. You shou ld not ovel'look mailing Jy()u~' Ht!(·ause thy smi le was fail', cal'd at once. horSA, I orr I uroou tnllrH, 1 UlIlI'S bUl may S OUII Ulke Ii tumbl ' . Thy lip anu t'yc so brig-ht; co lt" l hllr:<H lind" colt., 7 benu of DIREC TIONS H >c<lU e thy loving 'radle,caT'e ctlttl 10 !llto".t." :j do~,f'n LpglJurn Tak > an ol'uill'ar y postal curd and draw a line throug h the center of the card, that is to say, up or down WHS such R dea l' delight . chic k ~ n t' II. lut ~I I furullu g iUlpl _ 01' acro ':. so t~e card is The Llue bird have C(lll1 m nc ,d tu divided eq!-,ally, it makes n? differe nce whicli way you div~de it. On one half ot tha card wl'ILe "s fRAU SS" as many tImes liS you 'hall lov e , with weak embracl:! y can. On the ether half write your name sing ulld lIle base ball ellthus iast b ments unJ htJu!-I ... h o ld good!-l and addres!5 plainly. mt!ntion "Ad No. !O" state how many pOSSIbl times you have 'l'hy written upward the wing word detain' and give us the names and . . g in to hunt LIP last yea l"!! I'ecord, Term!! of 1m 16--tllI BumB of $1) ctlsh ; addl'es~es of thl'ee of yo~l' friends who are desirou ~ of purcha sing a piano. If you haven' t a postal card handy, No! gentiea ngel,se ek thy' plac over th ut ailloun \ u, c redit of I II u ' eaplec e fpaper Lheslz ami to give out dA'JIH! for tho 'oming eQfap ostal card and mall to us. Amid the chel'ub train. 11i Oll t,h!l, l-lUrcha se r gi vinl! bunkab le s asOIl. In case of a tie, compe~ in g fo! of the ab<?ve prizes! the value ~i1l be divid~ ~ually amona- the 1MB contest ants. All persons sendmg a listany tied of words WIll be notIfied of theIr s uccess A F R1END, note. wlthm one week after the '. . tNDH:H80 N cant st 'loses , All answer s must be in ---+ our hands -by noon of March 15, 1909. Wrn Mills, Auot. 'l'he 'iti~t>Mllr Dayton (u'e trying ' MUST GIV E BOND w. ' rnitb, 'Ierk , hard to ,. l a nt'IV Y. M. C. A, b uild- , ___ _ CONTEST CLOSES MONDAY NOON, MARCH IS, 1909. illg, and by theu utlook th tlY will ::lUC- Th bi ll uf Mr, Larry Langdo n to ceed. 'uturda)A lhe streel railway requir trUl:5te s of univers iti es and The uouers igned will offer lit pub tll1llJloy a ll Kuve Lhei l' day wages coli g's in v·illages to g ive bond fo r 1i IlUotion on the Wm. Kindle fa rill, to the fund. It lS urdy is n wlrthy th xpendi tu res of funds raised by "X mil II i'out,b list (If Centerv iJle object, and on(: tu whkh evel'y c'iti~en col\egl:!S in villages and sch()ol di - !L illi ~ lIIile!'! west of Ferry on :Socia,1 J 14 SOUTH MAIN STREE T, ' 'all contrib utt! hi::! mite. tri t."l, passed the Hou, e and w . have &0 d on MIDDLETOWN, OHIO ' , no doubt will bec~e a law , Thursd ay, March 4, 1909 We are Exclusi ve Agents for the followi ng High Grade Pianos ; Jesse French , Krell French , Lagond Th farmer s around hom a re deN a " t,Jl e fo llo will" pruper ty : 1 mil r 1 and Wagne r & Co. sir usof sblblish ing u union. Well, ear Death en BIg Pond. c1l1pp lo gf'ldiu~, I b l.y mnre, 1 fiftee~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \vhy nu '{ . A un'lOn is onE! of the ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!1 I t Wtl!! II thrillin g -' p ritln e to yelH'-old hny , Quttke r Boy &in M · l ~irf<. """,,*,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... irln l Hop I r to flll.lE!UH h tltb s r ngel:l e ern n~ t "Fur WOI' k' mg man v ++··+· -:lc·+ ·+++ V Il r!CI a, sevel'O I UIl \! t rouh l !4"vem e W Ill'!' , Red Wil kes mure , Ii henr1 ro f ·++'+ + • has a~ces•. to, and ~hil e it. not only IIlt sl se flulferin g," h writes , "aDd eu tile, 14 bend of b og!!, alot of farm ben hts blmself, heulwo rlong on t he -evpr,d tlllle mllldv IIOR6,1 UlV ir" irupl~Ul6~ot ' of IHIUW Unde and_Emba lmer. ~ n to als h Ip his fellow worker . " ...... t,b All rOllltldl ' S f!lileu s,uc1 rio ' hont<oh oltl guod . · h . d' 1-1 I W " torM ~aid h 1 wn~ incllrAb """ le, ThAll ur, w IC 19 accor mg to ",t... 0 Y rlt. K 111 Will be found In t he olel T.: rm ~ of I<llle-td hmws of~5, 'CIl8b; + + BI1Tlk Buildin g, opposit e Muny people do not underst.and the """, ~1;~~U::~j\:l ~~~ttq~~~~ ov r thnt umoun t !l oredit of 12 tbe Nlltion al Bflnk. workin~of unions and aondemn t he l bllv e not b au tJ ollbJ~~~I +· 'l!c .o Iu twe lve month s, (ltlrchoser givlDr:: bankab le 'l~lepb one in bouse !Lnd lahol'er fOI' slrildng , but when they Vt1nr~." of · ~ . Mrs, !::lop' r lives ill Big uot o. LEft MOluus . flce where I can pe cnllod undel's talld the I-Il·Irtciple:! involved -p, nrl, P,\. It. \vOI'ks wonder !! in Wm . Mill~, Allot. day or. night, lhey have II ditl't!ren t view of the sit- Uougu s l.I.nd CoWl', 'nre Luogl'l, ..IIIt. ..IIIt. l.I em. !ired H'l'rtsook. Cle rk ' . I Vlllley l'bone 14-2, . ' ol'rllLl go04, Ln.Grlp pt", A!!thm 'l , uatlOn, W len the Uml d States Cr oup. WhnOIlI'l g 'ougu M " St t LW '11 IIml nil "'" aln ree, , aynesv l e, Oh'10.+ was bom, it was Ilot hillg lIIure ur less Brllnl' hia l ufl'llcticll1!l (jOe R. D. I. Wayne sville, Ohio + lIod $l.OO, WAYN ESVILL E CHUR CHES. I I t han a .union, 011 th e same princip les Trill l boniA f rflp, U un rll Dtal'd by exactly t.hat actuate!:! the laborin g E red C, oh wllrtz f''' ...',. "'" class of people to form themselves '+'+'+" """+'+ '+.IIIt" ,..IIIt..~. +. "'" - - ... Orthod ox Friends Church . i t . . . A TH.!. WAY r.. P IANO TUNIN into 11 union, for itgives . streng th to lte", BenJamIn Hawkins, Pustor, . u , abba~1I Suhool. U;;J1l <I , m . He,gular """...t.."""''''''''''fA'''''''''''''''''~ allurell \~ ".l !.les\TiUe 'e Lel.l.ding . D e n t l s t + their cause, which in most CM 13 is ·.+ ·.+ ' .IIIt+ .++ ... .1..J. , 'l'homplioD .f ... 443 .E . Main ;e;~I\~c)P: ~~ : ao 11. Dl . Cbrla~lan ~;lIdell"or, Office in Keys Bldg. MaIn St just to themse lves and employ ers as St.•, I, b'lrlon , Ohio. SlltiRfa w II. - -- -- .--~ gUllmn te·ec1. Valley Phone 64ction Holll'~gsworth I I~ B, Hicksit e Friends Church . • -. ,til< • - • Irirat Day M ce tln ~. 10 ;00 a . ID. Flr8~ J?ay ."OOT OUT YEI\R BOOK get Immediate rdId Some of the moon's mounta ins are Sc~ool , 11 ;O(l:t. 111 . Founb AL'fE R MCC LUR E, • Day lI1eelJng I Dr. Shoon's M-,n .. Oln~~U-* 10 .00 a. w . . .. U§I\' 36.,000 feet hig ~ h. . t'l~--" 1;1 tU IUt:' 1M" ' t'U b 1In VI JU~ Fune ral Direc tor. ... - - - - Christi an Church . 8UIld It oeat ya·,,' b,l(lk, lI.nll \I gi v TU I'key expor ts goods to the value Sundny Sl'!IOOI, ~ ;ao u . m . Soclul meel detllite d lice Ullt~ f I·hl, III1' (· IlU /i.t-I of about $100,OO O,{)00 a year. ic Ing . 10 ::lU ~ Ill. and Chrlsllan E ntle;HQI' 'l'elepb one dny or night. t LJrong1lOut I!IWII IIlllu th \I, I.II H yt>lIr ~ ;ou p . In Valley phone No, 7, Long ~ 'ril e llt'Xt Illt'Cll lI g will btl lil'l,IIlL th e Kills Would- Be Slayer. A\ethodist Episcopal Church . bVUl tl. IJ t ~ Distano e No. G9-3r. Lov . (.'111'1 \V 1'I~ h l, on . A lIleroUo ~,. Ulul'd:H61' i~ Appellili .He I' W . l' Glllliand , (>ustor •. 11 reg TlIUrtlll\Y 0 ,:,"i a , I , M IIrcu . olt.l Ohio ~ with IlIItIl ... ,'" Y vlot,im R, Bu t Dr. II nit \J1'V lIIIHI1I' K lll WAYN ESVIL LE, 'chool. \) ;<1 0 n. m. ,"'orult.l~ ser· ' g!;l . 'N ' b .v pre. v !;\umluy OHIO. . AW L I f e P"I II ~ k'II I It· **'*'*~* 10 ;11 0 a . tn. l';p W OrLb I.engue, . 7; 0 0 p. to huve tI ~llUU progl'lllll .+. vt'ution . 'TUfty gon t.J y stimula te Illlcc. I~",,"'''''' ''. . _~: \'cnln Ke n ' lcc , 7 ;!IO p . W. ~1(lWCekl .."."+ B.r. a nch Office, Harvey sburg. O. 'fhesc lueellllo.;"Hl'tllllll (II inlert' 1 Ht.qmllc h , Iivl-lr IWI I bo\\'018, TRADE MARKS prevfln t- Pnycr Meeting, 7 ; JO (l. m. DES CONS to the mein1Jt' I':I, 1I11c1uIIIJl' Il >.!l1 the re 109 tll llt ol'lf:!,/!ine t.hllt inviteR COPYRIG HTS .te. are on ly fCIIlrtt18n fllllllll tlM l·.~"I't'StlO I - (IiClt,if<, ourlng C(lOs t.ipa t,inu, Itl)penA nJone lendlnl a ollclrn fwd doscrlptlon Billion"St. Mary's Episcopill Church . quick I,. IUcerw tn o ur ol'llIwn t roe "hothermay an Cbllls, MIIIIHI", ' HeRrIn.e Antl luvOllllnn 111.rohnbt y )lfl t Cll i nlll0. C OOimllnhlf Ro'·. ,1. f.' . n(]wallu( ler. nector t. ed .f,he· int, ~ I, lit .. nolt lTl t'eting Is DI"i'R, tlon • • I.rocu,.rontldonll"l. !IAHDBD~l[ onl'nle,,' " Incli getl tion . 25 at jl', r) 8o hwhe tlr t~'R, S Ulltla ' Suhool. 0;;10 (\, lit M(lrnl ll g ser· · 1I°;!~l:I;~ iIIhown by 1\, 1 1 1I'~p. IItlflndllnou, V~'~:~ll ~r.~:~~~lr At~~~~r&"&,'.'~~~I:t·.e \' I~Il, lU ::JO a. 01. 1':\'()OI 'Uf t;"r 'loe 7 I)· Dl, Hol y Communion llHl Ill's t Sunduy of each I ""clalnot ler, wlf hout allllfRo.ln the --~ -There are' only 1)5 female physicians month , Soak a juicy sirloin in ice water titl<ve yUIi I~ jJ tlllt - I I t UU,V killll, • week-t hen cook BlJd serve it. i1nywh erei' .:-j1, 1J.l ju 1, 1t .m 11 lilt' tWO in t he Germa n empire . A.IIA I1~ ,,,", cI 1 1l11l.trRl nd "rekly. ' J ,nraest elrSt. Cath(ji el. huh lu t l f IIny J\dCl1t,W ~ j n tl r llHI. 'J ·C llll~ . ,a." c Cl1urch. \ Would it taste 88 itsbould ? Neither think! It- W ,.II-: /, .. ClUI Wlw l llill' 'I, IJ .. UII, ,1.. SUI\l uJ ull tlu wH.lcu lur". Pl\lber George Mllvenhoe'el', PaRLo.·. do oysten treated tltal wey. The gl' ss import s of ginseng into I renr: rf,ur 1II0llCO,36tD · woman ly ·\lI'IIi M. li.-ild P"III ' , · 11 ' till .' Muss e\'c ry secu)I,1 S~,"ln~' of lh ' l1Io"\h aL roadws,. Yor~ kind of t~ V Ill, ') 11l! ,)1 III' ,' IHllIl) ' " China in 1907 amoun ted to 319,400 il ;"ua. m . BrllDcb Omeo. G$ Ir Bt.. \VubIDQt (''l, ll. C. little I;'lnk P,.lIl '. l'llill et.,. \I ill ~lll.~ I .Y pounds valued at a li ttle ovel' $1,000,8top it I/I ~ll Ill-! u \If.M:I li" ,)r In ul ,I pllLiuly pr iut .... l url Ih t'25(J, ltuX, 'ulll •• Ily IiU del~ll'r :l .

.......- - - - - - .- - - - - - - . '1"1",




$5 ,.0 00 IN Pl- tIZ ES Try for one of thes e Val uab le


Priz es


Rea d the following Carefully.



~· ' I I I · ' I '."' l t












fA.!ol.""" . .',,,,,,,,,

'* T hOSc D1, -II *'t


Gen eral Auc tio'n eer




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Gen eral A . one uctl er




"*','" '*'









..- - -

Sdtntiflc J{mtrltan.



- --- --- --'


,Fllrbiel}dSI'od~ ~'dr: i , Th~maS: f fIler:aI'~d'earaVthe WI e sac ene hear

WeKt~ ak 1Iln!1~JIOKidIn' ney s I wak'ltldne~ I llt

,t,:;: .

'Shaa.p"s· ~!:::y:;:~.D~?:::Sb::~:~~ RI'sla'ra'1111'. di~. Sh~ ~as

I ~.,

ldent of Xenia tor .nea~~y 36 years.

Mrs. Harerave-w~. sister of·WIIl I Daupt ers, woo lives on Route 1 I

We p,. '. r'l nt

to Nerves; TIle . K{,dnen. like tbO :He&n, 'aDd ;.t h e . StomaCh, 6n4 their wealmet'l . not In and the lUaU. butlti'the nervM that control de '

to 0 . ' ~ h'er ·• W1" l1C h' ..ocCUl' I'e(I at ' l he . Ilome 01' daugh ter, . ~rs, Chari . Teach, ~n :n~:~:~fte:ii,n~~~~" :,=:,~ East ''fl,l~rd st re~t, Xenia last .!;)rid,ay OIlIItrollln a DIl"1lL To doetor the JOc!ne,. 1II)abe. . II tut.\1e. U II III waite .hlme,1I 14 of ~.. , t t O 0' I ck welL " .... .\'~g a: W .. 0 0 . ' , . , Jf'ronr l;ttat ileJl . ··fa Weak. , I i the ~ . 'Slte has b een ~n invalid for .severa l, DI41. or"dar~and~IIf~OU"T") 1IIptom : . d "' " I t 'Th ' k . . of Bl'IIbQ Of other dl_~ or ~tido ....:years an . smce sa ." an sg1Vmg ·n:tdJleal ei.rU7.Dr: 8hooP·IR e.t:ora&f nlllmootb l haS' be~n' contlned to her , lJ«;!d,· where' ~~~I::: =~ ~r.uan4 wiD , s he bas been lONWg1y. ~lu. e(l fOl: b~: . he~dli.ughter, her, ~eath : Wri.sdl1e to a cOinpJication of " . ' born May 3, 1859, was the dlulgnte,r, I '~








ealshipt" u • • •__ _ ~u. - "SOy

~ooo.~~=~= ~ Weak

It's in the Packing




". RIgn


r .

L "t




Pric es




st.e rs

taste righi-h ave all the peculiar . delicacy of oysters you get a t the .hore bc:cause no ice' or water touch~. the~-- uo preservative ia tiled or needed. . The il;e is packed around the tented galvanized ateel caDS, "Seallh ipt" Oysters are cleanfresh, thoroug hly palatable,alway s.

"e" ways or preparin r oyiler. are aiftD In 'fSeallhfp t Seoflli>-a u loleral. t:'D& book about o,.'.rll. Ask .ny of the .r'Ol~loll' dealel'll fnr a copy and try'1II pint of "l$aIlahlp\" Oy81en tOday, . . . "a,ter, A\I 'lOlid Ulfate,

·W a.It~r .J . Ki lbo.


Wayn eavill e and Corwin, Ohio.

I . I


The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. I T.I.I~ ,

OH IO. 5

Sec ret Serv ice Duties. It fll llt to Ih lot or tb o s crot sen Ice, 100, lo protect th e person or the p resldont or th llll ecl Sta t es- a r& apo nslhlllt y th nt was fir t placcd Utl1 D t hIs dlvl Io n art r th tra gedy at Bu lTa, la, a nd In addi lloo' to tbls the sn: t ) ot d istinguIsh d and Utl ed olll lal vis ttors Cram abrond Is Int r usted to Ihe .. rvlce, PrInce Henry Qt Prullsill. Prt nee F\Js hl ml ot J apan, t he c rown prince or Slam, tbe crown prluce of Sweden, the · duke ot Ab ruzzl, amI many others ot lesser note bave been' a.refull y protected from annoy ance wbll e guosts ot the na lon, and in no ·tna lance has thare occurred the III ~ht· e l t Incldtlnt to mar t he pl easur.! a nd tra nquIlity or tb Ir vIsIt. For more than ten years t ho me r It sys tem has prevailed In tlle servIce, wlilch Ie .• atrlctly non-partisan, non-political orI'&Dlzlltlon. "Pulls" are unlUiofl'n and un recogn ized ; every man Is meas ured and rewarded Ilccord lng to hIs effi clen. cy a nd knows tb at his r etention In tlle .."Ice depeoda wholly upon tbe character and quality ot bls work . . He lWastea no ti me lining up "Influence" to help him hold bJ a job, and being tree ,.-om obllglltlons and entanl;lements, b able to. dll vote his whole Ume and l8Dergy to t he Impa r U&l discharge ot ibis duties. To thIs unhampered atten· ttfon to t.l\e work ot Buppresslng coun· ~rte l tlng says a wrl ter In the NaUonal )iagazlne, I a ttrtbute the tact that to41ay the proportion or cou.n tertelt !botes In circulation Is aboue one to '100,000; that Is to say, that tor pacb ;'&It-mllUon ot genuine currency In QlreulaUon there are about five dollars In lCOunterfelt notes; and tor each UOO,· '000 dollars In sold and .aUver In clrcu· 'latlon there Is a trifle under three dol· an tn counterfeit coin. All of whlcb 1W0uld suggest that the busIness ot eounterfelUnc la not overwh~lmlnglY .ttraeUve as a flnanclal proposlUon.

Miss ·Cynthia's Sideboard •

By Bell Elliott Pdimer



'ust a Suggestion of Perfume I Woman Tells How t() Avoid Double All the ReallY Ditinty Gir) , Chin and Sagging Throat Mus-

Will Allow Herself. \ Jl I\ N Y glds who nr ' II 1'I,,'d 1'0 1' con· n lllku tll 'm·

o.' h·es


cles, the Marh of Age.

1'1 QU dt un on scillusly ;;I,\ Ul

" Yt' s . he does look a we bit pellllCd I re Uy Irr(' pronch ablo !\Idcboard which - sort of sllccumbed like, yo u tnl ~ ht IIl1 ed In ulmost OliO end or th \ big ,;ny . \lut h "s w ~ 1I cared fO I--- Newton room. Ne wto n wus a lmost h ypllot i:led IR. ynl hln lJrown lng Is a mo s ter I bY It." T il e prore ssor atl r red dell " hted ly. "I band Ul lookln !'; arlol' a f '1low wh n she'" once go t him . The rc's ne ve r any cau j us t see It ." he snld. " My !;rn.. ldsh irk ing about her way of doing bus l· m Ol her had au!!'." ness. Dut you cun 'l wonder nt a mU ll " After th ll t," RI mbey on tln u,'d, lookinG a IIIU droollY wh en he lost with an I1 pprovl ng smile fo r t ho prorul.'l ' prelly near evorythl ng he wan ted- and SOl', "It migh t just a s well b nve bee n s tones a nd b ulle ts t hat Ne wto n W illi a ll In one day ." Th sonorous laug h of R imbey, tbe fl llting. He hud on ly one t hought-t o land lord , ('choed ago lnst the lo w raC· become Immediat e \.IOSSCSSOI' at that ters, an d bll'uded pleasantly with tbe side board. " Well, YOII k now h ow It Is, g o lle· noise o r t he raindrops pat tcrl ng down upon t h ~ long, slopi ng roof of the II t tl o men. Becauso t be s Ide boa rd was en· cou ntry hol el apl1rOll rlately cnll ed tl rely beyo nd hi s clutch s, hi s ve ry "Fl sherms n's Camp," mortal ex.istence seem ed 10 han g on Each gues t dre w his chaIr a IIUle get ll ng bold of It. He ote with It, nenrer t he wide c hi mney un d walt lld r ode with It, slep t with It , when he expectanlly. c ould ge t ou y sleep at a ll. !\lost of bl s " Wh en 1 fi rst m ad e hls acq uaI ntance nights we re sp nt pacing the fl oor try· Newton had just s et up th ' pholster- In ' to th Ink or som e ,n w wa y of pe r·· In /t a nd Renovating Works' nt Derby- s uadlng MIss CynthIa to let l o o ~ e ot whI ch was the only tbl ng or Its kind th e t rens \ll'e. At ll rs l he wel.1 t ope nly In a ll th Is country a round . He WI S a t o her an d mode n il sor ts of rash and ma ster hand at looking ou l f or op por- wild l1 roposl tlolls fOI' t be s ldebou l·d. tunltles. and R hus ll e r of th e fi rst wa· One day, ho weve r , notici ng n fl ash ot ter, and the next th ing he kne w wns g un powder In that lady's ' yes, nlong clearing one hundred a mont h IlS ea sy wi th t he smile, Ne wto n g a Ve up go ing as a child lifts a fe a th er. He gave full hi mse lf, a nd lien t his Hnrvard grndusatisfaction for bls mo ney, nnd before a te Illutner to see wha t he could do, the works had been establi sh d s ix willie be mount d th e hi gh stool and months he was obliged to take In a ke pt boolts- som th i u~ It took' to as partne r, to look nIter t he books, whJ le pI asa ntly us a youngster does Its he was out hunting up t rade cas tor 011. , "It was Cynthia Brow ning, or rather "T ben It wns t ha t poor Newton Cound her sideboard , that sUr red up a ll the out tt nt t h ~ s illeboard lllld bro ug ht t rouble ; nothing else. She li ves far hI m Into sti ll dee per waters t ban coback from ~h e ro nd In th nt big whit ve tous neSR. Inst ea d of n proper ro w house, You've all seen It-when yo u've of fi gures, pInk " heeks and drooping lIeen on tbe 'Way land' drIve. All the lasbes da'n ced a ll a long t he led ger richest frui t land In this pa r t of the puges In a. most bewilder Ing and fancountr y belongs to h er . And she t as tlc maan er, as over h Is b numbed knows how to manage It tor the .best. s enses there dawned t be convIction too. She WIIS lett an orpha n mIghty thut, CaDl e what would, he must let In the thougbts or a woman, fo rem ost 1 A man neTer knowil when be la COl'· e ven to his upholBterlng and renovatIn g. . ,nng up bls tracks; be never lplows "T he crisIs ca me one mornIng wben ~ow long they wUl stay <.Overed or ' Ne wton culled Darrick, hi s par tnel', to ,.ho will get on hia ·trall, says the Bal· th e offi ce and bad a long b'us ln ess t al k timore Bun, Up In Onnada, where I wIth him. In It he sougbt to prove te 1he,. are dJggtng for the new Toronto tha t Harvard ma tb ematlclan tbat one "ater works, the .tlggars found tn the or the oth er at thein. must marry Miss blue cIa,. 70 feet below the water line Cynthia In order to come Int o posses· tbe foot prints of a genUeman who had Blon of a sIdeboard th nt It would Dot tramped arollDd ,that way' some years do nt all for their business to lose Newton argued that the Imm<ln se nu m· ago. Tbe geologlsta dIsagree as to the ber of acres, whlcb we nt along with uact Ume, aome boldlng that the Cynthia Browning, proved, beyond the freshness of tbe footpiinta Indlcatea sha dow of a doubt, thnt only a bern that It wsa Qnl, 60,000 yeaJ'll ago, whUe mathematlc.l an Bhould cope wIth so great an honor. The proofs were not b~n about 100,000 conclusIve, Barrick rebelled openly 1_ _ _ _...J~!:!..!~~~L~~telI~an passed that and sLubbornly, repres enting hlmsel' "a,.. that this aUght dlBorepancy to be too well pleased with tbo rOBY , matters to the geJitleman or to U8; tor present to feel the need of Miss Cyn, thla--eve n wIth her coveted sId board. DObocly had to alt on tbe fence tbere 1 Imagine Ne wton mus t have felt can· anel walt for blm 60.000 yeara, e,en U ,s lderably nettled at this poInt, for he ~e did bappen to -be late. bridled · up and declare d he'd propose MI.a Cynthia Only Laughed. Blr iRobert Hart. for many yeara In· young, but It neve r seemed to occur to to Miss Cynthia thnt very day, eve n It It waa like pulling an eye·tootll.pec\Or general of Chinese cUlltoms, Cynthia tha t a woman wasn't as na. and show his partne r what a proper In· .~ ma~e a strlklng 8uggestlon as to tural a head or several thousand acres t erest In the business was, and how the possible future of China. The as a ny man livIng. Several ge ntlemen. mucb good the s ldebol1rd would really ."orld hall long wondered what would really estima ble men, trIed to lead bring them. 'ltappen If that ~eat country o~ fOO,· her Into theIr way, Qt thinking, but "It must have been tbe bustling they mIgh t just a s well bave attempt· quality of Newton Wh Ich t ook her fan· eoo,ooo people should awake to Ita tull ed to collect a barrel of water In a cy, .1' 8uppbse. An yway, she didn't »ower and atand up like a giant among slevo • make any bone s about marry Ing lilm. • aUona, Sir Robert's Idea Is reasaur"One do y, In early fall, Newt(m re- They drove over to De rby t bat very Ing. The Chinaman Is a lover ot ~e \'ed a long·dlstance communIcation afternoon , and we re married. would turn round to the from Cynthia BrownIng herself. 'S he "The relit of the afte rnoon they took relit ot the world and say, "Gentlemen, had plies nnd pil es at· teathe r pillows a boneymoon rIde allover Cynth Ia's there must be no more fighting," The and bolsters and s uch like, daUng bnck own hills, and wben tbe sbadows fe Il • trongest nation would become a ben&- to her first grandparents after Adam- she took him home, and stralgbt Into poUceman, keeping us little fe). and she bad taken a s udden notton to tbe dining room, to theIr honeymoon lows In order. Blr Robert saY8 tbat n give up washIng them herself lind Bli pper. Well, gentleme n, the mInute have them renovated. Ne wton entered that room he had to fa a curious statement, but not so un· "You can rest a ssured thnt so great reasonable na It seems to those who do '1 hus tler I1S Ne wton lost no time In l ean hard a gainst the wall to keep from failing In a dead faInt. For , If Dot know ChIna. reaching such a splendid fora ging you'll beJ(llve me, that sIdeboard, fol' ground as MIss Cynthia's big, old· whlcb he had paId tbe heavy pena lty What boy born durIng the current rushloned house. She took him all over of marrying MI ss CynthIa, was gon ! 7ear will b. the Abraham L.lncoln or tbe place, and showed him scores at Not on ~ single brass claw or knob ot It the Cbarles Darwin of the century? plump ticks and pillows re posing on left to marIe its tracks : ' Both Darwin and Lincoln were born on mag nificen t four·posted beds, Then The minIs te r from Michigan leaned February 12, 1809. The Bame year they had a long busines s talk In the torward with the Inte rest the ath lete trout parlor, In which, contrary to his IB8.W the birth ot OUver Wendell usual cus tom, Newton let dowu a little dI s plays In the las t touchdown of the Bolmes, Edgar AJlan P06, Alfred T en· In his prIces , 'fhe result of It all was foo t ball game. "Where?" he quesIlYllon, Elizabetb B ~r ett Browning and lhat he held n $35 cuntrnct to cJeul! tioned. Rimbey' chewed the end of a teoth· FellI. Mendelssoh'n -Bartholdy, to say eyery feather In the whole house to Ilothlng of scores 0' men famous In the best ot his knowled ge and ability. plclt with an attempt to s uppress th e other branches of learnIng, It was nearly noon by th e time busi- twIn kle In hi s eye. "Of course, Miss ness was ove r, and what turn ed out to Cynthia never guessed tor an Instant A PennsylvanIa .banker wbo robbed be the wors t thIng whIch could llapl;\fO tbat NewLon had any particular feel· d.posltora ot more than $2,000,000 has to poor Ne wton did happen- he accept- Ings a.bont tbat s Ideboard ," he said, been sentenced to 15 years In the ed Miss ! Cynthia's Inv.itation to dlll- eosll y. "So It went out for a little wedding. present. Barrick gave Itls penItentiary. Our dlspatcb does not nero "Now, ri ght bere Is a poIn t whIch partner the s lip. nnd go t In his wed· .ay whether he Is to be n.sslgyied to tbe YOIl might probably work Inlo yo ur ding just two bours earlier. They bookkeepIng department or Is to look uext winte r's s ermons." Rimbey's were alrendy over the getting-engaged atler the feeding of tbe warden's wltp's gla nce rested obviously lipan t he mln- part-MI ss Cyntbla's pretty nIece nnd canary, Ist e r from Mlcbl gan. "Newton was a hi mself-so It dIdn't tuke much per· mI ghty I5mat't fellow, and a mo ral, up- sunslon on his part to get ' be r to do The . r;ypsles are nearer te the ani· rI ght CeHow, but, like 'most e veryone her sewing afterwards. Then Miss mals than any race known to us In else, he had one great w'eakn ess- Is Cynthia showed her a p prova l ot tbe Europe. They have the lawlessness, was an Insa tiable desire ot buy old tur. unIon . and ber de tormlnatlon to keep , th.. abandonment. the natuml physIcal nUure at a low price, fix It up, and H on her side or the tamUy, by bestow· Ing the sideboard upon tbe niece, How crace In f(lrm and "esturE~ ~, animals; pass ' n on at a mighty big fi gu re. "Th e fi rs t mome nt. he sat down at they got It out ot one 'hollse so quick· only a Itealtby an\i ~;ary sometblnc ill Miss Cynthia's tabl e he ·wns the hl1p- Iy Into tbe ne w' olie ronted by Barrick their eyes makes ~hem buman, p,es£ man around, His eyes couldn't Is a puzzle. But I guess Miss Oynibla Whlle 'a dPllrlng tbe fertility ot r&- · tilke In anythI ng, .but MI ss CyntblA's managed It In the s~me Inexplicable, tried chlck~n , an-d luscious rolls, und smoo tb wlI¥ wltb .'whleh sbe manages aource dll}played 'bY the policeman wbo saUny·whll ~ pote:oes, 'a nd gold y-brown her husband-and t he s everal thousand climbed abonr.d street car ~nd, thus gravy. Th p. n his ~ Iance traveled a lIt- acres ot land, whlcb are' sUil sateIf In " .. able to ,capture a thlet wbo waa tie. farl he r, i lld r ested upon MIss CYn.' her pO$sesslon. . ' f'IlIIlL1n~ away wltb a laundry wa,on, lhla's plnIr·,:heeked niece, who was a "Newton 1111s In lUll: lime looking eyeJ'7 esperlenoed crook will condemn soothing 8lgl1t, Indeed, to him. In spite after her plnce; for. of course, he Bold the thief for his atupldlty In Dot dart,. of the fact that Ne wton bad mUe time out and pulled . loola from a partner to give 0 the wbltns ot women. 1 who . had played suc.b a shab~:y IDa dOWD a side street. guel3a It Was . ~en, wben the prett,. trlok as to come Into ancl1lputelt pOI· , Cutro finds ute 10 pleasant in !Ier- niece. dropped bel' lashes 'Vory properl,. session of bill ow~ · two most co.eted llD that Jae apparent~)' bas nCi dealre to under tbe slranger'~ Inalstent ' .~, treallures." "WeU, I .,,1111!" .aid ~e proteiBor. rulL uct to Veneauela. PerhaM the lbat his eyes turned, confuBedly, don Ale tull length ot the room and fe U blm that bath .-U be ....... ..... ~ .... DOtu,.tre "Uh a je rk UPOIl the sldeboard-t be N o . . . •• IDGU . . . 1oD", I I_miD" Jl8rfeatl, · upr~ ,..j ~IIIl~~~



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1l ,,' rfutl lUs. If tlJ l' Y wou lll bUl I ': II'f\ _hUl 111' :1\'Y sc u l III vu l);!).!' li fe woulll mol' cOlllforlllbl fo r ~ho > who co me tlw ll' way, 'I'h g irl wh o !' straIn s her 10\'0 at on io ns for t il , nlw or he r fello w U1u n. wbo would lJ ltorrlU ell I\l Ih t houg lll of nn odor fl'Oll1 pers pirati on, will sat· ura to' berself with colog n . or S ll he ts a nd t hi nl gbo ,llUS added t bl! t1 l1 i ~ hill g tou ch ot e lega nce. T here arc some )le rsoll s who are mad ill by '\,en a suggest Ion of pe r· fumery; there IL!'O othe rs who UOCOIllC ullcon sclou s from th sm II or· hea vv sc nt In u closo room , whll s ti ll oll;. e rs a re mado to sne z vlole lltl y !Jy bn'at hl ng sntche t llowder. No r efln ed girl would wl\nt to mnl, herself U lIul s:m ce t o her ne lgbbo rs. Leavl ll g the Ques tion of la 'k of relln o· mont out of It, pe rfumes s hou ld not ue USC'll excessive ly fl'om n buman i· ta l'lan stllnd llolut. "\"e should I' 'fru lu fr om any practice t hat may mn\(e oth· ers uncomCortable. A gIrl once wondored nt her laclt or pOll ula rl ty. She was n c harm Ins g irl , but s li pped u p on many an In vl· tatlon that we nt to less attractive fl'le nds. Her amnzeme ut was g renl wh n n can(\\d older woman told hel' tbat he r laclt ot In vltntlon s wns duo to h r love of t u ueroses, which she conStllll tl y wOI'e. A h nvy odo l' of perfum e ry also gives rise to un pleasant s uggestions that It Is necessary to d uden u n· cleanly odors , thnt ft Is a s ubstitute for pe r sona l clnltiUneas. All odol' to be pe rm lss'lblo should be so elusIve ns lo be a lmost Imp r· ce ptl bl e. Delica te s!lchets may b placed II moDg one 's cloth es. Th e ne w American Beauty pad mnltes ev I'yt blng fragran t.. So do tbe sli ps oC per· fumed past board. Toilet waters used nfte r tbe bath, or In It, rarely are ob· jectlona ble, as th ey have a t resh , clean s mell. Heavy perfumes s uch a s mUSk, Iltta r of roses, tuberoses or patc houli, should be t abooed. A drOll ma y malte tbe wea rer a n uisance. It one can not re fra in from the perfume ha bI t, :lnd tbis ha bit Is us COlli· mon to a cer taln type of mu n us to women , at least a scent sbould no t be used when one Is going Into a pu ::Jlic a ssemblage. No one hos a right for a persona l gratification t.Q ma lte otbe rs mIserable. The doctor who :;oes to church smelling of Iodoform or the ge rm-fear· ful wem,an who a tte nds a theater reekIn g of asa foetida may be no more o f a nuIsance than tbe gi rl wbo ha s poured tbe per fume flask over her=selt as a fini shing. touch to he r toilet.

Japaheae Scarfl. Now that hnlr th e women one knows are dressnlg tbemselves up In tbe floating scarf wh lcb the wome n or the elghteentb century lo ved, man y kInds ot new lliaterluls nre being 'brought Into pla y. Chlft'on with a tiny frI nge ot metal or cl'ysLals Is s till In the lead wi th Its rival ot tulle e mbroIdered In gold. but the ne w tblng Is a scarf ot Japanese satin e mb roIdered with flowers or In tiny fi gu res, One woman .wbo haa a yellow satIn scart on which Is outlIned quaint Ulll e men and womon, with lotus 'flowers between, wearB It around the shoulders over a hand· some e vening gown . Th'e Japanese jacket has lon g bad a place for evening wear, but the Jap· anese scarf III a new addItion to this seaeon's costumes . Flo~rs of Silver. On a large hat of 80ft blnck beaver the trImming Is fo rm ed by ll. leafie,l!8 ga rland of large marguerItes made of stiver tissue. The contour of each petal Is outlined with a '!larrow band ot black, fleecy beaver, In marked con· trast with the delicate texture of the metallic go.ods .





0 1 I' N ' 1l my I!:lck Slr:l lght u n t! my Il l' k 1' 1 III !< 1I ::: ~I Il ~ '!" ' ai el t it w nHl II who s)J(' lI t h llllr~ ('a "'l cttly III n. lyp,'wl'l! u ·. "I wr ite wit h . IlY 'lIes t li p Hil i] ill Y Y 3 llll'ne(1 c II·

ius \\" rd. "I II \ ' PI' uiluw m y, pH to s toop, s lltlll H I\' II !Jac k 011 IllY chulr lo make tho cr ct Ilos lt lou pot! 'Ib l . nntl . \\'hc n· eve I' I do lIot ba v . In loo lt fi t my copy I Lh row U1 C neck unck. "When t a klll ~ lI ic tation It Is qui te ('flSY to keep th e head up a ll d I ar· mil ::; Ill'Y 1I0tel! Oll a m ck on the le vel with my eye!l. Nntll ra ll y, 1 use the ton c h sys tem, so tho keys n 'cd 1I0t be wntcllQd. "Often , wh u wo r ltl ng In " rOO Ill by myse lf I tw is t my lI ead ond t a k neck· st re tching mov men ts while wri tin g to figh t 01)' th e double chi n a nd !lag· ;;Iu g th roat llIuscles \lUlt Ilrc li O cotU· ilion tor WO lUen who sit lit a de k or plnno lll uch. "Th e way I hapfl n d to t hluk of comulning ueclt d e\~ l opmellt Hn d work was by watc hing my grnndmo th· er . H I' thront Is a8 thin f.l nd supp lo as a ,;ll'l's, t ho ugh sh Is nearly 80, 1111(1 s he has 11011 of the sagging lin es that most of us connect wit h ag . "She to ld IDe th t when ve l' she got a chance e1u rl ng ' be day. whenev r sb had to pla n a ny of be r work or )vun tcd a mluut 's r st, s he sat wi th he r ey 9 turned heav enward, her chest u p nnd the musclos at l ile back of th e nec k con tmcted, "O Cten as sh ' Mat th ro sbe wou ld ma s a ge the throat mus cles wILI1 the tips or h r tl ng l'S or dl'UW th A palms oC her ha nd s aHe rn a t Iy from the li ne or her ch in toward hel' chest. S he us ually cft l'l'l eI a s mall tube ot cold cream In h r pock t a nd wo ul ll [lUt j ll ~ L no ugh a ll h \. fingers Lo kee p the 's k In fro m ge tti ng sore. "How did s he munage abo ut hc r collnr? Sbe never wore on e aro und th house, but had hcr mOl'nll)!; t rocks made with n nO l'row surplice neok to give fl' eda m and ai r to tbe thront. ' "Crandmot hernever went to a bea uty J ocLo r In bel' lite, but she agrees wIth most of t hem tllat a tight colinI' Is fatal to a beautI ful tilront.. I can· not go cO:!:lrless In all omc , but I tal; It oft' the min ute 1 r a h he me and always wear a Dutch Deck dress In Lbe e ven ing,"

BOOK-KEEPING SHORTHAND OtJer Brilliant Possibilities for Ad. . vancement and High Salaries Hundreds of thousands of bright youn~ men Ilind young women a re today o.rrivlDg a t. tlJat !lge .wmu. ~lJev I.~como interested lD t lJ8\r fut uro- III tuelr pro»peots for a sticcessCul CI,reer, with the. <l.bility on t heir pa rts tv earn good salories, be inde~ndeDt., and amount to something in the world, IIJld for these young persons there are many pr~te. wiona and semi·profOSlliona.l <x;cu patlona which oll'er gold~ n a.venu.~ to lDlportant. and high·saltmed ~SltlODll. Amona these professions are l'elcgrophy, Boo~· ke~ping, Shortho.nd, etc. h 'l' for instanoo. \ho telegmp orprobably overy preSIQ.JIlt of n. great railroad\ today, secured his stnrt as • telegra pner-working . his w# Y up by carorul a ttention to his duticlSl and by grasping his opportunities Rna making the most of them. Then take t he proression of book-keepilijt-:-nen.r1y evc.IY hend of n. gront ' mercnn\ L1e or fi.nnnei~ institut ion of t.oday bel:an lifo either 1Jl tho.t instit ution, or in some other, as • book-lmcper. ADd ill true of the profession of book-keeping is equally Lrue of that of sw nograpuy, What these other young men and young women rove done, noy JouDe man or ~'oung woman cnn dl)-' theY' will. All thnt is necessary is n. fow invested in n. correspoDllence course. in one or the other of thellO studie&the devot ing of a fe\v spare momenb now and then (whioh would otherwise be wBste d) t o t he study selected-and a. determination to learnt and to succeed. Among those educational inst itutions whieh t oday instruct young m en anel young wome.n (n.s wcll I1S persons of a s age s) by correspO'l1dence, in the person" ow n bome, one of tho most promlnen' and best known Us tbe Michigan Eusinoss Instit ute , at KAlamazoo, Michigan". which has, during tho past t welve or rutoon yen.ra. graduated lDllny hunr dreds of young men and young women, in eaoh or the liotl.' of profeee.icinal work above referred to. This famous E d ucational Jruititutioll of Miohigan is at n Il times gla.d tc An· swer inquiries. r. om young m en nnd young women (or others) wbo feel thn1 they would like to take up any (Joe 01 these studies, in their own homes, at smnll ex~nse--n.nd a letter addressed to E. P. Sumption, Pr.esident, Michigu Business Institutt\ 7f6 Inst. Bldg'J Kala.iwl.zoo, Mich" wID receive prompl and courteous attention. It ma.y be well to add, also, that ia taking up a. Course ot Study with tJW Institution, tho,student is not required to l>;D.Y o.nYthi!1g a.t aU for the tuition until be or ",he bn.s graduated and hal lOoured .. satisfactory position. 011 salary. This arrangement is 80 eenero~ .. one that no person d08iring \0 oerteot themselTH in a. gt>od-pa= protessiol oan afford to neglect tal ' &dvautaa.


F ashIonabl e fur stoles are long and ~i~ _'~___________ are ext remely wide, NOT FOR HIM. Lace yokes and s lee ves continue popular In spite of theIr long use, The lace c oat figures a s a part of many of the dressy tracks of the sea· son. Wblte fllrs are worn as toques, stoles nod muffs, not to mention trimmings. Cailbmere de sole and dull henrlotta are the mos l approved mourning mao terlals. A new shnde of da rk green, very "Now, boy, thll Is Importantl It'a popular with young girls, Is caUed At· an Invitation to dlnnerr" lantlc. "Thank;B, boss. But I cu't Q.CCopt. The walking IIUck, a ft er a. period ot Me drest s~t 's In hock'" , retire ment, Is now blghly fashionable ~OO PERSONALL V CONDUCTED (or men, EXCURSIONS. An Immense automobile mull baS constructed In it 1\ special pocket tor Colonlsta' one·way tickets Chicago carrying a pet <\og, to the Pacl,fio coaat, via the OhlclllO. When ClimbIng Stairs. Union Paclfio and Nortbweateru Ube, I have heard glrlB complaIn because are on sBle ,daU,. during March. u4 tbey have to cUmb '0 many fli ghts of April at the rate ot '33.00. Carr. s taIrs In order to reach theIr low rates trom all polnt.. Now, wtth a little practice they will be Doub.l e bertlt In tourist sleepln" car able to go up tho stairs without feel· only '7.00, through without chan,e to Ing the clImb at all. Hold tbe bead SIlD Francisco, LQs Aogelea and Porterect, t.he chest Ull, breathe slowly and land. No extra char~e on our person, de eply and put the ball of the foot IllY conducted tourll. Write for fUnfirmly on each ste p, erary and full particulars to B. A. H you follow thIs method you will Hutchison, Manager TourIst Departsoon torm the habit ot maklng the ment, 212 Clark Street, Ohicago, Dl. climbing task less Urerome. Unknown to Science. The elght-yel1r-old tWD ot a Belen Hat allowed a Budden interett 10 ph~ tography. "Dad," he said, "they photograph comets and meteO!8 and flying blrda and lIgbtnlng flashes and all sorta 01 moving thlngll without any trouble, don't they?" . "Yes, my lion." "Then how Is It tht!y can't pboo tograpb a boy without putt1n" hl8 bead In an Iron trame?" !

....f t fW


OBTo ern



LIlCAa (lotilIT';.

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IM'!III II _ _ IIrTII or v. J . C1l&N&Y .. 00 4c8I

Cll:&qy make. 0&1

par\IIer of \be

~ III tM Cn, or Tol.clo. Coull" IUld a .... ,,~, &Qd Uta, MId 111m will Pl,. tile iIwD .. ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR8 for fSdl &ad _ of CATAIU\II tbat e&DAOt be e\INd b, \be :..~ 1UUo.. CATUU


s_ ~ bof\ln m. &114 eullllarlbecl ID ai, ~ FRANK J. OBI1NEY

. ..-.!! cia)' !If ~bIr. ~, D .. I _ 'J .UI.

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Bill.. Oatantl







litClllloUlT PaLICI. IaWDalI, _ .,.

<UreatIJ. UPOD \be blOO4 and mUOOUl " ' ' -,or . . ....... ....d for \tIo1lmonlale. lIw. . . ,

"'*' b, ali ~ ro!SNKY. oo~ ~ 0'hb

, Flr..8.ld~· S~elvett-LowStlelve' at tho 'Sldl; EXT' to tbe' coucb books~eIr In ' llopu}arltl' Is that 'cvllicb Is placed In re er. ence to} he fll'e~l~ce. Th~re lis Bometbjng ,COZily suggestive in the a9S.0elatton ot books and a firet!la~e, It makes one thlnk ot lon~ comfortable , winter evenlnga with l>rtgb.t fla~ ~d a good atory, DOt to melltloll apples and kindred dellCl\cles a8-'ir- vaTlan to ~lteraTY"absol'pUOD and a ' JJr1 frtend sltt111, 'oD tbe opposite slae ot the hearth to belp enkiY the' evenlllgin a aoclable .allence. The coucb, the 'and the bookahe!f ate aU III relationl with e~b other. or aeat.iI anel striped cblb.~ rl • tor ad little · Tea


.HIll:_~~ Pw. fIDr ~UGG. .

Helan 'Had An,II~' lon, Beleo, &194 al:r., wu· ,telUq Marr. qed leven" of bel' 111ana L,r the ' tIt:' ture;, "I'm golng to lie ~arf.led"'· Ibe f.Doounced, "anel ,bave 18 l:h1ldrs.n ." ''Oh,'' paped 1&&1'1, ber· eyes wi. with &JOas.ment, . "10\1 mel'Cleotq " ...tebl",D8UneatOr. .l .~ . .Tb. belt. part of (ortitude t" s-otluae, wblch . Uel . at til. NOt of III pi.....,.. ." weD . . aU pow..... Bope ....." ..... ~ be bpDlD&ccOIDpuI.. bar•...,.....






... .


"Why." be exl\l~!mec! to ~echlll1a\ the propb t. who Ilad ' Ome to se bltll In re$pOlJse to bis earntlst summons "Why, Jt t he Samaritans again lTucee d In bloclliog 1.b eut ·l'prlsa. Ii. will sllu· ply be lrull():lslhle to lake It up a gain. Zecb.u-iab the Prophet W. J . Henderflon, visiting, Seat tie, what troubles me Is this : Our r~ And Encollralj'ea Zerubbabel, ,...-It s the Canacllan Govern ment sumptlon oC lhe worlc Is a dlTect vioAgent at Spo ane, Wash" and says: ===== -==== lat ion ot tile uAc ree Issued by t ho for"I have neIghbors In Cenlral Canada ' BY THE "ltlCHWAY A ND BYWAY" mer kJng, Arlo. erxes. nnd should th o raisins wheat, barley an9 oats for the PREACHER present king. Darlll s, choose to so r past 20 y'om's, lind are now get ling gard It, ho ma y desce nd upon ns and ~om the SRme land '20 to 30 busbels ot execute dire punlshm nf npon th ci ty wheat. per acre, 4.0 to 60 bushels ot Tho Book of Zechnrlah,-lt consls l8 of for Its boldness. Wbat th ink you?" ·o ats. ll::e pn rl8. hapl r9 1 to 8; c har.t rs 9 to Zecha rIah (lid not aos w r at once. "It was the Ilrst week of May when) II : Il nd c ha pt o]'s 12 Lo 14. Part I, t he nIn e got my ten; pItched , tiut ~h e farmeTi \'Islons. \'Iz.: I. 0 :7·17) A rlcler on a roll He. was tl'ou ~ l t' d by the situ a ti on, !\!ld' all around bad fl ul shed puUlng In horse. am o ng th o myr tl o Ir ~cs , symbol· sa w tho da rk posslbllltics. But he was Izlng a gc n raj pCHro ov I' lho wh o ll! certalu that Gou's h a nd had beon In tbelr crops, so 1 oul y got tlrteen acroa In. ' ld. 0",1 the cesHullo n or opposlll t1 n .,to brolce and seeded, They advIsed me lho bulletlng ot Ihn lempl ~, B. (I :1S·_1) Lbo resu rnpl Ion of Ib o buildin g 01) m · &8 It was late not to put In much !!ollr horns (1 . e.. t our c ne ml es ot the lion s, and laying hold upon tho.l wheat, 60 r put In five acr es of wheat J e ws), nnlf fou r r llrpcnte rll , by whom tbou!;ht. he r s ponded. earnestl y: "Bllt we clln bu\'e maele no ml stakf th e y are brol c n. ~ (~:1·9) II man \\'llh 1\ and ten 'acres OaLS, one-halt nere pota. m ensurlng lin e, en lllr ging t ho boun d'lI·lca toes and vegetables. All kinds ot veg· ot Jprua n l m: I, 0 , . h~' r In creose. Inc los- In obeying th e voice of God ?" " D." respond ed Ze rubbabe l. slowly -etables grow we)] up there, sweet corn, Ing the GC' nll les. 4, (3) .Toe hua (th o hIgh "and yet how can we Iw ow what trou prl ost) ch a nslng tl llhy ga r m enl!! t or npw tomatoes, onions, carrots. peo.s, beans. ) n ~8, signIfyI n g th res lnrall on ot Ju dah. cabbage. My wheat yIelded Jtbout 20 lnd od\'o n t ot "The Brnnch," 6. (4) A blE: It may plun ge li S Inlo?" "nut God will be wltb us to keep us bushels per acro, tor which 1 got 76 <:,olde n huup. ( eel by lWo o live trllPs: I, c .. seeIng that we have set ourse lves to the r build ing of the temple. and future oento. othe rs got 80 cents; ants o f the chu r c h by th o un c IIon c1a his will," protesled the propbet, In t hreshed 85 bus llels per acre. to r whIch g,tlorlllcatJon th o Holy SpirIt. G. (5 :1- 4) A flyln!! roll : nil ef\'ort to be hope ful. I got 35 ceots p~\, bushel. You see I I. e .• vo ngennuo on lh e u n god ly. 7, (fi :ft· 11) "True Indeod, and so I hope It may was three weeks late In getUug them A woman presscd Inlo nn ~phah by a prove, but I cannot help but be troll den weight and ho rn o ct\utwnrd : t. e .. le" tn. BUll I W8.6 satisfied. ~9!\lon and bunlllhml.'nt of Idolu tl'Y. lil eel by the darl< outlook, The facl ".From my obBervallon. t ht-re Is more "r e p" (6 : 1· 8) Four charI ots IRll tllng fr orn two money made In s to\!k , such as cattle, bra2 en mou nta Ins: I. e,. th cours of dl· th'at even now the messenge rs of our borsell and sheep, as prIces ILre hIgh vlno pro\'ld on ce. 9. (6 :9· 16) Crowning of fnes arl' on their wu y to Babylon wllh : I. e .. the rl'gal and prlos tl y ot· t heir charg 5 a gaInst us. has caused tor s uoh, and It costs nothing to raise Joshua tlce ot "Tho Branch." Part n . CollOQUY them, as horses live the year around be t ween t ho prophet and exiles regarcllng mnny of the people to cease th eir out on tbe grass. In fact, farmers turn Lhe fn~te, 1. (7) Th o nature ot a true tas l. work, and ,!hould DarIus look with dis their work horses out for the winter. !. (8) On r.on verslon ot tnata Into fons ts. favor upon us. a nd ca use ()\Ir e neml el Part lIT, The tuture des tln y ot t he J uw- to t riumph over li S, we should not only and lhey come In tresb and fllt In tbe Ish r fl lJ glon Ilnd peop le, 1. (9· 1-7) Pence un spring. Cattle live out seven or ell,;hl der Alexan<' r 's rule. t, (9: 12-17) R evIv a l fall to complete our temple b:.>1 would ot power under the Maccabeee. 3. suffer o,Ppr sslon and proseoutlon a t months. Tbey mow the prairie grasa tbelr ha1\us," (11-12 :12) a reve rse (caus d by the re~eo­ a nd stack It for winter and give oat lt on of Mf)sa lah- punI8hed by the des trucAgain Zechariah endeavored to com straw. My ne ighbors Bold steers at li on of J eruealem, 4. (12 :3-14) A pe rIod ot each, and any kind of a horse ppnlt ence and hopo. 6. (14) Return or th e fort tbe discouraged leadur at the peo that can plow, trom $160,00 up. I raI sed Messia h to J ruanlcm In t r Iumph over hIs pie and to point him to confidence In Ies. and the Inauguration ot Uleo- God, and then toolc Ws de lJllrture. Bul to chickens and 6 pigs, as pork, ohlck, enem oralie Clo!,)". he went home not to sleep, but to give ~na, and eggs pay well and al· himself up to a night of vigil with ways a good market for anytblng a Scripture .Authority - Zecharlab, God, and while the governor struggled man raises, 110 I have every reason to Cb&pter 4. with his hopes and feara upon a feverbe tharrlttul, besides. at the .end a bed , Zechariah, tbe Ish. sleepless three years I get my patent tor bomeprophet, reached up In prayer to God, 8ERMONETTE. .tead. I heard of no homestead seIJ· knowing tbat If help were to come It "Not by mIght. nor by power, Ing for leas than $2.000, so wbere un. must como from hIm. but by my 'plrlt, aalth tho Lord l1er the sun conld an old man or Dut how strong seemed tile forces of of Ho.ta." 7 0Unc man do better'" evtl. How mighty seemed tbe Influ, The arm of fto.h fall •• but the ences at work to discourage the build arm of God. never. YOUTHFUL MIND AT lng operations. As the thought,of He who would labor In tho thIn gs came to Zechariah he racked vIneyard of the Lord mu.t, catch Oeductlon Mother MUll Have Found his Qralns to think how such InfIuen\!es thl. vl.lon of the prophet. Zocha80mewhat Hard to Combat. mi ght be counteracted, and the enerlah. " he would labor pe,.I,t· mies put to rout. Surely there must ently. and .ucce,.fully. Mill. Marjorie, aged years, I. be some thing they oould do. Surely, Tho golden candleatick, with ·ene ot thOlie brlgbt chlldren who make there must be some line ot action Its bowl on top, It I .even lamp •• th. of tbelr parents and teacb· marked out. And while tho prophe t and the two olive tree, on each -era .burden. QuJte reoently IIhe pald struggled unde r this momentary con· . • Ide providIng a never failing ber 11m mit to a kindergarten. UJlOD victlon that somethlng must he done, aupply of 011. What does It typber return home .b_ grew _nthusl· he cast about him 1n desperation for Ify? . . .tic, beRtng her mother to allow some plan. some effort, whkh would JUllt thl.: The unfailing and ber to attend tbe .chool regularly. put tbelr enemies to rout and frustrate , "'It was so .,err nice'" .b__ declared Ultimate triumph of the light their plans. which God ha, cau,ed to • .,Ine ..weetly. "ADd the teacber, MI •• Lee. It was at that mome nt that a hand In the world In and through hi. Ia .0 verr nJce. too' She ·told me If seemed to reacb out and tOl'ch hIm. choun people. the Jewi. •w.. a ,~ l!,ttle , girl I 1fould ~w aDd ' he shook himself as thllugb be "Not by'mlght. nqr by power." qp Into a pretty lady, but It I wu bad just been wakIng out ot a slE:et: a. man counts and know. might llAucbJ7 I would ,row up an uely a nd sought to quicken hls benumbed and power. "but b¥ my Iplrit. ·we!" senses. And then a voice spake, sll.y .alth the Lord of Ho.ts." "That I. qnlte true; dear." ber moth. Ing : The cand/e,tlck .ymbollze. anllwered wlth, a smlle. "What seel't thou '" the Jewl.h theocracy, and ultl. ~ - Silently Mlis Marjorie reiar~ed the Zechariah lookeo and In the mlds' mately the church of Christ, tho ilre of pIne lop. Presently, .be burat of a glow ot light before hIm, tbere IIght·bearer to the ' world. 'eQt; "Then what a naurhty, nauehty appeared n golden candlestick such as "All of gold." Pure, prec/o.u s, lltbe girl MillS Lee mu.t II• .,. beeJi." had formerly stood In the holy plaes Indeatruct/bJe; .uch I. tho truo -Th. Bobemlan. In the temple, and whLcb he had seen Ideal of the churoh. among the temple furnls)l.1ngs brouglU E••}' .Como."Ea.y Go. .,' . "Bowl upon the top." Chrl.t back from Babylon. A" P_lleerby at Broad and Lombard at the head of the church Is tho "I have looked," he elCclalmed. with ·.treeta In' Philadelphia . once, beard true fountain. of. whose growing Interest, "and. behold a can· the following dialogue between a I. of the .plrlt all we recelvo grace. dlestlck ail of gold , with a bowl Upon ""'rer who Willi digging In a lewer and "HI.' seven lamp ...• United In the top of It, and his seven lamps <& .tQut, beamIng lady with a capaclou. one .tem.. Unity of the church t hereon, and seven pipes to the seven cnarket basket on her arm : with the JewIsh church ultImate. lamps. which are upon the top , "Ah, good marnln' to you, PM:'" .lUd , Iy a. ' the .tem (Rom~ 11: 16.24), thereof:' , _he. leaning over and 109k1ng Into the "Seven pIpe •." Feeding tubes And then hI! paused Ilt tbEl Unusuft.l ;ii. "And ,what are you doln'?" from the bowl to the lampl. Lit· sIght before him, for there a ppeared "Good m'a rnln', Bridget," he replied. erally .even and .evon or fortwo olive trees. one on the r ight. sl d~ looking uP. "I'm .....arnln' ~Lmon1 for ty·nlne I'; all. The e>\planatlon and one on tbe' left side ot th~ candle':'eea~ And what a're you doln'?" In verae 6 I. that man'. power stick. ' .. " Snre,' t'm . a·spendlu' It,h repl!ed by Iteo" can nolther retard or Perplexed anu aston Ished. b e turned ertdget a.\rIJy, as she trotted o~.­ '. advance ' God'. work, t"at the In the dIrection of the voice , wblch ~ad (Jpplncott'•. real 'mot/ve power Is God's .plrlt. spoken to him before. and exclaimed : "Two olive tree.... The .ource ~~------~-----~----"What are these. my Lord?" PlacIng HIm, ' of tho 011 aupply In , the bowl. "Knowest th(,u not what these be?" "Papa," fnQulred little )fay, after The Holv SpIrit, who filiI with the nngel demanded. Sftnday IIChool; "wl,I.8 George ~~ , his fullneli'" Melslah, from whom "No, my Lord," tngton an IsraelIte?" flow .Iupplies of grace to the "This Is the word of the Lord nnto Before ber ta t her could answer thi. church. A. tlie lamps burned Ze rub babel, sayIng : 'No t by mig ht. nor lomewbat unexpect~d QuellUon MU" cohtlnuallv. .upplled with 011 by (lower, but by my eplrlt, BRItIt the efl[-year-old brother broke In. ' . from ' • . • ouree (the liVing olive Lord ot Hosts.', " "~y, May, ['m 'sbamed at your' ll· trees), which man did" not make, . A gl'ea~ cry of joy burst from the .'8ncel George Washington I. In tbe 110 Zerubbabel. the governor of lips of the pl·ophet. and he exclaimed: New Testament. not lbe Old."-Wom·' , Jeru.alem. need not be dlsheart" I must hasten to tell Mm tbe wonHome Companion. ' fI'ned boeau.e of hili weakness; derCul message." . for a. the work Is one to be ef· MIddle Courao ~ho Beat. "Thou sbalt, Indeed, but hear U.e fected by the living Spirit of LobSter and champagne for .upper rest. for It Is a melsage ot good tid , God. man'. w~akneSi II no ob· 411at'll blgh Jinks, Sawdust and near mgs, So also llbal~ thou sp~ak: 'Who .tacle. for God's might will per~lree for br.eakfast-:-that's. hy&len .. · rue thou, 0 great mountaIn? Before .fect .treng. t h. out of we.tknes •• -Between these two eminence., bow· Ze1'1lbbabel lhou shalt become a. plain; wer there'. room tor .ome pllulll. and be shall bring forth tbe I,leadstone '!ITIII... thereot wllh shoullngs. crying: Grace, THE 8TORY, grace un to .It: The .h ands of Zerub. GOOD CHANGE b~bei have laid the found~tton of tbis. ARK day. s fo\low those ot lIu~shlne. house; his hands shall also finIsh It; Coffee ·to .Poltum. Discouragements co .. no orowdlng and thou shalt know tbat the Lord at ,upon .the heels of 8uccCJssful effort. Hohts b~tb lent me unio you. ' For The Jarge army of persona who ~a.... But ,darknfl!l s and dlacouragemtlnt are who bath despIsed tbe day at amall foUnd relief trom many cbrome · atl, no Indication that God III not still In thIngs! For they shall rejOice, motita by chanJing from colfee to hili ·heneti.. or that h'- will Is not be- shull see tlie plummet In the band POstUm a .d atly beverage. I,· crow' Ing wrougbt out In th0 midst of men. ;l;erubbabel with those seven, They til, ••eb dll7. .. . , When tho , outlook la dark '1!fe, need are. tbe eyes of the ~ord, which run It Is OnJy a simple question of tryln. the uplook. to a'ld 'fro through the whole earth." oneself. In ordet to knpw the jo~ . it W&ll no.",. • 0methJ,ftg over a year With eager baste the prophet passed of letumlng .helilth'. &!I ,re,aUsed , bY .aD lilnce Zecharlab bad begun his .mlnla. thrnugh tbe str~ts of the elty and ': DI":. 70~1 if4Y. , Sh~ "rites.: " try ,as 'prophet In Jerullalem., and · that bu\'st Into the prl}sence ~t Zer~bbabel~ ·"I: bad been a cotree drinker nearl.1. year had" bee~ crowded full ~r. *he to Wbt.S6 eyes had 'com,e !l0 .81eep that IIle 'I,lhd It'~lfected m1. ,~tdmacJl " . . 'pronlalmlng of ,God's , wor!! l)oS , nlgilt. But -the message v·'Mcb h~ heard .' ----eau~~d··lnBo~ptIL!ln·IL;I I. _w:.. .Be\dom to h1m "from"thne tp, time. I~ from the lips," tbe . propl\e~ sent him. Wlthout 'a ti.~d801i~. ~ bad heard t;eel\ a yeJl.r. ,~., which 'tb.?l'e; ~ad. fortll ~wltb a new Insr;lraUon and ' ze,a l . PotItuDi · ~ .hgW bene ~1~vlt..:tVas. so been a mKrkeiU~rril~g ot the ,p8j)ple to the ywork. F~r he ,. ~ew \h~t . no '~'cluded)~ ·qu1~ ()(j1f~e.Al;ld"tJ::v '4,' to God. The work or bulld,hg the tem· 8al1111y power that day could thWart "I . . . 'd~'!'!1t'ld , with ; !he :cli~~ ~le had been \~8unutcf with tre,. b vIgor , hlm' lIl the' execu~qn ot 004 8 ,plana. ,. ' '. ( e.n )Jow ,••eep ';1311 and "ldom eyef 'and :good. pr:ogl'e.s ~!ld been.[· ABd '. ' then' new dlmculUea had ,ali"en. .'rJ,'he' Wile Law of . Nature. . fuea from :.",ltbout:"bleh ~ad ,tOpped ':, He \I,'~o Mbl.tuat~. 'himself IJl bla, ............... lia, work ber~re aD wbte~ bad . b~eD diLlly. Ufe ,.t.o leek tor the .te. ~ ~act. tearedwpuld tn.terter:e ~Q ' ~ad de- 1ft whate'\ ~rbe b,eare or 8'eea,. wUl bave manded to know by what. right the .tl1'ele !.factll again broulbt before~m had Deen ~sumed Imtl' ther .~ , by the- lDVolun~r1 . llUaglllatl~' power, 01 B&bJloll to _atttllDPt to . . ,In their npblelt IiUOCI..Uon.; aDd be ~~ ~lUl to b&~ tile I. who Heb for frlvoUUea &114 f.naetea !aaye,frlTOUtt.a ua fallad- ~~ to JdD: ill .... dreIUU.-"Il_















'- tar

.' ..&s. 'my

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GET THE BEST RESULTS t'he Kind -of BuUdlng N eeded and Its Arran gement-By J. W. Clark, Pennsylva nia Experiment Station.

BROKEN RIST, A hek Th"t Achel All Day Dlllurbi

Sleep at NIght. Thomas N. McCullough, 321 Sea. Weoo( St.. Colurado' Springs. Colo., says: "Attac\{s ol bac.kache and kld· ney trouble b~ gan to come all mo, lasting oCtell tor three wee k. at a lime, and I would be unable to turn In bed. The urIne wa. much dlsord l" rod, conlall.lll.lg sed iment. and my rest was broken at night. Relief from th ese troubles came SOOD afler I started 't aking Doan's KIdney PI!!s, and continued treatment entirely treed me trom Illdney trouble The cure has been permanent." Sold by a ll dealers. 60 centll abo&. Foster-Milbu rn Co" Bulfalo, N. Y. BRINGING HIM OUT.

Combined Colony and Brooder House.

Aske r-How Is It you never speak to Duffiy? I'm sure he's a diamond lit. tbe rough. MIss Trimm-Yes; I think s o. toothat's . wby I'm cultlng him.

Poull ry Is found thriving and yield· Inu goOU returns In 1)0 many sty les of houses that It Is difficult to lay down a ny blLrd nnd r ule!l, The tendency at {.resent Is toward cheaper houses with better ventilation, The botlwuse slyle of housing poul.try duro Ing Lhe winter has not been !lalisCac. tory, many of the houses being and the alr In them anythIng but ngreeable. Disease has been quIte common and the results In many cases have been disappointing. Poultry houses s bould be so ar· ranged all to 'admIt plenty of sunlight, eSI,eclally In winte r months, as It as· slsts very materially In warmIng the house and making fowls cheery. It also drIes up moisture and Is one of t he best agencies for killing microbes a nd disease germs. Windows should be arranged to come well up under tha front. This will permit the sun 10 shine well toward the back part of the house. Winter Is the most I.m· Ilortnn t time tor plenty of sun and as It Is lower In tbe heavens durlng the winter months, hence the Impor· tance of having the windows highe r. At least ' one·thlrd of the fron t of .a poultry house should be gabled or Qpen to the south. It shou,d face the st'uth or southeast. Windows sbould be arranged to sllds back or to be removed In some way. On bright mild dsys no coverlag Is necessary over the opening; on wIndy or cold stbl'll1j days a muslin aurtaln should be used, unless ve ry cold, when the windows mny be kept shut to prevent the combs being frozen. Dy getting tho fowls accustomed to lhe conell· tlon lUI cold weather approaches they a re better prepared lo stand lower temperature with. no Injurious results, I Each bird of the Plymouth Rook. Wyandotte and such br eo ~s requIres nbout nille Inches of perch room, Leg· horns , e tc" about e ight Inohes and Brabmas and Cochlns ten Incbes. Roosls should be made lower or near the floo r. Fowls of , tbe heavier hroeds cannot fly high, and those of the lighter breeds frequently Injure Lhe soles of their fe t In jumpIng rrom high perches. oaueJng bumble, foot. When droopIng boards are used thoy should be moderatoly low down to aumlt easy c leaning , DroppIng

boards should be made of matched lumbe r and sboulu be 20 Inciles wide tor one roost and tbree feet for two, tho first be in g plnced ten Inche!J trom tile wall. Most poultrymen prefer roosts two by thrce Inches wIde, with edgelr round ed sl1ghtly. Nests are usually made from 12 to 15 Inches equare. If placed near the floir they are apt to Induce egg eating. Dark nests prevent this. Cement floors are the cleanellt and If properly constructed, and dry and warm and give good' results Sb: Inches of coal cInders roundEl\1 well down close with some fln e matenal on top, sand will answer, !lnd one to one nnd a half Inches s arid and cement, one cement and two sand will make a strong enough floor for a IJoultry house, . Colony houses have many things to recommend· Ulem. They can be used tor several dllJerent purposes and be moved from place to place with a horse,. In.s urlng ~ reBh land for rear· to g cblcks on. Brooders can . be J)laced In these early In the Sfrlng and after the chIcks old enough to do without heat . the brooders may be removed and perches put up. 'fhlll makes an Ideal house till very late In the tall. Laytng hens, can be 'YIn. tered In colony houses with as good resurts In egg production as In larger houses. Vent ilation oan be arranged In colony bouses much the same as In larger ones. The . two outs her" show the shed root and gable roof. The shed roof Is ventilated by muslin curtains on u.ppe r part of wlndowB, the gable roof h~use by straw lott with lattice In each gable to admll the aIr to pass over and through t~e straw, which Is held up by wIre net· tlng fastened to the sides of the r()of. A muslin curtain was used on up· per halt of wIndows shown In fiS!lre On mUd days this was booked Up In· elde during n great portion ot the day and was let down during the nlgbt. Allhough the te!Dllerat-ure on some nights during the time ~eg· Istered over ten degrees below zero, the comJls of t he birds Wete no t af, fected e'xcept a Leghorn cockerel whIch' had been purchased and came from 11 warmer pen. Irow ls will stant! considera ble frost if accllstomed to It ,The buildings a re sin gle hoarded.


two·ceHed sporos which serve to pi'Op, agate the fun gl1l1, "There a re severa) other forms 01 dry rot which a re' ess Iml)Ortan t, but cause cOllsldera bl damage, wblch seems· to be on the Increase, Thesll are a lso due to fuu gl whIch belong. tor the mos t J)nrt. to Ihe ge nus Fusarium -members of which cauae serious damage to quite a numbe r of our 1m. portant culUvated plan t.s. , .. "In the caso of the Dlplodla disease, and quite probahly In th ~t of the other forms, the (ungus perpetua tes Itsell ove r wInte r on thn old diseased ears and old stalks. It Is' not Usually dlf. Baltimore. Md. - .. For four years flcult to find throug hout t he summer my life was a misery to me. I suJfered lrregularl. In old corn fi eld s. wbere the disease ties. terrible drag. has previously prevail ed: many pIeces ging aensatj,on, of old cornstalks whlrll are Infected extreme wIth the Dljllodla flln g us. S.t alks· known ,to be two yea rs old have boc'n found stili producing spores, , "The f\lngus does not, according to ' present knowledge, grow upon an, ot 1er bast, and upon developing corn oIly on tbe ·e ars. Not so much ' Ie known of the other fungi here con" cerned; but since 90 per cent. of tht. rot Is due to Dlplodla, less attention need be given to them. Diseased ears are fruitful sources ot subsequent In. Cect1o~ and · should be removed as I1l'Om ntly ·as possible. 'This can ' be rea.1I1Y ' dohe, at the time of husking. It nl)t , before. K eep them. In a lep arate r~eeptacie and ' burn . them lie Boon" as l>ra~~lcable : In addition to this, In ~elds wbere any consltle rablo amount ot , disease bas be~n found. the stalks shOUld also have attention Whatever crop Is to tollow. SOm& thlng 'may ·be ga(~ed-by carefully ll)ow. Ing' them under and 'lenlng them well .cove~d, but bunilng may be required even It t.hls IS otherwise bad ' Jlro ce.dure. ,Such .• Beld .hould not be ~ pla1)iecl to corn for anew two yean. .''If. ~t ' I ..

Disease ""hlch Is Causlnif Concern.

Accordi ng to T, J, Burrill and J . T. Banett of the fIllnols st alion t he groups ot diseases at corn known un· der tbe general name of dry rot has become of sumclent economIc Impor· lance during tho past four or five Yl!ars to cause: gelll!ral conoern among fa rmers In corn·growlug regIons . . "In 1906, t he ' year In which there was tbe grealest amount ot dry rot. 80 tar as any r ecords 'have been made, the loss was '4.,5 per cent. of tbe entire crop 'In 1lIlnols. ThIs represenls a 1088 of over 15,000,000 bushels, having a value of mOTe thb.n $5.000.000. The los~ In 1907 was less than two per cent. ot the crop, or about $2,000.000," Tbe name dry rot is derived trom the way ' the ears are affected In the field. "In gener!101 the husks tend to lurn prematurely. yellow to sooty, and the ear ' becomes pl'l'tlall y. or wholl)' s hriveled and much , decreased In .elght. Bomett·m es tbe earl' I' upright with. the husks 'clO£elY, adher· ing to' .t hem, ~n. Qther ca ees tha shanks are w~ake~ed and the affecte d . ars' hang lItnp from their attacbment, or' the · dlseilsed condition !Da,. . not b~ ' detede d untll the busk Is removed. There are kinds of dry rot, ClUJ! . to , dllferentcal.lses. . The ., mo~t comm.o.n and that which. !1ccordlng to ·Burrlll ~d Barrett. has during the palt two sellSOns' c:.aused about ,90 per c~nt. of .. ttle damage' In illinois, III due to a fungus known IlII Dlplomaydls. Ean· Infected ~Ih this fuuIIlS ':sbrlvel up m.ore or I.... d,arkeD' 10 color. and become Ulht III


"Tile kemell

Many Women PraIse Thl. Romed~ It you have pains In the bac.k . UrlnlU7. Bladder or KIdney trouble, and want .. certaIn, pleaaant herb cure for woman" 1JI.e, try Mother Gray's AUSTRALIAN LEAF. It 1. a Bafe and never-failing reeUlator. .A t all Drugglsta or by mall 60 ct.8. Sample paokage FREE, Addr-e.., Tbe Kother Gray Co•• I.e RoY. N. T.

HI. Choice. Tile Ludlady-What part of tbe cbleken will .you bave. Hr. H • • eomw? IIr. Hewcomei--A UttJ. of th. Gatt. lIde. 'pleaae.-Puck. A DomNtle IlI7e ReiIIWy Compounded by Experienced Phy.tcta-. Contor~ to Pure F094 and Dru,.. IA,.... WillS Friend, Wherever Ueed. AiI~ Oro ... aiat. tor Murin') Eye R~medy. T.ry Mu-'-e In Your . E yell. You wm Uk. Kurt\, . .


RemInded. "Doell your bus band forpt to mati th~

letter. you give him '" "Neyer. I put them ID Ilr. cqu caae:' Dolfeloull cakes and p ..trles are produced bl" the ule of Sonden' Cream 01 Tartar Baklne Powder and Souded J'Jayonlll Extract.. .Alllood~. . Proapertty i. the touchstone of .,... tue; for It Is les. dUftcQlt to bear mi. fortune. than to remain uncorruptet by pleaBure.-Taeltli.•. ,

FIonl throat 18Ild. to '1'oneilitl.. Qum. Diphtheria. Hamlin. Wizaro Oil ullBd as a iargle upon the Ilrat symptolU of a sore throat will invariably ' prev_ ail three of thClt!e drea!! diJeaee•• and

Some people Epent! 80 much UIM bandIng out advloe tbat they ha•• De Ume to acoompJJsh anythin.. For Hoarssn ess and Cough8 "Bra",,'. Bronehlal Tro ~heB" a re wonderfully effective, 2G ccnls a box. Samjllea eent fr. . by John 1. Dl'~wn & Son, ~o"ton, Maaa.

Power and forlune muat coneur Wla prudenoe and virtue to effect anythlq lreat In a political oapaclty.-P~to. To rClltorc n OIlrIUIII action to liver. kid. op.ya. stontllCh nntl bowels, tab Gartiel6l

Teo, the mild herb laxative.


Diamonds come bJgheet when .014 cut rate •.


Cured by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound




~----~~~--~~-- ~~~~~~~~~~_~~~_~_~_~_ ~~_~_-~~_~~!.~_~~~~~_~_~~~~-·~~~~~~_"~~~_~r ~_--~~~~~~~.~.~.~_~~~~_~_~_~'~~~~~~~_~~~~_~_~----~~------~--~--~"--"/~--1.1 COL



yo u 'uirlg ( 0 huve yo ur '!Hlllle ill tbe u t't' hivt:'<; of Lh i~ ARC; iution·. tryon /al·e. you hud beUPI' hurl'. , fo r til ' t illl e will no t bi ng . Thi,; is lI' IHllt liJ,1 obj 't, and " t '\' NY loyal Am rkan in who hC"lrt i::; th' Im'{' of ,l'IHllltry, an icl ea lof govu 'i (i:':t'llship, and a rev re nce fo r the melll ory ( If a great m an" shc uld try amI have a 1, la 'e on lhe tablets I f th i ' mon u men t. 1'1 is movem ent is €'nu ol' 'C:J u uy th II. und of gTt'a t '11 n, a nd an y slI1al1 a mounts wi ll b e \'C:Jce ived hy th loca l CC1 ll1 ltlittee. a nd r eco l'd d. TlI (> t'Il11Il11 il l f' t' a~ a ppoi ll t d hy 'apt. C. It. :; rnith , is as foll ows: C. I'~ . Bra ltclI, chair .': P. H. Furl', ice pr es .: Wa n n K eys , set' .; FI'E~d B. She rw uod, Ll'eas.; C. H. 'l ell1e nts. R " . J, F . Cadwallad e r , J. A.Funkey , ,J. C. Ha wke, W O. Raper, Pro f . C. H . (' art~y, Pl'u f. H . D.l<ellison. D. L. ' I'fln e, Wal t er Kilbon , ol'win ; WaIt l' Ken rick, .Ly rl , Any amOll ll t f rom lW C:J nty- (i ve cen ts up will moll your name in the e xhibi t in the M mo rial Hall. You can hand your name 0 1' mOIHiY in at th e Ga zett e oRiCf', o r to any une of the committe, Don't delay as th t ime f or enrollment will not b long . AI'P

i'\ W Slilt. , l'l'flnld in N ~l l iona..1 bUill. \'~ . ,I(l lm F. t ~\ll\u \lt" a ll d J .,', :tollll'lIhm'\)ug-h 1\lulley; am \l ilt 'Iai med ." 4" ,'. §~. Probate ourl, Estate f !::Ii!o;ab ' l h rholl\p~u n , de':"R~etl. Firs t and fi nal a ccollnt filed . F 'tate of Eli zabC:J th I.)Lln hum . de CNIS d . Jo' if1h acco un t filed . Estate uf .J. ,J. Mu ll. cit' p:l~t'd . F'i fth a ce u n t filed . Estate llf Frank Cla rk , j lllbl·ciit'. Final a cl)unl 1i lt;·cl. Ultate of l 'atl1l'rin e l\ IlIpIO Il. ti l" cea.t>ed . Filial a nd cti;;(l'iIJllti\' I' HC' coun ls fi led . Est.ute uf Eli za <I. 1'l'oiJasc(I , d ec as I. Fin al uCcoll n t fi l d. E stnte of Sarah t;. Trim ble. l l' u~t eftate. F ul' th accolln t fl ied, Esta te of J ohn W. Il'win . m ill ur Sixth ac ount tiled. Estate of Al1 na Boyll', dect!ll!; d. l"i nal account fil ed . Esta te of 0 ,1\ id E . Bell I! Lt, (Itlceaaed. F ina l accoun t filed . Estate of John he han , d cea." d. Final account file<L Estate of M. M. ul p, assignor. Report of dividends fil ed. Estate of Cleo- Upton, minor. Inventory filed. Fred L. Pauly, executor vs Fred L. Pauly, e.t a!. Order gran ted to sell real estate. Estate of Zephaniah McCreary, dece~ed. Inventory filed. Estate of John F. Fox , d ceased, Inventory filed . ' Harry M. Hatfield, administrator, vs Ed. C. Penee et a!. Order grant· ed to sell real estate at private sale. Real estate appraised at $9,962. 50. Real Estate Transfers. Van Mounts and Bernice Mount to Cora Mounts Cocbran, 189" acres in Hamilton township $1 and other a-ood and valuable considerations. Lida S. Smith, widow, to Laura B. Gwinn, 108X' acres in Turtlecreek township, $1 a.nd other valuable con-' siderations . Sarah S: mith to Charles B, Smith, lot in Lebanon , $1 and other valuable considerations. Jacob Cornell to William R. Con.. over; 853{ acres in Clearcreek township, $1,750, William Franz and wife to Joseph McFarland; small tract in Salem township, $96, Louella T, Johnson and husband to the Farmers' Bank of Springboro, lot in Springboro, ~2,OOO. Clark H. Rice a.nd wife to CharleS Eaton, lot in Franklin, $110. ., . ~~~issloners Proceedmgs. Ruggles-Gale Co., merchandise for probate judge, reeorder, receipts and . stub books for treasurer and bianks merchandise for sheriff, $80.95; A. B. ~ides, cer;nent, $22.74; .J . B. Smith, lumber, $34.45; W. H. Anderson & Co., Ohio ' DiKest, vol. 6, $6; W. H, Antram, stamps, $10; Jam~ Follen, sr.:saIaryfor February $50; R.lIarshbarger; s8la~ fOr F:ebrua~YI $40.



t.:roup positively stopped in 20 . minutes, with Dr, Shoop's Croup Remedy. One test alone will surely p~ov~ this t,ruth, No vomiting, DO distreis. A safe and plt1llsing syrup -500. 1:k>1d by all dealers .

- ... - -



P ort William folk: ha ve a caus to be puffed up, for I.h yare anxiously awai t ing to · hear if a tl'a t ion line will go through t heir city or not. Besides pole have arrived in the village and work will commence soon on a t e lephone line at P or t Willilim. A company has been organi zed there to build a plant, and th foll ow' ing offic r· have b en el cted : Pres· i ant , J. D. Vande rvo rt; vice-presi· dent , J. R. Brown; !lecretary, Albert Ellis ; assistant . ecre tary Albert Charle Conklin .


. The Buc~eye PreS!:! ' had a great ttme at Sprrngfie ld last week, and the old town w~ alive wi~h newspaper men. On Friday morn~~g John Marshall Mulford .spokeon .The Countr;: Weekly; Credi t or ~h In Advance , and made a great hit. . The. mayor, W. ~ . . Burnett, m speakt~~ of the 'edl~ors assemble?, says: If.yo~ had trled to entertam .t he ki~~ of m en ~lto used to come here years aa-o ,. It w~)Uld have cost lots of money, for there were ~ great many of them w~o were drmkel . The new set of editors seem to .be a 'fine lot of men, clean. and stralghtforward. They all Impres,', me as being smart business men. II • _ _ -~-CRl)ISE OF SEVEN SEAS The follow inc is the story of the Amel'icah fleet in her cruise around the 'world: . Number of battle hips in' Reet that made the trip, 16. Number of men on board, 11?OOO . Tim'e consumed by trip, 418 days. Cost of vOy'age to government (extra) $2,500,000. Number of men lost by death , 50. F lagship of the fleet; battleship Connecticut. Successive admirals in command, J{nbley D. Evans, Charles M. Thomas, Charles S. Sperry. December 16, 1907, fleet sailed from Hampton Roads. February 7, 1908 passed through Straits of Magellan. May 6, 1908, arrived at San Francisco. May ~,1908 , Admiral Evans retired and was suceeeded in command by Rear Admiral Charle') M. Thomas for a period of six days when he ah:!o retired 'and died July 2nd. May 15,

- - -..........---


So far, more 'than 75 per cent of all the electrical power produced at Niagara is used on the American side. While the larger hydraulic WOJ:ks are 'On the Canadian side, they have been erected ' purely to sell power to the United States. It has been admitted that Canada cannot in five years take over 50,000 horse-power' for her own use, while the preparations are for developin~ ove r 400,000 hOI's~-p wer in Canada. Obviously, jf importatIOn into tbe United States is restricted, the diver· eion of water on the Canadian side is reduced. That is the reason it is so important .to have an e!lactment, even if a treaty with Canada is ne· gotiated,limiting sharply the amount of Power that may be thug par.tially pl'Otected . . ARBOR DAY '

6ov~rDo'r lfar.woD bas designated Friday, Apl'\l 16th as Arb~r Da,y, d tll · h' . 1 ti an, W 188ue 18 proc ama on to this" effeot soon , U ·i8 to'be ' hoped thp,t the schools all over the ' state ",nl'takt,. ..n .ao'tl-ve .partin this da.y.. It would a110 be well for 'farmerl to ao&, too, and set out ·trees in the Woodl. eo,that tbey may ba ve a good


I - .,......--, ~ illl p li ity is a 'onsp icuou::; 'feature l WUl'nin r haH 1I(! .n liiv n 11 t/l e of t ht! IIlvJ e rn t.linn ' r · pa l'!.y: even Il luu Ll' Ol'i ti :; to :III f arlll tl i' t il liC'wan' 1 \ " :ld i n~:' 1'l,,1I1l Imv" I,( \' 1, jJc nl.'ll IUI'ge :lllu important nttll'la inm .n t 4> 1' m e n I'ep l' !ll'nling th '1I IHl' lv ~ I) 1\ 11' (, hil ol l \ '11 In l ;1J!JI·nlt:,!'..t'11 U.I' IIIC· i. not !"u e labo r ate as it was in t lte b ::lgcm " of lh' govtl l'f1 lll ell l and wu nlC' I.. day. of o ll r g l'a ndput n ts, wh liv d ch ar g ing fUI' xamina tio'n of call ie _ _ ....._____ _ _ _ _.....-.........-ill a more boun ti ful age . A f w und I' pr el 'n:;e of sea r chillg' I'ot· !~____IiII. .II._~M1IUI~.J , uI'Se::;- cight or t e n --is lI OW thc hoof and mo uth disea. e'. standar d. n exquisit sel'vic is t he - -- - - - - - id E:al, and the host s is a llowed a IT'S A PEST You will find Uw g'r'eat li b r ty of chlli ce in he r menu. - -- . . f' . tll ' To r '"el a. L111' alened. II IV:lo.; I(1I10 It Saved His Leg, Th e Et t' ' lg I·ISh eu::; t um 0 f servrng hostc :~ til'st. i URe it iH wis to im i-' t he til: wnta l! m o ~h, Will dl pl ay s hnv" All t h im g h t I·u IOlle lil Y le~," writ e~ .J A . ~ W I~ Il Sn tl , "Vat rto wll , tale I t 'nuule ' her t o see t hat th Ot' wl lh th t:> f l'lllt tret';; , UIl' ;; t<ltl' , . 11'1 , "Te n yeti r ,.; o f czewlI, t b tl I. 'O ll ;~t' i-: sa ti: fado ry be,for e it is ~oard o f ag'l'il'llllure wil.1 th e le g:-, 15 d oc t,lJ l'!< c''I lilo lint. I1l" e , h'lll tt l. IiI'u cl111l 1l rl{' 1 f. f :I" . II I\illd !i uf IU i' t. IId d m e u p. Tb fln Andl ilm 'Ij pas"Qed tu hel' guesls. lITld wi t h an un- l>ilat ur for a n apPl'Opl'm t llllll,f 'e\ I AI'lI II IL Hulvli CIlI' 11 it, ~ lIulld IIl1d l l'Uincd scrvan t it giv':; u d finite e r.1l1 hu.ndr d thOllSalHl ~ u lla t's, a nd , w(' II. " Infallihl e fOI' 'kin (I~ I·I1)Jt. lnn H poin t upon wh ic h t u b 'gin operations Will P01l1t o ut as an .awful exalll ple 1': e;O:1:\ III It , Hult Hh" IlIl I, Boil,; , "" WA r The cus tlJm o f re fu::;ing' a OU l'se , of what may hal~pen rf .fund s en lug'h 'Or e!!, HurD e, ~ Itlds, ell t s /I tiel Pil es. whi ch was a t olle time all owed, is now to s ucces ~lIl1y. hg h t t hiS p s t al~e 1I0t ~6c lit !I'r eo C ~ob\\'llrt ;o:·Iol . neve r pe rmi tted, nor can we be 01 placed a t Its di s posal, tI~ e eX ~ ~ l'Ien ce l .... low d to t urnd o wnollrwine'glasses o f Mast>achuselts, fud ed lo DOli POISONER. wh en Il w unl to the butl er is sum. make:! tl?eq~H\tt:' :tppl'Upnatlllll fil l' Lh. 1n o n vood las t week I r. d Ig'~ cient to have th e g la sel:! left ull Hll eu. ext l'm1l1utlUl1 o f the muth whe n I I I began wOl'k , ant! u ft.e l'\v al'd ~ WIIS ! W I'e poisoned by o nw ,'alldal wh ose _ Th e M arch Desig ne r. -• _ .. __ -.. oblig d to Hpe nll $lj~~ , OUO tu vanq lIish hear t, if he has on . i!l far fml11 bt:Nuthlll K ill rll wil y of Il . C o u ~ ll iH it. ing in th ri g h l pia ' e. si:,:· 0 1' ma t ri · q n i te I;h~ nnn oyin ", BS a. tlOkling li:l Th e boul'll has 'discovered that t1ie mong th e numb r of vic tims III:;, wh t'Zill ~, urouollitd . COl1~h. m oth is f raming things up to tRke a l. waH a beauLiful ' S L Bem a I'd a colli!! 1' u e qUI ' k 68 t r e li e f oomes p e l h'lp () t C I Corn, Seed a fol. oa am! a N wfu undl a nd, "lIt'e th l'e:! is f l 'o m II pI' tlcrlptilln ku IWIl t,o DrIlK- the Buck ye s tate by storm and lInr oom in th e wod el fo r t.he dogs, a mi ~ iHt s everywhere II!! I r . ::i1J .. up's It'ss som ething is don t' to heud him and Cement. Cough Remecty. A Ill] ue Ide. , it ill dn oft', th e citize ns will be at th me l" Y it is fU l'm r e hono r a bly fi ll d t ha n it th.ll l'unghly hnrUll ell~ t,hllt, Ilo t,ua n of an a rm y f !:Ieve l'al mill iuns o f is by th os wh o poisOTl th em . ~ Iv e it witll porff'u t t1ufo ty e VAli to moths. a t nu far' dis tant J nltl. '1'1 Th e te nlle r ttl t ho 'y ()Uugfl~ l htLU ---If y(i ll \ IIll t U, llId HI'\!lId . II X ' A fnilin g tiny ne rve-llo IUl'ge r 1.,11 ves uf II simple m o untain Hllrub , I gi sla ture has allowed the tl purt· tbun th e fin est. !lilklln threllil-tnke!l ~iv e t~) Or. tih oop's CUQl(ll R emedy m ent $11,000 for in 'pection uf 01'- , fr om tbe H eurt it·H i wpol~ ' its po w. lt d r Alt1llrkuble l.Hllt.lVe effa t . A c11ards and wit.h which to fight the or, its r egul'lrity, '.rhe~t o mfl o hIl1 80 fe w days' test will te ll. tlold by u.1I various pests which a ttack the ve l ' 0 b" it·s hidd en, or iUt'itle nerve. It d elllers - - - - - - ---etable king d m in this state. WIlS Dr. 8boop wh o firs t t l) ld us it CAN OWN A PIN E FOREST WIIS wrong to drllg n we ... k or fuiling Try Our Mill Run rced i")r l1o~s ~to mnob , Henrt ) 1' Kidneys. Hil4 For~ify n o w IIgl\lOst tbe Ul'lppresoriptio n-Dr . ::ib Op'8 RC' t or \) All who have had the privilege of for it CUUl AfoI very ~ell,; o n !!llrtt ! tiVl'l-is dtreo ttln s t,rtIight for tb living among th pin s or in a place Pre ventlC)!<-th lIt.t,le Unlldy (Jo lcl ounse of t,bese uihnent.H-the e wel1k easily aocessible to th t:! f rag'l'ant for- Cure 'l'uUIHIH- utl'at ill this r e~ pt)c:r, \ . c also h,1\ a 1111 111' ' · in.: h nod fll.itering inside n rves. Thi!.f, ' 11 mo t, CC r'u.ill ntld tlepeuulllJltl HILte.' no donbt, olellrly xplllins why th e ests Will treasure two though ts PI'e- guurd . PI'e v e nt.!~ , u.t, th H,m e -ze I. J ~ IH": I< dlCUP, I lei 0111' Re tOrtltiv llus of li,te grown 1I0, ented by Gl'Orge W. Wilde r in the tage" will tiS well, aillo sure ly heud prit:,·s before buy in j,: rtlpidl y in popularity. DruggistS! March Delinelltor, and t he thoughts iT all oonj ,uon colds . Bu't prompt dscwhcrc , sny thlit thol:!e wbo test tbe Restol:tl doubt! ss will lead to acti n. The o S is 1\1I.lmp r\llot. K fl tl 1l" AvAnlive even for a few dllYs t!00!l beoume , . .', . tics in th(' p k t 01' V.IH~ H . f u r i nfolly oonvinoed of its wonderful two ~houghts ale. .F lr t. Now IS ~tnnt UsA Bux o f -t fnr 2:'0 .. H(olcl merit, Anyway, don't drag .the or~ the tIme to plant pme eed s . ec- bS 1.11 d fl l er t'! . gan . Trellting the cause e f sloknel:!s ond : Now i . the time to trans plant --- -~ IS the only en ible Ilnd uooessllUl pine that nature has planted for you. WOME~ A II I iN-MONEY WILY. Sold by ull dealers . . 'Th next month or six w eks if; the CAN ' T -M - -I X'--ICE- AN- O -O-YSTERS t ime during which to plant pine seens, The wom n \ III" Ie Lo eam1 he ir' Oregonh, Ohio. wh ether you pursue the .. 'cientific" own pin-mon y UI' !<tV withuu t it are Orders have been received from method or the " eaSy way," says Mr, legion, more'::; t he pity . Th j. ix no t Valle)' Phone JJ 7. J r n~s the state board of health to the effect Wilder. The " scientific" melhod,· a woman alive tha t doe" not long , that ice mus t be kept separate froml that is, plant ing the eeds in a pre- do~n d u p in hel' h al·t of hear ts, f or '1._E:l___.~~M~.i:alHlW"': oysters in the fliture, . and that the pared eed-bed and two years from ~ httle m! ney of her own to s pent! s)Jcculent bivalves ·must be kept cool nOw trans planting- them , is, of course, Just as she \~~ n~ to; and w m et ',!II__________• __II! by placing the ice in an outsid e ra- the better way, the only sure way ~omen wOI'~m g; In ~1I t.he. 'I'afts ean.l- ' ceptacle , the same as ice cream, The "easy way," planting. the seeds 109 the PI' IOU,. pm!.mon ey a!l lIl: lr Any failure to do so will be conllidered ju t wher~ 10U hope ultimately to talents, v~rl Uti ~t p~I ' m l t. ' a violati'o n 'of the pure food law' have your pine ~orest, i pette r than orne tngtn hur h , . som e WI'lt and prosecutions will follow. It is noway-at all. - Now- is- t he time--to the pap rs and maga¥.in : sfl me PUlI1t , . . .. ..... claimed that the pres ence of melting plant, whatever way you ele t . and others bllke tl cntl'lbut t o lhe . · S prmg, . . ice with the oysters has a bad effect, T h IS next S pring <> n"J~h.,,~f.m'iln:v " x han geg for wome n ' work" - - -- - ... following Spring will be occru;ions 'on whil e s till other go into . busin 'S o have thc f(llll'lh ur The Lurid Glow of Doom. which, with practically no work, the Ther ar a numbe r tha t lCce l ru; (;I)OI;lI~ of '\ Ill, a nd 6 in. was seen in the red face , hnnds Ii nd wise man whose farm nature has home nlillin e rs, and make quit a I "lard Burnt Tile. All (Inc body of the little snn of H. M Ad blessed with a planting of pine seed handslllne thing of trimming ha t!! fOI" desirillg Tile., hili I b~lIt'r con· amI', of Henriettli, Pli. Hii; ' l1wlul can multiply what nature has tlone their fl'i e nd . On woman , wh o liv es , suit wilh mc bdllr bu. in)( plirht from eczemo. hlld, for five for llim. neal~ a IUl'g> bachelol' apal·t me ll l elsewhere, a ~ III priccs will years, defied BllTemedtes a.nd boftled II h tI he all ril-!hl. . the be~t doctors who said the pol _ In some sections in 1907, in o thel' house, does a t e l11 en ing for fOllr1 ned blood had affected his lung!' sections, in 1908, nature planted lav- teen unattnch d me n, and . male II I and n;)thing could him. "But," ishly of pines. They have sprung fine financial thing ouL of it. - Th writes his mot.her, "peven bottl s of or will spring- up in spots, ten, twen- March Design~" II Elleutric Bitters oompletely cured __ ... _ __ him," For ~ruptions, Eozema, Salt ty, maybe even fifty pines to a sqaare The linen 'i ndu: ll'y or fl'ebnu e .",1-) Wuynesville, Qhio. Rhenm, S'lrcs and all Blood DI or foot, and be scattered over ap acre ploys 70,000. i ____________. . ders and Rheumatlfjm Eleotrio Blt- or two acres of land. The wise man tel'S is supreme Only 50c. Guur. who· owns sue h ' a piece ' o f· Ian d h as ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ILDtee~ by .J!'red C. 8ohwartz. _-:only to take u'p and~ransplant. If !I_IIIiIlllil___IIIII_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIS_ _ __ 4




OREGONIA ~ln,LS Lumber and

- --

Mill Feed


_._ -----


Sucrene Feed

--- ----.....,.--

.. -----

Acme Flour




... - - -



Hard Burnt Tile




Chas. B. Lewis, '

A BAKED BEAN LUNCHEON One of the most effective tables 1 ever laid for my little daughter's pleasure was for a luncheon planned just one hour before it happened. One of her chums going through my kitchen as I opened the oven door said, "Oh, I love baked beans, and I always order them whenever we go to Fields," So the "party" started. Some "left-over" crepe·paper napkins with wreaths of tiny yellow flowers were laid on the polished oak tablefot'centerpieceand platecloilies, in the center stood a low glass bowl

he has an acre covered with young pine anywhere from two inches to a 'foot tall, avera~ing, say, ten to a foot, he can make that good for twelve to ' fifteen acres of pine by reaetting them during the wet Spring season some five feet apart, Thus it saves nature from her own wastefulness, 'lnd with a few days' worK makes ~his acre of pine seed, wh,ich, through its own self·destruction, would some years from now be worth only. two hundred and fi.fty dollars, show · a promise of ,.three ~o four thousand dollar. This really' seems worth while.

M.flsters R~pid Plant Setter Is built on s ientific prill ' ipl ~' throug hout. Its conical jaws are mad e of heavY sh ' et . te I and the main it?dy or wutel' I',~ser.voil' and plant t ube of heavy t ill 1 d plat<". The water valve iR of urasl with rubbe r pal;king. The va lve rod and trip Rpl'ing are uf steel wire : lhumb button · and othe t' filtings arc also of bra. s The machine is well pu t togeili r with ri v et~ und Holder and shoulu last for years . .

No Stoopil1l{ When Using, Therefore No Lame Backs. All ,kinds of Pln,n t.'1 " s u 'h as · Cahuage , Tobacco, fomat oe 'J. auh~ower, Strawbe rries "wee t PotatoeR, ~ugal' Beets, ·e le., sl'a set, i~ water ann r.OV ' I· d at one opel'ation. The plant roots are put d own to th pl'oper depth below the ~urface whe re the gTollnd is cool and rlamp You ne.ver have to w . ait. fOt' a ~how r', plants' 1 may Ie safe ly .·et out wlJen larg e enoug h, regm'd . la'l of t.hl:! weal.h et'- no matter how dry and dus ty th e ground may be. s hould have 0':1 e . . ' . Any man, With very httle practlcP call eaflily SElt out 7,QOO to 10,000 plants elll:h clllY. OUI' plAnteI' ma.intain. a record of OVl"r 998 plants to ~'l'oW froll1 eac h 1000 set . MONEY REFUNDED IN CASE TIll PLANTER It'AIL~'TO Do' ALL WE' . CLAIM. F.OR n .. Weigh~, 4 ~ lb '. Thi.s plantel' \vill tlaVe its cost, ~. dozeOl times over m .1l season fol' r plan mg atlll tOI'. use at the elld 'o f the row, wbereyoll can't uae the hors · seW~I· . 01' 'Sale :by . ~. B aides arllJ ' . ". . II'. W . Wadsworth. ~·'f.hese setters. can be seen at A. ~. S~des'. any time .. .

fllled with small yellow sunflowers, and each place favor was a larger one. The quaint brown bean pot grace d one corner, an d dl'agonally VinollleBtored This lItIUl'. across from it was a plate of old-fashioned gingerbread. On anotl,er cor- _ Strength ner was placed the sandwiches of "Several years'ago I was nttacked by slices of Graham and white bread • severe case of grippe, which lett me laid together, while the ' fourth cor- with a hacking cough, soreness In cbost, and bronchitis. I took Doarly ner held the hot Boston brown. bread. every kind or cough syrup sold OD the Salted peanuts and tiny cucumber p1arket. besides. JDedlclne given me ~T pick leE kept within the color scheme, physlclan8, while sliced bananas with whipped I recelnd no permanent reJle! until my druggist asked me ,to try Vlnol" nila, homeward bound via Singapore, cream for dess~rt made a ~ood end- and aUer . taking. three bo~t1e.1f I ._Ai Colombo, the Suez canal, Med\ter- ingtothe"SrownallChYellowLunch- entirelY cure4. .. . ranean '!,Iea ~nd aeross tne Atlantic. eon." . I believe Vinol to be the greatest January 4. 1909, fleet entered Suez . N.ot an extra thing was·needed out- blessing' ever otfere4 to the publiC, as _~._IIIiIlllil~"."~~ "".~ ~~.~": cimai, '.. . ,side my ordinary supplies, Ilnd I may it does what 18 clat~ed for It.'~ ·R ..·& B. . Blcke, Maples~me', A~n. . __ ... February 9,1.909, assembled at Gi- add I had no maid at tlle time. . T.h e reason ,vlnol , cures '. chr.ontc I,,_~~-'~!i--~~~~~"--"--~~';"'~_~'.,,_-~ · ,,· braltar for la,st leg of' the long vo'ySuch a table woul(l be very jlttract·. COUg.h8, colds and pylmoDaz':7 'troublea 11 age home. . ive at a church fair, while filr tlie 18 ' becauB8~ It ~ntaln8 tome Iron arid A p'Ur~ly " Vegetabl~ Laxative Welcomed home at Hampton woman who 4esires to entertain at a all the healing and body bqUdlnK eleC · Roads by the President and··a big small cost it would be charming: ]n~~~~~lIc:~;~:;X~~I::~:'::~g~b Lr:::.and'tOJ:e;T;:~~:.o~' "and "AII throng of people, February 22, 19Q9.luncheon, Wild sunflower or black- bullder'for old peopl~, delleate chltd.-ell, ~..... -~ ...;., ... ..,- .... ... ....


Every Farmer and Truck Grower


'·Prl·ce $3 7.5


•••__ •• Ch


J'I'IO. ~

. .. - • eyed Susans can always ~e found, or ".ale aDd ruD-dOW~ 'The.department of 8&'ricyltare es:- nasturtiums mirht be used, pl'ovided . . . . . . Tb.~ four , mol'~ dQCtors per ~atesj. that the rav8&'e8 of. field o~e could :fincla few 'of .the bro~ J. E. JANNEY eapitaus' New Y CIty than any .nuceandrats cause a 1088 of.$20,OOO,- ones.-Wpmants Home Compa~lIon at ·_ ........ OOOannuaUy, forMarc!h. ".;r~y,apply later.

1':111,(1 an '1 :elld l'i go \' ';It II ll;lIlU\ i(.... \ £ (,(,ltdc 'II:-1f't1 fIllll( ;lnci hi ' :ul .t; (0 'h llm


'r'he ' tul 'hood bill: ",.hi 'h would lldm it A rizuna a nd N ew M · x i ·o into t h e lInioll us !-Iepal'aL(' sta t ~, h ns b ell fa \' rably . !.let d u pon by t h hOlls '0 111 mi tte \111 te rri to r i • in 'o n gres~ . In ol'd I' 10 insllr it · early 11 ' id ra t ion on t he fl oor of lilt' hou :;e, a 8 1) 'c ial r ule will probably be HSked·.

1908, Rear Admiral Charles S. Sperry took command of the fieet, which position he retained for the remain. · , 0 f .th e cruIse apr July 7, 1908, fleet left San Francisco AUl'ust 9, 1908, at Auckland, New Zealand. August 20, 190 , at Sydney, and August 29 Melb'ourne, Au··tralia. October 2,1908, arrived at . Manilla, October 18, 1908, at 'Yokohoma, Japan, returning latel' for.a second viSit to the Philippines. December 17, 1908, fleet left Ma-

- --.------


-- ...



DrUUlit .

1111.' Old.


FOUal1! ,all1l1! rOilowl1la


ZtD1m8lllltLn·",Kllbon'., Whl.. ••• Monn'jot'a

." .

-Tbn\J .Alp·~a · Cham" "'I G .11t · u 'lea ' O. . .

Springfield, · O~o.


THE MI AM I -1 1l11~lIc'l "".·.·1'11' III


I\rU '~1 1111'

1. 1': '

· I · I,. I.I,: I"III' :~ I :

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~I ,tlil . II '~~ I vi. it uur mid:l~:.t ailf1l , lind If. llI k an ·

II "\1

(;01 ill his \



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IltLl l'! .

,lWe I' . r


( : A Rc ckbill, Ildmln lstrnto r will f> 1! tl.t )Jut..lio

~uotion at

tl e late retl

I'ulll W:I. t Ro klllll allin 's I f II n C' I) r ' I " A III e sun v . UO rllfll' 'li nton o~unty. ou • 'H I'S wa:l uo~n W 'd~---ru:-I909

$5 ,00 0' IN Pl- {IZ ES

L est)' , ul'mg' ~ >ar~,

-----------Wilbllr N. and Mt11'Y L. · HAN~;. 1!:.1I1 ,'1' IIlId ~IHll h !.\ ' ;r : n al' e ntel'vill Montgo m I'Y \Jun . e ,. ' rc, . I ' . . tb ng pl'ope rty : IJorso B, ORt- - - - - - - - - - - ' - -Ily. Jun 1,I!Jtl7, d e pal"t~d thl lif II A Ifulluwl , f l ' 1)leluen tB ' 1', uo~ ~ . ooru, urm Ul , Rate::; of S ubt;cril )lion bl'Uury 1D, l!IO.I. a gel I 1 year, e tLl . Hl1le cO lllmen ' s · u t 1<X...o 'olock. \ llll l" Idtrlutly In all'" ",,' (· ) ' 1.") mo nths and I days . . ' , . ) • t 'op ' .lIr, Th se lilLIe li v s uring 'witli lhem jo'y, hopc anti SUI I:-lhin '. amI ill .luth 'I'hl;\ Ilnd(ln.;igll iltl will ull li t bls Itall!:-I III' Adv,'I·t i :-;l'll\(·n hl! IllJl II'S as l h, ':;"' , it iii dilli 'ull fill' 'Is to WU I' liUl1 >!e in \'{II .V U s iIlo, Ohio. o n ... • ' .IIUII · 1.'ll' ll l s , III ' " I I lit ' p '" H ·t: l:uJ' ::! pUl'p0:-le fIlld Wt:('UII IJarJl y WedIH 'Rday , March 10, 190H ~ "' ...ltllrw 1.." 1' .11· •. ," 1.1 1 1. 1:111 I" ,~ I!u j ' ii' , n 'sigll uurselv es I II ::;aying' : nut ('lI r u I. \1 I) 'ohll.' k sha q.l t ll tl f ollowin g - l "-'llI t ' ll ,\d ,. . 11111 I tt t " t "' t ' .) Thi s is One of the Bigges t Jjonifid e Offer E er Made fol"no ds; !<' II11r f~rrn wllgon! !. :.I mll .~ t., w ill uul.thil l l:' , oh Cud, Lc d OIlt', by a Respoll iblt: Concer n. ~r l l '" ' I' hilll k ~ It "vu" '·;f "uel' II't'le ' o unes '1" this nul'tlE'l) reH(le rll IG rlllin '! :,c (J ultivuto . " u .. r!l o. ' . ' " "I . ' It.,rill l uUt If! '" , '" . 'We and the manufa cture r s, have deci'd e d on a nove I p I " .:,lI' that J eH US spoke wht.n he Hald , 1' : lIf_ . anfo f r urt h er Inlr ~u u\:.,e Ilfll'fflW !'. ·1 IIt·atol) rol1er~ , ouuclng ' lhe s plend id make!! of .JnstruSec Lli t-: , 1'14.' • \\ lU'l'l.! t' li anw I.... 111 :, 111 ' m ents that we sell, and enablin g c ustome rs to get be tter ~f'I' fe r littl e child ren to come u}lto m t: I' Btl mi s t • .IJ1t acquain ted Wilh our m Olley saving method s. 'cu t rtl ns plllllter s,. 25 . ....... Iay A,I\·'·I-Ib ili g. Ik'I' lud1 As is well known we r e presen t l"!1akers of hig~ grade pianos . IIIl" un I forbid them not , for uf : uc·h is hre Hldo g Jlluw~, and e vel:Y piano. sold by us!s a w~Jl known p l!)ws of uJl kmnR, Ins lrumen t .. W. want you t? call !ind In!1P.ect our p la nos~ get bet~ ' I' a 'quall1t ed With us a n ~ IJ1v~stl the l(ing'uull1 uf he1lv n . " . ' 4 Clllllllp illn ~rnin drill,. , 1 teed grim}. ne w plan of seiling' g~te our . In cunslde l'stlon of thl ::! we have J ee ldfttl t.u g lV t! :llVar 1I1a1I Y \'cllil a l.ll~ PI"l1.t'!:-! In thiS way, " ltis nvlall oflife tl)li v ' , 1I11 I· a :I I .. I" ::,OUII PII IllH.1H o fbtnd ur,G HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU WRITl : "Sll~ ..\U SS." ..., .' I 'N I'. I, ,\ " \ 1,\ I tt II .1. I !1i 1: 1 of tl t:al h to !lift . " 1I'..t ,. "I' Ion 'I".V IlU1"U '~H, wll !:!h bOlleI'll, '1'0 the 1Jt;I'son the wo rd "STRA USS" the largt;. Thi :i youllg' lif!:' wlli ell 1t!i.'1 Ii 1::11 Hl) , IJlluJ<P IJo< , wll Hhin g 1.1 Iu 'll l n un lb r \.If" iiJlI~:l un a SpUl't' Vile-h a lf the Bize ine~ , cl .lth e~ uf a (Jus lal card, we will g ive ull::!olu te ly free $25.UU in g ulJ . . bri ' f, 1Ia::1 /Iut U ·t:n u fuilut;4: ; " fur ! Wr!lll!.l'I"H, luli veH, 1l1ll1 I~ hUl,Ur tld '1' 0 th e ne;>:t largest numbe r of times will receive $IU.UO 'I'he IJig li \\ a Lt· I"S ha t: s u \a"id l:!u wh ere UU. I' treu~lIl' e" is th en~ our in go ld . Inthel' I.ll illg." . " . To the next largest $5.00 in gold. '"uu g'h t II'l Gil ill ,~.S take it s l"t!g" UI i The hea rts will .ue also. next two largest numbe rs will receive AmI so we /. r tl l"l/l 1'4 "I :; al a·-Ii :r~lht 0 S x mellt toward s ASIN 'OUPO N fo r $150.UO, good for pal't paylat· COUI'St'. the purcha se price of any new p iano ainPURCH woulu say With th po t: our store, and one art picture . 1l10ntll~, :'Ul'Chn se l' gIving u huukllThe next twenty · five cardR contain ing t h e largest numbe r of word s will each receive a PURCH &SING I bi ll DOl tl A B Iln:r;. COU!'Q N for $ 100.00, good fOl' part payme nt toward s the Go to thy rp.s t, fair child; Only two mol' · numbe rs in the I c' C. '\' HH W k H I . purcha se price of any new piano in our store and one art pi cture. Go to thy dr amless ued, l ure cour::,,&, The hl!\lIJ""\\" III ~ will I 'lU.ltl ::-' lIrfll (!~, \ A \lC.· ~ . Th > next fifty cards receive d with the next larges t numbe While ye t so g"·nlle, unuefil ed, \ uf words will a PURCH ASING Will 0 N 11 11 Ltl Sa lu nli.l .. I COUPO N fOI' $2fl.00. g ood for part pay olenl tuward s the IJUrcha se , . ( 'Itll"k .. P"IC ' of allY n e w "(Jlano In ou r s tore and one With !Jles:ling::! un Ihy head t . t . ,J. B C hll)III1H II, ar PIC ure . \ . ' . ~. . . . , . All perlmns sendllll,{ IfI a ('al'u Will receIve ., aefo)'e thy heart had If::al'l1ed a prize and tho::le not dellrou ' uf ]JUl"climll. ng a planu - -A t a gale Inti L week some (.'01'11 >lold Will be allowed a IJ r oporliu na Le amoulI llif their COUPOII toward s purcha In waywa l'dn $ til s tl'aY ; s6:-1 of furnitu r , cal"J.I ts, ::!loves, sewing maI will III1'er lit. )Ill hlic '1Ilct.ion I ~':; chilies, g raphop h ones e at f"om e ig lily -one tu ninet.y cents lc . Hefo re thy feet had ever 'tu med miles 1'011 t.1I of Bt' ll brook lin t,he CI 11. pe r bush e l J f co m k':!eps on it will OUR OFFER . The dark a nd downw ard way. l,erville 'ltlCl . ')lrin g Vlllley pike, 00 almost equal wheal in pl'ice, The above reward will be given by us and the manufa cturer. Ere s in hall seared the breas~, W e expect this adverti sin~ plan to enthe M I1tl h e w 13 rr.v h lll fllrm, o'n able us within a ft:w weeks to sell as much m e rchandi se as would he sold throug h continu ous high priced ad01' sorrow wok the lea r; vertisin g in t his immed iate locality in onp. year. When a Tuesda y, March 9, 1909 teacher wisnes to impres s a word on the minds of Say, Mr. Farmer . have you any Rise thy home of hangele ss r s t lit 10 o''' lock, the ful 10 . . . iug : one pupils , he often r eq uires them to write the word fifty to one hundl'e d timtls. We want to impress our name. on wheal in YUUI' grallary '! BeLLeI' le t the buyin r public. III yon ce lestial sp here . That is why wt: have adapte d tllis plan. It will mean hard matoh teulll of l'Ollll h o rsa~, 1 bl1Y work for the pe rson who recelve s any of lht: large I·e ward loos uf it fodl is a fancy IJl"ic" IIVW, s. YOll s hould not ovel'loo k mailing YOUI' card 'at once. H 'eaU Stl thy s milt! Wa.:! fail', hoI' e, 1 Bon e l broud IDllrfl, 1 mitre but. may ' OU II take a tumbl :Thy lip amI eye so bri g ht; col t. 1 l\or:-ll I~nd fI 00 1t., 7 bend of DIREC TIONS B ' ca use thy loving cradle- cnre cllals , 10 sh oll t!', is rI OI-.t' H Leg- lJurn '\'ak an Ol'tlill'al'Y po~tal card and draw a Iille throug h the center of the card, that is to say, up or down Was s uch a dear d elig ht. ohi c k"'n ~, u lot ,) t CUI Ullllg iwpl - 01' across so the card is divided eljually , it makes no differe The blue LJil'ds hav 'ommen ceJ Lo nce whicH way you divide it. On one half of th~ card write "STRA USS" as many times as you possibl y can. , hall lov ,with \V ak mUl'aC(;! m eOll:ll1Du h o u~ !:' h o ld good~ On the other half write your name and address s ing ulld tile base !Jail enthus iast l)eplainly , me ntion "Ad No. 10" state how many times you have written the word and give us the names and Thy upward 1'erUl~ wing of till. le--1l11 E4 um s of $5 cU8h i address detain? gillS to hunt up las t .Y 81"1:1 record, e of three of your friends who are desirou s of purcha sing a piano. If yOU haven' t a postal card handy, ove r Illn t II moun' 11 credi t of 12 use a piece of paper the s ize Qf ~ and to give ut d ope for tha corning. No! gent.\e angel, seek thy place postal card and mail to us: ., . . Amid the che l'ub train, '1I0D I.1I" purohll ser gi viOl( bUIlkab le In case of a tie compet lllg for any of the above prizes, season. the value Will be dlVlded equally amon~ the tied contest ants. All perso~s end ing a list of words will be notified of their success within note. .1. M. i:l t NUHlI!80 N A FRIEND . one week after the contest rloses. All ans wers must be in our hands by noon of March 15, 1909, Wrn Mills, A uct,. Th citiZ('IIS u( Oayt n ar try-ing MUST GIVE BOND W. ~ lI1ith,Clerk. hard to"g t,ane\v Y. M. . A. buiJd---CONTE ST CLOSF.S MOND AY NOON, MARC H IS, 1909. ing', alltl by the ou t100k they will :mc~I'h~ bill of M I'. Larl'~ La~?tlon to ceed. 8uturdu),> t.he Htr et. railway r eq uire ~ru '~ es of um~.el·s lll es and 1 The \lOU I'tdgbed will o11'er at pub employ ees all gave t.heir days wages coli ges In .vlllages to gIve bo~d fori li e Hnction on the Wm. Kiodle farm, to the fund. It s urely is a worthy th ex pendllu~'es of funds ralsed by -I !'~ mllelol "() llt~ list of Centerv i lle obj"ect, and OnE: to whkh every citizen cO.ll e g es in vill~ges and seh 01 dis- I tt.nd 2 miles wetlt of Ferry on ~OOill,1 314 SOUTH MAIN STREE T, can contrib ute his mile. tl'lcts, passed the House and we have Road, 00 MIDDL ETOW N, OHIO 'no dou!Jt will become a law. We are Exclusi ve Agents ~or the followi ng High Grad~ Pianos ; Thtll'sd ay, March 4, 1909 Jesse French, Krell French, Lagond a . Tht! farm rs aro und hom a1' de' • Co. thE' foJlowi ug , pruper ty ; 1 mIl re. 1 and Wagne r sirvuso f stablis hinga uni n. W e ll, Ncar Death .in Big Pond, I' dttllp lo IWldiog , IIJ ,y, 1 fifteen . WJlY ' no'! A unIon IS 011' of the It WIlli Il thrillin g flXP ritlO oe to ye ul'-old huy lIIure QOl1kflr Boy . Mrl'l idtl HI)p r to fUl.leuHllth stronges t elem n ls th workin g man vents "Fur' ' . ' r. a severe lUll \! trouble g>wem e m 'II'e, Red Wllkolol "tl.lllre, • ,J heflll rof _ has access to, and while il riot unly iol~1 se IiIlllferln g,'.' " h Wl'ito, "Il.ud 011 ttle, 14. b6llrl of bogs, tI lot of farUl -U d rt k b nefitsbi J'nself, h is workin gonLhe -eVf.r I lUles nUHdv II o., e:1 dEb 1 r Ul .\' Irg lmp ~lliell t".,a lot ofhfl rneSS !\nd l n e a eran mar ne. ':it' plan to also t}elp his fellow worker , oI H'tth . All rell~ ll( h el:! fallsu nud doc hun~ebolri g oods. W ' JI b f nd in I,he o lrl Bald J wnB 1D0llrllb le TbflO ·l J r , ...,,.. which is accordi ng to Holy . Writ. torM ...,,. I I K' ' ... , D" I I.' ht 00 . . k' l ,~ rm s of 1<11 e-tll BUIDR 0 f"'r. 'oIJIo'oIJIo' 'I''',CU81.u; ' Banke Butldll Manypeo lg. opposi. te 1lI1! ~.J.., Il W lR 'overy urou g pIe d 0 no t UII ders tall(I t h e rell~f qUlC • aDd IL cnre srI p urmuns ot thllt ovor thnt IlmOlUlt 11- ore dU' f <) th e N t ' I BIln k .;r. f~ 0 1... 11 w()rkin gli of ·unions and Clondemn the (hIlVH oot b een tlouble . f ':ic ...~ ,... rl In twelve lUI nths, \H1r C!IJnSl'r gi viog bll,nkab le ~iePholne 10 hOOS~ Il~dn~d labol'er for s tri king, but wh h_ they v","r~." , , . . + ' Mrs. 8ov' r lives ill Big !lot.c . Llr.l!: MORIUS . OS w ler,e can e ell unde l"'tarld the 1I1'lncI' ples )'Ilvolved p, nd PI~. It. works ' wonder !' ' in j;. W M ' II A t day or UOUgilR lind Coldl', 'ore Lungs, l1emn t gbt.+ m . I ", , u o . they have a uifft!ren t view or the sit.+' VI1J1ey l:'houe 14-2. F l'ed HIU'tl:!ook, Cler k . ; r ·uation . When the . niled tates ~rr~~a:.e~\,hflO~~~;i~~~ug b A/ltI~~~~i - - -IMain Street, ~Wayne8ville, Ohio, R. D. I. Wayne sville, Ohio wusbol 11,itwa sllothil lgll1ol" tlorless BrlJOC hialuff,'ectionN 60011 0(\ $1.00. WAYN ESVILL E CHUR CHES. ,* ' than a union, on the same pl'incip les Triul bottlA fr f1P . UUllrn ntsf'fl by l'X8ctly that actuate s th laborin g I!'red U, Sohw\\::~ Orthod ox Friends Church . it. HAT HA WAY class of people to form the mselv . PIANO TUNIN G Re\". Benja mliJ Rawkln M, Pilstor, into a union, for itgives ' streng th to .' i'**' i':n·lJbnLh ~ bool. 0 ;3u a. UI. 1!egular cbnreb '*..:r,.,***,*,~ \~ I\.~ '~es ville's Leadin g D e n t 1 8*'*'* their cause. which in most ~ases is tolJlo J. ,J. Thomp son.J r·. 443 E . Ma.i n ; :~I,~cI~: ~~ ;90 o . 10. Chrlslla n . : nl\clI,vor, Office in Keys Bldg. Maln 8& just to themse lves and employ el's as St." J.. ebll uoD, Ohio. ati"f8o tion well. gUIll'nn teerl . Valley Phone 64 . B, . Hicksit e Friends Church . ----' -... - ...- - • -.. j ';t*""'" Virsl Day 111;;(' 1111 1(. 10 :00 u . m . F lrsL Day get Immediate relief from .I.OOT OUT YEAR BOOK AL'I'E R . MCC LUR E, Some of the moon's mounta ins are Ig~:O'\~ .l ~. : 0(1 a. m. Founb 01;0_ Uay MeeLlng Dr. Shooo's Magic Olntmtn'; Tbe F,U'IUtH I:" 'I uu lin Vo' jUl<~ it!~ 311,OOO feet ~igh. --Fune ral Direc tor. '"!~~~~~~~~~~ Christi an Church . SUtl(11l ntll.H ye .. I' b,luk, Itn(llf. g ivel!l TUl'key export s goods .to the value S unduy S~ h nol. » ::10 u . In ..,y,.. , Socl"l. meel detllilu d IICC Ulltl< of Ihl ulI:t'lIng!\ of about $100,00 0,000 a year. -",i In g. JO ::IO II t11 . an a hrl lIall Ena eavor 'l'elepb one day or night. turollg bout lu' b 111(111111 11, LlIH y~ur UC .... j :Ou p. t11 ' 3 Ic Valley phone No.7. Long "'b" ",,·xt, tnt'tllllll :l Will btl h"I,lliL th o Kills Would ~Be Slayer. . Method ist Ep-Isc - op - al Church . Distanc e No. 69-'3r. hOlllti IJ t" l:; Luv. CU'r1 wrllthl, -on . A meroi! ~~ mUI'd . reI' i~ A))llenrll ~ 0 ., !lev W . 'I' (;llI lIand. Pllslor Oreg onia, -. - hio ~ WAYN 'rhnr.;d ll ,V , MlIl"ch 11, nlJ(1 ).II'U IlIII:!( It' oit.i!1 with fllIlIl.Y·; vlOt.iUlB. But Dr. . uullllY :School . \1 ::\0 a . m . oIIorollll{ . 8erESVIL LE, OHIO. King'~ N ,i W Life Pills kill it. b .v pre. "Icc, 10 "',,.."',"' .., .......,,.. ..... :30 ." III . E\lwo rtll [,ellgue, 7 :00 p ' "',..J.1..,.£. ....,,.. to hnVtl II gl'ud progl"llll.l vt'lIIioo . 'l'h,..y ~l Dtly stimull l.te III . 1" 'en1n g service. ·oIl\<·-..... oIJIo--.IlI .. ·,/II ............ oIJIo·oIl\< -'l".i".·_.,. Branch .. Office, Harvey ':' : :~o p . Ill . Mldwcelc sburg, O. 'J,'hes!:) lUec~ 1111 1;~ IIrtll!l1t of lIItert::J;I SI.ollll.tICh, Iivll r (tn rl ~wE1l s, preven PI"l}'cr MeellnJ{. 7 : jU II. Ill . to the meio 1.11:'1'01, 11110 U I I }Hllll! Ii the r 109 tbut Cll}ggi, rll~ Ihllt inviteE! IlppeDtare only fOllrl He n flllJ\lIlt\~ 1"t"11l·(·St lOI. !IiClti!' curlug Coost.ipat.ioD, Billion! 'St. Mary's Episcop al Church . ed, the interl1l<t, Ilt I-nou ml'etin g Is n'.'!'B, Chills. MflltlTllI, ' t:ieadno he lIurl He\". ,I. F. ndwalllll Jer. It Clor Indl get' tion. 25 at,F. fJ ·chwnr tz's. unday ,,11 001. 11 ::10 1\ . III Mprnlng ~ er ' • hown by I. IlI rl,{fl flllendllOOl:l, ,·Ieu. 10 :30 a . n\. 1·: \".n ln ll~" n'l ce . 7 p. m . .. --Holy Commun l un Lhc tlrst S undllY of each I . . There are only 05 female -physic ians month , . Soak a juicy sirloiu in fce water yuu II, ).1,,1 11 - ,)1 uuy klud , • week-t hen cook and aerve it. anywhe re'? :itllp ju 1. .. IU n ti l t:! uull in the Germa n empire . Church . Would it taste al it should? Neither --think I It- W,.I ,,·r .. IIU\ WIl."llIl !r ' I, tlt' Father eoi'll!) Mavenho eler. Pas lor. do oyster. treated The gross imports of ginsen g into way. I wom(w ly VUIIlH ; hpl,,1 1111\11 ' , " 1" UU .I M",," every se0011(1 Sttndl\\' of (II " Ulfl"\h aL kiod of II. pIli, 1.11.1. ' 1,1 11,' .- Jl\)UP '" China in 1907 amoun ted to '819,40 0 u : IIH a . In , little Pink p " ln TullI er,,. \l 11l :><llt<!.V pounds valued at a little over $1,000,stop It ill . ~LI lilt Dut.lj" ~"Jl'mul " 000, plt~1 uly prlll!t·, I!)JI t,h •• ~50. hux. tiulll hy 1111 delllt'r:!.

Try for one of thes e Val uab le Priz es at once .


Rea d the follo win g Carefully_ '





.. --

..--- -





I *'i',* ***, *,*, **** ,*, t '.J.,,..;.*' T hOSc DI'II ,



. :r,.






Gen eral Auc tion eer

* ** I ' '*'**'***'***'*'*'*'* D H.E. D'.Holll ' n Oswo rth *' 1PILE - -----i , 0 S' W . :r,.




Gen eral A t-lone er

,. . :r,. . .,,.. .,. .

---. --- ..

----- ..


_-- ...



- ....



It's in the Packing

~t. Au~ustine·s .Cath~c



"SeaIsh ipt" Oy ste rs



,. .

WH O '

. . ..

• ....u......•..•••..•




Miami . Gazette, Of cou rse

talte rirllJ-h ave all the peculiar delicacy of oysters you get at . the .hore because 110 ice wat~r touchea them-·no preserVative 'ased or Deeded. The ice· is packed arou"d the tenled galvanized ateel (ana, "Sealah ipt" Oyaters are c:leanfreah, thoroug hly palatabl e, always. Ifew ways 01 preparil)C ' oyster, are Rlfta · ln '.' S<:al~hlpt Seale"-a u hitmst. fill( book about o,..ters. Ask ,any 01 the rOn..wiDII' ·de.I" ... lor a copy aud Iry • ,Iat 01 "/katahlp


t" OysteratO day• . . "Iter. AlllOl\d lDealt. ~

Wa l ter Wa~esm, Vi1lt ; and -. J . Ki lbo n., . . Corw Ohio. .

The Miami ' Gazette


IT.('I~ ,

Miss Cynthia's '

OllL , 5


S ecret Service Dut ies.


It r~lI t to I be lot or t h s,' cret lIf?rv Ice, too, to Pl'Otcct t be person or the

By Bell Elliott Pdlmer

IIrcslctcut at tho uil ed Slates- a roapon slllillt.y that was fir t placer! UIiOO tbl s division aftor tbe tragedy at lI u fra, 10. and In addition to lbls the sa :ell ot dlstl ngulsbed and Utl ed official vis ttors trom abroad Is Intrusted to Ihe "rvlce, PrInce Henry Qt Prussia, Prince FushlmJ of Japan, the crown prince of Slam, tbo crown prluce or Sweden, the duke of Abru zzl, anr! many otbers of I~ slle r note have bee n earotully protecled from annoyan ce wblle gues18 of the nation, and In no anltanco tillS there occurred tbe IIIr;ht· elt Incid ent to mar tho pi asur,! and tranquility of their visit. For more than len years tbe merit system baa prevailed In the service. whlcb 18 a Itrlctly non-partisan, non·polltlcalor· ca.nlzatlon. "Pulls" are unkuoIVn and unrecogn ized; overy man Is measured and rewarded according to his efficlen. cy and knows tbat bls retention In the . . nice depeodl wbolly upon the chal' acter and quaUty of bls work. He lWastel no Ume lining up "Influence" to help him bold his job, and being tree trom obllgallons and entanl;lements, 4a able to devote his whole time and _ergy to the Impartial dlscbarge ot tus duties, To thIs unbampered aUen, lUon to the work of suppressing oonn· ~rfelUng snys a writer In the NaUonal ~agazlne, I attribute the fact that to4t&y the proporllon of countertelt motes In clrculaUon Is aboue one to /tOO,OOO; tbat Is to say, that tor .. nch )alt·mIlUon of genuine currency In c:JrClulaUon there are about five dollars In !COunterfeit notes; and for eacb $100, too dollars in gold and Illver In circulation there Is a trifle under three dolan In counterfeit coin. Allor whloh 1W0uld suggest that tbe busIness of eounterfeltl!lg Is not overwbelmlngly "ttracUve as a financIal proposition. I


"y s, he do!', Inok a

lilt peokt'rl -sort or sll('cumued 11k!?, you III I ht o;ay, But he's w II carell ror- :"\ewlon Is, Cynlhla J1ro wllln g Is a mu sler ban d al loak ln[; uftc l' a fd low wh en ~ h(" s oncl.' got film. Th el' 's ne \'e r a ny 'shirki ng nuaul be r way of doing lIlls ln ss, Bllt you nn' t wonde r at a ma n look ing a littl e <ll'oollY wh cn he los t pretty near eve rything he want d-nnd a ll lu on <lay ." , The sonorous laug b Of Rlmb!'y, tb land lol'<l. cchn(Od agaln sl tbe low rut· ler8, and bl emled pleasantly wit h tbe noi se or the ra lndrolls pa t tcrlng t10wn upon lhg lon g, s loping roof of th lilli E> cOllD lry bOl el npllrollrlntely call ed "Fl sberman's Cam),!," Each gues l dr w bls chai r a littl e neare r th e wldo chimney nnd walltld expectantly. "When 1 first madc hi s acquaintance NO\Tton bad just SEl t up tbe 'UpholsterIna and Re novating Works ' at De l'bywhich wos th e ollly lhlng or Its 1(lnd In all this country around, He was a master hand at looking out for OppOI'lunltles, and a husll e r ot tb first wa· tor, and the next thing h e know was cleari ng one hundred a montb as easy as a child IItts a fealher. He gave fulJ satisfaction f r his money, alld before the works had been establi shed six months he 'was obll getl to take In a partner, to look nller tbe books, wblle be was out bunting up trad e ' ' "It WBS Cynthia Browning, or rather her side board, that stirred up all the trouble; nothing else. SlJe lives far back from tbe road In that big white house, You've a11 seen It- when you've boen on tbe 'Wayland' drive, All the richest fruit land In this part or tbe connltry belongs to her. And sbe knows how to ma nage It ror, the best, too. Sbe was lert au orphan mighty WI'O

A man !lsyer knows when he Is cov· IIJring up hIs tracks; never knows low long they wtll stay <.Overed Ct ' rwho ,will get on his trail, says the Bal· tlmore Sun. Up In Canall&, where they are digging for the new Toronto ..ater works, the .1lggers found In the blue clay 70 feet below the water Une the footprints of a gentleman who had tramped &rO\Jlld ~hat way some years ago. The geologists dIsagree as to the exact tIme, lIome holdIng that the freshness 01 the footprints indIcates that It waa only 60,000 years ago, whlle otbera bellete that the t~nalJ prints IDdlcate that It has been about 100,000 Jean since the gentleman pused that ~ay_ ~ot tbat this aUght dlacrepancy matters to' the gentleman or to WI; for DObody had to sit em the fence there and walt for him 60,000 year., eYeD If It_ did happen t9, be Jate_


Sir ,Robert, for many years In, .p~t9r general or Chinese customs, 'aa tnade a striking suggestloii as to the possible future of Ohlna. Tbe ..orld has long wonilered what would Ilappen If that great country or 400,· 4100,000 people sbould awake to Ita tull power and ltand up like a giant among aatlons. Sir Robert's Idea Is rea Slurlag. The Chinaman Is a loyer ot peace_ China would turn round to the rest of the world and say, "Gentlemen, there must be no more fighting." The atrongest nation would become a ben&ilcent policeman, keepIng us little feJ. lows In order. Sir Robert says that It fJI a curIous statement, but not so un· reasonable as It seems to those who do DOt know Cblna. What boy born during the current Jear will be , the Abrabam Lincoln or the Charles DarwIn of the century? Botb Darwin and Llocoln were born on February 12, 1809. The same year law the birth of OlJver Wendell Bolmes, Edgar Allan POG. Alrred Ten· Dyson, Ellzalletb Blwett Hrownlng and Felix Mendelssobn·Bartholdy, to say nothlog at scores men famous In Gther brancbes ot learning.


A Pennsylvania banker wbo robbed depositol'1l of more tban $2.000,000 bas been sentenced to 15 year8 In the penitentiary. Our dispatch does not aay whether he Is tl) be assigned to tbe bookkeeping department or Is to look after the feeding of the warden's wlfp's CAnary.

The DPljles are nearer to the ani. m.a ls than any race known to us In Europe. They have the lawlessness th.abandonment, the naturul pbyslcal ~ace In (orm lind IIestura 01 animals; Gn1y a IItealtby ane. ",:ary sometblng 1D their eyes makes them bumim. Wblle admIrIng tbe fertility of r&aouree displayed by the pollceman ,who cllmbed aboard a ,street car and -tbua ".a .. ble to capture a thief '; who Was 'running away with a laundry w~!on, ftery oxperlenced crook will Condemn th. tblef for his stupidity in not dart.. tq down a IJ1de street Castro tI.n ds lite so pleasant in !IeI' UD that he apparently bas nll dealre 't o naab back' to Venezuela. PerblLN the' 8erlIa hcU1teqar ' .,.. no& U , . ..... . ... Jag 1dIl.


Mill Cynthia Only Laughed. young, but It never seemed to occur to Cynthia that a woman wasn't as na· tural a head of several tbousand acres as any man living. Several gentlemen, really estimable men, tried to lead her Into tbelr way of thinking, but they mlgbt just as well bnve attempt· ed to collect a barrel of water In a sieve. "One day, In ear'ly fall, Newton received a long·dlstance communication trom CYnthia Browning herselt, She bad piles and piles of fealber pillOWS and bolsters and such like, dating back to her flrst grandpat'onts atter Adamand she had taken a sudden notion to give up washing them herselt and have them renovated, "You can rest assured that so great !L hustler as Newton lost 110 time ' In reacblng such a splendid foraging ground as Miss CynthIa's big, oldfa shioned house. She took him al\ over the place, and showell him 8COl'es of plump t1c,k s and pillows reposing on magnificent tour-po.s ted beds, Then tbey had a long business talk In the front parlor, In which, contrary to bls usual cuslom, Newton let down a little In his prices. The rosult of It all was that he held a $35 rimtract to cleal! e1'ery feather In the wholo hOllse to the best of Ills knowledge aDd abl11t'y. It was nearly noon by the time busl· ness was over, anti what turned out to be the wors t thing which coulct ba)IJ)>!n to pobr Newton did happen-he acceut· ed Miss! Cyntbla's Invitation to diunero "Now, right hero Is !l point whlcb you might llrobably work Inlo your next winter's sermons." Rimbey's glance rest d obviouSly upon the min· Istot' from Michigan. "Newlon was a ml ghly I5mart fellow, and a moral, upright follow, but, like 'most everyone else, he hall one great weakneSS-his was an Insatiable desire ot buy old fur· nlture at n. low price, ft." It up, and pass It on at a mighty bIg figure. "The first moment he snt down at M.lss Cynthia's he was the , happiest man around. , His eyes couldn't take in anything but Wss Cyntbla'& frl~lcktln, and luscious roHs, IUld satlny-wbltfl vot.oes, and goldy-brown gravy. 'Thmi bls glance traveled aliiUe fartber, ::lnd rested upon Mi~'s Cynthia's pfn!r·,:heekcd niece, who w8s 'li loathing slgnt, 'Indeed, to hIm, In spite of tbe fact that Newton had little tIme to gl1'e to tbe wblms of women. I gue"s It was then, when the prett7 nlece,droppe(fher lashes very properly under the stranger's Inalstent gaze, !bat Ills' eyes turned, confused I)" doWIl die full len~b of the J'OOm and fell witb a jerk upo~ the 8t~board-the



I1111£'1Iy1 inIrr!'proachable s ldll board whlc b lli musl Oli O enll o r tb ' ulg Newlou was almost hYllnoti)( d Iroom. uy Il." TlJ profe or Rt.lrr 11 deli ghtedly, "1 f cc

qu :;t Ilncolt scloutl Jy ulIIku tll 'm· , h cs ;\ JlulsH ltc\.l co Vl'l'Y 011' wilo cr lUt tI noar l b III by Lil It' (~ IOI ' , ul !I I,' r(un, s, If l hey would I lit IUlll' I . ilnl Ill'twy SC'lll lu vulgal' II r would . 'mol' coru[o rt a ule fat' th !; ' wil o COlllO l heil' \\,o y, ;.t'ho girl who rcs tralns bcr lovo of ollloUll fo r th u so lie of h l' fellow 11.I !\I1 , \\'ho woult! h horrified ut th e t houghl of an odor frolll persplm tlon, wi ll saturUl horself wllh cologne or sach ts nn d tllink Bhe hus ndlled, th~ I1nlshlni; Louch or e lc"ance. There aro SOlUe persous who are made IJl lIy even u s ugges t lou of [Je r. fumer'y; lh ere a rc oth ors who becolll uncoll sclou! from the smell of Ilea v\' sce nt In a close room, wbll o s tili all; . ers are made to s neezo viol e ntl y lJy breathing sot chet powder. No relined girl would waut to mnl,6 he rself a llul sance to her neltih bol't!, Lea vlng th question or lacl< or re line. IT! Ilt out of II, pe rfumes should not bo us d e xcessively [1'001 a hutn!lllltarlmr s tandpolut . We sho\lld refmln tronl an y practlco that may mIll, ~th· ers Illl comfortable. girl one wondered at h I' luc Ie of 1l01lUlurlly. She was a clJurmlng girl, bUl s llJ.lped up on mnny an In vi· tatlon that went to lcss Rttract! ve fri e nd s. Her amazement was great when a camlld olde r woman told he r that he r laclt of Invitation s was due to her lo\' e of tuberoses, which she onstan l1y wore, A beavy cdor ot l)ertllmcry al so gives rlso to un ploasant s nggestlons that It Is necessary to d aden un. clean ly odors, tbnt rt Is a suuslltute {or personal daintiness, An odor to be Ilermlssi ble should bc so e lusive as to be nlmost Imp ' I" ce pUlIle. Delicate s9chets may be placed among one's clothes, Th n w American Beauty pad maltes evcry· tbl ng !ragl'llnt. So do the ,slips of perfumed pasteboard. Tollct waters used atte r the bath, or In It, !'nrely are ob· jectlonable, as tbey a fresb, clean smell. Heavy perfumes such as mUSk, attar of roses, tuberoses or 1I1ltchoull, sbould be tabooed. A drop IUliy make the wearer a nulsnnce. U one cannot refrain from the per·' fume habit, and this bablt Is as caUl' Olon to a cerlain type of mau as to women, at least n scent should not be used when one Is going Into a pUJllc assemblage. No one bns a rIght for a personal gratification tQ malee others miserable. Tbe doctor wbo goes to cburch smelling of Iodoform or the germ·feat'ful woman ' who attends a tbeater reeking of asafoetida may be no more of a nuisance than the girl who has poured the perfume flask over ber. self as a finishing touch to her toilet.

"HOUllci :V



k fl'





s p .nt hUlIr .. ('Ill'll lu y al a I.\· p' writOl', "I \\'rlt(! with uy dlcs t uJ) UI1(1 my eyes tUl'n:d 'c ll, lug-ward, " J n \ ' 1' allow my ~ If II) slo p, s itting w.e ll \J ac k on Ill\' clluit' to make t il ' r ct position " o~s lll l a , a llu, \l'h !l' (1VCI' I do nOl hn\' ' lIJ look a l Ill y eo!)y I t 11 row the 11 eli bll('ll. " Wh en tal,lllg tll 't allon It Is quite CIII!Y to keel) t hc IIcnd up Itnt! 1 aI" rallge my notel! 011 a rllck 011 the IE! Vcl wltll my cy 8, Nalllrnll y, I lise 1110 t.ouch system, so tho keys nced IlOt lJe walchea , "Often, whe n working III a room by n~'se lf I tWist my hentl uull tllk n(>cl(, stretching movem uts whilc writing Lo fi gh t 01T tho dOllbl e 'chin aud sa.g' gin;; Ihroat musel s that ar so coru' IlIOU (or WOIll n Wh o s it at u <l "k or plnno mueh, "The way 1 hal>pened to thluk of comh lnlng Ileck d 'voloplllent nnd Work was uy watching my Sl'llnclmoth, er. Her throat Is as thin and Bupple as a g h't' s, thouSh sll Is nearly 80, Aud she has noue of the sngslng lines tbat most of U II connect will! age, "Sho told 1U0 thllt when vel' s ho ~ot ,n chance <luring ' the day, whenev r iSb had to p lan any of her work or ~\'[lDle l1 a mluute'l! rest, she sa.t wltb he r ey s turnod heavenward, ber chest up and lhe muscles at tho back of the neck contracted. "Often as she snt there s h would massage the tbroat muscles with tbe tips of h er !lnsel's or draw tho' palms of h(>r hands a llemat ly trom the line of hel' chin towarll ITm' chea, She usuaUy carri ed a small tube of cold cream In b r pocket aud would put just no ugh on bel' fingers to keep the skin trom getting sore, "How did' sho manage about ber eollnr? Sbe never wore one arouod the house, but had her mOI'DI'ng rrocks made wllh a nanow surpllco ueck to give !I' edom and air to tho lhroat. "Crnn-dmotbe rne\'cr went to a b au· ty JoctOI' In her Ure, but sbe a grees wIth nlost ot thelU tliat a tight collal' Is fatal ' to n beaullenl tltroat. I can· not go co:!arless In an oIDce, but I take It orr the minute I rench home and nlways w al' a Dutch neolc dress In the evening."



Ne" Y_ s.al4.

Otter Brilliant Possibilities for Act.. vancement and High Sataries

Hundreds of tbousands of bri9!' youn" men and young women are to y a.rrivtng at, tlrnt ~go WIM. ~hey ~'OOom6 inwrested ID thOlT fu turo-IO the,lf pro.. pects for 0. successful (lhrcer, WI tli the IS.bility on their pnrta tv earn good so.lories, be indopendent, and amount to something in the world, LUld for these young porsons thore ~re Dlany pr~te.a­ !liQns and semi·professlOnal OC!oupa.tlona whieh offer golden avenu,~ to WlPOrt.o.nt and high.salaried ~SltlOns. Amona those professions are relegraphy. Book· keeping, Sbortha.nd, etc. 1 h 'fake, for iustance, \ho to egmp eJ'probahly every preSlOclIlt, of 0. great railroad today, socured his start II.S .. telogrnpbel'-workillg his ' w#y up by enroful attention to his dutidSl and .by CTIlsping his opportunities ana mnktng the most of thorn. 'l'hen take the pro-(ession of book·keepin~-nearly every hend of n. grcat mercao\ile .or n,nnnci!il institution of todny beaM lifo either lA t.hat institutionj or in some other, as a book.l,eoper. J\nd wha~ Is tz:ue of the profession of book-koopmg ill equally true or that of stonograpby, What theso other young mon aDd young womon hAve dono, any Jouna mnn or young woman can do-' they will. All tha t is necessary is a fow dollars invosted in 0. correspool\e.nce course. in one or the other of the>18 studiesthe devoting of 0. few spare momenta now II.nd then (which would otherwise be wnst~d) to the study selooted-and III determination to learnt and to succeed. Among thoso educatJonal institutioM whioh today instruot young men and young women (as woU Q.!I persons of a s &l:es) by corrospd'ndonoo, in the person'l ow n homs, one of tho most prommen. &nd best known is the :Miohlgan Rusiness In sti tut~, at KAlamazoo, Michlga.~I. whioh hus, during the past twolve or rutecn years, graduated lIllUly hUJ3, , dreds of :young men and young women, In eaoh of the lintlB of profeasiOnAl work , above roterred to. This fa.mou8 EduOll.tlonal Institutioll of Miohigll.n is at nll times glad tc aDBwer inquIries from y Olen and young women (or others) who feel tha.1 they would like to take up anyone at these studios, in thoir own bomos, at small eXJ>Onse-a.nd a. I tter addressed to E. p, Sumption, President, Micbigu Business InstltUt4 "'6 Inst. Bldg'j Kalam.a.zoo, Mich., will receivo prompl and courteous attention. It may bo well to add, also, that In taking up 0. Course of Study with ~ Institution, the student is not required to ~y a.nything at all for the tuitioll until he or 'Ihe has graduated and hal IOcured 0. satisfaotory position. on ..... ary. This nrrangement Is 80 eenero~ 0. one that DO person desiring to perfeot themselves in a ~.~~ proressiol oan alford to neglect . advu•.D..... Fashionable fur stoles are long and of it, extremely wide. NOT FOR HIM. Lace yokes and sleeves continue popular In spite of tbelr long use, The lace coat figures as a part of many of the dressy frocks of the Ilea· son. ~"hlte furs are worn as tOQues, stoles and muffS,' not to menllon trim· mings, Cashmere de sole and dulJ henl'letta are t he most approved mourning materials. . A lIew sbade of darl! green, ve.ry "Now, boy, thli Is Important! It'. popular with youllg girls, Is called At· t.1l Invitation to dinner'" lantlc. ' "Thanks, boss. But I cu't accept. The walking Itlck, after a period of Me dress suit's In bock'" l'eUrement, Is now highly fasblonable PERSONALLY CONDUCTED for men. , EXCURSIONS. An Immense automobllo muff bas constructed In ,t II. special pocl,et for Colonists' one·way ticket a Chlc8gq carrying a pet dog. ' to the p~lno coast, via the OhlcagO, When Climbing Stalra. Union PacIfic nnd Northw~lttel'Jl Une, J have heard glrls complain because are .on sale .dally during March ~ they have to c!Jmb 80 many fllgbts of' A~r1\ at the rate of '33.00. ' Oorrt~ stairs In order to reach their 1'00ms spondlngly low rates trom polot& Now, with a \IlUo practice tbey will be Double berth In tourist sleeping car able to go up tbe Btalrs without feel· only $7.00, through wltbout ohanlte to Ing the ' climb at all . Hold the bead San Francisco, Los Angeles and t>orlerect, the chest up, breathe slowly and Isnd. No extra cbarl:e on our persalldeeply and put the ball of tbe foot ally conducted tourl. Write for ItI.n. firmly on eacb step. nary and full particulars to S. A. It ~ou folJow tbls method You will (lutchlson, Manager Tourist ' Depart. soon form' tbe habIt or ma.k lng the ment, 212 Clark Street, CbJcago,lll. climbing task less t1re£ome.

" N



::\~g lll t:('."

~:Jl d 1I1 0 \\' 111:1 11 W1lD

cnn just see It," he said, "~ r y gl'lt'l tImolb r hoo one." "Aft r tbat," Rimbey outlllu,'d, wltb an approvln(; smile for the protos, SOl', "it mi gh t jU1:I1 as W 11 have be 0 Slon es and IJll\l e ts thnt r-i e wlou wns ea ll ns, H I'! bad only one thou ght-Io become Immetllate "assessor ot tbat sid lIoitl'd. " W \I, you know how It Is, gentle· mcn, Becauso tbe s ideboard was er. ' tirely beyond hi s clutchcl!, his ve ry mortal elUst nee seemed to hang on g lllng bold of It. H e ,a to with It, rod · wl~h it, sle pt with It, wbe n ho could ge l any sl ep' Rt all , Most of his nigbts wer'o SD nt pnclng tbe floor try· Ing to think of Borne , n w way of pe r· s uudlng Miss Yllthla to let loose of th'e treas\lr. At first be went oncnly to her and made nil sorts of rash au d wild proposition s for the sideuoard, One day, howeve r, noticing a fiash or gunpowder In that lady's eyes, along with tb s mile, Newton gave up going himse lf, and senl bls Harvard graduat e Ilartnel' to sce what ho could do, whUe bo monnt II til 1I1gh stool aud kept boolUi'-somet hlug be tool( to as pleasantly 3S a youngs te l' does Its castor all. "'fben It was that poor Newton found out ttat th side board had broug ht blm Into still deeper waters than co· vctousness, Instead of a proper row Ogur ~, pink .. heeks and drooping lasbes danced all along tbe ledger ')lRg a In a most bewild ering and fan· tustlc manner, as over I:\ls be numbed senses there dawned tbe conviction that, com e what would, bl! must let In the thougb ts or a woman, foremost even to his upholsterIng and renovat· lng, "The crisis came one morning when Newton called Barrick, his partner, to the office and bad a long business tal k wltb him. In It be sought to prove to tbat Harvard mathematician that one or the otber of them must marry Miss Cynthia In order to come Into posses· ston of a side hoard that It would tlot do nt all tor tbelr business to lose Newton argued that the Immanso num· bel' of acres, which went along with CynthIa Browning, "roved, bey.ond the shadow of n doubt, that only a born mathematlcllUl sbould cope wIth so great an hOD or. Tbe proofs were not conclusive. Barrick rebelled ' openly and stubbornly, represenllng blmsel' Japanese Sc~ to be too well pleased with tbe rosy Now that I,Ullt tbe women one knows present to feel tbe need of Miss Cyu. !Lre IlressnJg t~emselve8 up In tbe tbla--even with her coveted side board, floating scarf which the wonien 'of the I Imagine Newton must have fe lt con· elgbteenth century Joved, many kinds slderably nettled at this point, tor ho of new materials are being brought bridled up and declared he'd propose Into play. to Miss Cynthia that very day, eve n ChllIon with a tiny fl'lnge or metnl If It was Jlke I)ulllng an eye·tooth- or eryslals Is sun In the lead with Its and show his partner wbat a proper In· rival or black tulle embroidered In terest In tbe business wns, and how gold, but tlie llew thing Is a Bcarf of mucb good the sideboard w'ould really Japanese satin embroidered with flowbring tbem. ers, or In lIny flgures , One woman ':It must have been the hustling wbo has a yellow satin scarf on which Quality of Newton which took ber ran· Is outlined quaint little men anll WODley, I suppose. Anyway, sbe dldn·t en, wltb lotus ' flowers between, wears make any bones about marrying him. It around the sboulders over a band· Tbey drove over to Derby that very some evening gown, afternoon, alld were married. '1'he Japanese jacket bas long had a "The reat of tbe afternoon they too]( place for evening wear, but the Japa honeymoon ride allover Cynthlo: s anese scart Is a new addItion to tbls own bills, and wben the shadows fell seas,on'l! costumes. she took him home, and stralgbt Into Flo~r8 of Silver. the dining room, to their hone ymoon On a large hat of soft black beaver supper, 'Well, gentlemen. the minute Newton entered that room he had to the trimming Is form ed by a Jeafiess lean hard against the wall to keep garland of J'arge marguerites made of from falling In a dead faint. For, It silver tissue, Tbe conlour of each you'll bellove me, that sideboard, for petal Is ollUlned with a nanow band of whlcb he bad paid the h'eavy penaH y black, fleecy beaver, In marked con· of marrying Miss Cynthia, was gone! lrast with Ibe delicate texture of the Not onE! single brass claw or knob of It metallic g09ds, left to marl{ Its tracks," Tho minister from Michigan lenned forward with tbe Interest the a thlete displays In tbe ' last touchd'o wn of thQ foo t ball game. "Where?" be questioned, Rim bey chewed the ~nd of a tooth· pick with an attempt to suppress the twinkle In his cye, "or course, 'Miss Cynthia never guessed for an Instant tbat Newtoll bad any particular feel· Ings about thnt sideboard," he said, easily. "So It went out for a little wedding present. Barrick gave hlB Jlartner the slip, and got In his wed· ding just two hours earlier, Tbey were already over the gettlng·engaged parI-Miss Cynthia's pretty niece an" himself-so It didn't take much per-' suasion on his part to get ' her to do her sewing afterwards, Then Mllis CynthIa showed her approval of 'the uolon, and ber determination to keep It on her side of the tam II y, by besto;w.' ' Ing the Rldeboar«J upon the ,nIece. How they got It C!ut of one house so quick· ly Into the ne w one r~nted by Barrick Is ~ puzzle, But I guess 'Mlsl Cynthia managed It In the same l,~eJ[pllcatile, smooth w'lI¥ ' wIth, whIch irhe manages her hUjlband-and the severq.l thousand' J!'I'om I~her ;o,ec()ratlpn. acres, of land, which ~~ s_un s,af~l; iD flre..$ld, Sh'e IVf.-Low · Shelv,a a~ tho 'Id•. her possejlslon. EXT to the couch booksheU 1n JlOp~at1t1 ,18 that 'CVI~Ic!Ji: Is III aced ' In r~fer: "Ne~ton fill. in 'hi. , 'time,. looking ' , ~nce t9 ,the flteplace. Tbere 18 something cozily luggell~ve In the asso.after her plnce;, for, of 'course, be aold ciation of books and a fireplace. It makes one thlDlt of 19n" coJt)fortable , winter evenings with brlght flames an4 a good stoT)', Dot to..mentlon roa~t ollt qnd pulled . loole from a partner who~bad played hlm such a , shabby apples and kindred dellcacle - Q.J!- vat'lam-to lIte~ary absorption and ' a girl trlck ,as 'to oome Into undIsputed po.. friend sltUne on the opposite side' of the"be&r1Jl ' to help enjOy the eveni:ng In session of bls OWO two most co.,eted a sociable .sllence, The coucb, the flrepltu;e and tbe bookshelf are all plac:ed tl) friendly relation. -with ~h other. The witch chlrnne, seat i8 bulit 111 treaaures." an.d 18 ,upholsteted In atrlped china. Abo". tile seat IIi a shelt tor, the books, "Well, I swan! It ~d the profe&lOl', &nil abovtl thI. 8half are little itaaa wall cupboa~i. '1. tlalOI8 may be ltept "t1:lt,q him tbat ~ be II.... III 008 of the "all cloattll aQd CODfectl0D8 In dollier--. lD04erate 'iDqllOt aurel,. No woad.. Ile '10Gb .... .,ab .. wiD Il~t .dlalas. the OOdlpleiKtOD, aul1il1ll.e fIb1r4"'apDltl tqr ....

lleamlas, perfectl, uprllht, ,.. cnambed.'"



'''st a Suggestion of Perfume Is Woman Tells How to Avoid Double BOR THE YOUNG MAlf Al'fD YOUllG WOMAN OF tODAY All the Really Dninty Girl Cbin and Sagging'Throat Mus· Will Allow ' Herself. d es, the Marks of Age: TELEGRAPHY BOOK-KEEPING lJl AN \' gll'ls who nrc (tec l,ed r r !'on, cJ(t I It 'I'll my :le i, at 1':lI ~ht

D. L. CRANE. WAY , -Po £;\





Unknown to Science.

The elght-year-old lion of a aclentfat .Ihowed a sudden interelt In ph~ tography. "Dad," he said, "they photo,",p' c!>mets and meteo!1l and fiylog blrdl and lightning flasbea and all aorta 01 movIng thlogs without any trouble, don't they?" ''Yes, my son." . "Then how III It tb"" can't 11_ tograph a boy without putting hll head In an Iron frsme1" IrAft

or OHIo ern ~" ToLllDO'l . . LOCAa OOVIf'n. J, CilltH1:y 1IIAk... o&t "-*

' .....n

~ tI _ _ \IU\IUIr ot the lIlm 01 V. J . OII.IIIIY 4: 00 ~ ~.,. III tile CIt, 01 Toledo. OIIwall' IUId s ..... .r~Id, ~ Ulal Mid arm W,II pa)' Uul 111111 ... ... '" BUNDRRD DOLLARS f« eacb a04 of CATA.1I1\11 thal eallOOl be CInd b, the ,: :..., .. 1Uu... CAT...... OVu. • • FRANK J. CIlENEY II,..... 10 ~ lIIe aDd IUtleor1be4 10 'III' ~ . . . fib dar ot DeMmber. A. 1>.. I. . .


1--..-~l r


' A. Ot.IWox. kCMIUT PvIrwa. Ball.. Ollantt CIIno .. ..bG ID~II, ...... uti '1Na\1J' u!)OD the bloo4 and 1IIItrao. 01 .... . . . . . ~d for l.tsUmonlale. tree; ,·...,14 b, aU D~~ f:'E~Y 4: OO~ 'l'oIMo, 0,'hU Ball'. hID", Pilla lor ~ ,



, Hel,n 'Had

AmD~ ' lon.

, Belen, &g~d Ilx, wu telUn.& ,M&r7. ,-.ced .8'fen, of her l!lana ·r.,r the fu. ture. "I'm g~lng ' to be mjll'pled/" Iha announced, "and have 18 chU4r81l.~" , "Oh," .alped, Mary, her eyes wiele ,Uth amuement, ·'1'911 , liIerveDU7 " ...lch1.""\DeUneator. '

'I'll. best part or aU ~ortItu4. ' i. .,. which Uel at Ute NOt of .at pleuvea a" "ell u all po_era. Rope


bernlt c," ". to be Mpplneu wll_ ~~!aoe ~m~lUlI.. Iaer.-a_ ' 1,.



". '"wby." be exn,ilm ed t~ ~ecbllr1a, the propb et who liad come to see him BROKEN RUT. In respon se to bls earnest summon s ""Thy, If lhe Samarlt nns ngall\ succ cd A B.tck That Achell All Oay Olatu, " In blocltlng t.he enterpr ise, It wllJ slln· Sleep at Night. W, J. Henderllon, vllIlUng S~attle, Zeclw'iab the Prophet ply be Im(lUlJslble to take It up again. And whl.\t trO\lbles m ls..thls :_O.w:.-tIly._ _ _ __ "..Ues the Canadia n Govern ment Encollra llea Zerobb .. bel. Thomas N. McCullong h, 321 SQ.' it St'f01rlllle. Wash., and says: Weber St., Colorado Springs , Colo., Bumptlon of the work II! a dlreot vlo- rhe Rind of Bulld tnz Neede d and Its Arran geme nt- By J, "1 huve neighbo rs In Central Canadll In lon 'of Ul e dpc l'ee Issued by the Corsa ys: "Attacll s of BY THE "ltiCHW AY AND BYWAY " W. Clarl~, Penns ylvan ia Exper iment StaUo ,r aising wheal, barley' Bnd oaltl tor the mer khl g, ArIa. e l'Xes , and shoulll lhe , n. PREACH ER buc knche and kidpast 20 years, nnd are now gettlns present king. Darius. cboose to so r ney trouble b&rt-om the same lanll 20 to 30 bushels of gard It, he lDay dE\Scend upon IIi!! and gnn to come Ob wheat per acre, 40 to 60 bushels of execute dire punis hme nt IlPon the city me. las ting oftell oats. The Boolt 'or Z ~c hnrlah .-Tt on &ls tll or fOT !Ls boldu 8 9 . Wbat think y u ?" for three we k. "It was the flrst week of May when) 1I::oeo p o:rl.ll, Chapte r" 1 t,o ,8: c h a pt e rs 9 to Zecba rlah dId not answer at once. at a lime, and I 11 : n nd cl nptCl's l.:! to 14 , P a n 1. t he nIne cot nlY ten; pitched, tlut tbe farmer. visions He was t rou ~ I C' d by the situatio n , and . vIz.: 1. (1:7-17) , A rifl would be unabl. on 1\ r ed &II around had flulsbed pulling In horHe, am ong til e m y rtlo II' er ca, BY m bo l· saw the dark poss ibIlities . Bllt he wns to turn In bed. their orops, so 1 only got nrteen acrea tzlng II ge noral pC'a l'o 0\' r lhe w holo certain thst Ood's band had b en In The urlno wal n n.\ the "e ~9 u ll o n of oppositI o n to the resu mpti broko and seeded. They Ildvlsod me In'1<1. on of Ihe building opera· much . contain ing sedlmeo t. th e lJull(lIng at th e temple. 2. 0 :18-21) tIons, and laying hold upon t'Jul u It was late not to put In mucb F ur · hMn s II. e ,. four e nemies and my rest was broke n at night. R&wheat, so I put In five aCI cs of wbeat eW8), Ilnd fOllr 'Ilrpent rD. by owf h the lIet from th oBe troubles came flOO D om thouJ;ht . he rospond ed. earnest ly: and ten acres oats. one-half acre pota. th y Ilre brol,cn. R (2 :1-9) " mnll wit h a "Bll t we fill bave made no mlstakf atter I sturted taking Doan's Kidney mC lIK IIno, enll\rl;lng th o bo und a r Ies In obeying toes and vegetab les. 'AlI kinds ot veg· ot J elIrlng the voice ot God?" Pl!!s, and contlnu d treatme nt enti re. rus n l m: I. c., h l' r In rOM . Inc \os-etablas grow well up there, sweet corn, Ing the Ge nlllcs. • . (3) J oshua (th e hl\:h "No." r s ponded Ze rubbabe l. slowly Iy treed me trom ltldney trouble The tomatoe s, onions, carrots, peas, beans, prIest) chnngln g nlthy g tl.l'm enU! f o r nl'w "and ye t bow can IVe Imow wbat trou· oura has been permRo ent." cabbage , My whent yielded about 20 J ncs. s ignIfyin g th r e8tnrn tl o n of Ju dn h. ble il may plunge 1l !5 Into?" Sold by all d alers, 60 centll a bolt. ~nd ad\'ont of "The Bro n c h ." 6. (4) A bushela per aore, for whieh I got 78 <;,ol(lc n Inmp. f ed by two 011\'.0 trees: "But Call will be with us to keep us Foster-Milburn Co., 13l1lfaIo: N. Y. c .• scelng that we have set onrselv es to oents. others got 80 cents; oats t he r bui ldIng of the templ e. and f uI.lure thresbe d as busbels per acre, tor which Il'lorlllen llon of lhe churc h by th o un c- lIon do his 1\'iJI," prot ested the prophe t, Ie BRINGING HIM OUT. I got 36 coots per bushel. You see I I..t e"theveH o ly Spirit. 6, (5 :1-. ) A n Yl n g roll : an elTort to be hopeful . ngeance on th o un godly. 7, (6:5- 11 ) was three weoks lale In gettlng them A woman pressod Into un t'ph ah by a "True Inde d. nnd so I hope It may lelldon w e ight and borne ca s lwn rrl : I. .. prove, hut I cannot belp but be troll in. sun 1 WBB soUgfied. "From my observll tlon, thbre Is more reprl'lIs l on and bn nlRhmpn t of Idoll1u'y _ hI d by the dark ouUook. Tbe rael (0 :1- ) Four r.hnrlotB Ip8uln g tra m t wo tbat even now the messe ngers of ollr money made In !lto<!k, such as oattle, ~.b r a~en mo unt"lns: I. e, . the o o f d,borses and sheep, as prices lire high vino providen c e, D. (6 :9-1£ ) COllrs r a wnlng of roes al' on their way to Babylon with tor sucb, and It costs nothing to raise Joshun : I. e .. tho reglll and prl s lIy ot- Ul elr cbnrge ~ against us, has caused nee ot "The Branch. " Purt n . CollOQUY many of the people them, as horsell live the year around between to cease tlleh t nnd exiles regard Ing out on the grass. In fact. farmers turn I.ho tRSU.theI. prophe (7) The nalu ro of a lrue r n At_ work, and 'Ihould Darl us look wIth dis their work horses out tor tbe winter. t. (8) On convor lllo'll of fl181S Into toUSl.ll, tavor upon us, and caU9Q our enemies A'sker- How Is It you never speak &Dd they come In treBh and tat In the Part HI. The tuture d esttny or th J w- to trlnmph over us, we Bhould not only to DulUy? I'm sW'e he's a diamon d IA Is h rf'lIgton and pepple. L (~- 1 -7) Peace unrail to oomple te our temple b.:. t. would .e prlng. Cattle live out seven or eight der Alexand e r's rule. tbe rough. 2. :12-17) Revlvl1t suffer months . They mow tho prairie craS8 ot power under lhe (9Macc CombIned Colony and Broode r House. o,llpresslon and prosecu tlon al Miss Trimm -Yes; I think so, tooabees, 3. and staok It for winter and give oat (U-12 :12) a rever8e (cnus () by we rejec- their hallds." tha.t's why I'm cutting him. Poultry Is fOllnd thrivIng and yield· boards should be made of matched lion of M ClIslah-p unlehed by the d Btrue..traw. My neighbo rs sold steers at Uon Again Zechari ab endeavo red to com· Inu good returns In of Jerusale m, 4. (12:3-}4) A period ot 60 many st.yles lumber und s hould be 20 Incites wide Many Women Pralle Thll Remed~ each, and any kind 'of a horse pe nite nce and hopo. 6. (14) R e turn et the fort the discour aged leadur of the peo of houscs that It Is difficult to lay for one roost and three that can plow, trom '150.00 up. I raised Messiah to J erueruem In t riumph ovpr bl. pIe and to point him to conflde nce In down feet tor It YOII have pains the back, U rl llU7. any ll~rd and faBt rules_ The two, tho first being plnced ten Inchen Bladder or Kidney 10 trouble, and waot • ~O chloken a and 6 plj;ll, as pork, chi ok· enemies. nnd the Inau&,\\r aUon of theo- God, nnd then toole his del'l\rtu certain. re. But pleaao.Dt tendenc h y erb at cure tor woman' . !'I'esent Is toward cheaper from tile wall. Most poultrym en -eDB, butter and eggs pay well and al· craUc Clol"Y. pre- lilli, try Moth er Gray's AUSTRA he went honie Dot to sleep. but to give houses wIth LIAN LEA.F. It Ie ante nnd never-ta iling reeways a good market tor anythin g a Scriptu re Author ity - Zechari ah, blmself up to a night of vigil with hot11fluse stylebetter venUlatlon. The ter roosts two by three Incbes wide, ulator. At all Drugc1s t. or by or housing mall 60 bta. poultry duJ'- with edgeS' rounded Slightly . Nests Sam~le paokage F .REE. man ralsell, 80 I ha'Ve every reason to Ch&pter 4. God, and while the governo r IItruggle d In g tho wInter has not Addre.., The been aatlstac IIDUier are usually Gray Co made .• I.e Ro)" tram N. 12 Y. to be thanktu l, besides, at- the end of 15 Inches wltb bls hopes and fear. upon a {ever- tory, many of the houses helng damp equare. If placed near the flo r they three y88rs I get my patent for bome: Ish. sleeples s bed. Zecharl ab, the and the air In them HI, Choloe, atead, I heard ot no homeato ad sell· SERMO NETTE , prophet . reached up 'In prayer to God, agreeab le. Disease hasanythin g but are apt to Induce egg eaUng. Dark been quito nests prevent this. ne Ludlad y-Wha t part or tbt tng for leu than $2.000, so wbere un· "Not by mIght, nor by power, knowin g that If help were to co~e It common and t he results 1h many Cement (JoorB are the cleanes t and ehleken will you have, Hr. N ... ~er the aun conld an old man 01 but by my .plrlt, lalth tho Lord ,mullt come frl)m him. cases have been disappo inting. If properl y constru cted, &lid dry and comer? younc mlUl do bet~r'" 01 HOlta." But bow strong !leemed the forces of Poultry houses sbould Yr. Newco mer-A lItU. ot the . . . SU: The arm of ftelh fa"I, but the evU. How mighty seemed the Intlu· ranged atl to admit plenty be so ar- warm and give good rcsultll of sunligh t, Inches ot coal cinders roun'da l well lIIcle, pleue.~PuclL YOUTH FUL arm of God, never. MIND AT WORK. ences at work to dlscour aga the build eSI.eelally In winter months , as It aIY down close with some fine materie l He who would labor In the Ing operatio ns. As the thought of thess slSlS very materia lly In A. Oem_ti e III7e Re8e«y o.ductl on Mother 'Muat Have Found vineyar d of the Lord mUlt. eatch thln ge came to Zechari ah he Tacked house and making fowlswarmin g the on top, sand wlll answer, /tnd one to Compou nded by Experion ced Pby.l~ cheery. It one and a Conform halt Inches a to Puro Food and Dro... lAl_ sarld ond ce80mew hat Hard to Combat . thll vilion 01 the prophet , Zecha· his brains to think how such Influenc el also dries up moistur e Wins FrIends Wherev and Ueed. Alk Dtu. rlah, If he would labor pertlltmlgbt be counter acted, and the ene- th~ best agencie s for killing Is one of ment, one cement and two sand wl\1 Ii.te for Murtn;, Eye erfumedy . Try M'UKI.. Marjort e. ared fin yean, t. e!'ltly, and .uccell~ully. mles put to rout. Surely there must :iDd disease germs. Windowmicrobe s make a stron g enough floor for a nn. 10 YoW' Ey... You WIU LIke Io{un_ s should pOllltry house. 'ene of thOle bright cblldren who make The golden eandlea tlck, with be someth ing they could do. Surely, be ' arrange d to come well up under . Colony houses bave many things to Remlnd ,d. the IIyea of their parents and teach· Its bowl on top, It••even lamp .. there must be some line of action the front. This will ''Does :rour husband forpt to lUll permit the sun recomm end them. They can be used . . a burden. Quite recentlr . she pald and the two olive tree. on eaeh marked out. And wblle tho prophet 10 sb lne well toward lbe baok part for several differen t purpose s Bnd thd lettert Jail give hlmT" ber aMrt mit to a kinderg arten. U{lOn Iide provt"dlng a never lalllng struggle d under this momen tary con· of t be house. Winter "NeYer. I put them la lata Is the most Im- ba moved trom place to place with a ber return home .he Sfew entbllBl· .upply of oil, What dOe8 It typo vlctioD that someth ing must be done, I)Ortant time for plenty e&ae.'. ot sun and horse, Insuring tresb land uUc, bentn& ' her mother to allow for rear· ,I1y7 he cast about blm 1n despera tion for as It Is lower In the heavens during tng chicks on. Brooder s can be ' to atteild the Ichool regularl.,.. JUlt this: The unfallln il and some plan, some etrort, whkh would the winter montbs, hence Delletous cakes, and pastries are protbe Imporplaced In these early In the Sfrlng duced br "It w.a _ Te,y nlcel" .he declare d Ultimat e trlumRh of the light put their enemie s to rout and frustrat e tanco of havin g the window tbe ule ot Soudel1l' Cream oC s hlgber. and after the chicks are old enl1ugh "W"Uy . "ADd the teacher, MI .. Lee. which God ha. caueed to 1~lne ' tbelr plans. Tartar Baklne Powder &lid Soudan " A.t least one·thlr d of the fron t ot a to do without heat the brooder s may ta' ao Te", nice. too! Sh. told me It In the world In and through hi. It waa at that momen t that a hand poultry hou se should be gabled or be remove d and perches put up. 'rhls Flavorl nl Extract t. Allgood~" J .wu .. I'QjDcI , 1~Ue slrl ~ would .a'I.'Q" cholen people, the Jew" seemed to reach out and tovch him, open to the south. It s hould qp Into a pretty I.d" bnt U I wu "Not by might, nor by power," and be shook himself as thuugh he scuth or southea st. Window face the m.ake.s an Ideal house till very late Pra.per lt:r I. the touchst one ot .... s sbould in the fall. Laying hens can be win· naughty I would crow up IUl ucl1 a. man counta and knowl might had just been wakIng out ot a slee!; be arraoge d to slide tue; tor It fa les. difliclllt io bear m .. , bllck or to be tered In colony houses with as good fortune s than to rewain uncorru -oDe!" and power, "but b~ my Iplrlt, and sought to quicken his henumb ed remove d In some way. ptAIt 00 brlgbt results In egg product ion 8S In larger "That II quite trne, deal'," her moth.alth the Lord of Ho.ta," senses. And then a voice spake, Sli)', mild days no coverin by pleaaur e.-Taei tul. g la necessa ry houses. Ventilat ion can 'ar answerect wlth ·8 Imlle. be arrange d :The candlea tlck aymbol ize. tng : over .the opening ; on windy or cold 'in colony houses much Sore throat lead. to 1.oneilitl., QWnI:r lon~,. MI.s Marjori e re,arde d th. the same as ttle Jewllh theocra ey, and u,ltl"What seel,lt tllou'" • stormy days a muslin curtain s1l0uld In larger ones. The Hamlin. OB two cuts berf! .nd Diphtherio.. ilre plna loga. PreBently sbe burtt mltely the church of Chrillt, the Zechari ah 100keQ and In the midst be used, unless very cold. w.ed as a pigle upon tbe first Iymptolll.l when the show the shed roof and gable root. oat: what a nau&,hty, nauchty light-be arer to the world. or' a glow of light before him, tbere window s may be kept of a lOre throat will invariably prav_ shut to prevent The shed roof Is ventilat ed by muslin ~ UtUe IIrl Miss Lee mu.t lIa". bIeJa," appeare d ' a golden candles tick such as the combs being frozen. three of thOle dread ,diIeo.ee8. "All gold." Pure, preclou .. By getting curtain s on upper part of windows, -Th. Bohe}Jllan. Indeltru otlble; luch II the true had formerl y etood In the boly place tbe fowls accusto med Some people spenl! 110 Ideal of the church. In tbe temple, and wblch he had seen tlon lUI oold weatheto the condl- the gable roof house by. straw 10ft • r approac h es with lattice In each gable to admll bandlns out advice tbat much. time , Eaiy CO!l\e,·,E a.y Go. . . ''-Bowl upon· the top." Chrllt the,. hay.... among tbe temple furnlspt ngs brougW they are hetter p~epar'e d 10 stand the air to pass over and through tJie time to acoompIJsb any A pa"lIBeTby at Broad and Lombai'd at the head of the church Is the thin,. back from Babylon . lower tempera ture with. no Injuriou s straw. ..treeta In Philade lphia once heard which III h eld IIp by wire net· true fountain , of whOle fulln'.11 " I have looked," he exclaim ed. wltb results. Ung fastened to the sides of the roof, For Hoarsenesl!I nnd Coughs "Brown '. the following dialogu e between a I. of the eplrlt all we receive grace. growing l)lterest , "and behold a can· Bronehh ll Troches " are wondertu lly bird of the Plymou th Rock, A muslin curta in was us d on up' fec 'krer who w.. In a sewer and ti ve. 26 cent9 1\ box. Samplell IItlnt tree "HI. lev," lampi." U.nlted In dlesUck ail of gOld, with a bowl upon Wrando tte and suoh breeds by r qltlres John I. al'own Ii: Son, Bo.ton, MIUL per hlllC of ••tout, beamlnr; lady with a capaclo u. window s s hown In fl'gure one atem .. Unity of the church the top of It. and hla seven lamps about nina Inches of perch room, Leg· On mild days thIs was hooked up In· lDarket basket on her arm: with the Jewish church ultimate · tbereon , and seven pipes to the seven horns, eto_, about eight Power and fortnne must concur wttla ,"A.b, good marnln' to you, Pat," laid Iy aa the atcm (Rom. , 11 :1CS.24). lamps. which are upon the tOl) I3l'ahmas nnd Cochlns Inches and side during n great portion ot tbe prudenc e and virtue to etrect anytbl q ten Inches. day and ..he leaning over and looldng Into ~. \vas let down during the ' ''Seven plpe~," Feeding tubss thereot " lreat In a polltlca l capacl t7.- Plato. Roosts should be made tit. "And ,.hat are you doln'T" from the bowl to the lamp •• L!t. And then he paused at the unu!5ul!.l the floor. FowlB of lowe r or near night. Altboug h ~he temtJera ture "Good m'~mln', Bridget ," he repll~, erally ,.ven and "lien or forsight before him. for there a ppeared breeds cannot fly high, the beavler on some .nlghtB during the time reg, To rClltorc a o.ormnl action to liver, kidand looking up. "I'm a..amln' alimony for ty-nIne In all. Tho explana tion two olive trees. one on the rIgh t side the lighter bl' eds frequen those of hltered ovel' ten deg rees below zero, IlP.YII, 8tomach nnd bowel., lak, Garfi,Jj tly Injure tbe . , . And what are you doln"" comJ>s of the bIrds were not af· Tea, tha mild berb !ullti"e. In verta IS II that man'l power and one on the left side of the candle- (he Boles of their feet In jumping fected eixcept a Le ghorn cockere l "Sure; I'm a-spendln' It," repIled 'by Itsolf can neither retard or stick. from hIgh per hes, cauelng Srfdget airily, as .he trotted olf.Diamon ds come blgbGlt when lOla advane . God'i work, that the , Perplex ed and astonish ed, be turned foot. When droopin g bOllrds bumble- which had been purcblls ed and came are used from a warmer pe n. Fowls will stand U ,£IIt rate •. ILIppln cott'l. real motlvfI power II God', Iplrt't. In the directio n of the vOlce_'w~b~,I~c~h~h~a~d~!lli~~~ld.. hsC-ll~~~~~~:t~~~~~~~;~:~ [I'ost It accllsto med to It spoken to him b lore. and ''l'wo olive tree.... The source Droppin g The building s are sin gle board ed. ,Placing Him. "v\lhat aTe theBe, my I.ord?" of the oil lupply In :the bowl;, "p'apa." Inqutred litUe May, After "Knowe st thr ,u not wbat these be1" The Holv' Spirit, ~ho fills with 8andar IIchool, "was George Waahhis fullneu Messiah, frot:TI whom , th~ nngel demnnded. two·cell ed sporos which se rve to prop, 1Dgton an Israellte ?" , "No. my Lord." flow .Iupp\le s, of grace to ,the agate th e fun gull. Before her fa l her could answer thl' "This IB the word of the Lord unto church_ AI the lampi bur,ned "There are severs l oth~r forms of aomew hat unexpec ted question Mev', oontlnu allv, lupp\led with Zerubba b 1. saying : 'Not by might, nor Dtaease~·htch IsCaus 011 dry rot which less Importa nt. bot lnll'Co nceru. m -1ear-olc1 brother broke In. by power., out by my eplrlt, slllt1l the from a louree (the \Ivlng olive cause cOllsldora ble damage , which "Why, May. I'm 'shamed of your tl' Lord of Hosts: " trees),' which man dl~not make, seem s- to he on the In croase. ThesA .'ancel ' George Washin gton Is In the A great cry of joy burst fTum the Accordi ng to T. J. n 'urrlll and J, are also due io Zerubba bel, th. governo r of to fllll gi wblch belong, tor Wew Testani ent, not the Old."-W om· lips of the prophet , anll he exclaim ed: T. Barrett of the illinois sta.t1on JeruI"le m, need not be dleheart t bo tbe mos t part, ,to till! ge nus FusarlulD &!l" Home Compan ion. "I must hasten to tell him the won- groups or diseases or ened beeaule of hIs weakne u; corn known un- -momb e rs of \vblcb cause serious ---::darful message ." for al the work II one to be efder the ~neral name ot dry rot has damage to quite a nu mber of our 1m, MIddle Courle the Beet. "ThOll shalt. Indeed, but hear troe fected by the \Ivlng Spirit of Lobater &lid champa gne for IJUpper portant culth-al ed plants . . . _ rest for It Is a messag e of good tid , become or sumcS-ent econom ic Impor. God. man', weaknell8 Is no ob-that's blgh jln1(s. Sawdus t and near "In the case of lhe Dlplodla disease lance during tho past four or five lUgS: ,So also shalt thou speoak: 'Who etacle, for God'. might will perIOlree for breakfa st-that' s hYllen.. and Quite probabl y In tb ltt of tbe othel y~ars to c'aus, c ; genp.ral conce Ar£' rn thou. among 0 great mounta in? Betore fect !trengt h out , eetwee n these two , emlnenc el" how· '4Ve~kne .., forms, tile fllllgUS perpetu ates ItseJi Zel'ubbabel thou Bhalt become a plain; farmers In corn-gro wing regions ., there'. room tor 10m. pullin. l .i.4~"~~""+4~ "+4~"~~ and he shall bring forth tbe headBto ne "In 1906, the year In whIch there over wimer on tho old diseased ears ~am's :tim" Baltimo re, Mil. - II For tour years thereof with shoutln gs, crying: Grace, was the greates t amount ot dry rot. 8~ and old stalk s. It Is' not usually dlf, THE STORY , ficult to find through out tbe summer my lite was a to me. I Buffered grace unto It. The handl of Ze rub- tar as any r ecords have been made, In old corn fi elds, wbere the disease lrregula rt.. GOOD CHANGE ARK' days fo\low those of lIu~shlne. babei have laid the foundat ion of thll the loss was 4.5 per cent. ot the entire has previou sly prevail . terrible drag. · d, many pieces house; Coffee to Poatum . his hnnds shall "hlao fInish Dlscour agemen ta eo,no erowdln g It; crop In llUnols. This repr&sents a of old cornsta lks whlctl 8re Infected sensati ons. and tbou shalt know that the Lord of upoo Ihe heels ..~'trAmll nervou s. succoss ful etrort. Hohts 1088 with of the over Diplodl 16,000,0 a 00 fungus. bushels , having Sta The t.'Ke army of person II who tlaT. But darknos s andofdlscoura hath lent me unto you. For and that aU gemt>nt are found reHef trom many chro~lc aU no Indicati on that Gqd \\'h" hatb despise d the day of small a value ot more 'thAn $5,0~0.000. rhe known to be two years old have teeliDg in m~ hI not ItUl in (ound 10Sll st \II 111 produci 1907 was ng !lpores. less thAn two per mente b,., Changing from colfee to hIs benenl , or that hll Run"'''''' 1I , bad will Is not be- things? For they sball rejoice, and cent. ·of the crop, or about $2.000.000." "The fungus does not. accordi ng to ; POsttun 'as a d81ly beverq e. JI grow· Ing wrough t out In th~ shall see the plumUlet tn the hand of hope of , mld!!t of men. : The name dry rot Is derived from pl esent knowled ge. grow weU :tnK eAeh da:r. upon an, , ., Wben the outlook II dark we need 7.erubbabel with ' those seven. 'rbe,. the way the ears are affeoted In the ot ler host. and upon develop ing corr. to ~t tl"'~ly a simple "uestlo n of trylnl the' uplook; are the eyes ot the Lord, which rUD neld. "In g· i meral the husks tend to Ot lyon the ears. Not so much Ie to a'ld fro through the, wbole earth." It tOr oneself. In ordet' to know the Jo~ It was nllW' 10,neth iBg over l~rn 'Prematu a year yellow to sooty. and known of tbe otber tungl helle c.on' With eager baste the prophet p8sse4 . of ,I'tuml ng health' as real1l_~d by an since Zecbill'l~b b.d tbe ear ' become s pPrtJally or wbolly cern ed, but sillee 90 pe beguq his mlnill. tbrough r cent. of tht. the streets Ill., ¥OUDK lady, ,·She write.:; of the city and as -prophe t I,n Jerusale m, and that blil'st toto the , presenc e of. Zerubba bel. shriveled ' and much decreas ed In rot Is ' due to Dlplodla, less attentio n "1 ,bad been a qo~ee drinker nearb year had been crowded full weight. Somet;t mes , of the ~I ~7 lite and it dec't ed 'my ltOmach earnest prol)lalmlng of God's word the 'to ' wh<ise 'eyes haC! come !to sleep tbat uprIght with the' h~8ks' earp remam n·e ed be given to ~em. Disease d ears ,'as nlgilt. ·But the messag e 'V'Llcb clo£ely adher· are frulUul sourc~s of subsequ ent In· ~aued ~n80mn" ,nd I was' seldom revealed to blml,fro he heard Ing: toO ,. without a beadacb e. "I hac1 hellJ1l about bad !Men a YQarl Inm time to time. It from tHe lip. () the pro.,bet llout him 8h~Ji~s thelJ}. In other C<ises ' the fectlon Ilnd ' should be removed B~ wblc~ ' there .b,ad fortIl are weAkened ~nd the ~trected., l>roml'tly ·as posslbls. This wt.tlJ' a new. lnsrtrat lon an,d. ~eai . ara bang C3n be ~ttlm anll hP'l'f ~ne4clal It was, 10 been. a Diarked turntng 11mp pf the people to the , wOl'k.. For ' he knew that DQ ot ibe plsealled trom their 'attachm ent, r eadily done, ~t tl,le time or b usklng. 'OOIlcluCl8d' to qUIt 'cotree It. , , to God. ' ·T1te work ot bnl1d,l1g condltlo n ,may ~ot the tem-' earillly ' Power , thnt · day , I t nl)t before . . Keep tbem In a lep could thwar~ delcl)ted untll tlIe . busk)s '", " .. 'delliht ed with' the cha.;ap. ' pte hl\d been ~resumed' with (ra.h ylgor him In ~e executi on' remove d. recepta cle and hurn . " [ caD DOW ~Ieep" well anet iel~om ner and good progres s had of God'lI pI~" . Tbere are, Beveral kinds of ' dry ~t, soop as practica ble'. T.n . ~hem a. been ~ lade.' AlI,d "ddltlon to 'baT' bead~ch., Mf ltomach bal' lOtteD thea new dlfllqultlea bad QUe to dJlferen t ~\Il1eJl. Th!J most tbla, , In fIelds where any cons Iderable art.le~. The Wile Law of N.ture, . Itroq ail~ 1 cap eat without ~wrerlb. (uep trotP , ,,ltbopt 1f~lch hAA .topped He ....ho. hll.bltuatell- hlmseU In ,hi, c()minpn and that:-, ~blcb, ·{\ccor~ln,g amount or d.lse·ase < has been ' :toutid. ' arterwards, '1 think my ,whole .,'...tM'lllH work before and which had been dally lIf. tQ lIeek for the .lItern facU to Burrill and Barrett, )lall dl.rlng .the , the stalks shpuld .'also hal'e attentio n ereatly benefite d b1 PQJtum. · past . ~o lIea.oDB ~UBOi1 , f.ared woulll Interfer e agaIb had de- In whateu r he Marti or whatevCJ" crop Is to follow. Some, leu. will havtt per Hilt, of "117 brother allO'OlJ!l" mandell ' to ItIfOW by wbat ' the-dlun~e , In .......,,"'M tblng mAY be gQln~d by C!U:Sfully pI,!,,: rlg) le tbe8e '[dr. apin 'broush t-b8for e him .~ tl'01lble Whll, lle Clrepk ooU... tnat due to a fUDgUs knOl"D /lB Plplo- Ing ~eD'l und6r and leaving bad beel relluuie(1 anti theY' bact by 'the mvolurtt&ry (mqsu itTe . 1lOW~ IdDoe ~tna. POltum b. dl& UlaldJl, Ears Infected ' wlth- this covered , but bumlng may them well poIted 'p t! to BabJIo~ to -"amp t to... in thatr noblest uaoclaU be I'eqlllred ons; 1Ul4 be lDuOIa better II, would DOt 10 baolt ~ ~Ui'8 a ·decre. from Darl_ to bayt ~.: who &ee"ka for frlvollt le. aDd f&llalrt.. (Ilugtl.' '"brrl'Vel up mOre 9r 1. ., ~.r1t· even It this Is otherwi se bad IIro ' , t o ' oolor, elJd becoQl8 ,,' light . . . for oedur.e. ' Such a field ab'ollld not be :fII " ' IIIlterprIIe atopDect . Win hay. trttonu,. -:~.:=:~=: .tI8h~ ; N. .t · No wazuler thea UW doubt u.d . :Planted to ~na for at leaat two )'~ to bIJC ba i: "TIl. bra8l. are • • ailei ' ~If tJle, tlNt















Cured by Lydia E. PinkVegetable Compound



t_ ·



I.: aI.._y.

pat ••10


p n 'tr _ 2..!:.'~F2±::t!t?. .

r '



...... ,;"r' .1'.'."

ep '


= -


Don't you want an Edison Phonogra ph? How can you improve your home as much with so little outlay in any othe r way. No city choir rend el' tiner hymn ' than the Phonograph. No city theater can show a. gre~t and va riell a line of talent as the owner of an Edison Phonograph hug at Ill S 'ofllrnand, It educates the ch ildren , it teaches them what good' music is. It k ep. them posted on the la te t popular music or familiarizes them with the grand old clc 'ics.

lI~tually, n~fu,


We wish to call your attention to our immense . ~ Stock of ...-::--...

..~ . <

$25.00 $30.00

Farm Implements,Wagons Buggies and

Buys one for playing both the two and latest four-minute recordg, the greatest improvement in the talking-machine world touay. Com in and let us demonstrate the Edison's superiority. •



for 1909. It would be impossible to enumerate the .different articles and specify their points of superiority. We select the best goods to 'be had and sell them at

_ ..... S!2!s _

'l'h T:~u:::~1' ~::: :,~~: "b. Wh.,...Ri~::~Ub::N I

--0 I I ' { ! h t St · ay l' g 0 r 'e . e . . ' '


We now have a brand new delivery wagon, and will be prepared to deliver your wants to any part of town on short notice.. -Telephone your orders. We will do the rest. •


The work shoe made. Our spring stock just arrived. Come and see them. Fancy Steak Salm :H1 ........ '2i)c Also a nice line of Dress Fancy Red Salmon ...... .. Joc Shoes for Ladies. 'Gentle- '. Fancy Olives .. . 10, 25 anll 50c menandChiidren Ourprices Horseradish .. ....... ... ..... 25c are right. Come and see Pure Olive Oil .. .... ......... 25c fOr yourself. Fancy Lemon C 1 i 11 g Peaches .. ............. ...... 25c Crawf ord Peaches .. ........ 20e Crawford's Light Sy ru p, 2 cans for .... ..... ..... .... . 25c Fallcy Spi nach .. .... .. , .. .. .. 1'5c Fancy Sou r Kraut .. .. ..... ... IDe A large shipment just re- 3 cans Blue Star Corn .. ... inc ceived. See us befo!e buy- 3 cans Blue Star Peas .... .. 25c ing. 2 cans Fancy Peas .. ......... · 25c 2 cans Wayne Victor COrn Hic 2 cans Fancy N. y. Corn .. 25c 3 cans tomatoes ............ 25c 2 cans Pumpkin .. .... ........ F:c 2 cans Stt'ing Beans .... .. .. ]fic 3 pkgs Roll ed Oats ......... · :25c A new lot of Gem Shirts and 3 pk~ Corn Flakes ... .. ... . ~5c Overalls in, t he bes~made; 4 lbs Pop C<l rn .... .. .. .. .. .. . JOe Rolled Oats .. .. . · ...... JOc Price ri~ht. Also he fa- , !)3lbs Ibs good Prunes ... .... .... 2[ic 0 trousers for men. 31b r.: mous A pal' f 'f t h · s f ancY P 'r unes ....... .. '',_ 0C ey 1'11'. 3 Ibs Muir Peache: ...... .. . 25c new r ree I 21bs fancy Peaches ......... 2fic ·! 1irt!.ai coats, pants and 5 lbs Jap Rice .. .......... ...... 25c 25 Ibs Oran. Sugar, at $1.25

Tobacco ' Canvas


$ '

$.... .,..

Shirts and Overalls

Corsets ·.We are agents for the. celebrated Warner's Anti-Rust .Corset, . We hav~ them , :in: regular" also Girdles a~ "

We ,give ' Pr(~mium ' '. , " ' . T'l'ck'e'ts· 'W1't'h' cash tra'de .

For Saturday's Market Sweet Navel Oranges, 'G rape Fruit, Lemon:;, Pineapples, Bananas, F igR, Dales Nuts. Fancy Celel'Y, . New L ttuce , New Radii;! hes, Onions, etc.

--_. - ...

$ $

thl'S rnontl1.

Seed Potatoes Ju t r eceived a . hi rln ' nt of New York Ro ... c , Ea l'l ,v Ohio's and Ru n.! New Yorkel·s. Now is the time to buy, as the price will be mu r:h higher a li ttle luter.

- -,-


~ A





Post Carda 0;~~8 r=~~




$ $. .

,"-,,".' $





" W A : ; . LT·E'B J ' ·'KI ··-L· "1:>0 " N '- . ' i..'- . .. .. . ..EJ : - . '. ~


$ $ .




$ ~





$ '



~.&:A., __,..,.,..,..,..".."".. ;, ......



R~ Estate bougiit and IOld. AlsO ;"ave. town and. ~uritry


Zimmerman's '

$ $

. • ' " .S. .','D'. "SHRINER :. , '. .' ,

Bring U's '



Sealshipt Oysters We are selli ng mc,re Oysters this season , at t he present time and wil continue to keeptl:Jem the rest Of



Suffrag~ttes battle with the ,London "pOlice unsucceSsful effort to present a resolu~iori to Premier Ai. quith ana .tweri.t y;'womeh are 'arrest-



: , 'i

' ,. '



Your.. '','.'' . . INSU,RANC~ AGEN':l\ ., -'-...'-. ..... . . , $ . ' ' . . . , ...... Durilig ~he 1a8~ fls)lihi,,season ~~~_t~0_$~1_.5_~~' , _.:~ _~_~_ _~~~~_~~_''.~.~~' -'~'~'lice _\_:~~_~ , : $" ~~ ~e 'tbe~. '. '. ' . ~~_k_to~ . r~, , Fire'alld' ~~~~~I~~~~~~~ Accident;' . lto the ma.r kets of. the countl'Y._ • ,$'. , ~_f_r~~~


~~~~~~~e~ • ~d~ ...


~"". . . .""~""~~~~ . "~

~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~4)O~ ••••••~S Boys.



------ --

eltoss Bltos.


of Mi


Than any other firm in Warren Gounty. We treat everybody alike, and will not recommend an article unless we know it to be all right . . Come and see us and get our prices before you buy, and wewill give you the "Square Deal."



Marguerite 1'homp on our Cre8ot~r to remove from out' Ad!! will be IDse r Lel) uncI r this heaa . ror 1 " . tw e ntv ·livo ce nts tor three losertl onll. I I1~ t Ihur~dllY u~gll~ . . Missey Edna midst by neath, onr highly esteemed whe n uslnll not mor e tllaD ttve IIncs. Janney lind 'VlOlllfre 1 Maoy nre assooiate and member of our Board, .,.. ..... _ .. _ _ ~ 'lIpl~' i u when it cotne t o milking j Mr. Levi S. Luk~ns. ther~fore be it FOR SALE f udge . R~solved. Th&t whiJe we feel our Tho venin g wa s ~ p ent in gn lllea ' lo88 to be irreparable, yet we con , - - - - - - - - - - , - - - and fill hlld u tio e 1.lme. The next fess the infinite wisdom of our Malr. I FODOER-I hllve 30 or ,]5 tlbockll 1l190 ting will he held at the III me of er, and believe that he doeth 11.11 : of I ollilA' ror !!sle. Cltll or MISS EVIL \ Iorrord . thi nge we11 : an d we. f ee I that th e Iiphone, O . I~. Rloks. · ' honesty, integrity, and industry of ~ T. MARY'S CHURCH the deoeased sballstRnd as an' exam· BUHH EL.~ vAl1nw 8~d 0 'r.1I pIe and li ving Ulonuuumt to tbe in. for""1A,t1.50bu Addr ...... "r ' . . oBHT N Wllkprll,,",C)r~Konlo. R. R L nt~A . D . , 1IJU9 stituhQu With whloh hA b4S been 1 Phon~. Clinton 143. ~u n dl1Yll !I. mlill ted· ; and 1' 10 t 11i Ii oonserva the _.""!!,!,"!,,,,~ . !!!!!''!!'!!!!!!!!!!'""''!!''!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!''!''!e-!' Mor olu g PfllY r, serm on ... 10 :30 ". III oounsel SCI fr eq .. 1111\· 80lioited. rtud Evening Pra yer seqn on ... 7 :00 P.w . ss rel\d il~ . g l v· .. b , .. rednuntled to ATTENTION FARMERSI 'undllY SchooL .............. .II :30 tL In . tbe lbenefl.r. of uur l'llnk. Be It fur. ' Clay BurDR dod Renl~r wlll mAk~ H oly COIllUluniol;l, Io\t, ard unu 6th th er, RElfiolved thllt tlieSeoretary of our the season ot 19~\l at. W8)'D,esvtlle. Suncl "y in Lent. Terms will be tbA ""lIlA .. " lallt year. .1 H ~tAHsH"L1., Prop: Boud shAll reoord, these reAolotions . FridllYs our minnIe book (lod hand them 00 Begi nnIng with t he 2nd Friday ------'to the looal press for ' publication. I und Fridays following, serPianos for Rent. By ('rder of t·he Boord. vioe Ilnd Confi rmation L 0F. O. b"R~OOK , Cashier. For leas than $1.00 per week we j uros ....... .... .. .. ... .. .... :i :00 p III Iwill rent you a beautiful b~nd atord ay DEATH'" new guaranteed piano direct from Evening P rayer ....... ....... ,4 ':00 II.m, , the factory. Drop U8 a card. and Hoi Wetflc _ _L . Mr .Tobn Murray, ilged 73, years, ,we will.end you full-particulan. ' t3ervlOe " . - dally ". -. ........ - .-.. ........ 7 :00. 1'. Ul Idled of S dIlt hisf borne.. west . B' Mtt.. Bollv11ITHE STRAUSS FURNITURE CO , Eus tel' Oil • un Ily 0 p"ra YSIS. IS unerll ) , will take pluoe to dllY Itt 100'olook 314 S. Main St•• Middletown. Ohio. H01.Y , Communioo ... .......... 7:00 II. m . at the home of Mr.1I4001'e Inter' l ~ .. MOlnmg PrAyer, sermon nod ment willlte mllde at Middle Run E ' d Holy Communi0!1 ... ... 10 :30 OElborob omolating. ' sending name and aadrees and 4c in AN IDEAL FENDER Mrs Jos Searll Ilften loug mnes.' stamps to .pay POStage ~d pac~irir .., ... will receive 12 Beautiful Colored died at her bome west of Ferry. S..t. Post Cards Ily first mail absolutely Dayton street~olLr ~en going urday afternoon, of.oanoer. She bad {ree. 'THE GLEANER. . to .plnne on theIr oa r~ lIbortly tbe been a great sufferer for a long t.ime. , 1120 Majestic Bldl'., Detroit, Mlcb. ne west fender, tbll t WIll not a.llow Several yellre ago Mrs. Wears, who , .! t.hO, parson ru~ ovedo be hurt. I was Miss Floreno+:! WellAt, lived. bere '1 h ~ fe nder I ~ 80 constructed tbat and a great many of onr Oi'*Z6DS ra ..._ _ _ _"!"'""_ _....;,~"""'!'_ _ wben a person IS struok by tbe oar member her well. Tbe funeral took the end turns .up Rud t~rows tb~ un~ plaoe··in tbe B ~ptist ohllroh Cen for tunllte individual Into a basket· terville Monday. Interment , shnped dip nt the back. 'Ihe lower made in Centtlrvi\le. part of the fAnder then looks itself, . , _~ . milking it impossible for tb~ viotim ' Wellman. "--to roll oft' to the front, or gOlng 'bllok ! ' --,'_ _ und I' tile Otlr wheels . There is 80 1 Mrs. Ed. Ma.r'in oalled on her Irish Potatoes 10080 sprluglike pieoe of fender daughter, Mrs. 01'1 AElli8 Wedues_ Fancy White Potatoes. fr~ w Ol'k iu the lmck tbllt gives ~hen l day . from scab and rot,'extraflne th object is tllrown against It" thos ' Mrs. George Bo~ao ~pellt Wedoetl cookers, Northern grown, ' prot.eo ting the perl:!on strook from day and Th~r"dIlY , WIth her dUUgb-. fine for seed, Special price, . . Th I 1'1 ter, Mr!f. Wtll, O~nn. 25c,a peck; $ ••00 a bushel. beI ng' IDJured. Mr. an d M r8 I:l. .· ere is Il so a ro er ueo.,rge D av Is S1)6D.• attaohment to the front and nell.r the Sunday with Will MOl"l'Is aDd fllmi Com wh eels whioh proteots ,the victim '8 ly. Fancy Ohio Com, ' only a " limbs and keeps him from being Mr. and M,te. Theo. Cottrellsp8nt small lot left, brul ed or tloratclled. In every way SuodlloY with Walter TIbbals II.nd 6C a can; 10c • dozen. t,ll e fonne r appeals ns being the ideal fllmlly . · WIS·c. Early June Peas o n!'. Mr. and r-tu . .G,e orge BQgan and l - -- daoghtor spent MoodILY with UhauD. 1c a can; 4 ami for 2k There are 374 glass works in oper- oy BonlieU and famny. ation in Germany. with 62,000 emMr . . rrnemll.lI W8J:olow took ~nn Evap. Muir Peaches pluyes da'y dinuer with Elvin Fires Bnd 2 pounds for 100; in 25 pound - - -- - • family . bOxes, 7c; in 50 ' pound box. es,6Xc. ' ,. . Mrs Earuest Mannon spent 'l'bulS- . Dil'ecto'r s of Diamond Match com· pany meet in Chicago, and it is .sa,id d!l.Y afternoou ,witb hf:'r p'"rents, Mr. Prunes ' th e net eamings show a decrease of and Mrtl George DlI.vll', . Medium size, - fie pound; '1 ~400 000 . .F. A. Hartsook wlls·.a Uuyt.on vis . , itor one ,day lust 'week . nen! y", Fancy, .. .. 3 po,a nds 25c . --, .. ,; . '1 . Mrs .. 6eo~ge B,O~110 imd daughter' Evaporated ApriCC)ts, I~ pOund'. louiR Gregori, who tried to kil ., Edith Flossie 'Fires ,Ollie ElJIs aDd Dreyfus, accuses Mme. Steinheil of Oharl~ Hllgene'y er',w bre bighly eii~; .. 'klt complicity in the death of Mr. F:aure, tert~ined lit ' the horue · ot Mr."and New ~It Fish, late presid ent of France. " Mrs. G~orge Ellis Sundal! afternoon WilbUr's Stock food, 2S I~ b OUlI:l


I--,....:.:...........--....,.. ." ".....

Buys an Edi on Stal}dard C4uipped with large. black horn , 36 inche long, for playi ng two·minute records only. and

·p ,cnyforaale:- ·· -

t~iros orth~ catch w{UJ carp.

..,..-.''---''-'''''-'-" ' --

-- ;· . .~- b.anieIFrohin;:;i~.utinte~.w

N.~: york.: sayS thatit'htS' wife. Margaret Dl~n. after 88C11rlrurl ' _ _ _~~.~I!!III.~lher divorCe, wanta . to wed E •

Call Soon.


Bow., he·wiD approve.


'paJIs-A . Big lWIal~ ,.': . . Price. Is $,l.50r . '. special Price, ,. • ,1.90 ·." ,





EXtra-F~~" .OC·q~ . ,. ' New Oaiden 5eed8 land Scied po-)1



tat~ ' ~1erYt

LettuCe; Ciu.. ·

'I\.wa.. :o..nlet;'. ·Lem , .. ·:

:" be~ , Dia_rr,"'"

~ ·uiu•. . . , '


(&ape Fruit

'. Onlon~ c.bbqe and . . . . . ., .

E"f,I.I.I1I., Slid 10 EII 'It'






WHOLE NUMBER __ -"- __







A. B. 'hundllll'


in ' J.:.a bl\n on

ItlR.t 'rb 11 rtldu v •

The Woman In Politics' in Mrl'. EIIII Miohell !'r wu s Il Lebuwn I vi,.it.or 'l'llllr srlu y. Old England. Chu N. ( :ooir, of 'inolunA!,\, wus

Ih .. ", ,, ~ tlllllll Y: An Able Article Written and r~cad I.. ink .KlrIg WIl S " Lebatlon vi sitor by Mrs. J. A. Funkey Before I,ult '1'hurt!(l11Y· the Members of the New Uhtl!ol. Bornet'tspent r.laturda r and Century Club. SuodlLY in Iltlyton. Mr . fl.nd Mrs. W . H . Allen wer e in Gin nt nnutlill st week. The fo ll owi ng was r ead by M I'S .J. A . Funk ey at the last meeting of 01' . p. D. Cln gett, WIl8 in Lebtmon the New ·Ct!ntul·Y Cluu. 'l'h eslllJj~ ·t TbnrHdll.V (Ill busloeM". is agilalin ' all En't'lant.!. and is the ORollr Edwurd~ waf:! hOllla from latest id 'a in woman's tln/frage. and becails' of the excE!lIence of the pa- Uin oillllli ti over l:luodllY , per, w~ sec ul·et.! it fot· publication in Mr. l10ri Mrs. V. B. Ulements s pent the Gazette.- Editor.] 11l.",t ThnrsdllY in Dayton . The Americ~n observ I' is usually 'rhe Syraouse, Oliver aoti blhuok surprised to note the extent to which Steel Plows I1t Oross Bros. t he women of E ngland participate 8 . L~ Oa rtwright tra·nsllotAd bn~i· in politics. They en ter zealously into e~el'Y oel:l" ID Lebllo on Thursday. Mit!~ O;)rll MoKa y. ot Xe niu , . i !!t lJ(~ feature of the campaign; they do gut·at of friends In WB,ynellViJle. clerical wOl'k in the commi ttee rooms; MI'~. R f'beooa RondltlJ , of Duyton, they aid in planning campaigns; make tbtl glleMt of Mrs J . W. White. personal canvas among voters. and, BohljeS Stoop!! WIlS quite ill Mon. not infrequently "take the slump" for t heir fav rite candidate On dltY night, bnt is some beN l' UOW. one occasion it'is said that a woman, drQve a carriage to carry voters to the poll~. when it was :m:lllenly discovt!red that there were' no men . .a~ailable to perform the service .. The candidate who is E10liciting votes at political gath'e rings is''often . .accompanied by his' 'wii.e, siehl1-. or women :who Wish to aid him in his Buokeye. 8u l)erior '\nd aootoier catlv~ . They help to perpetuate and emphasize ' the 'idea tht politics are Urain Urill8 fat: Oll.ts ~wi ng at . ~t;I affair of fr~~nds, tqey 'make' and CroflJ liros . . urur'lake far .mOl·e men.. than 'the out· Mis Elsie Va.nHa1'lingen, of Beu side wo'rlq ,ev~r realizes. They know vet:t.owD,'hllll been' visiting ber sister byj~ti~tthe last'; least a~t of "job-' Mi~ V ~ M. White . . bing, ~"an'd the>"pull th~strings with a fran.k~ess and audacity, that at mere man eould but 'marvel at, from afar Th.ey,:.,~r o~ 01).\>,.: ' k,e~n . ~!l Jp.lelli. gent lXltiti,c ians ~They read deba~s. 'stUdy qUt!!Btl~pS· of,· importance; 'attend m~tipgs. folloW" the ' bye~~}ec­ tioT\S, &Ad \vade through 'co}umhs of c~pt\ili'n l1tera~re, an~, e~ei1. greatly daring the political .editorials of the English preSs, .a nd · ~irig in COrlstant and:-:intimate · toucll, with the makers,of· English (politics, their in· for~ation if4 always' :the very best. have done a great '.deal to ' make Eilglish politics the moderate, good ~atured thjtl~ ~hey .are .' They not onJy add, to ~he , b~ uty of ~he campajgp, ' but are ef£ 'forces in




MIIIt! 'Auui a Browll .t!p~nt SundllY FARMERS MEET AND ORGAN IZE ILt homE'. - ' ---

.J. A. l"unkey WI1/j in Duyton TueEday 00 business. Mrs . •1. W. Hartsook, who WIlS 80 sljriouNl.v ill last week, is im proving . 'rll e No. ll.lus. Oliver bluU,y Plow is !,he btl!!L tlver III IHl e. L·'or sale at GrO!'lb Bros. Mr. find Mrl:!. E. V. Barnhart entert·lined at dinnerblonday, Mr. and Mr 9 R fI,Y blmitb !lond duugh tel', LouiS6 . lio to UrosH Bros . for the Oliver No lit nnd ~22 full ohiilell Plo\\. 'l'1I y IlLs l tbree times iLS long Ii i-! oth er plow:!, do bet ter work, hght. at' draft and el~sy to lla.DIJ Ie. Mrs. J W. Hisey visited Mr. uull Mrs . George Hamilton In Xeni u. lust week and fou od Mrs . Hamilton, who hn sbAen hiTlict,ed with paml ys s for about eight yellr~. - iu u vary ~eri\)us conditlou .

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Forl11cl' Rt!s idents

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W. C.


A Jarge !lud enthusiastio meeting Mr. Geo. S. Solm bly if! back nguin in hi old home, !::it. Loul " and ~uy of the W. '. '1'. U. WitS beld'at Mrs. be is huppy ug ai n _ (:h orge ~U·.VII J . '1', Elli l:l Muroh 5, 1909 . M ILII Y wero the expressions of · T xali i,., ttll ri g ht, bit t :-::'1 . I ,(II Ii !! i~ g rutl luda from till e !! hut.ins for the the" IItHly I;it,y .. r m IlIIJl'lI uca lIy 1.11 ladies Il.fter the l:Ioolal tltat W1l8 ' belr! tlt the Kelly Word ItIHI rOllc\J61i WI tllllt Mr. i~ters home. Ellsworth Liddy, of Denvel', Uol., Uig'Lrettes was the topic Of the da)'. b'lS been oripvJ ed wi~h rb eum'\tism Boys and VOll ng men ILre the princi . ne~ rl y tlll win ter. Tue Gazette pa l viotims of the olgarette ha.bit, hopes to helll' 1I00n of b is en tire can get t.hem where It. i~, imposslbl~ reouvery , t,o obtain intoxicants and of the two M.r . B. U. H.llbarts, III' Qswego, e i1s Cigarettes will more quiokly Knn , \ h O!l6 Il('dd nt we 'hroniclel1 ruin the b y thllll IIqnor. Do yon kuowwho t cbeap olgarettes in tho (ll )letto Il w etc ugo oontain,? A mixtm'e ' of tobaooo il:! IL gl'l:lll t thiU 1 II t tOt· lUlU' wi til th e' q uids. oigar stumps, opium, valerian , aid of rutoh s can gat out to the ba rn , We IlI'e c rtninly g lud to oa nna bis indioa ILnd other drugs . hellr of thill, Iinu h ope he muy be The poison very soon affeots tbe en· able,Roo n to wnl k without rlltohes. tire system. It at taoks tbe nerve oen tel'S, the h eart, stomaoh and the Ml's. Fruuk Long, qf Columhus, It stnnts pbysical and menta.J wrItes ns. that sh e itl baok ugo.i n in Ohio. '3he SIlY S Pennsyl vllnili. i!ol all g rowth and dulls the moral percep· r ight. but hio isbetter ,liod itsaems tions; he no longe\- if! able to distin. nice to be buck IIogllin Ilm ong old guish between rigbt and wrong. fri ends, Sbe send ft. olipping from M. E. SABBATH SCHOOL the Johnston 'l'ribune, as follows: Herbert Long, the High scbool PregroUl for Marob U, 1909. student w ho uml erwent; n,n opel'lltlon for. tlppenui·oit.i~, hus been dIS· Subjej:!t :- "lEneas and Dorcas,"Aots ix, 31-41 ollarged from tbe Memorial Hospital. Sioging ........... ................... No. 14.3 He is now at the apital Botel and Responsive Reading ............ No. 110 is being cltrec1 for by hi s m other Prayer, olosing ,with Lord's Prayer and Dr. U . W. W'lgoner; 'fbe f:;inging :..................... : ....... No. 132 YOU/lg m lUl intends to r emai n in thill oity an'd finis b his Rtudies 'nt: , Resp'~nBive Reading of Le880n H igh 130hoo1. !lftel' which be will Study of Le~son, .... : ... ... 3.0 ~jnutes j oin his pllrents, Mr . Iiud Mrs . F. U . Si nging .. :.......... ... ..... ...... .... No. 178 Long io 0 )lum bns, Ohio. ' . CoUectlon ReVIew of Lesson.;.... C. E , Bratten .: Report of Seoretary .. ANOTHER eXPLOSION Singing ............. ~ .............·... No. 174 '. J f you are not Ii member some Three wheel mms at Kings Mills j went up in sn10ke and splinters ~t Sa.bbatb Bobool. we oor.1a11y invit:e 6:30 Wedn esday night, adding anoth- you to beoome a member of oars . el' tet'Tific eXlJlosion to that of Mon- We need your belp. . If· you wUl day afternoon The mills ' were to· oOUle. maybe we OBn belp you. . H. D. KBlLL1SO~, Sup~. taliy destroyed with a loss of about $MOOO. No one was in any of the mills at the time and as a result no SUNDAV SCt;lOOL CONVeN~IQN ' one was jnjured. Much excitement was caused among Wl1ut 1 Township Sunday school ' ol)nven'ion. . emRloYE;eS, as they had just,q for the day, but upon examination it Where? 4t MI .E. Churoh, Lytle'. Wben? Sund~y, March 21, nOg. was fo und that a ll had escaped. Who? All soholars, teaoher' l ~tB.- , BIG TRAIN FOR EAST oers, parents, Qhuroh memo . bel'S a.nd friendS:' . A .speoiu.l tralo went through VOl'. Why l' To inorease the interest tD . \v!n Tuesduy . currying llbont • 5 0 Wayne Township I:5qnday , lJow lera from tbe (~neeu City to Sohools. PittsDurg, wbere fl. huge toorna I COOle ~Dd bring ' ,your , friends. ment will ' take plllce during tbls' and P rogram ned , week, Look fO.r it. nex~ wee,k . . , . MISSIONARV MEETING . . . . S~nd .. y, third tn LEln." March14Ul, The ;FoJ:elgo .Misaionl.l.ry Society Li'tlltly, rmCn nd Holy Oommun. of the M, E . . Ohnrob ' wil~ hajj} Un ron !A 1.0 ,al} a ...~ i evenln • . wor~hip ' open meeting ~t the residen ~eof Mr. and 8"rmon ,,~ 7 p. ni . . Sonday, .

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Mrs. EJi za.heth Drak a Tu.,Vlor, wid· ow of John E . Taylor, died at htir borne on ' Jaokson street Saturday mor~io g a,t 4 o'olook. Sh e had lived thtrt en

~Olne go c.I speakerA froUl the sontllel'n part, of the state will be in her e in a few days and the work pu hed us ropitlly us possible . .Attend th e meeting at Ferry




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• On nt'lxt Sunday eveoi~g at () :80 there will be B reorganil8.tlon of the Epwo th L l' eag Ii ea.t t'h e M . E ,0'b nrc h . Everybody is invited to be present t th' . .d . II ' a . IS serVICe, an espeOIB: y every member.. Be Bure to oome.

In the report of the .New Oentory Vlub week '10 mention was made of a part of the program. Mrs Fonkey read aD origi~a.l p~per o~ 'h "Englisll W?men in Pol1~iC8," wliio'h willi .well d wrltttln, b b weH I read ; and w~ll receIve ' y t e IC ub . .. Mrs. FArr l elld no u.rtlcleon I Mothers of Great Men .... . , - -- _...... : - - --


The Miami Gazette 11 11)

Church and PhYllcal Healing. There I. abundaDt nl.dence that the J)roJectors of the Emmanuel Movement aro In Imminent dange r, by ott-repeated aut(}.S uggeIUon. "of holdi ng a given thouJ': bt In the men tal rocus to tbe o~ elusion of all otb er thoughts," I. Ule clnlm or Dr. James M. Buckley. In tlle Cent ury , In a dlscussiOl1 or tlte "Dan· gers or the Em m nuel l\Jov-ement ," anu the rensons why It sbould not be g-en .. rll.l ,y adopted, H goes on : Tbls m ovllm nt Is not a feasible ad j unct to th e loca l churc b, tilO activities or which arl' nl rel\,dy such as to de mand t be entire eue rgy and resources of tb e pn.stor. . . . Few men coul d ad d to tbem th complex a nd cxhuusting du. ties of anoth(lr protess lon without, In Borne measure, dIm inishi ng Jjle emclency or J he fo r mer. To atte mpt t.o carryon a work or physical heali ns wouhl entail neglect ot Im porta nt Int erests, or reduce the pastor to a condi tion requI rIn g treatmen t at some olber cli nic. The existence 'n any neighbor hood of such ar. 'Ins titution would probably be II means of pros-elytlng, and of diSQuieting the memIbers at 'churches of tbe same denom· lnatlon. Moreov e.r, few would be com· l)letent by experIence, study, or natural c1tt to luperlntend such a war". Socialism haa Invaded the police of Ithe EIYB84!. Tbe male domesUcs have leent a petition to the chief of atata lrequestlng permlll.lon to wear a mu.. 'tacbe. Thll petltlon setl fortb tbe lJ1gbt of every cttlsen or the French republic, no matter what hIs station, 10 complete Ubert,. and equality In tbe 'matter of hlI'llute adornment, and lDlaintaJnB that In a democracy foundled by aon8 at tbe re"oluUon DO man ..,.. entitled to Inflict a badge of se"l· !tude upon hll Delgbbor. But M, Falpie rea cannot acceede to the prayer of .,.18 male ee"antl wltbout commlltln,g • po.. "tolatlon of the protocol, laya e BOlton Herald. All the male d~ eaUea III th. mlnlstrlel and embas .,. In Parll are obliged to 'keep thel. pper Upa free from hair. Wb,. not en recard tbe clean ah ..e u tbe helcht of falhlon. as It Is lD thll lndependent ' country? That mlgbt put a Dew color on the alga of servitude.


Dr. R. G. BroderIck of Baa Francis· eo, In a ~ent talk to member8 of the Beattie (Wash_) health department, told thlJlCII about the ftlht qatnst the ' .. boule plague that aru of general In~reaL Ban Franclleo baa IJaugbtered , \more than 600,000 rata. and Dr. Brod. erick Ba,.a there can be no quelUon u to the e1l1clency of the work ' accom· pUabed there. Not the leut Important resuit of the cruaaile, declares tbe Springfield Republtean, Ii that the ch~r!lcter of buildIngs bal undergone a change, the speaker saying that . ''MUllan I .o f feet of concrete conatrueUQn h". rellulted from the campaIgn -cain It rata." In fact San Francllco has apent $2,600,000 In rat·prooftnl :work OD buJldlngs ,Ince' tbe beginnIng (If the ft&ht. Beattle la urged to follow ·W. example, u tbe onl1 elrectlve method of pardlng agal~lt the pl~ue. AUbou«h the French .peopie do not 'Increase rapidly In numbers, tbe gain In we&lth, due to theIr remarkable Industry and tbrlft, Is unequaled. Tak· ing merely tbe boldlngs available for taxation. tbe national wealth ot France la now · placed at '46,OOO,OOu.OOO, or about eleven bundred dollars tlfr ,e very )lerson. Even this Immense ftlure. probably representa most Inadequatel, the real wealth of the country, fOI many of tbe peasant. ha'fo not yet abandoned the habit or concealing theIr savings In old stockJngs and pota burled In tbe garden. So mucb French money Is, bowever, Invested In foreign aecurlUes and enterprises tbat a stream of several hundred millIon dol· lars poura ' Into the ' country annually, III the torm at Interest. ~

No olher period In tbe blstory of tbe world ever 's aw SUCb additions made to the stock of gold available for use aa money. Never was so much Bold coin and bul1\or beld by banks or kept In cIrculation, This Is t.h e surest reason ot all for ' coun tlng upon buoyant markets and rising prices In the great llusluess centers of the world. Tbe gold Inftatloo, whkh excites no distrust and glvel rillJa tl. little reck· leu speculaUon, II tbe most potent or commercial and IndustrIal '.oo.lcs and the most effective sUmululJ to enterprise, declares Ule Clevela,," Leader. It Is a silent, Bt~ady, liWe ·no'iced but almost reslsUells force at w'lrk 00 the Ilde of world- wld~ pros perl·ly. _ DecapItation by. the gullt.>l1ne cOUTd Dot be more atrocious lhan·. the 18 'murders commlteted by \.he tour ban41ts executed In France, and If tbe so., tlQtUty a! the Instrument be consld. . ered tew will confuse Ills metbods with the IIlVaKOry of the French revolutlbn "beD ,. W&II reintroduced b, ' ~

J?r. GuJUoUn,,'1 aUlpaUon, and

"Thlm I CaD. serve my Ood here.'" bt said. . "Was tbat what you were ~olnl to J erus aleJ1l to dO?" ask d the klug Eu. the Scribe Find. "It was," saId tbe Joung mnn . • MiuioD at Bab;loD. "W 11, tbou shalt Indeed IItay I.D Babylon, and tbou sbalt Ilene me bere BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" In 't he palaee," !lnd waving bls ha nd , PREACHER as a sl~n that the Interv iew was at an end and tllil re was nothIng more to bo sold , th e chi r counsellor led the Scripture Au t hority-Book of Ezra. young man out or t be audience cham. ber and bad aoon assigned him quarli:IlrIl , Bt'rlbe a nd Prlnl.-Ezra w a s the eon"or Sornlah. a nd W illi probably born at ters In tb plllaoe, tel\1u!:' him at tt, Bnby l n . l ie wns n { alll (l UII Bcrlbe nnd sa me tlmo that he could not. leaTe tb, prl ~ 8 l , dese nilI'd trorn HUklllh. tho hi gh priest In Joslllh'. N I,;,\' Sllratuh, Ezrn's palaco I!RVe by sp · cla1 permIssion 01 fil l her, 's Quit e a dire I'ellt person t rom tbe kin g. BerlLlah the hIgh pries t mention d In EzAnd tbe chief counsellor left hIm, fRo 7 : 1. All Iha l Is realty know n ot Enn the form er to pond er over the ne w 18 contulnt'd In the lus t tour 'Im"t rl!J ot tho Buole ot Ezra Il nd 111 the lIooll of wblm of 'he kin g, and tbe youllg man N eh .. ",lll h. !:hnpter 8 a nd 1 ~ : 26 F rom to think ov r th e s trange ha ppenings t h ~sc pns .. nges we I fi rn thnl he wns a h'n rn pd nnd pi 1118 prt II I rcsldl ng at Baby- of the past few bours. Whe n the words of tbe kIn g ba.1 rail. lon In Ih(' tlmo ot Ar tllxerXI' 8 LonglmllnU8. The origi n of htll Intlu nco wtth en on his ear and hc had re plied that he th king dot's not appear, hU I In Ihe IIC Venth yenr of hla r el~ " . In 8\itte of the un- would e n 'e his God there, hit 11Ild tllvoru\lle report whl 'h hnll b,' n scnt by not r allzcd all that tho~ words had R ·hu m lind hhnslla t, he ohlat ned Itmvc cost him, but ns he sat there a lone. to go to J erusnlcm. nnd to luke with Virtually a prisoner In tll e' pa la, e with him n COin I a ny oC lsrueUtcs. togNh cr uncertn lnty as to wba t would ne xt b-.. with pr!t'st., l.ovl tes. sl ngc,·s. p rlerll, nnd I'\ elhlnlm. Tho jou rn y oC ElfTa nnd hl,a fa ll blm, be almos t relt like upbrnlulhS companto ns from llil bylon to Jerusalem himse lf tor having had the a ml:llIon to took jU8 t rou r mont hs; IIml lhey brough t go to 'J e r u a lem. Then, ashamed of u p wll h thplll a la rge f.rt'e· \\'11\ o lT,~ rlng ot blmsel! fo r th e thou ght : be ex· gold nod sl1ver, IIlld sliver ves8olli. I .clalmed: .~.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:~!.::.:.:.:.::.=.:.:.::.:..:.:.:.:.:.;-: " No, it Willi a wor thy ItnDul ~ e, and J ~~ ':' SERMONETTE. ':' was acting from tbe high est sense of ~ ~ duty. If s uch .ead Into dlffic:llty tben Our first Introduction to Ezra ::: I shalJ not bemoan my fate for, In'.' la In hll own account of how he '.' deed, I can s.e rve tbe God of rsrat'l as. ~ '.' prepared and executed plan. for "~ I had Intended to lerve blm at Jeru· , ~: a journey to 'Jerusalem aoma 70 :~ s~em:' Ezra, ·for this was the YOlulg'l '.' yearl after the flra return of '.' ~: the captive Hebrew. to rebuild ~ name, trom hIs earliest childhood aa '.' the city and temple under the de· '.' ~e sat at his motber's knee, hlill eagel''.e cree of Cyrua, It was dl'~ '.' ur ng .~ Iy listened to tbe stories at hi, pellple, ... thoae 70 yeara that Ezra wal ~ and of their return under thfl deCt'ee ~. bo.. n In . Babylon and. grew up .~ of Cyrua to Jerusalem to rebuild the ~ ,. there. JUlt how old he wal ~ ,~ cIty and the temple, and as he bad ... when he carried out hll plan. fOr .~ listened he had thought tn hJs cblltl~' leading an expedition to Jerula· '.' Ish heart at the day when be, too, would go back. Was not he of tbe ~: lem I. not known, but probably :~ ~ ~ ,. he wu .omewhere between 30 ~; priestly line' And was not be Bome! t. and 50 years Old, perhapi nearer ... day to take bls place tn the temJlle .:. the latter than the fOrmer. We'~ worship? He would go back · alld :.: know nothing concerning Ma:~ aervl! his Ood. And so he bud grown ~• . childhood or how ' he came Into ~ up with this thought ever bfltoro him, 'f ¢.4 the aervlce of the king, W. do .~. IUld when the time, a8 he tbougbt, bad :.: know, however, that he had won :~ arrIved, be . made bold to Iseek to ob•:. the favor of the latter and .tood .:• tain the consent of the king. The results or ·move on Ezra'lI very hIgh In hla councili. Then. t!! ~ knowing the character of Ezra, .~ part we bave already seen. It was a al revlOlled by the narrative of :.: bitter disappoIntment. It seemed IIkf ~ hll remarkable journey and hla ~ a blasting of all his bopos and plans. "How can I serve God' in thIn heatb· f. lervlc.. to the Jewl at Jeruaa· ~.. en court 1" he exclaimed.. "Tbere til ~: lem, we are able to read between ~. the IInoo and form a pretty ' ac- ~. nothing I can do bere." ~ curate opinion al to what hi. ~ Thus, under sucb try n~ condition I ;~ childhood training and hla young and discouragements did Ezra .begin ¢4 manhood had been. ~.~ his service In tbe palace. Tbe lUng ~: It la here that we want to ~ was Interested In the young man as ~ point a great and Important ~ he ha'd not been In anyone botore. He ~l truth. Ezra was the man he~: often sent tor blm and talked with (4 wal bec~uae the foundatlona of ~. blm, becaule In ·blm he found lome· :.: hi. character had been well laid :.: tblng which was lacking elen In the I most protound .:: In hi. youth. and learned of htl , men. ~. Mark that pOint well. ~: ,You won't find gold In the~: , So It wa that without rea I ng It, ~4 earth except In the placel where ,•• Ezra really began a great ' mission ~ It waa put when the old world .~ therb In the palace. Tbe king WIUI t••• waa young and In the mak I ng, ~,.~ tired of the Pershin stories, IUI,d so be ,: If there II a vein of gold In a:.: listened with growIng Interest to the ¢4 man which clrcumatance. brlngl .~ accounts of the Hebrew people and ~ to the lurface In hll mature :.: tlle deallngl of their Ood wIth tbem. ~.~ yea,.., you may be certal", that .:. "You ·sllY tbat the Hebrew Ood Is ~ It II the· beat kind of evIdence one Ood, and the only Ood?" demand~: that In the early year. It wa. ~ ed the klnt one day_ "Suppose 1 put there by th wl.e training :.: should tell you It was not ;so, and ':! he rece ived. .:. tbat tbe gods of tbe PersIans were as ~ The .tamp of a God.fearlng ~: great· as you claim your God Is1" ¢. mother wal upon hIm and the ,. "Seeing that the king Qsks a dIrect :.: .trength and flrmneal ' of a wlae quesUon," replied Ezra, wltb a deteren (. and faithful fat!1er are there. Ual bow, "1 can make but one answer ~: If It had not been .0 what .:. and tbat Is tbat 'I t would make no dlt: .~ could have kept him true to hla :.: terence wbat tbe king ' saId, tor tbe :.: God when .urrounded by the COl'- ~. Jehovah at the Hebrew Is the one God ~ ruptlng and unholy Influence. of .:. of the heavenll and the earth." .:. the voluptuoul PersIan courtT :.: Never before bM tbe kIng bad one :.: If It had not , been .0, where (. bold enough ' to' strive to maintain hll (4 did he get that .trength of:~ point In bill presence, and he sbot '. :.: character by which he waa able ~ searching, half-Indignant glance at the ~. to ' carry through that great ~ man. But the lat~er dJd not ':4 moral reform and lave the Jew. yoting quail beforo his look, and the kin, :.: Ilh people from contamination, If :~ said : .~ not extinction. by 'unlawful Inter· ~ "How do you know tbls 1" :.: marriage with the he"th~n peo· :.: . "Because of the record of Ood's deal· .:. Ings With hll people," Ezra replied, .:. pIe abOUt'? ~ ~ j!.:.:.:+:+:+:+:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:+:::.:+:.:.::.:.:':.:.!. confidently. From thlit day forward tbe king beTHE StORY, came an absorbed student of the bls· tory ot Ood's dealings with tbe He· RTAXERXES, king of PersIa, was brew people, and one day startled not happy or contented. His kJngEzra wllh the announcement tlJat be dom was great, and he had all the (Ezra) wus to return to Jerusalem. power Rnd pleasure tbat heart could "lIle!" exclaimed Ezra.. "Art tbou wish, but In It all tb .. re seenled to be jesting?" something lacking. There was an "Nay, that I IUD not. See thl .... unrest at his heart and a dlssatlstacAnd he banded to Elzra a copy of a tlon after tbe business at tbe euJoyletter be had pre!lared. ment or the moment was over. There "And tbe king gives me treasure and was an unreality about It all. He people to go with me," Ezra exwas conscl, us of the superficial atclaImed. "It Is well that tbe king mospbere In which be llved-of the Oallery and subservIency of bls coun- withheld his consent at first."

Dun'S CAll



llpoke It waa wIth., "olee olear UI.C!

ll~ m .

cot hIli

Dame. Tbe clubwomen "" Masaaclluletta .... _tillS qalnat the mo.ement to

..... ' " mUt atlUld&r4 ,. that 1\Me.

.. ::!

ATTEND TO BURNS AT ONCE PROPER CARE OF "THE NAIU Neglect Often Means That a ~cu Adequate Attention .Nece..ary for Is Left Which Meanl', Permathe Womu Who Woul~ Have Dent Blemish or Worle. Her H~d. Beautiful. MAIJL burns a re too lightly regard· d; though s emlng ly light, It th ey a re not propcrly treated or If the blood Is In bnd cond ition they w ay flttull y mllr on 's beauty , 4 youn' girl dropp d some bot fud ge on the forefi nge r of ber rl gbt hand . It \lId not pai n v I'Y mucb, Ilnd afte r the pr II mlnal'Y HCI'CllUl littl e 8lteuJ,lon was pal\l to It. 'rhe blls t ' r l ha t was rai sed was l~lI o w (' c\ to break ra tll r tban 'be all II LI CEU' t ull y with an antfs('ptlc needle , polson got Into It. the fin ge r b CIIIII() Infl'c ted a nd ev nlllull y bar! to b removed be lo w the second joint. Exclud oi l' frotll any burn , ho wli've r sllg-Ill. 'f hl!; CRIl be done In several ways. It no ol l:e r r mady Is at hand COIU IIlOII kltct! n soap ap Illl'd In n th ick pas te hI ps r move pai n. Wrupp lng t he bu rued [l lnce In a rag wpt 11\ bnklng soda 01' I,ooplng It lUolst wit h wlteb hnz('1 will qul Q,ld y ~ I v e I'ell f, V(, 1l to ral her sev re bum s. Ii. good proportion Cor Ihe fo rm r Is to lISC R bcalling tab les l)Oon ful of th soda to a pint of water. I,'or . deeper burns, tbat arc yet not s eri ous enougb to call Itl a doctor, li S 011 . Ca rron oil Is posRluly the oll e most eas ily secured; Ind ed, a bott le or It should be k Ilt convenient In the kitchen, wh ere bUrnt fin gers a re prevalent. This carron all Is notblng but equal ports of lime wate r ond linseed 011, but It Is most soothing and heailng In It'3 effect . Do not neglect a burn as soon as tbe first sting Is passed. Should there be the least sign of Inflammation or of pus accumulatlng caU In a doctor at once. In calle or bad burns It 1s sometimes necessary to wrap the vicUm In colton to keep out all air. In such cas tbe doctor would naturally be In charge,










Percy- Do you think your father would object to my ma rryin g you ? Pearl- I couldn' t sny. It bc's any· Ull1lg like me he would. No Heo...d Paid to BeOglng Letters. As nen rly Ql! cau 1)(1 MCl~ " \:4lnod. the \\'eo lthy 1l(,rSOlls or NOI\' Y OI' " city receive 35,000 bcg; lng I('ll I' S a day fro m s t rn ngC'rs, und lho writors s tand a bett ' r cha nco or Gndlng mo ney thll n In gt>ttlag rrom . til 'm . ta l' "I'en the most lI be rol or phila nthropist!! do not cl lslle nse tll 'lr ch url t)' axc jlling aocOl'dhl g to carol ul Vlanll Du d afto r In· v '!illgl\uon.

This Will Interest Moth ers. Molh ('r 'rll~"8 !:lwect Po",.ters for Cl,lldren uscd by Mothor Umy, a !l uran In hUdrcn'/I Homo, N<'\V Ybrlc , cure " I)/It.\I · PIll ion. 1· v " r lshtl ~88 , To<ll htn);, DIAPI·t1or8, '('o m n ' h T roub l ~ H lind fl.'slroy \VormH ; 30.000 tel!tlrnnn'nh. or (' lI f !I. A II dr ll lo:~ l l! lll. ~~ • Snm pl .. F REE. a()r()~s All e n S . tm81ed , Le Roy , N. Y.

-,-- -

The Night of the Game. Firat SIlIf\l cated Pe\'soa - Doooh tblsh student belong here? Landlady (coldly) - No, .11 my stuj enls were brought home an hour 19o.-Wlsconsln Svblnx. ned, 'Veak, 'Venry, 'Vate...,



cI by Murtn l':yo Rom !y. omln und .. d by EX /' 'rtunc d Phy.,clllns. Con·

'orma tn Pure

"0011 110,1 Drug La WIJ. Jofu 1no Docsll' t Smart: SoothOil Ely Pain. fry MUrine In Yonr Eyes. At D~u G'g I 8 tJL

Each person lives best who doe8 bls at for one day at a LIme, and then refresbes blmself for bis lev I bost tbe next day.-Robertllon. b

StilI neck I Doc"n't amount to mlloh, mil{hty disnerccllhle, You' ve no ' ides lOW qUickly 11 little Hilmlins Wi7,3 rd Oil ,viii )uuricnt tbe corda and mako you :omlortnblc ngaln • ) Ilt

.Fancy gilt and flower d rlbbona are As we grow older It Is TCry eomused as da lly bag a c:essorles. 'rhe small th r ~c orn rell cooU· rortlng to assure ourselve8 tha t wrl,n nental hat.-or trlcorne, revives among !tIes ore m erely the dlmp(61 of aecon. t h straw shapes tor spring. . ~h1Jdbood, It Is a pre tty fnshlon to add a trill at oft satin or vcry closc ly-plalted cbUfon to tbe lower edge or fllr mulrs. The s.o ft Roman sntlns, woven wIll) VQol bllCks, IlrH botb love ly and ~o­ nomlcal, as tbey wear exceedIngly w(>1J and n8(!d but little trimmIng. The ml11lners are ~troduclng f19wera ma(le pf chUron and In Il. more nov I mann r , thougb It Is really qnlte old, compos '11 of b ads 8trung on fine wile. AgaIn flowers appear mas sed under l~tl brim of Ule bat-a rnshlon not seen for some time. Tho brim Is not turned up, but the flowers a ppear as if rendy to fall ,plr the undor side. , Jet Is lavishly us d In millinery. TLo weight ot tbese hatl would be ullp.ndurable laden with ' erdlnnry jet. hut the new jet ' Is very IIgbt ot welgbt• . Lar~e , h avy·looltlng caboohons of It welgb 110 lUore than a teath r.



RE'fTY 11 II lis are considered II great. b a ut y. At the bus tber shOUld I.J a white or s 'ont, null th e mi.ll s 'llouid be n.s rosy as . the da wll. n.!8I1Utul nails are com pared by the poets 10 ouyx , and , In tact, In Or ck onyx m a ns na il, Ac· o rdln g ~o th mytholuglcal legend : "On day Lov e, fi nd ing V ' uus asleep, ut be r lIalls wltb t he Iron 1I,Int of his url'ow and n w ott. The Clippings te ll all tbe sands or th shore, alld as notlilu g wh leh comes from the body ·o.f an Im mort a l can peris h, th" Fat es ca re full y ~a t h(>re d the m IIV and chunged U:ern In to th Qllusl· preclous s tones whloh are cnll cl ony x.... The "al't or rna nlC'U rlI'I A" _was orlgl · nated by Stit ts, wbo was LOlli s FhllIIIP 's p dlc ll ro. 1I 1s d tHJC m1uuts are st ill famou s In F m llce, lind t ho Sills m tboll, which lotull y con(lclllns the usc or steel cl t h \. under or aro und th ll a ll, undo ubt edly Is t h e pl'opel' and scienti fi c on . Madame Si lt s says: "An orang wood !I il'k wit h a II lLl Fl' nch umadlne \V III keell the nulls perfectly smoot h an d clean under· nea th. Wh y rOIl ~h 11 tb ' lU wi th a r,l ce of sharp ateel or tbl cken thew with an acid ? Aud ns tal' cu tlng nUll lace rating th e cuticle nronnd t.h e ou t· side of thc nnil, why, tha t was Intend· ed by natu re a & a selvag (!ls lere) , Rnd It yOI,l clit It, you make It ragged just as you would tho s Ivnge on a bit at cloth. As well cut tbe border of tho eyelid or ear." The nails sbould be cut In a curve which follows the shap of the end of thc fin ger. Tbe surface of Iho nnHs should al so be polished. ' One hour a w ek spent. In caring for the nails Is sum clent to keep thom In good order, tr they are rubbed and cleaned carefnlly each day,



S >:


Satins are to' retalD their prestJse throughout the autumn and wluter, and manufacturers are launch'ng sev· eral new varIeties of this popular tab· rio. Salin dlreotolre, marvelously soft and supple, Is ona of the best of theee variations upon t he satin theme, and la particularly, d('slgaed to meet the demands at the cllogihg dlrectolre p:Jodels, This modish costume bas a , Princess skirt of 'p rune color cloth with eatln casaque coat drawn allgbtly across front. As will be noticed, the sleevel are Cllt hi one with fronts and backs. Tho braIding Is done In self 'one .soutllche and the buttons and grelots ure of black pussementerle.

Persian Effects. P t! rslan e lrects are sUIl good, and are conspicuous among the best membO\:s of trImming collections. One at tbe most charming classes of trimmings Is the 01)8 In which the beadwork plays a large part. In 'theae trimmings ,fine silk braIds of exquisIte weave furnish outlines nnd the beads a solid flUing for the centera of motlves an~ tor borders. Tl1e lovellest gre.enll, 'blues, . ro8e colors, etc., are worked out In these braids and beads. The solid beadwork of to·day Is not embroidered .on a background, like tllan work, but II made In woven and strung patterns, the result of lighter effects.



Then . Face to Face. sellors and altendants. even to the priests who ministered In temple and Tbe true follower and friend at tho who strove to center the worsblp ,of Mastel' Is not devoted to him slm. the ,gods abdut the king and make him ply as to a beautl!ul memory. He susreel that be himself was a deity. Bul talns 0. most Intimate relation to n . In It all he felt the element of In-l ijvlng llerson. He, the living JesUI, slncel~ty. He coUld not lell wby, but Is now thinking of hili frlenda, guldlns he d . . thllll1, ,o pening the ways ror them, reo One day wblle In such a frame of veallng hIs w\ll to them, giving tbem mind his chlet counsellor . bad come assurances of bls love·. Many a time to him with a request from a young ·In the pages of the gospel, ' In prayer, Hebrew of tbe realm . that he be In tbe fulflJlment . of some taxing given permISSion to return to Jeru· duty to'I' his sake, we s eem to catcb sal em. Intimations of bls presence;' 'and ther. "What . can lead a young Hebrew to 'some day there ,will be a $wlft -transl; Wl\~t to ruuk,e suc~ ' a loug and pertJ~ulI tlon froI,D lhe stony streets 9t our loUrney as , that? he askel! hlmsel~, eartbly cltles to U,e golden pavements wtllt , sn,'.den Interest; and more as a 'or ilie New Jerusalem' froJ;n the' dwell- ' passing ' vhim ,b e ordere(J the ' young Ings of' wood nrid st~ne 'In, whIch ',wa man bTl'lIght Into his presenoe. , .' ilve to the Fath'e l"s ,h Ollie' from 'see"No;" exclalmC3d, the king, after h~ Ing.'hlm througb ' a glaS8 d~i-kl'" to bebad II", aued to the 'young .man's atory, huldlng hJm 'face to face. "yoU cannot go," and he ' wntched to ' It you wui tie governed by reuon, see what effeot .hIs ,!ords ' would p b . duce. Ttlere was no 'reason why b ' and be true . to· t 0 best n yourself! shOUld not grant the request, but In standing boldly to the truth, you wm a Ilpirlt of .wlllful ,ob.tlnacy he de- be .liappy.-Mare'Ja Aurelius. ' ctded be would not. HOP~: . deceitful u It · I., .Benes at . , ~r an iDst!lD t t)le klDg thougbt he least .to :Iead US to the end ot 1111 detected a thad . o"'n of cH..ppomtment II:.I00g an qreeabl. roacL";"X. &ocIle> 00 the ,o~q 1!l__IU' ~cet INf5 wh8D lae ~d. ' r



fOR LIlllE 'JATfOLltS MOst' gra,teful and co~forting Is a,warm .b ath with Cuficura, .Soap and gentle anointings with C~ti:


. (:ura, . Thi9 · pure~ . ~\Vc~t, eC6nQm. ,leal treatm~nt brin~ immediate , . relief ~nd refn;shing ,sJec}? to tortured and djsfigl1l'ed HtHe ones


"HERE a~e -man:y, way; 'in ~hl~b, 0\1'; unus~d b·~1f sbeetll "o( t:'~le ~1lJl~r ..aM·resUo't.irC?<i"frtt·~e(bl:~'2th~r:s<, m. B'Y.' ,b e 'utll,fzeCl (or .mak-In,g me,mol'. 8nd~nl. a. o~. il.hd o\lr' sketcJ\, ebi).us a For.. eczem,:.1s.. rnst,es,1 i~chintrili· .· " 'v~ry , ba~d~ llttl~ ~~ar.!l; -~eslgnea to ,a:n~w~r. this purpo!le: ! .-tout ~Iece 'i~ritat,ion9' ~nd .chaflng$; :Cuti~;'; ."~-;: , o~ , eardbo.ard . tQr!D 1I the tbundatlc;m, and tJlls hi cover d both back · and goa . d C' r. ," . frQnt wltb da1'k" gteeh ~ art linea. and ~4ge'd :wltb' f1 slJk. cor d'.. On the ( . P t1n utlCura ~ii1tinent 'a re , 'Ief~-b",ntl slde a penon Is attacbed by' aRne IIVk and there Is 'a joop ~W?rt~-.thei~' wciglit :irU~~ld.: . ., , tplldQ 2T "of rIbbon ~t tbe t.op, by ",bleh the holder may be bliug up 'by the sIde c>f the . 8014' ~lIowortd wrIting table or at some other suitable J!lace. Tl;l-l'ough the , ltpper of ~r!re:o"~:a~'W',a;, ii.a~do lid'll's, A:;". . (l:llealta' 01.... iilllt .. ~~~1 R1dla. oJ), .ro Paid, · . bo ard two limB II h 0 I8a !are ma de,I\D 4 through tbe upper ' part or the t' m " " ' " 'Lid", To...; R'~ ~1~':)f~PQ, ot note paper two bo~ pterC6d wl~ ' a, 'penll:nl(e: to, correspond AfrlMpl '.enca.nn~l4... OIroeTmm, pie' tT ..f'O'!l ATh rue - ...- CiIDrp. 8010 ~"'..-.. - .... ~ boles on t h0 boar" . ..' 'ro~h ·the holel In the paper an!! tbrough the holetl fll _. - , the boa~d, a ~I!e" !:~rd can be pUled and tletJ In a bow a~ ·tll,e back -of the .bolder. thui keepiJt· the, papar on tbe board.,ft ..~Iy. ~ ltaplac8. A gl~ca at the .kQ.~chea wnl pplalD ' aU thla; and tIIelheet. aft! ~117 torn olr ODe b7 one .ft~!,~ey hay. ~ ued. A t/9ard of tbtl ktnd' JI .a .... Y81'7 uHful tor Iha'V1DI-p,)IerII. UHl C!aD 'be,1UUlIr ut '7 .... Iftte ~ IUle 011 oyer .&lUi . .t _kID....... · . ", ,.




or ...

~. 0',




Unlt~d . States secret service, which Is. tbe bone of contention between the president and con· gress In a contro· · versy that promises to become hlstorlo:, Is frequently de nominated tbe "least known bl'8nob ot our government." Wbeth r tbe pr.!sent agitation wlll dispel · !.he mystery that has long exis ted Is very doubtful. It a debate Is preclpl· tated there will doubtlcss he an alrlug ot ' certain phases of secret service work but It Is not to be e:ltpecled thal there wllJ be auy lIrllng of the veil us regards the means and methods of Uncle Sam's "block cabinet." Owing to the stipulations made by con«ress In providing lhe lust annual appropriation fol' the maintenance of ep.cret servo Ice-the selt·somo limitations under which President RooDevelt Is now chafing-the op~ 41rlltions ot the Recret service are at present restrIcted to wbat mIght bA termed Its original fun ctlons- naUlely tbe apprehending ot counterfeiters and the proleclion ot the person of the chlet magistrate. Until con· groBs called a halt, however, there was a ~adual but continuous expansion of the ac· tivltles of the nation's s ecret police until ' they bado fair to outdo their European brethren In the scope of their aurveillance. For Instance, secrot cervlce op· eratlves were "loaned" to the sec· rotary of the Interior Ilnd reno


only 36 years old when be steppoo . Inlo Ids present res pons lblo position, Th e pOl·lIon of PrC?sld c:>nt Roo seve lt·s message which e voked . g-nl ned In no other m anti r t !Ja n b y prac tl · th e Iro of cOllgrross he "Lost year a n alll 'lI c1 ment w a~ Inco r pornted In t he lDoasure ca l secrel serv ice wo rk. FM nil t hnt th o monrot ar y r(' warrls of a pro v iJ lng f or t lip sccre t · s ervi ce, wh ich provided that there sec ret servlc career are ·by no men ns ol('csslvc, t he re Is n 'vc r Il hould be no detail f rom the secret so rvlce and no transfe r any dearth of iLl' pli cllnt s for Ih e limited nnm ber of pos lt loTlR th cp rro m, It Is nnl too muc b to s uy that thi s a mendment bns b en of hellt' li t onl y, a nd conld he ot benefi t only, to the orlln· In this con ndellllrLi corps. Folio win g li ll Y orcu!\lon Ruch a~ til present , wh en th u serrel servlC'c Is brou ght (, OIl ~p i Clious l y to t ho In a l claas('s. "The chlet a rgum ent In favor of t he p ro vision was tb at lhe attention of the Iluhll c, 'hie! Wilkie rcc lvI'S allPli rllllonfl by consreSRm n dirt not t he mselv us wlRb to be Investi gated by the score from young Ul n III nil purls ut the 'olll'~ry who ar secret sp.rvlce men. Very little of s uch Investlgat 10 11 has been done In the past, bu t It Is true that the work or lIl e see r t scrvlce agents 'l'l'1l~ partly rospor-fl lble for Iho IUlllc:tm ent and co nviction o f a senator and a con· gr SSnlan fo r land frauds 10 Oregon. " I do not h Il oave that It Is In tbo p\lbllc In l r st to protect crimin als In auy branch of tbe public servi ce. and exactl y Ill! we bave ag ain and a Tllln du ring the pnst seve n years prosec uted and ('.onvlcted sllch crimllIal ~ who we re In tbe oxecutlvo bra nch of the gove rnm nt, s o In tay b elief we s hould be given ample me&lIB to l)rOS6' cute tb em if !ollnd in the legislative branch. "Dut If this Is not consld erel! Oesi raulo a s pel!lal )tcept Ion could be mnde III t be h\\v probluillug tile USO of the secret aervl ce force In Investl· gating members ot the cong reas. It would be fur beUer to do t his tha n to do wbat actunlly was dono, .and s trive to pre ve nt or at least to hampe r fl lTOI:'Jve action against crlm"tnals by the executive branch of the govern· ment." In a later message Mr. Roosevelt said: "A pending cnse mustratos the I'amlfleations of Interest .with .w hlch the government bM to deal: "Charles T. stewart of OouncU DIu Ira, was IndIcted at Omaha for conspiracy to defraud the government of the title to public landa In McPher· son county, Neb" also indicted for runlntlllning an unlawful Inclosure of the public lands, and also under In· dlctment for perjury In connection wllh final proof 8ubmJtteil by him on divided on the secret ee"lce map. lands flied on by h1m lUI a homestead. In each ot these districts a eecret In his flnal proof he swore that' he servIce operative Is stationed just and hIs family had resided on the as a patrolman Is on duty on bls ,lands In McPherson county (which are beat, but In addition to the men within his unlawful enclosure), when thus detailed to Indicate geogTaph· 88 a matter ot fact his family has at leal divisions there operate from all times resided In Council Bluffs. the central oIRce ·at Washington a la. Be Is engaged In the wholesale number or trained detectives who grocery business, bls store being 10' may literally be sent to any place cated tn Omaha, In the wbolesale dis· at any time. To this class · belong trlct thore. He Is reputed to be quite tbe extra secret service men who wealthy. Ste·w arrs attorneys are relntiii'Cil Harl & TInley of Council Blllrts, la., of the president whenever the chief who are also the attorneys at that place · tor the OmabB and Council Rlurrs Stroet RlLllway Company. In which company Harl holds consider· able stock, Stewart being also a s tockholde r and possibly a dlrecto~ of

dered the most Important se"' Ice In securing evidence in connection with the land fraud cases in the wesL Other secret servo .Ice men ' bad a. band In exposing the sensational "cotton ·repo.rt leak" In the department of agriculture, and so the list might be. prolong~d ,to Include pracUcaJJy all tbe executive departal..J!~t.a" of the government.-JtOt forgetting the part pl~yed by these cleverManv of the experienced appll· est of plain clothes men In InvtlsUgat· cant~ are obviously Impossible but Ing ehargea against naval Officers. even among tbose who are sufficient· Because of the fact that ItR primary Iy promising to receive more than purpose and prinCipal function at the passing consideration lhe prol10rtlon outset was, the trailing of counter. of Inexperienced Is overwhelming. felters tbe secret service was made Indeed, or the 700 men whose names a branch or the ·Unlted Btates treasare now on tbe "waiting list" of ellgl· ury department In connecUon with bles at the' secret scrvlcc-that Is tbelr sblldilwlng of susp'!oted · counter. men wbo have complied with the felters the secret service men have civil se rvice rc g ula~lons governing been enabled to gather mUch Informa. o.ppllClltions for places In the secret tlon of tbe greatest value regardIng servlcc- more than GOO admit that Black Hand organizations nnd the op' they are totally devoid ot practical erntiollB of anarchists. Yet other In. experience III this line. Vf!stlgatlo~s along these lines have reo With a. profession which above all sQlted from tbe resru>nslblUty of the others needs devotees who· can bring secret service for the safet)' or the to It wide knowledge and thorough president. ana Uiua' without overstep. training, yet with most applicants (ling tbe bounds of the law of authorlza. sorely deficient In these quallfica· ·tlon, tbesecret service I1ns beenenahled toaccompllsb much e:lteCUUV6 makes a tour of the country or participates tions, the question natnrally sugIn lhe field tllat Is the chief concern of foreign secret In any great public function. gest s ItseJr: Where does the secret polle&-Damely, eternal ·v lgllance as to the plans' and It Is this field service which makes It necessary for scrvlce secure Its agents? In reply ambitions of the Illotters against the world's rulers. Un- every secret service mnn to abandon all thought of it mny be said that upward of a doz· til congress sbut ,down upon 1.1 last year the treasury de- fixed habitation with Boclal a"d family ties, He may en dllTcrent callings have demon· partment al80 us~d the secret" service to detect smuggling · be ordered · from New York to Texas or from tbe moup- strated their value as fieldB of apenterpris88 and oth:lr frauds UPon the customs service talns of TejlD~ssee to San Francisco at ·. n hour's notice. prenticeship. Some of the most ca· and to fDvestJgate ' ~bbllrles aOd Irregularities of all kinds and It Is ImposElble to pre4lct In advance bow lobg he pa~le secret service operatives now . -and there have recently beeD some notable ones-In . wlll remain at any given place. True t~ Its name and on Uncle Sam's PJOlyroll have . come branch·,~nl8" suhtre:asurles, ~ssay omcas, etc" One of 110llcy tbe secret aervlce . alm!l to let the public know from tbe claim departments of .the President -~ooteyelea DlOltt bitter complaints has been rust as little 8S possible regarding Its persoDDel. No great railroads. Others have gained against the hampering of operation I In these· dlrecttona. secret Bervlce operative allows bls photograph to be tb·e lr training with the mercantile agencies and stili oth· · . The headquarters , of the. ·secret service are In ·' the made; muoh less publl!lhed~ It he . can ·help It, and h~ ers have come from law Offices where 'certain clnsses of " treasury building· at Washington, "Here are the private Beldom aeknowledge8 bls vocatJon~ · ,At tbe headquarters detecUvl' work are fr..e quenlly neces£ary. · Two ot the "omces ·of . the chief of tbe service, -Mr.' Jobn E; Wilkie, of the ·:secrct eervlce there Is a rule ·agalnst "Iacloslng best men on the force were ' (ormerly beads of municipal ,..-ba TeCelvoa .a aalary Ii . •••000 per year, and' tbe assist- tbe name or . adCJtess of any of · tb~ , sleuths ~fld , In DO. police departments, OtherI!' served for · years In legitiant cb~ef. William ,. Htlrmaq . "Moran, whll :,Is paid ,~,ooo gov~ .. nm~nt pubUca"tlqn, nol even In the "Blue ~ook:' mate private detective organizations or Independent po· per, ,.r. There Is • cle.n cal division, l'tnploylng .1I01l)e ~blch Is. supposed ,to lIB~ every government · employe, Uee department8. maintained by the great ral1w~y sys· half '. ,d o.en me'n;· aJ1d a iarle storeroom wbore :con- .' can th~e h!! found anY··, roster of tLe secret service ,no .11 . tems. A cqrtilln pl'oportlon· have had l be . benefit of pre. fllICatect counterteIUn·g. ·'!IlUlts. *PQrloUI,'· coln 'and · otber or Information :al to the salaries paid them, . IImlnary servl.c e .• as United States deput1 ~arshal8 and contraband ielzed Uy secret 8~rvlce men ie deposited aDd Howe~er It may be Btat~ ~hat tb~. pay 18 let higbt •not a few tlave cottle to the secret service from the de· allOWed to .Q~~uhUe until , a\lnt~rVai' of abOut ' ~ y~ar' cbnslderln~ · the hardlhlp·· .and d~nger InvolVt'd aad the partments of.' pubUc safety .forelgn countries. Tilelle • tloIDmlttee Is appointed' to . ilu~etlntend tbe aes~ructlon lecret SI:MCe Is Uket, ~ attract ·only men 'I' ,Olle' love latter. by reason ot their knowledge of foreign tongues \of ,thelMhlnlawtul arilclee. .The equipment of. ~be "se,cl'flt ot a lite· or' adventure and excitement OU~¥gbB th~!lr and mannerism II, bave been invaluable. to . the s9r.vlce. . letTice' headquarters embraces lOme Inlerestlng feaUu·... -desire for monetary reward. ,. new recruit liz lb. As may ·be' Burmlsed, secret ·senice duty' ls preemInent. IncJadlnl ,dellca.t e ~Iea . foll weilhlD~ c..'Oln wh98e genuiDe. lecre~ le~ce s~rtl:out as aD , uslltaDt operative at ,~ . ly work for Y,Q'.1ng meD. ·The · average age of the neld ~ Delle ·1. QueRtloned and • ,''ropes' pllery," oOnll.ttng of per day and, If be proves wO~y, "It. promoted to due operaUVAtI ill under 36 years anil Borne of the best lDen • ~JIaer '11e- or photoe of oouat.ertelte... aDd otb~r Or- CoIlr8e to tb. rank of .operaUye at per day. , As .... tn thn corps ,are under ~ years.. Chb~ WUkie, hlmseJt, reDden qAJlllt, the law, . .. . operatIYM bll' 'Pal ' IDCl"8&8e~ $1 pet ·daJ: . bv.t the Ho•••• Qe -secret ~ lnIrttau It W..btllito~ fa Heret ' aemce operaUn w1iOae eaJarJ reaclaea U.e polDt "ba, by · tho "Way, -.. one of ·the brllbt ,,~ung · meD -t,lalb«. a Ilene . _ . froID "lIcla .,. dJrecLed tie . • jWlt .bort of t60 per week ' Ql"'~ bay. ·proYU . bl. wortla -whom 1.rmaD. Gage. brought 'from CbIC4K" .heD be was ~tary o( tile treas~. II but-.I 7 .... 0& qe. aDd wu _~.. til GI.I '1 ~ aato 1f1d4 .&be oollllb7. .. .". . loq . . . . . aM ba••. \l1e up8rlaae 1fhlch eu ..






the Company. He Is also represented In Omaha by W. .J. Conn ell, ont;! of the attorneys there for the same c0lJ;lp'any. Stewart Is nho represented In bls perjury case by 'B1 11' Ourley of Omaha, N b" Who at Olle time was quite closely connpcted In a pOlitical way with the U. P. R. R.. Co~- · po..I1Y; Ste wart Is also closely associated with C. B, Hazle- · ton, postmaster· at .Connell- Bluff.s . Harl &: TInley and liazleton 'are all members of the saqte .lol1ge, Another, close personal friend of Stewart's Is Ed. Hart, aUaa 'Waterworks' ' Hart~ preside nt of the Gouncll Blul!s Watf'r Company, and Interested In the street <J1l11 we,J'. Stewart's father was Interested I~, a~d pl.'actlca1l1 , o~ped ,and · cont.r olled, during hI8 ; lIfetlme~, a large rancli alQq the U. p, R. R, In Nebr81'lka. ' .. . ,', '/Ooncemlng tbl8 case the United State~ at~rD..' at ' Omal:" su.!~: 'There rtr" three caN8 aplnst 8tewut; one for fencing, one cOII"1l1rRry; 'oDe<· perjury, all lood CaatlS ancl chlUlces 'of convictl,,·, goo4.~ Tbe aml!llldmnt . In ,questloll was 0' benellt to no on6 exoeptiDg to then crlmlnall, andU BeriaUlly ham})8n the aovenuDen.l aD,tIIe.· GetectloD af criua" the McurlDl ot 'Jutloe."


~----~ - ~--~--~~~~~--~~~~--~~--­

Th l" hll'g sl pin fa 'lory in the wurld hlllldz Ii \\ 11\'\1· \ 'l'I',' "i" 11, 1 i ~ al Hi!'mi n rhalti, En~I Hn d , I llu l'n,' 't\(' 1! d 'l) 1'<11' '/1 " , 'k , ' ('1\, f()l1,) \\ \tlt' :1 1'\ ' a I'ntn"~' f HI ' \ Ill' " ( Il Utl: : • - -- - - - f)11I :1 , IIIII .OIJ() pill rl t ' 'I'Y lu.y. 1 '11 ' I'" 1' 1 . -: " , " , : II I/ It Ihi' 1,Id ,\;I'I,itllt t"I'''I i1l· IT , ·Or. . IAIW III I.lIip · i~ th", ' HI'.· Ir' !!H . 1 i\)~ k :1 . II \.: /1111I j" I ,If III I'i' IIl\ lido!!) ' t II I I,,' fIlii ' Il" '. ,. Uo w To 11lull Out, I I' \ '1.:'1' Ii I. llll ' j p " r"'11 J' 1.11 /I I10 ttl ':,r t~{jfllll\()11 1:lullS wi t II your wh l:! l' fill' a IIl'IIII.\' I I,,· t'il,\ tllI·.·.·l ...·.\ '1 1t1 ' 1 " nr • I\! It ';\;'11 . i~' It t \\' till '- n< ;1\ I farn\ull Y ;1' W , !I!I P I'CUlll. . water oml I 'lll slalld tW<! 1l1\',f.)ur hml r s ' (;1" '1I1h'j 1' , H9 " 4 TI l!I'('cn t. LO II<i lllJ ! O-t1;IY whlllllllinl1lill Ilili- j U hrll:k t.!11 Is"ii', eiln h,· in p 'detl , cal ~al"lls ~I R v:\I 'i 'el. ;); hrilliHnt and 1~1l': 1l1 ,(Jr ~e lllltl!;, i\1 t. Il ully , !!I lie\, 'I,.' llt . 'lr II a.' ill tlll ' 1I t!. I : ~ ,W I " 1\1) II Hllti lIuu e ' "t; IIl);y or IlIl <Y f ({c d ( a l•. !17 PC ·'Prl t. , ~ [II'I' 'HraIiCCu le ll . and (, (/I'l' Il P I I~W ... I' \' t' ll .v }It'IU'S a"(. ~ iau liC>I II'S ti ll \III , Stlg-al' l;I'IIVt', H } 1't"1't.:(·1l1. I Llldy Willlt,ul'll " Ll dy Lund mtl... r, . 0 I~C:llt lt y IIdi' ! Yon will find t h~ . ' prill)' I ;I':llh.. h , \-J~ p~' '<: l:.'l lt. "~1 '" \ " I \\. II" lIOn of tlte kid 'i . 1,\ , ' I ·, I .,q U It I . ,I ~. U1LOUI'l" lI el' ''; t "(1 h e. t ,,,h ,) I,~ 1.110 \\ : l \, i3 all A lI, lH'il'<ll1 \ . , qu" 111 11t-~i re ttl 1 1 I 1' 1; II. \11 h,·\,,, \\" ,"101 1" 111 i" li..]1 I 1. ' . ~ ' . ' all - pH,S 1' 1 fir P U1I1111 1 I. 11(' W\'"l~:

, ,!Jonh-.

'.. \ I H () 11 .(J' ....

~--~--.~--~~~~~~~~~~~~.--- ~=:~--~~----~------~--~----~

Thousands Have Kidney . Trouble ·and Never Suspect it.




"' I" d l ll : d

l it · ' .'"

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l,i- IIl I'.\ , \ \ , • • I :11,· 11 Ik,' "f 11 1'\' c'lI ~lt ll'" I', · il' 11t Ii 1' 1" <11 1 i h.· 1:. I; rl ,1I1' ~: \\\"' I'I1 11 It'nt :t ll t! : \ \:a·"tifll! hl'l""' h l hrl'all n e .c l,l'1 ... ·( " 11 I·j:ll a ll, 1 I II,· l'l'i tll\' .\l ill ;sLl·r. \\ 1" 11 .1 ' ha l l'I'I' Il ~dl'. t ht· ;) lll' j.!':" I ' ! :I"' l i ll 1'(1 \\ h '1 1l1 did 111l' JlI I.ty • . .' I.·., ') , 1lIII" ' I. I; I.\' Ih,' r 'l II'IllIJl':l'l"

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ttie l~lltrl, 'd

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n fir

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I ;'''Id 1! Il·atl . 1l ~1'

Acme Flour

- - - - - ---- -





\\'t: abn .1i ; 1 I' :t II/I "I I lltl II plllili"a l 1 ( ,; tf l \' I '~ II' '\\' I ii" lill', 'l'lwy \\' '1'1' 1)1 ':!I'l,d J I.tI. I , '.ll Lhe Jr. 111'1 ,1 '1 I,ri, l. S It ·fu n · hll.1 in).: lf1pa l't>lIt ly I 11I\;ail t lwlll ';,' ''' \':; cd' Ih.· . ." .. vil·I>" lI t' 'h t,· \1,' 1-1" ' II d l ll' II I ~' I IIL' 'rn llllai .l !I I , Ilin I,O' " ld IItl\ 1!lil.l " I' a l· -- - --- - - - - : - - " " • 'I wing- 1'1' 111 t" 1 t'1'1I'l i ~ I, . alltll.~ un lI l' I'I' " " I" ~'

"r I Ill'


ht·it· 0 \\,11 HI' t'tlU ' I . 'I'll \ I ad I'sn I " .

mt.(.tinS!' \\'ilI' b~ in Le' '3l1Y ·il'H ~.tlI,ynl'unlll\lln,lWl\l f, h~ld alurday, l\l a rrh IHth, fl'om ~ a. Lllt'lI Handiliph ( hurchill :.utl1 ()l h~'I" m, to :·1 p m, in hOIl r of t.h. mum I'Y f T.III'd Bea '1I1lsli '111 , who f( t' mllny yea!' , Thtl S huol uoard n }larch al~poinlcd ('ons able J oy truanl was PI'im' Mini~t ('r ,,1' J'~ngland. It i ' tlms l a n t!)'gall b:aLiull 10 fUI'!lw1' er [()t' WII n' t()\\ n-;ll ip, 1'111' ffl llowing PIII .i1:; · ',,1''' lwit ht: l' 1the inl ' t" ' l of tlw ' ;IIl I:-il' r 'at iv' lal'~ly n OI' !\hsl"nl [II)' I hc 10lln : it of purl.", It i:-l (I'Pq uc·llll.v ("llll~d a I, tH' ll'r,\' : \ mans' L a~\lC! ( 'X 'lm;i ·..!y. '!lI ltllHa 1111'"" L' "I C) 1' f ; It 1 '1I . 'l~~ II" I . II 111'c' Ih'l' ng ,I Il n !l Ilqi,iil Edna (;')1.\\('11 , hm r : ' IH Pi ll ," j't iCll I' IIi4e h nig'lit:i :1:; \\ l 'II , I ' I'l'i llll.kliUn. VHIl:rhad I' V"'1 IJal1l '" lit·" 'Ii\ ily EarnC!:\ I r ail! (.(.k ' (If Ilw Ilab .. ·:! lUIS y: IV ntll'l c·;trll !10W;, I. j \vII I' I ', I!"/.I ' 'j it: . IH:nli l: lI' illfliy iclll ll lily. Lhe Tilt! n ::-; 1 Leach




MI'. J.:alf'lIl1\' waf: 11 11 1" ·tlll~id el':tt . .\n\l :;UlJii l "Il'(.1 Iht' rnllv _ neul ."hiell M.l ', l ,lau 'Lun · IJ ' Ij) )!P U,


wltLcheu with

te1'e t..


inLe ll s ein ·

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well.\;: 01' fn i \in .. been made agaim;t it, ' i1' R bert K IIlno,\', . EI ill P 1 t h b rI d ' .1 pl'ez;: .ripI,ion-D r . :-3boop' n.t'~t l)I''l - ee ,!TIll ave . e~ll ~oa... e to uestiv ....:.i!l dlf ottlfl ~lflli~ht fo r til peratto, by Lhe e fl ecbven S8 Of the ClH1Sflllf I.bese ILilm ~\!l t : -tht!i:l O Wf1lA )( LeaS-,ll', wh, n h gpok · of its memlln d ~ II I tllri l1 g i n!:lt<lC' III'J' V,-'1 This , bel'. In mosL ullbec-oming and absurd no rl " nlJt . le"l'1~ l·xVl tIlO ., \'1 , \, til language. Howeve l' ~ sonn as the' R, t'I,l1l' lltl\'(j Itll~ ' rlr 1..11, "1 1I>\' 11 HO ' • " . l'upi, ly III )lO(llll..lI 11 I'. () r n '. !gi M IoI h.l·.~ t volley ,of ~b.u s hau llted away, I'u y tI.ltt t th U.'H w it, 1(I~ (. l h t' B." S(I)r't\ 1'.1 alOl'gamzalwns began to . p ri ng t.iV,q-\ \'HIIl ul'tJ fm\' lill Y=' - 1\0' , 1" '('(l 1I1I! into exi s~enc , The·s LilJel'· f nl1~' rnn\'lllll 11 ' If : 1,. '101 1I10I1'r i'1I1, alli'ederatiun was f Olluded in 1 6 m l'lt , A lI yw :I ~' . d Oli r d rn~ I i,. or- "tl 1\' GI] . gUll 'l' 1'UIlI,iJl~ t.ll l, .• U" t.I' HII .ltt\l " '. \\ I I '/.r s, . a( l:Iton' ru p re Ident , IS t,llt' "Illy . ,-ol<ibltl III d :o n' .• " .... ="tI and two y 'ars l ator th 'Voman 's \V 1l ~-, ..·"ld h,r \III r1\ll1 l~ ' nl . Lib (, I'~ 1 ninni t ol'ganiz~ti n 'was _a ..___ _ - - - - i lal111Che I. A h un.lHl1 It 'in~ hl',·ul.h"I' :tl l'lul . The two 1I.ltt r so i "ti s seen; to t wpnty 1I1I e: II nlll1ut . u'~l!n fo un<1 1.1' in self d fen s wrong

f:l (\ rt


Chas. B.


Waynesv ille, Ohio.

~~• • • •~II!II!II.II!I• • •:


1s. ~'uil t, on scientific pl'i nciples th l'oug hout

~t..'1 J,aws are maut! of heavy sheet ~teei .lntl the mRIO bo y or wat )' 1" ~Se I'Voil' and planL

.- .- .... --- -

tub of }\('avy t mn d pial '. T.he water v'll ve i!'l t,.lf hr:~'> WI ~!l l'ulJ1,re l' packin~. 'r he val;e I'od and tl l P ~p ~ 'fI.g are of !:Ileel wire; thllrnl) button ~1l~1 o~h t:! I' flLtlng!! a re also of bl·as.'! The ll1aclme IS well pu L logethet' wit.h rive~ alld sold r and lIhou ld I~ t [01' yea rs, .

No S toopill g' When Us ing, Therefore No Lame Backs. All kind' of · Plant.'!, RU h Ul'; nhbage To baccu,t P'fomaltrl:! ' Cau liflowel' Sll'awb er"rlea- . • t . ~w e d l. lICS . Sugal' Be·ts et· arr> 'et . ' wnler an(l COy I'ed at (lne ope~:ation" 'i t;:; I 10 I'nOl."l U.'" I ut down to t he . prIJper tl1f' .' Ut Eae wh re the gro und is cool arid d in w


1~11I':~ ,





I;'''} ;11 ' , wh lc h developed into pneumo nia, was IUf; t, luid lilt t p Tlwll B\H' !!\J1 11· tl left plUfully thin, weak and emaclnta Al'IlI Cll Hil i 0 cI;r C' ll If :-(111 ;';1 III II ed, She had no appetite, and Btom w !:! II. " Inl'u'lli hl l' fm' Sioll r';rllp t.l n ,1 Q(:h was so weak it could n ot retain. r\alt Hltt cC) , llm1rt . I,' "" I ' tood, Sh-e lay In' !this condJtlon for. •' 0 1'01; . Bur fll!. ::'p..dcJ : 'u l,.c to II cl Pil(',' weeks, snd nothing doctor pre:!5c tll b rell I"':. He JJw ' T'I:;; ' " ' . Bcrlbed did a bit or good, and we were _ _ __ _ _ i beginning to tblo lt she would never re;' I. t




live in eXf' c.lll,"1 .'" tvl 1- ------ - .- -- - - - - - - - - . in ,l apan 1'01' '_2(..) a_ Ill_(JI1lh. IA ~l! It :tlYl!d His I.c~. )111, Weak and Emaciated. Ee- I" ., at dt H 1h b V ' ",-\ll II .u gh t 1'u } ') -I' 11 1: ' 1" '1," .. ore 0 'ea t y in ol . vrHf' . . 1 A, :-' \ Ot) All ll \\' 11, '1 () ,I'" Our little daugbJter, six yeal'~ o f ago, \\ I " "\'11 11 \,. ' lIr,.; . 11' 'p r·1. ' n l I h ' lt I nfter a severe attaclt of the fII nsles, .

1 ~)liuo! Cll'. l 'IOI~l



ri~hi ,



ll1atl C;lI1

be all

sen.!Hin "o f J.HJ!1 lit. " IIV lll'MVtl l. I rm ~ wOl lle ,t,h a !'lllmn ,.t( '1 1~!<t Yfll lt· I ,I , If. M AIlli lt 1\1.1 " P,' IJ .


cI ~c \ hore, II . my prit.:c!:I

UltL.~ Rul'l':~ tine! I{H lli",' will ll llll(o


hu vtt


f(lIlr1h CIlI' wm : l1 j! /) 4 III , tltld 6 iij. tfa~lI. B ~rfll Tile. . Anyone d eslrlO ~ 1.,le, had b (fl' r (OnsuI t with me heror · buyl llg


fr om th e H ll.t't I t ~ Im pllise it pOlV , . r, its l' 'ulu.rity, . The tOIUO htl l n r,hcLeuguc nt l's mto ev ry phas~ b hS it ltl dtleu, or inllitl 11 )'\'( , It of th work of t he Ci\mpaign l ancl WllB Dr. ' b op "{hll fil" t, t" 11d u. it o'Hen c\lal'ge of con'uplion have ~VJl

. I


al' always

Har' d8.urnt Tile

1_............... ~ ...............

L nl1uon . :lI ld ha:-; l!lurl! than a mil, and then dCIIY lh~m tht' I'i , hl f ::;u.f- ~ It'.m In mul'Y'; The .l' I'and f '~lival [ni l' . MHS." r. A. I"u ' Kj,;\' , 01 th L~ gUf' h 1<1 fl nl1l1u\l is an e Vl'nl of gl' 'aL political sig'nilicanc , ATTENTION F RMEIL I Th ' 'ms r vulive 1 nuel's often IlIal< ,

notaLI ' dl'1claralitm ~ f Jj()1i Y at thesem 'lings, and their utleran es




Rto m lloh ,


t (J I' Sf- Ill


Hamid Earnha rl BHATTF.N,


.'T,'\\· r:lpillly fl'tlm Lit· slarl. II II ('I:Ll'ill~ it L litJ Hltsurcl lu Cit 'UIII' ~\C) \\' oct:Il\,i('.~ \lellalial h 'adqtlU I'\'Cl'b . Ig'" W 111 1\11 I.e) pari i('ilMI in pulitic~..'

H aITY I'olanll

C. E.


; nd

M~lfli !-' on b)nt'l1hlll't.

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KI1l lf,h l sH 'l'rn("be" siltmlparl l lc'I'S " ' r ill' II I'g'an izaliull \\' , Il' very !:'It".! ~ li ~

Ellis Smilh


\\l· t·,

. Ilall' .

~hill.· 'Itt" t.:h' . 4 ", . MI'. U\W.lstllIlC O f(~g'() n h, Ohin. ."it It inl'o llsis(f'II~Y and in g-ratilu d , Il\'t.:all ~c h(~ ~aid ill 1. 7H wh ' n u t'g-i ng Va lle. h ' \\ .Ill) '11 to aid tit ' liLl· ral . th<\t pSI' Li ·ipf. ion in poliLkH , ,. g ilcllh(' it' f!ltur ' Y HI';; with l'emetnlll'lIn' ..,'. al t la l,., d lhat th .. l'ig-h t to VIIL wou ld ill iLI;l ' l:p''a'!tmn~·.m_B_ _.~• •~' ther.n ltl 1I,·'::-I lmH.'i 1l,!J on Lt.l ·II' ' i Lo II'l'll 'Y, ~ , '" til I, IlIlI' lll'. 1 1~1I' l' ttlit'll 'Ill ~t1J lh· leval illn (If lIl 'it' \\It 1) .'\lIly Ila ,


1,,'n'li\t .tl'IHt.t 8d/lll 1 ill 'Allia Hurd 'n ,)oh1l My 'I'.' EdiLh Anuel', 1\l1




Wednesday , Grove School. Thursday, March School.

I r ,\'11 11

HIII ' liumtvu.

I.wnizntioll of Wt)trl l.'l1 in Enl.d and fO!' " 1lui\( pnr t id p' ti ( !I1 l np!llili'~rq III ,d and wel'~ \I ~h e l' ;o into th II lilical '1\'pna silll ul tc.lll Wily Thi ~ neli ve IH l'li ipa l iun of \\',) !TI ' n ill pli li l il'nl Ilra il'" 1I11111rally Il"d t.o II 11101' vil,.:'flr , IllS al{ilal i" 1l ill rnvpr or "'IIIlIHII , II!"

C. pa ll ~l'a~



Corn, . St'cd Oats, Coal and Ccnlt'll t.


. . '"


- - -.......- .- - - -- .- --

l'(' ml' ulhc rtlt'Il 'llIII' IJr L' \' l ll Ic r •~ Cl <' WUlllp-

I It.: 1ll!l-lt 'S l"


Monday, School. Tuesday,

'1I11! hllllllil " ll" ir~


I.:ll·ti{ ....;. ]{ u~ , 011/ 1 the 1I1l' lrcss, The l'l'ill1l' I~l! Leug ue was thl' t.- N . \ . , 011 l!V(:I'Y ho ttle,

1.1.... ;ll'l'li\(.

1\ 1\ i lltl !'! (If

Sucren _ Feed

tllld ! ~

1~'H ·llt . · r!'.\' . ·tll d \)tJ1<' r~. alld

, . 1' :11' ,\

Lumber and Mill Feed

: " I t'\l' r~' l l:l rltlrlhl' u r i ll :iry l

It\'e r . I)lut1,l :"




1l ('atl'IU:1 rl C"

tha l D r, KII ', "",r 's bwut np .l\.(H,t, t: 1t ' t! r~ ~l t.. kidll cy fe lll 'tty, f ulfill s (1.111 1 •. r \'\lIT WIs H ill cor r t!t' ti l1L( ClIlII II t, ,,111 , 1' :11 11 111 I IIl" hllt'k . ki dIl C", , '

\ II , ,!' lw pvliti l' al patti I.''; hm" Y OII. I "'Y an\'u~~;;l1Ipleb'~ttle l'n""lI r;Jg',~d tJ1I' W ll lI \l'11 10 or!{UI iz ' It)' 11 ' 111. ,"\d,lr,"s,; Dr. ~illll r& o .• lI iul{' . . I' l f . I .' I ' . h 0l1ll t ll ll" \ , l\leJ1 t lO fI t hi s p"llCr H ilL!

l':lIIl in" :'Ihl'1:u


0 I

' :rt ,' II

"\ I

!littl·,\' !t1l.i1 ,.,1" Fn d l' II r ll" .

Fl'lUl e~ Wilsutl I';dna HhulWl' t Durward \' il'l' L('na \ hila!.,'!' Bell My 'I'~ 1~lilia SllI il h Glenna [I( bli t

a lll·lI l illl1 .

\Vb t To Do. is l' II I rllrl ill the k 110 \\'k, I ~,'

~ I a.I II'It (." I.

Parents' Mecli n ~s Ll1l' il1(,I'C:tF(l (If profit,; 1l1\1,.:l lU llll' We have al'ranged for a sl:'ries of larg' -I.v Ull'Ough sId II ill selectiun and meetings in ea h h 01 of the 'lo wn IC'Ling of SP t1. I ~hll\\, in llw cu ..: ship. W. call thelll " Parents' Meel- lim e g- otl HI'S Hnd gllod k muk ings" although anyon " inlere. t d ome arE' beller than nt h ' I's. III lhe will be welcomed t these me~ tings, Agl'icultur eiassl':; w e al'!' u'ying to Ther will be a regular seSl ion of.1 am whi ch is IIMt Hnd why, Th I'e the school imm diately after noon, I is ne maxim lhat i ' mighly good fot· then will ,follow a I'ev iew of s.ome of th ~al'l'n >1: to l' /11 'm,b 'I' th,at. in COt'll the exper!ment8 and lessons 111 agri- a \\ ell as III oth I' (htng-f; .• Lrk . pr c • ulture conducted. by lhe sup rin.! du ces like", tendent. Th sp~ial I on fol' lh I At lhe eXl ri mcnl fanll ~()nle tim day will be "Fruit PI' pagation" and Iago the boy plant d a lield of eMn will deal ·with practical work in ll'C I from se d lhaL hud b ('ll ear full\' planting, ~u<1ding and g'rafting. r selected from 'standing corn h~, There Will be some entertainment fore gath ring tim, 'fhi", \\,a .. ~ t,'ret.l by t he pupil whiCh will be follow ed ' where it woultllll t fl" ze I, for it by the parents' meeting.. In t.his" was thor ug-hly d ri d. then lal ..·" the topic!:l for discu ion will begiv 11 oul l ear weI' a1' fully ).!OIlC 0\' " unu and t h parents, friends and teach - }J 01' I' on 's ' ullecl oul; lh !'est w I'e ersmaY ,talktogetheroverout'diff 1'- l t ted for viLalil y and lho!:> thal ent dutIes and the needs and prub- would nol show a high jJ~l' cent of lems of r ural education, . proll ~v l'e t h t'()wl u t , P l'om chi We hope in these meeting to b te ted C rn they planl'd he Ii Jd. come better acquaint d , to £et idea Then in the pring t.h Y' went to the f~r bettermen t of our schools and to crib ()f 'orn from lh am r]l that


lu I! ... :h'k :) 1" HI!'" .. II l l't"llI ~ l h a t It' ll tt lf' l" d u"\~li! ld IdadJ ·rltl,· .Hll ut'"rtkr

' · ,II 'II~

You neyel' have to wait for Il' hower ' ·fa n , may he !.lafely sl!t lIut wh n la rge enQugl '. P . ts les!iofthewenthel'- -nomatt rhowd : ,Idf:dgtl rtllh ground rnay be. ry an usty

I ,

tc Farmer an dTruek Gro\ver hnu ld have or,te,. ivory v lOY r ttl f ' Any man WJt h H),OOO~pl~lt~r:~ hPd~;lI1 'O~silY let '7':000 to ou t

Corn Testing a ~!~ ol'd of OV~'I' 998 p lall tS to )of t'Ow fl'Um e'aoh t06oanlel' l11ati1t.ains 1 g ive here SQme' figures recently EO~Hln/1, RF...F'UNDED IN . AS~J TH I ' PLAN'J'ER FAl L 'TO ~ot, MONEY hande4 t o me, they a r e worth thin kl~e CLA 1M, F' R J'l'.~ Weight, 4 % Ihs, This pla n te'r ill ~~~ Wl!: bo t d,ozen limes over I.n a 'ea~on fo~' I'l'!plan tin~(' Mn:! f ~ S!lV~ l ts cost a a u any way, ;, of the row whel'~ yo u can't ~s t he horse.!; 'tter,ut use at the ellds . 'vent,v-fi ve IJ 't· "' . nl.l)f th . '""L ' cO,vAt ,er, t.hl tJ " '. l '0 1' sale by . . In 1906,. the aCl'eage in corn ron was . A. B Sid""s arl~1 . , . ' 000 , lh e crop was 2 , 80 , wO,OOO Oni'm J ' G t n 'L ' . ' n l f 8 me '\\"e cOmmenced ·to give 95 bU.000 ; the p rice that year averaged 45c I ' mer In rea " J'\ Il ln 1~ I) I U!' ' a' her- Vlnol, autJ the effeot was marvel~ '1'hese ettel's ,c an b see~ at A B SI'(J ; t F: Wt, W'"n'~Kw6rth. . ' h I f e( , , ous. The 'doctcrr was ama.zed a t her ' ~~:::::~~~~~~~' ~'~~II'~'~~~'~'~';o~t;e~a;a :n~y~t~lm:e•.-_~·, .:,: m aklng t e va ue 0 the crop $1,300, .. - .-- - - ~rogresBJ 8Jld ~when \ve told 'b Im' we 000,000. Now if e.ach ear had grown " 1twallthol'iti claim t.hat a eli dt wel'e s·l ylng he r Vlnol, .be rep)led, 'It. one g rain targer tllecrop would have ' of goaL' " lllil k' makf '!-\ IJnr' immune Is. a. fide romeuy, k e.ep It up.' We dld been worth $1,620,000 mor~ than it fro,m Luilerculo, lB,;· · • I . !lO, a.nd ~he r o overed bel' hcalUi and ·.waS, and i f each . acre had ·p rod uced months belore t or A ·" 8·'· A .. ,1::( v you "'lo p tLUI ..!-\t' nil> ki lla strength ~l1oullh~ sho '<roUI~.'· 'J. the W. doc' FlAgs,' none', b u. more t h an it did t he Crop ·mywJl er . ? -ttll) J'n r It rtllnl,ltl IIlui Portland, Me, . C Ch · · · · ' · ' . " 'ld have I'n"reas'ed I' I t!' 2 l VI,nol CUTes con.dltlons like t ..... J~IVel' !lres an . ronic onilt,'p'atio'; I" W v. ncy(''.T roubles ,"t.. . nnd ' q'All 'fioU ' . . . "' . J.1 va ue tp'~A , t,hink! 11 matter-!' I)lil .WI.1I'tl)('r 1'°., . \,u b..... d Kid .. ' 750,000. . .11.B a camping TJlul'tl for'; petHel" arid yv mnn,IY .pltinH. 11611 t pHi!). , 11t:, lHl y C U:1i~ III a natural manner It Increase. ~ . . The weather, and soil the like hould b prohibited. . kind o! 0 i' iu, n,t , I'IJ'. ,'houp's the appet,lte, up ""'1 , all important faotors in making Th' . 11' ' .t . f W \lUI ,ll POtO Hi \\11\ spmly orga'lle, rich, red blood, and Fur' JJaI at fOIlO"u ltC placCl': .... 0 .. fl .. . . n tth . ~ .spe mg .con ~t:... o . ayne· atop .l·t )11 · 20 IUlIl1,i;C:ls. ft'rrnulu Z?tren itheJ1S every orlan ill ~ b0d7~ ~lmmel'Dl"n'(lI '~ilboll·II, ·. \I U \I U ~. com c~p".uu e lmp~ovement t OWJIshlp aroused con8t~~rable int r- 'plalDlyprilltod dn tb 2~c~ 1,0,', ' old J .' E. JAr.-a. NEY, · Druggl's t \Vb ~ pttbep~nct, the larger t. hy all «allIer!!. . . WaynesviJle. Ohio, . I l~e~.,. Monn tjoy '$ Sprlngfi.eld, Ohio.




~-"----- -..;.-~

O~l~ l~))h


~ 'd1~.Uv.


PriCe,. $3 75


'L1"v'e'r'l't'e '

I~urel.,·y ,Veg~table. ~"ativ' e '


r-'h ~ p,h. ~~.....:.;.. na h'lIDI"OaJ GPt .'.r



GAZET'l'E '1

1 UII III' II ,, (1 \1" 1" k l .Y H.t

W II\' :'), . " ",'.






I l"W . lIit S. "I Willi ullI I.. S Iz vd I~ VH Mill' I Ka1h· - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - 'I illl:' ~1I \'I I t' Ii'. l'l'llt lt) 1l fUI" liI'ol'c' \ ,\ ,. 1,1': 1' '1' ~: I ",: I' I I I I 'i I, : I ~ " · . " N,' II land ,;uslody o f nl y d l ild . William I ZlII ' KI IlI t:>y .'nyde r. Pla intiff lai m V. L 1 un 1Ig"l' r I ' l dt:fc!I1d Hnt hi~ wif has b en l lh - - - - - - - - - - - - -g ui ll'y 0[' h,lI itual rll'unk ' lI ;IS a nd Rates of Sub'icr iption I!ro:s Il e~d 'ct of duty. Willard J . flll,..V tI. tr ( -> l l'l, ' l fy I Jllld V,t lll ' ·, ~' 4 0 WI·iJrlll . a ltorll ey fu r pl a intiff. ( 0 111'1 I'rt,\.c.:Jillj!s.


'1 II


byal1d I heJJ. . A. Kirby" as sureties . In ven tory dis pensed \vith. b:SlllL of Sul'uh E.-Ada rns, U c as d Albt: I'l P.,Adu r'lIs !.1ppoinl~u uUlllini 2ll'u t O,. I!:i irig )johll of $1)00 witll UharleK Madu en and , W. A. Haines as . sUI'eties ~and· hades 1tdde n , F ra nk Wilso n and Charles Shidak er apprai sers . Estate of Thoma s . mi t h, imbecil e. First a nd fin a l a ccount I'il d. Marl'ial,..1e LI·censcs.


FE R $5 ,00 0 IN


Try for one of thes e Val uab le Priz es at once .

ULni I 1,'. Rit che , 3l:l. lJ lll ~.v I'; I .... \I· ,S '1::\ .J dford ' L w ' N tli <? A . Bruwn , 3UI. rtl F oster and u,;ic l a 1t ~ 1· . 1,', , 'IIU ": ' di,," ti ': I"'d \I ith vil t fl'. o n l Mai n vi ll e. He\, . Mr , !{vya l, I I n ' . . . . . '" I',l ,:,,::1 II I: 1I1 :li ll l.i ll'. , , • [ .fli. . . Y TillS IS Om' or th e Lh gges t BClllIfide Olft' r s IWl'r Mude hy a Hcs po ns llJlc Concer n . 111' 1 I· r:.utl, h ll Na l.l ll llal Galli, I';{ ,J,)11 II 1" \ Fr d La npher 2G, lea ch!:!I', ' ·I" ..., IIh'<1 .1"" ""' , .. ,,\,'," " "'1' I" ,.., '" II) \'O" 'l a l. On ell pli ea liull o f L b ' d J " r auly, . . . R b .ta M . h We and t he manufa cturer s , hal' d e 'Id , . '1'1,,·,·,· ' '' ''''n l" ", . ed on a novel pla n fO I' fUI·thel ' IIlll'oducll1g th e s plendId :~"'I ') laillli l r a Cl ion i~ d is llliHse:d al Its e a non ,m 0 make.'1 of mstrue se 1 el fll lll uaq'·...' II.·I' Iflf h.... Ir('t: , (,\', r 11\ .· I{ all(' me n ts that yve se ll, and enab ling cust . om e rll t o get ' b.e 19 tter a cquai.n lec;l wilh our m o~ey saving meth~ds. , L ,banon . ({ev . 1\. M. ug er. As IS we ll known we r epresen t mak ers of hIg h grad e pIanos · lfl c "~M. 111 "'11 ,,,. "'I CllS l and I\' ll hllul r ecu nl C(l'il ~ fJ" Ill, . 1 HalTY and eve1'fl plano sold by us IS a well known Mul ford 'o x, 2\ bo kk e p· ins l l·um ent. We want you lo call " " 1·,1 " , ", u 'Ik , and in p ct our piano~ , g e t be tte I' acquain led with us and investig ate ~ ,:", . l ft.n,"Y A. t':rew vs A. B. ~~han. d l e ~·, r. Cin ci llnati anu ,Jennie our ' tt ""I Jll l l l l '1 l N . Qui zen. II P W pl an uf H elling. I In cCJIlside mtioTi of lhi .. W(~ have del' id vd to ,'ivt' away 11I :1 I1 Y l) I I fi v:tlll u Lle prizes in this w ay . . g'uan lall . "lllll II)n I enl!lItl . 1:; l lJur v, ~ I , ...·U lItI, L "u:inull. Rt'v , Mr I Ill .• . HOW MA \' 'liM ES 'AN \'01 1 WI~ lr l: .• TI~..\ I I SS ." .~ ;;:: g l e ll l we n t day,; ill wllic!1 t u pl.·ad , ( 'bar lt:s ( :. lI aj n ~:; v'! Id a II. MUll " ~ " " II 1111 , 01 1 I r II I AII;II"t'w M, . ' ~!l l':; . ::H . htL Ir..... . Tu LIl t:' pe l'2U II wri ing til e WUI'U ''!' HA 'S" lilt' la rges t num I b· r o f tifn l':? u n a pa c ~ olle-hal f the size ul' a (I(,Rlal curd. we will g ive ~lu so l ll t", l y.. frf't:: .·t tt l My rt le 1\1 . 1:lilll·'1 l1lud,· pa r ty I\lIl g S Mi ll ,; allfl G · 01' 'i .':! . .IIU ill }~ I IJ . a A . AII/ It! I·. T v the ne llarg e. t numbe r uf lill lt':i will . \\ i ' l:eil'l' $ III.UII ill g·old . r1"f~' l fi Llil l ill a ·t iIJ Il v I' l·I) Url. " : .. I' .j .) ' ' "1 l:i ' 11 . I)\t· V . M r. .,a. "" utress , J Ings '['u lllu lY I ~ 11"" Xt largest $5 .00 in "h u ltl. 1\011'1 II , ~W' n ~y . eX LI'. I' S .Ja m ~ Mil! l? l' . The next two largest numbe rs will rec · ivc a .1:-' I{ ' HA " I (i W. Sweaney ' L al. Mall ' l' of $,GOO '0 PUN ful' $ 150.00, good foJ' part payI{oue rt :. Cal'lnac k, I" labol'er , me n t toward s the purcha se price of any new pia n 'l ill OUl' st ore. an d one Ul't piclu re. b f 11 . 1'h lo";\ ·(·.n gl·tlW(' I·,~ " I)llllt h "I'e nOdl' huvlil~~ . . en dU y ] ~omplro The next twenty- five carus contain ing the la l'g 'sl numbe t· ) ( word ml se 'rossley s wi ll each receive a PU RCH.A.SING Kentuc ky and Mol- COUPO N for $100. 00 , good for U • an selt I:'y It IS or I' t uy t Ie court Ii L. Row·ounty. part puyme nl towal· tis lh e p urchas e pl'icc of nny new land 17 South piano in our store and one Leban on art picture . are ill eurr, (';;t , as l hey are attendi ng that · sum b dismi ssed . fl' . m th e l Ma r tin Hall '56 fa rme r Frank lin lite 1il1' ' I' '11 1 ntl"(·tin " ... llllJ ureg l'OwTh e next fifty cards receive d with the n x t larg st numbe r of words will receive a PURCH 'ouI' ls antI t h ' ba Ianl'p () f th PI'IJ- and Mr.~ Alve rta' . Bladwi " ASING . n, ,m, h u,;e- COl PON f 0 1' <t·r 21'.).; • goo d' f ul' par t pay mell II iu g en l hll ~ i u.~d t: ( IVI:'I" lhL'III, aftt' r c'I:'Lis he tlhltr,ihu led " uIVu n 1K II It~ purc' IlaSt' pl'l.ce I) f any new plano IIY I( ad H , In ou r s t ore an d one I·{u v. A. ,J.I(LI~.. tl Co . :ll'l piclur '. h uri" r LIlt· " IIUll ' I ' ill whi ch I hey k('l: pe l'. Frankli n . ~ ..... " All fJ rSOlls in a t a n ] will I'eceive a pri;:e alll.! lhos!:! " t. d s irou R of J.lurch I:'PIll'Y U~ t)X .(·ll.(.f)l·, Ul' " c'llIdu "ll'd ,'x plaill eu . Uu n '. l fui l SWAlf,· Nurma l K. Sti lwe ll, 2~ , d e rk. Ltoh . a llvwed: .i propol:t iol sentling ~ing II piano will be II W. W illi ams s William '1'. :1l. f' arll ounl of lh ftil' I:UUP(III tllwal'lls purch :l!p~ ' I f furnit ul' , tal·pe G.! , s toves, sewing I .tlIOTI , Ma rg ery V. Hla leburn, I ~, (. tines, 'r:.lphup matv 'u wl""II" '1" y hU \\'UI, I I u jllillllr /101.. [{ob 'I'L'IUIl e t al. Otl ' app llOntls t·. . ticat iun uf l{ed Livn, Rev. M l". H e r shey . O UR OfF E R. plaintif f A lton F. Brown i~ up\.lo inled Alberl 'Place , 25 , mill employ ee. The above r eward wi ll be gi ven by us a nd lhe manufa ctu l' Igua l'di an ad litem uf Gay Hiiw l', mi- I:"l'anldin and Mr ' . Fanni 1'. We e xpect e Frocke l- able us within a f ew Maple sy rup mal, n; a r e nuw turn- no!' d f ·ndant. weeks to sell as much mercha ndise as wo uld he sold throug t his adverti sing' plan to enF l'allkll'n. h continu ous high priced ad. man, ing th e il' atknliO Il to lhe lipid '. as in 26, domest verti ic , sing in this immed iate locality in one year . Wh n a t eacher AI red W. William : vs William T . wisn es to imprl!ss a word on the minds of pupils, he often r eq uires them to wri te th wonl lif ty t o ne many cases llUd s IlI'e beg-i nnin ' to Robe l· t al. Partitio Real Estate Transfe rs. n of r eal the buyin g publ ic. That is why we have ad a pted t il is plan. 1thundrc d lim es . We want to impI'es s OUI' nam~ on s how UII lhl" lI·~·l'. 'I hi s has UI.!t: 1I a ~'1lal' IJI'(l er d by co urt. will mean ha rd work fol' t he persoll who receive s an y of tht: large I·eward s. Yo u :;hould no t ove l'look mailil1l{ your Lilla T . Zell to W. C. Dodd, real card at once. goud y >ar fu r 1I11tills"e s, a nd til t· fLl nll '1'It OIll " L. Humph I' S vs William estat e ill village of oN ayn !:Iville, $GUO . 1"' 1' 1m, IIl udt' t1 1t' lllo. l h ' (:I)ultl Oul " f ::et lit lIIyr. .Pl a inti ff is ~ i ve) 1 leu\' DIREC TIONS Mal'y J . GO I' uch ttl Charl es W. it. __ _ _ Tal t' ol'flinal'Y postal card alltl dra w a line hl'ou g lt the cente r of the to fil > \I tili n in a bo ve nlitl 'U case card, that is to say, up rors uch I'eal estat in Turtl ec reek 0 1' aer os . sn the card is di vhled qually, it makes no differen ce w hich way you divide it. On one halfor down a nd ' am ' is dun e. of tha ca townsh rd w'l'iLe ip $1. TRA U ," a.<; many t imes as you possibl y can . On tl}e othel' half T he MUl un l Pnllt:c li\'t: s:;llciat ion write your 8lme l' Kibb y v. J hn 1,. KilJb y e t Mami e Earnha l't and husLan d to plainly, m ention " Ad No . 10" .' tate how many times you ll ave written the word a:nd give name and addres s will f1UOll vlX !llIiz h r It is a plan us the names and al. Sale !)fr al es lal cu nfirm ed and .Joseph add 'I', Mal'lat t, r HI estate in use l'essf" of three of y UI' fl'i end:; who are d e:' irou of purcha sing a pian o. 'If you haven' t a postal card handy, t hut ~vt:'ry nw r 'il ,lilt '~h 0 U!d auupt, a pie ' (! of pap I' the size of a postal ' card and mail to us . Ji pos iti n I'd red . WaYll luwnsh ip $1. . as it Pl'ot tlC lS th "I ll in 11 g l'6al many In case of a ti , compet ing fo r any ·of th above pl'iz , the value will be di vided equally among the tied Probate Court. J oseph T. Mat'lat t anJ wife to Ma- conte tants . All per sons sending a lis t of words will b ways - in fae l , it is a)l u t h ~~ r uni n. no t ified of t heir s uc ess within one week after the &!l1ltc of El l II M Tlti !:IY:il III lI fOl ' L:! t h g'uod -paying Hadl ey. mi e Barnha r t r eal state in villag contest closes . All answ 1'S m ost b in our h und s by noon of Mal'ch 15, 1909. of pl'inp;bol'o $ 1. C lI >l tOIl !:!r, atlll hus :! ttlllll l: llcy t o make fi'o urth accuun t fil · d. CONTE ST CLOSE S J\\oND A Y NOON, MARCH 15, 1909. J ohn R. Clark a nd w ife to Alberl E ·tat.:! of £Ii:taue l h Hustan d, lh pOLlI' payill'g' 'U SUllll "I' mort: decease d . rn ve ntol'Y and apPI'ais e- Clau'k and Alfred lark real estate pl·ompt . ' m nt fi led. in Warren county $1 Estate of E lizabeth Heis tand deWill ia m L. Piper and Fannie R. William . Taft. PI' sident; In th ceased First and final acco u nt filed Pi'pet· to James A. Allison real 'es ~nidst of rain, sn wand s Vf!n Estate of Aaron K ev '1' ; decease d . tat e in village of Frankli n $1. 31.1 SOUTH h\,AIN STREE T, 1I1ches of s lush, he t ok the unth i l:'" . I MIDDLETOWN, OHIO t fl d Jos ph P. Hale to Andrew J. of ofli e las t Thur day, and is nuw lE n a ~~~oufn MI e . d Mc lin tick and Laura G McClin tick t h h We f h are ExclUSi . ve Agents for the followi ng High Grade Pianos ; Jesse French 1'1 'sta..e 0 a l'V ,lee er. e- . , Krell French , Lagonda . and Wagne r & Co. n tea u I llMlun. Ie ~~ J. Fin~ ac~ uIIlfil d. pe ~'s a ll v I·tht:! 'QUIl ,r~l es~~in vi lla~of. _lI'Y, I,~,.. gard l~~ Frank lin s.~ $70~. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ . ~~~ J M T·e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d &!tate of Nancy J. Maltbi e. d _I .' . " eys a n ~I'f e co _CorwlIl ::: of politic , paid him g l Will$ 1111 Ii ceast!l.I. Inl'enLol') and . appl'ais ~ltlent Halll s. l'~a~ es tate In Eas l Wayne Twenty -eig-ht women suffrag ists \!lent, rIe i min >ntly liUed fol' HI d . I townsh ip . 5000. of hig h social rank are g iven prison I* ' . his new po jelon, and as time g oe In mattel: 01 Lydia !lJ1n.imroam Izora L . .!,<ing and A. L : King ~o London 0 their r efusal to ~ 011 will shu w hi,; wOlth mOl' hos~ and decease d. William A. Parkhil l , x. a tel' ,Ivers I'ea eRtate In the vll- promis e g ood behavio r. ~-rmore. • loll\_.. ecu t~r authori zed to 1\ bond stock lage of Harv~ysburg $ 10, .. --. J I W T't l Ed J h Ncar Death in Big Pond. There is a growin g and value fi xed at $990. mand for 0111 • ~ I us 0 gal' 0 n<jon Amerl'can pearls. Thooedetal{en from t' al estate in the village of Morrow It WIIS II t.i ll"llllll g ,'xpe r itHIOl'l t o 'lIe' Estates for " ttieme nt:Eva E. ....,,. .. , ... the western \vate rs .lastsea soll wpr '. I I \ o ' o I l \ - ' Mr . HIli ~lIp' r f. .. :'lIt!R tI, Inh "~"'\lr William s, tirst 'a nd final ac ount: T. $]. yellr, II k\'H I" IIIII g tfll! bl i! 'I\'1 mf' C P fl ' Levi Lac Y to Clal'u B. Lewis rea I valued at $500,000 ...,,.. int.l'I o e Roft'," rln " ,', " it A " II,nd tl8vprlll t.I11.1 6" tJaOtseepilll1 WKaa' " "J II'\V ( , , \I " .1 !lH to K U Is ' \ \ 'o:I;"B e Slayer. • d e'\t.h All "(111, ,1411.'. fllll e(llInl1 'doo count. ' harle P. Wilkerson, 'oIl\-oIl\-' t rus- R. Wilds Gilchri st real estate in tlur 1'1/\111 .1 wII"doo Ufll hlfl. 'I'h fl ll l>r. tee ot' 'l' homas A m e r oilassm UTdeJ'e r is Append i S. Wilke l·so ll , third 0 W 0 ",,.. oi tis with IDHnv viotim . Bllt Dr ....,,.. .,. . J. io~ ·ldlj t, \\· Dllw" vnr,l' brolwb!. qnick " t '}'h aylU:s ille, hio.1: ' h · · ··t· Fl'ankl intowll ship$l. Kino'~NewLi'fePil1s killl tby pr _ 'oIl\omus . r eliuf IIUUII 1' \11' " !'I I' p"r"'"/!I:' li t thnt uccolln II:; I e, guurH M H tfi Id l d' Ed C h · p .. l 'oIl\-' d " Ii 1 t l' c a r r y . a .J,. 1e .. '''' ... ,,. 0 ... ,,.. .. , A ...... • ,,.. b ence ...''''~ ...,,. ..'''',,',. ~ ,.,,'" I h fl,Vtl. n"' t vention l ..I . ffhey lItently sti mull\.teoll\-·oIl\-oIl\-· oIl\-·oIl\-·oIl\-··oIl\-·+ I, I'" tI nu) , '1\ I n !,\V1i Ive Plan , t \I-u a n d' nn f accoulTI l; . . r euI t Ut 111 ·oIl\-· oIl\· J .\\o·fJ!CoIl\' T t l k t h' ur ecree h I 'owns Ip stomuc , ive r an Ii IlOwe IS , pl'even t - ~~~ yenTIl." MI'. , HOI) r 11 VA" iu Big at~erson gU~~' Ia n ~~~~~~~~~~~~ p _ ing thl1t ol l)ggiog t,hllt invites appAr,I - ..,,. .., ......,,. .., ... ,,,"',,,,. ..., ......, ... PQnd, P,1. It. Wlll'kll wOIIIl r" In son Il1SUne,-thll d accoun ~nl1 l?m - $9262.50. t, Martin A. L . F t M b I R'b' !licltis, onring Constlp at'ion, Billion s- '-rr-oIl\-""lli 'oIl\-''''''oIl\-+oIl\-' ~ ro.f,."t.~",... . . Uougbl l l~,n li Co ld , , r O l... nul{!I, Ilem- Jam son, admlnt OUIS . C0 I 0 a e 0 111'liCoIl\-oIl\-+oIl\stl'ator oj Clara .H. I tht'eman ...... S . ' b $2500 ne 8, Obills. MI1111.(\II , HendRo he (lod .Jt-. "'" orriltlg s . I~"f)ripf ) , it r.lIOl~, Spence + , foul'th and fine.1 aCCQllll t; son rea es ' 'e I~ prlllg oro, r Ollp. Wb flOl ll'lj.! r:() tlr.dl 11011 1111 . ndigetl. tion , 2~a_t-!.: 0 Bohwnr t1,:.s . BroDop illlll ll'.)C'tj l'lll. ~ U( ' ·,ull $l.Oo. Lee Mas<;m, admini strator of David _ ~ ",,. Commi ssioner s Proceed ings, . 'rrlal 1.I11t.1t\ fro p . (.lunrtlu teell I.l. Masoll, Ii.r~ t accoun t; P • . b h b 'oIl\-' i eter berlin rjc A beautif fj'red U, 80llwII ' I i ul triple ram ow as een guardia n of J ohn Obe1'lin, insane, I AL.TE R BilIs- F.' P. Forgy. work in jail seen at Smolel'lsk, Russia, C LUR E, the ,air at ..,,. - - -... - - - - ,.",. f ourth 'accoun t; Howard P. Early cellar, 80 cents; . I·'. p, F'or~y, main· the time being filled with very fine j;. FRESH .WATEr~ OYSTE RS d' . t t + f J h F F Fune ral Director. d t enance of horses and vehIcle s for and powder y snow a minIS ra 01' 0 . 0 n . ox, e· F L '°Tw' $21': J F h ':' . fi 't II S j ' W CI .. -~ te . l e rUlll'y D; ames 0 en r,.oI rs . ucco un~; \. les r '. Three years aQ'o, a' man placed some ceaso:u, d $2 H .+ SIC M pi trustee Notbln g io thA WilY of u.Uough of .E ILor M' Ila:dl~y et grass see. is ,.",. .2.5; owe ea e o., b + ' 'l'eleph one day ' or night. I t kit t 'oIl\oys~ers ill the'. Minmi rive !' neal' Sid.- al abe~eficiaries" fourt~ ~ocount; A. ad ..fOI: ~rol>ate "'i'" ?ffice, $~O: Floyd It:~ I, a ;b:e~f~ Va.J1ey phone No.7. Long :, nt:an~h ~~l ~oue;:. ney for expenm t!ntal purpos e ., and J He i tand admini !Jtrator of estate Poe, r elIg iOUS servIce s at, l'ma~y; The quioke st Distanc e No. 611-'lr_ relief oomas perhl1ps upon examin ation Ihe other ,d,a~', of EI~zab~th Heistan 0 . Ohi *' d, d eceased , $12.50;. ~uck, MOI'gan, haulmg dIrt fr om /I I)re~cription known. to Drug. f oun d a b ou t 300 .good t regom 11 a, - .. 0 WAYN ESVILL E, . oys e r::l. 11S tirslan d final accoun t. W. C. l'homp - f rom J a I1, .$250 R g les Gale Co OHIO. wa rywb re os Dr. Sh')oP' 8 ..., ... "',..,.,'''' ..'''' ...,......,,. ...'''' ...'''' ...,,.~~ . ; . u g, ., ~ist l10 u sg h E Ron\ed is the story that I go~n K tr rounds, son admini strator of e!!tate of Aaron b lavl(s forpl·?bat~ Judge, $16; Wal ter thnl'oul !hly y. A II II hesideEl, it, iuo ·oIl\-·oIl\-·~..4 ..+·oIl\-·oIl\-oIl\-· ·oIl\-·l"T'i f'*'J!c Branch Office, HarvcY8bu~&". O. harmle lUI I.hnt m otllel'R but it will be a long before the Keever final accoun t. Henley H. McClul'e burl~1 of Sarah .E. Adams , ~ive it \VUh perfect t'llfety flVl'In to ~ fresh-w ater bjvalve \VIII become pop- Gouden trustee of estate _!'!!I _~_~~~~._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Louisa $75; J . 0 .. MItche ll, service as In- t,he ynunge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ~I' htl,bes The tondeT \lIar. __ Coudel l firstacc oul1t. fi.rm.81·y Dll·e.ct6r, $54.10.; George .T. l al~ve!! of II s impl e lJ) ()uot.nin lihrllh , I h ~Ive t.o Dr. 'h oop '!! C'lo!(h Re m euy Uroup pn~ l 'iv f'ly ~ top"ed in 20 In matter of Will of Angu taE .$W ,llt~, ~epal~, dF ran kl I.n t~wl1sfi it" r emlLrk minUI.OI', wlllt Dr. ~hollp't;! Croup Ro~hm~I', decease lhlH mltllt,IV \l efl'flt' t A D d. Applica tion to 28.21>; . e rt ee, repairs eer . e few dtlYS' test will te ll. 'ulel Ily 11Il RflO1ed y , Ow ' t@ 1 11 1,,"1' will fi lll el\ admit same tu pl'obate t S In t e set for Mar~b to\~nshll' , $18.75 ; M. A. Jame 'on, de!l lers prove tbill : I \1 1 h. N ,, ' V 11/11 itbi J.', ' 0 1st at.9 o'clock : Soak a juicy sirloin in ice water . ~c.tmg. coron.e!" IIlquest Oeo. D. Hat- - - •• - . -- - , dIRt,r eSR A !luff' ultll I I, · "'III I-! """1 UI a week- then cook IIDd serve it III matteI' of above. W ' l ll adm' l tted field ;, $5.20; mquest ov, e r. body of R -5Co ~ol .,j III , 111 ',.dl 'l ~ The numbe r of t ele phones in the Would ittast.e as it should? Neilhe; _ _ __ .. _ ... _ to probate and .~it is ordered thaI. Ii F ~·ye ·- W J . un'an: ac t g C h i l d ' t' ted t95000 00 doo),ste r. treated InaJ way. IIl . oroner, w 0 ewol' IS e. Ilna a , , , Thl'ee hundre d thousan d concret e ci tation be tssued to ' wicJow er to.ap- $ 1; :~. Shmlde ,.wlt.n ess, $ 1; 01'. J . of which 7,000,(' 00 are said .to be in oross ties have been orde red fnr t he wi t hin oneyea rand elect. wheth- E!. WI t ham. examm atlon, $2. 50; tate use in Ame rica a nd 2,000,000 in Eu· " 1 Italian 'late railway s. . of Ohio vs Anthon y Cook- George rope er t 0 t a ke un de l WII . , . E G $ 0 cO . ~~=~=~~:=~~==~ E. tate of Louisa Couden . First ~cLa~e $a, 75; W.: . l'aham, -.:::: 1 _ u '~~~~~~~~~~~~-!!! ' - - - - and final accoun t fil~d.. . Robert K eve.l', ·wl t ne fee, ~l. Estate of Pele l' Doughm an, de' '. taste righi- have . . ceased . I nven lul'Y and apP)'ais emeht The ~urjd qlow of Doom. Undertake~ and Emba lmer. delicacy of oystersnllyouthegetpeculiar , at the filed. . .\,11 ~etiO in t,lle rl~ d fR,O t', ,h ~ nfl l1 II Tld 1'lIIIn'lotmchU111C1 and teRed care for Rb.Do Jhore because 110 ice or wnter hody. lnatllml No\.~tJmt",U1atratahtonUJ8 o'f the hll t l~ ~Iln of B. M A.l Est t' fM 41I&ortedllmbiotchronlccr1Plllei. Dortum boDr touches them- no preservative ia .... M . I Jn';/ ' a e n' IIA , . an dRo !lIa " W'!I be fouod;~ tbe oJd of H Udfl l.t .. , P It. ' Hi~ 11wllll ased or lJeeded. I EwUI.baektolll llhaptn. That 1.lmPOtl/lblej HaineS" eo I . ~ . minol'S . .,. Myr tle ~. H, ailies ul!"ll~ fr ()m ,' O!tlE'm .. ' UeaDDo waurelrk UUbI p&lIII and paup 'Ol lt h ud. fOT fivp BI\JIk Buildin g. opposit e .. The jc~ is packed {;I/'oU/;d lit.: '"' ., II deplorable 41--. Cb-'.. 'In 'tb-' 01- o· apP.Oint.E'd gU81'di the Na.tion al Bnnk. lA all Pvl.' ving bond of VellNl, d 6\'.1 u·1\ r 'lill'oi ~ lI,nd I:!n ftlAd OenDaD r-wlUJ. ........ .ealed galvaniz ed ·· steel cau". v OJ • A 1 · h i . ~&-Ifound ~. Iut ln~lon' h ~ • d f . , ~th '$ 00 ",ilh Cyn~ l iia, A. Merrill 'arid the best dootl)re Te ep one n OU80 ILD 0 '" "Seali!lbipt ~ " Oysters' are cleanwblchDr 8hbop·.R helmllit!o Remtld1 wallniade , 'who, sl~id ' t.ho pol!! fice where "1 oo.n be called , . fresh, thoroughly palatabl ' ,aft/Jays. oned Mood JUld I!lI>lCt.. rl hi ll lun !!" .""f!.~~~~:~1&tI~J1:~~~ 'Ada Walker llS$ure ties, . New ways o f pt~ pnrl nll ' OY'I~rs are Ilntlnot,bin'llo on l(1suVf dlim. 4'B~I!," .!' 'clay or night. =F_Of1 \beWllJ ,m.. ;bIrt"D~W aU~It.Uurilo ' lIven ill "SealS.hIPt Re n ~e,i , 'ill lerest~1U"ry M. , Ha~fie ld., admiI!istra~o_r write!! hlfi n)Olb~r , full' boOk about oY8Iirs: ' A It, IIny of the " -'ev:en bo"lef4 of ' YII.)l~y ,'~llOne ~.~a 1'-2. .' ldl'· I:r1·~~! ..!I'!.'!'::: s.~ va . J:;Cld C.' Pen,ci:l et ~i. Return 'of 811(1 't.ri c Bin e ".... dOl.rir11etel o~l'ed ,a ID ...... drea411C1 foll...,IDj{ d~nl er8 for Ii copy " lid lry a .. u'ft~l1u __ --...l•... •• w .plot. of "~1I1 8h ipl" Oysf"r8 10day. , ' ." }-: 'Main Street', 1Wayne sville, ' Ohio. "'r:::n~tn~:n:':::~f-::,:~~I:: pr9~: t!dings of ~ale tnad and same tn Mit "'.Ier. All .lIOlId lDellle. Rh1b ." .Fsn~ Er~~Pdti 6ul"'I' EcB)~emd ~:Sa~t " uc1oeliI!UPr ,wb.8d4 tid to pure , confirm ed.'by <!·o ur . . ., " ' ., emn. f\ro .. n tI 0 ulMOr ' wbeDdIIIlOln4.iiiMii~~~ . ." " , • . . .",. ra .and Rlle~m , ~ Eleotri o Bit~ \lie ~ _ne.e II110w DO, HallY 1',1.. Hatfiel d 88 ~bove . . L!IS- ters is ,suprem e ~trMi. Only 500. ,GUIlTnwed by-.l!'rtld • ., t , E.'1tate 0" , W1S r y; ~C~ ,' - ~ '\, 'I,y'Jesn ue'8 Leadin g Dentis t -Admin istrator rdered to.§eU all the Both houses of the TIlinois ,legisJ&.!. 'Office in KeY8 Stllg. • 4 .' Main ,8& chattel pi;'oper ty . . , . t : ture vote to fn.v~tipte the title ,tO .. ' . ~AAV Estate of Lewis Kirby, deceased. all Janda reelaim~ from 'Lake

Rea d th

follo w' ng Care fully .



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"Sealsh-lp'I" ,O ,y s.t ers

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....· Shoo S·0 Al""*"lIc ' , WIIW Rb.Ull .. . JJ "au. DIALE aS"



Mich· ~~~~=~-!!""~~.~~~,=~-~"'" ~ W. L. Kil"by appoin ted adm~iatrator Igan and other navigal)le waters in fd ,..... .

aivina-. bondoUl(b)withNeU~'~'~elltate.


'p"'US ...... riner ... ...... .. . . . .


NEW STRENGTH FOR BACKS. How to Mako a Bl d Blick Better. Women "ho urfer wltb backaab • b aring down pain, dizzy spells, nnd , thllt Oll!ltnnl f ' oll ng of dulhl C;l f ::; aurt tired· n e~s, will finet hope In Ib~ all \' l l' of 1\I rs. i\l ary Hi nson of 2 l • 11'01 bel' St., i'll . terlin g, Ky. " I [ad 1 no us(' Doa n 's l~ldl1 ey Pill s 1 I.l lle\'o 1 would not be l:vl llg to·day," says Mrs . Hinson. "My ey ~I!; ht was poor. 1 su ffer ed with nen·olls . tlpll ili n g JH' udarhCf;, ~pOI ~ would dal1(,O befor , my "),rs, nnd Il t lllU os 1 would b s o di zzy I woulcl hn\To to grasp some· thln lt for support. My back WIlS so 11' ak aud I1lllnCul I could ha rclly oen d ovel' to bUlton my s110es a nd could tlot (!. I around without sulferlus severely. Doan's "Idory Pills helned me from th fi rs t. ami I con tin ued until practl· call y well agai n." ::;old by all dea lers. 50 cents a box. Foster·Mll bur n Co., B utra lo, N. Y. THE VERY LAST.

''I'm so delighted to see yo u, major. I thought you had died." "Died. madam? That's the la st thi ng I 'd do. m- '\am....

Catarrh Cannot Be Cured WIth LOCAL APPLICATI ONS. u I h~ eann~ L I'MdI &lie 0( tbe d ' - . Illtarrh Is " b lOOd or ronal " tmlOlI4I dbleale. lU\d In order 10 OU ~ II yo u mus t take InWrMi remedk'l!. Hall', Catarr" CU rl! 1'I taken In. krnally. and . elll dl re<>tI)· upon Ihe b lOOd lind m UOOIl' BUrt........ U311'1 CatArrb CUte IS not " q UA ck mffi lcI .~. \I w.. pl'I:8Cr!bod by onc 01 lb. bNI. ph}'lllclA", In Ibis t'Ountry lor J IlII", 'and Is a ~ll\r prt'M rt plion. h I!I ('()rni>08td 01 the ~ 10nl<8 known. <omblnl'd WI\.II Ih. bNt blOOd purlnua. actiOit dln.'C'tly on Ib o mucoUl " Irrnee.. The ""rrre t rO",blJlatilln 01 t hO a,", Ingred ll'nlf Is whot produMI (!Urh wondrrlul ro",I\a In wrtng """'rrh. !>rnll ror Il'tI ti monlllls. ' rln ... J . II ENE Y <It CO.. l' ro\l8.. Toledo. O. ,;old by DruqlllslII. prl ... iSc. Th&.e Ball" Famil y P ills l or eollltlPSUOO.


Tenderne ... Tt was In the ho tel ot II wes te rn m1n· a g town that the New England gues t, registe ring In the omce, heard a succession of ' youd yells. " What In the world Is that-a' mur· der going OU upsta!rs?" he d emanded. "No," "aJd the clerk. 'as he ' IIlamme d ' the book and lounged toward t he .• talra. "It Is the spring bed up In No. 5. Tbat tenderfoot up IQera dtln't get the bang of It, and every fe~ days he cets ene o· the spiral springs screwed into him like a shirt stud. I guesa I'll haTe to go UP. If there alD't anything more 1 can do for you for Ii few miD· 12les."-Youth·s Companion. Got the Lettera Mixed. A young American" who Is 118rtlcular

aboot hJs washIng, tbe other day wrote a note to his laundresB and one to his sweetheart, and. by a strange fatality, put the wrong address on each en vel· ODe lind sent them oft. The wash· woman was delighted at an Invitation to take a ride tho n ext day, but wben the young lady read, hIt you tumble up my ' hlrt bQsom any 'more as you did tho last lime. 1 wUl go somewbere else." she cried all the' evening and declared she would ,never speA'" 1.0 him again • .

Her Logic. . Anna IIInrgat;et 'b ad a great mllny toys. and ber wolher thought she eught to give Bome of them away he· tore, Christmas to less fortunate chll· dren. Anna Margaret was wllllng to part with the broken trunk and the cracked set of dlsbes and ·the onelegged TAddy bear. and a fow other toys t hat were In ':he ~am e dilapidated condition. But when It came to her pet baby doll. the one that went to 81eol> with her ev.ry nlg1)t, she rebelled. Molbe r a ssured ber that Santa Claus would undoubtedly bring be r an· other doll, e ven beUe r; hut she retused to be comfort ~ . "Motb er," she wa lled, "If God sent Aunt J eEsl e another baby. would she . give Baby J Ean a way?" She ke1>t hor CoH.- Hacper·s Bazar. PRIZE FOOD Palatable Economical, Nourishing.

. ..._. ..


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SYNOPSIS. T h o crownlll" t1 cslre In the life of el d BnllmJ;'lIrLn l) r . II P ,, "n sy l vnnla G erma ni I .. 10 oblllin POSSI'SSIOIl oC Ille bea ul rul m end w w hl.:h II s Just betweo n Unu m · ga r t n er's PI'Op'rly a nd I ho rallrond stll' t lo n. T ho p r opl!rly In qu sllo n WitS In . h er lted by Sara h P r cs!!c l, VO f V nrctt y nnd nth I l Ie young g i r l. RIHI · b(' l o n ,.~cl solt' l y to h oI'. Bu t old B a u mgn r:n r hB\! lo n g d r or It 110 m any yea r s a n d en · ileavo r ed to purc haso It Cr.m S llrLlII's ra t h I' 80 m a n y U m ~s tlm t t h e pro perlY b can1t~ k n o wn as .. Bntl lll S'artnur's r ea rn ." A t t il v Ici n age Sllthc rl ngs on t he p or ch ot the stor e old Bnull~glL rtn er a l wa~ 's d c l a r ed t h ut the proper !S' wo uln som o dB)' 1J0 h la. A t l engt h llllullIgn r tn c r ca m o to r ealize lh a l hI!! o nl y h OIl o t obta InIng th o properly w ou lIl lJo t hrou!l'h lh o rnnrrlo.r,o o t Ills so n S(·Il"onljo.h 10 Sarah Pressel. In n m ock all tlnn . '.Sorry. " as S" ph u lJnh ,f'. Bnuln J;arl n el'. J r" III po p u l a r ly I, now n. Is r a tll d ort by his (Il t h r 10 a r a h tor $1. "Sc ITy" III n me k . Rl ow·goln' you th. who Is n eve'r f. r st In the I' ce tn r nnylhlng. H Is tnl r h nl r od. doell,·. oJwny" l eel b\' hIs C\l th er . or Il rath er n ngell dl sl'oshl o n Is h e--n gentio Rnd kIn d y u lh w l,o SOl'IllS n o t to uml tJI'sl nnd n n y . hlllg obon t trl C nnd COIllIIOUlInn. ,'hll8- IJ OI'PCn rH uti r l y InCf,llla cl· l o t d 10 wIn In lilly co ntes t ot l ovu 0 1' llt . !'Iar nh Pr 8S,,1 Is q u It e t he 0 1'''08 11 " o f ·~ rTy . II "r hu l l' Is n c I'l y r ed. Sho III II lire on:! .. nlmnllo n 6 11d can Jump ren e ~ Ilk n wlhl oi l nlll.l sh IS ar.lL" n n d ,ol or Il lIrlf. I I r nn (nul t Is ,n v 1') ' 111,,11 lempl'r . n nunoll'a rtn I' gl,· ' ~ Scll'y 80m 11:..80n .. In ('ou rlsh Ii" try don~ hI.. 8l0\'0 IJlpe hot Ilnd prl' plt r es to go sl\ liP wllh 'ura h. U UU m Sllrl nllr hns ausl!(\ Illms If t o b c Cli lpolnlcu frullrdlan It Sa ll y . Snl'I')' IJhon's hIs 'first spnrk of ani· mntlon. He Is unnbl ll t o I' sl s t th e t s · clrmUng w It hcrles ot nlly n nd h o k l s"o.~ h r . Il was Ihe first kiss h e hud "v"r know n. n u 5 ITy waa n Qt t h fir t tlO to kno lV t he plCWlurCB ot 111l1li1118' Sall y .



"I lui v.e · ne ve r Itlssed no anI! but motlter," snld Sefty. who felt heltlous. "I don't knl)w how! I don't kn;)w what mnd'3 me do It-I couldn't help It. It won' t happen agaln--" Whereat Snlly laughed and cluns a bout Se fty 's delighted neck Ilnd crIed to til!! puzzled heart: ""1 es, It wlll!" AIld kissed him back! " a lly." said Selfy with aolemnlty, "do you mean It? You not mad !" "SelIy." said Sully. "I am not wortb It. I bave been kissed by everybody who waated to kiss me-and 1 have klssl!d everybody I wanted to kiss!" hI am sorry for rou, Sally," said Serry, not meaning' at all what Rhe thou ght lie meant- nor anytblng :tulte clear to Qlmself. except t hat she had reoklestily squandered something precious. "I am, too. now." Aud then"] sho.!l never kiss no one but you. ' no more." ; " Nor [ an ybody but you, Selfy." Aml. strange as It may seem. In that momont, Se rry was the greater. bra ver and stronger. and Sally but the waiting. wllllug woman-as she ,ought to ha ve he n. Indeed, Selty was courageous enough to have put that question which migh t, perhaps. trans· mu te the pasture· field Into one of those that 1\e within the borders of Elysium. But Sam moved-with deCision. Th~y fiew apart. Though he did not at once enter It was too late-the rapport was broken. Nevertheless. g'Jtlh things can be mended. If there Is Li me. It Is quite certain that If they could have continued a little longer In that doric )larlor, with only the small ray of tho laUlp irom the hall to IIghton It, everything the sleepless old ma n at home so ardently wished might have been accomplisbed and they mlsht ha ve taken down that 11 11 ·f ::ce the nex t day and then have 1I 1'~' d Lap py e ver o.fter-qulte In t he '.I'ay " f· the old·fashlon ed Btory·booles. (1'01' S !ty was sti ll brave to auduclty. !lnd Sa lly was yet at ' bis mercy-and happy to be BO. A nll here, If we were not arrived at !l. clim ax , I would venture to halt this II IRtary for a moment tbnt we might I G 'U S ~; Il ,bit tbose trifles In life Which Lh n ~ ' : c i t:: nts culled Fate : and for wh ich . or tbe lacl, ot which, lire often \;OOS r. ·"ry ! But while Se lty's courage grew 3~l\ ln. and Sall y's bope. the door on Lhe o lh ~ r side of tho room openetl and '.he oellou6 Sam came through.

A Nebr. woman has outlined the prlZQ food In a ' fe w words , alld tbat (rom personal expe ri ence. She wrll es: "After oor lon g experience ~1 t h Grap&-Nuts, I cann ot say enough In Its tavor. We have used this f/?oll olmost continually for seven years. " We someti mes tri ed other ad\'er· Used brea lrfllst food s but we Invariably return6l1 to Grape·Nuts as tbe mos t pal· atable. economical and nourlshlug ot all. " \\ hen I quit t oa and ' colfee and beV, gan to usc Postum and Gra pe·Nllts I &effy':s Sltting·Up-and lIown Again. was a. nervous wre ck. I was s o Ir· lio we vo r, UI~re wa s another doorrltable 'l ceul d Dot s leep nights. had 110 Inl erest In life. ' tol! S Oill ar r ived only to hear It close "Aft er Using Grape·Nuts a sbort time upon Serry, whom Sally had just I began to Improve aDd all th ose all· ~ ushe d th1'ough It. "Se!fy ?" as l~ed Sam casllally, r.J ents have disappeared and now' l am "Y sl " an swered Sally, quHo unable Il well woman. My two cWld ren have lIeen olmost ral RE'd on Gra pe·Nuts. ' 0 Iwc p , the J O); O lJ ~ of hdr voice. "he's luat come, and gone out' to tho sprlng which they ea t tbree limes a day. - f~ n-dl'inlc!" nl"eva1'lcated' Sa' tv. , .. .. " ,I... ''Th ey , tlre plot ures of ~ e al th and " He'll ul'ink somethine:." · bay Dev I' had th e leas t tj ympto m of By whloh Sam mt>adt somE! kind of I!toD1 a c~ trouble. e ven ' through ,th e o anim al • .wlth. 'hIs . w.a ter. , most seTer · slogo' or who lplng Qqugh ','No thlng but · wate l'!" BuM Sally tho), COllier ,'oUlin. G ralle- Nuts wb e n all ., ani ngly. Sam pe rceIved Lntltantly cis f!lUcd, ' "Grape·Nut'S food has saved dQct or I\q w th e Innd lay' and tnad~ his cun· Iflg plans. Saw was n ot doll. He bllts. and ha been. the r fore. a .most . r U!'I1 e I 10 tbe sl ~tln £" room with Sal· QConoml II I f<locI t'~r us." 1I!am gi ven by P ostum .; 'nnt tle 'l- w!J cre Se lfy IJTesenLiy followed. I nl \lol'ry to say', like' .~ conqu6l"Ing 01'<' k. l\lIob. Read "The Rand to W 11· 'ro-at ';\\,hIch Sam e'l6at~. \'111 ." In pkgs. "Thdrft'S a ROlll!On." l;ufort unately for Selfy, rural Itt· a-;,.r ""ul th .. DIt .. ., I .. .,"" A. Dr ... fro .. time in flm .., Til .. ,. lette .• as nel7bc4y gave • ."'...... u. _. 11111 01 II ..... Jrecodonc:e. "Firat come-• •" lat

.. •.,.-1'11

' a thf) m ogi!"'''' r"'~. Aut ,"Oll are ~o be r "Sef- Sefr1, tmt about th. V" Intor m d th lll tb late c m r Is a t lib· hlre-" . I erty to "ollts,l" lIts rl ~ I, If be C'.an':'" . Se lfy atarLed the · or 'to dislodge ' him, If be can-b1 "'Vhoa!" rOll r d tho olil mlln \l1t" ~1l etrntegy. But eve ry rus tic love r at- wltb th sam e resulL But he Illd n llt tempts this a t t,be gr · at at of rl ks; lauch this ,tim . He s a t on tbo bUlldl To tall IS..e<!ul\·a lent to 1081ng caste- of his 1I1 0w aud I' garded bls son. HE not ouly with the lacly In Question, but was vagu<!iy dist u rb ing. "8ny-" be bogun ominously, "lOU a id" wll h til O fic l(1 wo rld. For no gi rl at any t; plrlt would look Ul10n & rtldn ' t g lt sot out'/" s Whln who had Ig-oomlnlou sly fa il ed at " bu/ " answer d Serry. s uch a cris is , un ll'ss II should l·ohablll· "'Ybatl W hy. you dur n--oo la tc hllllscH-- whl h hl O ns to accom· Bu t then he la ugh d. pll sh the a lmost ItU poss lbl . "Snlny ba t no good 1" Sa m took a ll this In to onslcl eration Seft y sa id no. as he wnt II d S rry-r ell nl ng In the "Nor the diamOnd, nor the balr· asy cha ir wlllch all y had in judl· grease, lIor nossl ng '! Ob - gos h·a'· 10llsly and Invldlolloly pl aced for hi m might y ! Gee-wo-way !" h im-grow drowsy. But before lhey met lignin , h is "Sally," said Sam at t he r ight mo· gaiety had given way to a n Im mo use el l ~\l 11 0 I n tmellt. Tbe t ra gedy of t h ~ ml'ut, " play some lhlng." ' '' 1 don't ca're to !" pro tested Sally. s lt ua l lon ha d prevailed with him, too Dut Uleu she tur ned \lr tll ly t o Selfy. cITy !Hlll enly kic ked a clod to pieces "Shall I, Selfy ?" His fa ther loul.ed olf t oward tbe COl ' "Yes," smUcd Setty. from his El ysl· eted past ure and IIlgbetl. It was 0 um, sec uro a nd confid ent. " 1 don'l s lIpe rt> jllccl of land. And it hall novel' 10oilOd fu lrer. T ho s lIn w as on cnro !" "A nd," said Sam In s idIously, "we'll li s velvet gr n-the sun of the morn· all sing. You nIl', me tetlo r, Solfy Ing. A few th lck'gi rtbed, WllOIos011le linss." oak trees pun ctua ted It. A stream "I can 't s tllg no bass !" said Soffy laue hetl through It. Guod ly co ws stood as ll y. "und Sam kno ws it. He can't hew ing In the water a nd s wlshln !; make no fool o lt of m . Go on . I'll am iably Ilt the flies . The (e uces we rc set here a nd-a nd-enjoy mysel(." Inta ct. It would have ~ eo n a dellghl This was t he tI lr ct rus t lc cha llenge, to t he eyes of any farmer on earth. with aplomb ! Sa m m ight choose hl ~ The old man sat on the hant.llos of hi weapo ns ! It made no od ds ! Anll plow until It all got III his bead once SaU y h u(l to ta ke It up lor SelIy. This lllore. she loynlly did. . "It's a nice told. Set-Sefty ." he nfo r tulla teli, when Sally went to s ighe d. " I n fe r seeu no s uch clofor . tho o rgan S Ify was at her back and In And s he's a n ice s al. I nefe r seen no the s hndow-the la lllp ha d to btl s llch gal . boso nice. Oach! Uley beD1,oved-and In lImt s leepy·hollow loug toge ther. Well, iee-wo--wBy ! chair. Dut she had n il DOS Ible con· They belong to us !" Odence In him- and, nlas ! he had In They always alo)Jlled for a word hlms If. F or Il. whil e he tea stetl his when they met. The next time tho eyes u pun th xQ lIls lte bac k she had old nlan said, quite (.aresslngly : t lll'ued to h lm-antl the n, with a thrlll "Come yere, Set!" or possess ion. Inventor l d the hair he He patte d one plow·handle. whlr.h bad klssod-Il lillie disordered- the SelIl' took. while he took the oth e r. IIlls- tb e wulst he ha d ombracedHe thoughtfully pulled tbe boy's sulrt. . ho\\' glo ri ons that was ! It seemed al· into pluce. "S et." he said. " tell me about It. most Impossibl e now that he had done It. And the hands-what.? He was l ' m sorry 1 luus hed! But I lofe th at lus t fo r a mument. Then he ,,'as Ilusturo nnd you lofe Sally. Let's nol plow in g oppOSite his father. The voice be fools. hut glt 'em. I expect you f eel which bad so sweetly- wbat was It ex· a little bad. Hut mebby you'U fe I aclly It hnd sald-wha t ?-he was bettol' if you talk about It. That Is the nearing tlle line stake-stlU plowlngwa y wlss me. l' kDOw; when ' anysin!: he c ould bear the voice Quite distinct· occurs 1 like to gabble about It- and Iy- m a ny of them- a c hoir-hI wa.n t go and do It again- better." He le I to be an anget" Sally seemed mlsUly his hand r st klniUy on Serry's ahoul. there-..-but be was s till plowing-now der. To tbls his son re·s pondecl. h stopped- more a nd more Ullst" I [ell asleep," said Selfy. snlfllins Sefty slept. ommously. . Sam stopped his tenor that Sally "or course," said his' father. with II nllght hear him sleep. comforting movement of hll band. "He said hI) couldn't Iinc ban!" "That's right." grinned Sam. Selty waa amazed-and comforted. 8a11y's taild Gew to her bearL She ". expect I sliored--" had been t:,Uling. It not with ~be art. "Er-yap-you do snore, Set. Elfery. yet with the feeliug. of • lark. It WII.8 body doell. U'8 the Lord'a fault. I ex. peet." . ., "In & nice cheer-" "Yas-you oughtn·t 'a' set In no nice cheer. Sef; somesIDg unealT .. belter." "Dldn't wake up till daylight." "'Vhere was you then, Set?' "In tbe cheer-Sal-S:llly's che~r." The words stuck pltUully _In--.h1a throat: "Yas-" said the old man. looking away. "I don't blame you. Sel" "It was a pasteboard thing-like a tomb 9 ton~pinned on my b080m--" "Vat!" orled bls father--the "11''' would become "v" In casea of sudden emotion. "Pas teboard - tombstone!" Selfy·. head dropped In shame. " WIth thlllgs printed on It-'Sephenljah P. · Baum· gartner, Junior, Went to His Rest. June 10th. 1871. In the 20th year of bls age. Gone Not, But Forgot-Read Backwards.' ': . His father sUfled a laugh. It was an simply the joy wltb which Sefty had old t.rlC'k to him. . HUed her-<>n!1 joy, vast and tree. 'the "What-what did you ' do tJ!e'n T' he red flamed In her cheeks at what · asked In . as .matter-of·fact a voice a. she saw. I shall not deicrlbe It. No he could command. lover was ever more abject-no la'dy "Sneal,ed home. It waa daylight!" was ever more furlousl We Bee the "Gone not, but forgot-read ·hack· comedy of It only. We would not have wards. hah?'" been hurt. eh? But we did not live He eouldn't quite make It out. That then or there nor under SallY's curious was new. Selfy helped him. small conditions-nor tem· "Forgot. gone." . thisSally's Scripture (TO but BE not 'CONTINUED.) per. Curiously enough.with came to Sally's mind: "Could ye not watch with me one CALF ENTERED AN OBJECTION hour ?" know what strange and Inop. Why One Milking Machine Wal Never You portune thin gs com e Into the dIs. Put on the Market. tress ~, unguB:'ded mind. . Inventive genius se ldom achleveB Sally rose with a dlgnlly whlcb success at the first attempt. A hait· oven Sam harl not sUspect.ed. and said: "Geu t le men, good night." . grown boy In ' Pennsylvania. wbo. had acvoted bls leisure hours faT' many mont.hs to tbEi mak.l'og of a milking, machine ot his own devising, at ,luI VI. The Clothea·Pln Cure. completed It to his satlsfacU.,n antl The old man had plowed six time s resolved to make a trial of It. Witharound the slx·ncre field the next out Illlying a word to II.nYODe he car. morning, singing and whistling .h ls ried his mact.lne down from tbe atUc, unearthly tune as he went. when Sefty where he had wrought patlen 11 day unllmhered at the bars and started the atter day to bring It 1.0 perfection, and big bay around In the opposite dlrec· took It out to the barnyard,' wbf'r&' Uon. The first time they passed hl B old Cherl'Y. the family cow. stood tnthar only winked mysteriously and placldly cbewlng ber cud wltb ber big, ('ontlnued to wbistle. The next Utile lusty calt playing round her. A rew he stopped. mInu tes late r his mother saw him try loWe won't go home tell morning, Ing to re.enter .the house unseen. He hah. Set? I usen't to myaelt. Say- 'Vas covered wlth dirt tram ' head to looks like someslng oMlIrred after all . (oot and In a state of demoralization ha h? No one don't etay tell m'o rnlns generally. ' In his hand be was, C'ar. unless---:-" rylng something that looked IJke the Selfy wae silent. wreck 11 toy .battleshlp. "For "ThaI's right Klse but nefer t;-!1. m'e rey's sake, ~ J,ud:' she el'clalme4, For telling bre~~s tbe spell. If y~u v(' "what have 'yOU hee'n doing?" ~1·.,. bad one alld waut another-:-Itlss . but I, been tryIng ,my .mlJklng machine ' 00 sbut your hood up. Say-you uon't I the cow," he stlld. , I. Your mllklng m~ w t t h h I [ 1m 0 p 'no. an.o, .~ . ~o~.... ex~ect, ' ~hlne.! Gp( \d ~an~! DI~ the cow do hab? , MI:bby: ~ou own one? all . that . to , you?" "No," aoswered B,u t ~e co ''f y' un.. .. th e' mare h .... cll aap\ ' " . Jud. . "Old' Cberr.y would have , st.oOd tloln lugl} . passed on. . " tor It' ali ri gh t It was the ~alt thai " w e!!! <?e~w~:-:way_gee! Gil -er-..:.·ktntl, 0.: sl'emed tQ ohjellt to tlle along! And, he also mado another m8ch :ne."-VQll,th·S 'nomllanlon. . . furr.ow- In a ' ha ppy te ~ per. ' . WQeIl tb eY met ~ g atn: Not a Reformer. "Whoa!" roa l' d lbp. old man.: and "! should think . Y.OU CQuld eBAlly the ,m.lll le · stopped-tl'e~bllng ' (n he r show the errors ·of. ~our' political QP trac.ks. lie lnufi bed. 8etz still I'e' pODenta." "Perltaps;" answere(l Sen·, sponded I~ Selfy 'dJd not . &tor ' Sol'shnm. "but If t Itlioldtl con "~"..i-Sefty, 'Y-d nnrlllng occur-for vlDee (.h~m they 'woUld 'slmply ",dop, Setty CllllereU guJl.tUy n moment. my 8ug(estlons w!thout giving rot "Yes," he aa1d, then brlel.r, ulOJIIO any eredlt rlJ1' them, Tile opposItion', tIdq ILlwaY8 occ',...,·· m1at.kII are ...., DI .~ CllDUIL"


I ' ..' .




InventIon of Porcel.ln; . At a dl ap,lay of porce lain IQ Obln& ' an exhlb.l lor snld that hlnl,.e 'lIteraturu ascribes th InTerlU on ot porceluln to a p rlod some 35 contufcs betaro hl'lst. For 19o Xllertll are by no m nUB cer Laln that tho art e xis ted before the Be'fcnth century .of this ern.


. Colon lilts' one-WRY tftlkote Oblcaga to the Pacll10 coas t, yla tbe Chicago. Union Pacific and Norlhweateru Une. are on sa le dlllly during lIl~rch alld Ap ril at th e rate at $33.00. Cprf90 s pondlngly low rales from 1\1\ points . ---- -:-r - Hand&-Up~ Double berth In touris t IIlee piug car W luks-Wt!re you e ver In a railroad ooly $7.00. tbrou,;h without. cban ~e to holdup ? San Frnnclsco. 1..os Angelos and Port· Blinks (souson d t rn.Tcler} - Yes; I lund. No xtra hnrge 00 Ollr porson· alway s go slaudal'd Pullman. all y conduclgd tou ra. Wrlto for IUn· ra ry a nd tull particulars to S. A. The cburch e ~ In the HawaIIan ls I· Hutchison, Ma nage r 'rollTlsl D Ilort· ands number 10 1, and the me mb()rshl p meot, !! 12 lurk Siteet, Cblcago,lII. Is 6,9 03, bu t a ccessions las t yenr were only 695-lcs8 ·tbnn wne per Wbe n 1t'ortby men (all out. only ccnt. on e of th cm m uy be fallll1 at first; but It s trife contin ue loqg, eommon)' Delicious cakes ana pastries aro pro· boUl become gullty.- FuliEl r. duced by the use of· Crcam at Tarta r Baking Powde r and Soud ers' 1 :--'0 hnrlllfu l J ru~ ill (;ullclcl Ten. Nn· Fla vorin g E xtracts. All good groceries. t I1l'C 'N In). uli\'C it I ~ Cllt UJl(\~ ," wholly 01 c!p,l n . ~ \\,l· rt. IWII IJ " ' gi vln!! Il cru..! Fur con· It makes a woman awf\1lly Ured to sti pation. Ih"'I' nn d ki.luey ~I'6\1bl e9 . l ee a man make n fool of hlmseit Wbat you call tempor In your wife over any otber woman. 10U call temperament In ,onrllelf. ONE "OROI\IO QUININE" !'bal ONL\' I. l .A.XA'l' tV l!l Ilao¥o ~lflN I!'IA. Lo,,~

t Ol

~1!~rall~"tt~I:: ~tc:,'i4'1D ~~vnQ.,. 0 ;g: lb. World

!leve wltbout ~e t

all a s pade a spad !), l\nd you may It In the neclL.


We know of no other medicine which has been so sue:' cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured' So many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's· Vegetable Compound. In almost every cOll\munity you wi,l find womea who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pink~am Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files containing over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in whiCh m~y' openly state ovec their own si~natures that they have regained their health by taking-Lydia E, Pinkham's V~.e~aPle Compound. .' , euble Compound has a'YCd , many women from surgical operations. Ii E. Pinkham~. Vegetable Compound is made exclusively from r(l')ts and herbs, and is perfectly hannl~ The reason wny it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and Donna! activity. . Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. MlnneapollA. Mlnn.l-" I wall .. ~t 8ufferer froJD female troubles which caused a weakneas and brokeu dowu c••d1tlon of the system. I read much of what Lydia E. Plnk_..__ VegetRble()ompound had doue tor otber soffering- welll-, I tel& antre it would help me, and I BaY it did help me w ••derfQUy. Within U1ree months I was a Pel'lectl,. well womaa. "I want this letter madepublJo to shoW' the beneftc. to be derived !rom 'Lydia E. Plrikham', Vegetable ' ()ompoa.d."Mrs.Jobn~"oldaDifUUS Second 8t.;North, MlDneapolJ8,JIIJm.


W qmen whC? are 'suff~ring from th?se distressing ills pecuhar to thelr sex should not· 'lose Sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound to ~store· thei~ health. . >

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5 Acres in .Oregon Will Do A fruit fann of S acres In any 01 th4' 2'feBt Oreeon apple, peach and pear districts, puts money ip the bank for ,.OU, and eivea you JOur livine besides. You can care for five acre a of trees yourself, without help: Orchards each year yield $500 an 'a cre and upwards. Pz:ove this 'by sendiDe for our free book on the Pacific Northwest, or, ~tte~ >


Come West :and See '

'- .





All the land there'over was-or'wi11be-~I ' created -ages alio. B~\ pop~JatioD keeps:increklSme-a 'baby is bom ,ev.ery minute. ' All 'tHe free land worth JJ~vini'has been ta~eil , 1;lp. , kU the >'~ood land. at low pric~s, ihat?s left, is goine fast. 'Soon land cl1ances, like ' those ' in the WesUoday, "will, be gone forever. I ' ... , .. IfSOl1 want ~di e farm . ~r ,~\t ranch anywJ1tre in the _North\\"est. ie~ one now before the price iet~ too bigh-.-wrlte to us for ~>ur free,.book. I't is costinil you mOD~Y t~ wait-:'writo .todQ'. ~,






Baltimore 8peclall,t SaYI It II Un.· . nece ..ary, and Prove. It.


91·000 In tho khebeD at

M1'r George E. Hunler Is a Maid. atone. Saskatohewan (Central Can. ada). farmer. wbo wrItes to a Cana· cUan GO'ferrunent Agent as tollows: " It was lbe first week In November, 1907, wbeD 't\'a arrived hero. Thero WI18 very U ~Uc snow or cold weather until after the holidays, tban the snow and cold Increased, but to no great extent. 1 thluk the cold at I 11 Ilrd or WIlS 30 degrees . elo ." l!:ero, but that degree or cold would not be felt he re a ny more tban 10 des l'oeil below zero would be bllck homc In Mlchlgnn, owIng La the beautiful dr, atmosl.he re at this coun· try. There came a good thaw c v I'y month that sottled th e snow, lho fi elds Boon became u3ro. and un I ho 12lh oC April I eemm ncad pluughin g. Tbe Ilnow was then nil gon e nntl ,,;umme l' nt hnnll. This l a ~ t s uson wa::J sarnothIng more lunD an ave rago ~~ e a r nround hore, wltb fine crops gathered from a I nr~e acrea ge. In p U\'l s tb e OrollB were lells lhan ave rage, but ge nerally s panking they, were above It. Tho price of 'whoat was quito good. S01l1e fine ,I Ids wid at $1.1 0 pe r uush411, while St)IU C w r lllurk et tI at much lells, but hardly an y went below about 60 cents u bus hcl. "Oats .stnrle(! on the market at 35 eents n bushel, barl ey about 60 cents, fin d lIax from 90 euts to $1 .00 a bushel. "As thlll 'W8S my Orst year In tblB country, It Wo.s a hard y ar tor my borses, owlnr; to Ihel r beI ng eust rn 'lars s, and not IIscd to tho welltern climate, but they w1l1 soon get ellllIutized. "The 8011 on my farm Is a black loam. about one root in thlckaess, below that we flnd a bout six rect or clay, alld bela" tbat again gravel and !land, with sn abunllance of excollent wnter. This was the condition at the ground as .1 found It wbeu 1 dug a well. 1 can say thnt the water Is as sweet and 8S tree frolll alkali and im· purities as I ever eaw. "My oplalon Is tha t the mnn who :omes bere wllJil a little means cnn do no better than invost $500 or $1.000 In cattle, atlQr locating a home!llead ad· lolnlng or JI~r Game hilly part of the country where it w1l1 not be laken up as soon. 'There Is plenty or grnss alld bay to be found tn the billy country 11ld smal, lakes and R)ougha wtll alford aumclent wa.ter for any amount or cal· . lie. Tho Itlul!s wIth a rew hay or !traw she411 will make sufllclent shel· ter for them. Th ' r e Is no noetl to worry abqut tb_ market for cattle. as ~bere t. already a great call for Btock ,t all kind. to satisfy tho continued lIomandll ot the large packing houso .at 6:dmonton. established by Swift and Compaa1, "Tbe dairy business should by no means be forgotten. It Is one ot the joying enter)lrfses at Ibis grent wost. rhe price ot butter seldom goes below 25 cents and r aches as high as &0 cents a pound. Also the new creameries tllat al'e fast being orected along ~he linea of railroad nre calling on the' farmers .tor their cream. "These creameries are greatly wei· omed In all oommun ltles, because sell· ng cream '11 better than makJng but· ter, eveJl at an I\.verage price or 25 Dents a pound. For a ncw country the railroad transportatlQn faciliti es are good; not yet, at course, wbat they are III older ·countrles, but the now lines are swlfll, gaining as the country gets mol' setUed and !>upplles th m with produce to sb'lp. It Is bard to aay too m.o;:h In favor of tbls country. All oae needs Is a . little riloney with grit and nmbltfon. I have seen h6mestoodl thRt wero filed on I\. little .=:·o ver three year. ago that the owners have refused $3,000 for. "There Ie much more tllat can be en1d in favor ot Western Canada, but I thInk lilY letter bas been!ong enough," An:hitectural Note. Judge Bale-lID WIlS tnlklng to a crowd aD tlae streot a few days ago, telling UleDI 'the Ilroper way to put shingles 01\ a bouse. He said: "The eld rule was to nllow six Inch es ot· the shl."le I.e 'show to tbe weather.' but that Is too much. You should al· low not more NIall. tour Inahe3 to sbow." SoIDe wag re~arked lu a mll:l' ter-of~fact ' t.o~. to the jud ge; "How woeld it do lIot to let any Hhow?" The Judge 're,lled. "I've seen I'oofs mallc thAt. wa,; 'lIet It lak a Ii great many shlogles.~' 'l'hen the jud~e wanted to get- Dl4d when tbe crowd laugh d.'l'wlggs Ccnnty (Ga.) CItizen. .. GOVERNMENT LAND OPENING UNDER CAREY AC.T.

. . May G, tho statQ I.,and .Colllml!3sloner . of Wyoming ..-111 distribute 7,000 ncres Irrigate d Innd at Cooper Lilk ,near ,Laramie and -Denver, on moln IIn.e of Union Pacific; Ci6 cents per ucre. Old· . est ' Re"ervolr and DII'cet Wati:-r Rights; .. $5 1 an' acre cash a nd $~ on acre annually. tor tell years. Free trIll and 'two ~wn I?ts. ~o al\ ,,:ho n!lply betore May 1. Write for 0 ' ~)l1 ctltlt)J,l . and j::lr· . outars. , 'TtI~~madl!e.Uunt. n ~n.nd Co" ·Agents. · Jn~ ,fioor,. I aUway Excbange, 'Ohlcaao, . .A:g~~S .wnnted.


Te e.v~ :'f~m., . A lIlIIall in~()hlne 'glass with mull· Inp~ Inc!lcatlJlg d ftercot nqm~ers Of drops W.IJI'M tound L\ areil,t saying 01, f,lme to enr, mower, while the· Ii(:. (luracT of measurements b{means of It III ·well worth ' lakln~ Into caulder.. tlOD. 'file 1l1UaU race blS traveled



IIIldlll!;ht, Wil n !III. ,' lock W!Ui Btrlklns til ' hoUl'. And held th o lu mp tor lIar),. ~hll "he got y Il8t lind' Dour,

And like ~h. /.WlIlHS rushIn!: Into the "w II" she

moll .. , So bubbloo torth tbe Inn·

gU liS"

muttered, I'm

"How arlen.

0 11 ,

b ~I'i:NI

l ' n,



ho w.of\en )'ou' ll n l

ur n.d,1t

Bo rush"d m}' words Indlgnfl nt. Anu IIlrlll l,lh lwUY M a ry s a l(j :

"(1'o rovp r and AK

A ll

Io n s 0 11


r Q r ~ v('T.

lh ~ l:':J.tiJ 1' 10

0(""8. p a int.· /l IlKVN r". bn e l" Y CR u uu U 0 8~ ,


>l.q W 11 11' YOU

You 'll

g r u m l)lt'. <1 1' r. at INI i1 n l::ht, ""IHm [ !>I' I tiH' br("l1d st. lu t f' . And then tI ,·",u r<', n " t My, Il II 'l'h \Just yo u ev er a l t:. "

No tcs for the Curious. In old en clays Ivory 'V IlB much for ta blE\ deco rlltlon . Thor wus r contly oil' red for Slila In J,Ollllon an Ivory ta,nkut'd made in toe o.rly mid· dl o a ges. In the slxtEentb century the drink· Ing vessels WON us ually of 811 \-er. A ta,'orlte stylo w s the old Dutch bel1 goblet. It was of ordl.n ary shape, but large and had sUlilpended trom Its out· s Ide rim 12 bells wh leb were rung at the applause which followed the tonet. FOI' hnlt a century art crltlclI and cblna collectors have wasted valuable time In argumentll O\'er the proper c!et'lnilioll or rellI Lowestott china. The lateal theory Is tbst Lowestort waB really onl y II. distributing center for Import ed Del/t lind orie ntal ware, In· troduced Into England hy local merchants. Tbe Lowestotl showrooms Were. In reality, only an oriental bazar. This information Is given {or tile benefit at chIna col1ectors who might be defrauded by venuers asking ex· travagant prIce. for the spurious "real Lowestoft." Stuffed RoI'I •• But we are gradually rcfonnlng, and chlet among our errorts Is the ule or "lett-overs," tor which we see BO ma.~y recipes nowadays. For we are becom· Ing emancl pnted froOl tbat bOarding house bugbear. bash, and are learning thllt tbere nre mnny wnYII to make • craps attractive. Removo tile center from atale rolls, and in them put the follo~lng mixture: hop fine bits of chicken, turkey or any white meat. Wet It with g!'avy, stock or mllk, and thlckea .lIghtly with bread Cl"t1mbs. Season well. and add dnbs at butter. Replace the top of the roll and boke In a pan with a little water. balt an bour. THE


A1D Mlu Mallllla Alice JtlOell :

"r rea.lly



w hy, As soon tlS t«like gel on In y ara (Fo r Ins!.anee, you and

n. That we

Iboukt be ••• peeled to

Begin to ''''rIll




\18\'0 jUlt


41e .


or more,


But I To



begun n

out tbe Gold


To live train lun to IOun; To love my Del ghbor IlL And an.y : 'ms

myself. will be done.'

"Nor am J tel\hlo. 'worn, nor· teel The ohlUmo dutlils hard. I I!I\ n stUI work; wIlY sJ IOUt.t the Of 'hu !!)' Ih'Oll be marred


By Inilo lo Tl{,o? Why should I b.






Figa and Elixir of Senna.

Professor Munyon has juat Issued a most beautHu), usetul and complete AIma.nac; It co.ntruns not only all thescll)ntinc Inrormation concerning the moon's pbases, In all the latltudes, but haa U· IUlitratecl articles on how to read character by phrenology, llalmistry and birth month. It also tells all about card reading, birth stones and their menning, nnd gives tbe fnterpretalion ot drenms. It teaches beauty colture. manicuring, gives weights and meas· ures, and antidotes for polson, In tact. It Is a Magazine Aim a.n ac, that not only gives valuable Intormatlon, but will afford much amusement ror every member or the fnmlly, eSDeclally tor parties and evening entertainments. Farmers and people 10 the rural dis· trlcts wlll find this Almanac almost Invaluoble. It will be sent to anyone-absolutel, free on application tp the MUNYON REMEDY COMPANY, pmLADElr PHIA .



Are You Protected against pneumonia, which so often comes with a sudden chill, or con· gestion of the lungs-the results of neglected colds? If not you should have a safe and sure rem· edy at hand all the time.

Margaret Wae Logical. One afternoon I ovel'heard my two children talking about the Sunday 8chool lesson. Dick, who wo.s much smaller than Margaret, believed all sbe said nbout It. So he asked her what God looked has proyed 10 bethemost effectin rem. like, and She ,llgl.MJYJn ~.\L..'_'..1'.lUI~-+-pfMr-trnlown for colds;-ccn:rgbs, pnenmonia,bron~iti8,inflammationofchut looks like a. slalk of coru, because lUamllla said he had ears on 011 s id es, and lungs. It relie.,es and curts the and a slalk ot corn Ls tbe only thing disease by lemoving the c:luse. Getlt 1 know that has ears on all sldes."today aDd you'U be relldyfor tomorrow. Delineator. Sold cl1cryJllhe,e (II 'hree ,ue kuru. $1 00, SOc. 25c: A SubstItute for Work. "Physical culture, tat her. Is pertect.. ly lovely!" excllilmed an enthusiastic mlEs just borne from college. "Look! To develop the arm!; 1 grasjJ lhls' roll by one end nnd move It sl o~ly from right to left." "Well, weill" exrlalmed tbe father; I 'l'bey al80 !'ellen DItto "what won't science l\! scover! If that t"'88 from DYflpellRlo., IndllrCfli.louand Too Heart, rod had straw at the other end ot It Entlng. A perrect r e m' you'd be sweeplng."-;:>uCOCS8 ?lllgacdy lor Dlnlncli8, l'au' IUne. sea, DrowslneM, Bad Tn8teln til l{on'h,.Coallcd Tongue, Pllln In ~lIo Important to Mothers. ",Sldc, TORPlD LIVER.. Examine carefully every bottle of They ~eguJ."" 'be Bowel... Purely VeseLable. CASTO RIA a safe aod sure remedy for Infanta and cb,lIdren. and see t.baW SMAlt-PllL. SMAlL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Bears the ~ ~,~




=====___ CARTER'S

Slgnature_ ot~~




How Lorelta W •• Interested. While the visitor told bow he had ridden 30 thrlIllng miles on the cow· catcber ot ' a locomotive, five·yenr·old Lorel1a lis tened otten tI vely . As he concluded, sbe asked: "Old you catch the cow. Mr. Blanlt?" \

-----,\ .coll!/h. If ncglE'ctc<l. oft"'n n!Teets


Llln~s ' . "Brown's BI'on Troc h ~" .. "Ivo I ' )llnl Sa ntJlI I " . C ' .1 1\ lOX. 8 sonl trco uy John I. ~ro\Vn _~ Son:... ~~s t n n. ¥tlS8.

I . ·_u r (·ll"t

OlN1'M~NT Is -








WANTS AOEtoo"TR Good Beller, Ourel, !-MIC! III L!,e 11Cl1d. nod Oheat., ~oro UMII n.Il"rn~ lo.l n.. , Ero.L ~h","., bite .. I,Itclloy~. ·...,mIL Cu.~ Rh'" \1lBttsm III". BuxbOu. UItANbFATIl It'lt ODiTMENTCU.,u; "~ti... New Work «JIt"

AGENTS WANTED t~J~ODr:.~lpOrnol~ ItJ ~P:;'~i'l~~~ a'r:~RI!~I~r:nf~~~

Staodard Bupply Co" Ucul08.ColeraW,N,(l. • YOVNU MAN OR YOVriO I.ADY lolellom f'5.oo·~c~6.ooUt~~~~':;''kIlr:..~~~f~ .. wJ~r1f"'er'..::':SL IAlI~1 tum ~l<l . CHltJAGO :JJo: WJIlLRY. E!lO VIN co., lJolce Bldll;" Ch~~IlCO-


' - -_'!--


will contract 'Wltb parllcl'l funllalting !on.URtnal,,,,,,,,

rut ... .Address ......... ato 8th ....... 1•••• \...." ...4,0.


"<If cht~~~ !!'~~b~~~~;~r~~!':r~n~r.;:fuoe. m-: 1 ~mll1atJall,a1~~:~~dC~~~' ~~bo~ue.

been arown


farm landa in

WESTERN CANADA Much lea would be

-NOTHINC LIKIlIT FOR~utine -;uele an, d~tif~ ..... 111 c1eallSlllllo whilemlll sod fClmorinll tartar from ahe teeth. baidCl demo,u. all rrm. 01 decay and diIeue wbidl ordiUrj tooth prepuatiool C&IIDOt do. PuUne wed ... m0uthwash dWnfedlthe IllOU" and throat, puri6ea the breath, and killa tho 8enIII which coUect in ah. mouth, causina lOre ahroat, bad tcerh, bad breath, grippe. and much aicb_ wbeD inJIamed, tir~. ach, .nd bum. may be ioItanllJ relieved aDd lIrqtheoed by Pu.tiae. Putiae will deatroy the semu " " ahat eauae catarrh, beal the iD. 8amlDaIioD aDd atop the ditJCharee. hit._

..tilladory. The aeD.


eral av~ .. above

tweDty buahet.. "Allare loud In their prol.n of the Irreat CTOptI and tha t wondertut c:ountry . "- E.r~ ""d ff'Om rotNspondmcc N olt/OnA , Edllorlill Assoctllilon of Augusl, 1108.


II i. now poaible to aecure a homestead of 160

acrCl free and another 160 ACres al $3.00 per acre. Hundreds have paid !he COlt of their farma (if purchucd) and then had a balance of from $10.00 to $12.00 pet acre from one c;rop. Wheat, barley, .a~ 8u-all do well. Mixed farming ia a !Ileal aucceu and dairying it hiahly profitable. uc:el. lenl c1imal~, Iplendid achoola &nd churchea, raa. waYI bring most every distrlct within ealY reach of malket. Railway .nd Innd companies have lemedy 10ruterlD. catanb. laads for sale al low price. and 011 "'y terml.



Fraukn.Crowe,S:JU: . •Uh8t.,CincinnaU.O.


Putine ia. harmleu yet powerful Bermicide.diainfec!lanl and deodorizer. ' Uaec! in bathingitdestroYI odonmct IeavCl the body antiaeplically clean.

"Last B ..tW..t"pamphletl lind mopa leat free. For theae Dnd Informlltlon al to how to aeeu re lowut railway rnt .., opply to Superintendent or Immll[rotion, onowa, Cono d a , or the autborlaed Can .. dlan Goverome"t Asent:


F~w hOl1sewlves re(lllze the ' toea value. of chlls!nutl, especIally whell they are COOKed. They may Ibe mad~ Into varloils dlshe., . us1ns tlJe bofie6 and mashed pulp as ono w:ould mea( or vegetabl~.. In t.)le latter state tb~, ' minr be rolled 'lIto croquettel ad bled lJl deep fat. The•• mad•









Helle-es the

b eall. t,brlla.t ant! lungs almust. hnlU~uh"l&­ Iy . Ch c,·k .. Fe\'c rH, MtOP8 Dis ·hl\rgca Ci t



tukes away all nciJf'Y I\tH\ pains It ('lIr(''' G rlJI And 01>nnd prcvclltil PllcuDlonlo..

(".II ""d by .. old II. ftLIUlLIO

HlLvc: yon Atlft or 8wolJen Jolnt9 , 1.10 mAt,.

t er llUW chrolll'1 AMI( y,nlr (lrlll\'ul8t top )lIIIIYOII'8 ilh Ilmnl. I ~ Dl Remedy und Be. bo w qllldtly y,," wltlIHl CU,·c<l. Ir yo " hl\'I!III1 .V khll1cy ur blndder trullbl. ~t MUllyon· .. II hlt",y U eOl~t1y. Pr ~ ,f . MUU YIlH haj,l JU M. I S~:H U~ ,t n. lIaf!B.tlu8Allm..,,,,,, whI ch wil l \HI twilL (I'ec Lo I1U)' pc ... 80" who :ull l rt.!Hsf!s Tile Munyon OomP"'ly, P hllnd elpbla.

1I1l111uDlorarreBOr""booll&n"'l<> bfl ..,1", b1lhO Blaw . 11.00 10 11>.110 )mr acr,,; only uo.,..runlOlb co.b .0 1e" ... Uwo UII bl1l"n~c ; tllreu IM' r 'CIIL lOUt .. e81; 01111112.00 cluh for I{U " ere. ollll.OO pllr a ore.


I ~'i"~:~.~~I'i'~~~m ~~ll~~~I~~all!.~~ l~~:'i; ~~~ ia'!iJ~ni'~~~' It;~\:':~olo,:,~~,t~~"i~::autl~~ [~~Ir.I!L,

V'.rJlnla Farm. and Hom,.

Information Fumlll1eu INVENTORS


\I'll!!: CA'rAlAXlUIt Olr 8I'LSNJ:))D ,IlA.lIOA.lN8. B. D. CHAFFIN'" CO.,loOo,KlolUiiond, Va.

FOR SALE-Flnc2ooacre1l1rm,l cvcl' hulldln,;_ oxoo))"n.: IC6 perncrn. Hull"'L ·Io&\,... Inspection . W. c. RockwoU,IIt.

A, N. K.-E

\'crllOll, Uhlo, 2271.




l'rh' e 26<: .


~<~,,~:II~t~"'r~ :::~~~~.O~rP~~;"~t~r~g n:;? r.::;;~f.~::lJ

InvnnLI"n. whNh .r po.tcnw() or "ot, My·lklrvl .... hLrtrlly prc,r",,,,,lonal M.d I .... 111 .... rI ... you fuU, ~f1~~:,I~l~'::;~ ~:~~O<Ipt~~~:p'r,~IIUi lonnt.or. If Joa


F. W. WEENS. CouDa.Uorto lonDtora 130 !.,,~t 67.!.~~_~~ 'York Cib. PIDye. k E EplaootI a


~b~!'lIIti bFe,veFr

... .....tarr



.. 8a"~"4n!I bllitllln_enthe. Ao_tter bow bOl'Hllat.ay !'!ffI .... laroelGd l.w ~I.t L·l qu(d:Kl"ml on the tonllOftl ",' ta on tbo 1Uoo4 and Olaull_l e.lJ~" ta. ~IMJnnuaRenn. troD.l UJO body. (:lIru. J) UemJ')H' In l> and 8beert"and c.:holt1ra Ia v'J(8 t aelt ln.« ll 8Mtock 1'enafldy. CUI"M La..Orlpl)tt a Ulon« human beln" ..Paultry. 0411. ftn. Khlooy "'""II.\'. j/)Cand'ia bottle. Mana 110. douo. (.~, t Lhllout. KeeD.

lltil&'" Lo1""r"",aIIl.t;w'~"lUlreLltfOrl'''u.

Ji'Wee Bookl,t. ~ Illa"'mver 0.,-

a rw." 1I1*1&1_l*w ted. . ' SPOHN UEDWAL CO .. BC.~~:1~1~:'~~ GOSHEN, IND" U. S. A.

p 'I'" "T ES . N A MFA DEL E' S SOY _ -

A woman prObably feels blue when I Calef ...;.......,,,... M ....... eoIo tlta otIItw ..... On . , ., ahe II green with ellyY. '1""1II'IItII(wtlllMl~""" Wrltl't...:.C.. ...... ~oat:':~e:.~~'*"M'Ohell':rO'"£CO.I.,,~~""IIettD.,O ...Unyetlt.; ..... Youea,,'.





•• O*'-Jf. "",..,..



• •. •


R. M. WILLIAMS. . • Law DuJldlnL Toleclo.Ohloo



Some mel1 have no excuse .fa r b e Ing sober when the lid Is· oft.


~ ~~

Irnaran_ to ta"1 .allt lIlttl<l, BIOOdln.. or ProLru"'inR PlI.ea ID MEN d,'r WANTED Immedlote ly by IR'lIn Olatl 0'" G to l~ da.r. of mODC!-J' refuu4ecL 6Oc.. hou lIO tudt Slrl hub tmtn.hlJJU88. " •• e rda,.;



45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre

Genuine Must Bear Faa·Simlle Signature


I • I




It'8 b' thin gh to bavf! oplllionsd I 'a good au t sacHer t log to keep the lid 011 them sometimes. - - - -A man Is never so utterly unorigInal as wben lie lovemakI or praying ._..Is __ _ _ . _ng _ __ PlLES CURED IN 0 TO U , DAYS, ot He lllnN.





, c.h uti.

are .t~c~ve PJ'IlI ....


In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Hnve Always Bought.

ward 1"

Adl. :and the Japanese. Wo, who thlnll ours IVj;ls tIl e lender! of the wOI'ld In advertising, as weIl n ~ In everything else, will be astonlshe<l to lell.l"n tbat the In))anele have fel centuries be n mlll.lug nnd selling pat· ent medlcln In a way which for lu riel wOI'd pai.nll ug nnd pJ<)tul'esque ex· aggeratlon put to t,he blush our modesl "cur.> nil" aDnouucemcots. So long ago as ]682 there WBII PilI 011 the Japanese market a medicine wblch tho proprietors called "Bring Bnck-the·Dead·to·L1fe." It hils been ileadlIy resurreotlng people for 2':4 centuries! Now the Japaneso haye begun to ex· port their patent medicine. (never, b~ the way, sold I.n l1uld form), and slnc~ tbe sturt. sent Is exemr.t rrom ta,l(aUon a new IClpetuB hu been given the trade, and quacks of all kinds ar~ Ooodlng tho Island kingdom Wllh nus. trums herald d undor' lIuch vivid tltJef a..'1 "ljclll-FJ'Vlll'ythlng-Pow(! ,r ," "Sph It. .- n d N PI Hcallug-PlI .. , COl ,to' one· u.& te119," etc, . Now tb qu IItion I , III our 'PHO pI SUCCUfllb to thl . ,.• j·. t , tlull 0 wellt torin o( III }' ~lIo", 1\('1'11 . It, . as 10 Ja{lOn, tho \I)' ~ ~ " I m nns a . ho.use-lo.boU611 ciln vn •• on the pay.t.a· you·\lat!·lt 1,)1 n, tbe.!) tl!1I matter it "up tQ" tho 'AJDorlc-.n boullowUe.


DalUmore, Feb. 2l.-Tbe intense ·In· t el'Cllt in the wonderful work that is being accompUshed In Baltimore and other clUes by Wm. ChBS; Keene, nTI",,,",-I--+-""'IIf"-#~ Ideut of the Lorrimer' Institute. cou· Hnues unabated. Many cases of baldness and fad d hair of :ears' standing bave been remedIed by the remarkPenona) Imowledge is the winning factor in the culminating conte!ls of able preparation being dlstrlijuted trom this competitive age anel when of ample character it places ils fortuna.te Mr. Kee ne's laboratory. aud lls tame Is possessor in the front ranks of spreading tal' anel wide anu tbousands ot persons are using tills r emarkable The Well Informed of the World. balr food with 'krautylng results. A vast fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the Wllat makes this tr ntment more highest excellence in any field of human effort. pOTlUlar Is the fact that tree trial o.utA Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowlfit s arc seot by mnll prepaid. Those who wi sh to try it are strongly adedge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health vised to write to Mr. Keene nt the when a true arid wholesome rCI.ledy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup Lorrimer Institute, Branch 207, Baltiof Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an / more, Md. Til e y will r celve tbo full ethical product which has met with the approvnl of the most eminent phYll~cr ~14 -"OMl l'A lI'lu l olllfit free of charge and much gives universal 5Eltisfaction. because it is il rcmedy c.f " .. -.",. ...... usl'ful Information about the balr Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component which will Pllt Ih em on the road to eo Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of Ihe \Vcll Inform ed of the rapid nnd ce rta in Improvemcnt. world, who know of their own personal knowled Re and fro:n actual u~ that it iJ the first THE aUGVILLE BASEBALL GAME. and belt of family laxa tiveS, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of-- Syrup of Figs - an~ h.u attained to world. wide acCeptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of - Syrup of Figs nnd Elixir of Senna -- as more fuDy d escriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorlcf name of--Syrup of Figs-and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing, the full name of the Company -- California Fig Syrup Jim Ant-Run, fellows run! Co.-printed on the front of every package, Dill Beelle-What's up? whether you call for -- Syrup of Figs Jim Ant-Why, here comea the fly - ~ by the full name -- Syrup or cop!





~ .

_ !._____ _ L:.




$' '1 ___ _

.- _ _ .

- . - -'".


New Bu r ling t on .



l_ iTh,e --Daylight Store

uitable for Kitchens, Bedrooms, Etc.


We now have a brand new delivery wagon, and will be prepared to ,deliver your wants .to any part of town on short notice. Telephone your ord~rs. We will do the rest.

$ $


-Shirts and Overalls Good Things to A nt'w lot of (, em ShirL a nd Ea t veralls in . the bes t mad e ;

$ $ $

pri e right.. Also tit fa, mous OX t rousers for men. A new pair free if t hey ri" . Ka Kai coats. pa nt and hirts.


$ $ $




Don' t f orget ur Elk kin Sho for Men and Boys . T he best work shoe mac\e. Our spring .stock just ar· rived. Come and see them . Also a nice line of Dress Shoes fo'r Ladies. Gen t lemenattd hildren Our p rices are right, Com e and f or your elf.

Tobacco Canvas · . A Iarge sh Ipment Just r eAI·Ved . S C ee us befor e buy. .. mg.


~ ~ ....

·C orsets


S $

We are agen for the cele· brated Warner's Anti-Rust Corset. We have them in regular, also Girdles a t from 60c to $1.60. Ask t o see them. wv


1'11 11>1 . ti n),.lllck bl1l1 li P h r gU\l!!.t III I w l'ck , htH' lIit'ce, Mi!!s Gel' t'l' llI'Itl MOl'l'li; a nd f l'l Bllll . M i liB Hei n l11l l't . of PI1\'I HlUl' l Ohiu. Bnyll' !'1! oo t! ftllJl il y m ovcHl In. t wllnk t l) II fann [lIlll l' i\ lI t. r u l u I", \l Ul' l I 1' , .John K" r lo \\' HUt! IlIllUly 1I )I)VI'!1 til I It L'Oll ll' tou fu n D, UAllI' :-;pl'i 11;.:' \ ',,11 .y tllll i LI w U fl ll SO U t·o I h E' II I'1IJ vllt'nt ,'d U\· I3U rl l 'W , \ ;Vlll ~h ' LfI e tlluk I")"'" !'l U'U ,,(' t it !! pro p r t,V


(.J h J1~ .


l 'lll'('\IIl!:lt'U IIf Ml' ~

rlll'1' II II)'





' 1' - '




'0'1 .

' 1' /1 ig- .

For Saturday's Market Fruit, Lemons. Pineapples. Bananas , FigR. Dal s Nu ts. FaJlcy 'el I'y, ew Let· t uc , N w Radi hl'S, 11 , ions, etc.

... - ----



Sealshipt Oysters We are eUlg Oyster this season at t he present t ime a nd wil continue to keep them the l'e t of this month.

Hnwllrtl 'HI'!' 1lI 1l1lf'c1 til Ih. pr pnr Wellman. t. y f OI' Ulu d .v ,IWIlI t1 h.v l-;1l1'1. I, ll 111:1 . Twi u bul lNI Wtl TU l,o l'n tt l 1\11lin d Mrs . C . \ '. 'rill" ,m i::ill t lll'd ll .\' Mi s Vesta E.ll i~ !lPtl ut l:llltlll' d tl y I11gb t . T it. v ,m}y livNlu fll W h O IlI'~ n t1t.r ll tJoD wit b h er Ar llnllpllre nt!!, Ailil w ill II ~ I n~" " L" 1I "" ,h' r tlli ll Ii a<l r", Iw"n lv II,' ,· c.' Il l :, r,),· lllre " In M!r tlllll ~ . nlld W(~ I'l' hll l'l fltlllt 'prin :; . "/.Lil t ' ;\11' lI ud Mrs. Ell Murti ll. when u:l I" I( ",l( ",ur" lhan f1" 1! II n c>!. C I· I/11. tfl l' ,}' 0 11 ~l1 n lltJ.\l 1I f{, " ·' II IOII . t ,· unll Mrs . t teorge D 'lvisc lll e tl ...... . . - - -............_ _•• ~ • ..........- - nu \ 1 1' a mI Mrs Ju ok Burn ett ·UI1· lI ny '1ft rn r ou. I FOR SALE 'Ir!! . Wi ll Du nn Hlld tl IIU l{ utfll· I _ _ _ _~_-------T ill' 11 11 1. H (1 I'Il r tlll 6u t i~ go · ('eLl) U on l~ l1 o r l{o R l)~U ll un ,l ra mil y ) D DI': B.I VI'!:W p r :1:' pll ull\; i n g t 1 fu rn ii'll tb i,; vl<:i ni t.v w it b l!'rldll Y Ilft ro uo ll . ,1 M ~'c.l M C F• It r I tt. Llu ,1 f ' 1)1\d " , t il l ' " nltl . UIIII III' M r . u Ilu I·S . ,,, WtH'O lully Wl'nt h A\' I'f' Jln rt 51, alHl POfi t ~ \l es t.s of I\\t.. uud M r. Will t ; II.I.I'k ph o n e. O . I.. c li p. lIlu s t · \, F. r\' hus UI \,:l1l11y I' t>on ivl d Ifr iday. Ih i1 l lgl'l . .r. " . W hi t p hil S l itH .foe nod GI un O ILvis !!PE' ot Runuuy B UH~ I~ I .~ , ·j·\I I1 \\' " fll'rl o· , rn ollu d II po ls 0 nu Will pl l' e Ito wi t h W ill ~ lI rr l Rnd fll,m lly. I 01' ~ II I , ', l,li U hn Alh l " fltolll IIr his b n illl lll g . 'lIl11 e.1 b 110 y II toh M r s . Geor g 'E il l onlle t1lln ())) II r leA /l il T N. \ i l k" 'WII\ . ()rfl ~l)nlll . R. R r po rt COIIHltl III t hE' III gA WIll 01 Iii • El li s lind fll m il y 'llt,nrc1D.Y lift I'O OOD 1 1 Ph o ll ~ 'lint·o n 1-13. pl nyp.ll fI'otn tit ·\ llll:{ p o lo ' I'hi ~ ii' Ijeorge B llgH U uu fl f umily wel'e n, g r flll l bl' n E'fir, t u ou t' t.uwn, u IIlI will g o ts of W i ll D 'J utl uuu furuil y SALES IJ II IlIH'eciutNl by nil. ' L'h e r pl) r t, l::itln dn.y. Mr , . G or g D'I vi!! II nIl 11's . l~ tHIl ' fo r t . rlny I 1lI\1 h o ld e I'. s t MIIl)1101l ""h·1i lin Wl llhlm 13 luhl ( li nd lu m ily MOll dn .v Ilftt;l r n J )I'u 'l'lt .., Il lltl ll l tjl !! 11 II \ 111 !o Il ' .. , h ,.. M r . onu' Mr s. Mnrt,in w r l1 Wnr IHl n I' I II \V I~'y IIt\~ vl l\ , Oh ll " l1I '

Classified Ads

' w et Navel Onlllgc" ;rape












Bring Us Your Produce







..... __








of Mr ~ . ri ":l1'·!.l E IIIRfl.',11 !lCllIY ·

Mr . al1l1 Ml'R : , t iTIl.U e Ilt ,



Pianos for Rent.



' 11


. .~. . . . . . . . . . . .~·I

' · ULllIl g .

~l l'~

Ju. t l't'cei\'ed II shilll1wnl )f w YOl'k l't)se . Early Ohio's an d Rmul N ' \\' Yor k l'i' . ;\\)\\' is lh tilll e to buy. as t he pri ' will be much hi gh I' a lillie lat I' .

We give Prt-'mium ~ T'ICk. ets WI·th cash t rade


Fr ill II )'

Roll Roll Roll Roll

3c Si'n gle 4c Single 5c Single 6c Single 7c Single

Blui r HP Cl u t !',WI'l·.d 1I1. lht> h,lIlH' llf II I' Millt'. U Il l' X nill Tho );;p \\'ort h Lt1UI{~l , IVU OU t r I III twd II t. t bo h tJlIllI II f /-ill TIl lin .v dllc k \Ym

Ill!'! w e I'\{ brj\t l ll~ r , J~l l1Il'l'

Seed Potatoes

Fan'Y teak alm :m ...... ... :!-c Fancy Red almon .. ..... . 15c Fancy Olive!'l ... lO . ~5 and !lOc H rserad iRh .... .. .. ... ..... . 2Pu r e Ol iv Oil .. .... ... ... ... 2fic Fancy Lemon lin go Peaches .... :.. ...... ........ 25c rawfOl'd 'Peache .... .. .... 20 I'awford's Ligh t yrup. 2 can!; fo r ... ... .. .. ......... :!'c FaR'Y pinaeh .. ...... . .. ... 1 c Fancy our Krau t .. . .. .. ..... 10' a cans Blu e Star Com .. ... 25 3 an Blu e Star Pas .. .. .. ~5c 2 cans Fancy Peas... .. .... .. 25c 2 can Wayn e Vi tor Corn 15 ' 2 cans F ancy N . Y . 0 1'11 .. 25c 3 cans tomatoe. ..... .. .... 25c 2 cans Pu mpk in ... ..... .... .. 15c 2 cans String Beans ... .... . I nc · 3 pkgs Roll ed a ts... .. .. .. i5c 3 pkg Com I· lak ...... ... 2Sc 4 Ibs Pop Corn .. ... . .... .. .. . 10c '3 lbs Roll d Oats .. .. .... .... IOc 5 Ibs good Pru n c~ .. . :.... .. . 25c 3 lbs fancy P runes ......... 25c 3 lbs M Utr . P eac h es ...... ... ,)~ oe 1:: 2 Ib s f aney P eae IH~R ......... 25 . e 5 'lb Jap Rice .. .. ... ... .. .... . 25c · 25 Ibs Qran. Sugar, at $1.25


M r ~.


.... e

I "j

. r~

II' , ,) I, "


E lli R m I1d 0

Wcdne. d.1Y, Mar h 10, 1909 II l1 rp 1.111 follu wl,, /.(

()Ilvl 'l utt flu II, llt \} .,, ·c lu k .vil le Hll t lll'tluy u )t





11l !"I Il O!lR



Il l' II rm \V/I 111 1" . • Ill " nnr" I' prI1lHl e r,., IIi rl lll n g I III V" '"I'~ ' 20 nl. ' lll i rrow ~ . -I,. r/w l r ll ll " I''', \ \1

t" rIp

t il t4'pi' in g fi tl ld ' l'Ut>!'I11,l .V


____•• _ B lO is t" hlH'(\(l I rll n il pl '111 1fl " ", ~ r ' fy -.\1'" r l _ brall k i n· ~ plow,. , pl"w of "I I km(l ·, Fortl n o \V Uf' n llrst. " ~ p for it OO Ol F' S ever v ~ flli . 1111 £mr e! 4 Chum!,l ,," ~ rl\ j ll (\rlll ", l teed ",r lll (} We woulu like to ha you t ry a P r e ve n tio,.-t h e Ii't t l DlI lI ll v 'old or, ;'\,000 p ou nds 1)1 ll llltlflr tW in .. , , . ample uf our . ann d F r uit'l, Veg· <J ure '['u b leh~-o ff\'lr In tbi p ·l flil pect. ,. tl! nf bll~I!Y \111 rllt,,.:4. WIll' h blli It.rl', tables , Fi h, SOI1PS, t· .- u d zen 11 m O!lt, cer ' uln llOU (h ,p nd"hle !j,d " b UOk tHM , w" Hhlll j.{ 11II" ,h i ll"''', liltl, ... " g Ull rel . P r ell, Il t.iOR u G t h o ' sne z . vari ~i . - very can gu ~ rnnte d . . tIlge ' will !l tI w £l lI ,'n hlO !:I ur Iy h nd wrin ga r~ . kill V I ", ILllIl 1\ !IIlIHlr ... ~L 011' n il 'fl IlIUI II Ill,.. Bo t pro mpt- ! othe r I.tllll l(\". The ' Price, 3 Cans for 25e ne s is II lI.impo r · li n t K eflnprev6n. I l'el'lII ~ "!' " ,,1 1'- 1\ 'rf'llit. /If "I tioa i n t he peoke r Im r £lll. 1:tr- i-Il"- m oUt h il "ur bnllH i viu J,{ U "IUlI." • R~fl ll t. UtlS Bo.x f -l f n r 2;)c /::lo lt1 !. bl"'lIOI ' A B .III H bY a LI "' I ton IerA. : , '\' E:I _. _ _ ---+ ~ u \vk P, I A n c. iiI . We are doing a holida UU 'in O hu ~ :o.urfll lw \ n t his new andy . It'!; spl endid Green Briar. Will . N 1111 , Try It p und wi t h y ur eating .J I:i l :b ll I.J lII II 11 , next onl l' Mn~. l lulul >ij M,'\ll n IIlIlI hilure n tOc a pound sp en t o nud!lY n,t her pnrfl ntlll hllme. Fl' 11 Om\,>e r i!o\ vl:4i g h Qrne fo l ks in Williamstown, K e ot,uc k y . Subscribe for the G&lette ' ~e v p rul of our numb C Iit.t en d · d J ust half the p rice of a y ar ago. For pies and pudding s noth ing bet- AU Y tel' BUPP r in W" YllflH vlll e on S" t.uru uy e v e nin '. tel', n t hing cheaper . A III\ Wb ltliker IiIHI ftl lflll .v we l'e ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5c a pound g uest f MI'. nnd M ",;. E v LO Stl t ,

Peanut lJrittle


Have your House, Barn and Buildings Insured Against Li.g htning., and Fire, with

Lent-A. D , 1\109 For les than $l.O[) per · week Sunday . will rent you a beautiful brand Morning Prayer, sermon ... .10 :30 /l.m I new guaranteed pia~o direct from the factory. Drop us a card, a nd · P . ". E I vening rayer, lIerm on ... 1 .00 P.tu ·1 '11 d f II . h. · d ay S () h 00'I .. ........ ' . we WI sen you u particuulrs. I /::lun ... . ... \-1 :.30 u.. m ' l



!Holy Communion, . 1st, arcl lind j>tb THE STRAUSS FURNITURE CO ,






Sunday In Lent. Fridays

BeginnIng with tbe 2nd Friday lind Fridays following, ser. vice ;nd Confirmation Leo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . tures ..... .... ...... .......... 7 :00 p .m . S a t urduy . ' . . . l' t th ' C ' f h EveDlng Prayer .. .... , ...... . .4 :00 p. m. I n t h e tria 0 e oopers or t e Se to C· k t ' H oly Week 'II' f k 1 mg 0 . ex- , na l' armac , a s ' d '\ 7 00 N8;shviUe; th~ state, hin.t s of triCk-\ ervlcea ell ~~~;~'~'D~; " " : p.m . ery in t~~ alleged findin~ of a pistol Holv CommunIon .. .... ...... 7 :00 I\.IU . sca~bard m the ~eadman scoat pock- MOI' ning Prayer • . sermon and et. Holy COmmtlDtOn ...... 10 :30 a m.



-: _..

314 S. Main St., Middletown, Ohio.

POSt CardS







•I iI I •• '.I • ••



Every read el' of t nis pap r sending nam e a nd a1:ldress and 4c ih starn ps to. pay lP20sBtage t~fndl PCaclkinK d W lll I' celVe eau I u 0 0 1' P ost Card by fi r t mail absolu tely free THE GLEANER We co rnered the mark t early and . . . ' .. I I t tt d 1120 MaJ e tiC Bldg'., DetrOit, MIch . we can 1e p. you ou on fie gar . en' . j ng busines,s. Te.ll b.'ushels w" n' t ~- • I~st SO, (l ays. . v l~ pr oportion to ~he nu,?ber of in 3 quarts for 25c. habi tan ts, F r ance IS onslder ed th e " '. wealt hiest count ry in th e .world. I

H Id o elLr Le hAn n 01\ :-luudo y . Mr . onll Mr~. BOrl\lle B tLtell, O fl HlokorY VIJle l pen t , nndlLY w it·h 8. fJd . Qurnct !t UG flunll y. . ~ <ireeo Brlli,r ROIH)I) I will ob. erve , "pltrent 's day " on Mllroh 16th. ' !}'be. su.p rint.enilent· will b.f'. pres 6Dt !lnU g i ve a IpRBQn 00 "gra fting Rnrt bnd din g fruit tr eet!. \I ' " I E veryuody 18 in vited lind no O)le The ve l'y best varieties of North- O!ln ufl'onl not t o oome,

Onion Sets

Seed Potatoes

~~~~~~~~~~.I.~~~ ~~~~~ ' . . . . .~~~~P.It"~~~ ~~~.~~~~-~~-

Zimmerman,'s Irish Pota to'e s


ern Gr~wn Seed Potatoes, such as 'l'he l'e i' a g: o:ing d emand for Early Ohios, New York Rose, Whi te ~ Star, Rural N ew Yorkers, tc . We American pearls. Those taken from can ave you money on your early t he w.estern waters last season wpra valued at $500,000



11.· ;;':~Bt


,)o' llncy White Potatoes, free from scab and rot, extra fine cookers Northern grown, fine for seed, Special price, 2Sc a peck; $1.90 a bushel.


- --._-- --

. . Fancy Ohio Corn, only a ' . .small lot left, Peas I t is likely ·that Ii monorail sys tem 6c a can; 70c a. ,dozen. . , Now',' t he tim e' to plant ~ weet will be experimented ,with in the up', Wi's c·. Early June Pel\8 P ea!'. Ju t r ece ived a la rge s upply per part of New York city. of th American Seauty va riety . A 7c a. can; '.4 Cans for 2Sc I, spl ~ndid assor tment -red , white and WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. Evap. Muir Peaches , blu e blo oms·- g rown from the best 2 p'ounds.f or 16c; in 25 pound boxeS', 7c; in 50 pound boxOrthodox Friends Church. es, tr.xc., 5cand tOe pkg., 40e a lb. '



-No i::J pr-lng


VP'S n1°ns*

For Tuesday, March. '16th, and for the 'VVeek

~ ~

- --,- -.---


ltcI'. F1 c nJamlo. El a wkln8. Pu" lor, " a b.b a t h ubool , U:90 a. m . J{ egul a r obu rob 6 ·n ·l ·c. 10 :30 '\. UI . 'brl ~ tl a ll ·ll:DI)U&I'or. 7 ::10 p. m. '

H adq ual'ters for g ood' Garden and !' Iower Seed. The standard ·val'ietie. both in package . and bulk.

.Hicksite Friends Church. r" !a'8l



A Tennessee Peach- a little ' t oo ripe for shjpping, . were cann. ed on the pot and br~ded f <?r pies. "

Tb~ Rik~·K·umleJt: e~. ,

111. ... . . . . ..



6c pound; 3 poilnds 25e " . . r Evapqrated Apricots, ' 10e 'pound






..'Rev ;

m:'; E'vllolng ',8ervJce, 7 ::W p :' 10 . ,' Mhlw9,Ok P17 lye nd .,celp,,;. 7: 10 p . .01. , " ",


New Salt Fish, '



- ' . 40c a kit '


Wilbur's Stock Food, 25, lb. pails-A Big Bargain.:..... Reg~lar , Price ' is. P~SO, . • Speolal PrJ,c.e , : _ . _ :'. $1.9.0.

~etlJodist. I;iplsCopal ~Church. . ,. ; 'Onion Sets, .Extra 'Fan't y

W, ~; G lllll!UJlI', P l'l lItor , undn¥ S " b qttl, 1I:: O a. I!l, ~Iornlll~ /let· \' Iue, i O:80, a. '~ . .I!lpworth [,cu'gue. 7 :0(11)'


, .. " .

F lm

suifl1uy' Sch OOl . o:!\o u . m , 001(1.1 mee t I ng. 10 ': :10 .'I, 10 .. a nd ChrlHlt:'ln Endeavor 7 :ou Il·, m " .'

New .Goods ,.this, '.' ,... Week '.., ......

1\ . 10; .

Chrlstiait .Church.

3 cans 25c . •

In :oo

. MecUum size, Faricy.

Sot.ool . L1 ;0(1 a,· m. - F'ounb Da y lI1ee\ln g )(f ,00 u. Ill .

An . exhibit of authoritative Spring fashions for women, children, infants, men and boys. An.hour spent here durin'g these Opening Days will give ' one a correct idea or the styles 'to be worn this .Spring season. ' "





"N ' .' Ga!.l



tOe qt



: •

"c ...;.. ....


p' '.

ruen .~s., ~I;I d ~ 9": .. tat~s, Celer,V,. l!ettuce, .0,80• .


, ber~ies; ' .App~8, Oran~

..lem- .

Navel Oranges (these are firie .eat" ' .' 't. o~s, _l;\8nartu" . Or~pe" fl11ft, ing now), Cabbage, ~p, ples, BanimaS, St. Mar.y~s. Episcopal Cbu(Cb.. ~nlons, Cabtiap and : , . ... Lettuce, Pig Ham ,~ewWbite ·F'is~. Rov. J~ !l'. endwalluder. Rector. .' uOllay Sllhoo!: 1I :80 U. 01 ,Mor'o1ng !{or' Soud. . ~acJ<:erel, N. Y ._Cream ~heese, PUre vl co. lO.:~O a.m. Eveolng IIOrvldo, 7 p. ' 1'11. rCider Vinegar, FancyN O. Molasses, th I\ret, und117 of nell ', ' etc. 90~s and prices are sure'-t'Ql ' .. ' . , please· you, '. .'. St• .Augustine'• .CathoUc Cb~. . _ , "





Fatbol' G,e ol'lo MaYeliboefer. Paitot'.... .~.-

• ". .

L Wn.te.



;, \,~Qd ~QII~ of

t.O•.Eat. '._ .. .

tire QlCIIIUl

a~ ,.~~~-~. .- -. . .tiII.I• .,


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Miss Edith Mo her Is spendin g tbl " SUNDA Y·SCHOOL CONVENTION MISSIONARY SOCIETY week with Mt'3 . Frank Taylo!' , of FA~ME~S' CLUB Ui noinnR ti. The Woma n's Foreign Mi ssionur y The followi ng Is the pro~ram of Mi~!l O\AnOl~ t-)mith · is ill wit,h 'rile Wayne sville Farmer s: 'Illb Mil'S Lydia WI~rner, of Fl orid /t, il!! th o Wuyne 'l'owns bip qnill sy. Suuday - Sooiety of the M. E. ohurch btllU lLU lHet lust 'l'hul'sdtly, Maroh 11th at the ga6lili of Mrs. Ella Mi ohaool' uud I 'ohoo l At:ldooiBtlon t o 110 h elel at open lU oo ting Ilt ~he 1.\I)~ " i tuul e I'usl Ilttl I,ltJ" !!/\ n t home of 8 . Lev. Cart. MI' . U (~illlll ) l'l', Ilf Loilltll ,m, other f1'iundR hel'o . donce of !tIl'. flllll MrH. .r. W . , 1111 wrigh t . 'fhu ll ll.y Wlltl Claims an Honor d and Be- WI"I i u to. wA.ii' MIlIII]I~. Lyt·lo, Ohio, !:iumlay, Moreh 2ht: an ideal on.., V. 1'hllrsl . lay e veuiug , und U U10t:lt 6n- wlli clt Illlll ell to the Illea8u re of Mill!' Nuslo A'1I1ry I rater lln!:! the ~oua {'O loved Citizen. ' MI' .1 II ruell ~f!1I of Yello ~prillgs spend S0me time with her stllters Invooati on .. .. ...:e~. W. D. English jOYIl ble time wus had by all presen t. uecltsion . The mOrtling WI.lS 8pent WIIS ill town 'rutlsdu y . The house WA S tilled, and Lhe pro· ::4ooiu.lIy !lnll at noon the membe Mrs. S. V. Bartso ok Ilnd Mrs. Riley rs ns o. .IPMHf! U ~ mner , of B'lllbro ok, sJll1nt Cleven ger, of Spring Valley, P rimary Uepart ment... . ..... ...... . gram , as given below, was admira - and guests of the olub repaire d to ~1l1l11IlY with fl' letld~ here. .. .... ... .. . ..... ... Mrs. F. H. Fllrr bly rendere d under tbe eJfioie nt the 'l'ownllhip house where tbey sat Miss Rardiu wishes to tluuonn ce guidan ce of Mrs. W. '1'. Oil li hmd : down to tabl es laden with Disonssion. good Popula r prit!e!l Ilt Hshu and that bel' milline ry store in tbe Nu. 80D~ - Ma Ie Quarte t tbings that the farmer s' wives Music. SlIllt.h 's bl\lI 'l'hursOuy night. tbun .J ones b i1tling will be opened ~orlpture Rencllng .... .. The Preilde nt. know SO EioDle )) part-me nt.. .... ......... ... .. well how to prepare . .r limes !:It()() P ~ /lUU Frnnk 8nook next wf:lf:lk, and to say to tbe l'ldl es Pruyer ...... ...... Rev. W. 'I. L-H llil llnd After .. .. ....... dinDer Mr8. Benjam the meetin g was in Hawl<i n8 After a Short Illness, Succumbs to weI' in Ineionltti Tueido of Wayne sville Ilnd vicinit y thut y .. Mule (~UII.I tet. oa.lled to order by Presid ent Clagett . Discuss ion. Mrs l:)penoer, of Chioago, will have Pneum onia--W as a Pioneer Mlssion nry 'olJoqoy by five girl8 in Seoreta ry Cartwr ight then Mrs EdIth lio.~rh! spent sev erlll enti re chtlrge Musio. oalled of the store and will ami Foremo st C!tiz"n. oost,um e the rolland represe nbtiveR of every T enoller Trainin g .... .. B. V. Kelliso n Ut\iY8 in CloClnn atl IIlt;t week . btl tlssist·ed by Mis!! ElOIse Smith. Violin Sol ........ ~ .. Ju8tint l HI~rtBook family, excepti ng two, rebpond DisoU8!!ion .. ed. Mrs. t:lpenoer i!:4 not only un flxo el C. M. Hobit·l'.er WIH! iu Blue Bull. Et~el Heosi r, a coompa nist Miss Louella Cornel l reud the onr· Ml1sio. lent trimme r but a design e r of un · Oll1 .J . 11I~t: Sntn rcluy on busines s. renleve~ts oUhlt past month, whioh Addres ::I .. .... ... Rev. W. T. Gillilan d Heoitat ion-"l'w(J Mites" .. .. ..... .. . Auutht lr olel "I outler hl~1I I'tlssell us ual tllste ttnd ability . Ii' U. Sollwllr t:t, unu fluuily ..... ...... ... ....... .... .. Ethely u Jones were brief bDt to the POIDt . Rellllir spent, ks .. ... .. .. Pres . C. M. H.obltzer t o t,be ~r"ld htl,V l)ncl, ulIIl unly ~fttlJ' .... Marie's Vlotor y-A story founde d Joseph Oeardo ff, essayis t for 'be MU810. . a few ddoy .11 ~Iokll"~ !!. He ol\o ~ b t ~ everu.1 c1a.Vsla t week in Cinoinn tltl. ANOT HER BOND PAID tIay on fllots followe d with an excelle nt paBen ........ diotion .. ...... ...... Mrs. Rev: F . Banj. a severe oold tlOll i~ ~oou pUl!lI8d illt,o H . Fllrr Hawki ns Chllr les Kf1nriok and son, of Gen. per on AgrieuJ turA and Improv e. (;iirls ' Quarte t drelld poeulo 'lOill., whioh ' ol.\n!'ltid tBrville, W re in town IRst Wedne s Tbe wllterw orks trostee s )l'tid fln GETS NEW 'POSITION Dialogu ~-"Bow Aunt Polly Joined ment of Rural Homes . Carl Duke his dtlrni!ltl SlLtllr(ldoY m rUlIIg, rlu.y. other bond off ' the fl,'!!t of Milrult led the disouss ion whloh brough t the Missio nary Sooiety ." Ma.rob WLll, tlt 90 'olilok,l lt hi !! bOllle Mrs E. A. Weller , of Centerv ille. They are po.ying tbem off ut the t:oluml ms ont ditlputo many points of interes t. The Male hes QOllrtt tell of lt the neal' Rhlgevil.ltl. wu" til I{ue t. f relut.ivelol here this rllte of two a year. It Is with Il note volunta ry Deligh visitors !'fltirem tful were next called upon for ent ,. refresb of Howar ments d D. ware 'l '11e followl J; 1.1 U)uut of hili (If" wee k. of pride t,nat we Otln !'lUY tlll.l, ~ Wayne Muning ton us seoreta ry of the Ohio servetI and the rflst of the evenin g remark s. Rev. J. F. Cadwa llader 18 tllktln trum I b~ howe oorDln g I :l ll t1: Ther!! wll I. be plen ty uf vauclev ille ville is the only town in the state Ruilwa y CommiSsion and of his was tilpent 800ill·lly. QUite a neat and Dr. J. '1'. Ellis respond ing. that is . paying off its mUllici 1)1.11 Philip liuwke WlIil born io Phnt·, Itt Bilbo a'ld Smith' s hall 'rhur!!d aocepta ay nce , The progra m having been carried of the seoretl lryshlp of snm was realize d for the soolety . Uornwttll ouunty , Englun d, N' iVtllll bonds . the night. OblO Coal ont, Operat th" meetin g adjour ned to meet ors' Ilssocia tion. ber 4, 1 :&t!. Htl Will! !.b" .v uunges t --------~-----Miss Minnie at Maning the HIGH home ot W . W. UraneT hurs · ton, his SCHOO dllugh L INSPEC Ion of Jl. fttmil v uf Ijl", flnd 1:1 ', h~ LINCO TOR LN FARM ASSOCIATION For Pure Rbode lslnnd Red eggs ter, who has held the positio n of rate day. Aprll 8th. only survivi ng rnemboJ'. HIS fOothar , fur settlul( , see .T. R . 8isey. Uorwin , Prof. F. B . Pearso n, of the O. S. U. clerk in bls offloe, w1l110se the , !\ome. The guests all departe d feelln" Philip tfl.Lwk e, W'lt' .. priv/.lte lu thtl Ohio. A meetin g is oalled of this IlSSO· was here one day las~ week and gave tha.t they had spent a very pleasan The Gazett e join" with Bowar d's t oiation Britlsb tlrluy j his gra.nclf!ltber, fer Monda y evenin g, Marcll ~. 'and Mrs. A. B. Sides visited many friends here in congra tulathi g & good tlilk to the sohool. and profita ble day, and that Mr. and 22nd at. tbe Towns hip House. . Philip liuwiltl WIl8 tt Metho" i t Mr. Perry and family in Leba,no n Prof. Pearso n saJs that for our Mrs. Cartwr ight are not to him on his 80ClOSSS. be sur· preacb er UUtitll' Joh.n Wtlb ltlY · Meanw hile let all who wish to oon Sunday . sohool to be on the or edited list, it is passed as host and hostess . --~ tribute to the Linooln Farm fund, At fifteeu years Ilf Ilge Philip n· M V" nece8sa ry to have anothE r teaohe r WILL 00 TO CENTE R i II Ivlun ~'t·1Iwe 11 0 f Lab I1non. see lIome one of the follow tered upon sello .8t!rvi"a und endnrli ding: , . _ OBITU ARY employ ed In the Hlgb School. ' l' r f the a h r d s hi ps 0 I u!lli II or to I e or btls beeu the guest of Mrs . J . A. Prof. Kelliso n, Wllrren Keys, Walter '1'hls means muoh to our sohool. To John Murray eightee n Dluutbs. Tilt! Idst yenr of , ~'unkey. The wBS born April,18311, Wilmin gton Democ rat Kilbon, F. B .. Farr. Walter Kenrio k prints \ be on the credite d list Ii scholar Olin near Hillsbo ro, Ohio, the ioJlowi ng: died Februa ry hia life in tbe l~nti "of bls oativit y Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader and Mrs. or tha obalrw an. Tbill busine ss O. C. Lacy has sold his farm of enter any college, but if not, they 28, H109, at Mt. Holly, Ohto, Aged WB8 8pent on Ii farm wh re he E. Y. Barnht lft were in Dllyton must be olosed up. 146 acres in the Center neighb orhood have to take the high sohool course seventy . three yean, ten moath sand worked tur .£7· per, whiob in ~OOd8y, Warren H. KeYA, 8eoy . twenty ·seven days, to Mat. Anders on', of near Wayne s- at oollege. U. E, Bratten , ; hlloirml.lll. our 'c urrenoy would be Ji34 l6 . tiil!! Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatbaw ay were Anothe r thing, we have I.lll oredits 1 ville, for $10,500. John Murray was oni*ed tn mar· . mind tUrned tcWllf'J thl! "new c nn. guestfl of relltlv eR in neoes ar.y in Iltudics but one, on rluge to Ohrlste nla Stroop, SlJringi.loro Thi means a May 31, loss to Wayne Town. try" where bett6r oUlldi t,to\lM fur HuntlRY. BOUG HT AUTO hip. Mr. Anders on has .been resid- hl!!tory. It is an easy matter to 1857. 'l'o this onion were born six libe laborin g J Sl! would be foulld ing on the Will Gard farm south of make the neoessa ry ohange s and to ohlldre n, foar girls and two bOYB. Acting upon ' ,bll impuls e be bOIDon't fa·il to at,tbnd tlle Bunter Dr. J. T. Ellis haspuro uIl8ed anew town, and all, 'w hile they rejoice rank with the best high sohool sln . Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. John Blatr, rowed 'LOO IS. ad in Mltroh set 8011 Bros .' show Thursd ay DlgM tit Habn 8uiok roadste r of Kipatri ok. the with Mr. Anders on, are loth to lose the stat-e. Mrs. Daniel Morgan , Mrs. Obu. Lqfor Americ a Ilnd reaohed Nev( York Prof. Pelirso ns' talk was along the OilS and Mr. Lewis Morray '8 ball. in April. At Ntlw York he took and are left MI·s. ElIzllbe th Oook ~mith , of ·= :::::: ne of high sohool SUCOElSS , and to mourn the loss of a kind - - pa8sage to AI bany on tht' tlrllt stel1m Wilmin gton, 18 vI,B iting her mother - - - father. the pOints as outline d by him if tol The mother died Jannar y 11,1898, vesle) he hlld evtlr seen; thenue t.o Mrs. Anna Cook. lowed, will surely lead to 8uocess. preceed ing the father to the bet$er Buffttlq by ouual, theuce toO Erie by Mt~8 Grlloe Linooh i returne d from • • steame r j t·ben08 to WheeltDK by Columb u8 last week quite tlI, bat. is world. BIO IMPLE MENT SALE Mr. Murray was again unitet\ in canal, at Wbeeh ug h took 1\ river !:lome better no~. marl'ia ge to Lilly HiokeeD, of Cor· bOtt for Clnolnn atl; t.lJenOe to Cor; A. B. Sides' implem ent sale last win, Ohio. On Jnly 4, 1908, Mr. and · ~i8. Nathan J~nes enter· sbe dewin by WilY of l-be 'Little Miami railDy Td· W. LIlI\~ 1'. D. Wedne sday was a sllooe8s, althoug h parted this life. t.R~ued Mr and Mrs. Henry Prater road, and took up hla ~bod6 in the weathe r w;as anythi ng bot oon· ut dinner Sunday . Mr. Morray was of a jovial kind Wayqe sville, "here, .with the excep. dacive for a sale. '1'he wind l:lew disposi tion, 'W hen the hand of affliOM~8s As winter waned- M buds began Genevi eve Rogars spent tion .of two . yeurs in Iowa,· he htls raw lind cold. and theoro wd shivere d tion was laid upon him by To burst from soft caresses of a stroke lived in · or Delir ever sino. 'l'he Monda y and 'J,'nesdllY with ller UDall day, but goods . sold broagh t Ii of parcljysis, he still retaine The southe rn breeze -as grasses peeped d that tlret,'w ork this 'yuung , emigra nt dill ole W. C. Graham . From 'neath their winter coverle t good price, and all presen t seemed kindly good will and bore his .tUic. In..Wayoe nlllQ Wll8 for Ba(lden and' Of snow, and song birds once again iss Edna; anney to be buyers . It was a good ohllnoe tion withou t murme r or oompla ining , Return ed from sunny southe rn homes, 1l00lella,nd ou the la"ga brlok bill I of W. E. O'Netl and tor the farmer , and many of them Thus huing lived to a ripe · Qid The father- brothe r. ft'iend to all age · ing that stood wb!"re t.hA Nat.funal' Fridtty untjl Sunday . took adv8nt age of It. Passed calmly into rest-b eath touched he has fallen asleep i gone home to &qk now ' 8tall~18, . unr,l de~sr~yed ,. His tir~d soul- pressin g softly . Mr. !lnd ¥rs. D. M. ~a;tbaway, of re8t. bv fire April 7, 1\100. _ ..--'. Down his ey~lids still-w hile yet TEACH in ERS' ASSOCIATION ~bano~ , "tore guellt$ of Mr. and Loye with !.iCe, aRd-rapttffl~Wf·~th1~-------if--- 1 C. Mr. ·; ,.1lna.i,y s . ttled upon DEATH OF JOSEP H ..LlNDE R Love of child, he passed to silence · farmin g as his :. means · of suppor" , A. B. Sides hst week , The Warre n County Teaohe rs' And patheti c clayand fo~ tbirt,r ;vellrs rented tbe 1. B. Joseph Linder was born near LebAlisoolation will meet at Univer sity ~ O. Raper oam~ .hoUle from I anon, Bllrris fardl, now occupie d .by hi s D'Ioyton &~u rtlay 6veDl.n8: Warren County , Ohio, Novem HIIU , Lebano n on March 27, 1909, ~e has I He lived for ber Ion · George W. BIIWkp , 00 the been us lstl0g Le~ Morrls 2, 1820. He was marrie d to Mary More than four·sc at 10 o'clook ore years, . for fOllr-score m hiS new Years he lived a life I)f lofty McClel Sprlng V.1l1ey pilie. FrOD} there be grooe~y. land, in Bellbro ok, Novem ber There will be 0. . strong progra m . , AimS and high ideals -a .life of 23, 18~4. moved 'to his own f~m .no/.l·r Ridge and good Round Table Mr~. JUlia Brashe r arrived from 1'opi08, . 'rhe Doing good- a life replete with Unto them were born ten childre n, ville. whioh hu 'hud purohll8ed some I ltt.llas. ,Texall. 811.~·urday D1ornln addres8etl will be by t;upt. W. T. Kindly acts and noble though ts- a ~ on five sons and five daught ers of whom Life jean before. ' of Trump patieJlt calmne ss- a life , of MilloUlillburg and F . B. " visit to ber· si£ ter Mr~. Staoy Kin· three sons and three daught ers are Dev.oted to the welfare of rbilip Bawkfl WIlS I.Ullrrled No . die and otller reilltiveli. Pearso n, of. the O. t:i. u. His childre n, and his fellow manstill living. There are twenty -two v8Dlber 20. 1848, t~ Ein~l~ , the ~1c1. Miss Anna Vander voort" the th He loved the fields and woods- he loved grand-c LECT hildren ,eighte en rreat grandU;;-C-·O -U -RS Eeat daught er of ~ev. 'rho~lltlll l;~IlElljt, grade teaohe r W1l8 nnll ble The sOllg of bird- the rustle of to t~aoh . childre n and one great great grandThe grass beneath his feet spoke notes wl~hw~om he lived Q happy Ii.fe tor Monda y arid Mrs. Horace I 'l'lle Course had liS its Wilson, of child. . Of sweetSl !t leoture music to r his ears.o ver half a OeD~ury when sht! pussed l0.reguniil. took har plaoe. He loved to watch the 8unt'lhine and Mr. Frida.y Linder night. made JUlnes public "way, slnoe ""bloh time lle 1l1lo8 oQDprofess B edley, ion and . ' " . The shadow play upon the' fields he ohose uS his s ubjeot "1'he Worth of faith ·in Christ, and united with tinned to )ive on bis bom..e OW Il taiw_1 ' Mr. "nd Mrs. J . E , Jd.nney en~er. Of golden grain- He loved us allof a Ml1n." The lecture was full of the Disciple Church about the year ~8a, RI~ge'Vllla. ' . t.alne~~ Frirlay eVBni~g at 8t1pper, His influen ce WIiS b.ut for goodgood OOIllUlon sensfl, lind Mr. Bedley 1857, and continu ed He lean'8 four ohildre n. J08eph . Mrs . . Re~eoo;\ .Handa ll, of adhere nt to His sense of oblig~tion and Dayton Of wrong was of Ii high degree told lJo:ne defll> 'truths In hlB talk. that faith until his death . (Je~rKe, Joha Ilud Alioe, to .m ourn I' Mr . and Mrs. .J. W . White" MillS. He pitied those who toil and weepHe serTed as a private soldier in Everyb ody e njoyed it·. and he had hie 1018. Bis wife tItedab out five Geor811L Btldden and Mi@s Lizzte For thQse impriso ned and despised the War of ' the Rebelli on', being a the attenti on i ye~r'8 ago. of his audien0 8 up to I~tewart. His heart oft ached- He dearly loved membe the r of Co. A, in the 55th'. Regiclose. '. Be· had the distilla tion of\ being . The genero us dead and in his heart . G M Hamm ell , of Cinoin natI, .at. l ment, O. V. I .., enlistin g at the first W~ that keen raptqre of a high the Ga28.tte '8 oldest. subsori ber. Imv:- tended ' the funeral Of. ~ill uncle Phll ' l HUNT~~ B~OS. COMEDY CO. call for volunte ers in 1861, being disResolv e-His though ts of men were keen '. log ta~en the paper oontinu ously tV' Htiwke ttnd ' made ~pI91l~t tnt' nail His eves saw throug h the smiling mask charge d in 1862 on accoun t of sickItDce i\ WIlS started a·ltnoi!t 8ixty at this ·offioe ... Mr. 8aDlm 0f',cl1lft.....;;He was not flattere d by This oompa ny will sllow at Hahn ness. eil is the : )'.ear8 ago. The obsequ ious cringe of gain . . ' , ' ~utbor of it beautif pl poem publlllh& ::iDiith's hllll rbursd uy night. He spent hill last daYI!I with his . And greed- He knew the uselessness 1\ :'141\. ·: Hawko 's (unerllJ took ·lllaoe · 'ad by' us, JtLst '8um~~i, entitled Don't·faU to see the ' Funny Fi v.e, daught "Un , Of hoarde er, Mrs. ESpy, of Dayton , at d gold~o f honor. bought Tue~dIlTat.19o·ol.?~k from .~~e .M , E. cle 'PhUip 's F~rm:·. . ' . tbe Bongal oo QUllrtet, the Sherra he whose From' those who charge- the usury home h. passed away. March ' charoh Rev 'W T. GiilUan d , IlQd . . .. Of self-respect-=-His l'everer it 'eyes . and all, ~s. it is_a. good compa ny. '. , . • .' . ,," . . . Tholle from. ~a dtstl.lnc 5, 1909, . at the . ripe aCt!· o~ eighty- · e who attend . Rev J. F. elldwa . Were ll".der" rich with honest tho~ht, and ' higli olhOltlt ing e d ·t"b' e : r uner.. ' ' '~'l '''o f · ph'1ll p U',aw k e : 'c.. . '," eight years; four months , 'three days. Abo.v,e ·a ll .earthly thitigs.,.-high 'as '!<'heol1l1fQl1. WIl8 filled .whll ~,el .. t,l ~e~ . . ' . .. . ~ ~ d" M "Ed EOOS fOR SALE ,0 11 tt ' . f ltH I d t . is survive d· by " two . brother S, tb I t{ Hopes t Wbre.~ . Mr, 1\ gr.(lat throbp d ihg IJtar above the . . 0 e , 0 an 0 . ~ en ~. ~ Pdllv ~ ~ 'd,~e~p~~ iMictdle&"wn,.'O hio, rli~ '. . Darkiu~s' onhedead \yss' love' of ..., .., Morl'. .. ' H James arriet, ·Linder . of Wa~nesVille" Pliio, . · So aD' honore d an a""·gran "man ' . ' . , '. ~u~e-)lre~ :~,~red: Ply,tilQ~th R<>;ok, and .Jacob Linder ,. of the . ·Wife:;· atidchi ld·.an9 fi1iend+:~kiIi&' o'u t '. " , ",1', , . ' ,,; , • • : . Mi ' i quIlt, M18~ Mary· Conett' Soldier s' , M1'8;' H"rry ·" Upon the fteldsa nd Yt'oods he loved .... In~m~nt wa8~·. ma~e,. ln . am J .egle~, Mrs.. Joe Wlllte; Oa;ft?iI , tJ., '~8R~ ~onal~! 60 ce~ts per}:~. Wri~e Nation al Home, Payton : 'these are' .So· well-"H 'eld 'in ' a rms bf'th<ise he' or phone:.ClIorl Dnke, R , D: 4, ~~Y~~, the. only ,two' reinajnil)&" ,melid:~~r Cemete ry.. . . .', 1'141'8 JluQ,e...·Zell. :Yeilow Spr*Jlgl', <? I 8 o{,·., Worshi ped and ·.ado~i·he~w the ' . ville. 01;1io,. Val1ey ,ph,on~ , 5~-4XI'•. a larce·f amily-o f·niRe brothe '(lIVE AWAY CU'j: .! . 'Mrti: BpraQe ZE! 11 , Xen~lf. () " .,~. M. ~ys Qt sun' ~p out n:om.'~eath the rs: and . . ' .~' . . .:. Clo~'a~. ana'88 its blen'ded .ra1!i·SQug'ht . . . . . , 8llm!D ell, QinolnnlLtl, ~r, and, M~8 . ST•. DAY " Out pressed a 'kiasup on that . Otto BOl'Qtok will ·bave't. he draw- Jame.a Hawk.: , Bellfonta~n arid ,. ." 0., IIrs . FoFehe ad. Cold arid grey, ~ Uftf 8park . IDg· for the prof~~o~ll~ ODe o~· J4r; Cbae. B~Dett is h~:vlng. ... .. ~; - Funerai .~~Cea w~r~ h~ld 'in th~. Elere! '~ntm~81', l'"r~ CrOJ~ing, . Soared. fu: . abov~. ,19 rest--to )ive. " . ..1- " Baptist ~~. day. Uu4" . ; ille, MoDday . ,~ IDd. ··· leot dan~ a' '~)tle t~ eve~lqg. oren~ '.Marchcenterv 8th conaUcted by QQite .. la...e orowd .~ antloil *ted., ~ F .. Vaqban. , ,




Mr. Philip Haw ke a

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Tlfibu~e ~o . Philip rlawI\e













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'T he Miami

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.T he Conscr-viitlon of Children. In few days there will m(' at the Whit e Ho use. In respouse to t he presl. deut's In\' lt atl on. about a bund red pel" 80ns wbo a re In terest ed lu the ca re ot de pend ent chil dren. It will be pe rbllpli the most ImlJo rtant of all tbe confer· ences rel ntlug to the conservaUon of national resouroes. The cblef produ cl of a coul;l l ry Is Ita pe<>ple. T he ch U· dren ot to,day are the bum an ti mber of th e tUI ure. Tbe young t reee with which 'th la cou ference Is chiefly COD ' cer ned are those wbl tI -we no lIa t ural pro tectlo n. aDd wh,cll are d eprived of normal soU In wh,lcb to grow and tlourish. Among the espert fol" esters wllo love and under8tand thla young growtb are J udge LIndsey the Denve r juvenile cou·t, J acob Rlls, who hIlS rougbt the bad te nenUlDt& where h uma n sce dll~s are stu nted and dls to:-ted. Booker Wasblngton. who Is I:...borl ng to bring up young ebony and maboglUly to more et alwart growtb. and man), other beadll of nu rseries a.nd chlld gardenll. In old t.mes eve ry man brougbt up hlB cbi/· dren In his own way. nnd the fa thel" less cbll d W88 tbe o b~ ec t of unl! ystem· aUc cbarlty. In the nIneteenth cen· tury. halt-scientific, balf·humanltarian. ,8oclety learned to regard Itself a l the universaJ parent ot U1e nest genera'tIon, with common responsi bility for eve ry Individual cbUd. Wha t cblldre. are we. the preeent parent ·generaUon. falling to conae"e and deyelop T BIb the Youth's CompanIon. First there are the hundred aDd fi ft y . tbouaand Grphans in Institutions and hom .., r'h08e welfare Is the avowed lubJeet , of the conference at tile White Honlle. 'l'hen there are the 200,000 cbUdMlD, more or leaa, condemned to toU In mine and' tac.tory. Tbere are thousanda ~ot In school There are counties. other tbouaanda not cettlng lbe fall ~nll flt ot school bec:aUle the, are ,UD' berfed and poorly clothed. The future bt the nation depend" on all theee .. truly as upon the chUd In the comIon able home. Aa thoso who uked 'Ie preaJd, nt to call. thle conference _y, the problem of the child la indeed .. wo:th, 01 national cO!lslderatloL"




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Scripture Aut ho rlty-Dook ot E:r:r&,

e~):~I~~:k C!:P~:;:.~T~:d B:~'k

Ez1'l\ I. undoubtedly a COntin ulltlon or the Book ot Chronicles. It covera a period ex tendIna OVer se"ent y-nl ne yenrs from 636 to (57 8 . C. Th4!ro II ro two mai n, portion. to thr book. T he fi rs t glvcp the return or th" capti ves In the tl mo or Cyrus. 8 . C. ~. a nd tho ' Nl bulldlns or the temple. In· terrupted by the SamnrlllUls. bul renewed at the preachl nlr of Haggai a nd Zecharlabo 80me portioI''' or thlll book are In Chald... The H cond pa.rt relll tee the Hco n' Inlmlgrn Uen ot n lln In the relan or Artaxerxe. Lon!t1mul. B. C. 451, with Eara hllnaelr. a nd the Inltllu tlon ot his great reform. Some credi t Daniel with belna the au thor ot the nrll chapler. All regarda Ezra 2 and 811 tar u 3:1. It 18 found In the seventh chapter at N4!hemlah. where mflny Biblical 8chola... hold It belongs. Th4! nex t portion ex tend ll Crom 1:2 to the end ot chapter 6. With t he f'.lIcpptl on ot one lar.:e expla natory addllion by Ezra. pxtendlna Crom 4:6 to 23, thlll porti on III the wo rk of a wrl ter contempora ry with Zeru bbabel and Joshua, and a n eyo witness of the rebuilding of the temple In the begi nni ng at tho reign of Dari us HYl!lto.s pla. The las t Cour hapte.... begi nning wi th chapter 7. aro Ezro.'s own. and continue the hilllOr)' aCter a gnp at fi ft y-eigh t yeaTll- from the Six th or Darlull to the l ovent b at Arto.xerXeB. of


"But nrc 11.11 bllre 'who s bould ~t\Ul. with us?" Ezra Que . Iuu d. .., ,,. II, ur Iy ull 01'0 h re wbo ha v. shown any In terest In your summon I nnd who are d isposed to come," Wf19 tho reply. . But not eont en t . ~ llb this E zra tool. a poll of the people In camp and founa tha t not any of tbe t ribe of Levi ",ert present. . "W e must have with UII those who cnn min is ter the priestly (unctions," Ezra explained. as he lie nt messenge rs in sea rcb of such, and noted the 1m· pnU nt expresslona o f the gat hered people. "What did such a little detail al that amo unt to," tbe y dema nded. "U "'6 a re to get to Jerusalem we . must get started." "Yea, but we muat ~ certain we a:e s W Una: right. It we would have God with UB," declared Ezra. So they wal ted another night' and tl t I th 1a nex morn ni e messengers came baclt with thole upon wbose hea rts God ha d moved. "Well . now we are surely rendy to " s tart. el:clal med the people, 'Us the new arri vals from tbe tribe of Levi took tbelr. place In the camp. " Wo can gct off to-day." " Nay, but let us not be In too gr at haste. Have we s.oug ht God In Ih ls J matt er ?" asked Ezra.. a nd carrying out the Idea ex pressed In his words ho procla imed a fast. . "For," he explaIned to the people. "we need to ha \'e God point out the .way."

.CROP YIELD FOR 1908. AMERICAN S PROFITED LARG ELY AND SEND BACK SATISFAC· I TORY REPORTS • Th e c us us hranch or the Depn.rLmenl of Agrl ' UILltre. Ottawa. Cuuada, b as complet c.I Ite re t urns of the allo wIng of Wet;t rn CU1!nuu's g ra in ylc ltl (or 1908. nnd t he r uports mllke ve ry A trouble ? Yes. but not ba lf so t rou· Interestl ug r udlng. In t ~e three provblesome as to s it up hnlt t he n Ight inces of Mn nltoba, S uskatchewan and with a cblld cross from bar.k of food. Alberta, whIch comprise what may be or ns to see dear ones dwi ndli ng from kJlown lis Centra l Cnnada. there was a Insufficient nourishment t hat . little total wbellt ylelc.l ot a bout 107,000.000 elTor! ('oul d sup ply. bUllhelll. worlh to tho far mer abo ut $85,000,000; In addit ion to this tho ont, Plants for Children. barle y and flax crOJl i were worth anAN Y cblldren , wben qui te YO Ullg, otb er $35.000,000. Lette rs have lleen ge t Interested III their 8chool bot· recel ved t ro m ma ny of the settle rs nny nnd natu re 's tudy and wan t to fro m t be Un ited Stal8ll. From tbese, have fl owers of tbelr own . It Is fool- tbu l of Rev. O!;cnr L. King has been Ish to give the m expens ive 11lan ls. selec tec.l. He lives III tbe vlelnlty of T bey may tlre of them a t any mo- Edm onton, Alberta. a nd wha t he says ment. or forge t tbem and lut them wi ll lJe ot Inte rest to lhose who con· dl '. Tb ey can ha ve JUSI as muc h flln t emrllate movin g to Central Cauul\a. with a bomely sweet potato o r 11 bal!d· Ev('ry line of the le tter Is Inte restl ng. ru l of mus tard seed. with tne ad ded Those who willb for tbe partlcul urs a pleasu re of "t ry ing a n exper lmell t." to how to sec ure homes teads nnd preTak e UII orcllu nry qua rt jar lin d a e mptions sho uld wl'lte !lUY Culludlao s weet potato of s um clent s ize t ba t It Crllve rtlll1 ent ugcnt. Mr. Ki ng says : will not go more I ba n part wily Into "M r M . V. Mc luDues. Detroit , Mlcbt he jar. P ut e no ugh wa te r In to cover l ~un : 1 a m we ll satisfied wit h Al· the bottom e nd of the potato. lind berta. Tbill cou ntry olfe rs exoelle nt kce p the wu ter at t bl s height. Huots opportuultl es Cor anyon e to mnk a will come out a t tbe bottom and grE'<!n goot! borne Cor hi mself and family shoots at the top. and prese n tly ttJere It he Is wil ling to put up wllb ll. fe w wil l be a pretty vine hun glng out trom hard knocks for tbe fi rst t wo or t bre t he jar. yenrs. But It Is worth a f.ew hurd Th e mus tnrd seed Is pret t y. too, lind knoc ks to get a lO().acr~ fa r m of rich, lak e II I) less room. 'Put un old s ponge prod uctive laud wit h no mortgago ou Itl a saucer . make It tborou ghl y mois t. It: Tbls province Is well fi lled for and s prin kle It with n ba ndf ul of mus· grain s. s tock ral slllg nud dD.lrylug. W tard seed. Keep It wet. T be s r ed hav\:! found t he clim ate generally will come out all g ree n, and will look heull hful. more hcnl tb ful tha n Mich· Do Igan. a nd a lt houg<l tlie thermom ter lik e some fresh. growin g ba ll. not lise a fi owe r pot saucer. Tbe moist· some times drops to 40 degrees below ure comes through thut to t b , tll ble. or ~ e ro In winte r, yet we do DOt seem to wbatever tbe "pla nt" Is plnced upon. fel'l I.h at tempera ture a ny 'more Ulao we did 5 or 10 degrees below zero In I\Uchlgnn. We like tho wtu ters. "Tbe Govern ment takes great 1nter' <lst In tbe e ducation ot the people aud quickly aids tho settl ers In establish· Ing schuols whe re tbey are ca lled for. Tb schools. though gmded di tterently t ban those In tbe Stilt ell. a re efficle llt and nd vanclng. Our great drawback has been the lI mlled and IllAdeQuate ra ilway facili ties. but n w roads . are w dressl'S IIbow coat a tteets. Artl flclal bouquets a re a fad . bing rapidly built and many . more Hat brim. are narrowing for day- are projected through Var ious part s ti me wear. of the province. Tbo new polley or Ultost handbags are patterned after the Alberta government to conatruet mnl l bag.. a great .many branch lIn ~ thro ughout Crows' wlnga trim aome of the fully the province will greatly help aU parts felt batao of the country. If those now sottlers Dark colors dominate In the s pring who han to go back a conaldera ble dll tance from estRUnl railroads and suggel\t\ons. Some tiara·llke ornaments are towos to find free bomesttMLda will mounted on combs. but locate alona: tl.1 ~ line ot a project.A great many border linens appeu ed rallroad they will In two or three on the eounlers. years be near both town and railroad, Violets and gardent .. are among the Wben I fi rst came to this country _fluoorlt.e-1lolli . ceJll-----------t-tb~!r1I nd a halt years a go tbe home. Fancy boslery grows still !D0re won· stend I took was 76 mllefl froJll a ·l'a11• derful every day. road town: now tbere Is a railroad lI6 Gulmpes are now made ot cambric miles north, anotbe r 26 mUes IIOUth, as well al of net. and a third Is being buUt\lgh my A Jeweled band may be worn back nelp;bborhood. or fro nt on the balr. "I think the prairie country or coun. try that Is partly prn.l rle otters mnch bette r opportunities than the hilly An Improvlled Rack. One Ingenious housekeeper bas bit porUons." upon a novel rack fO.r her back batb· - -- -- -- . room. much Used by Ute children. She If thou speakest what thou wllt, un screwed the curved wooden ban· thou abalt kear what tholl would. dJe of sn old umbrella. bored a hole not.-BIIlS. through tbe upper part for a banger and atuck Rmall screw books In the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bandle at Intervals. A laFge wooden spool was s lipped on tbe cut orr part of the handle f~r an ornament and was covered with several coats ot gilt paint. Thla rack. when hung on the wall. mnde a convenIent bolder for towell wash raga and lOme of the small"~ books were eYen utilized for tooth. bru8he8.

The Home Department YO Is lC(:Fs>tart oul by sin gIng your p evory night.

II fe. buby ' to

Many wome n do this because th ey lik e to do It. It Is ce r tainly n pretty pict ure to see t be youn g mot he r crooning he r fi r st baby to sleep. !tnd on e ca n hardl y bla me her t or giving way to tbe fascin ati on an d cha rm of t bese Idle mome nts wben the buby drops off to s lee p to the sound of hi s mot he r's 80ft voice. But a li fe or mar tyrdo m Is ce rtain to follow such Indu lgences. an d when baby grow s older and Is pe rfectly IIb le to sleep without a ccompa niment. he refuses 10 do so. lin d de man ds to be su ng to a nd talked to all d crooned to. and some· !lmes gets so Int resled and excited thn t be s lays awak e jusl to hear Ihe gra nd fini sh or tbe slory. An d mea n· while the evening Is rap idly pas s l n~ and any plea sure It he ld In s tore Is los ing It s vn lu . Provid ed a mot her Is certa in her baby 10 'not . s ick. 's ho "hollid put the chil d to bed a nd IpBve It. no t la king It up to Indllce It to sle p. Sbe s ho uld avoid s itt ing In the Bame roo m. and If bally neve r kn ows a ny ot her wa y tha n this of pas!!· In g Into slumbe rlnn d It will mak'e no unnecessary deman ds. It Is better fo r a new born baby ;.0 sleep III Its bassinet. For one thing. c urla lns may be fi tted to sh ade It s eyea. and a bsssin e l Is np t to be wn rm· er than n crib. besides giving t he child more support a t the s ides. And by the ' way. a good bassine t ma y be made from 1\ large oval clothes basket. It a crib Is used. th e s ides sho uld be ca refull y lined to keep orr the 'draught. It III most Importa nt tha t tb e llaby's bed be properly aired atter It has been IIle pt In. Flllt It Is also 1m portant to bave the bed clothes wa rm before Ihe ba by Is laid between thew to sleep. As soon as the baby Is take n from th e room the bed clothes should be sl ripped from the mattress and. with the mattress. we ll aire d at tbe open wlndowa for an bour or more. When th .. child Is r>ut to bed. It tbe weather Is wid. the sheets f!hould be wa rmed before tbe fire. It tbla Is done. there Is no reason for the child being placed between blankets. Blankets used In this way are not apt to be as t resh and sweet as they ahould.


"But w~ will bave tb e kln g's sol· .. dlera to guide us, w111 we not?" G ' ~ cla imed th e people. oil ~ Ezra did not r£ply for some min· .. Be aure you are right and ~ utes. Here was gOing to be the real • then go ahead, la an old adage ~ str uggle. Would the people look at oil which la full of profound truth. ~ the matter as did be ? .. Note Ezra In the cliae before u •• ~ "I am ashnmed to r equire of the .. H. haa the klng'a decree author· Idng a band of soldie rs ," he s aid, with Izlng hla return to Jeruaalem ... quiet earnestn ess. "a nJ borsemen to oil He haa the treaaure which the ~ help us against the enemy in the way. oil king placed In hla handa ... I know he would be wllling to SC1'd oil He ha. a goodly company of .. Bueb to help us, but I Have alread .. people. Everything aeema au. ~ spoken to the ki ng, s aying : 'The' haneJ .. plcloua for the atart. ~ of our God 18 upon all them tor good .. But, be aure you are right b. ~ that aeek him: hut his power and h18 .. 10re going ahead. ~ wrall' Is agaln!t all them that fo~ .. While In camp there at the sake htm." And should I aak of lbe : river aide, Ezra conaldere every II! king horsemen and Boldlers he would oil detail of the expedition and. thlnk that we did not trust our God." .. thlnke of the work which lI,a .. The people were s ilent, but it waa .. ahead of them when they have ~ evident to lee by their subdued looks .. reachet' ruaalem. The chief ~ that a &Towing sympathy was takinG .. thought centered around the ~ p08se88lon of their heam and con· .. temple worahlp. Old he have querlng the Impatient spirit which wal tho.e who, according t~ the law, .. clamorlDg for an Immediate advance. .. we,.. quallft.d for' the prleilly tSo there at the Kher Ahava the oil .. rvlce? And again he ' looked • people and Ezra the aCribe faated and , The flab commission Tthe United oil over hie company of ~ollowere... prayed. and In a night vision .. Ezra oil No 80na of Levi there. Then .. States planted 1,111,000.000 flail III lbo .. how could the worship' of the ~ prayed out underneath tbe atara lbera barbon, lakes, rlY.i. and· atream. or .. temple be carried on'l And act· ~ came to hiJll the asaurance trom God the conntry la.t year. That 1. a bla lot .. Ing upon the thought he at once ~ that he would lead them It thf!), would but trust him ' full1 and atrive each of flah and seema to JUltlty tho ~m­ .. eent to certain who he felt Tempting a Child to Eat. missioner'. auertl.D that It wUl not HE GUardians ot a flnnlcky child ought to accompany them, and .. one to do his win. "But how ahall I tnsplr. the people know tbat meal time Is often more be lon, before everJbedy caD KG • .. ha ' wea not dlaappolnted, for. 'f lablng with the ehanco of eatchiDI .. "by the good hand of our God ~ with the lIame confldenco'" exelaSmed than a matter of tabl& setting I and IIOntethin He 'sa Dot .. upon ua they bro.ught ue a man ~ Esr&, half to , himself and half In the food buylnc. Tbeorlsta say: "Make entreaty of prayer. a chlla eat!" but motbers know that 110 lone a time at that. bo e~ tho .. of undemanding, of the IOna of ~ "Twelve of tile chief of th. prlelte this Is often Impossible until tbe UtUe .. Mahll, the 80n of Levi," etc. ~ waters of Wa counlrJ to be . . popQo .. But yet again Ezra would be ~ shall belU' wllb you the' burden of thl8 one Is reduced to alcknesa. :ous as th.,. were In the early 4a1L leadership," spolle a voice. "Place wllb h will be found easier t~ tempt the sure he waa right before puah· To this eDd. aays the IndlanapoUa .. Ing ahead on the Journey. 60 .. each a portion of the Bacred vessels fitful appetite rathe r than to scold or Star. however, he muat hue tho 1aelp .. he procl.lms a faat and leeks .. of the .temple lind of tbe gold and 111- punish. Delicate cblldren can often of atate authorities to entoreo tho Ilah oil God In prayer that he may know ~ ver, and all w11l be well." be coaxed Into a hearty me al wb<>n The volc'e ceased and Ezra knew force work would mean a Bc('ne. Make lawa and prevent the wholnaJe d. .. . the rIght way. And he goee on .. atruetioD of fisb b, dyuamlto,. and ~ to tell why he waa not willing .. tbat the way lay plain hefore b.lm and th (I mea I a p Iay tl me. S ene brea d aeJners. State Commlsaioner Sweeney .. to truat to human meana alone ~ that God was waiting to lead the way and butter cut Into thin' slices and ~ acroBB the wild stretchea of wUderness plied up log cabin wi so Into a bouse. fa right ID upboldlnc Ibe ne.d of actl.. .. for guidance to Jerulalem. .. "For I waa aahamed to require ~ and desert, where lurked the robber and pretend the child Is an ogre to omc1a1 work 10 tble line. banda. . of the king a band of aoldlers ent It up . "We have nothing to fear now, for . Name dishes for dlt'ferent rhymea. Booker T. Washington mek.. \hI. ~ and horaemen to help ua agalnn j. strong statement conceru!u, ' tllo etroct ., the enemy In the way; becaua. . . God II aurely leadIng lbe way," be ex· 8ft Jack Horner's pie for hollowed out ot the temperance movemoat ID 'the .. we had apoken unto the king, ~ claimed to the people as they gathered rolla cooked like croutons and filled .. aaylng: The hand of our God la ~ betore him the nest day, and he pre- with the nourisblng poached eggs. Poaouth : "Since the eDlanr\patJoa p~ .. upon all them for good that aeek ~ pared to eaiTy out tho instructions of tatoel can be molded Inlo the form JamatioD by Abrabam Lincoln there ... him; but hi. power and hla ~ the Lord In dividing the treasure of a wall with an egg perched on top bas been no beneGt conte~ upon ~ wrath la agalnat all them that ~ amonl the prle1ts and making each re- to represent Humpty Dumpty: tlte til lJegroetl~ soutb _8QD.l.J to that .. " forsake him." . sponsible for hla portioD. child will Quickly eat up tbe egg to oonterred by lbe cloalnl up ot the bar· That la, Ezra h.d made a pro- .. Bo tbe Journey was begun, and their prevent "the great fall." rooms througbout theao lOuthera.. felalon of faith before the king .. rolnr; wi thout guard er:eated no sm311 Boiled rice can be molded Into 1tate..... He urgee bIll color04 breth· oil which h, waa going to live up • stir In BabyloD, 'and many were the snowballs, nos tlng Island can have 1:8n of the Routb to It.l, ID o"el'7 war: • . But not In any reck Ie .. ~ dire predtctlons a. to what would hap- nil aorts of deli ghtful fancies woven In the upholdlnl and ent6rcement ot .. aplrlt by which he threw all the ~ pen to tbe defensele81 caravan Q It about it. vegetables clJn be cut Into Drell In a Good Light. Try to arrange tbe light In your bed· these lawa and to retulle to patronize .. burden of protection upon God. ~ palSed througb the wUderness regions. odd sbapes. and nourishing custards. .." .. He waa going ta "truat God ~ But Ezra maintained , that God would If put In Individual molds o' anlmala, room 110 that It will fall directly on blind tlgera. Washlugton wen knowa .. and keep hla powder dry." ~ guide and car'J for them and thaa be eaten wit bout ~ protest. you as you stand In tront of the where one of the chief dangor. to hi' And ao th"ere by the river he Beer Juice usually ceuses a struggle. glass. It Is very annoying to ~o from Quieted the fean of t he more timid. people Hea. oil waited until the way had been j. On the night tlf tbo day on which but If the cblld prete nds he Is Jack R badly lighted drawlngroom . or pluce • made plain and he waa certain. the caravan started on Its long jour· the Giant Killer. burrylng to get rid of entertainment snd suddenly dla· The earl of Lelcealer, "fatber of oil that God was leading the way. j. ney a mysterloua figure slipped out of the dellcloua juice lest the giant cover that Bomethlng unnoticeable In the house I)f lorda," wbose deatb was .. Then he knew that he waa not ~ of the city of Babylon and made his think It "the blood ot an Engllsbman.'· the I\eml-darkness Is decidedly amiss recently announced. wu a Puritanical .. making any mistake. He waa ~ way swiftly along lbe way wblcb the It Is swallowe d without a murmur. with one's tol/et. sort ot old gentleman. He had a ma,- .. aure he WII right and he waa ~ caravan had taken. He knew that b& The game becomes ' of Inter s t to SIde Cloalng In ' Skirt .. Dificent estate and entertained many ready to go forward. Thla la a ~ cause of the womeD and little ones motber as well as child. as the necesA markocl feature of the ne w sk.l rta guests. but. be bad certD.ln rulea wltb .. beautiful pictUre of a combln. In the company be would be able to sity to Invent new Btorles and fresh which even roval vl8!torllywere expect- oil tlon of aubllme faith and of j. overtake tbe caravan before the day· forms to tempt the little one to cal 19 tbe shifted poSition of the closing. demands Ingenuity. InsenBlbly tbe Th ey almost Invariably fasten on the ed to comply. Everyone under hla oil hard-headed common aenle. It j. light came. oil la not faith that calta reaaon ~ "It la a trick." be muttered to blm· child 'learns to eat, 80 that lat~r the left side ot the back. thougb the bodroof was expecl ed to be In bed by 1J oil allde. And human reason la not j. Ices continue to 'close In tbe center. self as he sped on. ' "Tbey are not practlce can be discontinued. o·clock. and bridge and kindred dIver· .. ufe that tru.ta not to the higher ~ traveling without guard. It Is done to alons were forb idden. It cannot t>e said .. leading of God'a aplrlt. We ~ trap our band. But we shall ace." that these were es pecially harllh or need both. Two . days later he joined his com· unreasonable rules eIther, thoUC)a the, .... T·T·T·T·.·.·...T·T·. ·T·T·.·.·T·.·T·T·. panlons In their wilderness retreat might have been unpopular. and 'JIade bla report. tor he had been THE STORY. static.ned In Babylon to spy (\n cara· . Did some one SIl Y that electrlclt, , vans l'!avlng the city to learn thefr was drlyjng the horae out of exist.HOSE had been busy days tor Ezra strength and the value ot the trellSure ence ? Well. it did not dlaappear "el'7 the scribe. 1'h ~ klug's decree was tbey carried. rapidly last year. according to statl. In his hands gran tin!; him permiSSion "This Is ¥ c:ompany of Jews who are tics comr.*ad by tbe ' governmenl to return to Jerusalem and to take on tbelr way back to Jerusalem. They These figurel show that horaes In the with him such tre8S:1re and people as caTry mucb treasure for their t~mple Unlled States Dt tbe end of 1907 num· be could collect. and he set eagerly to tbere, and they ' aeem lo be tra veUnl bered 20.640.000 and that they In' worlt sendin g word Into all places without any guard whatsoever, save as creased $%.23 a bead durin, the year. wbere the Hebrews dwelt. asking they talk about a sertain J ehovah who la with them to deliver them." This Is doing pretty wetl tor a crea- them to go with him to Jerusalem. He recalled bls dIsappOintment "It Is a trick," esclalmed the leader ture supposed to have ~Qn made a~ years berore when he bad been pre- of the band. "to trap us." perfiuous by science. vente,l f.ronl going' up to Jerusalem. "Just the very words I used." r& "But God knew beat," he excla~m e d , plied the returned spy. "No caravan' A. SOlan man In l\(assacbuaeH. with rer vldly. "For bad I gone up then 1 would . travel with the ·confidence of It bl& wlfa asked 'for divorc. on 'lhe ap~hould have gone up alone., but now I tbls company of Jewa wblr.h was not parently reasona ble gre unds tbat sbe go up with much people · and ' great securely protected. But It Is certainly tied bim· to the b~dpoat -anei ~at him: lreaaure:' a mys tery to know wbere tbeb , loc.,6d .hlm .iu t he coal hole and evep . On the appOinted day went to itrenlrth lIel." "'We . w1ll take no ' chances," ex, put him . t,o bed without ~ily sup~~ th~ place: by the River Ahava, whltber for punlahment. It .s88ma ~(f " ~ • .he had . told . tbe people to come, and claimed the leader, with decillion. "Let ,laver,.. 01 matrimony la a;,t " as surprised and del 19b ted to lee tbem pass." ADd ' 80 It came to put llIat E .... .. .tIler OD ontl '. Ide: ~ the goodly. company whlcti liad ,athand tbe comp.nny wltb b1m, togetQI ~rec an eager and " ... " ectant for the with the treasure they carried, reacbed . 4 pe.\m Wblcb gl'O'''' In '80uqa ...... ,ourne,. which ,lay ahead t>f them. JeruaaleiD 10 Mtet)', Embroider ·tbele little spra,. for Ilandkerebler carrien ID IOlId stltcla ~ It leaf meuurmc loq "When ahall we start!" ·"Cannot'". Tbey ma, also-be uNd. OIl oqrHt ClOY.... or G.D ~)' arUcI.t " ....... daIDa, . : _4 11 ,_ llruact-Q. ~_' til ~ alart to-morrow InClmIDg?'" ''Let us DO~ He se"CI aU "Iao darN be ~ de toucla.... ...... , . .. . . ...te. aDl lill,e: atart a. OGa.... 'J!:IU1tIGDo

A.A.".".".A.A.• .• .• .• .•.•.• .•.•." .. ..
















.l .






There's Danger Ahead



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..... -sea


-' ~

', , . II lllIr..-.

SUCKERS· ..uiIItI\Na" wear well .arld they keep ~u dr~ whUe you are .

wearing them , . ·322


r~=========::=::~~=::=:=::::~~~:::~:::;::~=~;::~I~~~rt~m~~h~~~~a thousand told and he curUy refl,l"ed to

lie ve rUled the date. Of amYal and d parture al the Metr~JlolltaD hotel of move frQm whe re he was staudlng. the pa rty of tour, and their arrival at Birchall turned white, looked around the Slarford house, Buffnlo, on Fe band s tepped toward hlB companion. ruary 16. At the Stafford house he As he did so Pelly walked on. Birch· ascertained , the fact that, on tbe day . / a ll culled to blm 8~rply: "Come, folJ ow!ng their arrival, PeJly arid Mrs . I walk alongside lbe, " he said. "Your BlrchE;lI s tayed at the bote l, whil e bea vy overcoat will help keep the Blrchf.1I and Benwell we re c aJl ed be·. rui n off me." Pe lly shook his head tor o ulx o'clock and went away to,obstina t ely and was about to tak e to geth m'. Bi rchall return ed In t he evenhis heols and run when two men oam e In g b ut Be nw e ll never returned. Tho next. s t p Wt\3 tp foll ow the wa lking acruss the bridge. Bircha ll ch eque tor £ 170 at the sa me then ceased to arg- ue wltb his com· cours of Birchall and Benwell atter time. I shall lool{ to meeting you on panlon and Ibe two made their way lea vi ng the Stafl'ord house on Fe.bru· F ebrua ry tl rst. Whe n you ge t my bac k 10 Canada, keepin g several pac s ary ) 7. Conductor William Ii. Poole . steamer ti cl{els would you be so kin d a pur t. The n xl day Birchall, accom- runu lng on lhe Grand Trunk railroad as to fOr ward me some s teamer la- pani ed by his wife, went to Paris, On- between Ni aga ra Fnll s and Windsor, tario, to view the body of the man asserted tha t he had two passenge rs bels 1" At holt pnst e ight that evening whose pi cture had lip pea red In tbe who got ofT Ill s train at E ast WOOd . Dlrchall r eturned to the StalTord papers and s hortly afte r tbelr return four mil s from Dl enb e im swam p. Tb Ir description a nswered that of house In Buffalo alone. He was In t o tbe Falls tbe arrest foll owed. Tbe train Mu rray cabl ed and wro te at once ·to Rirchall a nd lJe nwell. blgh good bumor, jokin g and laus;l1lng pleasa ntly. In res ponse to P ell y's In · Scotlund Yard, London ,' En gland, tor stoppe d a t Ea st wood a t 11 : 14 th a t qulry for bls companion of the morn- Inforl1la tion about BlrchaIJ, PeIJy and mornin g. I\l att he w Virtu e, a balllfT of Ing he sta ted that be took Be nwell Benwcll. He was advised that J. R. WOillls tuck. was on th e t rain . As It to tbe fa rm and Introduced biD! to D1 r chall was none otber th nn the left Ea stwood he !law two yo un g E ngMcDon ald, the overseer . Later Ben- yo ull ge r !lOll or tbe Rev. Joseph Bir- II shOl n walking away fr om th e s ta· well told him tbat be did not like tb e cha ll , late well·kn own vicar ot c!,,;:-::t. · ti l' lt . (llJP of th em wea rin g a ca pe coat. place or tb e people but he had !ftayed kirk an d rural dean ot WIlall ey. Arlcr A l\Ii ~ 3 Loek burt of El ltulliford was on at t ile fa r m wben Birchall lett tor complet Ing his cou rse at Oxfor d, yo un g th:! t : 1I jn. A couple ot seats ah ead ot Buffa lo. 13I rcllall als o said ho . had D1rc ha ll , who had achieved a r puta- bel' sat t \I'D youn g Englishmen. As glven Benwell seve rnl addresses be· tlon for wlleln ss du rin g his call 'ge th tra in approached Eas t wood her nt · fore leaving, so tbat he could v isit daYB, wenl to London. Th ere he lClIli o u was d ruw u to th em by th e Stevenson, ' mllOu er In which th flY W re lalkln g rolk In th ~ cOllnt l'y roun dabou t, In- c lop d wit h Florel1 t:e dudlng Attorn ey Hellmutb of Londo n, daughte r or Da vid Stevenson , for 60 about t ho land. They were ad mir in g Onta riO, who had been a passenge r on years master of t ran sportation ot the fi elds wh icb had nothi ng about the m tb e Drltannlc. Pelly began to as k too London and No r thwes te rn railroad. to be admired. One was easy to Icl e nmany questions, wbe reupon Blrcba ll Bircha ll's fa \' o~lte club Ilt this lime, t lf)' by tb e big astrakhan cap he wore. declared be was tired and we nt to November, 18 8, was the Ba dminton She s aw ' the m alight at Eastwood a nd . be d. On tbe (allowing day they went club, 100 Picadilly, W. When he walk nor th. Alfred Hayward and his wlte saw to Niagara Falls, ta'kl:Jg their lug- mnde ready t.o lea ve England attcr his ' gil ge with them. They cl'osse,l to the marri age, he cash ed ch eques for £ 26 tho pair leave Eastwood station. John C6nada side and stopped at Mrs. at the Badminton club, and C. Cros by, a young tarmer living In Baldwin's, Blrcball arranglnt; for Stewart Sproat, secretary of the club, Blenheim townsblp, was driving In wrote him on January 7, 1890, wben Governor', road about noon when he rot·ms and board there. eoon after tbelr arrival at Ba!1wln'lI he was back In England, to send the saw the two young men walking towards BlenheIm swamp. Miss Allie Blr ~ hall Invited Pelly to take , walk cMh without turtber delay. during which the young man, w'lo was He nnd his bride sailed tor America Fallon, wbo lived with her mother a beginning to suspect tha.t his astute In the tall at 188 8. They wrote to sbnrt distance from Blenheim swamp, bost was not playing an all 1gether David Stevenson trom America, aud saw tbem PRSS the house on the road straight game, told Birchall that he early In 1889 Birchall wrote from leading past the marsh. One, In p had not made good his representll- WOOdstock, Ontario, to eredltors at cape overcoat, walked ahead of hJls

Making .Crime-a Business

'By George T. 'Pardy -I::::==~


True Record of Achievement of Fa· mousJohn'A :vIurray in U ncoverillg the Guilty Parties in the B lenh e im Swamp S lau ghter-How the SL:l.\' e r "Vas Un- · ear -t h cd b y the Master Sleuth.

"Reglnnld BI'I'cball of London, Eng· land. 1 sbull be pleased to belp you tn any way tb at Is In my power," replied tile gentleman. "How was the youn g man dressed whp u YOII lus t saW !11m 1" Inquired til e dutec t! ve. Murray was wea rin g a navy blue overcoat at. the tim e, and Birchall tOllched ttl s leeve a t It li ghtl y. "Like tba t," ho said, "a whole BUIt ot blue." " Did be drink?" asked Murray. "Yes, b e used to get pretty jolly at o u n miles tram t he lHHe tImes," ause rlc d Blnebal!. to wn o f Eas twood, OnTho d etectlvo shook hts head ta t'l o. Canada. th oro lies gravely. a dn rk, g luomy marsh "That Lond'l n, Ontario, Is a bad rl2il! l;oo\l' n ns B::llbelm place for a eonv1vlal chap." he said . ~ s wum p. It II a ties 0 - "1' hey'd Itll1 a fcllow til re for $5. lat , lon oly spot, wblel' Were you ever In this counu'y befall en loss nnd tnn gled thicke ts com- fore ?" . "1 havo bE'en In New York and bl ne to n::T'ller well .nlgb Impassable t o tbe feet IlJ the curious expl orer, Nlaga n, !i'alls , but never In Canada," a nd at on e edge ' bere lies a pool of t'epll ed Bl rcllll ll, and bavlng thanked blac k, sullen wat el ,'"I ept Pille pond. him for tbe Information given, MurPar In the deplhs ot this foul morass ray ,v.Hhdrew. o n th e mornin g ot F ebruary 21, 1890, On his way to the telegrapb office two brotbe rs, Josepb and George Eld. he reviewed the conversati on thnt bad rid ge, wblle out chopping wood, stum- just taken place. He had already bled over the IItcless body at a young reached the conclusion that Blrcball man, halt burled In the weeds and had lied to him. ~rush . ' In th e back ot the bead was "Shadow tbls man:' the me!lsage .. round, black bole Indicating wbere read, "but do nnt arrest him unless a bullet had ploughed Its fatal way, be tries tQ cruss the river to tbe and n ear the nape ot the neck was a United Statt:s. I wl1l be there Sunday elmilar wound. Even to an unexpe- night." rtollced eye It w:\s ovldcnt that the Further InTestlgaUon rev'!:lled t.bat victim had bee.n sbot down from be- Mr. and Mrs. Dlr.chall and a young blnd, ptrhaps without obtaining a man named Douglas Raymond Pelly sllmpse of bls cowardly allsassln. 'I'he were guests of Baldwin's boarding body was that ot a smoothly shaven house at Niagara Falls, and had ar' youth ot refined appearance. The rived tbere tile day after the murder. clothing was of excellent quality, Murray called on Pelly, who was a English In style and (\ut, with a check handsome young fellow, five feet nine capcd mackintosh, and underwear also Inches tall, of Slight build, with a of Orilish make. There was no clue small. IIgbt moustache and decided t o his Identity. Tho name of hla ~I_ Engllsb accent. Pelly declared that he ·101' and tbe label on hlB clotbes had was the son of the Rev. R. P. PeJ1y~t been cut away nnd the label on his Walden Place, vIcar at Saffron Wal· brown derby bat remove d. den, Essex, England. He was 26 years J)l1tective Jobn Wilson Murray of old, a graduate ot Oxford, and a cousin Toron to was ordered to take the case of , the beautiful Lady Pelly, who was In hand a nd he went to view the one of ttie suite of Lord Lansdowne, . .bIg Blenheim swamp whe re the body form erly gove rnor seneral ot Caoada. bad been found . He guzed upon the . He Informed Murray that he knew telJ.lale crimson splotch where the both the de ad man, whose plpture was head ot the murdered' man had lain, In the papers, and Birchall.' then surveyed the surrounding ground "Benwell , Birchall, Mrs. Birchall, and ·oame. acrOBB a grim trail of ae- and I all came out from England In cuslng red. He roJlowed It back a Cew one party," said Pelly. "Birchall nnd paces nnd' found tbM It ended In one . Benwell left us · for a day and Dencreat blot of gore, beyond which there well never came back. I Baw the pic· ~os no further trace of blood. It was ture of toe dead man a few days later, eyldent that there the shot had been and 1 told alrchalJ It was Bonwell and Ored that fenerl the victim, His tnu.r. that he ought to go and Identity the d.e rer had borne the lifeless body to oody and make sure." tho denser place to hide It. On bls Murray spent several hours convenbands and knees Murray crawled Ing with Polly who .was perfectly wl11· around the scene of the crime, going Ing to tell all he knew regarding the over the ground lncb by Inch. Three · suspect and murdered man. Amoll;g times he crossed and reorossed the Birchall's papers, tound In searching -tatnl trail hoping that he mlght..J1le- -his effects, were letters corroborative cover a bit ot & label, a button, a at what Pelly said. 'fhe latter, with ' scrap at paper-anything that might bls Oxford course ftnlshed Ilnd tbe (end a clue to the history of tho mur- world before blm, was looking tor an dered man. At last his exertions opening In life: when, In December, were rewarded by the finding of a cl- 1889. be read an advertisement In gar hold'e r with an amber .mouthp1ece, London, England, newBpapers &8 foJ.. marked F. W. B., and that was all ot lows: ,the grim secret yielded by the dIsmal "Canada.-Unlvel'lllt,. man, having Bwamp. farm, wishes to meet gentleman'l son Five days had elapsed since tbe to live with him and learn the buslftndlng ot the body, but though pic· ness, with view to partnership; must ~t tures of tbe victim were published In Invest £600 to . extend stock; Illl tbe leading Canadian papers and board, lodging. and be per cent. In· caples ' sent to England, no IdenUllca· tereat Ull partnership arranged. Ad· tion was made. The 1I0dy was burled dress, J, R, Burchall, PrImrose Club, at' Pl'lncelon, a few miles tram Blen'. 4 Park Place, St. James, London." berm. On the elxth day a man and Pelly wrote to the above address, woman arrived at Prlncetol) and asked requesUng further .partlc'ulal'll. In reta see the body, saY.lng that tl1ey had ply he received a telegram from J. R. .een the ploture printed In the pa- Burchall, staUng that he would visit pers and fancied they recognIzed ~he Walden Plnce, Saffron Walden, on the features. Tbey bad' crossed from tollowlng 'l'hursday. Pelly an!lwered Ensland recently, and on the same wi th a nete, ",1\Ich was found with ehlp wlls a young man who resembled other tetters In' Blrcball's effects, bopatrQngly the picture at .the deceased . Ing that he would stay all night as It The body was dug up on March 1, the was a · long way to come for such a lady and gentleman viewed It, and sbort Interview, an'd also he desIred to ' Identified It as the remalna of their have his tatlier meet J, R. Burchnll. rellow pasllenger. . On the Ilppolnted day Burchall 'ar"We think his name was Benwell," rived ot Walden Place. and later met they said. ('He was merely a casual Pelly In London, and won oyer both UOfts. Birchall gave an evasIve r&- Oxford, saying that he was ID U.e emacquaintance aboard sblp and we son and father. ply, and under pretenso of showing his Ilia), ot Somerset & Co., Brock street, ·knew nothing , of him." _ He pictured to them a large farm companion the beauUe3 of the Niagara Woodstock, and would pay his <lebts TheY returned to ParlB, a town one and a halt miles , tram Niagara river, took him ' down an old rotteD promptly. In the Bummer of 1889 about ten mUes from Princeton, and Falls, OntarIo, a farm with large stairway that led over the clltrs to Birchall and his wife returned to Eng· Murray, rettn nlng trom a vIsit to the brick houses and barns, the former the edge at the water. At the bottom land and lived with Mr. Stevenson. ·ewamp, we nt directly to tbe hotel heated by steam and llghted by gas or the ' shaky stet·s thero stood a Then It W811 that Birchall began adW'here they w. "'3 staying. and tbe latt'lr by el ectric light, with stranllor, tM sight 'of whom seemed vertislng, under lbe name oC J. R . "I am Jobn Wilson Murray of the lights placed around the farm. He to annoy Birchall, for wltbout linger· Burchall, address the Primrose Club. department or criminal Investigation," told of the big and profitable busl· Ing to admire tbe view tie turned and for young men \'I·lth money to go to eald the c!rttlctlve, Introducing hIm- ness, ulld mentioned the line fishIng. retraced hIs steps, Iteturnlng to their Canada and learn farming. Pelly's I.elf. "You are the gentleman who shooting and other sports to be ' en· rooms they saw a newspaper contain· father WRS, as he had stated, vicar of has blleD viewing the body found .In joyed' on ,the estate. He j!xplalned Ing the account ,of the discovery of Saffron Walden, Essex, and BE'nwell's 'the s~llmp?'" that the business carrIed on was buy- the body at a murdered man near father waa Col. Benwell of Cbelten· "Yes," said he, "my wlte and l' 1ng horses In the rougb and grooming Woodstock, and Blrahan propolled tbat ham. ' :wore out at the grave" and saw the them to sell for profit;. that the farm "Pelly should go there and aee If the At Woodstock Murray learned that body." ." , was' usec;l to raise ~orse teed; that remains were those Benwell. This 'Birchall and bls wife arrived there "You . were DCqualnted wttb ' th~ during J. R. Burchall's absence hIs sinister. remark aroused ' fresh sus· from England In the autumn of 1888 70ung mau?" queried the detective. overseer, . a Scotchman named McDon· plclona In Pelly's min!! and alarmed to ' look .over fUJI! lands and enjoy tbe "Very slightly," was the , response, aid; and ' several )Jlred , men · looked him ·to such an ' extent that he slipped country me ot Canada. Birchall and -'1 just," met hIm abollord' ·shlp." , 'after tlie farm ' and busIness; , tbllt h:9 'a , revolver Into his pocket, determhlh:fi h'ls wll~ passed as Lore! pn:J Lady , "WIlat waa his. name?" lnQulre~ bad a bronch busIness, Ilt Woodstock, to carry ·It In the future. ." . Somerset., They ' lived !;ayly and Murray.' , '. OntarIo, and' had , rooms ··there" where . On the n,ext day "Bjrchall persu~ded . seemed to bave mllney ~~fittlng their "1 , th(nlr It was Fred Bentwell or he and his wIfe · Uved at times. He ·Pelly .to go over to the Amerlcnn side rank In Ufe. They were fond or drlv· Seuswel1 or .Benlwel,l." replied the gen· said & number of !!lnIU.limen lived of the ,~Ive~ with ~,m', und~~ tJle p-.:e· Ing and pIcnics, and one at the .s pots ·t1eJlU!.n~ "We. 'we~ fello,w ' pllsseng~rs ar.o und NIagara FaIts, &!ld ',that a club . ·tense of' looklng after sl)me',mls,s lng , 'i'lJord Somerset' vlslted " on varlQus , on the Britannic or. the White StilT had been creat~d tn whlcb tbe 1J)em- b~giage. It was raining and blowing· WOF Pine Pond, whlcb Via8 Une. He was. on' bt. to LOndon, bera lived ill EI}JU8h st,.le ~" h~d' b~rd "hen they started to walk .back surrounded by Blenheim s?I ,mp. Ontario. I last eaw him at NI8pJ1l EngUsb lIervants. Bureba)) laid he to · Canada !leross ~~e . Suspension When they fc!turned to l!)ngland; 'l..ord Falla. ·~e bad .a good deal Qf lug. had ' orpl)Jzed "t!Je club. 'l'he ·collu·try. bridge, .- There ' ,,~re no '.otherpedes, and Laay Somerset" departed Itroll' cage and left some of, 'It." . ' was BIl earthl,. ~radlee. ,w ith ~ealth . tHao. 10 .1,bt aa ~l!ey ' ne.a red tbe Woodstoc'k very ' suddenly, leavIng DU· "Will JOu be able to point out blal; to" be had 'for simply 1oJo1l~01.1Ir center of the bridge aDiI BlrCball, baIt· merous unpaid blUs behind Ihem• . taQace~' .ted 'M urrar. the land. lult: . reque.ted Pell, to look over the Wben BIrchall agai'n aalled for ''w.b7. 'e.... reaponcled the I8Dtlo~mpletel' ~pU1;.t~ ~, W. IIow' ' ~bles at the roaJiloK, torrent. bel~w. America it was ,~9t . ln the :rolo cif .LorcS· 1Il&D•. ''I'am 10101 to tbe ~i to-clay. In, d~c;,fptton~ 08 J'aDUIll7 ~1. 189~k ','Tb'! riP I.• )Iuperb.'~ lie aaJ!I~ &8 Somerset. He ~me lLCCom,anle" by We ODIJ came bere becaIM ·.e . .w PeIIJ wrote fro.m BolllqtOD, . . Leo.' " be ·J...~ed tile e4P. "l\01Ile ·nd bla- wife Pell, IUlIl Beowen, aDd the 'tile ID tbe paper:' ~'..oJl-Sei, to",- R. B~.U."'..... I~" , . four I.ITIYe4 ID'''New Yo;ll OD ,~. Brl· '~~., ...: . ....... all 'It . ~ ... ~ It br ... ..., taDaIa 011 J'e'rue.I7· 1t. From W, ar till fiIIi~.. roa .WI" . . . to danlt AlII unepecUq per. .... . loak at tle aQd

~ F

I_II tnan t wo mUes or l!:as, ,,uo« Mod

be could g l to WOOdstock tram there as easily a tram Ga bl es Corners, 'fbe man than ked bl m a nd wal ked on towa rd Eastyvood at a rap id pacc. At three o'clock Mias Ali ce SmlU• arr ived a t the E as twood stall.)n to post a lette r. As sh was goin g Into the s tillion gat she ame tace to taee with Lord Somerset , who had boen In Woodstock the year bpfo re, an d who ha d cullerl at the ho me of her grand· rot b 1', Joh n Hllywn rd at EastWOOd. So merset wore an a lll n: kbn.n cap. He ca me up to Miss Sm it h and shooll hands, say in g: "How ' rio yo u do? Don 't you re member me?" and a ' ked a fte r ber fnmlly and grantl fatb er. H e told Miss S mi th he was coming back latc r , and then bough t a ti cket for Hamilton . MI ss Ma ry wazle, a noth r yo un g lady ot East wooel , a lso was at tbe station for the th ree o'cloc k Ira ln, a nd Sd W t he stra n ~ e r . His trousers we re turn ed up and hi s shoes IV rc ru udd y. Miss Id a Crom well of Ell s t· wood also SIl w him a t the s tati on. J a mes Hay wa rd, an Eas t wood storekc per, saw him ~t th e s ta tion a nd rf'cog nl zed th e so·called Lord Some rset. At 3: 38 t he train for Nl nga rn FaJle reached Enst wood Il nd t be s tran ger In th fur ca p cllrl'bed nbOllrd. George Hay , 0 brakeman . saw and rernembcrc t\ him fll stlnell y nnd kl~ Dl rchall pos ltlvely I1 S th e man. Othe r wltn sscs a lsi) Iden tlfl ed him, the ir cv ldence COVe ring BlrchaJl's trail up to hI s ret urn to th e Stalford bouse, Bulfalo, at 8 : 30 at ni gh t. Witnesses also Identified the d a d body ot Benwell a8 that ot the youn g man with Blrcball on tbe train to Eastwood, a.nd on the road to the swamp, Birchall, according to the detective's deductions, had tour hours and 24 minutes In which to walk the four miles from Eastwood to tbe swamp" do the mur· der, and walk bock to Eastwood. He nrrlved at 11: 14 tn the morning and depart.ed at 3: 38 In the afternoon. If he took three hours to walk tbe elgbt mile s, he stili bad one hour and minutes tor the crime. AB a final proof of Birchall's guJlt, Mllrray was advls~d by the Loadon, England, poJlce that Col. Benwell had just received tram Birchall an undat· ed letter, heoded with the address or Niagara Falls. Tbe postmark revealed Its date aa February 20, three days after Birchall lett Benwel\ dead 10 In tbe swamp. In this letter Blrehall a s ked that $500 be sent him at onoe, adding : "I have been talking to your Bon to·day about arrangements, and be Is so well satlslled wIth the prospect here that he Is ready to go Immediately Into the partnership, and he Is writing to you to·day on the subJect.'· The $500 asked for was to be the first payment on $::,500 which Col. Benwell was to se nd to his son for Pirchell It the farm and prospects pleased the youth . ,Pe.Jly IdentiOed the body found on February ~8 ~s Ben· well's body, and therefore Blrchan could not have been talking to hJ on February 20. Instead of writing to his father on February 20, Benwell was lying cold In death. HaVlng ,-..J found witnesses who IdenUfted m~, chaU as tbe bogus Lord Somerset, who had made frequf'nt visits to Blenh'3lm swamp the year before, and had learned the path to Pine Pond, the lake In tbe swamp that Is supposed to be buttomless, Murray knew that hla case was complete. Birchall had embarked In business as • . murderer. He had deliberatelY planned the crimes and flttell blmself for the · practice ot his professIon. While masquerading as Lord Some~ ' set he had Bele~ted the bottomles8 ' lake kno_n as Pine Pond for the grave that would tell no lales. The Bien· helm swan.p be marked 8S tbe place at slaughter. lIe was familiar with the emigration business, through hla rather-ln'law's knowledge of It, ancl conceived tbe Idea ot taking rich young men Instead, at po~r Imml· grants. He created an Imaglnatlye fnrm and went back to England seek· Ing victim\!, but made the mistake of taking two Instead ot one. Eveo then hhl plans were well laid. He Intended to kill Benwell In tbe swamp and shove Pelly Into the whirlpool rapids. Neither body would be found tor he would bury Beflwell In the bot· tomless lake and Pelly would vanish In the rapids . rr one at, the Elrldgea companion. She had known Lord had nnt slipped In the swamp he Somerlll!t by slgbt the ' year before would not have stepped upon Ben· and tholtght the ma.n walking behind well's body. revealing Ule crime. BIrwas tho.! nobl eman. James Rapson. chall had not rueant , to leave the body owne r or a swamp adjoinIng Blenheim wbere anyon e could find It. He was. swamp, was out with hls' men cutting hcadlng for Pine Pond when he slew limber about one o'oClock In the after- Benwell ant! Intended to ' dro" the noon , when he henrd ~ .... o pistol shots .body tbe re, but a recent storm bad fired In rapid succession In Blenheim swept the swamp and choked with debris the (latb to tbe bottomless lake. swamp. Thus Murray completed bls chain· of With Benwell and Pelly vanIshed ~om evide nce to the swamp and the very off the tace of the earth, Birchall hour of tbe murder wben the assassin 1V0uld have collected throu~b hogu. was alone In the swamp with bls vic· le t tors to . the tond · parents the sum tim. Tbe sb; tt; were fired about one still due tram his victims and then o'clock, hair ,lD hOllr atter MI.s s Fallon returned to England In pursuit of had s(,:,u ' he Plen pass, Birchall bad other prey. t}vldently }lolnted out land from the Dirchall's trlnl began at Woodstock, car window as part ot hls farm, and Ontario, on September 22, 1890. 'The told Benwell they would take a Ilhort case attracted world· wide attention Cllt througb tlie woods to It. Ben well and tbe Engllsb newspaper~ as ~eJ1 uas a c,redulous youth and Innocently as those of France, Germauy and · enteled the swamp and started up thl' It:lly printed columns upon columna wltJdlng path. It wos an p.asy matter III the proceedings. Despite the brU· :01 Dlrckall to drop behInd a mpmenl lIant , ~nd desperate 'fight made by the whlle Benwell wa's preSSing eagerly on' prlsoner's, counsel to save ·hls . client .. anxious for Il 'vlew ot\ the farm-the the eVlde.n ce ga~bered by Murray was furm ·be wos never 'to see. too convlnclpg to be Bet aside. B;I~ At half past two Charles Buck, a cba)) wa,s found guilty an!! sentenced young tarm~l\ lIv1ng ,on ·the ' rosd be· 10 be, I)'ang~d on ' Nov~,m~er 14. 'He 't ween Eastwood and BlenheIm swamp. went to his doom bmvely on a cold. was driving home from ,Woodlltock gray morning, walked '· ollt In the whe~, at the, ~rossroads lea4,ln. to prll\c;>n yard unsupporteif .and mounted Eastytood, II Dlan turned the corner tbe scaffoltl wltb ,. steady 'l1.ep, The from the 'Blenheim .wamp road and drop fell. and an Inen O&UI'. dugled starteil t9r Eastwood. The maD wore at the- end ot'. • rope, ."'DC!ns to llIul a fill' cap. and be .topped an~ :a.ked fro Iii tbe ebtU WIDd. , J"r.e4erSc1c a... Mr. Buck tbe W87 to oa&lel' Corti...., well ~' beeD .,en.-4 It, tfle ..~ ~ .. be ...hed to set to WOOdItoQ.IL (eop".!tit. u.. _ W. Q. '












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I \~I'''lJant ttl tit\:' I) ,del' of the eou I'l , I ):Ul \. . ' H.m ' dl' l'k, I';luscd I \) It", 11l1'lwd II e jU l',' wlwd and natile. Il f JUI'IIl', f 0 1' till ' Apl'il t I'm ~)f 'l)llI rnon PII"u,; ( \Hll't w ,'r~ ll\U ~ oblaill d ~ ,; (0110\ ~ :

Orand Jurors. W, ll. 'eig-fl'it'll l' l arcr ek Tp . Alhert nl'ant Tnl·tle n'pk Tp , . ]\ ugu l Hllppe ::;1' I erlield 'l'p , C. Bf \ 'andt'l'\'I II'\'t " 'alem 1'1>. Josi ah J\'\ or ro\\' '1'\lI'tl cref'k Tp . Jo::;t'ph EILzroth . lI amilll II 1'\1 , J. \\ . Har tsol'k .. Ma:;:·ieTp . Frank Ca." . 1 C' r/i lei Tp , W. Fl in 'pal'h \' rankl in Tp. W , R, Lafe\,f'r . Franklin Tp, " H . lelll Il ls . , . N , Wayne Tp. Je~'e Ment7. . Frankl in Tp. William Clevenge r , , .. Ha rlan Tp M, L . Bennet t , .. , . , ,S, 'alem Tp, Alva H ill , . Hamilton p, ' Pctit Jurors. A. B. Probasco " ". T urtlecre k TI>, ' harle tewal'l. .. .'l'urtlecr ek TI>. D, P. arnahan .... , . . Harlan Tp. Fred Kanw ".. , ... Hamilton Tp. ' . H. Harts ck ......... Massie T p, M. H. 0 wald . . . Tu rllecr ek Tp, M, P . Steddom , . , ,Turtlecreek Tp , Harry Ralston , , . , . . TUl'liecreek Tp. H. C, Dakin '.' , . . Turtlecreek Tp, tto Augspurger ". Turtlecreek Tp, H. P. Early , . , ' .. , .. , learcreek Tp. James C. Brown , . , . , , , Franklin Tp . New Suits. \ CatharineSnook vsEdward 'nook, Plaintiff say t hat t he re is d ue h er from the defendant t be sum of $821.64 as evidenced by t hree promissory notes and asks f or payment of same. Catharine nook vs Edward Snook. Plain'tiff files affidavit for order of attachment declaring defendant j

I':'l<lle of IlI111i Rand l;eol'g' W. Eail~ . :\, sig-nor5. "It dul> of d bt: amI liabllitie til ,by '.1, A. ,Jam 'SO Il : as: ihrn ' Estat of L "i S, Lukens de O\~ -d, In \,('nLory alld HPl I'ai,;crnent III l~ h~ p, t . t;Jag- 'll, udmillisll'llt ,r. ESlH l of Ib l't Dill, d 'ea ed, ::; ·l'ond a nd final a Olll)t Ii I I by , {; f'O I'j!'~ S . Tt' tl'iclc :llinlini,;trator, I-:stat ·o f.J o~eJlh Elt t l'olh. dec aSI I l pml appl i alion L(1\li~i\ EIt.v.I'o t:h ii' apPllintl'd admini,;t ralri:\. \\'ilh b 111.1 (If $·1,0 . Frank Wy li , hHrl l';'; Franz anq Harry Fnmkenburl.:' an.' appoinled (II rrai ::;e l'~ , \':';Ia te qf L~ \' i .: . Lu kent', dl·,·e:L.;ed . "roll f !l'Cpubli 'al i n Ill' notict' uf up· POilllllll'llt "f P. IJ, 'Itll.:' ,tt. as ad mini ,~ ll'; llll' tilt'd. E..,tate of hark: E. Mi 'IWllllr et a l min(\I'~, In \' ' nto l'Y lilt!d by Sarah ", Mich nOI' , gua rdian. F~'ita t £' of Cba rles Mich nllr 'el ttl. minors . . Fil':lt atl'\lUlll III d b~' Sarah Eo Micbenur, guardian, I\\arria)!e Licensc ... .Jacob ., Wi lson, 33, farm I' of King ' Mills to ' arnet WUlJd, 28, s tenograp h r If Kings 'lill:. He\', F , p, .'chwartz, Th ma, J . Adam , ~:.., fa r m I' of \ Va "rl"s\'I'lle to ('ora M All en HI of J .. " " pl'ingboro. Re\', W. A. Cooper. larence Wyk off _:.t, labor r of larksvill to Augusta Cleveng 1',

M KERS Thl:' (' I'dt!: n "g )f , mokel's r t hal' '( , ill thl' )wiu g a\\':~y 'ig:m'. ub~ and (ll)11I tying I ipe , ,' ts til' to about ~,O III buildil1g_ C\'~'l'y YNlr in the l nil rl ~lal " 'll\o\cel': tlPH gtill gl' c tern ulI1bC'r of building: by ('ar I '!;~mes' with malch ;.; Th y lise mll~t l. f he ma tt'hl's, Fin:,,, a l'e ",tal' ed by cigar and l"igHr >ttl,! slut ,s druPJll'd through pa\'l'll1enl ~",atings intil t'ubbi sh; OJ' th rn\\'illj! tlWlH in to was t -p<~pel' b(\.'1k ,ts, lind into \\,llod ' 11 , I itt (ns filled wi h sawdust , '1ll1 11,(>J's bel'olll ' a utomalnn,; ill lilt' d~'lllilr !lf hpir hahit. pl'('pa rillg their 'igal' Ilr pil " s ll'iking a mat·1t and twirling it s iJurlliu)!, stil'k away UllcIlnsciom;ly, Srn.lking in bed is I<,$..'I .:0ll1mOn in th e \\' t':H ' rn th;m in thE' I:~H"lcrn ~tatl~8, if l lw nUll1ltpruf fi,·c>; from that cause iR tak n as thE' guag . Th \ Hpor of gasoll'ne expludes if it l' ach a l igh lerll'i~ar Th heal in a glowillg' dga r j,; uct \\'l'en \:IUU and 1,noo degre's Falll' .. til reful'c it. will c.xplode ga -ol!..'ne vapor, or ai r ontaining:~to .... :! ~ .,per('enl.ufa't'LyI ne~a: , th iI' ignition point b eing 900 F" but will not ignite th IIth ' l' gases us d for lighting, be('au ' £' their I'gnl' tl'on Ill)I'nt is 1.1 50 tl 1, 19H deg l'e F, rWE.~ ANU ' I(;AJl ET'rES.

B . t If ' . urntng :>acco rom a pIpe IS 1 , of 'pring H ill. Rev . W. A, oop- more likely t o t fi r~ to lit.ter , lra h er, 01' rubbi ~h than L a cigar stub, A 'I arence .~ ,\ , w ns , -, ')4 a Ie man Turki s~ cigar tte, on it i lighteu: of Dayton, to Mary H. Lowe , 21 , of willcontinu t.oburnforfi\'eminute, Monow , Rev. W. A. ooper. t'l 't ' " II bu d IIp 0 one ()f un I I I., a I'n " .Henry Fei nerer. 23, rna ' hini t of t h m dropped ul 'on wa.:le· pap l' is Mason to Mamie KleIne rt, 1 " of Ma- ure to ta ,' t a fire . son , Rev , :Mr . Mill er o f Sou th LebA cigar t ub dropped lIpon the anon. dress of a lady sitting in th grandClarenc U. Brown, 25, farm er o f ~ tand a t a state fair ignit d it, Her Franklin to Ard lIa Method, 1 f life was saved by an assistant !)tate Franklin. Rev . Mr, Marker. fire marshal taring her dr ss ff

At! imm nse porkel' rai ' 'U by Ja' b chan. of N \ BUrlington. was 0 11 a count of ils )Jl'Opo r i ns named "Hill TaIt" The pig although /1ly ' 1 months lIld \\' igh -Ii 910 pounds ' when :hil lP tlto in innati fUI- 'Iaugh ' leI' a f w uays age, . It had be n th in'tenlion of Sl:ll lght ring the ,. ill Taft" pig 0 11 la ~t Thursday hu lhe : upel'int nt\ nt uf t h ' packinj! , lant Ull)ught it. uns mly Ladies' and Gents' Cleanto slaugh t e r 1'I'l':iJ"'1t t Ta ft' name- I :akl' on the da~' of his inaugu ration , ing,Repairingand Pressso piggie's lift' \\'(~ I ngthened by ing Neatly Done. l \\'l'lIly-foli l' hI lI l·S. Accu nling- 10 meas urement s taken at tIll' pal' king' plant th Taft p ig ' a~ We Guarantee a Perfect fit ;) feet long, :: feet high IIntl 10 feet in cil'cumt'E'I'I'Ill'l' Th .., hams weig hed tll)()ut 60 pound' eac h, An a\'erage ham weighs unly ab uut 12 pouuds ·- Xenia t.;aze llc. Leak Building, Main St .• - - Wayncs\-iIIc, Ohio. A flllllU~ tlll ,V 110 1'\'\ - 11 11 IUl'gl' l' tbuu tit lili('s t . ilk lH) I,lll'tmd-tll kll,; fr om Ihf' HI 'nrt It" illlJ)lll:,,~' it... Jl IW liI- - - - - - - - - - - - -


1' 1',

il: 1'I'~lIll1riIY.

it,~ hhlll l'll ,

L~niber and

Mill Feed Sucrene Feed The Famous Dairy Food.

Corn, Seed Oats, Coal and Cement.

Til e ~tnl1la': hll l ,. n , ~ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

imill0 ntH·II.., Lt WI\;a Dr. ~hllnp \VII" fli' to ,, 1111 \I it, \v1I~wr'1\1 g t,o (\rug l '\\,l1'lkor{tli l i lJ ~ "t II 111 (1 'II, H 111'1 Ill' !\ltln",Y8 Hi" Undertaker and Embalmer. p\' 'sc l'i plillll-D r . ~h o() p' ,. I "'8 tll l",,ti\' - i,. dlr"pt .. d "trall!h t fl)r I,ll Wil l Lte fl)und in the nltl 'I\U o f Ih.,,,o lIiIIllOllt,,;- tltl toU wflu k Blink BlIlILling, 0ppuNittl lIud fldt~)I'l lI g iURll1 u rVtlH Th i", t h e N l1tillnul Ba nk . no dlln\)t, (' lulI'ly expluio ,,; why tIJ 'l1ele phon in hOU!!H Illlli "f . ROHtorut h ' hus of lI;ttl g ro wn " 0 tice wlJere 1 can lJe on.UeJ rupidl In pO)Jultnit', Drn"gi!:lts (ltlY )r n ight. . IIV t.ll11t Iholle wlw t >I t, th t'l R AStol'lI Vnll 'Y ~h o ne 14-2, ti ve 1. \' n In\' Il f W dll,Y O( '1 bHf'lHne fllll v el1T\vi n('oi l Il f i tH w'Irlll llr flll Main Strcl·t, l Wayncsville, Ohio .1 '.1 me ri'. t,. II . Wll.V u.l\I t urug tit o rgUD , 'l'nlat,i n ~ thf'CII. UH' (' r ~lokUtl~!' \ S t,h' 'lilly ~ (, Il "ihre lind :lUC'I' I'~" ul l ITALrl1E (' L' U REt WHy. , '!lId h,v 1II I (hmlf' l'!'l VV l" _~ . __ _ _ _ BACK TO MIDDLE AGES , Funeral Director. _ __ At th· alional DI·t."slI\ukel" scohT lep lll)1I (]f1,V or ni!!hr . vClltion whi ch began iL'I 'e si ns last Villi .\' , hllll(~ No . I. n ll ~ we k th· fael will b made public r>i t ll ll (:1l N,l. (19-'11' . that t he " newest" gow ns ill femtnin hll ;;

H.. ndqullrtN R f ll r 1\11 1011111' IIf

0 1'

If you wnnt Cootl Hrend, use


Acme Flour Try Our Mill Run Fced for Hogs

We also have a lot of I- inch LUMBER cheap. Oet our prices before buying elsewhere.


Spencer&Monroe Oregonia, Ohio.


Valley Phone 2J1-J\(in~\')O

The kirts f a lady slandir~g .il1 the appal'l date as a III at t I' of fact. WA YNESVILU:, OHIO. ~::=::====~~_~"'~:. street took fire f r om a cigar tt and from th midd l ages ' Branch Offic , -far 'eysburg. ('~ , Emma McClellan and Jennie Me he \vas burned to d ath. Tht! go\vn that has b en d cided .- _ . .. Clellan to James W. McClelhin tract R BBI H AT HE Fl lt E. upon for thisy arhas an "al'moniere" ~ in section three in the second townThere i a great 10 from letting or ort of pocketbook made f the ..... "'" hip and fourt h range between ' Mi- rubbi h and trash gath I' in buildings. same ma tel'ial a t h Ill' SS . frOI1l ami Rivers, $1. ' A lar ge part of the fir El from fly ing which it is draped and which were olj\>' ',JI..' harles. Miller and Agnes Miller sparks would not have happen d if much in vogue in the tent h , el venth 'lie Lena T. Gilpin, Alfred T , Gilpin, D . there had be n no t ra h for them to and twelfth , c ntul'ies, im ilar to the ~ Edward Miller, AliceE. Miller, Edith light. in , Mo re than half of al l the dr es of those ag s t h waist lin M. Cashner and George ashner fires that ·tar t themselve by spon'ta- will be low red ab ut ha.1f ,a foot a nd TRADE MARK. ~ ':t' to EdwardA.Kesling, t ract in Clear- neous comb u t ion tart in l'u bbish. longuw kwat'dcorsets maden 'e: a l'y co~J>,.~:~~~a"c. ~ creek township $1900. Fires from children play ing wi th - - ql~~l.0n:.:r~e:::~ :,~r\::;:h~r~df~::~r,~i~::'~l:~ . Richard J . Michener, Mary B. matches neal'ly all tart t'n rllbbi h, It Sa,ved His Leg . In.en:JolI I. pr.. hnbl, I',Uellt.bll!....pmlluulllrk : uon"lrl~ll' OOlllldtlllll. l. "A"DB~. on f'aten.. Michener and Mary A. Michener to and 0 do mo t of th e , blaz fro m A II Ill ('u .. ht ] 'd 10 H m lag " .eil!lr~~ tl!~e~,t ~~r~~~lrO;,t~~r ~~!:'~:'e~':iYe Oregonia, _- - <?hio Stephen A. tilwe ll, lot in Lebanon fir crackers, Old paper usually writ,aR ,J A. !:iwan on, ' Wn,t rto,vn IPtclaJnotlct, "lJhoutC!b~r.,,'utbe $1 \·~IRdootors , "'I' n1)111d y 111'8notf onro, czem ll11.,,1 , l,bl~I *'*''*~'**'**'*'*, form s the largest part of rubbi h Hi til \I~ \. ~ \. • Ellen C. toutenborough, J ohn E. heaps and it ignites very easily . 41ll,; t lido 111e up. Th All Hllerl le u 't :',,~~~:'r~:r."!~~~![.~:~~ ~?~~,~: ~,,~~~,~:~,~~ Stoutenborough, Charles H, loutenTHE ATTI , Arnioll nl ve cured it tlllund llDd ,O/lr: f ,.II r IIU,lI l. h. , tL 8,,1.11>1 &" "e".,toHler.. borough, Mary L. Doty to Paul All or ts of thl' ngs, t hat take fi re we ll. " Jll fuillbitl fo r !:ikin Brllpt.ioolo CO.361Broadw3" Yor~ ..... lIf1locb omce, F St ~ WUbltll'''''', D. C. + Hoagland , tract in Franklin town- easily, are put away in t he attic. E'QZemll, Hu I t R h eom 1• BOilM, F aveJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=,..". . 'oreN, B UI D ,~ol1 lds , \Jut lind Piles, 'II-. ship, $3,000. . The attic or garret i the h ottest 250 utll'rfl U, ~chwl)rtz'R , H.E.HA'l'HAWA.,r ~ I , "'" Talbot C. Driggs to James M , place in the house, while th e summe r - -... - - ""lI .+ i ,Robinson . tract in learct' e k - town- un strikes the roof, and few of them A UNIQUE CHEC.K t' ' 11 · ' Le ..... j 0 t I"J"" • " ~ in 'Je~Key VI e" ..u ng on 1st ~H 'I, -:t' ..".ship, $9&00 have openings thro ug h wliich heat . Office I'! Bldg....· Mllin .,.... Philip Hopkin Jr" to Enoch Haines can escape, An odd eh ck was cashed at t h e . " . and Maud Haine , lot in Waynesville, Among t he odds and end of t he ,Fourth National ~ank of Cin cinnati -. $1. attic,.l1sually, are varnished , f urni- last we k. It was made out, in pergel Immediate relief from John 0, Whitak er anti Josie E. ture, rags smeared with grease ready fee t f Ol'm, onapiece ofpine wood, ' Dr.ShooD·sM4tlcO~ntmeDi 1* Whitaker to William T. Frame , tract to lake fire t hemselves, painting oils one inch t hi ck, 12 inches long and ~~!"!""'~~~~~!"!""'... . ~,~_ -- I, ~. D. I. Waynesville, Ohio . in Wayne township $ 00. liabl e to' take fire while the sun fQur inches wide. The a m o u n t . . . . . ..... Ida Kahn to George W , Larrick, b ats on t he roof, and broken toy of called for i~ 3 cents. The check Subscribe for the G~lette stealin. and mare in question is valUed at $15,andMotion for new trial is lot )'n Lebanon, $1425. _ _~!!!"!!'!+~·~.lfi!!...~i.~·.'~i . ... ~i_~ ... ~.'JJ'~1"~.= overruled defendant is sentenced chilu ren who are grown an d gone re pr sents t h s tt1e ...... .. ,e n t 0 f a quar- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , to the . State Reformatory at Rebecca Dunham to William H , a way, or who went to sleep long ago. r;~1 between two p rominent r.esidents r~~~-----------t ~~;;;;; l Mansfield. Brawn, twe lve acres in Turtlecreek In summer a t hrifty m other wen t o(Walnut Hills . One of them reA Vegetable Laxative I'l township, $1. to the attic t o get papa' s old s ui t to centlY had a windo\.v in his house James W. Rogers vs S, D. Dawson Albert Stacy and wife, Clara B. cut down for Wiilie 31ld foun d a hole broken, and accused the son of the CurtlS Chronic Constipation and et al. On motion of plaiDtiff and for Stacy to Sil as E . Ketterman , real esb h h' h other of having done it Th feud Uver and Kidney Troubles. ' cause shown the default for reply burnt ill t he coat y matc es w e . ' e is set aside herein and plaintiff is al- tate in Clear ' reek townshi P', $9800. had ignited in one of the pockets, g rew strong , until fr iends in ter'(.ered, lowed to file a reply forthwith. Commissioners' Proceedings. Some harred match stick .. were ~it~ th ,re~u lt that th~dcost ~f t~e I"or ~1I1(' 3 L til 101l 0 Wlug pl.lec_ : there to prove it, If t he coat had 1'0 en win ow was pal, an t e ZI ' • Kllb ' Edward Snook · vs J. W. Snook ' mmel'mllll If, ou s. Contract- 0 n mo t Ion 0 f M1'. Roger.~ not hung by itself t he building would payer rna d e out hl. ~ c h eck on a piece et al. Cause comprised and settled the followin g contract wa made and have bepl1 fired. of wood , It came to the Fourth Whit,e'lI , Mountjoy's Springfield, Ohio. entere III to , le a u I 01' lavlllg g lvAttic and gar ret s sh ould have open National by messenger from the First E . Snook vs. M. K. Snook , h d ' . tld t 'fit tI . ' th , wi William thout cause. d' cel'l ca e WI re- ings in bOt'll ends so movement of National. . __ _ - __ - - -- - - executor, Cause sett led and dis- en t e r~quIl'e f d gard to un s: air will carry a wa" the heat fr om Employment \Vili be g iven 18,000 missed . . t 0 WI'tlI chimney and fr omJ the sun on t he Contl'act wa!! entere d III Grant Snook vs M. K. Snook, e.x- Ral ph B roo k s f or repau' . uhf a CII Ivel' t roof M any fir' are causetl b. y men if En g land's plan is cat ried out , ecutor. Cause settled and dismissed, 0 I b d' M . t h' of afforesting 150,000 acres a year. on g es ee roa 111 a, sle ov,:ns Ip spar k.a from chimn eys lighting I'ub_ . . Samuel Baughm, vs Frank Hart h ' t f $5 Is ~uilt. on scientific principles throughout. at t e estlma e o , bish 0 1' f uzz " Rubbish sho ul d not be -'--. --- .- ---.- al. Orrie Walters, defendant, It'!. conlcal Jaws are made of heavy sheet steel BiIls~Ruggl e -Gale Co" pencil: ke lJt in boxes of wood or pasteboard, asks leave to file answer, I f and the main body or wate'r reservoir and plant for surveyor, $2; suppli es for c e rk 0 CLOSETS. tube of heavy t inned plate. The water valve is Probate Court. court. $9.50; p en-holder fo r , he riff, There is no safe place but lhe of brass with rubber packing. The valve red and trip spring are of steel wire; thumb button Examination of county treasury- $1; Lebanon Gas Co., gas for j ~i l, tove fo r rags that hav any kind,of and other fittings are also of' brass The maOn the first day of March 1908, C. B. $1.;)8; R. B , Smith, coal fo r jail. g rea' 011 t hem, . Tilis incl ude>! rags chine is well put together with rive~ and solder Dechant and William McDonald pur- $5.63; coat' f(lr cour't hOll, e and jail , which have been us ed . to wip oi l and should last for year~. )Jris- f rom t h e sewtng . stlant to law were appointed to ex- $210,04; F,, P. Forgy. boarding ~ ), W mac h'me. No Stooping When USing, There' amine and inspect the county treasu· oners ~urll1g Feb~uary, ,$1004 1 , F lool' 'sweepings unde r furni t ul' fore No Lame Backso . ry qf Warren County Ohio, and same J, Wrigh t , coll ecting deltnquent tax, or in a c1o 'et a re liable to take fi re was accepted. $338,11; J ohn Lincl er. balan ce du e on spontaneously ori r,,,:T1a flyin g match All kinds of Plants, such as Cabbllg'e 'f&. Estate of Eliza ~1acy, deceased. bridge work, $4; Mrs, F. A. Daugh- head Sawdust u I)rl in' sweeping bacco, Tom~toesJ. Cauliflower. Strawbe~..iee • . First and final account filed by J. G. erty, meals ~o~' jury, $3; W, C. T~r- I fl oors, if left in a comer is like ly to Sweet Potatoes, ;:sugar Beets, etc.. are in water , a~(\ co~ered at one Ql)eration. Tbe:j)lant Macy, executor. ton, coal for Ja rl , $5,32, Central ilion become hot enough t o ig nile itself. roo,tt are put down to the proper deptl\ ' below In 'm atter of will of George W. Telephone 0., ren ts and to lls, $11,70; Grea y overalls in a t ig h t 'Clo' t may th ~ surface wh.e re 'the ground is cool and damp. Lewis deceased. Docum~nt said to Valley Telephone comp~ny , re nts take fir e. ' ''''. You never' have to wait for a,~hower' pl~t8 lIth be last will and testament of t he de- and tol~s, $17.85; L, , n: &, ~r~s. The mo t d angerous do t is that I'l)ay be S;afely set out when large enough, ~egard­ less of the weather-'-no matter. bow d,r y and dustY ~ deceased "Ied. ' type.wrl~r for clerk office, $68 ..00; unde:" as't airway" Lecause stoff t hat "l\T ' '. ~TT1\T,O'T~' the gro.u1)d may be. , , f , • " . In ~atter or' will of Martha ,B. Xema CIty Work Hou se, boardmg will burn easily rn'a y be put irJi ts long .i...J.'1 I " should have-o~e\ Bond, decease<I. Application made prisoners during }l~ebruary, $6.25; to and if a -fire , tar L in ,it the way it ·, s· t ,~"" a. d' 'ta';"", J. . ' Any man, With . I' b ' dd M A M Robertson mdse for ' ' ., ' rene;uuens n V1 ~s to admit wi! mto pro ate an ate rs.... . . , ' " . _ of e 'cape from upp r . to rles IS s on V~llql tpl,les up the digestive.organs, . , very httle practicA can easily set out 7.00(Uo court house., $2.5~, .Mr . A. M. Rob cut off. W, ,So ,ROGI:lRS, .a lds aSBiJrulation, €lnricpel! the /blOQd. 1 , ' . 10.000 pl~t! ~ch day. Our planter rhaintaiQ8 is,aet for huring. a ,record Qf .over .998 plant& to JrI'OW from each 1,000 set. MONEY' &state of SallieK. Evan, deceaSed. erts?n"?Idse .. ~or JaIl, $S.l?; T.tustee~ . Fate Fi r e Mars hal. and rejuven~tea everr orl@n l~ th~ R~F'UNDED IN CAS~ THIS PLANa'ER JfAlLS 'EO D0 AlJ. WE ~tbird. accourtt fi1ed by Perl·¥-H. Rue, 'of Pubhc Affalfs, f()~nk~~lq r;nt f~r " rou i1 pl1t;i 1;\ vely stopp;u ' In 20 '~~:~~~~~~!~~~~s~~th ~~~:~V1nOl CLAIM. fOR IT.. Weight! 4X 100. Thi,s1>lanter will save its coat a ee tru8 ·.&niniatratot and , t . 'six, m~mth • $3; sprm mg 01' SIX Dlinut ~ . with ' Dr. t3hoop' s roup W. a'l'8 poBIt;lvett ~1l1 bend" e-~ e~- dpzen tImes over In a season for replantmg and for use at the emil . &ta:te of Nannie R: and George months $4; water at court house RHtncdy Unetest ololle wiJ'lsur Iy 0,4 »erson who will ~ve Jt • trbto of ~he row; where you 'can't use the horae-aetter. , " ~ 3' 25 I' h t ' t : truth. . . "1ng, no ' U l' don" 'We w111 nfaJid Uaelr mo-.. W . ·~le. 88S11'JI~n. Inventory and ",1 , . ' Ig a. cour t '.h.O . .se , two prove this No VOIDh c JA ~N' E U ' D i t li'or sale by . A. .B Sides, and ..,prailement filed hy M, A, Jameson, months,23.52; llgbt at JaIl for two dl tress . .A safe aDd pltlBsing l1Iyrnp J., ~ugg 8 . -, , F. W. WaclawortJa.. Th_ setters can lMt ~ at A. 'S. Sid.' store at Imy. time..... ,...".. . month8, ·.9.62. ' . ~5Qo, t;old by all dealers : " ,Way~e.vj)1e, OhJ~ , about to, sell property with fraudulent intent of placing it beyond t he reach of his creditors. . Catharine Snook VB Ed. Snook., affi davitUorkarnishmentef Messrs.Bran don, Burr & Ivins, attys, Josepn W. Snqok and L. K. Langdqn attorney. Plaintiff claims said parties have property of defendant in their possession to amount of $lOO(i, hence the garnishment. Frank Fites, plaintiff vs N. C. Welch. defendant. ' Petition to recover ot~.46 on promissory note. """'" C. B. Dechant, attorney for plaintiff. E. M. Runyan vs Raymond P. Cline Julia A. Monfort and Hiram B ates, Petition to recover $500 on promisory note. M. C. Drake attorney for Plaintiff. Robertl.SpohrvsViUageofFranklin. Petition to set aside judgment in the court of. Magi8trate N. M. COrwin in Franklin township , Plaintiff asked that he be paid for services of assisting in the arrest of violaters of speed law, ' ...court Proceedinis. State of Ohio vs Anthony Cook. DefendaNt found guilty of horse

Real Estate Transfers.

*,**,*,*,*,*,*,,*,*,*'J1'*""" I D. HO'III' n5os worth, !


* '*'


S..t&ntlfl'" Jlm&rl"an

MUNN & = Dit..


'i'"* ..,*'

**,*****,**{I}$'** """' "'" T h OS 0011: I

:1 3:

'*' ''**'

General Auct.-oneer

;*. '* ' *':lIe I I**'*'*""'' ' ',..".I\Ytt...t....:.... . . -.J.;t





The Alpha Chemical Go.


J~E=~::::::~:::=::~:::~::::::~ MastersRapid Plant Setter




General Auctioneer


Old People


J.,,·E ED ,y

I... ,{, •, .

.J..I I

E,er' rlrmerind Truck 'Grower


Price ,$ 3.75 . ar ; '




~ --

O~,!~'" ~~~~w:~"~,~~,:~: W~~:~::e::~::~:~~:::: SCOtland,ST~; andm ..........~I~• • •.- .• ,. ~.• '~.•iC

cre~ed from J anuary , 1907, to.Ja.n \l·.IA 1;'O· S·II! .·.I'.'I' ary,. HI09,from!1,4 l8to 7,Oll , large. ." /1 .' as Ii l'esult of .the Rose co unty opVAI.I ,E\' TI·: I.I': i-'HONE "~I ,I. l"" II:: lion law. . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ' Tl1 l 1 'onlp il ation of the settlement 1), r. C RAN E , I!:ditol' 8 1llJ tlf lilt' liquor tax by Audi to r' of Stale /o'ullill1t LtllJ. on t.h e Jan uary co llel!tion, .RlItCH oJ Suh!:lcri"tion ":olllplet(::t,I Wednesday, muke this sho wing". The Janu a ry, 1909, t lIecC)II C " ,'"r 'il rkll ' In IIlI ",lIl1',·) ~ 1. 11 S hl e ,,: JlY , , , .11 :, tinn amou nt d t o $:~ , 41':i,ti03.70, as against $4,600,6!i9.4 1 co ll ected in the Rates of previous Janual'Y The State' s shal'e o f the Aiken tax Hea(lIn~ LJJC.1 ~ !'4 !'fO r II fir l(" a ul/l~ I"CII ),I. hh"'k : .I ~t'. 1'",' 11",' ICI(' drupped ill the year from $I, 3'7 I, OnO I 'I "~s lll,,,1 A<I " , lI lH to '''''''''/l Ih',' II"", in t'908 to $1,020,415 in 1909, ",hil '2". local I'even ues J ecl'eased from $3,219,'I'hn',' I" ... · rt l,, " ~ t)IJltu arl" •. fl,·,' I lIch~, rn" : ",'cr II,,· ;j;j 9 in HJUg to $2,;j\:l~, 1 88 in 1909. IIl (' hp ~ , (i"r line '" , , 'h . ( 'a ,,1 'If tlllI Il k ~ :" . l el'e was a d ecre~e In th e lIumJ( .. ,"IU lh,,," fII l (, ber of sa loons in all five of the <:o unSol'l1l1 , e lo' , wIoL" '" I'I, ,,r •. 1- nt ,. ,I" Lies with large citi es, as follows: l'I"llI"Y /\,I\'o: rcl , III", T" 'r 111 ,, 11 11 1e' uyahoga frorn 2.078 in 1908 to II1 "l'",,", I" ~lI" '1I ,'II ,'u lll r,lc l 1,967in 1909 Hamil ton, from 1.756 to 1,692. WIW NI':-'IIA\·, MA IH:tl I;, \lill i ' Lucas, fl'om 607 to 604. F'ranklin, from 532 to 498. Montgomery, from 3 0 to 326 . Eastel' ('umeR on Apl'il 11 th t his l:illv e you II, PIIIII -Or lin y kind, year. lUywh e re~ ~tu p ju~t lllU ,uut eu,nd I,hiok I 11. 1l1llttor,. lI o t whet,b er it b(\ Our state legislature Quit Lus ine8s. wOIDIWly plllOR, helld pRim, 0 1' IlUY 1a.'1 t week. kind Of. a p ' 10,. ~.?H Llf Dr: ~boop 's little Plok PtlolO rl1lJll~ tH' WIll !<uTtlly 3tOP it in :W BIIIIUt,IiS. !<' ormula To-day is St. Patrick's day. - the plllioly p rint-ad on the2fic box. Sold patron saint of Ireland , and in many lly lill denie rs . places will be duly observed. A RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY

TWO H !WtbCIass D.raft StaII"Ions.

Wale hav~ ' each claimed to be the birthplace of St. Patrick . He .came of a patrician ,family and was born ~ auo ut t he year 372. When only 16 ' . years old he waScarriedoffbypiratl , , . . who sold him in to slavery in Il'eland. He remained in Ireland seven yeal's, ~ escaped from captivity, and, after many aJvenLures on the continent ' he was successively ordained deacon, priest and bishop Once more he r e- ~ tU l'n ed to fr eland to preach t he gospel to its heathen inhabitants The greatest Of St. Patrick's mil'acles was that of driving .the venomous r epti les ~ out of It'ela nd and rendering t he ~ Irish soil fOl'ever after so obnoxious to the serpent race tnat they instantIy die on tout;hing it. Colgan sedously relates that St. Patrick accom pl ished t his feat by beating a drum which he struck with such ~ fe r vor that he knocked a hole in it ~ thereby endangering the success of the miracle. But an angel appear· ing mended the drum and the patched instrument was long exhibited as a ~ holy l'elic. In the Gaelic mountains ~ is a lake called Loug h Dilveen, " . and it is said that St. Patrick, when banishing the snakes and toads fl'om I I d h' d re .an . .c alOe a ~onRter ~el'pent, ~ ~ telhng hIm to r emam there tIll Monday. The erpenteveryMondry morningcalled in Irish : "It is a long Mon· day, Patrick." This is firmly be- " . The Cedarville Herald g ives an ac- Iieved by the lower orders who live 57218 Fr. The merchants in orgamzln g a count of the ministers and girls marin the neighborhood of the lough. ~ 43048 Am. protective association, may make a rying minislel'S that have g~ne out St Pat rick is said to have died on ~ larger town out of Waynesvill~ . of Cedarvill e Township. Of the the 17th of March, 493, in the one " Champion Percheron and Sweepstakes Stallion, 1965 pounds. Age, 7 years United Presbyterian there have been hundred and twenty·first year of • The sweet g il'l graduate will soon twenty-five; and ' Covenanter W. S., his age. St. Patrick's day is cele- ~ blossom forth. and "Over the Alps," nine; of Covenanter O. S., four; of brated on the 17th of March. The ~ ~ etc. , will be told again and again. Presbyterian. eleven; Methodist Epis- shamrock is almost universally wo!'n copal, two; making a total of fifty- in the hat all over Ireland on St Pat· The columns of the Gazette are al- one. rick's day . 'fhe .popular notion is 1. Fa'lEl&tn is an i mp01'Led horse, registered t:!. He has MADE GOOD in BO'fa respeot.; in both Franoe and Amerioa. f II . ways open for any news, and if mis- Just think of. it! Gracious, what that when St. Patrick was preaching~W sta ions oombine the&e qa_litlea. representations al'e made, any per- an ideal cOnlmuii ity! Arid add to this the doctrine of the trinity to the p a . . 2, He bas a 12-in'oh bone measarement. 9. His reputation as a RELIABLE BREED· son M signing their ,name. may reply to the girls that have chosen ministers gan Irish he used the plant, bearing ~ 3 Bia q oality and fine finish i8 not to be ING HORSE is sooure. . them if they want to. for their husbands. This list is thir- three leaves upon one stem, as a sym- ~ overl.)oked by breeders. 10. Be has 8PEOIA L CARE as to feed and ty-six. Two of the ministers, after bol or illustration of the great mys- jJi 4. He ball a short baok; is AI-I.WIDE.AS. EXERClSE the year rOllnd. . the demise of their fil'St wives went tery. TBE·TABLE kind, with a leg under Be is a grand reprelentative of hie no... The earmarks of spring have shown •_ _ \, eaoh oorner. ble breed. t,he PEROa,ERON. themselves in the robin's song, and back to Ced~vi11e for th~ir second Near Death In Big "'ond. G. Be.has been in &lls~ow rings in reason. 12. Be baR' 8 kind disposition and is 8&elly the great amount of farm tools be- The questIon been raised whethable reaoh, and has carrIed 1\ way handled; few drafters like hi nt. t th I d It WIlS 11 thrilling experitlnoe to' EIGHT FIRST ing burnished and cleaned ' for the e~ or ne e gIl' s 'Oper~te a mar- Mrs. lId s t;oper to ~o.cedeath . "Fur PREMIUMS in two years 13. Tbe best IS the cheape8t alwaY8. rush of the coming season. Ir~age bureau. There are few .vear~ a. severe lung troable ""vellie 6 Be will be exhibUed in all horse Ilhows 14, Woulditnotbebe~tertobreedtoapure· ' vtllqes that can boast of such a inteose lIufferlng," she writes, "and in Wltrren Coanty in 1909. bred horse ute FAUSTIN whose pro. ' showing as this. sevE'rlll tiwes nea.rly 01l08e.1 my , 7. Be ill an IMPREtl8IVE SIRE as well 8 S duoe sell for the high dollar ? . ' James Hedley, the ' lecturer said -.. Ide'tth . All remedies failed and doo. a BIGB·OLASb show horse . 1G. The Draft is the Horse for the Farmer. some wise things in his lecture One Nothing i o t he WIl.V ()~ aUough is tors ~aid 1. wos inoora.ble. Then lJr. ,WI"ln!!: IN AI,I, I': N

U ~




In Service for the improvement of Stock at the farm of Philip Spence, Ridgeville, Ohio.


Adv ~rtilicment8










i:I ~ ~ i.i






::;~~~!; :~:;:: ~:i~~ihe;~~~ t~: ·:~~i~!~{~:I:f~~~~:r~~:e~; ~~::~t:b~:~I~~rEa~;~!~~~ I f~oDl

" l'resoription known to Drag. ytlars." Mrs. Sop'·r lives in Big ~IEltS everywhere liS f)r. Shoop' ... Pond, Pa. It worb wonden in Cough Remedy. A ud beSides, ~t is s~ Uoughs II.nrl Colds, 80re Longs, Hem.

-I --------_. GIBSON Imported Enall·sh Shl-re Sta· II·lon_ ~-o -ww - - -


the youngest babes Tbe ' tender Bronohi"l affeotions 600 And $1 to have concerts here and brina' ..., - .. . by y, • the I"aves of. [\ lIimple. mountain !thrub, Trial bottle free. .Guaranteed people to our own, or shall we let g:lv.e to Dr. tihoop's Coo.,;h Remedy hed U. Bohwartz. them IrO to some smaller town to do itt! remarkable ourli!.1ve effect, A ' • _ • . their trading and enjoy the music few days' test will tell. Sold by all OUT ON PAROLE loranevehing. dealers .. _ •. - - S~LE OF TRACTION William Miller, ex·fire chief of AliENTION FARMERSI Franklin, Ohio, who murdered Joe ' The sale of the Dayton & Xenia Littleler, a Xenia man. wl He the latUlay Burnll ~'Id ReDler will m!lke traction line, which will be held ter was confined in the cit), prison in the season ot 19011 at WaYDesvill6. within the next thirty days, will Franklin on Sep tember.4, H~07, was 'Terms will be thtlllllmA It t'l IIiMt year mark the beginning of extensive paroled from the pemtentlary on .1 H , MAlfSR ALL, Pt'op. ch~nges in the interurban business in Thursday. MilIe~ was sen~ence~ to --~.... - • thIS section of the state. serve Seven yeal'S rn the pemtenbary ' RETURNED HOME It is expected t, hat the corporation and his parole comes after serving ' . which will bid on the' road alRO will onJy a year and two months. Miller and EtmarLacy have returned make an effort to get the Springfield statedthataewould re't umto Frank· from near Waynesville to Chnton & Xenia, and that extensions will be lin, where he believes his wife awaits county to reside, the former having built to Wilmington and Jamestown. him, glad for a reconciliation. The purchased the ' Southard farm of 68 A new franchise has been applied for tragedy which resulted in the murder acres,west of' town. - Clinton County by the Dayton & Xenia management of Littleler was caused by LUtleler Democrat. .__ in advance of this sale, which will stealing the affections of Mrs Miller. ForUfl: now Ilgaln'H tllH 6rlp- make practically a new route between She repented and seeks the forgive· for .it oomflt.4 every Jotlb14on sure I Xenia and Dayton. A line from Xe- ness ofh~r husba~d - Xenia Gazette. Preventioa-thH hUle ' UllfJdy Cold nia to Wilmington already is sur. - -Care TabletM- offer io ~bill rel!"eot vey""d . Kills Would-Be Slayer. ... .. , • mOlt (ler1llio Ilnd dependllble sale.. • - A meroilfl8!1 murderer is Appendi auard . Prevl,otio:<, at the "sneeze The Lurid Glow of Doom. oitls with mHoy viotimll. But Dr, .tale" wtll, btl well. alt.4,? 8urely head King's New Life Pills kill it by pre.. off .U common oold!!. Bat prompt , was seen in the red faoe,handiJ and veD~ion . '[ hpy !lently stimulate n8s8is all.lmporillot K'le.n IJl·even. body of thA little Elnn of B. M. Ad stomach, liver and bowels, preventtioe in tbe puoket, ur PUfl!!', for in. am", of Heuf·if,tt't, p". His IL,wtul Ing tbl1t 0108giDI{ that invites appeo. etant atle Bux of 48 "lr 250 ~old ' pltWht from f czema hlid. tor fivt' llicitl", ourlng Constipation, Billioul'. by aU dealerll. years, deBetl all remedies'ft,od bafilfld 0 1)1111, Obills, Mf~lllna, HeAdAohe aDd --"--."-. t,he bp!<t· dootor!', who saiel the pOlII. lndlget!tion , 260 M, F. fJ Bob wartz's. ST. MARV'S CHURCH .. "ad blood hud IlffElcted lJi.!lluD)l1' • - __- -England and Wales have 750,000 lind IIJthin~ could AIlVH bim. ,. But., " wl'ltl'lil hilol mOl ber, "~' e va n bottlH8 of Lent-A. 0, 1901l Elp.ct,rlo Bit,t e rtl cornpletely olfl'ec1 paupers. ~ . ~undaYIi him, '.' For ErQPtion~, Eczema. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= MornlDi Prayer, tI'e rraon ... l0 :30 ".W t;th (, llln, Snros Ilod all Blood Dillor lind RhflUnllltillm Bit. S~en ' EvaDing• Prayer, '111rmon ... 7 :UO p.rn dpr!l terM i8 supreme 001" ,.f EIHotrio 500. Guar ' Hand., &bo'?J.. ..... .... . .. ... 9 :30 H'n Iloteed by l!'recl C. t)chwartz, '

. . . Levi


Evening Prl\yer ....... :: ...... 4 :00 p BolvW(iek , '


at_,. a ~~eo~t&le ~ne tbat,..u,laaUaU.~

talf. utu&U:r dlMUelJ.

It fa


~~1,~~:a~=~.:: ~!!.tz, i~~~~fie:a~..r~~ alJohaft

11 ., •


,. •



,. • ,.

187 PO~ ~f Ialt when evapo.rated~ times.


North America supplies more than I th re~fif t hs of t h e world's copper" - _......' _ 0 4_ _ _- - Ten persons perish in an early morning fire in a New York tenement. '


WAVNESVILLE C~URCHES. Orthodox Friends Church. Rev. BenJamlQ Hawkins. Pastor, Rabbub Sobool . 9 :80 a. m , Ru;ular obureb sen-Ico. 10 ;30 u. m . Cbrlstlan Ende.1l vor, 7 ::10. p . m.

Hlcksite Friends Church. Meetlnl(. 10 :00 a. m. Flrtlt Day Solool, Day 11 :0(1 a, m. FourLlI Day MeeUDg Firs l

10:00.a. m.


Christian Church.


S·A b I 9 ao S I I t Ii....ay S coo, :" a. m , mee ln g, 10 ;30 a . m .. aDd Cbr1sl1aD' Endeavor

m Methodist Episcopal Chu~b.

7 ;00 p.

Rn. W. T. GllUland.l>.ator.

==~ ~~Jo~~d~

Pnyer JcleelolDi, 7:30 p, ,

Re'storative -ALL ·DIALERS"


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,a, m.

MorD,nR aero




t:OOL ••



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In Charge

D r' 'S'h' ,OOp•s




Sunday Scbool, 9 :30


- - - - - -,

Beel & Ph,lIpS, elle


. • St. ~ary.~. EpI~paJ, Church. The smallest c~in in use, is cQ\ned 11 TCiia~~=ft ~=-~ . Rev. J. F. ~waUe4er, Recto,r . .. Elle.'fI~ OIl,Y' . : ~Y the' Portu~ese go~e.rnment. It =~-=:r-wWa~ ;,D8mI-~ l'IUDda1 Sobool. 8 :80 a, ~ MorJJii1c aer· ' ·flce. IU1BO a. m. EvlllllD, aervlee, 7 p. m, Holv CommnnlOD ............. 7 :00 Il m 111 WQrth 3-100 Of, a cent. , . Holy CommllDlon &he Ilnl BUIlda, of ' eacb 1I0l'Dlog Pr,IJtlr. flermon And mODtb ' " ' . SQ'y ('lomu1unloo ...... 10 :30 It, ro. Growth of imports at New Y o r k · . St. AapstlDe'a Catholic QuRlb. •• • , is more than Sl~,OOOjOOO in'FebruarY, ~.. r Georae lIayelllloem,Pulc!l'. . A ton,Qf Dead Sea wat8r·willyield jand i8 cited 88 an indication aooCl ' ..... eYet'f, aolllll~ of \lie m.Ul a'

~rvi~8H (1,"ly .... .... ~ . .. : .... .. 7 :00 p ,m


TERMS AND CONDITIONS: FA'USTI ' N-$15.00 to insure living foal_ G I B S 0 N-$12.00 to insure living foal. p arting with mare forfeits insurance_ No respoDlI-bl-ll-ty for accl-dents. .

.;::a. o!.~l?_"'~ wh, .. a me4ldJle. Dr.

=~~aloDe~to~ ~ ~ Derft. ec.... ' Ia baIlda,

- - - - -

Imported froni England by O. O. Biefner, Nebraaka t.'tty, Neb., in 1902. and is 10 year. old, .Gibeoa is a blood bay horse with heavy mane aDd tail, II. very rugged fellow, wi·~ "000, h eavy bone, the best ()f aotion, good leae and feet he is of the ton kind and .. KOod ladivldaal; - .. he ie. ~horoogJtly broken to 'Work. and-will be worked on the farm at all times; be ie a splendid type of the English ShIre horse, and Is gUliranteed to be a good and roliabla stoot horae.


I&rebIUl,orNerieW.kD_~IIION." bhel,. DOt ooe weak heut'ln a hUDdnld fl,lnlto



H!:wW~~~~~::;:~:i:r~~;c:;~ ~?~:~~~lth bl~:~~~:\!~:tty ~~!~e~~ cr:::p~as\\,hOO~~:iP~Ugh A:!~m:'i ~





Beginning with t,be 2nd Frida." , !lnd FridaYIl tl.lIoWlnll. ~tlr. , ~(oe .nd 'OoofirwliUoll Lpc-, taros .........................7 :00 ,J



BR·IE---F·LETS . . , . . In London there are about 1,800 charities. aispensing $50.000,000 an. , .nually. ' . m New Jersey supreme court declares proposed con~iidationof,big leather m.~ companiesUleKaL . ',,'.



Holy CommuDion, bt., Srd !lnll 5t)' , ' Suodllya in Lllnt . Frldll r"





Bred by Imported 1 M B y • BI·rssard, H.·ghsml·th ~ ~ Dept.· of B h ~ ~ rot ers, ., t:.!i S h R . ~ art e, obinson, •. Fr.ance_ . ,. Ill·InOIS_ · •


on the part of the individual.




When You Buy Oysters Don't Pay For Water Why should you s et a pint 'of water with every quart of Oy.tera? Water ill cheap-bloats and bleaches the oysterspoils its natural flavor. Vou have never known bow good

oyaters can be unle .. you have bad

" Sealshipt" Oysters

They are sbucked into air-tight steel calli and ahipped direct frOnl the bedsFelted 'with Ice aroufld the container,not In contact with the oyster~. Vou get aU solid ' meata. Aud how fresh. wholesome, appetiZlDg and deliciously di1Jerent they are! ' . Ask for "SeaIshipt SCJ1!iC," n bo9klet containing new and attractive ways of ~paring oysters. . 1I1'0ur dealer are some whQ do: , ,. doesll't . . sell . •iSealshipt, " here . ,

Walter J. ·K ilbqri,· Waynesville and Corwin, Ohio. ,


The genuine "8ealsbipt" OYsters ~ floa( ~ White PorcelaiD Diap1a~ Cue·bee.riq the. i, ~pt" trade IIW'k in blae, , Thil Ii fOJ' JOV patec:tioo-~ . for it. The "'Sea1lhipt" Curler 8~ . . . . "IS, ~ menta will btl proaecuted· to tile .... ·. . . . . . . . . . . .' ~ATION~


." "THE MARRYING SQUIRE." 'uGtlce George E. Law, Has Broken All Record.,


JUST WHO ARE THE ENGLISH' London the Center or a MlgMy It,. ,Ire-Vast . Population,


It this Quo,tlon : Who arc t he 'Eng· n kr d, elth r of the aver'


lI!; h ? wer

Il.veragll rbree Lin es olJ>rocedare Which May Be Followe d - By G. F. age Engl ishmAn or ot til American visItor to England, lh~ an· . Freem a n, Kansas Agricultural CoIi~ge.

IAi \V wrote 1\ h'\ler In 1906, rt'('onllll nd·

Af tC'r' a car ful study of tit chamc· reg/uda t he vl\lue of a. promising :~rB of many ·h.\llvldua l pi nata, erta ln' motlJe r plant Is as to how mnny o r, lOOS will be eel cled ru; wortby of fu· and to " 'bat dl'gree. Its promising .url) l('sts noel furlher propagat Ion. harnct ers Ilre trlln s mllt d to It s off·

rhrce lines at procedur urC' oltered: 1. The se lecled plauts mny be aI, lowed to SPC'd In the op n und t heso leer! be ha rH' steel und planted In teet· ·OW R. subsequent selectlonR being m\Cle from ('3 h t !It· row. This method las ~ en tull y desc ribed br Wheele r md Dnlz, In Bulleti n 101, outb Dako. :a. ~ follows : "Tn the hrl)edln g 'ot aUnltns t h seed ~rom various sources Is sown In selec· ~on rows, ench row repr sentlng a Iinglo source at South Da kota ncces· number. Th rows ure tbree t pet ROUGH STUFFING, 'part nnd eacb plan t occupies one foot ,t row. One hu ndred Ot' mo re plants ,re grown In each row. From tb seectlon rows the best appearing Indl· 71dunls from the best origina l sources ,re selected nnd mark er! by numberl)d ;Iakes. The seed trom these plauts Is laved sep&rntely nnd so wn tbe next loason In centgen r or pedigree rows. fh e plants In tbese rows are grown The Tiger- It was bad enough to be Ih Bame as In tile selection rows. The c ut off In my prime, but to be tul'fed :1trl'ere nce betwe n Lhe selection nnd by an amateur taxidermist Is {eally pedlgreo rows Is simply In the source )r t be seed; selection rows arc from too hatd to ~r! dn gle regional sources. wbll pedigree HAD AWFUL WEEPING ECZEMA. rows from slngl plants sci cted from selection rows or from older pedl. Face ' and Neck Were Raw-Terrible Itching, Inftammatlon and Soreneaa -All Treatment. Failed.

Ing Dosu's Kidney Pills, wtllch he !\ald had made a bad bAct wal1, c n bled him to I I'P b t· t r uJghtll nnd feel more fit for "ork. Tbo t roatm E'nt also cleared up the urine. On ,TlUllIIUY 6, 1909, Judge Law con.rm !l Ills pr \'Iolls testimony. "I havo recommcn!lpd th is r medy to mAn,. p ople slnca I first used It," s aid Ill' . Sold b~r ::11 d('nlers. fiO c~nt s a boL 'oster-l'i.lllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.





s pri ng. l"ow th pse fncts c~l nn o t be lea rn d rrom tb plants ari si ng fro Ul c utt ln!;!!. slnc ncb of th e~ Ie bil l n sl'paratrd part ot th e ori ginal plan t und wou lu tht' r('f<>r ben r all of It s cha raet rl!. 10 ord r, th rerore, to tE'st the heredi tary characte rs or 0. plnn t, Ilnd th ese th e only Olles worth while In t be originating of Improved races of plu nt s. It III neees lary that th ey b propagu ted fr om e/os~· llollln · !lted s('el1. It requires a t I !\r,t two ge nrations trpm elose-pol lln ll t ~ d s eecl to fully d lerUJln tbe he redltlll ry pot~.acy of a moth Qf pl nnt, tb e fuct as to \vh ther or not It was Itself a hybrid. a ll d lbe xtent to wblcb llf otfsprlnl: will be va riab le. !liar o\'er, according to t h nlready recognized Inws uf heredit y. plant s ",..hlch h a ve hrpl\ Iru e for I wo g('ne ratlona tram cl.:>se·pollin, at d seed may be cOllsldered as fix (l to tbnt type. t ntll, ther efor.", we arE' sure of Ih o purity and the h . ~r edltn ry nbll ll y to trunsm lt cllaract e l:!~ of eco· nom ic mluo' of a se lect d rlant . It m lis t be propagated from seeli RlId nut allowed to be contaminated bi forei gn poll n. Thi s Inubllity of alfalfa to t 'e~\ly s131 seed without the aid of Insects or

Great Succe..,

"Eczema began over the top of my It cracked and then begnn to epread. I had three different doctors and tried ' several things, but they did me no good. At last one side of my . . and my neck were raw. The water ran ol1t of It so that I hnd to wear medlcate~ cotton, and It was so inflamed an~ sore that I had .to put a piece of cloth over my pillow 'to keep the water froni It, and It would stain Ule cloth a sort ot ·yellow. The ec· zemaltched so that It seemed as though I could tear my face all to pieces. Tbe.n I began use the CuUcura Soap and Ointment, and It was not more th.a n three months betore It was nil healed up. Miss Ann' Pearsons, North· field, Vt." Dee. 19, ' 1907."


"Dead" Horse Came to Life.

.PoUor D~ II Obem. Corp., 8010 ProPL~ Bolton.

They Meant Bualne...

Low, Spread Ing Habit.

A Chicago stage manager wall tell·

gree rows. Pedigree' rows nre known hand po1l1natlon Is caused by the pec tt as firs!., second or tblrd generation liar shape, structure and nature of th. pedigree rows, respectively, as to flower. Elven atter the -ftower Is OPOII whetber tb yare one, two or three se· tlfe pollen·bearlng stamens and Lha' lected generations tram the original stigma on which the pollen must fall are rolled up tlgbtly In the keol or aelect\on row. "On account of the labor Involved no lower petal of tbe flower. Now. 10 attention has been given, so tar, to order to set aeed, It has been sho,,'o Isolating tbe plants by covering or thut these organs must be -eleased )ther ' means to prevent contamInation tram the keel and the stigma some~ro(I1 foreIgn pollen. Wbether more "'hat Irritated. Insects accompllHb 'apld progress In Improvement can /be this by a.l \ghllng on the keel' In their lla4e by this method than by the open search for nectar In the tlower. Tbe method has not, therefore, been dem- weight ot tho Insect's body bursts the ;mstrated." kee and allows the pollen to til! 2. VegetatIve propagation. Dr this thrown out. At the same time the sUg: method', whIch Is desorlbed and advo· rna on being released springs upward, ~ated by Westgate and Oliver In BuUe- striking the lower part ot tbe insect, Un 102, part 4, bureau or plant Indus·. and recelvell upon Ita now Irritated try, Unltel States depattment or agrl- and recepU?e surface pollen whleb culture, from any given selected moth- has prevloully dusted on the Insect'a er plant large numbers of Individuals body. Now. this same thing can be , 'tooth''' ' may be secured by vegetative propa· done artificially by pressing upon the Argument That Won. keel with a toothpIck, the point ot a Susie bad been promil;ed a pair of gatton . Thoy say: "The cuttings sbould be made abo~ dull knife, or other suitable tnstru' "lie", sUppers for Sunday. Anxious to haYe thom at once ··she bad tried In throe Inches In length, preferably from , ment. By this method the number 0 1 -every way to persuade her motber to the upper portions of reasonably ma- tlowers 1l 0 lUn.ated ma.y be counted and bllY tltem for ber and let her wear tured stems. Plants grown outside the record~d and the see<1lng abltlty of a plant determined, but wbere a large -them to a children's party that was to .be given on .w.edD.esday, but wiJuK·lUt-hI==-----:--------, amount or seed Is wanted and It 18 necessary to hand-pollinate several .auccess. Finally when both she and hundred plants ths method Is too sloWi :ber mother bad become tired of the stili, atter a little praotlce, one perSOD teasing the little girl said: "Well, can pol!lnate 10,000 !lowers a day. mamma, you needn't get them now; However, where It Is desired to pol but maybe I'll be dead by Sunday and IInate many ftowera rapidly, wltbout If I am you'll be sorry for dl'lappolntr~feretloe to the exact Dumber can Ing me." Susie woro the slippers cerned, nnother and more rapid meth Wednesday. ad may be followed. A )lower-cluster . NEW IDEA when In full bloom, Is taken betweeJl Helped ' Wla. Couple. the thumb and tho first and second fingers, and subj~cted to a light pres· It 'd'o esn't pay to sUck too closely to sure, while at the same time It II ·old notions ot things. New Ideas often slightly rollod. By this operation the lead to better health, success and bap· keels or al1 thc flowers wblch are In pln08s. tbe proper stage will be to burst, . A Wis. couple xamlncd an Idca n ew s ttlng rree the stamens and pIstil. to them and stepped up sev{'ral rounds and covering the stigmas with pollen. -on tbe health laddcr. The husband Showing MethOd of Gruplng the Flow· writes: era In Rapid Hand Pollination. ;'Severnl years ago we sull'cred from were sleepless, greenbouse produce the best cuttings, ooffea drinking, nervous, stl.llow, weak and Irritabl e. but In case the stock plants are not My wlfo and I both loved cottee and close o.t hand It Is generally advisable By Pro!. W. R, Grahasn. thought It was a bracer." (delusion .) to transplant them to tbe greenhouse, "Finally. aHel' yeanl 'of illill'ering, we cutting Lhe stems back close to the I have seen eggs produced from all , road -of Postum ' nnd the harmfulness ground. The slips should be Inserted ot coffee, and believing that to grow In sand, and wben the largest roots kinds of grain. Ono man naturaU, we should give some attention to new are about , tbree·fourths or s.n Inch In favors wheat, 1U,.. ther corn. A great tdeas, we decid ed to test Postum. lengtb they should be t~ansterred to many dlsll1,'!' \!orn, and say It Is 11 bad "Wben we made It right we liked it two·lnch pots and later to thr()e-Inch feed. Corn Is undoubtedly good If fed and were relie ved of Ills caused by pots. The sl~e which the plants can properly. It you give a hen a cbange coffee. Our frl en<1s no)lced ~he change attain In such pots wltbout becoming she will balance her own ration, bul - fresh er skin, steadier nerves, better pot· bound wilt permit them to 'be trnns· In ..the feeding of meat we are meetlnll temper, etc. planted to tbe permanent . nursery a very difficult problem. The price o. . "Tbese cbanges were nl)t sudden, rows,' If the season be suitable, or to beet scrap haa g9ne up 25 cents I but relief locreased as we continued to an outside cold·trame to remab dor· hundred In the last year, simply be drink and enjoy Postum, nnd we lost mant until Sllrlng, In case tbe cu'tlngs cause of the demand. Tbere does not tbe .d08lr tor coffee. are made dllrllig the winter. If 113 pos· seem ' to be any other food that take. . "Many of our friend s ~ Id n()t lI1~e sible, with 30 square feet ot green· It B' plac;e. 1 prefer green cut bone Postum at ftrst, becauBe thoy did not house Space and 00 squ:ue feet at ,cold· when I can get It fresh cut totJay and ~ako It right. Dut wben tllP.Y bo.lled fram e, ot secure dUrIng a "Ingle winter feed !t to-morrow: 'In 'the Winter, 11 .Pos um ncoordlng to dlrecUons on 1,000 plants from an, alfa lfa plant of fro~en hard, It wllJ be all right. I J)kg . , until It was.. dar-k nnd· rleb , tbey medium size." '. tblnk there is no materl\\1 that -.vlll liked It b:e lter- t.han ooffee nnd were . 3. Propagation by' JI1I18nS of' close- prpduce eggs better. The next bell benefited by the cbange." "There's polllnat!ld seed. The rttelhod advocated thing is to use butcJ\erl' refulle, and ' a Reaso.n." , . by Westgate and Oliver has many ..1· then beef ..~rap, Tbe great &dva.. , Name gt"en by Postum Co., Battle vantagp.s· where the rapid propagation tages wltb -beef ·'«l1!ap' Me that It I. ' 0reek, Mlcb. Bead "The Road to Well· of proved lIulI~rlot plants Is .desired. ~wa71 . convehlont BDd always reacty , viDe" ID pkg& In the wt»'k' of tbe K!lnllU station, an/l It "'Iea time. Of coone. ft ~ ..... . . ~e ...n ~.f'rr .& .ew however, it has ben found that the mucll more CODeelltnted dwa .. INII .. . . . . . . fire • •~ • • • • ta.; T • .,. . IrIt .and m08t Important qD ..tlon· .. eat boIle.

Ing or' amusing Incidents . of b!underll Snd errors ca_sed by stage fright. In &- roma.n tic play, recently rE'vlved, one of the minor cbaracters, a dalry maid, cOmea forward at the end or a recital 'Of a- l.ove"1'OmdJ1ce, aua comments aa follows: ( _____ ",aope ft1led tbelr. youths and wb'et· ted their love; they plighted their roth!" But at one of the performances the g1l1 who played the dairy maid was abo sent wtthout notice. At thp. last moment the manager gave the lines to a 'shepherdess, Who had never bad l1nes to speak betore, and who was ex·. cessl'lely nervous when her cue came. This Is what the astonJsheJ audience beard: "Hope filled their trough and bllghted their loye; tbey -.vhetted their



s we r wo uld prob(\ bly be both Inacclarnto and confu Illg. Tho average Eng· IIs hman knows little of the origin or Ills race, and Is not of tbe mental mak up that sets much atrir. by such matte rs In l\IIY ca!Je; nnd th e Arne I' lean )lays little h eed to .an y-l blng ex. cept to wh at omos q,lrectly und r his nOLlco as he tm \' ei R nbout to nnd from Loudon as his centol', London Itllelt Is a city of some tOUI million six. hunllred and odd thousnnd Inhabitants. It Is a. small nntlon 10 Itself. The total population of th e Kingd om of Orcat Drltaln and Ireland I. only .3 .6GO.OOO ( 190G ) . Dut London Is not E ngland. T!:Ie nlted Kin gdom of Oreat Brlto.ln and Ireland Is not Englaad, wltb Its total area or 121,000 squarll miles. No; what the wOI'ld kno,,'s as E nglan<1 III tbe BritIsh em. plr e. which In cludes tue above, and III additio n some 11 ,400,000 squ are mUes, nnd a population or about (10,000.000. Tbe kno wn surface or the globe Is e&o tlmated at about t'i6.000,OOO Bqllllre miles; Its total populutlon Is belie ved to be a bollt 1.800,0 00,000. Tbe Drltlsh em pi re the re rare occupies more tht\n one-fifth at the earth's surface, and Its population Is ulso more than one.flrth or about 22 per cent. of the Inhabltant~ at tbe «lobe. .. That Is Englandl In Asia thtly hllve a population or some 237,000,000; In Atrlca. a pOllulntlon ot some 31.000,. 000; In America a population ot some 11,000,000; In the West Indies somo 2,000,000; in AustralasiA IO"l!l 5.500,000, and 10 on. When yoU 'Walk the Itreetll of London therefore you are In the capital or something oyer oueftfth of the world. These gentlemen In clubs and omr,es and In the streets are muters of tbe world. There mUlt be a great many at thom, and they must be very wondertul men, one IaYII to oneaelf. No, the population of Great Britain and Ireland II. al we ba'Ve seen, only abo.ut 43,600,000, and what of them ?-Scrlbner's.

"n a man wants to encourage calamI.




lies that sometlmee result In miracles. all he has to do Is to send a son to college and present him with an auto. mobile," declared the father of a young man now In hli second year at one of tbe big universities. "That boy of mine was likely to bankrupt me wUh his callll for mane,. to pay damages to and by bls machine untll I wrote him that In future he must cover all such expeases out of his al1owance. whIch Is about ten times what my fatber Cave me wbeD I went to college. > "For a time there waBll't a single demaud trom him, but the, other week be sent me a telegram IIke-tfrs: 'WIre me· $300 Immediately. Have kllt~d a man's horse.' Of cOtlne I saId things unftt tO' repeat, and ftnally telegraphed him: 'Demand exorbitant WlIl be on to-morrow to compromlae.' "Imagine my amazement, In view of the borse's late demise, at receiVing within two bours thIs Inexr,lIcable N"ply: 'Don't trouhle to comll, Hor.e recoverIng.' ..



~..~. ~., "\i ~=_-



U e,l, ,,'ellk , " ·cur,., \\' nl .,ry 11l7e. Rrn . \·(!fl by lIlul'lno l~)'e U"nwlly. ' om-

by B;o(ll Qr ltl ll t' ll Plty/lIl·hIIlS. Murin I) , 'Nn' t Sm'tH : Soot he!! Byo Pa tn. Wrlln Mnrl" £! 1o:y n (.' m ~ (ly (\.. ht CrllIO, tor l!t u/il l'u l d By 13001t. At Drugg lsle.

JlIl UII\Jtld

Points for Soldiers lind Sailors lind Thelt; Heirs



~ -.t

I nrflrm:ltilln rOf

8(1I11i el''' fln ll




UIf'l r I. IrH, who ur' tll"llell 10 1ll1I11 u s lhlll cllhlln n t UI' suc h In(orlll a ti u n Ill! they c! ~s lrc' I'c lnttv' 10 penAlon rnn ll or s . Lrl I 1'9 :;In rtn g t u ll nUl no IIn.1 nrtr!rf'~" ot


.... rtr.·rs J ont·s.

111<'1"" 1'1.

will b



.. 111rc ..s II 10



n. C . In r~p l ylng nn t)· I h o tnilials of correspond ut..s

\\' '' N hl n~l o n .

Not Worth Touching, The. Sowe-Yesslr, I teU down I"

the gutter, and nobody paJd any at.. tentfon to rue. His Pa-You must have fclt like 30 cent.. . The Souse-Nope-s.omebody 'would~ picked me up It I looked worth that mucb. . Cru,1 Candor. "I lIee you have my. pampt-let on your desk," said the economist "What do you think. of It?" _ ';'U's betwixt and betWeen," anIIwered the, )leartless trlend. ' 'It's too' IIgbt ' as ag /lrgt)ment aoo not bea\')' .,noneh f~r a paper weight." Int.r.• It,d PartleL.:..--. D"t Broke-rm . .agtd , to

MI. Buclre, the, V,n ltoo-Gee! . Su It teen .... nounced? . De Brok.....o.ll to . ,



A III l1 n \\,It hu ut thought for the tutur mus t !;OCIil ho.vo Il rcseut sorroW. - oufucius . Try the KaturIll luxR. :Yt', Otlrllc1r1 Ton I It (\ \ ' (' rl' Ille. ('on, tijlllii II nml reglllJlt~H Ii\'er II IHI l;i tl ncr • ~l l1ll l l c ~ ~ cnt IIpon rc uest. GlIdiold 'fe.1 0., llrook!Y Il, N. Y. Tell a married man h doesn't look IL nnd he ,,'III be terribly fl attered.

Qu oted.

- - Oro pu rtm ent, D. C. Query- I am .\ h o willo\\' of tl soldi er ot th o civ il wnr and have reachml t ho ag(' of 72 years. My t1 rs1. hu:ohanu de· sert d me unll was not h enrd from for t n ycurH nu d Ihroll I received word th at he \\' a'l dl'nd . Three I'snrs IIll'rl1' urtf'r I lign in Dl ll rri ed und '/l rte r !icing nlnrrl d li e year. my flrs t hu sban d ret lI nted nnd 811 It me for bigamy. The case n \'1' 1' ca mo t a I rial I1 l11l ho dlsnpil al'ctl aga in nnd has ne v£'f boe n heard from s lnc ; t hn t w as 30 years ago. I bill' no proof of his dl'at h. f _dr ' W n. II nslon on ac ollnt of the sl' r vl' and deutll of my second hilS' ban d fo r 24 years. wh en through a fam, lIy quarr I, my br th r·ln·law tllr nt· oned to hnv e my pens io n stopped. I ViTOt to the commissIon r of p 11810ns and stat d t be facts and have neve r rece ived my -pensloll s ince, which was aln10s1 .s lx y ars ugo, Do you think T am e ntitled to my back pension or a ne w [lImsloll under the act of April 19, 1908? Wbat course s hould I take In thi s matter ?-M rs. M_ O. Answer-Unde r the a ct or Decem· b r 21, 1893, you. are entitled to 30 days' notice pr10r to the reduction of your peoslon or the dropping of your name trom t he pension rolls. It you have never r celved such notice, you should write to the commissioner of pensions asking why and upon what grounds your name was dropped from the pension rolls. Your title to pen· sian under the act of April 19, 1908, depends ul10n your ability to prove thnt you are the legal widow ot your last soldIe r husbnnd, that he served In tbe civil war for 90 days and recel\' d an honorable di s harg Ihere· from. and tbnt you weI' married to him prior to June 27. 1890. -

Darlin gton. Is. Query-I noUce In YOUr pension column that you slate tlIBt th secre· ta ry ot the Interior has decided tbat service rend e red during an Indian out· break, 'even If such service was re no dored durin!; the perIod of the civil war, would not entitle a man to pen· s lon under the act of June 27, 1 90. Plense state when such e u I text of t he same. re ere an -Attorney Thos. L. W. Af\swer-January 31, 1907. the sec· retary or the Inte rior dedd d that "Service during the late war of the rebellion." as used In the act of June 27, 1890. means servloe contracted ror and rendered with reference to and occasioned by , saId war, and nQt ·servIce rendered elsewhere with reference to Indian out breaks not hlstorlcalty conn ected wllb the resistance or tbe soutbe rn states to federal aulhorlty, So SUdden. albeit said service against the Tndlans Smithers -.vas paying a ratber formal was rendered at a time when tbe war evenIng call whlch he mentftlly prom- ot the rebellion was In progress." Ised hlmselt w.ould be the last. He had never cared tor Mabpl anJ"way, Kansas City, Mo. be told hlmsetr, and the last few lIays Query-I am receiving ,40 per bad dispelled the last ttluslon. In the month for the loss or my right hand. mIdst of a co~versatlon which lagged I am now Btlfferlng trom rheumatism. borrlbly, despite Mabel's loquacity, the and am so crIppled up that I am com· doorbell rang. pelled to have some one help ,me the "Too bad," said Mabel. as ahe came sam as It I was a child. U-nder these back tram listening at the hall door circumstances am I not entitled "It's tbat horrid Jones. Wha~ shali $72 per month pension ?-Henry T. D. ( do?" An.w~r-It would not be possible "Say you're out," lIug«ested Smith tor YOll to obtain $72 pe r month pen· ers. sian unless you can show that you are "Ob, I promised m Isell the ftnt of disabled by reason or disability shown the year never to tell a story agllin. to have been Incurred In service and Dut suppose I say I-'I'm engaged?" line of duty to s\lch an extent as to And Smithers, overcome br such a nece!:s itate the regular aid and at. calamity,' In hesitating for Ii wo.r d, was tendance of a.nolher person. , lost. Exeuubl •• Mrs. Charlotte Perktbll ntlman, ~eaklng In New York recently, said: "Wbat III a woman? Notblng but tbe female relative of a man, She Is the daughter, the wlte or the mother or fJomebody. The man III the noun; the woman the preposition.. She Is always of, from, to or by~never the thing Itself, never an Independent entity." If Mr. Cbarlotte Perkins Gttman Isn't a proud man be ougbt to be.Cleveland Plalu Dealer,

Strul:k Senselells. hit him .wlth !be GUll ball, dlrl It kn o I' blm 8 nsaless'!" "[ guess so I tl oderatand tb y ars 80011 to mtlrry."- l'own and Country. "Wlle n sb

O~I . Y

ON}: ""R(I:lIO QUINUU':."

Th:lt 1,. 1~" XA'J' l\"I'i nUUMU 'J tnS t N~. • ,()tlk rm I hf" "'ll( l1 l1 lur' ot f~. \\' . C:t( I IYt... sod tho \ Vu r l" .., ,,(I f

w t; uroa l.:uhJ i n Uuu La' .


Sile ne IIsu't always' g-old en. Som eti mes It .Is an adml ' !llo~~ gullL Ir •• 'Tlu.ln ..•• f;u nthhll:

~)'1'Ull .

BO r U' tho R'Irn • • Tadl1e,.. t.oOliJIlwatluu, allays paln, curc:s wlnt! ooUu. 2..'")C a bOUJe.

'P'or c' bt hlrf'l.u t t!Jrl hhut,

Faith Is obedl nce, not confidcn e. -I\facdllllnill .


HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Vienna, W, Va, - .. I feel that! owe the last ten of my life to !oJ'dJa E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound. Eleven years ago I was a wa.lking shadow. I bad been under the doctor'lI carebntgotnoroJief, My hUBband persuaded me to try J.ydiaE, Pinkham's Vogetable Com.. pound nnd It workcd like n charm. It relieved aU my pains I advise all sulferlng women to take Lydia. E. Pinkham's V getnble COmpOu,lCl." - MIls. Emu. WIl~TON, Vicnna, W. Va. Lydia E. l'inklmm's Vacatable Compound, from nat ive roots and h rbs, contains no narcotics or barm. ful drugs, and to.d:ly bolds the record for the largost Dumuer of actual cures of female <liseasos of nny si m.i iar medlcl,n o in the cOlmtry, and thousands ot voltmtary t estimonials are on filo In tho Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women ' who have been cured of




".,..,periodic on and nervous , E'lCry such su1Iering womnn owes to herBe]f to Rive Lydia E. Pinkh1lom's Vegetable d'ompollrtd n trial. If you would Hkespecl". advice about your C8sewritc R coufideuu .....

tl"l letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynnt MRSS, Her o.dvtce 1.8 free, aad anl'aY8 helpful.


NUevo DI.. Dyspeps ta,In' l11gelltt0!1 aDel T\lO Beal'\7 EI1Ung. A perfect remeel, lor Dlzztncss, Naulie", DI'O",lIlnel8, Bad In the Month, CoatT.,nglle, Pl\lu In tbe The7


TwIn Lakes. Will. Query-Will you advIse me as to tbe date when the war, as to naval ~ Sldc, TORPID LIVER. service, closed?-W. P. A., Attorney 1'hey rell'U!at.o the nowels. Pnrel, Vegct"ble. at Law. Answer-The secretarY. of the In- SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. terior hns decided tbat the war of the Genuine' Must Bear rebeltlon, as to the. navy, was legally termInated July I , 1865, upon the Fao·Simlle 5ignat... raIsing of the blockade and cessation IVER d . ~or beltlgerent operations In accordPILLS. /fi'ZII,a i'if?~ ance wltb the proclamation or the ~=--J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. presldeu t.





WOYLD YOU LIke •• Make '1200.00


Real War, Year at Home? S,,"el u. I u "n wo wit I sClld you I50c worth ot Iner. As the 'la.t e Lord Wantage, V. C., Ie. ch"olllse "1111 tell YOU bu", to do II.. ALLEN COMPANY, CLlNTO'k,NEW YORIl C. B., was a soldier of experience and OEDARINE PRIt! up OaplLRI .l:itock l2OO,wu.OO. valor, bls descrlpUon • a b~ttle, taken from his letters {rom lhe Crimea and WANTS AGENTS Good ..,1181:' Cures ~Id In Lbo llead and Ob""; Incorporated Into Lndy Wantij,ge's reI • ~.. ro Throat, RolI.,y.,. Ohlll DIIltne, cently publll\hed .l>lography, may be 8W-F1\tI.~:IHtn!';~. ~'if:tm~b~~~J~~, f M.E CO,~ U? ......... N~_ liork Cltr, . considered Ilccur' "A battle," be wroto, "fs tbe most roryo~.p"'Ptrq. ..' •• IO<aI<ld Hyft exciting thIng In lbe world, I thlnk...... t 10 ...., .. nd "-.lpllon anii p.loe. l( yon wanl 10 bU7, _ .. IOU . . .anI&. ' much more confusIng than one usually De'" a ... ,!\Ionbw•• te ... . a ••lae.. A ••DeIIr r, ~ .. or 00__... Blda.......... pol" Imagines, and as lor nil , the nonsense ----...~ the newspapers write a:bout unbroken lines and columns, ' It Is all stuft. "Those wbo funk lie down or get ou\ of fire, and In a charge · tr yoU get ten twelve me~ to Co;low ),'011, It fs as much as you can ·do. ' As tor colonels or mounted omcers, one !lever sees them or takes any notice , I( one does. In faot, It 19' just like boys 1I00wbalJlng one anotber at schoo!." Tbere could not well be a -slmp]er accpunt of a batUe. It Is as tree from ,stook pbrasl)l as If It had been wrltte.n by GrtoDt, And ft ID&7 be ad!!e4 that Lord Wantap WIle of the tn. of an. alrected ·l1'ftt 101_,' of wldob OtaDt




...... enmpJe.







EacaPect T errors of Many Winters by


'Using P e-ru-na.


lNaC !Srock, IZ", 'k ean 01



Mr. raaao Broek, of },feL.nunn county, T tlI" illllO IU'd.:ut 'I''''nd to Pcrunu nnd .pc ul(!! lit it 10 tho followlull' tCl'mll: '·Dr. U .....tma.u'lj l·t!medy, P I'l1 n n, ) have fOlllld to hO lhe h elot. rr Dot th e onl3 re liable reilledy ror COUG H S, COLDS, OATARIUI Gn. \ d lurrht'a. "Perunll "lIs beell m y stond·by (0' mllnY)'ellr'S, lind I attrlbule m)' gooe.


besJt.b lind my extreme IIge tu ,iliA 'J'h p ~ ro"' n ln g deslrn In the lifo or old remedy. It eX Dctly meet s all m j' reo DrUll lll':l.lrlllcr, (l P ~ nl1 6y l vanla G 'rman, III 10 HIJtll ln possrs"lolI l)! 11 ,(> tJca utlful ,qulrementll. m, adow which li e" JIlS L b t\\·u n 'Baulil' "I hu.c come to I'ci y u pon It nlmOlit & \II'llIl'I"8 .properly h li ll th,! ralll'Oad 8111'

entirely fOI' Ihe man,Y !illl, t h ings fOJ . 1I'1n. 'I'he pr perl)' In Qu ' stlon was I n· wb ic h I need a:eLl1c;lIc. I believe it to h 'rll NI by Sara h 1'r<'Rllel, very prell), ali t! ath letic young gi rl, and belonged be fa peclv...,' ... alua ble to old 0 -nple." . olel) 10 her. A t length Baumga1'lner Isaac llrock. CIUIl' VJ rea lize that hla on ly hope of ollttllnlll g the properlY wou ld be Ihrough I11n rrlalre of his so n Sepl1enljah to Ihe Wise M en. Surnh P I' sse\. In a 1110ci< nucllo n "SeITy ," Once 'pen 0. ti me u ma n clumb 8 Il8 Ilhenljah P. Baum gar tn r, J I·. , IR t ree t er , It rid of 11 mad bull . a hur- popu lar ly know n. 10 ratll d orr by h is ta(her 10) Saruh tor $I. 80 appears ulterL'iclUle IlOme ' Ion g an' lJlowed hi m an' Iy Inoapacltuted to win In a ny con tesl or love or life. Sarah Preasel Is qu it I he do t rce down ; den he c rawled Inter oppo~lt. at SeITy. She III a ll lire and an i· '& hol e In de g roun ', tel' hide (rum de mallon. Her one tn ult Is a very high hurrlcalle, all' pleatle God, h ra come lemper. B umga rlner giv e s SefTY some les80llH In cour tship. Baumgartne r has a yearthQua ke o.n' swa llowed 'Im- l:UUS d hi mself to be appOinted gua rdian ' shoes IW' all. I tell you, folk s, ICI ot Sally. SelTy la 'Unablo to rcsis l the ,,'Itcherl es at Ball y a nti he fnsclnn a wise maD what kn ow ho w ter dodge kiss 9 tlng her . She promises him, howe" cr, trouble I-F. L. S., III Atlanta· ConsU· t hnt she will never ki ss a ny man bU I him. Snm Fri tz, n drunk en grocery tutlon. c1erl<-Qld Bau mgartner cnlls him a "mo· IllS. cs lappel'''-calls all Sull y a nd In ter· ,33.00 PERSONALLV CONDUCTED rupta Ihe kJlISln g. Tiley go Into the pa r· 101' alld begi n 0. '·slttlng up" contest. In - EXCURSIONS. accordance with tho customs at tho place o nd the tlmo, th e one who Is defente.d, Coloalsts' one-way tickets Chicago In euch a contest 10 unworthy th e hand or the gi rl. Selfy goes to slcep a nd be· to the Pac ific coas t, via the ChJcago, gins snorin g. Snll y leaves tho room In a hurr. saying: Good ni ght. gentlemen." UnioD PacUlc and Northwestern Line, Berry l el1s his rather at his humllliltlon; are ·on lale dally during March and or how Sam Fritz had 1>lnned to his April at the rate of .as.oo. Corre- h0811m williI' he slept 11 pasteboard tom b· bl!arln!'; th e Inscription: "Sephenl· .pondlDgly low rates from all points, IItone jail P . Bau ingarlner. Jr., went 10 his Double berth In tourist sleeping Cal tes t. June 10; U 7l , In the twentieth year only '7.00, througb wi thout change to of his' age. Gone but not forgot. Read San Francleco, Los Angeles and Portland. No ntra charge on our personally oollducted tours. Write for IUn. erary and full particulars to 8. A. Hutc1ll~D, Manager Tourll t Depart· meDt, 212 Clark Street, Chicago, m, In a eate place, ''We haTe a man tn this prison who never triM to escape," declared the . head keeper. " What'a be In forT" InquJN\d the vlaltor, "Blpmy," repUed tbe hend k eper. -Bollemlaa.


- ---'--How'. This?

=.: ::::m

. . . . 0... BIl..u.i DoiIarw bward tor .., \baS

- , be cwed by Ball...

r. I. OSENEY .. 00,. Toledo, o. we. UIe mU . ., .... 11&" lUI."". S. J. CWGeJ ~ ~.iJ' C':'-UI4~::"IID~~ ..... \0

-rr 0Il~ any obI_tiona made by hlllIrm.

WALIIUIO, KIJ/JIAli .. lIAJ1V1N. Wlloleo:>Je D ......... Toledo. 0-

Bau.. ~ Cur. ..

!&keo Inw·oally.


ClrftUr a _ .... lllood ao4 III.UOOIII .~ of UIII TeIClmonlala 800' Dft. PrIee ,7D _ .. 1I01l1e. IoId b7 aU Drun .... TaU 1lAII.. TaDLIIJ pilillor oooaUpaUoo.


Up to Him. you can manage with my salal7 of a week, darllnlT" be aske<s. after she bad sald yes, . "I'll try, Jaok: replied she. "But what will yo" dor"-Univeraal1at Lead....

tow yGli think


Impot1ant to Mothera.


Jiblamine oaretully eve ry bottle of

CAS'l'ORIA a safe and sure remedY tor lAfaat. and children, ,aud aee that It

Beara the ""'"

)';,,:;~ r=

~tlU'e , Of~~

Use I'or Oqf, 80 Years. . f--:-"":""-.4f::!!-TJii'lDnd You H~ve Alwa,ya Boucbt.

Hr~tory Revll8d. Tbe Profeasor-What was It defeat, ed Leonidas at Thermopylae? The Bright Student-The new ruJes He held the pass too long. , There Ha. Recently aeen Placed III a1J , ... "'"l' .\.Oros all ""omat lcl, pleasant laarll ClU'tI tu.,. .umnu'tt 1118 , call ed ll u ~ber O.,.ay'" A U 81'RAL.lAN LEA Ji'. h Iy tb e 0111, cerlalu ""'guIl1olor. QuIckly ffll evcs rom .. le weaku_ aud na.ckacbu, Kldlley, BI ... hl"r and Urloar, \Nubl,·fI,. A. t " II DrUlllI'ls' . .. r b, mall ~.IM. liawplo FUEE. .olddre.... Tbe MoWer 0"", Cu,., Lo Roy, N. Y.

A w. .an wouldn't mind being poor .a muoh If &11 her acqunlntnncea wera just

a little &?Dorer.

._ ----

If It'. ,Veur Eye Use Pettit'. Eye Salve, for . inftuunRtion, stya, itching 'lids, eye achlll, derecta of vi8ion Rnd IICnsitil,jty to' atrolll U.bta. ~ll d. aggista or Howard Broa., BWfalo, N. Y. . . Happtlleas is measured not by tl!.e enlargement or the possessions, but of the bean.-RUllkln. Deliclous callos and pastries are produced bi tbe use of Soud ~rs' Crea!11 of Ta~r Baking Powder and So~l1ers' l!'1avol'llll ilstracts. All good grocerte&. lilv. til fishing for hUllbnn!JII ' It 18 senetally Ute big one~ that get awny. Fot' rellevilla Cob~h •. A.I!thmtl nne! 13ronohlU. "Brown's Bronohl lli 'rroehee" are ell':ect:ly.. lI& ~ents . a box. Bll mple" free. .fohn J. Brown '" Son, BOlton, Mlal, Abo.t tile eaalest thing In the wbrld ~ple make Is a break.

tor aGine ,.

PN 'VDJP) IN o'"tO·14 DAYS. . ' 0 III11TJ hll"raD~<I to cmro .n1 I'.al,.


11<1111... ... l.dajiI ..



, BhllHlltll! or _'....,..""ed.

~lIloa 1'1104



tbat-· to-to-" he turu l awa:; to smlle-,"tom bstone. 1 bet he's got It bll ng lng Ull In th e 'store UQW ! We got to I t· m k now [ hat you set him ClUt, et! Yas-stayed l II day llgl.\L! Wolte up a nd stayed! Slee'plng Wtill chual to I( lcll h im ! Yo u wa s. awalto a ll tbe Lie a little, h ah 1" fathe r was proud of this last. y drew apart he called baclt: "If she don' t 1II,e snor ing, Sef, wenr a clothes·pln when you set up wl ss her-o ne of them. WlS9 11 sprlng-nol? AhlL-ha·ha! " And then : "You nil rlgbt, Sef-ya sslr! you all righ t-you the conquering bel'o COUles! Go rlgbt baok- me bby to·nlght-you en Ull Ii to do It." "Degos hens, 1 w ill!" said Serry In hi s fat her'lI own slogan. SeIT y would have pressed his suit even wltho.ut thi s, 1 thlnl(-because those moments In the dark parlor. One does not soon torget that sort of hi ng. " you "Now," advlljed his fa th er , know well enough what kind of a tem· per goes wlss her ll alr- I use t~ ,ha r hair enough onct-and It was red . All right when It's on your side. Dut hell when It's a g' ln you. 'fhem red·h eads a l ways reg rets-I do and sh e does! 8ay-Sef-Seffy, do n't yo u let he r ro· gret In vDln-ketch he r while she's a t

was .11lte sure that ' Ibe baa tI' lt) cn·lng. ' . "I don 't Im ow what' UIO ID:ltter W\ 9! lo lru!" said SelIy's rathe r, as .1' 't hey h au been discussi ng S try. "'\ h07" asltel1 lh gi rl tremllio usl, - though she I,n w-"h~ uln't slcl,?" "s f-Seffy-my effy. No-not exactly-no t to say slok. I lIl,e him s o -hc's nil I go t- a nd It's sorocalns wrong wlss him. "I·le can't li ve Ions thi s way, Erery n ight he's \lawn by \he Polson sp rlng- wl ss the witchesoften nil night. He's there now. J ch ust Ii m away-tr ying to cheer hll!l up a little. Well, so good n ig ht." He passed on, for he was a m erc iful old mUll. and Sally hurrl d a way to the Polson spr ing. And Old Ba llm gu r tne-r la ughed through his gnarled ha nds hI:' lind th e cover of thb nex t turn In the roa d. tho ugh even to him Ia.ugh ter WBS no mo re ga y, a s at yore . Sorry was th tlre, on his back . with hi s hands unde r bls head, starin g up a t t he moon. Ho looked pitifully alono. A great lump Burged In Sally's throat., anct If she had obeyed only her healt :ih e would haVE! fi ung he r arms a roun,l him. But another of those Qun.JIUa"

Says.Country People Should Kn'ow of This A New Drug Compou nd Wh Ich Re:- dras Ie: Thi s cascar oyn.1 pll) does not " cnuso th e us ual ~r1plng, stralnln,; 'a nd li eves Constipa t io n ilnd Pu r, l. pain which UCcolllllun'y tlJ a acUon or fies the System. cailiarLic IIl1l s aud Olin rill watora. It Is just, 1\ ,new Hel 'u Ufic drug com· It se m' c !'ta ln that th ~ farm ln'" llounu Dl ud from Cl,ls tor oil, cascara, class oC p: ople will b fl' e flam JIIany wild 11.'01011 , black herl~y. sulphur, etc., or the common Ills be l' tofvre aIT ct· but II lu g milli e In large quanUtl s by Ing them as tbe new dr ug ccm)louud th o ntu 1(lInrn Pl'Oduct!l yO., Dept. K., cull d cascnl'oYlll Ilills Is far more cf· . of Da yto n, Ollio, It Is sold III packages tectl ve Bltd a hu ntlretl ti mes cheaper of 15 for 10 cnts or 46 for 25 cents, and than tbe table and m inerai waters !lny t1 r\l g~l s t eLl n slJnpl.'l' th e reader. \Ised by th ri ch. Tn fn t . 0'10 of tb e~ r~fbe abov fi rm will ~la(! l y Bend n froe littl e cascaroyal pills (l1laokb uw ;ll.) 'Is )laCkage 10 nny on . who writes for it. far 11101'0 e rrecll v as 0. m ild 1;llood It tlle reador wonts tho exp&ri en ce or cleansing ph ys ic than n wh ole 'bottle II. pleasurable physic. tonic Ilud blood of some vIJ e snIts or mi nera i wa ter s Jlurl fier, write for thc free packago toand the aoUoll Is pi asul'abl ~, not da y.



Lame Back

It." .

So, Betfy wellt u p the bill aga lnnot that ni gh t-wh ich was a mlsta lte - he co uld not qu ite bring him self to that-but the next. An d h oi.! had wasbed lhe grease out of h is ha ir and le rt th e hat a t hom e as well 89 the butter· fly tie and the boots and. If I do sa y It, he was n very handsome fe llow, worth Ilt least a dozen of hI S r1va,. But Sally, watching for thi s ve ry thin g, lIaw him coming and hardened bel' beart, IlB Pharaoh did In the face of proffe red felicity, and, by a good deal of forcible Instl'uction , sbe s uc· ceeded in ge tting the llttle m aid to say that she WIlS not a t bom e. The maid's untutore d fac e showe d Serry that IIhe was not telling the truth, however, and she was not sorry for It. She would never have t reated Seffy so! Seffy shifted bls bat from on e hand to .the othe r and then said: " Tell ber-tell her-when sbe comeR which go wi th r ed hair, pride, preo home-that I'm sorry-" He did not vented thla. She co u~hed a IltUe nnd bac k wa,n1e. ~ exactly know what he was sorry tor, S erry fie w a round, and so said good night and went. • "I- was just t ald ng a walk," ahe CHAPTER VI.-Contlnued. I "He knowed you was at home!" r eo said. "Yes," said Sorry humbly. There waR no reatraln,t to bls "The Polson spring 18-on my Ilropo fath er's laughter now. After It bad proached the little maid. " He was sorry for you." e rty- - " lIubslde d he lasked: "What did he say?" demanded .Sally ''I'll go away!" said Setry, rising. He "Wha~ did you do Wiss the tomb· savagely. IItone?" "To t ell you tbat he was aorry-;- looked gaunt a s be stood on his teet In th e moonlight. "Left it there." when you got home." "Setry- l didn't mean-" began tbe "That's bad, Betty. He'll put It up "When 1 got home? Then I b etter reall y unhappy girl, bel' · head quite at th o store au' 10U ken neter go there stay away, 1 expeot. That's what he giving way to her heart now. no more." "I got nowheres else to go now," ex. Setfy'. look of horror Willi a rl'- meant, did heT Well, I'll show him!" mluder to his father that It would But the maid understood Serry's rustic cused Selfy. "I can't go to the storebave been better not to say that. But chivalry and she did not laugh Wltl: Sam's got the tombstone there-or any, wbere where there's people-account Old' Baumgartner bad tremendous ber mistress. Yet, Sally went bac.k to h er window everybody knows. Sam's got a notice ·aplomb. "NeIer mlnd-neter mind. Mebby and again watohed, hoping Serry wou'ld of It hung up In the atore. It's all be won't sink of that"-though be look back. She was not ·qulte s ure they talk about. He got It printed In paper, too! I'd g(l away, out west, kn ew the store clerk would be certnln wbat she would do. Perhaps she would pt- aD.~r-1)tJl'llQiF:BIJ~"lf-·lrnnrnl:mr1~~.: pappy dOD't want me to gQ. 1 to think of It. '" U pon a sudden thought the old man' .Jaly look ! He did not, and Sally un· come he l'e, account no one else ever derstood that he had acCepted his oomes-It's unhealthy. I dllln't know leaped up . "And where w\s Sam? Sayl When conge as she had given It. And quite that you owned--" He was sham, 0.11 the old man had said, she did re gret, bUng ott. The last words came from 70U woke upT" now, and she had regretted that othe l a distance. "Good nlgbt." "I don't know." He did not know that Sally WILl fo}. "But-he wasn't there-et Bally's?" night. But there WIlS more penance lhan he had said or though t. Ye t- lowing him. When she spoke It \\':18 "No," said Setty hopelessly. His father clutched his shoulder and there was tbe Pressel temper! And It close behind him. He veered sO E1:ld. did not await the subsidence of the denly as to catcb the pain In her face., . et him on his teet. sorrow, but rose at once. What busl· But be was dull, Setty. "We ll- you dam'· little IdJlot-nha"Serry," she Bald, close upon him. ba·ha-don't you see that you did set ness had he tamely to acce pt the situ· "Setty, I was l\t home." him out-tlay! Why, you're a winner, aUon? Setry said not hing. 1 am satisfied that there Is some con· S etry! I'm proud of you!" "Serry-l am unha'ppy-and a fooll" . Setfy started and looked a Uttla less necUon between red hlUr and temper. And I am, further, satisfied tbat there BUll Serry did not move nor speak. Inert. His father laughed bugeJoy. even more 1M!tween the associated "Don' t you care that I am unhap. "I knowed you'd do It! Aha-ha·ha! Nobody ken . beat a Baumgartner Ideas 'or red hall', temper and regret. py?" Still silence. courting a gal! What's sleeping-it But my difficulty Is to determine jusl "ADd don't you never fortrtve DO you stayed! Huh! You stayed tell where each llAnds. Logically, the r edayllghtl . Bet-I'm laugblngl Wby, J gret ought tAt come laat. But, to ,Sally. one?" used tQ slcep when I set up wlss you' ---.,.-HI---------t-T.~~";;.~':.~ WIlS a sob. ' Ah! ' Setty coule! not harbor III mammy efery time another feller was agains t n dog th at bad bit him. And the re. 1 done It a·purpose! And she'd Sully so~b ed. The hands he had kllst!d wake me up when the other teller wns before, be kissed again-in that (aeb· gone and It came time for me to go. ton, you w1ll remember, which must Wby-say:-I stayed and slept all survived from some cava114ilr 11000 ni ght-te ll broad daylight and go home cestor. • Iss the cows 1n the morning-many (TO BbJ CONTINUED.) .. tllDel Yasslr! Chust like you, Sef! Suf, you're all right. Goshens, but FIFTV RUPEES EASILY MADe. you had a narro'7 flxcape, though! 'Chust suppose you'd '1\' woke up and Tricky Indian Merchant Feared In· forgot what you was up to-you do that, quilitive Stranger. lIometlmes, Set, when you're dream yand gone bome "efore yuu \'emem b el" AD indian m e\,(''hant wished to dised that you was oUl·setting . him! poae of an old elephant alld took It He'd 'a' had you dead, Sotty, dead and to a talr. As soon as he had arrhed burled In the family lot. But yot.! got he noticed a man who, without say· him, Serry. 01' boy-.and Sally, too, beIng a word. began to walk round the goshensl Shall we get at the fence animal, examining It ntte ntlvely on all to·daY?" Selfy did not respond. And sll1es. The m erchLLnt hecame very bll ·father knew better than most of anslous, for he feared the man had UB where suggestion shOUld stop. found ClOt that his elepbant was not "All right. We bose busy to·day. worth much. He took him aside and , Mebby we better let It be ,tell to·mor· whispered In his ear: "I see a CII.· and In this ' case, It cnme In the mid· row." tomer com lug. Do not say a word Ot course Old Baumgartner was well dle. For, she began and she ended until I have IJOld the beast and I will nware thnt · his logic would not bear wlthouL It, · but she dlJltlnetly' re mem· gll'e you 60 rupee •. " The man lookud the · least scrutiny. ' And he regarded bered having had It. Tberefore, It at' the merchant and wonderlngt)" Setty anxiously as Ae raced through must have been In tbE> IUlddle. compll.Eid wltb txfll request. It bap-. And Sam administered Setfy!s coup It. But dull happy Setty saw no Oaws pened that the c\.UItomer had more de grace! . p e~aps It was accidental. In It.· H e agreed with his father t hat money than ·s enso, BO that be W148 he had out·sat Sam. And, It It hae! not But I thlnl' It uat have bee n notblng easily taken In. When the bargain been too plainly accidental, he would less than spyL g and then de vilish In· was ' completed and the elephant led have adopted the fancy thct he' had ventlon":"·lt was so entirely apropos. away by Its new owner, the merchant As Seay descended the Hill of De- hauued the 60 rupees to the sllen~ bad ' l\ berole purpose In It-so con· vlnclng was his father's lOgic to bli light on whlcli Sally's pretty · . llttle man, saying: "Now, I ' want you to bouse' stOlId, Sam ascended It, singing, tell me how you dlscov~ red the defee, lIttle mind. Tbl! 'oJd man ratUed en. Sefty ·mus' as he paned Setty:' In Iils left leg. I thought 1 had con· "Napolfaorl, with ' a thousand men, not think muclt • c8lLled It so skIUully." "I bave dI~ "And snl,)rlngl Hah! ' Nosslng- Marched up the hili and ~own again." .covered nothing:' replied the stra'ngor, nOBllng at all! I could gUe you le s· . Froth bls own, da.'kneIR, deify saw '1t II the first elephant I have eve. Ions ' tn snoring• . And you' mammy 1\ golden shaft of light bqrst trom seen, . and ' I wanted to know whlr.h Ute' ~o S~y that Ihe liked (t. I~ wa~n't the door a t' the' top' Jf the Hill ot De, Willi tht! bead and wblch was the taU." 10 1011E'\Y and sbe knolVed I was on fight, and, In It, he aaw Sam mount ·--Excbange. , deck 'and· allfe. Snoting! Aba-ba·bRI to ~liere was h1a heart'l dealre. • Defenl. Th.t Failed. Wbat'" that-If )'ou · are aure' of the 1111, pll" .. "I was not," "ald. lilA,. at a Ma.. Setry ah~mmecl several th:nea ~nd The Polaon-8p •• nil In the Cotton ~beater pollee Court. "a81Q 1Iad ..... looked less 'like II condemol)(!. maleWood.. ~e, 1 was too well d~lecl ...d reo ractor-tbougb .U)~ far from suborned. The, met on tbe damp country l'Nld sp.etable." The beach. wblcb .teDJI to UDde...tan4 tile Implied quo , : ~_t dapa' mol.....··. oae. e ...... , Ball, aDd th,e old maGlOt to be Ucked-aad II I lOt to do It two weeks Jater, Sbe wu w.lld... meat or the mo.... 'ffeat of .JOC1 ~ IIpeIkbGtJaIW I-aaa't -maeb or • Jlc~ wttll drooplq DeIld- . .d. WIleD alae 'U • .,. tile "....r_~ ......NftIi • . .,.. wlaole COaV'1I Mo" aboUt 1~D17 rJIIId U. I I . . ~tdf III

An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. This liniment takes the placeof massage.and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrateswithout rubbing-through the skin and museu· lar tiss\le right to the bone, quickens the blooa. relieves congestion, and ,gives permanent ·as , well as temporary relief.

'S loatis Liniment has no equal as a remedy for ..Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any pain or stiffness in the muscles· or joints. Pliae 250..15Oc.t and $1.00.

Dr. Earl S. Sloan, BostoD, Mus., U. S. A. 8JoaD'.boo.OD . . . . . .w., .... IUI4~_'r:





FIVD AND ALL ROSE AND THlOAT DI.SiA.Sa Oufte the Blek and ~t .... a preTcutln to.,. oth4;l'8. UqQi4 gl~ IOD ' UB l-oOlfUo. Sare f or broOd m.ues and all Olbe4'R. Bellt "141Ie,.-.1, ; 10 c t'DlJla .. d 11.00 n.lI9ule; et>.oo and 110.00 the dozeD. 80ld b7 aU ~ auil hone soodB' boulltli, or &ent expreu paid, IW tbe lIUUIutaotlUW8o. ~OHN . 0--... COSHEN,; ·INDIANA: I




. ----',----




MIII_ m.ur

.The government


CanIl4a Db ", givea

to .evflry 160, acre.aCtof' L~W~~:f;;ttil~ ,. tier wbe.'.ll row ....t a'ctba.I

IODd free and on additlonall60 acrea

at $3.00 an acre.

The 300,000 contented

American settlers milking t.beJr homel iD Wester~ Clloodo Is tho ~ evidence of the luperlority of that country. They are becoming I rich, growing from 2!l to 5~ bUlhels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 l)usbn ela oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, besides having splcndJd herds of cattle raise~ on the prairie grass. Dairying is on important industry. The .c rop of 1908 atIl1 Ic«pa Wnteru Canlldti ' In the J eo d. The world wlU 8DOD look to It Il8

It. (ood·producer.

• 'Tho thJng whi ch 1I10at. hllpm Med: us WAJ!I U I& u f Ih n con nlr,. UJ .. L Is ..TtJ I~l b IO tM '

ru~"U<1 u

ZI';"~~:~';:''':l~..l:\~~8C'''' - A'..,,-,, E<I(CoJ1a1

LoW rD.ltwn y rntea, Rood eehoola IIoncS burch"marketa c:onvenICtDt. price. tbe ~eat, c.liinato perfect.

.J~i"le "'" tor ...10 by f\.nl\woy lind IADd (Jou>C~r l:il;~~SC~,~IKv~.rg~r~~~~I~~~~~ a::~

DR. McINTOSH celebrated


8upc rln t.c I" ) ttDt.,f 1 nlwllCru."' on ( Ouaw~ ()w:jlUlA. 0' t~<llIout.llurlsc<1 ~uudlon UIiVOl'Wllen4.A,iou,:



W~y\l !l

/ ~--~ ' ~---~~~~~~~~.~-~

New Burli ngton .

\'iIIe Prnt ('Mv" A,,!,("l

:\1,. .. , Frhllk W 1 ill r 1M ·tll,,',i\' , It rt!.



mong 80111

Mr~ .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~, . . . . . . . . . . . .~~

I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

African Courtsh fp.

(rlrUlI trlbe:l. wll' II

•1. A , Funk' y enterta inell il) n nlBn prott'sli S hIs lov for II WOIllUn H,lUStl hllr uRuul d li gh~fll l ,unulle r tlt five and asks h I' In marrrag • ' bl' IlIv ' r l . MlIlld/ly nigtlt un II fl'eote!ll\n orgfll) B 'r t Bllilt' who lJ nt th \vinW,r o'cloOK ably r fus s hlt,u at flrst, I st It should t 1.1, on Saturuf I,y evenin g. in 11.litlon , Tho lIlef't.11l", Wtl ,,11 d in Lex ington. } y ., i tit bllUle nppeur that abe bad l;J (>n thinkIng or hon or of MI Vivian 'tllweH of hllI\ and ~' !lS II order by A , Mr~, Ed Browu who hilS b n siok . ' ilmor ' of l..eblL agel' to become ' his wIfe, II blmon , 'l'he til ble wn b 1l>11tiful- Dr 110 dQlug U n , tinel ntte r II gllu rill dis 118Sl01l with rll l1mll tisUl is better, sit maJu t alns the iliad. 81y ot h el' sex, as wull 118 I SI S 'he Elm r Obenow lth htlt! had an Itt- Iy de orut d with r ed, oarnati ons, t,hfl foil wing I~nice r were I t,ed : l~ve nnd abases tit tMk !~nd f grippe a prld at h I' lov. deli , iOl1s uitable for Kitchens, Bedrooms, Etc. t.h ree ourse s upper W H, MalhI n. p1'e!! : J , E. .Janney , .A llUroh soci al Willi he ld at t.he wus ",srve,l to t he followi ng glls t, : (> 1', ,ThIs policy 18 al so In lend d tu b VI -pre, . ; ,[o'rt'd Ii 'herwno ll, II of liS to th Womnn In UP I' mal'l'led M. E. Annex on Fridn,y eve nin g in 'rh Ml8~es Vivian t3tilwell, EdIth lite-as . IIhOllld Ih r be Qual'l' ling and trellM ,: ; H MIlJdfl n . .1 " E. hr)Uo,· of Dr , Fuuge utHl fawily who Mo~h 1', ybll Bllwke. Je sie MLlt' · alld th hu sband (lireal n to 6p nd her Janney . L. A Zimme r mtln,.h : . ' V" \\1111 move to 'prill" Hiley next away, s hp (' a n I'ellllnd him of how h latt linu Mrs. Fred Bartso ck. 81lrnhl lrt /lnu .1 A , F un key, exeou- we k . Il1l1 r1e J'(1)'lrIHf'r1 pl'OfpSSl oll s of his loV'e The evenin g pa sed all t oo quioktlvo bOlli'll; n I., ~ r!lntl, ., H OlelJ,l Mrs Wli ItOll UOlllpt n e ntertai n d nnd IIr/:I'l1Il y preij S d his sui t betor het ~undl\y &hool 0lM88 one evenin g ly with musIc and remini ent,~ fiDd F. H. Fa.rr, advIAOI'Y bourd , scences she on , en r d to b CO lli hIs wUe. of IO.ijt week , the pl\ t f r Miss '\ lvinn is nn old Til meetin g Wfl8 lin ent,buHi:u!tic The relativ of Vern pn I nwood Wilyne ville girl. nt'. RDd llIt'nl uers ~ XPt es.erl them Don't Get Ma d , who mo ed Oklilbomll 10 t fnll l - - - --0111' wn nUl; 1'. Indl' PII, do's li S mo~ !!HI\' e:l 11 to tb e h ttel'llie nt of our have I' ceivedtoword from him bft,he i M. E. SABBATH SCHOOL hnrm thnn ' th thing whlrh rnak's U9 town , It. may he slIid . though , thrtl, birt.h or ,I baby dallght er , nn!:'I')' ; 1111 11 WI' s ulfer mu c h moro (I'om Wayne sville is very Ilellr /l cash town , Fridav ",ening while Jas. Med- I P"ogra m for Maroh 21, 1 \lO\l the nngrr and ' v exa t lon whic h we aI , , /lnd the aRsooia tiof) Jlride~ it~ e l f that skar tlnd Wm. M.iller were trtking a lo w 8 (' 18 to ro use In us . than we do from Review of Quarte r. tho acts th Il1seh>es at which we are they are iu a posit,tO n to mllke (londi , load of mliple 1U0la ses to Dayton , - -A ' j'- th'" te"m they were driving was Si n gi ng " "" "",,,,, " ." . ,,, ."" " " No. 1 Ulltl'), ancl ,'e xed , How much mos t thms bet.ter , struok by a train one h orse being Respon sive Relltiin g":"" ,, ",No, 311 people. (or In s l n li ce , allow (hem~t'l H'S fhe membe rsllip now numbe rs killed a.nd the ot,her Injured . Mr , Proyer , closing with r.ord's Prayer to be dlstrnet l'd and dl s turbf'd by t wen ty ft nd promis es to grow. 1 t is Miller r ecel vpd 1\ light injury in inging "" " .. .. " """ ... ". " .... No , 1!l:3 IIUIII'I'('18 and (amlly dI6pute~, Y e t In lIi n e (' Il Hl'>! 01 11 ul' l en on E' uugh t nut to the desire of the as ooia t iol) thllt ev- his should er but Mr , Medsk er was Respon sive Reo'lliog of Lesson . 'everal gall on8 of moll~(I­ S liti' I' (1'(l1lI bE'illg fOllnd rault with , Tt ery buain8lls 8,nd profes!lional wa.n 8unhurt t;tl1dy of Les80n " .. " "",,;i0 minute w re s pilled. I he ontl mnnlloo Is jllst. it should b e in this district will be membe rs in a ~~~~~~~~~'!'!"~~~"!!-.~~~~!'!""~!'-~!!-~~!!"'"'~~' __ .. - - ~i n ging"""" .... """" . ....... "No , ;4 wplcoll1 e as a warning : It It Is IInllr!"!"'~ c:, \'ery few days, so tbat all may bo in ;:, 1' \' d . why s hould w allow It to dl. Lytle . Collect ion co· operati on which would mean the Review of Lesllon ...... Rev . GIllilan d II'I!SS us?- Slr John Lubbock. Pianos for Rent. aocomp lishme nt Of "grea. t mnny Cla ssif ted Ads The K. G. EagleR h eld thei r banReport of t:>eoretary For les8 than $1.00 per week we • ..,.., _ •• ..........-....~- -....".., things that oould a nd should be d<1ne. quet Friday night, Maroh 12t,11. lnglng .. Gratu i tous Adv ice. ... .... ". " , .... ,, " . """ ... No, 194 .'\. Illall h Hd >l li l fo r ,;o HIt:' 111110" In a will rent you a beautif ul brand \ ... .1>0 will be I,,~,' r""d The promo ters have , done all they About 150 were pretlan t Ilnd were Jf you are not Il m ember of 110m un,I e r thl ~ h ~d lu . enterta lnt'd by musio fmd spea kin g, r ( ' St!l UI';lIl1, looki ng tholl~I\I rllily LI t his new guaran teed piano direet from hne agreed to d and it, III now up Grand Chief tWl'n lv ,lIvl' cc nlH for ~hrt'e Ins.'I'llom J , Plumm er WRS pre _ Sabbat h School. we cordia lly invit.e f< !III\' , I' or II lpll lllg Ir.. Crt ' !I IlI , A I llU;t t he factory . Oro u s a card ' and \ wbe n ""Inl~ nol ,"ort! lh an III' e II,,,,,., to the membe rs to tllke steJ)8, uoh ent. il l' p I ft hi s c h a il' , a tld you to Oeoomtlll membe r of ours , m a dtl hi li way lO we will send ---- -._--you full particu lars . ; .. ----a mllY be benefio ial to the businell8 - - ----- ..... -----_ Lh(' prop 1'1 ' 101', ~----~ . Mr. I::itacy Lamb and Mr. Clyde We need your help,. 1t yon will Interes ts of Wayne sville Ilnd oom· Cox left Monda.y evenin g for Texatl, " I " P I:' you adverllse that you IIlake THE STRAU SS FURN ITURE CO , oome, maybe we oan b elp yon . FOR SALE your own Ice crE'alu ." h e "ai d , In a cou· manUy . So, at this time it would A surpris e was given in honor of 314 H. S. D, Main KXLLr St., ON, I1d Middle I::iupt" n (lal ton town, e, OhiO. ! ' he w~l1 to add a toast as given by Mr. Staoy Lamb, who IOBves for _ _ _ ___ - - " I do. ~ i r. " ,aid Ib e proprie 'or, - - - -_ +F ODDE R- I htl vn :1001' :Hi !lhook~ the secreta ry of a Busines s Men 's Texas at his home , The eveni ng WAYN E TOWN SHIP TEACH " W e ll." $u i,1 Ibl:' man, "would \' OU ERS was passed liway in games a,nd othf'r of t'orldfl r for !la le 11 11 1)1' Assooi ationat their a.nnulil banque t. kinds I lel'm l t m e 10 gl\' YOII a IInll:' )'lol u i'r ',' Every read r phone, 0 , L" RI( kl< . of amn ements , Those presI wun't c hal'g YII U a C(lnI, and 11 ' 11 be OS S of tnis paper ' were : Misses Lola oroe1l. Rflva The Wayne '!'nwns hlp teacher s !Iloney In your po k 'I," , ' Here's to our town. It 's the best in ent William llon, ~i11. , tiithen 8. Louisa s nding name and address and 4c in - - - - - - - - - ---" Glad 10 h r a!' It. I'm sure," said tbe s tamps to pay postage o t he land, Ilnd Ethel 8tokes, E!6d.nor Earnhl lrt, met in Wnyne sville on liIaturd ay. and packing propri etor, if anyon e here disbeli eves it, will receive 12 Beautif ul Colored Viola Clarke, Bert,hn. Ooon Messrs, Ma roh 13th. 'I'be meetin BUHl:J Er ... ~ vpllow !lAPll (l1l1' 1I " G t SO IlI holl y ph; til llIuke It," suld Post Cards Uto"y n.nd ", •. :ftJ ey L~mb Herma n at 9 :30 with a disousBion. g opened by first mail absolut ely We'll try to posh forwar d withou t Q..... for 1111 11' . ' 1. 50hn, A rlrlre!'lll or on "New th ..... . "'''"u UlBIl , In 1\ h llllrSe whl ~ )l e (',free. THE GLEAN ER, Lewis. WillIam Duke. I.ewl s ElhuW, Agriou lture" by Miss Burget on ll" N. Wtlkr-rM 1l.0rflg o o 1 H. I(,, 'R t. This Youth's om palllon, his ·ai.d , ] 120 Majest ic Bldg" Forest Gr"bam , Clyde' rlly lor Ern- b Detroit , Mich. 1. PbOlll'. Cliuton 143. ... And be's perfeot ly welcom e to leave est Earnha rought out the fact that agrloul . rt. t ure in the sobool oourss Is no lon ger It, " Afr . II nd Mrs. R , H. 8t, J obn left a " fad" but hilS oome to stay, In f,er. :.'''''''''','''''''','','',''''~''''''',''''''''''''''''~ 'fhe followi ng are membe rs of the here Thursd ay evenin g fo r North esting work i.n tbis subJ'eot: will do ~ ~ a 1800i at i on.,. _uuw ~' . 60 Longllo re is on the Gazet,te, W •· H . ', Dakota Mr. Isa siok ~ much to solve tbe " large boy prob~ ~ Madde n &00" .1. E. J&nney , J. H. list ~ lem. " ~ ~ Colema n, L. A. Zimme rman, C. M. Mr. F. H . Duke wall in Leban on Mi8s Burnet followe d wit.h a p8- ~ . , . Robl'z er. Setb Cook, Enterp rise, F. on Sunday . ~ per on .. The l!'ioflooial Phflse of the ~ C. ~tey, E , V. Barnha rt, Nation al • Bob Lamb eXl>ects to go south Countr y School Proble m," The BAnlt, Citizen 's Bank, J . A. Funkey , again the l"tter part of ~ thi8 week . oountr y ohild 8ho~ld have just aa ~ Jew~ler F. F. ~eoke& Bon, C. H. Clemen ts, ~ O,'stCf'l' \\'ith th trut! (I 1'skr f1ti"or.T he friends of Mrs. F, B. Duke good an educoti onlll opport unity 8S ~ _ A B Sid.... Jos A Ht-"h ' HArry WIll be glad to hear thatsh e is much th 't ~ the kind y ..,, ·\C S IIIt! \r. " .1 Yllur !ips hild Eq l ' t b~ ' ~ liver at lhe :oll ... rc, e 01 y O . nil I y can est ,Utller, W. J. Kilbon and Frank L. better. ~ .. be st!oured by oonsoli datlon. When ~~ Harris , of Harvey sburg. IRISH' PROOR ESS patrons learn to know what good ~ ~ • - • . teachin g i8, they will deman d more ~ PIANO TUNING ~ Forme r ~resident Elliot, of ~ar 'thorou ghly trained teaohe rs and will ~ ~ J.J. Tbomp eonJr. 443E. Main ~ardilJetynt&te~~ra:tlo!~~~~rd nn- be willing pay for them amore ~ S. Uverw are, Watc hes, ~ St., Lebano n, Ohio. Satisfa ction ven rooen y eo a n& at re- genero us Mlary. ~ uarante ed; Valley Phone 64 B. mar,ks made by bim han ~ They are shipped in a sterl c.ontaine been "inMiss Fealy. ba'd- t=e.r-:M.....,.mtriAJrrtii-"l.-;Jtocks, Jewel ry, Rings , ~ air-tight , sealeu, p.'\ckt.'d wilh icer, , • _ .. ' terpre~ as showin g ,a laok of ap- "Pa~a8Ite8.' · '!'bat she had given ~ , the containe r. No ice or water /oud'l!$ the oy.ten. You get IOlid ~ around ,Australia covers tweDty~ ti'm es p~eoiation of tbe ciVlo and menu-p erfect , and unbrok n. pioral tbesub jeot a ofLrefu ls'udy was very ~ Chain s. etc., all New. ~ as much area as the British Isles, Vlrtu88 of oitizen s sprung • 'Sealsbi pt" Oysters go furtll l'r and tute so differen tl from Iri8h eviden t. Sbe d a80ribe d minute ly ~ Engr aving Come aDd see t.b e m: a Spec but its popula tion is less than that of and other foreign steoks ialty ~ ' ." Presi. the various kinds of parllsit es and ~ London. ~ dent Eliot di80lai m. any suoh inten- paraslt io growth 8 ond hinted Ask for "'SE ALS HIP T SEN SE " - 8 Book that ~ ~ tioo and adds: "Nobod y fammlt r there were such things in , Abou t tbtl world New Mexico produc ed nearly ~ ~ ' I h'Ith th 9 poIi tloa letory 0 f Boston a8 human parll8it es. 8,000,0 00 tons of coal last year, with '" ~~ Spectacle Fitting a Specialty. ~~ All the foll owing dealers sell "Seatah lpt": could fail to have deep apprec iation 'l'he afterno'on session was given ~ a full quota of miners for the first ~ of tna.n y good influen ce8 whioh to work in " Sooiology," time lin several years. ~ Waynesville an,d ~mericaD~ ~f Irish decent have had Mr. Strawn gave a ~ood r~vi,ew of ~ Corw in, Ohio In onr poJitloa l develo pment . The "I::iocial Forces ," Climat e, the de- ~ ~ The genuine "Sealsbipt" Oyaters are alway. sold [rom a progre ss of Irish voters toward sire for oompfLnioDship, White l'orcelaiQ Display Case bearing the "Sealsbi pt" trade LbA desire ~ Wayne sville, Ohio. ~ tolerat ion of all religion s and for wealth were some of mark ill b\ue. This is for your protecti on-look for tbe foroes ~ ~ h8 The "Sealttb ipt" Carrier System is pateDted. IntrlnxeIt..' n t owar d h onest and em' that gave ,rise to society . .." ..." ."""" """" """" """" ,,,' ~ menls will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. oIent g'overnm~nt in ~owos and oit. bliss MoClu re's topic wal "SOOifLl NATIO NAL OYST ER CARR IER iee bas been more .remar kable and LaW!!," She ably bandIe d in detail NOr_II< . Collnectl cut. mnoh more rapid during the' last the "Laws of individ ual choioe so -SPECIALS~ tlventy years tban that o! men of Clal ohoice imitati on and otb~rs ' English blood who' ware eILrlier com· : Mr , Brlltt~n oomple ted the 18880~" Irjsh·Potat oes . era, " with a talk on " The Sooial Mind" --.:-. , Fancy White · Potatoe s, free HAD LIVEL Y DEBAT E Sooiety Is an outgro wth of !L8socla- . from scab and rot, extra fine ~lon Bnd the thinkin g and acting to . Cookers, Northe rn grOWJI, 'l'hel'e was a liVely debate in the get,hflr of indi vidualI' makes the so ' fine for seed, ' 8]tecial Price" high school room. last Frida.y . cial mind . 2Sc a peck; $1.00 a bushel. Tile subjeot ; was : ,iResol ved. Tbat A questio n box aU into Fancy North ern Grown there is mora ground in the world tbe discuss ions . Th~ queRtlo n of ' for pe88lrpistic tha.n optimis tio "EnthIl 8illsm" was freely disou8l1ed. Seed Potatqes· views. " The deba~e wa@ good a.nll rne next and last meetin g for t,hA Early Rose, Early Ohio, g"ve scope tor mnch thongh t. year will be April 24, 1909, White Star, Rural New ---- -~ --York, Red Triump h. WILL BUY HORSES !'(aU


th~ 'l''' wn~hip

mill at

W al l ' Pa pe r 3c 4c Sc 6c 7c

Sing le Sing le Single Single Sing le

Roll Roll Ron Roll Roll

SO H W AR rrz 's


P t Card ·



J H 0pp J



. . . .,


A .....



The And Optl·cl·an .a

O),s ters With " Sea Tan g"

,, Sealshipt Oy ste rs


Oyst ers

i Opp , the Jew eler i

Wa lte r J. Kil bon ;


--- -


- ..



- - -..----.-- -


Wise. Early June Peas

Vc a can;

4 cans for 25c

Evap . Muir Peaches'

Z pounds for 15c; in 25 pound boxes, 7c; in 50 pound box, es, 6){c.

Prune s Medium size, Fancy,

- 5c pound; 3 pOlmds 25c

New Salt Fish,

18 pound pails, 20 pound )·4 bbls.,

40c a kit 90c $1.00

\'Oni9n ~ts, Extra Fancy, JOe qt New Garden Seeds and Seed Po, tatoes, Celery, Lettuce , Cran~rrfes, Apples, Oranges, lemons, a.naDa!;, Grape fruit; Onions, Cabbage and . "

Green Briar .

Issaao Wilson and Clias. Reynol d8 left Sunday evenin g for Ge,o r89 town Sevlwal of our farmer s attende d Ky ,where tbey intend to piok np A. B. ~ide8" saJe W ellneilday, Mr. Fred Smith trnn8llc ted bUI.'!L some good horse flesh and import it ness in Dayton on Wednesduy and to our town. rhnrsd ay,


• --- •




·- •

At Hahn Hall, ' ,

Thurs. Mar. '18.


the ,Miami . G~ette $EDO a Year. ,.'

H or s,e m en !


See t,lIe Funny FIve, the Dabofn ar Femllle 'I'rio, Geo. W"ills, the ' triple steppe r, Billy ~heriah . monolo gue, Mamie Hunter ,' enterta inllr; Al Bunt,er . impers onator, TbeSh errtlha -BlJIy and Marie-eoo entriQ entetta inor8.





Mr. John Mills hILS moved from

Mf:Xlcan men pay from $1 to $50 Spring Valley to Frank Elbon 'li farm for a hat, depend ing on the amoun t ! Mrs . Nora Mullen a.nd obildre ~ of embroi dery in silver or gold there- ' at.tende d R lurpris e in LebflDb n one on, evenin g last week, , .. - ... I Mr. Emmet Beltz I ft, on ,Monday' An electric organ has been invent- for Center ville wllere he will ed. A series of vibrato rs ,take the ployed at the home of haroldbe (1m Tayplace of the reeds. Switch es and I' lor. ' , ' masrnets operate the ' mechan ism . The Rev. Mfl.tthq\vs, of ~prin g_ boro was enterta,ined at the bospit.aThe best masts a re made of the ble bome of AlJen Kibler the ell.rly· . . " ,. part la8t week , He is conduo t, Norwe gian fir. ~est lR ,~r. ing a.ofrevivaJ servi(l,e 'in Oregon ia d~r ~re, spruce, fir, .Amertca~ , whIte II and many from onr vioinity ar.e 11tpme and Scotch pine. tending ,

Ewer,thing Good to 'Eat at



Huole'r Bros" COmedy Co.

Adults . Childre n,




Can .and get our pric es. 'on Florse ,Bills. can , , pr~n~ them righ t •••• I


f ,



, .







Henry King was iD ~bBnon last II. true and alJjdibg' love for our work l . • .~~WTm AS CHEF Grebn Briar. Thursday on bnllinesR. . in order-t() .&~ke it sUOO88sful. . ; ,.' . Ver~ few DIeD at tbe I\'geof eighty , . . Mr. Bnd MI'8: Wm . 'I'horpe went 'fbe mU8i~1 pah--ilf the prORr~ As we were tusy late, last TuoH. ,l uhu Krller 'l:Il':Irnlling fl\oe ill\ill Mrs Jat!. IStoou8 bas bo!'n qUite . T d deserve8 speoilil mention Mr Kel , day evening getting out our edition seen ill om m i d t . lIeveD are p08llell8ed of tbe wonder. I k to Greenville nes lIty. . . , ' f.uJ aO$lvlty and vUahty of which 80 • Jilon's solo, th~ son~, "Be on'I'ime " word oame from Zimmerman s groMary Cooner , ot OragonilJ, IIpen t 8. JI: Thompson Is bIAssed. Lost: O. E. BrattflD Wltll In OIBrbvll\d J. J. Tbompson jr., of Lebanon, by Ii olass of boys in the Lytle Sun- eery thl1t "there W Il;!i som e thiog do ' one ev ening llLs t wee k with Myrt,le .Wedoeeda)', \laroh 8, Mr. TbolllP tilitnrday. Willi In town Monday. day Sohool, 'be duet by Mi!!888 Min' In', " and that we had better come. Kibler. anD aU.lnw tbe elcrbtY.Reventb ,urll. George Smith h~s been very Mrs W. H. Allen was a Dayton Die Duke aud Z1lJa Githens and tbe Well , there WIlS something doing, Mi8s Lilum Klblor Willi plells8.nll .v -"t D I D . . I M R D ' .. for Lawti h d d f t f entertained by Mr uod Mrs . a Orl1CA mUeetoDe In Ufe'. pathway. In .. c- Ilot witb Irl~. . vlBlt9r las' Wednesday. ~o 0 by aster u.sel1 ulI.e were e a prepare !l eall 0 Wi1~on 1118t Weilnesda y. ev~nin g. oord'~08 with Ii' Ion. elft.bU8bed Marian Adlltms was 10 Lebanon .11 well rendered and muoh appre- good tbings, the main attrll.otion be. Mr. lI.nd Mrs. Asu Whitaker a t . ou.~m, tbe ohildren aII'd gr.ndohll V9 .~rfln Edwards · was in Sprlnl lut Fridli y 00 buaiDe8tl. olated. log an oyster stew. Embe1lillhed tended the funeral of MrR. Whitll. dr.n. 16t~ered with M·r.Thompson V .. Uey Matnrd~y. Mr. ttobitzer In" few well obosen witbplokles,orlloker!>llndothergood ker'!! grandmotb er, Mrs. Monroe, io and 1ft. wife "nd spent tbat day. Mr. aod Mn. E V. ~robart. were Mr aDd Mrl. W. H. Allen spent remarks lIommed up the work things, it was certainly a feI18t" and Lebll.non Monday . .' I'ath,r aod Mother Tbompeof'l have In C~noinnatl Tueeday. Monday and Tuesday In mnolnna". whiob we wish to accomplish In those present surely enj oyed it. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kersey visit.. _... ' ''b I b itb 'h f il f R b· 0 11·' f 8 b order to make tbil township .. gold. ChBs. Cornell, Had . Vornell, Joe ed NUh Allen Ktblor 's on Tuesdll Y· maue' " e r .omA w ' e am 10 MillS E'hel Williamson, of Dayton, 0 .,. 0 e., 0 arveys urr, 'a6 R U I 1 . en one In Sunday School work. Evans, Mahton Ridge, and D. L. Fred Draper hilS returned from th eIr d aOIlh t8", Mr .•o d _n. . _ . .apent !:Iunday .t home. Will a Watynesville v sjlior 'uead"y. Emery, Ir., ·.nd hMvlr bNQ bappy . The meettngol08ed with tbe bene- Orane were the 8peolal oues favored Kentuoky where he was o l ~tled by the death of a sister. Abljab O'Neall, of London, .pent J. R. Bei8ey, of Dayton, wu in dlation pronounced by Rev. Hawk. by mine host Zimmerullt:D. . and ~mfor.ble duriD!r tbe Winter Way..D'esvllle last Tuesday on bQ8i. Aft th f . B. M . Burnet attended the funer . moutb. lIurol1Gded by tbe lovln" !:Iunday with W. E. O'Neall. neBa. 101 . er e east ca·me C1g&rs, and a al of his 11fe long friend, Aodrew 0&" . . Iii the alltire hciiule. hold. Nr. RotJ.rt CrOia fa ont agal'l after an .. • - • few "good ooe8 " were told whioh Monger, of Red Lion an Monday. i\J-Ev..• .. bod.. Invt·-.1 to call aad... OBITUARY ended the "ood time. and qow.rd THompson, ,lnez el"bt-days lelge of tbe grip. "~>I 01 ""'" .. and Rlobard, Mr, and at,.. O. E. lIle new Mpring MUUn9ry a' M.l u At a ·ri .... old a"e, esteemed and • - -- -'R. O. Hunt returned from bis exD FINE HORSE FLESH tensive we8tern trip last week'. Me!!lrl. J. M. Ooo~: and J. E. Jan. Llnoolo'. Ma~,," .nd obildreD .Dd all tbe neT "ere io Lebanoo Mond.,.. ' .; honoroo by a large ".'role of friends, B. M. Burnet and family ' spent Emtf"l. wbo " ' " . , homtj, laolud. t M~. Ind Ilr. J. B. Ooleman have PbUtp Hawke, aurrounded by his Mr. Isaao Will!on arrived from tiunday wlthth8irB3edgrandfatber, In, Rata., jr., and wife made up tbe K.~: Walter Mo<.,1ure II 0001'&- re'u~Ded from. vielt of Mveral loved ODe', departed thtll Ufe a' his Kentnok), Friday, and had ~ nice who was 'strloken with paralYSis f.mU)' p.r'y. It wu. bapp)' orowd lnolnl from a UTere .ttaok of pip. In ClnolnDa'l. home near Bld,evlUe, Warren Co., pieoe of horse fie8h with him. It 1a8t week. tbateDolrollfCl the birthday htLnquet Jbhn' A. iuoke)' wlU IIhoweveryMat. MoKln••)', . of D.yton, ill OhiO, at nine o'olock'on 'hemOl'Dlng Is " little dark sorrel borse, and MiS8 Golda Allbright. of Lowell board and ,Iaddene" 'be beartl nf tbtal In tbe l.teII' ~tyl8ft of low-out .pendh" a few da),l . witb r.latlVt'a pf Baturd,,:t' March UI. IG09. 18 a beauty from every point of Hm, is being entertained by Rena the .: ••nerable O(\upJe. Tile new nhou lIad the very be'et. All Jdod. aad frieDC)a here. .' BII grAadfather, Phtl~p Hawke, view. It la a riding borse, and Smith. ""'''0008 balog ereoted OD tbe lotll 1A4488' Mlises' lIeD'a and Boy.' Mr•. B . J. KpJncer announO&e the was a local preacher In tbe Metho Mr, Wilson rode it through from Onr teaoper was entertained at w••';~Judr"lilmerY"baa lurah,bed Dr.eN.. 8h08ll Men's Work 8b08ll. · Oa.n~PI of her apring .nd .ummer 41st EptlOopal \',horoh In England Geurgetown, KV., .arriving bere Fri. the home or Asa Whitaker Monday til" rq nil of wbtltDI ."a, a good ",po ted by ~n)"to wear twelve, millinery on Saturday, .~prU 8rd. ,.ad wal a ootemporary of John day. Horse fanolers bere say thllt bvening. mao:r'~ 110ii-. fof' .IMr. 'rbompaon. fifte~p and elgMee~ • 111'8 Spencer, ....I.ted b" Mlaa 1II10tae Welley the fonnder of llethodism, it htU! all tbe paoel of a good riding Rev. MoKenzie who has been stay\1 t:n.h laa . b . " . Ing with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kibler n.T.. If e , 'e" 7,ean e W&I ODe ' John A Funk~y. IIImlthJ bas oharp of 111l1li Hardin'. "Dd wal freqnentJy al.oolated wltb horse. and oonduoting meetings in Oregonia of 'I(e·.= 1D0It. lIoth·.'; II:Dt,b&e 'ot ahe A. Maftltt .nd &4. Mao), were in miJImeryatore I" the Natban Joan that eminent divine. ST. MARY;S CHURCH was 8trioken with plll'alysis laRt Tbe deoeaBed was born in Plint, Tuesday morning. He WBs tender· IuImru-r, .ntt w,,~ bla inoreutn. Oinol.nnatl l.. t Thunday on bOil. buil4In g. , .paa of life bi. bailb. have no' for. D8II. Mn. Kate Evana;ol 8pring Valley, Cornwall 00., lCogland, November 8undll.Y, fiftb In Lent, Palsion ~h~:~!/':a~n!i~~h~~8~~ru~:~~I:~ ~'ibelr ouobt~. iUI b1rtt'day , " wat! lIle IU8llt at her mother, all'''•• ,1828 and at tbe time of bls deatb SnndliY, March 28; Litany, sermon home In Springboro. ",.. a '~Q"fnl one, ,.~~ he made ~tepben BurneU a little Ii week... 8 ...... Ebe..Jw I".' Bu-.I-... 111\d pa88ed 'be foortlCol'e limit of and 801y oommunion at 10 :80 A.. m. lA ~ . "-Id -b ba .....I·alll itb .......... -01 '" Friday seemed to be Green Briar b ... "'~Iar 'rip to the ne. ouildlnl, ~ ~)' ~...,.,n qu w pDeu J '. d Obi !bitt I h .lte. Wpen bot . 8 lad of fifteen Evening worllhlp and sermon' at Day in WayneSVille. Mrs. 80mer 'the ~,bt at tbe oa.. at 900rk monta, .p'.aD na . nga, aft I , Jummers, lallinl from an English 7 p m Wilson and son, Mrs. H . M. Burnet _A' "'lid . from tbe makera tbro1l8b the larlh ed b . . . wu ~ore th an b A ~u Id falKl. New "'prlDa MUlioery In.U the t' te f o..i 'rb t port, e aerv efore tbe rnast and Friday, Litany Penitential offioe and danghter, Mrs • .D. Beltz and he ••te;cl for a "ammet'. Be w•• ln fadnatini 8t),1_ at Mill Gnce 88 .1mpor r a 0&10. e . . . for a year and a balf endured the and uooflrwatlon address at 7 daughter, Mrs. Chal. Mullen, Mrs. Iilae'WtQeDt AD" be kep'...,. with Llnoola',. terol, .re new, Man)' carpet de- ~0181'8 and hllrdlhlps of a sea· far. p. S b' Ot Wh tb (Allen l{lbler and daughter w.e re all y we U8e tIaa. ~.r worltm., . . . . . r~DI' . " . .I,DS aod J.pan8M InlaOlid, prt~t ,.,Ilfe, an UlMH'lenoe tbd in after Pr:;~r B:al:. , e in town on thd day. J ....,. 01. lIadltln tbe ili..... iba' 0 .. I~' Sd ....d1, Wall dllObar.ed lower than DeykJn or nolna••. yean be dAU-h,t8d to dwell u on at 4 Last Tuesday was "Pal\enw Day" .... ~"• .ftIl.~) .. t. ~~ ihe ",it jury a' ~n\oiDDa" l'blalovely lIoe wlll reaoh us Ddt • ~ P &tnrday, Evening Prayer at Green Briar sohool. Invitations ,-..,.' r . . . . :IltGa , week~ John A )'ante)": lod relate IDOIcl..ta thereto. p. m. bad been sent all tbe patroUl and " " ·d ld'iroUlre\bl..,~lnt.e Lt. ' ,' .. Y. . ._.' • AUhealeof.tgh~n,heemlgrat. Sunday Sohool ali 9 :30 a. m . Ev . several were in aUendanoe. The ....",. . ~ ~~ ~l~ ~PtbUl.oII '..~.~. a.rpD .ad 10~ Ilm. TWO BUSY 80YS fd to America and looa.ted in War. erybody Invited to these servioes. early part of tlte afternoon wall giv • ......... .,.. ....' fte ' .,'bt ,Of · ~ .. . .. p1 ·X8Ia, baa.·~ ,,_ , .... " ..... 09.,Ohto, whel't!,wlth tbe ex • _ • en toolass work. The work In men· ... I II &-I" I_.a~ \iha ~ . . . . NEW SPRING GOOD tal arithmetlo and tbe Ward math. 'r'¥"-~ II . . . . . . . . . d.'~.bWJaiM, pl.Itp,l OUw0 78Aft. ll vedinlowa, odof rea-:ling,b.otb ot whloh were . . . . . . .~'" *0 dl), &Del I . ..o. ·~ aN two WU7 ....,. . jM& ~. 1WW·.ftr alno.realded. John A. Fnnkey Ie dllplaying a added totheoo~rsethlsyear;"roUJht . .... bIeMd, 1M, -.............................., .. Tbet an ' . . . . . . . . . . wa.:-GbOl8ll OOOUpatiOD was farm· '. , fourth favorable comment. ' After ..r 1. . . .W',tow. ~ tile . n:oo.,;' e" -_--'a_ ....;,'- ..- ......... ~ . 4..ao1 61 • _..i..i. 1ai liM for tbtrty ODe yttars lived very.large line of New Spring goods an Intermill8ion, Mr. Bratten gave a ' a ~.OD, INIU l " He ._~"-'PI" · " Q. -'!'be tDOncoDlaiMt hida aDdi OD. die Bprinl V.Uey pike on tbe a nd e x ....... ,.--.... to a dd every w eek • an d '1esson i n "Frnl't P ropaga tOD. , . ,~ , ... ,to ••~'. ooaoIaded ....: . . . ~OD_ . ~....... ~. , rm, w re ; IUduatry, fru:time. large lots arrive dally. explained In detail and sbowed the ..l~ . -~. - . , . ..,,oJ Look t th D Gl b 8e 1 varioos prooe&888 of graftiug and ~'......~. ae . . . l'eady foI' .Iok:: Ber - - , 111'8. IAcla JIOKin. an hu.tler. and are doing goodS-Uly and booeeaty be earned t11e es a 'fe ress ng ams, a. buddlDg fruit trOOI. Bis talk was. • 11_"" . ,.ad •• D' to lala MY of .-y&on II with ber. .. f th tate whereon be died . Ba nd Peroalo aud Caliooes,. Lace practical aDd Instruo""ve, and W"· • 01 .-~~ . , ' " wor. or e oompanT· , . 0 "' .... . -.I,htl ...., 'INd'" a' tD . . • _ • OD November 20 1848 he was uni. orta1ns, White and fanoy Shirt 'boroogbly appreoiat~d by all ptes.· lit. and lin. OUff Rldp, of Day. ' . the daugh .Wit t Ate r the IMI -.oldre8s a II t00 " t of me .ad hll alomCHRISTIAN CHURCH ted in marrlap to Emma a s goo d8, Impor ted em b rOI'd ered en. .. . par e l'e'1111Or, I' ....... Naltol ail thAt of a babe. ~n, .~~ere tbe 10.... of . Mr. aDd . ter of the Rev Thomas Collett. tha"' Shir' Wallt patterns: We arE now tn tbe t.Opl08 arranged for dison.~lqn , ~ . '. Ur•.•"hlon Rid.. Sunl1ay. M b 28th S d . 'ddl 27 f th f B Among tbose dlso)188ed were: puno. at.l'a.ber'Bbolllpeon ma)' live to Sunday, aro , u n ay fiUieth anniversary of wbioh they a og 06SesO 0 amous rown tuallty Ilnd 8 "endaJ;lo.e, sobool viII. Tbe lAdies' Guild of St. Mary's &ohool at 9 :30 a. m. i pr6aobiog by were together permitted to eele. 8boe Co. and Menzellse Elk !:Ihoes to tlltion, duties of the dlre'otor and • 'oelebiatll bi. one bundreth "nniver • r)"and mOfe, IllJ'rl'Olluded by ohil. oburqh will meet Thunday .fsar. Rev. Dawson at 10 :80 a. m _; Ohrls. bratA. To tbie onion, seven ohildren our five thousand dollar shoe stook. oentralizatlon. All seemed pleased ~eD,.~~"obt1dl't!a.nd!reatg'"nd noon wltb M.I'8. E V . Bernhart. tianEbdeavorat 6::10 p . m.; preaoh . were born, ooly fonr of whom eur. Next week we will add 15 to 18 :;!~;~~o~ae::l!"'hw~~ ~:r;'~~~:! oblldnn ~ lbflDitam II tbe wish . of . In~ servioe at 7 P. m. Anyone wei· vive blm three with tbeir mother cases of tbe noted Hamilton Brown superintendent who bas labored all b" f~htbde, . and io Qount tb~m RemeIDoor , our Mhoe ,~. ~f al. oorrie to aoy or all of these Services. having ·be'rore him ~en oalled from Ahoes this wiJI make our sboe stook faithfully for the interests of all. ' , wouJcllMHm~ble.-tieneOtl,( ,(an.) mOlli IIlx thoulaod dollal'S !n the • _. earth. tbe largest In the country; all shoes • _ ..._ _ _ Trlbane . .' . . bAst and the lateB '. You OaO t belp SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIA nON 1 I f 'b H 1 B tl . ad Dltom made and guaran teed. This I. ~ to be ' pI8l;'~·. We proteot YO.l in n D banoy, f"OhOiYt tabP smb1m f Is wby we receive the mllrny large ' Corwin. , I' m • i 1 t The Wayne to~~bip Sunday a mem er 0 r s, e 0 ld 0 . lin. n,I1411 Reed. nee,AnDie ~gan, every' ~ r you ~o·" Fonke School ANiootatton beld an Interest, ~.od and an Inberitor of the King. lots, oor Irowing Bhoe trade de. Mrs. W. w. Arnold visited Leba· . '. of QNDd ,Rapid •• Mtob, fa In (Jln. " Qu A. y. Ing and profitable meeting at Lytle dom of heliven, he ~88 a life long mands tbil valt &8lIortment oosto· non Jast &tord~y. · OI~ad &bll 'week, . ha"D~ broulCbt . )(~U8' Nellie' Aoman and Nettle on Sanaay tbe 21st, with a ll&r.e adhere~t and IInpporsar of tbe Meth. mer" who buy teU their friends of Mrs. Alloe McKinsey and IEeptl" = 11_ ~~ ~mpY '~e ... 00 aoooonii Purdalll, 01 We.~ . OarroltoD, were number in attendance. . , • e ween ring qualities and when ettn. were In Davton Satorday and . · of; 'Ii~, lIo_n,.. Qnbll~ ".r,.th"e*t&. g~~"or Rev. ~nd Mr~. W: T. GUll· I Tile meeting W". opened wltb tholetwollds of blr'h and deat.h are you once buy our shoes warr.nted. Son day with relatives. "40 liM been q~."tJl,wttb tbelrip, land 'over Sonday .' I.ln·" "n" by tbe' oongre... tio fol 'he leaves of a long peaoeful and as we do, you wont buy the oheap Mr. Slmm!l, of Indianapolis" spent "-t 1I1i8"" () )I D__ Ill " •• .. II n, . 'hood h the j abIt so t if last wesk with hll! sister, Miss Hope ..... , I ' n w • . " n. ___ w . " lowed by the iD.ooatloD b Rev ultefol life. I y S oe, . , no Stiles ~ta~l onl., a r'w . ,~.)o. \n OInolnoat.. MP'I'ilng ~Ull~~,y ope~lng dlepl.y EOlllsb ' y. Btlt, few people win and bold tbe oounter no Inner fole, and what Is a • .' . .I • _ .. . '. Apri ald. You will wan' to enjoy . ' . . IIboe without tbe above tlnt olass Mrs. Banj. Mms was shopPIng In M. Eo M.QBATH SCHOOL tbll openlDg arra~ ColDe "nd Sbe After ano'her song, ~be minutes coofidenoe of tbeir fellow meu, a8 Co d'j k b d 11 b' Dayton last Thursd"y, , l'he,une'O Soil ,J~r Edter bat I~ WRre read aad approved.MI'S. '1'. 'dld Philip Hawke. If Pbillp Hawke me an 00, oyan yon wi e Earnest MarMn of Dayton was Ii for Karob 28, .nov. .tnMa1. April Srd a' atl .. Grace B. Fan', tbe ooooty IIUpe~.klDdent aaid U, It mOllt be trne; If Pbilip proteoted. .~~n A. Fonkey. guest of hl8 au'nt. Mrs. Lindley ,,"~"'nWoe 1AeioD'.~ _ ~v8rbI ~noolb'l. '." , of ·t;'le Prl.m.r~ Depa.. tmeDt, had Hawke did U, 1t must be right. EXCHANGE' OF PULPITS Mendenhall ~unda.y. xJdU It sa .. , " . . prepared a splend.ld paper ou Pri. ~aDly lnevery partloular,yet Ben Mrs. Nona MoCormaok, of Xenill, ~ N~.~:an~Kn· W~ Smltb,and · mary" WorJt"but~lng1Ulabletoat- . ,Ie and mlld In all his w.ys,wttha Next Munday ~ornlng Rev. W. visited her mother; Mrs. P. Clark '* ~ '~ ~ ...... 0. 1 'wo~Udnn, of Da,Mn, are .,ilUiol tend, her .,.per Wa. read by the .eo. temper rarely If ever roffled, his i T. Gilliland will exohan~e pulpit8 one day last week. ::po:~. I 1~'~'L;;d,....: ..Sl'1$h!,lr:'1II0ther, .. n. A. 8,. IviDI for a ratui"Many I00I1 ' polnSl .rare was an una ..umlng, olean and beau. ' witb Rev, W. A. Oooper, of Leba. N. MoKh 1sey Is on . th~ sick list . , ~'ll w t . . .• .~ • .),e, te.~1.: ·Ilr. Bmitl1 bal tbe. mi.· bro~1tti ou, In' tbe dllOnulon whlob 'Iful life. oon. TheexohBoge will be only for Mrs. Mary Anson, of Xenla,ls a ;;·a;d;~·'·~r·~-7' Ito,tttloe Of . betDR lat~ up wUb ..the .foJ1P1V'ed In Oharge ot Mr. Lewtl . HODor,lympathy, ~ur"l8and du. 'he mormng servloe. No doubt a guest oUriends bere . . ' ~1r'pa,r.-.. ',' . ~ 'QO ' t ,~ '. ., ~~pe :whUe here. '. ·lmh~D1t. • t)' were t~e preolous and ()Qn.plou lood ·congregation wUl hear Rev. carl Henderson and family bave • ,,",lAIr 0 ............ .Th Ya.ll_' G-Ild f. "'. II u_ B awklulI, town OUi j ewe. 1 In"·be .orown 0 f hi• ao. Cooper S ond .... . "" .\ ~OD .. ., . . . 'I" m v DQtM ' SS T • .u-w. ~njamln ay morni r.g. m oved t a tbe Ir f arm . .-D•• I1 ........................d ..... .,"O, ' e --.... w 0 . ..... ar)" ','1 . • b d h ' 1 '1,; :'," \ ,:. 'ColleotlOo :" ' , ' olluroh ai.. wlah lin. Oadwallader, Ihtp. II8()f~'ary Clf tbA ,Bome Depar' pe,r..'l.0 rao er, .n Ilwfe "h 0 rema U GROUND FROZEN Charles Brown haa moved In'o ...;..... of r~_ n... aa,,,,_L . r-;,;,......h 1 t Tb.... fAa ment, pve a oomprehenail'e r. evl~w .. _em apan au d t · , em above the Kilbon property vaoated. by ~ ....e,. _.~ ... ur. ...• •, a.·_ •• _ ." "..)' ~I ur_ay a _rA . . bta . d b Id Oarl Hendel'8on ':~ Ii. .... f . '~A .. A'f' 6a "'b ' l~' t f of ' t~e ·"orlt, wb.a t tit bad acoolD• .. new ma e Irave, &I & e go en The temperature here )Ionday ' . • .to l ' AlIf"'pl~ .. .o on..I'Y nOOD. _r .• e ~aa .moun 0 1-"'.... d 1..• hoped"• __ 6 In ."e l-·...n of bl llf • • • h . pi --- au w ...t. ,t - aooolll'-"· ..,.......... s e. W :lI prAtty low. 8aturday tbe wind ~.~., •• , ............. ,.~. ... No. ~ ~(),lt ~ .oootnplllh!d••~~ .o aHU plilh. and arpd ·.118UDd~y Sohoola .. The kind' husband, indulgeut f. Caesars Creek. · 'J'f~'" at•••eml!ef of.. .ame ee.-;v..t del.olou. refreehm••tl of .. t h ' " 'fa d ' Uaeund loyal friend hu 1 tUo hi ... eared to tbe edt, and it got .o older _~th 'Bob) ocj• ..,. I ite ·~&pl.. ".x aIld pop oorD ' no aVlDI aDO • epar5ment to ' . .e II wlthont rain. The ground Monday Miss Marianna Oompton hall been . , " ~ • ~ . . " . n'f .. . . . '. " . .' . ltart ODe &I loon &8pO"n~le. .1n the ,ktnd.reel and hll ooJDmunl&y the wu' frozeD 80 bard tbat It was hu. i k 1 hill to . ~~... me~'" o.f OQ~, , ~e rep.....n. tlae t.o lA"'Ulll. dllouHlon 'fQllowlQ& ..veral ImpOr' jJrio81~ lepoy of a jalt and up . poulble to plow. ;~~~~:. w t e quiD87, ~ut' ls 1m': 1f~ ~M.4 ~~~r .~lp: 1!10~ w,t1.1' Grilli ' oOp08r. of (''h10AP,. We tant qq_"OUA were ulre. and an. rlBbtoareer. • . • -. . ~ ~y~ h'lp t.','; iabo,,'~ .mpl""ID ~~ Illie, '~e . . .rMt~. .: . . . . We, who for Jongtlmeh~!e koown BIBLE CLASS fe:'~~~t~,:~~;::have lJeen IInf• . : .. '. . ,;' , J~Lw.oa" p ,.' : t~~~,~u~ a~~ 1O&ke :rou alAY' IIr~- E~llt~Df I8O'retary of the ht~, ~all mill bll.llltle,Mcllrieod. Thbse wbo had tbe privilege of at,. Ml.s s Mary Chapman II viSiting • '" . V . .- . , ,. . ' . a~I,·. ~oQ d.,r,•. ~T~ lId_o." ·',·Tlalnlal De~rtlDell', lnaa. ),. ~ ~anl"on" and h18 word. of . relatives in. Bloomingdale, _Indl~nl\ ~~ ,?"A~e; "', : ol~bln';,,,'b. InHma&loll.t ~.~o~al_ ·~tIl~.Jl&ltlo ,.llt o~ tbe ' ~ub,~, IJ'lDllAtbyand eDcou....ement, ~u' t&ndl~g th~ Bible ~. last Friday for a o9uple of weeks. ~ .. \ " .:1 .. '. " .. . 00 ~a~.4 hUor' ID AttiDI dowell 'beIIllPQr,.~oeohuOb RUII ... 'U hope let· ae believtt · tha' nlKb' were well repaid by the Inter· 'a6 WI' G II \ . , , ". ' l l5hr.lD.r h •• aoI4 oat 111111- .. \ r ," . '.•1.·· ... ' . . ' ,.." ' . ~ .. " " , . ."01 1 U t _r. t 80n a away, teaoher of "r~ b.i.tD. . ~ I'Nd B ' lUi.;. ~~r! II,,"' .• re ~~ ~.... the ~...' tq DG .ta~ t~t:'~o' _DtlaJI i~\ ·'Tti01llh dead be)'8' apealuttb, ": ,.nd euon an maoy. eltOe eo ,Book Bup was unable to ~~~ 1~ljIt .. ~. .. . . .' " .: .. are wOI1l by th• •,.rt,. 4.....,. . of a ~h.n' '~IDlnl 0)... were . a . .t bla jaat d~ .will live OD .nd .thoqhta bro~bS oot. .~e lealon week on apoouot ot Irlp but hi. place , ~~'. , ~larlQ~~ ,J:~a'riD', ,~.e.?u.'d ~~d. Part'a N.w Y aDd ' dbl- .";:;"04 itiader aDd' OODat~Dt drill " ., ....~ frutt In ui. ltv.. of tbbH who ~or tbfa lI'eelr l1nl_)1&s Par' 6. ' WaR , 1;l11~. by ·MI. MoDermott, Qf •. . "....... lft.natloo. ' , " , _.J_o. ' . - • Antiooh ' . , ",I'.oc.)k ,at .IU"" DeW .bad.,;: Be•. GtlUlud gave all aoellat ohllJl'llB bll memory. , .. ' IS iN KENTUCKY " . . 'l • . ':' .. .' $l(lS : ) .'~" J5Oo, .. ~pl" wOol. ·I.a,• . '·m~~ ~ ,&dd_.o~'''The Power'o f Loft '.ad .. Of'PhUlp aawke 'he word,'of 'h:e · · .' Jobn Finney and Wife, of O,den . '.,.. , . ',,; ':': ' . order i ."" 01 Ualap .• ~c1 h11D10~; ~)' nnOlII laetd." ebowed the ia ' poet ~re alma., It&erally Vue: , B • .H ' Wad.wort~ .&arted to , LeX·I~~~:~:'~::!!::~~e~~...~::r. ~1e."'" ,II', ...... froID t18.&O, t14. (O~ ·tll't tll. 08 Of lon' O'fel'. ~, ' m~t "e. ~NoDi be. bim, bu' to love hllll,' iDlloD, Ky., ~ood.y. on ·bniin... Bar L;'~ d ~~ . tar . . . ., ... I.·R. 0GItrta. · ,.ltC, til,,,, .. .cta,.. . '.' . ~ pereaDi. Be .1110 bIro..h' Noa. aameet blm, ~"o pn~." ae will' fa ..11 probabl~'y. ~.a .day - w7th the ~~;..... . ~ 0Id0. . . Jo1aD A"'....~.. t ....... ban i . I. 1'. Bl~ hone while there. Painterl"fllle. . .


"Former Residents·





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The Miami Ga~ette


D. l.. CRANE.

WAY Nll. \"lLLB,

• Impractica lity of a Pract ica l Ed ucatio n. I am eVl'!n 6 0 optlmlstlo I\S to Ullnk It not Im possible that yen Ihe geD rill publl will rev Iso Its DOUODS of ,b rac. tJ cnllty, I nn y rill 1>, my experlE lice as a t 'lIcht'l' h as sel:'n ODe campi e uga of Jud gmen t III this maltol'. ,..rl tl' s Dean llIrgo In t h Atlan ti c, WIlen I b gan to teach zoolugy my t ath we~e contInually set on eoge by tbo w }}·meanID g t rl nds wbo talk cd 1Ms Iy at the practical nat ure of the atud y at science L'J contras ted WlOl le.lIsuage. For the past 15 years, or lIlore, 1 have htaard nothi ng or this, A}} are now aware that tho study ot sci· enc Is no more prac Ucal, and no less ao, th an'tbe study of philosophy, To· clay th a t "practicality" whi ch once . eemed to Inhere In science Is plac!'d In the stud , of hlslory and or econo, . mlcs, In 16 "ears more th e world may hal'e leD-med that th ese ne w hu· manltles are chlefiy valuable, not as furnI shing practical guides 'to' the nf' tnlrll ot active lire, hut that th ey stnud with th e old, hu manities, with th e s ..; ences, with philosophy, as furnishing 8 way Into tbe IntelleClaal liCe. It may be well that studenU! wlJl learn that J In coming 10 college they are seeking tbe Intellectual life, aud tbnt the way In whlcb they r each It matters little. 80 tbat the result have In It abundant vitality and many points or ~rowt h.

£an the Scribe Wo,\ca • Cuat Moral R e form at Jer..... 1 m,




ScrlJ1tur .~lIthorltY-D ook o f Ezra csp lully hUllt right. E l!ru's ttnc tl ve


G r l'E\t n e ro rn. - The ~rt'at d is· w h ic h ~Z" 1 PI' I' f[\ron,' d on

nt l ~s lQn

l'Pl'(m t! "11<11 to J ' 1'\1, "l pllI wus t h" br.' a l,lng up o f l h~ pr () lI1hwu OIl~ m a rriagE'S wllh t he hell t he n p ('opl ('s aunut, I.\ ntl

which "'fOre In .!trer t "lolnrlelO ot Ihe Mo-


l aw, un,1 threRI n d th l' " ry "x ISI" nee (lr the J ewIsh nll tlon , III. tlr~t ~ t('p wlUI to t'n for l'fI !ll'l)u r \t lo n from t he ir wln'lI upon nil who hn ,1 mad e h ol h en

m a rriages, In w!lkh nu mb;> r \\' oro Inclu cl NI many prics i. nnd Levlte". UII w ell us ol he r 1 ~l'Jll' lIt('l!, the list ot Ihe chl c f 0(f ~lIders h" l n g g\ \' n In tho In Rt chnpt e r of Ih o h oo k , A II t h is \\'RS "rrpc IN1 In III · tIe more t hu n sIx IlIonthM nfl e r hI" llrrl\' 1\1 u t J " rusl\ l,.m . ~h o wtng t h e .. ner~r n nd the Inl l'lIs(' cn rnesln liI! t Ihe mnn, With I he d e tRlled nCl'ount "f l h ls I mpo rtant refo r m. Ezra 'B Rllt o blo ' rllphy ond .. "h r u pl · I)' , I.\.\d " ... b (' nr n o tldn,.;- l1Io r e {I f him till 13 YCl\rll nfl rwort!, In tho tw ntl(' th y.,llr


Art Rx c rX " !l,

J ~ rtll!lllem



hIm ni;n.ln

II. t

w ith N t'ht'ml a h , tho Tlr" hnl ha.

•"5 Eua Is n o t m~ntlan d a ~1 r ~ ('h(' ml­ ah's t!~pn .. l urc f a r ilubylon III th e t hlrlY ' s,'cand YCllr o f Arlux r :U ' Ii. lIlI d I\S e n ' l"}' \ hlng toll Int o c on f u s ton ,lurIng Neh 1111Ilh's Ilbsence, It I s n o t un\II,, 'ly th al ma)' hll\'o dl " d or r,' LUrtlt'd 1(1 Baby ton belore lhllt year.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •

· :




Now, I'(l tor • 1 t u. malts a G01 enant with our God t o pUl away all 111 (' Wlv , and s llch aa ar horn ot tileDl, ae orcUng to tbe ounsl'! of my Lord. aud ot th ose thll t tr· mbl 'a t the mill Itlllment ot ollr G Ii; Rnd I t it bo tjon accol'lIng to tIl e .aw. Arise, ror th\;~ matt l' .) long til uu to the ; wo ulso w ill b Wllb thee; be of good courug !llld do 11." Ami Ihen he bad .Iloeen Ezra the !; rl be nt'lse. 'ev r would ~ e r rge l thl~ Il.wfuJ agony u plcted :n that fn.ce, for t 110 151n of t)1 e p Opl seeme1 all writte n tb er In It s droadCtli ~ln(:Kness Tbe dl s b,w -I d hnlr and f t,e · hnra places wh " ~o Ezra in hi s r\~ollY hnd plucke ll out. :';1' at bafl(iruls 1Ul::1 t he rf'nt gar mt nl s , K vel' ,," olO ld he fo r· get that v leo as II dCDlandul ) u stel'll toues that th e pledg 10 th i lhhlg be taken. And he and the olh\1t rrl ests nn ll Lovitt's nntl the Ileopl J8.thered ther boCore I~zrn had taken the fto). Ulll I'OW tbat th e y woulll a c..u and e very uno put away th strange wlvel as Sh echanlah hud promised, And as Jnre b s tood out Ihe re unlier the stars nft r It was all OVPl'. he wOlld ered how he coulll ever a rry out the pi ' tl go he had made. True he, bad ta ken th e daugh t l' oC the peopI or th o Innu . but s he was beautlrul, and he loved he r 111111 Ille child whi ch had been bom to t hem . Aud now b wust put her awuy. Ho had wo rn t hat b e would ob y UI law or God. He kn w In th d pths or his hNl rt that In thus nlell glng he hud done right. Ami>, I on the oth ti hand til 1'0 was the natural nf'l'ccllon MU d s ire of his own heart. He had 11 rlUitt d his affecl lons to be cultivated In for· bidden and unholy dll'ectlo'us, He had turned II. deaf ear to the promptings of his conSCience, as he had permit· ter lhe charms of tbe womau he ma.I' rl ed to enmesh him. Others were doIng the salll thin g, why could Tlot he take a wife troUl among the peopl ot the land? TWs woman was b autHul, and her tat her rich . Why shoulu he not g ratiCy the desires ot his own beart? . So the easy pathway ot des Ire and pleasure bad been travered, and now he had come t ace to Cace Wllh his sin. Now he bad .come to the parting of t.he ways. 'rhe crisis of ,his lire was upon blm. The contllct between God's law and the desire! of his own h a r t had begun. How could be give up tbe tbinl!: which had come to fill Sllch a place In his lite and heart? How could be break tbe news to the woman whom he bad taken to be his wife? Ah, the awful agony of tbat hour ot struggle. He had pledged his word, n.nd he kne" be had pledge d ari ght. but ob, how could he carry out the cru~1 decree against himself and the woman anti child in his 'borne? . , 'But I must give up one or the other," ,be cried, aa he lItted his eyes to heaven. "O~I, it cannot be my God, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob! If I tUI'll from him I cut my. self of! trom all the promises or my people-ob, I cannot! And yet, oh, how can I do this other thing?" "But neltbe r your wite nor her people believe I.n your God," s poke up hla accusing conscience. "Yea, more, thero Is a secret contempt In her heart for your people and your rell· glon, and you know how sbe would turn you completely from following YOllr God'." ~'Yea. 1 know," J nrlb cried out In angui lih, "but I love her in spite ot It all.·' "And all because you have allowed this evil love to grow up In your life, and bavo not held yourself to your pledge ot loyalty to the God of Israel," came back tho accusing voice ot conscience, Jarlb bowed his h ead and was silent, He kne w It was true. H e knew , he alone was to blame. "At), sin demtlnds an awful price," he IIlg bed. 'The easiest way to walk is the road whIch leads along the line God's law. Oh, If I had not gone Into lho ways of the world. Oh, if when this temp tation had first come I had only turned Cram It." "But the past Is gone, It Is too la te to reca ll Il," 'a gnln rame th e voice of conscience, The re Is only one way that leads towards God, and that Is straight ahead, You cannot go back and undo th e past, but you can or· der your lifo now according to God's pertect law." "Yes, I can, and I will," cried Jarib, determined I)', "May God help me to keep my pledge toblm,andasfar allpos, sible to make atonement for tbe great sin which I have committed In Israel."

GROWING' Ta~ATOES ' FOR THE MARKET Next to the Pot.ato It Stands et Heud o( Garden Vegetables in Commerd a l Importance. {n a r rcc nL bulleti n of the W 8t VII" glnl a statloll, W, 1Il. 1unson says: l': cxt to th o patlltO. th tomato rHandt, p roaps, at the b ad or' tho li s of Gurd eu v g tnb l s In comUI rIn l Imporlanc, In Maryland , Ne w .re rsl'y, Delaware, Ohla, Indiana, and to a rarldly increnslng xt lit lu West VII'gllllu, the ('rop Is of fl peclal Im portallce, whil e th e greenhouses oC New York nnd New England Ilnd the ne wly develop d truck fields or Florida en· d 0\'0 1' to s upply th e demand for this fruit I n willter. By CUI' th la r ger portion o f the area devoled to tllls CI'OP liS employed In sUPllly ln r: fruit for til cnlluinb tao· torles. ami It Is the dl.'ma nd of the clLlluf'rll:'s whi h more than any othor hall gl\' n th e greal hn\le lus to tomato cullure, The olllnion Is ('x pres!ied thnt "as Il I!llIIplc hu sl ness proposi ti on, how I'el',

and lilt I' to ulree·lnch- !uHI tOll r-lnch It occnslol1 demaIHI. As II. rul e , hoI\'· Oy r, In this cllUlule il will b unneces· sary to handle tbe plnuts more than twl oo. In the ails nee f pot s the plants m lly bo hlloll iotl In boxes, or v n In the bed; but pot'J;l'own planls nre alway s , profel"lIbl , ' as tlley ar e chocked I 8S by removal to tbe field. In th e f1 Id the plants are set about rOllr by fiv e toet. Many would plant closer, but au reasonably rl<:h gt'ound lhe plnnla will cover' tile whole surfac e If Bet at thl. distance, The plants sh ould be set In the fi eld as soon as dan ger from trost Is pasL It bns commonly been tau ght that any chIlI Is nearly fatnl to young tomato planls; but, as shown by the write r's work at orueH uul v rslty aod at th e Maine experl meu\ s t.tltion , "a chI\) Is not as fatal to suce, ~'" as la commonly SUIJPOS d." At ilie Maine station It waa fouod Ulat "in ""l'y In· stancp-, BUve ono, th' first ripe (rults were obtained from plants set latest." Tbls fact, howe ver, Is lIOt neoes8al'I\y an Indication of enrllne"s. as the la te· set plant s wer e olde r than Is usuaHy desirabl e tor setting, niid tbe first fru its were In some cases trom bIos· soms tormed while ' In the house. Atter these had ripened, ther wt.s a long interval betor othefll followed . "Without xccptJon t h e, !lverng IJ lun· ber ot fruits, and the nvei'age weIght or the produot per plant, was 'In di rect raUo ~I th lhe earliness at seltlng." As stated III bulletin 116 of the W est Virginia stat\onThe nollon that tomatoes do betlor upon relatlrely poor sol\ Is erroneous . While It is doubtful if an excesslveJy heavy application of stable manure would be profitable, a IIbernl aplJUclL· tlon, sucll ns would be glvori ·.tor a good crop or corn, may nearly alwa),8' be used with advantage. At the Cot'nell experlln nt 'station tt was tound that "lhe results obtained with liberal manuring, under commercial condl· tlons, . . . certaInly show . that good stable manur In ' abundn.noo could be used profitably," Some of the best tom~to 801ls ' are the ne wly creared areas designed tor orchard planting. But on these same new solis. a n application of about 600 pounds of a . good hlgh·grade com plete fertilizer will usually be found adl'an , tageous. '" , Trimming the vtne. In mld8u' aB a means o~ hast ninB maturity land Increasing the yield of tr,ult Is frequently re commended, but very aeldom practiced, eveQ by amateurs In the writer's experience the r esults obtained justify greater emphasis of this point. As a result ot two successive seasons' work at the Malne experiment statton It was found that the lotal in· crease In the number of fruits matured, due to trimming, ranged trom 5.6 por cenl to 60 per cent. The percentage gaIn by weight was very marked, and In one Instance reacb.ed a total of 68 per cenl In these trials the plants were grown under ordinary, field culture. They were started In the greenhouse April 1. planted In the field June '1, an~ h eaded back July 24, Au· gust 8, and September 0. ' At eacb trimming the leading bl'n.nches were shortened about six inches, and most of the side shQots below th e Orat Clusters ot trul were removed, 'the others being .• hortened. The sunlight was thus fr eely admitted to the frult and plckln'g W$S rendered much easier.

: In order that we may unde .... : .. etand the eerlou5neell of the con· .. : IIltlon. wh ic h n;ad arlson at' Jo· : Sport for an Old Wh a ler. • ru.alem we must I'em omber that: Wbalemen sUIl live In Province- : the marrl ~e of the Jews to the .. town, Mass" though they are tew 10 Gentiles was strictly forbidden: .umber and lead a lite of retirement • by tho Mosa.ic law (Oout. 7:2, 3), .. a eldom sUrred by .. nntl connect ed : and that on ly the lower clal8e1 : rwlth their atoretl me avocation, A fe'" " were guilty in t hia matter, but .. day. agfl, however, me mories of other : the pract ice was .. nared In b)' : . days were reviv ed. The life-saving • many of the prleata and the Le· .. .taUon reported a whals floundering : vI tea. a. well a. lead lnll men : III the fish weirs ot the cove. Capt. • of the city. Thl. great Irr gu· .. : I&rlty would Inevitably brlng' l 'Ioshua Stlokney Nickerson loaded up .. many evils In Ita train; It would. hIs bomb In.nce, and with his son : encourage and Increaae Idol.try. : 'lI'Owed a bo~ to the scene. The bar- • •• well as break down the bar- .. bor 11'81 lined with spectators who : rle ... of dlatlnctlon which. for: pouted encoUl-agement. Capt. "Josh" ,. Important purpose., God had .. ,-anCed uP alongside and, getting tbe : r.l.ed bot,:",een the I.raelltes and: !whale lUI he rolled over cn his side, , all ' other people. Ezra fo .. Grad the lance with Ita barpoon bead : theae dangerous conlequenceai : 1.oto the vitalI. The bomb exploded • but waa overwhelmed with a" : sen.e of the difficulty of correct· : mside and the whale rolled over dead. Slngle·Stem Plant In ForcIng Hou.e. • Ing tho evil, when matrimonial • It took &om" tlme to cut the body free : alliances had' been formed, fam· : Showing Method of TyIng Fruit from . the wrecked weln, but It WIUl • IIle. reared. affection. engaged. : Clu.ter. hally cleared. It proved to be tbe : and Impol"Unt Intere.ta .. tomato growing olfers excellent' oppor· larcest wbale caught tn thi. viCinity • lIahed. • tunlties at this 'time." And the first thing that Ezra : for several years, and of the rlgbt· : Prot. Munson summarizes his 20 , ,hale variety. He esUmates the prod· • did In the face of that awful ain : yeara' experience In the culture of t~ 1Icts of his prize at 30 barrel II Of 011 ; and gre.t difficulty wa. to pray, • matoes In the field, and In the green· • He prayed at the ' time of the: and a couple of pounds ot house subBtantlttHy-as tollows:~.- - : evenln" sacrifice when the peo- .. Itone, which will br'.ng blm $500. Field Culture,-one ot the most 1m· • pIe would be gathered together : portant problems In tomato culture Is In .. : ' for wor.hlp•• nd he prayed One gyammar .Ichaol of Chicago haa that ot earliness. As n rule, p)antB • the 8plrlt that God moved on : purchased of the local d alers are .olved the vexed Question of gradua· : the hearts 01 the people. and .. drawn and "leggy," being crowded totlon goWDs for the girls, or rather the • BOme of the more penitent: gether in small boxes. Wbim set In principal has solved It for them. : of the leade .... re.llzlng that there .. the field where too .otten the s olI Is Classes In the highest ~e of the • was but one course to pursue In : hard and dry, the shock Is such tbat crammar .choolll have formal gradua- : dealing with evil. sugge.ted that .. several weeks are required tor the tlon exercises because 60 many of fhe • they put away' tho Gentll. wlvea. : plants to recove r and no fruit sets u.nIf'hat I. the only .ure. aafe way .. pupl1s end their scbool daYIL at that til late In the season. In general, : to deal with any .In, It may be : time, and It has become the custom to th ese weak drawn plants are not worth • like cutting the heart In two; It .. make Quite a function of the proceed. : may mean giving up all that life: setting. Ings. As many of the cblldren come • .eem. to hold dear, but If It la .. Frequ ent transplanting before sel. from families not able to provide ¥llat>- , the thing that la atandlng be.: ting In the field Is Ule best method of securing strong, stocky, we ll·developed orate costumes the questlol) ot dress * tween the soul and God It la the .. plants . The practlce usually followed has beCome a vexed one. The prlncl· : thing which much be cut out. : hy the writer has been to sow the Deaperate dlscaael require de ..... • &1 mentioned cOgitated on tbe matter, seeds In hotbeds, or In sho.llow boxes perate remedlea. and while In: tberefore, and Issued on order that In the greenhouses, about Aprll 1. this caae It IIcemed like a repu.. each girl must make her own graduat. When the firs t true leaves have well : dlatlon of lolemn obllgatlona. : lng gown out of a specified grade of sLarted, or 0.8 soon aa tbe plants begin stili It must be remembered that .. material, before she could have her : God's law came firat, and that': to crowd, , to two-Inch pots• • lplo'1lll.. Tbese girls will now make no human obligatIon could po ..... . tbelr appearance fn ' gowns costing : slbly come before the obligation : U .3i each and with no &oren ellS or to God, This wa, peculiarly so .. liard feelIngs toward anyone. It was : with tho Jewish nation. for upon : • happy thought. the keeping of the natIon pure: : depended the coming of Chrl.t .. himself. Personal purity not: Toledo cathed ral, one of the most magnificent specimens ot Gothic archi· : only involves the preaent but fu· .. ~ tecture In th e world, Is In serioul dan· • ture generations. : The · Incident before us aug· eel' ot collapsing, owing to the condl, geata two New Telltament ad. : tJon of th,e central dome. Large cracks : monitions: "Be ye not unequally bave appeared and a · recent Slight : yoked together with unbelievers; : earthquake greatly ' Increased the for what fellowship hath right· building's periJ. '1'be eccleelastlcal au. : eousnese with ~nrlghteouaneIS7" : thorltles are grea.tly alarmed, and they and this: 'Wherefore come out have or del'ed ~he priceless choir stalls : fro~ among them. and be ye Rep· : arate. aalth the Lord, and touch removed. A committee ot architects urges Immediate extensive r epair. : not the unclean thing; and I : will receive you." The government has bee.n asked to Cl'n.nt $50,000 for Ihls -purpose. The More Lasting Remembrance. THE STORY, It your name Is to live at all, It 1. Very bard times are expected In so much more to havo It live In peoGermany. From month' to month tbt ARIB was face to face with tbe , pIe's hearU! than only In their brains! working bours In the textile factorle, crlsla of his life. As he stood I don't know that one 's eyell fill with , Simple but Good, Type of are being turther reduced, amounting out tbere under tbe stana be did not tears when he thinks of tbe famou. DOW to but tour days' employment In know whlcb way to turn. He teared Inv.entor of logarithms. but a long of A very good type of fatteulng crate, Inches apart. A frame Is made ot 1% the SlleBlan district, whlle In soutberD to go home and break the news, and Burns or a hymn ' Of 'Charles Wesley In use at the Pennsylvania itate col- Incll by 1 inch as sbown In mustra. Germany tbe working time of the te.x. he knew he could not go back on tbe goes straight to your heart and you lege and experiment station, la recwU' tlon. Very tair OO9\1s may be made trom tile ,milia baa been curtaJled by 14 pet pledge which he had 'made that even- cn.n't help loving botb of them, t,he meniled In a recent bulletin trom that' Ing. as he bad stood before tbe altar sinner as well al the Balnt.-Ollver station. old ]NlckJng boxea by taklllg ort tbe cenl wblle tbe smoke of the sacrifice was Wendell Holmes. The crale8 aN alually made six feet front and 'ottom and R'IIJStlt\ltilil ascending to heaven. slats in' tbeir places. . During , warm N ell' diamond fields have beeD It d Ilk d eam a d t h The Three Main Dutle." long, 18 to ' 20 Inches high , and , 1$ tb th . found In Africa, tbls time Is GermaD seeme e a I' , n ye e Inciies wide. The crate la clivtded IntO wea, er ese crates may be placed knew it was aU only too true.. He bad Men's proper business In ·{hla 11'01'111 Ol1t of doors. They' may be protected terrltoTY,. 'It's gOing to tak.. an Int~l' oever telt quIte at ease since be bad falls mainly Into three divisions..... three com partmenta, eacb holdhlg from the rain by 'boards laid on top. national trult to keep up the pr1ce 0. taken to wife the daughter 'of the rlcb Flnat. to knew themselves and tbe ex· frol;ll four to six birds. according ,to l~ cold, weat~er the crates sl\ould be ' qagement rings, Gentile mcrchant, and when Ezra the Isllng su,te ot the thlng8 they bave tbe size of'the chloken. The orate II p'IO:ced in a ti~u,a ~ or. sbe~ ,(I,'t-ere;they. · ~=~==~.~= , 'ecrlbe bad pointed out God's law, the to do with; secondly, to be happy in made of slats \laually 1.% ~,ches 1\'ld~ are prote~ted from the raw ~Id winds. Mra, Almes J{.nox . ~Iack. wUe o~ awfulness of his, slli bad , awcpt over ,themselves arid In the eXisting state ot by flv.e-elg'btil ot an locn tht!l~. , Those TIIc~ 18 · small V·s'1I1ped tro uah arProf. C. J~barleton Black ot Boston unl, blm, t, He, priest and one of the ,lead· .thlngs; Ithlrdiy, to mend tl!emaelvlj8' In fr'on~ at-a placed" two Inches ap&rt' l'~,ged In front ()f the coop tor tee"4 Cng 'f'erslty.-has been appointed to the tao- ers among the people; had violated tbe anil tbe existing state of things, far ,to al10w the birds .to put ,their heads anti w~terJqg t,be Chlclrtlns, 11bls ul~y of tbe College of Llb,e ral Arts oj law ot Mose8 .and tbe sanctity of God's ' as eltber ar.e marred and m endabie.- through for 'feP.ding. The 'S.tllts on 'tl!e troug~ 18 usually mad~ tbree Inches, the 'univeralty Ills Shaw protessor oj servtce by his marriage to ,a heatb'en '-Olton. ' , bottom are ,l)laced ~ree.fou\'tbs of ' aD ~eep ' of balf·fnc~ lumb!ilr. It.Js bung elocution. Mrs. Black 8ucceeds Prot, woman, and in the remorse or tbe ,moThe ~ secret 'of. ba Ineaa-t l.n~b apart ,to ,allow' ~tie droppings to Ql front ot crate by wire. .Be·tore the Malvina M, Bennett, who recently ~ ment there had been bllt one thought, pP . ~go ouglt. carll s 0 ;a~n not blJ'l1. are place4 In tbo crate. they 1ip8d. . " and tba~ was hJ8 sin a~nst God. study to Ilcc~mmodate ,o ur own mlJlds to bave (he first bQttom slat at the sbould · be ' well ' dusted with·. I h , Then. Sbecbn.nlllh" transgress()r I(ke to things external rather than, acco~ flllng of tits cal IpaIgn exle'n ies ,lid Dot Af.~r the birds are, placed '~nP- t~~ e rternaJ to OUl"lle)ye8. All Indl'::au=a==p=lan=o=!'=PI;=8¥=er===prarecr JOI blmsel~ n.nd the others of the law. had back Ot too o\)sely agaIn8t tile 'back crates ' they sho"Jd be ltarved for 20 , U bour. In a , con teat &Ad tlin falnted stood up and said un~o ElzI,&; • .or the drOppl~SB wlU collect and and feci :very 8p&rln,ly tor a fau. to atato how many or thl ... ~ !Jave trespassed against our Whe~ we &f8 made a wltnea qf the oom~~. Tba .81a~ on lb.. rew till th~ pt 10 ,,1101'11 ...ere ..mUulT put uut aI Dod, and have takeD strange WI'f'H :or power or evJJ. thea It fa tlme ilbol,l14 'be ODe Inch by the ~i:riMd~,~~~~~~~ OIl lIIIir'a.. ~e peoplt! ot the J/uid; yet there I. abQut meanriDi oar Oft ~ , rUD JeDSthwt.ecat thv ') &ope III %arae] cODcel'Dfn8 thII thJDi.: ~ ;.il,;" . .ft': ~"'11tiif u.~~.




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l\J1 ~s Charity- It 1 wero to give you a quul'tel', wbut would you Btl)' ? Waud erlng ./Im- l t!hould ·toll v ry ~ Ilt that YO Il were the prettiest ladY In all this tOWlI,

Try 3111rlne IilTII! 8 ....4,R ed. Wen.)e . W l'ury. Wllle ry ),.')1 • ' o mpn ulldc u by E X p cr l \l ~cll(.\ !'hys l('hlnM.


on (o rn1>.1 to III l'lI ro Food and I,)rllga Law. 111"1'10. ' n llC811' l Smnrt. Soolh es lil)lt) 'fry Murine t or \,gur Eyes .

Puin ,

In Her Own Terma, Mis!! A- Whot Is a rectangle? '1 2- A re('langle, mlldarn, Is 11 large rot:nd spa \l ll emm d In by tour atraight 1I11es,- Wlsconsl.n -Sphinx, rn ~I\JIltlnin

Con ~ Ul\lQ tioD




WU)'8 I'rt'l't!t1crl by UII oplib4J'Y coM, HumlinR \\, iwl'd Oil l'uhlx'J Inw the c: h~t. draws out the infiu IJUl' Alion, brenk..! uv till' l'old (l nd prc\'c nts all OOTioUB truub

A \!ttl s ighing, a lItUe crying,



t1 fl dying nuu a great llenl er lying U te.- Phllndel~

cOllll lltut graph.

T el

Brooklyn, N. V. Ad,ln' ~ t hI: a tl rli ~ ld '1'eu ' 00.

when writ illg

T en . I he 11'11'



[(11' free MmplOd of Oal'l1eM re medy for consti1>atlOTl,

If you are acquainted wi th happiness, Introduc him to your neighbor. -Di&hop Brooks.

ThroM 'I'r o\l hlo m ay Coll ow 1\ OOIlIl II, , .. H on rs 11('88, "aro wn' " Hronc h\ I 'l'r h .. gi ve r,l\(' f , :.!l\ ,'cnts u box, HI,unpl " " fr ' J ohn 1. Hrowl,l 6'< SQII. BOllt6'\l, Mu,,!!,

A man who need!! udvice fa apt get the klnd be doesn't want. PJ1.E8 ' l JRED I S II TO




PAZ() O IN ' rM(O;~'l·I . ..'lI lIrn pl (J..<I I" CUru" " "aM "r Itc hl nll, UUn(\. 01" Inl! "r P'YutruCUnil r I' I" G' 0 1& " ..YI or wuo., ",(ulldc.t. ~.

And Bometimell a poet toolJi people by wearing hiB h alr &hort. It Curt' . 'VhU" You Walk Allcn'd""II-ElhO rur com8llD(\ ..unlu ..... bot, . .. ea., e ..llou l ~.1I11\11 rc~~. :l6e ull Dn.oaJ"""


Tblngs past may be. repented bu' Dot recalled.-L1vy.

SlIl'\\\>j.l \ts

[\\X\T~· Se,,\\Q. •

C\eQ\\ses \\\e &yS\e.\l\ '

, f1f~{~\\y. ~ls co\cls n,,<\ Hew.\ae"Qs aU~ \0 Ctms\'\iQ\\Q\\; .~S "n\\\~\\y. QQ\~ 'l'U~ oa c.\ L~o.\\ve.

Bes\SO\' He"Wo\\\Q\\Q\\lt\\,\l-


\"&\\.a,,6:0\~. To ~\ Ws \)Qn~~~\Q\ ~!e~\a. Q\WQ~S bU~ \be Oel\U\"~ , ~\u....t




SOLD BY ALL LfiDI"G DRUGGIS1S one SIze OI\ly. retular price

5fI per bottle. '

"A Little Cold is a , Dangeroqs Thing':t and oft~n leads' to huty'disease IUld de 11th when negleet~d. There a.Ie mllDY· WIIYS ,to trent a cold, bllt there is onl" one right WIlY-w;o the ·right

Type of Fattening 'Crate

remedy. '



Is the lurost and lafest. ~emed}' known. for Coughs. Croup. B ron chi tis. Whooping Cough. Asthma. Pleurisy. It curea when other remedies hil. ~o

lomethlng 'fot 1OQrcold In time,

you lIno", whnt delay meana. yo. knowtbe reme4". too-Dr. D.lI1YDe'. 'ElIpectoraDt, '

Bottlu in

' 'tee liz. . " . 5Oc. 25~'







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It Sometimes , II Bad to.. thf , , Painting. '


-I~~~ ~ ,


Wl1611. a 'Oroperty,owner knows Doth. altout paint it Is bad tor the FADS IN DIET, property,owner. and bad tor the PIllnt· er. It ·wollld Dot be so if the propertyElTWl.'T you nnll me · wOUUL always hire n skilled Wh e n t ollll' dlslllJT(!(!, painter. nnll then really leave very. Meat ".atllr. or l ru Q veg· ' l arlaD, thing to him. But th hoilsCHlwuer SO 1 plly the pH >lIt often fools himself on oue or the olliel or tb e sool r (or I!~; h I, of these things. . Do b ~ banker or puaf The sIdlled painter in every commu. prol e tal'lun. nlty hal some of the most I.ncQmpetent Ono sny'a: "M ea t aVOId," competitors tbat ever 'vexed a CODsci· Anolher. annoyed entlous workman or c.ontractor. and Dy tbls cllu neel. snys: the l.ncompetents get jobs gellerally by "n' t 18 e8se ntlDI." AnoH ~r would wish work.lng cheap. In the next plnce. NoUlln g b ti er tlUU] fluh, when the' "k.llled palllter Is hired. tbey A Dd lhJDko berrlng n..nd do 110l leave everything to him, as so cod Providenti al. many property·owners boast tlley do, But ahu. I lun IIld They Intertere most Ignorantly and Wh~n I try each n ew rnd. most fatally. They in sist sometimes To lind IlIllt no OIl O Is \Vorll! whJle. all', on UlIkig plllnt materlUlB wllhout In. So In talkin g or food. vestigatlng whether they are good or (Lllw the eyn"! 00 rucl ll). I'U tall b ll 'k on "'l'tlreo outs ancS • not. 9r perhalJII they Inslsl ou tho gmfle. al r ." painter's hurrying the work. "I'm not golug to hove that )·s Alaskan Firesides. mess around my house n month." the 'rhls sounds IIko a contradiction In wife Bays. nnd what wUe says goes- terms; tor with the word Alaska we at the cost ot II. lot of wasted painting conjure up. a picture qulle dHtere nt money. from the cbeerful domestic view sunl' It too paluter stays away II. few moned at tbe uame of fireside! d~s to allow tho paint to thoroughly Yet tbllre are many slIcll there. aud dry the OWller says: "That painter's more worthy of th o name. perhaps be n eglect1.ol!; this work-guess he's side· cause ot the b leakn~ss frOiD which trncillag mo tor Jones' work. I won't tbey afford shelter. Nowhere is tbere stand it." s ucll klndnoss; nowhere does thf WlLatelwnce does Q. patnterbav9todo word, n eighbor, mean so much! I!;ood wGrk fOI' 0. man wbo is continually And word-and one which naggins at him 'and otherwise h andl- we aBsoc.iate witil Oreslll • the word o81lPlllg Adm (without meanJng it, ot mother. bas an oxtraordlnary s lgnlO oourBe) '1 A poor job Is the In vltable cance there In that faraway part 0 , result of such l.ntertereuce. our land. !'or motherbood means s~ Poor valntWg costs the houlleo,\\,ner much to tbe new country. and a bab, money--4on't forget that. It mIght Is a sort ot public ben~facUon. LIke pay YO\l to get tbe practical paint tho burly mtner In Dret Harle's story. book. pai.nUng specifications and In.- who let the li ttle one "wrastle with 81.rument tor cletecUng paint adw· hi s fill ger," t h plolleers unite to wor. terantB, which National Lead Co. are s hip and work {or It. under the tltlo of House Late news from the Yukon tells of n Owner's Paltitlng Outfit No. 49. Ad· woman w~o was carried ov r a winter dress NaUonal Lead Co .• 1902 Trinity traJl of 170 miles In a dog s leigh to Bldg., ~ow York City. ,T bls company 1110 n 'arcst doctor. A weary and try, do not make paint (they lenve tbat to l ng trip It was, with naT)'OW escap B the p.aill'ter to do) but they make trom wolves and exhaustion. But it pure white lead ("Dutch Boy Palnter" I was safely accomplished. and now the trademal'k Idnd). IUld they can teD baby girl Is the prIde at. tbe camp. yOU ' how to SAVe money by securlDg . durable palntln&. Pewter. The fashionable I'enval or pewter Sec::ond Thought.. renews interest In this qualnt old met. "I' C8l1Dot be." sigbed the maid. ••• aI, and gives an opporlunlty of po&respect you hJghly. Mr. Hunter, but seasLng deooraUve articles. s uited to we Ilre Illl.\Ompatible." the needs of the .home. In house and "Well. I suppolle It cannot be table adornment. without mllch outlay. helped." the young man rei/Ued. pock· LoDg ago. before silver had come In. eting hJI chagrin and looklni about to use for dOmestIc purposes. the for his hAt. "But It d etc:l4ts all my plates. dlnner.vessels, and drinking. cberlshed hopes. I bad planned a I cups were all ot pewter. and 80 durbouso. 10 which I fondly Imagined we , able was this that It was handed down might be Ilappy. It was to have had from father to Ion. It was composed ,& pantry twice as large as. the ordl· I of Un anti lead cWefiy. copper and nary 81&e. with II. roomy c!oset In whlcb brass belJl~ also represented 1.0 It. and to stowaway the new cQoking uten· anUmony l.n the "silver pewter." BUS, aDd tbtOgll that a worU8n natarNowadays. an admixture of silvel aUy bu.ys - when a peddlt-r comel Is often seen, us ually In the form 01 around." _ studding wltb sliver nu.!ls. "Stay. Qeorge." Ihe said falteringly, cruttsmep uae the pewter appllqued "pe.rhags 1 have been too b IIty. Give on wood. ThIs Is lacquered and ree a day or two to It over. 'lui res {l.o poUslllng. It is no~ Lmposslble tbll.t- tbat-" A. great: d6a.I or old Engllih pewtel benrs thG sllvor mark. bllt that Ie Ample Reaaon. Durto.g Uae trial at a man who had simply due to til tact that the ad· made an unsuccessful attempt at BuJ· herents of the Stuarts aacl'lftced their oIde. a lawyer had . badgered the. wit· sliver to the king'l cause, and an ex, Desses to an exasperaUng degree. nnd aot repUoa was made In pewter. e.vtoonUy lntelldfld to puraue tbo same tHE FAIR PENITENT. oouree with a meek appearing llttle Irlabmaa who next took the Itand. VISITED a JIlcl'y friend "You 887 you ,talk.ed with the aoWho had ot pretty lUlngll cuae. an bour after hll attempU" the no end. laWyer d emandGd. SClld 1: "The mDney that you spe.,d. "01 di4," wr.a the direct reply. Is qulte ilhumlnc." "AIld ild be give any rea SOD tor at· ~mpU~ to commit suicide?" She sig.Jed. No. thla C1Ip you see • •, "He 4l4. an' It was a goor! reasoD." ~ 8UlUIl$led trom a ho ... "Well, and wbat rellson did he tolry. 'clve?'" , ThJs spoon, ' too. at a pUb"Sure flD' he sald he wanted to kin lic tea 1 U!oiJght moat charm· blDl8elf.~ .,at answered, and for a m~ log. c=mebt c'v en his hODor could !lot control bls laughter.-Harper's ·Weekly. "Ot pltcll6TS I can't hQve


\. ,,_, I...

Says Country Pe,ople Should Know of This

FARMER OF WEST· , ERN CANADA. Albert Nel'son. left Bentou Co" Ore· 80n. ' In S pt., J9 04, tor the great Ilnnulan pl'llh'les. To quote tram his I tt r: "I was gr ally 1l1111)1'Ised to and lO U h an Immense stretcb ot ricb \~rglu prairie stU! almost unoccupied In tll very henrt of North America. Tile irplelld'ld crops ot oats, whent. bar· I y. potm oes nnd hay I bob Id In the s t!lements made me- vufy engC'r tor Ii III ce of tbls rich sol1, and 1 soon 10(,Ilted 1u Ihe Gooso Lake calm try, We h l' re a great etl'etch of tile ricb, det'p clay loam of tbe Saskatcbewana soli heavy and hard to brenk. but particulurly well adapted for Lhe ra(oution of moisture and produ~tlon ot tile brlgllt No. 1 hard wheat. and grent cro ps of oats, borley, fiax aud potntoes. I had (10 bushels of oats, wei ghing 441 lb. to the bush I , per acre. Sorue of my neighbors had sUl I greater ylt'lds. Wheat yielded from 20 to 30 bushels per acre. We hal'o all done well h ere. and I could llame many Americans who came her" wltb nleans to go ahaad. who have done big already. For homes/onds one has to go fnrlher west, but tbe best pral· rle can be bougbt kere tor from $12.00 to $IC.OO per acre. The cUmate is dry and Ilealtby. This Is the regular SDskatchewiln fall weather - trosty nights. and bright, sunn y days-Ideal for threshing and baullng out ot wbeat. The trans are dusty. as thou· sands or wheat teams are movingtowards the elevators. "The slgbt ot It maltes one stop and wonder wllnt It will be In 'a few years wben the Immense pralrlell get under cultivation. Heavy 8nowrall Is the excopLion bere. Snow generally WIs In December and goes off In March. It Bometi.mes gets very oold, hut the Saslcatchewan farmer docs not tear the cold. Winter Is seRson ot rest. The first or second crop he builds a comfortable bouse for hlm. selt. and warm etables for his horses. He need not. like BOme, be poking about In tbe mud all winter a few beasts for a IveUbood."


A New Drug C'o mpound Which lIeves Const ipati on and Purl. fies the System,

Doclor-What are you doing in lhat lub? ou'lI catch your den th. Patlent-Dul, doctor. dJdn't you l!;lll m (0 take tb o pills In Waler? Wanted

Longer Sermons.

It was a Jlroud boast one cl orgyman

made to lWo 01' tb re£' otherR ' who were ha\'ln g tI qu iet cbot In his study the otllel' ni gbt-name ly. 'lhnt h hau uc· ', unl ly on one occasIon becn asked to mllil!! bi ~ service, both pray r9 and sermon. a bit longer. HI !; urNhren rega rded him with u. vorstitiol:B awe, and aile ask ed, f e .hly: ""' bel' 011 tmrt u was tha(?" " W II , bor s." WIlS th Crauk confell' ~IJ D , "It \': :.t !' witb u goa l wlwre I a cted &.i clla plain for a I1110rt tune. The I'u:>r iJl:'gg nl's tlr('ud d tu leuve Ihe cll'J.rcb for t b l' u' ce lls."

LlI:e Producing Like. " 11u\ did tllat mauuger come out on

lUs beauty sllow?" " I tl.J i uk ue made a handsorue prollt." ore Rlzeulllllti.m. Neurtllgin oml Thronl \l'ill DoL live \IndOI' the t'IlnlU roof

oill ti,e b <'st --_._---

with H alll iins Wi2.llrd

rCUlcilica 01' tho I'olilL'f 01 nil pUiD.

of uU

Whut Is ,1eteat? Nothtng but edu. cation. nothing but ·the firRt step to BOlnething better,-WcutlelJ Philli ps. You will r "!Jond ,"ory quickly t o tbe Gll rtidd Tea trl'llIIDellt , lor llLis Nut urul ~' XlI Uve COI" ccts coootipalion, purifiCli tue bloou. and UcDl'fill! 1he cnlin! . It·s no t IHlHcult to jndge rome men by I heir clothes-policemen and letter carriers, for example. Tro(1hes" r l!lf eve Bronchl llS, AsthlDll, Catnrrh and Thront DlsCIl8l'B. 2ti COLA a. box. Samples sent (.'eo by J olln L BrowD & SOli, BOtitoo, Mau. .. El"own's





LAx'&"!'IVB 1lIlO~y~U1.JlU(~. Look tor ~~:,'t~'~~~:~e~:lnWo~~.Iilu.e. .t tb o World

'Chll' II

ThIngs gained are gone. but great tbl ngs done endure.-Biebop. lIl.... WllllIlow', IIoothlult syrup. 'For eblltlrCD teec.hJDII, IOft.ODI Ihe gunt., rodooe. tDo

The airsblp hahlt will take lUI auto. mobile 1.ocome


at 60c per. acre at Coopqr L!lke, Wyo., to those who have made applications for WATER RIGHTS NOW ON SALIil at $5 per acre cash and $3 p r acre annually, tor ten y nrB. Free railroad fare. aJeeplng and dining enr accommodations and FREEl. DElED to TWO TOWN LOTS to all applylng BEFORJiI MA.Y 1. Applications and pal-tlcula.ra furnlsbed by TALLMADGE·BUNTIN LAND 00 .• Agents. RaHway ~chall88, ,Ohlcago. A.&ents wanted.






r, ,.



':=:: &;'11~ ~" :':~~~~.pMper._.forO~

Lameness in Horses Much of the chronic lameness in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first signa of 'stifflless. It's wonderfully penetrating-goes right to the spot-relieves the soreness - limbers up the joints and makes tbe muscles elastic and pliant.

Sloans L-inimenl

will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffs and sw~ len joints, and is a sure and speedy reroerlyfor fistula, sweeney, Price, Soc. and $1.00.

founder and thrush.

Dr. Earl S. Sloan.

Boston. Mass.

8101lD·. book OIl hoI'8011. cattle, .beep IIDd pouJtr)' -e ~

These New Towns in the Northwest All Need Men Hundreds of .new towns are springing up all oyer

the Pacine Northwest. ' The big, easy fortunes being made from fruft, farming and stock·raising, are making tbese towas grow fast. They all need men who know tra~es­ they need you, whether you have money to IOvest or not. Never, in the history of America, bas the man who works with his han~s had 8uch a chance to make mODIlY, as is offered in 'he west coday.

You Are Losing Money Every Day You Stay in the East

E. L. LOMAX,. C. P. A., Omaha. Neb.





8aN -urQ and _11.1", p"""!"Ilthe D(O maU e rbn ... bo""", .. IUl1 age .... IDJ.Ie4..,. ~." Llqurd./llnD 00 Ib.~DKUI ,..". on .bo UIlIod and elaodll,;. • ~~~IIILb _ lD IIOIOOD .....~.trOw U>e 1Iod;y. ' "'" D",,,,mpoor tn 001111 .. nd Hb""p .. 00 C".... ......11'7. ..llInl< lI.e .Ioct ""ruDdy. t:u,.. I", Ortppo AmOIlIf boa.1> 81141J1.11ne ciolt7 .mnDdy. 1lO'''m~'''' bottlft. 1&IlllIlfiOa dOlan. OUlIbLiulut. ..... 11 k Show to'oul'drwnr .... t~ .,b()"" 1'~'.' torloo, )"reo DuU'dot. "I>'-~. Ql.u. . 8IId eu ....•• BpoIll.1 "'II'8lIls W""Itid. .


will Oive you fuU vdlue


Pink Eye.....00 . . .

Shlpplnll Fever & Camuh., Fever


~ 'l~

Lawl<eJ. for dollar ~nt It la rdated of a South American and keep you dry In geo,eral. who WaI! extremely well the wettest weather. pleased wltll himself. that once. when 91',1.'1'11 OJ' OnlO cn-r or Tot.r.DO. i .. Ilbout to sally forth to a grana dance. "Indeed I ooulOo't toll J'Lst how; LIJC48 ~UNTT. r' he IUl'veyed himself contantedly In the But WhiJ~ ,tho wal terll scrape Iloa boW. FJu,Nlt J. ClIL'UIY mat.. OAth Ibnt bo Is eenIof\ I-take tho tblngs." her ..JiUIlIe, I vow. J)IIrlDer ·ot thu IIrm 01 .'. J . OuIll<ET '" Co ... dolnjf mirror. and then sOliloquized thus: WIUI all cllllarmlog. btlllollES In tho City 01 Toledo, Oounty cwd State , . "Abl Thou bast , aJl~bravery. afOrMnld. nnd thn' aid tlrm wUl pay lbe IIWtI 01 ONg HONDnt;m DOLLARS far II&Cb nwI overy wealtb, position, good looks. Ab, what '~'Ul verY proud ef my c:ollcct:!.oll; CMQ 01 CATAnn .. tluIt ~11IlD' be cure4 bv lbe \IIIe 01 But. after all, upon reft cUon, dost thou lnck?" lLU.1:B (aT.. nlill?V1lE. FR..\l'K J. CH~N':V. I tear my tllora Is need InspeCtiOD. Wbereupon hIs orderly. who, un· , And. acime reforming:" Swom to b4!fDroo m~ eod 8ublc.r1bed In m1 ptfllCnoe. , this Glb (lay 01 Docc!01b~t. A. D .. 1884. knowu ~o the goneral, Willi ~Iose at j -'- t ' , A, W. OLEAllO~. hand, remarked: 1 SUA!. r NarARY PllaLlo. ______ __ Timely Tlpa. ·Sense. 6OnerRl. senso!" . , CbnJ'oo,al Is a great purifier. Put 8 800t •• <[,'::!J" piece In ~o refrigerator. In the chest, DIDN'T REALI~E , a bu. or any receptacle which bas II. muaty IIJ1ItMl. Beud IQr ~t~:"gl~J~. 00., 'lolodo. 0.-.1 How InJurious Coffee Really . \Vas. Bold by all DI'\IlldstB, 11c. Per Sulzer" ca.alo, paRlIl!/9. . . . . odor. '1'&10:0 Ball" FaJnu.y PUla Cor colWtl~tJon. LArIUI IIrowers of seed oat •• wheat. barluJ. Sbeets whlC'b' are worn In the ceuspell,. corD, PO~jito~. ~rass.tja and CIOVUfS a uti Many peraons g!> on drinking 'c offee tel' may be made almost as gOOd all The Rightful User. lar m ,.eds La tho lYorlJ. BIll caiRlolf f roe: or. ,ear atter year without realizing that new by ripping the center and Bewlng sund 100 In sLllmps and receiva umpl" 01 Kn1cker-Wby did you' dJsclUlrge Uillion Doll .... G rn.... yi~ldllllllOton. of hay It Is the caUlle ot many obscure but them up again, the selvage 'sides to- your cbaul! ur! pe r acre. oatl. ,pe lto. bJU'leJ. elc., "DIllY \\(~rtb perallteat alIments. SIO.OO OIAIIY mau's m oney 10 aet aRtarl "'Jlh , Bocker-He pers\sted In taking his Sether. ~en ' hem the raw seams. . lind cataloll fre ft. Or. lelld '''0 and we add a Tlie drug-..:.caffelne-In co~ee and sumple farm aeed DOVe 11 Dever 1000 belor e woodwork wJth a rag dipped Friends out when the, cook Vo'anted the tea. 'Is yery Uke uric acid and Is often In CleM by 10U. SAUER SEED CO., III W,hCIIIn'. WI .. paraalne. FllUlDel rae is best. . auto. the ,canae of rheumatic attacks whJcJl, Sai.itll of lemoD will remove rust A.. Domeaot.lo E7e Il4!med,. ' when cOlrog' is used habitually, become 'spot•. Compounded bv Experience(! PhyldclllDll. cbroDic. , Conform'lI to Pure 1"ood anel Drugs Laws. Wins Friends Wher e'!er Usod. Ask D.rugAI WashIngton lady, said, recently: Va ••~r Squaah. gillts tor Eye nemedy. Try Mu" "I IUD a1xty·t1ve and bave bad ,a lIood rine 1n Your ho~oa. You WlIl Llke Murine There Is; ill o"ourlo. , uo' squash in the deal of eXperience with cotree. icon. compolltIon' of thIs dJ~b ; " . " sider It verr Injurlolie and the cause Make a cream sauce; add a ~IIJ) of , By the time a sIrl gets old enough , of~~n7. d1a~a,ses, , ~. ~' Bur~ It c~usea iUged • .cOOked! veal, ~nd one ' of corn., to believe tliRl men don't Oloon the ' decay of Uleth In children. , ' Serve fn a chanug-~18h" o,! toast. , nlce ' thlngs they say. , ahe I. 80 old ' ".\\Then I 'drank' .coffee I had 81ck 'ThJs ' eRO be ~ made P30re 'e legant by tbey 'don't say ~lu!ro auy ':Il~re. ,pells ,aDd stUI , did 40t ~allze , tbal h coffee ' cowd be so. harmful, till abUut usIng 9 (clten , ~hstead ' of veal alid . I)eUclous cakes an,d pas,t rles nre pro. mJllslrroOlns ' rather tllan.. corn. Elthe~ 'duced by the use of Soudors' Oream of lL ' year' ago I'bad 'r},le~~l!1t1sm lil" DlY ,arwJt aDd fu.1gers, ...~ot 150 ne~you~ ] 'ht dellclous, blended <w,Hh the cl1lanl Tartar Baking Fow~er and So~lleis' : , ' FiilVO~ ExtraCts: All goo(! gro~l'!es. , ~~uJct ,\ot 81ei!p; ,nnd was all ' J:u~' ~,9twn. lauce, and .served liCIt. '.:' , "At lut, ar~er finding that- m~dlCine.1! A. Handy aa.kb~.. ., .lie , that wrelltJes with us strength. . did me DO ,"Ood, F decideCl, quI¢: dot, < A' 'l Jaaket 01'" bllg la muc'll D}ONt 000- ,eDs oUr lier~es and Sharperis our skill tee 'enUr.ely and try ~ PostUlD. ~ Mter ' yellJent 'U; lillitea~ 'ot strings ..tor fe8~. , Our'. ant'ugODlst' Ia ~ o~ belp.-li1dDl~ using' It 'ahe, nlontbs"' 1 full~ recovered enl,~. It be m&c!~ w~th' w~lebone ' or ..B~ke ... : 1n1 health b6)'ond aU exp.ectllUoDS, wir.e In ' the, WI;', ~o th,~t It;. may be., ()~n ;',' Retired adt reM will p!!bcl.oer--n-n tlllfiAi<1 11eop 10UDd and my rheumatism I" all aDd relld, when nee(led. :Attached to forlnu]dl lor oomplekioD Q~ I\nd ~''\ly ' lone." "~ere's 'a Reason." " " ' the 16,nIlK macbtn.o or' on the 'w all , ' IuI.'lr pre'}ntatiYef OD reoeipt of tw et'uta. Name ctveu by: J'ostWn Co., Battle near, tbla 'open-top baiLor ~..ket wlU , ' ~ 0-. Sta~i N .. ,N*'IV ~orko ,Creek. Read the, famous U~ __ ,roina~" Ireat·~~.enlCll-~ • • . " \ I .. bl pk... It;. ueieat Udq 10 tile world to '



You would not stay nn olher day in tho worn-out East, U yon knew even half the truth about the great PAd" Nortbwellt . . Families who went there pen.lJess 5 years ago. al'O speoding Ibis WIOICT in California . 'I'hey bOllght good land at low prices- p aid for it grndunlly-today aro independoot. Opportunities nre greater BOW tball ever, because tbe country is more developed. Ask 1]8 on 11 p'Ostal to senci you ol1r free book, teJ.ling you all about Orc!'(on. Id uho nnd Wash.inglon. We'll also tell you what it costs 10 go thero.

MAY 6, the State of Wyoming Will Sell 100 Irrigated Farms

Proving HI. Caution, Elder W H. Underwood, ohaplnin of the state senllte, . was ,w alking down .. atreet at Ws llome at Clay Center reo ::ently wit a trlend. Anotber frieDd. with wbom ' Underwood' joked I I good deal met tbem and said: " ll:lder, I thou'gbt you were careful of the om· p:I.OY you ~eep." "I am," replied tb'e cba.plaln. wallclllg right OD. "I'm not going to stop."Kanlia8 City Journal.

It SeE-ms c(>l'tain lhat th~ farmi ng class of lll ople will 1>0 I'rec f rom many of th o commou I1Is h r~ toflll' nfl' cl· Ing thom as the n 'w d r ug coulpound cull d cUR£'uroynl Vilis Is tar morc (. (. fecth' auel It hundred liJu M l' hC'apel' thun lho ' tabl e anll uUll tl l' II wot pr" liSC O by the rich. In fapt (1 '10 or t hes' lIttlo clIScaroyal pills (Diackhlll'n's ) Is fnr mo)'f' ffeotlv as a mild blood cl nnlllllg phYl1lc (han n whole bott IQ 01' som e vII BaltR or mln cl'nl wat e rs and the acUon 1e pi usuralJle. not

2$0,,: liOlUo.

llbDlWaUGIl. alllIy. paIII, Oill. . wID4 00II...

H&-See, Samnntha, tlult shows how te nlbly tWn some tolks are.

draslle. 'l'hls easom'oral plU does . .t t~ allSO t b e lUlIlnl gr1olng, s tr.unJng and pain whl b aceompany the antloR or cathartic pills and minerai 'Uat6t& It III j us t a u WEll utlflc dng COllI· JlOlmd mude from onator 011. Clf\800J!&, wild I(nllon . black cherry. salpln:w. eto... but belli /!; made) In large quaDtlUas ~y tll Dlnc1,burn Products 00.., Dopt. R.. of nay ton , Ohio. It Is Bold La paclut.gEJI! of 15 for to Cl'lltS or 46 ror ~5 cenlB, IlDd . ny lIru gg i ~ t ('all slInlll), the reader. The obov firm will gl:1(1I1 s nu n freb package to nllY one who writes tol' .. If thC' ro.."Hler wants ilic exJ)tdCDCO of a Illr n!lllrnbl , 1111YSlc. toulc alt() bloo4 Jlllritler. wl'llo tor the tree packago \0. day.

Pettit's Eye Salve 100 Years Old , r(' \im·\!.!1 I ired l' YCS. quiul;4' Clll'Cl\ "yc lwlles, i..IIfLlUH' d , or ... Wl\l<'I1'. or ulcrmtcd ~yes . Ajl uJ'ttgj;i sls 01' Huwat...I.lli'OR.J3ull'alo,l'l. •

Some people would have to wolrJlt overtIme If they pracUced hall what they preach.


enougb. I ,carried thla home In WJ' mulT. Cclres get such a lot of stultWho aUl I ,ba.rmlog?





MEDICAL'CO,. 8~~~:\~:~:'~~ 60SHEI, IND., U. S. A.


This Trade-mark Eliminafes All

Uncertainty iu the purchase of pai n t materials. It is nn absolute ,uaraotee of pur. Ity n.nd qutlUty.

For your own protection, see that It I, on the side of every keg of white lead you buy.





~cela a:rt ~tifrice THE TEETH ~utioe deallllllQ, wbiJ,.IlUlI! ucI to

removing tarIM from Ihe 1f>!lh. beaidc:t" ,dealroyiua aU aerms of dcC'ly and dioeaae wl.Jca ·OrdiDary tooth preporatioDa (&lUU)t do.

·THE MOUTH ~:stclil:r«tsIl8.bc= and "'roat. purifies the breath, and kala ~


which collect in tlle mOtil~ catJsias 'lOU! bad leeth. bold breath, grippe, and IDUCb lid-.

ITHE. 'EYES :when inflamed, ~ ache ; and bum, may he ioataD&Iy reli.e\:ed and IIIqthened by PIWiDc.

iCATARR~ :::eu::i~=~C

18arpmMiol\ .ud' atop the diacharge. ~ It I


POWerful. -!i '

remedy forut~e catanli.

Patine ia a barmIest yet aenuicide.di.iofC\!lant and deodorizer, lJaed in baa~ itdeatroYl"odon 'leaves the bodY ulir.eptii:alJy clem.; FOR 8ALE: 'ATORUQ






j '


Th •. dile ... .: •. r,,' .'.r ,th.l~

, .


it. 'ul...j ,eave ' ~ life. Catt-..,bird sb'ot '~ eaDaoil b8U ~ ~ dOlle'S ~f , eathartic ~ aJldepepd "OIl IrllMicm oIthe boiIieJe -until,they 'a~teuougb'~Qioft. DI'.efs Itreugtbea tile ~ ~ 80 .~ creep &ad crawl ~.



~:J:.-'~:~it~~ caD JOI& get "1_ _'


1=:5 . . =~I_ii.




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a: aUIl\ini l.rator , is III ~

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;my 01'- AGENTS ,V N1 ED

' /'i I' 1'1 (l1'( I~rr l( '" Wln'II.: ' .\<I\ t ' ) f '" ' l't' I1(" , l I - :-;vll \ '1' I I~( ') . ;. I , . $!(l l 1)u~ , f "'-; IIgen<.'l, . II/ot "I CI(IL \1\ • 1 . Nl'\ Still s. I cens I Pl'oof (!lUhli 'uti Ll of' nl!- III" .\l' I'\, IW ~E~ .. ., , • . . . 11t•. ' 1 lIsual II'" L"\';1I1"1I }.hti,,"al H;\l\k vs W . Lic{' of ap! oinlm fit Jf . H urry I '. ::~i"( l!r~:lllJ:~.~ ",,-~~;'e~~l~~§ ',\ 11 'I"liS, .'I ... ~~~~ l~lll'llht'1' VI' I · i\l-\ynel' al1d Cal'oline lI alti Itl a ' aclminisl l'alo l' , fil ' d. HI· IUIlJl ~1 unn. P b titiol1 fol' n wney nl. I J'oSt.ate of eol'g' . [umhn(' hel' , II! I ,.b! \11' . mount t:iain)ed . . .. d i P ' f' f . bl ' l ' r Iwll' IIldllt , tCi be due I. . 300 ,111 a 'e( . l' (\ 0 pli I a 1'111 0 IiU)' 1!I (I . f " t' J h A tll",1 dill' .\ 11" pnlmi!:l~'lI'~' rlllll' notl . , 0 apJ.)eJIQtmen t. ,() II . ,'''n". 'Iid ',,"i Service for t h e i m p r o v e m e n t Stock at ".•""''"1 '11'c ll n" I \'.~ ~11·~ . ~) . N. S >lb".J 1'homp:on . as admin istl'll I' IiI d J 11)111< 11 tor \ " II 1\ (" '!" UI1 !'o' Illati. ' III P hilip Spence, R idgev ille, Plai nl itr ~aYB th e l'~ i: dill' 111'1' froll1 r..: 1:<1le f AlIl anda 1) . Lyon. de- ",n.· '!"~ 1\', . . '''Jl I'I.1 'r I I' ,. f' 1' 1', ', ' "'il l' I'll' , said d fl'n dnlll i\UIll of .: l12.nll fo r C UH I I . 0 \I PI'IOJ II pu I Il'atl n u . Wrill' fur oUr fl' t.'l' prllJ,>os ition . ne.:e:;.<;a l'i,·", fill' 1'I'11t o f dw e lli ng' and notic o f appointment o f H . S, S le\'- The -Phillips Co, ~,'.\ \' T.'I:i~lh)' ( \VI~II~, lam ps. enso ll . aH xec ulo r , file~. ~ Emma iXtln Mal'gllllll,,~ Willi III F.<;l<lte of Jm;to'ph S. \' iddell. d,, '" .. -.--.~ . .J. Marshall. Petilion for di\'(lJ'('e on ceased. Proof of pu uli 'atioll of all- fl'IlIII dl,linqul'nl I :lX ~ groundR \.If ruelty and g l'ORR neglect. pointment. of acitll in is t rattll'. J oseph I' 'curd [''' I 1{~'\·('l'dll' . .: HI .-,Il: ~ . .• CUR· RI·(ictull. f'l l (I. . W. I olJt'rl '·llll . urid"'l' repairs W.l.\,' l1l' ~ Plainlifr prays fo" alimony anu , .. ... /Q ' Iud ,' of on ly ·hiIJ. E"tat orz IJhanian Ie ·n·ury . de. I IO\\'I1:-1hip :::1 i: II . H. :O;lpl\l's, ,·. lIl1li Il H- 1~\, Dais\' Edna 1. wi " \·s 'l1'lrles lif- c~ed. Pt'Oof of publi catiol1 o f ap- l t.~I~,1l n.f l'(ln~I ~~i.:"iull\:,I.··.S .1'I'1'~)rt. ~', .':' I'I : I Bred ford l~wil:l. Petiti n fur di vo rce n pOl1llment of ('xe 'ullll', Sarah ~h'" I 1,IIl k :\ 11111.: I. \'11 ~h\ $. I. :'Illr l,\ I \.~ :~ ~ groun Is of wilful ab once and adul- Crean' fil d 1.J 1I11 s. rt'flllldl'r JUI' ( '11 dllg·. $1 : I·.. I ~ tery. Plea for re.~toration of l1"aiden E.Qt~te of Thomas Gibbs White . d >. \::llII IlHlC;. pell :-1 fill' ~I.ll' I·~Ir. .:·.I.fil): E. '~' . fJ!~ name F. M. Ham il ton Jr" attnl'- ceased Proof uf publicatiull of UIJ' I I h(I llla~, ll1J~l'. !)i.n .. ,(1 ; ()rl'g'oIl IH ~ Birssar d , ney for plaintiff. pointm ent of mlm in istratnr, Duvi d i ~I'!d g(' l:IIi IlPIIIlI·. 7:; (. 'nt:-: ()I'l~ Ilnia ~l~ E . Dunham filed • c~l'Id gp (,lI llll any. :;;I ~' l : In'lUt'st 0 \' 1'" -l" B:'o~hers, Court Proceedings. &tate of T . I-t S. 11 a ll , de('cascd ' I I~ t!ad blldyu~ L \'\:-, Thll lll,PSOll . .~ l l.~.-': ~ Dept. Samuel BauK'hman vs Frank Hart, Proof of pu blh:aLioll of apPoinlrnent l', tatl' of Oh~ \I ,'" ,I,h\ 'II. 1 .L1II1I1I~I\ S. ~I : f,.-~ et al. Cauaeis settleo and dismissed of H<imini gtmt ol', l' l'ank Hull, lilt'u . . Sta Ll:' I )~ ()h ~o \·s 1h '1) • U: I1I1II I1,> ~ .I : ~ S a r t h e, , withoutrecorcl In malt~r of will .uf MH.I·lha 11. I ~t~lt ('O IOh lO.vs<\ ~ ~,> ~.tI'~I~ . .I. ~lI: ~ Katherine W. Fitze r adm~istra to r Bond, deceased . Wdl atimltlpc\ tlJ I t,ltl:' of OhiO H i _\ I x ,. 1 I I tI . .. '1. ~ France. vS ·v . C' . & St. L. Ry . Co, Leave probate'. . ~ ' nnt rHtt.· --Clllltl'<ll'l wa~ t>lllv!'t,d r~ i:; given defendant to fi le an weI' or Estate of Martha B. Hond. de· into wilh th<.' Oregollia I'l'iel I'", ,·.IIlI· ~~ other pleading. cealed. Carl J. Mill I' appoint. d ~ any fUI' (, I· ·o~;ote lIail I'~.'llld. pa ill~- ~ _.. R. A. Mc utcheon v Philip Nickel. ' exe utOI' and Nathaniel Bond , 1 . L . 11I g- 1\0 (11' UI:!HIll S :llld J ,Il!'L I II ~l dl ~ · o'f defendant to plaintiff's Dean lofl' and Dan Chamberlain. ap_ 1C; 1'0\'<.' brid g-~ ne~\ r (h<.' l' L'"i(~(' IJ('~ uf ~ petitionis found tobe well taken . p raisers. I Z.(. WOI'lcY Ill al 'm nnd 'W ~L"h lng'. ~ Lovelan<i Building & LOal\ compaEstate of Ri hal'O Thom as C un· ton t ow n hip'.:~I:: i~\atc," L97 .\1.>. ny va Henry D. Reineke eta!. ourt ningham , minor. On applicati n J . TIle Lurid Glow of 000111. • ~ 57218 F r, finds that th re is du defendant, M. unningham is appointed g-ua l" F A U S T I N sum of $295.71. dian at bond of $1000. wu seall in t110 r",,} fil ct" huml:! und 43048 Am. hodyof th e httl 8110 Ilt H. M . Ad • In matt<tr of applieation of Carl In matter of g uardianship of Eliz- filli P , of Htillt'i el tfl , PII . HI'; nwtu l Champion Pcrchcl' n nnd , we~p.'take_ taJlio n, HJf)5 pounds. Ag't" 7 yea r~ Biddinger for a writ of Habeas Cor- aheth McBtlrch , a n alleged imbecile. plight from 1' l'1: e lUlI hlld. fllr flv pUS. Court finds that Carl Bidrlinger Jarob N. Burch files appli ation to .Vell l·s, ddlf'd nil J'tlllledll''': n od bn nt"d ~ is not unlawfuI1y restt'ained of his be appointed guardian . the b !- t. do tOI'!', who ,nitl Ih o puis- ~ ull ed blond Ilflll I1lfActl'(1 Ili~ lung!' ed libertyan'd writ is dismiss , Estale of Mary M Mill s, del!ea ed. lind n vlbio l! 'oul<1 stH·... llim. "Bul.. " Joseph Snyder vs Vi1Jage of Frank- ale 'bill fil eu by William Phillip ' write his mo th r , ""eve n bott1 ClR of lin. Petition in error and transcript executor. Eleutri c BItt e rs oJllplet ely n r d II.' 11M' .J .\ f}1~ ( () )11 ill H() t·1t n'!-I Jlt'o r ~; I. 1·'Il ·If/ tin iAlI n ilnpol't{'({ I/ii/ ·.~ '" 1'('!l is/ ""I" of proceedings and judgement of Estat of Fran k Clark, imbeci le. him." 1" 0 1' Eruption s, EC:lem u, ' nil iu lJ I,ll 1~1'Il 1l C I IInrl i\UI I:HII'II Rheum. '1r 08 a lllI ttl I Blood Di!-\br r,· w ~ tll iltull " lIIl11\1Jt\llu./'It' qllnl1tl"~ . George McLane, mayor of !i'ranklin, tatement conce rning money t urned upr nnd Rh uUl!l tism Ela t rio Bit'2. H e hUR 11 l:!-ill oh " III' 1\1 ,'lhlll" IJWllt . Iii .. rt 11" t " HlHllI HII I{ (l; 1.1 t\ B1.1'; Ii I{EI£ U heard by court and curt find no e r- over to administrator fil d by A . ,B. ters Is supreme . Onl .,· !iOo . (-luur. ~ I (, !jOt ~I;; i ~ . . t(:nn. Hi ~ ltonlit,y 111111 lil ll' lill i. II il' " 'I t 11 1 III ror. Chandler, guardian lLOte d by ~'red. ~ bWllrtz. ~ to !I ll 11 .1" 'H 'rW [ t. ' AI F; lUI t.o f f' 111tJl ~1 ov 1'1 o k(,ll hy IIrt:!PI)l'r!-l Joseph Snyder vs. Village of FrankEs tate of Edgar L , Haseltine, ' de~ I ~X b·H.( :1,' 1'; th e "tmr rtlUTll1. -I . A h ll. 1\ !'h,jr t b unK; I" - \\. , U I ~ , i\l4 Same ~ above. ceased . Third account filed by Abbie Women lien Miserable 1I tin il'l fI j.! r.\nll n 11. r.11'1QIl tfH I'va o f hlt\ n T E."rA HLE kind, wi II .. t ., ~ II l1d" .. Joseph Snyder vs Village of frank- Haseltine, admini trator . ~ hi .. hI' fl . I li E' PER' : IIERON eRcb oornf'r. lin. Same as above . Estate of Westley purling. deby Kldoey and Bladder Troublo. ~ I .. I I· hn ,. /I killll dl~",),;It.inll 11 11,1 I~ ' ''\I 'Ilv H e lInR be n iu 1111 Ito rllll.{l' in 1'1 . . .. .. tl. , ·• II" III It Ill) ;.f, u d'r(J..fI,I'r.~ lik e IIi m . ' John Freeze vs Will R. Lewis. ceased , First and final ac oun t filed Kidney trouble preys ll poll tbe millu, /lble · rell h. nnll h ... ( ' :l rl'lI'lIl :lW,, \ ' treasurer. I t is adjudged that the by Susan V. purling, administraf rix. discoura!{esaud lcssclIsu mhitioll: he uty. . 1:1 EIGB l ' FI R l'IT PRI!:MI U ~ I H 111 t,w.) 1' ,'" r :-; I'h.' 1>£'1;1 l...c I.b tl cit 'Ct /J II.'{/, III \\1>1 ,\ ' ~. injunction heretofore granted in this' Estat of olon Spence, deceased. vigor uml clJeerful\\' ,.lIl d Ito nll l, 111111,' )1 r I .. lor " ,1 \.I." pll 1'('_ \l II BIl will he '~x hillll Pll III 11 1\ lJ(Jr~\' kl\'''''11 ut:,:s 50H II disappear iu W,'1'r n t:nun t,y III 1\1(1\/. 1)/wl hor!-l" (il\!! FA U.')1'1 w hllH•• 1' . .action be made perpetual. Second and final account filed by ",Ijen tllckiuueysure oJ (I I " 1'1\'11 f ,,,' t.h ... II ' <{ I I , I 01 : ,,. '! 7, H e l.~ lin 1M PI\/r. KIVJ..; :-; IIU~ II" w('1 1 ••'< Catherine Snook";8 Edward Snook. Philip ~pence admini tratol', I(M~~ out of onler or <lisI :;. '/ 'Ii l /'(/1 i.'1 lh e f{U/':I(! for til l' f'(U'O/ (' /,. II HIG I:J CLA ~ !'I h nw li nn; , eased. The claim of $821.64 for which th IS Village of outh Lebanon vs! Kidney trouble bas ~ aetion was,commenced having been Thomas Murphy et al. Ordered 'byl become so prevalent paid and settled in full this act.ion is court thatplaintitf take posse ion of that it is not UI1 CQ UJ' mon for a child to be and hold premises herein described. born amicted ",itll dismissed on motion of plaintiff. P bate Court. Christian \\ eak kiclllC:>' If the- I-·~~--~.-..r.oo'-:S =-' O """'N--_---'-;;Im -p o-r-te~d;-;:'Engll-sh Sht·re Stall.-o-n" _ ' _ _ ...Lt V b Estate d of John d F' • d fiWilIenI child urinntes too often, ifthc urine.-scalds u:l'~. ecease. lrst an ma ae- the flesh. or iI, when the child reac hesa n Estate of Ellison Snook, deceased. count filed by Augusta \yiIliamburg, age wlll~n, it should he ahl e to control t.lle Final account filed by 'Morris K. executrix. pasSIlge, it is yet afflict d with bed-wetImp OJ·t er1 from 1'~ !I g llln ] hy () {1.1-li f·I' II' ·", ltr/l HklL (ilty, N h. ,.ill 1\1112. 1111" i .. 10 YH unl n it! Snook, executor. Estate of Isaac Jones, d ceased. ting,dependllpon it, tbecauseofthediffiOibdo u i~ IL l> lood huy 1 I(.l ,·~ ·,1 wit h hf'II V,v _!II IlIlf\ 11 11.1 IIIi1, I~ ve ry ruggml 1\<1 1 'W . Wlt 'l Ill)!'ll culty is kidney trouble, ani the f i r s t . h e uv ." I,o n , ·th e· best. f)f II ('ti (1Il, ",""l I ll"" /l tlll r 1'1,. hH it<• .. r I,h e Io n kinrillruill "III d III ' li vtlluul ', . R . an d G.orge F'fth Es tate 0 f Nanme 1 accoun t filed b y F' . M . ou d en. step 5 b ou I l I be toward.5 tb e t reat mento f he I ~ "t,hnrong hly 1>r ,k e n to w(\I· ..,k. IIIHl .."' ill b w('fLu,,! (I II I'll rnrrn ilL ,. 11 tim .. s; ro II .. I" " ~ p'etll\id

d.·,·ed 1" 11I·ded.

Two High-Class- Draft~tallions I

1,:. \


, '








farm of




. ----

r.~ ". ~

Ohio .








_ -------





as Well as

are Made





trustee .


Estate Transfers.

assianee, Martin A. Jameson, which is ordered recorded. Charles Townsend to W. W. Whi tEstate of George W. Guissinger, ten. tracts in Hamilton townshi p, $1. deceased. Proof of publication of notice of appointment of Hattie O. Guissinger as administratri:1( which is ordered recorded. Estate of Frank Clark. deceased. proof of publication of notice of appointment of Cora McKay as adml'nl's= -r atrl'x filed.



In matter of will of the estate of MII-hala Ward , deceased. Applica~~1 e.utate by t 'lon-made for sal. ~.. " William H. Dearth, executor. Estate of Ellen Breen, deceased. Dueproofof pubhcation of notice of administrator, Jghn Breen. filed. Estate of Sarah E. Snyder, deceased. Proof of pUblication of noticeof apJ'lointment of administrator . W m. H . H . Sny d er, IS . fil ed. h erem, Estate of Peter Doughman, de ceaseq . Proof of publication of notice of appointment of Jacob Dough-

Jacob Ridinger to Lu cy ullom, 53.5 acres in Deerfield township , $1, Isaac R. Greathouse to John Foley, tract in Turtl ecreel< township, $1. C. N. Scott- by heirs- to J. L. ' te m ' Wayne amI fl ' lxon, rea I esta Harlan townships , $8600. Orrie Walter to Charles H. Stew•

art, tractm Turtlecreek township $1 Robert S, Van Camp and D: · Clark Van Camp ,to Luther T. Robison ~nd . . Anna Robis on, lot lD Frankhn , 1, $1050 Mary B, Michene r , form e rly Mary

B. Lawler t o 1. R. Lawler. undivide.d half intere t in rea l estate in Turtl ecreek, $1. Craig Hankinson, heil' of W. Hankinson to Nancy J. Sanford , 20 acres in Franklin t.ownship, $800. Benjamin Blackbul'n and Hulda A. Blackbur~ to Yeoman H. Reed. lot in Red Lion. $1. ~~~~~~~~~~----~-~~~~ Jacob Duvall and Ella M. Duvall to WiItiam M. Myers, eig ht aCl'es in Deerfield township. Marriage Licenses. Oliver Fl'azi'er, 18, farmer of Oregonia to Mary E Ayers. Hi, of Mol'-

,It Tastes Good and Creates Strength



the famoUi cod liver and DoD medicine, Without oil. : Vlaol is much better than cod ·, liver oU and emulsions, because, ~hUe it contaips aU the medicinal value they do, ,it disagrees witJa DO one. ,As a ': bedy buil~e.f .and .tr.~n:gth · creator for. old peopl~ delic&;te children •.

after adclmess, and for &tUb-! bom coughs and,colds ViDoI:

..~uaequaled.• ~. B. J.{NN~V, Druggid .

. W.,~eavme. Obio.,

thesei mportantorgs ns. Thlsunpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys suu bladder and not to a hahit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney_ nud IJloduer trouble, and both lleecl the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp.. Root is soon realized. It is sold by drtlggists, in tift)-- , cent and one-uoJlar

~.;w.? l~~

;~ • t~.I"I


~". ( "



I Illinois_ I I



.-,,! .*



W. f assignors: t' f Proof ' of pub_f · Eagle; . IlcatlOn 0 no Ice 0 appomtment 0




tYlltl of


tht1 .JI~ llnliHh T ' .IliEf Rh ()rM ~II' S "lld ...

Ai ' "L!INIII' ID lllltll"'CII

. --$ 15 .00


G I B S 0 N-$12.00

10htlNa O".. ol'IdTfluIllOreINI ,ILl>SI Il :"'(I( k h llr '". 0


t o Insqre

1-· IVlng


~ ~ ~


--,.• I I

•II I •• I I.

I I, I I


o a .'

t o I-nsure II"v'l-ng foal.

size botlles. \'OUlUlly P a r t i n g w i t h m a r e forfeits ins . urance. ho\'e a sample bottle by mail free, alsoal\II N 0 reSpOnSl pamphlet t elling ' .o r acel e n S. about ·Swamp.Root, ill luding many of the LnOllsunas • moninl letters received from sufferers who found Swamp·Root to be jnst tbe • ren1e.dY~l eeded , 111 writing Dr. Kilmer ~-~ -~ ~ f-H--~ & , co... Bin~hamton. N . Y ., be sure aod D1entlOn thIS paper. Don't make any mistake. but remember tbe nattle. Dr. I Ch Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and .the address, , ~ n a~ge. . Binghamton, N. Y., ou every botUe. ~'~J.~~~~~"~~~I'~J.~~~~~..4~~~_ -- '" -- - - _ . _- --. ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~jN BOUND OVER TO JURY •


-b-Il ,l ly f

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i Dr. Max C , C' hla pp. of Co rnell ST. MARY'S CHURCH Garlaml Hil1 and his son, Ha rry. . un iver:i ty. Lells Ne w Yo rk !;ociety of Le banon , were bou nd over 'to the I wome n that the move (0\' WOll1all L e nt~A. D, 1\)09 g rand jury on a ch''u'ge of assa ult sufr t'age is a pet il to the rae .,. Hnndays wi,th intent to kill afte r hearing- hel'Il or nill fi, Pl'IlYOl', se rtnon ... l0 :30 /I.m EU:'opean in ventors .. are s uccess f ore Squire Jam eson. full y ndeavoring to produ ce movThe action i ' the outcome of an Ji:vADing Prayer, sermon ... 7 :00 P.1I1 . ing pict.ures which can be seen cl 'ar~"nUflY Sobool. ..... ........ ... \J :ao Il III . afl'my in Otto Laveck' s barber shop Iy \yithout dark ning the hall. . in whi ch a I'azor, water pitchf'l' and B n l~ Communion, Ist.,3r(1 Illlll Gth SundtLy s io I..ent. clipper we l'e t he weapons used . Frldf1YR Bond 'o f $500 was furni s hed. LnB ginning with the 2nd Frill:. v veck had a lread y been held to the 'lod Fridays f nllowiug. !:IeI'. g rand juI'Y~_ . _ • ___ vice lind Confi rmR tion !.. f' \ '_ row A fulling tiDY D e rv ~-n (l lILI'ge l' t nr " 9 .. ....................... 7 :00 p m Joseph E. Lester. 25, pattern·mak- tlJun t.he tine~ t, !;ilk..,u I,hrflflrl-tuk es IlturdllYs er of l)aytoll lo Olga M. Schatz, 25 fl'o!1l the Hanrt \t,R im pulse' itA pow- Even ing Prn,yer ........... .... ·1 :00 I).m, of Franklin, R v. A. J. Kestle of o1',1t:srfl{(u)ul'ltY . .·j'J~e ' t olUll Ohnl!HI Hol , 'Week , . ' hlL Its llldd en, r u!.:.J (l e n or ve, It F rankhn. ' . . WllS Dr. boop wh p first told U R it. ~ rviCOR d,ll\.v .......... ... ..... ';' :()O [I.m Arlie ~i11. 24, machinist of Fr~nk- wa wrong to drug .. W <>.kor,fuilinJ{ Easter DIlY lin to Emma Reese 19, of Franklin. StomnolJ, Hea rt r KhlneYA, Hi ~ F.t oly Communio n .... .. ..... .:' :00 IL m Suits · Made 'to Or~er . . I pre · cription~D J' . Hhoo p's Rf'tor'l- Morning P I!ayer, serTll \>n find • CommiSSioners! Proceedlltgs. ti ve-is dl1~eot tltl strlli~h.t, fol' , the Holy CommunioQ ...... 10 ::10 It. TIl, Ladies' and Gents'.Clean.. 'II Th . fi . cuuse of theBe nilment08-tb ese weak .-B . I se Sprm~ eld Bindery, alld fu\tering ,i nside n erv s" 'lillis , It Saved His Leg. hig, Repairillgand Pre'ss.r Journal fO I' probate Judg~, .$20; Jtu'g- no doubt, o!efl.rly explllinil \"hy the " A.II thnught I'd. lose my leg, ' f ing- Neatiy Done.:' ' ~I ~s-Gale Co." typ,eWriter 8upplies , Res,t9rllti.v e has ot .lt~te ' growq MO ,writeR.L A . .swenson, ·'~WD, £Ot' auditor, $15; J. S. Morria, " sup- rapldly ' 10 popular,lty. Drug~lst Wi s, "Teo 'years of eOZefllti.,. t.llD,~ .~_ _ __ -.._~~_ __ _ _ • plie . for court 'house $17.20' John so:)' t~tt~ t\lose , w,bo test tbe ~es~ol·Il.' l~ d octors ' coold' Dot onra. h'Ld tit I' ~ ' P' .. , .. •. .. ur. 'f,·f ',. I I "1Itl""D"~" ...... 0,,"-" . . .' . . '. tive v n for 'afe w dllyA 0 0' 'become )a,st IlLid m up !l'bAD. Buoklen'l!! ,::UH~'. I· :.t ':.~, i:' to.: I ::;.:~ ~ :,~,r:~~~~i\~\I,r~a. ," ~ W . Jones: I~bor anel mat~r1al, $93.45; .fuHy· oon vincl3d (It" I ts ,~jjnderful A~'~IOI\ /dnlve c~ rc'd it sound rind I"~, 41"J " ... '.. In,,,, .. . 'H,' 1 11C"I~ ';I'''~IU' , ........,,,. . ""I" " ..• ~ I ' . ~ .. II . f . j .l"h,., t. · ,tk ~ ·' ).J •.r ,f". r ihe Fred H~t~hmson, ~Iectrical repair!! me.rit. .Any.way, ~on ~ ~ drng~ tbe or- 'w 11.'·· Jnf"lJible for t:!kin Eruptions .j . t .. 'f " " ''' '~' ,.. ,.'ion" I .., ..... . • ,... • '·.·h '.... 1·, ,, , \ ... uh" ,~ , i b c t c. ...... Mr .11 hJ,.. at ,court· h9~ S , ' $3.21: O. B. Cain/gan . Treating' t~~ CIlU e cf siekue~s EC1.t!mA,Snlt Rl)eum aous, FAvAr 'f'll' 1. " .(.... • . "\"dw 'I"'" .,' I bridgj! ' ~epairs, 'Hamiiton townRhip, 18 the only -senslblt=hrnd sucoesl'!fnl Idore ,Burne, Scalds, buts and 'P iles, l . nIJ . , ",. ... ,. ... .,.\.,.nl '· I' ~ !l .. r\j ... llllc 'II ........ .... ~, 1" • • , ~ ... !.o ' '' \ ~ n ' I It' I I' il ~ •• f ", ,"" $6.75:Th:~WeStern ~tar. $40; bl~mks WilY: S~,ld py~!!elllerl! . . . 2~c at 14'red O. 8Qbwartz' s . · , .' l'.. , 1.,( . ~ ~ .' 0 r'Leak .BIJilding,· Main St.,1~ 'I' 1 " , . " ~ ". Ir ...... " ' , t I \ :.' I l lh """ "# ~ '" (or prpbate judge, $4' progral,ll8 for . , Works ,at Hiogo have justcomplet- . [0 each 223 lunar mon hs thel'(!are Waynesville!.. ' :: . ... Ohio Toad meeting; $5; letter heads fored tbf! fiI'8t modern locomotive ever ~ eclipses of the .moon and 41 of che -, .u Pro!'lecuting . a~orney, $3,50;" J~1ips built in Japan. ' ' sun.


We Gu·arantee ·a Perfect fit

.. .




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--- - _-- -- - ---" ......





J'- l\<tt, ~rl 11 \\ 111'"",,1 111' 0/('" TIlt. Hound T ui ' 1' 'l~ whi 'J, will I -~,...,., \.'1" dlScu >tj It th t> Wilrl' n '~· unly ,,1 ..\1 . "',1 (' "., .'/' 'I" !~ldli i' ~' A. :iul!i a litl I I I.u II ht' ltJ al - - -- - - - - - - lIi~el·~ il.l' ·ha~)el, .L 'hanoll, 'ULlH'., VJ\!,. ' .EY ·1' I':t.J.: "'l1u"l~ (' . I, ~ , II ~ ,lay. .

I uhllnhr,1



l$ 9






It CI,IIl II!JL l)t'. l't>]JE'at II LHO orLn h. tat 1,I,i!! · C&S n of th yea l' , nt' i ~ 111 01' !i!,(-, Iy tU,uontl'R ·t i1 <!uld than at' any l)th l', s pecially in this c1imat .

Pla nt Set ter ·

Is uuilt lIll s i nlifi pl'in 'i"l ~s'ouk hout. Hs con ical jaw.' ar marle of h avy s he t tee I

. .

, ThCl'(:l i' no sci ntific xphmat ion. of and the maio ilo(iy or water r'}l'; I'voir and plant !.U Lte r It 'avy ti nned pial > . The water valve iii ~(\Id s tha r eally explain s , but verv . L CHANE , I.,dit(/l' and Man :"lj.('PI' >l\' h"'I I IHw'{ uf bnt:s wilh l'u ub ' l' packing. 'I'h valve red one ]mows tha tl1l'Y ur(, 'on tract' . I :! lud ll .' tl'iul etlul'ali lll\'! alit! Irip I;llI'ill ' al' uf !)l('('l wire; thumb button frulll sil Lio' r in a It'nft; fl'Ull1 ulle !.-I I ant! oth ' )' filli ng'!'! •.\1'1' alsll 01 bra~..;, The Ina((IIIt'1'I \If SlIh!.('f' i 111 inn ~ ;, " \I "tH Ii ""ul :,r-iIU( v: lellill ' I'allir' tlf th' hodv, :I ~ \ 1;(·I'4 ! t'llilll' i ~ 11'1'11 I 11t tllj.fdho r wilh ril' l ~ nn(1 su lde r L Wlial ,;1 '1 \1 1111 :1 !1IIPt'l'illl P lld"11i i) 1I1" \"l l, lr l -\ l l'Illtl\ I III HI\' dIH , I lhl'liea d is 11111 and Ihl j\'vLurt "('olu: :llld ~ lrttilid 1t\:'1 1"11' ,l'toUI·S. 'i l rll.! It· t " Il' '' ' I, tt l l t',H" hi!"1 U :.H·ht.:.·r.~·t fr olll:.t ·l lallg' ',u f raimel\ t efl'(;ctillg' . Il. 'houl I th ··' r . h I ' U 1110),(' u l' lillih~ \ No Stoopin~ When Using , There '" th <:! temlk'l "ltun! of l he hod y; from s t aH-' s. v sll-'m " I' >ll: hllll ls? Ratcll of Advcrtis ~ 1l .·,li '; fo re No Lame Back s. goi ng' illto up 11 ail' when th 'body G. l ~ .he trw n .y la·,r.; PI' II' 'I'l y enI( 'U' III1 ~ I•• If ' ii _ I" ' r II .,' is m ois t f r m pe r s pirat ion, and when All kind,' I.r Plan ts, such a::; Cabbag e, 1'0f' Il';- d? I) '1'.'1 i i. IIcet.i I'Ie\' isio]) '! . I« · jlllfn..: it/C, III " h 'lI,'k : .11 e P"'- I , 1 haccu , TOmah '!;!::; , a u liflower , th ' POl' ,; ( f t hI' "kill al'() upen- nm] trawbe rries, ~ '~II)i!,lIIl ,~ tJ \-1" II.I! til . ' \, . •;, .1 11\. I I '7 III rural s .. lJ(tl) I~ , is it pl'H('Ji I'lIi walll \ .lll tl) p.,w S"' I', '1 IJ" I;l1O. " SII rar \{f'f't fl , (> 1c.. at·~ set in fr lllll a dU 1.1'1I IItliel' caU ~( ·>l . Th I'h,',·,· 111.~I'fI r. II! " 1 lI'a , pia l,· )' .,'" :lIIrl pu CoI\ .. red at rlll l olJeruti on . '1'he plant pi l ill di m!i't'lil ~' 1 1u l t! III " Ii' ).l, h ~ la Id Lln l " I,IIII:&IIf"' " 11\ ,,, II I . II I I'ultl i. ~t lurl-ill" IIIUII:-It.,1' t1Wl '~I II 'J uld ,." , 11 \. I I 1"1\11 " al'f~ pill d tlwlI t LIlt! IJl'up l~ I ' tlepth below III dill' '1'<'111 l!1l 11.i , ·d.~ wllpil lIh' Id',' p " I' ":v! "s/- Cohc' n" .lJl· .II' ':.Id' ·I !. TIlt:', art' Inun' .'",!'ious IIII' S Il)'fut't.' w ll t.: r~ tht' g roulld is cool aHd damp. a ' 101 11 \', :IITanI J ,il ': ' ,tid . 1/ t:. , J.. 1,· IUl.h es, : ntl p' ~l'ti 'lhalllllt) ~ t JlC f'~o n ;; irna g-illl' . When y"u lIel'el' have to wait for a ~ howel'; plants , j ' ! lIlarly lIur IlIISIIH'S S /' . ' II V I \I P 1I \I tI ,; ( II sO \lUll r . .v (I II tl' I may be safely se t ou t wben large enough , regal'dW b on' . '" dallie:'\ : " wilh' "a bad colu," he i~ ~'H'I II ... "I . nr ' j(H ". • 'I II " H ' I . 111 . 1 , e e· ! ". l' .YU lllIlI.1II \JIl . less ofthew ea th l'- no matter how dry and dusty lie\'\.' thai w h'n YOLl . play ing with matche s ill a powt!el ' II b'llirI \' , \ ' 1 \ ' , ', "I j ll' " ' " I " I I I til" the gro und may b . ,~ . WI al i~ g'llI ld ( athing"; I'nllw u" you will lIl ~t,* L III ... " ' \ t ' I " IlI' ' ,, '.I t .\I." m'fg azim.·. Old r people unders tand It). Shfl uld Lht!r' u 'nil r e uniform · want III l.HI )' youI' !I I! should have one. ~rmer thi', Gut it is almos t impossi ble to Any man, with ily ill 1.1\1' I.:IJUI'HI1' III' :ludy in lht' cl(ilh .'. hel~:- So , as \ ' ~ ry little pral't icf' cun easily set out 7,000 to gl!!. ,VtIlll1g'P I' pl'o plf' Lu I'eali:>:e Lit' \\ I • . I a >l p"I' lal l!1'1 II . I ac ' ''''II""I:- \!lr Llw "' "lnl.1 '! Itl.UOO J.l11ll1l "ar h duy. Our plalltt'] I~ra \'i l .l' uf I( cI,ld ulltil il is luu lal!:! . tains qllainl ." plall" WI' a I'l'ctJnl \If ,) \ l' /' ~l~Jc pl ll'II\""; Itl j{rull frolll eath 1,000 set. ' main I I . \0 l!at l!'l th e fJnlfl'~s i,,"al s pil'it': wi ll 01 1',' 1' t W ll of lh ' 'l·,'ulv.' l l lulli · !-:\ell if "II ~ MONE Y - I "r(:l('uv. e l'~" frunl;l !{EI,'I) ' ultl, J IH:U I 'Asr;; T I·II S PLANT ER FAIL' TO DO I I::! . What i ~ prn/'t';;S i()lIaII'IIUI't ·sy'! illg' V!t1U" H t' ~I ' hell l'd o f <11 WE CLAIM FO r 1'1'. Weig ht, Ill ., Ibs. This planter will save ALL it is doubtfu l if lie is C\' t:r gout! u (; tlfll'lI III .IL, ln g I.'" I I,, ' II l'llt-r of t ht! I 1::1: Wha l ttl do with its cost a thp s mall do z'lI times o\'e l' in a ' eru;on for r eplanti ng and for use at the phy ~ ical If ing' a!-l h e wa before he dlJY jUst li"l\' ends ' country sth ool'! of thl! row, whet'ey ou can ' t use th e h oI's, t 1', contrac ted it . 'el'tainl y h e is more 1:1. Is cOllnty su p rvi ,;ion uesira· ValueH that Fal' urpass Tho t.: .or· rot' ' al by A. B Sides and pI' lie Lu co ntrad ~moth r, and anfer tI EI Rew he r . , • ble? F. W. Wadsw orth. 'fhe ari::;ll"" 'u ti (' ic(' man will soon - 'I'h ' H ::leU 1'S can be , een at A. B. • id s' sLore at any \0\ hen Mus oh n mal et a s lat (,- olhe r. Oft nth , cold giv s th g I'm time ~ Hi. Are \II' att 'Illpti ll g' too mll·h III lit lik\.! that i\. ~ t a lltl s f\,r slIpplul lt 111 "1'0:11 11 11I 1I ·llwl1 Vl'lteil Sllill t.:l hil lj.(' uf lul'l'rCllltls is a chull c,' to uuiltll'l in tlur l:ulTicu luill'! iL ll1e<lll ~ . a 'fly wh a t il pll rll"\' s. nest ill tile IUllgS. a~ it were a O\J l. mi c IG . ,'h!lulJ J 'parll li Illal WOI'I\ be OUI' vuI11l!!-l, lty r a 'un ,of L"i s stl, t' ,'s mall), a !Jtlur f 'lluw hl1 be II 'arled done ill the g rad es'! l:f~) V buyin . r~"wer, ~a\l ab, olutdy n ut be yo Say, UU " iSIl' 1 lIJere II feeling to t lte grav 011 accoun t 'of consum p- a.u ywh er _ ~ n II )Juin-u f llny Idod, l7. What i'usu c~sfllischoo] ::;ys_ l.'quale tlll1 t!lt' CltYOllc!~thes ·t·op jllst II nl lDuteuo u ofqual- tion that woult! nev '/ corning OVf!!, you lil< , "G e , I wis h I' have existed think! It. muttar not whet,be r it b<Ity and III 1·1 t. Our ablllt} Lu undertern . 'r could go lis hin' ." buy makes it hut natural that \\'e can but for a colt! contraC'.ted yeal's be· woman l y p al us , h ad pnin!>, 0 1' uny You will find the 18. huuld lhe COUI' e of ::;tudy in unders ell- and Llnd I'S II kind of u 1'''in, one of Dr. Sboop 's w' tlo . L t for '. I ond and third g rade hig h schools us oemons \ittl lmte this fa·t to you . ill tl l1rel.v This i ~ a lreaclw ruus season. The IIt,op Piol, P ili n 'j',lbl t,!,! Preside nt Taft has made his list hav any r e lation to t he OUl'se in a W 'v th largest ex lu 'iv' luthing it Ifl ;!O minut s. J1'orllIuln .sun luI' !-\ one t,) I· y aside hi::! wrap ~ , llltifJl y p rinted nil t,h 'lure ill Ame ri 'a-and thr ' ()nly :~ ,. ,\;lox , liP on the lul'itl', and Cungl' I'S will fil'llt g l'.lu e high s'hool'! Pro)J Roll sed illth .i ty. fully quipp II wilh: lure The ~uft. IJ loi!' t atmo phel'e of to·day lI.v /til d 'lJOfll , lh .; act on tit sa llie at its seS!:lion . law,. gal'ding tu ition'! m t! rn .g laHB cab inets; l.l 'h anJ e ,- induce;; UII ~ tu un){uurd him self tu Change s or ' pl'uposeLi chang s in er y gal'lll 'nt hanbT8 un an individu lll th\.! chillill g-uLmu::;JJhere uf tumurr ow Head(j uarters for All Kinds of . tht: 'ch 01 law. THI I OS WORTH KNOW ING hang I' and iB fr e frolll \\'rinlde s Are OU going to use YOUI' wife's The pi . !i<llltne ss oC the mornin ~ and bl'ol<en shoulde rs. (Jroup po itively s ropped in 20 last yeaf'£.; . hat for a hen's nest? and the afterno on causes one to As usual the Mosc Kingd m Goulu, .22-vea r-old on of ' ohen Don't muk a mis take and get her 'Dintftl~!!, \Yall Dr, ~jj1> )P'~ roup in the n glect tu light a fil' in the hous of Lcad"Lct Other!! Gorge Fotlow ,1. Gould. i ' lect.ed a direcH.A lnHdy . " OUH t·est 111011 6 will surely new spring bonnet , Hat and FU\'l1is hing D f'p I'tm IIt s an ·vening' . (nehas tou ev 1'1, l- tOl' of th Miss ud 1 aci1ic I'ailr ad, nove thIS Irut·b. No vOlltitilll,{, DO li"Tr f'fI~ A AllfflRn u pll-RRin g Ay rnp are ov die wing wi th th ' Clllli ·t:'s t ::tllll ingly on his guard at this ::;eason lest bing slated t\ slice cd to his fath r's newest ::;pring CI' aLi ng. -(jOo. d ·ath whisl l' to him in th hoal'se- work, old lIy 1111 d~lIler>1 It is time fur t h Fish and Game ness of a 'old - Dayton NewH, associa tion to have a meetin g and do ---.-- ~-Ther ar villages in the Alps and , WAsTE OF WORD someth ing to prote·t I'ud-and -line Pyrene es whel' el ctric pow r is so l sports for the summe r. Ncar Death in Big Pond, Thc Famous Dairy Food •. cheap that it do s not pay to turn off cane in court room, WitneSs on It \1;/\ 11 th r l1liug xp ritmce to the ligh ts on leaving ~a l;oom. stand. Brillian t lawyer qu tioni!:1g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mrs, Ida I::iupel' t,o fuoeue uth . "Fur Ex-Pre sident Roos velt will soon witne s . - - -- y a r~ II s v re IUlIff trouble g>tve m e $1 ,50, 2, $2.50, $3, $3.50 and P~ople $5 of Mom~as u, British East be on his way to shoot big game, and Corn S d Oats Coal' What i~ yOUl' name? I Mamm oth Spl'ing Exhibi t of hi1- IOt,anse RotTerin g," s he writ '8, "and' Afl'lca, al'e pl' partn I ' u hearty we1,ee if he don't g t allY, it will lie because So that is your natlle, is it ': " IUl'fm's uils. W e will save you mon y. eVf'r'tL~ tim f< nol~rly.. onuse .1 UI ,V come fOI' The dure Roos velt and and Ceme 'ttlL All rtlme dlosfill l 11 nnd doc, You are SU1'e of that'! nt .. the game has heal'd of the "big _. _ ____ ____ ____ -:-5 _._ dtors " said 1 wns incur(l1)l1'1 'rll n VI' .seUler s r I (JI't !-Ie mg stick ... thlrly-t wo Do you s ta1.e as n fact that it il; King'", ~ew Discov ery hr~llght' CJuick lions in on gl'oup. (jETS FRANCH ISE not the name~of a neighb or'! r U"f lIud n (Jnre so }Jtl rmuneu t tbat I - .. ~unday was the ueginn hig of 1 buy not be n troubl (1 in tw Ive How long hav y u had this name'? If you want Good Brea4, use A promin ent French manufa cturTh e Dayt n, Lebano n & incinna ti y Ilr. ... Spring , and the farmel' s are alre(ldy Mr . p"r live!! iu Big erofglacerrui tsatlm it.' ?thatth echerYou have, hav y u? Railwa y compan y won a victory in Pund, Pa. It workEI busy plowin g ond getting ready for wooder~ in ri s of aliforn ia ar' at. I ast as good Ho\v old 8re you? the commo ll pleas court last TbuI' _ ~o u"h s IUlIl Uolds, .' 1'e the busy season. 'which wiil burst in" I:lelll- in quality ru; th Fl' nch varietie s. How long have YOIl ueen th l olt!'! . . ' . llrrllllg s, 1..0. nppe AAthtn \L, upon WI uefore we ar aware of it. How old were you two years ago? day when It ~~s ......!!11). ~ece _to..Pl·O,,- 6rtlnp, Whoop in g Coug h and nil ce d with th extensi on of it' s line BrllDohinl "freotio n!;!. f,Oo ---,-,'- •• - . . . How old will you be next year'! und $1.'00. . ,'Fortlf y !tow Ilg1t1l1111, th UrlpTry Our Mill Run Feed for Hogs Are you acquain ted with the de- from the Dayton State hospita l into Tritll upt:tl fr . ~uarlloteed by WAYN SVILLE CHURC HES. the city at graue . . l'he Sou th Park hed U. &h wartr.. for it CODlPR eVHrv l'e""wu s ure! I?reven tiOl'-lh fl I1t\.le (Juudy Cold ceased, who is n:ow dad? propert y ownerii , oppose d to grade Uure I T'lUI t"- t1H'er iu thi" ] e"peot - ... -- - What time did you see l~ illl last? crossin gs, s howed their opposit ion to Orthodox Friends Church. a mol" cer'ulll tloti df'.penu llble l e- .;.You say it was 9:3~? ED4TOR MARRIED We also have a lot of I-inch He,". UenJn ml n lIawlln ~, PiLstor, the la t gu .. rd 1'r,," I' ll 1101', ilL !.l,e "'<lIeez" Mrs , Sybil Aman, one of Are you sure it was not '9,:.35'! . abba~h • chool, 1) ;av n, Ill, H ~ula r uhurch LUMBER cheap. Oet our Althou gh Harry H. McGill, editor Rcr~lce , 10 ;311 II . Ill . ('hrl~Llal the proper ty owners affecte d, filed n stage" wtll, '!.,t' wnll, IIhw i4llr I." hand '\ So it wlls.9:3 0, you say? 1 ~; ,ulca\'Ur. prices before buying off till 'omlHOI l oldlt. Bot pl\~\Upt Have you 'lOt s tal ed tu other£.; that motion throug h h r attorne ys to b e of the 0 born Locftl, and well known 7 ::10 fl, Ill . oeS8 I ,,1I-IUI) lU " /lt1\,. K d llJ,>leVI lD - , . ? elsewhere. mad a pal'ty defeml ant ill th I 1'0- in Southel 'll Ohio as the only one lios io tilt! P" kat or pur~I', for In- It wus 9:32. Hicksite I"riends Church. ceding armed of the aerona railway stant utle B,)x or ~8 I'''r 21)0 . 'old ut, compan anu Mrs y. , The laudia Fil' S l Day M ee lh1l(, IU:OO II , ru. FIrst Day What ldnd of cluthes wert' you corpora tion denied the right of the Page Tyl r who has been employ ed . 'lool, J J ;0(1 a , ,. " p, unb Day M CLin g by ~1I11t'nI6rl!. . wearin g? It) ·00 :t. w. woman 01' any other indI vidual prop- in his ' oflice' a compos itol" were - .What w your objecl ill wea\,An'ENTION FARMERS! erty owner to become a pal·ty to th.e ma1'l'ie d March 2, the affair-w as kept ing the~? I Christian Church. case on the gl'ound tthat council secret, and only in the 1 t day or so Sti lIclny Suhool, 11 :110 II Hnve you ev I' worn clothes before'? , Ill , Soellll IJIl!CL lllliy Burl)f:ll~uII R .. OlUr will muke In g. 10 un .• ,uti hrl~ ' fa n Elltlcil\'o r . Was the street runnin g south .and pok and acted -for t.he whol city did it become known to friends of .. ' 00 I' . ::10 In ' ,he selUlon of 11l0U IIf. WU.vU6,WlIlA Oregonia, .Ohio. wh on it grante d the grad cro ing the couple about Osbom . The c rTerms will be thtt Illl~e ,'14 lll"t year east or north and wesf! emony franchi was s , perform etl by lhe Rev . Methodist l;j:Jiscopal.Church. Is .that its usual position 'l Valley Phone 2J7..J rings J , t:i M AIIBRA LI., Pl'Op . All pr pel'saf guard s at the gr'atle A. C, Hamilt on, pastor of the M. E. Rcy . W . 1' . IlIllantl. PlUllOr , Did you cut your grandm other's !-;ulIlluy church H ello I, fj' : 110 n . m. Mornh'K ~ .. r· II . . . . . crossin gs, includi ng gales, alarm in Dialton , a village in Clark vltc,. '" • - . . . . . . . . . .. . throat in 1 721 IO;30 n. nl , ~~ !lwonh r.llo , 7 :00 p. b lis and lights , wel'e ' pre cl'ibed by county betwee n Springf ield and Troy, m . Ii:v ' nln g. 8" rvlc~ , -; :ao ". UIgue EaOS FOR SALE You di~ not? . MlIlwetllc .~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!"!"!!!~~~~~ th ·court. 1'h ntry in lh ecasea lso After the marrIa ge Mr. and ·Mrs , Pr l ye r Mee ting, 7 : 30 I). '0 , . Yo u Say you did not1 Pll~ -brt'd Burred PIYI11J1UI\r !to.o k I'equir ,thaL the railway b ·' obliged McGill re tul'lled to Osborn , and said You deny th~t you did? AL'l'E R URE , St. Mary's Episcopal Church. , egR8fo r Pltle, GO c~nt~ pOI' 1&, Write Can you state the rule in ,Shelle) .'s to install all 'afegua rds requir d for nothing cone rning their marria ge. Hc\·. J . "' . Cu dlYalillde r. Rector. or phone <..Jarl Out .... R, 0 4, Wilynefl- c~e7 grade crossin gl: by the legis lalul'e in They are now prepari ng to go to SUIIllay Schnlll. Il :ao II, In Fune ral -Dire ctor. MornJng ~e ,· · cc, 1<1 :ao . ", , E n:ll l nK urvl·c. 7 1). ,m. ville, Ohto, V'llltly Jlbr'l/l ~~ 56-4X r , ity solicito r Burnha m housek eeping , a nd have their home vl Very ~vell, you may sland aside. - the future. Hnl.v OIOIII""l.", LIIi' .lIr l S UI1"111 of eact, insisted that s uch a req~i rement be furnish ed in Qtluorll. Mrs, McGill D1 0 "LIr . ]"-T- W -O - N... • LONa Nashvi lle Americ an. 'I'eleph one dllY or night. incorpo rated in the ' final agreem e1}t has been empluy ed in the local office St•. Augustinc's Catholic Church. - - - - ~ -- --Valley phone No, 7, LODg in the cll$e and the rail way compan y fOI' the last, three years, and he r It won't be long Jo'alh r ,cur" .. ~1"VIl!l h oe fcl·. Pafllor , SURE THING! I Distanc e No, 69-3r. home i.!efol'e coming to Osbol'n wus in assente d to the propos ition' MIL . g cvc:ry M" ',""I !';un~!4Y of tb 100Qlb at Till ~aster now, .. JIJ~, Mich. . un a. In . WAYNESVILLE, We may live withou t poetry, music When' dad will have OHIQ. Nothiu gin the Wtt..v nf aU ugh is To figure how and art; Branch btl i e S0 annoyi ng 't a H(lklio g lell$ Office, Barvey sburr, 0. K'il W Id B 51 We may live w~tbout conscie nce, and III:;, whef'zing, bronch illl (Jollgh. To get the dough . I SOl! - C aycr. D ° J D 1..1 1 'l'hequl Ok t rtllhif comes p rl1tLp~ Am rOilesR Ulnrde re ris Append i To buy npw lids live withou t hear.t; H, ; n.CJ. · ,A.'l' HAW AY fl' " IiI ' U pr(~ !lcl'iI J ti o n known t,o Orng_ Cit,IS with Tlluuy!! . Bllt Dr, We may live withou t friends ; we may giRts evel'yw h(' r e HS I) r. S\] IU p'S For all the kids, Kiug':l Ne w Li fe Pills killitb ypl' _ . '1\ \Il"\lj llo'~ l.-el1fli ngDen tlst live withou t fads, An4 after that ~ ;'!llgh Remed y, A rrd besid e", it, iA!I" " t' llliou. Tb('y ~ e n tly tlmulu te OJliI'O itl j{" .Vl-i BI,lg. MUoin. 3t But bu~ineS8to·day can not live with· tlHlI'ou ghly 1Inru1l( 8S thut UI0t.11 I'!- :;Jt'l()lIiO h, JiveI' fln ll l>owfll " preven tIt won't b~ long give it with perfect ,;afety VH Il 10 IrII{ t,bltt )I)ggi.ol( thu.t . Till summe r sings ' out ads. inviteH appeu. the younge llt hllher< Tb, 11' 11111 I' ,liC'ltis, 'uring 'rms D,8i IlI 0\11'HeT siren song, l elive~ of u t4imJJI Ill.mnta ill ", hrub . nf'!<!I, ChI II !I , MIII~ntl, RI!lIduc ilt! f~lId And dad digs up ~Ive to Dr, tSh ul) p'~ (';otll-\h Rl1l1letl y I 1Il1igl:'stIOn , ~5cn t, .li·' , () Schwnr tl'.'/l Its r etnllrku blfl curllliv l'l e lYact. A Alittle more . - - - - -- - - Unde rtake r and Emba lmer few dn,ys' test will tell, l:)o1tl by 1111 To send his dar GRAIN QUTLOOK . 'dpulel' s -' LingS to the shore. ' Will ue founr l iu the Jd , . . , . -- Bl\lIk Bl1lldin g. 'I'oweU_lr.111u.w~m;~.&b_~ .. tedoae pposite COCAINE FIEND~ Grain III n who have been over \ . Poor papa! Shed tbe N'l t.i 1Iu.1 Bouk . :aJ&~~bIn~w~~\:I:.=t-=~ Ohio 'and lndiana getting a iJne on A teadol ' dad! '1\31 pl.lOnfl in hous/) ill)d of, U~8=P~~"~~~ CoJU.t:nbll. fficial s· ~ave been on the outlou1< .£01' winter wheat in tlles First Christi nas cam floe wit J' I can be Ollllecl Dr,SbOOP,• .~tiv!'-th.h~~OIl"l'I_' the watch for ,druggl sts who have tates say that tlie crop' this year .,' _l'~ Theform _Dr.Sho oPINIa t........-.. .. toP""" b To: m~ehim · glad . ~Y or. night, "1· 1 ' 1 IllQOOUIlllilmbru . 1 . .lipPomtQJ!Jremad,.,whlIGDr. .....' . eOll VIO a.t mg't1e aw 111 t,)e , Vull ~ ... ' ~h()ne H-!! saI a f' With'.a b.o.x: o~ . , . , =:tl~:""'~~~~~ cocaine , and severai art'ests we~e from th~ pres nt m .... icatlOns, \viU be ' . of' hig1~ <tualiLy;' ~he , mild ' winter , Main Stw.'t . Wayne sville; Ohio . La .punk cigars, oem; last Mie 1<. The e f this and thecsno\v and 'rain have repaire d From 'mamm,a, 'al1l1 ..:::~:~h:~~"'·1~==-=:4d=, t: strunge ly acting drug ~s' umore d!ln.' 'a ll 'the' ,d~age of the early fall,l'lll d .. Some iiltle jars . . .sDlU_fUI1&~_I' lQCfo\. ~ and gel'OUS by -far ,tha)1 the use f .lit)t'.ior wbile ' he acreag e is smaller than. us. .. I·st·'". . l'.',' tliat Fro "" A Pure'l'y V"e'g' e'tabl e I ~x...l. tl~e .' . !"" action ~.',' being dl,'.A'er . nt. in .m any u'al., t)1eind icatiori s al'e'tha t the'yiel " ! ba1ldi lIP wute4 cs....· ..boauen.,,~ Wi\lI06!<du9tgl'~nd ', , d " ·, ~~.::=;V~ . '. ' I ' =: ~ CI" ,.' . "All, tinies: m,e lanchol oyer~ willbeh eavy, .u·nless someth ~ ', ' . . . '. , .' On:eac h ,end ~o~ inghap ~&b:e1J*!L h'lIClIB4ft " ~j;_.• ."nu e.oll)~, tl)e vic~ni .~ i\:S. 1I , y~nd Cures Chroni c Consti pation, and All .. . at' pens' b' e ! r~ flal;ves t to the Her,toi let 'stand, Liver and Kld ..ey Trouble.. OL , . " ', . ' (ith rs. v,i l~nt . demons .tl'ation a~ . ct:op • . The ground is alsodamage said' to be Now f4ater threats ' ~. ~ ~ .• . a ti,m ,s su!¢ide is in conditi on for Il'or $11111 With rollo"llIg plnCC8: e.n<! 'fuss! still murde r 01' PIO . wmg, say that It . ZlmlJ le-an '8,' Kllbon 's, Poor 'dad's in the \J ' ~Ure JDJUry ~ perSO\1s: 'The state offiCials iSjlrob UWlUOJ Vi . , able that the'acreage this y~r . CoptiDUO~ '\ .~ ' . ~ Sprla J~re. 1, Wh at c:huul d a 1eacher know








11 , '






an dTrue k wrower

I .. I

=:::::==::=.::========== '

$9.8 8 and $15

Pric e $3 75


. OR~60NIA MILLS Lum ber and Mill Fee d



Suc rene


Acm e Flour

I Spencer&Monroe

-== -



. .. .

· . ' 0' men Weak W



~:VI~~-=:d':~ '~ ~

D ' .'



I= ='~~ ~~;:r.-..:=. it.~




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'·a OO p S ththes~l.t', ca~sed g'L.,.!-" ~ ,":" . ~~ othe~s ' ~\lI?US at· making end~avodolluppress "ALL DUtERS"


Its use,






an~ 10e~1 buye~




ThO, ,. Alnha. .f1boniwa-1 pH U

Ga. ~. ~

...a...l.d, ~ . hlo. in Ohio Will be the1argest in the hiiJ:' Wbi~'.i . Mouu'jof,"s· .• ~ , tory of the state. .... .-~~---~~~--....- ...~~-.



,Wltn tlUe tmlHlIae Uptln h ili) n . Q1Jleil,Y a rose, and Ii wICU- m nkl:ng bl~ wn.y to r)Je ula where &lis h 'u ted ' a nants wlloill he had brou hi wll b D. L. CRAN E. him' sl" ltt, "he tnoUonea tli m to r I 0(111). , . low nn.,1 wellt ut lOlo tb c1:y. ,No unl , Nehl!.mlob Oo l,senC!r"b His Po.. l\W thom d~ llnl'I, nllll n on .kli W 01 Queen. Indeed. a ud B~lId s ;J .. ru$"I~m· .. Walla. tb h' 'rN\lrn, 110 t hilt tho eel' t \;hllt te D- vice Which 'Will Prove a $ottsfactory F~$t(\r Mother fe-I" Queena hayd gone far wll b advllD. the ruin e d wnll surrounding th clly , -t.he Lit.tIe Chldts . , dill bumnnlty Ince the day "'heu ona '.~ l\S; not. kno 'n to any snv thosn whc Gf them suggest d as tho remedy to\' mild tll (' mldnlp;ht jOUfIHlY ver tll.· the hunger of her lIu\)j ct eho hnd dltimll l ruinH. '1'0 iI. lUlID of I s fCll\ll Tb e obj <.' t IB to G t a wal'm, \·eu· lotnl heigh t of lamp (In ludIn!> hhl)' 1 . DO brl'!lId, "Give th em c ke," The Qu een (CUI'tr Ilh(.1I1i19,"YL./'U.1U'''U'·. W,IU'UIOA.) IInLi o ll l'~lge t h PI' j ' t of l' builLilul! tl lnt d box In which hi I( 115 cau h(l n y) S In 'h . ,Thore should bl! a , S('rillturo Authority _ r-;ehemi:lh th e wa lls would hav seem'd hnl1us reur <l wltllout n h'lI, Wnrrntb Is Ob· smull baa ; 00 thu 011 fOllnl, nnll a a lts no Ion.!: l' Idly on her thronEl, wear· _ha pt ' rll 3, 4 nnd G. sIbIl', But 1I0t so fo h mlnh. talnerl bt ru nns or n ' lu.IUp tlO pine d 8C'J'ew , all' for m lJng with oil. A Inl'go Ina her j ewell and demand lug exemp· . ' ,'Iwtn ln il, It> ' .I nn,-Ilc W nf! the BOil o t " God huth put the llurpose iu m) thnt I(s fumeH are not Ile rmltt I.l to Izo burn r can b used, or ,\ Slle 1n.1 th e b\lt'uer tion eve n froID knowledge of tb pa.1n flilrh ll llllh. lind IlllPllr<'nlly or th trlllQ ot hean to L10 thl ll tbln g, ollli 1 ~ not ollter Ihe c:blc k cOlUpnl't me nt. ' FI'esh water·cool II burner; ollar of the wd rld. Qucen Alexnodrn Is one IU<l ll h, "lncll hi:; r ll ih 1'8 W('r bllrl .. \l Ilt gOing to t urn back. HOW that I lall\' \! air contlriunl l'1 fl ows In to the ' brool!er SCrews 111t.o nM ordinary lamp "'0·rUPI\ )(·m. II lid II nntlnl, t.:!! klMmnn, cllm' tl111 8 r111' Ul101I my journey," he nn <l ve nt IInll l, I t. T he box that torms L'oldcl'ed t o t.he 011 fount. The IrOD .0 f t h e b uslell t women In Englnnd. She <'1119 I hilI'\! bel'lI DC thnl Irlbe (I :2 : 2 :3; Jlu be n handleappea tor )'cars by an ,':2). All Ihnt w kno\ ('(' l'I lI llIly co n<'crn- mUlle r't! to himself II.!! be sunk npon th brood I' Is 34 In clles sq uare and hlwuey Is about five Incholj hl gb; I he increasIng dearDen, but she goes ng th l" oll1lncnt IItlln Is (,Olll In~d In the his COU h IIrtC,· his IOIlg' Wf'ary oi ht 8 In<.'bes d Cj', Inside m asureme nt. it di a meter of the tOll chimney Is II ~ bool. which l) ani his 1U1UH' , III" auto· of losp I fb i d f 7SI h I b Inches; thQ bottom dlnmc lel' Is 3 wherever her Dresence may do g\>Oe! to Illot;Tllphy Ilrst IIncb him li t Rhu ~ ha.n. the eCI not e rlllll!. a nd blld r & s mu eo · . nc urn Cr planed on a good cause, Sbe conceals the signs winter resldcnce o[ tho klnl'is of Persia , turn Il ju t au lhe dim Gray Jlgllt WlUI bot h si d s, A IIxl(Hnch ch ick door Incbes. A 1 %·l ncl1 11010 s hould he err weariness nod boredom which mUBt In high oOlce ns cu pbearer t Klllg Arln- sbke~,ln D I l1g to creep Intv Ille tr.lsteru should be snwed In on or lh e sid es pun«hed In t~ e chimney nod coventd l<crXefI 1.ongll11l1n us. In th t\\,~I1t1 .. lh , of th e box; t he ohlck door shoul d bo Inside with mica III order to see tlte Dame. The to, ot the cblmney Is ottoa be aJmoet overpowe ring to Ou~ year ot t he klnK's r cl$11. l3. . 44;;. c<! rtaln W h~l1 God lI ns a gr at n rojo~, to ex. hin ged at the top. h h JewlI. ono ot wh om wns II. IIcar Itl nslllnn " "~. 11' 0 ean.o llttle as Ibe. Her prl· ot Nehrmlnh, arrlv nd from Jilt! n, ami ecule and hnB III plred somp noble T he floor I ' 7·S·ln ch matcbed hl1U' placed ove-r'the lower smoke pipe. 'fh fUID 8 or the lamp e nte r , th e vata cbarlUe,. li re legion , nnd ber Inter· 1:'8 \ ' 0 . Nehemla.h 0. <l pi mbl ncr.olln t of beart to th e work, bow wonrlf'rrully ber. At center of th e floor a ro uud _t In every effort to alle'flate Bulrer- the 81lltC ot J erusl1leru nrlll o f th e rosl· I be piau's unrold, and tile 0 .. 0 upo n bolo (d lnmet er Incbes) should be l ow~r snoke pipe and IlSC IlII tv til e dents In JUdea.. Ho Imllledlately "01\b lng III unfeigned. The queen ' of Rou· colvcd tho Ideo. of going to J rU llnlem. W om the DlyllI\! corum Iss It'I! r SIS sawed . 'fho hater III p la<:ed In this centcr of the low r JIIlrt of tlle l'.eatlll g mania II (amliuB fa .. her klndnesB. Hel a nd hllvlng oblllinetl the conaen t or the finLls th~t jultt nt th e rl~ht tim e th' opening nrod rests on a Ir-llvDlIiozed Iron chamber. Th e beat· · fi ector c' mlle ls their cl rculaU ng to !l' e outl;'r' tlJ lIe 'If Bpeclal study for SO. years has been tbe kIng, he I1Il1do the journey th Uh,'r. n ",- he lll be neNls Is ex tend ed So It wae rim (tu s hi e IIln m leI' (i~ Inches). nllzlng t hat lhe one Ihlng nee!lrul ..... e I tI f N h Fe I ~ 2I I I I b tho beaUng cbamb r T hl/Y Ilum M' 1Ieedl of the blind, but Roumanla Ihe re"torll.llon of the Wil lis oC J eru8al Qru , n Ie ca s e 0 e emlab. ur tlgs, ,X)( Ill' 1 II S IOU d e Ilt· lIot yet tollowed ber lead ane! adopt ed he set to wo rk wI th grea t .m· As btl lay OD tb e coucll , h .fl, not t o tached to tlte box; tb oy s hou ld project ceod to lll~ up pcr )Ja l' ot the chamber. flow back 10 III ccntt:r of Ille henter I'rgy 80 that the worl, \Y1lS com pleted sl p but to layout a dcflllllt. work. 8 ~ luc.b es bolow It. Tb l!! l'oof Is a light woode n frame, Ilnd are Qlll'rled art by tbe lI PO , IImokll h er Idea.. A friend at the queen r & 10 5~ da),8. H r(' rormed th e, I'I\,1I und lu g plan tha t the g rellt purpose () f Clently eald In New York: "When ('ar· r Ilglous condition O[ til pl'opl<,. nforced his h(lart mll!ht be r allz I. h IVOU, cover d on both Id(l wi th heavy cot· {llpe. Fuel Is saved by tbl s for 't;d cl,'· e nomy Ilnd JIIStl • 1 cHto l'e<l th" tem_. a1en S y I va told me to go out ane! hell' pIt.! services, nnd r - 0 1111 'Ied til MOHll lo dered whetlle r be would be :Ill to WiD t oii. It sboulLi tit In slde the bllx lev'e l culntlon of tile lump fum es; I It b v,' r the bUnd, I answered, 'Your majellty, covenant. Nl'hcmlnh hlmaelr relurn d to lh people to underta'K the ':;' eal work. with tb~ lUL', nod be s uppor ted on Is warmer nt tho outside thnn towunl 3 Jiow ca.a lr 1 am not a rlcb woman.' sojourn hIs poat InIn J th uden.P.. rsll~n cou rt. lift er hla He did not dOlfbl God or blmsel f, but ' r - -.....--......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -ISbe gave moll a reproacbful look,. and lie did doubt th e wuy In which Ws IIald, 'Money! Why do you apeak as 11 ••••••• IH'oposnl " 'ould appea r to th i\eople. money were 0111 GI'fe yourself!'" Tbe SERMONETTE. "Bul I mUBt umke a begi nnin g, for ~ueeQ. of ltal,. to these last day. bas • without ~be ltelp of the peopl ~ \,"0 can bad a matchless o&portunity to endear. Goodne .. that t al:es the fight dp notblng." be excla imed. at Itlst rls · .. out of • man when fig hting Is lug reso lutely and I! ummonlne{ one of ~('rae1t to her people by her devoUon hi s s e n 'unta. • necessary, I. not the right brand to the wretcbed 8ufferers by the earth· of good... In r"s poDse to tlle m ssagus whlcb ,ualr.e, BaYs the Youth'lI CoitipanJon, Iron Is needed In the blood, as be Inslructed tb e s rVIUH to dell'fer lRo nurae or doctor or priest has aur· • well a. goodness, to make a man tbere gathe red a sbort time later all pallled her In service. She has Ignored • a tower of IItrength and the sue· • th e nobles and rulers of the . city, t~ !Weariness and danger, and faced hoI" cessful champion of a great un. gether with th e .prlests and ' the kons unfllncblDgly. She haa worked dertaklng. Levltes, to wbom be rrankly and fully IIDtU she CoUld Dot ItlUld. and tbe~ has Nehem ia h was luch a man. unfolded his plans. ,one to BIt by the bOIl pi tal beds to He had the quality of good·' " Ye see the dlslress t.hat we lll'O ne.s wh ic h made him a reverent ' . In." be exclaimed, earnestly ; "how comfort and amUse th e Injured chll· • and devout man before God and : J erusa I em He th was t e. and the !;lltelJ Qen. She has boon all womlUl and all a kindly, helpful man ' towaTd. • thereof are burn ed with firE: ; come. tueen, and ber tears and her deeds hla fellow man. and let ua build up tbe wall of Jerusa-~==========~~----.-p-~~-~-~ ~ ~ E CTIOH ave won ber the 10'fe of the whole But theeo gentle characterill' <0'> lem, that we be no more a reproac h ," world. tici did not prove a . weak nell " Looks. ot wonder o'erspread I the • when It came to facing the taces ot the men betore him. Heoouid forces of evil. He could te aa ,. read In tbelr expres8.lons how perfect.. I. A theater Ullber was bamed at a peratem and relentlesa all he wal • ly Impossible ReeDled the project. But torm.nce, the other nJght, by a woman gentle .nd good. he had won thelr conadence and sym· tUng 18 an orclleatra row where her He tru.ted In God, but It pathy ~ bll opening wordl wbl n be ead cOmpletel)' oblcured the Itace for tru.tfulnell which kept hi. eye had Identl6ed himself with the1 elty e people Immediately behInd her, on . the enemy Ind his hand on and Its l1eeds. He made them feel qyl the Boston Herald. Three Umes the aword to .trlke If nece •• lty that In Bplte of the high place he beld Jle tallied down the alBle to make the demanded. In the Benlca of the king and the 1l8ual request, and eacb time wbea be He waa .uch a type of man a. • -eaae and luxury which were his back looked at th. "head" he saw It was no God gll:ve to the United Statea Ilt Babylon be baJ voluntal'lIy made In the peraon of Waahlngton • tbe loug journey thither', and In a\l obtrndlns bat but atmpl), a atack of and Lincoln, and the eulogy the words of his appeal placed htmself lIutra 01 baJr. wIth a jeweled olulUDent which President Roo.evelt paid • as one of thCln and indlcatlng that he pitched toward the leftj eyebrow. But lhele two great men would apfelt the reproach upon JeruBalemoccu~u of. the back teats, ~comlng • ply equally to Nehemiah, whan the Zion of the J e ws. the b e!oved efty ...aUeal, 4Djolned the usher to go and 'the president said: . of their nutlon-as much a.a did they, 40 hla clut)', and finaU)', aa he co¥lclD't, " Each pO.Gelled all the gen. pe rhaps more. For long reBldenoe In one bolder than the othera addresBed tier virtue. commonly e~hlblted the presence o'f the discouraging con· the lady wUll "WlII you kindly repiove by good men who lack rugged • dlttous ' had developed an attitude of Jour h&1rT" Of coune, It bad 110 etrect atrength of character. . Each lndIfference on their port. towards po ••ealed all the ,trong quail. the m. And ,so the fllct that N he mlah except to brfng tbe witherIng, and a tie. commonly ' exhibited by • brought hlmselr rl ~ht down to t he level IDOlt uneipected. retort: "Thll 1II m)' tho.e towering masters of man. • of 't heir needs Impressed them deeply 0 .... halr, and doel Dot come ott! .. That PLAN OF CONSTRUC TION OF BROODER. ' kind who have too often .hown and won theIr eonfide nce . , lIItttled It, and admlratioIl succeeded A. Upper Sm!)ke Pip, to Carry orr the Fumes of t"'e Lamp. B. Cotto"n. them.elve. devoid of 110 much a. But with all the Symllilthy and ClOll· bltorn088, If not de,spair. It wu Indeed the under.tandlng of the wordl fld e nce wbich they fe lt toward8 Nt). Covered Frame or Roof of Brooder. C. Heat Reflector. D. Heating Chamber. .amethtng to look at and to oovet. No • by whloh we .Ignify the quail. heruiab, how was the great task wblcb E. TW9-Ply Flannel to Form the Warm Hover for the Chick.. F. Fresh Air Chamber. G. Lower ,Smoke Pipe. H. Galvanized Iron Rim on Which the matter It It was Impollible to see tiel of duty, of mercy, of devo. he propoSEJd to he carried out? Heater Rellte. I. Warn Fresh AIr Entering the Hover. around or above the billoW)', putty • tlon to the right, of lofty dl.'~Con slder the vastness ot the und er· m~s. Intereat'ettnlll In ba ttling for taking," exclaimed aile of the noble. the good of others. Each had present, "and think how weak we a re- baJf-Ineb clents. The roof fram e Is Sol the center, 10 that crowdlug of the Manufacturing wood pulp, tboush a lofty Ideals, but each In .trlvlng " In the presenOt! of the strong people Incbes Iquare antI Ol)e Inch deep, out· chicks Ia materlaJl), prevented. Warmed &esh aIr I. 8uppUed to tbE t caWie r' st d es t ruc tl. on. ' I aide dimensions. There should be a pot...u 0 .oro II to attain those lofty Ideall was amons whom we dwell." ~ 110 meaDll the onl), one. Notwlth. guided by the .oundest common "But do you not forget tbat God Is 4·lnch board across the middle of tbe hover by means of tbe tre.b air cbam. oW I th , ' 1h I frame. At tbe center of this board a ber . I'resh aJr enters at the bottom ...and ns e eno ~m~u. Increaee tn the &en.e. Each possessed Innex. w t us II tills undertaking?" , demand· ....e of metal. concrete and ' other ma. Iblo courage In adversity and a ed Nehemiah, confidently. 2·lnc~ bole Is required for the upper of .tbe chamber. It IB warmed by <;on. amoke pipe of the heater. taot with the . Jaot smoke pipe, arid A d h terlals for building pUJ1lOBes, the prosoul wholly un.pdlled by pros. ' n e wect on to t ell the m or tho A tl t I perity." • tidings which' had come to him 88 The run 18 2x3 feet.. It should be flowl Into the bover below the heaUng "lIC on 0 umber Is · Immensa. The blnged to the frout of the-brooder on a cbamber and aboye the h eada of t he cenlUIL bureau at Wn....""hlngton estt. all thll I. of Nehe· • be IHow h true h t served b J In the al preBenceI of th e king, level with the brooder Door. A three- ch1cka. matea that nearly $760,no.o,OOO worth m a , W 0 aacrlflced the luxury 0 ow erus em was n great dh· " and .;Jse of hi. palace po.ltlon tress and .the wall broken down. Bow section hinged fmme .Ix inches blgh of lumber, lath and · sblng,les waB that he might become the great God had spoken to his heart nod hl.loIl should be placed around the outsld~ ot Sklm·Mllk Fed Calve••-So man) turned out In tbe United States lut emancipator of hi. people at Je. • prospered his way. tbe run to conllne tbe chicks far , the people sp e l1-k of 'the trouble of raislnt. 7ear. With reports at hand from 21. rUllalom and lead them forward wT1Ie hllnd of our God was good first few days. The ' floor ot the ' run calves on skim mUk. Now there 11' 850 mills, it III proved that $707,096,40; Ir. that great reform which clr. • upou me," be went on to eay, "antI Ole can then be lowered to ·the ground trouble In ra.lling a call by an) worth w~ so produced. The detalll cled Jerusalem with a wall and • king spoke only words ot encoura.g e- and will torm a runway Into the method. If Ita mother Is used for dall1 broode r. ' • / are: Lumber, 40,26,6,16f.OOO feet. 'fal. , purposes. To let a calf to the cow anil th e people w Ith new loyalty to • men t t a me, and as you ' nil well know, ued at '66G.GU ,367; lath, 3,663.602,000, : God 's law. 1 have authority wU h me to gather The benter Ie made of galvanIzed talle it away when It has enough 111 s uch material a' d h h I Iron with the exception of the heat· mo'" w k th f dl b h Go 0 dne as II no t' me:llured by Talued at 510,342.706; shlngles , 11,824, , n s ue e p as we .... or aft ee ng y and. Fur · the length of prayers or the .: shall need," rellector. This sfi ould be cut from the/, the.r e Is no absolute way of tell· .75,OOD, val ned at ,3D,111,3B7. This , weight of personal vlrtuOl, but " Silence follow ed the words spoken, b r Ight Un. Th e dl mens IOtIS 0 f th e dlf• Inlt when the calf has taken th. e propc" 7ear III Witnessing ,a great reTival or rather by the dynamic force I~ but God was workin g U[lon the hearte ferent pa r t s 0 f til e h Oil. t ar are as fl o· am\lunt of milk. You just have ttl' operalloIlB In which bnlldlng material which Is opc~atlve In the affairs : or the men beron) bl m. lows: guess at It Tbe calf that Is ted b) 1I1aYII a part, and the de mand Is likely of men as a reautt of that rell. "Come," e x<;lnlmed one ot the num. Lower lWloke pIpe diameter, I hani can be rallied on skim milk afte r to be sUIl larger. glon. ber, riSing and turnIng an carnest (ace Illcbes; 'length, 61h lncbes. a fow days. and the cre am ·sa~ed. The ;~~ • ~~~ towards bls bre thren. "let U8 rise UII Fresh air ohamber-Dlameter, 6 calf tbat taltes its nourishment from THE STORY. and build," Incbes; le ngth, 6 Incbes. The fresh tha cow consume. all the cream In the Amobg the Immigrants who arrived The words were but the expressIon air chamber Is ' attached to the smoke milk, bence an expenBlve calf. Th~ In this country late'ly were a band of or e ve ry heart present and tbey arose pipe at the bottom. In tbe fioor of the hnnd·ted calf will soon learn to cal 300' bearty and healthy Wu rtem be rg SANBALLAT, tile Horoolte and as one mnn and eagerly pressed fresh air cbamber one-half Inch holes grass, bay, or grain and , will make aE maidens on lhelr way to Oregon to get T'lblllll, the Ammonlt~. SUPI;osed towards the . door. should be punched for the Ingress ot good growth, with care, as the calf fed huahandll among the lonel y sbeep herd. al'tel t hat first Intervi ew with N ebe· ~ That night Jerusalem was 'In no up- fresh rur. The fresh air. chamber Is In tbe natural way. It lives on cheap .rs. Tbls Is an invas ion wblch the nn.. i mla!l tllot he \\'ns on e they co u'ld roar of e xcite ment over the announc& open a t tbe toP. ~ foed, Is always contented, and tbrough tlve marriageable maidens ougllt to he • fri ghten from hi s good PUI'pot::es for me nt that work was to begin upon the Healing , c hnmber-:-Dlameter, 20 constant handling becomes a genU*, looking Into, If tbe surplull temlnlne J e rusa lem, or tra p Into a compro· walls, and everywhere- the nobles and Inches; depth, 2 Inches: A heat-ra- and Berviceable cow. Those who hllvt cont1~gent In the east Ie not careful mlslng alliance with th em. ih ey did rule rs and prfests were busy organJz. Bector (Inverted cone) Is placed tn tried the two mothodB find that th( the bl I not wltb their cuatomar)' keenn ess form Ing the forc es and assigning the por. below the top of tbe beating chamber. sklm·mllk method II safe, easy, and g matr monlal market In the west I n con',lct estimate or tbe m8.B with tlons ot the work. D. the heating chamber. Tbe dlamefer of profitable III eveI7 WilY· . wtll be monopolized by foreign elltor- whom they had to denl. So the work Wa.s begun and waa be: the cone Is 18 Inches, e!epth 114 Inch These two me n were mlgllty men prille. Ing pressed with 'flgor, wben re ports The apex of . the cone Is one-balt Inch: A Good Indlcatlon.-Tbe oow' with In the lund nnd up to the coming 'ot were brougbt to Nebemlah t hat San. above th! bottom of the healing cham· a . deep udder, the forequarter of the Count C08111nl, formerly ambassador Ne hemlab had malntnln !l a sway over ba llat and Toblnh wera organizing a ber by tliree ,c hips at the top., The up-' ujider, lwell down away from tbe body, at Washington, wbo bas applied (or r e- I the city of J e rU!lalem and tbe Coun· foroe to desce nd suddenly .upon . the per and lower surfacel of tbe heating . ,,!,hlch udder, when mllkell out, ' 'fs tlrement after nearly G4 years In the try round It. and It w as with III-<:on· wo rkers upon the wall, and slay them. cbamber shQ.jlld be ,rigId; they clln be 'sla~, deep, and pliable, . ~d «:mpty, Russian 'd ip lomatic service, oUj;;ht to cealed 1Iostllity t llat tbey sought' tbelr • Then did great fear, seize hold upon ' -Itayed to the qone, o~ ,held by two·wh. may be ~ooked ·upon as an excellent be able to write a n Interesting book .first Inte rvi e w an~ took a me ntal meas· those wbo labored on the wall, lind nails driven through the chamber and milker. ' bul pOBslbly the ' censor mi ght not ure t~rt Ill e man who had come all the ,.' ,way rom Babylon upon some Impor tile work all but ceased, but Nehe ruJah IOldered. Upper Bmoke plpe-DI(lmeter 1 Polnt'~ ,Che'llpne ••,....:.Obeapness 'In low Its publication In SL Pet~rsbur~. tan t IDlsslon. Tbe y saw that his cr;' went ampng the people' and said: "Be not ye a.frald' of t~"m: reme~. Incb; . hingth, • fnoheJ. The lJPpet .,pr~ducUon".lsUie . first point 'to "'be Commenting on the fact' that Presl, d entll!ls from the king ,were nil "Igbt, ber the Lord, whlcb Is great and ter. amoke pipe ,sbould be ' soldered OBa- maBtered by the .beglnl'r"'r. tifl! ,and the pres~nce of tb e kln g's soldiers ~nt Roosevel,t bas set ulde 70,000 prevented th em fl'o!U c:omruJltlng any rlble. 'a nd light for your brethren, your balf Incb ins ide ~h~ b~o..Ung cb~mber. ' b~edblg,·ho should wor}.· :<lr la~ge lit· sons ·and your daught.ers, YOur whes To ,complete-tbe ~eatertwo str.1p" of, ' t!3-rs , e~rl~ . mat\lrt~')' &Jid .liuaUty. acres on .be Pacific coaat' as a refuge overt ,.a ct of v1ole~.ce. and yOllr hOuses." Dannel 8h~Uld ,be pla~d ar~und,. tbe . ,.,. ,'. . :,' ~ for bll'dl; a German ' periodical ex, Neltemlr.b made no response to their And It canle to P&8!l, wh~ni Sanl,aJlo.t Dutslde , ot ·the heating ~~I!-.~ber and {Vear'~ . Recfl.rd. Tel/.,-A.·· coW must , c.lnlmll : "And thlB In the land ot the · menacing word., nncl Snnho.llat and 'dollar bllnler8,' white" we In Idealistic Tolllah. taking his allence to mean a and Tob.l ah' heard th a,t , their plot wu ' Ued "wf~h 'tt: , cord t~, (t~: , The ~ann~) ' b!t\ kept ~e ~bol,. year~ . ~d w~e~.b e'" he 1fa~m·h!l&rted Ge rmany ha~e Wlthl~ reco~.tt1on of th eir power, felt sa tls- kno~, \lIt:l Nohemlab, altd tbat tt ~ }~trlp, shoU~d. exte}id four 'nebes, be)~~: or, nqt !l ,II! .a . p~y.'!l~ Inve!l~~e:ilt: de:' ws wort. prepar'lng to fight. that :.he ,~~ter,,: Jrhey, r:e~cbto "ltblD ~n~ ~dl. ti~1J ~e receipts· Irom ' hel' tor J e the lut 60 yeal1l ~mpletely e:lt~rmt ~ed that thoy ' coul,!l bMe no further they failed to carry', but 'their plan . 01 lncli Q'f · ~e door of otl!.e brctdder, aha the" r~.1 ,.UD>"' . she , . kE!pt.. ' ", " ' Dated leveral va.rl;ltlea. of ~lrdB." trobble and took th~lr d parture: 8 • ,J -: ·ll/ehe mlllh Rat tong In medI tation attack, but ~eyefthel~s3 ' NehenlJah form a warm ,h over·.Cqr the c~IQk caused half of, thosa who wroug~t upon ·. trllla sll.:oUld ,be ~at .'YeQ<.:-fOUl' ..,nch.e .",..... Put "'anu... , 00 , ~.i'cte".'::"'B,jgID . to He realized be must act at oDce, and Tlje ,"eewellt Ilie" probably wlU tbe wall to w~ wi~b .~ ani: al~rnat.eI1' 110 u ·to pre~eDt. ~e ptepare ,fo •. D~t )'eaf'a' 'Vesetables by eome wben 111 the UmlJer ara.llabJe fo' by bIB lJIlpetllOslt y and 8wlftness of ~ shIelds and ~~a U:d 'tll, habtu'l8CIIW . eHape or . b~~ ,',. ' ; ' , ."., ~e.~uaIDI the Prde,n '.andg8"tlq If tion sweep the people' Into the . C41!l1 • ... ID hlldina· houloahu be9D ' a '.. J'or .tlle ~p,,~ .. . . .eUir ot~e. ob ~" to pIn U It ~.. DOt; plow.cs . inS' out IIf his »Ionl. No tilDe . . . to whil" tbe othen .worteG. '1 0 ."aI' ' " Iom~ , ~t. .~'li' Ipcb..;. . depth, J IIIOMIJ .... tr.1&. . . ; : ' . <. bA ~.t 0 " .

The Miami Gazette










. AI't1l1t- Y 8 . my art Is my forlull . . fod el (c!tcedly)-Never Ililud. P'~ l" erty is no crl m . CUT ICURA CURED HI-M , Eczema Came on Legl and AnklcCould Not Wear Shoea a.cau .. Of Bad Scaling and ItchIng. "I havo been s uce BBflllly clU'ed or

dry ecaema.

I was inspecting ilie I' moval of noxious wecos from tbe edgE ot a rlv I' und was CODlilDnlly In ttl( dus t from the weeds. At u~bt J cloanlled my li mbs but felt 11 1)l'lckly se nsn 1Ion. I paid no alte illioa tu 11 for two y ars but I ootloa4 a scum 011 my 1 gs like fish scales.. I tlId n.o1 att end to It wl UI It cllme tD be to" Itcby nnd sOl'e a nd began getting t~ runnIng so res. My ankles we re nil sore aud scabby and I could DDt w ItT' sho s, I had to use enrpe ~ and telt sllplJerS fOI' weeks. 1 got I.L cako ot tllo utlcur3 Soap and samo CutlCllrll Ointment. In less than ten dnY Il ) could put on my boots and Iii lass tbD.ll thr 0 W e k!! 1 was Cree troD! Ute co . founded itching, Capt George P. HilliS ., Ch i r of Pollee, Morris, lll:laltoua, Mar. 20, 1!lD7, a nd Sept. 24, 1908," Po tl~r J)roll &. ObAlm. Oorp~ iIIolu ['tvpe., IloflOll T~e

Truubl e.

A muld tJ Tvont In the f.IlD91oy of •

Brooklyn woman was lett th e otber d ay In harge ot tbe c.hUtlren \Vbl bel' mlstl'eslI went for a Long drive, "W'II . Mary." asked the ludy, on h r r e tllnl, "bow did th e chlldnla bcbuv l< dllring 1Uy nbl:J nce? Nicely. 1 hopa " '.'Nlcely, ma'am ," Mary 6Q8wered. "but nt the ud the y foqht u!\ rlbly together," . "Fight! Me rcy me! wh, dJd the,. -fight?" " To decide," said Mary, "wk.ich wa. b ehav ing th best."- Harpor's Weeki. No Luxurlel. _ "·Why, yo u'" got tbe grip, old tuaIl. ' "I buv not. · 1 cap·t alford to quit work nn:! go to bed. TIlls's mer ly .. darned bad cold,"

------- 1>.&,'


P .....zO 0 11"1'

Il'lN'l'I StrUI'm"", ,tI

'" ClC\1

aDI """

(If I lAlbJDII. IIlI nd . D1Nl<1 tng or ~ pu",. ... 8'" U<l4.J. or UluD C7 ...,JWldo.1. .....

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.always ;helprw.,·

' .; ~,

nee. hi the turmOIl wbiclt aho bell' . would CNJJ ! . " Yes! T hat Is the way for s uch ae mel Tile onl,y way l And I'm used to It !.. Now 9nfty "'1lS ehooi, ed! "My father-or m ot'l "!r--or graun yt'r"-she hesltated-·"Snm-have, a t one' ti me or .anolhe r, used all t hese UHngs 'on me. 1 Deed the sname! You need th e whlp !'~ And she laughed a !Ittie berself, a nd t hat wal Selly'. e xcuse for jolnlu g ber. "You have no tem per . a nd I have a thousand times 1.00 much . . You cau A ROMANCE see how th a t will worle And , SelTy, you got a bad reputation a bout bere OF A now, and 1 wouldn't llko yo u to have It always. So you must brace u p and FARM do tbin gs "10 malee people llko you again. l ' W'lilt you t o be a ble to face anyon e at tbe sto re-and do It In tront at Saol." Tbe dull Serfy anpwered: 'J OHN LUTHER LONG "But wbl't (;an I do?" WuabMlo. . b~ DOD WUaOD \ The WhOi.O case soemed Q.ulte hopeless. "I don't know. But there Is some· SYNOPSIS. t hi ng. Ask you r pappy. W hat ver The crow nllllr deslro In lhe lire of old It Is, I will help you. Yo u know Il 8aumgn.r , IL P e lllllly lvl1nln le rma n. 18 makes me foolish, too. And 1 hato .0 oh l lLln 1I0llY('sslon or lho' bcnuU(u l any lhiu l!.' - belug I I udo lV whk h li eu j us t hel\\'!'!'n ntlum- that more th an • ar t nc r '" p rope r ~y a n d lho r ailroad ~ I U ­ laughed at. If I was you, I 'd li cit Sum. IloD . Th o p roperlY In QU C:8 110n \\' 118 In1 rl t ed by Qur nh PrcHlIl' l, very prell Y But I kn ow you 1\'on't. 1 expect he's lnd a lhl c Uo yo ung girl . unel 'belo nged too big fo r you. B ut thore a rc other .01 Iy to her. A l lengl b Bnumgurlner lam e l o r eali ze Ihat his only hope of things." ,bt nl nlng lIle prope rly would b tl lI'ough And Se tty Ic ft he r Ilt her door t.hat Iho m n rrlnbo of h ili lio n S el'h e nlj tlh t o Sarn h PrCllllel. In n mnelc n t: 'li o n "Setry. " night, d etermined to do some great &8 S cph e n lj:> h P . B uu m gurt ne r, J r. . la tb lng t o set blmBelf properly be fore , o pularly koow n, I,. I'lllll 'd ofT b y hIe lath er to S ll r uh ror $1. H e npp enr s utle r- the little community once more. BeIY Incapl ('ll ate el t o w i n In nny co n t est of clluse--onco more-she ha d le t him lc7ve Qr uto. Snrtl h P r eMol III Quite lite ,pp081t ot Selry. Bh e Is nil li fo and a ni - kl BS her. 11 0tl on. H e r one f au lt II! Il very hi g h He and bls father held a sta r·cham· • mper . Bnu rngllr lner g ives S l) fTy SO l1l 0 . "Ions In c ourlSh lp. B oumgu l·t ncr h llll be l' session that night yet=--Serfy .used hLmlK'lt to be nppoln t ed g ua rd lnn waIling him up tor It. . If So lly. SelTy III un able to re 1st t ho "Take her home from cbu rch be:lIJIclnnti ng w it ch eri es o r Sully nnd h e 11.1IBe& h e r . S he p ro m ises him. howcv cr :b a t Bhe will never kiss n ny m a n bu i goshens! " adjudged - his fat he r.. ' t1m . B IlnI . Frillt . 0. drunke n groe I' Y a d vice Now tbls seems small ~rlc--o l d B au m g(lr l ner (.'0118 hlm I.L "moit e gu pon eat ~e _ t n pper':.",cnlle f' n Sall y nnd Intor a sma U rn a tt or. Bu t was v ry r ' \\J)18 the IcL"I8l llg . T hey - 1;0 Into th o parOl' o.nd begin I.L "al t ting up" Oll t 8 1. In ad vice upon a ,.ery great · matter , as '11 see• lccor<la n ~'e with the c us lo ms o f tho pl nco lnd the Umc. th e one who 19 d e fea ted you WI


wa. three oCber f@ne-.1I . wlSil mett $ 33,00 PEFISONALL Y CONDUCTED arma out -and the ri ght sid yet ! Bu, EXCURSIONS. I your daddy w ~ close up agai nst U,lf , church door. And wbe n IIhc como oul Colon I" ono.wn y li ItN I:l Chlcngo he didn' t waste no time a·saylng polite, t o lh' ,PacifiC COl t, v!a tlJ e Cbicn.go, I 'Miss · Hengl r, ken 1 baf t h e plenaurt n.lou Pllclfic and Nortbwestel'll Lin , to see you hom I e venI ng?' ~1I li re orr aule dany aurlng- r.fnrc 1 Dnd 'a' lost tbe game If I hnd w~lte d to g il AJlrll al. III rllte of $ ~3. 00 . orre· oft n il t hat tl lctJoDary stuff! Yasslr ! 6pOllillu gly low rales f roUl (III \lol uts. Fo r right opposite me wns Bill El sen· Douu ll:! uprlh In touris l 51 eplng car krout-S am 's unc1e--an d 1 knowed his (Jul y $7 .00. thl:ough \\'l tI~ ou t ch a ng \ 0 arm'd shoot out lIlte a patent corn· Suu ~'I'H"nl·lsco . Los Angcl ·s nnd Portbusker t he min ute you' mam my come IHnu . 1'\0 ex t I'll charge on (Jllr pa rtlon· "H E> was mIgbty quick . but mighty nlly conducted tours. \ Vl'ite fOI' Itlnpo li te ! 1 kno wed he'd Bay that fo ol· el'nry !lnd fu ll )la!'lIculars \ 0 · R A. Ishness about being pleaBed to see he r 11 Illcb I. o n . Manager Tour ist Dppnrt· : AL CO H OL-') P ER CENT borne. Well, abe come out a nd I cllUsl mont , ~ 12 Clru'k Str ct. Chicago, 111. A\'I.>grtable Preparaliol1 ror Asgrabbed. And while I was marching simil.lling li1efood a "dne~ uia ­ on 111\ 0 a conquerin g hero, inform ing DURING THE SHOPPING. ling Ihe S lomachs and Bowels of he r tha t It was a nice efen lng, I could hea r Bill on ' the olf s ide , gl ttl ng out that stull 'bou t plea sure and seelns Promotrs Digestion,Cheerful' hc r bomo. Nancy says, says she : 'Sanl, you, Mr. E isenkrout, I'm suited ; ' ness and Rcsl.Coniains neilher lind I laughed Ill, hell! And , begosll· Opium,Morphine nor "1inc ral ens, Nancy laug,hed too! And that N OT N An C OTI C BetUed Bill fo r efer more ! Oh , It's noss lng like a la ugh at the ri ght ti me to k ill a m an off! BIll lett town the '~ 'I/. next day. He had too. And he 'dldn 't U '1111 sbow up t cll th e next fa ll ! Ser. you got I!. sure sin g. And, begoshens. you n OJ'e get lin g so der might just as well t!nls ll Sam up In f'ul, you C!1u'l t rust YOll r best 1'1'1('ntl. . th e same job-put hi m out at t~ n . Pe r('Y-A:ud what's w or_<" you can ' t Next S unda y yo u wa tch Sam. Keep get YOlll' bost friend to t rust you. AP rree l Remedy ror (on lip<' · rl s h t opposi te b lm . . 'l'hcn glt YOU I lion . Sour Sto mach ,DIClrrhoca, Ilrm In action a bout a second sooner. BABY HORRIBLY BURNED Worms .Convu,lsions ,Feveri s h· Le ft side, you I, now, h I' right! Sally ness and Loss O F S L EEP '11 be on the lookou t. Don't stop to By Boi ling Greas&-Skln All Cam e Off .. One Side . of Face a nd Heo1dsoy a ny fool sings a bout t h o pleasure ".'le imi1c S;gn a lu re of T hou ght Her Qlsflgured for ' Life. of seeing he r home. Do It. An d, wh en Sam gltB his work In , Iaugb I -~ -_ .. "; Use d Cut icura : No Sca r Left. La ugh like a bul l I And glt Sally to TH E C ENTAUR ·C()~f flANY . la ugh. I bet you two dollars and ten ' N EW YORK,. "My baby was silting beside the e n ts lhat Sl1m won' t be in lown t be . At6 mOT1ths' old ' I fender and we w I' prepllrlng the day !" Like a cam paign speech was the breakfast when tile trylng'pan fu ll at DO~·J:~ ·-JjCE. ~T5 · ba lli ng grease was Ull. et and Il went nil elTect ot this ! Selly ohjected no longer. He suld 0\1el' olle 5!de of bC'r f ace nnd hea d. b e wou ld d0 It a· 1.11. P er h aps thl a,' t 0 0, Some one wlpC'd th "cald with n got about. At a ll evonts before t he towel. p ulli n g tho e nllre sk in off. We nex t Sunday th Inl(! rest created ' b" took h r to a doctor. ,11 tend d Iler their rival ry "was m or~ than equlll to a week a nd gave me Borne st u n' 10 Pll t In Buell 0. con test III unworthy t.ho hun d th e voice or th e Gasp I. All tbe tOW{1' on. nUl 'It Illl fester d and 1 though t VIII. I r I h gt rl. S elTy gO(,8 to sl eep n nel bet ile ba b y w as dl sflgul' d for li re. I ship would be a t church! Jlns 8n o rln g. So lly I (1 \ ' !l I h e r oom In 11 am would not be d lslodgsd. He used a bout three boxes of Cutlcurn bu lT. IIny lns: Oood nigh t. gentleme n." The White Signal Which Might Soft'y l e llll his ra t her ot hlA hum lll lUlo n ~ Well Have Been Bl ack. Inve n ted the most dia bolical schem es 'Ointmen t and It was wand rrll l how ~ f h o,," Sam f.'rlt z had plnnod to h ili No s uitor In Ge rman·Pe nnsylvanla, for s equestrating Sall y to hlms 'lt duro it heale d. In abou t five weeks It was ~OI!Otrl whil e h e Itl pt a palll ebou rd lom bt ono boorlng 11'1 0 In scription : .IS phe nl- though It be In Maryland, lt lls entirely Ing the week which followed- Into better and tber o was n' t a ma rk to t 11 In ll P. Baum gurt ner. Jr.. ,,' n t to h ili rest , J u n e lU, 187J. tn t he t wentlethyeo.r establlBhed his ri ght to the malden ot whlcb guileless Sally often feU- and where the scald bad been. B l' skin of hla age. O<l no bu t not ( ol'goL R ead' his choice, either berore the ~\Ibllc or which scemed to procla hn her sulto' Is just like velve t. Mrs. H are, I, baekwal'dll." 8 f't y an d StIl ly m e t a t th e Polson .prlng. She u rges h hh t o 110 l ome- In her slgbt or his own, u.ntll · ~ hAS to be hlmselt. Sam, you remembel . H enry ·St., South ShleldB, Durham, lII1DC te redecll~ hlmsolf. e scorted ber offhand from cburcb on had access to Sally, but Sefty had nol England, March 22 1908." a Sunday night. . And this he must ac· Se lfy confessed that this looked BI1lIa- retlar Droll .t CbCDl. Corp.:Bole ProPs.. Doewn. 4:HAPTER VII.-contlnued. compllsh Ilt the church <loor, out 01-, HII First Vlalt. ' "getrr," sle Bald a little later, ''10\1 8Ometime9-11. savllge rivalry challeng- te l'. True, he remQmbe red all that hhd them. B ut once before Tbe wide check of his suit nnd his pa ss ed between know I sot an awful temper?" Ing dlsas\er. he had been In error. monocl e proclaimed Ws IIIlUonallty ._--·"Pappy says so," sighed Sefty. For by this Simple, primitive, heroic So that Serfy, before the week's from a far. His' first American ac. . "He's 'light, and you know 1 But. procell8 the statUB ot conte Btants for a end, . hegan once mo re--and more ' Sefty-yoll can belp me to cure It- mid's t avor Is fixed. H e whose arm s trongly-to deprecate the hecesslty QualntaDce, m~t 'In the s ten mer, hnd ·",111 you?" fo~ this public demons tra tion of hla supplied him with an Immense a mount ot strange and wondertul Information JOY leaped back Into her lite and It , status. His rather .demandetl It as a about the United States. was 'Very IJweet. And would he? He diplomatic ' neceSSity, Inaamuch as Sally stUl retained Sam or;; a basla so · "And slnce you are an En gli shman," left hor no ' doubt- not the least. She ' It was explaIned, " every IIl.ore will at hovered about him bewltcWngly: What much lII(e bls nwn as to make the sit· once c h arge you f rom fl ve t a t e n ti mes the peerlnl moon saw- l shall not tell. uatlon extremely embarrassing to even what theY ' would ask an American." • And when the watchful old man Baw Old Baumgal'tner, who had let It be "Eb I What?" said tbe BritlBher, them coming out ot tbe cotton woods known that he was the active coadju· aghsat, and then wltb Il 1001, of great together be went slnifn/l: bome arid tor ot bls aon. To vanquish Sefty was cunning : "But, my ' word ! I s ha wn't - - slept. to vanquish him, and he, l.t not Serfy tell th em, don 't you k now I. "• himse lf, screwed Serfy's courage to the Ob, It was not entirely the pa&t\lresUcking point. After this, Serfy weak Gelcl. now. . He d.ld DO forget that. ened no more, but proClaimed his pur· But Setry whom he adored-perhaplJ pose. It was generally conceded that for the very KentJeneBIL and sweetnea8 tbe one who failed now would have to which coastantly vanquished bls bapleave tOWD. . plness-Serfy was going away from . So here was retiring l1ttle Selty happlnes. which sought bim-and, for forced by circumstances Into a publlo this fanDer, and ' this time and place. rivalry which be detested. alld, It . where wa. little JOY and much labor. It maya's well be confes sed- feared. It seemed wantoD-lt was wa nton! Do must, also, be e xplained , that Sally's ,"OU think It was a. .1I~t tiling that coursl'! In malntalnl g these two strings kept Sephenljab P. Baumgartner, Sento ber bow until e breaklng moment tor. awake for five ·nlghts? For, let me WIlS not only u versal1y commended, tell you bere, all this bad become but waB the un ven1ng custom of the .erlou8 ' hullneaa to the old mo.n-If vicinage for · rls so fortunate a s to we . do' treat It lightly. For he IQ.ved hli son-adored Sally-and valued the II taken . can tace ble little world on hpNe two strl gs. It was h.e ld likely pastnre-fte1d. Theretore~ in striving Monday. He WhOS6 ~rm ~ re jected Is, to to~ce one or the other to the polut to btlng tbem alHntcl'ltls keeping to· on Monday. a Roclal ~xJle. For the -=and thlli, ',W!ls the purpose at rustic • Ai£ber, he W8.11 dealing with the things small world ot the viCinage Is alwllYs cOQ.uetry! And Sally s coquetry #fDA ItU~lng8 to 'you) h8 laved most 'pn there and this Is the malden'S publlo not only acknowledged; It ·wa*"toJ. , earth. You, of course, have greater election of him sbe chooses to honor , erated, and, 1 fear, encouraged. And, things, But yon must, DOW and then, and her public rebuke to bls too pre- was, It bad been as sll'eet to ber al try to feel the lmper.lousness or smaU sumptuous rival. And, after that, ahe vinous dlsslp~~on to men. l,lut no,,' things In smllllllves, Is h poor thing Indeed who wlU , be It had made not only bel' own, but I sllaU teU you of their conversatlo.n seen' in pubUe with the latter. For Se1!}"s position tremendously more Li they came trom tlle Polson spring, nothJng Is more sweet and cruel than dlfflcult. (TO BEl CONTINUED.) Only One of Many. the radiance of the moon In Serfy's love. \ "Thnt's a queerl y cut d in ne r jacket wan face, the very jo~ at {'(Ie starry Selfy was not a puhllcly-acknowl. HIS FIRST LITERARY EFFORT, you bave on." bea~en~ III that ot the glrl-I must tell edged suitor. ·He could not be. It 'Tas "'fnl s Is not Ii dinner jacket. It', • you what their talk was at. And I beg 100poiSlble! There was 'that tomb: Not Likely Among the "Six Bee' mellJ sack." you to remember tbllt· these stOne stlU up In the store. Sam had Sellers" of That Year. "Having takeu your wonderful 'Cascnsmall thIDS~, which you . deapls'e, were not yet been dislodged. Antt6erfy had rets' for three months and being entirely all they had there and then. I bave not yet arrived · where he might put A party of friends had gathered ID cured of stomach catan:b and dyspepsia, I think B word of praisC is due to . wondered whether the wanton aacrl· the awful Question-there wJls a recog- tho author's house to congratulate him • 'Cascarets' for their wonderful composi. , . Ice cit a cblld's toy wben be IB three nlzed period tor this, and events had on tbe success of his new book. Tile, tion. I have taken numerous other soDot IlS dreadful as the sllcrUlce of his put It further aod further oft! Indeed, were ~xtravagantly enthusiastic, .. called reu.1edies but without avail, and I love wilen ~e Is 20. Do you know? bo shuddered when he thought of It friends ar.e apt to be on lIuch 00 find that Cascarets relieve more iu a d ny "Selfy," laid Sally, with his hand :- even t.he·n, atter that understanding caslons, and tbe young' author was than all the others I bBve taken would in beld so eloise under ber ~aUng heart 'with Sallyl-and contemplated getting sweJUng visibly. The Ilut.c:>r's mother a year." James McCune, Ulllt' lt registered each avid pulsntion, bis father to do It for him. . beamed, Finally one at the gueau 108 Mercer St., Jersey City, N.J. Pleasant, Pol atable, PoteDt, Tasto Good. "I am moat to blame and you have It 'had become known, In the wire-' turned to her. "Tell me, did your BOD Do uood. Never Slcken,WeakeD or (iripe. forgiven me. But you are to blame, less way such things' spread In the ahow symptoms ot literary genius at lOc,ZSc1 SOc. Nover aoltllobulk. Thell'eDulne taDlet 81ampell C C C. Guaranleed 10 too, and I hope you ,-oo't forgive coulltry, that there had been a tenta· nn early age? I pre,ume he did, and I ewe 0, )'O\U' ~~ ~ :..-_ _~ )'ourself too Boon." tlve maklng·up between 8efty and you've got some haby erfuslon treal' "For why?" queried the 41ull Serfy, Sally. But Selfy. was stlll not received ured away." "I havs the Brst letter STIRCH-~ooupnl\~:a~ with attention only ' for that wildly In public. Nor did he appear willi be ever wrote me," laid 'he molher, -other .lJIrcb~. onT,. 12 ollnce...... mo prlco ' . "tl ~eating thing-tor, alai; that '\iV8S .hls Sallyl ". Nor might he call upon her! sm1llng. "and maybe you'd oall It hll "DI:II'IANO." 18 IUPERIOR QUALITY. 'b ane as hera W8.11 8Ometblnl: ell_for· There must' be Bome open defiance and first literary erfort. He was 011 8 gettlngfuture peril!! In present happl· victory which all could see.and under- vilit to hfa grandD:lother'8 and he had "De.s. . . stand before . these thlngs m!gbt hap- never visited her without me before. "Then 'yoti'111lJ: It· before you do I" pen. The rJglithand of reno!,ed fellow- But maybe you'd 'lIke to hear the let· "Fix What'" uted ~e astonl.hed . ehlp wOul~ not be extended to Sefty un· ter," Tbe guests cbol'}1sed -'Yes" eag. ...• . til he hact met and vanqulahed his rival orlt. The motber .producect a crum· SeUy. . "Yoa let iOPM!&1f be fooled. , A.tld jln pUbllQ: It :waa ~h.e prlmlU ve rlgbt Illed · · en'velope and paper .~nd read Ulat jaJae. ' my t~mper more. than any· .of the atrongea~, proved physically slowly: ' "Dear Mama-· -Tbe dog8 II ~tbtD. elle, . 1 don't want n!> bea,u that bere . as In the circus. Sefty awtuHhlck' bere. Your lovlng .0D... · ·.~elT ODe laughs at. ~,?u .go.t ~o have ' ba'dl never ,Sh~WIl .hJ~~~lt 11 ,J?Bster. ?f ' . .. . more ·backbone. When I am m~n :to materIal prowess. He demurred a bit ". S~eet Potatoes 'Came Firat, .. 1on-;I. w't>help .it wbim lIlY tempe~s Ilt lIuch. !L plupge Into ~e arena. . . ~ut' . WbtlU .Falstatf, In ' 'The up--aDd .It! • . ha~d to ~e~ it, ~ow.Q, the~ ~~s \ n~ .C?ther w~y. . Wives of WllldS?r.'. e~cla\tn8,' "Le.t .th. "m18btJ. har.d. 'when ttl. uP:-'when I am . ."Why, · set," , ad.~lsl)d ' his -fatl1er, B,ky rNn potatoeB !' he "o~ not re.tla · men to jQ\i-Curae IDe! /' . ·..a:twr ttiat It's a' deaif open,' and' s~ut to OUl'~ hlimely vegetable, bu~ to aweet SeJrJ .~red aghai~, ' He wuuJd . ".game.. . Yo~,.bet.ter .d(' ,t~e .~lggeBt . a.lng P9tatoea ' (pl\t:'les) a very "MIOil ..ave heaped ·ma:leUlcUe48 upon yon kett-an'd that's the end ot .lt. It 1.1 sor.t o~, · ~u.t 1!0'IDmon ,n .....,5·!...U,~ bed of an arcbaQgel! . bad Sally .on ~y I!!"e.l · wouldn't kee~ b,efore Sir Waltw Ralel~ '''Or JaIt me!" ... -:;:': ,,110 the . bell' wn;s (JD "the ~ther! You the ~VirgJnlan p<'tatoes' into .,.are-:-anothet t!lJte h~ hOine . ~I Dill. chur~h l. Yas. Cor.k, lr6la~~, .about 1684. ,. ' Or the "~ter \n1poe!l,t»IUt. righ~ ator" their d~ nOlesl Th,en , tJUn I they'll . rUD afbsr tou and selld HAa aeen There.. " ':~I ' \VJth ' It aln't DO .·glless·'WQr~ (or I'Here'. AI'8rat ~dyer~la_ tor a fOtatl' Iiia.iier\ . ~no~ tha:t· Sally will · tMI eral man, Dot dr&l4 of IOOd pay, , ",las her arm aU read, wlWD& to ·Itart at tar ....d



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'V" buy In qua ntitle.

and our price' will "Ieaae ),011.





A v~r y piel1!18nt s urprisM Quoured I1t I,he home of Mr. a od A'irs. Frank T hompson Thurtlull.Y, MIlT Ch 18th In !:)pring Vnll ey, the event beio g in hono,· of Mr . Thomp son 's birt,bIlKY. 'l'be guests brought

Doell y\lUr phmo Ileed tooloJl ? Call .1 . .1 Thompt!OII, .Ir., 448 E . Malo !:it , Lebanou, Ohio. or Villi", Phone 54 B. II.nd he will 01111 OD you. lind ~ull,r"ntee satH!fdo&loD , ... _ _ __

Shoe Dept.


Poqltry Supplies. We make a special ty of egg-prQ dueing Food, and at splendid va lu es:

Zimmerman's '

Crushed ' O"s~er Shell S5c


Medium fine. Helps the eg,-shell business. Put up in 100 lb bags.


Irish 'P otatoes

Meat. BODe Meal

I\l e by-

W(l ~ln 8\' 1110. Ohio.

from cooked meats and ground raw bone. All poultrymen use this article .


10 lbs 30c; 100 Ibs $2.50 For both large and small chicks. Put up by the Purina Mills of St. Louis. The cl eanest and best feed o~ the market . Took the prize over all others.

Just received another car load of

PittsburgPerfect Fence..iiiii!ii!js&iIi!!HI!_~_ 11



Prepared by one of the most successful 'poultrymen of the state.


Large Package


OPERATION SUCCESSFUL Dr. A. T, Wr ' gh~ was in Uay~oD 1~8t. ·l'hufs·jay. when an 01)er.t100 WliS performed 00 Mrs . J. N. Lemmon at the bospital in that place. The operatlun WIlS 8uOO688'nl a8 word was r~cbi ved from tbere !:JILt. urday that t·be patient had J'llllied nicely, and was Ketting along very well, ' '. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND

Early Rose. Early Ohio, White Star. Rura l New York, Red Triumph.

I Wisc. Early June Peas

10 Ibs 25c; 100 Ibs $2.2!l

Poultry Powd~r

- ' ' ---

Fancy Northem Grown Seed Potatoes


7c a can;

EMBROIDERED GOODS ___ We IlCOO lltA (l the agenoy from one of the Import.log oomplloies tor t:;i1 k Em tlroiderec1 !:ibirt· Wai er ' nnd .Dre~s Ptltt.ern l' and ftrllt lot ie n ow.on dispitl; , The. priop,s of tt)e e ntire Iino will sorJlrlt'le you. Ask tu see tbe .1opllneliA drawnwork W aist" t be Hund-em brOidered W Illst Plltter~iI Embroidered DrellS Pat , tl:lrns. 1'bey mu!'t b" seen to be liP.' preointed, We will be "llid to "how t h .1 line. .Iohn A. Fuokey.

----- ...

Fancy White Potatoes. free from scab and rot, extra fine cookers Northern grovvn, fine for seed, Special price, 25c a peck; $ ••00 a bushel.

Ma~ e

Blue RlbboD Fetid

IiJjiiI h ......iliiii!ii iiiltliit·...... ad

- ,~' I' ---


in quality as the Frencb varieties. of su\:b Information as it. ems best t o make public.

e . SCHW·ART~.

Po, a nd Ca l Flra



wr HYGEN O kills Ihese nnd 1111 othera-tl Cures Itc h. m nn .:" ,md othe r akin diseases. D estroys !renns ... and foul od or~. Keeps fli es away. It is a wonde rful coal t l r dill n';cront . ond in add ition to beinll' a Ifock d ip 'it hat . nume ro us housc hold uses.


Single Roll Single Roll S~ngle Roll ' Single Roll Single Roll

SPRINO. HOUSE CLEANING wi!'h t hem well fill ed baRtet,s and a tounteous dinner Was tierved. Mr _ _. Thompson W BS the reolpient of 8 When the spring sunshine fUters numuer of very preUy a nd useful into the cracks and crannies where , prefl en t,!, . dll.rkness has been present .11 winter I The guost,s uepRrted ft t Ii late hOUI it seems to bring to life cockroacheS. wishing him many happy returns ot water bugs and other vermin th~t We keep the ver y be. t brandil ' the £lilY · 'l'h e relllt.i v~R fr om out. of "ad lain dormant throurh the culd only. to wn were: Mr. 110(1 :\11-11. ,I M. weather • Ladies' fi ne hoes .......... ..... .. .. . ......... ......... n .25. n a5, Thompson, ~trR Berthu B '~ine!l and ' Now i8 t he time, when the I!ICrub'1.50, $1.75, 11 98, '2.25, ~2.50 ohild,reu , Mr. /lOci Mr s Heor"t brush alld duat-pan brigade is ch.~­ Ladies every day shoes .. . .... .. Thompson I1nd fil l ,, " , .Knd Mr .•Ioe i ng oq dirt all alon&, the line, to make ... ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. ' 1.00, "1.25 , Tb .mpson, OfW tI'lI""'Yllle ; Mrs 0 vigorous waragainstthecockroache, .l. $1.35. 11.50, ' 1.75, ' 1. 1;, .2. Specia l lot of sizes, 4' and 5's, -4. EI:nllre Illl . \ ~ I I' .~ I ) bIl R Be nder- and exterminate them at the com.. at .... ..... 11 .50 worth up to ~2 fiO s,m , fit' Ui nOinnll t.i. menc.,ment of warm weather. thus Old Ladi es' Comforts, New Relief -keeping the house clean .1I ·8~mmer. l Shoes and Juliets; if you have NOTICE ... ' Ordinary hot water will not kill trouble with your feet t ry a pair, sure cure, " , - - 8d. ~ 1" cock roach. Their number seems to I he _ 'W Misses Shoes .... ...... .. ... ... .. 9Sc . <";"llntv . . un nv .' '-cllon .... on-.Increase WI'th th e usuaI Beru bbinj' .IIU $1 25, $1 35, $1 50, $1.75, '2,00 v e .nhor1' Will meet In W.uynesville I " Th 0 t fA • . c eamn&,. e epartmen 0 j'ri Children's and Baby 's Shoes-JOc t,h18 ven Mav 27t.h Rnu 2 ~ b. I It t W h' t th ht th ure a as In&, on ou~ ~ for Moccasins , 'up to ~1. 25 a pair Th'fi re WI'11 'be II meeti ng o.~ t.h e E x cu I'ttl Men's Shoes .. ....... .. .....$1 25 , . . . I e b ug a su bjec t 0 f .IU fft Ci ent 'Imta to' . I-I \l. II-i" eOlltlvfl Committ ee of toe TOWP8hi P $1.35. $1.50, $1.75. $200; , h F d" 'h b por nce 188ue a sptCD! , u\l ... n , $2;25/ 12 50, $3. 00, $3 50, ·$4.00 Ii t tb~ Ort ouox rlea 8 v nrc . tellinj' how bestto extetmlnat(, thMl, Boy's Snoes ...... ... $1 25, ' 1.35. next t:;uoday IIft,e lnooo to 1Irr'lloge dad" th f h......h OHIO. *I 50, II 75, $1 98, $2.25, $2 50 for the county OODventiuo lind also an V1S1~g ~~eo o:t!s.;;r a~":l o It IIno e \ n , . most any drul' store. be b t'lf\ "')Olt'thlw before t-he oonptv Wh'l 'dd' tb h f ~ , . 1 e rl Ing e OUM 0 COCIlomtlflt.inl( lu Mltv. - 'A Il ptlr"tmM inh ~.l h -:1 '1\ A prominent French manufactur- I President Taft at his firs t cabinet 111 ~undnv ~ohnol work lire roae es'tevefryrtlrhouu dOUIe1'f:~e 'fIh'l e: of glace.frui~ admits that the cher- m ee~in~ a.~ks members of hi!\ official . ' go one s ep U er an 8M wat er til_ utt.en . , . . . _.. :....1 f rl~s of Cahforma are at least as good famIly t o leave to him the g iving out invltell~ _..d._ • premises are th or-oughll. ~ 0 ..... 1. . 0

Here 'nre onl)' four o f the nume ro us k inds of panlsite! thlt " live on domes ti c IInimal. lind r educe the owneu ' profits.

- For

Hoy" Long Pants irs, 15 to 19 year ' ....... .. ... $Z50 up to ~ 1 0 Boys' Knee PanUl Su itg. 'dandies .... .. .. ....... .. '125 u p to $5 Men 's Trousers, in e~d l ess va· rieties 50, 75. 9 , *1 29, :I 1 50, . $1.75 $1 98, f.2 2!i, '~ . ~O , *3 . f3 .50 Boys' Knee Pants .. · .. . · ..2&.50, 7fic Men's Overa lls and J ac.kelH, a splendid lot, a gaI·ll1eli t .. ... ,15e Work Shirts, all sizes, _II colors .... .. ... ......... ...... .... .. 25, 50c Dress ~hirUl-the famous Cluett and Monarch Shir ,all sty les and patterns . t'aeh ... - $1 Arcade Dress hirUl .. ...;~, 50, 75c The newest sty les in "A rrow" Collars .............. ......... ~ fo r 25c Neckt ies- new Easte r stylc!"-very pretty . Dress Gloves. new ones j ust in Men'! and Boys' Hats .. 50, 75, !:I8, $1 25, I I 50, 11 75. ~2 , ~2 flO, '& Men'S and Boys ' Str aw Hats For Dress .. ... .... .. .... .. 25c to $2 For Harvest .... .... l0, 15,20, 25c Also, remember, we take orders for the best tailors in the world, THE ROYAL TAILORS , who guarantee a perfect fil, perfect style and perfect satisfaction. Every piece of goods warranted all pure wool. Come in and lookoverourSOHsamples

Fi nest lot you ever saw, pel' pr 28, • 50, 75. 85, $1, $1. 25, $1.50. $1.75, $2, '250 Door P anels .. .. .. .......... .. ... 2!i. 75c SCrimm .. ......... fi , 10, 1 2 ~ , 15. 25c

. Gets Them'AII.


3c 4c Sc 6c 7c

B. S. Howell.



Suits, the v l'y late:l,

'2 r:: Q, 1:3 .33 , f3.Ht-I. f4 .9 ' , : ... 16,1750: *850 fo9 H , $12 flO

All kinds of furnishings for Ladies, Gents, Misses., Boys and Children not mentioned above, at' the Right Price. Give us a call-you are always welcome in 'our store whether you buy ...or not. Remember, w~ are Headquarters for Good Goods and Fit,al Authority for Low Prices, y ours v~ry respectfully,

: Shirt. Waists

, : . !iFf

Me n '~

Lace Curtains


Suitable for Kitchens, Bedrooms, Etc.

Men's Dept.

Oi l Cloth, 1, I X and 2 yd wide per sq. yd ...... ... .... ... . 25 and SOc Linol urn, six n w patterns to select f rom , sq · yd ..... 40. 45, 50c Marshall Fields' ul ana Ca rpeUl-new line to select from, per )old .. ............ ... ...... i5c Dru gget<; and Art Squa res, "ery r ich col ors~ best g rade. ize 9x12, ingrain .. t.6,50 to $8.50 Brussells , Velvet and Ax min. :ter ... $12.50. $15, $16.50, 19 ,!'iO Rugs-95c for Mats; $1.25 fo r Velvet, 27x54 ; AlI:minster , 27x54, $1. 98. Axm inster a nd 'Moquette . :l6x72 .... .. ... .. ...... ...... .. .. ... $V1R




Floor Covering

Embroideries and Laces

Pl enty '1',,1 "W('o 'an\' :\s ·· :.! '," . ;~ '~I: 011 \Vlm'l be alii ·· til fi nd H I' l'{! l\ ':111<.'1) , 11'1' yd ... .. ...... :), .j"J. (i(' Liel' lut 01' lo wer )Jrieeg ill any city . (;inghalll .:I ~. " .(). 7. i' .~ .~. 10. I ~"J :' Embroide ry and Emb~o id e ry 1 'hi r ting . Pl'l' y;! .... " .. 1\1. I~ ' .,(· , In. 'rlinn, bot h wiss ' and rl·r<.' a le, p r),d ..... ~' ., . Ill, I~ ' ,I' Cam lwic .... ..... .... .... . ...... ... ' h e/?~ Cloth. all clIllIr:". pt:'r .\·Ii .:w 5,6':" .'.,,' 10, 12'" 15,20,:!1)c 11I ~lin, unltlp}{ ' hell. Pl'l' yd .. " . Val. Lace and in 'erlion .. ....... .......... .... .. .. :') . li. 7. S, jill' ~ , ~ , 4. :), 6,7, 8,}" , 10, 12' ·l, .l 5c ~lu ~lin. hi nelwd . 1"'1' y.a .:,: ... :. All· ,'et· Lace and Embroid ry. ... .. .... ................ .. h. ' . ~, ilk 50, (l0, (i5 ,· 75, fl, 91)C, $1, $] .25 Lon~dale 'ambrie, lIP!' yd .. )::!' ., e ( louct Tabl e Damask .. . .... .... l'ep)Jt'rill h d ing'. ~1- 4 wide ....................... ... 25, 35, 45 , 1)Oc bll'aclwd or unhlpadlt>d . ...... ~,-, . Whit.e Table Da ma."k... ........ . I·'il" \\' ('H~ Muslin . per yd .. 12'{,1' ... 25, ~5, . 0. 75 , $1. $1.25. : 1.50 Ti ·kill).(. per yd... .. .. ..... . 10. to 2nc Silkol int:'.all pattel'll ~ , y<l .. 10, I :!' uc Matting Cretonlle . I) I' yd .. , ...... ...... ", '" c Mere riz('(1 Silk, all cill oI': , vll..:~5c I";ood ll uality China .. ...... I :l,' ·~, J5e ri nolin', pt'1' yo ......... ... :.. ... lOe Japanese colton warps, lot.'! ambrie, all eol( r~ . pel' Yu ...... 6c of it , at .......... ... .... .. 20.22, 25c Silesia, p I' yd ......... IO, 12' ." l ;c White Meret'riz d Waisting::l , Window Shades many beautiful p·a ttermq.J I' yd .. . :..... 12"', I ~ , ~(l, ~; , :~O. 35c Felt, on good spring roll·rs .. ... l 0c ~ o is tte, P I' y-d .............. ...... 25c Linen . 6x:1. 20e ...... .... ..... 7:'1: 3, 25 Piq uette. per yd ......... .. .... ... .. 25e Silk Poplin, j.J l' yd .... .. ... .. .....35c Plaids , per 'yd .... ... .. 1 2 }~ , 15. 25e Mohair Plaids, per yd ......... ... 50c Cashmere. per yd ......... 25. 35. 50c Mohair. per yd .. ..... .. ...... .. ... ... 50e Our famous Black ilk Lustre 44 in wid • per yd .. .. .... · .. ......$1 Gual'ant d Bla k Taffeta . ilk 36 in wide per yd ... .. ... . .. ....... ~1 I The popul ar Sue'ine ilk, all colors, pe r yd .... .. ... ... ...... 47 ~ c India Linon , per yd .. ... ... .... .. . ........ 6. ~{ . 10. 12.%" 15, 20, 25c French Organdie for g raduating d resses, extra wide, per yd ......... ... .... .. :........... 50· We can suit you in goods for m in and your Easter Dress. see.





4 cans for 25c

Evap. Muir Peaches 2 pounds for 15c; in 25 pound boxes, 7c; hi 50 pound boxes,6X c.

ratsand,mice. No familyean.fto~ to support rats and mice, for. accord. ing to careful statisti~, each rodent avel'8j'e8 to consume and deatt(jy two cents worth ot prope~y' per dar • Cats, dogs, ferrets and tl"apeare of but little use in externlinatinj' rata and mice. The best plaQ for the careful housewife is to but from h~r drugj'ist80me well known extetmi~. tor which will "drive them out of be L die." t -.uouse to • - • .


Mr. ~uoKer, or Dear bere. II no baUer Ilt present wrltlog. . lit,. Mary Parlett 0.1111\' on Mrs. Lafe Graham 00 Thursday. Geo. RUey . . . a Franldlil .taitor on'I'nesday. Firmao . King ~Oyed hflre t .. " be one of onr Bldge,me ctaileD8 .


• -




A single dealer in Madrid telis 1Ulnually·SO.OOO larks, ftnche$ arid other small birds for foed. and the total number thus consumed is estimated at million in that city alone.



On'o ge Raper ~8 bewailing t·be 1081.1 ~!!!'!'!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of hit! faithful fa:.lend ,Teddy. 'l'he uug hKd been siok for qUIte Ii 'w hile, but, grew W0rse Sunday and died ' ell.r]y TuesdllY moroiDg. Ted WlI.tI lov.ed AIlB will be lnlertea IInde\' ,hIs be¥!. tor. twenty·llve cents for tbree tnaerlionll, by eve ry mun, wllli'un Rod cbtJd 10 wben uslne not more tbaD lIye !iues. t o W!) .

OlasaUied Ada rt.,.. .........

Onion Sets

Busy Fancy Yellow 10c; 3 9ts 25c 12U c . Fancy White '. This is the Electrically Welded ' Get About the garden. Now's th~ time for Sweet Peas, Potatoes and New Bulk Garden Seeds, Fence. Every wire is the same other . .. . early Vegetables. We have a New Package Seeds fine selection for you. 1671 LUCKY NUMBER FOR SALE tenti.9n, and is one of the best lookSweet Pea Seed hI Bulk, Nasturtium Seed in BUlk. lbs. ofWhita ______~----Bergan held 1671, the luclo'y . ing and strongest fence.s made. 1000 Pish Star Anii-'Dust . ,Dnmber that drew t'be profe!8iooal GOOD rubber tire jU~,p'8e8t ~~ A' larg'e supply we' reall'ze, but we . . oueat Hornick's Pool Parlorl, It . re~. Can be seen atJamee LIiDWe have' all sizes- of Poultry and The dustless sweeping Com- ' . der's pamt shop. "~ . had but one choice-now or never, pound, fine for 'house-cleana good one II.nd 'valued at f16. . Far rii Fence. A'r e low in price. and tQok the ~hole lot. "And they 109, .25c aean ' . -. IX).DDII:R-I ha~e·. 3001'·35 IbQO~' " J

JIiS ,




a r e fi ne, " sal'd a 'lady customer, as she took away the second order. ·

Call and get our prices.


A. B. SIDE'S, . . Waynesville, .Ohio

. 4 end, 5c a lb.

, '&p ~- . . -Then you will need . a fresh sup· ply of Stock Feod, Paint, Carpet ·,Tacks and Ham.t:ners~ Nails;' Garden ' Tools •. Butter COlor.

i!! ' G!! '

'Bring us your

Butter and .Eggs

Can use any qualltity and h" h t k t . Ig es ,mar e pl'lee. .

' .


. '.

t Ch~rns. Ml'lk ,Cr-oeks, . -ZI'MMl-1g'M ... L "A'N . J. w.~ White. ...~~____~~,

. . j Butter MGld8,.

~1Ii___"~_"___. _ "_ _~!JIII"_","'_.,1IIi ete., and we have them ,.II.

!!:J;~.'1!!OIl~w~-a~~!!t~~~l1~th-e-n-elilll!!!W8~,!!!!re!!!!a!!d~'!!t!!h~~-~'-~M!!'!!!'ia~IIU~ '- ! ! ' 8!!z!!ette~.,

Le~tuce, Onions, . Radishes, Cel. Cab 0 ery, bage,.. ranges, App.~··Baruinas. ~mon8~ .



Forster &Bege~lI.n. of lJaytoD, ar. 'rivett 'in town 'l'qead('y, 'aod:are bu.. il v dI i' d d J ,engag<l ~D paper OK ao eoor.atilig the · FI."e~d8' Bom~ throng" ont. ---.~ ....- - MUSICAL SEIlVICE

rpbone. .of O.fodelet 101' L. Biob.

.1e, o.ll 01' . . .'._ ,'. '. .' . ." BU8BE.t~ yellow ' ;ee4 ~ro~ . fo....le, 11.50 bat Ai;ldnM oaUT. N. Wtllr.U'IOD0nIODIa 1, Phone, {ntDSOIlla. ·, . : . .:::;:'===:::::;:===;::;=;::::;~;;;:::;::


a aor




. I

,,' .


,,'] X1'JE'l'U YEAH .


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Fo rm e.' Rl!sidents


; 1I11:-l



1!JO\I ,

W IH>LF ,NU MBER :.1997

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T1ir ·TREEr

·LPT.A 0



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~~~~~~~ t.t.~U1lt ,fa~~ ,Ullil!l


IV"ill11 l!lri lllLl sh@r · · ! -i SocietyColumn l NtH· lr h l VI' tho 8trcet" t, l llli. r \"1\ , I \Vilh the r ,til" 'Illt:nt of Mr. an d '" y 1 ~ .. . i\1J·nntIM1"~W . H.Al l n ll rtJl ll ( I,. • . CAB . . rown, l) fE l1~ene, re"1 Dr. EI JI w,,~ " I'k I II~ I. WPlII{ bu t 1 .. , . . Ill gu IJl'I'I1:W i1tby 1L:i lit. tue p t 8rlllt , 1rs Ludluill (rom the Ot'phans' 't1f!'t 1II'il'M' "1MtIP1M1M1IM1",.... writes : "We Iiketoget-yout week nut. 1I a ln , I 1l1l'lnll llll 1.ld J:. ' . 111I 1f' . ·(I.' n tob Wllr n l Wflllth ' r w ill ; r\ Sy lulll <lnrl hildl'cll!'> ' ]'Tomc, all who Iy letter!l,ltDlt we hn ve m 11'81111 two I" (' [J. 11" lI (1d v "f Ji'1I1t1l ,' lIi h I, y 1 1m \I pUll ' l l\~ f,,"t ul i II g 1111'"''', lind I ht· " rl: i nl ·1"l·~lt·1I ill 1h i::!1!1"llilU ·1I1IJ dIll rWe llllv bee l' t,r."i ll" t tl ~ I.·I' ~ I ,. f 'IJ rl \\"' ~'. 11I 1I 1l~ 1" '1 II . ' '. 01' thr e. " t> , IS IIl'r, ' Il l l"1" Spt'lIil1l1 !.: 1 III \\1111 1'" 111 <lulil ll '·II ITY II1 !!; 1,11 "''', WI' h a l'" rt W( lot . ilau l · 1I'.lI"k. 1"(':d,iZt· 111:11 :1 v: t111 :ti,l l:" lllli1tlll h e u>I/i i'n /l~UI{611l), b,lt, Il J"I ' I 1111VI II~ I Ii .. g I" l I' /I till " "'Wl I.d ~d(l lt ,I ill I! .u ,;utlili. I v 1""· 11 1I1'" 1'l~ II; III ,wh ,I, 1'111 oIu I :t t p~ I·il II, '1\..I,.t' t all d II·HI lrOl I :.II',' 1": 1\ M I" . tilit l\l r!l .. 1. K Hookett epler·, 111nk lng !'! IOW progres!I lUWIIIIHe 1I(! ( ' . I I . \\'II1I11 IU , " II WII H II: Lt ·" 11 11,1 1 , . . Iii,' 1' (: .. 1. AI'Il.t11 IrulU th o III Ll II II';O I " , ill g· l ilt' il\ ~ lil\J ti ull . . till u ellon Wedue!!tllty, Mr . lLD,d Mrs . ot1 ruitw to I,he Otl s l UIIl 11 r WI g uve i 'l'I1I'l"tlIlY Ilfil 'I'Il UII IJ. 1';lIot ·ll W I'l ll', wltu 1111 :- \)0t1l1 VI4t! . Itl',l/fll wh"th 1!:.dll:loorn o of ou r dvi I ' I L .11 I f·'1 I00 I,eu. 1 1J:IOll'1l' Lltruur flnd da.ughter Lela and D I ' J l I' lIu l Ull l as l:Rre u v I· U o'ur a rti e r tu tbtl IJIllIii ll " lIIill for I ." " i ,·e 'IVlli tt · w l·nl I ·ill·J 11 "11 gIll) Ille· " III fl· I : o '" D\l rll 1 '; 1 11 ~. uf UIJIUIHhnr. . Wit- 111 c:o" IIi" Ill ulh. e ,· II!>II~,,' . , )I I'. II U)('-"O lll 1 j Iu - , a lel' llC IIlt<: ["cs t: devo VInS; npon !:Ion 'l'hnrlJ ll:ln, of New Burlington, .1 . III \\'i lllll ll , lowo h .r, l UN" l uv' 1 III 'Ill trl\',,11 l UI' s t, e tH could be Jlllt I· ' i I · I . I b·l·t t1oor l', WlntI ows, ill tii tltl filli h etc. II , IOllle ov r o~ llUul1l' • 11111. Hilt liS C 'n ca a I 1 :V .IS f al' und 0 0 Suo ul'Y ut dinner, Mr. and tlud th e ra i8 s uc h u ru!\h of building I • lil~ inu"·l'"ls o f th l ll l, ·'·",t,lt l/· ~ ,r· Into I->l1i 1,· .. 1111 11 • III 11 1\ t twk o 0 1 I:l ry beyond til' a vc rag . . 1\1I'S Wulter LIIOflY , of Wilmington. tlltl t lhe 1\lnolo" 111111 Il:I Ilwny ue hinu l 'uu , I:i(lller!', .-} I'; pl'iu g fi cl d, WIi :; !Clllll il l' A . :'ocin tioTl. I lIt f J t" ... \\" ' " ( , ILIl I \ p , S \1 1' ona !lu mTI H.'I"P l·an b , fflulld n n one 1l1 ( tJ· p Mr. and Mr!'! .• Io bn Uioh and , Mr . wit,h itl'1 o r der", , " ill l ow n 'l'hnrs d/ly I '1'1 'I II · 1I 11t1' . ' 11I ,1'~tJW 111 lin. I • ('.11)( tl UIl H U lll' r ill l· as 111 a I ron t ha n l\'11·~ . LudlulIl allcl f l"!i . E rl Ho kett. . it:n1 111 >1 1 Ullil .\' IIlt d )). I.. l il' 1I111' 1 :\ \11.1.. [: 0 (j()OI}S ti l 1" .tI".I' W' IlIltluo l, II« \!( uoell t lll -I She h:t~ riot (,nly IH'l·rUl·IIIt!t1 h e l· duly '· f ' O,lllluIU I' I. , t_ 0 1" .. 1',1 It u n u Pan n o t , <10('H• unt l as r'qu ·l 1·l'I I, IJU L I IUS Ih:!I:!Jl lh e Rllllle J"' I.e de UShl'.\1,O !. IIn( 1 Il \V. tH 'U tn I IUD ' lion 11' l'1cta .V ()lIrl,tl p>\! \t ~--., llll '·II (·tl s wlIl1 Hn I'.ll . · A merry crowd of people deCIded Illl rrOw eRcl.p f r om I no IIJ.tW ,·p(,A nt . M. l>~ b: VII UI', of Hprillg Vllil ey, e rn 1I111I1ufltctul'l r ·H ng( 1\ for tl1l' \\'11 11 1 lu, 01' w ill n it h ll nl t1.l.e . filth l ,·\!-;.· a lle\' I)L,,·1 ~u 1')\' ·Ing 111( tl,el· Lo tl,0se I I Iy. ' tit! WIII'I"IlLtII' l{a \ l ~tl " "1 to(l lll l lllll t! US II 111"'u, II11f,CIIlI MOll duy , 'I KALI£ of IllHir mlll- nd g 0(1;; fut' utr"ntl I(Pl' l' 111 t,r c t, 81l11itlll'y, i unfortunn t· 'h ildl' n. Sh'has ne v_ ' to s ur prise Mrs. Em lUor Baiy I1St .. . ~llt, (jDt.lW lJO 1m. wlllltstount1wi ll ' l"f a1·l , lit (>fi 11 dth egoo T d qua J"t·,.· I I unl pUS lIll\ g-A t, ll! reullt, 1,1\ , lllllt, 1\ \ ur n tlH \"lll o compriiotr II rn l1~1 . ll e~ 1n Tlmr sdu.yevening auucele bratetbe Sh wbICh lllu (h - I t ':e r'· I>Illo l ul 'L'" '.... u ad Mrl'l . p:;lp r White IV nl I · .~ d 1' 1 f ' I T tl liP >lure, wi hIll lli t'! lu st. Lwo ur i c 'el"Y chil d une! we f\:!e \ th at a ll of nnniv 1"8liry of ber birth. e was J . , ' f 00111 pi u le Ull u up t Ll t u In (' 0 "1. . t t tl t· t t her moth d oct'\f b CU llll nil Idu I"n! \jd t' t, hI " 'On to tJlI Y 1,011 111 1\1. I! rHlu.v or Il W 11k -\lull 1 . ' .. , I L' , n . tit rl'O ro t II th t b 'Ill t,Rr s lin V Ci II Il Lh ' ch llJ l'e l1 wh a l" ' of' a s ui I l1ble age lie n 0 Ie IiIta Ion 0 m ee . D , • n, A)lflHl hlU g lUOl l'II IH/Y 11:'.!<\ I I 1· . ·1 . M LI D v itt w h o wasretorn {t,1! VHo t . J . . I 'I . .[' " VI'I, I II IIt I 1(' II1·t Pili, 1111,\1 III OH, lu ·11 1111 ·C'('i-lte h t.\" nol>I \ ( ' hri !'lL hn I, . rll n I l . , dl' t iou t •.11 I k lliUl 1'1 Ih H } w •.... v , 1(1lng hu ll1" P"I'('1 (';; H 11111 11" tI\\' < • • , ' • < I· f I ' ti I d · Ii d .. , . .., . I lli Illl' l"( Ii /l !llll pljd, 1111tll1 S U I1lll tf•ll r 1'I 1· .1ll 1l11lg"Ll1 ' nl , \\,1II 1.,•• lll f' ll1u 1..I 1le I. ITIg s, an " II "I/fl ln tlllill \V 'l~ 1", r llll . . ' ll d. . . " Wh llllU " 1 . 11 I . I ' If ' II l ",h'lgS 1'1(" 1. 111/.(-; 'I ·t.hl o L.lll·II 1'.IJt'lt.. ' .. r om tL v I:!I U . n 111ntlpO b tt : , ' • " 1"( 1II ~ Ilt III f'Cf' \ O( I t n. IIJ , , , 01 t'ullr~o W !I:-lSO O lJ HellLI I" 'I t ng ltlll 'L · I · II fne n UH 0 the number of a ou weD IUII.\ til I'lls 1 IlllI \'ll tl . hr tl WII HI I 'I ' 1 I I ' k. 1 , I" itwJi'lu n llt11i'1 LIJ W II ~ Whlltl nn tl rnll 'mos IIll y. . h ,., . , Slnt'll tIll dl1'L 1I l!~ til It·U ,·pt III WI\, 'I'I f:.> J f U·Il· ' cors t J 11 tv-five proce ded to he} ome , . . ' ton, I IIll· " I !'I , ' til ,It • Y I .S 11.11 ' I ,uy I"igu l' ull \VlI h; tmgl'1 ' l I-iH I H'I' . '. . ' . .. 1 )OlU' 0 an a co n- . h f d Vel'YFl kl ttr !\uVI1 I·u ltl .IYfoI I1Ul l,,"1, 1 "rH8ont with Ill !! "ll rt: D t~ III IJn \" LII II qUIte 1:1 1' '. . I I .D ' .• L'.;('l flh!' 11 .clIl tu r IIIX ·llaYll IH1llOlllW c 'm· d wish MI' . ami Mrs. Ludlum w b ar e upoo r eturninB s e oun l' t" . , U guu ru I 11 of orne LIOH. . 'I f I. . • 1 . 1. . 11 .' , th m n em bl d The surprise was whel' li»i:! l't'cnptlralll1'l T In· h "8 Aft pr t.wotl Il Y ·C4)lllJoo, ll nll othe'I' l lllf' · ,l lln:OIlIUHlII .( .1 It. tuUI Oll l( .l .'/ 0 1 a large mea. ur uf s u 'cess. Mr. ' e · I le '\t I It, lIll uur m ,w Ull l1 nt , I ) . i f I ,. 'cnuine und t.he g u est s Boon made Il ltnl U, .ctorH !Illy IL 1<; th ~ 1- 1 CII [lll , hOllSp \ ith 11 hlt(I " ' u W". Ur. ·Wrl ~ h t. depllrtDl ll t AUILlll j; li t> to nO·I',1' u t.1 n ,t,,11 III (Ill I,y tll, I 1« allu ll o t and Mrs . Dro w n ' wh tnk c burge!) 'fh I I· I " ntr'il·ll It) wn it lhu Ot1ll V ni n ,. of A ·· ll ·L.· I· II , . , , d J t h m selves ut home. e ,even 'I I ' O'I S they tl VAr IllIt of I 1110 II liIHl:lII · 1S flh J., t o b nt. o n l~1 tlli.) lul'~ lit, II. 1l(ll"tl11 lit. in t,n ", ", pll S .1I e lIg I) l e omm II e . ' n 1 l· n ' .500" Atng Ii . lJ .. . E ' 'L S f E P 1'1'F l s ILllY·11111. II I:' 1\ IU t.t " 1· II f Iln sinf'''.~, allJ will I'CC ive U 'ordial wei Orr. WdS .s pent 1 p a,y g 1 .(j;1" lI e~t KI(l ]\'. l', of ' Iyd.' \\li u. it! UIIll/IIl .V ,,- . . ' A . " "to wh il 11 "Pil lS "I •• gn u of lil t' _.. .._._ sen onl4ble hour elegant refresbAft.rH· " fo u r wel' l( lI 'llIll lIl'~ Il"I lU lll l th tt ~'Il &1, of Mr . 11[\(1 MI" ~ . Hflrll D ~\llLl h.Il Ylll~ tll',~,t Irolll . l \l,ll1 ~ L~1f S !t our- ··n.l it nnw ," , , \. E. SAHBATtl SC,HOOL ID ots IVereserved. o ompliell till" 1)( I,nlUbl 1', Mnsi Mug- I.J oy for' II ro ~ lil,IYH 1~~~r1 n,l;\", PI It J S H >\\ .r H N E " , ,. dalenn Milll,n n Wil lo w ·I f tb e IlttA hil i [\ LE~, IIlI tl lit tbl !;lllU O L< \\ I lEW CENTURV CL L; PI'OI{I"UU1 fOI· Mu roh 2', 1\)0\1. K Millt.o u Pll t'SI d /I wily !It h el" hn fll . ! MI"I' . A IIni A R e 11 , of l:Iru Il Il .H.n pills, t PR 1 'EI:i obll ruoterlst1C of this turtJ ''1'1 III pe r·au ' L u " _ Pl'ovorbs Mr. and Mrs. Uharles Cornell were 12 TrulU bu ll s tr~t' t,.Xenlll.u L7iJ' louk ~ich .• WIIS Ih" ~l1el! l, of Mr I£ph. IE vo r y week we will r\!Oei V~ Illr ~ Th e Mar '11 rn l1tiu :; of th e Nl:lw xxiii 29 :j5. very pleasantly eurprised on MatorFriday eve nin g . ugfltl 7J yl>U I'II Barnllurt In t'iVA K. II st'lo rlrnlott; liO ,.hllt you Will Ilnu 'ntnry :llIb IVII 11l1c1 tb e after. Si og il1g ... .. ... .. , .. ..... .... .. .... . . .. . No. 1 day when a bout fifty of their frleuds Mr ~ . Milll01l WH . I h~ e11111 'h ta r I 'Ph e litt le son oj' Mr ftI,d irll n ew ~ uOtl!4, n w s tyl S UlJll I i~r g r n OtlO of lilA ~r. lh lit t.11t1 \II lISIIUt R ~ )lo D ~i v I elllin g ,...... .. .. . No. :1 12 came to their home bringing wltb WIlIiIlUI It llt.! lI1l1rgu r et K rs hnpl", Il rrl Rf Unkfn I t'u Jl" liD~ from un II ~Hurt lll nt~ . ,v I" Y Friday lIuI I ' nt., It lilA t r 11'1:1 .•j . 1\. 1"ulIl y, . 'IX l'n)'u r , o:ilHl ng with Lurd 'y J>l'tlyer them well fiUed baskets . Mrs. Corand lib W "K bonl APrIl lO, l sa2, attlll;uf)lue llllwniti . llrllu yth II pllrul (1Ll IVIIl SIt OWY I,n l lll UIUlJe l.SW r IIl1 llvuiulllJly nbs nt. ·iogi ng .. .......... .. ... . ... .. ....... No . 4 nellwBsengaged in sorubhing thft ll elU \l o w ~1'1· lnj:t,. . All It r lil e lots (I f. new good!i. i ' laa e flC(Wpl Th e latli stu Ie wlI l)1 i:ltl mO , i.ulero t R l!(Jousiv Rending of Le sou linoleum ' and Mr. Oornell was preWIHI possed In ( ~ r 'en ot> ll o t y, !llI d .J e Su 1' homll fO . .. 1Il'r II EdwurlL thilill S n ller ouu l in",itulwn t,1) Y}U io Ille hi s tury lc.sson 1I1Id, IU O t of ' tlldy of Losson ...... ...... 30 mln ut s paring to go to a sale. the,latltf\lll r tePllymn'" lIt1liv edin nn dEoooh\vhitaw rB i~ ' lark svl ll etilll l y urfl'in<) tu isl t oUl" sturti th ll rnt,ookpl1rLinth dis 0 il)us of 'loging .. . ..... ... .. ... . " .. .... ..... No. 3 'l'heyweremuohexoltedforafew 1moments but BOOD regained their XenilL , I" h l1 W h" UlILr,·il!ll 10, III t \ k on bu&in f:lR luo 'l, 1 rg· 1 t h\speot ou r MILL \,tIe v ul.s lIullOl" n 'iue l'uti n ' ~o1Ject,\ou Miu tO ll W,n t Ill"tl't'd l:!d h e r ill d lith JOHN A , Ifu NK IO ·: 1111' . . Bl1wkl,II'1 wns tile vel'y tibI a Revie w of Lf'HS n ...... Dr. fln.tluiway comp08ure and proved them,l6lvell HI1I'() ld , UI A tw o y Ill' o lt! SOl I u r EN OS. fi ve 'y til'!', Ap ril lv, I 50 , MI'tI Mi~1 Mr ',nd MI.!! Ben HO l1th . 1..1 non II - - - - --' I ulle l' f l' tlw tlll Y leutlin g up t ot.lJ Hepol't uf 1:5 ol'etnry efficient host and h~te8S. tOil Wil t! IL lII " lIl b"r uF L1I'1 Ir,;l, 1111.11 ) 8Cl1, ng f I'Om)lll 11111 Illu.. \ AR I)EN COUN.TY TEACHEPS I IE'stioU \ ith qU OS ti Oll!! reviflw \-og th o iugiug .... .. ... ... ... . . " . ...... .... No. [jO , Dinner was served in the tcwn' "!>di~~ .mljl ~ooJ.1U1 c hurl b, Wll I'e' I p rev i o ll ~ Te, OR. Jf y ou u l·e n ot It membor of s ome shill house where two 10Dg' t.abl,8 rOne rll) e r viol1. wll1lu h e lrl .Mllo clu\, Wnl'1"fln EtlwlIl'tl~ lind l!ln l'l Ro hi'n Aovther'l"e r.v iut r , tlng lind In Hurri r f>:i tlIL ver y x e ll(1 nt ' I::3chool, we cordially invite were 00mp1etely tilled, this b"eing Ilf ilfUU lJl'i il i 2 I ,. 10 k. ' 1'1.1 Lurlu·1 SO li WAI' in V\ IIsh In t. n (: , I;f , stl'uctiv IOe k.~on of the W . C . 'l'. A· pl~pel' on the Iif~ LInd work of JolIn yo u 1,0 I> como Cl m ember of ours . one of the great feas's for whiob wtllbottllllll'!u ~VoociIIlDd ·' Tn Le l·Y. W p.r1 n osdu.V und'l'hurl'dIlY . wus h eJd last.lltu rtltIY· '.rheRol1~d RUto klu . W e neetI yonr b e ll", If you w ill Wa,y nesville is noted. The · after1 -Xonla l:IIIZP lt,~i . ,["hIe Topio onder t b e dir otion of An artic le J oribing til life and c01l1 e . uluybe Wtl cRn 'u )11 n oon was .pent in muslo aDd COD. Gel' oleEl, of Cotu!lIbll , 11IHI h ll'" ... J"ou. Mrl'l. M,iutlJll ~ 'U" tIll mot h e r of "< I "upt.. J. M. Hilmi! ~on furni b d wurk of Flor Jlce Ni gbtlll g n 1 0 WI1 H . D. K,EI,L.I ON, l::3opt. ve rs u.tlon. 'fhe 8ues't8_de~l!la!.!:J!P.H'--_ __ (If priJljl ipld , oull ed o n ,Mr" . .r. Addi!:!ou Hrowu , li nd nt, OUI' plnteu tlis<'!Ussi n ~G9 . rem'! by thl - crehlry . wishing the oouple many happy Ie. ' vilt fl'iellLlj,\ 'fbur dn y. ' 1'rU IDl' ubl.v discu e u "'!'he . CIvil Witu lD ll 10 ho(l d Cliuty refre 11 - R E VIVAL F. W . BAPTlST CHUR.CH turns ot tihe day. Those p.r8I8D& t im lived h " r w i~b th~ Hrown l'i wh01J ~ve uh\1l J in'ltt llffntmd U l' 1:i'll\v ke8 ndfnl11l v ld !!t ll ·· - WllrIlH i!:!to rioul~uce!<ity . " Prof, wtlotB t h sooiul h OIl!' pu _sea wer'e: Rev. and Mrs .. 'l'tou&, of who ore Horry to hM.- of thdjr IOIjj,! day e n tertain dR . Coope l', of r.. b F , B. Paarl"Oll, O. S. U . ill bis u, u ld qUI( kly. The rr.o!jt glo ri ous r ov·ivu l that Monroe i Jess Hartsook, ' wife aDd Mr. Br wu 1'b.l1g h t. Hing lDl; . iu th .. IlOon, aod Wnrren aud E lla Keys . ins piring 1I.lIIUO r, v I"Y 0 ) IIr)y po r - - -- t,} iii to wn hilS peri 11 ct for daughter· Ruth, Fred HartSOOK and sohol1l h a l" l u r u' nurDh~r ~f y tl"flyed t b I lati on f 'Art Iln'u P tl · CAREY-- EMLEY hIt ju t 010::. d . wife. Frank Zell and wife, Nathan Mi • S Rnohe l Burnett hncl ftn'othel' fi'ogy." His oonoepti ns of tIle . d M E'I ' I! ~ orty-two c ml u g out for God, J ones' onel Wife, ,Henry Prater aDd • ' . , 1\1L·, Homer Curey a n ISH 0 sle five r o.t.taok of b eR rt, troubl M Oll ~ ~ork of Mioltn I An~E> l o w r espocE I I . 1" R I Lking t h eir ·stllUti fo r right 11 "ing w ife, Elias Oglesbee, wife aDddaughOBITUARY . .. . . . . ' 1l1Ie,v ware. qn e t y murflec uy ev . I dny , but. is re till II !Itt! u!:liar n ow la lly lUlprea. IV . I H II \U ,. 1 M I. ,.. . M IllI d t,he oh.uro~ taken on new ife , ter Josephine, JQbn Coleman and , n '. u n CSI I~Y, nrcu 1 ttL. r . li b 1. h For a bUlldra(l fUlIl lU o r e, r bo!?e from WaY0 l,\sville who nt-, 1 11 .1 1 t· ' Ill · I· r w ich is el:\oOuru g iDg t o otu t 0 Wife. Rev. Gilliland, M.r . and Airs . Millln e J' ~ OpeDlo gSutUiEItlY, April . LILy lUA VOu U ICIl U .111:1 Ie, " 1. h '1" . . MoKlOsey, hU H be en l\ flilll!\illr I.lnd ' t nde d w e l'e Prof!'. Ko lhson allu liE 1 I 1) k \, . ' PII.StOl' l~nu ouuro. , u e ser vICes Ambros e Moffitt, Jeff Mulatt, wife :lrd. In t,lI e Nllthnn J on eR Buildlo"'. anI IS 1 Dl ey s WU 110w n ,1erA, d b d . f h higbly ' respeoted name io WOVlHl Mrs. Ii . ,J. ,len r , t· o ohnr g . f ol:'ll. ClI.rey, .l o hu StrI1WU, M' '''!I B ADOU wit 1"11 !:l ila bU R )Jent her wholo life. wero uo e r t e Ireotlon 0 t e pas · and dtl.ughters Jessie and Delep V a.1l d fl r V oor t" · lrlL b '0 "" M rs. ' R UthCa rey, towD8hip. 'fht1 olt! b am st lid of Dllrn t . j""u th T 1 'b 'u k' tO l·ll!'lL' - " I· ted "y u Rev. H K. FreemtlD Mrtl. Tlld a" 1J.08ler, hey Tn VOl on u ,. lll\.rt~Ol) s hi · ·t fi ll d . ,Mi s BtLfllin . . tbe fam i'ly, Ii, mile tU~illl h .llf o n t'h aod ElIzllb t.ll ClInl1dlel', Minni {arm Illst week, 'I'll mauy f r i nds w 0 a plrl . e · nlllll . Mrs. ~ro.nk Oarey Clnd daughter of Waynesvllle,wber e Neh minh, tb a Dt. K v· r IID(} son Wynne ,Ilno BUl"ett Flom, Berryh ill Ell Ita , H,/iV J. W. ,WY 1'm WI1S in the Alioe, Mrs. Eupho.mia Bou~h and ll .j oiu · He le n M ' 'IUl El, D onDl~ a tlW k e und thf ethe subjeot of t,hls skat h WII S bO rn ! wus MI i! Lvc111L W rig ht, of CAn t rVllle, b e~t{Juofplen luck . in wi bin g th m 1".... eting the la t thr e nigh ts lLod duughter Erma, flam Meredith and delivered g"od 'serm ' oos· The latter wife, M rs . Freu ' " B en d erson ' an d iu by gone day o u.e of I,h e mlluy wer g Ut'll:' t so f 0 r A , 'J' . . VlT '. r Ig ht Il OCI EI e nl' i tt, 0 Mo'''' n.e ns y. ~ hospita.ble homes of f,h e, oumm~ Dit.y , farnlJ y S unnuy . - - - - -AN OLD CAT hl\d oont.e mpfated beio~ 10 t h e revi. dllughters Kathryn and Esther, ~o~r.:::.-_ _ __ L' f7 CDANO"I MAN ' --u~~---+----val, bu t owing to the serious illo e s flS ' 0 orne II ,Wl·f·ean dd aUiht er Velmn.. '1'0 P~,tl'io k un d "}Ii z" b, h' ·M ,u.Jn . ,T. M. 'It ys and wH a t tend pd tb"f bD . . t 'i I=-~--'''''''''o, pa,rer\t':1 of the d ttoPl>sed, t·e n m eeting of th.\ Lebnnon Fal'm er ' . . . , ~h . Oil. W . Pra t,t, of Sprin g I and dAuth of his dl1ngllter he was Will Cornell, wife and da.ughters ohildren were born, three dllughter!! Uhlli whioh WRS b e lli nt tb e h om p ttl ul tl~ ,1 L ew lfI, o"'eu ~ l yea. r , BranoL! hll ~ u Il1rge Multelle oat thllt , d prived. Luoile and Edna, Ha.rry Cornell, and seven tlOus. Bot th~ VP(l I'S Rn t} , .. • tile j,\o n qf .J.n hu V. 1:1. LewlfI, l\ud U i -twe uty ·t,W\) yeu r s old. If uny l ltEV W. 8 O'NlllALr. , Pastor wife Dnd ullUghter Adria, Misses . . " until of p . D. HaUi Id . I Ule /hue c.. r (1 t tb fl rm 0 fL eW ls · UDrO t h 011 kn OWM Lhe I·1111 It aga a f Il at death h' wr()ught. c.h lll,lge~, _ • _ Murtha U'Neall I!.nd Bybi I H aw k e ' now only three enr vive, Mr,.. J~ II fl MI'ft.. Lluu Dti vitt r a turn d hom rs & Co, J. f' U!lnOll, deldl:lrs 10 ou l pl ea se r l1110rt it. We think 0111 Elm LI CENSED TO SELL CIGARETTES Imd M'tster Everett Trout. ' "'id"a, of Wl'ynetl viUe, AOI·"IIU).Il , of lu!it Wec10eAduy evenin g afte r II. Ll 1 d ied lit h i!'! li uOl HllturdllY even in~. no I fill" bnyo nd t.he UlIIi t , 0 . I d~: 1. k '" un. yo n xamil1l1lg t. 10 a u Ito r's uOo A Califort:lit~, "nd .Madiso n·, of DI~:v·ton, li g htful m mth ' VHut wif,h b r !f'- Be WMI gmdullt d 1"1' III L,. litmou Ho hu s p('{,ulial' iclen of hUllIa n w ' finJ that o nly a v ry few persons CA R.D .OF THANKS Ohio. Neheiultih ' MaKio ay Wil li .ter tn IndiIlD!lpolis . Ihlg h C; h o I in 1 ~ , lluc1, b gu'u IlI'- bei ng:" 101 kin~ u pon wo m e n l\ ~ hL ' I',Iva · · II)n COli lb aSHl!'l!' · , . in ~hi We desl' re to express our deep an.. · born :pecawber ,21),1 .t6 fl od die u ' ' WOl: k 111 II Ilil a I fri n l1". tlutI ohl' ltI ron II )11 on ·J J1W!l , s ,'. uun.lY ba e takel1 out license. k'. Messr s !:! . A . S Ul1welJ , A I Brunt, iwm Oiut 1.'1" He worked bi!:' wuy - - - _ _ _ -__ to sell clgaJ Lles . AL Le?anon, Mor- preoiation of the tender 8ympathy Maroh 27, 19 9, in the l:Iixts-third S· kl W ·II L dl d J h ViM ,Y6ttr of his age Wi t h t,h e ext,le'p t.ioTl Ar 'Il trlc . e r a od I Antraw o t fl·om 11 olol'k hip t o II p llrl,n 1', lIS t lv XEN IA MAN ILL ro~v u um an. n al; orrow: and mllny ltiudnessos wbioh we have. I.ebtmon, atte nd d t h e fuu era l of ' r es lllt of poepy ,tic e1fol' t,~ (Iud h on Btadley & on, a.nd H enry Murphy. received from our neighbors and of fifteen yefl.l·Rlivell ill Waynes ville Nell6miab MoKiusey Tuesllny . [,II'. HUl'l tlj' we llS, wllois V~I1·S· He- J"ranklin,1\'1. W. Earhart a nd J ohn I frt·ends l· n t"e I'e06nt IOS8 of ou" beand Corwin, hi8 entire life wUs,spellt. e~t d a lingl' . ,In . bu in ass hl~ iutl1~u • w. · I.!!!:~' - E.. Yu rl . l1I:iking· in all six in t he loved wife I'od mother. . riolll y illllt hI q t t bl d on the old liomestead t'be ladi es of W,ayuesvi li e Rl1d vi- rl y was un n 08,. ,IOU.I a an 1, 11 I~CI"" • . t I "'I v t I) C ., I t roit !'l f.t' t, remal o8 in pra ticflily cfJullly. ' We dAsire further, to extend .our Un April ·19, 1'881 h e \VII,S lIlflrrh:d loiui t v Are lUvl ted to attend tb MII - .'y HI wllS /L n., 01.1 e . ' flO ... 0 I bd I I ""I t s. t,be Rllln!) oondit,ioD. 8 nn dfLY h o Tile U I Jl o~ i ti ely fo r i s t 1e sa e thnokuc to' the Knights of thE' Gold. to Cbristio lL tJlLllgllte r of I SilO and 1· . 0 . . g t:l t d A . ·l 3 " 'I h s ge n ..'I rnun I y t rILl '. A . ,,' Eilwardl> " pe · , b Y Ili· S "gil d f 'Ith er, u[l"e red t wo se vol" Ilttuoks ·of hOllrt 01' l!iving- awa y of allY .' en Engle for their be"utiful tioral ' · Mar'" ' to whioh ' nnion Ilnery . Ih N C thnlO J a ur ' 8 ny, ·Idl prl , ,ru , , H OhiSurVlve .. .. ., J , " In " e I ILn. onos ll1 n g . I .,' . '1" " r,d lur e, Musea by t he t.h e t , rl'i bl e perl:! to any IllillUl' un~e l' 16 years uf 'rl· buteo . I '" r t wo br ot-hel s , C lluf1y lE~l1!hll T • 'two dl1ughters were born Miunitl 1 M ' H T S . ' IS • • t . pencor 10 01llr.,e or W ·)I R L · d 'h I 1 . pai n \Vbi h n ttendll! jn fi rllnmutor. l ag·e, 'I' he luwisbein ggross\y violatA }so. VIe would thtl.Dk all those ana [)l1ora. El\i?Qbetb -Who with t h e ir Mi fJ d · ' ' 1 . e IS Ilr:' , at" ,8WI I W . , • n.od motu!) the , S Rr In. "'I . l'lH:l Ulnllti Al1I. -X <11111\ (l ll zott ' 'u ill se (ntl plac ~ in arren coun - "" '110 h' ave I·n any w"'y mnde thi8 bur. mother s urv.ivil hint. ILU(1 0I~8 I. ~ I or, M r . '-' u o rgo '" l imp t! .., .. F uD tlr,1l1 se rvi.,oeA W 1"0 l,le ld tL t tI\(' --.---.... lyanu ithi l!l >:tPNUt"udulyof th eofli .. lh~nof 8orroweasier for 118 to bea. r. , d affect,io nate hup-'I T o ()u~· J'rndA. D on 't Il fl k for U .: INSPECTOR 10lls .of a,' kln,'d "n ., I~tllm[lR 01' pre miuU1 tioket. o~ tnll1- II1,te r ellld rJ A [ue. dllY ur te rn OOI1 u I, . ~. (' 'r::; 10 pnfol"· th ' law. FrlLnk H. Duke and ,F amUy. band Imd father . .










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1 M.









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()1l1' CorwrniS.Sions are S~I· 2 o'ol ook . Bni'ill l Wfl. S wade iu I.. a\) , FlLrruing waY ,: tLJe oconpj~trl n h ll ~nd lIlIl $ , , followed the gre/lter"pnrt ~ fii s life. Smull we 000111 not A.o'ord to gi1e n.Doli, e m eter.v . °rbe deQeased b ld ' lit · dilfol:e ol. Ticket.'!. ,l ob~ A. Fuokey 1 - . . ' . ' ',,'. . . APRIL. FOOl! DAY times publi.o llol!lti o n ~ ,of I-I llSt, onoll TI G ·Id f "t M • "h' b . ' l& III , 0 " ,. ary Coanty, COlUmi8~ioTltll', lI'o d (or sev " . ' s v uro . . , ... , '. ' .., w\1) m ee t Thursdav I.~I t ernoon .vf!.h Suy, d Hl yon PIO~ up that brlo k, 01" erai ' term8'u" township trus tee: . . ~. '.. . Mrs. OltdwRl\uder !It tbe J;'eo~ory, to .lId yon l ook fo r ~nTUeIJjlUg, ,)n yo ur , . • . .,' " Ne,bfl~u,h II "tal8 II qdOlkll~/ Ql,11 1I S8.Um - flni h up 't he .work and p~Ok the. b x ( bllok"? Wal,c ', \ on t, b y ll.ud ~j rl , i 1 l ipg life A gen , e ILD w e ( !lPOS ' ..,' bl I ·u f . h ., . . f d"· h· to h , lIeot us un EIl~t r ou'erlng t m e n ' Im wom n, or y n ollg t get ' ,I . ·tton ,~OJl . ~?r hh:iDt~1 l'ienA ~ · w II) flh"- t.he · ( Ili\ure n' 'SOS)il,ul ~t 'lOoill- bntlly fooieel 'l'hnrscln.Y . , ttlan:'f1d Jli !~ .. 19u Yo .. r Q.UlH t ~. ,tt~t.i. . ' . ' , ,CAR OF CORN · 'weakneSs aod fdUty of honwuity heal\Vaysoast the maotle of charl1iy, We wClnt av:ery eme to: see ·o ur .~nd ~lt~be.d 'Dot his o.pu)u~ndll-tion. tlLouHMLd"do.a~r :Di3play ,of sh~es I We ~i11 "'!lve ,a car Of corn ill tlio tlte gborl tn bt8"teil,?w ~eD'. . • .Evervt.~ing in Gqod. Sho 8, we Cl1n 111\ L of tbls week. . peotlil l)r1Q~ if . FQr hle good tr"lt s . of ob"". show ~ou. Loo k ILt;t:be IIlrge \lne of talc 0 by l oud fr om Cltr. ~&er ~e will be missed .nd .mourD Ilow OlltS und 8Itpper~, o,f tbe ,LII.test . W~yne8viJt.!!.._.MilJiI. . ed, MAl',ilght perpetul\illhioe UWD RQd Be.t of 8am~ltoQ ,BtOwn,ond -... Jitor,.iDd: may bl~epd ~ peRce. , jtJhQ Brown I::)I)0e .00. Every .palr ScoJ;land'hlilS many houSes w'thout , . . \ J', j' C. IWlraQteed. , JobD JI. FQDu,y window/!. .




•. B ';tmpbell , of o lumbu , .p ctO l" for ntionnl bll.Dk in thiij · ti~triot, Wl\!l in tow~ la st Wcdoo ' d/ty, and tog I h with t h e dir ectors, mtldfl nn' inspeotiou of th e' W lI y u es vI' ll e Nutlo' nnl I)au k , ~nd found ev,. ' g dElrtll'I)jlin nll"i gulJ to , t he min utelSt e I . - - - - -.,. C LAR.K COUfI{'fY DRY U

-1'he eJeotion i.'u ' 114rk couut,y M.Ol1~ day re!lult ed in 0. vjot ory 1'r the dry·s • . 'l'he count'y ' went dry by' 8il majorlt.y; , J:t i1.4 not tbOdgbtr ' tbat t he offi oit~1 ooun t \yH} olll4D ga til reo .ult. . - -- ~-' The Norwegian . .army includes a corps on skates, .

- .... -

. -,.


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Wbitnllc k , R . D . 0, The Busl·nsss . Men's Ass.Qo·l .. tl· on 32[,5 times .. hel l !l. spirited meeting at the Town. on one hal f. tlle 'ize o f an ortllDlLry ship Monday evening..:· p'o al oard . Je s ie S . Yllger , T rant lJouttne bUl:!l-neSS w .. s tran a..........;.. · OU t .')l1io, W I'O e it 20110 times and L . ..,~ . !" -""', and a. gleat delll wa, . said ,a bnut the fin OU, Middletown, wrote, rne business i nterests ()f'the town and 2~,:~ times. . ' , , _" ~__ _ _ __ the interes·tA of toe. association. , SPE~IAL NOTICE .T he ~ssooiati,o~ wilt"meet the· last . Mondu.Y , night of.eaoh month~ , :rb e April meetit;lg of the W., '. T. • _ ....._ _ _""" . will mee t at the home of ' Mrs. JjOW · ABOUT ,YOU~ ,PIANO 'l'. J ell' l:iruitb, ll'rido.Y AP1'il '2nd, at ., . ' .'" 2 p. m. ' Does you.r P~DO D~ tUDlng? It ill ex'p cted thltt the coonty su- Call- J . •1.. 'rJ1,ODlP.OD, J~.• US E. I>or~nteDdent ot Po.rlty will be 111 ~l\in ~t; , LebanoD. Ohio. or Vane,.' t8ndtlnoe, as tha.t is thetoplo for the Phone 64.B, aad he.wUl oall OD ,ena, day. COQle I SBOB8TAIlY. aild suar&DMe latlllaaatoD. . Mr . . 'lIlI ll.

r. abaooD . wi'ote lIt5trnn ss "







P.ifl1s In t he Kld n~ya, BlOat· lng, Et~ . , Overcome.

~ ,,, ~h~ ,


w wlll\t ooruruou nllments, an d w orn-



"p<'Cl d it)


r--::- -=::::::::-'

I'll W1lC) tlu!T(lr bll" kadl, C'ou!<taut Il\n· guoI': nnd 11101" con,mon s yruP.t Ins o( kldnoy \?tll I1Ialn t. Rhould be gmt ru l t o MI"S. !IIi.lule Tumor, of E. n. St., Aundnrlm. 1,la .. t.he way to flncl Quick Turner used Doa ll's K Jd· D .' ('IU s for n ru n-down cond itio n. tlll('li ncb(\ pains in the sides a nd kid· Jlt'r ll. b loated li mbs, lc. "'1'h way th t'Y have )mllt me U)l Is s imply mnr· velolls." suys Mrs. T urner. 'who 1s n I1\Ir8C. " M'y 11 alth, Im proved rnpld· I ~'. Five bOl: did eo rn ueh fo r m o I am IotHn!: ~ elJ'body a bout It." •. old by nll d nl rs. GO c n ts a box. Fosl r·Mll~urn a., DulInlo, N. Y.


Cit izen SoUlier's Un ique Idea of thl Duties of a Sentry. A.u stnllians sti li l ell stori!.'s of the C. L. V.'a, although th e war Is a far meo\OIY. One, a mem bor of the Stock EllcllangIB. was loft one wet and mls r· ble nisbt ~ guard a wagonload of goods. . He ~ed In tbe uns helt er ed place tor som o bouns pond ring m3ny th ings, and then a brlJ;'b t thougbt I'b- uck him jaat 88 tlte colonel came ~arouu d on his tout' eI tnllpectlon. "Colonel," h e ask ed, " how much 1a W e wagolI wot'th?.. "I doD't know," was th an swer. ''}luClh or UWe, we can't alford to lose ft."

"Well. but colonel," persisted the amateat' llOIelleT, "you mlgllt g ive me a rough Idea af the va1ue.u " About £!eO," sald the 'Colonel teaUt,-.

"Very weD," W811 the answer. "I wiD collie dOWB to the camp and give ,ou 80 oIleck for the amount. Tbe n I'll turn fo. 1 WOUldn't catch my d,eath 01 COlli fOJ' ni08 that m~ch . " . W'hat the colonel said r. DOt J'&o oorded.-Mel~urne Times. MADE HIM SIT UP.


Wlfl&-ru make rou sorry you ever Quarreled with me! Rublw-WbiLt win you do? Go home' ta yOur mothet""I IIUllPltSe ? ' W'l1le-Ne; ru mother h er e ! Why There Wu a Funeral. •IThat looka like a newly made g l'ave -t1Jat utUe hummock ove r there on the del'lrt," said the traveler from the



''Tblllt''lr' jllSt W~9,t It III, nelgbbor," ..nsl'"~ red Arizona AI. "The editor at tbo Weekly Cactus Spine. WIUI burled -oyer . Ulere ·last week." "Wbat WI\1I his comnlalnt?" :'He 'I lldn't ·haTe none. It Willi Coyote «;al tbIt had t ho complaint. You se , there W'BS a . baby born U(I to Cai's house a 'S1'eU o.go, aud ·lhe e ditor wrote an item about It, eayln' I\. tow-beaded UtHe Cirt h~d come to make Cal and bis WOID_ happy, but it 'l1ears that the j)t1ntet- got the letters mixed SOme· how. Leastways It said In the pnller WhOD On1 rend It that It was a "twobeaded baby; and hlm beln' an 1m· pulslve cuss, th ore wan't llotbln' to do but botd the funeral the next day but ODe."

'CONGENIAL ORK And Strength to Perform It,

an TbiR')~


Poi nts for So ldi ers Lllld Sal/ors lind Th eir He i rs

Ali"ce ~ <t: sary t H ·f.t) oHair. nsirdl.. fY\~ ~ TO' \


W ortby of th ~e$t i';jl'j

' r ('n lll com ph-. Ion neeet not both r b r





.\ GI" gnrllc t o Spnnl"h. And Illjh 10 Ihe [lll lll s h : Bu t lI ~ l en . hel \V ee n me

D n(lat- 1 wourl I' do es h 'r nl\ y wa nt t h ll~ . tq ol h pu lled, or Js he schem· In g Cor a U ~t\s t ?






:-. ':"';" Th~ nkll:.l.tb the Burglsl'.

Th e dar\( lan tl' rn fl nshod t.hrou gh th o fln!. Thcm (':lm tl, e gleam ot a re,·olv!'r. To tI Icll'l puro E I.,·sln n. " HandA li p!" hlsllecl Ih head ot th e I1r longa t 11 }'arlslccn W llO ml xc'll I h o so up. ramll v. "You' ro n hnrglnr." ''['Ol au I"ou." ' ~ y :y s." /lasl d Iho 10tr uder, ae h e Re r n ps n ( ronst o r ox- tall. fa ced th o cold st el. " \Vhul. havo you s lolon?" U (l O ClI ." chick n 0 1' IIllI l li . A II t hn t ('Mnt'fl t o llll" ,; 0 ,)1,'1< n t . Is fis h . . " YQn r ",irQ '" Pil l; clog." Th o oll\'e nf A rJ4;Cl II. " 11' D! . Er- If th lLt'S all y!!!U may Dn"hcl'l or Tn rruH'0U 61ll"ak ou t qtl letly." Meet In lhls \f,lIld r rul rl lsh. "A nd ),0 111' mo lJlorln·lnw'1I rmrrot." ' 1'111 (or' nil ,.orts at scraps" Yon don't RUY. Wen , hl!'T"8 is some OnlollS. ('n rrOIS. p l' rhapl<. 100f; C' it ll n!;,'." AmI Ipfl-o\'('l'-I h rolV It In. too. "Alle! YO ll r dn ll gh1er's pl1onograph ." )f nil I'!'ml omlc'ul Stunls t;flS l nl n Om lr.a l, "Cllnrl! ll rrp '" some mo m 100Sfl CO lll m o nd mo to l!l ls "Pot a u Fou." ch nng"." " Alt!o yon I" (I/I 'S puneh ln!; I~ . " Pot U II FO Il.-Thl s Is a Fron h (ox· " \\'bAI! Groa Scot. moo. lOtnB o nt pression . "pot on the fir e." an d It D11'/1II !l flx a ctly wh ut It S::IyS: " po t au to I ho )11>1'111'), nnd r ll open a !J() cia! th IJ firo," all evcr rendy J' ceptacl for boltl e. "--r it, nI IJI. -(,·Ta)ls. whic h nny otb I' coolt lind r Lese Majeste. Ihe s un hnt a F r nc b ono wo uld a ll· teachpr In one of th e s b ool s of Blb'l1 to the gnrb ot;e can . rUn has g iven to the papers of Iha l E,· n scraps or bread or toasted, elty Ii com poslUo n wrltrl'n " yon o f cut lll t o cubes and !laved In n Cli P to t h pupil s In hi li ' schOOl Oil t1Ie 8ub· se rvo wit h It. Th "Ioa vlngs" from Jpcl . "Th Kaiser," In t h conrs or ~)Ie or biscui t d ugb a t' drop ped In whlt-h lhe young aut hor says: "Prln(,11 to boll in thIs won dorful ")Jol a u fe u." "lI h 1m W RS bor n on Ihe Itnlsr's And fortu nate It Is, too. that tbe old \ ty l or ba vl ng dumplings Is being reo h!l·lhd ny. From tho dome C7f the l.Ie 101 !mlu to sbo ts were fired. Tt, vlved. A bit of dough baked or bo1led with m eat Is an old JoJ ngll sh Idca a t nld ~a ll dfnt ho r an!! old Wran gel ouce ' h althrul and economical. Our bopp<,d Int.o a , cab and went to lhe Sl'hlosB. a nd olrl Wran gol 1m I!! : 'Tb grand motll ra used ofte n to m~ Ulem, but they are not ao commonly boy Is all ri ght,' and the ratb~ mad a bow from th balcony, and It W811 made by mode rn cook&--just why,. no· awful cold . And when tlle boy W0 8 body s eems to know. bnpllzcd hl R father bold bls wat ch In -HE MINISTER t\ND BIDDY•. t ro nt of th e IIlI e fellow's nOlle. and h grabbed It and n ver let S'tt 1)~1n. b . AID B rl dc!' t : ''1, co.n·t bO!u causo ho Is a Hohem:nlle rn." th em tolka This Wltl Interut Mothers. Thnt p eddle books Dnd 1\1: th r Grny'!! W f)l' t Powdare ttlr C hll lac 8. dr n. UK d b)' Mother CNlY. a rtllrl! In And bother me; bedad. · Chlld rl\ll's Iio10 1'. Ne\V Yom. CUTO o n l!Uthe doo r n , i" c\'erlshn 81<. Thi nS' OttIord MI. I'll slnm r ight In tholr pllII to Ol , ('h Troul.> lce Hn tl OmsWoy Worm s : fBecs !" I r . llmonlnlf. o r ·r orol'. All drnggl&tB. . :!Se. Sn.lI1pl F'REE:. AddrOflll AOen 8. Olm000 dn y II. s mool h - hlll rod. stu<1 . J,,8 Rny. N. Y. nod you,

s ml!lliS m a n Announ ' d: "I'll Uko t o

The Mo,t Likely Place. "1\lolley does b't grow on bushes," T h 8or van t . In t~ ruptln ll' declared the purveyor of bromides . him. "That's rl gh\.," ·s . sC'Dted the ot her !\lock ed: ' "Wou ld you' Twenly-three·nh. hal f 01 the sketcb. " Not eVIm In the gold fl elds.'·- !\:l1 llS08 Cit, Jottrna). '-rhe lndy's got no ti me to to ol; No man pretends t hat his lIIIIul dndll ~ y" n.l n't t.luI.t prIn ti ng len'r ? Its sli pr m sr.Uahlc t!on 1n II H·sacrl· 'No Ill:' nt.\l. {I~ dd l rs or l hq Uke. Allowed here'-tbo.t meo.ns liere.'· fice; sncb fin afrect alio!1 would stnmp "B ut. I'm tho ncw-" "Oh, yes, I Imow: him as a con'nrd a nd a w akUftg . Worn· en wh.o y urn fo r so1f.saorlfice are You nre t ho IllUDO 'now' n fnD Tha.t sells \ 0 nil the Iollts ' ro und here ruer y und rwor kell. On tho. InstAllme nt 1)10.11." Delicious OIlke8 and p3Stries are proShe slam m d the door. "Now go a nll due d by th lise of Souders' Oream ot ch~ Yourselr 8round tbe block!" 'fnrtar lJnkl'n g Powder and SO\1ders' hlas! 'Tn'N! the n w mln lsler, Flavonn g Elxtrnctlii. All good sroeerles , Just calling on bls Ooek ! A lazy lnlln -makos as lJlllch (uea For tno Collector. wh n he bas a trtll!!! job of work on The word "marquetry," a s nppUcd ba hd as an old h en docs who 18 tryto furniture, is derived (rom the In~ to Ta lse one chick. French "marQllcter," to mark, or tel s pot, Ilnd Is a venee r of dl lferenl woods forming by their contrasts 8 mosaic of ornamental doslg ns. Mar· QUetry, or ve neering with thin woOds. The most ' CJ rtaln sign of w1l111om I. tortolae shell, brass, etc., was ' used In n c.onllnunl lheerfulness.-Montalgue. making the rIch furniture during tbe Mrs. WindoW-II 8oo'hln.r a,.n.1" . first period of ' the Renaissance. P'ar chU<lnIn tocthtDIf. eofl"D~ tha Rwn., ~Oeet tJt. Throughout Europe, 1n the a1xteentb lIaollnaUQII.dtOYIPaJa.CU_ _ apDo. lIIIOabotUe. century, elaborate eomposlUons and An unbridled tOllgue fs tlIe worst of ploturos were representod by thll dI8eases.-Eurlpldes. method. The popularity of Dotch marquetr, In our early colonia) furniture Is largely due to tho Influence of the Dutcb king, William. The dUferonce between English nnd Dutcll work Is debalable \Jut the chief point of variation I~ that tbe Dutch Indulge In very Wgb pictorial treatment. The best time 01 production In Holland was to\VaTd the ,1I0se of the sixteenth eentury. Later the work beoomes coarse and too vivid But the beauty of It can best be studied in the houses of the uppel c]a8l1 'ln ~olland where, tn many caties, the furniture was made for the veI'] room Which ·now Contnlns It. . One of the puzzlos for the connols· seur Is to d e ~ermlne what arc tho varl· ous w,?ods used la the early inarquetry. "I lIave taken Laburn11m, ' walnut, box, cedar, yew Vegetable and syc'o m'o re weTe all used , but aWn pound d uri n (I tho dirt and vaTnlsh ot two centurlee change of1ife. My lias been removed, they are not ens, doCtor told me it was 80od. and since Brass Lamp Mat Mounted on Leather', to Identify. t'\tift8 it I feel 80 with One-Quarter of Patter" for the LobateI' Soup, a la Caitellane, muc)l hetter tbat I Brass Work. can do all my work It III accident, this. title, and vOl1ohed . I think brass is required. and a circle of 1eath- tor by allthoTlty. Cut up.the flesh of · Plnklulm's er 8% Inches In dlameteT, . two small lobsters, nnd toIi8 o~r thll l table Com. . To make thEl mat; lay tbe piece at Ore wlt.h about a gllI of Beobamel " a flae remedy ,b rass on a flat woOden board, and tack aauce; when the eauce Is almost ·at). 11 's It down on each corner lightly. PlaeeJ 60r~d, add a little wine, a~d ~I, troubles. 1 tl)e design chosen In 'one corner, with ' bring It to the desired thlc~neBs with teU II a piece of carbon paper under it. Trace a l1sh IItock, previously thickened' With tho iteslgn on the brass with ' a. hard, . br9Wned flour. Add"BetlllOnlng and the 8l11trP lead pencU.. 'Trace on eac'h cor- juice ot a lemon; stTain and serve. ner' until. tho 'c lrcle"la complete. ' These are fancy . soups,but well worth . With the IItlppnilg t091, outline the whUe, 8S they make an elaborate touch de~ I~. and Wen tilt in the. backgrolmd' to ' a plaln .41naer. . ' as Indicated on th'!l pattern; The tool with which ' to 'p unch ' the ' . Gar,,'ihln'g, ' ; boles . Is' .~ 1l~e-p~lllte4 a~l, tind mar ., ~en )~tuce Is dear-use the tin), be purc.based for 15 cents. " . Inside le:-.vea. .ot the cabbage, or , the C\,lt out the braSil' Circle, ·.b elng care· ' young leaTea ot .th~ celery, o.r..e!e~, on tnl to leave ,~n the tbJ:ee. little ta~s o~ a ~~Cb, for compa~r' a ~er~ leat or bit ,each..quarter . .Place . the ~l'ass over' the., of .. waudorlng Jew f!om :the . banglM leather. . Tho leatber 18 'Ufree-e1gllths baaket. . '.... • '. of on, Inch wider ' thllD the. brass' aU Lar4: and buttm:, 'm lsed, la )let,ter ror round, Beud the bras~bnck'over ".hor~n1ng" . pur~a.. than ~ '~tlier tbe loather ·and potind l\lem d.o n tlilt. &lo~e, . Lard . makes a greasy, bu~er Tbla will IJ.oJd the leather 1n pllt'Ce. , ~ftakY 'cruat,' The comblnatloil III 'ff " ~ pollshell surface !II deal~ed for" ~ore "heal~, ~d ' taitea f1tlly the , then It should . bo poUsbed ' &Oocl: ." . before mQuntlng It (I'll ale Jeather, . RiJsa1an calf f.a the ~ ltlnd C!f .1Mt1i•. slw-~h-"



F· St. N. W. Ci ty. ' Query-Will you Infor m me UlTough ~' o ur penSion 'O IUIlIll whe n th e hili be· ca me n la w 110t a llowlu'g t\ p IIsion to widows of soldiers of th o civil war who were manl ed a fte r tb passage of said blll ?-Sa rab W. Answer-You 110 doub t re fer to the act o[ Ap ril 19, .1 908. whl cb g ranl il ppnslon 10 wldowlI of so ld ie rs and sail· ors to whom tit y we re nlarrle!l prior to J Ull t' 27, 1 !lO. who !ton 'ed no dllYs In t ll clv'll wa r and re c (\ I\'(~ d bOllora· ble d lsc~ a r ge th erefro m.

Takhig Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound . .


... ,., . ....

n De -


Tarkio, Ind. Query-Please s ta te In your pen· s lon column, whlcb 'Is read with great In ter st In this part of the coun try. t ho rate pension aIlowed tor lOll of a fo ot, loss ot s ight of onc e ye and for loss of all the toos or one toot. - Cnpt. MI ~ha e l Mo\<.. Anlwer-The rat of pe nsion al· lowed unde r the g .,3ml law fo r loss of one toot Is $40 11 I' month ; (01' 108S of t he !lIg ht of on ey ,$1 2 per month; for loss or a ll t il toes of olle foot, $10 per month. provided We sa me lire due t o service nnd line of tluty.

A. ~n In good 11('nIth ill likely to haTo a genlnl disposition, a mbition, and e n;er work. 011. tbe oth or baud, If tb o Ufgestl\'e ' orga!lS h ave beell npf,let hy wrong food. work becomes druil gory. "UnUI recently," " I'lL B n Washing.. tOft gil", ''I 1I'I1S n rall l'Oa d stenog· T8.llhor, whlcll IDOOO S full wo rk ev ry day. "LlI,(l JIl a ny ath ol' girls a lone lu a largo cit,)', 1 1\ vod at a boarding hOllse ' Ii'uT breal..'ias t it Wall JUusb, g rea Y An I rreparablo Loss. Til ten her of th e pri ma ry f;c hool . m('ft.t. soggy cakes .. blal:l, coffee . etc. " AlLOT a fe w mont bs ot Ibis di et. 1 In loo kin g round th o room a fte r lbe u8ed to feet sloepy and b eavy in the child ren had ta liE'n their s ats. saw a mornlJl gs. .My work seemed a t er. ne w face. It pel'la ln d to a littl e boy. riblo e lort, and I thought the work was She called him to her des k. "Wh a t Is your na me. den r ?" sh a s ked him . t o hla.m&-t oo arduous. . "At llom a 1 bnd henru my fath er "T omm y Hun ter, llIa'am," he aQs peak of a young fellow wbo n' nt s were d. " How olrl nre yotl. Tommy?" long distances In tho cold on GrapeNuts and cream ant! nothing more for "Si x. goin g ou se\' II ." breakfllSt. " Y OII don 't look over flv ,'. s h e said, .rr cquclnded it It would tide biro a ft er a car [ul sCI'ulluy: "Csha ll bave o\'cr ~ornlng's h eavy work. It mI ght to aalc YO Il to bring m a cerllfl l'ato or hotp me, s o on my way home one YOI1I' nge.'· nIght I bought a paokage nnd n oxt "Hl'ln g you ,vhat, mn'am ?'; mOnlJllg I ba d Grap ~ Nu ts nnd milk "A statement from your parents. for brookfJast. ' You lIla y sta y here t his mornin g, but "I st ock to ·Grape.Nul s, and In leSE wh en you go .h:lmOJ n.t noon, as k your thau two w eck;s I noti Ct'!l 'Imllro,\"C!, moth I' to write me a 'hote, telling me meat. '1 can·t. just t el! lIow well 1 wben un d ,,,liere yo'u were bor n. Don't ·· ·f~t. but I- r ememb I' 1 used t o' wa lk ' fo rget It, Tom my.. You IDay g o back ~e ta blocks 10 ' bll sln gil Ilnd kn e w to yonI' II at." how goo4 it was simply ·t.o 11" " H Ell' th noon r ess was over and . . , " As t.p m~' or k-well. «Ill' you ever tll childre n hUd · l'eassQm bleg In the feet th o ·d eW'ht,.·or h llviug (00 genial cJ)oolroo m. Tomm)' 'Dl'el;;elll ed' blml!elt wm1r nn4' tbe tb (0 P li'ol'm It? lit h I' desk . ' /lush ~ with ,(dumph .. T-iv!t'/l how I .f It. ' I truly bellev Tht.> gl{IW Sopil .ta dea frOIU hili · IHUe Ih~TEltIi lifo and vJgor In very gr~ l n ot face, h O \':I~V (·I·. DIl h f It In his pOCkar,tle>N'ute." " tel.. ' 0JlP. aft l' unothc r, nnd fulled to N~mo ' given bY' Po tUD! . Co., .Bat t! " n 1f1 t h JIIltc his rno t~1' hail wrllten. ~etc. 'Mlcb, Read "Tbe Road to W e ll- ' Jj .. bto a n to ry. . vtlle~" In "legs. "Tbero'IJ (\ Reason." .'" _In t II! t ho matt f. dear?" IIs ked . ~ ••e: ........ ~Mter., A 11_' . Ihl' I s eIH·r. · . ..... ..... Ina ........ Ta!e7 .. , ..... I·vl> lost m)'- m" excu~e Cor '.h. .~ .,.. In' b(J I'n ~" sobbed Tommy,


f\a ~ ~ i1')!m

The lucky possessor of a Tl()~ch an d



r v(c

Til pr ~ont f!ld of W :lrl ng exlr me· 1,.. hl,g h collan~ will l1 uve a h urtful [bend abollt wbal she wears or wbat f Ilt upo n tb fl ellh o n Ule throat un,Cv l,y rl " aL l ~ , lly \.'. t:.. Jouua, she Cll tS. bu Ih' gir l ot orlltlgo hue 1 !IS sp,e '1 01 ar Is g lvon to pr£v nt It. Jnf.l rnllllloll fllr ~nlolll'l'S n ll.1 SI\\lor~ and must consldor both dr ells aud dI' I.. if n cause thro ngl1 st.opp'lg or cll·cula· tlw lr lcl·h·~. \I hl! o r o lovl \I',1 \ 0 lII a l< ' us e' IIho wQul d nol rl'sembl an ex hllru~d Uon, a condition hrollgbt a bo ut ·by o r I hl~ (". lcCOl II ro>r "ueh Inrorm nllllll as hI gh coll Ars , a l:l r manoll t dark ru arl, thc:o y rI,,~Ir'c r"lnliv hI pClls lon IIl ll tt r8. mum my 0 1' a lump of salfron. t.l'll r rR ~tntlllg full nam ' a nd n(\drcs e> t T ho sa llow girl s hould look to h or com s. a nd SOIUO re med y 10 obviate \\' rlJ~r8 I'houl<l h" n{"lrv8R~tI 10 C. E . II ve l' rat h er tha n to powde1' for 11g b\.· the troo ble tll ll St b e Dl ploy-cd. It Is .Ton"". -n·H <I I "'~lo n . n. " Tn r plyln~ eDlng h!'r cOlDp l~ l o n. A half lemon not ex p$1cted thllt R. girl ,,-Ill select a tllI' r, 'l"', nl y lho Ini lialil ot cor rcBl)on d nlll In 1\ glass of wnLe r. mornin g ond eve: neck dr Bslug that I u misfi t , but s bo will bu qUOl U. nlng . nnd several quar ts ot pla in wa. may Inke the h appy medium or one Ph!,. ,·llIe. In cl . tor b t'\'een will pa lu t t be ch eeks b ot· th at Is n ot too los to h r t hroat. Query-Somr ycars ugo 11 lulm fo r t r th an th e rOllg pot. F or exam ple, tr 13 Is tho ns ua l site, It pellsl n was flf lld nn (it'r t he S(,11 ral .offeo must be cut o ff t he sallo\v Is Ibe 11ar t or wisd om \ 0 ta lto 13lh Inw fo r min or hild ron of a soldi er of g ir l's lis t. ; so also shou ld strong loa when the h.elght or ths lIuen Is ex· tb civil war; lh II' molh er. th so l· nnd too m ucb chocr. atl:l. RIch roods. cesslv. It Is precis Iy th same t h . tii 'r ' widow. having di d t wo y aI's too mnny sweets. a nd a bove nil hot ory that C3 U S(~ ono to Wf\a r longer prIor to th l' soldier. Abo m a vear bre nds should bo s bunnod. boots whon t he toos nre )tceaslv ly n~o on of th millo r children d ied. Fruit . In season an d out. Is tho boon pointed. Til olher minor for whom pension ot the y oll ow buod. S ti nt 09 cv ry· In OI'U ~ r 10 p r ~s r ve Its roundness WitS c lulm ed 15 now a manl d womnll t hin g Iso b fore yo u cut dO\" 1 your nn d Rofinps ' lhe th r oa t m llst h a \'(' wit h chllrlrt' ll . he was lIn der 1G a1 lowan co ot orang san d a l pies from sam nIl' nnd freedo m of ruo vl? m nt. y<'nrs of ng wh e n th o claim was th dnily m nu. Tho Quly poss lbl ex· As 500n as th o coll ar Is take n olT at fli ed for h r elf unci sl st r. Th claim ception In the rrult Uno Is sep(\y h 1" night or ov · u ti l n .,n, tho ' t hr oat bns h (' 11 abandolll'(\ ,for leu y('ars. rl s . which ar(' often too acid and . houlll b e wnsh d with 'il,arm water PI tlSI' lufo r m me tbroug h your )lClI· clog th InteslluL'S. and soap. Tb \I willie It Is stili res lo n ('olumn what nn b tiou In th Qllll o DS ILUporta nt a s dlot is be· l!lxcd frow th e hot npp ll cutlon t h matt ".-\\'. T . ~ .. ltorn('y at Law. comin g dress. 'OIllO gi rls wl lh 1\ RI'ln IlIlRors may b dlpp u Inlo old cream Answe r-;\linOl's' pcns lon enn bo ob· Ilk a clay ban k p rsisl In w arlng uucl rubb ed vigorous lx ove r the ft sit tailled from th o dat of the dea lll o f ecrull. purplE'S and !;Tcems. wbere tb e collar lop rubs , m aldn;; til III s oldi er. It it can h I} shown tha t Rec:ls a n geu ra ll y be wor n by th e mo io n r Olary. Nec ssnrlly mort' worl( bls d ea lh wa!l du c to sen' ico a nd \fn e sallow Slrl; mOSL s hades of blue o,nrl wil l be ronulr d on I.blll part or til of dut y, to the cla t tbey SIlV rally at· abo v all , a soft r Oil' pink. T he fa noy t h ront t ha n a t any other portion . save talned th e ngl' of 16 y ar.. 'rh e fa ct (or brown which is prll'Vnlen t \vll h sal. just un der th ar s. Th l Inst Is 1\ that lh o sur vi vIn g mInor Is now over low women . whll a belter cholco plnco SOlD li mes n e~l .c t d becnuse Il 16 ~. aI's of [II; und r.1tlrrled. does not l han ecru, doel! not giv eno ugh can. does not show In·n. mi rror. but In poin t a lTect hoI' till' to m!nor's 11 us lon uu· trnst ullless hlg ll lights are there in or !a,c t It Is extremeh ' cons\llcuous . dOl' the onern l Illw. If the c laima n t After finl s blng tbe cold l'eam npInt. n ds to procc tI with th e pros ecu· whi tes. W hit o nOVE'r fnll. to be bocomlug. pli cation tt Is ,ye ll 1.0 mop t ho throat tlo n of Ihe nbandoned lailll , she should wri te to · t it!.' om missioner of as It se mil to clear np tbe mud rllest wi t h cold wator to tighte n th.o skin penSions. s ignifyi ng such In te ntion. ski n ; It must bo a pure wblte, how- 'and prevent flabbin ess. It a lin has already npp ared In .th e a ud r quest to b lurorm ed a s to what ever , without a tinge of cream. The woma n with olive complexion skin a whitening c ronm to be subst!· tUl'th l' vld euce Is necessary to coru· wll1 find t be na rrow lin or black vel- tuted for lhe u sual emollien t Is m ~ d e Ll i t It r claim. vet ribbon tlln.t 1s uow worn with eve- from two 9lI1lC9S or s trained honey, Dos lon, !\fa s. nlng go wns a (loslliv boon. ThCi bal r an ounce of glycer in, half an Query-I " 'rlte you In behnlf or my black well up ngalnst t he fa ce-tho onnce of r ectified spirits . one ond a mot hOI', 1\ r tired officer 's widow. H r band &bould be worn hlgb . on tho ilalt drams of pur cJt rlc a cid ond h usband und out dl y died from dlsn· t broa t-tends to whiten and 'clear her tbre drops or ossence of vlo\et. The bllllr con tracted In III service, which ·skln and m akes poss ible II. frock of a honey and glycerin are llut Into a cup tnc she runy be unable to p rove. bad color. and set Into hot. water t o warm, so \ III she 1.> 0 a llow d to ap ply ror Gold beads s hould be charily worn they w11\ mingle. The cItric acid Is wltlow's pension under t he act of by the sallow gi rl. CertaIn tones of di ssolved In th spirits, the honey reApril 19, i 90S, and unde r th o g noral gold are hldeonsly unbecoming, thou gh moved trom h eat, a.nd as soon as the law at til sa me timo, so that sh can the pale lemon tin t Is not out of the mixtu re 'Is cool the spirit added. This g t th P ns lon under the act of April question. . may bo freely used on th raco or In case s he ca nnot furni sh t he proof One cannot lay down hard and fast hands. n c ssary to s ta bifsh h e r clai m for rul es 1\.6 to coloI'. To say blue Is beWhen tbe line is old nod v ory pension und I' the go neral law?- coming do s not mean Alice or porce- marked a strong bl e~ch msy be Teo H arry T. L. lain tin ts, nor d ~s the same shade' of qulr d, bnt the one 1 am about to give Answer-Th soldie r's vi dow can blue look well on every saUow person. should b e used with grcat care, applyap ply fo r pension und e r t he gen ral Tb re Is but one way to definite ly In g It to the tine. letting it stay for a Jnw nnd u n d I' Iho act o f April 19, know what can be worn. Test It In Cew mlnut s and then wiping orr. It 1906. a t the same time. She wonld be every ligh t. Do uot trust to your own Is mnde from two STams of chloride nli t led to widow's pension un der'lhe judgment, but have w Ith you an lin· or meroury, foUl' grams of s ul phate or gr~a~ ms of Unct uJ'e of wmphor a ct of April 19, 1908 w llhoRt r:;:::,:nr~dLr.u.ul.l1t:~~iW;'L,.!;W~h~o~lsL!!h~OCill1.I!J...ll!!.!LlliIlli...J.!,l~~~ln~cC!.~fl~v;;:e!....!! to the couse of lho soldl er's death . say what she thi nks. and 150 ,grams of dls UlIe w ater. It provld d he served 90 days In th e L et no ~I ever person t empt you by s bould W mixe d by a he mlst and, Is civil wa r and I'eoelved h ono l'able dis· fla tt ery Into thinking you can wear poison It ta ken In ternally. It s honld c\large I'h refrom and s he wus mar· with Impuni ty colors that would try a not b u sed oft en r tban a t night and rl cd to blm prior to June 27, 1890. She milk and rose akin. In the ruornlng . can I' celv the peuslon allowed uud er said nct of Apr il 19. 190 , while she ·Is ma king a n elJor t to obtain the e,,1· tl nce nec ssary to establi sh hor claim for wldow'lI pells lon un der th e gen· e ral l ~w.


. Is no light ~ cozy a,nd c<?m-

HER E f'orta bl e to relld by as a lamp. It T gives a delight fully homey air to the

a:n ~ most Impol'tau~ of all; It is the VCT)' best thing ror the .~)'es. . A' tabl e well .suppJled. with boOks IUld mngazlncs, nnd In the cl'l).ter a bright, ch.eery lnmp, well alladed,ls a mOs t InSi iI . v1tl?g g t ot! a , wl,n ter 's eyenlng; ~ 6f courlle, the amp muat have a mat under. It ·to b quite co.m plelc. A lamp mat that. Is both service able ~d l)reLt f .I.I! a nOTel co~blnaUon ot brns,s &Del leather, 1>- SKetch of 8uch a ·mat 18 gIven., cether with a , patteI'D 10r ~~rtor 4IIl It. A nlDMDcll tlQUIU'e of 17...... .. . ~~I1"INd. .OOI~ maY.he ~ 1'00U1,






ow tbat very en terprising American city and town


~"""'M1'!\." 01'



nnd village has begun either to "spruce up" or to talk about dolug It, having come ot a suddin to the conclusion that perhaps after nil it Isn'l exnctly beautiful, the QuesUon has arisen: "Wbat cnn we do nbou-t It 1" This Question Is coming Into the omt'es ot architects and oftlclnls or varIous sorts these days from all parts ot tbe country. And somethIng Is beIng done about It, In ·fact. a very great deal Indeod. Defore we oC the pr sent generation are all comfortably tn oftr gl'ues we will Ilee vaat changes-just as astonhlhin~ changes as we have seen since we were children, and one or the most striking will be the great metrmorphollS

0' COI.O .. . .... '- -.a.C:K'''.C.TVRG, 50 TRVII ..,.. TM, eVI\.O.l"4~,'T'5 mfl" ""1~TAl(t"


• •bVNb.N4

!rom uglfllcse to practical, ' helpful beauty In our surl'Oundlnga. Our big clUes, which have the hardest problems of unlovellness and Inconvenience (which usually go band In hand) are employing commissIons ot lellrned experts to tell them ",hat they should and can do. The smaller otUtjs are following sult with local art commissions and .ometimeB they Bend for an expert. The lawns and vl\lages bave local Improvement aBsoclaUons and art cui, ture clubs and they are all working In' the some direc·

don c e 6, built from 60 to 100 years ago. He says they are beautiful specimens of vure old ColonIal arChitecture, the one style tbat Is really AmeMcan. We may agree that they are pleasing. :We don't, uerhaps, know why, but We tblnlf 4l is j',,,t becapse wey arG old. It bas never occurred to us that . tbey were not far . Inferior to OUr modern, turreted and othorwlse highly embellished resldelieos with the corners , dan. . all sliced' olf and bay wlndO\ys .,hulglpg from ev<!ry van~<::=----'''Wbat'i''aJ1 thl. tUBa about our town being not good tase poInt. Perhaps we liked to look at the old houso enough 1" asks the hard-headed business man, who prides best !LS It shone white and 8tately through the trees. but htmself on bls scorn for all this ort (ol-de-ro!. "It was we supposed It was just 0. little remnant ot s entiment. and as such, of course, not to be encouraged. lOod enouga for my folks beforo me ond It'. good enough for mo. I'm makl~g monoy. Ain't wo all pretty prosDut lbe fact re mains tbat It has taken the Amorlcan perous?" people nearly 11 hundred rears to srow up to the p,,>lnt "Yes, bnt," answers the culture club, "look at our where t\!ey could Intelllg(JDtry apPl'l;lclate the archltec· tural worth of theIr own Inheritance. The awa'kenlng 19 rtval down tbe line. It's got a new postoffice that's a not rei complete, but we are hmrnlng vory Cast, In· beauty. It's on a square with trees around It and the new deed. town hall opJ)osile and· a fins new hotel and tbree new _tores are coming In OQ,. the sQuare. Thb farmers are An Interes ting example o'r how we nre returning to tho apying that we haven't Rny attractions over here and standard ollr forefathe rs !Jet and are dOing what we can they are golftS over there to do' their buying," to preserve the flne tradltlollo thot were theirs Is lbe "I wonderet why that Ulan Jenkins hadn't been In AnnaJ10lls postoffice. Annapolis, Where the United Stllteg with an order for threp. weeks," growls the hard-headed oaval academy Is, Is fUl old Colonial town. Almost every ,business man, and acratche.a his head to old lu til ... perco· buildIng Is In thnt style . . Two or three years ago COLIgress made an a\> proprlnUoB for a new postoffice th ere. laiJon of the new Idea. ' The matter was referred to the 01Jlce of the supervising And so Q ' new convert Is made to the heUet ·th, \ good looks po}" whether It Is the good looks of the Btock or architect of the treasury, wblch designs and builds all Uncle Sam's mall depots. ·Qf the packsge and label or of the seller or the atore, Now the supervising architect, Mr• .Jobn Knox Taylor, 'the buJldlng, the street or the town. A pleasant view happens to be 11 mlln of discernment, culture and sood &tyee' pleasure just surely as doos a pleasant face, whetheT the view be of dluned goods or dress goods or laste. He Iloon saw that the only kind ot a poSt-Office that would be harmonious, pleasing and creditable among all factorlee or mountalns. tholle C<llonial houses would be one ot tbe Colonial And tbe fact must 'be adml.t ted that with the Awc:rlcan ileople as a wbole looks bave been considered lesl! In tbe st,.le. At first Annllj!olls was Inclined to bo dIsappointed. "We are tired ot Colonial," they sald. "Why can't you paHt than almost hnythlng olso. ' So true is this that we even forgot wbat we did once know about beauty, about give us somethIng up-ta-date In Queen Anne?" So Mr. Taylor explained and discussed and went OD Rodlng farmhous&:s thlit ~ete pleasant and att'ractlve aut! .publlc bnlldlngs that were dlgulfied and r!!ally hand- wltl! l!1& ColonIal plana and built the charming post', llOme. We may 'have . thought we ,did 'but now we are office. a "botograph of which Is sho\\-n on this page_ ... Quite r:ecently a government offiCial who was Interestbetog tatigllt how utUe We reaUy understood. . Our foretathers knew, ·tho~"h, and they se~ us an ex- ed ' in the work of the supervlslilg arcbltect's· office and &JIlple, the' eXQel~ellce of Whloh we are Just beglnntng ~ beard !.hat the re wa.s ·.a new post01Jlce tn Annapolls, returned to Washington from a visit ' th~re. He at once .• I'preelat.e.. . . hunted Mr. Taylor and In a grieved toue remarked: . The fOllnde" of the republic, the ·men· at WashIngton's !'Say, Taylor, I thought you ,bad ' lugt put up a new ~. tlme, ~r.oUgbt with piem ~rom the old world fine tralUtionl of the beauUfUl and an Inbe..-lted Instinct for the poRtofllce In Annapolis. ,I couldn't 'find It.... · . , ' . "We hav~," ~n1d Mr.. :taylor, and It II - '_ .... (naming the 'ftl1119f<'o f ' slmjillclty. Tb~t built oourthouses ' still !ltalid10caUty). · " ' . . . l~ maDy llttle towns ' I~ the old south and of ,New "Nonsense!" auswered t'he otheial. '''I searched that JIlDJlaild that later generations 4esplsed , but w!Jlch 10belghborhood t~orou~hly for one who.1e bour and Iju . ••7 ·It&ve ~me the m'odflls for much ' of our ' best new Uc!bitectere. These old CO\lrthc;>uBes.. set In tho. midst· of take my' oath there I; Dot • buUdlu, In It les. tlu.n 15 , ..' IDe old ' _ _: are' lE!numeiy beau'tltul, but 'Jt ~as" taken . years old." "Dld you I!.OUc~ th.a tT' laid toe architect, pomUng te a UI a bunl!red years to flnd It'. out I! d profit by ' It be. '. . . . . we kIIIt Uie tra41Uons of the forefilthera and dIdn't pliotograph up wall of hie omes., "Certalllly, that w.- ODe of them," W811 the &IUIwer. 1IIWe tbae to ao back to th~ ol~ world for a ne", stock. Mr. Tavlor laugbed. .. • -.0 we IndIC queer, ungalDlT tblop chat dldo't , fit ~d we . . IDdlDg oqt ,,~at la 'the 'mlLtter wlth u. that . '~t la the 'hlgbeat compllment 1 haye recelvecl la ' ........... J.-.u&h ~ our b\1U~np and CO Iaom. Uae ten 701U'a ',j ba~. _ 0 I~ WI ollee..• be aald. ADd IIIIW ADD&llOUa. wbJ__ " the ".,y, bu become .are tbU. ~ to. Ita CoIoaJIl ~ IlDo. It ........... tb ..til. . . . .' 'Of hi maJlT JI'OIIiI-




..... -



nent Visitors, Is to have an exomple ot the other thing. Rccenlly . congress approprIated $14,000,000 ror a new naval academy. Wltb tbiB. unde r the government's unsystematJc aod ridiculous way of looking after Its buildIng operations, the sUllervlsln/I architect bad notblng to a It WAS tbcrefol'e-pID:hllps nal·lH'&l-that the wInning designs, passed on by laymen eyldently lo cking In eIther cUscernmellt or taste. should be for buildings altogether un-Am rlcan In style and e ntirely Incongr uous with eIther the purpose tor wblch they arc Intended the character of the lown and location or the Iradillonli of the country. Th e new nnval academy Is In the Frencb style, very fine of Its kInd , and done by an archllect of note (and FI'ench training), but It has the olle fa tal fault ot being wholly llnslllrablo. And !!ultability Is the first principle of good nrcbltocturCl just as It Is lbe first principle of a successful areer or almost anything else In

Th ere Is r~ason to fear that the danger of fllrther Bucb blunders Is not past, for congress Is not Inclined to ~ . dictated to. It swallowed the "BurI.on Idea" meaaure malting expert advice ou contemplated river. and hai'" bors IrnproTemenls comllulsory, but It did 110· with a wry face . . However, the presIdent's council of fine arts 1a aD. accompli shed fact and for several years we have baeD geltlng heau tlful pOlltoffices Ilt the rate ot a bundred or more a year, The new department bulldlnga are also so fnr all ad ot what has gOlle before. and with aU tblll growing sentiment and the widespread educational movement worldng towards more beautiful surrolSndlngs tor lhe next generation hOve lteglus that we will not only have bea uUlul architecture but Ilrchllec tnro dls~lncUf. Ufe. Ame rican. This caso ot the Annapolis naval academy is being In thl" regard a ILucly of the new postofllces, the ne" much cited Uietle days as a typIcal and flagrant example department buildings at Washington and most ot the beet of what President nooscvelt sour;ht to prevent wh en he new monumental bUildings In the larger cities, shows 'a ppolnted the much·dlscussed councH of 'arts Ilnd that architects have gone back for their models to the gave It power o,'er all executive building and park opera- original source of the Colonial-to wbat Is known as the tions recently, He incurred the wratb of congress by classic atyle. In old Greece and Home are found tb.e doIng It. for congres!!! Is .1lS jealoll8 as a spoiled child simplest and most majesllc monumental bul\dlngs ever In tbe matter of Its pelty power!!, but he also voiced erected, Tbey are the purG6t source of architectural Inthe sentiment of a vast majority of th e people, lor It Is splrallon tha t Ulan haa. Their spirit, too, Is In a large ~ery evIdent that there bns been a great popular awakenmeasure thl" splrtt of OUl: democracy-dlgnlty and tng to the "allle ot the art side at lite and to tbe pressing streng1h with . sImplicity-and It seems to have been some noed for -federal refo'rm ond the eBtabllahment of stand- such Idea as this that created the Colonial style. ards and methods ~hat wlll belp the Individual commu· Wllhllllt torgetUng the beau!.y and Ins\llratlon of our nltles to belp thcmselves. So great. In fact, Is tbe sentiColonial nrcbllcctul'8, we have o,t last found time to go mcnt that both' tile "bouse ond senate are being forced to consIder bills Intended to do by law what the presi dent back to the old world to renew our nearly lost traditions. did by executive orller; turn the Ilupenrlslng arc11ltect's of- . The rt'sull is a wldesIlread ro'f Ivai of the classic style, fiee of the lreasury Into a bureau of flne arts with super· modified to sutt changed condlUons and a ncw and fll&vision over · the bU'il4lngs and parks at all departm ents tinct nationality, but ao fundamentally true to the Amernnd add an adv1sory; council composed of lelidlng al'cbl- tcan spIrit that we ' may feel at least that we are on the road to au expression of ourse.lves that wlU picture u • tects, . painters and, 'sculptore, , truly to Ilosterlly, It III even posslple' that congress will be forced by the public demand ' t6 pass such a measure, though there Is little cloubt that' \.hey will avoid dOing St) if they can, at least until alter President Rocs~velt goea out· of oIDce, whlcb meana till the next BeBslon. "A picture recently publlshed In MunIch shows that the Instances of the need ot nch .a bureau are especIally numerous at the seat of the national g'ov~rnmcnt" In peoullar vanity..whlch ma.nUests Itself 10 a d slro to be Washington, and here again the wisdom Of. our tor&- photogrl1.pbed often ' kills tho sense ot 'deCtlloy," Sllys a talhe", Is apparent. ~ose building!!! 't hat were ,built I~ writer III a Berlin paper. "The piclure 81;\0"a . five unithe early. part or the I",st centu1'1 are In Ul.e main, dill- formed men .standlng C'n the smoking rulnl' of t\ buUdlng. nlfied monumenta to the Ilncerlty, the mtelUgence and In front of tham, propped ~ up 'against lae debris, are 010 gO,od ia8te of'that time. More tha.n J-hat. tIley ,were eight mutilated corpses. Under tho picture 18 WI lelliaced according to a deftnlte and all embracIng gronll gend: 'The mdlan coast haa bCf'O InfeFted ror bundredJI plan, 'tbat of Maj. I'Enfant, wlllcb hae hot be~n Improved of yearlS by 'M alaga pirates. Recently a bodJ of EurOpeans, conduoted ' by natives, pursue!! ~d Calltbred OIM UPOD to this day. In later Jears Dot only was this great aud. "loble pIau loat slclll or entirely bllt sucll arcblteo- of ~ese ro~her' baud., "bam they bound an. caat Into tlltal an'd monumental"' mOdrosltles "ere produced tor a pagoda.. which the, then ble .. up with dynaadte.' 'JIb. tbe uees of lbe aol'enlment · or the bQuor of DaUonal meo. who poaed for _ ~lctare, in wblch '!.he7 ....ed t.o\ til. fNJt of .,bleb 'orma tIuI are.. beron .. ' wW be 0 ... 0'- Ua. 8l'Ut ~ joke. tor Sloat o~er forepoQ4. __ aD Ihu'GJUDIo- ' , ,

Sure 'Cure For Pirates .


.....-uo.... ....




( ~ ;-





:-lEW ' PR OP ' 11'1 N .\ 1' I ' eEl ' 5 to no · Selll nlt MEItIC."N liE TY ItOSES .11 ' ~ u~ll,,1

S lllr~ .

,,,'1 .

mWA\~ Alb£' I'l AU1I11I8. plaintitf '''. llani 1 ::~'I 1~~On!:' .\ It IlLS . )Ir. AU8Il1s. Jennie. ' I ('warl, I al. Peti- J il o 'lUlln "r U.s A'ililln fur plll'l'itiun of ont' undivided 1/1'1 ' nlRcie Lite uIW· _i:Xth ]UH' l of I.he rflul ('stal£' in S IJ .roo fir'llt dar: ~1 1'8. 1~~~~ 'hIlS. M~ otll · ~ 1 hi; ,'i llage uf Harveysbu rg . Robert IOUI'll o f X 0 W J . 'hllwh)an, attorn y f 11' pla intiff. Orl un ' ",ade S W~ (,,,,' . da\'. ~'rw lluiul'll'.

Court Proccedin2s, Melvin E. Waynaire vs. Sta'te of Ohio .. Leave iRh reby granted the plaintiff in error in t he above entitled cause forthwith and same filed. Melvin E. Weymire vs Sta~ of Ohio' Leave i hereby granted the p1.aintiff in error in the above entitled cause fClrthwith and' same tiled. I.,izzie Wagner va Willian'\' H. Wag· nero Divorce granted as prayed for on for gross neglect of duty and ad ultery. Alimony ordered paid. Plaintiff received restoration of maiden name, Lizzie Janney. Charles H. Jones vs Dililah Hur· ley. Defendant has leave to tile an· swer and cross· petition herein ferth· with. Probate Court. .. Estate of VIOla Edlng~n, dece~. George ~'. Young appointed ad.mlnls, trator IWlng b??d.f $400 wIth. P. V. Bone a~d PhlhP. ~pence su~tle!. J ~. Wrlpt,. W'lhan:' Noble and TUlliS G. DuBoIS, appraisers. Estate of Sarab E. Ad~s. deceased. Inventory and appra18ement filed. Estates for settlement: D. C. Eltzroth guardian of Tho_a. B. • ...... n • .., Smith . .first and.fl.nal ~count. .Perry H. Rue: adml~lstrator of Salhe K. EYans, thIrd account. J. G. Macy, executor 'Of Eliza Macy first and final d S T etrick a· account. Geora'e. ministrator of Albert Dill deceued, second and final aeeount. Sarah E. Miehenor, guardian of Charles Michenor et aI, first account. Thomaa Hunter, guardian of Henry Burns, imbecile, ant account. Mor· Ii! K. Snook, executor of Elli8Gn

Write for our rree p-roposition . l' A\1'O:il . 0 1t 1O. [) 13 l'hllllpK aWl( .

Th e Ph 'll' I IpS C0,

William o. Newcomb to Silas .G. Hill real estate in South Lehanon $100. Frank Young and Veach real estate in nion township, $1.

Commissioners' Proceedings. Bills- John W. 'Shawhlln, premium on insurance policy , $21; Sam D. Henkle, fees and expenses for Feb· ruary 1909,$44.35: Ohio Cor. Culvert Co., sewer pipe . $127 .50; Ruggles· Gale Co., mdse for auditor. $21.15; blanks for probate judga, $7.75; blanks :for auditor, $7:50; L. M. Prince, supplies for surveyor, $!2.40; Dan P Bone, costs in case of Freeze 'vs Lewis, $16.95; Thomas Harmon, bridge repairs, $25.75; J. B. Smith, lumber $105.64; Bert Reecl. bridge repairs, $21.75; J osepb Gilmore, bridge repairs, $7,25; Walter T. WiI. son. bridge re~irs, $26.40; John Wolfe, bridge repairs, $6.45,; W. M. Pettit refunder on one dog, $1; P. B. Dunham, refunder on $12'.00 chat· tels listed twice, $17.46; James Fol· 1en S r., sa' lary as Jam "to r.~; t'1':1\ R. H. arshbarger, salary as asst. J·anl·tor. $40; W. H. Antrim, stamp~, $10; Lebanon Patriot publishing report of ex. of treasury' , $34.12. • _ _ The Lurid Glow of Doom. was seen in the red face, handll and body of the little &00 of B. M. Ad. aml of Henrietta, Pa. Bis awful Z p~ln' from eczema had, for five year8, defied all remedie81Uld baffied the be8' doctor!!, who I&id the pois. OIled blood had atIeoted bill 1unMIl and nothing could save him. "But," writes hi" mother, "peven bottle8 of Eleo~~iO BittEers c omPEoletel y °o.!'~l~t him. For rupt ions, zema, co Rheum, Stlres and all Blood Disor der8 and Rheumati8m Eleolric Bit. ~r8 18 8upreme. Qnly 5Oc. Guar. anteed by J!'red C. Hohwa tz. •- • OYPSY KINO'S BURIAL


.~ '



yon -


;,~~"""""""""'~""""~ ~



p -r

7 ' 2 ,~ ,






Just received !another car load of.

., t your. land in condit ion for transplanting. are should be ~ , ~ taken not to plow tOI) wet as this ~ I ', I J~ 'Ruses clod, " say t he Ohio Leaf To · ~ ~ hac 0 Pack rs' association in a nun:s- ~ ~ ber of l5l1ggestions issued for farm· ~ ~ ers and tobacco grow r . ~ , ~ The association desires to'co-oper- ~ ~ al more \vith the grower in secur· ~ ~ ing the best possible product and to ~ ~ thal end has p\lblished a numb~r of ~ ~ uggestions for the benefit of the ~ ~ ower grcare :In t ransplanting not to p1ant ~~ Silverware, Watches, ~~ too thick and close and in order to ~ Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, ~ insu re good gum i urged and the 88- ~ ~ ociation suggests for Zimmer Span. Chains, etc., all' New. ~ I ~ ish and Little Dutch rows three feet l ~ Engraving a Specialty ~ apart and stocks ~abou t 24 inches l ~ ~ apart. For Gebhart or Seed leaf, ~ ~ rows three and one·half feet apart I ~ ~ and 36 inches between the stocks is : ~ 'Spectacle filting a Specialty. ~. suggested. It i recommended that I~ ~ the row run north and so~th to get l ~ ~ the full benefi t of morning and ,af' l ~ ~ ternoon sun. ~ ~ Other suggestions and recom' l ~ . Waynesville. Ohio. ~ mendations made are in 'ubstance: ~ ~ Watch the cut worm and regu lar i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tobacco worms. ' - - - -. . .- --Begin toping as soon as the bud ap· ST. MARY 'S CH URCH


Pittsburg Perfect ------Fence-----

The eweler And ' Optl·cl-a,n

This is .the Electrically Welded Fence_ Every wire is the same tention, and is one of the best lookirig and strongest fences made. We have all sizes of Poultry and Farm Fence. Are low in price.


Opp, the Jeweler

Call and get our prices.


I . . .,. . ,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.. . . .

Be careful of the suckers and keep all the vitality in the main stalk: Sucker at least twice. Do not cut tobacco until properly ripened. Do not bruise it or let it lie until wil ted. . Do not crowd the tobacco III the shed. Shed·burn, pole rot and pole . muc h tob acco. sweat rum Ven t'lI a te' f 'bl th e shed . I POSSI e 00 not remove from the poles un· til dry enough to break. Tobatco should not lie on the rick over two weekaas itdlaws moisture. In stripping, it is recommended tb a t no wa te r 0 th er ~ th a boiling . an kettiebe used on the strIp room stove. Remove trash carefully and divide wrappers into two grades, long and short. Assort by stalk before stripping.


~"., ~




M if

Waynesville, Ohio .,

Lent-A. D, 19U{I ~ nud o.y

Morniu . Pruyel' se rfY\ On: .. l 0 :30 H.m ~veDlDg ~Prayer, @el'w ou ... 1 :.00 p.lI1 . undllY 8ohool ...... .. ........ .. Il :30


II '*' *''*'~ '*' *' *'*'*''* '*' ':t~ EX'£RA! Ii HOllingsworth,!



i3rd nllll .• tv


.Fr ill ' B i I 'tb bUY~' d F ' . 1 eg nn ng WI t e "'1.1 . ' l'\uH V und ..Fridays r lJowlrl g. LflcIll'l l'. vice nd "\Ilfirmut.iull



turotl .. .. ......... .. .... ..... .7 :00 ll.lll , . P 81ltlll'dllytl venlOg ray er .. .. .. ....... ....' :00 IJ· Ill. Holy Week ~ef\'ice:l dally...... ...... ...... :()O p.lll . ater Ouy Eu Holv Communl on ............ 7:00a . m. Mornin g Prll yer. t!a rIll OI) orau Holy Co~m uo ill ll ..... . 10 :30" . 111. - • LIBERTY BELL





T~}}~~}~~ £!:~ it Aucti~n~eO·rhl'(' i








Ladies' and [; e I is' Clean-+ ofing,Repair;n;~ :l;td Press- I ,*~***,*,,*,~** (c~'* . ing Neatly Done.


Bulk tobacco. Do not strip it and The Liberty bell may be restored We Guarantee a Perfect fit knee it in the case. When stripped, to its original tone' and again ring shake it llP and put it in bulk. outas true as itdid when it announced Wh k' tj' h' h en pac mg me comes, w IC the adoption of the Declaration of should not be before March, shake Independence. • Spurling, admiaistratrix of Westley up tobacco, from the bulk and pack I Mayor ReybUrn of Philadelphia the long and short wrappers and fill·! ast week received' a representativ; Spurling, finit and final accoant. F. M. Coud~n trUatee of Isaac Jones, ers separately about 350 pounds to of a firm of bell makers if) Germany, I_ _ _ fi_ ~ .".. account. ,Agosta Willembwrg, the case. Keep the butts back from who claim they WI e a Ie to close , ueeutor of John C. Willemburg, the ends of the ~x, about one and the crack in the Liberty bell without \ 'fir.t; and flnal account. L. O. Kell, Down in the 801lthlands the gypsy one-half or two .mches. . . removing it from tliis city by a sect'et. \and Frank A. Bone executors of Ben· tribes of St.-ley are gathering to~e .careful m le.ttermg and m process of brazing jami. K,n, fourth aceo.nt. George getber their effects preparator~ to we.lghmg and markmg the boxes, Ample guarantee that the bell will W. Carey, and RoNrt J. Shawhu, answering the call of their king, th I tte L W f I executors of John V. Jack first ac. Sup!' Stanley. who is now f_ Dayton, usmg e e rs or ong wrap- not be injured is offered, and the £. ---- ------,- .pers, S W for short wrappers and F task is said to cost not '8,000. count. . 'p repariDg for the last ceremony to. h fill .I.or t e ers. 1;'h~ council will consider the matter . A Estate of ' John V. Jack. hbert be held over the body of Levi, the A standard made tobacco case has at their meeting this week. \ . , J. $tawban and George W. Carey, dead leader of the tribe who passed been ~opted by the association. . ___.- -Undertaker and Embalmer executors ordered to accept bids of away to the !,reat camping Irounds - - - ... - ..._ - AMUSEMENT PARK the'CitizenaNational , Bank and sell some mopths ago, and whose body Near Death in Big Pond. Will he fUlllld III 1.11(1 11111 bonds to them to pay the expelUle of will be interred in a g~ave in Wood· It was a thrilling experitlDoe to The Dayton and Xeni~ Transit com· ~;::'~II:~:ll~lill:~n~lIPI)RI" 1 ' .j administration. land Cemetery some time next ,week Mr8. Ida "oper to •• aoed .... th. ".For pany has leased Lucas Grove near 'e . h D .,.. 'I lepla oDft hi hnllilf) Ilnrl of ' Estate of 'John V. Jack flrst ac· beside the body of Mat1ida, t e last year!! a 8evere lung trouble Glne me Trebines Station, three miles east of floe whet'a I elf.!] he cuJlad count filed. ' q u e e n' of the tribe who died in 1878. intense sutIering," she writes, "and the CI'ty, and it is underlltood that an A h.nd,on1~IT IIh,.trated .. r~kl;<. ' ... rll"~L el,. (11i.V .. r oi "llt,. -. cu lnUon o f nn,. .. hI nUDo J l tnrllul~ 'J'ur!! I". f3 a .... Estate of Maria 'Miller, ' imbecile. Missouri ,S tanley, the most famous s6vflr,,1 times nearly oaose.1 my amusement park is to be operatedjby '':'; fo u, .." lnlh • •• 1. 80111 111'''''' ".'lOlIler~. Vltllfl.v ~hone a -2, . 't accouftt filed . of the gypsy women . it! enroute to de!lth . All remedies failed and doc· h . ' Setarold.,:!). .--0' - = = lol'8 said I waa inourable Then lJr t e company. BratI~ om~e. 626 .. Sl~ WUbIaIC"'''. 0.0. Main Str~t, Waynesville, Ohio In matter of the guardianship of Dayton. Her word recently hanged King'l!l'Iew Disoovery brought quick • - • ~!.~.~ . ~ _ "!!_~.'!"_~_~~~_~"" ~_~ EliZMlteth M. Burch, imbecile. John a ~an, and her hand would have rellef and a oure 80 pez:manent that Fortify .now IlgBlDst the ripR.,Mulford appointed guardian, giv- slain ,t ile same man had not her arm 1 have not been troubled in twelve for it comAS ever.V eel180n 8u~e! If you want all the news, read 'the Miami Gazette. - - illi .bond of been jostled, taus spoiling her aim. yea .... to Mrs. Sop~r livea iu Big Preventictt-the little Candy Cold . rd b d' d h Pond, Pa. It works wonderp in Cure Til bIehl- offer in this' (espeot, In matter of above. John R. Mul· Redbi ,t e ,-nost armg an t e B tid d d bl t Hore Lungs, em- amos I) an epen e 811 e· ...... "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "'''''.i'''''''''''''''''' ",........""''''''",.!f.·,;r.,;r.,;r. .. '''''''',..''''''''''''''''', ...t''' fom filed bond of $1000 accordin~ to most handsome of the tribe, has Cougbs orrbages,and Cold8, LaGrippe, A8tbma., guard. certa Pre'V8Dtics, Ilt thea "Ilneeze 'JI.,",;r. ·,;r.,;r.·,;r.·./f.,·.!f.· .;.!f..!f..!f. ...!f.·.!f.·,;r.·,JJ;.!f.+· ·.!f....I'i ........ ·.!f....··.".· law. started from Columbus,Georgia. Croup. Whool,ing Coogh and Illl etage" will, 118 well, also surely belld '.tt Estate of Quincy Ertel, deceased. He was a favorite with the dead ki.n g, Bronohial atIections. 50c Ilnd $1. 00. otI all common ooIds. But prowpt. W. H. Beck appointed administrator and comes to pay special homage to Trial bottle free. (iuaranteecl by o.ess is all.imporlant. Keep pr,e yen. - - - - -..- -....- - - - - - - - - - - - - hed V. Schwartz. 1108 in the pooket or purse, for in. "'" ' arivinc bond of $100. lnventory dis· him. • __ . stant Ul4e. Box of 48 for 2iio. Sold ,;r. penJed with. Rev . Dr. Berger will preach the BIO TRACTION COMPANY by 'all dt!slers. ___ _ Estate of Anna May Ertel et aI 'Mi· funeral sermon, and William McGow... A bout $5,000,000 worth of quinine ~ nors. Jennie J. Ertel appointed ,en will superintend all of the funeral ",,.. guardian civin~ bond of $100 with arrangern~nts. Just what day the All effort is being made by parties is consumed annually the world over. ; Robert Gilmour lIurety. fpn~ral wl11 take place no one can interested to form a big company for The largest pontoon bridge in the _t:. Mary E. DUgaR, administratrix vs definitely tell. thepurposeofpurchasingtheSpring· worttl connects Calcutta with How· Charles A. Dugan, et at. Ordered - --. field and Xenia traction line and mak· rah. ' + ,I, to sell the undivided half interest of A faUing tu.y nerve-no larger ing it a part of a system to be built ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ decedent in real estate described in than the finest 8ilbu thread-takes to Cincinnati. The aim is also to iet -::: - -- -- - , from Heart its The impulse' its pow. control l oithe road running between petition. er, ita the regularity, Stomach a 8 0 . ! f . hh8 iu hidden, or inllide nerve. Jt Xenia and Dayton 'and operatinlr it as Marria,e licenses, wall Dr. Shoop who first told u8it a feeder W8.8 wrong to drag Ii wa-k or failing So far 'the projeCt is being consid. Bow many readera UTe heard of th18 ,,,," Joseph E. Lester, ' 25, mechani~ Stomach, Heart or KidneY8. Bis red N h' d fi' h b ' terrible dl.,a.. ? It preTatta' In that ~",. Dayton to Olga M. Schatz, 25, Frank· prescription-Dr. Shoop's Rt>storo- e . ot mg e mte as een fu-away oountry-Atrlca-eepeclaJl, tive-ill direotttd st.r aight for the done toward working out the scheme. the Conro dl.triaL It fa cau••d . b7 ",,,," lin.Rev. A. J. Kestle. Several inen who are familiar with th. bite of ' the taetee IT. Wh.n It ,+' Arlie Hill, 24, machinist, Franklin, cau8e of these ailments-these weak and faltering inside ne.rves. Thi8, electric prop~rties have been confer lilt.. ,a pel'lOD. the i.I.Plns 811Dptom8 and Emma R~, 19, Franklin. no doubt olearly explalD8 wh:v the ring.about organizing a company to beat_ aDd bally the lutrerer al~ Homer M. Carey, 22, Utica farm· Re8torative has of late grQwn 110 . am, d..~ occun. . "',.. er to Flossie E. Emley, 24, WaYnes· rapidly in popularity. Druggi8ts take ov~r these two . roads. One of , CoDtrut this WIth the. peacefUl, ' + 88y that those who test the Resto~a· them sal~ Monday th~t so far there lIalDl7 liftp of laealtl\. Ia there ' aDl"; ville. Rev. G. W. Hall. . tive even for a few da~8 SOO'1 become was nothing to the plan but talk. . tJalDl' mor. ~lns thaD to, lie !, •• Real Estate Transfers. fully convinced of ~t8 wonderful The Dayton and Xenia to at .Illsht. toealD~ about, Jie"OU8, .with ,* :•• merit., Anyway, don.' ,drug the or- be sold at receiver's' sale within a ciol4 fee,t . hot head ' aDd mercy b ·OW8. ""," Lou HaU toJ . .1. Mills real estate gan. Treating the cause of &100818 .'.. ' I • • ~telae? Sbort of lettlDs the taet.,+· l~ the only s,eDsibJe and 8uooesllf~1 8ho~.tlme and If t.h18 proposItion IS IT bite u we would dO .almost AilY-, in Ubaaon $1. cat:ned out .,om.e thmg , must I>,e don~ ~ for reller. · Bo,, ' ~ :we , 'p'reWilliain H. Reed Clyde H. Ha· WIlY. Sold by all dealers. . ' , . -: • . ' 800n.'-Xenia Herald. , . DDt IU ' ' Kr.· .·QeorC. :' BaY8S, ·of. '""," ney real estate in Salem townshi~! $1. Scotland has many ho)l8eS without •. - ~' ' ,VDI~D, ,CI~~ p~; ~teS: , "'1 ' ~ct lolit""" Jaspe T. Reed and . wife to P. ~v. windows. . It Saved Hili ..... ' . 117 appetite, wu- aU I"lUl-dOltIJ,. could ~ , , . . a~ .real ·eetate in Hal'la~ township . .. ~ .. ' ;~ . '. ' ,~. " Bot .l~p, nlshtl.' 1!1aad trl~ ev'~!T-'. The actual valuation of·all tobaeco ' All .th0~lbt ld 1018 . mr leg, . 1~1 ~tbout reU¢ Vlnol ~u r.e:- """ $700, · pr~uced and manufactured in Cuba w~teR .~;,.t.;' ~:'~:~~'e!:::~:'~' ~!!tDIl~, taDd : to;' 1D7 tIU~I ' "~!dl J. M. Thompeon &~. t:o The Ma· ' •• .,. 000 000 ' , • J . , - - m.. a ODee: ...,. me a ap e~1U ,. './Ii -son ~ Incorrporated real estate in ..I~t yoar was . at least..u, , ' .15 dootors . OO~Jd no' cure, ~, ~~ ~d DpW . ( ,t.e,p eouUi7.,,, · - -..,.. • .last bud .me.. np. Then BockleD ,II 1Wlat ytDol did for 1\11'; Bay",n wliI . . ,Y illap of Muon $8..000. · I . tel h . tall-..3 ' Araloa &lIve · "cure<\ 1t 80QDd and • for eYe-- ruo-dCnnl ~ .... Enun" Adams and Pierce Adains ' W Ire ~ ' ~p ony . IDS .,.. ~n "ell~ " Infalltble for SkiD ErapttoQI . 'I " • , ~. . ", , . ' . • . ..r- ~et a1 ..mrs of ~ Milton battleshlpl worb 8uccesafully lD JCoIemI' Sal" Rhenm Bolli Fever 09WW0I'~ . ~ "lao oaaD9t, ~ . " ' . .. " .' • ...." to Albert 1'01 real . . lIOJIle caBe8f but iJ uDIIIltilfaet.o,y in HoreII.~DI,·blda. bD,.. ao'4PU•. , JA~Ney, 'p ru,I.JU.t . • ...............,.t. .. . . . . ..:... • •' . ~p.'l. othel'l," . ~., i'recl C~~WIIf"., ~ ~ "'."'~H~

Snook, ftnal account. Philip Speace admlniAtrator of Colon Spence, second and final ~count. Abi»ie Haseltj' n ad . . t t ' f Ed T H • mlIllS ra nx 0 gar. aseltine, third ~unt, SWI8Jl V.




mUNN '&Co

New York








'*'**' . .



, e-




Horsemen! ,

'*' ''**'

"Call and get-our prices on Horse' Bi~ls~, , ·W~ cali .print'them ' right




*' .

'1' :t: '

. ....


J. :J!.









. . .. .,....,. ., . ........



'C ? I THE MIAMI )' ubll


Wee kl y l n l


'3' 'Zm• • • M


Wuyn .·.. I' IIIP .

h lIJ


de!' -R' n


LEAPS TO OEATH H urlillg him ~p.lf from Ii







f)nd sto-




$9 88 $ I5

$9 88 and $15






Gets Them All

..... .

'cattle Tick

_ H e re nrc only .Iour of the nume rous kinds o[ pRnlsites that IIl1e on domesti c anima ls "lid reduce tbe owners' proflls . Q1- HY GEN O kills tbese nnd 1111 olhc rs"liil Cures itch. m a n ge and o ther ski n Deslroys ierms ood fo ul odors. Keeps fli es oway. It' is " wond e rful cool tur disi nfectant. nnd in a ddit ion to bein" a aro c k dip it h as numerous hous e h o ld uses.





In Qua ntities .. nd our priC\:, w ill plcase you. - I' or HId" hr-

After th l:! fi r men al'e all eJ, work at getti ng' out things you want most t o save. Don't throw lhe clock from the window8 and then carry out your clothing, as gome persons have done . If awakened in the night by tht:' smell of flre, Ilon't dress . Wrap yourself in a blanket or quilt f rom the b(jd and get out the quickest way you can . Shu t the doors you pass thl·ough. After calling help look in and see where and what is t he danger. You can then tell if it is best to try to carry out the household goods. If the fire is on the fir t fioor, it is very dangerous to go above, b cau e heat and smoke ascend . One can often get ou t throug h a hall tilled with smoke by going (Ill his hands and knees, when he would fall choking if he ran. The smoke is thickest at the ceiling. Holding a wet towel, or anything made Qf flannel, or even a coat cpllar, over tbe mouth,' greatly lessens the danger of injury to the lungs. or death, f rom the carbonic acid gas in the Smoke.

V91f p oll Cat


C. S( IJ l\\'AH.'I' Z.

) ~' .


bu y

Wa ynes ville. Ohi o .

EGGS FOR SALE Put'l'-lHPd BII rred P l ym ,) util Roc k eggs l or t'll le, r,o ('{lnIH \101'1 ;). W r ite j r phon CIlI'I Unkf', R. U 4, WnYlleAville, Ohi n, \ ' nllo\' "hom, r.()-.IX l'. I

lim atic cundition.' in Columbia cause u large demand fOI' portabl i houst:'s .


The blackening of incandescent lamps is Ju e t.o the vaporizing of the carbon. .~

+ - - --

You will find the

OREGONIA'MILLS Headquarters for All Kindf:l of

Lum'b er and Mill Feed

Germany us's 3,500,000,000 eggs yearly while the German hens un ly lay 1,000.000,000 a yeaI' - --





WA VNESV ILLE CH URCH ES. Orthodox Fricnds Church. ReI'. IlcnjalOln HaIVklll , . PURlO r . SabbnLh ' cboul, IJ :1:10 a . m . HCl( ul a r uhuroh >rvlell. 10 ;UO 7 :30 ". w. .



II .

10 .

C brIHLI ;ul

Emlca vor.


Sucrene Feed Thc Famous Dairy Food.


- '

Corn, Seed Oats, Coal and Cement.

Most fire sta rt in the first floor or Hicksitc Friends Church, basement of the building and burn a Jo" i rH l Da y l\l Ct! t lrH( . 10 :00 U. Ill. 1~ l rHt Day hole up through t he roof. Ir~ 1\ house S t.ool . II ; U(l ii , Ill. I' (lu nb U ay Mr.cUng If you want Good Bread, use the flames travel by the stairways; 10 :00 a. w . in a big store or hotel they go quickChristian Church. ly up the elevator shaft After ' UUtlIlY Sc hOOl, U:30 n . UI . o olul me l reaching t he top th fire spreads and In g. 10 : :10 h . 10. , :wd C b r lYl lan E ndeavo l' I>lowly goes down, burning the wood 7 :OU p . ITl Try Our Mill Run Feed for Hop that is left. Methodist Episcopal Church. If a man working in a big store or H ilI' W . '1' . Gllilia lld . PU6 l or ' 4uduy School. U ::jU a . m.. Morning der· factory sees a fire starting he should vice. ) 0 :ao a . m . Epwanh f.eugue . 7 :00 p . turn in .th~ alarm. if ther~ is a box. in Ill . Ev e nIn g se rvice . ';' :ao I). m. Midweek We also have a lot of I-Jodi Pn y cr MceLi nr. 7 :'J() p. w . the bUlldmg; try to put It out With LUMBER cheap. Oet our the water i~ any ~ail ~ear ~y; then prices before buying St. Mary's Episcopal Church. use a chemical extmgUlsher, If there elsewhere. It v. J . I". Cad\\'alludcr. Hect or. SU OIJ ay SohooL 0 :ao a. IJI Morning H ~r : ill one, If one is in a burning building with \'Ice. 10 :80 a . Iff . E" e uln g s er vIce . 7 p. m. Holy Commu 1110 11 tb I1nll Suuduy of e a h no fi~e escape and the s~air below is mOIlLiI . burnmg, or the hall IS, filled with St. Augustine's Catholic Church. smoke, he ~OUld shat the 'door and Flltbe.c-Qool'tf Mllvenboefer . PaRtor Mass every Hcoontl Sundl1)' of lll " moutb aL transom-to- eep out the deadly gases. Il :UO a. m. Then he should throw open the winOregonia, Ohio. ~ow to getd cool air and to let the Valley Phone 237-3 rings . remen an . neighbors ~ee ~vhere he AL'rER MCCLURE, IS, so th~t they may brmg a ladd er to 0the wmdow. . Funeral Director. ne should walt at t.he wmdow for help until he is scorched or choking. B h . h DR. H~' E.HATHAWAY Y t at time t e firemen may be Telep)lone day or night. holding a big hoop covered with canValley phone No.7. Long IV ft ,f>:leS ville '8 Leadink .Dentll& vas in which to catch him when he J?istsDce No. 69-'~ r. Offioe iD KeY8 Bldg. MaJD 8& jumps, or the ~eighbors ' will hold a OHIO. blanket to catch him. If no one is WAYNESVILLE, n~ar, h.e should throw ~ut the bedBranch Office, Harveysburg. O. Subscribe for tJte G.~ette .dmg; tick and all, and Jump on that. It is safer to jump into the top of a tree than to th~ ground. W. S. ROGERS, ~tate Fire Marshal. - - • Notbin~ in the WILY of ILCoagh is ls ~ui1t. on scientific principles throughOut. bu i e 8 (\ Bnnoying as a tiokling teas. Its com cal are made of heavy sheet steel ll/g, wheezi ng, bronohill.l Cough. and the maIO body or water reservoir and plant The quiokflst r e li ef oomes perbltp!l t ube of heavy tinned plate. The water valve is from 9 TlrMcription known t,o Drug. of bra:-s wit~ rubber packing. The valve red gists everywhere liS 1) 1'. Shoop's and trIp SPI'tn.g are of steel wire; thumb button ()ougb RI rnedy. A lid besideA. it· iit so an~ o~he[' fittmgs are also of brass, The ma- ' h1 tbnrou/! :v harml ess that runt.her!!' chine IS well put together with rivet.'! and solder ~ ive it with llerf(>ct ~Bfetv e ven to and should last for years. . . the youngest. llll bell Th-e t·flofipr IQllvOS of n lIimple mouotAin ",brub, No Stooping When Using, There.rIve to Dr" t:!hoop's C OQl(h Remedy for~ No Lame Backs. it.~ rAlnHrkllb1e cllrut.tve ei'fpct. A few duys' test will tell. I:;old by ~11 All kinds of Plants, such as Cabbage Todealer~ ~acco, Tomatoes). Cauliflower, Strawberries, • - - --Sweet P$toes, ;jugal' Beets, etc., are set in Fifty years' records of criminal stuwater al1d cov.ered at one operation. The plant tistics show that thievery has deroots are put down to the proper depth below the s urface where the gTo!lnd is cool and damp. creased 40 per cent. - Y()u never have to walt for a ~hower; plaJlts .. - ...- - may be safely set out when large enough, regardLouis Decker, convicted St. Louis less of the weather-'-no matter how dry and dusty b dl' . the ground may be. . .00 er, a:rlves at the state penttentlary and IS too fat to get into a cell . should have ()~e. J . . 1/ Any man, WIth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ very httle practlcp. can easily set out 7000 to 10,000 plants each day. Our planter maintains a rp.cord of over 998 plants to grow from each 1000 set MONEY REFUNDED IN CAS~ THIS PLANTER FAILS'TO DO ALL WE CLAIM. FOR IT.. Weight. 4X Ibs . Thi.s planter will save its cost a ~lntbebea4-painaD",bere,lIUttU",. dozen times ov·er 10 a seas~n for replanting and for use. at the ends ..:'~f'f!!:,b!.~¥,~': of the row, where you can t use the horse-setter . ...... aUwe»1nt tablll!. Tbaa l:ol' .sale by A. B. Sides and =-:~ .J>~~~,u'::~IJl~~ F. W. Wadsworth. ~~e::=.~h~: af"'T/'tese setters can be seen at A. B. Sides" ~tore at any time

Acme Flour

as yet no charge ha s been filed against dealer, of Lebanon, was stl'uck by him, bu~ it is probable one or more Train No.8 on t he Cincinnati, Leba criminal charges will be placed non and Northern railroad, at Hazpl. against him to-day. wood, Monday evening of last week. His .arrest was brought about in He was running up the track, en~nnection with the sudden and trag- deavoring to beat the train to the Ie death of Erma Clabaugh which 00- station. The pilot of the engine cured Tu-".:I Fi n Iey ha d ' " =u ay noon. een b struck ' him mJurmg him fatally keeping "steady" company with the Th t ' . ch f E' girl and it is alleged he gave her the We .rll~m was dlnC adrge II?gl. . .. neer I lams an on uc t or 0 ms Are good roads gOing to become l1"edacme intended to produce a crim- . • _ • pOpular? And. are the farmers or inal operation and which caused her · IF THE HOME OETS ON FIRE the townspeople to be responsible death. Young Holland whose arfor them? Every farmer. can toake rest occurred Tuesday night has adOne's ability to extinguish a startthe roads adjacent to his premises a mitted 't hat he procured medicine ing or ~o ~scape if caught. in a thing of beauty by taking six days for Gertrude Calbau&'h, the sister of ~urnmg bUlldmg depends upon mtelout of a year and working on them thE. dead girl, and he also stated that Itgence and self-control. TI! it, M~. Farml'r, and you yourself ha had ' given some of it to Finley, If the blaze is jus~ startin~, throw Will be .pleased with the results who in turn had given it to Erma :-vater on the materIal that IS burnClabau&,h, the dead &'irl. - mg- not at. the blaze. ' One bucket C" • .' A bottle of medicine was found in of water WIll do more good if thrown ~n drlvmg to Lebanon last week Erma Clabaugh's room at the Sayre on by handfuls. ' or with a broom, we .not:ed that a number of farmers home'and two prescriptions almost than dashed on at once. had scooped the grass oft' the road ; identical to the one 'In th po . A small fire may be smothered ak' "t I k l'k b' b d e S8eSSlon . m mg I 00 I e a Ig roa of Gertrude Clabaugh which Holland With a rug or blanket. or beaten out road. It not only helped the looks has confessed he gav~ her was f d with a wet broom. of the road. but it ~ade it . possible in the dead girl's stocking. oun ~nriot put out the starting for teams to pass Without mterferThey contain several ingr d' ts fire 10 a mmute, yell fire and then, if ence from each other. It doesn,t and the medl'cl'ne found I'S suppo~ e le~_.:1 in 'a city, call the fire department. take long to du ' this work, and the to have been mixed acoordin t Everyone living in the house should benefit derived is a lasting one for prescriptions It is alleKel i: w;, know the te.lephone number to be rood roads. procured at. a Xenia drug store, but used for &,ettmg the firemen, and it • - • the name of the pe""ons who fur- should be on the wall by the t e leHAVINO TIME • ., I f nished it is withheld by the officials P IOneQr strangers to use. There is _ _ _... :-. . no time for looking in the directory, The sun was setting on the crest' Kills Would- Be Slayer. even if one should not be too nervous , Of sleepy woodland in the west. A mt>roiJess murd~rer is Appendi to find a number. Everyone should 'When June and lone summer day, olt.'~ with mHUY viotim!'. But Dr . know where the neareqt fire alarm Went out to play at raking King'tI New Life Pills kill it by pre- box is, and ~how to use it. Do not . .hay! Th #ft I hed d 'd"Y 9;'lItOD · l:rht>y I(llblUt.l y 1 stilllUIHtt' leave a door open when ypu run out .e¥,rmer aug an 881, oung ~.' )mH C h , Ivur anI OW fI s, prevent- t . . I If h d man, iog tbllot o\"g.ctrll( thut invites IlppeO- 0, glVe an a an,n. t e oors and , You're late to gather hay or! dICltif., ouring Constipation, Billiou/!- wmdows are closed when a fire starts ' I fear :the harvest you will J{lean lIet'II, t': bills. MIlItHIII, Bea dRohe and one can always get the firemen there L, Will be quite sparse and short and Ir)ctl t:e~ \lon 250stF.0 t:!ohwltrtz's in time to putitoutwhile it is in on-- -- . --.. ly one room. Theflresooncoilsumes mean!" . CHAUTAUQUA POSTOFFICE all the ,o xygen in a closed room and But in the sunset, raking hay ,. - -may die out if it gets no fresh air. ' I won ·a ·womllD·s heart ·tbatday, The Miami Valley Chautauqua haS the :' orb sank do~n to rest attained the dignity of a .sUmmer TURNING IN AN AI:.ARM. Arid We watched it. in:the glowi'ng ,west! post~office and General Manager"CroThe fire alarm box in the street is ,. . ." .. . \. . .: . me~ has b~en appointed the post mas- . quicker and surer than the telephone farmepedftOlh~l{ in t;~.~~nih' 1 tel"'... The new offi~e wi\! be k~!>wn as In using it one telegraphs to the en:.: . e"r. tea. ,~,Iarves, .1 e . ,IS on~i ' Ch~u.taugua, Ohjo. and'will be ' i~de.- Rine ' house ·the number of the box • ' .... »&InfIIl PiJiodt with WODUIIIo I&JIMI Ci&mI, . ,... &I'I,1Iai1llell, reltl-. DenaaI, WI blood .. •~ AIl,,<~m~n, ~ ~e'rt~ A wOqla~ ~ peniienk of ' all other post-offices I The firemen ~now, by the:, number. omg 8Q~e'br A..,,' that WI1!l gw H~retof<!re *~ 9~a~tauqua mail where the call comes ·from . and get f~~~~'~J.=': ,lDIIlutel, &D4 UIe tab.... IIm»lI' cIIIIIIIIaI ' . - e$tel't! u .IS er. ·)las.. been handled by the Ft:'anklin their engin~ ·and ladderS toit'quick~lbloo4~ 70IIr ~. &114 4oea't Ii ... JI!d. aa4 f I Ha.; '. " • ~. . r . kt d Po!llOm~ .and: the offiCe ,at the bnau~ ly. :,' M4 DaIJl ,.oaf 01 It dOeL~ 00D0 , ~ ~llJ,.;'is~~,?b 3tl;;'j~~. n'::nnVnt~ Il~d tau~ua 'groun~s was' merely Itl sui;)- Nearly .all fife abll1Jls are worked ~~n~~=~ »alia .:. tblDI J. - It: mll$sertl not "bet:~er I" lw tab on oftbeloCal postomce~- Under by a hook. , 'fo turn in an a1a~ one - ......... .0""*"7 ...,..... womanly plih~8, Mtul pa~DIL~r .n,v~ .the new ' ar~gement all mail at must puil a hook . which is'Just 'inside . lJl.IDt'ld.0Pl .l.,.~'p't.n, 'lP8blllf Ortl,tIOooP1M C,hautauqua wdl ,~ ~ncelled, sorted the door, ~own as far as he can and • e etll '\\ rormu ,'l lure y Mad e u~a . t .the :. .'" I Tb' all T' MoP It a. in '1liuu .~ in~ou"" .. and' "'II grounda and d'l r ~en etgo. atis. hlsmakea "'Q11_~~Dtll4oai ,$beJlIo. bozo 8Ol~ lpi~ed ~tber through Franklin or'a aona at the engine ' hou.. BOund Flowers, !laY the poets, breathe of things ethereal, and at the same timEthey make ' glad the heart of man . Nothingmakes such a nice settinl! for a lawn as flowers and it is to bt hoped that the I'e will be lots of them . ~ t hIS summer. .


~~. '$~~


Before · pulling t he hook 10 thiS kindofabolConQmust op n the .do·ol·. .In neal'!y all boxe t his is done with a key. The keys of some boxes are kept in a building near by, and there are sig:n,s which 8h be uililing . . I n other box s th k y can be s n behind a piece of thi n g lass in the dOOI', One can g et it in an in tant by break ing the glass with a !:lti k, a tone, 0 1' a knife-handl. The g lass fall s out of the waY!l ' 0 n as it is broken. WH I LE T H E FIREME N ARE

" f .. ·0 ,-..



m~n may b~ .s ~re of the CO Ul1 t:

· C L' 0 T H I N G

ry wind w If1 til • m nt. pavement OFFl In IN ALLEN U MAIN. 'IIn;I'." f( rty f et below Hr:rman Mill I', ag-ed 80 y~ars. an inm at of the war-, VA Lr.Ii:Y 'l'ELfWHONE A <.1.. NO . 11 ~ r n oun ty In fi rmary m t instan t neath at 8:lfi Wednp. day morning . . D. L CRANE, Editor a nd Manager Tit affair W h. tl uu r - ca~e (.f !'IuiciuC'. • "~ hu maR S. 1\ I-'lIl'i ok. who war Mille r ' . I'oomma l for 11 year say ·; that Riltes of Subscription Miller had b ' I:!JI talking of lat e that n u e Yoar (s trlotly In ndva nCl') . . . ~ I.t)ll I . 1 ,. . We. wan t' ('v.el Y I I:! wa.'! tlre( Ijf Ite and cal'ed t l ) li ve Sluj(le 'OPY . • • . ,. ,-0:, . man and50young man _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.:.._ no Iongel·. II. . \Va~ s·en .cl1I'rYlIIga within mil e~ of boal'd in to his room ahuut eight Dayton t get acRates of Advertisements o'cl(. k and art- rwal'd it was fuund q Uflint ed with the /I,' • HeadIng r. ocfj ls . pt r li n ~ Heading 10c"I... bluu" fa ce. per 1111" 10 •. that he had plac ' ci till S un a trunk new Mu:e ohen "llIssllled Alls , nut to excee.1 II ...., 1111 .." . and t he wind l)\\' "i ll t.o enable him t o 'I(Jthing- Parlor. We k I want you to know 'I'b reo IIIHl!rtiollH ::r.. , Ina e kis t eath It·ap. t he high s tandat:d Olllluaries . ClI' C Inch .... tn.",: over II"" '1'11 e l'f I b11 dy was f oum1 be- of .. Muse Cuhen" IlI c he • . Ilt'r li ne l ess ('lIrd o f thllllk~ ., ~H' neath his window ill the innel' l' urt clothes, and particRes"lullo ll~ ~~ c of the main build ing jus t wh ere it ularly our business Social. e tc. wbe,-e cburl/e I. I~adc ~.; ~ had s t:,uck. H is sk ull was broken. ·f!1 ethorl s. We be· DI I I , •.•• • heve that when you 811 uv (\dl' l' nl!dn~. per Incb , IU~ Ueath was III ~Lan tan eo u s . Acting' know us you wl'll DIRCOU nl " gll" ' n lin contraCL. M coroner . A. Jame,,;on Will> sum want to buy your - - - - - - - - - -- - - - moned and after hearing ev id ence clothes hert'. So, as gave hj8 verdi c t a~ "suicide" a .'I!ccia l . 'get acWb;UNl!!SOAV, MAHe H :1 1. 111011 . Mill I db ' . Illllillted plan" we y . e r 13 eel! at the Infil:mar will o ff r two' of the greatest Clothsmce .January 11 , 1880- a pen od of ing Values ever heard of at The ba!':#' hall teams w ho have been over 29 y<.'ars. Both his legs were • wintering' in the south. are making amputated below the knee, he havtheir way nOl'I h, and the bat.tle will ing suffered severely frozen feet Values that Far Surpass Those Ofyeal's ago that necessitated t he opel'fered Elsewhere . !lOon be on. ation. He displayed unusual intelliWh~n Mose 9<>hen makes a . s~tefor his years up to the tim e of m~nt lik e that It stands fo! somethmg Are we 'to have any base ball t his gence . . - It means what It purports. summer? it is hig h ti me there was hiS death and was a prominent char- Our values. by reason of this store's some talking done, as t he season is acter about the placc.- Western Star buying power, can absolutely not be .. ~ • Iequaled in the city on clothes of qualnot far off. CrullP plllIlLlvely stuPI ,lld ill :3U ity and merit. Our ability to underOIIJUI.l't', wltb DI·. I.ihu'JIJ'It Croup buy makes it but natural that we can Waynesville is so lIituated t haI .:tt1IIl t'lly . Vue Im>lt·llioll tl WIll !iurel)' undersell -and undersell we do. Let flowers show to good advantage, and ·,.. qve 1 hIS I ru t,b. No VOIllI tiug, ao us demonstrate this fact to you. not many towns have s uc h fI( \\f'H dtltt.rtllll; A /tu ltlltuti plt1UMio~ "Y"uIJ We' ve the largest exclusive Clothi ng - t,C II t::loid by 1.11 dultienl. Store in America-and the only store as ar.~!aiR a here. - - -. - in the city, fully equipped with the ARBOR DAY modern glass cabinets; each and evTh d h f . ery garment hangs on an individual de ry weat er 0 lal>t week saw Governor Harmon has issued the hanger and is free from wriFlkles gar eners o~t raking and burning annual arbor day proclamation fix- and broken shoulders. old ~tuff which come~ after ·w.inter, ing April 16, ag the day whe~ the ~s usual the Mose Cohen Store UI and It made a great diffe rence 111 the 3Chool children of the state will put In the Lead-"~t . Others Follow" looks of thin){R. a.8ide their studies and decorate the Hat and ~urn1l!hmg Depl;lrtments . . are overflowmg With the chOicest and school grounds WI th saplings He newest spring creations. '{'he "LOot toot" of autos could b£' urges the citizens generally to obheard last week, but t hey did . not :Jerve the day appropriately. stay out long. aR the snow and cold winds soon made them hunt their BAD CHARGE AGAINST BOYS garages. Timothy Finley, of Spring Valley, who i& mployeQ by the Dayton Mo$1.50, -2, $2.-50, $3, $3.50 and $5 It takes money to run a paper. tor Car company was arrested in t hat Mammoth Spring Exhibit of Chil-' Now, if some of our patrons, who arf city at 4:30 Wednesday, by Officers dren 's Suits. We will save you money. in arrears. would bear this in mind rarbox and Williams, at the home of _ we might be able to get somethin; t be Clabaugh family in Oalifornia . Hif BY TRAIN . new to''' wea ' East'i l·~ aay. Other- treet~ Xenia wise we cannot. He was arrested on suspicion and John Holzlin, a prominent shue

- -- ...






M.asters Rapid Plant







= I


Dr. ShOop'• lIeadacbe




Pr.·ce $3.75





' . 1..... ..s . ,..~".~,lr'bloo4~ ~:::::;:;:::::::::::;:::::::::r



Ever' Farmer and Truck Growar

na,ton.-FraDklIn Chronicle.

the number four dill.,


the fti&.

Tabl... · "au.; DiALERS"

Livcrites l!'w' HIe at 'lie ' f01l0w1ll& ,,,1.«8-: .

ZlmmermtUl's, KilboD's,



A Purely

Vegetable' ~xativ,?'

Cu.res . ChroniC:, Co~tljation. and ',Au ' Liver ~nd ~d~e1 !l'roublQ. J'

The Alpha OhemloaJ :,po~· . Sprlnafleld, Obio.


'~fT £D KlDNEV e QUId







as T ime Passcd,

Frank R oseboom, 51! , • . Mos cow, Id ubo, $ay. : " Kid· N'Y t rau bl w/UI ' 11 r~ll l tnry, nod' my 11M n ts SPl'lll hun· d rods of Ii liar O·y· In g to cur IllL\ 1 " 'US n e rvous , my t\y l'SISllf Imd fa\l ,,(] nolll'l'ably, mr cil" ulaUo!l was tinlt, a l!'E'p fitru l, h \:urt Bellon IrrQb'lllaf', nnd mY' b acll 0 w nk IlIld poinrul ! (loul d bard ly s tand It. 1110 1"0 WIlS nloo nn tr regulllrlty of t h e ~dfley BoaTet lons and a coif! alwa ys trulde the wIIole troublo worse. I could IIlt4IlY c,lhnt· G)'m ptonl!\' too, but lilian Iy ftdd t h at Doa1\'S Khlney ,.ltIs made mo troo of a ll or th lll.. .. Sghl ~, 1111 d oale r8 , tie ce nta a box. l"o~b!'lTJl Co .• Bntralo, N, Y.






JOHN LUTHER LONG IIwlllratlo .... b,. DOD




The crownIng rl NlIr In t he 11(0 ot old Rn ll lngnrtc! 1', ' l \"'O O" ylvIlIIIIl C " r lnun{ I!I 10 .. I)tal n pussC'"sl"h ('It tho boatl l (u l ~IC"JOW \'ih "' '' 1I,'s J u s t b I WN ' n l bum · t;'ll rllll' r' propr rly IInll t ho 1'11 111'0::>.,1 s in.

The I' rn p"rl), In QII 's llon ",us 10' hv !';n J'Jth p" '!!!!ul, \' c ry pr,' tly y .,.,n !:' Itll' l, tLml b~l o l1)l,'d s(lI,' I ~' 10 he r, I t Il nll th Ilnum;;ll rln ' r ,'Clm.' W l'I'\IIIZr- Ih ,.t hie ollly h<>p or lu tnlnlll!:, Ihl) prop fl Y WI'''''' h lhl'll tl/:h •hu ntnrrl n~ ,\ o C hlN ~u " Stlp lH' nljllh to :iu r o h 1 'r (,~='f· 1. 1 n 0 'n n clt n lH'th'll "Sf! rr y 1'1 Scph II tJa h P . ll ilU)nJ.:'a rtm'r, .11'" Is pOl'ulurly IWOWI1, IH rl1nt"J ott by his (a th '1' 10 Snrah f, r $1 H e ul'lpe ll r ~ lIltcr· Iy incn.PlI r it n lf'.1 10 win In any c nl esl of lo\'e ('I I' Itr '. ' u 'n h Pr~ds (' 1 11 qul!(' tht,) ~ pp ns lto or SetTy, She 13 nit It (o and 1I111 · nllilio ll, rr cr 0110 (ntllt Is a "n)' 11 Igh Ipmp r. Bnum 'urlner gl v II 'clY}< _0 "' 0 l e!l~" n s In ""," rt dhlp, BuuJn!;,nrtnor hn8 c:tIusc(l hlmsl' lf to be ap ll" rnt ('d lIa rd l" n or a lly, S!ln'y Is unublo lO r slsl lhe ('lscl natl ng wll eherl ot Salh' n n I ho ki;,'1(!s hl!r, h promIses him, h owe\'f~ r, that she will nl'vor kiss nn)' man but hi m, Sum Frll z, a drun k n groccry lerlt-oltJ Boumgarln er cn ll ~ hI m a " molasses lappor"-ca lls on Sull y nnd Inter· rupts th o ' klssln', 'nlCY go Into Iho pnr. lor und b gI n n "silting VI)" co nt c!' t. In Ilccordnnco with tho cuslom8 or th o plnce and tho LIme, Ul ono \\'ho 18 defeated In such a conl est 18 unw orthy th e hand t t ho gtrl. S rry gOOl! to !lleep an d boo!! s norIng, Sally len ves tho roo m In 1m/[, so.yl ng: Good nl ll' ht, gcn llemon," Se try tells hili fItth r ot hl8 humili a tIon; ot how Sam F ritz ha d plnncd lO hIs Ilo90m while h s lept a pllll(cboord tom b· 8tone benrln!:, th o Inscription : "Sephenl · Jail P . Baumgart n or , Jr., \OIont to his reet. Jun e JO, 1871, In th e tW OInll elh Yl'ol r ot hili age, Gono but not forgot. Rend bnckwa rdll," SetTy and Sa lty 01 et a t lho Polson aprlng. Rho ur:;es hi", l do 80m '. Ih lng to redeem himself. Tho Cather ad· vIses S6ITy to ta ktl nll:' home tt'om ~ hurc h , ThIs would bo lhe crucial tost. Accordlns;:o to lho cnSlom ot th e Urnes, \\'hloh ofte n mean t di sgrace or even mu rdor and lIulclde. It IlS t be ru le In sue h II ''''It th t the one whose arm the girl llc,'cpted when leaving Iho church woulrt b the favored 8ultor, a nd th o I' 'jl'ct"d ont,) was dlsgracod Ilnd mus t I nve t w n or triumph ov r his opponent by torce. lierry dreads the churCh ordeal, 11011 ,

h~rj( t- .l


nthlt~ llt.:

I Of

"'WlIat'& your nam e, m

"I8ameo-a. sir." "0.0111 Just pop air with tbts bolt to *0 depet." --- -----



Treatment Is to Accomplish W". Science Ha. Been Strug. gll"D to Attain for Centurlee.

Tho ht~ iatercst t hat b ae ool'n mani. fOll~ tb?oagllout the oo"ntry bl' the \\"'on.


OUtul that are being acCoDlpli~hcd dailF by epileytioide. eLiIl o n l inue!!. IL is

'tellll,. ~riala& tile VDBt nUluOOr of . pro·

pie _!.eha,", i1rcady b en curoo of fit.s IJIld ftcn-euIlll088. III ordOl' t hat e\OCrybody 111113 Qge Il ' ohMico to test t he In':dluine, ~1'80 ,b-ill1 llottlOfl. valWlbl li t ratUl'e, His· tl\Ir)o of BpiJ43p81 and tcetimoninls, ,vill be IkWlt ~, II;IIlD abeolutely ute to an who 'fti~ to tile Dr. May Laboratory, !HB Pbui ~!few York Cit$". • Fatal Catastrophe, Yonng W ife (monrnfully)-I am atmItI, .actor. my poor hus band wIth ~18 ,",etched . GOld wUl cough up hIs Ufo. Young Doctor (startle d)-Qh, I trust aut. mr Ileal' madam; at least not untU tio couglnJ lIP my blll.- DtLltlmoTe

IX. It Was Seffy Who Was "Sack'ed." So they three went to church on a. Amodcan. certain Sunday. Sally sat on the "wome n's side" and S e lty and Sam on ImpOrtant to Mothers. Examine oarefully every bottle of the " men's side" In full view of the OASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for "audlence"- whlcb perceived and un· lo.fanta and children, and see that It de rstood and was ready at tbe proper time to applaud. from the preacber to Bean tile .//fT the sexton-to rai se or lowel' its Signature .f~~ thumbs u~n the com batant.s , la' Use-For Over 30 Years. When lhe be ne diction had heen salc;\ fte Klnd You Have Alwaya Bought. !: e ffy haslened out an d found hlmse lC a J:llace-close to the door, aocordlng Hospitality. ~'Ancl did 'JOU enjoy your African to his fath er's word- In one ' of tbe lril'. maJor? How did you like the line a of young m en wbloh stretched, on eIther side of the path from the ~?" , "Ob,; tIl~ were ex.treme ly kind·heart· church door to the road beyond, at 011. "rhoy wallted to ke ep mo there for le a st a quarte r of a mile, But be did not see Sam, Some one pushed In dtDner."-LondOll Opinion. front of him. And, Instead of com· bating for his position, he yi elded It Every Woman Will Be lnteTeeted. .! t l'otI ha.,e plllna III the back, Urinary, and found one further down, still seek· DllU1der ~ Kldn. ey trOUble. and want 11 In~ the location of his rival. He was • Ia, ~aant herb cure tor woman'oS tI7 Mothe!' Gray's AUSTRALIAN cr .yded from this one, too. and be let I AJI'. It, Is Ii aate a.nd nev e.r-fa llln~ reg- It go and sougbt anolhe r one because 1IIIIWw, Ai. aU DrugltlslB or by mall 50 ote. SIU'nJ)le ago F'REE, Address, Tbe be had not seen Sam. And It was nee· lIotIIlll' ~ Co•• La Roy. N, y, es!ary to his falher's scheme, h e remembered, that Sam and he should be A Distinction, about opposite. Of course. all this Sbe-I suppose , your uncl o didn't was error, His place wa!! right by the fan to rem mbe r YOIl in his will? churcb door. That was where Sally He-It was scarcely a rem m·, had a right to eXIJect to find him, It 6I' like a ~Iut reaolleellon. ha d b ecome a public matte r, too, The pulllic had Its rights, It expected him th e re, even If h e had to s~led the blood of nos as to stay th ere, This had often h""pened. Bnt he was be wild ered In tho co ntradlcto'ry cou rses advised by hi s [ath e r, nnd, fin a ll y, Ileelcl ug that which see med b est. found Ulat which was wors t. D nll SefIy I He at last dl scove l'ed Sam and round a lod gm e nt for blmse lf oppos ite and a way down n Cllr t be gale, where onlv tbe marri e d me n we re-s uch as stili waile d for the ir wiveS-Who ami. ably s moked until th ey came along. r-;o unmarri ed malden eve r expects to be matched the re. And , hlJ,d SelIy been as wise as h e w as n ot, he would not have baI te d thero. I ut he WI\S de luded by Salll. Th er e h e waB In tbe. op poslle line, the wrong one , inclll· fer ently chatting, and even s moking. with Hila ry Groll-a maniee! man, Se fTy was now s o sure of hIs conquest, that Sam 's indiffe re nc e vexe d hlin. Ev· Ide ntly be <11<1 not m ean t.o contend \vlth him for Sally's arm, nnd It was to be a cheap and bloodle!!s Victory. For S cry wnl! ouo of thoBe who grow brave IlS OPllos ition diminishes. ' Ane! n ow th e}" we re slowly coming down - tb o maId e ns running the gant· let of love , One-two-lhroll-'rourfive-a. doz n happy m a lln gs were mad e. Selly was counting, One t:'OOI' cha p was "sacked." He cl'lIshed nis hat over his el' es aqd oharged b;u It 't ltrough ' tbe line s nnd acrol'ls the fltlldll - no' mat t er ' wh e re. And t hen came Sall y: -In a t rim little hal with 0. l1ul· tt.rlng rib bon that 1001 e d ,(.or the world liI ~e t he whi te s lgHtl, bcarlr;Jg straigh t down upon him ! Du~ there 1I' US sum thin g In Iie r )' s-expectant r-mllitau t--t hn t mllde them starry. On Ihe cam e with h e r h nd In tha alrlooking nelt.ber to lhe rlfJlt nor io tbe lett, as If she oxpected to walll home alonu. "l e':Irlr three mUes! f' Ol>.: nol" thought S e lty- and Sam. nut 11 bit nf t el'ror sruote her face . . . whcu IIh') ball p.....llthe dOOl'-

- - - - -/"JII'


J . ;MlCk

For Colds and



a10nl'- lIn" ll1lo-et'l ml)fe tt.nt'l more •• she went on. Some Qne laugh ed- th n thor o was an 1I111'n l sUlkll bl Ult r along the li ne. StlJl nlly pnss c: :m. keepIn g her t ropor a s u vor IJ fOTe. Was nol til old man rls 'ht about the elt at of In ughtor? n u t now tho tO lnper l(1osed Itaelf s lowly- ber tnl'O was scarlet. S he had n a rly r ac b ed tho married m n, Somo one whl 'p r d: "C s h! 11 o's gittlng even by sackI ng b r l" Thl was r peated . There was more la ugh le r ond m oro tittering. Tbe crow d dcs rte d t h lin s neurest the chlll'ch and follow e d SOli)" down on clLhor s ldo In hugo .tumulluous pha· louxcs to see what wou ld h ppen-(f It w ro possible th a t s he would have to go home a lon e. Several yonn g m en who hnd n e v I' dared to approach her began to t hInk or I t . The y kne w that rll.lh e r Ulan not b e tallen at all she would t al,e anyone of them! The re was more tumult · n ow than laugh te r. And Sally's fac grew 50 wblte that h reyes bl nzed like stars In the mids t of It. e fty (ju nllcli, ' He r(lcogn lzed th e tom per-on ly h e had n \'e r s e n It as t e rrible as ttl I!;, 1'1 0 h a d forgott e n Sam, It WAS on ly nlly h I> ;J W, a s one sees "'Ilh f<'ar·stnll ' u nc rv es th e lorornoUve a s It lea ps up on h im , Antl ' lh e "nlool, €'rs, cl'O w<111l ~ at tho s lrl C!l: thnu p,hl it II g rea t anu I I'l"Ibl h ~ncl to hal ,d ba tl!' - ,to wnlt tha t way !ill ttl!' Inst moment a ne! then to sp ring II" I ige rs- · or a piece It l reru ndu lls fo oli shn ess. "Oot h OL VO II OI l\st b I1bl>olllle ur p," said Hila r y Cro ft to Sam , "or absolute (ool s ! In 't you got no pity o n th g ll'I?" "Shut u o!" a n "'Ned Sam , "and watc h. I'm ca'i ulntl ng on h im loavlng to wn to- morrow, Th at Is my gnme. And I'ru phiYi n g fo r the pot," You seo that S am bad 1I0t forgotten Sefry for a moment. eve n If Setty had forgolten him. He stepped noiselessly tbre e paces toward Sally, crosse d In fr ont of Selfy an d took her arm. The re was a lallgh almost rJbald. S elry could no t seo cl ar ly-he could, least of all. th in k clead y-he did uot know wHat h ad h appe lled. He s aw only the lillie white s ign a l before him and blindly put out his arm. It did not reach Sally at all, but Sam who turned ane! said with an Imitation ot glrlh!h politeness: "Thank you, Mr. Baumgartner, I'm suited." And , Sally, h e r face fiamln g with vengeancc , took t h e trouhle to turn back and cry-not inlo his ellr, but lnto lll,s very h l'al't: "Thank you, I'm s u ited." The re are s ome p eople to whom no puni shm e nt s e m s sufficient. whil e any remaIns to b e adminIstered. One of

4t retll'eet


ette fld




d to ~ny on e: "You Ol:ght to bo glad thAt I do 1\ot tako r v :lgo on him I It h e was n' t 80 if you f6al lan~id and depresM lI tt/e 1 would. But he'ij not wor tb MR. SPRIGGSWORTH WAS ALTO· 9,11 t he tim. The best thiDg to bothe ring about. Sacked me, dId ho' GETHE R TOO HE~LTHY, I'll show blm!" h elp n ature build up the syntem is "Why, ally ! Wbnt wOllld you do ~ " Put hhu ove r my kn ee nnd spank His Affect ionate Better Half Had him nnd theu p n h im In th ce llar ! " Somewhat Pec:,!la .. Reaso ns for "Sa ll )', don't talk IIko th a t," 'pleaded Wanting Doctor t~ Look HI".. th old ma n. "It sp'lIcs your VoIce." ' Ov~r at Once, And n ll y gave him lh nand thero This great tonic is not a flllse £tim.. a ruu e spN'lm n of bow h r volc waf "Doclnr, " eald Mrs , prI S~':o\worth, "( ulant lIS roa!'y of th,c po· called "s~mg being spoil d- whlch I may not re- v: ls h YOII would com n and se m y hilS. tonics , " It is a natural strengthproduce. But It was exprcsl!ed In band as 800n AS you can do ItO oon. gi ver , For all run·down eonditiolll an uth mao Indcecl, othors had noUced \' CIII utl)'. )' v been urg ing him to cull of the henltb it is on invol1l3ble remthat h er volcl'! . somehow. ha d los t Uti on , yo n at yo nr om c , bu t I jus t can 't edy i imporlS ne", li fe and Yigor and soft rich ness. She W(l8 pa rtl ularly ge t him s larted, I'ru awfully worried bui lds up th e entire system, Idnd to the you ng s tor kee pe r now. auout him ," and ho was particularly r eckless ant. "r will try to IItop and II e hlm thls Sold hy All Leading Dra,rlm (" {J.OII dr unk n, And rumor presently h ad it afternoon. Is he In bed?" n ze boll/ell, SOc anrJ 35c "Oll, no, No, b o's not In b\1d, nue! per. t hnt s he was k~\OWD to be drunL; wltb him sOlue tim ll.3. ' . bnlls you be t te l' come In th e evonln.~ "Slllly- " s aid Setty timorousl y, onG or oro'ly tn tllO mo millg, oocauso yo u day, (ho bae! wnll tl to te ll h e r this) won't find him at borne In tb e arter. " you don 't t h lnk·-you a,ID't be ll vo- noon ," that I-sald--" "VerV' we ll I'll como to.nlghL Wbat Positively (JDred b, " I hlWw," sa id Snlly In vo ice that ge8ms 'to b ' th e trouble ? Has he (bce;c Lutle Pills. froze him, " that l'o n are a rool-n nd) (lnll ht !l, b d cold ?" Th ' Y ..1"0 r fll1l!1'C Dl<tam not fon d of fo ols. ( 0 away! Bo "No, h e h a!5 Il't nny mor trl'Ht' (rom ~c"H I"', In, Ill:" '~t Ion cmdToo 0'''''17 g l;:l\1 i dou 't IIrk you!" tbau It Is common (or mORI people to ElJtI"~ , A I't"rlect .....1]). • Anrl t h n rumo r had It tbat she an d h n e at t h is tlm o or lhe yonI'. ( r ,ally ooy fUT V ir-MD ....... N elli' Sam wcr to b m a r rlod-" rc r spi t.' don' t. know whnt Is Ihe ma lt r with B, J)r,Tw,rl Ot.'SN , B 4 nllt, cur iously enollgh, UIO [:crso n hIm, T Ibln lt YOIl on gh t to g lv blnr n '1'''''''' In ,he ltt>ntll, Co,, '" m ost a!f9 tetl by all tl.l~ was n ot Snl· lborou~ examl nll tfOll ." ~~~~~~-:J eel Ton~"", r"l n In Lhe ~ B i ll , 'rORPU) un;a. Iy, nor S 0':1, n or Sam, tt iVa S e ~y ' s ''I'm sorry to hear that his h ealth If; They rcguh.w I ltC now 1... Pm'ely T og LnbJe. falbo r, ·".Ins!' BUIT rin gs w I'e 'Uea rl g no~go od . I tbou g ht wh e n I saw him a All DOSE. SMAll PRICE. a ~n n y . Nothing cOI:ld b de n \VII b rew dnYR ago I ha t he \Val'! lookin g r . SMAll Pill. SM ~ !'rr~ And co Irs of the 10\'0 b tw en mal'ltab ly we ll. Wh ;'I did yon h gin to Genuine Must Bear lh m , \\ hl ch had n eve r h'l'lI ruffi ed uo~ t h a t h e \,.011 nut r Cli ng rlf!: hl'!" Fae-Simile $ignature sine dry wn s born, wos rut n r umcd "\\l1y. he claims tha t Ihoro Is nOlhl nli no w, Th o old man, as I hi'll' r laUons the matte r "lIh him, but, of ('0 U1'50, grew tm illed, hecl) me nor and more I here m \l st be," e .' aspernte<\ at S erry 's lack of inilla. " Does h a ppeal' to be bolb red by ~=~ RE=-F= US=E SUBSTITUTES. Uve. In dlg<'2110n ?" '·Cos h·a·ml gb ty! You go ln' to let "No, ho hilS alv.'BYS b e n ve ry fr e Ula l mo lasses·tamler aet rI g ht down on from a nythltl g of lhal kind. YOtl B 0 , b e vo u and n efer git off? Ca n't you lIoe mar1ages to get a good d eal of outdoor that she wautil yo u ? It don't n',\tter ex rcl s o," 320 ACRES INSTEAD what s h e says ! Don't you Imo w It's a "T hat's gOod. A man who takea pl e nty OF 160 ACRES tlare? All' you going to take a dAro! of o utdoor exerclso re ally ought to Why, you usen't to wb en you was a h:l'Ve Il Ula use for a doctor. P e rbaps ba by! When you year that durne d the tro ubl e Is wtth his eyes. Do 9 b e n e w laugb of Sally's can't yotl seQ that COmpla in of havin g hoadl1ches?" somes lng's wrong? Sbe's drinking! "No, h e n e ver bas them at a1!. " That's what! You thInk s h e'd laugh " Well, does ' h seem to be rlln down so and drInk If s bo wass huppy? You phys ically!" . WOII a fool-yas, a durn tool. It'e your "Not no t.' ceably 80." fault. Go rlgbt up to b e r llke ' a man " Is he unusually n rvous or IrrUa. and say so." bI 1" ' "r did." s a id Serr,.. "Oh. no. not at nil, R eally, do you "Hah, yo u did? Ali' wh at sbe sayer know, I s am tlmCl! b Il ve h e can't bavo "SIl saId sh knowed It!" a ne rv In his body, He fs al""aY8 80 " W lI- b egosb ens! She's a won. I placi d. Nothing ever seems to dlsturb fool. Gather h e r In and make a fool hi m In tho le Bsl." ott of h e r and g lt efen! Turning her "A ',e ry curIous OIlSC, Indeed. What "If woale! take time ta ........ n.te the .......... back on an ai' man t.hat barms no one h IlS callsed YOII to think I on~b t to ex· t lo D. th ft t . vl.1I 10 the a reat """plrelyinQ" to -and her g uardee a y ltl" limine hlm!" tbe Nortll or 01 u nfolded ... every tU6D ," Co_sroondena: of" NJ""",,1 1id11tJr• ..., 't>I4lW Alas, this was anol bur thlng he had " '''by, he hasn't been In bed a day Wulma C,.uu,d.. ln Augwt. J908. don e to seonre IlIa past ure-fie ld- t'r ta ke n a drop of m edicine for about m udo himself b e r legal guare! ian! fir! n years, and I an 't get It ant of Laud. ma, .tlC> be pard,ned " - ..away_ 11:,.. ''I'll gUe i t up-the gllArdeen, Ya.. my h ad that he ought to see a doctor land companie. at low prius and _ s ir. She Iten take keor he rse lf. Fool betor he gels down sIck. It lIlay be For """,pillet.. 'mape o ne! tn(o ..... tloa III til low rul1wny rllt •• , (ll'pl), to Sup«lntendtml -ot course: Bose foels! You wr..1t that au operation o f some kInd now of Jm mllfrtltlo n, Ott n....". C!tnnda., or the te ll sh ma~ri es that dum molasse. would save Itlm an awfully liard time Quthorbed Canadian Government Aceat: tapp' I' It you want to see funl" latElr on."--Cblcago R ecord·H e ra le!. H. \III. WlLl.lAMS. in the T h ere was s uch ronl Law Bulldln ... _ ToW.. Ohloe SeeIng BOlton., A rural g nllcman n ga go d an rrma· "Pappy. rm sorry-I ain't no good, t Ur guide to condnct him aronn d Ba& 1 expe ' t. I guess rn go away before ton on a sightseei ng trIp. On their t he weddIng." way 00 the sta,tehouse th e pair passed "Wedding-weddin g ! You gain' to th rou!;h t ho Puullc garde n. 'rile farme r let th nt wClddl ng go on? And him glt sc med groatly Impressed , wl'th the th e pastu re ,fl e ld? Put him , between s tatue " Comme moraUng the 'dlscoyery liS nnd t he railroad!" tltat th e InhaUng of etber onnses In· "How an I Glop It, pappy ?" sensibili ty to pa in." "By mnl'l'y h:~g her you.rseUl" A few minntes late r th y re ache d "I got e uoug h, pappy." s aid Selfy th e sta.tehouse grounds. Again t h~ hopelessly. "Tbey'd lynch me If ) farmer's attention was attracted by 8 tried It again. 1 guess I'd bette r go statue. It was a statue or Maj. Gen, away." Nathaniel p, Danks, rind had been eet Qulcl, anger 'f lamed In his tath er·. up bul not yet unve iled . Tbe Ogure taee at tbls Invertebrate submission. of t h e general had been heavily padded. And his , voice, when he spoke. was and wrap.Jled with muslin to protect It harsher than Seffy had e ver heard It. during shipment, and as yot t;be pad· "Got enough-got enough-that's all ding had not been removed. you knol\' ! And go away! That'. all the onlookers was of such a sort. Gazing at tbe beswnth d Og1Jre. the you ken say, you bull·headell Idjlot! farmer exclaimed: cried out as pOOr Sefty slunk away: " WaH, I swan! "Give her back he.r dollar!" Go and apoldgize and gil her back. What be thllt 1" , And anot h e r: Don't rlln. Tben marry her neltt daJ. "That," said the guide looking In That'll settle the molasses·tapper, I "Or nln ety·nlne cents, anyhow'" vrun tor ' an Inscrtptton to Seffy quailed and dre w bacl, from expect. and show that you got au mcb blm, "that Is"-he soratched his bead the line-It was the Instant that or ' two of ba!l(bone! Choke her- -"that Is to commemorate th e dlscov· m a k es or mars-and he had lost. He chloroform h er and carry her olr!" ery of the b e nefit o r-: the plaster -{)allt ," (TO BIll ·CONTINUED'.) mi ght still ha ve Imocked Sam down and wtln- tllis would bave been p..,1'One on the Workman. fec Uy proper-b ut he followed UtA LOST ART 01'" LETTER WRITtN'G, When Tommy was taking papa. his ma n who had bu t a moment b ef{Jre Men and Women of To-Day H'a ve Ne dinner he sto ppe d for a moment to cr ns hed through th e lino, and wtld Time for Such Occupation. walch workman emptying a s wer, jeol'8 followed him, "That" remark ed Tommy Inte rested· It 1ft a well-known fact that nobodJ -ty, "Is the grate my brother lost a sbll· X. _rites letters nowadays. It II true we liu S down," The Huge Fist of . the Farmer. spend a vast deal of time at our writ. The wo r kman's eyes lit up, From that day S effy avoid ed nil pub· Ing tal>le , that we consnme nntoht "Well, young man." he salW. with B Crop figure s for 1908 IIc places-aud all m e n, He was no- (juantttles of Ink and nIbs. whUe our s how of c a re lessn ess, "you'd be lter get pYove th at MontaDa hotly - nothing. H e fell r a pidly Into stationery bill Is by no ml:ans the forward wi t h ' tha.t dinner be fore It's is an excellent field for that Idnd or dl srepllto which is caUl· mos t modest ttem ot our ever.lnereas, cold." , profitable farming. Semon to pe rsotl s \vlth failing reputa· Ing e xpe nditure . But we nelUun In 'abont ban 1m hoUl" Tommy r&cure a farm of Jour tlons. !t was to hIs discredit that he write nor receive letters. The utruoat turned, to find Use man stilt at ' the own there DOW. d iu not leave town. but t his his fatber we do fs to "dash off notes" In an S3IOe grate . ' pre vented. Agnln h e tool< to the cot· swer to Invitations. to "acrtbble a few , ' ;AI'e you quite sure Jt _as tbls grate Fertile land at reasonton woods nnd the 'Polson sprlngll, lines" of congratulation or sympatby, the shilling was Ioet. In 1" said the . able prices. Homestead with, perhaps, the dim hope that Sally as the case may be, with a friend; to workma.n. lands are still plentiful mi ght a gai n find him there, and that ex.pres s briefly hut torclblJl Ollt aati80 "I am certnln." replietl Tommy, ''be in Montana close to the th e pee \lIng moon mig ht again Inter· taction with our dressruakl3r, or OUI cause I saw my f8'ltler get It ont,"DeW towns on the fero on Ilis behalf. sur.prlse at our mlllin"r'. accou,nt. As 'Itt·Blte. But the moon went through all her tor Ollr absent 'relatlon8, on the l'IlN Chicago nhas " and then slowly turned her occasions when we remember tbelr ex. Koeplng Down the Belt Une. ' "The trouble with you WOnteD," 8ald baclc on him- and Sally never came. Isteuce at all, we' send tbe,,, our 10.,0. In th e ir casual m eetings sho was loe on a JJost card wltb II tew . details Il man recently, ''Is that fOe depen~ Railway Once th y passed on tha road to the about tbe weather. ending In "tearing upon thJ stralght.front COrtlet Instead Low settlers' fares to store , She was In precisely t.he dear baste" with the bupe thnt they wllJ of the proper exercise." Thls shows Montana on March 23 garments he rem e mbered so well-ot write 1Y'I0n and tell us all tbeir news h9W little ho kn'o ws about It. Anum. and 30, and'April6. 13, t hat first day-and as gay as then. He Of conrse, they never do, "~Ich Is jus' bel' of women In AtchlBOD ge~ down on 20 ~nd ,2 ;-. tremhled, and then looked up IIIte a lUI well, ' as It they did we .hould I~ the floor every IlIght and roll and mortally wounded animal. She wae all probability ne1'er- have time tv roll . like pUppies at Play. 'rben they '20.50 from Chicago lookhig calmly over his bead. To tbe wade througb theIr lettera.-L'lnc01l, stand '9n their toes and balance backto M.iles City, Forsyth, rest of tlle world she was gayer thap nue, In Ladlea' Field. ' ward, ,forward and sideways. an~ ta~e , Musselshell and RdUadever, thpugh' that Sunday night lal1gh other exerclsM tbat WOUld . ~ake a up; to ,Lavina; Telt Satisfactory-to HI""elf. contortioniSt enyy them, and e.,ery 8tm echoed In her ,boad-kept her 'hI.20 to Harlowton;' madde n ed. After all, It wa~n't wortb '. A recen~ numbes: o,t Slmpll~.l~e",rubu... bit ot it' is dono ' to keep die belt \tne '131.65 to l4oore; '21:85 ' while to cal'e tor even Setty 'wIth 6ucb tells f.hls story with a moral, T, 'd~il Women wear the stralgbt front. to Lewistown. Low· :\ lit lie 1l~lrlt. Why dldn"t he. flr;bt- Union Bank of St. Petersburg h!U ttl b Q t they <lOD't depend upon it.-Ateb1, kill flam or someb"dy? Andtbe CUU· own police ·serylce. O,ne night the 41· u (Ku.) Globe. ,. lares from and to other 'ling Sam' set the story - more widely reotor. was sleepless; He wondered ,aon __._ _ _ _ __ points on these 'dates. I(olng that for rev :mge 'Setty bad d&: whether tbe bank pollee- were reall,. \ Complete information, 11erted her at the cburch door and that truatworth,.- He eonellJded dc....mak. Hungry. he had Drst laughed-Se1fy, Thill was a trial. He ftlsguised blrueeJf and with new Montana . "I Ruppose youlre glad , DOW that folder free. too ~quD.nt to ,be p"saed ovel:. and It rushed, platol In hand, Into~ the banl! ),onl' daughter bome from collele." was heard far and wide. vault. The police were good ' for notb"eln't say that I MD.. Bbsce aha lOt To Selty's father, who. ev~ In tbls tnI'. The, looked o~ quleUy _bUe the bome we haven't a thbsC to eat bat dlre ' stralt, st.rove fbr ' bapplneu fo, director pooketed 2,000.000 rubles .nd what .be conJd cook sa .; cP8q 41a1a." them both~d of COliNe, the p ••t1U9o carded theM awlo7. Sin." tbe~ DO Ollt ~t 'Free Prill. " dr


You Need a -Tonic






1~1J:. ~




Low Fares To ..Montana


Milwaukee & Pugel Sound



atlcl-De eald·:wIth . more t1WacloMd ........ tile ........ '


/. I

,~ Tne~~



. . . . . . . . .~HAT lillie the dollar loving Amer· Icon bas done In prying and peep· . Ing Into U!e grealnatural treasure houses of Sonora convlne d him . years -ago that that western MexJ· can province , was a country well ~~~~~~~!I worth exploiting. If more thnn half of the sllv r of the world :. . . has oome out ' of Me:!dco, as Is , probably tbe fnct, then. from nl1 reports, when the argenttrcrous .liiil.illi..._ deposits of Sonora are properly opened up throe-fourths of the world's Bnver will oome from the land of Dinz. S nora laas baen exporting $12,000,000 to $16,000,000 of s ilver • y nr alld could have exported five times that amount end an tnoaJ('lllable quantity of gold but for one roo sontile country has not lIeen safe for white people, except tn the larger towns, because of the warlike Yaquls, who hrne be ,n battling for goneraUons against the 'Mexicans. But now the good newe bns been flashed over the wfres tlsal tile long drawn Ya.qul wa.r Is at an end and that :1 ,treaty fa'f'tlrnble to the 'lnd lans has been negoUated r 80 that Boon there wl11 be such an Inrush of greedy crlngoes, as tb e Mexicans oall us, Into Sonora as has lIeTer been eeen before. For there wilt be no more nlgbt 4itacks uJ)OlI ero wagon and supply trains, no more ter· rortztllC Gl tho miners In their llrosP ct holes and no .oro !'lIsnee t!«l tho t;tIn rack In the lonely cabIn on the

of Mexico by th e Spanish In 1519. and from an s· Umated popula· tlon In 1620 of :lOO,OOO the race has steadily d&ellned, chlefl1' be· cause of it" n.!. most incessant warfare, to about 40,000 at the present day, Hamg rega.rded the Yaqui at close range and h a v I n g stndled him 4nd marked what manner at Ulan he Is an,. one may be ex· cused for an ad· mlration of blm that surpass • my appreciation at any other at the natl'fe races ~ of North' America. Assuredly these .0011. people : the It Is oharnc ~1 8 t1c of our commercial age that the mORt Industrioull h.t ef Intet'est of the white people In th e Yaqui uprisings and most 'chil· bae not bf)en a hurons but a flnanolal one. AIU10Ugh Ized of nil Indian , merlcans baTe obtained concessions from the Mexican trIbes, being for government of mlntng, cattle Rnd farming lands, the1' the most part !laTe DeTar been able to hold uncll s puted sway O'fer farmers, miner" tliem. Now the hardy gringo will deacend upon Sonora. and craflsmen, ~ent UJ)OlI a contluoat far mort> tborough than that of and fa.r superior Gen. Seett 18 181. Ho lusts for the 8lh'er and gold to the average hidden Ilnder the Sonora mountains, for g'r eat bands of Sonoran of tbe CIlttle and for the fruita of the ferUle valleys, and be will haciendas and villages, who will haTe them. Not that the Americans bave been essentially hosUle not work wblle t o the YaQult!, for mallY guns an!! much ammunition have he bas a peso In been takell over the border to aid them In their des· . his pocket and pera.te ISht, bot that whe.n Dlaz bas seen Ot to parcel 'While mescal can off a comfortable sectioll of Yaqui land here and there lie ,bad at the to an enterprising Yankee for a con· slderaU.ll ft blls been only natural that Yaqui and Ywk should bnve be'come emil rolled at times. "The Yaqui IndIans , are tbe most etubban Igbters on earth," said Presl· dent Dial of Mexico eight years ago. ~and If ever .ae..,are to put them down we mnst strike at the root of their race -:-we muSt mle their women and cbll· 4ren." So, mOBtl! by month, since then thou· aandll of the Ttttle browll women of the Yaqui nation In Sonora bavo becll torn from theJr homes on reservaUons and elsewhero, rounded up at Guaymas, on the west coast of Mexico, and, wltb their ohlldren, deported to Sun Blna 'and dlence aerOSS conntry to the far fever tunds of yJ(llltan, whore roallY or them hln'e dletl. NClne ,bave ever returne<l to Ionor&. melf1lB of subduing a race tbllt baa been 111 almo"t constant warfare ~lUIt U,e Mexican government for more -thall 30 years baB at Inst been etrectlve, altbongh It bas beon neCIlII' lIary at the Bsme time to keep from '2.000 to i,OOD troops In readloofls or 1n the field to fight the dlmlnl!lhlng band of Yaquls. who bave proved tbem· selvell all valiant and as unyieldIng 1111



'J}B.I "





some tJme before the haatll1' nmmone4 Fifth c8't'alry BDd Eleventh and Twelttb Infanlry coml"Ullea cO'lld be maroh811 a galMt tl\em. Then f04lowed l\ serfes of battles wblcla ".erally ~oncluded I\I1satIsfactorlly for the Moxlcans, though there was an ocwurlonal rollDdlJlg up of the rebel a In whIch large numbers ' oC th m were lIlu!;lttered. On the apllroae'of the Iroopli! )tlle Indfans usually took wp strong positlon. III the rnOlmtatll rut· neaBes. Ono Il\fga ball!! fortifted ttllell In the Dacatete ranKe, betweentl11J Taq Bnd Matopo rI'f8rB, and another In the' . Sll.bulU'lpa mountains. El!orts were made to koep theee two ballds apart, bllt the worklnt; Tallula allover 'Sonora antI In CAlifornIa and ,l'rlzona were constant,.. ly coming In and joinln@; with their brethren and the depredation. upon tM ranches and nllar;.s were wklespread. lteantlme the Mexlcans gathere'd Ia t.he women and ohlldren of their foemen for deportatlQD to Yucatan, following the demand .of Diu to "exterminate tb'l Yaquls." Maddened by this and by the re ports that the women and ohlldren were not merely deported. bllt tbat the,. were taken out Into ·tbe Gult of California and thrown oYeI'board from the trooD while In a warfare tbat haa DOt be n tbat at silvages- ship Oaxaca, the desperate Indians attacked tbe haclenhas. In fact., been fully 88 humane as that at Its foeraa and also threatened the larger towns, Terror mad. men. the citizens at Nogales tied tram tbelr homes, and for lt Is not necessary to go back any further tban 1878 a time nlartlal law was proclalmed over the fear·strlcken to g t a good Idea of wbat the Yaquls bave been doing city of Hermosillo, thE! capital of Son.ora, Dnring the In trying to bold their own against the people of Spanish height at the excitement, troops were coming In bringing descent In Mexico. In tbat year, bill aUse 'of trespass women anll cblldr!1n for dCptirlat'lon. Bud also an occaupon tbelr lands and beoouse the MC'lIcaJls had taken sional band of Yaqui soldiers, who wern cenefl\\I)r thrust Inrge numhers ot tbem to. work Up01\ their ranclies In Lnto prison O\'er night and In the ml,rnlng takeD out, practical slavery. these tre mUlously tenacious fighters rOo lined up and shot. , Bumed boslllitles after n short perlo'! or peace. Gen. One of the most torrlble slangbters during the IOBt wa.r Cajenv . til elr governor, took commuud and for soven upon the Yaquls occurred In June. 1902. One eTenlug 300 years beld tho "passes Ilnd I t rongbolds JiS.lns t 5,000 arm ed Yaqulli desccnded U\)OIl four baclendllll near Hertroops ~ntIer Gen. Pt'sQulora. mosillo and took Ilway 600 of their tribe. Including womeB Altht'ur, h the Yaquls gave Il good account of th em· and children, who were there employed. The blUld selves, tl ley los t many mon and Gen. Caje ml was cap· mnrohed toward Ures, reacbed Yllzalan mountain, and tured Ilol! shot. Slill tb clo!cnslv6 war was continuecl, while waiting for the MexIcan sol11cre mllde bows, ar· and whe. nt last the M e~l ca nll drove t.h ~m out of tbelr rows and spears for I bOl'le ",lao weI''' unarmed. stroughoh1s nnd cnpture!l tbelr inlnes there came n peOn June 16 900 Mexloan IIOldlerll came around 'the riod durln~ whi ch only desultory ralds upon the hacleu· mOllntalns, surprised the Yaqula, chaaed Ule araled war!las were nJ ...d . Durin!.: that period ilie Yaqui women ..lars clown the mountain. killIn, maoy Of them and tao and boys an:! some of .the 'n on·combatant men of the kin g all tho haclencla folk prisoners . . Soon after the tribe went 0111 to earn lDonoy In the mln_, rnnches nnd s kirmish Ales Hrdlicka, rcpreaenting the AmerIcan muBeum, found In a little ravine on the mountlLln side tbe flsh erieR to bllY arms IlRd ammunition to carr), on tbe flgbt, bodies of 64 at the Indian., Inel.dln g 0. namber of wom· en , a little girl and a 1)8.l>y, The "kul1s of Dtlarly all the ... number of American mlDers wbo bad been unuble peaceably to work theIr mJoew Itrought about the peB('e of victims were 80 shattered by Mau8er bullets as to be at no Oritz In May, 1897. The govI,i'ument then began to take use tor the museum for·' which Hrd.1lcka WI\II collecting. YaQui boys frOID tbe ress n'ations and send them to lu the hospital at HeTmoai llo In 1902 there were al Vera Cruz, on the otber shill of the continent, to mnke mallY as 12 wonnued women /Lnd a girl at se"80 wltll three bullet woun!!'i In her bod),. . soldiers of them: These boYil were as good If not b(;tler the BoerS. As another example of brave Mexlclln warfare 300 womshorp'ahootel's than tho Boor youth, and the Yaquls saw " !'be taat two stands of the YaquI" that tn thus {Ieprlvlng them of what would be a great e n and children who were capturec3 near the Ranebo Viejo have recently been reported In the dis· . source o[ reliance In tuture batUe they would eventually were kept In a cortal under ~ard for two days, during l)~tchea. One of these was In a mOUll' which time they were g:!ven nothing to eat but two have to /:1ve up nil hop!' at ever boldlng their own. So taln ClaII),OJl just north of Altar, wher~ that the peace of Oritz only lasted a tew months before fLnd one-halt blishels of raw corn, on which tbey subsisted ·t he Mexlealls and Popag08 lllred tho there was a~otber uprising a,nd more figbting, chiefly at until night, when they were marched to HermQf!1lI0, 35 Yaqulll · lnlo ambuBh and killed a large ,..I a guerilla nature. wblch GQntlnued for , severai yt'.8rs. • miles away. number at them . . The other and COli' Meantime every cent tbat the non-combatants of the In July, 1902, an attempt was made by the Mexicans .'. eluding en~agem'ent followed a . sklr· .tribe coulcl cam and save was han dod over to the ohlefs, ,to surround 200 Yaquls it.' ~he San Mateq foothl11s, but mlsh ' that of was made by tbe the capital Mexiclln" the Indians learned of what was afootl slipped tnto a ao' u Hermosillo. of , .l1===;;;;~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;~:;:==:;:;;;;~~;;;;;;~~~ who bought with tbls money eqough Mauser rifles and mountaIn bowltzers to equip very 'decentl,. ..n army of side valley 'belore th(' adnDce at the tro(1)s, and In the Sonora., In '!Phlch It wos reported that 6,000 mE'D, nnder Q(tn, Tetavlate, who~ In April, 1899, night straugled tbe l,Ientrtes and, ' procei!tllng oYer to the Bqle, the ohlet of the Yaquls, was killed took lbo' field after bavlng made this statement: sleeping soldiers, slew tl\e wbole column In the darknesB and 100 er bls men were slain. After "We Yaqul/J are a peaceful and industrious pe;)ple. lind bound the oRIcers t.Q the , trees, where tbey 'Were ltlill ~Joodi ,battle the remnant of tbe Wben tbe Mexlcacs want workqrs for their mlne~ or found when reLl~f came. ,YlAui for<leB . engageij - In ~hllt . fight • ~ . factories tbey come to WI. YVe eta· not want war. Wo - Q, ~t~_.......: One reusou why 't he last ten rears' war has been ,more marched IQ~o Hermosillo and·, lIur.".en· ~ ~,-~.. have never wanted' It, b'ut we WlUlt,QUr rights, We -made bloody than any thlit. preceded It wall that the M'!xiQaD 4ered. ' , a treaty of peace with the rAeDCari garernment, our lIerd· government decreed ev!'t')' Yaqui living 'on tbe pu80.~ other ev~nts lIave been. tak· ~.~ Ill\ry' fQc, In May, 1.897, atter .. laog sertQs at warJ, tbe eblQs or :workll J on I AJlch~8 .01' pYWhere else: wae tf) flo lba place all. thIs poplllou! planet, and ,.., . tile dab. Qf .Squora eilter 80 little Into the conl\lderation aanUna, and ,w ho, when he enters tbe aWl)" Is It~erally . lalSt ot ,"bleb was more than ten yearS In duration. We ' tr-eaited as a prlEoner or w~r., ~ the people ' on this, rim of tbe ,conUnent, wlth the ex- , Bent there from jail. . .'.. ' intended to keep faith with the government" of Meilco, Quantle. In l1li•• oepUoa . oJ" th.lle , American capltallsts who ' haTe lOnged AB, for the Yaqui as a fighter, he has proved hlm;hi}f but It has pUJ'&lted a at cruel encrO~Clhwent ana A sad nature sheda torth t1f'1uPt. A "Il1'n7.&a'd mlrlJil. to QIleM,ta the IJ'llnlng treasUrell of that ricb gold; a~d ' a better man even , than ,the Apa be, w~lIe resorting to monaee. We are now ready to figbt It again; and all tqe lIITer oa_tr7, that we ba.e been more I.nterested In few, If an)" of Ule Al>aobe'B bloOdthirsty trlokB of war- bl'tlles Qf ~be paat wHl be u nothing compared with tnl nature brl.l1g1 dar light. A BuBPIcioJ'~ ,nat1U'8 ·In.'.... ' bly Imparts ·itB ohlll to eyel'1 ",llerou IIOqJ Wlth~ aoUq. football cOntest. th... ID tbl. terrible w~rare fare. Tho Yaqui army Las been regularly organized up . the bloodsb,'cl t~at:wlll foUow oar entry Into tbe 6eld," reacb', A. bold Bl),d frank aat..ure onroosu.. su. . ._ . . 'lUaa ....n OD . . thin IT' da,.~ railway journey tb the last ,.~, ha. been ~~ell drilled In the use 'If tho ~ Oel!. TetAvtate, bepu Ol"tratiolUl In the lower. Yalley lBalE.' Y." Jut tbree deCadea and e••n 10nl8r. ria.. baa bad Ita pIIetaill aDd eolonel. and captalD_, ad of tbe R,-o YaquI, where Ill. lDeD dl'01'e out tbe white In. Olen., Finan.. lAke. tbem finn. _';,~•.:. ~ tile _at. 'lIa" baeD hu lltell . . . . 1004 IICeOUDt of 1tsNt1f that It b .. kept ..~ra . uJIOIl yaqui laD• . '1'Ia.e,. cut the tele&raph wtrea them ane. Taite Itlm••tel . .' ~""'" ..... ~l ..m. . . .tIoIl. and 1t wu -~. W"'~ ~~;iEi!i.~~~1IIDI ·lfAct ·tlle 1.000 Il~ ..... IIIlclir GeL Torn. baa, aU > ,



YAQUI ,-..n






,ta ,,1'IIlIl.. and" ' ......






Kriu.' .

1\1, Hlll'n ul, :l lHl

111 t.lf

( 'H t II'Hi lln !:lPlIlli rll tIlT(I" .'l ",it.lI 1 h', IInll "'n~ , .'all!! I '(il'u<ip.r In tjl~ hll' 11 < n ,

' - -AND---

Il' ~ , Fl'Il!! HIH'r wo II VIH-:\l l'~, ~ h 'l'woiJIl'" l)lll'l'lltnl h ~I IU tl IIllC ti n ' III!:It w(t'k ,

1\11 ,'

Suitable for Kitchens, Bedroom , Etc.

3cSingle 4c Single 5c Single 6c Single 7c Single




·it 'll lit,

ll "~ l ..illlm KII'l e r Iltlll ~fll'tIh Bu r , ill Il lt Ollfl lllH'ulit \ , t ', '!.', in l.p lll/ll OIl Sutllnlll,Y,

Roll Roll Roll· Roll Roll

, ll !'! Wl't' ll

1\11', ' hurl l!s Mu lll'l\ lIud filltlilv 1"\\l ll du,Yf'(i wlt.h Mr , 1111\1 Irs , J oh;, , A I I, ' Il /I I' ( 't, n t I I' VIll" ,

Saturday, April 3rd,

i\Il' >- , 1,'1'.. " ' 11111 It IIlld t'illldn Ll clIll " d "II ,I ,)ll ll 'l 'hll ItIJl""" 's Su llon )"


A ~, I

\\' liitukll r :Ind Itllill h ' WI ' I'P , ~lIl1dll\' l! ill 's l. lit A-I,. , IIlld I;''' ' I!:n ~I'III> ~;\' Illl!\ III 1"·P1.IIl, EIl)II I t't I.:h'lr/, llt ( 'l lltt'I'\' lll t', ~ pl'n( :-i ll/l,lll ;v Il l, Itl ~ JIll r Oll I IlI hl]l1l1 ' lwr " ,

New line of Hall, Parlor and Sitting Hoom Papers just received


Hidge~' ill e

- - - J\' I ' - -

Mr ,

Mung l',.,

it! Iwalll.l wlrd on 800'fll' in

\l'h o \\' .. s 1'( jlu rllil III lu!;t, Wl' k Jlll~ "e d to llIti n' :::\ntlll'llu.\' IIIS I uftel' I,)nf,!

kl\!Il I'Y I rtl nbl(I, W H o; III LlIiJtln (' 1I li,; y lu ' t


Mr , l; eu, H.1I I' \' bU1i1 n ' !olS

TU b

"11 1

o !::iELL- I,llOO Fl'rlOl P08t l' l'l1f:l1J JI !:Ih nt Ilnt! killed the Immense OI'PIl 1Extrll till' ollr of I n (\ \l ~t, IJO 'I'" urI', Hllturd/loy ' evening h e took. t,h e jn~t T.. ceivfI\l ltlqnlrh of 'W 8, Caesars Creek. it,y, New Burlington. 1"1l!' 1:'111'1 Rbncl H LIIlDll 11 j:{g II /lot hiI'd to C du.rv!1l , where ubollt 'Intlde n nnd Cu " 'orwin,Ohill. Mit! l\l'nt bu l, I'll 1111·1\1 bud fo r 11(,1' rd r lit'lllll !!, " f'tl J, H. , Hisey. ( 'II I'WIIl , IOOU Jltlrsons viewed It" Lltterit Wilt:! '<'I'he Pas ion Play" i n moving A number of tbe fr iend!! of M r", guo t. on 'Ulld,ly,Mi..,:-I 1uI'Y Pllrll'tt, ERY BO OY t.o nil n l1d I-{Ilt OUI' Old,), !'Iellt to Inoinnati to be 111l1l1oted, Iliotures W8S given at t·he M , E. harle 15bellh I'd veTY pleasR n tl ,\' pTlo II 11II ~llo(l 1111111 1,.JllpeT IInil ohuroh on ~'hursdIlY evening. surpril! d 11 er witha po. tmlnl . h ow "(~ WAm nil ~ \lrpri : (1 to no ti ll' CAR OF COP ~ tlniu Hn:r.dtl'l n'v I ll)J~!O, Tlw I U.I'I 1, ~vf'l', IJl'lrlltld ground whit ll with . flllW 'J' hnrsd'lj' -- - - • - - ,"0 t.lwv COil hrt I'f ,II I 1I1111 lilli, hlUl'I't',I, The W, F. M, S. of the Friends er on lu t 'l'bur. d,ty , church met at tbe borne of Mrs, \\'ll \\'111 lillY U on r ,l f UO rtl i ll Ih l-! ltis likely tha t the height of the lit, Ihe l~Il:r.~ "'" (lfli ll, ' Boru to Charl e BOgll1l /tod W lf t' lllornin g . Alice Waltof.l , Sa.turcla,\' Ilfternoof.l. n ar Oregooill lust w k II uuught.lll' , ," "WILl'y P'I II I "U:i" U l' E' t en ,tl ut, , l "~ ItI:< 1 lif th i,.; W A~ k, H(J ( inl jlri '~ lIlf n w buildin"'" ... ~ in Messina will ue limf l o n \\' (' lll1 t1~ tll .' , ilcd to about thirty-three feet, <.> YO I' NOW - TllIll tldvt'r tl ~ . Miss Bernioe Hawkins a,nd Ever- Mrs , Boga n WI( forro ,I'l:v Mi s j.Pll ll Ril l:l.'i' It l) lIl a~h\lI _ .. _ _ _ _ tllkl' ll lor 'I ond f70 Ul ('III'. _ _ in~ tid!" l'ol unlll will hrill !! ett Baines, of Wilmington CoJlege ~h pherd of this vi ioity, \\' n,Vnp"villl'MllI!', Yalu I'ive r tim bel' is to be exploit- gool lt, "ult!' '! Try it '1'11'1', \lnd ~ t' . IlTe spending spring vacation at their .Prof , Mury Barrett, of \~' illllill '" \Vellman. hOIDf3S here. ton College ttLUght Buck Run b lllli - - - .. - - - - .. -d by a Chine' .Japanese company, I ~~~~111111111~~~~~~~!!!!'!!~ Dr, MoUrny and family from nellr last 1week d I,1ring th sioko e , of O. A. WHITACRE wi t h two manag'ers, on of whom' l MI', !l n ti Mr. , Frunk H l. we ~ ll o llt: Iambus, huve moved iuto the Mr, (.nllowuy. of Xe ni ll. Mr, :llll· W(:'(lnelldny lind Thur!'lln y with Jl:1 am,l all laLul'e\'s e mployed, nlust be get rmmedlate relief from lowny will he abl e to r ot llTD to h i. Hamilton property, vin Fi r !:l II.nd fUUII!Y , Of 10 1'1 w, g l'lldn llt u f ,1 UI' It SOIl hill ~e, Dr. Shoop's MII~c Ointmen: work Ibis w e 1r. Russel Bentley und family hllve Mr s , Walt rTiblllll p nt b'l'illl1Y Illll Op ticlll 'u11 ~ : Chi ol.lgn, w!1I bo moved into Raob8eJ Mill r 's pr p rl'h t:!lck ill the nE'i ghb orJ\ooci 1I1'e afternoon with bel' p .. r ntJol, Mr, und t t it til1!'tlu El ou, Vt r y 'I'll i'\l lu y, n.ll improving , ty, MTs , J ohn H eig-hwuy , 'allll ndhovllj'ourt>v st t d. If you want. all the news, read the Miami 'Gazette. John Bangh 00, formerly Ii re iMies Alur y 'ltupumr~, M , G: 1'6 ;drs, Ge org lJu vi,,, uu u Mrs , E.nrdent of our vlllagedied Ilot tbe home turn d to h er wor~ uguln on Friday De t Mann on wer e gnests of \ ill ST. MARY 'S CH URCH of 11is son William in Wilmington fafter II pi a~unt t.rlp to ~eroltl h ome \1 rri l:! und family Tu day , / last "'eak nenr BI omlllgdtlle, Ind~anll. ;~u ud ll.r u xt IJ fOl El~kt e r : P,t1m Born toM r .allllMl'fI l 'h nluusR\ It Mits Lulu Ewing Is confined to Everett Bllin and Bernice Ba w- n ' undLlY 21 · t, t~ u, I-iundu ,A pril ·It.b Mo rnin g Prnyber 'bed again , kinll, of Wilmington college pent a r ••loo Itt, l() ::.10, Ev e nlog • few d'LYS with their parent during Mr ,Will ' hlrk I1nd Mrs, Ed , el' lind Oar neighborhood was well repre tile SI)rlDg vllolltioD , Olark were L bu non 'visitors t:;atUl·. Worship ltnd serlllon lit. 7:0u , :-iun sented at t.he stock sale· i n Spring duy , h oo l ut !} :3 n. Ul, E I'illny, . Robert ' tanl ey and wif h ltv day week. Valley on 8tltnrday, 'When you first try the most temptll1gmoved on the Ww. HIlWklo~ fllrm, Mrs, Alf Wy on g aod MrR, L er oy Lltuuy, Puuit ntinl )Ill c unrl ' dd I'ess Il t I : 00 J) 01 , ub . iMlvoh-fine flavored of all sea food Mr, ahd Mrs. M., V. Luokey 'have The W. F. M. ' , lll et Il.t the bome Irons IIod 80 0 s pe n t Frillny -witb' fi r Illll t 1! n been enjoyiD~ some rides in their John Wolfe II.nd fomil y , of Alice Wa lton on 15liturt.lay afternew automobile, , e Di ipliue of t,h e Chnrc h noon. After We program refr hMTtO. El vin Fires, ~o n anll lluugl.!- j'not,l'h .... turdtlY, Evening .' Prn y \' ot ,,I :Uo\ ' • ments were !?erved 'R nd mite bo'Xet:! ter w re g u e ts of Ja cob I nr ll D U p, 1.11. Ev I'YbOd Y IllVlleu TO 'h ~I The cost of England's old age pen- opened., wife !::iuudlly 'aftern oon. II "v ices, _ ___ sitms will be about $35,000,000, ,~_____ _ Mr. Morris Ogledbee und family (I f Ed Martin pent ' nnd uy nftel'DEATHS OF THF. WEEt F 'b· th te has fallel from' Lumberton., w e r e ~tlndlly gua, t I) n oon wi th G eor ge Elli s and family, ranee S Ir ra 1 IsLtttC Ly tie Mrs , eorge Dt1 vis s},I n t Th 111'sua V 32 to 19X per cent in 100 ye.a r , . .. _ .... _ __ Nehomillh McKinsey (lieu at his with E;llis "pray an'd fl~OIi1 'y . ---_. DOl1't associate them with oyster~ you comb elDe 1U 'o rwill M rob 27.' U1!1!J, II nn Spring Valley. monly buy. "Sealshipt" are p acked withCharles W, Morse, the convicted , We Ilr e sony t o re p r t. .I n(:k Ba r tbe fun l'I\.l \Vus 11 ld at the ullll)Jt11 ou t water in sealed, air,tight, steel containers. "Sealshipt" Carrier~ New York banker, who was . once Mr, j j', M, Hiattis re~overin g from n ttoob tter : 'rue llnv t t Oo'o \nok , 'l'he M ,I !l lln. reputed to be worth $20,000 000 is an attl.lck of pn6'llDloniu, 'dr, und Mr. , Ell '"tlll1 f1 T t' W re io I (Ii , of w lli It 01'(101' It WII . U keep the oyster~ fresh and firm-not water-soaked. They retain wll the incomparable tang of the sea, culled to 'Ly nohburg lll tit wee k by now poor., Mrs. Elizabetb Porry il:! the gu st the sudde n det~tJ..1 of hill broth 1', TIl (j rD bel', It tte 1.1 d'e d in a lV)(\y, You can't .get enough of "Sealshipt." More tltan ,n surprise- a of relatives here. tevelation. Mrs, George Dn,vi nod MI'''. MI' , Fl'uok Duke died at Wil\illm, . RI1Y Engle ",nel wife Id e Lh e po ren t Maud 'Jouver we re io Hurv y Imrg E,;ery hOll, ewife will watlt a copy of "Sealshipt S e l:,se" w!th the • of II. little son . 'to wIl, renn I lust Thur dt1,Y Itnd thl:l dainty IIew oys ter recipes-The f,ollowing • 'St:a,lshitJt " d ealers will utlll'duy uft roOOD. 'lloT1 15herwoo.l unll wife Ill'e on Tbe Beech Grove 8 bbath 'ch ool boLl y was broogbt to her father 'S iive you a mpy: the siok Ii t , has elected the f'Jllowing ot'floe r~ f /' h om e, Milton Ea,Tnhurt" at Lebunon, I Corwin and Mrs, BGliley Illlc! '11'" Ho,wunl eUt:!ulng sear: I:)Upt., B rt , Bo"'on i IIl Rt Friday, A ~ h )rt service was Waynesville, O. Bubb, of Oakland vi~it e(l '1'. :::I, Mid. asst . s upt . TruemQn \OV,lrulow; seo , h eld u t L e hunou a-o~ tbe 'rest of dlet,on anti wife, . Rothe Enwards; treas. Garn ett Ed. service nt Lytle chuTch 8nturdlty The genuin " Scnlsbipt" Oysters are always sold from • wtl rd i organis t, Mllble Thomps n , '1'. ~, Middleton i \' I',V ic k , White l'orceillin Display Case bearing Ule j'Sealsltipt" trade L! t eve"Yon lItt.end tb 'ubbuth afteTnoon tit 1 o'clo l{. Interment Illurk. iu blue, 'fhis is for yom- protectinn- )ook for \to Mrs , Ba·rve Beoso n IHfll'tniu WAS Illade in M18D1i cometery, Irish Potatoes ~ h o\. The "SenlsbJpt" Carrier System it 1'!"1t''''''''' luh/ll"" h er brothel' Sunday, Fancy White Potatoes, free , Mr , l>uk e lellv B n husband nud ~.. went:! will be prosecuted to \he full e.•• ell! CIt lb. 18 .. , _ from scab and rot, extra fine Eustace Miles g t da mages at five ohildren to mourn her 1'1 , 'lllss N o, ,I M, E , ' und (~y !:;ohool NATIONAL OYSTER CA1<.J(tl<k COME 1\1\IY cookers, Northe rn grown, ' gave the pJay, " Old M,dds' Uonve n· We t-minstel' (London) againat elec, South No~llt. Connecl,''''l, ~ fine for seed. hon, " in tile 'rown Hllll III t 'Iltt r- tl'i ians who old him an 1 ctric pad EXAMINATION OF BOOKS Special price for thi week, duy ni gbt, which, instead of wal'ming the bed 25(; a peck; $1.00 a bushel, Ml'S, 'I'h,mltl,g Hollao" it! lluprovi g set it on fire, title Examiner, J , R, Cordrey, \vho was in Wa,yne~ville r cently Mr!l, Kline Rinn y i ser'i o nsly ill. FaDcy Northern Grown ---Sharp Eyes, mude au eXl.llllination ot' t,be corporFred Reeves ill grad 1111 11 Y grOWl n g . Seed Potatoes !=lome pcrsoll $ SCE'm to hav ovened ation books, find found them in good wellk e r , Early Hose, Early hio, mOl" . ~, s (ha n olh 1'8, they sre wi th ondition"llnd had very few remarks VI', ~'ud ge, of New Burlington, 6 11 (') ' rol'('C an rl dl stlnr(nt>!ls; the'11' ' White Star, Rural N e w ," u f IJovernment. (If lolle bo ug Jlt tl 1~ 0 to oe u nu I'elll enc~ n . vls f II 1)(011 t I'n If'S th e t allgl(' ~ nd ob. to make on the '" York, Red Triumph, Dr. VILU Winkle tlnd tookpos ell Ion IWlIl'i l,Y whpl'et hH torottH'l'sfa ll ~ Jile IdfuirtiofthecorporLltion, lust. w ek, I a : ppnt or Impotent hllll et. How Illlln~' ,Anoonli ng to Audit-or St.ilwel1 the Canned Tomatoes Fred ~herwood wif nud dfl ll1rU_ I("('S (lid (tilh ert White open ? 1I 0w rhl.lrgeforexaminlDg the bo ks [aT Fancy 3 lb Tomatoe:J, te Waynetiv dle, vi 'itecl hI S )1711' - 1l 1l1 1l .V did Henry Tborell u? r:row manY thu cor pomtlon wu's ~2:3,3, For Special for one week, ents 'l'bursdu,y. did /1I1l1 ubon? How man y does th e huut· 2 Cans for ' IS cents I'.nwl('ltln g hlsslght againslth e lceE'n COl'Wil 1 corpol'l1tion'l1.IJO,andfor _ _ __ _ _ - - Spring Branch I and alNt Re n!le of a dc r or a 1IH10Sf'. Hun-ov!'hn rg wus only '11.7:1 " For Evap. Muir Peaches~ or f o x, or a wolf? Not outward reil, tile eot.h'o county tb~ Rmollllt, WIlI4 2 pounds for 15c; in 25 pound " , , I hilI In\\'ard, 'Wc Or(m anoth or ye ~ 1 9!) r.:I, . ~I't:!, CI~ra Hu~hs, of Uaytoll , I:; , wh n \\' e s 0 hcyond the fil's t g'I\e'l'al _ __ __ .. - _ _ boxes , 7c; in 50 pound boxViSiting MI~ses Ahce he~ow e th "'1(1, f,>atur r outlin s of th inl!:s- wh ell ' es,6U c, BIG GRAY EAGLE BertpB SmIth, of Crossw lc k, \ /, VP I' we g'l' tlS P the speda l deta ils I1lld Onion Sets Russel, the littl son of MI', 111111 ; ,' haraclpristl(' markin gs thot tli l!\ A gl'lI,y ellgle measuring niue -;;et Mrs .. Ernest Dakin is Oil the !:lic k liM, I mllti), C(H' E' I'S. Sc ience' confers now Fancy Yellow IDe; ::I q ts 25c I pow 1'8 or vif,ln n, Wh encver ,You Ita\'c fr om ti I) to tip of wings, 'SuPINsei1 to Fancy White - 12~ c Mr, and MI'S, Bert Marlatt IJnll 11,'ur ll cd 10 dl Rn lmi nalo th e blnt s, or be t h e Itlrgell t s peClmflo- of l.he king ~lLtlghter Lenlt, of 1\'11. Holly, "we re IIi{' planls. 01' the geolng-Ieal fen Ilr/!R of birds se 0 ill t.his cit,.V fot' mllny New Bulk Garden Seeds, t:!uuc;by aftel'no.on caJjel's on Ii I'll D I, of a CO IIIl try , It Is ,as if IH'IY and kePllPr Is Headquarters for all . the Best New Package Seeds, I DaklD llnd fanllly. ey es were a ddp I.- John Burrough . :r onr!', was !'hot by John 'l.'nrubnll On Pl'inting, We do all kinds of h is furin au the .JIl1!1e town and Sweet Pea Seed in Bulk, Mrl<'. J. 1:[, Cbenoweth and uaugh work in the Printing line at Betwee n r,i. nagers, C tlllrvill pike, last, Friduy e'len · Nasturtium Seed in Bulli. ters Bertha unu Frances and no n Reasonable prices. Jacob were Sunday afternoon call" I hpnr YOll ha ve :I !;Illcy show this ing. 'rllo imm ense ' bir I ' bl1d CI\1'- , Get our priceS 'On fine Linen paper eI'S on Mrs, DUnle) Morglln (\0(1 fll Ill, I season," I'ied off sevel'~l pig,lI weighing . 'Chick and Hen Feed ily , " Yep," and Envelopes- they are che~p. abb ut: t·weDty five pounds eaoh from Finest Mixed Feed made, g denounced any?" .. Mr. 'l'uTnbull' drov e, and ' WILe I~ 'i' 10Ibs '• 25c ,i Mrs , .T. H . ,Cbenowetb is at hO Ule 'I<>'IlI' 11 '·.l fte,r , bel' og ",WIl v for enen Not enou,h to 1I.)~ b~!.D_~. much, , Hell Feed, per J00 lbs., $2.00 ," "J ' (,he fiCt of , devouring one a'ni~Q,1 j Chick Feed, per 100 Ibs., . $2.15 weeks W,9rklllg out, when 'i t ~as sUTpri ed R,nd .s hot. Ask f~r Estimates , Mr, Guy Chenoweth pen~ :::latur· r<~r<~r<~"-'<~r":t~,....~ Mr 'l'urn)>ull firfj t notioed tbe big Lettuce, Onions, gadishes, Cel. dlLY ' night Rnd , 'unday with MisS [ , ] ' " O~.. Work . ," ' Cyt;ltbill Di k 'on, . ,of GerneyviJIe, . . bird ~o'nda,y .111 rning, ~~d sa,w it ery, Cabbage, O~anges, Apples. Bananasl.cmons, hi o, .. " .' ,' ',t'gain 'l.'~urlld LY, both of wbiob times, :1'.11 re will be m eeting nex t 8atur. it; st~le II. pig fr<;>m ~ho field · over .... Bring us your d~y ut ~ o'cloo.k u.n\H~ und~y aHO :30 I ~ , Insurance Agent. whioh it ., hov~riDg, Friday . But.ter and Eggs , 0 clock ut Mlddle Run, , Pas to 1', when it retnrned to the,field ba made Can u~e any quantity and pay , Elder \::;l e~rge A, Bretz bf Jndlaoll. - . Insur~nce of a11 kinds - an Qn~occe!\sf,ulatiempt to shopt the $' ·highest market price', MiH~e~ Alic 'henoweth IIrnd Bel'. Life, Fire, Lightniqg, creature with a shot goo, and it flew. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~";"""'_~~~"!"'""_ '


~ lind ~o win" lIll t" ,,('( t,(, jb .Plowlll Iii o l'll ol'ol'thod nYllItlt L \, WID

,------ -







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SurprIse in











Walter J. Kl'lbon



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Miami Gazette





I, I



r F. E. ' Sherwopd, ., 1 J

~:reS:~t:rt~~:edMrbY ~~;~ :~nh:

j I:iDlith Sunday nfternqi)Q,







r~nl.d~~' , S. ~.oc~. an.~

'': ..

-their Mrs, Fr~nk R!'wes .is ente!taining Call and Get My Prices oousw, MI88 Jane Vunord, of ' . .~

, ..... . ,: ,...............- - . - - -____.. .: Oaklan~. Olin.toD ,county.





On "'A.II


away and tOOk refuge in a &trIp of ' woodland nea.r,b y, O"tainlng his rille and t.akJng his horse and buggy ~ in order that he might ' more easily . foHow the bird, alr, Tarnbu)1 finally




$ $ $ $ $


" \






11109 .

J. T. ROMINE DEAD OBITUARY Mrs. Bean is ve ry ill with gripp MI' alld Mrs . Ambr ~e Mafl:i t are J. '1'. Rorui ne, of finrv eysburi ,!\ Rathana llh, IJ lovell (lu l\ ~ ht . ,. ()f 0 11 th" sick II. t .. retl red flJ,rme r , Illell h'ridll.Y (wbn i JIg .r . P . I~UU Mur), ;!,\:l ll , \\'11 '; bu\'1', nec. I~ rnes l I obin"un wa.'1 in lJuy t 011 , at 11is h'lme, frow a oomplioation of II ember 1 Ii, I H!Hi, 1I1\~1 relelll-locl f,' o lll u II PE~SON AL MENTION. TUI"sJay 011 busin ess. disenses. sull'eriog lllld PUIO, April 1, I\JO\l, Lee ami Ray Hawk " ", I'e in Duy· He r eaently went to Florida for : aged 14 yeurs:3 month>ll\.lld 15 Iluy£'. ton Munday on busin ss. bis health but receiving no benefit · A pa.tient little sufl'erer for tlle Mr '. D. R 'ed is qUitE: s i ·k og·ain. Mrs Linda Rogel's is about again returned and bad tbe care a nd oom · grelLtflr part of hel' short life, she fort of b is fawily during his last endeared berself to u l1 by her pletLs. William Hobl tt i ' still very s ick after a f ew days of grippe. ant words aad bligbt looks w11 eo' Mrs. Frank Zell is !:tick with g rippe J. 0 Cartwright is suffering with hours of trial and suffering. I::ilnoe moving to Harveysburg he among os. an atta k or rh eumatism . has tl1ken an aotlve part in the jndl. A gteat lover of the beunt·ias of Mrs '. D. 1{8eJ has l' rys ipel:/!·\ in 0 1 W'II ' H b f D l anlC ani I Ie an y, 0 ay on her IIan d s cilll affairs of t·be place and was ODe this world, sl1e is todu,V enjo.v iugtbe '1 have ueen vl.sltm . . g t hell' . unc Ie W'II I ')f the ' leaders in the Methodist glories of the HelLveol y World, o A Whil ncl't~ . t h ~ Opli c iu n . fol' I Hay ohuron. He was widely kDown as l where there is neither sorrow nor eye troubl e. M i.-ses H ' len Oglesbee and Anna a man af striot integrity and good pt1in . Easter Market a( Tnwns hip HOllse Meredith r turned to Oxford Mon- judgment, lind will be grea~ly missed I God gl veth thee rest. day. alu rday moming. In the oomm unlty. I Rest: frOO1I\1I sorrows u.nd wa~llhing Mrs George Smith is out again If) ou want a snappy low-c ut. sho!:!, Mr. Romine' was a brother-in· law and fears, after a t n day's sickness w;th the of J. ,J. Downing, who was a r esi· Rest from all possible sighings and go to John A. Funkey's. grippe. dent here for 11 lung t ime. The fu · 1 tears, has. Cle ments is attentling court Lots of gooJ things at the Easter neral took place Tuesday afternoon Rest through God's endles!! wonderat Lebanon as g rand juror. Mal'ket at the Township Ho_use Sat· tl.t th e M. E. ohurch in Harveysburg. ful yearsMI'. . Rebecca J. Sides is out aile!' urday. Interment wall made In Miami Cem. At home with tbe blest. a ten days' spell of sicknes::; . Beautiful spirit free from all stai n, Frank Cad wallader, of Lebanon, etery. - - Oors the heartache, the sorrow and L A. Zimmerman is in Cinci nnati visited his aunt, Mrs. Agnes Wright A SMALL BLAZE paiD, today buying Ea..c:;ter goods . last Sunday. 'I'hine is the glory and infini te gll.i nCitizensllving near Water street J E J anney and J esse Burton' Mr . and Mrs Mont Hoblett were Thy slumber is sweat. were in Dayton last We(!nesday. guests oj Mr. antI Mrs William Hob· wt!re s uddeDlv startled Sunday

AU the Churches in Town I Will Observe This


Festival. S'1'. AUGUSTINJe 'S. Uood ~'ri<llt.y Be r·vie M wi ll bob· l:Ier ved at !-it.. 'Il obu rob 0 0 Gooi:1 Fridl1Y, April 9. at 1 :30 p m . A new set or IIt.'lti ons will be blessed, lI.ud tbt! dovotioll of the WI~y of the Cross will be held. Allure co rdittllY weloomed to thil:l servioe. AT

nUIW Il .

Boly Week, ~P.I'VI(1t1 :' hnr~d ll .\> tLllcl FridllY lit "I p. Ill. ; E van lll ;{ PI''')'!' l' l::Iat:u rila.y (g,ustel' EVtHl) lit. 4)J Ill. E .lItar ()a.y, Hllllll ' ~y', A IJril 11 , Boly Ull ltlUlUUiOD II ', -;- IL m ; M~rn­ ing l'rllye r, t4 rlUnn ·.. ml Hf)ly Com munlon 01. 10 ::10 n . m; I"Inndoy Bohoulat. 9 ;30 II·. m. Evervbody in· vite!i to the"e 't4erv lutltl.







After u long I.lauo (IOU !lOll b elr! II. meeti I\ ~ Mon,l " Y II ill;ht, Imd it proved to be II lonl{ tles>!i n, lallt.inl( until about 11 o 'Ol ook. Routine business was gone th rough with, BoDd bills 11.1lowed, Mn.yor Smith appolDt.ed A . B. Chandler t o fill the vacancy oaused by Jes"e Lewil:l . After long and lood speeobes D1l1de by member!! io regard to Miawi street sidewalk, tbey adjo nrned to meet Tuesdo.y night to try and settIe t.he Illtttter . - - - -... - BROKE H.IS WRIST }j~ r ank Robinson while jnmpiDg reoently, fell on his wrist . Nothing was thougbt of it for a da.y, wben tbe wrIst became very plI.inful. Upon examinat.ion. it was found tbat some vones in tbe ,vrist were brotten Fraak has heroically .tood his misfortune, and ill about h1S work and sohool , but sttn haa hIs wrist ba.ndaged.



--~. -------


lett Sunday. morning a,bout 8 :30 o'olook by the Tbe W/lyo6 Towoshlp ~uodAy­ '1'he 10Il ow1rI'" lIIullionl TIT 0" TllU1 Miss Mary Davis was last Monday f fi It d I d th 01 ARD o~' TRANKS "'" f R If you want tbe Safest and Best ory 11 reo eve ope at an sohool oonvention wUl meet SUDday, will be reUdtlTf'Ulit tit.. Mltry's 'h ul'oh the acceptable teacher 0 o?m 2. Gasolene Stove ever made ea\l at HllhnBn's bouse wa.s on flre, lind by We wish to t-hank all our friends April 1 th , at the Christian ohoroh, Ellster m :lrIlin.c ul 10 :dO o'olook : Loui s Printz spent Sunday with his J . H . Coleman's ' aid of a buoket bri~lic1e was soon for their kindness .duril'g onr Iltte at which time a oontest will be held amotion. l'roOf'~8ionfl.I, .. W IOome HllpPY si tel', MrsE. A. Weller in Centerville I Mrs Chas. Cornell and Mrs. Matil- pot out . tor a banner to the sohool , ha ving James Zell and family. Morllin!,t" ........ ............. ( 'lI lk in Ralph Miller spent several days rda Hosier have returned from a vis. 'I'be fire was a ~y!!tery, as it had the largest per con t of teaohers and Ant.bem,"Ohrl t ur Pll~I"JVtll' " last week with relatives in Van We rt, it in Milton Ind oaught In the oelltng, Ilnd was away offioers present. Tbe program will . M. E. SABBATH SCHOOL ........... .... : ... : .. .. .. . ........... R odd Ohio M L : W II t Tu from the fl ue. It dlimaged u lot of be given in next weeks Uasette. . . . rs. OUlsa 00 ey spen es- wooring apPluel a.nd bed olothiDg Herbert Edwards IS ou t again day in Lebanon the g uest of Mr. 'fh d t h d 1 t f t Ulorlll P~l ri . Program for April 11, -1909. Te Deum LHut.l IlWl1s ..... Knlz:'chmllr d' I' h h ' e sooo n s ory a II. 0 0 me" SEVERE STORM Walter ' In . .it , b u~• it w as no t d.amage d to .any "Peter Delivered from Prison,"Jubl\lI.t.e D~n ...... ....... ... .. .. .. :. Buk lJ r after . a few ays strugg e W I t t e and Mrs . H ' V. , Antbe m ;''('ue lhlY of Rf'IHlrrecgrippe. Mrs. Sally Davis and dau,;bter Inez extent. Aots xii 1 HI. . A severe .torm of wind and hail Elmus nrmony, of Delaware, of Corwin; Mrs. Ed Pence and daugh 'i'be est.lmated damage will be Singing l passed over Leb.anon Toesday af. tlon" .......... .. ............. .. AIIIIOlI:I pent th 'spring vacation at his home tel' Leontine and Marvin Davis, of about ,lO. Responsi ve Reading .. ....... ... N o. 314 I ~ernoon. Two SIlos Dear there were Kyrte ................. ............. ..... 'E.\'!' neal·Lytl . Shakertown, a nd Lorn Wooley spent - - -..........-- ...- - Prayer, olosing with Lord's Prayer blown down. Glorill. Tibl.. ..... .... ....... ...... .. P"l: · OO JESSE LEWIS ON PROGRAM - - -.....~-~....- - Singing Antbem , " 1.M t ,tp Y C;lll r li eltll 1', Lindll!y Mills ' visited his graml- Sunday .w ith Willis navis and fa!,"ily. . Responsive Readi ng of Lesson LAROE AUDIENCE o ¥" U"tfll:l" .. ................ .'\daw .. father Henry Mills in New. BUI·ling· BASE BAll. ·LEAGUE The Penny sooial given at ~he Study of Lesson ............ 30 minutes Hymn " 'rhe titrife iii O'el' ton, Saturday. Pret!byterian ohurch Toesday evenA fai rly large sized audience was ~i n ging Offertory 8010, U ngrlt! Roll t he Come in and see t he New Parfec. T here il:l dome talk of hllving a ing by DiVision No.1 and No.7 of present last week at the first evening CollectIOn Rook A WII·Y" .......... .. ........ . H8 wley tion Wick Blue-Flame il Cooks at oounty leagne this s ummer. T~e the Pastor's Aid, proved to be a de· . performance of the ('Parada," which Review of Lesson .. .... ... C. H. Carey is an amateur play in which 200 local Offertory Me~ ' eJjoe .. .... .... .. .... . AlIlm J. H ColemaN's . lellgae m ay Inolude W l1ynesville, lightruJ occasion. Report- .of Heoretruy Sanotu . ... ............ .. ...... ... .. Ht,ulner G nd th b" . . tJ M'II r.eb!l.non, Morrow, King'lI MillS, MaJ. W. Lewis of the PIerce school jJeopl~ take part. The play is full of Hymn o ' Brel$d .of..lbe Warld .... B dgell ,.. a see e algams III ~e 1 on and Fr"nklin. f:looh II. oirou it, I)f Oratory of Mt. Union oollege, Singing ·...... .. . ..............Ulosi ng Song pretty marches and drills, and a num"610ri5 in EXOAI la " ........ . ... Z~uuel' Re~nants. O~er 500. all kind of uoder proper management, could Rave several prodootions whioh Jf you are not IL mamber of some ber of pretty songs and choms wOl'k. ' Nono Dtmitr.liI . .................... ... Barry spring domestics. John A. Funkey. · be wade to pay expenseJl, any WIt.Y, were received with great applaUBe . 8a.bblLth Sohool. we oorGlially invite The costumes are all attractive ud hymn 0' All altH t be Power of James -oenham a!ld daughter, M iss and should be pr'omotp<t right soon, Mr, Lewis 1a an impersonator of you to beoome 0. member of ours. of many different styles. J os' Name" .. ..... ........ B oldeD Lilla, last Monda)! attended the fu· Tbis proposition would give all a rare abutty, and he proved himself We need yonr h elp. If you wlll . The affair was arranged ynder the nera! of their kinsman. Jos Monger obonoe to Ree semi-profesl:lioDal ball, to be ~he rue.ter or this art Ris oome, maybe we oa n help you . . a uspice.i Gf the Y. M. C. A. at Xenia · Messrs. John Hawke and L. A and it would be more profHlI.hle to produotions were taten from real H. D. KEr,LlsoN, tinpt . a nd 'will be given for four nights. OBRJ.8TIAN ORO H B. Zimmerman attended Ma'30riic lodge Olo, It, t:)llturday a.fternoon league life. We oongrlit1:1lfl.ted ourselves Sunday tioho I, !} :30 n. m ; !'ar at Harveysbur2" 13St Thursday ven- tll:l u gr eat OIany of the boys in tbe In being able to have Mr. Lewis COME TO TOWN BRAN AND MIDDLINGS towns DalDed do n ot to work with us.-AlUance LelUler. mon by Rev. M. A Dawllon tit to :30 ing. 'l'he fr iendtl here of John Bornett a. nt. Commullioo servioe at 11 :i!(' on Saturdll Y afternoon, and gives We will hnve in a oar ot St. Louis Attend tl'! Ea tel' market of the the farmers a good cba.noe to see will be glad to knew tha.t he wa. •. m. Cbrilltla n Endea vor,6 ::-10 p . Ill . ; A OooD WORK bran and middlings the last of this brought to Clem Burnett's home aermmi ut 7 p. 01 . All oordiull.v In- Ladies' Aid Society of the M. E. the!4 . 'fhis matter should be week. Also" oa.r of Molnsses Dairy chul'ch Saturday, at the Townshi p taken up right a.waY, I1S the season vitf)d to the servioes. I 'fhe Ladies ' tioild of St Mary's and Horse Feed. Speolal prioe if Sond1.LY. fie is improving .lowly House. . aod it is thought the ohange will do not fur oft'.. Churoh last week sent to the Chilo talren by load from car. him good. MiliSElS Clara Hl\wke, M!lt:.r Ha.wke ------~.---~.-----dren's HospItal, Mt. Aoborn, CiDoinWaynesville Mills . , 111. E. BUR R WiLL CAN TOMATOES Dattl, one of the best boxes, of the - - -........__- - and ~1mma 80 wke were week (lnd WRIST BADLY SPRAINED Speoial servioes ~t the M. E. guestR of' Miss Nellie Wil4,erson, Th.e Wllyuesvi.lle Canniog Uo. held many good onae they hav6 in past STOLE A PLOW Chorch on Etl.llter. In tho en nillg n eur O~ gon ia.. ~ t.I. m eting lallt week, and decided to years There were sixty- . Mrs Saml. Butterworth had' the .theSontiay School will bllve IJll rt. \O . d o n e pieo/3s in all, an~ were olasslfied ) 8quire Edwards ha.d a. case iust Uft rei a.y&. t Ed Macyand family are entel'tain- OCln tomnloetl tblil fall, provi Ing mis fortnne to f a II Ias' ..,..tu a prog~llm oon!llllting of f1peci~ I IJlU· J ing Mrs Winifred Mason and her tbey oan gHtthe aoreage. 'rhis will and made 8S requested by the hospl week that was II. peouliar ODe. A . h er home and bad ly sprained h er sio, rec ~tlLtiofl ~ a.nd t' s hort. tldd r ",. lnt res ting' children, Tholhas II'vin Deo BRittlte . ulIother building, Ilnd t-al committ-ee on sopplies. Royer, who lives 'un the Vetter farm wrist. The spruin, thoogh very by the past.or . . Elvefyhnuy W"!lt oar and Mildred of Xenia , lotH of new IIIlulbioer y, and it now '<God is Dot' onrlghteous, that be at Mt. Holly, was plowing and left painful, is getting aioDa nioely . --ditrHy ipVtted. .' . 'lie.!l w1t.h the farmer to supply the will forget yoor·workand labor that his plow in the field. When he _ ....._ -_ Ladles, see th.e lovely. Ime of low- dom'tlDu They will pay about a70 prooeedeth of lov~; whioh love ye went baok to work it was gone. HOW ABOUT YOUR PIANO Morning Pr'lg rhlll Sh d th k th h k cut, oes recelY~ IS. wee; . e an nore Nhirh will be fi good prioe hove showed for is name's all. e, Suspioion pOlDted to FraDk Baylor, \ best and ~argest line ever shown 111 ! for tlie labor perlorm£d. who have ministered onto the saints who was arrested aDd the plow was Does your piano need toniDg? OrlClln Prelude "l am He that liveth .. ... " .1 H.1:hll'kt' WayneSVIlle. John A. Funkey. Tbe company would like to sign and yet do minister." II found ill his pORsession. Result, ' 20 Cull J . ~l. Thompson, Jr., 443 E. Doxology ... Obuir and CongrogutlOTI Mias Marie Benham, who h as been oonlrll ots for nhnut tiny 01' sixty • - • and oosts Main St., Lebanon, Ohio, or Valley BYlnn .No. l:l:30 visiting Will Elliott and family in lucr e!', tUH}llUY One wlluting to ru.ise LOSES VALUABLE H O R S E ' .. Phone IJ4.B, and he will oall onyou. 'J'be I LOST GOOD HORSE and guarantee satlsfaotion. ,. Apt-st·les' Cr(led th'eir new' home near Ferry, attend- tom Ot.oes. should . C'I II at the office Prayer ed Grange here Saturday evening. : o.od talk it over . Fronk Snider, who lives on t.he : , . . • - • "AoEasterBallelujah," E.1Ii l ..ov fI ... _.. Dayton and Lebaoon pike losta C. M.Rob1t~rhadthemlsfortune EASTER DANCE ny. by thtl Chuir If you want ol'need som(-:25c choice JOHN CHENOWETH INJURED valuable horde last Wed~eSdaY ' 1 to los~ his big gru.y hors~ Sunday Everybody .invited to attend the" Lesson froll~ the Old 'I'!'IIta-ment Granite Ware, or anything in the t in Be went oot. in tht;" mornill~ to get ~o~D1ng about 1 a. m., WIth acute .. Gloria Ptltri ' . ware line, can in and see me. J ohn Chenowetb, SOD of Mr. and the borse and' it was apparently all IDdlge8tlon. It was a ~ood animal Easter dance in the new Bank build. Lelt!9D from the New Testa ment. J . H . Coleman. MrE'. A . E Chenoweth, is at BroQ.- right . But about 9 o'olock he 8(lW and Mr. Robltzer WtUI 10 hard luok ing, Lebanon, OhiO, night, Oifertolre,I'I know thllt my Redeemh ' 1 i K' I M' h h 1m d B to lose it . April 10th. , \ er llvetb" Mrs . Jesse Lewis arrived home son OSP1ttl n ~ amazoo, 10 . the OlBe own; e went '--4.~__ -_ - - Raymond' Harshbarger BYDlC No . 237 . last Tuesday evening from Alliance , On Maroh. 2~ rd, whll" at work iD to it, and it was dead. No ALUMN, MEETING Sermon by the PMlItor Ohio. where ,Jesse is attending the the paper tIl1111n Ktll,II.JDftz'.lO, he was cause could bit foood for ita death .

-- .



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Prayer l:Jymn No 'IH7 '!'he ApostOlio Benediotion

Pierce IiIchool of Oratory They have I'truok in the nbdomen by. II. rOIl.of • - .. been staying with Prof. Pierce and pllper and r eoelved a orushlng InJuHIT IN EYE family. . . ry of the live r, tmd, for II. while tbe . dootors WflCe uncertain n.~ to -the Om~ day lost week lUI Chas. MathOA:RD ~~-~A~XS. Vr. and Mrs. A. 1'. ~r1~ht enter. outoome . . But in a reoent letter er Ilcd h~fO hired mao were playfol. . , tained Ilt an e lflgant SIX o. clOCk din- whloh he' hhnsslf wrote to htl par: ly thrOWIng olods at each other, one . Wedesiretoexprfl88!lnr~ppreoia~ ner\ast 1'hursdll.Y, that being t.he ents•. he S/1ys. thll.t 'he is getting bit Charley in tbeeyeand immedi. tIon of tbe ·tflnder sympathy rt\oetved blrthdllY of Mrs. Wright !tnd Mrs along nioely lind t.hllt an .op&rll.tion ,ately olosed 'hat optio; It was fn,lm -ou.r ffle.n ds ~n oor. ~~eDt. lIor- D.~. OroDe. Those prtlsent were: wbioh ,the doctors thought woold thought for a time that he migllt . row; to the Masonlo l.!rde. ~~d oth Mr. aDd ~r8. E. 'V. kSu.rnhort, Mr . have to be .pertorm€ld, would uot be 10le it, but it is getting along nioe. . ~r• . f~r their b~a~t1 rul flora.loffer. and . ~rs, J. I:i., Coleman and Mr ntlcess~ry . . Iy now. . " ing•. .Kra. ~ehemiah · ~oKio8ey and Mrlt: OI.'llne . _ - - : - -•• - . . and daogMere. '. ' , . " . ., . . . NOTICE . 'WILL MOVE · TO DAVTON ' . ~ - • . i ' .. . 0' / ':l'he . se~oJ\d slup~enJ: of Mll~ Rem-' . . ' . '. .. . n,~nts wil.1 reac~ , us .T hurSday, ;and 1'heo. mwittee.on m" ~io appointed ' '.Jamae StOOpti has 'porahalled·. LOST SIRA \.'EO OR STOLEN . . . I • • WIll be on ~a~e.~turdav .. Best Cali· by the Presitient . of thlt . To~n(lhip .handaome dwelling.on Oentral A.v e. .. Red, Polle~, . two· ,ellr-Qld !:lhort ' co 5", Apron Oing~-,ul1 I best Shirt- l Sunday .soboor A!SQOili. tion reqQ88U 'Dayton View, and an~loipa&ea movliOrnbetfBr', ~etgbt . 700t.O '~OV IbAJ! ingS", ' Toweling 5,.,' 6i~. 7; andS,·; laU who·.qare to 8l18isl;' with eome lng to ~yton a.ftet aohooliloot. reward !o~ harormat.!on or , 35·cent Table Linen al?d Table Dam- oqorol4 work tor the "slloclation Ban. . . ~-. . " . . re~orn. F. l\. 1;lartaoolr' R . R 3,.)ask; at this sale .25" • . Come and get day, April 18th,' meet ~t the Chris BlIls bachel~ra bav.~ been~• . W.yn"~ll", ~lephone 37-4, a.r_ your share of bargains - · .Tohn .A. tian churoh ,~turdIlY eveninl at- '" trod~ced In the lel'181atures of W~ ..,.bufl. , . ' Funkey. o'olook ~r prao~loe. coaam, Iowa. Texas anti ~un.





'l'here will bea meeting of the High SchOOl AluDlni at the ht)me of J. E. JlI.oney, 'I'uesdILY evening, April 13th. Everyone iM urged to be present. MRS. OLIVE LEWIS, Prea .


- ...- - -


Mra. N. B. ADthony had a stroke of paralysis last Thursday; BereD. tire left aide WILS paralyzed,' and-tthe is in a bad oonditioD. 8be is sUght~ ly better though now. Ber friends a~ all sorry to hear of her !l.f tllotion·.


. • . :J'or ,Pto,9t . R~()JdeR· Island· R~ eggs. for sett UR, aee • . Hisey. Corwin, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Staoy, of Day. ton were goests of the'r son, Mr. a.n d Mrs. Albert StlJoy .Saturday evening. About 50 friends of Mr. and Mr!!. Ralph Lewis gathered at 'he home of Jaoob Laoy and prooeed~ to lOr. prise the' former. The evening wa. spent in games and mosio. All' tnrned home at a late hour saying they had a splendid time. Messrs, Clyde Cox and.Stacy Lamb returned home from l'exas on Haturda.y. . Mr. E. J. Carmony ·W~8 home lut . week OD a vaoatloll. Mr. and Mrs, .J~se Burl., -of Geol'~etown, have moved . io.LYtle, 'Mr, C.-E . Johns waa in Da,ton OD ~osin88s last Friday. .) Mr , Wm.• Duke Jr. wu ~8 1081" of Mr. Arthol' GreathoUl8*hmla,. and ~onday.







~lytnl"" tefTOP .un - I 4t'Ic't now W~7 tbeJ do,,'t eum. Quhellng In bls IIpll snd ' nostril!\. and haug m. 1 b a f told em all tltal Blood slowl y oozed. l roni hIs mo tb 1 km~ Um. But DO ODe 4uu't an"1 and n ose, aod a li vid red mark beg.1Q me. ... to Ir'Ow II pon the depr sslon In hi, for ht:ad wbleh the blow had made. XII. Ono mom n t-t Wa-Ill old ma n The Ki ss Like Se"Y'1. looked down at thl ~. Th 0 he: un Ite": One day be w nt up to " . vtn& load tbat he had dr. ~ e It, and with a COY red house on the Hili light, saYIIS animal ry h~ s wppt th e bo:' wltb a bundla of pap r In Qla ba nd. Inlo Ills Mms. elry dOl bl ed Ine rtlr ". e yere. a lly," Ile sn.ld senilely, IIpon him. as the dead do. His tallter ''yer' yOU' pa pers. I S'if li P the ra ced frenzl dly bome with h im, leap· guardeensblp. YOll ken glt another inS' f('nces like a bou nd. H put blm ooe If you 'not on age ylt. 1 don'l kee r upon l he pretty wb lte bed the boy had a durn who. I'm tire. If It waso." b c n wont to make with s uch care {or YOll-Seffy would be allfe." tor him self. It was dalnt.y and smooth Sa ll ~' drooped b er bead . now. Tbe blood dri pped from S try 's "Yes," she said, so humbly that b. race and from his own beard lind relont ep a II ltle. stained the white coverin gs. The sl;bt "I got to do it. I ain' t no accounl was rull ot horror! He staS'~rr d no mort'. 1 oUl,:ht to ha f a ~ardee ll drunk enly .away. He looked ha' lily :uysetr. And people's making such i fo r bls gun-meaning. perhaps. La kill fuss-yoU alu 't t reated us rl ghl--no, hi mse lf. Bul then It l oemed to 11m yo u aln't! I guess I bad bette r nol lhat effy s ighed. He fell on his be mi xed In. They say tbal you ma.r· kn es and a onlzed f or th e li fe b e rled 3. drunlta rd. and 1<l 11ed-a m ci nt1lought he had taken. T ben he felt and gul 10 be a drun lm rd Y Ollr ~ e l f . [Jut a pulsebeal. \\ Itb a boars cry b e I know b£'tter 'bout one slog. I kill ed rus heu out Inlo the road. calling for him. l' t they say tbat you ' }lll rled the doctor. T wo pt'ople we re coming am cltu ·t to spit poor · Sel\')" ·aud toward him. It was Sam and Sally. re- . yet lonnt; S r f. Ob. Set-Sef·- .hr turning fro m th cir marriage. dldn't she t II yo u so!" By what he saw on old Baum gart· lI e \I' nt on hr ed lessly till he Imew nN's [acc and hand, Sam was thol Sally wa s ·ohblng. He ralst'U her sobered. Doth uod orstood that tbey foe nnct look'd iuto It curlou!l:v and w e r appron hing som e tragedy. sa" ior th e nrSL time that p.\!lletlc "Wbo?" usked ally. sudd oly ob· waun('ss of whlcb. also, \1 oplt' ~gn n 1i\'l o ll~ o( Sam. 10 Inlk. , " am!" she turned upon h rh us· "aliy," be said tll c.. "you nol band wltb command. "Dring lb doc· well '!" . tor!" " Quite w II," said C;!llly. Sam wenl. wltll satlsfaclory haste. "Then yo u got troubll.--lrouble, too, "Who hurt him?" n ked Sally. as It Sally'!" sbe were r eac!y to slay him who di d. "Oh. pappy,- Ghe " leaded !>tp.lltblt'11I "I. I killed him because be would· Iy, ·'don·t you tl.rJl a.ay from me, too n't marry you. You wouJun't marry blto! Oh, you devil!" It was at that Instant that the gr eat change l.u 9all1 came. She leaped before him Into the house and up to Seffy's room. When the old man slow· Iy followed sbe WIl8 there-with eyell bent upon Seffy's bloody, unconscious face. So sbe kept her eyes. She did not speak. And when the doctor came she was stUi there-as at first -unconscious as be, the doctor snld. He was not dead, and presently be breathed again. But bll eyes remained closed. and, late that nigbt, wben be' bad drifted 'from unconsciousness Into dee p aleep, they put ou't the light and left him. When the1 came again he bad Illsappeared.

It's :).81 nough to .r oguizQ lhe 8fllliltoms r IlOor pa!nl, urfe r It h C' n 0 0 nwbllt'-srt l" Its Inll r nt 10nu(' y to ack Ilud t IIlI b Us I I', ' I . os t roub l(>. You know II st" paio t "dl . t'R ~" uSlla lly Indl oto r '1I bl'IilU I Ion In th e pai nt mnl('rin.\s. And . ou k ow t he only r C' ru ' dr Is re-


llUi l\ tf u~.

A li Ll knowl dge of pai nt paillting r('quirelll en t s, and lIow to m: ,t(\ s ure of th e purity a.ud quality of llIu tC' rinls wOllld prc\'C'ut a ll trou· bl l'. n od !<:\\,' til,(' big (':'(1 :o(pe nbc o r T'("l1nl nlio g ; just as tl prope r know l· ('!ll,:O of Im pl boallb·laws . and ob· or\'nnC'c of them. prel' nts Hlckncss . A compl ('te 110i n tlng eu·lde. Includ· ins n b k ot ('olor Bcbenles. e:pedfi·· c41li(lns for nil kinds of pOintin g work. And an Instru moot for dC' tec tlng ullul· t er8tion in paInt materials. \vi h dl· recllons for U!lItIS' i t. {'lUI be had fr ('e by wrlUu~ Natioual LC'fld Co., ] 903 Trinily Bldg.. !l:ew Yo rk. and asking for Rouseo wnr r's Paiuting Outfit No. 49. A very simple guide in th o pur<,hnsl' or white lead (th only sur and I'a(e paint materlall Is the fll' mous "DutC'h Doy Painter" lrad pma rk; that. trlldemark Is ao nbsol ute guaran· too of purlt1 and quaUty.



Doctor Monk-Did those mustard plasters that I lett seem to reUeve the paine tn your chesl to any considerable degree! Oetricb-WelJ, no: I can't say that UleJ hal'e: but (apologeUcall)') I'Te _ten CI!D17 five or th.e m!

Humiliation. A. certain small boy of aix ts rapid· Q' assuming manly wa)'1l. Not loo,g ago his "rtlOm" at seb.ool planned an en· tertatnmenL There we", to be Uttle , ~QgB and recitations and a mystenollS grab-bag. The small bo~ waxed .eloquent concemJng the coming glories of this ahow, and more especially tbe part h.e would take. On the morning or the entertainment ~s mother Jluggested that. be IIhould take bia little sister. aged four, with him. .He hnng his head. "Don't you want to take herT" bI. mother asked. "No. I don't,·' he answered. "And "hy not!" . The reply came quickly. If 'Cause there ain't none of th' other fellers b.a s to bring their chUdren."



SYNOPSIS. Th e ~r<"'\'n i n# dC8! r e tn fhe li t e o f o t" BlIunllra rtm·r . n P r nns )' I\' an ' B G e rm an. Is to 0lot31 n IIOS e.~"lo n of I he b eauti f u l !n t'n,tow w hl,' h lie .. Jus t b- t \\· -n Bau mg,. r t n l'r ·s pro pe rt)' :lnd t he ra il roa d ~ t . LJu n. T be pro perty In que tlon wn in · I<" r\t l'd Ilr n r n h Pr IIse l. vcry pretty a nd at hl~ LJ c young g irl. end ta' lo ll "; , I Sll l ly to he r . At I"ng lh IJaU mg Url nf' r (It cltml' t o r~ llll~p that h is onl)' h" I' oh t alnl ng t he prope rty would b ~ t h roug h t h .. m n rrlnlle o C his son Se ph c n1J!\h to SArah Pres. I. In a mock auctio n " .. try ." lUI S c phenlj"h P . Buumga rtnc r. Jr.. :a poput a rly kno wn. Is mad ott by hl a Cal he r to Sa ra h tor $1. He npPc l\l'S ul t .. r· I)' Incl\plcltatl'd to win In any con t.~"t ot love o r Ufe. rah Preasel IS Quil the opposite ot S elTy. She la all life !lnd ani· maUon. H r one t!lult ta a . lIr)· high t e mp r . Baumgartner gives S try some less nil In courtship. B au mJ;llrtll l'r ha. u l!ed him self t o b e appointed gu a r dia " of Sally. SelTy III unable to r slst the faa ~t natJng wit che r ies ot Sa lty a nd he klssll,l h er . She pro mIses h im, however. that ahe will never kiss a ny man but h im . Sam Fritz. a drunken grocery clerk-old Baumga r t ner c a lls hlm a "molU8e. tapper"-i:lUts on Sully and Int er· rupts the kissing. Th ey 80 Into the par· lo r nnd begIn a "silting up" contesL In aceordanoo with the customs of th ll plB.<'e and thll Ome. the one who III d et eated In lIuch & contea t I. unworthy the hand ot the gtrl. Serry goell to sleep and be· Jl1ns .norln~. Sally leeves tho room In & hutt, saying: Oood nIgh t . g e ntl em e n ." Se lfy tells hi. father of hi .. humltlatJon; of how Satn FrItz bad pInne d to hIs "ceom while he slept a pas t e board tombIItone' bearing the InscrljltJon: "Se phenlJah P . Baumgartner. Jr.. went to his reeL .June 10. 1871. In the twentieth yenr of flls age. Gone but not forgot. R ead backwards. " S e tty and SaUy m eet at the Polson spring. She urges him to do somethIng to rede m himself. Tbe t ather ad· vises .Setty to take Sally hom from ~hureh. This w'Ould 1>0 the c ru ci al t est. a ccording to tbe custom ot the tJrnes. wh.l c b otten m eant disgrace or even mur· der anll suicide. It was the rule In su ch a t ~ t that the one whose a rm the girl accep ted when leaving the chur c h WOU\CI be the favored lIu ltor. a nd the reJecte<f one ' was dlsgmcod and must l eave (own 'lr tnumph over hili opponent by f or.. e. Setty d reads the church ordeal The church Is crowded In e xpectan c y of the enartme nt of the roman rc and a rowd awallll "Ithout. Selfy takes up his p o. tuon outside the door to walt' for the services to e nd and tor S all y to come out. Sally appears. radlant In her ex · pectanc)·. Sh walks down the steps alon e. and on down th e walk alone. Stili Seffy h Ull late . Alone she walks n early to the gat whlle her face burns with the humiliation. Then Sam takes Sally's arm. Sh e says: "I am snUllfl d ." and Setty 18 te tt In 'llegra.c e to be held up to the rldl. cule ond soorn of the vlcl no'l'e. Sam con· tlnu es his drinking and Sally b gins to a~qu lr" t he habit. Old Bau m ga r t n er III ~ Isgusted at S e tty's mlserab te f ailu re at ,he c hurch t eeL

Piecing, Out the prayer. . Of cnrlous prayers a writer says: "I baTe beard a layman utter thIs petition CHA PTER X.-Continued. .cfurlng the l>rayer: ~ O, Lord, be tbou Seffy laughed at the absurdity of "With us In our upsltUngs an our down· I'IslngB'-a variant ot the texl In the the thing. But It was unmlrthful. "Gosh·a' mlghty! On a time like this psalms. 'Tbou Irnowesl my downs lt· Ungs and mIne uprisingS.' A minister you ken laugh! You right. you ain't occasIonally Introduced a LaUn sen· no sood-no, begoshens! You air an tence Into his prayer. and torthwlth Idjtot and fool! You no man! No, proceeded to translate It. Another min· nor neter will be! I'm sorry I'm you' t.ster In his early days experienced con· daday. I am, begoshens!" Theo, as his wrath mounted, be slderalJe dUllculty wltb the long prayer before the sermon. In nonconformist rallIed bls huge fls.t and lhreattlnt' d churches thlli usually 'occuples a Quat· Stllf)'. "Glt away from me, or I'll break ter ot an bour, but long before this period had been reacbed he was wound your head! I can·t stand you 110 up. On one occasIon. "'blle In tbls dl· more! You not wortb a dam'-not a lemma, be .tartled hIs bearers with the dam'-to nobody. You look like you' words: 'And oow. 0 Lord, 1 will r~ mammy's relatlfes-and they was all no good-glt away. I tell you!" late 11Ilto thee Ii little anecdote!' " He roared ominouslY': for Se ffy, Aesthetic Lily. amazed a.t thIs from his gentle old "Here comes my 111 tie Lily!" e x· father. wall lookIng stralg!lt up at him claimed a doUng motlle r to n roomful out of a chlld's round yes. his lips ol guesls. "I have nurale take her for I)arted. his lhroat e:octlosed. Slowly. as a walk In fh e park every afte rnoon. ' bls parent beaped coalumely upon arut you have no Idea how rapidly It hIm, his sen sl U,e young face whiten· Is d eveloping her sense of th e aesLhel· ed. and the IIgbt left Il. Only. wben fO---:th e beautiful! Come Ilere, my dar· bls ratber ment..loned bls mother'l Ung. Tell us what you r member b st nam e, h e said with Inllnlta softness: about your walk In th e park lo·day." "Why. pa ppy!" Lily's breath cam e hard . She paused But he stood wilhout fear under the a moment. th eo ans we red In a sbrlji, great fi st-as be bad oft('n done. e.xctted treble: "You hear ! I told you to glt away "Ob, mamma, tbe bears smelt aw, or I'll sma sh your face In! I aM·t ful. " want yo u no more. Go to your mam· my's r elutires out west"-he laughed LESS MEAT horrldly-"and see what they'lI do for Advice of Family Physician. you! You'lI live on bread and waler -Ihey ain't got nosslng ' else! You'll ~:-mcr ly pea Ie thought m eat nco6saary for slrength aod muscular work all day and all night-and you'lI hat no fun-they don't know no b etter . ·Igor. The man wbo worked b ard was s up- -go!" "Yes." sold Seffy, turning dUlI!bly P08{.'U to require meat two or th.ree timeR a day. Scle ooo bll8 found out away. There· was no doubt that he meant dilferently. II is now .a common thing for a fam· to go n'bw. His dumb acquiescence In Ily physicIan to order less m ea t. a s In his sentence raised his (ather's wrath too rollowlng I Her trom a N. Y. man. to fury. "Yes-go, and be mighty quick "! bad suffered for years wltb dys. pepsla an d nervousncss. My physiCian about It. I'm chust Itching to smash advi sed me to cat lOBS meat aud TOU. I'll nefer send for you If you rot &Teas), foods gene raJly. I tried seyeral In the poorbouse. · I'll neter mention th ings fo lake tho place of 'my usual you' n:uue as long sa I Ill-no! I dis· breakfast of cbops. fricd potatoes, elc., own you! Ne \'e r see you' dam' but got no r li r uutll I tried Grape- fa ce a gain-go!" Nuts tood. . It wtu; all so utterly unb~lIevable "After "",lug Gmlle·Nuts fol' the thnt Selfy turned back. Tbls raving ce~l part or my m als' for two years. madman his jolly old Cather, who bad I Rm now 3. well . an. Grap Xllt !! re \'erenced th e memory of his motber b oetl t d 'my heallh ( r more- an th and ha d taught blm 'to do so-to men· $'"'00 00 wortll of m dlcine 1 bad ta ken tron ber eve'r)' time he prayed 1 The b (are. old man bad turned, but S erry came "My wiCe ~d eb llo r n are h ealthjer olose aad touched blm geoUy. The t htUl Lii y Iloi! J n for yell 5, and 'we . c;uess . nly maddened . him. Self)' n~ a \,pry hAPVY fu mllr. I rgely d ue to cowed at the passiOn on lh~ cace of Ills m '~· 'll ls . . ra ther. He raised hfs flst. • e hnv hepn ;~ o 'lI ,::h beneH ed '\Jlt ou ~am ' youl" he shouted. by Om p ·, 'uls t at It woul(\ be un· "U rou don't-" Dut tbe boy could not, I Tul ol to ;\('kno I~cge It." now. 'awo g1 \'t>n by Poslum Co .. Battle Tile huge flst trembled on high a e~ tic h, R n "Tb Road 10 W ell· moment. soml) lustInot tit IIlUllty strug· vll1 : ~ 1/1 J.k~tI. "T L erG's a R a on." Illng to control n-tllen it fell OD lItH ...... ,.... .be eo ,f;«nf __ 8efrJ's uplurned face. (0 111'...... " treM tim..... tI..", Til"; He dropped amoq tL~ cloda-bla ."" . ....... ~ . . . t1aU 01 11_ _ . , C. Dale bA1r mlD&llDC with ' ~ Qad-JdI



.... Ih hle:i17


XI. When Spri n g Came. That was a cold and lonely winter for the old man. Tbe bay mare stood In the stable and whinnied for Seffy. The old house was full at barsh echoes. Its spirit seemed to bave gone. Serry's father kn e w now wbat a rare t hing Is joy-and wbat a joy· ous creature Setty had been. The grou.nd was hard to till. And often be thougbt about wbllt be bad said of Seffy's mother. Then be would toll up the steep staIr to the garret-he had become quite feeble-and take 'Ollt of an Old German cbest a daguerreotype of ber wllh Seffy in her arms. And some· times he would cry over It until bIs beard was wet. "God 'bless you. my little boy," be would sometimes say, "that you c~red for ber more than I did. You Defer called ber no names. "I didn't know I could be so · mean to the dead-who don't deser!e It. and can't talk back. And, God·a·mlghty! If allY one's to be called names, It's mel-not her nor-you, Seffy, nor you! For I expect I'm a murderer!" And 80metime.s, when his loneliness was too bard to be borne, be would go out and sit for hours and talk to the old bay mare-about Setty. He tADcled




tend c Some Good Luck.


DR.D.JAYNE'S 'EXPECTORANT in your home nll lhe time, th en you're r eady f or lhe sudden attacks of CIOUP and colds . Neglect may cost you the life of your child. 11'a safest to be on your gua.rd. Dr. D . Jllyue'. ExpeclorDnt la the best remedy known for croup; it giYe8 quickest relie.f . .

Sold Q)e~lDhere In three Ilze boIilQ $ 1. 00, sac. 25c






Sl i ghtly Mlxetf.

Little Oil" r. sIx yea rs old, had learn 'd lbe song In whicb Is oft reo pea tt'd t ll rt' frruu: ··Gl ory, g lo ry. bal · leluj l h." olld Cor tio me tllD > ho hnd bC'cn sloglng It witb gr a t e nl huslns m ond vigor. Finally he be cam silenl, and nfte r a bl'l f lHl r lorl of cogltaUon bo saId: " ... Iamma, what doell 'hall lujab' m :o.nnT' s slruply Il8 sbe could hIs mother explained lbal It wa s a religious ex · clam atIon meanIn g "praise th Lord ." He s ('01 d rather surprls d at· the i nformation, but his n xl question of· fered ample explauaUon of why he bad thrown so · mucb vigor loto his sloglng. "It Ihat's wbat It means," he sRld. " l\'by do they tbrow corn . and haye jack lanterns on ba lleluJah nIght!"




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S"me Rellemblance. A little girl In a California public school complained to her teacher that that it is OIl the side of a Mexican t.oy had struC'J{ he r. Tbe every l(l:g ohvhile lead teacher took Joe, thl' only Mexican you buy. boy In the scuOOl, sharply to task for IAl1CIUL lftI the offense. but the boy denied IL HI! TIIIIIr ....... III ,lit! "Mary." sald the teacbtlr. "Joe saye he did n't st rl ke you." .111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!• • "Oh. no." said Mary, "'twnn't Joe: twuz thal tothel boy over there." and she pointed lo the blackest of negro boys In the school. "But, Mary, tbat boy Isn't a Maxi· can ." said the t each er. "We ll. anyhow," aatd Mary. "he'lI Y9"y much tanned."




I bave no ODe bat you!

from woman's ailments are invited to write to the Ilam sand here given, for positivo proof that Lydia E. Yinkham'. Vegetable Compound docs cure female ills.


Tnmor Itemowed . · (lWoago, m._li .... AlYena 8perllJljJ, U LangdOll SLretlt. I.t ndla),. Ind.-Mn. !lfa)' J:f'ry. K ln. ley, Kaos-Mra. &;alia. Gifford Be:unAn. ScotL. N.Y.-llr'll. S. J. narber. ruwnllTIIle, N.Y.-Mill. Wm. 1l->u!!hton. ClnelnllAtI.O._Mnr. W .K.JloU.t.~I;\· I " \TAT lInt_uke.,. W1 .. ~ Hwwa , S3.J 1ioL St., Oerautt. ()h,,1IP of . South Bend, Ind.-x... .Fr$l Cert\a.. 10)' '" Lata)'OLtet Street. N o b, K entucky.- 1ft. Llnle 1'1ollan4. DruokOeld fo.aMra. Sw-..b Luwllfuoat., '!l1T S. Uarke& S&. h I f"IOn, N.J.-lIbs. Wm. 8omer'l1U., 1:6 lhmD ~rgb ATellUo. l'hl~~~~tti~~ 8~!o'!: J[. E. Gnrrett, 2.\07


J ·Ol'llb"I'If.:J:enn.-lII.... LUGlI11llnru • .u.n..L 11"ytleld, V_Mra.llaywe WIn41o. YrJ'e&'Ulartty.

Herrin. nt._)lra. OUM F<>llicl

' ·Innhostcr. II1d._ I .... lila, ])e.'I\. ]»,or.lo<1.- ttll. Wm. OOrloh . n. ". n. No. 1. BaI~~:;:'S¥~''7~lrL W. s. VoN. 1ffJ3 Laua-

IWx~:'P ,~llIl6.-Mrt.F'lUIcldtlerlde,. 1:IP\Q\4

Bt." ....

29 80ath


F10d ATCUUe, B.& -w:OII ~YTIlI~P...-la1I'11.Y.J\weF:ster,n.F.D.1.

Cla.rkad lle, Mo.-lItiss Ann" Wtlllnco. GUT. • Tmo OWO._lIirs. l.lln IIchul' l. n.l'.n" .... Da.y ton, OMo. - MN!. J ':" &1", Do !l. K ... tional Mllilnry Uomo. LebA1l0nl:t"·- YiL l1.IIr..,. 1.. lUtUo, ~ Lolo. .. klllAllT t reeL nV COl cnn.- Mtnnlo R nl1. !Jetr t,M1ch. -~rd . L.lub oJnng,382ChettJlIlL • ~ OVllri>m T-on bl... • 'TloeelU\t!8. I l1d .• Mno. Syl. n , Jorauld.t:lS N, Tonth St rn t. Q:utllllor.lIrulllo.- lI!ra. S. A. WIllI:uns. n. 11'. D.~o.. H; fl ux •. l'bl L-wclpbIA. Pu.~lr .. ~_ J'looll , WI7 No l13mct Street. . 1'Illltsburg.AlIss.-MlaaVemaWlU, ,..,t>..V.D.1. I ,'cm ...le T"oaltno..... WI1~~uO. Conu.-hlra...b:ualionolan, Box 'W""<1slde, Jd bo.-lIt ..... JtNobol Job"""n. ltockl d lIW lIinI \ "~I".A ve~:o.• ¥lll Y0uut:. • 0111l!cott.llle. Mlcb.-i\lnI.J.G.JobMCm,R PoD 3. D ,} toll , Ohlp).-.Mr'a. l-·. U. Smllh , 431 Elm 8t. ErI8,P~-!\t .... J . P. EIl~!,.ll. }'. D. No. T. DeaTer 'Folta, 1'", -lin- ft'. P. Bor4 IUD SeYenlh Avenue. • P"lnlhIUlCfl,Pn._Mrs. T. A.DunblUD.lIoK Wl; For\ nun~r, Pa.-Mrs. 'InryJnne Shatto. EM, Earl. Pn.-lII",.A\\~llwr LY" n.ll.J'.1>. t.. VIowIa, W. Va.-Un. Emma Whoa&aa. NGl'Yftttf J>1oeetrat.lon.

A .0M Opem' I......

Chronic Bachelor Maket a Few Re mark, About t he Modern Hatpln.


Clenlru,d\ ObIo -MI. L1n1e St.eIJ;ot'. MlO

KO"'UktlJD~~~:~. •;:~:::'ke.

Adrh\n, t; ..... LoJna V. Hcnry. N'l. 3. 11l~~t:~~!~!~e V. Ptpor, r "'''bvll lo,l,,..- lf .... s.~m:r-,~Poort."!"t. Sou th West H.lfoor, Mnillo. - Mrs. LUUan Robbins, Mt.. \)eMlrt 1,ll:ht Stnlloll. Detroi t, Mlcb. _lit .... Frieda Ba.ooaG, 60K Meldrum ATenuo, aer-a.. . Or~1I10 DttIpl-uo ~Jozler, 111• . _)1.... 1Ihr, &It. LI\r;onlor, Ind._Yra. EUza Woo4.R.P.D.W....... Melbourne, 10..ll.- Un. Clara Watenwwu, It. F. D. No.1. B"rdltoWD Ky.-Mrs. ~h llall. Lel1tllt.on, MllIno.-Mra. Keary ClooUer, M Oderd Street. :aOane "poUo, Mlon.-M... John G .....ldaD, 21~~)nd Street, :So Sbllnlroek, Uo.-r.,.\e Ibm, '-P.D. No. 1;


PRlnfnl Pmindl. OoIIben, AIll_lIIrt. w. T. Dalt.ol1. nontelfo..a. ChIC3(lO. lJl.-Mra. Wm. Tully 41iiS OJtJeaAT. ]',"', Pa ... , Mlch.-lIfnr. Emma t>;:.. pet. Flulblng, lIlIcb.-M.Ill. Dllrt. ,d, JL ... D. No. 8; cuet of n. A. &ullom. Colfee'l1l1e, MI5S.- 11'3.1\. J. J C'1C11. • CltIelullatl,OWo.-Mra. 110n0 Ahr. J3IOZr1IIa

' " W or!:O!Iter, ~I 'OSS.- Mn. Dot)·I...... Co.... ll7 Suuthgate Street. btdilm npollrl, Ind._li .... .A. 1'. Ander-.. r.;n E. Prn~t Street. llilt Itnn. I'a.-Mrs. W. E. Pooler. .Atwl\ter Station, O, ~)I nI. Auh,,, l\tnclhlllll"l. C1JlcillnMI.l)blo.-.'\II'lI. &11. ~lad<1OCb, 21:l$ Gllbort .-\vellue. l\fo:;:utore, (,bl0._nIMI. Lee J\ta.n~"", Box t:ll. D c wIU"ura, N. Y .-Mm. A . A. Ullu.. ",ObllltoWII, N. Y.-lIlnI.Rumor N. 8eamnn, ta'J K. Mnln Street. . Dunouvlew, lll-Mrs. ·LaIIgeIlbahn.

Jr..mpl!tcll4,lIId._lIrs. J oe. 11. Dl\n<l,.



Then protect it from the dan· gers of croup to whiC;h eve~ child is subject. Keep ,

Th drram of 8.n unknown 1'ao a s alli lo r : he "'ns dresSI'd n gr(> n, and tl s.e r· pe nt or pi '(lId alLd with red yes tl ir!'1 ct hel' nrUl. Her bair \ms v ry bin k and loos .' H r yes. bin k and d 'cp. seem d to sear h mc througll ar. sit b III my hanu In b rs aud 10okC'd up trom 'tb o palm h hud llce u r din . " Your dt'nth will come s udd nly." sh sa id . "W ill it be a rail road olli slon or a hot I flre?" we loqul r d. " I can not suy. " she saId. "bul It will be so " ud d n IlB to be pa inle.'1s:" Just th en Wt' a l\'oke, because some· body was punching us In th e ribs and sRyl ng : "Get Oll your side of the bed and let we h ave my share of the quills." Dut we hnv{I beE'n tblnklng abont It sine . anct we beli eve 80m body is go· lu g to ay his s ubscription In adVIlDce. -Kan sas Ity Journal.

Nu. I ban not treated you right. Bnt. 011. Ule .. so hard to me!" "No," he said, smoothing ber balr with his gnal'1ed old hand. "I'fe had .my eyes turned within. But I dldn" know you had trouble. I heard that Sam had took t!Lhard drlnklD' .aAd J sougbt you dldn't keer. Ypu WIlS 80 reckJess-" "Yes," sbe slgbed, ''I am reekle!llS! And":-yes-I drink sometimell.But It Is that wuy I can forget:' "I doo't turn ag' lI).' no O,ne In trouble eCen if they ddn't treat me right-and drlnk-" " Forgtve me! Oh, forgive me. papP) ! The suffering Is nilne!" "Yas," he said, "yas-don't CfT. Dul the suffering aln't all yonr·o." "No," sbe said. "Not aU-not a11l1 "Dut, Sally. If I ~ke the papen back. you won't drink no more? It aln·t nice--efen U. you air the wife 01 a...dJ&tnkard." ~. If you wHi be my friend, I will try to be what· I woalu have been as Seffy's wife!" "It'll - a bargain-and I'm 80rl'1 ) spoke so barsh, Salty. Mebb., mellby -God know!!-we ken comt!)rt one another. I-Snl1j'-1 need some one, too!" "Yes! Will you let lIIe? t wfU b&VtI no frIend 'b ut you!" "Yas! And I won't bave DO friend but you, Sally." , "Will you let me kiss you 1" "Do you want to?" he cried tremu lous ly. . "Yes." wbispered tbe- girl. "Me? Sally. lem mo kiss you!" She put up b er lips almost solemnl) -and wltb that their compact was sealed.

she quite understood, and I do, too. When the spring came be plowed alone. And this was hardest of all. To plow around and around his vast fields with no one to meet In tbe other furrow-no one to talk, to smile. to laugh to-then, when noon came. to sit under the shade I)C some tree redolent with memories of lhe prelty IItUe boy, where he 3.nd Seffy had sat, from his cblldhood la · hls manhood. eat the (ood wblch chOked! Ob. It he ' eould only have' laughedat himself, at Sefty, at the mare, at anybody or anythlog! if he could only have laughed! And he know lhM every Ilnlmal on the place wondered and huu ger d for Ilttle Serf)' nnd questlc?ned hi m with p;l.thetlc - yes. willie be. a t first. gulltUy k pt s ilent-then tried to confess hil sb~me to tbem. "~Il .. ' he tolr) the mare. "1 done .It -I struck hLm.. 'hero, rIght heTe.1 In Inc fa o-li·bl1,. h i. eyes was looking In mine-pI Mlillg -and bel,'e ,..-all bl4tod-and here ilnd .here-and i..3t in his balr-and his e)'es was closed -&nd whon I rnn bGlme wlss blm hIB Iep daD8led like he waa dead And Il~ fd Iet1 • IlY .ome,rbel1ll to

Do You Love Your I Child?

N everthe le63, Editor Believes It Por-


"There ougbt to be a law ·agalns· women carrying unconcealed weatJ ons," growled the chronIc bachelo' at the club. "Tbat I baven't beer. ~.l\lo.-MrII. Mno /IIJCK!llg h'Camtlen, N.J_lIn- TlllIe Wa&;ere, en Llber. stabbed to deatb or maimed for lifo tyStrcet. · before this Is due to a combination Box lI:l. J.,.oph, O~on .-MnI. Allee lJufrm"", Marlton, N.J.-M.... Oeo. JOtd.'. Boute No.a, PWllldelphtn, p", -AlII&. John dobutoll,lJO of agility and good luc~, I'm can Holt to. Biegel Btreot. ' vlnced. I tell you, it keeps a mao Ohll.1ter.1, Ark.-M.... Ella Woo4. OhriIUiina, TClDD. ...lln. llat:r Wood R.F D00111 1:I . . . ,)t". T. A. Orlbb. No. 3. " ' . busy dollglng nowadaYII to avoid '.Jlood Pendleton. Inl1.-MrtI.l\lA., Jofan""U.n.R.CI. Peooe. !f".1lNl.-~I'1I. Ada Yoansr; ~11'fJtnn. lettlng when he's traveling In a crown •C;&mbrl<1gG, Neb,-Mrs. Nutlle M.,.laoder. Gr&lllto.llle, Vt.-Mra.Cb... &reI'll, u.P.o. ed conveyance wltb women, or ever. These women ~ro onlr a few of thotlBl\nds of livi&g witnesses of walking on a crowded thorough/are the power of Lyc,i!a E: Pinkham's Vegetable (hmPQund to oUre female • A woman Is positively a inenace to life diseases. Not one of these women ever received oompensation in any lbe moment sh~ gets ' outdoors." ''Wby form for tb.e use of their names .i n this ad~ertisement-but "TO will. outdoors · especIally?" "Ratplns! HAL ing . th~t we should refer to them beoouse of the good tb y t'nay pins I Foot and a balf ions. some 01 dQ ,other 8uffl!r~g women to prpve that Lydia . E. PinkhlloJp's 'em. They stick .out froin both sl4es Vegetable Compound is a reliable "I)d hopp'·t Illedicine,' and tl-J\t t~ ot a hat like spears. Even. time 8 statement$'made in our advertisements regarding its merit ~l'e the truth aM not1$g but the truth. . . , woman turns ber lJead these ~'Icked looking spears sweep around In a lwo-foot radius: and ,every tltr:e she POI' Pink Eye.Fe t..,bootlO Shlpplall .. er bobs ber bead UI1 ana dO',Vh ahe take" . , . & Catarrhal Feve. a cbance of raking the nearest person IIoreenre nil _IU.., ~1tTO, ao_ticr 11 .... b_a'at\T ·~ _ bIIIIoeted Of fore and ·a tl. Supj)reslI the w9man or "<ft~." L '1uid. "",,_ ". ~. ton..,e. act. Oil tll~loo.I .,,,' 01--',. ""'" iIIe .... ,.......u ...nJI. (TOUl tit. bod7.>~_pc!r In and~ ' ~d 1'1\01- III the batpin, I say." "l:et'a mak~ It t~e , Pou ltry. lA",,"h.lIll\jr IIvo toell .........t. :u,.,. t.. rll\"'" 11".1\ ::~ I SAd 1 &lIrteI\ Jdb7,Nml!O;ly.IOe&lldII&liOltle. &..,UlU,II-. C\i Ina Ol't. It ' ha~p ln/' 5Uggi:JSted the ma.rl'1ed man. Ul ~.t~;:..,'1l?":~rr~"1.~:"":'!:ic- ~r:ro... t'ne ~OI., ~ DttteDll*, ,. gently.



SPOHI II.EDlCAl CD .. ~t;:.:r. 'OSHEl. IND •• U. S. A.


One of the Teats. "So your daugh"r m1l1~ a ."rllllilDl marrlap?:" "Not verY." IinSwered Mr. Cuml'9~ "YClur IICI..·ID-law I. Of noble origin'" "1'98. But t oould l>roDn~1II bli Dame properIJ " - .Ira


"111, ,





SUGGESTIONS FOR Pl.ANT BREEDING ON THE FARM Practical Method by Whtc,h t.he Quality of the Grain R .nised I Can Be Improved.


Un lite tho orn plnn l. wherl t Is nor· planted place thom In dUl el' nt parts mnlly s If·rerUlI 7.ed, a.lmost tlO cross. of lhe fi eld, In order to, obtain n bot Ing occurring naturall y, and for thl !.! t I' judgment at the varlaUoll due to I' !lson th o Ind ividuals Or plals gro wn need not bo Isolate'd as In corn bl'eed· lug. DI.. H. J. W bbol' of Cornell unl· vel's1ty· co nsid ers It possl bIn that wll h· oul resortin g to tho gell era lly om· J,llex lIl ethods at bybrldl7.ut Ion nn d se· lection farmers lUay produce valuable varieties and also improve- the yield of their own crop. 'fhe m.ethou R by which this may be accomplished 111'0: (1) . 'fho selection of chance varia.t lonll or sports and the propagation from them of Improved varieties; (2) the syslematlc sel ctlon of the hest yield· Ing plllots from 11 well·known race to Slicure better yi elding stl's los; and (3) the sel ecUon or large hoads for seed. The search for promising plants should be begun as 600n as tbe CI'OP shows matUre size of 11 ads, an cl when such plil.llts are located they should be ma rked so ttiat lho seed may be secured when rlpo. The seed from each selec ted plant should be k pt sep· arate and weigh d, U the faciliti es are at hand, In order that comparisons may lie made later on. Each oue of lhese plants, which are lho fir s t gen· eratlon selections, should be given a number and brietly c1cscrlbed. It Is recommendcd Ihnt tb e seed or ea'l\ plaut be plunled separately In a sbort row all n clean and we iHilled plec of grou nd. 'fhese rows may be placecl one toot apart. and IIbout every t wentieth row should be planted with


8plkea or pan icles of oatl -Wild Chlnele oat on left-American cultl· vated oat on right. In center new breed containing 17 grains per I!plke, produced 'by croulng the wild and cui· tlvated type~ , together. Bome standard variety for com\larlson. At the beginning ot the ripening pe· rlOd the season of maturIng of the dlt. rows must ue observed to de· termine t'belr l'elaUve earliness or late· ne8s, and when fully ripe thE! rows should be compared. 'wIth each othel' a nd with the rows . of standard vari· atles. Only those rows apparently ranking high In yield , free from or atrected by disease, such alll'ust or smut, showing no tendency to lodg· Ing or shattering, and thoso Indicating the r;reatest hardlnel8 should be se· lected tor further propagation. After the sope/'Ior rows havo been chosen each ro v' must be examined fOI' unl· tormlty 01 type and all plants not con· formin g to the general type pulled alit &lId discarded. The grain or seed of each row Is harvested and kept sep· 8rately and glv n the number of the' Individual plant first selected. The record of yield, .earliness, hardiness, e tc., of each n umber must be care· fully preael'vcd. · ' -~T'IlIJ~e Beelf sectlred from these first ceneratlon, selections Is used for the

Boll. In planllng' the 17·foot rows at leust very twentieth row sh ould again be plont d WlUl 11 standard variety for , cOll1 parlson;" , "~en the g ralu is ripe a ll 'In(erlor rows. ar again di scard ed, the best ro w!! hal'vestec1 separately the grain

Malea and females contain ld In each hull and neces&ary . to produoe one oat grain-female In center. trorn each row weighed to I' compar· Ison with other rows as well aa with the IfUldard vari eties, and the r esults recorded. The third generation Is g'\'o~ 1I In 17· foot rows' from lhe seed ot all of the second generation rows seleel ed, anO th e results of this yea r sbortld poInt Ollt the best yielding stralns. lt Is advised thnt of 11 fe w of the very best anc! hl g h eR~ yielding s trains somewhat large r plants bo grown lhls year to In· cr nse the secd fOI' more ex tensiVE LJlnntlng In the fourth generallon . A few of the hest yielding st "aln ~ should be saved from this yeal"s croJ: ror more extensive trials In the fttlb year. For the tourth generation 1 Hoot test l'OWs are planted with lhe stmlnl retained from tbe third generation an( these are compared with s ome !Stand llrd v~lety. If possible, several tes rows Qf th e standard varle lles ehulII be grown In ' dltrere nt parts ot the fes plat. At maturity the grain of ellel test row Is barvested and weighed sep arate)y, as heretofore: and the ylel. records carefully made and preservec1 By com\lal'lng tbe yields of the te rows and Increase-plats of each st 'ai for the three years w1tb each 01 hel aud with the yields of the Btandard va rletles the highest yielding strains tc. be retaIned for extensIve t rial mal readily be determIned. T. R. Garton 'of England says II re!,.erence to his ellperlments In qrosl breeding ot wheat that valuablG breed Ing ,p lants haye been found II' some of the Indigeno us or wild typel ot Russi an wheats, which while possess Ing some · defects were 1Ikewlse quite superior In other points of merit. FOI Instance, tbe tenacity ot chn.1f Is Sll marked and the brittleness at the bas6 ·ot the grnJn so great (speltz wbeats br ak otr when bent) that the 'graln 'Cii'nnot be thresbed out by any meeban. Ical o peration. On the other hlllld, tl\ey are extl'emely early, surr In the sll'aw, and possess cxcellent gl utinoul properties. OonsequenUy these typel> have been used as pal' nts In breedlnl! to em body more tenacity In the chaff ot cultivated wheaLS, thereby maldng the Dew varIeties more strongly storm. proof. Some of tbe prog~ny of crosser of t he speltz wheats with ordinary types have beeu left In the fields Sl1 weeks after riponlnj; without loss 01 gl'liln. Another result Is a .wheat seven to ten days e'arller than early English c ultivated types, and possessing a lilgher percentage of gluten. '


Whcn It comeR to bulldlpg up the fert lJlty of soil they ]Jut the dairy oow to s hame. I can show you fi elds thnt before the sh ep cnme were sald to be too poor to even raise another good crop, yet tn the fall of 1907 the best 'c rop ot corn ever rat s~d on t~e )iuld was tske.n from \hese fields. Fro.m one ftoc.k of 125 weB~ern ewes, nearly $1.000 In lll!I1bs and wool was reallzed the ftl'st year. The second year the flock was reduced to 100 ewes. of t hem raIsed 142 lambs. The 142 lambs. and the wool from t he ewes brought $9.74 per bead for the 92 ewes.. ThIs year with what the owner CIllled ,p oor luck nnd a iarge percentage or the lambs comIng late, tbe 'first lot went 'at a .,w.elght of 70 pounds, 'and sot<J ati $6.2'6, top price; the next tot went n.fl'll' th.e western run, ,,;elghlng 78 pounds aud , selling ~t $G.40. t.op John ' Garton pj,!Itographing thr'Ollgh price. And "ellch ' year, the market reo the I11lcrocc.ope ~ the male and feinal~ l'lOrter . ~I,>ec lal commeI\t on the lorgan. of farm pl.a ,}" In the act of fer, . quallty of tbese lambs. . '. . t!llzlng. 'llt'opagatioD of the second generation Remove It ~t Once.-.Eneh · cow's . ocr.ordJng to t he folJowjng plan: milk· sl;!,ould ~e taken from .the bru:n "Plant' 0. drl1l ).'Ow J7 r et 10UI;"ul\ln.1; separ"t~ly. ana hot 'a:1~6~ed .to I'e mal~ , a definite rate 0'[ seeding; ' ~ne-ba1,f In the oarn. Ul1lil the. wllple. berd f ~ ..: ounce of lIeed per 'ro,w, would bEl at the ·mllk"d. IftnHk Is to. be separated on . rate of abQ~to~ and one'half bUSh ~ls the f!1~ 1~ shoul~, be run' th ~ongh t.l\e 'Of ~d per. IlCro and should be ttt iok ser-rator while w.arm . C~am sh.ol~ld enolJifi. These 17-fo'.lt .rows.should bo b& coole.d ·as 'Boon ' A8 po13.BI~J~ and 'plaii~ one foot' aput, ·.so that . one warm c ream s auld ~ot, be mixed with row repreaenta one-stxteent.h of cream- already I • zooled, Cover canl ·'.quare rod, '01' one ~wo-thou,nl,ld·ftve- with· a Unbt, clean cloth. , ~hJCh WIll bUlldred.and ·8lU!eth, of an Jere: Pla~l admit air but keep out, dirt. KeNt tta. • ' .. ......,. 17-foot row. tiom ,.ch Jrt.o:.4 ~t9r cJean ,In' tbe .•uu. ,of 111_9' 1M tile, ·amollDt 8f Ieed ~btalDtcI wtn ,.of wat8l'; ,A1~~~ ' ""'"-J!' ~ t.JtNJ,

, ,a.t. ·lMlt .d

more tbua


roW' t. tJa&.-R• .8. CeliuD.


. 1:



I ·

One of the Important Duties 0(' Physi~ians' and the Well-Informed of the World

to learn a s to th e re ln ti\"e stanlling and r el iabili ty of the leading m::mu£actur~~~~J-I~_-I~.__.:;.;~.;;.,f~l;;n;c;;d;;.:i:.:;c;; i n al ag nts , a s the m os t emine nt phys ician s arc th e m os t car fll l as to ~ Ii y a n p freet pUl'lt y of 're me d ies pr sc rib ' <1 1 y them . a nd it i. w II ,~ known t o phy s ician s an d Ihe \\' II·lnforme d gc u rally that t he Califo rnia Figyru p Look hel'e, Fldo, If you cnn't be a o . by re a son o [ it · corr c t m , t hods a mi pe rfect eq ui pme nt aml t he et hica l c ha ract e r of bett r horse than this I sho.!1 bave to its p roduc t, has attain c d t t he hi ~ h s ta nuin g in sc ic nti flc ant.! com m e rc ia l c ircl. s which di scharge you an' get an automobile!" is acco rde d t s tice ssf ul rand r liabl h Oll s s onl y, .a nd, t he n ' to rt', tha t tbe name of the Co m pany has b ecome n g uaruntee of t he exce llence o f il s re m e dy. Thi s Will Interest Mothers, ?loth('\' Gray's Swt'el Powders for hll· TRUTH AND QUALITY dr.. II , us .. d by Mothel" Gray, n nurse In 'hlldren' lI HOfl\e, New York. (,lire ' ollsllpntlon. Fcverlshncsll. T ethlng DIA,)rd 1'8, a ppeal to the \ Vc ll·lnf o rmc d in e\'cry walk of l ife and are csse ntial to pennanent sucSlomo t'h Trollbles a mI DCll troy \~o rms ; ce ss and cre ditable s ta nd ing , til r(' fore w e wi s h to ca ll th e a tl e ntio n of all who wou ld 30. 000 l elltirll onlalll oC CUI' 8. A II druggists. 2[, ('. Sumpl 1- Rl;'E. Address Allen S . Olme nj oy ~ood health w ith it s hi SS ill g'S, t o t h fact that it in vol\' s t h CJ II s tion of right st 11, . Le nOY , N. Y . . li vi n ry with all the t rrn impli es . vVith proper ImO\vl c dge o f what is bes t ach · h o ur Sex Question. of r ~n~ation, o f njuy me nt, o[ c o nte mp lal io o and oCffo rt llIa y b e made to o ntrilmtc D nllam-The paper t P.l)s ot a to tha t e nd a nd the li se o[ m e di c inl'. d ispen s ed with gC'nc r:llly to g- r ·at ad v anta~e , but woman whose dress was mad of post· as in many in s tances n simple·, who I 'som e remc d ' m a y Ix inv a lu nbl e if tnl< 11 at the age stamps. prope r time . th e Cal ifornia Fi ~ y rup Co . fe ·Is th a t it is a li h· import a nt t o present Mrs. l3enham-1 thought postage truthfully the s lll j£'ct and to s u pp ly. t il · one p rfec t laxat ive re m e dy whi h h a~ wo n stamps wore used only aD mall matte r. the appov a l o f ph 's ic ia ns an d t h • wo rld·wid e a 'ce p ta n l' f the \ \' II - I nforull~ d, b 'c alise ---- -, R pd, Weak. Wenrr, 'Vntel'3' Eye. o f t he e xc lJ e nce of t he c ombinati o n, kn own to all. n nt.! t he Ol'ig in a l me thod of manufacRello\' 11 lJy Murlno h.'yo Il.!mody . L'omt ure , which is kn o wn to the Calif rni:1. Fi g yrup Co . only. pounded by !.':xp(!l·kncuol Ph yo;lclnm;. onfOl'll1S t o Pu r l) Food Il.nd Drill.\' L>\w" . MuThi s valu a hl re m e dv ha s I e n l on~ anti f:w o rably 101 o\\, 11 1I0d r the name ofrllll: DOesn't Smurt; SooLI.te.! 8y ~' PIlJn. 'l:ry Murine In Yo.ur Elye.ll. At DruS'lOlatB. Sy rup o[ Fi gs-and has ~t ta i ncd t o w o rld·wide necep tanc(' a s t he m os t xce llent of fa mi ly laxat ives , a nd a s it s lim laxa tiy principll's, obt a inc d from 'cn mi, arc w II Something at Least. lmown t o phys ic ia ns a nd the \ 11/ II-Info rme d o [ t h world to b e th . Lest 6£ ~a~ural Wlfe-Wbat would you III n have laxa tiv s , we h ;'!v ad o pted ~h e m ore elaborate name o(- SYrlIP of FII~;s :;tn d E liXIr o( bad If Ga el hau not mnde IlS? S e nn a- as m o re fully d e sc ri p l iy(~ of tb rem dy , but d OIlLtl ss it Wi ll always be Husbaud (quletly) - Olle more rlb.calle d for by t h s horte r Dam o[ Syrup o f Fi gs--nnd to ~ t il s b neficia l Hect s a lways Widow . Dote , wh en purchas in g , t h e full n ame o f t he Compan y - C a lif o rnia Fig Syrllp Co.Thousands of country peC/plc know that plainly printe d on the front of every r.ackahe, w~ f'.th er YOII s imply call for - S~mp of in timc of 8udden mishap 01' accident Hllmlin!! Wiza rd Oil i>! the be~t BIlUeti· Fi gs -or by th full n ame-Syru~ of FI g'S and Elaxlr o f Senlla -- a s- ~yrup. of ~Igs and tute (01' the family doctol'. That is why Elixir of S e nna - is the one laxat lv' r e m ely manufactured by th e Ca ldorllla Fig Syrup it i8 so of len found u,pon the shelf. Co . and t he s a m e h re tofore kn own by t he n a me - Syrup of Fi gs- which h as g iven l A COld Deal. sati s faction to millio ns . Th e genuin e is fo r s ale by all I adi ng- dru ggis ts throu g hout "And so he made a coni million?" th e Unite d States , i n o ri g inal packages of ODe ize only, t he r egular price of which "Yep, cornered the Ice market."is fifty cents p e r bottle. Yale Record. Eve ry bottle is sold. unde r t h e g-eneral guarant e of the Company, fil e d with the - - - - -- A pc simi!!t needs Garfield Ten, thc ,Herb Secre tary of A g riculture . at \Va s hin g- ton, D . C . , th at the remedy is'not adulterated or luat.ive which regulales the liver, corrects misbrande d within the m e aning of the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. ollstipnlion and bringa good health Ilnd good spirits.




The faces of some men look like accidents- and some others look liI,e dlsastera. ______ __

San Francisco, Cal.

V S . A.


"Brown's Bronchial TrochCll" give r elicr In Bronchial and Lung 'rroublcs. A II m· pic remedy. 26 cenls It box. Samples Rcnt tree by John I. Drown &80n, Boston, MMS.


York, N. Y.

London, Englund.

No man wlll become a clrunkard if be knows how to .m&.!Ce a )lome run.





Look fur ~~~ilJ'8~~'!~JiDWOn~~. ~ecc1 lho World


The professional tramp never punctures bls tire. lIf.... Window'. 800thlnllf Ryrop. 'l"or r.blhlren teetlllog, I(J ftenl we 1l;IU1ll, redOOOt1 IDllanun.tlOo,allaYI pain, curu wlDdooUu. 2Oc:abotUo.

A good sermon I s otten spoiled by a bad dinner.

It Is what It Is "cracked up to be," if It Is ice.

320 Acres



These New Towns in the Northwest All Need Men

WILL MAKE YOU RICH Fifty bushels per

acre ha ve b ee n grown. G e 11 era I averagegrcalcrthan in any other parl of thecontinenL Under new regulations it is possible to secure a homestead of 160 acres free, and additional 160 acres at $3 per acre.

Hundred~ of new towns are springing up all over the Pacific Northwest. The big, easy fortun es being m ade from fruit; farming and stoc k-raisi ng, are making thes'e towns grow fast. Th ey all need men who k now tra~es­ they need you, whe ther \yo u have money to Invest or not. Never in th e history of America, h as the man w ho wo;ks with his hanes had such a c hance to make money, as is offered in th e west today.

"The deveJopment oUh .. country hna mild" mllrVetoul s trld.... It I .. n r evelotion, n ree. ord of conqu • • t b v settlement Ulnt I. r ltfllo rkable. " -ExIMeI from cOrrt!spondmce of .1 N alionll l Edflor, wllo 'Uisl/~d C""adlf In AupusllASI • .

The grain crop of 1908 will net many farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Groluralslu!!. mixed farming and dairying are the principal industries. Cllmule is excellent; lIodal conditions the best; railwayadvantages unequalled;schools, churches and markl'ts close at hand. Land may also be purcbasedfrom railway andlaod companies,

You Are Losing Money Every Day You Stay in the East .

For "Las t Belt W e,t" P tl mphlet s , mopa nod Informati on II R t o h ow t o secure lowest r ni lw oy rute., Ilpply to Superintendent of Immt!frllt!on, Ottuwn; Cu nud n , o r the n uth oriled C aolldlclD Oovernment A"ent .

You would not stay another day in the worn-out E!'St, If you knew even haH tht! tru th about the great Pacific

Nort hwest. Families, who went there penniless 5 years ago, are spending this winter in California. They bought good iand at low prices-paid for it gradu AlIy-:-today are indep'~ndent . . Opportunities are greater now thon ever, because the country is more developed. . Ask us on a80stal to selllI you our free book, telhng yon .all about regon. Idaho and Washington, We'll alIo tell you wbat it cvsts to go there.

H. M. WILLIAMS. Law Buddin,. Tolocl4, Ohio. 1.'hl'Y hUlL funsvt.'r.

......~ Standard Steel Fence Posts nro lobu drl vco. ODI-IIl,ICt\; costor "'Otlde n



c.XSM 1J~IJ~~U~It!fn~

wlro ,>un h6 u t;(.'(10 lnl\llU-

E_ They u.l llO relieve DIstree from DYflpeps ll\,ln-

tllgestloll alld '1'00 BearlY Eating. A perrect remedy for D lu tlless, Nau' sell., Drows tll t)aR, Bad T/Ulte In lheMoll\.b, Cont.e d Tonll'lc. pi.ln In t be C = = = =___-I 8hl e, TORPID LIVER. Bowels.


V egetable.



Genlline Must Bear r ~. • Fac-Slmlle Signature .



L_ LOMAX!.C. P. A., Omaha. Neb.

III DO YOU LIKE PIIN III Tben wby l)u rrer It w hen



poslt.l"ely CURE auy ( '1\1ie or


on tlln KIdn eys, UIUO acid. Fins " un!d '!' bu u lWnds. On" Dollur a Jlox, lt1'unU, po",pWd. It rou Kllfft., r writfl at. onoo. THE THY·MEN-TOLE CO. , £05 ~lbof1lltq" &1.,.,.... O. 'l'bls I ~


",med, which I\ctl

Clltuinulllljf tbu

will CU M

Jull .


AT A JlAROAIN. RIIIl...,. lnncon-

corn dolllJ: hUf\inO bK whi c h will vaT s plendId dl"l<l on<l8 QDd duubl .. yuur 1IIUlln)' 10 uno

I~IV.EER~ · - T,HelJJUl, ~:.'':''Il&~~~::'lr~r.,,~I.t'''F'::J~~'?lil::, ~~rl.~\~II~:. :I':i<lr~~~ ~~ 1~1 W.26thSt., 1110\\1 ),orkClty. PILLS.

i ....

I .


--. ---~-



GLO..!.~!••.!.~ED E~ .

GOY. Hoa rd of W ,seo.nsin, f rom 30 acre. sown to Salz er'S 20th CCH lu ry Alfnlta. h Arv s te d with in ~4 wee ks alter seedinll '2SClO.OO wo nh o f mai:nlfi ccnt hAY, or at fh e r a te of o"u fIW.OO par 1l4'rc. l Ug IICL'd catillol.(' tree : ort


Bond hi f'tA lI' ,* t Of' " mJlt u o r thll Alfa ltJ" . ",1,.0 8 tll on' lJ"lIar (f r'1l.Uj O&t», Wbcat,llarl ey tcLI! •• fI;&Ml1y wor1h aIO.OO Of atl Y ma U'KJl.IOUt')' t o "tot .. IInvt wi t h. ur, tw nd 140 and " 16 alhl a umlJ10 ro.Mn fK'o6(l DOTelt1 neTer B«'U ootoro by)'ou...

SALZER SEED CO., Box W, La CrOlle, WI ..

P I L '.E S

"I have suffered with piles for thirtysix years. One year ago JaSt April I tiegan taking Cascarels for constipation. III the course of a week I noticed the began to disap~ ~d at the end 0 aix. weeks they dtd not trouble me at aU • . Cascarets have done wonders for me, r am entirely cured and feel like a ne_ man." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. Do OQoo. Never Slcken,Weaken or Gripe, lOc.2Sc. SOc. Never 801d In built. The JreDuillo tablet stamped C C C. Guarllllteec1 to C:\11'e or Jour mODe)' bac:&.. _



If 7011 own OIL or ltD.N1NG

onc~Ut"ltN~S~I\~~~Ug~~bX:!U8'N~&~r!tc ILC ao~ lliooro.ia Jlhl".. t:!1W Jrl'aocilICo. CaL

DEFIINCE Cold.W.terStarclt laundry a. P1eaaure. pq.



10 oz.





.Z _ y w.


, I'ge W: Guis.'1ing r to Ed ,M, AGENTS .Iohn, ton I' al estate in Leuanon , , 1. ' I'; W PlIlH'L/s t'fl N l N t' O~ ' )'l ,~tlt ~u I J. T" R mine to Maria M, Ro- , ll hll( r\ I\I:!IU CAN U A 1 11' • IWS ns • eW' Suits. mine I'eal f'sta t ' in M a~si to wn~hip, 11(, I ~ 111<",,1 p\'i , ' 1't'S . roO UN CYI'U: W, Yount't' \'~ , rAlui~a Rrant, ,: 1 "u'h:III', to ~~~~~~~~ f An gil:' p , ;illl1(,I't li tti l1ilnwl' ' '~l 1{lfI' "'P1.1. " J . Il ul1llnll J ll~t'llh RI't1l1 1 {'t. :t I , Pptl t wn 01' I l ~ t " )'(.'1\ P:'(.n to 111 Hamilt n tllwll~hip, .,r L"s .\11 1110llPY onl,\' amo lln t , l'1alm Ii b lng ? . 1It11 , \~ " u lIh ' 1:1 . \, ,,, ~~~~~~ 1440 with i ntt'l't~t. ~ th W, Bl'own, -J" H t J I".", till \' . ' II'~ , WI . " rl'v Ill'l' \I ,,: A, Hall l' al ( ' I II " ',\1 1'1 "ul·· <tUorn y for plamtlfl , " YI'I I f ~~ kr I' 10 111'11 IIr ,\ " \\ , B, Wood ward v, R, H. Parl(s ,e tar te ,m M Jfl)!e 0 I~an 'klnM' ' 11 0 , Orl.\lIus l1wdu .. I \ (Iny. \,' t· ~h , , 10 ClII ' ' de .etti e , ames to 'ra n " a' "l1t Pel'ltlOn 1(· tl'I tl e on eel' tam l" I't", Stit H rIll', . 'b d I . 'II f F an i' vens I'eal e, tate tTl ( It'al'l' l'l:' k I( wn· Write for IIl1r S'1'1 e rea t'~lale In \,1 ugeo ' I" ,- h' 2000 lin Patri ck Ga\'l1Or, attorn y for S Ip. . , J ohanna Brown tt .John Brown I '· nf p am I ' I't'al es tate in Ha rlan town~hir. $ 1 Court Proceedings. I J . M. Cook to Frank tan ley real ,.\ NEW ' \ I I\OLE • estate in East Wayne township. $-lOO, -----. ~tatt! of ~io vs. Harry Habig' i amuel F, " h ets to Jo eph Mill l' I'at'is CUIlI t" til tIll' f l''':lt with l\ I Defendan t wIthdraws plea of not real gtate in Warrell county, *1, n \V swind le. un !:lO ·lev'J' that it : Roy DeBord to J am s L. King , get..__ its d e ta il s inllJ allout all of the I g uilty and entE'rs pleas of guilty us 'ha rged in the indictment- that of re~1 estate ill Wa..c;hingt, n tow ll!~hip, pap rsof t he world , For rll)\'e ll y is : I1l1Sau ltand battel·y- and is sentenced 1$1,. worth r ec()rding , wh t hel' it 1'1:'1:1 l's : to a fine of $20 and osts ta:~ed at Co '. 'Il d' t o vic 0 1' \'i ltU t'. . I <1', " 4. . ! mntlSSloners rocce Ings. I ,J)'t This .n IV swindl e I;,; utl r il,utl'd l : Estella Bro~n Ha~1 vs. Will iam ~ . Bill - W, H . Anderson 0, Ba tes a Frenchman nam e(l Hl'a llns lt' I'n, and ! ~al1. Court finds dIvorce due plam- I tatutes for Prosecuting at to l'Il ey . its inventor secu re d many thousand tIff as prayed for ongroundsofJ,tross $12; Ohio Corrugated Cul vert '0" dollal's befol' he la nd ed behinci-the 1Il~~~'\'\r e ytl ll!' 1 1, 111 1(1 ~ ",hlln ,YO H un v a ~ ~ ' I d k neglect an d ha bItua run -eness sewer pipes , $9ti.40; Henry hristian bars , where nearly a ll windlcl'S land ' I' Only child Louis, given to keeping of bridge rcpairs Hamilton township, soone r Of lale r. Braun~tel'll had plaintiffwithdefendantholdin&right $19.75; C. C. Clcav r, bridge repairs nicely printed note·1t ads bearing to visit child when he desires. AIi- in Massie town hi p, $6: Frank P. hi nam e 3:' per ial agent of a big in. , mony of $5 per wet!k ordered . Forgy, suppli es for jail, $25.31; J. B. urance compan y . and sent 'lut a ' Ed C. Pence V B Nannie R. Eagle, Woodward , allowance as membe r number of lettel'f; very du,Y , N nn-sfltteJ'!l, hell vv wiu tt' r luy I'll , et al. Cause dismissed withou t prej, Soldiers' Burial Commi ttee, $1; M, These lettel' were Lo the effect udice. W . Earnhart, same, $1; . V. Wit .. thatthepa rtyadd l" ~ssed\vouh l pl a~e - --Oliver Typewriter company vs. Iiams, expI'essage, $1.23; Lydia and to send re mittance for a certain 1 s bipp d .000 og~" for hut hing , Louise C. Evan. Motion for new Ella Hodges. refunder on two dogs, am unt ut once. or t he poli cy which In st s prin g; will ,lon lJ le thllt num_ $4; J . . Trov ill 0 , acting coronel', he was carry,i ng with t h co mpany h I' this selHlon. t rial overruled , Elizabeth C. Shoemaker vs. Jennie inquest over bodies of William Upton would lap ('- a very comm nplace Egg!l sold In ou nty, ~ I . fiO }ler I ri ; . Hamilton eta!. On motion James and Quincy Ertie, $8.75. notice for a man to receive But it II 00 per tumu r tl. 'l'hose VII 'keet W. Ward, as guardian of Mary ClemRobert St. John confined in the so happened that all of the !JC\'sons tn !!h ip, ' 2.00 )leI' 15; ~.OO Imr JOO enta, imbecile, defendant in above county jail for fin e and costs. Si!:,rn- to whom Braun,t I'n add l'es~ d his 'niles Ph nn 1\:,-4 !{ r ,





Just received anoth er car

Pitts bnrg Perfect •


_ _ _ _ ,i& _ _

Ff~D.ce ~~-~-

The Phillips Co.

This is the Electri.cally Welded Fence. Every wi~e is the same tention, and is one of the best looking .and strongest fences made. We have all sizes of Poultry and Farm, Fence. Are low in price.




I 81

Call and get our prices.

k "M. ac InOrCa Chl·ck·ens

A. B. SIDES, Warne ville, Ohio.


entitled cause is hereby given leave to file answ~r. Henry A. Crew vs Aaron B. Chandler, sru a rdian. Plaintiff is granted leave to file forthwith his ' reply aAnd answer. Thomas L. Humphreys va. William Settlemyer. Court sustains demurreI' and plaintiff is mven ten da:ys in e' which to plead.

IItock from name of Howard E. Booth to Hannah S. Booth. In matter of will of. Zephaniah McCreary, deceased. Sarah Me, Creary widow elects to take un d er will of deceased. Estate of Roy C. Harkrader etal minors John P. Harkrader appointed ~ian of minors giving bond of $2000 with T E . Hoover and Wilhelmilia Harkntder sureties. ·Estate of Jonathan' Oglesbee, deceased. First and final account filed. 'I:'-ta"- f J D I dese""ed rA IAIO ames 0 y, ..... First and final account filed, Estate of Jonathan Oa-Iesbee, de-a) ceased. Report ~f sale ot person ty filed and app roved p ro p e..,r · '1:'Sec£,Gtate 0 fCh arIes D . Janney. .ond account filed. Estate of Frank Spurling, deceased Final account filed. Ma rtin A · Jameson, Assignee Y8 Nannle REagle 'et a1. Summons iss~ed and case set for hearing. William H. Newport, execu t or va Eva Mullen et al. Court orden executor to complete contract named in petition.· ' In matter of will of Geor&e W. 'II d ·t .. _..J t Lewis, deceased. W1 a ml ~ 0 probate.

Movin- g- p- ic-t : ' ; -ar-e - c-en-sored in After a lingering illness from lung Greek FIre, New York by a com mittee of prom i- trouble, Mrs. Harriet Ennis died at Cl rl'l' k flre was n ombustlbl com· nent citizens. • her home in Sprinlr Valley at 6 o'clock posll lon (now uulmew n, bu t thou ght to have be n princIpally na phlha) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday evening. Mrs. Ennis was th r owlI (1'0111 c ngtn p8 sa td to hnve past 84 years of age . She came tQ b 'en In venled by ulllnt CIIs, nn en. The Cause of Many Spring Valley with her famil y from gin 'cr or Ht>lIopoll s In Syria In the Lebanon 45 years ago. and nas since Sf' \' nth C nlllry, to destroy lh" Sara· Sudden Deat.hs. been .a resident there, were h h ' (! UIS' ships (whi ch WIlS efrected 0 )' tbe e IS OIl ral or th fl _<'t of Constanti no> There is a dIsease prevailing in this well known . She I' .,~ the wI'dow of gP" gll ~ lll l\ IInrl ao,ooo men were Idllel!), b country most dangerous. ecausesodecep- Thompson Ennis, who died 3 years A so-call ,I "Greck fi re," probal) ly a ~::th!l~~~~~~~:d ago. She leaves two sons, Thomas SOl1l 110'1 of ph SplrO I'II11 in lIlslIlphJdI! by it-heart dis- Ennis, of Dayton , and Perry Enni . of I hH (,fl!'\JOI1 , WIl C!lIl ployed at the ' , ease, pneumonia, 1J1 t> ~(., or C ha!' 1 ston III 1863. . heart failure or of Spring Valley, [apoPlexYareoftell Miss Myrtle Ennis, a granddaugh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'! the result of kid· h ' h ME' ter, made WIt rs. ney !b.~-!"'.III t I kidneydisease. trouble If is since her her earlyomp. childhood, and'I1ms she ~.;~ \ -- al1o\\:edtoadv~nce tenderly cared for he r grandmotb ~r ~ !!1et~~~:?~\~~: throughout her long illness" tack the vital organs. causing cutarrh of Mrs Ennis was a member of the the bladder, brick·dust or sediment ill Friends' - church, and was greatly . the urine, head ache, back ache. lame back, dizziness. sleeplessness, nervous. loved and respected in Spring V a l l e y . bess, and or the· kidneys themselves - - -- - - - down waste away cell by cell. break

Probate Court.


r<__ . u.:vll(e E. Young vs Adm'lnIstrator of O. Viola Edaington vs. Albert Edgington et a1. Petition for sale of real estate filed and summons issued · . f or, .mmors; cause set f or h earmg Apn117. . Estate of Martha B. Bond, deceased Inventory and appraisement filed. Estate f M rth B, Bo d de0 a a ' n, e~. Executor ·authorized to sell at private eale. Estate of Amanda D. Lyon deceased. Inventory and appraisement

filed, Estate of Amanda D. Lyon" deceased. Sale bill filed. Estella M. Brown executrix vs Sarah E, Unglesbey et al. Order of appraisemehtandprivatesaleissued. In matter estate of Howard E. Booth, deceased. Cbleinnati Gas and Electric Corilpany ordered to transfer




ing an agreement to pay uch fin e notices were dead - usually they had and costs in labor or money in install- been dead but a few days. menta or otherwise to the village of Upon receipt of the no tic!:! m m, • , Sheep Tick Sou th Lebanon was paroled. The bers of t he family would at nee W . 'II 01 above agreement was al 'o signed by concl ude, very naturally , that the aynesvl e, lio. Herc 'lIrc only four 01 the numerous kInd. of ~r..ltea that animal. and reduce the owners' profilS. the county com missioners and ap· decea,>ed was cal'l'ying a policy in the ~""'11111~~'~~.....~.....""""....- ........"!" live onG"domcllic HYGENO kill' thue lind 011 othc rs"'£J proved by t he prosecut ing attorn y company at the time of his death. NEW MATRON Cure. Irch. mlln!rc lind other . kln dtses e., Destroy. !rermt and loul odors. "'<'eps mea IWlY. 11 I. a wonderful coal - .. and to s c~re the benefits of t h poltar dl, lnfrctont. lind In addltloll, to beln!r I stock dip It h .. The old fllsbinutlu way of d o iug 1\· h h . Id . t t II 1 h ' ICY t e ell'S wou JU S as na ura y Mi' I ella Nixon , daughter lIf J . numeroul houlehold una, we~k ' stomaoh, or stlmu tLtlDg t tl Betlrt or Kidneys Is n.1l wrong, Dr. mail the remittance and call later to W. Nixon, the lJrE'Stll\( h ad of lht! We buy In QUlnr.iti I IJId our ' • Mhoop'Orst pointed uut this rror. ee about t he policy, B1'8unste rn in litution was app inted matI' n of • price, wID pleue )'~. This is why his presorlpti on-Dr . was able to remove often enough to th Dayton ounty infirmary by the • - YO I' sule hy Shoop's dlreoted en- keep out of ~rouble fo r ' some years directors of the pOOl'ho use fhul'sday. tirely toRestorative-Is the Muse of these uilwents . F\ C . H ' IH~r A P'I~ Z. • the weak ioside or controlhng narves before he was fmally captured, Miss Nixon ha s been ' rving t mpol'J)ojJ aad CIt PI,. , Waynllll\,IUe , hlo. It Iso't so diffioult, sl~ys 1J~. t;hoop, The insurance people say that no arily as matron of the poorhollse since to strengthen II. wOllk I::!t,onIllO~\, such attempts as fraud in t he name her father assum 0 th superin ten- -. Heart, or Kidneys, If oneorgan goeM athas It of the insurance companies were ev dency several weeks ago H e r moth. oorrectly. Each lDside its controlling or ins ide nel've, e r undertaken in this country, and er' death left the matron hip vacant WueD these nerves fail, t hen tboj,le now that Mr. Braunstern's plan has a week ago . Undertaker and Embalm~r I organA must surely falter. 'rh~se become known and publi hed, it is! The appointmen t w~ mati by the Wilt he fonnel In thR nltl t.-_____________• vital truths ar~ leading druggIsts not likely that any congiderable swin- infi l'mary board for a period of one everywhere to dIspense and reoom , k' d '11 b t j.~d Bllllk Bnilt1in ~. OppUl'lhl I mend Dr Shoop'sRe8toro.tive. rest dIe of the tn WI e at emp~ year , the N'Ltinnlll Bstok fl it · a few daY8, and see! Improve- here, tf it should be, it would be a Swept Over Niagara. ment wilJ promptly and surely fol- question C'f but a few weeks until low. Sold by All Delllers. the perpetrator was a ri'ested . This terri ble ClllllUlity often hu.pUl'y Ill' fl1I(ht" _ __ • _ _ peDS be uuse n ou r eless bOu.tllllln Igv" IIp,v l-h UP \4-2. RESCUE WORK Words to Freeze the Soul. n ores tIl rivel"s wurnings growing ripplesllnd Inster ourrent,. Nltturtl'lI Main Stret't, Waynesville, Ohio ' , "Your son bll.scon Rumptlon . l:liR warning anI kind. 'I'hltt dull ) ~~~~~~~~,~.....!!!.....!!!~ _' .Suits Mafie to Order. Deeply impressed recently by an O~8e is hopeless ." The e 'lpp!l l1iug or nche iu tbe tllok wlu'ns you tho Ladies' and Gents' Cle dd . B . h h '1 words were spoken to Ger). E. Blev- KidneYd ne d tlttl:lnt\,)U if y ou WIH1lrl A LTE R LURE. are$S gwen at ng t, on_t e eVI s, ens a. le~dln~ rnerohun t of ~prlng escnpo flltoal m'~llldie!l-Orop Y, Dilling,Repairingand Pressof smoking, a young m~nister arose field,N. C, bvtwo expert d ,lotors- bete or Bl'ight's ' disease. T"kfl Funeral Director. and said that that morning he had one a Inng spflolali t. Then was Eloot rio Bitter s tit ouce nu(l tl8tJ ing Neatly Done. a present of 100 cigars. one of them Ahown the wonderful p ower of Dr, Bllok'n lI e tty nod nil your b ~t, r II I he had smoked, but he now deter- King's New Disco ve ry, \lAfter ing re~ llrn , "After long su iT riu g three weeks nse," writes Mr. B1 'V- from wflilk kidneys lltlu hWl e bllOk, ·l'tt1fl].lhone dllY or !\Ig bt : mined to go home and throw the rest e~s, " he was as well us ev r. 1 on $1.00 b ntllA w b l )I,v ouroll 111(1," Valley phone N.) 7 , (,on'" We Guarantae a Perfect fit into the fire. Thereupon a Baptist would not take all the mnntly in the "wr, t, .1. R . Blunk n hip, uf Balle DI ~ n ce Nt>, tlll-'ir. minister arose and said that he meant world for what It did for my boy. " Ten n Unly fiOo fl t Fre,l (J, ::1(111 WILTti': tI to accompany his reverend Qrother. Infllllible for Coughs 'a,nd ColdR, it. - - - - -WA YNESVILLE, OHIO. "M' te t' . to t h ' t the safest, sUfest oure of d€'s pern te EGGS FOR SALE ' YIn n Ion IS rescue _e mne y Lung diseases on earth, 500. Ilud Branch Office, Harveysburg. Q . and nine."- Henry, (Kan.) News. '1.00 GUllrantee 8atiafllotion. 'l'riul Leak Building, Main St., • - • bottle free lit Fred U. obwllrtz 's PI1t' -hretl Borred Pl y m on tlt l"took Waynesville, :: : : 'Ohlo The train which the Kaiser uses • _ ..._ _ _ egg fo r tlu le, GO CSlltl-! \l l' Hi. Write Su~scribe for the G&~ette on his travels was three years ,build-' SPRING VALLEY WOMAN DIES or Ilhone Uarl Oak, R. D, 4- WuyneA ing. vill , OI_ li_ o,_V_n_11!v_Tl~0_n__fi_()_-4 X r . , ,

MarrlaEe Licenses. John H. W. Hendricks, 24, farm · f M d J r B Hurle ~r 0 ason, an u la. . y, 23, Mason. Rev. Mr. Mdler. . k M p . 23 I borer of . F ran . . lerson, . ' ~ . ,' Mason and Mabel F. Klme, 27, Kmgs Mills . . Rev. Mr. Spurrier. O· f ~lph ,L. lbbs, 24, laborer, ~ South Lebanon and Ruby Cooper, 19 of South Lebanon. Rev. James



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It Taste's Go~d and' ~.:t Creates Strength, ,*


lS=:!t~Bi: i!:~l:,,:~~~!o-:tl






MILLER, Prop•.

Bladder troubles almost always result ReIHl the forml'\ltI. on the box from a derangement of the kidneys and Pink Pain Til blats. TueD a,sk better health ill that organ is obtained your Dootor if therEl \8 n. better one. " . . 4 quickest by a proper treatmcnt. Oft~l~ kid- Pain mea·ns conje8tinD, blood prE'S the famous cod liver an neys. ~wamp-~oo~corre~~ lIJa~I!lty~o 8utesomewhere, Dr .. ::Ihoop's Pil l ~ 1 irOD' medicine, without oil. boldunneand scaldIng plllnmpassIDg,lt, Pain Tablets cneck b eud p!~jns W O I'l~ V' 1 i ' h b tt . .&.1.. __ ' and overcomes that unpleasant necessIty , , ' h ' . '1' -IDO S muc e er WWI -qf being compelled to go often througb anly pl\lD~! paID .n~w ere,' ry oct Ii U .' d Ul i the day; and to get up muny times during ODe, and see \ 20 ' for ,250. So.ld by C yer 0 an e~ SODS. the night.. The lUild and im~e<liate efiecl All Dealer!!. because, whll~ it contains'aU of Swamp-Root, the great kIdney temedy • --+th ' edl inal value they db il!800tlr~alized. ltstandsthebigbestbe;- , LI'o' ns maul thirteen men during .e ~ C . .. , ' " cause o! Its relll~rka~le heal~ restoring it di~eea With DO one. properttes. A t~lat WIll conVlnceanyOb~, the season at Mombas~, where ROo·.e- As a body builder and Swamp-Root IS plea68nt to talcce and IS It'll h t ,. . Bennett. '. . ' " sold by al1, druggists in fifty.:cen~ and ve WI un. . , strength' creator, for olel Theodore A. Elstif!1. 44, fJft"mer of one-dollBT size bo,tUes. You !1J8Y. have a Ea I r.J '. I f people delicate. chlltiren' , d'M D F - 47 . l8D1ple bottle and a book that te118 all l' urey. governQr-genera 'l ! , , , • , PI~t Plam an ary Do ox, . ' , abo~t it, both sent free by 1I18iJ. Address, Canada is urging forest preservation after Sickness, and for stubfleiaaant Plain, Rev. Mr. O!\born~. Dr. Kilm.e~ & Co., .Bing~ton. ,N. Y. born coughs and colcls , , When wntmg me.nuon reading thIS gen- , ·m a. - - . . . , ed ' _ D-:..t .,...-t Transfers erouloffer in thUl paper. DOn't make --, i8 unequal • ~~ &;INA e " any mistake', bu~ remembet the Dame The electric moto1'/! on the New . . York,Edison system, E. JANNEY, Drutglat Ollie J. DiU to Cyrus M. Earnhart .... eltate in Lebanon, $1. ~,oaclo1ODWbccUllppoiD~ 373-horse-power. J, W__ynUYUlt, OWo. . I

EX_,-t....,R·A .'

', 1c.

*'*' *

Call and, get. o'u r ' pl'Iicel on · Hor'Ie Bl·lll. We can


. • · ht' ,prln ,t t henl. rig'

..". :+'




$. --

THE '- MIAMI I-ulllll<hed Wc,'kly







~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~,~~~~~~~~ "'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~,-~~~ Gold Bond Coupons free to all ustomers. Do I OU save thcm?

r fnlh r' !'t f n' w talked f fr ' l!dul1, Hlld \ I!' : imple life, )f wha l I:il,' l'011 111 I' 1:111' \\ jll do i"1Jl' L" w; ' 1\ 11\'" I, I'lfl I h' Illtld,I' !IH-d' l H Itl d- Pacid.,cI CI)rt ca v Slw lllth.!rfl lln sl r if , I AIIOurNew Sui ts forSpring,l HO!) t' wlkcu ur '1.(' 1 hyr~', Hlld of ,' -t:J 8, or AlJ r ii v 1- ;1I h ' I' ,lid of 1; 'es , Whil II' 'I' U"; \ \ H ,'d tile UI s.-;e! ..d To Sclcd Yo r plum ·' And ':ll vx 1If' 'cw ~prin l!: I .


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Rates I)f AdvcrtiRcm('nl s r..

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111 1111 .

Sunshin , rain, snow and sleet was the order for last. Saturday, Kuos 'velt ' was ill Gib l'alt.1:' 1' last week und h:.\I1 n "bully good " Lime

Hal' Yfl U alt'eady had t.hat "tit'ed feeling?" tl fle "~xC' 1'1 ion " sure cure, Plant. ~ef'd !'l nuw, ~() that yo ur p l lln~ may help bt:'a utify th tow n in midRumm r, A day a I' Iwo of wol'l< wi ll tram,·

form the banen yard to a thing of beauty , by cl tming it up good , Do it, and see!


r. " (l0(J. Hutchinson in th April W011lHn':; Home 'umpanion t!!ll s a g'l' al 111 111 lhil) "s ahclIl f )Ori, what to pal. :tlld \'I 1t!1l t~) l'ut it., IlaL ll1u;;L of u . IH:\ " ' t' kn w b flJl'~, aluj he t lis

- Time-

l~u i Lor

Rates of\s ubscri lltion (ln,'


III illl ' (1l'ilwipl




Every Farmer lnd Truck Grower


Prl·ce $3 75

H at s


. ,~II ~,;" ,: '1}, ~" " ,aL · ll~· :, -'0'S-5 l M






Coug'h Cauti·on

I D" Shoop's' The Alp'ba. Chemical Go. b ",ure C' Springfield; Ohio. J ... . , . -ALL DilLEn" ... - - - -.....-~~------.--....- - - -....

more. actual experience -we have had .in the doing of a thing; Qtherwise, & • ·wt, might always be "narrow," with D ' our b~Da henpeticallyaealed inbi g -, ,,~UII

~'or 8W<!

at tbe

follOWLnIf ,,'aCl't':

Zimmerml\n '{It KiI~on 's, White'., Mountj9Y's


Lumber and Mill Feed


---- -----


1) 11 ',('i

(I r a,;.,; WltI ru1.J ut' l' pack ing. 1'1 valve l'Ot! ,'pI'i llg the yo ung anrl trip !<[ll'l ng al' (If It' I wi t'e; ~h umb button man' s f'~II CY Ii hlly t urns not m 'rely and other fil ti ng''' arc also of bl'ul's, Th . machin' is wel l put l ng'ethe l' with t'ivt't.-, nnd sold ' I' Lo llt oug-ht: of lu\' ,Lut heavi ly away a lld :.;1 1"111 .1 1:lIt 1'1'1' .\','al''';. f1"J1l1 th ' dull OlUliut 'ny lJ f (:u l'lI d ~ lI i". ucd, I'aldla "c alld rJIIl allH's. (lUI' No St'oup ' n g- \ -Y hen U~ ing, There 1-1 \.'1 ' pin ); s all ol :t~ I"I' :'; all \I' ,"" III' , ' I .:Iu!-ar. ,,f p:dalL's I'l'l.:'in III ) ,',11 ' 11 1'''1' forI.! , 40 Lam\! ~acks. () ttl" III I t!(' ~ t l)f'''''': II fl P\\' :-- P f 'lI l~' ... . . • • • Slll'to ld I I I,' silt. a ", p:\ l'k lill ~'. ".I '" 1 ',,, ,d''' III '' 11 ,, \\,/1 1 llil' i ('v "I'I' I"~ 1 \\" . Llwdcan .sliul'puulilt'ut ·pll.! plul)l , Il el' Iwd:t.u \ 1.11' \\ :10., d illll ,i ll g fll Sl , All kim!; uf l' lant::;, sueh as 'ubbage, Tol- pili ,\' " . '11111 JI ll'!" ,. : ,. It- " I,," III " II t hI: Lh,' l'l'is p, Iii t ""I' fl'l',. : hol's:; of 'sprin g' All!!, IIh, 110'1' 1)(' ,'" W,'I',' I WII r'~ I ' 1 il1:l1l' h:-II'(;ll, '1 \ Ill al ,!:''', l:nuliflo \\ 1', trawberries, ",1\·.. 11,1" ", fol r .V'l llll :': 11111 11- UII II -I /,P'" 'n ~. ' "\\ "1'\ l'oola LIlUs, ~uga l' Ht:et.s, etc . , are set in It ig-II ! -nlll ",10 " ;1 .',, '1 II IJ UdV I'1:.; 1!'lJlI'd "lr"~'I "', "Lu L, alas , with th~ lungillg' Nawalp l' a nd (:I)ve l' -d at one operati on. The plant NaH l U l' t iu l l1 S ~ All illli ll r IIl'w ' I I 'd < h Ptlrhllp" II lli l, ~ t lll'llll lg wh" l1 II " t, t muls art' Pllt down to the proper d pth below ~ef' TI, IJ"t,:" ll lo;l. ~ p 11I1f'XP" {' I .. O, 1' 1 11 ~ II urt'. l \le~ .nut u \\?,Y ~ . PI'O\'I _ ,e t e And cOl'eop;;i!; ' nl o,~L ill Lull! I III' SUI'fu('l:' \\'l1m: the g l'ound is coo l and damp . "tl l'" ,.tl\'p,,..nefr."· II I.'II,,,,,1 IJ{,I)'IIll ' ll!.: mea ns II I Its g ratlflCl', tlUl1. '10 the La::: L ::\ UIl1I11 'I' diJ I ~L!e lllUI I'ost.' Y /) lt Ilt.'\"' 1' have to wail fUf a ~ howel'; plan ts thllT .1"U lr I. ltlll~ 1"'1' 111I' 1ll gl" ,\\'" Ica ref ul hou st.' k~eJll'r .in IIl'l' llIal'k etmay I" , safel) :-letll ut wllt'll lal'ge CII'JUg "', regarJ · With pl'lals \ ,.i · ltu ed "I' Io I(Jud! \'11 11" """ 101,, 1.. illg' , spl'i ng, lIut wi llte r, is L1 ll' pl'L'L1 liar 1",;,; .. 1' lh ,\\ pal hl'l' nu II lat It'r IIUW dry and dus ty "YuU I' bl t-edi ll , h. al'l, ",.dll'sh.vly \U;", For the Man with Conservative Tastes ',.,t.::l S lIli lIl' hel ' discO Ii LClIl.' 'TIll' IIH' ,o!,' l'IIlInd nla)" 1.1". " Is quite lI'l' lilll":il UI I lh ~sL I'I "I.' . \ ' p it 'I\'" 1111 ' 1II'"'Ot:!t," I" .. "I, uol,· ... :1' ,,1 !Iuwl'rs 1IialiolIJuIII, clc . ,' Itre I,'vely ~~~~ It:l~~~e :Ii~; "I ' ll trucl· il til )UU, dl'ar," I ;;ulll 1I;,II.'r" ... :-i, 'II>st ripptl Iol u e' ~ " I' ~ "'" to Llll' t'Yc :lilt! l'1I el'i llg' tu til e spirit, vc l'y litlll:' pnlclicp call easily set out 7,000 to " 'Fol' LulijJ" Iltal an· IJlu slii ll g' """'1 I! "11 " oI " ,. ' ~( n ,..; no,l ,1"l'I( I j~ Il I'l' d !.JilL they ftl l'lIi Hl1exceedingly few 'inIll,OUlllJlunts ea 'h uay , Our planter maintain s \0\' 1" "1",1,, " ' 1111' " i o'll1~ l . rllll l!f'Jt",.. ~ IIJI ,· Hwee t!" g'l'iuimenls ' fut' entrees, J esse l'Ls, ur a r ecord oj' uv I' 99~ plUllL<; 1.0 ~'I'UW from each i,DUO St~ l. MONEY Anu a!:; the phanLulllt.'d Api'll sky \ SU ITS AND '1'01' COAT " even ~a l ads . They 'r~ V'l'y pueti , REF' N Ul..:D IN CAS8 Till.' PLANTER FAlLS TO DO ALL WE ' LAIM ""OJ(. IT. Weig'hL, 4 '~ Ills. This planter will save its cOHt a JjI~nL .' plashin g stln·shaft~ dipp d LuI. yuu cun'L eat' 'Ill They sUr up J ozen times ov ' I' ill a s t1sun fur r ' planting and for use at the ends In WllJ e, . AND UP lunging's for 'UUl'nes.-; and f reshriesR of lhe I'IIW, wh 1'0 you can't use th hOl'se·setl r, She swapped hel' twu lips l'uuuy I'ed , 7'o ilo/'tJd by Hed T uilors i ll 1\ II u ' ril '(( am! th in g':; lhal 'l'!'anch' between the " ut' :;al ' l,y A, B. Sides and , • F, W. 'tV ads worth, Furlhaton , uleeuing heal·tufmi ne! WlIO ' L "Oll fllV,II ' Il ti w liit II ellll'~ N o tee lh in AlJl'il, uut Ihf: Hu ul3lance uf , ~r Th es' :;ctL 'I'S can be SI~ 1:' 1l aL A , B, Siues ' slore at any time ....tiEC - By ron Willi.lIns. I!,(l l1i1i O' 1", ~hnw g'IIq 'l!', wh "t,IIl'I' Y' ' ll th es' tllings huped for , the 'garden .. - II rt1 rOtltl .v t n lmv Th,lW or III tAI' , sass" and IJ 'rri 's , don' t ' me in in Ithl'U lIlIlt,ic \J 'JiH"n~ Ill'O qlli kl y N w n lld uifty,.;t,v ]f"S , Hutis facl.ol'Y amuu nts until Junc." " '111 ~ l'Il' e l.v driv ~ n ont, o f ! htl hlo :.Ju '1'1 1(" ml , t nlll!!n1' 11 CHItI II And lhen no'lor Hutchinson goes flx hi InL 0 "..,., ", Io ,' Wil ,u with IJr, :-.hllllP''; Hh 'H1IUllt,i c Htl nl p. ~~ I dy-l irll1icl 01 t,U\l1 t for lll, Dr, 0 on and · gives a complete spl'ingtime /'y l on, Prices, $1, l:)b(Jup\; hl llkltlt on Rb ... UlIlIltI S .tl $1. 50, $2 to $4 . III nu for eve ry meal for an ntire You will find the i p hll" l,V II n il in l 1· ...,.. I,ingly t,t"l~ just we 'I" IL is Il ut un ' laboral ' menu how 111/11 I ~ 1II,"e. 'L'I" II 1:1 11 11\ ' ,.; nJl'tl r ((hIlDIJ Openin g ""II' f tll H Ilrt1lt il'"t rn1 uut iL is a must tllJIJetizl'ng one O I H I' or thl P Ill III I', Il l' hl1trHr ;o t lll , w nl l' ' . , ') 01' . SII, lo \J, hllCill H, ", I", [tOr t,ll ... Ch'ld I ren .s I"tl()n ~ III AlIl Hl'i CII J 1)" 1)' P Bl'forc the Bar. I Evory lI e w IIU C b uo k "ud t'l'tll! t,l''''1 >l11ll11 pi",... ::1(1 II U lIolllOn'y. ,lu s tj ()\ nJIIlhUr.l:)tJUop Clothing lulllr tlt,,Yle lir e ,II N , H. I3l'rJwn , an 3ttO l'n ey , 0 1 lIod giVt' IWllIe !'llJftlrL',1 II "I tHHlD t 1$1.50, *2, $2,50. $3, Plt t~ fi"'d , VI .. Wl'it o~: " , \To 11l~ Vtl Headquarters for All I{inds of ... urprLe,_ __ Su i!! _ h ,V_A'II r.",d o r l' 1$3,50, _ --'--_ wlu'd , $5 /Iud "IJ· tiSI'll 01' . Ki 11 l.!~ (1W Life PiI1~ fo r Ullrs 11Il1l filiLl Th em !'Iuoh IL good HI NTS FO~ TH E HO USEKEEPE R .p" ", r,1,":" " Illlllily IIIl'dl ID e WI) WOU ldn't b



I. hllill

I t~ ('Imical jawH an' IIladl- of hl:'u vv !:;h 'eL stN'1 a nd lit(, lIla in hl)d y or wal!!1' 1'I ,,,PI'vOi!' and ' plant _",--t~u... b 'of h a \ .v t inn 'tl pl aL(, . Til wat I' valve is

" 'Tis in th l.:'

F': wj[it onl F,)\' nst . To rendel' stailleu \Val I'·uottles Iluti'l lI , Bt.lwlll." ! llillu ~ue~~ or I';i ck UoBeud 1I 0 1H~ th, ~" w n r k wO lldo/,!< 2!ic III beautifully cI an ann bl'ight put in I I"/' '11 ' . ~"e b wllr I 1:"'; . 01 • The people got busy last Wt.' lnes· salt and IlO Ut' on vinegal", sta nd u fe w TH E SUM;~iE Rh-' day, and l:l ve l'all oadR of dir t was tao hOUl'S, then shak, Rinse in cleal' -I.Alt:l~i·t~""A~~-;:~;ibi;~d fn~'~ 1 d U:H 11 1 wat.p r. proof ~I 'I!' s cllbln et", Lllrgf'Bt 1 '''-1 ken from Main Btl' et, K e r th Dumpsall will I' mov.e t a stains Ing n el'U l'lm PlI 1 in Duyt(,u. 'ome idea 'an IJI:' outained of th e pd \ .000k nl,)ving all lh- tim '. fl'onl crockery, ex tended I'allge uf Ih work ofi'ereu Turp ntinu is the best preventi ve -- -I in the "' LaL U ivel'sity Sum m r The Dayton ,Juu rnal pl'intc>r1 the for moths. Salu l'ate pieces of brown HOW TO COLOR EASTE~ EOti ITerm, wh ich b 'gin!'! n Jun ~I st anu . cOlltinues for 'ight we ks, by a pel'U' following dlto~'inl. and it mi~ht ap , pap('r with same arili place in boxes, ply to a g reat m!lny of us; A gas stov can be kept nice and AILhoug h th . shops are,.fllled wIth ! 'al f the bulletin of th 'ummel' Away back in Lh eal'ly days of th clean by wiping each lime after us.l .e~gs of eV,ery sIze malenal a,nd SIYlel Term which was issued a short time d ~oratl?n, th e average child f e ,Is ago. Co urses for high school t achrepublic t her e was a young printer ing and . once \v(pk wa::;hing with - a tramp printer- by the name of turpentine. ag~l'l~ved If not a Jl?werl to do some , el's and su perviso rs and superintendBenjamin Franklin, H started out '1'0 boil eggs withou t lhe l'isk of a~tl tiC wo~'k ~:l lns .o\';,n account ents occu py a prominent place, A to hustle for himself; be tramped cracking', hold them in a sp1lonful of \y lth a g~n uille ~en-Iald egg as ~h e fe\\ of Lhe ntrance subj ects at' offrom Bo tQn to Pnilaclelphia; Ie be. boiling wate.l' before immers ing t he m foundation. WhIle dyes fot' colol'l ng f e" d with a v'i w to assisting stu-, came "dev~r" in n print shop, and h Eq ua l parts of t Urpentin e, linseed e~gs can b ,pul'chased cheapl~, b 'a u, dents who ar pr pat'ing to en ter the lived in a bllck I'oom, on bread and oil and vinegar make a splendid ppl- tlful co ~ol'lngs . an be obtam,ed at University 01' who have entr ance COI1water, ish for furniture. ho~ne \ ou t. money an? 1~l thtJut m, Th ' r e Benjami/1 had a hard time, a nd tool< To t urn out a cuke from a tin with- price, J he skm of an ol11on OIl a re a lso "trailer,J classes which are ai-reat many bad knocks. But while out breaking, wrap it round with a for a few moments gives a ~ood sh!:lde 'for the benefi t of coJleg' !:;tuuents he wlis t~king them, he was al 0 damp cloth for a few minutes, of red o~' orangc, saffron gIves y .Jlow who find it desirable to repeat one of becoming, a philo opher, He wa To turn out a pudding boil d in a and spll1ach 0 1' parsley a, d eh~ale their co urses in which they fail ed to learning things in the dearest schoo',s ~asin, hold it for a few moments in gr~ n, If a flow~ r pattern IS desl red gain cl'ed it . Th g reater portion of al\- the school of experience~ cold water; this will prev nt'its stic\,· a pIece of new calico wrapped smo~lh. of t he work , however, is plann d fOl' Oh one particularly bitter evening, ing to the cloth,-Th April Desig n _ Iy, a round the egg and th n bO,l led the teach r and more emphasis than when the cand le was burning low , e r , wtl,ll e~~e co l I I' an d pattern be.hmd, ever has bet!l1 plnced on ad one of the lad ' thrilling inspit'ations - l~ IS different 11.ame 0 1' Ill otl,o IS d, . vanced wo rk , AU'y ludy l' ulll.'l r of t,hi:; Jlllp~r will d tl t t d t th " e to hl'm and, he wrote l' t down, receive, nn r l'fillelil , \I ol",ve.' "N o. s.lre. - - -- - - --cam I dup f n l Ch 111 I II t'gg, f hWI'I 'e WI " Experience is a dear school but"·- Drip" vofl'",{i t,ruill r 'oup on pri \'1 _ IqUI at on t c s l C 0 t e egg , a nd WAYNESV ILLE CHURCHE~. He ' added something m~re, too, legf', from Dr, ::lit o, "ll, RtlOlU e, Wis, let it stand I? ng ,enough to " fiet,:' while disgust filled his heart- of It i::t silve r IJl tlo' (1, Vtlt,V pretty, Ilnd befor putLlng 111 the. dye, Th iS Orthodox Friends Church. "fools will learn at no other,' po itivel.v \J re VtlD t,~ 11·11 Il ripl.n ng of keeps the shell i rom. takmg the co, 101' flo\'. BellJamln Hawkins, PU8lor, cou"se, " tea or ooff~ l1. 1'be Dootor IIEmu it, h th I d ~nbba~h , ch(>oI, U:au a, m , no~ul r chufelJ -~ut the last half of the sentence is With bid new free book on "Health w erever e t t'acmg ,:as app Ie , : ~'· I cu,. 10 ;30 u. w, hrll!Llnn ~:tldoa l'or, not fIt incident to the point we have Uoffee'" simply t o introduo t bi!1 and ~he motto ~ame orplctu~eco~es , :,)0 p , II'. , I otever ub~lit,llte for .'enl colltl8 out m pure wl;lIte,-The April Delln· Hicksitc . Friends Church. In ;h:w~rinter ,boy of Boston might Dr, Shoup 's Health Ut,'Iea I S gtdo- eator, .. ... . lug It,ll gl'l!Ilt POPUllll'il,y b ~o uu ,,~ of: =--"'h'fJa""v~zradded', though, that while ex· ' tirtlt , ito! exqulRItA t-lt t~ I1n(l filivor; "I'd Ruther Die, Doctor, perience isadear school, it is' also lIeo~ncf, its ub~olute bea lt,bCuloess; than hli ve Ill y ffle t out off," snit! M the best school that trains the intel-I,blrd, il,!oleCOnoUl ,V -l % Ib 25c ;fourtb, L. BlnghlUl. , of Priuo . ville, 111, "but Christian Church. lect of Olen ,itH oouvo,nieDoe, No ~edinU!1 20 to you'll die fl' '' Ul j(uugrezM (whioh hod SlIndllY , ,'hool, ~ ::.10 u , In, Sm",>! m ~~t . 30fmnntes boilin g , " Ml1d~ iu " WID- flllte n II wily I-'il-{ht t OAs) if ,Vou don't," J 0 ::\11 II Ul. , and h rlBflau J::ndc ;r. \'or We who have been hungl'y because utl~" B/lyS Dr, Shoop. 1'ry i t at y ollr M id IlI1 Il octors , J n !ltead bo used lng, 7 :OU p, on neccessity made us that way know groc'~r 's f or Ii pl easant, fmtprisl', Bu c l,l e D'~ ArlliCIl t:)lllve till wh olly bow.sweet is the crust of bread that Soltl by 1111 Grocers. ouren, I tA CnrA!I of Er1.ema , F ever Mcthodist ,Episcopal Church. - ~o r flR, 8mls, Bllrns lind Pile!l ll to uurl the starving stomach craves A cent'. - - ....- - - fU! \' W . 'I'. Gillil a nd , PUR t or the world, 26c , at, Fre(1 ,'Schwurt's SUUUll..\' SchurJI . 0 : !HJ a. w . Mornlllg se r4 worth tastes like a dollar's worth, HE LACKED ONE LUXURY vlcc, H) :;jU 11. UI. F:pwOI'Lh r.eugu' , 7 :O U p . indeed, It is really and genuinely m , 1" ' 1' 11111),( He rvlc,', ";' ::10 p . lit. M"lwu k The other day a little fellow rushed P I' IYl:r ~1o-c Lln l!, 7 : 30 p . w , 0011'1 Dress Regulated by Law. good ~ because it is "dear" to us. into the libra ry whEn'e ' his mother 'rhe dr s of Chll ,eso do ll s II! regu· The . man best drilled in a task of was r esting and exclaimed: ,. Mama, St• .Ma~y's Episcopal Church. life is the one who has gon~ through why can't I be baptized? I am lated by law, IIccordi ng to Th station He\' . ,I. I". CllrlwaHu'tl er , Rect or. ot the class tt 're presf"nts and li ttle the ~ueial mill; wh~ can 'accomplish ashamed of myself, becauee the other girls are permitt ed 10 play wtlh Ihelr Suno.lay So h ool. 11 :ao n, tn Morn ing S Cr · I c~, til ' :SO a, III . I~".'n ln lf sur " I!!!:, 7 II. m, one particular thing well, because he boys are and they think we can't af- dolls as a special rewarll for g all con, \'Holy CO llIIDUnlIJn ~h c Itrs t Su noJuy of each dllc t, 'rh eae dull s nre pl'eSI:'I' V d fro m month . himself has been a living illustration ford it." - The April Delin eator. .gl'nera tion to gp. l1 ernlion, Bnd are (re· of the idea he seeks to perfect Qu ently dressed to repr(,!leltt hl ~ l o l'lcal St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 'We can best tell the tempc:rature There are less than 500 miles of characters, thu s early Iltlliating the Put her Gco rlj'c Mnveohocfer, Pas tor of a heated rod by its actual contact railway in Colombia, and marly all chi ld In to Chinese hl slOl'y In II IlIO ll t, 1II11~" evc l'YHCCfl " c1 !'I unll ay of til e mOD\h a L with our' hands. There can be no traveling mus t be done on muleback, enlertaluln g way, M081 'ltln e dolls U : OU a . UL nro bo y doll s, ))rulJ<t hly \) c c all ~ 1J wo m e n mistake in the·"brand" if we handle have pl ayed II I'at h er Imlntpo l' tant the thing ourselves' part In I he hl !3 IQ I'Y of' (ltal ualloJLBohemian M agazlue, Theory is very good, but practical experience is better, • u n like Some, Benjamin Franklin was a g uoo ' NeV1lr,llOIIltlvelyneverDolllOD TOurlunll9, Uyon eou.wh_ven from allmple cold olllY-Jou should " 'Be CIII"'fut hnl y ', soy, son,~' ca u. I printer because he was a good 'devil" alwo1Ih'ea!ilOOthe, a'ld _the irritated bron. d h chlal tnbel. DOD't bllndl,. IIJIIP1'9S1 It wI th a UOII d tit P lullk v llte f'o IOlllus, He was a goo repol'tel' because e atuPOr,lna polson. It'lltrartl6 .OW !OD9 thillp . " Yes, jlO p ," ftnallyeomeabout. FortwentJ yetU'll r,Shoop wasa' gO'od print er,' , he was a 'good baa "Rom enluer, th at , you ain 't pl'uml. COIIIItantl,. _moo people QOt to take COll~/l 'Journalist becaus~ he was 'a good reo JIllxturea 01' pl'e8Crlptlonl COIIlalllln~ OpIum, nent enough 10 clal QI th at yqu wa s I. fI ,Y'lesvilJe 's Leading .Dentist , , . Chloro!orm, or ,Imtlarpollooa, And no_little mls'1uot. d."- Pllck. late thonab-<:on'f'/lll'.,1 "Put It on the lilbel Office in K eys Bldg: Main 1St po rter'' he was a grand, st-atesman if.potlOnl are In your <Jonab )ll%ture." GOod l and philosopher because he was a 'VeruOodlIRilre&fterlorthlh.,-reaaonmotbtlJ'll. " .. . and otbera, abould Inll"OII ba-'nl Dr. Shoop'l good k:umahst; Rnd he was excellent ~l1Ih Core. ,No ,!!OIIIOIl 'markl on Dr, Shoop', • _ ' . : I labell-eud nOlle w the meWol'Qe, ellil .. must by In all use he graduated out Oil laW1JeOnthelabel, Andl,'1l1OCOnl,.aafe, bu&"A Purely V~getable Laxative the School of J}raeti~al. experi.ence, ::~~~:e~~hth,:~~~~MII~:nF.~:: 'As young men, .rea ' dy t 0 begm ' th. e , IlartIcularJy with ,.our cih1lclm1. lilIIa' on hllYinC Dr, ShooP'1 Oouah CUre. ComlU8 earefullJ the C!-,res Chronic .' ~on8tipatiod. and All battle life in ~arnest Dr, 8hoop Pit.cka.. · with othen alld not. 'he " ,of. • , our ~tart - is I dlffer6llce."No pOlJOn .mar.1 therel 'You ... 1.1ver and Kidney Troubles. . 80 much the better., because of , the alwayl be OIl t.IIe alellde b,. c'WIwIcnn.


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The Miami Gazette r~


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The Miami Gazette




So b e h ad contlnu d througb ehl y ·art. How often hili hart burn,·.l wit hlU him to tnlk with tb king Ilur, It his bolo t>d Jernsal III and'hls (tnxlc.)' to so tllO gatt's f the clt.y huu g aniI


That T hi ~a.nmm~ll'ii'h~)fWm

Usually There Are Other Trouble. to· Prove It,

{), -

. ~, A "';I.ap<l ~ ~c ~ Pain 10 the ullc:k Is ' pain In tbe kid~ ~t ;!,S> ~ th pia '() ill ld ' stroull' ngnl llst ber Jl. n eys, i n m ost caSCB, nnd It points to· ml es Cram wltbout . b,'t he toared t(l .\Pl?'o3bJilnij \:Iifeh wn)n~n, U1 0 n eed of a spas poalt I st tbe !l Ing nl\~h ml s under, A Llfo-Pr&acrvn. cial remedy tG I'e-"land hi m. nnct tIlis 'ona . \·ue hls .mo TIl. mlddle·aged. uu traln ed woman @l~ll'e<dlI,LlijeR'j) o Tlr)<e;y /AU'£! Ii' • BY THE "HlGHW"'V AND BYWAr' ll eve and cure th ~ ll v s . • udde n y it! Ct with/Jut moans at sup· PREACHER wn gesqon 01' in"Jt will COUle out all rJ "lit." be hat! reo "ort Is onl! of tragic fac ts of mou· All will tl' \' lonA thc 'a; tu It hllB I'lval II Wilh the sJl\' itl ~ ' the mlnu of f1ummatl on ot the tonn liss ured hlm t:l~I lr du r lnlf th oll 11'0 liCe. Every cbarltable age ncy ,I dneys tha t h:! Ill years of \y alllllg. " 1ll ,'I),. Gad cnll llle ,. liar III liu!;l'rl 110 'k\\, 1\1'. nntl !tuo d turns to LJ ll ' an d tl te8. No mu t· ItOW It 1I'0uid cc m thlll for tllo ' til h'I' huw ~rcn t 18 tile vog uo for ouo ~O'll" IUld a reads her dJaoou rnl> ed ~ e rferlng wllil lb eir Scripture Au tborlty - Neh mlall . bri ng It to puss. Zion sball yet btl whom InUll u!')' cO ll slllemlilln ' II l' t! nol pl" fro cks. with III £\8a:lt went II I' tace. Every kln d·hearted clergy man :h apt r 1::. work und cans lng re torl.' u." feels the burden oC he r sto ry. H \' r I· th!lt palu t bat An ,l at last th e klu g had spollon nur} holtl t<' I'I'OI'S. th I !Iain l}, s IO'J;; h III s up· th e s!tlrt\\'nit;t and d uck s kirt rc!;u lns n"ok of N eh e ml a h .- Tt III Ihe 13tl's.I (If makes YQu say ~ allves and Crlen da grow \\'eIll'Y or her. ,II tho h ts lo rtcll i bookM o f I h . Old '!"I';.Il, · told him that he 'h')uld return to Jt) phlll ll.J\I lbtl I I~!; rragi ll.1 coilaI' at em· Its (lWU. and a LJ ~ ll Is ne 1I 0 d. bl'oider (I 1 Ul'Il. Tb tm rillller glrl 's w'll'llrobo will not "Oh, my back." ~ by virtue of tbelr Inability to h elp II r. l1 e llt. Uk lit I,,'('rodtn,; Hook o f ~~zrf\. m sr.1 m alld campI to his wo rk. Th o llig h turlld oll'lI IInl'lI 01' 1I1CC col. b finI shed If sh do s not possess at .1 ""'Ilrly Is not u ll by th 81\m e hi Illl. Thompson Wat. e ll. tb e joy of lhllt moment. nUl Each CIIle presents Its own path tlc By rar t he pr.\.lll'lpn l port Inn. Indeed. Is lar is s till woru. uullt l ~ lIot tb o lI~test leasl one e mbroIdered bel t whose col· ldns, llrofcBslonal difficulty. bllt tue caaes so many ho ~ o rll o r " phcll1 lah . Tho m n ln hi s· thcm he bad not l' nlized how thn t word of fa sh ion . Whe ro Il heu\, y lIn r u or can bo matcllC.'d In I I S Bud s tac)t·, IOI'Y coola lncd I" the Dooll or N('hl!lI1lu h ona nm blttou bad througl1 the yeurs nurso. 420 N. 23d that tbey cease to be recognIzed as In· 'o \' e rs abou l C! yenr s . viz .. trom lho ~ t)l conRumed hlA ver y beIng, collar Is r equlreil It 1;1 1t'llig ht Ill· lo gs, possibl y In bntbllnd ancl para· St., Parsons. KAliS., dlvldual . and tbe protest. "More use- u thu 3211(1 yellr of A r l nx r x s Lon gtm· "Hotum to J orusal em!" he ex- LJl'ol de red coilaI' Ca ~ t (' ltln g In th e !.Jack sol. To bU)' t;uch he lls cost II 8 0 milch Bays: "For some time I was anlIlU •• from B . '. 145 to ~ 3.1 . I n r asp c l t o Is nower tuau the old I ul' ndowtl mottel. Oillt the (orehaltdell girl \\'111 make h er noyed with sharp twinges neross t ho lese wowen I " Is made almost In tb e IRnguage a lld utyle the book III \' ry slm· claim d half In WOl}(.Ie" halt 10 joy· 11 arlll& ot the crowd of applicants for Il\r to the Chro ni c les lind 1-",Uti. N che- OUti exu beranc. "At last! At I.ISt!" und tb u' 110p ula r tUl'll U0\\,n colla r Is oWU. small of my !Jack and Irregular pas· 1I0W the low broad Dlll Ch colla r, so EYery sott of em hr lu r ry Is In favor sages of tho kldn 'Y s cretlons. Since "some reepectable way of earnIng '" Il u b h as, It Is true. qutle hts own m ll n · The il follow d the busy dnys of nero I\nd cerl lll" phrn.s~ 9 nnd m l1 d~1i or li ving." Every motbpr of daugbte l's Is lxpn!8slon Pllc ullnr [0 hhnsel f, H hns preparation . Collow d' by the long loul" churmlng ly girli s h but S ll ll'yl ng to old· ' ffCIlll huck darnin g to th olel time ulllng Doan's KIdn ey Pills I am fre& er wome n. ' Cuvorll e), let work nud Ru tin sUtch tram th so troub1 s." bound to do wbat she can to preve nt ~ I I<O 90me tew wonl s nnd form.. not ney. and at last the arrlyul In Jerulu III S low colinI'. ail e !Inds the CUI' 8 r\'l c' In wnsh ln g. H U\' y lin e n • Sold by nil ue'nl rs. 50 ce nts II. box. (ound else wher e tn c r lpl urc: bu t tl e sal m. her glrls from joining thJs melancboly. cen rnl H e bre w a t y lo 115 oXllc t!y that ot "Nebeml a h has returned! Nehemiah two xlI' 'Illes or [l lI t'S t linge rie mn· Is' u ~e d rIJr mall)' of llre b'It8 e ither F'oster·Mllbm·u CO u Dulralo. N, Y. atragglJng army ot th e Wlftt. Sending the book8 purpo rting ' 0 be of Ihe 8alll 0 bas re turned!" w:'\s tbe glau cry w))1 h t I'illl II c llclltt! ly l' ntbrtll((crcll, Il~c lu white or co lors. So m e words occu r In hro llic lol!. ~rl. to college doea not Insure them Whlto Olles are gen ' l'rt l1 y kc pt white .D OUBTED TALES OF SCIENTIST. Il:zra. und N .. h c mlnh. but nowhe re c lse. rang th rough th e City . !lnd Snn hullat tl'lllllll ed UII(I h e al'), soft IIII (' n CIll· against catastrophe 21i years atter f he t ex t of N h'om lah 18 go.n e rnlly pur and Toblab wer fill ed with dltlltlay IJ roi dl'r d heavily 01' In OIH' u work d throu gho ut. \I sin g u while I 'alhol' or sign llnd if lace t ri mmed at all t r immed whit e enamcl buokl o_ theI r graduation. Tbe most e lfectlve ~nd tree from corrupt ion . I'xcept In I·he wh en Ihey hearel \:he n('ws. S~citsn1 a n' !l Summing Up of Charac ter pro per n ames. In which thertl Is co nsl d· Colored linens 111'e worlled somoof Man of Learning. _ llrotectlon 18 the ability to do well r able flu c tuatio n In th e or thogra ph y. Then th e king uud not bell eyed tbelr wit h SUbSIQlHln l '1lIny 01' Iris h lace. ooty Iypes will be , Illllch worn. and ti mes tn whit I me re rl:tad coltons. IIOme manual work. There Is n can· both I\S compared wlUI oth e r p tirl s ot report. Th Ir plot had fail ed, nnd Ne!lame book Ilnd wllh th e anme nam es It 1I'01lld be hnt'll to 100 IIgi lle II. ('olinI' ngaln In !; v(!ral ton s of the lin n. SIr Archlbnltl Ge lklo, th o dis tln· etant muket for a high grade of man· Ihe In other parta of Scripture. nnd a lso In hemiah was I)resent to r ec kon with more (:oUl[o rlu bll' [0 1' hot days. lltll. n, Thus 11 belt to be \V 0 I'll wltb a gray guls hed gco lo :~ l s t. who wUl probnbly . IWLl work, reInforced by In te llige nce. oume r nls. The re ts no ques l lon trom It th em. Filled with fenr, th y raised M Olll)a- wo han hfnl l'tI. It. demands n yo uthful lIuf' n ult hn s a 1'0llvent\o nill design SIICC ed Lord Rayl Igh as presideut or The girl .who Is a skilled milliner. and In the New T es t a m ent. an d It has been In e l'cm l tonus ot darlter gray light· Ihe ROY lll BO le ty. te lls a good stOI")' lompar8Uvcly 1I<'"lected by both Greok slUon when th e ga tes wo r hWI!; and tb l'Onl aud chlo. 'Who praotlces her art [or her own lnd Lati n (nUlers. ' One olh I' !yve of I ul' ndow!! colinI' 111' 11 wlt.h touch s of s\l v r Iht'(.ud. In hi s ca pital book of "Scottish R ewl· the clly made secure. amusemllnt for 20 years, will be able which merlls 11 word Is Ihe high alock Wh re a belt Is to "ec 0111 h f10r vice nlsce noes." Not s Ince tho city had been I!Lirred ¢J;!.¢~<>~~~ to maie a llvlng from It, It she needll " I was quite sure you hud been In with th e rebuilding ot the wall had l'oll ar of rUlh er fin lawu with a fl nt It Is as we ll to om l ~ this toucb of s ll· 8ERMONETTE. ~ lit at 40, sl1ys the Youth's CompanIon. lhere been such excitement through· ~ lII1Jrold erod scallop d ;;e band at the v r. ns lhough It Is Sllilposetl to ra- our nelghlJorlJoou." n fri end said to IMllllnery, drelsmakJng, machine-sUtch. II' Arcl: lbald . "1 m t the old tarm· out the place. nnd Nehemiah founu t (s leWD turnIn g dowu all aro und · to ha lf m ain . It wIll not stand th WI! ah tub It aa .ome of the best Bible e r at G--, who hud u strange t a le to lng, typewrIting. t.elegraphy, stenog· hands stren.g thened by the wlllll.g or t hree-qllarters or tb e coll.l! elep lh. and constant expos ure of ai r. scholars believe there WII a For m ore elahol'll' e weal' thl'r aM tell ule. raphy, profes.lonal cooking, pracUcal spirit of the people. They were all Tbls fast ' ns beh ind a nd culTs to period of 12 years between the fnsclnntlng he lli; .w orked on ruolr or "·Dod. Mr. Cal!bcBrt: he begun. 'J ready ror ' th e dedication of the walla matcb often accompn ny th e colinI'. bousekeeplnl for large establishments, buildIng of the wall of Jerusa· Ano ther hlgb collnr. t bl s time of cord ed bel tin g ai' on heavy 8ntln rib· ran across the qu c rest body the ot ber and were Impatient for the cerllmonles lIlne laundering, designing, adverUslng, lem and It. dedication, It Is evl· tlnely embl'old er e(1 lawn. has rahbH bon s tiffened with buckrnm . Quite II duY. As I was olUin g by tbe of to begin. prdenlnc, ftoriculture. upbolstery-aU dent that the en em Ie. of NeheeUI' l1olnl~ tU\'lIlng down on It tn Ihe feat ur~ of thI s work Is a joweled at· the c1eugh I tho ht 1 bel\rd a wheeu "But there must be the pre psratlou ," these occupaUollll and a thousand mIah were able to delay, but not tinkers qunrrelln'. but when I lookll urged Nehemlab. "The God of 'lsra<'!I, frollt. th ese points belu g elUbl'old red f ct In colors. .thera may be taught our girls, and prevent, the final coneummatlon and la e edged. A narrow frill of lace One goo d·lookln~ belt on pal blue dowu th I'e wus ao wee stoat mlln . who has kElpt UII to this day, aud !JBS of the .plendid ml8l10n for finish ed the bottom of th e collar, as m oire belting has a continuous flow er Whiles ho wns hnlll)lu the rocks wi' a ODCS learned they m~ prove veritable strengthened our hands In the build· which the devout Jew had Nt onventlollallzed. hammer. wbll s ho WIlS 'WrIUo' In a .upporta In tlme 01 need. When every Ing of the walls. must be glveu the Is oft ' n the case with lingerie stocks. design. somewhal himself apart. the lace softening Lhe lin adjoining Tb large fl owers are worked wl-t h an book. whiles fet bin' wltb tbe thorns flirl, rlcb or poor, provides herself with praise nnd the honor and the glory for We dlecuss thll one uncertain a nd bel ping to' hide aU truce of Lhe outline at French knots In IJ(\vernl and mlscn'ln th Dl for Il' that was bau . ~me luch trade 88 • 80rt at Ufe-prewhat has been wrought." point of the book of Nenemlah coilaI' ban d, rows. and th e ce n I' ot each flower . When he cnm up frae the burn, hIm "Let us do 80 at once," exolalmed ""er, there wUl be t~wer teminlne In our next week'l .tory. Here Of s traIght hI gh ling rle st ock s. em· Is formed of smart bl,lIe jowels. a od mA hnd n la rge confab. Dod! h the people. eagerly. ~ualtles u the result ot finan"Jal we are to conllder .ome of the broIder ed 01' tu cked 01' luset wltb lace, Anothel' smart·looklug b It on gray tell·t m a n' abou t tbo staues. and boo "Nay, not so," replJed Nehemiah . • h1pwrecka. lellonl to be learned. th re Is n o end. and those In many In· s atin has a design of scrolls nnd disks tbey show tI tbllt colland was ance "There Is much to be done ere we ded· A stronger and more deters lances del\end for th ell' cachet more worked In two colora of steal beads like Gre nlond, smoored IQ Ice . A Icate the walla. How about Toblah to ~ 80me time ago the llleory was mined man than Nehemiah upon the little cravat accompan ying picked am wIth blue jewels. Still a very entel'talulu' body, Mr. Clllthcan . whom hath been given a chamber In ,tarted that the A.merlcan people owe "lIght have accepted the long them than U\lOU thell' own merit. It 19 lblrd belt Is worked Oll tan·colored but-an uwful'. awfu l' leear."-Tlt·BItIi. the temple?" be demanded, turnlns to ~efr bidomltable .plrit ot enterprlle delay and hlndranc" a. evldenoe amollg tb ese cravats that many of the beltlug. with brown and whIte >lalsll's. EIla,sbIb. the priest, who In cbarge ., the ever ch~1iD1 atmospheric con· neckwea r novelties are to be found. The centers of the wblle fl ow Jrs are that the work had been In vain, COVERED WIT'" HIVES . these matters. after all, and that there wal no but description of them Is difficult. studded wIth yellow je wels. while the -cUtlona of the United State., and slnc£ In great eontuslon the priest tried ule .trUllgllng agaInst auoh OJ)since It Is to th e cousumumte dalnti· brown daIsies have red j weled hearts. Child a Maal of Dreadful Sore, Itcn. then many • tendertoot bas telt better, to respond and explain that ness of their e mbroidery, tbe clever These je weled beads tor fancy work lng, IrritatIng Humor for 2 Month. DOt to I&Y happIer, abuut his cllmatlc ~ po.ltlon. as he was related to the Ammonite he shaping of tho bow and Its coquettish cnn he found In any art needle work But not 10 NehemIah. The -LIttle Sufferer In Terrible Plight. dlacomforte. WIIUng we are to be bent had thonght tllat It would belp him faith which had given him the adjustment that so much of their et· stOre In all colors and slzell. and UDbent by the rapId alternatlons of to give him place among bis peol,le. tectlYeness is due. . A smart belt to be worn wUh n dark ) strength to begin the work In Diseale Cured by ' Cutlcura. "Yea, but what th.lnks God about It? heat and cola, alnce this "temperinc" II the face of leemlngly In.u .... Narrow lingerie CrtlYuts folded once blue tailored suit Is of dark blue cord· Shall he wbo has been aa a thorn In Improyes the quality of tbe racel on ~ mountable obstaclea WI. the and finish ed with Inarrow little bows ed beltl!)g stamptld In a bold design "My six year old daughter bod the the flesh to Jerus(llem and wbo Is a whose ends Ilre pointed, scallop edged ot chrysanthe mums. heavily padded Ws soll Storms &lid cyclones, bonesame faith which kept him dreadful dI sease caUell hives tor two stranger to her God and her laws, be and embl'olderad, I\re mado up III fiuest and · worked In sntln stitch In old blue. Mareblng wlndll. hurricanes and galee, .teadfutly looking to the fu·· months. Sbe became affected by play· suffered to remain to desecrate lbe white lawn with dl\lnty colored em. Chinese green, anll a dull coppery red. ture when the way would open .ero weather and tropic heat are all Ing with children wbo had It Dy house of our God? Let him be cast broidery. and are worn eHher around A belt t.hat would go well with the scratching she caused large sores for hla return to Jeru.alem. ) the eame to • loyal American since he out at once and tbe chamber be r&o Lhe bllse of the throat or II.round tbe ever·popular white erg suit Is at which we re lrrltathig. Her ' body was There II no doubt that the know. that wt!ather makes bIm great. stored to Its rightful service!" demand· . t p of a hlgll...l!.ngerlo · stoc heavy white' corded Silk. worked In a a .com)llele sore hut It wal worse ' on - At-Jeut, Ifr WUUs L. MO'lre, director . ~ enemlel of Nehemiah tried .to ed Nehemiah. And then without paus· This Idea of arran ging crarat .gnd conventional pattern of many petaled her arms and back. We employed a • poiaon the mind of the king of the "'Ieatber bureau at Wasblngton, Ing he turned to tho cblet ot the bow at the top at the stock Is com. flowers. This could be done either on with the thought that Nehemiah pbys lclan wbo left medicine but It did Levites present and commanded that pm'atlvely ne\v. nnd the arrangement Wallachlnn embroidery or In the new· I- - - - -yl we ahould be grateful _tor, not wa. buildIng the wall for per. not help h or ·and I tried severalremeo the rest of tfle tribe should be sum, has a piquant air. but Is pretty onl1 er simplex sUtch. crOll e.t, all the varieties sweeping sonal gain, and that he might dies but without ayall SeeLug lhe moned Cram the reglous 'V,blther' they when the w e~ rer bas a long. slim onr thll graJld contiaent every d~ of A girl wh.o has takeu up hammered Cutlcura. .Remedies .et hlm •• 1f up In a olty and adnrllaed, r had withdrawn themselves owing to throat. Some of tbe IItUe e mbrol· I brass work. has made bersetr ~ fascin· rue.: Bl...ed be tbe Invigorating fresh kingdom of hll own, thought I would try th m. I gave h r the lack ot service for them In Jeru· dered cravats and bows meant tor ating belt of narrow cut brass .wUh air! And perhap. during those a bot bath dully wltb Cutlcura Soap salem, "tor," exclaimed Nehemiah, such adjustment have a tiny plaited an open dashing pattern, This Is ml;ldn long yeara of delQy the kIng was and auolnted her body 'wlth Cut1cum "how can we Ilroceed unless the . af· JI'or nine years Australia bas , been frill running around the upper edgn tram stich thin sh ets as to be pllabl& Ointment. testing Nehemiah out and .trlv· The first treatment reo {airs of God's temple be In the hands and softening lhe \lne next to tll and is worn over dIffe rent colored rib trying to cboose a Capital. . Melbourne )) Ing to aatllfy hi. own mind that lIeved the itching and In a ahort t.lme of those to whom God bal consecrated throat. b'Jns which shine through the d ;)slgn the disease dlsa.ppeared. Mrs, George the charges whloh had been and Sydney, beauUtlll cjtles beautifully the work?" Another narrow fo ld~1.! lIn'ge rl e Belts of raffia wl\l also be worn L. Frldhoff, Wafi' n, Mleh-. JUIle 30 made agaln.t hi. cupbearer named, were both Impossible, because So the days passed In the bustle and cravat has two knots and 111 tie jabot ngllin and are scen In oharmlng new and July 13, 1908." were ground Ie... . And he walt· the Commonwealth Act of 1900 proBUr of preparations and Jerusalem be- ends, one 011 each side of the front, colors. The sLmll\er Ibe weave of e~ and at la.t the way opened .Ided that the capital .should be In gan to flit up with tbose whose servo with perhaps two Inches Uetween. the lhese belts and th duller the c:o)or· llntC " Obom. Corp., Bole rros... ~D. up and the great dedication day New Boutb Wales, not less tban 100 Ices were needed to carry out the cravat fa stenIng In tile back, nnd sUl\ Ing the mor Cashlonable they are. came. LotI Easler. elaborate plnns or the governor. miles from Sydney. Whatever the another has a bow Slightly largel' than But he who 10 oommlssloned Bobby rushed out to meet hlB 1u.tbll1' At last the great day came. ' Great merita ot the places proposed, Dalge~y, those we have describe d, and made of God to the accompil.hmcnt of tho other nl&ht ns 11 was returuin" gladness filled the hearts of the peo- wltb twc, .full loops on one side nllJ Tumut, and the place ftnal~y lelecteeS a great work can walt with rale from work und snld, IJrellthlettsly ; ple. for goodness Is contagious and 8 u loop anet ell(l on the oth er aide, U.e Yass-Oanberra, they all suireI' from ~ grace, knowing that ultimately "Ob. ' paun, 1 WOfl't have to study revival or Godly services Rlways awak· one spreading and exquisitely embrol· the will of God will prevail. 0 queer names. 80 tbere III a new prot> nearly so hu,rd at I:1c11ool any IlIql ,' . Ju.t aa NehemIah went about ~ ens the undercurrent of· tlmotlon and der6d. NoW, Bobby had be , n doing fUI' 1em before the A.ulltratlan common· sets the heart in tune. Tiny embroidered bows heading ra· the building of the wall 10 (tid ~ from well, anjl Ills futher WIlS plellS ' d wealth, to choose for tbe capital a Great was tbe excitement and 1m bats or \lUle tabs are not new. though he go about the dedication. 0 ~ 'hear of tbo new lnterest, hoping name which the world wllJ take plea8posing was the proceSSion of the always pretty, and brought out now In Everything must be done In or. ~ ror better thinGS. I- ----u:c:.r:c:.e--;'- say In I' and the poets will be able priests and Levltes as they proceeded A notion . In shoes Is patent nt!w and dainty torms. and there are der and according to the law "How's thnt. m y son?" said he. to alng. It Is a fortunate thing for with thanksgiving and singing, v.·lth new Yarlatlons. too, upon tha narrow leather with tan color tops, and pearl of hll God, ' "Oh, ( got put a cla8s."- 'l' lI . cymbals, psalteries, and wit. 11arps, to America that George Washington waa buttops. lingerie tie pa ssing around the throat Here agaIn ·we .ee the rare HOllselte POl'. the walls. And Nebemlab with the For promenade costumes. for early Dot named Poggs or Snlpkln. and broug ht back to knot a little bit grace and .trength of the ~an ~ princes of Judall also came and ascend. low, with plaited and mIJrolde red spring; corduroy will be used among Beware of Ointments for Catarrh IS he carefully worka out the ed to the wnll. and divided In two spreading ends. the other fabrics. It may Interest tbe musical youtb detail. of III that great c<!lre· great companies as they passer!, one It seems that tor day wenr one can· that Contain Mercury1 ID tbil region to' know that a mechan· mony and It, accompanying reo In one dlrectlon and the other In the not have too many buttons or too Jeweled Peacock. Ical plano has been Introduced Into form In the temple worlhlp. He :4m:,~r,r.t:;~ ~~C1~~w~ ~ other dIrection, singing as th oy went. The popularity of even 'thlng Bl' much braid on tbe clotb or velvet en~"'f lng I~ thl'OlIqb tbe tllllGO,. I!IIrla-. But!> York cottage for tbe benefit ot tbe £% had no lelflsh ends to Icrve, .rtlrJes ahoutd never bO III!C(\ ettOl!P\ 00 ~po wben they had returned to the And gown. zan line has brought about the tashlon nor pet Idea. to carry out. HI'!it Uon. !rom reputAble pbyelolan8. .. tbe cIaIDaae · lItey Prince of Wales' ~blldren, who like temple they offered great sacrl60es wllt do III un tQId w the ~00Cl you CIIIl _Ibly do-' The t1ghlly fitting sleeve 18 sUI1 mo. for the peacock . The "eyes" bf tbe work was to do God'l will. ~ to grind out all the latest popular airs from I.hl'ID. BaU's CIIt.n'Tb Cure, lD/IIIulAoCtured and rejoiced: for God had made then feathers aro constantly t1secJ In em· dish, ~ut some of the new models rlv by F. J . CIInpry <I< 00•• '1'011'<10. 0 .• COIItalD8 no mmon the machine-played plano, but it ~<>~<>~~~<>~<>~<>~~ to rejoice with great joy. aul')'. &n4 IJ Inken Internally. aotlDt\: dl-'Iy \lJI(IQ broidery and peaco'c k blue and green have little upper sleeves given to Ulc blOOCl ami muoous .urf_ ot. \be aye\em. JD does not prevent the children from So were the walls of Jerusalem d(ldJ. are the dominant colors. The latest them, u great Improv~ent [or long, bu},11I4 BRII'. (.'atarrb Curo be anre ~ U. THE STORY. lllnuinr. It II t..'\JIeo Intern4ltyand malo In ~ being taught their notes on the real cated. thing Is the head and neck of n pea· thin arms. 7~::;O:"r::"1oI.1r\le. tn.trument and "practicing" so mucb Thus did Zion rejoice In her lri· cock In brillIant jewe ls \Vor'n In tho Back comes the bolero, as piquant b:i<lb~i'j)k.,,~'l:~CY TUc 1LtIU·. }.1UI1II1 PUll for CODAIPa_ T LAST!" umph 0\'01' thosl~ wbo would have dunt front of tbe coiffure. ) as ever. Bo)e\'o blouses, covered with every day. They a180 bave a gramoNehemiah uttered the words hnlf Thill Is th e s mart thIng In Parl 3 soutacbe embroidery, aro wOI'n over And It ' Was Overruled. pbone at large size, and both these In· !Ul a prayer ' of thanksgiving. and halt he l harm. "Burely. God hath wrought might· but It remains to be tlcen whether a gulmpe of lace or net, under the Judge Hoar nnd Gen. Butler wero vcnUons are a great source of delight 'lS an exclamaUI;m of surprise. He Ily," said Nehemiah as he tJepllrted to Amc rlcan wom en wlI.I adopt It. "dowdy" coat. OPI)Onents In 'a case of a new trial. Gen . . to Princess Mary and her brothers. lenew the ttme was coming when be his houlle. Buttor Quoted ; "Eye tor eye, sklu . (or should return to Jerusa:em, but when Medical IllId legal associations In skin. tootb for tootb, yea. al1 that & the word had finally come from the The Mind of Jesus. man hath, w'tIl be give for his life." To New York are among the latest advo- king that be s h ou Id prepare to return "Let this mind be In you which wall which Judgo Hoar replied: "Yes, ..the cates ot a reform In the use of expert It came almost as a surprise to him. also In Christ Jesua." wroto Paul to devil Quoted' thG.t once before ,I.D a ' motestimony. They urge that experts be Twelve years before he had made the Christians of PhilippI. The coun. tlon for a new trlnl." . more Calrly treated by lawyers In the the journey to Jerusalem, and during sel W"'.8 ne'e ded then and Is· still apc:ourtroo~, that they be paid omcers' of lWO exciting, str'muous months be had pl\cable. The deepest demand of tbe . Important to Mother&. Examine carefully every bottle of the court and not hirelings at the labored and caueed the P!!Ople to :-ear Individual and the multltudo Is found ' GASTORIA a sole alld Bure remedy tor cUent. The propoaed change, It en· the walls of J erusalem. More than to consist In the acquirement at the 'lnflUlts and children, and Bee, that ~t . forced by legislation, would do away once durIng that period bad his lite mind of the Master. What Jesus wall wtth tbe unfair advantage lying with been endangered, and many times did mInded to be lind do Is In 11. lesser way .tbe richer IIUgaut, and would relieve It seem that the people would cease lo ' be tho form of the life and acUvlt} the work because of fear of attack_ of hIs followers. Whatever In the In Use For Over .30 Yean. the expert of the temptation to testify h But be hild seen t e work completed world of people Is wrong Is due to an The Kind You Have Always BoughL ..ather In hili employer's Interests than In spite of. tbe obstacles and dangers, absence of tbe mind ' of . Chrlat, and Adversity Is a s (larchlng ·test lD tbe. loterests ot scientific truth. an.d then ~,,~d come .tbe word. trom bIs wb~rever t4at Chrlst.y nurilOse and trlel'ldsbt'p, dividin g the sheep from the. king ,sum_~.•mlng hIm baclf' to ~he pal· . disposition go there (ollows peace, ana goats wlt,h un~rrlng aCcl,\ra~y, ; and tbl'" . '" man In New Jersey who died 1a~ ace. '~i' j01, and holy living. aold rlghteousneBI ~e a good 8ervlc.e•...;...Jollll . Wat~·•.D. D. 17 has lett a will 'In which he beTroubled In· heart he bad obeyed. Is spread abroad to work through 'all ~- .......... o-,...,..-queathed al1 his property, Inoludlng and had resu'med hl8 fot-mer duUes In eternity. .. . . Dellolous oakeli and Jluttles pro· hi. gold mmes and castles In tbe air, · the presence of tbe 1I1~. By no _ ::;:::~:;;~i~~~~~t~, duced by the us.e of Souders' Ct:enm ot to John D. Rockefeller. P,r ovldlng the word which. tbe king IIpoke to blm did . The. Life of 8er.vlce. ~ ,. Tartar. Baking p,owiier l1~d _Souder,,' latter could find them. It will IOtten he know that he trubted him leSI tban In 't hls wl)rl~, the "weete'st, deepest. ' l'1avor1ng Exl;l'8Cti: All gOOd groceries .• uae blow to the legateo t ha.t be li&p. before he had' gone to Jeru.s alem/ bllt purest JOY .o f Ufe hi that which we flail ~ pen, h~.elt to be a member uf the 80mehow he felt tuat tb~ old cordIal· In lliolng good. In s'er,vtng oth('lrs. Thl. A man's Id a o( values depends aD . Ity and confidence was lacking. . He was Ghrist's own IIweetest joy. He wUtbe r he \Va~tB C9 bu) .or. BeU. AmerlclUl 1!u~\Ot1sts' ~8OClaUon. knew that ~e bad done uothlng whe1e- came to eal'th to serve. He loved, aud ~J r.D ctmED IX • TO u D&~1t RaIn f.alla .on the just an.! tile unJu.t by tbe king might ae..use hIm, aud love's - deepest joy alway. comes ID PA,.,o. OUI~"II:N"I.I"&nUI~N~Jt .... of It.c;l\.I,,•• JJIIII4. JlieOo4l". or . . III alike, but aDOlt dillcrlminates. It Ire 'eellnw that tbere was DO!J:llng .eJ,le blesBlng, comfortinK othen. . He be1141 It GIll.'" 1II0Dar toSWI4.a, or. h.ln to do but llat1elJtl1 ,ralt, he queathed b18 joy to 118. and 110 we 'flud -~-. ..--.~U, .epoal~ lu deepest dIIfta 011 OODUDU~ blR senlcea. to the Jdq.. our bollelt loud hiI, hi This II one. of the daIDtiest Ulue bcIDDJtI f\baalble toO Smut.._, 1M _ mu'• .ddewalk. falUlfIl117 as In tarm., Um... &1UYbI.. ,\IIte· lImpl. in CODItraaUoD. •• W AYNE \'I r',L1 ~.


N.aolJlo..h Dedic.'.. the Wan. 01 J4.!rua...l.m.

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~('0~ -~ ~ Wll8 not • trar.e of real fruit In ItII ,composlUon . The 4,• /11 - , ~\\."""tbat WIlS In the mix ure colored Indelibly a great piece








. . . . . . . . . . \ SH INGTON.-W henever the statement Is made tllat during tho sessions o[ cung'r etls Was hing ton is full of loubylsts, Il IoI C!'Jl1 l1 thnt ihc gen ril l Impression creatod Is tha l 1\ horda r m 11 b nt ou prev nUn g th pal;sago or guud h!glsiullon hus d se nded I\p' on tb e capitol. 'I'h e word lobby ists seeruln g · Iy bas C0l110 to III un only one thing. III truth lohu yls ts are of two kinds, th kind that wnnts to pl'event the passage of legislation that Is Inimical to private Interest, und the Itlll!l that wants to secur the passage of le,llI latIon that wil l redound or tbat It I. supposed will redound to the public good. In the botels of this city It Is an easy matter to pick out the Individ uals or one spec! s of lobbyist. Tbey bear the ear·marks ot their bualnees and It may be suld that one ot thes ear marks ordinarily Is In appearance of s leek prosperity. It Is Impossible to pIck out the Ind ividuals or the otb er species ot lobbyIst unless you happen to be the keenest kind of a judge of human nature. In s0tTa lnetances th e second class ,ot lobbyists has the un'mlstakable IUr of the hllantbroplst while In other cases tbelr ' companIon lobbyists look simply like ordinary e ve ryday American clUzons, mon ot business and men of the' professions and In many C38QS women. No lobbyIst, however wrongtul may be his purpose In coming to Washington, rulfills the somewhat widespread lIiea of a man whose pookets are bulging with bank notes with the corne rs showing In rd. r to tempt Homo member ofcongress to forget his duty to his constituents and to his country_ It Is a much harder matter to co r rllpt a congressman than untor-tunate ly some people believe. The lobbyist who would make a direct olIer ot money except In rare casos would get a blow hardor than any cash that he mlgM happeu to possess. . The lobbyist who thinks thBt some corporate Interest Is to be Injured by prospective legislation, and who has beeu hired to rep-

It Is not tb e Int ention to att rT.lpt to tllscuss th e rights or wrongs of an y F; )1ec! fic pieces of legIs· 'liN!) lotion wbloh have passed congress. but t bEl lobbyIn'" II ttempts pro a1H\ con that have b een marle to prevent 01' to s ecl~re tile enactm ent of nation · al laws may b e recoun ted without prejudice. It has b e n said that re8\lnt that Interest at the capitol uses argument and there aro women 10bln'lats. 'fhe particular kind of womnot monw, and he de pends for the strength or hIs argument t!n lobbyl tlts whIch hns been pletul'ed mnny times has no existence, or If she 'exlsts she keeps herself so well In ,largely upOn the tact tbat laws passed to r egulate ' the buslneu "hlcb he represents may poss ibly !lave 1\ bad hiding that ahe r oma lns unknown to the persons wl1oso .trot'/: upon the oommerclal life of the s)leclfic district rlu (y It Ie to "'Tile the news and the news, comment of whk.. b the member approached represents. It Is true the day. There ore other women lobbyIsts. however, that dlimers l\re given at Umes to memb'ers of cqn gress women wbo are moved to lobby by wbat they think Is .,,. the lobbYis ts on beImlf of special Interests. It I"s right, though arlmlltedly thousands of th Ir countrymen doubted It'these dinners or th e plead lug words wblch nnd thei r count ry women dIsagree wlt11 them In apecltlc llaS8 betwoon ' the courses and atter the eotree have uny cascs In which thev hav e exercised their activities. partlculnr weight. The 01'dlnal1y 'c on"ressmun who wanls 'rho woman 10bb 'Ist as n I"\Ile Is mov ed by 'blgh moral to stay ' In ' congr ss realizes thnt he hus a duty to his considerations, as . she views t hem, to Infiuence leglslaeonsUtueT.te and that It h e doesn't 'do I t h probably will tlon . Tnke the case of the canteen In th e army posfs havo to etay at home Jnstead , of buyIng a . ticket every . of the country, for ~xa m ple. It was til woman lollbyl&t wtnter !tJr Ule national capi tol. . who abollsbed tho can t en. The women wbo we; J{ed to ' SOIl40 time ago t hJ r e wae established In Washlngt(>11 1 hI s end dttl not do one-te nth part Of their lo\.luylng tn wtla1 was rolled "'1'he Peoflle a LQbby." Thet' w~~ Wushlngton . It WIlS done largely at ho'tne. The women lIev~tal a~Uve men who, on' behnlf of thls'- ~r nnlzaUC!t:!, . thought tbat the c:),nteen WllS ' nn e ver present tell;lplat\on to the ,80ldlel' to. dl'unlieuness and while It Is true wntehEld logls latlou Dud !kept the country Informed as to what, !n tijelr opinIon: was good or b~d iii. la ws t1liit \lad tbat ,most 0[' tbe ' OOgresllIn'I 11 at he!lrt dlsagr ed ' with boo\), pro~'os 'd (or pnssng. This peollle's , lobby ., vlrtuth oOlllentlon ,lli women ' c8n :led th e 1ay il..ud the canally 118S pnftse d alit of exilltence, but ther I Is 'Il, St' ator teen wns ~bo)\ eihed. 'peO}I) 's lobby wblen ha beon In xlste <l , cv r sine The Tlel'sons whq w 're, IllstrU\llen 'al tn securin g the . the l.,'Ountrf was fo unded. nnd whIch II! 111 . Klaten . toIlllllD l~~ or the law whIch forbad tv i l of 11ght w l ~es , . day, and which probably will Il).st as I, ng' a~ democracy mitt !Jeer a al'm-y posts, may d as they weI' bY a higb lute, TbJs lobby is' public sen'U ment, aod a dozen ! In,les mornl e,on ' it a possibly. m istaken ImI~Jlse, were lobby"ithln tht{ hist lew ypnrs It bas OVIilPI'Iddell _,11 tl-1 arts, IIILS Just as much as nre the m,e n wbo st'rl\'e to check l eg- ' pleading!!, the arguments, nnd the threats of the In- - Islatlon that.1s going to hu rt ,t heil' lIocketbooks wbJle It • dlYl".aJ lobbyists whol aou/;ht to thw~.rt ·it. An · Is gqlng to do good to the couutry at lar ge. :rhe Inten~I&loe of some years in Washlngton goes to show tlnn Is only to sbow: tliat " lobby1st" I. not necessal'lly a . . tile representatives ot the peoplo In tbe gr e._ t m¥ s wOI'\i of cout!lmllt. , . .. -.m ,lid ~btlt. . the wlU . of the country. out· T~e pure too.1 law ben It w.. In procea.s of conslderatbem BUy Inftuellce or U1 mODey' lb,t _ (IQD was pl'OdUC:Uve of' the grea.tut lobbylng acUYlU. < ~~~,==~~.- ;;.or wbo' .. JIOUlbl,. eYer IuaoWD la ~qrea The Jobbyl.ta were ... Jret. Ult a4 lit • but prtlttal or abaeJlt. tbV




of 'cot ton cloth whlcp was steE-pod I~ a small quantity of tbe j lIy mixture with water. , In the committe ropm th ero wa s "bon y" which no b ever bad gllth ered. Th e re w('re " p pper 'orns" mada who lly ot t.apl~1l and lampb lack, and th re II re many othel' thin gs of curious mixture masqu radlng under tbo numes or legltlnmte food produots. Th e manufactur rs and tbo puckers of p rreclly pllre gOOtlR nclmlUed that the proved fnd that SOllle of their bretbren w re not honest wus thl' stllmbll nl; block of th Ir hopes that the pure food ulll sho llid oat b pl.Is!led In too drastic a form. In otb!'r wordR, n lobi y thul was mute alld could not writ I tt rs or S lid telegl'a ms did th o ma jor share of th e work III securing thc )lllssag or the u!lUonal llUro Cooti law. In t he deportment of a,;rl ultllre there Is a Rub·d ellart· 111 nt NlI ecl th'c biological !lurv y. It Is t h duty of th e omcla ls of th sll rv ey, who are nil scienti s ts, to do wbat Ih('y an to en lighten Lho coullt ry conct!rol ng the habits of bird s, mammals an d lo sects, to I('t It be known just whllt crealu;-~s are a beneHt nod just wllut lira a menace to tli e f!l r mor, the mark!.'l gardeller, and to those engaged in flo ll pursuits genorally. The worl, of the Sllrv y bas been recoglllz('d for ItII ,'x(,p ll(' ncf' for yoars . At one llm th hOllse committee un u/-:rlc ult IIro d c lded, In fr aming th e I4;rlcullural 0 1)proprlntloll bill. that It would ol1llt a ll mentioD of the hlolng'le, I F;lI rv ey un d thus by a failll re to approp r iate l\Ioll r ~· . would wlp!! lbe SUfV (! y out of ('x IRtenco. It Is .;nlol Ihnt . 1111'1"1' w,' ro lH' rSOl1ll1 ren!!o ns f or Ih attempt to nd th o 1I~ruln(, s 8 f thl ll huren ll of th o government, but wlwth r lbl t; III true or not Is a th ing npnrt. AR 'orm as It wa s Imown that t he commltt 0 ha\1 df' ided to kill the aellvll)' of th o 1:Il' I (' ntl s t ~ lly a fa ll uro to report to th hou!! n m fls ure for th clr sUPl' ort, BOllie of th e \Vash ln gtun r.orrf'silo ud nts telq;rapbed tho n \vs or tho mlltter to tb ei r papers. lu stant Iy the bird prot ctlon socl ties, th e Ilpo rtsm n, the fo rm ers' Inslltutea alltl th e rnrmers Individually allover th e country beoome busr. Letters and telegrams of proteat poured In on th e committee. Nor was tile commIttee alone the obj",ct ot proteal. Every senator Rnd every repr& s cnllltive In congres9 began to r& eelve letters and telegram. whIch plied up until they were almolt b& yond the power ot reading unless the man gave all the time at his disposal to the task. Members who hardly kn ew what the blologica)' survey was began to uk questions. They wanted to know why the farmers were so Interested, and why the bird ))rotectors bad taken the matter BO much to h eart. It did tlot take them long to find . out. The commlttee was unmoved by the appeals from the counlry, but congress was moved, and wh en th e agricultural bill was reported there were Bcores of members ready to Insert a paragraph In tho measure restorIng the approprh.Uon for the survey. The appropriation wos restored despite lhe action of the commit· tee, and the next time tbat an a gricultural blll wen' throu gh, tbe money given to support the scientist!' was In· creased largely. The farm ers and the n.s ture lovers gen· erally had no lobby In Wnshlngton at that time, bu'






ul8C1 ,." \he loD"yIIt


THE /?/T/LANT/IRep/C TYPE th oy had, II great lobby at a dlstnnce, and tbe lobby1sl1 worked day nud, night with voice.! or by letter and t elesucceedea In doin g tbelr good work . grnm to bring nbout th E) ontltl th nt tbey deslrer!. The Recently tlle re came to ' WUhlnglon on a mst t9f manufacturcrs, or many of them Ilt least, maIntained that tho · Ia w as prnpClsed was a ltogelh el' too drnsllc, while connect d wIth thA ri ghts of c(,l"tBin Inillans fOI'merly on those who look tbe vi W Ol)posod to that ot the m anu- th e ROBe bud reservation, an Illrlilln whose name originallY was Qui k Dear, bnt who now !s known ns Ro uben ..Qulcll fn ctlll"ers declnr d that tho law cOl\ld not be made too s vere. Bear. Some lime ago It was prOlH)S(' d by a sy nd loate t.hat .During 't he limo of th onsldernliClu of the pu re fO',J It 'buy a Il\rge tract of land [I'om tho Indla us at $5 an ncr, Aftc l"wlll'!l th e lund doubled In valli, Reubon Qui ck- B.e ar la,w In the \"Oom ot the ommlLLee n mterstate and (>1'eign commerce the most powerful IO'bbyls t lbaL nppr" red f are(\ t hilt . wllen the rescryat lon \\"1\8 clos d U nclE"! , a lii would . not nllow n right and I)rnll r l)ri e for t he ' (>0 bCl hulf of loll D1<?usuro Wl!.S on the CE;lIl~e.t; talllfl, ·.It "'!Is holtlh1gs which .tho JndltHIS W 1'0 to give lip. 11 ull n 1\' colle cllon of II" I1nr d (oods gathored Crom Vtlrlc1U8 [Iarts H( the CQllnlry aud wbich did not li'v~ u p to the b gan a 10bby ou b<?hult of bi n bretbren. Ilo "I'o'fote tll,llI lubels that w ra 'n tbo olltslde of the Pll ' kag "d. . Th ere 1 lter, th I'eby sh(l.wllig ·Lhnt ,he !tn w ~Oll!. thIng ol tha al'e, ana w ,re" plenty- or proper roods on' !~, . mn~k et. .way of a certalo lass ot while in n: but the foods' which the commlUec all - ilN, mbled, )1 shyster .I awy ' r named - - Is In Wasblngtl'n stat1"od8 tlley might be called, were of tbe ktnd that nullJd} Itl " that our land Is not worth mol'O the. $:l.:;0 n . nere• would wa.ut to .a t. R presentative ~ann of HUnols \Vae" He lives In - - aod ha.s b en sent by the people thCl'e to tn charge or the 1lll1l0 (ood bill, and ~\O PI' - ldM over help b .a us In thl8 land deal." the dis ' loy that made the committeo room look li ke a . It .Is con oed cl 1n Waa.l1fngton t o.t 1~e most elfe~U", lU'OC(lry shop. Mr. Mann had Bome fruit j~lfy or jam oa kind of lobbying is ttat wblch ra\ done by the paoVle b1 eXhibition that was marlted &II betng . tbe pure product. me~s of lettera and telegrams, Of . course, the comIn reallt¥ the atd waa 'composed 01 ipOme sticky 'sub mu"ications must come sucb numben as to couvlnco .taaee sWeet'lIed aud thn eolol'ecl wttll a d7,e. There the cunp.ea.mell that the whole ClQuntr)' II arouaed.


-.d.~~• •~• • • • ~'_• • • • • • •~ 1 •

Your East'e' r ' 0,utfi t

uitable for Kitchens, 'Bedrooms, Etc.

t f restall :lI1Y possibl se onel Rui or hmm l has propos d to Miss Scot.t n al ditr ' renl limes . couching hi s s ugg '.'lion in fo rmal J lang uag , but shc hru>alway d din d to entertain the proposition .. Y s· tel'day, how ve l' , ::!he made up her ~ mind. amI, th e uccasion beillg the ~ seven th proposal of Richards in the 21 years, she accepted him. Both ~ are well Oil t.he forties. bu t eem as jji enlhusiastit: <I,"; ·ver. The wedding


3c Single Roll 4c Single Roll 5c Single Roll 6c Single Roll 7c Single Roll






= jI




is Hchedul d








Ii I


colt a t Side,

J H 0pp

twund, work !lny ~

uy , un.ker


: ...


1 Buokeve disc oultivator 1 Buckeye shovel oultiYI~tor, 1 Krans cultivator, 2 harrows, (new ) ; 1 Aughe brell kin g plow, Brown fa.rm wagon, hayri g~ing, Bradley oorn planter, Plano moving maOllitle, BuokElye disc drill , 4 sets work batness, hay hook and , r ope, hllY ruke. J. B. ChapmtLD.


Crown P rince' George, of Servia, acc used of the murder of a servant, I renounces his r ig h t of succe ion to the throne.



~ ~








~ I Aw. will be In sl'ned un,Icr ~hl N hellli f..n· ~ twentV 'llvC cen t s tor three In sertl o lls ,


Jeweler _

And Optician


-- ------ ---

~ I -----------



Boy, ;).yeur

* I I

Olassified Ads

~'........."'.....""..........." ........' . ' . ..." ...' ........" '................."".......""""~ I

~~~::~:~ ;~r!~i~~~~n~::s:;a~!:~ ~..

_u.u••u.u•••u ••u •••~ Green Briar.

SO H W AR.r-rZ'S ·

At Private .S ale .

' l' - -

... - .. - - -

- --

Buy geldi ng,



New Burlington.


We Will have Il Olif of MO!lt8ses Dtury !lnd BONIa .Feed th e lllst. of th is week . Also, It cur of t:;t . Louis Bran aDd Middlin gI' . l:-ipeoia l price if taken f~om Cll r, Wnynesville MilJs.

wh e reil0-ye!l r-oldKentuCkynmre,~




New line of Hall, Parlor and Sitting Room Papers just received

place in J un



New Shoes from




bUltn~~II~(~ ~r


U ~ fiJi ~

I of l

• .FOI' :n years Erhm t Hit'hul'cis, .of ~ Mun gili~· . Ilnd Bilni L otL II , ~ .Det roit. ha t> lw n 'w elh l' , but. ~ thel' was nl)lhing' ){h'hul'us ' ult! do


~ ff.I


~ ~O~:'~ ~I


~I ~



FURRell egg.. .


~ALE-· R .


~ prize c(' ok erel ~ ., P oultry ~bow .





~ Range egg" $3.00


~ Silverware, Watches, ~ ~ ~ ~ Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, ~ ~ ~ ~ Chains, etc., all New. ~

Mrs J'-1/1t t



P n h tlllUl'l1 by :.1 1'11 lit t.llII l';lIw\ nnrtti I£gg~ * 1 UO pe l' Hi.

per lOU


R. 1>. :l.

rubber tire jump seaL ::!u GOOD \'ey. Can be een at Jutnes Lir-


der's pamt hop.

. I EA VV PAPEH.-F. r plltlilll( 111 • ~ ~ ' dtlf CIJ rp" t, "UjlM, tlt,c i\ ~tg 'fhe Teaoher's Training Class of I Mrs. William White i on the sick : Mrs Elvin Fir~s und .claugh tOl·, ===~~~===~~=:' ~ Engraving. Specialty ~ ~ ~ Bundle for lOe UIIZ ... tt':' om e. Mrs, George Uavls and MISS Rothe th 'e Friends' ohorch met a~ the home Ilist. . ~ ~ . Edwards were guest of O. R of Mt'!8 JO@ephine Reeves on Tues· I MISS Laura Kibler spent Satlirduy Unglesbv and family Snndn.y tLfter ~ ~ au li 1::1 Ii: Ll:i ~'f\II\J W HSt'l l uru day nIght. in Lebanon. looon . . . . ~ ~ ~ Spectacle Fitting a Specially. ~ lor 'ult',$1.6Ubn . Addrtl" ur The C E. held 9. business meeting Mr. anc;l Mrfl. Allen Gregg, of Cen, Mr and Mrs Lew Wolfe sent ~ ~ clI l, T N. Wl\kprHOIJ I)l'tl~ I '" I1 I, R. R . ~ , ~ and 800ia~ at the ohorch on Wednea. terville, were the ,!elco~e guests of Satu~dll,y night and Sunday ~ith I ~ I , Phont', t;linton l·l:.s. day evenIng, H. M. Burnet and famlly Sundl\Y. J ohn Wolft'lElnd f~mily, ~ ~ Mrs . •\'nna Blessing, of Dayton, i8 Charles1l4.ulJen and family Sl)en ~ Mr . and Mrs. Johu Thompsou and Northern Grown ~ ~ ' HO U:5E. I : LF.A~ER:-\-Ooll··t yo u the gu.e st of ber brother, William Sunday in Lebanon, the guests of two daughters were Suuday guest ~' ~ W lI lIt U 'Ctl. ' ''tl ll, ut'WHllllp",·t! S d P Hawkins , Mr. and Mrs. L . Conner. ee otatoes ~ W '11 Oh' ~ lor your HIJ tl IVEl~? w.. tlIIVt! to u"... of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. 'l'almage. Early Ohio, Early RO'e, Tri. ~ I aynesvi e, 10. ~ Four lbtl. tllr fiu l:iIlZ M.u otU CtI , Mrs George Davis IlndMra Earn. Mr. and Mr8, W ..V. Laok~y 8pent Hazel Mullen and Loretta Beltz umphs, White ' Star, Whi te .. """"""""" .... """" .... "" ........ " .... " .... "" .... , ..... """ .... ",, .... ,,,, .... ~turday and Sunday in Spr~ngfteld. walked to Corw~n , S~~urday and est M~nnon \VE re Lebauon visitors Rose. They made the trip in then auto. spent the day WIth friends there. F r id Q. . A mutual telephone company Is Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Vioe enter. WANTED Will Dunn and family spent Sun. being organized here. .' tBined Mr. and Mrs. W. Stroud. day with George Boga.n and family . . . - Wben y ou r t'ou a Fancy White puper, ffOud tbffGO. Some o( the 1Iasonio brethren at. George Stroud a~d Percy MoFarland Mr. Tom Jame8 spent WednesdllY _ _E. ~ting Potatoes tended-iodge in Harveysburg on Bnd family on Snnday. , t, e Alwl\YR hilS TO tlELL=l,OOO ~"tlUCtl POHtf' h~lIp with Mr. and Mrs. John Beighwl\y. 1111 the OflWS. .I Ext,rlt Ho e Cdr of looust, po It! . Fine cookers. Potatoes are adTuesday evening last week. Mrs. B. M. Burnet and little Mrs. Alice Ba.gford, of Spring jllst r ..oliiv~d Inqnire of W B. vancing. Get our price. James Baydook and family were daughter spe~t last WedneRdayand Valley, will preach at Beech Grove ~~~~~~_~!'!"_'!'....!!'-.!!'!!'.~~~~;- .vlutlc.le u u ncrCo ., Corwin, ,OhiO. gues~ of reilltivell here last week. Thur8day w~th thElil' aged grand · chnroh Sunday April 11 morning . father at :5prlngboro. The "school '. . , Onion Sets The friends of 14rs. :5tephen Mills marmot attended to the culioary and eveDlng. VERYHO/)V t.o ( 1111 8-nd ~6t (our gave her a post oa~ sho,,:er on affairs during Mr& . Burne ts absenoe. Mr. and Mrs. George Davi~ Ilt. priotltl (I II ~ , ~ud Iiuen vaper lind Fancy Yellow and Wtli te S ts. , tm veloJlflJ.l\. ~/.JII t,eHt, ever, prlnttld' 8amrday. Mrs. Wilham Blan was 8 I f h tt d 1 th tended Grange at Waynesville Sut MO they olin btl rfl.\Clltnd Dot hlurred, ' remembered in the same way. illU:;r':'~ l::re~: '~Be:n He~r" Il~ urday night. , . Will keep It t t.he <:Jozettu om u ' Gard~n Seeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oregonia .Friday evening. --AIL'Kinds-bulk or package. Nellbitt Murray. of t:;outh Charles. Caesars Creek. o YOU KNOW- 'l'hu.t IldVertl, . ' ton, was bere one dllY last week . iog In Mllil oolumu will brio/-! d looking after his business interests . Mrs. Lucy Compton Rfter bein g I ;glJod rellult,, ? 'l' oooe, lind Be • - and.New Cabbage, New Sweet Pota- - - - ilJ for quit.e a while-was able to at Last month we did the largest busi. toes, New .Tomatoes' ten(L ohuroh on Sunday. ,~ . ~~ . ~~~~~ ness in the history of tbe house. No Spring Branch Lettuce, Onions, Radishes, Cel. Barry Lytle and wife visited th e schemes or cheap premiums considI t X' S d . cry, ' Apples. Bananas Or!rc,,~""'W"'C~r-c~~, Mil!!!sS Alice Chenoweth, and Ber. atters paren s near ema on un ElV ered. Just straightforward business anges, Lemons. At his home, 3X miles west of ropositions- your ' money's \vorth thlll::imith, Mrs Ella Rye and Mrs· Mrs. Esther Compton is som.e P Clara Hughetl, of Dayton, were en- better at this writing. Wl1ynesville, on the Upper Spring. . • • ~ Special for One Week. every time. .' tertain'ed by Mrs: Berthll Hartsock I Mrs . Earl Steele is spending a few boro pik , for the oming,season . -. ,. last Monday a.t dmoer. days in Springfield . BROWN 'B~LL is II good generalInsurance Agent. California Royal Am. 'Cherries, Mr. Nathan Austin and family tin. Several Friends attended the com. Reg 2Segoods, SPECIAL 15c can purpo~e horse. You can make , more money on tertained at :5unday dinner Elder mittee meetings of Yearly CI:.OVEltDALE is olle of , the best- I te Insurance of all kinds .• , George A. Bretz and wife, Cha.rlie iii Wilmington on Monday. yout chickens by feedin&' Ralston bred Percheron horses in t. h is section , Uf\!, PI~, lightning, Rye and wife, Misses Alice Cheno SEED SWEETS in this week. Chick Feed to your little chicks. and weth Ilnd Bertha Hmith. - - -.---- - Tornado, Stock .and of the country. He is fifteen years I Accident .' :: :: :: PURE JERSEYS Scratch Feed to your hens th~ in any 'fhere will be meeting Ilt Middle In proportion to the population ~Id, and is without a blemish. other way. It's all feed; no dust, Rnn , 'l'uetlrll~y and Wednesdl~y at there is more money in circulation in screenings nor grit. . i [ Call and Get My Prices ] 10 ;30 o'clook conducted by Elder France than any other country. ___ - -to Ibs 25c Archie Brown, of Indiana.





Opp tile Jeweler





Brown Bill

R ecor s B ro k en


'. . . . CIQverdale

'I '

F E Sherwood' . -


OhickeD Raisers



. J. 1



P eanut .ChIpS The Boston Peanut Candy, made from New Orleans molasses and ~hoice peanuts. Got a big trade on this article. .

tOc a pound ,

Pine Apple

Now think of it' We are sel1in~ a . . . large can of Pme Apple In heavy syrup, for

Only toc a Can

Bouse Cleaning TIlDe

Mrs. Walter MoClure nnd Mrs. RGosevelt and Taft are thE! only Frank Carev were entertained on Presidents elected from the same Tuesday by 'Mrs , Ella Rye . town in which they were born , The slok of the community are on the mend. && MrR. Annie Lucas and son Hay. mond were Thursday guests of Mrs. J. H. Chenoweth And daugh tfr Bertha. . ~ " Misse~ Ahce Chenoweth I\nd Ber. ~ t·ha Smith entertained Elder A. Bretz and wife Sunday mght.. 'l'he farmers are all busy plowing .



:no.oo to insur~ a living colt. Any --~. -:- ' ~ one parting with mare forfeits the ) jet Immediate ftlJd from insul'ance. . . 1)r. Shoop's M'6c Olntmen';


I ~~~~~~

_ _ ::±2!:;


, ~'W'''~'~~'~'''''''''''~.

$ $


'Ibe young daughter of James ( Have a boat load ' of supplies: ZelJ, of Yellow :5prlngs was IIlld to rest in Miami CemAtery Jast:5unday. Wa liPaper CI eaner, St ove E na~e I" The funeral was largely attended Old Dutch Cleanser, . Stove Polish , by both friends and relatives . Naptha Soap Powder Sapolio,Miss Minnie MoKinsey returned Lewis Lye, Stove Brushes to Leba.non llist 'l'hursday a.f~er B Mop Wringer/!, Cotton Mops, weeks stay at home . on account of Bon Ami Pearline the sipkness and death of her father.

$ $

$. "$ $.

t c ' e t c. herMiss Emma Harlanlast returned. to e., home in Dayton Saturflay $3.00 ~fter a protraoted viait with Mrs. Naomi Barlan. Mrs: Claude 8mith v.i sited her sis· On Saturday the freshest and best t,e.( in Xenia qne 'day last week. of early vegetables, fruits; eggs, Mil!8 genrietta. MoKinsey spent sugar cured hams cream cheese Frid~y night with ~er b.rother!; Joe, craj.C~, cakes; ~tc: ' M'!.KlD~~y I1nvd fDat;ntl v , lD MDorrotw. , ·t....t to II _orr",on an O1~er was a ay on , Y9U ~ mVI ~ ca. vl8itor Saturday. ' ~ '11 Mr8 .. Ray Smitb waa shopphig lD

. Gold Dust ' " ' etc. " Lenox Soap, 100 Bars . . ..

Ea-.ter Market

$' Use $ $ $ Hann- a's Green 'Seal', . $' $' P' a''I· nt

Cinoinnatl recently.


To old Friends ·aQd Patrons! I haveconch.ldect to close out my sto~k The stock is Ii N<,>. 1, and . ' 8SS9rted, and· all in good order.Call ',!lnd see'.

of goods at·cost.





.For sale by' J' ,_E. JANNEY, Waynesville, O.hIO,.' . ,. .

" ". . . . o

Closing Out ,Sale!

$ ", .

$ '

WhJ• "" '. Ite. .


' .



. ,$

..s " ",'.

. '



" .

'1.'. .~I!IIiI~-~!I-.......~~....-

...- ..~:;





'I'be fo11owiDIl, let~r 'W1l8 recel ved by UII frOID Mr8. FlorenQA Buddlfl nee Davl8, of Branoh Bill,' Dlllo : "1 lee by the ~per yo.¥. ttre want· inK' ~u Eaeter bonoet, IIQ knowing the .rtiole hit me, I am sending you $he wherewith to get · it. I hllve been quite Ii ok with ery8i pel 118. Thi8 II ibe fin' ti~e in seven yean tbat I have had tQ call the doo&or. I bad it ROod, too. 1100ked like a fellow that had taoldad " bor. neta nelt. Am mnoh now. , but bave 008 very pale obeek and I ooe very red one, and have to be - aw(ul careful of myROW" ~

The relatives of Mr. W. A. r~rry , have reoAI VI' 1 the liod news of hl~ death at- hiN home in M6ll1phlll, 'l'tlnn.. April 11th He formerly lived 10 Dayton, but for tha llUlt *wenty yl'arll bad been eDgapci in ~rohlteoturc and cOntracting In Memphil', 'fann. ·· .........~n III' ok for ..uever,,1 y'A yrBe h au.,.,., , .~ " Be epent. two yellrs In tbe Mouth. welt; hoping t.o be bbbefitted, but: for tbe hUlt few nrootbd he Ilr.,w eseadily worse Be 18 purvlved by three ohildren, two 81aters all() II brotb~r, Mre. 'f W. 8e~ ohem, Mill!' lfar1" B. rAny imcl Geqrge Terry. or Cbi. cUiy, He WIiS a oiah of 8terllo~ lnteg,l~, aod Chrip'i~1l obarllotel, • ery lDuoh b .. lovoo l'y .1t IlIrl;e cirole of fri'~II. Be lI~rved three year!! In 'lie OIV11 iNt1f, 8ud WIiSIt m ember of d. · of Odd FeUowzl.DajsoD [)aUt Uer"ld . . Old ,"'idf'lJfll ""f' re.t(·qutlioted with Ill'. T«,r7, aod "".,11 I'8lnernber tb.. oid hODle8te&·' "U\1re ... A. Zimmer 1DIt.D now 11V~. . ' All'll &rah Alln t:or~t>U Budd, tbe wtdo'! 9f Arari.b . Blld(t, who )favl' Budd Rllr~ to J{all .... City btlt()rl1 bl@ death , to 1891, tUed "'S :46, Marl)b S't;tb, .. b.r , bqme •. 3&82 W,ttndott.e "rea'. "be would ... hllve been 82 7-.nJ old May l~dL. fler -death wattbe l'88ulf of a poer.' breaking down due W' bel' _/CfI. ...... 8Qdd WIUI 001'0 10 1827 in WarreD oouot), Obio, Dear the ~o ,.vn of Rldpri1ta. ttbe WIlA married lo . I AfIIU'iab Budd wbNl .he 'HIlA 20 Tbey .ant to Ott&w..~ Obio, where Mr. Budd pr.ottoed law. After thfl WI&!' t~y lDoved to Jefferlon- City, 110.; ani" in 1879 to Kaol.. City t lfbere Mr. Budd boogM a farOl. iilcltided tba PreMDt Bodd put. ,~ healtb ..... raUlnlt and h8}ave uJ-hie profeuioD I devo,luR blil time 10 &he ,rowi0l of Irmt ~ud vegeta. blee . . . Jhe ..1 BQdd bad uo relatives io Kab. . Cl*y. · A brother ' lives in Obio. . Mr.. Dadd gi&vA largAiy to obarlty in • qaiet ~ay aod wade" alQely of tbilt work, Up ton t be lut ,.-.... "P. ""~ed Jler k881\ taCUlt' ..K. Bel ',:' batr bad *n 800W "bite for twen .,. five Yetll'l-KlLOIU 'City titar.







PAYS TO ADVERTISE L . A : Zimmer maD I'eoelved ~n or. .• der ,for'HD pIlOD. of maple , 8yrup to tie delivered to ~r Lawrence Mono, wbo Uvea .t Cripplft Creak, 001. Mr. Zlmma~aD did n.>t koow



Mise Edith Mosher is Ipending a few days with Mrs, Frank Taylor in Does your piano need tuning ? URll J . •1. Tbompson, Jr., 443 E. C1Ocinnati. If you want the Safest and Best Maio tit ,Lebanon, OhiO, or Valley 1 S tove ever mad e, call at Phone 54. B, and he will o~n on you. Guoene J. H •.Coleman's and guarantee slltlsf!lotion. Frank Snook is at hJs home in South,Lebation, and is having a good OPEN MEETINO OF ORANOE time with th~ grippe. . ' . . Prof. A B,. GrablllU,. of O . 8 , U., Mr sH. E Hath away a tten ded th e Oolumbus,Obio will gi ve an address funeral of her aunt, Mrs Blose. at 00 rural sohool quelitiolls. Satnrday . boro 'Tuesday .' S prmg'0660, April, l'i'~b, "t the W W , alter Chandler an d wife, of Day-.,' ville Grange. Let everybody oome. ton, were guests at the Friends' • _ •

---_. -..- - -

Boarding Home Sunday. EASTER SALE 'ht an dd aug h ter, Mrs. Agnes Wrig · S h tu ed f The l;adies ' ~id Sooiety of the M188 uaan, ave re 11l rom a visit with relatives in NorwoOd. M. E. ohurch beld f\, salA last !Satnr· " M Mil. Ed rd f D to day at tbe Townsbip House, and the rs. 0 let fWha s, 0 0 a y Edn , prooeeds will amount to oonslder,: ~IUI th e ~es.o er !iOn. . J . .- ILbly over sal. wuys and famtly f110m frIday unt11 , " • _ • , . Sun d ayeven1O". ST. MARY'S CHLJRCH



First SupdlLY after Etuter, Low Sunday,' Morniog Pra.yeJ' and ser. lOon at 10 :30, when the EII~ter loU sic will be repeated. !:Junday Scbool a~ V:dO.

.. _ . WILL BUILD SOON J. O. Cartwrlght hus puroha8ed a 10tofT.J. ,Brown on North street,

The WayoeavUle C~nningCompa ~bove Fifth street, for '250, and)ViJI 0'" i8 to be ooogratQlated on Its hav:, 8tart to build a house p n' the lot II.S • ~lloplayer,and ..,10,'11 A. &.AMr·" " .,. . . 800n"theweutherbeoomessettled , ~ 1amoOl mendoU~ player. Tb8lle inB d80lded to O&D tomatoes, thht ' .. _ . , APPOINTED, ASSESSOR . ' foul" .re. whole ..h.)w;" aDd pre8P 8euo~ • . J. F. '3oook, tbe m!Lllager. , .. i 0 I' "porte 18'" Sbe- are Illl rigM At ba · II been., b Q8} ·b ~ e. pa,1It . weea . , ". " Itl f th thi , 110.001 ban Mond&y. Dllrh~.,AprtI18tb ma ng oontra~t. or t; orop , ~ l!'rank Z~1t ,was app~~ted.1l8s~ssor . ( . • - • .. -, '. fall, .&od tn all ,prObahility if tbe of N~h~JDI'ih ¥oKi~se~, de , BAD FALL ptau u~der , way ,.now are oon8UUl ' oeaeed, by tb.e :ro~n.8~ip Trustees maled, tbere m&oy be other art.iolee last .week, and 'etarted~ on his new Mr. 1. Ill,' KeYI, wbo bu beeo /ible .t o be olton . ed i~ thll oo,mpao y • . . Autie~ Mondiiy ~oroing. ' 1 t ~ to _ " btl pia. o,f builin8111 ,01' h 18. go.xi t~ioK or the 'own; &8 ' ..• - . d .~ . , It ilt I' . I.. ' , .......wuUe,. . own ...WD . w. ."ve emp o,mleJJ~ a muoll l· ,EOOS FOil SALE Ipt ~rda" alid,,*a Of hi_ oa:u~h,.. longer time, aDd "vee,&00 added' in. . .J. ' b ed '0_ . • IllP"DJ be ~el1,. and ..... 000. WreiR t.o f.rmen aDd o'be.... Mr. ' ' P 01'8-1' Platred PI 1mo~th Rook .ell....... a~ID bouecl up. We BDook h.a . ,!O~ked bard for ~b" IDd egp '~r late, ·~O oen~s per 15. Wtite . . . to ..... IUm 0.& .D. few it &0 b" oouIJrMQla&ecl on 'be ~e ... Dr phone earl DQke~ B. D.:.,!, Warnes..,.. , ~onJer of 'biDp. ri,Uel Oblo, Yule, phone ~6-4Yar.






, •


I ... .!l.!o •

.J.>!<;b:bJ. '

'40 ~

~ Society Column





.. .

\YBOLli::: N MBER :!\1\11l

11109 .

The Uuod Friday !lervio 'It Willium B. SO~I of M~rrl tund Anna I In thig issue of th Gaz('lt wi ll bl' C. G. Williamso n is in Cincinnati. ti t.. A ugn",t.i ne 's ch urch WI1S Willi at So .kett Hob li t WU H born n llllr B 11-1fuunu Rllut her article (Ill Llle L:UIIIIII'Y Mrs N. R. An lhuny is Ilut illl\Jl'i1V- tllllLlen.IHlIl progrum carri .. tl ont . iJ rook (/I' Otl ll 'u., Ohi o, FOUl'ull]' . 1:;. sehoulti. \\'I'iller uy lh sup'l'in ll'n d 1I!lllnnOnnoeti iu IU8t week'R Oil\'. t Ie l :H, lli ell at. hi!! hO lll a in \\ l1yne~· I t'llt , C. E. Bru t LL·n. Ti, t's' Lll'licil'-; ing. ,'vII'. allJ Mrs. J . H lernan enl!:!l·. villo. WUIl' [\ ('lI . Ollie. April G, are inl l'e>; lillg' tllllll, and tell "I' thp J K J anney was in Dayton MonAt, 'r.. Mrtry 'R c buroh Good Friuuy 1909, tlgeu ~e"e nt,y five Y 'II I';;I, una great w~rk being ca n'i ed un in Lh ' rain d at dinner, Easter, Fred Henday , ni~b t . Rev . Cadwa ll adel' rell<l t,h de . n anti famil .v , D. L. Crane and month lind elghteeu dtlY S. Be wn country ~ch( 1 0Is . Miss Annie Brown spent East r at PA ssion LLud bymns uppl'oprillto to murried to R,e b eoCl~ TllOnmll, July The Ga7.eLte will pl'inL lhes!' a l' Li- fami ly and Mr:-;. I oui. Woolley . t be ooo:l>llon were sung. Quite a 1863; to them were born twoohild"en clesthisfa ll , having-had MI' .Bratt n's home good oongregatloQ attended the II r v· tw ins, tb e dLLugllter Lonrill<t M. aSSUl'anc'e tha t t hey would be full of Allen Hol e has been sick for Sf-ver- ioc. A \' I',V pretty lill () wer .M m Is ella littrtl:!ock died Febrnn,17, 11:) 2. inter >it to th . II1Ipii s llml also th'ir al days. IIPIHIS )ll'l:sent$ I II"k pl ll' ;o for' ~fltltI In hill ellrly llHnh ood h o uuited pal·ents. Joe Thompson was in Dayton last At. t.!J ·' M E. ohuroh lin J.:u"t er with t.ho SI1~llI' ere Ir 'hd tinB 'I'll , fulluw ing I 'L1l'l' tu ,'u pl. I!l'at- Isltl Hullillt:illn u t. 1,1i11 hOlll e of Mhl'" Wednesday . SU II(l!ty "peo\"l servi oo:l W I'd nil oiJllrC'h . Atl W Il R II vete rall of t.lHI t n rrpm Prol'. 1\. B. l:l'aham, (If lh e Lu e lla t "11' 111111 1·, ,,, 1. io' l'\llu,V 1'1'011\ ;l to !(er v611 ill Rll ng unll pl'lt ye r . Hev. :i , '1'wo l va of hnr yCJUU~ hilly friemlH C. E. Bratten was in Oxford Satur- Gilliltlnd pr f10h ed u ,.. t,l'fIu g m jtlHioll- Ivil \~LL" , Illld II.lll f mbar f the ord er Stale Univt!I'sity, is I' ·If-explanalury: . My ut!al' Mr. Bratt n: The copy IIHlUf:l tbl occlll:!ion 111 t joyOU!'ld~y on busmess. .lI.ry serUi llU tbnt WII.S fll lt of w ltlsion 'If udd Fellow t:i. His hetLi th hliU baen grudutllly ftliling for llevem l f your local newsj,aper and subjects ~lI r nlltion pinks W r tile floral deeMiss Sybil Hawke has been quite ary piri\.. In ~h e eveni ng the nu yelll''', Bnd altbongb his s ufferin g for uisc u sion at educational m et- ora t·ions und d \1gb teul refreshsick for a week. dUY-'1o hoo l took tbEl pl'OgrllDl, wh k h \vas grell,t und he could not see hi s ings hav b nr c ivel.!. Itisasplen- m nts were serveu. Th e presents Mrs Charles Hawke is another vic- oonsisted In pa rt of songs, feoi tft- frien ds or oonverse with them, tlnd did thing to hay th > pres.' on your wel'e ur rayed in LL most tasty and tim of the grip tiODt! aod II. I'hort add res by th E:' pU S- yet by th e wa.rm lovi ng pre s ure of id e, and al ~o to have their etl'orts uttru cti ve Inn nner. 'fhey were prettor. 'l'he musioal prog ram was I{ood ty II nd usef ul, Il n<1 r oei vell in a Mrs Ed Macy is out again after a I4nd II lftr~e oongrega.t lon was preR- his haud he told I·bem tb tlt he lovell in som furm that will do til> peopl must bLLlJP'y plrit hy MI s ilo., wh tll pm Mti II. Ht1 wns n kiml loving the mo.. t good , seiK'e of the grip. ent. ' busbu nd I1nd fath er, he l oved lIiH 1f you thinl< th I' t:) iHanything elHc will tOllllY beco ill e MrH . Hurry CoopMrs. Will Lippincott hR.':! been havAt t b e ( ' IIr It! ti a n c h urc, h l:t 0 I y hom6 unu h\li ll g reLLtest joy WLIR to we have that will help you in ca rt·y- el'. ing a ' bad case of grip oommunion was celebrllted LLnd ttev. have his many fri ndt! visit bim. ing out your work, I shall be glad to Mr. Ilud Mrs. LeRoy Irons enter· Mrs Etta Printz, of Dayton, spent A. M. Dn.wson prellohed two ~ I)ud He wus a mu n of undoubted iutegri have it at your service. tnined at lln al glint Easter dinner, Easter with friends here. sermon8. A good oongreKation wa~ ~y, j'lSt LLnd correct in all hi s d ea lWhat do you think about the hilt he following guests: Mr .. und Mrs. Mrs. T. J. Brown was more india- presenHo h!,ar hiDl a.t both 8ervloes . ings, Ilnd htld 0 n ubl eness of obur dren's County om Contest. Won't I., J. Willem bnrg Ilnd son Leo, of tloter, wllioh llndeured him t o ove ry your township be in on that'! Blank posed than usual last week. At the Orthodox churoh, while nne. He was the la t of n, rec:o rdsand rules are r eady now , and Spr iug Vll lley. Mrs. Esllt Ha.dley n.nd Sherman Dyke has been suffering there WRS no speoial musioal s8t'vioe, family of tw '~ lv e ohildren to be ca ll Ad are being sent ou t to all t.h township dllllghtor Bes!lie,o{ Wilmington, Mr, with a severe case of quinsey. nnd Mrs. ·John Wolfe and son, Ray. the day WitS a joyous oo08lion, and to his r ewll rd . "1'he youngest 'L1nd superintendent.'! in lh State. mond, u f Bal'veYllburg, Mr. Ilnd a good oongrego.ti,)n was present. onl y rell1Hinin g bro t.hel· Henjnmm YQUI'S vel'y tr uly, Miss Libbie Carroll spent last week Mril . A. L. Wysong and sons Paul died April a. 190 He ,'.as familA. B. Gl'ahanl . with Mrs. Marion Clark in Lytle At ~t. Mary '8 oburoh the muslOR I lUll] Levi. iurly oRliel1 tlUole Will, lIud nod oubt Do Lh people realize t he grent imLittle Kathryn Henderson is out program was of a bigh' order. and t,o bis l ov in~ words and deeds will be portance of thili work, ami the again after a siege of the grip. gether with the strong sermon by Moud~y being Mrs . James Stoops' long r emembered by thoso who loved r epor ts publish d monthly'! They Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader' is confi ned Rev Cad wall_der, made it Il joyous him bellt. tj e iea ves to U1o~rn their should avail t h mselvesofth oppor- birthday, t·.h e LlLdles Aid Sooietyof to the house with a very bad cold. o008sion. 'I·be ohuroh was II.lifirlLot. 10 8 a wil e, son, three grandchildren , tunity to r ead these articles and see 'tbe M . E. oburob planned to s urprise ively deooruted with pot Bnd cut E. V, Barnhart was a business vis- fl ower8, making a beaut·ifnl . setting two ni eoe!', fllx r..ephewol und n. host for t hemselves what the childr'en are her. 'I'hirty.four members met at of fl'ie nds, THIl: ~CN doing along t he line of agr icu lt ural ! the horne of Mrs. Matilda. Hosi~r, itor in Cincinnati last Thursday. to t~e obllncet.. Mrs. Fred B. Sberwork. and .marohed to tbe Stoops home, Frank Brandon and Solomon Fred , ~ ood pretli.ied at the orgun. 'fh e SLJNDA Y SCHOOL CONVENTION GETS OO-OD POSITION t>nt Mrs. Stoops had SuspiOloned of Lebanon, were in town Monday, mURic will be repeat-ad next !Sundll Y, sometbine and was not muoh sur. ' Albert · McKay, of Dayton, spent a~ i8 RlwllYS the oustom io t hl Edward 'Rioks hilS aocepted u posi- p~ised but proved II. very fllea8l1nt Following is the progrllm for the Easter with T. J. Brown and family oburoh. tion with the Adllms Express Co , hoste~s. l oe oream and oake were Wuyne rownship Sunday Sohool - - -... Come in and see the New Perfeca.nd will be looa ted in Du.yton at the ser ved. Assopilltifln to be held Sunday afterAOED LADV FALLS tion Wick Blue-Flame Oil Cooks at ------ .-.-. ~----U nion d epot. Edwa.rd is to be oonnoon at 2 :80 0 'olook ILt tho Cbristian J. H . Coleman's, . gru.tul~tetl. upon his liecuring tbis po Lytle. Ooe day Jut week Mra. A. L. Farr Oburob. siti on, a,od t be Gazette extendEi to For Pure Rhode Isll'nd Red e~ wbile stooping over to ftx a rug on Mu~io Mr. 'nnd Mrs . JOEl MoOrn.y, of Day. for potihul, see J. R. Bisey. Corwio, tbe floor fell , and 6S a consequence Invooati9n ......... Rev. M. A. Dawson hIm Its bojst wish s in Ilis new unton, were the glJ1ffits of Mr. and Mrs. der m kinl5 . Ohio. . bas been in bed on Rcoount of it for Musio Albert Coroell on Easter. ---.-.----J O. Cartwright and ~ife were in several dllYs. Mrs. Fnrr is quit.e old The Golden Jubilee Movement.. .. . LAST ENTERTAINMENT Mr ..' and Mrs . J, M. Staoy, of Dary ____ too wu the guellt of Mr. and Mrs • ......... .. ....... ...... ... ... Lewis Elhufi' Lebanon last week, guests of rela- but: stUl retains h er faoultles to .IL Discussion The la st of1C:.he se ries in t he leo Albert StllCY on Easter. tivea. higb d6gree We are glad to note Prlmn.ry Oep~rtmeDt .. . Minnie Duke tUre cou rse will be next Monday Mr. and Mrs . Sidney (.loon ' I\nd tbat Ihe is improving but is still Miss Catheri~e Allen, of Cincinnati Oisousslon nig ht, when the Ii'is her Shipp Con- daughter Ruth, II', and Mrs. Cho.s. is the guest of Mr and Mrs W H very so_r_e ._ __• _ "0_ __ cert Co , will entertai n. 'I'he86 peo- Bough a,nd SOil Kenneth were the MUt\io gueflts of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. W&rd Allen. HOW ABOUT YOUR PIANO . Home Department,Marv E 'hllpman pIe oome wall r eoommenlletl.. 'r11ere on EMter,

the party, bn'it JlappeoAd tbat he l' a eublortber of. the Millmt Gil. Ifyouwantorn~BOme25cchoice - ... telUldh.d~en III' ZttnmerlUau'l'IQranite Ware, or anything in the tin .,.. ad, therefore he wrote '0 him, aDd ware line, call in and see me by 'b~time i. enjoyiog oakes a~d J H. Coleman. Iood wayu ,. etow.n_eh.lpmaPle lIIyrup; ,. Fred B. Sherwood and f.amity were Leb S nd d t - - LECTURE COURSE 10 anon u ay eve?mg an a, . . tended the Presby ten an church, ., mbe ,--~ of tl..e OOQ..... will be' the where a fine musical program was 'J.. _II U ...., IN·Ii.... Shipp CoDcar' Co Mt.. rendered. \ 4". ' • -. Ftaber8hlppllareader and IOpra . no A NEW DEPARTURE

~r; IItttt. ~ood Beaoook hll ,. , CMm ~l&o V~ice i . ~1!11~ tJ. K~r~~ i.


• Disoussion Teacher Traimng Depar tmen t. .. .. .. ... .. ................... Mr8. 8ue' Oavis Diilcussion

will be (our in tlle comptl.ny and :d.l· . 110U Mra. J'aoob LlI.oy Bnd euoh one if! an in hi s lino Eva und son Wilbur were Don't foil to a.ttenll this lastn omber the guestaofMr. 8 hernll!.n Dyke and of the course. family , - Mr. L " M. Tewell iLnd family were Musto ATTENTION FARMERSI surprilledt-5uturdn.yeveningbyabout Report frOl.n eacb of the Township 45 frie nlis . The evening WIlS spent , ' Schools by the Buperintendents All fa.rmer8 huving (Loreage for to- in dancing a nd games. AWltrding of the Banner matoes, plel\S9 ol~l~ at t he Canning Several of the young people of this Music Compa.oy 's offi oe, aQd mllke contract plnoe a ttepde<1 the Easter entertain. . Ulen t a,t Wnynesvi lle on Sunday ev· Benedlction ..•..... Rev. Wm . G,illiland f or . ening - - -- . Tbe discussions will be in ob.a rge DEATHS S und lLY t-5obool will be in the fore. Warren B. Keys, noon UI:lxt Sunday . All oome. L'he Banner will be awarded to J ohn Moore aged-4G years, died of b Mr . HerUlll.n in Springb I Lewili U t WIlS .1 tbe [O chool baving the In.rgE:'st per II oom plioation of diseases Itt his oro 011 ns ness ",a uruuy . cent, of offioers .. "nd tea.ohers present ",.,MUl't'C uy 'htHI. Duke was in Dayton . . . home west of Mt. holly ItLSt Thurs · Oil t l .-. da yahoutlOo'olook,a . m .la ndwas \ M ' V'lt . r . It er K enl'ikl c s muo hi mPARISH MEETING buried Sunduy at 2 p. ID. from bls proved at tbis writing. Db\. LI dill ' t; Ill.te hOll~ e; "oruu oy 0 0111· I Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Coleman en'rhe t, nnuA.I prtrish meeting of Ht. tng. Be leaves l~ wifo t<> mourn his t£1rtain ed, MislleB Revll. Williamson Mary,s cburoh was held Monday I demise. Interment. was Ulllue Ilt u~d Blanche Uyke, .Mes~r8. LeWis . . Tb t f tb t Middle RUn oemetery Elhulf, Herman LeWIS and WilUtl.m evenln !;;. e r ep~r 0 e ,r~u s- i .. _.- . uoke, on Easter. -:' urer sh ows tbe c urob to be In 0. , Myophla and Hypermetropia - -+--- - very goou condition, Tbe follo wing I Wellman. VAS try WLLS eleoted: W. H . AHen, Are err or!'l ot Ref ro.otion LLnd senior wtmlen ; .f. B. ColemlLD\ jun. Illny r e ul t in 1111'111 Y8i8 of the Reoti J tLmes Ulell ver h as purchosed an ior wl1l'den; E. Yo' Barnbart, C. G , musol s tlllc.1 CLl U Re Blmdnes. See automobile. . Williamson, L . A. Zimmermon anll tbe optlolun . 0 A. WJ:l I TA RIt. El,vin Fires ~nd fawily entertained D. L. Craue. The delegn.tes eleoted' ---. - at :sundll Y dinner" Mr. und Mrs. . , . R·d -11 Frllok Howe and daugbter, Mr. and to tbf:l Dlooeun CODventioo !t.t 1 gevi e Mrs. Lew and son. Mr. and Springfield, are: D...... Crane, J. O. Mra. Milton Howe II.nd son, Cllrtwright and C G. Williamson Mr , Ed Methl ]ll l~Dd fU lUilr r OYLLll y FrB-n k Fornsbel1 and family were • , " en tOl'\tti ned Mr . WID . Phllhps and . . . A.lternlLtes, J. 8, (.I}loman, L A. fu mHy, Mis!'! Cn rrie Phillips aod ~ue8ts of WIlt Clark and family Z dE V B b t !Sunday ImmermLLnan . • Arn ar. Muster JLLmes Phillips on :sunduy . last Mr. ,a nd Mrs. George Davis enter. THE BIBLE CLASS M·rs . Lafe Url1ham ,ond dllughte~ trtined on Sunal~Y O . R. Unglesby ' Miss Mn.rtbll, tl'llnsuoted in anu fa.mily, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Jphn Ed • Dayton 011 Fridlly' of l tl~tweek. wllrdso ud two ohlldren, Mr. lLt;ld On acoount of the entertamJ.n~nt Miss Bltmoh Rlley was a oaller in Mr8. EtlrneQt Mltnnon, Mrs. Jose • at tbe sobool bouse lust Friday eve. Mi misburg on Sllturday_ phlne Bo gford nud .Trueman· Wa.rd· Mrs. An nil Grtlhll.1.D's si tel', w ho lc;nv. nina.( and oot all being pre.ent, the ,., has been spending II. few days.witb Geor ge ElIisa,nd fa1llilYlpentBunsll.m" ,lessons will ,be studied thill her returned to her hom B at Red day with .Mr. and Mrs, 'Ed · Martin. week We o.l'enO\\1 in i he l'eaobef Lion lLLSt Frida'Y, , ' . . Carl Ole/1lv~r. of Do.ytoo-, SpeDt Traioing yllrt of the book aDd no Mr. Joe Manger who was ill at hiS Bon day with his mother Mrl Maud one can affol'6,:to mUas tbat. . bome' for smpe weeks pu,ssed u.wa.y Clen ver: t . • __ on II:L8t'Saturday. 'Interment wall Walter Tibbals and fll.mtly wefe . made at Leba,noo cemetery. ' t Mr. n.n d lUI Th C A HUSTLER ' M Ed' CQok and wife had for g~e8t9 . o , eo. Lt· r. ,. . . treU Sonday" , . tbeir guelit~ on Sunday Mr. Geo; E· F . M . Wuren Ed wards was in Loveland Pratt anI) Mr. ana Frank Cook Mrs; d MC] lL~la~d called, on a:s , 1allt week, lind .starttld·- .., Busi. and ville.daughter Marie, of n.ear Waynes l~ill Ultl.rk sat~r_dal. . ... _ afte...n~on . . neu Me~ 'I AesouilLtion dO~D tbere. .Ml8s .P~rl Bil~y does not seem to Fi~ty years ~o there were ga,ooo dQlng 80me tall hUltling improve as her friends would Uk.e to distilleries in Sweeden, but that Dum• lD tbta Hne. lee hoI'. ber has DOW ' been, reduced to 182,



I I !




The Miami Gazette'

Sabbath-Breakers Barred

O. L. CRAN E. WAYNE' H.Llo:. The

Habi t. an English week ly, on

t he I'ec nl t ' r nl ellllr ) or llli ton, S :\)'S t ha t be -:ou k tll occat;lo n I I d h 'e Int o lho fil es or the for h O to CO bow lh ~all1 two hll[·drt.'d th birt hday was brat Cd. 1-1 ' fo und Ihat n ot \'1.'11 th e nallle of Milton oc uTl'ed In t'le lod 1: for Ibat year. The day hnd vlJeutly p"sspd linn tlced. Th· celltcnary It! a eef'ms to b new ont', a nd It Is /lnnu· nlly x! (! ndlng wore wldoly. Sow one b ns suld th a t thl'io cenlenary (' I (' iJI'8· lions are th o best when th ey n rO t be loa:!t nc dcd. Dy th m forgollon or b al r· ,~mel1lbered meo, ns well I~ Ihe mos t famous, are reca lled for a sea· aon, Ih lr ,.ork Is dl CUBSI'd, aod their lllo history Is recounted. T hey are ne wly alive again , so to speak , and we reali ze them once more as being with us. "?Jllton." aid a yo ung man wbos e attention had been t urned to " Pa radise ) OBt" through a news paper centena ry article, "why, Milton waln't n prig at 8: 1• and I can understand his s tuff! I' m gCll ng to read a can to e very S un day. H '8 a corker!" The year 1909 Is a year of dlsUngulshed centeQarl clI. Poe k1 J llnuary; Melldelssohn·Ba.rtholdy, Darwin aDd L incoln In F ebruary-the last two on the same day; Chopin a nd Edward FitzGerald In March; T enny· IOn in August ; and Gladstone In ~ cembe~thls 18 a partial bIrthday list. Ute.rat ure. mWilc. science and stat~ c raft nre aU represen ted. Th e t est!yal. remarkll the Youth'lI Compa nion , Ii t or everybody who wJlJ joIn. If only the ones in whose bonor the celebrations are held co uld be thel'e, the part y ~o u l d be complete. TlJat Cuba is making substan tial mat erIal advllOce I" cvident from some ilgures given out trom a work whlcb the bu rea u of ill8ular affaIrs ot tbe war department Is preparing. It a ppears tIlat the Island In 1907 had a popula&ion ot· 3,048,980, an increa se of 39.3 p er cen t IIlnce the last eensWl, tnken under Amer ican supervision, In 189S.. But the' mos t notable "aln Is tn Cuba's foreign trade. The value ot the im· ports Into the, IalllOd nt the lat est date m entioned waa $76,303,000, or 29.3 per c ent. more than in 1899, while the ex· porta were $114,812,000, or 131 per cent. increase. Fur thermore, the exhibit sho1¥11 bow good a fr iend Is th" United State. in trade matter s. From two-thirds to more th an seyea -elghths ot the exports fr om Cuba each year come to this cou.n try, which takes practically all the sugar, frui ta and minerals and more than nln c-te n ~ h s of the tobacco sold abroad by tbe Cubans. This, with the r ed uced du ty t h.a t favora our aelghbor, sho ws the r eadiness with wbJch the United S tIltes extends the ,helping hand to the Islan d repu\). Hc. •

~rnlng by doing Is a goo'd WRy




An ciiort Is being made In New Max100 to ~ aye bachelors tl\xctl $10 Rnd widowe rs $26 a year. Tbe promoter o f the scheme probably Is wo rkin g on t h e theory t hat widowers, 11I\V lng ha d actua l xper le nce ot tile b ~ n e ntB ot mat r imony, should be moru s everely pun ls he:l than the Ignora nt bachelors t or wi s blng to Clin g to s ing h! 'bless ed. n ess. The wire of th e fath I' of this plan- we taKe Il for g ranted th a t he Is m a r ri ed-may regard hersel f us th e recIpient of Olle oC tbe fia est complim en ts th at has ever be II pu.1d to n womlln. T wen ty-fou r yea rs Is a long ti me for a IIhl p to be a way from Its bome port. but thut Is t he recol'd of a wh a l. Ing ba rk tlla t has just docked In Ne w Dedfor d. The vessel lell Ne w Bedfo rd in 18 4, for a voyage a round Cape l(orn\ an d sInce has been ' e ngaged most ~( the Ume In whaling In northe rn latitUdes.


l t costs the IleOj!!e of .lhe United States abo ut $1,000,000 11 <lay more, the , YC(lr through, to r ti re lo~sos.. fi re In· ,s urance. fire depa rt mentsl In clUes and towns. aDd Ins pection to red uoe the' ,1Ire ,rI8~, tba n It would COlit Ie ~ucb , (bouitUlons were tbe, s:uue here tbat dl!JX are In El urOI)e. Y t we h ave no . 40.,~ ' .. a nallgn, t hat we are the peo'p le In Ih world. AnthoDY-~ Fiala ot Bruoklyo. wb o 1. aotq to look tor the 1l0rt.A pol., know. n .... ia U be caD Jut l et t. it.



Scripture Authority-Nehemiah 13 :

I Its tori _81 Dlfficulty,-Thl' rhll' t, Inc! ~ed the only ren l h ll!l(\rlc~ 1 ,lI lfk ullY In th l' nftrrnll\'e. 18 0 lI"ter lnln tilt' 111110 or l lle d .. dlrntlo n or tl:e ~" II. ,,'Iwth er In tll 'nd Y" u r of A r llU: rxes. or u!' roro. The expression In N h. IS:I, " n Ihat day." scems to fix th r 'adlng or th e law to lhl! IiUm o d llY na t he d 'dlcatlon \sec 1 ~ : .3) . Bul. Ir 110. Ih. dedlcntlon mUR t hove b,' n aft er Nchrm lah 'a retu rn trom Unby lon (men tJ on,·tl 13 :7) . The n, It t h wnlt wok only 6<! days 10 com,,1 to (=" ehcmlnh 6 :15). Il nd W 88 upgun Immedln lely Nehemiah .. nlered upon the g \'emm nt. how cnmo the dedlcAUon to be d terr d UII 12 ytlnrs Il!lcrwnnl? The ans",pr to t hlft prour Illy III. t hat, In tho tlrst place, the 52 days b.J'0 10 be reck l) nod trom t he rosumptlo n ot the work after ' :15. ILnd a tlmo exceeding two y a rs may h \'0 lapsed Crom th e commencemen t ot tho buildi ng. But ven Ihen It would not be rendy tor dedi catIon. ·There were tho gales to be hung. perhll (l8 muc h rubblllh to btl cleared. and Iho ruined houaea In the ImmedJa to "Iclnlty of the w a ll,. to be re p aired. S UIi. ,·on theac causell would not be adequate to a count for tho del y of 12 year.!. One cause ImmedIately presonts Itsolf. \ ' 1:& ,. that Nehemlah's leave ot absence from the Pel"8laD court, mentioned ID 2:6. D,ny have draw n to a closI! IIhortly alter I:om· pleUon of the wal\lI. and before the oth.r a bove- mentloDed work a wero com· pleted. The laat wordll ot chapter G poi nt Ing: to Borne new etrort of '1'oblah to Int r"00 n ot the J ews ohserve the Sabrupt hJa work, and the expression U90<l day?" sooma to IndIcate that It was lIle th reat The man loofed a t NehemIah for a ot being l:onaJderod !La a r ebel by Lbe icing. momen t ,,'Uh out speaking, a nd tb en a deep cr imson spread over h is fa ce as h e stnmme re d: SERMONETTE. "Tbe ru lers gnve not the portion to tbe Levltes, nnd so tbe temple serv· Apart from the Incldenta of Ice has been brok en u p, and we h ave Sabbath breakln; here recorded, been forced to re tur n to our fields Cor which haa to do wi th Jewish hisa liveli hood." 'Dry alone. we have a broader "Thou art ot the L evltea 1" Ques que8t1on of the ob8erva nce of the tloned Nebemlah. one day In aeven as a day of "1 am," replied th e m an, uneasil y. relt and worshIp, wIth which to "but 'lh e re Is n o longer prace for us In deal. J er usa le m." The Jew'lh dllpen latlon haa "And are th e Sabbaths given ove r to ended, and we are no longer unwork In Lhe fields an d buying and seilder the Moaalc law, but the ete", Ing In the market place ?" demanded nal prlnclplel wh ich found exNeh emiah, severely. preillon In that lalN are " I Im"Such Is only too s adly the t ru th," portant and bindIng to-day a. admI tted the Levlte. ever. "And how came s u ch condition to The lame oblervance of the exI8t ?" pe rsisted Neh emiah. Sabbath day II not Incumbent "Well, first the worBhlp in Ood'lI upon mankind, but the house was neglected, the rulers of t he lame need of reat from lecular people not giving the portion to the toll and of upbulJdlng of thp Levltes wblch waa due them. Then loul In Godly thought and pur.. the tTaders from TOund-about Invaded pOle II aa dealrable and necesthe city and the people, having naught aary to full rounded huma" life else to do, fell Into th habit of [r~ now aa It wal under the old quen.tlng the market place, and, s tep Jewllh' law. by step, conditions have come to th e Jeaul freed the world from pass tbat you see them. But." and the the burd~n of mere formall.m of Levlte besltated, "are you a Btranger Sabbath day ohaervance, and .... to these things?" vealed a new conceptIon of the " Yea , 1 am Nebemlah, the governor, day'a purpolel and pOlllbllitlel just returned from Babylon:' al God had Intended them. The Levlte threw hlmselt ~pon the He broke almolt every pro.' ground before him, and cried out In conceived notIon which had dIsmay : grown up around the day, "Now Is trouble come upon us, tnand herein wal the chief lource deed, and the city wlll reei thy disof complaint of the -Jewlah pleasure," ru.1ere agalnat hIm, and gave "Ratber, may we fear the wrath of them ground to charge that he our God. Summon thy brethren of tbe wal deltroylng the Moaalc law. priesthood , to me at the temple at But Jelul laid that he had not once ," exclaimed Neb e n ,lah, and t urn· come to deltroy the law. but to Ing about be hastened Ib'o the city. fulfill It. Not to put greater bur. 'It the market place ·had heen a denl upon mankind, but to free scene or confuBlon the night before. It It from the burdenl whIch In WII.I! now a plllce wbere bedlam was let the name Qf the law had been loose, and what fltth the cries of the laid upon It. traders 88 they called their ware s. and Two very Important declarathe voices of the people aa they hag· tlonl were made by Jelul In ref. gled over the prices, there was a din erence to the Lord'i day, the ,sucb as Nehemiah bad never be'ore day of relt, and that they ate witnessed. On to the temple bo authorItative II certain for he passed, and when the rulers and ata~ed pOII.tlvely that he wal priests had gathered unto him be d~ "Lord of the Sabbath." manded to know ,.. by thele thlngl From theae two atatementa all


necellary deductlona can be made for the proper oblervance of the day. First: " The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." The second II In the form of a queatlon whloh Jesus put to hIS; enemlu and to which there can be but one answer: "II It lawful on the Sabbath daya to do good or ev il? To save life; or Q to deltroy It7"


Excule s tbere were In plenty, but reallons none, an!! Ne hemiah, turnlJlg to tbe scroll of tho Mosaic law, read the law of God Cflncernlng tbe Sabhath day, and poInted out that tbe wrath of God would certainly tal l upon thom a nd con sume them It thlll Iniquity was o not purged trom the city. n " But how can we?" questioned the 1'lIlers and ttie Levltes, In dI smay. ''The t r aders are' BO fir mly entrenched In th eir place In th e ci ty, and to of· fe nd tbem will be to ruin the business ~Qt;H:H)QtXH:IiXH)lXH:HXH)Q ot tbe city." "WOUld you temporize with evil?" THE STORY. shar ply demanded Nehemiah. "Come, EJ MUST burry, Poncho, or else I will sbow you." ' And striding forth again Into the aIJ the best s ta1Js In the market place wiJI be taken," exclai med a mar ket place, follow ed ' meelcly IlOd dark-visaged , IndI vIdual to the young won derin gly l> - the L evltell and the man wa lking a t his s ide, while I.t the rulers, h e commanded t bem, saying: saIDe time he ur ged on tLe laden "PaBs among the people, and say: 110nkey In t ront ot them. 'What evil Is this tbat ye do to praThey we re on thelr way to J erusa- tane the Sabbath day? DJd not your lem whe re was to be round a good Catilers t hus, and did not our God narket for their wares which they bring all this evil upon us, and upon had brought with them from Ty re_ tbls city?'" , • " Oh, we 'll he there In plenty ot ' Not daring to disobey, the voices ot time," grumbled th~ boy, ill-naturedly. the rulers and Levltes pounded through "Yes, but we must get our tent t he marke t place. Ilnd soon a stillness pitched au d our goods In place to be- fell upon tbe pl ac ~ , wonder filling tbe gin business on Ule morrow i" es- hearts of the , trndera. anrl fear the claimed the older man, Im p&llently. .beal·ts of the Jew. It was a motley tbronc which filled And then, with a loud voice, Nehethe gate and market place of J rrusa. . I¥jab ordered all the traders to depart lem. Trade rs ot every description we re t~ the c ity, and n.o t daring to refuse, thflre and the goodt tbey bad on sale tor fear was upon their bearts, they ranged from tood produots down silently gathered' toge ther thel,r w t:l'tbrough the 1I8t of things to wear, IlOd chandlae and went outside the city, things to uae In the household. Bed- and the gates were shut. lam seemed let loose as tbe throngs So It Willi d9ne" 'the} next Ba}>bath of traders , busied themselves In ,propar- day, and Nehemiah, observfiig ·tJt'lt tb~ ' Ing tor the buslnells ot the mo~ row, traders were pl'ep~rIDg · to c.ury _Ita I\nd eilloh new arl'lval only added to theIr busIness outside t.he Wall!!, be tbe cObfuslon. sP<Jke to tbem from the wall, and It was II pon such a scene as this wnrned them that ' dLd they gather ~hat NeheDlI~h Came that· first Sa\). thet, anoj ller weelr be wout,d lar- vJo. bath eve after hiS return to J erusalem. i lent hands upon '\ND &Iii collflacate In borror an~ ~1JIa,emelit he stOQd and L1lelr coccta, watched the actl" JlJel. ~d listened And from . that time forth the, tro.. ~ the &D~dley 01 v<llcea. and tileD &unt bled DOl &U cit" ~ &lie SUbUb cIII-


Of Pai nti ng Requ irements W Ill Save Much Expense.


15·2 1.

The laboratory system In universities was Ins ti tuted tor the purpos e , of affording facili ties for learning by doln~. This Is the systl'm purSued In manual training Instruclloll from tho kindergarten upward. It Is the system pursded in the engineering department, the agricultural department, nnd other depa r tments ot the state . university. Now It ltas been extended t9 the unive rsity school ot journalism. says ·the Mliwaukee Evening W isconsin. Mem. bers of the classes lu journa.llsm aro liereaft er to constitute t he staff ot the Cardinal, the un iversity's dally paper. This Is a good Idea. The fac ulty. It Is s tate d, will not a tt emp t to dictate the )Joltcy of the CIII'dlna l, which wlll continue to be an organ fo r t he expression ~ i) of s t udent opinion.




N.It.mJaJ, Clo... J e nualem', Cat .. t tho Tr • •' .....


A wlI (el' In


tnr upon bltl neel, h e BW1nly lett IIcent. Was t hi s the J f''1ltlalem wbJch God ha d perm itt ed the cblldren t o r& t ut n alld estahllsh? W na this the begl n nlllg ot th Sabl'at,b da y '! "Ob. God I" Nch udah excla imed , be has t n d ba k thro ugh tb tltr ts l'b goyel'nor' houS, " tbat th" p 00 pie cou ld 8Q far torg t God's lawl omei h i n DlUSI be d ne," a nd he clo ell hIs li ps tightly wl lh the grim, Inward r solve. LIlt! sl E'op carne to the troub led I!;O \'Crllor tbat nig h t. an d h was, arly asti r. anrl w nt Ollt thro llgh th e Holds s urrouu dlng J r llsa lt'tn. th lnklug Ihat nt leos t th en' be wO\ll d fiod t h IJ a s nnd (IIIIN wh lcb sho ul d or e\' all upon the Sa bhath d ay. Dul tb re a oln h e found ttlat the peopft, had for gotten Go d. a nd 00 long. er l' ' m Ol bllred tb e Sabbnth day to keep It holy. H ore was a bloSy I': ne In a vin eyard , wb r e plck .s ". re pluckl 'lg a nd brInging In the gr.-pes whll h e proprl tor and a hel per were labOring In t be win pr e s. tre ad ing Ollt tbe grap 8. Over on th e oth')r s Ide or t he 111tI e vall y throu gh which he pa ssed. th ere was a not be r man busy In tb e fi uld. ty ing and stackIng Lhe grain, prtl paratory to loading It and drawin g It to th e th reshIn g floor... nd stili a gai n, furth e r on , be found a group of men busy u pon the th reshing fioor. the sound or the f1a.1ls r ingIng out upon- th e morn Ing all'. "And th is Is tb e Sabbath day," h e hlwa rd ly gronned. At tbat moment h e mel a man pas !>Ing alo ng th e pnthway and, sto ppi ng him. en gaged hi m In con versuljon, sal'·





THINGS THA,T WENT WRONG. The Careless Matron. A fe w days ugo Mrs. E li! dn Yage r,

an Id r ly widow resid ing lu Oak Park, ba vlng 10Ft ' her confld en 0 In banks. dr w nil h I' saYin g Oll t of t be Ins lltnlion III wbl ch sh hnll kept tbem on de· posit for years , nnd hltl th e money In tho oveu of be r kl tchtln s tove. Early th e next morul ng s ho made a nre In the s tove. But beforo s he did tiO she t ook the money out of tb e ove n and secre led It In a n old , crac ked teapot In the cup· board.

Wh t! u oue see.. t he BUrtaea of house 01' otllel' bl1lldlng scnll ng, m P 'ling, or spotted or blistered. ur ahowlug olbel' sy mptom of paInt "d Is, ea so," It Iii ovid nt tha t a poor paint I' hn.s been ou tho Job, ao(1 that poOl' pai nt was II St'U- I' po s ~i b ly t h l , II good a.iutCI' ball br en uom lr Ilt d by 0. !Jl'ol.ort y·ow nel· who knew llot,hlng Rbout pa.illl. It Is no easy mn.ller to be Info rmell on Iln lnl llIlll pain ting. A c tIllllet pl\ln ti ng guld , Includ lug n bOOK of color Bch mes, cit bcr tor extorlol' or Int erlor-ap cificn.lIuus tor all Id nll p of lla lnlfug,-lLnd au lustrum ent for de tectlo g adu lterati on III t ma terlal wllil dlrocllous tor ' using It 'may be bad fr ee by wMUng Nulio nnl LC[ld Compll ny, 1902 Trinity I3 hlg .. New York CIty, au d askIng for Ho use. owner's P lLlntln g Outfit No. 4'9• Then , eve ry houseowuer should mnke It n point to gel only welJknown r ellalrle bl'1uHls In b uy ing hIs materials. Pure whI te lead 1:1 espe· clulfy Important , or t he pain t w ill not Ilrove sati sfactory. Tho fa moua Where t h ~ P i:1 ch Took Er::: ct. "D utch Dol' Palnl er" tradoma rk or Natio nal Lead Com pany, th o larges t " Neve r lot your s hoos pinch you." \lUlker B ot pure whllG lead , Is an ub"Gee ! I dou't. It's my family 's shoel solute gu aran tee of t he purity and that pluch m. J have to buy, on a n qua li ty of the wh Ite lead Bold und er nverag , 18 pul l'S n YCll r !"-Chlcag< It. T hnt trart ('mal'k Is a safeguard 'fMbu ne. aga.i nst pain t t rouble. A GIRL BEFORE SHE'S S_POILED

T he HOn est Fa r mer. Yes te rd ay mo rnin g a farm er named Johnson or Jon s-nccoun ts dIU rfrom tbe otb r Ide of Worth, deliver ed n barr I of a pplcs at n Sout ll s!de grocery s lore. " Packed t heBe you rs It. did )'ou ?" as ked t ho g rocer. "Yes, sir." "In YOUl' Ils ua l car tul nod honest manne r, I SUllpose ?" "Yes, sir," answered the farme r w ith a wi nk. ''I'II warrant t hem to be the Bame slz a ll t lle way down." When th e ba r rel was op ned It was found that t hey were· · ~ rd bapp l es .-C hl c~o

"lI oro Is n litt) prosent t o!" YOll-<. superb $5,000 n t'ckl uc&-" "Oh l H ow nl c of youl" "- lbat I wlll le t yo u h ave to r $1 ,. 000."

TWO YEARS. OF FREEDOM. No KIdney Troubl e at All Since Usi ng Doan's Kidn ey P ill, .



girl- tho 8WI'e tl'IIt thing on earlh, Ell am ot Hell.v('n trom h r bl r lh. At church. ra pt symbol ot devotion; Her lIo ul, a toot of purf, devotion . . At IIchool. sh learns with brow unbent l At piny. her mIrth III tn noccnt. She dnncCI!. nnd 11 ttvl ng grace R oflects ChMIC t hough ~ f r m every t nae. At hom('. Bhe III 1\ thIng or joy, A gem or light, wit hout a ltoy. - '1'. W . MILCLean, In ChlCll30 RecordA A

H NLlIl,

SImple. In the expr ess truln fr om Paris to N ice two traveler s began to " You are going to N Ice?" ·" Yes."

"Also to Monte Carlo ?" . "Oh, yes . I go ther e every year." " You al ways play there a lit tle, doubtless 1" "Certalnl y-<>nce every morning nnd every e veni ng-quite r egularly, two s ittings In the day." "And you lose sometimes ?" "Never." "How Is that poaslble'! May one . Mrs. Dense-How very plainly tbat take the liberty to ask how you man. deal' woman Is dressed ! . Mrs. Se nse--Yes, Indeed; but you a ge th'at?" "It Is quite almple; I play the violin, must remem ber It Is Lent. Mrs. Dens &-No! You do not mean and nothing else."- Royal Magnzlne. to tell me, r eally and truly, that she METHOD IN MADNESS. borrows h er d resses ? DIscretion. Dives had made hlmselt v ery wealthy b y opposing bls n elghbol'!i, and the It tter, grown poor concurrently, were wont to gather at his gate each mornin g to clamor fo r bread. But , DI ves . though touched, did not lose bls hEad . " I mus ln't make paupers of these unfortun ales !" b o (!xclalmed , and was universall y ap plau ded fo r his dlscre· Uo n wlw n he oITer ed to " Ive a IItone, provided t h e bene ficltlrles ot his bounty fi l's t got a not hel' stone eJsewilerc.-Puck.

- - - - ---

Mra. J . U. J ohnson, 710 Wee St., Columbia, Mo:, says : "I 'W as in mls ry wltb Irldney trollbll' . nod tl niUly had to uu· de rgo a n Qperntio n. I did' n ot ' mlly we ll, nn d .began to s urr r smotherln!; spOils and dropsy. .My le ft sid was badly swoll n and tho aotlon ot the kidn eys m u ~ d lsor· d ered. My doctors said I would b a ve to be tapped. but 1 begnn , us ing DOIlD'S Kidn ey Pllls tn stoad, a nd the swelling subsided and th e kidneys b e{;110 to net .properly. Now my h ea.l th Is tlno." (State ment made ·A ug . I, 1906, and confirmod by Mrs. J olmson Nov. 16, 1908.) Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a Ixn. Foster· Mllburn. Co ., BuJIalo. N. Y.

Son- Say, dad ; when Is the treedom of the City given to a mnn ? Pater-When his wife goes t o tb l.1 country tor the summer. HUMOR



~t~' ;;'


Eczema on Hand, Arml, Lege and Faco-lt ' Wal Something TerrIble. Complete


by Cutlcur...

"About ntteen or eighteen yoars ago eczema developed on top of 00)hand. It ' burned and Itcbed so IUUC)\ tha t I w a s compelled to show it to a doctor_ HIl pronounced it ring wor m, A(tAr trying his di fferent r emedies t he disease Increased nnd went ltp my tirms and to m y legs aDd fiwilly on m y tace. Th e burning W$S some thIn g terrible. I wont to another doctor wlto had tbe l'eputnt lon of being' the best In lown. told me it was eczema. His medicine checked the advllOce ot the' disease, but no further. 1 fin all y concluded to try the CuUoura R emedies and found relief In the tlrst t rial. I continued untll I waa Qompletely cured trom the disease, and I have .. not been troubled e..Inc~: C. Burkhart, 236 W , Market St., Chambersburg, P u., Sept. 19, 1908." Potter n ..... ,t ·Cbom. Corp., Bole Prop&., Dolton ,


The Ylai tol'-It you r eally nre Napoleon, tell, me how you came to lose the battle of Wnte rloo. The Lunatic- Sir, I make It .. rule uever to talk s hop.

One of the Oppressed. "Not that way," whis pered a bur. g lar ~ his' ac complice aftor tbey had broken Ioto the hotel; "the proprl~ Quallflcatlonl. tor's room Is down this way." '1'm afr~ld yo~'re not taU enougb ' "Wot's tbe ma,:ter with . you '" tv a nur s e," · sll'ld' the mlstl'es • .inter. growled the more f {pert cracksman; vfewlng,an Ilpplicilnt _ ' "I know my buslnel'l.. W e want to get , " Ob, ye s, ma'am," repUed the girl. to tile r oom of the heaa waltel':"-Roy. "It'B all the hette r that I'm. Bhort; the al Magazine. 'children · don't drop 8l) far, when they faJl. " " A , Girl In Every Port. . Many Wo~en, ·Prar.. Thr. ,Remed,. Pretty Visitor ' (on board a battfa U you 111"'6 D/lJna In tbe ba.ek Uri ~hlp)-Th ey ·say that Jack Is leacli!l& Bladder or Kfdrier. tr.ouble and W:D'fYo. .8 dOlJble lifo. fiyrtaln. plClll.8llnt lerb clUe ' tor woman'a B. try ,Mot,her Oray', AUSTRALi AN Swllethean (who hilS been with the, tiJ~· It Is a , a(e an. d ne,vol'otlilUng retr. fteet) -~I',e must be'.leadlng more than aa'!n0r. At 0.1\ l>ruglrt8ta qr by mail GO ct. lO Pac.alte lI'ltEE. ' Addre88, 'l'b" that, fo t h e pro'Ulsed to ' die for IllJ _0 ~r OrAl' Co" fA ,llo'1, N. r. \I • , , , ma~ different , gll'l. ,as the 'countrteil we vlalted.~udge. " Ir s ~y. --fo~ ai·. t'nau's WIfe to dr ... Lady (reading ' ~vertillement n ,,~ 1r filii creditors can dord'it. newspaper)-"Will the channing Correctly Defined• fouD g ·'lAdy with bloQde brur who W88 lin. w .............~ tl7ea Little GIrl- What's aD ' intelligence ,..,,.jaJ14ru "'Wq.lC>fteIae&be~ walking In the otty park on Bunda, dce, mamma? lie II... eIIaJI...........1IOIIII. _~ • plell8e address '8 66.' at tbfs oftlce." Mothe.......It's " place where ODe ..,.. Wh;. that's .1ng'lWrl My hair I. darkl to ftnd ~t what,rape GOOb .... , Chfckea·la-.rted PIOtit ... . -l'llepDcle BJutter. la~.CIII~ , clwlSD" JIIcIltb• York S .....

... tl





Gcod for Insomnia. BrlggH-I liay, old ma n, wba t's good for insOmn la. ? I haven' t c losed m y e yes for f\'v e u ights. ' WIggS-YolI wno t to have n boxing match. Tbe firs t time 1 tried It, 'I r emember , m y eyes were closed tor a fortnight. ' CHARMING LADY.








T. Pard y



SANcn . MONI OUS COUNTENANCE, "CHET·BLACK-MUSTANCHE" AND A WISE SLEUT H . ll.. J . K. HERRE S, .1R., of with the noUon nnd ass ort ed thnt Mur· "Are you a Oerman ?" a8ked Mul'the town of Elmira. coun· ray could not have picked out a beller ray. tv of Waterlo J. Canada , g uide ns ho had been born there and "Yes, I am Oerman ," was the reply. . Was a ~llpper young man knew tho sunoun dlng couatry like n '''fohn Walk r Is not a ' German ~V? ()f sanctim onious coun· hook. Murray hired a splendid team name," comme nted Murray . The ~~ tenat\ce , and th e posses· from a liverym an , consisti ng of a light toacher on ly sm ilt·d. , SOl' of a long slliten, black cruellY wagon and a pair or spirited I\lurray turn ed IIpon him with a lJIus lU.che wllb droo"ln g ends of which horses. Ho also procure d a sbotgun , mellacln g frown. "Y ou ar e from an· he WI''> exooesl ve ly prollrl. Oy prot s· cartrIdg e belt nnd two valuabl e do.;s. a dlt," he Bald Bt~111 I y . IIlou he was a school reache,' , anr! hI s Ihe botter lo carry out tb e Idl! lI. or ~. h o The teachor raised hi s band s In In· fnth r \"''lA a conntry store a nlo1 WIlS reo sllppose d stiooUn g trip, Ou Wedr, t)s, dignollt protest. utcd t, De wel1·to,d o. Whon l ~ o YOllng· day , OClober 5 tb e two m 1I Btarted "I urn not," he exclaim ed, and turn· er Her'.11 Walt not onga g- d 10 lLlllla rt· and drove about 20 mllos on the Orst IlIg to the chiltlrf'1I nddl'ess ed tbem Ing klll"41 dge In juve nlleo, or slnglns sUlge of the journe y, halting to break· rapidly In Gerlllan , Germnr, 8(Xl~, be was fond of flit tlng fast at a cross road store. 1-1 re r.1 ur· " Illln qlllcl,ly and bring your fallJ e rs abou' tt,O colllltry In 8 urch of uUlor· I'ay suw Itt to Inform his '~ompanloD here at once," su lll he. "Tell th e m O\lS acl\ en llll'tlB, belog what III ge n· of the r eal obj e<'~ :-f th eir j(}llroey , a nd 1I1cro HI" rubb er~ hl're nnd to CetclJ emlIy known u a "Iadi cs' mao," 11 0 the lat ter proteste d vlsorJu sly, Il e alo ll g th II' "II US." was by no means a favorlto with th e did uot roll s h the Ill en of fl ubsLltut ing nrortun at Iy for tbo succe srlll Wlale conthlg cnt, tor hi s en'emln ato, seriou s bu siness for pl(>dsure , and carryl~g out uf th (ls e Inst ruction s 1\1 ur· Jackada hl lea1 matln ' rs wero oat cu',cu, cbanged from a jolly· of fowl ruy ull den.too( \ German perrectl )', and lat d to nd ear him to tllo nverage t,o a 80 1 ~mn faced and much dls)~1l1\ ',e d execute d a co unter stroke. man. pollcom nn, Stlll, with consld 'mble reo "Sland by tba t cloor' and don't I t Indeed he was 13 0 mu ch t)f a fop In I11 I!ta ual! , be consent ed to go on aud anyone out," h o said to "DeJlut y Mar· aPllearn nce that o no wonld nover 1m· lh Y pro eed d to the Orst school to sbal Ri cha rdson," wbo took up his agluo him to be mal'ked for th o e ntral which Murray had been dlr cted, Tbo station as ord er d, l'he frlshten ed fig ure In n surrln;; evollt a t ache r waa a IlLtIe FreuclJm an, who children began to cry aloud. wll01e town turn ed Ollt to ~ e5 ue him, ('ould not Oil ak Germall nud did not "Th at's right," shrieke d lhelr wbllo his captor. wllh drDwn gllnl!, auswor '.0 the doscrlpU on of llorrcil teacber. " scrC3lO as loud as you cun, back d against a wall willi lTorr 8 lit In lIoy I'artlcul ar, but he waxed elo· Ke ep on sho utin g for belp," bls [ t . stood pro nared to '· "it 111 0 fluent In dllnllng on Ute physica l at· The scholar s obey d promptl y, They lUe as dearly us po al bi e, His rl1l" ': ~ Irq ,'llon or th o (onch er In the noxt bowl ed aloud III unit d c horus and tbe did not sympath lt wl Lb hi s 1100'11 !linn· dl trlct So:llOOI. so und of their \'olces drifted far away _er of onjoyln g hlm selr, and th o pa· "Zat 1lI1lU," said ilie , 'olatlle Gaul, on the air. Murray stepped ovel' to ternal purslWltringa w re not 1008 nod "h liar tl) 1011 1> mustaoh e. Ve ry fine, the teacher , to any gTe!lt cxt nt In ord l' to pro· oh, very fino! Ze long curling moos, "You como with me." be ordered TIde the bl ack·ha lred Lolharl o wllb tache-n nd I baf no moostac lle at all." calmly, fllnds. Yet tbe pleas ures to whi ch 11 0 olasped b is bands and slgbed "I will not," r esponde d the man sav· Mr. Herres, Jr., was de vot d ,called for mournfu lly nt tbe conclus Ion of hili agely, t enrlng off bls coat and tbrow· a constan t supply of the root of all speecb. and Murray , bavlng thanked In g himself Into all attitude ot defense , avl l, and an annoyin g tlg!Jtnes s In tb e him, climbed back Into the wagon fol. Tbe nex t Instunt Murray was upon money marltet at a certaln stuge of his lowed by the still sullen Rlcbard son, him with a tlge r·lik e spring c nd cau1;ht love alTnlNl was the stumbll ng block !lnd drove .:-If, It began to look as bls shoulde rs In Ii grip of Iron, Deo\'er wblch hIs reet wero destined to thougb th e long trail was drawing to a s\1lte bls apparen tly s ll s ht blllld Herres trip. close, for judging from the little proved to be wonder fully active anft On a fine summer 's day In 1887 t Fre nchman 's descrip tion tbcre was strong, He writhed and wTl ggled wltb TliE WHO~E TOWti TURliED ,oung Mr, Herres sallnt red Into the overy Indicati on that the otber teacher car ·llke agility, struggli ng des perately "mce of John avers. mallage r of the was the mucb Bought OUT TO IU.SCUE. tUM. [or Herres. and coiling hlB legs around the deteoImpe rial ' Dank of Galt, OntarIo , and When they came In slgbt of tbe scbool Uve. As Murray 's sluewy bands settlem ent of about ftfleen present ed two notos to be dlsconn ted. MUl'ray unhltcb ed hundred of tbe rush of his antagon ists, there sure," replied tbe horses, tied forced blm relentle ssly backwa rd, his Murray. "Hla hair .. populat ion, and crossing tb e town, was a sudden commot One ,vas signed hy Peter Lpwelle r, a them, and the two men ion In the mld !!t Ilgbte r, but I'll bl! respons ible." started acrDaS kn ees ga.e way suddenl y and be went went directly to tb o railway litatlon. of the crowd, and a big . nelgbbo r of the I-~e rres family, and the IowaI'd tbe building athl e tic tel· on foOt. Campbe ll locked u;! lhe 8chool· l.own with his assailan t on top. Even It chanced tbat tbe other by Herr s' tather. They totall ed lelegrap b operato r low burst tbrough tbe ,>pposlng \lne, "If this IB th e man 1 want: said Mur. on tbe floor be t eache r. Tbe ao·calle d John Walker continu ed to resist, was a German ~t1d He rr s no sooner .1100, and Mr. Cavers discoun ted them. ray to his compan ion, "'Vhat' s up?" be asked In I\.tentorlan Imm eda tely sent ror Col. Kerr ot "I w1\l nod to and It was not until Murray com· became Sl. Berres vanlsbe d wlt.h tbe rr:ottey, and you nnd you arrest aware of tWs fact than he tonos, as his eyes took In the scene- Paul to defeud him. He also engagec blm," pressed his ril>s In a girdle that threat· made the most of It, i .tor~y afterwa rds old man Herres and He appeale d to the brayIng school·t eacher, Iy:ng hand· a fl ghtlng lawyer "I'll do nothing of the kind," said e ned to break them. named Ryan, who that be rellUed tbe man at the wire, spenkln g In the ouffed Patm Lewellefr pronoun ced lhelr Sllg· Richard son Bulkily. at his captor's feet, the 8urglng wanted to get a cbange of venu e for "In the first plnce, bls e ttorts to rree blmself. languag e of the Fath erland, to s end crOWd, and the undaunt _~ ,J\lIturc s to be orgorles . No trace cou ~ I bave no authol1 ty, ed Murray, bill client. Murray bad {Tnlted Slatea "Keep Lhe children In," said Murray a mossag e stll.tIng that bo found ot tbe fasclnaU ng J. h .. a man wltbout It." and I won't arrest he bad been standin g erect a gainst the station wall, District Attorne y George to JlJcbard son, ' as be bauled bls pro· kidnape d !ly robbers N. Da.xter Berres, who bad pres utlta!>ly sousht . The operato r as his counsel. Ln making out the af; tostlng captive to door. "and don't looked a8 though be believed him, and with a revol\'e r In each banll, tresb flelds and pasture s riew ns soon Murray s wore savagel y under move until I fire 8tbeshot, The new·com er's bands fl ew to his , fldavlt on tbe applicat ion for a change Ulen run as hIs sympat betlc attitude encoura ged 1.8 be had . fl6011red the necessa ry cas h. breatb, but maintai ned an air of UD· fnst 8S you can to lhe wago n." Herres to yell aloud for aId, In Ger· blp pockets . ' Out ntpiled two guns as of venue bls lawyer swore tb .. 8choo!· omclllla of tbe Imperia l bank 1m· ruIDed coolnes s. He snw that Richard · be sprang over beside tbe detectiv e t!:acller to It. Outside the schoolb ouse Herres, man, boplng to attract Wben he signed It mediate ly took otells to hunt down son, who had been I an audienc e and backed up drawn Into tbo bavlng reco\'er ed bls breatb to some wlto Campbe ll and Murray eagerly glaJleed a gainst tbe wall. -e, and De tective John WII. ngal -, s t his will, m,eant what he mIght be dispose d to side with the fugltl • "A UlOusand to ooe," be roared. "0, at the paper. Tbe signatu re, on which d d I b bl extent, again began to reBlst furiousl y, blm ' Bon Morray was se nt for the caa'9 sal, an "au d pro a ) pers Ist In hi s but Ood, bllt you're a game man I" He so mucb depende d, was J. K, Herrel. by. tbis time Murray 's blood was ~Iaced In bls hands. "Snve me, save mo!" he shrieke d re'<!sal to assist him. would never up and he bandI ed his troubles ome piercing do to have his mlRslon It ly, "I am being kidnape d. I looked out of two fearl ess blue eyes at a nd, glad lbat their Jullgme nt u'as vin· fall just at the After an Intc;rvlew with Mnna~e. 'mome tbe angry faces of th e crowd. "(::>me dlcated, the marsha l and detectiv e nt when it looked as though suc. captive with s uch tremend ous energy will be murder ed ,Cavers , Murray proce ded to Berl1n, cess was about to by these ruffians , on, you cowardl y vll1alns :' he shouted shook bands and wimt out for a drink. crown bls efforts, tbat Herres collapse d and submitt ed . Help, good people, belp!" the county s eat of Waterlo o, nnd pre- • ,lel'O was nothing "Come on. Wbo wanta to be the It was a tremend ous load off of Mur· for It bill to try the to be handcuf fed without showing any His frantic howls ha d due etrect and first man to die?" pared extradit ion papers, for from In· effects of 0. gIgantic ray's mind. The court dnnled the bluff and coerce ,' more fight. Mur ray dragge d him to roused the entire settlem e nt. Sturdy qulrles 00 bad be felt cer.taln this unwillin g 'policem It was a superb cllmax: the man cbange of venue, Bougbt on the unjust an Inlo second. the wagon and tled him securely to a German that Herres had sought. asylum In tbe Ing blm. He halted s gathere d from a.1I sides and was a veritabl e wblrlwl abruptly and SUI' wh~el while he hltcbed up the borses. the nd III Ills way. aJIegatl on that Commis sioner Spence r crowd grew rapidly. Herra8 con· United States. He also held counsel \'eyed RIchard son wa! a frIend 01 Canada officers. "I'm with Quinn, a cold sberltr and of Tbat tb e next couu· done, he lifte d bls prisone r Into tlnued to yell with aU the power ~Itb John Kllpper t, the cblef constab le menacin Then began tbe battle for extradIof g air, ty," be said tbe rapidly wagon and fired the warning shot bls voice and lungs, and to the detectiv e. tion, et Waterlo o, a sbrewd old German who an angry, re- "What'B It aU wblch was destined to be fou ght "See here, RIchard son," he said aB a signal to Rlcbard about?" son to, his eponsiv e murmu r arose from the was conside red one of the bes~ pollee stemly, "I've bad enougb to a finish. Herres was commit ted for of tbls Inter. post. "I am an ofllcer from St. Paul, and extradit ion and his cousin crowd. Matte rs were beglnnl n:; to look .meers In tho DominIo n, KlIpper t rerence wHh me In tbe exocutlo In White lhese people are after my prisone r," n of Never was a signal more promptl y serlou8, and Murray knew the uNsslng man wen by Sight my duty. I want Cloud joined forces with Col; Ke rr moved back repli ed ).ou to nnderllt und obeyed. Richard son was only too slad Murray. against tbe side of the statIon, keep I!Od was able to give tbe detectiv e a that I'm on United and Mr. Ryan. HIs counsel applied States marshal , to be relieved from his duties and Ing "Are tbey, Indeed," quoted Sheriff for !l writ ot the school·t eaeber bes ~de blm. ~d de~~rll>tlon of him. , habeas corpus before and that what I say goes. Now let'8 came bOllndh: g across Quinn. truculen tly. "Well, th ey don'l Judge Ne lson. It !leemed tbe spnce Inter· "Get busy, ' RIchard son, and keep Shon, sllid KUpper t Impress ively, have dOM with this nonsens tbat when e. I bere. venlng with lhe speed o~ a race horse, thnt crowd "ytlu will know blm two .ways: one by declaro yoa ~y back," ordered tbe detec· get 111m," He turoed fiercely on tbe Judge Nelson' s fatber was judge or deputy ond under Out of the schoolh ouse rus hed the crowd. tbe s upreme court a man ~amed J{ane tlve, but lhe "deputy " was' plainly IlLhtB c~ blac,k:--l.'alr and one by his IUy OI·Uf.l rS, You must obey the' law crowd of excited children , s creamin g scared "Get back. Back up Were ," he ball kille d some one In Ireland alld dlilg· onr; mlls tucfles. He has some or and serve." aud would have nothing rur· for help and running In all directio ns. tbe r to do with the shouted , "Dack up or I'll back you esca ped to Minneso ta, The British the 10fUcst Illustac bes you eter Ilee. proceed inss. "Not without being sworn tn," re- Half way to his goal Richard son ~'l'm Ulrollgh Mth tbls busines s liP , One-tw o-" he counted , waving governm ent sought to extradl le blm Tbey flow down . like Niagara Falls, turned Rlcbard son doggedl y, For all tripped over a briar bush and fell, but and the case was carried 10 the Slland resign 8S de puty marshal ," be bla guns. nnd t~ey too are cbet black." his compan ion's sbow of bluster Mill" was up In an Instant The crowd began to gtve, and tbe Ilreme cOllrt, whlcb held tbat It W8S and rea:;hed tbe said positive ly, and Murray saw that "But It'll a\tog the~ llkely that he ray's Qulek eye detecte d s!gns of yield. wa gon pan ling, he could expect no more trom bls Bpace In frollt of the olHcers grew raIl· necessa ry to have tb e pl'esldOl tissue hila sbaved them ofr, remarke d 1\1 ur., ing, He drew a bundle of Impos ing "Y . ou bave bad a flne run for yoltr unwillin g follower . Idly as Quinn eounted, ' until nolhlng an execntl ve mandat o to give tile ray. ' lOOking docume nts from hi s pocket. money" deputy, " laughed Murray. "But The crowd dre w In closer. AIBO there remaine d or the great mob saving a commis sioner power t.o try the case. ' ''Den you will know tbem by the glallced over them and selected 'one wo haven't any tlmo to lose, Whip up were fresh arrlyals , mounted men wltb rew curious Indlvidulll!! who sLayed at .. Tbe counsel ror Herre a cla imed place tbe, used lo be," said KlIpper t. with seeming cllre. those horses and drlv., like tbe devil red, angry faces who "And remer:n ber-the y are chet black." gallopin g a. respectr ul distance . MllrtllY shook that th o proceed ing In lhe Herres cllse "Kneel down," be comman ded Rlcb. to tbe near~st railway atat.1on. Those Into town, and It was evident that hands with bls rescuer, and turning to was hTegula r, aud Judge Nelson dis· He went to Little Fails , a plnce ardscin, with a burlesq ue nlr of au. German farmers will be swarmi ng th ese latter were tnrmers Who had the telegrap b operato r told ltlm 'to take chnrged B erres. Murray 's counsel ap· o! abont 1,&00 InhabIta nts, aud mado a thorlty. ''I'll swear you In rtgllt now- BI'Ound be re like b ees \Iresenl ly and 1 rollowed tb e , wagon trall In respons e a di s patch ns he dictated It, and sen\! pealer) from th e decision (,r Jurla:e Nel· house to l.!>use canvass In search of aud then disobey me at your peril." don't want any argume nt with tbem," to tbelr childre n's tale of Ule struggle It at once. As tlley stood, r vol ve l's son anll carrlcd It to the cIrcuit oourt bts quarry, l.ut fou nd no tracl"of Herres. Hlcbard son besltate d a momen t and bofore Judge Ilrewer, late r of the Sll· Richard son grasped the reins, his In the school·h ouso. They dlsmou nte4 In hand, backed up against the station He was about, to return to Wblte maud the n ' knelt down among preme' court. of tbe UnltE'd Slater, lhe briers. whlp·la sh blssed throu gh the air and and address beside the telegral )b office, a t leg ram when lhe achool·t eachlng side of Holding the ornclal ed the assemhl ed crow'<I. Judge Drewer wrote Il lor g oplulo lookln!; raper oYOIr ilie \torses plunged forward on tbe rolatlng tbe story tl)ld by tbo chlldren . went to Marsha ll Camphe ll of Sf-. Paul. Iimes came Ilgnln to bls mind and be bls head Murrey slowly reversin g Judge Nelson' s juc1gme l mumble d the road to Royalto n, 30 miles away. It The effcct was alarmin g, for the 'crowel stating that Murray and hili prisone r anti proceedc:,tl to v.slt Ihe sohools. The reo form ot an awe.lns plring orderin g lhe pri so ne r back Int& oatb. would arrive wau In that none city too by th soon, e Dext Looking back surged forward with nit' was unsa,lsr actory; Herre8 was tbreaten lng train, which "Do you swear?" he asked solemnl y r.lurray saw tbe flgures Murruy 's clIstody . The cal\U Is an ao· Quinn said wall due to of armed men cries. not engagOO In educati ng the younge r at tbe conclus ion ot r each there at one o'clock In the morn· thurlty In extradIt ion cas"S, and Is ' the adjurati on. dotting the borlzon bere and th ere. Murray generat fqn o( L.!ttle Falls. But there had the shotgul l IUId a re- lng. recorde d In Federal Re ports of the "I do," respond ed Richard son. They worp. tbe parents of Lhe s,holars , volver, wltb anotber were sneral cou,:,try schoolll", and Mur· revolve r in his United States, numbe r 3:1, pago 265. "Then get up and come with me," or- summol led from tbelr "Ex·De puty" Hichard son tben came farms by the pocket. He discarde d the sbotgun and r~y paid a visit [.) a storeke eper wh~ dered Murray, and The tllatter was rougbt out through Richard son, artalol; children to aid the iddnape d teach sr. drew a second l'evolve r. AU the while liP and Murray gave him tbe sbotgun the cOllrts In Novemb t!r was one ~f tbe scttool trustees , This walk£d humbly beside nnd Decem· 'his newly 11.1} Dut pursuit was out ot tbe quesUo n the and money to pay the IIvorym an rrom scbool· man lntDrme d blm tbat tber4!l had been pointed cblet to the teacber kept haran!,: ulng the ber, 1887, At last tbl) warran t of surschoolb ouse. Tbey just then for none ot the f-,r01ers wbom the rig bad been blred, and the crOWd, begging them to rescue him .me new teacher s recently hIred for pushed open · the ronder arrived, !lnd on January 17, door and entered . were mounte d and tbe team or borses and lynch his captor. Tbe angry unwl11lng as sistant drove awuy, con· 1888, Murray departo d from eountry scbools al d , suggest ed tllat There stooO the teaeber St. Paul gratula ting hlmselt on being through dapper and which Murray bad selecte' l was In mob pressed the det.ectlT e shl'lid Intervie w tbe wltb droopIn g mustac yet closer and t5Urroundod with with "Chet·b lack" Herres, and bandad he;, but Instead spl,endl d condItio n and ('"vered tbe, the a most dIstaste fUl experien ce, station, but hesitate d b&fore tbe , clerk of Ule achool hoard, who lived of being " ack" hlB ::.nerlff Quinn stood by his new·fou nd blm over to the autborlt ies of Derlln. closo by. The latter oIDclal pro;vod ae· tacbe were brown. In hair a~d mus. grounc\..f.t top speed. The crlas of the, deadly pointing muzzles of tbe revoI· comrad evory other children ~e dying away In the dis· vers, e until the train arrived, wben Ontario , on Thursda y, January 19. back,ed by tbe glitterin g menace commodatln~, and enquire d th,e names particul ar he answere he boarded It and rode with Murray to Hert'es pleaded not guilty to forgery d the descrl!>, tance and the detectiv e beavell 1\ sigh of,~Urr of the teacher s wbom the strange r Uon of the missing ay B resolute eyes" Ulan. He was a o! reilef and tu~ned v, hIs prlsone,r. tbe third station beyond, wbere he left at the spring assizes, but was con· Glve up tbat ruan, )'OU Infernal kId· lIOugbt. )(ur""y said tbat be ~Id not bleacbe d Herres. the detectiv e with a hearty handsba ke vlcted and sentenc ed on March 20 to Murray scanned ;"1 am afraid tbollt'l friends of your's napeT," demand ed one of ll1e .know ~r names. The clerk stated blm closely and Just leaders. and a'laugh ,ln respons e to the laUer's Beven years In I{lng8to n peniten tiary, then tho suspeot wlJl b.e disappO inted by your leavln!; , "The first man of you who puts a ~ "ankB. wbere his long flowing mustach e van• that ~~U n,e w teacher s bad been ap. raised bls hand and twirled The school·t eacher had SUl), his mua. tbem so . suddenl y." be salet cheerfu lly, hand on him Ished before the razor or the prison pv.atecl to ', lIttle rurlll sol1ools about 'tache nervous ly. or mo dieA In bls tracks," sided Into sulky sllence, That one action , Berres ecowlefi vindicti vely. perbaps rebarbe r. was Murray 's respons e. -4G mUea out In the ,c ountry. hotb of clinched the Identlftc alizing 'bow elose , be hud aUon 'in the 'of. been to "J 11 mako yOti pay tor draggi ng an "Help, ' belp, do not aUow an Inno- doath on tbat He had bleache d his "cbet·bl ack" ~hom were new arrivals In that aee- ncet's mind. n was stntion platform , Mar· Burely Herrea, Innoe.eJlt man lI.ilout like tbls," wail centhair with buttern ut dye, which gave " man to be takon away and mu.r- shal Campbe ll met ' , t1on' of" ~e stat~, but neither was Tbere were' about captlll' Ilnd ~~ It 30 ' ehUdren , 'mosUy Ills 'r c<sponse" Murray only smiled, 11.1. a nasty Unge of yellow. An action de red!" sbrieke d the acbool·t eacher. named H~8, turEd at the train at one o'I'lock In the gIrls, ' In the robm apd they eyed tbe though In his bea.r t he realized that be started against tbe sbertll' In st. The crowd surged forward In re- morning at St. Paul. )iurray deol.reG to Tislt the t"o new strauge rs curious ly. he had great.IY exceede d bls ornclal sponse to his appeal, Paul falle!\, Inlltead of reaplnl: dam· teacbel' ll\ 'ud also determi ned to ob·, Bnd It was evl.' "T)lls Is Berres," said Murray to ~e "Teaebe r, how long have you been powers, He had not, muc~ ages tbrougb lIulng the Mlnnes ..ta of· doubt as to dent that this time tbey meant busl· 'Ularsh/l talD a Compan ion who knew the coun· l1ere'" aske'd Murray l. , " the Idel\titY of hlB captive, but chance 'nesl, Murray drew ficer, J. K. Horres found himself reap: tt7 rouad ab at ID order that t ..ere a deep br(lath a~d 'l'be BcnooI· teacher proteate d at Ing tbe ,"FOr lome time. ' ever Blnce Ichool resembl ances play fruIts ot hla knavery , wlthlD stTange tricks Bet his teeth. There was no thought mfjbt be· .. UtUe delay . . poulble In opened, " be 'replJ&d once. , ' ID a 8lDg..ool aometLmea and' if Herres turned out to 'Of " the ' gloomy ws1111 of the penlteJl~ary, leldlng iQlldllK lb.. triP... lu his mind, althoug h dcatb "My nlme Ii f 9t Herres: my name .And voice. have dOUble, avery Pretty legal tan, was sLarlng bJm In not the Ieut of hlB sorrow l W. . . TIIere''W118 " bli1ello w oameC1 J!feh· th,e tace. On one John ".What Ii your DI~meT" V. &I ... er," he said angrily. the cruel 101111 of that "ehel·b gle wu tqlerab l, certaIo to ensue. thln'g he d.e cldJld: It he ~eot JaQ . artaoD III the towll, who beld a 80rt of down un· 'Yo'!'" "ad somebo dy wlu have to pay mU8tan ':JO~D Walker ," But ha"Dg bluffed tbr~ugb m~ttera at ,der tile trllr:apll n¥ teet che," , «nQl~a .. ton DOIlocmaD 'or CODof f,.!, the this," ~ob ' biB j,WIl'ID ~Id. yoa feaTe canada '" ...1 ~!le Btart, there w. . nothing (CopyrIg ht, 11101, by W. Q. Ch .......) ~tter to captive wou,~ Ikl Iylog OIl the grouod "bte. aDd the detectb .., 1rlthout dJ. .qaJred tile detectaT e, .rhe prisone r's assertio n, made II. (Copyrl cht In Oreat Brltala., do thaa 10 stnllgb t abead: T~Qg allO, wltb a bullet ~ ,tM real object ot1ila jo,U1l~, In biB braiD, such potIUve tones, "I baTe Q8ftl' ueeD III Cauda .. _ made Oampbe ll more or Ie.. dt!SJ)erate cbaoces b"d "Get bac~; ),011 hOllnd... he IboutecJ, a trille UDeU1, He drew Mul'l.'Q ..... to 111m 08 OD to .,. by 0.. .. be stolid at bQ, llotu1ahlac hi. ODe I1de, 0.. one -.s1W toWD.

{I M

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\\or l'E·n · 'llll \'Pllliul of fill' n1\llli I imHlranc' b ' long ulltil in!{lIl'Ctnc cllrn pa n ieil ~ I': \\ '1' 1 \) I'p • 1'1 ' /1 1:-" as:1 "' ialiflll '01' 1\) \\ tl i d 'v ,lo p <1 hal w'ill t'iJ,lI'g' It highe r ),a I ,. fo r p rop rty ~ ~:'';Ii.::.l\I ' 'f\\ E.tIC',~;o. 211 nholll hall' ,II' :111 1':\1'1) ) I'ldhlitl~~ s ill 11ll11I'1111'{' lt,d II, rn.d ~ lhn ll fo l' prnL l- . \. l n O ll ,~; 0 111' III, 111 \ ~ fI ~ I .S Ilh ',11 '~' tal ':\1'. , 11I1\t1 '1!. I III' t!l'}" at (' J lha l ):-1, a ditr"I't: /H'e in ral wi ll " ' " \I~\I I (It I "'rho// sh u ll l' I,{nl'!JI I/lit/I' II/'d ' 1/1 1' { ~,., . (1/ /1"1 I'oll/dry f'!,iltl" f',... IUt) ''' ,' ' /'I uid. i/1 ",IIII' " IJllll,:!II,\' wl,"n ' III UI'" I" iliad . , . ., !~ ' , ' ,-11,( l' I"PI!I to '1 .-\l:l' IJI~' \1.'. ~~~~~~7~ Lh,\11 hal f 1111' LJtli ldill g-~ aI'" 1'\11 111 1'1\ , 'I'll I' Ul't is l il a! 111\ iii " 1.0 the lar t-l ~:~;;: . ,~ .J;: ~"AY: , \~ .:;:'~ ~~ ~~ ~t.~:~1~':~~: ~:~ ;~~~~** ~\t .. .;:", J . IlurJllall Lu ( I.", \11 il i stlfa~,ttllaliIlU;\'l'al " lh 'l'l i,lI'l. Iltlrnbt'r uflh(h ,ld llg'lir 'E:, .f tl 'Hl ua rn · l ns l 'ad " 111' llf'''• rl <'I I.Jel . 1""_,'U WII,I,. litl' a t(lt'!..' (Ill 1'(' ""'lI 0 I" ;1 ,, 11 1, "IIU , Illg' 11',1'" v ' ' ·'n:.. ".· 1" 'f'IJU'~' .• ll'll rl t "u 'In, ,of Il lantirw'" t l' 'I''; t l\i,; .\ f'al' ! ""', ~\ m \ ~f th '''I'I;'''11s ai' l!'nin~I to p1.m r :\r~:~.'III \i"I ~:,1J· w llh 1·, \( 1,\ '1I 1 it lhat h"" II ' ' 11 .' tl llek SlIranCI ' (;0111] an if's f<l l' >' ,~vend y a I'S • . \I'Ul *I'Y an. 11 I'nlatl\'1l 1 !,(ll'd I' 1' '' , )""~,, "r ., ,. ,y hy lig hLllilig', }lI lei a .... I'eal. Inan,,' " I' ST AT E rlHE MAlt~', HALS I:o.;VI!;KTIGA'I'E vinl's 'Illd /I ' ll\' 'I' I. 'ei ... TIH' ,·tll ,· (1 111',1010 ,,".. 1,· ~\" I" . , " '1 ''':'' dll~ . w, ~U,,"I .y th 'lI1 thaI Wtl' noL )"Hlrlt'd hav '['1 co t I" M I I f W'scon >;ho\\' s ome pl·"tt y :lrl'UII'I':ll1'l1 ::, 1" ,"I'. '\""I I',lu " , l e ,~ l tl ' II'P. H I'~ l H 0 ,I "rat c' l or our f rl'C n pos t b " Il" T OIJUt.l ll' fl"fllrlllle l"p n ot', . Il ls ' unllll ll I \'t'purt: ' \' I' 0 m ' .., 'N 111/ 11. sl lI :mY:; 1n f hl;' ':lI t ."I: pI" :it'ntill jf, till ' dm'cr 1The Phillips Go, ~'\~1\1~hll" i ll/ 'I\I'!I~ :n.j.~nl.lU al,I:H'Clili~ot: th' .." li~I,piS. ~\ S- I I H ' r::; l:md il1v~'!itig'ati ulla:; t ("l h e lll t hOC I ~lllOl1l l Mlllu, tI " ISUI alii l ,.t ~ II I- , lH ls \I l.d LJ,v UllllOSI a ll I he l'llll 'ems rllot \\,llh It s ttlbl'l'l'll':i PI' nutl lll(!:i how,S tht' l'hid: l'eiiallt:l' rlil' 1 c rCH Il"ti '111 OERBOLTS I !r 11.I,alll :"I, It if) 1111:' lig hlllillg' I'"d bus inl:' :; keeplI! \{ til' I'e"!orlll r 1"l'lility. 111 1 une cou ld tid I I ( ,1t.1 11I;; L. lIll , WII~ll.1 I alII 'ull vinc ed Ihat lh ' UII>lllIt'SS Hi' tht'bl:' nllll u l , . are mill i' )II -; ,If Ilal'leria ,')''' 1 .' " " " r . I b~!',I,~ u.ur~1l'~II •.~ lo,t"l n.h :i~~'lI~k by I~~h l- l':\ /'I'ied on ill :\ It!gi l imate way a nti that hay' ritel lllwl'r to take ,t Ilt' rl't'l!! . ' ( r,t '" -;-. 1)\llldlllgs (Ill' I~! I lg hL-l n~lI., \\h l'lI It "H, IJi ut L d by Itg ht- 11ig' htnillg' rous cun be p u rchased for lIilrllg 'I! of a il' and :ioil and til tl'all S- lllll g III UhJIIla5t Sl lIllll w r , 1" , W 'r e , Iltng l'llds III pe l'it'd \I I'd 'I', U un e I"m~u nable p r ices," form it ill l" a II i rate that i,., at once: l~3t'nS,. Il r , tlw $~!)7,:!2~ , loss from :cu uld ." 'l'heStat· F ire Ma l" h al of Minne the ri cht::<t plallt f Olj u thai CU Il\Il' , ltg'hllllll ).:' .:~.:.!;1 . !.l21. IIl'a lit tle 111 0 re ,I AI 'ITAI.I ZE Il I S UHA t :1-: ('O MJ'ANIES s uta hQ!:; said in a uu lleti n: foullJ . l:in'l thi:; as \'ai llald ,l;lIo wl- thu n thl'('e- (l1l1l'lhs. was lin ha rn " Old lin" 'olllp:lIii es Ita\" bl'I '1i " Fl'om s pel' ial I'cpo r ts received ill '11 I f I Tit_,". 11l,';s UII . :1 Il lls IIIl 'Ice ui. I.lro~t:' I Il un d I'ed a nd e(Ig-" to t I l(. } C JI ( :10; 11\' ad I ia l lll i . , ;::", tlw l'. lliltg':; lired wmi. \ l 1'ISI' US.': .llI g IIlt' I! t'CC:I.,u.t,l' tl!, III:d(llI}!' I . Ill! I I'IInt.IIII1 I ' !' l'iUII S' · 1I1 Ih," ,\ , ~d " .\' -:; l· V 11 I'I FIdll .lllg f'll'es .III t h IR O. tII e annua I fi ve r /,.U\\, Ii ,' I Ile ,N 'IIell' .~,. I : lh 11111 III dll' I'IItIl~s - 1111' III: s 01 I L' Ilar T· 11l1' J,!Teall'l' •'I pu I'I l: ~' 'f " g- IS 11 .. 1 r 'llII\ l ' J :;1a l l:' , Iurillg' ' I Ia sl Ii Vt:! yeal'S ,llu"'t f IImlt'l',' (1 f E~J!y pl O\\'l' t III' ,.l'r l.l' 1'11 .\' I III I:' was I I ' I I Ij( ' IlUI'I"uill tIL' . f . \ It' ll II HII 'II l'i sl I' ll ,I, 11ll' prol n 'J'IIl' PI' ':; .Il I"Itl uf a clIllljJallY ra ll k- ,IIle ,I!. Ihes ,;tnh: lul't!l; wert! I'epo r t 11 f t Il ' lr :lI'I11 S. . : 1 'I ' . ..' I ' 1I11\' I,;I\\ut.'llI1ll'lh all lwdl llt:l' Il '" I . I ',I . " W I' t h II 1 1l~l.' 11\ t.1I! 1I I's l I \I' ' (:' In II l1lllUll t uf e o! as ha Itl ~ !J"ell Pl'ilVlt' 1~u '. I' I tl "l'l' \. I ·:,;, tnl\'" L· t1 COIIl ' lIt.,s ''11 ILl ,'Ill . fUrtll pru p ".. tv \'Hl'I'lt!li Wl'll!..'s: Th > Parent~' meetings ha e come bring a t:lu;;cr u nion ~anrl he tte!' ' 11 i1g'hIIlHl g' rod . ' 1J :t d\\'dllng- , t lte 'h a ll '(:'. is hut. o ne , llIa\' 1111 ' t'r 's LV'JlI " . I he lus t ·!::!.I" II r es front " Ilnd go ne. Whil e th e aUendan e at ope ration bc Lw el'n home a nd school. I" k II, IW I !tat d 1I1' .lIlg' III OhiO IIg htill ~, '\' l' lI t ha il will be lil'f' Li al a ll , I . ' 1 . I ' I ' " d D these mee ting", was nev er large they l One lIlan asked aft I' l'xpr :;:;illg , It l' p'L'{ l t Wl' VI' 'a n; UUI' n : '01'1 s tllll g !t ave Ie n III Vf's t lg ate, o u t w ere all good meelin gs, and they his ;;atis fa ctiun wi th the wo rk in agTlw'tir ' 11I'1l's hal ~,'Is nil I'l'l" rt (If Is hii\\, Lhat. ~;j P" I' t:elll u f IIU I' 11I',l l ecl.- fC)lIl',)f Lhesc l.tllildings hat.! model'n stand for ,larger a11d better tHings ri culttlre, "why has n't Ihis L'en dor.!:! J l ht' \;lI' g'l' !lllll ti, ' I' lit htJus l's s lru ck , d Sd tlllll hUII ..'t' 1,ISSl';'; w en' uu Lo rod s 011 th l:'l11 III un ' lh > s tl' ke whidl 'hllnl 't: ':; 'Ire I' I I ' I' ' I I ,, 1,\·. lig h, t llill '~ ill in t he future. Th e r was II loubt b efore'. " I t is just lik e a loLllf o the r , . '. ,. ' i Ig' 111\ 1I1 ~:'. 1y 1,,'oLel'!el I ml:'ull l ca ll1 t' II'IJII I IP UW. A Ilumbe r u[' in t he minds of tho 'e pres nt but that things, wh e n the country p o p\ p Ree ti l' llIoli:-lt ,d. ~1l111 1g' llolll (,t!. rU ll lltla- I UIH: 'r ill ' pl'lI kl'lilll1 Il fa lil'" tll,pu rt -, hoIlSl4S ita \' illg roo ::! Wt'I't' s lrutk uul l iitns (!Ll llla ~I'd \II' 1I('t' III"lIlt s kill ed . nll' lIl.·' iIl Vl's li )!Ulillll ,,1111\\'1'.1 , ill t':lci" , l!tut inter t in country school s had be n the ne d, the advan tag' and the ir AIllig'hlllillj.(' 1I '1'1ll' ' l1ana~:c l' ,I(' t IH: compa ny "uI r. y a I's (It II a t very low ebb, and the t ide could , rights in the matl' r then go after it . . " n ,ds 1\\11\' in li St,' h'l\'~ . Ih e I'UI I \\'us III UI' t' t h all):",1 PI'\I\'l,r1l'lJ e('I I\'(' I, I ' . , no t be t u rned in the oth er direction they get it and n ot until then, JI1 g' 1 It' 1:t l'g'l';;l Ittl'lll bU 8 111 ·"'S .I' I-"I.t' ull, l wa :> LJI'Jlk Clr .))' I'u :>l rI ul1 . " . . , with out o r ganized e ffort a nd patient They ha e lood q u i tly by for 1h e : Ihe p 1'~(Jns .g-lv!llg- rnu:;l all'lltlOll a yea r agu, '" e t hink il will II It W, S. I O(;I·: ltS, SLal " Fi l'e Mal's h al t.o th pl'£'ven LlUn of IllS: from li g htwork, When we consider tbat it is last twenty-five year:; and se n money Il inga l' l h euflic I'~o rlh > ra rm mufrom t h e coun t ry that t h is nation voted lavis hl y to bUIld up' the schools has drawn in la r ge part its strength of tow n and city, to quip intlu:;trial lnal ins u l'ance 'ompani s. In ,suverand vi rili ty and that it must always art and trade schools, for the child ren de pend very largely u pon t h e ru ral \ of t he city streets. while t h childr 11 You wi ll lind tilt' ~' .J! of t h e country wer e neglecterl and , t he gr at ducaLional procession has m a r c hed on looking wi t h ('Oil te mpt upon the "Litlle Ret! S'hool Hnu :;c, " once ~u pO' e n t ill t h hu ilding c f t h e nati on Hut thin~s ur " s l;)wl y ,but II hi lld " uf . sure ly improving. Til· counll'y Jleu, p ie rea lize that III r e mo ney mu t b sp~nt but spent mo re wisely, wherE. . po!;Sible consJlidatiJIl ~mcl centra lizQ ~ t ion mu t solv th pmbl em o f , mall .'choo!. T he tudy f agriculture, hll'ti 'ul· lu re, forestl'y, birds and animals \~ ill !arouse a wholesome and liv Iy int rTill! Famou!4 Dairy Food. . , . . . lest in the old farm and ue as V,l!ua commumtIes for these qualities, th13 bl th O t d' d f b k indifference of country people to- , e as a ny mg S u Ie r m . ,0,0 ' ' hI ' I If not m ore so for mental tral/1l1lg. ';r ward8 th . £lr SC 00 S IS sure y very Corn, Seed Oats, Coal ,I Th fo llowing pupil weI' n ilh"1' discouraging . T he average attendance was ~ tard y n o r abs nt f or the lIlonth (If , One q u estion very generally dis- abou t nine at the Pa.tents' meeting and Cement. c ussed was, why t his ind ifference? Mt , H olly led w it h fi fteen p resent. March : Some thought th e shift ing of so m a n y ---Elli ' mith Edna Rhu b rl fami lies ev e r y year o r t wo u n d er our R ed Oak ha d t h e b e t rep re enta- F lorence Hes,. '1I~!!~ 'I'h " rn·nl\/I~ · Alvin Em nh al' t II ,,' hI n Y ' 11 h 'I V,", ~ ~ I If you w an t Goon B r ead. use tenant system , so that families did t ion cons ide ring t h e number of pu- Glenna Hobli t Marli on E ['nha r t not s tay lon g enoug h in a district to p i! in the school , ' Russell 'ul'face Goldie nner get in sympathy a nd to t ak" a n eig h - . ' . H a r ry Lacy Ma l'i Ul'faCll borhood pride a nd inter est in t hei r W e Will have anot h e r m eetmg next E a rnest Braduo k Ev rett'Ihom a':l school was t he cause. O t hers t houg h t f all . All p r edict mu ch larger atten d - Lester urti BaITY Roland it was b ecause of takin g ou t of each ance , Lowell Thom as H ow ard Whi taker ! Try Our Mill Run FC4ld 'for Hogs Paul Stokes Eug nia Whitakt' I' i 'l . COW PATHS 'THAT LEAD FAR APART Lena Whitak l' (.1 nn Fra7. 't:l " Leti tia Vau ~ han 1 ~h jpp HI H.!lPIl f ' l~~(K f,\!' h 'd l'hll!tl L ena Stockton EdnaCorne H Lcslt.!I'Dill I • In,.. t,"p 'in !.! ; ",II , ,,ubI ... l !t llt 111 1111_ , We alsO have a lot of I-inch Pauli ne Mal'la tt Frallci, l3 rattoll , a l st!ltes th ese com pa ni es calTY mol' h . r f hi " 1'(1"' .11 ' , LUMBER che~p. Get our L ena Marlatt Adriu, Cllt' nell I than t hr e, h und red millions insu rI!Jg.(:; .·, oId III ~''' lIljl, y ,:j; ! r.r) p (\ I ' . prices before buying Albert Marla L Velma M a r ia H l ane, a nd in a larg number ,half us M 0(1 JlI I' IlIlntlrt 'tl , T!tllKt1 l!H e le rI elsewhere. Laure ne Brown I much , Th ir expel'i enceshows lhat to hip, $2.IJI) IWl' l :ij ' <{,( IO pI I' 100 t he 10 ' by lightning s 4mmer, in \ f II II Ely 111J ~Hl ('••", -4 1'~ 1 \' The noxt me t in),! of t h c houl s tate in the Mississippi vall ey. is Board will b e the fil'St Monday iFl fl'om two-thi rd s Lo thl' e-foul·ths f::l May at. 7::30 p: m , g r eat as that from all other cause!! 'added t og eth e l' In Iowa in 19112 t h e Th" next teach 'r's m e~'lil~ g will L · lire 10 ~ on farm prop rty from lighL- Way nesville, Ohio. ..... Oregonia: ~.~--.alunl ay. April 2<\. ni n,ll,' was t hree Limlls asgl' at a f l'o m ----- ----~ '., ailo t he r rau seHcombined , . . ..~ --~~ Valley Phone 237-3 riogs ~ . .. '. . . ....,..,.~.1 get Immediate relief fro!n Exaillination uf Way n!.! lownsh ip RI\1 Ims ' Dr. Shooo's Mattie Olntmeo' ; ~._~ FA AMrmlCAN AS. O I ATIO ;'; pupi ls April 2 2-Z;~ lIIU'I'UALS, : ' -: - -,",-Boxwell e xami nation Sati.m]ay, III t h e m eeting of the Ame rican As school a f e w of t he b t'ig h test pupils T he w ork in co rn j udging and test- Apr il 17, HociaLion of Mutual In uran ce Com - If you' want all the n,ews, read the Miami Gazette atan early age for villa \te high schools ' ing has aroused much in tel·es t . Some thought it was becau se t he l P rof . A. B , G raham if; to he at pani ::0 , at Denver , the matter of r eschools in g e neral had drifted a way The teachers rep ort t h e be t pr og- Gr ange Hall . WaynesviJIe, Oh io , Sal d ucing the a 'se. m ent ~here t he i---~"----~-:---"----.---~-----~~ from the real life of t he day a ndl ress in spell ing eve r b efore ' mad e .

. *i:·* . .'H~ ....'h,,. "'... ~~"'*'Y,**** *.. C onn t r .\' . ~ ,hool ' .




:;':.II ('s s l:llId III tl1l' pal"ill!!' .tIl' tilt' \ IIY:< It 1\ "" n I ~:< 't JUI "IIIIit. 'rlw tl!'Il 'I' "ill 1,(, lI~f ' I ii, all of the :'I1:hllllls Ihi. " 'I' ill~~ :tilt! 1t' . t fall f,'utlr. t .. 'Lt'· III I.. , 11I!1dl! ill l',w\J ,{(' houl • l~ac h 1111\1'.






,:I:-; I~~t1 .:~I:-\'-I


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I. I


. .



~________~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

~~~Wk_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

J:rlri , i=rld , 1=0 , , ::(.~' IL66S, l66S, L6gS•

I, OR [uui~ ;A j,iitlS


"; Lumbel· and ," ~ Mill Feed ;


Sucrene Feed



Acme Flour


Minorca Ch ick en s





Spencer& Monroe



- , ----

ohio. !"




- - -------


- -

'L'IVerlleS, (.

was not giving t h e k~nd of t raining The agriculture lesson on P a r en ts' t hat fi ts fo~ r~al , practical u sefulness. ay in the diffe rent schools was on Perha~s ~t IS all o~ t hE!se tog ether , budding Ilnd g rafting , The actual p erhaps It IS somethmg else, but le t werk was demonstrat ed, Since th e n us, all wo rk t og e t her t o overcome reports come in from .v arious schf)o ls t hiS lethargy and n eglect. \ that the children are trying it on all All a reed ~hat t h e work ~f our/kindS of t r ees. In t his t hey want to ~ayne ~own~hlp teachers was m the remembe r the old adage, "jf a t fi l,' st righ t d irectIOn , a nd, t ha t .t he n ~w you don 't s ucceed " e tc beoks a nd m ethods III Arithm etiC, Reading, Geogra phy, Men tal ArithO ur t olVnship no w hru' a corilplete

I"o r 81>1., a t 11)0 roll owlull



A Purely




yeget~ble Lax,ative ,Constipatio~, and All

C!lres Chronic LIver ~nd Kidney Troubles.

p m~CI!:

Zimm rm un '", K il b0u 'R, W hite's, Ml)u n t jo y 's

.The Alpha ObemiQaJ Go. ' ~ , Springfield,Ohio,

~~ififlf/lllJ~j urday p 111-, April 17 This will be b llilding was ~'odd d was dis !-Issec;! an open. meeting ' All pall'ons of favo l'ably . This . has b en do ne ,b y . '. , coun try schl)ol ,are speciaJ ly Ul'g d m'a ny coinpilll i s . , 'Oth~l' companie,s t o attend , C, E. BltA'I'TE i ,U pt ' : pena lize the abs¢nc of a lig h t ning megc, Spelling and ~gl'i clu l tui:'e wer e very interesting and man y expr essed their aStonishme n t. at t he intere.'cJt and progress of t h e pu pila in many of the classes ,These m eetini'S h elped u s Lo becom e petter 8C()ua inted all arouno and wi ll

set of chart:.'! 'in natural color s of a l OUt· n~tive birds. ' " Also a new Babcock milk tester.for demonstration work in 'Ag riculture claSS. The "Cow Path " picture shows that this instrume nt a nd t l;le


Australia h~;l:;HMed th,j~por-


Gets Them All

Tick Here'are only lour of the numerou. kind. of panalte. th.t live on domestle; on.imol. ,and reduce the own~r.· IIrollt., Gr liYGENO kills these and aU 'othen':ti1 CUrCI Itch, monge,ond ot~ er akin diieaae~ , De~",y••• rma and foul odo,. _ Keep. fli es away, It II. wonderful coal tor dll'"fectont, llnd In addition td belnll' • Itock dip Ie h.. numerou. hou'. ehold uSe., " '5h~~p


rod b~ Pl~Yi!~g b u t .0 per. ceht of t h e . ~ tat ionofgoodsmade by prison labo r . jloss, If It 18 by lig h hnlOg Oth~rs , . . we ·bUYln~d...ndo,"' -~---. " Ip u t roddGd and un rodded buildings , ." (lfiw, wW ~ ~~" Of the 30,484 hom estead entries jin Reparate classes, A.qidefro r)1 this , -For 8a lil bygranted in t hewestern provinces OfjCOmpanies h ve been to in:F . ' • S OHW A R':rZ. Canada .last year 7,81 w e re by A met'. sure rodd ~ buil'dings only, ." . . .iJc:a1 PIta .: WayuOIvtlle, Ohio, ieans a nd' 7,417 b~ Canadians. Dur i'tlg a dis cussion at the annual


, \


J ~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~I~, ~ - ~ ~~- ~ , ~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ THE 'MIAMf . COUNTY COURTS Gold I3pnd C'oupon free to all ClIsto-


1'IIllltl'h ec;l

Wt.' ukly


Wily o e " I I\ ~ ,


OhIo , COlnl1lU 1l

MAI'I S'I fH : F,'1 VA I./ , I'I Y

D. L

'l'I':l.gj 'lIl)N I':

CA ' .I,!'<

CRA NE, Edit I' und

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M ~ nagp'

Rates of Sub criptiol l On " Y" ar (_trlclly In 1"I\'an,·,·) !i; llI lI ll' PY .... ,

Sodal ~ ~ lCI,

\\'I", r l' r l lUr ~" III

IltslJl av AcI " ~ l'l l s ln K . per In ' II

I.llII , II;,

mad ..

'['li e

PIC I ~ Court.

PI' '' L' l'lh

I/ r ' lli~



' Olllill o n ,

l11~r s. _

Do YOlJ save them?




1-'1. 'IL" C III'! " III !I ,..!! MIl liti ay In ll l'llin' I h ind . Padded CCl'l Ca V.c Shou~d ers on

wlLh a la l'l!e 1I11 1111 1C' I'.,I/" lh · 1/) /li bel's! AIlO ur ' \ ' uits .for pring,1909 I of t he UI'Tl- 1i t:it lllllY li a r [J re::H:m t fU l' l I the a ',;igll n 'Iii Ii ca'·.t: ' T he t I'm st ll'l!'ti n il' VllI l ,I I' U" I\ uf bWlines, tiP g nill ci ~ LlrJ rellrillg ' to 'or,sid e l' To Select Yo r Sli m' ve ry impor t:: n t. ca se:! It is New Sprill ~ J,u;;.-;ibl ' lh a l t il l ' j u ry w ill i Iw t Suit. ullt il! :wlne I 1I IIt' 'I'hur:;d ay, Onl' lI,rgp stno l\ !< I)t III 'flo.' :- prin !! I! I H II'!;;; II Il' III I W lit their Vl-lI'r I ,, · ~ ' \ \' 1' 'l lspl n,v " " ' )IIl pll ' l, I'l l,' " In n o f " II ,.lt ll III '.f' II('I v ,, 1rll', for ,V'lIln :; In, ' n - UII uRu ,1I ;\ l\:l II " ,' li nd UL1 vul !-I t.r ipt'ct 11',· (" " P\:l rlt tll '" 1\ lnt btu l·t,lIu g ",lHln t1 f' ~t s' :en , l" ' , ~ , , It l'lf I'D nn pxpr'(; t PfJ, hllt, " ,. , tt l' lI Itv', !-In ifOI: t l v l lind becom' lI l.! I.hnr VoI ltI' l ; klll ~ f i ll' Lit em g r u w " whit.1 ~' 1I1I lo"k

· . . . T1m 8 -L


For tho Manwith Conservative Tastes


HANNA'S GREEN SEAL "TH E MAD E TO .WE AR PAI NT" NO!:fHfNG IN IT-bu t what shoul d be there , NOTHING LACK ING that will impro ve it. '

Possesses Every Essential Quality Pig ments scientifically comb ined, and , finely groun d in P ure Linse ed Oil. . N ot (~ L ittle L ead aml a Lo t o( Zinc, but LEAD u.ud a LITT L E ZI N .



Costs morp. t o mal e, but the p ople want it. FOR SALE BV

,v .. !!', ,, ,, till : l\loro' li t,II I) I" fi b u fi~ /l'H I K M. l{unyull VS , RaY lIl und l 'linti IIl l1t"I ' '' ~ :-;,"I . >ltrlp rt hllW 1l'·I'ge" . lI e l\l. /.! d al. Julia A. Moufol 'l has It'av e t v wo r ~ I " I v ol -'s l ~ n !< lind llll rl, fl .: \lI·"d " " ~ IIJ tlJ l" ,ill e" t 1'I\II ~ t· I H"" l li l til ans we r fo r lh with , AND TOP COATS R, Wilds Gil chris t , admin istrato r Did you Re t he snow last week? \·s, Sarah M, Jam eson e t al Li'ifteen fil l' ClI Ull ly CI)mllli;:,'i ioll ' I'S Lu e l'('ct days granted pluinlit f to til e plt.ada n I mailltai n s uc h a husp it:.ll. AND UP ing, Plan s, ~ p l!c ifl<:Htion s and es t ima t es '/'11 ;101'('11 by IJc.'; t 'l'ail(//',~ i n Am r il 'u The heavy l'aillR nf IR.''It wppk CRuse d Juse [ ph ,) 1' c OIIl ... el (· aUlI l lI1 · n l:; lu lll'id ,'(' T horne e l al VI>, Georg \ \' U ll · t' ~' IItl fit V ' " tl ~ Wlt.h 1I1 ' \l II ~ [) a s li g ht (W t' I' I \\' ilt Iht-! hOI t il III S, Hull. F ifteen JaYI> ~I'an\ e d IJl a inliti Ir<lut.h til ~ h<1W ~1H:tl !1 , \ h Arlll' r .V " ll II 'a\' 1', ·., id l·lI l't' uf I';J l)u lIhal ll Oil Or- I Is builL un scientif i c principl es th roug hout, 11/'1' I'oucly 10 bll Y I\I ) W lJ' llI "~ r LI til e am ndeu pleadin g, eg'I'llia rvad \\'1'1" app l'O ell ali t! 'u lI- 1 It s 'o llical jaws are m ade of heavy sh eet steel N ,,,,' /I nd n ifty s l vlt ·. . t ract II,t tlr l' h a l' l t"~ SI·ihl ,s a Don' l i'w'g't" l t il louk ul th e Ilags anti th ~ maill body 0 1' wa te r ' I" !~ervoir and plant K al'! H. Caluwc l!, ru'c::ig'lle e e l ' • v.' l (:~ I i. ' ~.I' h t' Ill ' fi t· nlll ~ lIi ti l'e lll tube vf h avy tinned plute . The water valve is ovel' Whil c ' ~ ~{ I 'OC t l'.V , I t. t pll !:l lhe Muggie Tilton. Lea v g run ted to Iliall' I.II J. :!II . I I;\x lliiJl I. ( I \' f '" ,. b ,· WI1 I II of bl'a.'!,<:; with I'u b b r packing , The valve red weath e r (Jl le way UI' Ih ., olher. I'lans , ~jJl!ci (j "lLiu l1 s .II1U s li Jlla le ! fi le amend :!<.l petiti on. I OJ; yton , Price!4, $1, a nd trip s pring al'e of stee l wir . 'thumb button Maria A. Snoo k v ::; ehal), To wn ' end , fOl' s t<.: I b 'aill lJl'iJ~ . with concre te I and othe l' fitt ings are also of b r a,'JS The ma$ 1.5!l, $2 to $-1, chin e is well put togethe r with. rive~ and solder Leave g ranLl'd de fendan t t.o til . an (G r a nu Op en iTl I:: slI le flOU 1' nea r' I' s idenc 'o f 'am II'ons on The counc'il haR takt>n anothe r hold and should las t. for yeal'R, l ot til" IJrtl ltl"" 1 n ' Oregon ia 1'\lad we \' ap pl'ov 'u . nd I Ii vel' forthw ith, . on life . and actulll.I.v had lwo nl eet" ntioll ~ \ 11 AII \,' I'l <!n cont ract lLo\. to UI'f;!g'olJiu l ,riJ"I ' l'UI11- 1 William W, 'ran e e l al vs, Wilbe r Ch 'ld No ~tooping When Using , Ther e) ren Q J F.vtn y n f1 \v IInll PilI" P ings in s ur 'p".ion H C'I' 's I () th ir Con ill d al. Thirty u ays g ran led Ull .\ ' :It til ' L,: ti lna l ' 'f; I(j·1 ·11 Cloth fore No Lame Back s. ing h nlth! 1 11/111' , t.vlf' hpl'" III Anna IV! 'CI lIanu lu fi le UII S W('I', I $] .50, $2, $2.50. $3, ' U\llItli 1" '1 ' II S UI'U 'l llil l<ly A II k ind!:! o f Plall ts, s uch us Cubbage , ToI{ay mollu Shie ld s vs , Thomas 'Ul'I $3.50, $» IlIlll "'1p- ' liHit d ~ l\ r, ' I\ d l l l' l'lI "III. til lit .'I'hf' slol'm:, o f lu. t. w . I, madl!a de- Will, bll);HI bac(;o , Tomatu _, Ca uliflow er t w'HI1 . Strawb erries L 'ave g ranled J .e [ lula llt t il wHi l Ur . :--11 "" 1" ~ I: II"l\ l lIil tl " H II IIWS wee t Putatoe s , S ugar Beets,' etc., are set in cill d cit 11 ~ in III P allllo~ph el'e . fi le UIl S W t:: I', A,...! t & MA I N 1\ \' - l l l l' lI d , )I ' o~, In l1 lc t I n l'lu', I I' , wale I' a nd covel'ed at one operati on. The plant Back t o \ int ~ l' s a,\'" : pl'ing, for a ~ ' , 'li P " 'lale eX re i Louella 'fum;; vs . hi ' '';I ,'r 11 11 Hh ,'ull(tl t \'\\lJ ' \'oots are put down to the proper depth below time. at. I uli l . Vlolll l\' untl \lI I " I'I'~ I . I II l! I .v Lull " jll8t Churl e ' th e surface w he r e the g l'ound is cool and damp. Irouse , One ca use d is , bo w thi , i · d tl l .. , 'r, '11t'1 1/1I" ~ 1l 1l"H Y () u never have to wait for a ~hower; plants missed ill Lhi, ac,tion, e l' I) ' Ilj S 1,'1 d. , 01' I'c· It, ' I' 1' 011 , WI'lt f' may be safely set out when large enough , regardFl'ank Brando n l al Vti, The MOl" CLOTH E:6, H W e woulu lik to lace special 01' ::) 11 0 )) Hoa e 0 , W"" f nr t llf' less o-f the weathe r- no matter how dry and dusty , st r r> , on Lh al'li ·It.' " lin the ctl unt ry row B rewing compan y , Geurg' W. lhe grou nd muy be. Al ll< llltt< III' ''' xhilJi l"11 II' " m il 111' t· b ook II n ri f r e l! " .,, ' 'iIl lllpl,,!! , !-' .. " cl ' II , I ll' na v, ,In , rj ill !) J llh I)r , ~hoo~ 1 N ' hi) Is 1)! lof \II ·,!''' 1;111,1111' 18 LII\' ~ t",'\ r, l! l lJ t, h The ' u ri' fl bl \VI' itlen and Jack afJPOlnleJ apprais e I', on I L'II' " ,. flUoI . llfl-" r"1 II 1'1 t' 1l>l"IlL A lft't!d X~:ldm~~e W. Willium vs, \ illia m T, i ll g (1 " 1"11'1111 " 111 11\ iJllytll ll. int I'. pt'l n ·1 ",i l ll lll lr-t n . making s urpr i~e , , ',,101 hy A II I All.le r l:> _ vel'y li ttl e practic e can easily set out 7,000 to a g ood showin g 10 1 t h,· \ ', rk that is Rober tslJll. o ~ CI Hnu 'lis t l'iuutio ll -- - --4-_" ' _ _ _ ' LO,OOO plants each day. Our planter mainta ins A BIG EVENT being a C I/ \ll 1 lish' 'd 11.,' III a reco l'd of ve l' 998 plants to J{row from each 1,000 set. ('t,lnlry o rdl;!red , Es tate of Arland us Gilh ns , d eMONEY REF NDED IN CASE THIS PLANT ER F AlLS TO DO ALL schoo l::! ProhalC Courl. WE ·e ased. W ox, a) poin ted ad· 'j'llI' Oll, ' hi/! e v ut o f th e ~ p r in ~ in LAI M FOR IT. . We ight, 4,J.{ Ibs . This planter will save its cost l!:stal e of Lallra A. Newpo rt, de. ' minis trat I', Bond $1,00 dozen limes over in a season for replant ing and for use at the endsa . Eliuca li l II or a hw he l' cha l'Hcter, N o r\\'O,J,.1 \\, 111 h, rill ' H ll Si '\ HSt! M en'!! of th 1'O\V, whel'ey ou can't use the horse -setter, cewt:d , I'de l' gran led to ::Iell P Real Estate Transfe rs, is not to iJ l' h:ld ~; I r' l' LI el' in citi :, 8 1J1'illg It"'H!:" iv'.ll. t il 1.0 h eld Mll ,r 1, For sale by sonal A. B. Sides and pl'Oj) -rty at pt'i va t ! Sill Martha L Tu ft!:; , and Tht> coun l r,Vllcl ,nlll ili s tudying- Nn'h >} Ij'u muu R l.o h scat' , ii, ", ;" 1,7 und ,. F. W. Wadsw orth. E~tal imulIl . of 'h" .)cmim: w!:' \\, 111 l ' nm 1.1 uer . tie 'e a,<;eu , Tufts tu Frank GI' ub el' ::! ac l't's in ill tll eir tu, ill all he.· J,JhdSes, and it i. miTh se se tter s can be seen at A. B. Sides' store at any time.A I Sale bill fil et' ! , I Hamilton townsh ip, $iWO.' n p I'ope l' th llt It should It :i0. I,Li rnLy , lI f f!"; u ti rt f; 12 mO I't! I II nd - : : : : : : In matte.r of th e ta te of J. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : :: J e 'e Pug h , by shel'iff , tu Sarah K HoI u C'uLioDIlI te nt d Bx lJ ib iti ll ll :\ (j c n- ~ The fat'mer lihould kllu\\' hi!:! land, t\'e~ and .lll llher thi r.lgs cOJni n~ un· Riddle , d eceased: yr~~l' g ran ~ed ,to Mi h DOl', 74:' ~ a r e s ill WaYlle tow n- ~ t,j' lOlI l , l.ieuth ci t fy in g fre tl eLs, !::ipain has more hunchb acks t han I ship, $4 ,217 5, ' ~~" his obs I'vation s , and the cOl1li !1g se ll chutt l~ at private sale. toge Lb el' ~vl tb Direuto l' 'Pndnll uo 's any othe r countt·y . &tate of George W. Lewi, deMaryE Havens toLuci ndaMc Coy, R 'JY llllttllt nu Ba ml , free open g eneration will 'st'e lheir land again uir "" 'ea,c:: ed . •Pe ter B. Lewis ~ppoint ed lot'in Harvey s bUl IUnd ertak er and Emba lmer and othe r 0 IIce l' t,. duil y , Th o) Bu ine:;s Me n '8 1 . rhe all' of in a bloom of wealth, that" the farm SWltz~l'land at an elev~- I executo r, valuabl e conside ration :'==-hHnrTTTTTT1I:tn....--trn:;r,--tl'l1'1"- n o st one Ull b n of 2,000 fee t _ &:..Df earlier days knew notning a bo ut Will be fonnd in the oJd IS free from ml J In t~e l~atter of the will of Laura J:. M , Clark to H. F. V'tohite , small tU I'D~li in mnking the B V nt th e crobel:l. Bank Buildin g, opposi te :rbo " id flll<bl"rtI11 1 WIioV M dnf\ing R G, Lockwo od, decease d . Will ad- tl'act in Wayne towns hip, $,)00, t.he NIltioDIlI ijank. gre tAM t nnd gmode t the NOL'wuod weak FCtom'loh, or At, lOnl 'ltln g tbti mi tte<l to probat.e . Lestel' New - Z-e-a-I-a-nd-'s-.... d~ri-n-k-b-i-II in 1908 'Daleph one in house and of. L. LockEd ward F, Mills and wife to Lydia Itmnsom ent I ving publie wll l 6\'el' was $18,750,000, U20,OOO more than Heart. "r Klflntwl' I " 1111 wrong Dr. woWl appoin ted· executo fioe where I oan be called r, . E VanHa rlingen , 136)(. acres in h o ve th e p len UI'C of wito sing , in 1907, tihooJl ftr l"t po. "t ~rl I)ot. ,·hls ,'rrnr, day or night. Estat~ of Joseph S. Riddell . In- Way_ne towllsh i". $1 and exchan ge of 'peuia.l cxoun! Tbts ill wu hi,.; pr ft .. rlllt.illn - Ih ion I'll tes lIoll t roi OR V lilley Phone U-2, Shollp' RI'.Rlor ,t.l\'6-1 cHrt'otoll e n ventory and .apprai sement ... filed. other proper ties ~~~~~~~~~~"~~ . on nil s tellm lind inl I'tlrbun lines --~~ - ~t1~ely t l) tl1e tI"ll l!tJ CI' I UE'>I~ Jlilmeot.!' Main Street, LWayne sville, Ohio Estate of William BelieI', imbeoile John M. Davis to Cora Fornsh e ll weak In!li nt! III' 0 0 11 r.rnllm lot n, t' V"'" Fina.! accoun t I1led, AL'r ER. , URN , small t r act in ' Itls 't learcre ek townsh ip, 1m 10 ., I" ~h An y Illdy I' Ilfle r o f I,hi s pllJl will i n , flO, I , 11 1 , "" .• " '1', n oop, rf oe ive, on l' .(juest , II eltl v I'o r 'N Estate of Sylvan N. Wllham s, de- $1 and otl}erv alu able consid to ",I rtll\ g th"" , Ii", Wl'lIk o.HtOIl"'l 'h, I'ation , ed F' t d Ii I iii d it. . Beal't, or K lr!II "V!', if P Tl fl j(OtM lit it, ceas , 'Irs an Fune y ral Drip" Direc lI fi'ea tor. l nio Br Coup n iJl'ivina acco unt I e , Frank S. Rudy to Beatric e Rudy Ie e, from Dr , t!::ill , oorraot ly: ljJ'tnU lIl ~irl'" «rjllln bll 8 oop , RIlOln e , WiR. Estate of Kinsey Thomp~on, bene· 83 acres in Turtlec reek . \ \ !I ,Y 'l6S ville's Leadin g Dentis t townsh i;, [ t i!:l ilve/' plived , very prett,V, liUd its oontrol ling IIr in ..trt e n~rve ficiary, Fourth accoun t filed_ $] .oro. Office in Keys ,Bldg, M.aln 15t p o~ itivol y T preven lephon . When thelle ne rvel! full, t llen thotle ts e a ll day drippin or night. g of Estate of Thoma s . & Wilkers on,. .. I It 't'l t a Ot' coffeH, '1'he Dootor Rends It, Valley phone No.7, Commi LOD,:t orglinR ssioner mus" I'1 I1t'A v III ar. s', Proceed ings. with bi t! n e w free b ook on "Hea lth ' 1 .,II' te decease d , Third a ccount filed. v.'ta 1 .... ,·rn.,b 8 111' 1'> DI ta u oe No, 69-3r. Allu lll B'11 F ran kl (rUI{t,rIA '" Estate of Angene tte Pence ' ImbeUoffee " tlirn[ ly to int,rodu oe this everyw h .r eMdil'1 pPfl I sin Chroni l' "1lf11'I\(Om , cle, 10,000 8toPped l k 'l:61 50JS M fDmJoute 8 ' m~d Dr Sh fUIP '" R"t-t., / r Ati v.A. 1'e~t. die Final accoun t filed. ' b olevr »nb"ti tute for 1'e[l,1 0011'e8. WAYN ESVILL E, 8uro with10Dr. Shoo-»'s OHIO. asseSSOll! an S, ,,, , ; Croup . Remedy, orrts, One 01' it Ii fe w lill Y", " n(l, I'pp! I mlJl'OVP. ' ho J : . I '~ 8 ellltb Upft'eo IS ~l1inEstate of Ann ThOlopson, insane. Bupplie s, ~10 1.05 ; ~tO)l ~~t ~~I:I~I F YD~rc:u:: Bro,":n, In g it·f< gl'l"rd popultl l'll.y becllus e of : "~__ ..~.,_. will nrnrnptly /I.lId !'tlraly fol- Third accoun t filed, Branch Office, Harvey sburg. O. tress. A safo and pleasinIi Syrup-I'IOo,DruaistB. expen s as pl'osec utmg attorne y for 1ih;1t: i t:l (,xcjuisi te ta dt o uno fl l.L vor ;! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'! . ~ h,v .t\"I.Dt\olIAl'R. E':ItateofCloohoaH', Spence ,dec"""'e(l Mar h,' $2 50; Same ,.officel !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,'ent, $25; ~l"C Ild, Its ab o int bplllth fuln ells j\... ""'~ • _... rll , it.Heeo lluUl y - l ,X' Ih 25c jfonrt,h , 1 ~ " " ' " Final acco unt filed J , .1. Thomp son, servIces as mfi rmary jthl " t H conveni e nc . N II tf' d i(\u~ 20 t.o IS qOOD JUROR Estate of David Mason, d ceased. ?irecto r, $65; F loyd Poe service s at 30minu tea boi lin g, "Mild Inllmin , mfil'llla l'yfor March $12 50' R B u te " suys Dr , h oo p. erreatly I'll d mantl First accoun t tiled. Al Brant was .. '!'ryltl ltyour ' , , ' SmIth for jury .service this week, Simuld" " t $2780 grocar 'R f or I\. plea sllDt 8urprisfI. Estate of J.ohn Oberlin i n s a n e ' se w er ) I lpe an cemen ', , ; '0111 by ull 0)'00 r:4. . d ' L ebanon Gas compan y, . gas for jail, taneons1y h e recelv~ summo ns f rom Fourth accoun' t' filed. $ D P B the WllrreD ' County Courts to serve Estate of jphn D, Fox, d eceased . 2.13; an one, cler~, fees, ~28.87i on . the grand jurv and from the First accoun t filed, " D~ C . A. ~ou~h, . me?lca l ser vIces to United States Court to be e mpaneJ led Estate of Elton Hadley , benefic iary prtsone rs , $16,25; Ru~gle s-Gale com in the petit jury. He a rranged to ' Foul'th accoun t filed, ' panY' , lJlanks . etc" . $47; DeHoa n & Estate of Elizabe th Heistan d de. compan y, pens fOI county accep t theIatte officer, r• ,_ _ , >$2675' ce'ased, Final accoun t filed, ' . , Ralph B roo k s, , ~on't,lac·t 9 , Words to. Freeze the Soul. Estate of Louisa Couden , .benefici- ~5:00; F. P. Forgy, sh~riJl, ex,pens es, "Your 80n hll!lcon l< uOIpt.lon. SiR ary, First accoun t filed JaIl, fe~s, and bpardm g pnso~ers, C8'I\(\ i8 bopeleP lI" TRA'o£ MARKS Th!'lRI'I "pp"I\l~I(,~ . Estate of Clara W. Sweene y. d e. mallltallll~g h or ses and vehicle s, .' .'Words were RIJokt'll tu G~'n, E. Blev. ceased-. F;""t and final DESIGNS accoun t filed $197 65; mq.uest over_ the' body of . I' b· i g ... " COPVR.G HTS ct.c._ . ens, a: ~adi mero nD.· o. 1:1" ~ ,..r n E"tate An of ,one George .ondlntr n W. "1'~lrh GUI·ssl·n And I' IPSOrlr,lIon rna, . field, N ' C Dll ·g· e r,·, H e rman bv tw o expert. d ctors~ Iller," $8,20; ~ qll(ohlr IU!CCrLlilu ollr OI,I<Ii" 1\ troo '!f lOLllor au d on Iaw II,M b rurlan sa Ia l'YL .f K. lA!lngInvonil!)n 10 "roll ,,1111 I'A IO"Lnhle, CouUII UnI Cft . rom J uly one a ' IOD\l PPf'OII~li 8t, . Then Wfl~ decease d, Invento ry . and /lonulrlo Ll, ".nUtlonll nl, IIAtlD OOOK (","nlollt a apprais e· $300 P I( U . ShOWD the wOI\!1f1rfnl powf'r of Dr men t filed, -. '''il~&~~ <l,~~~~~ ~r,~~;~· ~ lro~r"~:: r~~~lr".:::l :ive tl ~rl" ; , . l'tOll, ref under 'Poelalno tl,e, "I\h"u~ chnr"o, hI t110 King's New Disoov ery ' ''Afler for s idewalk, $4. Sl*lttntl~fl·~Jlm~rl~an three week!! nse, II writes Mr. Blev.i.' Headq uarters for all the Best Miscell aneous . eDS, "he A.r..!"~':".11 tlhl'~.iP" W""k~' J~r2o.t :Ir~ IIR ~f" 1l ·A 8 eVAr.· I I 'Wou,ld hot'til ke ,,1I1,be 'mnn Printin g, We do all kinds of l tl'l' in t·lll ' UIIllllouo r,,,, y.,'10,,lIuoJ.\ljr,,"I, 'I'N "'• • '311 . , . . ' The accoun ts of the t\vo deposi.t o rfOllr: f onr ." .. " , h. , f,L 11,,1<1 ~y n it now",lcnlorft, work in the Printin g line at ie.s, the Le banon Nation al and the Reasona~le prices. ,'beIlAAf~Rt.'~\l·I '~~t OU~f' of. ·df.lIlJ"~IlI" . ' ~~z::: ~a:!~~ Get our :!:ank prices on fine Linen paper s were aU~it:d !!!!!! !!!!~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ LODJr' . dl~el ljil~'11 lin .. nrth (jfo. ,ul il :~ -. • a:00 GU"InUl t.A" .. ,,·tl. f>ln'j ,m 'I'rlll and Envelo pes-the y are cheap. ~ ' : ."'-"'b' ~1 b" ,," ' r 4' . 'fhe ·financi al ·. statem ents. of the f' ' "" '" h . .....m ........ "" .. b·ottIe fr'-A . . ... ut II IJIDDtmn lI.t, .o .. r rp(, I ' .... an ,Dol 0 WII r! z !' In It.eeU II true d1. . . . . W. " bink of D,.l>8p.... d't an d . .reI' showm , g bal-' tt'easu . • _ .' Heartburn, a04 Indlaeettoo a. real dlaeues. Jet . au I o~' ., . I f "d 'd ' CARN Edm, AN, 0 WIL, BF.RFO RCF. '~:~ea~kIJ~~ioO~'~ f ~. oerl4In lpecillo ahnoesb m ,ea~ han , acco,un t at , Ask for Estim ates Itw&lt.wlfactthatlfrat!!9rrectl:rIe4Dr.8~:g' t , e eg'lIl1llT1lg un All , of t e month were Preside nt W. S Scarbo rough, of If':!J~&~s~~~:W::to~::' d'l'8llt presen ted ~nd ord red placed on ~le. 1 Our Work , Wilbe i!torce UI~iv~r ity .. rt!c:eiv', d A :~ht.~~~~:-r,~'Wt~=' :::"~= It , 'w as ordered . that $1689,° be ,letter from Andrew Carne~ i e that hf' IIIClb 00\ th&t 0,qtJ)a1 and hl,bl, Y1tal principle, DO tl"ans:fel'l'ed . f rom th ' sheep lnaUn,accompl!ablnenlS,we", enUo be bad fund to . ' '. . .,' , would give o'le·~alf-n 7 50j) - Qf thE' J!'or~ch dll&r!lU. 1l1oalillia. blUoulllelll, ii1i ,the clerk'l3 fee fund, . also breath that alld $200 .1I0w complulo n., tIT. Dr. Shoop'. " , - . ' , eoAt of the ,contt!m plat.ed n~w buil~ ' Reeto"'tlve-Tablota br Llqu1cJ-"aD4 _ tor..: be lran fl'! rred from the sheep fund w will ing atthe univers ity . .Toe buildin'g ' cSO. w~ ~' &Dd . to the sheriff 's ' fee lu nd. . " . be.e,recr.ed at the c08t 9';f,t30,poo. " .BY· reso.l ut .o!1 it waS deci~ed t(\ . and Mr.' pam,.egil! will , do · half if I ~~ n purch~ the old sanitar ium farm on ~~~=~l~::;r~~~~ ',Pfe8ident Scarbo rough C@n raik the I . . , ~" .~ tM Sou~banon pike for $6,600. ' ;; , oUter half. ,'?tir. Carneg ie devera ll'D . ' .. - . . • The proPer ty is'to be used ' for a.. tu- "---';::". yearaa aoKav ethe n .e st o ra t lv e lbere.ul ottis in accorda nce . . . UbfU'J aDC1 the with law maJUlijl it ' compu lsory Ul s

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J. E. Jan ney , Wa yn esv ille , 0.


$9.8 8,$1 2,$1 5,$2 0

Ma ste rs Ra pid Pan t Set ter

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Every Farmer and Truck Drcwer


II Pric e $3 75













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Miami Gaz ette





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The ('rown!ng tI('slro In Ul e life of olrt 1111" "'I;II I'ln('1' IR I .)hllll " p n:~N''' lon of a llOflllt lfu l IlHlntlnw. The pn"'Prt)' W!LS In · h o~~ t t'd y Sarah Prl 'lo4s" t, v~r.r v re t y n rt' 1I11.Irtic YOlln' "lr!. B"lIl1l gllrlll r cum ' to rOliJ. v,C' I hll this nl y hup" I>f ohlOlnlng tho fl rO ,w rl~' \\'oll id 1;,. I hl'ollgh Lhe IIII\r· rlnge or his ~o n S....,h entjnh to Snruh Pro'sl'''!. Tn 11 mo k Iluetlon " IT y," 118 8el'honljah P. 13nllmgfll·tn 'r, .Jr., 1:1 popu· Inri)' kllown. Is mill (I <,1'1' by his fa llH'r to Snrah for $1. SIlI'ah Pressel Is qult n the oPl'oRltu ot S Ity. Dflllmgnrtner I;iv S 80lfy Ramo lessons In cOllrlshl,p. l3aum· ,;'Ilrln r h3.8 caused hlma It to bo a p· polnl d glllU'dlan ot· Sa lly. Sho promises BelIy lhal she will n v I' kiss any mun bu,l h1m . Sam Fritz,. a drunken grocery lorl<, cn\ls on Sally nOll Int -rruplll the kla8In~. etl'y go s to s leep Ilnd boglns snoring. ally I Ilves the room In A hulT, f13)'lng: "Goon nlghl. g(llltiem n." s ~ rr)' tellll hla talh r of hla humllllll.lon; or how Sam Frll~ hlld pinned to his bosol11 whll be el PI n. pasl board tomhl<tonc. Solfy o.nd Sally", I at lho Polson spring. dho urges him to do 80methl ng to redellm Illms It. The fo.tller ndvla II Serfy to tnko Sail)' homo from church. This would be the cru 1111 tbS(. Mcordlng to the cus lom or the times. It was tho rule In such ( L tetJt that the one whos Ilrm th o gIrl I\C'.cepled when lcavlng tho chu rnh would be tho favored 8ultor. Then Snm lahcs 8&lIY'8 Arm. She saYII: "I am ",.ntisf\ d," nd S rfy III lett In dillgrn.~e. Sam conUnues Ills drinking nnel Sally bogl ns' to aeQulr the habit. Bnllmglll·t ncr ~U I'6 s son ..nd slrllles hlni powrrtlll blow wit h !ls t, full In the faco. Th!!n the rcpcntlll1t (1\tiler gathcntl the l'oulh In hI" nrms. HI .. llrles altract Sally a nd SIl\n Fritz. Snlly rush s up to Sel'l'y's room und finds him unconscious. In tho morning c(fy hss dls/lppeared. 11 III a 8M /lnu 101l1190mO Winlor for old Bau mgartn r. H thinks hili son 18 dead. 1I0mewlier t rom the pt. teet8 or the cruel blo\\', Whcn old BauO)· r,lU'ln r goell to Sully's hom to IIUI·· I n(Jer to h I' hla papers all lIer gu rdlnn ho finds hcr hagga rd und worn wllh Sal" row. She agr a 10 quit drinking It he will tako III papers back and continue lUI tl.l'Ir suardllm. XIII. One Blow for That to Serfy. He took the papers home agalo, and wu very gentle with her aft rward, for the things which th~ world blamed in her. His was the only roal kindness - 8he knew. Her little canllng world had no pity for her. But to b I' drunk· . en husband, In spit of all, she was a loyal wife, and the old man Ilkcd her the better for It. So It came to pass tbat they two, the bent old m. nod tbe glrltsh ' wlfl> of the drunkard, separated more and more from the world and came more and more togethel', And 'orten they were seen in tile fields togetber aud .,alklng along the roads arm In arm. With SaUy's little fortune at com· mand, Sam had gone rapidly to the bad. And Sally camo to lenow what tears were, and that dreadful kind of waiting wblch falls to the lot of such women-the waiting tor the fall of a footstep whloh makes one shudder y~t rejoice. They told her to get rid of him, but sbe shook her bead and thought of the inscri.vlton in her wedding .tlng. .uter a while it was the gentle old mlln Who helped to malte these v-Iglls lesa lntolerable-goltig away stealthily b7 the back door when Sam's uns teady S~tlP was heard at · the front-an ang 1 I1t light It ever there was one In owman's jacket, It fell grJmly to his lot, too, to pro· Tide for Bam by dIminishing tbe lIUle 'arm he had longed and hoped for, Rc.e by .acre. The re was no conteu tLOA between tbem as to this. Tbe ~'O\tng wife's wishes we re hls law. "He married me for that," said Sally, the first time, "anel I let blul ma rry me for that-justtor spIte, Only noon was spited but me-but me-well, b e shall hJlve It-all-all"-her voice broke a IItlle-"all but th:e-pasture·fic;ld-lbnt -no one shall have but-you-or Selly wben I die." O[lly once he in terfered. Sam ra ised Ills hond to strike bel' and be laid ·t ."'" 0 dl'11nkard at "Is n feot with a blow BUC!! as he had struck but once l,efore 1'0 bls life. "I am her guardeen!" he cried as be struok "TIy the Lord, I'm he r guur· rtoen!" !., For' a moment 'he gloated over the f1rostrate ' brute. Then ho stood up lrembllng c efore Sally. "FoP'lf me," be begged. "But I "Olll(ln.'1'" helll It. It donn Itself. Mobby ~ "od.u ·mlcYh ty orily Imows!-It '" was ::"ehnn"ce I~ eren up for the other one. And ylt It"'w\lS a rlghteolls blow-yas, It was a righteous blow!" "Yes," sbe said. "You are the first th "'n, t ever I!aw--'" I t was 'tor , lato to !!lOp. And before tt was ({on , be knew that thIs was not uow · XIl rlenc to be r, and that she tlulter d It-and was almost glad' o( It - .f·01' P nance. "Bv lhe Lord," crIed ' the old mOll, ~ "il h" e'er strll'os you ag'ln I'll Irlll 'v ... Mm!.'· · "No,!' snld ' ~al1y ottb' . "Vtu;!" he Insiste d wIth some of btl old \'101 '~ce "No" he l'el)eated lIadly:"..BecauII8 ' U 18 all my (Quit-ali the · Bham&--the shame-because I-deaen'Ej it! And"Tbou s, not 'kUl!' YOu know we bavu t~mpers! And wo ha\"8 bot.b -.ed ttleln!" e budderecl. ad tb.Oupt vI lbe 1\





IJiIIIi ....

"Oood night!" he' .ald with al'erted fo c : " I didn't mean tbAt, llappy-I didn't m au tha t you kllll'd hllll. He's not d all. Pappy, IlI ss ruo-good night! nd forgive me." Hut this ulso made her d nrer to him . And Scl, little by lillie, th y drew clotler aud closer, until a clIJr taln hanplnt'ss was his and a certain (Ion· tont hers. Occas lonlllly lhey luughed. Out UIls was not oft n . . Th ey were \\' II tis fled to s it before the wInter flrc, she wIth an elbow on hi s, he w\J.h his rugg~d hands In h r balr' l At'C1 after n whIle sh would asl( him no I marc to I(I IIS her good night-h e did ' It as ot right, and very beautifully, ou h r hair-po much 11k Serry, that first deal' Idss-that It madq hor sob --al ways. "J uat like Solfy!" she sal.J the first limo nnd cried, flu sblng him out at the door wbon he wou ld hove asked a qu sllon. Dut he Rslted his quooUon one day. It wns wb Ih r she had lov d etty. " Not till S n:y cornell!" she cried. "I won't Ilnswe r." . "Sally," h e Ilold sol mnly, "I killed my IiIUe boy . He Is d ad. I hurt him - I made h im afearod of me-he drngr;ed hims I t away to dlo, III,e wild a nim als that air burt by ru Oll. So you wlI\ bave to t II me." "No-no!" she begg d. "H 18 not d nd. And BOUle day he wIll COOle baelt to II s-you --" "Sally, yo u said 'us'?" "Yes. Forgive me. I meant-you." "Did you mean me ?" "Y s-ob, yes !" "Cross )'our broast !" Sbe made this adjuration with a smile. . Dut when he had gon ,ah groveled on the Ooor and cried: " s-us-us !tI




For Setty's Sake, And so three-nearly four-yea rs passed nud Sam was dead .. "Pappy," sb sn ld arterword, "you have been vory goo r! to me! " "And you to me-It's eren-say nossll1g more." ").'011 huve kept me tram going l'razy, I think." "You haf Itop' my 01' heart trom brcaklng, I expect. Ya s, I IU10W, now ,

It was nIght. But led ber frl1llll bel' own hOllse to hll. And that t!he ~ I ept tn Berry's bod, Oue of Sally's ditties was the night ly rcatllng of Ule Farm Journal. And J'Jst now tbls pnpc r. edited by Ii g, n. Ueman who kuew nothing about fal m. Ing-nud by blm edited we'lI-was rull ot the great me tlng of the Nl\lIonal Farmers' League of the UnIted Slate~ ot .Amerlca. which WIUI 111 885111011 at Omaha. "By tar tbe most Intellig nt and In teresti ng paller ot the session, thus. far," Sally read one night, "was that on 'The Proper Succession of Crops 10 Maryland' by the youthful Tlresldent of the Kansas State league, Mr.- - " Sally rose suddenly and \'anlshed to the kltcben where there was a light. "" hat was It !" asked the old mao when sbo retllrnod. "1-1 cboked," said Sally Quite I.ruthru ll ~', "and went for a drink." " Yus-c\on't rE'ad no more, We'll fiud out nbout the succession to·mor· row nl ~ht. nut what was the smart reller's lI !1 m ?" Sbe preten ded to loole fOI' It, !lnd when sh pretended to have founll It: "~Ir.-S . P. £31'O\\,U," sh e read. Kan sas lll:m-llbout Mary,land Huh!" Out th nt nl l,; hl, after Serry's t"thm was In bcd, Sally wrolA n pi tiful' t \ I -pe rb aps tbo fil'st sho hud vel' l(Clt len : ., 0 ar SE'tty (It ran): "'PI ase come home. Come a9 800 ~ EtS you get th l!1. Yo ur pappy w a n~ you. He Is old and sorry, 50' pl ea~ am ri ght away. "S pheoljah P . Bnumgnrtner, Seulrr." B ul the env lope .was addressed to "~lr . S. P. Baumgartnor, Jr., " President Kas. State League. "Kansa!!." The Ilost·mistress smll d ludulg&ntl. as all y banded In tbe letter the nc r., liay. "A long way orr," s he said. "Yes," said Sally, fid geting with h"r bonnet. "How soou do yo u thlnA II will sel there?" The post,mlstress r elle ted. " bout a weelt," sbe said then. "So long?" But, as a matte r at tact, she had thol,lght It would take longer. Kan sa s was a vague place 111 t hose days, and n vast dl tance away. "Wl'Il," saId t be post·mlstr ss com· fo rll ngly, "m bby not quite so long. But be Uer not count on Its getllna there soon er. I'll gi ve it a good slarL I'll put It In the mall bag now." "Thank you," said Sally. TO DE CONT[N ED.)

MODERN WORK WILL NOT LAClT, Newspapers and Books Printed ToI)ay Have Short Llvell.


that there Is 'such a sIng proke heartll," be averred. "Pappy, [ --" " What?" asked he. "I don't know w~at I'm going to do now. 1 got to worl, for my living, I expect. There Is not enough leCl

tor·-" "You'l! uefer work for you' keep while l'fe got a dollar," said the old man, "lowe you that much forfor--" She liked that. She was sitting on a low stool nt bls reet, her elbow on his knee-bel' favorite a ttitude, Sbe crowded a little closer. "Pu PPY," she saId presently, "let me come and keep youI' house." "Do you u:ean that?" askou tbe old Ulan joyously. "Yes !" ahe said. "But why? Tbat's hnrd work for 0 sal tlmt's not used to It." "all, maybe I want to be whe re Sef. fy was, For-Ilome day-some dayne'lI come ba It and I-want to be tbere-to ask his pardon." Tbey wp,re silent for a whlll.! and h I II ... I I II t en tIe 0 ( man I:IU1 .. IU!" y ; "Y au s I18. II Y011 5 IIn II 5 Ieep In SIT' e yS bed. You sha ll look lu his IIltle crackec\ looldl1g·glass. YIlU sball set In hi s place at the lable. You shall be my Soffy! And we'll walt for bim to· gether anti we' ll boso ast. his purdon -wilen be comes-when he comes." "1\1ay I ride his marc-and plow with ber?"

"Tbe men who wrote hIstory Oll table[i! of stone In ages gone ba,1 :J '(lm lilt tasl[ to perform, nnd bud te. ~ uIU y.ate the habi t ot brevity," &.aye :l wrIter In a German' paper. "but vhat , hey wrote W£l.8 preserved. It will be dllferent with the n ewspapers !lnd books of the present time. The PS\JlCt upon which they are printed will dill' !ntegrnte In a few years, and the recorr!s, historical, scientific and liter· 1.ry, will become dust. I saw two papl!rt! last week which told the wbole story. One contained an a c· count of tbe death of Napoleon Bona· parte. It was printed In 1821, was In a state of perfect preservation. and ooked as tbou gh It might last, wllh ordinary care, a hundred years. The other paper was ke(lt. because Its lead;ng article described the surren· -ler of Sedan, which had taken place d"y betore. Although It bad been printed neady 60 yearll later, tbe 3edan paper had to be han(l1 ~ ~ care' ully to prevent Its tearlOl' In the creases. One of lhese papers was printed on old·fashloned paper, and he other on the mod ern kind. With. r.he two specimens belore me I can aot refrain from urging once morl! that a few numbers of all books and newspapers, enough (or all first·dass libraries, be printed on good p'\per ror tbe benefit of those wlio wtll live afto r us." ------Invehtlon al a &ulllne... . Commenting on a recent article whoBe wrlt{lr laments that more per· sons do not take up Inventing as a regular business, the Electric Revtew (London) BUYS: "We doubt whether b Inventing In the hlgheMt sense can e d I bId b to 0 b earne t Y any Irnad e a Ibus ness t i )0 y. nven ors aretorn, rnat .... e 0 ti I klno I ur own co un ry s no .ac ng n 'n dl v Ine Insp Ira Uon, If we are to jud"~ b th b r t t 11 d t .. ' y e num er 0 pa en a app e or, a dlrrerent conclusion might be ur' rived at It we were to judge by til,




Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound Cured Her.


HE ha a t the top Is n modified h 1m t or black salill. lrlmmt:d with a band of \. Iv t ond a militu r y plume of pale yellow. Th turban on I ho ri ght I: at mllrabout, In lnupe coloI', with lwo sari t wings across tho sid e. 'rh e halon Ihe I rt Is s hllTer! tnffetu, In Iridescent InCH of Gl' ell and bl aok. cross t h crown Is one or lhe new f at llres that curl upward at the ends. The qui ll Is run through n largo roselle of bright gr en Enlln. THE USEFUL OUTER SLEEVE,


Many WaYII by Which ContrIvance Made of Crepe and Silk, They Are May Be Made Up. Seen Everywhere.

SICK 'HEADACHE ThQ.Y nteo ~UeYe t>IJto

Ametliysts for Oay Wear. For day wl' ~r anlethysts undoubtedly tbe lashlon. The r.eally well dressed woman has sets ot these, bat pins, long watch cbaln and brooch to match. In most ot the hat pins the stone Is elongoled or spherical. 'There are some of the prettiest long cbalns In wlilch the amethysts are cut square oud qulle flat, and the links ot the cbaln are ot gold and about n half Inch III le ngth. ' ThIs, Is a smart de· sign and looks equally well when worn with eltber a tailored or lingerie waist. Lapis lazdlt Is also popular and be· coming for brooch~s. Large, square or dlamond·shaped ones, set In sliver, are vcry stylish, worn a.t lhe throat to bold one's jabot 11\ place,


:A perfect

II.Ddenon .LueJU.... N 11 M appl~



tIaI'fId or· ~","


lor Dlzzlneea. Nou. Drow. lneSl!, nod "uHIIAUntheMouth,Cou,aPoln In the .Lv,un.., Ll\"J!:R... PureIT Vegetable. '




Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature

, ~YLf: ~~A~ .

-~ .J. ___ , __ REFUSE _

SUBSTITUTES. 4S to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre' _


hue been pwu on farm landa ill



D""pepala, In:

I dll(:Clllltorl"nllToOHcortt



Science and Culture. Englnoer-I'vo just boen In steam last hour. Llt-Good! You've need d some· thing Il k that for a Jong tlme.-WI,· cOJjs ln Sphinx.

Now that loug 8leev{ls are once On wllO Is In Paris writes thnt the more in, wowen must reso'r t to outer . fashlon of the day Is for sbl..wis made ~I ee \" s as protection It ther are work· of ,. p ann silk. Th ey nre worn In Ing 01' wrltlng. This need ts oft n Highland fashion, with tb l'lght nd filled by s lee ves of fold (\ handker· thrown 0\'01' Ihe I r sh ould r. P·, emu:» I N 6 TO 14 DAn. bie rs, but the cllief obJe.ction to tbemAiI edges are heavily (ring d and PAW VINTltI!:N'rl. ""ft mlll"c" to ODrn any",," Is that they require too frequent tbere Is. a lo\'cly bordcr In rich colors. or I","hln". IIUnr! . 1lI~ ,.II "" o r l'1'Olruc1I. . 1'Ito- I. wRsh lng. . Th S6 urc worn · by wom.en who nre ~ 1.0 U dare OrlllonOl rufUDdcc1, 600. Qul o~ ly made nud convenIent pro· driving, by those sitting In boxes at YO\lr orthogro phy Is twisted, Alonzo. teetol's cun be made from she Ls ·of the tbeate r Ilnd by lbose wearing A woman 16 not a padded cell. !lUIf writing paper, commercial slz . sma r t one vi oe costumes at arterU!le the paper c rossw ise, raid back noon arrl\lrs. . Filet Acho-Uee Allon· ...'ool.&ao.. ' l'O.OOIlo.IIU1(1I1I1l11!. nn... I nllltu l!>n Il<Ind tor The French woman Ii! quite keen O:rrr the two lower corners about half the frco lrlol paol:njlu. 4. S.OI"I&IO(.\, 1.0 1107,111. Y. depth of Lhe sheet and turn In tbe . about t be Idea, and she Is buyi ng uppe r balv II nnd across lbe top to the wonderful old shawls to go wl\h b er It takes a. has·bee n a long Ume to depth of an Inch. This gives a firm different costumes. !.nd It out. surface to hold ' pins alld the turn d The best olles are In crenm, In back corners e na ble tbe eurr to rea 11 white and In black, but all hav the nearly to the elbow on the back of tbe colored border . . arm where the sleevo rubs wllhout The most desired ah owl Is one of InterferIng with the action of t he real 'Chlnese crepe. Tbese come In arm. . I ,many colors, with beavy embroIdery These paper ouffs ca,n be used sev· and a deep, thick- silk fringe. This tas 'slucceeded th Spanish e ral times before tbey need be thrown away. shawl. whIch began the popularity. Another convenient cuff is made Just wby this fashIon came ~but from white oilcloth. Theile sbould be no one knows. It it had begun In long enough to reach 10 the elbow at London the reason would be simple, the baok of the arm and should slope heCRuse Edward Vll. revived ' his well below tbe bend of the arm tu mother's custom this ChrlstmRs 'ot front. Sew In a seam and punch two sending out halt a hundred 'IndllUl small holes on each side of tbe seam shawls as gifts to ,bls friends. at the top ot!' the eurr, through ~hlch to pin a small safely pin. DRESS FOR YOUNG GIRL That Ihe satety Din may not ever be mlsslpg, attach one ·to each culf ----,--,-----~---'---:-:'7. with a shari .tape. These oilcloth currs can be washed off an.d bave the ad· vantage of lasting longer than paper, without needing tbe wosblng ot muslin 01' handlterchlef protectors.

Return of Huge Plume •. We h'a ve had choPI)Y little featbers aod queer wings and birds on our hats t or so me . time ' and the huge , graceful plume bas been In the background, It now returns to Its own. . It Is being used on the first spring "You-yOU-YOU 1" he questioned In quality. Amerh:a appears to be the hats and on the attractive mldseason his ec~tasy. "Ken you?-.,ay-do you special breeding 'g round of the 10VEn· bats whlcb . are sometimes prettier sink you ken?" tor. The peculiar mixture of all race!! than' all tbe otherd put together: ( I d "t b " "Yes," she said very 80fUy. "If you In that ortunate an appears 0 a're The plume Is the only trlmm,lng. It III I t I rill b II d produced a kind ' of superman who . w ene, w e a an every· Is wide aud thick, .extra Iong an d h as . H ere fI a u se ful b n t 8mart . d rEISS, sl\ch dla all tbe natural eu.rl , whl.c h . makea. Ita whi chsirna d e . up In ce d ar·green t11Ing S e ff y was to ·you. 1 took h1m alon'e Is capable of creating ' . [!'om you. Let me do my beat to reo hall cal Invention!! IlB the cash regia Amazon cloth, The plaIn 8klrt" Is place him. It Is for 'tbat-that, only, ter and the automatic .telephone e:r, beauty. . plaited, a box,platt · Is (orme~ down that I have cared. We shall rent ·thls change: For Clammy Handl. center of [ront. wfth other pialta turDhouse and that will help-tor I know A' good cure tOt· tbat trying aliment, Ing tram It, TJ>,e bodice ' baa, a ' yoke you huve been getting poor, to'l-and Oregon Appl~ Sold .t $1 baJlds tbat 'a re "clammy or perspire, 1.$ 'and culfs' of piece lace, with straps The recent sale ot a number' 01 . d ill t bl '. It t I I ,ntt! 1 I -and-If you will take It-I-l ·want boxes ot . winter banD;:"a app~ " s . at to keep, 00 your . ress g a e a sl;Da a mater a I all il8 : tr .mm ng, It, t a gl o t h t 11 Id , ..... . ,~.. che ' esecloth bdg titled with one ,part _ sU"bt 'fuUneas is gatbert,d In the cen· ve y u- 13 uus ure· e - ' orb h b bl" - " ,.. . oh, for Serry's sake. Will you take Hood river at a ox as roug bQtax a~d 't hree P9:rt!· star{:h. Tbj!l if .t er · front of /JOdlc'~: and .set to the In" For he had demurred. "Fa; Sef- up th~ quesUon ot record prices · ~\.lr dusted ov~r the palms 'of fbe hands Y9ke unller a strap. A wa1atbeILot. apples. The horticultural aonals 01 'wlien they teel .·' stf,!:l~y , w,llI quickly silk ,Is ·w,orn, , , '. . ·fy'8 linke-ju~t as you WO'.lld tal,e It t. tat h tb t t 1866 b .. 1 I It to tue 8 e s ow a n ' 0 .. ' 'c"'ock. tlle moisture.. . ' . . Material. req\Ured: Seven ya,rda 18 · hi m-alJ d as h e wou 11 f ro.m I S ve I th U 'I'" It h If ? 1 • t of Spltzenberg ' 1\1>.ples grown . n ..~ Another h.elJ) · ~s .~n keep a '..bottl.e of .In''he8 wlcte, ' one jard laee, ,aile-half youe wered d a -;-nere. wan ... ~ u7111'" . tt"" II d hI d t S . .,.. .. " ' b" J '1 .. .va ey an s ppe . 0 an' alcohol In a Convenient p_lace an .' d wlp., yard shk, . b~ both son an aug tel' ~ Y~u. , . ,et Fr~ncl~co notted tb~ 8~lpper '!lO, 1.1 oft the handi with it ,several tlm'ea a _ ......_ _- - _ me be f\leffy and ~~,~e1f too. It' la .the same '~ear three boxes of winesap. day. . . ,. , New Idea for Book M.rk'e .... Dluch-but let me tl). . were sold In Portland for flO?. or ,~. One of the. latest' cJ:llzen In 'fan~ But he had caught that IltUe IUp box': 1n::1866, ·OS.OOO bO:xee-of .ppI8!I Th.- .ulle .Scarf. needlework Is embroLderiDg Qtbllcal ,0: tho t.ongue, Il1i1l Wlfl'dumb. grown lD OregoD sold at prit;el Fashionable women ~re aeen. at the emblems u~ rtbbons tor ·book tDat'k.' rbey sat 8I1e~~ ' by the fire lor a long wb10h n.e tted the shfpllAr ,20 ,tl) '30" tbeaters~ lUlel rea~uranta wearing a ers. ThJs work Is done with Unset Uwe then. Presentiylhopld ma.. rose bushel. In 1864. 600 ·boze• . 'l!ere Iiold Bead of black tulle wOUlld ,al'o~nd tbe thre"d and man, are .-enturlq· ' and lItUns her he .ald, wtth a snllle at frOID .60 to ,80 a box. The ftr.t lUI throat and iert to Ooat about the allead l-n making belts In the same sncb aJ ahe had ne,,,r . aeen on blBlOf apples grown on araftec! tl'tHt8 wen BbouJden,. -It .,IDaJ b8 qalte unOrQA·IJIILfD!ner and ,alia . tbe face: .,'4 In Portland b, the poWI' Inelated or embroidered: WltIl .,14 Ja add

"Yu· -ror Mtnn"

Willimantic, Conn.-"For fiveYJ)8rt1 I suffer ed IDlwld agony from female troubles, causing backache, irregnlarLties, dizziness nnd norvous prostration. It was for me to WIl opstairs without stopping on the way. 1 tried throe different doctors alld eacb told me somsthinf\' different. I r ccel verl no benefit from any at' tbem, but se mod to suff er moro. The lost doctor said nothi ng wou lei restore ~~~ my healt.h.l began Pinkham's V egetable :OJlln,nllllli see what it would !l0i am restored to my natura "-Mrs. ETTA DONOVAlI, Bo][ .. ~.u..,..~,",u, Cor.n. The Sllccess of Lydia E. PinklUlm's Vegetable Compound. made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect contldence by women IVho suJler f rom clisplacementB, inflammation. ulceration.., tlbroid tumors, Ir. regularities, periouio pains, backache, bearlng-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dlzzlness, or n ervous prostration. For thirty_years Lydia E, Pinkham's V egetable Compound bas been the standard remedy for f e male ills, a.n d sulfering women olVe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a triaL Proof is abundant that it bas cnred thousands of others, and why Bhould it Dot cure you?




= KITE AS A HorisE.


New Sport of Sal Ina In Tow BID Flyer.



Til Y 1I:1 \-e davi s d a new a port up on L al;, OnlnrlO-l!Illllng t\ bont In tow of u. Illle. '}'b Illv utOI'S a l'c Baron Vic tor li e Flour· ville nn d Howard THE HUNTING TRIP. L.l1opcs, wb o bave flt\.a l>('s n ar Dex"Frl, you, Willie ! Wal's de matter?" Story of Adventure by Flfteen-Yeal'ltl t buy . Due d y "NuthJn'. I'm tralnin' fo r 11 liaraOld Boy. reI' nll y wh eo Oll t thon' " In 1\ s mall town In nortlw l'II l\Jl hi · eSIJled 'It s inall fOl n wa ll; lbey How's This? boy strllggling In s o ru ~ 'Ve 011'.. Ono II und....1 OoUnI1l R(!I1'fIt(\ (Or an, gall lIve d two unys by III Illlme of bu:;hes . Tb y went La his nSS i!:ltllll C cue 01 IAtrb lIIloL ...nOOL bu cured by BAU', David Nelson and Ilarry Morts on. aDd found he hnd the fltrln g ot a I;l t Cnwrb Cure. F. J. CnCS l!Y It CO .. O. Tbe e boys had wnlled mfln y weolts tangl ,d up In thc I aves I\nd bra nch s . Woo tbe u ndcnlllcnC!d. h .. vo Known fl. J . IJr ury The unrOll nud his frl c nd uutau g led for \tlij lLI&\ I~ yea .... lIucI lIcUevc him Il<!rtt'ouy lIon- for a lIg ht sno lVfall; so thal th y go r,~hblt Iluntlrlg. orallie lu all bllJll oeAII tM,n""rllGlla all<l nlllulr14lty ml"bt '" .. tho cord. and. tho red Idto , be log 1'0 ablo 10 cnn")l out lUll' obltlt1l UOU8 ID4dc loy IlLl lIrm. 'VAUJ1 NO J\ I NHAN tt MAMVL\(. A t last tho day anlvcll allll the leased, It ~onr()d 11110 t he alJ'. It pulled Whol""" lo Dr.uwlf18ta. Talc<!O. O. Hall" Cal4rrb Cure to IAken 1I11eMlAUy . nctiUji ~i~~~ll~~arl~\~ll~t ~11~h~'c~~~~!,. In TI~~; and tu gge u so ha rd on tb e bnron'5 dlrooUy uflOn th o blOOd alld OIUoo\lll .url/\CCII or !JIe an11S as ho halld d it to 1 be boy llHl.t I}'llOm. '1\.. 11"'0011111 IM'n t!roc. Price n _Ia par ,;n llced about seven m il es Ih rough a It \.JlIt an idea inlo hIs he ad, s ays tbe bo~ t'~.:~~ru:I'ti:':"or COIUItlP:lUoG. thIck WOI (\ wlthOUl n bll or S lI ' cell!! . New Yor\, Wol'ld. Ou retlll:lllug -to hi At last night bugan to fall . and Har- cottage tile uaroll an ,Mr. Ropes built The Elopers. ry nurf Da vid buill a 'caml' flre nnd II. kite a boul four fe~l :IlUg lind two "Did you t legroph your fat4e r?" S\.Jread th e ir blankets on th o ground . lee t ncro s. BL'ln g p:lln(..l C. 111 (' ), tus "Yes and gOl his answer." ln the course of au hour botb boys tcned s mall Amcrlcnn al,,; Frenc h "Wll1lt Is It?" flags at th e \'Cr} lip. Wllh tile kll e "I usk tld hIm It he wouid !ergtvo us rell Into a lIeep slumber. !:judd nly Harry was awakened by attach u La u ball of flne, stl nng Wbl\). It w camo back aud b~ said lh~ only condition on whIch ho would forglvo th!) growling or some animal. He woke carll , of( tll e y we n down to the lalt e. us would be that we shouldll't come David, and they sat and li stened to lied llle cord to th e uow of a iloat nud the noise for auout five mlnut('s. Th n pusiled out llIto the lak '. Wh e n cl ' al bacir.....!-Houston Post. they took th e Ir r'llles and started ill or the sbor'e tbey launchect th e k.le. Particularly for Particular People, th dlreeLion rrom whIch tbe souou Th wInd Illlmedlat Iy caught it. and came. • outlt·I'!!' Vanillll Extrnct is pJ'Quuceu lifted Il hi ghe r and hig he r into th e a ir from IIno MOl>cican Vanilla BOIIolt-a pure, All at once th ey came upon a large and OUl ah ead of the boat. which bflrich oncentroted flavor. )\ II grooera. }Jut bcar grow lin g at a wolf. The boys gnu to zip through the wat I' In tow t Il up in 10. U nod 25'coot bottl_ climbed a tree and wben they had the big Idle. ' The IdealIlt. I'each d the middle. Inst ad of one They werc ab le to sleer through tl e The I1rldO-1 want a piece o.f meat flrlng at the bear and ilie other al lake Into De xte r bay and up Ula~ k without auy bone, fat or gristle_ t be wolr they both Ored at th e wolf river, whe re tJl y pulled In the kil I) T ho Butchet'- Mndam, 1 think you'd and kIlled him. This made BruIn very and mud II. landIng. bell I' huve aa egg. -Hllrper's We kly. angry and he stnrted up the tree afte r As th e story goes th e y were ab l lU th boys. This was done so Quickly return uy the tiame ue vicc, the wind ned, Weak. We • ..,., WRC .. ..,. my_ Rollovod by l!.turlnc J~ ye R~ru edy. Com. thot Ih ~ 1>0yS had .no ·tlme to load having changed while th y we re asho re. The boat was swltlly and si Iloundud by J;J 'ql\~ rlcnced Physicians. Mu. their rlfl s. rllll.! Do s u't Smart: Soothes llly Poln. But Harry. taking hold of his gun le ntly UI'UWIl down !.he river, out Write MurIn l!'ye Rcmp.dy Co.bCblcago. \)y tb e balTel. kept the I>ear at !Jay through lhe bay Rnd Into tbe lake. for IlIuslrated Jl:yo Book. At rugglslB. till Dllvld got his loaded, nnd ShOl wbere they landed almost at th e urlg [refined, th e brute. Ina l s tartIng plncc. The Writer's Child-Pa, la The boy!! then made n hammock or The lmron aut! Mr. Ropes mado ar ponury? a large pIece of canvas they lJad range mcnts to lry Ihe Itlle . on a Iltllt The Writer-Penury, my son, Is tho flshln g trip the next morning. It wus , wagca of the pen. as s uccessful as vor anll landed th elll neal' tbe GrenadIer Islands, where til ) Your worlling pjllver dcp eoda npou your pulled In the new motor and caught heulltt I orticld Tea corrects d:isordeni of enough black bass fol' brealdast. liver, kidu Y8, sto! nod bowels; o;vercOlnlie nstipntion, purilles the bli>od-:;Tbls kH e·boat opens up a vista of brings good liealth. Infinite Jlosslblllties. It may save tll ( tired arms or many a fisherman; a Just the Thing. picnic pa rly may kite across the l..Ike. "How Is tbe little bootblack gettlng Qr In the moonlit eyenlug two young on whom you started ?" persona may glIde s oftly over the wa· "He? Why, he'a n ahlDJng IIUOOOU." tel', both scated In the stern of the I>oat. and his arms will be fr'ee of any Pettit'. Eye '8alve Firat 80ld In 1807 bother ' with oars or paddles. 100 yea.l'II ago, IIlleil inerea8C yearly, wonderBut it would be well always to tnk \:. lui r medy; cured millioos weak eyea. .AU r drugaii ti or Howul'd Broa., BuffaloA N. Y. a pair of oars along, tor Ute Wind mny not nlways be as oblIging as it was to . When a mlln begins to taUt about Bal'on de Fleul'VlIIe and Mr. Ropes and reforming It's a sIgn that he SWlp60tl switch' around just when it Is limo te go·home. , other. pepple are suspicious ollUm. t

--- - - ---


• • ON;LY "BROMO OUL~" 'l'bt II LAU'l'1VIll SHOMO Qtn.Nl~& Lex.., 10r

ot ~, w. (mOvlO. UIIO<l.a..o WwlCl o,er \0 Cure • C1.114 lD ODe Ilu. :roo.. tlI;) IIp.tu.o

-r The Bear Started Up the Tree. , brought and dragged the bear back to 0 0, camp. J'ou 'l'be next morning they had a great we for .. PUll of struggle to get the carcass home, but '. ' Dr. M.,,'. Epll.ptlalol. Ca~ J& b.. oure.l thouaanda where eftJ'ltb.lDg else tailed. Sen\ fl't'o 'wllb dlrect!o_ Exp..... when they did, they skinned It an 'relHlloi. Ou....ot.eea by Kay Me41A:al I.;at>- sold the hide for $25, whIch they dl· ora\ol'" UD<Iu til ~adooal 11'0041 Dnd Drogll vlded' betwen thm. ' . Ac ... .June. 1Wth-t, J808. OUl1or1Ul1.1 Nl7. 181m. 'l'hls was the success of theIr hunt· l'leMe &in A,OK &ud tull ucldreaa. ' DM. W. U, KAY, , Ing trlll.~Elmer Engels, in Detroit .... PMd 8creat. . New Y.rk City. Free Pre~s,



if ;80. you are an easy victim of ·disease . . You can avoid danger if you build up your system with ilie natural strength·giver-

:OR.D.JAYNE'S 'TONIC vERMIFUGE ~hlch help. your ' bbdy . do US I

building up_


It putl the "bole diges·

ti:te aystem in .8 · perf~~ c:ouditlon .. · Regulate. the .. tomoch, imparts new ''lr and health to tbe tiuues. Your Druggist has It,

TUlO -.tzu, SOt: and 3St: r


cnm:..Jonell : "There

-7.y=~-,-,.u...o~ .,u. '

fJ P\' Or

S Il C' H

A Little PrInce•• Who Learned That Beauty of Heart Wa. Beat. . Once upon a time (as all true faIry storIes begin), there lived a beauttrul c:ueen ' who had all only daughter. The girl's name was Vcritas, which means "Truth!' . Tr'uth was a very pretty child, with large blue eyes and flOnrly white "te th, but right In the middle of her forehead . was a peculiaI' "ruark," where the fairy Fellcltns 11l1d ki ssee} her on her first · l,llrlhday. . V rltas · dl~ not know . the value ot· th e faIry's ki ss, and trIed. as she grew older and ' began to thlnk about ht:!r -pel'sohal appe'a rance, to bave the mark reaoved; but none of· the court physlcfans could do anytWng tor her. One night, atter soe had been tucked Into ' bed by ber old' .nurs!,!, sbe saw the fairy Feltcltas standing be· side her. . "Verltas," said the fa(ry, "do not worry nbout .the mar~ on your fo re' head. Hnllpy are they wbo receive the kiss 'of FeUcltns: but few !\re they who make use of Il Heed me, Verltas, fret no more, and thine w,lil be the gift of happIness," and then Fellcllas dIsappeared'. Verltas thought It '\Yas n dream : but nevertheless sbe remembered tbe fairy's advICe. T~e' aIde, she grew the llnppler she grew, until all tIle poople far and nenr be'gan to love he r. ·Noone noticed the ' rual'k; for all ·.hey ' saw was her' own beaut Iful selt. .dut In, s'PLt~ ,o~ ' the faIry's promIse, when' th'e g~d Ql,leen dl~d Verltaa 'was not Quite so 'b·appy;. sad look ap,. about ber eyes; .but all tbe peo., . ·y.rUl1 'wh9m ' she ·name In .c onfact were cheered by . bet noblo w·ol'ds an'd pure miDA: A~ ti1J\e went op, .Verlt.. lost b~r lJ&dneal3, aDd good cheer aRlin filled the palace, and though ah!! lived

conI rnry n s te d . &o) ttl lll: thInn er da ll y.

~c l

aangood one.W.81 aI· IIIIailll!lt;O~be old·and woman . ber life Never m~~ 414 abe wish to bave ~ayS


fOr It lbiIallt lOON G. O~non; HI~I~~!!-~I~:'P~I~,: '1Ia,I'_-Oo(].

~ .


The Kind You Have Always Bought


n ' !! giVe him plcnl}, rE'e<l . BlI t he la l«'s Utt 10 at the

trough. The Haying 's tru e. 1 (hlnl, . You enn leod B horse to w B. lt.,·r , but Y Oll cunnOl mn lt

drink ."

Bears the Signature


And wh en one h ere be· I,;)\\,. Is born A 81 u vo to dO\Jb t a n(l fenr. You mu y tt'1\ him God L, In lloe ,,'1ndYou can not muke him hl'Rr. Yo u can Il loo\\' 111m cloulh. at eunset, You ('unnot ltIuk e hllll see rh slll'"r ll nlng-It rE-mrulls A hl(!(Jl.'n III r alery.

Promotes Dige s'ion,Ct\(~c rfl!l ­ Opium.Morphine nor Min~rlll NOT NAR C OTIC /i" ('P' 01 ()M OrSA'flIEl/'/TClfl'H A".."/,,;'




/i'tI(A,/I,S.1l. • dlf"u SuJ .. a

- -_ ... _-



A pp'I'mI"ttt -

Bd;'rI."IJt4iMk> Hor", J'uJ ('10''''..1 .r.~..~ "i~"'Y,..,n '}'I".or



Apcrfecl Remedy forConslipa·

Potatoes-An Appreciation, If Sir Walter Ral e tgh had done nothln ~ c ls('. bls di scovery of the potato plaut should have protected blm trom hIs un( lme ly fate. It Is Int resting to note lhat potatoes, lIke corn, bave adapted them· selves to bostlle environme nt, tor both are sllb·troplcal, and were ori ginally found In MexIco and Central America. By menns of cultivation th ey now nouris h abundantly as far north as Maine, wbere, Indeed, some ot the best varletlos come from. For more than 200 yenrs It has been a necl.'ssary article of food-so essential In Ireland. for In stance. tbat a failu re of ~he pOlato crop means a famIne and tearful s urrerlng. The potato was, so little as Q Quar· ter of II. century ago, rath e r Q slighted part or the farm products-given to the women to di g, nnd the children to hoe or weed or not, as they saw fIt Now the crop Is 8S aristocratic and Important as any raise d, and tbls year there were grown about 200,000, 000 bushels ot potatoes, with a value of n early $120.000,000. Chemists tell us that the potato contaIns less water than any oth er vegetable, and that it Is especially rich In "carbohydrale energy." Chll· dren (especially It they are thin), should eat freely or potatoes, and the ways In which they may be prepared are many and varied, from the pluln bolled In the jackets, to the elaborate "au gratin" or esce.llt/ped:


n(,55 and Rcst.Conl"ills neither

, f(x

llbraries of nohle book •. PrOVide III w i sest tl'uchlnA'. But If th e peo ple will not h,·PII . Where II! Ihe good ot preuchlnll'l 'Tls Indll'l r1l1 ollty Thnl COll nl s. und 80, I thl nl'. We wos te mll l' h time pro vidIng (or The horses who wo n't drInk. Bul111

A PRAYER, The Conjurer Confellel. 'rbat "the hand III QUl ok r tban tb~ o D, we sendwant. less money thun eye" Is one of those accepted sayings And less Ome than Inve nted by some one who knew noth· ing ·or conJuring-or, as Is ~!!J..IL..l.lA!Y--=-+-4-~r_.... __ need, less ot un enown toes ly, by some eunnlng conjurer wbG to daunt. aimed stlll further to hoodwink !l Lcss unlmown tears to gulllbie public. The fact Is that th e heed. best conjurer seldom makes a rapid More 10vIl to mnJte this 01(1 motion, for ' that attracts attention , world wag even though It be not understood. The Unto u merrll'T tune, true al't\st In this line la deliberate in The les8 December, uud. please God, evory movement, and It Is maInly hy A Ullle mo.e of June. his 'actl0)18 that he leads hIs uudleno to look not where they ought, but in A utlle les9 of "wlshlna an entirely· dllrerent dlrectlon, says St. for," And S9me moro work tv Nicholas. Mr. David De vant, who ror do. a numbel' of consecutive years bas n· And faith thllt. somehow, somewhore, aU tertalned London with hJs Ingenious The balunce will swing true. tricks, has said: "The conjurer must be an actor. By the expression or his More strength that cometh with the dll)' , Le... thoulfht of how at"d wh en . • tace, by his geBt!Jres,' by the tone of Then, .uddenly....the dll.rkneaa his voice, In shor~, by his acting, h e WIlh;0ut II dream: amen. must produce Ws effects." The Garden. A Canine Carnegie Hero. Since the days when the Han~lng An Instance .or a dog's devotion is Gardena of Babylon formed one of the re ported by M. I<. Gleason of Warren ; won ers 0 e orld. people says the Philadelphia Reco rd. Mr. realized, In a vague, abstract way, tbat Gleason and others noted a bIg shep· the garden dese rves an Important her'd dog 011 thc railroad bridge. Ol'('r place In tb e world. and thst Its care tbe Allegheny barkIng fro.ntically . The should have a big place In tbe world's 'animal ran to th em and then back to work . . Pe rbaps, It we are more pretentious, one of the center piers, whe re It stopped and iooked down. Finally we order a tennis court la Id out, and the Olen secured a ladder and going decide tbat we wlll have a herbnceous ou t on tbe I>rldge, clambered down border, a flow er·bed and som tblng·or· and round a fox tenler d og that had othe r called a "pergola." Now there III a great dlvorslty ot fallen tbere. Whpn the II ttl 0 dog was Tnscued the joy of the !!hepllerd WIIS opinion as to this lame pergola. Some unbounded, and It munlfested Its grati· thInk It was originally n balcony, oth· tude by jumping up 011 tbe men and ers a t e rrace, sUlI oiliers an arbor. licking th e l r hands. Tho latter seems the popular conception oC It, and so we have pergolos Thought They'd Grow, stre tching unbroken lengths from no"I wan t some garden seeds." where to tbe other place. Everything ·'Ya·as, miss; aJl' what -klud de w II surr and crowded. yew prefer?" But a well-des igned garden! What It "Well, my Sunday-school teacher joy forever It Is! Not tar away there tol(l me t.o 'sQw seeds of klnune!!s;' Is a c!larmlng and effective arrangeso If you've got any ot \hem I'll ti'Y a ment ot what was, to begin wIth, but package.' - Judge. a narrow, oblong piece. But a per· gola with an al\Ch In the middle was TURN ABOUT IS FAIR PLAY. thrown across like the screen aoross the chancel of a church. From a path doWll the middle of the garden, steps led up to the pergola's areb. and then th~ path 'was continued to the end between berbaceous bordera. The end WIS raIsed, and so gave the etrect of vllta-of a beyond Into whIch only the .' Imaglnatlon could peer. . In old Dutcb painting, there was almost always .an effect somewhere of ~gates . aJar"-an elrcet alluring, suggestive, and stimu, ·lating. And thl8 Is' the effect to ~ striven tor In. our gardeD'i ,


For Infa.nts a.nd Children.

w a.s


blind, but thoae whom



liOlI. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoeil, Worms ,Convulsions .Fevcri shness and Loss O F SLEEP.

For 'Over

- --_ _--

.. Fae Si mile signature of


Thirty Years


o,"'.u_ .........y. _lEW ..... om.

Your Last Chance to

Get Good Land Ch~p . lies in Idaho. Good land at such prices win SOOD be gone forever. Fine farm tracts can be had now at low prices, on easy terms. By the time your last payment is made the Land will have doubled in value, at least. New towns-needing trades-are lrI'owing up fast in the wonderful Snake River country. Men who went tb::re poor a few yeat;s a~o are now well to do.

Own An Idaho Farm


Idaho's variety of resources is unsurpassed anywhere in the world-money- is made easily and quickly in farming, in. fruit. stock and dairyinll·. Alfalfa alone is making hundreds rich. Save money, that might otherwise be spent in tickets and hotel bills, by going direct to I<:Jaho and buying n farm now. Write today for our free booklet,

E. L. LOMAX,_ C. ·P. A •• Omaha •••b.


A. N. K.-E



Pink Eye. Eplzoollo Shlpploal Fever ilL Catarrhal


This Trode-mark Eliminates All Uncertainty in the purchase of p al n t milt rials.

It is an absolule ~u a ranlec of pur. Ity :\Ilil quality. For your own protcction, see that It is on the sic!e of every keg 01 white lead 10U buy.



LEAD eMllll .

The Beuon lIlnke and Sell More V8II'a &. ijl3.60 .Shoes Than Any O~er Man~actureZ

luUdiftl, N.. YOl1!


II ....... I II" , ... . . , . , tIM _ L·olu.. ...... eo8IJ)I&ie orpntsattoD of _ _ G»C1a u4 UIII.. U1\.be c.... try. •


Sa.I-bacl ItS.a· nd Castor c··-. OI I

~::.ii~~~1:E1~r==1? ~ '",",,4

" ,

-.:..·u. ~-e .uu.-u...

1Ii_ roll Ioou •• ~ W L. DooI&Iu ......


....1II&4e, _wOlll4tb ..,lIMYlMIII .... ......... ... " __ , .......... _ tIJIdentan4 I . . . . t.IIu• .... ...... .

MnJoodo! TannlngthBSolu ",aloe. only makes bowels move be- III/ . Flu/III. and Long" Weulnl1 tlron an, otte,.. d~'" them ill....... f'ar E"~ He....... ot the l'_'~. cause t inita.·.... ~ an DW~ 'Jllleu, n ..J'''' WO_I",.,lII' ••", aad ClbU...... L!_ fin' The best · 1"Il'rW P1 11IlJOftdOO\lc.. nftl'f'll'bere. Uke polUUg ger m your eye, . . . . CAUnON Ililollfl !!enulne \\'llhout ". 1.. Dna.,.. ' I .6_.J:,...·ne u· '"---I.. JIA" ,. alld .,,100 1I(llhPEJl on ~ Bowe IDCU... "-"lJ...... '" .... V,.thdllarnl,y. Oal&loc ~... Every Salts aDd Castor on user ...."....... W. L.llj)lKlLAS.ltl .a ,at st., B~ ~ ./

CASC~ETS aDd by YOu'll ,ee, ' ~

get ' a })oZ" of thell1 jUst cmco.

Cucareta-"lOe bor-wMk;.·troatmellt.

AU. dnIIrlrIlti. BrRelt ..eUer lA die

wodd-'-1iIJlUoD boZoa • mopUI.



00l8r.,.... ............ O.NI·ON'-"-8"'E.E--D - ~ ·.~.D I~~: ••



_. ------ ,


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .-







__~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~t=~~~~~~~~~~~~.~t~~_~__~_ ~~~~~~!!!




It.: R~sid~n~~ Ppop~ttty


New Bu,·lington. !Jr. \ bituk r aud 'em' ' 0 r. hu t' llm'olln", .!l !lut m, uiles '

At Private SaJe 'I'uig

,- ul',l b ~bumbuu~h . T~, Ll youn cr Ulllni d peo pl ", '''l~. boy 1onltivl1tor, 1 Krunsooltivat.or, of l·h M , E. 'uu duy ~ b ool h elJ 11 2 hurrow , (oew) i 1 Aughe ul'elLkiu' l"I )l'illl llt, til .Aonl'x on ur.nrduy ev plo w, Brown r,~nll wagq'n, hll.yrig, elli n g. ging, Brudley corn pJu.nt 1', Plllno I rl'lIuk P . 1\1llu 1', of L6 shun:, ~oving mltCbintl, Buckl'J,.e dl 0 drill' l pn'l\ f' h Hd ut, th e Fri ou 's oburoh un .. 8et. work 11arne88, hu.:t-hook and ~lll1ll n y • ve uing. r OIJ . lillY ruke. J. B . Chapman. hll s Fhll's Harlull IIUlI brolh l' " 'I' m . H u rl o ll. f til Minllli8bnl'g IFe-houl ,.;, s pe ut F.lI st tl l· Il t t,hf'ir hr)lll~ MOLASSES DAIRY FOOD. , hel'tI. I , Th e t ntun 1 'l'f' le ph.lUe ompllny We WIll ho ve a car of MOlasses j 11\11V hil S over ~ixty tuok-h \cit r::!. DUlry twd Horse Feed the ltlst of ! J\t II IIIt'otlng hold la. t h'l'ill ,lY lift er n lIJ1\ th fullowio g 1\ 1lI 0 (1l'~ wore tlJiR week. Also, a onr of I:lt,. Louis fl l etl:'ll : PI' H, () W. Whlt tlo u; Brnn Ilnd MiddlingR . I:lpooial price \ 'It'~ PrA:;. H .. n. Wllitllkar i !:leo, if tuken f':'om onr . .J ,, ~hua lnwood; ANSi. t . ~(' . , W . '. Wn.yneRvil!e Mills. :-;lI1it,h ; Trfltl .. ' H . 1I1 0K,lY. ,

.. -----


Th", Home De purtl11eut unci Ur'l'll


Green Briar.

'l'homas Be a.nd fl~mily e nter· tni ned on Sundn v lit dinn I' his son "Vatter Bes "uJ wife Llud little sou Rtlrol~, of neur XenilL. Mr. and M~, . Bert Marllltf., of Mt. Holly, had a their gue t · a t dinner Sunday: Mr. Ilud Mrs. l:l '. Dllkin, MT. and Mrs. Frank DiI,kin and son Oarl ann·- tw o intere ting little dllugbtars L i Imd Bn;-.el, :\Irs. J. H. Chenoweth Ilnd uaughters Bertha Ilnd .Frllnoe Bnd son ,lu · Qob spent Ilnday with her dnugh . ter Anna Lncas, of Mt. Holly. Mel,l8l's. Obo·rlie nnd Warren L \ Y are on the .siok 11 t, Daniel Mor!:an's fnlllily are 8ick with the In,grippe at thi time of

Mr. and Mrs . AJhm Kibler Rpe nt SundRY wit,h Mr. an 1 Ml' . F . E ,' hen'i'ood In Wa -nesville. Mr. und Mr8. H . M. Burnet SIlent Ell tel' Itt. MJ' . Burnet '. pn,rental home neal' ~pringboro . Mrs. J!'red ~3m i h ervEld II SUlllptUoot! dinn r 'unrhty in honor of her kinsfolk, Wm. Tnylor I1nd on , 'IH~rle and ,111U' nce. Mr. As,., Whitll.ker und fllmily en joyed Ell tel' ILt the homa of Eugene EVkns nenr Leelno. M.r . nnel. Mrs. I)yo~e Beltz· were happy in hHving their ohildren and gru.ndollildren with them to pend . Mis . ' arah Burnet and little nieoe ~riting. Burnet spent 1\ most hapSevera.l from this oo~ml1nity at- pynthanne Ea8ter in Cinoinnati, the guests tended the funeral of J ohn R. Moore, of Mr. and Ml' . Whittier Burnetand of Mt. Holly, 'unday I\fternoon. ohiidroQ . ' Read the pain formula dn the bo.· Tablets. Then ask your Dootor -if there is a better one. Pain Dl~anl:! cODjestion, blood pres· pure somewhere, Dr. QOoP's Pink P ain Tablets check belld pains. woco· fln), pains, pain anywbere. Try one, II.nd 80e ! 20 for 250. old by All Dealers. .


._--.... - .. --

. In several of ' the more northam . CouRtries of Europe it is the custom to charge women half rates at the hotel . . ·The labor unions and unemployed f Ne ".v Zea1 an d are ' pro t es t'mg al'aimt assisted irnmi ration to the


colony. .


•- •


Swept Over Niagara.

• 'fhis terribJe oalamity often h~ppens hecau~e a clloreJ~I!~ boatman.lgnore8 the river' WtlI'OIogs growmg rippleSlt.nd fRster current. Nature'8 warning nre kind. Thnt dull pain or nohe, in the t'Lok \vums you th Kidneyl'l need utte~tlon If you would e Oltpe ~tal )l1ILI£ldles-Dropsy Dh\beteo" or. Br1' ght'"" dl' eDU. e. T ,'lke ,~" Electrio Bittt)r8 at once Rnd see And all your b t feel ings return. " After long suffering from weu.k kidneys Bnd lame ba.ok, one'1.00 b ottle wbolly oured me," "writtls J . R . BlankenshiI) of Belk , 'l'enn. Only 50cntFred G. 'ohwartz s


- -..

Flour making in France i the most lmpurtlrn't"'j'mill try in the countl'Y in amount of capital invested and v alue of annual output. I -. - -------OT.~~~;;;.~~~-~~~~ Une c~n l'lde eleven. 10Ul In an automobIle, With chauffeur and por-


Caesars Creek. Thare will be II church sOOlal gi ven ut the hlll'ch on Friday night. Rev. Frank Milner tind family of Leesbu g aUended ~ervioe here Easter £lnd flpellt tl few days vi8iting friends . .

Whll vi itin~ with hi!! fnt,h er lind IIl t,ther Itt th hOlUtI of 1\1r . lmd Mrs . .John Dl1mar, iu Dayt,on, h e got hold ot Il bottle of sil VOl' pulish He hnd uoen t'lking oough syrup from fl bottle and finding tlJe sil ve r polish within rench, ctl· He lingered frOIll l-)undlloY until 'l'hurllday ,noon when he look ~ (} up !lnd roiled tlJen A n~ered npon the leep thllt kn w no wl\king. Bewa n brigbtnttruoti ve little fellow Ilnd hi. parents htl ve the symptlthy of II hOlltt of friend t! i 0 Iheir berea'\' men~.

---.... Rather Die,


, Id Doctor, than bltve my f et c nt off," aid M. L. Bingham of Prino:lViIle, 111 "but you'll die fr(J~ gaogrentl ( whioh ~II~ ea~en a.wayelgh~ tOAB ) if yon don t, slud till dooto~s. !n tead ' ho uBed Bucltlen's Arntoa I:lnlve till wholly cored. Its curAS of Eozema, E'evtlr ~or~, Boils, Burns nnd Piles astound the world. 25c. at Fred C. 8Qhwnrt's __ - _-:CANADiAN SILVER PR.ODUCTION

1 have concluded to close out my stock of goods at co!'!t. The stock is a No.1 : ami well assorted, and a ll in gnod / orde.·. Call and see.

I. E. KEYS, Waynesville, Ohio. April 7, 1909

- --

.. -----

British capital is to foqndry at San Diego. British Columbian ore.

tart a steel aI, using



AIIENT ION! Bring iny Fence Stretch.

week. Also 1\ csr of Mola ses [,I\iry wh n usi ng not more Ihlln Ih'e line . Austria has more unexplored area nnd Horse Feed. Bpeoil1l p.r ice jf ..........- . _................. _. in proportion to the population than tnllep by 10ltd from cur. FOR RENT any o ther country. WIt.)'n88vi}le Mills. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zimmerman's Seed Sweets _ Pure Jersey Seed Sweet Po. tatoes

Irish Potatoes Plenty of Seed Potatoes and Eating Potatoes; stockextra . fine and prices right. New Cabbage, New Tomatoes,

New Texas Onions, Lettuce, Green Onions, Radishes, Cucumbers, Bennuda Onions, Sweet Seedless Oranges, Thin Rind Lemons, ' Fancy Fat Banan~s• .





Brown Bill - &nrl-

Cloverdale ax

A .. l}. SII)ES ..

t:"OR SALE-R. C Rbode 1.. laod Red eg8M. Pen hellded by 3rd pl'.i~e o('okerel lit. thd l,,'luoloo .. tl Plloltry db~w. J!1gglt '1.00 ...,.. 15 : l~aoge egg8 $8.00 per 100. . Mrs Mllllt Alldtlrllon, R, D. a.


At hi!'! home. miles west of OOD rubber tire jump seat .urWaynesville, on the Upper Spring· rey. Can be seen at James Linboro pike, for the coming season. der's p&int shop. . BR WN BILL iR good lCeneralE:A VY PAPER-For putt.log uo'• purpose horse. der carpet, rog_; etc. A 811 liltZette 01'804t. CLOVERDALE i one of the be t- lSoodle for lOe bred Per 'heron horses in this section BUSHE~ yellow lead 00'" of the country. He is tift r'i years for hie, '1, ClO bo. Addl'8M (,••:( Id , and i!'! without a ble~ia~l. . c,.wr: N. WUkerlOO,Ol'8lOola, 8. l il. 1, Phooe, Oliotoo lu.












,e' •


D .004

Subscribe for the

UP Before the Bar.


aohe work wonders, I\t pationthey Billiousness or Siok 250 Head l!'red O. Schwartz's, .


-. It is said that silicide and boride of

titanium , products of the electric fUI'naee, hard as the diamond •



~Ilverware, Wat~hes"

....- - -

Paderewski promptly rejects proposition of woman to let two dozen bees sting him to cure him of rheumatism . .



c. B .. Lewis

Call and get.our prices '~n Horse Bills. . W~ ·p rint· . thel~t'.. right ·



kinds of , stpne, ' Brick , Cement Work . Cement Walks aod' Floors a Specialty, .6c to IQc per square foot. All work guaranteed.

Give Me a

Clocks, Jewell"Y,. Rings, , Chains,, etc.,. all . New. .' ~.,

Railway lines in the south are preparing to resume the work of rebuilding and other improvements stopped by t~e panic of 19()'7.




Will keep

F. E. .Sherwood·

I. must have

.... ........... thelt) righ~ '

HOUdE of ellCbt room~, OU6 _(ti~ble fur oltioe Q e. Will rent ..II or lIeparate. Inquire (\f Mrl!, Joa. ti!liOtl8, W It..VOtiSVille, Ollio.



ers home.


" ' A wi]) have io a oar of St. Louis --.. •• .........." ......... ,..,. .... ~ brall IUld mi.idlingll the ltu~t or ,hill \ Ada t:~~l~~I1~~'~~~~ ~~:le~hr~~18.:!~~IO~~

N. B, Brown, IlQ attorney, of Pittsfield, V t., writes: "We have ter, in Tokio for ~12, ot' $6.50 for Aunt Ether Compton is very Riol; used Dr. King8 ~ew Life Pills for haIfa day and $1.50 for asinglt: hour. n.t thi s writin g, years nnd find them Buoh II. good fUlOlly medicine we WOUldn't be without them." For Cbills, Constl-


OI.ssUled Ada


OUSE l :LEANE~DoD" Onion Sets waot oice, olMD, ·oeIWII..1Df Fancy small solid sets"':"white lor yoar sbeh_? We ha ye Silver produotion In the Dominion and yellow. $10.00 to ih~ure a living colt. Any Fool' ibe. for' 60. Gue,,,, 01'80.. ot Canada is at the' volume of 22,500. H ..·~-~..:...iiIiiiii.....-=;;;;;;;;;;====:;--tf(o)ynu:e\.:piiiailir;ruinlig~with Jii'&re forfeiYl the 000 ounoes per unnum, of whioU 76 Special:-' insurance. per cent is t.o the oredit of oblllt To ,close .out some small lots WANTED. . n . ' Canned Goos~berries, 2lb cans i Ont., rumes. Ihls ootlJut· compure .................... ......... 5c a can with 8U annual oousumption of 8il Cann ed Cherrles, . 21b cans ...... TO liJjJ(~L-l,OOO Feoce Po-..... .; ,I EXt .." Hat! OIlr of lOOQlI powl ' ver for the fine arts in North A m er ....................... .. .... 5c a can jQ!I~ rooelvtJd Inqoire of W. 8 ' ior of 28,000000 ounces, (Jllnadn.'s Wisconsin Peas· ............. 6c a can .. -taddeo aDd Co., Cor~~o, Ohio, • . " . Fan Oh'o S aa Corn, 6c a can 100rease In silver produotion Within cy 1 u'" ..... r 5c a ..package Seedless Raisins Insurance Agent. VJj:R'Y'80D'i to call aDd 1\ yeur has been 6~ per cent. '· Sunlight Hominy ... 2 cans for 15c oor prioe. o~ ~ood ltu80 ~r_d. ' Outside of the Qob>\lt the Medium Size Pr.unes,3lbs for lOe . Insurance of ~II kinds eovelope., The be.t ever. prtoted produotion 0' 8ilver in Utlnnda IS de. }<'ancy Muir Dried Peaches ...... life, Fire, Lightning,' "0 t.hey caD be read aod oot blou., elining mainly beoauBe other eilv·er .... ;...... ....... ..... 21bs for 15c Ilt the QaieUe Oftloe . .. . ' ' .• Tornado, Stock and ' , " mInes are not 80 favorably oond1Best Goods and Lowest' Prices Accrident ': : :: ;; . o Jon KNOW~'1'bat '4Y.~. ~lOned as the bast mines n,t Cobaa I. all the time at to, 1n ~hla oolomn 'wtll briDI r88ultl!? Try it 0008, \l~d ~. for diling well when silver 114 on low Call and My Prices · levers of prioes. Thet!e mtlitate . against a.ll but r10h mines thll.t ~re . )la-ndled in the ,abl~~t and most eco. OF C01TRSE nomioal manner.-Finance. "




To old Friends and Patrons!

...- - -

The Heirs .



Closing Out Sale!

'UWli at' t mper d at 500 degrees I till . of tha Fri Jld '~ •' uodllY • \1001, ---- ~~ \\,prll g n " !lt~ 01 hllu"r Itt II :;n( ill l !-tlv Fifty pound of candle will pro· ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. .IiI.. I ' ll L.v tOe lJeHII A Iphll uills Itl:<t l<' l'ill:l.v Ilfttwn ooD. dll e the same amount of illumination ;\JI' W m. mll i r wu c,dl ed t'l i Al as 1,000 f et of gas. phl:llllst we,·k by tll i llll11HH of b r

Illother . Mrs. B lie Rea v htH' !Ion Hu!'y IInll monu, Ind. E. W. Pu t t rson hit , moved hi fllmily into t,h e proper ty Vllcllt erl b.v \ m . Icenhower I1nd ftlwily. 1'ba delltb of RlIlph, two yenr old ofJlt.m l'f'gr undt Ida Peterson CLlIl!led '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sun universal in our oommunlt,y


sound', work uny


At 10 o'clock a. m., the heirs of Sabina P. Henderson, deceased widow of the lat~ Dr. G. W. Henderson, will offer for sale at Public Auction the residence property' of said deceased, located on Main Street, Waynesville, Ohio. Terms made known on day of sale.

Spring Branch

Buy gelding,

wher ; J O-ytlu.r -old Kentuoky mllre, P Ilu AIJlhtl (,Iu!!s Wlt l'\ ple/\ " llllly Ilt rtuilleli lI.v Mi 1:1 Nllllnie otllt ILt . ~i tlt\, by ull.k I' Buy' ; f)-ya~l' H htllllltllll ~ b HI ' tlturdtlY ttft e rllttUlI . ()i\l mill' , co lt, th ... lIlouth i . Vtll1fllu g ~I F:Llitll Jl yntt, uf \i HillIn ~tu n . K nl,ncky llIaro, gOQU .1 rsey Clow, ~p n t. n f welo ' I:IJII~t wpo le witllMI''''. 1 Buokoy di8C cultivator, 1 BuclttlYfl 'I'll

Saturday, April 24, 1909

. ,......)



c.n .'

~ngravfng • S~c..alty






Form er Rt!sld ents


.1 J, ThomJ)tlon Jr ., of Lebun n, WIiS in town Tuesda;y,


MEETING OF W. F. I\\. -,"- - -



Well man.

E. E, ~Iddy, ot Denver , 001, writef4 If you want Ot· need some 25c choice Arhol' OiLY exerois ll! were helull t The WOOl en's F oroi g n Mi,.,.iollllry Mr:-l . 1.;,1 Vllnmn ta!' on l1tlu on !'lit·,. . tu U8 Il8 folluws : Granite Ware, or anythin g in th tin ,.he H hOLllt! htlre FridllY afterno on . Sooiety of t.lle M. R, c lillr '1\ .. e llt IJ llt Jdlll ll!'l ( : r~ M wtJll H!1Lul'llll.y Il.ftel·IlU ,JU RIIY )rOOM. IIf I) .. v till, Wlil! liOllle Enol08ed plell8e fiod .moo y order 1' he last hour of the dl1Y was sp n t preu,y ulmll pl1lot,~I I Ji:ilt'l t. wa /'e 1i11e, call in and se m . - . r io \'\ ta til!''', Uent'ge Bogun uBu~hter lor anothe r yeal of the gllzette, Thill SunultY. in exerois es relativ e to the dl\Y and tions in the form of a chicken J . H. Co\ema I'). jU!.l t !:! ptln t Wa,ln e dllY witu Ed Bogl\o find. all well with ue at th.s pre(!(Iot MrA. Prooto r. Wllson, Lebano n, out· of tbe sbeJl , for their regulu.r a od family , of nel1r Wayne sville. B. S~ Howell WIHI in CioolDn a li Mrs. Bowar d Hoplclns Blld Mrs. made an addres s 1;0 the of time. We 'b ave had 'q ulte a bad 'l'uesdu .~ . sohool. Her month ly meetin g Illst Wectne lay Mrs. Ed MlI.rtin oll1led on Mrs. Eva. Condit a-nd little duught er, ot remark s were of the bighes winter bel'e i_now etorma and b~d t .order, aftErno on II t t.he home of Ml's. Uaorge Ellis Tues IllY atte~noon , Mrll.·W m· , Ztlll 8vent Tueellu} " 10 Dayton , were guests wlndl, jUllt , gettiDg over one now, of Mr8. Alloe Rnd she referre d particu larly to the Ju.mes Stoops . 'Ihe followi ng pro· Wll.lter '1'! und family were i eys lind Mrs. Rettl1 ~opktn8 I ~st you l h R\ld Whlle it did not last long, It oRa8ed Otlyton, their sobo ol work. She grnm wluHen dere(l : Musio by sooiety guests of ,l obo Beit;hw ay Ilnd fam , U. M. ltobitz er IVI1I! In Frll.nklln 'rhur[ldu.y. a great deal of bother with ·",Iro" ily Snllua,y. ulso I!poke of ellrly,f ormed llabits, Study In Uolol'!:!, Mrs. G111I11I1ld ; breakin~ ,tbem down, aud In the Tuesda y, 'rue Ul en of the M. E . oburch will p!\rti cularly to tbe bOY8, in Mr!:! ErneRt MlI.nnon spent Fl'iday the mat- Ea tel', Mrl!. Me 'lme; N r:.lIs of Af · Frank Hnook was In 'inoloDItt.i give It puzzle upper 'at Oddl'el monDta in8, btooadi ng the moouta in (Lite l'o ooo with ha r motber , Mrs. low'[I ter of sUlokin g 'lga r ettAs' and obew. l'ica, Mr . Cdlla!lM' l:loUr~b; Duet k ;, M~;RI ' l:Jeorge Du viI! . roads preUy bBdly. Bot one thing &t.nrd ay h 11 Aurll 30th A li\el'!lrY pro. ing tobaooo, Ji'unkey u.n tl I rEI " .aw 0; . vODu ' . . ., we OAn be 'htmkf ui for, It will Rive grutll will follow. AllUlis8ioD, 2na '1'b"re were no trees pllln tell I Ilt! ' A' 1\1 B t t Utlorge Boga n II.IlIl wi fe were 1 is t'~ODB IU slu,rs ru. , en; 0 I' 1'11ouProf. C. H . Cllrey wllS in (;larks . to all everyo ne plenty of watpr during guosts of UllU UU Otl Y Bunnel l and gtllle1'l\ 1ly the oustom . bes and Enoonragement~, Mrs. famIly l:)unllll.Y, . • Sbe ~ummer, whloh is noeded on ville HaturdlLy . - -. -- -. Hawke ; MURio. Mis8 .l::\evernl of the pupils of tbe Well(Jrlloe LILooin was a Ol1vton tbele pl"ins I?M yoa know they Ret LECTURE COURSE TARIFF BILL A lllrge numbe r \VIlS presen t tmd mu.n 80bool tried t·he exowinRtioD at visitor Tuesda y pretiy dry. the 80cillol haul' !1 g ut refr esb, Lebllnon Saturda y, wm ROKer8 WII.f' OVAr t,o seH me Mrl:'. 'Agnes Wright has been very The old sllying of keepin g the bost '1'be tariff llill baving passed tbe during meuts were served. fOI\ the lllst. was exempl ified by the Bouse, btu! just been reporte d out of . tbe otli~; doy. He III lookioR fine, __ • _ _~ alck with the grip. Ridge ville oo~lce~t uf Monda y e" aning. ~e tbe Senate Finano e Commi ttee • lId SllY8 he t'flels ROQ(}. Uoclerstoc d anu , ()EATH S MrR. R6$~~ Hopkln 8 IS better and ent ent was by far the Dim to 88y lIe WIIS Idc/I,ted ber61J Ow. t Is now before th e Senato . ( nr slolc are a.ll slowl.V Improv ing. that bas been given this seuo, Was very jollnd to sell bini tor It 1108 IIble tll be ont. again. Aftor it P8.8S0S the Senl1te there Mi ss Mllry J:>arlet spent ThursdllY Ml's . N. B. Authon y Ilied Ijunuay witb MI'S, Ma.ttie HUrte. . been quit., 1\ nUplbM of years since R6V, J. F, CadwlI.lltlder was in The differe nt numbe rs were greatl will be no oba,noe to amend it, iDlHt , . u I tt ' f mornin g at 11 :30 0 clook. ",evera.1 Mi8S Bertbll Ellrnba rt enterta ined enj oyed, IIn~ every ouo receiva l! au muo hbllSt th 1 met any one frol~ ,b .,me ont.slde ' of D 1 ' e on ·v maa E!rs lnd':,o_n etr weeki! ago sbe WIlS paralyz ed anll oompa ny from Riohm ond ayton Il8t·fh ursd l1y. encore: and Day. the BMD'bllrt boys. Kindly remem . enee e ween th e ouse an """nM e ne\'er reoover ell from it. Tbe ton on Suuday . Mr8> J)l11on Wilson . of Lebano n, The star ef the evenin g WI\R Mi '8 will be the a.mend ments made • ber me to all f rl.(nlll1. to the f 1w III e b e h Id Tb urs d , was in town la8t Ftld.y , Ed. Method and Ed. Oook were in Fisher Whipp Her beautif ul voice bllJ a.y mOI'Il. by the Sende , oonseq uently all, unera ' t 10 30 t th b ' • ' WILyne svllle ou bU8ine8s one day F . II Ing n. : , 11 e oose. u er this week. The IUDerKI of Rtlv. Samue l 800tt,' Mrs , Jllmes Stoops and Holmes , both in song and reading 8' was gOOd pluttes wlshlo g to exprell!4 them · Icn1/lora WI'II b ' . " t went to !Jayton l'ueeda y . k , part in B every gIven nex wee . a.nd 'be duo \'york of HAlves conoerDID tb1S le~l slation, aged minllltflr, Ild first Pl'ohlhit.ioll Mrs .•l. A. Denge, of near l::lpring . _ ...._ __ Mtss Sblpp and Miss Et·tll Uo048 produc tlrs and conSUDlers ellndt' ~te for uoyerDl>r, who ilitld M UharU e8nrne tt I'pentS nuday with Beaooc k WitS great. alike, BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION boro spent 'rhur8d a.y in Ridgev ille I sbould prompt ly aoquaiD t their Sen. the guest of Mrs. HaZQlwood. , tbe Mlallli Valley HOIipUaJ TaARday, IIldward Rieke i.n payton . Lloyf:l A Loar, a8 a'ooolllpani8t, ators Wit\! suob inforw a,tipn "'ft8 beltS trom BIIpsr M, E oburch and '1'he Busine ss Men's .Assooiation in Mr. anrl Mrs. Lafe Graham we'r e Joho Ba·wlre and wlte were in and in hi8 mando lin work is Lebano n Wedne sday and Tbnu. Friday ~'t(\rDOOU at, 2 :30, witb Rev. seldom opi.nioDs ull wou~d be of valne In the will hold their regolll day, r meetin g next LebiLno n hu~t Tbor8d ay hea~d on~ide of a loed oom· ~dJust. ment 0f 80heuu~e8 W. i:, BluJllult k er oftiC'11I \-iog. an~ Pl·OV~S · Monda y night, April 20tb, at tile Mte: 01, 8 . Ua8key. ot Dayt'ln, Wll8 blnatlo n# MIs8 Alice Ca-rey, Ntt';Jy·.1I of the Inft.t bodi"t mini • the vi, 10D!;!, espeeln lly tl10se in wh~Oh OOll· 'regula r hour. Everyb Flat Fork. ody invited to ter" o!1 ttJe oit:y: were)b at~nd .. nce, oaillng on friends bere Saturd ay. olint8t, was oertaln ly above the a v' stituen ts ma.y f:e.!.a- :peoia lmtere st. attend, as matter s, will oome up thll.t Miss Myrtle Bllrnes s, of the Har. aud tOok 8'lmlll~Of,i va pl\.rt in the lIer, erage. Ber renditi on of ~Jle HQnKEl. 8houid be u.oted ~n 'lI.t this meting . veysbu rg High Sobool Rpent W. H. White was a bU8ine ssvis rirlDRh atl80di e,wa8fi viet's ; Bdrt'll WIIS llIade In Wood Itor n e,andsh Bator. owed ACREAGE TAKEN , .FRlllD B. sBJIlRW OOV, Seo. d~yandt:!WldIlY Nltb her parents in 'O\oolD nati lsl\t WedDS day t d d h ar d wor... .. -' , , n y tin bwd ~OI"h'rv. 'I') U , ~ < ". ebb ' .... - C V D_ _.. ' a 11 ' IJ tb Mrs, .John Hiatt eo~rtBined ~' . . T a kl ng It t . aaornees an d w ife, 0 f 0 a· 19 Q.nnlDg ompao y Rev. Hoot·f, we .. hOrn In Mon tgom, liS a out tn a. 1:1 ooncer , . tal)llL Lawn J!'arm. Caes ars Creek sIxty I1cree of tomato es promis ed ery (l outv. P,.. 8e ollme tIl Ohio (rlt'oua bom Wilm~ngton Monda y. WIlS, a bove t he,averag. e. P f . • l Alfred Helpm yer .ba8 hie newly . ro ess~r for tbis season, Tile acreag e WIlS .. M h' I remode led dwellln g nearly ooDlplet1840, .~t.t:lml:f IU W~ynl! , vill~, Kelhso n bad shps pUS8ed before tile d ' Joho·L emmoo LueUa Cook Ortoo', of to 19an d d it dd S~tQrday aDd oonoer~ and Il£ked all those wbo snllppe up tns t a.nt1y, an. d many wltb tl t tb tt . W"rl'80 In I 61 he cam~ Sunday with bls lIpent· t her little daught er parent8 10 -DllytoD, : tb S gr~,ahl '~ ~ a no. ~ d ti k ts f th ' i more could have Ioeen oontrao ted tbe goest8 of J M Qok have been' ~ an to P~':fon. til king .u)) bi~ W()r'k all /I ~ , and wan.,e other lvene88 0 0 e . or e oom ng S~II. . for but Mr. Snook oould not handle relativ e ne g or For. Pure Rbode lelaud Red eggs lion to phlOet es " .,: Met·bod iat Iljp\SOIlI)',] m1nhtt.,r, which , Arbor Day was fitly obeerv ed by belr Dames on tbesllp ., 1l ' th! If tb lor ' eettllll{ 8ee '> J~ R B18eY.I: orwln This was to determ ine whethe r we oy more ' our sobool Friday afterno oQ by the Oontin ned 0 t,il Iti,, ' eof'Vc~ refi ...~ s year. oan Misses,Bertba nnd"Cl ara Bt. John, plantin g of trees, shrubb ery, ' I • - b Id h ' .f tlb 0 I get women ~ peel, tbey mayeytlrke mant til the hOljplt.a1. be bud 8pt·nt Oh to~ ' " a of near Xenia were the gue8ts of and seed8, ,whloh 8how8 th~t bulbs 8 on ne a cour8e . or 6 '0 III ot{ few' more Iloree. It Ie good money Mr. Mlu and Mrs . Barry Lytle on Thurs- praotic e It.,n d less. theory. iB themOle 'Katbry n Gibbon s Af~ ;earlt 10' f ~tl miniMt-ry, visited ber eeason or not, and whetbe r tbe ' &101arl!- f rom .1 . t -1 50 day or uee ' III 0.. gan of our people- aod·8ohool. , per . • Be lII"v~ · oDe ctaoMb$4:tl'. _ " TU . frilfod Mi 0.,-" ~a.wn 11UI& 1!",1lday cour8~ should be blgber ollls~ tbft dll.Y~ Zimri Baines and Mrs . Jesse Orll\od o BranDon and wife, of ' It. ~lt ' who.bJ a "ebBr in II oom evenio g. tbe past 008. . • The oompa u start.8 \\'eek to H"lne!:l atte~de d ~Ed'I"L M h the ~tletin ~ of col. nAar ed h ~.ro1a.1 oollege •• ltamU&Qn, Obio Harvey sburg, By tblswe ans the oommi ttee WIll b 'ld od with d 1Y Mis" d f I&U 08 er t'e,urn tb lege board 10 Wilmin gton on Fri . the latter'8 pareots , ttanday ome be I,ble to tell wbethe r ' the COurRe Ul K, E, Thomp son aD 0 ean up re/\ y or Rev. 8oot~ W~ a brotbe e day. and fampy here. SaD,~If.reveDiQB after • week in Oil1- oao--be1llade- be nex 8elu~on or omlnR ot'tI~, Klodt... !lnd & ooosin of The oburcb 800iul given 011 ll'ri. OiDDati, . Mr. Will Talmag e. of WUpl1DlJtoD. . not . A good oourse is a good thing Mrl, ~ulM Woolle ,. • - • dllY night !lot tbe ohurob wae /lo very Ohto, spent a part of last ~baD Oole,01&n. of Oil1olimati.18 for a town like (lura, LOST week with VALUA 8LE HORSE I t ff but it hiS brothe r, A, B. Talmag e and tam. p easan a a i r, 'I y. the ,wpaat of ,Mr, 'and Mrs. John does not neoe8s arily mean 1 that 1111 J. F. Snook losta. valuab le 3 yearLit~le Rboade 8 Bunnel l hilS been Oole~.D. Uur teacher S, A, Ringer apent , of tbe· nnmbe rs :sbonid or will be old filly la8t rrhursd ay: at bis home real.Rlok for aWhile ThllS tb of April balDIJ MiU--Ytit.r" Batnrdl 1Y in Lebano n U88i8tinlr, the ~; ' an"" MrM 8tanl - Bellers of lectuU?M. We might have more mu· • • "'1'. ," in Booth Lebano n . His boy had A Ill.rTge numhbe~ of Frie~~bS .. ..... • -" • 1 '" "" i i' eilbtb~tI~tb birthda f Iltltecnll. t weXealml d · . y, '('~lootb~, were JrU8eta or relativ es eica ur enterta n ng 8nonOOenxdanmotl.nh~~'otnhe' a .BtOhx , ' h I h ed tile owns Ip DundllY D\l 00 o n . .pi~ettre8l~ ea ures a·n been breakm g t e 00 t and bad er vention .. u . ~ Jille"n~ "'rDb~rt l\1)d OIa .... over Sund"y . e at Wayne svllle on ~unday, pubilo.80bool buildin g of that plaoe. fewer lecture s. on the tra.ok, when , 'H.wlte 'ar....nlt'd a oomple&e 8urprls e · sbe began to aot Our sobool was one of the ' Sunday Ed. Jordan . ba8 'In ~rder to glv~ the patron l'! tbls blldl,v and rea~ed ap on ber retnrne d from a for. he~' ,,'l·htr..... -'tx ot her yooo" . Coflle in ~nd see the· N~w hind School s to obtain the banner . Vi8it lit Spring field, Perfec · olus lif enterta Jnment s, whlob Rre feet; f!llling over . , -~ .. lind. breakin g ber ' trlen4i1 blet ,.t ber home and enjoye ..d bon 'Wick Blue.F1 • - • ame 011 Cooks .. at muob hlAb Mitl8 Bertba Gray WIUI leader or . t h an 1eo t ures, • . ~ er 'Ul price • tl y. Mr. nec k , d y Ing a 1mas t IW\.an '& v.r'·..ple....n~.. eieQio .....- · Ioe,~r~.m J; ~. Colema · .• - vening Green ' , All Briar . n s. ' . Y. P. 8 . 0 E. S unuaye . 'he com . mUtee took this plan to en SnOOk, had plaoed great oonflde nce '~d ,we" tlened . are oordial lY ., Invited to attend )(1'8, F red.. eodere on an~ Mn . *ble them t 0 reaoh 1 tbeee i a 00110 us 01. for In (,h 18 fill y, a8 s h e gave prom Ise 0 f every Sonday .~ Have you ouught tbe whoopi ng meetin ' . _. evenin g. '. Uptber e W.hl&e were ehopl!( ng io Uie coming sea8o'!. Fredg8 Ill, Sherwo od, of WII.Yll68ville, belnl'; rast, oough yet ? fiNAL MEET1N'G Dllyto~ Toeada y. WR8 inour vicinity one day last week, ~ ~'7 Sbe was a daught er of Yale Belle, H. M. Bornet witness ed tbe work l\l nd ~ B "V "'II lte ' ud MI s Nallle Gibbs spent tbe we~k. ." CHICKE~ F~~D son of Cbime8 and ber mother was in the "Orien tal" at Wayne r. ~ . ' • ' 111. r a sville, end with ber parents at &Outb Leb. ,. ' ~ thoroul thbred. BOn, Dan, of Le~on, visited rela. ]j'rlday evenin g. <-Taok"d oorn for sale or 'exchan ge anon, .. _ • P i 'h e H d M' F l' d d f il ' . t VeR er , un .y. , eroy , 0 ar an _ . an at t~e~~aynesvlllf1M111s. am Y Jame8 Cleave r hilS paroha ATURDAY MARKS .. spent Munday with Charle s Mullen 's, new Maxwe ll automo blle of sed Edi&b Hal'l'l~ il! s",ndio g the J. A. ' • ,_ . , " . Mis8 LilJie Kibler attende ll the Kilpatr ick. of Lebano n. He ~eek 1n Qtnol'nnatl 'wltb her dough_,' _ C~~ER:--R08INSON C'auto" rbe ladies of tbe Aiffere nt ohuroh . spellin g mu.tch betwee n Leelan ter, MH, Frank Taylor and auto now . . . ,., - ' , es. will hold a mllrket at the Town- Oregon ia on Jl'ridtly. Lalit Wedne 8day, at 12 oolock Qoite a nnmbe r of our oitizen s Mr:-. Will Mohr and ,two ohildra n, Mr. Harry visited ( ,ooper, of Uhioago, WIlS 8bip bouse, Saturd ay, April 24th, be "Clty of Cedars " ~ator, Mrs. As/\ Whitak er shoppe d in dJly on tbe of'v_y t,qn werego ests ef Mis .Sber~ tntlrrie d M.i8s l1lt Robins accoun t of the Boxwe ll eXon of thi8 ginning at I) :3011 . m. All ~oDatio ns l Lebano n on Saturd , ,.. . . amlnat ion, Among them were M188. ' ' thankf ully receive d. Tbe proceed ./ Tbe telepho ne Is uy. • _ ••- -~Iln J)~ke over .So~daT' now an IIossul'Ad es Mabel Chiles, Orie Allen, Je8sie . place, a.t tb~, home of M..r . and Mrs . of thi8 ~ar, k et will be ~ed to defray faot, The oompli'Dy hilS agreed to · Collins , Mabel '{'homp PlANO If 'You want the ,Saff!IJt and Beat Lewis Stibbll, at Lebapo n, by the tbe son, BeBBle Col. ·inOlden tal expans es of the Conn. extend its Jines to U8 aud the G8sQlehe Stove ever · tnade call at R4tv. H~8ermttn. ao,ual\ liD8, MeI:l8r!.l. L. O. Ohiles, Lee Ta.l. ty l:)unda y-80boo l Conven tion ... to .. d.' ,t uu ... , nlt cie J •H• 'Col ' at , ~ ,our p I.... auo nee " '" M.h:8 RobiDson •1B 1be daugM er of he~d at Wayne~vllle May 27tb be work of oonstru otion 'willso on oom. mlLge ILnd Clll.renoe Allen, em n'S. J. . and mauoe, , 28th. Call J. J ·TbomptOlI Jr., Thoma s Hurtt is staying at 8UD11. .. ':• ' , Mrs, El!ther Robins on. of thiB plaoe, ,'• < _ • olii i Mrs. l:Iarvey Burnet. served II. nvslde . Far~ the V 11 . Rev. ~"nj"~ l~ B~wk1D . aooom. ~D' d :' is qoite borne of Wm, a. fll vorUe f with tlie MaID 0000 APPOINTMENT DO~. . ohloken dinner Hunda.y to Uharle s Bla.ine tlnd w1fe. ::..<'~St., bla •brbtber ' .1n~law S.. M. Sel· young 101 dh III0. 'Or • ey plln e4 ,;..,j\ II k" ' ''. .• s iPb~ · I.~I' · •.D e w o~ .... on ,oa ',len.f to.. \.;1DoJn Frye Rnd f~mliy, Ernel!t Botter, vorth Mr Moota of DILytoo Ohl" haa natt Monda y " , . I Th~ , , . . . . aDd Ia.An tde · Balllfa otlon:. 1 f The m . y frlend~ of Mr Ilnd Mrs l and fllmlly~ " ' . Aso. Whita.k er and Q Br'!>0m 18" yoong lowe er, 0 fam. rented W, 0, 'l'~ohenor's farm to .. II ·l • ._ an • . . . ' " , ' I' MlaeJil . tty mma and Peaooo allmer k, of Willian Dllyton and family whioh he will .move in tbe near fu. o Illinois : and ' wbi. le not, .T. H . Ca-t<key will be rf'lOl00d to ben " . " , l " ' . t' ,la Ohloag . , ! ',"i WA;tL PAp,ER . thll.t they bave been appoin ted sup l'oined the oompfl.ny and spent tbe t:ure . 'Ib~re 0" ,,~un' ot ,he deat~ 0 ~er. w:ell knowD ~y ~o~'~ ere, ' hll8 inlide erinten dent and watron of tbe Or lifterno on. . ;.' ' ~ " " ' annt. M.n.~. B . Anthon y, After an extend~d visit wi~h Mr, al.vor~ble ImpreSSion upo~ ~boso phans' Home at Lebano n, by Be-we. Bros.: lut on the " '" and Mrs. Wm, Blame Ilt Sunnys ide. .. acqaai nted with him. . official bo/l,rd II.t a meetio g held ThtJ,'en&erpr181n . firm have .. Jr. New ,Burl ingto n. 'l"homptlqn , ~ncl w~.fe, . 01 Louia Stein has ret,;une d to New The bride looked obumi nilln her there Tue8da y. Mrs. Hanna le b An. ~..Io'i In \be _a o~w.llpap.r. ~P!i~B y.v "I1".,n .t ~?nd"y. ~itb ~~n of ~hite .. 8Uk. and York oity where be 18 in bll8lnells. the groom ~am was appoin ted assista nt mBt~~ ~),~D« .. , .'1 I J:. Mr. and Mrs , Rolla Le.mar aretbe t'on and famil'1 . ~,'$Qp, wlndo' ~ .. ,. Isaac Kelly, 'of Wayne sville, Vi8· ! ' ~.ures.. e&:o. J. M. l'hQIDp .." .. ~ . - .wa.l dressed In tJle oU8.tom ary 'black ron. p rents of a little daught er ited Oharle s Harnes s Sunday atter• . • -.. . ~fri' ~ .. Cill. '. t ,~-. ~". . Wilt SldoB ,~~fda.ogh~r Bel~D"or a . . . nOon . \ Afttir t,he mllrrillK8 oeremo nyo ARE READY TO GO • I, • . _ •• Geo Hosier and , ftlmn~ hl.l.v~ . • . . Day'on. ,vbU~ bll e .Yr. A. B. T/lolmllge Ilnd wife and, lumptu oo8 weddin g dlnDer was It S · .' l 'S d " !!loved into Mrs , LIZZIe Blllir a prop · .Alfred Helpm yer Sunday ca.l1ed on S d . , •.. Torn "Zen afteroo on ' , . 1'8'. ~mne . ! ea, an , ay. . and famlly Will leave erty. . ae~v~ an~ tile De~ly tD!,rrlec .. ' .' , .. Jeue Wriah t ind :,... if.,. of I!lpri~. CoO~ t), \train for QinQlnn L pair Thursday for their new home . in , . : )Sever" l of OUT younK ', men ~ti, ·eg Eugene;, Oreg . The best wishes of Enos Hill· and w1fa, of nellr Cedar. ne8sed the fir8t ball game wit thf,! . ~,!. "" - r. .~ t8 >of D 'Alfl'8l1 roate tor 'Obldaaro ·Illtnoi8 .. "hleh. the oUhe Gazett .....(I "",ro, we~e ~pea e and a host of friends go ~iJle" ,. t~ were Snndl1Y guests ~t tpe seils on Itt Oregon ia - Son~BV. Bar· " , ' .' ,. ' with them, ' . ~1~al'\.l.;J,' :. Mr, Wrll~~ aDd(,,,m llY l"t l ed~,eedIlY, \1,'111 home of .~r8. Catber ine ()ompt on. ,e~[lburg vs. Oragon ia rest,1lting in be their ,fU~u~e l1~~e.. " ,.. I, . • :- • . .' The 'Friend s' Sllbba.t h sohool ba8 , . M~ au~ Mr. Walter tJaot8 '· aDd. T~08e who, . at~eDded tbe , a vlotory for ,the "bn,rg,." g CORWIN SCHOOLS ~ ,1'_ '\ ' .. received,~Gold~n JobiJee oertifio ate. . ,A fter Bll ' !3xoellentlv . • , .f • . y '. fr~m Wayn" F'ilIe wer~, ~r. Ernest repdere d " O: '; lliA.R"E'\'SIBtJIRO " " . II,. ~,moDd ~k~y. 9 Ne.w ~ur- and 1 EII.II.tAr pro~ra.m on Bunday-ev,n~'g , Edba, RobiDs MtM on, brothe r ' .('r. p l. John Ii Uummi ng8 ' had his " Uugto... ,!lpe~t Sonday with Jr, P I Lawren ce Lumpk in .b&S been our Y. P . 8. O. E , of. tbe " ~apti8& '!. . ~ ._ f "h' 'b' id 'Ui" a" ~ , eioutAr bor 'Dayan dplant ed ·verY8I ok w1tb pDeum9who ana '11_r 0 " e ' r el all race -olai!@ ! ::i nh~ 18 getting 'Churoh was ably addr8l8 ed by Bon, oIODf,I',a, Jl d tamU~ .", ' ' . ' " '. Y.l ~ better L ' n • . ... '. , . d U_· 1i" QL~~.J~;I~d Clil....:Cr,lo&: ~oJ~l5bt , ' a Dumbe r ·of trtleB and Bornbs, , Ap. ,' ' . ' . . .' '.' , ,. , -~lJl. W. C.- Tiohe.o or, 0 f .Y...-ebanoD, ' on t h e ' aUa CorDeU a~ ~rtha prQpria te exeroiBe~ were , ,also 'o~ til" "ArK. .'04J ,,18a..,o S~utr.ot o.bOro .e, Oblo, Mr•• Oook. Friend s of 'Mra; H.enry MUlB gave ·tqpio " speare aDd the ' Bible:' serj.ed , maldog a valV. pleaslln t A~. her -a poet o,a.r~ 8how~r on ~,-'.~::~~I,M.~1 .IIDC1"-lllqRto tallf~ ~birKt" I:.ther ·ij&o~n . ",04 daq~"r. ~,.;. .saturd ay.. The bOU$e was filled ~i~h an· inter.. . NEW CLUB \ b~ ~" ." , it, being ~er birthd~~. . . : Non 1klW-" ~ere, J .~ee~ ~t· th~ e8r audteoo e whlob 1J1'e¥1y: ~PPre-1 ,. . ' . . .. , 'I',~ ~ • . , ,II , Che8te r l'o,v:liabip Sonday Scbool ci ted tl1e ex~)lent add~ ~nend'i l Rome 8UDtiy '. : . . . 'N ~ . OeD · t'l b wili Ii Id ,',uIIV ' "SED, .. EGOS FOR~sALE . Conven tion Whioh Was abnoUDoed Mrs. Ell", B. St~in, of New . ' " :. ,, ~ 'ne 8;W . lUy .o , «) York, , , "?- . , "-" • ' for;l,-sttJnn ,• lin. Clyde B'11~' an~ lUtle d.~~ Ita nu' meeUn s.aUhe.tillme of.~"'. b~n pPltpen ed fa Vt8!t.!Jlg . her parents , William Pofe-br~ Barred ..pbmo uth -RoOk for ,~o week8.daybaa · . , IUd. Blaine and wifs, mid.. ter. of Wlaob....r.1Dd, re bere oia ~ I. WhiM nest- ~y af&e~OOD e . to.. Bale, 60 oents per 15. Write Our 8Ohoo~ .(and the o~ers in ,;;~=~tw:.·~,:~~:., eGaOQQ$ of tbelUD _tJf ~. 11''-'4 A ioo4 ~ Myer Hyman , 01 XeD1&J..BpaD' !'rl. ~.. been an'IIDp d otphon e O&rlD q.b, R. D, I, Walne e. Spring Valley TownB :il ........... IAn. ~ , W",~ ,. hlp) are pre. da7 night W1th Carrel u.~ f~""~, . : ttl... O~ VaUer phODJ H-4Xr~ puiDl for aD uhibl' May 7th. an4 famIly . , \~



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going tD recoin olrcrinp from Uu Conti! s'" "Yen. he sllld thn.t VE' ry thIng." ~or CnunP8 lD $-;~ of Si~ 'kMd Tbo lea d r looked a bout upon tIle D. L,. CRAN E. IjllUuUq. 11' Hom~ t n.ccs of tbose before hl nl, sll ut:y. W ar·ii') Wea~he 1l" ':('0 - ~ om~ ~ \'1 w85 troubl ed w ith cmmps In the but \ lib 1\ dO I'kenlu g expresslO1I whlch otomach for she years. I tried many lHl~ve ~ tym~S ~te Indf<:nted til lalence of tb hatred Malachi's Proph ocy Aroos". :tlnds of medicine; al" ~ treated wit hin , [lalred 01 II is ~o uat r):m e n. . "BoSllY's" Toi let. 'U'i')vaHds Tn, ir or atel), OO"R) I)y thrce doclo rs. " W h ro did thIs rellow. MalachI. Since lhe hl gh ' r e duca ti on or the "They that I had nel"VOUS dy ... com<f1'rom 7" as ked eue, breaking the BY THE " H IGH W A Y AND BYWAY" Vjarg! • cow has bcen ta ken 111) Rlld our ndTerpepsin, I took the m edicine fo r two P RE AC HER long 511 · nce. s llics hav~ beeu turn!tlg out a wuperlor years, t~ e n , got s ick ng ain (lnd Ba vtl " 'T s ,said be comes (rom tbe trfbe In the new Bummer tr' ks of h av y Many dcYoted and well-ntennl n Qua lity at lowing ki ne. one Ie ut 'UI" o r Zebu luo. a nd appenroo fi r st Beveral \(oen, ovc rllleove antlsbeer under- home nurses wouder why lhe lr va- up all hopes of gett Ing cured . p rl. rl to belH that th e llt>-t ~Oat e "I saw B tcstimonial of n man who Y Ilrs a go while ye t NehemJah W eAl sleeve If cts a re consldol'nbli used. lIents do not Improve or have s uch S l'l plu re Au tho rlly : -Malacbl. chan. QIl O n or the ca ttl e barn lind II . t coi.. he re. And a fter Nehemiah ball gone tedlouB cOll~ al e sc e n ce . Tho fault otlen case was similar to mine. being cured tElr 1. eS Il, ye rso 11. but one fi nds. too. 1 0tlg, mo!\el'ately l ge·broo co nlpnnlons houltl b UHlll . Du ll t ho pries thood had agai n gained I cloBe sl eves of th e Huoll . t r lnllnod up 11 s with t ri fli ng rrorB in n Ul'sl ng by Perunn. 60 thought I would glvo it th o1>jOC\S of a fll stldlous sollcltudo Malnc hl. tile Prophel.-The name means III asuro at It a I1 b rUes. which hac! he OUI Bld and at ilie wrist. or t rl m- which ' they th ink do nol matt 1'; yet a trial. I procured n bottle at once, H A wns tile lu t h 'Em so strictl y curtailed under hi' undr lUllerl or In tbe days of yore.. A M eS8" n g~ r hor J eho"dnh, or th t) prop et8. an t 1,"rll rore en II ed "the r ule. this Mal achI presumed to SOl med in Clltr fashion hill! way to the e l- whi ch drive ' the s ick ODe llalt t o and commenced taking it. member a t tho ovlngton ( K y. ) boa rd ... ,, 1" or the prophets. as hl8 pl'opheclea bow. fra n::y . "I have taken nineteen bottles, and Tho Dutch neck fi tted with such low . Here are a fe w hlnta that may make am entirely cured. I 'believe Peruna ol booJt h b aa sprung Inlo fam throu'gh cons titute t he closing book or the canon. LJ lms If up as Il. prophet and to gtJ r his perso nal history nothing Is known, a bo.ut pointing out wbat be called thtl bruad of finely h and e mbl'olc\. IJIn css more bearable for the long sufa demnnd t bat cows ba ve th ell' leet h oAccordi is all that Is c' 'imed for it."- MrB. " . ng to one trnrtll ion presorvoll In g reat e villl at the day and denounctng I h O d D 1 e rcd baUs te or lawn as ill vogue -ferlng Illvalld_ brushed wi th regularity. Health ex- Peeudo- Eplpho.nl1l8 It I.. stnt('d that Mal· , . h C. Jamison, 61 h1archant St., WBtl>f)n~ was or the tribe at Zcbulu n. and I t e m n t e name of our \). ut this winte r will Burely be popular tor See that the doors do not creak. pert s In othe r cltlus bave trenll'd the achJ WI\.!! bor n o.tter tho ca ptivity o.t Sophia. In t hough t he had departed. f( r after we s Imple s umm er trocks with women HJngeB should be rubbed wltb soap or ville, Cal. demand llt bUy. professing not to s ee the territory or thnt tribe. A CCOTlll~", to had de lloullced him and tbreatened HAD A RIGHT MERRY TIME. di ed h Im nothIn g more was heal t at him." who cnn s uoces sfully adop t these glrl- oUed at tho of an IIlnes8. It bow Ibe Innovallon would tend to puri- Ihe sa me apoc r)'phal IItOry. he nnd W I~ burled with hIs fathcnI "' " ' Isb modeB, but the blgh tra nsparent Is maddening to be wakened trom a young. ty t h rn ll k s upply. It the scheme 10 hI. own ("ountry. Jerome. In the e ll. he Ie very active. now. SUlo- collar or high stock shows no slgu of fitful s lee p by an unnecessary noise. Pre.entl and Souvenlrl Dlltrlbuted on ever does tak bold. however. tbe preface at hili ("olOmentary on Malachi. Iy. and with 80me at tbe people at loSing preBtige. Do not ban g doorB nor yet open Casey'. Birthday. cu rr("nt lens t It Is pln.ln to see tha.t he IB held Hand e mbroldeTY' Is aB muoh In do- the m with Iluch ostentatious s ilence as mentions a bell t which was 1lS daJrymaJ d at romance Is likely to be- among tho Jew8. thnt Malachi 'Y Ideo· as a propbe t" corne contused with tbe eervitor who lin ed with Ezra tho prlesl. Wl lh equa l ' mand aB ever, and the ne w !'hawlng of to make tb e patient think be IB at " Yl s" began MI'iI. O'Toole. ''ye see. The leader at tile priests grlttea bls band ftoullcln g, allover and motif e m- dea th'B door. assists In tbe preparalloon at tho a rls· probabili ty Mala.chl hlUl been Identified It was ' CaB y'S birthday ,.tsterday. an' with Mordeca.l. Neh emiah and Zcrub- teeth nnll muttered almost IncoherentNever talk In brawling toneB In a Op Bey brougbt bOIDO t~o bOtUes ot t ocrnUc cow's toilet It will not be blbcl, The LXX render "by Mal nch~:: Iy. 80 IUlgry was he : brolderlcs Is s ur pasBlngly beautiful " , Englleh eyelet worK IB greatly In e vI- s ickroom; on the other hand do not ral lit utr-one Inelde II.n· ODe outsld difficult to pic ture the tlme when e very (Mnl. 1:1). "by the hand or his angel. this trnnslll1lbn apl> n nl to have £1 ... What ri ght bath he to epeak wi b- dence among the choicest of the early whisper. AnytWng the patient should - to sillybrate tbe oeilaslou. au' they inshlona ble cow will hue a mirror In and en rlee to the Idea th at Malachi. na well out authority from the prle8t8f He Is showingB. but It Is of fine lacy charncIts boudoir. lIays the Chicago 'Record- a.s Haggai and John the Baptist. WIUI a n only preaching heresy' but Is IDde~ ter "nd tre que ntly combined wIth othel' not hear should not be discussed In hl B llB( II ad the toime g( tbe1r 'lives last presence.. A buzzing horselly Is no nven!n·. Iv'rybody happy an' Iv' rybody In human IIhn po (camp. Ml\l 3 :1: I I . ' .. H raid. and Ilea tly aM'ans-ed on th e !II.Dgel Esd. 1:40) , Int rnal cvldence III eon- m n ng the very Ufe of tbe lJation. embroide ry o r laco. Wid bands at more annoyIn g than the si ckroom con- handln' ('Iut prlsenl:s an' souvenirs ot llhelf below a toothbrush about the s ize ("lu8lve In fnvor or the wrltcl' li ving ntfer Wbat w1ll bccome ot us It the l~ople tbls openwork elnbroldery In exquIsite- 'fCrsation In hIssing whis pers. the evlnt to fy 'r ybody else! \ ot t.he Bhoe brusb of human use ; a ja r 'he death or Ezrn and th 8' .:ond Imml- at our natlon come to believe that we Iy Intricate a nd flne design nre disWalk li ghtly and uncreakln gly_ It " Casey gave hls wife an' bls moth 1... or cnp tl voll. sl nco the abuses are to be set aside and the doga of about the s ize of a ba.1t balTel. contaln- ITallon noted In the boole nre exactly tho.e which played In sott ecru aB welJ as In white, you cannot cultlvate a I1ght step, take In-law a black eye apleoe; bJB 'W lf beathen about us are to becol11e su~ and lov Iy effects are obtained . with to telt s llpp 1'8 or .rubber 801es. A give Casey a punch in t~ bread 'ing the latest tooth powder advertlaed NehemIah reformed. preme ? Nay, It Is hnposslble. Our llod Intermixture of delicate colorlng-a nervous temperament IB often injuri- basket· hla moth r-Iu-Iaw give blm a 1D lbe s treet cars; a two·gallon cutIs die God of the Jew but not of the groundwork ot the fine openwork done ously alrected by sllgbt sounds that no elde s~lpe with a sklllot; an' Casey gl9Jls bottle of cau de cologne. and a Gentile, except he become a Jew. Is In white, with scattel'ed deSign of sort one else would noUce. SERMONETTE. gh e tb old lady lUlother Itlack eye to fl ve·pound box of violet face powder. not that right ~cordlng to the law of blue, rose. green or lavender tbrown Sft as QuleUy as possIble; rocking keep company with the Orat. one; an' togetber wltb the creams and other Moses ?" over It, or the eyelet work In color, back and fortb, tapping tho floor. tbe police come au' gtve Qasey a ride In the preaent day we find ful· things supplied by tbe beauty-sbops. "Thou hast 8tated It exactly," re- with the otber embroidery In white. swinging the leg or eve n nervous to the sl atlon bouse; aD' tbls moroln' flllment of the vision which Mal· Afte r "Bossy" bas .bad her morning The new bordered materIals of the moveme nts ot the bands or face: often the judge took a ba nd III Ole gnme. 1llI' sponded the othertl. achl law In verle 11. shower. had her teeth brushed. nnd "Then how can we permtt tills fel· llng rle and linen classes make fr e- ge ts unbearably ora the ne rves of the gl,,' Casey ten days ! The day of the Jew wal to perhaps been mlUlsaged with au e lec· low to continue to speak not only Quent use of these e mbroidery combl- patient. "Oh 'twas a gra u' 9I1tybratlon tbt\y pa .. and the day of the Gentile trlc Vibrator, ahe may tben draw up a agalnet the truth wblch Moses hath nations. and many ot the chic bordure Neve r ask an invalid what she wantB had ail 'round' wid remlmbra nces au· was to be ulhered In. Bpoken, but aleo against tbe present etrects have plain wide borders of dell- to eat. Tho capricious appeUte must God'l patl"nce I. ."emlngly ouvc nl rs handel! o ut Nlgardl ss ot h . neat IItlie glasBoCOvered table for the continuance of our nation? Are not cate color joining the sheer white ma- be tempted. not conBul ted. pen 0 or wbo they bll.ppene4 to hIt !" Inexhaustible as he deafs In manicuring ot ber boora. tbe dally offerings made? Is not the terial under trailing embroidery deDon't groan over tile ha rd work you mercy and love, but there II the It will next be 1ll order tor IOmobody temple worship maintained? 18 not signs. One charmlug line of bordure bave to go or the gayetles you are mls. other vIew of the DivIne chuac· SNAP FOR JIMMIE. to Inte re.t the cows In a brand at cud the Incense burned? Tben what know- baUstell bas n wbite ground over Ing. It IB har d enough on the sensatel'. "He will not alwaYI chlt.e, JInored a8 la the chewlDg gum of com· e th thIs tellow more than we, or what which at wide InterVals are scattered Uve nature to feel herself a burden neither will he withhold hll an· m ercie. complaint bath be to make concerning 'llmall embroide red dOls at color, Bay ot without havIng be r obligation rubbed gel' forever." tbeBe tbJngs?" pInk. The re Is a sIx-Inch border at In. At ~alt when every meanl of ' The Bureau of Entomology. bringing hi. people back to him "Let u. bring hIm before IlS and plain pink he~ded by embroidery In Do not get depressed yoursell. or at The work carrie d on by the bureau are flxhaulted. then the judg· qUElstlon him conCerning thesa sort pastel sbadeB running lip into the least keep It tram your patient. There relates entirely to Injurious Inseots. ment of hI. wrath falll and_It la things." .entrired one of tbe llumber white and down Into the pink. . Is smaJl use for medicines If tbelr efthen too late. Llnenl, ~o. as has ooen Indicated. te et Is counteracted by trlends looking '" AB you hue laid'. It wlll not do to and the direct object at this work Is to In the declining daYI of the eulrer this fellow to contlnue to have bor der e ffect almUar to t hat just and talkin, Ilke a bIrd ot III omen. dlsco~er remedial measures , and to JCtWS, when, In Iplte of all hi. preach .ucb doctrine." described, only on . linen the embroldKeep the paUent cheerful. RememmlLke f,bem known to the public. 'The warning. and hIs punishment-, "Who wJll bring hIm!" questioned ery designs Me bolder and heavIer. ber that the power to . look on the object of the work, therefore. Is of the the nation ' persisted In forgetthe leader, dubiously. "Perbapi be Lovely ,baUBtes and mulls with all- bright sIde bas sayed ma.ny a Ufe. "Ob, Jimmie. our pa'. a.oon' appoIntmost practical cbaracter and every efting hIm, th"re wal .tIIl 1Ihlnlng Do not encourage too much camp/my. ed J,lostmas ter!" wlll not come wltbout 'Violence, and over em broIdery design are numerous fort Is de~oted to the practical end. It . ahead of them the promlle of who lmOWB but that the people may and aome of thes~ suggeBt delightful Until olle 18 wen on the way to recov"Oood! Now I wOll't bve ter put hlUl been conservatively eetlmat.ed that the Coming One, the M,"'llah. In turn agalnst .us and stand in his de. blouses demandtng 'lIttle tIme and d- ery,' Indlllcrlmmate visItors are eqwv- any stamps on de leUers I eend the United States euffers an ~nual whom the nation .hould find a fense." tort on the PlU't of the maker. For In- alent to a backaet. Most Invalids are YOUBt' l!' economIc loss tram Injnrlous Insects of perfect deliverer. But It wal "Let U8 !O then. In a body," an- stance, f:here II a sheer, .s llky wbit!' weaker t11a11 they realize and the ef· beyond that whIch MalachI one )t1nd or another of Burely 1700,000,· swered tl!~ priest. wbo bad ' ventured batiste whJch baa cluster~ of very tll.y fort to entertaIn ' friends or even to The Strenuoue BtancM. looked when he .ald that the the firllt suggestlon. tuckB, tbree in a grouP. set at two·lnch lIBlen to th"XD., fs a tax on strength. GOO. 'l'bls eetJmate. lIay. L. O. How· One of Blanche Dat09' DlO8t lntimat. day wa. coming when , the Jew ReadIng aloud, In tbe same way. frl endll Is telling a rather fun,. aWr,. "Agreed," they all uclalme4 hi Intervals, and between these groups .ot .ud, Ph. D.• in National Magazine, In· . should. be .~t a,lde and the Gen· eon. ) tuoke are lines or l/lrge embrQIdetled shoula be sparIngly lndul«ed In. No abou . thla clever aetrM9. • : CIludel the damage done to ogrlcultural tile .hould find favor with God, "Bring the IIcron qontalnlng the taw dots 'Ln dencate color-light blue, plnk~ matter bow fond' ot books the Invalid :'She C8llIe Into my Jaoase oue ev crope, to orcharel and borttculturul In· Such prophecy couid not be may be, when well, during an lllnetl8 Ing ve ry much excited. IlDd r eald 10 . nnd we will refute this hltre- green o~ Ulac. ~----~uUcG~~,~~~t~oL~~t~lI~an~d~ ' f~oWrL ~~t~n~r~~~u~c~~~.~-~~~~~~~~~~~_HH~~ ~t~O~b~~~~~ ~h~re~~~ ~~~be~~~te~~~ tbe effort to istetrl.-{atlgulng;-Watch lIe r; 'Blantlhe. for hea~ea's sake, what .. great prIde In hIs nation made pIe," exclaimed tbe leader. "We Will little English eyelets embroidered . In tbe patient for sIgna of relltlessness. Is th tnatter? YOIl aeam to b e all • . Study the IIlck one's pecullllt:ltles, gon toO pieces.' alId to other property. but It does not him feel that God could love sbow hIm that tbe God or Abraham, pink scattered allover Its surtace. nod ,. ___-~ Incluae" the ecoaomlc Joss to ('Ommunlonly'-hiIchoUn people:-- - - Isaac and Jacob Is not. the God of tile at Intervals ot about tbree or four and humor Ulem:La far aa posaJble. .. 'Matter enougb,' 8b.e a.nswercd, ·u . ties and to tbe ' natlon tbrO\1&h the And while to-day there II not Gentlles except Utey become Jews." 'Inches a stripe of little pink embrold- There ' ll DO more fatal mistake ln, be r voice ebooJ{ with aager. '1 hay lelsenlng of the productive capaclty .or danger of the aame feeling, a t · ered rellebudS, clustered gracefully to< nursing tban tD argue or fret an In- been'· accosted by a 8I1Ul In ' tb lealt In degree, on the part of And ao this Imposing body or men, gether. valid. A.void Issuell. th e populatlon through the pl8Yalenes streets: the Gentll~ whIch exllted In the In theIr priestly robes, marched forth, • " 'What did you do?' I naked. or dJseases tHat are calTled by insects. heart of the Jew, It III there I. and goIng to the market plmce rotmd ..,,,.to......... w_......~w_w"'..-........._,,.....·....~·.... ,...".~ 4"...._ .. 'I b(ll'led olr And bJt IIlDl In the luch 88 malarIa, typhoid (evel'. yellow aomethlng like the t.hought lurk. the object ot their ire still speaklJl' . tace,' sbE> Ilns'Vered. 'a.nd I 138111 t (eyer, and· possibly many othel'll. Ing In the heart of the Chrlltlan, to the people. '. blln: "Yoll dirty dog, would you Stl~ The day of God'. grlclou. dealAs the priests paased along ' the to a defe oBelel!s woman '" • A Bostall genius baa tn,.ente4 a Ingl wIth the Gentile. will h'ave street theIr ' oomlng caused no little Of 'And where waa he whaD you aallt ' metbod of grabbing off the ran of the It. end jUlt a. at lact the day commotion. People turned and looked thlB7' I ag.~n Inquired. of the Jew. had Its ending. nod then, In curiosity, tollowed. 80 sun as tbey wlUleler Idly IIp and down II '~ol1ln" In ' the gutter wber') b But there II danger In that wben the prieBts had reached the the eartb and storing tbem In IU1 elec· fell wben I hit hIm,' abe aald, In A world to-day of the same com· place where Malachi wu addresBlol surprised tone Ilt my .Qlu!atJoD. "-Totrlc battery from wblch they may be plaoent view of condItIon. al ex· the people, tbe crowd there waa greit,. ledo. • .. released &0 light the bouse at nl.ght. Ilted In the day. when Malachi Iy au~ented. Thil Is calculated to m~ke the 011 trust law thl. vl.lon of the Jew'. reB~t It MalachJ note4 tbe pre.ence A Dubioul Trlb... eJt up and take DoUce much more tkan jectlon. . or' the priests he gave no heed, b\1t Tbe young theoioclelli alucl8llt ~he tUly "COurt-proceet\ings, although the "From the rilIng of the .un Continued to address the people. bad been Su'pplylnJ tile Rtaallby pullatter are accompanied by a ,29,2"0,000 pit for two Sund,ays looked Wisttull:y even unto the' going down of the "Yea," be shouted; "from the rl.lng fine, says the Cblcago Dally News. at Mrs. Kingman, bla ~osteelJ . . the ' same." the name of the Lord I. of tile eun even unto the going down Every once In a whUe some ealeul.t· ' th~e being. "Did you lIk'i'~e . "great among the Gentllel." the same the name ot the Lord sball this mornlng,;r-r-ma,. ~"". "".-..--::'--,r.:;,..".,-~ fn~ person who forge ts ow onr; the be great among the Oentlles. and in the delplsed and the persecuted qujrsd . ..' world survived wltbou coal Jumps every place Inceolle shall be olrered among all the nation. of the "You done renl well wtdl tile' material unto my name. tor my name lball be fnto the limelight and bas a itt through world. But dare the Gentile you selectell." saId y",. Klng~ great among tbe ~eatben . " tear that we shall freeze to death on Chrl.tlan. r"lt .ecure In ttie wlt~ much cordiality. "A.1l I" said to "Away with lIucb a tellow." sboutt'd account ot the tallure of the coal sup· prelent hou'r of favor? AI cerZenas on ' the way hOlDe, 'I've heard a the le~er at the priestll. pressing forply. Now nnlnventor comes alonl';lnd tainly as did the Jews forget doz()n or, more sermons preacbed 0 tbrough ,tbe crowd. "Can the ward sbowl him that bls tears are groundGod and forfeIt hI. favor, there that wt. and tbls young manis the God at Abrabam. and Isaac and Jacob Is danger of the Chrlltlan less. Human Ingenuity st11l has years .one tbat eye·r lDde IJlG torget his people? Does not Moses. In chu'rch of to-day failing Into co ... to work b.e fore the coal gl~es out and bow dIfficult 'twas to e;z;plain.' the law wbich Ood gave blm, say tbat ruptlon and forfeiting ItI rIch Youth's Companlou. ' already the start toward a solutl"n Is the seed ot Abrabam are God's chosen heritage In Christ. promising. Will the C01l1 trust .IBO people? Away "'/11th tbls tellow who SISTER'B lTRick tremble and reduce prices! ' would teach that God bad turned (rom hIs people." ' THE STORY. Malacbl turned at the sound ot the Unde!1:l'Ound passages tor pedeevoice and watched Intently as the trlans are to be built st various points HAT beresy Is thl. which that priest press~d up to bls side. He noted beneath the Champs ElYBees. wblch young Malachi Is preacblng?" the Intense look upon tbe faceB of the the conBIllut stream at mot-or-cars now exclaimed one of a group at priests people as tbey listened to the word8 renders Impassable from morning till gatbered In counsel In the temple at at the prleBt. Tben with one swift evening. The congesUon at otber Jerusalem. glance upward. as thougb In mute a~ Paris streets alBa bas grown to an One at their number had been mao peal tor the help whIch he needed In A alarming exlent. and aIr thorough tares "JOg a statement In whlcb he had ra- that tryIng bour, he turned tull upon round the Opera are blocked with traf· ported the words , be had overbeard the prleBt as be caine before blm. and The center .of interest tn a' young lIc ror bours. mornIng and afternoon. while passing tbrough the streets of' polnUng his ftnger at him, he shouted: If,rl's bedroQm ia, Without doubt, the If t~e Champs. EJyseeB tunnels prove the city. snd as he finished the leader , "And now, 0 ye priests. this com. dreaslng table. nls Is' alw~ys malle tile party rose, and looking angrily mandment Is for you. It ye .wnI' not as attractlve as possible with a pretty a eucces s. olhers wlll be excavated In at Around upon the otbers. demanded to the centa r at Paris; and foot pllBsen- know what. It could mean. . bear. and It ye will not lay It to heart, cover. dainty cushions and little pin . I ' I'fI'a'blOd to give glory unto my name. Baltb the gers will I" fu t ure cross not over "Tell U8 a gain." he saId, turning to Lord of aosts. I wlll even send a CUrtl8 streetB, but under tbem. It had been the prIest who had made the state- upon you, and I will curse your bleas. boped to build the ,a pproaches to tbe, ment. "just what It was tbat Malachi lr:gs; yea, [ have, cUl'lled them already, Chanips EIYllees underground passage. eald. that there can be no mlsunder- bE'cauBe ye do not lar It to heart." • 'i n I~clined planql. down whlcb peram- .tandlnl1'." Under the awful arraignment the bulators could have bee.n rolled easily. '~He was speakln~ to a group ot race of tbe priest became ashen, anel But this & been found too COBtly, and people tn· the market place, and . as I he trembled and Quailed betore 'the unonly staircases will be provld~d. . drew close to Beo and hear, I. ' ove~ flinching eyel ot Mlllaeb1. , What heard him say' 'Thus salth the"Lord (t\ th,~t struck terror to hi. heart? Wb '~nts a ., Y8:.i'd .. $ometimes • .... resolUtion pass,e d by ', the United of HOBte, I ba ve no pleasure ,I.n the It the consclousDeBil of , the troth of for leE!a--nelr-.1 States senate provides tor Jnvltln« prieata. nelthel' 'rill I accept an olrer- ' the warda w~lc\ were "pOken! Wu It ' rej~PE~~l!lve Frnnce and Gr~t Bl'ltaln to particIpate blB'.t their bands. FOr from .the rl!J- the Ore of rlgbteous hidlgnatlon wbtcb In tbe tercentenary c.elebratloD at the tng 9f the sun ev~n unto th~ golpg ftashed trom ' th~ ullfilnohJng eyes of dillcovery Lake Champlain. Ae eM' down thereot. my Jlame sbaH :be great Malachi? Whattover .1t 'waa tbe prleet. among the , OentlleB; and 1n eV81'7 completeJr cowecl. t1lrned, and. with ht. uda Ie 11110 10 be reDre~onted, there will oJace tn~u.e ahall be olrered Wlto my ,followerl, silentlY ,"d aullenl'" weDded be present dell!, gates' from ' all the_Iov" l"' , el'1l1m1tll1tJnl!n[rel!rm!iri\r.;rri'nrn.m-==n..;;+=~'-;;i;=;f,~iI"i;~iIJWinnihfiAlii;.ni:i·1UII way bacHe; the temple: name "Ab. let' the fellow, alone," a. (lQuntrtea tor wblch thOle e~enta ot .a.'" ' . cla1uu~ ,to f)&cb oUiet. ",We bay. tb. 300 years agO "ave direct Interest. . "Dlel be denUUDce the prleatt temple IUlQ tile dall, mbusttaUoIlL H. " ' ,the people in that way?" .,u'UUI,uullU', 1111 but a wand.~ tram ·ZebuJdIl: Coant ot TUriD IrOea to AfrIca aDd th. leader wllat ..e. .up. W. 1la.. ~n. rc,..,. UOD.. BIJt, walt till we .... 1 "He Gld, III UwM • .,., WOida.' , W. ....t .t BooIttelU -£ad tI14 ... . , dIM Gad

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dedu<,Uofts. SIlPpoee, for eumple, loolt of lnr.r~llllty and d~'WnrJ ght dl&that a crlmJllaJ , at e r 8tnj'lI\1g down gust. "Had the mCLb r nny reason, the steJrs, all¢ S6 IlIg 01' h arlng Mur- coulll slle lJ ave any reason tor dclng ~by tbere n.t the toot, h\ll'rled such a lh!ng, and 1C BO, hIUJ /lhe the again ond up tbe higher flight? Fin· Qualltle s necel5~Qry to negan bad qroppeLi to the streot, and out of 8 0 bold n ' plan the carry1n , 1" ho could easHy bave done so, makIng "I don' t 861l what you're getUng at," his escall by way ot th e roof-" __gro.w.\e( Irsch, "and It don' t Beilm to - I.1i vo · rsc h made an Involun- me there's any senae 10 tbls kind . of l tary nloveme nt at chngrln. busines s, gue&l!log at all l n~, i "You sce," Bmlled Dr. FurnJvall, /tnd wondering whic h onethot se'emlh dorte "YOU bad yo ur Ictel\., tile first ' tbat It. 'one ot 'em dune It. Somebo dy amo to you, so firmly IIxod in your else done It, and It you l{nol'l wbo It mind, Jum ped to tbe bell r lu Mur- Is, w!llcb I doubt, tell me, aud I 'll go I}h y's guilt so q\~lckly, not seet'ug any aud nab him." "( sce," bo said. "Murrlby let tho other way, and were so "Now," the doctor continu ed, liB If bomb-mno In and out. That's wby e nt crlnlnin g any other Incapf\ble of Idea thal yo u (be other had remaine d dumb, "you be dIdn't soo hl ml" really could not recogni The d eUve appeare d graUfiod III W:1y out thougb It so 011 ze this other lIave practica lly 1ID1I\lat~ d tbo three this evidenc e ot persplcnclLy 011 Dr. ell you. Th en you never' nly confron t· wllo werli' Ihe only v ·rBo n:! In a posl· drealUed ot UOIl, physlclllly t;penltlng, to do th is Furn lvllll'B J)ari.. Bul ouly fol' a mo· conside ring the cbamcl rs ot Ule sev- tllin , und tbat setlles tile matter, ment. Tllen ho sea.rohe d 'th e bearded ernl persuns cone rnr.'. Ther were wllb you, as rar as the y a re con· with his )'os. Ho llid not like three p<'opl In tbat te nemont, nnyone cerned. You would take your oath , lba lone o[ thut laugh. of whom cou ld , as far as (lbyslclll POI- wouldn 't yo u, tiJat neither one at "Thel'c' s tl O other way out of it-" silJlll ties go, hav' dODe the act, and lhese persons la, or reasona bly cou:d lJ e begau. It KC<'UlS a s It nouody else could. Not bo, Lile ' ulprlt 1" " I could 1>1\'13 you sIx dlfIeren t ' waYIl another soul W"S lI ellr. Tbe first out " Yes," he r~p ll ed, shorUy. ' 'Keep 'D or It," the lioQlor int errup le,!. "nu !;llon .'~.·ou sbou lrl have nut to YOllr· " ' ut lhe one In wblch It really ball' self Is. whlcb onc or up yeWI' jn'l yl!lg I t It does you any tI\CISO thr e bas pened will do. J ,suppose JO Il huve th c!Jarn tl'r In wblch lurks tbe pos.' good, bu : I'd SI) my oath Ion lhese peo· como to ask me to hypn otlzc !I1urphy slbllity ()r lhrowln g tha pIe, just tb '~ Slime, and guess you I' t In any nnd Qxtract the truth fr om him-Is U8 lfl facl bl'"" n tho L llonl,b. Lct wou ld yo ur ~el r. I tau sor t lu qulry now. "" that It?" ronson that on 2 of tbem done It. You ha\' seon them all, willi!) I n ever of It was the man outsld on the Ilreh Til I d eto live flu shed and gnawed evell hrard of any of til m lJefore. escape, nnd that skIpped dow nsta I rs, Is I p. NOW te ll me If yO\l think the boy or Up . and thllt Finnega n and M.ul'\lhy " i S, " ho answer ed, shorUy. could be :!uill"?" J nnd Tony nnd the old wo man 11 eur d· , Dr. Furnlvn ll rang tor n maid, and "Him? llardly, " the detoctlv e grun t. Ilnd that Finnega n saw as well as scribbli ng a note, paBsed It to her. heard." "R ad Lhat nloud-all but the ad- ed. "Ho wo uldn't be dress," be sul d . h is own · face a ll up. llkely to Ullst llesldes , the "Then tile ramific ations ' of the Drob· " 'J( you wlll come with the bearer money was [or Wm, anyway. It would lem must be, to yo u, bow (Ud this


in the Sol utio n of a Per plex ing C ase. )



N tb\! l~th of July at two o'clock nm due somewl lere else now."

fllnDed til 4bclor, -:rmlt ~Id«et thIs I tte1'-w as It written by Iln ed~ cnterl or nn lin educate d pera n .?" "Why. OIleducated, or course" nt, turn d n1rsch. "See tbe IIpelllnS\ BU\P the lan guage. Or else It wae u.n IW'lu. cated person tryIng to lIeem uned L cat d." " I fancy It W3.8 one or tbe otller," be snld, "but wb~ch 1" "How do I IlUow1" respond ed Hirsch. fatuoIIBI,.. Tbe do tor smooth ed hll fe:ftures and answere d, mildly: "That Ie wbere, psycbology-yo s. p6ychol ogy-gl ves me tho advn~tag6 or you. Would Iln unoduca ted italian, such n8 nppllrcn tly wrote this I lieI', fir 11 'Wcdu esllny: wlt b a 'd' Invarl· ahly In the Or!; t sy llable, onco wltb n 'y', as If to let tl! r(,:lcJ er know tha t he ron.!ly knew how to spell It, nnr} tben write It tw ice without the 'y,' as w!!11 us to leave tho sam') letter out or 'Tburstl ay?' Woulrt an tilleducat J Hallan sp II 'thousnn d' with B dash . ' tholls·a: would he ~T110 'n d·a' tor 'IIE'M,' or 'kll·a' ror k!ll, and 80 on? li e would speak tbls way, but !Jo would r !]ulre so mo educatio n In order to wrlle t his way. lIIoreover, tbe PUll tuation nnll lis e of 'npltals are perfec l-lwo positive proofs of Il c rtaln d {;ree of educatlo u. And to clinch tho evldellce. look at Ihe hand· wrlllllS. It Is disguised, but Irrt'!;u· larly, as It done by an Immatu re mind, and the vertlcal penman ship taught a little whllo ago In our public schools slicl{s out all through the I tter. The charact er and attainm ents ct tbo wliter ot tills letter, 'alten togelhe r With the Injured boy B testimo ny, points \V1!lJ finality to a c"rtaiu ono ot tho ~orso n s known to be concern ed, In IIhort, whatev er bls moUve mny be, and Impolsl ble as the known facti alone !loem to render It-" The doctor paused as tootst&oa MUDded wltbout , and tboo went ( I t j " the perl!on wbo threw that bumb wo._" "Ma. ter Frank Mncalusco," a!lnounced the maid, epewng Lhe doo:'. And forward stepped the Bon of Tony, hla face bandD.8ed, but wearing a IImlle of depteca tlng good hutJlor. Detectl. -e Blracb stared at the boy &ad tben looked at tlJe doctor. "You don't mean- " Ile began, and pauaed, Dr. FurnJva Jl IImJled som&what grfmly, "Take a soat, Master Frank," be said. And wbCft the ~nnlng YOIJUt hall taken a tentativ e posItion on the edgo ot tbe couoh, hat In hand, the doctor continu ed:' "Shall I be compelled to hypnoti ze you, or ...1lI you tell yonr story freely?" "Oh, It's all off now, and I m'ght as wen talk," tbe boy answere d. 'Far trom . feellos- embarrlUlse4, he soemed to enjoy tho situatio n, grlnnlll g lmparUaUy at each of hll hearert ILl he I!roceeded 'WIth his confession_ "Yon can tUll It itrnlgbt ," he &'aId, In scltoolboy slang, "that it wasu't me ror tbe prtestbo od. It was my toUta that put up that job me. It II me for Ule !ltags- I'm for IOlng to be &II a tor. It wouldn' t do to let my father know that, thougb -he'd go lIutty. He thought It was an .etlled Ions ago, and I 'Iet him thluk ~ becauee It .wo~11 lJe . ao cood to ltart In Oshtlng bIm before I had to, Of course I knew he had tbe, money Baved tip. How could I belp getting wise to ttl when they're always whllper lng ahout it to each otb,e r, looking mysterloWi and acting tunny, me rlHbt there with 'om 80 much? 80 I bed up thll deal to 11ft the ' money from father. I wouldn 't use It-all 1 wanted was I.e matte lure _he wouldn 't me to oolJeg.. I could not do 'bat this way without maklng him mad at me for not doing u he wished, and I col114 gin the Btl'i! back to him later. I kMw be wu eully frighten ed. and thought lie would glTe up right off a8 soon as I WIll ed, wlttiout going to the police,threaten . but wheD 1 heard blm In the .otber room talking with mother about tbe letter and . tbe trap the (lollce had set I didn't know wbat to do, At Orst I thought I'd can It all off, It wat too rtaley. But tbe excItem ent sort of appeale d to me, nnd I thought tllat as I was bound to be an actor, this was all good a time as any to bogln. 80 finally I hit on the thing I did. Laet night I ' got lUI. old piece 'of lead pipe anq split It, to make It look Jlke an explode d bomb, and put It on the rug, which t man reach tbe tire-esc apc without scorche d wIth a match, cut my face your knowled ge, you' being right un- a little with my razor, and then ' der It; bow did he ent~r ttie . room toucbed ott a cannon flrecrac ker. t without raising the window or break· had DO gun, you know, and tbose Ing It; how did he escal'e miracu· 10081y; and what did he BO enter the thlD~ WOUldn't tell any ta I es. I b a d room at all tor? For be could my door already unlocke d, and ran IUld opened It, and slamme d It back thrown tbe bomb througb the glMB, without la{chlng It, jumped a few you know, and It would b&Ye been Bteps dowlliltaJrs, and thaci ran back both sarer tor blm nod more within reason." agnln, closing the door lIomy. I bad meant to unlock my window, to make Blrsch B~': his UPB and tor a'mome J't be110'8 tile Black Hand got In tbat said nothJn~. FInally he buret forth: 'Ray, but I guess I was a little nerVO.UII, "Seems to me you 'aln't helping any- and I torgot It, IUl.d so thing grea!.! In a minute you'lt mllke man I saw was on .the !'ad to Bay the fire·esca pe outIt out that nobody cquld do It, and Bide, Instead of in the room, as I had tbat consequ ently Itwaan 't done!" Intende d to say. The situatio n W8.I "1 lUll only showing you, 80 ·far, my Impossi ble, W810't It? It was fun~T friend, "wbat your !!lethod amount s , the way e.,eryl cdy swallow ed 8uch a to," ,said tl\e doctor. "By ' It LClan stll! u . thatt~ ' .tie·, threw tbe 'cba. prove or dlllprov~ anytbfn & uoder the grlDed detnc!iv.e a ely He Bun, becaulle .It haa to .do with ap- \V88 tbs' .' ~everybody" glance. reterred to. pearanc es, lils~ad qf c~araQt~~, with Then .the DaY, ·thlt .would·}> ,) actor. the su~erflclaI~ aa qJstlngu lshed trom tb,rllUng w,lth a prf!!e over bl8 ~x· tlu'l r~aUtf~II, I ~,an even turn com· , plOU that ,IlOt e.-"n Its detectio n an,4 pletoel), ~und and prove to you. by faJlure could materia lly lower, added: 'your m~t~od, tha~ .each one ,of tbeBe ''I toia father In the letter'to ~rBons whom we' hav., bY ', 1Il7 meth- ' lI10riel ~' the San FrallctllC Bend tha (11)98t· of04, ,Ilro• ed Innocen t, t~. the only J,lflr. ! ftee, then I w,,"ote t ') . theD\ tbere to Ion ,who could han . commit ted tho forward any l,ttera' (or Joh.n 191~ crime. What ,ou lack ls-p.IIy.chol· braith ' to anotbf.r poat .omce, aDd I agy." ·Dr. Fnrnlva U did ~ot 'WIsb t(I wrote th~t omce to tOrtrard the mall lay "bralDI ," nor "learnin g." lIor "ID' to alIotber an'd ' ... 00 telUgen ce," DOr evel1 "tralnln ,," 10, one 'Wall ~ forward It, an.d' tb.e last 'to our poeral alter IOm~ bealtatl on, he ,ald "pey. deUn1'1 when I cOUld .et Il" cboloi1 ." .AQd he continu ed: IoNo", (Co&»,II,bt, by W, G. Cb..,ma n.) the momeDt I ' saw tblll Jetter ad (COI!"" .bt .ID (Inal 1IrIUII-.) Ia_rd the etlU7" I kne~ lDdublt abJ, ,. .

And In the morn Lng "Little Italy" be 'went out. Was startled by a ~ ound that Mnt Its constitu ent parts tum"Dr. Ji'urnlvall," sald elecllve bllug out of bed and scampe r- Blraah, "he re Is somet.h lng th at ~' l!\ Ing abo ut !lS If dement eJ. It was In torost you, or 1 a m mJghtl! y OIls· the report of explosion, lIlee that taleen." r $;Un dlsohnr god s lhldenly In lllU;sod a leU er to the colebra lec\ b.n 0 ot the nlgbt. Wbllo women psyHchologi st liS I b ~ spoke, his thin, 11\ 01 blclotllo s rOJl wildly liere and clean-ahnv0n face with easel" U1 r , 1 '1l\allln~ bablos In arm!!", and ncss. Dr. Furnlvaflusbed ll, sHUnS back in hi n rly link d vocifera te d exclt- his chDJr, glanced at bls Visitor, nud, \\ly l, ,lel nlSbeil for weapon s, thr a tnldng the di rty sb ct or pap r, road , tlll n,; h poned In tront of No. 110 .s lowl y aloud: willI Iho Rudll nnpss of a flash or .. 'Tau] , you gotta fonr t bous-a dolIIJrhtnln;. A flrst·flo or window vom- lar wut wo gotta got trom you Ited a 1l0llCCIllllII lo the s lde wulk, the \VocJnes day, s ure. " '0 donna '...·o.n no ~ OOT fI W Op l! disclosi ng anotho\ ' pofoolln' . We need·a dn mon bad, !Ul' Itcem::rn.ln the entry. and the nenr·by golla get It by thls·a time W dne~d a ' n Uey emitted a less lhlrd. da 10 July, or we ldl·n you. We·n Meeling at the root of lb sla lrway, da boy firs' an' da wom'. Thursda.· t hele tbroe om cars regardo \l cRcll we kll·a da boy If we donna sella da tlth I' blauk ly, mon Wednes da'. You s n 1"- lutte r "He toGlt the IItalrs-w here Is he. to Jon Kll bra ltb, General Delivery, Murphy ?" gnSlled th ono who Md Snn Francis co, Calif. We mean .a da ome ' bY way ot the window . biz DOW, OJl' we donna. wan no chIn "Mall , I tell you I saw hIm!" eon- about da mat. You Bell da mO.n or tradlctQd Flnnaga n. "He b:.nged open we kll-a sure.''' "1'oIlY'S door and hit th,. landing In Headin g tbe sheet wero a rudely ' , two jQ:t12JlB and dow!! he went. J '11'8.1 drawn black band and coffin.• Dr. looking right at Mm. And I beard Fnrnlvn ll regnrde d It In s Uenoo for him on HIe atalra. He was In his some seconds atter finishin g the roadstockin g feet, by the sound," Ing. Then he eXl\mln d the detec· "1 heard sounds"all rIght, nnd that's tlve through his colored spectnc;leB. wby 1 ollened the doo1'-t o let t he IIgbt "Well?" he asked, tn trom the street lamp so I could Bee. Detectiv e Blrsch leaned fonrard In But Dcbody showed up." his dleJr. DetecU ..e Blrach said nothing , but if "A week ago yesterd ay," he snld, Ue darkJ\ee a bad been less denso they speakin g rapIdly and In a low voice, would ba.,e seen tbat bls (ace was Bet I1B It rearLog possible listener s, And glim, In tbe l1a1l a tbln line of Macalullo, the barber, brought "Tony thlll l1gbt ran beneath a' dool', from behind le tter to our statton. He bad JUBt ",bleb came lounds of sobbing and reoelved It by mall. It seems he haB moanIn g, and enterin g -vlthout cere· Baved up $4,000 to put hIs son, who mony thf71 bebeld, Unough little graduat ed [rom the Latin acbool .wraaU l. at smoke, a wonlan BJttlng on month, tbrough a college In Rome llUIt and _ a bed, holding 10 her arms a young make a priest ' of hili!. Now, tbe fellow down whose face tbe blood Btrange ls tbat nobody but Ton), .t~ed, and a mao on bill kneel In and hIs wifo 'knows he haa this 'mon ey, the D\fddJe of the 800r praying T&- not even tbe My, (or they intende d bement ly with IIpllfted hands. It for a surpnse for him on bls blrth"Tony," lie said tben to the praying day, whlcb . comes next week. They uUw sbarply , "anybod y but blm In- have lived so poorly In order to scrape Jured r' moUonl ng towards tbe bed, tbe stutt togetbe r tbat "NoDe-a bud do. boy," be answere d, posed to be about downthey ue IIUPand Ollt. 80 GIld t. tbe Bame breath continu ed bls It's a puzzle tram the start who scream ing tUppl\c atloDs. . could write ' that letter. W8 told "GOod bor!" be Bald encGUl'1lglngly. Tony to bol~ bls grIp on t he cash, ":fou'•• - . the rlsbt Ituff til your In· and we would .ee bim through . Firat litde. 'It take8 ~re thaD a Jlttle we .ent a dummy letter UltIlS Uke this to lUiock )'ou out, he),! Francll co geqer~l deliveryto tbe San , and tben No..., tell .. about It," . notified the police there to look out • - 4.a't thhik ' l know mucb," tbe for It. At this ead ot tbe lIne ...e lIt;,. returne dl ln " w~k votco, but tn co-uld do 'no more till festerd ay·, ThursIUQd Rugllilt . "I . woke up and ..... day, because notblDI WIUI threaten ed It'mebocty ,outelde my room on the agilJnllt the boy until then. , We' kept ftre-eaoape, and I asted who '11'&1 the whple family cOTered all 'day, and 1,.....,......-- tbere:-: -Tbea somethl Dg Btr~k me on llUJt night t hld' m:nelf under the fifethe be", 1 b~rd .·a bl& roar. and I escape, within eigbt feat of Tony's lIul/pose I feU out 'of bed, for when I Windows; another , maa. Murphy , came to myself m7 mother was .drag- sneaked aroun!! In -the 10"'9r ball, glOg me acr08s tbe 800r." where be could Bee e,eribo dy that "wen, bwt· lillY!" cried the aston- went ovorj,he litalrs, and Btilt another tabed detectli e, "the window ''11''' man-;-Ftnn egan, laid on the landing <llOSecl ud locled, 'Wasn't It, as I almost right at TonY'B door. Just the ' foQnd It JUtlt nowT How could ' any- same, at two o'clock thll mor-nlng, 'body throw a bcmb tl\rough It wlth- nobody befnr seen golnS .fa, we all out brea1dn& Uie gl&88? ' aln't heard an explosio n, wblcb turned out . trot.; and · tt wu fastene dIt' ~hen I to have beeD In Tony'8 room. . FInn&gQJ1 heard door open and Bhut right .;ent to ,put It ,up." ' on ' top of the explOSion, Baw a man '1t Itl ,trange ," sald the youth. "B&- Jumn out ot .Tony'e rooms, andi heard 'IlCles, fa~er and motber heard tOme.. him running ' down the atAlrs toward l body h8J'1'J aerosB thla room, ' open the door abel .hut Jt, ·alld then run tb.e ' froot door, where MlJI!Pby waa pos~ed, and out ,oes "Mega n from dIJWlIItaire. " T.he detecU" e looked InQulrln gl,. at ttrob8nthoarllthWeinddooor'" ~!rP1nsgtant~!Ii!. . I~ l~I~' • AU", e wo:mB:n • •ho nodded" WI _u.· . " ph)" rubbel'l ng It np the ··stairs. bedo. one," "be I.iil, tn !;-_--.JtII8-=~UUlR,.m~lnDtng. "He make·a · cauB8 ~eqrd some noliles: But when Flnnl)g an aska him for bls man be swears he haa Men nobOOfl" The detecth 'e- pau8ed and looked suggcst lvely at Dr. Fumlva Jl, ,whp 7LIC',V, . J:'UrJ :D"t:'n 1//T.lM 1J/T r;:D~ / ,V Bmlled deUghte dly. ~1'I4.-'F L.lrr Lfll.V /Y/I/l [/{// v~/lx.ML'JA llf7I'r VI "G~ on:' he Bald. _ ,e: /1 k/. A.u.c-A/'1i".n,../~ "We hiked It for aU :we 'Were worth ' flrt£IY I /71/£7 ; ; tor Tony'B, and tound him preJiJl! ' on the 800r, and tbe 'bOy with a gash a foot long, rqore or lesll, tn his face, ble mothe ·boldlng him up In be and ' scattere d all round'w ere ' mar s 'of a of this note," the mald read, .. 'to my be only BLeallng from blmself , for be'd bomb' good and plen'ty. ThEi > YW8S, Office, yo.u ml1-Y 8av~ you rae It lIome bave It In 0. day or two. And 00 burt 10 that he was only lialt b,klng troub1e, and the bum1l\a Uon or being top of that, he didn't enD know tbat noUce, 11"~. ~e- ~,aa le~klng rrlt, just taken , to · th~ pollce ,sl,atlon , Ins~;,ad his falber bad the stutt, and was all the eam ,. e,.-an. d miU! ....ed to teU me ail, of here. ' , . Dr, Fnrnlva U. broke up ' because he cou14n;t go to ,.... "",.Iege anti be lI." bo !lnu, wltlcb, wun't mucb, -He Tbe doctor loaked at the detectiv e, V said thllt be woke "up In the nlstit wholle 'fac~ was bialik, tb d to aoJd then said .. ery . good," smiled e and IIlW ~ perlon on the flre-esca v to the maid: oc r. ' e "ll'&cl" tacta, fac ts, nud ne.-er a word oiltB1de ' his wlJldow, and ' when ile " "!!lxplaln that. to ""'Ike ..... ~ tb ' 'D~ ' k Hand· Yet' he e and ,let him of charact er! I fear you are Incor' ', ""'~'l' e , &f 11.9, '0 . ' .;., r asted ,who was there sDqlethln.g struok .d ellver It. Tell himm' to hurrY. rou .~ IQIduJ1 t....... Now," rlgible" Howeve r 110 mucb for the , tilm In the. head, 0.1'11 he fen ' out of he continu ed briskly to .tbe detectiv e, boy-he '. obJltera ted. "Noq. nOD 1 no tal-al" Now, Italian: bed unconsc Ious, Toriy and be 0111 "YOU lib all' aee the culprit and bear about 'Tony? Old he really wllh bow tb~ wo.nan beard the 80und of. 'teet run- hiB . contells lon, , I have ' no time to boy to baTe all that moneT? Could nlng aorosl Ibe boy'.~oor, heard the waste over this affair, and w,h lle 'We be afford " • Q ~" o~ '!Ib'y I u!.uiI' da wlnd" door ope'o:, aod sbut' IUld the feet go are waiting we wllJ Improv e the mo- you Inqulrt>to let him take It! bid ~ d&" ~~,' lllght, I " ~o t~a \1a bor, patt~dng do,w n the _ IntI' his bUllnes l, In orat.aI~ju.s£. ' ~s mlSuts' by Indulgin g In a word or two dar J U1" .~~,l!Oa': non; ~on!'; , to qnd)t be happelle d to be des. Fl~egan , allJ.8, , And 'MurPhy s~ean, ot psyc~plogy', In the flrJit place, you perately pressed for moaoy jUllt now, "'W~ ~ts. lt's ... ~u~ . oll1ch .t her nobody c~e cJ~wn," I sbould "know the' .proper metbod 1),1 , most . meD ·are lIo.lletl tne.'" WI'tI , .tlle .l<!Oltout tar, UBI or .t;)1" nb pll.Used ,again, ~ardlnc Dr, Fur. ot tiegtp~nc tbe. learcb tor tbe perpeBlr&ch appeare d uncomt ortable, ' • ~c!u't ,ha,e been J)uI~ed ' CI~ t.'1 t!,l1 ear.neBll~,' -.nd agatn.h ls)titen -, ' trator!> r a crlme',i S to learn all the '·:WhT. anyway ," the dotectlv e ezJdkik niey been Cl5t~ er amlled;, dellght~dlt ,but said ' noth, laete tbat ,.ou ·PQSfllblY caD, and then Claimed, "U 11'8.1 .....nv blmllelf PJH ' thr.1 ir9,t Iq. ' . ' .. . . . . ' . undenit ailil,· tbat YOol almolt certalnl :,· brougb t U8 tile Black Band retter and n .. 'ra.,,'w.' .. . I.Ulmlllll · ... tbe "r.tow\" ,Blrsch ~onUniJe~, "tb~r:'aec- 'hft.v e ,Dot learned th~ aU, !lnd' told' U. Ilbout It, uldq, u. a~nQ Illmpet ond · ~l'anl.e thlllg, ' or a ~tlncli ot, tloulati 1 the mOst ~ece.aa1'1 ·, oliea. men 'to protect , him.· He woUldn't do ,tl'ange thlnp, 1/5 that tbe 001." ,\Ir1n- , TileD, maklnslarg~ .olowan ces for, that, would he, If he , bad this thIng d9 w waB . ~:q'tc "and' fl\.te:ti8ci. -U!:e ' per. what .1C?u ~qD't ,AAO",-, . 10U DU'......, . up hi• •leevef .Boaldea, be'. scared 8On . he ~a:w w~ /ol1t.ld. ot It, the roUnd up the ~raon c9lleern ed blue.' .1 never aa.... anybod y before bomb ,that "raon threw .truck the aba,ract er tile 101lgP .t Into all 1be frIChteDe4 clean In tQ bll marro"" ilie boy wJtb~ut brea~DK. tlie II'IU8, and( '){i'cl1m8~n\.... and questio n him. The 11'81 ' be ".. 'Iut nlsllt. He basn't Without .tb'e aaah ~S ral!l~, IIDd - II'~ method la to let a f.w" ac~ an.d the 1!r&lDll, or ,the • IUlk, either, to flx moUler 1Ul~ tatller beard, lOme- th8l&. ~ ~ the Job _ltbout, t,;be "IICbt. l"oIi. a plant and get up at two Cros8 the T09~ Ope;ll" the door; 'ear- ;regard tOT the ·cba~ter. 111 tllo mornlll g ad lhrow a It. gd ·...klp' d01nYt alJ., lI'lnae- dlvt4uaJ8 IDvo)..,d" n ••lef,uDIrol "e' to allow, .dIlto ~ls I)wn lOll'• Bo.hf ..w ~ " 80mabad7j neard the (ai-' .the facta ·that are unllboW D. Ita DoUGI' fa rldloulo ua," Th. . ·o.~ abut. ad .. ...' ad .l\l. way a1waY1! lOme bllloceD PtJ'IIOn Un anlJte.t In contem pt. . t~. , 1018& '40"'" tile J)lccnDe. the flrat. .UPKIt . tIn thl. "W..ellt 7OJl. .,. Impror iq," the doctiat ilia"" . . tie root et tbeae ~lcUlar 'oDe .., ~ere fa 0Dl7 tor ~_Jnne4. "TOil cto lIDalb" 1fIbC8, acrWq II&_J ' iItca· ot oae WQ III De'CUlUar U ever 10 aJlPtJr•• clWact er bl tllla ........... ,. ' . .wI . 1'0111 Gilt of tile aull~ PNV,~~;~~:~1:. ~





TilE.ucEIiE dr niL! ) L'







tile IDbtII-

..".~. QUem




A, .'tilw ' \I audit I' tu M~I'k • real lItat il\ II'anld'in,



<,;ou I.:QtnOlUJI

Picas Cuurl,



la .. ,

:->al1'lu ,I ~', Will iunt.'lOli Hnd Iny • William ~ull tv Ch url s W, I in and RII th M, Pi nt' I' 'Ill (>sta I.' ill W;lyn '

~ (I~lrl Procccdin)!~,

,'tat of Ohiu, \'S. Emma llor~ . f ndanl guil ty to 'Iuu'g in indictment a nd is fine(r$5 an,1 Cllst· . 'tate of hiu v.., Fra nk How n. Defendanl pleads guilty t ill indictment and is finet! co ts. Liv ak ddill ing CO, VS. of A M. ' BI' \ n. Motion f trial overl'ul d I Lebanon National Rank VB W E. 'Bamb'\, etal . ause ettled alld dismiss d. ~agic Cily Land Co vs, oci ty uf hakers Dem urre r o\' rrul d and defendants gi ven 30 day t o til an-

1) 1{ )J!1)~J'I I

N lt \

,\ 't' • , ~; ~5 I.... :10 " Illn "\lUD IC \N BE" l ' Y ROS~S , ~~,AJ



100 fl· I' "'lll l''' IOI 10



r, rJ 'lnunn

III ) «'I! J.::

Commissioner " Proceedings:

J';~IllIl' 'f 1,:Ult!1 ('lul·k. d 't'II.~l.ld . '1'111 "I tlol'8llllWd lou,; 1.1\1<1 11 1IIJIJ<Ihli 1 1llllllj'UlI IUlIlII a t> 'Id IIllullil rlJ lil,. \\ II" til ' \\ III alll1l x... 1 (jHh~· \.~ \at,· o r ),;111 I l ' llI rl( . Itl l" ul WIU'.,,1l , 'uIIIII) , h ltl . ole' II ;,1. ' , OUt I III!'; • lilt dil l' lit ·\pr\I , , I , I) . 111 1/11,


,\ IfHIII ', )J I' ,

' ittI'

\- ------

Notice of Appointment.




, \/1 '


III iI\1 Lilli .I llY ! ,\lr... •'IIIIS, )h' 'I)ul-

.. - ..

W. Jo'. ( ' l -~


H ) ,_


A Time Cl earing House,


nllitl only 111l\, U In IHl l!oly of til lind s II I tat auel ! 0 11 I '"U "'It! 1\ blllionai r In a short tlm o. o III I;! U1 ' 11 llav . 1II0 r l' 11010 Ihl1 l1 they k now w h u t to do wit h', till' .'urlll11S Is W!lllt ,(I , ()th . ers ('Ulllt! us 4 'hours II day If lltey h at.! I hem , 1 wonld eslaullsh u tlmtl r!l'urlllg hou!;!', or a time brok rug If I

h 0[;0{ W Bil ls-" K , " '\'t~ r. l'f~ fu IllJ e l' 1))1 IOll!: Url(' III\:; II1U(( '1)00 r t tI b 1.:1 '0' L M ('.'1 d Iy. \' ~lIll pl )' ,. ' 1:4 Y ~IT II'" " , . (' rl'<' ~111111)hi. Prin e, mdse [ 01' : urv 'yor , "J 45: Writ e for our rreo proposition, . CIty . \V ork H ouse , bllul'dll1!t . \)f, Th Ph'll O X ma I 'IPS 11uD. I)i \Y'l':'< 3 J'II i U'iPIi IIIJ 1.111114 pri 'oners, ~ 7.7f); L~ lJ:lll o n 1 t' & onl _~_~~_--_~_ ~-~~--"", _~..!"'~~ 0, l' al fo r jail . $-1; W, D, Wh it , UPB ((.. DINO THE TOWN gold dust for C( Ul't howe, "1.50: W . II Stunag suppli es , .; :~n ,fi(): , lakallll If Ii O1t)lllber died, Pen 'v ., lndse., 17 0; M, A. 11Irke, . or Y OUI' family " r pairs, "1230; regonia Bridge :o \bY' lllubl~ YOI ~ \lrlnt the r ,'> olutl ns tn ,a





Saturday, April 24,1909,

lI1n tl~!; l o n Iion se. and uny tim

nf al~ wh o 1lnve It tn waste and s, ll I t 8t n ,;r l?u l profit to sudl ns ar In n d of more thu ll natlll'O hR8 a llolLed. It IU' 11 couhl ltu y time what a pl'l c tlo me tl J oaN. would ~I I' I' rOI' It, and how 'h npl.v slim ate No 105 , l:..; B rl R( ! , If "f . I ol h rs Wlluld I l It go! - New York your WI t!ntel't~tn d. w tilt I l'\ ' tHl, bl'idg repairs, $ 16.50; Barrett Brnth1'::., blanks, $2.10: Vall y T~I phonl' you end an accoUl:t uf It to tit the_ l ate r prog ram man! W 1', 0 .. I' nls and toll~, $ 15 ,,0 [f . h I A mong the Commonp l ace. Perry H. Rue, receiver vs. Louise ontracts- Lnntract was nter II . y.o u were gOI~g to ave ~ w ee - , Th p way III whldl 11m\' ('Ollie to Leary. executrix . On motion certain ill t with Bert R rl f l' putting in l dlllg In you ~' ~am lly, would you g I I h o Clln C' ln ,. ju n Ihnl human nuture Is , l in , ahl thl' way I hU\' e ~ea\'l1pd somematter are ordered ·tri 'ken from two C'l'rll at rl sewers near I'esi- out a handlilll! , g R' h i M You would send uch ltem: to a t1 1 1 11~ or li t! t! (' p pal ilos, 11 8 subllm answers of defendan ts d enc 0 f Dav "IC e on on tgomery n wspap 1'. wo uI J I11 vst"rl NI hn s b cn bv IIvlll" II. "rcal . un' t you:" -, , ,<> ., pike a lso one OTI the Mason and Leb, I II .al ~IIlIl on/.\' Iwopll;! lUor or 11.'95 Oln ' Probate Court. anon pike in Deel'field lown. hip at TI~en why ~OTl t you pllt ~ lit' at.1-I IIH.l 1I 1'1t1l' • (lr whom yo u would 11I'I'1I8 \1S t' t $64 75 \'erb 'ements 111 a new ' )Ja p er ? IWllr n O l hj !l~ "ory s U",JI·j In g It yu u Estate f Elizabeth M. Burch, il1'lt ' t d 't ' i' h I Ev rv man who use a LJillLo:ml h; I w r ' to Inqulr about IhelD III tht:: es Ima b i\e. Inventory and apprai. ement on t ra' was 0 e r 111.0 WI adding't nature fakin g . 1I \' I~ hhn r h oll I whero til y dwell.filed. Frank Maag for stone head wal1 ~ to E d II t' th t i C p r!,W 1':II11t, 'very a!' p n .111 a I' ell e.r Pl'O- 1 - _ .F S te ' I' ' \11D eel' fi Id :0 . _ ___ _ Estate of M, Bur h, imbecil, uI v I' t abov t h' t t' t ! 83 2g ram, In a reglsler, 111 a C 11' ctory or First and final account filed. own, IPII a es ImaAe 0 t' O'f th in a han d bill i a I g itimate d ollar WAYNESVILLE CHURCHm:. Martin A, Jameson, guardian of mee mg 0 e ' · ' MISC aneous~ . taken away from the newspaper f . , Maria Miller VB. his ward et a1. comll1lsslonersofLJreene, Clmton and E h ------Clennont counties was called for your tOWI1 .~n:e_.___ Orthodox Friends Church. ervice by publication order~ . Re'·. B '/lJamln Hawkhl!l, P tUlllll' . ]4artin A. Jameson vs, Maria Mil- TU,e~day. April ~Ot~ to d,is:uss, advis.. , Id Rather Die Doctor . ab b a~h ,eIlOl)), II :;lU :1. .n . H )( ulnr Ilhnr..t\ ler et a1. Petition t() ell real estate abIlity of estabhslnng a dlBt l'lCt t u' ,, ' . ~' rI· lcc. 10 ;(10 u. tn . I.lrlfi~l a n 1,:,1<1 " \' 01'. berculosis hospital. Dr ' . PI'obst than. ht~v my .fe t, o,t; ~tf, snit! M. 0; ::s 0 p , Ul. set for hearing May 24. • . . , r,l, BID gb lUll, of Prme. VIll e, ~II , "but _ _ _ , __ , _ s::::b . Amanda M, Schnell. d ceased . secr:ta~y of state boald of health yo u 'n die frllul gl1ngr n ( whi h had Hicksite Friends . Church. - ... SeCond account filed. was mVlted to-be present and add res. 6ut n "'WilY eight to ) if you don't," Fit- t Dn.\' IIf e ll 11 It. 10 :00 u. til. Flrs~ Dn ), Silid all doot,Ol'B , 10 t ad bo used 'utOl'll , 11 :0(1 n, 01. Fnu r\ll Oay ~let'lln g In matter of will of Henrietta the meeting. ' _ __ _ _ _ Buoltl n's ArniOt~ tIll wh olly 1lI : 0 a. w . Sieker Mohrman, deceased. Applicured , Us aurAS of Ecz~mu, F VtlJ' cation to admit will to probate et Any ludy rel1iler of tbi pup r will 'oras, B nil , Burn and .Plies astound Christian 'Church. / You will find the for hearing. reoeh'e, on reque tl a Itlve r ' No- the world. ~50 . u FI'e« • 8 hWllrt'A ' undll ' ' ohOOI, 11 ;(10 u . on , S.~hll me l Ing. 1/) ::1\1 11m ,: aud brlsllan Entlc"vo l' In matter of estate of Aaron Kee- Drip" Coffee train r 'oupon privilege, from Dr. 'hoop, RaOlue, Wi . ~-+( 4 ' (1 I), III ver. Account of W· C· Thompson It i ilver plat d, very pretty, !tud I.OOKS LIKE BU511':/ESS ' administrator approved and con- positively pre v uts 1\,11 drippiu of Methodist EpiScopal Church . firmed and'exceptions overruled. TheEnquir r sav : ' ''The pring- ' Rt?V, \Y . 'I" WlilI rqHI . I>ill\\or teol-or coffee, TbQ D 1 tor I'lends It, hid Dew free book on "Health .. ' . d . ,' t I ,' 11 110.1'1 " hool. 0 ;all a . ro. 1,IIrllllljt Ii I In the matter of estate of Mary A. with Uofree" Simply to introduoe tbi fi eld, 'Yllrmn~ton an mcmnatl j ' 1 ', lO :i\O a. tn .\ nli L ILI(\l , 1 ;01) I' ~. He~dquarters for All Kinds of Keever. Account of, W. C, Thomp- oJever subslitnte for ret~l coffee Railway ompany has giv n a blank t Ill , I"." nln g >I"f)'I·c. r. ::10 \J . tn . ~1I.lwe<·h , ' l P r \yer M ctlnl!, 7 : 10 \I. tn . son confirmed ani approved and ex- Dr. Shoop'!! Health Uoffee 18 g!tin- mortgage to the Carneg ie Trust ceptions o~er.ruled . ing it~ great populilrity b~cltu d of: Company" as trustee, to ~ecure 5t M ,.,' ' -E ' - I Ch I ' T • a!y S plscopa urc 1. Estate of Frederick Moery, de.. first It.. exquisite til te I1Df1 tluvor ' b second its ab olute healt:hfulnei ond ISSU of 5000, ?0 , he bond!; . H ,' . J , 1". 1\/lwn!tntl·I'. I<co:tI1r ceased. Edna Moery. administra- third tits econoDly-1 J./ I"'> ~C ' fOtlrth' are to be of the den0n1l11at1on of $100, . lInd,y !'\ ·h'I\lI. U :1'10 II: III M rolll ~ I! I' , / ;1 .... i) " • • "1 Il. 10 1:10 a. 01 . I~ \'o nln ~ )l6rl' IO , 7 (I. "' trix ordered to distribute stocks. its convenience. No t(\dinu~ 20 toO $5 0 and $1,000, all bearmg d~te()f Huly 'Conlln llllllln th Ilr t ~ulldUI' of I"ntllt Estate of John R. Kibbey, deceased 30 minutes boiling. • Mlld'J in ~ mtn~ October I, 190 , and are payable fif ty montb, . Second acCount filed'. . ute" says Dr, ho P. ·· Try it,at yonr years after date bearing interest at St. AugusUl\e·s Catholic Church . grooer's for II. lllea SI1 nt, ,urpri~, 'Jjl" Estate of Joel Evan. dece~. Sold by 1111 Gr cers five percent per annum, paya e e mll~fIl h er 0 org Mnvenbo 'f r , PaJl lor FirSt account filed. ____ - ,. ,_... annually on the first days of April MID48 el'cry ' 1,,1 . ·Il llda.\, or the IIlfl"lb at The Famobs D!lh'y Food. II :11 0 n.j m. Estate 'of ' 'Frederick Moery, deTHE ' NEW WHEEL FACTORY lan~ October of each year. rl'he monceased. Fi,rst and final account filed. ey IS to be used for the purchase f , The committee soliciting stock subprivate right of way fronl prin~fi In Real Estate Transfers. Corn Seed Oats, scriptions for the new wheel factory to Nor~ood.' and the ~ons,ttUctl\LIL"'.'41__--'-:---"'~~_ _ . and Cement. He1r;j of Joseph Elt,zroth, decea&ed report that the amoUnt allotted to a traction Ime and termmals. The to Adah T. Hill and Alva Hill real Franklin, thirty thousand dollar, is ro~d is to run through Cla~k, Gre ne, • ' " tate in Hamilton township $3000 . about all taken and that the books Clmton. Warren and Hamilton coun-m~~ 'I'l ltl lit r ll1tlll ~ P. Markeyand Nancy E. Markey ,..ill be open only a few d~ys more: ties, The mortgage w~ _filed wit~ u ho ,-,,(' iii .1'11 r to John D. Burnes real estate in Har- This is the greatest piece work along the County. ,Record?r y'est~rday ' Ian to,wnship,,$5I)()(). tliese line!!, ever.' done by Franklin ~hat looks hk.e the Imll had been fi .. , Abr8hllm C. Bowman to Sarah Ur- men for Fra'l!Klin town.-F-rankJin n~nced and will be ~onstructed . . All kinds of Stone, Brick An,d ton real estate in Waahington town- News. - .. - - • ~ment Work. ' . ship, $1. • - • Re&d ~he p1.Lin formuJu. on the bo x Cement Walks aud ":FI~ors a / ' . ,Roy M9rgal1 to Rol:>ert Van Camp Rheumatio POiSODS are quickly of ,Pink Puin l:a.bletfl, , Then ask ~on- ett r!l, h e,nv-y \ ioUr III YUI'A . · and Clark Van Camp real estate in Rod surely driven out of the blood your Doctor if there is a. better one. " 'Specialty, 6c Co lOe . per 'n 01. F kl' Cl!1125 with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Re'me- Pain means conje tion, blood pres, square foof. ' Vl age ran 111 '1" dy---liqnid or tablet for-m. Dr. sure somewhere. Dr. r::!hoop's Piuk I shipp d ,0(11) j,t'gl'l rUt· 11111 !lIng Charles N, 'I'igar and Patience Ti- Shoop's . booklet on RheUOl/itlsm Pain Ta~lets obeck )lead paios, WOfll All work guarante~. will ,1oublo tbu t Dum i We also" have a lot of I..lndt gar to Jane A. Young real estate in plainly and interestingly tells just Roly pluoe, pain anywhere. ' Try LUMBER 'cheap. Oet {KIr Hamilton tOwnship, $1100. ho.w this is done. Tell some saffer, o~e, and see I 20 for 260, ,Sold by William P. Caden et a1 to Charles er of this book, or lletter still, write, All Dealers. ' .. prices ~fore bu~i N. Tigar ' and Patience Tiltar, real Dr, Shoop, R.acin6, Wis" tor the ;' - . elsewhere. ..' book and free test ,samples . . Send Dress materials are sold 'by weight estat;:e in · yillage of €ozadcjal~, $1. nom(),n~y. Just)oin:wit11Dr.l::ihOop in Japan. 'iI...................&,tle Snell to Pa,t ien,\e Tiger r,e al and g'lVe some flufferer aplelU:!i\nt J' estate in villilge of Cozzadale. An surprise, Solei by :All OeahJrs, . . , '- '

At 10· o'clock a. m., the heirs of Sabina P. Henderson, deceased widow of the late Dr. G. W. Henderson, will offer for sale at Public Auction the residence property of said d~ceased, located on Main Street,. Waynesvill.e, Ohio. Terms made known on day' of sale.

The Heirs.


-. ----

Eggs! rggs! fggs!-


Lum.ber and Mill 'Feed



Sucrene Feed


C B L e WIS .



, Bla¢k

'M inorca :- ' Chic'k ens





a Call


t'*''*'*'*''*'*'~*'*'~'*'*'*' . .*r1'~,*,****,*,***~ . W ' ·11' aynesvl e,

and Anna There is to to the' Eltzroth to Wilbert Eltzroth real es-people as to local option in British tate ill Warren county. $1595.63, Columbia. + Rachel Louisa Eltzroth to Freder.. ick 1. Eltzroth 'and Anna Eltzroth real estate in Warren County $1. Do You Get Up Joeeph Eltzroth heirs to Fredel'ick Wi h L B k? fJIc I. Eltzroth ' and Anna Eltzroth real t a ame ae '



_ * ..


froID Mqlc Olntmtn{


-"!I~~"~-"-"IIIiI tl




'*' , '.Ill-


-.,...,.. __ _

",,. ,, +

, C' a II an,' d get ' our prices ·' ' ' :on Horse B- 1·lls. We can

· ht print ,t hem. rig

l~or 8111e at mo' 101l0Wlog

. '




! ~




, :' ,

. .



'*-.".-, '-"*,.'- .






J '*




*......... .............. "




. ~




1I,a':05 :

Zlmmr.rmuD·'s,_·Kilbcin 's, White'jj, Mountjoy'tI.


Chronic. Constipation,

, Liver and Iijdney Trouble•.







' ~=:.;a~l~~~:'



H'orsem " ' en





'*' '*'

~:~state ,In Fran~UJl


Oh' 10.

'j: *' .Jj~1.-'veri.te'4S'.

.J ~.....


- ,

get Immafiate relief '*.)Dr. slioop's *' "

~ ._

estate in French WarrentoCounty, $4786.90. Albert Sime~m G. Guard Kidney AlmOstTrouble everyoneMakes knowsYou of D/.MJserabie Kilmer's.....~.. Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liverl1nd real estate in Warren County, '1. I' ') bladder remedy, be.. J. Scott McWilliams and Belle ~ cause of its remark· able h~lth restoriug McWilliams to Albert Urbschat and properties. Swamp.. ",,. Charlotte Urbschat real estate in Root fulftlls alUlost j;,. Hamilton township, $1, every wish ill over- + comlllg rheuUlatism, ...,.. A lice J. Whitaker and Geo, WhitapUln in the back, kid.. '''l\o' ker to LiIlie·J. Borton real estate ill Ilcys, liver. bladder "''' Vernon and Washington townships nnd every part of the ~ , urinary J.>assage. It '+ corrects Inability to Clinton and Warren,counties, $4, 164, ----, . Thomas J . Brown to John 0, Cart- hOlbd wad tfferat"d slclald.ingpail1fillt.passin~it, ~ wright real . estate in village of or a e ec S f0 owtnguse 0 IqUOf, wltle ...,,. or beer, lI.ud ove.rcomes that unpleasant '... Waynesville $250. necessity of being comPelled to go often Daniel L. Deardoif et al to Carl through the day, to get up many. "'" times·during the aila 'Ii~ht.+ J. Miller real estate in village of Swam,..Root is !lot recommended for Franklin, $2,608.58. everything but if you hove kidney, liver ...,,. Charles A'. 'Pauly . and ' Lida C, Qf bladder trouble, it will be foulI<1 just+' th~ remedy you need. It bos been thor- ...,,. paulr,. to Thomas J. Osborne and oughly1;ested in prh'ate T,lr!lctice, and has ~ ll'ene V. Osborne real estate in War- proved so successful tbat a spe<;ialar- '+ ' ren Co"nty $L , '. rengement has been wade by which all' ,.",. .. readers of this paper, who llave not aI- -~' George ,M. Wil1i~~. ' to The Frank- ready'tried it, max have a sample bottle ~ lin Board' a.n d Pat>er ,<::Omp,any real se'lt free by mad,' ~lso a book telling rI,. more :,about Swal\1·p"Root, attd bow to '+' • tate in village of . Franklin $850 findoutif youhav~ kitl. . ~ P. Lockwood to Elfreda L . neyorbl~d~eritouble. rI,. ' '·11 f When wntingment!oD '+' , tat I I t Neal e a rea es e!D, VI age 0 reading ,this generQu8 Franklin $1.: . , offer ,in thisl!aper 61J4, ..I,. . Cornelia H, Hatfield te Richard J . send your addrel9 to '. ... . u1'c'h'enor ani:! . Mary' A, 'Mrchenor Dr. Kilmer &. Co., .I"..~-.. ' ... Binghamton ~. V. TberegulArfifty-c:eu real estate in viU8ge of Lebanon, $1. and one~oliar size, bottles are ~,ld by Mark Pardee to Marianna Du,t z all dr:ngg1lt8. ·!>On t make any mlll\8,t e " , ' . but r~embet th~ name, Swamp-ROOt,



THE MIAMI GAZETTE l 1I111! II II Wee kly at . W'lY n

~ vllll'.



GuWBondCoUlmnSr~~a"cu10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


m,e rs.

Do you save them?

aY!.'I' R ntil1 • lh

Re l!.'I·

H,() lflill


OOtoHrpE_HN~ 1 ~~--O, ETERMn'~sEDTT08BOUY_F' I"IS

f Dani~ 1 ant.! 1;:liz be II J' It l' Wa);. Ill/I'll III Mll~" 'l'U\ ll ~ The Busiest Store ! VJ\I,l.\!l¥ 'l'ELJWNQNI~ '11 '01 , N't) , II , hip, Wa1'l' n Uount,y, )hio , S pt nI- r j b. r 3, 1 I '. and (lied pl,n 2, 19()!1 , . The'Largest Store! , D, L. CRANE, Editor and Manager aged 60 'yeal': (j mon Lh ' and:lU day, The Leading ' I, William , hiR old en brothe r di' d wh n hu flft " n y€'al'. of ag J:lis We'r' g l,' wing bigg.r v I'y day , youl1 gf!~ t bl' .(II.pI' . Da'1i I ' JI')H:1tIl Il ! l':a'h day of t he ragi t'yellty-fi 'e One Y":lr ("lrtcll ' III Utl"" ,,,:, ) 1 1.UII di ed in his ~i)( Lh Y UI', all/ I hi )jist ' I' y~a l'8 has II en n e of r a l prugl' .'~ . . In/l l" o~)' , ,1/(, AIIl Ia Reb ('l'a 'oli:!ol in he r third vent' . A~ on Lime \ w 'l· ~ :.l " !:Il P ~ll e~t I,' - - - - _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ , . ot th U 'rage . tor ; now Il IS a Ll-tus I aVlllg J :-4S ,Liteso le hope, h~lp l.I:!ague, and we're sU Il going . In th . Rates of Advertisements and cU ln fo r t of hll-! pure ntl:l, H 111- beg'inning we said: "ll it:; QUI' PUt'n~adlng L oca ili. pe r IInc , Ii he l'iteu a t l'OIl r mind whi ch he im- p ' e to ' onuuct a store in Day on to Headln" loenla. bllLuk fa e , por 11111' 101' pl'oved by 'uch an .educat ioll as which the m.n and ,Young men ITJ.ay C )o\R..lIIcd AIIII, not to I,xcccil Jlv t' lill i's. t he ' dis trict seh ols of hi s day com for th ~L' wearmg ~pparel with Tllr e InsHtlons , , :!r", t he ex pe ·tatlon of sec ul'Ing th b st .and the Harveysburg adva nced at the lowe!;t pri·p." We a re adh e rObltuarlclI. lh·(' In ' h~H Ir," : or 'r fl l'!; Inelle N. IlCr lin t' ', u schoo l atron.l ed. and furth t· thall i iug tu OU I' 'pu rpose - aml " have madc Cnrd ,,( III1IUk H ~ ,-, l' this. Ly close b!::t' I'l'u li n and ~~oUd ll g' ud ." Rt:!ll)lutlUIIM 0 ' . ) '1 I ' , (, c I't"'uliin),(. H t! aLLl'ibuteu hi ~ int(' I'f'l-!t Abo ul ( IJr C ot lill ~ S oula l!l elO. wIItH'" IOIIII r !!.· IN 10 .,,1.. :! .-.I' OIHpbv AlI l'e nIHlllj(. l,er Inell III(' in I'I lutly and hil1 111 41lLni acquirlll Ills This Hp t'ill j( !ieuDlscounl H ~ 1I' e n (III ~nU l ra e L, largely to th in ~ tr u cl i o n alld :sl im u- son lintls u with a Ius he receiveU from Jam es Nicker- larg l' -and b~t.' I' . ~ tock of clothmg 'un who left hl~ m a rk on a ll t he than eveI'. Ev ry We:UNJ,; S UA"y" AI'ILR !! 1. 10011 , brig ht young people about Harveys· n,e w weav' and patbut'g in that <.lay . J ess Romin ~el'n Ilnd co,lo l'ing is Wa.!:! an e xam pi f inuu stl'Y and pel'-I mc1 u<.l ed III ,OUI' . . . . mumllloth R P \. I n g Sunday vm s an irl nl rI'l Y f OI' t he l:!eVerant!e. Attltcted mORl ul Ill S IJr~ t!)( hil,it. All the Tow llsh ip SUlJ d uy Sc;}u)u l l'lIl1vellliulI. with cht'oni(: ind i ge~ti on . UIlU otl! I' s nHII'L, nifty new ' S lid enthu sia~ t " in l his bl'un 'h 01' the deep Huated ailll1ent.~ which W ' al en·d s lyl :'I for spl'ing a re his budy and uepres'ed his energy; shown at WOl' k turned uut enmasse . The meet$9.88. $15, he, nevertheless by a methodieallife ing was good, t he subj cts ab ly di _ and marked self control was able to $20. cussed, and all in nil was a success. accomplish something worthy very W 've t he largest , The Sunday chools are a problem day, IIlnu finally achi ved a good s ue-I exc1 usi:,e '!oth!ng lical h alth store 111 Am rica to most chUt·ch~ . How , to g't the t eSs ill lif. · His ur' garm nt ~ are. scholurs lh }' , how to ke p them, a ll displayed from dust-prouf g I a ss and how to teach them huv beell cabi nets, t his being subjects discuss for years 'fher the only Dayton store equipped with these modern cabinets, :have be n numerous ways and means devised to hold scho_lars - especially Children's New and Pre tty Suits at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3 and $5. New boys, aftel' th y have rellch a cerYork styles. tain age, Lut it still is 'lnr(l t·, get Pretty New Spring TicH at 25c 80m thing til lll'in l{ t. hiti cln&! o f Luys and SOc. ' Ilnd g it-ls l)ll l. S'I




Don't let the dealer·who handl s some inferior preparation, talk you into buying t hat "just as good" kind, which so often prOV~3 unsatigiactory. Insist on having



J. E . Janney, Waynesville, 0




AIIOL/Wt )!I'('a t. .tiftkul t.v , i ~ th lack of tf'ft,(' h I ~ 111 III Sundu,V' ~ hool. C!.,(lT H ES.



At Private Sale

t . cl"


~ ~




~ ~

nly I s , Sunrtn.v 11 dass of m~n, rang ing fl' m :ix tf'pn years to irly. wa ;'~all i z II in nn o(our chools, · and it wilt' t llit P a thi~ 'n um ber The m ml)el'!!I of tht! ~ I u ur wOl'killg for a fr. uch ,ar~, I' l} umbe r and e,:poot to gain th Iti 'rh mat I'ial'ls · at,hauli, and by hard work they can · e Ob~i~ed. if the proper means are employed to get them. "


work .for thp. feeder 'of the taught in the ,sch,?ol are, lasting ones, and no ' matte~ what t~e scholar does in future Ufe, the le$SOns will always " . stick to him. . ... . \' Pray ,steadfastly, and work for the cause, It will bring itS good results in the end,. \


h ook I\o d .J. J3 UtUlprulltl ,



~ ~

I f ~

~ ~

~, i


The, Jeweler ~.~ _ ~ And Opt.-c.-an ;~ ~



~ ~

All kinds of Plants, such as Cabbage, Tobacco, T~matoes).. Cauliflower, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, ::sugar Beets. etc., are set in water a nd covered at one operation . The plant Toots are put down to the proper depth below th sUl'face whe re the ground is cool and damp. You never have to wait for a ~hower; plants may be safely set out when large egough, r.egardless of t he weat.her-no matter how dry and dusty the ground may be. .

"'''~''~''. ..~,.....~ .,.....""',:-,~,,~,

~. i

I' ll

J H 0pp

::, :.

No Stooping When USing, Therefore No Lame Backs. '

w or k 1111 rUIl!' . llllY

n j pr . bu.v

~~~~~~~~~ -!"!..~~~~~-~ ~ ;


Is bu ill on scientific pl'inciples throughout .. Its conical jaws a re made of heavy sheet steel and the main body or water re e rvoir and plant t ube of heavy t inned plate. The water valve is of bra.."5 with rubber packing. The valve red and trip spring are of steel wire; t humb button and other'litti ngs a re also of brass, The mnch ine i!'; well put together with riv L'I and solde r and should last for years.

old 11 1ll '·'1 . ( olt !.his II IlHl th j 'VAllr lio g ~ n tllC'lty 111 LI' O, grand .Iorse.v cow, l Buollllvc'Ili 'l , (,u lti vllt.ol', l Bu ke ye ,, 1111\'£1 1 I"ll lli v'ltor', 1 Kr",, " cl1lt,lvnt,r) r , :! lJ Ill'r" W", ( Jl IlW ); I An;: lI n 111'olll;\nl; IIh)w . B l'llw ll 1'111'1 11 WII g o" , h a yri l'"ilH~. 11 1'1 111 1, \, ' 1"11'11 pht ll l,· r. P lnllO rn oving m ucllill l1 , Bl1c kt'lVA (11,,(· chi ll,



Masters Rapid Pant 'Setter

l:l.,y M01 lrli n ' . ~1\ t1lHl, wor lc UlI ,\1 ~ litH i I IL.v nlll'_IlllI K IILnck.v mur6, o It nt. ~lI t p, hv (~unk flr Hny ; f)-yetlr

14-StOl'y, Building, Main antI Founlh , ~

for lIol School.


The kind that won't fade when exposed to sunlight. The kind with that T·O-U·G·H - L-E· A-T·H·E·R -Y- E-L·A-S -T·I · C Finish that outshines and outwears all others. It's for FLOORS, FURNITURE, AND AL L OTH - R IN ERIOR W OOD W ORK, in all natural wood colors,




~ ~


Silverware, Watches,


~j ~

sAh:yul<!nhaanv,e :~:h' very litt le practice can easily set out 7,000 to 10,000 plants each day. Our planter maintains a ·record of over 998 plants to grow from each 1,000 'set. MONEY REFUNDED IN CASE THIS P LANTER FAILS TO DO ALL WE CLAI td FOR IT, Weight, 4U lbs . This' planter will save its cost a dozen times over in a seasOn fo r replanting and for use at the ends of the row, where you can't u se the horse· setter. F or sale by A. B. Sides and ' F. W. Wadsworth. These setters ca~ be seen at A. B. Sides' store at any time...a

Every' Farmer ad Truck Grower

Price $3 75






allY other countl·y.

Clocks, Jewelry, Rings, ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!' ~ ~ Chains. etc., all New. ~ pain has m re hunchbacks thim, A. M'A FFIT ~

~ Erigraving ~

a Specialty ~ ~

IUndertaker ' \,, ' and Embalmer


The air of Switzerland at,a n eleva- I

~ tion of 2,000 feet is free ' from mi- !


Will be .' foonll in the old Bank BoUding. opposite the Na.tional Bank, 'l'elephon8 in h01ll8 a~d of· , ~~; ~~~i~~t~ be oall,e d

~ cl'obes.

Spectacle Fitting a Specialty. ; ~

_ __ _ _ __ _ New Zealand's drink bill in 1908 ....,,--------------~ was f18,750 .000, ~20,OOO more than

Opp, the Jeweler Wayncsvi IIe , Ohio,

~ 1 ~~n~1~90~7.~-~~~~~~~~ ~




Main Street,


U-2. '




Funeral Director. TeJeph,one


\~ R.y''lesville'. Leading Dentsa. Office in Keys Bldg. Kalo 8&

or night,

etoppo<l 10




The Miami 'Gazette Is 'H eadquarter!,l , for all the Best Printing, We do all inds of work in the Printing 'Une at Reasonable prices. Get our prices on fine Linen papel' and Envelopes-they are cheaP1



suro with Dr, 8boo-1l's Crqup Remed),. 000 tesb ""ill Boreli plOY8. , No vomlt\oir, DO 41st;ross. A safo and ploaain8 8Jru~, DruaiIi~,

for "Estimates On All Our Wor~



Propert y Owne rs Can Save Money by Learn ing th~ Cause, 00

you know wllal Is wrou




MUST t;lEI-IEV E l"r.

Fact Ta.ken Note Of by ' Observa nl T"lIor In Baltimo re.

Every RCi:\der Will COtlced~ the Trutl:t of ThlB S ta.tcnlcn t. .

wb II , All a !Dlln grows ole! r hIe lege grow llll.lnl I' els, r C:r:lcks, o r Ibcrwls Q Ou WllO sutrertl w1th 'lIaekaoh or', shorter. Tbls Is 1\ pbyslol ;;lbnl fact. (tatos 1,l'CUl a llir r 'Ilalutln g ? One R«om mend ed' by Lo~is iBna Ex,p e rlme,D t Statio POT LUCK , IlJlY forOl of ltirlney lflJuble wl\n\ ~ ' "J\nd Baltimo n Can re Is tb 6 t or Itl! dlaW II, 80m Um !:'s It has n't been Re Adap t d to North ern Condl Lions. Jns tln:; cllr, not 1)0\"6ry. It a ll cam out u('(lld ntnlly IlfOP rly npl'lI rl- t bo FurIII (' ' ~IOHno b ing 'R u sod to say to m r Iya t mporal' 7 " 'hen a Ulan waJked Into a Brl.ltl more \Iamp or tIJ rr' lw ln g LuO.rnU h turp [1, I'll\} ~ I.muefit. l>ront by' 81.r et cloUllng s tore a.ud ~n U d for Q " ('0 11\". tnlto 'pol luck.' t ine or too nlll<:'h drl cr, , E1s ht f ('t wid nntl 30 fe et lon& Mlru ml y . the oxnmllle TOfDato e II shou ld be pIa eel about pnlr of trotls rs, 32 length. He t rled of nut, nln( tim s out or te ll, lhe \\ 111 g!l' su me l nt r()OUl to 1 .t!hun' t moJ e compllny or hold planl 51 fall I' Inches 00 h way. Draw Ule piants them on. They droppod on hls shoes Rav. J . M. Sum- Id:f roulll Is (\ used by Illiult crllted tor n n nero of l oma YOU i a' s. The colt! frorU th botb d dry, by 1005 III11g tu n baggy fo ld. of 2179 . S. 8th St.; I'll 8 r\' up Just whril'j\ whit 1000d . fl':1 I\1(1 is gl'll ern l1y b \l[lt In th center t he dirt wit b a tro IV 1. l.Inoolo, Nebr.. who "They'r e hn not nd y. " 32!" he ex Shake Inlmed. thom To n\' id u11 s uch trouble, (Ive ry AmI !l0 8h 'd gtve lO t! nny o[ thC' Iklt l In will II til ' plants are fr e of dirt, and I\(;t on con flro16 n. report plnnt every .' "Yup," Insleted lbe man, os ho came hOIl SOOWII I' lloufd know Itl n S(\[1 e ral Ollll /;r his cnre artet \VII;, Iwn n s li rfa cp is lu lanlle r cou, III h e 60, • Set. up Lx!) plan l all dg fO llr In h s In the frnm , maki ng a up wltb n tape meusur ; "bllt," run, A driblet /lull n snlpppt. 8 61V I·a.t yea rs. '·'1 Sla I ·ak(\. I !> n · \'er s. t e£l dlll(l n to I' olv(l pul ot. wh ut kind of nil :\. 1' 0 11110 I hI,! ,,<l se ol the frame, I t· halo ,w ith 1\ st ick , IUB rtlng the plant nl ng the U\ asurc quickly over the In· 80 weal, . ' told In n atntoarth firmly nround side seam Une, "you're not 32 your· Jll1mor and flnl ,-;blng onts dllrer clll ti ns It r un uor th and sOllth. Gablo Rud P I' Bsln th H "nrn' t worth while to ment made for pubsll rrtlC~ S rCQulr . und how to avoid lip th tl entls with 1lc2 ploule, maldll, It . . Iv; soon ns the plants are Be t, self." sip It t 'T m not 32! Why, ,ou're orr! I've IIcat Ion 111 .1900 bow IHlu\t (J rnti on in mate ria ls, tho gll bl('1\ obo llt 5 f et high, Prov ide water th bed fr o I>'. The transpla nt· DOlln's KI<'l n y Pille :-low. 1'01 not very mu ch A C<lmplcl c l'ulnllIl!> guld . Includ, n rl, lgo pol for the cent r. support ing Ing Into the cold frame cm be greatly been 32 for the last s ix Y(lar s." "J esso," said the man. "And now on tyl~. lllld re lieved me In g' 1\ book of col or schE-lIIe $ . !' pecl fl· It Ity 1. 4 raf ter overy 4 fee t. Tb Bide Cncllltat u by using the (ollowln g 1m· And pIons" don'( l hlnk you 're 31 ~2' You've lost baH au Inr.b lifter othol' r e me· callon s for 1\ I k ind s of pointin g work. Il 'unk s hould bo leept from Silr eadlnr: plem nt: m hale rul. A Bcnntlltlg l x5 Inch es, and lon g Jng I ngth." dl t'S 1111.41 tnil d," !lnd un lustrum !' nl (Or detcc ting' ollul · ll' stnl{Gs driven 11Ito th e grOUll O out, J k now. when wo'rc usktld Ollt to meals, The custome r sUI'V pyod the man's W shou ld a lways Ix! gra t efu l. said Rov. SumE-Id. "I h~v no hE-sltn.· tcrnU ons In paint In !; mat erials, with sid e It bed aud oppos it e tb r nft e rs. nOllgh to rencll a ross the bed, Is bor d with n \llle at I ·lucb hOJAS, 4 fa ce with Ii "Qu lt,yollr- klddln',me" e x· Amr .re t I Ihlnl( , (lnc In n willie. tlO II In ('orifll'l1I lng t!J ut stateme nt now. di re lions fo r \l. ln!; It, cnn b had W o s llou Itl n ot grudllo t he l~bQr preSSion. I havo I\ ~ d Doun'ij Klduey Pills at rree b' writing l'\a tlonnl Lead amor I\II klll tor Juat n. bit or I)ai n s "Hones tly," said the mAD, "It's Il To !lie Iy 8eq '" our n Igbbur. vnrlous t i mel3 ' iwd tbt'y l1a"o never pany. 1902 T rin it y mdg.. N w York. tac t that ns a man grows older his faile d mo," nnd Rsklng (or HOlls eowller' s Pulnl· ' I gs grow sborter. Ask nny tailor In W (o te<.1d ours " ,(OS nnd ramlly old h,' nil dpnl rA. [,0 EllIts n. box. lug Ontfil No, 49, out nn(\ senson In : towlI, and be'lI lell yoU th e snme " F o"ror(' >clrll Foster.Milburu Co., B utTnlo, N. Y. This compan y. the largest make rs SIJl'. IH. then u.xtl'tl p~n •• thing." I s notld r <'nsO ll l ll g. of puro white 1(,8d. Im'lte 1 s ts. , by slmrl way t o p rov o A veteran tailor- a m:a n who ba s II Is IT WAS NOT HER BACK. moan!; or th o blow))lp o (Includ ed In m a s u ~cd meu 's lpgs tor yeal'S anI! An u r In ler 8 t. OU II outfi t), or In any other wa)', or tho tI 6 0. wh e n [ ' m Invll II ou t., y ~ars -lI' as huuted up. Woman Had No Idea of Being Proxy 1'1', U3 purity or the whit lead' solt) und r no "pot l u c k" to r me ! "It's a fact," he sa id . "I don't knoVl' for Medical Tr:atme n t. their I'Ilmous "Dlltch Boy Painter " just how to a ccou nt fo r It, bul It Is 0 Care of Utensil s. trademn rk, That tradema rk on a keg ll1'l),slca l filet that u man's legs grow A mlsslon"ry. dlsrollralng upon Nowada ys ll.t cookln!; ut nslls art! of white le/ld Is In It self an nb~ oiu t e sho rt er e\;ery 'yea r be \lv ps, If be Ie IUl wor'k of art. as one enlhusl llsllc Yo dJn. told of n womall who lind come glJllrantee or purity and Quality. wom, a\"CrB!>e mnn. Myse lt. fOl' In stnnoe- -l a n 1la.1d. Til yare, cer tainly, nol Lbe 10 he r com llla lnln ll of n v ry sore am not old, not 40 e ve u, bllt I know nns lgh lly Ihl nss of years ngo. bnck nurl d sl l'ed that 8be pray for Itll ALL THE DIFFER ENCE. a my Inside Beam measur etuent Is three- ki lche n mny bo made to wear nd a cm , This Mrtl, .I n k 30D clld. bat tbe quarter s or an Lnch sbort er than 1\ altrnctl ve look with sHght. a most woman ngnln app ar<'d bpfo ro bal' nnd expense used to be. I'm not ov er·corpu lent, But tIJe drawOl.\ck to th se n w earth d clar rI I hat the hnr ls \ 11 8 stili In a elt,ber. I tblnk growIng corpule ncy ac' e",'are pots lind pans lit that thC'Y ba d condilio n. Mrs, Ja ~lIon Ilcl \'l aed counts for IL As a m an develop s a need extra care to make them last. To the use or nn allillirnt Ion or Iodine, bay window, tat develop s on the upper do this. howeve r, requires loss "el· and brought alit a bot lie or th e drug part ot bls less, nnd our m easure- bow,gre ase" than forme rl y; only ---.; ror& to H!lply U\lon the IItnlcl'cd part or t he ment from tbe fork of tbe tfOusers t bougbt and atten tion to wom a n's anatomy . But sbo regard d 11 Cew rules Cold Frame wIth Picket Fence for B~ckground. do\Vn bas to be reduced accordin gly, The earthen ware fireproo f vessel Is tho bollle suspicio usly nnd ~ted 81 t he growI ng fat abl50rbl ng conside rable the Ideal thing In \vhlcb Theile latter should run tram tbe l'Idge- Inches apart. and to cook veg& tltougb It wou ld hurt bel' were sbe to with their centeho at tbe actual length. And pole to the top of th side p!r\ll k. Pro· 4 Inohes \:rom Just tables, as the as they retrun their color bet.- nse It. To allay her fears apOn this ona edge, Into tbesE! ~eg length Is reduced, the lengtb ove r tor than If cooked In Un or ordinary soore Mrs. Jackson apl111e<l 1I0me ' He-Bef ore Jones got morrled he vide a cove r or cb esoolotb sewn to· holes are driven Inch pegs. 4 ll)chee tho a bdomen and blps Is Increase d, be· granite. gether. l arge nough to oover tbe long nnd slopln!; to a p()IJlt. 1I8ed to oomma nd a large Ilalnry. Tbey sbould not be put on a the drllg La her own fin ger and showed. Wet the cause It takes that much more good. fierce wboie structur e, and to lap , well over ground thoroug hly, pl~e She-A nd' D()W? fire and of oourse, they Should her tbot It would not burn, and tbat tblll Impl&- tt'\ make the distance ." . never be allowed tb be ein»ty ot wa' !lhe bad hetter allow bel' to put some He-No w, he only earns it. His wUe end!! n.nd side piank. Tack It In the ment across thu bed. pegs down, and center of th rid gepole Dnd to tue with the ler. They sbould not be dropped . nOT of It upon h er bock. ccuu:nands Itt wIde udge n e.''tt to the IMt "Bu·t." said the WOMat!, "It wOtllci edges tack light poles the len gth of row set. drl brought In contaot with a rougb met. ve Family tho pegs Llkene Into the ground ... do no good." OHILq AT~ CUTICURA OINTM ENT. the tram e, so the cloth can be rolled by pressing III any more than U they we re' cbina, During tbe civil war Col. E. 1. Sber, or walking upon It. and "How 80?" Inquired Mra.. Jacks on, up to tbo ceuter. Spade tbe ground In wben remove d , 'YOll hnve holes for the man vIsited Wasbln gton, ,and "ailed and when first used tlIey sbould be s:rmllat heUcnlly, 8~ld Y(J'tole Box of It on Cracko ... 'the frame good and deep, put on with work In a plants clear across the bed. cold water over a slow upon his dlsUngu lsbed kinsman , Oe D. "Be I) use," repli d -Not the Least injury Resulte d. lot of well rotted manure and have In brigh t, warin weathe r, roll up William T. Sherma n. In "Some Recol· fi re, Il.THt "temper ed." ' Granted these myoId man's back tbe wtlll'llln. "It I. that ls eore:' fin e and level. Y'Ou are 'now ready for the precaut ions, the blgh grad89 of fireCO\'e r during the daytime . As the lecUonll ot a Lung Lite" he ' describ e" OUtfcar& Thus Proven Pure and Swo~ tbo plimts. proof kitchen ware should not prove plants approac h the time {or setting ' the vIsit: A s impler cold frame can be made In the field, give ' I sent in my card, and when 1 en· expensi ve. more air, and for, a A New York friend ot Outicur a by placLng it along the. south side of week Tbey should be put an wIth tered before bls room, eettlng be lIald: withhol d water. writes: a picket fence. In this case tbe I mat- On ~arm nlg \ "Well, Mr. ~herman. are we re- cold water nnd brough t to a boll. Thla bts leave tbe cov r up so "M, three year old son and hell'. ter of constru ction Is greatly slmpli· as t mpers them and granted Il fe w pre-, lated?" to barden . them. Tbe plants sh6uld e.fter beiDg put to bed on a trip across tie d. The illust ratlon shows one at not be I placed answere In tho field until all daQ' d: "Yes, general , but not cauUons, the beUar grades of kllchen die Atl&aUc, invesUg ated tbe stat&- thlll kind. ger of frost Is over. near enough to caUSE! you any specIal ItUt! are not ext,rna gant huurlOJ . room and located a box of ' grabam ....w Allylhln g wulch bcautlfi es the kltcb~ .... _~~..,.~.... _ .... _ . . . . __ . . .... _ .... . ....... uneasln -,.,-..,.-v. ... . . . esr," . .... , . _ ". . , . _ .... . I explain ed to blm Just ... -_-~-_"':".-_-v-.... . . _ ... w.....w,..,......."'...._..._.....w,. w,.,w....w __-...._...._"w""........._"'..,-...._.... , craCker s aD«(' a box of ,O uttcura Oint_""w_-_ what the relaUon shlp was; that we be- and lightens labor Is worth a al1ght ment. Wben a search waa mnde {or sell, as soon as pIcked, to buyers whtl longed to the same ,"Sberm an tam1ly; " econom y ht otber directio ns; . .:..tile boX. it was found empt, and the have stotage ; wblch way must bo 'tbat we separat ed four generat ions • 1dd 8\luilite<l that lie had eaten the determi ned by conditio ns. But . to tbo back from him. A LOBST ER. "Is the baby atrong? " ClOIltenbf of the enure box spl'ead on man wbo has time to devote to seek· "Well," saId the' general . "we Sher!'Well, ratber! - You know tile orack8l'1l. It cured him of a bad Ing markets , I would say keep as long mnns all look nUke." HAT I s a lolleter' " M1ted tremend ous voice bo has?" th Prot. Clbld and I 4on'~ know wbat else." as you safely CM and then sell as After a llttle another card came Itt. By W. S. H~er. WiaCOD alD "Yes." . The IItlla.nt IICratched No more ci;nciltislv~ evidenc e cpuld directly to the CODllumer 118 possible . Tbe general remarke hili beac!. ''Wcll, he UUa ' that five or IU Um.. d ' tbat probabl y be oftereiJ that every ingredi ent of CuMany of our small growers are get· the gentlem an had never It wlliks baelnrar d: an hour!" seen him Tbe Items that • tara ,Ointme nt I~ absolute1,y pure. make (or success In tlng good prices , thIs way. ~nd asked me to take his chair whlcb .eweet ·and hannles &. If It may 'be an apple orcbard are: Soli, lIurface, reeL" Last, but not least, and perhaps Que.tlo nlblo• ede17 eatea by a young chl1d, none but 110\1 and all' drainag e, varieUes, cui· most discour aging because bard tho (did, we both being 'In c1villa~ dreaa. '~nllll she a sense of humor r "You're right-In to all All but tbe gentlem an aPl?roached. I rosl • the most beneficl al rEisults can be ex- ture, markeli ng. and last, but not least, guard against , are mice, rabbits juel three lhfngll." "1 can't te ll." The teacher mildly .a1d, peotal to attend Its applicat ion to brains and a determi nation to sue· pilferer s. Wltb clean clJlture aOlland and oftered him my band, an.d as he "Wby not?" a took tt he said to me: ' "A lobeler baek:w/U 'd doN peoted to -*tend i,ta appUoa tion to even ceed. small mound ot earth about tbe balll! "Becaus e she looked ~el1ous 1'bllll not "I walk: should know 'you. general , from The best sol1, without dobut, Ie a ot the tree over wmter,. tile tendere st 'stlli or younge st Infant. sbe told 1;118 she ndmlred )TOllr 'Till not & t\ah-nor red. there ordlna. your plotures ," porous clay loam verglng ' toward a rHy Is but little damage done by mice ' . . . . Jlnr8 • Obem. Clorp.. 8o1e PrOpe., BoItooII. lng." I repUed: "I cannot claim to be sandy texture, Buoh as original ly grew Yet two years ago I bad "It III Cl'U"lItacl!an, And Ita the mice comE Gen. Sherma n. I am only a colonel. Tongue Twlater a. lImbll' maple, elm. linden and beec~ timber, on to. p 0 f allow In Maroh The In.lgnla . Are welt , . ed. , and gnaw This," turning to the general . "II Gen "ToBg1ae tWistel'8 are the actor's althoug b many Umes pine Umbere d the ''Wliat makes you thInk And when articulatyou ...,. It'. bark trom six to thirteen Inchep Sberma n," ' bantil." &D actor said.' "Lose your head land Is eqnally good. My experie nce I would make a detecUveT" red, mr "D. ' above the grounds on the trees at the "Well," said the general , "I had lust an the ~e, and )"Ou are bound tc has led me to believe that Ume solis 'You ' bave ~Dttc1pat1" "Becaus e It lome natural to him to outside rows. Wire screens , wOllld remarke d lIfty "No", Ra)'abb as was a bobber, ' are essentia l. to Col. Sherma n that Wil l 'lIt walle., too. well-a Well as YOUo" wear a slouch hat and a w1atte n8Cll· have protect ed tbem. But scraens are Sherma ns all looked aUke," -Youth ', fOr 'Barabb aa was a robber.' Ue." And th e.n. with voice molodloWl, , Orohard s should be elevated above of but small protecU ' "Oli a fintt nlgbt 1 heard a tragedIa n the surroun ding country or roiling, to their worst work on tor rabbits, tor Compan ion. He added : "Be, your pardon. 1Ilr. ' Is done whll~ .tbe , OJIfLY OlO!: "BROM O QUIlUJO :." ' ~er to the Deity as 'a shoving leapC.ompari.onll are odloulI." '" give sumclen t air and soli drainag e. snow Is deep, and ftat I. [..\%A'l'tVI l DRO.. \) OUlI'IIJ(li. Lonk t\lt they can easll, U' a *Ip'ata'f/ of )~: w, Olt'ln. tl_ .... WOlM Th. ant.' wheD ·he meant 'n loving shep' Right here I , want to say Reai Immort lla. ' \ Mtldew. u,n r 100 l.lUtO ,,()uld In Vb. 147, ... that I can- reaoh the branche s. ' ,Tbe best meth· ' . . flerd." I find ' e t MI.l dew iB alive I Thia __' -.We have been buIlding Bh!er air drainag e, either by elevatio n ad ,s ar ._" 0 trap and anare to -tbose who could mOBllac monume t.t8 .... ," "yOu make me a boft and & sky· or slope of Women lIke to talk of dle d.,.. re the most. makes the problem more dUfteult. site, to be very Importa nt, them. word!' I once 8houted In Ii tank the7 were alng,l e and bad. 800d Utne. In tbe cathedr als or Eu.rope and In the while it renders It as bearing on blight and other fungus iD'ore 'interesU ng, ~~ ' ' parks of Americ a '1Qu will find tfln ' To talle out Itahlli of diseases , Howeve l', we hav!! some 01" seems a ''M., uncle, a divine, conQluded an cbards' monbm en~ to tholle who have de- commd nplace proceslI mildew on compal' llllvely level sites until 1\'8 reaUlle ' a4dreaa on the aulrrage before a wom· strayed thetr . kind to every one or that natcl(eB of imldew tbat are made faIrly well. I have are · ag~p. ell'. club with the terrible words: 'But those who ,bave brougb t the world light tiona of tiDY living Illnde some experim ents in tile ' drain· organls~a · wh.,.e I bore 1OU; I will ceWle; I do ' not wish Ing heavy and life; but a better·.d ay Is dawning . mulUpl lcation and' growUi 'acCoun t land and d() not think -It freQuen tly happens that lands re- Seven years ago, to a4dres a lot of beery wencbe s.' It of mucb clay wben France made the so.calle d "stain." vnlue, tor If you put your , Quiring drainag e are level or nearly I(y peor uncle meant 'weary benchcs .' up its JIst ,of Immort all, Napoleo n, the Thls · !act, , howeve r, makee It euler tile very deep, the water wlll not get so, and the fall tbat can be given wUI greates t of , butcher l, headed t;be.. ' lIet, to underst "I wns a duke In ' a recent problem to It, and and why mildew la often It sballow , the rOQts {rom be slight at the best. The QU!lstion but last year It made another play, and when my servant asked me tbe trees" roll of Itll eradloa ted will soon clog tbem com· tben become s, wbat Is tbe least fall noble men; and P.asteur . the Bavlol' of air' and sun.merely by eX)lOltIre 'tO ' the one night If 1 had any luggage, I re- plete ly; It Is a pr.n088B which II b esides. the danger of with which a drnln ,can work? In humnn life, stood first. 'There la- an. aldeeS by boiling, 'oUed: 'Only two, rags and a bug.' " frost wreckin g tbem. or. In atubbor n casell, drains nearly level the water finds ItIt other book wblch haa the list of God',. tJ1ey may be removed by B solutIon of Rlgbt here I expect to strike own head by piling up at the upper Deafo e$SCa nnot Be Cured Immort als, and above that" list 'It Is chloride or lime. This must. t!lough, trouble, I\S every grower whom I blind end of the drain, tbus standlu g i .,. local "PDI_II01 1" AI tbey ('8.00' macb tho dl/lo bave "n th b I h "I a llproach 9d on the subject at a greater depth In th!l be well r1nse\l as the Ume, wtll rot the IIUCCI pomeo 01 Ule Co". T~ere 18 ODly ODC "A)' to drain tram ·wr tten, . ey at e w se s all Su ne materIa l. CI\IJe dDlltnoa. and tll8\ Is by con.IIIUllonal rt'ml'<ll ,~ , -, as the . has firmame some .... n.t and cbGlce they variety, tbat turn and no tbe outlet Det.ln_ .. _"""" by an Inllamed co.clltlon of Lbo backwa rd. For nearTy level mluJy to rlgbt~usnes!l as the staN two Mildew an lIl.fIOtIlI Unlag 01 tIlo Elllt&ebllln Tube. When ywhere wil 1I 'sometim early agree es yield to am· . . Every drains a larger tile shOUld be used, tub. 1ft Inllaralld you huc n rumbling BOund ' or Ulls 1m. lIuccess rul grower ,must and will be "uall·ty and color ot U1e forever and ever." -,Homile tic' Review . -"'onla" 't be .. DMI"'" hc&rln«. BOd when It Is eMIreI, olooed. DMI· s Ince t h e capacit y governed by what succeed s In his 10- Instance Is lessene dof the tile In this mattlrla l deterlQl ning the strengt h of by tbe w~ter a~te =~~Ia~~~:=o~~ ~wrl':':~~1 '!~~ catlty and particu tlie 1I0IutloJ}. ' ~ays , C~as. ~l8y ' lar 8011. .. ""11. h"'IClna j will 110 dCIIlrOyed 10Nl" "; nine CO""" standin g la It. The only rules that 8nakol a profit to Him: OB~ 01 ten &1'0 cauoed by CnIIUTh. whleh 1'1 Among the otbet klnda, of tronbla. nOllllng Cultiva tion In some way Is abso- can be given where the fall is slight ~ aa Inflamed ~ndlttoll 01 tbo muC(",. IlU rlatco. HunUn g' rattlesn akes for a· lIviD.~ If some stalt;1s, are : i're!lse ,apots , which .,:,:.:tI(:~"::/I~~~~) ~~~""'~~o",nt..~ lutely ne cessary , either without btber are to securea s much fa11118 poss ible, to the pleasan t occupat ion ot H. T. ,B,r own , a'r e usually . easily remove d 'by pr.ess· cro)) or wi t h some hoe crop. ,I bave make the grade perfectl ." UtJI'8 0a14lTll 0Urc. Scnd for oln:uiM'a. t=. y unifo:'m , and ot · Newton , Wis •. For \15 years be bas P. J . Cll£"'E~ " 00 .. 1'oledo. O. usually used the II tter. , Ing with a hot a'' Hav~ lately to lay tbe tlle very carefuTly so aa to ,been 8o\d bv Dru,,1NtlI. 750. cbaslng those button- bearers 'and of blotUng ' p~per bel~WEMln been planting squa &hes in such man· have no unevenn ess 1lt.IoIIllaII'. FaulUy 1'1111 lor OOGaUpe.tJoo. in the bed over hI) BaYB · bis "arnln! s average $100 a and the IrOD. Thll nor 118 w'l1l least ~nterfere with two· which the water flows. Then, of wee~ . . ,I t a .farmer wants' to rJd bls srease, Punlllhm ent and Crime, borse cultivat ion, as I find two horses course, the actual fall of the ·ground grouud. of ratqers; he,ser.d . for Brown, materlal Iti nluable allk .or woolen "Sbe seems to be bavlng n prett, mOBt conven ient and B, 'a fe", droptl' of ;I.~er 'or eau econom ical. surface, if sllgbt, can be Increas ed 'tor' antl hires hIm at ,50 goorl Ume now that sbe and ber hus· a w,eek, Brown de cologne will uaualJ1 '~moYe , the What tools? I do not think that the d.ltcb grade by deepen ing the has a4dltlon al Income by . e~'lIng the . grease. Itaod ate separate d," whispere d the Importa nt a& • . ' . . , . , ", long as you onltlvat 9. ditch toward the outlet.- Prot: J. B. Utree girls In the cornor o.s she en· J never hav,e sIdns ·o r all the rattlers he kllll • . Be. For ' paint, apotll, u,e tul'll. .~e;, ,, , used tbe so-calle d comReynold s, Ontario . tered the room. sidell, be "gets thre~ doUartJ, all ounce For Ink, . Ule ml1k. blna.tlon or cultivat ion and mulcb sys· , "I dOD't blame her," snld one. "He for the analn p1l and tbe !tate' payp Ror ,paint' tem. ' As r 11.-. ;llot , II bave seen It p,ractice d, It CrQPpln g a Fruit Orchar d.-In glv ~im ' 50 C?,entB for e"er;' hea!!, A s~ut' ,good. 'boat her, dldn't he?" seems to me to. btl a sort of lazy man's Ing his experie nce ~Ith ," -v '' , Tbey looke<! her ove r again. a cultiVated or h1pkory . Brown's only weapon 'rea',staiD' 'm.,. be"elfecUYeIy done ' sad 'mulche r orchard , Charles 'Young when huntln" , , ~e "Well, I don't blame him fat beat· excuse tor poor cultivat ion. never attack, ~ , aW'BY with by the _ 'of jIyCertn e,- , Spray1ng is practice d by a few of sod mulcbe r says: ' "After IDg her," the third declared , "If sbe the orchard ' 8nake fro~ tlie , ~rOnt, but JoUowa , It all frult stalnl ' may be' taken frpm , our Inrger gro~ers . Olher8 do not has been In beaTing ,for man, years '. Cram the Bide. When t~e 4reased like that: That red Is awfu!." .'lake tUMlIl " en ·b:r. pdui1~a ' bolUnl wabjr ,. ()Yiu: think 'It would )lay. while otliers slm- bave paid careful n , to this: Ie a~rfk~ , QtUckJ rand ' aClia(ateI1~-~.N them , l!ot once. '" ply neglect it . As a general tblug !pld at lWlt I have come - ~ . ,:', , ... ( ,:- ~ . Import ant to Mothe r.. lo"the concIu. ' Y. P...,s&. ' , , , ' . . RUllt Bpq~ ·012, .teel ,w in flJaJd ' ,to tbe newer s ections ha"e less need of sian that so tnr as w~ mxaDlin e carefull y every bottle are 'concern ed, : ' , C_ , OASTORIA B safe and sure remedy for sprayin g, yet , I~ all , plnces thInnin g pUie olli weU 'rubbed ID; "twoicUl.,. 1.· in !>Igoma, an orchard in,bearing , Beed· - , .' The Weddin g Rln'g F.I"g.r" Infants CJld chlldren , and Bee that it at .frult Is abunda tel', apply, :u~lI~ked ,UiDe, flnel)' po~. ntly repaid by the ed ~own .to clover, will pro~uc~ ,more . The ',.idea ~a~ ~he , Wed~lD$ illlJ d,r~. Incr.eas e in slj!o, quality and quantity , and better fMlit and ,,:~" . . ,wit~ , ~u.cll less "bout4 b,e 'Yorn OD: the tblrd ,f\nger oJ, , ' , " to sny nothlng ot' tho conserv atlon or worlt than If cultivllt ' :.l. " ' " ed. · We do ~ot the' left h,and becaull,e . ''a np.rve ~ ~ , ,>' vItality of the tree. , , I!~ncy, u~lc.d ~ota!~ . , ," . ' need sur(aCjll. cultivat ion betel to co~ 'l.ects"t tls 'llnger with 1n ·Use For Over' 30 Years. , the heart," ..: ~Ieot llrg8, , wen"ba~d \ Yepta,bl", SelUng, at the beet advanta ge ria 8e~Ve tho ~()fst1J1'OI): We , ~e Kind 1"00 .Have Alway~ Bought. b/lve ,Us\1aIl Y' 'Jay II' tbe "rlt~r or an 'arUcle .lD Wllm ."114 wlten sometlm es as muoh of an ~rt as prO. enuagh ,Qf that ,and ,balted. ~at In '1,,0' an to Ipare.' lin's 'Life, or R~ma. oi1g~" 'bat, t.d.dh out the cent8!s , ¥~ duclng . . Ordinar ily there Is a large , ,\Jtlllzln$l t ,he Child. t~818 tie ' \\flough, 1~ 'not cop,tlnued . on, ~ ; cOn. . milk. butter &D4 ".,~j~ '1t's a gTeat comfort to have ,a chUd bome demand ., It not at ptckJng time: ' Th., 'R e,. ,on Why.-'W bY do WeD re~ the t,lnellt ' g In EngTand, for . I~ hancE', the akJD• • \he ·top .pz1n'ki8 .48w o.bout tho bOllae," saJ.d the man of do- within ~w-o mon't ha. ' I have kept. C!ahymen 'keep their I:owil In the bam Be~um and German y. aDd ~o.t other b~ \Vealthy s' until the holldaYB, when I' during the ~nter montha mestic ta.stea. , ... · and bro~.I1l ~ 01'., 1 , Beaaw.B ~pean ' natloD8, tile , "eDlaP ment ~c!d a critm an, bI~ of cllop~ ~. ~ ,"V s," auswere d the unfeelln g r~elved ,1.51) ller bU8hel. There were j f they' are ,allOWed ~, ruD Ollt In the rllts" ,h,er II tbe third 'hpr ot tbt . .ot batW!r .... ,~ , wretcll. "when compan y comel tbat no other home-g rown apples to be ,yara ODe daJ" tb.y wJlI be I dJae«)ntent. Ileft !WId; ",bU.' ~ ..wedell.... liW bad. In some lItsta~ee. U local dOQ ~ a&re for, ~ou. C. '1 make ,lbe when Dot aI"e4 oat on a ' cold; tJae Udr4 .... ~ __ . . !leg DOL .~ It II HTlaab l. to IIt.OrIQ _ . e1l1l4 rodte." -Famll J .DoctOr. biIIIL Q OOilll


- --- ---





During C.bange of Ufe,

















contalnod lulte UI It abe .llie:! lIeen It. I at n nce '41th &11 thfO wor1!!. A.nd sho h'tl ~l1tcbed a,nxlp-Llsh ' for tho "Sally," sllld the old man, "tliJa ta answer. "Not yet: ; sbe said c9mpasslonately. "Very n ice," agreed 'SR.lly. Sally's l'!gs w akenell aod , sbe nut al!)o there Isnothhig Uk~ tblB clutched at, the little ab If before 'he 1'. t<t send IJOe's memory backwa~d. And It toolc a momen t to IIwallow the thing this, It Wils dOing for, both of tbem. In h l:!r tbroat.. Then she murmured: "El£erYhOdy don't hat no such fire "It's two weeks." ' , to·nlght." And the everybodY" be he ,,1"·h .. ti......lV1t·,.=,Sl·"Ifv.,--+ "Yes, But ho'd have to bo pretty thought of I'No, not everybbdy," sighed Sally, promp t to got It h ere by this time:" ea11y had heen sure of this prompt· propping her h'e ad upon , his knee, "Sally-who do you mean by cfary· nells. It never occurred to her to ; doubt. Sbe would not bave wasted a bouy?" "Just one person," a'dmltted Sall,., minute, She tUi ned hopelessly away. "PeJ'haps to-mflrrow!" said the kind "the same one You mean." "Yas," said Setty's father very 80ftpost·mlstJ'ess. Iy, and then they W re sl1 nt. Sally veered, !>millnr, "Mebb~" some's ·got no homes-and "You think so?" "Perbaps. One can never tell. Don't out fl'eezlng to.nlght," the old man worry, dear. Y(' U see the address was said pretlently. "I bope not," sald Sally. "We c0l11d very vague and It may be some time take them In here It we knew whero before they find bioi." they are-couldo't we, pappy?" "You don't think It Is too late?" "I bope not, dear," But t hat last oote was t he one wh loh She had not thought of that before. dams up tears, "Yas-If' we kno~....! where they alr! She bad faocled blm waiting for aome such recall. But, of courso, be hnd My God-It we chust ''(nowed where fo rmed ot ber Ues--he would be glad they a ir! Sally, don't you :leCer turn no to forget lIer. H e mlgbt be marrIed! one away from tbe door on a. cold win' Ot oourse he was! Otherwise he could ter's night. You don't know who it not be a president! IXilght be!" • "I guess It's too lato," she .,.. onld 'TIl never turn any OL.... ~wny tram agaIn. the door! " said 8al)y with ~wotlon, "I would not think thnt. The ad. "That's light, Sally. Some's dead. dress was very vugue. But, oHer you I'd rather be dead thun hal no home." "And I," agreed Sal·ly. were gone, I to(.k tho precaution to put a return add!'ess on the envelope. " Nor no fl"ionds." Sally nodded, nnd If he does n'Jt get It, It will come back; but that will take somo little "Sall y, bow long Is It sence you wa:. time." married?" There was nothing the next day nor , "1\1ore than tour years-nearly ftve, the next, nor tor the many days after- pappy." ward that sbe went to the pDst·Qffice. "My! but sings Is changed!" sald b the old man. "Eten the sun don't She was no longer ~ressed up for t h'lp, and she was glad now she bad not seem so bright no more." told his tather. "Yes, thlot;;s are cbanged," s aid the. For a while she had to lock h e rself girl. h' d I "ilt It must be chust an Idee. Why, In her room, whe n tees re came a her to go to tbe post-office. And then the BIble says that summer and wInter sbe remn'ned away three days, then a shall no t change tfill1 eferyslng come to .... weelc, and tben the post·mlstress ad· pass-eferyslng-eterysing-" Tllen I d t h a t th e Ie tt er h" nl tte au 1In d tl me his voice broke. "Ylt-ylt-ylt tt's to be returned. She must not give up one sing ain't come to pass and . It h b Strange t hi ngs h nppen, ",omo· seems 1I1ce It's nefer gOing to. It's bet, t aug. times, with letters. tel' sence you come. But ylt the hous. Th 1 tt e e er bad b oen re t uroe d " tb e Is damp-and shtferY,"-be shivered Ilost·mistress had It then. But she hlmselt-"and empty-lJke It was a fu· pityingly thought It best that Sally neral about all · the time. Ylt It's no should walt for It still, whlle sh e tried one dend-no one's , dead-be's not t d It b . k t hi dead-chust gone. You said so-.-you a sen ac 0 m. . Otherwise It was very-much a s Sl\l1y said It first! And some day he'll come ha.d planned and boped save that she baclt and we'U glt on our knees and , , .' , was a bit sadder. She kept Seffy II beg )11s pardon. But it's so long-oh, rather'a houae, as~ perhaps, no house my God-so long! Oh, SefIy-Setfylittle Sctty-I got a pain In my breast about you! You was all I , Md. Come baok to me-come bac\<! I'm a 01' man. And I'm sorry-sorry-and broke-broke down, But If you'll come back-Slllly, do you , think he'll hat a scar on his lace?" Somethlng sUOed his utterance. The 'g irl put out a 80ft hand to com tort him. "Some day we sball know-see! Be brave!" "Yns-yas-that'a easy to say. But you nefer struck no one right In the face-when tbey was looking up at of a



JOHN LUTHER LONG 8YNOPSIS, '1'l'e crownlnc deslro In the liCe of old 1'l.UmR1l rln r II) to obtoJn ~1INl88 10n of 11 "(1ulltul meadow. Tho prop rty was InI~e rlted by Sara:, Press I, vory protty and athloUll youn/r girl. BnU,lI;-u.rtner '!lme to that hIs only hope ot obtaining rth4lnllze ' property would lJe Ih"ou&,11 the mnrrl.nre of hll Ion S ~J) h e nlj :lh to Prtill8el, In a mocll nuctlon "Serty." us Bephenljoh P. Boumgnrtncr. Jr,. Is popularl:\' known. Is ruOiell o rt by hIs futh er


, ' ~~po"Wh ~~r~,;';~~~n~~lt~I~~ B rTy &orne leaaons In courtshI p,«tlrtner h Wl cr..uBed hlms Ie to b nppoint .1 gunrdhm of Soll y, She promises Betry that she will never 11189 t\ny mnn but hIm, Bam Fritz. a drunll n grocery cl ~k, cnlltt on Solly ond Int rrupls the kl8lllng, Serry goe8 to sleep nnd begins Inorlllg. 8nJly leo.v08 the room In 0. hurt. Iu-yln.;: "Oooe! nlHht, gentlemen," S ~ rty t 118 his tMher or Ills humiliation: of how "om Fritz hod vlnned to his bOAom whll " 0 81 pt a'boord tombRtone. S" rty antt 811.IIy moel at th o Pol son spring. She ureca hIm to do somethI ng to re(Jeem hlmlBlt. The rnther advlsi!s S lTy to tnll ",ally home fl'Om ehur ' h, ThIs wou ld b tIle cru 111.1 t.est, o.ceonJlng to the custom Dt the tJrnes, It WIIJ! the rule In Il II h !l o t UIIlt the ono whl'se Brm th girl 11. ' . when leaving hur~h would be thepled favored 8111tor, tho'l'hon Sam InJtcR 80.\ly's o.rm. Bhe &aYS: "1 urn 8!LtisJl ·d." a.nd 8 try Is lett In ·dl"ll'rnNl, Som con· tlnll hIs drlnkln'l Bnd ,nll y btlglna to noqulre th habIt. Baumt;urtner ourses Bon And !ltrtk I him p?werru l blo\v with Hilt. l ull ~n the to.e , Then tho \' pentunt fo.thor gath \'It the youth In his nrms, His t'rles t 8nlly and Sam Fritz, Sally up to S lI'y'lI room nnd OndB hIm ruslle8MlrIl un on8QI0ul. In the mornIng S rty hn.s a\, It Is Q sad /lnd Ion som ""'hler tor old Ballmgnrlner. TI -wInks' btll iIon Is dend, 80In wh ro trom the rf otl of the 01'\101 bl(lw, Wh n old Bn-umprtner CO 8 to Sally's hom to 8'urndor to her hIs paperll 1).8 h r guurdlnn


~w'~n~t~' :~~g~~ Qo.~~ :I':l~I~~t~tS~~~

wlll tak tho paperll bACk D.lld cOllUnue lUI b r guardlnn. Old ~lImgn.rtncr und Sally

ontlnue 1).8 ' b080m fr1ends. Snm dies o f drlnldnlJ ane! Bally goes I k p houso · 101' old Baumgllrlner, R o.dlng "'fh Farm Joutl1 ~I," IIhe Is nttract by Ii maaterly nftlcle by "8, p , Baumgartn r. Jr., PMlsld nt ot the 1Cnnl!lD.8 Stnt FArm• ,.' lelllr\lo." Sho wrtt 8, pleading with hlm to return. . CHAPTER XIV.-Contlnued. Sbe watched her put It into tbe ba~ theD went dreaming borne, nnd tor aU. of the two weeks of waiting she WIlS very bllPpy--drellmlng always. Poor glrl-ilhe bad made her me so UDhapDY that Joy seemed di vino. She was sure of Setty. SomeUmes sbe won· erea with a blush and'a start It h mIght not come himself In ,answer. She would not have been surprised to have hl.m steal up behtnd her-that wu his i way, she remembered-nnd all ,out eOruy her name. So she we.n t about . almost on ti ptoes . 110 thl\t sbe might benr him If he should. It was . , a lltue dlftlcult t o' keep' It ,from- the In· qulsltlve old man, who did not Quite u~derstand her sudden happiness, But' Ibe -dId It. . And, finallY, tbe two weeks were up. She was quite sure Setty 'would not wute a ' woment with hiB.answer, And h, mlSbt uae t1~~t mYllterl.olls instru· m~t, the telegraph, which sbe under· toad would not take more th.a n an hour fro)n Kansa!!. She sUPPO$ed his , 'message, even It he used the tele" ~h. would come to the post·office. '~e ceremonlnj. of a letter, with elmple people, ill as much a matter of ~Dcern as a trea\y between two nationS. And noW', aa she ' dressed bel" lelt 'in ber ' best clothes to go to the po.t~lBce, sbe fait, somehow, as If '. ,be were to be In' Sefty's personal , . pr.eaence, and must be as Immaculate a. alwaYs, Bh~ , wondered how be woUld addreaa Jler-forgettlng that his anfriaier must come to t.h e . one whose ~~e ahe bad' signed. She had heru: d (if 'varlous most dear hend·lInes to let· • " . tafa l ' !lm · afraid , eM blushed at all \. (~li,: , For, as she loo,k ed in the glalls, lIhe ' saw , n ,face !In radlllnt that slia lOOked again to 'IdentifY It, ' ~ all the more sbe dressed herself ",lUi' the Jlama care she would' bave talteri' wejoe she goln~ to ,him instead to ppst-oftlce for his letter. 8h" ~lDeJnJ)~IJ'~ ' 'whlLt bo bad ' said ~bout and ~he venturecl 11\111 It face{1DUch as It lIa(t' been , ,in·the <l~k pal'lol·. . But nt .~ ~IOJ}llIbt: of that the tears ca1I\e i:Jhe, ~ad b~en her. ",.'. ." .,/II.".'Il,Atl1nV hlat rught. ' It, was ,all 1)1,9 alie 'bad ' ~ver khowp', : It " ~eDll&4 DOW.' She. drlea hel' eyes and ' lh~ ab«! lilt at the tlt.ble where 8elfy ~. ort~D 1 8at, ~ookeil , agaln In his' . '~~ mttror:, · Tb~ . radiance, was f$incbed. Her was pare and thln ~,._ pO, 'Qu.l t,e:1l8 It ~e







wbOllt-dl'oW.Df! l and froe and 8n additional I fiO aCTers

·III- -t! at $3.00 on acre.

was evet:' kept before, She had not been famous for the keeping of ber own house in the days of her coquetteshJll. Her' grandmother bad attended to this-and then :i mllld wbo Interpl'tlted her faultlessly. But now her own hands did - all-and did It wIth 10Ys, And ahe did replace Selfyo-and more. For sbe plowed, and, after ~ brief appterttlC!eBhl'p; no one dtd ~t bet· ter. , The ' bay 'mare was as kind to Sally as she had been to Betty. NotbIng in hIs Ute had ever been 80 sweet to the old man 'as those reats When' they met! And no toad was ever rso plQ.uant as that eaten under the trees at their noonlng. , Sally still went to the ' post-omce, and the post·.mtstl"ess stUI had her I~t­ ter wnere ahe oould have put her band band upon if, though ' she merCifully concealed this. ' But there Was tio hope, " Not a word of confldence had passed , between Sally ,lind kJnd post·l'nlstres's ;' but each Itnew that the . other. understood quite as If tb~lr col1fldence, "as com· plete, So'that It was as If they., spoke of nn old miltter when Sally sllldj one

The 300,000 contented Americlln settlel'B making tbeir heme.. in ' Vestern Canada is th e best evitl !!lee ot the superiorily of that country. T ~ey or becoming rich, growing from 25 to '" bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to 110 bUlIhels oats ond 4S 10 60 bushels barlay, beaides having splendid herds or Ilttle 'aleed on the ptnirle grass. Dairying is r;<t important industry. The crop of 1908 otlll keepa WOIltero C.nada In t he lend. The wOt"ld wiu _ .. look to It _

"You young scarupl I've caugbt you smoklug my cigars!" "Yes, pa-er--er-you sc I heard rna say that you were smokin' yo~ selr LO death nnd er-l'm try In' to save your life!" VCllu e of Aspirations. An aspiration Is a joy forev r, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a for tune which we can uever ex· haust and whlcn gives us, year by year, 11 revenue of pleasurable activIty, To have n1l1.ny ot these Is to be spiritually rleb,-R. L, Stevenson.

It. (ood·producer.

This Will Interest Mothers. Mothor Gray's Sw e l Powdc'rs tOI' hlldron. used uy Mother ray, u. nurse In Ch.lldren·s Home. New Yc.I'II. cure ODStlpatlon. F \'fll'lshnesll. TeethlnK Dlso l·ders. Stomach 1'rouulcs anel Deet roy Worms; 30.000 testimonials ot cures. All drugglt!1.8, 25c, Shmplll l' ; U1:El, Address AUell S. Olm· ,IItad. Lo Ho}', N. Y.

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.------:;:-., Po&lttvely cured by The PICII n FClets. these Little Pills. "Then you were not one of Washington's body scrv:mts?" They 0.1 8 0 relieve VI .. tTefJ8 (rom DYl1p<'p&IIl,ln' "No. sir. I'll tell you de trure, sir. dlgc,"Jon Ilnd Too ne(lrty I was jest one of Ws field hands."~Mlng: A per!~c L rem· Kansas ity Jow·nlll. edy tor Dlu jnca8, Naullell,

DroW81uctlil, nlld

'l'a6Ielntbe )fouLb,Con~

Speaking of Speoks. Rasmus-Wbat did del' ghost tel' you? Rastus-How yer tlnk I know? lIever lurned de dead langulgell.



THE TEETH Pmin dentiltice , 1 0 ~ da iL:n __



ed Tongue Pnln In Lbe ID c eaoamg. w l .........g ...... S Ide , 'l'oriPID LIVER. removing t:u1M from the Icelh, be.idca ckltroyiDc \,;;;;;=re --gul=a-t.o-1.h~e~Bo ~Wel8. PUJ'uly Vegew.ble. all germs of decay end disease ordinary

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and they keep you dry whlte you are


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''Oueareu IDe certlbat, aa~. I p<re a frim4l one wbeu tbe doctor ~1Ui tlHtlng )lim ,.". c:aDCler· 01 tbe l tomac:b. The nat IIIOriliag be pUaecI lour oI~of. tape worm. lie thea lOt a beD and fli tbree daYBbepeaeed a ~CIII\:IIIl 411 f...


This Trade-mark Eliminates ,AU UocertaiDty



lin Matt

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b71m=!lood." Co.,

Pleu.lIt, Palatable,

Po. .

Tall .. Goo4.

Do Good. Never Slckeu,WeakeD or Grip!!; lOe, 2Sc, SID. Never .old la bulk. TN.enuIDe tablet .tamped C C C. ~ 'to

cure Of 10W' mGDe7 back.

DYlIllepsio. ond constipation 'nrc avoidllble "Then you dOlt t know nosslng about eri~_toke Garfield Too, Nature'. Herb It! Oh, my God! It you'd had It before mi In.mtive, ' YOll tor more than four year&-ltke a plcturo:-momlng and efenlng-day One way to remove paint 'II to sit 1\Ild nlg~~-eferywheres l Tbe blood on down on It betore It Is dry. him-and the bed and me!" , ('l'() BEl OONTINUlilD.) "No, Not Everybody," Slahed 8ally.

The goveTllment oj Caned now givell to every IIttual liettier 160 Ufll'OIll of

CRUDE METHoDS OF SPINNING: Which Were Long In DI.placlng the The best thing to do wben you catcb .Splndle and Dlltaff. · a cold la to let go of It.

Allen'. Fq<!t.oEaae, .. Powder Tbe inventlon of the art of splnnJng E'ouwoUon. ,.caU D, reet.. O\n.lnll4n~ruJlet, Tho wile ascribed ' by tbe anclents to MI· on.1AA1 powdor tot Uao tee... :Ik a' aU Drulllllaa. n~rva, the goddess of 'wisdom, says a It sometimes happens that a distant wl'lter hi The Housekeeper. The date, 1600 B, C.. Is gtve~ as that o'r the be- relation Is .......11. "IU ..... ,SI"""UI> 6Nbe .a rt In Greece, under the direction at tbe king ot ArcadIa, but plptured ,tn8orJPtlo~8 on Egyptian mono uments ,.Bhow that the Ulie ot the IlPlLD:...t--"lII dIe and distaff was known In that country much earlier. . The first dis· taff was simply a aUck, around which the fiber to be' spun was loosely colletl, held In the left band; tbe spindle was a sort ot tOJ;l set In motion by a twirl at tbe hand, the Ober passing between the finger 'and thumb of tbe right hand. This Invention was Improved upon In the course at time by placing the' spindle In a frame and making It revolve by ,m ecbknical acUon of the band or toot fn Clonne cUon with a wheei or treadle:-tbus giving the true spinning 'wheel. .The first recorded use of tb,s ,vas In tbe early years at the sixteenth century, but It was probably made and used Jong before U11s, day: .' , t '· . Dang~r rile brllt ·splnnlng jenny, a machine ''Yes-I ' ~eslJ I~'B too late, r He's wor)dng elaht splncUee, was Invented ·if you let that cold ,r un on. Neg_11.61. ' ' , "u~rrled'" , ' lected colds cause incurable dis. "I oqldn' t think 80, If 1 were you, " tUi I beard troin him', " 'saId the; cQmo , ' eases: Don't ~ your health. passionate woman 'beblnd., the , coun: Keep II, bottle of · , ter. , "1 thOught sO o:nce, He wentwar;' I be'g rd tbat ,ne' 'Wjill lc'lUed, ,married ' ~nbtl\E;l,r . ~an-ju8f;-Ob, just becaus~! T.bElJl ~h~ came ,back. ;1 baye alwayp been sorrY'.... '. • . ' ,.,' ., , , SOn1t.\h~ .ftiled the· spealte~'1 .eYE!B lD ,au~ h~e. It I' the' ~afelt, lureat -and SsU1., wltb the I dumb ' &!ld quickeSt rem~d7 · tor c'olca eYer .r 'tbe ,prlmillve ' nature, 'stood . ","J""",U~. compounded. 'For Caught, BroD- , Ii 'Jongume anil Baid only, chitit, . Pleurisy, Inf1l1Dm~oll of the you.';' . ,'. . . . .J . l.IUlg., 10 : faCt, all dileuea CIlu~ecl • But aDd by n~&lected , ~14L It ~ 00 equal.


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A IIIl~orlnll'll'at'l.ut!ed , he l\ameU lemon

" or ,IlDllla, ny dllMlOlvlng lUlulaLecl aZlga)' III 'Water ulIll adding M.. p'fetue, .. dellololl. It1rup I a ",lUI Bile! a ayrop betUIT UIaD _piC). ')laplolne Ie 10111 bJ.rooe .... Ifllo\...,481iotor ,~ 110" IUII1 rocIpo booll.

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Good land at such prices will soon

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Om.ha. ......



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'c flwar tz'sCo rn Remo ver



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.10fO('l)1II11 n cOO\' ('~' ed b.V the ·tut \Ynyn T" wnllhip UnUtH' Board C Li\' ohool to'k Uomooi ~ioner , n'iT n t·iOD met uuel",y [I ft.r 0 1 ' {'Ibia leulh\ t th h" lIaf that noon ut tb 'b 1'i tiou CbU1'Oh at

llnts a Bottle


, ·Sto ck S.a le

Zimmerman:'s Pure .Jerse y Seed Swee t Potat oes


I .'." I

Clo.sing ,

Chic and Hen Feed

10 pounds . 25c, 2 a.nd ~ . 1 5 p r bag, HIlt publio Itl on May h t ~ O beud of 11 r S fwd mule, 1 h ftel ',," the c ~riditil)ns cit' (~rlbell in ' ('I,ion Oyster Shell 80 p r 100 lhi; IIt,iug }\rogrllOl of rl\U ' ,for>r.y cows nnu heUer. ~t MiIlllr ove Farm, :I .miles norf.i.lell t, 4~1l · 1 5.)f tlld Htlltut,etl of Ohio e xi t 1 havu can ludell 1.0 lose out my ato k lit th i~ tlm p; f MllI' r o w bio. Z , 0 , W rhiy. ,&tI good, 1111 Ib of go da at cost. i'he at ck i a No. 1, Garde n Seeds 'L'herefl re, I , J udsull wn ooiubin iog, nud and well ~So l'teJ, find till in good All kinds in Bulk and Packag e G VI m or f the :tlll mil king Il cbol'us of pos i bly twent;\ '· I.lrdet'. 'all and 8l'e. mpliao '" with Ih'C' N,~w Goods this Week in order t il pl'even t, 11::1 1I1l1 h II" po 1'1' hl II t Roultz I' ll )lUU U tile ex New Potatoes, ~ibltl the dang l' of fllrth r tlI1I1 nn · eroi as. by oongl'e gllt,iona l I!in ~ i ng, New Cabbage, tl60eS ary lipread of the !lis ase of Ilnd Rey. Oil wllon offel' d 1\ pr nyflr XIHicu I. h ' roll y ginn Ihnl 011 New Tomatoes, t uberoul o i8 amoug t,b berd of After tJ.lU io Pr f. Elhnff s poke 011 Celery, Lettuce , RadlshesJ Ont blu by the Import l\tion of infect d the " Geld en JUbilee Movem ent," Mond ay, May 3, 1909, ions, Rhubarb, ASJJarngu ', oll t·tle from other Iltates, do hereby Miss Minnie Du ke bnd a 010 · t ex 1Cucumbers, Pine Apple I Wayn esvill e, Ohio. " I hiUH wl)l bo "~'''I"od U1II it 1~ 0"'10'" ueclare thl1t the s hipmen t of Iltly Jent pap r on the •Primar y DAljllrt ,;e,L1 Orange s, BUliana s, IIUll" lor I hll lugt ululiOU "f " • e wtlr (In lh,! April 7, 1909 I1ttl e in t nd sd for br~eding l1\' dl\iry m ent , " lind tlle tlisco .\ n · of thi . IJllrlh ~h l or :\IIUIIII St r I, III tllo VUlnge 01 - ---.,. Wh \"IIIlII \'ILIu. Ohio. llllgl ull ing lil l h luwor ~n!l purpo.e s into the 't.ate f Ohio i pnper WB :opirite cl tLTld 4elpfoJ. 0111. a . · lul'h w r h. troll~ or J . ~' , 'lidwul· NC\f Texas Onions, Ycllo~ and huler 's NltIl clCfII'fl Illld running lhence nat to problb ited, uul . suoh ollttle I\rs RCMllry E. 'hllplIll Ill reild II Hbort tlio IlIlot ot lho 2 ~ · hU'h KI'W,' " III White fronl or th \ ' 0 lit Y 'j 'oltll)h,/n u It. . 'hBII!!u. utl\111I to 1'011. co mpallie d by R certitl lite fTom II li - but trite PILllfll' UII the " Horne DeBld ~ Inr th is work will I.J e lll rl(til, 1\1 0 11 cenoed veterin ari a n, wbo e o[)mpe· pllrtme nt," Ilfter wilicll Mrs. Sue Ihl'\. 'O plulIlI US foll,)I\s , vl t : Everything Good to Eat at tenoy relitlbi lity II.nd trustw orthi- Da vis relHI II good poper on "'1'e/l h_ Flnlt - 011 11 2~ ·IIIt:h IJ 11 01111 ceO/11tH ~{l WI'r t il • III juln t.s 2 (out III IUlIglh . ness Bre certified to by the Rut h or!- e r 'rrai ning,D partme n t." d IC,,)IIdn " 2~- lnch "It LIII . 1. tie charge d with the oontrol of t he Miss Luoy Emley !III Dg l.\ beautif ul sowor We In Joillts ~ r t hi 10' lII lh . vll .. IIl .... 1 III eMe8 of dome tio 'a niw BI to the soil>, und r epol'ts we r heard fr om, 'I' hlnl - 11 " cOll c r~ '1l IhlllW ~4 lu 'lIt'" AdM \\' 111 I ,., III H~ ru'l1 lin;" r ~h l . IUH, Il f or lIQuuru. iWlide 1Il .... 1I!'\l. l W~ 1I1 y · UV\ . ce nl ~ (Jr Lhrcu III66rll on, ~tate from whioh 8uoh cllttle OIl m e the vtui otls OFCO llRS., unq/ly Sohools in the I w ilt'" uKl n g not more,lh a n five IIn~ H. ~;!\ 'h bidder will bo r 11I1""d to ' ,1 't){'ftlt n or by 11 oertlfioa.te from 1m i nBpeoto r town h i p. Tb e reporM wero grH ti· ccrl!U I check )}nYllblo HI tho \,llIa!! Tr 'as· ! • --..-.. \frer o f sllld \,/JIo(,w for I h ~ nm flf 'l' W ~ IHY ' ........ -.. - -........ of the Un ited 'tlltes Bureau of Ani. f.ring, Illld mllDY hel pful revorts Ih'o Dollr,rs (U5.00) fl8 su rul IhllL 1 h 8ue· Barve ypbur g, OhiO. I t . 'fll l bidder will Ulll r 11110 FOR RENT ulra I 11\111 mal InduBtry, oer tifying t hat lIuoh were gi von . aHARi( AS TORP EDO · DIRECT OR. It! (l iufllcl ilL bond I r tit r.. 11 hlul pW'forlll' Illl 0 o r ~ho work In tho JnUIlllor ond 11m ' . oat tIe have been examin ed and 8ub. Warren Key hod oharg e of the given In th s • 11 '0\ Ions. whlrb wUl be 0[\ Odd UN to Which Invento r Would OUSE of el~b t. r oow". 000 8(lit~. fllo 1/1 ti'l! om or th \' mnge Lurk ot sl\ld jected to the tuberOJ llin test within di80n61!ion Ilnd proved ", good nllm VIII"1(tl or WUYIlUlwllll!. II IIl1d ullur April Havo Put 'Sea TeNOr, . "10 for 011l0e US6 24 , 1909. ten days previou s to the t.ime of for the place. o wnot t,lIo Ilf'O plt t I kllOW Wtl or 8epar~te. IDquire.·· Will rsnt ,\II of Mrs. Jo.~ 'I'lu IIlng Collucll shipme nt into the Stilte of OhiO, T he bitnner wa nW llrd ed to the rcJ ' t I1ny uud nil bids. rc 'n 'o ~h c righ t to ure tl tlll hnrlllJlu g nshes have been put to lDany IlU pr t:1uinuII, WilY nesvUl e, Obio. 8howin g that !Ouoh oa.ttle are free Chris tian ohuroh for four months . uses while still alive; but prolJably ElI'S. D. ltEKO , the strangest was that luggeatpd to from tuberou lo Is or suspici on ther's The commi ttee In ohl1rge Itf award· "01og' (' hll'k, the war departm ent by an luv ntor. FOR SALE of, ftB' indioat ed by the tuber uliu ing lt, had their trouble s, os it. ... -~~ The propulsion ot Bubmarine torpeAll In the MinD. test l\nd phy \caj examIn ation i pro· was 0 tie betwee n thr e utiday .On the op uln g day of 0116 winter does was the subject under dlscu£.. lon, Auel UTlI ('III' r\' in ~ tI Inl'l!fl 1I1lt! at 1:'08. BALE- B.. vided further that in all oose8 s uch oh ool - 'bristin n, elLe nr's ~Tee k session &bode I8i.nd the lat prof. Talt ot Ed In bUrgh led he proposed that a dlark b 1m· ... Red eg88. Pen beaded by Srd 1ll«90ne caUle' shall be acoomp anied by R reo I\nd Orthod ox. d In a tube at the rear end ot III IH ,'. \\. II .,1>'1' H university nter d the natural IlhlJos· I)rize cockere l at the Oiuotn oord t:J the tuberou lin test tempef llO " 'lfl ,l ,'~, Hili II I' The oomml tted deoided to let tbese ophy classroom In the midst of Ute up- Ute projectile, Hs movements to be Pbultry Show. Egga 'I~ OO per 15 . ontrolle d by the acUve appllcat lon or turea,' onform ing with the require - three sohools have t,he banner pro- roarous applau se cOlllmon to tho e oc:. el HaDge eRgs $8:00 per 100. ' ctrlclty. . In CBse the sbark aU mpt· , ,cas 10M. tnent,' ~t the United States Burellu portio,Da~ly for the yell'r, the Mrs M.utt Andllrl:lOn, R, D. 3. Ohrls. Presently h looked liP at the tu· ed to sw im away it was to be given 'nli' Carp ets~ Rugs . ,Lin'o leof An~l Ind~f;ry, l\ud they shalJ tian seileol ht\vill g the prefere nce. multuous benches electric shock, and In this way kept OOD :rubber tire jump·s eat IIU~. above h im wlt4 the be muted with a sulta ble m~tl\l tlig unis, Lace Curta i ns, Jt is gratlfy'iug to know tbat the Bmlle of one who hnd known the waYi 011 Its course tlnlll th~ tropedo had rey. Can be seen at James Linr aohed its target. or shall be 8conra~ely de80rib ed 80 interes t in the townsh ip is growin g of student . for il IIf II me. der's paint shop. Anot her ' remarks ble u/Je to whl h Wind ow Shade s" Etc. At last, when a mom ntary hill that they Ollil be readily identifi ed, all the tlme, and that tQe people in· a fiSh has ,been put Is as a barom te r. Vy' PAPE R-For pu'tiDg QJ)- . came, he remnrke~, his gray y s and a report on the e:umin ation and ter"ste d are pushin g tor ward 11.11 twinklin The loaclr-li very suscepU bl to almol;l' der oarpet, rog8, etc.' A BIM " C<Hlle in and ~ ce , Us. g: Sundle tor 10e. teet, with cl\r90ti ons for indentifioa.- the time. QIlzeUe p~oe, . I "Gentlemen, 1 musl reml.nd you that r heric cban g~s, and when retnl~ed I.n , , ....._ ----''- tion, shall be submit ted to tbe 'Ohio there Is really no such thing as noll;e. an aquariu m is likely to throw Its It OUSE (~W!::ANE~Don'" you ' Wordl to Freeze the"Soul. it Is a matter of slIbj Qtlve 1m· out · at the approach . of or dul'lng allY State· Board o,r Live Stock COmmiB' want nice, olean,! remarka ble chan e 'of wllid or weal h· pressIQ n."You lh's ·omjlaulon. "Your son hlU! consum ption. His sioners withou t delay. ' : 01' jour shel vea1 W,e have thew, cr, or, If In a pond or stream, "f ill case is hopele ss." TheBe Ilppa1Jiug Four lbe, for 50. • Gazett e O~08. ' Done, Colum bus, OhlQ, on the wordS sometimes jump on the bank. It has were..'s poken to 'Geo, E. BlevFlower, for the Prima Donna, , , b en kept al, lve In aquaria a8 a li vIng twenty third day of l{"rch iu tbe en8, a leading meroll ant of It Is said that the opera slare do not barome ter l:iJ?rlng ; from the supposition that • yea.r of our ,L ord, one tholl8l1>nd nine field, 'N. 'C. bv tw~ eXl,)8rt doctor s- receive' 8S many fto er aa formerly . hundre d and nine, on whioh date i one & lung speoial i8t. Then was The tressure r of a certain com pan certain moveme nts Indicate part\c)J lar p. shQwl) the wonde rfnl power o( Dr. said to me the other day: "Ten years changes that· re about to occur In the have thereto attaohe d my namft and King's N e\v Disco'Very. .. After ~o it was nothing for a prima tlonna weather. ' 1n RussIa. the dead body ot .:' .. L ......,.,.. o tUllr.L-ol,OOO.Een08 Po.kc be.l'. , CO~tus goolo, the mtlJer'. ~hlllnb, ' 11 tbeGre at aeal of tbe t)~"t8 of Ohi". three week-s use," writes _~ , ""_ , Mr. Bl v- tu receive In a 81nl;Ie night $2,00'0 or used as a .weathe Extr na--oar Dllooll8~ pot!tl! rcock; Hung by a' J'UDso~ HA.RMON, .Gov~rn or elis, " ~e was a8 well a8 ever. I $3,000 worth of flo wers. JJ one oTlbe, just ~i~ed . Inqnire ' of W. 8.single thread, It will point to til ' dlr c· ------~.~ .~ ~---would npt take 11.11 the mODUY in the best gets $500 worth after a great per· 8: : • ·~adde~ and 00" O?,wln , Ohio. , til wind blo'Ws.- linda), : Swept Over Niagara. . world for what it dtd for my boy. " formance nowadaYB she III mi ghty , Infallib le for Cough s and Col<le, its lucky. It used to keep most or our VE'RY B()Ot:: to oltll and get Ollr Thts terrible caiami ty ...often hap. the safeSt, surest Otire of dEl8pera,te ushers busy. handing 1I0rai pieces ov I' prices un /Cood Ji110n "'per aUl\ pens beoautle a o&reless boatma n ig- Lung PUT HIS ART ABOVE 'WE.ATH ER, envelop es. 'l'be best ever, prtntel l noree the river's warnin gs ' growin g '1.00. disease s. on earth. 60c, and' the footlights" or spl11lng-them on the 110 they.OIIn bo rec\d .ad .not bli,ll'l'ed, ripples and laSter CUrrent,' Nature '8 bottle Gllarlln tee sati8fao tlon. Trilll beads of the musicians. One usher enn Painter and Weltern CrItic. Split on , free at Fred O. Schwl\ rh 's. take care of the job now."-N . Y. i\t the GOzeUf' Omoe , wanitli gS are kind. That dull pain a Quutlo n of Meteoro l\lgy. ~re.B. -------.~~.~-----or aobein ,:\11e tack warns you the o 'Y OU KNQW...:...'l'h"i ad,V8~ti!l ' YOUNG MAN DIES Kidne) 's need attenti on,if you would In a gallery there hn.figs. a large can· lDIL in tbht oolumn , wUl brtll~ 90c Round Trip frenD Wayne sville: ell9Ape fatal mll.lad vas In an Imposin g frame: The rialnt· opsy, Diagoo(l r~illt .. ? 1'ry It poce, aud 8ee;; F ad kG R ) betea or Bright '"ielt-Dr Train leav~. 8:~8 disea8e . Take a. 01. . , ' r erio uy ee\fes. fbeyou ng. Ing BhoWI! a waterfall In. one ot the ~ White Electri c Bitters "at oiloe a~d se~ est son of Air. and Mrs. ' states tamous 'for ' 'Btartllns natu r I John S. &okao he fly' aod al1 , your best feel · .Reeves , well known Bcenery. The picture bas occupied Ita reBiden ts of logs re)urn, ' "After long sufferi ng Spring Valier. pa8sed. /l. present place "tor B "eral year",. way at 4':30 from, we!lk kidney s and lame back, a'cloo\; MoodilY mornin "D09S It be,ong bere?'; aske<,l it. vlslt· g . He ' WIlS ODe Il,OO bott,le wholly oured Ole," or of the man in cllarge; . . These are Spu thern Peeled Peache "wrltue J. R. Blanke nship, of. ~Ik, u. v~otlm of the dread whtt~ "No more than ~he oth.e rs you see?" p.lagtl9; in syrup, large quart cans The bests Tenn, 0,n1y 500at.F red iJ, I:kJhwartz's .which had 810wly sapped "Seems to me it ahoqld be In. the hlS Vitality value for the money lUIy where. A ------ dur1ng the I08t eightee n months . f e w over-ri pe peache s in the lot, capitol of the Slat.e, where tl1~ scenery L.OST GOOD HORSE . Tbe fUneral will tuke place in the bring the price to n. ~ per doz, cans Is," said the visitor. ':It .was llainted for ~je Illata," r,eM . p. ohurch Wedne sday a.fterno on' 12c a Can plied the man In charge, "hilt when It ' Clas, Sblde.k er, of 'H~J'Veysburg, at 2 o 'olook and will be oonduo ted by was submitt ed' to the art committee lost 8 ' good horse last week .' Bis they re(used to accept' If" the pllstor Rev. . Rey.nol ds. 'l'he f - -- " . son Carl had l,sen out ' In Cbe coun. "What waB ' the , ol>jeCUon?" burial will be in t he oEUJietery n.t A large cake of pure white buttertl:Y and W&8 coming .bome, when the "You Bee, the sky Is overcast. The ~pring VAlley. mil~ soap-m ade ·to sell at double artist put Ih, .a·,gatllerlng 'storm, horee fell dead on the road. Carl the ·price. Lather.s freely in hard Imp ending ,calamity. The art Hke an ---- --~ ---commit.. escape d injury. Thili is the fir8t water. HAS OFFICE IN CITY 5c at. Cake tee said It was a reflection onJJ1~ r.ep· . horse Mr, . Bhidak er haB ever lost by utatlon at the state ; that a slor'm such death. Mr. U. G. William son bll8 estabas Is represented was w:iknown in that IOcaCon laUtude ' What o!1used. i~s death is not li8hed aD office in <Jinoinnatl, wha're ." . Now are selling, a 1 lb can of "Couldn't the artist put In a-notller known , ~ut in all llrobab ility it was he will be most of the time. His good rich Fish at a special price to sky one that accorde'dewith ' the state'. heart disease . land busines s hILS grown to such reduce the s tock. 'reputaUon ror ,sunshlne?" propor tions that he finds it imperu . su ppose he couJa, bllt 'be GOLDEN ANNIV~RSARY 3 Cans for 25c He"I said Ihat ·the 'r1,lmpl\s ti ve to looate in some large oity. "I'he. Obio State ~nnEla.y Sobool as ~[or:e e~:~tc=~~lecen:Vtr:~~/:: ARE BUSY MEN sooiati on wlil oelebra t.e It08 fiftieth What's the use buy one can for tUBed to budge, He lIent It here .. anni vereary at the ooming . State .' i The painter s and papur ha.nger s Scor lOe? You can buy a ' dozen here ', It remahis." Su.nday School Conven tion, to be c~ns of Wiscon sin pea#0t : 90(:. around town are IlS busv 11.8 CIID be held &t Springf ield. Juue 8, 9, 10, '1'he Conven tion will be kuown 8~ now, and'peo ple are in luok 'if they in first. the "Golde n Uonven tloD to nnd will can get their order .. ~ ..........____ 10e to 12c a doz. bring togethe r at least 6,000 enthllsi. Sharp Eye., Have just recQi~ eda $upply of asiio !:lunday-sohool worker s from Some persons seem to have opened ,l arge-size school Pickles . , Other va.. all parts of the I:!hlte, more eyes than others, th,ey see with rietie8; both bulk and in bottles , 8e luch force and dlstlnctn ess; their per dozen . . 'During the past year thouBallds of vilion penetra tes the tangle and ob. I " Sunday .sohool s i4) Ollio hal'e been I!curtty where that ot others .strivin g to teaoh the' Golden Stand· a spent 01' Impotent bullel {,lIlB like · ard of Exoelle noe" erected thtsye ar 8ye. did GUbert Wh'lte How many oP!!n? How APRIC OTS-F an'cY Royal,' 2lbs..25c . , an,! did Henr" Thoreau? How many .. worthy Ilnni verl!ar'y goal, .and" m PRUN ES- Santa Clal'a, .."8 .. Med'IUI)1 . SIze, did Audubo~! How many does the hunt. . . 5 lbII 25C . 'they will come up .to the Conven . er. matc'blng his sight against the keen Large size, 3 Ibs 25c tion with bonors . . and alert .ense 'ot a deer or a moose PEACH ES-=-:-Ru by Brand. !eIAbora.te progrll ln Arrang ements or fox, or a wolt? Not outward 1 ' eye.: Ch9iceMM~ir va:~iety" :7 to 8X "Cc but Inward, We open, ·~o.ther eye Large u~r var!ety , iLte being made with a view to mR~ when we .e" beYQ~d tbe 'firllt l1' 0 gepe'r~1 F~ncy McuIJ;' v~rlety, .. 7 !2~c lug this the greates t and most prllctf. ·feature , or outlIne . of . tblngllwhen· 'E'J . cal , Oouven tiun ever held in the ever ' we' graB'p the Ilpeclal b ' ,. detail. and ~~" I " Y "· V' State. ~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!"!!~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~i ' ,characterI .tlc: marking s that t~is '·, -The freshe~t ~d b~t'on the Watch J r4etail 8 ip f\~ture ' ia8ue8 mallt ooyers . . S<:,ence . ().on~e~8 , new . ket ' You wilt '6nd:'au st wnat .of this .,.per: P9wel'l ot vllllon, V(be~~ver YOl1 have want . . .. , .' learntld to discrim inate the bJrd8, 0,1 ' . , ~~atns ready after May I, may ,the plaoti, or. the ·geoJog.aaJ' featur~ " · be had ,by .pplyl~6' to Ohio &und!ly of ~countn'. It' III .~ It n.ew aud ~== :=jf~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~ keener ~. ~001 Aeeoola tion, lUQ1bus, OhiO, ' ~.r. added: -John 1Jurroulba. . '

1 will


To old Frie nds and Patr ons!

Notice to Contractors

I. E. K E Y S,

Ola ssil led Ads

ZIMM(RMAN'S: ·Howe Bros'.,



Wall Pap er,


h,. "






How e Bros.





• enn'syIvao'la T C.IIIcIDna. E EXcursion


Next Sunday




Tab le Pea che s

The Gaz ette

Is the', Best ·

Fin e Toi let'S oap

Pin k Sal mon

- - --...


.. ------

CaD Ded Pea s to

Lar lle Pic klfBS

Dri ed Fr,u it •


' t ., les .:==========.=~l ege


. M~iuin , for ' Adverti8in.g ,· ., , T<ry 'it! ! !












Joe Thompson was a Cincinnati visitor Sunday. Dr . Ellis andJesse Burton wer e in Lebanon on business Monday. . . Patl'oruze the ConfectlOnary Stand at Men's Supper Friday n.ight. D. L. rane and family spent Sunday with E. D. Burnett and family. C. H. lements and mother, Mrs. Bettie Clements, were in Lebanon Monday. If you want the Safest and B st Gasol ne Stove e v r muu t', call at J. H. Colemai1's. Luther Binkley, of Port William, was th e guest of Geol'ge Mills and family last week., Miss Emma Heighway and Mrs Cynthia Evans will leave Los Angeles for home on May 4th. . Albert Elngle, of Kansas tty. was . d th ( I f h' tn atten MCe at e unern 0 IS aUllt, Mr:l:I. N . B. Anthony. Mal'ian Hamilt.on and f all lily, of Lebanon, were guests of Mr: and Mrs. M. C. Liddy Sunday. --~ - .. - ---

190n--- - - --





The Neighborhood News

LIGHTNING _DESTR_OYED . SHED l :: . •• •• •• •• •• •• OelttWllra; Ohio, '\IHi) 2;;, ! III)II. I bundayevening abOtlt 7 o 'clock _. • __ .......................__.- -- -._-_-_-_-_._- ............. - - . -...~ .. ~ Mt'!l Wilford Elzey has been vel'Y 'Mv,II1II1' \.l i to!' :-1' 10 ... fln~1 hllif nf Ightning struok tba oornBnd tOUII Oth~ ~lJl'lll~ 'l'tI"", '\ltll' ,,1111"1' 1. rllli il." sick. co shed of Ed . Bunuell. \\lho lives Spring Valley. Flat Fork. on the Dayton lI.od Lebaoo ike Harris Moshet· was in Cincinnati , (UIlI'lI", UIILI 'he nul l",!;" .,· !'/I ,r '" III I'IO')(j and buroed them to the grou:d~ , Mrs. Ella Dlokey if! th e gue of J oseph Burgett , of W~ynesville, , \Ie eullell. COIJ}lU~l'l' t'IIIt<111 lillY is Sunday. oa ll ed 0 0 Messr s. Mef\rl ~nd Walker Neighbors wele immedia.tely on her ai ter , Ml' , J oho R eeves Sr , Try "Fortune's Wheel" at 1. O. O. O."',lD,,But O.II)IIJI IIII t" ln III· OllV Mrs . Eli zaheth Li~ ll t hi ser died Tarry 8u ndllY e venin g. t~ e soene, B .nd by hard work saved I,,) I.he olllllllo!e K"uirn prl1l'le u I.,.. 1\ di 1'- F. ,!lall, Friday night. 'fhuTSdllY morn ing' I~ t t,he h 0 10 1;l of aou Mrs. Amos Allen enter· ferent !lSP"lll, l.nllll til t.htl hl/;{IJ Rohool the horses b.nd oows, bnt his tobac- her dllughter , Mrs. .Tohn Holln nd talMr. Fred Schwartz was in Cincinnati n d a t dinner Sundu.y. Hilyes seDior L'o the Illtt.or It I!I>\ duy tul) last 'l'hursday. co crop and everything el e in the after se ver lLI yannI illn a8s oc' OrtlOP - Keever. wife and chihlren, Bowllr4 in g pllrlLl ysiR. Funerul 8 r vio8H \i'ulkreth, wi to IlOU sun, o f Lebanon , barn WtlS burned. · of tblllJll lit I hI' wlt4bttM I~nd oungru.tMr. and Mrs E. V Barnrart were ul.tloutl vf lellltiVtltl und 'Critmds; to in Cincinnati Monday '1'11e loss will be gr4lat, as hill to w~l'e held ' llDUtL,V m orni n ~ fr uOl nnd Miltou Howe, wife dod son, the }. . rieou8' ob uroll . B!II'r y,-of Htl, .. veYl.i hur ~ . tlle fOfllJ6r. it UltllHlI! the Intlel.lng, bu. 00 crop wu.s worth q uite Il suru of [I'rank Shidaker, of HarveysLUI'g,' Mr!l . •John Mol.a ughlin , of on, Mr . /.loll Mr=:! . '. V. Harness aDd grllppl1D~ wlt·b, IIrll.l couqueriul{ 01' mouey. was the g u !It of re ln,t1 v !l lllst wee k. 'I'om 11 urtt wore Wuy n us ville vif.iIwas in town Tuesday: .' ute's Krl!l~It:!tH. lH obltmu. 8UL I.holltl Irur I). tltn e it 100kell! IlS tb oug11 the Mrs . .Joseph Hlllt1., of Albuny, tors Silt urdllY. Don't miss the Red-Skins at 1. O. · f Utl wbo Rr6 UI)I. .'i'tlt, fO II.I { np Ull houtle might go, but the heavy Ind., attended the funeral Sunday. F hall, Friday night. M r s. A, B. rl'alUlage oalled on her .- Sbe rouud!! of the ·u ui varllity Iu.dder rain , waM possibly all thu.t sll.ved it. of ber mother , Mr!'. Li /:tht.hlser . moth er, Mrs. J ohn Garner Tburaday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were , and tberefore .hu va 't: 8uob wtlig It)' - • Mrs . ti. S. Eva.o is very siok . . -If YOll oontempla te t~ trip to Miss Katie Belt, ni ght opera t or at T r umlln,Wardlo w, of Biokoryvllle .. , ~rl . blem~ lelllllOI( upon us, I1r8 car shopping in Dayton Monday: tbe Pan-handle of 'l'exIl6 witb .he the Citizen ExohlLn ge Is takiujl her ?I\\l ~d 00 UlJllrle~ tiarness Uond fam, {.tt.lolY enjoying f.b~l!e lovel.v tlpring Mrs J. F. Cadwallader spent last o vnollt.ton . Mi!ls Liltzie 'oleman fill ed Ily IlndlLY ovenlng. day~. Thursday and Friday in Dayton. prospeot of, it will pily h I '"'t 1 EJ' . ' t d .... t d you big to see Dlft .. 0 • fir p aOA . . .., rllWI ~ I' ,.lnger VI St e o il. ur ay 'Th86e ure tilt' du .vs wllell, Ilfter tl Mrs. Edith Hal'ris returned home ' . ~" IlD now Mips LUfJY Bootes visi ted in O,IY- IUld :::Iundrty with fr iends lu Waynesh.rd wlnttlr'tj wui Il. the onl\uge IIto- from Cincinnati Satul'day evening . furoi sh land several dollars on ton I_a t week . vill . dent I )v tv wllik III I.U t' l)" IIllY 8 UD - . Misses Donna an4 Emma Hawke tile acre ohellper than anv of the ' \Ina. Smith was shopping Friday Mr El. E ll a B. ~tein ill visiting he)' abloe Ilnd 10 ,lrt!l~lU. ADd tbe ,(lrl .. 00D1punlel:l runnin.." epeoia'} si t er, Mrtl. 'layton Hun'man, of were sh opping in Dayton SalUl~d ay. . .ours . in Dayton . ·"re just aM fopt} uf It Itl! !.hl! boys, lit eto., Ilnd charging big oommi!!_ Auna AnalJee vi ited ver SuOIlay Leba.non. Try some of the Dutch-Irish Medle.LsS they very unen ooo!lent t go sious. 1 represent no firm !lnd with XeLia relatives. 'i'homus Hurtt was entertaiued A.t can IIhow you some fine proposi. The I . O. O. F. oelebru.ted their dinner :::Iunday at the home of John opon ibe very \dlW~I0I11 WlIlkti wbioh ley at Men,s Supper, Friday night. B S Howell and E. V. Barnhart Former Residents tions direot from the owners 1 th annlvorsftry Monday night Edwards u.nd family_ I oartaio yOlln\( meo btL ve OILrel ully . April 27th . A pot pie 8upper was M lSS ' l All h b b .. , . plalloed befvrehlu1d. 'fhese Ilre the plotored to Hamilton . S unday afte r~ Tbe wbeat In tbe Pan-handle is served. nez en , w 0 II.S een . a"'J.8 of "stofe'Ll dlAles, II and wOt! b noon, Mr. '3llmuel NewtllD,' wife and fiue nnd good prospects generally. The town hip f!c11001s will olose ::I;~~hnro :!r ~~=:~:;~,l1:~/:~h~~i onto the 'pilI tloipll.Uts it ollought. You will meet a "Warm Friend" if daughter Hnlle)', of Ubdtllllooglt, It will pElY Y011 to see me Ilnd MI1Y 7th holdiD I? n1i.l8s m eeting on 11a~j !l1:t olosed for summer vacation. ·:rhe collegl') tltu~horl1!ies oll...n I·blll you attend the Men'a Supper Fl'iday hlive \!tdled for En/l)IlDd, whe~e arrange t o go down on May 4 . - - thl\ d~n the '1'own l:Iall. Miss Lola !:Imith entertained on the IUand/lrd of Slltf I!tudents' work night they will tlpeod I!everll.l moutbll In .J. J . Downiug, Xenia Ohio Miss Bertha Anderson is oonfined Sat.urllay evening IIot 1\ play party In l~ ~owered duriD~ 'thiUerm, because MessrS. Up heTe White and W . E. r6()reat.ioD Ilnd sigbt seelug. Mr. -... ' ' to her bome with mea.slos. . hon 01' of her elg~tel:lnth birthdny Newtoll made Il visit to Waynellvilltl ELECT TEACHERS Mr8. Eugene Kent and son, of a.nniversarv. A grell.t number of of gr.,..t tendency to btl onto01 O'Neall wer Cincinnati visitors 1118t fall. a·nd hlld a very enjoyable BeII vue, Bre t.le ) gues t s.o f h er lJar- the young folks were present and doors. 'j,lb"refortl I.bey 8 rgua thlll Sunday. time, notwitbstandlng he hll.d been At 0. Dleeting of the direotors of ents, W . V. Luoe a,od Wife. enjoyed a good time. Tbose presw~· "bonld .. t ... y in mars. Hut . stnol' Dr. and Mrs. A T. Wright w~re muny years away from hero. Lust the Uorwin. 8ohools latlt week the Wm . Alex· nder, wife and dBUgbeot fiere: Misses Ethel Wardlow, 'he oate I tar wone than the die- uests of relatives in Springboro . , , .t h f ter of Cedarville, visited over Suo- Lizzie Jaokson, Eva Frazier, Luoy g reports are thllt they are well and 811.We ello ers were ~leoted Or the du.Y witb relati veil. Kophart,Orie Allen 'Myrtle HarD888, Mk the waruinll is not b!!eded. eojoying the outing. ooming sohool term. Bessie OolliDS, Nellie 8,o.roess, Mary . In "tbl~ ~IOlI; 1.II&8e tiltH Is uppermost $und~. Gail Russum, of Dayton, was the Under the mllnagement of Prof . New Burlington. Stiles, Inez Allen, 'Josie COlliDS, jOlt DOW. Ohio Welll~llu ba$ a MillS Jenuie Gough, daughter of Jobn oruming8and Mis!! Ada Snook Goldie WlI.lto and Effie Idtlles i 6De 'urn fohla IIIlIUlOO ·. ·.rhey art< guest. of his uncle, O. J , Edwards Qunday . ' Ii former re8jde~t, Oaptl1in Goug u. the obool 'b as become' a good one Our tellchers a.ttended teaohers' Mes Til .Teo.n J effrey, Guy BrAnpul1lng oft" . viotorlaA cy-'ry wberc and, family 'Y ' n o D , Oarl St, John, Wille Jack. Come in and see· the New PerfeeImived In Slln Fra.noi!loo a few dc~y and the boarll is td be oongratulated me tiug in S pring Vu.lleY OU' Frlday son, Earl Qray, OrvUle Burns, Artie ~e" 10. I..J\st lS"tllrd~y tbey 'Won tion Wi~k B~ue-Flame Oil Cooks at ago from B,ong Kong, Uht08, where on seouring these oapa.ble inst.rnotp.m. . Oampbell, 911ver lrrazi&r, RlIoy~olld ovet Oti\o'dt&te by .. ~oore, of 5 to 1. J H Col " she hlld been for more tha.n six ors (ur another year, . Buok Run sohool olosed on Friday TUL1s, Hert WillIam8, Melvin W'aitea, , i 010118 witlll\ hearLy', reotllumendll- . . eman s. ' months' • _ ot Ill. t week. A pleat-ing proglam Frllok OI1SS CUnton MoPherson tlOU of 0 io Wtlliley&n to any wb .. J. H. Baily and wife, of Wilming- M.iss· Gough wu _ employed o.t STOLE LONG RIDE w~s render~d nnd t,he tflaober re- Howard Tibbals, Clarence Jlllen: may lMt ·p l ~QtlJg ~ oollege ooarse ton, were giJest~ of George Mills a n d . . . oelved a number of remembranoes Lee T~lwa~e, Walker Terry, Hugh family laSt week. Robt. Olll.r~ 1\ book store In Cinoln. ? . from Ilis pupils . Burgett, Robert Wllrd, Joseph Btu'~ery l!Iinoerely, nati for many yean, and hah II. host Fred Penoe presumably . stowed 'fhe Friends' MisslonarY' Sooiety gett, Thomas Collins and wife. Elm~" ,J . Odrmooy , MJ;8. Mason, (if Lebanop, is IiIpend .. of friends here who ' wlll be g}I1d t.o bimseU aw,ay In the car ~bta.ining met at the home.of Mra . A. a. Bar· FlI.rmers are very bnsv with their ---,- ~ing a tew ~Y8 'lith h,~r parents, Mr. know she. is tn America llgaiD. Thos • .~ell. goods laat , week, aud Ian on Satnrday .. They !ire takin.g spring work Rooh as teD06boUdiog ..NEW· CENTURV CLUB -and -Mrs. M.e. 'Liddy ... . wHl ~y &od reaob Eugene Oreg. up the stud~ of Mlsslon8 In th~ East o.nd ~to. ," r. . ' Taf 'f . .) Oli ol ' nD ti nA'pera eo tly hod an Fred WBS ml'ssl' O the s"me do and are pleased w , itb the worlC.' k F ran t,, WI e Bnu daughter, of 0 1... ..y Ml'sse"~ Murgaret •• itohell uDnd Homer Deatherage was a. reo,enS 'The Nttw C"o.,~lirv U1ub wi'! dt\·. t 'f1M W rG e.n ' h' d h tb }f d h g ~ , ... ~ ,. Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. aocouu 0 rs m. oug ~ eat. e Oar e t, an 118 not been seeD Hazel Hl1yes, of Wilmin ton oolle e business v.isHor io X~nia, )~~u~eD~r~u~b Mrs. G oug hhdbee . . , " MnJ: W. Will Wlute ove~ Sunday a D _--, ....n~Jl.l·df~~~~~~~~~.~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 \:Ie , were ere on ttrll ay n t 1e lUter· Mrtl. W ill Dunn and Miss Efuel White OD April 2ard. The end 0 .' . ' ' y ' ellrs the impressl' on lS . ou t th a t h e ha d es t 0 f th eDOT ... L I ' i' ''' It b Hi t' 10 d' SquIre and Mrs. J. T. Brown, of, ' . . . Sororl' ty, W b'10h W81'dl ow were H arvoye burg v i ..i ton .ue ell8OD8 n 11101{ s 0t:y, ~o. . Will GO'llth left: Waynesville sev- stowed himself lUIlong the goods in wu.s in thA Journal oontest for a Friday. ';. 118 .aU interested In l·be 'plany aood CentervIlle, were guests of Thos J. ' piano. 'l'bey Otlwe out seotlDd wio. d ' b Brown and family SUijd~. eral ye!,l'8 ago" .and looo~ in 8t. order toget a free pa,ss!lge west. ning a '300 Krell piano, , Edgll.r P. ,Barr, of Edenton apen~ ,bini" UlIlt bit o"m~ ~u,~ of ,,11 t e . I . . Louis, but. ~ul'lng the last four or • - • At t' f h B ' d f ~d Thursdav mght ~t tbe home of Mrs bad wb.ob h~d, be88t J!lDgl"nd in·ber :,Mrs, Oliarlotte 'B urton has been five years haa ~"";'n living at 'HntTHROUGH ON FREIGHT II. mee lOgO t e o~r 0 'I" u- Joho Garner . , b h d...ted t f h . te 'M G yvg . oation, qf Spring Vl.llley tORnsllip . ' . '\' . • t 1Y "",ya, W~D 8 e ,. ,8tlrug• ., e gllejJ .O er I!I8 1', rs. eorge well, Ohio, . being employed In II. '. on Friday of latlt week, Olive .Aua'MIS!! Nellie Gibbs spent the week ..-;.~ ov~o tlle evlb whioh he't "rnt Hartsock for a few ·days. Cinoinnati hardware IItora. El1rl Roblnsoo st.arted for Eugene, bee Watl reemployed all teBoh.e r for end at her pluental hOOle io SoQth b~ p...ied upon ber, !lod we I M~rs A. ~ Gil~.ore"of Le~anon, Mrs. Gough leavee a husband <?reg., 1l1st w~ek with the goods an.d Fairview school, ~est of town, Miss Leba,non. ./ . .ia II~d ·to have .left her in tbe and F. M. Lower, of Canton, Ohio, and four obildren to lJiourn her de- pony belc>nSlDg to Tb~. Zell' ,It IS TWhoodruffh for fCralghsi northll 0lf here. - - -....,--. -- - _baQdI of 1,0 eJoeUen ~ . woman as were in town on business 'last 8athr' " " long journey and a tiresome -one e· 001\0 ers or t s 80 00 were Spring Branch ~~A ·Viotori,&. .. . • . day. . . I mise. BS io all probability it will tlAke a~ not deoi_d_e_d_u_p_O ....D...._ _- - · Jjo, •• ~~:V tlme Q~~h~~ sbe lleas~n . We have Ik>me verY nice Osage Mr. J H. Oaakey writes us from lellst two weeks to mako the t~ip. Wellman. Wednellday baing another mUecoold we reoorCl;lIo lew a~nteee ,a8 Fence Posts '. for sale. Call and. get Dayton the fol1l:lwiD~ letter: "YOll Earl willlooate there and as it is stone of Mrs, Ada Dakin ber. trje~d8 .. t)1i, JJleet)D~r . Our MtL,' meeting prices Spencer and M~nroe, Ore- no doubt .have' learned before this a 'g rowiog town,will'not dnd It hard Mr. and Mrs, Elvin J!'ires and oonolu~ed to s'¥6rise hitr Idnnday .. PQltpoDed nntll early . tn June to gonia, Ohio ; _ ./ ' letter reaobes you that we are going to seoure 11 good position . daughter spent Tuesday a.fternoon with II. inner. 08e preaent were: ""old nODft'... , 'wltb 'be (Jouut" ~un En h Wh't ' I ted B. to ie'\.ve the '(Gem bity" Ilnd in the . • • with J~ob 8ears and wif,e, Mr. o.nd Mrs. Diokson Wharton,ot •• iT' IV 7 ec . M.t.Bolly ; Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dakin, . clq 80hpql Conv~ntiQn wHioh' is to ,~ 1 . . qmp e a USll)~ nea;r ~nture wiU ' re~ide near t~e DAIRY FEE~ Mr. and Mrs. George Ell!!;! enter- Mr. and ·Mrs. Frank Cooli and danghi. • be held hue the 'llI.t 'of May , Medn 8). AssoCl,~ttond, at G~n~~ur~, '\tJttyof :'Cedarfl." SO in a tlhort mined Cbllrles EUis a.nd family to ter Maude, Mr. and .Mra . Bert M.,:"a~r=-_~ I .• • Ioaat wee~1 an is at pJ.'esent 10 S u , II. an · anghter J.;enl\, of Ms Holly. 'l'BII:,.811:0RBTA~V. . RUlhville Ind. .' . " , . wb.Ue <!Uf ll!1dress will . ~e Lebanon, dHngs, OlltS aod Cloro for sale, nny Mrs, Will Dunn and daughter Mr. u.nd Mrs, George Pratt. Mr. and · . "'l,' 'i.:.-.,--"~.~ .. ....~__.~-..:.,.., _ ." ' . . . . - . . ,; .. • Ohio. Ou~ short stay in Dl1ytoo oalled on George Boglin and family Mrs , Edward Cook, and danghter ·,BusiNESS' ~ MeN'S , 'ASSoCIATION' . ~leses. ~argUerlte ~o~pson, Vf I~- ' h'a,s been a very : pleosa.nt one, ",nd I1mOUn t. W ~ VlLLE MtLLS. Thursday afternoon. . 'GlenDII,; Mr, and Mrs. Eroest Dakin , " '.',' \ -,' " _.' ' . lt~ed Macy ru\'d ~ane M111er ~Islted Ply butlDess relations with tile pe~Mrs. George Davis "nd Mrs, E llrn- Innd soo Russel. Misses 14attie and " MAAdJl '~~~DiD'1 w.\\s th~ re~ul~~ iri X:e.?i~ fr0t? ~d~..~0r.ning·until pie with whom I have been 1l8l:l0ciat. WERE IN NEBRASKA est Mannon were guest.s of Mrs./ Florence l:iel8, . .J; H. ObenO- · ~ h ~ <. Sunday e.venmg , MlI.ry J. Clel1ver Werlnesday . weth !lud dauKhters, Bertha and .'meeS DI,ntght Qt '~e'r8ul\ineMli Men'l:I ", . ' . ..:... ~Q8 been .very o;)ngenial, the A post cu.rd from the Zall family Fra.noes o.nd son Jaoob Mr. Wilbul' A,iiioOI~SioDf an'd it · 8S, ~elr .t.teo<\ ' ':. ~iBS Oarrie Thom~, of. l.c?~isvi11e.'~~mol'y of whioh ltiha.11 hold ',n the stIlted t,bat they would reaoh Chey nO~~U!~::~~!I:~~~tA~I~!d~~rt~~:~~ Dakin, M~ank a.nd family. ·tel. : Boo~~o. ~~~~..,..,. w~s ~r~084ot '~'I, returned ~~ . b~~. ho~~ after a bigbe8~ esteem. , I can assure you !lnne, Neb., last Mondll,y evening. MrS. Ed. Vsnooater o/lolLed on Mts. AU hnd n. good ~he re~ived ' ed~d twO neW meDlber. wete taken ~onths v'18lt WIth her nep-hew; _pd my frteDdsio general thatl olln They Ilre 1111 well "nd tboroughly Stella Whitsel Mondll.Y atternoon III. great many Dloa post oards, and a . ". • 'l' "J' . • • (. • C ·u Ro",,·tz· I . " . . . . very fine post card album from bel' hh f .'1 • ',. " . ' , i.. ; ~'.' ,' ,.,~ ~r, ., .' . •I l~_ bllok ,ln the y~lU's to com~, with fDJoylng tbe trIp. Mr. II.nd Mrs, Ob!ules Burge Bnd busband, ! N... BOe of ~")l oents .[S to he tm . M're.,Sarah C. Allen · and . Ml!3S Ern pride, ,to think that I have been 110 daughter, of . Wilmington, IIpeot M d M 'i'h . H h ' 8cl·OD.6eent ,re8~den~_ uU~O)~f. Ima' ¥eI<ay will' arrive horne 'Thula- tortnntite in t.bls businetls reilltion. Caesars 'Creek. several da.ysI8~twflek with 66O r 8e th r han t[s. , OJ:W1S ass av.a lQfShtl ~a!'be~eettDg" are exp(,ot:' IdaY from St. Pe~.:abul-g, Fla' : where Ollr business' outlook is getting Bog~n I\nd famdy . e r eum~ sm. . . · .... ~ ~"~ll tt.An.i"d, ', Du.~ notioe th y hav~ ~"l;tlie wintir :' tirlgbt.r a& the days oome and go Mrs. Esther UomptOIl ie some but Mr. and Mrs. Ed. · Brown and . Mr. Wilhe Daklll is on the siok il:i' . ," " ~ r -' 'V' •. ' ~ ., ., -j'.E!. , "~: "' . • '. I ' ' , . ' . ' , ter ut this writing. daughter were gnests of Obarles hst. ~ Df.l1 m'eettJ;llaw.~ll~· givtto, tlt~ugb ., , Ifyou:wantorn~~m~~~hoi~ .li d qU! ~uslne'8s ~noreBstng eoep The Patrons of the Buck Ron Brown o.nd family Sunday. Mr. FI'Rnk Hess and siaters, 'FI1Y • thil,~ ' ~11 will be.dnb ./qranite:ware, or ~thing in the tifl . . t:lU~ . Po~er Washing rua- 80hool gave a dlnoer at the sohool • - • o.nd Glee ftttended a party Saturday .. : .. ....• :. ware line call in·apd Bee'me i' ' . a,e i!ltr:<?d uoed ~nd the peo house on FridI1Y:. Mr. Wilson Ga.ICQrwin. night. ILt t·heir brother W~lter Be88' bJ,~ la~lI. w~re . . ., ' , '-. jt Colem~n; beoo":l6 ~~O)t1iBr wl~h them !ls Il loway, of XeD1& bll.vlng olosed 110 of near Xenia. , " ' hlJlll~: 1Io0...t the .,~, . . ," .' . .: . great labor Baver, I feel , by my loov- very 8uOO6s!!fnl year. M.r8. Thomas Laoy has the rheufor' . M-:s. ~l~n<la has b~n ing tlie 'OOmpanY it will in no wily Miss L~uiRIl Oompton has been on . tb~ mtl8Siot( apendiog several her si..... interfere with u~ bti~lne61! fntnre t,he siok hBt.. . 1~!~'j~~~~~~::~~=-2~ ' tier '.' '-,.., "A!l Adult Bibleolsss was org"nized. ~~ . Its Mr l at~~. wtIlin a sbort time at tbe Sunday !Sobool on Sunday. tlve tooa.te llera ~D<\ tlL~ea , mo,re 89 The': 'l'elio~er's Tra.i nlng 0la8S will .l!..~lrle·;:''''"la''?'I.lnl;etI88' tb.n, he hal been able to do meet at tbe ohuroh 00 Tuesday ev· ~he p8t4t. ',. . ening. ·· ,:' : . ... •t"....--::,...::.. · - -B1I.r~ ~yt)e " and wife visited the Illttere pare"t"~n ~undILY. c







.... ..---






• I



.- .






NO NEE D TO TAKE CHANCEG Thc,:re Is a Sure Way of Kn OWing Good Paint Material.



O ld You Know Wh at

T hei r

Nam es

Were ?

T he f'xternnl llHrtll of n hlro . AS r ~ to b~' orn!UlOlo~la t fi In th Ir d e.. s['rlpll01113 oC form and 1'1u !Ill\.(; . are nam d as fo llows: 1. Th e bill or benk. con s i s tln~ of up. per a ud lowt' r ma nfllbl rs (horny sh al hs of the jaws): th e top rl tlg Is - -- - - call ed t! . • ulmen: the cut ti n.s:: ('lIp'e WISE TO NIAGARA . tom lum ; .. ud the llJe mbrRnr. wh ich In AL A. r~1I1 ~mll~ 7" sn lel h e . some bIrds s urrounds the basL, lho " II'! 11 " 8nlo l 1\ Il)ng cr"~,,d!l . cor . Tho BUrr hairs which fr equcnt· - 1'1111 (\ \pllia. R cord. ly sp rln ~ about the an g le or [;811e of tho mOllt h . lIro rlcfs l bristles. 2. ~os · FOOT WRESTLING. tr l1 . I' uarc!\. a. La res. o r lo ra l spaces. 4. ForC'h a.d . 5. Crown ; a A New Sport Which Will Provide Fun patch or color h re Is call ed a cap. G. Aurl cul nrs. Ceothers coyerln g the for the BOys. openings or tho ('01'. 7. • 'ap . All scboolboYl:I know more or Dnc ll, t h featilerll overlying th o uppe r less about wr sillng, anel many are par l houldcr ) at tho wlnS (!J) v 1')' 1 \'c r IItll hoxel's: som e are Tell ber-Johnn y, cnn you teU me no vices in Iho sont!il ar·t of fenco and ee IlIOst r emarkll,ble thing about Nt· si nglesllck. but which of YOIl has eve r agara F alls? WI' ll11ed with his feet ? We do not Jolmny-Yessum; tbe prlc they mean the ordinary trick of wr aWng 'eoaJc ;rOil for overy thing without g Oing us you know it, t ripping an odv rsary, to "throwing th heel," as some call A CURE FOR FITS. overthrowing n comrade. where hanrls and nr ms, t oo, are nsed. Foot wres· ""'e Treatment 10 to Accomplish t1in g is Ii little science of Its own. WlIat. Science Has Been StrugIU1(1 quite unlike the ordinary (ests ot gll"g to Attain for Centurle• . s trength ihat com und r lhe head of wrestling. The 'intm in t rest thnt has been mllnl. Ceti&ld througbout t he coun t.ry by the wonSuppose YOI1 hove had several wres tlJer£aI cures t lln t are being nccompli..hrd scapulars. 10. Rump. 1 1. Tall·co\,· tli ng bou ts with a schoolmate wbo Is ~ b7 cpilc,Pticide still continues. It is erts, over the root of tbe tail. 12. Tall· slightly older, beane r or stronger than ltILily lIUl'pl'islDg the vast number of I}eo· die wbo have a1rendy been cured of fits quill s (remlges); the rin g of minute yourself, and have ruways met defeat ~ ftCnOUBtUl6S. In order that e\'efl'body feathers about the eye forms t he orbit; at his ha nds, says th People's Home IIIIl&1 have a challce t.o t st the metlic:i!le, the color of the Iris Is ImpOrtant, and Journal. It is qui te natural for 'yoU to 1~ tTint bottlcII, vslunble literature, H.i . should be noted In lICo or soon after, want to overthrow blm , and that Is ~ of EpUep8Y Ilnd ~ti monillls, will be • 1; by mail nbsolu t I)' free to aU ,vho as It Qhanges rapidly a fte r d eath . Toke a very good way to feel, too, for the wing next. 13. L esser wlng·cov'lo to tbe Dr. MAY Laboratory, 5ol8 heolthy compeUtion of this sort makes 1'tSarl Stnlet. New YOJ:k City, erts, on th'e bend or edge of the wing. men at the bes t k1.Ild as the boy athU. Middle w lng-oov rts. 15. Second· Her Answer. An Atchison girl had a proposal of aries. 16.. Primary coverts. 17. Sec· 1I1JUTiAge S11Dday nigh t and asked a ondary .qull1s. 18. Pl'lmary or wing ...~ to'thlnk It o,",er. She went t o all Quills (rectrlces) . The wing hero Is folded; when e.~panded, the ·or ber mnrried ·slsters. One, who used shown ~ be a 1Hille, bail three cbHdrell, did all mensure ment from tip to Up across ber own work and hadn't been to the the bac k is called alar extent. All 6Ieater or oot rldhig smce sbe was tlIls far described constitute the " up· man1et1. Another, whose husband 11'8.1 per parts." We turn now to the "low· .a promlslog Joung man at tbe time er par ts." 19. Chin. 20. Throat. 21. . Mho was married, was supporting Breast . 29 to 24 .• Abdomen or belly. tUm. A thlrd didn't dare say 23. SIde or tlank, largely under the her life was ber own when ber bus- wing. 24. Under-tall-coverts, back of '_4 was around. and a fourtb waa dl- the venl 25. Leg (Ubla) . 26. Tarstl.s, 1'OfC8d. After vIsiting tbem and hear- or shank, showing Bcales; when as In ing tlaelr woell, the heroine .of thi. lit- thrushes these Lock Heels as the Bout tJe talc went bome, got pen, ink and front Into a conUnuous plate, the tarBegins. 'Paper and wrote an answer to the sus Is said to be "booted." 27. Toes, an 7 0ung mail. . You waa ra'fusbI.g blm, but It wasn't. She said nry strong, are said to be talons. The 16tes grow beyond school days. SupIdle' could be read,. In a month.-A.tcb· membranes connecUng t he toes in pose you get this chap who hna so consistently "thrown" yon to engage "wlmmlng birds are called webs. tBOD Globe. In a friendly bout of too t wrestling, Couldn't ConvInce the Judge. and completely turn tbe tables on him "I baYe Ileard of the soul ldll8 and A HEARTY LAUGH OR TWO. and lay him on the grass Just as often 'IdII8e8 of other kInds, but I never heard as he has pushed your shoulders down ,(I( a man blUng his wife as au eTldence The Rea'ol:l. the other " 'ay. That would make you his affecUon tor ber." remarked Jus· "I s'pose they feel almost as proud '8S s~orlng a ftlat tllee O'Neill of BaltImore, Md .• wben call me H enny In algebra, wouldn't It! -Qeorge Phoebus, age4' 27, of East Bal· because I 1 a y Foot Wrestling Is almtlst enllrely a tlmore street, endeavo"oo to explain around th house contest of skHl and agility, and while ·tIle bttillg of his wlf , for whIch of· so much."-New strength helps a lItUe, It w1ll fall overy fense ahe bad him arrested. Mrs. York H erald . time befor e superior s1dU. Plaoebua aoM her husband deliberate1'wo boya face ,each other, each It" bit her on the cheek. and , though Educated Grocer. stancllng on one leg, wI t h the other ftJe pniD WaS excruciating. he said that mlstcr," leg extended. and tbelr heels locked "Say, it was a "love bite." The Justice fined said tho small together as th e picture shows. It Is btm five dollars and gave him ten daYB. boy, breathlessly, a stonishing what a firm grip YOU can in jail. . "lake down thls ge t of an opponent's ankle In · this Caught on the .Rebound. order, quick; I got way. Tb en by a sudden jerk one tries t'he old. man was er a ance, so that or loss wayward son on the e vils of Two pounds of he will si t down s uddenly, while the «eUlng 'np late In the morning. calfee at 45 cell Is; .first gazes In triumph at him from hIs "Remember." he said . "that It was three and one·half pounds of sugar erect pOSition. ftle early bird tbat cau ght the worm." at seven cents; six boxes of You may stand on Ithe r leg you "But bow about Lhe worm . dnd?" cocoa at 2( ; two dozen eggs at 32, and qneried the youth, who thou ~ht he had fOllr /'lounds of butt or at 40 cents. choose. As you see, In the lIIustra· tion, one boy' stands on his right leg Ills sire up In the air. "Where did his How lUuch dl).e s it come to?" with bl s lett extonded, while tho other reward for getting up early come In?" " Four dollars and eighty·threo cents. "t am Informed." replied the old my little man ," snld the grocer. " What boy bas chosen to battle with hie ri ght leg. Most boys find It better to miW, gravely, "that the worm was on add ross , please?" . stand on their r ight leg, for you can bls way home-hadn't been In bed at "Gc-'e! Thanks!" said the school boy. keep your bala nce ea sier with tt for a d. n as he madc hi s escl1(lc. "That was the foundati on, hop ' from side to side And there being not hi ng more to only one I couldn't do!"- Success Quicker and be more steadily pOised In 1iI6Y, the youn g man snJd noth ins. Magazlno. every way. On the firmness of your baso as woll as on your skill and SICK DOCTOR genemlshl ll dopends the Issue of tile UNTYING·A-KNOT TRICK. contest. The boy who uses bls right Proper Food Put Him Right. How It Is Tied and How You Can Fool leg to "hold" with, and stands on his Your Friends. left one, often finds that he cannot Tilo food experle llce of a physician movc qulckl), e nough to withstand a In. bls own caso wben worn and weak {mm sickness anll when needin g nour· TI n double knot In a sillt hand. move of his opponent, and over he ishmen t the worst way Is valuable: kerchief, as shown In t he accompany. goes. "All attack of grip. so sovere it came Ing sketch nnd The battle Is seldom won by a cUn ellr making an e nd of me, left my ti ghten the last rect [lui\, But suppose he should swing stomach In such cOndition I could .not tie a little by his leg tar to t he right, forcing your ret.n.I.n MY ordinary tood. 1 kn e w of slightly drawing leg to the left? Th,e n you hop nimbly COttJ'Se tliat I must have food nourish· tho two upper to the left, and as you do thls you ment or I could' never recover. ends; then can. will find tb'a t his push will enable you "1 began to take tour tablespoonfuls tlnue to tighten to make a very big hop, Indeed. Aa of. Grape-Nuts ·and cream t bre timos a much more, pull. soon as yoti land you hop forwar4, day o.nd {or 2 wee ks tWs · was almost Ing ylgorously at pushIng with . your ankle against Ms, m,p only food; It tusted so d eUclou'3 the first corner of and unless he has changed front with tbat I enjOYed it Immenscly and my the handkerchief, remarkable qU~ckne8s, he will fall over ~llUlch handled It I} rfectly from tbe' 8.~d as thIs end on bls .left side, kerfiop! ' Or, you may · firSt mouthful. It was so' nOl1rlshlng I belongs . to the keep merely on the defensive 'for a was quickly buJit baCk to nOl'mal same corner ' it long . time by' clever foot work, hopileall.h and strength. cannot be pulled much without loos. ping every way your opponent tries to "Gmpe-l'iuts hi of great value as enlng the 'twlsted line 'ot the knot to swIng your, and not ex~rt any food to llustoJn lICe during serious at- become ' a straight !lne. The other strength agalnst ,b l.. o'f cours8., he tliCk!; In whIch the sllJmacb Is s o ' dec),n r fot·nls .a slip' knot 'on the en'd, will tire much .qulcker than you: th~~ ranged It CaDltot dIgest. and a ssimilate which Clln be drawn out wllhout dis. WI1~, tor'hla exertions ~re. iio!lb~e yours,' ,oth r foods. . turblng' tho form , or apparent 8,ecurlty ,and then a fe~ qulci(, jerk/J on }I'o ur ''1 am conv:lnced that weI' ("~apEl­ ot the knot, .a t the momen t when you part will !Julte overtarow: lil.m . · . The Nl1ts more wtdeJ.y ueed · by llhyslcinns,' cover lb.;' knot With the unused p.atf c~ances are that In,. tb put yqu l~ would sn,~ , many 11\'(18 that are oth· of the handkerchief. . . off ,your ba.)ance be wlll blJ;Dself ge,t a « wise lost trom lack of noul'lshmenl" . position where a sUghi, sbove PI' jerk . Wh n the trick Is to be perfo.rmed, ~rom you send blm sprawling. Absolnt I)' tlte most II rfC<l1 (clUd In :.iaYI; the l'opular Mecbonlcs, tie the world. Trial of Grapc·NUll! 10 days or three vex:y bard knpts that are III'Ovcs. ''Thero's 8. Reneon." . Look: In,pkg, (or tb littlo book, " The tIghtly drawn nnd sbow your audience that they am Dot easy to untie. The Road to Wellvl1le." . IIUp knoL ' as de8crlbed thea muat be In apPlU'ently tJJe same \Jutled \\'Ith tbe tJilUDb . r(,~J'('d


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.. III tile fOld.

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Tll'c ~'r'12

Humorous T hought Thnt OcCurred Jim When He First Oocupled HI. New 'Whlte "£iald."

The prlze .to-dIlY flues to a VI,.~ lllll · " omllll. 'who sonds me this d lu'kY stor y: lQ'o !No 1Hl~rmo My colorod g irl n t only kecps my '~ ~ p $'. hOIl De ill xQul6t l order, but Is l>Toud .~ or 'h e ll1any nr paraliou I' a m- of he r (llI' n homo /lu d sp(lndtl time ' . F or on ove ry clay '''ash droos, and motll'Y on I 'he purchnsed a. '\thl girl s (rom fO llr to fOlll't oen . hnl.s ar Ul ellti etl to I; O fJ flI t! hulr In onrl 1\ 1) 11 nsie r for nnwl ·tl rl:! to mallo or i8 11:11111'1 bed alld I a skod b e l' If bel' hu of s tr3"-. plainl y tI' l 111 1111.1d. l"un ny lit· I tlo m llSh rao Ul shall 8. In (nncy or m n!'! flITt 'Uv<'. ven in dam p w alhe r, bane! Jlk d It. "Yessulll ..1Im he like d:lt wblt 'ba l plain st l'l\W, 111'0 Sl'on, t rimmin gp. often tha n balldllill1(1, ' made fr0111 qulllr.e tRkln g tho furm of bias I ngths of s d. 1l Is hitI'm I S8 a nd It III s J clone 'A'it- be li ke jt a1\ right. JJB ' \ nl sh t I lind don flx dn.t bald UD wid mu ll which wrap t he CrOWD sea1'f·wlse. straight lock ll lu cLlr l. T b!) ollly obj<'ction to II Is thai wh C'n a IIprnld nil' I got nl'w plnershollls an' ami end in a oft s id or front knot . A pale bluo 01' bright plnIt tllllsh· dry it. a s!; llmes n p(lwd rr ClSp ct Bug· ft 1001. mou"'ht y cl a n B.n· W'blle. Jim he onfl r'oss heHo'f nn ' glt I" t~ ba ld, room for n chIld of t. hr or fO llr lIlay ges ttv(l (If nne !landrulT. n old m el hod at PI' paring Ibis nn' h e 110 dere and doan lillY nu tlin' bo trirum II with white In this way. tweJ1 I h 'ar him say lo' : or the II cklng may be wid whlto tollot presf' rvali ve Is to add a taul " 'Lizzia-' t nffeta ri bbon wbicb tails In a flualnt spoon fil l ot t he seeda. hTII IsEld, to 11 pint of soft wat 1'. n oll " pnt ly tllIUJ ." ·\.... 011 ,' I soy. 'wh a~cb r wan', Jlmr sloppy bow OH' r tbe le Ct ar. ., ·Llzzle. d OCR yo' !mow what I In fa ct, QunILlt n ~~s Is the lrernoto th fluautlty I s reduced to three glBl!. of nIl th b at clll1<1 millin ery, anrl It The n strain. and wh Eln cold two tahl a. min ds myse'C of In dis whIte bald l ' "·No . .11m, I donn know wbllt .,0' achl(ln's this qun llty tbrough slllall· spoonfuls nch at oologn and alr01l 01 ness of s hope a nd rI mure trimming . nro adtl<,d. TC the halr Is naturally millets YO's 'r or: " Jlm ho chockle and den 11 sny : llur;'e over·trlmmer] s hapes nro )lilt oily one·hll l! a t.ea s poonful of powd orel! " ' A fl y In a pun at milk!' "- New for t h for buy ra who w 19b Ellzo ulum Illay bEl add d , d! ssolvln g It tlr:;1 ngalnst st)' l , but no mol he r oC r (lnlly In (he ulcohol. FOI' Il pplylng to thE York Te l e~'1' aph. goo,1 t nsto gives them a secon d ha ll' a snwll RJlOng Is the b s t 1\.:; nt Cleanliness. , thou ght. F or youn g ch lloren who hnve 1'11 11'1 101 10 11 mnal be pul. o n boforl' T h is church , lIJee man., lU1" tber Oll e, ti Ei ng <,urler!!. gl'oi!lIoted fro m the bonn t stag , th 'hnd had troubl about pnmp!ng lh or· Anoth r th a I Im parts lus ter to th tiny m us hrooms wltb t h Ir s rnool h ga n. unit th o plnn at ulllng ' water m thods of trim min g a re \'(' ry 511' et. haIr II< mallo fr um 1 1J~ ouncoll of care- (lo wor wus !;louly adopted. Connec· For larger g irls to 'whom t h so ar flllly plckerl gu m a.rn bl c disso lYerl in " tion 'Wns marie wi th the plpoe of the It Is stralnell not becomi ng, th(lr' a r st raight gIl l of ros Vlllle r. rectory, wbl ch slnoi! au the adJolnl ns brl rutn£'d flnts. flats undulated a t the t h rO \l 11 a mllsll n and a dro!) of IIlIa· lot. ~,\Ii th preliminary t oots were brim. crownt; low au d high. om pact line (1)'e Is add Eld. satis factory. On th Sunda.y morn· This \s put on b rore arranging 'th ribbon itnots. pu t on In clusterr. at tbe Ing wh n the apparatus was to be ha ir. a nd uctB as a bandolin as \felJ s id e 0 1' fr ont. and perhaps rear str am· us eo for the fi rst tim at a regular ers, s imp ly deck a number or these. a a poll sb. sorvlce th o organist arrived eRTly for A third llrC'pnration wOll ld be Rulled a final tria l. Thor e was not B hitch. Oth ers have a wreath of s mall now r s Iong worn, with perhaps a rib bon bow to oily hall'. It Is C()mposed of one The congr eglltion ge!l. rally kn w of In addition. while a slll art hat may olln ce at SlIm ara ble and hal! nn ollnce tbe Innovation, onr! awaited the open· have a knot of flow ers at th e fl'ont IIni! of I.h grun lllnted suga r which 19 Ing strain s of the prooetlSIODW wltb a prim bow wit:.t s hol'Ush ends stuet mois t. Toh 110 arc dlssolYed In thr e uncommou Int res t. Not a sound camo nat a gainst the bare crown a t the g ills of hot I\;ator, and wben lhe mix· from the organ . however, and the ture Is cold two on nces of nlcollol nre choir bad to marcb In sl~glng the back. But if these Imitate 'form er s hapes, pu t In, first di ssolving In the latter six bymn a8 best It cou lll, unaccompnnled. In point at size th y are Im mensely grains each of blcblorld of mercll ry Of caul's the dlsappolntmel;lt was moderatell. There for e , s ince smalln ess and sal ammoniac. Enongh water . II! keoo. Is so much a fenture of the prettiest then added to mako a pint. The mix· '1'he r ctof'e wire Willi resourceful. child bats , a girl In one of the hllge tur should not be used If there Is the A cl rgY1l1an.'s wife usually h811 to be. ruffied or flowered monstrosities once . sligh test abrns lon of the scalp, because Sh s li ppad out by a 81<1e ({COl" and reworn seems almost vulgar. Fashion of tho mercury It would be harmful turn ed in five minutes with a note . This ebe forward ed to bar lmsblUld . has her class66 well as t he r est of to t he hair. Prepnrations less sUcky than any It l' ad: "It's all 'l1gbt now. Cook us , and to b with ber one mus t avoid at least the ma<!nesses of form er sea- of these may be tried sometimes with ,w ns talrlog 0. bath." sons. The styles for millinery cbange s uccess upon oily nair. One llI(ed by 'I'beJ'l) " more Ca n'II I. tl>tl ~ et file CcianIrJ' more quickly than tor anything else, many pe rsons Is 12 graIns of carbonate tl1AJl aU o!.ber d l8e__ VU~ to;etb«. &lid lIl, _ . but n moderate st.yle, while bending of potash dissolved In balt a p'nt of I.e... )'~ .. WII/I ." p ~ to be Incun.lJle. Wbr a ~ to sQ,me necessities, may with slight strong tea. This s hould not bused ~~~~Lo:m"~:~::S :, a by d ecitl d blondes. It III a ppil d jUst t'J cu"" W1~h I!)ClII U'CAtD,on _p\ Il j,neurable. 'change8, be worn se\'oral seasons. &IMCO hall proveo CIII rrb to bel R co"",ltll IOnal d»ana tllert!loro NqUU'etI COII!'p rulJac&l ~tmeD&. · Three immodlate r e8ults are galn~d' belore dressIng th haIr, wWch Is laid e"", 11(\11'1 tIlrrb ~. manul..ekJrd bp F. I . CIIlocie7 In wavcs and done loosely: the appll· by the present retorm-better taste, <!r. .. Tnledo. 011 \0. Is !.bil onl, _ttmloaal <WtI~ • th o Mukot. H II !akon . lolrnlal1l' In d _ !tOm ' • cheapness, and the knowledge tbat any calion taking e rrect as It dries. 1l1'OP8 to • 1«lIII)ooO rul. H ama dlrectl, Oft 1M b 011.. oqe However harmless url\o g Iron.s may aotl muco....urflll"t'll .or Ibo .lJIIl<Im. mother of gifted fingers can get up ... any of tb ese hats at home. Count sGE'm, they are ruination It used much, to:'~!~d ':.trm~o'ia':· " IA~ to Add.-: F . J . IiF.NEY '" 00.. 'nIIetIe. Ollllt. from a dollar and a half to two dol- lt Is und oubtedly true that once In Sold by Dnurcltt\a. 7 ~. TUo 1lAII." hIIIU, PUla fOr _ _ _tbo. lars for t be shape· ltselt. The rib- a while t hey _are harmless and become bon bow and the wr~ ath or bait wreath less likely to cause dryJless U the Art !flc.l:l~ Wanta. . , The of posies can be had tor the other two. me tal Is warm 'and not bot. Many a OlUl, for the aake or ftnery It one can spend more, all the better. trouble Is that the ~ron8 are not 80 ef· tbo-baeltrllaa gall' with a hUDgt1 There III always economy In buying tect.lve uDles8 the <1egreo' or rather great, and thIs means an Imme- belly a.nd half-atarvcd their f.am0l~. the besl-Kansas Olty .Star. diate drying of - tbe nat ural oils and "Silk and saun: aC8rlet and .elvcta." soya, n 011 . , consequent dullnef$8 and breakage. .as Poor Rlcli kltohen fire." Theso IU'e .DM the nec· The best way at attaIning curls wh n nature b~ .n ot endowed 'a woman with essarles er llfe; ·they can scareel1 be the m 111 apply one of the prepara· called the conveniences; and yet onlY bepanse they lo!)k pretQ-, bow manY' tIons already given, by wa;r of moisten· want to have them.' . The artificial ure. and then take to tho curler that 'Wanta of mankibd thus beeon\e more , • work a the best. nume rous than the natural: and ' II.• . Poor Dlqk SaYli': "For one poor p8I'SOIl, Almost every gown bas a dllIerent Hou •• Gown •• there are a hundred indlgeot."-Bell' shoulder Bcart. EYery woman wants at .enllt one, jamln Franklin. . .• Satin of the palest pInk Is the new but It possible three, attractiv~ bonse color for evening wear. Firat AI1I. For -evening thero Is . It. revival or gOWDS. These make tor beauty and economy. F,ortuna't ely, women are ~et· The fiance or Louisville glr. bas the canal,),' olored scart. Belts will match the s}(lrts Instcad tlng away tram the habIt of wearll1g been spending tbe wtnler 1ft Florida theIr street sl.tlrts· and bloosOlS In the In oollDecUon with his tat her'. ·buslof the waists thIs season. All over braldM lind embroidered house. This was a lazy method, for ness ' lnterests In that Quarter. "Marle," said tho b'1rl .to a fr1end ;th~ coats are seen with p rfectly pllUn It only meant that a woman wouldn't take the time to slip them orr before 'other day, "Wal~er has just Bent m.e aldrts. Roses, tn velvet or chUron or Ussue, dinner and put on something 801ely In· the dearest little alligator f~ Flor" . Ida!" are figuring largely In the new hat tended for t ho house. The one·plece track worn !lurIng the "Dear' d e~oratl~m. . . day .to save one's cloth · sldrts Is a fected The famlUar 'Wblte yoke bas g iven you keep him 1" . . . \ ' place to tbe colored one of tr.ans)lur· much pretUer fashion than' the one "I'm not Quite certain," was .tbe reo ., wearing a separate aldrt and · shlr e nt mate rial. w81~ . pI)" "but l'.e put. blm In FlDrlda water Double motor veils, joined only at till I can hear further from Waltit.:' the e dges, are made up .In . greon. ·Yokes to Open In Front. brown or bllle over wblte. The n ew fashion of fastening a yoke 'olored foulards, with a black dot Itl 111ace of t lte more familiar white In front · come8 from the 'F rench blouses,. wh~ch have ' adopted ' th'a t dot. have tound favor In Paris. method. . They show a . straight line of buttons down front ' from top · to Star-Shaped Parasol. I The newest parasol Is star·sbapell. collar to belt, ant! It has 'nsplred dresa· So far It Is made of cretonn e and Is makers to follow out the scbeme OJ] refreshingly nove\. The star has eight thin yokes Instead of arran~lng them de finite poInts. in the old and tedl~us ·waY.



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L rl'nlly n l\ N d wbat v,'r (or proJ\l('1·ty ()WIl P!' tn t nke ehan 'es lu ~ 01\'('1 ion (If h Is pal nt nlatorlnls. J.t. cloos n't 1l~1 n \~ nt 10 leaI'll how t o on tho Ii fa slell!. ' r lntnly \·tHY JM'\lper l~- oWlle r 1) :15 enough at stllko to finri thl ~ ou t. A comrlC't(" pnl nti n;:;- ~111t11'. kn 0w o ns HI)I1 ' \\'II<' I" S Pnlntlng IItfit 1\:0 . '10, CII " bl' had fr 0 by wrillll.!! ;:o./ a llol1a l L<oet'l Company. t!l 02 T rinity Iluilding. Now York . Thi!; rUII1j1u Il Y Is th o largest makor of IIlI n' whit lencl lo th!' world . liB Dllte\) Day Palllt r t rndcmark fs [omolls a R a gllll rnnt eo ot purity nl\ qtmll ty. Tho outfit In cludes a book 61 ool{lr "<'h .. m e~. for <,Ill\l'r Int e rior or o.x1erior palutln g, a book of s p cltlea· ~on ll . and a !llmplo Ifttln instrum ont, wttb dl rectlo ns for testi ng the purity (I( point materials.



far·Q.w ny oonk .. ot h 1110 . IIItI hi . ('k I"JY ucro to s mllo; " No,,-. w ho ,'n n b.)nt m









OOr.::.::r:I= TIIa,



NERVO US "OR . PRESC RIPTIO N N ·Oh, yos! Bam coull\u' t gel aWIlJ "/!but yoaf' erell. aha glanced o,er WO~EN-TRY IT AND · MEN with me nowl" her shoI11d01·. llllnd be b ••ppy:' "Nor Sally, hah?" "Don't. Sal'y." l'he hnpnlrm ent at the nerv olls torce i[ you feel languid and depress ed "N.,r SnU·y.'· . Sbe sllppa . to the floor an~ knqlt men and wom n. f firs t manlres ted In hurt "you SallY. pleaded ' "Dun't: all the time. The best, thing to at lils feet. by xtrem nenrO IlSDess. slcC'JlI $}; U!! RS . . "Pa.llPY. to·,ught I am a maCiela n. To· me!" . OIL' r l lhuli help nature build up the system is wl y t uxl a and worry uread, . PL.A~-nATION MEL.OD Y, "YOII 8 e." SelTy went 011, "you no.' nIght I can give you anyt hing you bands nuel Ihn us. tbe o[ g tremblin . son In not bat IDC. on. haart !Jal· wan t. But ,ou must as for what you tioe till;! changes In ell you nbout exerti t s t gh li s tbo r M willI on slood R • D1 UNT yoursel ves. Shall 1 t want most!' . bauk porch " lid looked ])ltntloll. cons Upation. kidn ey t roub l • tbem? l~or nono ot us wlll ever again a l' u IIl1. ' IlY" 8h : She smll ~ lovingly upon him, a nd a gen C'rnl lnaulllty to nct raLlon· ---4:D1W ! you LtelL SllAll "I t.~ r-L:nl )' s me ll ro.bbll· be qui te ns we were. TONIC VERMIFUGE "Shut your eyes nnd ask." all y at till tiw t's a s ot hers with health nose's y m 'lcli!! Incal. 1" yoU In chaoges tbe auollt • sbe as did artner Poor old Baumg in t heir bodies do. t o01l1l' mo. T his grl"llt tonic is not a false &tim~ "No," begged Su1\y quickly. with Hynh. !Junt-y. talm Ills gun comman ded. ; And. for a long momen t. 10 a hnl f vln t bottle get Ulr C Ollncell DB man y of [he so·cal:ed " spring ulant bead, one g nod ullOQ t (J~ rust tbere was sUence. Then a tear droopin of l.'yrup snrsn]l:'.l'lI lu COlllpou nd oml tonics. II It is a nalural stteogth . l ! All benuU· beautifu yu' kI ll sce." are "They fire· the In d 'For uJ fl nd tace. b1s compou on nce drppped Ild ll to tbl s on Ol1 giver. P 'l l nil ru n· down conditions oours; light poor. sad, sorry old Baumg artner full" An' J e alip-B ucltcr 81ngt balmwo rt. and lot s tand two the healt b it is an invaluahle remof ted. repea she "No!" Hl,pr -chcc . kcr-c hec. wus making a. picture; too; a wblte, t hen get Que oun(,1l I,!ompou ud es scuce imparts new li fe an d vigor and edy; his Into dropped His tather bad Look ou t. B'r r t.; cnnllol. nn(\ one ounce ti nct u re ondoold. hopeles s. piteous. pleadin g. tace. builds up Ihe enlire system. For. tlrod. ry ve .::!e, whoo-ce . ... but \"·lloo bappy stili clJftlr, y sbaggil mix balr, of ' amom): framed In masses Dl u.' ('o01 jJounll (n ot cllru ss tires one, gray when Solfy went away, senilely you know, great h appine (Ill t ogeth e r. llhuke we ll a ud tak a. t a· SoIJ by All LNJing D,uBJ,litU.J In lwo Dr~r Rabbtt ho wutched a nd hAlefl!d It all, spoouf ul a ft r eaeli men I and one at reo whl'te now. The sunken eyes sIlolte of too. ,iu boillu, 50c and 35c you dow n by dll t s~·co. · Urlng. "Sell'Y." h o sighed . "why did bastenl ng peace after sorrow. nnd the .... tro Juor '!" old got I I long-td so so tho tor wbole piteous figllre begged An' h " II ~ I, his toot and A Sure Way. "There !s 1lt.1ll ooe tblng you baven·t tearll wblch fell upon Its face. hIs hu' r. 0.0' ho In! do. t gu n to roat'll If of. en epok 01' "I wonde r," su lll the prn cllca] mAn. me. about noUced th'3 said me:' excuce pappy, "Oh, not changed It An' ~:eiUk [\ run nln' start. rind t1e" .-Ia.k thougb tfully, " wby detecti ves du uot voice whJcb haa r;athere d to itself all YOll did. In wblch I am n hurry den Oow he. take uut omoulle s," the mllslc of the life be thougH bit." MORE BIG CROPS IN .908 " \-\TJ1Y so ?" naked h t!! fr ien d. "Wllat ?" broken. "but you have so otten caUed e· sup·suel ter. dar In de lIycnmor voice-S ally. Bot de t hon It would be easy to quick "Becaus Sally's was It , II YO tell to want I that l Irce, beautlf.u me Dn:l~1!';1 Another 60,000 lidotIers from tbe U.-ea run a WIUl do wn." nlt'eady IDven· Jeep' on : " whoo.ce." now that you have tbe most beautifu l who t.hought she had lJ<'lw cn thl ... Stlltes. New cH.Pa[lpY- l1appy. toJ1ed e very diffe rence seen! much. ever too bave os' I m t face Rbbl R warn nrcr triets opened (or~" y. wbo hun. But he dellre In the ure rlor otoldiii ll one-Sa old ~" crownin18g to the ud a . Setty ~oe o t ' shnmo a you!" was at fl bless nn' God dear pappy. obtnln posSellslO tlem nt. 320 1lCK'II ' eaumgOl)tner deo.d ha ell, C t wblch do In blrJ g tbln cnble t i leas tU.., II tho I,,· poro for WIlS d De gere proPl1rly her Tho bfs, . bnllU(u l meadow ofla nd to ea c b setAnd bel' lips descend ed upon ol'l'n cl ot RYCliInOr e IrCl'. eel! .• b riled by Bar h Pr as I. very prolly m,d tlcr,- 160 bee .rtner all,e dear fiDgers closed his eyes once mOTe, migh t be IIncliang W OIl! buck t hoo de ya rll. done h no Dl And athletJo YOllnll' girl. Baumgoot you. It n ver-tha obtaining her handke rchle t wipe d away the t nnr "I'm stubbor n IlS e homestead and 160 at $3.00 per acre. fo realh;a thut hla only hope bad no mea t tor ten. mar. tho through • the property would bo to Sar.h shA had dropped upon bls face ' ond pappyl" 44A VU fl t ri ch co untry and 11 cont ~Dt~p,q... rtllie or hi" 80n l;1ephenlj nall "Sotty." a. ollters wblch had followed It. 'Ilnd flbe "Gosh ns ! Thal's so! You was. And n blJ~ r 110 mo' wtll de sup·sucller pt rO U8 l'J eollle. " -· E..a" (l t"1 f,...", n" T(.S~nrlA"" Preasel. TlI a mock a.ucLl Jr, ; 18 pop· Alng : uf .J ~VI't/l"" I, 1 £'/1/("'-. ,.11'1)'" i l/sit 10 IVr~ e,phe(l,ljah P. Baumga rtner, stUbbol'D little Idjlol! JI C&l n. , dlJ, i" AN6S4 , I . JJ)~S, w,,,. 41. ;-IUI; ' U ". by hlA Cather Bald: "Loo1c u Ul, Drer Rabbit. '·/boo·ee . \\' hoo ulatly known Is rami\d ott l;!erry. laughed the were," quite "We 18 I •• re P '''':lw. ! BBri.lh ," Yes 0 $1, for shut? to Sarah eyes your "Are .Many have paid the entire cost or thdr Bo,lJmll'ul'lllor I; lv~ ollPolll~e of Serry. "It lt badn't been tor tho.t-" Baum· ask for anythin g you want on eo.rth ant! had a balance of frum $10.00 10' (amlS Setty tome leBSonll In courtahltop. bo hnpbave would what all' or · In beaven -and you sllall have It. "1 wond er . pIner 'hUll couee,' hlrnl5o)(.8ho promlJie.e "That Awful Butler." $20.00 pcr acre as a result of one crop. sald Sully, at · »olntec1 I'1l T<1lan . The ,'ery dearest pen d ? Do you know 1" Serry Spring wheat, winter wheat, oats , barley", "I'm dreadfu lly afruld of a butler 'Jlet'l'y tluH ehe will never kIll. any mllll Do not be afraid! to Sally. flax Bnd peAs are the principal crops. w~ ~now what to do think." 't can but him. Sam )o~rlt•. n drunken grocery wouldn I you me. r thing Dea' t8 the elerk. cull" on Sally and Interrup the wild grasscs bring to perfectioD dlIe "No." sighed Sally. one It I bad 1.1m. He would "Setry- " be whisper ed brolcon lylIcglna k\..rng. Scll'Y !l(lea to sleep a nd a g race with best cBttlc thot hove ever been oold oat ith w Selty. snld " •• thlol "r hurt, a In room .ther!" th s!" wit me-log 1"uveR m) d at Sally out you-an me .norlng. fl"l ghtcn "Serry and the Chicago market. the In had never he lI&ylnll': "Good night. gentlem II."ot,SelTy l!l:l tondel'Dc and cried !" "Presto! Ope n your eyes h w nlion; Splcndid climate. schools and e hurc~ We all have beartl this speeoh; tella his father ot his humlll what lose and t ge we "that uys. (l while old flam F'rllJl ,ho.d pinned to his b080m Sally. in nil localitie s. Railways touch most ot' really It tty B Dut . It. lllbston said tO dldn·t rcl bave I us of paatoboa losc. Q. many hs sl ept the settled dis.trictB, and prices for produce He did so-and the re. kn eellol~ be· we d serve-t o got and Is hlgb time that w e got over this anil sail;.' meet lit tit Polson IIprlng. She feel that LydiaE . are always good. Lunds may also be ))111'0 . LO r 'd pm forc him. was Serry- and ono Ilrm was deserve YOll then, dear. Perhnps 1 do alarm and awe In anse any or us MARLTON'c...N .J urgell· him to do pomethlng tty to tak Oompo und has chased (rom railwo.y and land compan ial_ hlm8ol,f. The father ad vlscs reacbln g out to now?" should cbance fa be In the Immedi ate Pinkha m's v 81l1ly home trom church. Thill wO\lld bo about Sa :ly. the otber given me new life. Sally said nothin g-she could not neighbo rhood or one. or even bire blm. 'the crucial tC8l aceordlng to the customa blm-no t quite certain bow It would F o r pllmphlet ll. map. soc! Inforl1lllt ion r ... lIuelt I suffered for t en In his ove rcoat. For. while tbe cbances are that he. IIU rc!i nil low r"lIwny rOllu. apllly to Superln. dt the times. i 1 Willi Lhe rille In girl be rece ived. but with the old smlle .of Her lace was deep serious with years tenc!ent of/mmi ~.... utfon. Ottowa. Co nadn, or te.H that tl l lI one WhORIl "-rm thowould liCwetvery so It making was tn.. she ) And b_ troubles hud d b<ll bl female e pl ~d wh n IllI\vlng tho ohun:h s U· the authorl . ea Cllnadinn Governm eDt A""Dt:. Setty. He seemed bigger. and would tell yO'J w h at , blmself .. ke la face, SRm bel' 11 Th lUted IDcer. he s "ul\or tion, ly, red present the favo t. tha lind , p li and cbeek asslng on emharr benrd be g youn mlgbt a It a," ell ties were, H. M. WILLIA MS. ·8all,.'s nrm. Sh A I o,\-. : "I o.m. sarl It. a.tion. inillges tlon. lAw Duddln Toledo. 0 .... from your own d qlllte worthy to b e the and. with ber bandl,e l'cbl e f. dried ions ". appeare alld Selfy 'Is left In (11118":11.00 S ti rn con· be Instruct take to to begtnll tlnues his drinkIng n!nd a lly nervons ness, a. Ii d "That Is the sweetes t tblng YOll have butler. League State Kansas the of ut lde prcs curges er ftn gu Baum hoblt. aoqulre tho. could not sleep. ve r snld to me-an d It breaks my l blow s' clubs. hIs . r n Bnd 8tl'l1<08 him 1\ powerfu "Oh. but I never ex oect to be rich Them [he of Farmer Doctor s gave me 1 dou·t deserve It-that 000 fol' WIth hll\ ftst. full III the face, hearta without luxury." a looked r suc):J rtne havo to Baulngn Old enough tep n14r)t rnUjcr gnther.. t ill' yout h In hll' ear!" Up, as thoy IUJ,id my word-d imple s e, littl 011 to refuted 8nm then easily tLlIl! nt sure. y wOl·d. at firs t to be ."n ~. 1Iis er Il3 aUrnct Sa ll t r 0 ubI e s were That Is an n.rglHne ··Well. well." brol<6 In happy old FrIll. Sally rushes Ull to S try'l! room ,all his being. And tb en be I'ose to 1Iis . I was in chronic and promille and morn· hopo til of land this In anI! finds him unconacious. Inn la n 8 1\~ "Is eyes. own bis drying ,anddid not despair walte may Ing Setty Ita. dl8app /Ired. Bllum gnrt- teet .and shook olf all tbe yeal'S that Baumga rtner. U9 ities. Any ene of and lonesomf} wInter for oldd llo.d , some· bad accumu lated . during Selfy's abo tbl s a time for weeping and wailing possibil carowh etherlli ved among butler a fiad and day some 16 'up Bon hlB thlnka nor. He I rend about LY!ila E. el blow. senC6, and, when his arms were abo lit and g'll!l.shhl g of the teeth? The pl'odl. the ho~sebold arrange ments. and wben or died, Whel'8 from ,tho c t'l'ooll! of hilia cru to Snlly'" d. We got to find a returne blo Comso und; so I· has Ve{eta Whtn old' 'aumgar tnor &,0 gal m's their Pinkha !ilm, to about atteQd to theirs blm and tell .both. hem t ' arrives. day that I>(IP r8 os hom to surrond r lo h r hlo calf." fat e nlc the RnO all ed fill haggurd anll e~~~~Fin~~~ her rose find!! ,~~dB~ he· · s hadow 11 I' guardian ting on the table. an· :ff:~et;f ~~~A to Quit joint "Well." iaushed Setty. not relln· these thin gs-waf worn ,w ith "orrow: Sh ngrp eB all else. out g 40 Marlton , N.J. Box -blottln JORDY, E celiing and GEORG room servo and bol!k bell. /! r door apc lh front tbe tak drlnkln!: If lie wlll "what Is ' the first swerlng Baum· 10. It was not three s'b[ldows. but CJulshlng Sally, has cllarge of . Lydia. E, Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Com. and Jjcntlnull III h r gunrd1u.n . Old R bQSOTtl And. work .• I'm used Ing afternoo n tea. He responS ible tor f1ount!, mnde from nntivo roots and for ready I'm gartner nn;'l Sl\lIy contlnu a. thing? ' one! the silverw are. and IB ' drinking and Snlly \ 'friend$. ' sam 1110$ 0((or cs or harm,. old B umgartn r. > __ of!\! to k eo~ p house "Selfy." asked liis futher. while bls to It!" It He bas full charge of retreahm enta herbs, ont.'llns no narcoti tbe record father Ilt· Is htll 8h " said .Journal. Selfy," Farm row, "The To·mQr " a()lnlt drugs, and ~nlchOlds It the fuI with rs know shoulde mll8t bls and . about went nments arm entertai at P. "S. .tiy • trnelet'l by a mlUlle.rly IlrUclo f the ROon· rot actual cures let Sally marry how to make a salad and se1".'e wlna. for tbe1ar(W st n uncons lousnes s of wbat seemed ye s· br! sltly. "you better Baumqa rt",.r. Jr .. prC8l(l nt s we know of, and you." disease bonght sbe feDlD.le ct ber ones R.emem you, formal nt .III\S SlRte Farmerll league." She. 'wrlt a. tbese of llreslde glt e!er outslde you Duties did re tbollSlUldsof volunta rytestim onfulsa plea(]lllg wtth hllll to I· lurn . .Long Ihe terday, "how ory at H e f,'Ilv e 8a11y time to blusb, and of tbat slng?-w bat Is It Y" waltli, . but no [U)8wer cornea. upon the taste and dlsposlU on on file fn the Pinkha m laborat depend and bands ber both find to have Selfy time women who t' "1 fought for It Ilappy." of the man lI.Imselt . He may be a Lynn. Mass., from c;.,HAPTER XV.-Co ntinued . Iter lips. and lben he fInI9bed: , mllll. and gen· ooen cured from almost every fonn at Oosh·a·mlgbty !" bandy a "You? •. belp ul wonderf "Pappy , ' I have done .m ore-I have "And malte It early-m ebby tbe first eJ:1l1 comfort . or be . can be disdainf ul female compla ints, inflamm ation, nt.. They both laughed hal>plJy. n ,flbroid tumol'9 , urt bim worse than you dld-I broke of everyth ing not within his pro\·wc e. cerat;1o n,displa eementa on Ilnd Snlly were. rtght-l thing In the morning . In the afternoo "Yes-y backach e, -b1s benrt!" wblsper ed the girl. "Oh, needed to learn to fight. I went out we'lI take down the fellce. All three IlDd n. "white elephan t" about the irregula rities, ~r1odlcpalns, Indiges tion alid nervou s prostra tion. Slllly kep' place of us. It·s waiting for I IIhouid hnve though t-tbere was no . . _.:.... ...... . Every sufforin g woman owes it to ber. Qne like hJUJ-b ut.r lQt bfw go. If he it wnltlng . Aln't so, Sally?" 86lf to give Lyilia E. Pinkha m's Vego. tbls. here now-" Solly affirmed table CQIItpound a triaL R. DOCTO THE AND S APPL.E (THE END.) bOT aa~ silent. tben until tho old If Y,C1u would like specia l advfce

You Need a Tonie




Western Canada



Cured by Lydia E. Pinkbam'sVegetableCompound



~~ '~~' IRatd:


,! 'Come. Sally,lr f! bedtime ."


confid en-


" iyes. ,

yourca se wrIte a N APPLE a dtly, keeps the about tial Jetter to Mr/l. Pinkh am. at doo(or away." 18 free, Tbl.a 1& true. and I will Lynn. Masa. Her advice and alway s helpfu l. not d ~ ny It. But the fa ct Is. I won·t eat o.n npple a wellk. And I can't be persuad · ed to try It. POSitiv ely cured hy Now ap.,lea arB gOQd for the.te tattle Pliis. tli B Uver. they Bay, And they alll nnd they They 0.180 relle..e 01.. quIcken digestion. nrc..... rtl'W Dy 9 p ~ pl!I ... , 10, comthe Improvo .u ~t too IUIci Too DNU·ty They Ji: .. Ung. A perfccL rem· pleltlon. o.nd .yet ~ deedy tor NIlIl. cinre sell. Drow"lnes8. n .. 4 Tlint tor me they are out Tru;telD the llout.b, Coat.CIt the QUellUon!

Really Amulln g Blunde rs of Which This meant that It was time for Record Has Been Kept. anid always' y tb which This Trade-Illillt their: prayer. the betoTe · In ROO, other's arms, that-e, Eliminates' A.n 8.uthor who has a scrapbo ok degreat ~re. So So.lIy slipped to Uie to typogra phtcal errorS was voted' eaoh Un!:ertaiDty bnndl\ ~helr tolded · ~ey I\I1d " fiQOl', a friend. One showin g the articles tbe purcluue 01 In • ,In the other. ~n.d, atter "Our Father" item concern ed 8. dance. Tbe wor~ paint materiala. ,,,.,all IIOne. came 'thill-ru de, simple. but thlD with t.ed, misprln was r" "bonnie It is an abiolute Dot lri's a prayer; tor In the five yeara deplora ble result: "There was no hon gUlU'lUItce,0{ rl~' ~or Seffy',iJ absen~ It bad, passed into . mayor' Ity and,~. , ter IndJes present tban the , ' · A (onnula . For your ~WD own dallgbte rs, and this fa~t wu "God, tlnd, Setty, wllerefe r he ma)' protectl oia, *:8 . fllrther eIPpbaBlzed by the perfec4 :1 , ,be, for ' tbou Boost aU tbe world, and , that it is on the aide .." ed Tonglle, Pain 111 tbe costum ea they rdess Bbephe the of ·tIt to baqk every keg of white lead ; put n, IntO ,bls heart to come I'll gladly ent orange.. ===~=-.--::~Slde, TORPID LIVER. wore." A country paper, after telling you buy. peaches nnd pearl!. the .rurely Veaetllble. lhole who 'nav~ repente d tl16S9 many A train, of front In got cow 'a bow lEAD CtIIIINIf But nil apple. IIko Uo.l'all. Is bllte... · years; make him mercltu l to the old tbe under rather course, Nuy, ea?" '101 Trill., 1alIdIIr........ sald: "As the safest 'l'he "Frull of Hespcrld /lnd tbe ,eviJ.tam pered. Bnd yet. It tills all put say clrcums tsnces. tbe enginee r ( I;Ie not In O1y Infinite purpose s, 0 God, The, "Applea ot Sodom" wcre filter. Genuine Must Bear full steam., dasbed Into the cow and for ion, submiss In beads our bend , we 'A calv~s." two, Into It . out literally rea9C," I harbor suClb prejudlo o? Nay. -:-~~~II thy punlsh~nt to~ our sin; but rlntlng The New York socielJL ed1tor, I acknowledge the aaying-'a a trlle out!. .enOBO iilO word or sign, thllt our the word ·"cbUl." p·u bl.sbed this stat& But t.hll do.y that lhll ''''cto~ cornea bearts mllY be oomfort ed, and thy will 11 0 1 to our bOllse, Astor was unavoldabl3' medioine yoa or wbat ITUTES REFUSE SUBST Into the . world where YOll sent me-- mont: "MI·s. Is (or me. 0. decidedly blu e ono. are Ullq, ltop It now. Get a 100 be ·done--. '.men!·' ke.,. . _ _. _ ~ belna n, receptio tbe from absent And life. found nd both-a you thanl, And wblle this' was being prayed a box-.-, eek's trelltm cnt-of CASSo Fortune can·t blame If my hy· ....-~-.-------:....- . , start to fIulsl). at home by a bad child." CARET S today from yo,ur dru'~rt tliCe came to tbe window In answe r- I found It a fight tram E bad. Is YOUV IF nleno ." Is no quarter and lelm how Cd8i1y, naturolly aDd Anel by dieting wrong 1 h,We ahoek('d • blind brushed , away tbe snow that Only with some there said SItUy. r::~-1'I NEVER WORN One by. Gen. Miles. " But nol with YOll," her. the . eyes lLllgnt sec hetler. And then surgeoll livCC' C&Il be mllde a of tell to delightful" yOUI' bower. Qen. Miles used ~~~HI..:!\.. '~I For · ·1I11 lIpple a day \(ec ps the dootor "But not with me." agreed Setty. move -lIlY worlt. ood your a head, crowned with pale hall'. "'lUI :t:,J ..... __ wal civil r; tile during post certain nway," a at ." success to ry necessa not Is "Tbat every box. in life new rent1y. docTheft's the day. ed~re';e WlUl love uncovel' · And. you see-.l·m In was chalfed a sreat deal tor hll . "Gosh!. Selfy," snld his falber. "you who ~r! CASC/. .RETS aft nature'" bclpcr. . S/llty Molted lip. Someth ing as Iraod extrava gant style or ex· nowery . _ RB 01' Kellerm lln. the You wiD ... Me ·tIilferencel you've yet ~ · resistib le as a mar!let d rew Ii er eyes Ilrc ns wise and oral. On pr acher. Say, you rememb er him 1" preSSion, bolli written .. _k a for box I wfndow. toe R:£T9 nesl." CASCA "Smart to that bodily to lellm the that the co). t...,aunen l . RII drullglsts . Dlggest ",,\ler . "I rememb er everytl liog-th e small. one occnslo n It appears comfort It gives in up tlie old man saw A writer In a fashion magazin e al· t bad appropr iated regimen the ill tbe world. MillIol1 boxes a monlla. .... of onel wellther pappy s. wettest the lIreclou all Is it d est~an , Ito face anr! ' sto.rlug eyes. mell5·lable, ludes t.O the women of Vlennn as tht' a for tent 's surgeon the If know. can 011 )' than Dr. IY.crNTO SIl celobrut4 >d JotADEf OYf." he 'salil, "you loolt lIIte you'd more p~eclous wltho\lt the ' usual formnll ty of a:all "smarte st" In tbe world. And lhls. III ! ,!IEIMC! Happy ttAAo this leave to llJter~ne Su pOrtv never at were lIatura fad '. one . , latest .teen a gbost!·~ . --,.".0 Wl\ereupoD \h... connect ion witb their ns. 1I'..... ltum.dl .. t .. rell.r. 8oI!Pt')I all _ • and die as I be. Ing his IntenUo of· TEED OUARAN UH!nt tlt.lent aud I_~ hldru '" There was a knock on the out4\!r Valley. one might IIvl1 1 surgeon sent a compla int to the .. tllt tllelr In other things sprlnkll ng over the flowers . WATERPR OOf" . '. :r!e :~~t::ds:;~:'tt~:.:. gall. And •. It one should never learn ficer In comman d. Among ~~rn;~, Ii perfume as nearly as 'posslbl e hats ',' . do.o r. . on .,)pllcallOl •. . belter It fs good-g ood! But It Is not' he said: "I have not so much as a fiy "llpete r he Is. Sally. ·SQ.Q '. '!)3rlng llJm In,, real bud. A tube at bcent Is . TIlE lIASTINC 1S .. J\lcOlT0 8R TRlJ8S ~ b t I" <, there. . And. to Interpo se between my bead pnd like the with cach chapeau . Is one out world the at life the no .~l!!gry got ""~'S el I.llc2"lphlll, ~..... ~ h!m lnu~BL..PIII .. ~e.ep .l:!W '. D~~ . s abo~'e me." supplied • for me. It Is gone for ever! In or.e the alAr-decked heaven mA.Dutnct urt\ rl of t.ruS1lCA and ' . with rOllos? Tbe milliner ed decorat -r , D1or~nor' cold-n or SOITYtho Uc oulne of rs .. IUlLk lOin hus world the For the sorry. am I followed way nt still docume Do went, "u~ rose. . 8I1ppo~r. unique b" of :')Ieak, This IIllwpocI "}l"lllt.oll Sally, CUd not . Includes Il bottle at attar , 'as nothing to exchang e tor these little \ . eyes, her',. regular rouUne and eventua lly re- IIUell . rulorn tile bcadgea r? The Illy 'With ·tbat-lIt ran .. ~ look: . ). 0.1. has heart my there OUt Burgeon things. 15\.. the unfortu nate Indeed.• Been " It 'ahe had , t u r n e l l tofollowin h' &' , g cndorse ment: "Col. Ilerfume Is given. iUld so on, through , , b t e ball ways yearned for tbem and always with tho · . He 'henrd her Jllifi ·tli: floral. list. must l{eep them Drown wlll cauae a fly to be ·Inter. tbE not It Is ess," "smartn of g •.an12 "open the d~~~Ji'en a little cry- will. You and Sally Speakin com. they were. And posed between the bend of the odd tiiat nowada ys. when we bave · GOme be3glng-slteDc~·a sob. . After as they are-na y, asaud with them .and them In live shall I Te8al1y I,1lalnant and tile ·star·dec ked hellvnns thne. ' long a . ~""'e4 wbat come to give so maDY words a dltter· e."-Uposslbj " as :-tr.. soon ~ , •. 'ahave blm as shaH be happier for them." ' ;. tum ' o~e. "Shs· <!i :).·nllt conu~ · to .lls we n t meanln ,; trom their orlglna l-wben e. all .1 hls Serry's arms and lustrate d Sunday Magazlne~ e. NILra... lind 1·Im!pilU we use "fierce" to express mere dis· • 'lPltle ~11'n'1' but stoo4 panllng betore . During cbeml""I~u.nd IOU. Bo, tashlon old the In busy yourowu , COfit8bo\a. r." "awful" to signify someand l. .. 111m: ~!l co·uld . no~. 81J9 her"face : Sbe hands had been approva . Politics High bll. of. """kle~ . Matter A . clIorw"u. "N'1>8 was It . Inr.rPIIM><l tY• pennie.; -ln the fllce 'cUd not mean. tbat he ·should '-the .fire of tb,e days tb~lr simplici bo..,l2<l.tumpo. .AJAX OO".oJ W bltUer. " ....8UCIlJ'. One the ~Ittlest of English p~n thing mildly objeoU oDable .' to ~ei "~8 :· .hel'"-lIhimrnatlI!g he~ . ~oo~ to see.aDd better ,crled his h .. ppy Is , Lord Longfo rd, and be hns also ot · all tbese popular misnom ers, Is It ."1 dqn·t. bll\lefe It.... " , ,~ ..'" 3:3;3:g;3:R~at :~ere'• . , gg;8:8;3·8.0 • ion of, being one of not a bit odd '. that we have . retllrne d .0.0: o.o:u.4:): ttl.t~er, returnin g bls 'ca,1I1\ses:' earned the 'reputat old. . . tather Serr,:_ word w. N. U., CIN~INNATI, NO. 16-1909. U.O:O.O : 0 . 0. &liked, of the .bE!,?!· Is uae IIW~~re correct the lo' fllot the at spite In . dressed worst "You ain't torgot a sing! You' chust Ibe ' ..' 'Out t~Dre." .. for 20 years be b[lS been in the "smart? '; .traqge throbbi ng the same-£ xcept tbe dictiona ry' wor.d s· that . at For a cent.ury we bave borrow8 d tbe Life Guards. The story goes 'Secolid Ain't ,Berry! our -bo saw her ';o-ehust tbe, Bilme- you ,t &lk,'"n y. thai a friend ' ~ew Engla,nd adaptat lun of the word. Ireland Ifl 'hlru met ' once radlanl! e. : ' so SB\ly? " Why ·don·t describ e one . of garbed, In- Ii pa$r ot oontillu atlonl, anil used smart to , " " silence. :I~ WRY?" active eleve.\'aria ence Intellig ' keen tamll' Ipelildn g' ;' J:lIs~-Qte-"same," laid . Sally. Dut Whl,cb . w('ra not on blltlutl{ul ~s a tbat is not Dow- the com· ' But ' ness. ·mer··. him cbalfed and bO'?ts. 1)1s with a.od sny ' ~Dt Uilng; .t~e 'teall'S ' were In llel'. dear eyes the '~I~~ld Interval " U\&I ' ;moJi ' accepta tion, and 'wben we dloBut. wbence ? IIha' Itl!ew that her words .w ere ttu,'the cllessly dabout tbe It g1ve we com, 8, nowadaY ",mart" · "'[am But rather , and ,·not. the BO~-:-tor hIm ' IIhe· oJ:lCUITf.! · betwee n .. the~. "'. .' r. .• , , 'd· I. It.nown to tfonary lJlean~g at . "spr\l..ce;. gay, preu~d:erstood . Ihnt I~ would' 98ver b~ · my," as Lofd '~ Longtlll dl.!";oncll,rte.(" tenUous ." neft'!' 1 ~atteft 'the what:. .. , - ....IIV'. ~0w.18e s,,!1i Intimate his' ~he' who YOlllo'l()QIl)o. M1004 1. 1 h.,&he Ute ·lIaWte- qulte • .aild It .was ~d aurel,; tllese adjectiv es' allpl:, to It. ~a~ reaO, ' had 'Itltlt Iilm forth to lose the Ilm· blll<ndly ' ';tx.p~IDe'" that . t\er.,~r" late.t Vlenne " tad tor ~rulnea the -.r·o. You )'laHUo. hlgb of m~tter a . Illicity of tbe Happy ·Valley. . ' arl be..stre 1adf D , ,&re l breecbe the fellOW, dear my re-' lll" '"ilot a blt,,~yoll aln't clia.nge , . . · Oron.& t rampM a ~11 "bo t;&not n pealed. ~e tliTher, g ,lt s.aylng It mla~t ,by . " '. ~ ~J.- ~ aebl ve IlL man, "'bllt. the ~a al'8 , the . ~e it BO, . cas ... .ho m cobbler Fenlllll a of ment Sery, ed IlYe~ I ~ "lqglJ . ~. ~"# . . ~ meet,. 10 '.11' e~De~l rog "TOil .~ ~:'.. ~<l h.- btllor.





'~YJs.--, ~~~ ""U==


No M at te r ~ver ~wel



---- _._ -_








Tooth Bx-ushes


Clea YOII I' I


th with


Tooth Brushes 'lean your t eth with



III Cen Is A pit'e('

to Cellls Apif'ce


H rbert U, K Ilisoll ami I lIa R, Kellisun to Lida T Zell I' ·al estate ill village of Wayn sv ille ;ii 1 0, Ab raham C, Buw man tu .J uhll 1. 'Curtis rea l l's late in \\' u!'\hing-ton tuwnship, '1 :\ braham l ', HOWI11UII : lIrti, I"t'al l', lall' in Washi ng-tul l tt1\vlll'lhip " l. , dli' L. Fishe l' alld H rseh I I. Fishel" lu J , A, Kilvalri 'k r'al eslat in Lt'lmnon, Warnm county, $ 1. Irene Roo and Wi lliam Roo to Em ma Sha r tle real tate in Wan n county " 1

Cornl11on Picas Court. New ,Suits. Edmond L. Spt'l')c£' \' s, ')TUS L. l'ra n ~l' r ipt fruni l'uUI'I of J ,Tro illu ,)u Hti ~ o f th ~ Pt::ac~ tiled laimi ng umuunl tlll e plaintiff is $59 41. Petilion filed lO'Olllltt!l"!tel judgment of juslir ':; court. Wa nt?,

Court Proceedings.


arooth Brushe's 'lean' our teeth with




Tooth Brushes 'lean your te th with

Schwartz's ' Brushes

I -.

Tooth BrUShe:1 'I--- Tooth Brushes

I '

'Ieun YOU I' t t·th with

Schw~rtz' s

Brus hes,



Y( '~lr tl:''' lI! with S~hwartz s ~rushc~ (:11;':111

Cents Api '('t> .;......l.o.. ·e.n.t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.O. .e••n.ti. .A.p.ic.c.e. . . .. . . . . . . .10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . w..I......~~,



,\'1' u:" ' 1, : __, It) II I: RI C~ , UI1 -\[ fY ROS E -



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!tpr"loy " \1'11 Ihlll



It II" '" IILI .tI. J,,,. \ n,

Olli ' tlU) \\' ., Fr"i ' ~nlllJ1lt"

L66' 'I



",,,II's IlIud" ... 13 ~1I1 l II", 11..", ,h.) , )1..,., t ' lIn .. . )I'· (. ~'l d I""wl, .,( :'i " " 01'1"11.,. IlIlI·h' ., '"

I=rids" ~ 'a~~ h

Notice to Contractors Edd,,' ,J:dri"f 66~' L66~'

I 'fll llt LI)

_\ )CCII I ~ , v(


WHI 'I"Io:" DllY ~.



Monday, May 3, 1909, ellh,<I lIhl. "ill lI.· r"" .·i ... , 1 1I11111 12 lrd.,..!. h St'W,," 011 'ht' 11111'11. sit ll' u( )llIlIlIi Klr" ol, ill th., \'fllI'':I,,,r \\' 11,"'"'1/, 111••, (1Idu, hl',:iIlIlI IlKII I Iho It.w. r .. uri



l ilt' 'll i11dl st' nor III hUllt ur J . I.'. ( 'ltd ,, "I ludtW'S r" ~h l (, IH '(' l\utl rUlinill,Lr tht' W ' l' ('IlSt If) S. ' WOI"

Mill Feed


liS (IIIIOW5 , .. I~ :

Clarence H ul'lne l VS, John Linder, " Vlrsl - 1111 II ~~ - I'lI"h l,,'11 .,.,<1 e lllll III ~.HIt'r guardian , Jury dismiss d upon conOBIT ARY I lilt·, III Jullns 1 r.",t IIII"lIl:lh , , ~nt of both parties and cuu rt finds Commissioners' Proceedings_ :> ... ·""11- 1111 II H,llIl'I, II II 1""1. .. iI rlllt~ 1 R.' ",," til Itl Joilll~ 1 rl"'L I II IUIII'lh , that t here is due plaintiff from de' II" State of Ohl'o vs Otto I,aAgain the gateK of deatl! hav e BI ., . _ Tll ird- I III " eU II ' ,','1.. Ihlllll' H ,I,wllt's fendant sum of $2750 and same is or- ve k. cosl;s, $1725; 'tate of Ohi o openEd , and anolher patient ~lIfrel'el" "qultru, IlIs,de IlJeIt~lIrt , dered paid. $ ,-(0', '" ~tate has ~one tu ht::l' reward will Ut' '"{'lIl1lrl'II "III II J>t",1t Il vs Garla"nd HI'I I, eo"ts. ~ '."'lEUI"II lllt-d hldder l"I". ' k JIll \"11 hl ~ lO Ilw \ Illnl;1l 'l 'n"L" Frank Ross et al v ' Robert I{oss , '0 vs, Harry HI'II. c,o!'t", $ ' ,70,' Mary Elizabeth was the uallg-hl >1' IIr., .. U( Balli vil luKU rur Illu ~UI11 .Ir Twtlllly , of 0111 ., ~ , 11\. JI,,1I11r>l ( 15 , 00 ) liS ~ lIr.'y 111111 1110 ~Il('Ordered by cou rt t hat partition of I{a 'h ·1 Anna I',nglt: ("'s"rlll hld.ll'r will elll or lUll) COlllrU '1 II lId regollI'a" Brl'dg'e on1pany, contract, of Robert W, and o "In' 811111.-1m.1 UtJllll ror Lho /lIltll(1I1 pe .. rorlllreal estate be made as prayed for, 1953 " Bert Reed , cont ract, $64 75 ', W h 0 came to t h'IS ..S tate f rom e w , 1111,,,, or tllo wUl"k III lit" 11I1'"I1!!r 1~lItl tblll! $ I -b ' t' , ' 1 ; 1 , ell ill tltu SI)('dlleItUIlIIS, " 'lIklt will h .. uU " J Frank Maag, contract, $83,25; F, 0 e r sey, le was 0 1'11 111 " e n o , nl. III the ullke u( lIlo \ ' 11111)(11 CIt·rl. "r snld Probate Court. Ohio on Jun e II 11:137 Whil e a \"IIIIIKO i1f WII),Ill"li\'il hl, '"' /llIti Ilfil'l" .\prll Mill er, bricige repairs in Franklin' , ~ ~ , IIIIIU, In the matter of the will of M_ township, $26,42; Lennie Whitacre, g irl on ly eigh t y aI's old, hi:'l" moth!:'I' '1'1 ", \' 111")(l! (~ou llcll n'''''' \",. II ... rl"hL ttl I I~vll1g ' IWI' In ' ll Ie C'a I't' U f a n rl-]o-, 'I ItIlY IIlId ull bills, Yealer. W I'II ad mlOtted t 0 pro ba t e, bridge repairs Salem tow nship, $50,3ti d'leI, Estate of Mary R. Froit deceased. W'. H. Ande rson company , book for a un t, Mrs Prudence Ha ines, with \ ' ~I.\H , Il, lIEf- II , -.l h h I' d t' l VIIIIII> 1'1.,,'1. , Fi rst an d fi TIa I account fil 1:\.1, , Prosecuting attorney, $6; D Trotter w om s e Iv e " un I as a younl{ - _ _ .. _ .. Estate of Mary E. Hopkins, de- & Company, lumber, $472.25; Sam woman, she f;tarted llut in Iif tu Notice of Appointment. 0 , Henkle, fees and expenses, $106,- mak her own way, ceasee. ,F irst and final account, Estate of Sarllh E Adams, de- 70, D9 mb augh and Bolmer, repairs He r en ti r life wesspenl in Waynes- Estulc 0/ EtltlJl Vlnrk, dtl('CWS t. Tllo un , hll" loUUII IIppolnl !il IIlltl"lIIiIfUt!tI "" a t jail, $3.50; E. C Thompson , medi- ville or nelli' it, among thllse who uorslglled ceased, Sale bill filed. ntlll1111ls1rnlor with the will nllueXf·tI o f th I'S' In matter of will of Eth ~lark, cal services to prisoners, $6; E T , knew her best 'On December 17, l Ol o f l, tllul ('llIrl, 11110 o ( Warren t·UUllly. Obi", d ec IlS "-t. d eceased . Will admitted to bate. Thomas, reco rd and blanks , $44; W. 1863, she was married to Napoleon 11111.'<1 Ihls 141h tllty or April , \, II , 1 !lIl!'~ W , I,', ('1.,\111" In matter of estate of Ethel lark. H. tanage and Company, supplies, B An t hony to whom she was a faith-

----- .. ---

Ki"d ,' IIf

Lumber and




Hcadqu lI rlt' r s L It '\II

I IU)UI1 fl'I' lhe i lis t ulluioH vI

, lit IIIII!'. ,.( 11-!ndl III (ro"lt .. r III,' 'II' G fr~~I' \\prulJlIsitil" 'I'" ~ , (, II I. ' / \ 1I1I.,y I "h,,,h,,,,u I',>. 'hll lll;I' , t U"11'1. Th Ph e I IpS O. [ , I J I'la Il lItls Hlol ~ H,ds ror I Ills worl "III liu \'IIII'l"t tlllI.'d un _____________- 1'111"".' plans

Write for our

You will hnd t e

Sucrene Feed The


I );Jiry hmd .

- - - -- - -,- - ---

~ ~

Tlt n ,Vt'/l l' r 0 1111,1

" ", IH'n



hllvH - ~




- - -- - - -- - ---

and t ·(·rll \.' I\(.


Try Our Mill Run

It .. uv\, wlntll r In-" lI r s.

, I ~ ltijJ)Jl'd ~ ,IIIIJ I


Hro-ad, lI ~e

Acme Flour

Black Minorca Chickens N IJ I1 -RS tt,(\!"S,

\\IUllt C'H,J



for H...

fnl' hlll( ' hill !!

We also hll ve a lot of I- Inch W F. Clark appointed administrator $41.50; E B. Rogers. paid to Beatri c ful companion for mor t ha n fortyItl ~t ~p'il1 l!; WIll ,llliltl tlmt, 110m SCHOOL ,LAWS VIOLATED LUi\\BE~ cheap. Oel our with will annexed giving bond of Rudy f or option on farm for tuber- five years, u e !" t,hil< !oInnt!ull , $3000 with Walter A', Clark and John culosis Hospital , $20', entral Union III t he year 1876 on Au g ust 16th , pri~e!, before buying ~!rg!ol !ln ltl In ( n Ullt,y , :f;1 flO Jll:l r HI ; · d er sure t les ' , ' d In ' t 0 t l1e M e tl10d'ISt 'We are rapidly becoming a people LIn Telephone company ren ts and tol\s, s h e was receIve Ii OLl 1,111" IWlldrt 11, 'L'lIolln Iltl ked elsewhere_ In matter of will of Joseph H_ Epis 'opal church by the Rev. has. who have but littl e rev rence f I' the Itl ~ h i p . ' ~ , IJU pl:ll' I ;,; *~,UU JlHI' 100 Mong-er, deceased. Will admitted $l&'~~racts - Contract was entered Ferguson. ister Anthony waS a laws of our country, a nd it is no to probate. faithful and earnest member al~ wonder when >v realiz the disreinto with . J , Moore for lumber. ' d' h' h h h I Estate of Joseph H. Monger, though for a number of years .P'ast gar In w IC t e 'se 00 laws of the Contract was entered into with h Id b h I Joseph E. Monger and Robert Monshe has not been r egu lar in her al- state are e y t e arge majority Clint W_ Stanton fQr a concrete arch f b d f d . S goer appointed executors giving bond tendance due to he r hardness of 0 oar so e ucahon ection 3969 • near H. Conover's farm on Red L i o n ' R d d of $500 with Mary Olive Archd'e acon hearing and other affli ctions . ' ' S. as amen e , in 1908 requires a,II Waynesville, - - 0 hio. . Oregonia, Ohio. and Pekin road in Clearcreek townb d f d k and Carrie Mon"'er as ureties and During the winter of 1902 she suf- oar s o e ucation to rna e provls.. ship at the estimate $197.50_ ' 'f f ' h h I Demas Guttery and Joseph Deardoff .. _.... fered from a severe attack of pneu- Ions or con mumg t e se 00 s at Valley Phone 237-3 r ,n"s appraisers. Any 11ldy rel1der of this pl1per will monia, which left her in a very weak least. thirty-two wee ks each year, Estate of Mary Monger et aI, mL receive, on request a oltlver "No- condition. While not yet fully re- and 10 ~e t hey do not, the County nors Carrie Monger appointed guar- Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privi- covered from that spell of sickness, CommiSSioners shall take charge.of diangiVl,'ng bond of $5000. lege, h'om Dr. I::Ihoop, RaclDe, Wis. she walked out a short distance to the school and perform al\ the dutIes His sUver,plated, very pretty,llnd f th b d f d d h WAVNESVILLE C.tiURCHE~. In matter of will of W. T . Whit- positively prevents all dripping of see a relative, and on her way home! 0 e oar 0 e ucatlon, an ~ e em acre, deceased. Rebecca L. Whitacre. tea or ooffee. The Doctor lIends it, was s truck down hy a horse and wag-I f!1 ,bers of th,e board of educatIOn widow. elects to take under ' will. with bis new free book on "Health , on. This was a terrible shock and caUSing the failure to meet. the proOrthodox Friend!! Church. Eatate of Walter T. Pu..-h, de, tioffee" simyly to introduce t.hill for about 6 years she was confi~ed to visions of thi. section may each be • olever subslltute for real coffee, fi d t ~1. $5000 I All kinds of Stone Brick and J. C. Hawke administrator Dr. Shoup's Health Cotl'ee 1S gllin- her bed and the house. Shortlyaf- ne no more..J.llan ...n Cement Work. filed report of sale of personal prop- ing its great popularity beollus~ of: ter convalescing from this, she fell than $25 , ~. . . , erty, , Same approved by court. first itti exquisite taste ann fltl.vor; and hurt herself so as to r ender her The actIOn of the CommissIOners of Cement Walks and Floors a Hlcksltc Friends Church. Estate of W. T. Whitacre, de- secon~, its absolute Ihea~thfuln ess i hand useless, Sinct! that t ime she Lawrence County dese rves high com"peciuliy. 6c to lOe per FirM Day M ee Unl(, 11 0: 00 Il, m, F'lrKL O il), third,lts eoonomy-l -X Ib ... l)o ;fourth, h t- tl d d h er::luI errng f' mendation -and should be followed '''lllure foot , Sclool , II ;00 a, m, li'tllt n h Day M""llng ceased , FI' rst account tiled. itt. oonvenience No tedinu~ 20 toO as pa len yen ure " .. '" 111 :,,0 u, U1 ' Estate of Walter T. Pugh. de- 30 minutes boili~g. " Mtl.d~in I\. min- and enforced idleness For the last by th,e Commlsloners uf all other All wol'! Kuuranteed. ('eased. First account filed. nte" s~ys Dr. Shoop. Try it,at your years, she has been a "~hu t-in, " and co unties ,o~ the tate. . Christian Church. In matter of will of Alldrew Due- grocer s for a pl638t1.nt Rurprist'. for a much longer period has be n The 'Mll1lmum Salary law prOVides SUl1dllY SOllool. Il ::!tl fl , Ill, SoClBI meet bel, deceased. Will admitted ' to Sold by all Grocers. virtually an invalid, but through it that no teacher shall be employed , ln g, 10,:10 "Ill a u" hrl~lliitl EDdellYor record. • - • all she has been an example of chee\"- for less than $40 00 per month nor j :011 p , In Estate of David ,A, Williams, deCHESTER PARK fuiness and Christ-like patience_ for le~ than ,eig.h t months_ The Methodist ,E piscopal Church. ceased. Maria E. Williams appointChester Park, Cincinnati 's greatest About three weeks ago, paralvsis st~te aids all ~Istrlcts unabl~ to ~ay Rev W, 1'. Gillil and, Pllltor . 't t' " b d f dl'sabled her entl're left sl' de leavl'ng thiS after haVing fully compiled w,lth - - - . - - - - - - " - - - , i SundllY Scbool, f) :au a. IU, ,I' oruln,. set, ed ad nuUIS ra rlx giVing on 0 amusement resort, has been enlarged 'h . , f h I TI" \'Ioe, 10 :30 a, ':D, tJpwonh (.eBlIue, 7 :00 P' $1000 with Nina A. Williams surety. and improved in many ways ince her utterly helpless. She Iinrered in t, e provIsions 0 t e aw. liS IS *'*''*'**'*''*''*'*''*'*~'*' m , I!lvonlng service, 7::10 p, Ill , Midweek H J D ' h H W M k ' h t t' h ' II b ' Simply an effort of the state to pro- "',,. ..... Pr Iyer Meeting, '7: 10 p , Ill, I . " eart, . • ee and John last season, A new lease on the pam a s or Ime. erOlca y earlng ,. .,;r-' ' 'If. - A. Halsevappointed appraisers. grounds insures the continuance of this last affliction. and then come tect the children III securing co~pe~olll'n6sworth.' St. Mary's~Episcopal Church. Estate of Elizabeth M. Burch, Chesterforanother ten years at least. sweet release from it all on Sun- tent Itteache:s bSec'd 4022-5 nnt~er ';fe , 'Rev, J , F , Cadwallllder,..RecloJ:. __ "JohnR Mulford appointed admin' Thillsummer CheSterwillofferam!'ng day morning, April 18, 19/)9 at pena Y,reqUlres oar sof ed ucalOn' ~ Sflnday Sc~ool. 9 :30A, m MornlDwserabout 11'. 30 o' clock when her Master to appomt a .truant officer and to see ....... ( vice. 10 :80 a, m, Evening IlI)rvlce, '7 p, '01 , trator C"il-Vl'n" bond of ~r:::nn WI' th Fran &. """'" other innovations an immense attracth t 11 h Id d f t '~' Holy Communion lhe Ilrst SundBY gf each ,:ar~don as surety,. , tion "The Panama Canal." In this said, "It ill enough; come up higher." a a c I ren un er our een montb, ea In_matter of WIll o,f ~tanley J. ,the spectator, seated in a boat, will Her age was 71 years, 10 months Yd : ofthage at~tent~ sch~tO.1 :egula:ly ....... 3:; • Augustine's Catholic Cburdl. WIS , deceased. Application to ~d- be propelled over smooth flowing wa- and 7 days. She . had no children , urmg e e n Ire Ime I IS In session ",;r-' FBther Oeol't{l! M...,euboefer. Putor . mit same to proba.te set for hearing ter, through a series of the gl'eat in- but she leaves a husband to mourn the district. MilKS every second Su'ndBl' of the mOll\h ,tU on the 20th ~f April. . teroceanic waterway. Culebra Cut, his loss, together with nephews and S,ec 4018 requir,es . boards of eduII lO U a , Ill, J. C, WhIte guardian of Marvin with its immense steam shovels at neicesand sympathiziug friend s who ~t~llolntolefmptIOyahJamttor'dand.m~ktes Oregonia •• Ohio '!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~!! Wh~te_ and Laura White vs Marvin work and with the trains filled with will miss her, but who rejoice in the I I ega, or eac ers 0 0 Jam or.". ' , fmnifdlate relief hi White et al. earth running in and out; t he beau- glorious gain which has come to her. ~o~k Without separate c~ntract as Dr. ShooD'S M.~ J. C. White files additional bond ' Janitor. Boards of ed}1CatlOTI are retiful Bay of Panama, with its tropi' AltD o~' THANKS ' d h $2 d of $3000 witk W. D. White and MarqUire to pay teac ers ,00 per ay cill scenery and picturesq " ue water, 1 WI' b tb ou"'h you col to f d' h ' . tha E, White as lIureties. Guardian front where ships and steamers are tb k 8 II of r , ... t'rl' dr dumns,' 1 or h atten h mi",teac . ers Institutes T ~_ _ _..._~...,n ~ to sell real estate of wards an a my eo s an nelg 1- w en sc 001 IS not In session. his I " at private sale. moving about the bay; the native bore, who were so kind to me durin~ is to encourage teachers to keep in A Purely Vegetable Laxatlv~ , huts of the workmen, t he beautiful my late affiiotion , N. B, ANTn ONV touch witl) educational progress. Marriale Licenses. homes of the American officials and - - • This is a good law and should be "C~Jr~8 Chronie Constipatio __ , and :Ail ' workmen and many other scenes of RESOLUTIONS obeyed. Everyone of the above Liver and Kidney Troubles. . Harry O. McFarland, 34, laborer an entertaining and educational naWhereas; It has pleased the AI- namel~ school laws are disobeyed in of Sprill2'boro and Mrs, Lida A., ture are shown. Other attractions mighty God in his infinite wisdom to many school districts The officers [''or lillie at tile lolloWltlg pl a \:e~: Hain,e8, 2S of Franklin. Re v. E, H. at Chester are the TO'''er RaI'lway n , remove by death our beloved broth- who have taken an oath of office to Zimniel'mllU'il, KII bou 's, Douglass. the Frazzre, the Nut College, Cupid's er, Wm, H. Hoblit, imd the final obey and enforce the laws should be White 'I, Mountjoy's Springfield, Ohio. William M. Walker , 22, steel work- T rave Is, th e F'Igure E Ig ' ht , th e B umps parting f rom a dear brother, those compe!led to do , so_ The public er of Middletown and Miss Bertha E. the Ball Roon th B thO B h . - - - - - - - -_ _'""""!_ _ _ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ 1_ _....,. . . . . . . ._1 I, e a mg eac we love is always sad but we are $hould see that it is done The chilWard, 24, of Franklin, Rev . Brown , wl'th half a ITII' le of d r ' , .!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5 essmg rooms cheered by an abidin'" faith that our dren should not be deprived of any :::Harry E. Cooper, 2:l, J'eweler of and a scora. of amu t d . ,., .. semen eVlces, brother has entered a higher and educational opportunities guaranteed Chicago and II" Malinda Robinson, the MI'nl'ature RaI'lway the Fre ,.. , e better life, to them by the laws of th€ state _ Let 23, Waynesville. Rev. R. S. Hage- Vaudeville theatre. the Monkey Therefore; be it resolved that we the people begin a cam;aign for law man. House, the Carousal, the great pop- tender our heartfelt sympathies to enforcement ' in the management of ular priced cafe, a~d many' others. the family of our departed bro,ther the Public Schools. The park opens May '8th. ' _ --_ _ _•• _ _ feeling that his companion has lost a , faithful husband, hI'S chl'ldren a tru" Words to Freeze the Soul. ~. -'-Swept Over Niagara. .. , and loving parent, the lodge a true "Yo r soo-hllSoonsuniption. BiR Th..i~ ,~errib le oillamity often b~p­ and 'worthy meinber and the cQmmu- OaRe hI' hopeless" ' '1'bese Il»palliug pens beoaul4e a oareless boatma.n 19words were spoken t,o Gel). E. 'Blevens, a leti.diJl~ merohant of ~priD~ nores t~ ,ri ve,r 's wtl.rnings growing nity a good citizen. ripples ~n(HR8ter current. Nature's ' Thereforei be it resolved th~t as a fleld, N , C bV two exper,t d,)otorswarnings are kind. That dull ,pain loving tribute to his memory our ,one 110 ~JQng spflotllo1l8t. !J'~eli 'was or aobe in the haok warns you the charter be draped in mourning for show? the, wonde,~fnl po~er.?f' Dr. Kidneya need attention If'you would · , d ", d h' , K i f l g s, ~ew ' ,Discovery, After' esoope fatal IJ;llllll.dies-Dropsy, Dia- t h Irty' aya, ap t IS memorial be three weeka U5e'! ' writes Mor Blevbetes ' or ' Bright's disease. ,Ta.e spread on the memorial records ,o f 808, " he ~as o.~ ~,ell 88 e ,v er. I Eleotrio Bitters' at once and 8ee oUr lo<tg~, and a cOPT ' thereof be' ~oulCl no~ ta)te all t.he mODey lU' th~ , Baokaohe,fly Ilnd all ' your beet feel- transmitted. to the family ofour~de- world, for what it did for my- bOY. t' ings return. ' •• Atter long 8uJferlng ___ .oJ ' . ' Infalllblef<?J' Qpugbs- ~nd Colds, itl , fro~ weak kidDeys and 1ar;ne b(WK, c~ brother a.nd, to. ea~h ' of ,the, the safe;et, Burellt'our, of, d~pe~&e Zell 'a nd Thomas ZeJi to OD~ '1,00 ,bottle wholly oured me," V1118&'e , p~pei'l lor publication. Lung ~ee OD earth: ' ~Oo~ uul P~.~lIIfIleIl ~ estate in villaa-e "writ4;e J. R. Blaukeuahip, of ,Be)J[, ,..... .,..,ule. Tenn, OnJy liOoaU'red C. ~~rlz" ,C ommittee




c. B. Lewis Contractor.

GMe Call lye a

''**'' D. 5 *' * '*' General "'"*' ,. ' -.... *':lIe Auctloneer '*' ':lIe I ''**'' PILES *' **,**':l!c'*''*'*,*,*'.(c,**



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HOME~W&~COO~nShe~~lci~~! r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~,~ .

_--;._________ What shou ld b feal'ed more than I " AL · .I " tlr . uurnill of tIL bun)' :rh I'e I' S lII A 1 ......_ __, . _ _u_ _ _ _ '--,-'I_R_~:_ ~:'I' dallg~r that th e Ii v th e loved D



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,-ont'H. 01' OU I' uW Il will b iost· dun ger of 10!:l.'I of all the building ,dt3t; dan-

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D. L . CRANE. &litor

g'r of loss of pictures and gifts of _____.....:=__ll_n::.d_M_H_lI_a_A'_er abs~nt or d ad d\:!ar ones, and other thing!\ that mon ey could'nol


The Busiest Store! The Largest Store! The Leading Store! !

prf'c i o u~ The Paint po&sessing every essential quality. get again Hut in few house.'I. very We' r e g rowing bigger every day. Nothing in it but what s hould be there . .. 1.' 111 f~w, i ~ ther anyt hing at hand with Each day of the pru:t twenty-five n'It· Y";lr (~ I r"'t1 y In 111 1\, ;" ,,· , ·) Nothing lack ing that will improve it. ' I"~ I,· C UIIV II:, which to put out a Rtarting fi re, that years has been one of real prog ress. PIgments scientifically combined, and finely ground in Pure _ __ ......._ _ _ _ _ _ ____ would mak ' ashes ( If thl:!se household At one time we were a .. tep ahead, ' of the avel'age store; now it is a Linseed Oil. tl't'asures and of the home as well. league , and we're sti ll going . In the natell of Advl'rtise ilwohl H u,lIl1 l.n".lIH 1"' 1' 110 " . r" A ladder is .uftt!11 neeJ d to gel beginning we said : "It is OU I' purn""tJ lnv Ilicul • . hlll" k t,lrr I... r II.... II" . water tv Ii fir!:! Rtarled ill the roof pose to conduct a store in Dayton to l 'l"s~l"ed All. tlllt It, ,·,,·.·.·'1 II ,,· I""", 01' attic, by sparks and Lo save th~ which the men and young men may ,'h nlt! III~l·rtlnIlM ·!r". lives of pel'sons in the upper sto ries, come for their wearing apparel with OlJltuUI·II!". I II'" I" l'hl'~ I n',' ; " ' ~ I I\ I' e f fi the expectation of securing the best that outwears all others, and that in wearing away rraduIlI ch ... ~ . IH'r 1I11~ 'II' or a re in a dwelling soon makes at the lowest price." 'We are adherally leaving a perfeCt surface for repainting. Card 1)( lhuuk, ~ '-' l' the stairway impassibl e from smoke ing to our purpose- and "have made f(C H' liutll'fl I'C (,II, · or flam!::'! . A ladd er can be mad e in goou." fOR SALE BY SOl"3.1 ~ e ll', WIl~11" l'I1 UI K" 1.. II L I ~:... a day, ul'l!oug ht ready made for three About Our I,;lothlng DIHpiav Allv.rll<IIIIl. IH' I III .' " 1111' dullars. This spl'ing ~ea­ UI "l' II ' UH ~ ~I\ P II ul l unll iH '1 un find :> us with a FIi:IITINl.: F IH E . largel' and uetter In a farm huuse kitchen there stock of dothing w ~: IJ I,: S II/\ v. 1\ 1' 1(11. ·! II . I t" .t' Iwuld ue a bu ck2l kept full of watH than eve r. Every new weave and patwith which to stay a starting fire tern anrt. coloring iH The bucket u 8~d for water for incl ud ed in our How about tl at frost ~ Did it DR. HAl'HA WAY t: ,you.Mr. I'armer, or did i. n ot~ cooking and drinking is full less than mammoth s p r i n g exhibit. All the allY ~e l(]ing, ~ounci, work any I Undertaker and Embalmer l"i n,Y' 'lf)Hvi11e's Leuding Dentist . Reports coming in liUY the fruit is all half the t.illle, and may Le empty at smart, nifty new th wrong time. I"ire buckets are right, but Mr. Hicks says. walch out where ; IO-yeu t -old I{antuoky lUute Will lie f ound in t he old IOlUeo In Keys BId~. . Mllln !:It styles (01' sprillg al'e for killing fruHts Huw about watch- ITllule wilh roun d bottoms and held hown ut·onlr. at MHl e. hy QUlI l,er B .v ;· :i-yell l'" Bunk BtlIldiu g, opposit e UIJ by a shelf with a hol e in it, UJ' ing out and killing Hicks? th e Ntl tion!11 HUllk . old IllflT fI. po lt tlli!! II wu th ; Vl1 l H'li ng $9.88. $15, hung 011 a nail. oiH~ could nol \..Iul Kentl1 cl,y II \'I t o, g OOd . .J atsey oow.j '1 leplione in houMe IUld of. $20. fice whore 1 can lJa oalled to any uther u~e a uucl<et that woulll Bllo ~ eve tlistl lI U Iti va tor, 1 Buokeye day or night. 1 . D~. Alfred Holbrook, the father of not stand on its own bottom So It We'ye the larg.est . I excl U Sive clothlllg hovel calt·i v!lt·or, 1 KI'8 ns oul ti vntor.. Vulley :l'h one 1'-2. "Normals," who W8.!l buried Monday, would not be removed from Its place. store in America 2 hllrrows. (uew ) ; 1 Aoghe breuking . . . was a grand old man, and the county, In winter salt is put in the water in Our garm nts are I)~OW, BrnwlJ farlll . wllg n, hllyrig_ \Mam Street, Wa~ne8ville, Ohio as well as numerous pupilll al\ over a tire bucket to keep it from freezing. all displayed from glDg, Brad ley corn pltlnter, Plano the U. S., mourn his d~mise . Per- Such a bucket should be kept on each dus~-proof . g I ~ss stopped In 20 minutes thIS bemg . movin g m uchi n • BuckHye dlRO drill , ""'" wilh Dr. 'ltftOJ ) ' S haps there never was a normal ft ~orof .every 'h ome. They may be cabmets, the only Dayton store equipped with " sets work IlIlrl\ fI~!-I , huy hook and ' ro up H e ru cd ~·. Ouo l u, L will. s ur~ I>: prm:o. achool created that has had so mally hIdden In ornamental boxes these mod ern cabinets Nu \' n mlliutr! 00 dl!~· rope, lrllY rllk e. .J. B Vltapruuu. pupils enrolled from all over the C .~R80NI C ACID GAS EXTINGUISHERS. t.ress. A s life sud "1 ,,u..s iull ~y rup-OOc . l)rullllisLs. Children's New and Pretty Suits U.8.,)8 the Holbrook Normal, at The most effective piece of appara· at $1.50,52, $2.50, $3 8(1d $5. New Le~~Jl. Dr. Holbrook had his ups tus for putting out a starting fire is York styles. and do-Vms, but it always ended on I will ~ell'lt. public ti l e on ~a.y lat SubscJtibe for the Gazette Pretty New Spring Tics at 25c the ria-ht side and the Normal still one of the metal tanks known as ' carbonic acid gas extinguishers," which and 50c. to·head of hOrHI1H /lOci mules, 1 heud lives. Better than EYer are seen on nearly every fire departof Grade Jer-ry COWfi lIud heifE.'rs,:it DA."r ,'''''' Waynesville people are shaking ment wagon. They hold two bucketMill (ir ve Farm, 3 miles northeast , band$ with themselves just now, and fuls of water and have a diameter of Mllr row Ohi o. Z. O. Wor ley. all on accou'nt of the election of the one-third their height. At the top Caskey's as ·superintendent and ma- of the tank is a piece of hose a yard tron at the Home at Lebanon.' long. When the tank is inverted, INOs d' 14-Story Building,. Main and Fourth. · With thr~ home people holding the read1 f 01' use s~ Ip h. uric aci : s spilled. Is built on scientific principle ' throughout 'reinaotrovernment, and a director from a bot~le m Its top, mto a cup the township, old Wayne is full of bakmg soda . . When they ~et join atoms of the oxygen in the ail' Its conical jaws are made of heavy sheet steei ....,tlo' well represented-and, by way torether soda-water IS fo.rmed whIch which they dearly love , there is a t and the main body or water reservoir and plant eropbaais- wel1 represented! It makes a that ,wlll throw the blaze. Anything that will cool the tube of heavy water valvered is te d h kf f of b~ wit~ tinned rubber plate. packing.TheThe valve .bu ~n years since Wayne township wa. r an gas m t e tan ~rty eet, burning ~mbstance. so there is no and trIp sprmg are of steel wire' t humb button has been 80 well represented in Coun. or mto enclosed ~Iaces whIch could longer heat enough to t~rn loose the and other fittings are also of brass The maty-afhirs. and we ought to congratu- not be reached WIth a water bucket. carbon atoms, will .put out the fire . Advertis~ng chine is well put together with rive~ and, solder ....-·--... ti ourselves thel'@()n. Mr. S. L THE GAS. Water taKes more heat away from and should' last for years, . Cartwright.thedirectotisoneofthe The gas carried by water helps burningmaterialthananyotherflu'id . Stooping When USing, Therebest chat has ever represented the greatly in smothering tbeitame If or substance. A fire that would heat fore No Lame Backs. • county,. in this capacity, and he has water. carrying carbonic acid gas is water to ·212 degrees Fahrenheit, ' """"""""""""'''''''''''''''' All kl'nd f PI ts h C'~a,..... bb . . .,., ~_a~eat many of the faults thrown on a fire between a ceiling making it boil, would make any..oth ' ~~ soan '. suc as Strawberries age, J.O- , --bacco, Tomatoes,. CaulIflower, that come liP in such. institutions. and the floor above it, the blaze is er material very much hotter. Wa- ~ ~ Sweet Potatoes, Sugar Beets, etc., are set i~ . Now, with the aid ohuchableassist- smothered at once by lack of air. tel' cools the redhot coals and so stops ~ ~ water and covered at on operation. The plant anta as Mr. and ~rs. Caskey and This extingui'.!her is worth most used .the fire Aside from this a 'deluge ~ ~ root'.! are put down to the proper depth below )In, Antram the Home will surely be from above the blaze, becauStl car- of water keeps air away from burn- ~.. , ~ t he surface where the g round is cool Ilnd damp __ .oJ th b . b And 'I. ~ You ne er have to wait for a &hower; plantS • crwuit to e cOllnty. onic acid-l'8S' being heavier than mg su stances. ,too, water on ~ ~ may be safely set out when large enough l'egard•. • -air falls . Each of the three gallons a fire is cbanlCed to steam and that ~ ~ less of theweather- - no matter how dry a~ddusty, . . ~p Before the Bar. of water in the can, takes out with chaRge draws'away heat. ~ ~ the ground may .be. ~ r~rmer should have oJ.le . N. 'II. Brown. tin ' 'm urDey, ot it 20 gallons of the gas Fil'emen W. S. ROGERS, State Fire Marshal. ~ .. Pi,tfd\ttldkVt., wrh. .... : "We have have carbonic acid tanks holding40 -• ~ ~ J . man, wlth .... n... i .... Llf P'II f ~ ~ very httle practice can easilyAny set out 7000 to ~IJU ew ft I S or gallons, which are called chemical Rhuulflatio poisous ,eal'S.&11'•1" nd ngll frnd ...t.bem lIoob t\ good lind 8urely driven out uof s~hequickly blood r.~ ~ . . 10,000 plant8 each day. Our planter maintains . famny, mediolne we WOUldn't be engines. for use on fires thafhave ig- with Dr. hoop's Rheumatio Reme- ~ a record of ovel' 998 plants to grow from each 1,000 set. MONEY :wt&bobt tbem." For Cbills. (lonst _ nited only one or two rooms. They dy-Ilqold or taolet form. Dr. ~ ~ REFUNDED IN CASE THIS PLANTER FAILS TO DO ALL WE pa&tO";1BllIiOl18lleN or. )o\\ok Bead cause little water damage Shoop's bC'oklet on RheumatIsm ~•. ~ CLAIM. FORover IT..mWeight, This plan'ter willuse save r.. dozen times a season4Yu forlbs. replanting and for at its thecost endsa ao Twenty one makers dfthese exti'n- plAinly and interestinRly tells J'ost r.~'I.~ Silverware, Watches, r.~~~ h be C .'_A Sobwor kt '. WOD tJ er8, 2uO ,.. 0 f th e row, were you can ' t use the horse-setter, 'he, war guishers have them officially tested 'er how done. Tell 80me ~ _,' " . Z_ fl.• . of thl this isbook, or better stlll,sofferwrit-tl '-~ Clocks Je I R' ~ l~or sale by A. ·B. Sides 8TId DEPMtTMENT.OFAORICULTURE With a pressure of 380 pounds to the Dr. Shoop &0010'6 Will for t,bl! ~ ,we ry, lOgs, . ~ , . • F. W . Wadsworth. ,! _. . . square in~h,. so there is no Ganger of book and t'ree test' sampl:'R. Selld ~ Ch I N ~ I at" These setters can be seen at A. B. Sides' store at any' time ams, etc., al eWe ~ TIIW'rlollowinl' report, cotnputed one 0 f t hem explod ing wh I'l e in t he 'no money. J ust j oin ~th Dr. I::inonp ~ . F . ed f h ffi embrace of the user. There being a.nd give some tloiferer a pleasant ~ Engraving Specialty ~ f rom returns recelv rom teo - no Trust in the business, competition surprise. Sold by All /)ealers. ~ ~ " " .. A. ..... ciial CI'CIP and live stock correspond_ I. ~ . ..,. 9 en~ ~( the Department. iridicates will probab,lr keep the pric~s ri~bt. CORNER STONE LAID ~ ~ . eOndition of wheat and other ' T"ubes ~~ Speet ac Ie Fltt'109 a Speci alty. ~~ ;¥.~' h of. dryh powder. b k extmgulshd er, ave m t em. a mg s.o a to The corner stone of the first "stu- ~ ., f.' Wlie.,t. condition' compared with throw on.a fire Fir~men thmk the dents' bu~lding" in Ohio was' laid re- ~ ~ av~. 62 percent. dry soda 10 them of lIttle use cently at the State University Hon. ~ ~ '" Wln~r Barley, condition c,?m~Bnd ~renades are bottles ~ull~..f Freeman T. Eagleson, speaker of the r. ....... With , an averqe, tiS percent. flUId are kept for breakmg'lln House of Representatives of the Gen. Jty•• Condition 'compared with an a~tartl~g fir~. .Many of them con- eral Assembly which appropriated ~ Waynesville, Ohio. ~ ,~. 79 percent . tam ammoma. to choke a . blaz.e. the money for the building, spo~e in ~"""''''''''''' ' ' '•.' . ''."""",.""",.,"). Condition in crib compared G~nades are httle used except 10 b~half of the State emphasizing the· -"'.L1' __ .v.rare, 98 perc~nt. ships. . responsibilities for service which the weeD of protection to wheal HOW WATER PUTS OUT FIRE. State places upon those enjoying the LT E R LURE, ,. . Any substance must be made hot bounty of her educational facilities. Funeral Director. before it will take .fire. When the 'President Thomp.son's remarks on J , heat is' great enough to loosen the laying the stijme were . Buggested by a~om8 of carbon in it, so they can the purpose of the building, which . . he declared was to be the "home of Telephone day or night. _._-. ____.,. . __ . . " _.. ___ friendship." Va.lley phone No.7. Long Is Headquarters for all the Best The st~me bears the following inDistance No. 69-31'. ~ Printing. We do all kinds of scription: WAYNESVILLE, . • OHIO. ~ work in the Printing line at . Reasonable prices. FOR THE . STUDENTS OF Branch Office. Harveysburg, O. Get our prices on fine Linen paper THE OHIO. STATE UNIVIiIRSITY and Envelopes- they are cheap. fROM'rHE 77TH GENE~AL AsSEMBLY

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T4 S'ave Our Eye~. Tbete I. a Blbllcol Injunction iag~lnst bIding our "llght under a lJ1iabel." Yet It ls prollnhlo that In 1\ abOrt lime n early 'vt>ryoue wlio bill! 1'88 or electricitY for lighting will be Hterally covorlng th source of light wIth a metal shad that looks .01·Y much Uke a small husbel mensure. For 'several yoare, lightin g expcrts nnd more particularly sjlcclull ' ls In eye troubles havo d cri ed the evil etc cts "'POD the eye or Ihe direct rays trom Our modern brilliant light sources. ThJe haa been made more evident by the IntroducUon nnd general use ot tbe new blgh candl ~powe r metallic Blament Incandescent. lamps. , There haye, therefore, becil many :\1 tempts to devise a method of Interior illumIna.tion by whIch the rays are · reBectod once at least before reaching the ' eye. There Is a considerabl numher of In· stallatlons In which thIs "Indirect II· lumlnatlon" Is applied In dlffurent waya, the most sliccessful heretoforo belog that In whJch tbe light Is hidden behind brackets around the edge of the room and reBected towards the eell· Ing. It has been very limited In appllcaUon owln~ to the 108 ~, or absorption of light by the reflecting surfaces, explains the Technical World Magazine, l1ut where the expense Is not conslilitred, verypleaalng results were produced. Recent developments have been made that probably mark an epoch In Interior lighting and will make indirect UlumlnaUon a very gen· eral system. In ortler to make thJs method commercially available, that Is, bring It within the reach of the man of ordInary menns, two thlnga were' neceaaary.

eJ's hi story down to t~ dt\.yB or ' Malachi, tb Int at- or the prIJlllillts, ' The mission ot lIJnl'allhl wns " dl,,· cour:lgln~ ope ind cd. The 11 'cline wlil ch had follow d tile r evival under 1\ h mlah markecl 'the IIl ~t down, I\rd plungo of tb rcrnu an t Of tbe llutlOI) whlc,b bad been r $tored to Jerusa· Bordeaux Mixture Cor the l"ormer and Polson l'or tho Latter 1em. ,, -


THE C MI'NG ONE Malachl" Orell Vision 01 the Messiah.


HARDSHIPS , ' QF . I\RM.,. LIFE. L:.eft TJlou.and. of Vet.,.na with


'"ey Trollblo.

The ' experl6nce ot W. ¥a'rtU., a reUred me chant ,ot BoUvar, ~{q" t. jut , tho,.., &aDds ef othellli Mr. MII.l'tW snYII : "I thlDk I b~v bad . kJdney dfeea,i/6 .~ver rUnce th war. DW"ng an en· gagement m. bors6 fen on me, atrainlllg my back and lDjwing tht' kidneys. I have been told I had a eq floating kidney. 1 hB:d inteDse pain /sA1 In the back, hendnchea and dizzy r. it spells, and the acUon of' Wle blaMer ; l8 f( very Irregular. About three years ago ,"1iI<I trlod Doan's .Kldney PiUs nnd Inside of a comparatively short time was en· Urely rId of kidney troubl .... Bold by all dealers. 60 06Dts a box. Foater-}lUburn CO., Udale, N. Y.

-By E. P. Sandsten. Hortlculturallst, WisPI;I sta and peoplo were corrupted cOl)sin Asri4 ultural College. by the conrlllinos ' whleh !lIt\'l'OIlOll il Ulom, nne! as MalachI went about d . nOUll clng sin And pleading with the Thfs experiment staUon bal on· oth~r fungicide Is app.1led to the leaf, p pie to return to God, be was given ScrIpture Authority: -Malachi, Chap- scant bearing. ducted spraying trialS [or the last five tl:\esG little sporos and mycelial! ' ters Tllre alld FOUl'. . Day after day (ollowlng . such aIr y~ars In Ule loadlr: potato growing threads cannot develop on the I" uf, The Porlod or lIfaln chl. - Tho time dur- plll'cully fruitless trorts he wo'uld re- counties In the sll.te to determine, The cop pel' In Bordeaux mixture act:!. Ing w hl r' lI the prup llf'rl l'll ot Malachi we re turn to his humble nbode Blld loso first, whetber .early potato blight (AI- as polson upon the ttlll[PIB plant. l<"Or "ell "~r, ' d It not dlm" ult 10 n.~CIlI' I "tn . blmse!! In the prophe- ternru1a Solanl) can be controll ed by this renson Bordeaux mixture mUSl Cyrll nlulc('s him cont e mporary wIth wblch the proph ets ' be- the appli cation of Bordeaux mixture, be' applJed at certain times and must, Hagga i IlIld Zcc hurlnh, or 0. litt le lal or. cies Particularly dlJ and, secondly, to determine wbether ae a rule, ,be , used ro~ dIseases like Sync ellus pln!'t!8 th Ol! a tllr e proph e ts (ore 'hIm had lert. unde r J oshuQ the son of JOB '<l ee. Tha t ,be tll'loy tbe visIons whIch Isulall gavo spraying should be recommended to potato blight wWeb Inlest and gl'Ow Mnlach l was contl'lllllOrnry with N e he- of tbe Promised Oue who should the potato grower as a In- for a Ume upon the Gurtnce of t.he miah I" f'(>nd e rNl probable by a comptlrl· and f.n suranco agnlnst leal. Atter the disease g~na general 81'n or ~ : 8 wIth N ph. 13 :15 ; Z:10- 10 with come and bring glory anti power to vostment bligbt. Israel: N~h . 13 :2%, et c.; and ~ : 7-12 with Neh. 13: 10: etc, That he prophesIed nfter tho tlml's The term "el\rly lllight" Is mislead"Can It be that these things all.llt of H nltnu l nnd ZI' hnrlnh III Inferred trom his omlttJng to mention the restoration be?" he askod himself over nnd ovtlr Ing, duo to the fact tba.t the disease of the temple, nnd from no ulluslon bing Ilgaln aft r Ule falling ligh t bad put do s not usually do serious damage mad e t o him b)' E~rn. Th e captivity wus 1\ stop to his reading and be sat de.ep until after August 15. It must also ll iready n t h in g of Ille long Ilust, und Is In thougbt. be noted that the early blight llpon not ret 'rred to. The ex illtcnce ot t he "Ab," he exclaimed, at the thought potatoes does not rot the tubers. This l emple serv\c:e 18 presupposed tn 1:10. 3:1. 10. Th J e wISh nlltlon had sti ll 0. po lltlca l that his Qut?sUon sounded like a lujury Is generally caused by 80Ule Wifey'l ~ddltlon to List of Her Houl. chIef (1 : J, dls llngulshed by th Harne t1~ doubt, " I dO' 1I0t mean that I ques- otber organism. Tile early blight hold Dutlea of Cou,... Wa. tlo I1S thOot born ,by Nch!'mlah (Neh. found Is confined entirely to . the vines Uon that sul'h things shall be, but. It 1!:!6). t o whic h Oosc nlu8 Oosslg ns a PorslNot PeMlonal. an orlgln. H !'nl'c Vllrlngn cone Iud 9 thlll seemB so wond rrul In the taoe of tho and reduces the yield by causing an Malllllhl d elivered hIe proph ecies aft I' th e t errIble sins of the people. Yes," he excessive percentage of culls and After dinner the other &veaf.og Mr. lIecond r e turn ot N ehcmlnh trom Pers ia exolalmed, us though answering · a small potatoes at llanest. The last and Mrs. Bl'9wn started to apeak ot (Ne h . J3 :6), an(1 s ubsequently to th e thlrty-aecond yeRr or A rtaxerxell Longt- question he had put to hlmsclf, "tlley three wceks growt.h of the vine 10 tbelr respectlvo duties, and soon an mnnu a (clr. B . C. 420), whIch III the date do cllu!; tp the old ceremonies "nd the Im portant time 10 the formation argument DS to whether the bWlband adopted by RenDl co ll, Ha lcs nnd DavId- jealously claim Abraham as their tao of tubers. Dy Infesting the vines at or the w1(e bad tbe 'hardest work to son. ther and Abraham's God as their Ciod. this time, tbe disease shortens the perform was III. tun ..Wing. First but the hearts of tbe people are not growing period about two weelts, Brown warbled, and tbaa wifey aan.g: right and they worship not In slncer· cl\ushrg the large perccnlage 01 small Fig. 2.-Enlarged Drawing of 8pore. "A wife." argued the, goed lady, "ha 8ERMONETTE. Ity. Dut It would seelXl as though God potatoes. or uSeed." of the Potato Bllllht to cOOK, wasb dishes, clothe the kids, could never send blessIng to a people It theBe affected leaTes are ex· Fungus. The Spore. Are Borne on sCl1ub the floors, -sweep ~u hOWIe, Here I, wh,ere John the Bapwblch hus so wickedly forgotten h.lm.'" amlned with a high power m'agnify· Short Fruiting Branche.. Magnl. make the beds, blll1d tJa.e Ires. carry tist caught hi. vision of the "I have promlsed that In the set!d Ing glass It will be dIscovered that up coal, nall alats on the baak fence, fled 385 Diameter•• thrlat and preached him ae the of Abraha.Ql all the ,nations of the the tlssuell or cells ot the leaf are dlg-" one who .hould baptize with fire earth shall be blessed, and so they permeated with little threads or infestation of the plant, only varUal "1:8 that aU 1" Ilareaa&lcnlly lnterand burn up and dOitroy the sball be," Thus spake a voice In the strands or the tuugus, ·w hlcb act like beneflt can be expected from apray· rupted Mr. Brown. dross. "No," Was' the prompt l'OJolnder of ear ot Malacbl. The prophet started, roots In absorbing the food supply of tng. b preventing a rapId InfestaUun The unbelief Of the 'People Mt'8. Brown. "In addltfon to tbo8e duguiltily. Had he dishonored God by and spread of the dlBeooe from new the leaf. It the leaf Is thoroughly could not keep, God from ful· his Questlonlngs? ' torn apart, very often at the ends of spores. Hence the usual direction, "Be ties every wlte haa to keep her bUII~ filling hi. cove'n ant and sending band from making a' fool at lWnaelf!" "Yea, Lord," he saId, softly, flI know the little short threads will be tound on Ulne." the Chrl.t. He ".hould come Iud· -Philadelphia T elegraph. thy promises are sure. They have minute club-spaped bodies ' called Although very often ,the Bordeaux dimly to hi. temple. been tulfllled In the past. Tbey wlll spores, which serve !l shnllar purpose mixture and polson for the beetles may It seems lometlmes that the T,OTAL LOSS OF HAIR be fulfilled In the days to come." as do the see~s to the 'hlgher plnnt». be combined. this method Cn.nDOt aljudgments of G'Od pronounced "And Uttle dost , thou realize aU (See FIg. 2_) This litUe fungus plant , ways be relied upon. It will be noted The ordinary run of American against lin are a long time de· that the promises to Abraham mean," grows and develops similar to the that the destt-ucUve season of the Seemed Immlnent-Scalp W .. Veroy poe~y la steadfly In ~prov1ng, and at layed until at last people beBcaly and Hall' 'Came out by Hanelagain came the voice to him. way of tbe potato on whlcp It teeds. beeties upon Inte potatoes lies berate QUite, reasonable In 'the long his· come skeptical concerning fu,· ful.-sc~lp Now Olea.. ~ , Malachi bowed his bend humbly as The little thread-like plant. are tween the dates July 1 and AUguB~ 10, flllment. But at last In an hour tory of Ute~ture, where a t~ouslind the rebuke drove Itself Into his heart. wholly Imperceptible to the naked It must be noted also that tlle seooon when they think not, the hour 8tansaa ~e as a single Une In the sight New Hair Grown by Cut~ra. After all how superllclaUy he j,udged eye. The black spots visible on the of greatest destruction trom blight of God .trlkel. of the !:lUBe. Take a hundred mapGod and hls promises. How finite and To the ungodly the coming of &lnea dated within the decade, ex· "About two years' 1180 I was troubled UmJted his mInd aa It stroye to com· the Chrllt meant the conlumlng With my head belug scaly. Shortl), ' clal,ms 'the New York Post, pick their prehend tbe thlnge of Ule in~nfte God. fire of judgment, but to thOle atter that I had an .attaok or U'Phold ' beat ten poems, aDd you see how And then, as thougb God were reading repentant o( heart and longIng fever and I wsa out of U. hoapltah his' thoughts and answering W~, the lucky the .singers of our' old aubfor hi. coming; John Introduced possibly two montbs ~h.en I ss.rst no. voice spoke again ' and enid: ClOlonl~ 'ach.ool were to be born early. him, you remember, a. '~he Uced the 108S oC balr~ my. IIOalp "And not only "re my ways put , But th4l tide lia.' run .lrongellt along Lamb of God that taketh away ,un scaly. ' I started to oiIe cWidrulr ' findIng out, ,but I choose to .work my the coast of Bohemia; in our collecos the .In of the world." cures. to no effect wbateY8I'. I bad wonders through the most humble Thl. '.'pect of the Chrlat a. , It has lon~ seemed to be ebbing. ' Not actually loat hope ~f 8IL~ any halr channels. Remember, It was the an avenger, a. a mighty one e.,e n that noble I~maturlty whlcb at all. I could brueb U olr ,lIIY coat poor widow of Zarephath, and she not putting down evil and exalting by the bandful, 1 wos atraId to comb otten appears In undergradua,t e prose a Jew, to whom Eltjah was sent, and the. rlghteoUi ' In "eart, rather It Dut atter using two cakes o( Olltl· has made ltaeU telt, In mucb und.erby whom be and s1!e and her son 'belong. to hi. second coming aura Soap and llellrq a lta1 of CuUgraduate Yeree. Football, b~re, fresh· were fed for many days upon the' UtUo than hi. firSt. And It was b~ oura Ointment, the ~ ,..u.s surftour and the 011 which she had In' _ the men and eccentric p.rofessora are tbe cau.e he did .not fulftll thl. pic· prlli!ng. My 8cn1p la DO" oloar and houee." 's took . tbem" of' 95 per ceJ),t. of such ture which Malachi draw. of nealthy aa could be and lQ:·bafr tblok· "Yea," respon ed Ma ach, QU c y, . e,ualona, wbfle the remalniDg be per him, perhap., mare than for any er than ever, whereaaI had my mind ''I did' orten bea'r Zechariah tlie proph· other rea ion, that the Jew. reo cent. are college wldoW8 or b~ made up to be bald. W. B'. Steese, ,5812 et declare the word which had come Jected the Chrl.t. They were Jeequenr on Horace. Broad St, PIttsburg, PelW.. May 7 and unto blm. saying: " Not by mIght nor 100k~lng for a temporal king who 21, 1908." by power but · by my spirit, saJt~ tbe with . mighty hand would put f'oUer , ~ • 0IIem. Clot'p.. Sole PlrDpa.. ~ , The New Jersey legislature Is conLord of hosts.' ' Surely It was so In down the C?nem'e. whom they 10 sl~erlng ,a b1l\ to prohibit cblldren his case, and It fs Illways tru~ wbere much hated. And when he did FAVOR. under 16 years ot a~e , from att.e ndance one pute hie tTUst In tbee'" . " not fulfill this conception of him "Dark though the way ' appelU'r Ilt theaters unless accompanied by they tu.rned from hIm In unbe- ' again spllKe the ' vofce, "Bnd few their parent.s or guardians. The nickel lief. \ thougb th«e be who 'remaln falthful \. show ,haa becoJDe a social problem In The figure of the purifier' beto the God of IlIrael, yet remember the eaat, and Is In a way becoming a fore the crucIble, ftxlng h,l . eye that tbere are tboae wbose hearts on the m~ial, and taking care 80clal problem In the west. Insubor· bave not forgotten the God of Abra· that the fire be not too hot, and dJnat!9n to teachers and par~nts Is not ham and ,!Base and Jacob, _and It Is Fig. 1_Potato Leavea Infelted with I:.arly Blight. Note Qenae Black the metal In only until he keepIng Spot. Caused b y the Fungua. decreasing under the Inf1u~nce of film bytbe tliltbof these few that my prom· knows the dros. to be complete.plcture exblblts and flasby popular fungus are ORly the evidence ot de-' upon 'Jate potatoetSusually comes beIses ab~l yet be brougbt to pasll," , Iy removed , by seeing his ow'n eon&so' )3oy bandits are becoming ,','How wonderful}" esclal,med Mats,. stroyed tisSue, rO!l,ulUng (rom the tWeen the dates of AJlgust 16 and Image reflected In the glowing "Papa; mamma ia1. that If you're moro numerous than eyer, No won· ehf, lItUng bls eyes ~ward heayen In, breakillg down of_ tbe plant cells by September 20. Therefore, It Is '~ces. ma .., I. really a beautiful 'plcder, exclnlrqs the Milwaukee Evening fervid worship. . the paraslUc fungus plant. 'The fungUs sary to guard against the cla1lDs ot too lazy to do anything, WIll you 'ture of the I'elatlon of Chrllt to Wisconsin. that the New Jersey solons I'Yea, speak your words .,f warning plant on tbe ~otato vine Is as de· 80me men that speclal' duet macblnee; please alt near the Clothes oIDset and thoee who really belong . to hIm. ,to priest ~nd peopl~," con~lnued the pendent upon weather QOndltloll,8' and which are adaptable to applying pol. blow the Bmoke iIi, so as, to kill the' should tblJlk It time tbat radlcl'! The C,h.rlst sits down ' to ,the . yoloe, "but forget not · the tew wboae food supply tor deV'elopuje'nt as II the eon., may also be used In comblna- motbsl" Mlrk, not perfunc~orlly but with ~ taken to kl!ep from Her Womanl, Cur1o&lty. ' bearts are , tender towards 'me and , potato vine upon, which' it feeds ,and ,11on With dUSt' sprays for the bUI'bt. patIent love and unflinching Ju ... 'growing old too OIl bave put aside &DOugta money," ," " H"wever, the same maehlJ'1'l .omewho are looking fQr the fulfillment ot Uv~s. tlce. -The Aflgel of the Covethe promises ot a deliverer," 'It wfll now be understOod why some Umes can be used for bot!. purpo's es. aald the l,1acbelor of 62, "tQ iDako ~t. nant, al In leading hll people Homer is said nodded, and "Ah, In , my distress of heart, and potato growers associate the rapid ~e. The station baa bad excellent resulte sure that 1 shall bo deoenU7 burled out of EgyJlt by the pillar 'of even a veteran and gltted jurist llke my discouragement, 1 had forgotten," velopment cit tbls ill's ease with the re- from ' combining tbe arseIintes uB~d without expense to the, pubilc Of cloud and fire, has an aspect i;f Chief Justice Fuller ot the UnJ~ed "Why," asked tbe malden ,.who "'u exclaimed Malachi, with almost a sob. ' currence of certaJn ' weather condf. against the beetle'll with a ,weak Bol" terror to hI. foes, of 14"1 to hll States supreme court wUl occasionally "I bave seen only the wlckednees and tlons. The weather Is made the causo deaux mixture. When this comblna- verging on 85, "do you tlilDk JOU ought , ~ followers. be guUty of a "break." Wh'en, swearing have decent burlair . Remember, the pUT'er the gold, the waywardness of tbe people. I ot "the dlsea8~. , although no ac;courii Uon ' Is put on early In the season" care In PresIdent Tart on Inauguration day, hnye forgotten tbose whom I ,sUII can Is 'taken of th~ presence of tha Uttle should be taken to kllep .the Ilressure the hotter the fire now; the u •• ·Allen'. Foot·E..... count o,n as friends, and who are -rwigul plant which may 'bave , been down 110 that tbe material Is not H Is the only cure for Swol1eD. Smartwhiter the garment, the harder In repeatlng the oath he made It read Ing, Tired. Aehlng, Hot. 8~tl~ Feel, the 'washing. eager to hear tha word of God ' wasted. Tbe weak BordeaUlt~lxture Oorna that Mr. Taft was obligated to "faith. BunloDs. Ailk tor .::.\110n II FOOl· ' spoken." And Malacbl began ' running used pre.ents any 'Injuries whlcb J!!OoBe, and Remember God'. Word ren powder to bo , ehalum Into th fully 'execute tbe constitution," Instead ehoes. Cures wh.\le YOU wnlk. At nU Oruaover the few scattered ones In Jeru· ql,ght res\11t' from 80me ml ke' fn mlndl UI that with God a thou· at tbe oftlce of prelftlent. Secretary of trlats and Shoe Store!!, 26 Don·t a~ep~ land year. are as one day and salem and tbroughout the country ml~ng the B.rsenlb compou ds. In any aubstffute. Samplll SODt FRlllE. Aa. State Knox, who has a rendy wit, one day at a thou land ye~MI. who had kept tbemselves unspotted mldsu.m mer the Bordeaux mixture drt!ll8, Allen 8,. ' Olmsted, ~JkY! ~. Y. . I " atobd by and Is reported to have re- ~O::\Oj:lO~IQ()C( from tbe wQrldUness and wickedness -"'"'~ . ~ . ' ,. ..I.J. would ~llo baY.8 some fungicl al value. Doesn't 'Entertain. ,- -, marked In an undertone to the presl· '" of the nation. ' . _The' station has appUed with suecetls "Did you say he was a lQoture~ oct . dent: "Don't do It." Whether be did ~Surely they need the message. If tbe , d' U ferent poisons In comblnatlon THE STORY. ' . , •. , .' or not the constituUon Is quite safe the others will not listen I wm go with lime water, which· also prevents entertainer? "No; I merely aald he .W" 'a lec!rom molestatton. anll speak to, them," exclaimed . Mala· , f~uries from free acid fn the polson. I '; WHEN the present condlUons are chi. with sudden resolve. It muat be rememb'e,red that to sue- turer." , A Domelltle Ere ~ . Home-seekers will be greatly en· way!a~~m~~! l~rt~~d~~:m~~::eOfl~o~: "Yea, thou hlUit well spoken," re- A Modem and DesIrable , Type of P~ c~.tulY ,.control the ~eetles, . the' poi· by' ElxperJenoed Phnlclan-. sponded the voice. "Go and tell them tato Spraying Machine In Operation. son must. be app,lle'd I~medl~tely . or Compounded eouraged by the announcement that Cpntorm;a to Pure Food and ~ Lawi. Dar~ncss may be aroond one, but f b h 11 I III ' ha h the Inte1l'l0r departinent will aoon If only the heavenly vision can be of the Coming One, or e 0 (, w . -WII,I 8pray ~ to' SO,Acree , Day; 800n atter the egg. tch. ': For t Is WIDII Frten". Wl)ercver 1111Od~ ~Dru .... tor MurIne Eye 'RemOl!y. " M•• • throw open for settlement about a mil. caught brightness breaks In upon the send a messenger, and he sball pre-Extra NOJZI •• Clin Be ~ttached If reason. when potatoes are raised 011 a ir1lta; dn. an Your lil!e8. You W1U Llko ' uriDe. pare the way before me; an'd tbo' Deel.. Thla 'M,achln, •• Equipped I/U'ge . sca,le, \t I, ne.. oessary ,to ~a~8, lion acres of land w41ch formerly be- soul and the song ot joy, sounds torth k h d I ~ , with. Pump, PreHure :rank an~ macbl~ery which covers a wide area Lord, whom ye see , a all au deny longed to the Crow Indian reservation from tbe Ups. 'come to his temple. eViln ' the' messen· Bafety Valve. ' In a day'a time. Weak Bordeaux mls. In Montana. Opportunltiea to secure No harder place could be Imagined ger of the Covenant"whom ye delight . " . t~re fs made by combining tour b.omes by' e'n terlng upon government than that of the prOI)hets o~ old who, ' .In; behold, be shall come, salth the living ,dorm,a pt . upon the vfnes ,or pounds at' c;.OJjlpel' lIulpbate with elgbt lands a~ growing Cewer as the. coun· amidst the wIckedness and wayward· LQrd of bosls. But :who may' abide lI'ime time. It bas bee. obse"ed .re- pounda of lime to 100 ~alIQn's ot water ~ry fills up, says the Milwaukee l!)ven. ness of the Umes .. preached righteous- the day 1iis ' cQm1n~? And ."ho shall peatedly that ....tbosl! i!0wers w4~ are cOJtta,nlng 'the polson. This weak Ing Wisconsin, and In a ' comparallvely DeLIS to '11 people wbo woul,d Po9t hear; ,stand Wben he appearetb'? for he I. a succ~ssflll In spraying are men who Bordeaux mlnure sbould' be made In short time the land rushes wU' be wbose hearts were wholly given over refinet:'a fire" 'an~ Uke fu~ler'e , sope. bave .'·taken the pains to study Intq , tbe same manner aa tbe ·atandard Bo. .. remlnlsGeDees to which futu.r e "old. to eVil" and who were bringing upon And he sJlall sit as n.. refiner and purl- the simple, fac~8 just mentioned deaUx ' mixture. . , the nation the ruin and disgrace long Dei' of silver; and shall purity ' tbe, the development of tbll'dil5ease. The"" , ~ " . -' \, , , . " ,' . . . , SODS of LeVi, and ,purge them as gold principle fI;1vo1'led then In /successful ' DI~klnl. ~snd.~Few men 'r ealize Umers" may point as experIences ttiat ·foretold. .!.1J never' again be' enjoyed by new- They could cry out ' ~alol;itthe eVil., and silver, that they maf ,ofre! unto po~to B,pray~g, l. ~ae to!~ow~: ., :great lid,,~t~e ~ be secufe4 In co~era. Tbey could~ warn the ' people of .the the' \;ord an offering In rlgbteouanen." Durin, tbe J;~pld ~eveJopmept ' of lng; land befor~ breakJng f0t: corn. , . . coming judgm~~t pt ,God ~po~, t,bel~ , With a glad cry M!llachl arose, .the .. ~~ f d~sea~: the maas. o~ threAdlllke' ~ere , COl'n la ' to "ol1o~ ~~. A, ~ ne" stop wa~ch ,b.a a b~en, br.ougbt ,sln/3. Bilt they could not.colJlpel th~;' daritnes8 ,all gon~ by th~ brlghmeea .myceJlu~,~ ;gro"tng r, ~el!)' rapl4t1. ' In,1",elgbted df~ barroW canbe'uaed, not . ou.t to~ use or llhYSlcJ~a 11Ild nurs~s In. to lIs~en" T11.ey could not force them of the, m~ssoge. .. '" inc,!, upon the leat The Dilll,u~e s~te- oll1" ~ot a .talk 'Cu~ter,. but for a. pul·, CO unt1 ng pulae beats. Tile pressure of to ' turn theI\- bearts to God. They "Yea, ' } will go and ..tell. The d,a y ,like bodle. (188 J'lg. J) , are. being pro- venser ot eurr~ and the aavinl a button ·~~, 1tand another could .oilly «;ry .out, ~d . see ~M dat~. wLU eOJDe cve~ . ~ GOd bath saldl' , duce~ o~ the iur'lac~ , o~ ,~he black qf the humu8 of the cprn etRlll, whlilti Bpots already ' notect . . T~. ~ore~ r. Iq8t ~~ere U1~J' are, ,burned, ' ttl:' 'e tope It aQd marks the time ,when 'S ness ,close In around tbe nation dee~ , ... ven number o.f beata have been er 'and 'de,eper, But it tlle mission Dt " L6t hlin ' who 4esf.i:,es .to see oChe.., when the)': Us~t on the 1...,. prmt-..ate gother wltb ' tbe ' greater ea~·. wlt1l prophet to the peop.le·' was dt.coiJr~g. hapR1 make -haste to 'g lvewhlle tbe .a nd ~W'• .caus~n, another black spot wbfdl the land oan bebrok6¥ zqate counted. . ing from one point of vIew, cer.talnly ' . ' 1Ht enjoyed; and let hJOl who ~where th~ ~U. or'tbe lear are de- liuch & method Qt handling ve1'1 deelt'there. was the brfg1!ter~' Bide as' tb,e: ' seek, his own h,ppfneBs reflect tl!at .8t . ),ed, . . DUrin; mora!)le , weather ' a e. One qf the IJ'e&teat lIeDeBtI, eyes turned to~ardll God , and . a ylsion , 'whlle be tot:ms hi, purpo.e , the day ~DdlUq~ ,AII4 ' 'Ye17 orten wben the,. bowev8I', 00lOe8 from ~be maeb bettftr of hi, glory and power and ul~mate -roUa on and the nlgbt comes wheD 1'1noe are weakened ~ IDjuJ7. thl. e(lnnecUoD that I.. made between tr1u~ph waa caught. :. ." " 110 inaD ean worko-Jo1uuMtn. of the tunpe prope....·i boUoJ., of the, funcnr auG the tumed Here the eeqet of t1ae ' tIODI. rapid rate. ect . lOll the Ia78I' that I• . t9rD,ed IteaJlns a1fQ' dance aird 'hope of an the prophet.. Dabll hI.lead 1aait ___Va ....... . fIVID tlloee of tba early ' dar- of r.. 11 ' . BY THE "HIGHWAY AND BYWAY" PREACHER





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Mr. George Hawke


W EDNESDA Y MAY' 5, lU09 .

fami ly



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III st. Sundu.y antert·ained Mr. and

. The Neighborhood News

•• ••

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Ye!lterllov oekol.istionlil were com. I . Mrs, Frunk ZeJl, ·Rev . Benj fla,wy. Un hay first, tbe Citizens Bank plet,etl wh~reby VllnWart i~ IItlt'mr- 1la~:'~~':~!~~lu !\1.'IIf'r wuR 10 Du,.yton iris nnd fumily, Mr, C. 'r, Hawke a,nd paiu their elev ntb dividend to t hei r __ W~~ """"""",~ ad" o~nJllnl( fuotor.v thut will ba lD I y flUIdly lUlU Mr . ,J M . Keys and fllID- stock holders, whioh meUD e they Flat !jor){. f Mi ss '~al'/Ih H uy d ock 1~ s ull'uri n g oper~tioll the yotlr round .J It ruell Mrl!. W . I:f, Alltm watt t\. Duyt,on Ily, A llIoat exoellent Ilinner WIlt, l.lIIve re eiv d f). oontinuous in ome I IV t h a bllul y uIIl'a ; l1 tlll ankle, StOOPlI, I'reilldent. of the Vltn Wert . villi tor FrhlllY· I served and all present enJoyed tbo of 6 1 '; Binoo Bun k opeutld ita doors MORdallle" l!:I1LL B, Stein tllltll·'let.uu 1\1 rl!, Mirillm tit, file Ildopt li t.111 ugh six years ago Otlxt July. Hulfmtm, of Leban on, lire visiting ter of lItr ; lind Ml'M. ,J eB~fI ompton PlloklDg Complmy, wbo is alllo :;ec- ' Mitis (Jrllofl Linooln WIlS iuflRytOO 1l0spitalU.f I)f thia pleu.sunt born e, ;et"ny of the OhIO Canoer8' A.. llooi_ ' last W'odllepdllY. • - • 'l'he management of tbe Bank are sino(1 WeduosdllY with their pur ntl:!, dieu of tubercul osis, on 'ltturdny Iltion oomplet.ed 8atisfllotory u.r· l· B .rry t)herwood, of Lebu.n on, W!lS Former R~sidents oongratulating t hemselves that their Mr. rtnd Mra , Willium Blaine I~t J mJl'niug. F uneml sel'vices were rllopment8 wHb.1 V, Warvel, mlln io, tllwn Ill"' Thursday . Bank has been deslgnAted as 1\ 8tute " 8unD vside Farm ." beld ttt t he Friond s' ohurch on M Oil . ager or tbA Wa·rvel C~tlnlng Cumjjn_ 1 MrM, MH.ry Anson, of Xenlo, spo nt After autl'el'lng seve ra1 Y I'l,H S f rom Depository; und they ure now ous. Miss lUll;', L. Allen w nt to tho LltLV L·ondnct..:u uy Deborah Loyd . n:v of Waueeoo ' whflreoy Mr ' WlI.r. BoudllY. with triend .. hel~. , I 'ity of CetIlus" 'WetIntl 'd",." where 'I'1I e brO il vuu bu s bulllJ amI little II n '1 tuueroulur trouble, ftgain ~ t the rav · tOdl·I.IOS of the States' fuods. ' v!'ll ,become8 II. lltooltbolder in the Mi811 Donna Rnd Mr Fred H~wke tlges or whloh sbe bro vrll v stl'uggled . _ -- tl lIe ~ ill vi!.!it (~few tIay 8 wIth h el' Llu \'e tu e ISympltl hy of t 11e en tire 1 Van, Wert Paoking Company and . trirs. Mirium Hteel , wife of E;~rl CHRISTIAN CHURCH slst,er, Mr!.l . Haye!.! Keev r Ilnu he t' co ulI,Uunit,y. 'I'b sudneRs of the 0 0 will, move his ruB.ohineryand II.ppa- Wtlre ill Lebanon lutlt ~u.turday. fri end, Mra. Peurl Sh revo. llilsion is in Or ett86u on tlCOount of the '-' d (' k f "I b ~tee le, passed I\way at lI er bome S un duy S0 1l 00 It" r .. t ' -80me ten ornload-'-to Vwn "rtl .188 ey, 0 v O um us, wa s a ,, :30 a.m. ; 8 er\V . V . Tiobenor, of Lebanon , WllS very 1100r health of Mrs . Compton . .. .." one and one hlllf miles north of R D Wert , Mr, Wanel has been In tho the ~uest of trlellds here IIl.Rt Friday, New Burlington, at 30'ol00k Satul- mon by ev, awsonat 10 :30 11 . m. i entprtllined II. few dUYHhtst week u.t We be!; to COl'reot Il mistllke in paoking bnsinetls for twen'y 8even Mrs, Amalldo. z:;utton, of Harveys . . day morning . ~he beoame bedfast Chri tian Endeavor at ';' :00 p, m. i the howe of Mrs. J ohn Gll roer. OUl' Items last week. Miss Edna ,y~r' ~ M ~t present Pretlhlent of burg, hlAs be n VAry 8ic~ ull winter. only thrt.6 days u.go, and although 8ermon at 7 ,30 p. Ul . Miaa Nellie Gibbs visited witb Elull1 is tl.te teaoher employed for the .'I , t~'e'I~, :rA Q Canner" ' A 811110iIi tl on Mn. Ell a Mi 0h ener rln d d aug h ter her health had been failiog for 8U All are weloome theRe servioe8. relatives in ~outll Lebl1non 'Satur- CI'LLi"'" 8c110011111U MiSt! Reeves and _ _to••_ __ . ~1 . see.w ruen In their offioialolL .Ada were Da.yton vlsltorll Sllturdu.y, long, hel' dellth came unexpectedly . S. OF V. MEETING day and ~nnday, Miss Shawbaugh hltve ueen reewAnyone baving wool to sell see At diff~rent periods doring the Mr, .J. W. Brown,' of Wa8bln~too ploy d for this sobool. . ~y ~,tIlte officers have been In· 'i~ te.y· tioqul\inte","'for years !lod Bunnell nod . Hatfield tor best prlces, la8t eight yelirs, Mr. ILDd Mrs Gte Ie 1'here will be a weeting of the C. B. oalled on S. A. Ringer Thurswr~l ' ~• .Ile .. splendid tealo. Mr. Rev. W. T, Gilliland u.nd flimlty had Lrliveled and Ii ved In varlous 8, of V. at their ball Friday evening, day at Liberty Ball 80hool. Misses Mat (lnd Anna Fires, Mrs. ~.vel '\lfe hlld mllny exper- 8pending thta week 10 t)pring- 8ections or the oountry in the hope May 7th, at 7 ;:to to arrange for Dec Edgar P. Barr .spent Thursduy ieDce .... nU!J'Oturer of frnl"but fieJd. · of benefiting tbe ltlttel" S h l'fI,lth, and oration Da.y. ' nlg bt at ,lTrlinqullllty Farm," tbe Wtavens and Miss Wilkins, of LebR· non , wel'e highly entertained at the U~ jell_, ~8, plokles Ilnd mnB- Mrtl.. AJloe HIA w ke, Mary and Ver. a ".., eILr ago returned from New MexMATT 'PARSHALL, Co t , home of Mrs. AUlanda Garoer. .:..Jo' t&-iao. lJe it! aldo 'be manufaoturer ioo, sinoe whioh tlme they had been • _ • Thomas Hurtt was (l, Lebauon home of Elvin l<'ires !lnd family t)un~ .. !l' Wh ' Co non were Mhopplni ' in Dayton z:;atI' W d ' dny. o f warve s eatlat8 and oked 10 GreenAoounty. B"side ht'r bus. BUrrER FIRM WITHOUT ICE v sltor eunes ny, R~6eI'~oor IbemOtltpoputarbrellk- nrday , b.nd.Mrs SteelA IOllv es one 80n, 9, V. Harness w tlde u. business Mr , and Mrs, Ed Vo,nmater are faat · fdbc:1M in 80me ,eot.ion8 or the , 0 , C. Ridge and wife, or Dayton, agoo foor years, 8be was 32 years Long experience has taug ht me trip to Lebanon, Friday, in tbe inter. visiting relatives a t Lynohbnrg, cOnQtr.r, 'and bas worked up quite a werA KOellta of M.hlon Ridge and of age, and before mll.rriage was that there is a way by which butter est of hi81Juroo Jersey hog business. Rev. and Mrs. Willis O' Neall were o in f'mlly!:lGnday, 1It.r-bnlinlls8 In oereal8, sellin I. k fi A010S Allen Wl ' fe and dAugbter vifollting friends and relative8 in thl8 . . . . .Mi88Vompton,·danKhter of the late may ue ept rm without ice even , car load lottl. 'l'be 08pitttl of the Vo.n Mord~08i Enois, of Gu.llipolls, 'W1l8 Mr. and Mr8. Jesse Compton, in the hottest days, Set a' large spent Sundu.y with bis 80n Edwurd vioin'ity Thnrsd!lY, Wert ~l.Ioklng ·VompIUly will be io- the gUfIfI,ofbis brother, .Jerry Enni8 'rhe fnner"l services were held earthenware bowl in your pantry u.nd ftlwily near Lebanon, Mrs. Chaunoy Bunnell and ohiloreale~ f!OUl '26,0~O . t o UO,OOO, . ~. la8tr.Thurad.y. at ~he Friends obnroh io New Bnr- porch or coolest place, and in thi~ Mr. J auo Garner is very illllt his dren spent FridllY with George Boga.n !lnd family • lY , .'Ri~er, wbo ball ~Ia ' .. reajdeot ~v. Philip Trout, or Monroe, Wll8 lington, Monday mOl'Din~ at 10 place a small bowl upside down On home, Deu.r Olive Brunoh. . , ·of.'V• .,··, Wert 'for, sb, 'p ult year will the:gnea't of Cbas . Hawke ILnd fami. tl'olook. Ilnd burial was mllde in the this inverted bowl place your butterMis, Mubel fhoDlp on led Y . .P, S . . Mrs, Ida. Man.non and daughter pr~;.~b!Y· atiU be ~60ret,.ry of tbe }y"'st-FtoidIlY, .New Burlington otfmetery.-Xenia. dish, with enough butterfor the next C. E . 8unday evening. Miss Rutb Ethel have rotllrned home after a oo~ny nnder thlt new organi~ Mr8. J, F, Cu.dwallader 8pent lust Gazette. meal wrapped in oiled paper. Over EdwardS willieart n ext S'.lnday e - yerlr 'tLDd eight months 8pentin the ,tpa. 'The new oaDning OOQlI'llny WedneltdlAY in D"Y'OD 'he gne8t or Mrtl. 8teele W/\S1t danghter-in l!\w this drop a clean napkin, letting the ening, ' . west visiti.n g friends and relatlve8. ~tem~"te keeping tltotl,ry in Mra J H ClUlkey , of Mr . ~nd Mrs Al Steele who for. edges come down over the small . Frunk Howe, of Harvey~bnrg, ' lS Mrs. James Gray and daugbter operastoD every worlling day In the If _ ' , ' h' Saf dB merly lived herA. . bowl, and rest on the bottom of the papering for Alfred ffelpmyer and spent Sunday with r Etlatlves in year aDd WIll el1lpJoy Il'ul'u forty to , you want t e est an est • _ • I b I . wife Clarksville, ' , .....v.ral ·b'n ndred people dorlo o tbe Gasolene Stove ever made call at . arge ow . Then fill the large bowl ' .... • J H CI' ' COUNCIL ME~TING with fresh water up b~ the level of . Messr s. Bug.h a.nd Joeeph Bu.r gett .Mr. and Mrs. George Dllvis enter· pl0111ng It'8Ion. 'fbs 'fllot.()ry WIll . • 0 eman s. the butter-dish. Now ,wrap a heavy were caners in our vioinity ~unday ttlined on Sunday, Mr, tnd Mrs. give & read,v market for all kinde Of Mra. W . J .. Dakin, of Hannibal, Counoil met In reRular session towel about the large bowl, covering evening, Earnest Mannon and Mrs Ida Man. Imall fruit al w,,'ilIlM tomatoes,ooro. Mo, has been visiting her mother, Monday night, aDd i~ 'proved 'to be a it entirely. Two hours later you After an extended trip of two non u.nd danghter . • tring 'bean .., pumpkin, waz bttanll, Mrs. Amand. W~ight.. hot one. Tbe mayor a.nd ~ar8bl~J may remo:ve the towel and napkin years in Jdu.ho; California. and Illi· Mn, Ed Martin and .ur8. George etc. ~~Oompany will~n and peCk Ohristie Madden, 'ot NOltb Lewl8. mixed it oppretty lively for B while, which you will find completely satur- nois, Mrs, Ida and Miss Ethel Man- Ellis were WaynesvIlle visitors Efi. beiwee'h \bir'y !lnd forty dUrereot bnl'g,0bio, bal beeD visitIng his an" .t bings looked bad for a few ated, and your butter will be firm non have returned to the home of day . Pfodaotil aad oonteU)pl!&te lelllng bro*hllr' W. H. Madden. minutes, ,bnt order was restored·, aad hard. The napkin acts asa wick ber 80n ElLrnest !lDd wife. They Allan Htlrtsoolt oalled on Louis Jaraely &0 the wboJetlMle 8erbert Wllrwlok, of ColuDlbD8, lind the membew8 got d~wn to bu si and brings the cold water up to the arrived Ifrlday evening and their Fires /:)nnday afternoon, . Tb.tpl~Dt here. WIll be remodeled was i~ tow'n last week. in the in\8r- ne~s, and tnrned ·ont a gri8t of it, butter, thorouglily chilling it. This many friends were glad to greet ·tbronpons. Improved mllohinery e.t of the Baln S.fe Va. 'l'he sidewlllk Ilnd gotter commit.. is ipfallible.-The May Designer, them and weJcnme them baok howe, Green Briar. will be·lpst.1!oolAnd tbe company ia Corrie in and see the New Perfee- tee bad lots of work .to - ,.eport, and • - • Strawder 'Ringer spent Saturday ready :~ oontraot Jarge aort>age In tion Wick Blue-Flame Oil Cooks at it proved sati8faotory to counoil, and HOW THE SHOPPER RETURNS !Lnd Snnduy in Xenia where he atMr , Bomer Wilson made a bnal • . tbe v~loD8 vegetables rpentioned H 1:0_ • the wOl'k is to proceed at onoe, tended the fun erul of bis oou in, ness trip to Leb-,non one day l88t 0 ~to .B orn i 0k oame bef ore oounol.), The shopper sal'1 s f rom L'IverpooI Miss Mar garet Ringer, wbo WUB' wee k . and ~11 • 1so rurnlsh 8efld.- Van J. . \Alleman's, ·0. 1.. Orane i8 il~rslng a badly and asked that tbtl pool-room ordi· on,a steamer that touches at Queens- rn!1 tr on u.t the O. H. & 8. O. Home. MrR. Harvey , Burnet 8pent lllllt . Wert Dany Times. ....,.---•• _ sprlliDed wrl8t, received wbillt try- dina.ooe be ohlAnlled from 9 until 10 town. Perhaps she has saved twen' Tuesday in Wayne.ville, tbe gnelt WEDDING ANNIVERSARY iog to 8~art the ga80lene engine. ' o'olock p ,m"whioh whioh wa.sgrant- ty dollars to see her through t.he cusNew Burlingto~. of her sister ~rs. Dr. Hathaway. John .Chenoweth"wbowlLs 80 bad- ed, ' . toms and into her own home. But Little Eugenia Whitaker is qnlte IDvltation. were Inned to Mr Ilnd Iy hurt in " fI, Miohigan p"per mill Bids were openeu for, the work t? she hall not reckoned on Que ll stown, Quite u. l1ulUbOl' of peo ~)le attentl- sic k i 8~e .having oaught gold on the lin, Cha... lIlula8R, ' Mr . .ond Mrs: recently, i8 on the roaa to reoovery. be done on Miami street sewer but for, thoug h the steamers do lIot go ed the Chester 'l'owDshlP Sutidl.~y whoopin g oough. W.llaolt Tibb.hl, M,r and Mr!, Geo. Rev. J. F. OadwalJu.der, S. L. nothi~g wu.s · done in this regard liS up to the wharfs, hordes of Ineeven- Sob,ool 'onvention ttt Sharon OD lIT school was olosed Just Mon· Rlley, MI'. and ~1'8. Molnri~ Silver, O.rtwright and ~lAkley Ridge - were oonnoil wanted more time to conilid df!rl:l com e out to the liners in small Sunday. du.y l\Dd Tuesday. The teaoher IIr. and Mra, N. L. f:Snnnell and Mr., in ' lAlbanoD Tuesday on bUlllne8s er the matter. boats with ll'ish lace and Irish blarWm. Hlulr hl1l4 purohased the spent the time pletlBantlyaqd prof.. aad Mrl. ~to1res, Ity Mr , and Dr. ~ary ~k ~t~nded a banque~ Bill were 1l1iowed to amount ney, a combinatien toat is hard to Peterson grocery . .Mr. Peterson will itllblv with other teaohers. Mra. W. W. Stakell, of uayton Vipw, giveu by the Greene Co, M8d~oo.l of 160. ' . r~ist. "John will , meet me at the move to Sprlug Valley soou. The "rootdi gRer" made hls8nnual O&y'oo, Obio, to a hllulle party on AtI8OOUttion 10 Xenllda@t Thnrsday, Connoil will meet again tonight landing, anyway," the shopper re- Miss Bes ie Whitaker Wli8 tbe pilgrimog~ in our vioinity l&llt week. Satnrdi.y and ~unday, \lay 1st and J h X· i' d d 'f f' Ult I at 7 :30. , flects, "and he'll not expect me to guest of her brother, H. O. Whitaker Ete spent; Sunday nigbt at tbe 80hool , • 888iat hi oeiebrll.ting "thAir B ItosepN ng •- • h ave a cen t" And , so as no t to of tbis plaoe reoant Iy. Wh tie O b ere houf\e. 'Tis B Plty . sohool property 2Dd, to. J on an Wl e, 0 t -' f. , o v, ew ersey, were gues 8 a Ql)ARTERLY MEETING d' , tJ h h b ' r 'birti~~ weddIng 8nn,l.verlillry \ ~. L: Cartwrlgbt and wife last SIltt1lsappo~n . 0 , nf Sf ~ bUY~ J.u~t'a I~~- sche and her brother made Il trip to can not be made proof a gainat V8~~ (eanttfol PI'l'BelltM were ra t.I y • Tbe Miami Quarterly Meeting of e croe et, a se a a y rls, a I - incinnatl. grunts, . oet"edi,"I\nd a moat delightful time UJ " • tie Carricmacross- and the ~teamer's . .peG' tiy all present. The April meeting of 'he Lebanon the °b rtbodox Frlenrls. ~ill be held off. There is II. panic at the th~u,ht ,!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!,!!!~. '''1 b h Id t th h in t e Red Brlok MeetLDK House, f th h ffi . l b ' 1 ' Fa " • .- • rmers '-: u was e a e ome &'nrdayand sundll.Y, Mu.y 8th' I\od 0 ~ custom- ouse a Cla a, ut ONLY CURE FOR FISHING GERM splendor of the rock bass and tile BEAlJTlF~1:- POST CARDS FREE at AJbe~t Vowao, J. M, Ke,Y8 being 9tb 'iP.t 10 :30 a. m. Rev , Le,vl Mills, John IS there to: hel~ her through ' . ' ravishing pictul'e of the speckled tbe e8layist. Wil l t d th . 't' and her best ulend lS at the dock. Have you ever fEllt the ravages of beauty. And then in vI'sions Whl'ch . 0.. m ng on, an 0 er VISl lng ....... , . 'I" 11 y~_n lIveonu farm8end five one MI'. and Mrs. F. H FlI.rr and M'r. mini8'ers will be. present. . JJldn 13 ~ou love Paris asks the the fishing .germ? Have y~u ever follow you everywhere you se.e the oen"lt.DilP' fur postage and }\aok- rh08, Pierce w~re entertalneJi at Tb' C E R II ' 11 b ) Id It.. fnend enViously. sauntered aimlessly about WIth th at bobble begin to dance then disapA 'II ~4'n d .yon 10 baa, nti dinner · ~uDd ...y b1 Mr. Rnd ,Mr8 e. II. y WI "Ad' I' th s hopper, tIred . ' ·pull of the 1nK .~~ "e, ~. • _ . e 1e a e., " oled ·t"· I, lep lea . feeling all over from the crown pear; you feel the g'reedy IU1 rIper .Caro Ptl~Ued jn . their C. B: Carey. SNE~K THIEVES ~d the ~~~~e-dldn t you love of the hend to the soles of the feet? catfish, the 'quick snilp of the alert .• 'ar" oolon- and tell you bow , . . ' . . the Mona LIsa? Have you ever seen the cool water ba!ls 01' the deliberate strike of the . • ,:" I!n....... ~ ,Ca"'We have .some va mce S nea k t b leves. b ro k a lOto ' G. o~rge "I d on 't remem b er th e 'M ona L"lsa, splashmg " m fl'ont of you, th~ ' rush es sun fish and you begin to get frantic. ,;roo- ~n 8e~ ...... n tif 0 I roe rUl'" .. Osage world ,vieW", free. It will be,a grad ,Fe!,ce Posts for sale 11 and get 'rhompson'8 bl'loksmitoh shop Tnes but," enthusiastically, "the feather dancing about in the breeze!!, whiCh- I You feel t he foundations of your larprlll8·. ' Send qUlok ttl Tbe GleaD_lprlc~ S~ncer an Monroe, Ore- day morning, and severlll tools were boas were beautiful!"-The Delinea· ever way you turned? Have you very being beginning to give way . . the room The microbe has done its work, You • r' ''1 ~O'l· Majutio Bldar., Detroit, goma ' OhIo, . .· . found at T. J. ' ~mlth'8 meat8hop tor for May. Iseen fishes suspended 10 ..Iobtl.D, · .. , ,MI.'. and Mr8 , Will Thor~. are en· this qlorning, Tbey. evidently in· TWO MOTH PREVENTIVl;5 before you, on the sidewalks around are safely hooked . • tert.ining their couslll, Mrg. F"nnte \8ndtld to rob 80meplace of buslDess, you, in the bedroom as you retil'e , .at At this psychological moment you HOW. ~BOUf YO.UR PIANO Fame Clabanllh, o~ KllnSIL8 ()ity, buS were frightened aw,*y, ' Take one fourth of an ounce each Ithe breakf~t table as you munch a must act q uic-kly: Dig bait at. once. p~ Joar . 'p lano need ttlntnR? I Kansas, this week, . " . MISSIO.N:\RY I~STlTUTE of ground cloves and caraway seed, . cracker an~ ~ke a sip of coffee? If Take h(}?k , line and pole, worm box 'Call J, ,1: Thompeon, Jr,; "3, It IfY,o~.wantorneed80r:ne~cc~01~e _ ane ounM of dried common salt, one ~ou h~ve, ItlS the work of the hsh- and a ~mnow buc~et and find the .....iD an., Lebanou; Obio. or Vlllley Granl~ Ware, ~r anyt~m~ m,the tm Tlte WHmington Yearly Meetln!, half pound of lavender .flowers free mg mIcrobe. . old fishmghole. It s the only cure, l'hou. 6"8, ~Qd he ,wUl oan OD von, ware Ime; call m and ~me of tbe Orthodox Friend, will hold from the stalk and one half ounce And when you are being bored and,you'll never amount to anyt\ling otee latllfao.t lon. r J H, <)ol~man. " . their annual Fot!lign ' MissionaloY each of dried thyme and mint. Mix tbhr?lul~hh andlthrou g .b~ th~ ~~Sy untal you take t h 'm'e.- Dayton _ _ _... _ • Monday being tbe birthday. of Inlititnte, May 19th, at the Red Briok well together, and put in cambric or aCI I, ow peasant It IS 0 S n e- Herald._ _ _ _..,.. __- - _ ; ~ANDY . ~ID KI.OB ~ne p~vili, labOnt. a dozen .of, Meeting Hou@e. It will be an 811 silk bags, These scent bags, if placed fore the :3row window of the sport, " ,. . b. er friend81atbere4 a' hl\r bome in dllY meeting · among 'clothes will preserve them ing emporium and ~aze at lheflshA d'ivel"s s ui , is weighted with 100 , . . ·tackl th . W'tl th I pounds of lead. . . . Tbe K,,-.dy Kid KIQ~ met ~t tlJe tbe evening and .• pleasant time was '• ..;.. ., from moths anq give a pleasant odor. ang '. e erem. . I . 1 e.g assy , _ • _ __ hOlpe of llta Nl~. Smtth lut Tho.... bad bl all. · "..' . MEETING POSTPONED If you are troubled with moths in hypnotIc stare, easIly r ecqgmzed by 'fhe first'slef;ping car was started. ,~T _"Din It. ~'&e.r ~ .bort .pro_ ),Ir. and MrtI~ ' r'~ S.' Sberwood en,". . '. the house, trY put~ing blotti~g ~aper the, old ~nd,. you b~k in visio~s .in ovedhe tracks in 1853, render8d delightfnl re. ~rt.IDed. 'amily par.y ., dinnsr TheregnJar W . C, T, U, meeting we~lsaturated with turpentmem the whIch tlie mmnow buckets therem, .. _ ....- - " riabJb8llt. were. "ned.' Tbu bez,* l""t·'I!leel, ,~ l'lon~r of sbe,.. 'brotbe~; ~IU( beep p08~poned unti) Fri~y, drawers, ,athong 'th,e ,an~ ~ed- th~ rod' and reel ha~ by, the' gaudy .Three J1lillion needles is the dally iDee(~ wll~ be a' ahe home ~"', lIi .... '1It'. L, .L'. Sl1er.ooa, of, Cleve)a~d t -: .lay 14th" ~ • _ . . ., c19t~es" :~r wherev~r: the~ IS. y balt a?d, t~e.sedu~hve bobble l1gu~ei consumption"of the wortd: M&n__ "MU1e~,i I ' I wbo' WIUI bome for'a brief mi., ' ." . " . . c dariger '9f the mo~s workmg their Frantl~ wlth lonain.g you see the " . - • ,~ " , ' • _ • . "',,, A~ ICE CREAM PARl:.OIl.S ' (fepredations' it can even be ppt. sleek-sl~ed , bass, the smooth yellow- The annual conSumption ofsugar The fute8t race hoNe travels at ' ¥nn_l,. COn~ .nd fa~tly! and ,," .', .. .. ed" , T .' glistening catfish, the oval . beautY 'f . ' " " ,~ ,, , e ' Ber. ~mUh aad '.ml)y motore.'· ,\ On eooobnt of abe cold we.tbe, along the . gas of carpets.. .u r-, . ,. , or Jam makmg IS 5O,OQO tons. ' the-rate of f"rt:r mil~ ~ llour. , " . \. '. . . .' , Ptlntine; is , the bel!t- preventive of curVe:5 of . the sU!L"sh, the.. entlcing • - ,. .,' • - • , , clown f.rom ~pJinRfie14Ia.t Hatnrda, IU$ Satnrday, the mnlio at ~hill1p8 .... _' ha d' ':" .._.1 W 'grace of the chub the tine propor Bank ..~ th a bou t a f'-~L.: , " .JI.!i.. ' tit . ~'" I . 'I CI_ ' . 1 HI be ted mouus I ve l8COv~.- oman s . ' , ' - . no~' wor ACWU"ao N~ 1-. tlaiaw_~ e .nd WItN NleIQ"~ of .rJ&8 .aat&er. toe oream pu orl w . tepea H ' Co rii .f M . tiona of tbe eveslve trilut the dark h ire I iti P .~ el. .t~~· *lnilveqieulUve. Iliwat&ean4 taml., ·overl!JQDda,. Sanrday Dilbt,w8&therpenol"lol, ~e lOps o~ or ny. , e a c /Uec ua . W


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araauar· .'

-The Miami Gazette ESYI LU~


SalUrtlt y Ul'~,' lr II t"t h- the phllos· of J,Uml ro. It :;;ofll'ns the kic ks and takes the jar lit f the bum ps.

o ph ~'

Hi ram 1I1nxlm, bavlng In'' nted the gun. should now tllrn bls at· tion to 80m of the spring vests. n oI8el \~

An y w hrte rhluo('t'1'1 S cn7l g ht paInt· Ing himself black wi ll be d ult with as a nature fnker.


Alrendy l her are slal;illg out lions In con ve nl!'nt Sllots In Africa to amuse the cODlI ng hunter of big a nd teroclous game. A Calito=rn =l:=:a=n=l=fl= n=w='= ns=n=o= t a wakened by his wHe's s ·, whi ch t r lght· ened away a burglar. Some me n have presence of mind even In their sleep,

A scientist Is credited with the In. .,antlon of a machine that will show whether people are telling the truth. It will not be In great demand with hunting and flsb ln r parties. Amid t he ohorus at protests that wages are not to be reduced tbere Is the hope ot more equItable condltlons when the cost ot JI vi ng has been somewhat decreased.


'. If you want any e xcitement yon can flaslly get up a discuss ion as to whetb. er Mr. Tact Is the twenty·slxth or the hventY'lIeventh president of the United States.





Out In KanJl:8s Olty a farmer came

to town In his automobile and ran over

A. Kansas legl.lator proposes to tax all bachelors ovet' 46. ,26 a year, des-



The German omperorhas created lIome surprise by dinin g at a public botel. P erhaps he Is tired of that Iml. tatlon champagne they serve at the palace.

' . man. Here Is sweet revenge for the automobile hating rural dlet~ots. Is this way of getting even to become .BeneraU





"U we get nO-help. what I. t fl b. COll.l e ot us ?" ask d anoth i', blttuly, "Wbere Is the evidence that .... e are Goel's cllos 11 people and that Il() haa given us th loud?" ".0 h I Sur Iy, God has !orgott n his t 'oplo. Ho cares not th nt we suf· Malachi C.lls UPOD the People r r," respon.d d allotbe·r. 10 Provo Ood, "True," bl' Ite In an oth r, "H·'s t.he god! e s untlons nbout us who 01' pros· BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" perlng. nnd we who have brnhom fo r PRE CHER our fn.ther nnd whos Ged hns be u our GOII nre lett to s ulr r oppression and sorrow." Scripture .Authodty: - IIIalacbl 3 : 8· Thu s a s they walked they discussed 12. the h ru'dn ss of th eir lot, and In tho ba rdn pss of tit Ir hea.rts tiloy clll\ r ged InT~o~lrBt?~!{Pt~~/'I~~I~~~I\~!~I~~. ~o8n~~I~~: God with {orgetUllg th em mid of bl S9' L..XX, \, ulgo. l , nnd P eshl to-Sn lo.c. In . Ing lh I.r ene mies. It was In this spirit the Hebr w , the t hI rd a nd four th chap· ' tha t lh y came Into the p resence of teM! torm but one chapter. Tho I?rop h llC )' ( 1IlnlaCh l nnd poured In to his ear their of Malach I Is a lluded tO ,ln tho Ne w Tea- bl tament, nnd Its canonIcal au tho rit y the r . Ucr cOl'1plalut. And the prophet bnd by established (CO Il'p. Mark 1:2: ~ : ll. 12: ! turned upon them and spoken sharply Lulte, 1:17: 110m. 9 : 13) . 'rhe stylo Is 1>1'0' and ror~lb l y lhe word s at the opening IInlo nnd r hetorl a i, rathe r thnn poetic of our lStory. and more CI08(.'1), re8emble's 0. wrlt tcn philo!! phll'a l discourse lhan tbe orneles Did they dare compla in ngaJ llst God, ot th o Hebrew prophets. The prophocy demnnded Malachi, when they had for· naturall y dl vld II Ilself Into threo 8 00- gotten God nnd had gone In the wnys tlons (I :2-2:9) .-Jchovnh Is rcpr !!'ellt d of tlte h alhen nations about them' a8 the: I.lovIng rnUlor and ruler ot hIs peo· . . pIe. It may be subdh'lded thus: (I) 1:1·8. Dl(l th ey dOI'e to say that their suff l' -Jehbvah lUIscrts and proves hla lovo to Ing was God's fault and not their his people by refer enc to the punlsh- own? ~r~~:t:t !d~h'::' 1~2~d~~~2~Si~~l r~~uka~ ~~{~~ tter hIs words a nd they turned as tlon. II. (2:10·IO.)- Tho prophet's reproof though to go. the prophet arose, and, ot mI xed mnrrlage! Ilnd dIvorces, por· t hrow ing hI s mantle aroun d him. trayed by the, deserted wlv II weeping a.t made as though he wonld go with tho altar. III. The sudden npPl!arnnce In t he t om pIe of tile Lord 0.8 lhe judge, 1)re· them. ceded by hIs tor rllnner. This section may .The deleg ation waited half ex· be thus su bdlvldod: (I) 2:17·S:5.-A threat pectantly but '1alocht who had no\v ot punlahment. (2) S:I6-1Z.-A ('Ill! to roo finIshed ~djustlng his 'robes and ha d pentnnce. (3) 3:IS·14:6.-Reproof of dls, trust In Ood ; forewarnI ng of the flnel taken up a scroll [rom the table aeparn.tlon ot good and bad; of the flnal where be batl been writing when the judgment: tho advent ot the Messiah, company bad entered stood silently heralded by Elijah. Thus prophecy closes d I · ' with the announoement ot the Me"slah's an ntently beboldlng them. His gaze comIng, and prepares tho people tor the seemed to sea rch to tbe very deptbs appearo.nce of his precursor, J ohn the of tbelr b earts, nnd they be gan to feel BspUst, In tho aplrlt and the power ot n er vous and uncomfortable. Elias (MatL 11:14 ; 17:~o·la.) . They l<ne w bls charges against ~8a~~!!li~ • !!i~!i0!!i~ ~~08a~ t bem. were true. They Imew that even 8ERMONETTE. while .tbey tr ied to justlfy themselves eo .., that they were guilty as he had ~ charged. ' Open up the treasures of your "Think you that God hOB changed?" heart If you would be posseased ~ demanded the prollhet, bre aldng the i! of the trea.ures of God. , as silence at last. "Nay, ratber It Is you One reason for the barren· ~ wllo ' have changed. Listen," and ne .. of the church to-day I. the • taking t he scroll which be had In hJa parsimony of Its members. hand and unrolling It, he read: "'Thus The old simile of the eagle RaIth the Lord, I change not, the re~ who robbed the altar and aet fore ye s ons of Jacob are not can. fire to her nest with the burn· sumed: This Is the one proof that Ing coal . that adhered to the God fs stUl In the heavens, and that .to'l en fI.. h, IlIu.tratea Y his promises to Abraham are not fo~ the condItion of men who retain gotten."



It cann~t Bo Done by Ual nll Cheap

Material and Cheap p ai nter.. III Llrl'llnglng lor pri.ln(l ng, n goad

lIIuch has heen writ ten In ns rlcul· turn I pU IP rs nd voclliing barn frame built of plank. As timber become s seal'cer th 'qu sUon of material Is ot vital Im\)orton ce. Th ere was a time when th e only Idea of Btr ngth was s ize, and we ight or mnteriul. With In· creased !ulelllgence, we have lea rned th nt by the application ot mechanical prin ciples, !l. gr at r r eslstlng powe r eM b secured with far less material. In brlcl g building we can Bee the truss pr inciple applied. In tbe erection ot all lorge bui ldings the archlt ct mnke R U RO of the truss In some form, thou gh to the ca'plsl ob~ erver Ihf3 IJrlfl"a c Is I'e r exposed for stuel y. In tl,e r.hHasltloned barn It was custom·

~I.n for Plank Barn. ;u'y to run a cross bo/lm betwllen the side POStF from tour to six feet beloW' ttoe I late. The first Idea In the mlntl of the builder was to Ue the building t.:>getbar, nnd also to give st.rength to the end of tho (Which \I'PS nllCo3sary, so far as ·the end 'oent was conc~rned). Tbere could be se!'u chowevcr. the same 12 Inch x 12 In~h bellms of clear pine runnln ~ ncrosa th" Inside of the building. This was all very well when clear plne was of no more value tban any other, The plan of ' havlne 4 or 6 feet of post above the beam gave the roof the ad·

vantng or a six foot le ver to fossls t In snapping ott tb e sid e post, at tho polnt wh ere It Is out nearly In two by a 3 Incb hy 12 Inch mortice, nnd thr e 1lh Inch draw bore holes. Many of t he old banl ll become "saddle bucked" as we use d to say and just for this cause. If the foot of a ratter cannot sprin g out, the peak cnn neTer ~ flttl e . Til 1' 0 Bre mnny . advantages In the plank beam, Thore Is a sav in g of materia l and a lso of spRce. Qne great a dvantllge is that the .... hole :l1!l.terlal can be purchased from any lum b'lr Gua ler on the IIhortest uotlo\: - not so where square timber Is tit 1ulrod. The cut sbows a plank bnrn for ru . ordinary fnrm. SG fe et b y 60 teet. 'l11tl srtmo prlnolple ruay be applied to R Lu ll (Jln~ or la rger or smnller s ize. The on ly timbers In tile barn abovp. tllo Th total numb r of sailing vessels b ... s(:ment are two purllLe posts, to In the world Is double · that of steam· gh'o strength to the entl of blllldlnr,; ers. al so two cross barns across the cen· Fltteen cities of the Unit d States tor 8 Inch by 8 Inch, opposite t he door posts. Tbese may be built of fonr have 300,000 population or over. pieces 2 Inches by 8 In b s; c1oorposts aro 8 Inobes by 8 Inches, Side posts are In form of s tuds, 2 Inches by 8 . Inches. s ix feet apart, and d plateB, 2 Inc\les by 8 Inches, lal on top of studs. Then a piece I. nailed on outs ide of plate, also 2 Inohes by 8 Inches. also forming the top girt to nail the s iding to. CorQer posts arC' 2 inches by 10 Inches. nalled togetbor with 6·lnch nails. so tbe siding will come down to exclude the wet. The arob or ratter Is tbe special feature In this barn. Each arch Is of three thioknesses of 2 Inch by 10·ln·c h pla.nk. At lower end of arch" 2·lncb block Is put between the ends of bot· tom section; then a third plank. 2 Inches by 10 Inches II fitted III between to break the joint and vanish· Ing between ~e other two, when It a lso Is matohed against the end of Its mate, This may be covered either with metal plates or sheeting and shin· glos. Tbq &1110 reline DI~ from D>OspeJ)lllailo.

SIOK HEADACHE: IUII~"·I~lonanQToonearty

A perlec' rem· tor Dh:slne... NAuDrowalo- . BAd .......... u\be Hootb,eo.1i.,!I~_I~..;J : IdTongue. Pain In the ~ e , ,TORPID LIVER. regulate the Bo1l'o1& Pu1'eJ, Veietabl..







DR. D. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It'. we. In the leVelest cues of cough., colds{" bronchitis, croup, ID" flammatlon of ch~ and lunp II i. the most effective remedy kllown. It does itt worle quickly, remons the CCIWC of the,d1aeue ,


When women wllJ gIve up Easter bats In orde r to meet tbe duties of a votlng cltlzensblp. we know to a dead certainty tbat the s ~lf·sacrlflclng dis· position of the mothers has been pre· served through the generaUons. Per· mit a quJet tlp In this' connection: It fatb ers aut! hIJsbands CM bQ con· vinced that the ballot wlJI reduce mn· lInery 'blns to a. mlnlmum, t he way to woman suffrage Is made a thousand· fold easJer. ' 'A Lancashire man wrote his will on hls shirt front. After be died the ex· ecutors m nde a c lean br ast of It. ' In closl!)g Vlildlvoslo" aB a free port, Russia hils el;l~blls)led . an o'b· SUlcI to tJ'ade With' Sibera from. thl' elde of tb Pacillc; but, there Is' a w~ ill by tb'e por~i1 farther south, and tratllc 1\'111 Jlave to aeek another Jnlet. There la som satisfaction In tbe re aeeUolI ,t hat Russia herself will to 11).1'8 tbe bur.den liDposed by the abollUOD or free eDtl1' by th. fllrecl



TH F. 'ATORY. tn11HATI" exclaimed Malacbl. "Do . " you complain ot God's dealings with you? Of course there Is ' suffer· lDg In the land! or course we are un· der tbe power of the nations that sur· round us! Of course the glory ot Jerusalem and ot the T emple service has departed, for ye , have forgotten God. Bin has brought .lts punlshmenl." The voice ot the propnet , rang out Ibarp and full, expressing ,the bitter scorn he felt within, and the de'ega. tion of men before him turned as

h~~T!:enp;~p~eeet '::I~~~~!~~~~~~!~

Sold ewrJIIAI"_ In three ·.ua 6otlte., $1.00. SOc. 25c.

Red Clover: 1, one pound of seed a. bought; 2, pure .I eed; 3, bl-oken Ised and, dIrt; 4, Ipurlou8 .eed.; 6, total waite; 8, pure and germlnable leed. ~any warnings have been glven of ' by the proportion of good germlnable d The U1ustratlon shows th.e the danger of Introducing noxious see. t t d d weeds on the farm by purcbaslng ... rlas amoun 0 goo aee and the wute '" In a sample costlng $8.60 per bushel. or olover seed containing Impurities. It contains nearly 39 per cent. of yel. The value of clover seed should be low trefoil and more than half of the judged not. by It~ price per bushel, but total was waste. ' . ~ ___ .... -.. .............. _ _ • ..;.. __ ...... ...... _ .... _ .... _ ............. _ _ Feeding Ewe. Befo':9 Lamblng,Tr.atment fOr Cold.,-An .xperl. In the fe edlng and management of enced poultryman suggests the follow.. ewes, It Is extremely important that Ing for colds In fowls: The ·chlef dan. they should have ample ' opportunity ' ger from colds is the po~slblUty ot defor exercise, Exercise Is quite as veloplng roup,. that most dreaded of all Important as the feed tbey receive. dlseaaes ~mong . poultry. Of eourse, If the ewes are In good condltlon preventlon Is bett!r than cure, and tbls wben taken Into the I,lens In the fall, Is readily given by seeing that the It would probably not be necessary to fowla and pulleta have a cbance to get feed . them any grain during the first under cover when .-U rains, and that' 'part of the winter. ' A little clover hay their houses are , dry and comfortable. and rpots (tumlpl preferred) will fur. Have at least" portion of the houBe nlsb them with practlcally all they re- cove~d with 'chaff, on which the fowls quire: , As to tbe aBlC)unt of turnip's, 'may .,alk , and w,rlll their feet. It a would not recommend , feeding more ,oold Is detected aPlong the bl.r da, alld ,than three or four' pO,nn,'d.s of tum Ina especially If. tt la Of, a catarrhal ,nature, . "" 'Y prepa e th t II oorl ' , to a ewe .fn ~ day, If pea straw II r . e 0 of',ng D\lxture: One 'substituted for part of the clover hay, fluid ounce ot alcohol, ten drops tlnc. It , may be necessary to f~d a light ture' of , aconite, ten dl'QPs tincture ot gtaln ration: For at leas~ a month or i1Pongla'. ,n d t,n dreps tln~ture bryonia. Ilx 'Week~ before the lambs begin to Mix theae Ingredlenta thoroughly and come It Is a good plan to teed rather pu t. one-halt teasp6c;IDful In each Quart . fewe; roots, ',ay npt more t.hB.n two of ",rlnk. It taken In time, this remedy pounds per swe per day" a~d to com.. will klU,1Ullnclplent cold very, QUlolt!y, ' ' menee '.' (eedlng a light grain ration. During the .Golder dl»'s of 'WIMer see 'Oata 'and bran make about tbe sBlest that ~he drlolUng w,a,ter glv· .... .tbe pou'l. ''' for ~hls purpose and a pound of try .I s! tiulte warm. Indeed, )lot al food graln per liay ,p~r ewe should be .suf. tJ\ey can drlll~ it. This wlll do much. ficltlnt. If the ewel are very tpln, Jt toward ' preventing col~s . it Iowa mar be nece8saQ' to" fe~d so~ewb~t are chilly. !;Dore ~ea.YI'tv, 'but It. woulel .be prater.. , ' . . ablft to eomf\uce I1'I\ln reeding eatller WInter ' Dairying Inexpensive Aa coUlnue. t)le ll$ht · ration ' soon 88' we beKfn tp ft.gUre. on the ;;jue -throug~out. ()'f course there IU'e many 0 P ~tu~a , we will filld that WlDte'&, methods of fdedlng sheep. but ~he plan dalrY1ng II D,ot 10 e~penllve after ~1. .•• ou~lne4 :.111 "V(ll good relults flrp., ~alUng I'a obe Of the mOlt ..lmilortbt vlded tbe ewe. are atveD plenty;..ot ex. Pan.. of Boocl bbttenD.~ ' ~t tabI etOIle, wbleb II ' .....meJ' hQortaDt ~ .arUR to. ~o" J_1aow it lhoaJ4 . .

"Well, he will be here, you may be Bure. There he. comes now ... . added the spelll(er, pointing towards an approachlng figure. The people fell back on either side as the somber figure drew Into the market place. He ,passed straight to a gt'eat stone, and wltl;lout though tbey would .depart, disappoint· pausing tIe mounted It and taking tlie ment and anger wrltten upon . their scroll from which be bad read to ,t he faces. . vine dressers ' just a 'short time before, They 'had come In bltt.. j.ness of h hId "( e, '.umed to t e , peop e an lIald: 1plrlt to comp!!.!n of the oppression, "Hear ye tbe word of the ' Lord "hlch they were mfferlng at ' the wbl ch b e .spea k s . un to hi s waywar d llandl ot the rulers of t he land. ''!7hey and dlsobedle~t ~e~ple: 'wm a man were vine drellser. living In the vi· rob G(id? Yet ye ba~e . robb~d me. But dnity of ,Jerusaleln, and tbe exactions ye' lIay: Wherein ' have we robbed to wblcb they ha~ ~been . subjected by' th~e ? in tltbes and olreringB. Yo are tbelr task wasters Dad at last r",o~he ' --.. ' d cur~e d with a curse; for fe bave a polnt .~hl!re Utey felt they . could robbed tpe, even Hits whc;>le nation. stand thee lO longer. ',. Brlllg y:e ,an Uie tithes Jnto I tile store. "Malachl ~1J1 surely ' help us agalns't house. that there may be meat' III these ' godl.)sa heathen wbo bllve' come mine hous~, and ~ rove me no,! , bereand gained control or the land," ex~ wi th, salth the LaId ot boats, if I will ,alalme'd one, as they bad jou"ll~ye d Inl'o not ~pea you ' the wln«!ows.....of 'l1eave~ .fenJsalem f.Ild Bought out the dwell· p.~d pour YaJ, olit a blesBlng tbat there log ot Malac~ . ,&'<lall n~t be room . enough to .... ''Yell, the prophet baa alway~ sougl!t', celve·lt. . , Ule good of our Dation, and he Will, "Can ft · be that Ibe X.ord will do not faU WIt" .poke up aDother, OOD·j even 80'" exclaimed the ville dNS. ad'DU1~ . l ...1, U . th87 depll16ld In1' tb8lI home. U DreYlouaJr -



if you've been Deglecting a cold. DoD'texperimentwith your health. Get a remedy that Y01,l ~noU1 will cure-that remedy is


one. "Why, be bas summoned the people to meet him b eI'e tbls evening, That explains why there 'were 80 many near when the commotion arose over there." "But when we left he departed In the other 'dlrectlon," exclaimed the vine dressers.


There's ' Danger Ahead

1 I



Genuine Must Bear Fae·SIRille Signature



Each of the states Is a common. wealth. tllat being the specific term for a Republlcau or Democratic form of gove rnment chosen directly by the pe~ple. Four states-Pennsylvania, Vlrgin1a, Massachusetts and Kentucky -are ofDclally styled "commonwealths" for' no otber rea Bon than that the word was adopted Into the law8 Instead of Ita alternative "people," as In New York and other states.


to s a \.:..e...!!!Q!!~LRY Ins lsllllg ~n n lowBll t no IJrop I'ty-o wuer wou.1d ntn s lIch ri sks If he realized whal must be tall n Illto consldera.· tion In oreler to get u job thfll will w al' anci glvc thorough entlsfuclloll. No hous o\vner will s o wrong on . tbe )Jalntlng question If be writes Na· tlonnl L ad Company, 1902 Trinity. Dulldlng. N w York, for th Ir H6use· own er's Palntlng Outfit No. 49, which Is sent fr ee. It Is n complele guide to painting. It Includes !\ book of color schemes for ell.h r exte rior or In terior palntlng, II. book or B\leclflca· tions , aud all Inst rum ent for detectlng adulteration In pnlnt mat r ials. Nearl y every denIe r hns Nullonal Lead Company's pure white lead. (D utch Boy Painter trademal'k.) It yOUrs has no t notify Na tional Lend Co., and nrrangements wlll be made tor you t o get It.



I'S tl'y

----~:::::;:::::::::::::::::-------------,---I~ p r l cd pa int,



l·t Y·OWlI

As Timber Becomes Scarco the Question oC MaterIal 13 of ru on y by mploylog the I)ulll t I' who olfe rs to do t he job ' It ap s t-(lr try Vtt.a1 Importance. .

~::'~nm:::ye~~ ~~~ :~::.~~:: IS;~~tth:~e~aslsp,~niIS:~~~~I~:~t~~~: ~----------. 1.00 k 'Out f or Weed. Seeds m •




they have I. a loall\g PPlle.alon, SI!I one, mo~ bold than the rest. pite the fact that any man who ' haa for It rob. them of eternIty. ~ "Blessing! Wbere can there be the sand to !'e.lst the wile/! of women We mu.t give to God If we ~ blessing when ye depart from God' for ' that lenlth of time Is' entitled 't o would receive from God. ,L Isten'" and again turning to his • pension. Notice how God'. proml.e. scroll Malachi read therefrom: .. 'Even are alwlya condItIonal upon • from the days of yonr fathers ye are Collector William Loeb. 'Jr., III an· lome act of the .oul to whom • gone away from mine ordhiances, and otber comparatively y,oung man wbo God would .end the ble.llng. have not kept them, R eturn unto me may be sald to have taken the sbortGod'e ,trea.ure. all ' have their and ! will return unto you, salth ·the hand road to au.ccess. He stln enjols prIce. If we are not willing to Lord of hosts.' " t.he dlat1nC?tlon of being one of tie pay t~e price'; to fulfill the con· 0 As the readhig ceased Ma.lacbl ' lndl· best stenographers In the country. .dltlon, then they are not fo~ UI ~ C&ted that the Intervtew was at an =7.:==:=~ ' to poa.e... liS end, and as hls guests paased out he Director North eatlmate8 that It wU, And yet God'i price II alwaya ~I followed them, and turning walked coat ,1f,OOO,OOO to take the next dewIthIn the reach of the one to ' rapldl! a.w~y .In the op'poslte dlrectloll cennial cenaus of the United States whom he ,rIakea the offer. from that which the company of vine and wants congreaa ~ make the neces: It Ie a wonderful figure we dressers took, sary appropriation. Federal cenlus, have In thla tenth verae. The is "Where can he 'be going!" they taking comea high, but It I. a procedure heaven. with all theIr ric" Itore 0 Questlone4 among themselves all they that I. easentlal to proper realisation of bleaalng Ihut up becaul. the walked along. of nattonal Ktowth and material po •• "And care wet" ventured one people robbIng God. .lbWtlN. . Window. ' there, but not open of t,he group. angrily, "seehig th~ he earthward to permIt God'. ble.. SI!I spoke so harshly to us." Porto :tlco wanta to be a re&11y and Ing to pour forth becau.e the "Say not so," spoke up another. truly ,(merlcan ,territory, with a -delepeople hid forgotten God, Quickly; "the prophet speaks pte Iitting In congress, JUBt like ArI. It II • atorehouse which can· words of truth.' ~ sona, New Mexico IUld AlasKa. A. blll not be carried by a .. ault. A "Bnt they .brhig no hope or encou~ loo~lng to tbe gratification of that de. place ' of eternal rIches whIch agement to us," rejoIned the other. 'sire baa tftteli Introduced at Washing. cannot be entered by stealth, by "But did he not read from the scroll ton. and perhaps good· natured Uncle vIolence, or by deception. Why? liS tbat It we would return to God ' he 'Sam will listen to the cry of his pro. ,tege. ' Because God I. the Lord cf. the ~ would return to U8?" ~ place, and nothing but the price 0 " "Yes," admitted the other. Tbere Is nothing novel in the decree i! whIch he de"!linds c'a n operate ~ "Then~" Tile sentence was inte~ IllIued ' by the putOl' of an American, to move the leverl and throw Ii! rupted by a commotion in the market church against the big hats, says a open the wlndoWl, ~ place, through. which they were pass· wr:lter In a Vienna paper. ' TowaI'd the Have the window. of heaven . ~ Ing that moment, and tbey turned end of the thirteentb century great ever yet been opened wide to ~ aside to Bee . what It was aU about. broad·brlmmed l:\ata were fashionable permIt all the blelllng ' of God liS It proved to be notblng more tban a In Austrl,a. They were of such huge to deecend upon the earth 7 Not ~ dtspute bet.-ween one of the merchantl dlmenslona that a face nnder one of yet. Th. tlthel or God's people ~ of' tbe place and a custom'e r over t be them could not be recognized. have not all been brought In to , ~ purchase price of an article, the lathll storehouse. They are stili liS ter clalmlng that an extra price had • Island-planting 1-8 a ne w Industry In robbing him, and because the ~ been demanded after he bad made the Flor:lda. The hlgb price of land along condition. which God haa laid ~ purchase. The matter was soon set· the west conat was) ralsed, so the en. o down have not been fulfilled he ~ tied, boweve r, but the orowds which terprlsln~ citizens there started to ~ I. withholdIng the full blea.lng. liS bad gatbered trom eve ry side Ilngered, talse Islands to match the r eal estate '" And yet God want. to be tbe group of vine dressers among the prices. Old Dame Nature must be get. Th e Ia tter f e 11 I n to con versat proved. He wants the fullelt res. tlng very much astonished at the way ahe Is being s)loved out of human way ' ~ made of -hi. prom I.e.. Haa ~ lion with some of those standing neat' them, and after numerous questions as entirely too alow for modern meth~ ~ there ever been cne who found liS those promise. to fall't had b een asked, t.hey stated that they, ods.




DOte". . .



JUST DOUBL 320 ACRES INSTEAD OF 160 ' ACRE~ A. fwthet illducemeDI ICttlemeat of the



wheat.raiaina of WCliem Cauda. the . ...lOill!!l.2 Canadian , Goftnlllleaa hn inc.ed the are. tb~ 1U1 be taken by • hODlletlelader to 320 7' 160 free and '160 to be pwdlued .t $3.00 per acre. ~ ~ "DeL ~ 10 the ~aiD.railiDlJ area. wtlere mDed fanDiDa • ,110 arried 00' withuoquilifiecl~. A rai1""ywiil ahoitlybe built 10Hudton Bey,brilll' Ina the wOlld', ' mlrltell a thouand miIet _ I theM wheat. field., where IChqola. aDd chllCCb.i .rc fODvenient. diml~' acel\ent, ,.awa,. dc.'. all iotd,emeJIb; .nd local IDlrUb aoocL wo~ld t,k,e tIme to ,...Imll~t. the reYII,. tlon. that a to the ltreat emplrll"l~ \ 0 the North of u. unfolded at evef7 turn "-


Com SfJ(Jndco« of .. Nat/om" &i11w, ~ 'liIS'tkd Wie.sJ.m c"lWhIln August. J~"

Land. m.y allO he purchuecl fro... W1waYand laud compaoiea. ~t 10.... price, IIIId OD 1_ 1 Ie,. For pllmphlet.. map.

~nc1 InformatIon •• to

low railway r~t...I..apply \0 Superlnte'ncleat ' of Immhrratlon, utlawa, Cana4a. or th. au\horilCd canadian Government "Int:' .

B ..... WILLIAMS. BUIId,l n" ...~~



Plt07( )G&AF 'HJ COFY.flIGH7; 1~9. ~y WAUJON ,FAWC eTT -"

---IIl HIll ocean disaster which resulted In the loss of the steamsh ip Re public, and the promine nt pllrt play ed In the \'escue work by the Unltod Slates steamsh ip SOllcca h ll H servod 1.0 focus public attentio n tor the first time U[lon ~ ~ magnlfl· new gove),nm ent ves· he most nov, el I. :td Ipto,e" Ing · craft fiy· Ing stay IlDd stripes. Thle newcom er, t ~eneca by name, III ofllclally designa ted a "derelic t de· strayer" and not only Is ehe a novelty among Americ an ocean·golng craft, but Is unique In the world, beIng tht! ftrst and only vessel of the klnq ever designe d or constru cted. The primary fUnction of the Seneca IS,-ot course, Indicate d by her title, "derelic t de. atroyer, " but the usefuln ess at the powerfu l vessel Is by no means canftned to the remova l 'of derelict s 'Wt'ecks or other menace s to navl~' Uon, aa was eloquen tly proven by the part abe played In the rellet of Republi c, Indeed her role Is to be . tbat at a misllionary of relief ' at sea.-aff ordlng succor not only to Imperile d navlgat ora but also to ve.. sell In dIstress from one caule or another . The need of auch a vessel as the Sen~ca has been keenly felt for Tears, the more so because with the Increas e In the commeroe at the world there has been a proport ionate ~o­ 10 the number of dereUcte sighted each yearthOlle nearly eubmer ged hulks that float hlther and thither on the hIgh eeas and constitu te perhaps the moet aerlous menace to modern ,naV"Jgation and one at the . most dllllcult .to avoid. The agitatio n of shlpJ)lng Intereet e ete., tor BOme definite plan of cam· palgn against the deadly derellot a bep.n many yeate 'ago and as long as eight years ago a orusade had taken definite torm to the extent or almost unanim ous advocac y of a derelict de• troyer, suoh as Is the cruiser which haa-1'l! cently gone Into commIssion. Roweve.r, like many another Innova· tlon, the project took form slowly and it was not unUI the Fltty·nl ntb con· gr~88 that the. nationa l legislat ure made an appropr iation of $260,000 tor the <iOnstruction of the . "gun cotton crulsor" which wae recently comple tr ed at the great shIp yard at Newpor t News, 'VJI.. It wasent6 nentlya pproprl ate that tbls good angel of the hlgb seas should be placed u!lder thejurls dlct!on of the Unlted·Statesr evenue cutterse r. vice for thls branch of the treasur y departmen t haa, durIng recent years, devot'ed an tncreaslllJf amount at attentio n to the destruc tion of derelict s ~ I'f'lIef work of all kliMS at sea. Indeed, during the wblter I~on, the 'var1Qua revenue cutler. ' tliat can to. aasll{lIed to the wor~ form a regular cruiSing .fleet, tlJ"I · eblps of whtch c:on~nua1Jy travors e 'the 'hIghwa ys ' crt bceanl.c CQmmerce, p~pared to olrer n1d as needed' to vee· eels In distress . TU:;,reg ular re'¥enut' cuttenr 1rave, ~JIl occalrtou, pertorm ed Clreditable work til tbe destruc tJon of derelict s but they "re none ot them 80. well equlppM , of COUfse, for this unusual occupat fon as Is the Seneca, and turtherm ore, the new "battles hip ' or peace" has ex· ception al steamin g radlue -a ' most Importa nt conside ration In derelict hunt\ng~and wUl at all times carry sum· clent co"I, fresb water aDd other auppUea to' enable her to steam across the ocean if necessa ry.


The', Seneca w\lich has Intely underta ken her Ingenio us' patrol o! 'tlle AtlllnUc ocean Is a spar·dec k vessel, 204 feet In length over all, and 34 feet beam, schoone r ~Igged with two pole masts without gaffs. It Is of cot;rae very Importa nt that this ever'rea dy rellllf ilhlp sball be readily recogni zed at great distanc es by ' ImperUed mariner s or otber 'Ln·

destruc ll on upon menace s 10 navigat ion t1l yare more than parallefed by her means of affording s ue'c or to di sabled shIll or slll lor. There Is a ruaclilne sbop, mauned lJY men experie nced In Quick repair wo rk, an r! a hospital , thoroug hly modern In equipm ent and In charge at a skilled surgeon. A powerfu l derrick and olber s imilar applian ces make tbe ' S e n~ c/\ tbe equal ot .ny wreckin g tug now I nfloat: Diving apparat us renders pos· sible under·w ater repairs to damage d vessels and as an alternat ive In case a damage d craft can not be put tnto shape to limp Intu port under her own steam the Seneca bill a full complement or ateel anel manila hawlera and towing machIn es Finally, to turn to yet another. pbale of the Seneca' s versatil ity, It may be mention ed that this Interest ing neW good SamarI tan of 'the hlgb seas Ie. ' In effect, a floating lIte·savl ng station. She . has Une-carrylng guns, breeche s buoys, lite and surt boats and, In short, all the utensils of a modern life-sav ing corp.. ~'Q,d her boat cre~s are trained to han.dIe beavy·s ea Working boats under all conditio ns . 1I1~elt to be encoun tered In rescuin g Imperil ed persons trom strand· ed or founder ing shIps. Moreover. the Seneca w11l, at ' all Umes, carry aD atra supply of provisio ns for sul!ertn s mal'iners and hAS surplus quarter s where rescued persons may be accomm odated until they cnn be landed at lOme eonven len t )tOrt. The Seneca Is as powerfu l as sbe Is staunch . ThIs Is essentlJlJ, tor the ship' lias been designed to be capable steamin g 5,000 miles wIthout onc~ IItoPPlug to replenIsh tuel or otber supplie s. Obviously she will ftnd her greates t nfled tor activity In stormy weathe r a nd Bhe 'has been designe d accordin gly. Mention has already been made of the fud that her 1,800 horae l!ower, triple xpun slon engines may, at any time, be ca lled upon to put forth the extra torce tlecessa ry to drag a sblp 8S large 01' Infl~e r than the Seneca througb long leagues at unruly seas, and energy must nlso be furnishe d to operate extra powP.BC~ erful wrllckln g and ftre pumps. Incl().' THe. dentally , It may be noted that the crew of the Seneca Is as thoroug hly drilled . ,/)l!,e r In fire flghtfng as In lite saving and a PeJ7,GOY~ shJp afire at sea wlll be robbed of much at all times with other ships and with shore stations . of ItB" menace, once the rescuer Seneca baa As tools of ber trade the Seneca carrIes an equipm ent steamed.' alongsid e In respons e to an alarm the like of which was never heretofd re to be found ad sounded by Wireless telegrap anYOne . ves8el. Foremo st among these ald.s are a varied need to the World's shippin g h. This new frfend III carries elgbt omcers and a assortm ent of exploslvell In val'1ous forms, tor use In crew of 66 mono She Is in comUland of Capt. WIlUam E. blowing up derelict a Tbe capacio us 'masaal Be In the Reyfteldll, a feteil'" or the revonue cutter service and unbold of the Seneca can accomm odate sufllcle nt dynamI te questio nably one of the and gun cotton to blow up a whole fleet at ships, but It omcrs who has ever wornablest and most consCientioua Is Intende d, at course, to use this destruc tive energy only service. . The 'Seneca · has Uncle Slim's unftorm In any her perman ent station at In the Interellt of humani ty. For moat ot her derelict TQmp) Insvllle, N. Y., and her cruising dIstrict wlll comdesl roylng operatio ns the Seneca will make use at the prIse all that portion at the North Atlantlo ocean bestandar d United States navy mine ' nnd tbe applian ces' tween Portlan d, Me., on the north and Charles ton, B. ,C., provide d Include all the necessa ry electric cable., etc., on the south. Ot course the V'etsel will go beyond these for explodi ng these mines. limits of occasIon demand s, but the Gult stream carr:lel Comple te as are the facllltie s of the Seneca for visiting practica lly all derelict s within thIs radIus. .


terested pers~ns, and tQ tbat end e~ort has been made t.o rendel' the ship thoroug hly dlstl~t1ve In appeara nce. The hull has been painted a dark gT"en, wIth upper and rower shear molding s light In color t!'om stem to stern; ttle 'upper works and boats are whltl!l; and the spars and· smokes tack yellow, the latter bavlD~ 'a black band at the top ~nd red, white and blue vElI"Jcal stripes to the Im-ver guy band. As It this un.uBual ~eleJ'- were-not-1rut­ ~::Ient to a'r rest attentio n, the forem~t carries a signal y~i'd, from each arm of w~lch Is dlspT~yed a black spherl. C'll shape about three feet In dlametE'.\'. At night the Seneca display s a tlstingu lshlng signal In the form at two occultin g truck lIgbts, re d on the toremas t and white aD t!1e mainma st, with simulta neous 16-second flashes and 15·second lnterval s. FInally, a powerfu l wireles s tel~graph outfit enables co.mmun Jcatlon

.'€ om fo'r fs of a Sn.o~ House , L

The experleDoCe of those who tent ~n area at the dome·sb aped tbe' arc~ during tbe colder winter the 'prlnelp les of archHechut; then, on ture that apmo'ntha 18 ,to be summar ized about .. domes, whethe r made of store · follows: . or so,o\1l', the bee·hlve house Is comWhen the tent has been pitched the ·pleted. Two men can In an hour build temper ature withIn It Is some 15 10 asleep h.o use large enough for eight to In. When the house Is com: de.rees hlgber than outside, or 30 d'l- pleted 'a doorwa y Is cut In Its side b810w If It II 60 below In ' th9 near tbe gfound, sltlns are spread over open; one Ie · damp and warm from the' floor, one brusbes blmself as clear the .trenuo us exercll e' of the day, but ·ot tlnow .as possible lind ·crawl. Inside. lOOn become s cold, and shhers ; .. The all lamps are then craw!. Into "hle IIl~plng bag and bouse Is 's6Gn brougbt m; and the a tempru:a. maKes 8JJtrfe~ III the diary clumsil y ture . conside rably atovetothe freezing "I~ one's ~Ittel). o~; tlle beat from point; tor sno .... · Ii one or the .o ne'. body forms heiar frost 9n e.very- known noncon~uc~or" of heat, and the thing .In ~~ tent, and con'gea l. In the IntensE\' cold, of the O)ltalde . penetra tes · aleepl!i J bag, 10 that It become s sUff the walls, only .to ' i. very degree. 'and ,hea~ WIth Ice ~urlngthe ' day'. But wben .t.b.e house ge~ sUnOt warm the Intrayeh ' wben If (ree~es" 'and- lOald~g 'n8l"8ld e of the· .no)T dome begfna .to .wilt w:hen one; pta , Into .It , a~ , night, , and the 'later formed Is and ' tJsawa It out; Ods In , turn wets the no:w, blotter' ~alhIOn.;· we:. tClothll ll; .aJld ' ~e~ jrOusera and water pen~tiates tar enough . coat melle • lIZ as .ole leather when . the anoly ' meet the cold ' from the : one' breab, camp In the morning : the outside : Jt· totreezes, U 110ura are. a l'Ound: of., wretehe dnes.; hou'a e, Is tur<lled' Intoand Y9Ur sil(~w Joe , dome and tbe ice-crufSted' tent and icy .Bleep- liI~ng. a' pol~~ bearca)J : ~ bU.. become ' a beaU 10&4 for tHe over It without dan.g er. at I ' ...._ft ·... _.& .le~ , ' thro'tJg&. ,.' , When one Vflte~ O»~ 1Ii.lde tbe bouee ' tJlE! ' Esthe condld o" are ~II<I Itrlli ' DAked to the "Met and On"1W' _1M1li ope~ bllJll ttll81r clothes to· ~ o~ · pega In perhap t durIQ 1lrSt tbe wall, On lOma Journe ,. 1'9 had ter) aD . . .a of abeet·h'on lto'"I . (procur ed f~m .. 1t'~en In f~rm... Jean) , . WhIch" ~ 1uta1led III tbe. mow .aile! ba



.an .

helpless ly over ' he Ice vault that two hours betore WI'S an oval snow bank. 1 longed for a d.resslng gown and' slip' pers, but one {linnot burden his sled wIth such lux ·~rles. 'T here WIl81 no cold to make' Ure hands numb In wrft. Ing the dIary, ~o trost to ('ongeal 'on the bedcloth tnf( and mal;e them wet, none of the J;lght's discomf orts aDd ~

tbe morrow 's forebod ings that have been the stock In trnde of the makers of arctic books. And 'when we . broke camp In the morning we did not bur· den the sled with an Ice-stlff ened 100pound tent, but stuck In our belt the Now that the bunters 'are return· ten-oUllce suow knife, our potenUa l Ing from the mounta ins many are the root for tbe coming nlght.- Harper 's tales told of pranks played. MagazIne. One old hunter was telling his .frlends the other day of a prank he played on a young and energet fc huntTHE BAa,Y, THE LITTLE BROTH E R AND THE BIG FOOTB A-..L, er trom New York, a man who belIeved he knew all there was to be known of wild anlmalc of the woods. Evel'Y day this ambitio us young bunter would go on the hunt for deer alone and return with tales ot the boofprl nts and other slgn8 he bad seen of deer 'wIthin a short distanc e ot the camp. Every depress ion among the leaves on the 'ground , eVery leat tur,n ed over nnd every twig Elnapped was a stire sIgn, to his mind, that deer had been on the ground, perhaps a w'hole herd of them. . EarlYI very early, one mornIn g the oldh'u nter arose quietly and took wltb him ' the hoof of /l '(leer ' that he carriM . with him fQr luck';a bIg buok's hoor- ~d . crept .to the tent of Uie . ' hunter, wber~ he rbade hIinrintEl ." th8. 80'f t ground':flll around It. aro~nd It ~~nt the b~fl>rJ.nt.; _lid tbel1' olr Into the wpods. . . wpen tbe young hunte.r .arose . I", the mOMllnl and saw the prints, olear 8nd dIstinct , he suld nothl~, but decided that be would sit up, Ulat night and shoot the bIg buck 8Dd 80 get .bead 'of his' com])lUlJon.; especia lly the alA. bunter, who Qloqbt h~ lmeW'

Young HUil~ers ~os~ Sle ep

1,---- .--- ________ __

muoJi; ·


merciful and told the young man that It was all a joke. SendIng a young hunter on a cold, windy night to a tree on the edge of a pond a mile or '80 off and telling him to sit there during the .n lght, as on such a night the deer, and perhaps moos~, were sure to appear Is an· other tavorlte scheme . . Ot course he Is told that the rest of bls compan ions are to be In other trees '/1 few rod. .d lstant, but he Is to be sure . not to call t and , It he did they would refuse to ,answer him. Then hie compan ions go back to camp 'and sleep well and long whUe he sJts all nfght In a tree. Firat UI. of War Balloon. At the battle of Fleurls, Jun. 26, 1794, In the 'French revoluti onary period, the ' balloon , was tQr tl)e first time uaed ·In the lervlce o( .the army. The Austria ns, stupelle d, saw t!18 ' j:.~ Uve p.lrshl" Entrepr epant above tbe~ heads a~ a height or 300. meters. TIlta appal1ltlon greatly angered 'the Au.. trilUl, Gen.. Cobourg,' who crte4 oil\: , "lsI- tli~re lUiythl Qgtbes e ' scoundr ela . will qat Invent! " . ~ . , "



Hold Bond








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itl~l"~' lo ')lIme! :l f ew 110UI'~ "'hi! in jneh;nal i this . 1Itnlrl l' )~' 111 he hp.-


tt,,\, Pal'\(

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W > pUI'l:ha 'd at :p<'cial


f ' a ll res sec ul' d ClI'

R.ead These \\ ond ..fur Bargai ns II p (~<'~'Iill n

which i now ~incillnl\ti 8 ~nd I1W; t hecl1lLiful ' amns\:', nt r snl'i ;,' III Ill; tll(! new s

. hll'geilL



all c u ~l()

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the :ml'pl ul' ·t ll('I\ of a \\' ·11 1\11 wn New York dn lhing' mal l u l'nc\,UI'' 1' . The;;e 'uit' art> l' I;i th 'E'ly l ~ .• 1:i':lfl. ::; Ifi and :' 1, Sui ts. Rut " n lhi" !mle they all g-CI f ()t ·

$8.45, $11.38 and

h eh . leI' Ladie" Military H~r. an \ 1·).{anizat.ic)H of tal ' Ii ted anrl Ilcn uti fl1l yo ung lal1i e~, tluth Ii iil)1 i~ l, who will giv(' COIl, l' S\ aft l'1') Oli:" and eve.nings all . aSo ll. 'fhesl.' COli e l' l s a l ' fr e to U l'yl)ll(J and will cun tain many :pc 'ialit ies . uth fl." vI)ea l and in 'lrunWlltl:l l' ti(\lo~ . illusll'ul d 8 ng ', m \', in):! pi 'lu I" , cl r. HII 'k;;ldll I ell ' , Wild West ~ hl)\\'s wili hold forlh a t "'h l-HI (' I' th is easOIl. Tire <:elebntl ed [~lea Cil'l; II ~ has b en l'e~ellgaged . 111 hi s a 'ompany of train ·t1 fleas p 1'f ('ll'l 1l th e mu~L lUarvelou t rick's and fCllts. , no her big fl:!Rtul'e will b th InternatiOl;nl Longress of Li ving Wond rs. Thes at' but a few of th many t.hing' t.hal ~ hcs t e r offers bu t t;tnct.:! to show why t hi!'l [Jlace has of late yeat· become thE' best known su mmer am u 'ement pal'k in America: The r g ular opening takes place aturday, May tho

,B red by

t,: ( \or



~~ ,


~ 1....t,. ,


I t ighsn ~ i " h

Birssard, Dept. of Sarthe, France.

BroLIH~ l ' ;,


obinso } ~

U i~

')i 3.

~~ , - .-- -- -

Won t light a Good Friend.

Boys', Knickerboc~er Suits.


S1.38 .52.6.9


~ 'If ver I need l\ cO\lgh medi in Rguin l '~now wbu t to get," d J n re~ Mr . A. L . AJI ~ y f B a 1 1 M ' . "for, aft r uf:l ing bottle of pro King' New Di co very, Ancl, aeing it ex ellen t r suit.!! in my own family Rnu oth eI:e, I 'am con vince<l it .is tt.e be t lnedicine made for Cou ghs, CoJds and lung tro'ub)e . " . Everyone who tries it feel ju t that way. Relief is felt at once II.nd its quiok oure url>ri~es you. J!'or lironohitis, Asthma., Hemorrhage, Croup, LnG'rippo !:iore Thr.oat, 'p i~ i~ oh est or lun g , it'd Ijupreme .- 500 and 1 00. Tria l bottle free. GnaTllnieed' by Fred O. Soh w8r't~ . .




Abt:ok~ rail t hree' miles ~o'rth f Lebanon ditched ' an engine of a D. & C train laat' week, ' and inter:' rupted traffic.: Passlmgers w.ere tak-en to Lebanop in h~cks.,. '4 tthe poin,t where the. wreck ocaured the tight of way is so. narrow that it was Impossible to run a temporary tracK around the ' toppled en'g ine, 'and it was se';~ral dllY before the trai11S .were .l'Un~intg on seh'edule time: . ,

MANY the


Stlndjii.V-IBCb,ool 'literature and equip- ent ' ment. a~d Sectional .It has oeenfound that good paper -'---. . ~-"'-Conferences, and a triple program can bemade' from the lalang occupying several auditoriums. ' of Malaysia. , .Programs T~ady May 1st. Apply to o.hio Sunday School Association. i9 Ru~gery , Bldg: , Columbus, Ohio'



'r ( y.our StolIu(ob, ~eart or Kidney are w,ea.k, tfY at lel18t, 8 few


on Iy Of DJ;'. Shoop '8 , RestoratIve. In five or ten days only, the reBult will stlrprise you A feW cents will cover the oost. , And here is why belp oome8 so ' quiokly . pro '3hoop dOe8D't drug the stomaoh, nor stimulate the Be",rt <;>r Kidneys. Dr. Bboop'E Restorative goes direotly to , ·the weak arid fa.illng ,nerves. Each : organ h\l8it~~own oon'trolling nerve. Wb~'~ these 'nervlls fail, the depe,nd, i~ft 9"g~nR ip.'i1 ' t of neoe ssi~y fu.ter; Thi8 pluiD, yet vital truth, . t-ells why Or: ShOOp's Restorative is " 1.10 universa.liv ' sucoe$sfttl. Its 'slJ c., CeS8,i8 leadi:Dg,druggibts ,everyrhe~~ iO.'Kive it nniversal ,preferenoE'. ' A , test will surely' tell. , Sold , by Al 'Q,e lllt!ts I'.


.~ '.



.~ .


.~ I

. '




FAUSTIN ( 57218 ,Fr.

. ' ~43048 Am. ChannRon Perch~ron and Sweepstake Stallion, 1965 poulJds. Age, 7 years,'

Ofton Tbe Kidnoys .Aro



h". ~yer~Work.

UJibealthy Klllncys Make .lmpure 81004.


.....~....---REMEMBE ,


Fa~ tin is·an im.,p'Qrt~ ho?' e.1·enis6. tered in both F~ce and America. 2. He h'a s a 12-inch ~Qn~ lJleasur~ment. 7': quality ' nei~finish is not to .be overlooked by 'b~et'$. 8: 4. Ire has a ahort back; is A~WIDE-AS­ THE-T.\BLE.kiM" )Vit'h a leg under each COlller. , 9. 5. ' ne , iq IilfSbow rings in reasonable r each, arid ti~ Gained away EIGHT ~IRST PRl1MIUMS in two 10. years. .


1. '






He will be exbibited in all horse'shoWs


He ia a g rand rt!~kes\!l11;ativ of noble bl'~e{J , til i:' IllR 'H EilR N.

as a-HI,<;;H , CLA~ ' show, l:ior~e.


He hn 'n kind diSL) ~i~io ll allfl is aslIy handled; f II a'fait ',ij U.k hi'tiL


'rhe 6 [It i's th \l ·/uJupe.rJt alwa .

is Warren .CountY in 1909, . ' H~ is an IMPRESS~ S~Rfi1 as ~ell ' ,t



lie Has M,ABE GOOD in B01'H. r '

spel!tlii few s~1Ii ns combine t h '. ' qualitIes.


- Hi", 'r~putation 1,\ ' RELIABLE ', :a~EEDING HORSE is secUre. : lJ~ ,has; SPECIAL · CARE '~bo f eu ' .and ExERCISE the year round.



• •



W uld it not b better t.o 'l.l1<aed Lo a

d ho~'i Uk ! Ii AU' l'1N whQ!'5~ Pl'oduce' sell fo t· ~Iu!~ hig h dollar? ' 1J'1W'eifr



15. " Til ' i)raft. i.'I lit ' JiCM'1n



' 1i01-.~ 'fot' 'a IEl , ,

... ~ .....,.~~.~ . .......

~~.~"'~""'''~' ~ft~~~

T, RO~E ' , " No~



, Imp'or-t'ed E~lish Sh.ire Stallion, 2,000 Ibs~


Apain presoription is printed up. , on ea<S:h .250. box.of Dr. Shoop'e Pin~ I:":'::"'::-::'-":--~-+-'-----:--:-='::=::--::=::";-=~ Pain ~"blets. A!$k yo~r Dootor,or Druj; gists if thls foro101a is ,not.oolpplete. Pain l!1eans congastlon, blood Sch 1 ConventiOIl'-1S announced pr~Rsure, Bead p"i08, ~omlmly, pllins ' d af" , .00 , pam anywhere get instant for Spn.~field ~, J\U1e ,~, ?~ W·, 1,OO~, fr om 8. pink Pllin "r ab et. ' Sold by delegates and ,. 4,000 vlintors are ex~ All DeaJers. , , p~cted fr,o m," Ohio~13 eighw-eight , 'AFTER YE-,,'RS I . counties. ' Fift;een famous , S~nday~ , ' people' ofJ~ba8cnool specialists, h~i1ing fforn tpe, After serving $ta'ies.b~ M~~h~s~tts, N~w .~or~, ' in their most impatient momen ta Pe~~lva!l'l~,. Kentucky, .'~'ennessec, - namely at the telepllOne- for ne~r­ ~hno~t IndIana an,d 'Yasbmg~n are l~ a q uar~r of a century . Miss Mny e,ngai,ed for tli~ ~~ogram, . . . , Glenny tend'ered her ' r~signation, ~ ll~~lId~appi'opr,late Golden Jub~lee local m~na~et pI the 'Central trnlon ~etclS~'st: the f~atures of the Co.n- Telephone company; which took ef~ ven~' on will be ~ house-t~ house ~s- f ect l~t. Saturday. the,CIty of Spnngfield, an -Miss Glenny will take an extend wi tb relativQs in Cincinnati h e~ bealth. in hopes of regaining . . ___,..... ' -:-'---:-

' :




. "


. '.




' . , IrnJ?orted .f!om EngHlhd by 0."0 .. Hiefner, Neoraska City, Nebraska, in 1902 and is 'l()'yeats- ld and IS registered In the Stl,id Book of ,ErlgIan~t · ',' " ' "Treasure Trove." is ,a dark ,bay, ~o~E},., with he~vy man'e and Jail, a .verv .rugged ' fel1ow, ju. t t he kind ,to SUlt those who lIke the -substantIa kmd; br~ad, :10'Y' tp the· groun~l., a !;d"d(:!~p through the heart;' ood , short p~ck. No better work ,~orse :w~~ , ev~r hitche~ In the .harne~ \· amlt he if? ' guar.a~te d ' t. b a g'ood ., and, rel~able stoek horse:, . He IS a, grand re resentatrve 'of the Draft. Come and se hIm ," }










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Ill en, presl ng p;, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ju~g with Hon . .'unlu IT'S I W Smilh :~i l'~o~L,~r ~~~~ I and H n . P ll ler 1 < ' Swing as ·::\U- I ·\AUIl!.H. , II' I ). 1 I :: I L lJU.I 'lllUU ·iatp.s at o()ening of COUI't. . I ur l.\ ' ij \ ..IItI'OIt I'' !IX. W •1. W1'lg' . I1. t aU.1- II l{uh' mu, I_~rfl \IS. 13. GiI Lliu ~~~~~ T). I . I :a I':, i-:lIiL,If' :llId M!lflUg't :l I' . f IlrriL d ill' ; Mrs. . ,lIl1l1 e1L mWr Lu i By agreem ~~JN".i'II - - -- - - - - - - - - - pur l.I«::S lh l! lI etiLi.n i~ 1'1'0 t:nt 0 uhu.'C. M ' 'lIlIl1' is di . IOIl;C11 • •• r Nil W • " • Just what you want f or your FLOORS, FURNITURE, AND \ rluulIH lIlatlo SI ... 11& natC!! nt ubSCrllltWII ' "11 'eu a'lU juuglllc nt IS order d paid. ' I!'" !l IlY. \\' 1) SIIPTlly . . . • . I' re' 1:1(11)1 11 1 0. OTHER INTERIOR WOODWORK wh n they become scuffed • "11' " · · . lrl "" t fh· II~' ' II Hl h 111 1 ' " I ' ,I Lt:uullon ,- 1'~llkllTl TrllctlO n CO, Write for (Jur fret: ~1'IJ~08l • tll' n. S l n,' h · " "I/ V, and worn. Makes them look like new ; in any NATU RAL . t! . b . I'~'lth ' I' E. Millt!l'. d f ndant in COl 1;hll;ill/~11J~ t: rI'ur. 1u.U- ,· h f'~\Id anu judg m('nl . WOOD color desired. LUSTRO FrNISH is the only produ ct revt:' l'seti and urdl:!l'ed paid. made in colors that are non-f ading , and not aff cted by \;OIl1 mon Pleas Court. n,' and M r Van Dorn, W. A. Mel'l'i tt sunlight. IU t' and R v A. K . . Sargeant. appoin ted New Suits. npJlraiRel·!\. That tough , elastic LUSTR OUS FINIS H, I 'THE MADE TO ·1 11 ...••• 11, ... ·· ' " ••11 .. .-! ~.,. () . S. J( -tllfty 'onlpall Y VR Ja tub I~ tatt! of Jane.! M Wright , de .. I'Ji lll !:lI' t" ", . ",,0 I t'l ' h ,,, 11I 'j' 41\ . - 1 I j \ t' WALK ON," won't come off kind. It sticks to the sur'". UU l' a11. Pt!lili()/l for money unly . cas d . First and final l lU Itt·,.. ,wr 11111' accoun t fi·Ieu. face to which you apply it, but no t to your shoes , cloth~.'" UlIlt ,unt claimt'd being $3M5 with inE:!t:,Ile of PllOeLe Lawle r,d . ceased !,' Ii' lel'..'st on promisso ry note. Ross ing or Lawler carpets. appoin ted administra-Snu l d ..; " h ' , ' ~ III ' I ' r "hUI 'U ~' l.{4 IIJ~' l' ~ .; ,. \ W. A Hause, plaintif f vs. E. D. tur g iving bond of $2500 with Mary FOR SALE BY 111"11'. " ,\\h' t'I'l I ~ III V . 1" '" I"r h II'" Junes defend ant lain tiff prays B. Michen or and Grace L M oOlley fur judglOl mt. in sum uf $728.33 for s ureti es Alf Snook, William ' McFad c~rlain Ililmed tl'Unsac tions in selling dell ani.! David HollTIE! il apprais el·s. propert y. Georg.e E. 'toung, attorEstate of Henrie tta S ieker Moh rney for plaintif f. man, d ceased Inventol'Y and ap- - - ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! !!!! . . . Court Pr0C4.'edinKs. praiscm ent ~Ied . WIll Audul Ilalntl go lo work now bear compar ed to benefit. ~. That th > Estate of Thoma s Smith. imbe ·1 u. 01' will hI:' mak~ Homeo! hill 400 wives HAT HAW AY ~tate of OhIO vs Chaodes Ch.ffo.l'd. cile. First and final B. , n. accoun t f guar- road appeal' s to be more of a 10c,1 id I d t o to work fUI' him. USkM .lh~ ~pl'ini'- 10c f cn dan t I . ~ ea ~ gUI ty to 10 lC -. dian approv ed allowed and confirm ed, benefit than public benefit. The na · Unde rtake r and Emba lmer. ) ' : a.. . d News. \lesvill e'8 Leadin g Dentie t ment al1d IS fi~ed $25 and costs. and court finds estate fully admini s- ture of the route is said. that to make Will -'~\ be fo; nd l o the old State of OhIO ex l'el, ~uell~ Toms tered Office i~ Keye Bldg. Main at a good grad over thiS route the B,I'llk Bnl)!Iill~, ollposi te On thrl!t' more ,lol1g weeks until va Charles Stl'~'use Jury finds deEstate of Sallie K,'E ans, det eas u. the cost would be unreaso nabl e . Re• scho I!..' for t)t, summe r. Tht' fendan t tile N u.tional Bank . gUlI.ty ,**,,* *-t*, ,*""'* ,""'''' '' ,.f,. charge d. accoun t approv ed allowed and port was accepte d. Plans and 'l'eleph one in house and of. boys and ;'1 1'1 ('o urlting th houl'S Kather me W. FItzer vs. otr.... caIl C.·C. C. confirm ed fications for new until it com . " joist and oak &. St. L Ry. CQ. A whel.'.e . Iteratio n of petibe ca11ed fJ!c' Estate of Eliza Mucy, deceaSed. nailers for bridge teel I ''' ' ' ;fc* on Twin Creek at v (tty o r Olg " t IO~ as pray ed f or. I . gran t e.; d .tralley L~hone 14-2. Fir 1 and final accoun t approv ed. PoasUo wn in Frank lin townsh ip were Edward . L. Spen~e v~. ~yrus L. allowed and confirm ed and e tate is approv ed amI ordered posted in aut!- Main Street, Rosa county went wet last Thur"- Wantz. . Demur rer IS sastaln ed and Wayne svillo, Ohio fJ!c found fully administel'Eld . itor's office. Se I proposals will .be . day hy at least 2,000 majorit y. plaintif f given one day to file I fJ!c amend· R J Estat T sf receive d and contrac t let May 10, Wonde r if they think the snow Fri- ed petition . ea e ran ers. 1909 day had an.ything to do with it? C. Shoem aker et a1 vs. Mabel Robins on and Charles J A 00 R;e::l1 tisl1I. and 0. trilll Jennie C. Hamilt on et al. Upon mo- Robins on to George Beck, l'eal estate trel1tm ent of Dr. Shoop' s Rheuml1tio tion leave is granted 'tofile her plead- in village of Spr.i~ghoro, $1. Remed y-liqui d or 'I'll bletp-is lleln,r Farmer s are still busy in the fields. iUg. Lids T. Zell and Thoma s Zell to 8en t free to ~ufi'el'ers by Dr. boop In Ol1e of the bottom fields last week . Probate Court. Oreg onia, •• Ohio Blanch e B. Zell real estate in Wash- Of R.t\oine. Wis. You t.bat could be seen the unusua l sight of are wed : h' ' J 11' I" 1 · A J get this book towns IP, '" . ten teams plowbl g up the earth for dishea teo d forff some! discour Mar t m . ameson , guard'Ian 0 f lila-ton ~"",,,,,.,.f ,.,,,,,,,,,, D taged, ,,,,,,.s.t... ........ I C'h I L S·h ' Id to K t' B .".·otr-·oIIIi·.... .". ,,,,,,,,,,,, .......... .. +W'Ti U • M'll Iti+ . b r iJ e IIU M' 'l'er 00.8 ar DIp es • . Ie All s kinds a of Ie Stone, auer Brick aot ..~al'la of and hUDlan 1 er, corn. lty 1m I eo Point e, VB, (Jut aria this 1 . H am,'Iton to' 'II I C . .f h W ~.. rea es t a t em \Vns h'IP, 'I'il'1 Wtly to ,quia. r .. nent \. \ / k lind Ml er etta oertain 1 lief ! '-"!I nor • a :. Oples b\ t t~ esftern . Jru:ob CQmell to W. R. Conove r 8urprie e lIome offerer , by first get. The work done ill the country St. ar con · m~ng a pu .lca Ion Cemen t WalkS aod Floors a tel ImIDaIIItc 0 ~ol'eal ... estate in Warren·County , $1700. tLng from IDP. tile bookle t unu the Dr. SltOOD's MqIcreIId Ou... . 8chools this year Is marvel ous . Un- tlce Of penden cy and tIme of beanng t,8St. He will a."preoi l1te vour RI · d. . Special ty, 6 to lOe per of tho G'I'Iza D . Van 0 erveer t0 Cllar Ies 'led to es'd t I.!I 1: der the nid. of a" 'luperin~ndeot the h ' I a ct'1.0"" " ~old by All Deulers . I I ~aI. square foot. nonr I .en Smith and wife real estate in Frank· elrs. l' Co iI' OQ bl ossomed out . coun t ry IICh 00 III h av~ .. ' &t t f Sa ah E S · d All work gu·aran teed. Affi- mun ty', ",ll . 1!1I1'0 withInDr. . mo~ than ever in their history ,.and d 't a fe ~ I I3hoo.J)'e• stopJJed ?Dmtnute t~f: Crou» Bemodl'. Elmer E .•Sheets to Aliena T. Gil~ One WAYN ESVILL E CHURC HES. .b)st will IUl'lll, pIOn. marked ildvaltc ement h~ been shown a!~,t 0 . ~InafSa~\.. eBmAen d J ed ' pin real No estate vomitlU in . no Clearcr dis· eek ' town• tl h I . tress. A 8IIle BIld pleulDSH )lrup-«lc . Druatns d ams eceas &1::1 ate . a11 .d urmll h' $ 00 1e se 00 year. ' P'" f 'f 0' hI'/.'lUIt' f 11 . Orthod ox· Friends , '00 0 pU lca Ion 0 no t'Ice 0 f a p- SIP. Church . El' b th Sch 11 t Ch 1 J pointm ent filed. ReI'. lIu,nlllml u HawklllH lza e ne 0 . PWllur. ar sones . .. ' !'labbath SCliUOI . II :30 a . III. ReRul c.. " hureb . and Charles Schnell executo .It surely IS gl'aufy mg to know rs of Subscribe fot the Gr.llette Estate of Abraha 10 :30 m II . Githens m. hrlstl , ' de-. a n Endeavor. A d M Scl. . n d W ':'.,_.1 I 7 :30 p. pl . 1 man a . f ..that the ,ayne~vl'11e 8C h 00 S ".at;e on c~aseO . P,roo f 0 f pU:brtcatlon .,oe., ecea:M:U , r a 0 no- 'estate in Clermo nt and Warrt!n Counthe accred~ted lu~t Only pne other tlce of appoin tment filed, 5 . t' '$1~67 77 Hlckslt e Friends Church • . toWQ:jn the county is on thjs listEstate of Viola Edingt on, decease d. lesCh' J' , . oJ eha I . . Sch II .Flrllt Dny Mec lln l{. 10;00 n. m. fo'lr8~ Day oJ. hI ' t' f . f J.ebano n, and It 18 a good t h'mg f ·or P roo f Q f .,u\" anJ . l' es ne 8.:1..001 . 11 ;O(l 'tl , IJI . F ur~b Day MlicLlng lca Ion 0 notice 0 ap- • arto· sones f . Am d M Schn • h II d . t t fil--l execu rs 0 scholar s grlldtia tmg from a hlg POlO men an a e , e- 10 :00 a. W. J;:U. ~~.:::::--=acbool. · It. means that a gradui te Estate of George W. Lewis, deIs built on scientific princip les throug nou t ' • from our school can go to O. S U. " ceased Proof of publica . ChriSti an Church . Its conical jaws ate made of heavy sheet steei tion , of no- in Warren County , $2455. uodny • 011001 , 9 ::10 u . m , Soulnl meet .Edwar d Schlotm an . et al heirs of lng, 10 : :10 11. 00 •• and brlsllan and the main,b ody or water reservo ir and plant and be placed in the Freshman year, tice' of appoin tment filed. Eudeavo r H--- . tta Schl t . ., .d ased t 7 :ou p . III • .h tube of heavy tinned plate. The water valve is 'th I 'th tte f th ill f J hn t:llrle withou t eXaffimationj 0 man, · ece Vi ere, WI 0 n e ma . ,r 0 . e w . o. of brass with rubber packing . The valve red 0 John' Eichelb acher r.e~l estate in utcred it, t y would have to tak~ ~. VanHo rne, dece~ and trip spring are of steel wire; thumb ,button Method ist Episcopal Churcb . W,)) adH' 'lto t _ L' il'08"50 . ·t, .. -l t b t ' amI n Ownalllp, """ . a ,college OUr!Ie of olle Yev and other fittings are also of brass ·The m~­ ttev. W . T Olll llanli . PUtll llT ml u:u 0 pro a ~ E Fitts S . d a: m t P W . Urtdn.l' SCilool, 0 ::10 :I . Ill . M ornln~ /ler· · becomi ng Ii I!' rcshma n Tne sehool chineia well put·tog ether witp rive~ and solder I n the matter of guatdia uship of B mrna dId' M qy B h 0 . \"I ce , 10 :80 a . Ul. l: I,wonb I .ell l/: IIC, 7 ,00 p. A Ro ' . and should last fOl' yeal's. ' Ed "' w l'e hen an , a ay re en rea' 1 es-. m '. boa d -has decIded to ' pla,c~ ,Boothel' . Ev nlng 8en-l ·e. . 7 : :10 " 1" Ul 88, mInor, , MIdweek gar · .... t . 01 k . 'h ),'·h I resign ed" intmen t as guar .... e m ~rcree to wn~h'lP ~il'2ooU . Pr ,ye r 6Ice~lo". 7 : 30 p . w. , te~cher . In t e h'Ig h ~ No Stoop ing When . Using , Ther epo, . '.' . ,:ppo '.., E A. Mason to Joseph J Kuitzle r , make a.slight .ch~ng~ in the·c~q.~s dIan I\nd,tb ls. ortdhi~ fore No Lame Back s. ~dto file final 8C-' real estate in Warren County , $1. St.. Mary's Episcopal Church . of studies , WhICh is -all that '18 . re c.oun WI tn , ny ays. " . , . , : ed b I w t make us an accred. Estate of Marion A. Ross minor Rev . J . 11'. ::ndwaIlBder. n'clor: All kinds of Plants, such as Cabbag e, To-Commi ssioner s Proceed ings. qUlr y a 0 . . unday cbool. 0 ;(10 II, In 'Mornlug s er .. ' . . 'L. ~ . _ ,;).1 ', bacco, .' Tomato es, Cauliflower, Strawbertiies~ v....l. 'ted I scho vIalS. W ' ::lO . 01 . EvenIng . ' Mary lA. Ross apPolll teo gUIU'Ulan BilIs...-·Oregon ia l!(;rvl e, 7 p. W. I ~ Bri.lge weet Potatoe s, Sugar B~ets,, are se.t in Co., con- Ii0 IY Co tilln un Ion tb o Ur l un d IiV . of cac b -..:......,..-. .!;~ond of $2~ with ~arry .trac~, ~164'41; ~wartz ~nd water and covere d at one operati on. The plant Stiles, mutltlJ , Kills to Stop the ,Fiend. ,Hayne r and Barry JoneS suretie s. 'gold dust for court ho~ee, l'OOts are put down to' the proper depth l)elow .$1.50; St. Augqst ine's Catholi c Church . The wurllt. ' Vt! fllr 11& -" ,tf" III Jl'ltu, the surtace where the.gro tind is cool and damp The estate Of Thoma s qibbs White Th~ Wester n' Stat, puhlish'lng notice FMber George Mnyellb ocfcr, Paslor O8, e ,. of. O]1l(1 WHI, \'~ ·tlh •. \lII~K~ tUII· decease d. Invento Yo,u neve r rave to wait for a ~howel,'; pl8n~' ry and 'apprai se- and statem ents, $Sl.3T; W Ii · 'Stanlttl\lJ8 ev~r" 8eoo,,11 • uoday of the moo\bil t may be ~ely set out .w hen large enougft,1,'8gard- . Diatt Illo~r I~" IJ , 111 (1,,/,10111 I,)ver menti lil~, ' ,., ' 'age &:~. aaaeSsol"S supplie s $8760' 11:00 a. m . I ~ of the weathe r- no matter how dry and dusty , "OOOO Wtt,bolll fit. 'rh,·,. Un II t . A'll rio . b'l .. • . . • . '. '~ leb'~ Arnll.;i'foI" "lJI:IU ' I\ltl lullutl t)1~ 01 ",r the ground may be. . ' "'!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~ ' e OL n ~'illt . "rs, 1m E!1!1 e. J , 0.' ,M't~~e ' . 1 \ ~rVJ .es as In rmary '" I\DCl'ou ied .~iD). Cu'rtl~ 'e,Y'Kr·, "~r~l<. Stly~th . accp~nt o~ guardi ~ . fil~. dir~tor , $S4 70; W •.Ung esby it S~, should haye one.' J , 80.'8, " .. I",ul' ~Z~D\~,' '!:in,1t RV.e~.m ' . ~tt~. 6f , A¥ce O,tmar vrw Any man, with s, )mbec~l ·buruU 6f ~ose~~ ' V'ckers , $75; WIIverY little practic e call easily set 'out 7,000 to . l~fa"l~r~ f~lr , .i>t'l,e"''j;Bllrull '~ '4~ ~lJ'8t '~c~t o~ tl'\l, ....' e. , liam EV&fll!I; ,lu'm ber, ·$33.24; ·Ruggle s10,000 plants each day. Our planter ins · Cd~"I'~prD''''" ~!o..:t ... "'. ~~ W.~t,Z" 8 . tstat:e of "'Erma K . Roby a recol'd of over 99 plants to grow:f rom each 1,000 set. mainta ~t~al Gale Co,., blank for corone r, $1 05; MONE Y REFUN DEJD \ • A 0000 TEACH~R ' IN CASE THIS PLANT ER l<~AILS TO DO ALL WE mino":' l G.~rg~ F. ~ob~' ap,poin ted f,c . J. Moore, lumbe.r" $30:30; Ch~rles CLAIM I<'OR IT. Weigh t, 4X' Ibs·. 'fhis planter will save itS cost ,.' I , ' " .. ,gu~uu~ glVl~.g Dond tn BU,m of $291)0 ,S ti.h bs, c~m~rac t; , $1401@; James dozen times over in a season for r eplanti ng and for use at · the endsa . '~lhirin ~our,:laat weeW8 '~ssue,an with. ,Albert Beimet t, Charl~ of th¢ row, w~ere you can't us the horse-s etter, ~te~en-~cMutr~n · ·lDe.~c~~d,ise ~o.r co~rt .. ~icle, Ott. ~fi'e lasU:e~'her's 'Peetin g .• ~. A. Rebold and E. C: '14.orr~on. lio~, $3. 75; ~.1aml Gazette , FOI' sale by . supphe A. B. s Sides and and the 8lrripat tietjdr feelmt ex- suret.leB... • , •. '. . .: F. W. Wadlw ol.1h. ' for ~ro~ate Judge, .$30; RFlar shEtr Th~se setters CilD- be seen at A. B. Sides' store Jt' arouSed 118 ..'t h a', though t W.· H. ~noof' , ad~lmstrator. of A. at any, time ~ barger, ~lary, lis assistan~ jaQitor , of 'eiPlees IJji'fQu t' ohaer.vatioll in',re- M, .Bl'o.~ vS. ~ulu, D~ Br.own 'et~al; $40: Jarp~, Fqlltm Sr. , 'salary, $50: gafd tQ . 'advant'q~ Re,POrt 9f~le : Qf .real , ~tate con- W. .H.. ~~4'J1t;n,. stamPfiI. $~O . " ' ft · 'o ur . ,th~. 8~pe!"f~,and a~~~v~ ,Sf,d d~ or- Misc~lhfuQOuBT~n .niatte~ 01;. B~ion A Purel y Vege table Lax~t ,~ve , '. . ' l.\ . ~V~ ', DUJ41~l1~I.~n: ~,~ ~ flO-ro¥ '>~t~~si~n l~ , 1:1nlon townwhere you' can of sal~ . ~tC;i~rM . • " ."n+, ' . . ,. v.1ewe1'll'''eDo.... ~ that the ' t'" · f 1_1." t; , ~A • di;·' Cures Chroni c Constipatio'D~ and ·A lI . Silve rware . ' Wa tches , . T"'o It · .taP I f'r' 'l. ~.~ .a~o'theri r n~~ mat .1.'01' 0'0} ~ta~ 01 man~' " Livttr a~d Kidney Tr~uble8. .' " . not to' ~~ . y.b6~he d. tq~" , r bt1il ra1 ¥ T~ansf~~ o~ 'r~al ~~t~ , 'r.ij~~.~h~eXpenlle tT Clock's, ~ewelry,Ri 'ng~, , . ~dine 1 !in rponsl~er.tlon ' ,r6a,(t < if g'l:arited l!'Ol' BILll' at tu e roUowlI1g "laces: $2455. o~erM , " ,"' <:', .· ·fo -towrtship, f~ ..C~,ains. etc~, all .N~w. (lJ81~rlc:r '1._ Eetat~ of ~~~~~ ··Pen<te. Ztmme rml1n's , Kil bon ~ H, .! \,. . , Engri:t.v ing a ,Spec ial ty' White' ImlPJJI'.IO Qf8~le' o~·, 'person al s, . 'Mount joy's Spril1~eI4, ' n.

I IItn1





The Phillips


J. E. Jan ne y , Wa yn esv ille , 0

















''** '*'

C. B. Lewi s

*' ,.",.

Cont t rac or.

H. E.

D. Ho'lll'ngswortb",.*."". '*'*' Gen eral '*'*


Auc tion eer




\tl .

Give Me a Call

'Masters Rapid Plan t .Setter





Ever' Farmer and Truck "-Awer.





.Prl·ce $3 75

The ,Jew eler

.An d 'O ptic ian


or .

Th~ Alp.h~~ Chemical .Go~ · "Ohlo;/ "


Specialty. I..-~----r--


$bel!1! ''1'ick

. ' ,

He~e 'ate ~J!11.four or th~ num~roua k.ID~' or ~It" tIIe~

I <


.. Teleph one day or .night. Valle;v pbO~8 No. '1, to~iC . . . Dla&aIW&' \1. 81-'1" • •j " ,



live ,on doDie.tlc animals a!lel reduce .the ~~e" pt'9titL Gr HyaEN O 'kllla theae and a1\ othere~


Co... Itch, IRanli and Othel' akln~. J)eRrop ~ end foul odo,.. Keepil ille• ..-y, It IS a w~""'ul . . ;". ~ dllinfecl lnt, an.~ . I" Iclclltlot;l' to behl. I .tack 41~ It ....



,nu~ .bouaehotd.J&Ht.

~-:.., ...



nse at my shabblne\ls and h Ivies. us both by her dally labol'-manas-ec! Ct!NEROU~. nes pterc d n1)' hear.t under Lady to foil all of th ~ff(J rt s of .t\dml ral ,E!lr, P ter Hawk haw to find III ; fa\' he Arabella's n:lmly 8cornf'ul gllZ. Tloth of thes young giJ;'ls were the llnd done all 'h puld to dIRCO \' r t he ~r at-nl r. s ' or Sir P ter Hnwksbaw, whe reabouts of his 'n ph w's orphan. ror Catarrh of the Throat of Twa but not all the t1ry snlt \·'s tlld' , so ''l't!! no t for D1 to suy one word , Years' Standing. they w ere nn blood rellillon to me. again st Betlr Gre n, for sh 's laved t~ THE WAIL OF THE VANE. , . .., was afflict ed for two years with me as nb' n womnll can slave, alld. ~lr P I('.r WII their gual'dlan, and ' catarrh of th e th~oat. At first it WIlS " Haul)' Hnkshn w had cll1u'So or th m, besides, brQught III liP In the ho.bll9 S 1"1 T<LE us tho w e M h ernUlC," very slight, but evory cQld I took mads nnd was most l<l nd and devoted to aud IlHUlIle rS of a S nt! man, nlbe lt or wOIillln 'hns tieen said, UlI' m In h r wn~' . I soon ,found out !:;he did lilLIe rol' my UlI cllllon, and to it worse. But wh r lay sins of womto be em, ~hat \' ry on of Ir P le r's family this da y 1 am proll "I followed your directions Qnd In I unkind, had a good frl enll In Lady HnwKshaw; ba rrass d When I have a pe u In my On my d.,\'oteil heod? ' very short time I began to improve. I and I m ny as well 'say h re that for ,hand, I ca n no t sny thnt I was 1114)~)Y Clarence Dubb-May I bave this took one bottle and am now taking TrU ll R8 th n ed l to the true d \'ollon and Incessaut wran· In the d voted, th ugh savag , love polo, my second. I can safely say that my dunce, 1\I Iss Sharply? gllng, 1 n vel' saw Il manl d IJUl r that sh luvi sbed upon m , 8h would not ~\"lnd , am 1 tru 10 tll ne, \ Miss Sharply-Oertalnly! I don't throat and head are cl earod from caC?f the ll 1l1 \\, hot or ' II: blow qunl ed Sir Pe ter and Lady Hawk· ollol\'!lI to \Jluy with the boys or h r wan t It! tarrh at the prese nt time, but I still en ' l 0 1' \\'qs t, OWII elas!:;, anu those of my class 1 shaw. 1 tu rll- thl nu (u.ILhCu lly, continue to take my us unl dose for_ Tho disc uss ion between tbom can · ne ye r Raw, All my clamorl ngs to A Hot Time All Around. Ipring tonic, Ilnd I find th ere is noth. In thing about. my family on Blow from the borenl recel'lling 01 gr w bott 1', and I gl' W know Lawyer-\ hat did tbe 'Jlrl soner say Ing bett er. " - Mrs. W. Pra y, 260 glon, I ei th er side were met by he r declari ng IlR hOl ns the discussion, In thlnldng when you accus ed him or arson ? S\\'IIII( with thee, slralght wha t n fi gure I was mnl<lng b fore thot she had forgotten where my Wltn ss-Ue ans we red with heat Twelfth St" Brooklyn, N. Y. lind fnll', that dl vln('ly beautiful L.'\dy Arab lIa, mother's 11 opl II ved; and as for Sir Dlow Cl'om til south. I that such a c harge was a burning --.---~-===,= n ns,," r w II 1 hnd clenn forgotten Dapbne, Lally Pe te, sh e gnve ru e s nch l\ horrifying shlUlle. W, Nt U., CINCINNATI, NO. 17-1909, sum mons there. account of him that T never dreamed Tho senti Hawkshaw lugged in a great variety of extran eous matter, re minding Sir It posslbl to rec Ive any klnduess fr om him. At last, thou gh , on he r Count womll n ftcklc, tt you mus t, Peter of certain awful predictions But Rrant n. 'onlllanl mi nd, death·bed, she acknow ledged a part at nlo the vone, who mu st ohey By concerning his future which had been the dece ption h r desperate affection The all Inconsta nt wlncl! made by the Inst cbaplaln who sailed MOLLY ElliOT SEAWElL with him , Sir Peter denounced the had Impelled her to play upon m e. Feeding the Children. chaplai n as a s niveling dog. Lady The poor Boul had actually forgotten "I don't see wh y motbers will bring about my mother'S family. and had Hawkshaw Indulged In some French, ( OoPyrillbL, 11100, llobba-Morrl U 00.) their children to visit at my bouse," at which LAdy Arabella laughed boo des troyed everything relating to them, and the president ,of the s wing soCHAPTER I. to go to Sir Peter; bu t dlreoted me hind h r band, ciety rocked violently back and for th, 'T18 no t In my nntnre to be cowed nnd thu s It was that, on tbe day atter The baltle royal lasted some time 1 saw Retty Gree n, my only frI end on "1 hate to have a cblld at my table, b y any woma n whatever. Therefol'e, when I found mys If In the presence longer, hut Lady Hawkshaw's m ~ta l earth , la id In a pauper's grave, 1 went They always eat too much I" Then, as tbere followed a murmur of my Lady Hllwltsbaw, in he r hinese was plainly benvl r than Sir Peter's ; to the house of my lather's uncle, wltb drawing room, wl\.h her great blacle and It ended by Sir P eter's sa ying to the result na rrated. Wben I got back at s urprise a nd dlsapprova.I, sile looked around, "There! I kneW It I eyes glari ng at me, nnd her huge me angrily: to th e hu mb le lodgings wher I bad "Very well, sir, to oblige my lady I lived be ror Betty's death, J looked up Every blessed one of you saying to.. black plume of f~ather 8 nodd ing at me, as she sat, ~nve loped In a vast will give you the remaining mid ship- a small box of trlnketll of little value yourselves that you 'had no id a Meblaok robe like a pall, I said to myself : man's berth on the Ajax, 74. You may which had be longed to my motbe r, and Undy was so close; denying ohlldr n "After all, she is bul a woman." So gO horne now, but s how yourself fro m the sule ot tb em J got e nough to enough to eat; dear me!' Oil, yes, you ( st,a red baok at b er wl\.h all the cool- aboard tbe Ajax at Portsmouth, be- \lve upon for a week, ond to make my needn't deny Il B ut you are all Idiots; ness In the world-and I was a seeker tore 12 o'clock on this day week, and way to Ports mou th at the end of It . the children are Idiots; \.heir mothers are idiots!" after favor, too--and but 14 years of be 'v ery careful to mind your eye." Eltber S ir Peter had forgotten to tell Then, after a wondering pause, tJle age, IUld had only seven and s Lxpence h ear with me nnythlng about my 'outfit, or else I had n erved myself tn my pocket. The tall footmlUl who coolness the refusal or this fi ery ad· I had slipped out so Qulckly-gallel! president felt called upon to explain stood behind ' Lady Hawkshaw's chair miral; but his Teal kindness, disguised by the fear of weeping before that this statement: 1'1 have a vis itor now; . made a grimace at ms; and I respond· under so much oholer, overcame me. rascally footman-that he bad' no a relation wl\.h ber little g\rl. and 1 woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least ed by a fie rce look, as if t ·was about to I stammered something and s topped cbance.. At ali events, I arrived at sulfer t ortures every m eal. The obUd !ry a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's run him through the body, --:that hound ot a footman was grln- Portsmouth , by the mall coach, with eats two or three ,banll1las at once, and as Vegetable Compound, is to blame for her 'own wretched "Jeames," said h er 'ladyshlp, "go and nlng at me, because my eyes ~e r e nll of my belongings In one shabby wben I mildly object It looks thougb I had an eye to the grocery make my compliments to Sir Peter fun of tears, and also, perhap8, be· portmanteau. bUt. When, on top of the bananas condition. Hawkshaw, and say to him tbat bls cause my coat was of cheap make, and I shall not describe my feelings dul' demands two eggs, and I show 1'0isterlng kept me awake balf the my shoes needed attention. But at Ing that journey toward ' the new life ehe 'There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in a natural horror, It Is set down to , night, and con8equently r feel very 111 that moment little Daphne, wl tb the that awafted me. In fact, I scarcely the faot that eggs are hlgb. the .united States who have been benefit~d by this famous this morning; and that his great- greatest artlessness, came up and recall them cohe rently; all was a ''That baby sulfers from wind collo: old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over aephew/ Mast~ r Rlohard , Glyn from s Upped her UtUe hand into mine, maze, a jumble, and an uproar In my she had a cblorotio skin, and when I th·rty years ago by a 'v.oman to reI'leve woman ,s suff' AJberlca, is oome after a midshipman's saying: mind. mUdly suggest rice Instead of pork, ' 1 enng. warrant In his majellty's navy-and I "He mean8 he Is very mucb obliged We got down In the Inn yard-a I am made to feel th~t my purse· R d h t th desire Sir Peter to attend me In my to you, uncle, and to you, dear aunL .. coach full of pos8engers-1 the only strings are tight, and my fondness for ea w a ese women say: bowdwor immediately." one who seemed adrift and alone cereals a result of tbe rise In meat." I Camden. N. J. " It fA wttbplfl&lure that I &end my testlmo. among them. I stood looking aboutm&. .-rer ladyship's French was the Everybody laughed. "You needn't DIal for ' Lydia Eo Plnkbam'a vegetable Compound, )1oplgg it at a pert cbambermaid who Impudent. laugb; It is no fun to be considered llueerest imaginable-yet in ber youth may'lndnce other anfferlng w'omen to avaU tbenuselve8 of the ly ogled the hosUers ' and got a kls8 ~ stingy old thing, wben you are do. she had the French tutor who had belleftt of this valnable remedy. In return; at the pretentious entrance Ing the best you can to help that taugbt the daughters of the regent of .. I auHered t1Vm pains In my back alld aide, slck headaches, , , , no appetite, was tlI'M and D8rVOlU all the time, and 80 weak I to the inn; at all of the bus~le and France. poor ohlld f. r om the efteots of ita motheould-hardlT stand. LTd1a Eo Pinkham's Vegetable CompoUnd confUsion of the arrival of the coach, There W8S a slleQce after tbe tall er's Indulgence. I vow every Ume made me a weU woman -and. thra valuable medlclue shall Presently 1 saw a young gentleman ~ootman left, dUring wblch my lady tbat I sb.all not say, another word: alwa~ have my pral8e."-MrIo W. P. Valentine, 902 LIncoln 80.m ewhat older than mY8e)f, and wear· and I won't ever again, if they give , and I eye<l eacb, otber cl08ely. I 'reAve., Camden. N. J. , \ ing the uniform of 'bls majesty's sea· member bavlng heard that abe had d~ her strychnln~" ErIe, Pa. -" I .uftered for ftve yean fro .... female troubles, aud service, come out of tbe Inn' door. He fled ber father, Lord Bosanquet, and In a moment: or two, she started up, at laat was I tried three doctors but the), did bad a very elegant figure, but his face one of the gr~test famlly 'oonneoUol\s me to try Lydia E. Plukham'• was rather plain. Within five minutes exolalming: "Mercy! Look at the • n tbe kingdom, in order to marry Sir of my first meeting with Giles VernQn, Peter, who was then a penniless lieu· time! I must hurry meLydia-E.-Plnkham's well and strong. I be feedln tha.t child .01\ ve u I had an example of what was one of pl,'kles. , Good-by." \tenant in .h ls majesty{s navy ~d the '!,orth Ita -weight in gold. his moat 8trlklng tralts~very womn. F. '1, ra. . aD of a rysalter in the city. This / , - - - -a.n In sight immedlately fixed her at· 'aam~ 9rysalter was my ireat·grandSURPRISE PARTIES.- - - Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pubtention on him and smllEld at him. One , ~atber; but Q~on-ot-an. was t he chambermaid, who left olf HER)!) Is a woman In thl. 1>tber blood through my motber, God li~h are ~enuine, is it not fair to suppose tha~ if Lydia E. town. ogling the hostlers and gaped at thIs bles8 her!-who was of a high fnrolly Pmkham s Vegetable Compound had the vIrtue to help . Who, when a chanco young omcer wl\.h he r coarse, hand· . and a baron'e t's daughter. The dryrIses, a these women it will help any other woman who is suffersome face all aflame; anothe r was tile - salter strsin was honest, but plebeian, Thinks it no end of jolly landlady, who Coli owed him to the 'ing from the same trouble. . fun ' whUe "the baronet strain was Tather To give her frIends surdoor, smirking and fannIn g herself; more lo(ty tban bon~ st, I fancy. prises. and the third was a venerable Quake rHaving heard, as [ say, of ·the desFor'30 years Lydia E. PInkham's V~table , ess, who was about entering the Inn; Componnd has been the standard remedy for ncr hu ~band , once was "perate struggle It cost Lady Hawk· nnd who ,'b eamed benevolently on him out of town, female ills. No sick woman does .Justice to ' ;shaw to marry her lieutenant, I someShe , borrowed railroad hel'lleif who wtll not try this famons medicine. what expected to find' her and Admiral "Hero II Your Nephew'Tom" Brat." as he bowed gallantly In passing, I tare, ltlade exclusively from .rOOt8 and herbs, and know not why this should , have made :Slr Peter ' Hawk8baw Ilvtng like doves And wont to meet hlmhas thousancla of cures ~ Ita CredIt. . in a cage, and was di llconcertel\ at the ' I do not know how I got out oC 'the Buoh an Impression on me; ' but 'being tor a joke I _ _ If the sllghtelt trouble appearS whlah Alas, he wnan't therel 'message her ladyship sent her lord. house. but the next thing I knew I young and a fool I thougbt beauty was . . . . . you do Dot undel'lltand, W'l'lt.e to lin. But I was still more disconcerted when was ' 8tanding on tbe street outside, I 8S highly prized by women as by men, She gelll up parties for Pinkham ~t Lynn, Mass., tor her adv!ce- It .. ,Sir Peter, a short. stout man, with a had been told to go home, I had no and It .surprised me that a tellow with her fri e nds; ' free' and always he1pf\ll. PlODS lolll of fa Dey cacholeric ,eye, ' presently bounced Into bome now unless the Bull-In-the-Bush a mouth so wide and wltb something per." the room. tavern be one. But I did not return dangerousl)' near a squint ,sbould be the \Ightll all out, ;'Slr Peter," 8a1d her ladyship, "h~re to the Bull-In-t he-Bush, whose tawdry such a lady-killer. It was common 'l'ben-nesllsee, H4;lr all done up In papers, 1s your nephew Tom's brat, who wanta splendors revolted me now, after I bad enough tor young gentlemen hQldlng a mldsblpman's warrant." seeD Sir Peter Hawkshaw's ImpoSing midshlpmen'a warrants 'to come down The ho.te. . .aYII: "I'm Though, p'raps, 1 ma)( not show It. _ __ ,. _ _ house, as much as' they had before at- by lhe ooaoh, nnd as soon as he 8aw But when you plan a vlalt thus, Sir Peter stopped sliort, looked me me. I was tingling wltll the me this young officer called out: I'd much prefer to kno~ It." f----6"er--l w'a s tI\,)\ -ft:n--"'"'1lIlY"-'mFlIJfat-:s~en =-se of beauty newly developed in "Hallo, my hearty! Is It a ship 0( grinned savagely. I thought It was all me. I could not forget that exquisite ths line or a frigate you ar. booked ., 'TWIl8 ever thulI"- thelle funny .tunta, up with me and was almost ready to vision ' of Lady Arabella Stormont, for? Or Is It one of those damned gunThat tolka dOD't know about" You wish you'd not attempted. for baul down my Hag. who Beemed to my boylsb mind brigs wblch are unfit tor a gentleman They always tllsle out! "And Sir Peter," screamed her lady· lik e a whi te rose bush In full flower to serve In ·t" than anytblng I could' call to memory. ship, "be muat bave It!" Curious spoon •• (TO BEl CONtINUED.) "Han g ,me, my lady'" snapped Sir I made my way Instead 'to the plain, In the Enghmd 'of the last' century, Peter. "but wh ~n dld YOIl take such though clean, lodgings, where I had mulberries were much more popular BV WHEELBAR,ROW IN CHINA. an Interest In my nepbew Tom's brat?" spent the years Since my parents' for food than now. So popular that "This very hour," replied Lady death, with good Detty GreeR, the Two Passengers Go 20 Miles. Day an especial spoon was made for ,conlies in Idaho, ' GOod land,at." s,uc)1 prices will soon Hawkshaw, tartly, and tOSSing her widow of Corporal Green, late of my venience in eating them; It bad a for Ten Cents Each; be Kone forever. , Fine farm tracts can be had black plumes htlugllt\ly. "You behaved father's regiment. perforated bowl and a ,spiked and now at low ~rices, on easy: ' terms. By th~ time like a. wretch to the boy after the These two excellent but humble Probably more freight and more pointed handle. Sugar wassprlnk1ed your last payment is made the limd have on the herry with the bowl, and the death of his father and mothe r In creatures had brought me. an orphan, t t C , passengers are ranspor ed In htna doubled in,value, at .e~t. berry conveyed to the mouth by America; and God bas gl~en you the home from my blrtbplace, America, by the wheeibarrow than by any other chance to make amends, and I say he consigned to Sir P eter and Lady land method. The wheelbarrow used means of the spiked handle. ' N'e w to~s",,":nee~r · tracies-are Irfowinr up There was, too, a queer marrow shall have his warrant." Hawkllbaw. This woman, Be tty In China ' dlffers from tbat used In ' f~t in ~e wonderfUl Snake River country. Men "Zounds, madam!" bawled S~r Green, had been my mother's devoted America In tbe fact that the wheel \JI spoon (a proof of the }i}ngllsb fond, w~o went the~ . poor, a few years· aio are now P eter; ','since you tal,e the lib erty or servant, as her busband had been my set In tbe center and thus supports neS8 for beef). It was made. double, ' _' ;: ' ,' "weU to do. disposing of my warl'anta. I Ilresume father's, and It was thought perfeotly practically the entire load, while the one end being used for boring the maryou are t he holder of my commission sare to send me horne with them. But handles are supported In part by a row from small bones and the other 8S vice-admiral of the Whi te In bls th ere was a danger which no one fore- strap or rope over the sboulders of for larger ones. . Tea used to be kept tn caddie", twamajesty's , service, Let me know It If saw, Betty was one of those strange the t\lan who operates it. ;you are-lot me know it, 1 say!" women wbo love like a lioness. Thill A6 a result the coolie In China will lfdded, metal-llned, wIth a ' sugar ,bowl "Stuff!" responded my lady. to lioness' love sbe felt for me; 'a nd for transport nearly half a ton on his in the mlddle. With this was the cad,Idaho's variety'of relo1itces is,UDsurpassed any-, , which Sir Peter an swered sometblng that reason, I believe, she deliberately wlieel. Wheelbarrows are much used dy spoon, ' no'w seen only In ,muse~m8, in , the worJd"'!"':Molley is made easily and . ' wh(!fo that sounded like "Damme!" and 'then planned to prevent my family from In the country where the roads are or curio collections, .Th,e caddy spoon, ~ickly in .farfuinr, in 4uit, stock, and 'dairyini. my attention was dlstraoted from thi8 ever getting hold of me. It Is true, on but little developed, and I bave heard was a ' Bart of' scoop, not UDll1le Pur Alfalfa alone is makinr hundreds rich. ' matrimonial engagement by the silent landing· In England, her husband's that passengers sometimes make tbe' b"rry spoon, but , smaller. , entrance of two young girls. One of regiment being ordered to Winchester, entire trip from Shanghai to Peking, • Sav~ money, that ~irlit otherwise be !lpent Bridget'. Beatitude.. '. them was about 12, years or age. Sbe she went to see Sir Peter Hawksbaw distance of 600 miles, by barrow. -ticke~ ~~, bot~\I.' ~i118, .~y a~illr, direct to IdahO Blessed Is . the water ' whicb tl bolJbad dove-like eyes and her dark and, 1 suspect, purposely made blm 80 A two-passenger barrow wUl make ~d baYlnr a fann _We Write tDcI&y. for our lashes kissed h~r cheek . 'She came angry that, Lady being ab: about 20 mlles ,a day, and the cooUe 1!Ig bard when th.e' ~gg8 are put In'. tO free. boOklet. ) ,, "" '.,' . , cook: , this wlll prevent t~e yolks ,rom , and 8~!Xjd familiarly by Lady ' Hawk- sent, he , almost kicked Betty" Green Is eont~nt with a pay of about 20 cente turning dark. The egg~ ,1YI1,1 not crack .haw's chair; and Ute gentle aftec- out or the house. That Is what I [ancr .. day, or an average of about half a It they. are good; and uve ' flrlt, been tlonateness or her mallller toward my lady meant when she reproached cent a zplle for each pas.enger. ' , " . that redoubtable \lerson amaz~d ' me Sir Peter with cruelty to me. 1 we)) On' the level, wel1~kept streets of Y'~rmed. at lle time, Tbls was my first sight 'member the air or trlumpb witb tbe foreign quarters ot sucb: clUe" as , ' Blessed Is the whipped crelLIp to of Daphne Carmlcba I; and when she Bett~ r,eturn ed , and told the , corporal Hongkong, Shanghai ahd Peking" the whlcb has been added th~ ,wblte. of',an O~ed ' ber Boft, cbUdl sh glance upon of her I}l succel1s; then, clasping me wheelbarr~w coo11.8 will struggle -along egi . It gives gOocl result.; , 8n~ can, me, It was like t he s ight of stars on a In ber arms, sbe bu'rst out with a cry with a load 'o f six or even elght people. DO~ b.e detected, ;' ~le8sed ts ,the tut:penthie' uled to ' oloudy nl ht. Rut Ole other one, It that no ailm lral 'nor ladles nor , lords -Washlns;ton Herald. • rempve Ule 8taln~ of tar, ' tall 'girl ~f J-li or, t h I'eab,outs, dazzled neither shoull1 ' take he r darling . boy ----..,~'..:--' ; •. Blessed Is Ule oven wblch II , ~uch ro.e so hat. I am pbllg d ,'to confess I away from 11 r. Green, he r 'hu ScandInavian t)lnner Ouatom. ' bad no mol" 'I s fo r Da.phn . 'Ihhi being a steady, cool·headed tellow, ' A strange custom ()b~ns In Norw8.1. botter for biscuits than for bread. old r glt'l was the Lady A r~b lin Stor- wa lt d unW , the' paroxysm ",as over, Sweden",and Denmark. At dinner par.. mont, and was t he n a~d ' always by when he to ld ber plainly ,that U ilie guesta, ~ Juit evealT 1\'bicb havtl been •, f lU' ~h bnndsoruest creature r ey r ' nll,18t carry out m~ parenl8' UDL"U"'-' matcbed .. regards 'numbers" It la l '& minutes In salted watel'. Blesled are the lron~hol(lera ..w~ch b held. 1 ·"hall not ~H mpt to describe tlons, and be himself would go to seil custOm for . one man' to olfer bl. U'1Il are a piece of 80tt lea"... are;Blessed trued w, It 1'. 1 will 0I11y say thal har brilliant SIt' Petel! as soon &II be COUld. But !-o another If ,the ~etI not wID Dot bt 10 '~ ' ~' If ..,.. rae. 1I'lth sucb 4 e,ol1)ple. Ion as J ,F ato ,disposed of this pl~D by cutting dently nQmero~, and In tbla. atnan. . 'WOOteD '... q r.. before or s lnoo, showed a .,hort the corporal's nre ' tbe ~ext mallner the lUes • 10 to cUnner. laaqbt.T indllference toward the ahab- week, most ullezpectedll. wi '1'Jie we are . OYer w1lO SIr ~ter' and Lad, woman, .Jle~~ ~u'#=2:~~~~~.~tw~~rf~ .rMJ ,. . . ~ bUaI. lAd .tIle ItrlUlaer~ In' Bq~"~' 1I1l4Ji1I,ioiltlgil;t. ." ~










gTateful' . cJea.r'---+-'I--_~ ,. . ¥O ' 11-,

l.ast 'CIum'ceo to

Get ' GOod :tartd ..



ewn An Idaho Farm





the.'.~~~L. . . ~r.!lt~U-;:~II~~JIIIII~~II;i;;~i;i;I;;~




·~dvi ~~ an,»~ Su,~esft:aoH)S a$ to 5)o~la! Il)~ Forms of Eil)trtri~iH)m Iijt9 .~a<dJa me ~ell'R'l.

Amblguo ...... ''What sort at time did you have In YOul' ,automobile trill?" "Oh, w'e had a perfeclly klllln's tlmo!"

Period of Mourning. Please answe r through your col· -.!\.:"JM~" umn of "Questi ons and Answers" lhese TOI'lolse-\Vhat, have you started a questions: What Is the proper length motor car? <if tim (or a pel'Son to wear moul'Dlng Sliall- Y S, one must move with the fo\' II. husband. father or mother, sIs· times. you know. ter or child, and should a person weal'lng black puy soolal calls If the BABY'S WATERY ECZEMA calls were made before the pe l'son Itched and Scratched Until Blood Ran we nt In black? Should I!ny person's --$50 Spent on Usele8s Treatment. cII.1I be returned · while Iu moul'lllng? X. Y. -01,ea8.0 Seemed Incurable.

you Idndly give me a few pointers as to how I should entertain, and would It be suitable to serve cocoa and rolls, or have you a menu that Is not common nor expensive'! I am 16' years of age and the girls are all younger than myself. and I aD) a worltlng gIrl. How shall I open up and preside at the first meeting? It you Imow anything more of In· terest for our club your o.dvlce will be appreciated. D. S.

Books of etiquette prescribe two yeurs at mourning for a husband, one year for a parent and one yoar tor a child. A person In deep mourning Is not s upposed to return calls for six months. P ersonally I think the question of ' mourning must be settled Individually. not by an outside person who does not know the circumstances. A Brlde·Elect's Queries. Sboull) the bride and groom wear gloves at II. small home wedding and how Is tbe weddlllg ca.k e served now, It at nil? Also, wha" are lhe duties at at the maid of hQnor? FRANCES H.

As It Is a Boclal club J do not thInk you should be at a ll formal. You merely act ae hos tess, alJpolnt the hostess tor next m e ting and appoint an e ntertainment committee, If you think· that Is necessary. I should serve cocoa with II. marshmallow In It and dainty sandwiches. Wi th chopped nuts, raisins and dates b tween. all ml.xed together with a bIt of cream or syrup, so that It will spr ad. You can brIng your tancy work, play guessing games. have charades and do all sorts at things. I think girls always have a fine Ume together.

Cured by Cutlcura for $1.50. "Whon my lillie boy was two and a hlllt months old he broke out on both cheeks with eczema.. It was the Itchy. walery klnd and we had to keep hla IIltle hands wrapped up all tho time and If he would happen to g t the~ un, vered he would claw his face till the 00(1 streamed down on his cloth· ing. e called In a pbyslclan at once but he ave an ointment which was s~ t my babe would scream s nut on. Wfl changed doctors an edlclne until we hn.d s1)ent fifty Q . ars or more an baby was getting wo e. I was so orn out watching and ca g for him ght and day that J almost. It sure t disease was 1ncurable. BUl lIy eadlng of the good results at t cura" Rem. edles, I determlnfld t try them. I can truthfully say I was more than surprised, tor I bought only a dollar and a halfs worth at the Cutlcura Remedies (Cutloura Soap, Ointment and PUIs). and they did more good than nIl my doctors' medicines I had tried and 111' tact entfrely cured him. - HI~ tace Is perfectly clear at the least IDot or lcar of anything. Mrs. W. M. IIPot or IIcar. Mrs. W. M. Coinerer, Burnt Cabins, Pa... Sept. 16, 1908," 1'oI4.u Drua '" Obom. Corp .• Bole Props.. 1loat.oII.

Too Literal. "Wen, yes," said Old Uncle Lazzen· berry. who was Intimately acquainted with malt of the happenstances of the ,,1IIage. "Almira Stang has broken all her engagement with Charles Henry . Tootwller. They'd , be gain' together for about elgbt years. durin' which time Ihe' bad bee.n Inculcatln' Into blm, ns you might call It, the be~ut1es of economy; but when she discovered, just lately, that he had learnt his les· Bon so well that he had saved up 217 pairs at socks for her to darn im· mediately after the wedding, abt> 'peared to conclude that be had takeD her advIce a JIltle too literally, an' broke aU the match."-Puck.

Gloves mayor may not be worn. It II altogether 11 question to be settled by personal preference. The bride makes the first cut In the ""eddlng cake; the walter finIshes and passes to the guests. The maid of honor 1m· mediately precedes the bride In the bridal procession, stands by her side. holds the bouquet. puts back the veil and arranges the glove {It one Is worn} to receive the ring, the finger bavlng been previoualy ripped.

Senior Entertainment. I write you to a.1d me In an enter· tnlnment tor the seniors of the high SChool. J am the wlte of the lIuperlntendent and we have a small cottage. I wish to serve re(reshmenta In two or three courses. The affair wtll be In the evening In the month of Mayabout 16 present Can you give me some good Ideas or tell me of Bome good books that I may get? MRS. 1. H.


I heard or this scheme being carTied out successfully and thlnk would suit you. Each member at the senior dass was asked to come wearing an article In<\ICating a book Itudled. also an artfole to Indicate their chosen profession In lite. Guessing the books and prospective "calling" made lots of' fun and there was no dullness. I assure you. Serve Iced .tea or lemon· ade wUh wafers and Ice cream with strawberries; .mall cakes. I can send The Mlulonary Mule. "That mUle." sald the old tarmer, "ll you the name at several bOOKS It you ~at 1 c.all a. 'missionary mule: an' lill wtll send to me personally In care of tell you why: It throwed one man on the paper. bis head an' wben the man wuz able to ,be up an' about ag'ln, be went to Hat., at an Evening W~ddlng. Will you kindly Intorm me whether preachln'; an' the lllst tfme the· sheriff come to levy ~. that mule the critter It ' would be right for maid of honor kicked hlm-!cross' the county Une, wbar a.n d bridesmaids (six) to wear ball at tliey WUI holaln'. a camllmeetln' an' an evening "l'eddlng? Would It be I'm blest et -the Iherlft dldn·t glt reUg· well to ha"e the six bridesmaids an' . quit Minnln' fer omce-w'lcb drelsed alike or dlfterenUyT The coloncommon hard to do, seeln' that ora are blue and white. . Will you omee bablt run ·In his. blood. I tell pleaae give me a few suggelt.1onl for ,..o u, nuthln' 1n this h ere worl' II to be dress ot hlald of honor and bridesdelplled • .w·en as humble a critter aa 'm alds? Allio wb,a t style liats and a mule kin be a missionary!" what kind of flowers should be carried to early out the color scheme? Perfectly Rec~le... , BLUE BIRD. The ,members at the church voted Hats .ot legHorn . with wreaths ot that their dearly,belove~ and dev0t-e d torget·me-nots and blue tulle trim.' pastor should have a vacation, and 10 mlng \'would be lovely · and pertectly be decided t}Jat he would ;vIsit a broth· proper. The maid of honor could wear e1'-wo~ker .n the neighboring village. blUe.' the matds wblte over blue. AU This good brother recognizing hll ,gown!! Ihould be stmllar In char·fellow.wOtke~e Lora way back . Wblte roses tied with blue among the ' congregatIon, 0;1 Sunday. 'gauce would be pretty tot bouquet•. Diorc!ng, and wishing to ahow every courtesy, asked him to lead In prayer. Entertalnmentl, for a Sunday 8cho~1 But the visitor calmly replled: "You'll Social Club. ' have to e'x cuse me. dear, brother, I~1Il As a reade~ of your question box I on my vacatlon."-Ladles' Home 10\11'0 am very mucH interested, and will be n~ ' . pleased If you wtlJ anSwer a few ques· tions tor me. . "COFFEE DOESN'T HURT 'ME" am a Jllember at the Firat MethoI .' dist EpIscOpal Sunday school, and the Talel That Are Told. , class tbat 1 belong to ~aa organized Ii "I was one of tbe kind who wouldn't olub and has elected ~e president. As believe that coftee 'Wns hurting me:' I have never held oMce before wo~d 'sli),s a N, Y. woman. "You just couldn't convince me ita use was 'connected with· . th~ heart and 's~omach trouble. I suffered t~om most ,of the tlme.~ "My trouble .6nally got so. bad ' I had to lIVf) ·on ·mllk anti toalt almost . entirely tor, three or 'our' yeara. Stm I loved the coftee and wouldn't beUeve Jt could do luch damag~. · . . . . . "What I needed was to quit cOffee .I\nd take nourishment In lIuch form aa my st6mach could digest ' . "1 bad read much about Poitum, but never thought ~~ would· llt" iny ' c~~e ulittl one · day I decided to q'U~t ~oflee and, gtve It a trial' and make sure abOut It. . 'So J got a ,package and . C'arefully I " tollowed the dlrectfons. , ~'Boon 1 hegan tQ g~t better and wai ; able· 'to eat ',car.etuJlr selected toode W1~o~t . the aid ~t pepsIn ~r q~er 4,1· gestants' and It .wns not long -betore I . was' ~ealJy a ·new WOD1iUl pb)'sloally: "Now I .am healthy and tl9und. can eat . anything . and everything that comes : a~ong ~d I )tnow this wo:ndf!....1 tul change Is all dl1~ to' my quIt , co~ee ·· and ,got the DOllri~lbment . D!teded throu~h' this .delllClID11II rQI~LUID" "My wonder Is wh¥ i~e1,er.vOIle give UP tlie old ·cofflRl and the ttoublel that go/wlth it and bliYd tkem!!.el,!.81 up IllS I have done, wltJl Poatum." III..,. to prove by' 16 c1.,.' trt.~ of P,olItlm& In pJac14l'ot coff... The rewl!o1'4



,·e 1 0011 nnd Oru!; Lawl1. Mu·


The Easiest Way. "I wand I' H thel' Isn 't some way

The Kind You Have

Wwk. 'VeDI']" 'Vnft'1'7 ETeti "'I'II P " P fl

by l\1urln cEye It 'm dy.


--Hi~IllU!~~~ Ex.p r rl n ~tfli!-I&u~

Acceptance for Card Party. Please tell me the proper form at "acceptance" for an invitation to aft afternoon card party. Should a reply always be sent to such an Invitation? FAIRFAX. A reply Is Imperative one way or the other tor a card party. Take · your Visiting card, wrlte "accepts," with day. and date written. Send by post or messenger.

we clln get OUI' assemblyrnau to allvo· cate good roads ?" "GIVE' him un uulo."-Hrooklyn Life. Aak Your Drugglat for Allen', Foot-E .... "I t rl'd ALI~ h:JI: ' S FO 'l'·EASE f ecentIy. ILnd 11/1\'c just bOUl; ht anoth r su ppl y. It hns cu r d m y <'orns. and III hot. uUfn· Ing lind itching sen su llon In my t c t which WIl1\ n lm os t unbNt rn b l ~. ILnd r woulll not b e with out It now. -l\Jrs. \V . J . Wli lk e r. Camd n. N . J . " Sold by all Druggists. !!Go

Usually They Are. "Professor, what Is t he m ennlng of the word 'monologue?' " "My dear s ir. consIder th e de rlva· tlon of I t. 'Mono' Is slang tor 'mone y,' and 'logos' m enns 'a won!.' Monologue, words for money. "



Bears the Promotes Digestion.Cheerrul· ness and Rest.Conlains neilher Opiulll.Morphine nor Mineral





- - - --

$100 Reward, $100. '%be read ... or this pal)('r will b. plea.ocd to leam tbat there 15 at Ic:1.It onc IIrcsOro d lJenae t1lat "",.OtID baa been ablo to cure to all JUI 'IAgCl. and Ibnt IS CaI4.,.b. !iall's Cat3rrtl Cure 15 Ille only """1111'0 cure DOW known 10 lho m edIcal traIQrnlt~· . <.:ala.,.11 beloll a conoUlulloool cJl.5cAIc. requlrCl a ronolltu· \looal \n!Almel1t. Hall'e Cauu-rb CUre III token In· temally. acllng <1ir<'ctly UpOn Ihe blood and mucous IUrlac"" or tho BylI Clm. there by d ... treylo g Ibe louodallon o( t ho · d lse~ . ond ~ 1 \'ln l: Iho vntlco t Itreogth by buUlllng up the constllUtlon And """1Kr,Ing nalure In dolol{ lUI work. Tho llroprletors h." 8 110 mu oh raUh In liB CUTMlvo pOwe," that they olTer One lIundrro DollA .. ror any C4!!O that It toils to cure. Send ror lISt or tesLlmohln15 AddN!u F. J . CnENEY '" CO .• Tolroo. O. Bold by aU Ono!:llIlUl. 7b<:. TUo Hall', Family PUb lor COOJLlpaUOll.

Letting Him Down Easy. A young man at very limited means, after tbe mar~lage ceremony. present. ed to the minister 27 large copper cents. all spread out on the palm of his right hand. "This Is all I've got, ~arson," be said. Seeing a disappoint· ed look In the mInister's face. he add· ed: "If we have any children we will send them to your Sunday school."Success Magazine.

Party Calli Necel.ary. I want to ask you a question, and would be so glad If 1 could have a reAILING WOMEN. ply soon. If 1 send regrets to Invitation to party do I make a party call Keep tho Kidneys Well and the Kid. the Bame as It I accepted? ney, Will Keep You Well. CLARlOE. 'Slck, Buffering" languId women are You must pay a party call ,ust ex· actly the same as it you had gone to learning the true cause of bad backs ' and how to cure the party. Your obligation Is just tho same. them. Mrs. W. G. MADAME MERRI. Davis, of Groesbeck, Texas, says: "Back· aches hurt me so I could hardly stand. Spells at dizziness and aJck headaches were . frequ ent and the action at the kid. • • neys WSS Irregular. Soon after I began taking Doan's Kid· , A number of men have been seen ney pms I passed several grav,e l recently wearing Ught gray overcoats stones. I got weU and the trouble has wlth black broadcloth collars .and not returned. My back Is good and c"ffs. . . strong, and my general health Is bet· . Flowers, as usual. are Important In ter." Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. connection with _pring headgeat. and wlnga are smart on hats of moderate FOster·Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. slle. They Deserve It. Just now there·. seems to be a race She (horl'or·stricken)-That'" my between the dyer and the drellmaker to Bee Wl}lch can produce the most ·Dew spring hat In the chair there! What are you dOing, John? new effects. H~ (meekly)-I am sItting on the One of tbe new bandlngl In white lawn II embroidered all over cloS9- 't)'le, Mary. ly with one color' ln a small 'l eaf and dot pattern. ' . For pretty dress track. there ' never wall such ·an 8.ssemblage at thin silk and cotton materials as there Is at thlll momeut B1111ken belta for the children have the smtJIng face of the god at "thlngs as they ought to be" gleaming from the buckles. Pl'nk' 1s one of the fa"orlte colofs In Paris at the moment. Malt of the gO~I!a of .t hla shade have 'a rellevlnc note at bla k.

. Charm of .Fluffy Jabot. There · II .,n evaSive charm about a fluffy jabot. It lives an "air" that Is hard to deftn~ : One · o.f Its taldng ways Is Its ~ba.olute daintiness. The very essence of freahly laundered crispness 11 the Jabot. tor, of course, no one ever' thinks of wearing one more than once, or on rare occasions twice, with· out lubmlttlng the lacy t'rlfle to the laundress. This rule muat hold 'good with all launderable accessories If one would .be well groomed.

. For Infants and Chlldren.

OOl.'s n·t Smurt: SOOlht;!:! 1!:yCl Pllln. MUl'InQ In ~o ur E)lul!. At Drugl,1sts.

A perfect Remedy for Conslif>ll' lion, Sour Slomach,DiarrhOea, Worms,Convulsions.feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP.

- - - ..---0'-

'fae Simile Signalun



For Ovar Thirty Years

~g:JOASTORIA ..-.--,.--.... ~

·oeceptlon. "Did a man ever kl:)s you agalnlt your will?" "No; but s ome have thought they dld."-·Brooklyn Lite. Particularly fa .. Partlcula .. People. Soudcl'll' VoniUa Extract il produoed from fine MexiClln Vanillll Beans-a pure

rich concentrnted flavor. All grocel'1l. Put up ., 10, 15 and 25·cent bottle!.

Toms fISH BRAND WATERPROOF .. OILEItt will 'live yqu fuD value



for every dollal' ~ and keep you dry 1ft the wettest weather.

Skill to do comes at dOing, know· ledge comes by eyes always allen and working hands, and there Is no know· ledge that Is not power.-Emerson. Time ill the best test. For over fifty years Hamlin8 Wi7.nrd, Oil hns been the most populnr remedy in the United States for the cure of Rheumatism, Neuralgia IUId all pain and inflammation.

Although vanity Is sup olel1 to 1)8 ~ . femInine trait, one doesn't have to Icratch very 4eep to find It In a ·man.

tel tn~ all rapedieel Do not (orce \rounlelf to take offensive which faUed to do me aD1 good, but l' f (and harmful ) arug -take Garfield Tea, have found the right thing at last. ' K

Nnture's Herb Ihntive' it overcomes con· face; waa fuU of ~plea and b1ack.hea.Jl stipation,'purifies the biood, briDp Healthl After taking ·euc:a.rets'tbey aU left. I am ~~tiDUiDL:': WIe of. them and recomIt doesn't take much to So.Usty most mendiug to my frienda. 1 feet 6ue Whell I ' rise in the morning. Hope to people who are self-satisfied.



Boo_hi... 8.J1'11p.


For oblldreD toeUlID,. 10l&eAI reduoetl !Do lIaJ1UJl&UOD.ellaJ.pAIJl.o...... WlDdoolkl. MIl a bOW.,

have a chance to recolblDClld


FredC. Witten, 76E~ St.,Newark,<N'.·J.

He who 1s burled 'In thought dodge. the undertaker. '. '





as ·wlth joyous hearts and smiJlng faces they romp and play-when In health-and how conduciv'e to health the games ' In which they Indulge, ttie outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, r~gular habits they should be taught to form and the· wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant. medlc.atlon, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an Injurious or objectionable nature. and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature. only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and Wholesome and truly benefiCial In effect. like the pleasant laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs ·and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna has come Into general favor in many millions of: well i~formed faml1ies. whose estimate of Its quaUty and excellence Is based upOn · personal knowledge and use, ... .. Syrup of Figs and ~Uxir of Senna has also met with the approval of physicians generally, beca~se they.know it Is wholesome, simple a~d gentle in Its action. We Inform all repu~able' physlclans as to the medicinal p,rlnclples of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of I Senna, optained by. an original method, from certain plants known to them to a~t .' most:peneflclally; and presented .ln an agreeable syrup. In ~hlch the wholesome.Cal.ifornla,n blue figs are used to pr()mote the pleasant taste;, therefore it Is not a secret · remedy, and hence we are: free to refer to all well Infqrmed phy~I~lans, 'who do : ~ot appr9ve . of 'pateI1t- medJclnes a~d ' ney·e r: favor indiscrtml~at~ s.elf-medlcatlon. . • ' \' Please to reJTlember and,· teach your Children ~lso that the -genuine Syrup of Flg~ and Elixir of Senna' always has the full name 'Of· the COIT1party~Qallfomla· Fig · Syrup Co.-plainly printed' on the front of every package and. that It Is for sale in, bottles of·one size ~!lly., tf"~ny dealet offers any o,tner thal) ·.the regular Pifty cen.t . "slze, of' ha\,:tng pr!nted thereon the. name of any other company, do hot accep.t 'lt. I( ),ou fall to get the genuln~ yqu wm I)ot get its beneficial effects;: E,v.erY .faml., ~ should always nave a bottle on hanel-as It Is equ.-ally beneficial forthe p'a rents and the chUdren, whenever a lax.atlve remedy Is requlre,d.









: The



$ $ $ $

a '" , , 25c 3 pkg. Sugar orn Flakes ,:!5c 2 pkg. QUl\ke r BI'eakfa t. . , Biscuits . . . . . .. , ..... 15(' 2 pkg. Grape Nu ts . , , , . , .. :.5(' 2 pkg. SllI'edded Wheat . 25c

We are agents for the cel brated Warn r' Anti Rust Ol'set also Gi\'dle~ ut SOc, $1.00 and $1 fiO.

S hirts


We are 'elling more Elk 'kin 'hoes for Men and Roys than ever before, Ask for The Buckeye the only genuine Elk "k in; also a nice liM of Mell's Oxfords in Tan, Patent Co l ~and Ox Blood; also a nice line uf Ladies ' O~. fords and P um ps. All leathers, eorne in and see them .

3 pkg Rolled

We have just reteiv u 5('0 Ibs. of lhe fine..'1 rice 1 have ever seen. direct from t.he plantati 11 in Loui iana. We will sell the fancy Head at 3 lbs. for 25 and the fancy J ap ,at Hbs. for 25c try it and see what good r ice is

$ $ $ $

Evaporated Fruits S Ib . f ancy P runes . .. . . .. 25c '51b . good P runes . . . . .... 25c . 21bs. fancy Peaches . . .. . . ~ , 3 Ibs. good Peaches .. . .. .. 25c . 2lbs. fancy Aprico~ . . ... . 250


$ -


Fancy Steak Salmon ........... .. ......... . Fanoy Red Salmon, 2 cans ..... · ...... · .. .. Pure Olive Oil .. .... ~ ..... .............. .... . Fancy Olives .. ............ .. · ... .... 10, 25, Fancy Lemon Cling Peaches ......... .. : Fancy Crawford Peaches ............. .. .. Fancy 'Yellow Peaches, per can .. .... .. Fancy Spinach , 2 cans .. · ...... .. · .... .. .. Fancy Sou r Kraut , 3 cans .. .. ...... · .. .. .. . Fanc}lLye Hominy, 3 cans .... ... .. . ! .. ..

# ~



Seed Potatoes

P ure Jerseys per bu .. ... $1.40 , NewYorkRose perbu ... $1.50 , .Imported' Irish potatoes direct from . ~ot1and per bu. $1 •• 0

25c 250 25c 50c 25c 20c 12c 25c 25c 25c

We will have Fancy Strawberriea, ¥ineapples. Oranges nanana~. Lemons, New Irish Potatoes, New Sweet Pota· toes direct from Cuba, New Tomatoes, New Ca bbage, RadisHes, OniolUl, Lettuce, Celery, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Etc., everything firat~lass .

Tot.aI .... ,' ..... .. ........ 370.6411.:19

STA'J'E OF OHIO. WAl-mEN OUN T Y.S: 1. J . O. Cartwrlgilt. OWIIller o f t he Ilbovo· IIlUlJeU bank. do solemnly dWelll' t llllt t,h o ubove stat.en1611t III true WI t ile bost ot m y

( BALl




Chamois fo r


Alabastine '

lac, 25c and 50c

Make those Old Chairs look like new with Dean & Barry's Varqish Stains Use Dean & Barry's Varnish Stain on your Floor, and See the results. '


Puritan Cleaner



Polishes Sil vel', Copper, Nickel

.Schwartz's·· Waynesville, qhiou Sf '



J P/


\' Ol.salfted :Ads' 'O scar P . .I

.. • i ~ ...... ~ Adli w ill b e 101lt"rt-cd u Oih,r

till, II tad for

t went y· llv c.. n t.~ ror U l r t t In> rli lils. WI'll. mak e th e ,se,ason 0 f 1909 at my whllo WlIIIIr not more th an live IIn .. l<. resldence, 2Yv mlles'northofWaynes- , __________ ~ ___________ _ ville, Ohit), ,on the Waynesville . aild ,........ --- v a r _ - - - - - - . . . . . Dayton pike, . •• FOR R"~NT .

is a bright bay. · P• , weig Oscar hs about 1200 pounds~ gOod limb" pl~nty of action


HUU~E uf ei~br. r oome: bla


1)1111 ",Iil,,,Will rtsul 1111 loqu"'e r-f Air". JOel.

()/fi~ D~t4, '

and,is v,ery gentle and quiet. . , ~r IIepttrtt f.e. ,Be was Sired by Noblesse, he by IIltio.,.. W t"·nf'~V} IIt'. Oh ~OI As an a ll.roond laxlltive tunio and Dictator, he by Hambletonian X. bellhh bUIJder DO otber pills 08D COlO pare with ,Dr. King's New Life Oscar ~.'s dam was Alieni., by ~ FOR SA~ fbey tooe aDd regoll\te stom- Wilkes, he by George Wilke3'; he by Hambletonian X ' .


. .. . , .. 25c









We give Premium Tickets with cash ' trade and produce' only. No tickets for credit trade. Bring us your produce.


RAILROADS ARP. WARNED ' defined in the puplic mind

H tor your

eed·log- D' r







OUSE ' : L.EANE~-.D9u ' y ou. " . want Ol Ce , n~w~pap.. rll lI.b,,1v8;"1

<ll""". W ,J1- Vll ri

tib ti Oi

F~tl~ I," '. fur 60 ,U . ~ft'~ U~ u~; 0 YOU KNOW....:'I'h.. t Ilpv~rt, l,.. ,$10 to:' insu~e 'a living . colt . . 'AllY '" 10K IU t,hl~, COIUOlU , w,1I brill,Q one parting wlth . ins~red mare f or- i:('i9d ~6t\ul''''~ [r~ It, " !JO>+" , lind lit-A, • feitainsunince. Care' will be ' taken . . . '~ to avoid accidenta, but cannQt ' 00 ... foUND responsi~le .for any that I1)8Yoccur. .' , For further ' rticutars ' in ulre or ca , , orne one • r, ntervd . ~ roUND-A pilir of "18o~ole... ExcJiange. r ".' I'" " 0. "nar OIld b~vt! .8"We by tiro •• -,. ..... ' Ing , p~ope;tY.Dd ',,,y ng' or eMe .. d .

We hav e a lot of nice t rousers made to sell at $2;50 arid ~. We offer these a t $1 98 ' per pai,r ; alsO' Men's trousers and overalls at 50c, 700, $1.00, '" ' and $1 50, Ask to see them.



. ,,,1

• "

Barred Plymoutb Rook . P ore-bJ;'ed , ,

Walls with

ZI :

Sun BonnetS·

If y,Oll wan't .the fin~t B~on <or Ham you evel'.atej try sOme~' of our Honey 'Bee Brand smoked the old fashioned way.

Insurance Agent. '


Bids for repair wpr\c on the Harveysburg Village School Building will be received by the clerk of the school board until May 12th; work to ~ done, carpentering and plastering. Specifications on file at t he office of Dr. S. J . Ellison. Board reserves right to. reject any o~ 1111 bids . . . S JEllison, . Clerk of Board of Education,'

Ladies' Underwear



J . W. WH1'I.E.


25c 25c 25e · 15c 25c 25c 10e

Sugar Cured Meats


W. B..... ALLEN.

J . .8. r ENOE,


Vests ....... . . . 10, 1n and 25c Pants ..... .. ... , .. 25 and 50e U nion Sui ts . .. . ...... , . . ,50c A nice line in all sizes. on~y ....

Beautify· Your



SubScrlOOd nod swor n blltoro me tJus 30th dn)' or April . J909. 1. JJ:. K Il),S, Uorrect Attollt : . Notary 1'lIblic.

fo r ladies,


knowledge lWei beliot.

Men's Trousers



CllplllIl slock paid ill . . . ,.... . .. . 110.000.00 Surpl Ull fUll": . . ..•• ...• , . . . . . . . . 60.0 00.00 lIu lvldod prollt's . IUIllI tlIponses , nnd [·uxes pnld . . . ..... .. ... 2B.21U. U N~tlo n al HlInk 1I0WS OUUlllWdlng 60.000.0u OJ vldeods Ullp llld. . • . . • . . . . • • . • . 420 , 0 0 Indh' ldual ueposlls subject to ullock .•. . . ... . . . • 1!17 .992. H Olllllllud cel'UtlcnlClj • • .. 9.917 .1 0 197.909.•8 4

The be t line of wash goods we ever had in dress ginghams, zephel' gingham , apron g ingham , Batiste, Percales, Madras, JaponeLte. wiss Applique, Pointell Plisse, Calicoes, Ind ia Linens, Muslins 't eo


10 and 'l5c

~ . 500. 0 0

Ll:~.8fL I T l Eg

Dress Goods


:Jeu,ning fo r




'1'otnl. . . . .. •.. • ••. . . . .• ... . a7G , !l48.~9

Fancy P umpkin, 2. can ' .... . .. ... ........ .. 3 cans Blue Star tt'ing Beans ........ · 3 cans Blue Star Peas .. .. .. ... .. ... ........ 3 cans Blue Star Corn .. .. ......... .. .... .. 2 cans }'ancy Peas. .. ...... ....... ....... .. . 2 cans Waynesville COI'D .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. 2 cans Fancy N y. Corn .. ............ .. 3 cans good Tomatoes.. .. .... .. ... ... .. .. Fancy Whole Tomatoes, per can ....... .

For S.a turday's Market

110Wti • •• • ••• ~ . ooo. o·o

HootllDJ)tlon funel wllJl . . 'l'roWlIlJ'\1r 6% or circu lation ) ... . ..

Th ~ Gem line the ueRL you ev~ l' wore. We . have a nice as.c;ortment f~t from 50c to $1.00,


Wall Paper Cleaner


waulll,Uld Dlscouut ...... . ..•. $196.890.8 1 secured o.nd unsecured SU4. SS . S . Bouds LO /IO()uro cireullltion. . 110.000. QO J30nus. 8OOurltles. Iltc . . , . . . . . . • . •. 91S. 000. 00 .Uo.nk.lng houso , .. , . . , . • •.•. • . • • "'.1100.00 Dllo Lrom IIPProveU l'OI;orvll. agouts 11 . 282. 77 Ohooks lUI» oHlIJr usll IttllllS ••• ,. 46,98'1 OW8 of othor ' nl lonu.l lilUlk8. . .. 906,0 0 l!'l'IIctlonal pllpor curronc)' . nickols. lWei ceo~ .... ,. ... .. .... ... 148. 80 Lawful Mouoy H tlSCrvo In 1I1Ulk.vl.z: Speclll . .. · . ... . . .. ..... 13.3 •. 60

Special Sale of Canned Goods

i i$, ~ ~

Men 's Dress- & Work

'.SPONGES F. 1; . H"

o VIll'drnll4l.

Corset s

Breakfast Foods


-I '.

and it,on . of t he WaYrte , i)l ~ National Bank a t Way,nes' ill ~ in the 'tate of Ohio, at, the close uf business, April 28, 1909,

Th unly store in town \\'11 I' yu u can exchange YliUl' produce for Dry (~O(lt1·, Noti n8. hoes or. in fact, Itnything you want. Good' de liver~d to any part of town. Phone your order, or if yon II sire it. w will send our solicitor ea h w k \:{) take your order.







~o. fUO;

Of til

The Place for Your Every Day Wa nts'


, i _

..It :,h~

already f ourrd its proper ,place some-


Insurance . f all kinds , Ufe, Fire, Ugh tnlng, Tornado, Stock and




CaU and Get My' Prices


" Use the " 8igh ~tliod&r4 " , Quiok


. ,

T.~.,.I '$10.OQ,to insure a~(ving ~lt. A~Y one parting· ·with . mare fbrfelu. the


Zimmerman' s . ,

.Yellow Peeled Peaches We have just received our Brd lot of t hose ' 3 pound Tenn. Table Peaches, and place them on saJe this 'week at the special a _can. low price These go odofs - 10c __ __


. '



la., .










•• ••

Of ~

Entered into rest at her home In Waynesville, Ohio, Lydia Moutoley Wrlgbt, wido II of tbe late 18rael Wright, May,6 1909. Funeral wa. from the rellidenoe Sunday after· ooon at 2 o'olook, oonduoted by the Rev. John F. CadwaUader, reo~r ot St. Mary 's Epiaoopal ohurcb . Amoni the trienda from a distance Mr•. George aammon, of South MI88', li:thel W\lltRmfwD, of Dayton, DetrOit Btreet" who ha. been an in- llpen' .~uuday at home. who attended 'he fu~eral of Mrs. .Joseph Downing and daughter, Wright were : Thomas Wilgus and valid tor niue year.,!s ,r&dulilly .Inkinl and her relatlvelt, wbo are of Xenia, were in t,own Friday. FraDk WilKU~, of Troy, Ohio, Bor· ,.tbered at her bed.ide realize teat Llttl' a D yes k I recover Ing ace &tbin Eliq. and MIS8 Mary Wile.-verne ·the end 18 near. Her two 1I01III, Wal. frorn a levere attaok of measles. IUS, Xenia Ohio, Barton KflUe~, 010· ter, of \Jes Moioe8, lowa, aDd Claro oinol\ti, Harry Collett anel wile, of ,J. O. Olutwrlght WIUI in <-'inoio· . WUmlngtoD, Horace liaye" and enoe, of Ft. W"YDe, lod., acuompa oled. by thair ,.rolllN, hue heen oatl, lalt Thurllday 00 bUllloe81t. Mra. Mary E , Edwardll. Dayton, O. oatled to Xenill. .-.r-Xeola Gazette. Mrs. Corwio HamUton, of Bowers. Mr. and Mra. Obu. liIula88 and Mr. ville, ia visitlng Mra. Sarah and Mr•. Wallaoe 'l'ibb!tls Ilnd Miss u rt t ' i bl f I hi ton ' Mary Tibbale. of Lebanon. -. ",ar wr g 0 I, 06go, wal ' Word hu been received here B_ S. Hl)wall Willi io Dllyton 'fues 'be death of the one year old obild da.\'. of Mr. aDd Mrll. A G. ~rolth, of Bon· Mrll. Eb.rry Murray was in VIlY. ner,'Yont&nll, Mrll. Smith WIlS for ton ~· rlday . merly MIN Fay Cook, daugbter of. . WiJllam Cook W. H. Allen wall in ClDcinnati . 1.lIt Weduelldll,Y.

•• ••

The Neighborhood News

•• ••

•• ••


New Burlington.

Mrs. E. V. Barnbart entertained Mis8 Nellie Turner speot last week Mr. Wm. Simpson baS &tllrtell a Mrs. Frank Tilylor, MIIII Edith Mosh. at tbe bome of her cousin., Mrs . S new blaoksmith sh('lp iu our town er Ilnd May Wri"ht .t dlnoer latlt Early, of Port Wllliaw. which is a great help to t he little Thursday. Mrs. ReulJen J ones aud Mrlt . Wtllt i11llge. Now tarmers all patroni ze on Oompton were awong those In ' him. Mr. and Mra. Ralph LeWiS, of nea( RttendanC8 at tbe Greene County I Rev . Carrier. or near Morrow, Lytle, entertained at dinner !:Sunda.v W. '. '1'. U. coo veotio~ at Cedar- held services in tbis village Sunday the following gueatl: Mi88es Zilla vtlle, Thursday and Friday of last morning and dined with Mr. Geo. Githen8, Reva Williamson, Blanobe week. Riley and family. A number of the FrieDds attended Miss Mar,Y Parlett called on Mrs. Dyke; Messrs: Morril Graham, For· Quarterly Meeting a& Waynesville Late Graham 'fnesday afternoon. e.t Graham aod Herman Lewis. 00 &turday . Our falmers are all busy weeding Mr. and Mrlt. Jo!ner Martin, of tobllcoobeds since 'tbe rain. A 8ix o'olock dinner WIlS Hiven by Xenia were the 'guests of relatives Mrs. Chas. Graham ~ttended the IIr. and Mrs. J . B. Ohapman on )j'ribere over Sunday. funeral of her sister near' Lebanon day eve~lng, in bonor of tbelr guest The Mass Meeting ~nd Esh.i bUion OD Monday . abl. J8IIIe .Wrlght. Those present of tbe !:Ipring Valley 'l'owDship Mrs. Edward Cook and daughter one ~he I .~,. the bll flre Fred ~I'ay, of Kinge Mills, spent were: ' Mrl. Ltna Devl't, Mr. and schools WIlS aSU0088S. Our sohools Glenno. spent Saturday oigh' and 1n.ora b.IlDquft t tbe Neil Sunday witb ble fatber, Nathan Mrs. Mary A. TurDer, wbo made Ail'll. Emmor BAily, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W~ BooN, u tiia,o Tu8ldayeven- Gray. her bome with her daughter, Mra. Geo. Hawke, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. made a oreditable abo wing. 'r he Masonio T.odge enjoyed a ban· Pratt, of !:Spring .B ranob. Iq of )"It' 'week Ilioh tbe prom I. . Robt. Hunt, eae' of Or~gonh, ditld Wright, and Emmor Bally Jr . quet at their rooms on Tuesday Friday, May 21st, is our last day . f II Come In and see the New Perfee- Frld"y morning at S o'olock of nen& un de r n ro~. over. W' k BI Fl - 0'1 Co k night. of IICbool, .... ded" ;,; G I tlon Ie uearne l O S at look jaw A eUgbt bruille on the Ohlo a.sen . .ttorne, enera J H ' - '. . J . S. Leamlng shipped a oar load Mra. Mary I viDS oalled In thiS n.CU'__- m- • . Coleman s. baok of her hand appeared 'a short ·Mr. and Mrl. Frauk B. Smitb en1&0 d J 0 d Ie. U • S • uwUlOII.O ert,Oialo luperlntendent "f ineur- F. O. tklhwartz took hi. obildren time ago, and ~ave b~r alrBd deal l1rtained at dinner ~unday tbe tol- of the well known Leaming seed vioinity Monday. Miu Pearl Riley Is slowly improvdoe, W81'8 &OP_ linerl on tbe pro- to Xenia lalt Wednesday to lee tbe .of 'rouble, whioh finaUy ended her l~wtnl guel'. : Alpha Smith and oorn talt weelt . • _ • ",fe, of Dayton, W. T. Cbampion Inm. olrcus. life Frillay. Corwin. ing. MIll Mary Parlett .ttended a card UbUdren'1 baw at Mn. Tarner belonged to the M. E. af1d wUe. Frank Beoathorne. wife a~d two ohildren, Mrll: Lizzie Yea'partyThureday evening at the bome M1'8 , Alice MoKinsey entertained The SOutb Sbore (S. D;) Republi. 50 aud 76, M'turday, May 15th, at oburch ot tbi. l)laoe and alwaYI at. OAn ..,lor oue of our' lormer reel· altn Bardin 's tended ohuroh when she oould. zell, WallM Velma tfmUib, Cora Guy last SUDday at dinner, Anslem An· of Miell Ethel StOkes. din" ; . , Ber old pulor Rev. Philip Trout apd keeere. Beber and Herman tram, ot Findlay, Ohio i Messrs. Spring .Valley. Fra'¥, KeVl, proprleto," of tbe Mra .. "eille ~rjlb~, of SprlDg~rc, oonc\uo~ the funenlll8rvloel wbioh S~ltb and .E lmer Hart.ock. 'l'bomas and Frank Wilgos, of TroV ; Keya ranoh in Germaatown, depart- wu the guest of Mn. J . . B. Chap. were beld Sund.y afterooou at 3 Barton Kelley, of l..'inolnuatt, Horaoe ed datllrda . -. for bll bome In Obl..... o, man lut week. 0 'olock.. Thl body wal takeu MonMrs. Roy Starbuck is vlslting at ' .Y ...,.. Lalt 8a~urday eveoing tbe MialBI Sabin and Mary Wilgus, of Xeuia. Walter Kllboo wal in <-'lnolnnati tbe Valley B9UIl8. .Ue, ·a _C1I",-weekl' yiil'&oo the ranob ·11... : &mmor BaUy and lire. A. T. day &0 Yellow ~prloga, wbere lnter. If.atilda aad Anna Wilhelm enterThe Townsblp aohool. oloeed Fri· klle plealore in ' priotlng arti out again after an a"ao"k ment wu nlade. .toed a few of thelr friend.. Dauo- last Wednesday. . Mn. Bope Stiles and daugbter day with ma.. meeting 10 the hall. 01_ fibm' fo~mlt r ...i<lenta. Frank of l'b~jnDaliem. INSTlT RAM IIlR wu ludulged In untU quite alate of Xenia relatlvel reo It-waa well attended and enjoyed were guest8 b .. forced for"llrd In tbe bOlioNa ' lf ~ou want the and Best . . bour, all Uloroughly e~joyinl ~~em cently. by all . .world duriug ..b ....t tew yea,., but Stove ever made, call at The Wilmington Yearly Meatlnl "lv88. ','hoee p.....nt were, 11"'1 Mias Battte Hawke, of Sprin.e ' The town echool wUl olOie May ile l&t.l l re~mben the tolke "b.ok J. H . .pQleman's. W,' F. ~, 8.lnlltUute will meet at Alma WaterhoU8e, Ntttie E.rnb.rt, Valley, lpent ~atnrday with Beuri. 211t. bo~e. . . IIr: ; .nd Mr•. '. Upebare Wbite t~e Friendl' Red Brlok ohurch in qhelaad Loui8ltSto~H, Mary Uray, eUa MdKins6y. Baccalaureate I!ermon by Rev. ii d lb · bee lpent 8und.y witb lin. Whlte'11 ~ ayneavil\", Yay 19, 1909. The tol • . Opa 8h'awn, Donna .ftawke, liIlale M(uee Alma Water bouse an4 Barper May 16tb. n 'b A.." ,ufl'ltofre .~ t .t h.. h pareDte a' Beavertown lewinl-:program wnt be rendered : ~ rn~rt, Mary Brown and Ell. Laura MoKinsey attended the oirous Commencement May 22od. The au••fi'~ nR re Ior ....e, _palt two mOllt·C, , I u_ .a. .. ,.. __ ' u Y b i' f' b Id ,~.. 9 :30 a. m -Muslo .. 'IT. _urs. ~III r ed EI bon,Olareooe In Xenl~ laet Wednesday. olastt, oonllste of ntn8-:-eigbt airll WU w..11-- - _ . - - , .• ~. .... . . OQt 0 0 oe .0 I reo I ~y. n.. ..... • .1Doo.._.. and ' &"ey D_ . J b' Le Dow .... .. . . bat of Ol • to w"r bate at 60 and ' 76 at )(188 .........00 ...... : ..........~ ........... r.BIt ~";7e, 0 n mmon, Nor Hatoes and family have and one boy, of a °bo Dih 0 HucU ••, rd II Worcb ot Weloome by Loa_) l..'hurcb Warren Keyl, Frank Crew, Earnest 'I'he Juniors win live " reoeptl~ ~ - ~I'~, 01 t ~wo ..~. U ay · .y . MUllio . BarDbart, Job,n Stawn and Morris moved into Mrs. Mary Anson 'a prop. to tbe ijenior., May 19th at the home ~ ~,. &be "~inO tll'08. ala JIJ'•.-ud lin. Alpha 8IDl.... of AppointmentofCommltteMonCour Brown, Oren Strawn and wife and erty. Mias Laura Werntz was in Dayton of Frank Peterson • .JIIWt:~_~, &.118 lwo . 0..... ~ Da~ '..... lunday ...... of IIlr. '-t..:- M-amb8l'llldp md-ob t'BtoInnIIl-wife . l&1t week. The IIOhool will give an '8Oler..~: •• NSh aDd lIam lkeet. and 1Iri. i'rank Smitb. Illal~nary paper by Yearly Meet. Miss Florenoe and Jane Clark, of talnmeot lu 'he town hall, May SOtho aDd ab:lb aDd Be0.8 I'reete. ,Tbe , in Preeldent ' Dow tim· will oooupy th. former ... II~ . Georp Tbompeon an.d IOn, g. Mise Etbel Stokes entertained a Xenia visited their motber Sunday. ~r. Josepb I?ay, of Day &on, Ion. ' .. bil·.b lat .... - IIUtoo.·eDjoyed tbe RobilUlOn circUI Addreee ....... E1lza C. Armlltrong, JIld . number of 'frienda at a proar88eive . Mr. J. F. Graf a.nd wife, of Ken- io-Iaw of .abe. Ell.beth .1&088 waa Do a w J.ore. W no • • ter - . I"-r "'-'ouary Advooate . .. ' !b bo h ,. . a ' Xenia lad Wednelda1. . au • euohre ..... r~y laetTh _... I lOarely ~~, ..... I~~, - , Beadjnl ......... Mary .ft. Terrell, New &- " orllUay even ng. tuoky, are at the Pao Handle BOU88. buried bere Saturday aftenoon. Several from here 'attended Qui.ra B.r,~y.Rld'!', who haUl beeA ~n Honoe Comp&oD aDd f.~lly. of . VieQna. · The card plAying waa indul,ed In Mr. Graf ie tllUng . Mr. ager oF lJow I at Peebl..s Cor~er, N~w jBarUngton, attended Quarter· Ma~ EXeroise .. ...Emma Newby wn~ until a late bour, when refrelhments Smlth'e plll.,c e·aloperator while he terly Meeting at Wayn88vllle la.t ' la on biB vaua"on. week. ' . . ' W.lnu;' 81118, ball btteo ,n .. Iy MeeCIDI -Jaet Samrday. . mington. . ' were ierved. of tbe new down town.. The remalnd.e r of the evenio'" Will 10- ....• -. '. Miss liarriet& Hawke r.tUI'Decl ... -,eb... '. d" b . a_ ' lin V-ntbla Evanl a1ld Mtsl Em Prelent. tlon of Ad vocate, Etbel K. .. tabU. lIIent, an too. 0 arp . .t . '. J , 1' P W F AI ·U sp'ent in games and muaic until all Beech Grove, last week from a visit wlth ber III-ma. The addl&lon of tbe nUb ma Hellbway are espected toarrlvtl ca. vert, ree, ' . ' . . departed, deolaring Mi.. Ethel quite ter, Mrs. Everett Zen&iDeyer- at d~'''. . to tb 1& C h9me from California Preaentatlon of MIBBlon.ry Oaleadar an aocompliu9d hoateu. ThOBe Mrlf. A. B. Talmage ..... d .84'8S Parie Croeaing, lod. an __n I ....t ~noern , e . . .' . " _ Cuban Booklet of Vie we, etc., .... .., now atorN will oomplete a aeries of Your ohoioe of obildreo. ready. Y I M ti 8 .t f Lite present were: MI88es Etbel and Lou Jeuie Garner epent Saturday in Mrs. Aroh Copeey' waa ' ebopptnl ten no~ ...tabliMbed lu ihe olty. to-wear baha' 50 aDd 76, at MIls tear y ee ng up . o . ra- ila StOkes, liIarnhart, 'Mary Lebanon, the guests of Olayton Tburlday in Xeuia. Bardlb'l &&urday May 15t.h. " ure'1 00 I ti Parlett, Lola Stokee, Stella Dauaber- Buffma~. . .. :~ p. m.- DVooa on tv, Nettle ICarnbart, Laura .. .oKio- IIr. and Mrs. Louli Stein f4reala~ Green Briar. Wl1li,!olD ,B, Yeo. who dflpu1ed 0.11'. Roblber wu In OIooluu" MUllo .eyand Mar" 6ray..·, Mellin. Har h b f b I ~~, thla Itf. Apnl·t&, 1909, WaB 67 ),,1'8 Tnes~ay atteDdlDI. meetiDg oUbe A Vilit to Poerto P~re, Cuba... . . . . . " at' e ome 0 t e "t~r It parenti, 1 ~, -" 1... _.... Obi -"ill' , A 001 tl . ve Ry~ E1un..t Earnbar~, _ Jobn , WilHam Blain and wlfe. M.i18 LUlie and "Mvrtle Kibler "",==,0::: ::::""'_ .3:0.. 0.1 Dl~.'b and t~~.y.two d.YI 010. j ~u ,'uern 0 - . era II & on. •.............. Ellza~'h .M, ,mel, Xenl Lem- 100.... S.8_y • -mb, "larenoe J I I De C .. --......." Mine" Urie Allen, B~le Colttnd sbopped in Xenia saturday. B~ h~ ' been 1& . . .ident of Greene I , lin . Frank MUteoberler•. of Ly. ~Ia velopment of uba .. ......... Rye, Jeue Thomae, Fred Elbon aDd and MabelOhileBandJ. Lee Talmag!:, Mrs. Charles Mullen epent la.t 001W~ for 'be la.t thirty yearll. Pil l tIe, .pent 8.aturday .ad Sunday ........ Clay.on renell,.New Vienna Warren KeYB. with tbeir teacher, S. A. RinRer, at- Frlday in Lebanon. ",reD~' w.,re J.obo . and Iqllzabeth wUb ber mother, Mrl. Harriet Addre.e ...... Ellrt. Arms'rong, Plain.' • _. tended tbe Boxwell examinRtion M B M B and UtIle field, Ind. PAINFUL ACCIDENT· Saturday at ihe Lebanon Publlo daUg'::ter ~er~ t::Jlguetestl of F. E. Yeo. ~e WIl. ~rn In WarreD ooun- , LinoolD ty, Ohto, D.. r Ba,..,yaburl, ,M arcb • Muslo 4, 1842~ Be was one of a .famHy of &v. Amol Cook and wife, of OpeD Parliameot George Pratt, while stretching tklhool Building. Roanagle and tamlly ou Wednes • ....n .~ndren wbom four Bur'! Xenia. wereber. ttaturday to attend (a) Bow tb get a oon.eor.ted Pocket wire fence last Thursday, bii.d the MilBeli Inez Allen ..nd .LuoUe Be-I day. . vi.e. .Til. lilten are Mrs. Clthe- tbe Quarterly Meeting of tbe Ortho. Book. mlafortuoe &0 be hit in the eye by van IIptlnt 'fhursdav, Friday, t!atur. Miss &rah Burnet was dellgbt· rine oilelbee, near B.rveYllburg; ,dos F~,· iende. . . (b) lntereat an~ ~rganizatioo. oDe end of tbe fenoe, inflloting a day and Sunday with . tbe I.tter'. tully Antertained at tbe bome ~f 8mmaYeo, of New Burlington; En· I II A b Mati" d M E (0) Young Peopled Work, IVerypalnfolin.J'!?. , . parentsnearUlarksv11.leaodatten~. Allen Kibler on Thursday n1lbt . • U.. ~Dtrlo:a and Yeo, ot ' V. ':inb~l ;:lOpent .1..t~edn~; MUlio ed the Olarksv.llle .ftigh tklhool ComMe88rs. Ernest aud Earl Evanl, of ' . iI Ad.ournment . THE BIBLE CLASS meuoement Frlday night. Leel~D, spent last Tuelday with fl Xenia. a. r.ponded to tbe rat InftaneYlbnrg, tbepeata of Mra, • Ch ) V H i od 11 . cell of Abraham Llnooln lu A~ri1 Cha.". I:Ibldaker. , Everybody iuvlted '0 attend. . ar ea . arness 8 rem e ng tbeir s18ter, Ml'8. Am Whitaker. In 1861. 8e ID~lIMd 10 00. ~ 12th. . , • - • Tbe 1essoo for Friday evening, part of bia dwelling. the afternoon ' tbey enjoye~ tbe leI.Oblo for tb.... moathl, under Oap' J .~n. ~OIhua H,o~land, and ,rand Mf.MORIAL DAY May 14th ie leuon SSrd. ~llo will W. C. Tichenor. of Lebanon, spent son in milk-testing given by the Albel1 Galloway re enUlted In Au-I a_~bter, of Xe~la, .'tended Qual" re\'iew Part 1st. It ie espeolally part of lall~ week at tbe bome of superintendent al(Jreen Briar ecboo} I1I't i81S In cO. totb o. v. I., for terly Meetiul o~ 'be Ortbedos The SoDI of VetuanB met lut deelred tbat all membe1'8 be present Ml'8. Amanda Garner. Miss tAlna Wbl,..ker paeaed the Fdendl &turday ~riday .nnlnl, ' and did a great .. , matterl of importance will be Messrs. .Frank and Alpheus Jor- April Patteraon Examination. This Shree yearl. Be. W.I ·dlecbarged iu . . . .. d.... lof ......... rel .. tl·v e ..ltV~ m uemoriaI brougb& upat 'bie meeting. _ _.. dau were Waynesville visltore !:Iun- speaks well for MIu Lena and ber 1806. Ifyouwantorneechorne25ccboice Day. . • - • day. acbool work, for she t. but twelve lntermeo' was mad,. at Woodland Granite Ware, or. anyth~ in the ~D Bon . Beth Brown wall lIeleoted.... Mt. HoU,. Liberty Ban Bohool had two IIUO- years of age. oemetery.-.xeo~~G!Z8t&e. ware line, ~I in and Bee me •. , IPeaker ~"'he day. The m.morlal , 0888ftd apphoants at the April pu. ·M r. aud Mra. Peroy MoJ!'arland ,aACCALAUREATE' SERMON ' '. J H. Coleman. HrVioe. .will be held ' al the ",E. Aboatfortyfriendl&nd neighborl pll'l examination. - Miss Je'lie M. took advantage of tbe "wet lpell" . . - . Any In$eJllpD" penqD .may fW'D obUrch, Rey. W1Ul~nd preaohinl from the ~ll .. ge, a.nd oountry apent Collins and Clarenoe L. ·Alleu, and llpent Wednesday in Lebanon. The baooalaur.. ~ ...rmoD. wttl be a ~ood inoome ; oorrilpoDdlng for 'b.II8~;rice, . T~unday evening at the bome of Bohoo~ will 11000 olole, May 19tb, Greqil . Briar acbool . olosed the p.....,he4.'~bbll;·. E "oJ:1uroh n~~t ne ••pa~.; experi"n~ unn~1 . Tb, (ollow~ug oomml&~NI were Mn., Vaulban, in honor_ of Mlea tben 00~,88 oom~enoelDent time year'sWorkO~Frlday. Vnao9ouni 8a_J ....Dini ~ 'b~ Be•. •lIlt, 1'1', 8eDd' f~r .,.rlloo~i )ElDplre apool~\ed: , . . Benrie~a MoKI~y, Ulul expreu- wbloh Will be early In June. of tlle epidemlo cjf wbooplng ooogh. ",,,b.W!I, '~f Wa.t MI~too. ~U an Pralle Syndicate,. ~ld4!~~~,~ ~. ,r~ C~i.~ 'on ' Bl." i... lbelT g,a"tude tor b..,r .• UOO8I18 K • .E. Tbompaon bas recently 1m- tbe ann~1 Ratherintr o~ ~',rp. ~nd ' bepr:eHn'. .I.... WrI"",;.Dd ~'lft', of'~Prinl. W~~-\. BI~p,., ':4eo. GUmaDd, Joe f~l WO~k .• ~onl us .. a, tea.Ober. pro.ed .' bill property with a new .pupila ba~' &p b,eabat;1dont}d. I,. t)le , '. • ~" . .. , ~ . .4 ~ - Lydla ' Wdab" of. ~omJl8on. ) t-" • .O~ .Frld~y we, bad au· e~celle~t .feDoe aro~d hla !Awn. . ,.ftern'o on·· all tile ,pqpl18 ' g.-'hered QUAR-TERLY MEETINGS Ueo'-:,Ule ' at1eo~eci Qaarterly , Oqal'!ll.$tee . 0Jl ~ow8f1-Fred C." ~1~De,r in 'heaohoo!- WI~lL greetlDl,1 Amol AIleD made .. b~in8S1 trip around.a hug~ bodre and eaob pu: , \ ._ " ,II ' ti 'Qf tall_ B'~"tA I'dna aD4 eDhwa~, O. B:JC181D_n",~. L. Par- of .pareD", .~p,rtlltoDII .of ~banka to the ('OIty of CJe.da.n" ,8aturda~,. pll out a ~f~ot, to ~e blUm&, b_po . : Th.qaanerly., ·mee~:. at botb ~, ~ ,~ of Dr 'A: w;.a"lil' · . 4 _,~1l, ·~ohn. l$Cloi"., · " - and a ,lood seqial ~f~oon wltb .' ,M"!IIIn . Fr~ Cui, Hugh audJo-, The' oommuiaity·::wu ehooJuid'jih . .... - ... AS..· aDd Or,bOdoz 'bburch81 .... ~ •... • ' . .,~ !U! "CoID':':t"ee 0.. I:nDll~Fred' 0 oo,r ohil4reo and thelr teacher •. I18ph Burgett, of WaynesVille; .were "1:1 Id " .-.;.; ,' h ' '1 ~..:. .... IUU_ . fa.Uy · ..,.. ' . . " . oallen lu our vicinity 8unday even. Ill' ay morn lUg wen. t . - - 8 . ,' .~y\ • ...s 811D"'~ wete w.I...' " . -" , . '. SOb~ ,~ t5bW"QOid". o. C. ~od DOW w."recm the ead ~ar,~weU ing. . . I • . . . . known ,bat Ifn •.. .Mary '!)utier baCI~· . • ...... ucl :al~.' m~oy \· ~~ton . HIOH W~Te,R AGAIN '1 ~'''' ' - ~. . '" , . ' To tb!l ', IN8&tng .•.• ~lly, were . Ill. Beeele .COlUDI, 'pe,Dt I'rtday ~ &1!a,., -&be~, ,her ·laO. ~I • . , ~~ ~ oh~_ ., ., .. ',:', ~ 1'UlJlALL; ~p'. 8. IGf V. .,..-' aaaaatomed'~ mee',. · · nil" "'~ M:iIII.Orie AU~. '. " with'her dAqh"~ J11'1•.R~ O. ~. -'. "l'beeeqaal1WlJ ~~. . an,al,. -lb. U"" oat Of . .. • - • • ' WJaIoh fraD.kly up~eeHd'~ "I wi." ~ are pelRl~ hla~~. lu aodU.ed ber quleUlre: maOo.mP ,' , . . , . ~ f~rd' ~ by 'be 'It. ba~ __ II~T ud, ,J'ewW,l.pIar" haft· retained th. · ' Jou .eIL"'::a:~=~~tha beavy ram. ~f~ baal' ~r.d oheerfullJ,_ B~' ...-..tI.-........1".,. b~,,'al ...4 IOa4 to ~ d.;tb of,"rIJ,. ' .... ~ ~~for~Jutfott1- To aU of 9'411' QI..... lilt obadoecl fllka~ ~..r .apeil' ; 8Q1J4a~. ·b u 'tb8l171DpatbJ of .aU · ID'~ 1Ii4.: ~. . _ "........ . ..... ~ : ... ,..n. . .. . J to wi" frlllull m W.~ Jaou of dUoM_, ___



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'III' em.: ,....





, . W'HAT CO LORS SHAL L I USEt ,... ._ , . - - - - - - - . . . ,....~.... . p rcbance, slid gIve ' lUI tb~ opportunIty 'e se k ot pleading for QUl:' lle~ Th is Quest ion Is Important i,i Pa inting pIc," t\gl\ln spok!} up Zorobab I, a House or Othllr Bui ld ing, "T 11 I.\S," agf:rly cl1 ~ his t wo D, L, CRAN E, cOlllpanlons. . .A prall I' uiOI' 51'li0 l11e III '1'l.remely "It Is thi s: Let every on of us WAYNESVILJ~E, . houlle. It sfl'~ ~k a lIentence. 1.1' l~lIlt shall .over. Ma~am(l! 1f1\~Il'Il'PS lHle ~pful IHUots 00 ~aH~rs llJOl- Imporlant in pfllJltlll~ a 8e Wlos the ling's rlVor, .114 makes all th ,' tltrr,,,· n e b't\V {l a COOl , lind wholl tlentenc shall seem Pl elds lor Zioo, T h first book prin t d In th e United r call y ntlra(,ljl" Illlnl nnd 011 nt wI ser thl1n th~ ot hers, unto him shall t~lI'~$ti Oi fco ftllje ·M abol!) aJl1l~ tlijl't geb~.d~ll')ttt Stal 5 was ntill et! "Tho Fre mun's which you wouldn 't (Idw a second till! kin g, DuritiS; 'Ive grent gtfts, and 8V THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" , Oath," PREACHER ill') H e ll' If\~ll''sft ~~3S Cl!'jlo greal thin gs In tok n 'ot victory, And g I[In cL'. AI H I It IlI ukl's a big dlO'er 'nce In the PI'\(' , th o III'OPl' l'ly will urlng on wh e n It s hall be so, the one wbo thus I'Ulnny are Gr at n l"!luln -mill win s tll(' fa vo r ot th e king sha1l In the probl lOS tbat com to host tbo IIlllI'II L' t. Suitable Gown for a Wedding, a gain JIIllkln g fa ces at n'h ath r, but Ag (0 I hl' 1':0: If'r\OI", a good deal d • cb ose for our people u.e lIel (l they 8 S · S. Think U1 tollowlng will . ba 1 hav jU'l learned tbat I am to be tlml will u ull. Apocryphal Books:-l Esdrr , cbap- ne 'd: ' (lell ;IS UJl OII t ill' sit. and archltectuI"Q Invi ted to a weddIng. 1 have a n IV wlJut you want: Great )lrltaln's COlll Ol 1'(' r 1\ ort tars 3 un t! 4. " Agreed," the other two cried. bhlClt gown-empire, with all-ol'e r Though lus t to sIght, to m .mory den r. of Ih hOll se, lIlIll UPO II Ill! s urround· Th ApoCI'yphnl llnolts.-'rhe " 0 11 etlon $4114 ,OOO,OOO last yenf', lanc/lng. we as· Th n \" rv on wrote his sE'ofence, la(: yak tront and unck, and have It Abscnro lIrcnltll slond r tl CI . but rlv III 'blgS. 1~ I' (I gund In\ ' rior cttect you o ( b,'ok~ 10 11"111 II IIw I"rlll .o\pol'l')"phu III must r o n ~ l d (' r th ' site ot the rooms, sume, wltl~ a dull, s l kClling lbud. 81rOn!; n ~ !l. III'lml n"lr oPI' II.·,1 IIH'IUth!9 lllo ( II \\"In~. sealed It lind won the onseot ol t he. f1nl sbed orr with a pale biuo milliner's th r light , clC . ould I wenr tbat? I really do Ih,' " rller In wh kh L1H' Y ur gl\'l' n belfl!: klng's private chambe rlain to ).Iacb cold. OwIng to tbc F'rench Il' l tl'r r nrrl rs' Ih.. t In "'hlt'h they stund In tl,.. Englis h th o Writings near his coucb wlle re he 1'011 call avoid ctl sappol ntm nt by no t fe I th at I cnn pUI'clms II. new I Ollnt myself In II thing c ill O 80 hnppy atrlleo a numhf' r of cha\1 e n ~l's to !luels \"',·.Ion: 1. 1 Esd ras: 11. 2 Esllrus: 111. would se them upon first rISing. As In n lIou l r('m ombcrlng my good stu dl'l lI !'; ti l!"' horoks of color schemes gown speciall y to r thal. Still, I want rrt mIll. 1'"I. It : IV. J udIt h; V . 'rho r eU or the are d elayed III I rnosm lssloll , fol' l;ot h xte rl or allli Inte rior I)Blnllng, "EDA." So It ('arne to pass that ",heu t he to look rigbt. . - ..,.-chaplers or Ihe Book o f Esther. " 'hlch are by writing Na· I roanl, whnlever renlms 10 which run b hud fl' Wh rn'or ("",,11 nchhc'r In tl16 JI ·br ' w n ~ r In the kin g- hud risen and had opened the A girl of 12 hilS I'uhll shell 1\ l100k . tionnl Lelld om lln ny, 1902 'frlnlty Your gown will be perteotly corr ect My 8IIUO, With Infant Ilrod igies III tu e II r lti whnt Clutl tl ": V r. 'rho Wl!ltlO Ill of Sotomon: w rltln~s , be read wl1at tb e firs t b ad N,rt , untraveled, fond ly tunIS to Dulldill ', ~'f! W Yorl,t, and asking for \ ' /1 . Th '" IRtl um ot .Il·sus t h I Son of cbance has th e author who hus I"l'acb U l.Ir'H"h. or ErdeHlollticus: "\ Ill. Baruch; written, namely: ""Vine Is the stroDA:' for Itber u duy or evening wedding. til e. HOllseowlI er"s Painti ng Outfit o. 49. Black with white lace Is very POilU' tbe fat e ful og or 40 ? I X . The Sone ot I h Three Il oly hll· est." dre n ; X . The HI.tor·y ot Busnnna: Xl. And tho second read : "The kIng 18 lar and will b for some tim e. The Fnrl'well: a word that must b , antl lin th Th ouifit IIlso In !lllies specifications, ben ; A Georgi u court hu s decl uetl tbat lo 'rhe History of t he D('SlrUclloll or Bel the st rongest." and a slm pl \ In strument for t esting blue Is a good combination. So wear A sound that mal' II UII linger: yet- taro· call tl mun a liar Is n llrcach of the Llnd tho lJragon: XII . Th Pray r or Ma· the purity of paint mnt rials. pu~e It and fee l comtort.uble. And the third read: "Women Ilre well. nasscs, Hlng ot J uda h ; XIII. 1 Macen· peace and menns A. fi ght. Thls Is one b6es Whlll' L ent! whic h will stand the test : XIV. 2 Maccab eft. 'I' ll Apo ryphal the strongest; but above a ll thIngs Though the deep bet We N , US rolls, at the cases wh ere cus tom asserts books, which ure SU pJlOS ,I 10 occu py nn truth beareth away the victory." In this outfit will s tand the 'weather Frlontlshlp shull uolt nur sou ls; Visiting 9ard Etiquette, Int rmcdla te Jlosi llo n, w"r a ll d "books IlseJr as a Inwmal< r. test. Nat lonnl Lend ComrlRny's fa· KIndly answer following Question: Stilt In raney's ' rl!:h IIO nlllln An d when he had summoned all Ills rcaJ,"' or "ecc leshl!ltlcal ," Ihough the Int· mous Dutch Doy PaIn ter 1radtl mark There would be f weI' divorces, saYI ler IllIe was also applied to Ihe ca nonl- princes and gove rnors and captains, When II. calle r making 1\ first call Orten we shall moet lignin. l S rlptures. The primary menntng or a notect composer, It w had more mu· . co leaves one ot her cards and two of lIer 'What ehnll 1 do w lt.h all the days and on the keg Is a guarantee ot tbat kind / Apocrypha, "hidden, se ret," 8 ems, to- and bad sat down In his judgment hUllbands at white lead. wbat ca.r ds should you hOllrlj ball, be commaud l!d that the young sic. Wo douut It. Mnny a happy ward Ih'o cl080 or the second oowry, to lea ve In returning call? That must bo counted ru 1 8ee thy home has been uroken up by tbe pres· have Lecn associated with III 1118nI1lea· men who had propounded the r iddles taee ? MRS. J. H. M. li on "spurlou8," allll \Il1lm nt~ly to have should be uroug ht before them, that COUNTIlY IN MOVEMENT. ence ot u pert cUy upri ght plano. The place carda may b painted set lied down Into Ihe luller. they nilght dec lare their wrlUngs, If you ar married wltb 0. hus band ' wIth a bunch of torget·Ole-nots, or tie Meeting of National Anoclatlon for Castro lett much of his fortune In "For," said the k ing, "by all the power of artificial otles on with II. bit the bands of European hotelkeepers, Study and ~ revcntlon of Tuberc u ~. of my kln gdom he who proves the II v1·Ilg, you Ie a ve t wo of his cords and aofspray "t bl" Ibbo He was unwise to chooso a time when rue uc r n. III Wit Be Largely Attended • declaration of hIs writing shall r. one ot your own when you return t he SERMONETTE, the regular Ame rican tourist WIlS at firs t call, whlcb should be within two celve favor from the king." For Graduates. home saving bls money. unl Olcellng ;fi:e Na· "Above all things truth bear· Then begun the fi rst, who has .po- weelts. Is It still the custom to gIve gifts 011 for the t udy nnd eth away the victory." ke n at the 'strength of wine, and said : A German professor hos discovered and flow e rs to graduat s7 It so, how Preven tIon at Birthday Parties, lI~ c rc ul < s will be Truth I. stili Winning Its vic· " 0 ye men, how exceeding strong Is the tracboma. germ, though It was h Id 10 WMhlnge \!., D. ., at tbe New 'Agaln 1 come to yo u for help. 1 find should they be presented? torles In the world to·day, • wlnel It causelh all men to err tllat hiding In the eye of an ape. Who but T EACHER OF GIRLS. Willard hot.el, on MIt ' 13, 14 nnd 15. Truth Is the expresslori of drink it . It makot ~ the mind of the so much that Is Interesting In your a professor would have thought of Owiug to tb Llr Bcnt Int'rest In the column. My brother's birthday Is In God In the world, It Is the one king and at the fatheriess chl/d to be lookIng tor It there? Flowers nnd gitts are still the preabiding thing before whIch all a ll one: Qf the bondman and. of the April What would be nice tor a party rogative of the grad uate. Gltts sho111d crunllulgn agalust t uuerculosls, the that la falae and unreal muat ul· • freeman; ot the poor man and of the then 7 The guests will be from about be presented prIvately, or, b tte r stlll, meeting will btl of unusual Int rest tlmately give way, • rich . It t ur ne th also every thought 17 to 22 years old, Wliat games sent to the recipient, but flowsrs may and Im portance. Tbe m mbersblp ot \ God Is apoken of aa a God of Into jOllity and mirth, so that a man would be nice to play! What deco- be presented at tbe commenc.e ment the national associ a tion now numue rs truth, an.d the vllible exprellion remembereth neltber sorrow nor d ebt. rations would you use, and what exercises. One of the prettiest m tho nearly 2,000, nl1d la distributed In al· of God to the world, ''the Word ·And It maketh every beart rIcb, so would you serve? Also what would odll of receiving the flowers Is carr! d most overy stute In the nlted St.utes. which was made flesh and dwelt that a man rememberetb neIther king be nIce for a party for my fath er'? out by the class of one ot the fasbjoil· Tb e nat 101l1l1 assoclullon has lilso a As long as EngJand Xllects women nunda, among men," Is declared to have ~ nor governor ; and It maketh to speak He Is over 50 years old. I want some- able schools here. Each graduate ap· conijlderablo memb rshll> In Who set t.he Boclal pace to shoot Cubu, Port o Rico, Phlllppin Islands, t~Ing he would .enjoy and also all of been "full of grace and truth," things by talenle. And -when th~y points two of her special (rlends as 'pbeasants and deer It must expect MOllie la aald to have dellv· are In 'thelr cups, they forget' theIr his old fri ends, 'As the arran~ment her flower maId!!. They receive and and In sev ral of tbe E uropean coun· Bomewha.t excessive readlness to reo tries. Ex·P resld nt Rooseveit and of n.ll falls u pon me and 1 am not very ered the law, but Jeaua II delove botb to fr lenda an d brethren, ~d Bort to pbyslcal violence 'when suf· old 1 would l,ke your h elp In thls .mat· care for her flow ers and presellt tbem Dr. William Osler are honorary viceelared'to have glv~n the real ,ex. a little n.fter draw out 'swords. And to her at the close ot the program. fragettes get excited. 'presld nts of til nalional assocll\lIon. ' ROSEBUD. preilion of that law beca"'le is when they are out from the power ,ot ter, Dr, Vlnc nt Y. Bowditc h of Boston 18 grace and truth came by him. "the wine, tbey remember not what , In writing a "code" letter that may Entertaining New . England Women, tbe presld nt; Mr. Homer Folks of You certaInly are an amblUous lit, Jelue made the open declara· tbey have done, 0 ye men, Is not 'tccldentally fall Into other hands than wash to entertain the New Eng· I tion that he was the "way, the wine the strongest, that enforceth to tie hostes. and 1 am so glad to help land W omen In our club at a break· New York city, and Dr. Charles I•. those 01 the person for wllom It Is In· Mlnol' ot AFoh v!ll , N. C., are the viceyou at any time, For the April blrlb· truth' _.nd the life," and al he do tbus?" " sucb t,e nded, it Is' better to avoid fast In May. What would you suggest wal taking leave. of hi. dllclplea Tbus spake the first young m,n, day why' not Use the , contest In to· tor the menu, dishes and decorations? pr sldents ; Gen. Ge rge M. Sternb rg "Words as "peach," and use "mud of Washin gton , D. ., Is tr as urer; Dr, before the crucifixion he prom· and the king beckon.e d to the second day's 'paper7 . Have -uttle Japanese About 20 guests. "fence ," "kangaroo," "turnip," or some NELLIE. Henry Barton Jacob!\ of Baltimore, Is Ised them that the Spirit of i! to rise and addrells the aaseinblage, parasols for favors to keep off tb equally harmless substitute, secretul'Y, and Dr. Livingston FIIrrnnd proverbial sbowers; . tben bave a big wblch h e did, as {oUow ~: • , Truth Ihould cOme unto them When I was In Massaobusetts sev· of New York Is tbe executive secre, , Sheep-shearing machines are now ond guide them Into all truth, ye m en, do" not lIlen excel in birthday cake for table decoration sur- e ral years ago on Sunday mornIng we tary of th association. used quite extensIvely In'·Austral ln.' In . All ttlls clearly emp"haslzea strength, that bear rule over Bea and rounded by a 'wreath ot daffodils and always had Ilaked beans and dough· Tasmania. they are just beginning to the f.ct that truth la a part and land and all things in them? But yet a ch."<lle of ca.lldles. You could use nu ts. Why not try tbl s menu: Clam ANOTHER BORING QUESTION, Ibe . Installed, It seems 'onlya q~estlon • expreaslon of the eternal God, the 'ki ng Is mOTe mighty; for he hi plrthday postals for the plact'!, c~rds , bouillon, crackers, creamed codfish, of time when all the sheep "hearing In Men ' ahould seek to know the the lo rd of all these t hings, and . hath I'd , have just Ice cre,am and cake wIth Saratoga chillS, bot corn bread, baked thIs lsl~n,d wlll be done by mllChlnery, truth, They . ,a hould never be do'm lnlon over tbem; an4 whatsoever bon~ons and salted' nuts unless you beans In rameklns, cup oustama, ' un· driven by st~am, electric 01' gaSOline afraid of It becau8e It Ihatter. , <V be commande th them, t bey "do. It be "Want to h ave them to supp·er. For frosted sponge cake; then have tea pow er~ perhaps the co!"ceptlon8 and ~ bid them make war the on& against the fath er, I could tell better It I during the meaJ, poured a t the table; knew hIs J\I{esj If the men play carJs, ~ Ideas of previoul years. i! the other, they do It. If he send them have spiced peaches, tiny pickles, a nd, A naval courtrmarUal 11BS deci~red Truth 18 revolutionary, It ~ out against the enemies, tbey ,0, and YOll could lIave a pre tty card party, If you wish, doughnuts and colfee also. that tbe delirious d ell ,~hts of a bappy wIth chocola~e cigars tor t a vors; serve .honeymoon Bre no exouse for deser- ~ tear. down that which atanda 0$> break down mountains, walls and tow· potato salad on watercress,' sand· Use blue dishes, brass candlesticks, i! on false foundatlona In order 0$> ers. 'rhey slay and are slain, and and bave an old·fashlon ed nosegay tion trom the service. As lon g BS the that that which Is enduring may ~ tr~nsgress not tbe k1ng's command· wicbes, coffee, wee little apple pies, built on 0. stick at each plate, with a cold·blooded 'a bstraction called naval wIth cheese and coffee, WrIte again It remain. <9 ment: If theY get tbe victory, they lace paper mat arollnd It. servIce can command le,;s wblch 1 can help you. MADAME ¥ERR!. With the Paalmlst David, we brIng all to tbe kl~g, as .well the s1:oll, march and arms which caJlTY weapons "I say, VB, Is a man txom . Potane) Ihould all "dellre truth In the ~ as all things else, Llkewll!~ tor those Jlt~e it recks of he,a rts that love. Lettering for Statlot:lery, called a Pole?" ~ Inward parta," and 'should earn· ; that are no soldiers, and have not to What Is the best torm of lettering "Yes, my s on." ~ . eatly and honestly choole the ~ do with wars, but use husbandry, "Thell, pR, why Isn't a man from ~ way of truth,' but we .hould reo ~ when they bave . reaped again that for stationery? Should the edges be rough or smootb? HOPE G, HoI/and call1.d 0. HolE) 1" Ii! member two dangera which ' ! whlcb they had SOWll, tbey bring It to ~ threaten the aeeker after truth, ~ ·t he king, and compel one another to rhe lettering Is purely a matter of A Natural Mlata1te. . ~ Flrlt, that the cold, Intellect. Ii! pay tribute unto tbe king. So all hie pre terence. Either of those A teacher In a Pennsy lvania. prl· ! ual learch after truth, without 0$> people and his armies obey hIm, 0 ye IndiVidual you nBme Is correct and good· form. Cream, whIte and biscuit wlll all be mary scbool Instruct d her pupils on ill that warmth of love and faith ~ men, how should . not the king be "composltlo day" that they might ~ from God wh~ch can make of ~ mlghUest, when In such sort he I. PerlOnally, 1 preter a heavy cream smart. paper with 11 slightly rough . s~rface , Dainty hand'painted lace blouses are each write ber a letter makIng excuse ~ that truth a real live factor In obeyed?" ~ the Uvel of men II to really hold· Thus spake the second, and ceased. but with the edges cut smooth. Some being "Worn wIth the dressy tailored for not InvltJng her to an Imaginary birthday PlI.I"ty. An Injunction l)a!l beel! Issued by Ii! the truth In ,error. Tben Zorobabel stood forth and lift veri elegant stationery prepared for sulta. Tulle la to be mUlc h worn tor aashe. a court In Ohio forbidding a man trom ~ The following etrort of one little g!r' Truth cannot find It. real and Ii! Ing his 'cyes to tbe king declared hlw an Easter bride consisted or a pale gray paper with the three Initials In and to veU and tODe down an .other- was decided to be tbe best: • maIdng love t9 an attracUve widow, ~ full expreilion apart from. loye, . ~ rlddle, as follows ; ' , black type done In royal blue: the wise garish gown. "My: Dear ·Mlss Alice: It 'becoome.. When It comea to ordering. a man not <i> God II flrlt love, and then truth, ' ~ "0' ye men, It Is not the great klila envelopell bore the ' street and number Overdresses of one ' 80rt or another my duty .to apologize tor not Jnvltlng. to fall In love, they might as well Is· 01' rather he I. truth becaule he 0$> nor the multitude of men, neither la I~ Bile lnJunptlonll agl,l.lnst ducks , swIm· II love. He could not be truth ~ wine tbat excelleth, 'Who Is It thea on the upper lett.hand corner. . An are lIeen everywhere .on 'the more elab- you to my birthday party last week. I mlng, Even Shakespeare, who sughad fully Intended to do 110, hut"":'as I' apart from love and love could Ii! . that ruleth them, or that hath lord. up·to-date station.,r wIn supply you orate gowns, Frilled frocks-not as frllly as ot always do In everythlng-I postponect; gested that lovers should be put In 'a not manlfelt It.elf except al It ~ sblp over them? Are they not wom. with varIous asmples and deSigns It paper, old, bpt stili fluftlly charming-have It till tbe last minute. When I at mad bouse, did not go 80 far as to hint Ii! wa. grounded In truth, <9 en? Women have borne the king you request It wIth samples at jail. . been seen on whIch little rumes of last started and reached your gate, J ~ Therefore, cold Intellectuall.m ~ and all people that bear rule by sea Quotation. for a Farewell Dinner, lace and gaule trIm both skirt and lIaw tbe doctor's carriage standIng 0$> can never meaaure the full ~ d I d A I th hi w ta ~ an an. man ea\'e son· ·Chlna needa a ru.l er who will come is Please, dear Mme. Merrl" help me bodice. there, and tblnklng some one' waslJl. ~ meanl"g of trutPl, They can ~ ther who brought hIm up, and his own out in the open, Ilve the lite of a good Ii! make an Idol of truth ltaelf, and ~ coutilPry, and cleaveth unto hIs wife. out 'once more and print some quota· BIg, round Eton collars will prob- I did not think It best to go In. Wbat 80verelgn and keep In mInd that this can develop a cons",mlng pa. ~ Many also bave perished, have erred. tlons for a farewell dinner and sug· ably hold their own all througb the was my mortlftcation and constern ... Is tbe twentieth century. not the "ADMIRER." spring. They may be made of plain tIon to learn tho next day that the doo· lion for the aearch for truth Ii! and sinned tor women. And now do gest place cards, tenth. Until that . land gets Bucb an Not only "once" more, but I hope ' Unen or decorated wIth squares ot tor was courtIng your siiterl"-lllu. •• they meaaure and weigh ~ ye not believe me? Is not tbe kIng emperor her lack of modern clvlllza· <s> everything In life, and In the ~ great In hIs power? Do not all regloni many times to ' be able to assist yO!! lace set In. tratecl B~dsy Magazine, tlon and her abborrence of modern is very doing of It they cln min <s> fear to touch him? Yet did I see hIm Ideas wlll keep ber far In tbe back· ~ God hlmaelf. For truth II not Ii! and Apame the klng's wife, sitting at FOOD FACTS ground among the progressive nations 0$> the lum total .of God, but ' truth ~ the ri ght hand of the kIng, and takIng What an M, D. L,-earned. of the world.. ~ II found In God; Is a part of ~ the crown from the klng's hend, and ===~= . . <N settIng It on her own bead. She also Tbe announcement Is made of a Ii! God. A prominent Georgia physician wenl And the Hcond danger II the ~ struck the king with her left hand In decrease In the sale of darn.lng cotlon ~ through a. t(lod experience which he tor stockings. This may be eltber the ~ half truth. which seize hold up· is her mirth, and he spake no harsh makes public: result of prosperity whlcb allows peo- ~ on the heart and awa) the life ~ \yord un to her. 0 ye men, are not "It was my own experience that. first ple to buy new clothes and not mend ~ aa though all the truth were <s> women strong? Great Is tbe earth, led me to advocate Grape·Nuts (ooe) ifii known and understood, Half ~ high Is the heaven swift Is the sun theIr old ones BO much. or It may cor· and I also know, from having pre-' peril. ~ In bls conrse, for be comp~sseth the roborate tbe charge made recently ~ truths are alwaya full scrIbed It to convalescents and other that AmerlcllJl women are the laziest ;~~~~o$>8i~Si~8io$>~o$>Si~8i~~o$>Si<b!i~ heavens round about, and fetchetb hIs weak patientll, that tbe tood Is a won. course again to hls own place In one on earth. The evidence on ' either derful builder and restorer ot nerve THE STORY, .day. Is he not great wbo made these Bide is bound to be Interesting. and braIn tls/lue, a s well as muscle, U thIn gs? . There(ore great Is 'T rutb, Improves tho. dlgesllon and sick pa. Prince de Sagan Is lIald to be ' a BDHREJil young men stood outsIde and stronger than all tblngs.Wlne II tlents· always gain just .as I . did In e1al outcast In Paris, ostraol sed by the the entry way to the prIvate wlclted, the kIng Is Wicked; women are =~ I'ength and welgbt very rapidly. , very I;ej~ct circle In wblcil he formerly apartments of the king In earnest con· wIcked, all "the children of men arG "I was In such a low state that l moved. It Is not because of Ilny more versation. A ire at feast bad been ' held wicked, and such are .all theIr wicked had to give up my wOl'k eI!tirely, and la pses of wblch be may be guilty. Far In tbe palace for all . the princes ot works. But all tor truth, It enduretll, went to the mountains of ' this state. from It ; society formerly, received him Media and l'erala, and now }{Jng DarI· and Is always atrong. · It liveth and but two mQnths there did not improve glad ly for nil hIs well·known record. It us, wearied ,vUh the gay and festive conQuereth for .l;Ive rmore, Blessed be me; In faot 1 was not quite as welf 'aa. ill because he , bas refused to acce pt a scene, and fill ed wIth the dainty the God of Truth ." when I left b,ome. ' challenge to fight Co'u nt Bonl de Cas· ' vIands which bad beeu spread upon And a ireat sbout arose a's DO , "My food' dId not, sustain me anci tellane, and · has thereby "ottended . a tb~ banqueting tables, had ",lthdrawn ceased and the people cried: It Mcam~ plaIn that I muat ' change, . gentleman." Fren <:~ "honor" 18 a 'to his apartments and waa seeking reo "Grea t 'Is truth, and mIghty aboTe Then I began to ulile Grap&-Nut~ fQod t9Db.:r thing. The w~_oH~ 'buslness 18 freshment· In sleep upon t.ho royal all · thlng~.n . and In two weeks' I could walk 'a IDUe.' Iflte .an act In a ope\8. coucb'. And "'\llle he slept these three' Then . said the King unto him: ' wlt~out faUgu!!, aM · In five "e~~a. "Ask what thou wUt."· Y0tplg men wHQ were o( the royal re.turne~ to ,mll home, ·an·d ·Y PtIJctl e guard; ",tood without, keeping watch Theil spake ZorobabeL unto ' takIng up ' hard 'Work again, Srnce thai t~af not hing. should . dlsturb or h.a rm king; , , : , , time I .have tC)lt )lS well and,itrong, aa the sacred persc;m ot the king. ''Remember thy vow wliJcb thou I eve~ .d.l d In my, ur., " , ,"The h'eart 'of tbe kIng was melTY. '" ' hl\st ~o",ed , to bu~ld ' 'Jerusalem, In . '~As a physician . ~o see's ~o 'beip. said one whOle name , was Zorobabel, that day when thou eamest to' thy all I!ufferers, I consIder It a duty to "and great was his de)lght in hIs kingdom, and to send away ah' the these facts public," pr.Ince. and the thought of' the power -vessels that were taken out of JerUla. 'l1~I.1 10 day. ,on Grape-Nu~ wbm 'of his natloD.; But what of our peo- lem" .,.. the regular fOOil doos not· seem: !lwt-. Fo1lo.~ng the 're volUtionary ove~ pie who are in dJ.trees In J,r!1l&lem'" Then Darlu. the klDg ~tQod up and ~n the body, WIll work mlraclel; _. of Nord' Alex1&, ,It ' seemll that "Ah," slg~ed anot~er of th, Im.)UP• . ·Idssed Zor:obabel, an~ call1ns r"r b,I' '''There's 'a Jteuon." _". . . .pI~t8 to ' the presldancy of "that he might· have a thought for eer1be he wrot'e Jettera for hila unto' L~ In ptp. for the .famoaa Utu. .... putUn,e (orward their '-:Ialma,' thelD." aU hi. and Heutenuta, ad ~k, "Tie Roa4 to ". ~~~.I w.,·,outof "I ~a•• a plaD which 1fm aUr Ule CaP~D" COlDlDUlcU118 Ula .to ~o all lie beut of tM ~ to e&rD. .t ~". tlaat Il.~ r.orobabelt 1JIo...........

The Miami Gazette

ZorobabeI's Riddle




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/iN/:> ,ROO£) _TH.f! 0 UGI-I c.I()NGL&.


,oHOTOGIeAPHS COPYIZ/QH or 1~0.9 .8Y I.I/yDE~WOOO~_..o/llOeli!. WOOD


S T ll ill lUJ Is 60 much 1.11" gam hunLlilg In


East Afri ca no trouble In a m un or u e ith er at l\lom0 1' Na irobi , to ure all th o nocessar y )lort rs, ten ts, ammunition and food for n party gOing into the wilds. Th ere are s e ve rill mercanlll e firms wbich make a bus iness or s upplying hunting parUes, and therG are men who wlli take charge of every&.bIng at so mu ch )ler month . A huntinl party WIUl port ra anll attcndants Is callell llafarl. The batt{'ry for ea ch hunt 1', to be suffi cient tor a ll needs, should consist of a .4 £;0 expr ss, a .303 sporting rill , BrlUsh rood I, and a 12 bore shotgun; and I should think 260 r(l!Jnds of Av O (50 htlrd a nd 300 soft) , 'nnd 500 12-bore abot cartrid ges or. say. the stx and elgbt sizes, sufficient for a three months ' trip. Th e bunt r'S kJt should In lud e a good pith Bun ha t, a coupl e of sui ts of khakJ, I uth er gaiters or a couple of pail'S of putt es. wash leather glo v s to protect the hands from th e sun, and two pairs of boots with homp sales; long Norw egilln boots will also be found very useful. The usunl u.ndorclothlng worn in Ame rica In the tall Is nil that Is requlr d, '1[ the booUn '" Is to be done In Ole highlands, as the temperature there corresponds to )>1

s lsta nco In Ule event ot any troubl e with the loa ds, see tbat no d 0 s e r t Ions ta ke placo, allow no s tragglin g, and ge nerulJy do what they can to protect the caravan. Th y a re each arm ed with an old Snide r rifl e and ten rouuds of balJ ca rtridges, and g e n e rally very dan gerous meu to their

WACHAGGA WO.M~",,· PoUNOING aOR.N , WOOOE. N _ ho.e Te.R..-J> c

WOMAN . ~----,




COla N

our October. A good warm overcoat wUl be much approelated up-country, In tbe cool of the evenings, and a light maoklntosh for wet weather alight also to be Included. The carovan tor one sportsman-If he Intends going far from the railway-Is uSUlllly made up ,as followS,' though the exa.c t ,n umbers depend upon many conslderationa: 1 headman ................... 50 rupees per month 1 cook . _..... .•. """" •.•• .. 35 rupees per month 1 gun bearer .• . •.• , ......•... 35 rupees per month 1 "boy" (personal servant) .... 20' rupees per month 2 A • .karls (armed porters) ... _.12 rupees per monUl 30 porters ... : .. , ..• _..•.•.. _.. 10 rupees per month ' It tr.ere are five or six men In the party double the portera and " add a gun bearer and a personal boy tor each huntllr. ;rhus if the president has a narty of six, lie ",Ill need about 70 mEln altogetber., This would n~ cesslta~e about 150 pounds of rice II. day, It Is ,three <lays across to KlIlmanjaro, for example. , ' The li!ports~an la obilged to provide each porter with a jllrs.e y 'blanket and ' watet bottle. whUe the gun' bearer and "boy" get a pair or' boots in addItion. A cotton shelter tent anll one cooking pot must also be furnished for every five men. ' The tood' for the ~aravan Is mostly rice, of which th~ . headman gets tMee' pounds' per (lay. the cook. gun bearer, '''bOf'' and aslQlris 2% pounda, .and the QriUnary j,Qr~ers '1% pounds. each " '" . . p~r day. It Is the duty 'of "the hea~man to , keep diSCipline' oli the sa~arl, (c~tav'an ~urn,ey) ! b.oth fn , c!~p1P ' ,and"or,i t.he march"lI,n(l to , aee ' 0 ,the' dlstrl6utlon and lIafety of the , , ~oa(l.. the . pitcHing. :!UJd ' at.,tk1ng of camJ), 'the Issue of , .]loabo (food) 10 the po~terJj; etc. F[e alW~)'. ~,rlnga. up ·in -the ,rear ?f' the ,caravan, and on hJm d~pends the, ge.l~e.ral . comfott Qf the apoJUmen~ . '. I Tbe. cqok I. aiso an important member ,of tlieclU't.van. and a 'SOOd OJie , "~ould , be procured 'if poaalblel l~ I. wonderftll what an uperlenced native m'peahl (cook) tum ,o~t In the wa1' of a meat In a fey ·'mlnutel , &ttet: camp ~ pItched: " ..., ~ camp Ule.,duue. 01 the ubrt. are to ~P up the tIN and watc1l ,. t ~t. and to' pttoll and atrIbtb,. . (~ Oil tile marah OD~"''''' ' til. ~.,.. til otbtr btfIIO Q Sa Cba tear: thQ




flavor Is not ve ry good . It alfri ends wh en th~ tnke it Into their ways reminded me of a ombibeads to fir f'helr weapons. nation oC stewed cobblestones Tbe ordinary porters will carry their and sawdust. When a band of GO-pound loads day In and day out. German bunters wltb us last year without complaint. so long as tbey are sbot over ten tons of el epbant well fed ; but stint tb e m of their rice meat In the Kl1Imanjaro region , and they at once become sulky mutithe natives came tor 200 miles. neers. In addition to carrying tbe and almost every ounce of avallloads they pitch and s trike camp, proable meat was by them eagerly cure fir e wood and wate r. and build devoured. The natives draw th e grass huts If a stay of more than a line at eating the dead lions , and day Is Intended to be mad e at one the ' Mohammedan ' portion of tbe place. On the whole the Swahili porter safari will escbew the pig In al1 Is one of tbe jolliest and most wllllng Its forms . My Swahili tent boys tellows In the world, and 'I have DOUIabsolutely refused to eat anyIng but praise for blm. thing cooked in pig lard, when 1n crossing trom Ge rman t o British they dlsoovered tbe picture of East Atrlca on the Vol·Klllmanjaro a pig on the Chicago tins. roa d, one of the first con slde ra lions In tbe outfit of a party of Bay 70 porte rs When the president starts from will be tbe wat r supply.' Water will Kisumu for the Mandl plateau have to be carried across tbe S renaud the Elgon distrICt, his attendgeU desort betw en Burra and the ants can buy their food In the 1uml river at Taveta, a distau e of 50 market .place of the Kavlrondo, miles. When we cross d this Yaru, t~e naked nath'es on the sbores as It Is called. I told one of my boys to of Lake Victoria Nyanza. The make the water clean and he w nt and fasai will sell them curdled milk put soap' III It to make It clean. making In long gourds. In districts where soapsuds. There Is no wate r at all In F.ngllsh farmers have settled, the Yaru . white men of the party will be A hunting party tlsualJy carries a able to procure good milk and bountiful supply of rice, which can be bought In lllany butter. At Nakuzu, near tbe railof tbe Indian stores at Mombasa. Chop-boxes, containway, In the region of the Rift Ing 60 pounds of ,c anned goods, will also be purchased at valley, there are 600 Boer farmMombasa. Among thes~ canllell goods will be found ers, and good fresh meat will be pears, peaches and apricots from California; pickled easily obtained for expeditions tongues from South America; corned beef from Austowards the Mau Escarpment tralla and deviled bam and cblcken from Chicago. An the Eldama ravine. In the neIgh, extract of beef must be a favorit e witb the hunters. for borhood of NaIrobi there are I saw many of the natives, wbose ear lobes are abnornearly a thousand Englishmen mally pierced" wearing a condenaed milk can I'n one and. at s\lch farms as tilat of lIfr ear and an extract of beef jar In the other; an abundant Heatley, nearly all tbe English supply of condensed milk Is necessary for tho journey. cereals and vegetables can b6 and plenty of teil., coffee and cocoa, especially tea. With bought. Tile potatoes ot the Nalthe rice one should take chutney, 8 hot sallce made III robt district are becoming faIndia from the manro fruit mixed with red pepper. This. moufl throughout East Africa. TJley cost about $2.50 a bushel shutney Is said to be a great preventative of fever. Tbe Hlnd06s have I$plendld \'ege When starting from large towns like IIi0mbasa or NaIrobi,., the party will carry as food for the potters, a large quantity of bananas, ' cocoanuts and long stalks oC sugar cane. Some of the native tribes like tbe Wata veta, theWachagga and the kikuyu can live almost entirely UpOIl a few heads' 8 day of common coarse maize or com. Along the way they will purchase from native vendora Some Little Stor.lea That Prove the . round balls, resel1lbltng popcorn balls, made from a Guardians of Literature Are mixture of white ,ants and 'cassava 1J0ur. Tbls cassava Not Infallible, flour (s beaten , up In mortars and Is made from the '~asIt Is usually the Ignorant or consava ro~t, w~lch .grows ' ln a1.l.tb~ , gardens. The natives fus ed freque:nters' of a library wbo are eat these purr , balls' with ellger ,oraclty. . res r)onslble tor amusing mIstakes, but For the ' ,:white u:avelerljl ~bere will be plenty ot chlok- occasionally a~ overqll.ughty guardian ,ens" .yrblch, Can be bougbt. for ~Ight C!:l~,ts aplepe t,llrough- :ofllterature gives oocaslon for a quiet o~t the count~. J Of course In sucb It party as the one smile to those. sbe ' serves. , To a 1'0P~8IdeJ\t R\>Osevelt take',tbere ..will ' be no 'w ant of, quest for "Prome~heus'(Jnbound:; one ' dellclo~s vla1l4s, fro~ antelope s~eak, for' tbere ar~ hun- sucb , rep'lied, with ' cbllling deolslveorada or ' Grant ga~elles! Thomsoil ga7!el1es~ kongonl neslt; ' ''We have no unbound books." (.Tac~on!8 ha',t ebeest) Chandler'8 Reed buck , and ~,he lit. ,More , recently, a scbool teacher, tie p~, smallest ot aU deer, 'which, forma a very t<>?th' wishing to 'extend her rather , scanty ~oiD~ morsel to the hunro bunter• . ~he ,n.atlves will , kno:wledge, of the stories of Edgar AIeat all the dlajecta membra of any of the wlljl game la~ Poe, In View of the centenary , of klUed, They are _pecl~1 tond of the entraUs of the ~I. birth, Inquired at tile delivery animal., wbioh ,~"" .~t over , ~re~ without removing desk of a . rural IIbl'llr)' 4'The Oold . the otral. , " B~g." 'adding: 4:1 can't seem to llnd It Zebra .~ I. palatable to the white man , aDd there . 10 the catalope, ' but rm .lIre you ,.... ' ,..U4 ~ In .bandanae. JDlephUlJ ' looa ' baT. It. A faibd of lIIiIle had' n ~llt io• lib COl1l84' beef but It .. "..,. ~~ TIl. INt weell,"

tau I gnrd ol1s at Nalrol)i. whero ('oleri. Bruss Is s pro lil s. potatoes. toma toes and nea rl y n il lh!' gn rdon v getables of the t empe ral zo nos are grow n. In tho wll(] r di ll tri Is al'Ollnd Mou nt E igo n t be re I s plimty of bOll ey to he had from t he wild na ti vos of Dllk pdl. Native s heep a nd goats wiil be fouud in nea rly all t ho villages, evon In th e wild est par ts, Th e na tiv es. howeve r, do not like to s II /lOY of th eir domesti c cattle, bucau se Ilu ch a nim a ls nre useu In tbe purchase ot wi v s a nd are supposed to be a s ign of walth . In tb e gan<Ia country th e ~ are g(lod Ind ia n stores. botb ut Kampl1/a and at Entebb . Th re are a lso Enlllsh Ilnd Italian morohants In both of th&lIe Uganda town s. Pl enty of rice and canned good s cnn be purchased for the presid ent's hunUn g t rip through Uganda to th e on go for est s. Tbere Is a 'rickshaw line bei ng established. for 1909, l\crODS the l ga uda nearly 300 miles to Lake Alber t Nyllnza. All the country abounds In gam and there are plenty ot "Ild guiu a fowl and plantain-eaters, bellitles abu ndance of partridges and 1llgeolls. Among the animals they will be abl" to shoot In th t ganda, ere the Speke's \tagelaph ( a wate r lovlng animal) 01 a . dark mouse-prown or cbestnut color, t'hiPaJlah a ntelope. Baker's roan antelope. the whlle·eared kob of 11nyoro, the IItelnbuck, thEl Duyker antelope of the unwood ed plains. These are some of the game which will provide tbe party "'Ith food on Its journey through Uganda. 1l Is said that the llrcsldent's party will need to \?ay $40 per day for eacb white man of tbe party. This, I think. Is an exaggeration. My friend Mr. Dut.kew lch and myself traveled very comfortably through most of the ' country over which the president IIi going and It did not cost us over $10 or $12 a day apiece. I sbould say then that $20 per day for oach of the white men of the party would be aml)le allowance, eVen If the price ot chickens went up to 16 cents apl eco, which they are very likely to do with such a distln/tulsbed party. Eggs ' may even attain the enormous price of three cents apiece, and potatoes may cost five cents per pou.nd. A good dell of the food w11l be lIuppUed by tb" native chiefs, who will expect rather. elaborate presents In return. But I reme mber receiving a very handsome goat from Sultan Sullma of the Wachagga tribe for Which, at tbe aldvlce of a German offioer I gave him three cans of cond ensed milk and a balf pound tin of Van Houten's cocoa. . Along the Nile there will be a steamer connection from Lake Albert to Khartoum, exce pt for a six days' marcb from Wadelnl to GOlldokoro. On this trip the re ought to be good antelope hunting. tlle re will be plenty of lions and hlpllollottunl and the president may even shoot an okapI. Tbls strange animal seemingly coming In between a zebra llDd a glra('[e Is eaten by the natives. But it w!ll 1I0t do for the president's party to depend on okupi meat for a six days' safari, since only one or two specimens of this animal have ever been seen by wbite men. Tbese, th en, are some of the means by wblch the purty ot Mr. Roosevelt wUl be red during bls year In Africa. There will be rice, chickeus, c,hutney, and some kind af rougb hread as the staple In tile camp for tbe white men. Greek bakers In Mornba!la now supply hunters with bags of hurd biscuit which are extremely good ullon the march . because insects cannot pIerc~ their Indurated surlace.

ERR O'R S M.A DE.. BY LIB R A RI AN S **'-----------------



_It ,



The librarian glanced at the card catalogue drawe r over whlcb the teache l' hall been poring, and smile d a superIor smile.

PI~~~d wo!~:~, ~~i~e~tones~~n~re~e~~:

"The Gold DlIg" lInller her arm, sbe left an enlightened but cres tfa llen II· brarlan . . Oddly enough, a mnte to an ec· dote com s. at almost the same limo from the othe r side of th e continent. The pl'eslde nt of a western womau'a, club, Irlso t,rllshlng up her know) dga of Po befol' e writing a papel' on his life sougbt at tlle local library (or tbai we'l rd tale of horror, "The Pit and the ,Pendu,l um," 'She was referred to' the ,card catalogue, and aci Vised to look under. "Me· chanlcs" or "Horology," -+ Youth'. Companion . .

"You'l'e looking utlder 'Fiction.' Turn to 'Entomolo'g y' and you won't . 1Jave any ' trouble.", ' : Srolllng ' In bel' ~urn, a dltrerent and more genial smile, the teacher turned, to ' ''Entomology,'' and there, IDde~d', ,duly 'Classified with learned work on L epidoptera imd Coleoptera, I\he found the uDsclentJOc put fasclnatlns InSect, To TI't{nl! Ownaelf, Be True, ' Invented by that mas,ter_ of myst'ellY Take, lt not grlevo.usly If 'some think t/lles, v(ho did not even ' kno"" that a III of thee, and ' speak , that tholl beetle Is Dot a bug. ' , wou14st , no~ :w llllngl, bear. Tboll it was almost too good a joke to ' oughteit ~ be the hareleat judie of spoU, ~ut , 1osb'ucU~ and '. CO~CtlOD thyaelf, and to tb;IDlt no one weaker become ' aeeopd nature' to a teacher; ' than th7l18lf, If thou deMIt Walk rigbt.ud, bNldea. there ~ ber 4at1 'to ,eo~1. ;thoQ wUt Dot lIUlob well' the pUblic. wlten all, departed 8eet11ll ~.-Thom.. a Kempl..









Uoltl nond Coupon free to all custo- ~i~t account.; harlel'l Ban,la, admin- .l l'8tl'ator of e tat of Martha J . MlIlmers. Do you save t6em? ' lJ tiut'r the' rhltt' of July I .. . 1 ~ , DAYT".. l~ n, d 'eailed , tll'St ahd finul U 'cPlInt; I th foil )\V illg is the 111$1 will li nd hall'le Banta, arlmin i It'ato l' of . . . t~t8n1t>nt f t.he lalE' Alf\'t~d Holtate (If Belhuel MIIII 11, d. c all b\'1)l1k: ' (I givt' lind hf'411eath to First uml fina l aC'counl; Ho. Milla l'(l my ~)t'I()v d · wif £11$011 Th mp Oil . FUIINIS ItINO,5. adm inist ratrix of' J ant> M. W"ight , Hulbl' ok wilh full affectinn and cond ru: ed, fi r t and fillRI a' oun t tid nc In hel' ab iding 10 e and d vo, Edg!ll' W. isl g uardiun ()f Mari( I~ liun all my good' and proper t.y now Read These \ onderful Bargains B. Ross, mi nor, fir ·t and final acin pos: eSl'ion 01' that .may come into count; Charl es A . affer ty , g-uardiun W pu rchas d at my pO!'lS s.-;ioll includ ng all household (~ f Neva A. "mne minor , fin;t unci a p cial price fUl'nitur ,bolJks picture, bri(,-a-brae fin al ac('o ull t; I". M Ham il ton J r concession the u tt:!IlRils, implemell nf everv kind su rplus st ck of xeclitor. of J ohn M. Lidd II: tl e~ also all moneys, bond nolE' othe; a well know n ceased, fll' ·t. and fi nal accou lI t ; J ohn New YOI'\.. cloth- Breen , ad llll niHl ratOl' of Ell n Bret'n oLligations, al 0 the ineome from t he ing manufactu rcopy wright f bl)oks of wh ich I am ' er. Th S s ui ts del:easeu , first and filial accou n t or II'Hiy be the autho l', al 'u al l I'igh~, are positively G org'e E. Young , adlllini ' I rill .. ,. pl'ivil ges or i llllllU lli I i t's th at may $12, $l ~:.!iO, $15 ~: ~ i la Edgington et al Adlllill - I belong to me at t he t illle of mv de•. "'..... ~c..- and $1 Suits. I s l~ator ol'd ered lo sell rea l slate at Bu t in thiR ~ I e private sa le. lIlis... , I give ami beq u~alh to my'wife . they all go for THE RELI(j(OUS C"~ no I)L"YE to own to hold and to use as he muy n the llIatt r of will vf Alfr~rl :'\ R picture ca rds In u pack, r "prestmling ;""""""",....,"'...." ,'....' ...' . "" . ' ........." ......~ 1 de~ire, I hereby appoint her my w le Holbrook , dec ased, \\ ill udmitlt:d . . ' tht:! numuer of nlllll l hs in 1\ YI.·ur, a nd ~ ~ executrix without bond 0 1' security. to probate, . " 'oldlel' uy t he IIjlm of on counting th t, tri ·ks. I fin d 1:3, t he igned- Alfred Holbrook " Estate of Andrew Band, deceased . I ee was taken before t he number of wet,ks in a quurle l·. So Eleventh accoullt fi led mag.lstl'ate of r.lasgow, Scotland f O I' you see a pa Ii uf ('ll nls ~it'l'\ es fol' u ~.. ~ and Common PI~us Court: Estate of J o eph E Monger de- pl aymg cards dUl'ing divine servi ces. Bi ble, an Almana(' a nd /I 'ol1l'Tlon , ~ ~ ceased. In ventory anu appraisem nt The ~CCO~lTIl of it is th us given in an fprayer Book." New Suits. filed . Eng hRh J tll'nal: A serg ant com. ---~~ ~ Rober t and J . E . Monger exec mand d the solt.l ier s at til church A pRin pl'A Acripti n n j" Pllllt.pd Ill· " = Phillips Hall , plain tiff vs, Lydia MAY SALE utors of Jo epR H . Monger d ' . amI wh en the par son hart read 250. box " f Dr. Shoop's Pluk e Randall and Lee R. Randall, defen· ' ecease pmy I" I > t k I e 1111) 1Ilbltltt'. A!'k VlIllr Ullctur II r ~ ~/ vs .. .S 1 00 t lE' text. Those who 1' Dru~gis tA if till!! 'nn'llnln II' not,l1. ml . ~ ~ Mary Olive Archdeacon et al. dants. Petition for money only . Furnishing Bargains t hem oUl; but t his pete. Pai n 1U'l1i Uil uong JI'I ti 00 , blood .. ;. Cause for ' action being promissory H t· UllB H O I.LA R - RIlgIII[lr llrl 'e IS PehtlOn to sell real est.ate filed. had . UIIlI . .. . . . . . .. .. 25c Same et for hearing for May 29 oldlepr had T1alther Bibl nor om- I Belad pllin ", WIlIIIUIII .v , 'lI note date July 9. 1897 calling for J G. Whi te, J.,ruardian of M mon !'aye r 0 k, and pulli ng out a ~ . IIll'" lRrfl gA t illl'l lun t rdifl l ~ ~ sumtof $375. Prayer made for res- ) I EN" wo nlO NIi NII1H TS-« 6C ami '~I'O('J.lhri~!,O It Jllnk ~ . I. ,H.·.. . .~. I,tI.Y......... 36c Wl' .lIlt~ e~ nl. vs. his wards arvyn et al. p~c"k 0 f cal'.d's h e s pread th In before fr A II('lDlDen I,.. r !'. Puin Taul " ' 1-10 II UI' . ~"I "I"I toration of same with interest. I'OLJCE C' I T PE ' DEUSDlst nbutlOn of proceecls of sale 01'- hl,m. He tit'st looked at one card .-Silvf"lwart', Hegullir 2~ d(\lIble bit k 12C dered. Court Proceedings. HUl<peJltl ers. M 'I Y Sale price..... and th n at ·another, Th e sergeant ENGLAND'S MANV DEER PARKS. ~~"' Cl ~' ~ William Masters vs. 'The J. E. Con- MEaud N'S NKO l lUEE Hrn'l'SI, of th e company saw him and saH' "I"I O,C.kS , .JeWelry, inU's,"I dlltachll<l cutTs: Hlze tlached H to M I & "I ley Co. Case settled and dismissed $ 1.00 10 SUO grade , ........ 63c arr age licenses. ' " Four Hundred ~117:..ySlilo»rlce . ........ . " Richar d ,pU t Up th " card; t his D t h of Th e m Are Sal. to ., Ch ams, ~t<.:., II New. ~ without record. '.,1 ":. t., x1 AN 'I'n;\w BAT. - Regular 21jO Thomas .A . Wood 28,' travell'n!1 IS no place for t hem." .0 t e LIttle ..~ , "~ JO!'lel?ch M. Wantz vs. John E. Dun.. .. . .. ... .. . 1 . . . . . . . salesman, Lebanon and Ethel " N ver mind t hat." said Richard. "A pn.l·k wllhuul a dl-'I'r," wl'ote Engraving a Spt'ciul ause compromised and set- MEN' STIFf HATS- eWIl8t blocksln Gowdy 30, Lebanon. Rev . George When t he ervices were over, the nl 'hfll'tl .r !!'rle!!, "Is Ilk n [III with· h am. · . d upon payment of black. tlUl and brown; $2.00 fide. E Gowdy. , " an Ismlsse May ale . ' constable took Richard prisoner, and Ollt a. ptdll!'''.'' Ilnd It I s BOlIlI'lhln.1C to , ~ ~ tied d d costs. • peel,,\...... .... ....... .. ... , Ellis Praler 29, machinist Kin ;"s bl'ough t him before t h M ' 11I10 W Ilull III i':nghu J(1 Ih.. 1' ul'e 400 S Raymond meld! vs . Thomas DI'laBoys' Knl' ckerbocker SUI'tS. M'll • "W e II" sal'd the Mayor, "ayor. pllI'ks conlllln lllg df' r: th at th ey liv er· pecludc u I 8 an d N ora May Lyons, 24, mill what hav nc:e hundr ti ll an d so me ot til m Ihou· ~ ~ tush . Parties agree upon settlement TWO WORLD BEATERS employee, Kings Mill . . broug h t the oldie'!," h re for? " ,'!luds of arres. a nd Ih :l t Yurksh lre, I and case is dismissed . Commissioners' Proceedings. For playing cards i11 the church ." Glotlcest('rsh ll' . lralfordshll' . Nor· Cyrus W. Younce vs Louisa Brant "Well, . soldier, what have you to thnnts and IJSSCX hllv mo rt! hlclo!\f'd et al. Leave is granted defendant to Bills- Warren County Appeal, say for yourself?" Innel n up to doer lllan (UIY otller lead bl k . COUll II s. "I P in thi! cause in 17 days. an s for probate judlfe, $4; Rug::Much, sir, 1 ~ope., ' There . Is Romp! hln g pe ult{lrly na. ~ Wuynes ville, Ohio. ~~ ' Brothers vs. Ed Baker. Save $2 to $2.50 during this glee-Gale Co., red ink, ,3; MiailJi Very good ; If not, 1 will punish 1\ nal ·obollt ollr cl e r parks, tOI' SOO.D ....." '......" ...""'''............, ......" ......''','.....,..... On consideration judgmentofplain- May Sale. Gazette,. ~Ianks for. clerk, ~6; Floyp you severely." ufl' r Ihe onqu !lt thl' barons II gnn to Poe, been" said th e soId ler ' , Inclose parks wIthin lind tiff in error is affirmed and plailltiff tMls wild f Arel.lglOU8 servIces at Infirmary " "I have '" to In 'llI<1e within Ih th m alltnrp!l accepts. ole 0 en or prll, $12 50; F . P. abol,1t.slx ?n t he march. I Rul lllll ts Ihat atilt' til n be secll red. .A L1' E R II C 'L U Ha1'.)'et C. vs. James Terry ten~ce of ho~ and vehlc~eS for have neIther BIble nor Common Prayf Ih !Ie the 2,600 a reB or Jlark at Funeral Uirector. at al. Court orders James Terry to April, $25; John Sharts. viewer anb ar Book. I have nothing but a pack · Erl?ge , Is lh on ly one rn 1I 11olled In take real estate in question at its ap4th and Main, Dayton 0 marker. Bunnelld road. $6; J . .M coi of cards nnd 1 hope to satisfy YOUl' ! DOl1lesday book 118 contalllln~ cleor 'sed I ' h' ' • theu lUI It do 8 now . T,'If'l llll oJit1 dIll' ' ·r "' /ol ll l. pral va ue and it is ordered to exover, viewer an cha~nman Bunne ,~ors Ip of the purity of my intenIn that now Rca; e book SII I • V IIl1tlv ph I''''' ' N ' .. I•• III • echl.mute. and deliver deed "fQr same to 1000 More May Sale road, $6; Sam D , Henkle, surveyo tlOn." Then spreading the cards be- "r;;lIgllsh Deer Parks." .8 Oi 1l 11lrW.l1 N.). 'tll/-'( ,' Bargains Bunnel road, $10; Lebanon Gas com, fore tJ'ie Mayor. he began with the lIlentlon c1 wlal ch uo loager contain Real Estate Transfers. pany, gas for jail, $285'; Lewis Broth- ace:"When I see 'the ace it reminds Ilee r, bu t slu' th at book was JllIbP WAYNESVILLE. OHIO. Celia St.John and husband to The era and company, ' freight drayage 'me that there is 'but 'one God When lI !lh kd In 1867 BflV61'ui pnrks have bee.n . , 76 c ta. D H II' ' , ' I th d . . . stoc d which d,lrl not then contaln Branch Office, HarvtiY8~urg, (' Senior Powder Company real estate ~n " . 0 mgsworth, bridge see e euce,.lt reminds me Of the d r. and Iher are olh rs In whf'cb f ! f.l" .... l' .l:;. ~ in Washinjfton tOWllship, $1. following accounts of estates: Marie rep81rs Turtlecr~k town.ship, $20.25; ~athe~ and Son. ·When I ee t,h" trey, t b deer hnv bl?en glv n' ull.-Londo. William H. Newport, executor to Miller. imbeCile, first, account; Jona- J. T Deardoff, vIewer and marker It r emmds me of the Father, on and pally Gr~ pblc. . WAVNESVILLE CHURCHf.". 1 t . When I see the fo ur,itA n ·1ndeflnlte Number. William T. Darlington real estate in than Oglesbee., deceased, first and Bunnell road, $6. Holy. Gho village of Springboro, $1. final account,' James Daly, deceased, If your S tomaoh- Heartor .. thetth four Evangelists Th I'C -y ur-old AnGr W WIIS In a KidneyslI femme th t s me h of d M M P ba first account; frank Spurling, de- are weak, try at 1~llst a few d a preac e, a , eWi a,rk, Luke .ratll r pel uluut !IIood, :lInd In order to Orthooc)x f '. d Ch ro te Court. ceased, final account; Charles D. ooly of . Dr. Shoop's and John. When I see the five it re- relllOl'e his custonuU'y good hllOlor his rl.c n s urcb. Estate of Albert Dill, deceased. Spurling, deceased final account' In. five or ten days only. the result' minds me of the wise virgins that hIm B)me pr served Sacond and I.: . l t d Charles D. Janney insane, second ac: wlllsorprise you A f~w cents will ) trimmed t heir l~rnps' there were ten b C, 'II wOIl d be a good ..~.~~ , 11l .~u II . II I 'hrl~~lan Io.odt),,~ot, , Iina a.c coun approve, ~hoevlperoomthee cost. ~nkdl here is why ! but five were wise a~d fiv~ w"'re fo()l~ 0;" ar ng a I\ervant. she said: . ' • . Ii. 01 . allowedandconfirmedandcourtfinds count; Clara W.' Sweeney, deceased, 8 so qUlo y Dr Shoop' . h d . .' ." , , .JennIe, pleas .glve Andrew abou.t estate fUlly administered. . first and final account. doesn't drug the , IS • . were ou t. When I see tOtfr strawberries.'" \ Hicksite Friends Church. 1 Estate of Charles Michenor, deIn matter estate of Wilson olate ~he Heart or Kidneys. Dr. the SIX, It remmds me that in six days ' Jenple pToc!!eded to tuUII1 the wish FiI'81 lIay MIIIHlu~. I ~ :Oll IA. ' 0 . ~'Ir ~ Oa, ' b . b I Shoop £ Restora.tive goe d ' t1 the Lord made h d ' h or h r m,lstress, and counted out the SIUQ~?Oo I.' II :01 " , Ill.' f unb Uay 1Il,,"lln07 I ' u a. w . . ceased. First account approved, al- K Ir y,lm eci e. Gua,rdian ordered the. weak and raUin 8 tree Ey to Wh eaven an eart ' be,r,rles: "~ne, two, Uiree, tour." • lowed and con' firmed. to sell bonds at par value at prl'vate organ . b Bslts own controlJin~' g nerves. 'nerve nch th ten see I want f1ve:' / protested Ihe child ' --th the seven h ' it reminds me &ltate of Henry Burns imbecile.' sale. these oerves fail, tbe depend: f a °tnh e setvent kdahY God rested "But your molher suld tour" ,. Christian Church. l ., Sool,,1 weil l First account approved, ;llowed and In matter of estate of . Stanley orga.ns must C?f neoessity fll1ter. rom e wor e had made, , ' . ' j "b' ru confirmed. deceased. C. .E Lewis, ap- ThIS PlaiDi/et vltlll trotb, olearly hallowed It. When I eight about tour: It replied : , :Ou p. In • 11130 folo!luvor

p 'r eserve your Post-Cards


by using


Coleman's Perfect Holder , Price, 25 Cents.


For sale at this office

I ~--"~-~~-~---------~---------..;.---_. . ' -


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The Jeweler '



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Estate of Ellison Snook, dec""".ed. pointed adml'nl'strator WI'th wl'll an- so tells ~hy r. Shoop's He8t9rative is ......, o~ivlers&IlV suooessfol. Its sucaccount nexedV.and of $4000 with oeS818 druggi&ts everywhere confirmed ... , approved, .allowed and John H. filed Lewisbond surety. to give I)adlng universal preference A ~_ test will 80 el t 11 S . . , .J:.atate of Co)'on Spence, deceased. In .t he matter of Edgar C. Martl'n' Dealers rye . old by ~ll Second and .final account approved, adjudged insane and entitled ' to ad. .... _ • allowed and confi,r med. mission to State Hospital in Dayton CHESTER &tate of Edgar L. Hazeltine, deIn matter of Edgar C. Martin, ceased . Third account approved, Insane. Alva Hill ap'p ointed guarChester Park, Cincinnati' gl'eatest allowed and confirmed. dian, Bond of $1000 filed. pleasure resort, is becoming better &tate of Wesley Spurling, deIn matte,r (If will of Stanley J. and better known to out of town ceased. First and final account ap- Lewis, Will admitted to probate. visitors each season . There are so proved, allowed and confirmed. In matter of W, P. Mounts, ad- many things to see there that there Estate of Isaac Jones, deceased. judged insane and application made is sure to be enjoyment for all the Fifth account approved , allowed and to admit him to State hospital at family at very little expense. There confirmlld. Dayton, are two ways of reaching Chester




S~b~~~~; ::.I~::!~tl~.':a~~;.',: r~ll. n~:;~lj~O:;'hU",1t


s~e. the

It reminds me were of thesaved eight when righteous persons . who God


Il ~ld

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. N.oah.and ' the world, v's:


hiS WIfe his three 'so ' . h' WIV"S th " . t . elr .'Wh I , "'ns , an .. . en see ~ mne It reminds me of the nine lepers cleansed by our Saviour. There 'were ninetha outksof the never ed Wh tenI that th t retu,rnn .. en see e en, it re~ mends me of the t en commandments which God handed down to Moses'on. the tables of stone. When 1 see the King, it .reminds me .of the Great King of Heaven. which is God AI. mighty. When I see 'the Queen it re-

A n db e



In~~~~~~IO S~h~l. ~~~o

' th.~ tlftb.


Me~hQdI8t It '


th~t ~ere ~ef




EpIscopal Chu ....b.


... A Moniter Loll. devil W. Glllllan(I , . Bakera l~ Gernlnny are fond ot Inak.· vleeu,010·',·j)O Cab.~ .; (I '~;!~W\lnr"hIUL' e:,"OrnlJ'" He~· b'Ing °dd exper,~ents, the following m. Eveolllg serVice, p. .gue ~ . 'MIII • ..!''' r .. " ";' '. 30 • 7 I1)0 h~ l.nJlg rePAorte.d tram Dulsburc in ·West. Pr \yer Meetln". 7 : JU 1/. Dl . ':' . a. . t a eh.lldren'B party recently -. an: ~~:~':!r~ownt tbere Waa exhIbited St~ Mary's Episcopal ChtiR:h. cu up pre~ent and dlltrlbuted ReI'. Suhool J . ~~. Clidwallader among. the youngstefl a t I unllay IHiU . Rector wblch tor alze at least has .ur~l r~ st 1"lce, 10 ;;)0 a . m. 'li:v~nlll:':r I~~rlllo,,' er· Iy been equaled. Weighing Holy ;ommunlOO UrJSl: SUlldliV Ihan 180 pounds. It had a breadth mout . . . 3 20 otm 1 . St. AugustIne's Catholic Church to supply a satisfactory c ellt M Father Ueurgl! /o1l\venbodtlr P3Hlor • collation to as many aa 600 bo 9 :000. I!clf,ul i'i lllld,l \' yr th e Illn"lha t g!rls.-Bakers Weekly. . 1 &Qd .

;~~er~,e~e:: ;~: t~usl~f!~~bd


n~ ~re. , e~~





a~ !~. I!rv

Estate of John Christian WillenEstate of Joseph S , Riddel de- from the city. Any car from any of minds me of the Queen of Sheba, who burg. First and final ac- ceased. Proof of publication no- the depots will transfer passengl3rs visited Solomon , for 'she was as wise count approved. allowed and con- lice of appeintment filed. free to Clark St or the Avondale and a woman as he wru a man. She firmed. Estate of Ellen Bran, deceased . Winton Place lines, all of which go brought with her fifty boy and fifty Estate of Benjamin Kell, deceased. First and final account filed. to the Che'lter gates. The two latter ' girls all dressed in \:Joys' apparel, for Fourth account approved. allowed Estate of John M. Liddle, dece~. r~utes takes on~ through Cincinna- King Solomon to tell which were boys and confirmed. First and final account filed. tJ .8 most beautiful suburbs, giving and which were girls. The King sent ' Estatp.s .f or settlement: John R: i'hmpses ~f th~ palatial homes of for water fo r them to wash. The ,Estate of John V. Jack, deceased First account approved, allowed and Mulford guardian of Elizabeth M the wealthIest CItizens; of Eden Park, girls washed to the elbows, the .boys 6bUJI Tick Burch, imbecile, first and final ac- the Art Museum, Art School, ' the ~:~.~;WI:ist; RO J{ing Solomon told by II Ji.r. '1,.. onl~ l~ur ~, the numerou. kInd. .,.n.It~. thlt confirmed . V!! on dO~"tlc ' .nlm!I. · and reduce the ownera' profitt. Estate of Marion A. Ross. minor. count; Charlea Jones and Charles «reat public playground at Hunt c;<r HYGENO Itllil theee Ind III oth.l'I~ First and final account filed. Schnell, execut~r of Amanda M Street. Park, Rookwood Pottery. the II Well "said the .Mayo!'. "you have Cure. ·ltch. , mlnlre and other .kln -~ ..... --~. . U...••'I ~ d fl " Keep. ....... In the matter of the will of Joltn Schnell, second account; William H exclUSive apartment houses wher:~ describe~ eVery ca't:d in the pack ex- In ou odors, file •• WIY. It I. I wonderful 001II ~ iI"Jn'ect!l~t, .nd In I\ldltlon 10 b~lnlr I .toCk dip It "aI S Van Horn, deceased. Widow Allen and Aaron B Chandler,' execu- five room flats rent for $100 a month, .cept one, " .. . n~mero·u. hou.eho!d. u&e., . . '11 th A d I If What I'S' that?" tors of Joel Evans, first account; D. .e n~w von a e Public School el ec ts t 0 tak e. un d er WI ., or ~ta~of VIOI.a Edin~t~n, deceased W . Humphreys administrator of houee, the finest in America and !.he ~na~e," :mid the Mar , . Inventory and appral.semellt filed Jo~n R . Kibbey, second account; many oth~r features The Clark , I. WIll &:Ive yo~r honor a d~crip- . In the matter of the assignment of Edna Moery, administrator of Fre::l. Street. route . passes .t hrough I the tJon of that too, ~f'you will not ge~ . Nannie R. .Eagle 'and W .. Moery, first and final acc(lunt ; b.usy o(the ', ,: " " .' . ". ' ' , -For Ale I?y.. or. Howard W. administrator of cl.ty and · the '1 \\1111 . !I!lld ' the Mayor. • if ,C.' .. O.H''Y .d,er.ed . t.o set per:sonal Mary.E. Hopkins, J irst .. . :.' WayneiVU!e;'!:)Wo. " , . . propert! . ... .. W.lvins ,.. tlnal .. .:... ' In ..matte.r .of assIgnment tor of Mary R, Frost, tlrst. an4 final . A.. '. 881 Eagle Court account;. Walter Wliitakcr- and ' ReGeneral ', 'the ... ' do. not k,Dow; ... ·, d. tile M"ayor, ·r~4v~ent. of .we of chattel be,ccaL . Whitaker, ~xeCutOr o~ W. State. ' A,r~~~, .Leagut! · B~e .. ~alJ .If, he , I~ .~h~- lfr~at~~'knil~e, b~t' l , proP,ertY .~tendmr tlme.o~ .credit of' ·T. Whltaker.'ftrst ~cou\')t; -J ohn ,C. .Pa~k, ~e Immense stock yar~. and' k~~W li,e-IS tli~ ,reatest fop.1 ." '. ',: . Hawke,_ administrator. of Walter T A-battolr, . ~tc ;etc. Qhester open~ .· , W:h!'rl.r cou~t how~ m~y ~PQta~ . note to"lUl~ry 1, 1910. , . . f?etate of,Neva A. Crane minor. Pugh, deceased, first account'.John ~~y 8tl) wlth scores of oew ' fea~!1res there are tn ' a ~~ck of. cards, I find . 'l1l1rd and final account fiJed~ DiQnars, tj-ustee of Alice Ditmat!, and llmuseme~t d~vi.c~.never ~efore 366, as manl, days ~ . tHete _... lR ",Il On th.~th. d&l' .of April the court iin~ile, . firSt .account; Jqhn Dit- seen. ,_ _ _ _ _ . , . year., When ·J ~ountthe:~nl1n~' of ~roved, al'owed ~~co~rmed the mars, Itllardian of Alice DitrDars The ~tte· · .al f ' 11 . . ~ in.• ~, HJ~d ~2# the number '







~#tp; Gets Them All 0'

G~rge ·


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,,:...~ .~.

ani:lfinal 'ac~ ~mc~ln~dWashmgtonPilrks J.:>e~u-,!p~e~obe,t~ekna.veP




Sp~m~ Grove"c.~~eter~, M~sici 'li~e' grea.~st·knave.that-~.~o~,of ~~~~::;';!~:!"~i~-~':"r:§"'\~'.~.,.~'~'=*~~~~~;~:~~ lI~l, -. G ~. M~morlal ~ui1djng:,· 'ls,~~~coD!Jtablet~a.~~ro~gJit.meher~: r"'~~~r~~;j0~~~~-r:..~.~" ~. ~~;==:=~~!::, t~e ~incmnatl








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O(W~iri • fear. Jlind,tti~re'~ ~2 ~~~~~~~0-~"~~~~;;~~';:;~~~J




T IE ~ 1I\>' llIlIe.1


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MIAMI GAZETTE II ",1': h '" vll l c . Oil..

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A 1. ', 1,: , ' '1'1':1, ':: 1' 11 0 I:: _________ II_A _ •. I_ , _ N'_I,_II:.

~ V.-h-GRANE.








. Th e demand for earnes e weR rtl:ined effit!l e l:l t teth:hers was never '. 1' Mer than it is to-day 1'~achers ,, 1111 ,u'e not m~I' Iy lime flervers and V )J'king just fo r the money that is in it

~ Good Painter with Poor ~aint lets :Poor Retults Nothi,ng in nat~re is so terrifying as,the hghtntng , Bask with its crash APoor Palnt~r with Oood Paint gets Better Results \.If thunder ThIS greatest of human fears. ha:' not been I~ned by our learnl~g how to ~andle powerful But a good Qalnter with electncal currents m taJ - C()n<ll-tW-+I--=-=---- · -


panna's Glccn Scal Pal'nt \

1~!i:of.~~~C !~O:I~~:in~h~Pg~~a!~~ ~;~'~eu;r~:I;fdi~i~S:~~ eb~U!~~:~ti

Editor and Man agel Ratt!K of Subllcrilltion need is an effi cient teacher for every u h( I I tint' y " ,,. •• l rl, 'll v ' n ",11" "":" 1 I till .,C JU ·OU IIl . . ~lIIl/h' \ '''1':1' \ ,1Ir. The lIu(Jply of lh :rig ht kind has - - - - - -________ Il l.v",r elJuail ed t ht! dent nnd lIO that "'li ny l"al:ht: /'ll of JIIe tiium llnd poor . f ' been l(~a')l ll t ':,w," ' . IW' II., ~ r" t!lIul).Hllent have 0 necessity n,,:lIlIlIu ),,"al . : It l,... k I ;..:~. Iwr II "., lUI' ~mployed to supply the !>Chao Is, t ')II~slll~d :-\ tls: ""' 10 " xc" I.:' l1 li n- lint'. Bu t teachers and those aspiring to 'l'hrct' IIlHl:n lllll" : :!fir h' h hI of II II' ' OlJ ll uarl ",,: rl\: ~ In c h,," r t'~l' : ol' <: r rive t IS t e no est a ca mgs owe It III C ht'~ , IIH li n!! 'Jl' to themselves 'and to the cause to ( 'a rd u f lhu ll k. : 2:-,c make the :best preparation possible R l" " ' u lllllls r,o for their work SOci a ls c l lJ, w h.rl: "IJUri!! \.. OIadr :::,r Tbe summe.: schools offel' the easiOl spl a v AlI vrrU. lolI, per In c h Ille lest and mOlJt economical way to train__ ll_' MC_" _UI_IlK _ I!I_"P_"_o_" _ 'o'_ II_ r:l_CI_: _ _ ing to the average teacher : And to the rural teachers of Warren and =-==W=I£=D="=F.=,S=O=A=V=,=A=P=R= ~ '='='111=',=I=O=Of=',= ot~er counties I believe that our old

p 'Ecal tlon, ~f' t~IS kndOWled gb , h IS pro uced y t e co nd ectrlclty " . ensal~on of watery vapor of a cloud tnto ram d:rops, When thed.l·~ps be , come hfe aVllY }c harged helectrlcflty e! ·f cap!!::! rum t lem to t e sur ace 0 th: ,clo~lI, Only ~ pa~t of the e,lect~IClty 10 a cloud I S dIscharged In a smgle flash. Th ' I t ' 't ' f th tat' t dIS e ec, n~1 y IS 0 , es IC ~r ma e by frictIOn- ~ac~m~ Its diScharge, always osclllatmg m charac~er, com~ as ~ tre~endo~s blow, 80 Its behavlol' l,n ,a ~1re dIffers from that of electrICity from a dynamo . T H E STROK E,

can produce results in every way satisfactory.

GREEN SEAL PAINT will g o furth er, wear longer, look better, and actually save the consumer 15 to 250/0 on a job of painting.

I .J J E •



.AL I: n

anney, W a ynesville, 0


: _ ' -_ _iItlIi._ _ _ _ _ _ _.....

Uni"~~~~~~nwill~~mo~ . The ~u~~ cl~~, ~ual~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again trll ct ion talk is assuming reaI benefi t for the time and money ch~g~ WIth pO,sl.bve electrlc~ty A rod of but 117 pounds weight to I

than: any of them , ~hlCh, ~nd~ces a rlsm, of negative Lobbied and cheated out of state e ectrlclty 10 all conductors extend· 'd t}' th P t N " I f ingfrorntheearth below it, If the ai, ll!cl e aren urrna 0 : America continues to live and flour. conductors are metal and have sharp ish despite the prophecies of rivals point~, or trees full of sap and leaves, Alfred Holbrook is dead but the they give o~ "brushes" of electricity educational ideals the plans and sys· :-vhich neutralize th~ str~ss above tem of Holbrook still live in the lives them and prevent a hghtnmg stroke, Th' ' h ' ffi f and work of thousands of old NorIS IS t e mo~t Important 0 ce 0 a " ' mahtes, AB time goes on the real rIg btmng rod . grea tness of that little old man will Franklin in 1755 wrote to an Engl~h shine out more brightly. His school scientist , "Wherever my opinion is Rhould 'live, It deserves appropriain Europe, is contion from the state funds . But is 81dered but the probabahty of od ' k h" these not asking for it, It asks only for r s preventmg a stro e; t elr constudents. And to the county teach- ducting a 'stroke which they may er especcially does it offer something happen not to prevent, seems to be they clln not get elsewhere. totally for&,otten, though of equal , tan d d ta" The teacher that goes from our Impor . ce an a van ge , country schools to one of our heavily Brother Potamian. physicist in t~e endowed state normals and takes the ~anhattalnl ~lItC&'he'ElNew, Yalerk, saldld normal training work, ill given a large In an art c e In e ectrlc wor, ~u~ce to say, though, all the peo- class of city children with city school " The rod no more 'attracts' light. I 1 pea ong the proposed line are w8it~ equipment, :is given 40 minutes to ning than a drain.pipe attracts a in&' anxiously for Something definite one. hour for the recitation and is downpour." to base their hopes on. tl'llin~ in developing the lesson for THE METALS FOR CONDUC'lOBS _ _ _•• _ .. such children and such cond'tion8' ,: _ . , . Rod d f . s are rna e : rom•• ~opper, Iron OHIO'SSUNOAY.SCHOOI. WORLD condItions ~ntlrely foreIgn to the kind of work she will &,0 back to in or 8teel ' The conduotlVlty of copper , OhIO'S Sunday-school world , con. the country. She wants to kriow for el~tricity is seven times that of sisting of more than ~,OOO Sunday how to arrange a daily program for sted. This makes it more valuable Schools and a million members, is eight grades with twenty to thir· for that important fURction of a rod, , now focussing its gaze on the great t ty-ftve ,classes a day. She wants to giving ' off negative electricity to Gold~n Jubilee State Sunday School kno,! how to get the moat out oh avert,a ,stroke. But when a stro~e Convention to be held at Sprineiield seven minute - recitation : in geo&'l'll comes tb~ superior conductivity is a on Tuesd~y, ' Wedn~ay arid Thu"; phy or iIome other study, She wanta disadvantage for the electricity surgday, J ',lne 8, 9, 10, to. know how to interest the country es in the rod and is likely to &'ive off .proportions that may amount to ' . b . met h lUg, utthesetalks al'eso Uli l tI ne un a person wonders wha t it , will amount to, The uthwestern Ohio fraction Cam pan nlade J"pplication for 'd " : an e Ievat eo api transIt line from ' . , Cmcmnatl to ~ orwood and bv thilJ means the rOb from ~banon can get into Cincinnati in a better shape, and induces the promoters of t he b ) 'me to get on Xenl'a and L e anon h' h : t elr arnass and promulgate the much-talked-of extension The heads of this line are reticent about giving out information and it is hard to conjecture what witi be the outcome of it .




all I



a thousand feet must be near the · , . H.E.HATHAWAY danger line in lightness for we Undertaker and E b I I " m a mer. om \Ys ,Y'lesrllle'aLelldiDg Dentlst know that In many cases in which I K B stock ~ killed near a wire fence, the Will be found In t he old I ce n eys Idg, Main at wir" carrying the heat, and copper Bank Building, opposite is melted by less beat than iron. It ~::~~~oi~II.~::ek~nd of, gd Imm£dlate relld from is claimed that a woven wire copper floe where I oan be oalled Dr. Shoop's ~tlc Ointment cable is not liable to be melted beday or night. cause its large open surface promotes Va.lley :Pbone 14-2. ,""''''' ...,'''' ... , ...... ,'''' ...~ , ...... ...' ... ...'" cooling. The time it has in which to Main Street, Waynellvilla, Ohio f ...~ ~"~ '+ '.~. ..~,''''.....~''''''''' ..+~ cool, to avoid being melted by the ~====~~~~~~~==~~: rush of lightning. is about one-hun· ! dred-thousandth part of a • J And that is a good dea l • ~",!~,""L"'+." I"' _._ wink," W. S. RoGERS, • State Fire Marshal. • - • e A book on Rbeomatl8m. lind a. trial $' treatment of Dr. Shoop'8 Rheumatlo Remed1-lIqoid or Tablets-is heloR : leo' free to 80ft'erer8 by Dr. Shoop, All kinds of Stone, Brick and . of Raolne, Wie. You that ~re well Cement Work. """ :Oregonia, - :. Ohio " get thl8: book for eomlt dieoooraged . ' disheartened sofferer I Do a 8lmpl~ Cement Walks and Floors .8 1'Ik""",,,,,,,,,,,,.. ,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,~,.,,.: aot of humanity I Poiut oot thi. S laity 6c t IOc ........ + '...'+++ ... '+~· '...' way to Iqoiok and oertatn : relief I pee, 0 per Sorpri8e 80me 8offerer, by fir8t Ket. square foot 81~ PlJOd In !IO minu tes from me tbe booklet _nd the All work guaranteed. lIure with n r. Shoo.J>'g Croup Rem y, One :88, Be will atPreoiate your ald. t.e8t Will 8 ur:fy prove, bold by All Delllers. No vomi ting, DO dis, _ e _ .. e- _ _ tren. A sat. !lnll pllllUllna sy rQ~, Druaaistlt, DEPARTMENT OF AORICULTURR : " : . The followin&, report representl 'II• • • • • • • • • • •rI Subscribe for the G&zette the estimated area and condition of ~~!"'!!!!"'!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!~~~!"'!!!~~~~!"'!!!!!!!!!!!~ the crope named, as cemputed from th~ ~tUl'lJS receiv.edfrom the.official correspondents of the Department: Wheat'. prospect compared with an av~age 66 per cent; barley, total





! D. HolJI·ngsw th,.".i




Give Mea Call

or "'* .


! '

G aI ener A · uctloneer.




Mas teO rs Rapt-d Plant Setter

~8~~tsenp~~~~~p~~~~~a~n~~~~ft~~ - ~~~~~~W~~~~~~~~rn~~~~~~~~~~~-----~ ~iltoo~~fi c ~~.lliro~~L try and' farm, so that they will not time, far a rod to ~ard off a stroke: thissprin&" 72 per cent; rye. prospect Its conical jaws are made of heavy sheet s~l

the' cOnvention are: ' Dr, H. :M Hamill, of Nashville, Tenn. (te""'h.... ing, teacher· training and missions); Dr Henry Frederick Cape Chic8&'0 (principles of education); Dr Edgar W. Work, New York (Bible); : BUlh Cork, Chicago (visitation); Rev W C. Merritt, Tacoma, Wash (internationall wurk); Dr. Franklin McElfresh Chicago (reli&,ious : education); Miss Nannie Lee-F'rayser, . Louisville, Ky. (pedqo&'Y and junior work)' Mis.'1 Lucy G, Stock, f.olu,nbu8 (ele';'euta ry); ~r W: G. Landes, Philadelphia, , Pa . (administration ' and intermedl. ate); ~erber~ Moninger, Ci~cinnati (teacher-train in&' : and ad~lt); Ik HowarcL~u~l1, Columbus (temperanee}; Dr Craig, Cleveland (reforms) Dr. S ~, Waltz, Louisville, Ky (princ[ples); Rev . B, F. Rhoades. ABhland (adult class); Prof. E, O. Excell. Chicaa-o (music). : Three special sessions on the work of the Elementary Grades. Several special features of thrilling interest, including an Adult Class , Demonstration and ' parade ' ar~ planJl~ in the pl'l>gram •. : Prohams ready. after May 1st, ":oh" S : daySch lA~~e~' APP1y' to 10 un ?O t1ZIZIU\:lation,: 79, 'Ru&,gery Bldg., Columbus. Ohio. : '

be loncrincr • • for the strenuous life of the city. '. : Tbe bulk of the revenues that are appropriated by the stai, for our state normals comes f rom the .farmerst What are they gettin&' in retum? Selme ofthese aays the farmers are going to be heard in their d~ mand for something in tnese IlPPropriations that will give better schools and teachers for the bo)'8 and on the,:f aims, or else there will be a ti&'h~n~g of the purse strings ~ward8 these ,more favored school8. But Lebanon . University withou.t state aid.offers much that will benefit o~r country :teacpers. See Prett: Poe ahd find :out a~ut cl888e8 expense. ] hope WaYne township will be well repr:esented at the Old Nor· mal th~ summer: C. E, BRATTEN. Supt Wayne TowDsliip Schools, . ' - .. Won't Slight II Oood Friend. "It ever I Dee ' d a ooug'h m edl 0 Ine again 1 know wbat to get," deolare8 M...: A. L. Alley of Beal8, Me', "to!, andr uslog ten bottles of Dr. King. New Dilloovery,:andlleelng:lbezoel. 'eo& ,reluhs In my. own family and ,therA, I am coQvinoed i' I, 'the hest medlolne made tor Oooghe Colda ,,' .: . 1, : . -' , 'J:nc)\ung ' rollble'·' Evel'y :o~ewho . ~ ' KWs :to stop. the Fiend. tries it teels Jus, r.ha.t way : Relt~f, 'l'lle :.orRt foe'fo i:i·,,;ea:... 'Of Jbho Is ff(ll~ ~t ~~oa .. nd " til qotok ('ore : '. ,,:' '} . • r 01 i "Qrprh~~ you. :I!'or lironobttl8, A8, De1~, pt, ~ ~;dW,l.n, M ~~h, j a roo : t,bm8 ~ Hemorrbage, Croup. LttGrlpPfl ninllt or~. ·, ae ,~'C:l:, dOOIOI'8., over: ~f)re Tbrollt, p inJ'l obeet or loug.. ~~.oo .tthop.t, bi!l~efH. ,'l!ben: Book WtI supreme 500 lind '1 :00. 'iTla) lens" "a~l.~,:"kUJ~d t,bo, nloer: bottle free. Goarllnteed by Fred Co' '. : a~d oured .;h. ll;!1. "' (i~ .. el,d~6ve".1' Sor e8, sChwartz ' .Sol!", relootl,:-JilozrmR:, ,:~" It, ,nbe~m · • • _ • ~~t.Ulble f(\r PtljllI, .' BUrDtI, tkllldli, BEAUTIFUL POST CAR.O"S:" Out., Uor:DII. '25:0 aU': : u., ~b'wtlrt,z·r '. " "" :, .





because of the rapId approach of a ~Ioud, the grea~r resistance of steel as an advantage 10 that it damps out the vibrations sooner, rendering the ft~ 81~wer ,and there~or~ lest ex. J)IOSlve. AsIde from tblsateel is leas liabl, to acciden~. Eaeh of the manufacturers who produce an-assortment of rods makes one of plvanizeclsteel covered with copper, ~ combine the greJiter. resistance of s~r with toe ~igher cond~ctivity of copper The ,instructions of the French Gov~rnment say that no square ~ of steelaslar&,e aa three-fifths of an inch has ever been.-fUsed by U&,htnin&,-9quare bars being used in that country : :: THE NEEDED WEIGHT. . The greatest scientific writer on thi8 :subject in G1rmany, a cQuntry in which there is government inspe~ qon of all rods each sprinl, ' 88yS a copper h'rd 'rod: should . not : be . less than ona-t I ·of an lnch 80hd , Sueh~ a:~ would weigh 187 pounds ~ the thousand feet. Many of the copper rods n9w in use are made of • a:n~ber of Wires and weigh but 147 pounds to the th~usand feet. Onerodinthemarketwei&,hsbut117 pounds to:the thousand feet, but we have no reports of any :of them be· .• ing melted by t~~ conversIon of energy in,t o heat. ~ :~~~:*~!!!!!'=~:-'""!""'~=-==~=

com-a.....l O'e, ' 74 per veu su with an ave....._ cent; oats, area for 1908 as returned by townshio, 1,271,886 acres; clover, average:date of seeding, March 25th; horses, 'losses during winter and spring, 1.7 per cent; cattle, losses duriO&' . winter and spring, 1.4 per cent; sheep, losses during winter and IIpriO&', 2.7 percent; hogs, 1088e8 durin&, winter and spring. 2.. 3 per cent; berries, prospect compared With an aver~ 84 per cent. The present wheat prospect shows a sligbfimprovement since the issuJUlce:of the April report, being now estimated at 66 per cent compared \


. : . ,: " : ' "..' : "



No Stooping When Using, Therefore No Lame Backs. All kindS of Plants, such as Cubbage, Tobacco, Tomat oes,!.. Cauliflowe r, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, :::;ugar Beets, etc., are set in water and c9vered at one operBttion. The plant roots are put doWQ to: the proper depth below the surface where t he ground is cool and damp. You never have to wait fo r a ehowet:; plaJlta may be safely !¥It out when large enough, regard· of the weather- no matter how dry and dusty ~----~~rrm~ maybe. .


per cent which was reported one month ago. The 'p rospect varies I &,:reatly over the state, ranging from 18 per cent in Warren county, to 101 per cent reported from Brown county, hi thirty-two counties the estimated prospect is be10w 60 per cent. A large acreage of clover has been


seeded Berry prospects are estimated at 84 p~r cent compared with an average. Li\fe stock generally in good condition, with no unusual losses during the winter and spring.

U':earl' s :lfien::gth.

and main body or plate. water rThe eservoir plant tubethe of heavy tinned wat erana valve is of brass with rubber packing . The valve rod and trip spring are of steel wire; thumb button and other fittings are also of brass, The machine is well put together:wit h rivets and solder and should last for years.

.. ~

CHARITY OF LITTLE , New · Yotk Health Comml .. lone, : Mak" Motal of Incident.

Every r,mer ,Dd Truck Grower

~:Idm~~~e ~"th

very little practice can easily set out : 7,000 to . 10,000 plants each day . Our planter maintains a record of over 998 :plants to &,row from each 1,000 set. MONEY REFUNDED IN CASETmS PLAN,];ER FAILS TO DO ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT, Weight, 4X Ibs. This planter will save its cost a dozen times over in a season for replanting and for use af the ends of the r ow, whereyou ,can't use the horse-setter, " For sale by A. B. Sides and , • . F. W . Wadsworth. These setters can be seen at A. B. Sides' stOre at any time ...41

Prlece $3 75'



for the \blngs, Then, I me rl\bl gOQd 1l1la\ltl~l. but tM be/a:AII PRESCRIPTION FOR NERVOUS acknowledge. 1 was at a 101,ls. 'rhe Iy virtu of pl'ud nCIe was Dot amons M EN AND WOM EN-iRY IT sholllJl a n, uI\denly hanglng ,hill tone, '1'II1t-un I. ' ow ~nderstnn~: Your . rl d out ,to niy omparilon: pOSition In the co I(p\t Is that or hll Th Irnpnlnn t' lit t th n CI'\'tlllR forc e " Mr. ' Giles .. orn en, I I' .memb r the hnt, ' In I'Mt, ~' Oh will take th bat'I, In ll,I Qll and w JU n Is Orst tnllu!fostoli Ins r fOr you hI' ugb h ,)' hought Illnc "- whl h I found to be tl,'11 • ant! by 'xt I' 1I1 ' lIE'l'v'ollsn i'sH, 111111'1'1'sllll es8! u ar a boa.t! ~ and pnid with tb fore- I was nil d to a count very doy ror r(;' atl . \i'orry a 'ill Illlx!<'l wllhou t I' fl· sail, ns YOll g nllemon of ttl ea call some pnr~ or t he conti u t of Adn, 1ra I nn. tl'l' llI hlill' It' lb l' 11ll1ld~ nllli IInrlls , Farmers nf the East, 'AS Well as the West, ReaU~e ImporIt. I ,,,IU not be don this lim , I as- l-Ia' I,shaw, al tbough 1 did not s bltlJ with III slig ht est xel'lioll, IWlll't 1111 1, tance oC Its Value and Turn to Its Cultivation:'" sur )'ou," twl in the w do , pH"1 iOo , \.<lllstipallo n, kldnp), tl'olll1l n, By Charles B. Wing. At Gllcs V ruon promptly drew Mr, Buxton , our first II ut nant. was I1 MI, n P ' lwl'lll Inability 10 !l et rulluu .....~I-thiri;=~~r.~iIct . did not disturb the (l fin om r, aud c I brat d for IIcltIllh' at nil li mos ns ulll I'S with II !lith sllopl11an In lhe least, as I round out Ing mid s hipmen In to s hape; and if I In 'lI1\ll r bOllle;; rio, afterward; young g nllcmen of Giles' I ('nrn d my duly quickl y b e, ruther Tn a haIr pint boll I ge t Ihr Olllle II age and I'ank, In Port smouth . dr(lw . than I, d e~c rr e s th e cr dlt. or SY I'III' snnHllllll'llIa cnllIflOlIllu nnd th Ir swords wh l'no\'er they could not nl\() to thi s mIll (lIllie cOlllpoUJlll f1ul ll M~' xpel'l e nce ·r olhe r s hips con· c.fthe draw their pUrs s, Dut I was very vinces m th:lt the junior! In thc Ajax holm \\'(\ r t. U1111 "-t st n t1 d I wo hOIl 1'1>; unbapp)', not ou Gil >s' account, but on weI' th 11 g l (1 11 (lIIIIC'1) compound CHS IIC t) I v r r 1I0ws; but II II V r· that or the poor shopman , whom I ex- the m, H hRd, how ver, anoth r vir· c:lnllol, nnll 011 0 OU ll e 1IllClll r!' Clldo, pected to see weltering In his blood , tu in a hl glJ clog l'eo-a dal'lng and lIl en COlllpOll lll1 InCit "lIl'lllImOI11) ; mix Aft r II. wordy war. Giles le ft tbe shop, 11I\'lnclbl nil I ,,(,lhl'l', f< h a k ll ", ('illIlld lal(l' 1\ WIlolll'age, That, and his , taking me wi th him , a ud menacing _marln ss as an o nI 0 1'. made Mr. sPOOI;rlll uri I' IIch III 'nl li nd on ' III 1'6lhe shopman. ,In case th purohases J luxton hi s frl nl! , and cau 'ed many 01'111', had ordered did n ot corne aboard the of hi s IJ ccaclillo s to be overlook d, UNPLEASANT OUTLOOK. Ajax that night, The fact that a~ 19 Giles Vornon I thought It wise to s uggest thlH I was st ili on ly a midshipman mado me should now go aboard, as It was well think tb at ho was wll hout rortune or By on to tbpee o'clock Giles agr ed with Innu cll cc ; but I was soon nllghtened me. I had forgotten to aalt him what 011 the subj ct, thougb n ot by him , 110 MOLLY ElliOT SEAWELL ship he was aUached to, but It sud· was the dis tant cousin and he ir of Sir denly occul'1'od 10 me that be. too, Tbomn s Ve rn on of Vernon court, nea r (Ooprr1ll b l., Dobbl'Alerrlll 00.) mi ght be In th Ajax, and 1 as l(ell him , Yorlf, and of Gros venor sqllare, Lon· Alfalfa Harvest on Ohio Farm, Imagine my deligh t when he said yes, don, 'rhl s mall was g ne rally Bpol,en SYNOPSIS. "But If the admiral doeR not be· of as th e wicked Sir Thomas, and 8 For genernLions men have watched because these solis are extremely rich At H }' /Irs of al;e Admiral Si r Pete r have hlma If be lter," he add ed. "ami mortal hatr d s lI bslsted b twe n him this plant ami have realized its Im- In ' d posits of lim e ; thal lhe reollon R8wl{ohaw'o neph ew l e ll deeply In 10\' "I hopo It don't I'aln: It'll tnke aT If the captain doos not ask m to diu· Rnd his hell-, Gil es had been cRughl JlOl·tnn e, They have seen Its t.J.~ wby certa in portions of Ohio. for In. I t Or-lit sight with L a dy Arab n~ 810rner oftene r than he hns 11 on doing trying to Induce the money sbnrks to mendous yields west of tbe Missouri stance. Hllcce tl ns we ll ns they do, fl BtUI' h out ur my dl'p!;s," !'lonl, wh spurn d hIs attentions, 'I'll lad, an orphan, ,W1I8 given 11 b rth lUI mtd- lately, I shnll pref l' charges against "Yes nnd It mllw se s yo u In 'lou r tnke hi s postoblts; but as Sir Thomas 1'1\'01" lind In the arid state, lind many Is that th e soil lh re Is , also heav ily Ihlpman 011 the Ajo..x by ' his un~ l e , Giles Vernon, nepll w 01 Sir Thomas Vernon, both of th m. I becu ass llI'od was not yet 50 years of ag • and It was rarmers realizing Its value bave tried chUl'ged with IImc. This ract Is IJ)rne bus t U;'CS!:I she'll tlll(O de s tarclyout b\l'~Qm e the boy'll pal. by the lord In admiralty Ihat any re- Quite poss ib le tha t' h e should marry. to gro w It In the eastern and central out by many Ullngs that \'T O WOUld' of rou!" . quelt of mine will be regarded as an th e onl y result was to fnn th · flame of states, Unfor tunately. 5001e portions like to e numcrat , but ",e 'Will me n. CHAPTfC:R I,-Contlnued. CURED ITCHING HUI~OR. I Now, the peculla.r clrcumslances of order by them, and I shall r quest that animosity be twe n blm and bls hel l', or lhe co untry are not naturally adapt- lion on. In ollr own counfy nl{nlfa I Admiral Hawlrshaw Bnd Capt. Glulwithout ,Gil s ' gettlug a shilling, The ed to gro wing tbls- plant. and there Is growing wild for many m\los Idons Big, Piilt\fu l Swellings Broke and Old my bringing-up bad glvell · me n rlrord be relieved or their commands," noxt hei r to Giles was another ousln, hAve b cn ma ny failures, which have the railroad t.racks, Scclt~n men dlcul~us , haughtiness-for B tty Green Not cal-suffi,d ::; Years. By thnt time we llad reached the re mote from both him nnd Sir Tbomas, discoUl'86ed the farm e rs. Wo are glad complaIn llitt rly of It, say ing thal It had Dever ceased to tmplol'e me to r ' wat ~r and lh reo stepping inlo a sple none Cap. Phllil) Ov rtotl ot the to note now. hQwever. lhat sclentlnc seerus impossible to kill It. Whon we mem'bel' my quallt.y-so I reulled lo Tortu es Yiito Culicura. did, elght·oal·od barge. I s aw SIr P et I' Guards, who was as much dlslll<ed by study of the subpect appears to have stop Lo think of tho unravorable conthis oJr..hand speech In Idn!!, "Lllllc bl u Noillng!! wcr scat"A ehlp of the Hne," said I. "Damme, Hawltsbaw, He caught sIght of us at Str Thomas as wns Giles. Gil s, who solved pracUcally all of tbe troubles, dlUona unde r which these plants do you think I'<l ser\'e In a gun-brig?" the- same moment, ,nnd tile change In harl b n at sea since his twelfth and t bat It Is posSlblt~ to STOW Ihls start d, mere ly dl'O Plled tram a }pak- ter cJ ov I' illY fnce and n cit and they OJles Vernon's manner was what year. Ime w little or nothing of Capt plant In any state In the Dlon, nnd Ing bag being trans ported on this rall- would I IW IItUo blnck SCIlI' Il that He came up a little closer to me, mlght have be n expected. He was O\'erton. altbough h e swore many to make It sllcceed In ,splendid condl- roatl, falling amonl: gravel and cln- would Hch so I couldu't I,eep rroDl looked at me attentively, and ~Illd: Larg I' sw'lIIngs "It's an infant Rfdney, sure. Was even m ore modest and defcrential times In a month that he meant to tfon even where the soli Is not natural- ders, wltb lack of molslure, no £eed Rcrntcb lng tb m, marry lh firs t woman who would Iy adapted to It. Men are doing this bed whatever, WIUl the birds to pr y would Uf'lleal' alld my cloth s would not Americus VesptWus your g rand- thnn T, ns we n.dvanced, "Hert! you nre !" pleasantly cried the lake him, fol' the purpose of cutlln!! all over the country to-day, says C. upon It, and soil, where there Is any, stick \,0 tllo sores, I w n LtO a cloctor, father? And Wlul n ..t your grandmother In love with Noah when he admiral to me. ,"You ran nway so off Overton's hopes ; but It occurr d B, Wing In the Farmers' Review, mak- that Is more than III{ely or sub,surrace but til \ roubl only got worse, By was oakum boy at the. Portsmouth [asr t'otller day. that 1 had no chance to Ole, yo ung as I was , that Giles wau Ing their soil right where It Is not orlsln and decided ly lack ing III fertll- this tim It was ull over my arms and to glvo you any dlrections. and I not tbe mm) to give up bls lib rty to so naturally, and tbelr suocess II! In- Ity; when we cOllslder these things, the uppe r part of illY body in sw Ilin gs docks?" I considere d thJs very orr~1)slvc, 'nnd, scarcely expected you to turn up to· the flrst t woman who was ' willing to spiring. Enllr Iy too much mystery It soems to us that the only pO:l'3lllle us large as a dolla r. , I.L was so [lulnaccept of It. has bee n made of the growing ot ai- reason for Its splendid success und e r tul lhnt 1 could not bear to II on my drawing myseJr up, said: '' 'Ve weI' fitllng for the Medltel' faUa. so that many farmers hesitate tb se dlmolllUes has been In tllr e back, Th second do tor SLopped the "r.ty grandfather was a baroaet, and mnean, and the ship lay In the Innet about trying It; simply b cause J\.'n s things: First. the railroad eroblmk- swellings, bul when 1bey brok the my, grand-uncle Is Admlral Sit , Peter barbor at Portsmouth. , walt1n~ ~er recommends one method and Smith ments are composed of limestone places would not honl. I bOll ht n set !la"kshaw, vihose , flagship, aa' you turn to go In dry dock to be coppered, another nnd the uninitiated are uncer- gravel; second, tbey are thoroughly of tbe Cut Icurn R med les and In less may know. Is the Ajax. 74," There was plenty for the seniors to taln as to wbat tbe pl'oper way I' ally drained. and tbJrd. owing to the pres- than a week some of the plac s were "I know him well," responded my do. but not much tor the midshipmen is, Alfalla re811y requires tour things: enco of sweet clover growIng I110ng nearly well. 1 coutlnu d ' \II1U1 1 bad new acquaintance. "We were drunk at that partfcular Ume; and we ' had Lime. drainage. Inoculation the condl- the rRilroad tracks. the probabilities used' tbree sets, a.nd now I am sOllnd together Uils night week. He bears ,t or more runs on shore .than usual. The We' think we bave stated the condl- are that the alfalfa very frequ6nUy and well. Tbe dlscas lustcd three arms Lot's wife atter she was tumed rest of us were satisfie d with Ports· tlo"Os In the ordel' of. the ir relative Im- finds Its Inoculation ' quickly, Humus years. , L, 'Wllson, Purr ar, Tenn" Into a pUlar of salt. with tills d,6 vlce: moutb, but Giles was always raving of portance. We believe there have been Is certalnly deficlerv, as well as soil Fe b, 8, 1908," 'I tlilrst.''' : ' : London and the Lon~on playhouses. more failures througbout the cOllnt.ry llreJlfl.ration. Vve know of other In. PoLlor Dru• .\ Obaw, Corp., Sol .. Props., Doaton. ThJ8 was an allusion to the dryKnowing how long 1 had I~ved In owing to the lack ot sumclent lime In stances where the alfalfa grows weU 's alter. ' For I soon found that the Uncle Jim's Treachery. London, he said to me one day: the soil than trom any other single along the railroad tracks. when the young gentlemen In the cockpit were "Pn. Is It true lhat th sood u.lways "Were you ever at Drury Late thea- oause ; and we teel sure that the Inter· soli adjacent to these roads reCuses intimately acquainted with all of the est that Is now being taken In the to, grow alfalfa satisfactorily. We be- die young?" tel'. my lad 1" antecedents. glorious or otherwise. of I said no, I had never been to the cuestlon of , lime, and the number ot Iieve that this confirms OUl' theory , "Ob, no, not nlways. I was ' n very their superior officers, , playbouse; and I blusbed as I said It, men who are using lime on land on of the lime. drainage r..nd posljlbly good little boy," Tho lie In tho early pnrt of thIs "Dldn't you ev~ r disobey your Ilarnot desiring my messmates to know which they contemplate sowing aHal. Inoculation which the alfalfa finds on sentence was patent ' to me. but so ?" that 1 had heen brought up by Betty fa, wlll result In Ii very large lncrense the railroad track, but which are entll "No," great was th~ ' power charm of this Green. a. corporal's widow. , In the acreage of this plant. Fonnerly probably lacking to a certaln extent t wlui yonI' lillie brother'" 8Qulntlng, wide-mQuth~d 'fellow, that 1 "Then. child." he cried. whacking it was supposed that tbere were "al- when thla- grounct'1 at, ur eory - .,..felt-mrBeJl-dtoawn to him irresistibly. h ave yet t 0 I Ive. falfa belts" througbout the eastern ' "No, me on the .......ack. ''you on this matter Is conflrmed from a him ," I always was very kind to and tn my ' countenance Have you not seen Mistress Trenchard and centrat states whlcb were the great man other sourCeS, ...Far:m'''''-+- 'TT:::T'-: .And didn't you evar tell 1108 or -the divine Sylvia-as Roxana. as only places In which alfalfa could be who bave hod their aItalfa germinate Lady Percy, as Violetta? Oh, 'What a success1ul(y '""'wn; but thJs theory properly In the first place, but gr!ldu- , play bOQkoy?" ".~becoming obsolete, be- ally "go back" and In a year or so "Certainly "l1mow your great-aunt, too, Polly galaxy or. parts! Oh. the divine Is now rapidly "Nor sl al not." jam lIor cooltles out of Hawkshaw. Dreadful old girl. I hear creature!" caule many are changJng their ' condl- hav.e I.t all gone. have probably In your mothe r's pantry?" abe can tack ship as well as the adHe threw himself across the mess· tlon. lumolenUy to permit a splendid nearly every Instance been unsuccess"Of course 1 never diet such wicked mlral; knows to Ii sliming what his day. However, I shall now take you table at that, tor we, were 'ln the cock- success w,th alfalfa In every 'stat~ In 'ful owing to lack of lime. Farmers tblngs." meSS, bill Is, and teaches him trlgo- to the ·shlp. Mr. Vernon, I baye room, pit at tbe time. I laughed. boyJtke. at the union. imd this In the face of lhe living In sections trOUbled by crab "Gee, what an Imaglnatlon Uncle nometry when he Is ,on leave." for you." his raptures, and he groaned loudly.' fact that many of their localltltls 'Yere grass or by sorrel have actually Jim must have. He was tellln' me. "Th,a nk you, sir," responded Giles ' ''Such a face and flgure! Such a very l1l-sulted to ItB grow~ .It now found tliat liberal appUcatfons of lime tbls morning. about when you and him ' ThJs was. of cour's e. a vlliflcl!otlon, \ and Lady Hawkshaw'lI name was not very gratefully, I'but I have a pressing foot and ankle! Sucb: a mel ling eyel, seems to careful observers that the would do a 'serious Injury to thell~ were boy .... Polly, but :Apollon!a; ' but l ' blush to engagement on shore-a matter of Im- Such a, luscious voice!" reaaon wby alfalCa succeeded so 'lplen- weeds, wbile the alfalfa throve sr,lensay I spoke h,o t one 'Word in delense portant buslness-:" at which I saw the I own that this outburst did more dldly west of the Mississippi river Ie dldly. Drened A. Scholars. of 'eitherherorbername, Itocourred suspicion of a grin on t.he admiral's to make me realize that Giles, aCte! ~A""'--~~~______ At tbe wedding lately of tho bead to' me that my. new frl Qnd ,was a p~r- homely old fac.e He lIal,d little to me all, was' but 19 than anything that VI How CQyote. Were Kllled.-Brlga- master of Eastbourno college, EngBon wbo could give me mueb Informa- untU we were In the great cabin ot bnd gone before; for I knew that older JI dler General, R. H. Pratt, stationed land, tbe threepnges In the bridal protton about my outfit and untrorms. and the Ajax. For myself, I can only say men did not so rave. , ,1n Oklahoma In the OO's, wrote lately cession were garbed as scholars In I candidly stat«ld my case to him.' that I was so awed by the. beauty. tlio . - "And." be cried. ' wildly. "I cali not to an aoqualntance this story of how black snUn kneo breeches. buckled . ' ,he got coyotes pelts to make a robe, ahoes, scnrlet silk gowns. with white "Cople on,~' be cried. "There's a majesty. the liplendor ' of 'one of the see her before we sail, By henven, ) rascal of a haberdasber here who fineat ships of the Une in the world, wlll see her! 'Tls 74. miles 'between "Coyotes and wolvea were plentiful Ihlrt fronts . Each carried a morta ... lives off his majesty's office rs, and I'll that 1 was dumb with deligbt and me and her allgel face. It can 'be done Europea.n Farmers Trea~ Thear about the camp and I decided to get tioard hat nnd a scarlet-bound prayer take YQU tl).ere and fit you out; for amazement. Once In the cabin. the in 7 hours and 20 m'lnutes. ' I can get Horses Tbu. TW'tc:e a Year. a lot of skins and have ~n~hf;In~d~l~a~n:+_b_OO_IL_-r.;O:;;;;~~ Sir Peter's the man to have his young admiral askod me about my ' means 24. hours' leave-but not a word 01 tan them, leaving mportant to-M~h~re. offic«Irs smart, A ' f~r.::le~n~d~o~f~m~~df-UJ[UL..llJ-¥-UULU 1 bnrst out with the tbis. )'OU hnymaldng son 'of a farmer." on an,d malting a carrIage robe tor Examine carefully ('VCI'Y bottle of h t f b t (TO BE CONTINUED) Horses should be twice clippeda year. at least ~. nd sUl'e remedv for wale s ory 0 w a ' occurre'd In ,th53 _ ' oilce and sometimes It sister, A ,Comanche named Essatoyet CASTORIA a safe .. In mufti , In the Ajax the ' other dday, haberdasber's shop: at which Sir Peter and his wife agreed to get' the al:lns Infanls and child 1'(' 11. und scc lIlIit it "IT S AN EXTRAVAGANT ' AGE hns been demonstrated a number of ~ and Sir P e ter bad all hands lurne up loolred very solemn, and lectured me 1 • b and tan them for a conSideration, ' If nears Ihe ' . d, upon the recklessness of my conduct times tbat every bOl'se should e r would give them a beef and \lome SlfYnature of for an execuUon. My unhappy frlen • • ~ E l ve CI 0 thl ng b) clipped. In Europe farmers and horseb ' begged tllDt he might b e 8 h ot Insteat1 In ordering things with no money to Commen t s on xpens I polson. Tbe beef contractor sold me d It owners generally clip their horses lIsc I<For Ovcr ao Years. or hanged, and Sir Peter, I'll am. pay for them. and ,followed It up with ~ he Cit y Man ' • F a th er. h t~1n a beef tor $7_ We were th'e n paying In 1'1 ' granted him the ,f avor. Tbe poor tel- an offer to flt me out handsomely. the spring, and sometimes In t e '-2.60 a hundred for the best of heet IC Inll Y01l Hove )\IW8),S n01lJ::ht. hi [ • A man rom an 0Id-f as hi on~ d Ml s This I accepted with the utmost grati, s. but, when ·the borses are clipped bIn t e for army use. I got the polson and Defined. low tied the handkerchJef over I ' ~ Essatoyed and bls wlro to eyes bimselt. forgave all his enem hi es, tude. and In ,a day or two I found my, sour'I town ' came to K ansas CI ty ra- fall, they should, be protee,ted y a "''''nt with "Paw, what Is a 'tropical ....... tbe' lIl set th hnaglna. I hi s son. says t h e K an· blanket or other covering Ifl allowed see and asI,ed his 'friends to pay s self established as one of his majesty's cently to "sit , e bait. They drove tlon?' " f .to stand In the open air ' any ength o( the beet to a glade 'a mile from camp. ' ''Mostly hot, all', Tommy." Wh I e on a street ' debts. Zounds. ·twas the most a midshipmen In the cocl<plt of the sns Olty Times. ' I car Ajax, and I began to see life. one d ay a s t rong b reeze remove d th e time, especially If tboy hav, e been do- killed it, took off, the hide and re, fectlng scene I ever w Itnesse d ." I d 1 t t It Ian dad lnian g work. Ollpplng seems tp 1>ut ,new 1/10 lIB. my comyou ng man •s s t raw h a.' II served , all til", best meat for their oWn [ plainly perce I to f I ht d lIfethe 'lnto the h.orse . ,a, s readily I~ relieves 1 m ,of pan Ion 'Yac: t~lI~ ng r g en me, la~ CHAPTER n. poo I 0 f mu dd y ,wa t er, , extra coat , and lI rmlts use, and sprinkled the polson over sho,,;ed It by thrusting my l.ongue n 0 My Introduction Intb the cocltplt ot "Four doUars gone: said the young the cleaning brush to do Its worke prop.. the carcass. Essatoyet had cut thirty my cheek. which cansed him to bUl'st the Ajax: was pretty much tbat of man, erl1 so that the' pores are open arid at1cks a foot and a' half long anll ,(Jut laughJng, H~ presently became every other reefer In his majesty's His father whistled. "00 you pay tree at all Umea to rid tbe ahlmal sharpened them at botl\ ends. These &TaVe, however. and assured me sol- navy, I W8S, of course. told that I tour doli aI's for a straw hat?" he In· of waste , matter, for which the nat. .be stuck In grpund In a large clremnly that a sea'officer bad his choice showed the most brazen presumption qui red. ural outlet Js througb the skin ,pores. cle encloi3lng the carcass, and on eacb of dressing handsomely. or being In dnr lng to wish to enter the naval "Always have done It." was the anput a chunlt of llver or heart" ,J!aylng court-mal'Ualed and sllOt. "For." said service; that I ought to be a choir awer. as he did ' 80, 'Suian wolf heap like ' he "the one hUndred and forty-fourth boy at St, Paul's', tb' at' baymtikJng was age,.. ' Combining Dairying, Poultry, Fruit him.' The next mornIng I went with regn ° lallon 0' f ....e senlce reads: 'All "It's the exlravagant com· d ' PI ' Dairvlng may be profitably ..... my profession by nature, to say noth- mented the father. "1 never palel more an g"'J them to see the lesult ot ollr venture. of his niajesty'··s ' sea-officers are com- Ing of an exchange of black eyes and- than a dOlla'r for a slraw hat In my combined with poultry keeping, wl'th and we ' 'f ound twenty-seven coyotes manded to ma.rrY llelresses, nnd In bl h Id II fruit raising. or with pig growing. and two ,large gray wolves dead I.bout these' cases, the usual penalties for oody noses WI~ every m ~~ pma~ lffe. And I recall the day when ~ou Wlt.b any , of these combinations" one tbe abduction of heiresses ar~ re, of my size In t e cockpit. roug only paid 60 cents for yours. Russell Is able to bave two substantial In- the carcass I and, ViCinity. So I go mlUed.' Now, how can we abduct helr- al\ tbls Gile s Vernon Was my cble! Sage once said that a man 'whO gave comes; utll1ze ui~ wast9 produc;ts, and '.my roile·nnd bad wQlt,sklns to spare." , t bl ' I ' t. t' h ' tl ' esses. or evell get tllem to 100'( a, t us. tormentor and best {rlend. He pro- more than that for a straw hat was a glve ' profl a . e, emp n , re ' without fine clothes? Wome n, 'Imy boy. C Ia Ime d th e f ac t 0 f my d rysa Itl , ng a n- fool." I ' oymen If h I e e, 11k I ' Goatil Need Muoh Exerclae.-Goats "I know, father; but, e very't hlng year to, hilt-leld he P:, ' It W to ed~ ' t' \ I~ need II. ~reat ~~ount of exercIse. much cnught by 't he e"e aloue-an, d 1 cestry, and wben I .Impudently 1'1;}' nll' nded him tb'at I ,wn"., t he' grandson costs ' , • . sold to v age or I c y ra he, bIIU t ' more "than aheep.. Tbe ,o ne Is by noGad '" J now. wear better ,h'atll, know by .hid I of. a baronet. he gave , me one 'tick for too, more ' o[We grOWing and : dairy' ng are l e st tllre a ,bz:owser and the other a gra,z er, hJ 'em, ' IHJ n. The price a hat ,ls not. Out of" ie d , , T s tr ng IIpeecd remn ne n my the' drysalter an'd two tor 'ilie baronet. ' , comblnation, th e JD,a nul'e b e ng use 0 and the ' browsing habit naturally re~ d th ftnm when 1 Tre sh6"ved m"e a battered old cocked proportion to tHe cost 9f other ,things., ' , ~ h--~ , orCnar i. d a' nd land ' ~.0'"l ,quires" more actlvlty on the part , • [ertll'ze of the meillory, ' I' d t'·an Idl et II I1Y f "'" t.e I gb n , I pay 25 cents for my. collar. one dOlllir f Wh am ' recal e ,ue e . a t ·o us wo au . bat bung up on 'a nntI in the, 'steerage • growIng orage , crops, ,en cre, goats, They are ~ensltlv.e to restraJnt In~ midsblllttien Il,s prophe tic. , ' for a , tle, $3,60 ror a shirt, 60 cents fo~' or :~butter" on\1 Is lold; da,lrYlng and and do better 'If not herded, but ' of , We went together to n 'sitoD, where, country. tI ' a pair of socks, flve dQllars tor a ,palr pig or,'poultry ral!lng are a gO~d com: ' CQUrSe he,r d,ng Is otten _!' , neces.lty under his , dlrectiqn and that of an "Do, you see '.tb~t . ba, you ' young ot snoes $400 for a sult of clothes ' and blhatlon ' Qle skim milk , and buUer- ~d tbere~ore ,/!bould be done under as, ' oJly tongued' sbopman, t ordere d one rilpscalllon 1'" he, ~1.ted. ' ",' . t, six' ~Oll~rs 'for ' underwear. WI tb tb;e , milk be~g fed to the pIgs ,or cblc'kens: fa.vorable Oll'culnstances ,lis possible. ~e 'bai1dsoDle~t outflts any mld- 1 l'epUed , tba~ I c:Jld. and , a sboQklnt? .'bat ~at br1ngs, m7 . p~rsonal app~rel , Psgs. pou~tty; rm* a'n d dal,ry ' ~a,Y all They should not' ,b e alJowed to teel. 8blll~an , could, possibly have" tnclud- bod hat I~ was. too' , : -up to n.\l!='ut $60 tor a . .s~t, That s}l~ be pl!OfltBibly, combined ,~nderl pertain tbelr restraint. ' If constant attendl'.nce lng . wo dozen I)f sllle stockings, II.!I "That bat,'wall, onco , the property ot more than aM' man. ~ho' prete,n d" ~ conditions. The lIucq'ess ,of.' nearly ail fs 'neceis&TY. tJ;a~ berder ;should b..' ot n w.tound frlel1d Informed me that tha~ old p,lrate and buccaneer, Sir Peter ~ress pays.:' . , " . ' of ,tbe ' gr,eat .I~au'trles has ~sulted QUlet.C1I,BpOllltloD. , The next best thllig V6l'Y ' man 0}1 'board ' hi!!, majesty's Hl\wksl:ja~ . ..vlc~-admlrai or the White. Father was 8Uent ror a, long ,time. trO)D sood manageJDent ;.• nd the full to tlle freedolll of a range 'Is ,a large _ . shipS, tram the n,dn!lr!l-1 dow~ ,to tlie It Is nametl Ilfter IBm, and ,whl;}n",!.,er ,, ',ISon," he s$;1d flnaily, "I remember ,ClU~UOD of all~i by·prpducts. pasture. where the _oats have Ja"ek-t)'-tb~'-IlIIl!t, ' alwtl(Ys ' w(flle /l1Ik- ,hJs conduct displeases the junior of- when' 60 cenUt'w&II , the value ot ),oQt .~, ..=ove'r slght, but not CQulant atteD.taCklng., Q cause In the vent or flccrs on tbls shl'p-'VhJch. it generally entire wardrob~. Your hickory ' ba~ Give Plel h,t.-1lo not watt ,.WI the dance. ,Such ~8tUretl are c~)Qlldered being .trJl~k by a ball or a pike or a does-tha~ bat. dear boy.i, kicked and: coat a nIckel, your *Irt waist a QUIIo piS ~ dead , betore ' you live hf~ salt. ~e cheapeat metttod of keeping theae cqUilaa 1ft action, th danger from In- cursed,' as a' proxy Jor you~ jespe~ted ·ter and rqDrl paJ)ta the' 8o~e 'amount. He ehou14 lian salt evert day 'D ~f. ,patl. , rney can 'e aally '"' If''lned 10 . .mmaUon wlI8muc~ lesl! willi aUI( non was undou~tedly the ~.~rteat' or· Teu wore oDly the three Bumenta III uraud th. . . .. rubbed III be OQm~ home by teecllq ~, UtUe. • d than witb cattail or', wool. fleet' amons them and 'ClOCk' of the. sammeT. AJt4,. .... jut .. 4.... talUDa replarJr M bolla. . All WeIlt' ~limIlI!llIYI. oW U was !tut .b.et1!'~~.,_~b., B.- had 1Ua- &beD." Dolir... · . " ~, ..'




,r ,






.,PJ ..



WESlERN CANADA,'S ·HAPPY PROSPECTS. In lIO year since the development of West I'n ~C.unada !Jegan hus . spring u ro ught fl, brl g1i er outlook than It brings thla year. In no pr eceding sIlrlng hus there beeu greater a ssurance of adv'anclng development and prospel·lty. Tbe movement of Immigration bas a lready ussumed large pro)lortlons, ,and Is as deslrablo In cbaracler as It Is saUsfactory In volume ; from across the Atlantic sturdy, Ind,ustrlous and thrifty neWcomers are arriving In large num berB,' homeseekers from Ontario and the othel' older Provinces are coming In a sl eady stream , and from across' the Internati onal boundary a movement Is alr eady In full flow, which, It Is confidently predicted, will beal the records ot all previous years; special settlers' trains are crossing the line, load ed with effects, actual material wealth b 'Ing thus brought Into the country at the rate at mllllons at dollars' worth monthly. The movement Is so unprecedentedJy large that extra Dominion Immlgl'atic , mclals have had to be provided at Jj North Portal and at Em erson, and It estimated that the total number of w settlers from the United States s year will i be 70,000, at least, and ay run well up toward 100,000. Las. ear's total ot new settle rs from the uth was 63,723; thus the area. that WI e placed III "heat nnd other g rains thl. year wD1 greatly exceed that ot last y . Sdltlers are making extraordinary. rts,to get on their landa and begin Il'lfllln g operations. The price of whesK now, away above the dollar mark, Is Incentive enough. and wben one has In view the splendid results that the past tew years have shown, It Is not to be wondered at that the ·present will be the banner year tor Im'mlgratlon to annda. Ask your nearest Canadian Government Agent for rates or trnnsportatlon, and he will also send you illustrated pamphlets. Making Himself Solid. "Step this way, ladles and gentlemen," exclaImed the lecturer In the dIme museum, "and gaze upon one of the greatest wonders known to modern IIclence--the osslzed man: a huma.n baIng, perfectly normal In every o~her raSIJect, but who has truned to iltone." "How' did lie get that way?" came a voice from the awe-stricken throng. "Love," .replled the lecturer, lowering his voice. confidentially; "love dId It. He tell hi lovo wllh a beautiful . malden. tri ed to make himself solid, and overdid It. We wUl now pass on to tbe--"


A LITTLE KISSING REVIVAL. Itt I Ie k 18S1ns Now and then. Is why w e have The marrI ed men. -Blrrnlnghnnt Age-Herald.





T oo. ot cou rse.

Is why we have Tha qul ~ k dlvOTCI', -Chicago Hecorll-Herald. IIlle klsslng's 1.018 or run If you ... nn kls9 The proper one. - leveland 1. ·ader. A

A heap of kissing Is jll8t ns good F or 01 0110 who Ilk \! That 80rt or rood. - Nnshville American.

kl88lng's Not nough; A lot at klsslngThat's ,the slurt! -Boston H erald. A little

Out of His Line. "Good morning," said Lardl Longsox, entering the studio at Dauber, the tam{lus portrait painter. "I wish to engage you to paint my portrait." "I shall be delighted: madam," was the answer. "I want It painted with my new hat on," said Lardl. "Pardon me, madam." come the quiet rep)y, "but I am not a landscape artIstl" OHI VERY WELLI

. How's This? We olrer One H IInllred Dollllts Reward tor nn, 01 O UArrll UIA~ CAnna~ be cured by 11&11'1 CA'oarT1l CUl'1l. F: J. en EI'iEY .t CO" 'I'Oloda, 0_ . Wt. tho undenollnO<l. IlOVD know" F. J. :b.~nOJ _

~ ~taA~ l:J~::~rn~~~~~O~~mAD~rl~:!r.e~~r; ablo \() eany out any obllgaUolIII mado by bll Ilrm. WALDINO. KiSNAN "" )IAnvIN.

Whol"""l. Dru",la., Tolooo, O. Ball'I C&tAT1b CUro 111 taken Int~m"lIy. acUnt dlreeUy u pon tbe bloo4 and mucoUl lurlacee 01 tb' lIYI'cm. T .. t1monlaltl ~bt 1M!C. Price 75 CIlnt.l pel

lIoi~~ ~':~:~I?y~Il:~;>r COrallpaUoD.

Mere Human •• A Wllkesbarre magistrate has decided that ,nocow has preoedence over nn automobile and' does not have to wear a red lantern on her tall when ·standlng In the road 0' nights medItatively chewing her cud. Human be. Ings apparently must tak. their chance.. , . Shake ~ ntO Your Sho ••

AUen'. Foot-E9.8e,

powder tor your teet. It curell pB1nful, swollen, smarting, sweat· Ing feet. Makes new shoes eMY. Bold by all Druggtsts a.nd Shoe ~tore.. Don't ac(lept any substitute. Sample FREEl. Ad·



~lOUllec1,., LeROY,

N. Y.

Traveler (to booking clerk)-You gave me the wrong change just now. Booking Clerk-Very 6orry, sir, I can't recognize It ,now. You ,should have said so at the time. Travelel'-Well, I don't mind much, lor you gate me too .much.


M ••cullne Ignorance. Mrs. ;Ferguson (trying on another spring hat)-Georp, what do you tl1111k of . this one? You didn't like the other. ·, Mr. Ferguson-Well, If you are lImIted to two styles, the I.n verted lVaste 1 basket and the Inverted coal scuttle, ReCI. Weak, WeaR,.. Watel'J' 1!17ea my choice would be the co~ scuttle. Relieved by MurIne Eye Remedy. Com,pounded by ExJ)eiienced PhY8lclans. Mu' We need another one at home, oQY' rlne ;DOesn't Smart: Boothes :Eye Pain, way. Write Murille Eye R&medy Co.. Chicago, tor Ulu8trated Eye Book, At Druggl.ts, THE BEST OF REASONS.

'A , Natural Doubt. , "no you think that oculist II .a prac· tical man?" t "W~y shouldn't he be'" "Because of his busIness. Doesn't be go In tor eye deals?"



When Love I. young. Mabel-Who WI.8 · the best man at 70ur wedding? Ethel-Why. my boiband, of course. Particularly for PaPtlcular People'. Soudel'lj' Vanilla Extract is produced from fine Mexicnn Vanilla Beans-a pure, rich concentrated' flavor. All grocers. Put up in 10, !D. a!1d 25·pent bottles.

Some men ' exercise as mucl;l Imag· Ination on their own excellences that they have nothing lett bu~ judgment for .tlie good In other•. ,

"It'. Pettlt~. Eye Salve, lrives instant relief, to eyes, witated ft;Om .(lus!l.bent, slln or wind. 250. All drus: !JIsts · or -Howard Broe., Buffalo, N. Y. . ;" . , , : Th, '8erp~nt" Ind~cement. Perti'llPs .. the .serpent. told Eye that Tourist-Ten dollars 'a week fOr applelS' w~re good ',f or the cC?mpltn:lon; board! MY' dear madam, apartments" aren·t · sC!lrce a~out be~e. Landladlr-r-No, but boarders are. ,,-~-'-~-~-,...

1 'A ' Fa~l1I~r Vlew_,J. . "How 40 -y~u ,w aJit your bMroom ceiling decOrAt.ed 1". asked the a,rclit-

teet. , ' . ,

' .. ' ' ,

'''Lik~ th'e, b~tt~~

<It a ·to,q'rlng car, . ,.~Bwered the motorls~. "Then It, ~111 leeJl '·natur~ wben I awake in the morning.'" ,

---_ _......

• . Tit for ,,~, Jon,a-We'l, you 'and I 'Won't


DefllibOl'8 m~b Jolllier: I'm BoIDg to UYe In a l~tflr locaUtr. 8m1th--so . . I. IoDllf-WIlatI - Are



320 Acres

H •• ' Discovered , Thlt He Can Wear It You Suffer W'lth ·Your Kidneys and New Clothes Without ,Being Back,. Write to This Man. Stared at In 'Street. , G. W . Winney. Medlna,..N. Y., Innow." ssld Mr. Gosling-ton, vites Itldu C'), sul'l'erers to wrll e to him. To all who enclose -.If-----I-"4JI""I4~~W\I-I'!I,jfl_·n-g; I 'have spert d postage he will reout In a new suit ot clothes wit'hout ply. t elling holV having anybody slare at me, a fJ'cat Doan's Kidn ey Pills advance on nnyUllng I' ve don e yet. cured him art r he In such clrcumstanc 's I us d to be .h ad (loetored nnd BO self·consclou s that In my e lYorls h a ll bee n in twolllfto appear naturul J made myself ull f rent hospi tals for the more conspicuous, so th at everyeight een months . !Jody s larcd at me. to my furlhe r . Buffe rin g Intense great III barrassment and COI1 fusion . linin In th e back, but thi s tJ'm I seem to have got lam' ness. t lvlnges throu gh very nicely; nobody noticed wh en s tooping or me at all . "I don 't know why It Is, but we all liClin!;, languor. dizzy spells anti rheuseem when w o put on ncw clothes to matism. I. Befor e 1 used DOIlIl' S KidPills," BUY!! Mr. \Vlnn ey, "I Iru ~lne ourselves the center of all ney observation , and so despite the pride weighed 143. Arter taltln g 10 or 12 we may have In them wearing them boxes I weighed 162 ulid was comthe first time may be a great trial. 1 plelely curcd." Sold by all dcalers. 50 ccnts a box. knew a mun once who used to breal! Fostel'-Milburn Co .• Bul'l'a lo. N. Y. In bls new cloth s gradually. "This fri end of mine wh en h e got The man who Is abl e to say : "The 1\ n ew s uit would first wear thE' trouscrs with nn old wai stcoat and I.eI'd Is my s trength." w11l never brcak coat. The next day he would wear down under his 10M . the new waistcoat with old trousers and coat.. and tb e n h.e·d weal' th e new THE ROAD. coat, with old waistcoat and trousers. In this way he sort of accustomed Jt·s a long road. a hard road. himself to his new things grad ually, The ran d we have 10 trllvel. A nd t a n g l ~<l II re the Ilchemes of life so that he didn't fe el 80 strange In We mortals must unravel. them. and then on the fourth day he'd But hop!.' In he'u rt will wonders work swell out In lhe new suIt compl e te. AnI! lJlllhely 11 {,~ p us going, ThoUHh 810rms arlO breaking overhead "And he thought thl!! helped him a And adv I' ~" winds are blowing_ heap, and 1 dare say It did help him some; but It never appea.led to me Jt·s a long road, n hard road and It looked like rnnnin g away, And p rllou8 the jou Tllt'y; Ene h dn y ' Ihal dow ns n w foes rire m e t, anyhow; and so when I've got a. new New bnttlcM (ou/l ht In tourney. suit I have just. put It on and worn It. But 10\'0 will gil d Ihe WRY with light I have seemed self-conscious In It and And k e p the 1,;001 b e rn r e us, A Rni lle LO follow ' ve ry sigh I know It, so that 1 walked differently And h avcn bending o'cr us! ahd ncted dllferently In some way 80 that I attracted att ention; but I have 'STRAORDINARY, braved it out. and now 1 realize that I must have been Improving. Paw Paw, Mich.-"' I suffered terri. "For yesterday I wore for the first blyfromfemaie ills, time a ne w suit and absolutely nobody including inflamloolted at me, and that Is encouraging. mation and congestion, for several I don't know but that I would ltave years. My doctor felt a little better If one or two. just 8aid there was no one or two. had looked at It. but I hope for me but an am mightily pleased to have had no· operation. I began body look at It. For really It makes taking Lydia E. me feel that I am getting on. A man Pinkham's Vegetahas really got to be somebody when ble Oompound, and I can now say I am he can wear r.ew clothes wllhout hav· a. well woman." Ing 'people stare at him In the street." EIDIA DltArEB. Another Operation Avoided. Bill Stubbs of Kansat. Ohicago, Ill. - "I want women to Kansss ' vlews the activities ot the know what that wonderful medicine, new governor with feelings ot almost Lydia E. Pi.n k.ham's Vegetable Comunmixed joy. But the railways. whom pound, has done for me. Two of the he disciplined with an anti-pass law best doctors In Ohicago said I would and sev ral other forms of drosUc leg- die if I did not have an operation. and I never thought {If seeing-a. well day "J was talking to your wife to-day." Islation beside tke public commission again. I hada small tumor a.nd female "How did that happen?" bill . have anothe r Idea about him. troubles so that I suffered day and "What happen?" "What do YOll think ot Stubbs?" a night. A friend recommended. Lydia "That you were doing the talking." visitor asked one of the ex-railway E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,. and it made me 11 well wo~." lobbyists. Knew Which Was Which_ "Well," he replied, "he reminds me ALvxNA SPERLmo, 11 Lailgdon St., When Uncle Boffin was a kid, his of the story or a Nortb Carolina wed- Chicago, Ill. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oommother on one occasion gave him two ding. 'They as t.he Lord huve jlned, pound, made from roots and herbs __ ;=~(;.:.I,-, le:.::s~.::;th7e~==:.;--,--:...:::,-"-,,man put asunder,' says the par· has proved to be the most successfui p'ennles, one for- the Sunday sc collection. remedy for curing the worst forms of Light-hearted, he' was tossing the "'Parson,' says the bridegroom, 'I female ills, including displacements, coins In the all' on his way to the rises to question your grammar In infialDlIUltion, fibroid tumors irteguchurch, when suddenly one eluded his that sentence. We wants this wed· larities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatul(lDcy, indigesgrasp and disappeared through a cel- ding done right.' andnervouaprostration. ltcosts IaI' grating. Down on hts knees he "When 'the smoke had cleared away tion, b\1t a trifle to try it, and the result peered Into the dark pit, only to real- the bride looked around on a dead baa been worth milllona to man1 Ize his lOBS. Then, looking thought- minister, a dead brother. a dead BUffering women. fully first Into his hand, nex,t at the bridegroom and several other dead place where the d. had disa'ppeared, men lying near, and sighed; he remarked philosophically: "'Them new fangled. self-cockln' "Well, there goes the Lord'. revolvers,' said she, 'sure bas played penny!" hell with my prospects.' · '-Boston Transcript. A TIGHT FIX.



Fifty bushels per acre h a ve been grown. G e n er al averngegTt'llLer tban in a ny other part oJ the continent. Under new regulutions it is possible to s(,cure u hom 'stead of 160 acrea free, and additionnl 160 acres at \ 3 per acre. "Th ~ d .velopm ~ nt o f th e country hns mode m n rv rlo u R 8trld t·'S. It is Cl rr:vt"l n tl o n. n r(!c .. ord o f con Q\J~ 9 l b y sett1e- mea t th n t ill rr.111lukuhle."-J.:.ttr oct f rom coru.t;ptmclenL t! of ,1 N iJ lfona l , EJllor, ~"o 'fJIslI<J C.. ,,~ Jd In Augus t /Jst. I

The grain crop of 1908 w \ll net many fanners $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Gratnrolslng. mixed farming and dairying are the principal industries. Climate is excellent; social cond ilions the best; rallwayad. vantages unequalled; schools, churches and markets close at hand. Land may also be purchased from railwa y and land companiea. For "Lost Brst W • • t" pnmphlrt s , mops nnll lnrorm utl on OR t o h ow \0 s ecure l o we l l rail.. " 'OY r a te- tl, IlPl"11y to Superin tend e nt o f Immigration, Ott nwu, Cn n n dn, or the o.uthorl&:~d' Conudinn G o v~rnment Avent:


Toledo, O~

Law BuUdln".

DOCTOR ~ TOILET ANTISEPTiC ADVISED OPERATION Cured by LydiaE.Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound

The Emotional Jury. Rev. Anpa Shaw was dlscussln~ playfulIy her contentlon-ra,sed at Mrs. Clarence Mackay's house--that man, not woman. was t()o emotional to . vote. _ .....LU~......... ald the learned lady, "take all these extraordinary jury stories They show the most Intenso emotion. allsm. And yet they have nothing to do with woman. "For Instance, there's the story of the Tin Can murder. The jury remained out 34 hours. Then It flied back Into the courtroom, very stale and UJ·humored. " 'Gentlemen, what Is your verdict r eald the judge. "'Wan,' said the foreman, '11 on \II (s for hang!n', jciIge, yer honor; bul the twelfth man sticks out for acquit· tal, and there ain't no arguln' with He's a low-down, no 'count Hotel Clerk-What made all that him. rooster, am'ways, and 80 we've deracket In your room last night? Guest-I had on comblnatlon undet- cided to make our verdict unaner· mous by hangln' · 'em both.' If wear and lost the combination. A Recommendation. '" am looking for a place," said the stranger, "In which I can bring up my 'gIrls to good advantage. What Inducements does this town offer In that way?" "Well," the old settler answered, "U strikes me as beln' a purty ,good town tOI' your purpose. We've got a button tact'ry here, anel It yo.ur girls can't all find jobs In it we 'glt calls from the city ne11rly every !lay for girls that pepple . want there to do housework." 'DI


Danger In DiphtherIa.' Chicago's health . authorities are starting an active campaign against diphtheria. the disease which Is givIng the department the hardest fight at present. Dr. Evans, t.he health com· missioner, dec)ares~at the diphtheria patients themselves are not the ,reatest menace' to the, health 'ot the com. munlty, but that the 'disease Is spread by those ·who have recovered and have ,resumed their dally activities, or b, thos~ who have been associated with d!phtb.,erls ' pat,te~ts. ~ccdr.~lng :to Dr. Evahs, It la possible for a pertectly liealthy. person: te) ' carry dJphtherla germs In .lIls mouth or clothing. ·The allil of tpe ' !l~partment w'1II ' be to IsO: Illte ' Ale patlentli until they ', are abso. hitely' free from . tne 'diphtherla bacillI. \ '. . Po.etbl. ~l!I,Pl.natl~n, "Wonder what ' 8.h~ Is ' In . ~ateQr theatrlc~, t~r1 !3be c~nlt· act; aIDe 'or




"Maybe ahe ",llIita ~ leam·... :

,. '

"' ,


A -.... . Dog. . ~"d, I,llf'tat. Ina' '. llD7tbllUrf '. .. .-


ng. edy for



( -NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR~axtine e.][cel. ony d~ntilrice In c1eanllng. whllenmg and


removing tartar from the leelh, besidea deatroyiua all \lerm. of decay Bnd di.eaae which ordiJu'J loath preparation a cannot do.

u,ed a mouthTHE MOUTH Poxtine wash di.i.uects the moult. at

and throal. puri6C1 the breath, bnd kill. the senu which collect in the moulh, cauling .ore throat. Lad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much wn.... inJIamed, tir~. acho> THE EYES .when aod bum. moy be \IlItanlly' relic:ved and llrengtheoed by Putine.

CATARRH ~::::~h~~!tr=

Bammatioa and ,lop the dilCba'llCo It ia • _ remedy for uterine c:atarrh.


PAlline i, a harm leu yet Bennic.ide.ditinfedant ond deodorizer. ' Uaed in bathingildeatrQY' odonand I 1ea1ea the body antiseptically clean. .



. This'Trade-marJl fjimiD8tes AU Uncertainty In <,he purchase of paint mntcrillis. It is an absolute ~utlrant(,.'C

of puraty aml qu:Uity.

For your own protection, see ' ~at it is on the aide of every keg of white lead you buy. WlnOIlAL tnt! .PAft '102 Trill" 1811411." . . ,III!

WHAT'S Your Healtk Worth? You ttart aickneu by miat!eating, nature and it generally ahows first in the bowels Ilnd liver. A IOC box (week's treatment) of CASCARE'fS will h~lp nature help you. They will do mon-using thmn regularly as you need them...:.than any m~icin.e on Earth. Get a · box today; take a CASCARBT tonight. Better iD' the, morning. It's the result that makea millions take them. 881 CASCAJUtTS roc a box for a ~It·.

, treatment. all dru,RR'lIUl. Dilgen'lelter m ~ world. NUl10n bosea 11 month..

Texas State Lands $1.00 to $4.00 Pet Acre ~


CARTER Genuine Must Bear S Fac-Simile Signature ,1"rR d . ·'YLLS. /~~~








DizzIness, Nllusca. , Drow\llnc8B, BOod TaBte In the Mouth, Coa'" ed Tongne, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. reQ'Ulate ·tbe Bowels. Purely Vegetable.

, '

Sollool J..und


Duro""ot Countle..

MORE THAN 1,000,000 ACRES To be ';"Id b..foro Jllno 00. ' On",'orUcth c.ub and bIl~o CO In '0 YOIl.S. You can buy 1120 ncree'ot tbe


~~; f:J,~~\':!' 't~~ ':'~.l::~~~.torA~ J:~ ~~a ~"lIIls. MllIl!Ourl IIr I1l1nolo. I\t 1100 ~r IUlro. ancl In!;\~~:i:,I~:~~~uru~:~'I;.lur further IDf~rwa~,



PabUam, Co., Bu 67, AauiIIo, Ta.


Interesting ' F.acts The only effective and reliable remedy known for Gout, Dyspepsia, Jaundic~, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Constipation, Headache, , Biliousness and all disol" der of the bowels is










For several generations they hne been a household necessity for relieving and curing complaints of this kind. The, are safe and sure in every inI!tance. AIJ a laxative, purgatiye and cathartic they are unexcelled.

Sold by JruBRiii. e'Pery~here in . 25c .tmd 10c bon..


EI C,..ra , f·or C'atarrh'

Cored me of Cdtn.rrh after fifteen yen-n' sufferInll'; have <:n~ed hilnd reos "f o~her8, and caQ cure you·, wallclU<I \0 cent8 " .. d L"' I1\ wnUl'0u '.. trlr11 treatment. No trouble tQ: u se. N~ DOllcbe, Aiomlzer. Sllray, Iuhale'1.' Salve, or Smoke. Ah~ollltcly IIl~rlDle"8. uuaranteed by 'I;. O. Dr'\ke •.under th ~ FOoil and Dtug I\Otol ' .Tune 80, 11lQIl. crlal No; 24501. " Prlcl\ 25 cents.· ,L •. C. DRAKE; ... :NI(J:UO.LAs"~LE, · KY,

--:-;;; ' ;;;;::~;:;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;;.




TO ~;dl tOI'






CQrnS ~R8mOV8d

\;HL~ 1! :-'I'h tl Ohio

A t· rritle explot!lou tbl\t shook t he VorinoH DIet llltlt Wednesday evanWithout pain by t he use ofD. vllrtlllBnt of Ag ri nlturt\ .Ilsks oo uutry fO! A. radius of 10 JDUeS to. lo g and grou nd out ~ grist of wo.rk. , PI' Kl:llm for May 16, 11109. y uui' ~o 'p rl\ti l n in r~v ivlo g inter- ,bt.lly wreck d two whe.el wll\s.t the , .' 'I'be wllln felLtu re was tbe gr~nt- "Paul 's Fh'st M!SIII?nltry .Journey-Schwartz's Corn Ht:mover 1Will make the eason of 19()9 at my i re i ence, l! Yv miles nOl't~ ot' WaynesUS!. III f,'ult gl'o\Vjn~ in thl i' tttltte plant of tile King Powder oompany, ing of tbe sewer wor k (lll ·...Miawi IOJDluru ~ud LY8trIl "~A tttxiv 8-22 . . _ • • 15 . C.e.n.t.s.a.B.o.~lIit.l.e., . . . . iville, Ohio, on the Wayn~~ville and We do u t l,)f()IIIlCe more ,,11I1l! b:t.1t' at King't1 Mills, lust . street. Grant fJ6wis was the suoSing ing ; Dayton .pike, g the frnit we ont; ume In Obio. Ap . liIo one' WIlS in the fnot~rie lit the cessfnl Ilt 86 oent.s per linMI . Sel. ct.e d.R "llin ; is a bright"' bay, V1 6 <4 are eit-her not obtllinn hIe or ell tiUle, workmen bit ving left bot a few foot. . This work will be one of the Prft.yer, clOSing With Lord sPra y r ~~~~~~~~~~~ PRIVATE SALE weighs about 1200 Roll 'uiL iug at nhn Rt prohlhltiv e prlc s . minutes previously, thus escaping II. greatest impr ovments thathasoome ,pounds, good limb), plen~y of action inging l'h e :::lltn ,I use MClll e it! killing our borrible deltth. 1'he total damage up In .yalus. 'rhe SIdewalk 00 t.he 1 will oft'ar the following gnodtl at land is very g entle and qUiet. f.rees ~t lin ILllIl'nlltll{ rllt,e in Dlt!DY willllggregat,e, $1 ,000. eRst side of the street blls been au Relll (lnsiv Randln of Lesson prl Vl1t.e 8111e ut Uly r ~lcldnoa : lie Was sired by . Noblesse,. he Ly counti6l!. nle88 tb rl\v .lges of Tbe explosion is thou gh t , to have eye 80re to .oitizeus bere for yellrtl, Stud y llf 1.0:I80n - -I 0 lIIiullttj~ I ~Id u u Dictator, h~ by Hambletontall X. t bis the wurst of fruit pests, tir been cllused by a spark tbrown off but by midsummer it will be a prom'inglug e OBr , Oscar P.'s dam was Alieni .. , by Red ouaoked, few trees will be living in by the machtnery \vnioh ignited inent thoroughfare for ull. 'ollectlon 1 Dining tlible (t\djll stll ule styh ) Wilkes, he by Geol'g~ Wilke~, bt! Ly t,bree years . M~ny towns IHS full g reen powder; All/tbat was left of '1'11e tax levy was also gone ovor, )' Review of Lesson. 1 davenport., Hambletonian X . o f it. Oroh1\rA s ltr b~lng ne~1 cterl the t.wo mill!! were two holes In the ' and one mill was out off tberefrom Report of Hecretary 3 Rookers, 2 Wash8tand!! (one with mirror Ilnd tr et! ttre rapidl y beollm iug ~ru 'lUd !lnd a. pile of svli nte~8 . ;whking tbe le vy 12X mills. Th ~ 1 '108ing Song . top) , wortbless. Th tl official lm\1etin of Window8 in the dwellings of tho . following is the levy : If you Ilre' not a member of some I 1 bed-st·eRd with springs, tblt! ?apartment fu r May will rel\ch v i11 lige~ were "batt,ored and tbe General fuud ... ............. ........ 1 DJill ' ' I\bbath Scbool, we shall be more Qniuk -Ulea I j{lIl.4oliue s tn~ e. you In a few dIlYs . . We wo u.ld be shock W08 plaibly felt in Lebanon Publio health fund .... .. ... ... ... t.bllD l)lellt!~tl to weloome you to ourt! . $10 to inSIlI'e 11 livinlC coil. Any ,I IHll et! Ht,IIOP:!· I!! lad to bave you g ive IIUentlUn to and viCinity. Public safet y fo nd ._....... ...... X " We lire quite sure you oan help U~ one parting with in~ured mare· fol'-----OUI) items on hortioulture orohard - - Publio servioe fund ....... .... .. 6,X.' .. I aOlI t h M wo neell you r belp i ami feits insul'allc~. Ca re will be taken ohools and frnit not~s. Smashes All Records. t3jn king fund ..... .... ......... . ~ .. 5 - .. U~~ydbe we In.SOUlO W IlV Ullly IJe . euto avoid acciuents, but cannot be PUBLIC SALE responsible for any that may occur. Advise your reader s tb8 t t hirt De- As a n a.1I-round laxa.tive tonic and a e to !lssiat you . partment. is At tbeir t!ervico io ex- health bUIlder no otber pills can It 18 a soorce of grotifiolltion tbat l /:;libblltb ~ohool Dogins promptly I will offer for sllle Itt my relilclellOtl For further particulars, inquire or ". nl . I1ml ning their tree!! free of ohltl'ge . cOnJpure with Dr. King's New Life tbe water works and light bondsllre l at 9 .' 1"u •• n Lyt·le, on call Home Phone 72-6r, Centerville Fruit is a bealt.hy food an d a profit- Pills. rhey tooe and regulate stom- being paid ~roDlptly , and it it! only fl. \ H. D. KELLISON t:iupt. Tuesday, May 18, 1908 Exchange. able orop if gi ven attention : noh, liver and kidneys, purify the matter of tlme when tbe bondt! Will I ----- ' the following goods : 11 lot of bouseRespeotfully, S EORETARY . blOod, strengthen the nerves; oure all be paid off. WANTED--A SCARE CROW Constipation, Dyspepsia, Biliousnes8 Counoilaocepted the bond of l~t r eet bold goodt! , I:IU0b II~ bellrool.U t!ults, - - -- Jaundice, Headache Ohills and Maobtlir~, o!lrpahl~ uurtliins, window . •• , l!lria, '1'IY them. 250 at l!'red V, ()ommit!sioner, S. E. Mart,. . Wbllt woulll you t hink of 11 mao Absence from church was a punish- :::lobwa·rtz'!I . After a short discussion of good thnt wou ld be meaD enou~h to sten I s huuet!, betltl ag stoves, l,liddlng, ~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!..!!!!~('!!{!!!!~ able offense in England in t he seven- - - •• - • and welfare lor the oity, oounoil liU a sOllre cro w ? A w~n mliV be good, olookH, wirror~, IlImp~, Wl\shlnt( IDO ill~j; 'P teenth century. and yet not htwe IlS good c lothes II Il ohine, lawn swing, Itnvn mow(:!t' , TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Joorned. a· sOlire orow Ilnd still let the tempter hose, Bowe sCIi!es, jl\rs, orooks, etc., A LUCKY FIND 1'he Warren (jountv Teaohers' induce bim tll exohange olothln ~. buggy ; h!lrn6J!s, blankets, "awl', Aasooiation will meet at Univerei'y .l few days ago Mr. Frazee Blltba At any rate, Mr. ,Tohn :::It.roop, wbo furks, ax, hatohets, eto_ etc. '" . Chapel. Lebanon, Ohio, May 27,19011, way when riding along the road, Ii ves on tbe Upper, pringhoro pike, '1'erOl.-*5.00 !lnd under, olAsb; all lat 10 :00 o'clook a. m, Musio by found a bundred-pound sllok of fiour would like for SODlO one to bring t!oms over tbllt umount Ii or~dit of - lSnd AS8ooiation, Dev:otional Exeroises, lying quite unhlirmed as it apparent bi@ SOILre orow bome, REI b e neod!! it 1 ~ wonths will b£'gl v6u witb IIp. Round Table Topios, C, B. Young i Iy droppen from somebody's vehicle. badly in bi s bnsin es£I , proved seouri t y. DR ,r. W . WAIeI) - - - +-+- - Address by Judge Geo, W, Smnley, Mr. HathawllY pioked it up and Yellow Peeled Peaches BEETL.E AS A SCENT SACHET. At 1 :00 O'OlilOk p . m., Addre88finding it marked as W!l.ynesville C. T . Hawke, Auot, We have just received our Ird At his home , 3X miles we8t of Walter Kenrlok, Vlerk . "Responsibility fol' the Chlld," Geo. flour, tooli- it to the mills where he lot of those 3 pound Tenn. Borneo That Exhalea Most Waynesville, on the Upper Sprinar- - -... - -Table Peaches, and place them W. Benton, Prinoipal of Hbortrid/Je learned from M r . Robitzer that Innet of Powerful Perfume, boro pike, for the comin&, season, on sale this week a t the special Bigh School, lndlanapolis. Frank Miltenberller from beyond low price of tOc a can. BROWN BILL is a good Ileneral These 'oods _ _ _ _ __ O. H_ CARmY, Prea. Lytle had a few houra previously The beaux and belles ot Borneo do No. 45148 purpose horse, ALIOE CoOKE, Seo'y. purohlLRed the amount mentioned, not have to distil p rfume for their are peeled and a good 1iessert 0, E . Bratten whereupon Mr. Hathaway s"nt a hall' or handkerchiefs. Th y hav peaeh, . CLOVERDALE is one of the best'om T H Rogers only to take a waik uutll the v find a Randt!ome bll y trottlog stallion bred Perc heron horses in thi,s section Ex . Iv . ,. telephone mess 'ge to the home of ' { B D Kell 'fton mimosa In bloBBom. Clinging to the with black paint!!, sired b.v Allao 0, Canned Pumpkin Mr. Miltenberger and the aOAwer 1I0wer-ba11s Is found ,. n10gnlll ent record 2:14,}{ , ' rl,,1 2:06, sire of of the country. He is fifteen years _ _ _" ... _u _ s - -A new lot of Bates "Elegant" old, and is withou t a blemish, o~me tbat the flour w"s lost by this beetle of btllliant emerald gre n sha'rease l 2 :10J1 aod lIix o thers better Pumpkin, 3-pound cans, special dl gentleman who had jost reason to ng to a brlgbt bronze on the win · • Lived 152 Years• .price . this week 6c a can cases and (0 ched Ith ld h than 2 :20 DliRl by Moqo.e tte 2 :10, Wm . Parr-EnKland's oldest m"n be thankful to Mr. Bathaway for head. ' This living U W go all t e , jewel emits a pow~ire of Laurli Bellina 2 :O.a;v. and fivl' 'hefl third -r81'IDB. Strawberries, Lettuce, Onions, -married ft..a ld i I time 32 at Ii120, ad the straightforward honesty he ·erful Bcent of attar of roses, perfuming otbers .with reoords better ~h8D 2 :10, k ~ in the 8 s t I l and v ahowed to 8n unknown neighbor. the for Jllany yards around It. A celerY, Cukes, New Tomatoes, wor $10.00 to insure a living colt. Any longer • P wv ..... ple should be ____ 2 "V ."eare J • -.. number of them placed III a house will !lIre of twenty "eVf\n hea~r th~() f\\eW Rotatoes, New Texas On- youthful at 80. James Wright, of "No Drip" is the most.olever little 1111 It from top to b~ttom with dellght2 :30. He by Wllt.oo 2 :19,X, Aire l :26 one parti~g wit h mare forfeits the ions, New Green Beans, OrKy., shows how to remllin silvered Coffee Strainer ever invent tal fragrance. Young gh'l s roll the and 2 :30 performers tit;!oond dum AI- insurance. aDJeS. Lemon., Bananas,Plnt> Spurlook, youog. " I teel jost like a 16 year- ed, Get one free from Dr, Shoop, Insect In a bit of cotto n cloth and lena, dlllll of Or1601lte 2 ;13, sbe by apples tbl, week. old boy," he writes, "after taking Dft_ W' h C b I six bottles of Electrio Bitter.. For .LlOUlne, IS. by.t ·e oopon Plan. raid It In the r black locks. and Red Wl\ketl 1749, sire of R"lpb We are paying thirt.y years Kidney trouble made. ~elr Coo~n ItahndGoD~. Shoop's new YOU~g ~ell suspend It around th Ir Wilk,il1 2 :06y', and 173"otber8. Allen life a burde~, bot Ule fir8' boUle of 0 on ea . uee sent to any nec s 11 e an amulet or an EgypUan Ulis wonderful medioine oonvinced one by secretly serving .01', Hhoop's scarab. The fragrance gradually Doan i8 a good Bound individoal me I had.found the g. reatest core on Bealtll Coffee at meal time, YOQr ,rowl ralnter 8S the beetle 108 s It,s with good 'd isposition, a show borae 't'lsltor or yoor hoaband ~~~~.!.!!~~~~:....J!~"!!!~..lU:!tlLl!....-----f-ill:I4-lHl'&l~l';-f~fHltM~~l'IIdll,8t-fal1 earth," Tbey're a godsend to weak, be ill drinking The beetle lives In captivity only a 8ickly rundown or old people. l'ry In t ew bours, an d as the scent expires 1t8 I\. two, year .old in forty'-ooe 880 ' there is not gral'n of rAAI oo"ee II t.bem. 500 at F red C, Schwartz 8. Dr, Hhoop'kI Bealth Coffee. Pure with It, no way has so far been found onds j oOlild- tohow a 2 :80 ga.t t. Wil - - --. _ .. - - grllins, malt and nuts give Health to extract or preser"e tbe xqulslle be limited to ten 8elect. mares befor.. Harvtay.burg. Ohio. OF COITRSE HOW ABOUT YOUR PIANO coffee its exquisite ta!te and flnor. odor. The scented beetle appears only tra.ining Ilt flO. to inllure 8 Uvin~ N920 to 30 minotes beHling. "Made When the mimosa Is In flower. Neither oolt. 1 will be at' the hott!] in . in a minote." Try it from your birds not ' lizards will destroy It, and WliyuE'svllle one day In eaoh wePk. ~""III!-.irI ·' -.J!II\.·~ l.~ Does yoor piano need tuning? grocer and get a pleasant 80rprlse;' It Is protected even · from the vora· WILL 0 6U~TIN, PrGp. We want the p"nple to kDOW we '.': I .Call J , .1. Thompson. Jr., 44.3 it IX III paokage 260, 801d by all Gro. claus woodpecker by 'lta -powerful p 1'lJebftn,on, Ubio. "Te still nanflllu g i •• Main 8t" Lebanon, OhiO, or Valley eel'S , rume. . n - - -•• - ••- - -~-:--...- -Phone 54-D, and he will oldl all VOU and g uarl\ntee 8atlsfao~ion, W. C. T, U. 'hilUw !

I0 p I scar ·



Terms of Breeding


.. - ..

r I





- --.------


Brown Bill



- ..

Allen .Doan




~20 c~ni:s for Eggs








.. -





The W. C, T. U. will meet Fri_ 1 CorDs day, ~lI.y 14th, at the home of Mrtl. Without pain b the use of Anna O'Neall at 2 o'olook, ..All ,y , ' ., - 1 will pay the highestThe Matinee Vlub, of Wilmington, members are oordially invited to be Schwartz sC~rnRemove~ , will open their 86ason on May 20th~ pre86ot. " 15 Cents pe.r bottle I Th888 events are very intera.itiag. ;ANiED • • •and . bring about a greater ,love of --- ~- ••- - gomi sport in the racing line. DAv, 1'rnstworthy Ulan ' or woman in EGGS FOR SAL~ t ,id Peebl81 is president of the olub, eaoh county to advertise, reoel ve or- . and N, M, Linton, 8ecre~ry. ders and manage bosi9AS8 for New " Pure-bred Barred Plyuloutb Rook i ' York Mail Urder Boose. '18.00 egga for allie, 50 oents per 1.5, Write Holland has few depende~tpaupera weekly i position permanent. no in. or phone:Carl Duke, R. D. 4, Wayne8~ Work is provided for a\1 who apply vestment required. Previo~8 ex- ville, Ohio, Valley phone G6-4Xr, For Chickens and Poultry for relief. . perienoe not essential to engaging . •- • of all kinds, I will be in - - -. - ..-.- Spare time valoable. Enclose self MOTHERS' OA Y Waynesville on Tuesdays, • • • • •_ • • • • •_ . . . addressed envelope for foil partioD The secood Sunday in Mav ba a Call Phone 142. COrDS lars. Addrtl88, CLARKF. Co., Wbole sale Dept, 103 Pa.rk Ave., New York, latelY b.e en set apart as ~otber~' Without pain by the use of • _ • Day and the 'whlte carnation, has Schwartz's.CornRemover Sixty years ago the ·use of flint and been obosen as the motber's flower. ,steel to produce a fire was not whol- ' Tbe day was obse~ved Sunday in 15 Cequ a Bottle 'II• • • •_ • • •_ . . . . . ._ • •_ . . . . . . . .,Iy unknown . , ' a great many oitles, MATINEE CLUB


"'M a,rket Price


Albert Smith.

..- ..---

Ordinance No. 55



foUowa :

General Fund . . .... . . . . .... .






at CouncU Chamber dny of blay A. D., 1909.

( GI,h )



the. Fifth

CO:I\S.~. ~EED. Clerk.



Curtain_, Window Shade., · Etc. Come In and See


Howe Bros. ~:;::::=::::;~

1'0 nl 'Corpol'lltlon .. .•• .. mUla SEOTION the OIerk Ia herebY! dlrect.tJd to certIfy the above levillll to the Auditor of Warren County, to be placed 011 t he t(1)'. U,st IUld collected accordlJljJ to law. , SE TION 6-ThJs orolnance shall take effect IUld be 'In force from and att~r the cnrll08t period nJlowed .by la'll'. .



Carpets, Rugs, Linole:'

mUl mW mill



carrying. large line 01 Paper, We also ba,v e • oomplete liDe of

1<'or PubUcHoalth Fund .. . . ... . . . ~ ~'or Public Sllfety Fund . , . . .. .. . . ~ }i'or Pabllc Service Fund .. .. ... , , IS ~ mUll , EO'flON s,,'ur Sluklng Fund nud Jnterest . . . r; mllll


, I

Wan Paper,

To Levy Taxes for Municipal Purposes, for the tax year of 1909'Be it ordained by tile Council .of the Village of Waynesville, Ohio:' SEOT)ON I-Tha~ thore be levied and coUected for tbe support of '/te municipality during tbe ,Oecal year. 1910, on each cloOII' ot valuation of ~he real and IIOl'8Onal proJ)ll~Y wlthJn the vl.llage ot Waynllllvllle, Ohio. returned ou the grand dupllqate and lubJect to taltiittou.n~ mills, SE01'ION 3- 1'hat the levy above autbOl'Ized tor munJclpal pllrpolMlll 1M! and the lame Is hereby npportloned


PILES Ir._· ... '1 .........· .


.,' ,



--n..... ....d ,11--.. I~""




W""C~0 •

...-. .......

.'. , .




'SherwoOd .


_~~~~~~~~). I:,::~~ . ~ .

m la·m l Gazette +


•• ••


Ads w ll1. be Inle rt.ed under tbl R bead for twen~Y·t1ve cents tor tbree InlIOrtlons,

when ualnv not more·tban



'Ufe, .t;:Jre,>-U&htnln&, TOI'IIIOO, StoCk aria A lei



~~ Call::~::';'~ ·' roPND+ A ~ ~ir

of . 8~1aole8. ' - 0 " ~ " ~aC" ~. ~. . Owner Gall have 8ame by prov- ~!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .i ng .property and, ·paying for tbi. ad, ~




e. __..-

,b . )






COMM~NCEM~NT. Exercises Will Be Held On Thursday Evening

Weloome to CII188 of 1901,l .... .... ... . .. ..... ... RIIY l11:lnd Willil\mson, '08 Rt't.4puosll .............. 'l'errel Mooy, '011 fo MelllorltlOl - l'u live 10 the bearts or tb08t! we lel\ve behind is not to , die .... .. .. .... ... AQJla Taylor Ellis, '7/:1



/ · Dr, Hiatt FrIday.




... ...- - -


- - -...

In Cinoinnati last



Beech Grove.


Societ y Column

Miss Mabel-'-h-Il-es en tertained Wednesd t. eveniug, Misses Inez ~ "~. I~~~~ llDd Urie Allen aotl Mo!'srs Lee Tal. .l el·sey Sweet Potato plants at mage, Clarenoe Allen , Walker Terry D '. H. Hookel·s. Mr. and Mrs . John Baker and and Strawder Ringer. MU810 and Ernest Robinson WIlS in Davton daughter, Mllry, of Bellbrook, Mrs. game8 Wilt! the ohief diversion. A last Wedne8day. . . Clark of (jordOn Uhio Mr anu Mrs delightful time was enjoyed by all. MI" lind Mrs. W. H. Allen were In Frank Zell tHld Miss Ethl;n .Tonos Misses Minnie Burgett and Mary ute y dinn e r with Will '{'horpe Fealy vltliteu Liberty Hall sobool Dayton Monday. Imd wifEl . "on d ny, Mitlses HI\nnah and Auua Kelly '. V . Harness a.nd fllroily vl8ited were in Dll-yton Monday. Mr . Ilnu Mrs. ,r. E. Janney euter. ' in Waynesville Wednesday. George Henkle Ilnd VI ife were vis. toined at a six o'oloak dlone'r '['hurs. A '~,t1'eat many of the Beeob Urove inel\8. itors in Leb~non, Monday. d:lY eveniug the following guosts: foill s uttenc10d tbe Sopday Hobool Dr. and Mrs. J , M. Wanl, Mr. and Conventiun a.t Jonah's Run oburoh TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION Dr. C. A. Hougb, (If Leb!LnOn, Mrs. SaUluel Williamson, and Dr. Sunday ufternoon . was in t.own last · Thul'sd~y. and Mrs. '}', J, Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Boward Fulkreth The Wafren Cnunty Tell oh~rs' and son Donald spent I::!unday with Bt>fD to Onrtis and Anna Tom. As80chu!.on will meet at Uuiver!!ity Amos AI!en and family. ' linson, May 19tb, II. daughter. Mr . and Mrs. Ed, MoFarlnnd, of Lee TlIlmage and CbllrIes lJrown B. S. Howell and 0, J, Edwards Hiokoryville, entel'taiMd iu their were Harveysburg. vlsltor8 Saturwere In . LebanoD, IMt I(,bnrsday. uRual bORpitable mll.nner Sunlll1Y at \lilY. S. r.. Uartwrigbt and lJr. J. '1'. dluner the follo\ving "ueats: Mr. 'rhe " roo~ digger" made his abode Ellis were io Xenia. last WednesllllY, !lnd Mrs. 1.'. B. leaver, Mr. and Ail' . Itt tbe schaul hoose Saturday night. A. P, Moler, Mr. and Mrs. U. C. S. A. Ringer and .Amos Allen were Roy Irons, of- Dayton, spent SlI.t. lel\ver Ilnd Mr,ll.ud Mrs. Chas. Sbt. entertalDell Sunday evelling at tbe uraBY' and Sunday with bis family. uaker. home of I::!amuel Ellis near Harveys'sll Alioe Jacobs, of L'lvelanCl. is burg. Mt The Ladies' Afternoon Card Club the gu.e st of MIAS Emma Heighway, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Brannon gave a party last lfrtday evonlng viRited K. E. 'Thompson a.n d familY at the home of Mrs . •T. B. Cl1 a pman, I::iunday. Owen Bnrnett WIlS the guellt ot Ex. Com. , his SOn Whltt.ier in Cinoinna\i I:!unin honor of Mrs. Cynthi!). Evans !lnd Mis8es NeUte Harnets and Oria Miss Emma Beig~way. who nrrivell I . d H h d --dl.l.Y, bome from Ca.lIlornia IBSt Wednes A len with their frien 15 Uf!: sn , OAVE 0000 DANCE Mr. and MrS. U. M. White spe~t Lytle,Obio, April 29, 11109. day evenin",. Tbere were about Joseph Burgett attended the &00&, 'ro Wh om I t May' CODoern:- B.y , twenty.eight'" "'present and refresh. lanreatesermonatWQ,-ynenllJ~ tiUDthe end of this BOhool year Lewis EI. ments of strawberrie8 oake wil.fers day Dlght. non. .. wIII b.a ve b it ' Saboul oloses Wedne8day for 8ullcl:" h uu fen super n en,den t and ooffee were served, t!8mqel Fabnestock, of Oinolnnati. of tbe Lytle Speoial Distrlot for eigh. . mer vacation. was in town last Wedo6lday on bUll t86n months and his work has been ," Truman Wardlow. called ". the ' · Ii bas been the custom for tbe pu~ . I nest!. , . bome ofC. V. Harness Sunday ev-. sucoeasfuJ. Can eaythathets a man . phs of tbe Int-ermedlu.t.e room in the Mfa. Loni~e \V<)~ley is in Lebanon of Hood moral oharaoter and true to Lytle S~bool to have a literary meet - tlnlng. • _ • visiting her daughter, H. V. I his \Vonl, iog 'ohe Fdd~y afternoon of eaoh New Burlington. "', Walter. ' Albert t;taoy, Moipber of Boa.rd of month. 'At the ·suggestion of one of . OBITUARV Education. the pupils, it. was ' deoided to 'holel ' A part ot the oilloer8 of tbe 'M.~ . Flank Holmes, 6fDaytQn, gpant Lyt.le, Ohio, April 28, 1909. the last m~eting cif the 'year at the !!onio Lodge bere attended a 'meetinl 8unday with illS sis~r, Mrs : JaB . To WhClm It M.a.y Conoern ~..~·!rhe borne o~ one Qf ,the ' memhers. Ao· 0'( the order in Washington . O. a : titoops·. . · . . bear~r. Lewis Elhntfj at the eDl~ of cording}y a morry orowd found their last. week. . thi-..cboo1year, will have ... taugh~ w~y last'. Tuas,d!lY. eyeQing to. the Miss Lulu Ewing has not been so our high sohool.for ·eighteen month8 bOJDe of Mr l a;nd Mrs', Albert Staoy ell duriog the past ·week. a~d has glyen exoeiIent sutillfllotioQ. wher.e they w~re cardililly .. ~ivec:1 , 'rbe.friends of Miss Jemima Boots He is it m"n .of good' moral · oharao.. by tb.eJr hostess Miss · Jtst" Staoy gave her a·p08t ollrii shower on Ftt. Come in and see the New Pertec. te.r, a gQOO disoiplinarian, and ' tries assisted by bel' oOtlsin, Kiss Reba. day in honor of ber ' eighty.firet tibn- Wlck nhie;FmmeOIl Cooks at hard 'to make his work suooessful. ·~rnbart. After the program, whioh btl'thdll.Y. . J. H. ,Coleman's . \ Walter' Kf.!nriok, Olerk of Board. ooosisted of ~Qngs, 'reoitations, dia· Tbe Yearly Meeting C. B. Union 10gues etc.; waS o.o~pleted 't hey ad.. of the Frfends ohuroh will. hold its . Mrs. Reybbld'J.anQaon A.rthur, of of Eduoatlon. . . ,- • journed tQ the- dini~g room,' where mid year rBUy at the oburoh hel'.e ·: ~ebia.; b~v'e"D vl8itins :her silter, FARMER$' CLUB ioe crealD, oake" lian!lnas and candy next Saturday. '. Mrs. F.: P.Jones. ','. . , were served~ 'A fter supper game~ The> 8ermon wlll be MISS til i~tll .Orane Is tIle gu!'st of For the second time sinoe. t·he or· wer@ ind ulged in nu til. III Illte hour preaohed at the Friends ohurch next Mis8 ~arth", ,0'Nea.!1 'd uring oom-. · 'cf the Wayne Townsbip when all departed tha.nking Mr, a.nd ::Sunday morning by;le8ie aaw1dne. Farmers' Olub tb'e m~etlng was held Mrs. l::itaoy ~n~ Miss Esta for their Deooration Day exeroiaes wUl:' be" · . beld a.t the M,. $. ohuroh at 2 p .. m. at the beautlf\ll home of Mr. and kind hospl&ality. OD the next 8unday', May ' 30th. ' Mrs. Josepb Deardotf, nelLt Merrllits· town,. :rh~'day beili'g~ll I~eal one,. l.n, reApOtl8e to dlLin't y IDvitatlous Rev, A. K,tmrgent witrdeUver the . . ": tbe -tabliis were set,011 the ~o~o~ and a 'lOU" orowd of people gath. address, Wm, Smith aod f~mny ~nd Miu . everyone was happy to realize that 'ered . Beittie Smith, of DaytoD, oall).e oyer in their auto and spent Sunday _t ' the home of Mrs. ' llaohael timl,b. 0, W, 'Whlteon i8 suffering from !\ ba.d out on hjs band. WIlS

When the teaohere of t.he Lytle Hpeoilil VI tri t hegun to pro ilia melinR fol' tbe enforooment of 8tate lllw, whicll bas been viplated here for tbe Pll8t four ye~rs, the report Wilt! spread ubroud that the superin. tendont was dl8honest and did not live up to his agreement with the boarrl. When the superint,endent· learue(} tlJat it wo·s the desire of tbe board to get his oonllent to violate Beotion 4091 of tbe Oblosoboollaws, be po8itlvely deolined and would n~t. ugr86 under .my con8iuerlltion. 'l'be Clerk of the board olosed tbe disoussion by Ruylng thl\t tbe super. intendent was not bound by that alau8e 1n tbe minutes relahng to tbe violiltion of Seotion .091, because the employee's signaturA was .not attaohed.' After the report wall spread broad. co t thai tbe superintendent broke his Itgreement wltb tbe board, the following TeOOmmenall-tions were obtalqed. If these men were honest when tbey signed their nd.mes to th!lse reoomme~dat-ions, said report oun not be true. A man oan not be o( & good mornl obaraoter and vio late bi!l promise to sohool boards at the same time, nor O'ln he be II. good oitizen and violllLe law.

~~W~'" $




No One Wants to Do It, Elut Some Pai nt Will Wear No Lohger.


When yo n havc 1\ joll of palnUng dO,ne YO II don 't axp ct to have It tlone orc r again vory soon. n ut to make a Inl;lllnl; jOll, Bov(lral t111ngs must lle Hlkoll In to cOlIsl deru Llon-tbc prope r tim e 10 Imlnt- Ihe condition ot the s urface- til I;ind of mal d ais to usc. eto. All these LIlatt"rs are rull y co\'er, d In (ho pecitlcntlous whlcl1 can be had frce b y writing Natlon:il Lead Company, 1902 T rinity ll uil dJn g, ' New York. nnd nsliing fOI' llouseo wner's 'Pul ut· Ing Out fi t No, <19, The outfit also In· ClllU s a 1J00k of color schemes tor both int. rlL1r nnd exte rior painting, and a . illlplo Instl'uUlent fol' detecting ad ul teratio n in Ib e l lU ill t Ill lll ori ais. T he outfit '1\' 111 solve muny paiutlng llrobl m fo r ovory bous owner. Mea nti me whll o lluy ing paint see that O\'e !'y wblle loa d keg b a rs the famous Du tch Day Painl er trademark, wh ich Is an absolu te guarant ee of purit y and Quality, It yo ur pai'nt dealer cannot sll pply you Nalioll ul Lead Company will s e that sow'a one else will.



NI ~", Cho~" tqerpa«~ ORDERS KEPT H'ER BUSY.




s~mbl~ ~ M a lijtl ~

, PoIItum."

Zimmerman, who was the creator of Ttl,e re Is no ga!nst!.ylng tile popu· the transfQr.mation gown ot last wln- larlt;y of the Bcarf. With both day, ter. Is a,gnln to th e fore with a s!tilUar nnll e \'cnlng cOStUIIl s It Is a proml· costume tOI' summer, which Is, It auy· neut ' featllre, and there are many thing, more faSClllating ,than the first. new details ot Its use which poInt to It Is practical, too, aud just the thing an e'veu more extended vogu . tor afternoon Visits, teas or anl'" func. In Ul llrst place thar e Is gl1eat va· Uoo where a pre tty tOilet Is desired rlety. Scarrs are now shown ill many and yet a wrap IB a necessity, It ca~ dlffe!' nl mat rials- In nets, embrolll· be made Iq any material that Is sott , ered and pluln, In chiffon, crepe, satin, and ,will hang In graceful ,tolds, sucb cashmere de sole a1'4 1 laco, They as chnrmeuse, Uberty satin, ' crepe de braid ed, embroid ered, beaded, span· chille, or toile de ninon, than wblcb glell , Ilrinted in design and Ol'ua· nothillg Is more deUghtful to weal', men ted with hammeroo metal work: 'rhe mod el gown was ot the latter,_ Not only do they show Increasing and In 11 color that Is neither rose or length and ornamentation but Inor eas· mauve, It was cut like a princess Ing width al so, says the Dry Goolls robe, close fitting about tbe hips, and Economist, some of them being so with Rome fuln ess arOllnd the bottom. wille as to assume almost tbe form Here It was finished w.Jtb hea\'y cords of a mantie. • of the sume materIal, whlcl1 gave With day dress the scarf often wclght to the skirt and took away the matc os tbo bat, aDd with evening absolutely plain look, 'Th e lower part costurne may be ot the same matcrial of the tightly fitted sl eeves was of dull as tbe dl'ess, BQth tbese points are sil ver lace and so was the sbort blgh distinctly new and are Indicative of yoke, A little shoulder cape was tas- a far r eaching voguo. tened In front with an arrangement of Scarfs which match the dresses are cords, tassels and loops. An Incb· made of chill'oll, saUn and cashmere wid e trimming of loops and tassels to de 801e. A notable in stance of match· matc h eelged the cape, !lnd al so the log scarf with . evening costume was long sash endB whlcb hung down over '-Seen In a debutante's toilet of pale the skirt lu the back, This sash was blue chiffon, with woven border of attached to the waist by some fine broad satin stripes. This l;Iorder shirrings, giving the long line 'that Is form ed the- trlmmln~ and the wrap, or now tho fasblon , scarf wa'~ form ed of a full width 'of Wben worn IndoorB It Is a charming the chiffon, showing ' the border on gown, simple ,In style and with noth· eltber side drapect in bedouin cape Ing about It to suggest that It might style and ' worn ' c~elessl¥ over , the ser ve two purposes. When, however, shoulders thl'oughout the eyenlng. ' Many of Ule new scarfs are fringe It Is to be worn out of doors the little cape SUddenly becomes a wrap sut· trLnunod. Very beautiful are thoBe ficlenUy awple to atlord protection, made of tbe coarse me,s h nets ot both and as coQUettlsb a.s possible. It Is silk and metal trimmed :wIth ' heavy all done tAT s1mply taking tbe snail fl"lnl{~s made {rom lacet braid. Many ends and bringing them around over of tbe 'scarts are draped In the bedouin the arms &nd to the waist In tront. cape style at tbe' back, tbe pOint being' Here tbey lire knotted and the , ends weighted with a tassel. ThlB drapery finished with balls, and cords 'are an ' gives a more graceful outline to the addtUonal trimming. ,In the·· back the sc~rf when · worn· and makes It more wrap extends ,to the waist, !"bere It). becoml~g., " ,~,: beld In ' plaoe by shlr'rlng. ' ... \ Other noveltY fonns sbow the scarf It Is all cleverly oontrlved, for the sbIrred or 'plaited In the center back, wrap can be adjusted ID' a' moment ' wbereit. Is beld, In shape by a l!,rge and wl~hout tile sllghest dlftlcu1ty. ornament o( rich embroidery. The In· There Is no striving t.o see IL one's cre~sed ' favor shown . the bammer-:d garment Is straigbt I~ the blick, tor It metal 6C~~~ Is very. apparent, Entire cannot possibly 1>e anytlilng ·else, .. Tbe evening mantles. an~ coats are formed hooks which fasten It In front are of of these set together In artistlo de the kind tbat wj>rk tbemselves and, slsD. every fold falls Into plaoe with only' one' or. two slight movements of tbe fingers. The astonlsb.lng part o( tlie gown also Is tbat there Is not one unneoessary lncb or material In It" nor' a bIt of tulnes8 tbat could apparently be dtspensed 1V'ltb. '. '

aeer.lng to Be 31 Comforter. "You are consuming 11 great deal of valu able tim e with your tar1ff :U'M l mont." "Yos," answered Senajp Sorghum, "1 tlud sntlsfaction In tllfi ll g to d nlon· stral,e thnt hore Is on ~i cll s (, where the conRumer doesn't pay the tax.."


ImportanMo Mother8. fuamlno Ci"'Cf'illl y !'very bottle of CASTOrtJA Ii 60ft' and sure remedy (or IDf~«"IInd chlld !'!'n, lind see that It





Slgnulur~ O(~~

fn Usc For Ovor ao Years, Tho Klnfi Yon Have Alwlll'S AOIIl!:ht, Woman's taste for dress Is so Instinctive tbat a dairy maid could readIl y and becomingly change ,posttlons with a society Queen, Pni" nnd, 8wcl1ing Beldom incliunle in· ternnl organic truuble. They nrc u8uI\lIy th e rc ul t of loenl cold or infiamml\tion which cnn he ~ui ckl y r movod by a little Hamlinll "izard Oil. Try nnd llCe. The average lUe of a dog hi from ten to twelve years.




STRONG E. Pinkham's

yei~et8ble-,"Co~jouiJd •• I




;~k~rt~~~;~sun~:~~s:,:?~o':::! t:~ 10~e:l~a~u:lo;:~1'~ra~~IC~le.:-te;~~! ,'. =c·:J:IJ"W-·~!U'lur~X~~~~~p.;,'mlr>n;.md

b",ti~te; you Will see Ilt'" a glance that ~n'd l Jlas .a ,deqlde~ ' stYle':of its own . . ,

dreJls w1l1 , b~ very' lnexpensive. It :'A. p'r~tty, oper~ ~alr Is of. }lInk salin' essenilal, ~hat ! 'the' dress be wfth_ a: golcf cQrd, 'and decorations ' of made ' Jll one plece-neltber the ,prln- · hand,-Jjelnted .'wrea,ths , In ' dainty Louis ' c~ss no.r . t1ie empire style. The 'shirt: colorings, ' ; . walat Butt ,with the belt -Qf tbe material ' Tbe ' Josephine gown Is , very' beau. "Will be very eff~ctlve (or ,tbe busl,De'ss, tlful tor evening wear. , It Is usually gll:l, and ' this Is' easier to, malta fashioned of some ,gorgeous, glltte'rlIig than the )nore ' elnb'orate , 'one·plece spangled net or chiffon, over satin, frock. The wlse ' ~lrl wlll CbOQ'S6 several ginghams of more or less dark " The First Teeth. "Color, and, If posslbl«l, each dress 'will Tbe first teetb bilVe a considerable ~o 1l1ade to I?pen dori tlte, tront, so ,effect on the second i and ; therefore; th/lt when It Is serit to tlie laundry when tbe little one »eglns to eat someIt may', ,b eeasUy Ironed. tblng~ besides 'milk he sbould' bave cereals Which are rich In tbe boneLace Shoulder Pieces. making elements.' , - Lace' pieces that cross the ~hould~r , A tiDy toqth lirush,' soft and pliant, andtaaten ate.tbe side of' the' dress. ~hould ,be~ uSl,}d by the Small cblld, and tliell "xtend., to the hem, ,a re among the ,least dec~y , should ,be sUftlclen t the 'latest conslg~ments" 'o f, nttr~ctlve ,reason fot', call1ng ' upon .the denUst. dress ornament,s. '?'hey ate w.ove~' 10 To los~ ~ on~ the first teeth prewa.' v,'ear 'with " dlrect~lre" costumes. , turely Is ~pI~'y: '" ' , ' .' . . . th~


JI'iln~Ie-Freddle, our engagement Ie is " h6~

r~ft for to-day.

' ' Freddle-Wby? Fannle-'Cos I got '1\ bag ot candy here that I think wlll last me until tomorrow night, ' Irish Wit. A gentleman, seelng Patrick dig. gin!!, In the ground, stopped to In; quire: "Wbat are 'YOU digging 'o ut that hole for, Pat?" ' "Sure,'~ , replied Pat, with 'a grin, "I'm dlgglIiI out the dirt an' lavin' the' 11'ole to ,look atter Itself, sor."




Very Serious. the dead bury Its dead," Vlst'tor-Wbat brought you to this, villed the opt1~lst. my poor man? "Tbat's a serious ~ndertaklng, Isn't Convict-My love tor books, mum. It?!' Raked ',the Pessimist. Visitor-Some of tbose cheap, sen· Insulted.- , sational books, no doubt? ~'What ' part', of the country did you , Convict-Not at all, lady; It was come from?" ' " , ',. pocket bQOks., "Say, don't get tresb, 'Do ilook ae BlOCked Hie Game; it l come Crom tbe ,countr);," . " :, ' ,t' Ollve-Dld he · steal ' a , ~ss from you? ,, EUa:""He tried to, but,, Ollve-:-WelJ? ' _ Elln..,....A,. fait·. exche,.~g~ ,Is"no rol,lberf, lOU know, . .' ,:' "


J on hna)l

Straw, 626 North anton, S. D., 'says : ".For three years I sut· r e I" e d everything with hcumntlsm In my limbs and a dull, ceaseless aching In illY back, I WS9 w e ak, lnn g uld, broken with head· aohes Qnd dizzy Bllells. and the kidney sccrellons wel'e thick with sollcls. I was I' a lly In a crlt· Icol condition wben I begon with Doo n's Kidney PlIIs, and tbey certnlnly did wonelers for me, Though I am 81 years old , T am as well UB th e aver" age woman of 60, I work well, eat weI! nnd sleep well." Sold by nll deni ers, 50 cents a bo,r. Foster·Mllburn Co,. Buffalo, N. y, Mrs,

BrOI\dw ay,


Get Saturated with Caff"lne. When a person has used cotlee for a Dumber ot years and gradually de· cllned ' ln btialth, It Is time the catlee shOUld be left oil' In order to see wheth· er or not that has been the cause of the trouble. A lady In Huntsvllle, Ala., says sho ,- used coll'ee for about 40 years, and for tbe past 20 years was troubled witb stomach t~ouble, "I l1ave beeu treated by many pbysl· cl\lus but all in valn. Everytblng failed ' to perfect a Cllre, I was Ilrostrated for "some Ume, and came nea,' dying. When I l'ecovel'ed _sufficiently to pa'r take of food alld drink'I tried coll'ee again 'and it soul'ed my stomach. '''I 'finally 'conclud ed cotlee ' was the .' cause of my troubles and stopped us- , lng It. r tri ed' tea "and mllk, In Its. place, btlt neither /igriled with me, tbim , ,,f commenae'd using PosLum'. I ' had It . brop~rlY mad and it was very: pleas- ' Jng, to.,. the tas'te. " - ,' , "1 lIave no~ used Jt cour months,'and my be;Jltb: ia 0 greally;. Improved tllat l > ~a,~ eat al~os't ' nnythhI$I"'ant 'and , can ,I\leep '\\'(511, w'h ~re4f1, before, ' 1. a'utfered for Y~n.I·:S ;' wlth Lnsomnla. ' ~I bave 'toul1d tbe cauSe ot my trOublet 'arid, '4 way tQ get rid ,,'I. them. , You ojah depend upon it 1 a()precfate

to Re-

Frocks fo'r Summer Wear, Says, TM absurdly taU neck rucblng demode. . , • , Fashion, and the Edict I. Well lfked. I ' White Is not fashionable for str,e et costumes. ' . ". This year the girl of· moderate TaffQta silk 18 regaining 'Its on&: ,means has ample opport unity to loolt" time popularity, tor gowns, " ber bflst at tlie teRAt possible cost. tor ,'Th«lre ' is a ' latloy for ' laced tasten· 'ahe may, Indulge In froolta of cheapest jngs In ~be spring gloves. Cberry , and 'J)Q~i>y wl11 ,glngbl\m, made very almply. These always are .'the v~l:y best selectIon tor tbe favorite, co)ors tl;1ls Beason .. summer wear" and If , ihey' are madfil' Usually ' ~heTi : the ' suit .s or Ii. d~ up with nn eye to uUUty 8J well as to ' cld~,d color a"hat some sof~; vniu, ,Une, she will find tbat at' all tlme~ ' tint Is W(lm. " sbe tIS among' the best of well-dressed The ' plctures\Jue Charlotte Corday. peopl~; ' Tbe. beauty or tile 'f asblon Js, Jtchu is appearing on ~ome ot , the that one', inI1Y, Weill' the plainest ,I$drt sheer m.tislln gowns. . Of,gQWDS with a' ~las band oi"th~',Baqte Uni~uall: ,say -. th~ l"ast, ,Is ' a al'ound the IIDe of the yoke- and a lilas wreath , ot prlQk1y gfeen burrs , around band to tql:m ,the belt. ' , Tbt~ ~!lke8 ' the crown of a, 8~aw hat.


An Inference. A Little Slip. Miss Oldham-I had a proposal of Rev. Mr, Spicer had tor three days enjoyed the telepbone whlcb had been marriage last night. M!ss Young-Indeed! ' Wh.o taught ,hJs last gift trom an admiring. parish. loner, He bad been using It Imme- fOU th~, art? Miss Oldbam-The art? cUate!y before gOing to church. Mis'; Young-Yes, of ~ypnotlsm. When the time came tor him , to an· 'nollAce ' the ilrst hymn, be rose, and Nothl,ng. , :with his usual ,impressive manner. "What did JInx say at the banquet .-ead the words. Then In a crisp, firm , tone, be said: , "Let us all unite lD last nlgbtT" ·'Nothlng." hymn '1I1x-double 0i sing three.""Why, he told me he made a Y.o uth's CompanloD.. ' speech." , -"---- - " -- "So he did,." Wealth of Melody. After a hard day In Wall street he The Parental Kick. bad been dragged by his 'spouse to the Friend of the Family-Is that young opera, wbere he promptly proceeded to take a nap, In the mid st ot It he man coming t~ your house as a suitor 'Was awakened by this in tbe most tor your daugbter? Father (wlth' velled melpllng)-Yes, soulful accents: "Ab! Wbat a rloh chord! Isn't It, and he Is a good one to boot. dear?" LITJii:RARY NOTE. "Er-ab- yes-bow much would .you say It's worth?" he murmured.



tb~ If\OIl'~-

NEW ,STRENeTH FOR .oLD BAC,K I. Day fro~ I . 0 Nee d to :Suffer Everv I N BackaC;,lie.


Even Then.

A prominent physician ot Baltimore Th" en ot, the w orld h a d come at lut, n ut Oabrl I stoo(\ ir t' solut e. tells of an amusing experience ot the nl<ln!1 awaJt d Ihe trumpet blll.l. early days of his praclfce when be IHll And 8tlll h e dI dn' t t oo l. Wtls res iding in Il small town where by fa r t he majority ot Ihe work rs Im pa tie nt mutt rIngs Ihen began: " W hy t h is t1 lay ? Wh a t does It mean'" were coal miners. " I'm wa iting, " Bu ld . a brlel, "tor th e 1n&l1 "I was gr('nUy 'dl stressed by th e In· 'With th o m o ll On pi cture machlno!" sanitary condition s prevailing In their NO USE FOR BILLS. cott age!:!, " says tbe doctor, "and nInong other things I tried to explain to puch household the Importance of lllnln tn lnin g a wholesoule atmosphere III Ih e sleeping rooms. I laid In a ' stock of thermometers, wWch were di st ribu ted to th e hou eliolds where they were mOit n eeded, I took IJalns to point out to each family In turn how th e th rmometer would Indicate Lhe proper degree ot temperature. "As 1 was making the rounds one day I Inquired of the woman at th e head ot the establishment, wherein I obs rved my thermometer proudly dis· PROOF POSITIVE. 1}layed a t the end ot a string, wheth· er she followed my Instructions. " ' Yes, sir,' answered she. 'I'm very careflll about the temperature, I watch the thing all the time as It hangs up there.' ' " ' What do you do when the tempera· ture rises above 68 l' " 'I take It down, sir, an' put It Caller- Is the manager In T "no you really love me, George?" outside till It cools off a bit.' ' ! Omce Boy- What' Is your name, "Didn't you give me thls'tle. dear ?" please ? An Offending Phrase. , "Yes, love. Why?" Caller-Just t eU him It Is bill old "Why are you so sure the crltlcs ''Well, ain't I Wearing It?" (rlend BllJ. don't know what they are talking Office BL}'- ,Th en be's gon'e out. l about?" ' RASH ALL OVER BOY'S BODY. "I waited five years to publish my beard him say that If any bl11 came be wasn't In, Awful, Cruated, Weeping ,Eczema on book," answered .the young author, Little Sufferer-A Score of Treat. "a~d then they sneered at me tor It's an Old Game. 'rusblng Into print!'" menta Prove Dismal Failures. Disgruntled ~ngUsbman (at launch· Ing Qt, the Terrlble Bess)-Gadzooks, NEARSIGHTED. Cure Achieved by Cutlcura. but this building tbe most warsblp·ln·tbe·world doth make me "My UttJe boy bad an awful rash ail sick! First we build It, then France over bis body and the doctor said It doth, then the Venetians. then , the was eczema• .It, was terrible, and .1,Ised Dutcb, and tben-egadl-we- build It to water aw,fully. Any place the water again. Praise fortune, our sblp, 'Went It' would fOrm another 80re and It , wrights say It can't be built much wotild become crusted. A. score or larger and float.-Puck. more physiCians fRiled utterly pnd dis· Seeing Is BelievinG. mally In theIr efforts to remove the Isaac (who bas just recovered from trouble. Then I was told to use the typbold)-Doctor, you have charged CuUcura Remedies. I got a cake ot me tor four weeks' calls; I vin pay Cutlcura Soap, a box of Cutteura Oint, for only three weeks! ment and a bottle of Cutlcura ReDoctor-But I called on you every 80lvent, aod before we had used half day tor four weeks, Mr. Isaac! the Resolvent I could see a change In Isaac-Veil, dere ' vall one week I him. In about two months be was enwas delirious, and I didn't seo you Urely well: George F. Lnmbert, 139 come m!-Life. West Cent!9 St., Mabanoy City, Pa, .. Sept. 26 and Nov. 4, 1907," Suspicious. nru. " Cbom. Corp.. 8o1e Pro~ BoMoa. Sbabby SbakespelU'e-Wben ~be heavy tragedian rapped at tbe way· Playgrounds In Boston. side cottage and told tbe ladY. he was Boston Women established the first an, actor In distress sbe dou b.lm. playground In 190'2, Last year there Nosole So,? 'Were eight, and nearly $2,000 ,was ex· Shortsighted Old Lady from the pended, or ,about $i , for eacb cblld, a Country (to triend}-Fallcy a lady llke .• Shabby Shakespeare-Because when she offered b,m a ,copy of "Hamlet," 'v ery cbeap price tor tho amount of tbat' selling um·bur·rel·as, he' said be'd 'rather have an omelet. good obtained, The Playground 'league 'Is the name of 'the society of the play· His Whereabouts. TOO BUSY. ground boys themselves, who wear "What became of tbat young ma.n butto,n s ~nd dlsclpllne all bad bOYB, who sought your hand In marriage at tbus Il1a~o.g the government easy the , seasbore last summer?" asked ", enougb '(or tbose ·In cbarge., Not tbe the dee,r' girl whp had been abro'acL taUt important reslilt ot the play"Oh," rej;lUed the, fair one who had grounds In that ' city Is said to be that remained at home, "I have him under tJlvolved In tbe self·government: my thumb' now."




has female &W"" Uil1U, l1l&ll WO~~Jl

such ailments as tumors" ~cer&tion" ~gularlties, ~ baokaChe, prostration, .,

, : ,




, 11 yon wlint'sPeOIal adnee wiita forlttoMl'8.pmkham,"7Im,~ge81

·It is free and .h'':'Y8h~pfw,.

T. '


By MOllY ELUOT SEAWELL (lJopyr larbt,l006.

crrlll Co.)

8YNOPSIS. At i4 yea ~8 or uge A(]mlrlll SIr Pt'ter Ji " wk llhu w'tj n ph w rd l II "'ply In lu\'o ul flr';l II IKht wllh Lall y Ara lll'lla Stormnnt , wh o 8 plr~1l 'd hl H 111llllltl onH. T ho hltl, u n Ql'lJlln n. \\'1UI s h 'e n LL lJl' l' lh " II 1l1ltJ· "hlpl1la ll 1m t ho ~ j /l.X Ily hlH 11 11 ,I . GIl '8 " ·rll oll. Ilt·ph 'W Qf Sit· '1 'hl)mIlR Vt'rnun. be nme th e boy's p u l. 'l'h"y II tt ' lI\led n 11I 'lI tli t Wlo ' l' Hnw shaw's ncph tl w saw Lall y ~\rab ilL ~ ' ., CHAPTER II,-Contlnued. No soon e r hnd Olles sllid this han with Iho d termination to be k wn as a mnn of s ph'lt (l WIlS, as I said, but ].1 ) . I concluded I would go to London, too. On th e day that Gllos Vernon got his 24 hours' leave, I alao got the same . Mr. Buxton looked II. little Queer when I asked him for It, nnd snld something about not allowing the midshipmen to leave Portsmouth; _ but I answ red readily enoilgh tbat I wlshe c1 v ry muoh to go on II. little e xpedition with Olles Vernon, whlcb would last overnight. As th e other midshipmen had been allowed aim liar liberty, r got my reQuest; nnd next morning, as the Phoebus coaoh for London rolled out of the Btables Into the Inner yard, I approached. Giles Vernon was also on hand. HII sur· prise was grent whon he saw me. "You take II. risk., my lacl." he saId. "No more than you do." I replied, s toutly. "And I. too. love a roguish yo and a blushlng ,cbeel(. and melfl to go to the playhouse wllh you to see Ml str 8S Tr nchard." At which Olles ron red out one or his rich laugbs, and cried: "Come along. then. my Infant Don Juan." W e got Inside the croach. because It was tar from unlikely that we ,mlgbt meet Borne 'of our own omc rs on the road'. or even Sir' Peter Hawkshaw hlmselt, who t'ra veled much be· tween Portsmo\1th and the admiralty. And had we been caught, there Is lit- tIe-doubt. that we should have been forced to right about face. In 'splte of tbe leave each. Olle of us had In his pocket. So we made ourselves' ex· tremely smnn In a corner of the coach, and only ventured to peep out once, when we caught sight or 8ir Peter Ho.wkshaw's traveling chaise goIng London-wards, and Sir Pet~ hlmseIt lying back In It, reading a newspaper. After that, you' may be sure we were very circumspect. I noticed. bowever, the same tliing tn the coach that I had observed the first hour I set eyes on Olles Vernon':""': that every woman he met was his friend. There wera some tradesmen's wIves, a French hairdresser, and the -usUal assortment or women to be found In a pu~Uc coacb; and In balf an hour Giles Vernon had said a Dleasant word to everyone of them. and 1I1lslled 1& t~elr smUes. . ' The day was IIi Aprll. and was bright througbout; and the relays of horses were so excellent that we reached Loadon at four In the atternoon, bavlng left Portsmouth at nine In the morplng. We went straight to a chophouse, for we were ravenously hungry. "And now. Dicky boy," said Olles t,o' .me. "keep a bright lool(out for any of our men; ,and It you see ODe, cutl your cable and 'run tor It. and It we are separated meet me at tha-, Wblte Horse Cellar at 12. 0·cloclt to·night to talte ·tbe midnIght coach." By the time we had got our dinner, It was time to go to the play. We mnrcb,ed of[, and made our way through the mQb or footmen, and got seatl! for the pit; and when we ~ent In and I saw the playhouse lighted UI) an'd the boxes filled with beautiful creatures. I was noa'r beBlde myself: Gllea laughed at me, but that I did Jilol mind. . . I gaped about IDe until suddenly Giles.. gripped my arm, and whispered to me: ",Don·t look to the ' lett. There Iii a box with Peter Hawkshaw ' tn it, and Polly, and two of them· the greBtes,t beauty I ever saw, though, but" a slip of a girl. It Peter or ~ollY seel us ••Lord' help Us.!"·' " I did n()t ioolt around ImmedlatelY, f ,but 'tbe desire , to have .8 glimpse 'o.f the adorable. 'Lady ' Arabella · me "steaf:,a g,apce ~bat· ,way. She :was very, " J!.utl(u,lly dre~sed ; , and, tho':lgb :bur little more tb~D 18, 8ucll a vision . o~ lov~llue88 DI!, 'falrly ,.to rlv~I, 'reigDl~1 beauUeS "of 8~veral , 8easons " stand,ng.. town" tJ:lat I !law .~ttIe Daphnt! slt.tlng but . I noted !leI' . ·by. .Lacfy ' Arabell acarCfily at atl. , Nor, c;ould qUus keep ~t8 '" eyel . off 'Lady Arabella;, aud I ' notloed ,that eVeD when 'the ~1'f1De' SylYla, '.. be called l)Jer...... OIl ~he Itqe, he 'wu -""oIMl" .tteQ~l'e to bar, bu.' ratb~

~1f!~~~;~;~ .•~'~~~ """",, .,.



Eyu Are Relieved By Murine three of 1,11 were buddled togetber II wh" n Irritated by Ctialk J,Just anll Eye the porch of ~ ch\lrch, s~ui.e dlatancf I>Lr.lln. illclOen L to th a ver agc Schl)ul , away fro in the scen of ~b e fracas. · , Roont. A I ' C nt IIWUS ot N IV York -Ity I' vt'uls lh. t a ·t UIRt In tllnt Ily , "N atly don .... r marked Ove rtoD alone 17 9Zl1 5ellool hlhlrl," II cU',1 By with u smile. to Gil s hould have ure. Why not Lry ,Mltrlnu I~Yc ~ 'lrll\!II Y fur R ell, Wt.tu k, Weury, 'Yulur)' J::y~~ . b en In Iha t brnwn y te \low"s c lutches I'unul tlo n. PInk .E)·o and Ey Str" IIl ? now, but tor tb e cli p over the h ad YOt WH'v AUNTY'S NEVER SICK. Mllrln. DopMn· !. Srnnr t; Sooth s El'o I'" In. gave him : ' ' . 1M oml oU ' Hl ed by Exp rlf'neeol 1' lIy .. Irln nll: nl1tnln~ no Inju rious or T'rohlbll"You did your sbare . sir;" polltel} OLK S t(' \1 m I look ilolI- old DI·u,ll's. 'rry MurI n for YOU I' !Dye r esponded Gil es. Trouh l['s: Y n u Will Lllle Murin e. T ry It - -=:H ....::::---,....IId-1>I(17" and pas t -m~ I·n nhy'" 8 "('8 fo r S 'a ly E)' 'lIel M. DruK"But time presses [lnd our affaln gi s t s fl" 11 MU"I n/\ ut 50,'. Th l> Murlnl! Eye p r ime, mus t be settled." said Ove rton; "h re Send You In- 0\\ And y(;t. I'm n('ve r al It a n t'ITl<"'" " .. :hl~~l l:o . \}CW"'\S ~ c\e(l\\5~ te r~lIt1 ll g Ey u Bnolls F ree. Is m y curd. It Is foo dark to r ead it d ay. You 5('1'. I hoI' n' t h me. but 1 am Cap t. Philip ·Overton. or tbe Early Experience •. Ol'l'Dsl(mally. I f (' I bnll. S C1lnd Li fe Guards." Som e tim ago an offic boy, answer· J\ '0111 ~ ts ho ld or m • "And' I." r eplied Giles. "am Midship· n llt )lIs t 1111 1 abo ut g i v e Ing the leI )J hone tor lhe first time In QSS\S\S man Gil es \ ernun of the Ajax. shlru P. Slime one gels sick, you hi s li fe, a nd not knowin g how to use of th e line. now at Portsmouth ." COl\S\\p'l\\O\\. ii , w a s lolll thut when the boll rang see. By the dim l\ gh~ of a lantern in be W IIS to a nEwer It. ~t\\\o.\\e\\'!Y. the church porch I saw the expression I r ('oll cct once rh"umaWhe n. th r for e. he heard ~t ring . he of a stoni shment u\)on Overton's fnce. tl z \~s bel\£S\C:\~\ Go t starl (1 In my sl le. pi ck d up lh t! r celvor and shouted: "Th en," he stammere d. "we are reo " H e llo. wh o's tb erc'!" But Jus t ( II n ll ro tl, cr lat ed." Th e answer cn l1l ~ baclt: Sum tonl< skl< "Y es." re plied Giles. smiling. ' "and AI1d pretty nen rl y /l it d. "Go on." said t he boy. If you pie rce me through with swo rd And b y th o tim e 1' (1 nlII'scd hIm 'round. you we re deatl." 6e\\\l\\\e, Anll hl,lp,'el tha t ",Ifo o' hIs. or pi s tol. It will be worth one of tbe ~ MAl\JlJrtICTUR~D e'f T >1 E If"" su II;C IJ 1 cl fi r rors ot fln est esilltes In th e kingdom to you. All ' boul m y rh <: umatl z. provid ed alwnys tbat old vlllnln, Sir by eaacd ,)I.)rt hm o r t he ~a r. 'I hne lit lInly CHU' Wll ) ' t o Tbomas V rnon. do s no t mllrry 'lnd 'AnoUh' r lIrn e I slUr( ed In cun~ dl'Ar nesa. !\l lt l tlutt l'" h)' ~m81 1lU\lOllnl r thll"Cl lce. \Yllh 0. dY ~ J) ~ PN Y .('n r". Dca t'nt'&J ls ,!ausod " )' un tll n ... na.~ COUOI\ lon u f th o ha ve children In sp ite of 113." Th" n Marthy had 0 bub)', a nd mucous Hnlng u r I tll.' EUlltarbllU1 'I'uUu, WlJt"o thl') I e Ove rton re fi ected. bait lau ghing and I h u (\ (0 gp o ut I h er e. tuh. 18 In l1annd you h~\'I' " ru mb ll n. 8Oun ol or 1111- ' SOLD BY LEADINO DRUGGISTS 5O'AI5OTTLf perfec t h t'n rIlHC. a m i "," u.'tI It l, r n qrcl)" d ~ ,() , Uf'A f- 1 . _ halt frownin g. 'rh en ~ I Il's Imr lt go t to ochl n' 110 DCM l8 tho rC~lUl t, tUIt.1 UUll'M Ulfl Inllt\lufll fH IUll CtLJ1 bo A St·~ llI . d 1I00h ln' wou ld r 'IIO\" her. " It only you l1ad not pa ssed a blow! taken ou t Bnd th is Inb" ....Iom.l 10 IlJI normal (~,mll, 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per ere Just OM IIho so t IlSY. l 'IL Uno. h ru rlng w ill hi' ll ~1 rilYNI fo re\' r ; li tHe r ll.ti(.'8 \ Anytblng els , th e re could be an ac· And ' 11 11. ' down wit h t)'ll hOld f ev r. g~~ ~~ ll'::~:~'t1C1\~~~n~,~f, ~~ I ~~~h~n~~~~l I5l~r~~~~~Ug have ~~n grown on farm land. in commodation tor. It wa s most un· 'Ve w tll Fth 'C Ono lluruJrt-d U{)UhrS tOr nny ('JISt,' of I So holY on PJl rlh CO n 1 g e l sick ? fortullate. " Dcn r"",," by ratarr h) O.llt Cllnnot b" <'! , by H ull'. (onu8('(l Cl. l 4 .rr b l"'ure, ~"Ht l ttlr C'11'l'UIt\nI. tn~', 'TII'ou IIl 1I 11l10s l he a crlmo. " Yes. as It turns out." respond ed F . J , C U E;>;t; Y .,. CO .• '1'01000. O. WI th cl'~ ryt. l} d y (,Ise Il pMel. Soht llv nn un:ls t~, j!w), Giles; "but th e Question Is . !LOW, when 1 ' 11' 1' ' r /1 ,,1l t he tim ' . 1"ue JllLll'. F IU1I Uy )')11)., fo r conSti DA tiOn . and wh e re can we meet?" Much leu wuuld be Bottles and Bab ies. Ju st th en the great ball of St. What Old He Mean7 sab. laclory. The QCDA jJl'Omlne nt woma n pllyslclan hall Paul 's t olled ou t th half l~i01'e mid· MlsR Bore-Do you ever think of me ernl ayerage ia llbove night. nnd I , who had been an .Imost this tl) sa y about t il r din g of bot- whe n YOIl nre dri vIng your (/ar ? I we nly bushel •• unobserved listen r . spol, e out of tbo tle babi C's : " Babies Ilre creatl1l'es of Auto ' Enthus las t- \ by. c rtalntly"All ure loud In thelr habit. alld can eas il y be trai n d (0 th e esp e ~lally wben I run over some body, fulln ess of my hear t. pralee. of the ICreat c ro pe an d thnt won"Gil es," said I. "the coach leaves at utmost regularity. To thi s e pd the In. -Harvard Lampoon. derfu1 co untr )' ,Ii_ 1!r.. 12. It we do Dot get to Portsmouth In faut should be allowed 20 miuu tes to /r.Jcf rMm co,"spondmce N .. I/on~ ' Edllorill' A Raro Good Thing. A SSOC/.JI/on of A l/liUS /, 1908. ach bottle. and It It Is not finis bed time. we are deserters. Let Capt usIng ALLJ:::"I1 'S FO 1 -EASE. und Ove rton write to you and fight aftel' the n It ought to be taken away. Thus ~ u"Am It i. nuw possible tu ""cure I home. tead 01160' n t r ul)' lin), 1 wOllld n o t hav been wlthIt will learn to take Its meals regularly 0 111 It so long. hh tJ I known th e r li e f It acre- Iree and anolher 160 IIcre. at $3.00 per ace_ ward." wou hl gil' my lIchlng r N . 1 thInk It n "Out ' of the mouths of babes and and quickly." ra re good lh lng ror nll yo n hovln,; 80re Hundred. have paid the COlt 01 their farm. (if For everybody knows th a t babi es or lIn·d feeL-Jlf rs. Mllllltl ll HoIlW rI . purehued) and then had II balance offeom $10.001 suckll'!gs comes wLsdom," replied Pruvlc1€' II Nl, R . 1." Sold by a ll Drugglsls, to $12.00 per acre from one .ClOp, ~hea~, barley. Overton, smiling; and 80 In two min· w\1l dawdle over the boUle . k pe plng 2.5c. Ask to-ds)'. oatl.Ou- ali do well. MIXed larmtng II • tp'CIIl: utes It was settled . Overton aSTeelng the nipple In t he lips lon ge r than is -----.ueee.. and dairying i. hi3hl y pro iiI able, E.Kd~ to come to Portsmouth to fight. II good. either tor digestion vr the shape The Natural Proceeding. lent climate, Iplendid achool. and churches, rail. Olles could not ge t leave to meet him of the mouth. Edltor- I say. t.hi s story's too long wayo' bring most eyery di.,rict within eaay reach, Meals properly apportioned are suf· about that fellow's hnnglng blmself. 01 mllrket. Railway and land compllnies ha_ half-way between Portsmouth and London, We then bade him good·by, flclent when methOdlcnlly taken. If Reporter- What shall I do about ItT land. lor IlIle a~ low prices and on eaty !erma. und ran off as fast as our legs . could baby crIes. !;Ive It water. And r eme m· Edltor-Cut him down. 'u L • lt B~.tWe.'t"1)nml)ht~t. and mapa lent: fre... For the •• Bnd Information oa to bow carry us, and barely made the coach. ber that baby's food should be regulat· to ucure lowest ruilwBY rat"', .pply t .. Particularly for PartlclAlar People, We traveled all night, Olles sleep· ed, not only by age. but by growth. Re· SuperIntendent uf Imml .... lltlon. OttIWa. ouders' V"nillu ' Extrnct i ~ prolillced CIln8du, or the,authorbed Cana4llln Govcn)o Ing soundly and snoring very loud. In gardless of the montbs. a large fast· from finc Mexico ll VnniLIn Deans-a fJUre, mentAeent: one corner. ' I felt great uneaslnesl growing child requires more food than rich concentmted tJn vor. All IlTOCcrd . Put B. M. WILLIAMS. about the 'coming meethlg between one wbo Is small and slow In growtb. lip in 10. 15 ODd 2,5·cent bottl ·s. ' Law BuUdln.. ToWclo. Ohloe him and Overton, although I believed There Is II. te ndency to act opposite to The' Sorrow Df It. there was DO hostile feeling between this. and over-feed the . puny child . Bcrlbbles-Jlngleton's latest poem Is them . But when two men face eQcb This Is bad because the slcltly child other with arms In their hands. there will suffer more trom the over·crowd· certainly rh ythmic and beautiful. CrIUcus- Yes ; It's too bad It doesn't Is always the possibility ot awfu; Ing of a weak stomacb than fTom too little food. Fre sh air, plenty of slee p, mean anything. .catastrophe. The roseate mornIng broke wh en we and care and Tegularlty In what h e Kill the Flies Now we re stili some distance from Po~ts· eats are more Important than quantity: before th oy multiply. A DAISY FLY, moutb. Tbe sight of the blooming Give the larger amount to th e stron g, KILLER kills thollsn nds. LII t j5 the SCIlbedge·rows, the bird-songs, and all tho healthy child wbo shows tha t be can IlOn. ARk YOllr den lcl', or send 20c to H. SOmCI'8, 149 D e KaJb Avc .• Brooklyn, N. Y. fnlr beauty of tbe morning made me take care or and assimilate it. long to be outside, and at the last APRIL RAIN, Atter having been so mad he stage-my companIon sUll sleel)lngcouldn't ~ay thlnga a man begins to I got out, and with a shilling to the OMEl ra In. 'soft April rain. boast of his wonderful selt·control. coachman, got the box soat. rrhere BrIng Ilu k the flowers were only two or threeperson8, beagain ) Til lie Garfi eld Tea! JOfLe nf Herbs it is orne, ruI n. rnnlte of my sides the ~ard , on ,t be coach. . pu re. polent. h nlth'gjl'inb,,-;,thc !I'l o~ t rngumbrl'l eaves. Once up there. J could not rest sat, lion!}1 !'eluedy f Oll constipatIOn. Jlver and A swImmI ng- pool tor wInkiulley d isea 6G . A t nil drug storcs. Isfied without handling the ribbons. ter's I N t. \' S. - Th n r.flln on buddlns I had never even driven a donkey-Ill sprouts nnd say : When you go away from home, don't my life. but, nevertheless, I aspl:-ed to "To-morrow wlJl brtn g an- forget tbat God Is everywhere. drive four fresh roadsters. The coach 'other do)', man, a gOod·natured, foolish fellow And April's Bun and my lIfr •. Wlnalow'l 800thlQJr 8,rap. w e t klf9 gave me the 'relnl!, down a perfectly For chl/drall til tblnll, .olteuo 1f1l11l ' . roduCCI InShall waken thee to sum- llammalloD. a"ayo pAIn. CIU'U .... 1luI collO. 2:lca boLUe< smooth lane. I seized the whip, too. me.r bliss. " ,anl,l brought It down across tbe wheel· As soon aa a man marrIes, his Illll Come raIn. s oft April ers' backs, and, the next thing I knew, decreue. ruIn. the coach lying on its side on the Bring summer back road, and I was on the ' ground. agntn! It was over In a wink. and It: seemed scarcely longer before It had been Rain, 8Ily which W nd theu lovest best, The north? The south ? The burly west? righted; for the load was extremely One thing 1 know, thou lIh'es t least light, and no one WllS hurt except '1'0 drIve b rare the t;hurllsh eIlst. GUe". He scrambled out ot the coacli R ain. raIn UfY.l n the qulcl( and dead. Trade-m.rk window, his arm hanging down. not Thou taUest alike upon the head EliIDmates ... or unjulIl and ot juat. wIth free broken, but out of joint. I poInted And ~11 Impartial . charity. Uncertainty There W .. NDthing fDr Me tD DD J3ut to it. tD Walk AIDng BOlide Him. , "Your sword arm," I said. Culalne Querle., In t11c pllJ'Chuc of pnl 11 t materiab. There was nothing tor It but to What Is. or was, a Franklin stov ! return to Portsmouth; and the torment make for Portsmouth ,IlS fast as POll- The name Is , now gonerally applied to It js an absolute · ot seeing the adored of my heart sIble. Gtles was In extreme pain; he any open stove-H:3t' Is, a stove ,uarantee of pur. lty . and quality. quite ab80rbe~ In anothe.r man. all. Id nothing, but-grea t d ro»s-etltftl<EHI~f-lIllh~!!Jr~ c·t1 y__ For your own When the play 'was over, we sat still upon his forehead. When we reached to the fire. The first stdve of such a protection, lee until the Hawkshaw piuty had passed the town, I at once put off In search of description was Introduced by Benja· that It is on the side of out, 'nnd then, more tor the sake or a surgeon, while Oiles remained at the min Franklin. every keg of wbite'lead bravado, I think, than InClination, Inn. I soon fetched the surgeon. who Wbat Is II. frlcand eau'! The Frencb you huy. IlnOlAllWMPAI'I Olles ran peIl·mell to the stage d'o or, got the arm Into place. When tho name for a fancy dish of boned fowl 1102 TIINI" IlIIIdlar, ... ,'''' where he made one of a mob ot gen- man bad finished, Giles asked when serve d as nn entree or sIde dish, t1amen t6 .see the divine Sylvlll to ber' he could use hIs arm for pistol ~hoot· What Is a dossll? A plug or Spigot attached to cask or barrel. chair. And, to my alarm,' as soon as lug, "A Little Cold is a (TO BE CONTINUEb.) What Is empyreuma 1 The expres· the la.1Y was within and the cdrtaln Dangerous Thing" slon. "A. taste of empyreuma" Is oilly drawn, he tipped the wink to one of I I For months I bad great trouble with mJl POPULAR AUTHORS. lind often leads to hllsty diseaSe! and another way of saying tbat the thing. the chairmen, wbo Silently gave up hIs .tomach and used all kindl of medicines. death when negle!cte!d . There are veg table or meat, hns 11 burnt flavor, plnce, and GUes, takIng up the 1101e, ' , My tongue bas been actually as greeD .. many ways to treat 11 cold, but there is trudged off, assisting to carry his porto, The Preacher Find. Ready Sale for For ma,n y people. a sllgtlt taste or the grass, my breath having a badooor. Two only one right way-use the right fire Is. If anythlng, an Improvement. weeks ego a friend re,commended ~ta ly mistress. There was nothIng for Hla Bookl In His Pariah. remedy, . ~d after using them I caD willingly and and a "hInt of" does not me to do but to ""alk along beside him cheerfully lI!ly that they bave entirely Id h ttl d r h .Bent on an errand of Dlercy, a elty mean tbat the dinner Is burnt. nm ~ e ra e an roar 0 coae es, prowler inade' his wily ' Into a sfrango! cured me. I therefore let you know tlat I shall recommend them to anyoDe sufle!'and shouting of the hackney coach- neighborhood. What Impressed him What la Saccharin? ing from .uch troablel."-Cbas. a: a.J,. ,men, the . pus~lng nnd jostling ot most was the bookstore windows. In A ch!,!mlcal substance IIsed In place pern, 114 E. 7th St" New York, N. Y. cbalrmen and link boys. and all th,e of ordinary sugar fo:r sweetening t I f every one for blocks around were h d h Pleasant. Palatabk., Poteat. Taste Gooct. confusion t at atten 8 l e emp y ng 0 stacks of a new book he had neve,' purposes. It can be pnrebased at any 00 Good. Neve~ SickeD, WeakeD urGrtpe. Is tbe surest and sBfest rt'lnedy known, a Loudon playhouse. , Mrs. , Trench- heard of by a writer or whom he had drug , store. and Is verJ superIor In JOe, 25c. SOc. Neve&: 8ull11a bulk. , Tbe R"ODfor Coughs, Croup, B ron chi tis, ulDe tablet stllmped C C C. GwlraD&eed to ard's door was not far away. and when strength to sligar. Twenty-six gr alne Whooping Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy. nevel' heard. ' cure or )'0W' monoy back. SIll she was put down. and Olles sneaked "Who Is this man?" he finally askel' , of Baccharln will equal in sweetenIng It cllrea when other remedil!s foil, olf.. I observed the handl!ome Capt. '~Why Is he so popular hereabouts?" power one pound or sugur. Therefore Do something for your cold in time, Overton standing at the turn ot the you know what delay means, you t 1 hi t' hi 011 h "He Is the pastor ot the Presby· It must bo ' used sparingly and with be thoroughly dis· know the remedy, too-Dr. 1>. JIlTne's Cured me of Cntnrrh /\flt'r fifteen years' 8uffe.... s reet aug ng a m. es; w 0 terlan church' down tn the next block." care. It must also . In g; h".\' 6 cured blll1drctlll ut Q\hers. alld c'a o was so timid In his love, was bold ' said the staUoner. "Every bookseller Bolved or there will be tiny Moms 01 Expectorant. ellr" yoU; nor,11 me 10 cen~.. una I will Dlnll YuQ l\ trl .. 1 tr.... tment. N (I trollblo to U8e!. No .enough In his wrath, and stepping up' In the neighborhood ls making a spe. nauseating sweetness through the BotJiu In tlr,..••ZeI, $', 50c. 25, Doucbe. Atomlxer. Spray. InboJetj, Bill "e. or to Overton saId coolly: ' clalty of his book. That Is .the usual dish. SOloke, Aj>solutcly h .. rmlells. uuaranteeiJ ,I'S, lr, I perceive you are amilln.g. The English use saccharin In tbe 'by L . O. Dr"ke , 'lII,ler tb .. Food and DMlll act of :WilY of doing things when a clergy· June 30, 100Il. Berh,I No, 24G111. Prlee!!ll centa. Who Is the harlequin that amltses you, man brings 'out a new book. Anybody preparation ot marmalade. They oft, W. N, U" CINCINNATI, NO. 19~1909. L. C. DRAIU:, NICltOLABVILLE, KY. en add gelatine 'to give the necessary -. - - - - - - _ , -_ _ _ _ __ _ _ may I ' ask?" '" ela8 might appear in 'the llubllsberl!' "You, sir," ,p romptly answered Over- c~talo.gue every month wltllo,ut arous ," body" to tile preserve. ', hig local pride. but with the preachers Pepper. , .Jnop 18 wl\llo "UtI ...yrup b 'tterlban 11I111'1e. '''~Ou are too. g~d," responded Ollel, .It I, dUletent. When a minister turns . . Mllplolllo I. BOld bYIlTOCOrs. lfDotl(lJld36.r1or ' Shall we let the chUClren eat pep· '''and ' 1 hav,e 'bef<?l,'e plnlted my man · author·. .that 61d BaW a.bout the prophet per·? ' The consensus of opinion by , t oa. bot. aDll rool PO book. ~~& IIIJ. te., a..w. In "b,XLlitY'B, guarrel,"-an.d . then he being witho.ut bon or In hIs own coun. pbyslclans and authorities . on. diet slapped. , Ov~ .. ton ', In the. m~uth, :rhe trY .1.' disproved ..wttJl a vengeance .. answers no. 'They say . that ~pper Of and iirande8~!let of I'o ~ t Cal'\l,;t n~xt thIng I knew their two awords Every. Iprlng there Is a considerable retards dlgestlon, due .,to the unwonted , The moat beautiful, ever proauc~d. Ilent tree \0 you If YOl, will show were 'tiaahlng ,In the moonllght, I literary output by the pastors ot New , BU~ulant actlng on the sensitive ,. them t~ seven or 1,our friends, Write todlloY. EnruOJII\ . stoOd paralyzed ,w ith te~r. , ~ot 80 a Yor~ churches. The Orst wher~ glan'd s of tbe stomacb. . 2 two·ceut.lllmp~ to helplllloY postllge. Re~urned 11 IOU don't IIB-your 1IN!llt oller I.. tbe be .. ~ yon ever • cou~lE!. o~, blU'ly ,watchmen. ",bo, run· tb~e .olum~s a~ put , oli' sale. Is , the. . ' . _ hea.rd ut. , Stmrnoftl Pub. Co., 11100, Sprlnaf\eld, Ohio, . , , ", Q "tilng (orward, . clutcbed. tb~ offenders ' b09kitotlea near the ChUTCh where the ' A styllsb addition 't o: bread puddlll8 ab4 dragged tbem apart. mlnllter preacbes, and usually the (fn lbleit anything· but BtyUsli) is to But tbe t~o IiLt& enemies. maklng ( sa-l.1 < arlll <made there.'" ~e a chocol,le 'custard anll put It ~UBe agalnlt the 1V8;tcb > .tJ1 a baklDg dlBh wltb ' alternate lay· ,f1)Ulbt them 'o lr; aud when ~e watob· M1g"t Com. ~ T...a .. el'l of bread...:;the latter .softened wtUt eet8ued. . . D!eD a,e slated mm the ~ht to sprlq ..It you c!oDtlDu.e .s ;you are doln~ IQUk, tbelr fOl'....t.taace. both OU.. DOw ,hDYt IDbthe world ,1~U expect 'aad .the ran don • dal!k aIJ8T. to, aft Il!to eayo·'" .. tut. DiT ..bort ,!'1 doIl:t esptat

The divine Sylvl,a was a delllhttul .'ltress. I must adlllit. and In spite of b&lng 40 If she was a day, and tlioug'a raddl d with pain , she had sOqlathlnl: Winning In he r air' and trice. and I could nnde rstl\nd h er tr mendous popularity with th e young bloO(}s .. N elth r Sir P etar nor Polly. as Giles call d h r. showed nny signs whatever of having recognized UB In the large cro\vd In the 'pit. and we h gan to congratulate ourse lves heartily. Ther e was a. s at ne xt to Ul!' held by a ge ntl man's se rvant. a~d presen t· Iy h e gave way to a r e mllrl<ably 'bandsome young man of six or ,seven nnd twenty. A t ew worda pll.llsed between master and man. and tben we knew that the handsome gentleman was Capt. Philip Overton of the Second Life Ouards. Gil es exchanged Significant looks with me. Capt. Overton Beated himself Qui tIy. and. after a careless glance Ilt th e hOllse. s eemed to retire Into his own thoughts , quite unmindful of the stag ao(l wbat was going on upon H. I wonde red why n man who s eemed so little In harmon y with his s urroundIng s sh01lld tal< the trollble to come to tb e play. But If ·apt. Overton was indiffe rent to all about him. one nerson. the youn g benllty III Lad y Hnwks haw 's box. was fill' from ludll'fe rent to him . Lady Arabella saw his e ntrance. and from thn t moment she was occ lI))1 d In tryin g to obtain his attention. When at last he r ecognized he r nnd bowed sll gbtly. she flame d all over with color. and gav him as good an Invitation as nny man might want to come to her box. Dut Overton made no sign of any Int ntlon to go to he r. and. when slle finnlly seemed to realize tbls. she becam e as Indifferent to aU about her as be was. Other p ersons came to the box and went during the play. but the y got little heed from Lady Arab lIa. Little Daphne. although but a child. not yet In her t eens. showed a 11 vely Interest In all ,that passed and behaved In a most young·ladylsh way. much to my diversion. (1 was all or two years older than she.) As the play progressed. I saw that GlI s was becoming more and more in fllluated with the fledgling beauty, and he even whlapered tQ me a , suggflsllon ' that we present ourselves buldly at the door of th~ box. T~s I r eceived with horror, fear· Ing both Sir P et er and Lady Hawkshaw. Indeed. I had not been able to s bake off this fear of my great-uncie Rnd aunt [or a monlent. One's first nlgbt at the play Is usually a magic dream, but mine was tem)ler d with the dread of beIng caught on th e spot, of be lng delayed in our


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Bad Breath '



EI Cura for Catarrh




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10 "Be.utles FrllRdship" Soa,enlr PostCards




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, fl· ight, '" ·1.11: Art 'Met· r 1~t)Il . t ru lion '~~ M.t> I Om ;\; l;u ~ J~~ 'ommnn i lea. Court, l' aud it r, '9: nia · ity .· W rkh U " boardin g pI:i, ~~ rs.. '7.50; c n I · ew ,~ lI·iC ~ . an inter . sling ·lre Mt'n's Field-:;:- draw flat in fit-atlk 'J> Forgy: ' boal'd'arliniri one~s, . x:pel'im l1.t 'j'he nft d ',tat ' F t ~!~~!~a n,~!~~p:~i25Clip .. l~ ~~i (;,Ilt.'r·t, plaintif f vS,' Frank $1)7 .. ' ; Mont' and John t n: ·repairs t S n · j e is plannin g ~o inlrodu ~ . YIIII In",,!' lit,,!! Ihf& Sil l' tU ~l'l ,i lb rt , def nclan\., P tilion fnr Ilij ii, ' 13.ijo: Ruggl .. al I hi . i! Il').!ulJl 0 , numbe r of ~h · mor imp~rt an~ : 6 " v r ' !!n gl' unu- f l"rl.u, n glect ! blank', ,'7 :' W . " t. J hn paint, astern hardwo od ' in~ alifol:nia , ', \ du ty ami n on. UpIJlIr . , ,'26.25; 1. W, Eal'har t "eCI' tary , e x· .anu will thi~ yElar xp rim nt with · lnn B. Lewi. , plaintif f "S. ,} hn p ns S '!le III 1L: Wancn 'o un ty ch t nu t, hi 'k ry bassw od. r d a k . Lewi., clef ndlmt. P tition for diTill1e~, printin g notic. 7, 5'; re. and yellow poplar 4th and )1ain, Da y tc) n, O. 0 1' tulip tr '. ' or' , pll;linti ff laiming gross n g'lect gonia B ridge 0,', contrac t, :290; J , ma II pa t·c has 0 f 'h l I' eg' '11 I . ~ :Ie WI v i! . . on part of ddenda nt. Hamil ton . B. mith lumb r, $182 .4Cl; H nry plant d ne:\!' t h for s t l'a nge l'~ <;ub BI' wn, attorn· ys for plaintif f i his, r~pairsJ :liIi. 0; William Scott" ins on the Natiun al Forest , anu if r pail'S, $1.5 ; Berl I.{e d , bl'idg e j'e- the do well targer plantat ion ' un a Conrt Pro eedi ngs. pail's Deed} IJ {,)wll.-hio, $36 40; In. c mmer ciul cal wil l !-loon ! I be stab· u ,t 0 ar dead btH..l y of llnkn wn Ii 'h 'Ll on wid 'r a1'ens. Albert A la ms \'s. Duvid AdHm~ 1 man, ' I::!; In Illesl 0\' I' J ad body of et al. Cou r t. tinJs aUegat ion ~ uf , ~ I II::;' Cuhclt 's SWl'tl i:; bl'illl full I'll l' are ov l' 125 difl'el'e n t spep ,tiiion true . that. pla llltifT hWi l eg~l l flf th' IllO:\t t Ili,;g illtlUC In nls \ Villiam l.;' ('ichar I ti n, $L.90; Val· ci 'M of tree. in --aliiol'n ia, a numbe r I€'y '1' Il'phollC (;(1., J'c nt~ anci loll ~ , of which produc e some righ t to th > one,slx ( h of estate 10 If l'\'e r olrel' d in lhis i'inity. Wi of the m . t ,, 16.50; 'cnlml uiun T leo hul1e '0 ., vuluabl variet-Ie of peti ion d criued and al'o that de- I.l pIe will l'cgponJ qui cl<ly. lumber in Lht: r> nls a nd tolls, $14 4 ; E. W Searl' l:Ou nlt'y. Alth ug hconsi fendan ts are each n titl d (0 (n " 1 t he pow~1'ful bargain . : derably ov r r puirs Hami lton tow nship, ' 1; Thos olle half uf the sp ecit-! s ixth pa r t of same E'.' tat . are hardwood . I )1 ~I1':, u tili \ UHI IK )h'll ' S Suit!" , Harm 11. 1 .6 ; l att.'. o[ Ohj o vs. !II' bl'Oau·lenveu t re , yet, \\ut" th liP tu .. I ~ Iifford Edward Parlett VS. Eh1.a· , with the 2 Per forl nan ces ·Dai ly, 2 and ~I"I\ ' lIurl Y,,"n ~ ~h' n 'k ."l"IS. 8 p. In. 'harl sCliffo rd. $14. 3; ta te of hio . c pti un of the exotic beth ParI Lt. Divorce as prayed for ,,,,rlh 1111 u' ~ I .011 . , .' .. e uculypl u.·, vs Ema eners, $12 15. on alleged cxtrCll11! ' ruelty is r e~sed ,\1 1''' ' . 'U IU Y"\l U!C " I.. u's fOlII/'s. th re i~ not a sing le s pecies f ha rd· w"fth 1\1' ,,,' :l .11" . . , ... 'ontnic ts- ,ontmc t was enter d woou he re ranking in c mmel'c by court, alimony of $2.50 per week ial iminto with B l't Heed fo l' various r . plll'tanc e with the leading is ordered t o b paid cl ef ndant who eastem pair jobs in Dcerti III to wnship at. ha rdw ods Cl imatic c is gh'en custody of child. nditi ons in Wil d We st His tori cal Exh ibiti o:p 1$ 115.1 . Alb rt Adams vs Dani I Adams many parts of 'aliforn ia are un· et al. It being found that estate I Men'8 25c Web Su 'pe Mol' Ind ian' , more owuoy,; anti 'owg irls, 1Il () 1'~ Athlctell nders, ontracl was nlered iuto with doublt: dly favorab le for th(' g row t h other travelin with mohair end and cannot be divided by metes and fa llumLe harles l' of th e yaluabl e hUI"-- a dozen tim 8,g" show; not "th ')am old thinI!" Vt!l' and oval', veo seen it tib bs for additio nal till and C as drawer s upport er ..... mat rial at b ridge nenr residen ce of wo d, anu the absenc e of the.'E. uniqu e , in tructivei, . oft n rt! lll al'ked whe n t he shuw come t uwn ft' l! bounds same is ordered sold at pub· ' Iu cali ullal. Each cO lltt!!l tanL u c1 tUI~I )' 11 in hinwe lf, '1' (.1\ IllIISI h""o this sli p III Jot 'I Ed D h 0 . d . Ihl ' IHlql"lo. un am on I'eg ilia r oa In tr ' s is d ue mos tly to unfm o mbl > Runne rs. wI'est l I" , foollmll pI UYCI'S, I UI.lHIl, vuu ll el'lJ. 1'1 l'. and I'UP';:I':; lie auction . cunsb4 ule llUI' 'uwb y Team . Turtl CI' 'k township at estimat e factors of seed di l l·ibutio n. Frank Ross et al vs, Robert Ross. hicl' ~. wUI't'i ul' , all ·d ay I'\u (!n,I, oar ba 'k riu el'H. wil t.! mt-!11 of lhe pluins allll pr:lil'i '/l and their i ll tH~(.tl,sabl~ I t being found that e late cannot _\l Oll'~ 21k' Il ubl:wr ('ollaN; , Ihfl If the xperim ents 1\1,-di l· ill\.' a i' ' sllccess ful, 1t(I:" 130 $10 .75. M ' n, w ithuu t who III (h ,II wi ll uut t.t'lIvd , 'Ol1lpri t1Q'r Ntl vlIjo [ lldilin III Am rlcll. 2 tor 25c Il f , ' liCit ... 'I'"a1l1 Plan J p cifica ions and estima te a valuab le a el will hav be n added Th steam be divided by metes and bound aloll l:! as th ey s (aHd Cl lTuYl:!d (01' lj)(IIIIi' III 'I! \ 111' 111 g'" III/{ Itlli ','; )Iou'" 'oil 1\ 1',"11 ... I Ill' neWl'" I f or new concre te c ul vert and re same is ordered sold at public auction YOllnJ'l to pair the f r t resourc es f his to SlIffll!t mul 1'1,,111 tate, . Ev ryo dy frutll eve ry\ h 1' . uU en d:IJl hi>-l Hhu w , 1I,,~J.ill lr il :t ,:p ·l·a l , $5 .110 v"lu . Il" ul .. ...... . • , of old lone c ul v rt ar residen ce which hou1d prove of special benefit g l'and and gala day n 'v l' to btl fnrgll tell . by sheriff. . HI)(l<'iul lot ot M~n ' .. t 5«: FUllo' JI ltS, Ilt',,· of J. S Emmon s on 11Dellrdo lt road Emma Nixon Marsha ll V8 William t th local furnitu re and vehicle in- --_. _--'l ~~l ~I!\ ~I,::{I~'.. ~~I~N. " .. .. , .. .. J. Marsha ll. Divorc e gl'anted on )1 lI 'g IIhl k S ho p "lit! O tll "'I' 'UJI"; in Frankli n townsh ip weI' approv ed dust l'ies. Chestn ut and l' d oak 3 1 e 30 ' , d lOe "Rluo, flll' . •• , •.. . .. " .. . ,. . . ar.d contra t let to F rank D, MiIWe r hjglily esteemed f or f urnitur e, while ground s of extrem e cruelty an CUS· Moo 's Extra Strong t 'll "lI,t W urk, 36e $ ' ld i ' ) . t'ff AI' In" with hickol'y, bru wooll, apd e u alypHhlrl , . :\(; nod !JOe od h f kh,<ls ... at th e e stimate 19'" . · t Y 0 C I , g'g1ven p am I . ~he 1M /I 'S l. GO )llllliliu S trtlw lI atH. 98e M' II mony $1 50 per week ordered . ti tu atits comma nd, aliforn ia SHOll Id f 1\1 ' pcclul In Ih lH IIle... . . . .. , ... I_ce aneous - n' mo on 0 r. lead all othe r states in the v~hicl in. Daisy Edna.Lewis vs. Charles ClifRoger, secon ded by Mr. Anders on du try. fora Lewis. Divorce granted on ' the followin g approp riations wert: "round s gross neglect . , -mad to aid in defrayi ng expen 'e!; of A book on Hil eomut,i snl, lIod II triu) A TRUE .' DAV"''' ''' memor ial cl ay .· Granvi lle Thursto n treatm ent of Dr. Shoop 's ltheuml Ltl ' c STORY OF R,eaI Estate Transfe rs. Post, Lebano n, 25; ul tevens Post, R mOOy - liquid or 'I'ubl ts-iR helog "tlD t fre to smifere rs by Dr., sf. John and husban d to The hoop, Morrow , $25. By genuin e Cowboy's and owgi,'IH; on ce seen 11<.''0' · 1' fOl·gUt. f Ruoine , Wi. You t,bRt \ire well toll. . A commu nication , fl'om th com'Seitior' I?owder Co, real estate in this book for som dlsoour n ed, mission er of linton County was l'eWaShin gton' townsh ip, $1. hellrteo acl uifel'Elr! Do r\ stOlpl I"Ufl~I.s""NO.:t. ceived. stat ing that they were of the dt ' Charles C. Hankin son and wife to It t, of bumon lty I P.oint out til is Oold Bond Coupons free to all' custo- opinion t hat the . idea of a district wuy to ,quick Ilnd certuin I lief! William Hankin son, real estate in mers. ~ you save them? Tuberc ulosi Ho pital is as yet. in the urpri e ome I'uff~r r, by fir t g t·· E L' A t ' I'· Frankl in townsh ip, $800 and other E· I t ' . D D hI S ' experim ental ' stage and that they ting from mp tile book I t "nIl tile . xecu 109 s oms Img •y~ '? Ions, \"111 irS , . l'Ops, . OU ,om I'sau l test. B e 'wi ll 8J;preoillte your atd. conside rations . ' Md exhibitI Ons f. t rE!ngth :nJ would (hmng. not ' a tthis time nter into .. , Nancy ~. Sanfor d and hUBband to 'same to probate s~t for hearing M,ay the. project , old by All De.:.l:S~ Slack Wire Juggl ing, Wonderful. Performance in Mid-AirS/lrab A, Irwin, real 'estatei n Frank- 8th: " --GOV, HARMON AT SPRIN GFIEL D Th~ Only Rivals of t he lin to~hip, $3000 an~ other cf)nsid· ,Estate of Angene tte ,Pence, Jug~r1 1'3 in nt!w amI tl trnordi nary }t ' l."l, . A pain pre oription i . pJinted !,lp. ' eration S. ' , . ed . . First and final accoun t filed, on e!loh 250. box I\f Dr. Shoop' s Pink' Five hundre d t housan d men have CI.i-a B. Lewis Ito Samuel H. Estate of Alfre<!. ok, de· Pain'l'ubl~t!! . . A .kyour Doc~oror united with the Haines and,. Geor.Tiana uaines real Chased. Easol) Thompl;Iolbro Sunday -school s of .on' Holbro ok Dru~gl t .If thIS formnl ,d , n otoolll- North Americ 0· .. ' '" '" a duri'ng the last five plete, p!~ln meanso ong 3s tlOJI , blood e!ltate in Wa~!,e ,t?wnS9 iP, $700; ' . . appoint~ executr ix, ln ventol'!Y dis- p,re sure, Head p~ins, woman ...___ __ ___ ~ _ .__ _ ly pllin yea,~. ,. Th)s IS the resul t of. Rotiert Bndre s .to Rachel Ward, pensed with. pa in anywh ere get inatant relief gam zed Adult Class movem the Orent now Thrillin g Perform ances o.n th FIYl~f..s·.rt'ap z · .· Dal'in~ real estate in Harvey sDurg, $1: J In matter of ,will of Alfred aull Nov I A ri a l Hol- fr<:'tn tl.' pink Pain 'fnblet, 'old by swe ping the country with startlin g GeorA'e F:. Stutsman and wife to brook deceased. Wido elects to AJI DepJers . •~• r \rlts. ' . . _ , ~o~n. G; Galtel real '~tate in Harla~ takeun will. THE OREAT LUGAR SHOW O~io toWl)ship, $1.., , ' , haamo re thana tho~San d Or" , Estate of William Hankin son, de~) Tl ' " '1 gam zed Adult Classes , with ,' m.o re r.l...~ .F.rederick- W. Brown and wife to ceased, Hanna.h J . . Hankin son ap·· As coming vents ast their had- coming in. Thel'!e' are prepar Sanfor d J Brown real estate in Hal' ing to' . . t d ' . . t t . .. , ,. ,. " .' . - pom e a d rtllntS ra or glvmg b on d 0 f ows be f ore t h e m-one 0 f th e even'ts have a part in the Adult Class Dem- By Lady and .enLlem en Arltsts 'I'rapltz /Il'mer 8, A rooa . Ju gglt!r Ian to~8hip', ' $.1 . . P rf ' . . , $ 00 with William Hankin on and in the 1ine of ', ntortiol lists, Wil'e walkel's, Mag icians. amusem ents that will 'ons tratlon and parade m connec tion V ent.l'i loqui:3t~i 'Charle s ~ord and wife to Wilber t Sarah A, Irwin, suretie s, Dutch, Irish . and N g r o Com ell ian/{. Invento l'Y appear in our 'citv thi season will be with Ohio's Golden ~ubilee tate SnideJ;' t'eal;es~te , in Hamilt on toWn- dispens ed with , , . ~ ___ _ the Great Lugar .shows, which will . und~~ School Conven tion to b .hel~ , ship, SJ. ". Estate of John T . Phillips , decease d give their high-cl ws perform ances ,lD Sprmgf ield, Jun~ 8, 9. 10, whlCh IS ~anin ,Hallto R B, Anders on and Maggie O.Phil lips appoint ed admitiat Wayne slill e . Friday, May 21, af- ,to .be ho?ore d hy . the pr~sence of · Williat n' B~ol') teal e$tate in Frank- istra~rix giving bond of $1000 with ternoon and night, under their mam- ,OhiO'S chIef executi ve, the Honora lin ,toWl)Ship, $1, .. . . M~lvin R, PhillipI'! .and Norma B, moth watel'p roof tent. ble G~vernor Judson Harr.n0~' who , Willi~ .· ll, .Newpo rt to W,ilIiaril Phillip ssureti es. Invento ry dispens There will be introdu cea acts of has kmdly accepte d an jnvlta~ PE(.lA L A'ITBN l'I N IS GIVEN TO ~rH E ' lOn to, T, Darling ton real estate in Spring- ed with. " C MFOR1' OF LAIHF..s AND HIl.DR EN . . ..skill and' daring to bewild er the old- ,sP?ak a . c~mgra~ulatory m~~ e a t bor~,$], '; ., Estate of John' T. Phillips , de er people,!lnd trained dogsan dl'onie s the ~dult., Class Demon stratIon o,n Polite a nd attenti ve ush rs are always in atte ndance ' and pUI'ell c,,, ~ayette "Nie~olson and .wif? to ceased. O~der of rprivate sale can is-4~e4 . which always has a tendenc y to amuse Wed~e~aYiafternoon, simd the Iit( Ie ones unattend ed with a feeling of ul'Tent s June th~ P. ·L, & C. ratlroa d and fermm al 9~h. • In matter of will. of Sar~h . A. the ladies 'and childre n will are I1QlIQlll t.eIy Wate r· P1' of ami pall'ons can r lit a.~urt!d tnat ttley constiThIS lS only one of the speCial tea- as Co" real '~8~te in Clearcr eek town- Cartwr ight, deceaS_ed , Will comfbl 'table as secur~ in rainy w ather as though they WI" will be admit- tut~ ~ part of the pr~gram of the tU,rea o~ a tllree dars' seated at " home nrograt tt , whlc.h ship, ~1 , , ' . ted to llro8ate . . . Great Lugar Showl, ' . ~I~l, havQ . t ~e erv~ce of fifteen spece . P,robate -COurt. E tate of Benja'mjn M. Yeager , This spow is ' 119l'ald«::d as "The lahsts.o f , wor~d-:Wlde ,fame ,. - -. .. .' '~ .. ' ' . . ~ ' deceased. Mary E. Yeager appoi(,)t- greates t 25c. show on earth," beSprIngf ield ~s maklng prepa~atto~s • (n the .ina~er of th,e , ~11 of: ~. C~- ed executr ix, ' Invento DAILY - AF'fER NOON AND NlGH'i' ry · dispens ed cause it'has big feature acts ~or the .r eceptto ? and ente~l~mp.nt vol~ decease d, ApphcatJ~n to admIt with, and novel sensations t han any at- ,o f the CO,nventl.o n, which, " Withou t , Doors Op~n at 1 and 7 p -m Perform ances·c ommen ce one hour ' . George E. YoUhg , admini strator traction of this kind in this later cqunt.ry. doubt, WIll brm.K . ~o~ethcr &,000 Ladies and Childl' .... of Viola Edging ham vs , Albet;t F. A. grand fl'ee s treet parade n are pal'ticu lurly requl.Ist ed to attend tit Aftel'no on will be ~unday-soh?ol enthu~lIu~ts from all ,~erformanc!e t Q. avoid the vast cI'owds at night. BIY~ Edging ham et al d efts. Dis.t ribu tion g iven uaily a t the noon . , Mur and P~l'ts of OhIO, the majori ty of Y:'hom of proceed~ of saleis .orde,red , . . eeveral free attracti ons will take Will be ~en. , Apply to tl1e In t he matter of Will of Ahlmaa z place on t he s how ground s after the 1 Progra m now ready. . B ow '1'0 J!'iud Oat. ' t , Fill a bottle or common glass with your K'mg.. App I'Icat Ion d·t t . . Ohio Sunday School Associa t ion, --- ~--.~ 0 a ml same 0 ret urn 0 f t he pan d e - - - - - - " - - -- : - - . water and let it stand twentY·fol\r hours; probate set for hearing for May 5 a t Cleo, t he high uivingd og, will leap Colu~bus, OhiO, , a brickdu st sediEURO PEAN Af'lD A~\I::::RICAN STA.RS "th 't fIfty ulent,or settling , 10' C'Iock . u tal . J . _. ' ~roJn e summl ,0 a 0 pe es Wonlt Slight a Oood, Friend. stringy, or milky In m atter of above will admitte d m to a net beneath and other feature s . ' _ ...... . . ~p~.aranceoften to probate . • . , will be given all ffee attracti ons, "If ever I neell It cough m edicin Indicates an Ul!Estate of Ahima as King decease d making the even t wOl,th g"ing ~OU,THER mil~ healthy condt· I\ .1 know wbl.t to ge!:," deolHre~ .. Y Mrs. A. L , Alley of Bellle, MEI',."f tion of the kid· George G. Kmg, Harry " L Kmg, to see, or, W h th d t th ~ftar u~ing t<6.n bottlM of Dr. King ' ncys; to~ ' fl'l!- ROQe l't A. King and .J . A, Runyan e a~e ga ere oge e l' at ~n eno~mou~ eltP.ehs e and now presen Remem ber t heoay, date and place. New Discov ery, and ~tleiDg t . . quent deSIre to its excel- .t.o the. public for the first 'and only, tlm~ With a t rave . ted t . J h W W'I . f ~ ... li!lg show" that great_ _ pass it or pain in appom h h 'lent' resnlt.s in my own family Rnu e~t and mqst ·famous execu ors, 0 n .. I Don't walt band or of any, mUSIC, known of Tbe Southe rn Gentlemen'):l ot ers as. t El b therA, I tt./ll oonvin oed It is tbe' best Band. It ,th.e ar~ al8Q,liymptoms that tell you son • .Charle s. H. Young alld C. E 'Great Lugar Sh.ow. consist s of ' . . .. s will be. the only ii ' th e k 1d neyt ~n d, ht addE d' for Cougbs . OI)ld" t . er f are d ou 0 or er Gasktll appraiS ers, • and need 'attentlon. . big show to exhIbIt here thiS season. and mec lung OIoe . illSu ble A e tro. , . ." I Every . .... oue who. ' ~outh 'What To Do. Estate of Marlon ,Ross, mmor, _ - - • tri.e s it feel jU8~ tbat wliy . .Relief There iii comfort in tlte knowledge so Guardi an authori zed to . ' , ' purcha " , se If . ,. "'t b H . f t R ' 'd \i -.:I is felt at onoe ~nd its ' qulok ('ure Produc mg m\lBIC 'p ronoun ced by many of o teo exprClls.."U~ that ,Dr. Kilmer' s I'eal estate describ ed in your .., try omnc, the bright t mindH be th~ enra. or petition to are wellk, 1 ne,Ts ''''rI1rl' 'e8 yo'·} , !l'or ·.HroDohlti8, at iellst, few Swamp-RQOt, the ~reat kidney remedy, Asdoses m . ost ,,,. thrillin " g, . pleasin ' , g and ·e xhila I ralin., f ev:er h.ur" . I Ie f on I"' . of Dr; Shoop' s .Rest.orILttve . tbDlII., Bemor r'h og ,Urollp ,LItGri -.. u , ' ..,>Iect:'d fulfills almost· every wish ill correcting va ue 0 $750 '" fOl' tl. '. 1'1' pPfl muslca ta nto~: generat ion, \,las t T~..iI' ante '~e " . .T l)ti,; appear rheumatilim, pain in thc back, kidneys . I:;ore d . b\.' l'broa~ l fol'e/ , Il,till, in obest '01' Inngs the f~thel' of our country , Geo rg liver bladder d~ In five or ten days on{y, the re!llll~ ' tt'ti suprem e 500 and ,_ ).tlon, aHU the Cl'o\vnoo h,eud~ oft· art fth u . Marrlaae licenses 1 00, 'l'r.hLI' al.1 E.urope . Fa. mous the world ov Wal:lhlII will surpris e y ou A taw cents' will "passage, Correct au svery v. 0 e nnary r. 1{t!lrt' muer, the'iJ f II I>W "p'p " I' f l')r .t'h'" . io' inability to hold water fj .1 cover the cost. An'd , here I'S why bottle' ft-~e, '. Guartlnte~c1 I , ... and scalding pain in passlDg;it, u by Fred C, . 1'81 a~. u ~n y.t~me; or bad and probau ly20f 1: lite la, l ~in) with,1 ally .t tf.nt'd William Smith 44 carpen ter of helpco mes , So quiokly , Or~ 1 t 'Jfea travel • . h Shoop 80\lwa rtz, ' . ' ", '., anzll 'IOU. I: ell1 ' muuL .1'1 ee!' .. · ." . .' \ Spring boro aRd Piperfm an, · ceuity. of being compelled to go often 42, rug maker, Frankli n. 'BRO.K EN . ;.;, Shoop ',f ROHtorJlti~e goe8 dj~eoUy to · througb the day, and ·to ·get up, many . .' . . ' ' . . . '. ·times the night. The mild and , ., ~. Co.m rnission ers' Proceedings. tbe . ~ e(lk 'n,ud ~~njng Dery.e~, . Each , Th~ fact· that there., o lmmelila\c;: effect of 5w.~"'Root is had been . ! I. , . , ,~. " .0r.,;~nbns~ttiuw,ucon~rol1~nllnerv.e , marria gelicen sesissu,ed in · W~rren, sooo rCjlIi7'.cd, It stands the hjghest be- ' Bills- Trustee · . s 'of PubliO Affairs '~lien ~lle~fl ne~.~e,s fal l,. tlle ~epend- county t"" I1':"\ '~ly' 'cauaeOfitilremllrkable ,. ' . weeks had b~en the '.' , ' 1111{ orgo.nft .:,' , f lieoess lty flLite,l', , " for three; healtJ;i restorug prop.. ( \ , .l1 ':' , , ; .:1 ' ' . '.' J" C. hght for court house, $~3. ~~; hght 'l'his 'PlblD . must.o, .,', , , . . ' ' , , , .,', y~t ,~vlt I' trotb olMrly . Stlij.j~t ",fQr ' ~con~l\JeraDle ~ commen ~ '. -:t:rtil:s. ,'.' ," If ~ you need -.. a ,,-;- -. ,_ '. I for jail. '9,41;\ yater,fo r COtt~t house t. e1\s why' DJ_ ·Sho.OP'. B tlestoIti .' . medicine . you should' ltiv~.i8 bu. t w' nen thi'~ weekone.Jol1e~n~r~i.Il,Jfe I " -b \ t _. havettiebeilt. ~ldby II .. t ". . and ja\ , $10.3; Lt: anon N.ational .l · sonD V,E\rS~ v 8t;t~"tI~ fUl.I t s suo- ~jcen~' 'w~ '~ aandwi~hed • . ckuigil lb 'jli fiftY·ceut , ~nbl:t~een ~ '. Bank renl: of safety depoJilt box cestiJiI ~al1dlUg d.rllggilit everywl .L) - aDd' ~e!do.1~r si~!I, ~ re two ' ~~w solts 'tot dlV()r<:"~ ' and ,twQ r-1\oiL , "'5 h . & W .' . . '~ I to gIve I~ '.loivers!l1 .111:efeItence.. A' ..,.,' , ..,' You maybav elisamp bOttle selit'fre .. ~. e ip;. 0 nson , , a t.son Co" . m dsa,,," Mst • 'ed' h ,', I ' . , will s'uee)y , ' ten." old by All dlvorce s grant , 1l1~ e commo np e~~ -' , b)'malL Add~DrdCilnler&Co,.BiJig- '20; Lewj8 ' lJio~b~rs Co" ." " , ; ",. cement' and Del\ft>1:8 '. '. . . -. , . , c uurt; Which ~akes. a >total , ot. abQut · ~~Jcm\ N, ;Y.. Mt."lltiQU .tliis '. i ' . and s~\Ver, pipe. $16.48, Miami Gazette, ' , ~ ....,.,.,..... .... - .. . . ..' . seven divorCes thi$' plist ' month and C~~Jli~~llIUad~~i:t:ha'::~t blank~ for audit~r, ,7; ~. M:.Prin ce, . Tt'i~ . of t~e Bri~isn oue ~,arl'iage license, thettecordw~ Jr, Y., qu botUc. ~ supplIe s fOr surv yar, $4907; C. V. cqntam s thlrt.y-nane mJl~ of boo"s • .undoubtedl),' broken . '. . f. ' • ' .,


8e Cut this out lit


I al


'1"8 !

t rea Lo ·arShws ----:--T". E-, ----



M0 S E C 0 H E N


Bigger, Bet ter and ' Gra nde r than Ever! 200 People, Ponies, Hor ses and Dogs!

W av•. ne sv ill e May Frid ay, . 21. RO UG H

7c Cut this out IR




$2 79 70

- - - -- -

You will see the Indians, the Soldiers,th~ Hun ters , Cowboys, the CowGirls of the Far Wes t. ,

Startling' Reductions in Our Boys Clothing Oepa(tment


Cowboys' and Cowgirls' Life



The Most Wonderful Horizontal Bar Performers

. I

The Mod ern Sam son in Fea ts of Stre ngth

·L N E W 'A I

A .,, -

- - - - - ,



Brin g: the Chi ldre n and Jet them enJoy' , .., themselves. . "



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111lblD IDd' Nnef SUlpect it.










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. ---... ot Rei dve Value, A s sto ~d In HOlstein .





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"111111 011"

DOn't let the dealer who handles some inferio r prepar ation, talk y ou into buying t hat "j ust as good" kind, wh i h ~o often proves unsati sfact ory. Ins ist on having



1I1"l h i li).

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PI' \ 'VI'nt

WI~IJN I!:" IIA" .

:!:". ,'II il.~ 11I1It:h ,)f I hcstu blll l ' <I.spos:; iiJll:' . ''''' "01 hull' will YUII . do IlllllT III" w iLh u haYI'u lu,' lIl' hUITuW , and drag .. ·Ult. ] ,; ltllil 11' 11 bill! Ii ..i !' that It IK l.v th e Lord 'I':; uf Ll le lil, IJ and l'lIl·lI. Ids f ul li" i 1I'1,u Is tI " ad : : ,l ld l lt ,·u . huv · . . . ' III "; UI" ' II ,'<I 11 1I~ " "Y I'UI' ~ a" dl~ 1' \\ H U I' I,urn III WIIH.1I ·vW,s 10 LIl t-' lidll s:lIl, I . IHtl l 11!.11 It l lll IIlIll it I,.; II/llII ~Ills . v ' 11 i r it Lt:! \'er tai n Lnat som dov·r I flll lt '~ r, Lut lI l., " "",!' " - - H arp 'r' ",

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H. A. II


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If tl .


J. E. J 'an ney , W a yne~ville, 0

\l" r tlltl'li ly Illtu th e 1I0t (UIiCIt

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for fathers , but Lo I,he ~piril of theIr reverenc , o.f th. re$p 'l fvr the old, c- of"Uiei r pal'enta l regal'd. W0l11d it not be a pretty and reasonab le ustorn. ev rt though senti.. m ntal, to' how ellpe'iul I'espect fur tf;!achers and pl'tlach el'S, th 'e who


i~o . h · tioo\ of 20.0



po pllla-

constan tly, increas ing.

Theil' wan ts ulontl ·ons tit.llte a good - Slln~;·~~Lt!~~,7(\~~~~~I::~~~ I(~~~;~~, i~e<.l t r/lu, . ~~~~~I!r~\ :l' d~il ~~:~II , ommunl n Lh c fiN

A beautif ul . tl'iple. I's inbow has been. en al Smol nsk, Ru in, the Ilfte'I ' y ".• ..trs of sLudy and sel f .sacri fie ilir 'a t lh ' ti me b · in.t' fill ed wi t h ti ne prepar tht:!m~el es tl,l' l ad the ~atloll powder y snow. , in t h way of illwll 'luill and }.Iiril. ............ --- ~---

. ual growth 1-=- Daytoll Bei·nlll .

The WIII'Mt I .. tUI' l~ "eut of John DeYI1, I)f I ~d Will. M :IJ,: W " I , II run


:'::iOllt If. '


'. '

r hwul·I,\(. ',1


O.,~. ca .r

I 'ills toStop the Fiend.

(,:"t-~ (II d 4



niu' ulcl' !' li p. V"jl\, (1 1 1'ltlf'''' ,IV 1-11' "IQO. (j ""it,n fHII . \.' 110 U". ~ 1'1It, ,, HilI k lell's ,·" !-\"\\'t\ ! 'II .... I It \ ul ll!\!' (lud OUI ell hilt). ~; ll I 1'/'0 1>' , v,,!, ~ I' \;, 8 ()iI~ F 'I 1\" l!:(·~t'w', !, /')10 II [ lamrll luflll liblt,,'fll l' · ' )Ii~ .. !:SUnt. , Hl'ltll\lO ,

St. Ma!'y's E piscopa l Church .


. P ., is u. bl'igh b bay, Oscar , .. w i gh~ t\ltull~ 1 00 i'l1Ullu~ , go od 11mb, f,ll enty of actioll

al tI is ~ \ ry ,g' lltl






......' - " "















~ ~ •.~



~ Silve rware , Watc hes, ~


~ I~ ' oC k's, J e,erI y"m gs, ,~ Chai ns, etc., all New. ~

a Speci alty

.,~ ~


~ ~ ~ r






th J e



0 Sh

All I ' d


Cemen t



All worl< guaran lecd •

~ '~

G-Ive Me a Ca II

square foot.



resei've y'o ur Post-Ca rds •,' Y'



A. MA FFI T,. Unde rtake r and Embalmer':



Masters Rapid Plant S'e tter Is built on scientific princip les throug hout. I LCj 'orueal jaws are made of heavy sheet steel and the main body or water reservo ir and plant tube of heavy tinned plate. The water valve is , M brass with rubber pacldng , The valve , red antI' trip spring are of steel wire; thumb button and other tittings are also of brass, The machine is well put togethe r with rivets and solder ami should last for years.

No Stoop ing When Using , Ther e- , fore No Lame Back s.



Gen er

""'" il ilIH.. "" <l i~, tr . , A s afu lir,lI.,1 uriioG ~Yrup -Iit"'. J)fII ~:t; i.s •


_ _ _,_



~~-.------~--~----~ ",,!.o-.-



'i' '

Will be found in the old , Bank Buildin g, opposit e the Nation al Bank. ............................................. " ..."'~ 'l1elephone In house and otII_II! I_• • • • • • • • • • •;; fioe where I 0i"Il be oa.lled ----day or night_ , ' ~. ,(~:~P-:.'ltl:nl1~ '~I,~~~~,~ Valley Phone 14-2. f:,lOuf:iIIl ~,~I:;::~)··pr~;lo Subscribe for the Galet te Main Street, Waynu ville. Ohio

Wayn e ville, Ohio,

The Alpha Chemical·Go,'


~ ~ ~f


Mn uutjOV" R


Wall{s aod Floors a Special ty, (Ie to lOe per

Herc'arc only four of the numetou!l.k.iJ1ds of llonlsiles Illot



I C ·oneer ontr acto r.A 'JIc ucti

live on. domestic a nim ol.. ond red uce the owncrs' p rofllS. C? HYGEN O kllhi these nnd 011 olhers~ Cure .. It Ch, munge nnd other skin diseQses. DC6t ro)'s lIerm~

\Vhi t.f\'


C. ' B Lewl-S .

Gets Them All


u~ •


All 1 illds of Plants, such as Cabbag e, ToCauIlfl ower, StraWberrics' Sweet Potatoe s. Sugar Beets, etc., are set in 1 ware I' and covCl'ed at on e operation. The plant rooL<-t are put down to the proper depth ' below the surface where the gro und is cool and damp. You never have to wait for a s.hower; plants ' may be safely set out when large enough , regardless of the weathe r- no matter how qry and dusty th e g L'ouml may be. La 'co, rfomato es

T efms of Bre edin g .~~~~'~"~lI~rl~C~at~p~.e~~~'~~!!!!!!!!~\\~rl1! :.r! :.nes v~il~IO~._U_h_IO~.~~~~~~~ ~~~~.


r. oop S " ...eic ntmem.


er ~. I

~~ $¢


i DHII" g rtb\ 0In swo


PILES get Imm'edlale relief from ************1

~1 ~




f S B' k t,. Oreg onia, .- - Ohio ~ 10 S 0 tone, flC an d .....,.. ~ Cemen f Work. ·"""'''''"''' , ''''' ... ,,,'''t''''''''' . +....,.. ...,.. t ... '''''~. ..t. ...... + ..+ ..''''''+................ ~ .......

pc ' Iacle 'FiHillir a SI>cciult . f>

Oftlce in Keys Bldg.



~ ~ E n gravi ng ~






~ ~

1l9-~r .







Th J I , e ewe er And Opt icia



I I _ I

amI quieL. Dnd foul odors. : Keeps fli es aWQ)'. ' It is Q won derlul CO'll \ He wa~' sirell by Nobless e, h 4y tor disinfect . nt, and In nddltlol\ to belnl: 11 stoc k dip It h IlS Oi ' l a~QI', he uy Haplbl tOllian X. , numerou s househo ld uses. 'rr\l shv(l~tb y' m'~n ' Ilr WOll1lloD iu ; Osr.iH· P. ':; dum Witt:; All , nia, by Red " euobC llul1tyt olld v e'rt,,,,, I'Poe IV ~Ol _ I Wilk s, he.bY G Ol'g Wil\( 3, heuy t • . We buy jn ClllanUtie s OJId _ . ' . . Hal11 ~II loman X . d ei'll Q.ud DlllUag:e . bu. 'nfl~ 1;I f ell' I'-j w , ~ri~. win "Ic a~e yo.u. York M'!~H O"l1er ' t:I !HIllH. ~ l .00 .. " - For sal" h)' weeltl,v ; p \)p i t.ion II rU1II nf'lI t ; no in :F . ' . .. l ·: I\\'.A H T ~. V'1'8imeo~ ,r0!ltl"lr d, Pr"vi !ill:! X_ perla noe not fl otiul t9 eO~Il~i ng __ __ SpRre tlme . vl\\ooble" EIIOII),,6 self , $10 to in uI'e a liying ' olt, An~ · ."""''''''--~'''-------··-------------~ adliress ed ',lmvfllo pe fmf~11 p,tlrtion oTIf:i plu-ting with itlsul'etl . mal" fot,A Purel y Vege lars, ,AddrllJ:l1' OLAnKIi1 Un,; WholA . fei t.i:l 'i\lsul'allc~. table Laxa tive are will be taken 8al~. ,J) Pt ,:· l '3l,".~·ItAve" ' ",Yo rk,. to' avoid accit.l nta, but cannoL be Cures Chronic COnSlip l)lIon, and AU r esponsible fol' any that may 0 cur.. . , ... Liver and Kidney 'I'rouble~ . POI' further pal,ti 'ulal's, inquir~ or GElnuine":mol'OCCO" leaLhe r is made -~.... """"-~-'""'~~~ --~ ...... ,- ... .~ ~ I. of goa t..'1kins, ' tatined wllh pu re su- call Home Phone 72·61', entel'v ille I"or ~t\!e at t h e [ OIlOWIIII( Dill':' EXchan g , mach.. ! ' ',' ZiDl/t1erliu:Lu·. ! Killion' !" \i

E, The Gaz ette P unera l Direc tor. Is the Telepb one day nIgh t. Valley pbone No, 7. Long Bes t Distanc e No. . WA YNESVILLE, OHIO. Med ium for Branch Office. Harvey sburg. 0. Adv ertis ing Du. H.E. HAT HAW AY Try 1-t - . . vV a.y 'les ville's Leading Dentl.~




s r' :,. . . . . . . ,. . . . .,:. .1"

St, August lne's Catholic Church _ ~'lI lh r ClCIII'K<' Ml\vcnlt, I/' ! r. Pastor ~Ju~" c \ rv · ' lIolU Su noill ' 0 f lIw lUOOllh a L !I :tlll a. Ill ,


J H 0PP " " "" " " ' ,......"

~ ~ ~ hOl,I III, IIcl:ular ;'l!ur 'II ~ "" ioinbba 1,,'11'0. LIt 10 ;"0 II. , ruII ,;atJ II' .hrl"t.lall /; n\.l ·al·lOr. ' 7 ::1 0 \I.

. I




I'; uisel' Wililt-11lI !'i'ce ntly .[ ' >;e l'll:'d , • ." lhat the IlO .()(lO.OOO (' Cl'ln:llll! ! hll 7 0,000,0 00 opinion ;;.

in OUI'I'<>- 111 10 k on U Ilillt L."IYljl\ ';1 n t 10 UIl Y j ulI' Ihl('\(U ' HS 01' r thp fll/lIl ll·. H I>· b b ~ s cL to wumen Ulld fal' I~as ttmchlil t' h.v ':1" ",' : r. I" V !'fH'vlng ~ h ' . Sh n {)lJ >I II l ' W J ll t; t ItS r.. s l as t h y I' 0 1. T his p ' \, . rl ttulth ( lIllt !I t; oll',d t,1nw. nur will suft '11 t11 lI k t> I'Uli llll ali t! l' :Ill . S It el'::I allli prea h'I'8 go- why, Lhey l' vj l'itlll·', r Y() t1r~111"\.)1I 11 11 Wlilllp.c lll r h In b r!:'"k in il ~ lto rt l im '. Il uY II .s ec. simp ly pia d jll th same 'lass lUi 1111 i~ tirinltin g r ell l ~lIn'11f' -11II11 y t ' Olle! PUrl), pl'ep:u' til Ih.lll i lic . if IJO~' othl!l' waKe- wurk . 1',' . h " r p ii' 11, ,1/1 (! J'IOII "r r t1lt\ un lTOtl In ' ' ibl . Ill> II I1I lI sl U· dun ' Kee p "~very onl: kno\ hvw itT V rent Il .. HlIIlIlP' " Httli lth ( !" Ii'ee. Purt1 , IJUt \ .il r I, ull l o uL!l lu t:! u\' uUJloIag -. ' " !rtl ill S, lJlu lt, un(1 nllt ~ gIve fh'Hlth I _ _ _ _ _ young Am 'l'l ' a1~ tu Pat't'llt:! and l u ' ( Iln'Pfdt;t f'Xqlll ii, til If' lind Ii ~ Dr. ' thl: aged. N,) :lO 1,1):1 II li nnt " h nlhng , " MI\\l e \VA VNESV ILLE CHURCI1ES, PI'vviuing lhe Ilvy 01' gi l'! with all III II TlII1ll1lo f' , " '1'1'.v it hom yn ul' . that 'ei - \'IC discu e l' that illg'tmuity '" ,r O" Hr 'lIl1l g t: Il 1)l elll:4lJ llt I:! OrprlHfl, .---- -.- - - lu ItI ' . t l ); It.. pll I\ 'i ~~ 2[,0 . ~"ltl ll\· 1111 f-il'lJ_ suggeH"'1' ~!!a 1 }Jl'ucur el:l, SO'1 Y ers . Orthod ox Friends Church. gi eN, th averag e child asily ~Ol'--- ne,·. n"nJnOl l n 11 :1\ 1:111 . PO~ I' " g ets . the great, d e IH'U ted, la<!tlll~ HORSE OWNE R'

· . .'



!I ~ir g l'll\\' ~ at thL' rat e uf t hl'c/.!11111110n ths I,f a y ald a SCC II"II. 1

1111 II ICe l'lllpd ruo l pn IUII'I! a 1 1( llI ILlc~ ' II' IIIU S Pl'd III a i , mi xed wlllt Wll l el·. Hut III U 1>1111\ 11 vl'~"w l lI l1t! a l! '

obligat ion h owe~ his Pllrent. Of . - -II /. c ur , 'this is Ilot ttl) in e t!ry case. The WII . n co Ttl\\'l1s hip )11' Thert! ar hundre d s of fine, manly Htlr f\ A"HII;'jl llili ll wilt mtlt t SItu 1'Hicl< itc F.:icmls Church . Ii ltl rn n ulld w manly li tll women dlLV, 111.Y :'~ lltl All IU nlber!! 111' n,' 1 lJay M ' · I "I ~. 111:00 ,\. m . '~ Ir L Day ~\·tool. 1J : (\ il , Ill . whoul 'eolld ientto · theil'p arnts; llrgcl t,'1\1l' r'''ullr,.h Ll ay" M,.l t- \.f ll ~ Ilf W · UII .. Dl : but the l! n ral ·haraet.,l'. of the IlIlWlI' LlIllI' ---nationl ll 'hild~lif i~ Ling'u with th~ P t I f yr k Christi un Church . ' rl ' t of ' I rre"ere ncef I' }'Ul'entn o d, spl us ' ·omma. ltcel'. w. . ot" SUnil").' Sullool. 0 :<1 0 1," 111 ., ~O,",.'~I III C' l G: A. R I U. ·L adml ' a oLetll'lIl1lg a l in g, 10 :.IU " Ill .. a lltl h,'lu l la ll l ,na.. ,,\·or We are too much . l. l." Inchn d to dlSI', . p nS101l , tI tfid't uy m ans 0 f f a!:l aVI s ,. 7 ;011 I)· In spe t 0f 8jre. J!.ltp \'Iene , ,sag " . .. _.. agree, howev~l', iHthe ~Tt!atE!st teach- Th e ui~Ll'iiJutioll t)f hot prings in i\' ethodis t E piscopa l. Churd .. d 't't ' e.r , ,an I come.Ii W I !l age. Rev . w . :1': 1IIIIIIInd, PaSlur the ' nit J tate c illcid ea v ry Ru uUIIY ': honl , II ::111 a . III. ornlnl{ Her· Let's 'ltt OU~ a hLt11l of the ~O Il1- 10 ' Iy wi Lh that o f th III untuin1 .1p, \,\00.11) ,30 :1. 111 . l'Jp\\IIrth I. n' IIl!, 7:0(1 p. mercial i!:!man d u litWr fooliSh. 1I'.fJt".· In . I·:" n1nll se l'\· lcc . 7 ::10 . I ." PI· \y"I'''t' '~Lln ~ . 7 ; lU I~m. I' · m . Ml,llI't,!!t am:J return -not Lo the tlays of O~ll' ... - .





·a vlt)' . Be vory I lHl c r g llm . It

nu buy!:! l ip pl y to tll e·l':u lIl . 'uverlll l-:' t h e "'\w l lh l ~, l\l III 1{1l I ' lilt " \\,j,. . II\' th" ( !0I1]1(111 1"11111. 1 S\"'(lIU l'" HUIU I] pi c ,.; uf lIu" 1I 110 milliste r!" 1 L'11I! 'lI opn ll "lid ,lit: 1"1111 1" nr \\' tar~p !, U lli n l it' e lld of th e tlll g!!!', folll

W 'J' ,nltincY


l\lu Hli n is made f IIle I. uanarlll a irc .. _



I 1I1~ U. CU I' I Y UR I quf cl 'I Iu '1' 0 ::lpr:ty frolll n1£'d l hlP dWII' I

1 81J11ll Ull f a .

and d , 'I'l' f~


:' Re lief for Tooth a che. I J I lOlO I



' •




Sto.tiOll . tuu

f I'

than thcy Jill lasL yeUI. ,Ohio F:xperim en t

SUlnme l

'ult.i\'ut, l' 'verene tlil-lPUlll,


a u It:!r mOl' l:!


The ki n'd thl'1t won't fade when exposell to sunlig ht, The kind wit h that T-O-U · G-H - l-E-A-T·H-E·R-Y - E.l-A.S-T-I.C Finish that outshi nes a nd outwe ars all others , It's fo r FLOO RS, FURN ITURE , AND ALL OTHE R INTERIO R WOOD WORK , in all natura l wood colors,


Soda1. cl , wh "I'(' Il hal'l"> ' lot IH ,u t., IJIMpla I' .\\", .,rll. 'II ~ . I" r I II' I,



" ,\ \ · lt y SlI o.!UWIlI ·HSl. ( I i ,· lItI ·!' 11:.;1,,·t! ill allY 1IIIIlIlI I'~ \ \·th l'1I1l ' tht'l m.;I "I'. 1 I",''' I ~. ,,,,,,,,, :.l' ·,' poor 110. ,. IU" !Iid 1';1l~ it j .. 1' 1!1!lJl11tn l!llt t:!U U.V Lh ' "'1 h,l\ I' l\ .. rt f! cl'rnn <l. It:Hd(ll': 1'0: 1'\" ,,"111"1I ,\tl~ nlll IU ,. " ',, ••,1 Iii .' 1111"', jilin l~x lJ l'il11/'nt fitutiun that lIw JIll I' \1 1111' 1:l1I1 1l'1'. '1~;'l'fIl" 1' H ' II"II,,; '1'\1I't 111 f'r t h' ll ' '!r.~ Inf. ted il LI'.lW II hUI'lI ed atoll ' an I ,~nw I K (I 1' :JrI III 11 1.1' pasll1l' • tinU I a lll Plill ua I'll'''. rt ,',' 1' " ' lh'S 11 ' 1' LhaL W'h . 1' ' l' I' p(l~'libl e ,jill :;LuuLJI . on lilY Wrt.\' In !e ll hhn.' '" . tndu..''s , p"r It lle: " ':\ Itll l·tI 1:1 1' 11. IIICIt' l'I!.· ~:>l' lil' kl:; h '. bu rn ' tilI VI' I' Ct;,rft of thu llk s Whe r t:h)I" 1' .. 'Y OII 11111 )' \\' l' lI say NO. astor; bllt ~,,, ,, i lltl'rf res wiLh bUl'llin g HluuLJI 1 111J~ - I sltall It n'ak It In ltiul ~I· lI lly .' Ih Oatll ll g II, .," 111,'



lltl limHi')l1 df i h .i!· llllLlseLl ~ll'aw ('(>(o(lin;,:ly lUll\! nr Iltllir (' (I\\, ~ , us 1I':t., . , . b gllll1f'l','0 ll1 u t'1 1I1·U('I"n ::- llt· S (I , )' I 11111 ~ LII"hll ' fw lds Hnd a'it: · lan.l - ('Il l'l'vnl I I" 1., fl'O .

a l l'e

Rates 0'( Suh:;cr illljull f

I . .

I ,Matter


C ENTLV c l p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




Every Farmer and Truck Grower

~;;I<!n~~~e :i~

very little practice can easily' !let out 7,000 to 10,000 p lants each day, Our planter mainta ins a reGard of ov e l' 91)8 plants to grow from each , 1,000 set, MONE Y RI~ FlJND1W I N CASE THIS PLANT ER FAILS TO DO WE CtAI M ]i'OR 1'.1'. W e ight, 4,l{ Ib~. This planter will saveALL, its dozen times over in fl season for replant il1g and for use at t hecost a ' ends of th I'OW whet'e you can ' t use the horse·s elter. ' iror sale by A. B. Sides and ,~ •

Prl·Ce' ct.3 75 b

F. W. Wadsw

Th ~e setters can be seen at' A. £. Sides' store at any timeorth. ~


The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE.

\V A YNES\' ILLli:.



ceased and be


III mooe!1

$11 ncc th ra cam('l a slight rillltllng

of {;'orm nts Ilt bls , sllle and he shook wJth fell.r, for he ?mo)\' lbut he. wu n t. 0.100 .







"Who nrt thou, and why thy pl'es· nce here?" ClU s tloned Esdras with IN LESS THAN FIVE YEARSCEN. trCIlI bllLl!; voice. Shipplng FaclUtles Make These Two ClUes PrtndpaJ Ruusevel , but It TRAL CANADA WILL BE CALLED ' "OoL! lmth hard thy Questlonlngs MarRets t'or Sheep Tradel Show Rapld UPON TO SUPPLY THE nnd hast sent his ang I. It Is Uri I BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" o NI TE D STATES. PREACHER Yes, tI\l' ,,;Ug ';; r ~ \ u Is lI ('a tllY,' 110 ap uketh and brl11geth ames· suge [ronl God;' who would sav to an d nllHl 1111lt't; Olll of ten It Is Val t! to thee : th W Olllllll, -,------Books: -2 Esdras, chap. "'Thy gonethou tOo tofarcom. In Th tro iibl-' willi lIHlI~ )' of tbose fair terApocryphal 4. , this world.heart and hath thlnketh A couple of yours ngo, wilen the an· agit ators of puro food is th ut th ey uro prehend the way of the most high?'" nouncoullmt WIlIl lLlad In til se col· "Yea, my Lord, tbat I mllJht under. umns that "dollar wheal" had come 10 unwilll ul; 10 (uk It . 1"lrtlt Book of Esll rlU.-Tho nnme Es- stand:' fallered Esdras. slay, and tlllH lhe time was uol lar IIras III but anoth r torm at Ezra, .As reTh news thllt lli t' riO url! pole Is on ,::nrds th an tlqulty ot this LJook un" the . ., am sent unto t4ee to show thee distant when th central provlnct)s ot a hi gh platl'au will exclt no s uqJ\·lse. rnnk WlsIgncd 10 It In the corly chu rch, It three ways and to set forUi three Canada-Manitoba, Saskat howan nnd Poles aro g ne rl1l1y fuunL! 011 plat· may Buffi co 10 m ~ nll o n lha t Josephus similitud es be (ore th ee. 'Vherefore, Alberta-would b~ cailed upon to sup· quole. Inrgely from It. and t OllOW8 lls auform s, ply a Inrg part or tho con· t hority, II Ie Quole!! also LJy lemens If thou caost deolare unto me one I A Iflx andrlnus, by Cypria n, Au,:rustlne, will show thee also the way that sumptlon 10 th o United States, thert! A Doston WOIllIlIl is s:lld " to havo Athnnnslu8 nnd olh r fathers. NothIng were muny who luughed at tbe predl cembracer! 23 tlllIcr(' IH r('lI glon s," but can be clearer on Ihe olher hand Ihnn thou ct eslrest to see and I w1l1 .. how tlons aud ridicu led thu Ideo ot wh eat Il Is not kn own how many o[ tll Ul sbe thnl II Is rightly Included nrnong Ihe thee from 'w hence the wicked heart reacblng the dollar Ilolnt and stuyl ng Apocryphll. That II was nevor known come th." bas practiced, to exist In Hebr w nnd tormed no part "Tell on. my Lord," eagerly ex. there. Uolil o f Ih csu predictions hav tl =====-=="" The needlell? ss CUUl paSS hil S b n In· of the H"brcw oanon Is ndmlllcd by a ll. claln!ed Esdros, for the yearning In come to pass, Dollar wh al Is hercA two-told d sIgn Is IIlscurnl ble In the vent d. The nexl tblng'on III program compiler of the book. One WWl 10 In lro- his heart was after the truth of God and It Is not only hoI" , bu t Is here to In 101;.Icai order to be announced Is the duce and glvo Scrlpturol sanction to the Then sohl Uri I the angel: slay; oud at th e SIlIllO lime, wllutever Icgonll aLJout Zerubbnb I; tho other to northl ss pol~. uopleesant sensntlolls It way arouse "Go tby way; weigh me the welgbt explnln tho great ob~eurltloa ot tho Book of th e fir e, or measure me the blast In the super·sensltlvo AllJl:lrlcan, Cen· = = = == ot E:tra, In whIch th o author hll.8 ~ I!l'n nll y Twenty Prusslun cllll llren und er lhe failed. A/J regn rtis the tlmo nnd plnco of. the wind. or call back again UI& tral Canada Is already be lus ca llet! age oC 10 kill ed IhoUl5c lves because when the com plla tt on was mnde, the orlg- day that Is \last." U!lOn to hel\l kc!!p Ull thl:l bread s up· diliappolntcd In love last yaar. Poor Innl portlon' Is thul whl oh nlone ul'I'onJs "What man Is abie to do that, that ply, and within tfo uext fh'e yellro much clew. ThIs seems 10 Indlcato Ih ut lit tie rUl·e·rlp41s! will, as Jam s J . HIli says, literally th,e writer Will! thoroughly co nversant thou s houldst ask such things ot mo?" "become the brend·hasket of OUI' In· wIth Hebrew, even It he dId not wrlto xc Iaimed Esdras In amazement. Chicago butcher g ts a $1,000 tLne the book In thnt lan~uage. Ho WWl w e ll "It I should lIsk thee how many creasing millions," f for making sausage of bad horseflesh. acqu nlnted too. wIth tho Books ot ESlher There nre few men In tile ~'(ed Som ethlug must be done to Improy", anll DanIel. and other booltll at Scrlplure, grent dwellings are In the midst ot tbe sea, or bow many springs are In Stutes b tler IIcQualnt. ill~r' the the breed or horses. the begInning ot the deep, or how II heat situation tha • d ruu ' " u11(1 Crown Prince George of Servia will many springs are above the firma. the re are fe ll' ~,~, ~ . lJUI·,, 'l10 ure In· SERMONETTE. probably be happier as a plain clt.IJen meut. or which are the outgoings of ellned to bt:m!'11. abl .. l\1" rvallve In In some democratic cOlmtry than as parad ise, peradventure thou wouldst tbelr eXI~,n' Nu va jq J nIl ' et It was this "Canst thou by searchIng flnd king of a troublesome empire. lIay unto me: 'I never went down greate~tl HI't:' wI/rli t .J's railroad mon out God? Canat thou find out A Bunch of Prime Wether., who Sald ~wj 111111 i-Ys aso that "tha Into the deep. nor as yet luto hell' the Almighty unto perfection?" It may seem a IItUe Ion IY for Cuba neither did I ever climb up Int~ price of wI:. " I never be substan· Such was the question pro· to proceed as Q hllrd,worklng, busl· If close proximity to the relrions dredw Ight ' In J1rlces within an bour tlally lower '. ua u It Is today "-and hea.ven.' ' Nevertheless, now have 1 pound by Zophar the Naame· ness-like country Ins tead ot being un , asked th ee but only of fire and ot where most ot Ihe sheep ar produced The large w stem shIpper was obllg wh n It Is ,taken Inlo consld rallon thlte In his controversy with object ot International ,concern. wind and of the day where through were . tbe on ly factor In determining to torestall s uch ruinous conditions. that at thnt timt! wheat had soartld to Job, and It II the queltlon which thou hast passed, and of things from tbe best location tor a market, the This was done by stabllshlng (eedlus $1.20, well above thll dollar murk, the A gIrl In a N II' York town, whol~ a comes lome time or other to which thou canst not be separate.I, larg 9t markets would be still farther stations on the railway lines tributary IItatement Is ~'ecullarly slgnllicant, ·young man of the pla ce Jilted, 10lt every seeking heart. and yet oanst tbou give me no answer west thun they are. because nearly 76 to Chicago from the west. ?lloat of 'aud doubly significant Is the fact lhat her speech Loo late for tbe false lover Esdras wal troubled by the of them." per cent . ot the sheel) In th United thes are owned and ontl'OlIed by the In this country the population Is In· to realIze what be had missed In mYllterlea of God and lIought to ,A long and painful silence followed, States are west ot the MJsslsslppl railroad companies, altHough 1\ few are creased at the ratio of 65 per cent" chances tor a happy marrJage. fathom the Inftnlte. How hopelo which there were peculiar sUr- river, ond 67 per ceul. are in the owned by private portles. The large while tile yield ot wheat and other Ie .. was the taskl An. relt rlogs In the heart of Esdras and a Rock y. Mountnln r egion and west of shipper consigns his sheep to some products Is Increasing at the rate ot It appears lo be a fact that the soand quIet could not come to hll pricking of his conscience as he the Pacific cOMt. one ot these fe eding stations a'ld then only 26 per cent. Ii'or several years cial whirl leads to more nervous p~os. heart until the angel of God had tratlpn, melancholia and even suicide realized the wicked blindness ot bla Shipping facilitie s for getLing the nwal~,s the advice ot his c~mru'ljJon past the cost of living has been stead· come and led him to realize that than hard work. And In this fact lie. own heart. Then ' tbe ang'e l again outl1ut of the packing houses to the firm as 10 the number of shoep and lIy Increasing In the Unit d States, he could not do more than to broke the silence and said: ,consumer bave an Important bearing. tbe time he sha\1 send them to market nnd this wide diffe rence In productloll a moral whIch be who ru.ns may read. relt content with the thought "Thine own things and such 88 are Still another factor which has a great A shipment ot say 20,000 sheep Is th~ and consumption Is the reason. Only about 314 miles ot froz n waste. that God waa, and waa a regrown up wltb tbem thou canist not deal of Inlluence Is tbe tact that many dilltributed over a period ot a week or This difference must be supplied by remain ~ be covered to bring the ex· warder of them that diligently know; how sbouldest tbou then be sheep froll! the west are faLUmed Ln ten days, Instead of a\1 being dumped the vast and fertile grain r glons of plorers to both poles. , But every mile leek him. able to comprehend the way of the the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. on.the market on the same day. Sluce Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. can be a fearful distance when men Eldral was troubled, aa W81 Highest, and the world being now out- Many of these are handled twice by trmn 65 to 76 per cent. of the sheep Tbere Is now absolutely no doubt of are at the extreme llmlt of thefr en; David or old, by the prosperity wardly corrupted, to understand the the markets, first as feeders, and again reaching the 'C hicago mark tare COI\. tbls. , Even tbe ' press of tbe oountry durance. of the wicked. He knew that corruption that II evident In tb, as. sheep Intended tor slaugbter. When signed first to the feeding stations. It concedes the Cact. Results have shown the mllery of his people, the Blghq" sold as feeders. t.hey go only a com par. ,can r adlly be seen bow much they that no other country In the world Can The new emperor of hlna, with all ~ewI, was the rttault of lIn, but "But It were better that we were atlvely s hort di stance trom the mar- aid In preventing market glutting, ver hope to eQunl tllose provInces ae the wealth and power of oriental the question aroae In hla heart: not at all than tbat we should Uve ket and ~bls Is a factcr tbal equalizes The r cord run of sheep on the hi· wheat prOducers, nnd tbat no other despotism to be his. cries day and Are not the people of the world still In wickedness and to sutrer and, the s .ing disparity of the mllrkets cago marltet for one day Is lilt! lest] ountry can produce as hard or as nIght for tbe nurse from whom he has tranagrellors of God's law al80, not to know wherefore," exclaimed being too far re moved trom tbe re- than 60,000, and a. run of 40,000 Is COil· good wheat. Said a gr at grain man been taken. Here is an anU·climax ot and are not they the ma8ters of Esdras, glons ot hea,,1 st production. and slde red very heavy, but were It not tor recently. "If Unit d Statas wheat main· buman greatness! the Jew? Where wal the Jus"I w nt out Into a forest,' saId the really makes s uch plnces as Chicago tho teedlng stallons It Is claimed that talns the dollar mark. anada wheat ==~== tIce of It all? The trouble with psyc'h otheraphy In angel, "and the trees took counl,leJ and and Omaha. the actual centers ot the there wduld fr QuentIy bo days when will be welt above a dollar 0 busbel. But he forgot, like many oth· . churohes, according to the Rev. Dr. said: 'Come, let us go and make war slleep trade. the run would be from 60,000 to 14)0.- for In every way It Is superior to our ers of God'i children, that It II Leighton Parks. Is that It Identifies against the sea, that It may depart The great 0 ntral sheep markets of 000 head. home·grown grain!' "the Ion whom the • Father health with salvation. On the other away before us and that we may to-day lIa\' enjoxed a very large With these facts steadily Impinging chalteneth." They who are not ·hand" It mIght be remarked that the make more woods.' Tbe flooas ot the growt-hduring the last 20 yeal'8.--T.h6~NNP their truth upon our rapidly growing of the houlehold live and work trouble with the churches where psy· sea also In like manner took counsel total number of sheep received at ObiI\.J:..I:.uI U popuJatlon, It' Is Interesti ng to note ' and reap and BOW and paal away chotherapy is anathema Ia that they and said: 'Come, let us go up and cago In 1887 was 1,360,862; In 1907, RES.~..ntG A just what poss!billtles as a "wheat without apeclal care or disciptake too little heed of the welfare ~nd subdue the woods of the plain, that 4,218,115. This growth Is largely .., l -n1 J:d'l"111 growar" our Northern neighbor pos· line at the handl of the Father, happiness of their members this side there also we may make us another traceable to the turning of the sheep sesses. Wblle the United States wlll but not 10 those who have the grave. ' Health and salvation are country.' The thought of tbe woods husbandry Interests In the west trom never surrender her prestige In any yIelded their hearts and IIvel to not necessarfly ~conslstent. was In vain, tor the came and wool production, as a primary object, How One Can Selec:t. Thoee That manufacturing or commercial line sboGod and come Into the houae· . consumed It. The thought of tb" to, the production of both mutton and WiD Withstand AttIKka 'must very soon acknowledge, and 'with , A man detained In New~ York under hold of faith where God. II 1l00~ of the sea came likewIse t<o wool, and to the rise at the sheep feed· of Insecta. as much grace 8S she can, that she is , aentence of deportaUon has been Father and Jelul Chrllt II elder naught, for the sand stood up and ing Industry. By liberal Infllslons of __ bound to be beaten as a grain pro· I promised leniency If he saws his way brother, Then beglnl a new r. stopped them. If thou wert judge mutton blood Inlo their flocks, and by From time to U. . varIous authorl. ducer. It ptust be conceded tbat a out ot the detention jail, ' and Is now ,Iatlonlhlp of love and care these two," continued marketing their sbeep at a younger tl es h ave called attention to the pas"- sreat deal of the actual truth aboul now betwixt working on the job. It may be aU " h h which II no more strongly manl· the rlchn~Bs ot Canada's grain producJ w om wouldst thou begin to age t an formerly, western fiockmas- bllltJ Ul'Ie, very well for oftlclals to test thus the fest than In the cha"tenlng tel's supplant ed a. dry, i l l -tl avore d mut- that es of selecUng seedwIthstood from plants Ing area h as been "kept Qut of slght:~ Justify? Or whom wouldst thou "'on. ... bave sllj:cesstully ad. stoutness of theIr bars and the Integrl· .whlch comes. It II thus that demn?" ton with a wholesome product that as Mr. Hill says, by the, strenuous efty of their employes, which happens "V l I l t 1 verse conditions, such as drought, poor the gold II trIed out and the er y it s a toollsh thought tbat me w th ready demand. Almost at 11 and Dlagath so , fungi, ' etc. It Is left to Dr. S. A. torts of our newsnnpers .to be Involved, but to the community drola destroyed. It II thul that ey both have devised," spoke up the same time sheep feeding became Forbes~ illinois slate entomologist, to zlnes to stem the exodus of our best at large. whose Interests are also In· the life II purlfled and made fit Esdras, thoughtfully, "for the ground popular, and these' bette.r bred sbeep American (armers Into those regions. volved. It seemB a queer test to apply to abide In the prelence of the Is gIven unto the wood; the Bea a]so of the range were also better fed. A suggest the plan ot selecting plants It Is a fact tbat up to the present that have successfully withstood the to undesirable cItizens. Father and to enjoy the bleal/' hath his place to bear his 1100ds." further Impetus, was thus given to tt k f time, although Canada has already Ing8 of the eternal home. "Ah," replied Uriel. "Thou hast mutton cons upon m tl ac a upInsects the would hope be 'of, ac bl eve d th e f ront rank In the world's w bl , ch h as ~ow abuilding a plantwith whIch Los Angeles IS slow In arrivIng at given a right Judgment; but ' why reached the Ilolnt, In many ot our clt- practically Immuae from such attacks. grain producers, thll fertile ,prairies. the conclusion that It endures an un· judgest thou Dot thyself also? For les, at least. where the only cbeck to I na recent address before an 8ssocla· of Manitoba .. Saskatcbewan and AI1ust burden In beIng compelled to care THE STORY, like as the ground Is given to the IIberal consumption IS ' the lack of tbe tlon at entomologists at Madison Wis berta have all yet scarcely been for consumptives who are shipped out ' wood and the sea. to his floods even ability to buy. , Dr. Forbell said: ' ., scratohed. MIllions of acres, free torthere without suftlclent means properly SDRAS Wall troubled. Scribe and so th'e y that dw.ell upon the' earth to care for themselves. Denver reached With ~hls Increased activity In the "I wouJd like to see the expe r I ~'t tbe taking, stili await our AUJerlcan priest though he was, there had may understapd ' nothing but that production ot better- mutton In the made of ~owlng corn trom s'eed t~l~n farmers; and wben these millions arethIs conviction some time ago. Since en the fact Is becoming known that It Is crept In his heart honest question- which Is upon the earth, and he that west and In feed lot operations, the from the few bes't BtalkB of a tle gone tbere are other millions In renot climate so much as fresh all' and Ings. dwelleth above the heavens may un. large markets bave not only increased whIch has been overrun by Inseots :d glons not yet open~d up to lmmlgra Was God Ilo reality? Was he just? plenty of nourishing food tbat buUds derstand the things that are' above In volume of husmess but tbey have ' n tlon. A few yenrs ago tbe writer, wh~ up consumpt.lves the rush of such suf· Old It pay to be called a child of his? tbe height of the beavenll." also Imllr.oved In their organization as has been through those wheat prov· Here was the nation of Isroel and Over the soul of 'Esdras tbere may be seen 'In the review of. CO;ldl. Inces several times, laughed with otbferers to the west and south has retheir city of Jerusalem In distress, swept a flood ot contrItion and of a tlons past and present at the Chicago ceived a desirable check, ers or our piloplo at tbe broad. and here was the godless Babylon need of greater wisdom, and he cried market. Formerly sheep on this ma:statement that Ca.nada was bound tOo holding dominion over them. Officlnl figures glvQ a grim picture out In eager pleading: ket were not classed and graded, but become "Jo~n Bull's Bread Basket.''' Where was God that such thIngs of conditions that have prevailed In "I beseeoh thee, 0 Lord, let me they were sold In mixed hands just Now, after a last trip (and though he Russia up to a recent date. Tbe police could be? Are their deeds any better have understanding." as tbey were unload d trom the cars, Is a stanch American) he frankly bedepartment ot the empire reports that that Inhabit Babylon. that they should "The ' more t~u searchest," ra- Otten these mixed shtpments were Heves that not only will Canada befrom January 1, 1906, to January I, therefore dominion over Zion? sIlonded Urlel, "the mort! thou shaU made up of all .ages and sexes, In come John ' B~lI's bread·basket, but It Such were the doubts and troubled marvel; tor ' the world hasteth fast to every degree of quality and copdltlon, 1909, th ere were 3,319 condemnations will within the next decade at least, to death and 1,435 executions. No thoughts which sUrred the hoart of pass aWIlY and cannot comprehend The volume ot business was small; BECOME THE BREAD-BASKET OF' Esdras ~ he :wolked alone In the doubt there bas been 0 great deal ot the t.hlngs that are promised to tbe mutton was not much sought after, THE UNITED STATES. Perhaps this. turbulence and crime In Russin., but quJet of the midnight hour. rlght/ilous In time to come. For this and hence the need ot careful dlscrlmmay be a hard truth for Ame.r loalis tOo "I hav seen how thou sulferest world Is full of unrighteousness and Inatlon was not 'felt, To tbe commls. the statement contains more than a Destructive ' Polyphemul Moth, swallow, but It Is , a trutb, nevertbehint that In some lu sl allces at least the them "Inning anr! has spared wicked Infirmities. But ot the things con. Blon man or tbe tiuyer this system per· the 1I0pe that we might tbus gradually less. And It Is at least a partial comauthorities have worked strenuously doers, dnd has destroyed thy people cernlng which thou hast asked me 1 haps did not offer great Inconvenience. d Iop var Ie tles of this plant capable tb pensatlon ' d tot know that hundreds or and m('rclle!:lsly to punish political of· aDd hast pres rved tJ:lne enemies," wlJl tell thee. Listen: The evil Is Perhaps the buyer even coun~ed It to ateve withstanding Insect attack, or oC BeQusnn s 0 our farmers are pro~t· exclaimed Esdras, fen ses. sown, but the destruction thereof Is bls advantage as he Is Inclined to ,Iectlng our seed from tbe best grown Ing by th~ fact by becoming pro~ueer.. He spoko not Irreverently, but the field lo this new country: " If D10geneB had attended a suit In anguish of his heart forced him to not yet come. By measure hath God measure the value of the wllole offer- and most fl:.ultful plants In a The 'papers of this country have nata New York cout:t Intely, be would give expression M though talking to measured the times ' and by number Ing by the Inferior Individuals In it. which has suffereCi heavily froUl have gasped with amazement, tainted God, for he felt If God were In the hath he numbered them. He dotb But to the shipper who occasionally vis· drought-ot aPl'ly{ng, In ' short, the ur~Uy made ,tbe m~st of tbe brief pewith delight and then doused the gllm heavens be must speak to him the not move or stir them unUr the said Ited the market, little opportunity was method by which ' rUllt.reljlstnnt varle rlod of depression .whlch swept over prlesentthed by fSUCh a sfysbtem .[0 deter· ties of, wheat and the like are now be: Canada, but now there 'Is not a Sign or ' ot his lantern tor all lime, for that thoughts "'hlch we'Te In possession measure be tulfllled." m ne e pre erence 0 uyers. This Jng tormed." " It , left 'from Winnipeg to' the ,coast. suit developed an honest man, the ot his heul·t. kind ' for whom Dlogenes looked In "Are they of Bab,.lon better than Your Work and Your World. lIystem , gave way to one that 1. more It Doctor Forb~s' Idea ot breed Lng a Nev~r' h~"e \t~e three great wheat ral~ ' vain and who. Shakespeare declared they of Zion 1" he went on. "Or Is You are never worth much ulitU ,orderly and definite. Th~ day of the stalk ot corn Immune from tt ' k f Ing provinces been more- prosperoua. was one picked out of 10,000. He wa~ tbere any uther people that are thy Bome one needs you. Happiness de-' buyer taking "pot luck", on, shlp'men,ts Inse~t,8 Is unique, , I~ Is ce~:'lif:~ Sn~t Capital , Is ~omlng Into tlle country" a plumber. who testified that atte r chosen peopie? For , what generation pends ~n beIng usef'ul; or, at least, be. as a wbole ·Is over. Now th~y are sort, beyond , the range of 'posslbmty. We ' fro~ , a!1 quartera" taking, the torln or ' giving an estJmate on work he cut Is there 17hlCh hath so believed tby lIevlng tbat , we are.T,he superflu9us ed Into the dltre"re n5 classes and grades hope that so'o ner or. later this s cash for Investm.e,n t, 'Indu's trlal con- ' down ~he bill because he found tbe ~ovenants as , the children ,of Jacob? person Is always In danger, He, Is out and tlJus presented 'for the Inspection tlOD will ' be acted' upon wUh tb~Ut~~~ °rt~!I seeltlng locations, an'4, bes£, 'Qt ,' work less than the esUmate called And ;yet their reward appearetb not, r pla~e In a universe' 8Q ordered that ot t~e buyer. , ~he r~!"ult Is an orderlr of developIng Ii; p18l1't. ot ,superior Quai. a , !t.ltb!'thantl~ an~ st~rdy ~,p1lgtant8 tor. and ,t heir laoor hath no trult. For i Its perfecUon . depends on. ' ell(~h." one' and definite market by whIch the-man tty .to others .of the same kind : com" ,0 ' ,elp populate the 'prairIes " haye /l;one here and there through tnklng his place and doIng hIs work ' 'who followc 'his shlpment~ to sal~ m,. , ,, ' " . ': : " TO~n9" are ;b'o omlng; scoreB of ,ne~ Des , Molne~wants a censor o~ 'pub· the heathen" and I see t,h ey flow In .There nev~,r was a normal ' ~fe 0; be enllg'llte~ed" and fr'9m whlc~' marUse of N,ltr.ata or 80cia.~For BO s' ,l!lev,a t9'" a~e ~brfngjng ,!-:P; railroads. I1c morals. Think ot the' conceit ot wealth and "thl~k not upon thy com. which It ciW not be truly satd' that ket quoladons may b,e made toat' Will ' thtit 'IIre· .d~'ftchint: tSn ', plttogen" , ntLrJf a~e s~n~'ng :o~t' tIle,l r .branc h "lInes. In. ld a ma.n 'ho would apply for 11 job like mandments. Weigh thou, therefore ~h~ world had Deed o t'.b 1m. , be ot aid . to, th~se that. have sheep to ~f so~a would J>e,;Tel'y., viilWible.-<ni .a: all d'r~cUol\s: t~ous~ndB of prOllperthat. . our wickedtless now' In ,the .'balance: ' , Jt ' fs b6t:t~r to make the v.Jn man's sell. , <)ount o~ ,Its' q~~ck ao~o,n, ,trse ',lt as a~ qus ratInerS, are: leaving ,tbe~1' prairIe and thelrs also that ' dwelt In the errot: 'of thl,n'I.e,lng thtdate of 'the , Wllh to, control ot receipts. ',t op the fate of l ,OO"p(luna.> new model't;1 , An Arab gentleman Who filled the world; and II'q shaH thy !lame no-' world h ng ' 1 I so that violent' ,t lllctuatlons hi p'rlCes ,to, a,On 'ppunds pe.'r ~ acr,.e , a"'d ' make , 0 ' Y. wheat,,· ev,errw~ere ', & " position ot astrologE1r 't o the sultan aI wbere be fOUlld :'but In Israel. 0' 1' On youra existence, s n Buspen. on, dependen t . l' U g1' wlllg hap I 11 th_a ~ 'fly to the do not occur W1~tn a very short IIIpa~e three or fp\tr sucli' appllcaUons 'dllrlni ' 'ba Pi p p~ 8 an d content:uJent~ Tur'key h~s just died., He proml,)Uy when was It thaL ~hey whlc.b dwell opposltG~treme alid to 11 • ..Jn~ of, tl1e Pb,calo market hall 'great. the season. Tbe' arllt' ....ri "uj wailb ' 11 ness ' ~nd contentment ~ullt 'by " ", 'cc~pted the ne w r glme when, the upon the earth' have not sinned In lIevlng that it 1._ ly Improved ,dutlng the ·Jut 20. -Y8a", Jt Into the soU, 'anI! It· wU _ i ..... ~ lul.1.. · whe,a t-tbe "dpllar wheat." bI<ib ho Young Tut:ks came Into power. but thy .Ight, or , what people -bu." so ' . ma..... ' ot th4! we.~..,. ~. dlately rr m come LU whatev~r wbe'ber you no are'dUfeNDC8 alive 01' U~tll the Bhe~pme~ av.allalife.- ' ,B ut for - 'geDerAi the 0 'to dlstay. N 0 t-' , With e~dtnl ~.,' for all that was banished aud died In kept tb7 commandments!! 'Tbou shalt lJot, whether ~J1l do YOJ1r"work or not. came (\lily r8C!oP.1zed'~ lpeclaJllta .. p ,r.dellQr the ~tro8on c~ 1Je BeCUre.t' ,ftt1a IUl, Gove1'llmeD~ ta .Ullllythe pla¢e ot hli retirement. Whate ver ftnd lb,t IIraeJ by nlJmlt bath kept .-The yaJue o,t any We .dtpenda much muttOn p~"ucUon, • tteacberoua anel muilh more cheapl, aild Jo more '~ ~ _"\V.a" t~ honltlateadl an~ aeUlIJe he ma1 hav~ pr dieted for others hlJ thy preoep,ta, but uot tbe heatben." 011 U. HIlle .ut bellll _1ltIal to ai , I "olent fluctuation 1'01'& m.~ra of aJ. ,manent form. '" UIe pJowlna ' ~m~uoD".t •••00 ~ ,aore; ad ~ OWD star- appcara '/ to have been' .All the oomplalDlnJ' volGe Of tile JlYeL IDOIIt daJ1y occul.1'enC6. There are reo. cler of cow peu. CloYa' ..iI weu roltetl _,Way lUll! ~"Dfea are ell.., . . . of decllD. 01 " oa.. _ . . . ·.tDlUd ale of their at w~t · mq '. . ' hIdt. OIlI .

Tbe Mysteries 01 GDd rIAl finding Oat.










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. CXIIIIIiIen4 ..-

...... ", ' ,


--'a United 'n~tel marshal, __nc! not to mftnt, the belt tblng you can '40 Is to placed the! gag fn ord 1." to silence br. be dictated to by you, or anybody else bar your doors and refust) them admis. capllve, ~rurray glanc d at 'the sulle.. ' around here," bluffed Murray, , "My pa· sian when' they com ~, " races or t h ~ tb ree m en, and laughed pel'S are In my pocket, and are going Th bonIface was visIbly Impressed. pleasa.ntl y, "Oh, P ter," he called to stay there. It'll take mOre tha n "I don't care to be drawn Into no aloud, 'aud an a.nswerl ng : "'Yah, Shan," you or your friends can do to make me shoali ng altair," he said, gloomily ; came from the Dutchman In the back show them." "but It th , "Then you refuse to show your au· J' II have Ut!.!: o'-'L!te~I~ 1 !..J,ruem!.Ls"'t~a y~l<.!o~uUt_y..."""""T w"'h-e-re-m-a-Y-b-e-a-IItl1e russ ou ~ b ere, Peter," rl ed th e delectl vo. "U YOIl thorlly for this hlgh·handed proc ed· doors," Ing Y" queried the seJr'styled magis· Murray nodded curtly, and stood hear th,e l'o\lnd ot " shot or scum e, trate. watchi ng as the other proceeded to ae- Just s hoo t the prIsoner th rough the . "You C'1\n ' just bet lhat I do," was cure the doo rs. Hardly had the last bead tlrst, nnd theu come out nnd gl W~ch Murray's ~ mi>hatlc reJolnd r. bolt s hot Into place wh en tbe hoot· me a hand," . The omclous Inquirer stepped back beats at furIously galloping horses reo "Dol's shust vat I'll do," repl' ed a few paces and called three at the sounded on the road without, coming PeteI', placidly. gang Into consultation, Th is ac tion to a halt before the hot 1. The rIders The members of the t rio l aked ro lhJeft but th ree men standi ng by the dismoun ted and ra pped Impatiently on er blankl y at once III10tber, as they horses, and Murray called to them the doo r. n cclvlng no response, they Ii steued to P ter 's reply. Clearly these , ,_ _.RCHIBALD DRINKWATER was almost a duplicate of the, ~rat. It senger thnn he promptly feU upon and sharpl y. beat fi ercely on the panels and n kidnapers of their luckless fri end were of Owen Sound was a was the most astonishin g likeness be· held him down. A shnrp click fol· "Let loose those horses," he crIed. couple at revolver shots ra ng th ro ugh no t persons to be trilled wi th, Tbey man weU .known to the tween people that he l1aa ever come lowed as Murray snapped the steel A derisive laugh wns the sale re- the stilln ss of the ni ght. A clamor turned away from Murray as though to country talk In the prov- acrosa during hJs career IUj an omcer. handcuffs on his prlsoner'a wrIsts, and s ponse, and beudlng torward swift Iy at angry voI ces nsued , hold a ,yhlspered confe rence, but that Ince at Ontario, Canada, H e telt pOSitiVe that one of the pair In almost the Bame Instant reached the (lelecUve took carefu l aim wi th "None of tbls skul king, landlorct," alort otfi cer In torrupted them .wl th It His business W88 that of was the object ot his quest, but which behind and snatched a revolver from his revolver and pressed lhe tl'lgger. they shollted. "O pen this door In the slgnlUcnnt wave ot one of h is weapon!I, a traveling nurseryman, one he could not tell. The men were DrInkwater's hlp pocket. A loud report and spurt of Ilame In lo name of the law. or we'll break It "1'\on o of tha t," he snid, ta rtly. nnli he drove from county plnylng pool, and resumed their game By thi s lime tbe kidnaped man, bav· the shadows followed, tbe t wo horses do wn. We are offi cers, and won't "Face me. and keep your hands In to county calling upon the as the bartender went behind the coun· lng In some measure recovered tram snorted and reared wildly as the bill· stand tor any foolishness," fr ont, all of you," farmers with the object of tel' to serve the new arrlval6. There the stran gling eltects ot Murray's lets hissed by their ears, and, plunging A thIrd and fourth shot fo llowed this They compli ed, s ulkily, nnel the mnn selling them trees and was a mIrror at the back of the bar, grip, found hilL voice again and sent fiercely, lore loose tram the detainIng Imperious demand, nnd the landlord who h nd tl rst spokon addressed Mur· fnn cy shrubbery. He was and Murray could see the players re- forth a hoarse yell for help. It was hnnds on l helr. hrJdles and new down began to quake In his shoes, ray again . fellow, of convivial dIs· flected In It as he stood facing the responded to by a rush ot men trom lhe rand at a headlong galla I), Mur· "Looks like I'll have to let 'em.)n," "May we s peak to the prIsoner?" he n host at frIends and glllSs. Dutch Peter demanded some the saloon, a couple ot whom seized ray caught the r eIns, laughing trl· he said , apologetically, to Murray. " It IUjked. who had conCerred whisky, and aa he did so a ruse for -the horses' heads while two others drew umphantl y, while Dutch Peter sat I don't they'll bus t my door and you'll "One ot yo u At a time may, trom ni ckname of Baldy flndlng out which of tbe customers was revolvers and a dvanced threateningly firmly on lhe ragiug prisoner. be none the better olt In the long thIs side of the door at that room," sobriquet which he dId hla quarry occurred to Murray. Fronl the darkness behInd came a run," toward the occupants ot the wagon. assented MUl'l'ay. d by which be was Murray eyed him grImly. "Suit 'fh e sl1okcsmn l.\ of the pnr ty ad· "What's yours?" asked the bar· They were confronted by gleaming medley at oaths and yells ot tury, reo he sojourned. steel tubes leTeled In deadly aim by volvers cracked s harply and several yourself," he responded. " It th ere's va uced to the <1001' at the chamber, tender. was a decided "I'Il-drink- water," said Murray, In the steady hands at the detective and bullets whizzed harmlessly over Ihe anyone killed here, you'll be. held r eo and hail ed lhe vllsoner by nnme. An 8uccess, heads at the fugitives. But the horses sponslhle." Inarticu late gur,!e. WIlS the only raamount a loud, dIstinct tone, adding, rapidly: doputy. o't bulhlog &~_.Ich usually " With whIsky on the side," The landlord turned and began to sponse. and he tu rned a puzzled face "The first man that moves . a step had swung smoothly Into their stride attained \lD goal. forward dies," said Murray's daep and were racing rapidly away. Mlirray unbar the door with lrembllng handS, to Murray. • ·.i:s he spoke he watched the six men volce~ a farm er with "He don't an.wer," was hla com· and the would·be assailants headed them tor St. Ann's, giving Murray walked back to tbe room con· through the mirror, and saw one of the them full rein, and they sped through tnlnlng t.he prIsoner, and satisfied him· ment. "Guess "our mn n mus t h ave chancel! were all pair of doubles glance uP. ahltt unelUj· halted abruptly. The bartender made hIs appearance the night, like s wallows ' hound tor selt that lhe door of the chamber 1n tied his moulh 111\." being .able to evade lIy, eye the newcomers an instant,-and "Oh, Pe ter," "lIouted Murray, "ta.k e Baldy would stick to aDd cajole his turn agal.o to the game. Slight as with a light, nnd Wat greeted with a home. In the bottom at the wagon question was sccurely fast ened. Then, .,lcUm wJlh 'artful tongue and lengthy the action was, It satisfied Murray that ::huckle of delight by lhe Irrepressible Dutch Peter's human cus.hlon yelle. drawing his r evolver, he returned to the plug out of ".hat gen tlemnn's jaw and howled ' franti cally, struggling to the main entrance and stood waltlng. and let him s p(J6[{ to hIs friends out· argument until he had won hIs point. he had discovered wbJch was Baldy Dutch Peter. Few ot the farmers were capable of Drinkwnter. He finished his drink "T'ank you, klnt trlent," cried the free hImself, and calling on his fri ends As the big door s wung back the three slde the door." A torrent of ~l.ecrntlons In Baldy's resisting blm, especially because and stood leaning on the bnr for a cJleerlul deputy. "Now, I kin see to to tollow and slay his captors, Wenry· toremost of t hose who were outside Ing of the Incessant clamor, Murray swaggered ove r the threshold. Before rough voice showed that the ' order the fact 'that he did not Insist on cash moment, studying the situation. How shoot goot." His frank avowal at gratitude was finally resoh:ed...1tLgag hlA nols¥-CB.p,-- -Il (ou rth could enl er Murray...clossd tbe bad been promptly obeyed, In rel)ly payments when disposing of his stock. to secure his man, without a fight, and to his fri end's Inquiry as to what at· For Baldy was always willing to ac- perbaps a shooting melee, was the fense he had been arrested tor, and cept a man's note for the amount of problem be had to sol V", and It did not what he wanted them to do, the capa purchase, and In fact seemed to look like a V&TY easy one. Dutch tive again raged fu riously. prefer . notes to ready money In many Peter, also fully awake to the serious"Don't stand there talking and cllat· Instances. The sa1d preference on ness of the task before them, glanCed terlng like a monkey," he yelled, the jovIal Mr. Drinkwater's part PUI' anxiously at his oompanlon. At lut "Why don't you cussed fools get start. sled the rural customers at ftrst, but a taint amlle glimmered on ' Murray's e d and cut the hearts out of these fela day arrived when the reason of hili face, and followed by the deputy be leI's? It I had my hand!! free for just peculiAr t aste In such matters was r e- went outBlde, untie!) the horses, an4 a minute I'd show you-" vealed to them with painful . clear, drove the team up to the saloon and TWs sentence trailed ot! into an· ness. beyond the door; Then he turned and other explosIon ot oaths, and Murray NotCls that came Into Baldy's h'a nds addres s~d his companion: " grinned as be pOinted to the tront dOOl'. In the course at bJs business be dla· "See here, Peter," he said, Impr• • "I guess that will be all your friend cO\lnted ·at the banke, and there were Ively, "you ,Can understand that thla bas to say," be remarked. "So ] a large number of them, for, as has Is a 'pretty risky jot) that we have won't detaIn 'you three people auy already been stated, he was a good In ·band. rve ,picked out' Drlnkwater longer. Good·nlgbt!" cie~ at a huat.1er In WI way. Sudden' among that bunch I.n there, but pickUnder cover at the detective'l Iy, wIthout glv1ng any ot his numerous Ing him out anc;l getting him away are guns the trio filed out of lhe main acquaintances noUce of his intention, two different things altogether. As door. The'r ,comrades In the street 'Baldy vanished from hla usual haunts "ure IUj fate tbere w1Jl. be a mighty had retired to the edge the side. and t he countryside knew him no rough scrap If we t17 to take him out walk, where they stood, talking the more. When several of the notes he of that jOint by force, a!! those fellowa matter over. As the last of the trio hRd discounted at the banks were In- In there are all friends of hla, they went out,. he turned suddenly and vesUgated It -was discovered that the arie not Ilkely to IItand by quietty and flung hlmselt agal.ost , the door, In an missing ~an waa a torger, and had slle him dragged away. Wow, my Idea a~tempt to swing It wide open, Mul' failed the signatures to Jlogus' ordera, la tb&t 'If there' J.II bbund to- be a fight, ray, who had been expecting some and 'promlses, to p,ay, The farmers It had beUer come off out bere in tbe' trick, thrust bls shoulder squarely Into whose names were made use of In this O'oIen, where Baldy'll trlends will find e ellow's chest, sending him stag.. UDl:Onventional manner were nat urally It ' harder to lIurround us. The oddl gering backward, and slammed the indIgnant ph en the- ,forgeries came to wou.1d be too heavy against ua In the door. 1I11ht, and It was just as well for Mr. aaloon." There wal a chorus of curses and DrInkwater that he 'Was safely out Dutch Peter nodded wisely. "Yab, shouts from those outside that seemed of their reach. They bad no Inten- dot fss 80,'" he ureed. "Und he be \ to preclude another aslault on the door ltoll, liowever. of aliowtpg him to get onL of ~. two pIg feill'''', Iss he <, a gainst which Murray was ' leanlnll off Bcot free It It were possible to lay noU" wI th all hla force, trying to 118' hold of blm, and, a report of bl!! swin" Yes," rellU~d Murray, "he Is the cure. Buddenly a sbot rang oul dling C?peratl(1ns waS ,accordingly given big chap who wears gray hat. " In the back room, followed by a hoI' the authorities. The c~se was prompt. 'We must trick him Inti) coming out rlJ>le moan, and tbe yells of the attack.Iy tUrped over to Detective .John WIl· here; .that wUl be our only chance of Ing party ceased with startUng ' a.brU\lt,. lion Murray, wllh' In!!tructioDs to locate laying hands on him. I'll tell you ness, In the stUlness that ensued Mur, DrInkwater, arrellt, IUld brlnle" . blm how , we'll try to .work ' You juat ray heard 'o ne of his enemies 's ay, In back to ju8tl~e. step ~fl lde and tell him that there Is a agitated tones: Kurray proceeded to bllJ the fugl. woman wanta to IIpeak to him at the "By beavenll, tt'. all off with 1)00' tJve . all over the , country, but this door. Be certain that )-ou come out Baldy now, boys. That skunk of • COurae reaulted In notblng deftnlte. ahe&d ot him. and the moment you marshal's pardner has ahot hlml" and the ftrst useful bit of Informatloli 'get outSide jump tor the "a8On aDd "Well, what will we do now1" ID< obtatne!1 by the detective came ftom the relnll as quJckly as )'Ou know how. qulred another voIce. another lource. It was to the effect Leave the rest me; there's nothing "Do!" repeated the first s\leaker, 111" that Drinkwater bad ,a brother· but a 'a.urpriBe and 'suolden action .. can terly. "What"caft we do? The onl1 In IJ,l,klola w.ttJa whQ.m , he mlgbt have bring ue-put , on ,top." .'~ . ' :.II\.Il'\,I\--------'-..:.....--:---...;......----------------'~---;--_j_;FiTJrrr1""l1lnr1fl\"A Is to 'wa1t Ull mc;K'D~1l flougtif reruge. , The cfew was o.f sum" , Dutch Peler chUckled. EvldenUy the comes, when there'll be light enou.p clent tmport~ce to Induce Murray to 'prollpect of a lIv,E!ly struggle appeale,d to look ahout us. Then we can S8e p~paJoe. ' extradition' papera and start favorably to him, 'even though the odds what we're up at;alnst, and maybe, ret for Ohloago.· Baldy's hfQthe.r-l.n·law VI.e re against them. Murray, no~lng hls a chance to break oven wIth them two Unci near tbe vmage of St. Ann's, cheerful ' grin,' and the 80Udity of his murderers. They can't get out of the' abOut 160. milel from ille Windy OIty. square, thlck·set trame, felt much en· hotel . wltbout us seelns them, any· 'WHERE! THAT YOU JAlD Wben the de~cUve reaphed the elty couraged. To have bla c::omp~lon turn way. and I 'a1n·t dlsptJ8ed to take . ~ANTED he called upon the United States com· out a coward at a critical moment chances on a IIhootlng he with thew mlsaloner. wbo asatiDe,d 'a , German would bave put a serious crimp In ' Ills In the dart." deputy, known 'a Dutc~ , Peter, to as- plans, for the task awaJtlng him was A murmur at assent rim throUgh the Ilat him. . one th.a t a man could scarcely have at. r'ewarded by a volley at cTlOlce blas· Hve, fearing 'Ielt . he might' rouse the door agaJn and shot, the bolts Into crowd about the door, and MUrr&7 The deputy was an odd character, tempted slngle-hancled. 'I>hemy from the man In charge of the en\ire village wben they arrived at their sockets. He covered the new- heaved a sI gh of rellet as he IIhot 'the It" t d lamp, which was Interrupted by Mur· thefr destination, and accomplished comers wltb his gun. , "Dot ss II, goo way, com men e ray's voice. " ' the feat wltb the a1d, of a stout hand"Keep your hands In f.ront or you," last' bolt Into place and hastened to see IpeaJdng QqaJnt ~ng11ah ~nd given to the qUQUng, of Innumerable Telltonic the· deputy. "I go now und get him '.'$tand ,back, from" ~ose 'horSes, 101l kerchief, while the amiable Drink- he said, sternly, "and don't make any whether Dutch Peter had .actually admInistered the coup·de-grace to the 'ptciverM, but," BII tbe :subseQ\1ent pro- ' oud.'.' , fellows,'" 9rdered the detective. w/l.ter snarled, snapped and bit like tunny moves." ceedlnjs ' w~t '" to"'prc;,1e~' ~alJ a1.s9 It , : He ,-,stepped' Into the , eruoon, and "And Wh'O, the devil are' you, to give a Diad dog during' the ope'r adon. They obeyed the mandate In silence, redoubtable , Baldy. On entering the back room be was greeted with a thoroughly brave and reliable man. Murray took up a position close by the us tolks orders ' " roared the man who grin by the deputy, who point"'~ey' ~rrlved at .St•. ADn's abQut six ddor, )1oldlng the reIns )00Ile1y, while resembled the Drlsoner. "Think we're " PU~d~~c~:~~o~~ :ig~~ ~~~I :~g:~ ~~~~!:~ ~~I~~t~~~:y a~::e b~~~~~~ cheerful ed to the bound and CaBged figure of ~o'olock z:i tile evetWIg, B!ld .. ' Murray he awaite!l Pete1"s return. It was an such' blasted fools as to let you come " . that B •.al , ",....a ' broth . er·ln. anxloua momen. and I,t almost seemed ' , Ann'." with tagged~ut horses pantlng, Into view and was hOlding In bls lett the ptlsoner lying on the fioor. About , uMrtaJned y "'I .. g Dr In k water , ·s till hand . ' who wO a county constable, to the detective as though he had kidnapln' our pal end a-caTryln' of him wet a nd droo . pIn. . law;, an lncb above the latter's bead apUred lOme 20 mUea,out-ln the cO\lntry, been ",alUng hoilrs instead at seconds ot! without maldn' a move to help raging, retuse'd obstinately to walk. '~ow, who are you tellows, and what peared a round hole In the wall, a .aDd "... well known ·t here. Havln.g 'betore the door swung open and the hlmT 'That ldnd of game don't 10 here, and was carried kicldng and swearing I'll your business here ?" he continued, token ot wbere the bullet from Peter's .l\lred a ~eatb, :' the .. de'tecUve and... ·'h'8 ftgure of the deputy emerged. . Tand' n '.t .'..,ou torget It." . '. b Y th e dete ...... _6' ve an d h'hdo. e .. cc m r ad e Into h arllhI y. "s peak qu Ic k an d 1e t m~ revolver had plowed Its way when he compe.~on ! l-tarted ' ' drive from ' the obeyed Insll'uctlone to tlie very ',"Slnco you want to know 10 bad, a , back room of tbe botel to walt for know what you want." fired the shot to cause the gang out, UnJ \ed .' States. maritial'. from the ChlCllIO train. So ,far luck Jlad 'i'We are OmCerl, and want to aee side to think tha't the prisoner'. earth· " 'Utti'e Vlllag&: ' ifhe l'O'ad: w~ hi splen, letter. iii! galned ' the wagon with an I!m :.' ;.~dld , cQndIUon, ',enab'Uilg! ~lie" 1iorlles to active aprlng 'a nd 1I,n atcbed tbe rel,ns ;Chlcago, and have ,a warranl for thifJ ' favored Murrar wonaerfully, but he your authority for 'holdIng the pris· ly ca~eer was at. an end . . ,mate' 'fast' time, and',ilt ten o'clock at Murray's hand!!, just as the huge, man," re/lPonded Murray, coolly, .' bad passed through too', many adverae bnet you have," replied one of the The train for Chicago was due In 'ntaiit' tJie.'.w;lIgon ~btil~t,d "'before ~e ,,' barile : 0: .Baldy Drlnkwa,t er ~ ,"Qet a magistrate then, ' boys, and ' experlenoes- In the course of bls olll- trio: ,'~ . halt an hour, Murray slipped upstairs ()~iroad/l ' or. i ' lltub cQuntl'Y the , thrilshold. ' m~e ' 1?J~ ' IIb~w '~Is }u'thors~y," 'Ihou~ ·clal ~reer. to think of congratufa.tllig "I've been asked . that Questloll by and peeped through a window ai' the .' , , . , , . ed the leader of the gang. . himselt until tbe journey wu' ended a busybody. once before lo-nlght," re- beleaguerlqg forces outside. They " , Cl6rn~." lItoo~1. ~or. 'an 'lQlltan t pe'etllng , "Don''t bell'eve b'lm' ,;·: a lI~r" and and t,h, e prisOner safe Inside ,the stone ~ Itl· search of ,the female wbOlle . ' .. . i t F h h b d torted Murray, "and 1'11 Give you the were standing around In ,gronps, drmk"', b, the, ' had . calJll'd b,ifu.' Murray, ,~ got no warrant, .bo,,!l.ed · :the wahs at a ·ce.l. ' rom ,w at e a , sallie ' answer be got: I'm a 'United Ing treely from whisky bottles, 'but not In th.' 'bacJt' ln the shaddw of the pzil~er from where be ,lIat, .JV1th ,alr~,dY ,aee':l of Mr. Baldy ~rlnkwlV States marshal ,from ObJcago, with a forgetting to keep watch upon the all wlth lIet teeth , and tense Dutch Peter'. muscular arm ' ,a round , tera friends h.e.. knew th~m ~ be men wahant from the United States court tront entrance of tlie hotel. Murray .' aU readlnes~ tor a !lpting, ' him. '''r~eY're it. ,Pal,r bft da~ed !,'Ilrts° 'W ~~~ nhiot IJ'gfh~IY t~e~l ttcb~er eot; 'ror my, nrlspner, !lid I'm , not pbUged pro'c eeded to explore the house In the t 0 uee , ~ rom ~e c u u s .' to ahow :my aiJ[borllY to county cdn.) h6pe ', o~ ftndlng another Wll)' at egrell., ., ntltch th . I l ' ~ to h 1 fellow!!; tbat's all hey are,'o . to ~I., ,eblcruc ,a mThomen ._ f U}1T do"'"'· ', -don't let 'em the law. ,.'llhat they would folloW In statiles bAiliffs or au"bod" ,eise " . 'a nd looking out thr,o ugh a reat wtp~ , ,.... ' s prey. e b16'~ e q,w ," i":! .. . '. I ' Id'" " .. . ' J, , , ; . , , , ' hm:led away to . me. I.',. ~p d pursuIt as,· soon as 'th"" , "1 c01;1 ou-As Murra.y concluded his crisp do"vy' .sllw a fQad leading to ·.the stat10~ . " !'D&t the "!agon,, and , ,~ m~' ot';mdre , ~n ' ~e m.e~ns of tt~1iIIPOl'taUo~ .,the apeeQh a lQud yell came from the room 'returned to .Du,t ch Pet~r, and :w!tb , r'1!o~; )l~ . th~· ih~ ot~ers ot the detect1~e t~lt c~rtaln, and It, b~hooV'ed }Vli~re "the., p,rlsone~ was cC?nflned. , It , , d~puty~s , asslst~nce lugg~C\ . hiif' ~•• " tro~, th~ , bac'lt, .-oom of him to 4ev~., !, a~me jOeans .of" defe~l!e was trie , vOlc~ of ~~ IndJ~~t Dr.f!l'- prilloner out by the ba~ doo~ ' aDiJ " . ,'I'Ile ~OOD an\\ w~ed ~'Ward, tlu~ ' wa· In case the, &veD.~~r.s al~ve,~ befo~e ,t!ie, ,w~ter, wb~ had endently manage!) ,to heailed tor the ,st_UCm. Tl1ey lay ~n , rat '.. cautloully He " ;Faa ' prompU, ttaJn l~rt ,~o:r CIi.I~~o. Lenitlg the. get rid of': hlsgalf 'for the t:tme bl!lng cealed behind a fence olOse by 'the· hait '& ' ·h 11 " 'had prllQner In cbarge of his 'wOrthy as"B f il ' ,~ , des,ot until. the train came In, anCJ ,thea ;' b JluriaJ lqped 1""aplY upon ·1iI1iL b)' KurraJ' w en e . ~ Illtant' he sought the pJ;'eaence of 'the , e'1. fO.u e ows, . h~ 'vt"e-lIke srlp of the detecUr.'. ,proached withln toW' feet of . ~e ve.. landlOrd. "hom be a.ddretlBed with due "why .don't yo~ turn lOOIe with YO\Jr plbklng ~ the hel J__ DrI.Il1nr&te~ ..,_ b ' ell Clh "84 back ," to blcl... · ' , , m lal v1ty . • Ihootln' 'Irona and bloW the heads off made _ ·bold rush ,for th~ nearel!t c:u'• ....8W7 an 0.., ..,e, - ,# . r '!Sua ....t _bare Jt)tI are " com. 0 C 11'1' • thelle 'Infel'Dal ltctnapen r D'1e 'Call They lOt aboard safe17 and ~~ help 'Wbl~ ".. .~t. to lane . frOm the ba'rllalY.· "Now, ''I_am a United States marebal," aald ),ereel"o pala.of mine, to He me ~en leanJ.p1l out .of the "'ndo~ . " tb. the vt~. ~'h ,0." . J01I want!" Kurrar. "and bave au J mpCIrtant pd. away Wr.e & ~Ol' .Do lOIDet.b1ol. blast uain moYed off, caolht· a ·)HU'tIbi t ::=j~==~ 1lII ~ • tbat iA cIlap.. ,A '.... pf hi.. J'01U' I01da; dCm.'t 1tan4 chhuitA· ~I Ilance at the 0 w4 ;ij . . 1ral1 ~ UUJr aIIh . ~ , . hfthe' 9OC-nia].,,·~IIiOtI_. . '. ..1 the "";bleIfa,

·Kidnaping ·of "Baldy''-


By GEORGE T. PARDY Archibald Drinkwater's Episode in


John Wilson Murray Figured

















Additional Personals '

lIntiocb Chautauqua

'Summer S-rno-ol June 18 to Aug. & FEAT RE -ld e~1 ' yl van Spot, wit.h every facility to mak the annual sUlllmer ouling a I' alization of dream' of the ye~r . l' n Oa , 0IllTl1ul1i on in the hadow of a Great ollege WIth Ma t~ r ' Orat rs, oul· tirring' Sing rs, In, piring Lectur rs, Wonder· Working Prestidig-itat r , Famnu Pulpit Orat rs , Hear t·Thrilling Eloctiti nL ts, Pe rle s Musicians anit G r eat Novt>lt y Artistes. Tl'ul y a Fea. t f I' the od

Mrs. J . H, lJolelDlln was in Leb. Iloon l'uesduy, the glle t of her slli. ter, Mrs , Htl.rry Wnlter"'.



F r M an and Beast,

These in Iud good water, commod iou dining hall, ~h e ltel' in '~LSe of s lOl:IlI, and h~lf a mil of hitch· ing pl ace:; r ellts fll l'OlSh d for Id eal cam\.lll1g .


Anna Loy May: Edmunu \ nce Cook; .. Id Days in Dixie," Dr. Steel e: Herbert pragu and wife in costume; Dr. Gorge Wood Anderson, t. Louis; Prof Pamahusikn, with trained birds and dogs; Gov. Glenn, of GeorRia, famou. Southern orator; Dr. J. Wesl y Hill, Metropolitan Temple, New York City, a Whirlwind Dr. Ed .eil, ju t returned from a tri p along Chinese wall. Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson, the Naval Hero, on Worl d Peace. Mills-Barnhill, D bate on Sociali 01: R 58 Crane, crayon ar i t ; Recital, Hallie Q, Brown; Laurant, the Magician,

.. ------


--- -- ..- - HAD LEO BROKEN

LIlst 'l'haradny us Saml. Surfuoo w!lsdolng some work Rt the Lebnn(lo oreamerya pieoe of maohinery broke and fell on his leg, ma.king Il bRd break. Be is getting a long very nloely and it is hoped he will SOOIl be aroond again,

---_. -




Owen Burnett, while in Cinoinnll'

Trac ion Line.


lived 152 Years.

"1 ill d Ads "aBBe .'







Wan Paper,

.. -. ..----

Come in and See

..FI~IiFI9f1"E1~tlrJt'r-(C~h:a:s:-:..,-; champion. a brother of Mrs,

Ex'c urs·l·oO"


Next Sunday




killed a horn


CLEARANCE ' SALE The Memorial serm0n will be preached at the M. E.Ohoroh, Sun. As I want to olet1r up arounel my day, May 23 at 2 :30 o'olook by the mill,J will fIer at publio auotion Rt Rev, W. T Gilliland.. the mIll to Lytle, Ohto ~ n

. ) d' Id t , CHESTER PARK Wm, P arr-.,.oJt an so es ml\n ' -married the third time at 120 '" ..-; . '.,.. --- ...... - - - .......... - • worke.d in the fields til1132 !lnd lived Ada wit, be Inlertt'd unller ~bl, bead f~r. 'Chester Park, Cinoinnati, bigger 2\) years longer. People should be twenty·nv Cf! nts for three Insertions, better and with more showa and you~bful at 80. Jamelt Wright. of , ~bon..UllOIl' ,n ot more tban lh-e lI~e . f1ee featorea than ever before, Is S.,urloek, Ky., 'shows how t~ remliin -.-.... ........ - - - . . . , . . . . . - - - DQW ope~ and in full runoingorder, young. " 1 fe~l jast like a 1.6 y~ar. '. FOUND old boy " lie writes "after taklng The~e ar~ free vQJudevel~e show!!,. sU: bottl~ of Eleotrl~ Bitters. For , .f ree canoor'" by,the Ladies Military thirt.y years Kidney trouble made FRUND-A pair 9f spectaoles. Band, free lllostrated ,songs and life a burden, out the firs' boUle of '. . Q"ner o.ft bave aamt? by J)rov,~ motion piotures free alides fr~e tbi., wonderful medioine oonvinoed ,log property and paY'~g for thlJ ad. Bump the Bum~ aDd many ' other me I bad found ·the greatest oare on ..!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fa~~~~ ' d earth)' THey're II. godsend to weak, . am~ement ~evioea fC?r young an Isiokly rundowD or old people . . 'rry old. The WIld West Shows are run· ' thenr, 500 at Fred C, Sobwart,z's, Din we 88 · e Tea Ciroos, the --...;"..- -, ~,..-..Pllnamll. Canal, ,the J)t;vi) In Ar~, tbe ASCENSION DAY l1!'razzle. tbe KI~oab, Cupid '8 l'r.avela, ,, • ' Tiokler, Figur~ '8, .Ball Room, Ca.. 'l'bere wiJI be aerv)oes at St, Mary' ~ rousal, Coaster: Tom Thumb ~aiJ, ohuroh Ascension Day Thur8day, Harveysburg, Ohio. .way, and a s~ore of otbers. Clark at 10 o'oloQk. The pllbliq is <:,or .. IStreet Avondale aud Winton .t:'laoe dially Invite<I to attend, j cars go to Chester aDd the Big Four, .. - - -- ..... ~ B. and O. ahd V, 8. & D, tra.ins all HOW. ABOUT YOUR PIANO We want tbe people to know we :. stop at the gates. are 8till handllug ' , D.o es your piano 'need tonhig? ~~~~~~~~ Call J , 11. Thompson, Jr., 4!13 E Main t,it .., Lebanon', Ohio, or Valley Phone 54-B, ' ~nd he will 011.11 on vou and gnarILritee' satlsfaoti()n, And are carrying a large liDe of -~-'Paper: We ~lso have k co plete line of DEATH OF CHAR~ES CtiAMPI()N

Carpets, Rugs, Linole-' · ,u ms, La ce C ur t aans, Window Shades, E;tc.




....IL------------- I-..c

Smashes All Records, As nn nll.rouud Illxn t i ve tonio n cd h uit,h bl1llll er no other .pills olln oo mpnre wlt.h Dr. King's New I...ife P ills, l'hey ton e and r egulllt(l ~toUl ­ Iloh, liver lind kidneys, purify th blood , strengthen the nerve ; o,?re Constlpnti n, Dyspepsia, BllioU9De.'!S JMtnc1i O , I:l Ildncl;1e, lJbi\1A liod MoI rill. Try them. 250 at ~'red ' I::iohwurtz's.

nett who is at the College Hill· ne ll farm thAt sar 1y wasil wonder. t"rinm, and found him mooh im· Hs color WIlS . variegll ~ed-beln~ proved, __ .. g reeil, wbite , a.nd br WD. It t·hree and one half feet. loa g,

S. D. FESS, Yellow Springs, O.




t.i Sunday oalled 00 Mr. John B~r. sna,ke l:iil.turday on the Newton Bno ..

For full particulars, addresS


It'vi w of L I!son. R ]lort of ' oretfH'Y I sing Song,

mllybe \VO in !lome wuy may be en .. mington, will be t he p A ~k e r , Ilud Ilbled to IlS 1st yo u . the oelebrated Hawkius orohAstru , HublllLth 'ohuol b l~ gitlS promptly of Springfield, will furnish tbe lOU at \} :Ui n . m . slo. Admis ion will be Hi und 25 H. O. 1{F.I. LI ON , Hnpt. oents .... ...- - -

Some of the Entertainers:



H yo u nre oot IL member of Snbbllth ohoo1, we shall be tbll D pi uH ell to \Velo I\'l .you t o ur. The Boxwell l~mmen e lll Hot will W e Ilr ' qllit !lure you ol\n h~jp us be hell1 in ohool 8nll, th e .tth of aDd th~t we nE:\ed your h el p i nnd June. PreMo A . ,/. Brown, of Wil

Every Accommodation



' l)r()~l'nm rot: ~t1y ;33, lOU. Good sweet potato plants, . P Ut'e • 1 J ers y, Ii U . H. HboktJtt"8. . h1'he 'l'ouuoil . ut J erusaletu ,"- Aotll xv. 1..:(1·, 2 2-~{l . ,1. E , .llinney and E. V, Barnbart Sin ging wero in DR ton '['q.e!.II1I\Y , S J otad R,,~di ng. Or. Wright a tt,ended tho ~ounty Pr nyer , losiog with L Ol'd's l't'nyer MediCA l A 0 iut·ion In LeblHlolI RoB '1\1\ . ' inging 'J.'ue@da.y . R spon Iv Rending of L ~B OU I). H Hooket,t sent to New d r ey ~t\l(ly of L S on ":"40 iuinul Ii a.nd Ie( this weet potatoes' direo~ Singing Try them . 'olJeotlo ll

On the CIa sic College Campus, Yellow Springs Oh~o, June 18 to 27, inclu ive.

Splendid Service on


Fran" I3mith and Mrs. Hotop, ,d ied. 8uddenly ' about !I. o 'olook Monday . afternoon ~t his' ,howe in MIssouri,



Satur(Jay, May 22," 1909, at I o'olonk l the following: 30,000 . . fee~' of l ·iooh b Iuds nnd aoanthag of all kinds 10,0 0 oak plol-ets, 200 mult)erry postA, stove woodlmd whi le o llk lumber ato , , ~tc . ' . F If D UKK. 0 T HI\.wke A'u ot . ' . , , , Walter l{l'nriok, Clerk,



II ------~~~--~~ p . . Down Goes 'I'JC8

" j,t'1'u!t's "" Flt' ~ .

' \J N'~ Y, hlo , hI), I , I \lU9: \


Lt!bllnll ll ,

SECI'~~I "rgllto~~:<\ I;I~,tll~ I LL


H I~·

M NDAY , JUN E 15: 1 09, lit ' l u. Ill .. lor tho 'Clllstruclfoll or til IIOC' '!J'y IIIUIIIl unu 1,11l~1j to IIlIblll th OIRt rl"l~t tISSOl'I!ut H nl I'rop I' ~y III 11'0 ounty , to corrllCtly r ·l1pprll fliO ull Iho rtla l US I UI III I II yutlr III I 0 viz: ~ I 11118 111111 plu t" of ~UcJl ,oillo!! III 611111 'ounW, hlcorllOl'IHO(I 1I11t1 uulu :orpu· rllt I ; ell'lI V rl!!h III I S ' Lion IUId 1,'l'Iu;tlumLi i> ·t lulI ; "U.:l1 Or'!fItllu !:!urvoy u.\Il1 l' rl>\)l·lo) 11.11 Ilrvo)' lU I hu Vh1(l1llU Milltur)' U IHl ri 't; wit h 'tllll!r /l ul.ItlJ 1~ lonll : UIIU tu 1.1 IIIUUO bud ' IJII,'red uU lhl! books 10 lJu j.l1'U"lu I tJ y Iltu t\ uU hur III t hu folloWUIK IIIIIUllur, 111111 ,)Il llt ~ f u lli) " IlIg HCI1IUS lo· wll : J.'1I S T - AII tit.. j.lllltg or Lhu IlIu l ,·ltl lll1l uuu to'ruc l lonu] ocl io llll (-olll l,rlsl llg tbu Io.ull Lroi:1 oot,lYooll lllol "'Iumll l"ul'8, uro 10 bo 11111<10 \III II lit:ulu of tort y ( 40 ) rout! 10 t h .. In c h , ".,,:11 p l ULl ud riU IJllruL(; I ~ .- wllll Iho III1.n bur 01 ::lect 1011 . Hllugu 1".11 l'owlI8hl., ; uull ull tlttl phil.,; 0 1 til ul'Ig lulll I:lllr\'u)'s IU' I j,'rlll" Uo ulIl ' ur" u),11 :Il lllllritllllg Lho lalill tralll" III s alU 'OIlU I )' hltho \ Irgllll!> MiUtury Ulslrlc t . \LI'\IlOoo Iliullo UII "s.;111 ot Klxty · toul' (Ii. ) rod t! to I h iu ' lI, " ell IlllllWU tW l"U'UI,u1)" willi t.h o uuu,bur lUU..1 uume or thu fl r lg( IIlLl Jlrol1rl olor UI,oll til SUII ' , u.ull p"'J.lllrl)' 11111";\,,,1 : ullIO Lilu wU llll ury lillUlf 0 1 ,-uch \I'U ' t ,lOI 1lI·lmr· l:e lM IlIlIlI. otbcr thlln IIIWII luI S ""thlll ollc h /::I :OLlvu v r /::I .n· ' ·II)' lIln~1 UU 1, lultutl "" I'untl ng 10 Lhu rtlSJ.lIl 'LI v uootl fur sum ullltlrll1 g UI>OIl olucll tract , f\lt or pun:tll ot Illua II UUIU"UI' cllr· C(!SpOlltllJlg to til UUIU ut tJl ow utlr Iheruut , UUtl th 1I11111bur vf U "res co ul nhlL'tj theroln , tm ' tloun l PIU'I-ll tlf UCI'\lll to h uxpro&;lIll U '1· UlulI)' . 1'1, uumos"t Lh rtlllpectivo OWlItlrs 01 ')IId. l ru·t 1.0 b<J',,"ri\.lulI ill tllll prupur JlI .. • pro\'ll100 .tor ~lUn e .dollg ",ILIl tht! I:!octloll . 'I'OWII uud HUllg . UUUllllury Il t Orlglllill ' uT\'o),. It) u Utlll'kllli with I)tmrhlltll 11111.1

Howe Bros.

.~...._____~;Sunday,MaY'22· ~:~:~~:~':~

(\IIIL\lIl CCIl ,

/::II!: ' 0- 1\11 W ' 1111 ""d "llIug 10 btl Illntl ed Ull n Henlo 8ultl\IJle t.o tho lJookB tur· 111.111100 I»' t hl! t\ ud i Wr. nncl t.o sho w t h u r· ponuluu IIU" o f HUcl1 lIS uro IlIcurwrated lIud ~It 1111 of tho dllful'Ulit IIddll,lunli nUfJ IIu lJlIl"lijlous to 8ult l co r ~ rMlo u6 . Ulld th" UUlll ool'I! ul lit Imll us f'tl{~nlOO In t h orll.o1 l1ul 1U\\'l1 jlhlt8, A~ldlt lull" uml s u lxlh' lsJUllli In tlte coumy Nt: nls I\lId Lit KLrOOt" wll h their ullmos lUIti wil it h uutl tho 11 11 ),11 wltb t hOir wluth .

'j' IHltD-,\U trllrl" Qr pnrcols ot Il1nd whl 'h 'nre lit thro ugh hy tllo IIl1e ' bet WOOll \ IirrtlllllllU Cllll t.oll UOUlIl los, or Wllrl'Oll ' Iormoll t Uowltl 8hllll be slIr" o),od t ill) xnc t llIuu oor of 8C1'Oi1 of su Ch truel or parcell; 01 Inntl us IIIl within lho UuuulIs 01 Wllrrcll 'OUllt)', lie urlll I)' tllll 1'11111100 IIno 1Ioted 011 thll mnps o r p l lLl ll.

FO RT H - .\II rnllpt! nllli plntll lire reQulroll t.oshow nil rouus, rigl1\8 o f way of all 'I-tltull rnllrolWB I\lId -I trl ' rallwll),s uow cunlplot I or lu COlirse of co1l8t-ructlou : Courses IIml 1111 uf the prluclpal strciU1l8, school houses and 'h u rch 10111 lUlU publl • com · 8lCrltlll. 'I'lt 11IUlltllllll tho owners of tcuctfi or po. ' 18 or Illud rcflulrOO ~hall 00 tho tha I aPI ar OU th lax aUI'll IIW nt the COlli pill' Llou uud Onoi d II vt! ry of said maj.lllllud plals to th 'ouuty Andltor: Including lCUlIsf 1'8 brought up to thatdnto. " Fn;,,)'.I:I.- AIl mtlJlS ami pinU! are t<l made aud x oUl ed tna good worluutUlliko mnnuer - plalu, uea Ilnd nccurut under tltt! rull

upel"vlslou of UIO C(fUII t)' A utl lwr IiIllI to "'ltlflP llro" 1I1 or I Ito Oourd ot Oounl y lJonllnis· 11)11' 1'1<.




Tenn ~

. 'Strawberries ThJ~

w~ek . We don't band I" any but f!lDOY oUd: ripe ber . ' , rles" ,.

New Potatoes

,. , New·.Grecn Beat1s; . New Ripe Tomatoes New Texas Onions

BE E ' 'l' f,I- JJldd 1'8 will



At 9c a Can That you really get more th nn your l11ontly':-t worth . Lal'ge 'ans, yellow frui t in' SY I' UP, alld they are goin i ut rapidly .

Animal O:w:-ackerB tOe a pound The little sweet crackers cut into many shapes just t o please the chilo dl'en,

Down Goes' Price On Canned COI'}i*p. Bought a lat'K~ SUlJlJly frllm YcUJ1'0 . ,I\lern I y er who needed t h mun ey. i our In. a dozen. ,I





2 qu And' the

Th e pri 'e ' i:-t low and I1l3 the hot lVeathl'r incr l1~es you will find thi~ an excellent article for the table.

Pure Oider

ViD81ar 20 to 25c a gal .. We c rry i n to ~ k th finltlt Cidc!r Vinegar manufactured; strictly pure md from one to three years old, .

To P airit Bu,~el's Drop in alld see what we have in Furniture and Floor Stains and Varnishes. Enamels for 'your wood work ·and 'stQve pipe. In filet a real Paint store you'll find,

t hI'

rlce per or plat. complete ror eBCh or 1·110 Sbillder Uftll'Ont kluds .UIU al80 blua . Ea'h must bid ou flit tlte It mil In dotall as IfIIII)


W It \IIi In ~he IIggl't1 'n te. bUlall ure LO award· ull in Ollt! COlltl'\lct.


~lIn.d -

S, A. ' , " ) WELL, o uoty,

: FREE' ~~--~~----------------Eggs' 20c',a dozen Everything good to eat at






If yOJ! 8moke fl

P,pe, .oaU itt our lIt9re, SatprdllV, May . 22nc1, lind , we )VilJ , ~i ve you 0. lio paoKage of R,eflned Smoking . Tebllco6 . 't ..

Cloverdale his home, ax miles west

At of W'aynesville, on the Upper Spring. mUtor un or ., 1,,1'ti t Ito first ,hlY bt boro pikct for the eomin& season, J!10unr)', 191,11. BROWN' BILL is 11 good ICeneral.' Pay m ont will be IIlllde 00 n lon t.hly tl· milt of COUlpl teU work, np\,rovod by the purpose horse, County A udlt.ol' and OoUr1tY olllmlssiullenl , reservlllg th righ t.o retalo tlttoon ~ UI) per CLOVERDALE is one of jtl\e best· cont of all'08U m until the 110111 completion or t he work , ' " bred Percheron horses in this section ,'fho ,rlght t-O ro.!OOt 1111 o r nil bids Is rtlSel'\'1lc1 of the country. He is fifteen yean by tile OomnH loool'l!. old; and is without. 8 bJemish . l1y ord~r of Lile County Oolllml~on 1'8. Nl 1' U- 'A II o f 8Ilill niaps ami plata 111'0 to be COlllplllltKllllld delivered I~ the (''oqnty

Pipe Smokers, Attention!

i !;.,.---------""':"-----0!1

- .

The Only Peaches

IX'I' H- 'l' be Ulllterial for .t ho IIIllpl! !Lilli pIUI-H 01 hor thu.lI IllstrulllOnl8 W be tur.nJ hed h), t,he (JQunt. unll or til 8u{JurvI81(1II ot thO uUil.or.


__ I1• • • • • •U •. • • •·• •_ • •____ • • •MIIII· Mil

We hav found an as oHm nt of ound grain und a splcl',ldid egg pro .. du 'el', at 2. 00 per to lb

i--~~-::-=--:::,.-::....-+, t;q~;~~';1'~~~~~~W'u:m-r--ttJ:"OW'n-=Bill


Springfield, 75c:

on Chiokon Feed


$1Q,OO to insure a Iiyin& colt., A~y one ~tibg with mare forfeits th~ '.




_._' _




To the Lot Owners of Miami (',em .. etery: The Annual E lection of Ule


i\U"ml eelneter)' 1\88OOIatlon·1"111 Qe Cemotery Ohapel 011


·~onday, June 7, 1909, Pure.bred Barred Plymouth Rook Colum~u8, $1.25 ,e ggs (or lIale, 50 oents per 15, Write at;) ~'clOCk 10 t l;o arternoon, tor , the ptiipotlO cif electing .t..h e rollowlng : , or phone Carl Doke, R. D. 4, Waynes. Two ( 2) blrilctors ror throe .years. vi~l~, Obi?, ,Valley ph(lne 56-4}(jr. OUIl ( 1) 'l'retulurer for one year. One ( J) Ole rk rO.r one year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I

J. W. , White

Will keep·


Also to Springfield '.

· " NO~·ICE!

- I will pay the highest,




And lor Bu ch other bualne8S 1\8 will pro,p': erly come boforo a meetlng of IIIlfd Lot OwneN,

M'sr,ke·:t · ,

:P rice

By order or the Prei lde nt of the Doard .. , / •. H. HARLAN~" Olerk.

.Ordina~~~ .No." 55

, . ,For Chickens an~ ' Poultry &11 kinds, I will be in '. W~ynes\ine. on Tuesda~s. ·. C.s!}' Ph.on~ 142-.

.' of


: '. IX'l'IE Til




, WEDN E DAY MAX 26, 1I101l .

PERS ONA L MEN TION . Cn H ph'lnA ()fi - L ;~ ahout ,Ie,' , I


Miss Ella J,ey w a.~ in L lxm n , atul'day . •J tlf R y Aweet Pot to pl unt!' n l O. H. H ookets, Mi!;lSes l{ulh aml Elizab th 'h al\dI l' W r e in Lebanu ll Satur lay , Mrs. Row na Zartma n, of X nia, was an Alum ni visitor laRt weele MI'. and Mrs Thos· ClIlllming-~ ultend ed co mmenc ement here l:.Ist wtlt!IL E , V, Barnhu l'l Wt!\ in :in ' innuti 'I' U t"s d tty vt.'nmg. ' ,I ' MUSUlI' alt ~ l1ulll gu ic meetin g, E. J anney a1JlI fami ly att nd ed Bat'num 's Cil'cus in Dayton 1!L'~t


a.i!a ' do I .1 J; !P'

1I1o L>!o!4 '

;!.I!b~14 to.b J.<lI

Society Column

Aft I' ll I ng !'Ie~!\ lon WOLIn lllln y ni gh 1 t hos h ool bOlu'u TIl t Wit-hlll l ,. Of Of Waynesvil'e High School a Succ ess-T he Graduates lUtllllUe rM pl'esent , unll eleot !l tlJ W. H, Allen' W a!:! i'n Cincinn ati last Prove Themselves Apt Pupil s in Drama-~. tenohe rs for th o Ils11ing yetiI', l ~o l , Thursd ay, lowi ng IHe tb e teu.l\h I'S: Mr, Iwd Mr!l, '. A, Burnet t enterThe Alumni and Othe r Notes. I Superio r P ortland Cemen t at W, Lldneu ut dinuer l:! Untlt~y , t::;he rmll.u H, Madden & Co·s . , Hl1Jlcrin t ende nt- H. I). K'lli:; nn, Dyke IlIlU family, D, L : Craue and Princip ul- 'h It . H Jltr y , t'umil y uu u Mr Wolter Burnet t . \0' . B, She rwood and famil y were in ARs t , Pl'ill ci pul- EII:r.llbe th Coll ott. Doe lUorh the !lchool work If tb Meeting of Alumni _._ __ SlJring Valley unday , Ifomth r uoUl - -AU11Lt Vilull rV (lor~ . W!lyne sville 81gh school ltlU! olosed, MI' . anti Mrs, ,J, 0, 'artwri gh t A,. Il!lultol t,be Alomn i he ltI thf1ir Uooll !'4weet potltto phutfl, PUl'e .ud elevf1u, lro.v8.l1ud ~. Irh:l go I'urth ! flUU"tt) westin " ')11 "' ridl1yeV 'j'h l"ll f\lOl\) - I':dlllt Ht out. gu va u oblu'lUiug Ii ttl e party Monda.y lillln g, .Jurl!t'y, nt L1, II, H "o kt!t.t,'H, n to tJ'V then' 8kllllll ille 8 LuU)e, ~eOOUU I'OU1UUllll Llenham . A ltlrl"{e orowd wus presen t t1.110 R venin", Miss Ml1r ..J.. Left'ers on, of MI", unci M,'s, N, L. llunn II W I'e .. Jj If!! t rooU\ - Dou/1l~ l:iaw ko. There t.llRY ue somA of these who goot! tilU t:l wue Jlllrticip~ted Miudle tow ll , being the guoflt of 11onIu by lill L banon visitors Saturd ay, . !lett Ie tiown to bl1l'll work from prasbn t. It ul'ely 11:1 rt g'1'I\t.iflc ution to th a i or, " 500 " \WIlS indulge d in Bnd ' M SSI'S Enoch Haines arId David the '" t, lind l'tlll otl16r9 wllo may sol1001 patrons t o kuow that, the uuinty refrs hmeuts were At nine o'olock t.lle b!l.nque oom Evans we'r e in Lebano n Saturda served . y, go on d fill thl1ir young Itves with l~tthe Odllfel \ow8 hnll, where to rguou bOl1rd has wisely selectlid anothe r The other guests were: Mr, k ~~J and Mr8. I We nesday. I II g Stukes 0 Silvers, of Columb us, was G H k M more Il o " l e ly tuk .ng Il 1° eKlE! 8npper hud bAlm prepll.r Mrs. Mabel Dinwid die and Miss teLlOhe r to comply with d Mr8 Emmo r ed by the h ere during comme ncemen t w ek' SUI'all til !ltllte ~~. IlW l\ r, an counP., b nt. , lIt\. one tll1njC t ICIng , . , BU"n t \vel'e S}IOIJpt'ng ,'n I. b- laws in TTmkill g th e s hool It L'ldial'l' AlIl ucil:lty of tu e M E, , n first- BUll y, Dr . tl.nll Mr • A, '1. Wright . M d M F d' H d vf olrw, 'I! I.he PUttt , " .,o", 1i- ltH Illtrci ohul'Ob, Will' openell , Ilnd ~ .. " M rs, F od lie cler ou Mr / th~ tn tll U"rude t" h ool Wb ilu tL b O~l'll u oe8 l" r, IlUu r,an rs, 'I' n rs n w re anon Sulurda y, r n s, . work til comple te t.he ',Ul'se ; th berR were ~oon bIlS.a. " I [) II k e, M tblo"R flO , l11 o tirn es tbu t t.h e patr ons o,Ul1 "1 l·S. 'Ill' d Mr8 J • g ue ts 0 f M1', an d M " So' Cal' I 0 ult e ,J IIi.rh r, g au. l'UUI:' Painlg, S unday Slain,.; , of a ll .. . ork fur l)nU10leUCI well~ lillY II.lld .. I Mr, t\.Ou tl o notlik . til ,1 After suppe.· Will:! over, the presMrB, W'" beonlDUI 01.1- R. ('dUIlWO " ll, , .D , i I inllfl , Varllish es, :lL u cu L \.Idee rol' ad for t bis ouoy uret the pillY rwt nnd it alon 'id nt for '09, Olive Lewl!!, relld h e r o Allen ) Mt', lIud Mrt!. F, B, herwoo d, 1>, H Hocket t eut to N~w ,I e rt! y a ll. W. ' Ph ill i J.)!'\ , AM WIlS ment,io nell II\f!t week in report, whioh WO l!! rrlllowe d h oultl stllll(lf or nil f~rlllorR~lPJlOsetl Mr. ItUll Mr!i, 1<::. V, Bllornhlnt, Mr. uy reud- and got his s weet, p"t.ntoo tl i r eot,~ M SS l'S, John Pence and W. H. AI _ mistn.kris t.he b onrd hllll ruauo, tile (,t\lzett-a, the oillfol~ wenl out of Ing of the minute s and roll IUlCl Mrs, D, L, Uru.ue, Mrs. Lll),1l. De. 01111 by Try them, len attend d the openiJ:lg f Lhe itithe ordiul1 r.v, I1l1d produ etll1 piltY the seoreta ry, Donald Htiwke Th e IJo001'c1 not only eleoted tbe vitt Imd Miss Myra Baird, . ' I Mias Mary h .Leffers on, of Middle - 'zan's Bank I'n {,ebano n Satlll'd ay , 1t sure Iy WI1~ u, r vo utlon , suo -'" lUI . RttYUlCIndWiJlinllll'on, in uis ohu.r town, waq a comIn ncem ilL - -.. - - tel~o her8, but they raised t IIe ell Il\J'- ' g u . t of ~ fill enjoye d t.o f,he fu.Jl III UMur , I ottlrltlti(! untl hllPI1Y i II of tho touolllW8 of th e lower w ',y, IN corned Mrs , John Ua,'twt'ighl. DECORATION DAY ~11- . Susi Doug las, uf. SlJ ring Vul'file C1l18'4 Wi'll'S II \I (Ill-st. in f.he lllt1Y t.he olulI!4 of 'Oil, "nd "'errel .. .. oy · ,. " w.. ' me in and s S, ILIl(} 8.180 t,he jrlultor !Iond etloh on~ 1 tid theIr I)nrt d lJ INO res pon(-} dill wull-oh the .New Pe rf ('- ley, was th • gue t of he r gl'Ulldm Lh- l' OOUltb per The serv ioe8 t1.t the M. E. cburch osen IN r" tl to v \.l .tine, lind not Il 8\n;(le breuk () 'o areti tue weloom e. tion Wick Blue-F lam Oil Cooks at I', Mrs Susan Ebe rl y, ~ev~l'al ,days m on more, ::lu ndllY afterno on, ~hlle not very 'I'll 1 \. t III IJ laBI. wed< ' dt t.o Oldr the plIlY . 6 0 uorll ory w move 0 well at.t odell , w I'e very hnpres~ive ' Anna Taylor E\lis had tI. pllper, J. H, Colema n' s, TR"Cl 'ION-C"OMPANY tbe basement., and the preBen t room BnU all presen t felt amply Tbe 81nop~tf! 01" " r be W oven "In Memor iam," whlob Miss ~th el 'h 'hal1 of Centel'ville, repaid by " WtJI!! well will be u eo for tbe third hlgb sohool Web, " in brief, i~ 'IUI fulh)WH: . rendere d uod w~11 r eoeived , The is visiting her c u ins Misses Edith uttendi ng, r oom A young Qttorne y In New York assoclu tion hus lost ouly one hiD 'l'ra 'tion . . Rev , W . '1'. GI11i1and preaob mom- u~ Rachel Sheeha n Compll ny purollll!! d tue famou !! falls The two new telloher s ~ome )lIg.h - goou serwon and brough t out ed 0; . love wltb I/. southe rn beanty . ber the P1i8t yellr by d eath, Marilln tru'lll nll Mr. Walter MeKay. of Dayl;On, N,jfi' gruund in Yell ow Spring s, Iy reo '1'be love for gKiu brlnitl toO the front Chandl el' m~eu ed. ,M'~s (Jollett, w.IIl ' that' ought never to be forgo~ten l;>y made a bl'i f visit 'l lt his BI uk Hou lust week. 'j hitt 'coUll>ony hilS pur, b th ILB I ta.ut prlDclp al a villain, who plllYli to wre 'k two Ilnd MI ~ young and olt), Be tried to lmp e88 John Stra WD YrtiS the nex.t sp llok horn last Wedne sday, cha sed tlJe , '& X . line, and lu- Stout will tn,k o M.l 8 hearts, 'rb t;ivil wllr 0 wes 00, er, R,nd be IIpoke littingl Ella. Keys upon those prellen t the needs of y c.f. the PI' f, Ha1'ry 'I'hornas, f WilaJ\iri g . t~t'eBted in tbe prop o ed find the young ettorne y enlist·s, lind grl\dua te8 bere, tbere line frODl r oom . Uurl s tiunlty In thelr deollnl ng and every. Loll, was the guest of PI'of, ,H. Xenia t o Lebauo n vilt WByne"vl1ltl, brings btni ' in oontact, with hiM where ~rof, 'arey, while el~oted for th.e and remind ed t.hem of their daYII, arey" put and fumily Monda y. It wonldn 't be I\. bod Idea.' for our prlDoip nlBhill will r esign awaeth aart'g brother . &thohh ll81l thi s POSI , I deeds on the battlefi eld. E.V!l 0 I ' ., , M' ""II L f D \lV Sin " ( ) Wllu somep owar" . ISS "" a emmon ,o . tlon, aB he has baen eleoted uperln. ayton, It" Izen8 to get togeth er ~n d deVise men do elloh otber ftlvor~ , but th Wilt! tile n,e xt on the p1'ogrllT ' le ndent f the We t Ale. "andrlu · M.ond il, anti attende d ommen c m nt and \Vat! wl\ys and mean8 . ~y. ·a.8 annouD"ceu in theGa ~ to let thl8 compan y vllUlln stell8 In f.,H1 for tbti time be Was hetlrtil y applllu d d . . zette, Wl!l be reoo!'111zed a8 the lathe gues t of friends here last week, !tnow that they p.lso I1re ,.ug mil ket! them Interes ted sohools , l'ue foHowi n g letter IB ex- gal day for 'J'h 1\ elect Ion ' ~neUl IaI!, Aft decorB 'ing, ~nd it t. k> , ar Of olUners came next , A , carload of Superi or ' Portlan plllntl.t d Ce- tlnd want thIS lIoe built, ory : . 1.00'8 Ollpituilltion . thinKS 'Ire rlgbt a~d the followi ng b e h ope . d th.'1t ,a 11 111 t d wer eleoted for ment just. receive d at W. H, Mudden Vi . ~rn. on t aD ed l and the pl~y ~nd'l hllnplly , W, Alexan drla ,O., May 18, H109. make tbe day a day: to be the ensuin g yellr ! & remem ' C · II d . COMP LETED CPUR.S E ' ro 'try und tell wh W1l1'l be t in Prof, . B Clm~y, p bared S, a an , get o~r pnc~, tbe play woald 00 blATd work , fllr Dear l:Iir :- 1 wish to inform y ou re8iden - HlI.rry (:, Ridge . fl'h~ Sons of Veterao f! wlll hllov~ want the Safest and B .. Mi8S Olfl ra BerthlJ. Brown. hal! oom ~ thnt'at our board meetln ice-Fre8- Lou Barnetf"BlIornblLrt , G If Iyotl Sto each intllvhhia.1 ' J)Ii'rt 'w8s' pltivea -t g)a t night oblLl'ge of a"'uirll, a,~d they are' wo"J[fi'A;' II t aso en v ev I' UUI., ca a plated a three years' course in the you were elected ~oretllry,- Ro ~ell ParleU . rfectio n ~llrnhflrt, It.~ the ~ superin tenden t of lug bllrd to~.muke J.t Il·SooceS8. ' N m ,. .r, H ' ' 0 I e mun's . "'~h l..! ur8es' '.1.1'(1101 TrAA ~qrer-J. E Janney . 0" "" 001 in dpr Ing- Our Boboolij, ut a sallLry young ILtt.()ru~y, !toted his role 10 " of '~,OOO. The oommi ttee.on dowers ,would II Id d e ,an ill now on a brief vl1ootion ,borou gh wanner , 8,nd bls protege . Yours truly, .J, W , White made ,a nlu~lon that ville w t 1 ' . like to have a8 many &8 poe8ible, si Lher, parebts, Mr. and Robert Farn!tll, bro~ibt dC)wu the th~ tellohe,rs,in the. soh\lol8 G . W. ERLEtt, CJerk. nd tho8e baving dowers , plea8e" be ·made. Maste~ Alfred and Elliott Wright , M.r , George N, ~rown. at }j'erry, hooae with hiS droll s&yt'ogs. While we are sorry to lose Prof, bring them to the townsb bOQOr'l ry membe rs, whiCh Wa OIL 1'- last Friday , ip flouae r. Henry Brown also MisN Bertha Carey who bas endear ed himsel f to by niDe Terrel Mlloy" weavAr of the rled. o'olook Mond." y mornln w, r Mr , Winnie Mason and two chi!- Uallaha n and Mr , Sherm an Ooring the eveni"ng goot! mU810 Rogerij thfl pe'opl e here d.uting his 8tay wlt,b where they will web, wa • . at his btlllt, Hts v~lo6 and be taken care of. dren. of' Xenia, att n,dedco mmellc e- attenll oe m e t , . ed ,the oom . bim make up anfl bls tlmooth ; olJy t.llllI, ,wa,s ren~erad by; Free"za: . men n exer. llE!" wo helntil y oongra tulate. ' of V, on A,' one the G, A. ..... s orchedt ra" rhent and were gu~ts ot relative s .018es Iast rharsd n., s.. and ay evenin ~ , 11i88uo mlAde blf4 bearer sbudd6 r to thin k oes8. vehioles,. hell.~ed by the Wayn~8vll1e After l\·s.ool,,1 time the '09 lu~n,ual hert! last week. , , , ' , • me • ' tlng dispers ed, all fleolllri ng this Prof. Oa.rey ba.s been a. ~ood teach. Oadet hand, w'ill form at the 'bat 8.ny otle o()old be E!O moon, Knd ..... WILL PURNI SH Ice CREAM TOWb- ' . ' Prof, ..and, Mrs. . Chas. Care,Y, left ." . to ~ ... ve been one of the · beat meet. e,', Yilt be rtloogriised In 8001e~y a ,ollnoleutiol1S worker and ~ IShi.P houBe Bnd maroh to Miami . oelJ1'iu.esda y for Bethel, Ohio, where . inl{8. they hli ve ever htid. I will order for anyon e wisbi))'" Uhristl lm gentlem an, !lnd. Ohar1, a 'M cbenar ,a yonng Vlr~in we are otery, ... _ __ ~_ '" they . will be · th~ gue!\ts of relative s Dayt.on or t:inciDna.ti orea.p1, either po Itive he .will make good hi8 new ian, Wbo~ good illld Ilot.ed bls part Upon arriva.l ~t the ceme~ery , So , DEATH S fol' 'severa l duys, ' urlok or l)l~in, 01' berbets of , !lny P ,ition us superin tende nt. adwirll bly , ahort progra m o( mnslc by th~ llan~ ' ' MI Ii Belle O'Neal1, ,~ r the Friend s . Mr . and Mrs. Ber~ Smith, Mrs, kind, or bouque tB (O'r IAny ' kiud of . 'l'he bo'-'rd will ; ~ryon 'Prende rgllllt took IL dual Boardi ng horne receive have to eleot a unu II. Ilouole quarte t will be ~UDg d a. t,elegra m' Ohas. Rideno ur. Bnd ' son Chas. JI"., partie.d. · All!. 0, I will have from thi8 SU000881)r al. a o roler.... t~ttt \)f &ItL wjar ~nd dark'ey , Monda,y evenl.o g that ber . a.lled meeti ng to be l Bfter which th~ Bon. Seth W, Bro~~ brotbel' -In~ wer guests of, I~l'ael Satt I,thwaite on every ;;aturdo .y and S.undt\y held soon ft.ta work as Mose8, I,"holted great law, Mr. Ptilne:~!\ Hyde, , . will "dares s the a8sem.blll~e. of Orl()n family o~el' SundQY ; r sherbe t8 of differe nt kiud's . a.pp'laoee eVery f.ime bs made bisllP ,, . • " ( ,At the 0108e of th" speakin g tb~ If ' >. .1 . 25 h ' III., . was · dead. .' pe.",noe, W (' PRl1 hU'" 80 WELL COMM ENCE" ,EN r ,' grll'V Is will be streVVIJ . , " .yOu want or.netru !'10m C c Oloe with dowers , ' ''''' , " UDole f~C)by, tb~ Ulun of VtiMt Ideas, . . ' ! , Mr. Hyde was well . knQwn to pl'al~it~ Ware, ?r anythin g in the tin I HELP WA~TEb aDd a .Sol1the rll pl&ut~r, W8.IJ taken many The townsh ip cOIume noernen t Will i ot our residen ts, and the an ware line, call In and see me TENT SHOW CO"UNO ' . be held Fl'illlI.Y evenin g, June 4tb" -1JJo ¥eruub U,,'Wke, "Dtl t,he part lloonoom~lIt of hi'f 4e'atlt ', wilJ oome . , J ~. Colema n. Ya un'g wome~ of 'elgbt~!ln years at p , ,m, ,..'l'his wll) be one ooul4 ,no\ ,bave beeD ' tallen. by. ODe a l' t!boo~ ,tp mlA-ny. of the ! /iebe". Bros, Greate r Show wbioh Mr. J. H~nl'Y Thoma s a romine nt a.~d over: at'l'be Peters Ourt!,idgEl large8t oomme ncemen ts iu the 'his- ' will exhibit in moa:e able tl) ' pb,r tray the tlUlll '. Mr!t. Thoma s ilol1an d, died lllst Shelby county. farmer : Wayoe 8vllle, MODd~y ", .called on' a 00., ' King's Mills, O. Work Mr"Ba.w~~. Jigbt tory of the townt!h ip, r" .' I Friday even,in g, ,' May . 21st; ILt ber few,. of his relative s in night Muy 31, onder Mam~oth WIl.' tbis vicinity a.nd oletIJu, Good wtJgetl oomfor ta.ble .' .T~pbin~ Ogl,88bee, us the orphan 1howe i~ SprlDg ,Vat,l ey, 1'he teo gr~duutoa wU1 have gooa, I terproo f 'fout IO~ittlCi on The fl1ner- <me·day last \\:,eek~ .Phlllip '8 .,' hotel acoomm odation s olose to the short reo.ltRt lOns, J:'res, virl, w,bo Willi the vilHan' s ' dUp'~, 1 &1 servlce 8 wer:e ~el~. 14ondIlY AJbert FieJtl will preslm t for theil" ,,(tH, 2~th. Mr..and Mra.·1'\' C, ~hWal'lz h~d (aotory . A~a.res8 A:ssistunt Manu., ~rown Wl~1 mako " tOQk pllrt./ whloh by the wtiy, ~u n.ddres8 and be. AnnUllI '!'OUI' Heber Broa., · ~he ,a. at her latel:i6 me, tb'eMe tllodist se .. frie; with them ger" King's Mill", 0.. .~a8 " .dlWoult. on~, Wltb ~1l!'4e, a.nd ~Ini!!lter omelIA ttn~ , , ' , 1S l;nteres tlD g , . ' mons LQn Sunday ; Ed, BickerS .and family and .. Ba.wklU 8 Cadet Otol1es tru, of t tho Premle r Mln8tr el .M~n; wa.,,·p~llLudedoft.en, . . DR. WARO RErIR ED :Phe' Jq'{n .9icke"\' s·and WIfe .. ' MASONIC NOTICE· Ma~ Sawke as 1.o,oi8e Fl.lcon er, Spd~gne)c1' , wl\l ve us · SPd~~Uld i Do lmo l'l'oupe of A'eriat~lt's. ; t:.,e~ ; . p. ' f L 'I' C, . ' • .' ' " 5 . , 1 e erv ( sen ts ,l art ,~ ts, : Wilson , Darede vil and Wizard to, ~a )e al ennt.en dent . Regulu r oOlDmUnWI\tlQU of Way. mOlllO I 'b~ Soutbe rn btiao'y , WUtl or 't.t ber After more thlUl tw~ut:r , tlye :years "of the alnanth n: (;iy,8up be on 81lle ILt If\nnev'M 8I1turuu .y ' H W '1'h H Ohio, schools;i nas ))~8V lie LOdge N.o, ll)J Ir'. ,\!o A. M, will D b belt and 8~re{y looked iUl{j ' ~Qted ber, 'uf aotive service ' tQ the Ma.y 2!lth u t ;\ P ~1, ' !lJe lack ire i people of been 'hegueot of bi .. b"othe r Pi'of Th'" d 6 uman ra,~' 11 . i J 1 1"09 t ,part. ',B~i' llinti ~t tlU168 bordera d Lytle' and a .large rat1iull In feu.ttl of Co~tllrtion . and .Equlli . lldjoinl ng, C. H. ~ca"re)' f~r seve~al ~aYs . " . . 7':3~~l\ ;:ore}r :: ;~o, une " ,a !lnd' IIhe tfOOSIER-&B1NE'I~ Dr Ward hall dIspose d of bi8 prao : bristles ; Ueyer & t;oheloh , , l\om.llu M ' J Onn 1.. eo ' 'I . o"M •. . r;, eel 'u ' i b ~b . ." ' . .\ TS elnau,' rs J'.r oOJonr Dng Rtn~ il:xpert s: '1'l1e · Jel1'ers ops ' in, re~ 61'nlnv lteu tlce~o Dr. Broqll: : reoentl y' . . a~n'dQr so'i1 iind~,n1. ) :""vi:," M r " D L L . d " ' .1.0. CARTWllll.JH,h W. M '. ar ' 11 ' d We h huve d juston hi ' \ etloosi ., fl1 ..., ·Ou.bin . , eb/ , !:;ohOnJ ~""" J flY!!; eamo~ a,n .I.}eppo, " '~',~ ~ y ~yn~BYl ~,an . I;' an,. '". 8' mo~~ Crane and Son'spe nt '$aturd ~, , 1 d . ay with Afit.est h ' 1 'fhe . U. Funny E. Bratton 01 owns ,Burns & I 'Tns , llieu 'y, ellt:iwl1ble . wife . ~i11 . DOW .OCOOPY MH~ V W ite 'Leb n la,n ~t our wrlofe .roome, W 101 1 . , ' ,. \ .•.. .' __ . we will sell ut a bo rgain. As we In 8 otoli Pllstlm the. mtlelv~s ta'liing ' 1I'fe easy' es "nu Vance . ~./ rs. I '''''';1 a ..qn ,anon, · • STONE CRUSH ER l11'e going to'quit hlindlin~ these call time, at least, . a.nd' hil~e i 'moved PY ,u,.., 1gent.. parson. 'l'pisah ow is 8 Big. ShOWtl i qom,. m~y '~~rn ••_ ine ts, this is tor ale at n b1lrgn.i o . bined preHea ting Cirons tbeil' goods into Idine I,\rge' tent on "goo,? in~ome ,.??rr:~~~ Novelti~ ; ?n~lug , for. The B '" .ton'" orusbe r "'uroba sed by .;' • " . \ W B.' MAUO'ICN &; (,; 'experi ence onneOO88 y Mioll're their farm . Doo.r ls aud Va.ude'Y ille anfJ,\·..1h e . a~ryeysbnrR I.-' . ,'. ' • .', . . ~lie to\Vneb lp receotl y, arrived ' last • ' .V'I b'" ,. 111 ' 1 " .. , for p:Lrti"ou b t larB." show ·Emplr tbat .6,-e' "'~ b ey'" '. w wllI u Prall8 exuibit in tlli& , . we come t hi' e r, , '. . a' . ", , y ... , I)OSTO fr.lCE HOURS wee "ao<,l wa'8 pqt to town ' on Oar, . ' ..', \ , ' thl\l ' 8~,nmer: : Dr.. ' J' I. ' aVil;dlo " te, ~i dl.~port, N, . " . ". ;\y,'n ~ v.enue, .11. is a'work . ' ' . ., , good oo~ anet , . - --. . Free , to Ly"I,ji nto th~ pro~r Banll Concer t at; 7 :l(f p, ,~" Mrs.- 'E. D, ftObertS, whq 'qas sperlt clO,!!8 sa:tisfu ctory wotk. . Deooro .t,lOn D~Y f.~l1Ing upon ~uu- ~ef.ore 'pet:forrilapcc), .. &~(he plirCllasecl trqlll ,. Ur. W'n'l'd the ,winter with her 'daugh ter, Mr&; : '. . n , ~-:----'- ~ :~-~ ~-. '. aay, .thepo8toffi.cewi.1IObse rv6, M<;lD~ ', i\druIBsion~ ~dnltis'2Go, O}lUd~en ob~,it' a .yellr.,lI'go,, ~ . , r,iool!e; in , Wasl;tin~ton, D..'C.I , " CtjRIS TENIN Q, ~T ST. MARY 'S ,day, ~ny 31st ~us a .boll d a·y , Th~ (nllcler 12 year8) llio, , . ',' "": " ~ ... , .' . _ ';" . . arriv~ bere. f9,r \B visit ~'th . ~ /. ' " . "" .' ' . ,",urll,! ()arrier8' ~1:llm~ke ~IO de.lf vel'Y .. IS $fIL..... SICK ' , '. - • Hannah Kel- "' Th~ litt.!e ,daog11ter 'of, M~: &J;ld ,t hat ~llY. " Rl1ral: PlI'tron8 ~ ~, <' , .: ," " . 'J FA"lOU S SPeAKER" ,.~ r,' , , ,", ' .'. . . •. J, . O~ C4'rtwr ight, 'Rbeu. · J' re~j .ve ' ~hoi.r mail}ly calling : fUay. at the , . \ .~~;itt. " ~;:- w ' ,1{8S ; been ... ~rid M~ A~bro ' ",... Y ffl ' ,.b~Vti~8d' i ,8!ltidil:~" tl,ft,er~'qon ~ilioet~'om ~ t~ '6 0olC JI,l. t,he'&fter~ , Aruou g the welll-olbOII~o; !~~:-.:';~.'_,;:·,::".,.'h~', ' iil,~~,. .oo.~,t~er sp,e"ke"' 1JP..~ · '. fohn ' Ool~m~ . ,'MSf . ·D~-.~' )1.\ ryls.J *ur-Qb, vRev; iL.1l: ' n0.9n . 'l~be. l$?bbY oflthe. oftiee wn~ Bohfl'o l ()o~Ve~!IO~ will be plllliJ.~Yi , l~l~n~lo ,~()i~l~ ,i -d '""th " h l ,' t ~ a;j:':'i: ' ~1i C?fIlol1;ltlD~. ":..' , , 'b~ open f~om 7 ~'. - m. '~D m 8,:p:, til, ~ta.~(lb~ ~Im. , ' " . an '.0:1 > a~Yran!'t, a . ~n . "Y~e hE!.. ~tgn8 11J . -;- .. , AUde.PI'.r tment,, : will tie ,o pen from ,y'n ape .,-:r.*"",~.,.- . 'J.'hl1-r8!laY ~' 8'!...nI1iQ'i~i i~~ ~9~j~ H.()tlan$l ,· at ·POgtrPO~E.o , .:, ~.tO ~q m. "!!ond from ,4 to ~ p. , . ' sOhool 4a.I1, .It wi1l~ iii I' ,e. e ,: Q~ ay . raAMIt'·S. F~R" P-o$tmllillter" t. o b!!ar<.hi ~~ . .. ,..;
















·1. 1











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.come.'.he .,ball .\ltrel' ... tbOl1 but EVIDENTLY FOND OF PHRASE sallt ; but it he get tho'\-ktol'Y, he fiball rE\c~lve the thing tbat 1 Nt)·. For Utll o~ Youthful 8}l lq."s Vocabulary Is , thQ ute. whEfreot -1\lo...~1!! ~pake unt~ D. L. CRANE. Limited, Judging by Hie Con· lila 'p Opla .. while ' he 'Ih ed, lIaylng:' yellsatlon. I .hoose th e li fe, that tho'u mayest OIl to. WAYNESVILLE, live.' Neve rtheless th y b Haved not ' HID'I EXIUlllolI Tbro,uch VlcCofJ He was a allor boy or nbout 18. and , \1oses, no yet tile prophets atter him, 004& o( E;sscnUBls o{ Sheep Ra~slng Is to 'J(eep Sheep Free bls companion - probably hi s Sirl Onr SID. Europ ans may snon d velop In tI) a nor ~ wtilch h.ave 8DOk n unto them, (rom A ll Kinds o{ Vermin to Secure cousin-seem d to bave mot him ot race with y s In the tOllS of Iheir ihnt there should not be sucll heavi'the s tallon and to be 'couductlng him BY THE "HICHWAY AN" BYWAY,lmmunlty {rom Scab. llell!ls It Z(lpp \Ill k ep8 on flying 111 th eir ' dtlstrucUon, ns shall be ness PREACHER to speudsom of ' hls leave at hE'r around. joy over til m that. are pel'lllladod to hom e. Eviden tl y the boy hnd been sll.lvntlon ." , It Is aga lu d l' lI!;~I ' In Berlin tbat to see his parents a nd was saUsfl d "I know, Lord , Iha t the Most HIgh Prln oe Elt I Frh~ dl'l c h is to OUl O\'er with their genera) condition, tor tbe Apocryphal Books.- 2 Esdras, Cbap· Is called merciful, In that be ha\h to Marblehead this summer. We're couvel'sation went II ktl lhl s : ter '1. mercy upon tbe m wblch are not. yet sorry (or ih prinef'. "And how Is y<'lIr (a(herr 8 <lont! Bonk of Esdras.-Tn th o Engli sh come Into the world, a nd upon those "Oh, he's al\ right." Explorer Ernest De[(oven L!'ffing· version of th Apoeryphn., Ilnll so called also that tum to his law ; and that he "And your mother?" 1\\lthor (2 EIS(lras 1 :1). Is mol' 'by the is bountltul, tor beIs ready to g1V1! lAY 1 for arcwell w11l leave SeatU "Ob, s h 's all right." kn own, nccnrdlng to tbe reck· where It Is needed: and that be Is of tic Alaska. tbu s 01 verly escaping the commonly "How did Lucy get on Ilt sobool? onlng oC the Latin vcr~ l on. as 11le tourth tlreat mercy, tor he mult1plleth more .perlls of mo\-Ing day. book o f Ezrn. The original title, "The She must b 1\ b ig girl now." Apo~ll l>'Pse or Ezra," Is fllr mor~ nppr<> and more mercies to them that are "011, she's nil right." A London mnn who !;tRtt eri In lire print . The dllte oC th ~ book Is much .lIs- present, and that are past, and nlso "Are the boys quite well ?" ns a juggl r di ed recently. worth $75.· pUled, "Ilrylng trom t.he period ot th" to them which ar to come. For If he limo of aellllr down to about 25 B. ., "Oh, th ey'ro 011 rigllL" 000,000. EvJlI entl y he turn ed Ollt to while Gtrorer nsslgns the book to the s hall not mult/Illy his mercIes, the There was quito n long puuse after be B juggler of fiuance . Ume of Domltlan. The orlgt nal Apoca· world would not continue wIth tbem tbl s. a nd then the girl tried agai n. IYnse (3- 14), cOlIsl sts oC Il series ot Iln· that inberlt thereIn. And he pnrdon "However do YOll sailors manuge to Lllmber I s becomlug so btgh priced /:t'llc revelations and visions In which eth; for It he dId not so of hIs good live 011 a shIll ?" Ahe said. "You mllst that tile man who discusses politics In Ezra Ie Inslructed In If)me of the grellt ness, that tbey whl cb have committed myst eries ot the moral world. and 1\9' find It very monotonous." For the fi rst thl! corn or groc ry sto re cannot arrol'd ellred or the final triumph of the right· Iniquiti es mlgbt be eased of them, ths Ume tbe sailor s mll d. He answered to wblttle wh ile he talks . . eous. The subject ot the Ol'st rovelatlon ten thousandth pnrt of men sbould not the earliest part or the qllestlon by (3·5 :16'). Is the unllellTchllbt n ~ s of OOII's s hak ing hi s hend. "Oh , we're No matter wbatlhe uncertainly con· purposes, Ilnd the signs ot th e IIl.s t age. rema in livIn g. And beIng judge, II cernlng Ule advent or spring, t h re Is 'rhc I! cond revelation (52()'6 :34). carries h e should not forgIve them tbat are Xilluill d. - Mun e right," he out this tenchlng yot further, Ilnd laye cured wIth his word , and put out the none wllatso ·ver ahout th advent ot OPI'II th grlldua l prOgTc8S ot the plan GUllrdlau. lDulti tude at con tentions, there sbollld tbe spring season for fish lies . ot Provld,·nce. and th o nenrnesll of the . A CURE FOR FI visitation before which evil must attilin be very fe w left peradventure in an In multItude,'" answered Tbey constTuct J we1llngs' out of tts most tel'rlbla climax. The third r vo- numerable I (6 :35-9 :%5), anllwers the objections Esdras, 'a sigh escaping him as he con The Treatment Ie to ' Accompll.h blocks of building glass in Silesla, but latlon whIch urille trom tho appnront narrow' templated the woud tlr and the myster} What Solen~ aa " Been Strug· they se m solid enough so peoille wbo nClS8 ot the limits wlth tn whIch the hop gling to ~ttil'in for Centuries. Jive In them can throw all the stones of blC9sodness 19 confined, and desorlbes oC It alt. "Yes," exclaimed the angel, "coml tho oom lnG' or Lbe Mcsslah nnd the last they wIsh. - The in\.C~; ~c intercijt that ha s aeen mnni· scene of judgment. ACt!!r thll! tollow with me. I '\\'/11 show YOII ." fested thro ughout ~he COllllt J'y hy the wou· thr!:l' vlslonl!. The /'I rst vision (9 :241-10 :5U), That Cleveland woman w}1o says 18 Esdras arose at the b ldlling and fol dedul un'., that are hl!ing occomplished ot a womll n (810n), In deep 1I0rrow, la· ber hus ba nd Is the "biggest liar sbe mentlng the death. upon his bridal day, lowed tbe angel on a nd on a nd on dai ly by 'pH ,P ticide Iltill cuntinues. It is ever . knew" doublless will have the of her only son (the city built by Solo- until It seemed as ' though they had rcally tiurprislOg the \'lUIt number of peo· pic who hlll'C already been cured of fits BSBertion denied by other wOlDen who mon), ~ho had been born to he r aft r l ett tbe earth and were looking back she had hlld no child tor SO }" ara. But upon It as It lay beneath them. Tben lind nCrI'OUSI1CSB. In order thot evel'ybotly have husbands.' mAY have II cha nce to test tho mediciO(', while E~m looked her fllce "upon 8. Sll(\· den shined excerdlngly," and "tho worn· spalte t he angel, as b e pointed before lllrge t rin l hottlclI, vnluahle lit I'ntllre, RisThe bllzz/lrds ot winter will no soon· an Ilppeared no more. 'but there was Il tbem: tory of Epil~PRY nnd testimonials, will ho er have retIred to ' theIr Arctic caves .clty bullded." The second vision .(11. 12), Bent by mllil nbsolut ely free t.o 1111 who "The sea is set In a wIde place, tha\ write 'to the Dr. MIIY l.nboratory, 548 The Trap Chute. than 'the tornadoes and sunstrokes ot In a drellm, III ot an eagle (Rome) which It mlsht be deep and grent. But note "came up from tile sca," and "spread her Pearl Street, New York City. s ummer wll1 continue t he work or pop. wings Flo showing hut approach nnd r <,('tvlng ntl of dipping tank. The t rap lit .over all the earth." The thIrd the entrance tbat It is' narrow, like a ~Ia.tin ~ g~aveyards . vision (13), In a drellm, Is of a: mlln (M • rive r. Who, the.n , could go Into the continuation or th floor or the chll t , bu t slllnt.!\ Into th tunk. It 8hvuld be aboL.t To Help Him Save, or· six t " l'< l long a nd may bo I,Oxpos"d AS shown In tho drawIng or mny billsJllh). "Or lng with the clouds qf heaven," sea to look upon it and to rule It, It O\'(: 10SNl by ere('llng nn upright nt A. slanting tho cnd b two n A and a nnd h anl1ln~ R. H. Rogers phtDg'ed Inlo ' the pol!· Japnn bas 198 warships on h er nctlve against whom the nnUons of the earU\ rtnln b tween A nnd C. A splnsh curtain mIld oC dll king should be provided tics ot Fairhaven last month tn order he went not through the narrow en· 1\In clI ord~ r to prevent waste of <lIp .when the sheep taUs Into the tanlf. llst, .but thIs number would be consld· are gathered, UII he destroYII t hem with trance'" . . ot hIs mouth and gathers to· the to secure prohlbilion for the beautierably and speedily lessen d it that gether the lost tri bes of Israel and otl'ers Dipping vlants vary grcatly In sIze or p.reventlon. Remember that pr&- ful Massachusetts town that Is bls "Look, also:' conUnued angel, much·talked-of tilt with . Uncle Sam Slon, "pr pared a nd bullded," to hlll people, Chapter If recount.s an appearance after a pause, and pointing in another and stylo according to the condltlolls ventlon Is better than Ure, In this ' blrUlplace. ever should b~ pulled off. . to Ezra of tbe Lord, wbo shqwed ·blmself. direction, "tor a city Is buJlded, and they buv to satisfy; however, we pre- case as well as In any otb r. The loss "Mr. Rogers 1s a gaInst drinkIng," , set upon Ii broad field, and Is' full of sent h r . wIth lIlustraUons embodying ot mutton and wool through the In· lald a Fairhaven man. "He thinks. London girls are shock1ng JilngUsh to MOllell In the bUllh.. all good thIngs. The entranco thereof Ideas now c:ommon ly found in the roads of vermin and paraSites, such as tor one thing, that drinking hrlngs on SOCiety by . wearing gaudy stockIngs, Is narrow, 'a nd Is set.1n a dangerou. 10It npproved planta. The farmer ticks, lice. scab, etc" It may safely be' extravagance and tbrlftlessness. ru~ ell and false puffs. American so-' place to faH, like as If there were ftre wbo :11111 bht a s ll1nIl num b r o[ "beep. saId, Is a bqndredtold . greater than "Mr. Roger s stopp d and shook () I ~t' 'would ' be shocked to see Its girls 8ERMONETTE. on the right ha.n.d, and on the left a to dip an use a portable vat for dip- tbe cost of dI pping. Just as long 815 bands wltb me on the street tbe oth· ' dreBI'! In any other manner. . ,deep water. And one only path be- ping, tllrnlng a part of the shed hito sheep breeders look upon dipplng as er m·ornlng. The man who ~al cholen tho tween them both, even between the a catcblng p n ~nd holding the sheep an unnecessary trouble, just sb long I'Tbe people should forget kIdnapers .. 'Glad to see you out again; he goodne .. that I. In Chrllt Jelul and kIdnapIng aa soon as possible," fire and the ·water. 110 small tbat there at~r dIpping for a moment at the top will our ftoo~s be infested wIth sUCb said. 'Hop~ you'll vole the right tick· I. exalted ' to • higher place In could but one man ' go tbere at once." of t he Incline to a)1ow d'r alnlng, thus t roubles as are mentioned above. AI- et. You've been slck, haven't you?' 8a}'s ,the cblef of police ot J ersey CIty. the kingdom of God than that Wltb breatbless Interest Esdras 'doing away with the necessity of a though our laws 'are somewbat strln· :We ,have Do ' doubt that the kldnntlera ,. 'Yes; Bald 1. 'Stomach trouble. I whIch the angel. Iff heaven ocwatched t he scene before him, while draining (l~n , says tbe ·Homestead. gent on tbe dl'pplng question, tbe ditto guess I ,,"on't get to the Easter blowwill eagerly nsree with him. cupy, because the angell, not betlJe angel talked, and the angel con- The dIp in the tank may be kept appearance ot ~araslUc troubles (rom out. The doctor ·has ordered me to Ing lubject to temptation, know ' . Why Is It that a man can argue tinued: warm by dIppIng out as it oools · and our flock 1s not yet In .slght. It every give Ull I:!ampagne.' no~ the joy of victory. more pleasantly with any otber wom· " It t his olty now Were giTen to ~ replenIshing wItll hot dip from a 'large sheepman In the United States would ., 'You huven't paid hill bm , yet, eh!' Made • Ullttle lower than the an tban with bls wlte, and why Is It man for an Inberltancp, if he never kettle or caldron. Where a lar ~e dip his sheep thoroughly at proper In· said Mr: Rogers, and he walked off angel.," man rile. through hll tbat sbe caD argue with, Other men shall poss the danger set before it. ,f1o'o k Is , to be dipped It is economical tervnls In some good proprietary dip chucklin g." vlctorlea over .In to an exalted more sweetly.' than wIth her husband? ---,.-- - - - - - , bow sball,. be rt!ceive thtl nherl· in tbe ·long run to' build ~ per~~ ent w.e should be 800n fJ'ea from s uch terplace wIth Chrllt, of whom the All Over. tance?" pfant. Such a plant consists' of col· rible scol1rges as scab, tleks, etc. AU8Scripture. say: He Ubelng In the The German emperor Is' very partie· While work on a new building was "Surely, It Is so, Lord," responded .Iectlng 1'6nS and draIning yards. Heat· halla, wbose flocks are the largest In ular about tbe manner In whlcb be 10"" of God, thought It not robEsdras, as the angel ceased speaking. Ing tanks and boUers. will have to be tbe world a.nd which at one Ume were soiog on lIi a southern town nQt long la discussed In prInt. And yet he Is bery to be equal with God; but "Yea, and even so Is IS1'ael's par' provided, and tor this ' purpose-·soin · so-baGl~t~ seah. Is 1l9W- a ago . aD old negro em.Pl2.l.ed as a liod· as anybody about made hlmlelf of no " reputation, tlon. Because (or tbeir sakes I made ulle boilers made especIally tor the ~cabl ess country, ~d with the same carrier Buddenty slipped wblle nea~· having. his name left out. of the paper. and took upon ,um t'" e form of • the world, And wben Adam trans- purpose. others obtain poH:able en- pe rsistent effort shown by our Aus' Ing tile thIrd story and plunged head· aervant, ,and Wa. made In the It Is reported -that Somebody Is try· grelsed mT statute, then was decreed glnes. A thermometer Is very essen- irallan friends our country could lIke- long to the ground. Several passers· . IIkenel' men. And ' being Jng to consolidate Spain and Portugal that whlcb now Is done. Then were til'll, as the dip Is most effeetlv;e when wise be a scabless country. for It it by rushed over expecting to find a found In falhlon a. • man, he under a republican form of govern· tbe entrances to the world made nar- It Is 'rarm as the . sheep can Btand It. can be . reduced With care, with. a lit.. man dead with' a bro.k en neck, as tbe humbled himself, and became ment. We' Buspect that the job will row, full ot sorroW' ilnd travail. They The floating dairy thermometer Is very Ue extra care It can be eradicated; old fellow had struck squarely on the obedIent unto death; ,!ven the keep him busy until fall, If not longer. are but few and evil, fun of perns and satisfactory I\ud several shou'ld be this bas beell proven beY(Jnd a\1 doubt. top of bls head. FInding the old man death of the cro... Wherefore Vjlry palnful. For ·tIle entrances of the bougbt at the~ same. tlme so that brok· Directly after shearing ' It Is a good stm aJive some one emptied tbe conGod .1.0 hath . highly exalted 'T he custom which decrees the proelder. world were wide 'and ' SUle, and en ones can be re placed. Dlpplng plan to dip the lambs, as at tbls Ume ten.t s of a wblsky bottIQ down bl.• him, .nd given .hlm a name priety, of wOlae~ removIng their hats brought .immortal frwt. If thea theY crutches or forks are also necessary ticks leave tbe newly·shorn ewes and throat. In a tew moments the old which II. above every name; at a public enterl8::lnment is a good tbat , live labor not to enter this negro sat up and looked around . that at the name of JelUI one If all would observe It. The ex· straight way, tbey clLn never receIve "How do )'ou teel now, ullQle?" every knee",hould bow of thlngl ; «:8ptlon Is al~ays the one In front ot those thlnQ1l which are laid up (or ask.ed a bystander ,kindly. In hea~n and thlngl 'In earth, you. them." . "Well, Bah,"~ came the rep,ly, "I wUZ and thll1g. under the earth; and Esdras, who had followed tb. words sorter comfused when I fust started. A Germ";n solentlst bas discovered that every tongue Ihould confeBI ot ange1 wltbout taking bls eyea but now dat 1'1 hIt 1'1 all ri&htl" a means of makIng 'm en tall by, manlpthat Je.uI Chrllt II Lord, to the off tbe scene before hIm, now turn~d .ulatlng 'the legs and ankles. If there's . glory of God the Father," and was about to 'speak,: wben the anytbing to tbat, we may expect to . He,.. then I. the pOI,tlon of angel continued, almost reproachfully: see pretty · taU st~tesmen In a decade tt,e ' bellelier I~ Chrlat: "Sut "Now, tberefQr8, Esdras, . why di~· or two. " God, wl:\o II rIch In merc,', for Quietest thou tbyselt, se!:llng thou art hi. great love wherewjtl'l he '. ;':G ::;a-:t=-b"'erl ~n=g=w==o~ol;=a~m~o~n:=g~tb :7e financial but a corruptible man? And why art loved UG, even when we were C)ata~ombs" Is an expression of 'the thou moved concerning tbese mysterdead J ln I'nl, hath qulckeneci .UI New York Times. ' The editor must tes, seeJng tbou 'art but a mortal .man T together with Chrllt (by grace Why hast thou not considered In tliy ye are laved;' and hath railed clans; "on' n. where lie tbe , shades of the mighty mind 'this thing that IS ' come, ratber Ground ' Plan of Plant. ed Drugs. , UI up together and made til alt m etaphor: tban . tbat -:vhlcb Is present?" Trou bles; You together In heavenly places In "0 Lo .. ~ . I i 'd E CP, CP are ollecUng pens c10lled or opened to the chute by a. gate. C III ohute In Baby's EYl'8 tor :==:~=:==== , r", exc ame sdrna, lifting ~l l i c h leadll to T, the tra p, where the' .heep are plunged Into Ole dIpping ta nk. Chrllt Jeeul; that In the age. ·to Jr\sts ·Sell Murin' ot About tb ~ only word fit to character· his eyes now and spenklng as thougli SomeUmes 0. pen,' D. III us d where lIeveral sheep qre ~ept 811 a decoy. to thOll8 In tho ReinMy Co.• ChIcago, Will Send you come he might Ihew forth the ize the state of mind in Great BritaIn On the Mute IIldo of thlll pen wire netting should be used. OP DP ·nre chute. terestlng Eye Books F rcl!. a dd ress i ng tb e G0 d w h ose angeI was dripping pens, When one 'Is tull the gate Is used to, clo~e It, opening Ilt the samo exceeding rlchel of hll grace In upon t he subject df naval supremacy hefore him, "thou who bearest rule, time tlte othqr pen. ' . his kindnesl toward UI through Oldest Man ', In ttte Wqrld. fa "pp.nic." • There is panic, or somethou hast orc1alnod In thy law tbat the ' Chrllt Jesus." Jose Gaudaloupe Aleltd of Jalostl· 'thing closely resembling it, in both rI ghteous should Inherit these tblnp, In order to guide the sheep \hrough make their home on them. WbUe no , goverpment and oppos\Uon. and that tho ungodly sMuld perish, the tank and help otbers Which may doubt great deal of good bas' been tlan, state .of Jallsco, ~exlco, Is said Nevertheless, It does seem tbat tbe be overcome. TW'o' types of these accomplished by the enfor'c ement bY to be 'the oldest man In t4e world. A professor of the UnIversity ot THE STORY. righteous shall suffe r and be straight. forks are Illustrated. The handles the department of agriculture of the The record ot his blrtl1 as contained ChIcago has di scovered tbat ' baseball en' e d and yet hope' for tbe wIde. The)' should 'be long, and as strong as. an use o( lime and s~lpbur ' as. a dip, In the archIves of the parIsh, churcb . Is Il. prehlstOl:lc gnme. It Is sImply HY did God perm~t sin to come that. have done wickedly have suffered ordlnaf¥ ' fork .b andle. there Is no doubt at all but wbat a show.s that be was born In i770, which dreadful for mo~ern enlightened hu· into the world? the straIght thIngs and yet shall not ,':':Moderq Sheep"· has ' this to aay on great deal more good could be accorn.- makes 'hlm 139 years old. He III In , manlty to Ulink what happened to the Tbls Is an old: QuesUon and has see t.he wid»," tbe subject of dIpping : ' "The sheep p~lshed by the \Ise of ftiBi,class proprl.' good pbYslcal condition. . umpires In those savage times. tloubled many an earuest seeker after "Listtm," IntelTupted the angel, "tor breQ ~er . that expects to run . ~IB ~ock etary dips iii lleu of the lime and' aul· 'Twal Ever Tf1uI. I must now leave, tbee. Remember, ' 'successfuJlY wIthout . th~ somewhat: llbur concoction ' About six w~ks .01' i't Isn't 80 very long . ago that peo. truth. ~'There are so many fas.t young meD Esdras came face to 'face with the that tbere Is no judge above God, and bor~.some. w()rk of dipping Is d0!lPl~ two mOQths alter sbearing the whole nowadays," 'remarked the first 'youn, pIe would bave smiled a t the ve ry. Idea of MIssouri's voUng on statewIde vexatious Question as he contemplated none tbat hath unders tandIng above to fallure. It is profi~able to dip .once flo~~, · both ewes ' an~ lamb~ ' sbould be 'WomaJi. . . JlrohtblUon; but times bave changed, the sin and woe of the .people of Is· the Hi~hest. For this reason there be . a year. and In m~st cases twice;, even dipped, ,as . sucb a course will lrisure ''li'm, yes; you do 'seem to, have rael. many that perish because tbe,. - dc.. If ' there Is no sign , of. vermin In ~be 1·I~munlty from scab 'alld ot~ei' para- dUllo'!lty lil c~tchlng one," re~lled tbi nnd' It Is not now r egarded as Impos· "Ol1, bad It not been better not to splse the Lord and bls' law." (lock .~t ~~Gul~ be dlpp'~ as a. m~a~ter .,s~tl~ troubles fO,r a cO~BIt}er.atil~ Ume. otber young .woman. sible t~at somethIng may happen. I .' ., have' given the earth unto Adam, or Now they:. meet "Itbout I!lle~lPq. The weathe r "bureau. which has to else when 't was given h1m, to .have Live for. Others. ~n;~h~=l~ ----~=-make known the sIgnIficance of great restrained blm (rom sInning," thus A . mother's greatness .comel oul, lug of sbrubs audtrees Is· a tblnnlng for . pruning in most, .cases. The' atmosph ric disturbances, sbould be cried out the heart of the scrIbe as notified ot the .d ate on which the presl. he wandered under tbe star-gemmed through her child's dependence on . out procesS Is ·lnvlgqr~Ong . un·. wounds ,w lUheal. QUickly, The coldeJ donts of the Ce ntral American repub- canopy of the beavens as they her; the man finds himself as he findl lesa ,carrled to ari ·extreme. "Itallow!!' t1~e c~ima:ite the_later ·.p.runing sh'ould' lics will get together to talk over theIr stretcbed over tbat great and wIcked how otbers need hIm. New hIgh reo the remaInder of the plant. to · ~eeel<te. b~ de~erred . .Severe prl!.nlng st1~h as sources of . IdeaUsm and no~le en· the .pourltm~ent wblCh Is'" !I~ve4', by sO!Detlr,nes necessati with laurels: troubles. cIty ot Babylon. "For wbat profit is deavor ahow th.e wselves I~ l1S all un· cutting '. unslgbtly or , ~!lymnlettioal and yew, should be done 'ail the sbrubs Will then 800n re.. The philosopher or the 'fo}Jeka Cap. It for men now in this present time to del' the stress of p.ecesslty II ca1J when. branches. A stronger growth. Is .made "., " " . , Hal says: ' "If the wind blows your live In heaviness," be contInued, "and great Issues or events await ,our en· possl~le In th~ res t ~f ~e pl~t:;. To ., get tbe ':~est re~.ult;8. prunil\g. sl1oul~ .e ..... hat orr do not cbase It; let the s llecta· ,!tel' death to look for punlshment? deavors. All the sacdflce. the ,heroIsm, the done allm~aUy. thuB'; remo'Qng all flUtors chaso it for you." The trouble 0, thou' Adam, wbllt bast thou done ? with the bUplan race .· ls tha t too many For thougb it was , tbou .tbat ·sinned. devotion or the past have sprung from peinuou. wo'oa an~ ' b.etter pr,~ervln~ ' of (hem chase tbe other fellow's bat thou art Dot fallen alone, . but ,we all thls .sense in men-;-that others needed I tilE) h,ealtJi and shape of 'tbe' plant. tbat come of thee. For what profit che m. The.· best thing that can hapfor blin. ' , . All Woody 'plants s4ould. be . p~un~~ Is It mto us, ' It there, be J>r:omlsed"us pe!! to us ~ht be ' solne ,burdeJ;( of wilen tranliplantedl.. . ..1111'e roots are l,tttssla· coutemplates another loan an immortal time, whE»'eas wo have l·espo!lslblUty. To . ~~ke 'our Uves .. ileces'liartiy · r'l\l"c~ "$d ',IlQ~h:~. growth . , :800.n as It . can 1>.e made oppor tune· done the works 'that bring deatb? And '!V,oyth wlllle, big\!. , and .boly, to glv~ retarded' l>y ttie itansDI~tlng proce.., Iy.. . Sf) do ~o m e of the people who t:- a t theJ~ Is .promised UI\ an eve rlast- l\f~ tlurpo$e .nll pOWer, we need to ! sa the top th~ :ptall.~ should' be i-eInl( bope, wbereas .~, olirsei ves b~~ signed up' for autpmobUes. ' lIe~ .ev!3!.; I!0w trqel~ I~ that the .Maker I ~cf'l, e(>rTes~"!n&ti Co ' lej_Be~ most wiclred are made, v~.~ '1 ' 01 all h~s . unceasingl.y ~eed oJ. the .amount 01 eva'PP",-UoD. ln$ost there are lalp. liP for its 1~lUIt of 'us all,. ' the, top .110",ld' .,~ cut back. '1at" healtb and se:~ety; ' wb'ereJl,II '" . , . .' oue-half whiJe aU ........·.. ,.,·.·n..v . c;~ID8tltu1te IIvecl wlckedl, ,.. •' . i Forget Wh~t Vou Fta.v . po "e. btNCbe~ TbtJII solUoqutsed E.dl'll'a IIUlIl eveD Put a se&1 bpon your lips an" IDJ DotbJq tile tree "btl" he ~kllike. t{le alleel Prl,,1 ~me Ke , what. 7011 h..y~ done. and AAswe!ed his . qn..UQlllll~I' Ny- bave ~ kln4; nlte~ love Co.tIl, lnto ': be world alid ' '~j",-" ,tUal work, ao '

The Miami Gazette


















~ COPY R,16H T.l909 ./7Y fI/./l.P /lTT£ .€SaN . . . . . . . . . . . HE r <:cnt lndlan IIprl slng Oklahom a, It by ~ stretch ot the Imagina tion It may be so·called, goes to show that a ' largo part ot tbe plclures quenesl} at the plaills' wnrl'flre hns pussed away with th e yoars. Crazy Snake's "lust stand" wali mad e against the militia of Oklahom a. It was not long ago that the whole wes t rn country as far as In· I!!~~~~~~~ dian regulati on Is concern ed, was III charge of tbe reglllar s of the Cnlled States army. 'rll zy Snake woro "store clotheB." In bls pic· tures hI> allpe:.trs like anythin g but the wild IIntu· '.~~. . . . . . . . tared savage lhat one .would paint an India n bar· , lug Buch a nallle as I'IlZY Snake. The tights In lh e lIast betweon th e pal efaces and tho rells were fights Ich, on tho Indian side, wore mell wearing pain ts Clf nil colors, feaUlers . I(cls, moccas ins IUld legg ings, or if tb e scene of action hapllene d to be In til mlll or time, weurln g nOlhlng at all except bre ' cll clout and pulot. l\lan y of the old pictures que chieftai ns or th e plains have gone 10 t::'o ba~IJ)Y bunting gro llnd." ..Among them w re those who died old enough to reo membe r th e day whell the ~ 60 was unknown to the red m n ex c pt us a wea pou In tb e hauds of tho ' ,dver· anl·Y. Old Raln·ln· th ·Face died not long ago and hi s ep,ltaph Is found In the flippant puragrn ph that the Sioux warrior and chieftai n Is at last a go'od Indian. E,'ery redskin who ever raised his band against a white man Is dubbed a bad Indian. Raln·la ·the·Fac e living waB at service to the wor ld. He add· ed plotures queness and 11 spirit of lIavagery to the dull canvaB of clvl· Uzcd life. Someth ing III lost every Ume that one of the old·tlme warrior s of thn platn goes to r ,e land wl1ere Che bUffalo grass Is alw~r s green and "'hern the herds await the Indian




In Lho deaths ot most of the great IndllUl eWers of old there was always some tr aglc note. Most of them met violent deaths. pcrhaps Geronimo, who passed away at Fort SI11. Okla., aome months ago. was the only one of many aged cbleftlli ns to die a natural death. The Indians ' picture of the happy Mntlng ground Is said by stu· dents to have made VIolent death the . aafeBt mode of entranc e to th e portalB of the redsldn heaven in the Indian mind. Th~ quality of bravery displayed. the Indians alBo believed jn the old days. bad much to do with their happine ss atter death, and lUI a conflequence to die fighting tor their tribe WIlS tbe aim · ofm()s t of the old school ot warrior s. Raln·ln ·the·Fac e followed Little Wound; Little. Wound followed Americ an HorsEl: Americ an HorBe (01· owed Young Man Alrald. nnd Red Cloud Is close upon thalr trail. Sioux cblets and warrior s all! Shall no voice lame'n t . thelr passing ? Most of these chiefs were Christians- In n ..wa)·. The water of bap. tlsm Rprlnkled but It never washed the war pslnt froni their .heathen h~art8; Tits only 'goOd ,thing the wblte men ever ottered them was his . religion, but they BUBpected It as they succun; bed to , Its outward forms. It takes mor.e ·than a prayer .\>r two and more than a IttUe' wate;f from a font to remove tram the adminis tering clergym an the suspicIo n which the red man attache d to' all of the white race as the result of "a contury of dishono r." . Out at Pine Ridge 15 yea'rs ago th.e little ~p(scopal ' mission chUrcb was turned Into a .h,o}pltal for the care of . "9:h8\Vtlll1rded survivo rs of the band of .Blg Foot. the Sioux chief. The pews and the altar had been remove d . and .traw bad been strewn on the floor and there .lay the stricken women and chlldren- all the men of the band had met death-e very one sore wounded b1 the bullets of tbe soldlerB. Where the altar bad been lay the wlte of a chief and her fOllr little children , bearing the pain ,of their wounds with what we are pleased to . can a aav,age stolclam . 'lJhe sun came up over . the pine-top ped ridges and lent Its ligbt tlirough tbe stained- glass .,vlndoJ{ over and above the place of ....: U1. ~altar. , . ' TM ' red and the yelIow lind the blue feU lipan the family group, and t)D tlle blllnket s coverin g the wounde d :.:: Qlm~lrel!- on'e read. trllDsm ltted by. the '. .~n and th~ glass, the words ! "Glory < to .GOd In the Highes t... · Yet tbe ,,"onder Is that beathen .... taiD stul lays b~ld on the beart at the Sioux! , 'l'-Jle. tragedy of the flght: at \Vound~d. Kiu~e, where Bfg ' . .\ . FoQ~'./J. warrl\>rs. tue' w'dmen .and the chOdren , save , a ,,few; were slain. ' was .n ot the fault of the 801dlers. '!lhe .. men of the Seventh". . cavalry lost .tiJcores of theIr 'com. : ", "'4e8. kllled and wounded. They' 'were but doing the ~. dilty' entorce d upon them by yeara 'a t clvU aervlce thett . _\ . and misrule; 'rhe [ndlan. strange ly enoti_h ; perbaps , . '. to those who ,d9 nOt , know. ever baa looked llpon the aoldlfr as ·llis bea~ friend. . . . . . . - .' I . When "the war ~ Dakota· r9aerva tlona was ended ' the. ' chl~f8 ' of the Ogalil1a and Bruie 'SIOUx, KIcking Bear. S,hprt 'Bull. Americian BOl't!e ana the 'reat. I\8ked 'that lirihy oftlceJ'•. lnlgh~ be 'IlDPolnted 118 I.n dlan agent. · hi the place' of the :Clvmana who' beld thole oftJcea for ' ,.,.~. ~erlcan B;orse. whe,n ,uked wh,. he 'wanted a .aldler alQl1t. too)[ ~wo pllpe~ bags and ~lled on~ and ~ . .; ruled Ute otber. The full one, be saJ~. ' wu the aoldier bq aDd the half 'ttil.l ,one wae ~e C)lvllian -.ent'. :' . w:.a the ' of . de.crlb tns the Initla' . rations .. th,), lHUDe· from tile &PIlla ' with dUferen t Ideas of hODellb. '. ;' (JI~t.t~~'-. Dn' ~ Chari,. G. PeDD7 '(reo th. aJiPqlnt.e4 '" Pin



., ....nt·. '~iU8

heatb'en..·t~erl~ Hora~'. m~th~


~ ;~~i ioli~~"i'&iW. __

the soldIers of miles of dJstanc';, foot Bore and foodless, durin! the night, the Seventh cavalry was looking tn an unusual ly robust and well·fed C01lo and the bravea at Big dltlon that frosty January mornin g 18 ,years ago. It would be BomethIng of a joy t.o know JUBt what F 0 at's ban d was brough t in by courier. old Red Cloud 11ad said to the Brule atld Ogalaia bUCD 'The chief heal'd of beyond the White Clay creek. The old fellow was an the lOllS of some 300 at oNtor, and when there were no white men lIstenln l his trlbe,an d saId that, he knew the way to the seat of the savage paSSIOD!!, Is the Indian lacking . In a sense of humorT Old Red notwith standin g the fight and the leming, Cloud used to get more genuine enjoym ent out of tellhis heart was BtUI shut Ing Itls unsoph isticate d paleface listener s the story of against tbe return at . how he talked peace In the hostUe camp than Kicking Bear ever did tn running off a settler's stock- and thta hatred for the pale meanB much. taces. Tbere probabl y never wlll be seen again on this can· Not long atter the Wounde d I{nee battle Uncnt such a scene of sRvage splendo r aa. that whicb Miles and Brooke suc· . marked the final surrend er of the Indian banda of Short ceeded In throwin g Bull, lCicklng Bear. Spotted Elk, and the reat. The surtroops about the bands render took place at Pine Ridge In late January . 1891. at hostiles . and began ' and for hours the savageB came In over the ridges the task at forcIng guardin g untu the last their women and children from a them little by little In· seeming ly. expecte d a ssa\1lt. Tl)ey were painted the to the Pine Ridge blnck nnd gre.en at the warpath , and their ponies were daubed with vivid pigmen t. It waa the close of what "I'~~'!I agency and to final sur· perhaps wlll prove to be the last of the great Indian render. There bas been crltl· uprlslngB. It was the paBslng ot the war glory of a grea CISDl at the action of race of savage men. , When that warfare on the plaIns of South Dakota, the Seventh cavalry at Wounde d Knee- un· was brought to an end there was still hatred enougb In questio nably un jus t the breasts of several of the chieftai ns to make another crltlcla m-and Col. outbrea k possible . Kicking Bear and Sbort Bull. SIoux Forsyth e, who was In chieftai ns of proved yalor and at known hatred ' for the comman d, had been or- whites, were brough t east under guard 00 Fort SherJd m: dered Into arrest as I111nolij, where they were kept prisone rs untl! It was the rdllult of the out· believed that their war lust hlld died. Flnal1y they were cry, which came from (lent back to the reserva tion nnd there to·day, while lIhllanth raplsls In states keeping strictly 00 the path of peace, It is only in the far remove d from the nat'-lre of things human to believe that a century scene at Jndla~ war- ·ot dishono r at the hands of the whites thal~ hearts are sUIl for war, though their hands and their bodies are fare. Gen. Mlles wanted to IncnpBble. get tbe reds back to the agency wltbont preclpltatt ng another fight and another tire at The criticism . So It was and the an cients callod wntor one of tile tour elemen ts. work which It does In the earth's crust amply ju&that he was ur'lng the UtlCB the name. It Is the world's banker, for It Is by U' Ogalala anll the Brule agency that the ores are accumu lated In veins, and in a Sioux bucks to Burren- sense It Is a re pairing architec t. Water Is the magic Inder, and was using hlB strumen t by whlcb. copper and gold and silver are assemtroops rath er for , herd· bled: Ing and for driving work, It Is tho true llhllosopher's stone j constan tly at . dlssolvlug, transpo rting and redepos iting. With In· purpose s than for ac· defatlga ble zeal and never flngglng InduBtry It searche s tual oft'ense. througb tho Innermo st recesses of the rocks, removl ns Young·Man·Atra ld·of- trllasure s through th eIr very wallS, and otten repalrln s Hls·Ror scs went to the Ca~t .. Penny stayed at Pine Ridge a lo~g time, and bOBtlle camp and harangu ed his brother Bavages Implor· breache s made In the attack 00 skillfull y as to defy detection or to make masonr y stronge r thun when first the Indians bore testimo ny to the fact that the raUon lng them to obey Miles and to come In and be bad Inbags showed no signs of having leaked any of their con- dians no more. Young·M an's speecll had some etrect. laid. In an article by H. W. Wlncbe ll In Popular Scitents belore they 'were delivere d at the doors of the Then Red Cloud wanted to follow the exampl e ot the Sioux tepeeB. ' young chief. No one knows definite ly whetbe r Red Clqud ence Monthly tho method of the action of water and the Intluence There Is a firm palefac e convict ion that the red man was sent ' out by tne general comman ding or went on topogra phyof cllmnte, Bun, rain, average tempera ture and has no sense of humor. It were better. perhaps , to bls peaco all the formati on of talkIng errand of his own Inltla~tve, but be are are. suggesl ed In an IntereBt undergr ound veins of qualify the stateme nt by making It a trltle less aweeplng. ing 'Woy and throw aome wont, .It IB the palofac e at a dlBtance who thinks that the InThe hOBtiles were north .o f White' Clay creek and weat light on tbe future tendenc ies Q( mining science . We ruay, perhaps, Imagine the water as laying down veins of dlnn has no funny bone-t he frontier sman knows other- of Porcupi ne ·Bu~te. Red Cloud reached their camp and wille. ' . . .. " he talked at the council tire. Then there happene d a ore by means of a perpetu al circulat ion. It arrives , There Is ol~ Red Cloud,. the sioux: chJef~aln , now wlth- ' curious thing. On the beel of the chiefs a pack band of 1t capable of at Inst at a state in which w~ may Imagine tn a short journey .ot tbe joYs wblch the bappy hunting ' tbe young dlBsolving anythin g. F~ndlng no escape ground b'olds for Jllm. who probabl y neyer laughed '.\loud was a fight bucks brok~ away and began 00 , raid. , Tpere downwa rd and urged on' by cooler and heavier waters with a squadro n of the Seventh <;avalry near (laming ' down, Ibes~ . satun,t'ted solutlon's begin . In hlB Uf~. but, ",ho; behind hlil mask Of stolidity , bides ·tlie Iloman to l,Dove as keen an apl)fec.lation of "lhe (un ot the .thing" as can train was Catholi c IIUeillon · school. and an army Wagon iutc~TRlly and ,upward j,' an.4.Jli they find th~lr way l>aek' ,to attacke d at a place not tar distant from th. the Burface agaIn tbey fflve ·to drop deposit s of meW be found in the compo81Uou ot .anyon e of lila wbl~ agency,.. . . which conq erora. , .. Red Cloud came back '\D the agl\Dcy. Even his native emerge they bold In solution. ' . Such watera 'tnay- ball)' . as hot springs ' Nearly 40 yeara . ala Red Cloud, In the. prime of his comma nd of hl.rnself could not gl'Ve control to the twinkle through eartb fracture or gaYBers. finding their. waT ft,titUl&' .dai•. led, with' other cblefs. an a~tllck on tbe that was in'bls ancient s, and tbese fracture s, coated with: ' eye. But what a talelt'" ,as that he metal by the metal ,bites Dear~OI't , Fetterm an n,<I Cl~ud. hali the better toldi " Thelnil~1i. carrler, become. the vein. ~d lad.. Of with bad hearts had rejected future · his ages. . .Qf bl. fOe. 011 that dar. AfteM\'ard, .,hen the~~eface plea8' ror 'PBace . and lIur~~n.ter, and had driven blm, tbelr ' Taking this ~eory fcsr granted , It I. e'f1dent thJ.t • oldler. ~Itb blu.. coat. proved too many for m. Red old ehhlt wit/! curaes Jnct with blowl' from their camp • Oloud haG • chaQP ot:tiear t. govern the .l~ng dOMl '. , He had plocld4!d the tnltl trow the camp 00 the agency. many auch conslde ratlonil orea. Couutrt ea In whl~ the ral~ desCen d., tbroucS 80ft He tbat. b. had pU~cked out h,atreci. That wal footsore and food}eu , and In this day or hli' falling sJgbt rocks wll~ be more likely to entertaf one of Rea ·Clou4'. beat jOm, and when ~e wl1lt. be W'Ould 11&,.. been 10lt not hi• .,.ndd aqbter Star ' those In which tbe surfa(!8 II atld n mtn~ral ,elu ~ ~ not ... hI.,facI e because It w&li tamed away froID or the rocb are Ii~ B~__-or lIOIIle II1lCb name,"fpt heN lI'0I001'1 .. at faultThen tbere ,w111 be few "bonan su" In Blberia w tile 014 ~ lDdled u4 ~ ., • . tWtuiJe 4 ~ bJ' tbe baDl: • • r I or Sw:1taerJand; Uld the mill . III 1WI 'talcl) at aD tncUaa ctoWa. .,...raCe TOCb ril be . .et DJl eltIler ~

Wat er the World's Ban ker



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• 'lOW .



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8c.Cut this out Ii!

oldierl Hom , Lafayette. Ind.. The g r at st Stalt:-wid : religio\ls Ma)" 19()9. : gath ring vex ' assem):iled. in Olii ew SUiL'i. H. O. HarJen, will be hio's Gold n Jubiree unday n ar Comrade:Rig ht here 1 wish School . , onv ntion at Springfield, . On the Classic College·CtimpuS, Yello~ Springs Wan' n Jack Vlj • ' . Bu la.~: Imsto enligh ten One D.' . GoodWin : ' . ,Tuesday, Wednesday and Th ursday. te.· I J tition filed to r strain, t ru te Ohio, June 18 to 27, inclusive. E. 90th O. V. 1. , that he is away off, June 8. 9, 10. , fl'oni aH eg d divi 'on of ertain monwhen he lh inks I'm trying to scare It celebrates th close of . the fir t ies c nnect d wilh the tate of the the 90th Ohio boys with my bear half century f Organiz~ Interdelate John . Jack. Th plaintiff torie . I may have better sense. for nominational Sunday- 'chool Work in , .ath and Main, Dayton, O. aveJ that h has reason ' to believe I tramped over the same ground. the Buck~ye Stutt!. " _t hat the defendant wa.~ abou t to pay FEATU RES- Id al Sylvan 'pot . with every facility to make sc ratched the same' kind of g rayThe program has been prE-pared a' large amount of mon y to cer tam the annual SUIlIfHt!I' outing a realiz' lion of drearn of the yeal' backs , stole same kind of chickens- with .a view to ha~i~g it eclipse ali I attorneys in the case. The petition Ten Days Communion ill the shadow of a Grt~at College with and as many! - and be ides, my nam prevlUU programs m strength and I . Mastel' OJ'ators, Soul-StilTi ng Singers, Inspiring Lecturers, is in t he naturf' far ttaininj.! order. Wonder-Working Prestidig-itators, Famous Pulpit Orators. is~ot Dani~1 by a d.a rned ight. Now, p~actical value. It contain~ many Heart-Thl'llling Elocutionists. Peerless Musieians and Great Court ProceedinJ.': . thIS "Damel" history teache. , was hma.'(es, and holds somethmg for Novelty Artistes. Truly a Feast fO I' the Gods In lIIatter of c')ll1 nli~!!ioner::; of jurMose Cohen" Store ill brim full deadheaded into th first menagel'ie, every Sunday-school worker. i or for the counties of Montgomery, of the 1II0llt telling inducements and was put into tbe den of lions. and. unday Schools could not do better I EV8r~ ACCOlDlnodatioD Warren, Clint nand Gr en compo _ ever offered in this vicinity . Wise had a green cotton umbrella unde r t han to send their pastor or superin- I For Man and Beast. These include good water, commodious eJple will respond quickly. Note his left arm to di tinguish him fronl t ndent. expenses paid, as a visitor I dining hl:1 l1 , ~h e lter in cuse of storm, and half a mile of hitching the third subdivision 0 f t he sec- P . b b h b h O' J d the:e powerful bargai ns: the other lions, and he never paid to a SOl' t e est t ings of value for 1 ing plaees Ten t ~ fumished fO I' ill a l call1pillg . ond Judicial Di t ric t of .111 0 u gcent, wher eas I alway pay if I g , the home school . I es Edward J. W t, MIlton lark ' i 'I "u 's lind Vuunl( ~I ell 's I1I1 S, 'f I h h . d f th Co l' I ChorlesH .1 yle, Edward T. Sneuik 1' , worlh 1111 to su .. .. .. . ... I I ave t e prIce. and then too . h e en or nven Ion Pl'ogt'um, J Uly's s . Martin and Oren Rrill ~1 "~~~t~~~:p\~IISlf8~~~~·~. ~~I~I.~: was credited with a lltreak of good. now ready. to the OhioSundll.Y School : • • • • ~I OI\ 'R lIud Y OUlljf M fl u ' s , IIll~ , . and I do not wish to be confounded Ass ciation, Columbus, Ohio. I Brown, being present 111 Jomt ei5Slon wortll 1111 W'n . 110 .,.. . . .• • I Readings, Annll Loy M '.lY; the foll wing c mnllSSHmer ' are with a nything that Bugge ts the rebel - L- - - - • I Edmund Vance Cook; . , "ie!. " Ived ·152 Years. "Old Days in Dixie," Dr. Steele; ~'7 named: Montgomery, W, W. She r. Herbert Sprague and wife in costume; . Now. that sucker story of his. I Wm. Parr-Englaud'~ oldest milD I ~r, Charles P. Althoff, Franklin !{ice . C 180U B. can testify to the soundness of that l -marri,;,d the thir~ tnne at 120" Dr. George Wood Anderson. St., Louis; . and Samuel D Bear; Greene, B K . ' . workl"d lD the fields tlll132 !lnu lived I Prof Pamahasika, with trained birdK and dogs; . Ritnour. John Donavan. . E. Arbo '/ Men's 25c Web Suspenders. foggy mornmghefound up on Grmd- 2.1 ve!lrs longer. People should be ! Gov. Glenn, of Georgia. famou s Suuthern Ol'atol'; gust and Thomas Stevenson: Warren with mohair end and stone mountain. I r emember itwetl, yout.hfuillt ~O. Jl1flleS Wr1t:bt, (If DI·. J , Wesley Hill. Metl'o])Olitan 'remple, New York ity. a W. W. Welch , Ira F. Bigony. George drawer supporter .. .. ; My company wa,s building shanties t)pnrlook, Ky., shows howtor~u'llin I Whirlwind You nIll8tthr8ab~:!in~IIP 10 I> t covering them with real shingles { yoong. "J feel jllst ltke.11 16 year- l Dr. Ed Geil, just returned from a along Chinese wall. R. Rossman and M. C. Wikoff; Crintb' hi ' old boy," be writes, "lifter tLlltilJg Capt. Richmond Pearson UUbllOll, the Nava l Hero, on World on •..Jtobert D. Wall. Howard McCune, emg t eon y carpenter, was ordered Rlx bottles or Eleotrio Blt-ter!! . For ) Peace Charles F. lrgns and P. E. Snyder, ~lell'8 200 Rubl r ColJ lU'S. the best 13c to get ~p On one shanty. by the First tbirt,y yel1rs Kidney trouble wade Mills.Barnhill. Debate on Socialism; 1 l life a burden, but the firs' bot' Ie of ' rdered to meet t he fo urth Monday In America, 2 tor 200 or. 'ellch ... ' Sergeant, and to run the first course Ross Crane. crayon artist; O Y~~~J:I~n,:rerP.3~ege Pantd, the '' "7'6\l L 'of shingles, and then come to break~ Ibis wonderfol medloine oonvinoed Recital. Hallie Q, Brown ; in May. 15.00 valullfl go M .. . .. . , ... S2• 9 fast. I proceeded , and in an hour. me I bad found the greatest oore on Laurnnt. the Magician. Henry A, Crew vs Aaron B. Chanpe(:lal lot ot !teu's 15<: ~'II II 'Y 80 .,lIew . e\U"th." They're 11 godsend to weak, dlel'. guardian . Court finds that ~g~ ~!t~~l."~. ~.n.t~~~~...... ... .. . ~rdtwbo I had begUn to w~nder what siokly rondown or old peoplA. J.'ry there is owing and due from the de- Men'" BIBclc hop and mee ' Caps; 3c a ecome of t h e cooks, when P them. 50d Ilt Frad C. Sohwartz's. 1 SEASON TICKETS AND ADMISSION THE "t , Cor ' a McKay , as adml'nl' _ 10e vEalue, tor .... ·0·1· ····· · · ····· heard the voice of the Sergeant faint.. _ .. I fe.nd 4&, Men'. xtra Strong levlot Work- 36c . SAME LAST YEAR. tratrix of the estate Of Frank Clark, lug S hirts ; 460 and GOc kInds . . . Iy calling me, and wanting to know, HILL CLIMBING CONTEST Men's ' 1.110 ManlIIn Straw Bats, 98c h ' I i I ' d " t h I deceased. to the plaintiff, Henry A peclalln thIs sale. .. .. ... . . .. . were m was. sal ou ere. Crew. on claim set forth the urn of aint got to the end yet!" after a short Wednesday the Cincinnati Auto- ' For full parli('ulal·s. add ress ar ng e UC ons n ur D'S time I heard the clatter of foot~te~ mobile Club decided to hold its annu$2795 which is ordered paid . State of Ohio ex reI. Sarah Hurt Clothing Department approaching on the shingles. and( al hill climb at Fort Ancient on June I ,VS. Curtis Gray. Defendant pleads DAYT".... when he got to me. was a little more 15th next. '1 . d t d . to than that fog could hDld up, and I The curves which are yery shan> had shingled · out on that' fog just will. be repaired and ' banked and as , ~plendid Service on S. & X. 1'raction Line. d 'r 350 feet · by tape measure Now . the hill is known as one of the steep- ' ant notgul I Boys. leave the yell off of,De. and est for its length in this part of the I Wa.rren newitt vs:' WilUam . •A.' .............-a. f'URNI,sHINO. ;-'i - • • •----.~I!IIIJ!II he will like yop better, if it were po state it will be a plendid test for l', ... H eWJtt, trustee. De!end an t 18 IS- 0 Id 80 d Coo ,' -~~~~~!'!"!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~~!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!'!~ ' ___..1 f t" h don pons'f ree .t 0 aII'" CUlKo- BI'bI e. ' -~ strong cars and killful drivers. - --ml.~ ro~ merll. Do you save •un; .....m? D AN. R AN DEasON, Co . H • 1st Kv. _ ac lon lD an . The Commissioners of Warren' I.l_________~-~---------------"_' Probate Court. • County have granted pennission for A Purely Vegetable Laxative The estate of Peter B. Hatfield, . Won't Slight a ,Good Friend. '.J the use of the hill and from the tor~ ,Cure. Chronic: Coriatipatio .. , and All deceased. William C. Hatfield filed Urbschat. real estate m Warren "If ever I need a oqogh mecUoln,} mation of the hills and valley't wilt , Liver and Kidney Troubles. fifth ' t county., $2150. 8K~tn 1 know what to get" declares afford better opportunity- to watch 7 ueoun , . . George E. Young administrator Mrs, A. L. Alley of Beals: Me.' . "fQr. the whole thing from start to flnish The estate of Martha J. Rlchard- of O. Viola Edaington. deceased to after usIng ten bottles of Dr. Klng i than is usually afforded. trw aak at ~be rOllo,,11I& ",11(l1li: son! deeeased, Inventory and ap-'Emma Olinger real estate in'Clear- New Dls~very, and eeeing.ttleIoeb" UsualJy only il part of such a race Zim _ mermMn'tl. KUbo"'s'" pl'8lsementfiled lent rMnlts in my own famity anq . ' ~ . . creek township $225 others I am convinced i' is the be It can be watched, but at Fort AnCIent White·•• · Mouotjoy's 8prlngfield. Ohio. . Estate of Joseph Eltzr~th, d~ Orpha M. U~gJ,esb~ to Elmer E~ medioine made for. . Cougbs, ColdS a lEos~ ttle_whole. .cpur:se cap b~ seen ~. Inventory and appraIsement Watkins real estate in Clearcreek and long trooble:" Everyone wbo from several different .Points. . . ' / ~~__'_~'~ .'. . ~~p . ~U~j~~~.~~ __ ;.~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~,~~~~-~ , ~~~~~ of Oh10 vs. Raymond Col"Win. ' G E'l··b h H d h 18 felt at onoe "nd its quIck oore FREE AT CHESTER WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. """"-"""""""'''''''-'-'''-''''''''''1 fflJl:II . . ded t'l f th . race 1Z8 et owatt an us- 8urpri888 "'00 ' J!'or .Bronohltis As~ l Fine 0 f ......", Buspen un 1 ur er band to Ada C. St 'John real estate J. . . . , , 1. ~ , ~ order of court. . . . .tbroa, Hemorrh8~e, Croop,~Grlppe There is a full afternoon or even~ iI! ' . . . . Turtlecreek township. $3.650. tiore Throat, p..lD itl ohest or )UDgSj. , . . ' ~ ~ state of OhIO VB. James Barkalow~ Will' D B to Ch I H 1- it'g supreme 500 and '1 00 'i'rial mK" s free entertamment for those . ~ ~ sed d lam • owyer ar es a • h " Ch P k .,.. .• iI! il: · Fine 0 f $50 an d cost s Impo on. e- lick Bowyer real estate in Deerfield bottle free. GUllflinteed by Fred O. w 0 VISIt e'3ter aT • (,1J'Cl~natl s 'Orthodox Friends Church. fendant but suspended for thIrty to h' $1 Schwa.r tz. l1l0s t popular pl~alu[e resort. at any Rev: Benjll.mln F\awkln . P~lIt(lr, . 1.. days: wnBH lP, C· K d'f t --.. time this summer it is said. A finE!. l'illhba,b obOOl, 0 ;8(1 ' w. 1tegular Ilbu reb ~ eever an WI e 0 FLAG DAY 'OBSERVANCE ' · . . n'II)(!, 10 j30 ' 11, m. b'rlll~lan E ud ~vo r. ~ ~ The estate o.f Phoebe Lawler. d e_ M orace. R d' f M . R . ~ free concert under the tree. the 7':30 p. w. r. ~ ary oss guar Ian 0 arVlD oss • • f ' . hed b h Lad" M'I' I !o Ceased • I nvento ry "nd apprai se- m' . Itt"l1 f So th j musIc ur-ms y t e les 1 1iI! :t ment med. . . .. . u:~~~~~ea7~. a e m VI age 0 u. S~ial observ~nc~ of Monday. tary band, with ,vo~l and jnst~~en-".~. HlcksJte Friends Church. ~ Estate of Martm Nlcely et al ml$ l June 'I • . as flag day. IS urged by the tal e solos. "entertams one until the First Day MeeUna:. JO ,OO 11. m,. Flra~ Day ~ ~ Am' Fl A ----, t' h' h' . . . ' 501:001. 11 ;0(1 a. m. F(lunll Day Met-ling I r. nora, Samuel Fox; fifth account CommiSSioners' Proceedings. encan . • ag ~la Ion. w IC tlme for the bIg free vaudevdle show. 10':00 a. III . ' filed , '. . calls attention to the one hundred. Of the many actS Qffered here there , I .I Eatate of Na.n nie R. and George . Con~racts-Contract w~ entered and thjrty-second anniversary of the' is always one lIpecial headline feature. Christian Chun:h. 1 I W.. ~le . • Supplemental inventory mto Wlth the Oregonia ~ndge .Com- adoption by congress of the natioDlll ,After this show' i~ another concert, SUIl4~~ · School. \1 ;30 • . m., Boolal meet ~ and appraisement filed. . ' pany for concrete floor on Peal'llOn emblem. Governors and mayors are ' free with motion pictures and ilIus- ~~g, 10 .. 10 • . m., and CbrllJlan Eodeavor I Silverwate.· Watches, ~ . b 'd d te to d .. ,• I • • .ou p. m ~ btate of John McCann. deceased. 1'1 ire ~n e a~ raJSl1l4r asked to l~ue proclamations, givin~ ' trated songs added. There are also I~.' . 11 '~-.-. D. Runyan"appeinted adrninistra- of ~aU8 and wmgs to brldg~ n~r official.r~~gnit;Qn to fiag day; 8Chool~ free BumJ?s, Sliqes" and a host ~f Methodist Epi·u ...... Chun:b. . Clocks, ~ewelry', Rlqg.-, . ~ trix ... mving bond of$l500 with J. A residence Mamevllie authonties are requested to hold', -.....Pulor., I Chain" s. etc., all New. · l.~" d Lo Iof d Pearson d' Hon 'It t . .. " other .att""ctionsfor .... . .w hich absOluteRev . W. T . Gilliland, l , Runyan as surety. E. J. Templin. an. ve~ roa m ami on own- speclalexerclses,wlththeflagsalut~!' lyno charge is made. §undDy chOOl, O:,:lOa, . III. , M9rnln~ Her· ~ . John Snel) and E D. mreg-"appoint- shlpat estimate of $,189. and pl~ge' editors.are urged to call j • -,·lue, lQ:3.C) ,a. m. -EpW2~~l) .Le~fue,~ 1. SnrraV •.n" Speclal't-~'...·~ , . ' Co t t te ed' t ' ·th t h ' I 1. d .rD. 6lf.enlng servIce, , ,30 p. ·m. MIdweek I 6 I•~ --~ ,apprafserl'l . . nr~.c ,,:as e~ l' 10 0 WI e attention ·t o the day and everybody I The aerOP ane "as one a vantage Pr 'Y,er MeeUng, 7: 10 p. m. • ' . ~ Estate of James W. Ellis. deceased. ~rego~la ~rldge,Co~pa?y' for clean- is expected to see that flags are dis- t over the raill'Qad train. It can' t run ' . Firat and 'final account filed, m~. pal.nting &~d adJustmg ~alt R~n played on that day. " off ~he track. st. Mary's Episcopal Church. 1~ I 'I n tpe reappliCation of Melvin E. bridge In Hamllton township; remCol. Ralph E. Prime is preside.n t. ) ,, ' . . • - .. I . Rev. J . F. Cudwlllh,l!er. nectar. ' ~' I i Specta<:1e Flttln& a ~lalty. I . '~ . ' forcin Harcenn Road Sherman . .\ Beaut}ful w~men have no menta Sunday Subool. If :;10 11, In MornIng Rer, 1. ~ WaymIre for a Writ of habeas cor g. '. and Theodore Fitch. 126 Broadway - itv " says a professor. We're glad vic 10 :30 a . nl . Hoiy Communlol1 tho IIr t ~ , us writ issued to M A Jameson steel brIdge. Harlan township and New York is secretary of the t.' . ' . , Sunila, of eacb monLb, ~ ' . ~ p . : : . f . S· b b'd . .. '. . . we dIdn't say It, \ ' 11. ~ . and Waymlre placed In hiS custody re-In orcmg prm.K oro ~I ge m clatlOn, whIch has for Its purpose the . • - .. . • ' ~ until the hearing of trial May 25th. Clearcreek township at estimate of fostering of public sentiment in favor Mr. Walter We!lman 'has made hIS St. Augustine 8 Catholic Church. ·1 . Martin A . Jameson , assignee of $190.05. of bonoring the 'flag and Fnlh~r Pastor WavneeviU. Ohio ~~ . B'II H Pfi t II ~ f . preserving third successful start . in the dire"tion T MI1!IS everyGeorge secoJldMavenboefer, Sundar uf tbtt mOlllha L\ ~1. . , . , . . Nannie R and George WEagle vs I s- erm s er. BUPP es or it from desecration of the north pole 9'OU a w. . ' ~. . II • go A 75 . : . . ..""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ Nannie REagle et al. •O. S. Hig-• surveyor,~. ; J 0 hnaon & Watson . .gins. Scott Ditmars and Freemont company. let~r heads for surveyor• Lenning appointed to make appra;se- $4.00; supphes for · court stenograment. . ,her, $6.50; Sam D. Henkle. fee and In the matter of w'i11 of Jenira Ca exp~nses. $1395; Barrett Brothers, ," . . volt. · deceased. Will admitted to blanks for probate judge, $9.75; Warprobate. . ren county Appeal. blanks for pro· The .estate of Lewis Kirby. ' de- bate judge, $2; R~ggles-Gale compaceased. Report of sale filed and ap- ny. blanks for auditor. $75: blanks for proved. prob~te judge. $6; blanks for proEstate of Jenira Cavolt deceased . bate Judge. 40 cents; blanks for proW. W. Shurts appointed executor bate judge, $4.15; The Western St;ar. , givin&" bond of $2000 with the Nation. ~nvelo~ and blanks. $40: pubhshal Surety Co surety . frank Sears· 10g notlce. $.6.25; W. H . Jackson & Al Snook and Clyde Collins apprais- Son. md!!e. for county. $4.50; J. S. era. . · . Morris. supplies, . $12; Charles StibbB 'Estate of O. Viola Edington . de- contract. $10.75; L. M. P~nce. mdse~ 'ceased. 'F irst and . final . acc9U11t ·f or surveyor. $2.05; F. P. Forgy, exflied, . penses. t105.96. Common Pleas Court,

1intio~. "

Men's Field Straw HatH in Mexican ahape; 25c value. With thia slip C. YIIU mliMI hl\\'e lbJ~ "lill I ICtH 1hls lllll'ltllin


M 0 SE C0 H E N



.Summer School June 18 to Aug. 6




$8 45 S11.38 $17 85

· t h· 7 Cut


Some of the Entertainers:


t 1-






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s. ,D.

FESS, Yellow Springs, O.




Tne AJpha Chemical 'Go.

J H 0pp I.' .


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And Opti ' ·c.-an



.1 i ,'.






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----------treatment of Dr. ShOOp's Rbeumatic ~

.Mania~ License.



b\.>Ok on llheum.ti~m, and a trial

Jean ' E .."Burke. 28 salesman of Remedy-liquid or Tablets-i. beiDR '

Sou~ ltebanon aha Mi.sNelJi~ G~bbs, sent free to sufferers by pr, Shoop

.of ~oine, Wilt. , Yon that are well . get thie book for' HOme 'dteoourased,' . dish8llrteDeCi s11ft81'er I Do a'ettDple act of .humanlty , . Point out, thi. ," way ~ Iquiok &I;ld· r811ef' to~.""n '$1 , . , . ,~ Surprise lome sa«erer, ;by'flrat pttlng from toe 'be booklet and -tbe, J. tt McWlmams and Be~le B.-.,teet. He.tll &~preotate your ald. , his. wjf~ to . Albert ~ld ~y All ~~~n." . 20. teacneJ;'. Squth"Lebanon.

o ....... ,· ~ .... te T .__ J ,,~&;ela .' r_en. . J_~ W. Wray to Mary Maravet tel, real ~ate in Deerfield .


_. _u.... . . " .



Offers for tbis·>year '.many new things. It.' gives . all the,'l9cal . news, and is always c;lelivered to its patrf;)~s o~ time.









Wllekly al


During 1908 Ohio propert y worth The Xenia Herald in its last issue YOU NEV ER REG RET THE COS T OF AN and two-thi rds million dollars has the followitlfl to say of a project OFFI OE . l~ . ArJl.O!N B l\1Ar~ 8 1 R~~E~ went up in smoke ART ICLE IF IT PRO VE·S SAT ISFA CTO RY " ~ lir.e that a Cincinn ati syndi~ate - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - : If the admonitiohs of the state wants:. .A LLI!!Y 1·~~L~cP.'C? ~; CA I.J. NU. \ III I marsha l's bulletin s in reflard fire to "One of the project ed lines is to ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . : - : buildin g constru ction, flrl' ordinan . ces run from ~enia to Lebanon tulILU:L e1lHD. L CR ANE. Editor and Managel·l llnd carelessness wit.h fire had been into Cincinnati via Norwo od and heeded, the six mi.1lions would have contem plated elevate d railroad the . Rates of Subser iption been saved To the spread ing of "The ~Ieekman people are flguri~g . these admonitions the newspa pers now on the purcha se of the Rapld ()ne Year (" trl tt y III udVBIICI') is witho ut doubt th e most e'ffi ient house paint :' · I.I01~,1 have gt:nerously devoted several Transit line from Xenia to Dayton S lnlll .. I:op .. . .. . , ,; on hundre d thousan d dollars worth 'of and using it as part.of the big the marke t, and is cheaptst in the fn d, in that system space. Rates of Advert illemen ts it will go furthe r and wear long r th an other planned, The numbe r of fires started was "A pH ·t of this plaJi involve s. but paints . Only the best mater ials are used, with Reading l.ocaIN. p~r lin e .. . . IOr,~. 5,3~ which is several hundre d great- not necessarily so, the /teadln" 10c .. IM. blue" face . JlH. .11110 . .. purcha se of u C1Wlllllle4 Ad><. not to exceL'" li ve lIn~. WHI TE LEAD AS THE PRED OMI NAN T er than the averag e but, there being the Dayton and Lebano n. In the 'l'bree In8~ rlloIlM . ... .... . . . . Zfiu no city conflag PIG ration, the 1088 was a event the latter road cannot be pur· MEN T, tempe red with just enou gh z in c ObllUllrl e~, fh'e tnc bu fret; oVl:r five . quarte r of a million less than the chased it is to paralle lled . The route to preve nt chalk ing quick ly, as is the case where (~ard ~~Ct~:~;;Je.r. ~I~~ ..., ..... . .. ....... 2~; previous year. In the first year of from Xenia to Cincinn ati would be: lead alone is used, Rell'liliti ons . ~o(' tht! fire marsha l's departm ent the Xenia over Rapid Transi t to interse cSoola ls etc. " ' here c b .. rre Is wad" 2,'j~ fire loss was. eleven million; in the tion with D. &: L.• via the D, & L. ,.OR SALE Ity Dis play AdvrrUlilllR, per IlI c b 100 last five years it his averag ed seven to Lebano n, and from Lebanon inw Discount s Klren UII cunl rat'l. million. Cincinnati. The t!xplanalion of the increas e in ! 'The proposed elevate d railroad MA Y 36. 1909. the nllmber of fires is found in the will, it is claimeci, reduce the runconditions during Septem ber. Octo- ning time from Norwo od into the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~::s::s!!!'!~ ber and November, which were the heart of Cincinnati to 12 minute s. Boxwell comme ncemen t will driest in 76 years. The rainfall in TIMBE R SAVINO It now takes about an hour and a June 4 and should be well these three months was but tWQ and quarte I ALTE R r to make the trip .. C LURE , According to the reports sent ut hundre dths inches, which • _. by the forest service of the United ilJ only a little Jl)ore than one-thi rd unera l Direc tor. If your S~m.ob. B'earto r Kidney . States more than is having hard work normal . 56,000,000 gallons are weak, try .at ISlI.8t, a few dosss of creosote and nearly 19,000,000 to get his plantin g In the averag e day there were but only of , done, It w as though he 1....... ft ........ wl'th' an ave.......e coat of In five or Dr. Sboop'fI Re8torlf.tlvs. pound, of zin~ chlorid e were used in Teleph one dllY or night.. ten daa.ya only, be result .. .~ ..... will.or prifle you A rAW ceots will preserv ing timber in the United would be as late Valley pbone No, 7. Long last year in flet- $1,265.48, making a daily fire waste cover tbe oost. And bere is wby Ling his work done. States last year. Small quantit ies Distano e No. 69-~ r, ot $1S.2Ot. belp oomes so 9ulokly . Dr. Sboop of crude oil, corrosive sublim ate and The propor tion of 1088 to value doeso't drug tbe stomao b, nor WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. other chemicals were also used. olll.te tbe Beart or Kidney s. '.'he I~t two weeks of May are- jeopard ized is growin fllessea ch year SbooJ) 'f Restor ative goel directlyDr. Branch Office. Harvey sburg, Q. These figures were furnish ed by to 8 U rely busy weeks. The Sunday owing to increas ed ~fficiency of fire tbe W811.k and ratliog nervep. Bacb forty-f our firms which operate sixtyaehool con v ention which convenefl departm ents. That 18 to say. the orKao baa ita own control1in~ nerve. four treatin g plamts. rsd And what is d F 'd '11 b firemen don't let a fire bum as big Wben tbee nerv811 here tm.. ·DR. H.E. HAT HAW AY IIIU ay a.n fail. tbe depend - still more cheerin g is that a rl ay Wi e . log organa muat of necessi third of t,y talter. very int~restinfl, and will be of ines· a hole as they once dld . ' 'rbi8 plato, ye' . trotb, olMrly a polln'd- of-zinc will preserve a cubic e '" \"IR.Y'lesville'. . Leadin g DelltiSt 'timabl e value ~ the community. The averag e value of the dwelh np, tells wby Dr. Sboop'lI Restor ative la foot of dead timber from decay. We Office in Keys Bldg. MaIn 8' The Sunday Schools of the county conten ts inclu~ed, which got &ore po oolver~ll' 8QOO8II8fol. Its soo- have long known that Uncle Sam's ' w' ~~~ ~~~ to ~~' was !!!!!! $3 400 and the anrag e damag e C6sa I. lell.dlng 4roggtl tts everyw here !~~~~ are add 109 ne Vlgor ever. year " to Klve It univers al pretflrenOf'. A creosot this work. and their work ia beIlin- was ~O. e boys were drawin g their get _L . th test wlll Morely ' tell. Sold by An salaries . How cheerfu l, therefo ImmedIM~c ate ftIIef from ninll to show results. as the schools. re. Dr. Shoop's OIntmer The lm~rtant causes ri . g e Dealtlra , are c4natantly I'rowinll in numbe rs greates t mcreas e wereD"o~an hllhtnin ll • ___ to and religious zeal and stove. too near wood . Iho I

--~------.- - - - . ai~


HA NN A'S GR E' EN SE AL P A I NT :'======

IJ. E. J anney, Waynesville, 0

1--------------_____________ The Gaz ette Is the Bes t Med ium for Adv ertis ing Try It . . .


kn:~:;t ~i~ir~;;:I;em.

e_- -



W ·



D. Hollingsworth, '~

For each dollar's worth Ilf value in State Orchar d and Nurser y InspecbuildingS fired there was 54 1-5 The survey ors ~e again at wo~k tor. N. E. Shaw. says in his latest Gradually and slower every year cents worth of lnaurance. So, reabout locatinll and setting the bounda nes port that the fruit crop will be light as t!te end of May comes on, the three millioll8 of the 1081 was borne of tb,e flTe&t rese~oir and.da m to be . this year, princip ally because of the less we' see of ~e preserv er of our by the individual owner. while near- constru cted at Chfton , Ohl0., IloDg drouth last fall. He says that country- the Grand Army mG. ly four millionll was divided up beTh~ lake will be loca!ed at the old ~ there will not be much more than a 'l'jme;has made inroads in the rank tween aU the' oWners carryin g in- dam just eat of town and will be ' half of an appi~ crop and about't hreeand file of the "soldie r man. ,. until luraric e. '" ra~ several feet, and conver ted ip- quarte rs of peaches. The smalle r All kinds of Stone, Brick and Oreg onia, - - Oh~o their ranks are almost decemi nated'l The fire lo!!s per capita in the state to a pressur e dam. fruit will be propor tionate ly light, Only a ' few short years more, and ia $1 ••7; in states having no Cement Work. fire mar- The.. water, will ~ conduc ted Apples are more plentif ul and in betlOme '. one will have to see that t~e abal it'aver q_ '2~"7 In our Cement Walks and Floors a email .throua-h flamel down the cliffs to the ter conditi on in the Ohio river a! e d~orated and proper, at- ~~~ an4 farrhin g di~tricts, is. $1.12; Specialty, 6c to old paper mill, where it will ha"e ties and peaches are almost a total te~tlon ,IS pal~ to the old soldler. m Cltles $2.09 ~ $1.~ m~r~ ~ paid a .fallof one hl.lndred feet or mGre; faUure' in that belt. In the squ~ foot, northe rn Will ,heir descendants pay the tt!- by e~)l penon for the protect ion of where turbine water wheels pattern part of the atate they All wo~k guaranteed. are in fair conspect · that ~ould be shown their a fireld~~tnient. Undertaker and Embalmer. . wtll be install,e d ~d ap enormo us dition. Apples thrive better mem~r.y? It ~ to be hoped so, for The Cities havi~1l more than eight in the water power ~De~ted. , southem:co un les. Inspec tor shaw WiJl be foond In the old the memor y and deeds of these fll1Uld thousan d popula tion. as shown by ~e The reservo lr Wl~l contam many thfuka that all frost danger is Bank Boildln g, opposi te over old men. who, in ~e heyday of their last censu8, DOW have a popula tion acres and will,make the moat delight - and that it is safe to do tbe Nation al Bank. any liveale ft home an~ kindr~ in order of1.7~,.267 which kind of 'l'elephon8 .in house and of, sa per cent of ful ftahill&' an~ boating lake in this plantill&' now. to preserv e the Umon. ThIS Memor' th, entlre population of .the 1I • • • • _ • • • ___ fioe where 1 ca.n be called 11i' state. part of the country . (a! Day Should be one held , .acred to But they had ·three-f ifths of day or night. the fires • _ ••- -all, and all Shollld make it a point VaHey P~one 1'-2. and- OVer half ' the fire loss. The A Pain preaori ptioll la Pltnted n~ Subscribe · for the G&lette Main Street, Wayne sville, Ohio Come out on that day and by this smaller towns and farms. with near- 011 e""b 360. box of Dr. Shoop '. Pint means show their respect. Iy double the population furnish ed Pain 'Table•• · Ask yo'or Dootor or - - -- . 40 pel' cent of the fires and '41 per .Dro~gi.u if thi' formul a II ootoom , S he fiend • ak th . ple~ Pain meanlo ollg_tl on blood- W'll KUla to top t I m e e season af 1909 a t my • cent ~f the loss. . preNor e. Beed·p aln., woman ly paios r~idenc ~. 2X miles north Tbe worllt roe tor III yMri ~f John , The IOllnd value of the proper ty .-10 anywh ere get inlltaot relief Vllle. Obi?, on the Wayneof WjlYnessvdle and De,e, of G)lldwtn. M . lob., w." a roo· fired io the larller cities is 80~ per from '" pint' Pain '!'.blet. Hold by Dayton plke, Dtol ,oloer. lie ptlh1 doo,ol'8 over centolthewholeamoun~jeop ardized All Deslert!. . ' 1400.00 wtthoo t benetlt . Tbell Booll i tb tate is' a bright 1)ay. Is built on scientific principles througho~t. • - • leo'll ~rnloa St&he .. med the oloer n . e.8 weighs about 1200 Its conical jaws are made of heavy sheet steel . OETS, ,5,000 pounds, good limln, plenty "factio n aDd o\lred ·hhn. Corell ~uvftr Sor8I, Tumll .Ute sta~e a.s a who!e and the main body or water reservo ir and plant the and is very gentle and quiet. . 8oU."r .looll, Jilcaem". SIlI,Rb enm loss on t ube of heavy tinned' plate. The water valve is lP, afire was 17X per . In the case of Marga ret Gref{ory, IDfaUlbltl for 'PU8II. Btlrnl', Scald., cant of buddil ' . of brass with rubber packing. The valve rod their sound value. ' . . . . , H e was sired by Noblesse. he by \ Cute.C ornl. 9r.o."II'.O.~obw"'tzt. I th 5S22bu ildin..... and trip spring are of steel wire'; thumb button wtth a of~lkbn.agalO8ttheOhlo~ectnc .Dictato r. he , ; . '- . by Ramble tonian X" ' n e. and other fitting'!! ' are also ' of Ul'ass, The ma.• ~dway company, d ~ WtREI:.ES.~ TELEGRAPHV • as AIlema, by Red loss of $6....681/103. the 1018 which 8um of $5 000 were grante chine is well put togethe r with rivets and solder d the' plainWilkes, he by, George Wilke~, he by . . ' . would have resulte d had the fire n~t tiff. and should last for years, ' .. Hambl etonian X. ThedeV'elopment of Wireless te.leg- ~n pu~ out was $88,890.1~. TIns The plaintUf made it appear to th . No Stoop ing When· USing, Ther e___ __ _ nphy'h U retU;hed su~h propor tlons fiIlure fllven for the amoun t of value eourtth atwhil eshewa sdrivio galonf l fore No Lame Back s. that it has fgund ?esi~ble to put ill ~eopardy does not i~clu~e the the puLlic high~ay. near Frankl in 0 gtrt!r a coune an the subJect an . the Joss which would have occurre All kinds Of Plants, such as Cabbage. Tod In ad- last 8umme r the buaav l'n whl'ch she .10 t ' I ... d . b 'Id' 1'; • had th' fi It A bee .e ectiica l ellf!lnee bacco, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Strawb erries, ' , rlDg epa~en t ~at·Joinmg 0 lOsure Ul logs a IVtn&' co. e . re ny n and her daught er were seawd. was, one parting with insured mare forSweet Potatol:!S, Sugar B als, elc., are set in tbe State Umver sity. Special eqUIP:' allowed ~ s~read: The Insuran " ce throug h th'e ' neglige nce of the rail- feits in~uranc!,!. Care .will water and covered at one ope~ation. 'f he plant meDt ~r this work ~as ~n provid· on the boddm es In which be taken fires 00- way compan y struck by a ear and to avol~ roo'ts are put down to the proper de pth below aCCidents, h\lt cannot be ed and the coune WIll be offered for curred was $20,756,808. th b the surface where the ground is cool and damp. d ' lished d tb . _ respons lble for any that may ' occur. . o the first t,i me next year. When the Althoullh t he .value 0 f ' ble e tsUIlllY elJl to ~e an You never have to wait for a ahower; plants '1 thrown grounde occu and F or f urther partlcu ap...-tu iJ 'bistalle d the Univer sity proper ty in the state haslnsura ars,"mqulre. or may be safely set out when large enough •.regard - , double d panturth tha h th .~t I' tiff' Home Phone 72-6r, Centerv llle • • . 'ffi less of the weathe r-no matter how dry and dusty 8 e. e pam . ~ call W,lU be a~l~ to ~mmuni~te directly smc~ Exchan ge. the fire ~al '8 0 ee was es- ttiDederthe t injury the ground may be. of a broken . arm. ' . with the wireless . s~tJons .o~ ~e .tabhsh ed, the fire loss has ~ ~ Mrs GregQr y is the wife of ~ 1Ih~N8 , of . ~e Erle.-U mversl ty duce~ from ~Ieven to seven mllhon 'D~ ~:I~~~~e,!i:h s GJ'eflOry, of ' ~I,clin, and is well I!. New. Bulleti n . • very little practic e can easily set out 7/000 to ': Ohlo geta lDBuranee cheape r, than known in the county . The case .has , 10,000 plants each day. Our planter mamta . , :e - • either of the five states ~ointnc it. been pendin g in court for some a record of over 998 plants to grow from each 1,000 set. MONEins time Y , Bill in nlinoiJ 1~lature ~t'oviding W. S. RoGER8~ !~te Fire Marall& REFUN DED IN CASE THIS PLANT ER It'AILS TO DO ALL WE l and those aCquainted wlth the facts CLAIM FOR IT, Weigh t, 4X' Ibs, This planter will save its cost ~~h~"Qur dq . f~r . women is "~oDrlp"iit'bemoat.oleverhtth. · arepleued~learn of judgm ent in dozen times over in a seasori for replant ing and for use at the ends~ ~ and ~n houn ,,,uheti .lIvere d Coffee Slraine r eve'rin voot f~vor o~ the plaintif f. of the row where you 'can't use the hor~setter, . . . ed Ge' noe free from Dr. Shoop, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ e .' Por sale by .' A. B. Sides and ~~7~~~~~~~~~~~ &Cloe , ' Wis. DT th.8 Coapon Pl'~. ~ F. W. Wa~w~r~h. Tbe COOpeD .ild Dr, ~bt)()p· . ··~ew ar These setters can be seen at , A. B. Sides' store a~ any hme , ' I trook 00 ' Healt.b Coffee 1I1l0t to 8a., • , ODe by eeoret}J IIfIrvtnlf I~~. a:!hoop • Healt.b 'Calfee at mllll) Urne. YUQI "hlltor or yoor hOl&band wlll decla!e be III drtnilin g re.1 (!otrtlf'-aDd ,et tbflre 18 not 1& ICratD Of 'T.,,,l ooSfee 1D Or'. tshoop '. HeaUh Ontfite • . Pure .creto... mal.t and nOlfi. 11'9. ~Ml~ ,'t'8 itil flJ:qot81t.ft t... t·~. 3~ fin-or. No 20 to S(' mloo.lfltl lJ ,thni(' , . ~~lIad~ _ IIIHP . . . In , " mtnot,, .,'·. Tn It ',~om YO,ar . ....·. . ~· ___ al ... ~I . . . . ldMIaI~ ... . o{r~)Cftr ilq'f) 1('" "p!eli .. lor "lilt!. . . . _ ~a_,"''''''''' ,"lICe " ow-:- .,; _ -=_ . .'1v lb' lJtlok"lJe liJla; Sold .b y .... GrC).. . ... IIY.GalCO 1liiie it..e . . ... .. ....... , wrll . .. '. . aM ....... /11 . . ._ It Ie. -,11!,nC rl .eGII ............. ............. ...... .. .. . . . . · 1 ' 11 ""i:"'Lin . fty' south in the lall Ciriw _ W • ~l .,.. - ' ~ ~ ," • ' . ' l1li... ,...... ....... ' . an4 '.north in th,' .prln~t1~e. like. ~ wild ~ .


c. B. Le wi s





Gen eral

***A*'* '** **" * .• MA FFI T;

Giv e Me a Call


O sc ar ' p.

0 scar P•

1 Masters Rapid Plant Setter







f B de ree tog


Every r,rmer' Truok Grower

PriCe, $3.75 '





·awv. ~ .,,'.hd,..... ,. ....... ....I... .. _





... the

MilO ~wuliQ YD. dis Pallet. at Conitantlllgpte _

. =~~~




AN INTERESTING PL\INT '1!,EST ,Th I' Is' a v foy sJmple a n(,i h iler st· ing (lh em! al t t by whlOh to ~l \ ct 1rupul·!tr III liul nl mat ria ls. 'rhou· 1;I11)-1t'\ und I bouSIIuds of 11 'pi , all over (h co un t.ry, are makin tbh; t Ill, I t is n s ure w'IIy t o sategunrrl agains t the many ndult ra ted whl(o 1 ads 'Whl hare Oll tho mnrket. ny one ' -ca n Ulnk the test-all luat i \1 cI d is a sIm ple IIltl e lus(\'lI m 'It I . which may be bnd fl'eo by wrltllig Nal lanai l.cnrl umpuny, 190:: 'I'dnlt y Building. New York, and n 'Idn g for 1I0us ' 0. 1, . ()wller's ' Pllintlng Onltit 'The c utfi t in lud l's nlso It SI'I of ('ulo r schemes for xt crior or Interior pal nttn g, or botb, Ir yo u wi sh, ll nd a uoole or spec lfl IIllol1s. 1'< 0 11011s('ownor s hould mok a ny afl'llngem nts for p nlntlng 111 1' h S~lS th is outfit. One call 't cxp et a satisfactory pn! nting job without pur whlto le nd. 'I'b ('re Is a way 10 mal(tl sure yo\l ' n~ g'tli flg a {lure whll o lend- wi! houl tes llng It. Sro · that tb e k eg bears -nlionnl Ll"lld COln))an y's fllnlOIl RDul ch n OY Palll tl'I' trademark. wh ich I!' <I positi ve g uarant 'e at }lurlt r. Your den I r probably has thi s wbll e len d. If not lc t Natlonal Lead Company know.





~· ~ n ...,.

oC ago A,lm 11'81 Sir P ct .. r

R n wll s hnw ' n eph ew f f;' \1 ct ply In lov tIt H I's t slJ;'ht wllh T.lldy Arub('lIn. Stormont. who /lpurn d his Illll'nll ons. 1'h (nd, flll orphHIl. w ue 1';11' n n b rth nil ml\l, hlpm an on lh" Ajnx by hl H un ·I{t. GII !!II VI'I' Il OI1 , n I'hew of SII' 1'h mn" V ernon , the b o y'!! p I. Th£'y all 1111 d a whpre J-!nwkahaw's n('pl ww saw


\' ~ r non

nWl Ph ilip

ver -

t Oll, nex t In li ne f o r h' 1'hOml19 Vlrnon's t ll l a t l'. They slu r ted a ,.l u el whlC'h WIll! Interrupt d . V rno n, Overton une! Htl\vkshaw 'l' n ph \V found tIl< ms 11"1< aUmcted hy prelly Lady Arabell .

tln~, 80 far In tb ftthlre, bet.we n 11 l:I and \"9t1.on. You th hal no tutUI', as It bas no past Na l.ura~ly.; r Md not s D;luch of my gr at-un Ie the admiral. H watt a " ry ijtl'l t dlscl(lHll srla'u , Ill' bably bf" nils h was us d to dis Iplln at b m , and bus ied himself more with l he concl\1 't of th s bJp than t.he captnln 11k d. 'I'he othe r mids hi pmen lIlI ged U1.ut I her was no love lost h tw e u 'npL Guilrorrt and the ndmlral, a nd the Rlllal n had be n hard to say tha havi ng' fi n ndmiral on board was IlIle ba.vlng a moUle r-ln-law In tb hOllse. N vcrth cless , Si r Pe lel' WB !'\ a fin o seaman , and tbe gUIlI'oom jol, was that b kll w bow 10 commllnd, fro m bav lng If'a rn eli how t o obey u nder Lady Hawkllbaw's Iro n ru le. Ou day th e ndm lrn. \'s st ward brough t ru e a m s8uge. Tltl" admira l's com pliments, ond ' wo ultl I dlnc In (he g r at cllbl n at five o'clock (hat day? I wus fl'i g bl ned Ollt of a y ar's growth by the Invitation , but of course l resl)Qnded that I sh ould be mosl ha pjl}-. 'I'his, li ke my }lrof'ssed anxiel )' to m('ct Ihe Fre uc h, wu a greut Jle. At flv o o'clock I pres nte d mYllc lr, trembling In eve l'Y 11mb. The firsl thin g I noted In the cabin was a lal'go portraIt ot Lady Hawkshn w as a YO IIII ~ woman. S he mus t have been very ha ndsome. II' Peter gave me two fin gers. and tll l1llng to the steward, sa lt! : "oup:' Soup was brought. W w re mostly Ollt of fres h \'egetubl II til n, and It was pea soup, such as w had In tbe coclcpl t. Sir P tel' g rumbled a littl at It, nud It wns soon r mov d and a leg of \lork brought on ; a pig had b 'eu killed thnt day. "Aha!" snl tYed Sir P eter. d ligh tedIy. "Thi s Is fine. Neph w, yO\l bave no pig In lhe gu nroom" Wblch was true; and Sir P e ter h elped me liberally, a nd proc ode d to do the same by hlmsolf. Tbe stew-

at her agel And Lruly Arabella 1.4 Ii v ,'y b'eautltttl young lady." SIr Pet r grln ll d like a Tnt-trnp &1 this awlnvard omplLUlent, and re. m ar ked t "y s, ~' es, rail lin Is ilke my 10(1y, ex 1)( not heIr so hand som. Egad, when 1 llI!1.rrl d Lndy Hu wksh aw, 1 had to cut my way, lit rally with my s wore\' through til bod)'-gunrd ot .gen· t leruclI who wunted ~.r . And as for her I' 'Inl.lons- well, sh .dell. d 'em, U13t's all. " I tl'l · rI, with ·nll tho little art 1 POSSflSS el. to get ~om Informallon concernl n ' AI'l\heJl n ou l or Si r P lor ; hu t beyon et te lling me what [ knew b fOI'e-t hat sll "'llS his gr eat-niece u n t he other s lcl e of th e hrouse and tlrst cOlIs ln LO Oalliln e, und tll1't h r fath er, now rl ead, was n scamp nod a pnnpel', In s plle of lIolng an al'l- he told nlO nolhing. Bill ven that seem d to how Ihe gn' nl g ulf betwcen li S. Would s he, wIth her ueauty nnd her title, condE! c nd to a m lelshI)Jman somewhat you nge r Ihall hC' rs If, nud penniless? I douht d It, though I wus, In gcneral, at a sn ng uln nature. I fu unel Sir P e tor unbenl aR the eI . canlors gr w empty, although T would not tor n mOIll () nt j rn ply tllat he was x('oss lv In hi s ell·lnldng. Only, tbe mellow glow which llervad s an Eng· 11 8 11 gentl IllUIl aft r a fe w glasses of go 011 por t enve lopod him, H e ;J.f;ke d m e If 1 was g Inn L had ' joined tho servlc(\- (o which I could say )'es with g reat s lncc' rll y; Im press d upon me lilY good fOI'tuno In. g tUng In a ship ot tb IIno in til beginning, nnd gave me somo admirab le advlcc. I l oft 111m with II (pellng t bat J hnd Il. frl nd In that (lxcell nt seaman , honest gentlom Ull, and odd fi sh, Admiral Sir Pet r Haw llsbaw. When T went below, I told my 01(,S9' males nil tbat had occurred, ratb r xaggerallng Sit 'Pele~'s all ntl'O ns to m , as mld sllipm II will. Then privately I con llded to Giles Vernon. I tolc1 what lllUe I bad found out concern. Ing the Iltar ot m y soul, as I call d Arab na , to whIch Qll es r esponded ' by u long-drnwn-out "Ph.ew!" I Implored blm , It he kn ew any 0(' ficer In the .shlp who would »e IIkoly to be acquainted with Lad y Ara~ell a., to pump him fot· me. 'I'bl s bo promlsc!l ; and the ve ry noxt day , as I sat on a locker, studying my th orems, Giles came up. "Dick -," said ll ~, "1\11'. Buxton knows the divine Arab ITa. -She has a fortlln e of £30.000. and ~o has the dove-eyed little Daphme, aU Inhe rited from their granddad, a rlcl,l Bombay me rchant. It seems tbat ' Lady' Ara· bella's mother bought a coronet wltb h er money, turned out a POOl bargaIn. However, the e.a rl did not live long e nough to ruin bls fath er-In' la.w; and little Daphne's parents. \.00, died young, so the old Bombay man left tho girls his ' fortun e, and mado Sir Pete r theIr guardian, and that means, of course. that PollY ' Hawk· shaw Is theIr guardian. Mr. Buxton says he would Ilk to see th tortune· hunte r who can rob Polly of those two damsels. For Polly says rank' anti lineage are not even·thlng. Sbe -ber selt. you know, dates bacl~ to the Saxon Reptarchy, thou gh sbe did marry the son ot your drysaltlng·great· g randfathe r. And she wants those girls to tparry men; and what Polly Bays on that score Is to be respected, consIdering thnt sho marrIed Into II dl'ysnlUng family to pleaSe ber self, 01 to dIsplease her re lallons, [ tlon't,lmow wblcb. I should. · say. t hough, It you are honest lind deserving, and mind your book, and g t a good word from the chaplain, you will probably on, day be· the husband ot little Dapbne, but not of Lady A'1lbp.lla : no maD shall marry her while I live, that you may be sure 'Of; but when I marry her, yuu' may be side-boy at my weddlng'I thought this speech " ery cruel o~ Giles Vernon, and believed that he !lId no t know wllat true love' was, elsl! be could not so trlfie with my (ee\lngs, although t here was an echo ot e arL:!!'\' ness In his 'Intlmatlon that he would kill any man who aspired to marry Lady Arabella, . We were three weel,s In the Bay 01 Biscay, tbrashlng to wlnc;1ward IInde. topgallant s'a lls, and expectlng·-: daIlJ and hourly to run across n Frencll man. We were hoping for It, because we found the Ajax to be s ' ve ry weatb· erly ship al}d fast faT her class; and both Capt. . Guilford and Sir Peter, who had sailed In her before, knew exacUy bow to handle her, And we wore to have our wIsh. For, one even· ing toward suntset, we sighted a ' French ship of, the line orr our beam; ,and by tbe time we had made he r out, a ,light French frigate was coming down 't he wind, and In an J:tour wf were at It hammer and longs wJth both of them. (TO BIll CONTINUED.) Woman, the illogical. Woman Is ,n ot only barbarous-sbe Is illogical and inconsistent 'as well, ¥~ . . marked a m~n of letters to 1\ ~-rlter in tbe New O\lleanll TImes-Demociat. I was walklnp; In the cou!!try one day with a young wbman. .In a grove :W41 came' uJ)oir' Q, ;bo), about to s:Jln .uP a trlle. " There was a " nellt In ,t he tree, and trom a . ~ertaln angle It, was . possl. ' ble to .see 'it . three eg~8 · " 'YQu wicked ,little boy,,~ said· compan~ lon, .tare you golng up there to rob that. nest";" ,"I am" replied the boy "'HOW : c~ti :'you"'" she exdal~ed ! ~'thhik how the l ' motb,er ' will gt1ev~ ov~~< tlie 10'sII of b'er. eggs.:' . "Oh, sbe WO,D't.· care,:'. said the boy, "she's ,up, tllel'e 'ln your bat." ,-

CHAPTER II.-Continued. "In a w ek, p rhaps; possibly not She-But if yoU have ~omDlele l y' for two wcelts." And the surgeon de· c ured Mrs, Tooter, yoq W1v~ done parted. away with one ot your most lucrative As soon us be was out of the room, sources of Income. Glle'! sent tor \len and paper. and ard, bowever, saId r es pect fully: The Doctor-Ab, but I'll present her wttb the mos t painful rrort, uldlng "Excuse me, 811' P e tet·, but In the Inwith my blIJ, and then I'll have to his right band by bl s I ft, managed te rvlew I had tbe bonol' \.0 have with treat ber tor ne rvous prostration. to Indite. the followIng e pislle to Capt. Lady Hawk sltaw be ror salling, sir, she particularly desired m e to request Oyerton : PRESCRIPTION FOR NERVOUS yoU not to at pork, as it always dIs.Pheenlx Inl1, Ports mouth , FrIday. MEN AND WO~EN-TRY IT "0 ar Sir: agr ed with you." "This 19 to Inform YOU that I m l with "Wb-wb-what!" roared SIr Peter. • The impairment of the nervous force a mosl unrorlnlt Rxer,lent while comIng "J am only repeatiug Lady Hawk· in men at\d women Is first IDanl(ested :lown on lho cORch. My trl ne! ond mossshaw's message, sir," bumbly r eo by ex...... me nervousness, sleeplessness, mate, the Infant admiral which you 811,W spouded tbe man; but I thought I saw. ~~ ., with me, had reaa the story or Gehu In dread. worry and anxiety withou t rea· the BI1)lo or Homar, ItOI'II t whlllll, and under all bls humlllty. a sly kind of 80n. trembling of the hands and limbs, Bsplrocdl to drl ve rOUl' hors II. Whl h be defi rmce. Sir Peter bad no tear of wIth the sllgbtest exertion, heart pal- Id. lY1th. the' r suit that my right nrrn e ither round, grape, 01' double-h eaded was reblOhed out or pla.ce. Rnd the raacalP ita. tlo"... constipation, kidney trolJ"le, ~ Iy t1<ICtor who 8 tt It II1lY8 1 cannol UBe It shot, and was Indlffet'ent to musketry and a general innblUty to act raUon- tOT 40me dOYIl. Thill Is moat unfortnlt, 1\8 fire. Likewise, It. was commonly said ally at aU times as others with health It d"l a ~ It pleasure we antillslpated In ot him in the servIce tbat If he were in tbelr bodies do. our m eUng. You will hor from mo as orde re d to attack hell Itself, be would loon l UI 1 am re overed. Tho only thing ·In a half pint botUe get three ounces wltoh dlslurbs me Is that It we both go of syrull sarilaparllla compound and to Davy Jone",', twll plolUltl that old CUI'a~d to t~18 one ounce compound fluid · mudgln , Sir Thomas Vernon, bad luck to bal mwort . ' an d I t d t wo bo "e m , fllr,obUged and e t san . urs; 'm. Bell "rour milch then get one o\1nce compOund essence "Moat obedient II rvant, cardlol, and one ounce tincture cado. • "GILES VERNON, mene compound (not cardamom); mIx "Mid. OD H . M . 8 . AJax." aU together. shake well and tak,e a tea.Giles gave me this to read. and I svOO nfu1 after each meal1Uld one at re. pOinted out several mistakes he bad · tiring. . made In spelling, although the tone ot the letter was gentlemanUko, as everyUi!ng was that Giles did. With An Error. . ~e had dined ,exceedingly well and great vexation and some difficulty, he Wit!" s~dlng In the hotel lobby, bat- added a: postscript. leas, and lookIng exactly as It be-were "P. S.- P lease e.,(C IIS C Bpellng as my ann quite at l\ome there. It was no won- Is vl,'r y pRn rul. G. V." At that moment a marille from' the · der thot the hotel guest walked up to Ajax bounced, breatbless and In great Wm and Inquired Imperious ly: ex;cltement, Into tbe room. . "V;' here's the news stand?" "We are to sail with the tide, to"Dunno." nlgbt, sir! ,I .'be said. "Tbe admiral The 'guest glured . "I'll report you tor Insolence." . be passed the messenger on tbe road; the jib IIj loose, and tbe blue lleter fly· hlssed. "Huh Y" Inquired be who had dined Ing"-anU out he ran, to notlty tbe otber absentees. well. . "R'port m'?" Gllos seized tbe paper, aDd added . "aay, .what are you? A bellboy or laboriously : a detective or-what?" ' 'P. S . No. 2. T am just entorTnod that :'1 m It haberdashe r," answered the the Btu" Peter I,. fl ying trorn h e Ajl\lC, otber, with a pleasant smUe. ' . and thllt, rn y aNtr air, IIlgnl(\OIl that wo He Turned HIs Back Every Time Sir The other sno'rOOd nnd withdrew. are alJout 10 sail. Our m ee tlllg must be Peter Filled -HI. Glaes: po tponed, (or god knps<! wh n wo Will eat' fresh butt I' lignin. But you shall s tand - on until his jib caugbt fire; Work of fls" Hatche.rlel. As the result or special efforts in hea r trOll! n,,3. G. V." And tbat night we sailed wltb the but neithe r time nor ' distance wenkthe ' hatch~ry work during the year enad the authority over hlOl La<Jy tide. the output of flsb and eggs in 1908 wae Hawksbaw. . gre1lter than ever before In tbe blstory CHAPTER III. Sir Peler glared at the steward and of the naUonal bureau, reaohlng a toWe wet·o order d to joIn Sir .John tben at the leg of p~rl" and, suddenly tal of 2,8.7.l,456,280. or tbls number Jervis' fl eet In the Mediterranean juml)lllg up, seIzed the di s h and tbrew 2,413,809,226 we ro youllg fish dIstribwltblmt the loss of a day. and, whe n 11., }lot'k and a1\, ,out of the' stern uted for the stocking and r eslocklng tbe lide sorve d at nine o'clock that dow. As I had seoured my por.lIon. I of public and private waters, and the night, SIr Pete r Hawkshaw was ready could view this wIth equanimity. remaIning 467 ,647 ;056 were eggs defO r It. The officers, who knew Sir The next dish was spareribs. The !Jve red to state and foreign hatcberles. P eter's capacity for picking U[I his s teward saId nothing, but Sit· Peter The oulput ot· young 11sh excee ds the greatest prevlol,ls record for anyone anchors at sbort notice, were geneml- let It pass with a groan. It seemed to Iy 11I'ellared, and were but little sur- me that everythIng appetizing In the year by 376,000,000. prlsed at tbe sudden departure of the- dinner was passed by Sir Peler, In resblp. 'I'he me n, however, Bore never sponse to o...pecullar kind of warning er.t.TJI 01' 0"'0 C1T1' or Ttll.1:l>O. l LlICAS COtlNTY. r u. prepared to go. and lbe shll) was be. g lance from the steward . Tbls man, FI!..l.'I1t J . CII £N&r makoa O.lh that be II .. nlor 1J,lrtn., of tho 1Ir~ III F, J. (;lIIINf:Y do Co .• <lolnR slegod, 'Crom the lime she showed the I beard afterward, had sailed with him bus/.llll89 In tho II" Of 1'011'111'. Co un ty and S1410 blue pe l r uutll she set bel' topsails, many yeal's, and was' unde rstood to be afort'llAld, nnd llInt Mid Onn "II( pny tlle (llUn 01 ONE lf UN OR E D nOLI.AR8 for each ond eve,), by th e usual crowd or bum boat women, an e missary of Lady Hawkshaw 's. _ cue of (lATAIC"1I lIlIIL C8C1ou, · b o (Urod by tIIo u 8(lor sailors' wi ves, ta vern-I, epers, shop dea lWe had. besIdes t he pea soup and B~'s CATA1UUl CurtI!. , FnA~K J.OFl EIIoT,Y. ers, lind all the people wltb whom Jack rOllst pork, spareribs. potatoes, tur\b~"~:;; ~ybcJn~':b'n~,S'ib""tl~8~n my 1I,_nee t rades, and wbo are loath to part with nIps, ancbovy ' with S8uce, and n cus"J -SBU I A. W. OLEASON. him for reasons of love or money. AI- tard. Sir Peter, however, dined off 1 --..- r NOT ARY PUUI,IO. thou gb all of the stores we l'e on board. pea soup and potatoes; but I obse rved Rail', C&brrh Cure l. taken IntC!mally and aria there were marltel supplies to get. and that be was bls own master as far as dlrecUV upon (bo blood lend WC/COWI aurfot't'S or tho Q'IlI!lw. Scud I.or !<·.UmonIn18, rroo. th<l mid shipme n were III the boats con- the decante rs were concerned, and It Sold by all Dru ~.~: f~.ENEY 4: CO .. Toledo. O. s tantly unlll the iast boat was hoiste d occurred to me that he had made a Tall. HAII'I F'IU1l'ty I'UIli lor ronsllpMlon. Ill, just as tb e music called the me n trade 'With tbe steward, by wblch he' to tbe capstan' bars. It was a brilliant was allowed thIs Indulgel~ce, 'as ! . noFatteet French Soldiers, Occasionally our Purls conte mporar. moonligh t nfght, a good breeze was ticed tbe man turn ' bls back every tes entertain their renders with an ac- bl owIng, and the Ajax: got undo\' way tIme Sir Peter fill ed his glass. Dinner being' over, tIle clotb recount of tbe tall est a nd tbe shortest w It I) an unusual s \lread ot gall. As we conscrIpt. Now a jOllrnal has gone 'flOssod out the nar\'ow entrance Into move d, and lhe stewq.J·d gone, Sir one better and dlticover ecl tbe fat- t.he wads , the wind (reshened and the Peter appeared to be In a somewhat test recruit In the French army, who great s hip toolt ber majestlc way better hUID~r. His first remarl, was: bas been found at Corbell. This bon· thi'ough t he Heet, a mountaIn of can"So YOIl are tond of the play, slrY" orable etlstinctlon helongs to M. La,. vas showing from ..-all to truck. Tbe ~ replied that I had been but once: ,v erdlt, tbe son 'ot a mei'chant In the II> 'f irst few days I waa overcome, as It The time, you wen~ . with Ql1es Ve.r~ oallty. ' Tbe young man turns the scale were, with my new life and ·lts duties. non. If the co~h hael b~ol<e~ d.o~n at 268. pounds, avolrdupol~', 01' ratheJ Two olh r midshillmell, jl,lnlor to my- heLW\'len London. and P-~rtsmouth.' ,,:,e 'ove r 19 stone. selt, had joll.\ed, so I' wjla no long(lr tbe shollld bl\ve sailed without elUter one qxcluBlve \.Iutt ' ot the ,c ockpl(., We ot yQu.... Thrilling Experiences, , I did not, ~entlon that the ' coa~h "aave you eve r bad auy haIr· Sl)ent most of our spare time expresslng the greatest· longing (Of' a meethtg had upse t, but ,_~erel.Y said that .we breadth ·escapes from death ?r" '''Yes, two. Oace I was judge in a w~th {be Frencb , although tor my oWn thought . there was no danger of any ~b1: ' !lbo"" A'no ther tim , J Inter- part, even whJ1e I wns bragging Lhe dete nttQn •. and: tha.~ Gll.e.s Vernon was _---'-'..,...~fered with a man who was bel;ltlng his . moat, I (e ~t a slokness at the heart' In. no wl\y resp~slble for ~y ,,-olng ,J' ' .' w!Ji'Jl I IOlaglped a round shot ente r- to umdon, as he k~e.w notlUng ' about wife. ._ ' 'Ing m v!tals!" GlJeq Ver'n~n was B~11I Jt. until we met tbe coaeh door. . , P.rttc.UI~"I)' for PartiCUlar People. the d ear~sl obj~ct of my adm'tratlon I wlUI .l'6volvlug in my mind whet,her ~JlJ1e ,~e flsb Ilatlnli to Uae. Bnglers: Bouden( Vanilla I~xtract js pruduccd . alfectlons:-A1WBfS except~ng that 'I could venture ~~ Bilk 01. th~ wel~ar_e "Talu(.'me whUe .Lam IQ ,~tbe h;~ from fine Me~lc;Jn Vanilla Ilea.n"-a pur!), and c{)nl'C!nlra~ fillvQr, All ~l'OCef8. Put ~IJI1.ilely beautltul bdy Arab.~~ But ?r the dlylne Ara~.n~, and Buc!~e~.y but thl!)' take no Ilotlc~ of It, . 'lIrJ1d tb!a " ,&8 rather tbe admt.ratllln 'of a u. direct IDspll'atlon ~e, to·'me:;..I If'"' .often attemp~th!, 'feat when they a~ lIP' In 1(1, I~ a nd ~nt: botUca, ' . '"'--r,glow-wortll ,for a star. I, ha4 DO one 11iarked-l'I'lth blusbes ' and tremo'ra, .J . It Ia little n.. trlibg to ¥tome.. Irick . Worke,..., else .to love ei:cejat Gtleil~ ,and evon B must admit: .- .'. .' 1n··.lJJe'· eea or ' ttelh ptUIJl&'. brick ylfQ employ ileatlt mldJIhipman 8OmetblDI, "S9'" yery lIice'~Il': StorID Uw iilUlU»' :,:-'1W","'" WCIJIl4ID. ·1 cUd DOt much &r~qble m7181t .bOD~ mont !Quat Lf.dy Jlave.... ' ~











PUBLIC STATEMENT Bya Public Offlclal-County


of Gl:snbury, TelCas.

RISKED LIFE FOR COUNTRY. Capt. TII;lbett9 of Mai ne Resisted Argum ent , T hrea ts and Bribery to Keep Powde r from Rebels. All th C''l ul!l and :l Inn It nnlon mcn wil t., clailll ~l ll ill (1)1 (h II' home dldn 't vo lllntc 'I' ( 0 'l.~o to loe 1'1'011(. und carry I1l\lHI{\!I ~ lIllrln ~ t he civil WDI'. l\lan y o f thcllI pcr f rmod ()Vtl n gr n l r !lervlces for tltd,· go \' rllrlll'lIl lu pace· rul pu rs lli ts. Onu man who rl s ko(1 hl ~ fo r t line, his )' (lllt'nlion as U II lIcr.css [ul s hill maste r 11Ilcl touk l1is li ft' III hi s h ands 1.0 pel'form a service fOI' Ihe go vernmt' nt III a tim · whe ll s nc h B'l'vlces 1l1)1. 1,l n uln W . were II edell, ",us Tlh\) tt s of POI't1 nll£i. It wus 45 yea rs befor e ('ougl'css recogni zed his just claim s a nd \ll1 lu th e debt It uw d opt. 'I'l bhetts. On Deccmhpr 10, ] S60. Capt. 'I'lbhell !! WIlS th e ItJ as t('1' nf (he hrlg 'roi" nado. T h !:!outh kll w Iii Wllr was oming s ud wcrc III'CP, ring fOI' il_ 'I' ll · north was y('t to he a wll koned to th o d ong I' of \\,ill' , alld hud mad!! no pr pllraliolls. The T Ol'llurlo \Vns cha r· l red In 'ew York to carry 8,000 Itogs ot ;;UIIIIow(1 1', weighing 0 tOilS, to Ne\\' Orl ea n- . 011 the WllY south I h e Tornado ran Into a hltrJ'lcaM. 'I'h . hlp was dis· mast d. '\\ Itb Il jury l'i l! apt. Till· belts got b r into the Island of St. Thom as 10 refit. Tbere, for lhe first time, he 101,ll'n d. that tbi tt'eots of the south wei' b Ing urrl ed Ollt, thnt s lU\ aft I' 'stole wos sec dlllg (1'0111 the un loll a nd that tbe cOllfede rat s were seizIng gov rn· m nt forts nnd I\rsennls. H WIlS lin· d l' eyory obligation, as fol' as hi s cblll'ter lind his own e l's' ' In strllctlons wcnt. to dellvor that corgo ' of gunpowde r to New Orl eans. . At SI. ThoUlBS lher we re SOUlhern sYlUpathl z rs. They " 'nat the To r,naao carrlecl and c lnt d Its fu ll value ' to the SOUlll. SOJUe ot them sounded Capt. Tibbetts as to 'I\ls In ~e Jltl9us anel found t hat he h nc1 delermlned to ret uru to N w York with tbe cal'go as soon as his brig was ready to sail . They tried argume nt, bribery and finally threats again t the plucky Yankee skipper, He had no one to . cO\lnsel ' with, even 1)18 old acquaintances at ~t. Tbomas wer sympathi zers wltb the soutb aud Insist Ii that be should take ·the g unpowd e r luto N w ' Orleans. S ~ v eral week II pus,s d while the brig wa btllng fi tt d wIth : naw masls. Ef-

A, A. P erlIlns , . ounly Treasurer of GrUllbul'Y, Hoot! 0. , 'r XIIS, says; " Y 'UI'S ago n s vere .. "'''''''''1 .•~'.d I'n ll Injl\red my kldneVil, From Ihat time 1 w;s both c\,ed with a chronic l ulUs huc k and dlsord red n lion ot th kidneys holpl1d to make life mlscrable for me_ A frl nd slIgg sted lilY usi ng }Joan's Kidney P ills , whl h I dld,t \\"Ith I h II ost g'ra Irylng res nits. T mlldo u p ublic slat om ut at th e tim o, recommendIng Doan's Kltln y 1'II\s , nnd am g lad to confirm thnt s lntlllul"nt now.'" ohl by nil dcnle rs, fiO cents 11 box. Fo sler·Mllb urn 0. , UutYu lo, N . Y .


Em ra'tse·t month! . Omes B, y-Y sslr ; hu t I'm IilTlgllged now, und' my gil'! wllllls to ue look about. : Tactless or Tactful? "Walters who hlro ont for ' parties ougbt to b ' train I f l' 'that," sald one who hns suN red. "f..,llst night at 8 IIltl", harty J W IlS 'Ivlng n wBltcr t thou"hl kn w his buslne s walk\,el up to il dlsllngniallcd s ing 1', who was In t h midst of a song. and Insist el upon her tak ing a plat of salad ,und U glaBs of punch. Sh'o hnd to 1IJ:0p the sone to get rid of him ."




By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable.f0mpound Gardlillcr, Malne.-" I b ave becti

Capt. Llncqln W. /Tlbbett..




ftom organic troubles and 1\ severe f emnle weakness. '1' h e doctor saId I would }tnve to. go to t'be hospital for . an operation, but I could not benr to tlilnk of it. 1 de- ' cided to try L)'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and anativo",Vash -nlld was entirely cured after three months' use of "~;Mrs. 8. .A. WILLlAllS, ,n, F. D. NQ, 14, Bqx 30, Garc:Uner, Me. ' , .. No ,voman should 8ubinit to a surai.· ()al opera.tio~wh1ch may mcan death, until she has tjlvcn Lra E, ~inkbam 8 Vegetable' ComP9.un made exclusive. ly from roots aud hor 8, a 1nir trial. This falUoua, m edicine for women has for thirty :y:eats proved to' bo the most valuablo "tot.!'!c and renewer of the female organism. Women resid. In~ in almollt every' city and ~wn in the United States bear willtrig ,testimonr:to the wonderful virtue of '~ydia, E. linkhBm'a Vegetable Compound. It corell female iUs and creates radi~ ant, buoyant female health. ' uJon ~e m. for your own sake as we as those you love, give it a triaL .

forts were made to In terfere with tbe work.. to clelay t he departure of the blig, to Indi lce Ule crew to ' desert whllo the southerners III St. Thomas tried eve ry way to Induce the Yankee sklppe l' to go on with his cargo. Compared wltb the money involved and tbe consequences · to hImself by a failure to carry out bls contract. he Mrs: PlDkbam, at Lynn, Maes.. fe lt that his res)lonslblllty tt'! his coun- Invite. aU Ilck wome.ill to write try lu time of dlst.resll was of far h.e rforadvice. HeradVloeJatree, -. greate r Importance. So he sot sail and alwayS he1lJfuJ. from St. Thomas and headed ·for New York wltb his cargo Intact and followed by the curses of th,e trlends of the n~wly formed . confederacy . I'W............~'" PoslUvei y cured liy ehore. tbeae LJU1~ ".,Is. )n .due tlme be reached ,'New York They alllO relieve DI.and bls vessel waR seized. The coun: tniBB from Dyspepsla,Jn' dlgestlol1Qud Too HeartT try was much wrought Up' by ' tllings Eatlug. A partec' rem· which had happened In the meantime edy lor DlulneN . Nau· and little consideration WIlS gl~en th~ 8.IL. Drow.ln.A, . Bad TaRte In tli!lHou 'li.,"Oo,,~· rlghta of Individuals. The cargo was .d Tongue, P"Ll1 Jo the taken out ()f the Tor~adQ and sbe was ===~_.J8Ide, TORPID LIVER. held In port whUe other sblps were re~.te , lhe B,owela. Purely Vejtet&1iie. I~ , demand for,' the oarrylng of war SIlAtlP.ILl.·!MAg~L.DOS£,. S~AlL material. Sevetal weeks ,went by. and ' the . Spn..\~~ M... *t Bear brave . Yankee sklpper!s claims 'l or or~ F'~c.'lmll"Slgnat,.re .dl!larY ' consideration. were lost sight at and his loyalty to tbe ' government ~ passed , unnotlce!l. Of co~rse C~p", TJbbetts ' and t~ owners ·of the .Tor.' Dado ..h·a d lost their fJ1!lght· money and th,e se~vlces 01· ' t~e brig for many w!ieks. I "Efforts we~ made W have these 61alms t:'e~0.Jfnlzed. 'b1,lt -mthout yall j ~bey-.. dJ.d Jigt· ask to 'be rewarde~ Itqr, the ' e.n emy of nece~­ Barr war 'materIa). but they asked only . fOl' nie 10SB tb.ey had Buatalti'ed 10 the · Int~r~st 'c:>f , the' fOvernment. : . _ For~y:flve~ ,y eara pa,8Bed gi,-ess gr~pted .the betts. Then ,7,600 w:a. \ap,pr~lprl.ateld settle ' the· clatm, the' captain· plaied I.n auppl,lnIJ - Vle ~IOD .Ub <feed IUuI war

( I




PRICE. , ~


..aDhaa "from VC!rt to abJ. ~, l'1lilnlb.- t b .. I'I • .Ir' b~ PI1~'"



IN PRAISE OF THE COUNTRY. r Rllidence There Ha. Many Adva,.. tagea of Whlch",Clty Qweller . KI)ow, Nothing. ' TIle are hnrdslllps In th e oo untry; struggles ar necessary to wrest u li velihood from th'e 8011 9t'- tram business in a small community. But every stroke can be mnde to COUllt for permanence. omments the Columbia Stnte. The tood and tho all' are better; mnn's Independence 18 more real, where he can own the ' roof that shelters him and th., ground upon which b cun grow his provis ions. Every (lOW or horse added to his holdings Is an Increase of hi. ~apltal. Little by lIltl . yea r by year, be can. with Indqs.~ try and good jUd~mellt, Increase his store of worldly lOods and gIve to bls children a tangible I nherltunce, a foothold In their own land, an anchorage from which Ihe shifting thles of trade cannot dislod ge them. And w'hUe such a family 18 living Its own life. solving ~tIl own Ilroblema, It may e njoy the same literary and artisllc Jlleas ol'Os, lind the same gen ral ad"'&latages that tho e'lty family hs.

Waa Beyond Word_

Sheer ExhauftJoa Hou ... and Cured by

4'1 am s eventy-eev ears old, and flam e y aI's ngo 1 WIl.& ta with eo~ema from b ead 00 tooL was sick for sIx monlhs and wh at Buff red tongue (lould not tell I coold not sleep day or nIght b ecause of that dreadfal ltclllng; wilen I did s leep It 'Was ft-om s he r exhaus tion_ I was one mass of irrltaUon; it. WWl eve n In my 'scalp_ The doctor's medicine s eemlld to make me worse and' 'r waa almost out of my mlnd_ I got a s et of tbe. CuUcura Soap, Olntm nt and R sotvent_ I used them pers is tently for twe nty-four bout'S. That nigh t I slept 11llo an Infant, the first solid J)lght's s leep 1 bad had (or six months, In a m1)u th I was cured. W. Harrison Smith. ML KJsco, N. y" Feb, I, 1908." I'ou.or

nnw a: OMu,. Corp.. 8010

P","" BaIlOIl.


Prodigal Son-Father, I have returned! Father-Yes, gol dern ye, I thonght you'd sbow up about the time the pretty summer boarders begun to al'fiYe at the farm I -


----,, - - -

Not Hie Bu8I no.l. "Pow'ful fe rtile country daoun theh In Texas," snJd Ihe colonel "Yes, seh! Why, seh, I know spots dacun theh ""here the trees g row 80 close togetheb that you·all couldn't shove youh hand between theb trunks . . And game, sah! Why, "eb, I've seen Fehglnyuh deeah tn those !:lame fores ts wltll antleb·s -eIght feet spread! Yes, lIehl" At this' poInt Bome meddlesome idiot aske d the colonel how such deer ever man'a ged to get their antlers between tree trunks. "Thet, seh," Bllld the colonel, drawtng himself up ,with squelching dig'J)1b, "Js theh buslnessl"-EveT)'bodY'1 lil1gadne.


. Loc2t1onl of Promotion. . I!llzena, ng d ro~r reveled In ' kinderprten lore, and each day' Imparte d to I, her Y9ung mo~b er t.h e many . Interes~· Sng mtng~ the ii1\teet-faced teacher bad 'told them. ' Among the vJclssltudes of school life to be encountered was that of vaccination, which was new to the little one. Aflel' much explalnlng and reassuring tbls difficulty was safely pas8ed. A few weeks later ahe returned one day from kJndergarten in a whirl of excitement, eXClaim· lng: I'Mother, mother, I'm 'golng to be promoted-mother. will I be l)romoted QD my arm or leg?" NOT DRUGS Food Old It.

fr~~1rll11IBIffi~§1rIE§S ~1iENI ~~"i(:~

aH)d 5U$!g~sti 11)5 a$ to EI!1~erta8Il)m e ~ts Otb~r ,!\ati(:rs o.f G~ Jl')~ll'a1 HlI')tel1'~stp W ll"ittel) by lM\a<dlam~ ff1.~ll'I1'fi.

Shirtwaist Luncheon, This Is the selUlon when, t he needle\\'ork girl thinks of th e n.e west vain· kl es In shlrtwnJsts. Women of a club that meets once a week to SQW were the recipients recently of invitations Hke the rollowlng: "Come to an Inronnal lunc heon on Tuesday and wear your latest shIrtwaist; bring your work:' The girls expecte(i something new, nnd the y were not disappointed, The color scheme was pink, which always se ms tbe proper thing for yo ung girls, for whom' we always ex; IJect thlugs to b e '''coleur de ros ." A long-stommed pInk carnation was laid 11t each place, and this dainty menu was s erved- nothin g new about It, onl y It jllst B e med to b th e rlgbt thing : ("rl;am 01 T omalo Soup. o1~ V4lAl Loaf, Onrn ls hed wll!) HadIslll'8 und ·ucu rnlu, re. Tl'renC'h Frl d Potatoes. F'ru1t 81\1u(l, Cream boose antI Waf rs. L:he rry SII rb t '11' 1111 PInk Fros ted akes. P Ink und Wlllt.e Bonbon~. otr-. Wi th tlle dessert walnut-shaped bonlion boxes we.r bl'OUght in on n tray. W h en o pe n ed some contain ed the follow in.g brlg'bt conundrums, the !Insw !'8 pertaining to a shlrtwulst: ~hnt (I~ tl> pugilist gIve hIs antaganh,t ? AnKWM'- A curt. Wlll1t (l 06 1! H>-mfl'll say to the shlrtwa.lst G'II'I? Anaw r- My 'Yoke t il easy. "~l lIm cl Ol's tl> pl'f'sl.c lnl gIve 11. a cldIn g ..'ot ' ~ Anllwer-Wh.en thl'rI! 1H 8. U W11M III th pretllellt thIn g In Il ",hl,.twnll'l t ? Answer- Th glrl who w arB 1t. W hl' III n. SIl\\-m1ll ,,'llool like tllo ehlrt\\"BIBt Jrlr1? Answer- Becau8 th Y both "



~I L'! .

girl wbo answered all five ""1l.I! n 1\ pall' of scls!IOT15 In a cas , Aft. er the repast a doll was given each girl to be dressed ""Ith mate rl Is fut'nlsb d by the hostess. The waist part had to be a shirtwaist. It was a \'Ory jolly 'party and the dolls we nt to a mission school In T ennesaee. Th.(1


80uvenlr POltcard Luncheon. A girl of 16 planned· and carried out this affair, wllich was really delightful The · scbeme Is Ildapta.ble to church societies and club functions. In the invit ations, which wero ' issued on p08tals, the ~eBts were requested to bring six of their most Inter,e stlng cards and be pre pared to tell about the m. , The table c nterolece was a ball of ferns, in which were stuck wee silk flaga of all nations. E ach girl was given 11 foreign postcard /1I1d told to pick out the ftag ot the country {rom whlcb It came and take her place nearest to that flag, The girl wbo bad a card from Be rn took the German colors from the ball, etc. Bonbon or Dut holders were made by paRting paper cups on the corners. of postcards; the guest's name was also written across the card. Tlle Ice cream was white with a stamp on one corner; tbe.'guest's Initials being done with smnll candles. Afterward p08tal · card stQrles were told and the flne collection of tbe hostess was tbo'r oughly enjoyed. An Announcement Party. This was given In ' the evening, and both men and women ' were asked, '1,'here were about 20 guests, all good friends; 'so tbe affair was not at all stlff. The hostess passed oards tied with true-lover's knots at blue with llttle blueprints (snll,pshots) at tbe happy pair at the top. Below the word "Matrimony" was printed ' in hlue and 'gold l,e tters. rhe r.a~e was to /I~e how W8lIY words (proper names barred) , could be made In Ii half hour. Everyone was surprised at the announcement, 'which was told without any other ' explanation, and the couple


II \i; new l·y-morrlo,a_ .l.Ulou1--_1 song W ~ I " lI'ylng to c] tilde 'Vha: nume to gIve theIr Ilnll -bl"rn child, but eVf' ry nume th y t rl~d WIlN fo d (or tnlk nnd a rgume nt till friendS d ill u ll dec lure, Tha i tll"y we l'o sIck or talk ' ubout t h co rulllg son Ilnd heIr.

were overwhe lmed with oongra tulallons. At tb e conclusion or the word cont es t a bas ke t was passed containing Uny bells, wee sllp)Jers, two rings , two hea rts, e nve lopes containing a love: message. etc. Thus partners , were "No bett er nnme tha n DavId," s he Bald. found by mntchlng these love tokens. "W e' lI ,'er find, " Then, to th e music or Lohe ngrln 's TIll h e BUl''' 's ted SolowaddIng l1Jarch, th ey went to the din· nian, 001.1 til n she chllngec] her m Ind. lng room. wb e r e this dainty repast Dpclnring thu t on ScrIp· was served : Creamed chlcken In , ture nnmes they nevl'r co uld ngre '. henrt-shaped patties, hot bIsc uit, also "From Ad a lll In Sa.ln t P ler, th en. we II h eart-shaJled ; ambl'Osla and pink-Ice d cu t " '01 out." saId II . heart cak s. "Lov r '!! de light" nectar was sened In tall glasses. This wa s She 11k d her fllmll), num p: "No, I con' l 8toll.l (or Sm Ith." 8uhl he. Dl er Iy grape j ui ce with plenty of "It won' t go well wltl> Hub lnllon, th'lt', c ra ked Ice. tl' Ufo, " IH' Cf:! d l1 c..1 sh e . Th )' rinllll}, ngr . ,() on John- ' t wus 81m' .. strong a nd plul n. A Blr:! Party. TI> np liwlten li t last the baby l' nme, th el The hostess said : "Please come cal\t!d It- Mllry J une. wElarlng somethi ng to re prese nt n bird ." Th e dining room was gay The "Eatin'-House" party. with flow ers and branches of fruit Thi s Is an attrac tiv e and nov e l Id el trees In blosso m; th e re we r e several In s erv ing refreshme nl s for a card canary birds In g lid ed cages, and th pa rty. Iud lI, It Is s uitable for a ny cent rplece was a jar fill ed with apIJle evenln:-\ gat he rin g, but prefe rably blossoms. H er e a r s ome of the wh e re sco re curd!,; are used. birds represented : D1ue btrd, bobo· Firs t, the gues ls are provldfld with link, bluejllY. rohln , blackbird , yello\\ tiny purses Ins tead o f card s. and Inhammer. c uc koo , Phe obe (girl had that stea d o f punches wh n a game Is won, name). magpl , ng\ (A. atblrd, parrot, pi e ces of ca rd board are gi\'e n marke d cocl!atoo, r edbird , CHC . Pltds and pe n· wIth figu!' s Indicating various mOlle y clls wer passed, and a v ry jolly value:!. These are used lat r at r eo hour WILl'! spent. ILfte r rerreshments, fres h ment tim e. for til e di nIn g e ndeavorIng to di scover the birds r e p- room Is arra nged like a stallon eating r esented . The conrecllons we re tiny house, and Ihe guests buy tb e lr recandy ~. freshments with th e mon ey which has accumulated In tbe pu~~es during Ibe A Sofa Pillow Shower_ game. The brIde-ele ct was one of a club The dinin g r oo m may be arranged of six. Whe n sh annollnced her en- simply or e laborately as the bostess gagement the othe rs planne d a lIofa- ftJld s tim e und mea ns at he r di sposal. pillow shower. Each one selected a Boards arran ged around three sides pillow desIgn, with colors that har- of th e room, and fiUed up with stools monized. When all were finlsbed. th e around It may be used \[1 n eu of tabride was asked for a lunc heon and bles, and the guests are served by found a cusblon on he r chaIr. With waitresses, appropriately Htte d with each course the cushion was changed, aprons !lnd bows In th e. hair, who until all Dve had been presented, st8lld Im:lde the Improvised counter, tbere being lust five courses with this From this may be served doughnuts, end In view. ' pies, cake, apples, hard·bolle d eggs, The pillow designs were all worked sandwiches of buns and bam-all tbe on burlap In the new stitches which array of tbe conventtona·l "eatln'· are so effective and quickly done, house," but It may be of th e best and This Is certainly a new Ide a In show· most palatable, and the unique servers and a most acce ptable one. Ice, and nove l surroundings will add MA DAME MERRl. zest to the fare. On the wall may be hung placards, "No Smoking Allowed,:' or "Not Responsible for Hals alld mbre llas"anything which carries ou t the s tation Idea. EPH'S PHILOSOPHY. The coronet braid Is again In vogue. Paris has abandoned the dlrectolre style. Vivid effects In millinery are discouraged . Irish crochet lace Is t.he favorite for jabots. Skirts are jllst a little wider around the reet. The re 1s a general trenel toward fuller garments. Tussor and Shantung will b e as pop· ular as at fanner times. Burnt anll butter tones tleem to be the leaders among straw hats. Black and ""bite combinations can· tlnue to be popular In millinery, In millinery thebJack hat Is a strikIng adjunct of the spring display. Wine colors, from th'e lIg~test to the darkest,' are popular for walking hats. One ot the modish colors Is cendre, a rather deeper shade Ulan ashes ot roses. Sleeves must' be close, but not so close at the elbows as they Were duro Ing the winter. Straight front corsets still prevail, anti the 'new shapes are long at the back.


'.'IIIllIlnllll'"IUItIUI", •• I II"',"'"I"""'".II",III'"IIII





CASTORIA For infants and ChIlt1ren.


The Kind You Have ~l AI~ays Bousht IIIIIII .. 'UI"' ..IIIIIIII' .... I"'IIIIIII"'IlII'"'IIII I II II I II I III

ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT AV~gf'abl(> Prepararion for As-

simi ating

the FoodandRe~uIa­

ling .he Sromachs and Bo,,-els of

Promotes Digeslion,Cheerfulness and Rest.Conlains neither Opium ,Morphine nor Mineral

,Bears the






Aperfec l Hemedy for <;onsliJ>ll' lion, Sour Stomac.h,DlarrhOea, Worms ,Convulsions, feveri5hness and Loss OF SLEEP.

For Over Thirty Years

fac Simile signature 01


CASTORIA Shiloh Church to BII Repullt. An effo rt Is being made to build • sultablo memorial c hurch on the site or t he o rigi nal Shiloh church, on Shiloh battlefield, now one ot the most attractive ot mIlitary parks, It was on this very spot the bloody battle of Shiloh wall , beg un on the morning of , t April 6, 1862. It is the purpose a build a memorial church to eost not less tban ,10,000. The names of all contributors will be recorded In a pe rmane nt r egIster and kep t on exhlbltlon 1n th e church. which will be open to visitors and tourists. ___ .______ U•• Allen'. Foot-Ean. It Is tho onl y rellet tor Swollen SmllrtIng. Tlr d, Aching, Hot, Swea tIng j'"eel , Corns o.nd Bu nIons. Ask tor Allen'lI FoolBuse. 11 pawa r to be s hilk n Into the shoes. CUI'es wblle you wlllk. At nil Uruggtals nnd Shoe Slor('s. 25c. Do n't accept nny aubstltute. Slunple lIen t 1"RElE. Address, Allen S Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Lut Chance. "Why should I be married. In a dress lult?" "For two reasons. It's fa s hionable, and tben ;you'll have a dress suit."

alt EZ E phraim : "Aa here, And look out 0' thIs wlnder, I seo two kInds 0' folk s: Two of a Kind. the oneil "Yes," said the for e r, "I get my That h ~ lp. nnd them living from the soiL" th nt hInd er, And It don't make no Illt"Same here," reJoJnec1 the :waBbladJ. (eronc , , 'Bout s x or age, I Bee, For th ere's Ihe WIdow Baln, wll!' Uvea Right slrnlght acroa' from me.

Western Canada ths Pennant Winner

"The Last Best Wist" The gqvemmeDt oJ Canada now glv~ to every actualaettier 160 acree of wheat-Ilrowlatl IODd free and aD additional 160 acre. at $3.00 an acre, The 300,000 cQntentedi American lettlers mnklng their hom~ in Western Canada is the beat evider.ce of' the auperiority pf that country, Theyato becoming ric~ growing from 25 to SO bushels wheat to the acre; 60 to no bushela oats and 45 to 60 bushels barley, beaides having splendid herds of cattle raised on tho prairie grass. Dnl-ing is an 1m.....or portant indu8try. The oroI' of 11108 stJlI k~ep . WHtern CanadJI In the lend. The world wl1\ Il000 look to It IlB It. food·producer, "Tho thlD, whloh m ost ImprclllCd II I 1'/1\1 \ _ m4llnllu(\o of Ul" country U, .., 18 ..""liable fur 4II,lcuI1ll1'1.1 pU.IIOB" ... " - .Nu l/llnul .E~ltorCal ' (JOfTrJlplifutenu. J/ICIII.

rIltea,lI'oocS .. hools ADd church". market. convenient, prIces the bllJbut, c\Jmllte perfect. Lond . Ilro 1", 11110 lIY &11"1\)' IUId lond ComplUll ea. HellCr1ptl yo pjlulpblo ta IUItI ru ll p ... ut free, j,'C)T mll" n,y rows "ntl ot llor InrormnLion alllll), to BO I>crlnlolltlontut Icollllg m \Jon. OUt,,,,,, 0Iuii0I4il,.os:> Ibtl aUlborlsud CII.n"dII1D (Ju", ruwun~.A.onL:


La_ Bulldln".

Toiedo. Ohio• .

This Trade-mark . Eliminates AU Uncertainty

She never wall a bIt 0' count: Just left \I nil to Baln. I'm not surprIsed he up onil died; He coul(ln't s tand th e ,1I1I·nln. And Llzzlo I3c rll~ge8' youngest boy. Jus t works frt;l m morn till nIght. The others all depend on him, To make tho houso go rIght. Doc. RobbIns' wire helps every one; H er family depends On h er advice, and Irelp; so doe. Till! 000, and ' all her friends. I n'oUec half the fotkli ar.1l weak, Laclt grit, and fall and doubt. But thli nk God, tor the other halt Who always "help 'em out!"


Low rlll1wAY

Dolt Now

A W·o rd on Tout. In the first place, Ule thIn woman or man should not eat toast. It Is not conducive to flesb, exct'pt-and ot course, like most things, the statement must be qual1fted-except that any tood which Is easily digested, Is more easily assimilated. , Toast, however, is chiefly valuable because it Is partly-prec1lgestea by tbe action of the heat, and, agrees with most stomachs. It Is, however, conducive to -.:nstlpation, and sbould not be on that account, too brown. ·Heat the toast.. slOWly, thoroughly. The fect is bad If browned quickly betore being cooked through. . Oven heat Is best. For milk toast, do not boll the milk. Let come to the boiling pelnt, then pour over toast, previously buttered and' sa\ted or sugared. Ohlldren w}ll eat toast Wltb sugar when they wUl refuse it any ,o ther ~aY.


The Surest Prevent( ative ' The quickest acting and most reliable remedy for all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, Bladder and Kidney troubles, Gout, Jaundice, Headache, Biliousness is

DR.D.JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS The,. are tbe bigbest .tandard of excellence for all tbese ailmenlll. Used liS II Inutin, purgative or cathartic they are most soot bing t.nd elfecli.,e.

Sold hy all druBgI," In two IU, /,oxu, 250 anti I Dc_

--------- - - - - - --..._lin-

Shave In 5 Minutes



Tomorrow A M, ~ ~•. t~e a CASCARET at bed time; get up in the moming feelins fine and! dandy. No need for aiclme.

from over·eatinll and dri'nlr-


i"ll. They surely work while you a1eep and help nawre help you, Millions take them and keep , weD. a box Illr • weelt'. lrulmeut. an drull'lri.ta.. Biggest &¢lIer lD tbe world. Milfiou boacs a IDOIlUl.


~ ,-



Dr. UcJNT0811 celebrated

, Natural Uterine Supporter 1I, ... 11T,ruedlato relief. Sold by all auJ"

~Ica l inl t.Tument daalent and leadlnll dr\lRlfI~UI In United H11L18and(....nacSa;

ODltiloll. IJrloo l1.tlUld JMLrtleulal'la.necl

CUI Al1pltcaCion. UA8TIN08 I/; lllcl.NT08U


UIZWlllnot 8t. .l'lilllLdolllbla, Pa.,~ ' m&nufllotorora ' of tro ucs &114 1010 makers 01 tho (J onnillo 11&WpeQ "J4clnl.oSb" BUllI>ONr.






,1follo~ in/;{ it! t ile prol(rtlm to IJ r nd.~r d .lit tbe oonveotiOtl to be

lu t tbe Hlok ite Fri ndl:! horch 'I1.t ur dn and FridRY of t his week : Thursday Morning, Mar 27, 10to 11:,)00' 1 uk


Just Received


~V hll tB untl e l'~t!lndal'(l ~h ou ld


be otl'li r ed 10 the ~oh ools I1nd Town. !!!!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!' t! bips o f \VnrI"1\ count.y for HIOIl aurl

The Neighborho.od News

•• ••

•• ••

HIlO: :J. 'un w hn Vli It Ut'll<lI\) ito ll in •• oao11 !I h ool? "hil t iM Its prllc t H'1I1

•• ••


vul u e ~


;j . l:! QW lJ tter devel p n m is itm. (try spirit in ou r ounllllY ; h o.,1 'l'lJe . E . Rally heid at the Frieml ', !lnd obllr h \V u rk ~ Mrs. Ella. Rye WUB cnlltng on Mrs. oburoh on Sllturday wati largely ti t. 4. Whllt Hi u T acher t rn.ining John Smith ~unda.y afternoon. . 'lass? elm a Ulllll 'ohool mlliut in tended, , t M[s8 Bert~"' ~mlth wa, en er, Miss Sarab HlI.yduok waS the suoh a OhlB ? t alned by MI B Ellen ~berwood duro ' .. .. s In . F rll.n kl 10 ' un d MI' . 5 How can w develop h ettel' 00. , 'goeB t 0 f f rlen ing the commenoement !lnd a.1umnl. 'b It ' k opemtion between Towns bip and L.J C 0 k' M am lS urg I1S wee . , Mr .. and Mr . LL. • a In, rs. Reoben Jones Is visiting r e latives Co unty organiZl"tionf Prudenoe Dakin, Idrs. Ida Parsball . C I b d N k ' 0. 'l ' be temperRnoe victory is . 10 0 um os an ewa.r. and Mrs. Kmnll~ ~urfllce were Sun. Miss Lois Wbitl1kerlfi ft Thursd tty oors-whon shall we q ui t workjng~ day afternoon oallers on Mrs. Wilhe for several weeks visit in Meohanic. What plnns for future wo rk?, who ie very ill with dropsy burg. 7. C'ln a Horue iJepl\rtment b of the heart. Wm Blair ha !lold out the grocery or ganized in any scbool ? Whnt itl Mrll. J. H. Chenoweth and family be recently purohased of J ·a s . Pete r . its praotloal value? 8pen' l:iunday wtth Mrs. Amos Jaok. son to B. N. LeMar who ta.kes pos. Along what lines lion of.Mt. Bolly. ses8ion on Monuay. Town hip Conve n tion prognm b There will be next Mr' Alice Kay of Hutobinson, given ? , d&yat 2 o'olock and l:)und~y at 10 :30 K • . . 't'Ii Id fnen'dB here Il. ()l1oll Rally Day be made tL IloDi., IS VISI I go .. , I b b T J Wil 1. 'o'olook at Midd e Rnn y . ' . Mrll I !!abella. Collett and Netti ce ? . hould eltoh ohoo 0 S llam8. EVllns', of Wilminrrton, ' visited III. t tbis dLLY? Wby 'l , P , Mrs. S&rah Morgan a~d daughters week wHh Mrs. ThOR. Ba.ydook. 10. , What shull be tbe ~ astor MelUe aDd Catbarine spent Sunday Mrtl e. V · Craig gave a parcel pl/lOe in the Sundav 'obool: evening witb her 8i8~r. Mrs . John sbowe'r on Thursday 1D honor of her 11, Wb'Lt is the e r e utest need of of lit. Bolly.: dan bter Miss .LI\ura. who is to be oor sohools to.d"y. Mr. and Mra. Nathao and 'sooo ' to tL Mr. Benson, of 12. WbLLt· will y oor sobool do to daughter C6UlItia, MiMea AliceC!:rn. l:ipring Valiey. forward the wOl,.k io Warren County oweth aDd Berth& Bnntb, s. Lewis HoJlund wasclllled to Spring for 1909 and 1910 ? . becoa . and sister. &I bV the death of 4AppOintment of ommlttees: a lley on Creamer were eotertain~ b~ Ro!~rt his mother. Mrs. Thomn.s Hollflnd. offi?ers, and.itin g , Plao.e of n ext mee t. Bradd~kandfamUyat ~ fl.1 n· Frank Blair and family, otDaytou , ing reS?lotlon,

Spring Branch



New Burlington.





~nda ~mU~


fo r M tt.y



19Q9 .

U -2 . ' 'fo t he Lot wne'r !l f Miami Cern· Sj n ging tery; Ohio. Se leoted R e lulin g . 'I'll .\ u~unl W " I ).) 11 nr LIII' 1, 0 1 i \\ IICI'S 1I,~r!a._--AAH....,L". MliuuLCuulOWl'Y AHiIotlla~I"1 will" 'hul,1 a til Praye r. clo Ing with Lortl-'s Pra ye r . lIl e l ~ry 'hUIWI IUi R II ' ull, M6nday, June 7, 1909, ·in g iu g W \I.·nll t t,hC-! or "p) tn knpw WI' It p on ive R ad lng f Lo.sou Il~ I " 'docl III thtl 11ft 1'110011 , (UI' Iho l'Url~)!W or oIu 'Ii llg rhu rullO,\int' : Ilrs !llill hlllldl h ,u f:ltncly 0 1' L 80 0- ·JO miullt eR Two ( 2 Db·L'CL.tlrti lor I hre Y "I1 I.,. . . ' ingiog Uu ( I ) Trellsurer fUI' OllU ye Ir. " 'oll tlD O U ll ( 1 ) ('Iorl, (ur 0111) rCI,r, Revie w of L sson. AmI ror such ol.llIlr hU 81u " us \\'111 IlI'Ojl' er\y ('(lUlU lo rOl'l' I. III 'l't 1111( .. r gllhl Lot 0 \\ lIel'S. }{llport of eoretllry 0)' uroler or I he J'I'UtlIUtlIll of 11.0 Uu uf' 1. . AUIl I\ro ('ari-y in /{ II 11I!'g liut' " I ' 10 ing 8ong. ,\ . 11 . HAHLAN. 'l 'l'k , Plt))er, . We III ~o hav e 11 Jf you lire not u m Illbe r of "om .... 'o lllpletA line f Sn hb'lth ' ch ool , we shall be m r Ulltn III IIllecl t o welcome y o n t~ o urs . Carpets, Rugs, LinoleVole llr~ quite !lure you oan belp O!l Bull t,lu> t w e Deell y o ur belp; al\.u ums, Lace Curtain"" IUllybe we in oru way Dlay he e n. \ IJI 'I'OI{ 'S ll V"'II ' I~. I , • I\' " I< I< fo: ~ , ', H I I ' 1' \' , II ul etl to II !:list yo n . Window Shades, Etc. J.,CiUllnun , \)JII \" ,\1 " ,\ I ;. I !III!!. \ ~nhhllth Sclwnl lJeg is:s prolllptly ,EU /,llUl'O S . \I. ~ \\' 11.1. In; HI':" Come in S EAIl" 'ivtltl lit ~1:J -, n , m . III' Illi s .. flit- lI11til K lll)t•. 1:l. [l EL LIS N, 1 _ _• _ .. _ _ _ MONDAY, JUNE 15, ]I}O!:l,





hes All


As (I U IllJ.r onel lu xati v .tunio (lnll h Idr.h lHlIlder no (lther pill!! can cOltlpu re with Dr. King's New Lift' Pills. l'bey tOll and reg'ullltElstom. H h, live r '!.I!!L~j dneYtl, Ilurify the hlood, tl'engtben tbe nllrv ~f4: oure t)Usti]lt1 ti on, DYf4pep ill, Bllto u s neR ' J /\ nnrti c H.ol1dncha, UhillB nnd Mo. I ria, '1'; y t hem, 25c u.t }j'red C. Sch wa r tz 'B'.


No :me is loo king forwurcl witb mor pleltSllTI:! thlln t,b hildre n t.o the fonrt etmtli 1I11IHIIII t~ssemLJly of tIle Minmi n11 y Cl1ll11tRUqtlll which op o s July Iti Imd 10 e~ Angnst 13. The fil:st eig hteen days .will b.e on th o IlUle plan as in fonner yellrf4 , The last ten d~y a band of aQ full blooded Indian ~ilJ pres~nt B iu.wathn..· a UletLD of l' ng the I g ud , llltltbs und co!!toms J of North ADlerionn Indll1ns iu, 0 n . orete form Longfellow 's BiawathlL ill without a riva.l. To the Indian the perforuuloQt; ill 111:1 solemn 11 the Pl\ssloD PltlY Is too ,the pe" ant.aot.. or of ber.Ammergan. 40 full blooded IndiRnti will present tbls beautiful I gend every an~rnoon und evening. They will live In wigwams on river ' b,mk aOlI will live 6S tbey 're ncou tomed. to live in thelr()wnbomslI, It will belt.reul







~ura Wtlr~tz



M~KlDsey the.x~nillo

Zimmerman's Strawberries Fresh Berries every day,

Orance., Lemon8,

!hinaria., Pln'e apples, Tomatoe., ,


, Cukes,

~ ---

ilL 11 11. 111.. rol' 1111' ,',lIISlrll"llulI 01 III . 1Il!C ' ..,;sury III UIM~ 1I1i pll\\ s Lu 1I1111Ulb :.It ll!~1 r. cl J\ tkWSSt>rsuf !\UUll'I'J ,,w ny ill L' I" 'o unr y, tv corn ' lI y ru- uJlllrul~ nlliliu I' 'Ill ~...IUI ".' tit" YOU I' I ~ I U vi z: ~ I ups III1lI JlIIl IoS of uadl "Ilhlb'll III Nulll '011 111 y , 1II"Ul'lJOrllltl,1 UII(I u!l llIt·orp.l· rnt.O<I, uuc!t urlgi ll ul SO('llllll U lid I' l'll 'ilollul $ 'Liun 1i'1I urlc"ulI Hun y unll 1,'rllcl,lullIIl Survey WJ.llu \ "'11 "11 110 "'ltlJLury UI.l:lLrIi'L; \ 11011 Lhuir Hul.x.tiVlsm US ; ntH.! tv 1,)u "IUd " aud " ut l'\!d 0 11 Lhu Wokg h) l> IlI'Ovicloo Ill' IIIu ul.H!ur III till) flJlIu wl llg mllllllur, Uilli UII l!ttl f u \l\I\Y l lt ~ scu lClS l\J-IYIL: J,' 1I<:'I'- .-\\I UIO pillt.! of III illlU villuul 'Lioll!) UIlU lo'rucllullul '1,lo U8 L'Oul )JrIHhiK lil 1111111 tl'llCL l> LWtJ'1I tho ,lHaUlI hi vul1:<. IIJ'tI 10 U til lui Oil n IICnJe of forty \ ~ u) nKlIi 10 tIl IlIcll ell(;./l lllllt~fJd ;;(lIJUrllll)l),- whil Ihu lIun.our of e,'you, KaOgu nllu 'l'owU81.1lV ; l1ull 1111 LIl.. phil O; ur ~ h or,si lml Sur vuYd ulld \0'I'l10<'Uoolll tiw'vu)'s cOllillrillu.Ig tilO lund tra'loS III .luh.lUouJJty 111 till) \ Il'Kium MJlh.u.ry UI~ I riC:l IU'I.I 1·0 1J0 muuo 011 U 'ulo of IIIXI y· rllllr (tH) I'Ollg to LllU III 'il , fJl1 'UlllalltJll sepurllttlly, witH Lholluillbor lIull 1111111 IIf Ihu orll:tulIIl prolJrlOWl' upon LiI*, Slllilu. unll p.I'UpOl·ly lucJtlX ....I ; also 1110 I.lowHIllry lill uf uuull lru c~. l nL Ul' IJIll'I.'ul of 1111111. oLh r LIII111 I<lWU 101<1 wllhJlI tllW" :l 'Lion or urI' y must IJIl plutWti U ' 'UrulU!! LO thu I'C:II 'Ll v c.IOO<.1 for sallle.onlerlllg Ull!lli ,mell lmo~ , IOLor llUrc I or Illnu U lIulllbur "Orl'UII))()OtLiUg 10 Ihu Ullll1 I)C III*' I.,wn 'r that'llOf, allu Illu llllJnbur 01 ii'l'I'lI cotltl1lneeJ lIIerlllu , rrl1ct1oDlI1 par"! of bel'll<! LO bo UX.llrossotJ lltlei· 1111111)'. '1'110 1I11UlOS or tllo nl8pbt;llv owuurti or'Cach trll ' j. to 00 wrlLt.IU III 1,,11 pro\'Jtlr 1)\11 u provltlot1 for /lUlllU ulO1I1! wl~lI til ' LtOIl , 1'OWII auu ' Hunl:te, tlounlJury IIl1us o! UI'IIIIIIIII 'w'vo)'!! ({J IJIJ market! \~ I b 001'" 01:,'8 uUd 1IIsIIUICU8. !IE th O- All tOw,,,, 811d vll I Uj[08 III lit! phLLtllC1 0 11 .. 8oulo gUllull1 w til IJOoks rurIIhllleu by ~htl Aulll",)!'. a llli to thu l'OrJ,IornlloD lin or I!Ucll lUi IIJ't) iJlcor)JOrllU!I.I lIlul \Jle lilies or tllO uurl relit llutLillulII< UIIU liuW lv,gloli LO s~lU t!orporll.tloD8. Ulld tllIl uulul>uus OJ the.h'LI! WI rOI:Orooo In tho original 1iO\\' lI plI1L$, cldlLlo.w; 111111 subd.lvlslou<I in !JI counLY roc'ONis UIII.1 tlle' s\I"OOUI wlMI tl"l!r u(unes IUlll wldth IIII(J III ,\tIel's , It II U11)1I' wlulh.

Mr. and Mrs, Ed ~oFI\rland, were hIe reading aod pmy er, Rev ; A. K. goosts of Will Olark and family argean· i addresEl , Professor O. B, ~"tordIlY. Yoong, reading, Consolu t itm, Mis Elvin Fires and wife wert! gue ts Grace Riker i offering i Ilddress: Hon . of Mr. and Mrs. Jaoob Sears Thur - J. '1', .Clurk. day. . Frid llY' 10rning. MllY ~ . Walter 'ribbals and familv spent 'll to 11 :46 o'olook. U Son day with Mr. Rnd .-rs. . J0 h D Morning prayel" ervioe. Boo. M. Heighway. A, Jameson ;'townShi]) and oounty 'M OSA B ogan II.n d son W I' ll ar d meeting, ,V, . ,L oerj r " l) cl\l1 of the Ollolled on. George Bogan a,nd family to'w nsbl' pa " respon.s e by "orne t.owo. " ; preparation " plan and Thnrsday even sbip offioer Mr. Wtll MorriS, Mrs. pur po es of future work i dOllg sElr. DavIs and Mrs. Mary Cleaver w are vioe, If , G, Wilson: Bible reading

, n~.


and prayer, F, B. t::tellrns. Reports. home depll, rtmen~, teacher training LLnd primary department i address, HOD. J . 'l'. Olu.rk i offering i apPOint· ment of delegates to the Ohio Golden Jubileo ConventIon Ilt Springfield, June , 11 and 10, HI09 i mi 0 1Inoeoos b i ' us ness. Friday Aftern oon. 1 :30 to 3 :25 0 'olock, 80ngservioe, Rev. W. T.Gilliland i Bible rending cmd prayer, Rev. ' · dore 'vVIlJia.Uls j addres~, W . E . MIIlerjllddress, non . •J. ',r , 'lark.otYer. iug i r.eport of treasore r i report of commi ttee, 'l'be new HtllU1PS being issoed by - -_ _ .. - - tbe government, in oommeUlorution of tbe AI/lskll·Yukon.Puoifio .E xposition, have been reqnisitioned by postmaster ~~nrr und are 'expeoted Clean Y~U1' teeth with

Tooth Brushes

'['hi 'featurewl1s udded /It (tbedesfre of many Chn.U!;lIuqUfloDS who felt that !:be eighteen pl1Ys wa tmtirely too sbort, Thls . will b e only one of the many felltllres 'IIIhiob hl1ve ben' plo.nned for \his seaso.n. Nearlv 400 tents wele rented be fore the middle of 1UIa u_ y , and the' ex '. ceptionlllly strong vrogram and ,the interest' Dlan'lfe£lted . assures. one of the best yeu'r " at Cha.utl1uq~&. Thousands are ti,ncllng - el10h yallor 'a muob more de 'i rabl\3 and helpful vacation at Miami V,,'lley hautau. 'b h ' d I bend qua tuati enn e a , a 1 t hI expen"e a ElO a muo eSB . .. . Send ptogram to F, Cromer, ':

~ 8,e~ ~r



--------IIr. .:____.:


Brown Bill - and-

Cloverdale •

!\l hi ~ hllm l} . 3)1 mil we, ~ of Wnynf'svi llf' , Oil IllI:' Uppe l' ~lJring ­ \)UI'O pik e , fo l' Lh e l'lllning tl~ U ' n. BROWN BILL is a g uoJ I{ lIel'al · purpos hUl'se,

CLOVElm LE i" Ull of th b : l I' 'her'on h II'S II in tId 8 e li on


f th~ 'ounlry, H · is nft n y ars o ld, lind i:,l without a bltt!llis h,

Lug8.~ show ' exhibited in the


Philips lot ....,. 1l'~iday ~tternqon and ev; ·e ning. 'fhe 'rGins of Wednesday II.n d' 'I'h ura day, made .. the lot wet and , was a'10109 t mndny, and good '. aoting I b ' M L im'p oBsib e; nt ~gar h B8 a. good . show. and qll were 'shown good treatment;: The work of the ·con. . . ,ev,e r seen tortionlsts WIlS the best l1ere an~ .if the ShOW, shuo Id• h .a ppeil arollod next, in Javora.bJe weather, they wtl~ be greeted by f Ih ' ul ouse. '.



in Il few days , . Schwartz'.s Brushes oo.n.s ·aem."v~a;" . 'i'hese@tIlIllPt!aret!aiutobethe10CentsA.PI·cce ··-'· b· :h f handsoinest tha t htl ve been put ou t j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' WI'thout< pat'n" y t e ~se . 0 ., ,.' they Will lie red and are issued in ~_ .. _ ...._ _ _ . S~hwa:rtz' the two.cent denoDlinll.tion only; WANTED 15 Cents Bo~t1e they will h!lve tbe portrait of William I:i. eWllrd, who, BS seoretRry 'l~llstwortby u'!un or ~man In of state, oond ooted . negotiu.t·i ons by eaoh cl)unt.y to advertise, reoej~e or. wbioh Aluska. was transferre4 from ders and manage hnsinllSB for New the oontrol of RUl!sil1 tq the United ·York . M.ail Urder Hoose. *1 .00 8tut6S. '1'he portrait is surround d we~klY i position per~a.nent· ; uo i~. by a oirole wbose baso·. re~t · on av€stmenL relluired. Previous ·ex. ,panel II.nd dillplay's li-ribbon reMirig perienoe not essontitll . to ' engaging . .lSeward'l:\· nome .. a~d tbe ~ord , Sp(tre time vlllua.bie. · Enclose · self Il8ka-¥ukon.PIlClfio, 1,909" On · . 11 " h' :6tde , is ·an ellipSE) ~ith the au~r~8ed .. envelope for ,fq . partloa· o~~~ numera.l 2 and I'Ii·u rel 'branohes.·uk! 11 A~drt!ss; QLA,RKF. 0 ... Whole· fbert ' ArlaE~I1S1lJn ;,i:' bll.okgt:ound,, ,. ' slLle Dept,. ' 103 Pltrlt Ave. ;·· ~ew '¥ork: ' J1rc:l.i88<ed;~ l. . < <.






$]0.00 til i118UI' a li ving coiL ,Any one parti!\g WiUl mare forfeits the insu rance. . ~~~~~~!!!!'!!~'!!'!'!!~~~~~!!!!'!!!'!!

.. ~I .. "'."U

.Gniciens-l' - 1 will pay the high st-

M S· r k e t ~~l:f~~~~~ f~I'~IIIO~.u~~[lun~!~~t~ ~~I~}'j'ft I - If' p. 'r lee' llluwrl~1 IlI~VS FIl"'f.ij - AU

ul~P8 auu phlt ~re k> b nuid


supw-Vlsiou of Lh . ' OUDLy Aullitor nIl to thoaplJr slonOJ' !!. vul of thu Jjourd ut unty·'\.loultoUi· SLX'!' l-r-'I'ho ror th lind "lnWi thlmWIder inSIrUmlll116 t.o he furnhlhctJ by thoother Couuty tllu supervision of thol\ AudJtor, SflVE 'rfl- SltJ(lOr8 will d08 prlcuJ)Urmapor JJI .. wmpltlW for18111i1.0 IUlbor tl e dllJ\lrollt kluUHauu nlso!1l$gl'\ll5fiwblds, El1'h blrlUur 'It Dl8 III to d tnll lis well lUI nlust In tIll) l.)ld on all thubut udln 0110 COliLMl ' • ' I





ug~lI~t8. ~wliJ'd. 8U~I1W1{I~uUI=rll!ilo:I~L: I'I'COnI\ h:ach lJid ' n."::~::f:'~l,:~ on bYltguocllUldtluntcle~t l one l,hOU8aIlU '\11.000)


For Chickens and P ullry 1 will b e in

of all kinds.

, Waynesville on Tl;lesdays,

Call Phone 142.

Qfl1u_m--l-1:~:~l',I,l:l,~I~~~~ . ~ =~:!lt~~ I .....................

'THE' lU"'O-AR- SHOW ' T"e



'l'IHItD-A.l1 Ll'llt:LII or llnrtels of hInd Whj(;./I uro c u~ tllroulfh by thO lIuo, lJlltw . II Wu.rriJn anti Ulluton UlulIlle.<. Or WilfreD Ilona 'lermoDt 'ollnLie ahl1l1 lJe sUr\'IlYIllI Ulld tho ex~ct Dumblll' of II res of !llI'lI trn ' ld 01' II~rco18 of lund lUI II WlUllll tilo lIc.lll11tJJj of , urreu ' 'otlllty: uccurll\.Qly lluLel'rul llud bnd noted OD !Jle 1I1nl IIr J)latH.

perfornl~noe ~"i: ..rl_~-'I\I",,'nn

Miss l:itella Lem.nlon, of Dayton, aDd MI88 Hal'tiet .Hawke, of tsprlD'g . . Valley. were.. week.enl;! visitOrS of Henrietta.: MoKinsey. ' a te r'h onse enter .-re.- M ary W .: .,.. tained ,her .relati!e, Mrs. Alma.Oon, f B UA.,S •• S&torday · ,"'okline, ,.IoI&CII. ray,o . r... " anil Sund . ay. , ,.. " , Li.Jlie N edry is VhlltlD,g b er week. Mtas IS visiting her 1 ..'~ in D"yton thiS week 8 a"",r.. . ' n goests of. George Da,,18 and na...iMills of Dayton spent 8u • 0 1 ', \ ounday, day with '. ' Elvin ·F .l res and family spent Sun· ... Henrietta and day with Frank Rowe and f{lmily. Mis8 DC;)nna Hawke viSited Walter 'l' was a Dayton vis· h 1 W..Anesday 89 00 8 ..... . • , . itor Monday. . Miu Ada ISnook and little Sister, George Bvgan Ilnd family. Raleigh of South Lebanon spent Mondll,y a.nd Evan Bogan spent SundllY with h ith f 1 d · ere w r e n s, Will Dunn I1nd family. Mra. Ann Olark and daughters Mrs. RlU'ry D nglesby who hUB IIpent Sunday in Colo, m b us. . been v"'ry Sick I' S reported ' lJetter at '"' tl·ng. M.r. ,"nd Mis. Jap Meroer, of Bar. this wrl veyeb.u rg, vIsited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs ..10ho Thompson was a Leb Jamee B~in68 Monday. anon vit;itor ~u.tnrdI1Y. rll .Belle Reeder spent one day u . • - .__- - .I'eoently'in Centerville. ALASKA. YUKON-PACIFIC STAMP

r~la~Ve81n Ha.rveysb~rg ~hi8



ner. . . were the goests of relatives. here on . 'l'hnrsdIl.Y E v ening . Mr. Edwin Ralll,nd . and family S d 'Tbis es ion io Bohoo bere for a, d un ay, . . were entert&lned at Sun ay - -BRit from 7:00 to :350'olook. hundred years. The by Ilr. and ~8. Frank B8.w68. . Wellman. ' lSong servioe. Rev, Floyd Poe i Bi- i a. mOilt'beantlful open alrTpeo 110 -8 • -.

'Howe Bros.,

li ev ing . !lno Doiut{'' -Jam6f\ 'ii,


8uug el VI , .Pr fe sO l' H . D. K,I · llisun i bibl e r OHlling unu 1II'1\y ~J l' , Mr~. ' Ru e ll M arrn y ; IIdthes", I ' v. \\ . E . •'purriei' ; solu, 1.1r,.;, Vi. 'ox; I1dLlress, R v . .Floyd 'p~)!l; utl'tuing-; 1'(l\lnd table, F. B Hwurtil




Wall Paper,

'l'hll r ~LlIl y Aft ern ooll I ::iO to :l :20 ,J 'c lock

Also a large assortment of Papers suitable for Halls. Parlors. Etc., Etc. '




'll~ • l'vio , in o h ~rge of Hev . W . '1'. Ui lJilund ; oriptunl l l' adin g nc~ prnyer R v. J. If, 'lldwallade r i I \V ru a of weloom . Pl'oeessor B. D. Kolli!!ou j respous , pr iue nt J, M, Balllilton ; ndd r ess Hev. A . K. nr · It,m eous blls. tl'e rill g ; mi ll

Se per Roll 6e per Roll 7e per Roll Be per Roll




Wall Paper





and paYlAblu 1.I\ CIl8O tho

t;wo or ~~:;'.~J:l1ei1'"l~: ~wo thoU8111ld (.~.OOO) dOlllU'll1 for thu pl'Qm)lt, faithful ~ccurnt<lllCl'(ormal)'.:eoHhowork roqulrcd.. to ber~UlIo. , . '.' accept<!lfJ


• IN'rU- AII 01 said maps aDU to he oollJpl tell, ~nd deUVllrod lIr8t to !olIOdllY . mnt')' ADdltor Oil . or heruro th . 01 Jnnuary, JIIIO. , ' 8tl _ 'p aymon t'8 W 111 I10 mlluo .' "ull DJO J. l'lllv mates of completed the Oount~AUlUtor lAud wor)c, 'untyap\ll'Oved (.;ommlllllibylIers, I'OII()J1V g' ~herI8I1t w retatn nfteQu .(JIl) per 0 all tlmlit uutll *"1 l\u~h.'Ol1IplotiOll work. Tllti rlghttorojf)CtMYOraJl'bl.d8Isl"O!iOrvcp thll COmmlsldonol'8, .' . By f)rd r of t,ne ounty CominlsaloDOrs. . A.. 'l'lLWEt..L, .\udltor or Wnmm CODntJir Ohio.

19. ·',190~.b

The Gazette

Is the Best . , Mediqm for. A~vertieJng_



, Try it.!!J ,.

..... ..




lX'l'lETU YEAR .




Lee Bilker Ilnd ftlmHy , of WIlfui .g, ] Messr!'!. Mont Hoblet, L. A. Zim Former Residents ton, were guests of Ml'l:!. lall StOk.~8 mel'mnn and J, O. cartwright trlUls. ~unday. : , t 1b ' I Leib '1' d . . Olrll phone 1l5- 1,!4 ahout ,Jerf'ey. . . , IlC el uSllless n a.non ues ay. VolltL Woolley. of .1211:;. WiIlillllls . U I HIgh grade Pamts StaIns of II I ~ t d M J Z 11 f Y 1 ' Day Was Observfd In sua plant.lII. . . . , ' " .1 u r. ItU rs . I\mea e , e. street CAUie nOll>r meetin g delltb Of County Sunday-Schools kinds, Val mshes, at u cut pllce I ,low t:!prin g(;! bave been spending 11 'I'll t1 . G t. Manner _ Hahn. the i ..cream man, has the all W C Ph'll' " ur a,y on erlOantown s Jeet, Met Last Week . . ' I IpS. ( . few days _with Mr. and Mrs. Frank when she rlln in front of White Line best a Iways. J b ' y f U'0 lurn , v. "ra,ne , 0 us. wll s ZelJ. oar No. 205, and WIlS pioked up by C. G. Williamson waS ill town Sun· here Memorl~l DIiY. " Misge Idll aDd Leila Gttbens, of the fender. Hon. S. W. Brown Makes Appropri. day and Monday. Israel , B~tt~rthwalte aod family Dayton, was here Memorial Day, '1'he ohild Wtl.8 gOing fo r Iln loe Prominent Speakers Present, and the ate Remirks-·Flowers . Convention a Success-· Superior Portland Cement at W. are vlsitlog in ~pringfleld. the guests of Mrs. Eva Miller and orellm oone, and was tossing a coi n Were Plentiful I\\l,sic Was (lood H. Madden & Co's. Mr. tlUU Mrs. !:iam Benkle. ~f family . in the air wben the ur rouueled a Frl1nk Bohne8, of Dayton, WliS Le.bauou, wel'e Memorial DIiY v181t. Mr, lind Mr~ , J . T . Liddy, or OilY. uurv . Mot o r ~!lu '1'. R Upton up. Memorial Day dawned warm and bere Suoduy IlDa Mondily. ort! bele 0 I U t b II t olear, aDd early In thl! worDing Uld . tau, were bere Memori,,1 Day, t.h" u see ng lo. e CO D ( not II op Pile forty.slxth annual oonven. Glory was flung to tbe breeze flam Uoad IIweet potl1to pl!lut s, Pure If you want the Safest and Best ' guests of their paren ~8 , Mr. I1nd the OAI' . Uloppeu t he fender und tion of tbt" WlurAn ounty I::!onda.y all tile dowo tuwn store" , J erlley. at U. H. H vok~tL·iI. Gasolene Stove ever made. call at Mrd. M. C. Liddy. oaught the ohlld . Be tben applied chool ASH oi~tion lOet here 00 Out of lowo people came In on Give Hahn yOUl' next ordel' fOI' J . H . Cll i eman·~. Mr. R. F. Mosher and Mrs. Edltb the breAks ILOd lifted the lItt~8 one Tburt'uay aud Friday of las t week. e" ry train, aDd by noon tbe towo fancy ice cream. Call phone 155. Messrll J . A, and ~'I'flnk Woolley. Hauls attended the funeral of tbelr t.o tlhe ground. Silo WitS nnlnJured. 'fbo meeting wlloslargely attended was' ~ned ' wlt.h people brlnKioi Juen Hllftsook, , of 8priug~eld, uf Da.ytoll, spout SUUIlBY witb rela. cousin. Abrtl D J. lroos ",t Lebanon by ue.legates anu , vlsltor8 from all flowerLt,'to ul'oorllte wltb. WU8 In towo on bU81nells Tuesday. tlves bel'e, on F riday. Mr. Irons died io Porto CItU!1I of nineteen hun,drat1 anU nine, over the oounty, ~nd it WIlR oonoed. WUh C()wpara~ively clear sky Cb~. liarlan I1nd fl1m!ly, of New Mrs. Jobn Hyatt. of UolumbuB, I II Rioo au tbe eighteeoth vf May Bod J Ohnstown High 1:)011001, eu to be the best convention beld Il~d all otbar tbings equal, Momoria 1 Burlington, were 'in towu Memorial the guest of Rev. und Mrs. J . F. WIlS !trougbt baok to Lebanon for Commencement Exerolbes. for mnny years. 0.,. for 190V w~ . Indeed Ii 80"OeSI'. Day. UlUfwalJlluer. burial. Thursday Evening, May tbe ~7tb , "",arlyon Thursday the delegates E&rly in tbe.dBY t-Ilti "Hft'~rent 0 'm · Mrs . •Jobn I::!ttmton. of Frunklln, A car Ioad 0 f Sup riol' Portland CeORE ATE R -P·1TSB atAuditorium eight o'clook, beglln to OOUle in,and by teno'olook, t:: 1 URO . wlttees ~8ut to work, . U b_f onA Is vlslltoK ber' slstor, Mrtl. Web. 'mellt just received ",t·W. H. Madden there W61re '.!everal bUDdred assem· o'olook tsver.v thlng wat! ' I~ elldluess ,\4eells . & CO·M. Call:and get our ,prices. A beautiful booklet iSllued by tbe A btlud80mely engrave,1 OI\rd bled Ilt tho Hlokttlte Friends churoh, tor thA IlfttiraUlOIl foxerol1l611. '. (f you want good ice ream, go to Mrll: U. A, Bough, of Leb"non, Pellusylvanitt. 00., is in our banus· reu·cbed os from HerbeJ·t .J. Long, 'l 'he first sosslon was good, and The flowere hellilU to Ilrrl va at tbe Hahn's. He bas it all times : Phone was the gue!!t of Rev. 'aDd Mrll, J . F . Mdlt sets forth in glow log terms SOD of Mr. Ilnd MrR. Eraok Long, of the addresses, muslo Bnd businoss of Townllhlp Houtle about nine o'olook, No. 155. Cadwallader, 'I'ueeday. ~ of tbe p08slblmtea or greater Pitts. Uolumbus, who blls just grndl1l\ted the morning, mnde a good oom· burg. This oompaoy bllS ex pended from the Higb BohQf)1 at Johnstown, ruonoement for the oonventloo , and it waS ,,~eo surprllllng .to the oommluee tbe uumbtlr 'of Bowen Jerlley BWflet Potato pl&nts at . Mrs. Otto ~hI1JPha"t.. of MODO~ . ' 25, 560,000 since 1902 10 that vloiol t'eonsylvllnia. Mr, Long was oper. In tbe afternlilon after 60ng aDd tbat " .. rne In. l!'lowers 01.11 kinds I). n, Rookets. ga4:8, Ppa..,ls, the ~lle8t of ber mot~. ty , Ilod tbey sooceeded iil mak. ated 00 In that. oity lllst winter for pI ayer, F. B. Btearns and Rev.. AI . ./' Beam ~o bluom espt ol.lIy tor t,hedll Y, Mr. uud Mrs. J . 0 , Neely, of Day er. rs atrlck, Cla.rk, of Uorwin. : log Plttsburgagreat r!l.ihtoadoented tlppeDdioltlll, but blls fully recover. fred Poe both made excellent ad . and b~ket after bttskeLoame In Ilnd ton, 8pent~undllY with Mr. tl.Dd Mrs. Mrs. NeWe Frenoh, of Lebanon, • - • ed {rool tne Ilttaok. He will join drosses. after whiQh the Ronod 1'0.. were takeo ·ol1re of by tbt' o"mm,IUee J 1lB . ~loops WIl8 a. Tnesdtty vlllitor at the bonle HOT- WEATHER REFRESHMENTS bis parent.! In Columbus Immedil~te ble subjeottl were brought up a.Dd in obarie. 'r~o of tbi8 oommltte~ , D. B ,Hooket.t sent. to New Jeney of Mr. IUld Mrs . WiJIIl\m Thorpe. Iy, where his father hat! a growing dlsouSSed, Many good points were 101"11. Loulll8 Wuolle.v and Mrs. Bettie and got his sweet potatoe8 direot Adelbert MoKay, of Day too, WIlS 1 am handling the beet of Gem busloes". brougbt onto UJementli hue lIerved 00 tblll 0001· Try them . ' bere for Memorial,day aDd waa 'be ~Ity ice oream and 8herbets all tbe The e\'enlng se88100 was a mls . ml~tee for years. and are alwaY8 on Mrs. Lou ~Iovd aDd Drirs, Amanda gaest or T. J. Browo and family. time. 1 am aleo pr.e pared to fur· OBITUARY 8ionary servloe, and it was laraely haod on thi. day· M ft\t r'" I V 11 be.... d M I.· nlsh all kinds of Fanoy Oream to a t teoded by our people. The pdo. . ' . Il ,,0 opr ng Ii ey, were er AUr. fln rs. LI. O. Rld,e were 800l!l.Is, festivals, -aDd ohurobes at On MI1Y 2 .19011, after an 1I10ess 01 al s ke·r tor tbis ......;(.00 _a'. At 1 :30 tbe G. A. It.• Hontl of Vet Memorial OilY. "U6IIttt of tbeir d P pea Q........ B , paren ..., _r. an epeolal prl1'88. Al80, all ladles will of ooly a few days with diphtheriA, BOD '1' J Olark otharwlee luiowo Come in and see the New Perfec· IIr8 Mahlon Ridge M;emorlal Day. be I1drulUed freo &0 my moving piC BeH8ie LODlse Chandler, dl\ughter of '£1 ' at' ~b h t th tion Wick Blue-Flame Oil Cooks at I Ifyou want or need some 25c choice ture show every nl"ht exoept Bat-' Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ohandler, of a: t fan a y, d w ~:Ol 8 y ay J. H. Coleman's I Granite Ware, or anything in the tin urdl1Y When in Deed of oream oall , D&1~on, Ohio was called Home. 6 !l e seere atr Or iunl t' ~k" • ' . ' . ' . tJ B • R~ ve a s roog m 8~ ooary a", 80r!loe Compton und fllmlly of ware hne, call In and see me. phone 165' and 1.. will gladly atteod ohe WIlS borD at Elmwood Place, D 1 tb I M C n ... ' " u r ng e even ng re, 0... &.t l New Burlington, were In town . J H. Coleman. to your wants. E. E, BARN . Dear Clnoluoatl, Oblo, Novewber Sr' the "Holy Oity, whioh Will Hhl • . Memorial Day . 190,1 and t.bO\lgh only five years of t ted b MI H ' '. . . ra y 8S ",raoe Rik er. Mn, Ueo thwke was tbe gue8t ag~ she had developed a rema.rkably Prof. C. B, 'Young made an "d~ of !I1iM Emma heigh way for a. few brlgh~ mind and was loved by all d bi h t helped by da,8 lut week. Deco~atl·on who knew ber. re8s, W 0 !iI ory was 'I'b bod b h W foor young ladle8, wbo told abou' Mr8. A. t:tarUn ' anll 800 Will, of e V was ruug t to ay068· tbe foretgn fle1l1s, and bow tbey' New' BnrUngtoo, "ttended Memorial _ ville, Fr~dllY afternooa and .interred gladly welcomed the misltooary. 0 .... exercises .bere., _, BY DR. M.. W. LANG. in TbeautIful Miami Cemetery. F rl'd RY morn i ng II00. ,M.'. A . .T .' , D~ W .. ~ d H' - "" -ftb "'~" .. . ' -, hedeatbofthis httleooetsdoub· J . ker, .&n d ' PCI , .o_rne .0.. _a " • A" .Il.Ia eroes.o e ,North L Heroes of the South! 1 d i t th ' amesoo was,'.he fi r8 t spea dley. of BIud"ll, ,oalled ~o Or. and No more you hear the bu Ie call to strife~ sa ow .ng 0 e f~ot tbat ~r8. be made an Impression npoo htis Mrs. WrIght ·on l'rlday. Under thereen swlt neath.the.quiet .uhandler IS atthe bospltal, tbe moth - beal'ers. After the - addreaa to"o. , ha 'I - on'1ieif8rs you seep till Judgment bU11e ar of a baby sister, born May 25tb, hi k di d ' io alt Us 'Are you going to ve a party, Cans. Back.ward. We, turn the years an seeyou j us t a few d ay8 b e f ore I'lttle L ouille . ,sI I b P wor was d 1 t sousee b V_ Oa;der your er~or8herbetofHahn, As you JIUlreh prou31y 'away under the' , p a8es, an a er repor.... y - •• , ti ' IIft~ k . ti to h 'Id . d death and Mr. Ubandler iD order to H kl P t Lo d M III . Fl whose phone ,number is 155. aU!l. !'i' . ....a eeQmg me. t e WI weIr . aw os, ro. er an rS.llan. . Muslc of,wal'---·We hear the SlIver tones see bis WIfe ooold Dot be neur bitt If· J T 01 t d -Ad '" n_:"ers and Mi88 Of bug)e callinlJ'-",e ..J on. . . ar rna e an .... ro.. . Mr l , Uclroline "'VIS hear the roll ofl c h I'ld ""I '" Ie was cared for by two D--k. of [ ,";'-,- 000, ' ... e' re gues·~ of 0 ... .. . aDd IXtU _ua. .,..... rum as you rallied' to defend the..tlag trained norses and every tblog pOI. J hlltu lIy0 explained ti the Ohio. Golden. Mrs. Geo.. H~rta~ok BaDday. 'fo keep it floating proudly in the skysible was dooe (or her :l'eoovery b'ut . u ) lee onv~o 00 , ' t d t 'th J e ega.tes were e1ec e 0 e oon· · M We see you part with those you 10ve~We see G ' , Miss Warren ~ d MlaS orrison. 'You press a kiss upen the dimpled flesh ad know!4 beet. 'Bis will Dot uurs t- t S I gff Iii d fte ot' Carthage, are speuding a couple Of babe-We see tile cold •.pale cheek of wl'fe be done ,. ven Ion a pr n e _ ,an a r , misoellane,ol1s bnaloeS8 '.djourRec1 of.days with Mrs. F. C. Schwartz. , Or maiden you adored- We hear you speak for lunob. , Brave -words of cheer and hope, to drive from them OEATHS ... j b E d d Mr."ao _l8. , a n vans an eoo, The awful fel,lr- W.e see. Y9U tramp thro' wild 10 the afternoon , after. several Ra~in~· and tangled s wamps with heavy load, Mrs. Emeline Pluokett, of { tioa., good alldl'e~se8 were made ~ the b~. Defyhlg hal1iship and di~:-We . see i 8 t f th I ti oloead You standing guard in sleet and storm, your brave died suddenly last aturday, aDd ne spar 0 e ~soo a c;!n lleart ,buoyed 'by thoughts of,home, and wife and babewas burled in Miami Oemetery the cooventl'on tor 1909. We hear tJ'le cannon roal'-'-we see-you in ·fue8dtl.Y Ilfterooon. eibQ bad been The reports fo~ ~he pa~t :real'. • 'rhe )Vhirlwind of the charge- we see you face ' aa i nv~\ld for several ·months. whioh . wer~ rea~. were gr.ttfyi~I, The ha') death.- We see you climb ,and mount . . ' os 9.n inorelUle was rep6rted trom." . . The parapet, ~nd mounted, plant your fla Loaise', t he five .year 0 daughter so boolll hi t he COODty, · Th~' ' Iadl~ FoYFre,edQm:s cause~We'see'you ' shot of Mr, aull Mrr" L &w ls Ohllntiler, of of tbe diffel'ent oburohes :.erved I, ~~~a~~~~ce ~~I~:e',W~ ::llyo:iyi~~~~U rise Dilyton, di ed last' 'l'hursday at !,Jer lunoh 111'tbe Urtb~dox R~ ', Brtok ,rhe fUl'rows of old ~elds petw,een the lines home of dlphtberin" aDd WIlS broug ht aDd to abont 200 eacb day; ' :'. \ l O{ flture, your Iif~· blood ebbing drop by drop here for burial in' Miami Oemetery . ThA oonvention be ,l ank ~e. , Away among the withered leaves-We see ' . k"d Y,ou in the hpapitals of pain and.death . Mrs. Ohaodler Is In the hospital In membered for the good 'Yor one, .. Where human .tongue Cllll'never tell what you Dayton WIth 0. four.da.YII old babe. the hosPI:a~~ our Peo ,.· pIe . . Endured;-.We see you c1ose<hin, prisons where 'fhe light had fad ed from the lives of men, ' MfR. CI'ane. widow of the late Dan· 1 MONUMENT LETTERINo ' . , ' And ijope' had died in, breaking; hearts- We see iel Cl'ane, died at the home of 'h er l 'rhe saddened home whim the'cruel news come mother, MI's. Phoebe Rosel', at I C. W. !:)Ohw~rtz. of Lebanon, ,will ' Baclf,tha~you are dead'-We ijee the mruden Dodds Thursday afternool' at 3 be nt Miami Cenletery on In.oe 7In tl)e gloom. of her first sorrow- we I!ee . • r. .The young wife bowed with 'grief sitting in the o'clock, at the age of 60 years, Ma· and fI, an'" anyone waating letter~ 'Sun,light.80bb\ng.' !, hy year!! ago Mrs. Crane had a severe !ing on monuments will do well ,. . '. .... .. " Did ,we a:ay that you were attack,oftyphoid, the effects of which oull on bim and get hi8 prices . . ~.11 \ Oe~J I; :You y.~t sUI,l live Within: the ~,ation's . were never overcome, and she has work of the hlgbest gradealld p.ricee aeart, and ~ It pulsates, sends those memories : Whic~' like YQur brave ana ·v alorous deeds defy been a patient sufferer 'all these rigbt , The I~pae of. time-:-W~ look ugain: W~ see. yearS, She haS been living in Cfn----:c .. . . , -. • Returning from the field o:il;war, herOes , cinnati since the death of her hus BOXWELL COMMENCEMEM.T That march so proudly bearing tattered flags b d f d ' . That stJU w~ve in. th~ skY'#i~phall~~y-:,. , an a ew years ago, an came to The B'ox well ' oommeneemeo', f~r We'88e"vou.llCarroo by,ahotiand shell-We see the homeTohf hfer ~ot\:ler on· last Sat· Wayoe TQwnshi p will be held " In , . .' Th,_e~r~!~.sleeves and 'crippled 'lhilbsj We see ur d ay. e u.neral 'was <:on~u~ted, aoh~ol Ball Jrrtday ev.eDIhg. 'rii8l'~ '" r, 'rije Wavmg hats and ftagsy g iNfng welcome n.ev. Mr. Cartier a~ the resldence . . . : .. ,Home-We.bear the martial!music floatlni{ ," ;: Sat d . t ] 1 '1 k I are ten grll~aotes, ~nd ·the 8peaUl' 011 th~ b,reeze-:-Weh~r tbe.cilie;ers ti;lat:greet Y"our ur ay mommg.a • 0 ~ oc . , n- of the evening wlli be A : .1 1 Brown' Glad return":"'We hear' the:nationis'heart-ileat ' terment wasmadem M;lanll cem~tery : p'resident , ot " WUmington 'qOllegJ', ~ : Loud ,i~~' thlln~s ,tQ 10U'.w~o kept, its PJ'o'ud flag . 'DO YOU ' E. >r? ,', whQ Ie. a good . sl>e,a ker, T.he .,?,l, e. In 'the Sky.,... ' ':__'.' ' .. n.1 • . . ~.... ' , Year b1, y~r 'we' _ ·your , rank8'. brated ',Oadet" prohelitta', Qf,8p'.011; . . _ Gr9w ~inTier, ,~o~e.t?Y Jme1JQd're gathered ' If yoo dq., qon',t :for a !Di~u:~hesl tl~ld. ~,ul·. iul'1il,h:"t~~ ~ua!,o, ,_ ~d; .,: :- T? th~ 'Fatbe~·lqlome-.-and.:tbQse 'o f you wqo ... tate a~ut g~IO~ ~o tbEl ~ ;for ' :r~u~ mlBsl~n l~ ;aod . ~5.9!nt8i .' ... ~" .,:-' ,:" , .' , LingeNvith ~ yet, '~lIQ today pl~e. . . (' ,break~,..t, dinoer'or eupp~..,· tor you ,.' ~. " , . - ~ ), , '.. . ... . Garland8'~ mol8tened W,ith ~bQ1+; te8raL.luWn the : , wineorel, he weU'fed : Un(toub,ea . , WILL FURN.ISH .'i~CB 'Gi~AM" .:' , Grav~:o£lCom~esl,!Ri'depirteltsh'-l'in .:,·.,· ' ,I .' '. " ' , ' " ,~.' ) . ~ I 1 tti th H #. t)i, . Iy ·the beet J::8I:ltaUni,Jlt e:ver In towo. ~ ' 1' il'I' , 'J.i " . ",[ .. Yj)ur·t..... n '-~. &0," .~p W) ;~7 . eroes 9:'i, e ", " .' ':' , ',' ' .. .. ~ . ' 'J,. '1'" .w , , ~ruer: OIla wliabllDa'• . , Rastt-;-we stre , todIlY' YOUll'. t i q pl'b with ' ;, .. 'll~t~(n'\i~(~f.~~~;;!t,'h~~~~'~i~~~~I1\~ ... Fiowel,"S you loved I!O cWe.n.J.,.w..tiplanUhe>laurel ' ...• ': .WI}:L ' HA'vE Ef~~1IVAL.· . paY,t ono[ _~ " On ' ~out&hives· fot'duty. done-!ffi'e Wlnds ;tI\at . • ~' , ,, . " ~ .brio~ or ". Whl~r; ()~et your t~be speak:ofheroie. '\ ' W;.N. Sears "of-EeJ'ry,'wUl have .k indi or· bol,qD.e~ :Det!di· ~t savedlhe ftIia.' ecbobiia>dltlre, · " feltb",~ .oo ~~1'4a~ ~~eDl~g, <iJUDe parjl8ii . ;;., ., ." Thattokena.all illweu~W.leave"10U With . " , 6tb. GOod ~oai~ ~y U1e ~1tle ,()r. on thehal808iid 49ytel,'lt'·'W7J~' like " "b'-"-. aad a a -"ral "llJhlrebltatDdlI~, I' ~,i~ , Tee.IQi'el.ud Yo~ JiObl8 IOWI to .~ y - .,. •........ ~ - . .-'1el'.D8. . ....











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FEW CARESSES IN HER LIFE Thla meant prO_limb" and '!om,C-ort to Tobit. his wlte Auna lind Ulclr lIOn Inflnlt'e Pathoa fn Remark . Made. 'by, TobIas, and they .rejol ed greatly In Lltt!. Phlladelphl" Child of t he Lord knowh)'g It ~a he who bad D, L, CR~E. tlie 8lum.. blessed them In their way and glv n ..ltll m abundance of thlll world's.goods, OUlO. WAYNESVILLE •. Dr. H rmnn L. During, fj upe.rl n~end. And In his prQsperltr Tobit forlot T6"II, a DuoDt Jew, s....tIa T_'" . not his poor, oppr ased brethren ot A.nimal!. Should , ae of l\ledium Stz~., Well Mated, AcHy•• en't or" th Philadelphia City mlsB\oP, at Hillen". . Tber 's a hea\) of op thnl~m In a btl hall ·tOI' lOany years devo ted bls ute tbe cIty, but gnve liberally that thel ' Strons, inte11tsent ' and Tr;alned-By J. H. ~ynes. dose of rhubarb. = to th poor. D r. DurIng 18. t he 'Incondition might be Improved and' the BY THE "HIGHWAY ANt> BYWAY" v ntor or the pre tzel test for street>. PREACHER burdens lightened. Did he ' bear ot' The bla k hund doesu't ge l enougl' beggn rll.Wh n a street beggar pleads apy one ",ho Will' ' 11 trouble, he soul!ht of tbe bla('k I\fl. , starvation, you buy hIm a big. German blm out and be l ~~ blm In his 11,,· pretzel Ilt the n eares~ stand. If he Whnt 1\ slmpl foo l any wrongdool tr 18S. Did any rmlless tankmnster eats the pretz I, he Is .honest; If he Bas d on Ule Apocrypllnl Book of atlOng the Nlnevlt s abuse his J e w· lIeams- after he Is alight refuses It, he Is a fraud. Tobit, hapt rs 1·3. isll s lave he sought to t ·we the poor , The nook or T bit. - P lace In unfortunate rescued Crom cIs unhnppi Dr. DurIn g In his w.ork among the Th spr\iig hats must ba~e caused a Apocr~·ph(l. - rli Book 0( Tobit la the poor has learned many odd, quaint big boom In the hair marke t. nd where a hapless lsraelUe third In thla collectIon (books w41ch lol thIn,s that he r lates superbly, for he ro not onllllll' red nl pnft at the Scrip· was slain and thrown Qut Uke 1\' dOl Is a born story·teller. In an address turcs but were wrltlnss whl eh held high beyond the walle of the city, I\~ toa plnce In til r gnrd ot the Jewl and the at Buln, apropos of the hard, rough 81'Iy hrlstinn church. Of tho 14 books often was the case, he would go AnI! Uves at the children ot the poor, he But th sprIng poet a lwnys dri ves oC tho Apocrypha. tho Book of Tobit nnd .tuke the body and give It dcc~t relatee) a dialogue between two little tho ' W isdom at Solomon nro considered -burial. us baOk to the winter of our dlsco11' the most vnlllnble (or their moral teachgIrls In Rum alley. Now, tllJs etrort In bebalf of hilI tent. Ingl nod prec pts, just ns t ho books of ·'Maggle. wuz ye ever kIssed?' saId t.ho loin cnbcOli are esteemed for t heir brethren at last won the enmi ty of tb e first tot. Count Zeppelin has pro v n thnt In historical narrative. As previously stnt- some of the prominent Ninevltes, who .. 'On'y wunst In me \lte wot I kin th e airship business every tiling Is not ed, th primary meaning of Apocrypha, were jealous of this Jew's great pws· " s eret," II ems, toward the "hlddcn," reruember.' sold the s condo 'When I ."all WrIght." olose at tbe socond century. to have bo~ n perlty, and they began to persl'cute wuz In de Honnyman hospital wid a 8nocillted wI th th Blgnlficnllon ··spurl· him, and when Tobit reallz6d to broken arm one 0' de lady nUBses Evidently the ultimate consumer ts ous," and ultimately to hnve souled what straits such treatment mlghl kissed m ,an' I blushed like a a partner In ad I'e rslty with the Innl)- down Into tho laU r. At tho PI' sent dl'lve hIm, he secretly made his way time COplCR of tile Book of Tobit exIst In child.' .. cent bystander. Greek, LaU n, Sy.rlno and Hebrew. but It Into Media and left with 0. friend ONE AGREEMENT. Take oft the storm <loor und hang at waa probllbly WTltten orlglna.1ly .ln Greek. there the great bulk of the wealth he had accumulated, "for ," said he to his once the screen door, tOI' Sllrlng has A Good Farm Team. ~S~ES:RS:MS:O~N: E~TTE. wife before hIs departure, "If mine come and so have the flIes . enemi es learn that 1 am posses~ed of ThE! orIgInal home of the horse Is In the cow Is slow and call pllcated, this money they will take It frOM me." unknown, but In all times and among that In the horse Is rapid nn(\ simple, Basebnll players and battleshIps dread the day whe n they must take The atoryof Tobit offers many The wisdom of hIs course was evl· all Ilallons he has been a boon com· hence only the best of feeds should be places In the mInor leagues. helpful suggestion. to the one ~. den t, for following his return the per· panlon to man. In the early ages when used It you would avoid dlsen8'3. secutlon broke out with new vigor civ ilization was confined to the warm Another Important Item Is p'lre wa· who, amldat tribulation, and BufGuatemaia naturally denies that It agaInst hIm. Then E neruessur the clima tes the horse was a royal animal. ·Iel'. aU Ie and hogs may thrl vtl drInk· ferlng, and oppoaltlon, remains Is making war, because, you know, true to hIs conviction of right. king died and Se nnacherlb ruled ill Hors s were used by princes' and war· Ing Impure. muddy water. but II. horse war comes a lready made In Guate· While yet In his own country his stead. At that time there were rlors In vast numbers. Job gives the will not. We do not think It best to mala. many fugitive Jews seeking refugo flnest description of tile horse ever 'water tea~s just atter. coming III from , of Naphthall. and whll. atlll a young man, Tobit recorda the In Nineveh. and the king, Incensed written, a part of which we quo~e: wor)<, especially If tbe morning w~rk Anyhow, trult and vegetable hat failing away of hla flther's thereby, caused many such to be put "Hast Ulou gIven the horse strength? work was hard. Work borses should trimmings o.r~ a heap better tbRn Mr. aenpeck- H's no use. ,Ve cnn't to death. And Tobit, wltbout any Ho.s t thou cl"Uled his neck with thun· have a liberal amount of salt In their houae to the Idolatroua worshIp the butcher shop trophies ot bird mil· of Baal, But with rare strength thought tor himself, continued to bury da r? Canst Uwu make him afraid as feed every day or so as he s weats to agree on a Bingle subjecl lInery. Mrs. Benpeck-You're wrong, denr. of character. he refused to be such. a g rasshoppn ? The glor'y of hIs nos· much In labOr, wbloh resulls In the I 8IwaY8 ogree with you on the led aw~y from the true God of Now hIs enemies seized upou thla. trUs Is terrible. He paweth In the carrying orr through persIllration mucb In the matter ot dirigible balloon a weather. larael, and almoat pathetically as opportunity to make complaint dl· valley and rejolceth In his strength. ot Ule saUne e lemellts III the body. those marked "made In Germany" says: "I alone went often to rect to the kIng agnlnst him, and hav· H mocketh at fear, neither turneth We believe BaIt just as essential to SKIN TROUBLES CURED. are carrying oft aU the blue rIbbons at Jerusalem at the feasta," Ing obtaIned decree from the former, at lesr, neither turneth he back from the health and nourishment of tho the faIr. This gllmpae of hla early life, they swooped down upon the quIet t}le sword." horse as It is to msn. Two Little GIrls Had I!czema Very of Ita atruggle and Ita victory household of Tobit and stripped him . A study of the nature and construc· When spring work begins care must The old joke about makmg life Ion· Badly-In One Cue Child'. Hair explains the s~cret of hla aubse. of everything he llossessed. tlon of his body shows wisdom on the be taken not to overwork the team In ler by Insurfng It bids fair to become Came Out and Left Bare Patchea. quent ateadfut 'Ioyalty ' to hla Ab, the bltternll1ss of that hour. TI)- part of tbe Creator 10 designing that the slart They sbould be gradually reality acc,ordlng to an Insurance ex· own persecuted people and hla pert, who thlnk.s by 1\ judicious system bit cared not for himself, but to see the horse should be a mOlt useful worked up to the point where they can Cutlcura Met wIth Great Succe ... religion when aufferlng bItter his wife and tender boy suiter caused s ervant to man. endure a .full day's work. Don't think of re-examination a preventive. tab can. be kept on diseaSe which will ex· hardship In captivity. untold anguIsh. The farm leam sbould consist of me- for a moment tbat your horse III made "I have two little girls who bave tend lJ~e. Thus the jokers of one While thla .tory of Tobit doea Then he remembered his wealth dlum·slzed an1mals well mnted, active, of steel. Coming out of tile winter In been troubled very badly wIth eczema • .not belong to o,v,r Bible aa we aae become the scientists of the n ext. left for safe 1teeplng In MedJa, but he strong, Intelligent, and well trained. a somewbat weakened muscular con· One of them had It On her lower have It to-day. It haa It I rich Ie.. could not (0 thither owing to the About 1,400 poun4s Is a hanlly weight dltlon" due to Idleness, you must not limbs. I ' dId everything that I could Sometime" the finger of fate seems aona for our contemplation. and troubled s.tate of the kIngdom. for 1\ general·purpose farm team. .Any expect reasonably that you can get a hear of for ber, but It did not give to point out a heretofore obscure man thla flrat one la the v,lue of an "Has God forgotten me?" he I\IIked less wight lacks stTength and a great· Cull amount of work from them. If In 'untll warm weather, wben it !JeemGnd hili fellows Budde'n ly elevate him early religlo"a conviction, and a himself, over and over again. "AI er weight reslllts In slow, awkward you have heavy work, use the fore- Ingly subsided. T~e nut winter when to a position of hIgh authority and ateadfast faith , whIch can hold ~ my good deeds, my devotion to the. movements. The team should have noon for t his and then In tho atter- It b came cold the eClema stl1rted honors. It III disheartening to after· one true to hla course. ~ law , of God to be of no effecU" a combInation -of bone and sinew and noon do some lighter work for a fow again and also In her bead where . It wards discover that this was merely While In ilia native land TobIt ~ It would seem so, for secret WOrd, muscle, developed In ~ a hllih ~egree days UII the t.eam gets hardened some- woUld tnke the balr out Ilnd leave the l1at ot a tew vested Int rests . continued to worahlp at Jeruaa· ~ was brQught him that a plot was un· and so nearly alike In each animal that what. When sprIng work beglus ther. bare patches. At the same time ber which knew their man and picked lem according to the command· ~ der way to slay him, an.! he fled .from an equal dlstrlblttlon of strength wl11 commence heavy feeding. Grain ra· I1rms wero sore the wbQJe length of him. ment of God. and when carrIed the city; leavi ng Anna his wife and reBult. Tltls will allow them to stand tlons must be given freely. Tills In them. I took her to a pbyslol.a n, but his son behInd. .But·so wicked king severe strain beUe r and longer with· copjunctlon with plenty of clean hay the child grew worse all the time. He r off to Nineveh h. did not do' aa I Cougars, coyotes and beal's are ter· hla brethren dId-make It an excould not long reIgn, and ahortly aft. out damaging eltber. An unevenly will enable your .team to do Its duty. slst r's a rms were also affected. 1 berorlzln', the Inhabitants of the Four· cuae to lay aalde hla convlctlolJa er thIs two of his sons slew mated t~am in any of the features Is Never feed dusty, molded hay. Better gnn using Cutlcnra RO,m edles, and. by t~enth 'ward In Seattle, but this wlll of right and follow the .. ay way him and Sarchedonua ruled 1~ his a dr!i'wback. 'none at ' all. When PBesturage can be thetJme the second lot was used their not cause' any surprise to Europeanl of· thole about hIm, Rather did stead. 'The physIcal conslructlon of the had give tbe "team free access to It. skin was sofland smooth. Mrs.·Charles who believe bison continue to roam NOW It came to pass that Achlacb· horse Is so similar to that of man that On talr nlghtB turn out at posture Bnk r, Albion, Me., Sept. '21, '08." he become more devout In hla the streets of QuffitJo and that Chicago loyalty to hla God and he reo arus was appointed over the accounts the rules pertaining to the care of one rather than keep the horses In stall. PotIer I>rUIr " Cbeaa. Oorp., 80le Prop&., BoI&oA. II a frontier settlement where the men corda again: "All my br.thren of the new kIng, and he being a son wUl ar,ply 'to the other. The food stv· When they must be housed from Incle VI ar leat'he'r brefoches and carry bowie and thoae that were of my kinof TobIt's brother Anael, Anna be en Uie horse must be pure, to the, .ment weathe &ee-tha.t-t.he;ey~hIUA!.lv~e!....lJlIul_+-_--lIlLOLIL....uu:-Ih, e oung Man. knives. dred did eat of the bread of. the sought the latter that he would plead stomach of the horse fa 'very sman eral beds of clean, dry straw on which There Is a place for -you, YOUDI GenUle.. But I kept my.elf with the kIng that Tobit be brought conslderJng hlB weight and the dlsea· to rest. A horse dIslikes to lie down man, and Ulere la a work for you to ... . A prisoner cbarged with manllaugh· rom ea ng, becaua. I remem· back, This consent was at "l ast won, tlon I~ rapid to quickly' replace 'lost In a bed ot filth and will fiot do so aa do. Rouae yourselt'Up and go after it. ~ .....ler '1ii"'irCanadlan tow.n arras bered God wIth all my heart," and the day approached when lae en.e rgy t.n work. While the dlgestlO1l a general thlng.-Farmers' Review. Put your handa cheerfully and proud· on Monday, commUted !or trial on And reward came. fo!, "the should return to Nineveh. • _ _ ...... ___ .. ,""". _ _ ." _ . .,. _ _ • ............ ....... ..,. ly to bonest labor. A Spinlih maxim Tuesday,' lndlcted on Wednesday, con· victed on Thuraday and sentenced. on Most High gave me grace and G~eat was the joy of Anna and 1'()0 In addltl!)Jl 'anythlng could be handled runs: "He who l08eth wealth, loaeth favor before ao that bias the son, who ,madll a f ast ready much; be wb,o loseth a" ,rlend, 10letb Friday. Thl" unseemly haste of Cana. .. be.tween houlle cellar and barn cellar ' I I wa. hi. purveyor." tor his coming. . . W;~1HER dian justlce will excite the' concern of without 1;Irlnglng up and down,. This more: but he who lo.seth his . ",e n,erg e., Such preferment brought And It would have seemed as'thol,1gh loseth all." all hlgh·priced cOunsel for the defense tunnel could be used I.n such cases or rlche.. and enabled him to dewhen Tobit was again In the 'mldst of herell'boll ts. ' •.:: bl.. where a person objects to ba\'lnl Important to M~h"'.. , vote hlmaelf to hla needy breth· his (amlly .and had sat down th"" t " . buildings ,connecte4." Examine carerully every bOttle or u -':' A magnetic personl\l1ty Is often more ren_ He ..ya: ""I gave many feast spread by his wife Anna, at he -----1 Coanec: Hoa.. _4 Th CASTOR. I A a .. re a ' nd ture r.emedy for. .&.......... --• e tendency now la to put public powerful than abfllty, and Is, often, aim. to my brethren. and gave would have felt that he might enjoy. BarD ".... ta Wtater.tramc underground. The great sub Infanta and .chlldren. and lee fbst it V~ry otten, placed In the balance bread to the hungry and my the season In the leclusion thus of hi. ' ~ ___ ' clothea to the naked." And tamlly. But no, the thought Of' Tobit way In New York la a success. Tun· nears the . ~ against It. It Is. therefore, advisable' when any of hla peraecuted was ever with his unfortunate breth;. Strangers who travel through New ~els are now being made under tbe Siguatura of, . ~ Ito exert oneself to the utmost to cultl· brethren were killed and thrown ren, and as he Rnt down on' tbat glad ' nglan.d notice' the sheds .an!\ otber' rIvers which flow paet Manbattan I.. In Use For Qver 30 Ve.n. vate that wonderful charm to the bJgh· out like doga. he w.nt out and day when fbrtune was agal~ ret':lme~ outbuildings which connect house and land. We hope to 8ee the day wheu The 'Klnd ' You Rave Al~.aYI SOU",t. est degree, and rhf) who hOB It not II gave them · decent burial, to him he paused and then said to ,barn. 11sua])y the ,bara Is' 11 safe dis· all railroad trains will be put unde.rnot so much to be pitied as blamed, for Thla led to pera.cutlon whIch his son: tance away, but low wood sbeda and ground. :T~oUgh'I .... 'i t Is mote or less within the. reach ot .. connect. the t.W. J.o• In ca"e uUlband-"You l'TIust m...... ·"aID, f.ft him p'.nnll.... but he at II I "Son, the Lord hath Itldee'd .been at ore roo m... .. ~'''' •• , all. . . C.r~ In Breeding Chlckena;-The dearest., wben I am gone, .nd th.t ~1lI eontln,u ed to do .what ke felt good to us, In tllat we are again ' repoultry 'ral~er in breeding lor sbow- be very aoon." Wife-UNo, EClwarCl. 'Sca.rc;elY a day passes now wltb9ut waa right. Bllndneaa cam. wIth' stor<>d unto thee and thy ·mother. And .• room th'sl)eclmeDII and In comnllance No . one wUl mlUT)' an:. alii woman like I ' t" f the record th. , pouerty. the aohool "'e have here an .abunda,nee while • .. .' , ' 0 some cen .,nar an I . But . .of. with e requirementa of the standard' me., You oUlht to have dle,d teD 7'.... death ' It la not uDComDlon......,IU-...........,f-JI-stfticti:on--th1'01:rah', which he 1 without In the city there ate those of . I ... 1 b t be ot,' perfectlon, an apecbnens posse liS' ago for ' t.hit" P, enny Plctorlill; ' : ~ 'and aever... years a ave llar 0 t ""aaed, o'pened the way for blea.. " our lirethren who are In w'a nt. ' Go Ing cI Isqual1llcatJons and blemlahes rIftg to hla son .nd Joy and de· '. ,hither, and bring what poor man 101 should be culled out. Under this A.k Your D,.;'....t for Allen', Foot...... Ireached, but when a poor woman Be' ~ lOS and r~ruses to fil u~ an old II"!-rance for hlmaelf. ever thou shalt be able to flild, who . come liuc~ ' faultll all feathered < "I trIed ALLEN'S FOO'r~ EASE recent~bead age pension form, olie mus t say It I s And the Itory of' Tobit flnda fears the Lord. Lo, we will tsrry for and have ju,t bought anoUler lup,ply. .legs on youngsters .' of clean·legged ly, tb It haa,cured my ,corws, I\nj1' the h!)t, burn· the ruUng van It Y s trofng ddI n d ea. .. .. counterpart In euery age and ' thee." 'b d I t ,... • ree 8; scant Iy·featherd legs on full· Ing and I{.,:hlng senlaUon In my feet whi ch But England 18 full a 0 cases 0 generation, . 'Some time later Tobl/la the son reo teatbered typlcid shape; defective was almolt unbeurable, and r would not ~ turned, but without 11' companion, and head p 0 1n tll, etc: Birds thus defective be Without it now.~Mrll . W. J. ;Wlllker, longevity, pride and suffering sInce Camden, N ; J." ~d by Iln -Prugrfa~, 2Oc. Ihe was saddled with that popuI8I' ra- ~~~~~~~~~~~~U'~ with the awful story that one of thel ,lief tor her paupers., brethr. en had just bean etrang'led and should be. sesre~ted and !1lspoaed , of because. undesirable tor stock birds' THE STO'RY • 8una. Sta~. Cometa .. Co: . even then lay In the market 'p lace. l'h e' Pu II~" " be reserved .. eo.p, may for com.' The last of the , AmerIcan troopa ' "Wby do they 110 ofte n name new ... NotwIthstanding thnt It was ',bls In· merclal eggs, provided the ,breeder papers atter the heavenly bodIea?'! ~ . 'have been wltbd~awn from Cuba, and OBIT. a devout Jew, his 'wlfe Anna has amllie room, other~se they, too, .again tbe I.s1and Is left to Its o~n de· and t'helr little son Tobias were terest In his ' unfortunate brethren "That's .!'atiy-because they '&beet had better be sold for that purpose light upon tbe earth." , vices In the way ' of self·government. among those carried away calltlve out· wlilch had before won ' him disfavor, he went at onco and brought the tody to the commercial breeder. The cerem,ony of evacuation w~ very of the land of Israel Into Nineveh. and lay It In one of the upper !'Oom., Don't Forget' · the Salt.-Common Fn>e! A lOe pnckliBe ' of Garfield T~ to. atmple and bUBlnessllke, the United Whll.e on the long journey the Jews u.ntll the going down of the sun. r states soldiers marching out of Camp bad '-_.1 t~' 1 I dId s~nse and many experiments teach lnyone moiling us tliis 'notico, -witli name ...... ,U ngs n .common, an la And that nlgbt he went and burled . thl\t the proper way to salt cattle Is and adolress, and nomCII and addreuea of !Columbia, near H.avana. and the Cu· observ~ d til e Ir eeremon Ia I. 1aws, b ut the hody. but some of his old.tlm 10 rriend~ not now uRing the Ideal lAXaban military marching In and taking soon after , reacbl~ the grent Gentile enemless8w him, and said: to provIde It In sutftclent quantity and ~h·e., Garfieltl Too Co., DrooWyn, N. l'~ " possession. That there will be 110 oc· eIty, and th e ac:a;t,--J ' hlth make It access,lble to them at all \JC.J pg , er an d "This man Is not yet afraId to be caslou for a third American occupa· thlth er 0 f th e company, each cam e put to death for thIs matter, who tied times. S",lt shQuld be placed at at All p~asure must be bougbt .at th. Uon 1s the sincere hope of every well· face to face wUlt the question as to away', ' and yet 10, he burleth the dead lea!lt two .· dlfferent points where the prlcl" of pain. For t~e true,' ~e . prlc& , cattle ·ru,n and th~y abould be '11.1- Is paJd · before you enjoy J~; tal! th4t 'WI.ber of Cuba. the manner 0 f their Uvi ng. agIlIn." . .. ' 1 I ed I lowed .to get It wbenever they .want' It. talse, atter you e~j9Y it..-Jollll Fo"ter~ ""''''h ' yy y, exc n m one n response .4.nd when Tobit '. hl\d finished . hi. Vario'u s clUes are ad\'ertlslng the ... bit' tr:ance w Ith' hi m th a t task, p An anfll!a) will eat ·Jiomore than 1ft.. being uncl.~an therefrom, he lay Intent1tlD ot Indulging In old.fashloned to ,, ,0 s' rem.o.ns b d abso,lutel,y ' nece\Jsary In thIs ' ,way. Those"who keep lInmlins wiWa Oil' in t no t ea t . tbe Gen til' e s rea, wftbout by the wall of courtyard. Fonr tb <of July celebrations thIs year. h" emus h a t I 8 . th'ere .,..or ' us t' 0 d 0 b ut t 0 An'd during the nIght there fell Into While, ~ ", salt Is given at Infre' que' nt the houRe do not nave to buy any other' ' # _ - 88 the firework8 of the old. w l'C mcdv for 80rc throat. ·· No ot'bel' ,rem· So .... t 1 th O b t . 'I H Intervals, 'cattle and partlcularly tat· city WIn cure this trouhle 110 qui'ckly or 10 -ed celebration are concerned Ie a ong e etI we can . o w can his eyes . from the walls .11. dust which fa • ... IU,U" , d th I' th II 'th tenlng steers are ..... t to 'e at much surely. Remember tWs. . . an ve as .. ose took hIs sight and no pbyslclan was H!lu .. to '" barn 8ubway. ~ .. lh"ey have come to 'b e out of date for we 0 0 erw se ......~-----.-... . more than Is good for them. Salt Is l'~asona 5IImc1enf to Reep them out for a bpu t us d0 ?, W e 8 h a11 never ge t fOund . which could belp him.. Thel "..., t, t · .... an,lmporta,n t fa. etor In preparing catFly time and baseball are ~9r1 prop- ~ If d h or 11we arc TobIt prayed, saying: ' 0.• fire : there Is little hope of saving . tl e t or ·mar~ 'a ll time'. 'but the ' parade arid I,>lcnlc a Iong .' . . , '.. t to ' ere I ff we b0 DO and ' the sauie cato erly. contemporaneous, .

The Miami Gazette



- '._-;.;...--













!:tu~.. tb:f 'fIo:~~~r::u~:ge:! wor~y. of perpet~atlon. They comport "tt!i a ~fe ~nd sane Fourth · Of ~ulY.

, ·When Gr~t ' Brltaln ~ annexes the anta.rcUo regloDII it wlllneed· no navy' ,to ,proto'c t ',it. , ,: "', ' . " ,. ... German'y . keeps 011 ' protestIng ' that. ahe Isn't buU'd~g anYWhere near. as many PreadnoUg-htB as England thinks 1111.' 18, but ,stranger,, · belpg str·lct-. 'IT harrtlc)' out. · or rmah. · shipyardl. "IaScll Mr. Ilull regards .. suspictoul. ' ;'ob9dr baa ev\!r be~n able to dl~covel' wb,. It .h9Uld be li.tur~l ' fol' Boglls. ... to tate It ,for cranted: that J!:ngMD. ~\It ationld ....b to, bu.~.....


; . . . . . . . . . . ..,.,


:n~e "~h::s:os~ ~U:l~o;r ~::~ aU~'~tb~LO~~rk;ll~:d ' a~tl' :~~t" ~!~:. ~:t:~ciIl~g~u:=~I~::d°4!:<~~

r:: '.~:.:."!~ b~:~ven


:ms, to Its use lUI to fe.ed. '",e have bad' trouble enough already." Bre ' mercy lind truth, and thou conn.3ctIOn' IS 'made: Could. they ,live "WMt tbo.t! sayest may seem wise judgest ,trut~' a~d justly for,ever. ' Now, on ·the farml In . v.-lnter anC! see tbe, .to thee, b~t It III ~ontrary to th!l'law therefore, !leal"'lt~ m~ · as,.~~¢e~eth ' 'greai'8~~1Vdrltt~'lofVtew' ~he~~IZzllr4s' which ·.0 0d , 1)as given his children'· to. best unto · tbee, an~ , cOIDpl.and.. ~y tbeY ' wQuld'\U1)4e f si8h (l. · The ' o~jeQt Is 'tollo~, , ap,d w!J!lt:eyer ' may c9 me ' w;p ' ~PII'lt , to: ~e', ,taken' Jr~ni' :me... tha:~ , ( .to. :telch ~the )larn ~t~out gol¥lg '·out.: cann,9 t .'vlth.. ia.fety . do that,'~ ', " n!'a y "b'~ dissolved, .and ' becqlDe ~ e~rtb. doo~ . . · ~ :writer In, tbQ llural New. And th~t' .e.venlng · aa 'h.I) aat and , }t'or It tI, pro1lta.ble ' ror ;' to · cUe" Y9rller makes a .uDeaUon ,whlch h,e til.~ed . wltb' hla\ w1fe Anna and relafed ' rather , than to : bve, ' b'ecaus~ ~,'bave hal 'wol'ke~ lIut: in'· the, little pJctjJte 20 ~Inutes, o~ Until completely t.o hflr the. conversation, he 'found her , ~ear~ false reproa.9 hes !lnd h~v~much , ,..bown berewtt~., He ,.";OIX~cL ~heJ1 ildd Ilx quarts Or '\Piarm heart respon~~g 'P.J the loyal ~iJ~e sorrow. , Oomma~~, tlIere(ol'!', that I "Tb1a represen~t '& tunn~l .under· ,water, :~d ,IJ.Pr:ink1e thIs poltPlled '1)-' or ~Is .0Wn to .Ien~ God In tlie gr~at ..may, .l!~ dell!ered' out of. this, dlsti'.- B1O~nd; 'Cpnlleet1Dg" boue and' 'bt,rii, lutlon. over 80 pounds of rolled or and wicked ~Ity o~ Nineveh, C06t and JO into the. everlaaUPI . »I~ ' wbJdIi. eould" be uecl In ~nter , In Ql'UBbeCl wbe,llt. IUrrlll1 and IIIolxlng ,. what ,~t. would. , . ' 'furn no~ tb~ . ~e awa7 from me.~ . iiorthern l&Ut1l4N ·wb'ere::...beavy, 8DOW th0rou"hly untu It Is a .. - absoi!tied . . T~bJ~, after many weeks of privation, . Tbus be prayed, ti t~ . Ill . ~ .tori:DlI eslM Or . aoDclll101i. of ,. ~ ce'. quar~er of a teaspoonful ·of the ' .t last found .p~. I~ ~~. boulleb,oJd of mercy preser:v84 111m ID b,- ,. !llDlo, wlildll --' pl., . At timet 10108 pat- PG!_oqecl grain ~ear the 'e ntrance O'f tbeldDg, EII.m~, -ad , ~y hi. tioD, fc)r tbrou.h tho ~)~... Ju~... 409... I."hl')' _~bl., eapeefally ucb OClc1QI•• barroW', Or In earil fUll. c.ttbiulDe."a ~Il hi. reprd, ' ~4 to'co~e ~ ~e Uibt .aq'd .out .... tot "' _ ' .Jl..., . woa.e~ DbU.... ~. 1'01' ·mICe ~ 01 promotect to the Po*'UOD of pun.,.~.. tlf~~OD waa to com. ~t . .. tiI ~ .~ ". _ , ~ ~ .~ ...~~ .














. .- - - . A N FA ''l'U ING elec· 'I'b -U nited Slat ~ CO:lst artillery trlcity ." ThOt fs the school at Fort :'Ionl'llf'. Va., is where the sImple explann Ion of ofHcers an d ' nli sted ili on of th at most why f ur, fu r ou i on the sclentllic bran ch or ou r I\lod e rn army lonely, wln d·swept are train ed Dnd is the greatost wave-benten tip ot Cape ancl bl ggcst In tllllllO Il of th e klud. Cod at outh Wellfleet, p Maj . Thomas Ridgway was acting com · Mass" four giant skele· mandant of til sc11001 ' ut gave way all ~""A"T/ON AT c.JOU..,.tf ton towors rC!ar them· commondant to 01. Geo rg l~. E. Har· We.L.L F.J. e.~ T, ,I"1/J.s.,. selves 210 feet into the c; a " rison. air, each formlug oue of Only one nation In tbe world has a the four angles of a coast arUII ry school that call compare with this instituMr. Glnman elt· square. plalned brlefiyhow tion , That nation Is Englnnd, which has a splendid rom their lofty tops things are run at school at Shoel>ufyoess, where the British artillerymen stretches - B mesh ot wireless stations recel ve the higher techni cal tra Inlng necessary tor all . . wires Interlaced like a glganUc bed Hashes, along the coast lioldlers to have who serve In this particular branch of spring. At their teet Is a small building in which are "You see," went and why It was the service. The olfi cers of the notional guard coast housed two great engines aud mighty dynamos, a room· on Ginman, "I possible for Blnn's artillery organizations of tlle various states are wei· ful of powerful batterIes and a lot of Instruments which am teillng Nan· corned as students II.t the new scbool. and tho govet:n " C, Q. D." signal few people could understand, tucketthat I want ment has great numbers of them taking advantage of the to be taken up and This Is the ·high power station of the lIfarconl wire· him to scnd back then sent out opportunity to make themselves proflclel)t tn their par· less-the station from which messages can be sent the letter · 'S'tloular bran 11 of the civilian arm of We ·s ervlce. again. 1,500 miles to sea. It matters not-press dlspatclies, three dots. like Tbe school Is divided Into two divisions, anel these 41"There are 122 commerclaf messages. love words from a woman to her this'." ships wblch are visions In turn will be subdivided Into many departsweetheart or husband far out ,.o n the bosom of the Andashe spoke. e qui p p c d with ments. Tbe first division has the training of the stuocean, 8tock quotations to the business man i tbls Is Glnman shot out dent officers. while the second dlv.lslon bas the training l' ..larconi wireless. tbe place from wtilch they are sent to the last limit three dots-or of tbe enlisted young fellows, who are at stated periods We can send to wbere the wireless trom the shore can be picked up at rat ~ e r joltsthem further tim!! every year ordered to Fort Monroe to take tbe cour'se sea. It Is the jumping off plaoe for iIle United states. through his In· lbey can send to that Is expected to make them so 1lroHclent In their pro· 111 a bungalow. 1Ji the shadow of the 'mlghty towers strulnent. The us. Bome of them fesslon that they could exercise tbe command of a fort dwell ' ftve men-the me nwho It possible to reach motor .,kept turn· are capable of re- should the emergency ever render tbat duty on tbelr ships at sea. the men who can save lite by Imparting log around those ceiving press dis· part necessary. the information tbey have about a disaster and calling two IItUe disks In the officers' divisions are two main departpatches at long dis· other ships to the rescue. . conneoted by the main d Ilartmenta: (1) The d·epa.rtment Two of them are operators~Marconl Qperato!s-ond band or iron of artill ery and gun defense and (2) two of them electTlc englneers-<llnman and SIUtpson " Wire. passing a the department of electricity and wne Cllmpbell and Nlcker60n~ The ftt~h man Is the steward', magnet. Then he defense. In the department of artilwho cooks the meals for these lonoly me)l, so 1at trom took tho telelery and gun defense the student offl· home. and makes their bed~. _ There '1s' a ' sl~tb man. pbone recelv~1'8 from his ears. "Put them on now and cers are as thoroughly trained as ex· It • t • H. O. Welby, who, prior to this timo. was In charge of get the answer," 'he laughed. _ c_ a pert artillery can train them In all thO A the station. btit he is going ~o Seattle to ereet another In about three seconds came back three Ilttle clicks Important subjects of arUllery proper, station the~e. Just as he went to Jolo, In the Philippines, In tbe cars-tbe letter "S" In the Continental code. artillery defense, explosh es, balUstlcs, .J " .f -- Averal years ago to put up one whloh t.Jle United State's whIch is used. In the Marconi 8ystem.while the deportm ent of electricity p If ~ . needed to get In touch with Manila. It was perfectly plain. Anybody who knew the tele· covers the great fi eld of electricity, the But tbe cb.lef of them there now Is Glnman- A. ·R. Oln· g h d student officer belug tought the rela· 1/ r~p 00 e oou.ld easily read any message coming In. m"n. the man wbo got the famous "C. Q. D." fr(\m ..Yc,.. " ac 'Now I am thanldflg him." said OinmoB. as he joit~~~~ft;III tlon of electricity In aJl nf Its hundreds y , Blnna of th~ Republic. and got to work to get help (rom cd out II: few more blue snarks. of branches to the coast artillery servo )C w ships far O\1t at sea. . 'V Ice .ot the present day. Everybody takes hl~ hat off to Bln.ns, who stuck .to his Then he put the receiver to bls ears. W"" T oJNOIlUTA.... oool. Wlloun.IICl z For Instance. the officer when l1e la ShiP to the last, calling for ald. But hod It not been "He's ollswerlng." laughed Glnman. " He's sayl.n g: .1IIIi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ groduated from the nllw scbool.and ' 'Ha! ha!·... , 'NTeRItOeATION PLIf.'OI> e"LA"''''' '0'" t or. Gtoman, wbo ~ept his wits. the news would never the diploma will In this case be a true have reached the land nor wou.!4 the shlpsihat started , But there were signs of business about the plaot by certificate of merit, w1ll know nearly lill a . at once to . the resoue have heard the donge~ call . "C. this time, Tbe engineers and electricians were on .that there' Is to know about pracUclj.llY Q, D." .' • duty now. Mr. Welby had come In to send out the s _ every known means of eleetrlc~1 coI111(11'. Oluman Is just back [rom a well merited vilcatlon night's bulletins by long distance. munlcaUon; he will be ap expert In In E.ngland. whe,nce be balls, It was he who received the In his hands was a resume of the day's news of the o bnndling the searchllgbt as a means 'amilus ·'e. ,Q. D." at Sla8coDse~. on the eDd of Nan- UlIIted Sta,tes sent thero by land wire by the ' ASBoclatof def nse and offense In 'war; he will oa _ tuoket Islan~, which resulted In. the savlng- of' every soul ed Press. This was to be sent by long distance wireImow all about dynamos, how to oper· ~A""" ,'less to all the ships at sea within a radius. of 1.500 aboard tbe Republic. , ate them, und how to fix them; and, if To blm It was nothing-It Is hill buslnes8. To him mlles: neoessary, he can come very near the mere sending ot a menage out to sea .Is p,Dtblng I'With tbls news," explained ~r. Welby. "w ' are mnnurn turing one of tbem should the more nor less than pumpl))g at a Mg teleJraph key fQr' going to · reach the Regina d'Ita1l4; La Provence, the A.H.GIN/':1AN em rgen Y dema.nd it wben he leaves a few mo~en~s. · To tbe layman It Is a marvelous ' mys· Nleuw Amsterdam , and tbe Kalserin Auguste Victoria. Fort Monroe a graduate of this splen· They are aU 'Wltbin our zone." 4trC;~"""''ii::::zJ1--~9 tery. . " . ." did establishment. -=- .4 re,resenta'1We · ~t tb~ ' press s~w 'Gln~aI\ :at work and, 'Phen ~e s1l.o,w8.d wbo~ ' Is known among....wirale&&-mon-;----........:..-The d pnrtro ent of balii stios famlllal1spent tb~ night -tn tbe--ell)ce with . ~Im-the fitst :W'rson ,as "T\)o ' CommunJ'cation Chart." . EVl1-ry steamer for' . Izos him with the chemi stry of al\ Imowu explosive/J. . ever pet:m •.tted within the bounds of this station. the big· tbe mouth which 1,9 I1lted with Wireless Is plotted on the tances; others are not. That depe.nds on their plant. He has to Slildy the Inonufuctll rc of oil the explosiVe:! gest 1n ·tho United States. .', . ohart by straight lines. sllowlng her position 'on every "Every ship has its code signal- th e naltic is BO. t.he from tho chea p black powder right up to the terrlbl J '''''bat are we (Jolng?'" laugbed Ohlman. "Why. we are given day, according to h.. average speed. The 1I0es Lucanla Is LA. the New York Is NK, the Minneapolis 18 nitrocellulose powders, su II DS tho Brilish Iyddlte. thl! manuCaclurlng ' Ugbtnlng, tllat·s al\'! That's what ·long wh.iob cross at the date show just which steamers ore MS. the Caronla is CA. Each" wireless station has lts French m IInlte, the German "88. " the Itullan pertlte. the dlstanoe ,wlrel08s really means." within the radius of the long distance wireless. coqe number, too. This station at South \Venfleet 18 Australian ecraslte and th a ,Japan ese silimose. 'H e must "dt course," explained Mr. Welby, "we. can't tell just CC; Slasoonset on Nantucket Island Is SC. And then be led' the way to tbls' \tttle station on the also know . If be gets hI s diploma, everything about a bleak CQd, to show it 'Is done. "When we get tlJe danger signal from a ship we drop projectile, how much [lowder It takes to shoot different The conOnes big 'plantof IsCape surrounded by a how barbed wire fence. where they are: because no ijteamer could carry such a Nobody may enter except the employes. '. S\lmmer ' vis- powerful ,{llant ~s we have here. so the¥ cannot answer all commercial business aDd llress dill patches and start projectiles different distances, how to manufacture thtJI\. itors may oome to the edge of the fenqe, beoouse 'nobody us. But It is 9:30 p. m. here now. and they are 81\ walt- to find the ships within our radius. We know from and all about the effect of humidity on tbe spee!1 c..~ 1\ projecl.lle, how to hOlldle powders of all llinds, how \.'0 can buY. up the ocean front. but they can't come In. ing to bear from us; while we can send. they cannot ra- the chart just which they are and where they are. preserve them. how to prev,ent explosive acoldents, ho.,. Nobody. can . stop t.Mm fr. om ga.zlng at the ,.four big tow-.. . t11ey ply. and this Is the prearranged bolir. no matter where "The particullU" moment wben Operator Irwin got tbe may be at sea." . to tell wh en there Is danger in lillie to prevent the ~cc new,8 f~om the R~II\lbllc that tbe ship was rnmmed by an ers, w.hJch I,ca,n be s~en . for miles around . t~e ·deilrilate, flat country. 'b ut there can they go and no further. "All right," was ' the c;al\ to the' engine room. ullknown steamer. Mr. lr1Lln C!lOle ovm' and woke me up. dent, and how to keep powd er years and years wlthou, . It happen!ld to be bls elght·hour trick at Siasconset. be- the composition losing power. "An right!·· cl\llle back , the answer. How".Marconi men· send t}leir sbort · dlsta-nce me8sages cause there we w.orked In elght·bour watches. 1 knew In defense and orl'ense the instruction Is just· as thol\ -250' inlles at -less-Is no 8ecret. ' Tbat .much of ' the pro"Stort her up!" was the order: ceas OInman could "explain. Blit "hat , hi . done when ' "Here's some cotton." said Mr. Welby, "better put It In it was up to me to get help. I looked over the regular ollgh, problems that are supposed to represent war con· words a,r ! fla~e,d, to sblps half way acroas, the 'o cean- ..your en~s. Most of us have to do it. It bores Into your cbart and found the steamers that were within touch dltlons being g iven the students from time to time to work out, these probl ems being Intended to familiarize with us. the Marcolli Dl,en are the only onea ,'ho can do It-Is a ear drums tlretty badly," , . them with th ei r duties In nil possible situations in time real secret. . '. ,." ' . There are four rooms In thl"uttle b\111dlng wblch haa Suiting the action to the word. he plugged his own ears. ''BInns kept sending us his wireless messages wltb the of war. There will be nothing about great .guns that , so muoh Jo do 'wlth the wa)'s ot the world. One 18 filled "We are going to have a little tbunder storm close at Information tbat his ' 'juice' was giving out aud that It they won't be glveo a chance to learn, and this Instrucwith engines .Il~d . dyn~mos. ~other Is crowded with hand/' laughed Glntlftln. wouldn't last much longer. By aid of tbe submarloe bell tion will render them capnble of curing for these great ba~terle8.A. til,lrd hold, the, Jong distance ' apparatus It was almost uncanny,-these men hi .rubber" gloves. on_Nantucket Shoals lightship Ills captain could tell the engines of war so toot they will always be ready for and .a tourth 18 wbere'. ~e,;ope~~t' .se~ds .11;18 inessages sitting on stools placed on rubber mats. their ears pro- ship s I~Utude anti longitude In the fog: This Inlormation illsto.nt service night or dny. In range finding, elevation and receives "them. ,\" _. ", ., ' . , ' . tected with cotton, getting .ready to flash their new's he sent to us. of rines. In armor attack, how to ventilate magazines, utt .8 ~trICUY ~g.lnst the' rules.'; sal4' 0I~1lit : ~I'th '.. 1,500 Dllles to great ships on the bosom qf t.h e. d~ep. . "We founei that the Baltic wns closest to us. We kept everything imaginable a\:out the use of the barometel ' .a 1Ip111e'. '!to alll>w.:'~n)' ' on~ to .see how ,we work th~' ,fong Theu the great engines obug-</bugged and tbe dynamos sending out B e un we got her answer. Then we told and Ul e rmom~ter In these magazines. (lnd the manufac'dla~nc;e: ~But let me ahoy.. yo'!!; the ' .ho~t~dlatan(!e work: begau '~jsslng. · The vower was .at band. Everybody' them the stoi'}'. 'fhen we tackled the Lucanla" and got ture' and construction of e,'ery device connected with We'll let you .bear uis ,work tlie long dish nCe+-tbilt's all. wAs exclu~ed from the ' room except \he operator. M~. her with the aame news. Next. the New York, aod thi!!!. modern coast artillery armament. the. Instruction Is just Here 'we' are!'" '.' " ....... Welby. He, b.egan to send. . the Minneapolis. tuning our Instruments to catch each as thorough as It can be lIlade. . He le'd the "ay IntP . ' tiny room with 'd~k and a", It ~ns .like a Callnonatte. Great sparktl lighted the one, .W~, e.v,e n reached the Caronla, whlcb WWl too far In the department of electrj'city and ' mine defense tbe . ,table: .Qn-ttie table w~ , ~:t~l~lIh kfiYi teD times mag- en~lre . bl1l1d,i ng as Mr, Welby 8h~t out bls news-nor~., away ,to be of apy service. Instruotion In the use of the searchlight in defensive nU~ed. ' and ' a lI:wucii'j ,just ' a/S' larle. Atta~li.ed to two .ea!Jt. sQuth and west.. The crackling of the 'electrlClty ' "But that'a an . old story, Wireless ' is 'Very simple- and offeoslve work from the shore is one of the most . wh'es if.'lre t.wo telephone recetvers4xa<:tly the-aame was Intense-no wonder the cotton In the ears. It the simplicity of .the thing Is wonderful. If we lIave Impor t on~ subjects ' In this department; ,for than the ' . things .that atly ~Ift~e !p'lg~t 'putl,to hili aarsln ' an wauld liave -deafened a man not used It. And thla I. trouble we can Ond 'It Ol,lt right' here. On a telegraph searchlight there Is no g~eat!,!r adjuoct tei .the night work ' oMce wblcla , had a pri!ate branch. exooange. , , a sample of wbat &s 8entl · :.' . . Une 'the:r. have to employ a bIg force ,.of ' lI11emell. and of tbe coast artillery corps .of .tlle. present 'time. ' The . To Ithe .left, "a 1m ~Ddllo~l;nl cPU I 'cla~able" ~f a :·t~~.', . "Nasb vUle: Coopers foun!! g~l1ty murder .s~C)ond degr~e. -wben anything happens' thElY J ha,ve to go out to see w1tat's omcee must kaow everything about the telephone. ' the' .(noli .s~ark uet , • •~a~ogan)' _bo-, ,I~ w)i1cb wBl' ftxed . ~ .entenc~d 20' yeai'S. ·Bal~ $25,000, ench pending motion ~he matter. and ,even' then they con·t tell just telegraph and . the lelautograph. and he .must" b~ ,.as, pearly perfect as, be Clln ~e mnde, in un!1erstandlng the oper-' , ...' .l\mIlU"c"fljt,&"orl ,mo ri ,.iu~nt8i1 ~y, two ..~al~ ,vu _ .~t " verdl~t'.a'ld~. because announced dlsagreemenLStop ,~'·:I,~.h .." " . _..' " . ,.' " ..,\ . j canUo .lab ~~n~ectt;~ 1i1 ,a J;tand or Iron Wire. '. .. :Barrow.-l~·Furnessi 9a.ngway ~onnectln8 battleship yan- . , :tU~. Sua~ then 'came ,a buslne,8s tut!ssage from a man In at/on Bnd: manufacture of the irI.s trument. . · "~o,,;,,· elP alntld Gliunall1 tltb,l s ... our iUlort 'dlatance ·'&'08r4 wlilU'f ~~llap8ea. under 50 worklJlen. ,Vlc.\(ers Max- ' e~lcago tc? anot!le)' JDan on La.. Pr<?vonee, riearly -1,500 apparatu.. W1th.~~s w~ caD aen~ aDd" re:celv8; fbi! 260 Jme ,yards• . three ldlled. '.0 inJur'l~ , ~top Evan8vUle: ~~es awa1~ · It h~d th~en sent to New 'York •. from thence aI n IDlIe-. 10 aqy d't:®~o~ . . a ~~~r of fact, '~I. Is .a '# ;Nearly all of...,SIl: 'JilJIlers Sunny~de eo~1 mine here be- mothel' olleretor: h.l\~ bustled 'n ", 9 g to - Boston, and ' 'fREE RES.§M~LE8 . ~.MBREL:LA. ' lODS dlatance .tatton, and we ~ caned upon to 1eD4' Ileveer kllted bf uplo"onl afternoon StOll Belgr&J~: from Boaton- tt ba(l been sent out to Cape Cod. i03 mUes .. V,8lT m~ for Ibort ~.~q,e.. Our bualuell Is AJarm over .PODib~llJ'· waf Austria 8ub.lldiDg rapidlf;' , away, r . . . . ,, to reao1a ildpa far oUt a ee.. '. . Rualan mlDSater lems confereuceu MUoYllnovlch . yesterLa Proyence wall In m1docean. but ilcro8s the ' line , . 1M . t wlIl .eaIl uD to-dar. NotbJDs 01Ilc:al17 liven .out but reason· be- ~htch dIVIdes the Europ,aD statfODB< from tbe ..American ,..dt~ · lICI .mot .trovet:*J' .DOW on17 qu.eaUon,. sl&tlona. · ' ·'.• llDU,... . . And off 'Went the message wltJi tts thunderstorm or dota ana clash" that l~ely' _blp tal' out on the Atlan· . aDd the dpamOJ milled "Ith ~~'~~~"kl~ JI)cU~ ...,

.. • .... .._--...........-. ._.. -...... ...•--- ......... ._- •••• -...-.-....... -.. .._.. _..._._---.....-_..__ ... ...... ... --_.-. ••••





" ••••












, C , RT: ,.

COllllllon pica. Court.

Court Proceedings. Willard J. Wright, administrator vs, Levi N .. Gustin et a!. Jury in t rial disagrees, Cyrus W. Younce v . Louisa Brant, . pIam ' t I·ft t 0 et al . Motion to require give security for costs overruled, Magic City Land company VS . Society of Shakers, Defendant has leaye to fil e answer and same is filed. ' II ' Thomas L . Humphreys VS. WI lam Settlemeyer. Demurrer overruled and defendant I'S giv,e n ten days in which to further plead. Lo ve Ian d M u t ,·.. a1 BUI'ldl' n &a & Loan Company vs . Henry D. Reineke et a1. Court distribu tes proceedsofsheriff's .ale amounting to $334. In matter of Jury Commilsioners - W. W. Welch, M. C. Wikoff, Ira F. Bigony and George R Rossman, heretofore appointed commissioners of jurors, areaworn and t wo hundred and thirty-~wo'~udicious persOns are . chosen fO,r Jurors. Petry H Rue, receiver vs. Louise Leu,.; · executrix , et aI. Plaintiff I _

given leave to'ainend his petition, CharI. Parham va C NTraction fl' ~. Cause dl!Jrt)lSS atcoato p atn-

' ·, ·e a··




Summer School June 18 to Aug.6 .


$11 85


SI 07




S. D. FESS, Yellow Springs, O.


estorativ~ ~all

ant~o~~~g:~~r of guardianship of ~:~$:;:~~~;r~~:1~1~:7~~~.i~;~: !~· ~R

burial of Eraslus Marks, $75: D. Trotter & , Co. ~ lumber, ~589.60; James Follen Sr., salary as janitor cf court house for May, $50; R. Harshbarger, sala~y as a8sii!i~nt janitor, $40; W. H, Antram, 500 stamps, $10; Jacob Shumaker, bridge repairs, $4,50; Franklin Chronicle, blanks for Soldier Relief Committee, $1'.25 State of Ohio vs Maurice Ridge, ,dered. cos~, $6.05; Inquest over dead body ,Estate of Mahala Ward, deceased. of Adda Belle Hutchinson" $13.15. . ,F irst account with vouchers for set- Contract was entered into with the :" t1em~nt'1iled. oreg(;mia, Bridge ,. Company £~r new J! . , Marri L'cen ite~l joist iii ' west span of Banker ." . t, ,11&, I ~. , bri'dge, cieosoted ,nailer~, new rollers' fiJi> I, Mel,vinROy Mou,nt, 21, clerk, N~r- and' plat es ,under east' end of 'east Wood,"to ,B~anehe Hewitt, 21, 'Maine-, ,sp~ ~~ bridge new w~)J plate ~d v,ille. Rev, Mr., Priest. . adJusbpg east span ~d ' replacn'lg GrOv~.r /d. W. hi~cre ~2; ' fat:m,e r; fl()~,~ng on we~t.8,?an?f bridge ac~oss. IN~et:¥ille to Ethel Bt:ant '21, teach- ~m , Creek near tesldenc~ of 'Bank, er,'LebMoil., .' ~v:, A. COi}per. ~r. in:FrankJin t,ownship at their bid ,..:;: -' , . - ' of $850; ,


Sarah Jane Wilson, imbecile. Geo. E , Younlf appointed guardian giving bo~d ' of $600. ' . 'Estate of Wilson Kirby, imbecile. Firat account fi led , ~tate of Jenira Cavolt, deceased, Inye~tory and appraisement filed . ·Samuel E. Cutler'. administrator of l:dwin Cutler; deceased vs · Mary : E. Cutler et al. A new survey or-






' . ,- •

Did te~del!·he&'~ n:tar,l ever ~e

The Alpha,Chern'l'cal Go., f


And Opt' · ·





ihe C~zette for , News 1






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It _*

,Htn!.Y, D~ :Rienc;ke ,by Frank P. anythingmo!edeserving,ofpiiY, 1 han l'IJ eb.riff. ~ the Llv~ Mutu- a laQle yellow dog? ' __

, ,




, Offers fdr · thi~;~'Yearmany' :new "things. '~ Jt gives











, the Je'weler 'i






i i




J H' 0pp'

••~. . ...~.uu.a_, Utlll,• ._-U~,,1C ~I'_-






Cemetery w.Miami T. Frame real


~ ,

Some of the Entertainers:


1It matt er 0 f 'WI'11 0 f ""liz ' J:. a Ann B 1zar, dece&sed, Will admitted to pro. bate. In matter of estate of Eliza Ann liizar, deceued. Lewjs ' C. Nixon appointed aQ.niinistrator..rivin.r bond of '$S()() witll the F:ederal Surety Co., as Burety. , Estate of H~ry Oilatush, deI--=---===-::r- Application to sell elaims for hurine Jun~ 1"th at 10 "'o'cloCk. Estate of E. C. Martin, deceased. Sale bill confirmed~ . John Wagner VB. The P'ittsburg Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Rail, way Co, Said cause is let for hearin&' June 8 at 10 a. in. Estate ofT. G, Wliit~, deceased: Sal e b'll ' filed ' I. , ', Estate of Katie M. Benham, im, bee " 1 S' h filed ' 1 e" lXt account. Estate of RebeccaJ: Ellis, deceased , First a~d final account filed. ' . ' In ,matter of fruardianship of . \" '1 G ' W'lI son, im"eCl Sarah' J ane e. eo. E. ¥oung flIed Dond of ,$500 with Florence Young and Phil Spence sureties. ' M"rthl A. JamesOh, assi&'nee vs, Nannie R. ' Eagle et a!. Ordered to ~dvertis~ real estate, for sale for four .. , consecutlve"weeks In neW8pa"er of gene ra I Clrcu · Ia t'ton. Estate of John F. Jo'ox, de'ce~ed. Fi , na J account IiIed. The P. C. C. & St. L. R. R: Co., va. John Wagner et a1. Sheriff ordered to select a jury to try .the question of compensation and dam- $14.55; Frank J. Brown, premium on in the shape of' many '~ges on JU,n e 8 at 10 a · m. Ordered insurance policy, $112.60; Frank D. t hat s'u mmous be issued to appellants Miller, bridge cQntract $195; Bert

Real ,Eatate TrUJfets.


Association to by fal' the greater part of the burden. npt liD dOlle, A Purely Vegetable 'Laxative estate in Ea: t At the same time the city haB s pent ' e8t9IDaoh norto temporarllystJmWayne t owns h'IP $1, il'l1t·e the tted' Bf¥\ort or KidneY8. l'ha.t Ctlr"'" Chronl'c. Con st'Ipn •. $1, 0 ,000 on stt:ee t. ··Impl·ovemen ts 01d-f8shiO In thod is all , WtODg. "n ' ~l(nl, an d All J~es S. Brown and wife to Fred- hastened by the deSIre to :bave the Or, ' hoop's R~Bt.orll.tive goes direct~ ' Liver and Kidney 'l'roubltltl. erick W. Brown real estate jn Warren city in readiness for its visitors. ly to thelle falling 'ln ide nerV' . ~......~ '~~,~- County, $260 Even the hotel-keepers have been in- l·he,rell,lIl.rkl1bl s uooe ~ of thi~ ,preF'or IIllle.1t Ut 10110 WI1I11 /WI':CI!: , Granville C. Tullis, of Franklin, to fected t.o such an extent by the "ex- soriptio~ ·dem oD tl'lltes the' WI dOlll . . . . " of treatIng the aot,ulll oause of these Ztmmel'mlUl 'fI, KU1l9D ' fl, Golden Olive Burse real estate in pOSition ~ptr1t ~hat ~hey have agree.d, f$i1iDg organ . And it ' IS 'indood W~ite'8t Monot,joy' Springfield, Ohio. ' Franldin township $66. not to raise theIr pnces., a~d there IS ':lY SY t.() prove A simpJeU ve or ten t t _ ~ , , " James Marion Cochran to John A. a combination of all inteJ/ests to pro- days te t will surely tell , 1'ry ' t t' _', '1 ," I'.' Debold raal estate in Salem township, vide adequate accommodations for ' onoe IHlQSeru olILhy. All Dea lers _ ,_ $66. all who may come at normal ptices. • -. WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. l ~""~""""""'" "'~,:""" :"" '~'''';' W. T. Frame ,and wife to the Two million people, the railrol1ds esAUTOMOBILE OWNERS ' 1. I. Miami Cemetery Association real es- timate, wi'll visit Seattle t hi' sum- . ~ tate in' East Wayne township $1. mer.- From "TheAlaska-Yukon~PaYou 4lr e invited to be present at a Frank H. Kemper ' trustee ThoB. cific Exposition," in the ' American meeting of the Warren County Auto• Orthodox Pricnds Church. ~" I ', ~" C. Welch and Frank M. COllden to Review of Reviews for June. mobile Olub- at the Motor Inn, LebaRc.\'_ Be n ja m i n lIaw~ln~, Pn 1M, ~ ~ Fred C. Gilmour real estate in Salem - ... . Oh . Wed esd J '2 Sa hllll~h ~1\h WI , II ;;N II, Ill , ' l'J.t lll i'h ~roll ~ '~ Tell' 801~e de erving R heum"tio non, 10~ · o~ .n ay, une , , ~('o,r:,~VoJl\i1," 11110 :;10 II , m; GbrfllL!all Jo;Il0~~ Vllr, ~ ~ township, $1. sni'ferdr , th6~ ther e i yOI, on~ ,Sim_ \ 1909, at 2 p. ,m., t~ dlS<!.uss the matter ," ~, . , ~ , I~ ,~ Clyde C. Collins and Bessie M, pie wa.y to certa,in reli ef, Get Dr, co-qperatlOD WIth, the Good !Wads H' ' .. C ' I. '~ Collins to'silna G. Hill real ~tat8, in Sh oo 's book. 'o n Rheumatism ILnd 110 1 ssociation looking-.toward the im. IC,l(silC Prlellds Itllrch. ~ ~ Sou thLeb anon,. $5 f ree trlli P ' l test. , 'rh'IS ' b00.k W ilJ. , FJr,llhy Mo" lIn lt.\II :O O n.1l1. PlrH~ny ~ Ultl k.e "I provement of the highways and SClencl.ool, 11 : 0(1 ;1, 0), P III Lll llay M,lI' IIII K ~ IClan iI' Joseph M. Boyle to L, Blanche it entirely clea r , how .Rhenmatlo +;ficroadbui1(iing, 10 ,00 II. Ul, J~ ,I ' iI! Th 1 t t . Leb $1 paios are quiokly kll\ecl by Or. ,. , , . ' . I ~ ~ ompson rea es a e In anon . Sh oop ' Rl1eomatio Remedy-liqu\d , Also t he matter of takmg some Itl~. 1. R. La\vler to Robert E. Mooney or tablets. Send no m oney. The terest in the HiIIClitribing C9ntest Christian Church. ~ ". real estate in 'f1,lrtlecreek townshi p, test is frep. ~urpri8e. B,ome disbeu;rt of' t'he c.:;incinnatl' Automobile Olub SumifL · . ho II, .If ::]0 11 m., • (01;1111 1lI ~"l ~ , '" '. . , " CJ :!IQ II: Ill, n oll 'ht'llIlIan I.ndl:llVnr iI' Sllv"'rw""r'e Wntches ' , l!~ $1. ened. snfferel;,~ 1>y fir' t getting for at Forl Ancient early in 'June . ,{l'his 7Ing. :00 p , In ~ , " A, ~ J b S E d 'f t W II him tbe book from Dr. 8boop, RIl, . h' ~ , .l aco . vans an Wt e 0 a ace oine Wis Sold by AU D.ealers, rel1t Will be of more t ~n passmg ~ Clocks, Jewelry, Rlpgs, '. ~ E.:;lcottreaIestateinWarrenCounty, I • ' _. ' ' i~terest; as' tlUtomobiJes ,?f national Methodi t EpiscopaJ'.Church~ ~ , " ' - I $1. ' PURE DRINKINO-WATER reputat ion will be in tl;le ~ontest. Hev , W. " . ( III1Hlllil. 'Pa!\ IOr ~ Chains, etc., all New. ~ .' Joseph Eltzroth heirs to Frank and f C' ChId I th SlIncllly}IChol,I,f)::ltln . ID . ~lorn ln gl\·r· 1. ,'J", ,.\ ~ , l1he ,W.• . A. , s OU we come -, e \" ~C.. lo ill(rn, m. , j~Tlwonh I~ fLI(UC. '1': 00 1" ~ EngraVi'OO' .. SpeCialty ~ '" Edward Huffman r~al WarThe ~ater qu~t;ion~ in so far as d. A ,0. , ' " . '" " m. I!:\' nlu g Ret\'lce~ '7 ::1U p . nI , Mldw k ~ ' " IS " ' , 'ren and Clermont counties $1101.46, health IS concerned, IS one of the I. Any other matte~'s of mteres~ may Pnycr j\ltlc~l u lI. ~ : 10, II, 1II. , ~ ." " ' ~ Commissioners' Proceedio s. most significant q~nstions with which b~ discussed by this'~embly. ' Cop- _ . ' . ' ' I~ ,,' ~ g the indi vidual or the community can ies of the. Revised Automobile Laws St. Mary s Episcopal Church. I ~ Spectat:le FiUlng i1 Specialty. ~ , B I' II 11- Ph'I ' S k' ; If Wh at we s h a 11 d rm, . k and ~pphcatlon " . I' l'\un<lay He\, .•Schon\. 1. I~. ll(\H."\III walJllde r , Hoelo\', ~ ."~ , . I Ip pence, rna mg gen- concern ttse . blanks 'f 91' 1909 'regl"n. III Murn llll( aero ~ , eral indexes, $566; The Weijtern Star, whether it be dv-er or well or lakeor ttation may he obtained at this' meet- ,'leo, III lao a. 10. H'l'Ily OI'lI}lIl l1( IlI1 ~II tll'~1 1 ~ " ~ ' . ' . ' . ' . $\1 nil II)' of each m ()ll~l l, T~ , . ~ g p envelo;,es for treasurer, $28; Johnson s r.lO water, IS of the ~tmost ,lm- ing. FRANK BRANDON, ~reSlden t. &, Watson cotn~any, mdse. for pro- pOltaace. Our cou~try IS so I~lg~, J. A. K.rLPATRIC~. Secletary. St. Augustine's Catholic Church. ~ , ~P , ~ bate judge, $13.70; John ,Wolfe, ou r streams so mu~h used. Take a .. - fo'lllher 0 111'1(1.' MII.YC llllotf, r , l'n~lf)t" 1~ W '11 ' Ohl ~ bridge repairs Massie township, river like the Ohio which flows firs t , MIlSS evt'ry seC(' /ia ~u u(h\1' of lh ' nw" lila ~, ~ aynesvi e , O.

Probate Court.


....__iiiii_ _"-"'-~"Ii,.--III!II-~~



FR' E'En


K...lhPl' Ad , ' plain iff v~. M~rgart>t L Y ak ". mi n l' unoer 14 years, Willia A . eakle, minor und r 14 y aI's and amu ' l E. Y akle, d f ndnnts. p , ilion for po.rtition of rea l tate in Fral'\klin. Higgins & onklil'\, a partnership plaintiff \ ' s eOl'ge E. ... tut ~llan P lition for money, amount clullned being $320 which is alleged to be d~e plaintiff for servi 'e in sale of el'tlltn J roperly. atharine ~nook \'s Leban II Can· ninK' 'ompany. Petition fol' money. amount claim t.l being ll'5. Petition alleges lhat am.ount was loaneu defendan t upon promise to pay with interest but same has not been done,



, cl,ean wall-pape~ use th~ fo!lo,~~ ing; , McJ ~ port; Fitt'lb~rg, ", lp : ~en.¢' t.s ' \\Iorth.ofllqUlIl. 'nRti' 'and olher "' place ' , before amm ~ia, ten cents' W rHi 'of ,oil , of finally joinhrgt,he Mi i ipl~i at 'airo A , $3.5Q ' coLo- CLOCK • • ssa(ras ' one teasPooJlf~1 ( ven f~lI ...., re' could be nd~hing more dan- I On t he CIa 'sic (~ollege Cam l)lJS, Ychl)w Spri,l1g'S " , f soda. h\o t aspoonfuls ( v n full) gel'ous in thehap/.l ' f wal r than ' V IF YOU BRrNG 'fH~ Ohio, june, 18 to 27, inclusive: of salt and one 'Ill l't of c 'Id water-that. It i' at once the drain and the Mix the cold water, \Vjt~l the ingr di- s wer of innumerable ,villag . and MOSE COHEN'S n~'!\, then ,add while Hour unt-il Wis lown:;;, the plac in whi h is dumped : JUNE SALE thick enough to dt·op from a spoon. all the r fUlIe and from which is , / YO 'VE WAITli:D Put in It covered pail, set in a k U.le urRw again the waleI' with which ' FEAT RF:S Ill ·nl Sylvall Spnt, wjlh l've,'ry r\wilily to Inal,,:" , of boiling wall', and cook until done, tre ts and t ilets are flu hed . ·' ~YO 'nE REWARDED t he annual HlImllH:l1' outing a I'l~H I'; iolt ( If ,h' 'a m of t h . yt'Il I' Read every item and come. Be stirring often. If it does not stick , YOll musn't think, ither. b 'cal1 e \ Tt'll Days (' Illm llllhm ip till' l5h"d" " (1(' a I; real. \ 'oll eg'e wit h ure to bring the coup n slip with to the hands wh 11 cool, it is done. you have a w II in yOUt' yard that Mas lel' Ol'lltur:;. 'cllli ·::';lil'l'illg' •'i ll g'l'I'H; I IIH pil'llI ~~ Lt' ' l lll't' I '~. you . Now is the time to buy. Wond I'· Working' P" l:!s tiuig-ita tu l'", Fa/llOus l'll lpiL Oralo r's. Rell1ovefrom th pail and divide into you 11" p rfectly safe;> " Do you ; fl eal'l-ThI'Jllillg' J.:luc·uliullisLS, P"l'J'1 ' HH l\fII Hiciall~ nnd (:I't.'al (·Ioaves." working 'each pi cea while know wh l'e the wat I' com s (I'om'? ' LOOK! LOOK!! . Iw -It.y rliHI S. Truly a io":JSL fill' til CII.! " in the hand. Tukc out only what is Rave you any idea wh at drains into MEN'S SUITS ne tied. I aving the Test Cover cl in vo ur well'. Ho\"; far is it fro m a Every AccoJDmodation $13.45 the pail. to prevent the ammonia ~ew(,I'? How far from a sspool? ' For Man and Heu ·t. ThcSI) in 'Iuli t' good waleI'. l'omm'Jlli oll!'l lur \ ' bIIlOW from evaporating Rub th walt Have vou en,!!' had it tested? no ' tlining hall. RhulteJ' in t.!tI.'ie uf Htlll'Ill, and hult' a mi lt' o t' hilch· Ill' lu J f.,r IlIlu ~ ~vith a loaf, workingtl~ dirt in to the you k~ow that some so· called put'e, ! illg IJluc '';' Tl! lItl4 flll'llislwC\ Itl l' it! HI am jJillg- . 11 /' 10 I~ . aough. When very d irty , exchange cold well \Vat t' contains enough Iime i $14.85 for a clean loaf: Thill removes dirt or sodilolll1 ot' ether chemical to un- l (or YUh lf'S Ill' 10 $~U and grease magically and leaves old dermine your bone or muscles and 1 • $17.85 paper as goo~ as new ,- Woman's prod uce certain fo rms de disease? Headi n 'R, l,l M Luy M 'l)' ; lor \'ulu ~ Home Compam on fot' June. You can just as easily have yoursys- I EtimuTld ancl' Cook; / " "Old Days in Dixie." 01'. St~(! l e; / up 10 15 ':~; t~,I1~~\ Trouble h~a~;s Ousted tem undermined and destroyed by H 1'b I't 'PI'agll e Hlld wife ill ('u'Hlul11'; what you tlr inlc in the shape of pu r e I 1"'. Geo l'g WOlld AIIlIt'I','Ul1, .," . Lou i!'!; Brmg ' thOIS 51'tp. When !\ 8u fi'Arer from stomach cold waleI' as bu what you do in any trouble ta kes Dr, King's New Life J ,Prof Pamahasilca, wilh lrain 'd Lirds and Ut)gs; 11.00 worth of Gold Bond Co u- Pills bo's migh ty glad t o soehis Dys, ?ther harmful way. and mor e 80. It ), Gov . Glenn . 0(' Georgia. Iamou s Southern oralul'; ,/ pons FREE with your purchases, pepsin a.nd ludigestion fly. but more is more insidious. , Dr. J. Wesl y Hill. Mt1tl'opo li Lan 'l'e mpl ~. Nt:w ,(1)1'1< ily. a Whirlwintl providing they amount to 26c or he's l,icklod ov I' his now fine uppo· It is no excu e to ay that you can I Dr. l~d Gil, jwo\t. l'E'tUl'll rI fro/ll a t I'ip ill ng hin , e wall. more. You must bring this slip . me, strong nerves , healthy vigor, not help yours If. The water qu es- ' Capt. Hichntc nd I'I:'HI'Si 'l1 HulJl<lIll, (hp avul Hero, on WOI'ld nil beol\uso 8tomnob,lIvor nnd kid t ion can always be helped. Wells,! )1011'8 30c Uubb r CoIl1U'8 . the best mllke ney " now work right , 250, at· Fred l' ace , ( lu :\me.riclI, Ille price, 13c U, ' bWRrtz's . can be deepened; drains I oked after. Mill ·Barnhill. D' bal 'on Sor ialism; 2 IQr 2!1c. leach , . ... ,. , .,. .. - - -... - . . If you li ve in cities, examinations , Ross rane. cray"n urlis\.; 300 I'ainl or Meu'!; l'Aut~ , aU goutl. dc" , Ret.'il a l. Ha ll i l~. Bro\\'1\; lliruhlc patterns ; 87c FINAN CINO TH E 5E AlT LE FR AI can be asked and secu red. Then; at l LHumnt, t he Mug i ·iull . a SI.1I0 value ....... ....... , . I nat, if anything happens to you or poollli Lot of ~I ell '!; Dlllr.k ulld Drowll Ucr· 1 f th t th h)' lIlIt . l1ew~ t sl,rll\jt hlocltg; t was not 0 course, WI QU e your children. you can bl'ing in action , [lOslU"eh'n 2 \,Ilue. PrIL'O,, · ex p nd i tur~ of trem endo~s energy for damages which will not only re- i EA ON TI } ETS AND ADMIS ION THE The greatest values ever ofand enthUSiasm that a city of Ie S li eve your pri vate needs, but be so J AME A LA T YEAR. fered by' any Dayton concern in than 300,000 peoole in the State con- ignificant that it will create pUQlic Boys' and Children's Clothing. taininl'le than 600,000 population sentimen t nntl perhaps bring llbout ..... cou ld finance an exposition,- an un- better sanitary conditions for your [0'0\' fltll])[lI'l ir. lIluI'S, mll l'l~~ dertaking that has taxed the re80urc- l\eig hbor : Try it, anyhow.- The Dees of Chicago and St. Louis ,- and Iineator fo r June, ___,_ __ have it ready to o)'en on time And . no exposition has heretofore succeedIu IIi knes~, if n. COTIRln hidden CLOTttE8. f'U~NI~HINO:', ed without financial aB:'Iistanc.e from fte rve goe~ wrong, then t,he orgl~n Splendid Servife on S . & 'I'raction Line. Thousands Mo~e JUlie Sale Bargams the federal Government. Nellthbor..: illft this nene cOntrols will 'also ing states have helped to ~me ex- urely fili I. It may be 11 Stl' m"ob rent California and Oregon by the lIarve, or it mtl.Y ha.v~ given 8t:reogtb l ~,""_ _ _ _" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _• •_ • •_ " _ ' ; I B 'Id' C f L 1 d ' , . of ~100, 000 each, , ItndWl\8 s l1pport to the a UI 109 ompany 0 ove an appropriation but Dr 8h op tHeart htl.t fi or rstlttdneY8. pointed I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'" ~ . __ real estate in Salem township $834, Seattle and Washington have borne t'O this ~l ttll truth. Dr. 8boop's •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _......~

, ith Every $9.

' .' cw . III1S.

~l~ANI~,\~:~L-PAP.ER l~~~' , P rm ylv!lnlans liandW ',' ,I irgit1hl', pru ing ke Wheel-


A a $3,,5



l1ews; ' aii~:'i~ ill\v~Y,8 ' d:~I~yered ~~ 'iti /


all ~he ,.",,.._.

patrons' ol(time."






oui,lY',T reasul'e r Will R. Lewisi

s 'TJU'ee college girls near, "Chicag o '-----------~ , ~.---~',-...-:' :. huLbliflg' abo ut. ori a calle all the re- have an apiary .from wnich they gath- I O'~' ~'I (" I': I N , ,, 1, 1..1'1" 11 , lA IN S'II(I~~1 ' " ~lI)t of'an u~cidt:'nt Lhat mig ht have er honey ,d u ring the summe r and


IT'S ' t'iulis 'when u buggy in fall months, says Helen Mar Adams ' A (.I,lO:Y 1': , I :,\' ,r. ;oJ' I, II :) ' whi'h ,)le wa" riding, brokt: d ,OWD in' The Uesign er for June. During - - - - - - - - - - - - : : . . - - - throwin g 'th oc lI))l:lnts to the ground college term they use tlie honey-i n 0'. L , and M ulla/r'1' vil)lelltly , making sweet bread, cakes and l\fl', LeW is was in an 0) en phaeto n pastry. The wealth ier class of girls Rilles of Subscr illlion Just what you want f o r your FLOORS, FURNITURE, dli ven and occupie d by Dr W. R. in the college and near-by AND schools ,, ~ 1.1I1t Ash' alll1 childre n r llll"ning from pllrcha s the output OTHER INTERIOR WOODWORK wh en they becom e scuffe d of their "honey ,\I f, SUII Brl tners cit'culi 'Friday night. kitch n," and the proceed s pay their and worn, Make s them 1 ok like new ; in any NATU RAL Aftl:! l"' tite hoI' e had I fl th circus ucation al eXpel1lleS and furnish pinWOOD color desire d. LUS1RO FI NISH is t he only g l'Olilldll h ' bl'carne rather fl'iilllY ulll1 produ ct otley made in colors that are nOll-f adi ng, and not affect slul'leU uff at u merry clip , It"adlllg L''''id ~, Iwr II~.· One girl in the Middle Wes t, whose ed by r" H,·. d l nv 1" ~" I " ,l>hwk l ..r." fI ' r lilli' 1111' Th t:' ~ait was not. at all alarmin g father could not calTY the exp nses sunlig ht. ' Cll\:j.q lll e ll At1 ~, nnl I .. f,~.: t"" " III t' lillI" 01' tlan15erOIl Lul as a I' ult a front of a college educati on for ber, was That tough , elasti c LUSTR OUS F INISH , ,"THE MADE ;:!i,' a xle l)l'ok TO lettin g dow,) the tront asked, aftel' she had gradua ted with Obit u al'i c ', f11' " I .. ' I ,,'~ tn'j' : """ 1' lI \'u WALK ON," won't come off kind. lJol'li III of the vehicle with a jar It sticks to the surhigh honors, how It was that she manInc hes, I,,'r li ne , _"'~ \' thl owill g th~ occupa nts forwar d and C;:lI"d o f thl1l1k . , , , , " , face to which you apply it, but not, to your shoes aged to get throug h colle~e. Her , clothMl c dil'ecll v under the feet of the horse. simple but happy answer was, "With ing or earpe ts. Soulalll ctc, ",11<'I'e uhal'llc I ~ m aue ;:~lt' Hat! not the animal stopped stalk bees!" OIM pluy Allverl lhlul!, fI"r Int' h ' 0 " SALE BY Ill" I:!cill they would have bt:en ll'ampl ed I have known women who have OI scou nt " I!II'IJ!I 011 f'011l rae!. on and v ry pl'ouably serious ly il\- made comfor table income s and supjUI't:'d , pOl'ted their familie s by uel!keepinJr, J U I, ~ , J UOU , As it was no one gainetl a I:!cratch and I know they have . , found the but Mr. Lewis and he suffere d a se- work a joy instead of a drudge ry. riously spraine d right ankle, quite 'fheacl ualwor k in connec tion wilh "SWEET HOME" NOT FOR Relief for Toothache. PAYNE. serious ly and painful ly. H e is scarce- bee-kee ping require s It the tooth has n cavity use IIQllid ' as little attenly able to be about but is plucky tion as perhap s any other money. Writer a , Spray from m dlcln drop. AL'rE R MCC LUR E, of Song Frequently Without ammoni per directly Into the ca vit y, B vet'y enough to hobble back and forth to making industr y, and during the , Place to Lay HI. Head, BUrg and not toucb the tende r gum, It his otHce twice daily. - Tbe Wegter n summe r time Fune ral Direc tor. hundre ds of schoolg irls Th e Bong we Know 80 well 0.. thel'e Is an ulcerate d rool prepar~ II. Slar, find a pleasan t occupa tion in bee cul- "Huwe, Sw e~t Hom ," WIl.Il poultice ot fl axseed meal, mix ed wltb originally ....... • "'&Ier, But In II. small v sse Bnd ap· ture. In the spring and For the fir6t Lime in tlv" 'history of Teleph ono dny or nigh 1; • Any lady celllier 0 " t)lie pllper will school takes up the ",reatefall, when "SWt3eL Hom e," and John Howard ply to the gum, cov ring th e lBW IIIlIg, r part of Payn e was torw rly knuwu lUI J , Waynes ville hu~ Lhe luuel uf u t.ypo- reoeivl>, nn requeRt., It olever Vnlloy phono No, 7, Long SI)I' ad on Bmall "No pi cell the ur time, IIn l' n there is at least an hour Howard Payne, no I)l"ip" (Joffee t:ltruiner COlllJUl I pri v· The disillusioning llugel' lhan the end of Diaumc e No, tJ!l-~r. the fing ur, rold gTaphicnl union been allowed to be li ege, from Dr. I:)boop, Raolne process kee ps 011 allac6, Il h. w 11 , Wle each afterno on when the enthusi astic known Ihat army bands In time or war une tblckll6RB over thll p ullfc , ]{e. used. By a ::Ipecial dispemllllion from It 18 a !Ill ver pltlt.ed, very WA YNESV ILLE, - ' OHIO. the Interna tional Union the juri!!dic-!litive)Y prl:'venl,&I all pretty,li~rl girl can give the hives ait the at ten- art! forbidd en to IllllY, "Sw et Bome" now just at! tust as tll y cool. Thts drippin g of tion requh'e d. will soH It th ulcl'ra tioll and nUll It 00 accouul ot th e large nUluher ot deBranch Office, Jlar\,cy sburg. O. tion of Spl'ingfieltl Union has been teu or coffee 'l'bo Oootor slinds it, • _ _ serllOU 8 It CUUll Otl , An offl e r with to bre"ak In a short time, Have a Ilea· wit,h hi!! new frfll:l bl)ok (ID "Healt b ~tended to Waynesv ille, ana we Coffee" the fl e t, writing to a trlend, r terred and party prepare tbe ooultfce. It pos· simply to Introti!lOO this to the tune In theBe worda : "Yo e 111- Ilble, as It mu st be don quickly , Ket!p DR. wel't! given the lubel to use. olevf\r suuiltit nt,A H.E. Il,A' fBAW AY real ooftee I· " 0 R ' !ow While Lhe re probab.1'y~will be few Or, ~lluop's lJellltJ.Ifor It occasionally at sea, wber the bot waler bott] otltlolid e ur baudage, Coffee is gain..,. B !II n could nOl possibly ri sert wltilout calls for this label still there are a ,ng itl! ~fellt popult nity \ fl,Y"jeRv1lls's Leadin g Dentl8 t Unlike Some, becaus e of: Withou t pain by the use of 1 aping overboard: but when 011 shore felY, Ilnd peopl wond I' what good I1rtlt, itt! ~x'luiAlte taste and "Be CR!'f'rlil ", hat ye lIay, Bon," cau, Omce in Keys Blelg, Main 8' finor; Sch ' , C ;:j uever!" Imagine what a powertul tlonl>d th Plunkvll ie Polonlu8 :;e?l)n~, tts ab!!olote bedthf ulnes8 ; , wartz s orn R emover -Influenc e sucb a tun mU1l1 have on it accompliilhe!!. Hel'e are a few ~blrd , ttsllc? nomy- I X Ib " Yos, IJO ll ," 260 ; fourth , 15 Cents per Bottle reasons set forth why nntI what the Itll oonven tence, No tedlons a homes ick mall, t!lou sunds at miles, "Rem('mber, that you ain't 20 to tfom wlr , mother, BW elh ('nrt, babies ! neut enough to cl aim thl-'t youproml. '*''*'*'*'~'**'*''*'**** label stand for: wall ~ wlnuttl tl Qplitog. "MIl(l~ in a min- , First- The label stands for four 30 Howard Payne's IIfa was on e or r n'ts" IIlIyS lir, Shoop. Try it at mls(Juol erl ,"- Pllck, markab le vlcls/lltu des, or an evening ~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!! J ..t..~ \Tour 's, for a plea~ant lIoryears or more of hard sel'vice in ap- prlss , ;;rooer h.e would stroll a.long the stl' ets look· '-n-' &Id by 1111 Grocer 8. BISHO P MOOR E Ing Into the brilliantly lighted parlors, prentic eship in a s tl'ictly union shop. I "',,. Olloe In Ilwhlle be would see a fanilly econd- lt s tands f r qual wllges THE COMET IS COMING 011'0' Bishop David H. Moore, in his ad- ,Circle 80 happy and fOI'mlng comme nsurate with service given 80 beaut!· S· " . . t4l a group that be wuuld ' atop gaze ~ .: dress betore the Method tst • '';:'' Third - It stands for fail' and equal Much curiosi ty and excitem ent of Columb us advised all theminIste rs upon tbe IIcene and With a 'iilgb IIa8s ... ,,. ..y", pastors on. "How otte~," yald he t all Intlconditi ons, for high grade of work will be caused next year 'by the re- to be wary about extendi ne- the I mate frIend. "have 1 been In the bart manshi p', for the best knowle dge of turn of Halley' s comet, the larlCest courtes y oftheir pulpits to those pre- l of Paris, Berlin, th t ade Ii d f'ol' .Ite upll'ftl'ng 01 London, or some ' , , . , e r ,h ,n otber city, and beard persons slnglpg LI and mO!lt spectac ular that ever visit.:, tending to be ~mlst.ers, but. WIt out l or the band ...,,. the unior. man. Cn this connec tion ed our solllr ...,,. organ playlni, 'Sweet system during historic proper credent Ials. He saId , there ~ Oreg onia, - - Ohio t-"'" Home: , without a shJlllng to buy the stati!lti cs Bay that twO-thh'd8 01 the time. Astron omers . cannot All kinds of Stone, Brick and ',;:..' tenus are a numbe r of pretend ers abroad nexl meal or a place to put ml' bead, Q~i9n men ,.41re Cbrispa ns, and are ex- the e)tact day the comet will Cemen t Work. cross in the land and that they do, a great Th~, world bas, lIlerally , sung It until emplar y,citizen!l. Cemen t ' Walks an~ Floors ~ ' the earth's orbit and therefo re can- deal of mischie f, It became Fourth - ltshow sforth to the world known ev ry b,ear t ~s familiar wltb Itl mel· Special ty, 6c (0 JOe per . ~,A' te OIly; yel,l bave been & wander er trom not determ ine whethe r any ,dange~ that B'ISh op Moore- wou Id appn:u la my boyhood," tbat t,!te 'eolploy,er is often th;e man threate ns, 1 'is not wholly 'square foot. impossi - the hono~. of being presidin~ bish~p wh9 ~ and does give him' an, honest for a comet to greatly injure the of the -OhIO confere nce at. Athens m Roosev elt, in a mapzi ne article, day's work and who is not always earth and Jess imposs ible All wO!k guaran teed. Undertaker and E~balmer. that jt 1910.. There w.ould ~ a smgula r a~- deelare s ehe country IS powerl ess to looking for 'new' and better (?) con- migtit come so clo'36 to the earth that propr~ateness, I~ thIS, as Athens IS enforce ita immigr Will be found 10 the old ation rights with· ditions , ' the animal and human health would .t he bishop' s bIrthpl ace; Bonk Bulldln g, opposit e the seat of out navy. While the label may never do us be impaire d. Thecha nce8, howeve r, his alma mater, the Ohio univ ersit y;. the Nation al Bank" .. _ _- - an ounce of good here, yet it is 8 are immens ely agains t 'lleloph one in house' ILnd of. any danger the place where he profess ed con- The Gazette is always full of news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .",ratific ation to know that we can ri'e xt year .from Halley 's tl..ce where '1 can be called comet. version and the da~e will be the com' . Use it, and that we are still hi' Probab ilities are that we will da.y or night. see, pletion of his fiftieth year in'the min- ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ , Vlllley :Phone 1~2. tbe fold " ' in this comet the fin~t , display ,an~ istry. Subscribe for the Gazette Mai,n St'r,e et, 'T~ ~ averag e Inf:ln and wom~n who the most wonder ful ever witn~ () , Wayne sville, Ohio .. - • ., " ' never" studies the conditi on of the by many peopllil ' now I~ving, This A TbrUlin g Rescue ' ' • unionis t, knows but little of the comet returns ' eVery , 76 years aad How ,Bert ~, Lean, of lJheny, Will make the season of 1909 8tren~th of a label, but the employ er those wh~ miR'ht rem~mb at my er its last Wlldb,. Was tined fro n a trlg,hU nl residen ce. 2~ miles north of Wayneswho does not allow it to be used, visit must noW' be at least 80 dea~h ill " I\tory to thrill the w'o rld, Ville, Ohio, on th Waynes vill soon 'finds o'ut wh!it it means when and d ' :'A ' hllrd oo1d, I I he writes, "brouR bt Dayton pike, , 01. . on a desper ate trouble that he sends,o ut his g6ods, and they are \ Astron~mers are' not 8O '8ure as to baffled an ex-~rtdlung fs bUil ton cientifi e principle!') tlu'oug hout'\ votor here. ,Then is .a bright bay,] returne d to Him with , "sticke rs" all its form during the cOll\ing l l:.'1 ollical jaw, are mad of heavy sheet steeJ appear . I, pllid $10 to ,'15 a visit ,~ a )!lng over them. ' d I'- bwelgl hst!bofut It~OO , " '. ' -i ... ancJ th main body or watcl' 1;"U!ill"VOit' and plant " 8peolal lst In Swkane, who did 00' poUl~ ds, goo ----.- .... -' 1m lI, p en ,.I ance asl~" h~ fr~uently. change o ~ts help me, ac Ion tube of heavy linned plate. The wllter valve is rben i went to Califor nia, and IS ver~ gentle and ClUiet. l;'aio ~t1ywll"rt! tlt'VPllfld III l.!O min - appeara nce. It 18 the , first , comet but wlthoo t benefit At lut I useel of bras.q with rubb I' packing , 'l'he valve roo H ' ' d 'fi " . I db ' N ded' 'l..1 nta14 sure wltli UtI h b (II D ,. Sb 0 p. . e moo y raco," . m h'IS t'orr J't h av- ,Dr King ,B ~ew Discov and trip spl'ing are ot stettl wit'a: thumb 'button e was ,SIre Ou esse, e y ery, whioh Dictato t, he' by yHamble 'Plok-P oln T&b Itits , ' fbtl forinul" ,j~ in,&: caused g~eat alarm tonian X. and"oth sl' (j ttings are also of brass, The m'a more ~han comple tely, j)ur~~ me and now I am Oscar P.'s dam was AlJenia, by on the 26ee1t Lhux.- A&-~' 9ur 'Doc- 2000 years ago ' " chine is well' put togethe r wi t h rivets and solder .a& weH ~& , ever , For Lung Troubl e, Wilkes, he by George W'lke3 Red or' Drug"IH t II.bO\\t I,bls formul a I . ' , ha by , :.. _ '. and sbould last for y~ars. " Bronch itis, Coogh~ and Colds, Alth Hamble tonian X, IitOP8 wl)muo'ly ptlill,~, I!Qada(~e, N"'EX'T WE' E ' V. :'A'.-j. S' PRcINOFI ELO" mll, '(]roupandWh~oplngOoughlts 'p&h)8ally~'bt'lrt\ Wrlttl Or, t$hoop, No Stoop ing When Using , Ther e, ~' I , , lIoprem e, 500 and '100; Trilll bot .... Racioe . Wi'." ,for ,free tr181 ~o prove ............... tIe r~ee , Guaran t"ed by Fred 0 , , fore No .Lam e B~cks. voJue, Sold, bv All DIl"I~rl! : I All tliings are now ready for the Sohwa rtz, rl - - -... . c~ll!bration of Ohio's fiftieth year in i All Idnds of Plant., 'u 'h as 'abbag~ , To- - -... - ...- - WttE~E 'STORY VI,A::' WRI~TEN hiterde nomina tional Sunday bacco, T mato~, Cauliflo wer, Strawu el't'i s, $10 to inSU1'e a Jiving colt. AllY -scho\>l SMAI.L POX IN HILLS BORO Swee~ Polatoe :;, Sugat· Beets" ·Lc., at'p. set '. one parting with insured mare forin , 'W ork. in comiec,t ion with the Golden wat r nnll cove recJ at 011 uperati on, 'rhe plant Th'" old ~entucky homest ead 'at Jubilee State ' Sunday School feits in:>uran ce, Care will be taken Con, roots are put down to th pt'opel' d epth below , . avoid acciden ts, lJ~t cnnnol b~ COvingtOn in which Harrie t Be~h~r vention at' Springf ield , June The health board of Hillsbo ro has to 8, 9, 10 th surface where the g t'ound is cool and damp. respons ible for any that may occur. Stowe wrote the first chapte rs , of A: progra m requiri ng rhe consta nt lnade a report of the situatio n as to You never have to wait for a r. hower; plants F f th . t' I '. . rd' t UtideTo~'sCabin'is to be to~ndown. use,()f'seve ral auditor iums and the sma II p~x .In t hat pl ace. or ur · er par may tCU be safely set out wben large nough, l'e~artI~ , ars, mqUJre or acco 109 0 call Ho~e Phone 72-6r Centerv ille less of the weathe r- no matter how dry and dusty , 'The hOllse was built in .1787, with 8er",ice~ of fifteen famous' special ists which ~here ha:ve been thirty·f our Exchan ge. " the ground may be. JOQpholes an«;l IQokouts, 'rhe heayy hOll bee':l prepare d'as ~he , educati onal houses qllaran tined and , fifty-ni ne ' e oak doors and window' shutter s still and religiou s menu for this shoulcJ eases have of 0r:t smallpo x. All the cases J ' occasio n. Any man, with. , 'bt?ar • heavy ' /inden~ation~.', made ,by, Little attentio n . will be given very little practic e can easily's et out 7,000 to . ,' . to his- were in light form except four, and • tomaha wks and, dozeris of arro'Y tori cal remillis cence,b ut lO,OOO plants eUllh day. Our plantr mainta there have been no deaths. There ~'!!'!"!!'!!'!"!!'!!'!"!!'!!'!"!!'!!'!"!!~'!!'!"!!'!'!!!~'!! much to '!"!!'!!'!"!!'!!'!"!!~ a recorcJ of over 998 plants to grow from each 1,000 set. MONEins he8d~ \lr~still imbedd ed il) hewn log future 'of 'Sunday -school w:ol'k. the were at the ' ,time , Y , REFUN DED IN CASE THIS PLANT ER. FAILS TO DO aLL the report was C' stopped In l!/) mInutes WE made last week twehty three ilides..:...arui innati 'ColTlmel:'c 'ial Trl,- ' A great Adult CI!lS:S Dftrnon houses ' ' CLAIM FOR IT." Weight , 4X 'lbs. This plaoter will save its tiur,' withRellledy, Dr. Sb~J)'s str~tion , r Cr.oup Uue b~rie. "',: ve persons under quaran dozen times over iri a season for ,'eplant ing and for use at thecost a " has been planned for the middle day. and thirty-n te!l& will Burell' prove. , ends " No YOmltlng , no dis· of ' the row, where you can't use the horse·s etter; tine, ~Il milc;l cases. treSa. ,.I, a&f8 &Ild.p1easln.s~r1IP-l'lOc. Drugiist s. i~ .wI ,icli' severa-!- thoiisan d men For sale by A. B. Sides and " be in line. ' , , ,. " F. W. Wadsw orth • . Eir Th,ese setters can be seen at A. B. Sides' store nt any ~ GO~ernor Ha~mon , will speak time ~ , , messag e of' con'giat ulation at , that time. ' , . Teache r·traini ng Demon stration is armouil¢ea:for We-d1l(~,Sday ~veni,hg; -.;j:iabli!i'.ii 'w~lchyjt is expecte d ~lIut· ~ th(uiaatuden ti will bif gl'adua ted "and 1" I'.~~ivlII' TeaCber:traipiil~ i" 'diplbm as" •""r .. "n~... detai\~ seep,ro gram Al>~1y e\lIoll ' ,..' v ' !O:~,hnn

__ ---.-JL.-- ----- -:.-- i betill I(lore


J. E. Jan ney , Wa yn esv ille , 0

I vV

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'* D. Holll'ngsworth *' '* t Gen eral '.....*' ,;:. ' A . . ''**' uctloneer *"'*'

C B LeWl-


C ontr acto r.

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ive Me a Cal l

se a' r P



Osc ar P


r erma 9f Breeding


Ever' rarmer and Truck Grower



Prl·ce $3 75

, A.

"I I I










All ' Who Would Enjoy

Obtained Th rough .Proper Action of the Kidneys.

Noah in the Automobile. Ih"',1 hi ' . nt Ins t.

" ' Il

1'1 1<'1.,·,1 up

I I H.!


llnd t ht'Y rnund

In the atlk, rt'I'ClHI'{ul

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This Is til picture ot th e II Ismo· gr Rllh- t h earthQlIake fore t ell r\ hl ('11 was Ol'st pu t Into use by Ul e .Ta pa nes In 1 89i,. a nd has s ince be n ado pted hy nil lI utlons. Ev ,'Y 08 ·lIl atio n. of tb e earth, 11 0 ma lle r ho w s light, causes th e needl


filii,' \. 1 And lIl'rothy satd: "M I'. Noult, ynu (Iro r.. lllnl(. I 'll t""'plton' the doctor a nd t e ll him you 'r alllngIt'!! J)I'obnhl)' someth ing to do with you:' die I. " T ltls w OI'ld's not a l all like It w as In the Plls t. In Dol' th)"s grandmoth er's du),.

You'r", 81ck, 1\:11'. Noa h, and YOU ough t to be d08 1\ ; It·s sOlTlethlng Quit bad, I cnn tell by rou r Iln p..,zesPerhaps 'pcndldlls or pros Imlion." r felt- I admit It- a Iltllo ela llon What Kind of an "Office." To It a r 1 was lIubject to mode rn dis· cas!!!!: Once upon a time a cblld who wal more Ih nn Qui nsy Itt most a sked on an examination paper to de- I nel' I'In hurl Dorol hY'8 (l'm ndl11oth r's tiay. fln e a moun taln range, replied: "A large·slzed .cook slove." The same " I Ih lnle," she conti nu ed, "I'll send you to rldo, m:e thod of reasoning seems to go with 1'01' reHll y Y OUI' Pll leness Is v ry dis· o lder growth. A r ecent e xsrulnnllon tl't'>\M lng. pa p r at the Sheffie ld Scientific s cilool 'J' he ntH o mnlJlI l' \\'111 I... h l' tO In a min u te ." She hl'nul(ht out It roll I' skn.te. 11ft 11 ml' at Yale con tained the Question, " W hat In II . 18 the office of the gastric jujce?" And And 0 '(, 1' 1 cl.uld g!\' my denr sons a t ho ans wer on one paper r end : "Tbe lalH " I L· ~s lnl:' stomach."- Everybody's Magazine. ·She pUAhpd It. I. 1", I' t It such Il "go nelI l' S!!" 11I!!llc The Seismograph. I n Dorothy 's gr a nil mo ther's dllY. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with T.ooAr. APl' LICAT t (lNS, na th~y enonOl fc:lcb Th n marl l y It clu llcr(l'I, n.nd wildl y II In lb ls ins trume nt to scratc h ' a line on Ou, _ t 0 1 lh~ d ISC""". . Inrrh b .. blood or CO llali. n pla t of glass, whos e surface Is COY· ,ullona! d lleaoe. 011<1 In orlle r 10 our.. Il )' OU IOU _' IJII.o /1(' '''. Internal ' QlDtldlee. fl a il's enlArrb C.l r. 18 13ken In· All jlggl R n ll d joggles, uns lec red nnd e re d with a thin film of lampblack. tero"lIv. and " Cia d lrl'Ctly 1.\IlOn Ihe b lOOd DOd OI"rotla una l cll d y, ",r1&llC11. JlalJ'8 Cn turrb Cure III nol a qUlltk ml"d l· el ne. 1\ WII8 IlrC'eC rlbtld by ona 0 1 lb. beSl pIlYi'll'IAna Till oul I WIlS hurled, and my scnses tor. In l hla oounLry (or FtA'" and I. n r~u lor .,mt..,.lp"ou. sook me; German Prl"ces Well Reared. . H III IlOmposed o r lbo bn Ion let known. rombln ed 1 t It 1\ '\'<.'n Inchl'sl And Dorothy toolt The r e al1y. truly, l1esh·and.blood Wllb tha be&\ blood pur lnCffl, arlin dl",ctly on IhO me lnU COWl ",rI6 _. The ' pe rlee l combl UllUon 1)1 t hO two Ingreclleuq \I wbllt produ ~ ouch wOnller,.,1 ruAnd sold: " It's 8 0 healthful- you'rc princes ot to·day are not. Ilke their IUlte III curi ng c~ "arrh. nd lor tto llmon lAl4. lree. prototype of romance. clad In velvets b tl ilr nlr ~a ily , " F. J. CliENE V '" CO.. ProPS.. Tole<lo . O. In Dorolh y's grundmother'" day. and satins and feathel1J; and th ey do, Bold bv Dru~ "i& prlre 1!\C. TaIte UaU" FalIltly Pilla tor con8t1palioo. occasionally. lay olf their jeweled coro· nets to assume Quite matter-o~·ract and Only Sure Cure for Tubercuolall. up-to·date headgear, says Youths' Oom· In 'view of the constant agitation panlon. The recent marriage of an· 8IJd mllll'epresentatlon with regard to other of the kaiser' s 80ns brlngl\ to ·the treatment of consumption. the' mind the f8Ct that those princes are National Association for the Study and no longer sturdy lads subject to the Prevention of 'l'Uberculosls ,bas issued domestic econoru!y' of ' the nu.rsery. ·il statement In which It states that the For thelle prlnceUbgs were brought only sure cure tor thJ.B disease \s fresh up on principles well adapted to any all', Test ' and wholesome tood, J;lardly careful household. No "slashed suit a week passes without Bome quack and doublet" Cor their active days! ",,"doctor" or ' '''eminent . Bpeclallst'~ InTheir mother was far too good a I ( the public that he has at last housewife Cor, such extravagances. dJscovered . the 's ure ', cure fpr ,'t ubercuNot only were the boys' clothes of 101l11!. Atter examining every o.n e of It had been raining four days. The thelle lIa-called cures, several hundred ' whole world seemed SQ gray that It stron.g 'a nd 'p ractical manufacture, but tn ' nUtnb~r, . the National wisoclatl.o n was )lard to tell wbere the sea began so long as there wasanytbing lett of states that. one and all, they are mis- and the sky ended, and the twins, sit· them, tbey were handed 'down from one brother to another, made over In representations or fakes. Ung on. the wlndow·slll swinging their tbe kaiser's own workroom.' Caule for Relief. , ~ feet, lQOked as gloomy as the. weather. 'S omettmes the kaiser's royal trou./J· "There's nothing we can do heFe An .\labama man tell a of an u~lque' ers were cut down to fit prlnc'e ly little funeral oration delivered In Ii' town w,hen ·It rains!" grumbled Bess. legs, now grown too ' long and, "And at home, echoed .Jess, .the of tbat state not long ago by a darky too important to be encased In secondYQunger twin, "we ,could alwaya play band babtuments. preacher. , . . Now, it see ms that the habits of the something," The royal mother had due regard to 'We'Ve got to keep quiet, because 1 ~-:-;;-=----dE!Celf1Se,cf brother had not bei!n Irrethe practical economy of her own at· proa:ch~ble, tO' the great s.o anllal of the poor mo.ther·s head Is wqfse to--day," tire. Wolf von Schlerbrand, In "Gersaid Bess, when Aunt Edna came I~ . . worthy pastor of ~he flock.. .So, In many; the Welding of a World Power.... "\Vhere are all the doIUes?"" she sUIlHnlng up the case at the tuneral, gl·.·es an instance of her prudence. . the J)reacher delivered himself of the a8ked. ' In ,1896 .at . the . Berlln MU9tcipat ex·, . "~TheY'rc ' rul 'comlng to pieces. 110 following: . position. a very co~tJy. dress was ex;. tbere's no fun playing with them!" "My brethren aDd sillters, we are hlblte~'; havlng an ,~xceetllnglY . long, here to pay OUI' last sad respects to cried the twins together. ' "Then I know: the ven- thtng to dO,'" traln. The kaiser took a: fancy .t.o,thls · our departed 'brother, Some Bays ~e garment, and wanted the. kals rln to wQ.S a good man; and some says he deolared their ·aunt. "We will have,'a buy it. i;lhe smilingly refused. hospital, You can · both be dolla' WIUI a bad man. . Where he has gone . "Wbat use would it be to tho ?, she to we can·t ' teU; but In our grief We' trained nurseB~ and I'll be the head said. "With two Or ,tlmie 'boys ! lways ' have one consoiation, and that I~ surgeon'\1 Bess. ~.ou get the patlellts ready, and J:Qss. you ~ust rUQ and get hanging on my sltlrts. It would' e'. to.,. he's d~ad , " In a jiffy." . tlie mucUage,POt and my workbasket"; -~--~--ANOTHER TERRpR. they're my surgical In!ltruments, Oh, and just ask 'Mary to ,lend .you two of WHOLE her' caps, and give' you some clean pinafores." ' , Dcss ra'n ged the cots neatly against tbe ·wall. and when Jess came back Aunt 'Edna pinned a IltUe re'd cloth cross OIl each right al')D,. Then .the hospital staff was' ready to '· make '



FtlghteJ,led P\lp---,Gee! I always heard tliat wOlDe n we re going Into everything ; but I !lever knew there were lady dog catc hers; -.--.--~~-

LIGHT. BOOZ~ 00. You Drink It?

A minister's wife had quite a ttIssle with coffee and c e r experience is Interes,tlng. She says: "During tile two years of my trlllnJog as '1l- 'nl1rse, whUe on night duty. I became add.l cted to cotr~ drinking. Be· tween midnight alld fOllr In the mOrn· ing. when the .patlents we re asleep, there was little to do exc.ept make the . rounds, and it was qune natural that J should want a. gOOd, 'h pt cup of cof· fee about lhat time. It · stimulated me and I could 'k~ep awake better. "AClel' three or rour years of coffee drinking I became a nervous wreck and \ hought .that I simply eQuid ' not live without my coffee. · All thilt Ume 1 wos subject ' to frequen t bilious ' attacks, sometimeI'! so ·severe · as to keep me in bed .(or several days. "Actcr being married. HUBband b egged me to 'leave ott cofre,e ~or he .feated Ibat it had ,a1ready" bl,l,r .t . ~most beyond repair, so I"Yesolved ' to, make an effol't to release myself 'from ' the burtful lui l)lt. ·· " ." ., .. , uL ' bogun, takin g Postum, and . fora few days felt 't h e languid; thed ' !eeilng , ftom tlJe lack of the , stt.uiulanl1" ;but I .lIked the laate' of Postum and ' that anjlw rE'd for' the bl'eaktl\8t beverage .11 rtgbt. ..... • .. " I ~eel clearer head-


and h'ad Illeadler nenes. "After. .............. ,... ·ot Poiltulp I now' 'f~I ."lIke a had all" blllou8 COfle~." "The,Road


N e'd n «ll~z.s f oil' lP'!easant · Pa U'~n\i:S~ lO)

v ise(l}

by tb

tblt ' ul1>je~~ .. ~:a~am


A New M'ilgazlne Party. "'dNI ho halt - - wi th hi" wonl ng. This The InvltuUons wel'e Iss \l d on card . pl'ov-a to h the cUM', nlHI h m:'rI'll'Cl III!!ppl('st - -plnn.l . nt- a magazln , hn bourd mnde to r prese ucos tllllir In __. 1M n . or lht! nnd wc r inclosed In e nve lopes. ~lIch ANS·WERS. g uest WitS ask d to come wearing an Am rl ca n Bo)'. Count ry 1.lte In AmerIca " ' orl d's " 'ol rk Form a nd Hnme. articl tq Indlcnt n curre nt pe ri odical DlI~'ne~8 M u. I> . En t~rpl'ls(', Boston Ii ror In a costume, wblcheve r was ruost flld. Amerlcn n. lnd pllndent. Hints. eonv nlent. E-vC'rybody's. DesIgner. Bll turdllY EVI'ning This broke the Ice lind It was a very Post. Smnrt S t. Tablu TII II<. MUllS y. . . H.o..rppr's. Llldl clI' Worl<l . Outing. ull ook.. merry party. In nbout a baIt hour. Cosmopolitan. Recreati on. Popula r. Picwhen all were e nd e61.l'orlng to flnd out torlal R view. St. Nicholas. Youth' l! Conlwho was whnt the hostess passed Pll nl n. Duslutllls Man. Modern PI'le ilia. II I b kl 'hi 1 t i d tb Dr 1111 The Irel!.' Suns l. 'fholltcl'. ~ell­ tt e 00 e ts w . c 1 con n ne tul'Y. 'N w ldcn. Good HOU8ckCClplng. Nilfollowing typewritten romance. tile ti onu!. Farm ProgrCll8. '1' ho B1nck Ill. blanks to be I1lled with the name ot Womll n's Hom ompnn lo n. LIre. Succelis. lit d!'tn Pl'lsel\ln. House Benullful. a publication: Once upon a. time an - - wh o hud ai- Tho W orld To-Dny. Candy boxes In the s hape . or books wUY!l eujo)'<,d - - nnd carlld very Ilttlo for II IP - - outside of his OWl. - - wus wero tbe favors, and the prizes we r 100lu('cd b)' his frie nds to be om a - subscriptions to magazines, the luekY a nd Il junIor ml'mb r at a. prominent ~- ....... ones mak!ri'g th olr choice ot a lis t tbat - - In th" hOIll town of the _ _. . Work Ahead for ,,' h, . At lhe limo f !l Is !"Ollllng to th olty w r all the same price. "\'11 1J kind 0' glad w\{en J osh glta tllill - - WUll 1\ l'e l OY - - Indlv!.luul, If one secures an Invitation to 1\ h nrt whol II nol (une)' fr ee, und wh II ho pa rty or this kind. It \V'o uld be Il good hom e fr om school ," !d' Farme r Corn· henrd - - t\'om - - lips ClC th e f H.8l.'l l1Id a he can be thlo g to go to a statlone'r 's anel loolt tossel. "I hal' 11 11 nil' r n. I' l·ta ln little gIrl with 'frl ght right li S rul." " ~ re you going to ' put 0 )' C8 e nd n. tae u! whIch IlU a rtis t might ove r th e maga zines, for th e re are so "M.llybe, I've ex· be the - - he pn.Jd no a ttention. Ho lY. Ulany It Is Impossible to r ecall nil th e him 10 work cI'!' r. \I pon I' celvlng throug'h the _ _ h ~ II !11 d ~ ' the lan guage 1 llnow on Il. tln ln ty IIl INs ivo wl lh th odor of IhQ n am es jus Lwh ~ n they are wanted. tbat . t PiI ' of mules. Dllt I have n·t !lorn I g''''d II upon It, hili hoa rt fl uttered Did you ever b el;lr or the "Rainy given ' I hope. I wa nt 1.0 see whet.h· In nn un usun l mCl nner. Th corning Cunclion, n la wlI tiu rt ~· gil' n hy tho hud Day" lub? It Is n unique Id a and er JoalJ cll n s tllrUe 'em some with his fit hls hot I f or t.l ays. b on the -' arose In this manner: There were s ix coUege ye ll."- Waljhlng lon Stllr . His trl nds, wh om we will call lItr. young matrons who had been girls to· - - o nd Mr. - "- to I' oo nVCnll'll ·C. had ~turlo.. Eye Remedy I R Try 11 , Weall, Weury, W.ulcry EYe8. Inslll t <l upon hili a ttenda nce. Hc object- ge ther. talking over and s b nr i ng eac 1 od. s uylng he was no f 1\V01'1l0 In ,I he other 's joys and sQrrows. The y were !. '-'<lml'U'UIII, .." , l'lx!,> rlenc 1\ J' hyslclanl. - -. The fl'l cnjis Iltr~U cl t hat a lillie in a very fasblonable set and had a c P Food a na ' DrulfS ' - - woul I make hlm hal'l) a dlll'oront strenuous Ufe to lead, so It W8S pro· ne. forSmart. Your Sooth Eyes.s Eve - - In 1I1e nnd would ma ke hIm more - - and that he needed th o - - so ho posell tbat on · a rainy day ,In' ~ach Ilccoptcd the Invltallon. 'month one of them should be the host· A Diplomat. ArrIvIng Ilt th park. he found a - - ess . for tlie other five; , that Invlta· Mother-Aren't you ever golag to sotherlng, nnd th e place being t1 pic- tlons should be given over tbe tele- get ove r fighting. WIllie ? . turesquo ono. he ut .once mnd" use Of hl8 WUne-Yes'm. when I'm licked. camera. Haying; "1 mus t have a - - phone and take precedence oV9r all of thlll." He Willi first Introduced to tho others; absolutely plain 'gowns were Particularly for Particlolar People. owner of the pnrk. an old man with to be worn, a three·course luncheon oudel'>l' Ynnill Exlrnct is producej! flowing beard, B veritable - - , and We was to be served "without trimmings." so'n. a youth ,o( 18 yellra. from tine :M: xienn V!lniUa llellns-n pu;e, The - - Willi lL charmIng ·'Firl. who whJch meant place cards, fa~prs, etc..,: rich concentm·ted fJ<wol' . .AlI grocers, 1 ut Ilhyly lett ,her escort when sho saw the work was to be brought and all the up iiI 10, Hi IIncl 25" cnt bottlC1l. - - IipprO'achlng. alfalrs of Ute discussed in "'rC lpost "A - - Indlled," was h~B ment&1 eJncu- . charr"ttable manner tor the m\1tual ImThe Main Thing. Intlon, as be re ogt1llEed the on 10 B Poctious-What age 110 you thlnk provement and benefit of ,il conwhlto - - to b none other than tho most charming In a woman? orill wIth ihe pretly toce, ' of whom he cerned. had henrd, He wllS Introduced. !lnd n 'It was a rule that no unkind crltl· 'Cashlt-A rich heritage. little Jater, laving - ' - pf friends. they. clsm ot anyone should be made and 111 .... WlDolow·. 8oalb1olf Syrop. strolled across ·the lawn; They parted at ' Por children uelblDJ, 1IO(\e1ll.1bo Illlra . .. rodu_ Ia - '-., but he gained hr ' consent to eoll no gossip ' discussed; there ~8S to be lI&11l11U1UOIl. -,u&1.PII;IIloCu.... 1ftDdOOlJu. i5c.~ UpOIl her and to (ake hcr to thli - _ . a half·hour. devoted to pertllient· quesThe Intervening days ' seemed a. _ _ tions or the dl»' and each girl was ~o kick" 'Us time to long. but In tho_ me . nUm B - - had thne thrash oome to him. - - hod suddenly become relate ' a . tunny story. It wall to him' 01 Important a problem tI.II - - for complete relaxat19n. The club has economy nnt;1 - - had. ·l;>e n hi hl8 coun- been In existence now Beveral years try ' dn~8' before. - - was .no long r,.a and Is 8 p~rrect succe8~, "8 very-haven pet by hJs ftret!lde, for his affect/ons were of refug~.~' as one · member ' "ex' elsewhere. ,' , It was the IIIlme old IItcry, and ho lloon' pressed It. dedded to' boqom!l tho - - tC?r - -. proMADAME ~RRI . .. •• j' ,

_- . ,'



....... -~~ .-~ ...~~ ...


It was surprIsing ho'Y much' there Vias to be done; stitches taken. here and there. paper' dolls tp be glued to-gether. To tell the truth, every cot In the hOSl)ital was crowded, and the nurses nnd surgeon had theJr hands full for over an hour. As Aunt Edna rose .to leave the room. s be raid: "Now I'm gOing to be a. really, truly nurae. and go to see how_ poor mother's bead' Is." She nod· ded, aqd closed the door. "I ,do believe Ws gOing to rain to. morrow." Elald Bess, very cheerfully this thne. "Oh, I hope so!" answered Jess, jlist as gally.-Allce Van Leer Carrick. Sorry He LOlt 'HII Bait. Two youngsters -were ' fishing by the side ' of a brook 'vben .one ' fell In and' narrowly escaped with his Ufe. The grief of the other was IjO prolonged Uuit a sympathetic bystander asked. If the half-drowned . boy was a rela. tlve. . .. No·... said 'the other, tearCUlly,'t no relation, but he mout's well been; 'he had all de bait tn.-biB P6Cket, and now it's all ·gone."


"And you haven·t any little bl'~thers or slstel's?" "No, 'sk;' I'm all the chllclreil w'e've ·Conventlon.a llzed' 'Tullp, got." ~;.' I'

The. Bed· Time

Bear. :.,

Down the dark "corrldor, hunting tore' me: Comel!, when I'm tucked Into bed, Th hungriest bear that you cVIlI'· did see; ~ And, though I ~Ul'Y my head . . ' Deep In tbe pillow and 'tend to bc Ileeplng,


'.: ~ ,

SUII he corne8 prowling and gI:<nv.lIng and erecplng , . . Nearer nnd nearer, till. just wlien :I:~m, To shIver all oyer wIth 't rlght, I ~ ~ ..... Bo catches und smothers ,ne 'ao ' I ~n't screum, . , . And squeezes ' me dre·tully tfgh~, ' . Then 'I'm not scnred. but I just hug him. . too. . , And 8a), : . 'Daddy. de~r, I JUlt was you.'!

W'~lll-ll(~o"W"1f) ~ut~O ll'gt)' Oll).

gno<1 hrnith, wiL\1 its blcB ings, 11lUI't uri. dr rHln ntl , 'luil '11(larly, thnt.i t involves the qu 'RI iOIl of ri ght liI'io!; lI'i\.h (lit t ho tcrm implies, Wi th pl'0il,f-'r knQII'~cdgo of '~bl1t is b '~ t" I'nth I\(Iur of r 'cr()l.ltJOn, of r nJoymcnl, of ClIllW' uplntioll a nd of 'fTor~ IUllr be mad!' tu ('I )ntril)ltle t o living a right . Then the ulle or mec1killcs llIay be dislxini d with t rJ ad van tage, bll.t under ordinary condi tJons in mllny IIls\nnccs III simple. wh o\(~e ' .me rempdy lIlay hI' in valu. able if taken It t tho proper time 1\\111 the Oalifornin Fig -Syrup Co. bolds tha t it is alike important to present the s ubject truthfully lind to supply thc one perfect In.xntiv(l to those desiring it. onscqllcntly, the ompllny's Syrup of nM gives geneml Figs nUll Elixir of sntisfllcli on. To get it,S bPneficinl e fTect~ buy tho ge nuinc, manuractu red by the CaJi£ornin Fig S~rrllp Co. only, alltl fur sallr' by all leading druggists.



J,loluUng the I'Un; and Immediately ufter the whole broadside roared 00l. ;Had It struck the frigate full, It have s nt. her to the bDttODl; but by baullng quickly by the wind, she. only I'ec IVi d about hnlf th e discharge. Thllt, bowever, was tenlble. Her mjzz nmaHt wnll cut olT,.and buug over her side In a UlnSB or tOI'1l rIgging; bel' malnmal>l was wounded i and It was plain that our broadside had Idlled and wouuded many men, and had dIs· mounted II veral guns. Her wheel, 'however, was uninjured, and· In an In· conceivably short time' the wreclt of th e mas t had been out away; and weal:lng, with the wind In h r favor, she gal Into a raking position on our port quarter, and gave us a broadside that raked us from stern to stem. The savage which dwells in man had made me perreotly Indltrerent to the loss of life on the French ship; but whell a man dropped dead at my sfde, I fell into a passion of rage , and, I !Dusl honcstly admIt, of fear. My sta· tion was amidshIps, snd I reoall e ~~ with a dreuMul sInking of the heart, that It was commonly known DS the slaught e r bouse, from the xecutlon generally done there. I look d down and saw the man's blood soaldng Into the sand, wIth the deok was plentifully which strewed, und I, Richard Olyn, longed to desert my station ond run below. Rut as I turned, 1 caught slgbt of Giles Vernon, 0. little distance away from Ine. He was smiling and waving his hat, and he cried out: "See, boys! tbe big 'un la coming to take her puni shment! Huzza!" The IndomptalJle had then ap· proached to wIthIn a Quarter of a mile, and BS a h Bl'Y sea was llcke!1 UT) by the wind, !lnd all three of lbe ships w re Toiling extr mely. she lutred up to dell vel' bel' broadsIde ; and at that m,oment three thunda l'lng che rs 'b roke . froll} tile 900 thronts on the Ajax, and they were Inlilantly answered by a


ba.ttflry, aAd ollr IInUI and rl"tnR SOon were 80 tut . liP that wben w~ came foul; a ·few mInutes luter, we wei'e jammed tast; but nobody Q~ ' either shIp wished It othOI'wls . Th. Frenchman's main-yard swung dl· rectly ove r our POOl), aud Copt. Gull· THE SONG OF THE DIRT, tord 'hlmself made It fas t to our l.Iliz (With Apologlea to Thomas Hood.) zen rigging. Tb Frenchman. hoW, ever, was not yet. beaten at tbe guns I',fH nngers dusty and .In ·lmea , I and t.he firing was so heavy on botb ,"y\th b llKI 'red pn.lms, sides that a paJi 01 smol<e env loped 1\011 •• U, both shil)s: ThIs was to Ol1l,' advau· A ·wom l\ lt ~o t d o wn on tage, tor the r~l gat , Ilsvlng got SODle h •. kn eeR to SWl·ep T h e dus t from und!·r sail on the stump, of h r mlzlt nmast. th b d. now approached; but t.he wind drltted the the sinoke so bctween brand the two Swee p.· du ~ t. BW p- wltll fighting ships, that she could not- In ... broom 0 nd n pl eu or 01<1 s hirt. the dim twilight plaInly discern friend And y,· I. in accenls rull (rom fa, s pecially as both wero or h op e, painted black, and we s wung together, With Lroom and mop un" )o ls or soo p , with the sea a1.d wind . Wben the She 8 0nl; th i s Ho ng ot lhe smolte dl·lfte.d olT, the gallant but un· <l lrt : tortunat Xantippe found herself dl· rectly unde r our broadsId e. We gave Scrub. s crub. scrub d own on I h e Id t"' lC' n noor. her 'onc round from our malu batte ry, A.nd r u b, rub, r ub till 1 cun was h no and sbe tro\1bleu us no mo\'e. When thollsand~ of women' say that t1-.ey have been morc. . Of my own feelings, I can only say Senma By a lHl g ll ss(' ts u r e torn, cured of their ailment by a certain remedy, does this not that [ welcomed the return of my cour· And Luttons CII I11 (' o fT Lit o s h irt, MOLLY ELUOT SEAWELL prove the merit of that remedy? age so raptu\'ously , I felt npable of But W l it U t he IIn c n Is w en rlng out, out, h roio things. Occa sionally l recog· Thou. ands of women have written the story of their W 'pe ge llin g rhl or Ih e dl rL 'nlzed ,11r Peter as b e Hltted "ast; ho (CoPJrllrbt, suffering, and have told ' how th ey wcre freed from it. by seemecf e ve rywhere at once, " and I Sweep. uust. sweep, wit h n broom and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound - for thIrty a pl cc'e of ohl s h irl. SYNOPSIS. p rcehtll tbat although Capt. Gull· Ant! IIUIi with a " oke or cheerful pitch, ford walt technicallY flghtlng the shlJ,J, years the 'e reports hav~ bec!l publi~~cd a11 over America. (What tun Ih y mis s . t h o Idle rich)! of ago Admiral Sir P e t llr SIr Peter was by nC) m eans an Idle She sa)'g thi s 8o n~ or Iho dlt·t. Without great merit thts mcdlcme could ne~er. have neph w ftlll det'ply In lo ve speotator. My gun was on the en· with Lady Arllh tll1fl Sto r gained the Jaro-cst sale of any remedy for woman s dlshili A.llenli onlf. Th gaged sid, ell tbe time , and sevena! The Home "Office." glv n a berth as millnever could h:Ve become known and prized in nearly every of the gun ~ on that slue became dl-a· ThIs suggestion was mall e in an old by hlH un cl e. Gll e8 Sir Thomus V ernon , abled, nnd "mcers were wGllnded ur numbel' of 1\ magazine, and jus l re. country in the world. pllJ . 'rhey Ilttendoll 11 kllled; It bruught Giles Veruf1n Quite cently brought to IIgbt. It is so good rr\\, k8hnw'!\ n eph 'W allw Can any woman let prejudice .stand b tw~e n her and that Lndy ,ArRbella . V e rn l\.n m et Philip Ov er close to me. Through the sll'l,lke and as to beal' repeating. ton, nex t In Un for Sir homOJl Vt-rnon'll which will restore her health? If you believe those who the fast·falllng darkness, IIgbtefl only Have 'a "bome office"- a lllac6 ealate. The y IItarled n dUll ':whl 'h W il li Int errupted. Vernon, Overton ' nil Hawkby the I' d flash of the guns alld the wher e Ihe hous wit cau go at once, have tried it you know this mcdicine does cure. . IIha\\l I,; .n oPh W found til msol\'1'1I t ..... t · glare of he battle lanterns, . I could In lhe dark, If n ' ed be, and the re get t ll by pretty Lady Arabella , , Read this letter from a grateful woman, then make up see bls face. He never losl.' his smile, pllper, pencil, Inir, old bills, retelpts, and his ringing voice alway .. led lbe and th dally account book. If there your mind to give Mrs. P.inkham's medicine a chance to CHAPTER III.-Continueftl, cheering. Is no room tor Il s e parate "office" set The Frencbmen thought they hall cure you. . Presently the Frenchman's I1ro aside a cornel' In allY little used room, us. We beard afterward that a I)rlze Brooklyn, N. Y.-"I am a firm believer in J~yclia E. Pinkslackened , and then a dull, rumbling and r gal'u It as sa red to the house crew WIlS already told off to tBk us's Vegetable Compound. I was a grellt sufferor from organic sound was heard In the del)tbs of the buslneRS. Then when Is 11 bill Into Corunna, but no man or boy on female troubles for years, and ollno t dcsPlLlrc.c1 of ever being Indomptable, followed by a. roar and present d, or the man of the house the Ajax dreameC\ of givIng up the well again. I had bearlng-down pains, bo. kl.lche, headache , Iblp, streams of . IIgbt tram the l\Jrehatch . asks for tbe grocer's account, there Is and pains In 'my abdomen, ami tried !Irs. Pinkhn.m·s Compound TIle torward magazine bad I!xploded, no .contu.lllon, no hurried examination The Ajax was cleared for action In a last resort. The reSult was 9stoniahing, autl I have used it. and It seemed In th awful crash and of boxes, old trunkS, dusty drawers or eleven m.lnut s; and: wltb four ens igns and advocated It ever ·slnce. It III a great boon to expectant. neglect ed corne rs. Things are In 01" blaze 8S If all the masts and spar. flying, we beadmt for the shIp of the mothers. I have often said that I should Uke to have ita merlta. went skyward, wIth the rags of the der and prope r place, 1lDd exc!tement, line, whIch was waIting for us, with thrown ~n the sky witll a searcb~lIght 80 that women would perhaps, tears, nre saved. Go to the salls; and a solemn )jusb and silence her topsails shivering. The Aja* bad read and be convinced that there is a remc(ly for their sufferings.. "home omce." The desired bill, cbeck· followed the explosIon. been latel~' coppered, and, wIth all U .My hushand joins me In its praise. He has us d it for kidney In another Instant I heard Sir book, recl[)e, will be found .In the desk, san to set, legged It Ilt a lIyely trouble and been entirely cured.'·-:Mrs. E. A. Bishop, U)1~ or on tbe table or "helf (all three Peter's sharp voice shouting: galt, In spite of the heavy sea, WhIch 'Atlantic Ave., BrooklyD, N. Y. "Call all bands to board! Boat~waln~ should, be there), set apart for the occaBloml1ly caused our lower·deok housekeeper and the bome. cheer ,tbe men up wllh the pipe!" gunll to roll theIr noses in the· water. For 30 years Lydia E. }»jnkbam's Vegetable And then the clear notes of tbe boat· Compound llas ooen tbe stnndard remMy for Aa we · wallowed toward the shIp of t female UJs. No sick woman does justice to swain 's pIpe floated out Into the dark~ Idea for Table Deooration. t.he line, which was the Indom)ltable, herself wbo will not try tbls famous medicine. n ~ss, and wIth a Y 11 the men gntl1ered Instead of a centerpiece of flowers, the frigate, tbe Xantippe, WBS maneuv· Made excluslvely from roots and berbs, and at the bulwarks, On the French ship ~ pretty elTect Is obtaIned by slmu· rwg for 1\ l>0liltlon on ·our starboard bas thousands of cures to its credit. .they apllearell to be dazed by the ex· laUng a lawn In Ule center of the tao quarter to" ake lis. SeeIng thIs, the PinklJam invites all alck women ploslon, and we could see only a few About It · ]llace tiny pols of flow· ble. Ajax came lup a lIUle into tlle wind, ~ ,. to write ber for ndvlce. She has o~cel'lI running about and trying to ers, or little Dulch tubs, filled with which til'ougbt our broadside !b bear guided thousands te healt,.. free of cbo.l'gc. any- chosen flower. The square ot collect the ru n. . dlreotly on tb Xantippe, and she Addrells ~8. Pinkham, Lynn, ~IUS8. In another Instant I saw Mr. ~tll[· lawn oim be eRected by a square of f)ed~ec,1 oft Il little. ton leap upon the bammock-oetUl.Ig, green plush edged with smilax. Or If C-INC - IN'-NA- TI--', N-'O.- 21-- 19-og. Th wltb' stea~lInes8, coolness, anu han· pre- . "'~:~~~~=~i!~ and about to sprIng, when a figure he· the plush be not handy, use fernB, olslon which "the ship was hind him selze1l him by the cos Mal Is, or even moss, If It can be kept dry, dl,ed asto~18be~ my young mInd. r as to protect the cloth. and, dragghlg 'hlm backward, be meas· ~new "VE!ry "eU tbat If we w~re de· Tbe little potll . scattereu 'about give ured bls length on the deck. The fig, the•• Little Pilla. feateCl SIr Peter Hawkshaw would an odd Dutch garden effect and afure was Giles VernoD. . stand no ahow of leniency, fot- there 'l'bey alllO relieve DI. "After 'me," he cried to the first ford a cbange from the tall centerrrom Dy.pellsla, ID· WIUI DO dotibt lI,'at, Ow.lng to our new - -....,..,., Another 60,000 aetdli;eatlon Dnd Too Beart~ piece.' . . lIeutenB:ftt; and the next moment he tiers from the United copper, we C()uld,,:84lIIIy have o\Atslllled Eo.Unll'. A perfect re.m· Baskets of flowers bere and tbere, made his spring, and landed,' the flnt States. New dl8tile '"F~nchm,en'; but Sir feter ' Preedy for Dlzzlnes., NDll. too, make a charmIng etrect If the tricla opened (or set-· Were- So -Near That Every Shot man on the Indompt,abWs dook. sea, Drow8ID~88, DDd 'ferred ·to outflght them, even. against "!~1'iI tJement. 320 acrea In the)loutb, Coo.,," Told. . As 800n as the sblp was given up; table Is long and bare. deaperale 0~d8. ofland to eacb aef. cd Tonlftle, PDlo In lh. we hauled up our coureee-and ran-olrr-lf.-- Bide, TORPTD LTVEn. .ler.-160 ' free. Tbe . omce~ and men had entire con- cheer a~ great from tbe .Frenchman. a little, rove new braces, and . made HAM FROM HOME. tho Do,..el.. Purely VeIl'C.l&blllo at $3.00' per acre. flilence In Sir Peter and -In" the shll>~ O~lng to the aharp roll, ~ost of tbe ready'to capture the frIgate, which, al· went Into action wll,h the beart!- French shqt went a little too hlgb, Just "A VG.t rich country knd a contented pro.. PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. HEN my wit\! goe8 to lee t·boug!} ~dly cut -uPi ahowed no dlspoperoue poopl ... "-Bxlrllrl /r_ C(lffC#Dltd"U' her Mil.. It gOOd·wJl1 Imaglna~I(F. The ~eople above the .heads of the marines, who Bltlon to surrender' and stood gallant. . 11/" NolllD(lll/ IUlfur, ••4..... ,,/. il ~" w.,!!"She oom es bllCk, londed GenUIne, Must. Bear ~ere amused by two, powder monkeys were 'drawn up' In tbe waist of tM C,,-,,adll~ ,." AIIIlI,I, l{)o8. Wtll lUI '''~'rllti''''. 'Iy by her co.n sort. 'In halt an hOllr~ we down FJlc;,Simile$ignature cemlng to blows In the magazine s~lp .. , My paroxysm of, stlJ1 . ~eld were reB4y togo Into action again, I( With verylhlng - from. UA I1ifL'E . Many have paid the entire COlt of Ibeh · ) ~' passage over ~~Ich lope ''\'IOuld be en- me, ut wben 1 saw 'ttiese men, \f~th necessarl, wlth 'a nother ship ' of .tho home-made bread !'ann. and had a balanco of from $10.00 to To doughnuts, golden t1Pe~. to the !iuger share of .prlze· the. one proud word ' "Olbralt4r" writ. $20.00 per aCTO as a result of one crop. line. brown. Spring wheat, winter wheat, oata, barley. mo~eY :J The "gaYety at the ~en was ten on their bats, sta.n dlng IteadJly, 8S 'We goi .wlthJn range-the lea ' had REFUS.E SUBST~TUTEI• .flax and pelUl are the principal cropa, while contagIous; Every man's face --wore a If at Jlarad~, fn .the mlds~ of the burShe hall a Slsss of jeUy, gone", down , m.UCh-and, giving the 'tho wild grasses bring ' to perfection tho or ~n; 'an~ when the wor'd was givon to rlcane ,otflre, the men ~ cool a8 tbetr Xanflppe our broadside, b'rought down beat cattle that have ever been aold OD A llttle pot of -jnm, ta~e; ln th~ rOYIlIs, and send down the omcers, shame seIzed me for my cow. tile tricolor tho Chicago market. And, 80metimes, In her which ' the Frenchmen had yards, turl all staysalls and the flying ardlce; from that on, 1 gradually ma. . . teles'cope Splendid climate, schools and churcbee n~lied to the .stump· of th.e mizzen· ' jtb, they J1Wrally rusbed 'I nto the rig· teredOmy alarms. 1 bere.' mention .. a111 ' stowed . a whole, in all localities,' Railways touch moat oJ malt. She proved to have on bOUTtI UOlled hl1 Dl. cto, ·.wlth al) "Aye, aye, 'sir," (~at strange th\us; .. ,l oyg d .I ""il a. near a ,mIlUon ' aterUng; . whlcb, wltb the aettled districts, and prices for produco are always good. Land. may also be pur_ "eemed to shake ,t he deQk., coward at heart, I was alao a Villain; tbe tndomptuble, was the "richest prIse Tiley aay thnt "abssnce Then protect it from the danchased from railway an~ land comparpea. The admIral,. wbo . bad been on lhe for If one. sJng1e (ahot. couJl! bave lent tak~n In tor years precedlnr. makes lho .heart gers of croup to Vlhi~h every Grow tonder," dny b~, bridge, left It and went below. Pres- the Frenchman's boc,Jy to the Ilea and For r,arnphleta, map. and Informotlon reThe ~dml~al and captaln ,lot £11.. child is 8\1bject. Keep . day, ' II'Grd nrr low railway faJ • ., apply to Superll,.. ,. ellUy be oaine uP. He was .In his best h.l s soul to b~l1~ I 'wo~l~ he, ve' ftred that tendent ortmmhtratlon, Ottawa, Canada,or 'An/! thnt 1/1 trpe, , y t, 1 , oonfesa, un~torm, _wltli ~ gold-hllted sword. hIs sbot. , But wben I waa released, from 000 aterllng ' each. ' Tha aenlor ,otlloer' the authorised CO'nadilln Government ArreDt: I oUeD atol! nnd' aay: received . ~2,600 at~rllng eacbr The , 'order .of tJle Bath on hla. ·breaat; and tbe ' nightmare of fear, a feeling of R. M. WILLIAMS. juniors got £~,QOO Iterllng, the Qlld· "Why. doesn't w~fe come, home?" nnd b)' wore it. cocked bat .. Aa he passed .Di.ercj stole Into my loul. t I ,\>egan 0 Law Bulldl"" Toledo. 0"'" sblpmen and p~tty omce~-1,500 !'!e, . ¥r J\uxtC?D~1rbo was s~epplng feel for our,~brave. ehemy~ .and to :wlab sterl,~ng;' and ., every seaman got £700 The (ront door-bell I\ ringing, . albn", .brlak)Y'i said: '" . ., ", that , wa ·mlght'. capture him with as Although my "heart has totlller" grown, in your home all the time, th'en you're I .wonder ~hat ahe'lI; ~rj,nglng? -. • '/:Pardoi me: Sir, P~ter, but a F~ench lIttl~ 'los'S ' as pOBslpht ' ~ sterlb).g, and the landsmell and boya ready ,for the sudden "Uackl of croup £400 ' sterllng In prile mo~ey. And ud colds. Neglect may cost you the • musket VI nil' nQ l)ett~r tal'8~t than The' ~!lnl!0nl\de now ~nc.reased; ~~t I . 8y It wJtb 'dl1ftdence, -we gOl much l Lean or Fat? life of your child, It', safest to be a f.:CO:j('ed hat.... the wlnll, which 1& usually dea:d~ned, mbre ' In : glo~y; • for I.h~ · two Frencb The Query I~ often made: "Is It pos· on your guard. .. ' . "Slr,'~ ;rel>lI~d Sir ·Peter, it have al· conliOlied , t6 ,rise: and ' b<?~b the heavy sblps were not pnly beate,n , bur beaten £Ible to regulate flesh by' dIet, and la Dr. D. Jayne'a Expectorant I, the .. w~YJJ, fougbt a ~oOked bat !a~d sl)~ ships '\'Iere airpost ~olllng ~belr yard. In the most seamanlike ' manner. . 81r . best remedy known for croup; it give$ lai~klng8, 8S "becomea Il ·gentleman.; 'atms 1n the water. The lndomp. Peter eve'jo after kept ,tbe t\nnlveff~ary medicine safe?" quickest relief, These are questions '{Ol the family an '1 shall .always fight In a CQC!ked table's fire was exceedIngly steady, 88 his day- of glory; putthig on ' tho physician --NOTHINQ LIKE IT FOR-to decide, but it. II ,safe to SoiJ ~Mre In lin boulu b \ and 8Ilk ·.stockln~s, da~~e!" . . !n-\t not ~~lI .•~lrected, W~ne, ten same ' unIform ' and cocked hat be had Putine Cllcela any deotifric. Mr; · Butto" passed on; laugblng. mInutes of a 'close fire, It was seen worn, and going' to 'C:Ii",rcb, If on shoie, Bay that dle~ does, to a Il\rea~ extent, ",00, 50c, 25c in c:I.aOlina. whiteoing ead 'govern the 'accumulation at Jl,e!lh, NOW, "I bad ·taken 'ili~ opporhmlty; that we were fast sh<)otlng ber ap~rs wltb Lady lIawkshaw On bls arm, MId Sweets, of course, rathel' than aclda, "'moYins Iutu from the leelb, betide. deatr0Jia8 all serm. 01 decay and diae»e which orcIiDat7 -'a'fte,," we. had Sighted the Frenchman, ~ut of b~r, The frigate, m,~cb ~Usable'd glvlilli -thanks In a loud voIce. ' . tend 't o Increase weight, nnd drln1(lng Iooth preparation. C4DDot do, , , to .run ' ~I()1r and P\1t btl .my ne~est the Io'ss of ber me,st,. had fallen off .•. (TO ' ~E. tONTINUE~.) water Is good for thos'e Inclined to Potino u.aed .. a IJIOIIIL,. ' and never got crose enoltgh . ",unlform, · Wlt~. a,lI~ ' stoc~lngs~ and:, to Starchy foolls, p~tatoe~, wa.b diainlccta the lDocdb get· 9U~ 8ev.e iyJ- poCIH\t hand· agaIn ' to oJ any assistance to bel' RABBITS ARE H.ARD 'IGHTER8: thInness. rice, etc., make l1l!~h, and mucb ~xer· pd Ibroat. puri6ea the breath. .nd kill. the pma ,: kercbl.ElfSj 'and I· bad also, acented my· conSOI'L which collect in Ihe moulh, cawing lore tJuoat. else tends to reduce It. Above all, per· self liberally -with 1I0me attar of rose, 'f-be AjU'S ' Pllople , began ~9 clamqr the ,Charge 'of Cowardice: a Slander- haps, dO\ls 'temperament gov~rn, and bad J,eeth, bad breath, Hrippe, and much awe-. Defeat of • Ferret• .' Wbic,~~· I . JtB4.' bOUghr J!l PoJ"tsmou,tb. to get-alongslde,and alongside ,w e g~t. when ~ed. ti~, ache bablt . of life 18. a strong faotor. For 'Slr ~Peteri putting ' hia , ·ftnge'rs , to hiB. As . w~"" neared u1". . IniJomptabte. .. ocand bum, may be iIuwIIJ)o 'Inatance, ilie wQrna~ . who, lounge. rip,e, -sntlTed ':the at~·: of 'liose; an.d, CQslooatlY ,. yawing to · prcvent~elng telieved and etrenathened by Potine. about all' day, la going to have a hard ,.~dJly ld:enUfylng me" he au·rv.eyed raked "bls 'metal ·b egan to tell. and We Putine will dearoy the IlftmB time keepfng. ber flesb within Hie preme calmly•. aver, . w!).l1e J blU~be\1 were·. :much ' cut ' up. aloft, ' besides' ha\o- , ,I " that ca\118 eatenh, heal tho iD. scirlbed' filllhlonablE! lIm,ts. '. I Lmmalioa and atop Ihe diacbatge. It ia • . '~d ·tou~d·· ~~ii~u linable. to·, IIt.and) !tlll Ing 'be~n j~ul:'ed r~pe~.t.~iny·; : bl,l£ ,V!~ "For hel" ' w~ose object. Is ftesh, th~ temedilouaterine catarrb. ' 1118."sea'rcblng ga~e; . When ' he came on steadily. The .man at · the following UIIes myst be followed nega· " ..spoke, · b~w~v~rf It ', wa( In . !,otds of wlieel".had :nearlr all bls clotbes ; tlvely but the lady of embonpoint will P....... ... aennicide,diainfeda~ an4 deodorizer. 'P'rl?J8~,' -, ' , _ , " I .,' \ oft! ii~m by 'a IIplinter,.-'but the do' w~1l to ",eas'u re ..tbez;n, learn'~ them Uaed in bathiag it dettroya 00011 and , . "Nepl1e~, lOU ~av~ tb.e ·,Ttg~~}~flq.. II 1t1t .. of · . at by helU't and t"ke fOT ,lJaliy guIdance: leave. the body antiseptically dean. )t 18, ~ h'oll~al" ,...heo ~we·' n,ee.t ~e ell~~ .:Jsl!o'st U~II~'U"'fUU51 It you wlltt ,tlu:row .tll.lrner rOR SALE I!oT DRUG aTO'REa,SOc. I. my, ' an~ dm6er,y \-s bould · d~s 'acco~; . the · OA POSTPAID BY "AIL. . • . it ' ~ ;~ . DimInish 'your- .,1lnller, · · . . And take to ,Ugb( !lIare~ In.te~ ~f' pal. was IltanMng-'near:: ale, 4 , . . . 'tHE PAXTON TOII.ET 00" BOSTON. MA;8L sni~I~~~ ,,<!If..-\'~~;' •.\ltI\le: "·Be · oil, ' · t:ook down ""lttI an utter





10K 'IiEADACHET~~ N.·-U.-, rt7;;;:;:;;WPo.Ulvely~u~edhY Westarn a.anfada




s '

~y~:.~ !IIII!!L.J Do You Love Your Child?






' 'Tee










IDsallnil' , 'ulbave been aling ~t. fOr J,sa. . w6jch I baYe,beeD' aJBicte4 ~ aaa I c:.D that c... cuetitb,&.reJriV:ea me ~ other' reu,.edy I bave ner· ftUef.tbaD tried. I ..::, certabst, recommend tbeib to IQ ~ _In... that tile" aie.~tecJ.·· . ~ ., Tboe, ·GiUard.~, 'G oof


.~ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .

·IOblIlia, for twenty

.' h .. .u .fur years' _d_ .




::a - . :.z:b lI:tl':l\..~~ ....



-....·.-~:JiI.,'="d. .,..CCC;



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$

---'"b'-~~_ -NEW -L~T-- ---- ----"-..,---, v

. , ' a , aper ,Of W 11 P I .

----Just Reee·l·ved•••- . 5e p,e r Roll



f',~_" . 90 C.'.ent,S

lG nc'Inna4-:)

Wlmen IS leO as len anladellUrlble hy IIdDI' IDd 8IIdder Tnuble"

'1\1. E. SA8BATH ' CHOOt Pr(1~rlll11 fo r .h lM II, tltllI) , " The Pow f nf Ib , '1'011 II Kidney trouble p,r ys upon tbe mind, .1 u~leM iii- ' 1...:12 - , wscourogesandles8eusnmbition; benuty, . vigor and cbeerflll,siuging T he dunoe in .1. O. .: ne s soon dif!8ppear ~a l oted /la .. d ln . en by t he Messrs. Bornett tlud wheu thekidneysare " t. 'p1·.·I . ("' I out of order o'r dis- Prnyor, losing' with ord 'lI • R icks Mond~y even log, wait well ~~~== CUB!:!C\. Roll 'Ill !. a.Hen(fed a.nd One of t h e best of t.11 ' Killne ' troul,l has Over ' become 0 pr!:!vulent ell \In. Abou t , h Irty 0 up le w r that it is uot uncolUin at tendanoe. ~~mll't:~ mOil for a cllild l be born afflicted with



1 E'XCUrSlO . . , ·. n


Pennsy Ivan i a ~ Next



Train leaves WaYRcsvlJle 8:28 tI. m. ,~ eak k idneys. If the Dr. Ilnd Mrs. A. T. Wrig h t , gaYe ,child urinates loo often. ifthe urine scnlds R vi wof ,L 14 0 0 . - - _ ._ _. _ a family dinner on a-i-urdI\Y. Tho e the flesh . ~r if. when the chHd reaches an II W 'I h t age wb e~ I~ shouhl ~e able to control the P re ent were'. Dr • 1:' y r g passnge, It IS yet affih.:ted with bed-wetry ilB-'r-uIllilS-h-'--Sill! of R ock I sland. m.. Jesse Wrigh t" ting, d epel~d upon it. the cause of thediffiMiss WrI ght and Miss Mllry Wri... h t. culty is kIdney troub,e. aud the first )f you ul'e not II. m em h r of fI(llU e lean your tee til with , ., • step shoul d be towa rd s the treatment of of Spring boro, Dr , Ilnd MrS. D. W . the e importnllt orga l1s. This unpleasnnt ' abbatb Sohoul. we shllll ue 1I1 ,re 'S- h tz's Brushes K.e ever . Mjs Lydio. Wright II. n d trouhle is due t o II diseased conditiol1 of t hUD pi Iltlei t o welcum e you to lUll. c war Also a large a sortment of Papers suitable for Ma s ter W ynn e Keeve r f C' , ._ the ,k idll cys lind blndder alld not to a W e ure qntte IHlre you ' nn b t'llp u 10 c.ents Apiece ,0 enll1 1 hahlt liS 1II0st people suppose. Halls. Parlors, Etc., Etc. \ VIlle . - • WOlllcn AS w el1 as men are made mise.r- aud tlHlt w e n e u your h e lp ;' Iwd d - -- ahle with kichl Y 811d bladder trouble, WAYNESVILLE, 'l'ht! hOUl e of Mr. lind M r . Alleu ami holll IIccd the same grellt remedy. ml\ybe we iu . 0Ule W IIV ItlIl Y u~ e ll· ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! OHIO. Kibler, of Green Bt'la r iEl t h e tlCelHl The lIIild alld the immediate efT!:!ct of "bled t o ustlltl t YU ll , Swamp-Root is s on realized. It is sold Suuhl1t h . 'h lln l b OJ.;i ll l< pnllll pt,ly of much merriment at tlle present by drug-gists. ill fifty. atl 9 :1.. 11 , til. f·ime for the daught'lrtl,Mis es LUll, cent nnd . one·dollar size bottles. Vou II1 UY H . D, K ll: r. J . I ~ N, Hllp t. !!'!'!"!'!'!'!"!'!'!'!"!'!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LfHlrllo.nd Myrtle are entertainin g have a sample bottle -~ jolly qOI;Dl>RDY of young peepl by ma il free, also 11 HELP WANTED •• who oame to be presentut the r. r./lctu , pamphlet tel!ing all • • •• •• •• ,., nbout SwampRoot, •• •• •• Young w Olll on o f tl i g btll6n Y0I.IoI:8 I "' ... "' ....""" .. "'.,"' .........oJ ... _..r............ O:'-......_ ............. - "' ........ , ........... -"" ...."" ..."' ...""'"...."'-....................-_ ...................-......."1 .....""-.... ,"",,"" .......-...............................-......r.....-..._ .......................................,..,.., II. tion of Mi ss Myrtle OD last Wed ne · inc1 uding lIIall y of the m01USIl nll S day ,!lvening. tLlouilll letters r ceived froUi sufferers a nd ove r. Il t 'l'hb P otertl lJltrtridge H e rf hl ~ a-nd Jaoob Cb now th who found Swamp-Root to be just the Oregonia. r£bose who are enj oying the h ilS remedy needed; In writiug Dr. ,Kilmer Co., Kin g 's Mille O. Work li ght. pen t 'i'hursday with t.helr un I . pitality of this hom a are : Gra e & Co.. Binghalllton, N . Y., be sure und olean. Goorl wn gell C<;>l1If03'lllbl e Charles Taylor, of Columbus Ilt- Th omas LILOY lind fa m il y . ' pI e to kn w we this paper. DOll't make Ilny b ot e l Be omlL unti ouB 010 e t o t he We wan t t b tended the oommencemen t exer oi e Mr. and Mrs. George P rAt ' nt r 8egule l1ud Lolu Pringle, of N~wton mention uJistoke, but remember the nnme, Dr. t ill bllUdll lfg here lilst week. t ained Mr. and Mr . Army M r IL V vi lle; Mildred Bnnter, of London ; Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, faotory. Addre!!!! ASl:lilHO ll t 'M untl. Mrs. John egale, of NewtoDville, and family and Mr; nnd Mrs. W \'Il A(\difl Tumbleson, of South Ch~rle8 , Bingliamton, N. Y., on every bottle. ger , King 's Mille, O. olime home to see h er sillter gndu. Thompson to l::IundllY d inn er. ton . a t . and is vi lting f r leDds here n ow. ~aper, Walter Cleaver , Qf 'Xenia WIiS Lytle. Could Not ~ Better WANTED home laet week. AnI} lirA CArrying 1\ lurK line Jt Miss Edna .. Spenoer 18 h ome for Burn t o Mr. and Mrs. Horaoe N o one hilS onr made a @uIve, Wit hou t pai!l by the use f . 'l'rllstwort h y mlln or woman in Paper . We 1l1 \411 bit VR 1\ ber aummer -vaca.tton no w. Whll.rton 11. ' boy , May 24 , ointment, lotion or ba,lm to oompare oomplot I~.ue of Misses Adda :rombltson, of, 80ut h Mrs. Earl Randolf and little SOD with Buoklen 's ArDlQa Salve. Its eaoh ootlnty to odvertise, r oelve or· Schwartz'~orn Remover Ch8rle&ton; LullL Pringle, of Naw visited her parents last weak. the one perfeot ha.ler of (Juts, CQrns ders BUll manage busiDfl!!f! for New , 15 Cents! a Bottle . ' ~ tonvllle;atid Mildred and Pearl nnDSeveral attended the danoe at Mr. BurDs, Bruises, Soret!: Scalde, Bolls. York' Moil Order B on e. $1 .00 Carpets, ~ugs , Linoleter, of London are the 'gues ts of Olarenoe KlDg'S l::Iatu't'dayevening. Ulcers!.. EC7.ema.. Salt Rheum. ' For we(\kly ; position perm anen t; no in".1 K ' b' l tht k ~lr_ • Sore Jjjyes. Cold Sores, Ohapped the __ !ee8 1 er 8 wee. I m.uster Burdsall .i 'V isitlDg his Bands ita supreme, InfaUible for vestmen t r~q uired. Pre vi.o os ex· Unl S , Lac~ Curtain"" JaJD68 Mason wusdown from Day· g randparents, Mr. and Mrs . J , M Piles. Only 250 at j!' C. Sohwartz's perlenoe not essen tial to engaging . ton last week. Burdsall of Lebo.non , ~ _ • ' . Window Shades, Etc. Spare time v'llna:ble. Enolose self . Charl68 .pen oel" and daughter, 'l' be L. B. 1::1. high 80hool base ball CEMETERY ELECTION ,addressed envelope for full parMoo,MI.s Hazel and the Misses Corrine, t ellm defel\ted the Lytle t:'orobs la8t . Com.e in ' and ~ ee Us. lars. A<ldrtlBS, CLA R K~ Co., Whole· ( PrllOilla, and Celia S penoer, Of Frldo.y a fternoon ,with a 800re of , . 'Lebanon attended commencement 5- 'J. It WtlS a hot game. The annu~l me~t1nR iLnd eleoUon sale Dept., loa Park Ave ., New York. here l&itt ~«lne8day night. .' . Mr. and Mrli., J . ]d.: ~Ilrnhart ' aad of the Cemetery .A:8s~latioD .~wi1l - --,,-' THe l&:i8868 aelen and Elizabeth daughter O)iUU, Mr. a~d .Mrs. Ray be held Mondayaft(lrDOon",Juue7th , J..1W YHOPO.\.L W1 LIJ, B l~ REBolzlin\ of Kings, Mills, been Bar8h~rgeri of Lebanon, were when there will be several ' thiJlgs '6I Y~ III ~hls u llh !ll 11111 11 vtelttlllJ reI at! ves here for the p~t guests of Mr. F . ll, Duke and children of importanoe to · be tranllBoted last Sunday. ' . 'Week ' MONl?AY, J UNE 15, ).909, . , ', Mr, and Mrt!. J . M. Staoy, of Day ~he board earn~atly reque~ts all lot Mi88 )(abe1 /3he,: wood Il,ttend:d ton, were guasti! of their sOD, Mr , owners to be present . 80 as to pelp tnlgh$ he Alumni StaCY and faIntly on Sund,,'" , h, Mono"• " , at HArveysburg Frt.d y Albert . . .. . th ern i n th e i r work , w' h' 10 , ... . ~ " 11 Mr,· a~ldMrs . JtlII'le .Barris visited bedone if there is not 11 fair '''''pre. •: , J . K. Spenoer and tWO brot ers, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Irll Barris, of center· .' . .., . 'ChI! Aoniial H I Lion Qf the l.ot woeMl o f , Will keep 'l'bomlUl and Charlee spent ~unda.y ville, on Saturday aDd SUDd",y, " lIen,... tiOl:1 ~f lot ow~erlJ present, lilrnl erne r)' i\liII!l<iIatlon wlll he held a t t h .in M~rtin8vi1le' and Wilmipgton. Mr . •1. B. Joneide building an ,d, Make it a point., therefore, to oome' Oemc,ter.Y !Hi\>ll\ 011 . Il~. L . B. ·Holzlin upd two oqil. dition to his house , ,,/' out and 'h elp the boa rd with fhl)!l1 . Monday June' 7 1909 ~eD " Hube,:~ a.nd Stella. ' apent SUll· , Mr. ,L . \VilU",mson ILnd, family work and see what they, are dolng. , ' ~. , , , moved to D,o.yton 'l'uetiday. , Your preaenQ8 will benefit them' and a~ 10 '010<',1( IIl .t h e n lte~ooo . tor tbe pllr/lOlle da.y with her mother. ¥'u Belen U llum, of l,;vbanODj • ~ • , .. '.. . 0 eI .tlng lI,e ' ollo wlng . . .' haapeen vlsiUng·Mrs. W.R. Ker8ey. Sprjng ,V alley. you a18o, ,80 oome Monday, .Tune ~th . ''1' 1\'0 ( 2) ))IJ'e(;L()l'IIjQnh~ ~YOII\'R. oo~enoemeqt ex erolaes'h,ere , . " to t he Oh~pel. 0 ( l ) 'Ci'6a6urer tor bne y nr. lut IWednesday evening were weH . 'I he 111astra~ed lecture, Ben ~ur • - • , , l \ .0 <!) ,I rk tor QM you , At ' hi hom~ 'miles wf!!!t ot a.ttended' ,in spite of the inolement , g~ven at the ~. E. ohnrob,Saturaay Women Who Are Envied ' Aud tor 8uch'oUler llulilil Q.8 will prop' Waynt'sville , on th ~ ' Upp~r Sprin,r · , lth ' Th d te th n~ght was enaoyed by all. orlycome tietOI'M a nlootJngol saJd Lot iJWllers. w~ , er. , e 'grft ua ~ 'Yere e Mrs Ca lA d ' fX t i it Tbose' attraotlve ' women w,hoarE) ,, -!Jy.ord r oftheJil'll8ld n t ,o lth BOIi.I.'dI ' boro pik • fOI' the romihg ~ason. " ){lasell ).tA.ry Conner, !,,{yrtle Klbl~r . , ,r n re,v, .o el! .. , v s lovely in faoe form and temper are ' . , H . llARI.AN. ,IUk. LuoUe Milson lind 'M.r. Verne Armt. ed the latter part of the week with. the envy of ' :many who i ht be UnOwN BILL is It good feneral . ,/ p\Jrpose' hoh!~. ,· . tage; ,Muaio was.. , .furnished by' r? latlves. , _. like them. A w~k, SiOltl~ :oman· ~~~~=~~~~~~=== Lewla O~Qh~stra and toe addrets ~. W~ A,nabe~ · and, ~lfe enter- will be nervous and il'ritllble. Con CLO, V ERDALE is one of the best· was delivered by. Prof . Brown! of tatned at d1nner ,the M188IS. lJe.isy stipatlon o~ Kidney polSODS IbQw io ' bred P r heron hOr8t!S lil this seeti .I ,Wn~ington oollege. . , " Bradford a~d ,E va Wi~sohlng, of pimples, blotches, skin eruptiOn. and' ._""!,"~~_ _ _",:"~~;,,,,,-:-_ __ of t he ountty. ' ije 'is. fifteen ye . , . • i ' Dayton" A. {;_ Mendenball, wife and a. wretched oomplexion. For J.t l'slWh , • ,,' Sp~ing Branch daugh~ere, of this pl~. . - Eleotrio Bitter8 wo~k' ~ ()nde ..s , 'Th~ey IOc a lb., . • old, i111d is without a,.. blemi~h ~,!,' , ':' ' Ray Eagle, wife and ,baby wer~ regulate ,S tomaoh,' Lher "n.d ~id-, Here ' ou'll 'find same new ' cak~ ... . . Alioe Chenoweth '!Lnd Ber. gU8M~ Qf Dayton fr~ends last week. ne~s, purify the blood; glvo ",tr~)Qlr I. Y '.' .. ' , thl t;mith enter~ined Elder T . ..,. Tbe Boxwell oommencement· will nerves. , bri"h~ ,eyes, , p,u re breath. tOiS w~k ~~ the popular. prl~e of lOc. ,~ Williams and wife 'and' Mise Flora be hel~ TU8!day night ,June 1st . • mooth, ' velvety, sk1n, lovely 'oo~ Fr~~' Vamlla , Wafers, Fig Sand-, UJliI~alU:lIlI.' $~O,OO, to insure a hying colt. AnY . Berryhill ~a.t\lrday· nlg t. :' Tber~ ILre three ~rad~a.tes, Loyd pl~xio~ , Many oliarming :WOPlen oW,e, Wi~bes, J,.emon n~ps,C coanut cakes fo~feiis I'i he Mrs: Edward Cool,; ~nd dliugbter Da.vie t, Donald MoPherson ond Wil· their healt-h and be~~to them l fl.oo and Peanut Wafers. ' ' 'Glenna spent Frlday witl1 .-.her , ~r. ber t;ti1es. , . ~t Fred C. Bohwartz a ' entl Mr. a~~ Mra. ,George t, Prait. ~r8I ' Donglas ~Ils . ,s hopping in tlOOSJER-C--AB' INE'"' Mr. and ·Mn. Frank Dakin enter. Dayton WedD6Id&y. . I talned Itr;' and Mr~ . Frank Martin ~r . .robn fJugha Ilnd Bomer Roa~. and' Mr. and Mrs. George Dakin to er8, of , JILDle8town ' were gueste of We have just ant! Bbosier 0 biDE! Sunday dinne,r. Carl 8mit~ Sunday. . on hand at our ware ,rooms, whioh " Th,e re will be ~eetlng &tt Mid'dle , Mr . B9ward Dyke, of Pltts,bDrg, we will 'se,n ata 'bargaln. ' :we Run ~ext Saturday at 2 .a ' o1oo~ a.ntI Is ;the gOl\8,t8 of his pa.rents, Pt; are going to ClUit hllndlin~ these cab ~~nday Baeket me~tlng 'a~ 1.0 :3.0 l>yke and Wlie. , inets this is for sale at a batgain o'ol90lt by l!;,der ,Geo. A. Bretz and ,.M;rs~ 1..oroy' Davis Bud ' soil Law' 'IV 'Il Ai.~ DDE & ,,;.: • Elder Harvey b a lly, -Qf Indla-na, I'.~are the guests of her mothe r . ' N Y'" :All made welcome. ': . tin ·Oarey. . , --Mr. and TIiomrt;s Laoy lind R~v. Rayuolds preaohell the Me. fllmJly viai~ their daugh~r, Mrs. l.Dol'i~l sermon to the G. A. R. 8\1n· Fran.Jt Cook on last t;unday. da.Y ,morning. '

6e per Roll 7e per Roll 8e per Roll

Rtl~~t i~g~~~:~n




F. C.


Howe Bros.

.. -----

The Neighborhood News



Gorns RemOVSdl '



..-.'- --


Howe Bros.









••m.l ;



Jl'J l!''1' H - AU OlAPII nnd 'plau, 1U'O to hO,rladO IUld e xecllt.ed tn .. gOOO ~worlcm "nUke · mallner

":'-J11~ " 1I1l1\t I\lId

1\OO~~ u~d or tiiO tull ·or 't he OilU'I ~l A udl \.<lr lind t o the apProval ot tile Board () Coun ty OOlOlIii,


~JO?t)rs~t ,'"







For Obicke~s an9 .Pou.ltry ~ ~ , , of all kinds. ,1' will', be in " ,



t ·


;. Way~es~~lle on~ 1'~esdaYs • . )i,

Call Phone 14'2. ' " ,J,

Up·to~Date Sanitary" Plumb~ ,

ing, Pneum'a tie W~ter ' Systems, Acetylene ' Gas Machines" , ,.Gasoiene Engines', ~'Barnes" , '.~~mps,' see,


r, /










J NE 16, 1\1011 .


Latest Traction Talks

•• ~~~~ & ~ ~~ ~~ ~& .~b~~~~~ ~

J Society Column -

During t he County Sunul4Y Schoo l t Mrs . 1'. J. Brown is quite s l c ~ . -..- •• -.,.... .................... --- ~ ................ - .......... - - --- ~ . .............. . enti ll u, which: reo.eutly 0011 Miami Cemetery I Mr!! . O . M . Rldlite WIlS" Dayt on conv ~ I 'I"l"i'1M' ~.Ijl 'i'1l' ~ " vened here, W. A ., sttit u \ViII Wllynesvl1le e ver have t,he l.orm\uulllt t be B . 'lIlll O . Rllilrouu At Annuai Meeting H,dd vltli~ur · ltit.l t '. l'bursdllY , preil lden t of tbe 'uudl4v Hob o ol ~ of Ild vun t.a.geM 0 1' a tn ctiou lin e ? l"or n ull Ml4iu a vent/s . last W&:.:k, MlII8 May Wrigbt Is ,pendin ~ Il. Obio bad quite un experience . He more t bull fi fteen yellrR linell huve We sho nld be up an rl dom g be re Ml's. H tl.rr iet.t 1...lno In II. dinfe w days in Clnolnnlltl. wa s dri ving bis auto to Waynesvill e, ueen pr jeoted on r , bnt s be it! A word ber e tl.nd t be l'e IUI Kot htl. ve Der party to the follo w iD~ g uests: Wayne~lVille, Ohio, June 7,1909 . Rliymund Vavts spent Sllnday "nd when be DIet an old borse in the no uear eJ' l~ line todny tbun ~he was som6 weigh t , unu a. lattfl r to t he Mr. unu Mrll. J . H. t;w ltb and Mr . Miami Cemetery Association:Mlluday in OilY ton and Xeol". r Olld. He stopped his olir to let tbe fifteen YOIII'S ago. "powe r ' thut ure ," might not, com e nnd Mrs . Frank Miltenberger . W hit t u tl huwe ! Jus t 14 tl tl'e tol1 of 141U11l1ll . Your board in submitting lhis re_ MI'SMrs , J . M. Cook and Jobn h,.lrIle get oil' the road, and tbe borse pbrt again congratulates the lot own. Ptloot! were In LeU.non Mond"y. whloh 'Nas totBlly blind, s tlirted oil' It bout tw nty ·t hree mlJes of the Auywuy wo wa n t t.o ga t out in to Mr . and Mrb. D. T.... Umne· et.s uf the association on tht! most Mr. Rod Mrs 'b"". Cornell vi:tll ed to one 8lde, Rnd Mr . Enllaly 8tarted ri :lhe~t oo untry land In AUlericll. . t,be wor f,l uy oue wli y or a noth" r , tn ln ed li t s upper Mondll Y e vening , favorabl e conditions of nil the varihi s UJIl bln e . . Just then tbe borse unU DOwily to get ou t or iu eK06})t fo r wa uuu't li ke t o b l3 ti hn t up !lU Y Mi!:ls Emmit Belg hwuy , MI'. and Mrs. relullv ilti III DIl.y tou ~8..t u .. dIlY tlod b Ueo. I:la wke, Mr. und Mrs. J . H . ous inte restt! th at you p08!!t!St! liud wb ee led btiok Into tbe r0ud and' toe y the I'liilrouu , a nd t hat l'OIUI OUt g . IOll ger. are so zealous to keep and preserve. t:;lIud"y . OJ8 0hin e s truok If. bretikin g aile of oa ulm ously ,1I10wlng two t rains Ii The Xenifl Ua.·~e tt e of MondllY ev· Co leman Ilnd Mr . •John But terworth , of Portland , Oregon. First the pre:lident takes great pleasMiss Myra Blitrd , III In Wilmin gton It s hind leg!:!. tll1Y tllioll WIt .y t o IItop anf:( let plili · ening 111111 th e foll0:-vi ll g : ure in advising you of the successful tbt1 ~utJst of ber Shll e,·, Miss Clihdl10e A dootor WIlS oallAcl bnt be /l.d. ::leng J'S get out of town ,and IL pel'sou With the pUrOhll ::l6 of I Ill} Duyton Pormer Residents operations of lhe hoard since the last BllinJ . vised thllt the borse be lillo", wlll e)1 golug to the uor t b or south h"l1 t o aUll Xen ia Tra1lsit Com pany HI1t.llr· l'eport one y ell I' ago today when in W . H. AileD is attending" meet - Wlt.8 done. IItn.y 1411 day in order t o d ' iVO hours' UIIY by II. cOlllmit.tee repl'ef!6ntiug t,be Mr . a.nd Mr8. Frl1nk Long, of Vol· e8Sion. Their deliberat ions are of Ing ot tbe Btiuker'd ~ssoolatl oh in 'l'h~ horse ~longed t o C. L. Wool- business . boudholders tor $:-80,000, oomes the umbus , w ill spenb a month t·bis tht! most pleasant natul'e, not alwfllYII T"t~do. ley. W. E . Boglln IntAr~sted him . Rnmors tbl d S1lmmer ba ve been u.unouncameu t of t be proposed ex · SULllDler i n ~he Allegany mount"ins. of one ' accord, but the minority Mrll. WarteD Btirnett \ Ilnd Mrll. self in the O8se, and wrote Mr. numerous, and it look~ for a fe w tension of t h e r oau from Xen ltl. t o Tbey h'~ ve engaged a house at White cheerfully conceding to the majo rity . E. V. Hllrnhill't Welre CinciuDliti VIS. Eodoly, ",tltting t.he OIlse to him , unll days like we would blive a t,ra otion .Jamesto wn anu Washin gton C. E:l , YOUI' board is divided inlo f oul' s tand- itors Moud"y. SIt turd"y Mr . Bol!t an recei ved 11 oheck lin e througb town . Now comes up IlD d th e complet.e reoor~lI ni"'l~tlon Biroh Lodge, Miss Emma Heigb. WilY is invited to be their guest. ing committees, finance. grounds, If you want the Safest and Best from Mr. EudBly for SUi . linotb er compli n y a nd wants n uuu er tbe nume of the Dliyton, In 11 r6()ent letter from Mrs . Kd.te Mr . Elldaly was re eleotfld super fra neMee into Cinoinnati wh ich wi II ~"rtf1 gfi el rl aocl Xanitl South ern av nUtlNand buildi ngs. In creating MoUvm"s, P "rker, Uolo., .he 8aY8 : th~ commj tt~es the chair endeavorlJ Gasolene Stove ever made, call at Intendent at tbe oooVllDtiou held In spoil OUt· ohllnces t.o 80me exten t . RlllJ w~y Company. to 8t!lect. niernlJefS of the b08t'd s uit.- J . H. Coleman's. Springfield la8t week, and is loved Whitt will Le the outcorue, hllwever U ncl eI' the new or glLul zation of the " We hllve bad 11 very cold, wet Atr . It.ud Atra. Allen HaiD~s, of by all who know bim Be BUl'ely now rest!! WIt . 11 t,1Ie ol~ un ai l of. Ui n · rOUl1 t l'u S prese nt Hlltnll gement Will spring bat there i8 a good pr08peot auI-Ie to perf' orm t I It! work WlCl'ibed to thElirpal'ticuhll' place, and it is my UIDciDn~ti , are ~uests of John did tbe propel' tblng in pllyinl( for oinnH t\. 'fhe 'rimes tjtar 8a y !! : oontioue with '1'. A . Ferneuing , of for plentv of fl'Uit and the raooh· pleasul''; to state in this public man- Hawke lind fllmUy. the borse. W . Kesley So~oepf Bnu tbe 'Ill · Dayton, 1i8 general IllRIlBger . men are "II looking forward to a ne l' . that.l have never fo~nd any MUls .,:: ullie "nd Mlu Lid. Mayers, -. olr. nati l.'rnetion oompBny hu ve en · '1'be oomptiny owns t wo linea to bountiful harvest after ci> dry sum· mem~r of th\: val'ious committees of Dllyt-on, lUe jfueats of their aunt, MARRUm IN LEBANON tered tbe con t~~t tt> provide Ci~lOi n Xe nlli , the Du yton aud Xenia trao mer l"st year and hard winter. I delicient in tile discharge of their ~, ~ue W. Baines. nati wi tll an ~t.... ance for in terurban tion r outt!, Itnd lhe old Rapid Tran- a.m well "nd doinR well ... duli~s. The board wishes as a body Mrll. Walter MoClure ILDd Bon, Last 'l'bursday afternoon, Mr ' rltctl ous and a term inal. The au sit route in "uditlon to t he Bellbrook to tnake fllvorable commeut on our Carl WIll h,live today for North Jobn H . Smith and Mba Grace A . n onnoement was Ulade by W. C . 8ml tbe Spring Va lley ·routes. 'l'lIe Mra. Rebeooll. O. Ranson, of Whit su pel'intendent and family . MI'. wkot_, 011 _ visit to' bel' el.ter . Linooln went to Lebanon and wefe Culkins, president of ~he Federllted oompan y will tenr out lind destroy tiel', Olll , visited Mrs. G. 'r. O'Neall Cast has now served for more than Mrll . Lydia I:$atter,bwllite ' bas married by the Rev. W. A. Cooper, ' Improvement assooiatioo , a't the tbe R.apid 'I'rlinl.lit route, 8S hus ueen on FridliY. She Is a descendant of one year in this capacity. For his r~nted 1\ houle In 8prip~ V~lIey to of ~hb"' plaoe. rllon~hly meet ing of th"t bouy io the previou!1ly Authorized by .Tudge an old family In the neighborhood, faith. fulness and efficiency your hi b b t l b e oouple OIL me bome Tborsdl\Y -Gibeon HOUSB TburlldllY afternoon . Thompson, of the Federal oourt, aDd the Johnson". Ber father was Abt. w 0 II e lI .nlov ng' il week . . db' k board incl'eased his salary to f60 Mi88 EmUla UetKhway went to eveDlng,8n a o~t 11 00100 tb ey Be 80id Mr. 80boept deolllred tblit will ~se the lUateriltl In making the jah John80n, and he~ grandfather, ~r month. Mr. Cast has proven Cinolnllatl 'fnelKlay ~b~r~ she will were given a royal reoept.ion by a h e will provide tbe olty with a trao ' extenRion . ~ioajllh John80n; wh~ boUt the t.'ap~ himself worthy of much praiSe fl'Qm. i pand the aamme; with an aunt. lot of ~helr frie~~., ~ho Indulged In tion eutnnoe amI terminal on 'tbe At ane time Waynesvllle W8S l Hoel boase, aDd her great ana ad . the Qffieers and lot o\yneJ'e as well 88 ' aD old fa8htoned belhng ptirf.y. 8ame order as thlit planned by t·he promised tbe ex tension from SprinR I father tbe hoa8e where Mr. Menden patrons of the association.. While Mr ...nd Mr8. F. 11. ~.rr were The affair was &- gi'~l4t surpri8e to t;.o utbwetltern Ohio Traction oom .' Vl1l1ey to Waynes ville, after the hall aow lives, wbioh has m~re tban making favorable mention we desire g~8~ or Rev ...nd M~I. Ooffman In all their frlenW!. 88 no qne bot tbll panYJ.will grant greater conoessions, Rapid l.'rnnsifl route hlld ueen dis· rounded ont its hundred yearl, &Dd. to extend Ii few words of pleasure J41lmtl8to~u~ ~'urd ...y and ~ulld"y . . contraoting p .. rLiell -knew IiDything and that bis plan cont&mpla.te8 bring. posed of, but It looks now 118 though , tbe flne old home of tbe O'Neallll. and appreci~tion to Mrs. G. T Come m and see the New Perfee- about it. log in InterurbaDf~ from t be n orth Jamesto wn has been wider awake Mi88 Lou Benley, of Waehlngton, O'Neall fot: .t he ge nerous donation to tion Wick Blue-Flame Oil Cooks at rbe UazeUe extends to t·hem itl lI.od nortbw est , 118 well a8 tb08e on than we have , and is to get the pro. D. C., has . been vi8i\lng MillS Lola the cemetery 'in erecti~g the· J. H, Coletru,m's. .\ . congratol~~; on8. ,'. the east and oortheai t. Perfeoted posed exten sion . Zen And many frit'llde of former tiful piece ofstatual',}' Ijl8t A~Jt '. Mrll. Ii'(li'b Hlurle and MlSl Edltb Mr. and Mr8. 8mitb will go to plltos will be 1l11nounoe(J.later. - --- - - years . She left ~er Ilater, Mi81 ~iz ­ located on our 'ornamental section IlPlber have re'urDed home aUer a bOU88keeplng to tb" bome of Miill . Following ,bis fLpnounOemen, Mr. DEATHS zle, who 18 io poor bealth, with their commanding .~ prominent vie~ of ple...nt .at't. wi.f,b f.elat.lva. ill ¥or- Lal, Zell. • _ • BJeekmJl,n, tbe one man we would Mrs. Btt.nntUl Morris. died at her brother Will, of Wa.ba8h, Ind.. Miu tbe north ~d south ·entiranceand es.. rov. ooon&,: CONFIRMA nON like to see f(et'a f ranobiae, and wlliob home in Springfield last rbursda.y , Loa will oontinue her trip throogh ~ially an impOsing view approac~- IIr . . ~o~ Mrl. Warren BarD~tt in all probabilitv, would mean a aDd tbe body was brought bere Son · the tjout.h and Welt aDd take In the 11lg Ravine avenue. Mrs. O'Neall!today tOl' Salem: New York, Tbe Rt, Rev~~ . ioo&ot-wa8 traotlon I)ne througb here, aOYB : day, 8nd taken t o the old home in expolition at Saatile before bar represented thi. embellisllment to the wber~ tne,,-will mate liO e:J&eooed here Sunday and adrulniatered the '(Yfls, heetbere~li!!omeoompeti"on , Harveysbarg , wbere tbe funeral turn tit the Ealt, wben ahe and Mi •• tbe cemetery in memory of her de- Villil. tbl8 ~oDlmer. . rite of confirmation to It. 01888 of I WILli some", bat 8urprised . Weare Willi h eld aUhe Bapti8t ohuroh . In. Kizzie will again re8ide in Waahing . voted husband w~o t~r many y~rs .Kra . .jJrelliford, IIr.,. Barry lIur- e~ght at ~t. Mary'e oburch. not IlAking tor ft.nytbing exolaslve, terment was made in Miami oeme· ton . was connec~ With US and contrib- rlly'll motber waa etriolleo with Bi.hop Vtn08Dt's viSits to St. liud bave no objection to the t rao . tery . Genial John Botterworth o.f Portuted '80 I~b~rally both his time and paralYll1 1&8" frid.y .. ud ill' 10 a Mary's pa~18h are at WA.Y looked for. tion oompa.ny,or other comptmy land, Ureg., aul yed here Souda,. means to keep and care for these sa-' very sertOUI oopdUiOD ' ward to with mnch'iDterest, aa be II! boilding into tbe oity. ' In fact, we The six· moutbll old bliby of Mr. cred gTounde. .1t was intended. 'by . S · · . an able Il)e"ker, and Sunda.y morn · would he glad to 8ee balf a dozen new Ilnd Mr8, Harry Clea.ver died of e vening from ~t. Louia, where be blU! been for several daYI &1 a reprettl d r~h th fi 1 , B .. GUlter, of m.boro, WIt.8 10 iog hia .-lk .to &be claltl Was on e of traotlon lioes oome into tile ott.v , oh'O lerli. infantom last 'l'uesd"y night ~ve e gure repre- 'OWD F.-iday, Be olime over to __ .J . e .~no sent a !S8lutataon of welcome. All , d tbe d itb bt bo .~ tbe be8t ever given in U~e ohu~oh . It seems rather peooU"r tha.t ~bree and WIiB buried Thursday morning 8entati ve at tbe Railway Clerks ' who are interested in tbe cemetery .pall ..y W • Y., anff t~l .• _ • or ! oor new traotion line8 lire ?ro· in Miami cemetery, R ev. Benj. Assooiation, Mr. Butterwortb'll tbe same old boy &8 when be attended unite in c riveyihg to Mrs. ' O'Ne~l oir~ulate .P10Da hlB ol.d friend8 be,re. FLOWI;R MISSION DAY posed almost simultaneously With Hawkins offioiatin g, blgh lohool here in 1878. Be il,on both our praise and thanks for ttl r~yol1. want or need lOme 25e chOice / onr lllan8. We do not oppORe any co~mendable 'spiri~ that she mani.· Grani~ Ware, ~r anythinain the tin June ' 9th. 'he w. c. 1.'. U. ob of them, but on oontrary have Mrs. Sarah Larriok Redwond, his way to Detro~t: Mioh:,·where·hil feetAlci in ,the improvement ot t.hese ware llh~, call m lUld see me, 88rved Flower Mi8sion Day. '.rhere expr8IJ8ed ~ WIllingness to let tbem wife of John Redm'ond, died at ber parellt8, Mr. and Mrl, Olark.on beautiful groundB. . . ' . J. H. Coleman. was a Ijood "ttendanoe. We tbank use OUr terminals alld would be glad late b OlUe ne"r MII.DOr I:)titurd"y, Butterworth ·resida. He il larely Y~ur ' bQal'd alwaYIJ regardful of . M ~II. wbo haa Bpent."bB tbe yoa!J1 people tor tbeir aSSist of the opportunity . We are goin g and her fuueral took plll.oe Monday enjoying his outing, aod expect. to " the ~t interests of the lot owners hist I~w montba b~re wU" !l'elaSlv88 & makiol "Il lIuooe88. The right abea!1 wi~b OUI' planll, . de s pite arternoon at tbe M . .E. ohurob, Rev . be away from home 81x ty day•. -----+-- ••--- . and ~i~g ~ 9ffe t greater ahra~••~d.~ tD.F~i~odf' Boardt~lf !Jome 'hot~inB of 'he vl'lage were remem ~! l opposition. " W. 'r. Gilliland Inter. COMPILING ' HISTORV c- ---rtnns to' €hose. wishing to purchase left J&8t n.lgb' fol' ber "omein Dalla8 bn.ed with fiower8 and o~eerlng or ooorse, the slile of the &. & X , men t WK S m"de in Miami Uemeter,y . . lota,r decided 'tq 'create two new. sec. 'l'ens. '., . word8. and the 0 ., & X . will bave a bellrillg Cha.rles E. Lokens, of Marion, 0 ., ti~~ ~hl' th~ ·1etters of 0 & ·Mr. and Mri. S. Lev. C"rtwrigbt, ' • - • 00 the building of thatwenty .three. J eRse It . t;im on !lon, founder and a native of Harv8ysburg, lpen' Th~ new.piats Ii, contituou~to;tbe.nd ~aater ' LeverlDg . O.~twrllbt ANNU~L REPORT lillie stretoh from Xenia. to T...ebauon, editor of " 1.'he Evarson Vlllley SOliday WIth bia mother. IIOUth .en~ce;· We ~~e '~lready weot to ,Da y tu 9 Tue8day too ,mtt.~'. ~ 'file annool ~eport of Inspeotors of and if these oompanies olin !lnd do Bome," dteu at bili borne, April 26, Mr. Lukens made this offioe a call begun I'1'8dmg, ~d . Will disp~tch visit to 'be )loo$,e1llery ()o. Chll. worJl8hops and faotorieA for 180B Is U\ake tbe purohase, tb~ brell.ob will 19011, I4t Everson, WUl!h , ot' tUber- I Monuay·. .",pidly as.~iblehopi~g dr,eu." " sOPle. . oot, aod Miss Dora I!1lHs kindly er- be filled , and the road will then be oul08is . Be i8spoken.of "sa "prinoe Be willl8sue In 86rlal form a work ~ be a~l~ to p'1~e thiS I'round 10 Priooipal ()b.rh'lI CJ\rey oome'over mewberAd 'U II witll a oooy . The completed from Toledo to Oinoinnat i, I1mong meo" in tbe every.uay walke entitled " A £Ilea for a Nation,,1 HIli· mark~t bY'th? ~rstfo,f . Sep~mb~r.a,~ frol,Jl ~~y:~e.vill~ TU8Id"y for a. report .18 full aod oonoille and the ma.klog t.he distanoe about twenty · life, oonsiderllte of tbe rllhts and tory." 'He desires a hi8klrv for Boll l~t"th~ ·p....c~ per foot 25 cet)ts. sbor.t ·vilut witb bome folk • . before. wOl.'k under .•T R. MorK"n'lI inspeo five miles 8bor ter than any other opinions of others . Fully five bun · 8chools of our oountry oompUed UD· W.e ar~ plt~~ ~ report by mut~.I , mo~lng to, _Dd tak.inlf ap bi., n.. w tor8bip hllil "oooin ' pli~bed Ii great line. ured people were prel'ent at his tu . der the authority of CoIigrel!l~. consent of vv. 'J. Frameahd the board WOI'Ji I&e .upeiin&endea' of the Weal. nlany thin~8 tbe paat Y811r The tjoodlloy Enquirer sl1Ys : neral. Be W8S Ii nepbew of Eli za· His work is Jl&yohologioal baaed tbeClal'ksville RoadiStbeestablished AleDudria .aohoole -New Vienna > • _ • ' NorwoOlf want.s &he Bleekllll\ n beth B. Moore. upon l"ws that 8how be a line betw~n the . cemetery Ilnd Mr. Clll;. i~ Cliptoo·Co. Demoorat. . CONVOCATION MET elevuted railw~y. A repreflentutl v'3 solenoe. Fnune. -Mr. Frame owned. tw'o small ..... .. • _. " body of oitizens w'lde thia evldeot FARMER'S CLUB Mr, Lnkeoll is tbe foander of. fractior:m on the cemetery 's ide of the SUNDAY 'SCHOOL ELECTION '1.'be oonvocation of tbe Dayton at a meeting uDdllr ~be auspioes of ! system of IItate 'oentrallzation of , road 'and tbe ' association held two " ". ' De ... nery met.t'St. ADdrew'80hurpb the Norwood tiu~inesa Men's Club I 'I'be Ft\tmer's Club met at the common scboo18 tbat would eliml. fracti9ns ~n Mr. F)·a~~'s. si4e. thus ~be U,.t.h~ox i:4ond~'y 8ohool eleot Daytqn ~ lallt Week. the prlnoiplI.f ·I,,·s t niRht when a. m otl.1n to lndorse 1 bospitable hOlUe of Mr, and Mrs. Allte ml,ny i.wil8 from our 80hools. causlpg bo~ partieS. some incoiwen ' e~ ,~ftloerB I~B' weel! fo,: &b~ eUlLaiDg lpea Irer was Rev . Dr . Wilkln'8, who the projec't carried by tbe vo~e of ~ Will U'Neali lilst 'rhursdtiY. For • - • .i enee and additional ·ex~n~. ',.. , yellr IUt follows: W. lil Bog~nJ , upt . .; was tbere in the interest of the Uler 150 to 2. ' : the' tirlit time since the organ,izltlon . VAN GARRY SHOW • of the club, every wember anEl wereu . The 'IOss ' in trees and sb·rub.!' by 'JQ~;~ B~rmell. ,,18t. · IUpS. i ,&lelgb RY Peo8i~n Fuod Comml8Si~n . last sU'llmer's diouth waS v~ry·:ais. ~~~!lD •. lI8O, ;. M~. Ne.Ute ~be;r~ood, • _ • Mayor .Jones, wbo presided, 8aid W roll call 'l'he Van Garry show, which exbib· ~trous ~ial1Y ~our.ftrs.; neCessi- tr~...: i ~?,th ZI .... me!ID~.n , org.!,III&t.; the Bleek~,,~,prbj'eot"looked mighty '!'he eS!lliyist for the ullY was Mrs. ited here Thursday and Friday-,' was tating .a very heavy.' ex-ridit'. ure to f1I1;W•.lr.Ol', '_1' WAS HURT good t':l blm. John E . BleeklDBD , A. I\'J l::\ waill' who relid 80 ucellent the best vaude ville that has come ' I'~ .. l\~ who Wli8 the first speaker 8tliu that l . this way in a long time . Van ah~ maker: ' the deficit.. OUt ", ce,onnt IIl)r..r ..0' i ..... ~.,~ i:4.r~,. b i:4wltb, , b. ~me · " . ' pavel' . 'I.'be dlscu!ls'tous were good 'th .' Welt'l's ~hns fo"'" ·t...1'f'..A dept.. , .uP'.' , .M,r.,. Lydltl. ~herwood., Lost ~turd~y a horae' of Wl\lter bie oom~any would a.pply for 11 lind full of interest . Garry Custer are th~ proprietOl'S, l' ,__ , KUban 'I ~lfme frigbtened at Iln f hi t ti f ·th N d th 'h th ed' t th ' ' Wl sbrubsan~~~We_rs .~ill exc~e~t"l39~' or~I~.,rollltl~'. :. . . , ...:. anto,apjllunging fOl'wlira" . llludfld rano . • ell. amoe n~ o . e ,o r . Oftlcerdf~rth6yearwere eleot.ed an ey ave ga er oge er 'a about' t5Q: in 'exc~'of any pht\linua ·l,"11 will t"k03 ob ngl:l ~be 1' ... · f ....;. ~. ki bad' wo~ Coonoil t~ J?e held on June H ; , as follows : BE;ber ,Dill, pres. ' CuI lot of artists that go to make a go.o4 ' , . ,.. . • , Y ~ fl' ,,,,, d" I r i~' 'r " ... d ' 00 a PI' ug en""" ma Dg a tbat two r outes wonld be mentioned , ' show . ., " vear "expe ' nded for ornamentation ' ... ""I1D~"1 .0' . u ~. ..~ a .UD ..y . . "d b itl 1 '1 ' i' I ' . Duke vioe pres' Edit h Crane seo • •. , r .iSh ,.. I " . " tb: dob!}t1.l~ l. repar,ed-to ';" ba611ttly COil woo~ j ut .. e ge~t ng.~ o~g n oe y. iO" I1\s franobise- one throagh Wellt / Joa Deardoft1 t~~as ' ' , , ' The barrel jll:~l', Mr. Geyel', is ". ~.. i QOw : ' .. : ... . :.. E;l18t ont! et good '" ,~l~lted~qnd~l,,()n .~fy~y ..~!ply'..~~. . ,~~,,, ' ," ';~~ . 1$" "".~., .:"-.' . " .- . . Ndrwood"ittelngoptlonal wlth' bis l . y . ' y · the trOupewas · gOdPintheir 'seve~' .. , . !~'Ur' ~o,:,~men~ c~yU~ by the ,!~~ ,'" . ..' CNMPINO .OVl' ' . ' . OLD SC~GC)L "REUNION ' OomP4nyJ to. seleot the mOst' feasible it did n~t dampen th~ ardor of tbose stunts, . ' .. . ~. ,.• po8ure'to · the elements • ot•· many ',' ~ ~'. ,~'., . f'. .., ' ", ' Id b e th o ree. aD d' patI . . Ipresent. At noon th., melDbo't's sat bitd weath '" ' ha great '. • d,j;., ' ! . ••• 01. ' • L '.., . .. '-!b a t 'th ere wo.a '. . d el' had .:a& Yea.:s: T~~, ~aid has. _SUggested a , De~~ D~wel '~Ild PbUllp I$ratHl~\ ,:~ Mamba.TII ~f )h~. Old Bo~061 A18o · a!bty foor !I~~iOD8·iil . Norw9O;d. ; that ' down t o ~ mo:' :~p~ In.ner. ~o do with. the a~ridant!e 'Th~~ achticb,de.prl.ce for cleamng,' ~m one ha,ve btttsD: ~~rj9~. ~~Qle lii.lJle ~mp, olll.tion a!e ""qQe, Ql~t at. the'llthere would -only, ~. 2,200 ' feet of.l . 'F OR ,SALE . . lnight but FridaY" night'· the attend.. ~ tbr~ d~ll~. ~1 You.1: ,,~D8true- tOI..a'.~r~'.l ~u~ . ~ ~,~ .&bey bome of ~.". Ge~rg1a ..aaddeD, . o~ .iuf~ n1Jovvay in 'llat oily: i t~ai'~t . ,:. .. , . anee was very·~. '...: . . tio~ ~. ~y .lUltbo~e I the ~U~~.7 av! had (..14~ ~''''.. ~~ a ,raDd ,Tue~ay· e~eDi,.g.• JQQ8 ~2~d, ali lev· " .. pro~ to 'baild. dOnble track I[ ' A good, alm08\. Ilew Oll~er type . The bo1~ ought tQ ~. ~ Ut . ' {Contmu,, q O!' ~ ~? ~ ~ 0 oI~. .. , liDe; ..., • t'b~ nU u4 .h~lilJh ·a wrtter. . Inq~'ize ali tbil oftlce, here's hopi1i& that tlley·wU1. .,

Of tbe PresIdent of

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hlltor~ to


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WhUethed~ wa~awet


asthe~,.and , the, ~of ·~ j.

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The Miami 'Gaz ette D. L. CRA NE. WAYN ESVILL E,

OIlI .

LE't's hon bllsln('ss wOll"l g t t he l!prlng tev r. Th e), will ~('l ~t (>ij ' till) Ifttl" Dutc h prl llcC's8 for II fl!W clays how IlJIporlan t sho Is. .


lIf nss ncrl' s sur ~ly h:1\"('

century .

rt' IIJ.: loI1S


Jl n pinel' III thi s tweull eth

Posltl\'ely th" n' WI' , l thi n g In prln· c gowns 15 th(' lillie ,I augh t!'r of th e qu en or Hollnll.! .


. By tel('p hol1-lli g - I U' ;\I nn; Ht


$1 0.000 .000 n wor<l. wby not


mes nge "co ll ert?" Stili, If


011. he won 't

('ost ot Itt! th e


11Iyn Il1 s lstR upon strop·

hlln~ to pull v ry hard on t he (nu re t tn start It running .

No Hague pellc 'onferen c thl ll Yf'or. tInd look at th t' res ultin g con fu· ilIon. 'Vhl' not n con t inuou s session ? TIeing an Innocen-t by stanrl r at a t arlff·tln l(t'rlng carouse Is I n exp n slve amusem ent for the ultimate consum er.

PORTABLE GRANARY IS .HANDY ON ANY' FARM D etotle d P la n s {or t h e Constt "'tlc t.i on 'of BuUd lng to Hold Tho u sa nd B u s h e ls of Gt-a in that C a n B e Mov d. T o contain a thousan d bushel s a granary should be 12x J.l f at with 8·foot studs. The fram e shollid be made o r plank s !!x6 Inch s fnstclI II uy 4·lnch srilkes. To for m th e sidl:l fr ame la ke thr e pieces 2x6 Inches 14 feet lon g n.nd eight pieces S fe et lon g, the forme r for plate a nd s ills, the latte r for studs. On two of the 14·foot pieces mark orr 2·(00t spaces an d nt these places mark across wlt.h a try square the places where the stu ds are to b e nailed to the plate and UPIJe r layer of the sill, but notice that tho studs at the ends of t he side frames are put flat Instead of across; also tbat these and a ll the e nd studs bave a piece cut out to allow the joists at the ends of tbe building to be let Into the end s tuds. (See A, Fl.g. 1.) T hen


e. do

Til SO \" ls lnll" 80 bc wltl"llin'.

by h e r 'llp r o n til r e, A -hu Il Atlll' In til kl l t·hen.


~ ~'


...~ . '~

~ \.. "~'-


y ~H'I~ ' S (tO ne on a vl. lt. . 'I'm All 1 01\~~om nl< eR R be. 'rh e h0l180 Is III( a fune r-






be pl a c d In such II p081t1on at each a l. pod that a sl11<1 l1 do r wide enoush r I' T hln~" n il go w r ong with mC'. a mun to g t thrOllgh cnn be cut b But th,' r ' I. just one thi n g tw eerl tbelD . Th e h~ Yntor SPOilt of thllt h r lps t ht' thres blng machln Clln be put Th ..l u n'· lIn~"" I ·heR r . In to whi chever of these do rs Is mor" It IR 11 r apr n Ih a t a h e l eft con\' nl en t to allow the machl ue to be A-hnngl n ' o \"l:~ r th ~ re. sst with til wind. The oth e r I'afters mllY now be raised and brac d In po1 I lnH my eyeR ann l ee ' Ili on . h for All r,.. ,m the I1LI II sh e Now Cllt Ollt six fee t of one of the tt\ kt·s It . end st uds t o form II. door fo u r fe et A mi 1{1\"(:s n littl e p a t , Bnd wid . and nai l n piece 'or pl a nk t h en a cross the. top of tb ls space, ·t o form Pt'To !<mnOlh Ihe wrink l e" shak es It. rlllqlN" tSllt, hU nl M It li t tl e tun o Ihe to p of the door frame, a l1d s upport Th" w h ll t!, Rho 11,' 9 I h .. tr l lli;w. the short piece of stud le tt auove. (1 l'Ul1tl (l ! w n lt t o h pu r ngu ln T his wldtb of door wll! allow a fa n. 1' h:01 010 1 II,,· -sun/: she s i ngs) . nlng mill to be ta ken In to clea n up The :11'ln l o r I WO small noury hnnCls se cl grain , etc. 1 n ( o ney 1 ('n n see " ' he n la ying the floor It Is a gooa I'.h ull t h .·,. wliist wil lis Mary. d ear , plan t~ nail plec s of board on t hl l :'1,,11<'8 hl1tten'n k cs ro r tell . r h(IY help lIle' L l'ltr h f.'r ubactl


Over 80 per cent. Tno children In N ew York schools a re of fo reJgo bi rth. W 11, wha t 60rt of a fini s hed prod uct do t bese schools turn out?


c:u I1J"r~tl

Two Dessert s. APPLES AND


T hese two things a re a lways In sea son. always whol some. and alway • pailltub le. or ought to be. Ste wed or bak d apple s are d elicious sen ed with a s(1oc:fuful of cus tard on tOll Instead of cream. Make the custa rd with a bi t of corn·sta rch , s tlrrecl In to mil k, add nn egg. sweeten and fl avor wIth van Hla. Add, cold, t o the nl)(lles, servIng on t he side or the d ish . "Ing a Bong of 81xp n e , A po k t ru ll of rye.

Purest o.f · All Exquisitely . Perfumed LOOK---

For Free Coupon ---.- - - - - - - -..,. ---- --_. ONE THING THAT-WAS CERTAIN HE PUZZLED THE BRITISHER No Doubt In the Baggag eman'. Mind as to Conten ts of What Looked Like Coffin,

Evident ly Doorkee per Had NeVII' Heud of the Lord That An,.r&can Ministe r Served.

In an e mer gency the manufa cturer Judge George F. Lawton of the 1111dof Limb urge r cheese was forced to tl lesex proba te court told me a story use strategy with a s hi pment. Ordi- t he othe r da y of a n Am erican min isnaril y his product ,,' ent In special ter Who was spendi ng h is s abbatical c ars. but In t his Instan ce no car was ~'ell r travelin g ab road. ArrI ving 111 !I vullable and the I,)rder must be fill ed. t.ondon , he made every effort to get Two hu ndred pounds of the fragra nt a n Intimat Nor n eed It be trus tfull y believed e view ot t he t wo braLlc hes. comestible wal! put In a rougb. ob· that if we pay lor th e Pa nama canal long box. and taken to t he rail road of pa rliame nt In session . Of course as we go, the s ucceedln!: generat ions no strange r Is allowed 011 the fl oor of' bnggage room . T hen t h mnnufa ctllrwho enjoy It w11l render us a ny tha nks ~ It he house of lords . bu t th e mln hlter r bought a ticket for hIm self and the not for the ser vice. ::J .... knowin g this, and wit h the usual ~ A clulnty dish of cu sturd hox., a nd entered the tra in . At the amou nt of Ame rl Ull push, tried to I nlpro\'l?s un IIppl e pie. ":I flr!;t As the people of t he east now begin stop he went a head lo the bagI ~ gage car to sce that there wae no make hi s way In. Th ere Is a rule, to wonder wha t t he price of summe r " Don'ts" for Ironing. t rou bl e. Ice will be, they t hink of a ll t he big ~ He stood by the box jn a howeve r, th nt ser vants ot t be various Don't test the Iron by hold in g up t o lo rds may be atlmlt ted to spenk to, cakes they let go by In tbe ri vers durthe fa c ; serious burlls ha ve res ulte d d isconsol a te a tti t ude a nd sh aded blli th eir mini sters . Seeing t bo minis ter e),es with Ing the paBt fe w weeks . hI s hand. T he baggag from eman w nlklng boldly In, j!A this practice . ~~ the doorkee per "\\' I1 S sympat hetic. "A relative ?" he askeu : Don't put the Irons dlt'eclly on the It will be a mlsdenl enoor h ereafter conIs. Xor. after Ironing , should the y a sked. "Yes," a ns we red the ma nu· " Wll8t lord do rO il sel'\"o?" In Utah to' buy a Uck~t to a Sunday be le ft on the stove to coo l; tb b! faotu rer. "It Is my brother. " "WeIl," "Wbat lord 1" r ep ated the Rs t on· b aseball game. Doubtle ss lhls w111 aald the railroad mall ,. philosop hically, ma kes tbe m r ough. Ished Am rICa\l. "ttl lord Je ho va h !" result in an overwh elmi ng demnod Don't Iron with the li gh t behind ")'011 ha\'e one consola tio n. He's dead , Eor n momen t t he doorkee per h st· for more knot holes 111. the f nce. all rlght."- ·San F ranclsoo Argona ut. you; the rays should strike directl y tnted and tben ad m!tted hi m.. T urn· S ide Frame of Gra nary. on t he wo rk. lug to an a ssistant smndl ng near, be lt 'grleves us to find that the GridTEND~R, BUT NOT LOVING. Don't have Iron t oo hot; It will said : Iron club Insists on rh ymi ng "dlstinc ' when the flooring ' 18 na iled to lheso un de r s ide as you go. to cover aD1 "He m ust mean one of those poor tlon" with "extinc tIon." T he Gridiro n joists It holds the end wall firm knot holes ; nlso nail small pieces 01 scorch or caus "blister s ." Don't h ave Scot ch lalrds."- Boston Record. club des er ves a severe roast fro m the a gains t the pressur e ot the whe a l. board on t he t wo sides or the etude It too old or It will stick. and the edges ot the lin n wll1 turn yellow. After spiking down t h rough the pla.te (three s Ides In the 'A ma lgama ted ASllo laUon or Poets. end studs)" Into t be studs a nd u p t hrough one oven with the to Logical Reasoni ng. p edge of t he I'SUEY, SOOY, SOY." If the ' state rail road commis sion plank of the sill Into the othe r nd of joist fo r the double purpose A certain you ng mnn's trle nds of sup'Would not enforce 'the prov isions of the studs , the lowel' plank of the sill porting t he floo r and thought he was dead, bllt h wa s only c-"...-;"- HE shndes of night wer. prevent ing the constl tu tlWl, wbat reason Is ther e may be spiked lo the upper plank or wheat fl'om slfUng In a state of coma. Wh en, In ample fulling f"st. t hrough . the As thro11;:;h t ho city st r eets to b lIave. that It will enforce t he pro- the sm . (See F ig. 1.) Make t.he cracks, It you do not make a perfec t time 'to avoid being burl d, he showed we lla~5e d . oth r Side' frame In tbe Burne way, fit of the noorlng vl ~l o n s of an a ct of the legislature? I s igns ot life, he was asked how 'It ro und the studs. Ancl w ull d r ecl at th e the n ra ise t hem u p and fasten the , \ Valter to custoul er , who had co lll- se m d t o be ' dead. ci::::::s stra To nge movo \1 ylce , these gmnarl es ma ke two . An EngliSh tourist cr itiolses AmerI- bottoms togethe r wltb the two end (Olt . printe r . ~))o ll It mos t plal ned thnt his s t nl{ Is not tender skids trom timber ~x 6 Inches, 14 teet "0 ad 1" h x lalm ed. " I wasn't c an women for "wearin g too many joIsts and br ace with slant braCeB pre Is )! eno ugh)-N o ~ tende r eno ugb ! D'you dead: r kn ew all tha t wus goIng In long wi th a block spiked on the back on. " Chop Suey." olot h B." . Did he expect to fi nd t hem such a position that t he Bide fram expect It to kiss yQu ! es end. Round u p the other end like l8 . And J kn ew T \vasn't d ead, too. b& all going around dressed as though are just at right angles to the j oIs W e w ent Ins ide ; w o rou nd ts. sleigh. r unn r a nd bore a hole, Into ca use my feet we[~ cold a nd 1 wlUl they were a bout to be presont ed a t The tops may t ben be fastene d The Captain " Reparte e, It n l e • t o· which a large clevi s m ay be fastened. hungry." court? A m eM of ment served up Tbe captain of a ·trans·Atla ntic liner, gether by spiking the e nd plates on P ry up one end . "But bow did t hot fact make you of gra nary at a time with r ica, top of the s ide plates (See B, Fig. I) , 8Jld put the skids Bu t fu r th r lUI wo w e nt hav Ing become IrrItable as a result of 1 thlJ;lk you were stili ali ve?" asked one In posItion underMany· cities contJnu e to ma lntaln but firs t some minor troubles In t he ship's of th e c urious. m arkin g .o n . It the p la ces neath the granary. HLtch th at n Igh t , and tole ra te tinderbo x areas. Ameri- where two horses T h e a o le tt r s fla med SQ ma I:ligeme nt and the unusual 1y large the e nd studs are to be spike d to each clevis by a chai ·" Vel1 . this way : I kn ew that it I can cities have never ta ken adequat e n and hy hay· words of IIghtnumber of rIdic ulous Inquirie s made were In heave n I wO\l ld:1't be hun· precaut ions to r educe the fir e peril. " Chop Sooy. " by . touris ts, was headhig . for the gry. And l( 1 was In t'he ot her place The moral whlqb Is Impress ively dis· . "bridge " wh en a dapper youns man my feet would n't be Again l.h l! words wero queerly s p e ll. cold." closed by the M8Jlche ste r conflag ra·. .But. since so goocl It look ed a nd s m elt. halted him to Inquire the cause of the tion has been disclose d many t imes Wt! t hough t . ther e' s nothi ng · In u. name. commot ion off the starboa rd side of Mutual Surpris e. And 80 W '11 ent It j us t tho some, before, but It has never been properl y the ship. BeIng on the port aide, the A mIssIon worker In New Orleanll " hop Boy ." heeded. Chop suey, whloh Is .really spelled captain politely r eplied, with some was visiting a reforma tory near that , Pittsbu rg h'as had grand opera and In a be wild erIng variety of ways, Is a sarcas m, he was not certaIn, but city not long ago wh en sbe observed! "Uncle Tom's Cabin" In one we ek. It pertectl y wholeso me dish, and not at thought It possible that a cat fiah had among tbe Inmates an old acquahl t. Is underst ood that there we re great anee, a negro lad long thought to be all the mysteri ous concoot lon that just had klttens.-What· to-Eat. differen ces present ed by the audia model of IntegrIt y. "Jim!" · ex· many people· think. e nces In attenda llce a t the two attrac· Houleho ld Hint. claimed the mlssJon worker. "Is It Cut In s trips the breast meat of a , "Do you know how to use a ohaflns possible I find you bere ?" "Yullum ,'" tlons. The people who went to grand chicken . Cook two ' minutes 'with a • opera wore much more costly clothes blithely respond ed the baakslld e r. "I'• . tablesp oon ,butter, stirring constan tly. dish?" f "Yes," answere d· Mr_ SlriuB Barker. charged wlt~ stealln' 'a, barrel 0' IIweetthan .were exhibite d by the "Uncle Add a half cup of chopped celery, one Tomme n." smaIl, thlnlY·s llced orilon, and a hand· "I have some novel ideas on the aub· pertater s." The visitor sighed. "You. . Jim!" she repeate d. "I am surpnse d! ,.. tul . tresh musbro oms, diced. 13011 ~vAect." A stalwar t gtlntlem an possess ing no "What are they?" • "Yassum ," said Jim. "So was 1 or r five minutes In a cup of chlc~en stock, capital but a pair at soft brown eyes "The beat way I know of to use a wouldn' t- be bere I" a dash of sugar, two teaspoo ns of any and an engagin g manner bodts ot the good. sauce, Shoyu, or Worces terahlre , chatlng 'dliih Is to punch a bole In ease with which he Infatuat ed a score Iron Ore Field. In Finland . or even chili, and ftnally a green pep- the bottom of It, paint, It green and or .so of widows , gathere d In theIr Though Finland hal been reprclec1l. per without the seeds. Simmer an· plant fto'Wera In It."-Wa sblngto n spare cash and jewelry , and flitted up ~o tbe pre_ent time as being ez. other five minutes , and season to Star. gayly to tresh fieldl;! and pasture s new. tremely poor hi Iron ores, recent , . l aste. Serve hot ",'Ith rice, and a gar~ · frrlghtfu l. Tbls Bort ot thing Is becomI ng · pain· learch hal proved the exIstenc e of or• . nlsh of strips ot red pepper (boiled) . Flrst-P aulc at the hUer Jallt fully periodic al and discour ages life fteld. In South Finland (Nyland ), ' anell Digbt. Insuran ce. Our social reform frie nds "TanlY Cakel." . Seeond -LeadlD K lady have a stage above all In the Ladoga lak" district . might do worse than torm a socie ty A mb:ture of the sweet and bitter. which seem to be worth the upon... Frame of Granary . fright? • tor protecti on of poor, lone widows . which the ancients thought appropr iof minIng. For researc h purpoa . • . J'irat-N o. Was. two teet apart as before. These end ate and healthfu l in spring-t ime, tl compan y has bee.n tormed. Whisky produce rs have renewed studs are cut similar to the corne r Ing two careful drivers c ..)y tYing found In the recl"pe tor "tansy cakes." their he ads togethe r no a tour-hor se their fight for old-time labels . and ones, exce pt that they must be made The sweetne ss Is furnhlb ed have employe d such e min ent counsel two Inches (or the thIckne ss of t he team for one driver the granary can eral allowan ce ot sugar, andby a libthe bitbe ha ule d where YOll wish . Pry up as tormer Ambass ador Choate not! ex· plank) 10!lger than' the corner ones, terness was due to the highly. prIzed agai n and remove the skids. It Is a Secret ary Carlisle . Now we will have so as to reach the lligher pl a te and fit herb, tansy. Tansy grows luxurIan ttrie d all .over again the Questi'on of on the Ins ide of the end jois t as be· good plan to have two planks fastened ly In most parts of this country , and toge ther ju s t like the sills to lay un· what Is whisky. Wh a tever th e fin al tore. The othe r jOists may now be Is used as a medIcin e, Its use In cookoftlc lal decis ion may be, one cleflnltlon laid acros s and spiked at each end to der the middle of the jOists as a sup· hig beIng little known. For food which promo tes a promp t flow of the llf the article Is beyond doubt : It Is the side stud s, also s piked to tbe s ills. llort. But tan sy cakes we re common In The best materi al for coverin g t he early days som ething tile less of whic h one drinks The gabl es are rormed by putting or the last century , and digest ive juices -the better he Is o ft . no matter whethe r np a paIr or rafters at e ach end and sides and floor Is slx·lnch fl ooring, but the recipe, QuaIntly short, Is give n man y peo ple use na r row shiplap. It in the bottle bears t he worel a "compo und" spiking to tbese. upri ght pieces of 2x4addit ion to Is also e conom y to paint a s soon all In an old cookery book : or "Imitati on." Inr-h scantlin g restin g on the e nd plate "Pound a handful of green tans), In supply ing nourf1nl sh t'd. Th e siding needs to be well a 'lnd spiked to It. Two of these should nailed mortar, add the juIce to a pint of wlt p tbree·ln ch wire nails. A Harval'(/ profe811 0r says that for ishme nt. batter, sweeten well, and bake It. .. $10,000,000 he can arra nge a pparatu s Anothe r and elabora te recIpe gives by which commun ication can be hat! "In dry farmin g, a region In which ' a combin ation of eggB, cream, butter, with Mars , and that he can complet e lesB than eight Inches of molstur tl falls grated bread, almond s, rose·wa ter and .' the work In a fe w mon t hs. Bu t ""ho Is ot little use, but where the rainfall tansy. This reads more like a pudknows wb.ethe r the pC:lple or Mars. If 01' snO'\\'fnll amount s to more than ding than a cake, an'd was popula r-· that plane t Is r eally Inha bited by In· eight Inche s good crops 'Of grain and especia lly In the . early summe r, as af· teillgen t belugs. ,,'lit care to, com· fruIt are beIng succeBs fully grown at tordlD1:f a stimula nt to the live r. munlca te with us? A commun i ty which Me~bod of CultlvB tlnsr Land. this time. Hither to ConSid ered Arid. has dw e lt In proud Isolation all th eso "For wheat, I would recomm end Gingerb read ' 01' Cottage ·· Puddlng . mll1lons of years may object to any plowIng In th~ fall to n. depth .f at ThIs Is a cheap a nd 's lmple desBert. interrup tion · ot J!' ng standin g peace "Dry tarmlng , Quickly defin ed, is lea st 12 Inches; then followin g Ith 'or It may be ~aten wlt~out and q,ul ~t , a,\d~:e nce may r e fu se to the art ot rais ing graIn, fruit an ll vege· t he harrow In the s ame directio n all the plain, old-fash ioned 'sauce, like talk back. . gingerb read. tables on lllDds hitherto cOIIR!de red ' the plow. "In a few weeks anothe r To "il 'half ' cup' of lugar', '- aCId" a "cuP" of' arid, and of no value except for sheep harrowI ng . would be In order,' .and mofasse s , ·one-hll .; or butter, and a As game . 'p rese rves. It Is cla imed grazing ," announ ces John F. Burns, througb tbe· year I would harrow hoe- teaspoo n each, of" that the norther n reglolls and forests secre tary treas urer of the Dry Farm- quentl y, In order to have the soil reo solve two teasJ;JOo differen t spices. Dis. ' " of Canada furnish ' t he fin est fur· bear· In&, congres ,,: "Not .ns ·soda .l n a oup bollonly the' United taln all the moIs ture In the- atm06' Ing water and add' wltl;1 two anlJ' a halt IDg animals In t he world. states, bu.t a lar ge portIon ot the phere ' that cou1d be obtalne d. In the cupS flour. Before baklDg, .the. last whole world Is Interest ed 'In dry 't arm· fOllowIng fall I ' would plant red wlnter tblng; adcl tWO ' well-be aten em. Bllke Stealing Is an ' old-fll.s bl oned me thod, 8Jld at our ' cODvent up a )e~ 'slOWly. " ot ge tt ing what belongs to a nothe r. enlle a tew weeks ago,iOI1 at · Chey- \\'heat, and wheo thta .., , represe nta· Inches I would run . a barrow over ' Societ y "Isrts ita severes t penaltie s ' Uve. f~om Oanada . it . , ' I MexIco, Siberia, to tear out a certaln oD those who a1'e old-fas hioned. Ac. Aus tralia and th.e Trans"a proportlon--or-tllli--:A1~: ,~ cn~ . 7J'-r;.L-~ al we re In· pIllUte. cordJng ly s teal ing Is not only punish. tere lited partlclp llUts. Later' on I would repeat , tht!fJItt.n/l"l-IJ~~~ The growing a ble (lots tblngs are punis ha ble ), populat ion of tb'e ·world demaDd s that hal'Towlng process . I have 1q1oWD 6G ' A Gl'eat , .' but It ··Is als o punishe d by sum mary tb llS8 hitherto neglect ed Ilfeas be made bushels ot ",h~at to b.e raised ID arla . "Paren ts make a great LInjen.r.~ mlltake 111 fine and Impriso nment. Oo!l't steal. , to produce and the area of arid lands regions by sucb • PfOCle8L whlcb, of not ID8Urln . the There a re better ' wa),s. See a iaw. d,Gvoted to ceneral .duc~tron mtng wlli vow rapld!.J course,. allowl cd.OlllJ PDpular pkr loe:; Larp crop ·I V.., the chUd wbo II desUl1ed to become Gfa ",,- Lippinc ott's; . trom )'9&1' Tur. tw. lean." . CObQert perform er," .~. ·EmU Sa..,. . . . ..l (~. •

Zelaya Insist s t hathe has assem bled h Is arm y for peace purpose s only. The peace-d ove, howeve r, seems to have a hard Um o locating a roosting place.




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Appetite Calls


Post Toasties


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"The T. ...






and well-bre d sI nn e rs lIS I saw around but eve~y word was QIJtin'ct ly "Itllbh me. who n I ' I' allude d to I, xcept ot- to m e. I1l1tll , at this polut, 1 f II usle r flCl ally, as It w.e r , on Sun (\ay, when nnd dr am d th at Lady Haw!( ha \ol th y all d clal"d Ihem s Iv .s ml se l'ubl was appo in ted to c!o mmaod th e A j a x s inn rs-f r that occa olon only. Ove r- aud 1 was to r port on board n xl del Samuel D. Jng mharn , 2402 E . Ualn Lon then saunl re d over toward Lady St., L wffiton, ld a ho, Hu ya: "1"01' two Arabe lla, wh o seemed to recognl zc YUI' ll J WUtl CHAPT ER V. ' rip, hi s I)Pll r oach b~' In'~ll nc t . She turn d pl ed wllh a; ' I spe nt se ve ral we ks In SI r Peter'. to him, he r canI s In h I' hand s, and rh ell lll tl li SI11 In my flush ed d ' e ply; he ga zed nt he r s te ro - b ouse und sl ra ng e weells th ey we re In For Infant,. and ChIldren. lll ig hs find 'ol;ld Iy as If In r eproo f. nnd , arte r 1\ sllgllt m an y r es pects . I no v r had the lea s t Dot gill nloolll with· complu lnt to make of th e klndn 55 01 remork or two, moved 01I. to her eviout rul ' h '1:1. The S ir PteI' 01' Lady liuwksh ltw, xce pt de nt chagrin . kJdn oy 8 cr lions Da phn e bin g npar me tb en , I said that Lad y Ho.wk >l haw In Hls led o u In· b a mc 11'1' "gl1lur, v "sling my mon ey , all eXee lJt ten t o h r with a forced laugh: Ilolllrl1l, and s howed "What Is til , me nnln , 1 beg you to I)Ounus she ~ a \' , m , c llll rgin g me / 0 a heavy sedime nt. Doctors w r e not o.ft he ALCOH OI.-3 PER CENT tJ!1l me, of th e pantom ime h twee n be cltreflll wi t h It; but· Sir P WI h elping ID e tlO 1 began tnklng Doan 's A\~etable Prepara licn rot- As ~ secre tl y le nl me a con s ltl rab lc Bum, Lady Arab ella and Capt. Overton ?" Kidney Pilla. I Improve d soon, and simi1(lling lhe FoodandRe~ula­ to b' r e paid at my Ill Bjorlly, Duphne b esllaL 'd , and th e n said: afte r n while was entIrely fr e from lillg Ihe S lomachs and Bowels ~Ir P te r was a tlv Iy at war wltl: ' "Capt. Ove rton wns one of t he gaymy suft'erln g . I am In III bes t of heallh est Ul en ahout London unUI a year or a ll the wom e n-folk In tbe hou sehold , INI:,\S TS .,'-(HIL l>Kt.N now and UIII In df' bt to Doun 's Kidney (wo ago. Since th en , It Is said. he has from his lady down. t!xcel,l IItlle Dopll· Pills fo r suvlng my life. " turn ed Method y . It Is beli eved be goes nE'. He ass umed to conduct eve ry ' Sold loyall d aie l'S. GO ('e nts a box. Promot es Digestio n,Chee rfulto Mr. Wes! Y' B meeting s, nllboug J thing In a large town holt 'e In JJ rll el y Foster·M ilburn Co., Durralo, No Y. ness and ReSl .Con ta i ns neilh~ be Ilas ne l'cr , bee n actually caught Square exactly a s If he we I' on thE Opium ,Morphine nor Mineral there. He lives plainly, I1nd, some Ajux. H . H e desired to have t h~ A JUSTIF IABLE EXPRE SSION. NOT NAR C OTIC s ay, he gives his mans to the POOl'; lazy Lo ndon se rvant s 'ailed p rom pt!, he will not go to th e races any mol' , nt two .b li s, five o'clocll In th e mol'll' Pltljw tJ/o", OrS.iiiUii:iYifHEII By nor play, un ll he does n oL 1I1tc to .see In g-. and 10 Pil l th e m to holyslo nlnl;, Au.y.~,;, S••• • MOllY ElliOT SEAWElL s Qllilgee lng. and swabbin g olf ' tbt Arabell a play." '''''', J'."~,,Jb- ,•' &A,II.S "What hns he to do with Arabell a?" d cks. as he cu lled It, Of course tbl I illl • •. ' olhlng that I know of, exc pt that servant s r be lled, and Sir P ter d. .6,·C",."" ks..t.. • she lilIes him . H e doe s not III(e to noun ce d tb m as mutinee rs, and woul! 1 SYNOP SIS. 'J..,,~.J!.~." Ilee an y one play now, nlthoug h h e have dearly lilled to put the m all In 1_'_""_,,"_'_" ~~,,_,,_o~_.__ doub le Iron!!, At 14 Y lira ot II g e Adm iral Sir Peter game!} very hlgb hlm seU at one time." and chambe He dlvld d the Bculllon s rmaid s Into watch es , and II perfect Remedy ror Consllpa· H ll wll Hha w ' s n plll'W, Hlchtlrd 1 had see n no pnrl.lcu lar ma.rkB of In· rell 01"" )11)1 In l o \' e III nrftt Glyn . t e rest tion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOell, on Overton 's part toward L ady when they laughe d In Ills fac e , threat wllh Lally Arnbl'lI n Stormont, sight who ened t horn with the artlcl ' s or war Worms ,Convulsions ,fever i sll.purn e d his olt entlons. Th e Ind. Arabell a; but, watchin g b el'. I saw, an orphnn. w a s gl\,1'11 u berth as mldHe wi shed eve rything III the house ncs~,~~d LOs.~ OF S~EEP. , In 0 ver y IItlle while, the deep est Bort Rhlp rnll n 011 th.· Aj a x by hi!! un cle. Oll es stowed away In the last comlllls s pas· V .' r no n. nepll c w oC Sir Thomas rn o n . of Interest on her Ilart tow ard him . brcum th e uOY' 1I pal. Th e y ull nd,o(l n She eve , Jile Simile signatll~ 0 Inexper ienced Caddie (atter Mr. th n left tb e OIud-tab le for him , sible. and whe n Lady Hawlls h aw had III r wh e r Huwksh ij n cph .:; w sn w bel' routs, Sir P e te r, wal h In hand, .rI'_J/~ Toozl e's fllftf;le nth mlss )-Shal ll make LadY .Aml l'lI u. V<' rn onaw' met 1' 111110 v ' r- and Itept fast hold at him. I recalled ~--.-.:------~.,!I ton. n xl In lin e (or Sir Thomas Vernon's the way sh e the 'ole a big bigger, sir? had striven to attract hl B 8u!)erln tended th r emoval of the fur· ~9 tlll . 'l'h l' Y M tnrl d u du cl whkh ·\\'11 8 In nHure from IhQ 1'wt: l' ceptlon CENTAUJ'f CO~fP.'\NY,) rooms, wh lcb t l' r r ufJ t l'tI . Y c rn o n, atte ntion at lhe play that night, more v ~ rt n nnd tIn wkhe call ed clea rin g for ac ~ loD , and dis8 I'llw '~ n 'pllt'\\' ( u ml th emsclve s uttractNEW lhan RK . two years before. All the Boy Saw the Leason. and my jeal- charged llny ..<I by lOr tt y Lnol l' Aruhe ll a. The AJo x In B rvant "h<l was not Prof. Charles Zeublln of th e 1. nlver· Im lt l.. !I(> (l'n t('d 1" rl' l1 II wars hips In th e o us soul was iIlumln aled with Itlle flmart at his du t y. He hall 11 r oom, ellt ..... rR'''·'' n. nl c h a rtl Gl y n Kot ;CZ.OOO knowl edge that s be was Infaluat ed &Ity of hlcligo was discussi ng ot a lit prlx(I 111" "" Y. H e WII R cnllNI homo which he call ed his stud y, I.\tt ed UI' with Qve rtof)-a nd d inn er the greates t painting s of the Lutl l' Il u \\' kR h u \\' n8 h e WlU:l u b o ut by I was rlgbt. to with all lhe odd s nnd ends he h ad "blow In" his e u rnlngS" with V ~ rnon. So me time afterwa rd, whom chould world . durtn " 4 e ra fn {he na.vy, I see walking In but Olles Vernon! "The I ge nd'Stha t are beautifu l and CHAPT ER IV.-Co ntlnued . anll h re he h Id what ~~ ght be called Immort al ," be said, "have In them Lady Hawksh ernJ aw re ceived him mo And that ni ght I made a trange s t drum ·head COllr t-mar"". .t . and dtO tu rth s that we all, accordin g to our and t erribl e discove ry. Lady Arabell a graciou s ly. I went up to him and nlted Ih o c\OIlWSti staff. tine d th em, ILs lled : "now cam you he re?" ltilld . take hom e. This Is tru e In wus a gam ste l' of til swore at th m, Rllt} bitt rly r eg r ellell most de sp rat likenes s of Immort al works of art- charlict 1', In I' ndy m on ey, "Dld you think . Dicky . that I m eant tbat th e IIwd as fnr as !RW did not admit of 3.VIY plctlJres , poems , songs. Par diffe re nt he r nllowan ce a s a minor to le t you kee p Ull a close blockad e ]1rope r di s Ipllne wha teve permitted . r. Jleolll the)' have dill' I' 'nt message s, and In Llromlse s to 0, Indeed; I I)u)" wh n s he of tbe lo.vely A rnbel\n? It ma y be imagine d what a sce no 01 For Instanc e, In my 1.l alll'e Pe ndle ton came Into h I' fortune, got a card at se ven o'clock this eve na some of the motl\ I'S U8 d to (l ut the promise s ;I\'ould be ace s far as such ing, by working all day fo r It, and I discord this cr at 0, altboug h Gil pled. But th e~' chlldren 's hnlr. They did It with w ra not much favored by th e I>entle· mean to r connoit er the ground as P et e r was of so I<lud and ge n r OllS s nature thnt th e servant s took more shears and a bowl. Th\) operatio n m n nnd ladl s wllo played with ber; well all you." from him tban frolIl most mas ters, was otten painful, and the r es ult was for the chances ot I thought whe n h e saw La dy Ara- and. lndeed, ralh e he r marryin g be fore r div e rted themnever elegant. bella wlt.h Over ton tbat e v n Gil s scl v s h er inajorlt y we r so great. th at her with his fln es and punl sbm nLs. " In Sunday school a Pe ndleton I 0 's we l'e not con s Ide r d ot mnch V rnon's a ssuranc e would scarce ly be and, w11('.n dis missed, d clln ed to leave tea ber once told he r pu plls th e trag- 1'1\1\1 , o.nd foun d fe w tak e rs . e ve n equal to accostin g h er. He marche d bls se rvIce. much to hill wrath and W. B. North rup, went tc story of a m ' on and Deliah. Then wh n accoll1 panied to . th e Gulf Coast Count ry of Te~as~ by Lady Arabell a's chagrin . 'I'he acme was r aeh d \Vh n she turned to n little boy: most brillian t smll es ; for your true he a tte mpted to put t b cook In th.- last D cembe r, to contra ct for a l ot of cabbac res . .. 'What do you le urn , Joe.' she said, gam e e r Is One Impe nlous to smiles or bri g, ns b cnll ed n da nk cell a r whlcl cabba ge crop of 20 acres, on a 4I-acr e farm, 'from th e Samson s to ry? ' near Brown sville, fro wn '. In s(l nsl bl to beaut y-In short, be delel'ml ned to utlll ze for mutlneero. looked so good .. 'It don' t nove r pa y,' piped .Toe, ·to all his to hi.m that h e bough t the mtire fa r·11Z, infa ultles are concenl rated on as on board shi p. Til cCJo!{. a bUgf have a woma n cut 1\ felle r'S hall'.' "- the odd tri ck. ciudi1 tg the crop . He paid $125 a n acre, the man w ho sold cr atul'e ttrre li mes as hig a s Sh C1ncinn atl Enqulr r. A great mob ot fin e lleOjlle Pe ter, boarded him In his own partlc u. it , a g reeincr to bring the crop to matur ity, gathe r and aud th e re wn s a Slipper, and lar ce n, and, brand ishing a rolllng-plD d e li e r it on th III T ired of Praying . e cars, wex lights. a nd all tb acc 6501'1 s of a • that wu.s qulle as dan gel'OtlS a s a c ul A little gIrl In St. Louis tbe other fa s hlonabl ro ut. I wander ed about, lass. announc ed th at s he would n o Th e cro p has been shippe d; the y ie ld averag ed 24,000 evening was going through the usual 1 longer submit to b e go y riled by tb e pound s to th e ac r e, and torm at praye r : "Ood bles9 mamma . kn ow1ng no one. but observa nt or all. broug ht from $1.75 tO$2 .00 per I noticed that a ve ry c l v I' device articles of war, aB admlnl stel'cd by Sit hundred-o and papa and make -me a good girl," ver $8,00 0 for the C1'Oj. . was hit upon by Lady Arabell a IUld and "flO on , whe n all at once she _12~~&.. .J:ljc l l!L lo-' r OClus~lLo .liflllil.ha:owus.eJe(l..lII-lal,lI('ls-ll-a oth e rs - ~nO-d-t-:rr::-,r". , N orthru p only paid $ 5, 1 25 for the .farm, who 11k!! high play, wblcb Lady lJemed to come to a decision . "Now he now has kitchen g irl s who flock d b hilld h er. the farm, Itis 01't'.!Ji1 that Is lhe last time I am going to Hllwksb aw dlsllk d very much. Tbe zal capt'ta l, and a ha1tds0 11Zt! stakes b01tt(.S were besides., nomina lly very small the , b'll men ralher chOOSin g \0 say that praye r." she said, very gTave· In h i the backgro und Rnd grinningr.e main . Sad tc rvJ:r. Nort rup was f ortuna te. ly, looking at bel' mother. "You are In reallly' they were very large, ·shl\· It isn't often one .finds ' a maD-_ SIl)', Admira l Sir P t E' r Hawksh llw, who older tban 1 am and It Is your place lings actually Signify ing pounds. All is willing to s e ll his ' farm, after he has i~ und e r culpof the people who practice d this were c. D.. was conquer ed by the vlrnso vation , for the crop lI.s~tally brings 'm ore to ask for all those Ullngs and I don't than, the land. with the rolling-p in, o.nd was forced tel s e ny use In two people's asking In one~ at the lower rooms, while Sir surrend Peter, who er to the mutinee rs, Which he But there is plenty of was allowed to play six· the 8 me thing." Since then she' has simila r land in the Gulf Coast Count ry ' did WIUI a very bad grace. At that of Texas , ?lot 'lmdc1' tirmly refused to pray, 11IsIBHng that penny whist, and those who In good cultz'v at£01t, that you can buy for a trifle. fallh obsene d. Lady junctur Hawltsh e Lady Hawksh aw hove In aw's It Is be r mother' s plnce to ask Ood d . h ,- , . sIght, . and. Wh y d ' bearing down WIshes, upon were thu h compa In a room to thep1sel ves. re Wlt Its earnm g capac lty. tor ble6slnKs, on t you go t ere · I must not forget to mention , nmong compan y from below stairs, disperse d and make an invest \ i gation while the land is witlti1t your reach?" the notable things at t his 'rout, Lady them all with one wave of h er hand , Next year it will Quite True. cost more. . Marian, a little three·rear-olc1, · Is Hawksh aw's turban. It was a can· Sir Peter cQmpla lned bitte rly, ,and A trip of investi gation will be inexpen sive . It is your o"''''orl'mily. _ Lady Hawksh aw promise d to bring ~ery stubbor n. One day, when she structlo n of feathers , flowers, bends, PP them to summar y punishm ent. B ut D on't 'wail. was fretful, her mother, wishing to and e very other IIpecles of orname nt, I. Could Not ' But Acknow ledge Her .to "he warned Sir engage her mind, attracte d her aUen- the whole capped with the celebra ted Peter thnt his method s Very low excursion fares via the Rock Island. Be a Pretty Slip of a Girl. Fri sco Lines twice. were b ecoming as Intolera blo to her as eaoh month. tion to a cow In 8 vaCAnt lot and Il8ked lIara which had been bought from the Portugu ese, and tbe diamon himself d n to ecklace the up 'What tt was. rest with of all th th e e family. coolnes and . s In Sir . Write today for (ull information about the big profits growcrs '. Marian re plied, "hoss" (horae) and beamed upon her black velvet bosom . the world, claimin g kinship boldly Peter, atter a round or two for tht' are m'aking in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas, and a set of colored Btubbor nly refused to give In, Her Sir Peler seemed Quite 6nchan ted with with Overton , who couldn' t forbear ,honor of hlB flag. haule d dOwn his col· post cards of Texas Gulf Coost Sceaes. Free on request. moUler, wlsblng ' to iget a correct all~ her appeara nce, as IIhe loomed a head smiling , and Immedi ately began to ors. ThIs becam~~ ~eclllJly ne'CjlJ4~IIIu.....:i iel!_'lilllr l. Pa•• enler Traffic ManaleT . Rock riaco-C• .& E. I. taUer tban any woman In the fooms, try tor favor In Arabell a's eyea. sary, a.s Is r etireme nt was at band -.....wl theut acdl41ng. asked : "What 2027 Station, Cbicaao , or 2027 Frilco Buildin l. SL Loui. eats grass besIdes a horse'" "More and evident ly C()nslde red her a combl· But here 1 saw what I never did b e- consequ ent more upon an obstina te boss," WIUI the quIck respoD H.-o. nation of Venus and Minerv a-not tbal fore or since wlt11 q.lles Vernon -a rhe umatism that fixed Itself upon him r::::::::::==========::::;-~w;.~N ;l.u" CINCINNATI, NO. 23-1909. the pair ceased squabbl ing on' that ac· womnn who was llDeator . There was doubt utterl ), Indiffer ent to thRn his age. 'count. I think they disagree d vlo· him, and actually seemed to dislike whethe r he would get tbe K, C. B lently on every detail ot the party , him. She ecarcely orl'~: ,1 OVER THE FENCE , notlcea 111m at ftrllt. whIch he certainl y well deserve d, OD , ~ ill if you feel 'languid and depressed , nnd SIr Peter was routed at every and. when he would bls reUrem e nt; there was some Bort Neighbo r &.ya Someth ing. not be rebuffed , point. all the time. The best thing to was so saucy to him that I wonder ed ot hitch about It. althoug h, afte r t ' Among thOlle who did not plar was he stood for It for a minute. Tbe front rard fence Is a famous Bllt capture of, the two French ships, help nature build up the system is WI"~' MAKE YOU RICH (louncll place on pleasan t days, Maybe Daphne . then Quite as tall as I and stand It he did, with the evident de· had been promote d to the office of a well Into her sixteen th year. I could -termina tion to conque r her Indlffer· mira!. Lady Hawksb aw; howtl ver, to chat with some one along tho street, Fifty bUBhe la per or for friendly gossip with ne"t door not but acknow ledge her to be a pret- ence or dislike, whichev e r It might be. went down to the admiral ty In a coal:1) acrl! have beeD wllh neighbo r, Sometim es It Is only smaU ty slip of n girl, and we sat In a cor· six horses and three grown. Gcncr al foolmen and Overton seized the excuse of Olles' talk but other times neighbo r has ner and I told her about our blood y approac h to escape. and ieft the bouse, fOllr outrider s, and, marcbln g In IIIlDn avcrage greatcrt baD dOings on the Ajax, untll 'she stopped whlcll :dld not in any olher part oJl someth ing r eally good 't o otrer.· cause I,.ady Arabell a the first lord, opened fire on him . WIUI tlieconti nent. Undew An· old ' res ident of Baird, Texas, got her ears and begged me to desist. 1 to \lire Qlles any better. She This gn~at to!)ic is not II false stim· return ed the result that Sir Peter was gazette " new regulatio ns it . . ulant as many of the so-called ~ 'spring K. C. B. the very next week some mighty good advice this way regarde d Daphne with condesc ension, to the card·tab le, Olles with her , possible to secure 0. homeste ad of 160 aerea. and, then; tonics but ." 1 perceive d that she was by tbe exercise of tbe mos t exquisi It is a natural strengthonce. Little Daphno , who had always &u1) free, and additional 160 acrca Ilt $3. per a~ te giver, For 1111 ruh·down conditions sharll of wit and nimble of ton g ue. iQgenul ty, he manago d He says: to lose some mllted to Sir Peter's whim s. did 8t "The developm ent ohhe country hoe ma c!. of the he!lllh it is nn invaluable rem"Drinki ng cotree lett me nearly dead much more more so than her cousin. money to her, which somewh at mt1rv ~OU8 strides. It JH « revelatio n, a recre- more ' than ever atte r h e had beel edy; imparts with dyspeps ia, kidney disease and lAdy Arabell a. o,d ofconque .t by settlemen t Ihat II remo."new lifc and vanquis hed by 'th e cooll; and SII' P etes vigor and stored her good humor. oble."-fj frt. !from cOfff'spcnd~nce0r.A N JllloMI:i builds up the entirc system. . J},fter a whhe 1 lett Daphne and bowel trouble, with constan t pains In 8woro. twenty times a week, that Ellllo" ~o 'fJ/sl/«J In Augas Itut. , my stomach , back and side, a nd so went back to watch Lady Arnbell a. I Daphne h ad the stuff In b el' to make I SolJ by All Leading Drug,;," In 1Il10 Thc grain crop of 1908 will net many lIoon saw that she was a very poor weak I could scarcely wnlk. sea officer of the first order. farmers $20.00 to $25.00 per acre. Gr.I."One day I' was chattin g with one of ' playe r, and lost continu ally; but that ~Ize bollle., 50c and 35c \1'0 II!') ONT TN UElD.) r~lsl~ll. mixed farm.lng and 4airying lint my n eighbor s nbout my ' trouble and only whetted he r appetite for the tbc principa l indu8tne ll. Climllte is exceltold her I believed cottee hurt me. rame, Present ly a gentlem an entered , SHREWD SCHEME OF MOTHER lent i social conditions the besl; railwaya c). NeIghb or said she knew lots of J1eople and, walking about listlessly, althoug h vantage s unequall ed ;schools, churche s an. markets cloSI!! at hand. Land may also be to whQIll cotree was polson and she h e 8~e med to be known to everybo dy No Roseate Po~tcard With,o ut It. Po~=' purchase d from railway and lend compllnies.. ' JlI ~ d e d 'with me to quit It and give preseRt , upproac hed me. It was Callt. III Dust Fo,. Th~rn of Suggest ion. Postum a trial. 1 did, not take her OvertoD , as handsom e, as distrait, as For "Lol t Beat West"lIa mphletl, mnps nnd Informotl o n 09 t o h ow t o .ecur~ l ow~at rwi1advice ,right away but ' tried It ' c hange on ~ he first and only time I had seen Horold' W Ay rDtel, npply to Superinte ndent of Imrrais mother -we'\] call him . O.r cUmate , 'wblcll' did not do me any him. Irmtlon, Ottawa, Cnn ada. or the lIuthorbe ll. .Harold~went 'a broad a , !Donth ago, Can.dlon Governm ent Aaent : Much to my surprlse , he r eoognlz e d good. Then I dropped cotree and took leaving 'Harold under the somewh at ine and came up and spoke to me. up Postum , _ . H. I'L WILLIA MS.- . unsubst antial , control of hla elder slemald. n g me a very "My· iDiprove me nt began immedi ate· ,hand some compll: La"" DuJldln " ters. Tow« 0""; . . iy and .l ,ot better, every day 1 used ,ment upon the perform ances of the , In ' . plt~ · of, the itemize d directio ns Ajax. . .c'." P«?stum ~ .' ' .;,... • with wh!ch',e ven unto' the .mome nt of " "~Y bo\yels lIecj1me r,egular In, two '. "And I~ nlJi C()usln, Mr, v e rtion, fln'al ,' .~llvetakbi,S' IIh'e h~d .Dot ceased weelta. aU' my pains were gone, ',NClW-I ' 'to bomJiar d ' blm, ;Harold'!t . mother am weil and }str~ng ilnu can,; ~nt a~y·" . ;'My ratbet bas been ..uffeftr froauk: k. was flil' lIl\re that 'he~ etrort8 .headach e for the laattweDtJ-five~&IIIJI .•tliIng .I want ,to without distress , All wo~ld haTe an;" lilatiDg e1rect. . ' ~ever,. found . any ~lief until be be of tlli. Is , due" to 'bavlng quit co~J :reEl. ana t~' the . Ulle ~t Pastqm l egu· taking, your "'~=::~~ SID~ . begun taking C lady. . . ' . '~./.. the hcac1ache. ent:tieJvC1lJ!t4"1 .' '~r. 80n who W,6S .trou~l~~ ~lth In~l. · him. Cuc!arets do Beetlon tbought that it Postum lleIp~i1 them' to do. I ~u 'lIle' 80, J~'. mtght h411p_him., rt' d~d, l~., of ~e. '-'~i'~:;l~1:)J-:f .U20usi~g ReiiDer St" and bel hi DQW well ·ilDd' strong qaln. W. II ~·W., like 'Poibim ~,. weJI'.s we ever -UIuKl Ule ' col!e~ ~d UH Itl altogilth lnCaused by Disordc red Action of . Kidneys ,



The Kind You HavI, Always ·louShl



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For 'Ovar Thirty Ye~rs

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You Need a Tonie

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a large a sortment of Papers suitable for BaJls. Parlors, Etc., Etc.


S"~~ """"""~"" '" "'" "'" ~~"""~""" '1

W b . n l'bll igb and ;R\lXie lea tar opened their eyes on the Ugh~ of thll5 world Dece'mber 13 1110. in t he home of I:ibrry 'Jeaver, in Wayne . ville, OhiO, it WILS te look Into the fa e of loved ones liud to lie in the • a r ms of fond patent whose hear ~. went cut with affeotl n ( OJ th t wo Hule dltrllngs. But "'!tnast 1~11 t)f little RIl I igb 's life Wil li spent in palu Imd suffering. 8pending very few days witb out ~ some iodhlpollition, when fi nally hitl ae'lvenly b'ather re)eliij6d hill IItl1ln· _ les8 spirit frolU hilS frllil little budy and took it baok to b hnself at ttl close of a brij(h t day in June b, lIW9, haviu~ been t!p8rred to hi par· en's' lovi ng ha.uds but five mon th and twenty fivedll.Y S, a l ~bongb thell' bellrt.s Rtill yeKrn for him. Besides hit! little twin sis ter, h I' leaves two brother!:!, Wilbur UII U T heodor e. 'rhe /lower decked bOI\ )' WIlS I!\id iu MIlIllIi oemetl3rY '1'hUI'H day morning tt.fter brief fun er"l or vioes IH the re!liden ce on tiixt b street, oonduoted by Hev . Be nj HawkinH .







$ ..












- . . - ........

_ _ "" • •


M~~;l~S SS~:I~~



$1. 50

....p •• a


Men's Work Shoes


2fic Lall i !i PU llt s ....... , .. .... l~r 25 · Lauieil ' V sts ... ... .... ... .. l!k l ilt: Ladi es' el;t ...... ... ..... . I:.!l· .... Sun , I'))llnn t.~ ... .... .. . .. .. 1"" C ~5c ~5c Support 1'l:1... .. . . . .. .... . .. l!~ c ~ MMER ORE'S GOODS

n"' Puint ell e P lisile .... ... .. ·· ·l:k 15t: Zep her Gill g lla rm; .. ... 12' yl' I ~' ." · l"a tist · .......... , .... .. · .. · !Uc lie IVlutims .... ............... .. ... Hc l :"l' 'ee l'suck el' :ill r I IU lll s ... IOc Ii I' J)l'lo';;S (; ill y,'ll nlll!4 .. .... ... . JOe j ~ ' " c Pe rcu l t! ... ... .... .. ... ... )(\ 1 c .l:q.J OIll'LL Law lI;; ... .. .. ... . j3c HicLuwn!! ...... ... ...... .... .. ... .. 10· 10e L a Wli S . .. . . ... .... ... .. . .... .... 7c Ap ron ' ing-ha lll!! .. .. .. . -.. ... Uc All remnulIL<.; of 'nlii!o up 10 12 yanls ...... .... ... ... .. .... .. 5c

M' ' II' S Summ I'Tl'ou-

rs ·.·· · .. ·· .... .. .. ..... $ 1. 19 $1.()OM cn's Surnm cl'·'l'I·ousers ... .... ........ .. .. ... .... . ge Men's Underwear iI' I' r ,\ 'p .:'0 ... 111't: or ) l'uwe l·:; .... .. 3!1c .2· hirts or Druwe r!l .. .... 19c 1.UO Ulli n ··ui ts ... .. ... .... .. . 7 c S

. , - - - --- ,. $3.00 Be t Elk •. kin 'hoes .. $2.75 New Burlington. I rrh88 Edna Spencer left MoudllY $2.75Men's EaseElk kins,$i.49 morning for Norwood, where IIb e ~2 .75 Light weigh t E lk. .... Th W. '. '1'. . obt!erved lnower wlll be the gue8tof MIs8 E<lithl:lnlith . Skin ..... ..... ... ... .... ...$2 . ~5 M.ission Day ltist Wednesday. Henry Wells attended t he wed. $2.50 Heavy Work ho s ... $1.9 Children ' Uay wos oh8~r vetl lit '<ling of hi8 brot.her in Cedarvill o $2.25 H eavy Worl\ hoes ... $1.75 the M. . E. ch urch ::;undliY worning. Wednesday. Mi8se8 F lorlL and Maude Ha rlan Mr8. , Chas. Vil)llrs h!l.8 oome ill Llult Saturday m orning, it WIlH and Jennie ReeveR attended the from ~hio"go on aocount of the H . S~ate Su·nday- Sohool Conventl-on lit rion~ IUnllse of her mother, Mrs. R . l:ipringfield'laBb week. J. ul l1 . SATURDAY •• 51.30 Mr. aDd Mrs . A. V . Foland were Mr. and Mr8. Will Keffey clllled passed a way. given a-pos~ card 8hower on W'ednes on Bert Bolling.worth 1\8(\ family _ _.......... __ .... __ ............... M08t of ber life had been spent in day of ItUlt week. it being their weil. Sund8Y. this community, and ~o know her ~ ding Ilnnlverl\ary. . Prof'. IlDd Mrll. H. E. WIl80n were was to love her. But 0.8 the morn Classware Enameled Ware . Mr8. joe. inllir 18 the guest of her the g UOB'8 of the latter'8 parent8, in iog un brightened a.nd blessed the day, her gentle tlplri t took Its flight. <I dozen 9-ineh Glass nlad Dishes, hml dsome A lnrg a"-Sol·tment of Bl lI P unJ White TI'ilJl edaughter, B. B . Kelob, of Chi. HarveY8burg Sonday. . de:oign ; while th Ia-'lt, only 9c each . ' al d Rnumel War. Ihe el'Y b st cago. Airs. Rlohard Emmons visited frObl eart.h to Pltr"dise. Her life Wll8 a. benediotion to all Horse Shoe Hrand Table '1'um bl e l's, Ii fOI- 13c, lllaJe, at pri(' . yuu n e "~I' heul'J u l' beMr8. Garlleld .l:'eterson has been' Mrs. ClarencE' Sber wood one day who came f\')l hin the lIldius of hel' . 12 f r. 2(jc, sold l' g ularly al · Oc J oz. f IJ I' Cum and s e it. 8uft'erlng intensely with ear boil. 11l8t week. ~ PO'tatoes lIiesr Bud80n . of Portage county P rof. Ewing took supper witb beautiful J'!fluenoe, her counteDllDoa blO, 19 ' ~kine irootment llt th~ Prof. and Mrs. H. E . Wilson Satur bespoke rlue SWAet·neS8 of heart and gentlenes8 of life : ber dear womsnly China ' own ' 0 S th e pri,,! I~ Lra llice E l'ly home of Dr. Mo0ray. day; . heart WIIS ever alive to the need8 01 Tl'iumphs, 40 Il P ('1 : f 1. 50 pe l' bu!!hd, lWB8 Laura Wood spent l!lst week 'l'he 0. E. blUline88 meeting Wil !! th ose around har, and her' willing 4 dozen 9-inch 'imported ennan .,hina. 'ulad at the bome of ber sister \irs.Horaoe held at the home of MiB8 Mabel hands n~ver with held generou~ .belp DiHhes, beaut.i rully de ora t d, r g ulul'ly Fruits Watton, of Lytle., ' ~herwood Friday eVJ'ning Tbe littl e blol,herless child'ren t ound !lOld at. 2!'i; 35 und 50e. Whi le they la 1"", L mons ,·a nice, p I'duz n ..... ....... lu(' Bernice BawkiU8 Itnd Everett -.----.. ~ • Il h ome under her r oof Iln ta motber only 23c. Pine AlJples, big one, a·h ..... ... .... ..... 1/1 • Bainesal'e I1t home frem W.Hming Wellman. under ber proteotioo and ollre . ' t ruwberrie • i an y ·Nor th el'll .. . .. ..... .. 1 2.~ ~ " '0!lcoUege for summer vacmtion. Many .years ligo t!he united w ith Coffee . (We had t he only b fl'l s !:>atun.lay, --.. " Mr8. Milry Mannon spent i'hurs ·tbe M: E. Cburoh at Wa~nasvllle, and ill W k will j ust about. he Oregonia. day with her parent8 Mr and Mr8 during thepllstol'ateof Rev. /MoBugb 400' people drank our 20c Coff at t.h unthtl close for j·909 .) day-school Conv ntion, and th ' verdict Wat I'melons on ice ... ....~ .. ....... 25, SO, 35c George Davt8. . . 1 ';'6. aQd during tbe year 1 84 wal' M.iaa Mabel Sherwood attended Mr. and Mra. Ed MoFarland called brightly conyerted while Rev. Bord· , of the majority was t hllt'it WaH the b~l 'llllt aloupell, yery tine .. ....,..... ... ......... ]/J the S. S. Convention at ~pringfield, on Will U1ark and family ' 'fhorsday 8&11 was pa8tor of t,he 'Jllme ohuroh, they ever drank: We are selling mol' Roas ting Ears ~fi r t of t.h Ret\! n, 0 ., Wednesday. eveuing. and witb whiob she WlUI n.lwaYIl fully _ 20c Coffee t han ever b fo.r. Some say New 1'omatu~~ -chel1lJel· thi~ wp k , ·· Quite .•... nomoor' f rom, b a t . d u_ · B d"' ·· d..... ~ lathdl6d. Thu8 for a quarter of 1\ it is better t han coffee t hey have I. n N w AIJPles, )h ITies, ~. , de!. ' ere uen - JIU'. OWU ""eaJ:8 an _iss _at' century sbe has experienced tbe life . , u ed the oomm.enoe~eBt exeroises a' jorie Bowe spen' Wedn&lday night beautiful and everlltstlng; and what, paying 30e for. Try a pouna and tell u~ When you want 80methlng good ·to eat, ~ Grove and Union, Wedne8day With Elvin l'ire8 and family. nobler reoord oould I!he leave behind what you think. telephone KI.LBON I aDd'l.Qur8dayevening8. . Mo. Will Dunn 8pent Wedne8day to admonish ·us all, to meet her· in -....-..www .............. ---.. -" . ........ The MiNes Lena ~yel8 and Luolle wUl:l her paren~, Mr. aDd· Mr8. 'bat land where p"in and lIor~ow Norton.8p,ont Su.n day with Mr8. Ar, Geot:ge BOllan . . never cOUle and good byes are un Fruit Jars- Cet -our prices before buying. thu~ Elz)!. , Mrs. Oeorge Ellis aDd daughtvr known . 'l'be memOl'y of t.he beautt MieaMabeH::Iherwopdacoompanied caJled on Mr8. St~la Wbeteel&tur. rul oh'a raoter Of. ~r8. Redmond, will Leggett's .pure Pa,ris. Creen, 30c per lb. . Mr. and .Mrsi . R. J , M.unRY to the dayanernooD. be a henediotion to ber bereft c~m. . Champion TobaecG S.,ray.8.ts. $7.60. t. Airs. ~rvin Ta:yJor and .daughter, paniun, her surviviug 8i8t~rl5 lind . li'rlday. }41ranklin, spent several day8 bro.t ber, a8 well as to ~ll others who 1-----=,....---!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~t:i.~~~al'lll[ll1ll, Mr. .'and ' MrB. were p~ivneged to hne an acquaint. ~~ 1""-James a·noe With her. R be ko fAt r row 8a.rllhJllneLlirriok,tltlconddllugh. --=---,,..-------- -- - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- .------ ~ Mrs. Rachel o. r ,.0 , tar -of Birllm and Louis& Htet80n· · . , , •• ill vi8itinK re~ativeB In 'hi' VICinity. Larrlok, WIlS born in Warren Co., 0 ., Mr. and Mrl'J. Ed ShanahllD were October 15 184-1', and died nearMan~ · . Hund~y I088~8 of ~r. and Mrs. or, 0., June 12, 1909, aged 67 year8, ~.. . .

$ $



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·SPECIAL···~:T~-:,S·S~~~~ ~~~.~.~.:


$ $





$ $ .... .... ....

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$ $




50L~~i~~~:li~~~~~~~~~ ' ~

Shoes $1.00 .... 7!k Men's Oxfords in a ll the la t' r. .. .... u!k .7",) I'"f m I )rl~S8 Sh n·ls Ieat h r , D u II ' If . Tan. . e Xt Blood!i h'Ir ts .. ... .·I ,~/l' and Patent olt .5 ~em D I' ' ~ I $3 9r: .50 Gem Work. hit·ts .. .. .. 45 ' '$4 xJ.f on s .···.. ... .~ l'110s • \V ho I I .." VI:! \ om (',em '. l 00 50 M M n' s $: . n !\ :'C I'd .. ... ... 11:2.98 ,' hirl s know th em tu be lhe $~.OO Men 's n ord .. ... .... ._.'1 » I, 'st shl" '1' n ad T I (I 'l't:' . .1 e. ry one a 1 Ladles Oxfords ·ee. ' T $3.50Pnt. & Tan xfords .. $~. 98 $' M 0 e nn s rousers $:1.00Pat. & TanOxfords .. $2.4!1 .:!,.Fl an $3.00 Men'" SUIIlITH:'I' T rouHer ... ... .. ... ... ....... $ UIK $2 60 P.. t & 'I'an O"'forcl <1:1 90 '



•• ••


For a short time we will offer you Seasonable Coo~s at grea.tIy reduced prices.

We, t he fllmily/ desire to extend IIIIIr our thanks to friend8 llnu uelghbor~ ~ allio Mr. MoUlure for the mllDUer in IIIIIf"'" whioh he oond~oted the funeral: also, Rev . Bawkins, for hit! consol iug. words, a180 for all the fl rill de slgn8. Harry 0 1ell ver Rnd famIl y.

_ ___


.... .... ~ ~

i ....


.... .~


$ $




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Always .B . ,usy.· Here , . 1s the pleasing thought tha~ comes to the man behind the . co~ter very often. "Yes, always busy looking after just the kind of .goods you' . . . want, an d. at t;he prlcetl you want t;o pay, or serving our cus\omers in some 0 th er 'Yay. .And that's how we meet such patient customers. We are glad to have you know that b " . " t h IS IS a usy ~tore and that th~ increase in business this season is t th b f W ·g rea er an ever eore. ~re now g1lmg mto the season for Harvest Supplies, and w~ want to talk to you aQout your wants in this Jine




B· . P ro duce r.lng US your

We pay' 20c-for Egga




~ """"'~""~" .,,,,

/3hana}lan. Mr. .and Mrs. John TholDPson en 'er'tlltnod relativ88 from Lebanon Wednesday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moli'arland were gueste uf 'WiIl Clllrk and family Sunday. • _ • Corwl'n.

$ ..A ....





" ..A


$ ~


~' ",'",~""",," ~

7family monthFl, and 27 ot days . Herohildren, father'I:! ' " con8isteu oleveu . eight 8iFlters and three brotherA 'fwo.sI8ters, MrA. Mar.v Earnhllrt and Mrs. Ada K~arns, and ooe brother, . Mr. Oeorgo Larrio~, stillliving~ NOTED MAN DEAD CHERRlES! 01 III " She was married to Johh Red. . . mond Ocl-ober 18, 1894, who 8till sut. . ~~ ~ ~ vives. hor and who can ever look Rev. Dr. Edward E verett Hale, 87, 1 have plenty of May · che l'l' jp.s __ v n w - - : - - : , . ,..-~~ '" , . f h U . l'> AIlH wil l b~ '1I18e n e l! unc1er ~bl b ~, :ad for baokward Ilnd remember her gellt:le 'chaplain 0 t e . . .,enate and ready for picking now'. Par t ies d~•. · lwt!nlY'Il\' ce llI (,lr Lllrce fn..ertIIlPIi. ' . . tnfloence an~ loyalty to he.r ohose~ an author of distinction; died Thurs-, siring cherries will do well to' call on I . \I' ll II IIIII II!! not Inor Lh tln II e Un~8, ' J4t8llRenriett~ McKin8ey attend Jlfe oompaDlon of nellrJy ftfte~n aaymorningatS'o'cJockat his home SamI. Smith R 0 . 5. -~. ;.,...;:.;;;:,....--- .... ed '~e oo'lege commenoem~nt at y~ar8. ' .. LOST ' . Wilmingtoll Friday and ,remained . In ton. . r '. , for a few daY8' visit. . DeareB'Sar"b, thou, blLl3t left us, Edward Everett Hale was born in' (10 TO LE8}\NON -----:--..;: ' ~.--.:..:-:---~-~ '" T Here thy lOllS we d~eply feel B t · A ' '13 1822 d f ' _"O$.T 'An , In~nra(lc~ rll~eboQk .... r. om.Bmitl;1 8pent on~ day Bu, lti8Godwhohathbereft ' ~8 os on: prl. ~ ,an wason~ o . " a.;, batwe tl . \VpI.O' Nellll'l'J .;and las~ week With M.r. aud Mrs . Claude He' can all our 8orrow8 heal. the.g.r oup 'of hterat.eU'rs, preadler ClI.rl 'S et:v lt-l o.n(1 wife are moviil~ 'WoyneRvlJla. Finder pleose leave Hmlth . • __ and teachers that haV'e made that Lebllllo.n t·bia week . Mr . Slu·vi. hA B at thl!l olll 6 . . Mrs. Alioe MoKinsey entertaineu 90 Cents city' famous. He graduated from \\ gO,od posit-ion u.t tbe MO$or Iun. Mr8, Frank Antram IIond daughter, very soon.! Ada of Wilmington SUDd Harvard seventy years ago. Par- '"!!I!~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!~~~ WANTED Mrs. ~rlon Gordon a~d son a~f E..xour8ion to Dllytou, Pennsyl. mouth and Williams conferred hon- ::: --Sticky Fly Paper AH MERd-'Alwa Y8 h"ve lile for Ba,rveysburg, Bpent Monday w'ith VllDia lines JUDe ' 18th. account orary degrees upon'him in 1901 and pR,per /lDU . anyel opes. Have To annihilate the pesky tribe, buy IIr.s. Lydia Gordon w~o hll8 been Wright brothers' oelebration. Spe· 190' respectively. them printed tit tbe Hllzette , effice , qUIte ill bot h; better at this writing . cial exour8ion tiokets will be 80ld .for . Hale joined the UnitarillTI ministry a box and use it generously, 26 double 8~eet8. only 260 f ~~. a:ld.Mrs. Ed·Edw&r~1t and 80n, all regolar train8 from W~ynesville. i111846, 'his first. chu~ch being ~he o . an In, a.nd Air!). Charle8 Ed · • -.. Church of the Umty In Worcester " . Atlas Portland Cement :r:::e~~tve:~~:~: ' spent Sunl\lIy M. E. SABBATH SCHOOL ·Mass. He was m~ried 'to Watermelons. CQl'DS 200 barrels just received. For a Mr. C~1l8. Rtynoids Mnd faintly Baldwin Perkinll, in 1852. Fancy Rattlesnake ,Melons, Withollt pain.' by th~e ti~ ~f ' ProKram .for June 20, 190!!. The writings of Hille cover a wide ~ne .c~ tt.ei·s.· .. s trictly first-class article this can't spent Satnrday and Sandav In DIlY . .~chwa~tz~~ornRemover be beaten . For concrete construc- tOD. . Reyiew of Quarter. range. He wrote seve!al volumes ' , . t ion about the home and farm i t . Mr. lieu. Stile8 aud son, of Xenia Singing of children's stories and stories for PINEAPPLES ?~tN~~SA ~ .;;-. 15' Cents '8 Bottle ;' .. stands. the very highest test. Visited Mr8. B;'~H!i1eS on Hnnd~y. Prf\.yer, · o~~:~e!~bM.-t~g:s Prayer youn~ mell. LEMONS _ Roll Call. "The Man Without a Coun~ry, " New Beans . New Peas Pine Apples Women Who Are Envied Singing "In Bis Name," and "The.Ingraham ·~ew tomatoes ' New Potatoes Now ill t he lime SURELY to can l Those attraotive women who Responsive Reading of ~esson , Papers" are among his best known . New Cabb~ge New ·Onlons . ' thi xcellent fruit. Selling II)ts of I lovely in face, form aDo temper are Btudy of ~i 80 n-40 ~lDutes works. . . H ' tl Ch' . k' F d '10' Ib 25 . r th . Ithe 'envy ' of wany, who 'migbt be ~ ngi ng . - -.. . : en an IC. e,e -:.s, c ern , and the lowest price ever l.lke them. A weak, siokly woman .Collectwn ·In siokness, if 1\ cerlah~ hidden . ~u,nny .Monday. Soap·-l'ry It known. I will be nervou8 and irrttable. Con ReView of Le8son. .nerve g9fB wrong, th!'!l t·h~ organ Paris GreEm- G,t our p l'ice be· 1ll)wlvlllI . by tho' 'ouncll of ~lie ~tUaa! t $1 ()O to $1 25 per doze n stillatlon or Kidney poi80nB show io Report of Heoretary that thfl\ nerve controls win ILJ~O ' fore buying ' . f Wl\yn\l!lvilla . Ohio, I!I pllnlliu.1lt to all' <I • •• lIb h' . Closiog Song I ~' f 1 It be at h ' Jlance . o. ull, P(IS.'«ld by IlDcH .tune 7 llluY p mp e8, Joto es, 8kln ernption8 aDd ' . s'Qre,v " a I. ~ay. a omaQ Dried Beef...... Chipp d while you that It III tllltllflll(j ' nee \\ry -that '1118.""11,,,; a wretched complexion, For ..U8uch Jf you ~re not a member' of some n~rve, or it may have given ~t,tength . . ·· Wal· t. . cUrbtI9·litDI"'·KU,LWtlrRt 8jbllll bo. c('onstt.~Bt~ OD t ill.. C OCO anut Macaroons ~ u"bb Boh 00 I,we 8h'aII be more. ..' ." " \:If I . (0 <I .MIIl 0 1~l'IlIlt rom I'uUi'loh 8kf c Eleotr I0 DltterB 'Oc a k work ,wonder8. They QD an d tluppor ..y to th a 'B ear~"or 'Kid n8Y8 C . C.' h . e "V 'Id ' .w thu ull.Ol ' eAilt or 1'I1Jrd it~~: . , pac age regulat~ Stomach 'L iTer and Kid. than pll~asej to welcomeyoo to olJrs •. ·It W~8 Dr ..Shoop th~t :fJ.:n t p<?ln.te~ . r~am ee!3 - .ery .~!Il cnn t, ;. Also..OIr t ho Illirth sJ()eon~hl.mhtWlei froVn . Large lJackagtl.'>- the largest you neys "orif'" the ~lood' giv" 8tron"; We are qoite Bure "ou caD 'help U8, tQ t)lis vltul' truth , Dr. " ~tioop '8 be beat . . . . t he OIlllL Uno or t,he A1aiaolliu Bull lot· to tho . ,~ . h d' . , l' ""': . •• . ~, & J . ' . • . " . CdS AA . d f h ' CH II~le wlAllt on. bho wil8t iIIde ontain st reet. ever ,~ v' tan we t hmk the best. nerve8, .·brillht . eyes, pure breath. and that we D9IJ~ your help; .aDd ~estor&t1V~ .'was n (?t !D"d~to .do.8e a~ne .. weets- a go? -as res . A!JK> ou ·thewesClda o(Fourtb (ith.i':11'!it ' l , Bmo?th, velvety. Jliln, .lovely. oom ml\ybe we tn some wav m!,y '~ e~ • .th,eStomllo~ nor t-o tem.por~lorIl;y stim.. r ~~ea. lNI'Ii !ohlLmll~ BlgII'"LrOOL ln ~I'IJ&!Iqe .Wltl, .~ S ug . Corn Flakes ~lex.lon , 'Manyohatm\}lg~omen ow~ able«Ho aNt~t·you. . ..' .. " ; ,ulll 'e the Beart .or·.KI~neys. l'h~~ " .QrJe.d f.fUl LS--"Peaches, .Aprioots, , : :~I:, ~:'::o~r~:?t:g~.~)"tl8~~I~~~~u~u~'(;.' .k ' their health and beau'y to,them. 500 Sabb..'h BChpol' beghul promptly . •qld.fR8bjol\ed· .motb9d· i8 all wrong . , .Prunes · '( :. ' ' .,.' '. ,., j{U~Ioe1'8 1i1l.\1 ,the Ulaw. } lull·: .peclilcatl4,lWl (or 3 .pao ages, 26c it t Fred 0 8oh'w ' al!..z'.~ '.. :. . at 9 '15 a '".m ' ' . , '. " . "r Dr . •,Shoop'Il.R'esH)rll.tlve " oe8 direct-: . '. ., q . .' .' , . . , . - o.u\Hh& the lI&nlo,'Clork'ls au(t·:wlth~ the ~lmll.l\jrilf:8d' bl" 1'~~• • • • ;... ,. ..' . \ I . PO ,• • ' ., ' . , JC , -,', • l'lIQ.uJroo ~ ~U84I Jl~tjCe OI . T-he Illtest Bl'eakfast Food uut ..' ;e ~ . '. ' . ." B. D: KELLI80N, . Bopt. .. ly , tp. t~9J!e,.·faili~g ln8i~e'. I18r~e.a. . ... ·~ Bring .. tJ.s '. Qur . Produce' . .' the p«ssage~ bf ~~t8-: ro&oll\t1on to btl _vtlil " HOOSIER· C~BINin . :' .. ~ - . . :,." . :.~ rbe; reina~.~iltl~ f 8UO~ii'·oHh;8 pr~ . '>Pa~I\" . :2" ()~"f" ~ " E-" , .', ~,~~o~':u~~T~:!:~n ~~a~~::~~~' . tRe"\ .sw.eet corn products: ." 1 ' . Co" , ~rip'UOD ,;-de~on8tr~tes ..the W.l!i'J.O~l; . ~' pg '"', vJ!." ggs · , and a..reLUnl\JUPllcale~ Lhe. notll1elL- " 't t . " • '. .. c. . of tre&ttng ths· aotual .cause of lt~e8e .' \ '. .. l tlon. and date or no~lee iIh&ll be . t«l lby ~c New P . 0 a oes We h"ve 'Juet on8'Sooeier Cabibet..,. ~" ' , f Ilr " " ·A · d ' i t I ,,,~,:,~ , . . " . . . . ~h.e CI~ to the co"ncll. (or ,L r .p~vaJ,. ' . . ' . '. "., " . ' '. , ..,.orDS .' . . a ng ,pl'ganB ...·... n " t s · nu~ . ~r' ZIMMfRMAN'S ': ~nd·L)leOI~ .top.reeerv"'. ~d DO~~~.lll4 • ,', Down goes the price t o 40c a l.Iec:k .. on ban!! ~tc oDr wart) . rCi»,?~lr .~iob ' , ' ~ . ; "., ~1t8Y' W.pruY'e . • ~, I!*:rPpJ8 fi v~ dr len I r:~~4i!8c'1'~':rbeblliJ t~~ ~~lItlOD to . _ __ _ _ _.-;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _. \'!'e wU~ . sell at~tJlrpln ' A,I We' ' .WlthOU~. pam by the use ·Of ·: '~aYil \88t ,w m •..gur.ely·. telL.. ~ry: \1~ . . " . ' Itt! tim P';l~PC~"OD" ' " ,: . (~ ) . . ~)'.~r • . are goin, io qui. huidlinD '~heIe ~b SCh....... Il..· n:"mo"'er: o~ce, ~d see I..-Sojd ,by All'~18r!l, '. .\ ' ' 'at OoUnel . Obunbi!!', &hIII ·tIM ·. t, 1 ' ""'" • .,.,; a 'I '-IV ~ '.... \ ., • .:.... -'.' . . . . ;.... . Ill" en~ ....,doP.~) (1"" day 01 JIIlIe, A. ~. 1,.1, . neUl, ~h18 ,ia for, _Ie '. , . -bar,piia. '. :'.' S ..:;,.....:be. Ie ' t'h' £t_'' --tte '' t " . " . ' ·OFC\I.l'tl,lS , . ' '... . ' . o. rn.rr.B~. ' , W•. B. JlADDD ~ (1,0 , ' 1l~1;. ...9~, !! .::~ ". : . ~. p. ~1ilB,D'j ,QI_._ _ ... _'" " ~



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N ew

O ffe'Dse

...... ...... .. lIy .D,.. s.o.... F. Buf' .,. and He,. berf '!.~.Y--­ yict~I'Y for Physician-Detective DI'~ FUI'Divall. Where

Police Methods Fail

.._ _ _ _• HEN Detecti ve Rugeraround cheal) bsrroom s doing chores exclama tion from the room. followed som, at Beven o'clock tor their ent rta.l nment, bleary of eye , by the sounds of n fi e rce struggle , in the evening . It,arnud trembli ng with th l} ss of ovel'- and Rugerso m, throwin g himself again that Mr. Courtne y Ban- sUmula tion. WIlen they saw the de· and a gain IIpon the door soon burst )lIng. the young club tective tbey showed furt.her signs of It 111. Bannll1g and Ring were rolling ._~~!I!I!!!I milliona ire, was miss- discomf ort, but brazene d It out, though on the floor poundin g and clawing Ing from his home. doulJtruJly, 8S If ready tor flight on the each othe r. In tbe midst of torn bedthat ·folll piny was first , token of hostility on his clothes. overtur ncd chillI's. a Bmash ed part. fl'ured, and that a "Mike," said the clerk, "and you : too, table and a mass ot lJrok n bot li es large reward had been Jakey, where was It you seen Mr. and glasses . ottered for Informa tion Banning Monday nlght~th e fll'st time, The d tectlv 's prese nce seemed to ot his whereab outs, he r mean 7" cow t.he fight 01'1 olll ot nfng, (or he nt believed tbut be kn ew "On tile broad of his back first s at on the floor staring at him about whut had llap- floor," answered Mike, polnllngon the ; and, and then arOM Bnd stood sheepis hly pened to him and just "Stretch ed right out th ere." corrobo eying his adverBary. Dannlng Jump ed where to find him . rated Jakey, also pointing , both - up In n ruge. of U reI b,e haBtene d at once to the them speakin g at , the sume time. "Arrest. (hat man!" he cried, pointIlhady Hotel Norther n on the fringes "Was It you two that gave his name Ing at Ring. He was a slim youth of tbo slums. . ot . at the Rollef station? " asked Ruger- 23, light haired and weak eyed, whose "Ring." snld h to the nl ght clerk, som. . naturall y )Jule tace wus now pulUd a tough-lookJng l~, Ivll'lulll ot 40, with "It was not," said Mike. "No, sir," (rom confinem e nt e xc pt where the a hard , flush ed ~ . drlnk·so dden declare d Jakey, clerk's fln g rB Iiad. marked It with gray eyes, lIashy cheap clot hes, and a "The y helped put blm In the wagon, reU. ,.Arrest him!" be rep ated, tall, bony t~rm, "how long ng'~ ' waB that·s all," Ring volunte ered. hotly. "If you are an offi cer, I give It tbat Mr, Bannin g 'was ntll'6 !asi 7:' "But who went with him to the hos· him In chal'ge to you. He hUB been "A week ago to-night ," Ring an- pita), then? They say there that two keeping me here a w ek. He wanta swered, quickly. "Why? 1 hope there men came with him and gave his Dloney. H's black.mall. aud I'll put ain't nothln g-" name." hIm over the road for It, no matter "Only missing , that's ull. We want Both Mike and Jakey began to talk whnt It costa." to flnd him tor his family. I! he's very fast, explain ing that all they The de t clive walked up to the sUIi he re, and It you malte it quiet knew WIUI thl1t Mr. Bannlu g had fall- nlJushed clerk. and eaBY tor me, why, no question s en down stairs, that they ' had Ilfted "Ring," he s aid. "you must be nutasked- that's It. All I want Is hlm- hLm Into the ambula see,? . And nobody else n eedn't know turned to the dining nce and the n re- t.y to do Il thing like this. Wby, It room, where tl)ey ain't like you. J thought you bad more nothIng nbout It." were sitting when the noise ot hiB fall s ense." " H re, cO"me in here a millute," said startlod tbem Into rushing to the kItchThe cle rk h eld out his Wl'lsts with· the clerk, haBUly. He huuled through en to Bee what the trouble was. They out a word, but Rugerso m wa.v ed the m the !llnlng·r oom Into the kitchen , and knew Mr. Banning very . standin g In the middle ot tt1e fioor aB everybo dy .around well by sIght, aBide. the hotel did, "I WOll't give you the wrJsters ," he polnt~d upward to where a door could he was there so often, attracti ng . a said. "You'll coml'! aloog all right. be seen, with three steJls of a former good deal of attentIo n unkno",n, to blm- For old sake's sake I'll see what 'Jtalr~ay dependi ng trom it. The stairI selt hy being there at all, and espe- can do for you Ul) al~" way wall sawed short oft. the lowest .clally by spendin g so much money. '. He stopped suddenl y and leaped to .tep hanging ten teet up trom the "You two come along with ma," Ru- one side as the gas went out, and, kitchen floor. ' gersom Interrup ted, grimly. "You threw uJ) bls arm. But he was too "Yo see them stairs?" sald the clerk, have the spiel too pat. We'll see It la~e. A stunnin g blow tell on pointing . "We cut tbem down be- the ambula his nce man aud the clerk at head and he dropped sensele ss to the cause we needed the room here more tho Rellet station can Identify you." fioor, ~ than we did them. So help me, I ain't "It's all rlsht, Mr. Rugerso m. It's telling a word ot Jle, but Mr. BannIng jest lUI I tell you," called Ring after "Dr. Fumlva ll," said Lawyer Ranwaa dod~lng round< up stairs Monday the detectiv e as the tbree weut out. dall, "I have c()roe to ),011 night; and for some' reason or other on & slngu"Mebbe," muttere d Ruge om, "but lar errand. Whethe r your be opened that door tbat we always there's sand In this sugar somewh ere, er iB what I need I don't unique powknow, but It keep locked, and tumbled down here, It grits." It Isn·t I certainl y don't know Whlll . He thought there w~ stairs, I suppose . The lnstant they reached the first Is. And In ti}at case 1 . He waBn't hurted much, but he. could, sbould be .comcrOBS street both meo, as It moved by pelled to stop proceed lngB, Which "Dhe I" & .Mrs. Van Trot§b, a wldq't stand, and' we would Dot send blm His oolorlesB eye II in Dr. Furnlva ll's. ot his expertm ent, Dnshed him ' bac. one Impulse , grabbed the ollicer by would prove a downri 0'11', whl>-" ght oalamlt y." to hlB own bome, letting on th~t I. his brow wrinkle d In thought , young tnto his chaIr, taking. care at the saJ.De the arm and turned the corner, out of "The case Is this," the lawyer went "What, tbe N w·Thou ght teacher , 'on Bannin g pr0geed()d In a was be,r e be wae .puttlng III his time, mechan ical ~Ime not . to release .hl~ Ilubject from slgbt ot the hotel. ~n, the 4!>ctor making -no ol'al' respons e Marlbor ough litreet?" 110 w~ calli tb~ wagon and voIce: his gaze. . \ "Glt outer her~I ;11 tell hlm-l have to bJI stalem nt: "Some t\~o mOl\thll "The very same. ,e~c18 Idm to the Relief sta; . the Do you know . "Sit he said, ' so(tJy, '~untll we first word," growled Mike to ago young Courtne y .Bannin g-you her' " "Some months ago I began to at· Bee thesUIl!" tlon. Why, IBn' t ' he out , yet at aU! outcom e of thIs :beautlt ul Idea Jakey, who was feverish ly trying to know, the Chllds.B annlngs It would scarcely be said of Dr. tend Mrs. Van Tromp' s lectures on gone m~d . Proceed , 1\.lr. Banning We tbollgb t be'd be &11 "Ight In tbe , that fam." whisper In the detectiv e's ea. r . lIy-beg an going wrong. Furnlva ll that he sbowed lack ot in- self-help and mental healing. There morn2ng, only a trlft.~ <\Ibook up, and "Why, that Is about all, I think," he Rugerso m .. sbook them olr and be was a fine fellow, not I learned many 't hlngs not taught In 6ald, "except terest now. mebbe (be hend on hlm trom the 1Ita the fact that ap opporIte.llpecl .into a doorway . ~Ie jambore e," "Jove!" he exclaim ed, jumping up the schools, among tbem three of BU- tun lty tor conceal ing myself world, . I'm Bure. and not a bad habit . until the "Go' Blow," he said. "You'll preme Importa nce, namely, that, first, time of salling most slngula' both be even. Seemed to be just a harmles s and rushing round for his hat and WI~lI. be was Bpenklng: t e lJ).'notly' pretreated tbe same In this game, no 80rt of average youth, who tent eyes of the detee.Uve .were search. would coat, "scienc e Indeed! I We'll untwist drugs are an Inventio n of the devil; sented Itself, and .1 s.el~ed It. I sent matter who speaks second, first. Out that a with strange the It, ' trite never strand ~eaUng set of the world afire, lUlr drown It the bum9.l\ mlntl of dls- a dead man to the hospital 111 m)' '.pg his tace. The olerk wote' a $Ullty either. 1 saw a good deal ot him In this time, 1 assure you. We'll see ease Is through mental sugg' BUon, or name, in order to throw Investig ation manner , but waB It tbe flag ot guUt Mike." Jakey subside d and Mike hastily bis boyhood and can 's peak from per- Banning at once," telepath y; and, third, that evil off the track, and gave Ring a thou· :n t.M s particu lar case, or was I~ tile He was ready for the Btreet almost thought s can be commu nicated mental· sand ' dollal'll for bldlug Bonal knowledge_ At his mllJority he leneral , all'roun d guilt wbloh a man took· the word. me. When 1 "There was a gazabo lifted a couple received three millions Instantl y, and the two walked rapidly ly as well as good ~mell. As soon aB I (ound tbat I waB discove ~t hlB calling and Btnmp Is likely to In his red I prom. ot plunks bad orr a fellow up stairs there right and became guardia n of his sls- towards the Banning place. become aware of this laUer fact Ised him as much more to lIhow when In t.he presenc e of the say he wai ' They found young Bannin g In the I began to notice that whenev er 1 holding me ags.lnst my will. For to taw' Tbe letectlv e could not say. that night," he wblsper ed, "and hit It tel', subject to advice from a board tor the )Jassed main entranc a drug e. store library But I the telt arrangi Rube ot trustees , of which 1: am one. gut th!, Relief station w«;luld answer a strange admit nUlt I was conoeal ng some papers. He was to him, so be breaks away conduct ed himself so sanely, with · He very pale, his (ace lined and heavy sensatio ns. My head Bwam, my limbs would amount to a COnfeBslng mYBelf the question , or at least throw enough stood Buch lon of the for the back door he seen there. It good will and ability, that tremble d, my stomach turned ' sour, homicid e. It was I who light ' on the Ilubject to slart, with, Mr. we never with care. and his light eyes as lie knocked the , BannlnK would be, tound Inj~red, ' but waa barred, but he .got It open and Interfer ed witt). him. He waB lett turned th~m on his visitors held In and my mind became full of thought s oMeer down, so that R:lng might . run. laad the injUry come Innocen tly, from BlIdes through " bllt the staIrs is· cut out practica lly with a free hand In the their depths a Blngular gleam, as of of horror and dzead . 1 could think of J Buppose I · must Buffer the penalty waJldng through that doorwa y? The and he pitches on lIl. nut against the dlspoBal 'of five millions . ' For two tear BtoUtly resl~ted, yet Impossi ble nothing but evil. This was true of of the act, though that will be 'a hormalo,"PO,qt was that tbe 'mIssing man kl~clien floor . . We al~ bears lhe hulla- years, 01' - until laBt June, he ran as to overcom e. 'A s soon 'as tbe greet· all drug stores, ~ut more particul arly rlble Injustic e, conside ring .the heln· would ~ l'estored to his home and baloo and five or "Ix of \1S tral1l1 In to Bteady as a clock, giving every day Ings were done Dr. Fut:nlva.ll, remov· of Parmen ter·s. And that IB the one OUB practice s of tbat-" . (hI) ' feltore r would get the reward. lIee the same: Mr. Bannin g "as one. to his busines s IntereB ts and the even- Ing hlB ~eavy speotac les and boldlng nearest my borne, the on'e I must paBB "One moment ," interpol ated Dr,. rile !Danner of the' Injury was a inlnor We senda tor the 1;IIack Marla, and Mr. Ings to suoh soCIety aB a rich young the young man'B eye with his own, . every time I go into the street. I con- Furnlva li, Buavely; ."what meaDS did slant ly heard Parmen ter's voice you employ, Mr. Banning , In the tak· matter, , Wh!,ch, howeve r, properly Bannin g 8k)'1I; "1'11 give . every ~an tellow ot good family would naturall y said without ceremo ny: }'Thls was a singula r experie nce ot threaten ing me as I hurried by, men· Ing ot this man's ute!" -.::.- ., ~Igbt serv~ I1S a wblp of here: be 8AYB, 'a ten:spo t;' be say~, select., Then one daY ,1 was Informe d power to· 'hol~ ove.r the shady aotel 'to say tbat dead man on the fioor: he that he had unaccou ntably changed yourB, Mr. Dannlng . 1 know but 1Il- tally, you know, for he wouldn 't dare "What menna? " lie repeate d, In says, . 'Is me: he says. A'hd then he hls whole course or lite. ~ NortbM'n:. ."., tle ot the stor)", but the Uttle Incllcate s say such things aloud. I lrnew he was wonder. "Why, telepath y, of course. . ' . None of his T~e~fo're, af~er a long look Into the says, 'who want's it?' and he flI!shed frJends had laid eyes on him tor someth ing ' unique. How did It hap- JealouB of my knowled ge, afrl1 l d tbat What other meanB are there? · All I, [ would hurt hiD devll's trade, and mind:" a roll the size of a stove fllnnel. So weeks, Bud It was hinted eler~'8 .hllt, B.yeB, he sl1ld abruptl y: . that he was pen?" Once ' he comAt this declara tion the lawyer sat Mr: Randall regarde d BannIn g cu- wished to silence . ·" Ill Be. ydu Slain about this, mebbe," we all took It. And be handB me and going the fast pace in vile) resorts . and " b~rled · to . tbe bos'pltl1l. To his Jakey here ten more to go to the There were whisper s of a love affair, riously_ ' How would he take thls ap· D1allded me mentall y to throw myself a momen t In silence, 11 look of puz· headlon g into my area yard, ancl be- zlom nt sLruggling with station for to ,glve his name. And we and I thougl\t that very hi~y~le, an' tbe Ilorror likely there parent meddlin g .In 'his atrall's by a Ulndant. answer ed that onfl(on day evening a man Itad been goes and gives it. We aU tbought was someth ing In that view, I'm nol r? To his surprise he did not fore I could brace myse lf suffici ently In his face, while Dr. Furnlva ll, having to resis t him down I dove, llead first, 'wlLhclrawn ' his eyes trom Banning bro.ugh t'ln unoonsc lous', sutlet'ln g from the man was dead, but 'twas nothing sure I don't sHll think BO. A week resent It, seeming to conBlder It a 's, UPOII the brlckB, and nearly broke. my regarde d him whlm8l cally. Sudden ly a trl!>QP1red IIkun and bruises .on the real phony. was It, ·MI'. Rugerso m? ago hili Sister came to' me In byster- and was plalnlr nervous , but anneck, He You compell ~ot nothl~' on UB." ed me to do Dlany the lawyer' s brow clQared los, saying that he had not been borne swered, speakin g at first Slowly: le~B ~and ·llr~s. ~wo , friends who were dorldlng s to his 'malice, ror now his up he worked the doctor's . Jumpin g ': And," l)ut in Jakey. Quickly, "yOU for two days and was not wIth,. him. said . ~s name was C. 0 .' . hand Uke to ~WhY, I went to thlB shady hot I t be tound I pathlc commu nication s to me. all a pump-ha ndle, ·Baoid!)g. They couldn' t· give his ad- can't get the 20 apiece back from us, ~nywhere. '. She had searche d high on bUlilnesB, and they detaine d me "Oreat heavens !" he shouted . :'Wh\> d~lIl!. ,l~ the' mOl'ning, w't)en they.. had becauBe why?-w e blowed It, didn't and low, with all his (rlends helping there, hopIng t.o scare me Into giving of the m comman ds to do somethl ngs by would believe It? WhY; '1 I!&W Parher, but to na.purp ose, Not a word tb"em a lot · of money. They dldtl't seU-hur tful, were accomp anied patohed blm llll. and be' was able to we MlkeT" taunts that 1 COUldn't helJ) myself be- m enter myself this morning , leaye 'the' .tatton, ' he denled' that he . . "S'elp me!" swore Mike, throwin g could be heard ot him. HIl had van· succeed , thanks to my sister and Mr. and ho cause he was stronge r than I. To es- was as we ll as ever." Ished utterly; without leaving a trnc'e Randall here, who found them ' Banning , tbough - be reru'sed to out his palms. out cane him 1 frequen "Oh dead ted socleUe sure!" s where grinned beblnd. After maklng a .BUll hunt on and gave me a chance , "Cert'alllly. Withou t doubt he ~ve any other name, and went-aWay to--er -l--er- I hoped In t.he midst or carousa l, for- scarcely knows there's such a person growlin g ngalnllt some:bo dy who had 10m. "You two blgh rollers blow 20 my own part. wblcb resulted In 1I0tb· Wbat did you ask me?" gettlline ss, Btupldlty and frivolity his In existenc e D,S our friend here, frequen l. Bllt that's all right. All I lng, 1 quietly called in thrown blm 'dQwn ,Bta(rs., . who 19 tbe police, wbo His tace as he went on, llls eyes In things of this nature, catchin g ' . , . want iii Banning . me un- merely selt.hyp notlzed. Put him t~ Put me near .a nd (oOnd him at on·c e. But tbe clrcum- Dr. ? . "Was he a gentlem an ?" asked Ru- I'm Furnlva li's, passed throu gh a prepare red, until my a. detestat clam on ion every-thing else. ·Where ,stances are' such that it hi Impollslble of hirq a good sanitari um tor a whUe, thal . gersoh! '.' . , ... markab le variety of expresBions. In add ed to my knowled ge '. , . . -. · Ii ·heZ" . As tbey consult ed each ·other. ·to dl)terr,nlne whethe r of the evil will fix him pbyslca lly. Then give him he was In. hld- Uie beginni ng he showed embarra ss· chal'act er of his '.'~r he wal be was -thoroug hly dlBoccupat ion, left only. a thoroug h course ot real phlloBophy, with ., culselll ' suill~c;J" th~, attenda nt,. ':~o, lIently.~roubled eyes he added Imp~- Ing or held by force. If the fc:'rmer, ment mingled with tear, which ran one course open to me. But 1 would- from P lato to Emerso n, 'l'hat will fix "Leak,. l\OW, or I'll lake yo It Is necess~ry I sJ\ould know .' he . w-a. the rea- rapidly tn\.o perplex1ty, Into surprise , .n't proceed to extreme measure rough !fellow, faded and s until him mental ly-If anythin g will!' ·son; it the .Iatter, ' somebo dy should peacefu lness, and finally, as he aRklld 1 had -dltt:r., 'weak-tnJnded; siltveltn g, ' a type tried every mild means, such be "nlade to sweat tor it, And I come tbe questio n', Into What seemed the strange st thing ·w., often'rlleS, bere." · . . deel> and absorbe d as sending him, by telepath y, concma , .' . to }Iou to learn the truth of the mat- Introspe ction . .Hls - of the whole strange matter to ~he , ',. : TJle dete<;.Uve ~ast~ned back. ·to tbe mind ter,". or to find If you have any way of lY' bent In upon Hselt, now was plain- tory messag es, assurin g him that It lawyer was the fact that when Dr. .~ botel.-- ' The «l1C1'k Ring regarde d him occu[lied with he would rellnqul 'sh his drug deviltry 1rurnlvn getting ll, who was well ' acquain ted at It .... ·...;·a~l~u'lY, . one Idea, and that was to answer tbe r would put him I' " . ' . , on the right track and wllh the druggis t Parmen ter, brouglJt '. "WIlI( he .In,arteit . bad atte-r 'a ll?" ila Query ' put to him_ And almost at set him uJ) In a busines once before the doctor could have reo follow with success ands that he could blm to the house anI! tntr.o duced ~Lm 'as~ed'I" ,\ '~0111~ . I!~.~~ ~beho~se , & bad an easy con- to Banning , the young man neither Dame' .. pea~~d bls words; had he Intende d do- science. This seemed , ake no 'Im- showed surprise nor would admit that ./.~~g,,, B8ld R. uger!lo~,"]O~klng ~Im ing' 'so, the .young man said In a n18t- pression on him, 'unhissto lD It was to add his telepath iC comn\~l\d to hl!Jl to J~ :ille e~e.." ."I~ waan!t .BlUlnlng. -How ter.()f-fact tone: suggest ions couTd not . pen,etrllte. But 'make 'away with hlm~elf had 1)0't ber.n c;ould !QU inate. s~~h a 1;Iull?" , "I remember':""lt was about, the mur- all .-I~ vain. .I .cau~ht them , ., there as sue.cessfli]: .. Appare ntly thQroughly un, de~. ' Ye~, r commit ted tt. . ~t )tou wish plainly a9 1.11, my o'w~ roo III at· . ~maBn' t .BannI.n g!" , ~e exclalDie~. hom~. fl»le to realize . that his thoUgh fo know why-" Then h(lilauS bed" cyplcall y, '''Ob no:;..... ..' I ,made up my mind, 'Al'rang lng sages bad Called, to reach .ll1elr t.meN object, - At tbis 'starttin g statewe nt the law· .all'. my arr~lr. so th~t I ' could " of ~urse not h Didn't 11 11ft ~hllfi ' up yer screame d out:· '~Co~rtn~y!" and ah'f oad .at ~n.~e, · .w her e ,I intende sta~t he seemed to beld a double consc(o us, . ~ . myae!f1 : UOn't d ·hav· ness : of the druggis t ' 'While • on aU started forward a8 If 'Vlole.n tly to· ~fil­ 'hig .iny· sIster join rile In due _season, I ilo ', ou? II he othel' mat,tet3 he was ,perfe.cWY 'liali~ atl'alnooh lin 'from broceeCllng., ' D~, Fur~ r transfer red a s'obJltantlal B.Ut;ll · to m~ l.llte ~~f,~~~y a . man ~o.tted up :wIth rheum&nlvaU WB,-ad hlm bl)ck. . " . . ·to help 'oli ' the cause, and then, tlsm who . declares ~ielf . . cured. To, "Be .Clulet!" he saJil . .!'Let;" have the ~hongh J bated abpvIJ ing' else hfm Parmenteio.'l waa 'del\'d.. . storl. . Mr; tfantllng , wbo was YO\1r II), tlle :world ~ . do It, .yet · ,' It t~at.. 1 : "I don't ~ders~aSla ' I~l don't Victim' " lJlust .. 1 8u~ced the v1ll~n foreve r- .' c;!eritand lt,l' mutMt~d Randall . . " "John .P. Parment er,'" he auwem d. Th& I~wyer, :whose .tace ba~ twisted ,lAnd 10u neT" . t ''What. the druggl lt'" luelt Into aD e_xp....aton of mOlt del'llf&lld Uie .'~ . tUdrlCOUI. am~".~Q~ · ~ 1118 .tory. ~~ anlS wbat It "'WIlt did 1011 do Itf" , ~11• . . . workillit • ~UeJl batm.SD areued , apbi It.arteCl up 1\'tth. ~ art e:~;=:~~;~~










~.._...,..~~to~ . ~ai!~12"i






:.'6nah• State of Ohio h.. ahown Its InhrelC In educ, lio n by ~hll est abllch,,,,, nt ' support ot thr'u gb,, "c;o •. founded In at Oxford, by t tl <It> t1Qra l Aucmllly, In, cohfCJrtn3 11Cle of tile)'" Mi ll mi Ullly ~.I ty .

11 11(1

with tt.. ~ lal ona or a grant by Congress In 1792 or II tr ao t of Ifl nd to J ohn Clc,(c 8Y'\1I"1I1 t lJe d ~ vot ~ d to hlU r duqll ." th T~. purpol. 0' tho fO un dll'l1! of th l ~ College h". blle n realized In a la "9'" de grot nd III tl ' I,! c~ .lt u,· y 01 1\ elll te" 0 er~' live gone forth from Its han. more than 7,000 yout.h of t ho I " d to .. fl lelcnt ,n ln,. nl ~" "v l!t~ In ~ II .....1\ks of life. II AI . motter of l ont lment •• ' w e ll as Of co norAtulallo n over t he pn' t a nd stlmulnll n rO" til. fut ure. It I. II I Inll th at ll grhalduat.el and 0.11 frie nd. of hig her eduoatlon ahould appropriatel y com memorate t il .. - Ii,' t CII /lt enn lal A"n lvHaliry of th • .torlo Inst lt ut lo" . , "The .uthorltles of th e college havo d •• lgn a.t ed the 16th and 17t h d~YI a1 J une , 191)U. as an I' pl1 r o p r la t~ ti me ; th ",.., · !orf:, on beha lf of t he citizens ' of t he stat , a. Oov~rno r t her eof, I her by commend t h .. n l lo rt or t lol olnnlye rsa,'), to he .'umn l of the Institution , th .. oltlzena 01 t he atate a nd fr,end . of educa tion eve,'ywhere ror ouch C0 Il11i,.", orll tlo n •• bent. tI," occasion. 'JU OSON _ HARM ON.'" 18V9,




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health b n b au ~o Impaired is unnlJ) t o d is b arge the fllIJ c tlOIlS 0 1 hi' Ofl\t'/' nC ll v ly. and

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p ro v d w'l tnout til prim VIII b£>lI\l ty ,


UE' tructlo n of Its

Sttui ~lll!!.' nHiny Yt'ars ago on thl' hi· duli 's hll' , 1 " ' II lut'f,l'ly UdStilU d towel' of this ~e hool B tl yard Taylor . Was Created by State Act I n lo y tho y /l' I' jl l'l' tl IUf·lI l. Walt or h 'ru· th p tnll'el · I·. lo,ti,pel IltTOSS t.h hi ll~ 1809 and Centenary Will Be lH 'Y of lI am ll l oll. hi s tu ltr(>st tn til u nl! vnlll' ."::;. :~nd lI ald Ihat Ior jl[,flt . IIrrlllrs ()f th 01 11 IIc hoo l rPlIl alllS 1111- ful IWlllll), th l! wur let h leI no fnll'l l(' Held June 16--0rators.Lyman ahut d . Thl~ Itll('n 's t i shnr 'd by , spot. At I na t t hut Is tll E' t rnllition at Abbott, Brander Matthews, all th e lUe :nb('r' ot hit; (n01 ll y, Incllld· Ins Ole lll'ol>ld e lll. Wbll n 1\ ~ olllllll tt ~ n~ Jlre8 nUng til{' 1l1llvNsity recen ll y ., Mlum l u nf1' rs lty wfll cui 'bl'l\ t . th e 'a l\e d on tlJ. pl'('s hl lit to In \'ltp. h ll1l one hu ndr ' lIlh nnnil'('j' 1\1')' 01' hor to Oxforcl on .1u II!' ]6, h E' sho w d S Il h tounClng on JlIII 1ti. 111 th l'U I\f'g illt r s t In t he \' lit thllt he wa s un· t own or Oxford tll (\ I'(' will ga t h, ' r for willi ng to d ~c lltl , alth ou g h 1I1)able 10 thIs nolublo ['\' l'nt 11I\' n d lllt l llJ;lI lij h d I nce pt d 8 111L ly. The p f(>s ldclI t s al U !n every wn lk of IIlL·r lC:l.l n lift" lo. Ihat 11 rongr !lS Wl'r a dj ourn ed by I gethe r wit h Ul an y hUlldl' 'dll or 1'111\1111 I hat date he wou ld make overy lYort alumni au d fOl'lner stud nlll from to utt n d. parts ' ot th t Olllllry, Ce ntenn ial Pla na Outlined • Go vernor Harmon. with bls e nUro Wbll tbe ut 'unlal proper will be Itatf. will b e ) I'OS nt I\S III rOj)l'(>sen- 001 brat ed on 'Juuo 16, the whole at




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"a ,"I", ,,,y .\lldr, ~ 1n I) h I t o t , B E NTON . Mlani!, I lid lh~' )'C's of £ovE' ry v isito r th,'"lI"" "t""1I11. lI"n . ., ,,1111 Ruh" EI"llI . ·jO. e nd Olla .. r ~tllrl"l1l Ol'h'1llll ll lilln ('onllrlll It. 1'hl'l'e hi'" flO Ih' r R In I h £' ! " Ill faa I'''''I",·.'' _\,l dr,'ss III " 'holt o t llolll!. • , . Th ursda y. J une 17. calilpus jlrnpl' I'. an ti th,· s hool hilS an- llt ll I·'",'ull l,'". PrM. Rim r B . P wel l. Ph. I . r tH' .OlllnU"'fllH'lJh.' nr • u\' ' ,,' r rises Other tra ct o( (or ' li t ull1l o t E'I PIUI s l1ol,grnlll i lory A ,It.JI'(,SS. ex-'Presltle nt th e rll l" l!: !t, "t ,' bE'Yond It. u:lJn A. M . - 'I'h •• }'I'IW"L'" lul1 I PJ'll ,.i t·~ I I I is ('X l)('(· tl·d that If lh t' ('ollC'g • 1111'/1' uy 111 ~ lJ nll1 l l ' nll'c r!> iI )' I b u ildi ng-s IIlId th c\u['lnltt))'lpB of t il Club. I W'! III ll ll 's ('01h 'gl' t=; .\ r i 1l11l1Nllllltt' to• te ots . bous all th l:' visit O I' S . n r lty I will be r l' t d III tilt' I'L\f11l l1IS. and ' t he " llIllo r l> will be g l\' n a (a lit of Cllt~p m e- and am p JIr nt Oxford In, i June Is worth whil e In Its Jf. . I . On Sunday, June 1 3., P res ld nt II), Potter Bilton of tb e unlv rs lty wll delive r the annual ba calaurl:'ate s rmon In tbe tor noon, and, 'In t be I evening the Rev. Dr. H erb e rt brls .1 : wl11 preach to the Chrlstlnn assoc i· ; tlons. On Tue sday tb e Normal c ol· t I i.e will bold Its comm n em nt 1n the afte rnoon, and In the ~venlrig clas s day wlll be the fe nture. I The centennial celebration ,wlJl oc , cup~ the ' whole ot ,W'e dnesd.a y, and ~ t~e centennial .commlttee. at Whl 11 . Professor Alfred H . Upham Is chlltr· man and Bert S. Bartlow s ecre tary; i has outlined this program, whi ch will b e tollowed with only slight de viation: PROGRAM OF THE WEKK. 8atu~day, Jun!l 12. . , T h /' C/)l/lIncI1C(, llle:l t Adt1r 58. 10 :30 A. 1It.-l-'llrewell ,Oha pel ser\·lct\. ~fQ sl' br III 'I ull, 7 :00 P . M.-Students· · .Igbl.- l] ndl''''- ~ n il r,!,< " DI\,I"" FI,I"l' " .. ". D. 0 .. 1.L . D. 1/I\ ,,"J~ II\lh l\ "·.I' _\ II,IIX'Sf!, x-J'rpl'ldl;l\ t '1'11 CoM'1, 11Ig' of I gr 5, at'll d uat es' prot:: IIslon with "um rOUR 'RnlJ 1 '1 Whlt" :\1{"":lllu,nol, Ll .. D. Musl b !h.., Bltn!l . 110 1 through 1\1'11 ,nnd dis plays ot va rlt.ia cha rnet ~ rnll ~I1i1I1I"l<I/'~' A,I,lr ~ ~. x-Tlr()Mltllm t ,2; 00-4 :1)11 P. M. '-'I~ h' PI''' Iden t' s Recll m/l us an d stre til ot t own. Ell1pl hnrl i'll/ Iii '~' \\'1\ 'l1p'rl . P . r •. 1.1., D. oeptlor\ Itt Lewl P ill \I. • , 7:30 P . M. - Slunts by Ix Oh\8~1l8 of 't h Historic. MIamI. Normal Col) ge Ilm] ~he ollega of T~(h~ , .r:f)ng r ;t t lq!1 l\' .\,l,l' ~· l". ,, · · Pr I't\I\{'n t ral Arts In 111 ru's Uo t nl Oil nlyerslt y "1I 11(lIn t,>;I ,')' 1'h('lml,"IHI, n. 1I. 1. 1.. I,. i;'r,Q" III"r)' .\ .1 .( )'1 '~)l. '1'''l'rE'f>JJ~'' " t AJthoug t\ Ohio tias th ree s ta le col· OI1 , QnmplIs. D""!ll !'lIIlIH'''' 'l'n''''I1 I1, D. I). 1.1., n , )eges, nOlle III In tertwln d vlth th e Sunday, June 13. I\\' 1111' ~11: lInl l ' l, h"' rfllly t:t e history ' th t at e aod nntlon as h i 10 ;30 A. !.f. - Bll cllia ur nle servIces hi Ihe ru:stl c t 'n t. Serm on by PresliJ erH Rr" pC , f' P In ""utlr II r t'n l\' (>rthe old B :hool !It Oxlord . Datip lll back Guy P otter B nton, ». D.. L L. D. SP i! musi c by Arthur J.A! R oyTebbll. b "r- fi ll y . I' r AI" ·nl IJ11~' loll ". flt·"t n. D, D.• !from tbe s ixth y iiI' of. lhe sta te 's lite. 1tO\1e, of Dayton, 0 .. Bnd the flllml T~~e.~;c'nll(\ In b,' ha lt nr (II 'Rb!U ot : she has b n Id ,Iltlfl ,d los Iy wltb IIlv r (llly holr. . T ruRl ee". John ) 'h Withrow, M. l ), I e.very at Ji of tile state ~ lle v lopm ,n t. 7: 30 jl, M.-A/ln unl sermon betor III (Jn tenn lul () 'meral BenJolhln and particul arly with hel' tnte ll ~c tual Christian n 8 RO In,tlonll In u i A'1dltor. : ermon by Rev. Roh ert hr lstJ e, ~J lltt Ru nkl e. r.. H. L. 111tn. Mllslc by Ih Band. '0. D., 'GO. ' Spl'clnJ music h y lIfr. 'l'ebbll 1:00 'P. M . -AluLnnt luncl)eon In the and t11 Mhlml illv rlltty ChOir. , GY'f1\n/U,lum. R c\'. Daniel H. Evan9, n Monday, June 14. D ., '69\, prE'lIldent of t he Alumni ,As9oc]a 2: 00 p , M.- A oo ntl: r ence on' element- tl0E" pr ,slilh~ g. nOll.4)811 of Clll8ses, ary educ(~tlon. Adclres.. by

' I

Ynt S, th e WlI l' gO\'I' rno r of IIIlnol 8. ull d Ja ni E's Bur ll Y. wa r gove l'IIO)' IJr ·· Mlchlgll ll . A l ,1II e Ihu e d Ul'lng th~ gl' a l war th e udjo 1II II g llld te8 ot Ohl u. Ill d ia na , 1II IIIu ls lin d ~ II hl gall . W l· rt~ n il gol"'1'11 ,I by Miam i III n . A CO llllJil lltiOIi or he r ])roilltn nl g rndu' a l R I·oll· ntl )' 1,lUd ' s h(:ws what a flL C' to r th e old "Y U.! d u r th8 ' W " t ." as !lh e Willi cftlhHI II fo re t h e Ci vil Wa r , has btHj,V1 li A m rlea n life. Bpg lnnlng with r f es lde nl Hnrrlso , Miami bas SE' lit th fo ll ow ing Ul e n to pla ces ot po wer a nd dl llttn ctlo n : . 1I1tl d 8tatei . . J r nors of H t at ~ 12 L I IIt ltll nn t e;()Vvr Il Or 8 , ., .••. •••• l:l ullin l o ffl e I'S " . ...... ... . . . . . 3 Speak rs uf th l:' HO USll •. .• • .. • •• 1 For Ig li litlll lll ie rs .. , .... . ... , . .. . 5 Unl l ed Stal 8 o ns( tI8 ... . . , .. . . 1 on gJ'I!SIl Ul '/I . . , . ". , ... , . . . , . . 23 nit. d ta l s se na tors . . .. .. , . . 7 S t at se n a tor~ .. . . , .......... . , 30 S l ot re pr " nl!lll \'l:ls .. " .. . . . . . 69 United Bta t II li nd Ill a le j uJ g es .. 63 ol\eg pres ld IIt :l ...•... " . " , . 30 ~ a llege prof S80t·s .......... . .. . 76 Scbool 8up"rl al eud entB .. ... . , . . 62 Other t~·lIl.' h ers .... ' . . ... ... , . .. . 1111 The Miami of Today . Al t ho ug h s b e es tablis hed


MAIN BUILDING. taUve ot tbe stale o( hlo. T be comm'e ncQment add resses on June 17 w ill be dellve re d by P rof. Bra nd<! r Matthewa ot Columb ia U niversity and LJman Abtlot t, edi tor of " T Ue Outlook,"

Miami's "Son·in·Law." AlthOUgh since ,t h e days of , Pr III· dent Harrlsou's I\dml Wstra tion 1I aml has b een among t hb Am e ri can eol181'e8 tHat ' c1ulm a presiden t of the Unlted States as a son, she b a s til UIIlque distin ctIon ot being tile only (lolleg. that also bas a pres ld ut I:IS a oj t h e \va y P r sidellt Taft d Rerlb d hims elf In a . • peech at the Miami commen ce molll three :rears agQ. Tile t4 ell Scct'ctary of war , came on t o OXford to a tte nd the unveUlng ot 0. POl;lra lt ot !\irs. Taft's .tather, the .Hon, John WIlliam· son Herron ot Inclnua tl. 'anij ' t o m~ke' the chi f adllress of th e d a y.

omm ncem «;l nt w('ok wlll be colore d by , the 8Dulver ::;til'Y, an d sp ecial f 1\0 tur s will eontl nu from Saturd ay. J un e 12 until 'l'h l\rsd av J une ' 1 when th~ 'clasl:! ot 11l0!) b g ra du: at d. The first \l Igh t will b e g! \' n over to th all ege b oy!.!, and wll\ b oalled " stud ntll ' n ight." 'rhere w ill be hlstOl'k PI~ (,UJ\ tl!, torchll g)lt p u. rades and sl nsl ug a ll th~ campus . Oxford wl1l tillt I)n a clirnl val nlr . a nd t h er e Is 11 0 pot 11\ Oblo , b ette r lltted to b th SCOll e or n great his. tOl'ic obs nail atur bas b een ve ry g n erous In her d oaling w ith the seat or Miami u'llv Th vlll a gE) ot Ox.tord Iles on a. hllltop. !l!l mil es northwe/lt of ' in ' lnnati. For a cen. t llry this villl\'g li as 11 e n the chi t 'ente r at Ot'tlo'li du ciltlonlll uctlvlt! s. There are only ubout 2.600 p opl In the village , but ber tour 8chools have fh e lr homes and upwards at 1000 IItu,






~' Inn,;

Mr. Herron's a s sociation wi t h Mliuul Is extraordinary, He wa s gra duated there !n 18t;); and for 49 years b e has • Berved' the Inst!lut!on 115 a trus t ee. For 'm ore than 25 y e ars ot this p e riod be -bas been pre sident ot the board ot trusb~es, a place in w blch b e su n con· tinues, and , will doubtless conthllle ' un~1I his death, Iu bls s peech 1\'\ r. Taft said that If he couldn't c~ll blmself a Bon at old Miami ho felt t h at be m!,ht presum e cnough fln 1\\,.. Herron's record to claim r latloD I:IIl\r1 as a son-In·law. MIami' a ccept e d Ul 8ulrestlon, and 80 the president Is )tnown today on th,e campus at Ox· ' ford. Prellident Hopea to ,Attend. ' AlthOUl'h' for ~be Patlt year !\Jr. Her-

dents are re sld ·u , tlle r



til na tment of a law In 1809 by the Ohio I g l\ililture, entitled , "An Act to 01' at e lua Miami . ,nl eralt)'." and nttalne d natlon·wld ~ InOuence beil'rlt 1h great convulsion ot the ciVil war, Mia mI unl ye rs lty hall never btlen IQ ' large. so prosperous, 'so 'w e ll.equlPPlicti s o efficient and ~ggresslve al tOday. Tbe ' p rlod of h er greatelt lrowtb dates trom the aCllesslon of Prelldenl GUY PoUer Benton, sev~ yellrs alO. ' When he, came t.o the prelldene, frozq the Upper' University of Iowa the att ndance WIlS ' stationary arolUld the

during U19s t

ot the y ear. T he old "lIlage Is dellsl'Iy woode d, a nd her ' roots and spire'"


a ppea.r to t h e a pprou hlng t f llvele r be, ,ri s ing f rom a loft y for st. Th ~ Oxford Coll ege for Womell. dntln g from the ea rly t birtie s. lIes In th heart ot tb 'village, and west of til town, on a Bpi ud ld roiling foresl·co vI'cd e xpun ae, ' Ill the W-.te ru Coll e·s e tor Wome n. But Ulost cOllsplcuous and most b Cllullful of Oxford's 1f!.1I,d· marl<s Is th his tori c , campus of Miami uulve rs lty. Iud l of It. Is today Jllst 8S It was wh e n Indians roamed the vall ,Y of t.h e Gre(lt Miami; but th e upper I vel, on wlllch t h!! college'll Imposing bulldln gll are gt·ouped. has b een parke d and , 1m·

I I j


th e state 200 mark. 'The annu.a l ' feglate lhls year show~ Illl atten4llu~e 1,076 In all departmenta, ot whom , ar~ doing purely academic Twenty IIlatea and fl'v e ', tiatlons rep~esented In per e~tollment, teachIng starr ·b as ,groWn dozen to ,s!xty·three. The group ot buildings Is c'lmBt8T11UY larglng, ,, \Intl1 t11f;!re · are gl'eat structures on ' the eluding the .car~egi e'Alumnal ' l1blrlU'lllll and, tl\e ,NOrIhal . College buUdiD,. '

.TIIE --·MI~~1 GAZ~TT}: .FR·E.E,'" ~ Wieltl,.· ublli\lled

W..y. ~,r~ytil" , 0 1110 '.

A; . '3~50



Eat,.te Transfers.

. Alvin L. SmiUI ~t al to' Jatnt!s Jo· 4el.>h Co grove. 2J$ . llcres hi Hal,nil.i t f) townsh ip, $8.621 . Ban'ye t ,Wrigh t to E. W, Ram · A ' .a.GO ' . ' iey; .Iut· in . Ltlbllllon. $ l and ~Lh I' COLD CLOCK . •• 'Sood and valullble considerat.lOns . ~ arlf ' YOU BRING THIS SLIP Jnhn H. Wasson and wif~ to Verpil C.-flaIr lincr WI e, 0 -in Sou'th Leba....D",L CRANE , Etlitul' anu ' Manage l non MOSE COH EN'S Frank H. Kempe r and wiftl to C. Welch, lot in Morrow $1 .tates of Subscr iption JUNE SALE rhomaM md other valuabl e considel'atilJn ~. O ll e \t~dr( strkll J' In Ud ~ d/l CI'I fUll YOU'V E W AI "EO Beatric e Rudy \'0 1'h ~ Co unt.y uf ~I U II I ., Co l" ,: ... .U6 Narren , ~6}{ aCl'e!! in 'furt l retlk YOU'R E REWA RDED ·.ownsh ip, $6,500. Read ev ry item and come, Be Robtlrt " and Mary E, Mal'bl'y to Kates of Advert isc mentll UI'e to bri ng the coupon lip with Phillip Walter , lot in ~pl~ ngborl.l, Readl!! J.oca l . \I~r lint· . yuu . Nuw is the tim e to buy . U,lOQ. Head l n \: I c (\l~. hlnuk lart'. pn IIU1' Murl'ow Lodge 11 6, ,J . O. . F . lo c:ltUlslllei 1 Adl" n,l i I u H r, '{I ' /l y O' lInew LOO K! LOO K!! . 3ahHII ll.wnship, lot in Morrow 1 $660. Il'h ree l mwn'nn s 2 t;1' MEN'S SUITS Willi3ln Coop and wife to A. H. Ob ltu ar l c ~ . Cl I'" 'nt ll~ " In's : (J\' ~ r II"" Beam. lot in F'ranklin. l!! c lle H. 11 M 'w $13. 45 'hurl es A. and Marie harp to C'ard of Ib " lIk ~ Elizaberh A. Small, 171 ;l{ acres in fur YII III.! ! Res'llull o Jl5 6Uc up 10 " II 1'01' va luell Hal'lan townsh ip, $8,500. ~oc l a l s "h:, w "ere cbllrtr<' \. wade III






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It! slokn ell!!, if Ii oeUalo blddeo nerve goes wrong. tben the orglln that tbis nel'VB oontrol s · ,\ t11 also ~ orel y fall . It may be ~ ~t('maob DArv6, or It mlly he ve gI ven sI.reogt b ~ nd lIu ppnrt to tbe Beart or KldDey s It WI'S Dr. Shoop thll t finlt pointed to tbits vltlll trotb. Dr. ~boop's R8!lt.nrH.ti ve WtI,tI not made to dose theStom llob Dor to tempor arily stimulate tbe Beart or KillDSYS, That old-fas bioued motbod Is al l wrong Or, Sb~p's R"st·orl itive I(oe8 direclIy to tbese falling IDside nerves rbe remark able 8uooellS of thia pro5crlpUon demons trates t,be wi&dow of treatin g the llotnt41 oause of these failiog organs ., ADd it is iDd~d SHSY to prove. A slm pie 6 V8 Qr ten Jays ttl8t will surely teli Try II, oooe. Hnd seo I Sold by All Dealers .

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Bring this SUp. U .OO worth of Gold Bond Coupons FREE with your purchas es. providi ng they amoun t to 25c or more. You must bring this slip.


Coats mON to make, but the people want it. FOR .ALE BY

, J. E. Jan ney , W 'ay nes vil le, i 'l'eJl iOloe deserv ing Rheum atio II was famili al' with the prcmil'C> .'1'; f ' lalllhaL WIlS po~iblefor lhe sa fe of suffera r, 'but tber e Is yet· 0011 sim- 110 atte mpt was mUde to a11 " I the pru;st! Ilge I ':,! , he jumped , fro"- the pie wily to oel·ttl,in r elief . Get Dr. , trance at any other lJla force ,this ;wil " I car . . Th e ear ~tI'llcl; th rock, bu t Sh oop'" book on Rbeuw atisw nnd a dow being in ec ul'ely locked. " owi ng tl> the pl'ecau tipn of the mofree trial te!!t . Thill book will l The tltie ell undo llbteJly kne I lOI'lmlll, it!! Inortl<:olum'w-as so sllght 1$ eutirel y olear how Rbeum atio what they wel'l! about. fOI' the c that it did not e,ven leave th track, pain8 are 4uiokly killed by Dr. I'egist I' was undistu rbed, and no a~ "rlit;! roc was 'f(j und to w,igh ~ bOOp '8 Rheum atlo Rllmed y- liquld tempts were made to any thil1~' bout' gOO poulld , and' it is lho~gh\ or ta.bleta . Send DO mooey . The save th drawer wh rifle re , the sma that it was placeu tiler by tw men' test f8 trep. Su rprise some dlsbea rt hange is kept. , : ' , I who had been ejected from ened 8uffere r ry fil'st getting for Mr. Hagerm an sta~ed that 'd~ . f "dyisrtl on til tril) fromthe , cal' Ftankblm the book from Dr. Shoop, Rtl- J) opl knew that he left tnull~y i lin, Th~ llffic ial~ of t he com any OiDl', Wis. &lId by All Dealers . this drawer at nighU! and tha.t whil alle mal illl{ inv estia-ation~ . , he was at a loss to know h~ 'lde~tit . _ "; . . A BIG FIRE of the robbers, they, w ... ~ ullf:loub . I .. Tro~bl Makeai,s Qi.sted '/ edly men who were fli\ml ll1U; wltb h . _ , . '" 1\ I . The large double bam belong ing busines s. .. ~ Wben a aUffAre!!. trQ ·" .~maob toAlfre dSnook ,onCin cinnati avenue '. • ~l tro u b l!3 \ I6ok?~ Or,.:K g'.. ~ew Life burned to the ground at 2 o'clock An attemp t was mad e last week tb pills he s mlghtY ,8lad !~QlIU18h last Monday mornin g. wreck th 7:5p ~1' ·to. Franklin .: ill Ipe~si~ 8Ind Indigpllt !If:! ll'l" IS DYB· bilt more Owing to ,hiS positio n as detecti ve As the car -, hed the seotio[! he s t\ok!etl ov , ll ,u~~1Jlbe &ppe. fol' the Anti-Saloon league, Mr. of the trac . appr~c Which lies in front oI ~ne, strong ne~vee; b.mJ!1iY vlg~r , Snook has incurre d the enmity of a Mr. Lit tle' ~'es~de on E. Mai a lJ beQii,\l! e 8 . :};f~~'t . t' and JUdd Illrge numbe r of people, and he is of street., the pl(~~I:lQann~ .notiq~ 50, at re . the opinion that the fire was started rock, wh~ch ha~ b ell .pla ed a I r . n~eyR uow VI, : gp~: direl!tl J.C . Schwar tz 8 . '" .'-.. ;" , with malicio us intent by some of his on tbe track. . . ; '"' ~"""'~enemies. . W.ith gl' ~ pr,esen e of mind he A cubic foot of gold -weighs 1,210 Bloodh ounjs were engage d ft'om reverse d' t9,tl ~wer, and having do ne !\i1v(!r , 65ij

A very funn y thing h\J;cn ed last len 's 20c Rubber 001l1U'iJ tll6 besl make wtc'ek, but it was very Ii. noying to in America; . Sale pr1ceo 13c one of ,OUI' ad vel'tisol's: 2 tur 25c, Each .. , ... , . . .. , . W. C, Phillips ent in an' ad which 300 :t~l~tp:t~~s;Pllntll, all 800d'a d8' should have' read "to fur'nish ice a-U.Ci O value .... . .... , .. ... C ' d b " Special Lo~ of Tlren's B11ICk and Brown Dercream J.1_ llJr pal'tlea an anquets , by lhUi. lIewes~ apring bloc"e ~ $1 but Oll~ tYPe8 had it that they positively U value. Price .. • ------.~~~.-----"would furnish bouque ts also. " be· TRACTION NOTES The greate at value8 ever ofsides ice ,cream. fered by any Dayton concer n in 'rbe urtlole In regard t.o the Male of Mr. ,.prullips had at least a dozen Boys' and CilUdr en'8 Clothin &,. Gbe Sptllngfltdd !lDd Xe~l!l Tl'uotiOD inquiri~s' tn r"gal'd to flowers, which, 110" two week" ago, WitS premat uTb, while annoyi ng to Mr. Phillips, goes 'ill the !/lthl WIIS uot oonsuw mllted, be t.o allow that ad ertising in ing delllyed bv one of t be pri~c\pllil'! 10 Gbe oue. Miami Gazett e-the old reliable- 's In a'(ionverB8tion witb .lobn LiDD, the only medium to produc e 1't:5ults.· of Bp~~DlIfleld, II few d~y8 IlgO, hE' Am~n' tbo~ making inquiry were .-id that io 811 probab ll.ity tbe 8111e partiee in Lebano n. Tht: Gu . ette would be mllde. but could gtve no · circulatp.s some, and an 'ad in i~ cold t: fillife 1lnHWer lit that ltme. _ ••_ __ ~Qund% umns is ~orth three times the prict! ~~~in:~~~etoJ 'J~r'~~ Bi:,i~ t~~~~ ~!!. ~~.~~~~~.~,!!"~.,~t~~li!!!!"!'!!'II!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~~~~!f!j. A Thrillin g RescJJe !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~!».' · of the ~d, It-S it is the best med~um . COUNTY COURTS Bow . Bert R Leao, of Cbeny, to them Lebano n. and They were taken 1!I-~ theto !III" Snook farm "-"II to .-eac!n'th@ ~plEl of Wayn~ Town· IlI"in hunting -IIIJI"" -~.iIii~"'~~-'.~. for Walth .. was s&Ved (rou 11 frigbtf ul a trail bare-fo ot tracks plainly visible ship and. its vicinity. r ommon Pleas Court. death '- ill a Itory to thrill tl1e world to the naked eye were found leading Not~o'llly· does it reach around the "1\ har d cold," he writea, '!broug bl into and out of the barnya rd . townsh ip, btlt even to the extreme!> Elm' er Brunk vs Florenc e Brunk: 00 a 'itesper ate lung trouble 1hR1, Given the scent. here the trained · of the Upited States. 'A mercha nt Divorce. granted plaintif .'o expert dootor here. Tben hounds iollowed the trail, going north f, and custo- Ibetfleo: pt&id-r11O to '15 It visit to a lLlng The dogs shewed no only recentl y shipped !1 box of maple tty hesitati on until minor child given to' Kansas ipeoiaWt. In t;pokan e, who did • D_ot they arrived at N. Sycamo re _I , wharto n. syrup -to Colorado, and sever... ot , r I C ..... f Chart-ea . P . Matti va Albert an~ htllp ~.. beD weDt to ,.U orQla, where they stopped a • II m ' A r k ansas\. JIlts•• ' ourm~(: ha n..,sa I· • I hut withou t beDefit. At Jut l1U1ed then proc~ded down to the u mn ' ieFost er. ~.otionf.orl\ew,tn . . a \{ " 'fl -souri tn~~ other 8tates, at I oierrUle Or. Khtir's New' Diecov ery, whlob where ,t hey lost the t.l-ail. They woo,r.. , Ci. Judjrh en for plamtl:tt oODlpl8 ~ly oured . me Hod DOW I am unable. to find it again, and 80 due to.actvertisina- throu&'h the col· in sum of $399:61. as weW" ever." ,or LUDg TrOn~le, taken back to where the trail pmns of'the Miami Ga~eite . . ~ ~ Probat e Court. 8ron~i•• Cougb~ 80d Oolda, Aath hot, ,to again pick up .the bCent. It fact worth remem bering. 80 FEATU RES-Ideal Sylvan Spot, with ' eV"el'Y 'facilitY, to make \ After 'finding it again they 1DIl, Uro fl aDd Whoop iog Cough its Itick here and bring, or phone tire annual summe r outing J1 realizat ion of dretl'm bf the year, Mutin A. Jameao n, guardi ani"'V llpregi,r 500 and '100. Trial directly . to the home of Raymo nd bot _J.i)ut"&(II~rtuling to, the paper that His ward et al. Andrew Ten Days ommuu ion in the shadow of a Great Col~ge .with Shimp, lIe free; Guarao teed by Fred 0, CorWin, where, after being taken Mastel' Orators ; Soul-S tirring Sing ra, ( nspirin g'l;ectu rers, , rnbart an. d De circula tes and earrips with it also all J. M. Ea back" they repeate dly went to the mas . Guttery, Sob wal'~z. • _ ..._ __ Wonder-Working: .Prestidi~itators. Famou s Pulpit Orator s, same spot. , -.. - - .,> tedofapprail lers . .' the ney; , s. of tne ~~~borhOQU. H~artOFFIC . . appoiq Thri1ling Elocuti onists, Peerles s Musicians and, Great ERS' .Estate REPOR Marpr et Ade, d~eased . PR08 1\liON T , Thieve s broke into Fritz HagerNovelt y Artiste s. Truly a Feast for th~ Gods. ,...k' ted ', ad niatra !latkD !tU Y WlUlrIS 'lIlouVtJ\l<1 ID 20 10111- Est h er Ade ap..... .. ' d B man's .Molroo m last week and . pryln . O!l In June ~f l~t ,year J .ua~e ox- ing o~ aLl e wUh un" . of., Dr ' ~boop~~ trix. ,Bolid *1,500. the cashar awer, stole about A~rats era C well wl!'des lgnated as Juveni le Judge twenty. ..IoHars in .mall PiD~ ~o :l'ablet e. l'be fC:)rml1ll1 i. W. Ungles~y. If. · W. eeker ind change . for tbiiM~OI1Jlo/, ,~d ~t once enter~ 00 ·lie IJ oeD" bu... . A"k .nOOl 000. GeoraR oiaman Entra'rihe was obtaine d by forcing For Msn and Beast:' l'hese include good \Vater, commo dioqs . , . upon dUties • HIS "': plan • bu"'f of thIS l '. EatJJ.e ofWi1lia~ Ade. d~. wind d th . b dilling ha11. shelter in case of storm, arid half a mile .of hitcn' . 'd . be the· Wr \11' .Drug,i ilt It llt (·tUlI l ormu a ' Estheii bes . th the rear an e JO ,was Ade appom~ed admml Stra- ~~t!; isAif~ ing!pla ces ·Tents flirnisp ed for ide,al campin g. . . ' 'r::and boys. w:ol~er: evident ly the ' ow, · Idtopa ~wllmanly pil1U8. tleadac he, tdx. Bdnd work of .$plll¢.O~ Wh~ $2 '5OO,• ' . bl'Ou..-h pahll IUIV \\'liert' .... be ore "' __ • WrlSe Dr, t;bODp, have bad Ir.~ •. ~'''.~ ~ ~;IIIC a p";_ . .... .Jorj: .........:~ .. ":' .. :.~ ... ....L ...~.~'; " elF b d ,, :' ... I II ~.. . 'UII, Bacl08, Wt"., 't1>rfree ,·rlIl1 to prove •• Estate of h""'188', rei urg. e- vate ... . ti~ring • . an4 no inform ation .' lei h \I Il I .. ~. Final accoun t-filed. ' ...-iven;1tlie public ' in -vab~e ~'.' 'V. ~ • "It "f~ ... '/U ll • to the WAL 'TER ~ate, of Geo~ge La~w and Helen ~h~jQpill8t th·e m.regard or ' even the Ittl' .~. , t..- ~·. H)'w o, ~" ~ " I' '~. j'f. , MUST 86 INSPECTED Van ijP,rne. minora . Second accoun t .fact thlit they we~ before ",;a~~dings ... Anna Lo . May; '" 1 him. I '. No •, Fune . . ral O' i rec~~~ . • i~ . ~': . ,' . . t public record of the cases have been ,III eQmy.,nd ,V~n~eCQO\c; ,'" ~ ., I It is unlawf ul to st:ll or giv~ ,W4lY Es~ of.Moll8 • , ll& Fonder sm..tb d~ made, and ' ~Pld no penOn Da)W i~i1dft .will ever have \'l · nl!., S ele ' ~y t~. shrubs,: plan~ or , vmes, c~ , Wl!)~m , Fonder , ' . .J , . ' J' \f , amim ~P; any ~tlon ,as to the indiser eI v liel'~ert Spr~g:ue ana mfe i ''tlllli' UnJesa ~e same have been inspect ed. Polnte8 'admln lstrator . Bond", I, I'.' -. -'-I I" I' ~" . " OOO. tions9f~he unfortu nate Y9 u ng peo. Da; Q~Qr~~¥\mderso~· St. Lbtll~' t ; ' " Telepb one day or ' ni$.llt. . Thisi~OjU. deS smaUf ruitpla ntsof all J~ W "J1a.ll, ·Fi~ .Gallu! !r.and • ~I "" • , . ,: ' ; O. pie • . ~~ge Boxwell has been uni p q£ 1?,amtlb ~ka; with. traifl~l liird81~n~· tfbgsi:" ", .;. j. Valley pho'o e ~d, 7, 'Ldtlg , kinda, J;)ut 'exceptsg~n house and W, M... rl'Jfa'PAPda0mBteoHa1?Ptrac ~,~, Goy. ,Qlenn, •.otJGeollglaJ.ia mpu Southe rn o~'tor; '.' h~rs. dJ. formly . 'nd and ,~.onsiderate of all, vea-etable plants: Vlolati~ns ~re '. D18t&no ~ <. e,: ~~~1 ~~2~t " " ':, ~lf.te 0 . il' . ' \l l.nson ~- and th o very ti , ,,' JjJ' ''!.:l:~@alf;y',Hil1i:'M~trop 'Utan ' Teinple:.:,. Ne~: Ybr~ ' It~. results ~re -cl1Wll~!pltl ~evCU'e penilities. Ina " ,wl!li!'Jru J . . HutchlDson ap- for alli ho have .'come beforehop.ed W"irJw l~d , 'I. .. .' J . . . hIt" WA VNESVILt.:E, . '. '~ , .: ' !..iOHIO. ....... tio ' are made by the jnspec:u))s. pain , admlDl strator. BondJl,5OO~ and rer~. on. pro.bat.ion or placed DI'. Ed Geil. just return~ d from a tl'ip along Chinese wall:, ' GYthe hi9 'Depar,b.nent of .Alfrlc.ul' F. F :. _I- rcaw • Benton .~tt " I . b' " . (} and T~ 1 in cor~tlo nallD~t Capt . Ricfut\Qnd Peal'son 80 son , th.~ Naval Hero, 'on 'YY'o,rld. itutaons. The fol. Branch Office. Har!ey~ I ture, ~~ free of,cbarge if Bpphcat.ton E. Iv .... al>pol~ted thapPMraUi ~ . P ~ce. eB J.:S ·' . lowin8'.:,l 'eport was ~Ied by the pro. .., I. is mad, ),lbefore JulY 1st. . , • Esta.. ~e o.f Ehzabe " .u rcb ,lm-. baUdn 'officer Mill ' s :i3arflhi\l! Debate on Socilllism; on Tuesda y: . ," '~I . ' For··aw.vlieatilln )Iapk an~, further becll~' i Final BC.C.OUl'lt allowed , " j J • ap- To"The Jlon. Propilt e Co~rt ( Rpss Crane, crayon artist; :~ it. HAT HA'W,A. \: inform iliun. ad~, N . .E,. Slh~W, PI'OEsvtld~ andfcoJn.fT.n , Recital , /Hallie Q, BrO\vn i ' . 'Eved~":;a ' Ohio N.epar tmenti;. of Agl'ICU ture, decease d ' of W~ren County . OhlO. \ ta):e 0 UCfI. \4 ."1\, " ' 'es ....... ..... lle · •• . Le-"'t"" h hen'ttat '. ' Sm:- . . \. Lauran t, the Magi ian . ' " .... Columrl&s Ohio . Q.\UU& .u , .• First ~count . aLlG'Wed . . ', _ >". I ~ . WheW·a · year .go .J'OU appoin ted Office in Keys ' ' 1';.;:' .... 'SIdg'. ~ .. l4'all1~ s' Est;{~ ' of · JQim R ,K1b~. de- U8totll~ , positio uofProbation Offi1 • ~. ,. AOY1~~ dY '8t6ue~·o . Shii pll per ., '" c e !lf ~ Fina~o~nkt al~w . d cera 1 8S8umeiCthe duties with but : .SEASq,~ ~IOK~TS .A ND . ~gMJ~~IQ.~... TIj~1 . reoeiv~ 110 . rl'qilSllt, a olever "No, Es ' o! ~ nruenc oery t ', e· little ~wl~~e of the work require d prip" ~~ee t;traloe r C6QPo~ prlV- C I : .. accoun t allowed , apo-. of uS;'!I.i j9 t , as .the months , w~ks 11 SAME' AS ' LAST YEAR. and . . ~1.... . ' "Uilg8 nom Dr. dbOOp, Rlaci~p, Wi. prov~ an~ confirm ed: ,1 .' , ~' ' , ' days have passed . our dut1es ha~e 15 i.,~ IUvet plllted, ver 1pnt,y ,&utJ dEb I ,. Estate :.tal~a ry E' ~fckl~ de:- more than double d. butour~trenK:th Unde , wv.aillvel, 'prt'veb hi alt · <1npplolC of ce~t ~ Ul a~(!oun ~k~r ,~n 'f.1 m ~. mer. t ow ap- and very best ealort!! ~ve been gtv. or OOtftl8 · 1'be ·() .. otvr .."udll ~tl. Pl'Ov~ andc~nfirmed . . .':, . .Fol' ful.l , p.~rtico la~s~ ~ddress '. ell to the work, and for the adyanc eWill ·bw, r·f onnd tD ! tlie' old '''' wlth bill Daw froo Ill/ok " ll • l:tf-alth John ', ": Tay~oranbeedGralcieL:.~k. mento fbet,termora&ls.o fouJ;'ch lldren, Ooffee" .tUlpl~ to introdu ce ~hill ot~~n. have · n ce~,,-.:u to Bank ;'Bulldi ng" opposit e ' ' Yellow .'Spring8~ arid .mQre regula r attenda nce at She(iNa tloual Bank: . ole"",. sUbt"'11f.e. for real ooffee. marW :8mce .' , , 't I our last report. ~ JI . . t I f ~. . •• ' school. I ., ' . l b'<?use.aod of· Telepli One tn Dr, Shoop '. •• 11111"11 .(Joifee . i l -ID ~ 1 Estate of anda ~ . Schnell . · de- . .The. d. uties while fraugh t at times r ", ,t tOi isl Krein ;'pulltlr it.s b~o<1 Uli~of: ceased. ~~nd doe 'wbere ,I ea.n be called . S· ." 'd accoun t, al.ow~ 8P;- w,th sadness-. have left some pleasan t ' ':d " I I. I . " -' da.1 o.'1itg ht: ,," flret ·U.e;W:'luttlllt.e test.a aod ~Ilv~r; provedandcon~rmed. (", ' .. P Qn 1 I erVlce ·" ORI '. memor ies wheil looking ' ~ackward ·X. 1'raetion . V~,~le,.l~,~?O~ :l~~;·, :., ..eoo~d . ttl &I bllolut.e btlllltbfb!D888; , II " ;, ' • I. I , . over the y~r's ,!ork for a labor ~f Main Street, . Wayne sville, Oh io '. lbtrd,ttluOOooDly-,->lX .ftl250 .;foLlrtb IIi___ ___ ___IIII!I__. . . ..' .- love tIa~ younae~rls ~d boys of thlS .'. I • 'UI OODv.,oteo08". No ted.OUIi 20 $po . SO mlou,e ll.oohlo g.'. ·'M...... oa~ID. ' .' ,count~ lS.neve r weanso me. . D.unng the year~teen hav:e been. ~=~;:=~:;;=:::::. UM" eaye [lr !~hoop. if. ~~nce d to tQe dIffere nt r-:forma~ , · . yOUI' iC"~O. EOr ", ' f!'" It. pl,e ".ant lIoto: . . . ~nes. ten of whom . were girls .and ' priM. Sold b"A)1 Grooe~. . . ftvewe re bo.ys, Tw.e nty-fou r, el~ht , ;' . ." ' " ._ . .I . ' .' . ' \ girls and . Sixteen boya,' ha"e been VISITStll\KI R V.J:LA:(Jf. . -. ' - ' before the court and release 4 on' pro. ,'. . ,. bation. ' ·In· ali' we have had under , consid~tio~ l!even~y ~nine .c8se8, ':-::;;;;=~0WiI"'" . :.. ' During the year at interVa ls we viaitecfthOse iil the differe nt ibstitu 'ti0ll81 and found all·being well cared fC)r~ 'andliap py ana conteri ted. . In cOnclus10n:, we fully t,ealiz~ the 'i~po~'ee of ,ine·w ork to.which . .bav:e been' 8881~.eo. wnich·m aylta'le ."I;aI~I~ 'the year h8. __ <M,H\-1"" '" 88Il118tanc:eJ

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aDd QJltionn ccnlrt_ y, Bes,pectfully .~~bmli"!CII,_

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Romance .of Tobias ,

and Sara

eN, Sad. HII ADJWI t.' Ci... Help,




, Whole Family You will never be disappointed if you use tlbbY'a JifoItlBII and Oondl. " , • II t. on your table. Libby'.. have the ,iibt taste, which ia always uniform, and you can depe nd upon

Libby' s as being absolutely pure. Try these:


IiIlxed Plold. . \ 't-1·~,;,

, Faaoy Ollv. . Baled D,.......

.,.,.wIHIr,.y PI'''''''''.

n1\sed on the l \llOcryphal Book of Tob ~l, 'chR,ptcrs 4 to 10. , The Book at Toblt,-P.rI04 of the Book, - The scene oC the Book of Tobit Is plnced In ss)' rlll. whIther Tobi t, a. l e ...-, after wh!'ll'l tho' book takea Its name, had b,>en carried U8 a apll\'e by Shulmaneser, The book ' iosl s' wI th tho r e pol'lcd f u ll ot NlntH'eh (Tab. 14:15) tho data of whic h WIlS B, C, 606, a nd Lhe story In lho maIn WAS probnbly wrlltrn 80me tiDl e be foro thl.. (Tob, U :20.) But In the opinion of BIble schola.rM, I ho wholo tono o t the nurn,llvo bosPilak" a later ago. ThIs I. particularly mark ed by the ,,'ay In whIc h tho doclrlno oC tho good !lnd e vil spirits Ie cl &horatcd and wlilch belongs to a period consI derably posterior to the Baby lllnlan captivity.

O.,,.ant Jelly •

•••••••••••••••• ++++++++++ SERMONETTE .

."",..ttMI MlIIl

The Book of Toblal glveB UB a picture of a true love affair ordered after the will of God. If moro marriages to·day were thul of Divine ordaining, and God's law ruled In the home let up wo should hear le88 of III· matched couples and tho dl· vorcs courtl would have little to do. There IB no queltlon but that the matter of marriage II too ccnlldered. Motives lightly other than thOle which God purpaled when he gave man and woman to each 'o ther now prs· vall, and al a relult dl.agroe· ments and dlvlslona take place and the .. cred relationship Into which the two IIvOi have en· tered I. Cllt a.lde, Such man· ner of, living can bring only dl,· aster, not only upon the Imme· dlat. membe ... of the family In· volvld. but upo_o the nation al well. ' The bulwark of any nation mUll b. the purity of Its family life, and when 1001. living and divorce atalk through ' the land wrecking the live. of the prlnel· pal. and curalng the children, If haple .. In .uch c .... there be children, It offer. one of the most serious m.nac.s to the na· tlonal IIf•. , There II but one ground of dl· vorc. laid down In God'. law, and at lellt two of the gre.t denominations recognize only thll one ba.l. of dlvoJ!c", namely, the Oathollo .nd the Epl.copal churoh .., That there are via· latlonl of thl. law of the.. two churches I. only additional evl· dence how thl. loolal d.cay Is .atlng It. way Into the very vitali of the nation. And JLilt a. ' God'. Ijlw dael ..... that th'''' II ' but on. C.UI. for divorce, 10 It .1.0 letl forth clearly a,nd pOlltlvely the one rule Which govern. In mal<Ing marriage all lane... ( The New Testa~ent w~rnlna I. "Be ye "ot unequally yoked together- with unbellevera: for what fellowlhlp hath rlghteoul· nes, with unrlghteoulnels? And w"at, oomm~nlc.tlon hath light with darknsl8?" Thll Is the law for the ChrIs· tlan, and many a life II Ihlp· wrecked beoaus. It Is dll· " obeyed. ' : In the romanc. before' u. of Tobin and Sara we find .trlk· ing Illultration ot' thla loyalty to Ood'. law, and of the blo ... Ing which followed,

Libby's foods are the best because they are made from the 'best fruits and vegetables, by the best methods in


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point of taste and purity.


Mr. White-It's no use, my dear, I

shad have to h'ave my whlsken otr; , baby Is pulllng 'em out by the roots, Mrs. White-How unfeeling of you. lt's the only thlng that keep" baby O,.+:r-:.- ->l.... et. Now you threaten to take Ule dear's enJoYD;1ent, away! Three Meals at Once. "Now, Mary," saId her, "'7011 m'uat come to the door ot, the dr~w­ Ing room and say: ',eady, and sulJper Is 1.'eady, "but dlnner 1. served.' .. , The newly corralled domesttc Inwardly dIgested tbe concIse' InstrucUons, and that evenJng convulsed the guests Who were awaiting the , an· nouncement or dinner by, stepplng between the portieres, dropping a courtesy and repeating: 'iBreali: Illlt 's ready, and Supper Is ready, but dinner


- --

~er-r·ved!" ,

- -- - - -

T-he Oaule of War. The faIr young debutante w~ surroundt\d by an admirIng. orowd of ot· fioers at 'the colonel'" ball. Mamma wu standIng near by, !!mlllng compla· cently , at her , daughter's soolal success. , The discussion was over the Qual'rel of the day betore betweeu two brother officers. "Wbat was the cas us be1ll1" asked , the fAIl' 'debutante, "Maud!" exclatmed mamma In a shocked voice, "How often have I told you to sa)' .tomach ?"-Suocell Mapzlne,

THINK HARD It Pays to' Think About FOOd. Tbe uu thlnklug li Ce s ome people l ead, orten ca ll se ~ t ~o u1Jl e and sickness, II, lustra ted lu the xllel'ience ot a lady in Fond Du Lac, Wis. "About four years ago I suffered dread full)' from ludlgC'Bt1on, always ha ving' eaten wbatever I lik ed, no t thInkin g of the di gestible qualities, Tbls iudl gcstlon caused palpitation of tb e hear t so batl ly I could not walk ,liP u fllgbt of slalrs without sitting down once or t wice to regain breat.h and IItrengtb. "" became alarmed and tried dl tins, wore my clothes v ry loose. nnd man y other remedies, bllt found no relief. "Hearing o ~ the virtues ot GrapeNuts and ,Postum, I com menced ll sln g tbenl In place ot my us ual brcakfast of cot.ree, cal(es, or ' lfot biscuIt, and In . one week'\! IllI1e I was l'cllev/.!d of SOlJ r Itomacb and otl16f 111" at ending ,Indl· g HUon , lo n monb'/! Ump. my heart W8l! perform ing I(s f,llDc1.lo-n.. na rally snr! 1 cou ld cUmlJ t Ins and ~iIIl1 and wnlk long dl rulces: ' "1 gain, d fe n pounds In tb i lihnr ti me, a ud my s kin b qame clear anll 1 compl t I ~ regaIn d my bealtb and str tlb"th . I continue , to UBi.- 'CrapeNuts and P OIi lim (or 1 te I that rowe my good behllh, ent irely to, their ,use. , "'I'hera's n R ' naon!" ~I.1lk the ,deltclous flavour of Gr~pe· NutS ~nd by making P.os tum '-accord· to dlrectloos, It tn.lltea .lmUar to hll;h gta de coffee," ' "'1'liI! Roa,d to W lIviU ," tn pkga. ............. ~ Ietfftot A a .... tI ... •• u_e. ......r '1 t ..... _ . . . . . .~~

'-=:::::. ......

h~ai 1't1l1 :ruler 'of heaNO, lbd ep.rth1vllntured Anna, witb , ~terlnl voles, lUI lIil renew \1 her ettorbJ to fll\Jab til ' taAik upon 'wblen she WII.8 ' ei:' gaged. '

Silence dlled the ro..lll\, and a 1UtUe latbr Anna Ilanoed In the dll'ec\.1on 01 Tobit aud aa she noted hlsbowel1 form ~be whispered to heraeIC: ' " It Is well. H sleeps." A sbort wblle lat'er she w;,a startle.t by a glad cry (rem her hut band, and tllJ'Ded to see that he wall standing, lind gestlculatlpg wildly, while at thti snmo t ime he cried: "Send fo r Tobias ! Send foi To bi as!" And when the young man bad cc,tn, In the old man told his vision, OJ dream, or whatever It was In wb1cb there bad been broul/iht to bls remembra nce II debt of the long ago. How years before when wealth was In hie possession b e' bad plac3d a goodly sum In the hands ot a certain trusted fr lond na med Gabael of the city at RUles In Media. "Alld no~ , my son Tobias, thou s\lall depa rt tor that distant city and bring hltber those teD talents of ,silver." So It was arranged that the yuuna man should depart, and with many misgivings tbey bade him good-by. "My son, be mtndIul of the Lord our God , and take not a strange wom' an to wife, but a daughter ot tby f& ther's tribe," "That 1 can remember the Lord Rn , serve only hIm am certain," thOught Tobias to hImself after he had l1epart, ed, "b'ut whither shall I look for such a wl(e as my tather hath spoken ot?" He was roused trom his reverla by the appearance of a stranger before him with whom he fell Into converaa· Uon, and finding that ho knew the way to Rages, be besought him that he would go with Wm, and was Muoh cheered when he gave hIs consent. Now TobIas knew not that It waa God's angel who had come to 'guIde hIm on his journey, but 8S they prQce~ded Tobias and his companion, Rapbael, converse(l together, and tbe former unburdened Ws heart to Raph. ael and told hIm or his 'perplexity In obeying the admonitJon of his tather regarding the seeklng at a wIte. "But Is not God, who would UlUI have you renlember bls law, able to luide ,tby feet and bring thee to the one whom thou shalt wed r' qu~alIoned Raphael. "Yea, ver1ly," exclaimed Toblss, reverentl,., and that nigbt .. ' tbe,. made camp by the .Ide of the Tipll river his mind was absorbed with thil new thought. He had gone to the river to wash and as be bent over 'the river's brink a gr9at flah leaped frlrth, and he waa upon the poInt of fle~n'g, when the voice of .Raphael souAded out sharp and chlar: . "Flee not! Capture the flill and bring It thither." , Thla Toblaa waa able to !lo' ~r a fieroe strugglo. Raphael out OpeD

fOIR" ,1t HI ~ ~l!'a~eU~s "


'W orop T bou,1) lFasbiol) Dct-



' Cil'~ces Gba,,!~


short sleeves we re soon doom ed to ex. tinction, feminine 'lovers of bracelets, tbat truly barbaric form of adornment, sighed mnny sighs nnd thought regret. tully of money expended on golden circlets. F or 1t was taken for granted thnt tbe knell of elbow.length sleeves meant also tbe knell of the bracelet. But fashion fooled them once again. Bracelet.s , as a matter of fact, are as much in vogue as ever. To be Quite trutbtul, they are not the bandl! ot heavUy-obased gold, twinkling with precious stones which modIsh women have bee n clanking agalnst bridge tables, but braoelets made of silk, of velvet, ot artificIal flowers, of tulle and even of broad bands of the oldfashion ed bead work beloved at our grandmothers. Observers ot the first-arrived model gowns trom the great dressmakers ot Paris noticed a peculiar trImming just at the wrist of the long, close·fittlng sleeves. This trimming frequently was the same as that eniployed elsewhere on tbe blouse, It always WRS put on In bracelet form and generally ended In a demure little bow at the outside of the wrist. E"en thougb the sleeve was plain nnd otherwise un. trimmed, It bad tbls dlstlnctlve touch, This bracelet trImming was but the forerunner ot many Olher bracelets made at materials distinctly new to tbls peculiar UBe. Now we see the debutante coquettishly ' banding her wrist with a cIrcle ot. blue forget-menots or tiny pink "button" roses. She weRrs them ave .. her sleeve It a long· sleeved gown Is worn, or over ber glove It In a decollete gown. There Is even a hint at ,a revival of wrist length gloves witb very short putred sleeves. In that case the braoelet ot fiowers will be sttll more In evidence, for It Is necessary to wear something to brea.k the hard"Une at the glo\'e against the bare arm. Black velvet ribbon. so lon's wom clasping the neck, now torms' bracelets, pinned with a , small brooch In the good old.fashloned way. It the brooch Is a quaint anUque, so much the better. A length of tulle In white or colors Is atrected by tbe gIrl who goes I~ tor plctur~sque etr~cts: Sbe It closely around her wrist wttb 10Dg ends banging from a tight llttle bow. ' Cunoslty shopl that 'make a specialty of' old·fasbloned jewelry have been sel\~cbed 'tately for tl\~ band. of woven bead!! c'asped with old cbased gold claapil which were so much


d ~s T hat W ill' lOo .Muel) f()ir TImpll"ove-

fJ\ at~rla'ns. WHIDN fashion decreed, that



of Fig!ull'~o

coming vogue tor snug·fitted T bodices Is going to disclose some H!!J

distressingly rounded shoulders that our lilndller blouses and baby waists concealed, The you ng woman wbo values a good appearance will therefore spend he r time most profluibly In strsngthenlng those muscles which hold the shoulder blades In place, A little set ot exercises tor this purpose would take lip very little ot h,er lime, perhaps ten minutes qlgbt and morn· lng, and the benefit de rived would be both lasting and far-reaching. The exer-::lse must of course be taken en negligee In order to get the tull benefit ot It, and preferably just before the bath, Tbe amount to be taken by anyone pers.)n can bes,t be Iljeasured by the fatIgue that It brings on the muscles, all things In moderation being a very wise rule. Aud yet I! ono should overexert, a brisk rubbing wIth alcohol \\'111 bring the ' blood to the worn out tissues and save one from an aching back. I should say that for the avo e rage young woman ten times rll,Pt'at· Ing each of the following exercises would be tbo right amount tor each dose: First, to develop tho shoulder muscles. assume an erect standIng position, tben hunch the shoulders as high as possible at the 'same time that the bead Is thrown slightly up, ",ard and backward. Now rotate the shoulders forward, downward nnd bnckward with vigor: remembering

He-Whe n I was at oollege, you know, I wrote a little story and got. $:!5 for It. She-Indeed! What was It ? , H -"Den I' Father-I'm burd upl Pleaso send me $2Ii," Children Need Acting. Rev. P l'r Y Grnut of New York thin ks t hat acting I~ a psychologlclIl need, aed Is looking Cor ~ h e rich man who will build a theater tor chlle!ren. The purpo!lP of !lUon a theater, he sayll, Is educnllollnl Rne! I!I In k eplng with th e dl scove rl ns of Froebol, who kll W that play Is an Instinct Implanted by uattlre for ed ucational purposes.

, How's This? Wo otter On

tuO of


Caumb ' un!,

j,un~rrd Dalla .. D nward hi' U ta t

F, J,


canlluL be cured by S,-U.

ll E:iiF.V &, CO......

Wl'. the. und t"r1lqned. htl"" kTiown F ,J .

t or tho tWIt I ;) )'Cn. N . And \)cUevo h im It




t"aU)r hun ..

orabl. III nll bUll"""" \ mnlll\clions. O"o"rl. lI, ablo to ClIrr)' oUI finy QbllgollolUl mn' h y h lJ tlnn,


\ V &LlHSO\~~:;~1~1e ~


dC). O.

Inrrh Cum 1:1 '"k , Intnm all y, nrllne Cllr~rllV UPOII Iho blood "od n"l<'o" o IU '/...'8 .) / IhIt l )'lll' fii, T Il m QnlA lJI 1IC1l~ tree. I'rlrc 1~ l'elIla per boltic. , old h)' "II n ,u~ort&UI, 'l'uko 11,,11'. F wliV I'UlA lor ronstlpntloll.

A Good Rule. your reci pe ror manllglng a hus b d?" "Oh, bere Isn't any, Just teed blm well, Mld trust to luc"."

- . --p--

Particularly for PartlclAlar People. • olltlet's' Vu nilln &lt1lct i prouuc<,u from fln e M ex;()I\n Vnni ll a H IlO ti-(' )Ju re, rich con ccntmtcd !Invor. All Il t'occr~, Put up in 10, 15 aod 25,,, nt hoUIet!, '

that It does the most ' good when It Ratber be thou tbe tall amon" lIou. nIps, In repeating this cyole of movementa be s'llre to maintaIn the body than the head among toxes. ,. In its original ereet poslUon, wIth ~lr •• Wlndow'lI R<>othlnlf Myrol" )'or eblldr~ .. lClClthln .. , .ulLlne Ibeg""", ,OOute. !Do chest IJJgb and head back. lIammauoll, alley. plllll. CUNS' w ind collu. ~"bonlu , Secondly, ' double your flsts. bring your knuokles together aD your chest The surgeon Is reaily to slash wIth thumbs downward, raise the ,old thtng-except his blll. elbows to the exact level of tho ihou\· dera. and thet\. with one Qulck,. vlg· orous movement bend ' your elbows backward qntll your flsts touch your shoulders and your sboulder blade. nip. Repeat by bnnging JOur flsts t~ getber again over your ch,e st and then nlp-nlp·nipplng, wltb your elbowl on the level with your I~ou~ders. To counteract the tendenoy to drooping bead that ' so otten accom· panles round shoulder., su,nd erect. place the clasped hands on the back of your neck, and with chin ,In and every muscle tense bend your head backward, then forward, aa far all pos, , albie. Remember that the head Is by ' Pinkpuabed backward wJthout the face turning upward at aU. ' "' .




CU(ed Lydia E. bam's"egetableC.ompound '

the flsh and took therefrom the b"art, by, our grandmOOlth~:e'~r8~;.~~T~h~;'~~~a;;~~~;;i~~~~~~E~. Pinktbe ltver and the call, ' and pl.cllli to be qulte , aa ':J made them securely In a wrapplD~, pve glrla of ,thla tor great ls -and Incidentally to , place the collar them to Tobias and cautlolied ' him the rejOicing of the woman who dndl bonea lelll prominently-place your with many solemn words Dot to let a bud bracelet of "anloularly quaint hands on your hlpl, or rather juat them leave , his possession, "fot," .ald design. ' A pattern of red roses on 'a your finger tips, _u the :elbowa Ihoul. he, "the heart and the liver 8\1al1 give backgl'Ound ot turquoise blue beads ts be kept sa high as poaslble, and Ilow· deliverance from the evt'l ,spirit; and, ,an etreotive oomblnation whlcb age 17 tske In a deep brea~, at one aDd the gall Is good to anolnt a man's tonea Into quite a good '. ,cheme of the lame time rising on tiptoe' ,and eyes that he see." and the dlscQvery ' of a ,bead bending four elbows baok sharDI,. Tobias' heart gave a great leap all bracelet bearIng a motto, sentimental Then aa ' you exhale let younel! down he tbought of his 'father's a"UcUoD_ or soriptural, II considered very luok)-. otr your toes and bflnl the elbows , What joy he would , bring with 'lllm ' ' baok , to their normal poaitlon. 'Tbl. upon his return. Th~ gall should' Dot , exerCise wltl, do; tittle good unlesll' 7O'l go frQm his posse&slon, but 9f- the 8quaro-Cut Bodlce~ Set Sleevel Lower. are oareful to press 'the elb'bwa ,Detthel liver and the heart be kne~ n~t what , It Is said by tbose who ' know th~t up nor down. but borlzontal\J back nee" he had therefor. bodlcel are to 00' cut more ' Iquarel1 WCl , rd_ , across the ilhouldeM, and therefore ,lYea, let the stranger,s l!.blde ~cie, the sleflvel wtll be set 19wer ' on the , Hous. 'Puree Down18t~t...: our roof to·nlght. ' Tbey b~ weary ' arms_ ' This will be accompIJshed by wIth the' leng journey," , exolalmed ,running the shoulder seams ' -much It 1II '8n excellent ,plan,'lt you lhe Roguel, a prominent ie'W 9t' Ectabane, longer than we bave had them during a house! to have a "houae putse" dOWDstalra In ". convenient place, 10 tbat In response to hla wlte's q~~ry r+ tbe dtrectolre perIod. .. gardlng two strangers , who had ap. This smacks somet"lng ot ' the lec· 'Wh~n, a little ()ha~e I~ D.e",d~d ~or peared ot the door. And as the words ond e'mplre. But everybody Is pre- something -you are not obliged to rua upstairs or it ' were spoken Raguel ' came ' forward pared for, ~ythlbg JUllt now: " and greeted the men. I "Why," he exclaimed, exclt~dly, lUI he looked closely Into the face of ' T~ bias, "thou looke.t much like ' my cousin TobIt." THE STORY. "And Tobias ia my tatller," eXclaimed Tobias, now , equally ' sut:· N TRE days of long ago when the prlsed. , Jews wer e 'suffering deportation Sara, the daughter, came running from tbelr land there lived an exile Into tbe foom at that moment. Young In the great city ot Nine veh nam ed and beautiful she was, and 8S the Tobit. Poverty and blindness had eyes of Tobias fell ,l1Pon her ' he, loved come to this devout jew, Poverty hel', But as ber eyes met his a look through change of rulers In the land, ot anguish 'Knd aorrow spt-ead over which prevented him from going Into he r countenance. Media to obtain the re a large ~um at As the days - passed and 'TobIas money wblch waii hald ,by a trusted pressed his Jult, for, said he, "Is not fri end. Blind because of e"'lloBlIr e Sara such iU1 one a8 my father woul4 Incurred In burying one ot his breth· have me wed being of my family?" ren wbo bad bee n rutblessly mur· he became oonsclous ot some m,,"t,RI"V 4arod nnd cast outside the walls ot surrounding tbe ' beautiful girl. th :: city, kne w she loved him, and :p:et The household of Tobit oonslsted as they were tOiether a sh of Ills devoted w!fe Anna and his would pass over her as her eyes 60n Tohias, Owing to the blindness meet his, On the day In which . he of the tathe r tbe mother was forced asked ' tor the, daughter's hand In mar: to make the 'IIvlnK for the fnmlly ; rlage, the father unfolded to him the Bowed with his amlctlon and ' the awtul truth that an evU spirit', r,es(ed /;" Ier of the ir unfortunate condition, upon hllj house and bad claimed al· tile father looked tor death 8S' a reo ready seven young lDen to whom tbe li d, But , as he thought on deatb beautiful Sara had, been wedded.' And and re membered soon , now quite In eVery case this had happened upon gro-wn to ,manhood's estate, hts heart the w'eddlng ·eve. '" was stricken with remorse that he "The ,heart , and , the' ltver of th~ sbould leave ,him 110 Illy prepared to flsb," like a fialt. came 'the, thOUght' face the hard qondltlons which wer,e Into Tobias' heart. "Surely" God the lot 9r the }lOor Jew In Nineveh, hath preserved Sara' (or me aPinat, He Jqlew that ,b e would be unable , my comtng:'" ' , And so i~ was that wMn tl\ey " we~ ', Man-o'.War Suit to care tor his mother: In her ~ld ' age. , , ' wedded, Clnd tbe, evil spirit reacb~ ( 1 hI) gri ef, and dejection of , TobIt forth to touoh Tpblas, he ' ,.made, ~ ... -_ lHl Cllst a gloom over . the home, and the a Imoke ot, ,the hear.t and ,I'lvel', ' "Ife Anna. ~Dd the Bon Tobias watohed and thus esc:aped, and nex.t th& 10, with anxious .,ye 'rom 'day to day, of the homecoming ' of the lOn, Tob'" Tobit's weakenIng frame, and trled with his 'br.lde and the ,mODey' I>y ve,r y me~n! ,possible to cheer b1m, whloh lie had Kone in !3,uellt was ,th" "Afl. but how can 1 do 'arIght but joy at the ,r estoratIon ot tp the mour~' TobIt declared In resJ)9nie blind Tobit, ' , to : the ' gentle ~.hllllnlf ot hla, wife, "wbfln my blln!ineils" ~uts th~ burden or b.ead wlDllkIK UJ!OD TOU ~4 tlle boy, ,a nd ;tbat "ttI "ecofu,. ,of 1~, 1n . I'hls ~at aIl4 wicked cltT otNlDev.h to tbe lre ,~ -wu ~ COU1llB~





"heD I am11M God oJ .... IIOt

aud ' oDJr ..,. - - rii"~ ,;~~~~~(~!l!7J~~~~ oar ,.tIler....... bCMIi Sa WtaI ...IUIU.,.... ;





Y~AH. \

Former Residents


Otto Hornick was in Springfield Thursday.


J'UNE 28, 190{l.

WHOLE !'lUMBER 300{l



i- --------~



Prof . d. E. Bratten hn. re@lgned Jacob L. Cornell departed thi'S life · ~ocial Mr~. Mol)jfl JClI wuI'I1 KIl11l1 dllllj,(bt. M I·H. Gt'orre Thomp8 nlsvel'Y ill. l{ion Ho ' l ' is making an extended Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, June bts position 8S superintendent of the er, Miss 'J'rlllsD!! , ur ()IL Y lUll. Il:lI,ve Hut.l·Y Shli' l'woou, of Lt-l>anon . ,vas viHit to r laLive:;'i n Cincinnati. 6th. after a long stru2'gle with disease Wayne 1'ownllbill 8 (l hu o l ~, !lnu bas tuJay fIll' De n VI"I',' ('01 0 . , W h ~ l'tl I hey in lown Friday. had;been attackt!dh f\>r acCepted a Call\ to tbe Kings Milh. Mrs. E. A. We ller. of C terville, wilh which ht!Its will tlpelld tbc_llmn_ B It'__I.·. I~ . . u a1'11 hal.t al1d wl·fu. nlo tored r I ' F 'd $ome Yf>Ql's. ravages Illay ave Mr. and Mrs. R.icbl1ru CroBd enter· • D " was a g uesl 0 l'e atlVes rl ay . been stayed somewhat by change of sohools. Prof. Brat.ten WIl8 bonored A post ourll f!'Ow A l·· lbAl·t M. to f1 aylon .: unday . MI's. Ella Zell Achor, of Dayton, climate, but it had taken too firm a In this a8 be Will'! eleoted to po!!i- t~lned t4t supper Frldl1Y evening, Mr MoK I1Y IIl Rt "Ptlk Ra,.v~ h e Wil li III ' M ,. <' 111(1 M,·:'i . ..' E. Bl'atl n were• Il all I.ueen Vlsltmg • • • M' L I 'leI I to be·thrown off. HeR'd was born tiOl. for three years lit II. ba.Dds olue and Urt:t. Fred Benuerson ~nd two ISS 0 a . .hold W '11 Newark. Obio, ut.tenlllu~ Lhe :-;t'tt,l' in I.t' U:lllOI1 Fl'iJay. In anen .county near I 2'evI e, 8alary. daugbters . 10' t f I ' f \' W, II . Card, of Long Beach, Cal" 12, 1855. He was the 80n of I While we rejoice with ~rot. BratIl.DOl1mpmeli p ,. t Ie HOIlN n. , t~l' [{(I.V II'UIIS UII · fU11I 'll y Il"'nt ~'unday II Mr. aDd Mrs. Fled Uenderson on· . u ", .") hi ' il' 'u laling' among his many friends ar:lson .an d Mar th a Ann Co r~e. snB, 'LOU llllll n hUtl UIlIIoI . I he En Wlllt rdative:'! ill Leuullon . 1 ' Of SIX children. only one surVives, t.en, we ars sorry to bl1ve him and tertaiDfld Mr. anu Mrs. Fred ~her C~Dlpll1 ent lI1e~t!l iu Xeniu ill IIlIO . M I ' 'I h I. WI·t!. Mrs. Celia Graham ; his estimable family leave here. He - -- - I'~. :I 'Llle U lll E'nt:s a.'1 ueen vt- I')' E',' M d 'th f C I b He was united in marriage with has made a suooe8S of the township wood and two cblldren li.t aupper In a r OAlIt IAttel' tu thA G,\~ e t, tB . :-liel, with tic' ule imlige!:!tiun. u . . e l'e I. ,0 0 um us, was Laul'a A. Mills January 26. 1887, who Sllnd • .v eveniDg. Mrs Rutb A. li ld 'lItiH , of Hunt~ v ill t' . u J 0 tit gUl":oIl of hIS parenls here last preceded him to the Great Beyonri acbools, IlIII has beeD evldenoe~ by nl m;~ I·S. . M. Uvuk and . L. 'l'ane L' l d III ",a u.· tty . a bout f ouran d one-haIf years. Th ere the attendanoe and interest takeD alt Or. and Mrs. A . '1'. WriRhtgave a AI "~,,,UIIYtI ·. ' I 11 Il1 <lu' OIUlpll1l L J W I'e in Lebanoll la:oll. Wt->unesday. M ' GI . th th were given to them four children; over the townsbip . six a 'clook dinner Friday evening to yon on thtl way you olld 11 l Ih ll l-Ju MI's. :'arah Zillltn~l· tnan is spendISS nl1a · 1111 was e g uest Howard died in infancy, Trena M., '1'bere balil been no one eleated iu Mr . and Mr8. Jesse Wrieht,ofBpring. ZtltttL It, hit S ~ 1'el1 I If Itu pruve(] ." ing !:I~ vpl'a l duy s ill Rirhmonu, Inti . of Miss Winifl'ed Davis in Duyton O. Ray and Gracie M. The3e with hl8 pilloe yet, and it It! boped tbat boro, Mr. RDd Mrs. J . B. Cbapman, We are IIlwl\.\·:.j /{I ud to bave ~Qoh Ia.q l. wf'i:'k . his aged father. other relatives and M1'::1 . LUlll'U Mm'lhel' and son Hal'ris many friends mourn hie prematUl'e tbe in'erest In tbe sohools will be and Mrs . Llna Devitt . eooollrug!l lllell t f!'IlUl ou r . 11 U!lod h. • CI'S a l' enj ying u lI'ip tu lJell'Oil., Mich. ome in and see the New Perfee- death. kept uP. And a good mao seleoted for Mr. aDd Mrs . D. L. Crane had a8 AIf"'edantll~lIi t Wl'ig htal'e!lpenu- tion Wick Blue. Flame Oil Cooks at A few days before the end crme this pOlltiOD . he told his father not to mourn, but - - - .... _ _- - Itev, WultOI' I;:dwlu llllltl n , III ing thisweekwit.hJ'eiativ e!:! inSpl'in"'- J . H.C~l eman's . their guestl! at supper I:!aturday eve. ColumhufI, Misl,4 . will IAIIV nbollt .. how can we help it. ENCAMPMENT IN 1910 uing, Ilr. and Mrs. Cbaa. Shidaker, b 1'0. Walter_-Chandler and wife, Day· One of the daughters --"id he has . J uly 2·Jt,It, for "11 f'x t,l\ nRive )l~ arolleH' 1 of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Am · to MI'S. Lina UpvI' lt I'S I'n ," prl'ngbol'o, tOll. were guests at the Friends' been father and mother tl'IP B- A Mit II .. f" 1I1II Philn d e lpbi~;) h h us, h yet we Xenia will entertain the G. A. R. brosl Uatfit And Mr. _ud Mrs . John Lh~ aI/est of he r RiRtel' Mrs. Jpaa£o Boarding Home Sunday sorrow not as t ose w 0 ave no IlOti x Jle tsto bHlfb ,· ut.t WO lJl llU bs. .. .,...,'" . . hope. He . told the family he was encampment in 1910. accord in" to a Coleman. Tbl! oOIl j.{ reRftotl lllt of hi s olllll'ob tHI- WI·ighl. MiBS Bertha Kenrich. daugh~r of ready togo. Oh, we would not bring decision reached in Newark. Friday. 'l'hur&llay evening, June 17th, tlendlnl.( him. "" .\ elCJ,leettfl d trlt ,l' MI'. a nd MI'8. JoeK ,of Chicago MI'. and MI'!!. Perry Kenrick. who ourloyed ones~aC'll into a world of From the first everything looked all hi s aXil u ... eM. a l'e guesl.s of MI'. Keys' sis tf'r, Mrs. has beE:n very ill is improving rapidly su,fferm~ and pam, but look. f.orwlll'd favorable for Xenia. When the dele- Mr . Ilnd Mra. Will Weloh, of Bu· _ ___ Ii: ' t o th time when we shall Jom them gation arrived in Newark it was met voysburg, oelebnted their twenty. .J \!)b n Butf,erworl,h, of 1\ 11'1 fn,nd, 'I n J ones. Mi!iS Annie Edwards has returned i.p the land which is beyond. Ol'og, after " t,wn UII Yd' I" lH!unl B. S. How II and ' fl1mily were in home from Ii VIsit to her sister, Ml'Il. The funeral servi~ were held in by the advance guard composed of fourt,h weddiDg aDoiversary. 'Ihe : visit witl,! fripn'l1 here, went t,j Port Willillm Sunday. th guests of Lydia Presnall. at Fairmount, Inc! the chapel at_ Corwm c~nducted by Xenia members of the G, A. R.• and eveDing was speDt iD soolal diversion . Rev-.~oPQr, of Leoanon. relative ther e. h!!aded by the O. S, & S. O. Home and at a seuonable hour refresh . ['aytoD, wherfl bl! WIll !!P Dd two o. Messrs. T. J. Brown and 'Davi~ CltRD OF THANKS band they marched through the main mBDta were lerved. ThOle preaeot three dlL Y8. theu()fl goI ng to Detroit" M ~, and MI·s. F'l'etl White spent Thomas leave today for a visit of ReVW d' h k ' hb streets of the city to their headquar- were; F. H; Shidaker, Walter Gray Mlob ,tn vi it 11i r Idth) 6 thcrll . .:sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Saml. 1:I1!n- eral days in Dayton, Sidney al'l~ and fri:~ ~o~ ~heirokin'd~~ a~~ ters. The hearts of the old soldiers Paul ~on Karl Shidaker, P.' D. Jobn bllus !(oncl e. lind r 1llt,ell Ide hi L banon. Bradford. ' sympathy extended to us during our were won by the Home boys, the sons ClftgeU, Goy O. qarr, O. D. ()ook, mllny good tule~ of iliA Robonl dt\y H you want the Safest and Best The Christian Church has donned rec,:nt berea~en:ten~; alBO the Lytle of their dead comrades, and they were Wm. Oarr, W. ~. a ..rvey, F. E. here. Ga.~ol en St ve vel' mad II t · . ' .. chOir for thelrSln2'mg. Mills, O. W. Shidaker, B. L.· Dakin, , ca a Its new s,:,rpmer dress .of white and Trena M, Cornell, given a royal welcome_· Mrs. W. R. Atll.l·buok Itna hor thrt'e J . I r. Jol~man's. green, ' and now makes ':. .v ery plqs. O. Ray Cornell, L . L. He&tton, ADn M. Weloh. W. A. Mr: and Mrs. has. hidaker we re ing and attractive appearance. " I Gracie M. Cornell. LIKES COLORADO ohlldreu, of Birmingham, ~IIl, a.r Haine8, M. Z. ~alnes. Aoua C. 8tiD · ri ved in WHmlngton IIl~t Tbur d.'y, Sununy .gUtlsls tiC Mr. and Mrs. Park aon, Wlnifred Cook. Howard Oook, Rnd ttft('lr !I three weeks' vl!,lt t,b ere,- Hadl ey neal' Oakland. Misses Edith Mosher.DonnaHawke 8Uu Edw ..rd Ketterman aon ot Roy Ironll, who .cawe home from Mariaret Cook, W. W. WilBon, will come to Wa Y"1 14~IIIA to visit Ml'li. Charles S~8rt, of Richmond. and Henrietta.. McKinsey attended Nimrod aall EUzaboth Ke'.ermaD, Colorado lut we~k, is evldeotly I Lutio Vander Voor~. Mr•. Ella WU. her mot.her Rod slltltel'. MrR. ' EdW/lrd~ It.tI .• was a F'riday visitor of Rev. and the Wright celebration in Dayton last W&8 borD lp MIlIsourl, July ~O, 1861. pleued with bls vlsit~ ..8 he pur- SOD, Mra, Laura Shldaker, J. Oarroll, week and were&,uesta of friends Dled Jane 11.1iO~. . Age 4. years, chued ~ ra.Doh while there. rhe Grace E . Smart, Loolse! U. Wllaon, _nd Miss Anni,a Ii!uwllrds Mrs. J. F. Cadwallaaer. . 10 mODth. aD4 27 da, •. ~t:lrbuok ~8S forwerl .v Mifls Mary MI'8. Winnie Mason and Mrs. MaMrs Lizzie Roberts Smith, of MunOoriol' the Civil War biB father raDoh i. located on the MiRBOutl HeleD Weloh, Deborah Dakin, MarY Edwardfl. mi Cummings, of Xenia , spent Sun- cie, Ind .• has been visiting her aunt wa. oallecl oot of 'he bonae and Paoltlc railroad, and about forty H. 'Baioes, Mary L. Olacett. Ola M. ' aho.t, at bla o~·n · door, by a band 'til Mrs. Am an d a Sutton. near Harveys- Gorlll... . Bil mot.her wl&h the fani. miles from Pueblo. He doell Dot Weloh, Ethel L. Gray, YarlanaGray, Bttipbttll Cosey , wbo onrlbot d 11 day with relatives here. store bert! for Il I ng time sod went MI'. and Mrs. J . A. Funkey attend- burg" and other relativesand 'friehds iJy theo ' le(& Missouri, DlovlOI &0 antioipate movi:!-.t!er~, however. Marlaret Llpplnoot~ Luella V.IIIH., Oora F. tf.u.rll; Mary C. Barvey, to Lo~elllnd atterwl1td WIlS mllTl'led ed the wei.ld · f th . G the past week. Xellla, Ohi(),. where 'hyy remalDed FIRST OAME Of SEASON ~Ir ~n. eorge, -' ' on til after .he war. They 'ben . ' . . 109 0 Rose Carr, Bruce ca~r, laabella II. Jut we~k t .,Mrs. Ma,rv · Ii 0 ~eJ', 9' in Cleveland last Thursday. Mrs. E, Kell~y. Mrs. Laura 'Po&,ue mOv8c! to .Wed 'vuJiDlL Bere ~e Colle.t, Mary S&oops, ADD.. Peoo The lit. HC?lly oQdefea~ bas. t~at plttoe Tbey were Dlllrrled In Mr. Jra Nease. wife and daughter. e.nd Mrs. James D~ady, of Chicago, livecl wtah b .._ tp'&udmother aD4 Sargot, AnIlA M. 8&oop*, Gilbert AI. ball' team crou8d ' batlwith the Clnolnnllti, Itod when ,thfl couple of Miamisburg were u ts f J E are guests at the home of Isaac Ket- uuole uDtn be oame to Oblo io 1880. got home in Lbe evening tbev fO\1on J d f "1 I ' g es 0 , . ley and sisters They are on thel'r WAY makiDg bil home with hi8 Unole Waynell1'ille boy. SUDday at Oorwio Welch, Lizzie L, l.ih~daker, )lary. D. . anneyan amI y ast week. - G erie 0 8 e.. o'-le• nell r"'e Weloh, LaRue Qalrr, · Bel'nloe J , f,he iltOl'e placariled Slid, festooned . t J 'k 'n. - F1-, .., rry. - In1889 . -- . . MISS Mary Smart of Richmond 0 ac sonvi e, a.. he came to Ly,le, livlng with hitt and were def8l\ted by 'he following DakIn, Saldie ReASOD, T. Weloh, Bnd tb tli r friends ba yi ng 1\ merry l ' d h b . d'· . ' • - • onole .Iohn Bergdall until hili mar· loore: Wayneavllle ... ; Mt. irolly, O. time. ' They will ~o to bouse keeping n." as een spen mg a few days HAD EXCITING TIME riage to Ada B. S&ao7 whioh oooured The game walt fuU of ioterest\ aDd Samuel Htoops, Herbert Carr, Irving WIth Rev. ~nd Mrs. J. F, CadwaUader. o~ February 11, 1891. DDrinl all .everal good playa were pulled off. D. Weloh, Carroll SUnsoa, Tom W, 1mmedi&.tel.v. Wetoh,. W. U, Welch, E, B. Oa1da, - - -,- , . Mr. and Mrs. Will Rairies and Mrs Mr. W. B. Allen wbo a"eoded of 'heir married ute they lived In Mr. and .Mrll. George W . Ehrlght, Maria Haines. of Haryeysburg were tbe Ohio Banller• .' a ..ocldioo tn and aboa& Lytle. OD , J"ooary 25, W. W. Weloh, HORSE HAS' LOCK JAW Mf&14 Emmit Ebright and MT , a.nd ' f M • .' ~., ' 18811 he jollied the 'Ferry OhrietiaD .... r8. Eh~a Humes, Frlduy. roledo, laat w~ek, had a thrilliDJ( Ohuroh. where be oon*inua(} hia Mrs. F. D. Alexnndt'll' are prepilrinf! gu .~ts 0 INSTALLI1";G NEW WALK Ed. JetIrey, of OregoDia, met with to stlU·t July 2nd, for . elttf,le. t,o at, 01', Charles Ellis and family, of St. e~pellien~ while 8Jlroute ~ Hault, ~emtie-:ehtp~Dtll blade.a th. b Al It ,. k P ' fi E Louis arrived here Mond i ~te MarIe. · and one .hat he will Be ·had aD attaok of the grip iD "serioulloss BODday morning. A 'rhe Frieods Home ..nd White te n d t e all a. I u on 801 c x, , ay even JIg f t Th E ' April au Euter HDDday aDd bad vaJuable colt Wile seized with look pOSition. 'I'be Ebrigbts will be tbe fOI' an extended visit witb I·elatives. neMver be°rge'f h e oDquirer IilaYII: tbereafter hef\D In fallioK health jaw and had to be killed. It WAS Brlok ohuroh areililtalUng a Dew . I em rs 0 ' e hio Sanker.' h h ' gu~sts of . Mr. I1nd Mr8. BUrton E. Dr. and "MI·s. John Hy'att MI' and \ I i h d whloh IS thoag t .to be t e c"use of too far gone wbeu fouDd, for them cement walk 00 their property ' on brtabt a.nd Mr llodMrs Alexa.nder 1' . . .' : " 8sooat on W 0 m .. e the take trip his uD"mely and tragic death . FODrth Street. 0' . ' • . . Ml'~. .. W nuls and. chl~dren enjoyed , fro~ 'I'oledo, where the aDDnaloon. An aged. moth.r aDd .OD8 lilter, to ltave it. wHl spend tbe ,ime with t~elr !lOP the Wrl&,ht celebl'atton 10 Dayton last , ventiou wal held. ·to S~ult S~ Marie IU8. JeDl~ie ~lte8, who ha~ two aODs LVTLE MAN SUICIDES SOME REAL ' BARGAINS and daug~er-ItJ-law. Mr. Rod Mrfl \veek ' d t h d d)i h and a d$Dghtdr suniyehlm Tbey A.t AI d X " . . " , an .re urn, a It e g tfol trip, P 'b G . . F r'!"l ,enn er. - enil~ ull~ette All' H . d 'f " X' " b~ t we t w lih a ra th er aerlous . live Dear eterll ori', ra.ot oouuty, 1 I~ ames an amdy. of ema /looi West VliJiDla.. We advise onr readers to 10ek t. am lolng out to .hoot lpar. ~r .. Benr.v Matthew !l1I E! wrltten. ~ spe~t . SUl)day and Monday with his dept wbloh for" tim" portended Ml', Ke~terman wa.a prosperoDl carefully over Walter J. KI,lbon's rowl/' were the word. ut&ered by • plelll&nt let'ter, wlllo.h will h f \lnd l gl'undparents Mr. and Mrs, Alan disaster for ·tbe wbole party, farmer aDd'. ~"D ofiterUDg obarac · ad,"1 he is makiDg a run ou 'good S. E. KeUerman, of Lytle, earl,. . iD ano*er ~_ lQUlD . 8e,iI y : I Il~l Ua ines. . " The pll,rty walt-i}augh ' , .. . . m.._by goOds that will sur'"ly pt\y readers to 'l'horlday mornlog. Thele' weretbe . -<::... At it! ' .. tl d • Id . Ib all who koew him, Nothing hilS ... " .eou ne mouey ,or . Ie Hill' \J pu. M CI I S I ' 0 , Un'! OD tba rooks in tbe Oeor8t8D •• ~ h d I ti ti th' be tak d late ' .'. , I.'S. lal' as mart has rented fUI'ever uaan ear D ma 01 11. e i mme a d.vaD t age 0 f t h e las' word. s uttered by him ... a few per lshe(} . h ed rooms .0 f MISS . Emma Heigh I Bay " and It was only by the mere!!t bad alD eoemy anywhere . iii-mil. u h .... the •"oods, .."lid will mgments llf'erwaJ'd "liIhot wu , that\ hst lor.n. ' In 80 uluoh nls ue. . . . neW8 sinoe my Illst visit with yo n. \ y . ~ - good fortune that tbe boat wall He w.. s a member of the board of treat yoo rilht. beard, aDd upon lovestigation found When reading tbe ptlp'::~' l II 6 whel'tl j :a :~~ WIt I her ,two daughters will ! worked loose wlthoot RerioUII dam. eduoatlOD (I)r ..vera) years !oDd was him with his head blown oft.. soine of my frit'nd~ aud neur rell1. p n t e Bummel h~re. age. This Rocident h ed t U. preaideDt .a t tht' time of hiS death. MASONIC NOTICE Be placed the gun 00 the tloor, . I If . . . ' apV8D" All 'he oommuDi&y mODros tbe ti ves h~ye ailed over t,be RI ver of ; Y?Q want or need so~e 2(ic chOice nOOD on Frldu.y. w.ben the dOO wem 1088 of thia ODe whom it oonsidered and wUh the aid of a corDcob in the Deatb I\nd anobored in the lJllveu of Gramte Wal'e, 01' anythmg in the tin bers of the party wore 00 tbe small one,.s best ciUzens. Regnlar oommuniodion of way-I oth"r haDd did the deed. reat. The weather Is fine bare ~nd : ware Hne, call in anti see me. • ·sound stell mer Wllublc, whloh w,\!1 The fDneral took place from his Desvllle Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M. Mr. KettermaD had been 1D ttl the crops look good . J. H. Coleman. bouded at P~rry Sound for the trip lateresldeo06 io Lytle~oDday. moro · Tuesday eveolDg, JUDe 29. 1809. health for some weeks, and lileemed • _ .. i· iDg at 10 o'clook. Theltervlcea were W k i F ' d Vi Iti . . F'UNKEY.DOW Miss Annie U. Brown is home for through the ThlrtyThouBand Islands oouducted by Rev. O. J. Sebastiao, or D . U. egree. s ng to worry considerably over his OOD· the, summel' vacation. Miss Bl'own of the Georgian BIlY to Midland . af Olnoluuati. former pastor of the brethren cordi..lly IDvited. dittoo. He arost? at 5 o'olo~k that Mr. George fl'unke'y, of Cblcago, has been re.electt!d for another year L'be wind blew a g~le aDd drove the Ferry Cburch. The muslo WIllS reu J . O. CARTWRIGHT, W . M. morning, and takIng down the ahot· Dl. son of Mr. and MrlJ. J . • A Ito t~ach at the O. S. & S. 0 Home at little Waublc out of bel' oonrS8. dered ' by a qoa .. ",~ of 'be Ly.t1~ C. E. BRATTEN, Seo'y. lun, told his wife he was gOinl to , Xema . Sudden Iv ahe crlUlhed 00'0 a field of ohurch . . M..oy beautifnl tloral trlb · I ~ shoot 'parrowl, and left the house. Funke." , W.IlS lU.l1rrled to MI811 Louise . utes were pr8lleDted lUI tokeos ' of ORATORICAL CONTES1' Do'" o;Ulevelftnd Oblo n.t .:st. Pt.lult~ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith. of Leba- submerged rooks, where she was sympathy. AmoDg them a " Half aD hour later the hired haud Cat,b'edral I.ast ' 1'hUrSday, by the non. Mrs. JU,dg~ Smith, of A:vondale looked for Lhree houn. The CaP wreath glveu by 'he Lytle SUDoay There will be a HUver Medal Ora. on heariog 'a shot went to the barn Rev. Dr. Walker. . \ and Mrs, Judge Thoman, of Chicago, tain Ilnd orew 8nured the passengeri c:lCbehOOlfatohd abPUlodwffred°~"!~leOLm~md' torioal (JoDteet at New BurUogtoo where be fouod tbe ':lead man lyini' . '''-'d' ,.,,: u .... G T O'N 1 Sa " ~nger _lthou h 1'.0 e the oarfamily. 0 _ . 0 .. n iD" poo'l of blood . The top of hi. ·EroRt F~ukey. of Chicago, coullin VISI~ .. ea I turday that tbere WI.\S no u... . . ' g othera from M. E. cburoh /daturday evenlng," of . the groom, WRit bellt , ms·n. Ilnd and Sunday. the boat lost two propellor blades in The ·jJall.beat:ers , belog OOwliDS of JlIDe 26th. AdmlalloD 10 cents. head WIUI blown oompletel, off and Mia! Eva Fun key ~~s bridel!Dlflid . .. Dr. lUll! Mrs. J. T. Ellis, Dr. and its efforts to work looae. Finally a 'he deceased were: Will , Bergdall. EVl1rybody oome. Oontes' Supt. OD the floor wlUlthe deadly weapoD ; · while Miss MI11:tba. . Royce. of l'~rre Ml's. P. D. Clagett, MI'. and Mrs. J. good SiZed swell Illong and IC<1 Bergllall, S. D. BeDkle, Will • _ • Coroner Carey was ~o~lfied, .'(~~ . . wIth the a.sslstance of the di~abled' HeDkle, JohD Henkle, George beD K. Of P•. DECORATION he Immedlately depdllzed .Nafioe ·· Baute, Jnd ., ~118 maid of bonoI'. O. Cartwright and J . E. Jaimey and enulne tbe Waublc W'"s fto..... III", A 8 . 0 0 to ne1) aD d Sa rrv 0 orDe11 , Oscar Edwards. of thla '~' :loCe, ' W"'U . Immediately after tbe ceremony. family attended Chautauqua at Yel.. , .. ......... Intel-ment \D Miami C e m e t e r y . "-i;,... ~ the welld\nK br,anittast took plaoe il't low SpringsSunda:v; Af,er tbe inoident some of the om OARD oJ!" THANKS The K. of P'adeoorated thegravea hurried &0 the 80ene a.ntl rMUhtred' ~ .·· '.;' d oer8 of the bod ~nburdened their . . of tbeir departed brethreo lut 8un- verdiot of '·'suioide. ~ ', . ,'~ .. ' Y the Orex OD. " . ' W., Huls, wit~ ~llll children : of fA"ra to the pa8fiengeJ'lI . . The I'OCks The famtly wlah to tbaok their !lay · afterDooD. A boot thirty 61', Ketterman liveQ, 00 ttie .:alton' 1', , .? . A~ter speD(Hng some time hl th(l Wilrili:ngton, are &,uests of 01'. and .' friuodliland n81lbborll for the man, . \ ,' . _.>l ' E~l!t they will retorn foo .Ch1c"go~ . ,Mrs. J~hn . Hyatt. Ma'. ,and MrS. Huljl that were "tr~ok are surrouDded by klodD8uea .. admlniatered, aoll .he membe... were prelileot. 'r'here w~. St..cey property. iD ·L;yt)ea~ owol!" ' ,.' w: here tl:\8Y will ma'~e thEil,r bowe;· f()r a .s hort visit with' rel- over 4~).feel' of water, 'anc,lln ••i~ I,mpathy IiIhown tliem dUrina thl. DO lpeakinl. • _ • . the old Dr. Btok~ f~~, o~th ' ~ '. ~~e, o~upl. ~Il va ou. r be~t w,ishes .atives in Ind.'ianapo ' liS.. . ,.' .' U.r aoo!d~~t, a6~fI ye~TI ~, &he sad honr .01 .aflliQtl~ia; alia for the ."IOHLV , HONO' RED Lytle. "" '," ., ,. for the foture. ' .., , ' . . . J boat. ,;&ndth.. ent~re'(jre,; .beaa&lfol a~w.r"aDd for ~. mua~o. I Mr. XeUerman wu .a 100· '~"~ " _. " __ ~. .,' .. . . Mr . . iln~ Mrs:, J. W; White. ¥r. werelbltbYI~ebod .. tllrolol&ur.I~· '.-. '" . . of Mr. ,St.acey aDd, ~u r-'Pealed,by, . BUSINES$' MeN'S · ASSOCIATION: and Mrs:. Frank 'Zeu; MI ': ana Mh.. FortuulUely tor ,the 'Waablo tbe CARD qF .TttANKS ·. Mr. O. M. Robltzer ~as.leotec1 an Who ,)U1ew him . .He 'lllurvlv'" '. " • '. J Robert ctoss ' MI" and M .... A' B ' I d ' '. bl . ' .. '. viae preaideDt of the Soothweatero ) b hi ' 'r ..., , . • ,. " .', \ . • " • .,.. ' . ! W n . ,~1l1I oWi,oK ',rom IIIn 'anile We' desi~ to extend our thanks to 'OhiO "Ille- "--~"""&i"o.·t 'he"Glb 00 y . Y iii Wl e. ' , ,', \ . ,Mtmaay ,e9,aJl·l~g. j Il,D'e'28~h; ~ill, ~1S8 ·Llzzl.e ~, rr911;. !d~l't!. , wblcb did notexert'auy .Jde PJ'euure f ,. d . d nei 'hoon al80 M~. ·Maftit · ~ ' ," All...ul.. "' . . • 'rile foner.Uook pl.ontlO o'QI9Ok .~ l'!;gul.~ ,m~lIt~tli olgllt ,'!lr ~.~Sl ;r,oh.n l'~ylor, ~scar. Edward8~ ~~l!&.'e aod, while' ahe ,va. .~*, Ok . the oreW/f=renth: .:iatme:iti'WbiCh ,he eOndu(:t~ eon Bo~, 'ClqDh~nati 00 'l'oe,sd ..y,o( SUDday at hlala&e ho~o,'he~ l o~sa MeD s A8~oolatlon. to be liel~'I~II' Ohff Burnett. J. O. HISeY aJ1d devo&ed all eftON ~ keep ber be~ ed th ~ ~. lao Be . Gilliland' fol' lU~ w~ . . belJIl oonc,lo'o&ed by Bev. 88bUti• . lD . tbe. W.'.~~~ille ' ~~~in, Oo'r~ Jas. Be~aJ.!l w~ ,ai'nod2' .~~ ,!hQ 00 to the '!,f~d, ' 'ri.~ :bOt&om of Ibe ~ coa.:n.";o~~:·to theyo~DI' It ia stated there'are 1·1,000,- 'Of OiiIciuoa&i, whow.. ~ PUtor~' o~oe. , Fall attencianoe i. de.I~~ .~te~~ed tn~ ~iiarlit ~roa. c~lebra- bpat "at. W1y clamapd, but Ih....... for tbIiJ.I, eet 1inaiN. 000 childretdnRUIBia who are unable ODe 'tlD~. ln~.n. W.. made • . ; , . ,f3. HB~"OOD,. ~~, non 'm D~toQ 1ut wee~. ' ''dId Do'take water. . ' , ' . .litt. ~ond aDd relativ.. to g8t any education whatever. MlaIiU otlineHIT· .











---.- --......



TllElOVES ~..F


LADY ARABELLA By MOLLY ElliOT SEAWELL (CoprrlllbL, 1006, Bobbe-Mo rrlll Co.)

SYNOPSIS, At 14 y enrs of ng" Admiral. Ir PO' ter

II,!),,,,\\,. Hll' hanl Glr n. dO' ply III 10\' 0 III tit'S! :lIght t"rtHOllt. who wit h LIl.11' Aruh..t ln 111'111' 11 o! 'lois nllenrlo ll 8. 1'1t lId. an urnlLnn, wn s ~l\' en It bert h IlS midahlpm nn on th" A j n x by his unci , GI l s Vernon, neplo ' W <'II SIr 'rhoml1i1 Vcrn ou. beclImo th boy's PB 1. Tht'y jl tten/led " th oolel' ",hcr~ liawkshuw's n phow saw LA.C!}' A rn b lin, V('rnon mN PhIlip Over· Ion. n xl In line fo r Sir Th om(l~ VI rn on's "tntI', Th Y slarl <l Il du el whl 'l1 wn s Interrupt d . Vernon , Overton nud Ha wk.hnw·s n pllow found lh ~ l11s e l v(,1I tlUra.'(. d 'by pretty Lad~' Ara 1IIl, Tho J\.jRX In battl e d f~at d French warllhlps III th Mf'dlt~rmn n, RI ha r d Glyn ~o t £~.OCIO prIll mon l', Ho wns called h omo by LQ.dy Hawkshnw as h was about LO "blOW In" his earnlng8 with V rnon. .,6.t n. Hawkshaw pa.rty Olyn dlscovere') thnt Lady Arabella W al! 0. poor but p r!lIAtont gcunbler. Ho talk d muoh with her slflter Daphne, Rt~wl:,;""w'~

{" II

CHAPTER V •.....contlnued. My intatuatlon for Lady Arabella continued; but 1 can not say s b e e ver sbowed me .the least mark of favor. Dut that ,sh e dtd -t.o no one except Overtcn and I soon knew what every· body In the town knew, tbat she desllinately smitten wi th hJai, · and would have bestow d hel' Illld h l' .fortune ' U,POD him at any InOment, If h e would bub ac'c ept It. As for Giles Vel'nOD, -she ahowed him what no other woman ever dld-a coolness at . first., that deepened Into som thing like ac-

h~ ,

tlYe tweenhatred. Ov rtonShe and kn the ewheirship stood to tbe· he Vernon estates, and ' tbat was e nough to nlake bel' dls,lIke ~Im. She often remarked' upon .,his Wllllt 'o~ good' I09lts, nnll she Was the. only w9man I ever knew to do It. . Ye t Giles was undeniably bard-featured. and,' xcept n good ' figure, had nothing In his perllon to \'ecpmmeQ(l him. ~ had thought that pride ~O\lld' have.' k ept Gl1eli from pay. fn~ court to a person 8~ . Inimical to htm ~ 'but l>rld~ was the excuse he gave , tor sun ' purSu.lng her. He declared be had neve r, no, neveI'. been fiouted bY' ' a woman, and , t hat · Lady Arabella sbould ~ ye~ come at his call. This I beUeved at ·the Ime to be mere bravado. ' 'He was en!=blm.~ ed by. her. that the truth .- and could no more .leave h er tban the moth can leave the ',~nd,e . . ' 1· saw·,much of.. Dapbne, \n those days, chlefiT., 'because I could s,e e ' so .UlUe of , Lady Arabella, who led a ltfe of sin· gular Independence. little restrained 'by: t~e ; authority of Lady Hawkshaw, and none at · all by Sir Pefer,' Daphne was rond of book's , and commonly went 'about 'With one under h e r arm. I, too, .... IUI incUned to 'be bookish; and so ; there ~as sonie~hlug in common b'etween ' us. She was keener of wit than anyone In that house ; and I 800n learneiI 'tQ 't ake delll;;ht In iler conyer· "--;--':;~--:. satlon. In ' Lady 'Arabella's absence, M'y love for the Lady Araue\1a was, I. admit. the fond fancy of a boy ; while Giles Vernon's was the mad InfatuaUon of a man. Olles was muc h With us a t that time; and I ILCknowl dge r had great bene fit from the spendin g or. hi s prlze·money or. rather, 1 s bould say. much enjoy· men t. He laid It out ri ght royally , aske d the price of n othing. and, tor the time be was In London, footed It with the best ot then!. His lineage and his heirshIp to Sir Thomas Vernon gnve hIm en t rance nnywh re; and bls wit and courage made his place secure, Shortly atter we arrived, Sir Thomas Vernon also arrjved at his house in Grosvenor Square. W e w I'e bound to meet blm, tor Gil e s we nt · much Into py society, us I did, In th e train of Lady Hawkshaw, The first tlmo this occurred was a drum at he r grace ot Allche ster's whe re 1111 ot London assembled. Even Overton, who 'was rar~ly seen In drawing rooms, . was tbere. Gil es, or course. was there; her g·raoe had fall en In love with him, as women usually did. tbe first time she Dlet b lm . ' It was ' a great"house for play ; and when we arl'lve d , ',we round tbe wh suite of splendid apart.ments :Qu the lowe r floor ppepal'ed tor cards. , The re was thO- usual crush ' and clamor of a fin e Londou party; and I , being' young and ' unsophi sticated, e n: joy d It, as ' did Dajlhne. Names we rEl bav.·led out, nt t he IH~ad of th e stairs, ut could not. be dlstinguisII d ov r Hie roar of volce8. bappen d to be near .thll· dopr, ' with Gil es, LadY Arabella being nel!-._r by, wben [ h eard t he ilnme cit Sir Thomas Vernon sb ouled out. lUi h41 c nt red. . H e Wn& a mnn of mlddle_ liilze. and WPII ~l ulW e n 40 a,n d 50 fellrs of age. H. mlgbt once ~a \'6 I)er.n handsom : btlt the .-.vag s of an e vil' nature and a broke~ cpnsutullon wel'c Jllalnl y .....Ibl III hiB CQuotenan e. 1 obser ..ed that. . . he stood. 8 lanc lu!! abOut him ...,., bl devoirs to the daobof no be spoke to htm.



ouly bl' u'g\lt a sardon Ic gl'lo to onnt 'nauce. He IlC1vUncNI. . ~ntl wall ·" ·illy. though not Mdla\lr. i' (1' h 'cd by h I: sra t!. \l Ulat moment ,I'I,'s 31'111' ()ch (1 nnr! SIIOI" to her. und tho hltng(' In til 'gl' 'al lolly'H maml.'r ~ h(lw()d th!) favor In wIll h sh h Id him. Sir Thuma II o'w lerl \Ill 11 (:lltli<. hu t h('l well .lighl ly: lind Gil s , l't't urllNI III ..• JO\ll\ 1,)' II st.> nd~" glane . nml this stln/-!'Iu ;; r marl,: I .. :ood ('\'C'nin g, Sir Thumn ' I lonl, I'l ry ill. Is r')lIr hl'lIl lh as dI'SI1(' I" rlll' as I hC'unl It W ~ . I WI) n'an; ago?" ,\ litt r IV nt aroun d Ilt Ihl ~, nnll Ill- mon','! orr, smlli n,;. Sir Th "ll1lts w~ 1IIl POI1Ulul'. thl're coulc! bo 00 doubt abo ll t Iha t. , i Prl'sl' ntly Sir Tholllns cau ght slg hl , o r Lady A ralol'lla. nnd. as usua l. he' "'a, Inst anlly sl ru el. hy hC" r xQlIIsltl" u,'n \l!\'. H I' s tlcc'e (Iell in b 'Ing- pre· St' ntl'd 10 h 'I'. nnrl I notcd thal s h I' c IVl'd 111m wllh n ff llhllily. A bout midni gh t th e ompany broil UII. !lnd Oll f part y made a move to f(O. bUl Lady Arn\) ~ ll a nnnoul.\ c£'d th a t sll hau been Invltod by ber gmc of , A\lt' hest I' to stay th o nl ghl. and she wi s hed to do so. ' el tb r, Sir Pet er nor Lady II II wl< shlt w pe rf c tl y ap· J1ro v d; but Lutly Arub Ila ca rri ed h I' poInt, wi th the asslstan c of the du ch ess, At th e Inst mom nt . h I' grnce-a fin e woman-aJ1Pl'oached mo. lind snlu, con fld ' n lIally: "M I'. Wynn ' -Glyn. I y 11 not l' mn.Jo . and share a gnm wi th a cllolc cOllecLlon of playe rs?" I was fia tt I' r1 at being us l,ed; Dnd , besid es. J wanted to seo h ow tb sa gl' at Lonuon ladl es acted at Buch play. so I acc pled. Dut It was aoolh r thin g to ge t away from Lady Rnwks baw. Howe ver, 1 managed t o elud her. by giving a s bllllng to a footman , who shoved me Into a little clos t, and the n w ent and told Lady Hawllsbaw I had go ne h ome In a coa ch wllh a gentleman who had b n taken ill. and had left word tor ' them to go without me . This paCified he r, and s he a nd Sir ' P ete r and Dapbne went away with th e crowd. There were le rt about 20 persons. who, aner a · Uttle BUPP r, and ge neral expres· Illons of rellet at the departure ot the other guests , Sl).t down to play, at one In th e morning. There was a cabinet minister , also a polltlcal parson, two pe rs of lhe realm. several o~c ers ot the Guards, Giles Vernon and your



It Wa. Lady Arabella's Satin Petticoat. humble servant. The ladles were mostly 'old-Lady Arabella was ' the youngest of them . all-but all very great In rank. I had wanted to see London ladles play-and I saw them . ' Jack, with his greasy Cards, In the forecastle, laying his month's wages, was a child to them. And how they watched one another, and quarreled and fought! No one among them played so eager· Iy as IJady Arabella; and very badly. as IIsual. so that she managed to lose all he r money. She was eVer a bad player, with all he r pa8slon for play, Her lai;lt guinea we nt ; and then, determined no t to he ba.l ke d. she rose and said, lau ghing: , ." 1 have 011 a n e w white saUn peltltoat', .... all lace that coat thrl'\e guineas the ya rd . It Is ver y fit for wai stcoats, No gentleman will h so un galla~t a s to re Cuse my petticoa t as a stake. Of course, they all applauded; and Lf!.dl' Arab el,la, . retiring b eblnd a scr een, emerged with her satin lleW · coat- how It shone and sblmmered!In h er hand. And In five minutes she had lost It to Gile s Vernon! There was much laughter, but Giles. gravely folding It up, laid it aside ; and when we departeu. In tbe gray light ot dawn. he carried it art under his arm. , As tor me, I had lost all tbe money T bad :vllh me, Ilnd had given my 1. O. u. for £300. Next day Lady Arabella wall dropped In Berkeley Square by her grace ot Auchester, It W88 In the afternoon, and I was sitUng In the Chinese room with Lady Hawkshaw and Daphne when Lady Arabella appeared. "Well, Dicky," she said-a very or· fenslve mode . of addressing me-"how do you stand. your ' losses at play 1" And 'as I a m a sinner, sni! ' plumped out the wbole story of my play to Lady Hawkshaw 'and Daphne. ~ an .officer. apd a ' g~nt1emaD" I ,s corned to retaliate by te11lng of the white satin p~ tttc~t. Dut vengeance was' at hand. Just as sUe had flnl hed. when Lady Hawk· 'shaw was swelling with rage, like a toad b efore opening her ma,l n batt.el'le's on me, and Daphne/sfair eye-s wl'e full -of contempt fot me, we beaTd a commol1on ,outside: None of us could, keep jIom going to the wlndoW;, an'(l the slgbt we saw threw Lady Arabella lnto a perfect tempest of angry tears. A fife and drum .ere advancing up the street, play1q 'WIth great - vtlO~

'~ RN"':I'ISQY'S


Loose." B!!JlIlnd th m mtrelHltl, ' wltb, ' 0 the dcep 5t ra" lt)'. a oUple Gr .me; rill '5. IJ nl'lng al oCl on theil' lilt ' k til L 1\ gltll \'I1' lnl{ shilllm Hllg . th Ing tba t , fluLl t'I'(\d \ ~lltrly In 11) a ll', It W811 ~ . ' Lady ltrnhr'lln 's !luI In Ile tt\ oul: and, ba ltins blJfor' the d oor, th drllOlmer, THE USELESS SURPLUS. with ',R grelll 110'\1 1'11111, IlO1IIlfleci the l;uot'''' r. Ou I he I' ortl"r' !! I' slHl ndln g, !J:SS ('nsh lhnn we want, tho two llIal'J U('S 'baull <l tll petLicoat L 88 till l" than wo n .. e4; I,('ss drInk lhlln '" lIke, in with c r,'1t1 ny to hllll. di n' ' tlng ,luJd 11 t riO" I s. t eed . him to 011\' 'Y iL to Ih Lady , t'l\ I)cJlo ' Iorlllon l . wlLh tI \() olU\l llmcnt!l 01 Fnr mnnltlnll tW\' I' l<IIo\\'s U r ll t. Gil l'S \' (l rno n or hi s maj' ' t y's , Vh .. " It h a s !Julte '"flugh, '" n ' let', 'rhl" Ih ' man tlld; and was AnC! tho nHl o;, r r o :J.c1 . nllllos t torn 10 pluc s by he r fo r !lolng rt ,It pro\' S \ ' ,H'Y rOIlSh. so. Ihollg h In whn.t way he Ilild 0(' H. or If'JOd lhlnJ;'s wc· .. ·) f IId' d I kno\\' not to I hi s !lay. It wn.. plcnlY. a 11'l llln l{ thin". ontl IlInli lallghl I' for -n' was lo thcm, you liS n il ( incl ll di ng LII(I), Hawl,s hnw). ex. He ; (,f'!l L A ra b ' li n. Sh sE'cmt'rl to hate So lho hf's l wn y l do. A8 I'rn sure you'll ngrell. 01\ ('5 with n IIl Ul'e vlrul n t ll ulred arLer tlin!. an ,] Irl ,..ct v ry hft l'd to In duce ] s lo hn\' less ot monry, Lady (f nwhs haw to forbid him tbe t lim ••l,.lnlt lInd . { ~.e,' hou. (l . whl h. howe ver, Lady Hnwk. Than 'IV want! 'rhon \\' 0 '11 husllo And cur" whal w a n e o!, sha w rl'fus'd 10 do. • 'clt1:cl' Gil nor 1 had by an y Helpf ul Children • 11I 1'1I lt S for;';l1 tt cn ollr a pJ10 lntm en l to When chlldr n Itr not Iwlp fu l , Illl'Ct Capt. Oy rton on Ih e fi old o f whon th litlle f et do not rtln or , honor; lind as th tim e approsch d for mnds. wh cn the Illtle hands do not t l\ l) IlI tlct lllg. (: 0 S s ent 1\ vOry elv \,! sav e mot he r IImall dilLi es It Is usunlly note to ve rt on, Ils ldn!! him to na me the molh r's fault. Whoro the young11. gc nti emn n who wnuld $C m to ar- er mem bel'S of the ' home nre no fac· ran g' til PI' limlnnrl es, for ( would tor In Its dotrl s ltc mucllln e ry except II 1'(Or bave forgi l'o ll Gill'S h ad ho as clogs t.o th wh (lIs, there Is some-, cho (\ 11 Rny a il e e lse. Ove rto n r eo thing · wroug with tile mother'S monspond (I. nami ng 0\11' old flrst lIe uten· agement. ant. Mr. Rtlxl un, who ha l)()en d to be She Is ono of t wo kinds ot moUlers; In Lon don Ih ' II , lind was an ao- she says: " Oh , I (',an do It myself QlIu lntnn 0 of his, I b ' lt ve Ove rton's while I'm s howing the'm how," or It Is ohj ct In Hsking MI'. Btl xton to act ror ber glory to save t bem r esponsibility, hiro was t h hOlle Lhat th nffalr mlgllt eaylng that "worldty cares wl11 come be nrrang d; · for from whal I had soon e nou gh ." bard of lhe rI Illy re ligious turn Now to this firs t mothe r we h ave Ove rton had talcen, I concluded Ule nothing to say; ' sbe who Is so blind m ee tin g was some what against his to t he child's Interest, she who Is too oonscl nc. i3 ut the Indign ity of a £I016sh to t each them bow to be belpblow In the rnce to an officer could not ful is beyond the pale. be eastl y wil) d out without an x' But the other motb er-sh e W' IO change at shots. My principal was thinks- an, early s nse of responslbll· much disgusted when Mr, ,Buxton was ity wl\l bllgbt the youn g life. she It Is named, ~ •. _. ' whose mistaken sense of kindness is " I I<o ow how It wtll b e, OickY."he at the same time difficult, yet worthy growl ed. "You will sit like a gl'eat of atten tion. "Famlltarlty breeds congaby, wIth your mouth open, Imagl n. tetilpt"-for r esponsibility as for oth, Ing the tnve ra parlor to be tbe cock· er tblngs, and tbe young one who pit of the Ajax. Mr. Buxton Will, tnll, has hod a taste of it, accordIng to Its to you In his Qual'te r-d eck voice, a.nd strength. all Ita )\fe, will ta.k e It easl· you wtll be so fright n d that yOU' ly. with tile 'contem pt for worrying will agree to us blrdshot at 40 paces, about It wb ch familiarity breeds. . It goes without saying that the provided Mr. Buxton proposes It." This 11ndlgnan tl y denied, and swore ,tr n glh must not be overtaxed; but 1 would meet Mr. n uxton as man tc 8m all labo rs. small responalbllltles, man: Nevertheless, when we were train the mind and, muscles for the , Sitting at the table In Mr. Btlltton'lj ~Ig things of lite. Th'e little boy who lod gings. I did verY"Ulllch a s Giles h ad is en trusted with money to pay bLUs, pred icted. I forgot severnl things that or, who kee ps .'& Int'oh-key. and must I had wished to say. and said sev raJ see that his II tlle sister Is brougbt In hlngs t wished I hncl ' forgotten. Mr. tbe house ImmedIately after school, Buxton did no t let me torget, howeve r, or the little girl Who must :water the that he had bee'll my first IJ e utonan,~, fiow ers or wash the dishes. these are and I was but a midshipman. He the 'lhoutders on wbOm lICe's burdens cal1ed my principal u hot-hend d jack· most lightly sit. anapes before my very tace, addlns. THE "SIMPLE LIFE." Iwgrill' : "But f.or him I s hould have been HEY talk about lho 1I\V~e t­ firs t ' on th.e Indom.p.t.aWe 's declC" _ .......+-__1 I·-P""'-Of!S8 , al1 this t made but a feeble protest: And th JOY of "Stmpl • an d finally it was arra nged that the . . Lire," But on th o 8ubj et's lateat meeUng shOuld take place at a spot phas e, very ne ar RiChmond, at eight o'clocts, Wu'\, I.nd much talk on tha.mornlng of June 29. Ilnd strife, What. after a ll. 18 "StmWhen the date was eet, and the arpie LICe'" . rangements made, I began ~o feel Ou this · no two Ilgro'l : very' much frightened. Not so Giles. My husb nd's an Idealist. He calls It "poetry." There was to be a great ' baU at AI· mack's on the night of tbo 28th and And yot. , I notice how disGiles announced that he ' \\' U gOing. traught. llo\y nerVOU8 Henry It was Ii vel'Y special occasion for him, feels, because the Trenchard, whom h e sttl1 Whell'C 'er I hint that caUed the dlvln'e Sylvia. and professed "SImple Life," to admire as much as e ver, was to go less thiln three 8Quare meal •. that night: She WI\8 then the 'l1lge, n.y mother hint. It moallll .JUlIl water cicar, to drlnlt, . and had , a r::arrlage, diamonds, and. noUce how my husband trom 'fine eatabIJshment,' yet I believe' h~r t Tho argument will shrink, conduct to bave been Irreproacnable, .Jlm:a hObby III for un oolled food, She bad long been consumed with a And lot8 of sleep-but that desire to go to .Almack's, bnt ' up to Does not ,Ot In with .Jane's Iden., thatttme no actress had ever yet en. She thinks 'twould make her Cat. ' joyed the privilege, It seemed ' gro, Bo, whllo th ey argue pros and cons. As hruf been (Jone of yore. tesCJue enough that a young mldsblp, gil along Bnd run the house. man" of nP more consequilO~8 than I. .Just IllI 1 dId befOre. Giles Vel'oon, should succeed In carry. Ing this through. But suoh was actual. Bridget's Beatitudes, Iy the case : and Gil es accompllsh(ld It Blesed Is ihe whipped cream added by that sing ular power he ' pOS8ellt'led, to th~- maYOnnaI8e at tbe moment of by which no woman could say him serving. nay, He wOI'I!ed with much art upon Blessed Is the orange, or other fruit those great Indies. her grace ot .Au. salad served with roast duck or low I chester and IJudy Conyngham. and got of any kind. It adds a tang to the them pledged to it. Of course, tho grensy, rich meal, and Is an aid to dimost violent opposition was devel, gestion. oped ; hil t Giles, who had a perfect Ble8sed Is the saucer of melted butl<nowl dg ot the fem.lnlne heart, man. ter, mixed with hot water kept hot on agod to In s pire these two ladles wl tb the stove for basting purposes. th e wl llh to exercise their sovereignty Blessed Is the . hot or warm water over Almnek's by dOing what wa! used for clothes 1'01' Ironncve r do 0 before. Having led tbem Ing. Cold water has a bad effect on Into th e fi ght. they ]1ad no thought pi the starch. , runnin g away ; and lhe result was In. Blessed Is the custard wlien '. the numerahle henrtburnln gs and j·e alou·". eggs ·are beaten Into the milk and the tes, and m an while a card for Mr •. whole beaten with a rot!lry egg beatTronchard . er, Do not add the . mUk to tbe eggs • (TO BE CONTINUED,) . (however much you are tempted to aay It III a dlstlncU9n without a dllrerHAT BROKE UP THE CONCERT. enca),


Rem,arkable Headgear Relponslblo fop Spoiling Perlorl":lance.

M 'IN'f T '

Rule. for Baking Meat •• Beef. rare, elgb.t minutes to the . pound. Twelve, well done. This applies to tbe choice sirloin cuts; the cheaper, rolled. 'rib or rump take 16 ·mlnutes per pound. , . " Pork ' (whtch should .llwar.8 be wen don~)" 30 mlnut.~8; . ,, ~amb, rare, ten minutes; well done (whIch's more digestible), ~/) ml~­

A story has reached this country ot a hat which spoiled an afternoon performance at a small French play. house. It appears that tn the abaence of an orchestra a lady presided over the plano. Sbe ' was neither young. pretty :nor talented, and ' not wIshlnl ;1t4JA: ' " . to pass unnotlced conceived the Idea . . hlckeJ)8. '(four pounds in we~ht~ of we aring a hat that WOuld attract .one and a half. bours. the atte ntion of the audience: '. Halibut. 16 minutes. or more, to In thl!! she was s4ccessful. The hat t'b(i:'pqund . . Qther fish, . not 80 long, Ipoked like'. a good-sized uml!rella COyered wltli flowers. ribbons and bird,. As the hidy took bel' seat the surprll~ ft caused' hushed' · tbe au'dleDc~ hltd Silence.; . 1Yben; however, - the p1aut~ r.,,'m)lnelldeld struck the Orat' notes .a nd the flowere, ' rlb1ions and bJi'dB beg-an 'a mad dance, the storm . broke loolle 'and the laughter at last g'r ew so terrlftc thai the cwrtaba waa lowe~d to gtye the spectator. an opportunity of· regaining tbelr com~~ ure. They beYer re_neet St, the per. toriQance wu and the aa~ the for cIaJIIaItaI-

to ~elWD. \III aId tlUle~ kno~ as "PettoloolU 1IIl1Ual.,





- -- '-

H.uI Long C;lred for Grave ~f Ma n Who Had Been Kind t o Him

Many Years Ago, H ' 01'1 ~ ut fg . pnator or

Tam~any M an's Doubl e-Ba rre led' ComTh u ht

I. I


pllment Old A,!,,~y ,with ot Host ili ti es.







The orch s tra 11'11/1 plnyln g 1 (J II,dl ~ In St• .lihl lf p·:\ I'Itlll'ch, DYk~ 1' 11 Il'hts l one t th o rps lfltll'UntR III O c n v~H . 0 1., , " , during Ih e D ' 010('1'(' 11 /; na tl onll l IklonI ruokl y n, I li s Ihls h\!:ltIti It I s t 11'.1': " (n :'Illltorci P a. tllN ' Is nn old ' ,. IIl10n. and,· t~lC ,litleI'll woro III IIg . , grlll'CYfHIl lI C!gll'<'led wt:'>.I·gl'll wll nnel I U ti dl ) ' so III •" 1II1.''" ht h '!l1' lind tiCbeI . e III 1\ Iwu lI u uIlI'l'lIl pt, ' 0[' nil Ih · lUoulltl!l In tha t . I·11'11 I'd , At ono tahl • II lid a t ttl next \' lIla " o r th oJ nil a u II' ( ' Itt' I ~ c'lr.ct " '10 I U"~lt IlII eI h(' I' I'SClIl't , ' ;or . ... On th ot th l' gr~;:':l Is' It :atlY t ab ll' II lIu mh I' of TltlllnHl lty In ' l!. SluIden l)' t ho orc:hcs lru stnpll I d, t rlm nlPd , OnWel'!! b1l'OI1I1 1111 d n \' r a IV ~ <I apponrs. Th , l' I,!tur who lonks blll"! ... lin d Il 'ratlllllnny mU ll 's vu ()8 d upon th lll 1'1' 1111'11\' DC 101'(' and d 1'0. run g out : " Ill' li e Cll'gc . thut's n goo " ti on amfd· so lI1any xalllpies of to r. , looking wOlllan! l'eI like t o IIJ(Wt h 1' . Th e mnn at th u II Xl tuhlo, who wus gctfulll ,!I usua lly USl15 whOM g ra v' I It Is. and th s xtOIl a nsw ers : 'T h . with the Indy ('a ni \11·Q r. lapPI d tIde 'fflllllll unv lIH1n on ti l!! should er an IllUIl wh o~c body I'cs ts t il re hnd . "Sir. I hut luuy is Illy o It he r <'II! '11 nor chllt! , Ncarly ev ry snld fri gidl y: " wIfe " dlty lor t ho SIX Yfl nrs s lu' th e JUlin I , , ' .. I" th T'l tllm nllY ma n; di ed u boy ('ulltes he r to 't .nd to th e S ha ke. SJl u '. .' gnl H '. \\'i nt I' nud su mm er he ('omf's. I "I UIII S ItI d to 11I('(' , ..t yo tl ' \ 011 l'u ltallt ly Th e Iud is (h e but hor boy. Tit llI1tll I ar a goOtI pleku r. . wus th e on lv hum ll ll b ing who ,e ver I Allu,. I10t; 11' 111 1 ·s wC' ru al'c rled.-Sat,,'as kind 0 't h e boy,''' urday Evclll n/l' Pos t.

n ev. .T ohn

People Ta lk Abou t Good Things. FULla-tCI'1I \'t'u r. HgO few 1'1'01'1 1' kuow of snch II Pt'~I;"I'ntiu u ' Iii " J\"" oIO)r f li t' lh o F,·ct. 'fo,cllI.l· Il ftcr lit ... IlClI lllUO merits, of 11,·11 ·... l"Ullt , E il~C In \'c hccn tul,ln'n l' nlh' r j'l'nr loy gruldll l PCI.,.OU", il ig luu isllCllS' Ethic to tn iliionH, Il i8 ('lea nl.l'. "hall" "'1H ' . IWlllill1( Imel .lnli ,cplic 1111,1 gi l' ClI I'C~l nn Ll comfo rt tn ti l'I~ (1 lIC lt i ll~ f" l't. It cure. wlt ile \' Il ll wal\;. \"1' ;JIJ.OOO t Q~ lim o n in l ~ , Imilution I'll)' Lbe d,'ul r a IIII'I!!!I' profit otlt 'r\\' i ~c Y"U wonld ncn~ r he nlfered n MubMlitut c rcol' A ll c u '~ Foot· EII~c . I he IH'isinnl foot J1owder. A ~k {!lr Allen's Foot-En e, lI ud Seo til t you gl!t It .

Knew Wh en to Act the PaM. "Are you Mmld uf unll' r nnd ligh t· nln g?" "0 p nds upon wh c!1l I' I hnve ma le company In til parlor or Dot."-Judge.



A Significant Test, "So yO u don't think th e common people bave th e ne rve to dery those who seek a system of finan cial op· pression ?" "I am s ure they haven't," answered Mr. SirIus Barker. "Look at me. I'm just as sensItive to Injustice as anybody. And ye t I n ever hes itate about handing n head walter a comtortable \'ip Cor doln. nothing except look bllught,r."

"ever Vary In

Quality or Taat. because the utmost care is taken by Vb. by~. Chel. to select only the choicest materials, and putthese up in the saine careful manner every time. You are thus assured of uniform goodness. and this is the reason that the use of Libby's gives ' su~h general sa tisfaction to e~ery housewife•


Not Hard to .Please, "Woma n may be uncertain and COy." r emarke d the boarding house ~hllos()o pher, "but she Isn't hard to please. Th n s wiler the po t Is wrong." '" hat new light have. you had on that su bjeot, Mr . McOll1pl~ ? " all ked th\! landlady. "Sh '11 pnt up with almost any .klnd of stick for a busband and wear any Old thing on h ill" h e ~ d tor a hat."

Trr these UIIIIy""" DriedBeeI

Important to Mothers. Examine care fully e very bottle of CASTOR(A a sare and sure remedy.for Inlants and children. ·a nd see that. It Bears the ~'fr;' qrr Signature Of~~ , In Use For Over :JO Yea",. The Kind ·You Have Always Dougbt.

. ~xIoan T."",Ie

HamLoaI DItIM 0011 0.,.". VIe.... SauB.". E".,.,.~ MRIt


A Lucky Mischance. "At the last , mome nt Fakem lost hts nerve." "Then pray kind .fate that nobody else w111 ever find I~!'

For 1 u n c h eon. spreads ,or every ' day meals, they are just .the thing.

n.ed, Weak. 'VeDI7, " -.te1'7 E)'e" Relieved by Murino Eye Rem dy. Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Murin Do !In't SmarL; Sooth s E)~ PaIn. 'Wrll Murine Eye R ml'd y o. hlcago. for \\lus tra lI'd Eye Book. AL brugglst.ll.

Keep a IUPply in the bOUle. You never can tell "ben t,hey "ill rome in handy. .Ask for UIIIo'a' and be lUre' you Cd

Rulln~ Puslon. "He's . half crazy about mualc," "Sure Is. Even calls his prloe list a scale of prices."



.. O\'er fifty year!! of publio confidence nnd pop\llnrit.)'. That Ie the record of HamhnM 'V b:n~d on, the worM's Atnnd . ard remed~ for Aches ane! _p_"i nll. There's a reason and only one-MERIT. Not Exclu.lve.

UIIby, WIti". . ,& Ullby


"Was it an exoluslve party'" "Not at aU, ....ere there."

Some ot her relative.

For Any Bisease or Injury ~o t he eye. use PBTIl'l"," EYE , ALVE, air lIolute ly l~u tmle8!l, net quickl,\', 251'. All dl'llggists 01' Hownrd DrOll lJutfnlo, N. y, Uncle ,",osh 8ay.: 'Taln't all cigarette smoke in TurkIsh circles, b' jlnks. Is It?

- mRloATED-LAlIo"D. POrPllLUCll L AND "'''tor .IMllt: IIlll. w" wr ; Ilroduu(I VClIllI1: CI\'P

f~lhlr". unknu,. n: flO bu, wh.nt V~ ruul'l): 6~ 1... rolons nlrnlf,, : homl l hr,.1 rllulIlI o; (rue lIm b"r: O!\llY le rl1)a;

"rlto DOw, LINWOOD LUP 00 •• !IoU SIVI.... 1f,_tar.

Facts About the Texas Gulf Coast From One Who Knows 'In a recent letter to the President of the St. Louis, Brownsville &: Mexico R. R. t Robert H. Kern. Esq .• 922 Missoud Trust Building,

St. Louis, writes:


"Mr. Randolph bas shown me your letter In whlc}l reference Is made ' to ' my farming ,In MissourI. Presuming that you would like, to kn'o w a little of my success In tbat line, I w1l1 say that I have been actively farming under my own supervision for seven years 2,000 acres, ot fine farming land In Macon County, Mo. You may judge of the quality of t\lls land 'w hen I tell you that 1 have In favorable seasons raised 76 bushels ot corn to the acre 30 bu~hels of wheat .and 2 tons of hay, 1 have 'also .studied tarm\ng conditions In tbe high prIced landS .of Il1lnols and Iowa. My own experience 'and thIs observation leads me to believe that I! the best farms tn any of these . States for any, five years average 60 busbels of to the aore, and tbat the farmer realizes . therefrom UO, or' $26 an acre, he' Is doing the best possible, and out of this; expense, etc .• of raising crops must be dedu'Cted. "A year ago I went to tbe low~r RIo Grande Valley In the Gulf Coast Oountry o( Texas and spent some time . studying farming conditions: U\!lre; I found my 20 years' expe'r lenceoD a farm In Bourbon Co:~ Ky., and my 'long ex~er(.ence In Missouri' of great service, So much I~pressed :was I with the, vaat superiority of . farming ,i n ftIe B.-ownsvUle. Texas, .region, that .l bought 160' acres of iand near Santa Marla, Texas, and put ·my son (a' college: boy) ~' c~·a'rge. The result, of practically a yeRr. is 'far 'better than I antiCipated. He ~as cut alfalfa sown In Jartnary, 1908, .9 times, and realizeCl therefrom 8tona 'w ' the .acre,' ·worth '21.60 a tOil at Mercedes, . TeXRS; In ,F~bruary, . Re · !s no'lt shIpping, cabbage 'planted in' De~e.mber, betWeen '200 -and $SOO ecre, , 'a nd writes m~ tliat from the cabbage. c\1ciUnber,L.melon an'll \jean cr:~p of 40 acresl. he wUl realize over "S7,ODO. 11e ha$ a ilg oJ!Chllrd . of over 7,000 trees set out In Febl't\Bry, 1907 _ ,'Which raised froiql0 'acres, In July and August .. 1901!, oVer $100 W. orth or' .• -1]gs to the acre and )t~e' entire crop thlll year' sbould 'reaIlze over , '160 p~n: ..a<;re~ OJ'!Ulge trees set out, two years ago/ llien two years old, are, bearing DOW. : One. old lem,o n tree has ' borne over 1,000 fiDe lemon. since July, and bfLDatra8 are I1'()wlng I\U the time, Ib my roatntngs In Europe and AmeHea I . have neither I .aeeD' a coun~ nor!, climate Ulat, com~rea with It." , ,




M;'y others

are m,Jring si",i/a,. Sliteellu.

nuilc;ling fortuneS.










DJrecot Descendants from the Very Melons WhIch Our .~H~e~b~~r~e~w:!-l_ _ _ __ _ __ ~---'''--''' Brethern So Loudly Bewailed W 'htle Traverstng the Desert.

"Wby, uncle. how are all the tolks?" "They're all we ll, thanklil. 'cept BlIt H 's got the basebllll fever!"



aaby Boy Had Intense Itching Humor -Scratched Till Blood Ran. Found a Cure In Cutlcura. "Our Bon, two years old. was affilcted with a rash. After he sulfered with the trouble several weeks I took him to the doctor but It got worse. ,The rash ran together nud mnde large blisters. The mUe f 1I0w dldn't wnnt to do anything but scratch and we had to wrnp his hands up to k eep him trom tearing the flesh open till the blood would run. The itching was In. tense. 'rbe skin on hls back became hard and rough like the bark of a tree. He sulfered Intensely tor about three months. But I found a remedy In CuUcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointmen t. Tbe result was rumost magIcai. That wns more thl9 two years ago and there bas not been the sllghtcst symp:ilm or It since he was cured. J . W . Lauck. Yukon, Okla., Aug. 28 and Sept. 17. 1!108."

A new melon In which the seeds arc separate from tbe flesb, and Is prob· ably a type o'f the enrllest melons known. "And the children of IIIrae1 wept again and said: We re member th e fish which we did ellt In Egypt rree~ ly; th e cucumbers and the melons; . . . And now OUI' Boul Is drl (>d away, there Is ·nothlng at all besid e this manna."-N umbers 11: 6. This Is ' perbaps the flrst well·recorded case or a riot over the manu or a camplng-<>ut party; but that Is not tbe point ot Interest so much I1S that tbll, alBo III tbe firs t recol'd of the melon. Nor. r eally, can It be won· dered at that there was some 'dlsap· polntment at the losl!! or the m elons. though we bave nO' renl Idell In these days of what manna was, or its tooth· someneS8. The melon or Egypt Is supposed to have bp-en ot African origin. though


Lirely 'dlfferent from anythirl ,: ral9~O In Ame rlcn. Th o outs hle Is a pal. yellow, aud ribbed. In si ze they ar~ as large as th e usual J'UIl of musk· melons. The fl esh Is a Ileep orul1g~ In color . \'ory tblck. very sweet. and dell lously fragrant. Th e p cullnrlty of this melon Is In tbe arrangement uf the seeds,' I'll y nre not spread through the fl esh. as In the AmericlllI melons. but are all In a hard mails In the center. looking exactly like n nub· bin of corn . The second photograph BhowB these seeds. When the IDltlon Is cut. this core Is tak n out. It IIUdt thrust through It. and It Is llunx It, thl') rafters of the kitchen utilll melon planting time of th e following yrmr This is a very unusual offer because "Sweetheart" is an Befor e planting. th e seeds are Sl'p, arnted nnd then planted IlS nny other unusual soap. There are hundreds of toilet soaps to·day, yet not melons are planted, Both sorts one other like tliis. Get a full·size cnke free, then judge if "Sweel· tlrollfic growers. come eOI'll' anll 80 beart" isn't unique-decide If you don't like it beller. Inte. Tb ~y are among the firs t melons You cannot know,' madam, until you've tried this soap. wllllt on the place to ripen. and there are you miss when you use otber soaps. We've studied these soaps and know. Many are good soaps-they please lots of women. But we've studied the good soaps most. We learned how, in this way. to make "Sweetheart" better than all tbe rest.

Next week there will be published in this paper a coupon which, when properly signed, will be good for a full-sized cake of Sweetheart Toilet Soap absolutely free.


A Bune!' of Melon ..


"I hear, Llmpy, dat de price or lI\'\n' melons on the vines untU frost comes hns Incrensed." All the melons shown grew on two "Yep. Gee. It must be tough to vines. and very many had been hllve to work for wot n f Her eal.l!." plucked trom the BBme vlnea. Success. Mr. Doerksen stated that he brought "Why did you marry!" the watermelon Beed from the "For sympatlJy." province or Taurlda. In southem Rus, "Did you get what you were aftarr sla; and that It Is tbe re calied the "Yes-trom my tdends." Astrachan. The muskmelon sced he

Exquisite Perfume



"Sweetheart" Soap is scented with an e~quisite rose perfume made from a secret formula of pure essential oil. It is milled five times. making It as smooth nnd fine as th e most expensive French soaps.



ALLEN'S FOOT=EASE Shake Into Your ,Shoes r=

AlIen's FOot=Eaw. II powder for tho feet. It relieves painful. swol. len. smarting, nervous feet. and instantly tnkes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's tho gt'eatcst comfort discovery of the ale. Allen's FooI:Ense make ~ tight·fitting or new shoes feel easy. II is II certain reliel for ingrowing nails. perspiring. callous and hot. tired. aching teet. It is always in demand for use in Palent Leather S hoes • ...."... .. _.. for Breaking in New Shoes. We have over 30,000 lestimoni als. TRY IT TODAY. Sold by all Dru ggists. 25C. Do not accept any Substitute. Sent by mail for 25c. in stamps. S ,Indi. TRIAL PACKAGE sent by mail. Adures.o; use AUrn'. Fool.£ale." ALLEN S. OLMSTED, LE ROY, N, Y.



Particularly for Partlcl>lar People. anillll Extract is p roduced from fine }.Iexicnn V"unilln Hcnlls-n pure, rich concentrated fin vor. A11 grocei'll. l)lIt up in 10. ] 5 olld 25'cent bot.t lcs. !Soude.I'II'

With a man mon ey mea ns more to eat; with a woman more to wear.

Get'a Bome

Mr.. Wlo.lo ... ·s Boothlo.: "Trul" 1'or child reD tuctlllDIr. lofleD. the gum. , reduees 10DammaUOIl.aUaya plllD. cure. wllld coUu, 25colIOtUo.

The Seed. brought trom tbe shores of the Cos. plan sea, and it Is called there the Kluemelon. It requires very little research, wben the history of the Mennonlt<ls Is considered. to connect tbese melons with the most ancient and hIstorical (orms 01. thIs fruit of the vrne ; a,nd ~e peculiarity of. the ar~angements ot the seeds In the Kluemelon would make It very attractive to the house. wife because they are not "mussy" to. serve. The eater would enjoy the absence of the seeds also. Properly cultivated It would probably produce a melon whicb would be In great de· mand.

Occas lona~ly

a her hUBband fill.


"Be it ever so humble there's no place like hoine" runs the song. It will not be humble --at least for very long--nor will there be any ~ place ~ II if you

Locate in the Northwest Aloqtbe

Northern Pacific Rly ,

Sell Nothing But 'the Best.-Ir farm, ers w!1I make it a rule. to .send only the best to the market they wUl gel mo~'e money for 'p ne·halt or the crop wben prices a~e IQw than for ' the whole. WllenJ'Ule markets are' well 8up,pUed only' .the best will ·sell. Not only shoUld ' the. Ill'·tlclell be selected. ~,ut ·they shQuld, be ';Inltorn\jO[ same qunllty-at the bottom of . basket as at 'the ·. top'. Jnahiad of ' reduclng . the ' prlc~ 'of" po~toell ~y 'seod: Jng the very"small 'ol)es ·to..Nle market. keep thoseth~t (. ' are " unsaln~le. feed them on ' the farm and' t~w ;wIll then be more: vruuable: ':~. " ,,' . ".,.

~~~;~' !H:;~;~~:~ :..

Mlan""" Ilardwoo4 timber ....11y AII4 pTOflta1!1Y cleare4 •. Rlcb prairie 1aD.~.. "ort .. Dakola. Fertile rrllirlel. Rood water. cbu.p


fuel. Six million acre. of free GovernmeD land, which II beIDa r&pld17 tabD Up. Moat.... Gru~laD4l. DOW bctnJlIn1&lited In IIl8IIYplaoes. ptoduclllR lull cropa

of alfalfa. TbotlllaD4s of acre. of 11114 beIDa reclalmed by tile Huntley and Lowor Yellowstono Irription Prolocu. Flatbead Indian Reaervatlon to be ope'DOd about Aquat lit. E •• I..... W....lailloa a.d "011....... Idalao. Ro11ll1& pralnes. yieldiDI boUlltUully without ImptiQn. Kearby minlDI campa'afford exoellmt markets; JnIJ4 climate-no levere stono.. tJnriftlled Irrtptlon propolitiODS In tile 8pokaDe Flatl, ealt of Spokane'I In VlnelaDd. at LewlstonClarkllon. a04ln the FADIOu YakIma,Valloy Including Kennew ck. Prosaer ltIoaa. Malllon. Sunnyslds. Toppenillh. North Yaldm&and zliI4ii. The IJ1I&tfteldsof the wabAWalla DIstrict are attractive. Wulern W.....ntloD. Rlchalluv!.al bottomlaoda: cut over lan4a fordaitylolr AII4 wek prdlllJ.l.q. Be.,er-faWnl mar~tliD the clUe. of the SoUDd. Alalka IIlId the O~nt.


within twenty·to\!r bous aCter they are laid. If care is taken to select clean sound eggs. and proper preoa\ltlon~ are observed In cUl'rylng out the de· tails of tlJe method ot preservation as ahove Indloated. It is believed that wa· ter glass furnishes a c heap. reliable nnd easily employed preservative for domestic use. and · by Its use everyone bavlng a supply of fresh eggs In the spring can make a considerable saving and at the same Hme have a larger number of fresh eggs to uso In the winte r.


dressmaker give.


kept a dry. cool room or cellar. ,PRESERVE THE where the sun's rays do not fall direct. upon them . . Only clean eggs should SPRING LAID, EGG Iyshould be used for preservation. and these be placed In the preservative

Tbe Improper selection of food drives many a healthy person Into the depths ot despaIring Illness. Indeed. much sick.ness comes {rom wrong food and just so surely as that Is the case Sen Product of This TUUIt 0' right rood· w11l make the sun shine Year Best. once more. An old "eternn ot NewburYllort. Recent luvosUgations show that Mass., says: "In October, I was taken slclt and went to bed. losing 47 pounds egp;s laid In May' und early June keep In about GO days. 1 bad uoctor ofter better than those laid at any other doctor. food hurt me Rnd I bad to live tline of tlie ·year. and for that reaso'1almost entirely on Inagnesln and sodl\. eggs laid at thls particular time of the All solid food distresaed me so tbat yeaI' should be preserved. water would run out of my mouth 10 . it· ha& been found tbat wllter .glass little streams. . wben pJl'operlY milde senls the eggs "I bad terrible night sweats. ajJ.d my and prevents further infeotlon when doctor finally said 1 had consumption Rept at R comparatively low tempera· and must die. My good w,l fe gave up ·tura. Water glasa can usually' be ob· all hope. We were at Old Orchard. tslned through druggists ' at from $1 Me., at tbat time and my wife ' saw to $1.25 a gallon. a gallon ot the Grape.Nuts In a grocery there. She glass being ulade Into ten gnllons of bought some and perlluli.ded 'me to preservative by simply <1ls801~lng It In '. _ ' IIlne gallon" ~r· water ~blcb . lIas been 'try it. , "i -bad no' faith In It, but took it t.~ , ' ~lled and co~led bef9re uae. : Tbe .pr • please hElr. To my surprise it did not served e.g g sqou~' be; kept !n a celll,r distress me as aU' other food luid done br ~0t:n of even ' temper~ture. which and before 1. had,I' takEln -the fifth liack· does not go a,bove.; GO degree~ .. IIge 1was !well on th.~ m~nd. Tlte nalDs .: It, .h~s '. bee~ .dlscov·e rea, tb~~ JlggS lett. JOY' head, my,. ltllild bt\came clearer may be ,lnfeQted .w~tl.t baQt~IB C)f de~nd" Ig!llned . w·elght. ra~ldly. · ".'. ' c~i ~ the ' dvlduc~ \ ~~tor~ ·~the eg, III . '. '''1 went back to. my work again an<l Il\ld, . ~c,t throu,g h' pores, l\nd aet~Qts DOW after sfi weeks' use · of the foQd In the : s/lell after ' thli egg , I. laid. J ,all) ,l;Iette.-: and st."ollger.thaJ\,ever 'be· l4~ch can ,be ,4o."" \' tp . reduce ~h,e . fore In·' IpY .Jij'e; , G[fiP~·~ut~ s~ely IlhaDCB~ of h;l(ectt~n and to l'educ,e qr .saved '~y Ufe' and made me a 'strong Ilrevent the ...Injurlons effe(:u 9f In. hearty ' mall, 15 ' poutld8' lu~avler than reet!on, .thereby 11'~~11 in?p!;'oving ~El before I wa" !;aicen Ql. . , keeping Qultuty of the eggs. ' ··Both JI\Y good wife a.nd I ' ate will· :, In t~e ftrrt'plaoe ~e h4t~ Ihould ' be Jng to .make . affidavit to the ,truth of kept III a.s neal'l~ perfent healijl . tI.~ thIs." '. • poul~le and should be glv$J;l enouih Read ''Th.e ROad to WellvtUe;" eMil fQ'I'ml1l1 food to e~able tlleiQ to pllKs, "There·' a r..woJ:l." " make etroDI abeUs Of ub~form_ thieletJae' ...... I~~ A.... 108.... 91ean n·e ttID. ]I.-cel ...-e .lltiCea, B...., tl.e. ~ ff8Il • • •- . .


#It ..

this IS not certain. Tbe muskmelon has neve r been fOllnd ln, a wild state. and Is supposed to have originated In Indu.l. and to have been brougbt tbence by way of Persia. Melons from seed brought trom Armenia were cultivated Englishman'. Withering Reply. three ce nturjes ago at Cantaluppl, Tbe beBt of us sometimes forget the near Rome, and thence were inlfobeam I~ our own eyes while we search ' duoed aU over Europe - under the for a mote In another's. An Ame1'lclUl name of cantaloupe!!.• wllence our pres· traveling abroad met an Englishman ent' name for them, ' whlcb Is; bel~g with the ratber rema~klible name. of supplnnted In the market by tbe ·cog· Pthorne, which was pron'o unoed nomen of Rocky Ford; (or once the cantaloupe 'gets Into the hands ot the Thorne. "What's the good of the 'P?'" t~e dealer. It may be raised In Indiana or Amerlcun queried; "you don't pro- any othor ~eaport, but It Is 'always a nounce It, do you 1" Rocky Ford. , 'I'btl Englishman gazed at him wIth The two accompanying photographs tbe manner of one who. wblle he have great Interest from two reasons: pities, Is bored. , They show melons which are new In "What's tbe good 'b' In 'orse?" he tbls countr:r ,and wblch are no , doubt Questioned. convlnclngly.-Spare Mo- direct descendllnts from . the very ments. melon!! which our Hebrew brethren so loudly bewaUed whUe traversing the Obecllenee: . desert. 1 found them on the garden Prompt and unquestlonlnlr obed'" ot l\larUn Doerksen, whose farm Is In ence Is the corner stone ot. the roun- the flourishing Mennonite Bettlement dation of succes in lite. No man can numbering a hrut·hundred families. give orders properly who has not near the beautiful ' little 'CIty 01. Meade. learned to take them, and "8ave he Kan. There are two kInds of melons ser\'~. no mati ~ay rule," It 'Will be shown In the ftrst photographs-wa·· found that the men who hllve won termelons and 'muskmelon·s. The theIr ~ny to positions of power and ~aier~elons are•. In. th~ heap In the responslblllty have Invariably' been center: They ar~ not strictly peculiar the men who did not renson or argue as oQmpar,ed wJtb our American wa· 'or even ''1'esl2..eottully represent," but termelons, excep~ that tbey are small, c--wlm 1ll'Omptly ilId as they were' com· nearly round, very light In color on manded without questioning. It 1s tbe outSide and also on the Inside. and the Inrge man, not the little man. who ,very sweet. The three muskmelons recognizes a superior authority. at the bottom of the ploture are en· MAKING SUNSHINE It. I. Orten Found In Pure Food.


"Sweetheart" Soap is, first of all, a pure soap_ It Is made from edible products-the very bcst themark~t affords-but it is more than a mcrely pure or neutral soap, as it also con1ains benzoin, cold cream. nnd glycerine in correct scientific proportions. Tbese last named ingTcdie nts nrc well k.nown for tbeir beneficial effcct on tfle skin-softening, purifying and helping to k eep it in a natural condition. The cream whit e color of "Swce theart" Is the best proof of its purity. Nothing is added to color .it.

We Are Sure of This

Potter Dru. & Chom. Corl),. Sole Prope., BoIloD.

:j~~5~:'''''' tne.

Absolute Purity

Try It at Our Expense

Otherwise we couldn't afford to buy a cake of our soap for so many women. For unless all who try our soap buy it again, we lose II large amount of money on this offer. We can't afford to buy every woman II cake of this soap. so these coupons must be limited. But all readers of next week's issue of t can get the gift. Simply cut out the coupon in next paper and present it to your grocer.

Prominent Women Aid Good Cause. #.. large number of women occup,.. Ing promin ent pos itions In society. or on the stnge. arEi taking sn active In· terest In t.b nntHuberculosls campaign ,' Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt bas recently gl ven $1,000.000 for sanitary horn s tor cOlls umllt\v 'e. Mrs. Keith Spnldlng of Cblcago hns erected a sanitarium for the Chicago TuberculosIs institute at 1\ cost ot about $50,. 000; Mrs, 'Coll\s P. Huntington nnd . Mrs. Borden liarrlman have glvell largely to the consumption fight, In Porto Rico. Mrs. Albert Norton Wood, wU'e of a prominent army officer sta· tloned at San Juan. has stirred the en· tire island through the antl·tubeJ1:u, 10sls crusnde she Inaugurated. Mm.. Emma Calve i8 a most enthusiastic worker. anli hos given largely of her talent and money tor the relief ot tuberoulosls sulferera, ,and Miss , Olga Nethersole has even leotured beforo the public on tuberculosis.


There's Danger Ahead

Round 1'rlp Homeseekers' Tloketa BOld on ftrst and third TaeBdays of each month. SWIIUIOr Tourist Farce otrec:tlvo May Zoth to September 30th. Liberal alopovcra.

Forllluatr.tte4 descrlptl"e literature, write 10

C. W. MOTT. General Emi_ralloa AlleDt DepartlDeDlOD. ST.PAUL.¥I""ESOTA

if you've been neglecting a cold. Don'texperimentwith your health. Get a remedy that you know will cure-that remedy is

DR.D.JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT It's safe. In the severest cases of coughs, colds, bronchilis, croup, hi-

Sammation of chest snd lungs il is the mOlt effective remedy known. It does ita work quickly, removes the cau.e of the dilease .1 ..' 1 h 501a c'H1gUlnrre In I ree me 6ottlu. $/.00, SOc, 25.:. .


Forratelof fare. time of trains. etc . • address

A. M. CLELAND. GeDual P ... ·r Allut DeparlmeDIDD. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA

W. N. U •• CINCINNATI. NO. 24-1009.

Leggetfs Dusters r.::!~~ In Dust for.




CHMlPlON Little Gillnt

tlUHlS pulM008 or to·

bacco a s

fl\ ML 1\8


'W alk. 'Xbosa n:re the ",,,tt ·knowu Tobacco Du8tlotr Machin".

ta~H~~.~:;rL('i.!~;. Power) Duals Four Row •• Our flp,.,. "lUI ..,neloe

InronoaHon ...

pnllng IIn.,er• • Dd llaterlalo. »all..a 00 r " lu, .. I.

LEGGETI' & BRO., 3lI1 Pearl St.. N. Y. '

'.. ~--. Constipation-:- '

,HEADACHE :TheNear~ Every, OM Gels It bOwelssllow sign ' fi~t

of things gOing wrong.,. A ~asazrettaken · eve~ . night

,a13 needed keeps the .bowels. -wor}dng ' naturally without . g?P, ,gtjpe" and that '1,1pset . ..S1ck feeling.


e;xcell anr d~nlifrice THE TEETH ~8lItine cleallJmg, and ID


removing tartar from tlie leelh. beaides dealroyina all germ. of decay And diseaae which ordiDary

toolh preparalionl ClUlDot do; . . Puline uaed aa'a mouILWlllh diainfecr.the mouth aad thr~&t. purifies the bi'~alh. and "il~ the lIenlll which collect in .the mouth. CAUaing lOre IhrOlllo Lad teeth, bad breath,. grippe. and much aickne... when ioBamed, tired. ach. And bum. mil)' be i.nstaotly relieved' and ttraaathened ' by P~tiDe. . H ,Putine Will dOllroy the' ae~ ~, ~ ,thai c.A\IM ,calanh, heal the !Do ·Lmmatioa .l)d atop the di.chatwe. It' ia • lID remedy for uterine eat.ant.. '. . ~ .



·PUilite is ~ harillleia yet icidC.disinfedant and deodorizer.


in ~itdealloy. ocIoriaod leavea ~ body ~.:~y.. ~"


' ,


1I08T.ON...... '

----~ iiiFDiii~


•• ( ol'olin ' .'mith lo , ,B. Whi t91k~r FOURtH OF real 1slal ' ilT ll arhul lUWll"hip $3t~OU. ---. I . Jo '~ph Elt zr Ih \0 1\-11'8. Ja(~o b ThaL seaSlllIl)f t hl' year is no\ a ~A., .ood Painter with Poor Paint gets. Poor. Results All the News · Pcrtainin)! to the _ ichwit~ et al r 81 'tat in lerml.nt pl'oa hing wh en fon d parp"t almost A Poor Painter with Good' Pa'-nt gets Better Res~lt~ ar'ld Warren ('uu nt i " $~OO() . reg r . t that 011 1' f I' fnth~I' nJ pt J Count"'s Doin~s at th I Au g ll. t . Ha!'i;flug11 t o Paul " th D cl u,l'ati on of Illd penu net', Court Hohse. Harhaugh real .estHle in C;le"\l'l~ re ,1, De 'pite the f ear ful t.ol l of Iif and But a good painter ' to wnship $40. . propert.y which' i: fUlIlually tak n. - --,----== ===;-r,It=,.,.----r-;;.......,, -----,-- . F mnla MAria St ' wart to W. L, tlouhU ' . lhe youth of the land will H l'd and \Vifl' n'nl el:ltat~ in T ur t\e- cplebl'alt! Ih ·· g-Iol'inu,-, FI urlh as U:;i' \ ,",cw uilS. ICI' ck ~wI;:;hip, ;1. , ual. I . , Narcltil a 1. Roll to l ury I· . TIte :t,. 'ru}:'e llulllLtll' f li're in William ebald Brewlll~ . company I Elliol r eal t'state in \\ an'en coullty Ohio an1lually, I' s ult in g-dil'ecLly frum can produce results in every \-vay satisfactory. v . John Hohner Jr. Petill on t.o r.t!, .' \. ' tit lise of ti l' w O I'k~ i~ ahout th i'rLy, viv dorman~ judgment. P!allltlfi' , William M. I:.:lliott f al t Mary F. five. and the average 10 ' f rom fire' pleas OT' rVlval of !'un~ fb~(140.97 bllinlt real "tute in Warn'n o unt~' from all ('au ~ s is about ' 1,7,O(), with int.erest and to tan " su J 'l10 ' 1 With;)111 eXJ) re:,sill g a ny opin io ll go furth e r, wear execu tion, . ' . , . , I ~) ury F . 1,;11 iot! 10 J . Lloyd Ell iul t , upon I hI:' Ill ~ ri I,; 1:1' I he . c~ n tl'o\'tlr;::y J . B. Moo:5 . ompall~ v, \-I t!II I.\ r eal t'sthLe in Warrell L'ounty . $1. nv 'r \\'OllJ<l1l S :'t1 t1 raKe. It IS r 'specl . longer, look better, and actually save the consumer Murphy. Petlllon for nwney unl y , Nal'(' I' ''''\1\1 l-b Il t l\l ar" F, Elliott fully sugg-('slt'd that thl' WOIlI e ll u r • ..I b ' $ 111) - ,) 'lh ~-/' " 1... 15 to on a job of painting. amount clatnl(,u t' lllg' ... - WI , real' t!slal e ill WalTt'li Counl y $ 1. thi s coun t ry cou ld S:!Vl' Ill url' live'S ~ , interest.. I and pro lJerly by tI i reet i ng- thei r 'II , FOR 8ALE 8Y Commissiollcrs' Proceeding. ergy againsl lht, use u f da ng )'(Ill : Court Proceedings. firewurks 1han I hey can (,\' 0 1' ~a vtc' by Maria A, nook vs, harles Town, Hills- l{u ggles·G a le Cu " bl.i1lks th > hallot. send. Jury find s due Lo plaintiff' for probate Judge, $U~5; J ohnson & Annually lhe may o rs of U\I)' :iti 's Watso n Co., r ecord for auditor, :2 ; $570, make proclamatiolls con e l'l1in g t h!' r. d Higg ins & "'o nklin, premi um on inThoma E. o rwin \'s . A. . 1'01' , use of ('.mnon c ('(1cke!'s and oth er surance on hildr Il' S Home, $58.50: , ~--~~~--~~I~~~~----------~--~--~----Plaintiff g iven ten days in whi ch t o . ' . dangemus nOl!l and tire produ 'e rs HILL CLIMB ING CONTEST fi le reply . W, H. Anclel son Lo" hook for PI O· tl F' th B t 't Id b bat.e Jud ge , $1.50; J-iio Law R Jl r t. ~po n . Ie our. ~ 1 WOU C Th mru Humphrey vs . William , b kf P b t J I "'., InlPO: ·tble for any poli ce force to ell' defe lId a It . . f I' '!'!'Ie l"ll(!UI' I'C I' c·lly ... · S e ttl cmeyer, L eave given I eDr O.b 00 t &01' ' 13 I1'0 a e U( g' , f·rv; f or('e tlIe prOVISIons 0 an 01'1 m a ne '. -' ~ ". Will Keep to file answer wit.hin SO days , om augll 0 m - I'. repairs or II ' t d II t t l I That th ill innati Autolllohile '. ' 1 $5 r. , F d M ' I .' "k . IS s ugg . c la Ie p a e to Martin A. Jameson. assignee, v ' . ~'\~I' $2·~Oo. , re I oc ~I \II~i' ~\O: <It begill i with the Hellers . Ordinancelli ' Iub will go t hrough with the pro}\!annie R. Eagle et al. ourt di Jal, .3 ; Centra IlIOII e ep lOll' I' i 'b't th vosed hill climb at Ft. Ancient. was llc h h i l i t . I f l ' t 'tT - u., toll s for H. B. Ande rson, tiO w I f thll regucla e or pro II I, , e. >vide nced last Saturday night wh e n I - ANDmIsses appea 0 p am I , t J h W Wh ' t I b sa C 0 e more a nge r ous v. rletles harles C. Hain es v!:! . Ida H. Moon cell ; 0 n ' . C I acre, um r, f fi e 0 k b f d h t he commi ttee on arrangements met I t del to . r w r 'S 'an e en oree muc All Idl1l1 ~ IIi Slolle, ,..i rk', and et al. Partition of estate ordered by $ 84 ,40: 01 110 orruga e u vel' 'I t l th k' and mappp.d out t he program. AnC ' $20 80' V J Z t mol' easl y lan cun Og see mg to ' l'llll~"t \Vurl •. eourt as to all parties concerned . 0., sew~r pl)./e, " '$ '. . \,,~nJ- regulate or prohibit t he ir u e after t)ther m e ting will be held ann printE. M. Runyan \'s. Raymond P. myer. brtdge repairS, ~8.:0; . ' they are on 'e sold. 'd entry blanks will be s nt out Lo At his hom. 3% mil es w at uf l·,ltl'lll Wnll, s illld Floors a Cline et al. Court confirms : ale of Zentmeye~, contract: $03. 00: F. P: A f e w cities have already absolute- automobile club. and manufact.urel's Wayn . viii . on the Uppe r SllI'ing, ~'ll'da"~' . til III ' W. pd' certain described property. Forgy" bo~rd for pI'ISol.. er~, $12. ~O , Iy pl'ohibited th sale of fire works all ove r the West. Th program is, boro pik e , fo\' th omin g ~ea.'\I1n. S(lllurc fooL. Frank Brandon, trustee vs. Mor- The MI~ml Gazelle, pubhslll,",g not.lce and the fact that Gutside of the as follows: . BROWN B!LL is u guod g lle\'lllrow Brewing company et al. Sale of makmg maps. $42: ,10; E. 1. T~om- property loss there are from 100 t~ Cin innati Automobile lub. pen- purpos horse. of real estate confirmed by co urt, as: blanks and suppltes for a~dlto r, 500 deaths annua lly. dir~cUy attributo,All Hill Climb. Ft. An ient, CLOV ERDALr~ is on of th .. h td' I ' . June 26, 1909. bred Pe l'cheron hOI'sE's in lhis S clion $47.75; W. C. St. John, rtlpalrs for tabl t th t h $920 A d't ' r e o ese (lngerous agencies I Probate Court. cour ous~,.. ; . ~ I 01 S : ee sufficient justification fOl' this action. First event-Car s costing from of the cuuntry . He iii titte n yen l's In the matter of the will of John Fllnd per dlemAapPSr~llsllllgl tr~lctlon But this drastic legislation would 81)1 down . o ld , and is without n blpmi!lh. 5 • . tl we , ml eage ' d I. f t h e mUlllClpa .. I auSecond event- al.S O!l U'"ng .f rom . d to roads,. $1; Letever, d eeease, d Ad mIlle . t t' d $26·0 no t be l' qUIre appralsmg rae Ion roa s, .0: h " I d $8"1 u t $1 301 probate. . nque t ever d d b d 0 f J h t ontles wou pass properregulato. ' U po" . TER S Estate of John Lefever, decease~. \a G ea °t y$12 55 0 n l'y measUl'eti. And then enforce-:- . Third event-Car~ cOBling from ' . M =-.1··It....- - - - - - - - - -......~ . d . eorge ausmann, cos H, •• . f h b ' >;! 1 "01 t. $2 00 . C harles A. Lefever appomte execuC t - ts C t t t d ment 0 t ese measures an e asIly '1' .... up . 0" *10.00 t insure a living co lt; mal' .. bond 0 f $300 Wit . h W'II' rac' la was f en ere. Ilad'f d WI'11 FOlll·tl'• vent - Ca"" . tor gtvmg I lam , toon" rac th Le- .onWh I t\lIe paren ~ 0 f . t h e ian '''' cos t'IIIg f I'om amI colt t sland 'ali , (' urily. Any • . tn WI . nllle I <cre or rals, $2 000 t $3 501 R. Lefe~er and WIlham McDona~d in walK and aving bridge 'near the ~pp\'e~lateth,edang:randal!tacco·rd, up 0 " • ne with mal' (od its the as surettes and Al ~rant. John. G11- r!idence of D~. Horace Whitacre on tngly 111 lIIakmg thell' purcbases. ' Fifth event- All s tock cur. from imlUl'Unce. mour!""d S. A. SttlwelJ appomted Morrow and Rossburg r oad in alem ' Parents are urged ,to back up to $3,600 upwards. ~~~~~~~~......~~~................... appraisers. . township at the e timate $34.80. the fuIJest exte~~ pOSSIble all efforts Sixth race- lub member!!' hant.!iHarvf'y~l)urg, Ohio. In ~he matter of the assignment of Contract was entered into with of our aut~orJtleS to less n these cap, owners driving cal's. Nanme R. and G~r&'e W. Eagle. V. J. Zentmeyer for repair of abut- dang:l's to hfe and property. And Seventh race:-:'::..: for all. Undertaker and Embalmer. t CaUBe set for hearmg for June 12. ). espeCIally are they urged to use the , ment alld headwal to '1ewer on Dog t t 'tl ' h d Ortental dye-make rs obtain fotly · d \V e wa llt tb e JlI n pl tl til kll Ow \\'. Eata te 0 f Ad aB. H u t c h tn80n , ed T . Mil S .1 d u mos care In lelr purc ase" a.n Will b(~ touor) iu Ule olrl ' J ' t' d . . t street an wenty e tallu roa I t ' th f th . f th ' shades of yellow from the she ll of th lire "' 111I1.llIlI d lill ~ , ~eased . ' nven ory an appralsemen in Deerfield at the estimate $31. ! a er In e use 0 ese JOYS 0 e pomegranate, Blink BUIldin g . OppO!Hte the Nllt,ionul Bank led . .. Contract was entered into with thelyouthful heart. J.~. ZUBER, . 'I'elepllon6 in hon. /} Imd of Estate C?~ Ehzabeth F. MOWltS. de- Oregonia' Brid"'e company for steet State Fire Marshal. ~~~~~~~~~==r::::~~!'"!'!-~ -. fl ee wh r 1 can be ool1fld .]" •.J. - • .... ceased • F irS t account 611 '- """"""",."""" . ".,...""" •., . , . " . , . , . , ..."~ dll,y or n1gbt. th _ H~ of t<tecu. fEliza- bearn b1'I'dgewl.'th concre t e fJloornear PATRIOJlCTRUTHS '' i'

County Courts #


Danna's GIccn ScalPainf





J.E.Janney; Waynesvllle, O-,-~_ _ _... JOHN STROOP

C. B. Lewis


Brown Bill




I~~:: ."~:"~


Howe Bros.,



n e ma~r as a 0 . Lebanon Water Works on Lebanon be thkM°rdunts , tdec~ased. Cbathdermde and Monroe road in Turtlecreek . S noo Q ered 0 &,Ive new on an t . h' t th t' te $161 J. W. Snook released from . further owns Ip a e.es_Im.a . , liability as surety . .' Estate of Elizabeth A. Cle!llents, deceased. Inventory and appraisement filed. . Estate of Maria Miller, de<,:eased. M. A. JamesOn asks court to author. , . . lZe hIm to loan $600 for two years at 6% ·interest to meet.'indebtedness of ward. Estate 6f Irwin Watkins et al minora. First account and resignation of guardI'an filed. . In matter of Wl'1I of Jacob Cornell , deceased. i,tted to probate. Estate of Jacob Cornell, deceased. Trena M. Cornell appointed execu·trix. Frank Rich, Frank Elbon and . . John O. Cartwright appraisers. In the matter of the el:!tate of W. H. Jack, deceased. George E. Young appointed administrator, giving bond of $6000 with P. V. Bone and Smith Hatfield sureties. ' . In the matter of w?ll of ~annah Ireton, deceased. Will admltted .to probate. Marria,e Licenses.

'I'elliome deserving RheUlll! sufferer, 'hat there is yot· ontl simpIe W8-Y to certain relief. ~et Dr. Shoop'8 book on Rheumatism amI a free tr~al test. This book will make it ent1rely ol~ar how Rheumatic pains are qUlokly k1l1ed by Dr. Shoop 's Rhenmatio Remedy-liquid or tablets . Send no money. The test· is free. t;urprise some disheart ened sufferer toy firtlt getting for m A~r b!;hIOOP, RIlh,lm t~~ bOO~ oIDe, 18. 0C Y elt. er8. - -- •• - • FREE AT CHESTER


. It is not all punk t hat blisters.



J H 0pp


' The Jeweler


Wall Paper,


VIlJley ~hone 14-2. And III' clITrvlll~ a large line· 01 I-'I1IJ r. We uhm bu II Main Street, Wayn hio " .. O lll}J.1 tt, IllIe of A wet Fourth makes a lean grave- ~ ~ ~!!!!!!!!!~_~ _~ . ~~,~!!!!'!!.~~~~~_~!'!!...~~~. yard. ~.. . , ~ .. . . . The fool and his digitl!! ate soon ~ ~ IJarted ~ Carpets, Rugs, LinoleTh :,t' k f II I'k th' t ' ~ ~ e ~ IC S a a I eon eJus ano '_ 'ums, uac&-: Curtain.-, the unJust, ,~ ~ Window Shades, E~c. A thumb 011 the hant.! IS worth two ~ ~ in the alcohol ~ ~ . ' . ~ _ ~ Come in and ~ee Us, It IS better to take a dar than to i' ~ MeCALL PATTERNS get your hand, scorched. ~ ~ ·.I. h.oletl lu. Iryle. perrcct lit. simplicity and i' i' rctinbilily ne .. ly 4() Sohl In "c.rty R em~mber, the giant firecracker '~ ,,"cry chy nnd lown in III. ni h'd : 1.'lc~ und , is always just getting ready to go off ~ ,Silverware, Wa tches, ~ ~~tg~c~r ;l"cl.n al~~~::i""·l~'r .,/;:.e ~~:~IU~~~ when you bend over it to see what is ~ CI k J I nj ~ MeCALL'S MAGAZINE .._ _ _~. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _&' 'OC S, ewe ry, ~, i' . Mure subl rib nl Illltn liny oth.r f~$hion the matter. jI' ~ mngnzlnc.,-nlillion a ritnnth. tn"~lunblc. Lot: L h b h ~ ~ est slyle5, 1':111 rrt~. IIrt'umnkil1!:, ", lIl1nory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ . et us, ten, e l,.1p and s ·.ootin.c; .~ Chains, etc., all New. 'I pl. in $twlng"pnc), nccdlework.halrdr. slnJ; th h f f I h '~ eUqucllc, gootl . Io~ ic~, Clcr Only IiO ccnli ~ WI a eart or any ~te, Ig tlng ~ . ~ ycar (worth .lbuhlc) . Inchttlang II I•• " pattern. fuse S nd the ti I t"l Engraving a S.p ecialty" Suhlcri,be tnolay, or ~cntl Il>r s."'l'le copy. d a. n s~oo ng- earn 0 ~ ~ WONDERFtJL INDUCEMENTS stan aslde ,and Walt. - Judge. ~ ~ to Altent •. 1'0. 1.( \lrlngs premium Calalo(;ue ' '~ and new cu..h Add.... . _ Could Not Be Better ~ ~ iSE IIcCAU. t'o.~ 23Uo III w. J7tUI .. NEW YOU Nu one hilS eYer made It. ~IlJve ~ Spectacle Fitting a Specialty. ~ ointment lotion or balm to oompar~ ~ ~ TRADtt MARK. with Bll~klen's ArDlCa. Salve. Hs ~ ~ it, H.E.I-lA'J1HAW A Y D[8IGNa the one perf.eot healer of Vutll, Vorns ~ Co.-v RIGHTS .lc. An10ne.enl\lnr •• kel ~h an4 de8Of'r.unn ma, BurDs, BrUIses, Sores, Scaldf:t, B0118, ~ ~ \·Vn .~ 'lesville's .Lellding flautist u certRlt1 ollr 0,.1111011 free. l tiUler ao Ulcerli, Eczema, Slllt Rheum . For ~ ~ Offic~ . in Keys ~Idg. ', ' Ml!.in 8t Qulckl, ItlV011110tl '8 "r-"hably ,,,Uoutahle. CommunIOl\. t1tJlI.. rrl otl"o~lIt1~o llll!.l. HANDBO.oK ori Patont. Sore Eyes. Void Sores, Chapped' ~ Waynesville, Ohio. ~ > IOllt 'roe, Uldnll "r,0tlr,y for ooeurTlIlf pale ... a. 1'aloula taion l,rOUNh JIIulIlI A Co. receln Hands its sUI)reme. Infq.lIible for ~ ~ tIl,, 'al,wllce. willtout "bnr~e. 111 the Piles. Only 200, at ·Jf V. Schwartz's. ~,..." '...""""""""""""""" ...~ st.oppcd In ro I/IllIutc~ suru wi t h Or. Sh,)< ,p's CrOll!) Ilnmntl)'. 0110 BAMBOO te!!\ will Mnr~ly pru,.,~ A h~n<18(1mely tltu.trated w ~l\k I1. lJ1rjleA' elr. cu)ntlu tl of nUri"luIIIItJ n .lllI lrrll11. 'l'urlOlt. la a , l)/o , YOlltltillg, It" dis· WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. tr~, A safe aud 1'\oll!llugs\lna,,- fJOc. llruKsi sL!i. A 1.' )' h II . r &t cO:8~~:'::~~~Newdfo·~ 11 Itl man was once I'a ymg a native of India upon his faculty in BrMlI! urneu, 6$ Fill., W.""IIlII(·... D. (J. lying. The native at once replied, "Why, sahib, we are all more or less Orthodox Friends Church.




And Opticia.n


Howe Bros.

Che~ter Park, at Cincinnati, is the People's Pleasure Playground, Thousands of Cincinnatians and their ' friends from out of towll may be found there every Saturday and Sunday, which are the "big" days. There is always something going on and there are enough free entel·tainments of a first class nature to take ' . UJ) the whole !litel'lloon or evenmg. Fl'eevaudeville, free b' nd and orcilestra concert!:! free motion pictures, free illustrated sORga, etc. are among the features. The Indian James O. Curtis, colored :W, farm- VilIao-e i!:! still an attractive feature '11 d S G . " .' .. ' er 0 f W aynesvI e an usan ;UftS, 50,DO? people have VISIted It sl1~ce th~ 21, Franklin. openlllg and the crowds a r e sllll goJohnH. Smith,39, barber, Waynea- illg. ville and Grace A. Lincoln, 33, milli• - -- -Re": Ucnjamln Hawkins. PU'itOl', AL'rER MCCLURE ner, Waynesville. Rev. W. A. CoopAny lady reader of this pllper will liars in my coun~I'Y. and if one tells gabba~h uboo!.!l ::JO :l. Ul . RCl(ular t:hurc·h reoeive, on request, a olever "No. a story, alIlother immediately caps it. I\p.n-h c. to ;ao n, nI . 'hrls~lan f~ ndca\'or. . Funeral . Director. erElmer H. Debord, 20, paper maker, Drip" Voffee o.traluer Uoupon Jlriv. There were two young men of my 7::10 p . W. ilege, from Dr. Shoop, RaCine, Wis, country who had Ii boasting. match, Ft. Ancient and Ethel Barker, 18, It'18 a. Sl'1ver p J11 t ee1, very prett y,aJ1(1 and one said, 'My father is so rich Hicksite Friends , Church. . I'-'t. Ancient. ' pOtlftively prevent,s all dripping of Flrs l Uay J\l eellnlt. J II ,DO B. nI. First Day 'J.'tllephone du,Y or night. Horace Bogan. 24, farmer. Har- tea. or coffee, The Dootor sends it, and has so many horses that his sta- 'chool, 11 ;.0(1 <1, m. F'ou nll Day MoeLtng Valley phone No, 7 . Long 10 :00 n. W. ' veysburg and E lva Moon, 1~, Wil- witilhis new free book on " Health ble is of such extent as to take a Diat,Ruee Nt). 6!l - ~r. , Coffee" simply to Introduce this horse eleven mo'n ths to go from one ' h I. mingt'on. .0 I ever su b st,i tnte f or rea I C.o ff ee. e'n d tall to the other.' 'Shabash . Ch r Is t'I~n Ch urc. WAVNESVltLE. 0"1 I. Robert E. Shaffer, 23, bookeeper, Dr. Shoop's Heulth C<,>fi'ee is gain~undlw t\hool. n :!lO G . m .. Soolal. meet. Carlisle and Blanche M. DeReemer, ing its great popularity because of: brother,' replied the second boaster, lng, 1.0 :':10 II . m.. . nnd ChrlBtlan ~~Ildea\'or ' l~lng Office, HI:'~VCY8bu~g. (} 28. Carlisle. Rev. J. S. Cotten, Car- first, its exquillite taste and flavor; that is very ·good. My fathE!r has a j' :.oU 'p. m . , seoond, Ite absolute healthfulness; bamboo so long that he ct\11 ~weep lisle. . john T. Henderson, colored, 34, third, its economy~lX Ib 2Cio i fourth the cl~ud away wJth it wheii' th'ey . Methodist EpiScopal Chu~li. " 1 ••• fmm~dll~" tel'cI ~m . its convenience. No tedious 20 to obscure the sun j h rest ti ' " 'R,:\' , W, ,!', Q,llIltariil: pl\jllqr , '.' -" .' ".. • ,U .Dt.SbOOPsMllk'Oln_t. machinist. Lebanon and Mrs. Alice ao minutes boIling. "Mlulfdn a min- " . ; . n . a v .,' . me: . .' umlay S c honl . 11 ::10 a, m. ,3vIOrl\lnJt II r. ' " ., ." > ,Cla~~, d,omestic, Leb~on. Rev. ute" sllys pro Shoop, Try it 'at HI! hi! exclatr~~~d . the !irsL T~at 'ls vtue', 10-:!lQ · a . Jil, . Ir.J)\vonl:l r,englle, 7 :.00 p. ' "~!'!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!7~~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!f yo~r ~rocer'tI, for ,. ple~eant eur•. very wonderful; b!l-t, pray, ·.brother, Ill, ~y nlng I!e~vlce ';', !lO p. nl. \\lIdWCl)III' ~"_~~~_ _ _ _!i-~~_ _ _"_"""'~_~_ _ _...-!~"_1IS ,BeattJu Leba·no~. . , ld b II G '" . ,. Pr tyeT A1IJe~ln~" 7 ,30 p, m. '. , . , , prise, " 1:)0 , y 1\ rocars. whe.t e does your fatht;r ,kee'p I?ucha . ':. _ ' .' Estate Transfers. • - •. long bamboo?' Why~ you stupid,'. . u ' • E ' . I joh' h ''•_ ! . .• . . .Every yeat: the Ens::hsh P,9s~otfiC. the answer; 'in your fa~her.'s ' '..St. m~;S ~,isco~ '" urc • W. B McCam, sherIff, to Phlhp gathers up to 000 lette~ whICh were stabl t b'· , " Lo d T't Rev. ,J . 1)'. IUIw~'fuder.. Ruotor, . • . ' . .' . • ' .. e 0 e sure. - ' non· J ~ IInday ~ohOQI : 1I ;:ID ·a. m . MornIng. ~eT' ." J:berbar:~ and ArchIbald . Eberhart, ,posted Without addreS!;!es. .Bits. ' \'J~e, .10 ::10 :I; m, ;H oly (:omll!unlo'll tile tlTllt "J:eal ~tate in Warren C.ounty $11,~ . - - - ' 'Sun4al 01 cach '.'I0llt.b. ' ,.t;w IaIe at tbe loUo"l~ placee: 02f.60, ' More than 30,000 workmen are ' Th!i! rate of ·thi~ '~ouritrY Z1tnmormim's, J'Ul)pn 'S, Blariche'Baily and husband' to Wil- killed in the course of a year in this is twice that of Switzerland, thrice St. AUIuSUrie'. ' ~tholle ~burch. \V.b ite'.,· " '. . MOUDt40Y'S ' .' . . .. liarD F.ltJoes .r~ .esta~ in W1lrren couJ1try by accident:.4 incidental' to that of France, a.nd five ' times that' Father- Georj'e'May'cDtloe(er.PilRtot · .

Opp, the J' eweler i


Sdtntlflc Jlmtrlcan.




The Gazette Is the



Best Medium for Adver ' "t· •

try ·t ,," , 'P'.I'LE;.r.'·,ge:t





"I011ut1 ~OO,



! their occupations.

.I Of Oermanj.

MM every secou!1'.soDdJ!il' of tile mOIl~ba ,


a. m.



If '"







TUE ' MIAMI ' GAZE1'TE r I llJlltlll tI I' FI('II

:.:~~~~~'~:.::' .

I. ' 'A. I.I . I~ · tI


Mineral Point L U r of In;;~~::~'-w Ift~n by al" Form.,r 1"~Si(lenl , and Pull


of 11I1t:rt:st


I Hr. " J


(' ,- I, J..


N .

L I. !

Ml'. Editol':-\ ill give yo u a f ew . oullint'~ of UUI' beautiful liLLie city . Ratt' b of Sub 'cril)tiol1 Mln e r?1 P illt. Min nd Point is tho r l.lI' slI\)Htantial bus!1I ':;H " nl>l' uf :utllb. II ~, W~1::I lt:1'I1 i ~ cu li :; il ; iL:! I UPU Illliu li i ~ ~ , ~, UO, 1:1 11.1 Lh .. I·t! IJ 11 ~1 '"IHl y grow th Hat eN flf Ad vl'rti !lI'lIlent 'l alllhe l im . Il 11 m; Imi r a d va ntu ~t's '" fur the IOl:\itiu ll of Ill lillufad ll'ing,1111 Ilidu. Il'i p. : UlIl ltlig t h",:;!:' ,ad\'unLag- ~: C ' hi:...,lU ~tl ;\11 "1 . 11 111 lO ",\1 '" ,...1 11 \ , . 111It: ... 'I' \,II-c.- I tI :h: rl h ili ,.. .lr., i-; a n~lIlnll IIuW I'1' plull t thal eall flll 'lii:-lli. I)Uw er ful' any kin d uf:l (ac· ( lhH u: l rlt',-" Ih' l ' l'l e lw ~ ". '4' . 11 \"' " I h ', IlIcllC ~: P ( ·}' If,,~ -,.. tul'Y. I \. has I wu ruil roads, th e Chi. ( ',\I'll o f lhu"k s ~ ;" cagu, Milwauke ' & 't. Paul and The H" s .. llI ll ulI ~ r,OI Mineral Point & NOI·th 1'11. The Soo lal ~ e t c. ''' !It.'n' "Imr 't! 1:4 lU ad~ :.! ,j " 111(' bu s ill(;:!;.'1 pUltion of the cit) is ht!ateti DI jJl av A(II'crt lxlll .... 1I"r I,... h ut HCOU II' ~ rl\' ~ 11 ull CU IIlr3CI. fl'um U cHllb'a l heating' plant. It ha 3 Ii beRutiful natural luca· ti UII and th e fine:;l privut e rpi!iliel1('<:!:! J N E ~J . 19 u1f tu b found in ~vllthwe. le rn Wiscon:;in; iL is the h um~ uf the Min era l Puinl. Zinc Cu" whic·h Opel·at·s an enormous vxiu e a nd sulphul'i ' ucil\ IJlanl e mployin~ hundreds of hands. It has been a cente l' of mining activo Printed Where You Ul!ed to Live ity for eighlY year:; with pl'Odllcing mines. /lrisn'l filled wilh cu ts I1nd IJiclure!l, Wi thi~ lile city limits th er e is exnor the flllest I1 t! W 8 di ~palch e!l: 'e ilent building Htone.' '1'h 'iLy of And the pa pel"s ufl ~n dampen d, Min~ral Point has a big pay l' II , and alld t hep l'int is somelim es blul'l'ed is an orde rl y, law.a bid ing ciLy with Thel'e i only Oll~ 'editioll, and th e fine churches and a publi sch 01sys eye quile uften calche:! tem of 111al'ked excelJ IlCt!. It has Trllc !! of Ii miSl.!ing lettel" and ut mil s ' f 'e ment sidewalks and withtime!! a miH.'! pelied word . in a very shol·t tim e very sidewalk No cablegnulI!! nul' " l'I perials" any · in the city will be of cell ienlo i t is where lhe eye engages; the home of t he Southwesterll Wisl 'he make-u p i!t, mayhap, a trill consin fail' which 'hold::! a sp le ndid ex (,t'ud e Ilnu p t'imilive. hibilion th re each yeal·. Jt has u But an atmo phel'e of h ole life fill, Com mercial Club of 122 m..embel·s; and pel'meates the pages it i::! in the cuter of olle of the greatOf the little countl'Y pape r, printed est dairy and chee e disll'i Ls in the 'where you used to li ve. state and at pr«:sent has a combined cl'eamery, cheese and ice ,cream facHow th hear t g rows soft and tender, tory running allth,e year, It has lwo whileitscolumnsyou'l'epersuingl bimks, two w ek ly n wspapel'S and Every item is familiar, vel'Y nam~ as good ho tel Sill' ice as there is in you know full well. d • the sGite. And a Hood, of recollectlo~s passes So with these f ew 'outlines of the o'el' you Ill! y u're mUSlng city of Mineral Point I will clos, On th.e pas.t, u?d wea es about you . hoping in th n ai' futur to come an Im ag lllatl ve spell. . ba k to dear old Wa nesv ill , the You can see t~e o~d home Village, . home of my birth and shake hands once ag~1l1 111 fan cy ~ermng with you all. \ Henry Matthews. To be clasplllg hand of nelghbor, Mille ral Point Wis. and of friend and relutive; , And their f aces ri e befol'e you, as p,aill IlU YW fJtlftl tj~vPfJ ed in ~O win you'(·t:l.idly fond ly dl'eaming I1tell 8ure with one Of Dr Shoop' . Pink Pain 1'llblets. The formala ip 0 ,er t 1Ie I'I t t Ie countl'y paper prmt: 10 the 25 cen' box. APk your Doc-

ed where you used lo live. .And-you 88em to lea ve t he city, with its rush, and roar, and clamour, With ita busy, bustling atmosphere of turmoil and of strife; Leave the multitude of surgilli, eager workers, and the glamor, For the quiet, soothing ' blandishment of I'estful country life. And you note a viM-clad cottage, , with the roses nestling round it; Hear the voice of mother calling fortne long-golie fugitive, While the e('ho of her pleading, memo . oi-ies.repea l, and sound it , 'Through the little ountl'y 'paper, pllint~ wh~ re yo u used to live. . Every pfinted line reminds you of - :.the dsy'& long- since ,departed; Here a boyhood chum ~ mentioned, there a schoolmate':! name ap· peBn!; And tile eye grows moist in l'eading, whilethesoulgl'owsheavy-haal·ted '






Short 'Lines


To New York and Return

ALBERT SMITH. .................................

..-For Particular' Information A p ply to P e nnsylvania Line Agents or address G. C. HAINES, D islrict Passeniler Alief/ I, DAYTON, O.




Treasurer's Report of Miami Cemetery

Daylon awoke fl'ol11 her slumber UlJon t h e mUl'llin g of t he IiI'S\. day o f \\' a~' Il< "<vll lo, 0 ... 111 110 7. 1909. lh e Wl' 'lglI t, U1'0 UII:! " !:! ' H urne -'el bl.. a 'I'D lire 1m "" ,i",." u ( ) I lunli l ! fIIelery AM' ""dn l lun \lOur 1,'OIUl III·,· r lI e~ I"""e 10 s ullmlt l iull tu find the hf'ave ns wee pin g li b ~, .. ",,,l r"IJML , l~al'H uf juy . ,'pi l'it s dl'oppeti fOl'th e l I·te,'cl pl s ~.011· lit I", ,, ' ~42 00 m, ,}llen t un I y. ! I :I'U\ ri t!hl b . ' , . . , I 70 0 U Early lh e s t r ls were encumbe l'ed \ 1' ',!t,,ll'It" ~. .. 927 uo ,"dnlItIIlH I 3 0 () witl l p ople. 'I'h ~ tl'aC'tiul1 lin e!:! :.IlId " ~ lOr"~ o t ",,",'8 .. ,,1 lIuwtlr" lti.j 75 . . \utt'l'- ulld IlItcl't!tH .. it 07 stea lll 1'\JaU::l ul"gaN dUlllplllg liwll' H~"lu"tls , .. , 25 00 · , hl 'I'h t ' f . H "III . 20 h uman 1 · 1't!lg. e s nun !! 0 musIc ( ·UI'I.1I'1 ,i 00 UO froll1 the bands WE:!I' mell ow d uy ~,I~'~ :: .. , ., . , . ~ ~:: the 11l0istu re o The 'lack of houf:; LI,~,~II~"~ " I<'"l""~'" ~ I ~ 8~ upon the liogged streets lent a dis- L..~ I ~5 mal Lonl:! Lv the music. People ~~ , .U. ti1 s milt!d, iLis lru e, uu\. il was a 801' 1. uf Jo:~ l lt!lItilLUr H ISII\WrIIlIUUfICIII'jj s uillry S ;,,15 00 f QI'Ce d sim'1e. L it tlJ r • • • .•• 376 55 ThE-n lhe annon b omE:!u, and ::!1I~ 1'.II ·',UIllI 11I"1~1· lal. . . HO 6 1 . . .. ".. all 90 l usulu l" e , whistles lllow, and small boys loul ~11~~~rtil1~ u.l"~~' . I , ~~~ ~~ up Lhe st l'ains wilh m ega phones anti 'l'r ..,.UI' I' , , .. tiO 00 ','olephullc ,·"n~ Ilnil to lln . I G ~o throll ts. Everyuody lil:!lened - am1 I' rnlllll Inut!, ., 4G 5U . . ,I M . b 'l 1'..\ I,r... HUll" (1'IlI 'Iot . . I tl l b eca me In!!IJII·eu. o l'e ram, ut I Hllcurtllnl! <ltAAI 1111<1 IllurLdidn't appeal' Lo be wd, jus t a sort !lUI! -,. " __~_ IS o( good-humored I'a in t hat I'eminded Tul III . . ' .. , , I~,G~ I ~ r, ·'·h C !Jlllalll' UII hnlld JUlie I. I ~O o , , S GOU U5 tl h f th one o · e sy rnpa ly W h : o rne!:! Itl).' 'I IJIR,IIII'jlll{ CiI,1l yeul', . , .. . . .. 2. 404 07 from above. Two full tiays were s l lIsitl fur ctllebraling Lhis lriu mph over th e ai l' a nd sides. Two days of l'eJ' icillg and of exuberaLion. ror L\ 0 days thtl peopl vf t his tl'ibe Wl:! l'e to rlH:!b L and mingl e anu to g ive t hanks to God fO l- the ill ventivt:! genius 'of the Wright bl·othe rs. The celebr ation was a grand s uccess. In very walk of liftl, f rom th ael'oll::lut to lhe politician, all weI' th I'e. ' Everylhing passed off as adl-tised, and no seri ous ac ident man d th who le PI'OC uingB of the I bl'ation,


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oop R t!t·oruti ve: WIlI$ no t made to do e tbeStoruaob Ilor to temporl1ril.y s titllulute the Beart or: Kidneys. 1'hnt old-fashioned mothod is a.1l wr ng Dr. I:Ihoop's Rtlst.orll.tive goel:! direc ~ly to thelle fa.iling Inside nerves. i'be rema.rkable sucoes of this pr8BoripLioll demoDstrates the wil!dolu of tr'elltlng the actual cau e of thes!) faillll g orgo,ns . And It I iudeud eusy to prove, A simple five or ten days test will urel y tell , :rry It onoe, lind Bee! Old by All Dea lers.



cussion al'ound town, and many believe that they are the work of night riders, although , their ' purpose has not been guessed at since their location <rives no possible clew. ..

A Thrilling Rescue


. -.

Weak Kidneys

Lebanon, Ohio.

. PHONES-- Valley. 3091 Bell, 145-R


~~$i!f/JfP.,.".,., 'j

R!I~, w~ "'~u,, ),0.11. /- For







Wllyotwvllle. OWo.


lIntiocb ,Chautauqua On the Classic College Campus, Yellow Springs ~hio, June 18 to 27, inclu8i~e.

Summer School June 18 to Aug. 6 Sylvan Spot, with every facility (0 make a realization of dream of the year. jon -l n--Ht~r shadow of a Great College wit~ Maste r Ol'ators, rl'illg ~ingers, lnspiring Lecture~, Wonder-Working Prestidigitatol's, Famous Pulpit l'at ors , Hearl-Thrilling Elocutionists, Peel'less Musicians and Great Novelty Artistes. 'rruly a FeMt for tho Gods.




FOI' Man and Beast. Theile inelude g ood watel', commodious dining hall, shelter in case of storm, and half a mile of hitching plac s Tents furnished fot· ideal camping.

Some of the Entertainers: Readings, Anna Loy May~ Edmund Vance Cook; "Old Days in Dixie," Dr, Steele; Herbert Sprague and wife in costume; Dr. George Wood Anderson, St. Louis; Prof Pamahasika, with trained birdl:l and d ogs; Gov. Glenn, of Georgia, famou s Southern orator; Dr. J. Wesley Hill, Metropoli tan ' Temple, New York Oity, a Whirlwind. . Dr. Ed Geil, just returned from a trip along Chinese wall. Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson, the Naval Hero, on World Peace. Mills-Barnhill, Debate on Socialism; Ross Crane, crayon artist; Recital , Hallie Q, Brown; . Laul'ant, the Magician, '



$AME AS ' ,LAST YEAR. , . 'For full ,t>arti~~lars, address '



on S. & ,X.

'~g~ne 1....__~_----..- .....- - -.._ ...-lIIiilllr;.,




Mulberry St.,

possible significance of the e marks may be is the question which is c~using much agitated dis-

D" SiDDP ' , '" ., S R'18II"ra',-I'."



Gets Them ,All


I i,.

... ~'" l08l'ark.A.yen New 'YOft. thm.

Up-to-Date Sanitary Plumb .. ing, Pneumatic Water Systems, Acetylene Gas Machines, Gasolene Engines, "Barnes" Pumps, sff.e

Many people in Lebanon are disssing t h e significance of the numtlrous chalk marks whick were pia ed on t he s idewalks throughou t town some lime Saturday night. In Here 'are only four of Ihe numeroul kindl of parultellha• • front of a number of houses in diffe rIlve on dom..dc animal, and reduce the owneR' profits, ent parlS of lhe city, the pavement Gr HYGENO kins these and all othen'" was marked with two crosses made Cur•• Itdl. JIlIInll'e and other I k.In dlsea.e•. DllalroY'lI'e rm. '" and foul odor., keep. file. away. It II II wonderful coal with chalk and in several ins~ances tar dJaliUectanl, aDd In addition to b"loa II lIod dip, Ie 110 if has be n proved that these marks Rumerou. houaehold u ..... were not in evidence as late ~welve o'clock Satuluay night, while all were W e buy in quantlrh•• • nd 0111'



Hot Water or Steam Heating,


'AR'l'W HWH1', Trens.

Bo w Bert R, Leau, Of Vbeny, Waab., was silved froll II. frightful -------.~ death ilt a story to tbrill the world . , A hard 'oold, .. he writes, "brought ,NEWS, NEWS, NEW I ou a desperate lung trouble that H's e noug h to given man the bin S. baffl ed an expert duo tor here, Then 1 pllid 1 10 to $ 15 II. visit to a hlDg N obody mal'ried and n obod.v dead; speoiali t In I::)pok8ne, who llid Dot nobody bl'Oken an arm 01' a head; help me, , I ,w ent to·Calt nobody come in to . no olle got boozy and started a !!Cl'ap; Dr. King's New Discovery, whioh no one got run in for taking a horn; ooiupletely cured me and now I a.m os well as ever. '.' For Lung TrOUble, nobody buried ' and nobody uorn. Bronobttill, Ooughs and Colds, Asth. Ol.! for a rack t, a riot, a fuss! mil Uroup and Whooping Cough its Someone to come in and kicJ up am uss I:lUprerne . 600 aDd "1.00. 'frilll bot· some on to stir up lhe peace-laden tI e free . Guarant"ell by I<'red C, air; some body's comment t g iv li S O llWtu L~ a scare. Somebody thump d within O'er the changes Time has wrought. ELECT OFFICERS an inch of his life;,somebody I'un olf throughout the swiftly passing with anothe r man's wife ; some one yeal'S. Eugene Zimmerman, Cincinnllti, to come in and pay up hi~ debts; magnate, was last week made a diMemory's Scroll 'has deep. impreiSions anything, anything, just so it's n ews. rector of the Dayton , Cincinnati and stamped upon' its face forever. -:-: olusu (0,) He l·ald . Of sw~t, pl~8sures which the busy L'eban~n railrolld company. C. H. city life can never give; Sternberger, of Toledo, was also made , And in fancy, y()U are roamingthl'ough A town in Norlh Pl'u ssia has de- a member of t he dil·ectory. th~ quiet town whenevel' • The meeting held at the Algonquin creed that any women who promeYou perus~thec()untry paper, printnades the streets in a trailing skirt Will! devoted to election of' officers ed where you, used to live. llnd the consideration of uusiness conwill be fined $7.50. , - Sunset ~agazine. neCt&:! with the operation of the line. , Because of the failure of the steel Trouble Milkers ,Ousted plants to deliver rails, work has been When ,a 8uifArer from Itomllrb held 'up. Generlll Manager Frank 'rouble takes Dr. King's ~ew ,Life Brandon Wednesday stated, howevPUle'be's mighty glad to IUlebls Dy" e t', that the company would have OI, F T DAY. AT HOME , , 'pepiia and . lDdlges ~;on fly, but wl,lre - - -Weak KldDo1l. 1QJ'e1, pOint to weak klt!ne7 b 'ack laid to the N. ' C. R. plant by he'.. tiokled over bls new, flue Itppe Saturday there wet'a II bunch of ·Nems. The Kldne),s, Uke She:Ban. ana tIM July .ls,t . ~afl~tini' near St. Mary's .. tlte strong . 'nervt's, bea.lthy viKor, , <• Q 0 Baomach, tlnd ,the1J' weakn-. nol In tile ha\lPY chIldren aL• t t1e 0 • S . & "I ;' • Jtaelt, btrtln the De"es ~t contrOl and , a• . aU beoilulle 8tuQ.lIlcl.t, liver Iln~ kid . ' h ,I. 't d lUll! ~en them. - Dr, Shoop'. BeIIora "II institute is progr.e ssing. ,Ii Jl)edlclne lpeclJlcall"Jlrepared to reach. u.. 1)8)'11 now ~ork ~igbt. . 250, llt' ll'r!td ,Homa, as t eY ,w ere pi esen e These ofiicers wel'e re-elected: . f, o~ . th, e h'Ig · t gra d s 11 nd de - CIODtrollla ·'To dncwUlIe KIdDe,. &l0ll8, O. Sobwart,z's " prIzes .. futll.. ,1&DenllL II . . . . . . .UIm..ID4q!IIICIDe,u President"::"M. L. Stern,berger" of po.rt1hent~ The . me'!lbe~s of th.e ~~·,otir ' liack aeh6i '. fa ~ u .... 1I!fDe Jacksot1. ' \ . ' WA"~~TED graduatirig class were ~iveri gold _~,:;darkan4..~!f_toUl.ft!8..!E!~~ ~'Vice president and 'treasurer• . ' b ' I . d I " k ts '\ h'. l of bUl,~ other ~ 01' ........- - ....... 'l'rnltwortby ' DII'~ Or' ~oman I,~ 'w~tches" rac.e eta' an :,oc ,e ,:~ l~. ml.UlO1't;~~~~:'~"::::::m Franli: ·Brandon, Lebanon. , . e .. ch 9')\llltoy to'lldv.e.rti8P, ,~eoel'Ve or.. ,mll1or ,'pl:~sen~ pr~~en,t~ t~ dof,grroll.,, ~rl=!I!M!nll4~ , Secretary- H. F.. Willard, Wellston ' deN and; bus\n.,88 lor New th~ . YO\,lna-er pupils as l ' .~ard , fo~ . , .' " ,' . ~istant secretal~y-R. W. hiriS,' VQrk, Mall "Order , 'Boo88•. :11800, their - go~. w()~k. 1'he , glf~ ~~re Lebanj)D. , . w. ""kly L j)olltto.~ ·Jlerma~eDt.' j no In .. ~iBtributied ll'l el~~t m mbers of. the • . :Oirectors- M.,.L, Sternberg~r, H. yeltmeot . reqUired. llrtl,vlo,:!8 u ' G., A. R. ~d W:' R, ., who spent S. Willard, J,. C. W. H.Brandon, pert8D08 ,not ellenii)l to eog!,gfDK, ',the day at_thl! ho!ne. Gener,,1 lIuft-, Zimmer, n lall, Stem!?erger, P. , '·8.." -thlle valuable.. ' Enclose Biilf, m;.n;ofWil~ington,and Mrs. North, . 0.Schenk and Frank Bra~doD~ , ad4~ envelope for1all partloD fo't!Uer president of ~be W R . ~'.' of . , ~. ' Addrillt, CLAa&~, 'Oo •• Wbole:. Cfeyehll'ld., are gU~t8 a,t t~e .llIst~~~"ALL DEALERS"



~nu suPPQ~lIt'~I{~ld~nge~Y~~n~otgi~ce~.~b~l~e-:o~n~~~~~~~~~~~~f(~ It , WIlS Dr. BE,oO

to this · vftll

And po ul tl'Y of all kindR. I will he in Wayne ville 011 'l'uestlays. ' alr I'hon e 142.


To Jersey Coast Resorts and Return ,





Low Fares~~==a


tor or Druggist Ilbout this formula I ~toPtl wl1mllnly p/i.1U8, bellillwhe, Oltlll8 Itnywherl\ Write Dr Shoop, Raoioe. WiS ., for free trial to prove va lue. Sold bv All Deillers. . 010 YQU SEE THE BAL1400N? One of the most ,perfect balloon ascenaions ever seen jn Dayton was that Frida~ morning, when Leo Slevens, accompanied by George W. Shroyer and Ed We!;lton , of the W st.on Paper Co. , of this city, anq Richlnond Cross, a New York banker, left Buck Island and sailed s UUl,OVe l' th cily. There was not a hitch and a mol' s uccessful flight could not be' imagined . Mr. tevens' baBoon, which is known as ,f AlI:AmericB, " passed o'ver Dayton in the St, Louis balloon race , The flyer has a lifting capacity of 2,500 pou.n ds besides two men lts capacity is 90,000 cubIC feet of gas. 'l'he balloon is valued at $1,800. Stevens carded about atlozen sand bags alld the ascensioh WIi'S slow and graceful. 'J'he balloon passed directIy south over the center of the city , It passed the fait· i'rounds while Governor Harmon was speaking, The balh;>on aro~ at three minutes till eleven and started in a southerly direction. When it was sighted here it WJlS ~bout 12:30, an ;l wus traveling a~ a good gait, and maintained its direction south all the time until their landing east ot' Batavia at about 6 o'clock. At about 1:30 the balloon was in the neigh boi'hood of Cincinnati bul struck a ' reverse current there, which w~ going northea$t, antI they decided t9 land,





f;;- the ~utte 'nte'Gazette. alway. haa ,a.u .e


BURDENS LIFTED cIty ha d ag r d_ to lIurtend r the n my' s he lI ttell be r b I1r t From Bent Back!!, to d In prayer, know ing t hat h ('Quid del h ' ii. An d W he n Ov.las, Cba· D. L. CRANE, A \Iad baclc Is l\ h avy h nn,tllcap to Qrl s and harmls app II tore ho~ th os of u s who hal' to work very ' s be said: oill WI.\.l' 'ESVTLLE, dflY. Ni ne times out "\\"h a r y that 'b av t DIP d God Sh. Doterminea to Sav" Her of l II , back u he ·thlB day, flli d stand Inst ad or . ~ Ii BeloYed Jonuruc.m. 1 t olls of Id dn y wenlcA Parlgln n li ef mist de lares that ! nmong til c hlldr u of m n? An d now n S8.' Th \ o nl y WilY the secI' t t lif · Is l>lIuply a plai n ' try lho I.ord Altn lgh ty, bu t ye sha ll BY THE "HICHWAY AND BYWAY" to fl ud r e li ef Is to f~CH£R . m att r of Ch eml s lrY. Ttll ' Is trlulll ph· I n\" r k no w anything . For ye an na t c ur lb e Iddl l YS. antl~· vlndl nt I on nalu ra l prlnl'iple13 Hnd the 'd ptll of the b eart o r ma n, Doun's Kl dn y Plll8 tile IUU h·mullgned c h~ml c!l l blonile. ( OoI'''<!M ll l.IIOlII, ~) U. .. .. <I>or. \V. II. ~d 'Q" I n lth r can ye p I' e lvo the thi ngs hu v give n sound -" I that he thin k th o Th n how au y T his scar abou t I,eroxlll ohm des Das d on Apocrypha l Hook of JUdltll, K nrc h out Oocl, th at hath lD a d n \l s trong bac ks to A Fad Party. ti es, as I ca n he rf ully ttlt; tlfy. AllY b lu g ge rm·lnfeSLfJd lO such an t'xt e nt hap ters 1·9. U1 se t hin g , nnd 11Ilow his mind . or thous lluds of m en poon c razes a nd monog ram ta n el)thin g COlHltru ct d upon u cha fing dls b t h al d'atlly dao 'In lurk,; lu til Ir antI wom n. Mrs. .Judlth nnd t hl' Book (It Judl th. - The · cumpreh nu hi s vurpose ? Nay , my hl Ul l'lcs huy bee n s u ·c d d by a brings w illi It a n e leme n t of soc labll· k isses. Is S UllPO' II 10 ha ve b ' n h r Inc, or Judllh ot tl l<' ll i MY r Int d bre t hr n. pro voke not ollr Oo d t o \\' s ley Cle mens,3 ll utlo na l an d usef ul m a ni a, for ea h r Ity ' lOd che rfuln ess th at Is hard te start d by llJel r j a l(1 us brunet te sis· In tlJe Apoc r rp!llll (lo k b,'~rln h,'I' nHIn t' I ange r . For If h will not he lp us cbestel'. la ., sa~'s : pt'rso ll no w hns he r ow n s pecial hob· nUnln In a ny oth er wuy . Loug life tc 1\[or lon t. , ~ppl!f\ rs AS n 1\ ILi ru l type (,f p" ·t \. (J ute rs. dllh 8 :6). of h"" uty ( 11 : ~1) . ,,( "fIllru~" lI nd with in those fi ve dflYS, he hath po "'er iJy; th mol' practi cal the b etter. It and 1111 pretty schoolgi r l cha m· "Constull t \l' orll at It sew ing mach ,ne seem'ed tQ brin g on I Illn ey troubl e. The Th e con \' 1 lion or t hoRe 13 barrels ChRs ll ly 16 :22) . \l cr s uppos,·,1 (\"!C(,l1 l I to de fe nd us wh n Il e will , e ve n ClUY \ Ith lh ls in w ind a young hos tess pious. kld nc \' nc tl on was Irregul a r nnd th e or whisky ut In ·I.n anti fo r n ot bel nil from Simeon (9 :2), nnd ti ll' Ul Ann" r In I day' ur to destroy 11 8 b fore a,.r n· se nt ou t In vltati ons a s king eac h one wh lr h "h .. re t I'S to hi", ru ·1 cl,· d tGen. I lIll S . Le t us wnlt tor salvaU,n. 01 to CODll' pre pare d to t tl ll of her own llRl lI s' ln m y bllcl. li nd loins s o sever e what th!')' pr t uded l O iJe :Habll s he:1 ~. : 26) . mllrk till' ~ ll "" (' IHlon " t the ch rTo Find Partners. " pa r ti cular fu d; If possi ble, to bring a Make ball s of cotton, tI th em wltb l c Illd hur clly e nd ure It. DOltO's KIdu dun gl!ruul' precedent. Suppose they 11 ter. wh"'h (. \'Id l' lIlI )' hc loll1(8 \0 ,\ perl- I him , anu call upon him to help Uel . "All t hnt thou hast spoken wi t h 0 !-I P clme n, and bu prepared to talk fiv e dltrerc nt colored ribbons t wo of a ne y Pills ma de me feel belte r In a shou ld lll'sm trylJl ~ me n ou t he t;a lll e Qr! or Rt rn ""J P"l'llous ,'nnn! '\. The book . lik e th at of 'rublt . 1"'I,) nl(" 1 I ho good hea rt and the re Is non e th ll t nllouks about It. kh)d, th Em glv th e t lV O ba lls th a t or , s hort tllll e. nnd I too k til m until e nchars · ? earlh.'"l s p e c\m nl! of hlst"I'1 III 1\" \10 11. ' hi I t Th .. nurrnllve o( Ihe I' 'Ign o f " :'\ cl>u- I may ga insay th y words, tor t s 8 no Jt was u very Intercs tlng a fternoon. nllke t o a mn n . Have tile llIell o n on lirely free (rom my troub le." Anotlwr Am r lca n h Ir !IS Is to ma r· "hn(\nczzllr, king or J>\l neveh:' (~(\. 1 : 1), ut t he fir s t da y wh rein thy wisd om Is One lady ha d selcc ted plates for her s ide of a door or room sepa mted by Sold by a ll dea ler s. 5U cents a bOL manifest ed ; but f roUl th e beginning 01 spet'ialty und s'he brought a mos t portie r es ove r whi ch Ulere Is a grill Fos tc r-Mllburn Co., llutIalo, N. y , ry a fo re ign nob le ma n. Now t ha t t hey th cumpnlgn or Holer r nl' •. I1 nd th of Dethullll. thruugh the st rnte- thy davs all tll e pe.oPI hnve known b lIuti ful o ld Se vl'es piece that will or ope n Ing. The mlln Is to throw ov tr a re framing u p a ne w tarler, why not U\'erntlce g~m und C U\'Ut(" ot tile J ewish hprol ne. . prot'e ct ou r ow n ma rriageab le yo ung co nlalns too m"n), find Ion sd'lou" ,lIt- th y und r s tandlng, because the dlsIlI) s om e un y b worth I.L klng's rans om . one ball , th e g irl wh o ca tches It t eo The Selfish Invalid. men by pu tli ng In a s Ul'l pr ohlbl t l ve tl cu lI l ~. both hlMllIrlcll1 nn,l 1:"t!ol{rr."hl ctd. I Sllion of th ine h a rt iii good: ' r espond· In he r trul' Is pla tes a re nlways he r Ing his partn r. A noth r wa y Is tc Se nator Dixon, d iscussi ng a certalo to a llow of the 8upposlt hlll th ut It l ~ ed Ozlas, arn s Uy . " But the p eople q uellt a nd h l~ r d inIng room testiH es to wrap 1\ half of a qu o taU o n In one ba ll tarll'!' IIr position . snl d : du ty on coronets'l ('lIh" r IIll'rfllly lrue, or e ,'lm cll rdully were v ery thl rstv nnd ' compe lled us he r success. Annlver sar] c ups und "It Is selO s hnesB. pure Belf\s hn E'98, a ud th e n ma tc h th e quotation balves m uldc·.J 0 11 truth. Thl'r e Qre 16 hapt .. rs A ~ew Yor k m illi ner dec lnr os tb a t In th hook. to do unto t he m 8 8 we hav e s poke n t;aucel'S was o ne wo ma n's ta d ; as each It re minds me of Go rge 'Cartwrl g ht IIhe has n ver 5 e n a s nl'lrllg I Le wear r And thi s oa th whi ch we have s pok n wedd ing da y comes s he add s an e x· ot 1\1 iasou ln. A Red Geranium Luncheon. a fashlonab l a at. T a kin g th e fash ion . 0 , . cmO! ~ o'~O~;O!'g I unto th m, s ayi ng that If de llverfl nce q ul slte cup to h r collection. Th y "Georg Cartwri ght took sic k n nd Tbe m osl s tunn ing ta bl Imagi na ble alll ' hill of this spri ng as a ba sis trom q SERMONETTE. a m · no t within flv days th a t t h n are fo r aft e r ·dlnn er col'ree a nd Bhow Is nchl VE'd wh n r e d ge rani ums a re s pe nt n week a bed. 1-1 cn rrl ed on wh ich to reaso n. tb is Is a splendid ~ I.t we would ope n th e ga t es of th e Cll1 ott' to ad va n tage wh n s he serv es u s d exclu Iv Iy liS th e d co rntlo n fO i drea ctrully with hi s g roans nnd com· compliment til th suffragette. . True piety finds expression In 0 ' an d su rr ud e r to our e ne mies-t il io black colTe In th dra wing r oom. th lun cheon. They are a va ll l>.ble plain ts. H is wlfo sai d to blm oue hero ic deeds, ~ oath we a nn ot break. T herero re A pro~ l lec tll' e brld ' a dd ll a tow el to a like to both Itl' a nu co untry host· n igh t : P ersian nationa lis ts a r e ap pealing The heart which beats true I pray tb ou for us , becRuse th ou a r t Il h r lin e n .. ' W U, Georg , I'd rnth er have the hest ve ry tl'lp s he tak es ; to Ul e cI vlliz d world to force tile Sl! 's. ns nearl y eve r y on has a bed with God fears not' In the pres· ~ ' gOdIY woma n, and tho Lo rd w 1l1 sem' tb so s he monog ra ms In th e ('olors or o f th s brilli a nt ga rd e n flow r s and whole fnmll y s ic k t ha n you !' deposition of th e s llab. The Idens of ence of the power of wicked- ~ ! us rain to fill OUt' CIs te rns, an d .. ' Huh , so would I,' Oeorge anhe r b dr OUlS to b p. A dim bank was th y a r e. u Ha lly a t th e h' brig ht s t r epresen tn ti ve govornme nt a nd of th e ness. 0 ' shull fa int no more." th sotlrc of Oil g ues t's finan ces w ben o tb e r blol3soms al' on tb wane. I'" red." abolition of absolutis m nr ca tchi ng, A beautiful physique and a ~~ "H ea l' me ye rule rs of th e ci ty,' with which t o Ind ulg he r fad of 1 ea· e veu In t he onservatlve ea s t. F ill a. Inrg g lnss bo wl with t he Kisses Not an Art. a beautiful heart form a comblna- I excla imed ,I~dlt h, as a s udde n reso lV E pots; mallY of th ese s h bought at scarle t pos l s. usi ng th Ir o wn r lcb NoThrowing PlI 11 m ds ius t ru ti li S 10 th e Of cour e na\'1 s a r bu1lt tor fig httlon which can work mightily form d within her h ear t, "for I will 'auctlon shOl)S. Ha ndk erc hiefs was th e a ves for th e gl' en. Re (l ca ndl es In h urtlln::: u f kl s ·es. W ass ll m th a t lng, bu t le l us not forget t he g reat for God among men. a do a thin g whl cb sball g o througboul p t hobby of a da in ty little ma lde n 1holders of g lass, s a rle t papor bonbon tho ludl s n.lld ge ntl l? IIlCtI clad In abservi ce tb y pe r l'on n In Impressi ng a Too ' 9 ften It Is true that beauty ~ nil ge u r atlous to tb e children of our d rel:lsed In blue , and s he had th e m a nd nu boxes, with ribbons ot th e bl'evlat t.I gar ll1 l! u Is rl.1 tll ston uge our size a nd hnpor tance u Xlon tbe proves a pitfall and a snare to na ti o n. Ye s ha ll s tand this night In fl'om a ll o\'el' th e world, belli des many s am e hue lefldlng to the place card s , oth e r n a tions of the ea rth . . "W e don't Its possessor. t he gn t e and I will go forth w lt.h m y fine cr alions of h r own fatr ha nds . which s hould b white wIth a I' d n e d II no n . Sur Iy. lhelr s uce 'ssors Rr til n tbe I s, cuterprl s lug. Th rowwan t to fi g ht, bu t by Jingo It we do," It Is a saying that "She Is ~ waiti ng ma id , and within th e fiv e day e The Inte llectuAl gi rl co.ntessed that gera ni u m thrus t throu gh th corne r . ing kiss S Rnd cat hl u!; th Ill, If we etc. too pretty to be good," and "S.he th at ye have promised to delive r th e books II' r 11 r parti c ula r , wealmess, TIlO h ost('ss should be gowne d In be Jlu rdoll d for fri volity, fi r nalUral Is too good to be pretty." city to our e nem\ !!S, the Lord will visit and s be bas many of th e m lnsorlb d wblte , wi t h re d be lt, s toc k a nd s lipIt may b e tr ue. as th e London Times and Invol un tflry arls. such liS bre a thwith th aut hor's name ' also rare firs t p ers; or the dr 8S may b e of r ed musBut the commonest face and Is ra el by mine 'haud." says, th a t E n gland has an Inventor In g Bud \\'nlkl ng. J ·~xllm·t u ess do !In't form becomes beautiful In the .. ' a y," s h e exclaimed, raIs ing b er ditlons. nn d a s ple ndid booltllia te lin wHh white acc ssorl es. Firs t serve matt r ; Irs a ll th who can Hy much' be tte r than the Jllrll In whic h reflected light of the beautiful hand wltll a n mph a ti c gesture, " In· d raw n by a famous Illus tra tor s he was a cherry cock ta il , th e n toma to boull· th e y are projected. -Atlau ta ConsU· Wrights , " If he wants to," bu t this jus tly pr oud of. deeds of heart and life. qu ire not ye ot mine a c t; for I salmon c roque tt 9 with Julie nn e lon, sort of aeron a utl ng wouldn't win a tUtIOD. Ch in se carvings was anothe r fad, potatoes, beet sala d and ras pb rry However, vanity, frivolity and not d clare It unto you tUl the thlnge prize at Ilny county fair that we ever an d rar e J apanese anll Chlneso pottery sherbe t. The cnltes ma y be Iced . In wickedness are not necessary be fini s he d tbat I do." h eard ot. corollaries of beauty of face and Tb puzzled looks upon the taces 01 s tili anothe r . Prints and e ngravings r e d, as the re ls n harmless {rnlt col· =~===:==.:;:: form. the m e n before her gave place to onE weI' til s p ecial love of a lady wbo orlng; It Is expected by Fre nch scientists a confectione r will make AdOwn hiitory'l pages have that' a · photographIc map of the skieS ot confide nt expectancy as she lIn· n earl y always wore gray, 'w hlch e x- c ream ·pattles to m a tco In coloring If actl y match d he r beautiful hiliI'. An the orde r Is ,glve n a fe w d a ys ah ead. will show betw een thIrty and forty come the recordl o.f beautiful' Is bed speaking, and Ozlas said: mUlion stars. Tbe stage, accordlns to women who 'lave lived beautl- ' "Go In peace, Judith, and the L01'd this led up to tbe faot that e ve ryone U ADAME M E RRl. the stellar outburs t annually an· fully and wrought magnlflcentGod be before the e to take vengeance needed a bobby, something to ndd zest to one's journe ys; occupy the mind, nounced, Is running the ftrmament on our ene mies ." . Iy, heroically. rather hard. Among luch II this fair JewJ;Iavlng thus spoken he, with the and provide always a topic for enterIlh widow, Judith. other princes, bowed themselves out tal,nlng conve rsation. Pittsbur:::g=c=::h=u=r=cb==e=s=l==la=v=e~ taken up The grace and beauty of the and returned to their homes. the matte r of abolishing pe w rent and villbl~ were but the beautiful The n Judltb fell upon her fa ce aud Chafing ' Dish Fudge Party. have made conside rable progress setting for the purity of heart put as hes upon ner head, and uncov· "Bring your chafing I1ls1l. and apron" along 't hat line . • Those that have trIe d and lofty Ideals of the life e r ed the sackcloth whe rewith she wae for two on Saturday ni g ht at l e lg)l. t." the experlIl}ent claIm th e ir r e ceipts are with I;,. clot h ed, and nbout the Ume of the This was tbe messagE! four g irls and large r and the ir opportunity for doing She knew God and delighted \'enlng sacrifi ce In the t emple at four ,lads ot conge nial minds r e.oelved . good correspondLngly e.xpanded. Fin~ to serve him, and the beauty ~ J rus ruem and th e burning of ince nse not long ago. And wbat a jolly tim e Cavl\Ue r hats are the h e ight of style The rag to be an ofDcebolde r '3nd grace With which God had s be lifted ber voice In praye l' anI! the y h ad I Tbe h elpful b.o yS donn ed tor morning wear endowed her, Instead of turn· crl d : th e a pron s and th e girls amid much . . springs ete rnal In the human breast ~ "Four doctors "Oh Lord God ot my father Simeon, merrime nt Instruc t d-1hem futo.-th.eThe low shoe or P~~!!l JEst a we o Ing her heart from him, became 1-_ __ -.:T:.:,h:,,8=1:.:-.:.a bnormal cravin g ot Amerfcan could n ever make the blessed Instrument of d e l l v ' 'ltl II d mysteIies of fud g' e building. bit sma rte r than th e pumIl· ' a m tlon was shown lately In beh old th e Assyrians are mu p e me regular, and er3'nce to her beloved city. In t he ir power . They are exalted wltb Tbe re was dIvini ty rudge, which Is Ponge e s er ge Is a ne w material, . ot the case of a Connectlcllt postmRste r that! would event. Whether the story II hishorse and nian. They glory In tb~ the ve ry latest a!ldltlon to the fudg e a texture altogethe r lovely. who olrered to ·trad e his job for a ually haye droJlsr. yellow dog and who Is be ing deluged tory or only 11 tlon, this fact restreng th of their footmen . Tbey trust family, . and all sorts ' Of concoctions Cotton Howe rs are used more on I would bloat, and with offe rs. 'malns that womanl1ood I, here In s hi e ld nnd s pear, and bolY and that made t,be plain chocolate fudge of hats than s ilk ones. su.fferfJ.:ombearingdown pains,crnmps :!: ' :;: ' =;:=;::== =.:== exalted, and Judith bec'o mes the ~ sling, and know not that thou art the -well, I'll say "my school days," In, A butterfly of dark purple spangles People who believe that English Is and chills, and I expression of all that Is purest, a Lord that breakest the battles; the stead of hoW' many years ago, look Is a most be comIngly chic ball' orna· Ukely to become tb e language of the could not sleep. 'most sublime and heroic. ~ Lord Is thy name. Smite by tbe deceit like a plain little Quaker lady aJI\ld ment for a lIght·balred Woman. world will find confirmation for their nJgbt~ !lyxnother It Is 6uch characters as this of my lips. Dreal< down their state the new fiuffy mass es nUed wltb nuts Marvels of beauty are the ralr1·ilke '''Tote to Mrs. Pinkopinion In th e fllct ' that President that the world needs In every IIness by the hand oC a woman. Ma).l:E and candled che rri es. scarfs of tinted ohlffon with borde rs 01 for HU. U'''''.lU.lU Manuel Estra da Cabrera of Gua~emala age. Judith shines like a rare my speech and deceit to their wound The making a nd s eiling of fancy spangle d medallions In delicately ' brJ). has slgned .a ,d ecree making the study gem from out a dark baCk_; and make every nation and tribe tc fudge has proved quite a financial at. liant colol's. of English compulsory In the primary Ie Com. ground. Blessed Is her memacknowledge that thou art the God 81 tribute to one "gUild" that numbers Black suede shoes are smart, but schools of that republic. anel one. ory. And bleaaed Is the memo all power and might. and tbat ther: e IE a goodly a r ray of South side girls look a bit· smudgy, and make one want UOlmpj)unn,1 am all' :lry of every trlle woman who. In none other that protecteth the peoplE among Its m e mb e rs. to take a bit of kneaded rubber a'nd Indians and cowboys , going to ex· right a~ln. .a nd it to the hour of great need, whether ot Isreal but thou." ' . Even grown-lips enjoy "fudge" par- , pick o~t a few high lights, hlbltlons, dellghte'd London crowds by .suffering -MRs. MAy In the natlo"al life or the life of The prayer ended, peace and con fl· _............_ _~........".".___•••~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....;,_""""_"""~_ _ _ _ _""""_ every war-whoops and cries as they passed DEAL, Winchester, . the home, riles heroIcally and dence came to bel' heart, that conll through the ·stre ets. This perform· . Hundi'eds of such letters from Rirls. dedicates her all for the help . dtmce which comes from Inner taltll ance will leave Il.n abiding impression and mothersexpr sshlgtheirgratiiude and salvation of others. tbat Ood bas beard .and will answer upon many London minds that th'e ' avfor w~t Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable Compound bas ac60mplished for. Beauty that Is only skin deep She arose and, calling ber maid, shf - ...eJ'Age sll'8&WUe in the United Stat~8 them have been received'byThe Lydia.. fs ot the sa)Do vocife rous kind. hi perJJous. Beauty which ,,,ent down Into the house wherein sh£ E. 'PinkhamMedicine Company. Lynn. reaches to th~ Inner heart and . bad abode 'durIng the glad season 01 :Mass. . . Down tn Maine th long· vexed queslife Is the be~uty which proves ' the teast days . . And she put olr the Girls who are troubled with painful. tion whether eels bree d like other flsh a ' benediction upon the world. sackcloth which sbe had on and latc or irregular perl~s, backache, head., or iay 'large eggs like snakes has Truly, the value of a "good ~ asid e the garments ot her wIdowhood ache, draggtng-down sensations, faint. been settled by the discovery of woman Is far above rubles." And when sbe had bathed she anolntet ing Bp€llls or indigelltionl, should take spawn In one. For a fish 't hat has iinmediate action to warn off the sert. been so largely used as food tbe eel ~O~.!il:Jm.!iO~o~!lo.!i:oil )lerselt with precious ointment ane ous consequences and be restored to. braided the hair of her head, and pul bas strangely escaped both sclen tlnc health l>yL~a E. Pinkbam's VegeTHE STORY. thereon most gorgeous raiment table Oompound. ThousandBliaTe been Investigation 'a nd legal protection. wb erewlth she was clad during thE restored to .health by its use. life of he r husband, Manasses. And Whate ve r else may happe n . there Is "Wl"I:HIN five days! " If you would like speata1 advice. a slgnlflcan ce In rece nt occurrences about yom' case write a con1ldeq... . Judith repea te d the words over s he put sandals upon he l' feet and pul tfal letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at. In the east which cannot be mlsrepre· and over ngaln to b er se lf, and with about her her brac ~l e ts and he r chaUlf Lynn, 'Mals. Her advtce la 1ree;. sented. An enlighte ned world has de- each r e pe tition the t e rror of th e s itu· a~d he r rings and he r e arrings, and and alway. helpful. creed th e downfa ll of autoc racy, and atlon gre w u~lon he r. all her ornoment.s, and she dec ked her· . e very des pot, great or s mall, will act Holofe ru es, tile puw erful ge lle ral of self brnve ly, to allure the eyes of all 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Ac.r e the part of wisdom In .re cognizing the the great king Ne buchadu czznr, had men that should s ee he r. fact and gove rning himse lf accord- many month s before surround ed the The n ca lling her maid she com· have been grown on farm land. in Ingly. city of De thulia, and had c ut oly food mand ed h e r that she should bring a Of cours e Ill e re will be many o pln· suppli es and wflte r, until now th e CllY bottle of wine, and a cruse of 011, and fon8 n.s to th e milita nt pre ac her In Is In sore straits, nnd a t lu s t th e go \, - fill a bag with parched corn , and Texas that thump ed a bully who ha d e mOi' a nd officia ls had g i\'en th e l r lumps of figs, and with fine bread. Thus adorned and a ccompanied 'bY Much leu would bemade a prac ti ce of cursing th e doml· word th a t If r~lI e f did not co me wi tho ",tuleetoIY. The gennie on s ight. B ut even the tut·n·th e· In fiv e dn ys th e gflles of th e c it y wo uld her maid, laden with the. provisions eral average i. above. other-ch eck non·combntlYes have a be ope ned and t he y would go for t h for th eir journey, th ey ee t forth and twenty bUlhel •. sneaking sat isfac li on th a t the uhusl va to b com e a s poil fi nd a prey to Holo. ca me to th e gate ot th e city, where, "All nre ibud In theIr according to appointm ent, she found sinne r did not ha \'e to 11'" It un til fe:'nes a nd his army. prolau o( the I!"rent Ozlas and the other princes of the "Wlthln I1ve da ys !" crop. nnd thnt woh •. reaching Ole n e xt world befor e ge tting dcrfutc:oun\.~ ,)f." - Ez_ And when they saw '·~ ay . " exclaim d .Jud ith, he r dainty city standing. what was comin g to hllD . " ad f f'Om co_spondt nct NAt/ana I &11/0,1.' .Aslod.tllon of August, J906. sandale d fo ot ot1l lng with a s udd en her , that he r countenance was altered A by poth Il cal qu estion of 31.000 e mph ns ls to th e g roun·d . " ~ay, It and he r apparel changed, they wonIt it now poaaible to secure. homeltead of 160' , words has bee n rul ed ou t ll Y th e "Mas· must not be ." ,de red at h e r beauty very greatly and .cfellree.tid Inother 160acreaat$3.00 per aae_ • SIlchusetts ('ourt whi ch was t ry ing a Hundred. have paid the COlt of th~ir f~rm. (if Then clIlling her ma id she dll'ec t ed snld Hnto her : murd e r case on th e g round th a t It Is that, Ozlas. Chubrl s and Ohamls th e purchased) .t¥I then h.d • Ilalancc of from $10.00 "The Ood of our fath ers give thee .to $12.00 per !lcte fro!JI .~ne crop. Wheat, barley. too long. It Is not. s urprlalng that It m n In authority In th e city, be ' sum- favor and ' accomplish thine enter~~ta.IIu-all ~o . well. ' ,.Mixed f.r~iD\l is • lJTeat was rul ed Ollt, bllt It Is sIlTJ)1'ls lng Ihnt mon ed to he r prellence. And with no prises to the glory of the children ot iUC!Ce1i. end, dlllcy"'¥. -1. highly plo6tablc( Eacel. counse l e ver pro.J)ose4 to put such a littl e wond e r on the ir part th e y Isniel, and to the exaltation of Jerulent cltmate,· .pleoold achool. and churchea rail_ Question. No Ja~' mRn would e ve r de- :lbeyed, for the beauty and virtue of salem." way. bring m9l~ ~very ~ct 'within euy ~eac'" vIse a Qne tltion that ' would fill th reQ Judith we r e knowu to all In the ' Ity, :And following this be nediction upon of market. 'R..lwIIY and land coinpaniea have or tour pages of a ne ws pR per. lnd her Intlue nce was great, riot only this lovely and devout woman they . , . . " . , ' , ., . Iud. for ..Ie at low pricea U(1.9n easy term.. ' among the lloor ' (0 whom she minis. fe ll upon tbelr. faces and worshiped many :bomes, a servl~tte 'has ~o last' e~ch 'pers'o n fo~ a --,veelt. or, pe,.hBI?S, , '.'L••t Bu~''l!'int"painphlet' ' ilnd . 6!ap •• Certain s nulTy royalties and n ear· te r e'd, bllt' alDong t~e dCh and ·powe r. ~or theae .and In'(ormatlon. a. to hDw God. ',boe Is, allowed tor ,).!reaktallt and .1unch, ano~ber for 4lnl?e.r, ~Q serve ,the '" free. to .<!Cure 'IDwell rallw.y rat"' 'apply .to; royalt·les '. with claims on th e th)'orle rul as we ll. Somet)llng over -three "Command that the gates be 'opened week; t.hes,;! often become more~'soned on the·..outslile ·, by 'haridl1ng than 8uperlnt""d~!'t of Immll!"ratlon, 'O ttawa ,. . of }JQljand now find th eir noses out veurs b efore hel' hUSband had been Ca~lld., or the aut~orltied Canl\dlab GoverD! unto me," sbe dlrected, simply. . . they do -from, l1se: Ilnd 'a 'l ittle oontrlvance, such e:a we shpw here, ~nd . m.ntAlI'ent: ot .joint. -' ludd e nly s tricken while overseehig his And when tlley 'h~d done 110 Judith which Is of Frenell orlgtn, lrf very practical. ·Il ·ls made . like. an ' envelope, R. M. WJLl.JAMS. #lorkmen during barl ~y ho.r vest, and passed . out, and her maid with her. ot fine linen ' 01' 'c ambric, the width ~lit · Ot' a l!~l'vlette folded- I'n ~hree or tour . Th~ mos t prom ls in'g . me th od for Crom th'lt time Rhe had 'uat ceased ToJWo,. ohIO. And .th·e men of the · olty lOOKed atter as p;referre~, the. depth to ' ()orreSP~)li~ i ·the , il~ 'mus!, of "C Urle, be regula~ed Law BuJ1clanlf., ..' IJtren g tb e r~lng their pos t! Ion ' In the ,\0 mourn for him, and d IIgliteq to her until she had gone down the by the size 'o f'the 8er~l~tte It Is -I~tended to bQld. The e~!Ie III orMmente~' all n~t tlll'ee yeal's ,would ·.b,e for th <;l anLISE! the gold and silver and ' th e .rIch mountain. ' Then, with straIning eyes' rOund by a drawn hem, -ene end Is turned 'up to tom a pocket}( ~~, thrnclt,e m1n workers t rJ take th e ad- astates whi ch he had left her tor they watched her orolltl the, valley and ot 8r 'w Ol'D'lll , t e p a ~ed , with \pe spllay siiO~ri below In "'open "Ire of the anUlraelte, /itrlke commls- :he, blessIng of those about hcd , for nt la~t fade from vlf:W Into tbe hazy bole embroidery; th,e ' cas'e :ls 'fa.!ltened ,by a loop and smjill button under ' the I;10n r('l gardtng wilon reorganlzatlou. .h e was a de \'out wOlllan and sought mist of the .far Bide of tbe deep valley. 'hem. , , . . . The min reO leader. will urge th eOll' wltb all her heart to serve the ' Lord "She Is gone,'" 'they aald with rey. A washing glare 01' handkerchief caae could be made on theae Un.., ventiop, 1I'hlcb I.- to m t s oqn, to ac· ber God. So wben this .re port had erent UPwll!d' look. " 'There 18 nau,bt and mllbt be ' ornamenied wIth the embro,~el'J th~ 'tforkec1 til. cept tlltl new offer made by the 1PO f8Bched .bel' eara that ~e governor of we can do but waiL" oPeD bole. or In ~ iaUn

The Miami Gazette

I Cily to t h

Judith's Bold Venture


un m~~y ~Iij<at @~ M~~t~Jrf§) @1 ~11'j)=

*~Ir~~nlQ)me~t @.I1~<clI ~ttn~~~*~~ p \l?)j;f Mm~o M ~lrlrn


de-I I












DAUOHTERS 'Help in Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound











:.tI_ ''" , . , ...'. -

, .,

Trailing t'h e Erie Crimina'i s ..


___________ By

Geo de T P



A True Chronicle if One if the Achievements

__ _____ _____ ~



J0 h n


Wil son Murray

sonll· on th floor of the r oom wlj r~ t b Interview was taklug pia e. TlI e d lective glauoed around alld ob· scrve d tbat the cblef artlclea ot fUl'nlture lu the upurtment were a coo~ stove. a rou gh kitchen t'abl and dn e !lJta ky rocking hull'. "You work out all nlsht. mU'am?" urra}';-Ifdcli'esslng Mrs. Julia -~ Wo r~U~ ~ ,Mdhenm e mb~d aftorward tbllt thl !:! su und hat! can sed mornin g. up streets cnd down I tred•. Ulrough alloys,' -aoross lots, around bulldfngs .. and (bell aeroBs lotn again . It waB' an exa pernllng xp rl nce. but Murray t d and b r no cbance to Sill) out of sIght Soon artel' th e hase flr!!t boga n a cat ha d me w u loudl y In the ylclnity of pur·

t h dIm Jl gul'e ill fr ont of blm to Sl art ,·Iol entl y. Dnwn WIl S br aldn g when tit woman hC'ud ell Rwa y to til o ut· skirts or Ih ~ 1I1wn. a nd s to ppin g In front of a doubl e hQUSO t OR sod II Hob· bl e ngnl nst a wIndow and a mU ll wnl Inte r W III In. Murray ~at down to th ink ma tl 1'9 O\·e r. lI u wu ~ /,;rcatl y pll zzl d. for wo m,m ull rJ;: lol's wp re an e nl irp.l\· . . un· kn own q;13111 ity In hi s eXI> rlcnce. Ye t ~o thln1{ lh nt all olLi \\.0 111 all aftc r scruhbill l-; hal'll for h o urs In a hotel . woulll sf'e k I' ' Iaxatlon 1'1'0 111 her lallors I)y g I n~ fo r a st l'oll and 1row11n' I al)OUl a ll n ight Wli S ~u rel y Olll uf th ge 'I 1I 'S ll oll . Il l' wa lteu unlll hroad da' y. 1I "" llt , I1n u. .1 a s th o wu lIlan . did no t re· appear \I' 'li t to loll p heal! \Iar ta rs. The re ho was gl~ep. tctl by tG o chi ef wllh th o dol"' rtll IIC I\' U D ttl at uuotlle r hOllse h ad been Ill'okell Into and robb ed tlurll.lg th e ni ghL

" [ always am ." she I' pll d oolly. "Jul! n Is n·t abl to s lo \l nI ght s ," brol, \! In til !:iocond old s t o~ the tri o, a.hlln g hy way f explllllalion . 1'111 her frl cnd. Mrs . l aggi arrull." " I an onl y s l n day tim es,' a ssort· I' d th o an ient scrub womall. "1 wo rk 0 1' walk a ll II lght ." "Wh n s ho WIIS YOll ng sh o had a f ve r ar)'d bas beell that \\' 11"J ' I-or since ." volunl e I'ed ~ I rs. ul·l·oII . " i\lnrray. muc h puzzled. slOorl e yein g Ihe t"I'e odd tlgul'es on t Ile fi I1(11·. J-I e It .nu s lioned thelll as to l ll elr nlode of :' li fe a nd m lit lOll d th110 satlc re cent. "Iarles . hut l.l btllincd .·rll "tlhllr· · O[I. "Th v llrot sted th eir Illnoc n s"., of,, any ~ gdoIng and uH\lntnln d ~ s tOllt.l v wron

seH up ag Inst a problem l\lob all hact r~eq ll (j ntly nllsted hIs a ttention durIng his torm In tb e nlted l:Itates Becret se rvIc e. It w'as concerned wltb. tb e apll arance of a number of co unte rfe it $20 bll1s ln Erl financial clrcl s durm g th e wln t rs of 1869 and 11170. A man by tho name of Fred Landers Itept a resta urant In the town. and onll dny wh n th e detectlve dropped In t il pN(l rl to l' lold him of n fl 1I0w who bad 01'(\ ' I' d a light Iun 'h , IJIlld tor It with 11. $20 lIllI. buug-Ilt a drink us h w nt ut an d offcrod U s cond $20 bill 0 tb c !Jarlender wbo s uld b co uld nol chauge It.

Uve. Murray walked toward th aad a great quantity of silverware Ih e yeaI' ] 67 John cr ._k nnd cam to a halt at one or taken. and Iloon art!' \' III Sklnn I' robWil son M IIrray be- the s pots wh ra the sod bad been bcry. the ' hom , or MI'. nlls s was u. tered and a rIch huul of jewelry rnm e n e of thnt tU l'ued. re's no sen so In dIggin g h ore." made. "Th fUlllou s lHld y of x· ~llI rruy and hIs I 'o tI . m. ~llIl'I'n y looked al Ule hilI Landers P rta' IIflPolnt d by reIn nstl'lLt "d Kna{,P ; you won't find rlll s. It was dug uv er t h workerl vi ' ol:ous lv :~:'ce ~ ~ el. ll nd ncce pt'd . It was I v I'll' dencl S R IIl to wllge nny ' r wu 19. COI1\C a bl t f 111'\ Il e I' lown. I .. s t ranger IS " . a cco Y unt fa 'e blelY I I but li nt w[' 11 eno ugh lo den tOWIl to 8 g llOt Wfll' aga in!:!! wro ng nt ll.. ,,_ lt . y. f ' If TI . I Ill ., 0 or lIle: r e turned Munay . s I 'y tw nl uut lb e dr'l g ne t and c Ivo til IH'lll'll rc Li <,yc or a mnn doers wh tH;· ~ lI cc u ­ h .kl lld of worms I'm aft ' r are gaU; e rerl In th e "rc r I ~ .. I th trai ner! to ddcct. 5(1(:h I'lJ r~f! rl cs. L tl uInLlolI H e x 'lte th o "1 ' Ig i t I I I I' 'hU I'l; 1I d . and It's easier work tban SU S Il C ous c laract I' Hlle Pat I at er s cl cscr lherl th e fe llow a nu l\llIl'ray aLl ent! oll of the )I II lere h . ' . 1'0 s . nIght" 1'0 dOli bl ed aud a vl p;llnnt. Ull' Ilught him a t th e rail road s tatiu n, r ' IIl' 1'I\1 go v !' r II . II I lQ ard placcs." K naJ1IJ !:!ald nothing In r eply. but the ceas Ing watch k 'fit b ul th o bu 's ln les bllt dId \l ol fi ll(\ an\'. uf th r onn le rlI\l' nt- lhe nit d I,.r '- . One nlgbt.a bou!!e felt mOlloy In his jllIH"!' .1 un. 110 \\' us 81 a t ' 9 sec r . t so\'\·· II ' :'" plrtlll on brok e out on bls wrink led can tl Illle d II!! usual · . \t'n . It Wli S l h!'l1. ra . '. "llIl'I'sy drove the spade Into In ona end 01 lb ' t own would be DI N Iy a "s ho\'cr or th QU ' cr." uno d "1 d I th 1\t the IIge or 26. th Ol he bcgan \0 . f! g l llllll . and smiled as h e felt tlJe rOu)e and tho n xL night the bUI'· J w 10 pu~ses Ih e hall mon ey a nd rethllt th ey w re only hard ·workln g celv ' s only a COUllio of IlhoDPY bills a c ulllulate a ri ch StOI'l' of e XII 1'1 'nce bl nde strike sometblng hartl . He glarll would olle rat~ s ucessfull y In an In dea ling wllh counlc rfe i:l·l's . tue t 'II'llell bu c k the soil wltb a few vigor. opposite direction. l\lu rray. annoyed womeen.('ockin Murray sat down on 1 he O il S t k b tl d I crabl g chaIr to jlllrSUe hisveu· ex- a t I n tim . . arts of bllrglnrs and 'mh'r 1' 11 1'1 ~I es !! ro es . and th ere came to view y , l e au !Ie ousness of th e crIm in a ls. n 110 other lin e o~ crimInal wor k th I I • 1 I I d d , t I ll hi tl d arnlnatlon In omrort. IL "'llve way I th on (If c f thl v B. nlJd til t raI ni ng tbUB e w IAe l! OL tle m ss ng em- e 0 ec a s me un en rgy to the b 9 ore sucb s lentlfi c orgnn lzatlon ' M ' , . ulld er hI m and he ('oil d npon th o shown as In th a t of counterfeiting. ncquir d ' w as ue1.i Llned to be of n ' ral wo gon, burled b enoath a root or task of run nin g th e m down but the J UI ra~ UlOught of hi S wcary ram· tloor. The k tt l on lhe ran ge. s tru ck The Ul en who pass th e money n ev r !nclll ' ulabl o vnlu > to him ill ('1\1'111. :'Iiurray looked at KUUIlI> who unl y clue or trace of th en; tbat be artel' li fe . H e ti llc ut ne:\rly two yoars grllllll~d In sickl y fashion. Tho d . could dl scovor was a ' peculiarIty In bles In th '. dark. I t did not Beell! a s by bis foot, crash ed down b sid e him . do uuslness wllb til mnn who mak es call ed Ills cornpal]lons and the jImmy mark s . Il llo\vlng th a t a t~ough hi s agg ravat ing old scrub Tho thr e womau lau ghed heartJIy. th plalcs. The plat muke r Is an cua s s pecial U g' lit fur Ih gU \'el'llIl1 nl t c!lv and was tb n Jl rs uad d to ~o to placet! Knu pp un der arrest. He \\'as pIece had ' been chlpP'=ld or C'lt out of \\~n~an coulu have hnd !L h a nd In the but a s th lld of tb e k trle f II off a gra\'cr who uSllall y re c Iv s a lump ., " one end or th e J'lmmy a. 8. r for he had lle v I' lost sIght of sudd e n sIl ence suc eed d to tl1 Ir up· 1lor. All tl le sam. nc tln g upon an 1m· roarlous me rrI me nt and their eyes s lim for hi s work . ThOBe who IJrlnt 1<:1'1 • Pu .• whe re, durin g hI s I' url y days l o 1u IL.nt tho best thing he ~ould do . 011 tbe lake!l. h hud mude mall Y WlI S to confess bls thefts. o.nd afte r One nIght about 12 o·cloc.k. while pul se lit' (" " Ihl h:\I'II ly C' xplain but wal r es t d uIlon th o ap'I)81'OnUy innocent the money a r c th manu!acture rs und th ey dl sf)os of th e quee l' In whol&I"l\ wl y was rdl c~mg a few momen tli he nodded frl nelll. Mr. Thomas Rale quanUU s to deal rs, Who sell to chi f of tbe Erie l}ol1cQ rorc at that and Ipd lh way to the house. His retail dcal rs. who hllve . in turn .. tim and a t hIs InvI tatIon MllI'l'UY be· wIfe met the party at the door. "'Ol! t . me th e sblngle,' saId h er hus. th Ir "sbov rs ont'" pasBlng the came a detectlv lind I' hIm, band . money. The man who fe ll In to 1ur,· hortl y aft I' his arrl.y al UlOre a Tho woman obeyed wIthout a word ray 's bandB was a shove r. HavIng wn\'o of snea k-t hlev lug SWOll!. oy I' the mado the arrest and s arched blm. he t own Ilnd assumod v .ry serIous propor· of IJl l' t sL Sbe wellt Indoors and r . turn d wit h II broad shin gle . covered found on a piece of paper In the prlstlon !!. Even tbe furnIture ot pl'l vat oner's coat pocket t h e name. · "Tom houses disappear d as If by magIc. wI th rtld dots. whIch Knapp expla Ine d Hale. New York." Murray . at once Cloth ing took to Its Jr wing:; anu w re made lJy .chicken blood. One sent a telegram addressed to Hille lUI vanished lu to th e gr at unknown. broad. rod blotch signified where the Ploughs made strange and un account· lInrr. !ltood. a nd tile smaller marks InfolioWB: "Come on. 1 am s ick. StoI>plng at able exits from tho far mers' fi elds ( leat d the Sl)ots wbere Kn app had 1\1orton house. Room 84." j avl ng no trace behind. Horses cnu· hurl _d bls I>hlnder. Tbe detectives Murray made arrange ments w! tb. t red a way uns n . by their ownel's H lC'clt:!d one of the marked liluees and tbe clerk of the Morton house to k ee p and theIr stubleB kn \V ' thcm no more. b! gan to dig. Tho first tblng to come track of any person wllo calJed and \\ hole conte nts of stores w r nrrled to lIgbt was a large coftl n. Tbls ssked fo r the guest In room 81. Nooff. and trom ono of th em 20 dozen lookod as t bough Bome tragedy lurked body cam. Tbe shover. who was J'nlrs of silo 8 appear d to huve walk. b hind, nn d th ey Hfte d the casket out earth. It wall very boavy and known as "Poke " Sal es. s layed In jail, ~d Into oblivion In tbe fnJl glore of of th having be n Identified by Landers noon. It was all so mys rlous as to hasllly they romoved th e lid. XI' ctaud tbe bart nder. A week passed b e 1IIIJl09 t amuslng-except to III lIU· lug to s e the Olutllated form of ono r t he robber's vlcUms. nut Instead without aQY fresh d v lopm uts. A IllJf)t>Y' los I'S nnd til oll trug d III m· heavy snowstorm had been raging for b en of the police for co who we ro to· of th e I' mains of a human bing sevseveral days. the trains were blocktally unabl to appreciate the humor e ral dozens of boxes cont!Llning shoes we re rovealed. The weaz ned thief aded and all traffic deluyed. Dut on of Ih .,.ltuat1on . the ninth day there was a new aI'Finally Murra y met a farm er who bad s lan ulng bos lde them laugbed harsh ly. "Corpscs aln't the only thin gs found rival at the Morton house. Altbough EO II . a r 1I0w drIve by his hOll s In n It was an excessIvely cold day ho ll C\\' old moerat" nbou tll ti m that In c mns ... . b e remar.ed sug Iy. '£h OmCerB pur!!ued th II' search wor 110 overcoat. Be In4ulred for T Iwartby's wagon \Ils!lllLl ared. !lnd Mr . Sales In room 84 and w&.lt Instuntth descrlpt.lou of both wagon and dI ggIn s up every place Indica ted on Iy pounced ULlon by Mur ray ... h o WllS drIver convInced him th a t he was at tb e l!hlllgl map. and great and va!'1 d was lbe list of property that came to close at hanl\. Upo n beIng, take n to lnll t upon th r ight track. Accom· li ght. Among the things un nrthcd headquarters ,and s earched several vanl d by raw I y and an offic r W I' 11. sllroud; toile t sot. a baby carhundl'ed dollars was found uppo him. u nmeet Snyd I'. !\Iurray hlr d U team rIng . "0 silk dresses . gold walch es, but nolhlng In tho way of counterfeIt and drove along th e road tll ' atl'ange r money. SlIll. Murrny detained him h r.n CoHow d wltb th e ml s Illg wn gon. s " eu plougbs. a harrow. s ur gical Instrulll nts. n hum, 11 log ohaln, a wi th the Intention of hunting for For rully 15 mUes tbey tru\' s to})' grnndfath r's clock. Ii set of g rocel"s } bRggage. for It was obvious that a p Ing at ev ry farm. bllt found nothing ~ I. l mall wea rlns such expensIve clothes to reward t heir ex nlons. DecidIng to scal s. h ats. overcoats . pipes. 8., bar. b r 's polo. even a polloemlm's shot.. , as adorned th e per son of the prisoner fe ed and l1l'!It Ulelr horses th y turned gun. which Knap p had stolen from tbe would be likely to have an overcoat in off th e maln road. antI in n s cluded owner's ' bouse. th e VicInity somewhere. <II a ring wllh severn I ncr 8 of pine The men tOC~t turns at dI gging and On the following morning Murray woodl! arollnd It p rce lv d a lone ven th e thIef hlm s If was pressed began a systematic hunt for the mIss· h ouse. In to ser.y lc . until (ully t \I wRgon Ing overcoat. During tbe course of 1\0 one Will In slgbt. but In reo loads ot plund I' lay III sIght. It was bls search be stepped Into a saloon sponse to a hall a buxom woman. truly 1\ fhie xh!bltlon of wholesale kept by a man named John Anthony. about 2G years olil. made b er all[learthIeving. and tbo marvel of It all was "Here's a curlolls tiling happened nnce and Inqulr d If til party wantthat Knapp Bworo to havIng done It yesterday," h e saId. " There was ed anythIng. ChIef Crawl y nsked woll·dressed cbap came' In here. tor the man of the plaoe. saying that Sin gle handed. Subsequent developments proved his statement to be corwashed bls handB and walked out again leaving his overcoat behInd hIm. h e wanted to feed hIs horses. The rect. woman whlstl'ed shrilly. and from beKnapp and hIs wlte were taken to You'd thInk tbat would be about the hInd a clump of bushes near th e Erie and place4 In prison. A large Inst thing he'd leave on a bitter co. bnrn. there came 0. llltle wea~enE'd day." .J man about 60 years of age. The In· vacant store was hired and all of the "Seems funny," r esponded Murra; stant Murray saw ' the newcomer his r ecovered property placed on eXhlblUon tbe reln to be Identilled by the Let me look at that coat. John." ~ye8 bl.'lghtened, 'I'he boy's d SCrll}t\on rightful owners. The ro was no room The ove rcoat was .produced and Itl ol the strang r who I rt th ancient to spare. for Kuapp bad stolen enough the first pocket Murray examined he wagon In the ahed exaotly li tted the stult to equIp a small depar tment 'L. found $1.000 In counterfeit $20 and mar. who stood before hIm. sl.ore. N..-~~~,--_~ ..-.u'I""""" $.100 bill s wrapped up In a handker" What.,!a your name." MlIJray asked. For several years, It appeare d, the chIef. They were such excellent 'coun"George Knapp," . re p\J d th e with- cunning veteran bad been plyIng hIs terfelts they actually dece ived the eyes that or several bank experts to ered ludivldual. " Have ypu Ured here long?" de. I nIt bUll tJ'aboxed pIlf 0 he 1' IIIghnd urys1necurely. g 11 1 s llluntalkln. to an In ' thea not d Is posed to reBltlt, he resolved kitchen utensil In glonmy npprehen· whom they we re shown. Murray went pre- Ree d hOWle. be acquaintance chanced to notice dor "Me and my wife have been here paratory to sending It away. His upon payi ng her a vI sIt. / He went out slon . TheIr trepIdation did not es- back to the jail and approached his ::tbout a yenr," was th e r ply. methods were sweetly sImple. He woman slip <luletly down the back to the houBe where he had last seen cape tho d otoctl ve's walchful g aze. He prisoner. t b e her. On one sIde o'f tile double build· r~s to hi s feet. picked up tb e Itettle "H "Is tbat your wife." Inq'u lred th e de· wonld drive Into town In a wago n. ap. stalra of th e h 0 tel an d ·ou t i . not ' eII o. 1.1'CIa le.b ere ' s your coat; • be tective. glancing at the you ng woman street On three ' uc edl I ht ' h lug lived J\o[rs. O·Brlen. a r eSl1 ctable saId. par ntl y for tie pnrpose of s e l l i n g ' s ce ng n g s e an'd exami ned It. Insi de was a steel woman. ' Her knowl e dge of tbe occu"All I ht th k " i d th I who 'was standing In lho duorway of fnr m 11roduce or g or den vegetablnl. observ e d b er d 0 in g tb.1 . s. An speak Ing Instrumcn t about the size of a stove r g ' an you. sa e • h ' pants' of the oUler sIde was limited to t tll.lo ~ouse. and In that woy qbtalnlng a thorounh OL t e circumstance to the clerk that l lifter. Murray took the object out s ranger. l{uapp grInned and nodded Rssent. knowl eelge or different bousos. always, worthy Informed hIm that sbe was a t leo fact of,. their. Ilelng women ,mo and "ave a sIgh of' I·ell ef. Tbe proo. "Tben It Is your coat. Tom!" b • H e was not dIsposed to be communI· managing to sneak In later and carry scrub woman who worked late and Ilad resided there less than a year. he wanted was In hi s g raS tl-a bur· qu eried Murray. Murray knocked at the dour and glar's jimmy-and .wbat was more. a . "Why. certainly." replied the prls· catlve and bls eyes twinkled cun · off whatever Ie coul lay hIs hand:! lived Qutslde the botel. There " 'as nlngly all they met l\'l urray 's stelldfast ". b 0 d y kI new dany thl t;l g a bou t no thl ng susp Iclous about that. but receIved no answer. He raplled jimmy nicked at tbo edge'. oner. on . "n him. who e . was or w h ence h e came. as t b e c 1erk declared that h e did not loudl); agaIn. There waB a scurry of Placing the three women Iinder arMurray produced tho couuterfeit h feet In the hall and final!) the door The detecUve yawned and looked A yonI' PI' oJ' 0 s caI>ture e had' now Wbere the woman lIY~d. Murray. rest he proceeded to searoll the money from the pocket and Hale. r ek b t hi II s Wung open. A big robust gIrl. 23 around In a Donl;ll.alant. unint er ested sett ed n I Ie sec II e e I to f . t i mber ou t 0 f seer. . house. He dIscovered great quantities a zing what a gl'8,ve mistake he had tdl e cllr Ias.Ity. determIned years h d b I d tJ: I old. stood on the threshold. I (ashlen. Presently he retnrned to the and kept entirely to himself. to Bhadow ber to her home. Whon she of jewelry. silverware. fine lInen and ·made. denIed that the garment was Without further ceremr,ny the detec· attnc1r. He was trIed. convicted and sen- s II pped down the staIrs as ullual Mur· t1ve strode In. clolhes. The stuff belongIng to Mr. his property. Murray compelled hIm "Have 10U seen unythlng of n tenced to 16 years In the Alleghany ray tollowed b er Into the street, but Skinner and Mr, Bliss. IJlunder from to don It and the Ilt WaS perfe ct. The '''What Is your namo?" be asked. ,tranger drlvt.nK past he re In a. ne w Jlenltentl~ry. and hi li wIfe. against be f ore h e h a d traversed five bl~CkS all the other houseB that had suffered saloon·keeper identified 111m as tbe ' .L.· · "Mary Ann Hall." was the answer. democrat wagon lately7" he Inquired. WhOUl nothing eould be proved. waB rea II ze d th at s In the r ecel\t raids. was founud on the stranger wbo had lett the coat tn hie blt r a111ng ""as use ess . "0'0 you live alone?" bul KUI1PP shook his head. .rel eased. But KnapI> was of far too Th e mysterIous scrub woman had dis· premises. also a kit of burglar's tools place. , . th 'b a d the"I girl. live with my mother.... reSI)on, ded and complete s et of pass k eys. Two . "1 aln't seen anyone drlvln' J)nst orI ginal a turn o.• m In d t 0 r est sat ls.a p'Pea re d as th.oug h th e ear "Poke" SaleB pleaded guilty to pass· tlere." he reSl)onded. "Not likely that Hed with serving out his time. He swallowod her. Murray. surprlsea · at of the women. Mrs. Julia Hall and Ing counterfeit money and received a "Call her." said Murray Bhortly, I would eithe r, for th ere'B no place to s imulated Insanity. was transferred to th e seem)lg Maggle Carroll. were sent to the AI· .five-year s entence. Hale was taken by I 1Y e 1us Ive vowers 0 t . t h e ' ,h e Mary Ann complied. and tn answer leghan y penite ntiary for , four yea'rs t h e Untted States authorIties to PItts· drlv~ to. Beeln' that thIs Is th ~ cud a lunatic asy um. an , soon ' 8 ter ancl e .. !, t da me. 1"..ugh e d over w' 1lat f d 1 sawed the bars of a wIndow. escaped considered a · gOOd . joke on hi" ability to , s,!mmons the ancient scrub a nd Mary Ann was rel eased, " burg. then to New York and finally lo Dr the road." PlalDly 'Mr. Knapp wss armed at all through ' the openIng thns provided. as ' a shadO\v artist and went home. woman skipped . out , of an adjoinIng Curious as 'to the tlxact events of Washington. He was a smooth talk- . ' 0 n th e f0 II 0 ~'I I . room In a- manner, that "suggested tbe the nl gbt when he was tral1lng Mrs. Ing f e11 gw an d msde the ' government ' (Joints agl\tnst curIous seekers for In· an waB never caug . . .. ng morn Ing th e E re ' . ,as actlvlty ' of 16 rather than tbe natural lIa\l. Murray asked that vtvaclous old omola1s believe he would be of great d was not OI)S ht (ormation. The oMcers I}rOceeded to It a er t h e K napp papers repor t e d . ano lh'er b urglUl'Y ft . d- I n a h ouse ' four blocks decrepitude of 60. .' make a thorQugh Bearcb of the j)rem· episode be ore 1 t ev ng on a pretty h av Ing occurre lady for an eX lllanatlo~. He leamed use to the secret servlco department. bi I f Ises but tb(·! r explorations of barn. large. Bcale begRn agaIn In ErIe .. Th~s ,from where the scrub ' woman lia:d Murray fllted his penetrating eyes that she anel Mrs. CarJ:oll were to He .'; promisel:l to ex\>ose ' the e ntIre


l' the begln blng of








noulie 8ru~ outbuildIngs ' t}roved fruit· 10sB. ;\IUrrRY', :bowever; (ell Intuitively thllt · th(' ,y'ily Mr. Knapp , waB n.o·t all .innocent ta .. bt'. would. bav,e tl)em believe. Slr91l1ng paBt' the barn' and lurvey1ng t1lq ground carefully the deteet!\'e took LCite ot a Btretch of clear· ed hlnd I'unning down to · the .c'reek and law ' thftt t~e" BOd had rec;enUY beon turned In' one or two placeB. BJlglii ·,.lnd.\hll,tlpne· .freQuently lead ~o blS rl:lsu1ts and a sudden BUllplclon flatbed. aCIOII! ~ M.urray·s mInd. ." 'Kn~p," ' lie saId ·ple.-antly, "I mean to ~ mY band at ftllill1g· In that

time It was bUl'glary Instead of sneak: work. as 'was d~monst.i'ated by ' the marks of jimmIes OJ:!. do rs and':.,wln. dows. alid the ~Isatipearance of quantWes of fine sllverware and jewelry. Ch'l ef . Cra,w ley was at. ~t8t 'of tbe' 'oplnlon: tbat Knapp. :who :had fi om the' al!ylum In tbe meantime. was operatlllg 'agaln; but Murray ' dId share this ' opinIon; Knapp. who prlde.d .' .tlhnsel~ 'UpOli hIs unique methodll;_would ,consider bUT-' glllry a clu~sy "Way of stealing. ,After the. ,third ro~beJ:Y It evldent tbat no lone burglar waa ~ work. ObvtoualY there WU ,a gaDg ltee,k. ~!'.JD"" .»a!le:: ~ . ·~bat ...O w~Jlt .".tIl • ,padet·' gaged tn the dePredatlon_, for _~ bl• .Upl. of the jobs. reciulred tilt watcher or OD tile -wl~ ot ~une:' N"


.JtulriU' ~4l1J'.


, ~no1ftnJ.;


vanlshei'f tnto thin aIr. ' Mu~\'a:y ' saId nothIng to hls associates but that night. be took ~p a . station at the Ree~ .h?use an.t\· .watted. About one o' clock In ·the morning the ' figure the scrub woman flitted lI'gbtly down 8talre.;. and ' Mu·r ray followed her the gtoom of nlg'q t' For' 15 blocks he tl'allQd J>ehlnd • . w~en his quarl';Y turned . a comer. and when h.e ui'ne up she' had Ilgal)l. dfs ap.Piared, " Tbat nlght ·yet ano9"er burglary t~k place; and Mt,lrray, "tUl 'Wlt1;l bls mind ·cen.tere4 on thtl :vanlilltlng sorub'Il; bepil a· third vtl{U ~t tbe Reed house:

upon' her ~nd was greeted wIth a co· quettlsh leer. : "J ,want .to know your name." he lIalr., .. ' "My nanie.. Is · M~II. 'Julio. l:Iall;" r&Uiled· .the old.. woman. stllI grinning broadly:, .:, . . I'JiIS.t ap:''''' remarked "Well' who.. else ltv • liara; .MTft. Hall 1" , · an"swet ).he old' woman's montb oi>e~e'd - ,n,d gave ' vent, to .a 'yell of I'~aggle!" . . , Thill '(jail ::; brought to the -front · a .uu~li , ~harltrac~4 W(lman lIome ten y6al".a younger that -the active Mrs. HalL' The lat(lat airrlval IImUed at her comrades and 'co~'troDted , the detec-



tlve ·wi,bubed. 40Wll 1adIeiI,"

'. JiII,.._.,

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have ,pro ken Into 0. house· t6gelher on countertelUng . business and Wood, that occasIon. and Mrs.: Hall had .ar- who was the cblef of the secret Berv;ranged to' meet h er confederate at two I~e. engaged him oli the, force . and In the mornIng . . But Mrs. ' Carroll es- sent.. him to New York, \ .pled the 'enemy shadovilng her comBu't Hale's promised eXpOBltre of his rade ' ~nd m ewe d suddenIY·_ lIke a cat former colleagues turned out to be a p.s .a slgnal ,to .Mrs. H8:lt that ehe was fake. He en'Qbled the secret service beIng . The· I.atter men ' to ' get 1l0ld of I,a... few 'g1.!ehtly prpceede~., to ,.w.alk .about all ers. and that waB all. Then Wood left · night, whJle, thQ vi:mtuT.some Mrs. dep!lrtment and o!>i. Wh1teley be-. • ~oU· went oD· wlth her burglarr6us' task cam~ <;blef., Wblteley ~roceedEld to" alone. Th'e Car.roll-Hall· c.omblnaUon.. call down Hale. for llis fa\Jure to IlC> waIJ the Oft!-y case bt Yo~en burglars .oomj!Ush anythIng worth :w)llle.- ,Hale :wb~klns. alon~ ~h,at 'Mur.ra.y enc,9unter. · ~eQamG tn~91!!nt ;wttb the I'Gault that ed" durIng !UB d etective" career. . They he was arres.ted, taken ,,!ack . ~b PbUa,w.ere ftrst caught by U,le aut.hDi'ltI~s tn 'detpJtla and tried. It· waa proved that INland, aent to . A.uaqall8, where the.y ,be Itood ' tn ,~.Ith ihle... atJ(l a~ tb. again ·made trouble fOr tbe pollee and ~!eh ' he was C)QnrtC~d ,. and · aen· then lotiSht fresh ftel'de 'In America. ' , tenced ~ the · penlteDtJ&rJ ,lor l'


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shqrt t I me

For a



ffer you Seasonable Coods O . ·reduced prices. .

:::: at


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$ $ $ ~


$ $

est leathers. Dull 'alf, Tans . Ox Bloods and Pa ent .., It. $4.00 Men 's Oxford ...... .. $3.25 S3.50 Men's Oxfonls .... .. .. $2.98 ,) .. n $3. Men 's Oxiord ...... .. $


Ladles Oxfords ' 3.60 Pat. & Tall dords .. $~. 98 $3.00 Pat. & Tan Oxford .. $2.4 9 d 8 $2.50 Pat. & Tan xfor 5 .. $1.9

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Men's Work Shoes $3. Best Elk Skin Shoes .. $2.75 $2.75 Men 's Ea.<seElkSkins,$2.49 $2.75Skl Ligh t wei"ht Elk..... 'ns ......... .... .. ... ..... f!225 $ .50 Sh Shirts or D Drawers ...... 39c '" . 19 $2.50 Heavy Work hoes ... $1'.98 .25 irts °Sr . rawers ...... 79c $2.25 Heavy Work Shoes ..."$1.75 1.00Union ulh} ............. .. c

25c Ladie ' Vests ......... ...... 19c 15c Ladies' Vests .. .......... ... 12c 25c Sun Bonnell ... ..... ....... 19c 25c Supporters ... ............ .. 19c SUMMER DRESS 00005

llc Pointelle Plisse .. .. ... .... . t3c 16c Zepher GiTlghams .. .... 1 2}~c 12X'c Batiste .... , .... ......... ... lOe 12e Madrll!l ..... . ........ ...... .. .... 9c 12c Seersucker Ginghams ... l0c 12c ·DressGinl'hams ......... .. .l0c 1/ 12}~ c Percale................. .... 10c 18c Japonett Lawns ........ ... .13c 15cLawns ...... .. . ....... .. ........10c tOe Lawns .... ......... ..... .. .. .. .. .7C 8e Apron Gl'nghams, ...... .... .. .6c All remnants of calico up to 12 yards ...... ........... ......... 6c

. RidgevilJe



Mrs. LafslJrllham oll.lIed on Mrs. of tbis place, on Wednes,



~ ::;~~by:.~~ i~:::·I:~~'dIlY 1m

The Willing Work r~ ol llb met lit. the home of Mi88 Mllry Parlett FI'i. day afternoon . !:;aaroan 1'0~s Ilttencled the K. of P. deol.ll'llt.ion ut :::ipringboro Son iuy . E verybody Wl\ 8 busily 'ongageu watching the balloon that passed over onr violn ity' FridllY.



- -,------ ----


Of Wall Paper ---Just

$ $

$ ~;::l~r~::,.:E;,~£€~!~~,~ $ $ ~iok

5c 6e 7e 8e

MillS Mllrtha Grl\bam is spending

"fewdays wi th friends lind relatives

in Franklin . Mr . Geor e Rilf"y is on the Itst,. Il k d f il Mr. ll rtH'O Hto , es /\n /lID y ~ oalled at tho Riley homefltelld Fri. dl\y afternoon. Mr8. Clllrll GrllbaID and daughtAr. M IS8 ' MIU' th a a too n d e d "lIorprlEe . on Mr. Harry Emley l::)undliY . .. Ueorge Riley Bnd dA.ogbter, .... MillS Blanoh attended the ~~lJ.rmer·tl ~ olub at. Mr . • nd M rs. Wm. O ' NI 6!\1l II. ' - -- -..

$ $



R~ceived-. .-

Roll Roll, Roll Roll

per per per per

Also a large assol'tmrnt of Pap('rs ~ ui tab l e for Halls, Parlors, Etc., Etc.



l ""1·fiI d Ad WI aSSl e s


I. . .


~ .~~~~ ~~ The followin '"o prog rlLrn will 1ll'~-, ~- -- - ----------- . . All" will I ,.. 1 1I.~n.'.tI "'H lp l' 11 11" h. ~tI - '''I at the MIlRonio temple Oil I\\ ,. "tl' ,1\'_ Mis8 Lillie Kibler has returoed reod~red " , .... " "l " r" .. till''''' I II ''''l l II, . Thll1'9day ovenhl"', it 11 ill" t h f !l \\h" 11 " .t ll l! IIfl l il ion' lit ;,,, II\'~ II" .. , ~~h~~g~ll~~'::~te;~~!vi~~.tb Mrs tiv",ll)f~t . .Tob n~h BIi)lt~.. t. -...-.-...~--.


-A~T-U-R--O . .A··'y- ·S-·P~C-I. .A~L. , ~~. ~;;.;;.--$ ~r~:~~;n~~f:~:~1~1d ~I~~~ . T::~~:;r,;::::::~~~,. ::~~ .. RU RH ~~l~. S,~, L ~",,,. S L Bro~her U~dwt\\I1111er. I'l't, ~ Im1



$ $ $ $ $ '$'



Fly CO·-SomethlnK New Drl'ves out the fli-'. Try it in your bousel Just spray your window screens, deors, etc. Also will drive out MOllquitos, Bed Bugs, Roaches, Ants, etc. Also used on flowers. plants, vines . . Something you want. Try a can; only 60c. We also have FLY GO for Horses, Cows and Stock. Every can warranted to do the work. TRY IT!



SUCAR ..................

S 1.30

she had tbe pleasure of heariog the Rev J ohu F. l1 elll' lv n ' \\,' ItI "lI t\ I) I:IUI! fa mous Bobumir Kryl and his baod Oh"pltLin of tbo lodge. gy HIII· lHI~~ . 1':II'lI l1 lrl~ Itt tlhf! dflc· . 8t. ,lohn the Baptiltt· Hymn. Weber. l Enameled Ware in "Aida ' at Ohester Park . I Choir Mils Lena. Myel's hlUI gone to Addre8R, Hev . Charles L. Ct)llger, A lar"e assortment of Blue and White TripleKings Mills to work . P M f b I .• Coated Enamel Ware, the very Mrs . L. R . E R, olZlIn visited her . Il~t rd f b6SJ; b · ....aster 0B t 0b (luge Cb I made • at p ..ices you never hea 0 emoth-r venltlg nYlOn, arn y, ' 0 r '" bere over t;undIlY. fore. Come and see it. Mis8 umra. Kibler accompanied Banediotion . ~ Mi88 Mildred Hnnter to her home All Mason8 In the 100:. 1 jurisctic. Potatoes .,. to New Loodoo Friday. tlon with their familie ftlmilleR of Fancy Georgia Mrs. 0. J. Townsend. Mrs. Edwin deceased memherR and members of WH t er,ne I On R Down goes the price! Extra nice Early ~. 8mith aod Donald MoPhail speot Triumphs. 40c a peck; 11.60 .per bushel, Monday with J . K . S....noor aod the Eastern Idtar Ilre Invited. I"V FANCY lOMA TOES ~ family. • _ • - .. NEW CABB:\G E









ClaS8Ware 4 dozen 9-inch Glass Salad Dishes, Iaandaome designs; while they last, only 9c each. Horse Shoe Brand Table Tumblers, 6 for ISc, 12 for 25c, sold regularly at 50c doz.

Fancy Lemons, peFr


Oranga, per doz .. ....... .... ..... ...... ~ to 40e Bananu per doz .............. ....... 15 and 20c Pineappies very fine ............. . 10 and 12'xc Watennel~na on ic............. 26, 30 and 35c Cantaloupes, very Cood ............... 2 for 15c New Tomatoes, large basket. ............. 25c Sweet Po~toes, per peck. .............. :.... 50e Asparaa-us, Gre~n Beans, Peas, etc. - t 0 eat • When)'ou want -----..... _ ........ - . .-.-telePhone KILBON

China .. dozen 9-inch imported German China Salad Dishes. beautifu1\y decorated regularly at 15, 35 and 6Oc. While , they last; sold I 23c on y .




·Mr. ud Krft. Edward Eooht aod IhUe MilIA Mildred and Edward Marsh.lI, of D!iyto~. bave been spendiog t\ few days with Mrs. We8 ley Bigp. · Mrs. Wesley Biggs gave a dioner p.rty t;unday , Th08e pre8eot be lsides the family were : Mr. aod If- . Phln Colli us and three ohildreo aod Mrs, Ano t;ellma~, of Yorrow/ and Mr . and Mr8. Edward Fooht I\no

Workmen tearing down an old house on the Holmes farm neal' Bell. brook, Tuesday, found $2.000 in gold II b silver and rotting bi s. etween bricks on an old fashioned chimney. The money is·supposed to have b n secreted there by William Holmes, an ""c"ntrl'c member of .t' he falnt'ly C who died thirty-five years ago.

$ .. ,

$ ;r:I~-:;:;;~; :;-p-;:e;~e;::--.::;In;.·~-~ --_.. ..~ ::~I~~::? :~~;~.:!i ·r:·:~~.: .

Leggett's Pure Paris Creen,

~ per lb. 8pra~er., '7.&0.

~~. bacco


Champion I· I~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

· 'us your P. rod uce Bring I $

S' ~

. ' LTER' J 'WA


. t.






Ho, . .

W e pay . 20c for. ~ ~


$/ $ .'$





Herm , an L. Evans, of Columbus, and Miss Katie M. Belt, daughter of Mil. and Mrs. John Belt, of near

.' Spring Valley, were married quietly KILBON bt:fheRev. DeborahLloyd,inS~ring e . . , Valley, at 8:15 Wednesday , mght.


"' "


~rl Grah

Fruits and Veget:tbles of all kinds ream Ch c ..- extl'l111ne- mild . D ri I B ef- \' uP I' : Ii 'ed whi l you wait. Fresh Crackel'S qnd ak '£1 reen & Gre n's, th~ best. baked. Pre h C;el'~als - lllrg st a. ~Ol't,m nt in town. tinny M'oTl(\ay 'ant't be b eal. offee-- Try our 20 Cotr e- the


O!~: th:ld ::O:I:::"b~;

lTfl5l'hent Of....tlwse fan cy Muir blaokRmith emporium Ilt Peaches: ·2 pounds 15c. ... to · _ . Paris- Green-The purest and Whl~~~wee~andtheyhllvegone be~~SO a pound. Sp~e!~low to bouse keepi ng in Middletown. prIces on larger quantilies. • _ _ -Vacuum Glass Can, The 'rate of ~iyorce in thi s country, Mason O/ass Cans, is twice that of Switzerland. t hrice Scaling Wax 0I8ss Can!!, that of France, and fiv e tim t hat · . Star Tin CallS, of Germany. Tin lids, ~uhbers" Sealing Wax ' . . . Bring us your Produce. Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade.

_~Il~ 1!larri~

d aotlng LyUe



~ The YQung couple . cQntriv~d to 'keep ........ ...... ........ ...... the affair quiet. alld only a few .... " .......... friends knew of it until after they !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! !'!'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~· had ieft for Columbus, where thtly Removed Mra. W.lterDakiuaodM".Ernel~ will live. Mr. ~ans is ~ weighe~ at . Without pain by the use~ot . •• D.ldn aUeaded deo()l'atlon exeroillell the stock yards 10 that Clty . He II a Sehwa~iz's Corn Remover •• •• -0 Sunday afterooon. son of Frank S. Evans, of near Spring .. ................................................-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ""' ...........--,.,..................,...............-...........................................""' ...................................................._ .......................""'-..... -Hrl. Ada Dakin and lion Carl aoli Vaney, and both are very well'known 15 Cents a Bottle' " OF COlTRSE Spring Valley. daugh*ers. Lol8 .and H~zt'l spent in thatvicinjty. • •_ _ _ _ _ _ _-iiiii.r1..~~-:-~-l--.:......~-New-Burlington. . , , I:)ooday with their grandmother, . , • ~ ••_~_ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymood Mi~ Oiive Anabee leU 1ut week Mr•. Dlotlon Wharton, of:Mt. 8;0l1y ENEROY· AND ENTERPRISE Burley. JUDe lath, a son. for ~"le, Wuh., where her silter, Mr. William F. Riley Aad M.i~ 1~~....:.....--'l''ba--tmrrillrh:JH1mi:rtJml1fimnaiinn:l.oo)O-.tMT,e. C. E. ArlDentrout .nd attend BerihaCh!no".th caned on Mr. an , A newlpap~r can never. very credabl. D.vld night. Looall, of. Mt. BollYl,.Itabl y represen . t a t own. W 'h ose b ' cnrred at· ,the oeme~ry hllre la8t th. A . Y . P'. expo8it,Ion. last Suoday USl1I00day. ·Mr. E. M. Kent returned home MI'8. Anna Luc... ud Ion Ray ness men do not ~dvertlse. He may. AJi~ Mary Chapm.n and Mil~ IMt; week, mond lpent l!Ult ~turday nignt howl .himself·hoarse bragging about Bernice Bawkina attended E.rlham Katia Belt and Berman Evans were wUh her brothel'8 Guy .nd Jaoop the vim, energy and enterprise of his ool1ege oommencement I.A~ week. quietly married Wednesd.y evening Chenoweth aod listerl Berth" aO.d town, butit his declarations are not l'he frieodl of Alben aod Ed. by Rev; Deborah Lloyd. Frano68 Ohenoweth. ; backed by a liberal amount of adLumpkin gave them a surprise on . Mr.. Aroh Copiley aod ohlldren Milllel! AUoe Ohenoweth aod ae~· 1.: h b ' . f th Wednetday night. Over ooe hun- leave Tuesday fora weeki! visit in tha Smith .iad utheirguedSunclay v~rttsmg uy t e ~mess men 0 e dred were pre8ent, Springfield aod.wlll atteod the wed· Aod Monday Mr. George 'raylJr. of town, . the wor,ld will be slow to A. W. Reeves, the oarrier 00 R. R . \ dlDg of her OOUSln 11188 Raohel North Dayton. . .. his statemen~ as true. It takes No. I , w&e taking hisvaoatiob list M.. E.Sherwood aDd wife were Mr. and Mri. Char1ee Rye visited more than the unsupported testimo0 I week. . ,Kue8k t;unday of Dayton frieDd.•. · Mr. and Mrs, Edward . Mdrgao .J\lP ny o.f the 'local newspaper ,man t6 June 27. Round trip, 9Oc. Leave 8:28 a , m . Reg.n Boonar IS nur~iog a. very I . D. W . Ao.bee and wife villtted In ra~ily. . rove to the world that his toWn is lore knee the result of belngprloked Xenia Wednelld.y. ·)(i"81 Alioe Chenoweth 'aDd Ber- Ph fi . 1 te th b . . '. by a thOrn. Wm. Alexander, wife and daugh· t)la Smith atteneled ihe(uneral.t. t ,e nancla cen , ~, e usmesscen· Wm. Barlao fell frow a iltep lad· ter, of Cedarvtl\e, were gue8ts of EdWard Kett,ermaf:l 8~day. . .ter, the best ,mal;'ket, . a~d . ~h~ b~t Anhual Low Fare Excursion Augu st · 18, via Cleveland ami der while ploking oherries on Eri. l'elati ves over Suoday. •- _ " , place on earth to buy g~S, hiS ev.-. Steamer through auff~lo . day, alightiog on a pioket fenoe . Bow.rd Babb, wife and daughter. Women Who .Are Envied " denee needs eorroboratton.- Clarks- . Th tt tl ' h ville (Mo) Times. . No bonee were broken but he was of Kingman , were guest8 of T. J. very muoh bruised up. . Mlddletoo and wife t;onday. _ love)~8tnaf.~:'°fo~ ::~:iD~~ :~: .~. 0 al) 1 L. O. B~~wn, ?f Wilmington, oo. . Ben Mills aDd wife were guests the ' envy of many, wh~ miicht ~eM. E. SABBATH SCHOOL And other ·Se~s~ore. ~~orts: Ann4ill Low Fare Ex,cur~ion c aple<! the pulpit at the Friend8 t;unday o( Jno. Walton . Uke thebl. 'A w.k; siokl; ,!olDiin 'August 5. Just th~ time for a v..cati9~ ol,Jting. ohurch Sunday fl.. m. .. . I M. C. Barley and daughters spent wtl) be nenous'.nd· irritable. Con. Program fot June 27 . 1909. The .Mu~nal telephone hne whICh Sunday here. . stipatton or' Kidney poilODe Ibow t.D. " ,,: ' . ' ruos e..t; of town ia uow In nse. Frank Carey wife and daughter pimples, blotob., skin erQP~oD8 aDd TemPe,ranoo Losaon-Rom .1S. 8-14. " . ~. : . .... ~rer.1 boxes io tow~ been of Wayoellville ~181~d here Sunday: a wr.tch~~D,lplexiop. · rpr al1l1iqh '. Singing '-. :rourist tickets on sale qai\y dur·in~. the season wit):l ' .long liml t . . pu,~ in, but the cOnne;:ltlonl are not . • _ • Eleotrio Bitter. wQrk·: ~Qn"'.~·. They Seleoted Readiqg;: Varl.&Qle rout~. .c Excellent opportutilty 'f.o r vacation ' tours througrh c~mpleted,a.~dtheswltohboardb88 ·S. B h' relulate 8tomacb,' and Ki~. P.."yer, . ol08,iog . w~tb~rd , ~ Prllyer theGreatW~.s.t. . . : , .' . no~ be.e o put In yet. prmg rane oeYI, purify the ' blood'; Itroqg . ,noll Call. " .,........, . " . J. S. 'Leamfog has had a Citi~n'8 nen... bri,ht eyee•.-'piire b_th. , SJoglng ... I phqne p~t in hi8 houee. . Mr .• nd Mr•. Frank . Dakin eoter· imooth, velvety H1D, lovet, com· . lleIpoD81ye Reading of ~8800 ' «;l , .~ ~. , . U , ~~!'" .~~I I~ . , ' Xp,~~ 'I QIl . , RGbert ~llett h"s aootlpt&h posi. ~ined their COUSins, Mr.· ~d 111'8. p1exioo. Man1.oharmin,wQlDento,,\,e St,udy qf. ~n1;""40 ~I~utes Excursion , .tickets to :~atle' Qn s.tle .. daiJy. '. 'Portland . San tlOD in the N . C. R:. Dayton. hank U.l'tin a few daYI l&IIt "e~k. healt" apdb.~t~ to t~em:, .~Qo _, ,. . ......: '.. ~ti'tn':ll . ' :. ~ . ' Franc~sco, a!td. otner ,Pacific" a~d " Wes.ternycfties '.tp.ay: 'be vjsl~~ on :'. ~...~ of th~ .uaeonic Brethre~ at· Mr. and lin. B. 0. ' Datin Ipent .. Fr.ed C: ~~.",a!t~ ~ '-. ' ./". ~~',"". \R8vt~ =t~on. : , .. " the trlp~ 'W h.lCn.may b made. o~~r' va!?a~l~ r~':IteS west~ of Ch~ca~o- , " t.eo~ea' lodge 10 GlarkBville Frlday' t;uodar afternoon with WUlie ~ktn .' '. , "t "1" ."...... . ,ReW of Seoretary " , . . .' an~l St. '~UlS. · . . "".':'.' i :'l' . . _. H gllh'.. . ao~ WIfe . . - . Eac~ American Fount) · ,o f- JU1Yi CI "'IDg' So 'g o. . '.; " . ' ' ' , ' :"" \" . . ' _, . ,'". ; .' Mf,. WOods, of Wilmington, . , . . ' Jf 'are::t a . pI i8 ,'lie ~est of her friend , Mrll. inJuries to ',090 ~ther met:rYJpakel'8!, Sab~th Bolioo)~ we .hall be more . .', <' . ' . ~ , . " ' 'r" ' ... , _. ' . lIet~1 MoPhere.oD. . . . .. ,- ~ . .,., . if-, 'hAD pleu'" m :we1~om8 yo~ ~o,onn., . . \f~ly 5, 6 ~n~IJ f~r the C~Jng~~n Ende!lvor l.~te~tjoh,I .CO~:ve~~lo~.~ : will be a Medal 000. d In V:an~uver, ·B. p., tul'JM!~t;tne ~. W~ are qqite .ure you can h~lp~ ll8 ". " .., ' . ,. .. . .' ,~ '. ;,... teI'.~, ~~·,a,t./·,E. ohurob next~~llr.: . OraB iiow.• ~inc ·obtainecl'.from .•re.b1ou~· _ ')1.., life . nee4' -y,out .help .i !'lid, ~a:L· of'~.uly · day eftDlDI.. ~~~e 26&h. The tol. Without pain b, .j;be Use of . ~ woods oy an eleetrical proceu of ~~ tt.e. bl lC?1De ..wa, lO.y Jje ·eD. , .. , ' ,.. ., _, . ~ . " . to ....... tbe' 1101' of. oon~~.: Schwm:tz'sCo ' m -Remouer' I.tillation: . . " - ' ' &bled to ....t ,.on~ ~ . ' ".uly I, ! f 8 and,. ., to'! ' ~ ares ~uly ,S.. ,", and 6. JIa,te JAmar, Mary (JoUett. ~llra.. . . ...-. . Sabba&b School ' be,lna promptl;v. '. . . , . • . .. I' • • . WDOCl. Aurora l'eleraoo Claire CAD ·· Bottle . . . ,· .t 8'llb • •'01 '. '. . .' . Full ~ ..bout ueunlbDl rlt- ttie.PtID.I.IIJ.LbaeI. tar.. ~~~ rlOJlPQt Jiayoook. ' . . . . 1$ U per ISubleribe ,for · iIle . D, .b.W9R, '.



",,~. ~......



The ,Neiahborhoo.d News :: :: "



T C· ·



To Niagara Falls

T Atl t·IC e·ty, .Cape 'May

' .

To Colorado an'd Call·Eo·r' n'·I·a


T'· 'AI' k ' Y ' 'k'

p . ·f· E






~ts .ap~rOji~~~, r~UivEil,~ .w!~h







'A~m~ To -S·t.

. ). .111.0..

Paul and .Mirineanoiis ... ,; ..'

'To' Denver ' .' .


.:; . ~.




.. .



A=:!:r~~, ..




IXT} E'l'U Y F, A R .

e------------. , Former Citizens I




'l' h oboys hUV6>1,t . lllt!tgotlL 'm o ve' . - - - - - - - - - - - - . on thtilllsf:l l ve!! IInu IEH!t w ek orgllll Miss Jennie Diuwlullie, or llldiun. i~e dll ttlum t,o r eprAseot Wllyuell v.i1Ie uutl K Ilj tad Orlloge H,!\ \lel' t,o I\llln ap ulitl, will !lpena Ihe suwmer with her bl'othtir, /I' ruuk uud f'lUllJy, at a ge t·ueh· IIfrail'S . Mllutl ger H .U)l6r BellbrOOK , I hll ~ eil!'ht.aen llIell to tiel er I, frolll, IlDU it IMkH ILfi I,unu g u it lui g h t be II goof1 l oue 'I'he rollowing IIle ll ll il ve I.Jfdell Mrs, Ellen Munnington, of bprin g stlJac t.ed for a h·y ·out: WlllilllUtlon I VaIley.wlJ l) re ll reoent lv lind broke u IItIlU Wf~lt()n. pltohers; .1. 'l'lwlll).ltlon, rib ht geUlng along n\(lely, Itnrl II! ~nll~IK"r, Uockrul nnd Preutlergllst, I1ble to be Itrounu li gni n . ell loll er~ ; B~rglw, W . SlIIit,h, look, A. Uukin, ,I. Dnkin, hilllll<er, Btill wk , tI. Ell wltnlH Bnd J , t:;tl'U we Kent. BrolYnlog le ft Mondl1Y even atl bt1.t!euI611 Ilud tieluel'tl. ing for New. urk und wlllliet tIlli) "Vith tuis ItUt:l up wulol.t iii II good l'hu rsd ll.V ou the tltearushlp PIlUIlWO I oue, we OllKbt t o be ,Ibla to huve 8 for the huuwulS.- 'lintou Cou nlY gouu teuLII The tullowing olub" Demoorllt, huva beeu writt en tu 11) l'tlg~rd t u gawes: NRurllslcli JUlllatfH, 8ellbl' o k John 'ra vlor I'eotliv ed II. OftI'd from XeUII1 ', Ulurksvllle, Murr w, U:lngs A ' C. '1'113' \01', hetttli' Itnnwu 111'1 :::IIIW, Mill!', N . N . U. /lnu Wil,ulnyFon Everybody ought t il pull toget,her Jllbt week, li e 1I1lt! hill fuwlly l~rl' looll.t"d In Chlcligo, where E 'u l is In n w, und help boos the team in ev ery wily t·l.tey ollil. the vaudeville bUlltlltl"S. 'l'l.te team willpluy I\t :"ebnOim on .Illly uth, ugulus t, the Mouroe tellUJ Mit! Nita L.ttJ'I" dau g hl r nf Mr. l\4~lIa gel' RUller hB I:!' t!ao ul' tl tht> and Mrs . WldlllOtl Mldet!, lL'n d gl'ttlld InuiUl1H for It gluu II I'e on,' rily 6111 dlluguter ot MI' . und Mrs. SU llIutll lit II ::iO u . UI . 1'ha Intliull H will pillY Sidell. is 11 1ll8U1Uer uf Ule ~r8duu tiug in Bellbrook in tho nfternooll of the 01111i1l of 111011, ,)t tbtll:::!prlugtieltl, Uhlu t1Ullla Ililte. J:lIgh 80hool. 'l'he oomUlencem nl Mllllflger Haper ' bus securl'd Em· exercit!ell wur beld lUlit 1'1J11I'tldllY mor 1:Iu i ley 'II tlelu. lind bv lloing this eVtllliug. w\l1 get 11 WilY froll! the wet IInU so~· gy fIeld . whioh hUH III W\iys beeu a Mrs. lOtl. Gtthenl!l, living in tbe hautlloup tu ukdale park . 'rhey Ludlo\v stree~ Arol:lde, set ~n eleotrlc Ilre a.t work I1t the tleld Bnd bope to Imootbtog' iron down up,ou a wood btl ve it relldy by tlle 6lb \ wlNn the tiD box Suullll.Y morning al tel' 8h' Nebrll8kll IndiaDs plt~y hel·e . bad finished knookl.u g tbe wrinkle~ A OREAl' RECORD trom SOWIl ~uudl\y appartil. 'l'bl' result willi fA t!mllll fire. aull the MaiD . ~u rmg 190 1 and 1902 the N ebl'aska street houss l' spUDded to I~ I:ItlJl IIllirm , Tbe blll-ztl Wlt8 ex t\ngui bed IndIans base ball team played 315 games through twelve states. They 'with a IOIli! ut $1O.-lJllyton ,Iournltl, won 274 of these, and lost only 41. lt ispropable that this is the best Chas. fl.. lements r ceiv d a voluminous letter from . A. ~...own, of Eugene, Oreg. , iu whi h hays that they ·a·re well, . and g tLing rpOf'tl in love with ,that count.ry ev I'y day. They hope to get· into theil' hous . next week. He adds that the Zeit family are domioiled in th iI' own . . ~arri, and are wo'rking 011 theii' house, and holle to get into it be(ol' cold weatbel'. They are also in love with . Oregon .

George W. bloCIlD n aged eventy two yellrB • died W · ecluelldll " JI ue ~ '1 ... bis residenoe hi dpl'irig III Ohio . . The fUlleralwlIs.Frlduyut, 2:30p w. froni t.he re81~lenoe, 'I'ho servIce were In ' oharge of the oMusl!l1lc Bnu Knlgbtll of ·Pyt.bias lodge weull,ere Air. ·MoOanu ., will prol~bly be ra membered bv 80me of our cluer 01\. " 1l8ns: Be' wIUllltonet.imeu.restdent "ud bill wi!'"...~"t:! Kaoll el Boine' I! b ere .. dllogbt8; Mr . "n;t AII'll Adeu - - Baines, Jbo, for II, n"UltJer of year!! owned and IIve4 In tbe 00U86 nqw ' opted by "";rank MI·ll""r. 000 . ."nd . . .fnmily .


. _.



J,. VJf.JLl!:,


W1!lUN I!:HI 11 Y

.It X I... 30, 1\1011 .


·-----~----_:-+------------:-· I

I Personal Mention Here and There


onCE TO 5 lls eRIBER


lllk lllllli vISit.. ! 'onll" r illl -Ua~eH . hal! dpciliell t o Mr . Ilull MrH. E . " . Bttr uhllTt tlnd 11< Ap on with till" "'lime. li e WIlIlI,I< .1 , (I . ('ll1'twri g ht IiUU fllmily were l It IW ll wn,.lil we\' I' , th ut "lIoh pup r ~ u e !l l s of ( eu " ~e Hu w ke lIull family MI·s. 11 . E. Uathaway is sli g ht ly , (';P,)I'gt> Mill:, nnd fa mil y sp nl lasl III mil, he pu ill for nt t;illl fl f Il Hlive r y, lLI (linn l' Rnntluy . ind i!!1 Ilti!"l\. I Thul'~uay wilh fri pn cL:! in , pnia . ns Il A1'lIIIt IIlUIl )' \I'lt.m ll!' IHI by th e . I I I Miss May Wl'ight al:l'I _l l ome ! If' YI)II wunl I lif' Sa l'l's l anti Bf"sL 11II1nlh, lout, hrr .. llft ,, 1' oa dl jlftl)or l' 1lI1l Ht h pniet f ' II'!I 't ,I f' liv! .. ·.\, . Oa in ty invlta t ioDs w re iSH ned fr ulll Cim:inn'lli ."'luLurdu. . CmlO lelie '1IIv,' (-'\'1')' mali.- , r ai l 'It. Ill!" !, wee k whi oh rend : A Z' . I I I J . 11. ~:ulpmtll1· !-;. I.J . 1\, .Immerman wa:; !:lIC( a" Mr . 1~lId Mrs. H. K AI(\xandel' ref1lltl!<t yl IIr IJl'oseuoe at their twent.v week with ~ Lomach trouble. I MI'!>. I·:. P. [tou ·rt." , 1)( lfuuson , tHtb we dtling . lluuiv t:ll·sIl1'Y, Friday Mrl!. SLanl y S 1.1 I'S, of ColumLus " Ohiu, s p'nd week, wiLh .)nn o ~f" H10Il, Ilt Midllietown , Ohio. is Lh gu es L ofr elaLives h re . I Lilt' MI s,'lt's K lie)' 1)11 I'u llrth s l rf'et. M ra. Aletlllu ,\ lexunJllr Miss Bol'l1 , Lo MI'. and MI'S, ll alTY I~ul'n- l (.. <:I~v: . ~~I·~:;\I,all . ~vir., of :illI' al,h rin e AltlxlwuAr !lud J . e. Hisey h arl., J un 19Lh , a d a ug hl f·I·. I I ~' n ull, alt 'l J!tI1 UllIg S v l ui we I{s nt l,ended fl om h e1'e. I wIlh J uP I'!vans anti fami l . 'I'hefri nti s of John ·Hllrn elt will be . M I'. allli MI'S C. I,'. Chapman, of Mis8 ,loscphilltl Og lesbee was SOlTY t.o II pa l' Lhal. hp. if>! no bet tPl'. ~Jll'in g llul 'o , s p'IIL la'il \ un e 'day hostess lit 11, very pleasant pionio at Miss .J osephin Oglesb is nl er - wilh ,J. B. Chupma n ami famil y_ Ft . Ancien t 'l'neHun.y, gi ven In honur lailling Miss SLella Bi!:lholJ, of Xelliu. of Miss Htollfl. Bishop, of Xenia. Mrs . S. 1'. 1\ mile went Lo DayLon Tl.tose invited were: Misses Mary Cha.c; . iJurt.on , of Milf I'U, SI' nL las L W Jn e:-;day tu a t.Lellu lit f un el'al Dllvi!:l Annn Baines, Ethlyn Jones, Sunday with his broth el', J sSP BUI'- vI' a 'ousin, M i s.'1 ';\I'ulin !::i . Bl'own Ethel Bosi r, Ruth Mille!', Agnes ton. Horniok, Lucile Cornell, Glee Hess, . MI'i; . Mary C. Davis left Monday I Hal'v y Bu rnett and f amil y \Vel' mul'n ing 1'0 1' IIlin u i. wlic; I' sit ' will EJloll Sherwood, Louisa Stoll es, in inci lll1at i las t S und ay Mary HI~wke, Mary Gray, Clara. vi ~il her uuu lil pr, MI'". 1I 01':1I't.> Lin the Zoo . tluwke, Eleanor E rnhllrt, Arlo. FurdeI'. ,W eb hnt! be 11 11 conscientious nn !!, Alma Wtiterhouse, Emma Messrs . J sse Bu I' ton and E. 'I'll · Mi s.'1e~ GI'act:' and He lt'n worker for h oth those lll.l]>ers, und HILwke, Bertha Smlt.h. Justina. Barnhart w r e in Dayton Til E'. day on S hwul·tz a I' t:'njoying ~f've ra l weeks' hn s gOll e t o Leblw on on soveml 0 Hnrt a 'k . Mtlflsrs . 1'ert'el Mocy, Lyuusiness. vi. it in 'incinnuti and v icinity wit.h cnsions at timet! of high wl1tel' to mnn Silvers,. Raymond Whinery, . get th e PILll 1'8, IlDd be hus n.lways Misses Flora Bel'ryhill and Helen l'elal iveH. .fames MoClure, Raymond Davis, hlllHlltld tb Ul 1M the elltil'e sl1tisfno· McClul' are attending Sl\mm e r Mt·s. Ed Btl rg'uall, of Uaytol1, is tion of his ;'01))loy r~, tl.nll the l~U\). Raym·ond C01;1ner, lui Bawke,Stau. school at xiord . • h l'e Lo as.':!ist in nlll'si ng' h'I' (uLhol', II ,wbo oll ~-h t. itl turu. ettle fot' tl.te lay Lamli, Emersoo Earnhart, Rob. ert Furnas, George Waterbouse, MI-S. Burton and daughter, of Philip Hopi ins, who was in jur d by pape rs pro mptly. Fred Hawke and Emmor Batly . Blancheslel', Ill'e guests of Jesse Bu r- ·a fa ll f l'om a hert' ll'e las t week. HEA Y RAINFALL ton a.n d family. - - ... HILL CLIMBING CONTE T The New Century Club held & re, .. . B. S. Howell and wife and Fred B. 'Hla ralUs of Ill. .t week "ere onus · oeptlon nt the home of Mrs. J . W. Tho contest ~t F ort Anci ent cl1me ul111y bard, lUlU in consequeuo?.' the White last l!'riday eventng the twenSh rwood and family w. I' in Witmingwll unday . oil' ::!uturc1a.¥ us sohetluled, and II.- big weed s anu the c~l'n ~re h.~vmg n ty . flftb. Despite the lnolemenoy of orowd wu s preRent" to witn 88 the ruce to see .who Will WID out. the wen.ther most of the members Come in and see the New P rf c.t events. The 11il1 hntl beeu carefully LURt 'l'burs dlLY night u. olouuburst • were present · and with the tnvited Lion Wick Blue-Flam Oil ook,'! al pr purlltl, but the ruiu of FriUIl .V bnll nt Lytle ooourred, Imd the woter guests, made'the oom'pany Dumber J. H. 01 man's made It mn luy ill ph~oQs, but oft6r WU8 all o~tlr the road, and nearly ov- over sixty persons. Everybody felt r cprd known to base ball. Miss Laura Rosnagle, of . pl'ing - th Sllll CI1IU o ut so n clrl d tho weL r ,the rUllrolld . At severul plnoes bu.ppv. anll ready to enjay the pro , The people of t1.1 e United States , bOI'O, is th guest of hel' sist 1', M 1'01. pIne s, nllll s0 Ul B goou tIWH' as mude Imdgas were wus hed . ~wuy, and gram provided, 'and ate toe. oream gonel'ally have come tl~i look upon H, E. HaLhnway. '1'1)6 ,unun y 'omllleroinl .t1It Z LI,e "mv. I ha been iUlpe~eu tn some 10- Ilnd cake, wbioh helped the loclabili. ..rrt!e.n's ~eb"nska rndla~s ~ the 10 Rpelilc1n of th oonte t suys it CU II tl . ty of the ooooslon, ' gl'eil ~est baseball ol'gamz,a tlOn of Mrs. Lawr n e Cartwrlght-llnd SOll \v1I~tl~UI in co olpurisoll to !!OU10 of - -t;weet peas were tn evtdenoe. 8!1 ANTIOCH CHAUTAUQUA genu me red m en ev r brought. t.o. , of. DayLo ~. s pellt last Wednesduy th e cI)Ules l,,. II olub has g iven forwell as roses and nasturttumlI, and g ther. In 1902 th team won 144 1wlLh relat.lVes h ere. Ulerl y. 'l'h e ChlLutnnqullllt Antiooh olosed the pretty frooks of thela~ie8, made games anulost 33. d'In 1904r: they won 1 M l' . an d M' ' d SC1WUII,7. I , .• ell'l'lI o nr JIlukillg the best time WIlS 10 ell r:: r:: ' . IS. F Ie ' lllJ IIIL Y Ill g Ut. While there were a gllY pioture In8ide the house. wbUe an o.t ;)0, an In 190<> th Y won : joyed t'he Tumf at at Oincinnati llil L .th e H n pili oIJ1Il:l , ~ lli b IIIl\ue t h e gooll 01'OWUS )ll'eseut all the time , th r ,\in CIlnle down in torrants out· Illlll:l t'u OUti minute, elev U ullfl Olll:l · lO5. and los. 27. . . W~dnesda.v und 'l'hul"sday. I I' . Fe!'!. I luhlls tlillt li e IlllS lost siue. 'l'hi14 did not Ilampen tbe spir. mce th II' orgamzatlOn, the Ne. ti nh uus . ' m Olley fol' the III t three yeu1'l.4 . it of the olub, as members and all bra ka IndiV's hav ' won fiv gam es Miss Elsie Van H. rlingen, of Bea'L'lJo Blli ·k Il nd other Ou.rR pre lit IJOli t 700 SOE;l'!I)U tioketli were !lold enjoyed the program, whioh was par A out of ight from the Univel'sltyof verlown, was th guest last week of mulle good time, uuu tll /lull t Hie f r th U6. t seu un, wbioh will ~uar ­ excellent in every way , Following N bl·u.'1ka, two out of tht'e fl:om th - hel' f>!is tel'< Mrs . U. M. White. Ilot ne aooident wal reu l\ ntuA I,be utll U I!l1L_ f()r next yelt l' ill tbe program : University of Iowa, tlll'ee fl' . om SimpM' M . E~..l d f I) . . l SS aggle ',u,wal' ,0 aylon, Itt Antiooh . Piullo duet ........ Mra. Fred White son college, thl'ee from Amity colleg .1' h' k' h h 1. I tickets were If Wb hK I Issp'llumgLlswee WIt r ul'ol land MillS Kathryn Dakin. on eac~ rom .nox ~ I g , I I'.O.J. FAwul'll and famil y. c Ol'\vl ll,!l lltl itls8stimate1 l,h tilt S. NU S. O. R.EUNION Pi uno so10 ......... :\118s Emma Hawke Iowa Wc sl )lun Umverslty, WillS on- " . I lI~t ti,OOO lioketJil wel'e t;old lit 'I n sin Slale NOI'mul, and the Indiana Mt·. Harpe l' and family, of Day t Oil , oi ullut.i . '.rbe ~ 7th lIuDIl 'L! r union of tbe ( IL) 'i'he Blase Man .................. Cook •. Stale Univ l'sity. So it will b s n ,are the gu ts of Mr.I:sru ·1 Salt I'I,hAm ng those present froUl towu HOlllf~ wil l tuke place .July U, 7 and ( b) Sbe Does No~ fiear ........... King. Mr. Jesse Lewis. that tl~e l~dians hay!'!. beaten the waite and family fOI' flY 1'111 days . WOI': e ,!:; Howell Ilud two sons, , null gr6tLt }Jl'ellllrtLtiollt! ure being stron. g coJlege teams WIth &,reat tegI:l "01(1 utld I) '.n )1 r Au Shor"~ lo.t 1 madc t h!tvs this a 1)lLnner reuuion. Pluno lIolo ...... Mi8~ Kathryn Dakin. Mrs. Hannah .Rei h I, 'of DaY,toll" u~ .. , . . . nl ... , ", 'rhe 01u Mlln Ilnd Jim ............ Riley. ularlty. " . . ia the 'gues t ofMt'. and MI'R. L, E . Jtl.lluey , W.B.. Alloll,.!l' I·lmkZelf. H undrolla of ex I)llHlI s Ilnd visitors Mr. Jesse l.ewil. 'i'his team will play h I'e Tuesday Cal.twrig h t and oLher ' l' la tiv hr. N a..'11n,.n.Jon Ii. ""0 Uo rD, ell D r. II.1·a x lJootod. L'he lJuclet ba nd of y '-' B, IAin't Uoing to Ury Any More. ,.. mornin&" July 6th, at 9;30 ~. In',, MiIIAr,.E. . .BILrnhlll· t,'l'h~s. P Itro , /'ipdu gti.el<l will fUl'nilib the wu!:!lo. .. ............. ... ...... Ml's . Jesse Lewis. ---+--1 A arid at BeJlbl'ook i.n th afternoon. 1 . L \V TN'" . ••-:.... ' -..,._ Miss Glenna Smith las I' turneu ' . yaong, ' . . ~qUl r ~ . Pinna solo .. .... Mrs. F . 8. Sherwood. lilT A RUSTY NAil. c' H-N home from a visit with her aunt, As thl:l wat~r WitS OVtlr t.h e r oud Hcenes from Rip Van Winkle ...... '•., JO 'S DAY ' IgePl, A MII ill t gen · Mrs. Ellen Mannington In Spl'ing b al weBII t I1 brl( ~I.I 'l'l.Il)III1I H I,ut! boeu lwubJillg ,Mr. Jesse Lewis . Valley. . e1'ou81y hitched up to hil! s priu g wagI1round for t.h llil!lt few dElYs, the Vocll.l solo .. : ... Mrs. W. 'r. Gilliland. . Ion !lnd took a burl 11 Of OXCIlI'Rion ·Miss s Ruth Zimmel'man and RuLh Iiats to tbe railrollu . rellull' of nllioill~ urn ty nail in the Piano duet.. ..... .. Mrs. Fred White Miss Kathryn D~ktn Hartsock attended a l'e ital giv n by I ~J1 retUl'neu bome at Ii :OCi tired fle&uy pll rt lIf bit! f ut , While the we, un) it4 plliufnl , it i getting bettt:ll' ' . - • MissSoudel's at Spring Valley Tues- bllt, well rept1id for t,hell' trip . ' 1111 tile tune. 'REBECCA MERRITI INJURED day evening. .. - - - -' -- -

Hoy [ron:-: W:I:-: in Dayton Tuesd ay I .l u lII's ~l.1PS on hll sinl'f;<';. 101' r lIe lltl .\'.


\\'n~ 1111









-- ..



I ..................... . I

Amanda Galimore , were guests of Ohas. Harner ' al1d family, near New Burlinglon last Thursday.



: Social Events

.- ..


Dr. Ghas. Ellis relurned to his home ---in St.. Louis last Friday. Mrs, Ellis The re~Olnl' 11i~ tiu·( of the BuSi. , '[')~ol'e WiJI1IH speCIa l 4th of July and the children remained fOI' a more Dess .M.ell 8 A R~oCl atio u. J~let, );S onullY serVIC'BS ut the M. I~ . ohnr h S undny, extended visit, ' eV6,nlDg, aud n ()t hlo ~ of IIII porhlD oe l Rev. ('llI lilnull WIll 1"'cllch u ptLtriot Mrs. E. V. Bamh'art and Mrs. was Ilone exoept routine bU!!iU6!!S ' lic serm ou, and Mrs. (Hllilanc1 will




D. W. Moek", who bas he on tulk . . - - - - - - - - - - - - +- ; - - - - - - - -- - - - e l ing ahollt quitting til t! EnlJllil el' Iln ll . - - - - .......... ..-..------ --w




, RUB-;E-R ~·I.R.ES

On li'rlday last Rebeooa S. Mel'l'itt wat! thrown to the ground by the -.., so·luenstu.rting o'f the horse, Whlle stanuing by her sister's buggy, an unexpected noise baok of the buggy frlglltened the horse, She' for'u .

ISi ng a - 010 . All IH e lHad·hlll y invlt. nately esol\pedwith a bruised hand eu, _ _,-. __ .. _ _ Ilnd arm . .

. Rubber tires put on your veh i lesl TOOl ' Df:GR E . ' IN E ' IA Beware of standing botween ·the tJ . wheels of n conveyanoe. h Mrs. W. S: Smith arid Miss Louise by. t e ' best prooefls. oliVe j ust Pllt . 1 '" f h k J, Ii. ,lflnllOY IIn ll W . ,I. KUban - - -- - In a speOiIi WIlCullle lIl' S1l0 wor . Sm illl, 'of Urbana, and MI'. Lesll'e R M W jouru yHd t .xeuill W e unesday MARRIED IN LEBANON mi~h, of Dayton. were · guests of .. alpb iller. _llyn SVIII(\,O . evenillg, wh re tll ay took Mtt~onio ' Mr . J. M. Cl1sey and Miss Sadie · D. L ;-.Orane and family' Friday. WANTED degl' as, '1'h o.'I I) ·U.l1'eport lL good Reynohls surprised their toany .. M~'. George Funkey and bride al"e ' time, triends h~re, .' by going to LebllD.(:m . expected t,?.be the guests of his' "At Dayton S(jldi~l's"Honl / white . !MAR~IE'1~T XENiA Siltrirday and getting married. The event took place at high'nooD' at the ' MI' . RLllpliJ:t L . a;m ing,of Waynes. p~rsonag~ of.. the Rev: Bub~r:. T~e . . Ville, ~n(\ ~urtLh R. Co~n~1'










'" I

The .. Except"onal Equipment

10';e. I coot.a the experleooe wtu pew ,.to p1e. "Y u will bear me witness, Mr Ol)' n." said Ov r on : "that I am de t.lln d here agalnsl my Vim; but ! tblnk t l a pi ce or good fortune thaI Y \I ar d tnl n d wllb me ...• of the California Fig I.yrup ('0. nnd the "X will bear witness to nothing. sir,' Dark. D'amp Qua,rlerS Bnd Vermin R espon s ible {or Much 8 icntifi nttainmetlts or it s chcmist.R havo rCI/' led. " until you ,bave gI~' n nlt Disease and Death Among t.he Young Ones. I'('nd(' tI p05siblo:> I he product ion or 'yrup satisfac tI on for calling me a hounl - By Anna Galigher. of Figs and Elixi r .of :s<'nnn, in 011 of it ju t now." " Ot'Llr sir. pray rorgel that ba t) cxcclll'nCt' . by obtaining tho }Jure medio,I "pre sian . In my rag and aroaze (CopYT1gllt. 'l9OO.) inal princilll(·~or pluols known to lIet most III III JUSl now I woul~ have called the beneficiuUy nntl combining I hl'rIl IDOSt commander·11l hi r. of lbe forces 8 skillfully . in th right I roportions. witll hound. Pray accellt " very a pologJ itl! whulcsolll and refreshing yrup of D.fthe that a gentlema n can make. I Wilt quite heslae myself, a s you must have Californill Figs. se n ." All thoro is only 000 genuin(' Syrnp or , aw that be was v ry an,xion s tt Figs ant! Elixi r of .' IIIIl\ nnd a t he gencon IlIntc me; (Of UIlOll my lesttmon, uine is mn nil fnct\l 1'('1 I by Jill original a lan would rest tb question 01 method knowTI to the California Fig. 'yrup wbeth r he vol untarily or Involunta rt Iy fail ed to appear at tho meeting al' Co. only. it is ol"'oy!! ncccs!\tlry to buy t he rang d ror e i~hl o'clock. genuine to get its beneficiul cfT(' 'Ls. I ailio perceived the strength of ml Aknowlcdl:;c of the abo\' fnrts "noble!! position, and a dazzling Idea pro one to decline imilation!! or to re turn thom sen ted itself to my mind . By if, upon vif'wing the pllckagc , tho full nam '" wm agree," said I. "to te tlfy te MOLLY aUOT SEAWELL even·thl ng in your favor. if you wi of the California Fig :;yrllp u. is not found but proml!:le me 'Q a t to-not to-" J printcd on til front tbc rcof. hesllated. nshame.' t l' xpress m) (Ooprrlabt, 111OS, Bobt..-lIerr\U 00.) womanish fears t\\Y Gil es V man ". Stuck. SYNOPSIS. Iif ; but he seemed to read m, Gunn er-Why in tho worlll do the thoughts. fe llows nround this club ulhtt\e to olll At 14 y~nr/l o f ng Admlrl\l II' PPl f' T "Do you mean not to do Mr. Ver Fogg man as " Mr . Automobile'!" H o's , H nwkllhuw' " \I ph~\\- . nldHl rd ,b·n. (..II non any harm In tbe m ellng . whicb deeply In I \' nt !lrll t RI!:hl wldl La(\)' not s wift. Is he ? ru b IIIl Stnrnl(lnt. wit 1I11u rll .I Itl " nlwill, of ourse. take plac tbe Ins tanl Guyer- Just th oppos it. It's a p()o tertii n. T h e lad. no orpltun. W ij glv ' n It ca n he arranged? That I promlsf n b ,·rth nK In hl .. I,lpmUII DO th t' Al8 IJY lite way of calling blnt old "Stick In tin '1(' . '1I,·s \'"rnon, naph w (SIr you; fo r r nevErr had any [ler!;onn the Mud.''' Thornu/I Vl'rnon. h ('ome tl ... boy'/< put. animosity LOward Mr. rnon. Hh T h y ntU'lId rJ a the/ItoI' whpl'I' flnwk'rr), Murlno ETO n elllelh' ahnw'lI n '(lll,·w allw Lud y ArlLh lin. V .rblow. like my words ,usl now, wall lhf no n UUll Philip' ,·('rtlll). n ('xl In Itn ... tflr For n d. 'Y"ak. '''c·nry. Wil li ry Eyoll. outburst or \.lasslon, and not a dell h QllIpounded by Expurl"lwlld Ph)'8"·lu I\9 . . SI r Tit mM V' rn on·8.. lULl'. I'll Y !lwrt· n(orms to th o Pur )"ood nnd DrUb'" ed a liuel which wall 1111 rrup\ ·d. Vernnll . e rat o in sult. " Law. MurIne ols n ' l Smll rt, S,)"lh "!! Eye OVt'rlon and Hawk shllw's nt! ph w found I was ov rjoyed at tbls: and as 1 Pain.. Try MurIne tor Your Eyell. th m8"I"e8 ullrnctcd by pr lly lAd y rub 111\. Tit Ajax tn oatil' d feat Fr ' m ,h sat. grinning i n my de light . J mus' W(lrshlps In t ho M 'dllcrrtlTl ·nn. Hlchnr'l have been In s trong contrast to Ovel' A Correction. A Prize Winn ing Turkey Tom. Olyn g t £2.000 pl'lZ m IV'Y. H ' WIl.I! ton. In the very blackness' ot rage. nllo() hOm hy Lady Hnwk!!how a;l h (' "Her oarr! club bns quit playinl for wnll a!)out to "blow In" his unrnln gs wIth Turkey hens begin laying early in so·called "Iouse·kllle r," and heror wo tbe season." Tbe mluutes dnigged s lowly OU, and V rnon. A t a Ha wkllhnw part)' ( Iyn Illswe beard the clock strike el."'t a no th e spring, and as they usua lly make kn ew it our turkeys a nd cblckens were "You mean scrapping. don't you'" cov r d lIHll l..ruly Arabella WIU, U poor but pcnJllltcnt gambl... r . H tnlk d mQc b seven. Tbe dim ltght of a fo gg, morn· their nests on the g round, It Is not ad· literal ly aJlve with lice. Whether It with her cOllaln Daplln!.!. Lad}' Arab II Plrtlcularly for Partlc ... lar People. ing stole In at the windows. Not a 71sable to let t hem batch the first lot has lost Its strength or was bogus we aglltn show d lo" () (~ r gaming. Soudera' ' nnilln Extrnct is produced soul was stirring in t he house; f>ut on or eggs, unless one can g et them to s it a re not prepared to any, but eve ry from tine Mexican nnil1a Ben n9-a pute, Ome It was applied tbe llttle fowls CHAPTER V.-Contlnued. ' the s t roke at e ight a light step Hut In some s beltered place. rich conccnlrntcd fl,.\,or. All grocei'll. l'ut beoame so sick tbat some ot the m The noise 'ot the controve rsy was U the hen sIts In a cold. damp neat tered near tbe oute r door. It waf up in 10, 15 and 25-cent bot IIes. heard all over town. and It WWl dissortly unlocke d, and Lady Ar.\helle Ute eggs will not hatch well. Tbll came n ear dying. cussed tn B rkeley Square as lse· cause of weak, alckly It bad a worse effect upon the till' ~nt,e re d. C8rofully locking t he (ioor III ofte.n ,the All plenllure must be bought at the where. LIldy' HnwksbQ.w was no Ion· keys and chIckens tban It dId upon price of pain. For the true the price on the Inside, after her, this Ume. In poults. gel' a eubscrlb r to Almack·s. ~ot b • WIllie turkey bens malte the belt tbe lice. Then we began to use lard, i8 paId before you njoy It; for tho th e ghos tly hal f·llght Overton l"OS8 tng able to r Ille it, 'she bad retired. tbe and saluted he r wltb m\lch cereml)ny. mothers, It is a good plan to hatcb the as we used to do years ago, before false after you e njoy It.-Fostor. IlsllCmbly ' rooms not . being lurg "Lady Al'abe llil Stol'mont," be ~d. tlrlit clutch of eggs with cblcken bens; " louse-klllers" came Into general use. enough to bold hers It {Ul,d a cert8iln A cold on t he lungs" do ~ o't usually U p to this Ume we had lost 15 tur· "you have de layed the meeting te then by the time the turkey bens have atn unt tl;) mucb. but It inl'Uriably yreotbe r lady. tween Mr. Vernon and myse lf just 34 Onlshed th'e second laying the weather keys and twice tha t numbe r or cblck· ades nncumonill nnd n"umption. HamGiles had told me that on tbe evenhours. To do It you have Pllt my Is somewhat warmer and they may be ens, all because the "louse-killer" lim W b.nrd Oil applied to the ell at nt allowed to s it. lng of the ban h ~and otbe r gentlemen. once will brcnk up a cold in a night . fa Ued to klU lice. No more turkeys or banal' In jeopardy. and that I shall nat See that the hens have good nests c hicks died, but thousands of lice did. Inte rested In the victory fol' Mrs. soon t or geL I beg you to open t ht When a woman doesn't have ber Trenchard woOld ' escort bel' to th~ glnss door and allow me to bid )'ou and are kept free of 1I0e. If . the heDs Great care m ust, be exercIsed lest a are allowed to sit In old nest·boxes little too much Is appUed . Just a lItUe aay It II because Ihe la dumb. ba.i. So ' at e Ight 'o'clock I proceeded fare w 11 ." the l"y's houae In Jermyn street. She stopped, as If paralyzed ror , they will 800n beCoD;le reg~lar louse Is enough, aD(~ It must be put on wbere IIlra. Wln.low· .. Soothlolf Ryro p . and saw her set forth 1n state. In her F or cblJdreo leelb l~. 80tlelll lbe IIUI'OI. rtauc•• IJI. momen t, when I , knowing the key to incubator". Then when the IIttle tur· It will reach the Ilce. lIamwaUOIl. &lilly. pain. curet wtn4COUu. ~ .. boLU" keys come out your trouble wlll begIn chair. Sbe was blazing with diamonds . Take a little on tbe end of the fin· be In h r packet, d ttly fish ed It oul, and look d like a atage ducbess. A In earnest. ger and apply wherever the lice are and opened t he door, and The ballet gIrl trust Is a tight.' long company o( genU men wi h the ir walked out. be ould Ilot s top me- , It doesn't take many llce to k11l a found. Olive 011 may be used Instead aQueeze. turkey. A young turkey cannot young ' swords attended he r, a.nd GUes' and ot la rd. LIce cannot llve long In I ,was too quick for her- but sbe ral my Lord Winstanley I d lhe proces· atter me, and retch ed m a box on tb ~ endure these Ilfe·sapplng creatures 8S eltber, and both are barmless to the s ian . Mrlj. Tre nchard wag the best little towls unless too mucb Is used. ear, which did more than stlps m, long as a cblck can. U the (eed Is all right. and stIll tbey Imitation of a lallY I ver saw, as s he cbeek and my pride. It killed. in OnE not seem to thrIve, the chances are sat In he r chair, 'smlUng and fannl pg single Instant-o! Ume. the boyJsh Ion do Uia ey~na ve ver'm In ' of "h.mlnfM1r+OaJ~JlPUL...lllI.uuL-LJJ..I:...wllllPL.lL.llo..!l<Wol..lllll..J_ _ b reelf, with the IInkboys ga'plng and r had bad for her ever since the first Spread the wings out avoIded, and the bead should not be grinning at b el'; and the genllemen, hour I bad seen her. lawn I wa! well on both the IWUlllIWWl1-.9_~lPI'lq~!....j_~ g~r.e~a.;s;;ed unless one Is certain tbat espeolally sucIi as had had a little afraId to retaliate as a gentleman Tbe latter Is. a favorite hiding place, Uce- 6r-'I11ts-arel> elIent more wille than us uru , shouUng: "Way sltould. by kissing he r violently; but lnd It sometimes happens tbat no Ilce A young turkey needs sunshIne. lor Mrs. Trenchard! Make way dashing on, I Sl)ed down tbe stept ean be tound anywhere eJse. However, Some people mllk~ a practice o( shut· t here ! " outside. after Ove rton, not caring to It fl not uncommon to find ~e large tlng theIr turkeys up 'In close, dark Yet It Beemed to me as If sbe we re remain aloue with the Lady ArabelJa.. lice wberever there are ·pln·feathers. coops tor the flrst week or two atter only an Imitation, atter al\, and tbat r saw her no more that day, nor unUI Head lice attack lltUe turkeys alm08t they are batched. _ ' Lady Hawksbaw, with Iier t urban and the afternoon of the next day. IS soon as they are hatcbed. These are, t~e people wbose tUl'keYI her ouUandJsh Frencp, had much more (TO BE ' ONTINUED.) ~t year we pinned our faith to. dIe "wltl\ou,t any cause.... the genuIne alr of a great lady. Mrs. bpenlng a Locker I Found a Collection of Old Boat' Cloaks of Sir Peter's. TreDChatd would go to AIlDack's ,on QUEER ENGLISH MILK WAGONS. aDY terms. but l.41dy Hawkshaw WQUld from me-and I lay there in terror, Injected Into the' nostrlla, tbe cleft 01 not go, except shl;! ruled the roost. and r allzlns that I was In a very danger- Gorgeou. Floals w\th Bras. Churn. the palate, the eyes and the wound. fougbt gallantly wltb the ducbesses ous position. I soon discovered that and Ben Hur Drivers. made by opening the sweillngi la said and countesses, only reUrJng from the Overton's reputation for lately·ac· to be very good. ) . lleld because sbe was one, ngalnst qulred Met11odlst\cal pIety had not In Engllsb towns, a CanadIan visitor SomeUmes roup takes the torm 01 many. ,done away with a verY hot temper. He 'declares In the Queen, tlle (orelgner dlpbtherla ' and 18 . more vtolent tl\au I (allowed tIi~ merry procession un· was enraged. as only a man can be runs 'out to , the pavement just to see Scnaba Pro". to be Mo...". or~lnarT roup. Sometimes · chlldrea til we got to King street, St. James'. who Is entrapped, and demanded at that glorloue. charlot caUed a mUk Getwr.. take ·tt tram poultry. It ta very dim· where the coaches we re tour deep, and once of Lady Arabella to be let out float go by-that gay bit o~ a tw~ cult to cure, and It thll dllease got footmen, In regIments. blockaded tbe of the glass door, wbe.n be fotmd it wheeled tbing; white and yellow, whllll Pew tlilngs are more displeasing Into my own fiock I would kUl 8Yel'J If la, you are an easy victim of 8treet. Giles and Lord Winstanley locked. Sbe refused to tell him where and blue, or red, wbl te and blue, with than to Bee a lot of heterogenous pigs affected bird and burn Its lIody. You disease. You can avoid danger were to t ake Mrs. Tr nchard in, nnd the key was, and he threatened .to the shining brass churn erect at the build up your system with very grand . tbe party 10'oked as they break the glass and escape tbat way . .' side, tbe reins ' coming over t\le sllln· foUowlng a scrub sow. They are un· w1l1 save Ume and probably a part. 01 BiLttstactory to the rrroEarurtiin.-II-1'()Uf'-it6et~tlY-tilHtl1t"1aH--Ute-«HtiletteeClT-I -61 na , turalltrengt .glver- . brass rail In front, the little square Ing entered. By that time, though, 1 was "00 It ttien, If you wIsh," s11e cried, IIfofitable to the tarmer. . bu:rnlnll: them. vory mIserable. 1 remembered that "and rouse tbe bouse and tbe neIgh- seat Inserted at the rear, and tbe cbar'There Is no good excuse for keeping Put the rest of the dock In warm, at the sume time the next night I borhOOd. and ruin me If you wl1l. But loteer standing at the back Ilke Bell 8crub sows. The brood SO" should be dry quarters, and before' putting them might not have lII1 fri end. 1 bU,? G before yo u do It, read this, and then Hur nnd drIving as much like tbat arol>nd ap10ng the footm e n and Idlf) rs . Imow whnt Aro.bella Stormont can be ro as- In a modern town where even lMge, . ,oomy and ,tand WEIll on her In burn a little sulphur In tbe build· motor cars are unknown-Is practlca· toes. The sboulders should be smooth lng, first closing all the openlnga. Do wal olblng tbe lIghts and listen ing to do for the man she loves.! " I\ud deep, back wIde and 811gbtly arch'· not put the birds into ' the building tor tb~ crash of Lbe music, quite uncon· which help. your body do its OWlJ She thrust a letter Into "11ls hand, ble. least five hours after the burnlna sdous of the fli gh t of time. and was and, Blipping out of tbe door to the Then the English milkman wbo ed. There should be ample room tor at building up. It pula tbe wbole dige.of the sulphur. during w~lch tlme U " .. tpnlsiled wben the \.Jal,l was over and corridor, IlS swiftly and silently as a comes on root, with a mode rn yoke on U"e .y s~em in a perfect condition. should be thoroughly ventilated. the people began poul'lllg out. Then, s wallow In Its fli ght, she locked It his sboulder,s , and swinging at each Regulat'es the stomach, imparts new afrLLld to be caught by Giles. 1 ran after ber; Overton was a prisoner In side a brass·bound. tin pail, In wblell Yigor and health to the tissuet. Pol~ter. on Pea Ralslng.-It Is dUll. bome as fJtlft a~ Ill Y legs could cal" S ir Peter's room. He ,tore the letter is a queer little measuring dipper. Your Druggist has It cult to secure exhlblUon peas without ry me. (lp ' n. l' ad the tew lines. It contained. Wbo could wish to bave milk delivered thinning the clusters,' A pole with I TWfHJzU. SOc ana 3f1c When I reaeh"d D rlte ley Square It ond the n threw It down wltb an oath. In glass bottlcs, wl t b a paper·seal4St1 notch In one end Is used, which' ena. wI!..'! a lt og ther dark . and 1 realized The next minute he caugbt sight of lop, when he can bave It measured 1\1 bles the operator to twist them oD his door Into bis own jug I~ tbJ.· that 1 was locked ·o ut. me; tn my SUl'prise 1 had forgotten all 'quaIntly curious fashion? Wbat do rapidly. Usually, If the clusters were I loolt d nil ove r the front of lh e my llrCC8 II tiOll!i, and had half risen. reduc~d one·half or more, the crall mIcrobes amount to whe n compared bOll BO, and my heart sanl,. Thero was "You hound!" he said . "A re you In would be more valuable. Nature dON with the joy of the medieval! a blind nll oy at one s id. nnd I reo t his in[erna l plot 1" And he kicked tbe some at this thInning, but no'hlnOUgh. memb t ed that in It Opened tbe win· boat.cloalts orr me. If half the blossoms drop without set Unreasonable Hubby. dow of Sit' Pele r's study. as he ca lled "I nll} not." said r, coolly, recalled to tlnl trult, the orchardIst will do well Tbey 1101110 r elle"e DIetbe olden t imes a woman In tb, In It. a ltJlOugh. IlS 1 hnv said. It WIl S m yself by tIle te rm he had used tat l'CD8 trom Dyspe ps Ia, In' to cut out h~li of' those tbat rem9Ju. north or Scotland went to visit bel d IgeaUon and Too Heart,. more lIIw Ute cubby·ho lo at Ihe Aja..x ward me; "and nelt hel' am I a hound. who was condemned to be Eallng. A perfect rem· thun an y other )1lac I ca.n call to You w1l1 Itlnclly remember to a ccount husband, y lor Dlnlne8ll, Na.u. hanged on the following day. The Jlpan ••• Cherrle••-Tbe Japanese mind. The window WIHI at loas t . 20 to me for t hat expression, Capt. Over- doomed man began to give his tnstruc- heart and lungB " provIded by a wide cultivate the cherry tree mainly. fOI Olio , Drowslll 88, Bad Tn.ate In ibo ~lo(lth, Coatteet from the ground. \.Jut 11 waterspout ton." tlons to his WIfe preparatory to bid· '.and' deep chost, well·sprung rIbs and blossom, and hav~ parks and aveed TOlIgu •• Pain In Lbe ran up the wall besid e It, and to a . "Head that," he cried, throwing Lady ding her rarewoll, wlfen she broke ' ID strruglit, de:'3p sIdes. A good depth of nues. of these trees. When tbe blo. __-.-~ S lde, Tortpio LIVE1L midshipman. used lo going out on the '!'bey retrUlate Lbe Bowel.: Purely Vflaet&bl~ ' topsa ll.yal'd, It was a trIfle to get 1111 to Arabella's le tter toward me. I think upon the conversation and ex~ chest and · ab.domen are eSllllclally tm- soms are at the . height of beaub claimed: "By the by, John, whaur xiortant 1n a sow. I everYh~dy goes to see the treea, and the window. J climbed Ull, softly tr ied he meant not . to do a disbonorable SMAll PilL. SMAll DOSE; SMALL PRICE~ It 'posslble the sow sbould be Ie- the mIkado gIves a garden Party U? the window, and t o my joy rounil it t bing In giving me the letter to read, 'will I plant the tattles tbis year?" [Genuine Must Bear open . III anoth er minutc [ was staful- but it was. an act of Involuntary rage. T,he unfortunate man, In'(}lgnant at lecb!d from a large Utter. This ts apt · Japariese and European omcl~11 tor the . Indt'trerence of bls wife" ex· jhlure .fe.c~dlty: Ea~h' sow sliould the enjoyment of the slglit. Ing Ins ldQ tbe room. I ' bad my flin t It r.ead this: I~; ~FaC~Siml\e Signature . :, '., and steel tn my pock t, and 1 gropett I .know Ihal you were to lliJht Mr. Ver-' claImed, angrily : "What need I care bave at 'least 12 well-deve.loped teats. IVEIl ' . ~~ non at ('I~ht d'cll>ck thlll Olornlng. · there- wbaur y~ pl~nt tbem? 1'01 ' ndt It.k ely, ,'i~us provlcl'l ng, proper nO~ris~.ent for Fe.rUng Calv.a.-Don't feed the about until I rouud a candle, which I for ', I bl1gull d , you here; for your Ufe 'RILLa •. ., ~~ . , , calve~ too uch mUk: Don't feed sour lighted. ' ' IS dearer lo ' me than anyt.hl ng In heav'- to need any 0' t)ieni." "Bech," replied )arle lItterl!!. ' . e . . .lEFUSE SUBSTITUTES. , tbe . woman,' turning to the .,. wardeD Th~ SO""" should sho' " " qlial~ty, but milk. 'Don't (eed . t4 ~oUng catvlls ' i 1 b n Ilnd cnl'th : and 1 will not let you . out i . 1" ' -:---:--""---~ I had of t e n been n t Ie ro om efore, until thllt vcry l1our, when It wll\ be laO wlth a wag 'of her head, "oour Jobn'a nof at the expense of constltutlpl1 ~d I)!)ld mUk 01' the digestion of the caU but .Its grotesque npp !It'!luce ' struck late (or you" to got to Twlck nh/lm .. You butted because , he', gaunt to. . vI,or. When'· .• BOW h8.JI IIhowtl. h~r· 'Wpl 'be_ dang~r, ' . and lack of tb'rtrt, me . afresh. ' and. 1 coU ld not (orbear will not.dlne to rarll a ao~nm()t1o n hi the 'be a prollfic bree~er sb~ s~ollld ~~O:.~i nl1ll .!I~cal~~d ,c~}( .cholera wUi la~gblng. Ill\hougli I WIl A ' in no. lalig\)' hOUfltl at tl'l lll hllur. \\o)llob ~ould ruin 'UII hanged ' the ~'orn," :, and marched, ~ut le}f . be retained aa loog 'as 'b"r rj!,Pro~"ctIn' mood. 'rh re was a regular shIp's bOlh. .B ut hy ·til jeqpardy I~ .W~llch . I, of the cell. " e. j ! . . . ", l)lncetl myscl[ this. night. you ",1\1 khow pp",era 'are malQ~l~ed: ' . . .. R.II.~lng ChoklnO'·Cow.:""One · w~ trall ~om runn og a roun d Ul wap. T.h.ll. how truo ill th lovo at · , Dulned the w·bole room waa full , of the u e letlS I • A.RA.B~Ll.A .STORMONT. . ~ haa succl'slilfully tl'le4 it aay8 . that. a odds and nde' that accun] ulate ' on c~nress tba~ ' the rea!llng _·of ·. " You dIslike the ' automoblles ' ":ft•• tIMnt fo l:, f:'oup.-Roup fa a c~- 'choked cow may .,e' r~ll~ved ' by tytnl hoard . ~ h \p, i n a~rallg,> d wltb L,be •. letter. made me a part1sl\n: of Ov«!~tob; slash ' past ,llere?" ' tnt~.rto~ated tgtoua ca~b_ and "flU,. ~Ie_ ~. a atlqk f~ her~mou~to bold-Uopen tor ( ates n alness and 'economY' . or, tor surely no more unb8.)ld.ome' tr.l ck wlndmlll agent. dtate!1 qhecked, tl0 ' through I~e ,'en, a ~'bJle. '- ner elrOl't to 4~10dge It will apac , and Qler.e waf! ' II Qt one s ingle wall eVer 'played upon 'a gentleman. ' ' ''Wa~1 I should eay ,eo," dra"'ed ilrJaock. !!MIr,y, .affecte~ 'tirrifr.hould start. '~e obstructIon 'lD ~~ throat; object In tbe · room wli! h could pbs· ( The l'e' was nothing' but to Blt the oid farmer al 'be 8boo~ ble flIt' at be ..parated 'fi'OlD the reat at oD.ce. slbly I)~ of Ut~ s!tg1lteat uti all sbore'l down ,and walt tor' eJgllt o 'clock.. Sir a rapidly vanfahlnc mullin.. ·. ."elUnc on the 'bead .bould .be 1 loo~4!d around to 8 how I ,cQuId Pel.!3r's ramlly were late .rllera, aDd "Thole siren ·bom. are ' b1aoc! C1Il'6 with a ..,ba'tp, aDd WU1' ' myself co.urortllble tor the t here was little danaer of detection at ling I BUP&)08e." • I , v_ow. . ,v elted with &D aDtlJeptfc, . aDd, opelliGg a . lock~i :. In the I' that , hour. So we sat" and PHd' . "WOrM thaD that. .traD,er: til., . on. collt,cUoll of old boat· each other, mute the m"llteIr'I are ,O~ aU ........ "'. ~ ~~ .C_. ·-'.A lD ~ W ltAlP of ' of tilt 1004 ...4 ' • ",DaIIl',1


dllaplda.tloD, but all laId . away wtth he gt~n II care. Taking ope for my IIl1low a"a two mar rOT my overlet, r lay down 00 'tb e lransom ·a nd. bloWin g out (be candle, was s on In a sound s l p. I ) ",'a" awaken d at fl ve o'cl It io lhe morning \)y lhe chimlog of a neighbor· ing church belJ, nn'd at the same mo· m n I saw the door to th room noiset s~ ly 01) n anil Lady Arab Jla Slor· mn n nt r. carrying a candle whi h «he shalleu with h r hand . I Involun· tarily covl'r d my h ad u[>. th inking she had probably c mo In s arch of som t bing, and would bl) alarm d if a man s uddenly jump d from Lhe )1il or hoa l·cloaks. But she went to a 'g lass door which led out upon a bai· COllY. wilh stairs into tb garde n. and unloclced th d r. I had campi tely forgOlt n about thoso stairs. not be· Ing familiar with tho room. wh n 1 limbed up and got in throllgh the window. Presently I heard a top upon the sla irs. and befor lb person who was com ing had timo to knock LadY Ara· bella olloner! the door. The rosy dawn or a clear June morning mad e It light outside, but Insld th room it w'a s qullo dark. xc pt for the andle carried by Lady ArabeJla. 11. man cnt r d. and as soon as he was in th room. she nolsel 'sSly lockl'd til door. and , unR e n by blm. put the ke'r in h r po ' k t. A he turn d nnd lhe candlelight feli upon his fac ' saw il WIlS Philip v rlon . AmnzeOl nt was piclllr d in .hls fa ,and his voie , too. wb n h s r) Olt . '" was s nt for in hast ,h}, ir P t r. jus t now," he suld. Witll oom coufuslon. At which Llld)' Al'Ub IJa la ugb d. as If It w re n v ry good joke t bat he should find her Instead of Sir P ter. i\! anwhlJe. my own chaos of mind pre· v nt d m from understanding full y what th y were saying; but 1 gathered that Lady Arabella had de \1sed Bom t rick. In which she had freely us d Sir Peter Hnwkshaw's name, to get Ove rton there In tbat manne r and In that r oom. Sir Peter was such a ve ry . Pd(\. fisb that no one was surp rised at what be did. It was no use striving ~ot to IIs ten-:-they were not five teet








Do You Feel Run
















. "FAITH" ALL .THAT WAS LEFT Iymltola of "Hope" and "CharIty" Hd Got Away from -Unfortunate aun. day achoo\ Scholar.

A young Pblladelphla Sunday school t~acher tells tbls siory ot the result of a n attemnted application ot the principles ot economIcs: For Ilome time she had endeavored to Impress upon the minds of one of heor charles the names ot the three qualities. faith, hope, and oharlty. One Sunday she presented the pupil of the poor memory with tbree new shlnlnc coins, a penny, a IiTe·cent p/eoe, and a dime. "The penny," ehe said, "represents faltb, the Bve-cent piece hope, and tbe dime che,rlty. Keep thele coins and every time you look at tbem think cit what they stand for." The Sunday, following the teacher reviewed the lesson of the week before, and called upon the holder of the coins to produce them and give their names In . proper sequence. The )'oungster shumed from one leg to the other, stammered, blusbed and seemed altogether overcome with mortifica.tion. Finally he burst out willi: "P!,.eaS8. Miss Fanny. 1 aln't got Duthfn' .l ert but falth. Daby . swaIlered hope, and mamma took cbarlty _ .aDd bought . ten cents' worth of meat tar make hambura steak out UT."


oo@If.II1l iirm @

~n frD1lD@lID .

m~@u 1rnmm~ IT<rDIr §mrunn~§

TIrnmrumrunIID@ IT®Ir lHI®lt

HE day o"r an enUre family III often made or marred by breakfast table T manners. thc atmosphere Is

RmDON 18 always more used on Rummel' than on Winter hats , an\1 It dlsa· ther~ Is every prosjlect that the huge greeable, if even one person starts the bows wblch last season orten tormed day IInapplng, everyone at the .table tbe only trimming lor an ordinary bat 18 apt to be dlsgrunUed before the wlll agaln be popular. meal Is througb, For makLng these bows, materials It shou)d not be any barder to smile by the yard are preferable to ribbons, Ln the morning than at midnight; In· as they make more graceful loops. A deed, the woman who has lived thin, lIgbt make_of supple taffeta or through 18 bours of strenuous modern messallne Is the favorite mat'erlal for ute would seemingly have more ex· simple bats, while more elaborate ones cuse tor irritation at th~ end ot It bave bows of lace or tune, bordered rather than at the IIwt. Yet, strange· with saUn or soft ponlpadour silks and I,. enough, more people feel cross at gauzes. breallJast than at any other time. , The material Is cut on th., cross In There are women to whom' getting bands measuring from elgh\ to teq out of bed Is more ot a ' temper test Inches In width, and Is bOrdered with tban a direct l.nsult. Tbey cQDslder a double. fold, in wblcb mUliner's wire the rising gong a ' personal enemy Is Inserted. Often Ulis border Is of a and seem physically In~apable of a different color, even of different mao amlle or pleasant word until lliey terlal. Thus gauze bows are given, !t,llve been up several bours. · either In the SaDle or a contrasting MOllt famllles have experienced 'COlor. this trying trait in at least one memo In making a bow study the shave or ber. What mother has not thuml,led tbe hat aud decide whether It Is to be and bammered at a lion's or daugh· tlat or outBtundID~. Thill can best 'be AGONIZING ITCHING. ter's door untH exhausted In patience decided from the style of the otller and strength, just tQ get him up . for a ·trlmmlng. Measure the length for the Eel.rna fol' a Yoal'-Got No ' Relief dally duty? Instead of gratitude, the first loop, double over, twist a heavy EVln at ·Skln HOlpltal-ln Delpalr mother generally meets with SOUl patent leather Ulread arouud tbe neck of the loop to hold It In place before looks It not 'rudeness tor lier pains. Until Cutlcur. Cu~d Him. Ie one Is such an Incorrigible making the next loop or loops. When sleepy bead that the morning man· the bow 18 finis hed all tl;19 loops are "I was troubled with a severe Itch· ners suffer It ts well for her to hunt wounll firmly togetber and tbe wLnd· Ing and dry, 8crufy sldn on my ankJes, teet, arms and soalp. .Scratchlng made tbe cnuse. In a girl or boy Ing8 I\l'e covered with soft tolds of the this crossness may be due to not get· material. It worse. Thousands of smail red plm, pIes formed and these caused intense' tlng enough sleep for one's strength. ' It the wire Is not run In before tlle itching. J WIlS advised to go to the It io, parents shoUld Insist that the bow Is started, as Is the case It the Jlo.pltal tor 'dIseases of tbe sldn. I did rest be taken at the other end of the edges are bouud, It Is Lnserted lu the 80, the chief surgeon saylns: "I never day. Ear~y retlrlng Is much better mhltlle of each loop aud caught with tor a young person than late rising. a few sUp stitches. 8aW suclyj.bad case· of eczema," Dut I There Is no worse discipline than to There Is such an art In tyIng a got little or no relief. Then I tl'ted many let chUdren get UP wben, It eults them. graceful bow tbat the beginner should 8o-c(llled remedies, but 1- became so Laziness and Indifference are most . never eXllerlment on good matorll!ls. bl,ld that I almost gave up In despaJr. often the CAuse ot bad morning man. Pieces 'of soft cheeseolotti, wired, we Arter Buffering ~gonles :.. for , twelve.' ners. Anything, goes In the family.' exce1JOnt for pracUee, and old bows months, l' was relieved ot ,the almost it Is too muoh .trouble to talk agreea. oan be ripped, pre-seed and tied as unbearable itching ."fter two or ~ , . , applications of Outfoura Ointment. I bly at .br~kfast, so :rohn buries him- nearly as possible Ill! they w.ere be. eonUnued tts us9. combined with Otitl. selt tn hiB paper and does 'not speak' {ore. cura Soap and PJlls, and .l was com. unlell8 to ' 190re tlte coffee 01' rank If possible, It Is well for the girl pletely cured. Henry ~eal'le, UWe toast, and Mary, with stragglLng lo~' who intends to go In for trimming her Rock, ArlL, Oct. 8.alid 10, 1907." . and In sl~J>pr wrapper, either sulks own hats and making .her OWD girdles or nagll: o. (~:' to take,.a few lesaons in ~"'II from . I'Il!tIer Dnw .. ~ 00",,- 80Ie Pro..... BoUa; , '. To start the day wrong, with. tem. a, profeulonlll. Even .with ear~ful In· per ruflled or' feellnp hurt. leaves a structlon she may never acquire the Itlng tbat outs~ If one cannot keep ltnack that · se!'lms to b~ ' Inborn, but iweet the :da1 throu'g h It wer.e. better her 110ws will not look . 'hopel~ssly to choose a ' less' ausl/lcloua ' tJme tor ·honi~ ' made. . tempe!' 'than the brealdlist . table, ' The chief requisite for the begin· wben , al~ , Sbouid" be bright anir cheer· ne~.s to ~ow what kind she wlshes ful, If ollly. to counteract the " · t~· ·t.o I tie. Faahlons .In bows ohange as deney. to morning ' cros8ness which they do in everythIng el8e. One ilea· most of us feel. t 'son they are Alsatian, 'agaIn' the loops '. The, wife Whq wishes to be remem· stand out in i1~k1e shape, 9r ,are com· bared pleal\anU~ Js as care~ul ·of hl!r\ P8f~d hlto hug~ . rOBett~iI. It Is too IflO~ng . ~Il~t and her morning mlUl· soon to 'lIay Just wqat order of bow nen $S ahe Is to ap~ear het; beat ,fOr. wUJ prevaIl, 'elther o·h~ts . or sashes dinner, U she caDIt be she' had bet· the , tel' have conee in her room. . ,The I The 'f{ide·awake girl who must do 'm an who does not ",Isb to have his )ler own work wlll make a tQur of the wife s1gh wtt~ reUer when ' the door fashionable shop's and 'study the latest baa' .elosecl on him . for downtown, wW tJ,Jlrlg. She ;'111 '" de«llle . op the kind take . paltia to be agreeable · at the she wishes to copy and note not on)y p~l~~tkf!alt table. ~ .. I I , tbe numb6r of loopi and ~nd8 but their let'chUdieo ' ge~ IDto th~' ~abl,t, lengtb "and general direction. ,.,",1 I> lin ... at breakfast or of scolding becallse they wUl be late to schoot l Belate4. meals ' 'are. 'respOnslbie tor mo~ln, , ~~ ..~t'Y; It h~rd ' to tempered If a tralD· must ,.o n a .Ju~p · or a black ~ark Is , ' .

The Elnd You Bave Always Bought, and which has been In use for .over 30 years, has bome the slgnatnre of . and ~ been made under hJs per. - sonal sopervlslon since its Infancy. , ~ Allow no ODe to deceive you In this. All Oounterfeits, 1mIiatlODB and" Just-as-good" are bot



Experlmenta that trWe with and endanger the health oe Iofanta and Oh11dren-Esperience agaIn8t Experiment.

What Is CASTORIA Castorla 18 a harmleslI mbstttute for Castor on, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It eontalns ne~ther Opium, Morphine nor other N8rco~(J snbstance. Its age 18 its guarantee. It destroys WOI'JIUI and allays FeveriBllDess. It cures Dlarrhooa. and Wind Volle. It relieves Teething Troobles, cores Constipation

and Flatulency. It asslmJlates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, giving lJ,ealthy and natural sleep. The Chlldren's Panacea-The Mother's Friend..


~~~..r...t_P2r~ « Tho Kind Yon-Havo Always Bought ~.

In Use For Over 30 Years Eu.ct Copy of Wrapper.





~l1e}b~~kat hO!l~" ~IY eDOU~ ;

D)ad ~ctl\mblea ,and cODl!lequentj

See t 0 It . One. mother broke u1\ ' breakfast "'croSlness by,. baVtng a 1lne tor ........... _, ev~ry on~ w~o , came ~o (· tb'J . ta.,le' scowl.oJ 'or ~.ho .s~tked or whined or sC!)tdeCldurfug the meal. '. If 70U k tbat It .,maJ[~ little difference ' bow you . a'ct or look at breakfalt, comtne.. dOWJlstatrs . , singing .~d happy some rall1)', d.y, · when" the .i:Jook 18 late &nil, the family dlsposltlonl ' are' alit , to be wa"ad. Though" a 'f ree r<iw III colnc 00 ' when cheerful face II first leen, thlnga . • ,. quickly . 'calm ' clown under your RlTlllIIll1Ir preilence. . 1,,, ~omoro

can be



that eT.e~ oDe, la down on time.

t. h , _ in •

' tr:r

'IN •


~ Bean the.Signature or






... ........ i

~!{~ _-

..... see by


Wlfey-I this paper that a man In America Bold his wife tor a sliming. Hubby-Well, If she was a good one Ilhe was wor~h · It.

And Then All Symptom. of Kidney Troubll" "anllhed.

C. j. Hammonds, 617 S. HllI St., Fort

Kansas, say!!: "1 was operated on for sto,n e in the kidney but.- not cured and some time after 'YIas feeling so bad that 1 knew there must be another stbne tba.t would have to be cut out. 1 decIded to tr,. Doan's Kidney PUls and the kidney action Imp,roved right away. Large quantities of sediment and stony particles passed trom me, and finally the stone Itself, part dis· solyed, but,sUll as. big as a ' poi. Wltb It disappeared all Bymptoms ot dlzzl· Deis: rheumatism .and headaches. · 1 haye • gained about 60 pounds since and feel well and bearty." £Jold 'by 11.11 deal,e rs. 60 cents n box. Foster.Mj'lburn , Co., Duttalo, N. Y.

, • East Indian hats a1'8 ..mon·... the new articles of ~ddre88. . . . .. Of late there has been a turnIng from the long.used white yoke to lace and net yokell of the color of tht! sown. ' , . ."-'o-- ---t-R.... ' . Close, clinging styles have not yet ~ln.1 Victory O\/er TUR/erculoll.. received the expected setback. and . W1l11am OilIer lIays: . "Wbether ,"'Ill now probably .prevail well Into tub reulosls ,,111 be finally eradicated the spring. II an open questIon. It Is· a foe that The fallcy arrancement of braids 18 very. deeply LntreDched In the bu· man raCe. VeO' hard It will be to and bands over the bodtce produces eradicate completely, but when we the bolero effect without Its beIng a think of what has been dODe In one separate garment. \ The new ' corsets are very sbort leneratioD, how the . mortallty In from the bust to ."e walat · and reo many pll1ces bal been' reduced more "'4' thd 60 per cent.=-Indeed, In some markably long over tbe hips, a ·sWt· placel 100' per c,ent.-It Is a battle of able style fo'r Jlll-ge w,omen. hpp" and 80 long as .we are fightlnc w1th hope, the victory la 10 siahL.. · Than

ductlon. Onlr, one

lIt,. caD bo


PlelUlint. Plilatable, Potent, Taste Good. DoGGed. NeverSlclteD.WeakeoorGrlpe. lOc, 250, SOc. Never lold 10 bulk. Tho &'en' ulne tablet stamped C C C. GlI&I'ILDloed to



N. U., CINCiNNATI, NO. 25-1909.


or your mODQ back.



"I was··nol told the' .


011 LampI


AT A 8AClRl.FICE, for the purpoMl pllUlo In JOO' 10"..

"I used Cascaretl and feel like a new inan. 1 have been a sli1Ierer from dyspepsia and sour stomach for the' last two yearl. 1 have been taking medicine and other drugs, but coul.d find DO relief only for a short time. I will recommen<l Cascaretl to my friendl as the only thing for indigestion and sour stomach lUlU to keep the bowels ia , good coDditioa. They are very nice to eat." Harry Stuckley, Manch Chunk, I'll.



.Willial~n· --:-,

wl1:o1e tnith."./ennings Bryan

IIi a speech made in the GuU Coast Country of Texas in December lCl:st, Ho~. William Jennings Bryan said-. "The trip through . your fertile valley has been a .sJ.lccessjon of surprises to me and the only fault 'l can . find is that I was 1tOt told tlte whole tr.uth. The devel~.p11tent S1trjasses tlte reports 'WIt/len I had !teard. I am pleased witll the soil and the climate, and besides having natural advantages you have the advantage of irrigation. C 'You are creating wealth and what you make you are entitled to. You are earning legitimate fortunes." . Yes and liberal fortunes too, for money is made quiCKly and easily in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas. Profits of from '300 to $1000 an acr~ are the iule, not the exception : . . Why don't yotl do the same-you don't need much capital, You C~D buy the few acres you need on easy terms and the first crqp, if properly cared for, should more than pay for the land. O . Riggs, Mercedes, Texas, bOllght 1m acrts last fall. , Including clearing, plowing, etc., it cost' $2040. He has shipped enough Ilfafl.t from the land to pay for it in las than si.:'C mO/li/1S an.d can raise another crop befon tll& year is out. Very low excursioq fares via , Rock Island·Frisco Lines twice a month. It will pay you to ue f or )'ollru/j'•. Write today for full information about big profits growers are making in the Gulf Coast Country of Texas, and a set of colored post cardS of Texas Gulf Coast Scenes. JoIao Seba.dan, P ..aenller Traffic Manaller, Rock·Frilco,C, .t: E. I. Un-.

2027 LaSaII. Stalion, Chicaco, or 2027 Friaco Builcliar, St. Low.


C 0 U


Any reader of this paper may cut out this coupon, sign your correct and address, tben preseDt it ~



Toilat Soap

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_.......,.-- -Michael 4. Pfarr t Esth

' ~r u.





County Co~rts . real e tate' in War'ren.coun lly $1. '



lnie B CK ' and husband to J~m~ J s pti 'grove real e tate in W ren county $45. .' Walter S. McClintic ' to A. J. M Clintic real estnt,e 1n Franklin township, 50. 'arah .E. Menley t o J. W. Goodwin real e tate in Harlan township,


R 'l1is ., s··---~-""'.iIiii.-"""-~""'''''~-Q


~rand and noble brute! Of all the annnal friend of man she is the OIlUTlOn Plea ' Court. greatest! To her we owe the most. 1 W uils. E,,~' e intG all the different chan: ee.lback Hot I compahy, plaintiff, nels of commerce into which she env . B. O. Br Wll. defendant . Petiand note the result'should she be '/ tion for money t amount claimed be910tted 0U1t. A Sunday stilln.ess ing 200 with int rest at six per cent. would then pervade the great !:Itock . B. D chant attorney for plain tiff: $3 . yard indu8k ies of o~r ,l arge cities, We announce our Summer Sale with a greater Mary Christie and husband to and g rass wOl!ld grow i~ our tree~ COllrt Procccdhtgs. Jackson Dille and Alice M. Dille Fifty p er cent at leas!', of the t rains confidence than ever of offering to our patrons-bet· lo)oank H el al v . Rober t Ro '· . real ~state in Warren County $360. of freight thnt now plow the contiIsadora Ward to Hilda B. Brock, nent from ocean to ocean would be "ourt con firm~ sale of property at ter and greater opportunities for securing genuine sheriff's sale and same i ' ord ered di- real e'ltate in Way ne tuwnship $250. side-tJ'acked, for then t here would be vided between parti s invol ved. Arch. Slagle to Clarence A. nothing for them to do. (i'ifty per bargains. Perry H. Rue. rec iver , v , ,Lo~is colt real estate i.n Turtlecr eek town- cent of the labol'e~s would dt'aw no Leary, e, ecutrix Upon apphcatlOn ship $1. pay on Saturday mght. O~r table~ Except the few items we contract to sell at a pI intiff is granted leave to file amend- Bianche Bailey and husballd to would be bare of the greatest luxured petition. William F. Moss real e!:ltate in War- ies with which they are now covered . fixed price Sullivan vs. Sullivan . . "ourl Ill'- rell Coun ty, $400. Oh! You who would abuse the cow. ders plaintiff to pay Seth W. Brown Caroline Smith to· S. B. Whitaker I wish thaHcould, as you were ~out $300 vs. attorney fee in preplU'ing to real estate in Harlnn township, $3000 to sit down to your noon~8Y meal. defend defendant, Elizabeth Sullivan William M. Elliott et 81 to Mary slip up and remove from your table Court al 0 order that the plaintiff F. E Uiott real estate in Warren what the old cow had placed thereon. . I'd take the cup of milk that's waitreform the pleadings herein on bis county $1. Heirs of Joseph Eltzroth La Jacob ing by tho baby's chair; I'd take the par t by fi ling an amended petition. Hinill s & Conklin vs. George F. Nichwits etalreal estate in Clermont cream, the cheese, the buttar, the Stutsman. Cause is settled and dis- and Warren counties, $2000. cu lard pie, the cream biscuits, thE! missed at co t of plaintiff. Nelle B. Anton ana Harry C. steak, the smo'l dnr roast ot beef, and Anton to Hattie O. Guissinger real leave you to make a meal of potatoes, DAYTON, OHIO. Rl'obate Court. estate in village of Lebanon $1. beets, pickles and toothpicks. EState of Nannie R. and George Henry Ertel by administrator of It's the self-same cow that has ~,...-~_ _IIIIIIi_ _ _ _ _ _"';;"'_ _ _ ......._ _ _1111!11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 .A )





Everything is. Reduced.


W. Eagle, assignees . Report of sale Arnold Snider real estate in Warren made the western plains to blossom of chattel property approved and County, $65. (financially) like the rose; and were . confirmed . . Gecrre Ertel and Rach el A. Ettel it not for her they would revert to Estate of John Lefever, deceased to l"~rederick Kipp real estate in Har- the Indiansfrorn 'whence they came. I WILL PAY THE Will Keep Inventory and appraisement filed. Ian and Salem towllships $8500. Non~ others like the cow! . There Esta.t e of William C. Hankinson, cOmmissioners' ProCeedings. is not a thing from nose to tail but deceased. Due proof of publication B'll Oh' Co d C I . t that is utilized for the use of man. U o! nGtice of appointment filed. •. I s- 10 :rura~e F vel · We use her horns to comb our hair. - .ANDFBtate of William Ade, deceased. company, sewer. pIpe, $0?30; ran k her skin is upon our feet, her hair Proof of publication of notice of ap- ~.:~own, P$~~~~hon~nsuran~~~.t keeps our plaster upon our.walls, her And poult I'Y pP all Idnu8. 1 will I.w pointment ,filed. 10 r~a~y, ' . ~ e ~Lern hoofs make glue, her tail makes souP. . in Wayn . villt' n 'J' UI srlays. 'all EState of Mjlrgaret Ada, deceased. ~ubhshmg hospItal notlCe, $8. 5, sbe gives Otrr milk, our cream, ~our At his home, 31.;( ml'les .....·-t hf Phone 142. .. 'f stamped envelopes lor treasurer, b . /~ w".. .. f b Proof 0 pu hcatIon of notice 0 ap- $l2 17' . d d b'lI h d $4150' cheese and our utter, and her .flesh lie, on the Upper Springpointment filed. . , recar s an 1 ea s , . . : is the great meat of 001' nation; ber boro pike, for the coming season. Estate'ofHenryOilatush,deceased V. J. ~ntlQyer, c~ntract, ,$22.2Q, bloodisusedto:makeoursurar white . BROWN BJl,.L is a goo~generalOrdered to 8$11 claims at pr~vate sale. Be~t Reed, ,contract, $69; , L. M: her bon,e s are rround to f.e rtilize :Rur purpose horse. . ••-"-.~-_ _"_liI!IiII"""'~_----"---I. Estate oflRalph and Nettie Gibbe, Prmce,. mdse. for Burveyor, $2.91, soil, ilnd even her paunch she.henelf CLOVERDALE is one of tlie best" ua put throuO'b tbe first chetnical minon. First and flnal acccUn . t flied, • JFrankhn. Chron.iele. envelopes,. $9Ra' 7~; h -...... -_ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ ~ h M 11er b d e k $24 bred Percheron horses iq this section •. 1n the matter of the will of Emeline 0 nd BI' Il , hr.i r . wotr ."1 ;" J yS- process necessary.1or the production of the country. He is fifteen years , A Purely Vegetable LaxRtive lmg 'a Jal, ...; . . f th b t h't mcm rdb rd "" · ti'on to M PI u ok . e tt , dec:eased , . AppIlca ' e er, d auelQ.&1\. rd $21' 0 e es w 1 e oa. oa paper, old, and is without a b,emisb. admIt same to ·probate!let for hear- orr18, recor , '" ""~'. reco , " and now they have dIscovered that Cures Chronic ~nBtip8tioQ" and' All .iftg June 22nd at 9'o'clock. ·· , C, St. John. co~rectl(~n ot error m such paper can be made intO theftnest, Liver and Kidney Troubles. . . ~tat6 ' of S~nle)" J. Lewis, de- bIn of June '7. $l~; Stakal~ ~en C.O., quality of fal~ teeth. , " TE'R MS: .".,......,-~.-~...., .............. -----~~.-.~.........H . No other animal works ·for man ceased. Inventoryilndappraiselllent ~dse. and , sUPPI,es, $10.00 to insure a l~ving'colt; mare ~A1e U Ule rollowlll&' placet: I· filed;' " ' . J:~~~~m:i~~; $Q07~~0;~ h9th day and night. By ~ay ~e arid colt to stand, as security . . Any ZlmmerDllln'sJ Ktlllon 'fiI, . liD. , • Esblte of AtoanQa C. GIII18. de- Ha 'b . " I e~n" Oh" Ch mi gathers f~od, and when weare one parting with mare forf~its the White'., Mountjoy's Sprlngfi'eld, Ohio, ' eeued• . First'account filed. , . r arrer: sa ary, ~, . 10 . • . , at night she. brings it baCJt·t9 1"_.~~·1· , Estate·of cTel'Dlina E. Crane, de- cal ~., pam~ $12.60, ~lrl12G6'O_WiI~n, and convert it into all the lDsuran,ce. , "ceased. ' Fi~tandftnalaccountfiled. p~eml\lInOn lD8U)'llnCe", . ' .. f whichlspeak, ,.. ' ~~~~~~~~,!!;~~~~~ . ~~~"!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...O.Bstate.of:Haruialil~ton,dec~ • . Contrac -~J~sandspecn~ She.l~as gone with man from Ply,M. ·& Gustin apPointed auministra- f~r. a con ,rete ~rch culvert l!ear, ~ije mouth R ck to the setting sun! I , , , ~~'Iolf 9d,NR~,.H and.Bd·.V'WSnllth waS bersons that turned thefir$tsod . ~~!" .Y '~e8 ville's Le~g ,Deniist , tor gtvin~ bond of.$2QOO with Hari)' reslOd:m \ . , . on Nea an lver roa I. ayne . , . Keys BldK: . ;' .- Mllln ~t . Southard anq W. O. Gustin ,s reties to h' .' . ed d in thesettler''3 clearing; it WR$ h. er Offi~ ... EI ' E S 'th A" 1\{' B . wns lP were 'approv an conh .d h ., . h anu mer ' . ml , . . rown t t l' t to Ch I -n l' 't t' sons t at rew t e pralrle 8C ooner -!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!! .. d Jft...... " appom . ted appralS. " . • an ..lUes F0 11 en ..racte ei $106 ar as .D.. ~WlS a etI 1- ,for ~e sturdy pIOneers, ~s lJlch by



Brown Bill Cloverdale






The Alpha Chern M) Go

$]8.45, ::'1I





, ma °t t ' ' t · '::'..J· t' ·th incp they fcmght to prove that," WestCo rac WK8 ~n e~~, In 0 WI . Estat'1 eof .Jh W '. St' ol ' " tak. es '.Its 0 n . ro,use, ueB · t n1(600 f .. d b - war d the star 0 f, .e~l)1re --~- .......:....---:». c~. G. Ei Strouse .a ppomted adT . er .. ,or. p~vlpg, an , ap~(,m . e ,I' ilnd the old cow grazed along . .m.inistrato.r givi~g , Lond Qf $2,000 ~~w br~dg~. n:~id~pgarh.and t ' t' behind. and when the day's work was Orthodox Friends .Church. with,Mary C; Cline, Robert H..Strouse ar~sol; el;e40 e . ,owns IP a ·es 1- done.she ~me and gave the milk ,to Jacob B. Strouse and Charles C. rna e . . . • . . , fill the mother's breast to feed the strouse as s~reties. Vom Dinwiddi~ A ~~olutlon w~ passedexte.ndmg suckling babe that was, pel'c~ance, To Jersey Coast 'Resorts and Return · . ',- - , - - ' . . 1 HenrY Br~wn and Samuel Smith ap. theJl~e.o~ c~nplh~r ~en;:alt l~d:- to become the future ruler of his . ....For PartJc:qlar ...ormaUoa . .' HI~~tt~ ·Prlends "Chutch. , p,ointed ~pprai8ers. . ' , 1909 ou~. y ~o~. e,r ,0 p e~ I~~: country:' Who says t hat · much ' Of '. Ap.,ly 10 Penn.yl~~nia ' Line Aa.ents .. or alldress C. C. HAINES•. j)'ay M.c IIn l). 111 :00 ~. 'I~: li'l rMt Day Es~te of John McCann, deceased.' what we are "Ye d9 not oW,e to man's II ;0(1 a. m. F'(lUnh Ony Me t'~lng .: ·D•.iricl Ptua.~'" ~f.Ii', DAYTON, 0. .. .. ' :00 a. 10 . ' , Pain anywbtlrtl stopped in 20 min- best friend, the cow! Treat her kindInventory and appraisement filed. . Estate ot Joseph Keys, deceased. "'9S 1I".r~ wit~ one of Dr. 8boo~'s Iy, gently; for without her, words 'i;: Christian Church.. Bearing, of claim of Jilrank Brandon Pink PalO T",blet.a, ' rbe fo~~"ll:' i(l fail me to describe.- Ohio . t t '. f h . on ,the 25 oen' bQx" .ABk yOUl' Doc. , , "1 ~U4da.y ohoo'l . . 11 ;3Q a. m.: 500\01 .lI\cet , ',a&'~ms, esta !set or ear~ng ~7, tor or Dr~ltll8t about this formula 1 of 'AgrIculture. In8','.10 :1I0 1 ~. ·m .• .and O~rlllll\n End~a'Vo'r . . • - • ' . 7 ,01/;P. m, 1909'and notl~ to llonresldents hell'S ij~pa womanly , painl. he~daQh~, .ordered pubhshed for three consecu- paiu8anywhere. Write Dr. Shoop, 'feJl' lorne ·deservinK Rheumatlo .. .... tive weeks in The Western Star;· . Raoine: Will ., tar Jree , trial prove sufferor, 'hln there is yet onu sfrn~ . MethodJst Episcqpal Ctiurcb• .In the matter 'o f will of Alexander vldue. Bold bv All Dea,.rs. ' pIe wa~ to Q8rtaiD relief. .Get Dr Rev, W. T . Glillland Pastor., . ' M d eased W'II d . t e d · •• . Shoop's book on Rheomatism and a SuDllay School, II : 30 a. m. MQ.rnlng , aero ' . u~y, ec .. ' 1 a mIt tOElght.times ":8 n:such ~nerrY is ex- free ·trial teat. • ~his book will make viae. 10:30 . :.m. 1!:p,lI'orf,b Lea8''1e. 7:00 P' probate. . pended m walkmg upstaIrs as on the it entirely olear how RheulDatic m. · 1!)ventng servIce, 7 ::10 p , m. Mill week ' Pnyer Jle~thWI 7: 30 p. 1Il.. ' ,'' ' ' In ,matter of will of Alexan«ler level. " _ pains are quiokly killed by . '" . Murray, deceased. Widow elects to . Shoop'lI Rheuulatio Remedy-liquid , ' take under will ' or tablets. Send no money. The. Sf. Mary's' Episcopal Churd!. . . ._ . Do You Get Up testilittOl'. ~urprj.esomedi8hear't · , Rev. J . ~~. Cadwallader, Recto'r, . £<Dtate .of 4\lexander Murra~ sr. ened ,utterer ' 111 fir •• getting Sun~a, SOhool. 0 :8:0 .... ·m •:rotornt.rig ser· 10 :80 a. m. , Holy Oommunlon the firM. Mary Ehzabeth Murr.a yappomted With a Lame Back? him the book 'rom Dr. ~hoop BIl'" vice. IInday of eacb mon~ti , .. ' ' . ,. '.', .. e~ecutor. Inv.e ntorydispensed .w ith. KldDey Trouble llakcs You IUscnble. oine, Wil. &14 bv All D_lers.








I ,






i\laniage Licenses. Roy E. Miller, 22, civil engineer, ~bl;\non and Ethel Gustin,' 211 Leba, non. ' Rev Floyd Poe. George E. Rhodes, 22, laborer, MaaoJ,l and Ollie D. Bell, 18, M~on. Rev. F. L. Carrier. Earl E. Updyke~ 22, piece worker, Day!;oti, and Hazel F. Chamberlain; 20; earlisle. Rev. J. S. ·C otton . . ·.' Bert L. Grahi,Un, 23, carpenter, ,~dletown' and :Effie G. White, 21,


, :, Medium.for Adver,





F ... tber George,.MBvepboefer, i?aatQr. l\f1Ul8.uery 8Q1l0n4!Snpduf ' 9,f the' moa(ba t



','"ifry ·, it H

S(. Augustine'. CathQIJc Chutch. 11:00 a. m. " . '


.. ,



·_• • • •u •••••••••••••••_.~ I . . . . ' ' .• I I

POR A NO. r ELESS FOU~Ttt Salu t , ~ i th a boomless caflnon; ilischa l·t e 11 re pOl·t)ess ~un; (i'ire ofl' a sna pperless era ·ker • . '} hen douge it witn sbriekless fun.

I .' Look Out _~~~ D~:~reat~st Sale · I I • I To b~gin CUESDlIY JUL.Y 6tb I

Pt' pill'e us a ~peeehl ss banquet, D.

L. C RAN F: ,

An d a 'ueerl ss picnic make; pread o'er us a screamless eagle. And a waveless banner shake.

FA.l i tol' an

nates of SubHcriJ)tion 1111 \ "'01 1'

S ln KI ·

l t rh·tl y III U(IVa lu :t: )

. . , . .. ~ J , \)II


('I)Y .... ' , ..... ..... .. . . ~

Rutes of Advertisements Re a d in g I.neal. . II r II nl' .

Breathe low on a toothless fish-horn; Stroke the bangless drum; " Hurrah!" i'n a voiceless whi~per; Let the t ongueless bell keep dumb.


H~ udl n il lorulk. bt o\.k face. tier lI ull

I ~r Do all in a mann r minus. CJu~~l lIed " lIh, nuL to os ee",1 III' C 1I 111lN. Let negative moods -have place. ·l' h ..t'~ III Hc rliun s .. , ..... . . 2r,r Employ flonplaying blmd~men; Obit ua r le/l. t ll'(' IncheR free: ove r f ive Parade at a moveless pace. Inches. ller li ue... ......... .. . ... "ard of lh lLllk ll .

Resolutlol1!! ...

. . . . . . .. .



. . \.. .... .... .

:socia ls e to. wh e l'l! uhlU'll

IH made ..


"u 2-,c 60 ~:. c

DllIll jay A.II·e rll s lllll. pe l' 1n II •• . ... , . . IOc Dlscoul1ts !liven on cotll ral't"



II I' II " I

But vainly the sons of silence Kick up tkeil reforming noise. Unless th-ey Can stock the nation With bodiless. boneless boys! - Judge's Library.

Nil: 80. 19 09.


It will 00 by far the greatest ~EMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE we

.. ~



have ever held, and your greatelt opportunity to save money on the reliable merchandise for which our store 'is known.

• •




Any lady readero f th\s plLper wllI reoeive, on request, a olever "No. 14, 18 18 Drip" Coffee Strainer Coopon priv. i1 ege, from Dr. ~boop, alioloe, Wla E. Third 8t. it is II. silver plated, very pretty, aud positively prevent. all dlipping of tell. or aoti·ee. 'l'be Doctor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" stulply to Introdoce thi8 otevtlt' sublltitote for real ootfee. Dr. ShoOlr'S Ueulth Ooffee III gaJuing Its ji(reat popollLrlty because of : No. 2220 first', U.s exquisite taste and Onor; "econd. Its absolote bel.ltblolneu; REPORT third,itaooonOQly-l Y. 1b25o ;fouuh its convenience. No tedloos 20 to Condition of the Waynes- Of ao mlnutell lKlll1ng. "MIl(}" in a mia- Of the ville National Bank. at Waynes · 1100" I1l1yS Dr. Shoop. 'rry it ' at ville in the State of Ohio. at the your Il'rucer'lI. for a pleasau~ 8urclose of business. June 28. 1909. (>rI136. Sold by /Ill Grooors.

H unt er & H ardl-e

Dayton, Ohio.






REaOU R E . Loana and .. .. . ..... . 1 19 11.609 . G ~ Ovtil' ~ ured and .uDsecured 1.0/1 0. 64 U. 8 . Bond. c;u &ecure c lrcula~lon . . OO.OClO:OO






.ubtect too

9. 9.46. 7'l 110. 866.611

S Sanitary ' Plumb-

ing, Pneumatic Water Sys. tems, . Acetylene Ga. Machine., GalOlene Engines, "Barnes" .Pumps, lee·

C&pltalat.ock p ..dln .. .. .. ,' ...... 211.000.00

In· 'axel =1IM8. . ... . .•

136. 00 8UrcftlU8 fund. . ... .. .. . . . , •• , .

checIr .•• • • .•• •. " 160.1111.112

Hot Water or Steam Heating,


The Miami Valley Chautauqua. Bonda. lI8CurttJ8II. etc.... . ........ 66.809. 26 LoIUlll on real IIiItate .. . .. . .. . .. •• B&uIt1ua bouae .. , . . . . . •.. , . . . . • 4.000. 00 l:.toaus Oil rollateral. . .. • • . . . • . . . I with its nearly four Beore Summer Due from approved _ ve agen t. 16 ;U~, 42 Otber IO IlWl ll nd dlIlCOUDt. .. . . ... ~U. U'''' . U'U ' and more tllan five hundred b~ and other cub lteu.I . . . . . 6, 01 Overdrafte .. . ... .•.• • ... . . .• •. " Home" Note. of other National Banks .. . • 61 6. 00 SLate. county and Uluulclpll . .~ I bl" Il'nict1ou" paper cIlmIIlCY. welle". bonda not Included In rell6rve 9.000.00 . tents d urmlr h ....annua assem les 18 . &lid ceUt.ll • •• ••• • •• • •••• ',' " • 13 1l. 4~ Other bouda audlleCwitlel! . . . . .. . 1.600.00 now a real summer ~rt with a Lawful Alou!3Y R8lerVe 10 Bank.viz: , Fun}l~ure &lid ftxtut:ee . . . .. . . • • • 2.780.00 .S~e ... · ••••..... . .. . 8.US. 80 . Due from .-erve bau1c'~0 . 066 . 18 lYOVel'nment I\I\Qtoffice Chautauqua ' Lenl· c.euder DOt. . . , .•. . . 1,000.00 0 Gold coJu.... .... .... 6aO.00 a ....... . • Rtiiltllllptlon tund wlc.h U .S. TreuSliver dollars ... . .. . .• 210. 00 Ohio which was opened early in ~II'FQ of c1rculatloJ1) . .. . .. 2.1100.00 Fraction" coln . . . . . . . . 1118. 18 , . ' U. S. and NatlDu.. bank. June. Totl1 .••.••••.••••••• • ••••. ue,08S . 011 IIOtes •••• •• • • .• .• 2.849.00 U.~U. 311 'The pro&,ram riven here is the best. L1ABlLITJES . Tot" . . ... .. .. . . •. • . ... . • • • . 111 l , 3110.l6 to be found anY.w hpre•. CoUliie8 of Capltl1stock paid lIi ......... , .. 110,000. 00 LlA .HU'f1ES lectur~ in practical economi~ with SurDlUI fund .. , .. .. . . ... . ... .... 60.000. 00 . Undivided prod.... 1-. ~ .

'round 'tableconfel'el'lces; 'The la~t Na~ =~t.. ou~a\idIDa in science as aft'ectinK' the welfare of D1Wlends unuald . • •••. •• , • . • • . •


the ondition of the Citizens Bank, at Waynesville in the State of Ohio. at the close of business, June &:, 1909.

Un Ivlded p~6i. 18118 tereIIt' an ib.


1. 100.00 688. 83


a .70J.H

'11r.Ooo.oo . Tot.. .... . .. . . ... .. ./. . .. .. :--. 11 (1.890. 211 1/jI :


!lamed bauk. do 801emuly ·awear tbat ' above statement 18 . trlle to tbe best. of l!I)' trno.wJail{!8-lUld beUet .' . ' F : t IiA.RTSOOK;. ubJer.


8TA'l'E OF OBIO\WA.BREN co .N1'Y. 1. E.· . Bart80CM:. OUhfer of the

(SEAL) •

.' "

rHE , FARMER , . • . ,He who plows aqd farms the earth has in his keeping t,he fut ure welfare of nation. If prosperity and are ·to abide · with d S t he . ~ t'l If farme.r ~ust con,tm~e . t~ , 01. the nation '· \s t:o endure th~ f~lrmer must continue to ·teed 'the peopIe He ,.)10 drops one Atrain of on the ground. and permits it to • •M . . . . . . . .





E. YI 1 L'lo~ary Pub Ie.


Mulberry St., .. , Lebanon, Ohio.


PHONE8--Yalley,309, Bell, '145-R


~ ~ ~~

,: ' : '

In IIj'okneS8, if a. ·oer '!,In hidden D'e ne goes wrong. then ·the orgaa that tbls nerve oontrols w1ll allo :larely , fail. It .may be a Stomaob nerve, or it may have given st.rength &nd su,p port tbe Heart or Kidneys Jt was Dr. Sboop tht:Lt first pointed to this , vitlll trtitb. Dr. ~bOOp'8 Rest.orlLtlve. was ' nOt, mlld~ ~o dos." theStomlloh n!Jf to temporarily 8timohit-e the Beart orJOdneys.. Tbe.t He,. 'ere 001" f~ut of the numerous klnda of puulte. that • old-fa8biofled ,mothod .hl all wrong. lUve on do_tic anlmala and reduce the Ownen' PfOn... Dr, 6boop's ~~orat1v~ goell directC7 HYGENO kUla theM .nd all odMtn"Sl Iy to , tb~e falliqg InSide. nerves , Cu.... ItClI' man.e and other akin cllHuea. 'DelfrOrl_fhe r.emar~au18 suocess of" t~i8 Pf8- .nd foul odon. Keep. ' (Ilea IWIY. It ~. Wonderful coeI demoostrates the' wisdoDl . tar Ind in ed'dl~lon to beln_:e ,toek dip It ~a.



DUID~,ro~a ho~bold ~...


. .

W. buS' In quantldea and 0.' *"~._~pk", fOW'


, ~ . ~ ,

._ "


....llca' ....I




F.e. SCH,W ARTZ • ·


Wt.,nelvtUe: OWo.

A. MAFF,I T, Undertaker and


Will be foond in the old Bank , Bonding, oppoelte ~be Nation.l Bank. Telephone in honae and of· fioe.where I 0&Il be called day or night; VaHey Phone If-2. Waynesville, Ohio

c. B.Le Contractor. All' kind.. of Stone, Brick

Cement Work. Cement Walks . aud Floors . Specialty, 6c to JOe per

square foot.


,All work luaraoteed• . 1

The Miami Gaz ette

sb4 excllltmed, tul'11fba let ber maid, RUSSIAN OffiCERS PARDONED. "Little did Holot' "nes think when 1 talked with blm that I wae pleadin g Lieut. D, L. CRANE. Gen_ Stoc.. sl and Rear Admira l tor my people and not for him. Yea, Nebogatoff Are Releall d from I did tell hJm tbe ~uth wb n 1 lIald - WAYNESVILLE. om . Prllon, that our nation sh\\11 not bo punlshe d, Judit h Gettet h the, Great n !ther can sword prevail against Gener al In Her Powe r. Despite Ita specillc gravity I ad II St. p t rsbutg. -Lleut. Oen. Anatole . thelll, except they sin agaInst their . H,. NOSE. , going up. God. And even now our city 18 sit- 1II. toessel ' and Rear Admll'al NebogO.lolr VE a bave nllw BY THE "HICHW AY AND 8YWAr ' been baby released IIlster, ting r from In stlcl{clo conth and ashes and -prayHow ",o~u=l=d=y=O=u=l1=k=e=t=(l=rue a ruut!PREACH ER Ing unto od ~or delivera nce wtiJcb lin em nt in the fortress ot St. Peter Il~ --in - Turkey ? d nth. lovo her 'most to Ilnd St, Palll by order ot ,Empero r , with hIs h Ip I will brIng to pass." She IH lh sweetest little . = = = llcholas = = . The , "It health is even of so both as as men thou doat slly," TIlI'k y swapp ' d su ltan s with ease Th~l:ll / l \'er dl' w a bas br nth. btl n gra vely l'Cspond affected d til by maid, their (orvldly. "But Dased on the ApOcryphal Dook ('.f and dIspatch , after all. Sho smll,,!! und coos, und L: tbou couldes t sea the devouri ng confine ment. 1udlth, chapter s 10 to 13. bu Ck lll hrr thumb GeD . ' Stoesse l was found guilty by wIth which Holoter nes , beholdc .h Th rea l gamble rs In Wall s,1re t And thousn silO look a SO Vnl ue ot the Book or J lldlth.-The val- th ~e thou wouldat coun-m al'ut\l ot sUI'renderlng old, are r w. .The rest lire lambs. ue of the Book of Ju\1llh Is not po!<eth no good for know that hf. pur- ress of Port Arthur to the' tile to'rtShe w\1l get younger Japanes thec." e lessened by th tl1O~ (,o \'HY d ay, thnt jt la For 0 Quiet, ord erly lIod stelld>;-go- e\lIlP08C~ "Yea, that which thou apeak.eBt Is and was serving a sentenc e ot ten to be of & (All gIrls do, I am told). fict! Uous lug nntlon give us the nlted States. character. In fact that ' p )' C'a"lntr WIlS sentenc ed for "cry tact In· no doubt true, and tt Is therein that .. nn.l·p. Maine .-"I was trouble d. creasu Ita value as QJthlhlling an Id ..,,1 we must hope that God And when I 11'0 Ilnd 8hake nU\lOUPU '''! with paillS in my back will send de- the eame lengtb ot time for lurrenWhy debate the sulIrage amend- lype of herol.m, which w os outwnrdly liveranc . th o crib. \. ,, ' lhb ,;" ,_... U ulY e, at f.'or tbe the batbasenes s was of lhe mIserab le in everr embodie d In Cle wars of And Independ eul1 ence. her "baby slem ot 1 It furni shes Its own condemIt cannot be wrong to reter lis origin man proves his very weakne ss and lie of the Bea 0 Japan. Stoessel beway. I doctore d t er ," .DlltI01l. to the Mnccllbean perlo'll, whJch It re- gives me the cause I seek agaillst gain }lIs sen tence Mllrch 20, 1908, until I was ' dl&Sho no\'or cries a lingle neclJl not ollly In Its general spi rit. l:!ut him." courage d, bit. while Nebogatotr look up his quarter s and -'Tl'n rs, says a sclcntls t, will kill dis- even In smaller trolts. But while It And cnce or twlco 1'\'e kl8S11d her. though t I 8hould "And may tlle Lord keep thee In the in the fortress April 15, 1907. And yet they say such aw(ul things, ease g rros. Let's all go nnd get on eeema certain that the book Is to be renever get well I Rear Admiral Gregorl eff nnd Lieut. rerred to the second century B. C. (175- midst or such pel'lI," respond ed the Why, what do YOu -suppose? a tea r. read a testimo nial 100 B. .), the attempts which ha\'e been maid. "Come, " she added, "It They've SIDYl'Do circulate tr, subcrdl d tho nate report olficcl's under Ia well about Lydia E. mnd e to fix Its date ,,'Illlin nurrower 11m- that we return." Thllt Ihe has Imashed my noael Tn'O Frenchm en tought a duel and Ita, either to the Ume of lhe Pinkha m's Vegeta.of AIIn the fourth day Holorer nea made sho t each oth r. Anoth er traditio n cxoDll r Jannaeu8 (10;;-4 B. c;.),war ble Compound, Bnd They so.ld: "Your nose Is broken, now, or of Demetrius II. (129 n. .), rest on very In- a feast to bls own ervauts on1J1 though t I would And she has done Itl" She! "busted. " acourate data. It might s m more na - called non e ot the omcers to th. and The sweetest little baby girl, try I t. After tIlkban· ural (as 1\ mere conjeclu rC), to refer It to quet, saying Who wouldn't hurl It Oan! ing thre bottles I Not all the new jokes have been an enrller time (l,O B, .>, to Bagoas, the eu·.l.uch, " ' hoover said It slandered her, when Antl- who had churge was cured. and sprung. H re's the latest: Spain has ' ocbu. Eplphanes mode his first assau lt over all that be tad: A8 verybody kllC W8. never felt so well upon the t('mple. In accordan ce with the decid ed to I'ebulld the tI et. "Go now. and persuad e thls Hebrew And It I find him. you just bet my I l' comme nd Lydia E. views whlt-h have been glv n or the liarH e' ll have tho broken nos~ ! Pinkha m's Vegetab le Compou nd to all /toter and dn Ie ot the book, It Is probable womnn which Is here with UI In the Ifnmigr ants of thv right sort are that camp that she come unto us, and eat m friends. "-Mrs . WILl. YOUNG , IS the severnl parts may have a disWelcome, but vigilanc e must be used tlnot aymbollc meaning Gel'man Soupa. · and drink with us. For if we win her clIumbi a. Avenue , Uocklu nd. Me. . to keep th crimina l elemen t out. In the ftrst place, every dlnnel In Backac he i8 a sympto m of female' not fo ourselv es, sbe will laugh ua to German y begins with soup. No ft.lU· weakne ss or derange ment_ U y~ll scorn." Italy has a wok an suffrage Question, Ily so humble . no housew lle so busy have backach e, don't neglect it. 10 Then Bagoas went from the pres· SERMO NETTE . to.o, but so far the suffrag ettes hav ~ t.hat soup Is omitted , Perhaps It Is get perwnn ent relief you must reacb enc,e ot Holorer nes and came to the root of the trouble. N othinll' we , :pot trl d to outdo the Messina earthonly a lentll soup, wltb. soaked and kDowof J'ldltb and said: Thla ASllyrlan general , Holowill do this 80 safely and surely Iluake. boiled lentlfs and "Let small not bits of sau- 08 Lydia. E, Piukha m's Vegetab le Comthis fair damsel fear ' to fernee, Is not the first man who sage added to a beef stock. come to my Lord, and to be honor d pound. Cure tbe cause of tbese dishas forgotte n manhood and duty The women of the country ",111 be"Blersu ppe" Is made with a pint tressing aches and pains and you will In his presenc e and drlnk wino, ,and In the presenc e of a pretty face gin playing whist next wejlk. Now each of milk and water. a pint become well and strong, be merry with us at the feast." and plunged to hIs ruin. "silence like a poultice will come to The great volume of unsolici ted beer, three ounces each of curJ;ants, Judith sa.t sUent fol' n momen t, bllt It wa. the lust of the man!. heal the blows of sound," flour and sugar. A good dash of salt testimo ny constan tly pouting in prove~ thought within her heart: "Is thIs heart which made hIm fall an couclus ively thnt Lydia E, ! "!ukham ' s and the yolk of an egg, stirred after Vegetab not the fourth day, and was not the ea8Y prey to the trap which General depress Ion ot Wall street le Compou nd, mnde from roots tbe , other Ingredi ents delivera bave nc bee n and herbs, haa l'eatored health to thou. which I was to work to JudIth had eet for him. will not Improve that ceoter of stock brough t to a boll. Add a. little cinna- sands of women. come ere tbe firth had gone. Yet, fhe He who allows base passion to specula tion. Legal regulati on or Its ". Gen, 8toelle l. mon Bnd dish while very bot. Serve Mrs. Pinkh am, of Lynn, MOB8" fill the heart haa begun th~ deals would be far mor effective. Lord Is wltb me to deliver, and tbls Nebogatoff In the Russo-J inviteS all sick women to write apanese war, with Zwlebach. downwa rd course which II cer. now Is the opportu nity I seek." Tbus were pardone d and released Chocolate BOUll is another German ber for advice . She hos gulde~ from the A fanatic Is not an attracti ve ' thing, taln to end In ruIn If perslate d In. Judith mused, and then lifting her fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul a d'~lIcacy. It Is a thin. sweet prepara· thOUBa Dd.8 to healt h flee O~ . no matter whetllPr his fanatici sm God haa made the world beauface, upon which a beautifu l light month ago'. These omeara cluu1.fe. had been tion of cbocola te. takes the form 01 head hunting , mistIful, he hath molded the face glowed the very reftectio n of the hope sentenc ed to death for having surDie sionary murder ing or umpire mob· Haustra u bas I\nother strang6 and form dIvine and It wal hll which burned wUhln her br aat, sbe rendere d their comman ds, but In view 'Jllxture whIch sbe serves upon spebing. purpoee that iueh beauty Ihould said to the eunuch: ot extenua Ung circums tances their cial occasio ns. It IB Ineplre lofty thought and ambl· "Wbo am' I now, that gain· sentenc es were commu ted to ten ripe rass-plp s pou.n a broth made of If the game laws of thc world were say my Lord? Surely'1 should ded and c'ooked In tion. Ita contem plation should wbatsoe vel reforme d on a Cnrlstla n basIs, ' the pleaseth him I wlll do speedily , an~ It yearS' impriso nment. wblch 'Weak stock. A. few 'Yho1e pips, boiled bring out the be.t In man. It they beopen season tor the 1dlUng of Armeshall be roy joy unto the day of mj gan serving In 1907. tlll tender, are left to ftoat upon the Ihould tUTn a man'l though tl tonhms would be confined to Februar y death," ' ward the pure and good. But ' During their stay In ~e (ortros . surtace ot ~e pillteful 80 and 31. So sbe arose, and decked l1ers,eli each prisone r had a large, auch cannot be ·wher.' man 'perbright, well wltb her apparel , and aU her rare warmed room. Before == == Bridget 'l Beatltu dea; = mlta the lower nature ,to tran .. thei.r window s An Investig ation Is to be made of jewels, and her maId went and laid the fortress gardens IItretcb Blessed Is the ammon Ia tor whiten- Jlfc(JLun .E'8 ECZEMA UJI;MItO Y Cllrt'~ .. I.~ro . tend and · rule, the higher. ' down the cause ot the weak hearts of th.e to j)\bo>•• fall. 1,n.\an\ l' lief In "-11 'lrln 41 ~'t\ .. soft skins on tho gl'ound. for her oler the Neva, beyond which Tru, ellaltlty II not a mere . stands the Ing floors and deal tables. A tew 4rops ' lJr_n,aIl2:lcl: SAwVlo tree. U_O, midship men at Annatlolls. One reaagainst where Holofer nes sat at In the IIcrubb10g water will be found me w.~n 1Gt.h 8ttell" Obloqu. 111.UeClure .l'b. O. outward conform Ity wtnter of life palace, to the once the winter home son may be that tbe Naval academ y Is fesUve board, Now when Judith m'oral law. " •• UI went deeper 01 · that other prisone r whQ' spends a greaf 'help, sItuated SQ near the city · of pretty In and sat down Blessed Is . a diet of cranber ries to the heart' an~ ot ~ald H(Jllof~er that · a most man muat keep of his time In Tsai-koe-Selo. SHERLOCK HOLMES. gIrls. nes was ravIshe d with bel'_ hla heart pure. That the IUlt " ' 'I n each room were a fteld bed, a correct the liver. "Drink Blessed now," be besougb t hel', "a () large and a small table, a tew chaIrs, Is the milk whlcb III Bcald· of the heart wal al bad ae the Turks, Young or old, are again rebe Jl\erry with . us at this feast In thy a wardrob e and a ·washst ed slowly; Jt should be brollgh t to 190 overt ac~. As thll test marks ported to be Interfer ing wIth the anand . The honor." the real Itate of . Windows are covered . with 'tron lat- degrees , and taJ,tes from 29 to 30 ,min' man, 80 It cient rights and realm of Persia. The "I wilt' drInk now, my lord, becal~e ttee work. At eight allo lit. the bounda ry line beproblem s ot the Ottoma n empire and o'clock 10 the utes to briJig Ollt the ·rlchest Davol. my Ufe Is magnifi ed 1n me this Blessed Is the oli·cloth which II tween ·the' lln co'ncolved and the its neighbo rs did nof pass away with mornin g the prisone rs were served washed with a very utUe water_ ~uoh more than all ,the, day~ , slJlee, 1 W.II. . . . . . , .In commit ted. Abdul Hamid' s reign. ' • tQ and' their ne'Yllpapers wer, Boa king 'dentroy s It. born," respond ed ' Judith, with ' a gra. It II th, evil thoilght harbore d tn. The sailor takes tour cious bow. as she sank upon the sOrt papers and Is a keen ' followe newswhich become l the evil deed A mtln In NIlW JeM!ey walked 'Into , Blessed ar"ell'th~e~t;h~um~b~,~ta~clik8~~~t--;;G;~~~!f:~ r of pol· Instead of n skins at her feet. ' the oftlce or a--ebaMtable associat ion, commit ted. Jamell laYI: "Every ' IUcs. ~ T.he soldier scarcely , Then she took and ate and draBk to get through one Journal. man~ges talns on 'tbe floor. lafd down five '$1,000 bills and deman la tempt,e d when he II before him wbat ber . maid had preparted w!thollt being known. Maybe drawn away of hilt own IUlt and At on'e o'clock luncheo "TIred Tom (~a.dlY)-Ah, that patch 1..:.2-,--- ,--n -'·-viIIlS ·the I\am~ Ruonym ous Samarl: pared/ and Holofer nes' heart was mer- soup was served. The n o.t meat and enticed . Then when IUlt hath MAN AND .BOY. m~al was not , tells me tlJat my Qld, )lal, Ploddl~g r:r and he drnnt( .much more wine v,a rled much: but the . tood conceIved, It brlnget.h forth the tan who gave the newsbo y a $100 note was ex· for a paper. than be bad drunk at any time tn one cellent. After luncbeo lin; .and lIn w,hen It Ie flnlahed . thoughts of youth are ' Pe't e has been tbls , way. Poor old' n the prison' day lon«, ,long thOuliht1l,'- Pete! brlnget h forth death. since he was born . . So It (!Qn· el'8 .:general1y 'walked In the • 'TI. tIlu. ~he {)<Iete say; Now that the ' Bupreme cOurt of tlnued until evening was ,come, and At Ba dinner was served, 'f!IU'4ens. "A. a min thlnket h In hll Rabblnlc.1 WIt. And I WOUld ' be ' a. boy a light c~eml8try haa ' been ,declare d legal, It hfs servant s made haste to depart, meaL At rilnete a w~ heart, la' he.'.' . Ball thought o/Jaln, An Engllsh .ratbl w~ nsked If there served, tor. the necessa rily follows that such queer and Bagoas shut his tent without , and cannot be harbore d and 'not And <lrQne apd dream was 'a ny welglliy reaaon against havtime. . my , da)l_ thIngS 'a s sulphur , copper, varlous dismiss ed the waltere from tl1e pr~s· change and tranefo rm the '-Ife. InS a .clock In the synagogue. "By no prisone rs read' as late. Into the , , 8alts, sacchar ine, etc" become perA veneer .of outward rectItud e tJ ,ence ot bls lord. And they went ,to ntght meane," was the reply. "Have your they cared to. Twlc~ a wee~ ' Inate~d' ot plannlnc bu.!fectly bealthfu l and nutritio us to the may fool the world, but the covtheir tent, for they were all wear:r visitors were admitte d, ness "tiChelJlel, eloele, but put It outside the ~ulldlng, the ftrst' day human system. , I'd thtnk , of pel'Oh and and then you cm because the feast had been long. And MiDg eo,nftned to their ered lIn. of the heart cannot be tell how late you , P,q,n a., hid fro", God. Nelth~r can tl)ey Judith was left alone .In the tent, but a month tbe prisone rs wt'ves, Twice com.e to the 8~rvlae." 'Two rahbls 'Tbe BUl~ toOk a bath In tan=.=o7r~'M:::'0=r=0=c=c()-=;h~lnts of war . ADd c01,lnt my m.a.rb1ea . b. kept from honeycomb!'ng tHe" Holofer nes was Bunken upon .11.11 the tOTotre8s bath and were »aSSIDg the beautifu l 8ynagogue .. . tOPII e.n~ strings ' ~n great holl· to the king of Spain unless the Spancouch In a drunken sleep. . Inner .elf until at la.t like a Instead of .locka aDd 10 whlcb one of them offic.lated. "How days they attende d service ' \n the IlIh troollS are withdra wn from his featerln g lore they ~rcak forth . Now Juditb had comman ded ber ,famous forlrels cathedr bOnd.. . ,I envy you!'~ lahl tbe first. "You al under a , posse8Slons. ' Evident ly, In the general maid to stand without ber bedeliam- convoy ·o ( soldiers , Into full view. must be tn a paradise ." ~I'd. ot "Hold, be subjuga tion of sultans tbese days. the . leame« , , In bel' and to walt for her coming torth, "On~o the pure all thlng~ lire friend!" tbe second expialned, - wat«hly lore, "In Morocc an ' rule thln'k s there ' ought to pure." 8S she bad done every night since , Blit I could pl~nl,., t.11 the , original paraqls e there w~s only be .at least one to stand up for his What BU~L: coming ",llccere TO Into !"PAC~ HORSES,. ., wllere " al,1d "~lbl" mean. and one serpeat , bul In thlll congregatlC4 · the a.a mp ot the Assy.ri, The breakin g down of thl r g U. ans,' a.nd wIth which nightly e~cul'8lop home life and the natlcHt'a life ~re , m!lIi~ of them," . The' owk' anci .• 1I'!lrHk dwell. wtthout tbe camp the sentinel a' of ,tht Th'• .Anlmal I. a "Four-Ye'.l'-Olct, Fullbegin. when unclean , Impure The j)rlnce regent of China gave an Blooded army Jeraey. had 1'4 become thoullht take and •• n~ thoU~ht .of II\O~ famlliar . And 'te .Docll' flndl lodgme nt In t"e .The Only Way. oftlclal lunch,eon' in the palace to lhe Nor plan the dally dole. • , Bagoas also sbe spake concern~g tht and there tskea root and '. a. ani Old: Cow. l~ "We .all 'make blunder's. I t.hought oretcn- delegat es to the late emper· But I would dream ~of wenaol baun", matter, teliJng blm that thin nlgbt as growl to the full fruitage of an once I was a IQuare peg when 1 was or's funeral. There could ' be required A"d neft ot cirlole., unclean life. Boa\on .-A four-year-old tUll-blooded uP')n other occasio ns she would want . . .really a round one," hardly 'any better \lroof that the great to go out and seek her God In pr!lyer. Jersey bull will pace to' barnells In:the "The' breath oi WIldwood; ebolr or blrdl. "Keep thy helrt with all dlli. "How did ~ you tlnd out 10ur JIlt.. ..Chinele wall now 1. down for good 'l'h~ alr, the IIky~b, me, And Bagoas marve. ed, but sold notb· gence, for out take?'~ of It are the I~ , f\Jld' all between the empire and thc ApJn to be a. 1)0,., wIth Jon., . Ing. lues of life." "I lOt Into a holel" ' Lo'n« thought . 'for company I outsIde world. So It was before the appoint ed time ===== for her sett1llg torth, and all ,was stlll . • Fancy Mlclron l. Tbe New York chauffe ur who killed In the tent of Holoterne"s.' And Judith Ever since macaro ni came on, Amer· a boy while speedin g away after strikTHE STORY. cnme softly and stood by the' place lcan tablel, ' there · has "been fUD ·t.nad. Ing the child when Ufe might have where Holot~rnes lay In his drurl'Aen of It. From ' tlie- coQ.k who "I~nt the been sa.ved by the prompt sloppin g of 8tulf"back . -to the .groc8n ' becaulle ' the lhe automobl1e, Is to be tried on a , HE nlgbt was dark, and the way sleep, and IIttlng her ~yes to heaven to the valley lay beside the sen. she breathe d ihls' prayer: ' stlCkl 1'!ere ~ empty," to th~ Irffl~man charge ' of murder In the first degree. " "0 Lord God ot' aU power, look at wllO sen bls soup' back to have lh~m at a recent law In tb1lt state boldlng the tries and the tents of the coarse, rough 801dlers "., ' . . but .Judlth feared not tbls "dlsgua present upon the work of mine tln' craytbe rs!' ,'removed, 'But tailing of life, .whethe r intentio nally or now we . have 'VarleU~.In "bap~. and not, while In tbe commiSSion of R for had not the great general , Holo- bands for the exaltati on of Jerusl\l em; : 'o r Supp er 'Ie the long "t;lm~ty stlcks" or the ' ~u" crime .. to come under tbat bead, The Cernes, given the strictes t comman ds for now Is the thnt: to help thlnl\ Inthat her way should be' safe whither herltanc ~estlve e, and to executE! inlne enter-' case raises new questio ns ot fact and yerm!celll are obJ~cte~ to, we Delicio us law, but It II! evident that some dl'as· soever she went In and around the prises to the destruc tion of the ene. have otber ~ecoul1l8. . 'I • camp, And best of all was not there mles wblch arl3 risen agatnst us." llc remedy ' must be appn~a to tbe There 'Is "a kind caJleC! ".oat mitca~ tbe comfort ing assuran ce In her own , ; new danger of automo bile killings. Then reachin g up sbe took nl" made In -.Iae and .bape of ' a heart that the God of Isreal was with ~all of. the tent the great from the ..our-V 'kernel of oatil, . ,I t ' can :a1&o be bougbt •• "'Old sword Bull, ot Whlch to Pac. Thkre are ethical as well as a,9S- her In tbe despera te underta king upon Holo!er nes, and ·then agaIn lifting ber' In the ·.s hape of .bella ,vhlch' I'8talil the ~Ii.ln.~. Horl.l. " tbetlc aspects to the millIner y ques· which she had entered ! heart In prayer.she cried: llkenesl l . verY' well after ' l!oU~g, an.d , " llon, viewed from tb publ'le'1I stand· Two days before she hnd I.'ome Into alford pretty and · agre~ab~e ,chl1n.~, "Streng then me, 0 Lord God 01 point. What both law and hlgber the camp of the Assyria ns after de- Israel, this day"· especla llr attracti ve ~ t\le mac!", . .. BtlUidards of courtsl " some time IIlnce parting from the citY of Bethull a, and , . roni cut Into fancy pattern... ,Small.a od ' And farced upon theateJ'IIJ will QGmc ulti- ·eacb night since tben she had passed mightilywith hi. words :8he smote 'vlI,r.louII IY c~l~red_ :C90k,etl.f1r8.t. ,In .~I~ being Jltrengt hened . by God, mately In c urches and ,leetur.e balls, out of the camp In the dead or night and I1he ,took white' ed " ~ter, and lcattere d, !lv.e r t1i,e ~a.t awa, the head of HoletA well deflned movem ent !Ii II.GW oa to engage In prayer. all she told the ernes; and golng ot:'po8 orgaiD tUm e ,01' fowl, they ,malte !' pleas'forth she "gave It to in , enicagO 's. churche s to creatA! ' op1n- .cr·e at general . Ing. garnish , .nd ~a8n, tate'.th e plltee. ber maid, Who walt In_, walUng, and , Ion .. fllvorable to women removln/l 'Of !Ul ..extre: vegetab le. .-' ~ ,~., ", All the ca,m p had been stirred ,by 'she ,put It In a bag. Tbus they . .f their ' hilts In church. With '1'6Cent tier beauty when ahe had come thlth." , forth tbrougb the camp ~s had ,heen turns 'o f fashion It has becom~ aeutely e r, and, as she had come Into the pres. th.e to _Ser,v . Ta,mlltoeL lr wont oli other ntghts, and no , a case of "the square deal" for the ~ce or Holofer nes he had hastene d tbought w~s given concern tng ' the , men · w~()· IItIJl ' go to church. ' to assure her of his favor, 's aylng,: , matter by the guard8. ~'. . , J, I =~== ' === = "'WolIla n, bi. ot good comfort , . fear So ,t~ey passed on their jO\ll'11e1 and A, expert , In. New York not in ·t hlne beart: For t never hurt encomplIoSsed 'the vlllley beUeve s It .~gerous to think 'ahead an,. that was wllllng' to serve 'Nabu- up the Yp,?uiltaln t~ . th~ aod ~ent lin ~ of one's JeU~. He ,ill right. 10 one . ~te. 'ot B.e th. chooooe aer, the king 'of aU the ell1'tli." UlIa, . repect , · Tl10ucht bas .ahvayrs bee. . Arid 'b e bad kept hie 'wo~d th'us- tar, . Wlldom 's worth and ·wlnllomene ' d..qeoo us, for ~ mea' whose thought .. l1u btokeD up abuses" arraign ed .~pk1bg that . she would fall I,~ev; 1!er pleasanti;U!S8 and .Pfti'~ . ~r:~ tta~ly jato hi. power. ..Alld . ·tor two 'known ~r.~lqea 'and reyolpt lonlied govt!1'DwJ10 . lI~li . her: Ilfgbts ,now ~he had passed .Uely oct wa.y; oply" to thole Dlellte ' ll&re,' geD4lraU, ended a8 '. • ' . frbm. the camp In,to the vall'!)-. , ~ . thea:l.e)V~II. I~ JJl true. that " ' J .u dlth lI1te4 h~r eyes to heav:en·. 88 There Is no 'man .,80 blgh that 'the &ItIl.t1I1't M two latft'. when ' their she .~ lier maid reached a leclude d lowest creatul '. may . Dot Itt I1b , ullt!IM' 'bec)o.rne the commo n llf. er &Ia "OrIIl. etatUM ADd IIIDuumen,UI ilOOk far duwn tile .alley. aDd Jler teacher . . .... pat qp 1'0 tbemo but that d.08s Dot Up. moved III pray.r ... 8be 'b8lOul bt , . The " . ___ lItacb of .loth to, dfJect her ..ay to the. deUyer. 'forfuD' th. ' I til. uia1'~n' bUJI,u. . Goil' Of IUlce-.CIf ber PtOPJ.. >.J~ • . .~


Th e Lu re of Bea .uty

BRO~. JU8~



To Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound



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"G oo d"


Breakfast, Lunch



:20 $t.

,Toast. ies










c&a~1 •• aut - ,-~l"

".u 'abrIc







ON ,TBE .~

"ON THE Trail of a Bold • Buccaneer," published herewith for the first time, Is a bit of Venezuelan hlsto"y which haa never before ben told and I.' not to blf'found-\n any of the • standard historical works on • Venezuela. It Is replete, with thrilling, situa tions embodlerl In • the capture of Caracas by Amo. • ry Preston's buccaneers. While • the bandits were stealing along • the secret mountain path to • Caracas, the ittle·bodied Inhabl. ~ tants of the city took pos itions of defense along the main thor. • oughfare to the capital of Vene. • zuela. The des peradoes were • di s covered by an Infirm old man ' who attempted to realst their Invasion with true patriotic In. • stlnct. It was easy to overpow. er him. The Caracas traitor who guided Preston over the se. • cret path was hanged before .~<·*,·€;><i·~·M>-W~~!)<W><!i'~·*<S><!:xe><*~ the city was entered. Once In Caracas, looting and murder held sway. While In Caracll8, visiting Cipriano Castro, who was then pres. ': Ident of Venezuela, It was Mr. Pickard's good fortune to meet men • who were familiar with this unrecorded Invasion. Mr. Pickard was • given permiss ion to make the Journey over the secret pathway. He : took photographs of the s mugglers then Inhabiting the mountain wilds. These photogra phs a re re produced herewith. These same • s muggl e rs to·d ay hold forth In th e mountains. Smugglers, by preyIng upon the Venezu ela n governm e nt, caused the rupture between • Holl a nd a nd Venezue la, which trouble is said to have been the • cause of the !lIght of Cas tro and his subsequent expulsion from % : most po rts on t,h ls side of the world In the souther n hemisphere. 0 • • • • • • ~!~>i.'W!)o~ • •• • ~


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. - - - .RA IL over tbe mountnlns to a racnll ?" said the dus ky, scanti. ly C1RU women who w re energ Uca lly doing the family was h· Ing In the braw li ng str am abo ve Maculo. "Oh, yes, tha t Is . ._ _.... by way or La lIay ra . 'l'her Is no longer a ~dlrect path from here, but we hove hea rd of lhe trail ot the bucoaneers " " OIl' ct to lII'acas ove r the mountain s ?" said tho ' little ~.L . old l(eeper oC lhe sou·baths, who hns burled s ix wi ves a nd PICACHO "~g1I\f(jllf'. decla res he Is looking (or the seventh. "Certainly there Is ~ suoh a .route, bu t It Isn't ~u ch used now, and you ure sure to lose your way." "Why, or course," cried Don AntonIo, our host ot t be Casino "Yes," said Agaplto, en· !II.._ ..II d l\t ac uto. "I t Is eRally don, but you had bette r ta ke a guide couraglngly, "that Is the as r~r as the top. Here's Agliplto, he wlJl do. , How much will you oharge end at t he climbing. An· the senors. Agu plto?" other range ot hills cuts " Fi ve dolla rs," promptly replied tM young peon. A gene ral burs t of art the view of Caracns lau~ht et re_due d his price to $2.00, and tb e bargain was s truck. . from tllera, but the way. At tour o'clock next morning we bad a cup of ·cottee. packed our luggage Is all down hill." (lons ls Ung' of one pock t o mb, a nd sallied forth' In the wake or Agaplto ~ So we I:obbod a lonely Pretty littl e Incuto, her head In the lap of the mounta In and ber feet orange tree and sc ram· laved by t he J;u rf, IllY de p In slumber, but tbe lights or a s core or fishing bled on wlt.h renewed boats twInkled on t be sea, Th town once was a favorite r esort of the vigor. well·to·do peopll' of a ra as, bu t now counts he r guests by the dozen. for That wbl te house, when she n ever has I' cered C!'om the destruc tion and te rror Caused by t he enrth. we did reach it, was a joy. Quake at 1 99. Only a ram bling conglom· Our guIde's cou rse at t he start Beemed so hap·hazard that the doctor eratlon of adobe rooms inQulr d sam what a nxlOllsly If he was fa miliar wi t h the route. ' and court'3, swa rmi ng "Yes, inde d," wns tile I' ply. " I spent ,seven mon ths on this mountain with IndIan ,men, women not long ago :1S one ot t he r \'olutlonlstll led by Oen. Matos, so 1 know all and chJldre n, It was a ba· its trails." , ven or rest for ' our wearSo we scrambl d on In lhe darkness unprotesting, Abo\'e us loomed the Ied bodle&. mIghty bulk pr ro l Picacho. fo rming. wi th his brotber peak to the east La "We wan t some. cool , 8111a and , the connecUng h Ights, the range ol ,Gal/pan ove r whIch we must drink quickly," sold the pass. " ,.he patb WIlS Tough a nd -.te.ep and,- twlsUn'g-"used only by tb.e doct or. goats," .sald I . . "Beer, brandy or wine ?" '. " I am one," ropll d the doctor, grimly. asked the s wartl!Y, ha nd. Half an hour or clambering and we struck a better defined trail. some young matron, Who "This Is the pal'h ta ken by donkeys," explained Agaplto. seemed to be the am one or those, also," muttered the Medicine Man. "And to think of the esta bUsbment. that Amory Preston 1 d a band at armored and armed men by this trail "Beer." to CaracRs In the night! It I only had breath enough I'd tell you about it, "I'm sorry, but " 'e have but walt until we reach n resting place." no beer to·day." Higher and higher by. dev ious ways we went alld gradually the stars "Then some brandy In faded out" the brlght·hued birds begnn to whlsUe and sing all about us and the water." rIchness of the tropical foli age through whlcn we w ere pushing WI\8 revealed. ',' Not a drop of brandy left in tbe bouse. But we can Then a shaft of s unlight round Its way through a cleft' In the mountain serve YOU with fine MUscatel." . range and struck E I Picacho full on bls rocky head. Faelng about on a So l\{uBcatel It was perforce, ' and surprisingly good, proJecttng corner ot the path, we had spread before us the vast panorama of too. A full Quart soon vanl.shed, and the dootor nearly fell Carlbbea.n Bea and Venezuelan ihore line. SUn the lights of the fishing over a thousand·foot preclploe, In tbe front yard when the boa_ twinkled faintly and hundreds of pelicans were busily gatherlng their price was named- three reals, or 30 cents American. That I share of the spoil or the waters. Skimming over tho waves, they would contil'med the suspicions that had- been rising In our wheel Buddenly, poise themselves, straighten out and descend like a falling minds. Tbe place must be a nest or smugglers, and It arrow, then Ittttle on the surrace and calmly glup down the unfortunate took on nn added air or romance. We must needs photo. Aah, that 'seldom escaped the swift plunge, graph all the Inbabl~ants, {rom the lanky youth with the We Wel'e atlll sheltered trom the sun's rays, the breeze was cool and ancient muzzle-loading shotgun to the naked babies and ' Agaplto moved at a leisurely galt, but our hearts pumpe!1 hard and our the mournful donkey, and then sought out a shady spot , knees became wobbly. By ten o'clook the spurts of cllmbhlg were shorter wbere the dootor might relate the tale of Amory Preston's r emarkable {eat. than the perlocls or rest and even an army ot ants crossing the trail was "It was in June, 1595," he began. "Tbe English were dOing mfpleasant excuse enough 10l" ten minutes of relaxatlon. At a hut, perched on a JutUng ,rock we ent:ountercd an aged peon leading a goat, ' a~d there ensued things ~o the Spanish wherever they could ' nnd them, on sea or hi nd, and an a'firml1'te1t1HllcussTcni at the routes, between Agaplto, Nanny's master and Preston was running apout the Caribbean w1t&-8everal vessels and some 599 the mistress of the housc. As a result our guide swerved tar to ,the welf\ bold buccaneers. Approaching La Ouayra, It occurred to him 'that there must down th'rough II beauUeul ravine, scemlngly undoing the .clImbing or an be considerable plunder on Caracas If only he could get to. it. So he landed, hour, and again upward on wbat was supposed to be a better trail. Nanny cbased the Inhabitants of La Guayra up into the mountains and moved along and her owner foUow ed, but the Uttle beast looked 80 disgusted with our to Gualcamaento. There he caught a Spaniard, V1I1alpando, by name, who alow progress thet wo let her pass nhead, and saw her no more. promised, for a bag of gold, to lead the English over the mountaIns to Cara. Passing 'tbrologh the tiny village ot San Jose with Its garden patches cas by the shortest trail. The difficult climb was made In the night, over· this terraced on steep hills ides, w · caught sight of a white bouse tbat seemed route '\Ve are tra vellng, and in tbe early dawn the buccaneers saw t.helr to be the t~p nr things, so taa;: as our route was conce rned. prize lyIng below them In Its talr valley, Not needing the furth er s ervices




of Vtll nlpnn do. P r ston bad hi m ha nged to a t ree ..5 0. wnl'lli ng to traitors, the bag or gold for which h bad Bold hili Ill' bi ng ti ed to hla teet. "C'crt::li n of th e peo ple o~ La GUQ\' ra hud war n d at'Ac RIL of tile lunellng of t be English· In C' II. and 'th ntl re flgbtl ng forC'e of the city, led b1 tt, ~ Al aid s, Durcln Gon7.ale:A a nd Fr am: l s c~ Reball edo, ma1'()heri out to lXl et t he foe . Bllt It was tak n fo r granted the bucca would crosll b; tho "royal ttlnd," which W ~1I .~om­ pnra tl voly easy, so the Span· lards stJt.t1on ed the mselveM on tha t hllh way , laying several placed nmbusbel!h cleverl,. MeaD'vhtJ e Preeton a nd his men had Qui eti,. walked IqtCJ the city. wi thout opposition. No, thnt isn't. Quite true, fOJ Don Alonso Andrea de Ledesma had b e e ~ lett behind on account or b1i1 advanced age. Desperate, but und1emayed, the gallant old avaller donned hill armor , moun~e.t ht. horse, ' couched bls lanoe aud !linglebanded di sputed the eoUanee of the lilngllsh Into 'the ctty. ' Don't· hurt him: c ried ~re8ton. 'He's too bl'&.e to die.' But Don Alonso cliargi!tt the fjv e hundred' an.d ·tGll mortally 'Wounded, "Preston looted ille city thoroughly nnd the Spal'lards returned t!b find him lIafely fortifi ed In some of their public buildings. A week latel' be marcheii out unmoleste4. recrossed ' the mountains and s et san with all the treasure or Caracas. Tbe name ot,DOD Alonso de L edesma Is still honored by the tew remaining ancient Spanish fa.mlUes in Venezuela, but there Is no ' statue of him In Caracas." · Rested and r efreshed, we resumed tbe trail and npw cam a our great dlsappolntm ~nt, Agaplto's memory had played blm talse, and the mountain rang thnt sUll rose hundreds of te'et In front or us must be crossed. beforu the descent bsgan . We waped bltterty, but tolleil on through a dense jungle of tall trees, thick sb.rubbery and Interla<;lng vlnea, Just as the sun reached the zenith we really came to the top, some 6,000 feet above the sea, a/ld the downw:ard slide . brought othe~ sets of muscles Into pIny. , \ Soon there were blnts of vlaw through the for est, and suddenly, as 'we rounded an enQrmous rock, all ttl, glorious valley of Caracas 'opened out berore our dazzled eyeB. '. Pen ,nor ameF6 ean do justk!e to that mag\1lftcent 'sight. MUes of fair garden land In varied shades ot green, 'gUstenlng streams, a great city 1t1th white bulldlngs roofed with red tiles and wlth grove·topped hl)1s, lay two thousand fe et below us. all bathed in soft sunlight; and for a were the southern mountains with (leecy clouds drifting across their emerald' and brown slopes. We gazed long In silence, fancying with reason tha~ from that very point Preston and his buccaneers had caught their first sight or Caracas. The giant tree beneath whIch we stood might well be the one on which the traitor guide was bnnged.


'" '......, '......."'...' ·,.b.."'......M··... ·,......·,·,......,........ # ......N Building R~ilroads .of Sheepskins .

out detectlot! there would s till be 70,000,000 fr ancs. In I. . . . . . ." ' . " ' ..." , . . . . . addition, contributions would be made by the faithful, and' that finally the road Itself, as cOJl struction pro· gressed, ought to' br'lng In a reve nne, in creas ing year by year, and so, trustt"ng to faltb and sheep skins, the work ~ ~ was begun . Tbe porLioll of the road tbus far completed Is froUi Damascus to Medaln SaHh . From Cous tanti· By Capt. Ellis D. MOTBon nopl'e the lines under construction run directly south· west to Aleppo, with side branch s to 'Smyrna and An· gora. Near Aleppo a projElcted lin e will lead, by way building Is now the order of the i to Santa Fe. N. M., and trom Con~tantinople to Mecca la . of Bagdad, to the Perslnn gulf. From Medain SaHb the day In all countries, and though It seems I approximately. that trom New York to Prescott, Ariz. road 'ls under construction to Medina. while surveys have almost Incredible, the ,Turk has caugbt the t Tb.e Tu!'l( t1leretore who has always been regarded as been made trom Medina to Mecca and tbe Red sea. r.v.l\road fev er and Is not only projecting, slow gOIng: must be' conceded to have 'more Induitry Tbe .l'oute Is to ,pass east oC Jerusale~ and tbe Dead ~!!!I....I but actually constructing, and has P!\I't1y fin· ,than generaily goes to bls cr~dlt. . There 'Is, however, sea, on the hJgh 1I,l hds of SyrIa, Moa.b and northern AraIshed, what w1l1 be one of the longest and bellind the r,e llgtons moUve, a pOlitical end to be gained. bla. The englneerlpg difficultIes are serIous, but by no most . Important railroad Jines In tbe old The sultan Is the nominal head of the' Moslem world. " me~ns Insur~ountable, a~d are not .to be , compar~d With , 'world. Its obj ct Is to connect the political 'Brit 8S the boly places, ?fecca, Medina and several' otb- . those of the Union , Pacific. Th e Calfa Une descends capital .ot }glom wltl~ the holy places whicb e rs, are In a land far distant from the center of the em. tr~m Deraa with a mlgbty sweep dow" to the sea, while every, l\fa<alem is expected to visit at least 'plre's political Influence, the ruling officials in those , the chal~s of mOlJptalns in Moab must be traversel) by 'ollce :~\trlng his lifetime, As the Mo~l~ms cities hav'e: for hutt'd reds of years, been qpa~I·lndepend· the aid of loops, tunne~s and bridges. At Damascus the • _~. .., 'n<:mber from 175,000,000 to 200,000,000, the ellt.. 80me have 'thr.own ott entirely the. Turldsh b'Qnd and ' . ~evel ill. 2,000 feet above th~ sea, and yarl E1s from ~bat to annui\l p l1¢mllg e from all parts of. the 'Mnhomme,d an, aotually malntahi ed their Independence, Then, 'again" ' a,GOO feet at the, high est point ~outh. 9 r eat ~Imcultles worl~ la it enormous proportions. ' 't~at from In,<lla: and 'pllg11i)'DS Crom Syria, ,w ho atte mpt to travel' .by. the' cara. are · pr~sellted by t,hat. portion '· of the line trom Constan· the ealli is- provided for by steaJllshlp I,nes, \)ut It Is now ' vart r'o utes t~roughr Arabia Petraea and along' the Red tinople, to "DamI\SCUS, for t~e ~ant rangp.B from tbe CauplG»Ose;d by the Tur~lsh go)veroment to olfel' special sea , have 10ng"b~en 1!\ibJe:ct .to :pillagf\ ·by the \y8;oderlng ' ~1l,~~U8;n9. A!me:l~ ~~~~nd UirOUg~ AI~I~ ~l~r ~m:~s~ , 0 s to its "," eople i~ Ailia ~lInor, Sirl~, Pah!stlne .., tr11lcs o.r Bedouin. s. ),;. rii\lroad through\ thls' cOl-nitry With ' .Ot· ,~ . egela~t ' an , ' . Ii.ei ~ rrtanef' ~tnli: '11 th' e ~~e'd~ walll ' tllduc"'''''ents """ . , I' " d" iI I " . f (ltl d' t 1:1 ~ ; ~~ h rtl t t rlldb' ln "" 11 ' Ii ,some pon II on !-I'S par 0 ,e ne, e roaUue ,alld tVen, Not:th Atrlca, ·to m~~e ,the fla ~e ~ tv, .mfages .. ~r ;e '~bal : op ,: ~ 8.., 0 I' ~ e~,:a II, wQ . r g a . nort ~ '. flse ,to ' a 'heiiht or ' a,GOO to .4.000 fee~ above tll'e sea, l 'Xunldsb r S ' ' I II 'd ~ a " f 11 " fth( ar t . 0 ' t ' Jl .. t th.~lr "',se "by providing railroad , transPQra~,on [am . "est At .. a , uIJr,'er rea, ratu6r tban nomnal "oo'n.·tal\(~no"'l~ to Mecca. ' ,"."', -'control. , arid,' r~(jt,qr.e ~~ .the . sultan ge~iilne . I1\1t ho,rlty i:as .' ~!~?' " . u~t:~ tSI 0 ., m ,es II? ; s, Pb dare nlad":;~tQ· u~ d' if , , '." . \ ' r tectors of tbe ; hOI,! pJaces '/ ' , ,. , . , , ",un"", . con", ~ uo on, t,Ullne s "are ore, v ., u" S "Il 'l1o .cCWlPNlllertd' the 'ma~l~ud ~ of the e'P.ter~rllle, It Is " P 9. , ' . . ' 'ft' • " . ' ...".. • ' In:ldgeii are Nil between , hnllortant towns. , Th{lr,e ar. e ' he ~urkhlh , gov~~m!"Q,t Js , always · by,: Its '. now c~m~leted A llIes ' tr!>m, >,'Co~s~n:tJnop'le t~ Angora" DeCiellsary to remembe'!! t)1at old- world <lJ:stanc~s . are got . ai_aria updetatoodln tbe neW " ,orld. '. The ,spale 0(, tbe . ,c reditors. ' The m()ll1en~ " p,l~~t~r, C9m~8 S.n~. t~e. tre~- ;':' ttOm, Sm"nl~ ta.t' 'i nto tlJe vllayet , ,?f "Kol)leh, an'd these in P8 'Ss \iaually JDu!lb smaner, 10 we someUmes get, tbe U~Y. all -the ~redltora , D;Jake a 8~ab tOI' tt, 80 the quesfloa ]jOrl4olil wlll be, feeders of ' the' main lIfie ·w,'1 rlt o~ ,theIJ. that the. UiUted States 18 th,. largest country . on the . at ft.nnm;lpg th~ ent,rpt1,ae beQllme on~ oJ prUDe lm·port: Une SI, area.U): eXJ)e4lted by tbe labol's' ot a division or earth•.beca~sli .Jt loolul l!lrgest on the map, A ' beUer snce, for no moneY, 1IO ,~oaCl, 1D this df)~ma the wHy the' Turkish armY•. ;lt 1;)eln, dlntcul~ ~ ,secure la~.. In Turkisb undertaking -wlll be gained Tu~ hi~ .• UpoD . a , ba.p,p), ~len~ Tbe SUltan, lal\uecI the country to., bE!, tta\'Gl'sed,' ' partlc\&larly. in notthern cGDceploD ot &he ~at. takJn. CO~8tantlnople ~!I a ~eD' aa .rade c;ommand~ng tha~ ev:.el')' M,oalem famUy , which Arabia, ·where . the . Bedouinl, are feW ~nct un!'l ndurably on the rille of a c1rcle. . Ith .a radiua r...t Bal!'aJD abQulcJ brlng I••)', The Turldah' soldf$ra themselves are. :lot pardeu!:"Ii;;;;.~ra 2 mUA). wht)e Mecca will.. omctal. and ~ese · , t- " w l ' • . ' " . t tb t 011'C1.. XIl otb... ,road, As 6~el'J JarJy energetic, but, I( ran,.e ~ laY, , ~ .sen ell! is ~uch 'the trOm. wu IPrecl deIIted', ' ~nJ, 1r01Q 'the fact' ~at tbe 8OhUer.",or~en o ·To:*. "l~ . ~. Gt"tbe ' 1urlESaIl atIDT 1a ,


""'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,'' ' ' ' "'..,""'..," "".W"





.t: .w


not, but their te rm of mll ita ry service Is reduced onethird, to say no tblng of spiritual advantages promised by th e sulta n . Oerman and French engineers do the plnnnlng, torelgu workmen are enguged (or the brIdges, tunnels and vIaduc ts, whil e !,he soldiers are employed (or til mechu 91cllI labor. The, management ,Is ostensibly 111 the hands of several boards composed of pashas, beya and cabinet mlnlsters, who meet In Constantinople and, so Car liS can be lea rned, do nothing but object to every re port made by the enginee rs and suggest tunnels when the line could 811 ",ell follow the caravan route, whlcb has been in use tor a thousand years. ,H IT CEILING AND BE A DIVA.

Madame ~gan: "The most tedious phase of the course III voice culture Is learning to breathe, 1 shall test yo.u now, ' free of charge, and, if, you do well. w. may be able to shorten that portlon." Hope leaped Into the Young Olrl's eyes. , "I took lesBons in that out home," she replied . But ll'ladame snUfed. ' "Lje down." The. Young Girl was startled; she even ventured to hesitate. ' "Yes,. yes. ' , On your back, It Is my ow.n meth'od and has been 'Indorsed by the mOst eminent throat an'd luns specialists. · ·So. Relux ' your mliscies. NOli.:' Madame . . .. ·seized. a bit ' of white paper ,trom the 'plano 'and' tor.e Ji" into . strlps::' oll·e'·'of .which 'lihe 'haJided·: t9 \ the; Young 'Gir l. '.. 'iChew:,~tbls,l' . she said; "until ; you 'have ,made' t . . ,., Into jU's t .s uch a . spitball as you :\lsed to ma.k,:, In ·schot0 \' , Then ~Il yout: . lungs to tb.~ir. gr~atest capaCity, fOl'm ,Your lips . as I,f . ~hlstle : and, wl.t~ aU . y.o ur . strength, blow coIl1ng~,a:r:d . ' . , . ., . Vlsl~l.Y stl\rtled, but ,visibly ~U~l mqte tmpres!ledl , the Young Girl dJ~_ a. sbe b~daeD apa ll~ . th~ IP,lt,• • ball abo!'t six, teet Into the ~~, ,.' " " ~a~a~.e nodded 'apPl'QVal, !\lot at' al~ :had, ah, ,C jdo ceded; · 1 "ihUrk we «;Wl matertaQ,. curtaU thD PllrUoD. of the course." . . ' Tbe Young orr! ,,-.' sci'aDlbUDIJ to he .. feet. ·"Wben-when win I~' be ' compietecu" .~ "Jut, soon'-101I call 'bit tll, oeflll1&"_I.• ~-

te ·

._ . _

_ E2!£_ _ L!


A r. R;\1 'R'S II . RD I.

_ _---


1\, ily , ullx 1 in.


'1'0 mi.' '0 i'u broll c]" 1I10re 11.1'111



k ell

b )wl



I \0 ft·

BJu nl]l


e f rom b iling over l of' bu ttf~t' th l'Ii ~e f tl

Of Wall 'P aper

mil r \)le.

- ......Just Received---

LT e rlc1he!\1 v 111(\ster to fU Rton I,l . belli to oaD. or bottl R, It is dfm go r 'un ' t,o ll:lavo ' ith l' wit,h nt bin g plainly l,~bol d .

was g-c)ne

To o umbus and Springfield


To Niagara Falls



To Atlantic City, Cape May nd othe r '8. hol· IW!'1oru. f tAnnual ' " Low Pare RXC'\\I'Rinn l· August .5. .Jlist LJlIme or t\ V:lca Ion u. mg .

To Colorado and California -

Tuul'i 'l ti 'kets 11 Hal' daily during the ' asoll wi th I n g lim it. ul'iablel' ul " . Ex'cllentolPorlunityfol'vacationtoul':; lhl'ough t.he Great 'V !:it.

To ,Alaska-Yukon-Paeifie Exposition Ex ur ion ticl< ' to . 'ea Ie Iln sal daily . PorLland. an Franci. co, and other Pa ifie and W stern citie mu~' b visi 11 on t.he trip, which may be made over variabl I'oulf' Wf', t of Chiea II ann , t. IJOui!\.



Paul and Minneapolis



6 and 7 ,f or t he hri tian End avodnt mational 'unvent ion,

4th of July

To Denver

Low Far s July R, 4 ane! 5.

July I, 2, 3 anu 4

~UIlJ)artl 'ullu'S lloout ll~ursl\JWI 0\ cr ~lLu I' UU ..ylvllUin l.IUUB. tur " nnll tilllO 01 trul fl~ .

and ,IlDY

INtd tl'1\vel lulorlll lLUon , wJlllle

cheor tull~'




'on,m lt thll

When t be wo de n ' tlcrn b buoket Iell ki< P' ur rei lin g WILX ill t,o t.b e reviCfllLUd pa int: i t on tIle ontRi/l o. '1'l.i~ WIll mnke it I I ~ tJt for /I longe l'

Also a large assortment of Papers suitable for Halls. Parlors. Etc" Etc.

F. C.



-----, Hoiled potutULitJ ",huu lu be tlor ved lit! ~U\lll it they Ilr 0 0 ked . 'l'o 111L\ke t bem drior, d1'lli u ott' th Witt I' qni kly tlhllke th em III tl !! troDl~ tlrllngh t of air llnn d,) not put Utt k tho lill of th K tt.1e . 'routon!l for oup are most etlsily utting tIde hread aboul, 11t1 ~oou thiok , butterin g it t hiokly Oll both sine" outtin g in hnlf qUllre,; n nu bakin~ ill the ov on, until brown, Ullld by


:Vh u buby 's !!eoond toetb Ilre out tli re ure often lojuriou!:I Inf:l.ueno ~


8M rtu, 'rI Cll Il~ A b'1ln~, Wl1ynes\'lllo, OhIo. ,.


to b

!I--------------------------_ ... ........... t._ ..................

e ••-. . ........ - •••• _ .•••'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ............ . . . . ::e, .......................................................... ". . ....-. ......- ...... . ... .-.... - .......... _... ........... i ~





F'lreWO rks I I

II ::

I have a larger supply of IiH. F·lreworks than I h a ve ever ,. had. If there· is , nothing do-



The Neighborhood News



ombflted, Therd is more or obance for tho formation of ol.lrlo or tll1'ttLr; oar r. must he taken Women Who Are E nvied uou counsel so ngh t, nnd evar y ffort Ii •• •• •• •• •• Tb e ntl raoti a woruen who ure mnde to vrev at t he 8"gmvntimiof •• •• lovely in fuoe, form t~D\l temper lu e ....... - .... ~~,.,~.-.. ....,.. ...... ~..,.. .. ~~ tbe envy of wuny, Vt' h migbt b e the evil. like theUl . A weD k , Ickly \Voman New Burlington. Wellman. INDIAN UPRISING will be nervu,l1S lLUd irrib~ble. 'on Miss Vesta Elli s pent Wednesday Maurioe lLnd Robert Reeve : of tipation or Kidney poi ons how i n H with her grandpnrfjnt ,Mr, and Mr!1. RiohmoD~ 1 1Dd, ! Ilore (~l1es ts of 1: III,. pimple, blotohe ,skin erqptl nSllnd LW)t week t hree braves from the j: ' ,, \ D 1\ wretchlld complexi n, FOt' Itll noti Ch t kId' V'll C" :! Ed Martin, ti'Ves bere. ' EIeoh:io.Bitt.ers work wonders. Th"y es er al' n Ian 1 age, mcm· , George Davis and family and M.r. W. 'A.. ~mith au!! fBmily, ' of Ur. , reguillte !Stomach, Liver nnd ;Kid nati, feigned home ' iekness, were ana ·Mrs. E&rnest Ma-nnon were 'UD' ban 11, and a'. H. Smith and wife of ney , purify he bl ood ; give strong paid off and headed at once for the ' day Ruests of Will Morrls Bnd fam · Delaware are visiting at the hom 9 n erv s, bl'i~ht eye, pure brolith , bright lights on Vine street , Broke 11y. of their ~other,' Mrs . R~oh61 Bmith. swooth, velYElt,y kID , lovely 0001 and repentant they returned to the Mrs, Ohaunoy Bunnell IJ,nd phil. 'Frank J enitus nnd f uwily of plexion . Many ouarming wOlDen owe ho\v here. They told, such ,tales of drep spent Thnrlldar, with George X~nill, spentl ast week with relll.r.ives ~~~~~d ~.t~~!:::~~:y to them. 500 the fun' t hey had that ix others ap. Bogan tln~ family , ' here.' · '" • _ .. plied for t h it, discharge and got it . 11 ,..-.N..... .......--.................... ................ ........ }It'll. Elvin Fires spent Saturday Miss Bernioe l:iu.wkios i nttand. THE COUNTRY EDITOR They le(t, n ver to return again, but night and Sunday\vith Mr : llnd Mrs, ing a Y. W. 0, A. Conferenoe tAt the mallager was n\ot surprised the . Jacob Seare . Mou;taiu . Lake Park, Md., t h is How do'e s the 'Illllall town editor next day when called up by t he U, s, iII______________.-________•

lIeanwL 'l'lcket .\ lt8uL. o r c II on or wrla,o T.


I luring tilt' lUl'rid w ath r ther(' t hinITs to b f a1' ll, h 'at or eo s un ll'ol< and hea exhaustion. Th e t \ oar hu, cr, t!1:\ . cn iaJly diff.:rcnt in 'YlllplOIll ~ 'and ill ll'ca lllE'n L. pl'I.l\, ing of lilt! two th· Tim tl- 'Lar Ray, : "In s Ul1sL I'uk , LIJe pati llLi:-; ,r d, Iwt to the lllUdl , has a high fl.!' V ' I', fa lls UIIl:Oll i u . JutS clilateu pupils, lauored r e~pil'ation. The thing t do i t call a phY. i 'ian ru; 'oon as posdbl e, lowel' th temp raLure by any m eans like iced walel' or cracked i 'e 01' inj ctioll. of ice \ aleI'. In h at . hau ' lion the affl iel ion com ti 011 mol' gradually, t il I' i headach dizzillc" , nUll a, S melimes fainting. If paLi 'lit is uneoneious it i but for a brief lime, He i pale aile! clammy, the temp . ruture is n lOst fr uently below th normal. What he n d i stimulants , Lower the h -ad, giv ))1 nty of f re hair, fanning, rest,"

Roll Roll Roll Roll

5c , per 6e per 7e per 8e ,per

And swallow 'd h go,round he hou, tlloud n July 4. )(llurnbu~ , ~U~D ; ~pl'Jn g fi '11'1 , 7fic . r a e ":42 n', 111. Th en l,b > la:t coli tor h 'ume , aI' und, , AftllT grellsi ug pllns (or ~mtL U nu c.ha l'g' J him up wit.h the hoI in cnkes dUB t. with fluu r thiokly HbtLk th e g l·ounll. Ann1lll] Low Far K clll'sion . ll){U: l ~ , via 'I t'v land un I in/,{ llut all tllnt. ildoo e. Thi t rea t, "teamer through Rufralo . tlJ n ' 11r ven ts stiokiug \,EEP COOL WHILE tlOT


II .

Ii i


ing in the way of a big cele·


II bration, come and buy Fire- I

.. - ..----

~f ~orks and have a glorious time at your homes.




,C. H.Clements,



i The Grocer. II I ............. J :1._•.••.•.••"..-.. . . ...__-.-............. _............. _._..........___-..........-.... ............. --.--..... -

Ohildreu UIlY exero.i8es will be \'tee ' . held 'at.Beeoh Grove Suuday afterIlite Ii large nllmbet of our ci tl. . nOQD July 4th . " zen~ 'Yitnessed the Bill ,Oh~blng 'il D ' df il ' t oontest at ll't Anoient on Satlll'da,y Wi unn an am y were gues ,s ' . F. 1\1. ShL\no h elel uu op enin g nil ,o f George Bogan IUld fam'ily Sunday. ,... _ 1.d M. dM G ' his l'6stllure n t, on Stlturd4Y evening. m.cS. Or annon o.n Charle rs. ' eorge . h.ed th emus io. " 'Davis <mIled on Mrs. Ellis "'h ... e b tin d f urnls Roy Qarr LLnd wife w!lrn ~U6:lts of ·l'huredayafternoon. I' 1:':'-~":"'-'--':-Ti~ rs::-.-;W Ti,'r::" II.1ter Tilibl\ls spent Thllrs rell\ t~ ves in Morro w Stlinrday night dav wi~h her 'pn.rents, . Mr. aud Mrs,llDd::iundIlY. .John Be~ghway. "Mrs, Giufield Peter on lltUI l)een '- --"- -ha'ving a severe Ol1l1e Qf quinl>Y· ' ' At the l:iilv~r ¥ e4al oop.tost held at tile M. E , chnrpb 'l:)aturlla.y nig-llt, Several from here o.~teijded the Mi 8 Olaire .mwh:~g r60ei ve.:l't~ellleutLl Bm Olim!>ing "ontest ilt F~ . A'loient Ea.rl ~obo.mmeharD has, opemed!l Satnrda,Y. reatauro.nt in South Burlington,' ' . Mrs. Hmithj of Newport Ky., is Mrs. Joe BlIlll' ~all t:etUt'Ded u.fber viaiNug 'her SOD, R y Smith tlnd a pleasant viiit in Cbtcago and I n. tawily. ~ iaua polis, • _ .. , Helen and Ruth Barrill, of Day. ton; are visitinll their grandmother, Oregonia. Mrs. Alice 'MoKin's ey. " MiM ,Ethel Stokes visited frieads MillS Lucile 'N Ol'ton left !:ill turdny h~!e a few days last week .' ' tn~rning f~r !l visit in Ludlow . Mr. ~«}n~. "¥isllildine and wife, of ' ,Miss LuoUe MIlson is ,v isiting in Oxford, Kan8~!I, spent ODe dliY re o Mlddletowu tbill week , . 1" , " IU bOlllpl!o'n CIUlle down from 'Mrs. Hope t;tlle9 'liud little grand. Dayton fo r the am Ulimb at Ft. An. daughter \vere I5pring Vlllley viei· clent. \ , ' tc>rs Su~day. . , MlsR Gladys ~Jlenoar WI~S the guest. , Mr. ' Will Gar!! of Cl1lifornill, is of Miss My'r tle Kibler WedDesua,y, '. making bll:! a.n~llal visit at tue Ar. ' u It CI .. d h ' nold aOUtle, . H 1\ 6 1' ell. vervlt!l te , IS ts here a few days lll.~t week . , Mrs. Margaret Murtin of DaytoD, Mrs . E. H , 8tephen s !lod son vitJit. is visiting Mr . Ilnd Mrs. L . Menden· ed lu Murrow 'a.tnrday and ~undliy, ha.ll . '"'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! He \'eru.l of their friend!! surprislxl :;;; Mr. Ilnti Mrs. Somoe Wilson ILt,the bome of MI'. and Mrs . Ed Uettlllick ' Friday evening. ' About eighty froUl Oregon ill auu \> iolnity attended the Auto BIll



Everything , Good to Eat.





... - ..---


- .. - - ....__.---


- - .:..-

It is claimed by the,inventors t hat derailment is im possible on a rail ro~\u line of mono-rail COl1str.llction, lArd qurzon at a' m~eting in Lon!lon declared that the enfraneh\ ement of ~omen wOllld endanger t he safety of the e mpit:e. " ,

The Gazette, "~ Is


- '- - !!££::;


J. W. White

Harv':Yilburg. Ohio.

Slaked Lime




Vfe wab tbe pl!ople to know we -F6 atl ll bllndlllJ g

76c " Borre.

W h hal'rel,. only of this s nl phUl'izeci lim e, u d eithe r for diSinfectin g' 0 1' f t, t,i1izing ,

Large Mackerel


Statis tics show t hat while England Can furnish you with any size you is becoming a less violent nation, it may 'need. E;ither bound with st~el is at,the sam e time, becomin:~ mC?re or' wpod frame.':!, Also screen wire, dishonest, ' all widths.

.. -...- - -

- '

The MiRSouri senate co~roitte ,on lII..-~--~~~IiIII_...otiiiJilo:j_~ constitutional amendments has r.e, ported adve rsely on giving wom~n the right ,

, " - loe to 12c Each the pl'esent ytlar willl'equire the use . A lot of Fancy Ma k_ ral, jW:lt of 10,000 tons of dynamite. opened, ' Bright, fat fellow, and - - - - --+ - ' .very flne eatinlZ'. ' A number of Chmese students of . . niillihg have r ecently graduated at Window Screens A.m~l'ican Be!i!n chools. \. ,' _26c-to ~ E~

---.. - +-----


Work on the P;;ma canal during'


England alld Wales have TO, 00


• Raspberr,ics, , Lemolls, . Pineapples, , Oranges , .

the ChUl' :hes and public chools. The overworJw::\ coun try edi tor is 110t prope rly appreciated, fO I' he 'do'e' more for the communi ty ill which h e lives than any other inil ivi<lual. He must hav e a fi r m belief iu ~ reward hereaft r, or his IH!l've wOllld deser t him eal'ly in his cal'eer .

LablLOou will observe the 4th in au old f!l sh lon U wily . '£11 ere will The s uccess of New York's and be h orS6 Rnu auto race!!. In the ev· Bo ton'!:! work horse pal~ades has inening there will be u blilld c0110ert pired a demand for them in ,Baltia.nd gl'llnd di pl lLY of fireworks and more and ChiC<igo. ' -..~.. other en tel'tllinmenttl , Everybudy A cable line is to be laid befween is inviterl Ne~ York and Newfoundland and -------.--~.----~ ,HAUL GOLD IN STREET, will t here connect ' with a cable to , Europe. The , new ::lection , will be '!'lm million dolltLrt; of gold IUltUlld 1,700 miles long. UliUl b lit F .t ., Ancillnt 1:)'1 tu.-dny. All Oil tl WtLguu WIlS ' Ctlrt'led thl'on~b enthlldilistioIL\ly repol't 11 good time. the !!tl'oet!! of 81\.0 FniDoisco elLrly, ,============~~~ Prof and Mrs . 1:1 . E. Wilson moved t,o t il ei r new home in I5pringboro T uosda:v,

If it \ is in the Market, ! you will find it here. Watermelons

make the n ew ' '''aper he dues, is a D' . A > d k d h t , . fI t .. ftl d , lstrlct ttorneyan as e \V a qUestlO~ t hat ha be.en of en , ~te !!ould be done about six' children or and nevel' answered III but on way, the forest who were stranded on Ule h ( )R 'd ay t e ,e~uga . . ee~t. , • steps of the Governmel1t Building. By hard wO lk H e IS hiS own ~(h- 'Ship eJ:tl back here," suggested the .,~ ' " wI', report er, b USlll ess manager, manager, and baek they went. AlI fore lllaj1, mailiug cl ' r it, and f re- is lovely in the Indian Village now , quentl.y compositor. AI OilS, Ol' with and the how gOtlS 011 twice daily as an asSIstant, he turnsoullevel'yweek ill the pleasant past. Ii paper which , while llerhaps not • - ... ,~-brilliant, still contains all l he gene r NOTES OF INTEREST al news of the day, a nd all t he n'a w of the locality. Half of the world's zin com . The . paper luis all in/luellce far f l:Gm Prus ia. greater in proportion to itl> circula-' A1yth~mania i t he latest term apt io.n than any of the gt'eat metl'opoJi'Plied to t he prop nsity of pati nts to tau dailif'S, and it has do,n e more 'to ' educate and r eform the people tlian lie to doctors ,


Hay Forks,

Ropes a!,d PU,lIeys



AUfl fire cartyi'lga large line Of






have a f


Rugs, "Llnole~ms, Lace' Curtaln8, Window Shades, Etc. Come In, and $ee Us.

Howe Br08. 4IIIiiI. . ._ _ _......._



'H."Opp,1 ,The Jeweler ' ~


..... -----~..-...

Citizens I .I Former ..... - - .-.. ......----- ..... .-..:.-..

.-. ~

TOWN HALL OEDICATED 'I' ll " Ihy t oll Ii rttlcl of Hllturdtt) t!1~ V Ii


JULY 7, 1~09 .



............. --.. ...... ----.-...... - ~ - ..;...~~.~~--. - - - _. - -e



: Personal M'e ntion Here and There I At St. Mary'80hurob Suudn v, ........-..-..........-.. ...... ~ .,....~-- - .--~------..- J . F. Oad wH.llacler preaolled hril .



~ .(


.. tI


H.t! V.


McKay, is visiting Usnt pat·rlotio sermon, anu hym ns of pa'riotl8ul were sung. }ir. Fred B. day . Sherwood sang an offertory so lo. List. Hamilton was in Dayton Sat· W. J . Kilbon attended races in and tbe Holy Communion was oele. brated. The servioe tbrougbout urday. Dayton Monday. 'nil beautiful, and tbe ohuroh wo·s F. E. Sherwood was in Oregonia Ray Hawke was a Harveysbur&' fairly well filled. Saturday. I' visitor Sunday evening. Rev W. T. Gilliland, of the M . E . Joseph Haines was a Dayto'n visit- J Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ~Sides were ohurob had a good patriotiC sermon, 01' Saturday. " '. Lebanon visitors Mqnday. . , fuU 0 liglou8 tbougbt, Mrs. GilIi· M. C. Liddy spent 1l few dayl ast Miss Maria Stout left last Thurs- land ung 1& beautiful solo. and tbe week in Dayton. " .-. day for an extended visit in Kansas. bymns were all patriotio. Tbe flow . • r" 00 .tbe pulpit representoed a fl~g Miss Ethel WiJliamson, of Day tori, . Miss Maggie Edwards returDed to and a good oougregll tlon enjoyed was home for the Fourth. her ~ome in Dayton Sunday evenin&,. the senioe8, \ , .• .... erua • V1Sl~ed _ Geo. Hamilton, of ?C Edgar Be.f&'8.Jl, of Michigan, is the COUNCIL MEETS Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hisey last week. ruest of his mother. Mrs .. Julia BerChas. Smart, of' Ric~mond. Ind. ,an. Conooil met in regula, se8sion spent Sunday with his family here. Mig Larie Sides, of Sprin~eld, Monda,. nigbt and transtl.cted routine Lou Prinrz spent the FourUt with was the guest of Mi88 Cl_ra Hawke blllln8u. A disou8sion wal brought fortb In regard to leveling tbe bill M-. Etta Printz and1amily in D . ay- Monelay. ." In frout of Harry Williamson's plaoe ton. but Do'blng was done. It ilia bad ll,)or, wbile tbe basepleut containB a bill aDo by outtl~g a oouple of incbes kitoben and dining room . off the top and ItlveHug dIlWO , will The building is to be lighted by make a greftt ImprovemeDt. aoetylene gilS. 'By tile way, ' lient~r"IJle ill tbe HAD OOOD ATIENDANCE fir t t o wn tn the world to poasess an !l!hA Grange met Sb.turday even· oetylene gll~ pl",nt. Tbis system

~ n to r/l ,t"" WUN" gl'E!u,t dny Ill' 'en Born to .\ ir , !\ nd MI'!! (1Ifflll'd t I' Vlll tl j i t Wi tb tl OOOUti i II of toll! Ridgtl, ~I u oi nllll ti, 1'll1turJay ••Jul ,v d 'd i 'tli ion lIf tbe new tllwn b,,11 ereot. Srd , II. SOil . Atl h.V W lu!bln~ton tllw ntt bip a.t I> Ol/!! t of.$ Ir,,(',iHi, bondtt being iSilued Cor MI:4!1 t'lu e CI'IIlI ,of ~ Ill (ll l\ul\ti , II> its ooostl'llotion. spuudlng lIevtmll wp.e k!l with friend. Itit! uuiltofl'tHl briok with whlt·f Rt Epw orth t:it!lg hts "tone trimmings qUl\rried from lhl fttmotls Centerville qtll~rries looate ' The foll u wing W~!! reoei ved from oetlr t he hll.lI. :!'be work WI1S per Otto C. Mill". 8~ .•Jos8",h, Mo, who formed by oontraot . GttnagheJ 8ays, " lil ooI Ol~ed fl rid order for til" llrotilers dOing the brlok work , tht' Miami UIl'l. ttA, ,~ 'ciear old fl'iend . pJuRterlng and finishing WIIS done b~ Rememl.lel· n to your (Iunily aud George ·B. Wetzel . other kind fri!IDc}iI . ,. A . Hchnobne und oompany ba.d ohl~rRe of deoora.tlons whloh wer BOWII.rd Mflulngton Qme clOwn de81gned by H. Soh wem berge1'. A~) from Columbu8 dturdllY Ilud s pent of th SA partle are from Dtt.yton !3und~y !lod 11, pur t f MondllY witb Centervill e' may well be proud 01 H. III • bmhlt a nu fltllllly lIud ' Bom this new additio~ to its pullUoedlfic. friepds. Mrs. Mnningf r)O, who btl. b t. e~ JJ e nrtill~ averal tlllYs bere, I'e 6S. The building is most ~n. lliJtan built. l:I"san Iludit.orium 011. tllrned with M I', Mit n,ington ,Mlluda v tittlly pl\ble of saatlng 525 perlO08 in oom morning - HOllie Wo kly . rort~blo oper" obairs on tbo gl'ound


-'ha . "" Iements was in Day ton Fri·

Mr. n.nd Mr!! .. j.:;. V. Barnbar t were guests o f Mr. aud MI's . U. M . White a t dinner Sunday.

Miss Cora friends here.

Alfred 8.011 Elli ot Wrlgbt were h08ts nt a Fourtb of July supper. to Pttul Chandler and F:thttn 'rane,


_...- - -


Enoob Wl!tt II tlU' Ltlll1'lles(itl.y for Pa.rkersburt:, W, V,,- , wbere be will h ke ob,nge ·'nf the ' Wes~ Virgluib !lnu <Ju,o' dis r\o ~ iu ~,he Interost,s 01 the :1'0 by & A~ilbuTn Uo, Minne DIl II , \ bo uulllufu tur tho 01 Ivltll.llli .FI ur . WIi , l.leli plluk WR~ in vented ~Y , t4r· E Blmes, 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Havike were " filnie" lots f tl I10 6 ., .i ll hi::j uew UII · r Sldol1t of tbn.t'VJllage. .gua 18 of Mr. and Mrs . . lOll. Hawke dertuktog , Tbf3 bnllalii" wa. oon8truoted S d ' . w llhin ... YOl\r, the oohtrRota belDg un ay. lillll.l Ulb A rll H. a III I n hit r I tin 11108, tthout ( 1)~ month8 RgO •)c\l:lty f b"ri nd!l, dl~ 1 "t, 'he tllr, JODI! 2 , 1909, III t,be 90t,b y~r , of ber a ~(t . e;ht,l watt ,b. , . l1.ugpter of the I I ISilhi \l.Ell R udllo a'nd widow or' 'l'ho.'M Arll tt. 1l,1~1l

--- ...

.• - •





Miss BeorieUu Mokinsey, at!8isted by Mi S!! Editb M08her, ohaperoned a jolly ptl.rty of a.bout twenty little girls, to 0. picniC on Haturuay after. noon In bonor of the Misae8 Helen and Rutb Harrill, of Dayton, nieces of Miss Mokinsey. A family dmner WIlS gl ven Sunday at tbe oount·ry hOlne of Mr. and Mr8. Uharles ElUs, 'rh ose present were: Mrs . Charles Ellis ancl children, of St. Loui8 i John MuClure and family of ~pringboro i Dr. aocl Mrs . J . T' Ellis, J. E . Jnnney and fllmlly aDd Mlslii Do ra. Ellis,

- ..- - -



Mr. lIood Mrtl . J1'rtl.nk Zell enterta\n· ed !In llutO party from Dayton S uo . day afterno'on, oomposed of Mr. "nd Mrs . G ra.y, Mr , lI.utl Mrs . J . BII.ker and daag!1 t6r, Ma r y .

Ml' , anti Mr8. Ji'. B. :3berw£!od eD tertl\ioed Sllturday at six o'olook , dinner, in booor of Mr . . and Mrs. Moderwel1, of Chioago, '1'he otber guestl! were, Rev. and Mr8, J .. F .. CadwalJ!lder, Mrs. $ather Stont, MIs8 Edn. ~ Stout aDd Mrs. Charles \ S~ar~ and Iwo daughters .

R~bber tlrea pnt ou your vehiole8 ' Mr8. Otto BorDiole deUghtfnlly by the be8t procell8. Bave JOB' put entertained the following Xenia 1110 •. In a speolal maohlne for 8uQh work. , die8 Tbursday: MI'8. Benry Farrell. Ralph Miller, WayneSVille, I. Mrs. Jame8 Lunn, MrB. C~.lIu·leli Gor. • • U , . M0 ' bam, Mrs. Robert MOlKea, _rs. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Cormiok, Mrs. Anno. Fjetcber, lira. Tb~re will be an ice ore am ano Josepb Fletcher, · Mlsstlll Rose and oake loo1al at Mt. HoUy oburoh EdnaJ1'arrell and Marguerite Fletobyard &turday 8yenlng. All are er. cordially Invited. .....~-'fhe !3uriday Sobool of the Chris• ,BOYS DID NOT PLAY tillU ohuroh entertained the " DsWV· 'rbe WaynE1svtlle base ball team drops"(11 0las8 of little gh:ls.) aDd went to Lebl&non MondllY , but owing tbeir teRober, at an "Ioe-oream soc! Oake" 800ial 1ll8t '1'horlday Dight at '0 tbe rain did __ not Ket_ _to pltltY. _ __ _ the home of ,Mrs. gue W. Davls. '1'l1ia WIlS the ontcome «!If ~ ola88 OOD· HAD SLIGHT MIStfAP te8t and was thoroughly enjoyed ~y . Lalt Wednesday afternoon DS Mr, ·all. . B. S. Bowell was doing the Jlioc.1 Rot Miss MultI Reeve.. ~ave a pionlo of taking a 'lot of tbe 8but;ins of the lelst Wednealday afternoon iD Mrs. Frieods Boarding Bome a nioe ride in bllt auto, he had IlU experience Robert e l'OSS' yard. 'rhe afterDoon that- be will Burely . never forget , wall spen t· in playing games and rUD· While conling borne liD tbe Xeuia nlng racas, and snpPc;lr was served' pik~ u.bont a mile above t own, _be uuder t h e trees . 'rbos8 present were, tarued ou,' pa8S a team, and in do~' Mesdames John !3mitb, Omer £aw{og 10 . the oar skidded, a.nd after ls .. Wm. Zell, .MlltoD ThompsoD. p8l1ding over a 'Culvert filled· witb Rester Rabi nso'n , Robert Oros!!. Bloh'. bnge sbarp' roc~a, turned turtle and ard CroBs, Mark Du.vis, Jas. Kerriok, dropped Its oconpants on tbe grass . Wm , ,Phillips, Fred Sohwariz, "Mls8' All were"rea~ly exolted, but farther e8 Lola Zell, Lillo. Benham, Edna. tban shook sU8taiDed by tbe mls- Boblnlon, Mary Reeve8, Master8 Orbap. DO furtber damage was done ... val PhIllips and Leroy 'chwartz. , Deu halt oause to l>e t~clokful . .8S the car was Dot burt beyopd bend. Last Friday evening the neigbbors tog the boWl of !b! t~P. . . and friends of Mr~. Jobn Smitb, nee INDIANS DIDN'T STOP MIs8 qrll08 Llncolo, met at the home .of Mrs . Fred I:k)bwartz and, proceedThe Nebraska Iodiana did Dot get ed ' to ber bome wbere. tbey very pleasantly surprl8ed ber. They ~ere. . Mesdames Frank ·Zell. Wm, Zell. Jr .. O. t:5obwart~" George Zen, ' ~Uton the Thomps'Oo; 'Oalar Lewis. Robert Otiu, Riob&rd Oross, C. B. Perry. Wm. Phil11ps. Mislea Mllory aDd Ma· ria Reeves, Lilla Benham, Phoebe ,MlraUd,,; M~~le Cook, ' Helen Stokes EdDa 'Robinson, Leua Cooner, and Katberine Prendergast.


_ ft, D "Roberta.of P) tHlallt \1',\ \ley. o&ltffira.t&d hili 79th b\rt'heJIIY 'Puea d143 "fteruooll b)' n~ettl&inltlg old tiane friends a,t. h ll1 horne . l'htl COUI l4ualo. , ' Re". Y • ._, A. D aWIOD lovooe&lo...........

.. . Itualo.

W9rda1'of W.loome .. . Jamel PhUllps ReaIOIi Why ........ Mlnnle Davis tk,DR. Chlldren'l Day ...... Four Girls 'Li~ &nos 00' the Sea Sbore ... ' ... ......................... Edward Lewis BeottaUoo:; ....... :i'lor.Dce Leonard Duet ...... Eva 0.,18 a Dd Sarah Elzey fI~w 1 .• rned "'· ~DDI.s ..... ~ ' . .., ...... \ ,~ ; ......... K.thl8ttD aa~lle • ~ltat.1oD·..........~ .: .... laadore LeWTI ~~ Way W. Do ............ . .our Girla 8QJO .~ .... ;.. ......... . ........ Luoy ~ley .Adc! reu .....I',~.' ".:. Re.Y.~. .. A • Da"loo P. .toa:Dlm.'.·... ~.~'J ..UI. Lover of . 1I1.8Cl\1)l·i..~~.. :. :..... :.. Flv.Girls .8eot..~IOD, .•I .... : ·; . ....K.DO.'h Elzey UlviDfr ....... :.. ; ..... , .......... Two Boys QfrerloR. . ~a.lo. j,BenediotloD, '. .



• Mr. find ¥rs. S. L. Cartwrirht at.tended board meetinl' at the Chil.. EASTERN STAR VISITS , dten'a home at Leban"n Jast Thura'rh o til~it~rn Star, Miami Chapttlf day. . . Messrs. B. S. Howen, Dean Howell. . John ' Miller Chas. Cornell and D: L: Crane, .w ere Dayton viliton c!:"turd " .. . . ay. . Mr. 4md Mrs. C. M'. Moderwell, and sort, Horace. of Ohica&'O. ~









' ~At'Dayton sOldi~I15' :Ho~~, ~hite

women between the ~ ages of. 18 and

WERE P.OTH OF' 'MIX~O Iti.OOD Poinu 01 R••e""blance Between Enl' 1I.l1m'n ·. and ~w boy., ·as "the t.atter Understood It. ' 'The eounteu de N .... Y()(k 1.,orllltlr,J,"

Pour~lell W~ • 88.1d 11 N ViI York


Ida. fo.. Practical aDd 'Pl~iDi Entertainloents for VarioDl .Su.ou and OccaaioDl-By Madame Merri, the .WelJ..KDoWD .Authority ~

to or oll hlt. "So ob both IOlel , of courBe, &1)1) bOil blue IJlood , y" sbe 1.1 wllhou '618' tlrldl:'. " At a rec n tobacco meo'!! conven· Bit About Ages, tion a dlr _ct~r told mo of a remo.ik The follo wlng qu 8110 0s, hich may t bl' ('()un ells mild In Oiarritz 10 an (orlO part of a very pleasant enteratr {J~ lIn EngU8hman . "ThIR f 1I0~' b08.llt d of hIs ancestry. talnm nt., are 3n.8"Wered by words' cnd' Th p r.o\lItl III! flald that lIort of talk ing In "age:" 1. 7:0 wIJ/Jt age will ople arrive If "OII I,lu'l be under tood 111 tt,e wild W 10 Abe. aid an Englishman said Uley Uv IDng <:nou'h 7 2, To wha l ugo dD meSI WOmen look 11 Tc all cowboy once: f o rWa rd ? .. 'J hn,' TUdor bl0 d In my vein. J . Whnt 121,1". the 1I01dler sometimes on hI! maternal s id ood tbrou h my wi h tor? 4. W hat Ilge I. requln..>d 0 " th e hIgh fa Uv'/,'s family I am 1\ PlanlaguneL' "' 16 tbat RO?' said tb cowboy, 5 0:&111 6. What nge ar we Cor'Allden to worbr ight :nlng wl tb keen Int erest, 'My IIhltJ'! bll lO<I '1\ a leetl<> mixer!. 100. ~Iy grand· G, ""lin all"lI 1JI n Ither moro nor leu? 'wr WILli a J l!l'Sey tenderfoot and my ~. Whlll III I ho 1IJ;\! lIuD pie get "BLuck g-randmo.her a Digger In dian squaw, (.10"1 ~. "11n.1 Is I" ag'! of prl,ltnnlty 7 W,,' rp both bait-breeds. stranger. !I. )\.t wllat uglJ wJll " easels ride ( 'onll' and liquor up !' "-Cin cin nati IIl1r"I) ? , E ll [IUl rer.


111. Whnt age III nc.cessary tDr



mlin1 11. 'Vhllt e, WI aL -'1t-nl? III Wltut c-h aril),? 14, hnl

cl rgy-

I I< lltc ag Dt !!l,lmmunleal1on? (joe 1JI m OBt hnJ) to tray-

Is the Inl)lIt alie la III

awl ttll, Ihld 15. Whnt uge.l

Dpu[llr ace for


by tbe


we all willi, tor?

1 • \\' 14"1t !'l the age of 17. WhaL agiJ III 1111,1111

sla\' 'r.!'?

matters. Eight small wickets 11"111 b~ needed and tbey are to be arranged on tbe table just as on the gTounci Tbe ' ge or ero sed arches should b£ Qui te tall, a. tb~y wUl form the cen· lerpiec. Any handy man (or wom, an) . CAn make these wtc:keta wJtlJ blocks or wood and wire. Wind thl: wickets first with green crepe ipap r lheQ; with fine picture wire or ft.or1Bt'~ wire. Cover therp with sweet peaE or any other fiower that may be prefe d, but tbe sweetpeas a r'e qav& cla lly pre tty wben the delicate p'lnk wblt~ and lavender are comblned Each wicket may have a ribbon bow on to)). The tiny croquet mallet s"ar~ laid at.~acb place with name cardf tied to the handle. For Donbons han hard : candy balls lIavor6ii with frutl . juice; t bc cont c tioner will m.ak£ tb to In nil tbe delicate sbades. 'fht croque t s takes, rlbbon-botuld, ' should be at the head and toOt and the sue cess!ul pl.ayers Iia'e th lie' seat$,

Teacher-Now, JImmy Green, can you tell me what an octopus Is 1 Jimmy Green-Yes, slr; It's an elgbtr.lldecl eat. Tuberculosis Affllcta Japanese.

CODsumpUon among Japa nese laboreta Is {ncreaaln, w such a degree that the ftgures are becoming a source of anxiety to Japanese mercbants and ot· ftClal8. A larl{e percentage of laborers wbo are sent back to Japan by the Japanese charity associations are conSl1mptiv S. It Is claim ed by the laps'nes newspapers caml'ntlng on Cl. matter tb'a t. tbrourh the lack of bospltal accommodations In the ' Japanese labor camps In. creases at an alarming rate. The7 8uggeRt that a new system bs em· plo),04 In dealing with the ' sick In these camps, as ' the Japanllse are quite Jgnorant of. even the most slmptebe~lth safeguards. "oreltalled,

"WeU, Mrs: Dennis, <what are 7011 going ,w .glve Pat tor Christmas thIs ~ear?" Inquired the recipient ot Mrs. De~nls' regulu w88bday vlsts, one at the beginning ot the festal .• ea80l1. ' . . ! Jt'Deed tbln, ma'am, I don't know," l'eplted ' Mrs. . Dennl8, raisIng her self ' tho wnsbtub and eettli1g her drlppln,,- armll akimbo: "I did be tl\Jnkln' I'd gJve Wm a pair of pants, bu~, Lord, bleas ye, lJ\a'o,JQ, on ly last ' nlgbt didn't ' be com" home Wid a pair OD.."-Succcss Magaz[ne.


9, Anchornge. 10. Pau!> rlngo,

n. PoslllKI:.


M lhmge.

IndlC1Jlle.s Ute rl h farm r?

III untruyed and 8mooth-

!S. Act' a",o. 22. SelV/lgo. %3. PlumAge.

24. Vlllugl!,

A Croquet Luncheon,

Along 'wIth other old-fashioned tblngs the tlm&honored game of croquet bas been r vlved. These suggestions are tor Ii lunCheon to follow a ma tch. . The table shOuld be a long Que to carry out the , sch.eme with b e~ t elf~f. 8':ld 1l ~ miniature set of croquet can be purchased It Will Ideo Blmpllfy



U .. Allen'.

Foot.£.... ,

, ""It I. th e oOly rell ! f or Swollen I3matt. 1n., TIred" Aching , ' Hot, SwelHhlg If' L, Oorne, and Bunlohs. A8 ~ for ,Ajlen'. Foot- , Eue, Il" pow!1 r ,~I,I be shaken IntD the

ahoell. Cures 'whllo 'you walk. 'At a1\ oro&,trilla and Shoe , 8tOl'8II, 20<1. ;Don' t IICC\lpt _ny. lIublltltute. Sampl (J sent FREE. Ad-


AI!en S:

OI.m ~lCd,

LeRoy, N. y,

Enfa!'lt Te.rrlble, "Come, Max, we must go bome; it I. t"o: o'clock;~ dinner Is waiting tor. us." ' ', "Ob, won't YOU·. stay, Mrs, Gadsky?" . "Yes, mamma, do stay! Our old pot. elles w I wo,l~!'!-FUegenre Blaet~or. PJrtlcularly for Particular people.

SOud I'I!' VIUli1l~ · EXLrnct i . produced UOIJl tine MexiCAn Vanilla nean_~ purl!,

,,"=-=-,--, ' ....·"'.,....con.ce.ritrntcd O,wor.

All grocc.r . .Put

uJl in ,}O, 15 Rlid 25·c.ent hoLUcl!.

, '.

-8-; ;;9

Without 'A'nythlng. They always tal~ who never tblnk. -Pope. ~ _____ ,' lIlri ,

''''nil.,,,,",,, SD"~hIDlf ~J'rll".

Yor c1.lIdren t~~ 'bS u", 8 ..t ruOO UJU g ll ro • • re,llIce. Ill' I1amluatlon , allay. paIn, curo. >\,111.\ COlIll. 250 MlJolUc.

- -.'-----.~ bill the

After bl'enklng a ure soon lost.


,. . , . ~. n

,:..',Interesting '. Fa~ts. . The', only ~Bective Il.\'l.d reli~ble

..~medY ~riow:ii '{or ~Qut ; :nyspep­

"!Sia,:1a'uucUce, Kidney arid Blad: troul?les, Con'stipatidn, ';Head7' ;arid :all . disoi-the })owelids :' ,; , ,. " .. , • .'".

. fJ

: M.A:.OAMtl KERat

: IN VOGUE. ' Black hats have iu~ver been, 110 ~ high In, favor. Wide velvet rlbbons on hat,a are a sudden fad . , , Hat feathers are long 8J,\d ' stabd al· most -tralgbt up. , ,. Smart men are' wearIng co} collare In tbe morn1n.g. . Patches or embroidery appear at random on . spring gowns. .


-- '

Wblt hall, Ucb.~l..lvfflg ,,·itli 'bIs 12 dlsclp~ In tb ll "VaLl~" ot ·the Pines." near t1lls vl11(1ge, 8~d deJ vlna: de p j nto tbe mysteries of psychol 'gy, a stud y to bleb bls entlr lIle nas been devoted, J. A. Bndouy Is no\ compleUng !.he .1!Ut or his' 12 "silent m.anuscrlpt8," wblcb are carefully stored in it heavy tron sa1c, securely I.()()ked · a wQ.-Y In a small c m nt buHctll)g 'neal' the mouth ot Whit lak. " ' . His 12 dlRclp~es, s looted by BadoDr hlmsetr, during trips tbrou$b every

o LOVlt I

on~', j·unw.

n lllhbof, 'a,

T he !i~rlptura l InJIlI1Clinn. Dut , wit h a ll (luo of , v-


(· r-t' m ' fo,




wI th

Iln ~ tll,I",

'f! n\, ""l by t llr nt ot pun· I hme nt, , By rt\ k , o r r l,lpe or

tnrch, c"uld





n ()lgllbo~,

W ho has po r <;> lI .

H ow , ca n


up per

I "love

nelghbQr," who Th e ,Iu!ty r Ugs , beat, And IIcatte r rmll, and microbes on fy back parch, c l ·an and n en t? And bow about Will turn the

0. neighbor ~rclcn hl,lse


To scrub her pDrch whe n 1 bell,lw, .Am I 11 ngl ng l,Iu t the -elothes? And thon. her !toper boxes. All filltld with 'Hand nnd dirt

T hill IIlt\:ll dow n Q' r tht! banhllers UJ)On my hueblllld's flhlrt? 'Ah, no, tho "Law anO tophets" .t 'r e II)' tTIt1l1t d Jln , . I cannot "](J\' o UI neIghbor" whose Back potcb III ovor mIn •

- .- - game, 80 were bungry (01:' thE plnln but appetizing menu_ ' The malo 23~ Whot ng do mtllinerll II light tn7 , serving had bor cap adornedwltb the 2t. "'hat ngo dD 0. I\umb r of Jl 00 Ie colors or the club 'to whlcb ·.aIJ beenjoy In CDrnmon '! longed, and candy , was .made ln round balls . . Iced ouillon wait Berved' Brst Anlwers. fo llo, ed .by cold tongue ,'and Jellled L Dotago. lll, olonee. cblcken, bot rolls, shoe'strlng pota' t. M rrlage. H . PIUug . 3. ou r age. toes, asparagUs salad, barler ' duc and l~. H omnlte. 4. Tonnage. IG. Bqndt\ge_ oheese. Ohocolate' 1Ce cream Waf 5. lmag • 17. SKu.nge. served In ba~ molds; and tI!e. ~kef 6. Av r;lge. lB. bbage. were sponge drops rolled .In ', I:"l'Btl~1Io1 7, Mucilage. 19. L ug&age. 8. Damage. %0. Tillage. cocoanut. 21. "''II t

22. What as" est?

,Ornnliorn Sailor 'Real1xed the ,Capt.'n Had Given Him . ' BIg

lchlg~n "'." . and ~Ia 'Twelve DI.~. c:fpleos Are .Now Completing ' "Silent M.. nusc:r,lp.t. ..~ ·

A Golf Luncheon. A miniature links was the d e, ora Uve ;schl1me, 1n the Center oC thE

nJl,lYo() at the rn rnlng ml'al? tahle, golf bogs and s ticks were tbE 1 Whot Is tIre mOllt \[Idlll:l:illble age? persol181 sou ve n.lrs , at" each place ,ane 19. WI".It IlJrI! belong. to mOllt trav lora? tbe guests ,earn dlrecU~ from a morn· ~ . WIlIII age III '0.111 /I the Carmer?



, Married Woman's Property,"


. J. A, Sadony.

the wlJ\

tn t I lwlgh t Or 1..1/ r ecen . vh(illt ,tu.'!" mull fJrok " " Pall n, dis u.sslng . ~ be governll1 II('S wb tit eBUmal ' with . repart ' r. 1!tI1.1 conlmly : "Dut 80 m of t il ' mel'). 'til gove rnm lit • ak 'Il Its figures rom are lOr e~· I,loruli. Perf at gr 'nhorns; As blid ni the Du ch smllo r. you knoW ,l "Th cnptn.ln said tei the 'Ballor, whon th ij hll a n; ~o lorl : .. 'Tak · a boat, nln Il.shQl'e Ilnd buy two dollars' worth of veget.a bl II,' " "Th anHo r <l1. ln't lalOW what vegetables w reo 110 as SOOl) '1lS be struck IlInd he lIalll to 11 'longsboreman: . .. ""hal III \"egotabl 8, male?' .. 'Oil. ,Irl .1 pons. for Instance,' the 'longs horemaJl IUl s wer (\, "So t h t' Dut ch :mHor 6P nt hlp two dolllu's on 11 hll ~e sack or uri d veas. "W hen he .11; w n Ill' the ship agaIn with hI s loud the captain Qnlled blm from th bridge; ,. 'W II, have you got tb o veget ab les '!'

" 'Aye. ay . Ir,' saId th e IInllor ,

,. 'T h II .' s/lid tbe aptll:lu, 'hand t he m up to ookle on lit I;\. Ume.' " 'Oll l v r illY tim bel'S !' sald . the

sailor ,' '['I"(' got n. job betora me riow~ and 00 mi!;\nk !" ~ERVE,

There 18 excitement 'I n Englnnd over t])lV\c ~ wD.lcn glvei ' to married women the r1gh~ to wha'tever proper ty they personally own, and exempts It {rom clalJD.8 Cpr debt, ' etc. A landlord wrUes to .the etrect that ·'It. deprives landlords of th~ Jast scrap ot proteotlon agatn"t d~shoneJlty of husband and \v~ a tlng In coJ1Port." , But the' average ,'!Voman , will feEiI \th&t "!linc:e' alaho~'esty '. w,Ul exist, in spite ,o~ '!lc~ of p1lrU~ ~nt, there inust , "Excuse me, can ,I :spank to ~YQur Deve~ele81 "be ' protecUon "(01' the Innocent, .and It Is . e&SJ to see why '. typ eWT1~r a momen ?" .' "You cannot; sM's e ngaged." 'VUe's goods , are enUUed to the pro"That'S aiL rlgbt; I'm tbe tellow tection . a~ tl that" oJ any third Jlet'sob Whose 'belonltnga ,llAp'pen w be on she's engnged to," the' prelilJlles .. LawJS cannot 110 on the 8UpP081t;ton th~t every · wUe will estabUllh"a ;bo!{lJB claIm: w help her us. . b~d o~t of .~ dUllcurty. , I


\- '-,' _....,.."!""'"_~..:..-....,.

other In geLtlnK out of the chaise th.t· "Gentlem n . ,M r. ,OJ.,n and lllreeft, , I 'bllq styOUj; , hOlies . the day would after con( rrlng, h!lv~ ul;1'(\cd that the pass , b Core t.h y arne to a decision,; hOnor of olir p1'lnclp",ls Is (ul l ~t esLab, , Little Remilrk ',That ' 17hr~Y/ Great, but; Mr, Duxlon finally . got out blm· ' Ii slled, und ti)at lhe conl,'o\'(!rsy. 19 Light on ~he ~ome Conditions self , and pull II his man att r him, comple tely at an, nd, .\lIow me to of 'A mos Dore, . , and th n we we re SOun mal'JUng 01T the ,con,s ratlliate you 'llo th"-and tner_ "We ,always wando I' d a .little bow ground, and I Wil li f e ling (tlat mOI"tn) was a general hand ·s hnl(lng dl al'ollnd , Amos Do rll nnd bls wife got along-s ickness wblcb had attackcd m the I no Iced thllt th e coachman , I\'ho wall r eally," " Allnt Em" i'ltncomher said, I firs t tim e L was und r fire In the Ajax, atte ntiv Iy .w1l1clt.i.n.g til ' IJe r!DIlllanco, trulIkly. "SOIll.e-1n the n elghllol'hood Overton won tile toss for position , looked s ll "'hll y dJ sappulnll'u at the said they'd n ver overheard a single and at' that 1 could h ave lain down turn of alTairs. loud or cross word on eithe r i;lde, but Llje Dalli els always s tuck to' It that Rnd Well!, \" Stt'alghtway , IV all climbell Into the Amos was as mls'able at home as a Our me n we re placed 20 puces apart, chars , alld J thlnl, 1 !;hall be bell ev 1\ mao cOIlIt! lle, \\'Ith th eir bacl(s to each otb ' I', At wh en J !lUY tbat ~I ur re turn to town ", He nover spall ri ght Ollt till Amos t.b word "on e" th ey were to turn, ad· was mon' clw rful Ulan our dcparture lunuu........... uu; ... u .... U .. Utllh".. 'u.n .... Ii'iiiiiiii di ed and Mis' Dore went back upvance and flt' e betwee n tb e words ' had b e n. Al.COHOl.-J PER CENT country to her folks, Tben be let, \\'e nll a gl'eed to din e tllgeth l' at " two" and "three ," This seemed to A\~getable Preparation for As· out." m e th e mo ·t murderous armng ment I M,i \'Urt 's t he II C X~ ni ght , und j sa w 110 similating 'heFoodandRe~ula­ "What?" Que ri ed Aunt Em's visitor. had e ve r heard ot. , reuson to ll pllc-\'l' th at tb e r was allY ling the Slomllchs and,Bowels of "Well, Amos worked logging nlongTh e storie!; I bad so lat e ly heard re mnant of 111 fe elin g betweeu th e side of Llje every wInter, and sunl· abollt Ov rlon's proHe! ncy with the two ~ a t e comlmtalll.s. mers they hayell toge th e r most al· pistol mad me thlnl( , even It h did I r t llt'DI!U to Be rk eley SQlla re tha i ways, and It seems," said Aunt Em, Imnot lelll Gil s Int e ntionally, he wOlild nft l' t'Doon, with ITIlle h un e a s ln e~s con· Promotes Digestion,Checrfulpressively, "that Amos complained of atte mpt 150 m expe l't trick with the c l'tl ing m y ,TI1 (,C'ti ng a nd futul'(' Int r' ness and Resl.Con lains,neilher his s hoes hurting him about all the IJl s tol, wbl r h wO,uld 1.10 th e business C:OIII'S with Lad y Arnhell a; fm' I hnd Opium ,Morphine nor Mifl~ral tim e, Finally LlJe asked wby he war'! (lQuall y well. I Iw e w Gil s to lle a not seen her !llnee the cCllrre nce In NOT NARC OTIC tight s hoes. v€'ry Iloo r s bot, a nd concludecl tbat Sir Pe le r's stllll,l' , Although my af· "'\'\Thy don't you get a pair bIg By he, througb awkwardness , would prob· fectiun for he r Wtl S foreve r 1(llI eu by enough 7' says Llje, ail e clay. ab ly Pllt an e nd to Ove rton , and Ire· tha L hox On t h ' elll' s he ga ve me, yet 'MOLLY ELLIOT SEAWELL "'Well, ,I'll tell you,' Amos saya. ga ru 'u them both a s Iloom ed llI e n, no llIan ('a n See a woman shamed he, 'When I weur tight s hoes 1 forget all I s hal l n e ver fo rge t m y feelings a s fOI'e him with out pa in , and tbe anticl, m y other troubl os.' "-youth's Com· we w re placing ou r me o, or after Mr, patlou of Lady A I'll bella's fee lings panlon. ' nuxton and I hall retired to a )Jl ac~ WIWD !lhe snw mfO troulJl ed mc, But SYNOPSIS. IIndc r the h edge, ,Just as w bad se- thi s was wh at :)('tll a ll y ha pp n d when SORE EYES CURED. lec ted 011 1' places, Giles, looking c \' r \\'e me t Lady Arnbella was : !tUng In Aperfect Remedy forConsliJ>ll' At 14 yenT8 of age A.lmlr nt Si r Pl"t(!r bis s boulde r, said In his us unl cool , th e Chin sa Ilra\\'lng ro om , he r lap, Eye·Balia and L.Ida Became Terribly Hllwl<show's n e fJh l'\\', Hlchu!'\1 (,lIYlI, f ~ lI lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, dog In ht'r arIll!;, su rrollnd ed b\' hnll dt, ply In IUI'I! a t fI .. s t sl/{ hl with L n ,iY doft \'olce: Inflamed-Was Unable to Go About Ara b II Il Sl o rm o nt, Who HIIlI l'I Hlcl hi s t, tWorms ,Convulsions .Feveri 5h· "Don't ,YOll thlnl(, gentlem n, YOll R 1I0zen fol' S, Lady Hawksha\~' '.ld -All Other Treatments Failed, But len llulls, 'l' h e lull, on or phu lI, I\''' S 1>I\'(' n ness and Loss OF SLEEP, had IJ tter move'two or three furlong s left th ronm for a moment, and Ara· !I. b e TI II as mhl s lllpmnn on til 'AJllx b y Ills llllrle, lilt 's V e rn on, n cph w or Ir (:lIT? Mr. Ove r ton may grow excite d h lin hall tnl, n th e opportunity of Thomus V"rl1on, Ilr,,'um th e boy'N pn l. Cutlcura Proved Succeuful. fllc Simile signatur~ or s howing h I' trick o[ huldlng out he r 1'h y alle nLi d u th Ill l, !, wh .... P, Hu\I'lc- and fir e wild ." .. IIllw's n c ph IV NUW Ludy Ara hell n. V l' rI thoug ht thIs n most dangerous a" clog's pa ws und kissin g his nose, which "About two yeors ago my eyes got non met Philip Uverton, nex t III Il,w fllr -"-- ,, - - 'rh o m n.s Vl' rnon'a stalt', 'I'1I" y II tun · w 11 llS fooli s h spe ch, lind calculated 5 h cn.ll cd nteas ul'iu g lo ve·rlbbon , This In such II. condition that I was unablo Sir d n duel which wa a Intertupt (\. Ve rn on, to Irrit ate Ove rton; and for tb e first performan e ne ve r failed to throw to go about. TUey w ere t e rribl y In- O,'crl nr, and HnWIc Rhu.w'H " "p il I'\\' fOlln(\ "U1se ll'es nltrnl!t ('11 IlY ' l:'r ~ tty Lolly AI'I\- tim e 1 aw II. gleam or ange r In his ge ntl eme n in to eestRsl s. Dal)bne sa t flam ed, both tbe bans and lids, I IIJ b ('lIn. 'I'h o Ajnx In buttle I\ ~ foa t ,II 1"1' · n e h eye, which had hith erto been mild, and nea r, wl : o he r work In h(lr lap und a tried bome r emedies without r elle t. wn .. s hlp~ In th M ~ III I (?r r ll ll! ' a n , Rl c h ll rcJ n gflt £~,OOO prlz . lTtonf'Y. He ,,'us oven saIl . F or 1 believed then, and hool( on th e ta ble by her, sm il ing ra th· Then I decid ed to go to our family Glr c n.lIL·d 1",lInc by I.ady H nwll l! hnw us he physicIan, but h c didn't h elp them. WILli ubollt 10 "hlow In" hlR ('nrnings willi Iwc w;lft rward, Ulat his mind was far I' di sdainfully. I do not think the Then I tried two more or our most V<>rn on , At Il H n wll ahnw P lll' ly Gll' n (lis- from a sy on th e I! ubjc«;t or' du e lln~ . 1 eOll s lns 10 \'cd each oth 1', c()ven:l! thnt Lu<l y Arnb,' lIa was u POCH' On my apl) amnce In th e drawing prominent physicians, but my eyes hilt pc'r~ i s tc nt g [l.I 11 tol I'. 1'1 ' t a lll l'd mllt'h wis h to say he re that T also bell ev, grew continually worse, At this time wllh hpl' ('()I)ijl n Dllphn <', Lady ,Arnb"lIn bad he becn fully convtnc d that duel- room 1 scarcely llared 1001, toward , ' "~R ln ~ how e d lon , lor gn1l1l n ~ , LJlter SIH' a friend of mine advised... me to try htllll 01),,,, /lnd OVI!rton prisoners, th us Ing was wron g, h e would have declln d Lady AraiJella; but s he c!l ll d out ra, fi ght, no maHer what th ' con se· mi llarly: to /lr, lay lng tlte duel. Cutlcura Ointment, and after using It -------------,--,~-:-,....,-----r- - - - - - ,-,quene(' bad been; for I never 1m w a " 'orne h re, Dicl(y!" (h"l habit 01 about one week my eyes were conman with more mornl courage. But at ca lling me Dicky an noyed me v ry CHAPTER VI, s iderably Improved, and In two weeks As Ov rtoll had said , the meeting the time, although bl s vie ws were milch) "a nd le t me show , Oll 110W I they were almost well. They have chan ging on the s ubject, tbey were nol ki ss F ld o's nose; and If you a good n ever given me any trouble since and was delclyed exactly 24 bours. boy, and t IJ me aIJ about the me tlng My courage a.lways Ims an odd was wholly ch a nged. I am now sIxty-five years old. I slla11 Mr, Buxton, without noticing Giles' thi s mornin g, perhaps 1 may hold yonr always praise Cutlcura. G, B. Halsey, of disappearing when 1 am expeotlng Mouth of Wilson, Va., Apr. 4, 1908." to u se It, although 1 must say, wben 1 s peech, coughed once or twice, and 11aws out and kiss you r nose"-at which all the g ntleme n present Potter Drug .I; Ohem. Corp .. Bolo Prop", Boll4lL have had actual occasion tor It I h8.\'e always fOllnd It easily at hand. I call-I laughed 10\ldly, I never wus so m· not deny that I was very mucl\ frigll t. barrnssed In my life, and m y chagri n A PROUD PAIR. ened for Gil s on the mOl'nlag of the was Increased wb e n, sudd nl y dropme ting, and, to add to my mlse,ry, I ping the dog, she rusbed a t me, seized heard that O,rerton was considered my hands, and, . holding th em ott at one of th e beat shots In England. full arm 's I ngth, Im printed a sou nding smack upon my n ose, and laughingly You have read of ,t he big profits being made by growers in, The dreqrr breal(Ca t gulpeo down; cri ed out: "One yard !" (Smacl( on the postchalse rat tlin g UI> to the door my nose again.) "Two yards ! " the GuJf Coast Country of Texas. Has it occurred to you to -I had hoped until the last mc.wellt (!?maclc) "Three yards! " (Smacl.. ) consider what you could do under similq.r circumstances? that It 'w ould no t come; the bumping Al lhls juncture I reco\'ered m1 Isn't it reasonable to suppose that you can do as well? along the road In th e cool, bright sum11rese nce of m1nd nough t'o sehe he r If you should go to the Gulf Coast. Country of Texas and'. around tb e wa'tsl and r e turn her me r morning; the gruesome, long, narrow box thaI lay' au the front seat of s macl{s with int rest fu ll In th e mouth. buy a lo-acre tract this is what you might reasonably cxpect" the chals ; tIlO packe t of letters whloh And at thIs s tage of th e proce dlngB if you , do as well as the average-for these are t;lot fan ciful Lady Hlnvk shaw appen r d upon tbe "What ml;1kes ttiat peasant so proud Gil B hurl given mE! and which seemed figures-but the actual avc1'age remits, c~refully ' figured to weigh a. hundred tons In my pocke t scene, to·day?" from the yields of a large number of growers in the Gulf ·-all til se werG so many horrors to In an ins tant an awful bush fell "Ob, , he bas' the biggest rooster In upo n us. For my part J fe lt my lmees Coast Country of Texas: town-and bls wife the biggest bat." ha unt tile memory fOl'evC\'. Dut 1 must say th'at, apparently, th e miserY was ...:Jnklng und l' n)! , and I bad that feel. _7_Fllegende Dlaetter. ulI mine; for 1 n vel' saw Gil s -Vernon In g of mortal sickn ess wblch 1 had WINTER CROPS SUMMER CROPS-Same Landi show so much as by the f\lcker of an felt In my first sea·Hght, and at th e The' Novel TYPI!' 3 a Bermuda Onions, $939.00 I~stant I thought my fri end's life In In a late magazine 'story a perfectly eyelash that he was disturbed In an y 1 a Cauliflower, 793.00 ~ a Indian Corn, $ 44.50' lovely girl Is described as tallows: wh,y. jeopardy. Lady Arabella stood up lor 254.00 2 a Cabbage, "Sbe was very small and dark, and About half , way from tbe meetingonce, cOllfllS d, '1' he gf'nt:l('men all reo 1 a Potatoea, 380.00 2 a Peanuts, 160.00' . very uctlve, with hair like the color ot left tbe lJlghway aod turn rl tired gra e rully to th e wall, in onler 1 a Cucumber., 246.00 eight o'clock- dnyllght und darkness nto 0. by-road; and 'cnrc Iy had we not to In ter ru pt th e proceedin gs, Ilnd 456.00 5 a Cotton, 310.0() and lamplight all snared up together, gone half a mile wbe n we a lmost Daphne fix ed It r y s upon In , s par. 1-2 a Celery, 1.2 a Egg Plant, 400.00 and lips like all crude !learlet. and Ilrove Into a broken-down chaise, and Overton Took Off His Hat and Bow~d , kllng with indignation. 1 a Peppera, 1000.00 1 a Sorghum, 75.0() eyes as absurdly big and round as a Illllnding on the roadside among th e Lady Hawkshaw's ,",olce when aba cblld's good·by kiss." furze bushes were the concl1mlln, the then wulted two or three minutes be· spo1< e, seemed to come from the lOmbl; 10 acres Total $4468.00 To~l yield from 10 a,$5057.5() How do you like It? Would a girl surgeon- a most bloody-minded man fore giving the word. of the Phlll'Uoha, who answered that description be I Illways believed him-Mr. Buxlon Tbe s ummer ' su n shone brilliantly, "What Is this coun try tom I s ee?" The expense of raising these crops is not grea t, for you will wortb shucks In everyday experl- o.nd Overtl'n, turning the distant river to a silver /l he asl,ed. And nobody answered 8 not need much help on 10 acres, Ycm can, do what OthC1'S a:reences?-AtchlaoD Globe, Our chaise stoppad, and Giles, put- rlllllon , A thrush rioted musically In word, doing. Go, see for YOlt1'Se(f. Very low excursion fares tlng bls head ont of the window, said, the haw tho rn h dge. AU things spoke James, the tall footm a n, stood be· Great Improvement, twice a month via Rock hi and-Frisco Lines, ' The trip plel:\sanlly: "Good-ruornjpg, gentleat life and hOpe, but to my sinking hind he r ; and to him s he tUl'ned, say· The patient tolll the doctor al1 his itself be a pleasure. The climate ,is ,a marvel to all-. symptoms, At the (lnd of the recital · me nj you have 'had an accident, I see." heart Insensate Nature only mocked Ing In , a tone like thunder: "A bad one," replied Mr. Buxton , liS, I b eard, as In II. dream, t.he word s "Jellmes, go and tell Sir Peter Hawk· tbe mellical man loolwfl severe. winters mild , and sunny- summers pleasantly cooled "My dear slr," he said, "you must who saw that their chaise was beyond "one, l 'fo, three" slowly utte red , 1Ir shaw that I desire his presence 1m· Gulf breezes. ' Can you afford to mi::;s such an opportunity? help, and wbo, as he said afte t'ward " Mr, Duxton, and saw, stili as In a mediately upon a matter of the great· gradually give lip whisky and soda," In onr chufse, drenm, botII nl n ttlrn . ~nd raise Ir e~" t Importance" "CSoIlULlu.onths Inter he met the 'Pa· was playing for a "lac " .th. . WrIt e to-nillht for full Information noout Ihe hill' l)rOnl~ ATOWl"rR n.rc Th footman literall y ran , down· UlI<klug IlIlho Oulf COUSI Cuunt.ry uf Texas, lionel ~"l of 'OIUN,1 pust carels. tlent a.nd' inqulrell. wbether the advice not liking to wnlk the res t of the dis· 1,lstols, bad been follOW ~ d . . . t.ance. Overton's was discharged first; s ta irs, and presently Sir P eter caml! Joho Seba.tian, P ... enr er T,raffic Manarer, Rock Island.,C. & E. I. Linee Giles jumped out and so did T, and tben, as be 'stood like a mlln In murble puffing liP from I the lower regions. \ 2027 LaSalle Station, Chicalro, or 2027 Buildinr, St. Louis "To the letten" ' r eplied the patient, beaming. "Whr, I've already given Ull most courteous greetings were ex· waiting for bls adv r Sll l'Y' fire , Gil s Lady Arabella bad ' I' co\l red hersolf cbanged. raised hi s pistol And, tal<in g deliberate th e n e nou gh to hum a li ttle tune and - - -. ,..- - - - - - . - - . - --I W-:-N ~- U~, ~!-N-~i~~-A':I',-N~, 26~ 909. soda ' completely!" The two dri vers, as experts , ex· ' a im nt lhe bird s till s inging In th to pat Ol e fioor witb her sati n slipper, Pn~I~ci!J~1 ,. WON'T MIX lo, Du5I Fo rm amlnel) tbe broken chaise, and agreed hedge, brollght It down. It 'yas a mere Sir P e t e r wall,ed In. s urv Y'd us all, NO-Ijii:oWAT' E R TO H ,~ , ~ v..~ -~ , . Bad Food and Good Health Won't Mix. th e re was ,no patohlng It up for ser· lucl(y shot, but Overton tool< ott hi s ~ nd turned pale. I ve rily llel/eve be AUL vice; one wheel was splinte red, hat and llowed to the ground, and thou ght Arabella had been caugbt The human stomach stands much Mr. BUll;ton looked at Giles mean- Giles responded b y taldng ott his ,hat ch atln" at cards, an"!;he L~:toAM~~2~ abuse but It won't relu!'U good health Ingly, and then at me, and Giles aud showing a ho.1e through th e llrlm , (TO BE CONTINUED,) dU HI A potatoes or I.. ' If "on give It bad food ' , Ii s pere d to me: \"1<"'0 " The"" 8 fl"~ Ill''' a~ yIhe ll ll ' WI "You see, 1\11', Glyn," snld Overton , WORL.D'S CITIES HARD TO KIL.L, ","lk. If you feed rlgbt you will feel right, "Offer to talte 'em lip. Dy Jupiter, "I have done according to my promw,·Ii·knowl.l To h ueco tor l>roper food and ,a good mind Is the they shall see we are no sblrkers," l!:le. It was not my Intention to kill Rome Twice Burned, SIx Time. D,;~~" DEE;~~'i;:B NOTHINC LIKE IT FOR-sure Which I did, anel,' to 01" anlazement, Mr, Vernon, bnt oniy t6 fri ght n him " ' ' tHorse , . ' p_.,' "A road to health, Ib ' hal d Starved Paris' EI ht Siegel t810 Dusler -~~ce1... any d' entif":,-year ago ccame UlUC arme In 11 fe w mome nts we we re ali lumlle r- - which speech Mr, Buxton nnd 1 con· 9 • ' in de. nuns, wllltenlng ancl ' Power) Dusts Ii'our "moVln' g tart· · from the teeth, b.·I ·d.· d~'rovin ... my began health to suffer about for .I Ing along the road; Ove rton and Mr. sldered as a Sl\lt-o(f to Giles' sp eeh ' Rows. '" d - - ".. .T -"" n!ter each meal no matter how ltttle I B t h b k j t II r h h d Few or the world's great cities have ' all serm. of decny an dueaae which ordioaIy ate," says a Denver .woman, ux on on t e ac seat, and Giles Ul; e are SOlS were exc ange . not faced, ut ooe time or another, to~kr'~~Oll~~~~~~':J~l~r~;::i~~I·)j.t,~&r~:ai~';~,~t looth preparations cannot do. "I lost my a;>petlte and tbe very ,'nd I with our bacl(s to the horses, The two prln~als remal~ed where tal destruction. But a city Is bard to LEGGETT &: BRO., 301 Penrl 51., N, Y. Paxtine used III a mouth. thougbt o.r food grew distasteful, with Whlte the surgheon was alongside the they were, while Mr, Buxton an~ 1 r eo kill. wa.h di.inFecb the mouth h b the result that I was not nourished coac man on t e . ox. tired behind the hedge to confer-<lr, Take Rome, tor IMtance, Sh e haa - - - - - - - --lind throat, purifies the breath, and kill, the lIerma and got weak and thin. Nothing c<:,uld exceed the politeness rather, for Mr. Buxton to say to me: been swept by pes tilence no fewer THE M A RV E LOU S NEW ~hich collect in the mouth, canslog lore throat. "My home cares were very heavy, for between two prinCipals, about the ' ''Another shot would be «am ned than ten times, She has been twice , HER Z 0 G L I G H T Dad teeth. bad breath, grippe, and much aickocaa. seats as about everyt.hlng else. Over- nonsense, 1\1y man Is satisfied, ai, 'bu.rned and six times driven ,to submla. Tbh ls Lbo 00 .. 1'1'\)«'" 11ln hBVO rrod o! In Iho when inRamad, tire?, acho b es ides (\. large family ot my own I ton was 'with dlfficulty persuaded to shall be, elee I al:l a Dutch trooper, pre. "bldl ~urD~ and bum, m.y be IDlllultiy Y have also to look out for my aged take the back seat. MI'. Buxton seated Certainly ' ''au have notblng to com- sian b sttahrvatlon. perhlnps I)l Is ?,n lC1iev~ and ltreogthcDtd loy Paxtine. . mother. There walJ no one to sboul- himself th Itb t i t d tl J accoun t 0 or great vita Ity t lat Sue U6 11 1/8 . , ...·lllIoul 1I(·al, 6mlJk~, "",,'I) P t' ill d··' th " ere w au any n ro uc on. plain of." I II d th Et I It urdutlw.r, pr"duclnN I< b~"U tl I UI ..,'t ax me w "",roy e ge~ der my household burdens. ~nd come ' «(hope It . never again be my terI was' only too ha"py to accept this s ca e e ' ern~ c y. w blle lIg bl ul "Hr eo ('u n(\l~ I""T"" , that cause catanh, heal the mwhat might, I must bear them, and 't t tl t d II t ,.' I .. Paris has gone through eIght sieges, J!1~'ut Hn'd~~n.~ln.!'.r" 'I CI},'II\·\' I'I'I" :.)!I,II'''II.~ 8ammatipn and Itop the dischamc. It ia a IItJa unEl, a nego a e se e Oil. e an aua r "olutlon, but more out of objection ' to f 11 u ",n " b " ~.., this thought 'nearly' drove me fran t Ic 8 ' m tl b l tl Ith .. it tenhi hamlnes, two plagues and one 1'8 In ~'I"" b""",, Pc'rll' ,t ."tl,furll"n remedy for uterine catarrh. - .. , s 11. ' ee ng e ween gen emen W b;"lng 1/ro"'beaten' b'.' ~lrr,. ;Elllxton t' an b ,I I I Mill rnnl",a !lO \fur~ of ' , when I J:eaUzed thnt my health was ' '" .. , "" ' w c devastated It. rmFto~~~~. (;'~I 1I", 'J-irnoll. I'rleo, PaxtiDe ia a harmleu yet powerfUl. ' ' one' so milch my superior In rank as an". d e, diainfectant and deodorizer. /. . breaking down. " \ M B .' thing e.l se, I' s'ald·. , Constantinople has been burned out wl1h burn .. " .. Iok , mnnt I~ nn d e h m-igermici "I readiul ilrtlclel.n the paper about r, uxton.t ' . "We shall require an explanation ' of nine times and has suttered frwn tQur :'1"Jl~~;;n~~II~ f~~~I!.'.")71r"~~~i Ull\d in bathing itd"""oy. odorund some one with trouble just lilce mJqe be· . "May , I 'ssk; , Mr" O~'erton" It you pre- your principal's obs~l\'vntlon just. now, plagues , and five sleg,es. In addition, :~WI' ':'''( rn:";I~~'irl::~;h'~~~~~c~~".!" leay~ the body antiaeptically d~ Sng oureU< on Gr-a~e-N'ut8 fo. od' and act· fer the w1riddw dowb or, up?" aBked ,sir,'.' she 'bas ,been ' ruled l:Jy monarchs who lI,v<'rmCl(l~; w,I,<Iny. ' FOR.ALE ATDRUG8TORES,50c. ' .. , ' " I UNION LIGHT CO. . , OR POSTPAID BY rllAIL. . Giles, with great deference, lng on thl", suggestion I gave Grape· ."Eltber, deal: 'Sl-f," reSponded o~ej.. "·Shall ,yoU(1" angrUr ,asked Mr, Bi;,x' wer!'! Worse tnan ·a plague. Ye,t Con- 270teenwloh Aye." NewYo,k Oily. ' Nuts ' a trlll.l. :.rhe :·ftrst ',ilsb ~t this ton. "t. belteve. St ',-a, s 'up whe n you tori, e~,nc,t!y In th.~.;to'ne h~', \ised wben staI\tJnpple stlU flourishes. '" th~ carperiter'a mat!'!, compll,l1ried that , London has 'been d~clmated l'HE 'PAXTOr. TOILET QO~" B08TON •.MA8L dellclo'us 't6cid D~bved t\lat I had,struck the r thJng. :' ,.' kln~ly Invited 'ut", to;' enter." ' tHe jack-o'-the-du8t · ~ad" cribbed hts ' times by plagues, .1n addltlon to· vi sU 0..: ' "My ~unqOJIltorttibl~ f~~llng8 tn 8tom~ , "True; but 'you nlay be ' senstt.lve to , best saw. ' ','Then 1 sholl can ~our man , ~on8 'ot typhus, chplera aod otber . acb and bra,\n' disappeared as It br the ;.alri "and 'may ' ciateli cold: ' ' , to account In . regard ,to his late obser.: ,demlJls~ 'S he bas 'ooen burned more . , lD!I~lc and" I~ an Incr.edt~ly snort ," 4t ' w~t(:h Mr. B~xt6n Itrlnm!d' I~ a .~aHo!1, and w:e , can ; keep " tbetn . pop., iess ~ severely ' ssTera; · Umes,':"':'Stray , ot time I was ' mY!lelf again.', beartless manner, wl)ldow te- ,ping at day, ,' But Lie tben I blWe gained iJ.2 ' po_uncia mllJned' up., '" ' . ' t~JsrI8 no illn.\igbter 'Pen, ,Mi'. Gly.n;' llor .,' _'. " 1"1 "efgb'~ throiigh' '6 BUJQmer of !;lnrd , W~ were much 'c.-owlled wlth ' tl\e am I tb'~ ablp's butchel10 and 1 allall . What He W~nted. Ad· ", work and I 'am a ver¥ dlfJ'erent two pJlItol,casea and the tako IP!,ll 'to .'t own "Slr;" 11814 the addressing the ead liver awful ,SiQk. - :womRn,' an' dlle', to ·the' splendid topel, or Illstpumen*s, . WbJc~' to ,me appeared htm 110 glass olsplr-lta and sQn1e break: m/ln ~Q bad opened tbe doo~ In' an· I. ~~s~on't let it come-w:~e4 Grap~.Nut'B." , .,' \'. ,~o~ appalling iite 1,)1stols, "' I ' tali,~, and I q,c{vise 'you' ~ do tM .a.zn~" wer to ~II knock. ' "1 am Introduc.n8 'It Ctm be prevented. CasCarets, . "Tber '.I1'8 Roason." ~J'lal wlU p~v~, ' ' At "last we reach,d tbe spot-a ;tou Rre v,ery . young, ,Mr, GIyn, ,and a patent keep the,li,ver Bvel)' ~w.t:11 .aead tJle famous mtle ~~, "Th-. jj~~~ ··nat. place ' under ,,: IIW'~t1t~ you still need to kn,ow' Q. thln~' or ''two.~' pGrhaps you nilll1f i'be t'nterested.'~ . •a:¢gUlar 'and ' ward off ~ Road to ,We)1VDle," ' bi bl~nifng ha~o.rn bedge, with, apmQ , THen; ~vancln.. ii'o~'" be!l~d ' 'the " '!Well; I'm " fatal, illness. . . ....... ,erdant: oaks at either end. " ~ bit said In 'the dulcet tone he the other·. l iii~~~~ ' ~~. ;1 QU" 'a nil · Qverton "er.B~i ,cruIlQ· ., Used ",hen ~ a4mlrat. aakeel him tl) WaDi'•• .~~ ~h~.: . .ll$B .. .P~~~~ID~ ' oI ... : ,. .' '. .....~:



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What you can do on 10 acres


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", S~Ories,

lln~ give










. sy va,n la



tl .. and Wayn ville road in W ),nf' EAT POTATO BU ... township a~ hi. bid [ t6 .Ii . Plan and ' :q,ecification, and A!<li - ' Ju ph J unlttte, who farms ont: mate f r racing abulm n of bri !'re ' ih io.b ran h 'on th Alton Bluffs, wi h 'oncr te n ar r ' ' id nc . of I in Hlin i ,sa .. he will edu te duckCommon Plea: Court. 'William Seilr:onM' in iIle'a,ml Mur- "ll? n potato bugs at a dollar, a day I ew uils. dock , road ' in Hamilton t wn: hip a du k. Ju. ,t now Mr "Jun t e!s 11I Wl'rl' appro\'ed an(1 contract I 0 ' jo. 'i ng a inc~me f 15 ~ day. fr m Every Day' nrlnr Villag f Franklin v. F nnie R. John Bum tl at th timat' $121. 1;- du k whIch hE' hal' tral/1 ) Month of July Hiper. Pe ition for juogmeont of Plans, pecincation and timat cI ar potato pa che f , th Ii tit> $500. Plaintiff alleges that d fendant for concr t culv rl near r 'id nee pottf:(1 pe!-lU. obstructed a certain alley with board of Ralph Robinson un Cook ruatl in He hut up tht! tlucks in a p~~l and fencing 41 the extent of $500 damage Franklin townsh ip were approv(>d fed them n taOO bug - e.."i:c1us,vely, To Jersey Coast Resor1s and Return and asks court to grant judgment of and contract I l to 'Iinl \ , tan ton laf r ·tar\, ing them ~ntil they ~'er For Partlcular ''''ormatlon same. at the timale uf ll!:J ,2f . glad to get the bu tll t. or oddr~ss . • I-I AINE • Samuel McGee \' '. Zenna C. ~I c ee. Plan ,sp ilications and estim te J un ttt! triet1 tho m fi -r ~ hi Petition for divorce , Plaintiff defor t~el beam bridge with 'oncr te potato pat ~h, ~' hl .: h ct>mpn ed v dar defendant tu I e guilty of fl or near residence of harle ' Hough eral a'l'e. Th du ck. w nr through ~dultery citing in. tanc ther of and on upp r ~ pringboro r oad in Wayne th patch li~ a n. ighb I:houd scan3.!!k for di. solution of marriage. T wn hip wer· appro\' anti con- dal through a :ewlng. clety. tract let t.o Th regonia Bridge A fl er h p rformance J ullelt ' Probate Court. company at the esti mat $1 .'17, hut up his brigade in ~he bug pen, Bstate of Ada B. Hut.<:hinl'on , d·Plan, . pecificali ns and e.'timate so they would not acq 11 In' a ~lt; f(ll' cea~. rdered to sell property at for tc I ueam bridg near resid nee other diet. private sale. of J, Kunker Ull seeola and Ed- The ducks are ,ill gr at titllll and 011 M. A. Jameson. assignee ,·s. Nan- wardsvill road in Harlan town hip the farm ' in Junette'" neighborh od. Me ALL PATTERNS l.·c.!l·t."," ·rd for ~ !Je'~ 1 ,,·y-ft'ct '- '. ,>imp.'il'j ty :3nJ . nie R and George W. Eagle et al. were approved and contract I t Farmers are glati tu pay :1.50 a tlay , dub "' Y n ..-:at V 41) )" ~ P'. " t In m :ul y (" \ ""1 (.It1 ;I.nd tU \ \ n in t i.e l' ut" "' 1 !-o-t I tt's ;J'lt1 Former order of court r ,'ok .. the regonia Bridge company a t the I for their: rvice:;. c.:~~.t.1~;r:; r r!'l~::Uf~ ~~;~t' t~r ):::r\!t: :~J~~!l)l !~~~ li\ t hi .~ hllJlh l , : ~ t ,' rn iltl~ \\ (l'l l j f Juunettehru' in ight an incom uf In th , nited. tat.e. court atinF.,state of M lissa Fondersmith et e tima $t9 ,72. McCA LL'S MAGAZI NE \ ':lYlh.,4\,ill, ', .. II II", I l ppp.1' ~i Jll'in r_ al. Inventoryandappraisementfiled Bill .- F , P. Forgy, maintaining $90a w ek f rom the fift ~1 tlu ks cinnati Ia.!! tw ek, A. J. Ferneding f Ill re ,,: b"'cnh,.'r'\ t ha n ;1n' ot he r I ra ina rn"l!"<ln~- rn dl"'n " no,.,,,t!.. Ir",."w ., 1."1, 111)1") pil,,·, fIll' 11\1.' "lIllllll g' ;l thO ll. Jacob Doughman vs. unknown and ,'ehicles for June. $25; already employ d. , iJayt n, I' pI". enting th comm itt e ,I ,<ly '.S, 1,·ItIU", . u q ' ''n~ 1. ' n ~"I'n,hll. rv , II (\"' \ I 'l l I i " "lind " 'lIt!I'ulfl · ,n St. Wlnl!. (..,my , ft::u !...' w ()rk . i~tlf,llt ..... hJ.!" _ to. heirs of Margaret Atkin~n et a!. Zentmyer. bridge relJairs, - - - - f)f bondholders which I ught in th l·l.l'lutttc . t;lK'd 'ura r". "tc_ u ,. r,il (·"nt,. ~ I .. VI '" (I' o rth .I "uhl~\ , In dJJ, li n ~ I"'tt l·"". purpmit' ),,1 S' ·. Distribution of proceeds of sale orcontract, $31; Bert R ed, Sec Mother urow Young. road several week agoo, Qf the Day".h,.,,~ ..t~)', o r Hud Iv r u ... p lu ' 'J1Y'1 'L() \ ' I': HI ),\ I.I '~ i ~ till!' r ti ll" It !It dered. bridge repairs, $28 .50, contract, ' I t would L ' hurd to over,' on • X nia Traclion Iin~. asked for WO :\ DERFtJ I, I NDUCEMENTS • I I . tl ' " ., I' ,\ .;rn~ . P " , l;il I-r;"I:.1 p~,.\I\Ir-1 a t.. lot; u~ hred I t'n' WI'(III '"I':4t'!\ " ' IIH , t 1011 In matter of estate of A. R. Tich- $17 .• ; W. E. Whitacre bridge I' - the wonderful chll nge in illY mot,h an ord r permitting the removal an I • ,II. n'''' l''~4hl'rtl,,;ollers. A dJ/ ..~ uf lhe ('u lII1LI'Y. II., is lifter-II yt'I:II'S er in '6 h 6 b glln til u e Elti t. Ie . 1.1 ' I ener, deceased. Ordered to sell pairs, $25.60; Lennie Whitacre. con· Bitterl!" write Mr. W . L Gil})ot , to rage of lh rail, cr -ties, pole rilE cCAU co .. J33 lo 2. W. 371b St.. , EW YOIU{ old, and i.... WlihoUI n u IllIH ), 34. 0; Lennie Whitacre, r ick, of Danf or th. Me. "Aithoui h and wires of Ihe rapid tran it branch shares of Western Union Telegraph tract. bridge repairs, $24. 0; J. B, mith, pa , t 70 sbe e m r8ll1ly to be grow from thp Dayton and Xenia turnpik stock. • In matter of will of Ahimaaz King. lumber. $28.75; Jane Gonon, refund- Ing you ng Ilgain. ~he uft' red un xplaining that it i th int nti n to TERMS: W'd I ~~A tak S told lUi ry from dy pep!!i for 20 d ~A~ -~ .J ~, I ow e ecLC\l to e er for one dog, $2; Byron tanton, .vetl.r . At 111 t she oould neli.her abandon the franchi e, H e says that '10.0 'niwml"nliving (' 11 ;. Il1U under will. expen and ins pection of prop sed ea t drink nor SIM I'. Doctors gavp, con id rabIe, of the pr p(:rty hru ~_________III!-III!I_III!' ant.l ('oil III sland U:i : ('lIl'ify . "Y Estates for settlemen t : Frank H , site for hospital $ 15; Philip Spence, ber op Ilod all rem eli failed till be n tolen , ince the aband nment , ont! I al'lin~~ wil h mul' f rft'l the Shumaker, executor Lucy E, Marks, making general indexes, $398; Hig- Electric Bitters wor~ed uob . won about two years ago. Mr, F reeding ins u I'Unee , second and final accoun t; Catherine mn & Conklin premium' insurance dar for ber baa Ith.· They lD,vlg says thalthe uon.:lhold '.' committee .., ora te all vital urj.;nns, core Liver ~ S nook, administ ratrix of Elizabeth . ,Orphan Asylu m . $17.50; Walter and Kidney troubl . induce sleep will be ready to pay the purchase T. Monks, first account; Elmer How- Gr'dY, damages for !!heep, $20. impart 8treuglD and,1I ppetite. Only price of 58 ,0 within the required II' JL\ \\' A \' ell, guardian of Irwin, Cecil and 50c at Fred '. obwl:lrtz's, . 0 day . The matter was presented , ~ \ I t!" 111("~ Lf'llth og n IlU llt Richard Watkins, minors, first acFALL IS THE BEST Tl I\ \E -Judge Thomp on .-Xen ia Herald. Ollko ill 1(. y:i LWI! Mllll' ~t count; Mary L. Gibb, guardian of BLOWS HEAD OFF Ralph and Nellie Gibbs, fi.rst and From August on the well-keptg-drThe J eople of' the ni d' tates All kind ~ of tone, Brj 'k and . final account; H. W. Meeker, ad- den will need very little attention, Frank O. borne. 26, son of Perry a re th greate t us , of the teleCement Work. ' \ ministrator of Jemima E. Crane, and should be as fine as at ,a ny time. Osborn, a farmer,living-in the south- phone_ E, Cement Walks and Fluors a tirst and finaJ account. But before one realizes it, the killing eastern part of Warren county, --~ - - . - ~ Specialty, 6c to lOe per I Puneral Dir ctor. In matter of guardianship of Jo~e- fro t will come. In ,a night the face was found dead :-v ith his head The tidal nl0vement in'the Petitcosquare foot. phUiJ Witham, alleged imbecile. of the garden will be changed. The blown off in an orchard near liis home. diac river at Amherst, N. ., reprePetition to appoint gUllrdian for plants will wither, and the leaves fall Examination showed that he had sents t hree million horse-power a day. All work guarimteed. - '1',.1 p h on", dllY or ni ght I same set for hearing June , 25 at 9 from the trees and hushes , been dead t wo days. He had taken A proposition i ' beipg considered to 'J nII v pllOIlH 7. (oi, o'clock. This is the time for the teal "aunu- his life by shooting off the top of hi harness it. I fl i I n.~' ' ;" U!l-'ll·. ' I , In matter of above it is ordered al" housecleaning in the garden. head with a hotgun which , be di ' Syria and Palestine has an inordiWAYNE VII.L£, tilt . that . guardian be appointed. All the stalks of annuals should be charged with the ramrod. Walter A, Sieker, administrator pulled up ~nd loosely piled, and Young Osborn is said to have been nate appetite fo r "import d. qrugs. llrllnC'h Olti~e. Harveysburg. ~ In Bietut, a city where oft drink , VB Frank Sieker, ~~ al Allred Swai~ tho&8 of the hardy ones cut off cl9se unbalanced for some years William B. Newport and ~. E. Lup- to the croWDS and ' thrown in a pile. 'h aving acted ' lrangely at variqu are in great demand, ther i' not a ton appointed to appraise real estate. 'Rake the garden clean ot every leaf tiDIes. Monday he was employed by ingle soda fountairl. and stalk, 'and sweep it to make a Frank Garrison,!Cl neighbor, leaving Marrlap LiceollCS. good job of it. Search ~llt the crev- there about 9 o'clock in the evening_ WAYNESVillE Ct1URCftE.~ Bert L. Graham. 23, 'carpenter, ices of the trees and fenties and build: The next,heard of him he borrowed 1_ __ ~Mid.dletown..aruLEffie G. White, 21, ings, as well t\S the bark of the trees, a shotgun from a neighbol' by the , Kings Milia. , with a torch, to kill the eggs and name of Hockett at 4:30,a. m. TuesOrthodox Friends Church. Charles Ralphy, 22. laborer, Maine- cocoons of insects which may be day, saying he wanted to kill some 'Re,·. B nJam! n .Hawkln!!. l'1I tor, urking there. ' ground hogs i~ ,the vicinity of his SabbaLb, chool, \1::10 a. m. Re~ular chur b Ville and Charlotte Kinner, 18, Morc~\'1 • 10 ;30 u, lD, (!h rlJltlan ~;ude~ var. row. , Rev. Browne, Maineville. Remove everything from the gar- home. , ',7 ::\0' p, tn , ,Fred E. Cox, 21,&, ' telegraph opera- den which could he classed ~ dirt or When he was not 'een for two days Hicksite Friends Church. tor"South Lebanon and Nell Moore, rubbish. apd burn every bit of it. and his whereabou ts unknown" it Firsl Day M 'tin\(, 1U ,00 n, m. Plrft~ O:lY Pile up all the lumber under cover, search was instituted and the body, 21 , Morrow. Re v. C un d y. • . , ·tool. 1) ;O() 1\, m . Founb Day 111 'c11ul: Fred East, 27, tobacco worker, and make pits for the bulbs for win- cold in death , was found on the Gar- LO:OO ,~. w, ,Germant.qwn, and Sadie Mav Gar- ter-blooming. Give the hedges their rison farm. Beside him lay the "The, Old Rclii~ble.· ' . l'a rd t 19, Fran k' l'm. Re v . A.J., K es- final trimming, and ' mulch those deadly weapon that hael done th~ Christian . h ; 0 Church.I crowns of hardy plants which need it. deed, and near the gun was t e ram- Sunday (111001. II :lI 1\ , til .. Socl I meet ,,"'.."'," ;,~"~ , tIe, Franklin. " , Ing. 10 :au ,~ In " an.1 Ghri srl:lu i ':nu eavor Ear) Schwartz. 23, shpe worker, If the garden is prop~rly cleaned rod lying 'in such a PO ition as to tell, 7 :Ou p. m ' Cincinnati and ,Laura Tabb, 21, shoe in' th,e fali, it will need very little the awfu1 tale. worker, Lebanon. done to it in the spring, when time oroner Carey was notified and he Edward Kohr, 25, paper maker, is precious - The, Desi~er for July. deputized Sguire A. M. Miller, .of ' Sebo , I, f.l ::JU ll, Ill, ~~rn l ng lIe r· ,.,. " t' Franklin Bessie Southard, 18, ' '" • ' ,Harlan township, who held , the ,ln- l'lce,qnd~ 10 :30 a. tn, EpwOrth. League, '7:0[) P' Q. , Franklin, ' A Night Rider's Raid. quest and pronounced death to be m. &V Ding lien-ice,. 7 ::10 p. m, ~d\\'lll;k 1'he worst Dight rlder8 are o~lOlDel due at the hands of the deceased. 'Pt1.yer llIee tlng, 7 :30 p . !D. -~-+I~~I--4'I-I'-lIlo,tion 1_ _ _ _~B~.~F '-'._'T~~r~im!.U!lb"'le...,___'L61.....,........fAllA.Jr1D~er",-LllLiLLl~-~oroton oll or aloes pills . They raid , " • _ ••_ __

County Courts


Short, Lines

Low Round-Trip Fares {

To New York and Return


Brown Bill

".'" Cloverdale




c. B. Lewis


n .'. H, E. II \


-- . --


" ,.




Give Me a Call

~t ·


~ ~ ~i.

Miami .Gazette




~t~!~O:~~~. ~~~~~~p~~o~Ch;


chester and Lizzie ' A. Snider, 30, .. housekeeper; Blanr;hester. Joe D. Casey, 21, car shop employee, ., Dayton and Sadie L, Rey'nolds, 18, Waynesville.

Real Estate


Wystie Holmes to George Holmes' Payment of grantor's indebtedness, etc. Jacob Doughman, administrator of Pet~r ' Doughman to Addie Doughman, real estate in Harlan township, r~al estate in Warren County.


DorothyReif,widow to Alice Holden real ~tate in Warren County $650, William Mullendore to Sallie W. Carson, real estate in Warren cou.nty, $11,000. 'rhe Morrow Brewing Company to Jonathan Morris real estate in Warren cOunty, $4895. Benjamin V. Smith to JaHon L, Sheehan real estate in Wayne tOWll, sltip. ' $1. , : " H, ' R. Wilson to William So Ungles, by real estate in Warren county; $1. MalTY}!. Compton et al to Delaney ,Catter' real ,estate iQ Warren county, ~. , '",

'Contract was entered Into with


P~rr, 'Pe~ for concret~ arch near '


your bed to rob you rest. NotBo Sf;' Mary's Episcopal Church. NO VOTE, NO HUSBAND witb Dr, King'., Ne'w Life Pill"., ,Rov. J . F . Qn,1walll<der, Rector, Tbeynev9rdi8tressorinconvenlenoe gunda:y . cbool . Ii :IJ1l (~. m Morni ng Rer' The Political Equality Union of "Ie . 10.::10 a, m . .Hoiy ComUlllnl(m ~\J1l IJrfi ~ but HolwaY8 oleanse the system, outing Cold8, Heada.obe. COflstlpa, Chicago, which is composed largely Suu<Jny of each Ul o uLh . Mon, Malaria, '250. Hot Fred C of girls of marriageable age, has tat:Jcbwart,z's, Church. ken up the "no vO,t e, no husband" St. Augustlne'i ra ther George Mavenhoe Cer , PaRlor . MANAGER INJURED siogan in ~rnest al!cording to the l\I'nJ!' 'every selJOnd SDntl~y o f the moulh n~ ' " _~ announcement of Miss Mary McEnery 0 :00 a. w . Thrown from a runabout by a colt an active member of the union. Miss that frightened at an automobile, McEnery, who is also a member of Col. George King. ' manager of the the'bindery women's union, says that King Powder comp/UlY, is suffering many girli:! have ~igned the.following a severe shock, ' including numerous pledge: "We the underSIgned, bebruil:!es and a seriously, lacerated Jeg. lieving as we do, that in the mattel' Ue is 'able to be in his office, but can of intelligence women are equally ennot transact much business, being do\ved, with men, hereby pledge Oll:scarcely able to move his arms, ~Ives not to marry any man who IS The accident occured on the hill not a believer in, and an acti~~ near the company's 'office at Kings worker for the cause!;>f equal sufMills. Col. 'King was driving the rage for men and women. • • • colt hitched to his runabout down the hill when he met a huge steam auto A PICNIC SANDWICH




r~MiamLGazetle is-60

.""ears Id and has h e rep-' of prilitillg ,all news In a very,sat IS fac t ory ' manner.


, .




_t pri~ts regulf:lrly 2,496 cohl,~n~ of good ,' readable, matter a year. Advertisers recognize ,it a$ '.the best adv~rti~i~g med~um, as they' use its col,u~s f,eely eyery wee~:. , T~e' ,p rice EQr ~he, Miami , ',G azette:i~. 9 ni y $1 .a'year . ,'i~'; a~'v,ance~ ,:'Send us y~ur., ' il~m~; "ant;l tr.~ it f9r ~ year..

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, •












.,' :"-""~"~",,,,,,~, """,,,,,,, """"" ~ ~"~ \1

' ·--·

Wirel~ messages .o.v~~land

""dtn~ ()f ~erm&n D~che on Ly~ not yet commercially 'practi~aJ.

, lift affair, with' an opening two ~n- ~ dred feet ~ide, er~ted ·b~..a Chicago • "'Icompany for a railroad~ ·in Bunna. '1-:: .•

















t-Here -----------f and There,

TilE 'MIAMI . G Z "T1'f 11.', ' 1 1",1 1\ . kill . .• t ~ I\'Il\fIC'; f;'h ', L!lI i ,f





11 . " - - - - - - - . - -_ _ _" , ,_ _- _

' ort, July 1. . The marriage of Ho~val'tI~ , 'L ea~1- 1 WIL L PAY THE rn ~, . f n 'aI", Waynesvlll , .and M.1HS I 1m M. olln I', daughter of M(l8,·M. 1 Cl mlt~ Ih "wind ow whpn'lt rainf4 1 i;.;l .. ,· 'f' \ Il::i li nd ' I't'd ~l(, 1 '11 r. I,ft.x IT 'orlnt' !', who 'e hom i on ' the ' 'P l1u 11 r lw k, i';l f f~ 107 ll1illl'l, a If'l' l'eul:i 'of ne.ana , 'pring-Ii ·Itl pike, n Yellow Spring 'IF' d h \ ('a nVany lJai n , --~------------------------ 1l11·,ir ulf mills, ' n, L \ AN ', [ ~dit,'/I' rinu Mlll/ag'l' WeI' , h1 ar'l'ied a t 3 o'clo 'k this aft 1'S I,d :t 'Iwck. noon by Rev , A. N .' pahr at his And pOll'lh'j ('I f all IdnW. t will he W'd ' I' dail y all th plan ' , hom North of the city, LastSunday in Wayne, viII , Oil 'l'uesuays. al\ Ralt~~: of Stlbscri ll ti llll . l I' city council h ~ call . S 'nd a eh Cle Phone 1,12, 01'. pahl' Ili ciated a t the maniage " '11' 'I" " '." r l' "1Jy 111 U,I\Oj th f", ~ I .l . 1 fO l' anr,tilP l' el c: ion (11'1 the qu estion L t no lh ' I' dam 's entrance, f Ralph G, Leaming, and Miss arah ~~ I II l! h I ' O P \ ,0. of ilis uill j{ .'2(1, IIU uonds t. improve I 'n tl a 'heck. onn el', brother of and sister of th l.: SMITH'~ \ lre wa tl' l' WIJI'I(s, Thifl r. qui!'es a uride and the bridegroom of tOday , ,' ••_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.wIl· t hird vo L,' a [ I IIP d(' f,i ·on held Silld I.h ' I; gu:-l Ull tig ht at night, 111I'1'f' I', (,f'nll.l'. , 'foday':Hv ddill g difi"" ed from th nl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! ~ , 'P lId a d l ,'k. ,l [ lust Sunday in the fa·1. t hat 1 Y ;.:; I H(,d ll t ~ l ru u llt, I lhu.: '~ 1.1/' ''' , 'H: ~ f' II I.. ' IU. fi: vt' I'yda, a leLl er write, (,l u~ I J ,· d An ~ . nu e I, ,"x "f','d rh ' t' 1inps marryin g' b · fure tilt' ti m ~ wh n il ~"" "" ~ Spnl! a 'hp k. was I'x pect 'J t he ceremony would '/' h'·,·... IU" ""l lnu h " fI, Lig-httling- strll ck Il l'ifle powder () lJlllla ,' I ,' ~, ti l'" Io" lo" b Ir" p , " ,'r r (h'/' Lu k , pl uee, the first cou ple elfect ualp lan t ut .o 's but Don'l. with ashes cal'pet str w, i, rna 'uzin p. ul th Iy slJu iled lhe J oubl ' wedJing, tha t - -F OR-CU1'II o f Ihnul." ::;,,. CU I·tullu lely the!' was little powuel' R nd:l h ' ( 1<had bt!ell allticipated. ron, ill it find ~ m a ll tlamag WUH dOll e. In Do 1I0L 1V01'k too ha l'd, but do S 'lf' I a l ~ 1' 1,·. wil e r .. "!U II·!!,· I " ili ad .. The mlll'riag · was q uietly cele~ ;" l'i o~p fl l'o:dmi ty we l'e sevt!rul t hou, .. 8end a check, 1)1 ~ I,I~y A dl· .. nl ~ I\l I1 . p ' r III t' 1I hraled loday, and after Lhe cel'emony lUI salid k g, 0 f powu I'. With love, IJI . t:(lUII I ~ u,.. t' n 0 10 ,'o ul r:l " l, a ",cuding' SlIPp I' was served aL th WI F EY. homt! uf t h \ bride's mothel', at - Toledo Hlllu . Jl' LY 7, I UO~ , Dobbins BI'OS, of(~ed a l'v ill , x pect which abull t fi ft e(' n g Uf'sts WE' I' --to nt. I' t.he Slat conle:;;t thiR fall PI' sent, inclll J ing t he bl'ia e anp I liORSE f.ALLS Df: AD fol' high st yield p I' aC l'e in COl'll 1)I'idegToOITI of Ias I. ' und a , M I' , t REMEMBER Tti E HOR, E ('on Lt'st, havin g pl'oL\uceu 0\1 J' 100 Whil molo rin g thl'ou h Ri dg<>- ilnd MI'g, Ralpll Lellmi ng- will go to 1 wi sh I could writ. a n al'gum nl l)llHh Is P I' al!l'e las t y £II', anti .think vil le n Evening las t week, Dr , Tal- Ilu u::! keepin g on the fa rm of the s vivid ly, in . uc'h plain and sim pl b · tI~J' P I'0 9P 'Is th b season.- Xenin bot, of ~in c i nn aLi , lu m ed out I) f lh 1,I'iti egl'uol1l';\ pai' nls and MI', and wO l'lI ~ , so app uling- and l u 'hing- ,lnz ·tte. I'mtd ut lil t' !lignal uf a passin/{ hOI""." M I's, Huwa ru Leami ng wi ll make t hat it would "E:u(:h tl V I'y man whll man, anu in so tl oing I.l ·Caln e mil' d I heir hom e wi h Lhe brid 's mother. tldv II 0 1' CUI··S for hO I~i\ and v I'y MI:S, Nancy Butt l'Wo lt h was in in mut! OVtH' t h ~ hub of his machine, - Xenia Cazelt , - "--'- --,man who ~lI1 p lbY!:l Ll l o~e who dr-i yf' Lown 'f'h u /'sd'ay. Th venerable lady, ing unabl to extl'icat t he cal' Tortured on a Horse.: Ihuu gh ill tilt" huml .. 11 th ypal' fll ). hy power uf th eng in , Dr, TaliJOl and cal'e fo l' h UI'S " "F or t ~n you rs I cou!un 't ride 11 The most patien t f"iend of' man: li f is sli ll hal and heal'ty; !lh wa s l'al1 d on a n ul'uy fa rm 1', nam d, hOl'se with out bein g in tOl'ture from I I'UI1S1lc ti ng busineil.-l with th Lo'vekind i. the h 1'$ • ook fOI' th a.<;sifl tance of Lhe team. piles," writeH L , H. Nn.pier , of Ru g, lanrl National 8ank ,- T ri-C u nty MI'. Cook stat d thaI. he haJ but. one Ill!!!! , Ky " " when nll doctors and oth He is al wnys til ~ . !'vun t. ' Pr ell. . And h wo .. k ~ f IJ I' hi!:l 'board hOI'SO wh! h was not afraid of auto. Af relll edl H flliled, Buokhm 's ArniCll When he i;:l Lur'n in to thia b u ~y moLil M Lut I,hat he wo uld attem pt to Hn l ve cUI'eu DI e, " Infallihle for wO I'ld h hUR \)e fol'~ hi rn Ii lonj:T I'vuJ , Monday evening Depu ty Uni ted pu ll the st l'a nded ca l' out. Hi tching Pil es, Burns, ~ cu Id!! , 'ot,!!, Boil , "~e ve r· So r R, Ecze mu , SnIt Rhou n , mal'k ",d llllC usillg Loi l. Jl muy rt!- :-; lnL s Ma l' Kal , andel' on quietly th anima l t th ma 'hine, the men <.)o ln;\. 260, UUllrunteed by F reu ' , Jl'Oppt'tl into Wil millg Lo n and al'l' st' ei v Hum kin u tlSS, but ill ulmosl pu t thei r shouldel's 1.0 the I'eat'of till' U 8c hwnrt.z. , ~ Muiberry St., ' - Lebanon, Ohio. a ll caHe~ h ,. is vailltlu fo J' the labul eu Glal'k h-vi n, a I'ul'a l· mail calTier, ' a1', and ulLhoug-h it moveu a littleat t h re i::! in his llluHl' li1l'1 , the s tl'tlngt.h [0 1' mLezzling l'l'l0ney, ol'd el' fun ds fiJ'St, they co uld not g t it to- budg , BREAKING-BUFFALO PHONES--Valley,309; Bell, 145-R in his HilltlWl:!, t he pow I'·in his mig ht.y ,: ceiv d n hi l'oule No.4 ano he furlhel', alth ugh ook ontinued to It has !.Jeen though t impossibl to ch st.- Ulld htl wi ll hav to W I'k ti ll was laken to in innati on th ni g ht' 'ull to t he hOl'H,e. Thin king that the bl'eak th buffalo or Ameri 'an bison t /'ain, wh I' he had a hearing l.lefol'e on clay b Iit'::! tl,)wn amI dit!g. animal might be 'soilli ring," MI'. the United States ommis.'lioner on 10k went al'ound to start him up 1.0 yoke 01' hal'n s.~ , This hM been AmI h w I'I<A for IllS b ut'd . <lispl'o\;ed of l a l.~ and Major B b Yo; fl u 'You \1 I' t hought th sit· 1'\J gday morning, again, but had no ' o~er given ' th " urn , who has 'pent a fur tun e uation of a hoI' , ur whut h ell ' word for I'enew d efforts when the A Purely Vegetable Laxative and li fetime al. ti1e work, is now in du re::! at th hand s of III n? horse fell d ad in his tt'acks, It is incinnati with a team of thoroughTh m~nag't:'l' oi a g reat luundl'Y upposed that he bursted a blood Cures Chronic ConstipatioD. and All ly broken bison, which are driven in on 'ern told us that h . no IOllg t Liver and Kidney TrOUbles. v el. After agre ing to furnish harness, ridden under the saddle, t ried to p u I' has ItO d h OI'S S , b ' Mr, Cook wi th another horse, Dr. The bison ar from his ranch in . For 8111 at tile rOllowlng pI CClI: caus til dri til'S would mistreat 'l'a'lbot PI'OCUred assi,stance fu rther Montana whel'e he has about 60 head them and, mak " plu g~" of til m, down th I'oad .- Wan n onnty ZimmermllD'R, Kil bon's, and' where the training is going on any way, Tim s, White'. ·, Mountjoy's incessantly , YI any people are going Springfield, ' Ohio.

...-...-..--.:...e Mag" I' f,;lI o\vt'd t hp, 'anl l;le of' h~1' '

IJ.) ..... --,. --........ ~ , . . - - .....

. : An y umm er eal', Hul.JlIY:




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out'to he.,ter Park, where the buf- . ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:. falo a r k pt to see the aT).imals work A mother WIlS lalkiilg to her little in hllrnes.'i ,. Their speeu is remark{,'; rl of th~ love of God to llS , Sh able and t heir endurance g reat. repeated the beautif ul verse, j'Fo!' ouncil has g l'an ted a f t'anehL e t o God so loved th world that He gave Subscribe for the Gazette Lb , in 'jnnati, Milford and Blan hes- H is only begotten son that ~~J~~~~:-II;~ii:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ l I' LI'a lion company, t hrough Ml'. er I.leliev th in Him shall not perish, ~lIJe Tick Blee man', for the ~on st J:u ctioll of a bu t have ve rl~til\g life, " aild ,said, tl'a tion line throug h th S~I' ets of " Isn't it wonderful dear, that God Wilming to'n . WOl'k mURt begin ill !;Ihould love USS() mu ch as that ?" 'fo Hero'are'only four cif the numerous kind. of parasitn that . six. moni lla ufLi~ I',·acc ce by Hu? hel' su~prise the chill] replied, " 'N o, live on domestic animal. and reduce the owners' profits, Gr' HYG ENO kills the eo and 011 others 'ol,ll pany. From this poi nt 'it is PI'O- mama, J don't think ,it wonderful." J Cure. Itch, mongo ond other ' ,k ln diseal es. ,Destroys &' rms The mothel' aid, "Why, daughtel', pOs . w ,e llst l'U ut t h line t X nia and foul odors, Keep. fl lea away, It Is a wonderful cool w tout puin to u HarveYfiburg~ Ohio. tar disinfectant, ond in addition to bein&' a .tock dip It hilS pain t a man'! Via 1'0 I' l William and ' J ame town.- don't you t.hink that- God's love is numerous household u.e , w nd ~l-rul ? I think it would b ,wonderful if it weJ:e any on else," W e buy In qUllI\titi.,. and ollr said the rhild , "but its just like We waut the pflople to kDOW we f. il!c, _'!till. pl~e )-0,11./ a~ll llrd slIff reo a broken God," - Th Delineator for July, , are still bandliug - For slIle I)yFI'i('\ay , while working on: JUST LIKE GOD




Gets Them All.

Howe Bros'

- - - ....


Life 100,000 Years Ago; .]


' oienttst. blive foun~ in a.oave in .wil:zerland liones uf men, wbo lived .100;000 y e~r~ ' II~o," when li~e ~IlS in o6nstll.nt dllnger fronl Wild beasts. Today the dlln ger, !LS Brown , of Alexllnder, Me. ii.4 llltgf'. Iy froUi deudly dille~lIe . · illf it .had oot. been for Dr. Kin g'l! Ne~ Disoov, ery, ' whi ch oured me,l could not luive llvedY he writes, "I,,<!lferlng 118 [ did from a severe lung trouble und st,ubburn oougb" To oure ,~ ore l.lln gf4, Col dR, obl!ltinate Uough t' IlUd pr·e vent. ~n e illllonifl., its the' bdHt, medicine (In earth GOo lind , ,1, Of) Gl1Urlml elld bv Fred C. Sobwartz rfial bottlH fr'eEl,

- - -

.. ----....

Tne 'n we t depal't ment N w York.will have a bank el ~vatol's . ,


Pa.p er,



And lu'e carrying a large line of . Paper: , We a18p bave complete li~e of

Undertaker and Embalmer.

Carpets, R,ugs, Linoleums, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Etc. Come in and See Us.

Will be fOlll1d in the 01(1 Blink Boildlng, opposite ibe Nat.ionll.l Bank, Tel pilOne in house tLnu of,· fl oe wb ere I QaU be rolled uay or night, V ~l1ey 'f-bone U--2" • Main ~treet. WayneSVille, OhiO


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HO'we Bros.

I P' ~-..iillill!-_ _ _ _ _-.:'I I

ILES;lmmedlate relief from Shoop's Magic Ointment.



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is with~ut doubt the moSt ·e~cient house paint , On ' the .·m·arket,'· and i's cheapest 'in the entl, in tha~ it: w~ll", ~q ,:jurtner and .~ea.r, ~ongei-. tpan . ~t,~er , :paipt!!... Only, the best matenals ! are . used, wlth


· P·.IO ' "D.DN T , <te'rJlbe' r ed': with ' J'u'.'st" "eR.Q:ugh .~ z'int: , M " ~.\_' ,,' , to' p~e~e~~' €h~IJCing ·quick.lY, as ,i'~ .~~he case ,w~~t:c ' .Iead:"~9,ne~ is :- used. ~ , ' .... , 1




'.rZ .

The Miami Gazette

' Th. e light Wal just begtnnl!)! til I bl' ak in the east, dud In the hal! \ dar)(net;s which sim ling rei! Achier

The Head on


I ~~~~~ ~~~~I~;:~~h ~~e g~~e:~: ~~6~

tI1.e, 'VVa~I



WOMEN SUFFER NEEDLESSLY Many Mysterioul Ach,ea and Palnl Are Easily Cur'ed. '

Backache, pain through the blps, c m tile c ntml obj9c~ of Interest 4n' dlzzy s p l1s, 11 ada bell, ,ne \'o\lsness. til ho was ralrly In their mid t. and bloating, ' lc., ' are could h8\' rell h d out snd touch 'd Extract {rom Bulletin of Wisconsin A 'g rlcuItural StaUoD One strow hnl do Sll 't make a sum· troubl s that comI lh{l arm wblch held the 8001 thing ShOwing How MachIne Can. be Operated me r, monly come from BY THE "HlCHWAY AND BYWAY" I bMor tile eyes of th e ass llI.bled on Ten. Acre Patch. sick kldn ys. Don't , group. from belliPREACHER J oh n Bull is ml s tall the causecose v Ills. I rr, alm o~ t a shriek. brolte from Donn's' Kidney Pll1s I Arhle r's IIP t;, as he c. 1 d : Pro\1de tI\"o 50-gallon barrels. two colorntlou or p~eclplt.nte Is produced Th lIolls III _,\ /rlcu or not puttIn& ha ve cured thouof I " y god at the As yrlanB, It Is the gal\"nnlzed ten-quart palls for mixing th e mixtUre n ads moro I lime. The Based on the Apocryphal Book \lP a go d flghl. sunds of worn n af! h()ad of Il olorerne8," aud tremblln!: potass ium r no'cyanlde can b ~ p.ur· Jud ith, Chapt rs 14· 16, fli cted In this WIlYlilt ' an a ' pen he tell upon ~IB fa e and dipping. One hundred and fifty chnsed from any drug 'sto r ~ . A tsrt5(, fly Is sai d to maKe a ty· pounds of blu vlt~lol, two buntlr d by curing the kidnlmru lliCII In B ook ot J udl lh ,-Thl'l"e to he groun d. ph old fly In k 11k '31 cen ts. It Is nec ssary also to see that al\ lire t wo con OlC: t\ng IItat mcnlll liS t o the neys. Irs. . R. Here was the head of the man he poun(\ 11 of fr esb 11m and five cents; r illl nni lan glll1fo(e of t il" book . Or,,;e n had , fea red above al1 Foresman, 113 8. other~, the worth of potassium terro-cyanlde cry- grit and unslaked particles of \lUte are " Willi ltilln:l'R hally ha s GO dainty Ipc nkS of It. t o~ thllr with T Qhl t , ns " no t strnlned from the mixture b Core It ~t., unon City, 010,. says: gow nll." All C' lIt princess, w pre- to x lllUng In l"' brc w " en among the mll! hty Assyri an gen eral. whom h e stals. Ls pour d Into the spray , tanK, Thll Apocrypha." In t he II bre w ollectl an, hud expected bad como to d m nd sume. "Tllre years 1 su lfered with rheumaThe two bundred pounds of fresh w hJle J erome, on thc OIlIer hr,nd. 81\)'9 his li fe . A mighty revulsIon of feal , ti s m. dropsy and kidney complr\lnt. lime will be sufficient for the season Dut th h iI'll may be conslcl ' mbly t h n t "Among t h H ·b rl'w. th o Book o t In g Rwept o\-er him. and became utt rly h Ipless. I found reand shoulcl be bought In slllall lata Ju dIth . . , bei ng writte n In l ila hnlnmu sed nt Wilbur Wrlght·s nttempts d n n l a ngunl((J Is r e r koned among the "How can It beY" he exclaimed, ut at the time of spraying. The first ap' ll e r uft I' \Isi ng two or thr e boxea of to fly , h ls.tor lcs ," TI ere ca n be little doubt la s t. , , Doan's Kidn ey Pll1s and kept on until Illlcation ,wl\l rcqulre forty pounds of Ulat t h book W09 written In Pal cstl n In And wh en JudIth had been Stllll · bluc vitrIol and fifty pounds of tresh CU I' d, Doan's Kidn ey PlIIs havoHowevf'r bnd Aru erlcan be f may the n a ti o nal tll/L1ee l (Syro- Chaltlale), The b en a bl sslng to me." be, It Is pref rabl to Europenn horse t ex t xls llI a t pr tmnt In two disti nc t r e- maned and she hod rIoted In his lime. enslona, t ho Cre<'k f oll owed by the ear nil that God had wrollght thro ugh Sold by all delll rs, 50 cents n box. st aks, Suspend th e blue vitrIol In one·half Snlo c ). an d t he Latin. The f orm r vi- her he t ell at her f et and rereren~ed Foster-Milburn Co" Butralo, N. Y. barrel of water (twentY-flv9 gallons) d e nlly 18 the tru e r r C'pr c:sc nLU t1\·o of t ho A brewery strike Is on In Mllwau, orl glnltl. and It /I e m s ceTt a ln t hnt che her, saylne : the evcnlng betore spraying, Bang kee. Wa t b the paragraphers around LatIn was derIved, In the m a in, fro m the NEVER DONE, "Dles ed art thou In all the tsber- the blue "Itrlol well up from the botthe country , Greek b)' a 80rl Il of suec s!llv a li r n- nacle of Judah, and In all naUc,lls, tom ot the barrel and use wben pos· tlonll. The Latin t :'l t 0.0nl oln8 m ny Th e clrc"'u""s=t""oo""k=a=\""va""y=a:=::::lot of mon- cu r ious n ors. A t pr BellI It Is Im pos- which h sring thy name hall he s ible only wooden or copper vessels to det ermin e the Qulh nil e t 'xt, a t! tonl s hed." In handling the solution. Iron and tIn ey, but I ft many pleasant recollec· sible And as soon as the mornIng nrc.39 wll1 be eaten through by the free acid The exl8tence o r Ih eso vnrlouH r c>ccmslons tions b hind, ot the book III a pro o e or Ita popu l\l rlty tiley han ged th head of HolofcTfI IlS In the blue vitrIol solution. .It Is well and wide ci r cu lati on : but t h e cxU' rnal e l',===== Cotton ke ps going up and the kIng Ida n co ot Its uae Is ,'ery IIclln!y, The 1111011 tbe wnll. and er e ry man took to rinse aJl metal vessels containing A spTllylng ou tnt t or small 8f'<!U. 'l'ha of the south Is feeling very flne and ftrst r (erence to Ita eo nte nlB occ urs In bls ,,:esl1ol1s and th ey went forth by blue vitriol solution wIth lime water pIpIng can be pur hllnd complete with ·Iem. Rom., anti It 111 tlUOI c\ with mark ed bands unto the passes of the m( un- niter usIng. hearty these days, noul es and attached to an o rdinary ( arm r esp ct by Orlgen. HJlnry nnd Luclf r. taln which lead Into th e miley below wagon. The barrel and pump mny also Slake fifty pounds of tresb lime In IIpon.ka ot It aa "rc konr c] among A' MIssouri man advertises for a .1crome be uled tor orcha.rd sprayIng. the IIllcred S rlpture8 by t he Synod of towards the camp of the A syrians . barr I the evening b tore spraying. a lost umbrella. We are not altogether Ni ce. " It has been wrongly Insert d In But· when the Assyrians saw them Then In the morning the stock solu· 11'111 prevent loss at time from the a nation of sk pUcs, til" catalogue at the clONe ot the Apos - they raised a gten,t shout, nnd @Imt tlon oC both lime and vitriol will be' clogging ot the nozzles. Several 1m' toli c Carlone. to the ir lea ders, which In turn came ready for mixing, . Castro's most noteworthy ach levGportant dets\ls should be observed In Sllmklns-l- l hope you didn't Place one·fifth ot the blue vitrIol applying the mixture .to the vines. II mind my putting tbat li ttle matte r or ment for Venezuela appears to have • +•••••••••••• +•• ++++• +• •• to th eir captains and trIbunes and to' • ev ry one of their rulers. So they stock solution, prepared as above, In the vines are larg~ double nozzle. $5 In the hnnds of tho bill coli tor been his leaving of It. SERMONETTE. came to Holofe rnes' tent and cried one empty barrel and 1111 with water. should be used. The pipes and noz. yesterday? Which are t he more destructive. to Bllgoas. who had chargE,! at all his Place one·fifth of the lime In another zles shOUld be carefully adjusted so Podg l'-Not .at all; I borrowed Ii "And when he (Achier) came things : big hats for, women or leglslat1\'e empty barrel ana fill with water. Stir as to cover aU the rows. It require! dollar from him. and saw the head of Holofernes, 'jokes expressed In freak bUlB? "Waken now our lord; tor the dogs thoroughl,y. Tben, wIth two men dIp, about one-half an hour to empty a 19~ , ------and perceived all that the God of the Hebrews have been bold lo A Rich Error. of !arael had done, he believed AmerIca has never yet failed to come down against WI to battle, Let "Printers' errors are alwa1s runny," welcome a v(sltlng warship In keep· In God greatly and wal Joined us at' them that they may be utterly laid Gen. p, P. Parker of the Arizona unto the house of larael." fng wltb the spirit of Its comIng, destroyed ." O. A, R., "and 1'11 , nev I' tor get one Oh, but you aay, It wal Juthat wns mnd e over a M morlal day dith who had wrought ao mightThen went Bagoas and knocked at Not a gTeat deal at faith Is r equired sermon some years ago In Pboenlx. lIy. Why apeak so explicitly of the tent door of hll master, but there to Induce a forehanded householder "The Mon(lay morning report of this to get the lawn mower sharpened. God and 81crlbe to him all the came no response. sermon b gun: crec-.t1 "He sleepetb, deeply," he snld, and Somebody should take a phono.. 'Th Rev. Dr. John Blan" gr ased, Old you never oblerve that he knocked harder, and yet harder, for gravhlc record next time the shah the pulpit on the occaslon'- and 80 on. Nho really works the workl of he was loath to enter ~Inklng that proc.JaJms a constitutIon and then .. 'Graced,' ot course, Is what wa;. God Is lost I" the Ihadowl 0; Judith, was with him within the tent. hold him to It. meant." 'the Almighty's prcsence. But at last he made bold to enter 'and While we may be conscious of the ghastly sight whlcb met his eyes Absent All Around. We wonder It the Innocent bunders The absent mind d professor rethe human Inltrument which caused him to utter a chriek which of Dreadnaughts are cont.rlbutlng tur'ned howe. one evening, and. atter has beoome the willing chlnflel pierced to the limits of the oMeera' money to help keep Great Britain In ringing hLs tront doorb 11 tor some through whl,ch God hal pouted ' quartets and caused a great fear to a ' constant state of panic? Ume ' to no etrect, heard the rnald'il his power and haa wrought come upon the hearts of the captains voice from th second story window: I'(1lghtlly ~mong men, It III there who waited without. Nay, the cry Just In time for the toy pilltol and "The professor Is not In.'' Is the larger, 1\1 ore' bleeled had scarce }>egun to dIe away When other cheerful features of the Fourth, A. modern and desirable typ e ot potato-spraying machIne in operaUop, Will "All right!' Qui tly answered the thought that It ,. God who has they TUshed Into the tent and saw another lock-jaw cure hilS been ' an· Bpray 20 to 311 aores p er day. Extra nozzles can be attached U desired_ Tt'la m ... proCessor: ''I'll all agllln." And he wrought, their chief lying heal11ess upon the ohloe ts eqUIpped with a pump, pressure tank and Baret)' valve. \ nounced. ' In proved efficiency, howhobbled down the stone stells.-Llp-, The ' head on the wall Is not floor. ever: the p\stol Is far In the lead. the symbol of the woman's pow. Like mad Bagoas tor~ Into the tent ,ping, strain the contents Jof the two gallon tank where ten rows are takeD plncott's. er, but ' rather the Itrength of ot Judith adjOining, followed by the barrels thorugh a gunny sock Into a at each round. ' Twenty Bcres should 'Mlallourl refuses to appropriate ' Knocking. God as manifested In the weakte~ror-strlcken captalns., lt waa, empty. thl.rd and fo~rth barr,e l, makjng 'alto- be covered during ~ ten.hou.r money tor Instruction in ' jO\lrnali8m. "Do you believe In hyPot1sm?" ne.1 and frailty of a woman. "These slaves of HelJrews ' bne gether two barrels of Bordeaux mix- when the provisions stated above are TWII Will mean a few . less lectures, "I should say I do! DIdn't Mal .. Achier, the captain of all the dealt treacherously," cried .Bagou, In ture, or enough to , 1111 lOG-gallon observed. but the real school8 of , new sp~er SmIth get married 1" -.rol'k will go on without 3tate aid, forcq of the I'mmonltlea, had tear and anger. "One woman of the tank. An abundant 1I'ater supply Is very been elimmoned before Holofe.... Hebrews , hath 'brought shame upon " Cautlon.~The lime Is added to tbe dealrable where large (lelds are to ,Why sh'OOldn·t King Edward begin nes, thIS captain ot t yrlan se of Klns Nebuchadnenar; ' blue vitriol wa,ter principally to . pre- be sprayed., Many growers err In DOt to "how signs of old age? He has forces which had come and laid for behold, ~oloternes !leth upon the veJlt the blue vitriol trom injuring the providing sumclent harrels and palla lived , through 67 years, and ff any of sIege to Bethulla, and In anlwer ground without a head." fof!age. If the mlxture Is made IiC- tor mIxing and , preparing the stock "them have been "hart w~lght or to questions ,of the great gener. And fear feU upon them all, 'so tl\at cording to the above dlredUons no solutions. The concentrated ' lime and del' IIlze the fact has escaped notice. al he had given a hIstory of the there was no man that durst abide In damage to the follage will resu~t, but blue vitriol stock solutions must be Jewish people and how God had the sight of his neighbor, but tn paplc- ,In case of d~ubt uae the following test: pou~ed ,directly together, but dllut~d A social worker In New York Is atworked mightily In their behalf. stricken tear each soldier in the camp To the barrel of Bordeaux mlxtu~e as directed above. Hence the neces· tacking the tendency to tell 'f airy tales ThIs aroused the anger of Holofled Into tbe plaJn and scattered every add a few drops of potassium ferro- slty for providing the barrels to make fnstead of historlcal stories to ,the fernes, and declar'lng that If the one his own way. Then sent Ozias cyanide solution. It a deep brown dls- the mliture on a lar~e scale. chUdren Ip the , public playgrounds, tiebrew God was such a great the r'u ler of Bethuna In great haste -"':-'......-:-_ _ _ _~_ _ _ _.....-;_ __:~--~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- I~ III a great , pity that some of the God, Achier should find refUge, to al\ the cities and country round modern theories do not recognfze within the walll of Bethulla, but telling of all the things .whlch had what safe companions the dear old when his army swept away Its come to pass lind the Hebrews in all fairies are tor the children. walll and ~ell ,upon the people the coasts of Israel came tort.h, and he (Achier) should be the first with one consent they slew their en&A writer ; In the London Times to suffer death. And Achier be· I d , praises Abdul Hamid for bls unfailmles ' untl they were passe Damalt' lIeved the 'p ower of Holofernes If'Iula' Show lD Summer Ia.ur. CJeaDUae... aDd H . .lth tor cus and the borders 'thereof. ' Ing courtesy, enthusiasm for schools and NH4 Prompt AUeDUoD. , 'Stock, ~ Cheap. and waited In fear and tremb· And the resIdue that dwelt at Beand educatjon. benevolence and ten,For Your ling during those days while Juder-heartedness even for those condith carried out her plot. And thulJa' tell upon the camp of Assur victed of attemptlpg to take' his life. Because they ate The apple scab, grape s~ab, and "Cement and alfalta are going to "when he say the head of Holoand spoiled !t of all Its treasure. And .After this the world ,wilt not be' surthe cbHdren of Israel that returned other forms 0[ ' tungus disease show make the western farmers the most made of the cnoicest fernes he believed In the God of rrom the slaughte.r" had that which lhem.selve's In midsummer and require Indl'lpenilent peoPle on earth." J,>rised hear that he Is a monogaIsrael." ' , materials and ,guaranmist. ' TbJs is the ' opinion of Cbarles QUI'The deliverance of the city remained, for there was al;lUnda ce the most prompt and persistent work absolut~ly . teed to be with Dordeaux mixture, Meanwhile, ney of Red 0I0UI1, Neb., who marketed was a great reward for Judith'. tor all, for the spoil was very great. A little girl In New York has set an Then Joaclm the high priest n' n d' pure. through all thIs hot ' weather we ba ve cattle worth $9,240 In Kansas CIty redevotion, but perhaps a greater examvle of civic generosity and duty reward was the winning of a the ancIents' of the children of ' la- at work In our orchard a rather recent cently. '. In explaining the 'use of 'ceo which has been deemed Important This Is the m.ent on the farm MI'. G~rney saJd: '; ', LIbby'. V •• I soul from the darkness of heaI rael that dwelt In Jerusalem, came pest, called the trlpcta tiy. enough to acknowledge formally. "The time lB ' coming wben cement then Ism to the knowledge of the forth to Dethulla to behold the good worst enemy that the horticultur:lst Reading In the vapers tha: the approI.oat. makes a delighttrue God, eo that from that day things that God had showed to lsra. just now has to d~ar with, says E. ,P. will be 't he' universal building materIal priation asked for the Hudson-Fulton ful dIsh for Luncheon forth Achier, the great captain el and to see Judith" whose tame Powell In Outing. ' . on the farm. A concrete floor and , celebration was equal to a pro rata of the Ammonites, ChOS6 the God had spread through all the country. This fly works aU summer, atld It wall eliminates the rodent , and most an~ you will find, contribution ' from every citizen of Israel as his God and Joined ! Anti when tlley nad come to her they stings ' right through the , skin of .. vermin, an!i tn a tew years a well s8ven-and-a-halt cents. she serit her Ubby'. himself unto Israel, blessed he r wltb one accord Bnd said app'le, at ~eason of Its growth. Tbe Ilonstructed bundlng, with bIn attachcontribution of eight cents ,to help. e.g gs produce the most InsignIficant ments, will save ~nough grain to Pill' :t- The victories of the servants u'nto her: Vienna Sa~ The r emark of 1\Jr, Bryce In his , of God are always far reaching "Thou a rt the exalted ot Jerusalem, worms In size, but they tunnel the tor tbe cost ,of construction: "American Commonwea lth," that the In their Influences, thou art the great gloryot Israel, thou apple untH the wbole conlents' Is ' a "in extreme ·' cold weather such a found ers at the constitution w re men art the great rejOicing of our 'nation. .blackening pulp. You wUl sometimes building affords an even' temperature Corned wbo believed firmly In original sin and Thou has t done all lhese things by know nothing ' at all of the mischief tor live stock. I never have to worry and lett no door open they could shut, Is thine ,band. 'I'hou hast dono much goIng on unta a customer charges you about ~y young stock on ' a cold night. THE ~TORY. very apJlllcnbl e and deserves specIal good In Israel. and Ood Is jlleased wlth-i;~llIng rotten apples. Soine eggs Anothel' advantage Is the cleanllnesll. study just now. A bit at this sound. wIth thee. Blessed be thou ot ' th' hatch In midsummer, as' soon as laJd; I have no tubercnlosls among my cat~ If old·tlm e. wisdom would help Im- "CALL AchIer!" Ahnlghty Lord lor ever more,!' but ot.h ers lie dormant until, tie, no cholera hogs,and no roup In the The command of Ozlas sounded measurabl y tn our ch'lc aITalrs; where when they will hatcb out In your cel- chickens.', equally tempting for And all the people ~houted: men, apparentl y. are taken on. child, sharp and clear on +hl! early morning "And alfalfa f8 m~ng It posslblo lar, and go on wIth tJlelr ruinous work. any meal. ' "So be It." lIke trust, nn(1 the (Ioor 'o r every pub- aJr, and the scurrying feet told or the A practiced eye can generaUy. ,tell for the western .' farmer to live ,In And the pen!)le spOiled the camp eager etrort to obey. ' lic trust fun,1 Is O)J n, of the presence of larvae by dark luxury. I have fattened a larg~ ' herd Have a supply of 'The little gronp stood within the the space Clt 30 days; nnd they gave lfnes on the sk.ln of the apple_ The of cattle this year, !lold altalfa wortb ' u nto Jlldlth Holofernes' tent, and all The Issl\(~ or Thursday. March 25, space about the great massive gates Ubby'. in the house only remedY.' Is to keep all ,dropped ap,$300 and bav~ 500 tons ,left." ' 1Iis plate, and beds and vessels and of the Evening Bull etin or Honolulu, or the ,City which but a short time bearid you will always' be territory of HawaII, Is acceptable evI- tore . had swung on their hinges and bls stuff, and she took it and laid It ptel pIcked up and destroyed\ It posdence that American energy .Io11ow8 admitted Judith and ' her maid ' who on her mule. and made ready her sible, make a IIheep pasture of your , Mlc'e Veraus Oarden 'Seeds.-A .new prepared for all extra ' terror;' ~lIpeclally . to . lady clerks, hal the flag. It Is an Issue of 74 pages, five da'y s before had gone forth ta- carts and laid them thereon. ' Then orchard. guest. , ' The fly likes shade, and for that come wIth ' , the ,establlllhmerit ot tlie Including an Illustrated "Industrial king their Uves In their hands' that all the women of lsmel ran together Wash· Section" Oil book paper, setting torth they mlg,h t serve the city they loved. to s,e e her, and blessed her, and made reason raspberry or currant bushes ·go\·ernment , seed cJepollltory th'e development and magnitude of And that their etrorts , had not been a dance among them tor bel', And under your trees will encourage Its 'lngton trom wlilc,h cpngressm'en sup. the HawaIIan sl!gar Industry, HawaII In vain waa ~vldent from the ghast- slie took brimcbes In her hand aud work. Spraying wl11 , ~o little or ,no ply con's t1tuents wl~h '.ainpJe~, Bayj III a land of ill'omlse for the agrlclIl- ly trophy which one of ·the group held gave also to' tbe women that were good., for we cannot J'eacb the ' Oy UW ,Tr'oy ~Ime~, The "se,e ds are quite with her. And they put ' a garland at Its 'work, nor the -e gg that Is thrust ' ~ a~fr~ctlve to mIce as , to men, and tutlst and borliculturillt. and she lB , to In' his hand. ' ' ~e building wb~re the ' grain hl'stored of olive upon her and her mold that through the sk1n. , come to her own through the Influ· "Hang It . upon the wall," JudlU. ," "/ 1,8 ove,~n ) ~I~ the ' c,reatu\'~s . . As ence ot American enterprls,e In every had said as she had 'passed on and was with her, alld she went forth b'e. , . most Of those" employed In dolbg m1 iore all the people In the dance lead, flel~ or nd eavor. r:.fle.r the first , thrill ot excitement , Lime ' for, Beetl.-Llme, when, ,ap- the pacQ8ea are girls a ~fearsom. ===== 'liad 8ulisl.ded and the ruler and princes Ing all the women. And Judith dedi, pU~d ~o 'JugR.r b~l3t land ,In Michigan, state of tbln~. III p.revaillng. In that' Tbe cow may yet become the at the city h'od ;' regained som'e- cated all tbe stult of HolofernElS ""hlcb prCI4~c.ea ;BI " sllght,ly " ~rger ~~~.elop- ,bfaneh ':ot the government· ...' '''i ' • 1I1Bssachusetts inblem, but not while w~at ot their composure, Ozlas bad the people had glven her and g~v'e ment of , leaf than on the, u!tUmed , t ,> lI\er. co. , " there's any qu s Uon of th e milk stand- bethought , h\meelf of Achier ' the ' the c~opy w~lch she had tuk~n out pluts, and an ·lnQrease' of ' ~,200 I " ard . Nobody eve'r t ried to' tamper Ammqlllte 'chIef whom Holofern~s lIad ot his ~~d C)l~mQer, tor a gift to .~be pounds pei acre ' over ,the \lnllmed, 1V1t!J tbe cQUflsk ' consigned to tqe city to a\valt <leato ~rd. 80, ,the people contlnued: f.east· beets." The percenqlge' ,o f sugar~~ 'the them ijlat wat 4 ======~==~= w,h en the, cIty should be taken by his tng In Jerusa,l em befo~ the, sanctuaU .&n' Erigllshllrlnce or til royal blood «oldlers, and had commanded that lie for t.he space of , thre.e months, · a!1c1 beets remaJ~s practically *h~ aIilXl.. , rotatiOD of ' crops with Djore intenllve I ,~~~~~~~~+~=~~~~' ,,' ,,_ " ' bUlUvatlOn. , ·~otatiDg ' Jal:m I': ,fa to be appoint, " "l!:~ ro~' of ,IndIa, be broUght. '' JudHh rema!ned wt~ theOh where tll . gospel Q1 dlsron! n Is be.. " ," And aftar- thlt! ever,y ona returned • - Meadow t:a;,d In New Yor.:~New profttable I~ many ,wal'.. It aeflt1in,VA '1 At lut the hour has come, mut- to ,bls ow.n fqheritance and JudJtb YorlC alone hu neady 6,OOO,otO., acree I' UDlerable._ fnlti11ou~ lDlectli and 1DI' preach , by thousands ,and tbe nath'es ar . lilQtting again t tl\elr terQll Achier, as he follnwed tlie ~etI· went , to Bethulla, and remained ill of meadoW taod UjIQD wJllch upward keeps Ofe weeds ,In cbeck; It live. Qf 6,OOOJ)OO toDS of ,bay aile" ~la..s ~.. CroptI aDd m&ice. the ' IIUld waS In at". Olmr ssors. t Lord, Kit hener sengefs bl;lck thr'1ug}! the "treets In . her own posseasfori the dlre~Uon or the cit .. gate. I'But, ., ' .,."" rear. ' In 'the United Stat.. ap- rtcher fa mCJf. tJlU OD. 1f&t. :n., Got ~ed Inllin with IlD It()li hand and I. Achier, the AJnmonlte chief, will UtIl. honorable In all the countl'y. ~tel1' 10,000,000 ton. of tlmOtb, ~plant .,adl .... IMeta all ' ~he Ume l)' "ltrll ated ~t101l.a. There II at leaat shQw them bow ~ tnJe .01. Th~ beauty doctor often put. a tIq ::.a~ '::"):lI~ .o,~~ ~ :;:_ tb.t .... ' • Ilonn brew1Dg ,11a' JAdlab\1t clIer C1U1 die" of lotd 1D a IwlDn 1Jiout. ' WAY, -E nLLlil,



Judith Gtvet.h Token of Certain Vtctory.


+ t
















Pork Bea". Evapo,..f.d 1111.






___~-~HICAGO. - T , h r e a tllousand em b r y 0 .j a 0 k 1 e s dall y mao n e U v e r 1 n g on _tile lake tront on the fllr nOrth shore. Halt a hundred 0 f f 1 c e'r s . commissioned a n Ii non • oommlss10ttetl. engaged in t l' a n s forming ,r aw rec l'ults iulo fulI~fle d ge d sail· or men. Hal! , dozen t\'lm gun60n ts and practice vessels . stationed In t he vi. clnlty of th e good. sbed, olfty that nele Snm has be n silently engaged In building in the last five years. That la wHat anot l\er year wlll bring (orth up at Lnke, Bluff. wbell ,t he greatest navnl training station • In the wolld will be opened and rendy (0,(, busIness. If nil conttllues to go wall. . It w11l \:le completed July I, 1910, aud tho tota) 0411ay up' to t hat time will apprmchnata ~3 .50Q,OOO . Of tbls $2,500,000 Is the CORt ot 39 buil dings U GO,OOO tho cost ot 182 acres •


J efferson wrote, but wblch ~nde"'dt many. ohanges berore ' mQetlng wt~ the final approval of the deleg~tes to tbe contJnental congress, not an lucte. . pendence day bas been permlttet! to pasa wIthout a proper celebration In the publlo Bquar~ back of Indepwa. ence ball . • Presidents of the United state .. , senators, representa· navy, aE! well as tives, justices ot the highest courts. and even foreign am· the fl rst vessel of bll$sadors, have poured forth .thelr eloquence at Uberty's Its kind to be cradle. The municipal authorities of the city of PhUa!1e}. used on the great phla are careful to see to it that some distlDgullhed maD lakes, will a Iso Is always on hand as orator of the day. probably be seen The pomp of mtlltary clrcumlltances has s~metlm .. , . more freq,uently , been called upon to lend prestige to the occasion; and the . tn the. vicinity of Chicago than fox:· . best musicians In the land have been proud to play patrlo otic aIrs In the shadow ot the steeple where hung the Dlerly. But just bell that rang out independence. wha t the plans ot The first reading ot the declaration wal that b,. the navy' dep,ar~ Obarles Thomson, the secretary ot congress, when he an· ment are tor the nounced. the completed 'paper to the Di~n who had framed equipment of the It, Thomson did not. however read the deolaration ,rom "lItatlon with practhe balcony of Independence hall to the people crowded ttce vessel .. llre a outside to hear tor tbe first ·tlme In what terms tbe colosecret at present nists should tell King George that 1Iis control of the thirand it Is unl.lkely teen 'colonies was at an end. . . that . their vlans That prIvilege was reserved ~or John Nixon, a proml will be made nent member of the committee of safety. In honor at the knowu tor so~e occasion delegates to th~ congress flIed out In the Jul, time to come. sunshine to listen to the sncred Wdl'ds. It. was the work Nixon has been described as a master elocutionist wltb of the mlnoCs na· a voice so clear and distinct that it was heard clear to val militia dul'Fl!th street, one square distant. He too1l I his place on the balcony; wblch 'was then the favorite rostrum of the day. Crowd. \' had assembled to hear hIm, gathered b,. the ringing of the liberty bell. It was s memo~bte celebraU0!l. the firat In .• the blatory cil the nation. .•~ Later. long yeal'S after, ' Edwin FQrrelt. .' the most noted , of Amerloan ~ctora. • whose love for patriotism and the Insti· tutlons of hIs country was deeper eyell than his regard for the stage, stood OD the same spot, and on a Fourth of Jul, morning r~ad the words ot Jefferson al no mBn has read them before or· s1nc8 ·A great crowd was present, perhaps the ' largest ever assemble~. and tbe acto} during and after the reading wae oheered again aud again. After th~ evacuation congr ess rewar that first called attention turned frOID New York July 2, 1776, a grand celebration to .the P08sibUltlel of the middle west as a recniltlng sta· of tbe recurrence of the promulgation of the declaration was held. 'In whIoh nearly the entire pOPulat~on of Phil. delphia joined. Cl:\evaUer Conrad Alexandre Gerard 0\ France, the first minister ac~redlted to:{he United Bta~. 'tram any power, was an Interested spectator. Chief Justice J.o hn MarJlhall spoko in the atate' ,hoU,se yard at' one ot the celebrations In the early part of hi. tenure of office, and later Daniel Webster delivered a notable address there. , Dtlrlng the ccntennl!l~ In PhiladelPhia there was nat.. urally a notable demonstration, and no less a person than . bom Pedro, emperor ot Bra zil, sat among those who ' " , reapoltdeo with , greater cheerel! . the sentiments that had sounded the downfall¢~ to ilia call of th~. recruIting p~cer than did of monarchy In this 'c ountry, and were llnally to take his ~OIe of ·tbe eait, the present time the Cplcago ~aval , ' ,throne from the tuler ot Brazil. , ' recruiting' oftloe Is the .JIecond in slze 'ln point of the num· bel' ot, enllslmerits In ,the ,cO\lntryi . . '; 'IIlip ,¢hJcagq recr,ulting 'oftlce aV~rBges about 20 en'.: Illtm'lnta i week, tblll being "bout 20 per cent of the 'appllcll;tlons. -:,:I!he'· re<1ulrementa for ebil!ltment ' ar.e ex· cePtiODalll rlitcl. and a la.rge number·.D! those who applY . Dever 'reacb ' th, . ~iniJ;lg physician, being rejected' as I




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At Flat


,$ • $ Ladlees' Chleldren's

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. Wa1ter J. K1·lb on.




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'Flat . Cost


~ ~~!n~,i~Sf 80~~::t;t~~~~it!:m~~~ ~ of Dayton ;Ilnd Elthel Zentmeyer, of


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,:e;s tlt~::~:;ts°l~::r:~:~~oe MoKin-


*' *' 9P~r::88:;:!~~ ~a;n.:~~:t ~e~:y~'ft~ S '** * Lind~n FOUNTAIN SYRINGES * *

Miss Christine Kelley, of Cinoin. nati, W!lS the guest of Miss Heoritlt • Foretlt· Belt, wife and ohUdren ta MoKlnsey lliSt week.

~ Paris, Ind.

~ ~:;~ goests of Frank


*'*' *•*' . **'*' '* ** *' *'* '*

Holley!e Suu· . .JnQ. Reeves!::ir. fell M.onda.,. whl)e Miss Henrietta M.oKlnsey. . ~~~~."",~ ,~.'" working on a tobaooo ~hed breaking _. two ribs tt.ud out~iug his ~rm . !!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!"!!!~~!!-!!'!...~!!"!!!~~~!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!~~!'!!!!!!!~~!2i£!j~~ ~rI •. M~ggie . Mitobell, of • ~idgeville Mr. Edward Copk h'~d a mlsfor. Helgh~s, IS tlie gUE.'st o! . T. M. tune to lose his bay mare Sunda.y <!t:atreJl and Ar:~~pIIeY~8. La ni;tht·whlle helping Dr. E. H. Taober "I" lb. fe .Grabam and family roy: of Cinoinnati, place his auto on the Oregonia, SOBW'JI'B"'Z'S, . : ally enterulned Ed R~ger8 and faru- road again it had slipped iown oA. & ' : ily and George Penoe and family on a bank . Miss Len" Myers · spen.t Snnday . >Ii.. Sundav last. ' .' 11" , Our baBe .ball bOY8 played Spring. Our siok lue steadIly improving. wUb her plI.rents here . 1Ioro last Sunday, 100re 19 to 9 in MiIl888 Blanohe Riley and Mary Homer Deatherage and Zaln ' AI" Public Sale ' RidgeYille'. favor. . plI.rlett called on Mrs Clara Gl'a~am mitage spent tbe Fourth in Ken !l2 ' . Wednel!day after~lOOD tncky: As wellre going to move to Dayton 7t'< we wtll sell tbe fol1o~ing property on : i


l .




.II ..t 10' Saturday, July 17, 19O?, 0'0100~ sharp: 3

The .. ,Money You Invest- in .Dayton, Colorado, LOta W1 . " Pay ou From 20 ;~o 500 Per Cent Profit.






.oun~ and right, .} brown geldln~ ooming 5 yea!" old, 1 bay gelding

oomiog 5,yel&:1-8 old, 1 .t'urcell . ooming 3 year8 old, 1 er, l ' '! Jeering mower, 1 two borlle Irob ~ge·onlUv~tor •.2buglJies, ·1 t~o for Forty-One Lots Were Received in One horse wagon, buggy ham688,llynew, • J. harrows, roller, Rhovels. forks eto.! Ilayto.n ia looated;in Otero COl1l1ty, Colora~o, fourteen mileS nortbwest of Rooky Ford, on tbe main line of the lIi.80u1'1 Pacifio railroad, whioh i8 now building a qouble ti'aot from Kansas City, M18sourl, to Pueblo, ~ tap horse traotion engine. 1000 Colo1'&do. ' . . '" ohe.tout posts; l ' Majestio range. 1 : Dayton 18looated within threa hours' ride of Oolorado 8priD~s, the famous !Jommer re89rt. Yon can S98 Garland heatinl8tove, ooal oil heat Pike's Peak and the entire- lange of, 'lDountains to the west, whiob are 70 miles dlstant.but look to be 10 or 16 e.....b9d··room suits, oarpet', ohairs, , mU... Dayton 18 an ideal spot for lIommer homes. The olimate is the most health~ul in the wolt'ld. both win' table1" atands. d18h~8 latitps and oth 't er and'8nmmer, where malaria. ohills, fever, 'oatarrh, asthma, hay fever, oonsumptlon eto., are onknown uo " , .' . 1818 ~he disease is oontraoted before coming to Colorado Rooky Ford hlAs a national repntation by reasOn 9 f er tbings too nom.eroos . to ~entton. the Rooky.Ford cantaloupes 'and Dayton is 0. pe.'rt of the Rooky Ford distrlot, and the return8 of the 8'ur' •Terms-,AlJ 8.ums of '5 and un~er. rounc1~g ooontry for the prodootlon of cataloopes have been extremely profitable to the grower8, yields run·, c&ah.; all soms ov~r this amonot" ning ae high _,s $400 .per aore ;het to tbe grower, . : , ; ~ .oredit of, 9 months "ith banka.ble Every lot ip the to~ site ill level. Every lot .can be irrigated. '1'he OO!!t of the w~t~r for irrigation pur will be given .. .. ~ pos.. \8 ,inolndoo'in the prloe of tbe lot. Eaoh lot oarrles with It the right to its proporti~mate part.of a riv, . A'LDA KIIl:11TJIlRloIAN right and Bob qreek reservoir rights. . ,.. , " ,, A A .. ~ N . IJ· •. STA Y. . Tliere is small obarge for keeping thtt main ditoh Ilnd laterals in repair i this usually rnn8 abont 30 oenla per acre, or lell than 5 oents per lot per year. . ' , ~,. lifO ei, Anot. ' Watter ....... 'urll.'. . Tbe l~lJq snrronnding the town site has been u~ed in groWIDg s11ga·r be~t8, r~tnrDs 'running up to $100 per acre n.,t. ~ .' 1,~'!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!i!!! '1 . .froit,orobuds in thil! vioinity yield from .1200 to $500 per aore net. 'll D~. L . ~PITLER oontrols six hundred aores of irrigated lands' surronnding the town Site. whillh he is now 'offering in orohard tracts of 5 !lores.·at a a prioe .Qf from $200 to ' .400 per a<lre, whioh prIce inol1,1des ' tb~ river water rilJbt and the famous 'fwin Lakes and Lake Meredith water rights . Orops nnder these wllter 8y~ tems have not f.a iled fOI' ten years, whioh is the life of ,the Twin !.aIT.., water system. Traots with waterright sorrounding Rooky FOld sell for '500 to ~OO per Ilc·r e. 'l·~n · a:ore orohard traot. around Grand Junotion, Col orado. leU a8 high as $'i,000 per lIore. f{'w~ and one·half (2%) aore traots 8ur.r oundlng Canon City, Colorado, . : . Hot .·W , eath~r' S~I.aI8' used for garden truoking ae)) for from '600 to $1,500 per IWre II.nd experioMed truokers stat-e that 2% aores·is , .' I"'~ , enough gronnd to support & family Ilnd keep theUi busy and in addition to making tt.liviog they olear from $500 ' to '$l;OOO ~n YAar. The warkets for the produots Mound DlIoytoo,·Oolorlldo, are just lI.s good as those prevliil~ , ing aU;anon City. " Canning faotoryat Pueblo will oontraot at ouce fpr any vegetables the gardeners desire to raise around Dayton. We wilJ agree to furnish contraots from thE! faotory to anyone purchasiog garden traots from


CAREFUL INVESTIGATOR BUYS Don't ~esitate, they a;re going ,fut. . '~pplications





First. Jflve hnndred and (,weuty (520) ~ot~hllve been plaoed o~ the market at a uniferm priae of (lftr five ($55.00) dollars eaoh. Five dolla-rs (t5.00) must be paid ~o thE! Agent wl?-en the application filr a lot Be signed. Within te,n flays thereaUer twenty·five dollars (.25.00) must be paId to thA hauk named in the appU catioD; and witbhi thirty (30) days after J5igniag said applioatlon, tbe remainin~ twenty-five dollars (t25.00) m.ust be paid to the lame bank. . . . ~ .. When the above payments are made the bank .wi.-' deliver re.Qetpt;s signed by Dr. L. Spltler for the paymen~, whioh will entitle the purohased to a GeneralWarra.n ty Deed at the .time of' opening. &oond. No more than ten (10) lot-f! 'vill be sold to anyone person : . Third. At tbe time of the opening a general wa.rranty deed and ' I1n', abstract. of title will be fornishell througb the Winters National .Bank, of DaytoD. Ohio. . , '. Fou~tb. Any ' three or more persons pnroh'aging and payiog .for not Je88 than 25 lots ma., select in wrlt l lng a representative res\ding. in the neighborhOod of 8uoh, purchasers to Qe ' present at the. opening. 'The ra1lroad fare for tluch.representntive to Da.yton, Colorl\d9; Colorado ~priDgs, Denver nnd retnrn wtll be r6. funded. . . . Fiftb. 'l'he opening of Dayton will be oonquoted on a plan wholly in keep,i og ,,!lth !lJ.e law, whloh . will be determined by a. p1ajox:ity: yote of tbe lotll represeD,t~d at.the openin·g . Eiloh lot. to b~ entitled to one The OpeOlbR"will not' be li~li1 until 520 10tslIore.spiiJ.': . Ea.oh,pnr9htleer will ~ " give,n at le&et .20 days' noUae · by letter of ~he date of s.u oh opening.. . '. ' . ".. ... r. . ' .' . Sixth. " .o'octor L. Spitler will not responsible in,atlim"o'net' foi apy representlitions m'a~e .by any agent : tendin K. t.o:m·Qdify or enli$r ge upon the p~in~!l,n,tatte'r rur~.18h~, t'~''P~ioJl~'8ers. . ..: . . ,," :' .' .: ~. ~ • Se.ven~h .. ,Nine ell) Jots to b~ donated . f6~ ho,~I. sohoor.aQ~ oh.orC~purpose8 Will be .~eeei'ved, ' leavlnl 5~O (.520) l~t~ to ,be sold. '. ,". . ... '. ,' • .", ... . '. "' ... ~ 'w,; ..' .:. I •. ' • ". ','." 'r,' .·llliRMb,. AppltclltioIiIl for Jot~. wil1 bellled ip tlie order in which 'tll~y a~e. rflOtllyed ilt th., · oltice. '111 of ~I~ ,sate all. lUoPc!1 ~l~ , ~ill be, reftm~~ to·p~rQh~r $? .who~ ~o'ipr JQ~s ~ppli~ for oan~~t be fumisb~. • . Nillth. Any, ~;1l!1lm8nt or · tlaymenta rpade by·any purohUer .. win . be forfeited no~~~ all · paym~ot. pro;ncled tor in th«M58 hl1~ al'e folly ma(le' aooording·,to. tile te~ml h,.reot. :. ' • .,.... . ..' .











.: •


• •


_ •


,.... •








. :- 'Only $5.00 casb ,required .per lot to file your application, 'llli'e last purchaser ~· tJie , ~~ .chan,~ as,tlle 'lirst of 9btaining t:he . .t 'Iot in toW1l~ ·. Apph~tiol'ls : filed _l.or jD' pe~ori. . "". ' . .. , . . ,


. -'

Ad~eU" ·DR.

"· '.....r-,,.:oaGlG)


.... . ...: .... · · ·, ' " ..

··'0>· ..··--1\,



Mt·s. C"rl 8herwood is ountined t,o C A. Spenoer, wife "nd dllt\ghter her home on Ilocount of illness. tlnd Mrs. John J"l'II,ver and daughter Herbert Hollana is oonfiued to h ill ()Ailed on J . K. Spenoer aod family . . home with measles. Sunday night .• _ _ . ~ Aroh C(jJlsey aud witti entert.a.ined .ll'riday evening In honor of Miss .... 0· R81D ....V' Bel en Ball. "" .,u Qtbe Moore purohased the ~nnis Guaranteed to remove Corns pronerties on Ml\in street whloh was without pait;l or sorertess. ~ soJd at J>llblio sll.le It,st Thuuday . , P. A. Alexl1nder nnd wife were 15c at Schwartz's . ... guests over 8undllY of R.ev. Parson ~, Hnd wife, of 'olumbus. • Miss Eva Daughters WIiS tbeguest · -CorWin. of Lena. Peterson last week. . I Barriett Hawke entertained !::iun. Mrs., Laura PC;lIlgue, of . Ubioago, :

. Men' s very b est G em SheIrts, ,c and $1 , at 50CJ 75


•• : " •••••

~~:dn~!n~i\~!sf~~~~ a vi It 1m Middle· Mr. lind M)·s . Will K ney wert! ill

Spring- -V-alley.





M;t/l biVR 'horwood, froOl WeBter ville I l'Bllf1ti'Ves hore. MISS Luolle MOAon fetufu6(\ Wed.




~~ :~.-::-:


Xenill 8uodll.Y. Miss 80uder gave 1\ reoital )ttst Mis. Mary 'onner iA visiting her Tueaday evening which wa~ en LePllnon tbid ,veet , joyed by IlIl. h Jalllos MIlAOU I home froin Dllyt n Miss nelen Ball, of Xenil~. is th 00 a visit . . guest of Aroh op ey n.nd wife. 'bllrIes Myer spent SttturdllY Illld Mr. Milton Zentmeyer 0.0(1 dlmgb · Sundl\Y with his son in Aberdeen ter ~thel,. of PRriS Crossing Ind .• are guesLs or Joseph Hllwke and Mrs. L . H. Holzlin .vlslted her family. mother here lust woek.

Fl at 'C ost


.... ; ........ .-. . . .

~f.~~Z~:;';~::~~ ;;;.~~I~~~;

$ $

and Men's O X f or d Shoes at


HI'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u




The following goods must be sold, and all will go

$ ...

~~o~I~:~ytSb:~ l~~~~:~:till~~~ ~~i~:d:al~~;lIi~~~a;~~gtcit~vn·

il$l :!~~:~:!d ~~!~

~. ~~u._ ~~~.



tlrel P roley hit heen"qUit Mlss·Laoro. Krleghotf. of Olnoln.· few days. . '. . nati, i the gUe! t of her parent b reo


froUl on the Lebanon fair . ·roundsJuly · ' harles VH}lWra. from Obioogo, '18 i • . ! 5 ~~rie. LOf)k out tl~llt will b 1\ tight vls~ting h'lfl wife Q nd ~on this' w.eek. . ~ g • _' _ 'Ille Misses ~tl~el an(J Mary Sher. ,



f' ,slok for

* *'*'* *:'* .-*'*' ''** -'I(::

How dear to my heart are the scenes at



When fond recollections present them to view.

-Why 'Not Remind them ,of ~Id scenes and old haunts ' by sending ' them a series of our post-card views.



'*** *' *:'** 11:

:j{: .

t" ....... " ...................................................... .

! :


. !




i .; .







. !










: i

.*. *


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. _ ............ _ _ ..........





,- -- .... .-



.............. hu nd

ff)lI owlng pl'ogrum fOI' ~llf ('!o nf!e rt at Wtlvn8~vil1e , Ohi!) .

v uin s, July 15, om m"D(1~i o g lit t! u' '1 " k . In O!lo'38 01 I'unrl:f Itty




-- ---- -- ...• ~ ~






14, 11100.

.: Personal Mention --.... _. -- ...- -...-.. Here and Ther~ I I.

: · Forrit~r Citizens' ..-......-. ........-.



IX 'I'1l!i '!' l[ ~ £1\



...... .-..-.---.


- --

.... -- -- ....


. M . R bitzer was in Bellbrook K V. Barnhart is !J.ui te sick with last we k . pi ut-iay .



....... - - ...... 1 nt. : Social Events

Following II, 8 U 'gost! n maue the State Sunday S"hool (;envf;jll tioD in Sprlllglield. Ohio, to whloh he wo ~. II. del gate from this county, . Mr. Gilllhlond plunnecl ~ reli gio n oensus of '.he town. The different sh oals ware IDvited t toke part, but. did not r lI110nd very 6ut,hUAil1sticlilly. 'l'be SBme plan Was olLrrieu out as that u Bed by the oonvention in Springfield, wheD 1(;00 duly instruot ad people ofmvIl8sed the entire oltv of ~pl'ingllelcl 'In t,'NO hourR .Bud Ii



.-. ....... ~..-........


-- - .. ,- .-....-..-..

C. H . ... lelUents unll fl1lDily, Mrs. Bertie Gf\rber aud Miss Uaisy TIiY· ler, of Dayt n, and Miss Winifred ,vla y pionloed I4t 'l' M1l1s 'l'nos!lsy a fternoon .

1.)1'. lIud MI' . '1'. 1. Wtty , r ('iu ciD olooati, artl pe nding II. f w' weektl al ra n t h i ~ pr g l'll,lli will be given Moo . the h UDl E< of .Mr•. !Sud 1\11' . l ~lfred da y evaning. Jnl)' 19 Will Foglesong, of X~nia, was in Mrs. J . W. Whi te was a Dayton ~wII. Iu, soutb of Ri(.1geville. town . unday. visitor last w k. P RT 1. EDoon rllgemen t Ma.rob ... ..... li'olt.oD M'I's. r.eol'ge Hawke has been hav· l Mr a d M J I S 'th . were 1 IDayto' n drs. 0 m .m. D. Aust,i u 'l'bllckeru 1111 !.l AII Dll 0 [va rnn Wlllt ~ .. ......... .... .. . .. . Ii'alton ing n ul'al gia, . , . n Mon uy. Mrs. Earnest Butterworth enter. W i nolll~ l\1ur h ....f.. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll'ult D l:)o b1ll6lgo. bfltb of I-Ipriog boro, hied J ohn HarLsock, of Spt'ingfield, waa l . . . tained ttt dlLlDer 'l'hursdtly, Mrs V n(lollle 8ohott/ljohe ........ .. Fultun t.l.Ielll se lv s to IJovlllgt.on, K.V, re in lown Thul'sduy Aal'on Chandler IS eonfined thi s Pri-oilla Bntterworth I.I.nl1 Miss Ethel . II" <.1, Butl'ering with neuralgia. cently Bud were llllHl'lllId, unbe ~~nrekl~ MOI·cb .. :... ..... .... ..... Fulton J,inton, of Wilmington, a.nd Mrs. Snor eti Medley .. .. ................ li'altoD Ml's. Millie Lamb rt, of Indiana; , kUOWDS t their fd ouds wbo wisL Chlls jf'rye and ohlldren , ( 1& Minute Interrnlsijiou .) of Mrs. J . A. Funkey. . Miss Helen Taft, of Dayton, is vi s· is the guest half . tbem well . Tile II zotte exteDd" PART 11 . MI'.and Mrs. J. W, White. iting 'l'he fol1owln~ persoDs secu red th e its oongrtltulatloDs. Marion Quadrille ...... ')" .... .. ... Fulton Mrs. Artie Albertson, oflndianap. fnets fo r t he ·0 mpl1l1tlon of th . .T. K ,J/luney nnd fumily, Dr. £1111:1 Dr. Eli I'aw, of Miamisburg, spent AlgoDquln tno,roh .... .... .. .. ... ~'ultoD. olis, Jnd ., is visiting Mrs. Frank Zell. flr;;ures fonDd below : Mesdtl.m '" Bue IlDd fluully, Mrs. Chf\s. Ellis and Monday with M.·. a nd Ml's. R bert .l obn Breunel!!, Wb el w OI'k el! lit th Adelaide Wlllt Z............ ..... . Fultorl 1.)uvia, Muhel Furr, Vlollt HllwklnR, family t1.m\ Mrs. W . Ill. O'Neall pio. Miss Maille Brown spent sev I'al Crew. All vl\llcamtlnt M,ar h ...... .....FultoD days last w ek wit h fdends in Day' l:ia ztl tt~ otlice In 1 99, wall clroulat J . W. White IlDU W. '1'. l.iillilantl, nioed tlt t·he t:loldier's Borne Bt Mrs. J . H. Lin ton, of Clarksville, MiMBS Eva Dilvia I1nll Minnie Sat. 'Do vton last 'rhursda.y. in l( am n ~ hi B frl nds l~ oonplA 01 Albllrta Walf ~ ... ...... ....... .. .. Il'ultoll t on . has been visiting her sister , Mrs. B. terthwaitet.LDd Revd . Banj. fin.wkins days\tl. t w~A k. John hod bl~ en ot· Coon ( ~l\.[JorR MI\rclJ .......... : .. b'ul tOD Mrs. Mit'anda Crane , of Hyde Park H. Howe1l. · - - -.-.'- -tending tbtl r ~ nni o n Ilt· thfl R IIIn t' '. lI.od W. '1'. iIliland. Every bouse Mr. Ilnd MrS . .Iohn Coleman bad is visiting her sister, Mrs. Richard DEATH and rllu tlowlI herA t bak R bal,l(}' W. H. Allen and mother, Mrs. Sa- wn visited unlesB fully known and 1\8 their .ruests a.t supper Mondav r088. with bi old f.j·i 11 (18. 1:16 WIHI II the number In the h.mily liscer· rah C. Allen, were Lebanon visitors evening, Mrs. Artie Albertson, of glle t IIf. Bleu,1e I:J Uf:!S d inin g hit . John BUl'nett, more familiarly tulned, so tbat this if! !In. e,."\': aot oenJared Maris, of the Friends' Board· Thursday. IDdl{Ulapolis, IDd. Mr: and 'Mr•. known 8~ "Juok, " died July 8, 1909, etllY .. A ill lin le ~ rl 1~1l I.t, I v sus. ing Home , is entel'tainlllg his grandFrll.ok Zell, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. nellr WaYDesville. ,Jaok wae kuowo }tlnd. blo. Miss Monison, of Cl\i,tha2'e, is the I.)y livery 'OI~n, W.ODlI1Q I\n,t child In daughter. g u st of Mr. Ilnd Ml'S. Fl' d Popull\tlon of Wayne ville .. :.... .. (lIIl Grane aDd Ethan CraDe. J:-opulatiollnf orwi n .......... ,... .. 1111 While (Jol"hrnting iud pend OCt'. Wllyne Iln,:~ Massie town .. h'ips . . BR Wm. Weeks and wife, of Dayton, Sohwartz. 1 -Dill' at her bome on ' ,outh I:Itreut , hull been luling tor severlll Dlontha, hllve been guests of Dt·. and Mrs. ·P. ·Mr. aDd Mr8. W. H. Allen gave .. W. S. BonneviU :at .................. .. ........ ..... 42 L bl\J1oll, M"nduy nlgbt nbollt el~b. '~ud everythlDg. WI1~ for . hiw D. Clagett. JOost enjoyable pioDlo supper in the from a visit to relatives in U nder 18 years ota gs ................221 0, I ok, Mi R~ ll' lol·enoe · Wbarton, tb, n.t could be don.e, but tor~k Persons attending 8 . S . ........ ...... 262 woods t:iaturda.y evening to II. sma.ll daughter of ({ausl\s Whlirtou lDet hill BV/IiY from h18 flufferings. Bill .Mrs. Walter McClure and Carl a~. and incinnati. part.y of young folka, taking them 'd "h 'kindly smile and jovial words will flVed home Saturday from thell' . f I . . , 'western trip ' . Miss Helen'Schwartz is home from burob preferenoes Ilre !l8 fOUOW9 : out In the automobile. 'l'bolEi Invit. w Itb a v ry p lUD 0 an 1 ent w en Il I1rthllg • aftel' an extended visit Baptists ...... .. , ........... .. ............ 30 erl were, Mi88es Kathryn ' Da.tto. I:Ikvro !let whloh IIhe was 19n1 Inp be sorely missed In th e oommuDlty, • Catbolios .. ........ ......... ;... .. .. , ... .. , :&4 Belen HBwkins~ ~era.ldine ,White borated and badl.v burned ber hl1ud ~ Mrs. Hruty Haines arid twe daugh. with relativ 9 ther . Ohristia·n ..... .. ..... ...... ........ ~ ..... ;159 Master Etbf\n Bod arms. It WAS unly by 11 DarrO\\ tel's, of Hillsboro, ~r gllests' of If you want the Safest and Best Christian SoienU; tlJ ........... ....... " 3 mlir~lo tbh:t Miss Whll.rtone!lcapSd relatives here. ~olene Stove ev r made, call at Epi80opalia.ns ......... ......... .... ...... 62 injuflY t ber eyell, wi'ioh woulr) J . H. Coleman'S. . Friends, Blokeite ... .................... 63 TheKin~'s· Beralda.nd Mi81ionary hllove be n dSlltl'Oyed ' hlAd I:Iba nol J . Friends, Orthodox ..... : ............ ... 120 Aid 8ooiet~t of the M, E: oburob, hlAd the pr~ enoe f miu ~ to turn ' CHh"ldCaskeYr supe~l~te~~e~t of Germa.n Lutheran...... ............... 1· held 8. ploDio in Mr, Cbal, Bongb', ber bead As It "'fas, he I:IU tat.oeO t he , . 1 ren~8 Home at 1.A!banon ' German R e f orme ' d ........... ......... I> lbarn I . , • " Tuesday afternoo,u. the wet . injuriee to lu~r hnd . a'n d . arOH' was III town Tu~ay. . J 7 ' . . , . . tlws .......... ... .. ... .. ....... .. .... .. .... weather making it impo..lble tOI' whioh will 0 pfiue ber to ber homp Miss Laura. McKinsey entertained Metbo(liatl:l :.. " ... " " ....... ........... .. 530 outcioor, f\ln ~ ' A good orowd Waf III for ltome tOle. .Dr. Mllrdi~ Mias Ada Snook. of South Lebanon, Presbyterians ....... .. ....... " ..... :... .. : pre8ent and a ~~eat d~l of enjoy•. oalled in aDd dl,'e ed tbe woundli and Mr Frank C · S d Unite(l Brethren.......... ... .. .. ....... '" ment was bad ' . . rew. un ay. U ni:versa ItAta . .... " .................. ,,, ' 4 . ' . ,.,....,~_.... _ • _ __ DJ.ES' AUXILlAoy nonANIZED No llre(er~n08 given ...... ...... ..... . 9 In Il reoent lett r to Mrs Fran. • Last Frldny e'VllrllDg. baot lo.cI ' , "' "'"'~ 2el1 from- a4r11. fib08 ,. Z 11,' .t, Ell prolonged Ilnd talk, Total. ........................ " ....... 842 of young people, ob&-perone(l.J>Y Kre. Mrs. Schuylal' Matthews, of Hyd~ gene, r g., the ·foll wlllg are a 'fe\\ log the Ladles:of the Golden Eagle • - • B . D. Kellillon and Mt.1 Lnella COr. Park, was the guest other aunt, Mrs . pointe t.aken frOID b r loterestiull were organized in Lytle Ball On hUlt OBITUARY nell, went to ):;pritigboro,fwbere'uier Riehard Cross, last week . . pe~: W., a·l·e it vtng l o .tbe shop and MIl T . snrprlsed Mi. Remlon. At a . he .wDr.k: u _. ,onat-hliD G. Bur.Det, son of barD, .bu~tI elght r omJ and u ~ o,lt .:M.r.•.and...Mts Eamest..But ter~wor-th putturdayevenlng on by Uardller Temple, of DBY. sontLble bour ioe·. oream and "--- ;.... frc,'n t Qf the barll. Am busf put 8~nt ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ton, under the'auspl<¥!s of the Grlind Stephen and Bllnnab Burnet, was wert! served', ThOBe wbo enjoyed tlng up fr uit auti uob fruita Illev Abr;am Cook, in ~pring.boro. T porn near WlI.ynBllvi)1e 26th day of the evening were! Rutb Miller, life Hazel Gustin, Ola~a Haw.e;. 'Mlty . . erupla.r, of Tb b . Obio, Eru~la WitbeJ II "'Qrd mon~h..,. 18·'" 7. Bis "'ottre '" ' e ellutlee and mysteries of· this Silent In the rurnl vioinl.ties of d II t it b b' · .. ~Ilwke, llary Pavis, Em~a· ~w~e. egree wer~ we por ·raye y t IS Waynel:lville (\nd 8111' eyaburg. lie Alma Waterbonse, ....nell& Gornell, very exoellent team. The drill .. ! whioh they BllVe' jn8t bef~re and died 8tb day of 7tb mOlltl:i, 1009, lit ~r8 . .Kellison, Raymond Davla, Ter. tba uge of ~ixty . two years, three. rell1aoy, Tbomas Pieroe, . ' jU8~ after the work was put on w~" months aDd'· twelve day's. He held extraordi~~rilY good and oalled a. birthright membership in the , . forth ardent applause ftOlll ull . Bioksite ll'rieni!s' MeetlDg anc,i pts . ~18B . Donn.a Hawke ented.tned a W. ' W. 'Aker Bnd Ade~bert ' MoKoy life gllv~ fDllUY videuo 8 of the io- f w rl'lend~ Thurs4ay . ~veolog ' In While trying to. r'aise a window one g~ye ahort speeohes whleb w~l'e en tluen oo of itl! puro teaoblogs. · honol' of her guest. M'iss Stella Lam· day last week. ,Mm. Clem. Burnett j'lVM by aU. There were mo~e thull 'On t hl;' .till dlLY f 31.'11 month , 1 69, mo~, '1'b08e privileged to be pr~8. ~fty Dlewbere on lobe ebar.te~ roll. be W~iI uuitod In lllt.Lrti",ge to Lou\sa eut ,w~re: Mb.lselil Je8sie Marlatt, loe Ql'elUD Bnd oake were served lI.,t ,. Anderl\on ' BJlU to them were bOrn Martha. O'Ne"U, ,Luella 001'0 ell " tbe oouolQsto~ of ,the work; '1'he ftve·obild;en. Lena, Wt1li~f.n, UIE!I,D ' Benrietta. MoKinse~, Edi~b MOltier, , ftr~t~eeti~g wUlpe~eldu~xt. fburs - ent, Jilmmll .and f3taoy, All eXj!ept ,Kathryn Dakin,Harrleb Bawke,1iltb·. : · tloews. to b . tt't . th"'ir ' a. d el Zentmey l"j ¥os8ra. Warren Ed.:. . dey I • am aUrVlve '" r11..O·be1' ,n .'.' , - '" evening. b ~ l.iTbore . • . .r~on w y y:t e oan'~ in & short during the past 'six m.o ntbsl 08th6y warda, Ben Hawke, Jl'rel}.JillboD, Bar. tlme bave a,.tloul'l.htng 'le~'ple . with their motber liDd children bave olel Bowell. U4Y . B~wkej Fr~Dk .~. C S t:\1 W K . DANO,E~o.tiSLV Ill. watched the ':Soythe of 'rime Ollt rew, • tok~s i ver, ".rren · ~y~. . Cards and varion!" ot~er . • ~~611 Ioe oream and oa.~e · were served.






The Mi~mi


tnat!e blm lIens!U..e to the 1100", hlng. VARIOUS USES OF PLOWERS. SCOUT'S IDEA OF MARRIAG~ and IQc1lcated a dellth of thought and .' bll,1'aqte,. which mYtlUfted D. L. CRANE, and deUg-hted the old prophet Herbs and Plants of Wild· VarIety Cruaty Malsac huseU. l1e Bachelo r ~ gay blm We da11y lI(stru don and Made Into MedIcine to Cure WAYNllJSVILLE; EIghty YeMs HilS Most DeQlded omo. ,JIQJnled tbe up'ward way tor bls ' ager Numero us Ills, A Love Tale of Solom oa. VlelNs on the Matter, teeL . -, straw halS will be cheaper by nt!Xt It ~s just a IItt.l e thought , no Idea., Did you e~er think when gatherlr ig Eighty y a~1I cir slnglo blassed~ ss Is . November_ like a gllntlng I'IlY ot 'purest light wild flow r8' t ha t nearly all plants the record of Mos s p , towe, one of BY THE "HlCHW AY AND BYWAY " . ftll s).l lng through the tiny crevIce into . PREACHER , hav b en uBed lUI medic In , or tor the oilies t r i! ldents or Gratton . Mass. , In Abysl!lnin lhe bend o( the bouse the dark cavern whIch broite In lIpon aome uselul purpose ? ln olden times Not n womall crOElS s th thresho ld tile wit , not the cook. Solomo n's l;;ou1 one day 8S 'Natban most large bous s bad a room cal1~d of his cozy hom . talk d wIth him, Some Inciden t had TEACHING DO~S TO DO tRICKS a "still oom," In Whlcb the varlou, "It DInk s no dlJroren c who or ",hat 11. basebal l umpire was burned in Based on Apocr)'1>hal Rook at Wls- lrl1nliplred which h ad rals d the ques, herbs wei' pr par d, and poorer peo; tbe woman is; she wouldn ·t get tnslc]e effigy. That's one way at becolllln& a dam at Solomo n, especia lly chapter s tlon a. to ' the dJtfel'on e In the lIvOll With 'Requlsl te Amount of Patienc e pi us d to go tbe r for th Ir medl- or t.bls house," he says. "Even wom' 'bot sport. 8 to 11. at men_ Some. made for good lind ol n as tlley go to a drug stor-e now, ell p dd lers reale a dIffer nt atmosDog C all Be Taught to Do NuTaken 11 a wbole, it Is most unB ok of the Wts(\Qm of S \omon,-Thls were alway upwal-d to bet~er things, A~ODg the curious us s for common pb re wh n tbey o1\ly Itnock at tbe merous Stunts, lovely fruit that grows on tbe gam- I s th sixth hook ot Ihe AplIl'ryp hn. ana while oth ra w r do,,'nw·a rd wltb. evil plants we re thesl1: door, con tain s 19 hnpters, It may be cOflvc nl. In control. And Solomo bl1ng tr e, n had ques, To tra in a dog, cat h him when he's "Marry ? W ell, I s'hould sny not. You Dutter up was usad as 11 cure. for n Iy 1.I1"ld d In to two pnrlll : L -( hnpterll tion d wJly. young. Tbe famllla r ndnge a1>out the I prosy. This plant is polson6 us, nnd don' t \mow wbat that word m eans. 1-9)-lt contains th o do trine f wll~llom allOt Zepp Itn Is unkind to make In "Wby couldn' t p ople always choosil difficulty at teachin g anI old dog ne Its m orn l Iln d lotl'lIcclu you may notice that In tbe meadow s WhY, look at nil of the men In this R!!pectS. 2.'fun.k or a lot or Dreadn oughts before ( hnpl c r s 10 to 19)-The d RI octrln of wis- that whl 11 was best and which would tricks Is literally true. COlin try who have ftlstened thomcattle will not toucb It. Dut the dog they are built, ' dom lUI shown In hlsIOr)'" Th e first paTt bring the best good . to them and to need not be stiH In the puppy state; Marsh marigol d was mad Into a selves to wOlllon whom they profess ed contruns the pralso' o r wledom as tht) otbers about thcmY" Solomo n had Indeell, h mny at thIs period b so yellow die, This also Is to love, and now want to II t as far poi sonous. San Francis co probabl y would be !!ouree at Immona llty. In OnlrfUlt with asked, lind Nllthan bad gone on to try frisky and play(ul that you ci:mnot the leaching of sensuali sts ; Rod next t he Columh lne wus consld l'ed a curB away from feminin ity as they can. r elad to trsde Its graft scandal s lor Se- pralle of wisdom as th ~ guide of prac- and explal'n to the t.hought ful young hold bls attentio n. ]n one case for quinsy, wouldn 't marry the best woman that 'attIe's expositi on, tical and Intellect ual life, I he litay ot boy oue of tbe great myst rles at the or violet petals a poultice WnB ev I' \Iv d, I tell yon, they are trouprinces, s nd th e Int !'prol r C lil a unl- human SOUl, made to be bound over broke n bones, ble lIrewers ; th ey always have been T exas onlon8 are driving Bermud a v erll. Tho second pnrl. ngs ln , tollows And ·the little flash ot superna l Jlgb\ A medJcln e for children was also and always wlll b e. on ions out at the market, It being a l!the ncUon of wisdom 8Ummllr ll)', 0.8 pre,n 'lng 0 d's lIer\'lInlJ!, trom Adnm to whIch bl'ok In upon his soul held him . "I hnd lot s of girl fri ends when I case or strong competi tion, made or the root. M08~8, and mor particul arly In 'the punIlS one under a spell. A wonder rul Water cress the Romans used as a was u young fellow, but when there 18hm nt ot the ElO'plia ns a nd CannonKiSSing through a veli'Tsn 't worth It e . From the Int ronl evlc1enl' , It 8 erne Idea had brok n In upon the YOUDg was any chaslllg to be done they wer~ cure for Insanity. while, says a popular lecturer_ Why most r efl.80nnb l to be ll ,- dial III book boy's heart. and be was Impatie nt to til ones who did It. I n vcr allowed Ot mignon ette 11 yellow and a green wall eornpose d In GrNlk, nt AI xandrlll ; be off by himself and not-it you can kiss clear through It? some to dream of that dye was made, Of anemon es a drug mys It to b COlO Infatull ted wlth a. Ume be rore ttl lime ot Philo (about one Idea, To let Its fascina ting charm 120-80 B , C ,) called pulsat1l1a was made, and this girl, as I knew It would be my e nd .' ~ It may be all right asking tbe womtake tull possess ion of his soul. Is sUlI used In medlolne. en to remove their bats In church. "Ah. J lOW wonderf ul,'! he eXClaImed, GRATIS, A wash made at ashes of mistleto e IBut where,i n the world could tbey put with Il sigh, "I wish she mlgllt como was used by ladles to turn their hall' GEMS FROM THE BOOK. to me," 'em ? yellow, whil those who wished for "Who?" questio ned a low voice at auburn ' halr used a · decoctio n of the Whoso deaplae th wisdom and . The up-to-date Texas farmer who his elbow, and turning be saw at one bark of box bush~_ torture, he Is mlaerab le, and has bl8 mules and sulky plows Is side, In the midst of the deliCAte The commo n plantain was suppose d their hope Is vain, their labors ,right in the sv.(lm as a JOY rider these tracel7 of the luxurIa nt foUage of a to be good {or loss of appetite , for unfruItf ul, and theIr wor.k uno, ' Umes, magnlfl cent fern a face alid form o.t disease s at the eye and for wounds . profitab le, surpass ing lov Uness, Tbey mQY be .a little too severely It must have been a very useful plant Wisdom Is the gray hair unto ,"You,It mus. t be," e."{clalm ed Soloevere on the house fly nowada ys, but whon people 'Were constan tly fighting. men, and an un.pott ed life ,Is old mon, fervidly , "for wbo can be as ,he certainl y Is a menace to bald Solomo n's Seal WIlB a cure for age. lovely as thou art1 What Is they ,)lealds. bruises. In some parts at Europe the The desire of wladom brlnge~h name?" , I young shoots ar coo~ed a.nd eaten. to a kingdom , playing Footbal l, "I am WIsdom ," cam~ tbe answer tn • Earthqu akes may nOt be any more Of rW/hes. wicks for candles were Wisdom la glorious , and never IllumerOUII than tbey were In former soft, musical tones wblch stIrred the known to the writer a sIx months made_ These were ~aUed rushIlghl.ll. fadeth away: yea, she la early ,centuri es, hut they attract more atboy's soul tQ its very depths_ . Airedal e puppy that was, given up as an And before carpets became common leen of them , that love her, and ,tenUon . "Oh," ' e claJmed Solomo n, wUlt Impossl blUty became , when two yean these were strewn on the of such as seek her. floor rapture , "I am so glad, for It must old. an apt pupll_ Youth (at· II. bun' emporl um)-I BIlY. He hact lost bls that when they wanted to do spring Whoso seeketh wisdom early~ A elrcllms pect contem porary anhave been or thee 1 was ·just friskine ss, but retaine d aU hIs spirit, cleanIn g In those days they just you know, this mUk Is sour. shall have no great travail; for ,JlOUDces tbat a London physici an has lng," and gave closest attentio n to very thr w away their floQr coverin gs and Sweet Thing- Well,'s plenty he shall find her slttlng at hi' <aD "alleged oure for tbe wblte plague_" "Y s?" rflBPonded the fair ' one, in- comman d', as it trying ,w ent out and plck,e d another_ of sugar on tbe table, ain't tb re? door, to underst and ,We ha\7e lots of those_ qnlrlngl y, while she smiled In eb- the meanin g of the , words spoken to '1"0 think upon wlidom la the courage menl hlm. , That St." man who Is 'a stable' ' perfecti on of wisdom , INTOLERABLE ITCHING. "Yea, who else could It 111'"e been. ~lil 'at a salary 'at $12,000 a year Is a Patienc e and perseve rance. are FOR SECRET LETTER WRITING Wisdom goeth about "ekIng Could anYone but WIsdom lead 11nel'- necessa ry on the part teaUmo nlal to the tact that the poUtlFearful Eczema Ail ave,. aaby'. Fsc. at iluc:h as are 'P{lrthy of her, ahowrlngly, and glve rlch.e~t ble88l~ upon WhlpJ>lng onght never the' teaclier . There' Are 8ever~1 KInds of Crypto,Cal lharks don' t 'lIlck ,II the' fat plums. -Profes sIonal Treatm ent Failed" eth heraelf favorab le unto them to be Mcesa life?" ' earnest ly . respond ed !he sary. The man who will whl:P' a dog graphs, 80me. .Ha rd to Unde", In the ways, and meeteth them Doctors make a good deal at nolae prl:nce. . stand' and Puzzle Ou~. ' because he does nOt 1000tantly obey In every thought . A Perfect ' Cure by Ciltlc:u .... TeYer the fact. that they have dlscovThe talr one malle no teply, but doesn't deserve to own The very true begInni ng of one. Invaria bly Who knows wbat a oryptog 'eed a man wbo nved without. braJll~ raph Is? stood silent as though waiting ,for the ,dog wants to learn,' but "When my little girl was slx montu wisdom Is the de.lre of dlac:lhe mll,St The ,word come'S from two Greek Plent7 of them, but 11'88 this oue a 'further word, and Solomo n again be taught, Jdnc;Uy and old I Dodced ' small r.ed spots 'on bel' pltne: and the c:are of dlac:lpllne patientl y, with words whiCh m. e an "hidden , writing." !profesSIonal furo,r ! . spoke,- a great , yearnlD~ soundln g In never tiring reJlei:l~on Is love. And .Iove I. the ke.plng on the teaoh- Thete are a number of dJtreren t ldnds rlgbt cheek, They grew 80 large that his voice, as he said: er's of . part wladom until 's laws, the trick I , Is - 'accom- o{ cryptog raphs, some hurd , to und r. I sent (or the doctor but, Instead of Som,e Londdnel'B were more ; dls, "Ah, wliat 'WOUld not ,8 IIfe- be 1ft pUshed. ' ~hlppng will T.he ' givIng heed unto wistake the heart stand aDd puzzle out,and others slm: helping the eruption, hJs :olntme nt treased over the report tbat the ,Holpower and Influenc e it be could have out of the best bred dom" law. ,I,' the a .. urance of , dog that ever pIe . and easy when once underllt ood. Beemed to malte It , worso. TJlen I bein palDt,l ng might come t~ Amer"but th always at 'his side?' . 'Incorru ption. lived. Ica than tbey , wellO over .t he' para~es , , it Is the easy onell t4at we Ilre Inter- went to ~ a second doctor. Who said It "'And thou mayest, " came , the low was eczema, He also gave me ~ ointDogs are ~ nof all able to learn the ested In now_ The multItu de of the' wise Is of unempl oyed men. sweet voice, ment whlcb did not help elthet. The ttio wolfare of tho world: and a sam things. SOX)l~ dQgs that are ,Suppos e you should r calve a let- disease spread 1111 "Ob, can' It e1" exclatin ed ' Solo, not clever are lIght,ly A.merlc aha In Ha"ana decorat ed the wise klflg Is ,the ,uphold lng 'Of the over 'the ' face -and bullt anll goo!! ter {ramI Cyril, wbo had been away the man, sprlnj;in g to his feet and malpl1l: at jumll~g, A dog or wreck of. the ''Mnlne on Memori al eyes be;an to swell. Tbe itching people, ' thIs 'liort- may frol;ll school couple ot dayS', al! w~oh though ' be would '/ilprll\g to tb~ be taught to jump through ~ hoo» or read: grew Intolera ble and It was a terrible ~ay, .. But that pitiful ,hulk should be Glorlou . I. the fruit of good o~her side of ~e great droopin g fern over a bar held at \ Il~ out of the mud of Havana barsight to see, J consulte d doctors for' 'abol'S; and tho root of wisdom a conside rable "Rm 'lonz Vtv: leaveli and seize the beautifu l creatu%'~ helgh t"7"8 little :hlgber months, bul t~ey were unable.. t,o cure lbar Juab the ,same. 'hall , nev.r fall 'away, each time at B' nJwao. Ytro tgoz the baby, 1 paid oo..t f"om ,20 to 'SO In hill arms. Wladom .1• • treasur e unto ","~"",,,,,.. :;~~, ~~~, ,=---'------Now It Is alleged Engl~d . bas no -t<rti ;xll~~5 tti=h. Ymzbll." "Nay, not so," respond ed wIthout relle f_ On'8"ei intng I bePQ, men that never falleth; which Unless you knew someth ing about 1le'e4. tor a ~~e navy_ A, buge navy causing Solomo n to pause by ber)Vor d they that use become the frIend, Cryptog raph, or cillhe , it wou.ld to use tbe CuUcur a Remedle~, The. Is like keeping a slx-ehoo ter , In. the and look and gesture . ''I coale as a next tnornln g the baby's face WIUJ all rs of Qo". being c:ommended for I take you till long after BUP- white instead oUI&!'-YoU may not nee4 st very gift from above. ' ~ the glfts , that ' c~m. from learnof' ·red. 1 contlnu e4 Hr time tpmak '9fien, but w.hen you do yoq want It e out the m'eanlng , the ~eina entlrely dlaappe8:red. uDUI Ing. A.nd when Solomo n looked agaJn ' Mrs. and that would be provokl ng, wouldn 't P. E. Oumbln sbe was gone. w)th a disappo Inted ~d, , Wisdom , Is the breath of the i, S~eldon, . Ta., .Tuly18 ,'08r It? ., , ory he sprang forward and searche d 'p ower of Qod, and a pure 'l nfluI Man's vlutLty Ls great, but It. Is QDe . The simples t ' way to translat e ttie l'oIqr nrac A: ~ . Corp., 801e Pr'Ope., BoIIoa. In breathl ess ' ha.ste . all throllgb the ence flowing from the glory of . or IUs strange inconsl stenoie l not to . the cipher: like the above la ~o write the g{lrden plot. looking 'Jnto every nook Almlgthy_ be pleased at \ big damage s &Ssessed alphabe f out on a liheet at paper, put., ahd oranoJ' and 'under every leafy oAI&!nst bim lb' breacb- of-prom lse luits ting it all on Qne line to avoid contu!;lower, but Wisdom .was nowher: e to . &S showl:ng bow very much be' Ie sian. Some letters can be seen at a be seeD, and at last ijle prince threw THE STORY , wortta, ' gmnce; If there Iii a capital standin g , hJmself down upon the gre-en sward alone Jt mn,st be an "1;" If' ,a smaU , , where! 'he, .bad Ilt first been seate~, :A Gotham ooroner 's jury found tbat T was 1n th&'lon g,long ago, when the and letter "8 ." If' a letter at · tbe end at with almost a sob be e%clalmed: ,. 'child bad eame .to Ita death whll~ . 'I~ eeparate c. from It by an "ood Klng David ruled In the land "She ' 1s Indeed gone. Oh, , that , J practiCi ng,. ~tn you conside r undeTlo tlig a aurglca l operatlo n from ot Israel; and the Jews it' must be "e," There are had l>ecome a mlgbt posses's ber?" .Then he recalled an1mal \• . Iargeo~·s }lnlte sUpplr.lg apd cutUng migbty nation, potJsesll really Jumpi high enough, Let no sucb letters in tbe above lng cryptowealth and lIer last warda as she vanishe d, and. Ian • ...,.. and ~mmend,d that ·the safety at home and holdhig the fear h.e exclaim ed: "Ye~, I perceiv e , btm ·do this ' on tbe ,grass, and ' never' graph; so we 'must look ' for the' le~ter oD the IfJ"8vel. 'lh98~ 8orgeon s be 'mor:e careful In, and the bomage of the , , that ocours oftenes t; "hlch Is almoat nations far and c~not obtain hEir except :God give h~r 'Footbal l Is ' an' amusin g, game to sum to~. "." , (~he ·the future. It could ewly be leeD near. In accoi'da cipher gIven nce with the custom me. I will leek him tJ)at ~e ma,. teach: a dog, that tllta Jul'¥ was drawn from a na- of thOlle day. tbe ' magnlll oence an~ give me this ' great gift." And. throw- Inlmens ely and the animal enjoys 'tt the "0," wblob f. oftenetl t qq~~d, Ii ,tiIm or bumorla ta, wlien o~ce ll~ !nowa .th.8 reaity 'Ie/' Tbe ftrst words ctve YGU the J:IOwer and the ,glory ~f the kingly Ing bl~elt upon bls face he lifted rUle!!, 'Buy one of ,the atr' baltQr 'fs a :===::~ ==:=;:~ =::. are omce was indicate d .by 'the num~er ~ wblch fs ilgreat proc)ucew: of ,..omen of toe royal househo ld. and his"O·'God voice apd cried: , loons sold ._ 1'~=~; :::,' ~ le:t.~' 1~oU~l' rt~~!f; .ot my ~~~~~:t fathers, ~~~~~~e and Lord of do'8 or dogs :~!!,r. 01. tbat valuabl e beast, "the Americ an , It word 'as It i t inJgh~" be a name.? the JdDf a number ' of mercy, wbo ·. hast 't hings wIth b"ead 1tltlIt, ,tejotee i .t1iilt 'the .price of t)le wive., and at be or' course" and two letters, ln It are. alike: Puule the period of our stor)' . ~by word, and ordaine d m~, through dog ,eima' II goIng up_ In thelle ~ of there waa none beautifu l, or one thy wisdom , that be should , have do- be wbo. uses hla :mo.uth ', or paw ~ust tbe relt at It put yoursel f and . o' motDl111lr, trolleyi ng ~nd' other ad- , who enjoyed themore scol4ed and told" "No" u~tll be Be nd cslbd mts ftJ'd' hJ:yyool kingly fav,o r to su~h minion ovef'tb e creatur es which thou ,m ends lill ways. "anced method e of" ~nlllt, It t. ~me- a degree as the .falr Batbshe . . Dzm; dzm nknbj. ba. > ~st made, and ordered 'the worJda cA dog of toe sort that takes to thin;' to be proo.d of that the AmenShe it was vllo dwelt I~ Ithe most cording' to equity ,a nd righteo usness, canhu! footlJall 'flU usulI,itY make can D mule. more than holds bl~ OWD_ beauf;lful of th .. palaces_ Sbe It was and 6~eco.ted j udgment~th' an upright And someUm ee It Is quite a task to who enjoyed. dally cla88 water 40«. 'Do .not begin . How ~ thetheLIon: communio~ with: he~rt, : give JD,e Wisdom , that slttetih, first.end' He badSammy vlelted Trapp.. hi" frJend, showyour doC Into the water till thold the Americ an mule_ 'the klns, and sh,ar~' with him In the by. thy, throrle; and reject , me not from ,he 18 about nine ",,~nths man,heloqg activiti es of the royal househo ld, And among thy , children enou.h ,sothought N~ver Bu.t Sammy ' had .' grown fond 'ot .... e "nl-, '['be -'rls ' employ ed In tI)e stores . For ·1, thy throw or pusb btm In; It' oJd. h b' d 'be Is a stupid bl d ub .' • d ~ • .., h' l . b .be it was ' t w 0 I a en k esse w" serva.n..., an SO)1 0" . wblcli, you - 4D tile aho.Plllng district of ~hlcaso a most beautifu l an~ a ne andmald , thing o ·do. ' t . ma es a dog distrust mals, er' be trained so cleverlyrememb t mCMIt promls- am a feeble person, t~nd , that he decidedhad to of a short Y9U anel bate the water, ' .a~ he wJl\ go have ' orgtml& ed a war on tha. . queer tng .b&b~ 'boy, , who ' wbere be would i tlll' be brougbt a t the, Um~ ,?ur time, .~nd too young for the under- let and lUIeleea class of bumanl ty, popu- st~rY begIns was denlop' ,into the habit, at runglng up llnd into cOntact with ben'atS lng Into .t he standJn g ot jUdgme nt 'Bnd laws, ~or , \fqn aDd birds. ·the bank. barltlDg; aD,d refUsing 1arl)' lmown as "street .JohnnieS." early stages of tbat boyboo d tlme though . .... a man be never so perfect ' "'TI!.ey will be ably ullsted by a "Ma~- which marks the go In of hls own accord: 'The best I! so hap:llefi e~. that . a party of the, boNier line of ·tb,e .among the chltdren of me~, yet If th, Is to float a bl,cuit «a' Pollee Squad," especia lly detaIled state of young manhoo d. I. Wisdom be not with him, he shall b~ water,' ~nd he wlU atter out on. tbe ,lad s , f~lends were. starting ·on a voy' 'to the duty, whlcb n eed of s!J ch sert', a , while, go ~g~ .to ~frlca. Tbls bo1's na~e was Solomon, And notblng regarde d . .0 send ." i ~er out ot after It• .and wlU p~es!!rit ;ice ' sbows another ' anomal y In our the fame ot tbe Jlttle 'y Qnd hlm- '8 T.hat.s the place fo~. mel . cried prince had thy boly heavetlS and ,from the self out of his depth and swimmi ng. hJgber clvtllza tlon, ~my. spread 't hrough all tile royal 'house- of thy glory that . bewf; . ' ." present After this he will 'haTe cont,ldence ' In, , Durln~ ~he trip the ~=:===~= hold, and be no doubt "would . bave may labOr wltli: me, that bpy amused hiB , The sIght of a ,w oman perform ing been spoiled by the flattery 1 may know tbe water; _and will ', gO in nadlly f~~nds bYtltellln~ :IS mally 'lngenland the what Is PleasIng· UJ;lto thee_ ' For ' abe eno'ugh toria IItlclt, sUnp!y at ,your oua Inven ODS' an , ow, ,wblle petting of thOlle about blm ' b'a d It not . , ~l, ant\ uDder-s tandeth, all tbings. weird of: OJ 1011 'wlll , , been ~or the faithful , ministr y and and 's be sh~l1 lead me. none , of , tbelll: 'bad qle'ntly novel. Yet the census re- w, atch!ul lioberly In m7 never neeil , to relort to ~e biscuit In- been , ~dopted : 'cal'e of tbe Pro, Nathan , dOings _and preserv e me In.' beJ,'po .•tllnl8 · show that nearly 26;000 women o~, 1I0m~ of the fQlks , W'll;'-" du,cement 'art,er ,the do. ha. · once . . went far as to Sly h ks I from the early days at Solomo n'S at couldn His t Invent prayer anythin ended, are employ ed aa lac m ths, brJck- who g be arose to find tuund he. can·"/lWlm ~ ... . babyboo had made ' it hIs ' specIal hls old "tutor, NathilO ' .." " , .', , ' .' , standin g near ; Nevel' take makers , wood cbopper s, stove makers task to d: guard . and guide tbe little ,ob,servlng blm, , ',I'~e .b9Y resolve d ~o proy!>,:~o , them . " nte fin pOrters . Sentim ent may depreCa te Ufe, And it was 'the 't oucb that he ~al1y could. . when , of tMI " " I have seen hero" Solomol;l ex-' ' pace their Increas e of Dumbel'B In Indus- Godly lite and the '· IDstruc a, t, t:nc.:be(I"bllniI8,11f: tlon' and e:n- claimed hi answer to Nathan 's Inqulrtries requlrln g strengU and eniiur' b'l h h ...:._l,.... B· ut w,h.ete 'tbe,Y "",a_-s the 1'.... courage'men t ·w to il " to >. ...; e e was · 'Il b e to IIg l g ance, . " _..... ~' ,'~e.- 'many va n .......... ~" .., "" ~ , bJ c h ke t the Jlttl 1 " ,waite . physiqu e and., art! "I . "Wh' ." h h" t , 'a emp.. ,., . ' be , under 110 . I velnw bod. Pi d ' d e Iprl't~ce grolw.. "' .... 0 'WI · d ¥ S , illUsion s as to degrees at respecta bll. . Ug preY:i " ' . . e un er , cam&' , . Y. ' m n an s~ r . 80 .I.~p enco'urage d. ,." '>""our . , , _ II am, _, .itf-· In' labor Jt' Is not apparen t wby dldly thl;lt he was fame~ .as ~u,ch, for;. ",jl1hoU' " ,," '....;..,____~_'_~ ,~o~st \ 'w,eU," .was ' t}le . they' Iboilld' not engage In msscull ne the precoci ousness of mInd, as tie was r~~bO~se_ .: . , Occupa tlons ,as , heely· 'as they lLke. fo~,t~e". comell.ness o(bls cotm..te.~apoe" . r Ye~, an~. beUer stIll, ' I bll,ve not" .. , ." " " , ~ucb was, Solomo~ . ,at , . ,ij1e·, tim". only seen b~r. bu~' Gocl hath ,gl~~n her ~ . ' Americ an ' traveler s In Europe have of olir stoty when be met falr 'WI;- .to m.e," ;., ,' . . ~ u uncomm on cbance to see ex, dam . a~d tell l~ 10ye with ber. .' ',",'. '. ' '" .. '~ ' , .' ~ '; • dB ' g :~li~ln the last 'few month.' . Jt wils a real e%perlence" and ~e ,''',!,.he (e~ pt ,~~, ~rtt 11" tile , , A Dumber were In Slclty lit': the tlD:U; ' ho17' p.asSlo~' whfcb tI~ , j spired w~r~ ' wl~,d?m : ' ' ~ .:!' (rt, e earth.quak~; ' an~ DOW .sevel'lll D,S . real, and held him '. Tempta tion tesllJred ' '.fa . inttb~ .' ~ baY,e' looked upon the fighting In Oon- t,hough ber, p~8ence . ~'po~erfuUy U hll,d been . a \fisl- QUlred. , ' . ' t , ,, '.' .taatlno ple, , 151e One, l'I'ay,' lD~re. for the. S,l)ll'l~ual . , \'" .. I ~ . , ePloUpDS far th~e C?,t . 'tbe Feet IWlft~ to ~lschret are slow to desires in potency once tbef' serviC'e, ' . . are quicken ed Into betng 'arid are· nurtured and fed by the 'wallin « lIWUlA of ·truth. ~ . , , , ,_. Solom~ IwJ the buo)'an cr ~ open·be anedD. .. or JQUth anel auu ~ that .libU. IOIIltWaa wJdoIl







dt:lleeelDehdl!a;:e~nl~~:: m~~ j~~~~l1 ~~~








su~cessf~NI. ~o


tb~,.pal'~y:. landed; h~, .~bo 'lV~'II?lnt~t

t~8t ' Sam~r;



Maine ' Man Finds Animals .Be· Easily, Raised;


Pelt. ' AlwiY. In -oemand at Good prloea~How .Rearlng of Reynard I. Managed by .a Typical Down-Easter. . Bangor, Me.-Elljah Norton or Dovl!r finds toxes a more profitable crop than potatoes Qr hay, and so 'he long ago quit lliantlng and hoeing and mowIng, and Is uow devotlng his entlr~ attentIon to raising the sh~rp­ -eyed aud bushy·talled little animals, whose tur is In great demaud always Jlnd everywhere. When ' Norton began ral&ing foxes it was an experiment; now he has the business lully established on a highly profitable basla, and his sunny hlllside farm on !.he bank ot the Piscataquis Is known as the best paying pl.ece of land 1.n Maine.. Tbe NOl'ton fox farm is not the first in MaIne, tor loxes had been successfully bred by a man on Heron Island, Bootbbay harbor, years before the Dover enterprise was thought of. When Norton got ready to go Into the fox business he visited the Heron Island farm, and one on Prince Edward Is· . lan4, In. the Gult of St, Lawl·ence. to get points, and also to buy some 'breeding stock. Th~n be started In to bent th origlnal fox farmers, and he has suoceeded. . Beln~ an old hunter, and knowlng the ways of foxes~ Norton nt the out. set recognized the tact that to be healthy, and ijius . profitable, 'bls stock must be contented, lind to, insure thl1 bappy ·condltlon he so' C)onstruct~d and arrang d hIs lncl08ui'e as to dispel tho Jde'a of capUrl ty~w h'lch fQxes cannol endure. ·l ie built a. tence 16 feet hlgb. of a heavy and specially woven Wire.



Former Seoretary, of State to Replace ' ffenry ~ "". WhIte, '~he Pre.en~ ·Amba ••ador. Wasblngton.-Robel't Bacon; , who "was ~ecretary of st.ate·tol' twQ months , last Winter. has accepted ~he post of ambusador to France. He ,wlll suo. ,cee'd Henry M. White, at present ambassador to France. about the dl'st ot next year:" · . ' Mr. Bacon was a member ot Presi-, dent's Roosevelt·s . "tennis cabinet." He entered t.he service of the government as assistant secretary of lilate. under Secretary Root, and succeed d to that })ost when Root was elected senator from New York. Betore that he ,was one ot Pierpont Morgan's able




Small. Siender White Grubs Inlest StaUts of Corn and Cause Youn$ Plants to WHher.

(Copyrlaht, by J . B, Lippincott Co.)

"I vas mar)<ed mit cats-by my muddel'," Mr. Vogel, observed, each t1me tbat he stood with his hands deep In his trousers pockets at eIther hIe kitchen or dining-room window and watcl1ed the neighborhood tabbles trotting briskly aloo'g the perllilUsly narrow top of the bigh board tenue which Inclosed the , Vogel's back yard, , "They gil me such a crawllness up my back a10ng- l don't know What," Miss Josephine Vogel. angular and austere In her print morning gown, always ec hoed, as she stood beside her father and re~arded the antics ot the sleek TllOma8es, \ "You get It from me, Chosaphlne; I hat chust dose feelings." The ~ nelghborhood cats seemed awal'e of the Vogel antipathy for themselves~ and, with tellne malevolency, assembled each night In a sort of cat congress in the cement alley dIrectly under the Vogel's sleeping apartments. "If L should not get In the brisons tor tiring guns Inside the city limits, 1 should shoot somebody or lIomedlngs," declared ,Mr. Vogel savagely. Each night he purled portions ot his wardrobe and all the movable turnlture In his room Into the alley, but t4e cats dispersed Qnly t.o reconvene and attack tile subject under discusslon with re~ewed · v·lgor. One mornJng 'atter ~>ne of the usual midnight experiences, Mrs. Vogel went out In the alley to gather up Mr. Vogel's ammunition. There was n cake of soap aud her curling-tongs Mr. Vogel's gaiters and his camel's hair fleSh-brush, Mrs. Vogel was loadIng these artlcles and others, of a personal nature, into her apron when a pack ot street curs. urged on by gamins, whirled 'uto tbe alley In pursuit of 1\ black kitten; before Mrs. Vogel could protest, the, kitten had up her "klrt and was glartng a llo.e"reo defiance at Its ,pursuers trom Mrs. Vogel's plum}) shoulder.

wns In Mrs, Vogel's tace and voice and attitude. A sudden light dawned upon MI', Vogel. "pose scratchlngs In the closet!dose noises traveling underground from the neighbor's callar!-dot skim. milk I hat drunk tor weeks!" The , ' crescendo movement of Mr. Vogel's voice made his last words end on high C. FJ8 ' "Dot '(as my cat, Alpert Wogel!dO reo iterated Mrs, Vogel. . "Dot cat leaves my house." , "Ven dot oat goes, 1 go!" Mr, Vogel's double chin drollped upon the plaited bosom of his Sabbath shirt. While he stared and fumbled for adequate words In wblch to exFig. 1, Aoot Worm En larged. Fig. 2, Beetle. preIs bls exact feelings, the largest and - loudest-voiced tortoise-shell The oorn root-worms are undoubted- green beetle, about one-lUth of Ion Thomas In the 'entlre neighborhood. ly the most serious Insect pests wi!.h Inch long, In the fall these small the one which Mr. Vogel had particu. '\vhlch the Iowa corn grower has to green beetles are common objects on larly mnrked tor death. poised Itself contend. The presence of root·worms the silk of the corn and the 110'll ers on the fence and bounded into the In a field Is uliuaUy Indicated by a ot the golden·rod. The spotted beetJQ yard , Tbe eyes ot the cat on Mrs, withering of the young plants, the ot the southern corn root-worm Is (r&o Vogel's shoulder turned green. He did faIlure to produce well developed quently tound along with the plat. not jump- be literally hurled hlmseU ears. or a general retarding of the green beetie. The beetles deposit Robert Bacon. upon the trespasser, and Immedlatel;r growth wIthout any visible cause. A their tiny egss In the soU near the there was under way the most savage search among the roots ot such stalks stalks of corn. lieutenants and a .m ember of the firm. tight Mr. Vogel had ever witnessed. may bring to noUce the tiny rootHe dlrectea the Morgan Interests in The ne~t year these eggB hatch out Mrs. Vogel screamed and would have worms. the famous Northern P.aclno corner of' young root-worms which begin to "tse~arated them with the lath but M!, 1901. He arrlinged ij!e Brltlah end ()t The root·worm.s themselves are tack the corn almo!\t as soon as It Is VOgel•. whose sporting blood was up, small, slender white grubs. abGut half out of the ground. Throughout the the great steamship merger which cre· ated the International Mercantile Ma· he,~d lier a~m. , " an Inch long when they are full the summer these northern corn rOOtrlne company. . Himmel. - he s a vunder; ,whooped grown. Intested stalks of corn may be worms are at work on the roots, untU It Is not generally known, )>ut Mr. Mr, Vogel, dancing about the writhing pulled out easUy and will break off at the worms become full grown in the Bacon was aQtually, legally , and conball of ~ur. As It bounded and thumped. the place where the root-worms ate late summer. When they become mastitutionally president tor the space trom one end of the back yard to the at wo.rk, leaving the greater ture they transform to the pupa, 01' ot aJ>out 15 mJnutes, . his lldmlnlstraother, an occasional glimpse c01.ll4_ part of _. the roots in tbe r~8t1ng stage, In which stage they ' tion comIng In between tbose of Roosa. caught ot green eyes, needlOlJlke teeth. soIl. Frequently stalks Infested spend a short time. F1~ally the plaiD velt and Taft. 'rhe ternl of Roosevelt and extended claws. There was no by the root-worm are blown to the green beetle emeries from this pupa.. as president expired by consUtutlQnal sparring for time, and no intermission ground by the wind, the root system The beetles then deposit their eggl Umtt at noon on· Mal'ch 4. So did that - It was a fight to a finish, h ~vlng been so cut off tpat the stalks tor . another crop of root-worms for of Vlce-PI·esldent. Fairbanks. But tbe Patches of tortoise-shell fur began cannot stand the strain. Bowman and the next year. .AS far I1J It is knoWD change In the lnaugura!.1on planll, the to float In the aIr and decorate the Crossley have shown how a continu- there Is but one breed, of this form JD .result of the storm , that made outshrubs. Finally the visiting cat tore , ous cropping of corn on the same a season . door se~vlces inpracUoable, ce,used a loose, leaving 'what seemed to be ,a ground will- very soon Increase ' the The beetle of the southern routdelay ot 16 or 18· ullnutea In the' adportion o~ one ear ' In the black cat 8 num~er ot root-worms to an alarming worm Is green. with 12 lllliok spots OD mLnlster-lng, of tha .oath to the ne ' mo~th. The victor chased him over the fence and out or sight; only to reo1HcJals. ' During thai 4ntervo.1, Mr. 'nle lnstant that lady felt Its Boft turn shortly, breathing b~avUy. but Bl\coQ. /18 secretary of state ~1th no ( limit '10 hJs term, l)ecame under the fu~ . against her chee~ and heard . the otherwIse quite calm. "He would be goot tor mice." saId . ooiu~Utution actually', president. No-. trlJhtened beating ot Its heart, she \lody. kn~w there bad been ' a doUble bec~e .a passIonate partls~n. . The Mr. Vogel, as be looked at the con~h1tt of preslden'ts until ,the attar- . leading dog, ~ecel~ed' a swift, kick from querlng Thomas reflectively. ' .larand," replied Mrs. Vogel, 4S she ney gimeral caUed tllelr attention io Mr$. Vogel ~ square-toed sho.e which the fact nett day. Even Mr. Bacon , staggered Jt, and the rest of the pack stooped over the crushed ro.ebush to conceal a smUe. I was ' ot '. aware that ' Ute' sun ot .great- ' sw~rved 'outslde .t be danger line. "You touch dis kitten and I make I~ By the time Mrs. Vogel put Unen ness had .beamel;l hoUy 'down upon' his hot by YO~!" d~clared ~rs, Vogel to dusters ' on the parlor furniture and claSsic, head tor .a mome.nt: . . the je~rlng ~amln8 In the street end made otber preparations to close the of the alley. , , hOUM for the summer, the cat Wt\8 The ~Itten clung to her like l). frlgh- sleeping regularly on Mr. Vogel's .POSED FO~ BY fAMOUS HORS~. C ene,!l . chlld, mewing plteo\!sly. Mrs. heavIng chest· when he took his atterStatuette Called. "Span,.h Trot," Ex- Vogel listened until she , heard Jo- 'dlnner nap. seph.lne moving abo\]t on the second "I don'd ,Uke hIm personally, but hibited at Pari. Salon, the Work .' of American Sculptor. floor and .then She, 9te~ltbny o,pened he's so goot for mice," Mr. Vogel exthe' kitchen do.or. It was_not....a....h~d. lalned - to· wqnderlng visitors" - who London ......:There Is especial Amerl· some leltten, this outcast; it was knew othls antipathy.' "Jan Inter'e st j~ the statuette called : black with gleaming yellow eyes, a Flnnny the question arose as to " ~ Spantsh 'Trot,", exhibited a~ the Salon head shaped Uke a .triangle, and . a what should be done with him durin&' de Ooncot1rs Hlppl'que in "Parls, for it squawk ,which ·seemell. to c:ome from the summer. Fig. 3. Southern Corn Root.Worm. a, Beetle; . b, EgiU 0, Root.Worm; , is not only the ' work ot an Ameflcan a 'fusty throlit. , B~t Its wllfer-,llke "I vtll not leat hllil ·tQ run the str(lets d, Anal Iflegment of Larva; e, Work of Root-Worm at Base of Corn Stalk; aqUlptorp\Valter Winans, j;ut the ani· thl~ness was the thing which ,appealed and starve," declaretl Mrs. Vogol. f, P!-'pa. ~" E~Iarged El!(pept e, WhIch I. Reduced, ' mad llortrayed is Qle artist's horae, to Mrs. Vogel's. heart. On the alerl "A.nd nopody vants '.cats In .summer." . for Josephine:li step on the stairway,. Mr. iVogel reflected' and then: said extent, and consequ'e ntly' decrease the Its back. On this account ot It may be' she hurriedly emptied the contents of judicially: • yield. ' '. ea,Uy dlsttngtiJshed '1rom' the other Ithe c eam-pltcher .Into ~ s~ucer and 'ISend for fhe man trom tbe Society Preventive measures, Rotation Of form. It Is also ' somewhat larger thau set it by the stove. Her rOl,lnd face for ' the Breventton of Cruelty to Anl- crops is the most effectual preventive the plain green . beetle, measur1~B , was radiant ~ the starving kitten mals. He vlll take htm avay and kUl of root-worms, Tlie beetles ot ·the about a Quarter of an Inch long. Th. lapped tbe 'cream with , Incredible lilm easy-mit c~lorof~rm." r9Qt-worIlls . usuaU,- deposit their black s'pots ,are tn three rows . 6crOll8 " rapid,lty, almost strangllng In It,s eager- . Mrs. Vogel' shuddered and declarei:l eggs In the old , infested fields. , By ' the back of , the bettle. each row With , ness tor' food. Wh~n ~~~ cre!,~ was It would , be murder; but, as. one changing the corn trom 8uch 'a field tQ :.tour spots~ Usually 'theso' beetles are gone, Mrs. Vog~ felt the kitten s side friend atter another declIned the another wbJilh 'wa,s not In corn the tou.n d along with 'the , p1atn ,green " c ritically to note '11 tIler,e was .any ap· honol' of entertalnl~g the 'Vogels' preceding year, theile ' eggs are left beetles on the sllks. o.f the corn. , but ,precla~le difference hi ,fts thickness. Thomas the society Iileemed the only behind. ' I, , they are not so common. The ,black ' Tile .outcallt thrlve'd ', 8s,tonlshlngly alternative, so, . at last, Mrs, Vogel Thete are' two I kinds of these spotted l>ettJes are found .not only In on.. ·t he .' cream , which fOrfllerly we~t blotted Ii, pOlltal card, with tears .and worms; the "nor.t hern corq 'w orm" the fall, but, aU" through the seasOn Into Mr. V<!ge)'s cotree, and It grew b\ sent·/lt to ' the 'i!oclety, and the "south~rn corn , root-worm." from early spring, as weU. There ·l~ngth"~nd h Iglit- and tblokness with. ·1\.r i':-rv'mrft1:-·w·IDr-n!tmiminm-tbi!rRmr.t-BljDQe the-ba})~..:.ofr the ,twe ' &re very seems, to be at'least tWo. broods of a rapldlt~ wh1ch was a constant source the .cat "pul'l'lng loudly on his bO$o'm In som.e 81; potDts, ,a them ,during· the .year:. .,. '0 ( ' 'amazement to Mrs. Vogel, who and occasionally reaching up . a soft few turther remarks con~ern1ng them .' 'I'he lIte_ history of the. s~'uihern' . robbed. the table of cream without and pl8yfOI, 'P!l\V to slap Mr. Vogel's are given below. The t"\'o are eas[~, eOI'll root-worm is. similar to that ot , compunction,' ' .... . ,; 'double chin, when a closed black wa- ly ·dtsUngulshed In the ·beetl~ .stage, the northern ' form, etceptthat it 'Ia '~ . ·Whlle Mr· VQgel was at chis 'office gon stoppe!l th~. doOr. Tbe 'el~ctrlc when they are 'commOlily . found ·on 'passed thr;()ugh In a ' much shorter ' " qnd J.osephino shopping or paying bell trilled ' loudly, and Mrs. Vogel all- the corn sl1k In the faU. time, In the corn fields t.he eggs are" I ,. '. . «.' visits, the ' black ·'CAt, 3 kJtten ' 'no mitted II. burly colored man with a The northern form ot the root-worm deposited tn thfl ground near the , "Spanish . Trot,", loi'!ger, sat on. the baok· !ltep wl~h' .an . covered basket. ' In Its adult stage Is a platn grl;'ss· stalks. . : .






BUg~e '~!I~Ch, ' who' Is' to"be 'a ' featur~ pt thl!l y~a~'s 'London '.lior~e s~ow and Wa,s ,.;wln.ner. of . the "school _lIorse'.' clas's In last, ye~r',s horse sliow. ."

,arrogllnt air ' at pro~rletorl!hlD ,and . :'Cats," be asked, in a buslness'lIke ' ' wBlihed' ·,ts face or t~garded with a voice. . certain ' ,aJooCl}ess the vulgar - tenceMrs. Vogel ' burst Into tears and wlllldng" tjibl,lhls : who' tiO longer tres. passed by dJlY, at least; 'on', the Vogel pointed' tO Mr. Vogel on the couch. premises'. ,At night tho oat. ~al;l shut .•7C~i;J,'~ repeated the colored man, .. ' In the oellar. and If hls voice' Jlllngled reacbin.g for the qat on Mr. Vogel's w.ith the illi!(,Wrds which made the mid. chest.. ,.," in Glass of ~lquicl aD4 n lg1;i,t hours hideous, .Mr, Vogel never" '!lhe ,cat seemed In8tln~tlvely to p-.c. One Obllerve 'POaiUOD. sqspeot~d t~at; he harbored one of the know Its ·danger. ' ms .puplls dUated, disturbers ot h6s "peace. .. , his 'tan , swelled; and he ~prang to Mr. , " "1:,vo\11a blaut th~ s~eet peas there," Voiel~s shoulder for J)ratectlon. ' WATER TEST FOR FRESH EGGS: ~ald', Mr. Vogel earnestly. on~'. S~bbath "'Qh, ,tadder! ... cded Josepblnq ·Vogel, Placed In the water, an egg ' if fresh ~fiernoQil, . a" ,he arid t1~! YOgel stOOd, and her VOIce shQok. "He vas a fine wHl remll:in re~~ng at the bQttpm ot hi .thelr~ restrIcted back yard; "and, pat.,.-and su~~ a ftghter." dose vines . thete·. ACh.· Gott! ~ wJiere; ','But we haf no blace for him," said cUd' dot .cat come . fro~ 1" .' .', 1I1r. VOKel stubbornly, "H~ vIII die , A,' black ' streal[ ',bad sbot frpm ' the . easy-m,lt cblo~o!orpl." " 'c ellar wlilciow\'.lwd; seating ~tself ,In ' Tb.«/ ,man r~achE!d agaIn tar the cat, ; . sUll,!lhlne, h~d ,.coq1meri~ed.\ ~ care.:, 'stru~k a~d , ~plt . ..t , h~., Then toUeL' Mr~. ¥ogel, 'Jn ,dlsmay, saw 'the soclety s ag~nt raised his, ii,and to ibe I coal· hau had left"the ' wln- slllP hlm , lnto ~ubmlsslon.,. The c!l~ , I \.\ . 'shrank 'trom ' tHe blow, and, puttlng . 'soft, paw" on ~fr.. VogeJ's , doul)le . .' ~e!..p~rateI7 t.c? !,lis shoulder other. "- ' " '

WATER TEST ~::blg end Is raised the : older :Is the As 'an egg gets older, ' sayS the '" F'OR FRESH EGGS .Spatula, the 'water contained in~,the '


white ·of an' egg evaporates, ani!, thl" '. causes the empty space at · the 'thick' J end' of, every egg to be90me enlarge4. . The larger that empty space ~come. tb'e more the .egg rises in the wator. til Un courhe·of tIme It floats. " C


.. .

rll:niP.~~~[1~~18n-D I'Ia- IIlda-,. -Ara . ' .------~----. ;im})" . AI" OJ U U H d Th ' t r~e CO~lP r and, ]~~ th ' p- ~ Weaken ed b, O,er-W ork. • -' _ «:!. !~ __ -!~:'1 • Umon townsh Ip $11' 1 .

- --ta. te inTurt.1 el'eekt Charll:!5 'Hnps~n al1d L w :I )l to' l' I e.~lli


ew ·uits.




, hat!o e UnhC!iltbY Killneys lIIake. Impure 8,IOOCl. Miss Jenrlie S~ibbs" of Lebano u; in Deerf] Itl ' Weak and"unh ealthy kidn y8 ore reo was one of the fOrtuna te yo"ng ladies j S.POnsiblefbrmu

~~. Thompson and

Tholm)~On, real ~l '

. plaintIf f




Martha D. P nce, Vll. ch~. icknes~alldsun;eringl "I sallie A. Fle tcher.B.nd R. Wilson to William S.ltng les- " , ' defelld ants , Petlt~on f r . m.oney, by real e tate in Frankli n, 1. continue, 'criou~ reamoun t claimed bem 90 wIth tn ter" suIts are most likely une. MissSt ibbsisa former M'orrow six p I' cent. Hamil ton & Commi ssioner s' Procee ding. til t at , to {ol!ow. Your otber a-irl, . .m he started ' last Wedne day. orgn lls , ttlay need a tBrown. attorne y f I' plamtlf [. , . To Cinc inna ti teulioll, bllt your kidAnnull men t - 0 motlOlI A~ a special election of Mr. ' held I'n Yellow ueys 1110 t, bealuse Court Procet: dinis. July 18. Round Trip Far. 9Qc. Tl'ain leav s 8:2 a . m. Rogers, s cond ed by Mr. Anders on they do ttlo st and Spring s Saturd ay. the voters of that , . I. David Baldwin ' vs. State of Ohio. ' th gener~1 on t 1'a ts f or f lIrms should have attentiou village decided that they had lived in ling To Niag ara Falls firsl. Thercion ::, when Leave 1. granted plaintif f in error to lumbel' g1Ven e ptembe r 22, .190~ your kidne ·s are weak or out of 'order, darkn Auglll;t 18, .. in li:lvtllnntl tllld Lh L ke. ss long enough and hereaf ter a d the labor contrac t for r epaIr of you u un erstaml how quickly your enfile petition in error forthw ith antl ' n will have electric lights. They voted tire body is . affec filed ted nud'how every organ 14,5 to 11 in Javo r of a $6000 bond I·S. To Atlan tic City, Cape May oridges on Morrow and Clarksv ill e, seelllS to fuil to lIo its duty. me 8&W . I~, W;ight , admini str.ator v, Osceola a. nd ad,wall ader And ot h r PQs hot'p R ~orts, Au g us t O. pikes a~d r~ you arc :Ii ' k or "feel badly," begin sue. I t i l' taking th great , kidney r U1edv, Dr. Levi N. Gustin et a!. Court ets w,here d Il'ec t ~d 111. aem own811,.1 Kilmcr' sSw(IOI p.R ot. Atrialw (Ucono Colo rado and Calif ornia aside verdict of the jury and grants gIven to LenOie Whlta~re ~eal~lIu HalJry HeiS!, of Spl'i~boro, owned jled "ince YOIl of its great merit. . 't 'la1 Daily wi th long 'limi t. Variabl e ro ute!! , fOl' ,cause and the audItor 1:1 direct d The llI iltl ulid imlUediate a new r . effect of eighty- sev n acre of the richest 'f }' f h' t' Swamp. ~oot, the great kidney land in Warren County , but hislazi.: to notl y 11m 0 t I ae IOn. To Alas ka-Y ukon -Pac ific ExpO Sition bladder relll dy, i 50011 r alized. anll It Probate Court. Con tracts- ontract was entereu stands the highest because its relllarkaule ness cuused despair to the wife, arid Daily, Seattle . PorUur'ld, San Francis 'oast and ia Bridge com. bealth rcst ring prorerti es have bc~n last week the catastr ophy arrived . We tern cities may be visited on the co and oLh"I' Padli In matter of Will of Emelin e H. into with t he Oreaon trip. which mav be made O"·tH· ~ pro v n in tliousan ds 0 the most distress Plunke tt, decease d. Will admitte d pany fo r steel j ist and r variabl e rout s wes t of hi 'ago and t. Louis. ai a l's and III g cuses. YUl1uee d a medicine you MI'. Heiss was sent to jail. his wife creosot e nailers for bl'idge nelU' John ShOI,ld bllveIIthe was adjudg ed insane and the two best. to probate . Hom lesee kers Nort hwes t. Wes t. Southwe~t Sold by dru~gis ts in In -matter of estate of Emelin e Bahr farm on Mason an d Kings childre n sent to the Childre n's Home. , r oad fifty-ceut aUll onc-dolOn d esignat ed datE-!! dul'ing SUnl l)l el·. Plunke tt, Howard W . Ivins appoift t- in Deerfie ld townshipatt~l ees timate lar size. Y u nmy , $179 Saturd ay at midnig ht telegra phic I have a sumple bottle ed admini strator giving bond of " . , by 1IIaii fr 'e, also a word reached the family of Capt. $tOOO with T. E, Ivi ns and C. Wilbur .Spec lfi c~tlons - oncr ete I al'ch ~t paulpbl ct telling you From neare."t Ticket Agent, or ,call on oj' wri L· T. R. HMITH .' Ivins sur ties. MelvilJ e Hayes. in Wilmin gton, that ' Kmgs MIlls nea.l' meat market It1 IIOW to fi nd Ollt if you llave ,. or their son, Curtis W. Hayes, D fi ld t h blmlder tronble. had met' Estate of Earl M. Clark, minor. eer e owns Ip. 1\Ieuta 11 t paver wllen writing to Dr. Killller &: Co., deat h ' by drowni ng at Winnip eg, Walter A. Clark appoint ed guardia n Concre te. face w~lI to ea.\;t abu t.- Biugbamtoll, N , V . D n' t lUake aIlY'11l)S- Manit9 ba, but whethe r in lake or a1Vl'n,g bond of $3iOO WI·th N . F. ment of Gnm. D1 b. nag. e on Morrow tak". bllt r ' m e m ber Ule name, Swamp•• R t . and don't let a dealer sell yOIl river they do not yet know. Clark and F. M. Clark suretie s. and Butlerv Ille pike m Sl\lem town· ~omcthillg in plnce of SwalOJ> -RQOt-if , Estate of Abel Seymo ur See, de- ship. you do you will b e disappointed. Will thE:l'e be a safe and 8ane Fourth ceased. Admini trator filed final acBridge across 'l'urtl ~ "'~eek on in Day ton in the future? That is count. ' Morrow and Lebano n pIke near V. A FUTUR E' POSSIB ILITY the Question now being asked by evEstate ,of Andrew .Haird de,ceased. Loer's farm east of Lebano n in Tureryone . It can be said with almost EleveDth actoun t approv ed, allowed tlecree k townsh ip. , I anal constru ction cannot fail to Ii certain ty that steps are to be and confirm t1 . . taken ConcreteabutrJ.1ents to bridge over interes t the people of the Ohio only ,f our of the numo.r oul !dnd. of para, lIn thlf Val- at once to regulat e Dayton . The ,liveHere'lre Estate of. Angen ette Pence, de- Beeeh Run o,nRidgevilJe and on domeStic animal. Ind reduce the owners' profitt. Spring - ley who watch and take intere tin Fourth of July 1909 17 HYGEN O kill. the.e and aU othen~ is probab ly the ceued. First and final .ccoi:in t ap- boro rbad near J. Butt's l'esideuc'e the llr~gress of th great improv e- last Qne 011 which Cure. Itch. manse and other tldn dls" •• e., Deltroy. lIermM the people will and proved etc. in Clearcr eek townsh ip. foul odort. Keeps flies .way. Ie I•• wonderfu ment of the Ohio River which in have had a general celebra l tion after tar dl.lnfect ent, and In addilion to belna a stock dip litCOi Eqtate, of Peter B. Hatfiel d. 'li'ifth hal Concre te arch, culvert nE'ar resi- the course of Ii decade . shall acq~il'e the manne r of their liking. numerOU I hou.ehol d uaeli. aceoun t approv ed, allowed and COIl- d~nce. of Ch~rles Graham o~ Ridge. Ii perman ent tage of nine feet of firmed. . ,.' 'Vd,leatld. ~pr:mgboro, road In Clear- \Vated or navigat ion from Pittsbu ·w. buy In Quanfitl~. and our rg e~of~(>r E. W: teen, who was.a Estate of Martin ' Nicely et al mi. creek to,wnship were approv ed and - ,"", .!WIll pl.... ~O.II. ' to Cairo, The Enquir er has repeat. ' musIc mstruc tor I.n and abQ,ut X~rua nors. Fifth ' accoun t a.pproved, al. contrac~ ,let to Elmer B. Sheets at edly called attentio n to the posSibili. fQr many yeara,.d I-For sale byled Sat\ll(l ay night lowed and confirm ed. ' tbe ,~stimate $111.25. . . ty and apPlU'ent necessi ty of bett~r at , O~way. OhIO. Profe.."S()r ~el'l '. SC I W ARr:J "Z. Estate ofJam~ W. Ellis. decease d. . BllI~~F\ P , Fo,rgy. 'boardm ~."Ca'''''1 e pn8- carlal connec tion betwee n ',the Great had ~Ived in ~e south \Vny~oavll1il:"'OIJlIl. ter ,leavm g .- ,.nb anCJ final \lCcount, approv ed, aJ. one~ dUl'ing June, $1~.85. W. H. Lakes and ~hfa Ohio River, prefera bly Xenia, ~nd w~ on a VISit to Otway lowed and confirm ed, , Stanage&, C~ .• blanks for tr~urer, by enlarge ment of the presen t 'Use. w,hen hIS d~mlse occurre d, He was Estate of O. Viola Edging ton, de- $16.50; Ruggal ee-Gale Co., suppli~s lesS Miami and Erie Canal betwee n abou~ 75 y~rs o,f age A Purel y , Vege table Lax" tlvc and had devot· ~. Fint ana final accoun t liP': for auditor , $10; RU~R'les-Gale Co., Lake Erie and Cincinn ati, that shall ed hl~ entire life ~o the study ~d j)~"ed"aJlowed and confirm ed. CUrtiS Chroni c Conllti pation, and All record for .clerk, $11.56; ~. P. R8.w.1es. give pliSsag,e to barges and'oth er ves- teachm g ~f mU~lc. The rem~ns Liver and Kidney 'rroUbl es. Estate of:Kati e M. Benhal ll. mdse. for court lio~sej $9..30; John sels of a draugh t of nin.e ~hat were taken to Xem~ where the lunermle. Sixth.a ceount ~pproved. W. Shawha n. prem,lUm o~ msuran ce, there may be enlarge mentfeet; of. the al took,plac~ at2o 'clock Tuesda y af· FAtate of 'Rebecc a J. Ellis, Ide- at infir~ary: ~~25; , John ,:For .a~e at tb e ,0110"IDIl "Iacc~: MilJer, comme rce 'betwee n lakes and rivers, ,ternoorl, ' . ceued. '. First and flnal aecownt 3P. blrldte ~epairs, $~.50; p~n P.Bone ,Zimm etmtlo' s, KII bon '11, , and that by w~y of Cincinn ati. proved allowed and'con firmed ' t'o clerk's fee. ~.92; Wilham Evans, wptte' " We are again remind ed of this im. h ~i~o~f'a w~rd ~~xp~a~t~iO~ Moun,t joy's . Springfield, Ohio. t r.atate Wilaon. Kirby irri~lte. lumber / $4.08; ,The. Wester n Star, portan t thing br the turning of the ker amI y . a~ . ~I oU First accoun t app'rQved allowed and pUblishing notice, $15i ~= Alton F. first spade in the work' of the Cape ~oBwnlreasotnh , or er ~'f. .Ion,, " ld~ . 'D confirm ed ' t d ' $ 27·0' " . J::rown. ren an expens " ,u, CodCa nal ·thatha sbeent e seven alked,a bout dc... arow" 0 'u ' bt UU._I ' f .M , tate~f John F. Fox, decease d. T. N. Wilke~n" cpntraces,t, $12,53: d ~n M year CU_~ Le' ~ ' ~~~3" during a ~entury and a half of the Bauet ~rf9X ' .r. an ' I&~::!I'';~ . ' rslef't' f P WIS bI' A.ff" t ' d . . ' 1'irla11lCconntapprpvEid, allowed " ' . . Oh ar ow 0 em a; 0 ~ IC 10, ,a~, w~ er an hlstO? of our country . At last thiij Siturda , nOliTIe.I"~' y and her wherea bouts confirm ed. )f' 9.J)8, Inques t over dead canal is ~ured and the work has ac' k . n' Sh h d bee Frimk Osborn e <t9 05 ") ed 11 be ' " d Th' ~~;~~~~~~!~~~~~!I~!~I~~~~~=~~::=Y~'~' un now. e a n amp oy, ~ua y en comme nce . 1~ can~1 at one of the cordag e ~Uls, alld Sat, • • I IS to cut accross Cape ,C Buz-, urday mornin g she ' dressed in her See,s Mother ,a~ow Young. zard's . Bay. Alread y materIa ls for best clothes and ~ent to' the mill at j~lb woald 1!ehar d to ~versta.te breakw aters have b~en dumpe d off )0 o'clOCK and drew her 'w ages. What the wonde rful eha,n ge io ,IDY , m~th the ~nawich ,~hore, on the north became of her after that is,r ot known pht ~ ed d er sinoe 8be began lio use Eleottl c side Here T:I~ ,a °fW ... _~ con fi rm ed .' be canal I ad' g Bitters ,'," writes ~t8, W. L , Gilpat f ' . th -, t . I ,. ' a . t e. m by her famtly who ~re greatly ,ustate 0 '/\InlUrge Larew et 81. ,d ot', of 'DIlrifortb Me. ' "Altho uab rom disf e ex ref1le wes en;t pomt 0 turbed by her myster iou'B' disapp ear. accoun t ,aUowed and cop70 ahe seems 'reany 't'o lie grow. Cape Cod Bay to weat of Woods Hole. ance ' .' " agaio. ~he' 8uffe~ed un · This wifl 1)e a sea level canal. s h o rt.' ----:, misery from , dYlIpepsia for 20 ening the voyage 'betwee n New York The cont~t commi ttee of the Waryears, At last sbe ooul,d neIther and ~08toll ' by a hundre d miles and ren County Corn Imnrov ement asso. eat, driBk nor slaep . .. Doctor s gave "The Old Relia ble." ' " ' . , ' . . , .. her ap and all remedi es failed till greatly reducm g the annual h'3t o~ ciati,on:is r~eiving f~vorable report. In . ~atte" of estate of Ad~ B. J!)loctrJo .Bttter s, worked .saoh wOn· wrecks alon~" Cape Cod. The re- fr:orn boys tbroUg~out , tho . co~nty ,Hut;d)iD80n, dee~. ~J>.Orf , o~ dora fo~ her. health.. .. They 'ipvlg. ,corde.d wr~cks in one hundre d and that are takinJr: in the county corn adnl1ntatratOr approv ed 'apd con- orate aU ' vital Or~lWllt" ourI' Liver 1'!llve numbe red two thous· contest . The boys state they have 'I " ' alld Kldnoy ti'ouble induoe sleep. tend years fihhea. I f l"f h ' , ~m~l't streug' and~,Ilppetit e Only an, TJ. f·e OSS 0 I e as nO.t been conside rable trouble with weeds. of/Mar garet S. Yeakle et al ~Oo at , Fred C. Schwa rtz 'e. , , but record~d . becausethestatis~iC5 cQul,d the corn is "rowin g fine. Sev~ral . " , _ ... • not be ~erf;ained. Doubtl ess these b!>ys and &'irIs in Tul'tle~reek town· R11rtmt,o b4ilnd two ~housand wrecks have invo)v~d ship ate also cultlva tiJlg flower 'sever.1 thousan d,lives'. d'e ns -and. potato ,plots, The -board Attacb es ofthe defunc t Lugar cir. ' The cana! bet\¥een.the _Grea~ Lakes educi~ion of'this townsh ip ,. b,aifar~ cus, te the ,numbe r of a .doz~n or and theOblo ' ~l~Q~,II~ not ~ee~ed to' ran,ge~, offer the ~!"e pretniU\l1s more who ar~ alsO credito rs of the save vessels or hves, but It W111 , b~. ~n potatoe s,,and flowersatth~county. Hbus~d" agflreg atlon, reached Eaton cOI?e a tremen duo.u5, fact~r in tile fait ~~t faU in connectio~ w~th tne today. The paraph ernalia of the bUII.dlpg up of Cmcmn att and the agricul tural display 'n;tade by th~ Es~~~ of Eliza An? .I~izar, de- show has reached Eaton 'in charge of ~. Proof of pubhca tIon filed. Harry W, Curry, tempor ary receiv. bU~I,ness anp t.raffic of the whole Turtlecr~k ,toWnship · 8Ch~ol,, ~ ,The Oh.1? VaHey, ~s It sllal1 be made. corn cu1t1v~ted by the QOYs of,the 'I~te of J~nira C&volt, decease d. 'e r for the outfit. ' " ' What '!Ie :-"!lnt IS t~e enlar-g ement of cOlmty will ,be, exhi~ited at the fair Proof', f pu~liC&tion filed. . The affairs of the ehow will be ad- the Mla~l and El'l~, Canal. b~tw,ee~ in conhectiory With th~ COURty ,c orn , . ,: ~te of A~a B. ~u~hi?lOn, de- justed under the batikrQPtcy law. .. Lake E~)e and the Clty of Omcmn atl, contest . ':,.eeased. PrQO~ of J),ubhcatlOn file<l. A meetin g of the credito rs ~iJ1 , m.~t er ye~r. . b~ - Enqwl' er. • -:-. WA1yNESVIL'LE CHURCHES. , " E8ta~ of W. ~. , Jack, decease d. held SaturdllY lIl!>rning, July 11th, A Night Rider's RaId. " ' P~f of pql?lieabpn Jiled. at the office of Refere e J;lmes L. l'he ~ort;t night 1'1del'& IUD 01110mcl ' ----,--) EState pf H~~n~h Ireton. decease d. Saylor in Eaton . . The claims held oroton oll o,r aloetl "pHIs.. , They r~i~ . Orthod ox Friends Cburch. " , Proof 01 pubh~at~on 61ed. by credito rs ) in Eaton amount S to y~ur bed to rO,b, ~ou of rest.. N~t8~ Rev, BenJamlq Hawkins, ~Q"tor. $1,100, outside of a chattel mortga ge ~I~h Dr., King 8 New Life ~IIJS. l'labbatb Sohool, II :SI) a. m. Rejl;ular obureb ' J b k 'Iheyne v-erdis liressor inconv eDleno f or $800 h e Id by ' a Ioca 1Q ; 80 II, m, ' Gl!rlltlan l)Jn4eavor, an.' but 11.1 wa.ys oleanse the systeme, servlllfl; 7 ::10 p . m. Whethe r or not the bank's mortga ge ,o oring OoIds, Beadao he. 'Oonstl pa. is valid will be determ ined at the tion., MI\Ia.ria, 250. at Fred C . Hickslt e Friends Churcb. !' credito rs'mee ting. tklhW8t'tZ'S . , • _ ..._ __ First Day Mp.etlnlt, "lj):OO a, m. FlrnDa y S hool; 11 ;0(1 a, m.. ' Fou.rlb Day"' Mlietlng . ~~torney John Risinlle r. o~ Eaton, OETS CARBO LIC, BY MI&TA KE 10: 00 ~i III, ',' _. __ is'counsel for Mr. Lugar, while the . ," interes ts of,the attache s of the ahow Lester ~lmth, son of City ma!"thal, will J>e looked after by Gilmor e & of Lebano n, W/18 painfully', ~urned Saylor, local law firm: The shows about the mouth ~ast ~eek. wh~~' mi ~ affairs are said to be in It very, com. taki~~ a bottle of c~bohc ~Id for . " ," , plicated state: medlcm e, he started to drmk the ~ . .";'t ~.' '. . • -:. • ' scorthl ng fl ui 4. ,' J~~~I~ EPiKO r- Chu~b • . ~ROOMS MADE 'Of J-jAY , . Mr, Smi~ had been · ,u sing medi.. SUniJ'!;"~C~~~·II~~~u:~\~aft " .tlo",r~"lI~,r!'.I'r_. 1S ' b" ' . hi' J. . " .'f.~rt hWedm.oJlt~ ~. a~d'Il. rehtu.rni n g ~~e. i;~!~n~ : :~9:,"~~~' p. ,A new rC?om w CI~ IS pract:Jca~II y chme ome ~ e ntlSa...,. .b,g-nt. e took Prtye'r Keetto,: 7:)0 11, 'ba: made of a sUbstit ute, for br,o,omcor.n; from his dresS~r a pottle contain ing '. • ' _ '.' I th~ interio r or bOOy Qein& conatruct;.. wh.t he though t ~as a mouth · :.vaslt. Cburd tt ed of hay~ is "o'V' being placed on 'rhe,liq uid provep instead to be car· ~. J. i\ oad"lli~er, Rector. the market . . Only tli.e outer edges beme acid. 'and it was . oilly' II rapid SUDd.., • '" SChool ~.:~o.." ID "oI:Dl~r lli ar' • . " ' . ' -r , .tee! ~u :8u a. ~, ' 1RUI' uODllDltD e~te"'lor of the b~ooms are made movem ent of thE! ~rl8t lon ~l\e nt that, he pre- Sundar 'O!.,eacb lIl~'b), ' . of broomc orn. The brooms &Fe neat vented blmself froM. .iJinitt iQ a in appearkllOO. Mre sai~ to ~ large quantit y ()f it to hiB mouth, . W. Calber tlon by Frattk &'ood I~eeplng qua1~ties. and ~ fDuch it waa his' tongue and 1ip,8 W'~re to Lou C. Zecher . 'teat ..' duiab lty 81 chea, broomcorn, ~ i$urned. ,. , .

7..a~k , Fletr~er' ~ A,

~~:~{~\ ~'p~;mi~~!l~~ ~~ 7~: ~~~:~:a~~i~m~U;~nl ~;i~~


~~$iP!/)~I"'~ Gets Them All


Liverites "


The Alpha Ch~mical : Go.

II '





st. .MarY·, 'Epitco.,..





It :p~int8 regularly 2,496 ~ c»lumn8 of g'ood readable, . a ~



, .

THE Pullll,,11


W"~k ly


\ I'y n .. ~y!llt!, t h i,





followi ng report represe nts I WILL PAY THE '... ana and ~ondition of ihe er ops ALI ,EN B MAIN S'lR~ ~ nam ,d, compiled .from retulllS' r~ce i 'ecl hOIl)' the regular codesponden ts of lhe Dep4lrtment: """ Wheat, Pl'ospect compar ed.with' an RANE, F.ditor and , Manage l averag e,77 per. cent: . 1 , And poultry of all kjnds. ' 1 will h 'Bar!ey , prospe ct compar ed with an ill Waynesville on 'J.'uesdays. all Rates ot S~b8cri.ption . averag e, ~5 per cen,t~ P hone 142. · , (' ne 1'':ar(ftlrlutly If.l · ndyan c~) .. .. . .. It I.O(J Rye, prospe ct cOll'lpared witli an •Ub averag e, 85 fler cent. - -- - - - - - - - - - - O~ts, 'Prospe ct compar ed with an Rates ~f AdvertiBem~nt8 avel'ag e, 96 per cent. ReadIng Locals. per IIlle , , " " ".. . 6 Corn, area in 1908,2,806,895 acres l(~ .. d l l1l1 10Cllls, blnok. fa ct!, Ii nl) , , .. " lOc love~, damag e by whit. a-rub',2 Well man. l;,'IIl" I"I:O Ad,S , nOI to exceed live lines; AN EARLY CROP P l' nt. ,['hrlll! 1118 r Ho .. H.... ,.. .., .. 26" (Dolayod ) O)ll luarleij, 1I I'l' In ches tr e ; oY"r ft ve Potatoes, area in 1908, 115.584 acres AlI·eal·ly SUmmt:l l' erop of colon'els , Incholl, p...· lln e . .. , .. ..... . Mr. ~nd Mr~, Clem Burnet t and lieuten&nt co lonels, majol's OJ 'fobacco, aCI'eage _compa red with and capCard of thIlUill .... · .. .. .. . daught er BeSSIe were Sunday &,uests tains is reporte d f rom :!al' last year, 115 pet· cent. Louisia na ltesolut\ OIlH .. , " ,., ." " 6De Timoth y, prospe ct compar ed with of F. A. Hartso ck an? family. Governol' Sander~ having appoin ted S o lal el , whel'e hnn! I mall e °5t .Ed BOian and family spent Sunday eighty- nine citizens to nis "milita r,}!" Ultiplay Advertlslu", I)er Incb.,. . " . , ;uc an avel'ag~ 88 pel' cent. DIscount s Kiven ou COD tract , staff. There are only four in the lot ' PasLul't!S, conditi on compar ed with wlth G80rg~ Bogan and family , Mrs. Mary Jane Cleave r, ?f Har· who have to be conten t with an avel'ag e 98 per cent. captain veysbu rg, spent Sunday WI th Mr. cieA, the r&st of the commis Horses , conditi on compar ed with sions beJ U LY H . 1909 • I and ~1'8. Earnes t Mannon , an averag e 96 per cent. ',. ing about equally div.ided .among tiie How dea r 10 my heart are the scenes of my ' hildhood, Will Clark was a Dayton VISitor three higher grades, IAuisia . Colts, numbe r compar ed withan na has When fond n: ollec tioll s present them to view. Satu.rd ay . TREES AND THE RAILROAOS averag e, 94 per cent. about 1.200 men in its organiz ed MISS Flossie Fires and Miss Edith mili tia. .. .Cattle, conditi on compar ed with an . Bogan called on Jacob Sears and wife Someo follrco ntempo r'a riesare go- avel'ag e, 96 per cent. • - • ini' into rhapsod ies just now over Calves, llumbe r compar ed wlth an Thursd ayadte rnoon. Subsc ribe for \ the Gat.ette Miss Bertha Gray is visiting her t he idea of tree-pl'anting by the rail- averag e, 93 per cent. ~~~~~~!!!!!! roads, It seems that Mr. Harl'im an Wool, clip compar ed with last year, brothe r Albert Gray neal' Lytle. Jap Mercer and wife were guests has ordered some trees planted alonp 97 pel' cent, of Will Clark and family Thursd ay. his lines in the West, and he is gel- Ohio's wheat harvel!t is now genMiss Jessie Bo&,an spent Saturd ay ting mOI'e' prai than he is accu - erally in active proa-resa, and from Unde rtake r and Embalmer. : and Sunday with her parents near tamed to, 01' perhaps than is good the returns of the official corresp on- Wilmin&,ton, W ill be fo ond in the old for him, on this accoun t. . dents of this Depart ment it is estiBlink Bmldin g, oppoBiLe Mrs. Sarah Rich is enterta ining " What a g lorious t hing it would mate,sl-that it will produc e 17 per cent her niece. the Nation al Blink, be," exclaim the hio StateJo urnal, of an avel'ag e yield. Heavy 'l'el Bp1ione in hou se a nd of · and ~' if all the I·ailtoad s. of Ohio would continu ed rainfal ls ~revail B 'lrwhel·t) I Olln be called Torture d on a Horse. ed durinar llu y or ui ght, plant treesal ong thel!'..roadwllYs! 11 the month of June and t his' hlUl re"For tAn :velir8 1 cou~dn " rid e Ii Vt\.Jley ~h one 14-2. a very few y ars the tate would bt tat'ded harvest , in many fUnds the borse withou t beiDtz 10 tOI·turt) froDI a lIetwor k of arbors , and it would bt ground being so BOft that Wayne sville, Ohio it was im· plies, l' wrlt.el L. S. N14pier, of Rug Main Street. one of the richest of h ~r posseasions," possibl e to ' enter' with machin es. le88, Ky " " when all dootort t aDd oth remedi es failed, Buokle n '8 Arnica "Arbor " svunds very '001 and de- Many corresp ondent. a note ........... "" Salve cured me." Infallib le tor lightful inde d . But there at e timet by joint worm. ' , Pllat', Burps, Scaldf.l, Ul.lt8J., BOilS, and places for till things in ,t his worla Oats Bre in excelle nt conditi on Fever.S ores, Eozerna. Salt', nbeu II -and it seemR to us that t he work having advanc ed 5 poin WW Keep ' since th; (Joln8. 25o , ' Gnaran teed by Fred (l ~..bwqrtz . of refores tation in Americ a .c an bl issuanc e of the hUlt report. The done to greate r advant age ot he. present prospe ct- Sf). per cent comNew places than along the lines f Ameri· pared with an' averag e- is Burll nr:ton. most en- ANDcan railroad s. cour,ag ing j and as the ar~ seeded is (Delayed ) Trav.le rs on railroad trains spend greate~ than ' that of 1908 an Wm. Reeves spent Sunday with a abunmuch of their time looking out of dant harvest should result. friend in Sidney , Ohio. the windows. It is an" instruct iv(, A i.rge area bas been planted to The C. E. and E, L. held a union At his home, miles west of :: amusem ent at ,a time ~ when otbel corn, it beiui eStima ted at sociliJ on Tuesday, evening . , 2,t47S,814 Waynes ville, on tbe ,Upper Spring - ~ , amusem ents are hfl,rd to find. Put acres an increaa e of 68 919 acrell Claas 3 of the M. E. Sunday School boro pike, for the coming season , .. a line Of closely ' plan~.ed tt'ees alon@ over the area of 1908. ,' Urider favor- held a lawn (eteon Saturd ay evenin g. BROW N BILL is a good general - .: each' side of the tr/lck, howeve r, and able Rev. Cow~ll who has 'b~n suffer- purpos e horse. ' this should ' result in • it will jlrGauc tions Ing witb'a very Sore foot is improvin&,. - CLOVE RDALE is'one of the best- • out of commission to, in Ohio'.s history . ' . Hatley H. Smith was very ill with ~red Pel'che ron horses in this section : . the Window of a rapidly Liv~ ~tock genera lly in fine condi- append icitis last week. of the country , He is fifteen years. for any length of time. , The separa tor at the Cream ery ex- old, and is withou t a blemish. tion . .Pastur es excelle nt: .. 'rrains runnin g throug h paralle l \ • - • plod~ on Monday of last week. For:Imtes-et-ffees, mOl'eOve,r, would be M~OWr OF THE MITE tunatel y no one was' near enougl l to TER MS: . , more 's\1bjoot to, collision than on . injured by the explosi on. the open roadways of' to-day. It Ie Sillg a songof inicrob es, ,Marrie d at the rwid.n ce of Revo $10.00 to insure a living colt; mare true , that, ·the rl¥lroa d en&,inee., ' Lurkin g everyw here; , A. N. ,Spahr,. of near Xenia, on Sun- and colt to stand as securit y. ~y CoUD~ less upon mechan ical signals SWimm ing in tb~ .water, day, , Ralph P. LeamiD&' ,and Miss 'o ne parting with mare forfeit s the , tor the preven tion of collisions ~han . sail~g .througt) the.air, ," Sar~ 9onnor , and on Taursd ay ipsuran ce. ~ he used to. But even at that, it is . Buned mthe ,cellar. Ho,!,,~ Leiunin g and Mias Olia Con, well fpr an .engineer to know what >, CI!n~ni to your'el othes, . ~. 1n front of him, Ii. t.rain on 'an ' S~rcklD&' to your fingers , . Lester Icenho wer, of Washin gton track is.~asily seen, whil~ a trai~ ru'n- . ~~pi~g up U J' nO;le; ' . C. H.,'is the~uest ofrela tivesh ere. : nini' betwee n tWb rows of tr~ WQuld MiXed 10 all .the sauc~, Carlton Smith is visiting his uncle, be IDu4h less. easiiy disting uisha,bl e. Stir:red . i~ ev!ry c;ake, . W. A. Smith and family, ofUr~. 0" turns, of course. if trees were Swallo wed Wlt~ ~e p~try..:..... T. M. Harlan arid daught er Ruth.. planted . tlieengineercouldn't~ the Hence the stomac bathe; Qf ,Miami sburi, spent tllF Fourth , track for !lilY distat:1ce ahead. ' Boili,!lg !n '~e soup, pot, here. ' , ,*,.:- , The conserv ation ot natural Baking m -the br~, A party of young men went to Cin. ~ II.CAUo PA'l'TEltNS Cele brated ...ou~es of ibis :eountr.y in gen~ral for Ityle, p\!J'fect titL .Impllclty .nd • Pranci ng ,on a threa~; , cinnati on upday to · see the. ball .ell.bfl~t, ne",:l)' 40, )'"Ilrt. , ':'01<\ in ntarl), refores tatiun in partiCUlar, at; Billion s on a b8llkno te, ' uerY •• t'y and town .11 the .ted Stllt"s and game. Canada. or b), m,,11 direct. Vn.\to'rl: lold llun ~ , . .• _ • 4 mat~er.!RJf the ~ates t"'imP9rt:ance any olber malle. Send (0' t ree catalogue . Millions on a cent. . , SLlOH and in .rest.~o every . Ame'rican who . Trilli,)ns o~ the ,gr~nbac TLY INJUO fO ' . lIeCAU .'8 MAGAZ INE " . .' ks , More . ... bscriber. any other _pain_m illion athan has his eye open to 'the needs of, his U~ .to pay your l'ent; month. Invaluablfashion e: Lat· .. M E'I' ' . h ' elt .t),ltl pallerns, d'''l maklnlr, millinery r. I JIarnes s, w 0 resides on , countrf.. , 'Bilt tli'e' idea o.f ,pl~tir~g plain leW l ng. fnncy n~dle ..ork.liaird inlr· Caric~~ on.a sunb:eam, ~'-.t f \ t ~V • . etiquette, fI'OOd .toriu. etc. OnilliO ...... th e BI \:.I\e~ cents . , treeS alongsi de of i-ail.road . tracks is PhthISIS on f:\ mo~, ' . ar~" eas ,0. ~ema, was ~ear (.. o~h double). !ncluding a .. ~ patttrn. thrown ,from hlS buggy. and sU&,htly IIbscrlbe toda,. ot .• ena fo~ .ample , more h:npr~ive o~ ftr~t ' sugges tion copy. Forty,.t housan d ~il~~nts , . .' ed W~ ~'"ay' wh ' 'horse WONDE lnJur llfVL INDlJCE ~ne;nu iIENTs en lils """ " than after it has'.been thoug ht 'over , Gall,!p down .Yo~r thr:oat. to A,enll • .1'0It;<1 bring. premi um catalogue -'" , ' . . , ' . ." anll QCwc.ah prl.e 0ller8, ....ddr ...· ed )a little· -Cindn nati 'Times St&"i-. scar :at ~, P~I!lg automo bile on the ill .c~ 'a~· .. Ie III W.... k. NEW YOU ' Rea~the daily, . paPer. ' J lUJlestown pik~. Mr. Harnes s was . " ' ,- ' · Ify~u · haiveadoubt. ' .. • i'oin&, toward ~<tllle ~a -was driving MicrObf!8 as they,':c~per . "" , ' one horse and leadio&, -anoth er: " Spr~il the Seeds of go~t, u HAT H' • ~ f For ,Sale at , 'When he had reached a pciint near .' ft. ' , " ~., A. WAY 7\'" the fever, end of, the city .tteet car . track' .. Leading Dentle t _ Make you .h'~ve hiv~," , . Jame8t own})i kean ,a utombb ile om", In KeYI Bldg. Mark you'r ,fsce with frec~les. Main a. Tb~ u ......o:u· 'withou t checki~ ita !!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! KiI) a cati:s nine:j'ives;, '" ., .', . ' !! : !!!!!! " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ "lwt. H'~ndicapped as Q.ive; QS ear:and tOotb&che, :: " iwo holtes 'M~. Harnes s , WAL TER Give a horse th~ heaves, ' , .' . : J ' :WII,IBI,nat~Je,tO manage tbeone he.waa , , Rc)up,a nd PIP to ,.chicken ' . s; . 'Way nesv ille, Ohio . it whirl~, the' ToUj~nes8 'to the ijeeve8. ~ ,,' Pu~e~al Director. \, " the mud ,J , Mic' the"' . .....rbb~ .,. cause . ., ~thqua~~, and,~~ l. f Y~lllicle· · waa ,(I~iaBE!dby hav,, ~~}h~storm • . (if!IlI)Olllllne!d iUld' w)u!e) .' ~Ise the dreadfu l: cYcil~riel{ ," . ,'·Skeeter". aruf th'e fleal Sta,i:~ the Vfa~I . 't\r~t-:~nic: ,: (~llu~ $.be IiU~JD,er ~r:ost, • ~ Make the .tylish ,bonnets , .... Make' the price they cO$t; -.;'" . Cause the family' quarrel , . c&u$s the auto smell ; '.;. L ~ , ,,' 400 aeJditionaJ lQCbmotiveil 'whiHi fOil eJ ." . hi 'e ' Givethe ~ple""well } v , . ~Ci'O~ tn~~ v~~jo~; , Still tIl,ey ltke th~l'" fun, '


Mar ket

Pric e






*''*'* '''*** ''** ''** '* ' * JOHN STROOP S '* Bro wn Bill , :* *''** ' Cloverdille *' * ax


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.,Q()t arp~r, ,', , See ,what tbet,;b, .ve done. :. .

-H ~ J. Ke).I,o'81 .~n N!.w I

the bea" iron 'aeatofa swio&" which . .truCk him ' in'the flke lull ,*ow' .. Yor~ 'l'i~es. r1aJlt.q•• ' Biadli ekil ....., _4!!:~~~!!'

X~a.lIA.STAx·~ItATE ' ~ " . .. ,


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Indbeia,8Uft~~ ~tll hom

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Mi'. WIDIOD Is "


of '~home, sw~et hom e," and. the pict ures will be stud ied for the "old times sak e" by old and young alike.




There is nothihg like a



serie s of our' post -car'd view s.



:*' •* '* •*'*' : :: '

Rem ind them of old scenes and old hau nts by sending them a




W hy N ot


A. M,A FFI J',

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SYNOPSIS. At 14 yenn at age Admiral Sir PotE'r Na\ ksltnw'o nephew, nlchl\rd Qlyn, t~1I del'ply III love at IIrs~ sight with Lady Arohrlla Stormont. who spurned hili (It~.nllon. Th l a~1 no orphan, \\' 8.8 ~Iv . n a b rill nil mldsrupman on the Ajax by hlo uncI . Gllos Vern n, neph w of Sir 'l'homru! Vernon. b come til boy's pIlI. . Thuy tl nd d a theater wher Hawk.baw'8 nephew IInw Lady Arab lin. VernOl) met PlIlllp ' Ov rton, n xt In lin tor Blr Til mlUl VOl'non's /ltnt. Th y IItarteel 0. du I whl II was Inte rruPt ~lI . Vernon. Overton and lJnwkshaw's nellh \\' found th maelv II ttl' 1 d by PI' tty Lady Arabella, 'rhe Ajax In batt I d f nted l" rench Wanhll)JI In the lIf dlterrllnenn. Richard Olyn got £~,OOO prl% ' mon y. He was call d hom by Lady Hn:wltshaw 08 he Wl\8 ahout t(l "hlow ln" hlB earnlnll'1' with ' VernQn. At 0. Huwkllhaw parly Ol)'n dlscov r,od tha.t Ul!1y Arab lib. wns n PDQI' bu ~ 11 ralstent gCUl\blcl'. H tnlked much with hilt r.ousln DtlPllno. l,.ntly Arnbolla agatn showild love (or gamin/:,. Liltor h held Olyn unit Ov rton prl8 n rs, thU8 delllylJ\g the dU. l Tn th verlon· Vel" non (luel, neither WIUI hurt. Lady Arabella humlUated Richard b)' her pranks. CHAPTER VI.-Contlnued. Peter," said Lady Hawksbaw, In the same awful voice, "I unexpect· edly nOOred this room a few moments _8g0, :and the sight that met my eyes wuli Arabella struggling. In tb~ arms ot thl.s young ruffian, Rlcllard Glyn; 'w ho WIUI kissIng ber ",Ith the greatest fury hnagtnllble." . Sfr Peter looked at ,me very hard, and after'a moment salH: . "Have you nothing to say for your· ssle, young gentleman 7" "BJr," I replied, trying to assume n flrm tone, "1 will only say that Lady Arabella. meaning to trent me llke her lap·dog, kissed me on the nOS6, all she does that beast of hers; and lUI an oftJcer and a gentleman, I felt called , upoq ' pay bel' back; and lor every .DUlck she gave me on illy nOse, I gave bel' two back In · the moutb, to show her that an officer In bls 'D )8jesty's sea service Is a milO, and not a lapdo!;,." " Do 70U hear, Sir Peter'" asked lAdy Hawkaha,w, witb terrIble el\rnestn88e. "Re cloes not deny . bls ,guilt. What think you of bis conduct?" "Think, ma'am!" shouted Sir Peter, , '1 think if he had done anything else. It would have been clean against tlie ' articles of war, and I myself WOuld. have lIeen that he was kicked out of bls majesty's service, I shall send for my' solicitor to-morrow morning to put a codicil to my wLll, giving Rlohard Glyn £ 1,000 at my decease." At this lbe gentlemen roared, and Lady Arabella, selzLng the lap·dog, bid her tace In his long hall', wltt1e even Daphne smiled' and blushed. As for Lad)" Hawkshaw, for once she w9-8 dIs· concerted and walked out, glaring over her shouldet at. SIr Pet r, There was much laughter; SIr Peter jol~lnlt 10; but after a while ilia gen· tlemen left·, and Sir Peter weht out, , and Dapbn.ll. who I ' saw was disgusted , wit • my conduct, walked haughllly away in sl,llte of Lady Arabella's play, fut prot sta tllat she wos afraid to reo maln: alone tn the room wIth me. One lhlng had puzzled m extreme· ly. and that was her calmness, and even gayety when sbe bad no means "SI~

P ter nor r...»d" tla\Vt(sha ~. not d Ih S8 things, bu lh r wor t rang nO\l Il. to imp") III Lo n k S il' P l r ' lo IOolt ut for a ' ship for rn e at the ad· mlralty. l 'sa \ Gil s V nil'" h ntlnue<l ' to com , with Unabat d a suran(" , to 'a I'I( I y Square. \~ole w I'e 'lot anxious tbat the fa t at the du I should I nk Olll. and Overton ail claliy d slrous to Iteep 'It quiet. t course, ho cam no more to B rkaIe)" Squar , lind· wlthdr w more and more from bls form er associates. He b gan to consort milch with p rsons of the John Wesl y p rsuBslon, spend· Ing milch or his tim , wh n not on dutY,at Oxlord, wh I'e tbe W esleyans w re numerous at tbe time. I noticed that l.ady Arabella tr at d Gllos, and me, nlso, wltb more civility than she had hlth r to shown. 1 could not thlnl( It sincere, but nltrlbut d It to a natural d sire to conclllat those who knew so much to her disadvantage. But t hnt she made no effort to ov rcome her I.nfatua~lon fo r Overton, I v ry soon had proot SIr Tbomas Vernon, soon atter lIlis, had tb assurance to present himself In B rkel y Square, and rare sport It was. Lady Hawkshaw, Lady Arabelin, Daphne, mys If, and one or two other persons were In the ChInese drawing room when he was ush· ered In. Lady Haw\(shnw nnd Sir Thomas were old' acqualnlances, and had been at feud for more tban 30 years, nelUtI' side asking or gIvIng qunrter, Sir Thomas had a sbrewd wit of hIs own, and was more n arly a match for Lady Hawksbaw thnn nny one I had yet seen . He op ned the ball by on Lndy Hawkshaw's Improved appearance, partly due, he thougbt, to her triumph In getting the K. C. B. for Sir Pete r. This nettled . Lad y Hawksbaw extremely, and she retaliated by telling SIr Thomas tbat he 10 ked young I' than he did when she first knew him 30 years ago, As Sir Thomas hated any allusion to bls age, thIs shot told. "And allow me to congratulate you, SIr ThomM," added Lady Hllwkshaw, " upon your very promising cousln,

blu se~ So he lIent alit {or a lXI', .61 norl"I", nnd be nnd 1. together with tht, bnlll1't's, dranl, to the 'B lvldera ; and 1 swor , lb nand tb re, thl\t go :willi hIm I wOIII . I' or; In t.he exc S8 of my atf ctlon for Oil s, 1 would bave taken almost any servlc to be wlth hIm. 'l' lll~ Crl -at S . too, \ve;-e more In the 'my or a Uvlly, as tbe' lmemy w!is wary o D1 etl ng our shillS at th I ne, but the frlgatell could .go hunting arter him. So, when I returned to B 1'1( I Y Squaro thnt day I begged Sir Peter to get me 1\ berth In the B lvld r~ He WIIS please'd with my spI ri t, and the very ne.¥t day he went to the admiral· ty for me. The omplement was full, bllt, lucidly for me. one of the juniors "'ot a bl li l inore to h1s liking, .and Sir " Peter, being on lbe spot, got me III vacancy, and I was ord red to !:'Sport at once at Plymollth. It t k 1 t d t to ge t 00 m lU a ay or wo my au fi t and malie r Ildy to stal'l. Lady Bawl(shnw showed me great kindn ess Plon, ancl aotllally nllowed l me to have 0. consld' rnbl sum of my own man y. Lady Arab lin trealed me wlUI h r usnal Indlffer nce, and , on tb day I was to go, bade me a careless adIeu, When the post·chalsA \y(}! at the door o.nd J w nt to 1he hln 8 drt.wIng room to t II Lady Bawl,shaw anet Sir Pet r god-by, al1hu WIUI there wllh them, and IIh lool( d as If sbe hnd be n weorllng, SIr P t r gave me 0. letter to my n w captain , V r , and sam words at cncourngom nt, Lady Hawl,s haw dellver dl a homily to me on my duty, whIch 1 received out 0/ respect faT her real excellence at heart, and thanked her In a manner which made Sir Pet I' my frIend tOt Ufe. Daphne said not a word whQr I . took bel' hand, but handing me a m. tie parc I ran out of the Toom. I nfter ward found Il to be a lItU.. l.~sewlfE made by h I' own hands. I went down to the chnlse, puzzled at h er conduct. but, looking up for the last tlme to the windows, I saw her peering from behind a cortnln, ] raised tile parcel to my lips, and, &I she suw It, a smile broke over her tace. My last glimpse of her was like an April day~she was all smll a and tears-and It was destined to ramalll In my memory. GUes Ve rnon was waiting for me at the corner of lbe street.' We were to make the journey to' Plymouth to gelber. "Well," he cried, when we found ourselves rolling along to meet the coac h , "I h ave . h a d my ca k e an d eaten It." \ "How I envy youl" I sald, bltterl,.. ''I'bave not had my cake. Every shU· ]jng ot my prize mouey is In banls, u ' cept abont £200." "Poor chap'" answered 'Glles, roel. ingly. "How much more of Ute haft 'I lIeen In London than you! I haft seen everything, ,Including that queeD or bearts; Lady Arabella Stormont, She has treated me cruelly, the jader . But I . wl\J bring her to 'm y band at

IFCO)1f rtIhl ~ iH1 ((])§1t~§§ Cbat



TopiC$ of f'\al)Y Kil)c!is 9 by a . Reco!ll)!zed Authority

Color Schemel, "When In doubt use plDk," so said a Bllccessful 'hostess upon being asked the b st color scheme. Pink b aI's both th daylight and the artificial ligh t Qually well, and Is always becom ing, a fact not to be overlooked by a thoughtful hostess. Dlue changes to green at nlgbt, but IUlder certaIn con'dltlons It Is a rilliter good scheme to use It. Yellow Is not a satlsfactory color to have at night, It I t t I k f d d tr tb as s ap 0 00 a e om e sunlight. Violet Is not good at night, but at present Is much In favor tor spring luncbeons, wIth corsage bou· quets at each place for the guests. R d Is rarely used In .w arm weather, but is always delightful In wInter time, carrying with a suggestion at ~armth and welcome Is grateful. A North s ide hostess Invariably uses red the year rOllDd, as It harmonizes wltb her furnishings and service, 80 that tbe color bas come to be recognIzed as her own Individually and her red dlnners are noted. Green alone and combIned with white Is always pleasing and 1s a sum· mol' Ume favorite. Ferns are always good and may bekept fresh a long time If placed one over the other on a flat board, tben Immersed In cold water ' and k~p t In 0. cool. dry place. It Is In good torm to use the flower tbat Is In season, and the Japanese metbod of llSLDg fiow ers Is being adopte d more and more, as the flow er holders are on sale now at nO'arly all of tl\e department stores. Can IvaI of Merry Lovers. A young woman wbo wlsbed to an. h til nounce er engage men . n a un que manner Issued InvitatIons for a fancy dress vart,y In which the gUests Were requested to come dressed a8 "faIJl,ous lovers." ' Hu.sbands and wives, b~.oth· era .and sIsters, maids aI\d their tao vorlte swains came together 'and great was thu tun trying to guess who WIUI who. There were .1o"n ,.. Alden and Prls· cllla, Hiawatha and Mlnr.shaha, Paul and Vldglnla, Queen Elizabeth and Essex, Dante and Beatrice, NaJ)Oleon and Josephine, eto. All charac~er8 were kept secret and the host asked the following. questions ! !Are you tact or fiction? Are YOU IIvlns or doad? .(If left alive III the .tor}' tbey are lIu"p080d to be lIv! Inl{.) . . ' Old your love lead to marnaJe? Either. Or, DId What prevented? happy ever a(teri What bad the man's love on


hostess, and he r brotber In tbe tal· lowing words broke the news to the merry lovehl : As you, dear fri ends. are fn t anel not f\ LIon, living nnd not dead; ns Your love leod to OIorrlo&,c, ami you hllve lived hap· py ever nftor. II' wish to·nlght to otx'or our congrntulnUOn8 and our g od wishes tor the tIltur \{) our h08l l!S8 nnd her fiUlle, Mr. ,Tohn Blunlt. It Is needles.s to say that bearty congratulations were In ordor nnd a jolly danoe to lowed. The refresh. ments were simply Ice cream In th.e shalle of double he!\rts, one pInk, one white, and small heart cakes. A fruit trappe was served frcm a bowl sur. rounded by a wreath of pink roses, and each guest was given 0. rose as a souvenir. The Flrlt AnnIversary, Wedding Ilnnlversary celebrations are usually Informal, especially wbeD tbe Idea or tbe celebrations Is carrle'd out, as for Instanc , a "cotton" wedding, whIch celebra eB the first. annl· versary. A sheet and pl\low calle party on this occasIon Is bolh approprIate and enjoYable. For both men and women the sheets -may be put on In about the same way. The width Is passed around the body just beloW' tbe arm· pIts, the two corners brought to the back, crossed, then each drawn up over the shoulders, and all 'secured in front wltl) a pIn. A little practice wl~1 enable one to don these ghostly garm ents ' ln a really becomIng manner, 'fhe lengtb of the sheet falls straIght all around, • Rather large sheets should be used, tbat there may be plenty of fullness, White dominoes may be worn or the p1l10w cases mlly be used. If there are draperies In the room, for tbis oc· caston they may be replaoed with sheets or wblte Ch\les8c10th. ,! ' The dlnJng table may have domes ot cotton batting or runners made. of Jt 'a nd snowbans ot cotton a~ eacb plate may con~ little souvenirs U the brlcle wishes to glve_them. Dancing may be the amusement or cards nfter Ut;lmaskitm. An entire wblt~ menue may be se"ed with chicken sandwiches, calfee with whipped cream, Ice cream In ~e shape of snowballs and wblte. fros'ted cakes. " Bales of cotton candy boxes may be gotten. In some places to which. the ta place ol'rds could be at ched' and south pC the Mallon and. Dizon line the Uny cotton baltis prepared for tOl1,1;lata would be just the thing for an affair of tbis kind. In some· parta of the

WHEN YOUR BACK ACHES It II a WarnIng That the Kidney. Are Sick and Neod Hel p. A bad back mnk! s very 'day a dull round ot pain and mls ry. Jt;s a sIgn . th kidneys are sick and cnnnol k ep uP th' Ir never- lIdlng task of 1l1terl ng the blood . Lame baok, b a 0 k a c he , dIzzy speUs and urinary di sorders are warnIngs that must not be overlooked. A, G. Smith, 405 E, Mills St., Liberty, Mo., says: "1 waa ra l(ed with pain, stlet and lume, had Il terrible condition o( the kidney secretions. I got s o miserable 1 went to b d, but the doctor did not do , anything for me and no one ex pected me to recover. Doan'8 Kidn ey Pills llrst r ellev d, then cured me, nnd 'l have bad 110 kidn ey trouble (or seven years s;nce," Sold by a ll denl fa, 50 cents a box, Foster-Mllbw'n Co., Buffalo. N. Y. NOT WHAT HE MEANT.

S8)1h dd - I'm rathe r dull thIs evenIng. I reel a little down In the mouUt, don't you know. Miss Cuttlng-O, Impossible I Why, It Is not a sixteenth o( an inoh.. long! Joke Anger. the Judge, Judg Ralcom was talking to 1\ orowd on t he street a few days ago, telling ' them the prop I' way to put shingles on a houl\o. He suld: "The old rule was to allow s~ Inches at the shlngl s to 'lIhQW to the weath· er; but that Is tQO much, You should allow not more than lour Inches to show." .Some wng remarked In a malter of fact tone to the judge: "Bow would It do not to let 'any sho~?" The judge replied: "l've seell roots made that way; but It takes a great maDY Bblng1es." ' Then the judge' wanted to get mad ,when the ' crowd laughed.-Twlggl' County (Ga.) CItizen, . E.cap" Nicely Timed. ' A German 'sboemake!; left the gas ' . turned on In his shop one- nlgbt, and. upon Brrlvln-g In the morning, struck lnatCh lo light Il' There waa a terrifle, explosion. and the sl1.oemaker was blown ant through the door" almost to


~iI~~~f1~~~~~~~~~~'~' lnlddle of the sttee~ I longed that he might know of that pa8sel'by rushed to-b:ls


''That'. a PIty," SaId I;-ady Hawklhaw.

on the man? episode with Overton In Sir Peter W1)at "lUI the most sUrrlng event ot , Hawkshaw's cubby-hole at' five o'clocll YOUr hlstop" In the morning. T1,le young host.esa was dressed In (TO BE CONTINUED.) a becoming evenlllg gown, and her brother, who acted as host, ' was' not disguise\!. There was one man ,whom For Your Health, Cbnquer rour moods; don't lat yoo( no could gu~SS, as be wore \ a moods conquer you. People who. glv. m~sque and black domJno. At,er!l way to moods never ·a mount to much ilnly: time gU91!Sing, and ,when nel\rly because they are never master. of everY one was 'dIscovered, the lUysterl· themsE1lves. They never know In the OU8 . stranger was found beside the morplng whetber they are goIng to do a good day's work or not, whetber tbey are going to be a cheering or I depressIng Inftuence on the ·peopl. around them. If they feel like belDI good-temper.ed, they wlJl be; If the1 teel like "snappIng" at everybody, they wUl snap. People who suffer tram "mood." should be careful about their' habit., They sbould be regular abou~ meals, sleep, exercise and work. The condl· tion of the health has much to do WtUl moods, and there Is nothing that con· trIbutes so much to health as abaOo lute regularltr.

Mr, Giles Vernon, Sir Peter has tbe hlglieat oplnlon or h1m; and . he has won the favor at the hong-tong to an extraordinary degree,') ~ "He may bave won the ravor o( the ·bong-tong," . replied Sir Thomas, 1m· p, denUY 'mlml!Jklng Lady Hawkshaw'iI French, "but he has not yet succeeded bl whining my tavor." "That's a pity," said Lady Hawk· shaw; "but It doesn't slgnlly, I dare say. It wl11 not keep you alive a day longer. And there Is your other COUSin-Capt. Overton of the Guards. He Is what ao few of our young men ai'e, pIous anll Ood-f~arlng." "And a snIveling, John Wesley M thodlst besides," snarled Sir Thomas, much exasperated. "Ble s me, Sir Thomas," cried Lady Hawkshaw. "don't be so hard on these worthy people, the Methodists." lawn this surprised me, for It there His Position. was anything on earth upon which Dean Ramsay once told or B YOUUI Lady Hawksbaw was uncompromising,' ~koo~qb~O"~nhadoo~d It '\'as church and state; a.nd, excel· Englishman who had taken a Scottlab \ In th e meeling, and 1 said 'lo he l': leut wOl1lan thougb she was, I believe shooting. and thought himself . quIte "How .dld you know, or rto you Imow, ·she would have been rather glad to nationalized. Noxt year he met ~ wllether Philip Overton and Olles VQr- make one big bonfire of all the d18; genuIne Scot of the old sohool at a non are alive at tbls mom nt 1" Gerinan watering-place, nnd proceed· senters In England. : "By your fac t), Dlcl(y," she answered, ed to pose as one filmselt, talking ot ::311' Thomas was fur from Insensible, tryIng to give me a 1l1lip on the nose, Scotland and haggIs and sheep's bead which r successfully reslstell. "1 was lo Lady Arabella's cbBI'ms, and, after and whIsky, boasting at Bannockburn n rurth er exchange of hostilities with in agony until I saw your fac e. Then professing devotlon lo Queen Mat'}', I gave oue great breath of JOY and reo Lady Hawkshaw, turned to Arabella. and extolling Scott and Burns over all lief, and my play with my lap.(Jog, She smiled upon him, and seemed anx· English wrlte!'8. 0: taking leav!! o~ whlcb had teen tortul'o ' to me, became lous to conciliate him; and In a little his friend he said: "Wta,I, sir, next: delight. Out tell me the particulars," while 1 caught enough of their co.n ver· time we meet, I hope you ";VIII recelv"! "No, madam," said 1; "1 tel\ you saUon to know that she was 'telling me as a real countryman ." "WeeJ,~' him ot the meeting between Giles a:nd saId the other, "I'm jest th1t~ln', my nothing." This angered bel', and sbe said, aft- Overton, and representing that It had lad, ye:re nne Scot, but I'll tell ye , beeu forced upon Overton by the In· what' ye are-ye're Jest aD Impntlred er 0. moment: . . "I I?resume YQu ,Will tU'ke ,an early suIt!! C'e Giles Veronn. Sir Thomas' Englishman." . opportunity of t .lIlpS Sir rete I' and response to ber tale was that he dId A LIttle Girl's Feat. Lady Hawkshaw that I saw Philip ,not a damn fol' either of them, Little- Miss Evelyh Albee of AI1\~ Overton .alone In lhls bouse, at five and If both had bit the dust he should not have been sorry. ' Centel' may des13rvedly be oalled r o'clock yeste rday morning?" When Sir Tbomas left, Lady HaWk- heroine. A few days ago, wblle. pIa)! . . "I nm Quito unaware, madam," r eo Ing near an open well, sbe accldentall): plied 1, stung by lIl1s, "of anything In shaw called the tall footman. "Jeames," she said , "when that- stepped In. Tho W EI ll was 18 feet deep, my characte r or conduct whlcj1 could lnduc you 10 tbinl( BU h a thing 11 r80n calls oga111, the ladles are not with "Ix' teet of ' water. Her playmatl al hom . , Do YOIl understand?" heard tbe splash, ' but was . fright' of m ." .,Tames u.nd'ers\qod perfectly, In apUe ened to call tor a s!:.Istance'. . Eve. "You made me 110 prom Iso not to of l.t.lc1y Arnb~lIn's scowls. Iyn,' who 'Is not sIx, years old t.el),'· ·shl'l said , It ts not to be supposed that a young equal to the occasIon and "I.'~"ft,_" . " rl."I'I\ly not. R'u t sOlUe things a~e , unl vorsa lly blndln~ among man of Giles Vernon's" spirit had not to , the tQp, unaided and ·genUemen, nnd oue Is to t 1\ (Iolhlng been able to go thrpugh with his prize' "}fow did she do It!" la" , LQ ' til ' dlll!\dyan~pge or n WOLnu.n , 1 m.oney and flln. pretty conslderablY', 1ri ' Q\uisllon nsked. · bllt no' one ' lIe\ 1) r, nor wl!l mal( , a prom- d 'bt in llvt)' or nix', weeks ·.I.n Lon,ddn. lady herself knows, and she WIsh"l laa nbo\lt that ntrQ,ll'; but If It Is ever. and on~mol'1llng, some dl\ys .after this, forget It. . T~/lt Ehe wasn't , hurt la 'kJ)own · l.t will b ' you 01' Ov rton who when l \vent to sc>e Giles. ",t "bls' lodg' some .way w~ truly , remarkable,teUs It, Jlot 1," . ' Il1gs, I fo~nd ' tbe bl\lUffl3 Ill .P08Sr)l!siyn. Kenebec ,J0urna.l. . . Gil s, howe ver, WIlS as mel'ry all a And ~ w(tlkep out of the room. 1 sp eJUy ,found. :after that, illY life gl'ig, because tll:iL very mornln~ be In Derkt>1 y $qU:iI'6 uncbtnfol·table. I ' ha\1 'ob an appOintment to the Del...-: fflt ci;lnElu'all1ed before Dady Arahella, dera' frigate. pd, what s med strange to me, little It as not mUch 'atter having ~f1I'~ed. DaJ>b~'t~ 'who bad bl.~erto tr ated me In the Ajax, but it ttlll'1nt. leavi~g t{i!-t lth ,re~t st k1nd~slJ, 8~med to uncertain and trying element.. drY1l'nd. • at. me. and her .ph.,. anJl for another element j)n which ~11" to beU, tUft' .... ..... lD\lcb. more .~ ~~e, tc;.Wl.~ GIl

assistance, lind, after helping blm to arlse. In· .'qOlreci If he was Injured, ' The Ilttle ' Oerman gazed In at h1s plaoe of business, which was now burning quite briskly, and eaid: . . 1'No, ·1 alndt burt. ' But I' ' got out ahust In time, ell' 1"

- Lingerie Rlli on., Lingerie ribbons are wider than formarly. Some an Incb or eVell two In, wIdth are employed through bea!l1ng. propor,tlonatel)"wlde. Ribbons of this kind threail the tOJls of flounces In lInge'r le and lace Pet*oats 'and are. Co".umptlon peri'na~ently Cured. used In corset cover8, chem~ses, etc, The tying the soft ,long loop bow .' Tbat consumption , can lie ,perman· ently cured Is demonstrated by some Is one of the Important Items. figures lIublllll\ed by Dr. A. Ve,n Bne· den of 'Belgium, who 8ays that 76 per cent, 'of the patients treated In the ourgoumont sanatorIum In 1903-4 bave continued, four years after trtlat· ment, to Improve, and are In a condl· tion to etura to their regular occupa.tIona.




n. '0 Mother"


Examine .carefully every .hOtUe CASTOR)A, a safe and lUre rerpedJ: for ~fan~s and c~lIdren, and see tbat It

Not NotIceable, ..Llttle Malle Lamblaclt-De 'teacheb done sent' me home, mammr, ' Icause you · dldn.'t ~a8h mah fac~. Mrs. Lamblack (angrlly)-You fool chlle, what fo yoo ' done to~e 'ber 1 ,dldn'U-Ulustrated Sunday Magazine. \..' , , . •





An Your' Orual.t ror' Allen'. Foot-E.... ' :'1 tried 'A'LLmN 8 FOOT-EASE recently, and have ·jullt bOllsht ariother supply. ' It hlUl cured illY. comB, 'ahd the hot, burn' lng, and Itcbtng senaaUon In my teet which W&II almost ~bearable. and 'I would not be without It now.-MM!. W. ~. Walker, Oamden, N. J ', n SOld by a~1 Dru...... U" 2O!l.

Accounted For. . . Sh~J'><t you know" 'dear, I had ttlT , ' beart s~~ ~n tce cream 'to-night. He-I thought you se8JI!.ed "rather c~ld·hearte'dl , ~. . •






. The ' ancUint watcb dog' ilta' member at the old guar~, .' '.\' •



By Way of

grlzllled old wood-c bopp.r from ... PICKLES THAT WON T SHRINK hind, and began: "1: beg your pardon, wir, but how CUcumbers Put Up In This Way Will many acres have you hereT" Be Found ' Excelle "t Whel) The woodch opper went on with hi. - .--Brough t Out for Table, work utterly obliviou s of Rosina '. By 'Walt Maltee prese nce, She raised her voice: "I Wash cucumb ers, clean and place lIay-" (COpyrlgh£;-by I, ~ Llpplnoott cOJ. jaT, tben coyer with A dlrty·Caced lltUe boy appeare d 8 brine mnde of one pint of salt to from Aunt Jana "Buy IU " exclaim ed Dought y. turn. upon tho back porcb to announ ce: six quarts water. The water should to-ll Y, /tIg quickly to face his wlte and "Grandp op's deaf. What's ya wanU" be boiling hot. Plnce grape leaves on 8ho'8 coming on n ,,11111. "Is your father at home 1" duughte r, reollnln g In the cushion ed Now plOO90 don't loolt HU weight down and let stand until HERCULES OF THE CIVIL WAR toP. ,"Yeh .• depths ot tbe speedin g auto oar. "Buy tlowncllst dl'llr. mornin g. Pour the brine 011'. rinse, "I'd 111m to speak to him." Th" t'lI not Rueh It! To,day? " bnd then place alternat e layers ot grap Great Strengt h Display ed by Auguatu a n " 'B, Is Il?" "He's sbavln·. " Mrs. DOUghty returne d, sharply : "Do leaves and cucumb ers lu tbe plckllng 1 snlil thl8 to my wlro one Alden Manning During Confllot; ''I'll waH, If he won't bo too long," you suppose wo brought you all the t4ay. kettle. Pour ovel' Ulem alum wllter Carried "Better Drumm not. er In He Arms. don't like Slit) oosw reil with 1\ no tre .. way up here to Chester county merely made of olle teaspoo nful of Ilowder ed passin· ... pout: to observe the beautie s at the land· " r 'Oll r RO I t's on I nows: Augustu s Ald en Mannin g of Goshen alum to each 'quart ot water; dissolve Rosina tried to squelch him with a ,cape?" Ii I! tit hous Icwered counten ance, He stood a' mo- not on ly traces bls descent from John alum In cold water. Allow It to cover ~'t,>' 11 "But 1-" hun, to chango Lindley . Ind. - " Lydia E. Pink. Aid n of the Plymou th colony. but be cu umbers and come to scaldin g ment in some hesitati on, nllol1t. then, ham's Vegeta ble Compo und r emoved making "Never mind, father," Rosina begaa, point. Let the whole stand, close)y Is also a descend ant of soldiers who 11 very wry face. ho ' turned upon his a cyst tumor of "U you think best-" covered . on the back of the stove for "W e n nnot h ll\'O' a bIt of four years' growth '1t Isn't a question of what your bare heels and went within. slammi ng fought In the French and Inllian wars. two hours, then drain and place on style. the war or tbe revoluti on and that of which three of the It jars your fath,e r thinks, Rosina. He has shown the door after him. A momen t latel' a ,'e ry cold or Ice water, Pour this best pbysicinllB do. aunt. mil very clEmrly that he has thought man appeare d, wiping the lather trom 1812. While he and three of his broth· water off. wipe cucumb ers dry nnd Sho t hl llk 8 our elaTed l had. '1'hey Orion lu I r u~s ers wers soldier s of the civil war. aU be Intends to thlnlt about the mat· halt his face. He nodded toward Are place mos In a jar a layer of plcll1es and t (!J( II'UVus-n ni. said that only an It was his great·gr eat·gran dfather. ter. When he gave his consent to our Rosina. operat ion could one ot salt. uJ;1til all n re In . Allow Tllllt awtu l on" she g""o to us. P hlneas Mannin g. (All born "How rcu In . H01)kln wllh many s wrln!; ton acres flow have r a YQU . here?" suggest ion some days ago. he closed belpme . lnmvo r! In 1727. who particip ated In the Frencb about one pint ot salt to each 100 V: '11 hnve to lay: II r pi 'lures. too. sha nsked. gladtha tlfollow ed the deal, so far as he Is concern ed." medlum ·slzed plclrle8. Pour boiling Must \lnng, Ills teud oC ours. and Inllian wars and In the war of the water O1'cr" a. friend's ad vice "Huh 1" The towel ceased clrculat · "Not a bit of ttl No deal is closed and cover and took Lydia E. Ing over his cheek while he waited for revoluti on . [n the last-nam ed war leaves, Heat this brine with grape n r photol<l'nph . nnd I1clo Dob's untll-" . everv morn· Pinkba m's Ve~ , three of the sons of Phineas also ,V e' l! get dow n from till) gnrret: Ing tor nin e morning s. th~n beat Am\ that " Ipncn "Your father hae changed his mind Rosina to repeat her <1l1estioO, table Compo und, served in the contine ntal army. lIn'sa sho aent. .. How .large Is tWs farm?" slowly and wants to break ,the news gently." In (You warm. Itnow weak ylnega r . wipe 1 II vcr wI'or II). for it has made me The Mallnlng family history shows "Ten acres, more Bul hurry, or leBi/ put prob'17 OUI' tlilngs 0. wa y. a. strong and weI} "True. I gave my consent ; nor have that one of Mr. Mannln g's ancesto rs cucumb ers dry and place In glass jars. And Inl<o th e otllcrs llown: woman, and I sball recomm end it as ' Pour over hot spiced vinegar and seal We [ cbanged my mind. I want Rosina to less." must bought U80 land Auot of J ane'.. Miles gltU. long Standis you as h. I an'd live." "What Is lt worth?" - MRs. MAy FRY. at once. have a country place as my weddin g know. Liriill y, Ind. "I dunno. W.hy, are you atuSesslng?" others of his ance!jto rs served ' under V,,1t n Aunt Jlln comes 10 lown." The vinegar to be prepare d as fo)· Sift, and I want her to have what she Gen . One Putnam of the greates t triumph s ot ' an(i were at Valley lows: "I want to huy It." likes best. I'm, willing to spend an To each quart at vinegar Lydia. E. Pinkha m's V egetabl e Com" Ourum Wheat." "Ob. Is It for sale, you mean? Well, Forge with Wasllin gton and partlcl· too strong) allow two teaspoo (not even ten thousan d, but, my dear, we pound is nfuls the conque ring of woman 's, ''What Is dlll'um wheat ?" Most veoI'm not selUn' it to·day, miss. Any- llated In the battle of Monmo uth. must ~roceed with caution ." , dread enemy - tumor. If you have The great·gr eat·gra. ndfathe r. Phin· each of cinnamo n and cloves. one tea· pIe know that It Is the wheat pre· mysteri thing more I cnn do for you?" ous He spoontu pains, in !lammation, ulce~ "As usual, ROBina, your father ba8 l each ot ma e. celery turned half around toward the k.ltchen eas. had 16 children by qls first mar· few thin slices ot horsera seed. a ferred In the manufa cture of maca· tion or displac ement, don't wait for green lJghtli on his mind." dish, o~e I'onl, but this Is only one rlage and 11 by his seoonls. time Joseph to confirm door. or Its Several faces-m ost of tbem your fears and go many "It Isn't that, Fanny. but Rosina will Beaman , an ancesto r on the weaternal ounce mustard seed . one saltspoo n of uses; one of the many reasons why through the borro.rsofa hOBplt alopera . Qot be married for anothe r month yet, were large·ey ed nnd dirty-b ad ap- side. black pepper, a pinch of salt, red tiOD, liut waR try Lydl11 also a revolut ionary soldier. E. Pinkba in'sVeg e. It 18 liked by many cooks, espet:la lly a.n d, mot:eover, she wl1I not want to lIeared tram time to 'tlme at fint on. Augustu s Alden Mannin g was born pepper. and one cupful of sugar. P ut In France where It Is extensi vely used. table Compo und at once. . . use a country seat until next summer and then another of every visible win· spices III a thin muslin bag. bring For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Goshen Februar y ,2. 1838. What In the makln~ ot bread. It Is strong 80 there 18 really no heed for haste I~ dow. vinegar to boiling Vegeta point ble and Compo und, made from roots let boll school ed ucation , the matter, so far aa I can see." "You'd su'rely sell it yo~ got a good In the distrIct he had was ohtalne d for 16 minutes . Then pour over In gluten, the muscle· makel', and tor nndher bs1 bas been thestan dard remedy schools that ~Th at reason that town. should be made for Into fem:ue a ng~r Ills, and such unquest ion.en look a llttle further, Mr. When he was 23 years of age b e en· pickles. common diet it pOBslble. The big ablE! testimo ny as the above proves the Dought y. This Is October . Suppos e "Nope." Usted In 'carollan y C, value Tenth flouring of regimen thiS mills famous remedy , and t. do not take kindly to she could not .find exactly what she "Say-se venty·f ive an acre. That's The Tenth served under McCleUo.n. It yet because It Is t oo hard for their should ll'lve confide nce and hope to wa.n ts. Suppos e the' 'place sbe final1y '760. You could do a whole lot with Burn,slde, Meade and GrlUlt. and Mr. every siCk woman . rollers. but there is no doubt tbat decides upon would need a lot of re- that much money." If you would llkesp eclal advice Mannin g particip ated In the followIng they wlll adnpt their machIn ery to It pura; suppose , Indeed, tbat she mere. about "Yep; Ipect I could." your case write 0. confid enengagem ents: Tile as the demand Increas es. Most of It tial letter to ly decIded upon the ground and would '''fhe house It! probabl y too lar,. ,t own, William burg, selge of ' York· Mrs. at Falr Oaks. Oak Is raised In norlher n Minnes ota and LY1:lD• .MaS8~_ Her advice bave to build an entire new house? for your needs?" is free. Grove. Charles City Cross Dakota. Roads. and alway and Mal· In s the ue1pfu seml·ar l. Wring ' ld . reglons 1\ cloth from vinegar and T~at takes time. It Is not at all prob. •"'Tis, a bit." vern HIU. Antieta m, able thnt Rosina wlll Ond a place just And at-say a hundred dollars an all 1n 1802; the Mud Fredericksburg . wTap It several thickne sses around farther west. So far 1t Is chiefly excampaig n. Marys che se to keep It trom moldLng or ported. It fs saId that bread made to suit h er." REVENGE ~ ' acre-" Heights . Salem Helgbts . Frankll ns drying. t rom durum wheat contain s trom "How eternall y feminin e!" And He wiped his h_dB slowly, whlle Crossin g. OettyBbl\r~. Rappah annock eIghtee n to twenty Dought y looked off across the fields. ' o unces ot gluten A perfume bag to keep mC/ths aw-ay Rosina' argued that the pig w'hlcb was station and ~tne Run, aU 'ln 1803; In Is made ns tollows: One·hal "Bu.t this one does suit me, mother. " approac hing her was, perfectl t ounce In 100 ounces of bread, whe reas the y h.arm· the Wildern ess. Spottys ylvanla . Nortb each of cloves, nutmeg . "Eh ?" From .poughty, 'Suddenly In. carawa y ratio 1n bread made from ordinar y althoug h she o~perlenced a sUght _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ ,..._ _ . less, wheat Is aB seven ot gluten In one chlU as _an accomp animen t to its Anna, Cold Harbor and Petersb urg In seeds . 1864. • Add a teaspoo nful ot sugar of lead hundred . grunts. Mr. Mo.nning has always been a man to the water In which Olle' "l'd be perrectl y willing to give you ot grea,t strengtl When Egga Are High, i, and he was unusual · Is washed. to prevent silk hosiery a hundred and fifty,.; she Said, halt the delicate Try tips recipe for drop cakes. color from fading. despera tely. They are ex cell nt for the chtldren 's Wipe off screens with a duster each "All my famlly's been born under mornin g nnd beat with a soft brush. lunch basket, or with sauce for des· thIs roof." the man beKan, meditat iveThis beating should be done Ughtly. sert: ly. "The old place Is heavUy ' mort· Cream togethe r a cup each of or tbe w ire may be bulged. gaged, too. Then the chUdre n's at· The Profess or-I've 'been a , vegebrown sugal' and 'o ne (scant) ot but· Cold water, a teaspoo nful of ammo- ter. Dissolv e a tached to It-" tarian all my life; from now on l'U eat halt teaspoo n soda ID nia. and soap w1l1 remove machIn e '1 see. 'You want to hold Inor pure' greaae w.ben other means would not two-thir ds cup sonr milk, qnd add nothlng but beef! . Iy sentime ntal reasons ." tqls with ' halt a gmted nutmeg, onean8wer. on accoun t ot colors running , Mrs. Dought y came slowly around Hie Stomac h Rebelled. To wasll water bottles or any vase half cup eacb raisins and currant s the house to Rosina' s side. She li'ald: A dyspepU c Atchiso n man went Into nnd two 'and one·hal ! cups fiour with having a long neck. 1111 with clear, "Perhap s the gentlem an 'would take D. restnur tult the other ~ai.y nnd !pro hot watei' and tiny bits of torn paper. a slfled teaspoo n baking , powder. dered fri ed catfish. '2.000 In cash for IU" "Frled cat!'" Bake In gem paD8. Half of tWs recipe well and ' rinse 1n cold 'Water. bawled the walte r to the cook. In. "To teU 'th!! truth, It aln't worth that wlll fiU an ord1nar y gem pan. smaUp ece ot: window glass wUl stantly the weak stomac)J rebelled . much, ma' am, bu~-" be useful for qoldlng the l eaves apart "Cancel that ora e~" the custom er "We'll offer three thoUSQ nd-" from TH .E EG,OTIS T, on a cook book and one can r ead the snld, "and give me an order of cohnll'Y Mrs. Dought y. " recipe and not soil the book by too "Sidetr ack t'he cat and INS Ilnd needles, needle. sausage." "Mothe r. do let me manage thIs." much handlin g. , make It dog!" yelled the walter, and and pins. ' "Very well, since you seem to know Emery powder and 011 made Into a When 0. man'. marrIed he 'Is wonder ing yet why the so JD,uc.h. about It.~' IlUlD ' his trouble begiM." paste is an excelle nt mlxture 'to olean "Now, aa my motber aays, thlrty·fi ve But tako a.n old bachelor'" grabbed his hat' Ilnd !ett .-Exchnn,g~. ' steel. Rub on well and polish. atter Witnells, my tl'lend. ~n~' " which rub with an oUed rag, and then WIlen Il man's marrIed, 1"or Mr'1t" Wlnslo, ,'s 800thiDI f 8J:1'Op. "But 1 dJdn't. I said three thou· qblldreG tec~bIGII. 10118... tho 8UI1II, rcd\101!11 1It- ' a tew trQubles end. polish up again witb a clean duster. lIammaUVD. aUay'J)~.c~ wlDd OOllu. 2156. boW&. sand." Tbe welcomo at evenlne "Never mind, mao We'll offer thirty. Don't olfer oddl! to the elevato r boy , Cream Puff•. (tho oare ot ou, five hundre d-does that pig bite, Mr. or he'll tak;e you ",P. When a larle number of puffs are clothe!!). The Chauffeur. Turned the Car In at -eh? Why don't you to be made try tbls reCipe recomTbo love and atf,ctiol 'keep it penned upT We'll offer four thousan , (tho darning of ho.o). d; but be mended by oJ)e who, has run a home the Church. Theile faotll 'are utab· quick, ple"s8. That's sUrely enougb A:uguatu~ Alden Mannin g. bakery: Put half a cup of butter Into lIlIhed. illapute them to overcom e your aentlme nt fn the two cups of boIllDS. water and set over none dBre. matter, Mr.- eh, whaes 10ur name!" ly atrong when he was ,a soldier. My. the fire. ' When But 1 like best to haY' it boUa stir 'In, all at lIome 'one notlc. - QlS' "Dorflng~ mila," ~e other replle~, al ron P. Walker was the drumm er boy once, three CUPI of sUted flour, stir hall'. be shied a stiok !If,,wood and atruck an of tbe regimen t. Mr. Walker enllste<t rapidly and ontil it become Mysterlou.l halo on curIa of brown; Integra ted, pork· chop, '''And I'd lUte' to as a muslcl!lJl when be waa ,14 years of ' ~ass that cleayes from the s a smooth ....11U1. no h",lo 'round ran that naughty bOY. pan. Take Of hIli old IItraw hat long alnoe be lo.t obUge you by movtq out, but moth- age. Qult.e frequen Uy durln'g the'eam . from the flre and add ten egga, one the .orown. er's Sick ab~ nnd it ml,ht be, fatal palgn be lIeeaul'e tired flulrl'...-iin.-tlmn..-+-at...-tlllHt-tI,nd unbeate 1r.' Beat each There's Jersaon 'a a-mlle beyond . Ten marche!l and ' Mr:, 'Mannin g would plcle egg fn tboroug bly. Then .1.'1(1 that old d rby-It III plainly Been, put the bat· ,aorel (If good ground, and he;11 8~1l up the little boy in bls arms and oarry ter In small spoonfu Taller than tho bU8h e~ Is our brother: ls on greased You could farm !t ' ln corn or him nntll rested. Af.r lendshl p haa pan with conside rable space between And thollo red flowers that bob I110nc 80 , elOlI&potatoe s, or It mllrht make a ,g ood heD· continu ed between Mr. Mannin g and or put through a pastry Belong to nelghbor's 'JsnnY and no Col. Walker from that time until tbe 20 minutes it very small, onn about hatche ry-" other. or as long all "But I've taken a fancy to thl. par present . 40, mfnutes If larle. Be sure tbat And uncle'. "haYlltack" IIond that tunn, The 'three borther a of Mr. Mannin g puffs ~e quite done before tlcular -" taking poke wbo served In the civil war were as from oven. Wherl cold "I underat and. mlse-" That mott\er wOre IlUIt year. all trimmed cut a gasb In "Oh. pshaw! 'Roslna, what's the. uae (ol1ows! ' .lD ~ ot tbe Thlrty.f lrst the side, put in a cream filling and with che'rrlea hagglin g with a man lI,ke thltl! Offer Massac husetts volunte ers who dIed at put white or chocola te Icing on the By all the hilts a·movlng back and forth. 1 know exactly who la picking berrIes. him five tbousan d o.nd be dOD.e with ShIp leland, Dear New OrleanB; Joel tOPI, As .. bnchelor. I'd spend ao hou,r or two. it. Thal's evident ly what he's atter." D." wbo served ,In ' tbeThlr ty·flrst and Get a IIhave I1nd 110 balr-cut, porhapi a 'later in tbe F1rat heavy, artillery , now " "No, ma'am. It Isn't that: but . shampoo, Pea. In P ••try. no one would notice; nobody would Uvlng at Northam pton; WllUam Ill., seo-" Take three-to urths CliP ot flour. a And atop, ' "Yes. I do see. You want to take the w~o served In the Twenti eth and wbo teaspoo nful of, sugar; one·bal t tea· And admire me. fresh from Tonsortal uaual advanta ge of ,two women In _ ~aa, shot In the arm e;nd who after· Ilpoonful of nlt, a C)up of milk, one Shop. That's just like manl wara lost a leg In the service. well·bea ten egg and 'a teaspoo nful of . But now; what a. dUference; "Henry, my Come, Rosina. ra be afraid , to trUlI ~. Taylor, who marrIed a Sister of ol1V4l 011. , Whlp ,the batter with an egg dear. him any furtber. " Mr. Mal!nlng, served In -the heavy ' ar· be~te~ untll Perfectl y smooth, dip In You've jUlt ha.d a. shave; I can' aeo It the hot t:0aettc fron and try In deep from here. "Don't be basty, mother... Per1taps ~l1ery ,and died at Ooshen recently . bot f~t. 1 Have the peas well cooked And your halr·cut III porfect,'· Ab, what Mr. Dorfin . will' conside r six thou's an'a "':Varlou s storlerj Q~~tOld of Ule 'great and drain Clln them, then season with salt With the compare Tbat's ou.r laat bid." strengt h of Mr. Mlpullng. -One ot joY In 110 wffe who I1dmlrell your blllr? "Don't be a tool, RosIna. The plact tbt¥'e runs ~ fO,llow;s: , One day at ,R pepper and butter. Do not fill th~ pa8triY rosette . untll , ready to serve. Isn't worth ,SOO. It's cUrty and ~ grist rain th~ miller saId to him: . "If , Paatlne llo. Bene kempt and ful) of Irulllea." " you , wnl ~rry at the , same . tJnie, cheese.wltb 'olives and squares ot sbarp Thfs Is a new styie of decorat ive art , "Mothe r I beg of you-" tbree l>1l-i~ o~ meal, each welghn g 100 which bids fait to find favor with ,lAnd I be, of you-'" pounds. from the mm, and place them those wbo depend upon their amateu r " Nutl a Good 'Meat SUbatltute• . "It·s to :be my place-" In your 'Wagon, you can" have them." N"ts are nutritio us and If eaten at exertio ns for bome beo,uWytng. The But the ahort, fat form of father' MI'.• MAnDing ' placed a bag, under each proper ,times prove a. gcod substitu te process consist . of the PasttDe llo DOUgtitf appeare d aroUlld the cornei 'arm, and takJQg tlie .t()~' of ·the ' third for ' meat: . paste bemg appUed to the mater~l f of the ~ouse. It was; evident trom bar; I~hls_teetb, be : carrl~d all three of ,At , itbta seasoD, ' howeve r, they are (sUk, velvet, straw'- any st\iff which faelat' express ion t~!l~ be' bad :been 'aD' them ~9' the" wagon aud place'd them no~ len"ral ly ' of rood 'quality , and fs Uled In accesso ries of dress or or' .muaed listener . /. th~refp : ' " :. , r' ' . • should only be setved ' salted' or ia ha}nent ), applied by means ' Qf 8ma11 • "Slnee - you've declcl~d tbat you do , )tr. ;.Manning lJtodestlY ' aays that cooked ~llbetI. Olive oIl, cre~m and paper bags ·.lInUar to thoae used by ., not WlUlt the place, R08ln~ , rd like to Mlme . of the , etorles ,In rellittq.n to ~Is ' "utter are aU l nourlah lng And shOUld confect ioners ,bI. idng . ca.~a, eto. ~eaak ' Mr." 6DiI ' QU~I.tlOD.'" Peat ' .tt;engt h -bave been milch 8- be indulge d 'hl fio~elY. -, fore 'the . paale ' d'r1es, dntlng and iliad.. ~ Ibegaj1 'a sing ~ta. I "UT.ha.t- '. ,the .uS,' ~f altUDg Y." ~ ~ mal» 'aggerlit(\d, , ~acaironl, IlPbagh ettt and: the uri IDS .. done with colora, auid lnstiy, • bad- c:ompl~OD. plQl~n my f.,c:e, . aDythlog. Oan:t 70Q ' 0118 n004181 ~ Db~ only healthy b)lt Paltme lls ' powder J~ 8~'wn mY ,fOO4 ~Dot~"ltiboa14 I . . . . . n.'r. that be '_iit' the ~t lilea . .Iii dgeeted ' by the we&kellt th~ lurface 'wblle .~ wet; to tml~RI'It c l ..m have~. Now I ~'iut.ift buslnes a!" , . , .tomac~ ' the \;llkY luster which II the ehfef the plillpt" llave an_l,., .n. ~ "Rntu., come, We'ye " .. ted enogp ebarm of tbls ,metbod . 'nie only nee; face, ~ ~ tnrtbfu U)". ~ frixii,lD) ' ~~ ~' um. 'li~re~aIreaa1:." . '" ' , ' , . ' euaoutfit II a co ' 'UectlOn of oU col. are • 01 .. Of ~"rtiIe two'jlllt ~z:etI ijBut. ttiem. IId. I ' ", taRn ' ' a mc'iJJleDt, Paon,.. ,lIIr. ', , oIal" ' or.lJ. whUe ,there thoSe. ,IPecfal . 7c)U .own thta -r.tmr Iy for ulse with. the , 'pute, ~. ~ GriIID. ~. '!DiL Ido DGt.!! colo,. , - wtU do. l'~,.t'. aU. Tban" :,(nJ, lUbel of paa(e and palette 1acU..." , aftJlI"lImtJ'A are all that are·Deeded. RQru 1

~1 it :N lITUMOR OF 1

the 'At tic

~N:fT - FOURYE' l~ll(! LIllT~



Removed by Lydia E. Pink- bam'sVegetableCompound,








--- ---


,BIt,'i ,B'L:OO'D·:.,





'DoI!'811t,,1Il Ilttir:tJic

aDd tahmt an{


the work Sa bold ....4 broad





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. D I fit St . . . e ay Ig ore $ ,Tb . .' ' .. $ __






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dn ght r , of Hill b oro.


I. ,



' Ladies' Children's and Men s ,Oxford Shoes at


Fla't Cost


' 'iS ....

.,. "




very be,st Gem Sh.irts, 50 . c, 7.5c and $1, at .'


~ .



~ _______ . ___ .............................




i$ $ .$. $ i

.Mrs . 1\1 r y


,une1 n ulc ~t . a lly W r o I'll M llllC

HeJe ~ Ln 'II.'1, t I lIi~ A(l/1 ~ 1I 0(l k , o f' l:iollih L UI1Il n tl by h l' !n~tfll·. btl' . O 'lI1i 1 ,l)'ut !"'ll udnv wit,h MiR8 Lunrn MorgtlU lind fumil ' til lli nllol' Su 1 l cKin!lt:'.v. ! dllv. 1\11' n ud M"ll. D Imo lielruil Letl 1', Mrs. ,J. ii. 011Onowoth l111el f 'lIli il Of Unyton Jl nt on dllY. recentl y pmtertatnall MI' . l!'mnlc H(lwe wHh Mr Illld, Mrs. Uhus.. Werut~. ,uinuer '1.'lmrs(lIlY · Mrs . l'nul Wright, of Powlltnn







,Subserlbe for.



. R l our new r nee (or years to co;',e. C I 'tti ~ig. b ; VY. win's, the 'nge jllint, the 1(00.1 gal\" oi ling. th e eMI (\y pro porleon d q uo IIty of Sled that is not too ha rd nor 11)0 soft. . , . \\' e can show yo~ th is fence i~ ou r lOck. an~ explato liS meTllS a nd up ·riority, not only In the roll but 10 the field. <.:ome and see us and get our Dl'icea. .

Ii :UV"jr' °s'id~;:' "n;;~i~~:~lIIe u



1'; ~~

Croquet Sets

Wm Week nnd wlft> of Da.yton,

he~"e been visiting P. D. 'Itlgett l\nd


7~cJ $1 and $1.25

Ilnd other


As \\'


. .

_ _ _... __.___

Publl"C Sa'ie

friend!' In tilt

oorurunnl ty.



nl'egot ugto'lllove to Doyt6n


~",.""';"'"",,,, ' ~ ~ "''-=~''~


6Se. at

p ..- - -....- - ---.




. 1· .

. IOorn '

, "Aunt Kit" Noggle was tendered 8. post card shower on Saturday, · Sunday b~ing her 78th birtMay:. f M " , Friends and relatt at A F h lb ' v 68 0 . . hr,;,. un . arqu IU oe e rated her el~ tl ' eth bIrthday by givin~ her IL 8u r· prise OJ) l:iondn,y 'I'h.ose pre ellt , were: Mr. !lnd Mra J. A. Fu,rqubur -"h ' . , of. Wh It~ C apeJ; Mr. and Mrs . SIl1l'l beland, of Dear ~eni&; Mr. u,nd Mrs, Thorman ·Mlddleton. of Zo;tr peighborhood; Mra. Mary Fergoaon

Hon wQl'kers.


MiliS J!'rnuce ' b(:llUWO I h ~ 1111 .1' lo t" Vhi , waR ol1l1in g OU IIOUl 6 of attuck of t be rh uUlutis lD, lJ Ol' fU l'IJlUr papUs Ills t week. Mrs, ,1. 11. Oheno ' til u nd Hon. , Mrs. Wusl ey Biggs tlnd n visit · Guy and Jucob mdlad on [)u,uie J Ma r, e1 hor br 11 0 1' 'in Morro.w one dllY . .... gILD'S ftLwil y I::lundny v nlo.g. lt18 \V k. u '1 A El h b 1~___________ Mrs. 'hurl c Brtllhlo k unu ::1011 I J.urs, u llry nil 'I wllret l\ S een Erne t W 1'0 eutartuitl d bv Mr vl:ltin g rotativ e in Morrow th PIlSt NTAIN YRINGES Wlllituu Hurt80oi, .to tlin u r Fl'iday. \\ oa k. . ,. Ml'. unu Mrs . Ull14rliu Rye WOl' W, J . Kilhou wllsinDayton one .eotortain~cl tlt ilinn r 15ulldllY b ' tiuy III t week, H br ~ Mrs. "W'lr 1 1U,11\ 0 I t. ~~tltt M. Rio ey WU!j iu .'Vlly tuu on .... • bmuue . Il few dUYll tbi~ week .

'0l~8s No. I) of th~r}j"riends' sunda; School met at the home of Mr. ariCl Mrs. Ray Carr, Thprsday eveDlng, , Mr~. Hetty M.oPherson enter . talned .the. D, A, ClUBS on :sa.tutdl~y. " . . . . Mrs. jjlr~nk Petol'ilon l of D~yto,\l, bas been very s10k at ·the home ot her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Dll v~d Lesher.


I .11 ,e.


\. I)k.

Thfl Ladi Ii' '1.'601ple of K. (;}, E, ill tituted t:il1turd y vening Wellman. . ~ with IH luemb r . 'rlle Doy t,ot;l team uid the work .· 10 r dU1 wa s , ...... ..-: ........... . . . . . -...., . . .. . . , . ' . . . . Mrs. Ed. MoFurhUld oldied un served after t.he in tllllt\t.ion of om. ~~~~~~~!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!~!I!!!!!!!'!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!'!!!'!'!!~!'!'!!~~~ Will . 'Jar k an d fa IU ily Friday after . Cel's. _ :s:zs ooon Miss Ve~ta Ellis 8pent' l::lC1turd~,y My. and Ml·8. EllllCJr Laoy, f .wn. ~ew Burlington with Mi ae '(jail nnd Irene Ungle tI!-ington, were guest Qf ¥r . ',I'ilman .Barton and f~In~ly, on l:iusMa y,_. by. Miss 'Mary Knee, of Spring VaHey, Mr. Albert Mnrph'y, of I,e anon, 18 v181tlng her aunt, 'Mrs. John a~y. Mr, !.LUU Mrl:l. J oun dock, . was the gue t of Miss Lura Burnet t gue ts of Mrs. Maud tlturdoy, Sunday a.nd Monduy. Ben Viokers has gone to Missonri tamUy'1'hut'sduy. to ,work. . M1'S, Georg~ B gan and dMughter .1'ho buse bl\H ga~e between Miy Ruth Harlan or Mitl.misbul'g spent Wednesday with Chauncy Il-nd Ridgeville was postponed on ltO· ' t ruin. Bunnell and family . Cream cheese-futr cream, extra · 18 th~ gue8t qf rel~ti ves here, mild" . Mrs. R~Ua Le.M.~r and, ohildren ure Rev. tlberitt will preooh at Bee h vi81Ung het' father and family near Grove !Sunday, July 1 r·h morning ~~!'!'!!!'!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!!'!'!!!!!!~~ Dried .Beef-wafer sJ ed whiI Columbu8. '. ' and evenin~ . .t you wait. said that Chal:l. Meodenllall Mrs, John rrhOUl\.l80n und dangh Pink Salmon- l pou,nd cans, 10e, hasItai/JDew BuioK automobile, te~ were Le QanQo visitors i3u.turday . .--.;-..,.;,::.;.;...:...:;~_ _~~_-:...._ _ \ Sfor 25C" . . Mrs, eOl'ge Ems a,nd duugbter Jted $abnon-l1b cana, 2 for: 25e Several young ladle8 . attended n t;lUODt Wednesd!1V afternoon with An Ur'~ent Call Red -saImon.:-extra , fancy! 15e silver medal contest at Zoar on Sat Mrs, Ed. M.artin . urday night. MissFlorenoe . '. ._ To the telephone: "Hello! is tb,S and 2Oc. as ,received the medal . White) store? · Well) this i, Mr. Sardinee-5c, 10e Ilnd 15c• . ' ruith, and ~ knO\V who that I ' • Sour Pieklel;, . Olives, te:::in~d ~r~~;,~~e!: ~~I1~~IIiii:n~ R8m~Ver little black-eye d ' woman Vias that , Sweet 'Pickles. " aDd frleods Oll Sunday in honor of Guaranteed tu remove Corns said Chas '& Sanborn' Coffee was ~ed Sweets-extra fancy, tOe · their 8!)OSllnd brides. ' , w i thout pain or ·orenel:!S. the best she ever .use<l." Ana it was LernoM-'Califo~ia and Messina Miss Bernice UOPSfl.V speut lll.~t . 150 at Schwartz's one of OUl' bu y, days. . . B·t f Ch I , • week at the home of her uuole, Lewis Bollapd. · .. 1 0 " eese

~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~nLoon .. Mr . ~d ,.. ~ .' , LlLur.~n!!, of . RlOhlaud; • Silkand mixed 'cotton 'and ' 'Silk' _ dook ~nd. wlfei '1'(0:'01' ~ustH"" : F ' .. '.:1 ' to . m ana fQm~ly Ilna Kelly ~ ~ 10 rance are Bal... em- and fumily . , ploy altogether upw~rdofhalfa~il-







Lem mon, of l1/\ytllD, VI ited n'ieml, pt HurllLulnst, w e k,


J. ,' K ILBON. $ $ ,~.' a....................................................... . . ,"

' .

Po rl Dll kin tUla II BUl'TY: Ht\lu Ii ~ Lme nn Oelli) of DI\~· t ou , I1nd (11m htel' wtn: a t'u t.ol'hLiriell by ap nt 'outlay wil,h h Ol' l)Itt'l'ut Mrs l 1!'rlllll( UOc.·k c.:Il l!'l'icltly, MISS Ell II 11'\ M lHlly, l f DII),I,I)U, MrH. i<;lln '1 .V lI IInu Mlt;s li e ~'U N ,L l' 1l01l 1, gUt) t n[ 11' IIml Mr , ' :b l1()wtl t1c tOI k uiuutl r ),t!it '£hurll. J.J.:U lid 11111111. oa'V wllh Mr.oud Ml' . Abn er PI'U~11 MI' . 11 1111 ' It' H ,I llS l c Kjn ~'y \lwl of BOll.v r"nvu lln(1 trll ll noten bn sou, 'I d e, of Morl'l w, visit cl }Irs. ness io I, n ,too. lilln \('Ki nsey fUJl l c1rmght l' las t

The foUowing goods ~ust be sold, and 'a ll will go



.nl~h~~~fl~ ,~vt\'it:) ~~~ld~~~~~~. hi~


$ $. .At Flat C'o st ,$



me wit» li 1 H,ulh I::In"rttl :mi h Rnel r"olil 1, fr Coil g HIII.\1 !lIlay 11l 1.ruin!; .! l' l~ W (lk'lI vi t, • \'l orl y, ' : .., .. : MrR, Mafh I\od \lttl dnu~I)t. r ,f Mr~. Ada D kin b fl . nR he~ gue~t I Win' he~tm', 111 (\' (IrA ·v iflihng M . 1l1st w k Mrs. Blury l:I irto Ilnel,t ahe1 MrR. Olf1ud H rl1 ith , '.





~Il tu~' Kanneth . ' iI'I , ' 11 'ret,lI' IH' l

J H 0pp

', ~. ~



• .






. ,~ ~



The •Jeweler .~~ _ ., . And . Opti~ian . ~


0 pp, ' t he JeweIer


we will Il t.he following prop r ty on ~ .. ~ Saturda , July 17, 1909, ~ ~ I\t 10d 0'010 k Iiht~r}J : a hor ell till ~.. ~•. (J\'ln an(i right, 1 brown geldln~ ~ . , ' ~ oorning ~ 'Y ~l'~ ,oW, 1 bl~y gelding. ~ Silverware, Watches, ~ cowiug 0 y IIr old 1 .t'ur (\1 C It' l ~ ' Cl ' k J I 'R' ~ oomiug ' ~nlll'!C\ Old, 1 Ullburne uwd .~., OC ·s, .ewe ry, II1g ' , ~ er, 1 V e r illg mower, 1 two hor ' ~ Cl1ains. etc. t all New. 'I, [ron ~tlo oltiv tor, 2bug~iel:l, 1 two : ~ , ..' ~ hur I.\.\VUg qp: lHlggy bUTnes~"nyti tEl ' ~ En'g raving:l pecialty' ~ "'1 uno fl, ro 11 r s'" '" ve Is, forA . ,,- e~o., "., ~~ ' 1 ten. bONiS t~8ot, IQIl engi~e. , 1'000 ~ ~ ohes.tnut P08~8; ,1 Mlljes~o range, 1 ~ S~~tacJe FitUn~ a Spc laity • . ~ Gll1'land heating .stove, ooal oi.! hellt, ~ ~ er, b d'room ' uili$. ollrpetl!, .obllirs, ~ + ~ tllobl~l', stllnds, dl h ,lumps and·oth ~ ' ~. er things too nuo,terou8 to mimtiori. ~ ',rermS-All sum of ond undar ~ ~ ca h; all so over tId Bmount 1\ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ oredit of 9 Ul nthR "vit~l bankl\hle {,...., ....,",...., '' '..., .............~ ....,'" ~" . not,e will given





J. M To\ 'r. A.. A . MoNeil', A-uct , Walter KRnrIOR, '\ rk .


- - -... ....,..---~



Watch tl1e little, piec'~ cheese servell to your friends ~t tea time, J +.. U If it i j,l partlof o,U I' Pe Brand "We • A.. opencer Il.ud fluuily enter . .' " tainen Mrs. Mabel Uline, of Lobnnon; guarantee every . partIcle w111 be and MesRI,'S: J'. . ~'n<l J. W. Linn: eate~l. . " '--- ~ r:-.,,.:,,,,----rof Avondale, 8unul1Y. . ~ .. 1 eEN:rER DOORS USEB ~rs. J .. 0 : Linu wh hus been vi ', fresh ,ear:-dy . itin'g here the lJll t week retu'l' ned , . From , f Oc to 16c a lb. 110010 w itb h ~r h us b n d .Stlodll.Y 5V ~ "Eat a pound ' . of canoy . every . 'I'I1e C'"cnt eT d oor yp O.f caras h . ening, and MISS Ed,ua :Spenoer leI t " ' . . peen found to be the beSt s uited for AfondllY morui~g for n, VI it wHl1 Y;6 k, . say " .an ~mment J?hy.sIC1~n, ua in the subways of New Yor~. ~el', " .for h~alth. . Try out' p~anut Bnt To prevent passen~ 1's 'o n the 'crbe Mi .!:IllS Mu bel Ilod Mu.ry :::iher t ie, at 10c a lb; 'or fresh M,arsh~al~ from hIe eking these pew doorways " wood huvtJ retul'ned b om'e from a lo~s 'at .l6c a Ij:); Cry ta1li? p 0 range the en"ran'ce sp'ace" l·s·b~seet..t..J by a trip to thtl Lukes, Ilnd report a very li~es at IOc' a lb. Ii t:tl enjoyable tIme. ~ railing~ which extends .from the doo~ M'\ BI:I' L UCl . '1"e Norton I f:! bome. ~r~JU Knox'S Oela+"ne '11 near Iy to t he ml'ddl , ' , . ,.1 , " s\. . e 0,..~ the 11I~lel Dayton whtJre she hu~ been VISltlDg , ~ I Sc a 'packa8e ,WIth the spa~ thuB' divided, an' ob~ the Pillit week .N ' . ... . ' • , . II . a . o,t 0)11y IS ttus a·pure Gelatm~ ' , passenger would be swept ' A, ~P ~c(lr ItOU Mr. a nd Mrl.i. but the manufaoturer gaurantecs nto or out ol,th Cf\r by the rush ot WtlUl:ltO.1 WIUlllUlS l.lOd SOD, were In . " . , . ,. Ol'egoUlu, Fl'iday eVWll0!i" t~ pleas.e every customer who trIes It. t l affic. l'





~ . undMn.Wjll '~nQ~reln IceCre~m Freeze~

'I'bos. B~y ·Burveysburg l:)l10UUY. , , • . _. . . " 0 , Elaydook ; -:.. , H~,-:e a spemal. price I~ ave~'y few Mendenball The resIstance to traction in dry F reezerf; le~t from I ga~ to I X ga 1. U ,. . II 't b ' 1, I . ', wea . ler IS. sma on . rIC", pay - on y. ' . ' I?el.lts and m wet \yeath r 0 11 bitu- Lawn ' Mowers the Galette lIthiC pavemellts. . .1 per c~nt off ano ~m ly t 0 ~4-il'l;



'.' ..

~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~p~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 40



p I

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• _ _ _ _ __=_____

l~O!l .


r~F~;~;;C-i--tiZ-,--~';;j ,:::~,::~,~.::. :ns~~::~: t rp;;ori~i M~~ti6~-H~;e- ~rid-Th;;e-i With Old Ulory floating . . - - - -....., - - - - - - . Itldtl'hllrl!(JI\Y' uigbt, givon bv tlJ ~ -----~------,breeze tl1e 20th Illy .-,- -

_ ••

- - - . -_.

. \j r 'lll Il1 ElJd~hr ot b"rttuklio, is I W llyn tlvlJle band, Willi a deOidect \ .Fred filender80n wile a Oa,ton Rloo 80el h~ returned trom 11 nOw spendl~ dUo.j~ tlrJle in 'l'UI:!1It' ,8U 08S8 . . visitor FridllY· viAl t in Cinoinnati. kill Iu. b. reoeo-t letter to Ithe Tile pr08~am good , ' d id "endered ' b wilsa 1 h f hank Gallaber of LebflDon WIlS Rev. W . T. Gilliland is In Dela· F'rllnkllu New!; be writes "'lowlngly ooe. <to 000 erlng t e eD~t 0 , . ' , '. . '" tl b b h b 10 town MondlLY . wart! for a few oaY8 : 01 ~hllt uountry, a d sttys that while me t II OY8 U. e een together d f h d b they sbow deoided merit in tbell' L A. Zimmerman Ie In L'inoinllati Mr . and Mrs. W. B. Allen autoed eoamore 0 t .8 ountry up t e todl1Y Ou \)uslness to Ci i . W people, yet there Is no pl~ce Hlle phI ploying. . . ' I no last edllesdILY. Wllrren Couoty to tlim . ..... U 'Hler the leadership of F. I::l Fltrr, . S. L. Cartwright. bas been quite Cbarles CornAll and family . who i8 tIlkiug tb'elD through thor slok for leveral days . ~pend lDg thi8 ·week at Chu.utauqua. ougb training by next spring will be J E J ' Cards a"e ont ftQuoQuoing tbe mar- one of the bt!st. bllndli in t,ho count . . B~ney and family were at Miss Eloise Smith Is entel'~aining rlag~ of Mary Katherinel daugbter Sunday afternoon the boys got t~' Cbautal1qll" 114et Friday. MI8s Christine Kelley, of Cinoinnati. at Mr . Bora~ AI1~D "nd grlt.nd , geLher, and went up to the Friends R"y Bawke and ObILrles <fordon C. fl . Clement8 and family spent danghter o( Mrs. asrlil~ O. ~llflD, to BO\rrtlD~ hODle, where -th6v Ii ' were in Cincinna'ti Bllnday. Sunday at Miami Valley Cbantau~r . Obarle~ Alfred Fisber. t:iiltur !lbort sllorod concert to ihe inmates Miss E um BPI f Wtl I t qua. . dllY , July 17,1.1 I d (IncuoaU At JlIOW r.i. b b th e Farr· 18 . . tbe' gllest t a MISI .. " Edna 0 mngon, t ere t ey went to of Stout. Mrs Ambrose Maffit is spendin'" howe ib b ' t b ey ' lifte,· Anl'ull' . 15th, 463 Gnnd B rown De gbor b 0ad , were J , E Janney anEl Perry Kenriok several. days with relatives in Oar..· rt!ndsred Ii few plece8 to the 810~ . Av~nue, riot! Bill . tbere.. . were in DllytOD last Wednesday , ton.


E4 tOl' ' M. Ollrtwrltcbt of 'be I "We!ttern Untltlrw.ritAr," i8 beo U1. tng grell.tly In . dewlLud ~s a publio IIpeaker at "be variou .. W1theriogs 01' underwriteI'll wblOh be gracal!! wlt.h I.!I 1 oj," hili ' jj& pr,e 1 DOce.. . e IIItK an e1U1.r au." ~rllop u \ ow Q r angnage !lud 11 )mowlege of tbe DIaD in DIlSlneill! tbat enllble blm tod('~1 llnMrllt.antl iugts-wltb any sit>uatlou wbioh mil" , ' _ " oJ, be tbru t upon him ulIawHres, or with w .. llo6 prttpeutle, At the weet ing of, the MiI,sourl .Flre Preventlr~ AtllIOOlatfo~ Ill.." 'week, I&bqllrd tba ~te"mer C.. pe (.~irul'detl U i be Wilde au IOror0111.1 t~)k, whiuh Will' gre,.,tly . appr t.ttKt bv Illl who beu.rd It -The l:nltorttU e FIeld.

T~ AY tb~t it was enjoyed to the . w. H. Allen aod W. H . GI\Td were tallls putt.lnlt it mildly. '1'0 th.olle In I..ebanon on bnsioe88 Satorday. who nev~r bear or see auy of these C. 1'. B.l iwke a.nd f!tmily are ooou . good thlDgEl it tlurely was a grea~ pying tbelr cottage at Chauta~qua. trelt', lini'lllll witib to reh.lrn their . ' tbaukt! to tbe rand for remembering Miss Rowena Wrlgbt, ot LebanoD them 0 kindly ' is ~lt!itiug Mr'. and Mrs. E. V. Bar'n. . • '. _ ~ 11 t ' E lir : 0 ATHS Th?~ntou Oaio aod wife hav. r~ Q 1 t 0 kl ~ b ' turned~ to tile Friends' ~olujding ..,y ves er a, n, "rot er of <.:leo. Bome. "nd l:i1ram Dalnn, died in Dayton ~1\t.ur!1"Y evenl~g Ilt 7 :30 after " sbort iljn~1I of malarial fever . '.1'he fUber.) Wilt! beld aUlle late residenoe and illtcrment 'made tD Woodland oewetery. fie lelne" one Qbtld. .. I

Mr. and Mrs. Abram Cook, of Springboro, wel'e '8hoppl llghere &~ urday. Misses Sarah Burnet and Eva D,.· vis are enjoying Mlami Vlllley Cha.otll.uqullo.

- ..- - -

SEAI{S' REUNION The 88.r8' ReuulOD wUl be beld in 'be George I!,ears' grcve SaturdliY, Augost 14th. : Everybody invited to oome with well .filled b&l\kets ~lul have a good time. '

dilulrbt.8r at Mr. !LDci Mr•• l. B'. Opp, Eule. J . Everly, f 110 t:lQrlloe died at tbe hOlne of her parente here IItreel,.a pn~ul .. r 1I1l1!~.milD tn tbe rhQrs~ay ,.July: 15th at a a. m :, ot sbOe de~nu)8Dt. of

Walter Cartwright: of Brookljo. Jerome Jonee, tbe little eon of Mr. N. 'Y. wu tbe guee' of his father, and Mrs. Frank Jones, has bbeo very {8. .0 Cartwright, at the Friend8' .lok wltb bn.iD Cevsl'. . Boarding Bcme last" week. . -~- -.~--Or, and Mrs . J . T . Ellil. aDd rMr. HEARl? . ABOUT TOWN .tid MH. Vbarlea ·EIUII motor8<i 'l,' Lebano'Jl 11l8' Wednssdll.y . .. Ha.y Hawke, it is said, re(1eiV~d flo PAINFUL AcCIDENT J .~.""""-'-Ill, L. Sherwood aDd Wife, of PittS pOstal cnd last week .from II. laily '1', .T. ~rowq, while going for bis bnrg, Ilre visiting hilt p,llreDts, Mr. friend 'writteo 10 LatiD. Ra.y wus Ilod Mrs Frank Sberwood. . oot 'equal to the work of'trau.Jating, tl.nd be took 'it to a. frlelJd wbo IIBtd .,;






Mrs, Sohwl:u·t,z "had " . l'O,ralD made out wbioh mea.o~ I\ . ~btee lic)url . full of real fun and laughter wind" ing up with a ~ice ~UDq~' tUl~ t~e gnest8 retu~ned ~ .the~r 11ome" eel•.. Ing that neigb~orhood ~"berlnll~ of suoh a ohaTaoter til tlle. fo~r oor· ners of the towb would Q,e .Rood tor the people. .. • •

Tile next regular meetiDg of th BUtlineS8 Me~ 's ~s~oOtattOD 'wi1i"~~'1", be held MOIIt\&y evening uly 16th, Fnll BtteDdanoo is deai-red, .U ' 1m. 1 ,. podant mattet. will oOJPe up, . ·F ,>B. Sberwood.,Bea. ..



fruits with r~ference to \sl\owin&' it as the resultothisskitland ~t e- ' I believe that farmers do not fully ly seleet something that he m'-Y 'find realize that agricultural fairs are es· he' has grown that is .of I'l uperior ~blished and conducted mainly for quality and wiohing. \a prize. In the benefit of tIle farmer, Ihatis, for doing the former with 'a deUber· . the promotion and imprOVement-of erate purpose of producing an aragricultQr • ticle of a · very superior merit. a Practically all the Fairs, state, p r on will derive more pe~­ ·District or County are eitheJ' undet· sana] benefit from the thought he· tate patl'onage or ar mutual or· give and the training secured, than ga"izations, chi fly the latter. 'fhe ih winning the prize. [f,he is not a salaried officers· ar~ f wand the ,winnel', He b8,! been welt paid for m mbel:'8 of ~be boards of manage- his tt·ouble. '. . en I'gy to The su cesa .of a fair depends 011 thf;l wOl'k of the fairs without p y. the amount, vilJ)ie~y and qu~li.ty of All the proc eds fl'om th se fairs be· the exhibiLs, No amoynt o . attrac-· nd tile oost 01 ar pu t tions, vautleville ntel'lainmenta . 01' into impl~ovem :nts 01' p id\ · ou ~ j anylnirig. of that: lro,r t Which haVe pl1iz 8. They tW !!Cat'cely withOut b com a part of mostiairs will ~ake exception 'economically and honestly a £aip 'if the real features are· elimconducted. Therefore r a~ that t he inate<!. hence every farmer ~hould managers of these fairs show much contribute something to the exhibit, public spiiti!: and patJ:iotism in ·the if it be l?ut 'a single animal. that has WOJ:'k they'. are doiJ\g, and the farmer merit, a bushel of ·a \ valuable al'ld · and artisan should meet them more prolific 'whegt. a.l!ingle head 01 cab- ' bag' perfect of its kind makes a than half way, I am ~ked' by The ~armer's Guide real exhibit that repre~ents more to sugge!t. what t1le farmerS might than the thing it.<Jelf. It r p~esents- ' do tOWQt'd making the fair a 8UCC~ . the ohar8ctet· of the fadh and the In the first place get into the spirit work of the farmer. One wh,o~tarls of feeling that it is the farmer's fair, with the deterf!1i\1ation to prodqoe a your fair, and put aside ~he feeling winTling exhibit will insensibly i~ ~ot



•. -. .Social -. .-. . . .----.. -_.Events -. _..... __._u.:-

in th e llf J 11 0 In lioll wet at tb'e Red Briok o11nrl'h ynl'd j Miss l~rutl\'l. U wke enterttlined Tuesdayand bad II. tiM gtltbering. on S'4Llll'llllV nl gbt and Sunday , Tbls·assooiatlon ooruprit!ell veter. Josephlue (Jgletlbf'f', Luoile (Jorneil . aDS cf Pelloh Tree Creek, and twelve and Oian~ Ba.wke . . of the 79th and two of tbe 35tb at· - -- -, MI'S. :Fred Sob war '11, Illld her house· tended. The dav was spent undel' the hold lire 11)\\<uy plnnning .some treos with s ooia) intercourse, and' soheme by whlob they 0110 give pleas. the old vet.ernDR. fought the ore to tlieir neighbors. .Ever~ now battles of f~l· ty . ~ va years ago. !lnd tlien some member of tbi l' hoqoee, Fal1y fifty people lilt down to the h 1<1 gather8 in II. number surroo . tll.bles prepared at noontime. and in~ their home thus briuging toevery deJi~oy kno~n to tempt the gotber person~ who in sOlUe In· appetite wall .on th.e 'tnblAs . stnncel1 IlS i8 true of too maoV' 1Iel"h· After dloner several hupromptu oerhoods, seldo~ ,greet eao'b oU.ltlC speeohea were Ulllode, there being 00 though living quite. near toge'her. 6.xed progrllm, aud these were en· Last Thursday liD in~taiioD went joyedby all present:. the rounds to oome-at balf past two Visitors were preSllnt frow Laba , in the afternoon,. a.nd promptly 00 non, Dayton, Qregonlll, Xenia, Cm· time tbe' frienels were ' there wlJose olnnatl a.nd other plnoes. ~t a. late first 1l1ea8ol'e waS to. meet Mrs. Joli bour in the ufternoon the oompany Hoffman, of Dayton, an.aunt of Mrs . tllslMnded having speut' a. very en · Sohwad~ II.nd Mi~ Nell Morrison, Ilo friend', of Carthage!' " joyable OIlY.

MASONIC NOTICE If you want the Safest and Best Gasolene Stove vel' made, ~Il at Regular oommunloation of W . J . .II. Col man . De9Yi1le Codge No. 1113 ·Ii' . &.A. n.~. Mr. lIltf, of I:!pringfield, vis\ted Toesdlloyevening July 27 at o·olock. bis dllogbter, l\Jr!,l W . 'r. Gilliland, ork in M. M.. degree. Villiting ~he latter part oC lll!lt week. brethren oordially iuvittld. BYl'on BIIort80ok is 00' duty tor flo J.,O. CARTWRIORTj W ..'M. few days on 1Io00ount of flo gathered C. E. BRATTICN, !:)eo'y. jaw oaused by all uloerated tooth. Mrs. Millie Lawbert, of lndtanap .


j----.-' . '. -.- ~


tllElOVES Dfthe



By MOLLY EWOr . SEAWELL (CoP1r1l1bt., lllQ6, BobIM-MorrlU 00.)

SYNOPSIS. At 14 years ot age Admiral Sir Pator R"~wkllh ll.w·s nephew. RIchard Iyn. fell lIe!.'ply In love at first s ight wllh Lady Arabella 'Stormont, who spurned hla att entions. 'l'h lad. on orph an, was given a b rtb ~ mldshll)man on l ho Ajax by bls uncle. GII ~ Vernon , n eph w o~ Si r 2:h om~ V ernOIl _J> tho boy'll PilI. ~I'i y attenae n leatel' whero HawkIhaw's n )phe w BIlw Lacly. Arabell a . V rmet P hillp Overton. n x t In Une f r ~!.r Thomo:a V rnon's ostale. They star tII:U n. duel whiCh waa inferrupt d. Vernon. O,.uton and RawkJIhaw's nephew founlt , tlt maely s aUrael ~a by pr tty Lady AraIteUo. Th Ajo."'C In battle aoCented French warships In the M ]lterrnn a n. Richard was GIYn I{,o~ £2,OOOprl~e n,oney. . H called borne by Lady Ifawkshn.w a.s b ,w as' about to " hlow. In" bls earnin gs wllh Ver non. At a l!IJ;WkBllllw party GIYIl discovered that Lady Arab lIa 1\ poor tro t persistent gnmbler . He talked much with ber COUsI n Daphne. .lAdy Arab 1111.



. .aJn sbowed love for gaming. r..nter 8h betel GI)'n a nd Overton prison ers. l hus , elaylng tM iluet. tn the Ov rton-Ve rn duel. neHlaer wos hurt. Lady Ara1111. bumlUl\t~ d ~Icbol'el by b er pmnks. Qhard, .and Giles ,.hlpped on 0. frigate.


to Oanl Overtol\ 88 ver. YOu Imow Aroh Jln. eyer ' II),e(1 bhn ratb l' mOf lban 11 il\{ d h ~r." At, which un · gon rous sp . h. I said -in'6 wprd :. " PI !" nnd 3phne. coloring to t h TOO lS of II r hair, yet attempt d to d f nd her elf. "1 only tell you what 11.11 the worlll says. und so sny Oly uncI llnd aunt. rub lIa coUld hav marrl Ii a doz n lim s- h Is all ot 21. you knowIlnd marrl(ltl y ry splendidly, )Jut she will not. 11' P tor ra~ s, and swears that he will marry he r off In s plle of hoI'S If ; but Arab 1111. Is he r ow n ml s· tr ss uow, a nd laughs at Sir PteI'.' " And does s he sli ll play cards?" Daphne mlsed h I' yes. It s emed to gl ve tbat otberwlse swe t girl posi· tlve pleasure to call over Lady Arabella's fa uit s. • Y s," she said. "Loa. lansC'j u net - a nythi ng by wblch mo* y cun be lost or won. Thre times a w ok she got's to Lhe duchess o! Auchester's, wh re play Is high. We go the re to' night; but I do not play." T had not thO llght 1he re was so much malice In Dap hne unlll that can versatlOD.

I let t my adieux tal' Lady Hawk· shaw and repaired to the admiralty. where Sir Pet l' happe ned to b e that day. J xplaln erl t hn.t J should have come to him a t once, but for my Inol'dlnatowlsb tosee Lady Hawksbaw; and that 1found bel' looking at least 20 years young I' s ince w mot last. At which Sir Peter beam d on me with delight, and, I belle \'o, mentall y determined to ~ Ive me £ 1,000 additional In his wi ll . ' I thon stated my real bus iness, wh1ch was to get Giles V m on exchanged ; and Sir Peter, without a moment's hesitation, a greed to do rul be could for me; and tbe n, as usui\.!, directed me to mY portmanteau sent to Berkeley Squar, as Lady fI awkshaw had dQne. Betore I lett the admiralty machinery had b e n p ut In moUon to secure Giles V ruon's exchange. I returned to Berkeley Square, and again took Up ' my abode there.

humora-llnt1. ~(ftle aa it may be verl. 1, RI h rd Glyn, lI>euL nant In hiS majuly's S i t S me. with £3.0 0 to my na m . wOllid have gone to th I>'l bl.l t ratll \. t han marry Lady A ra1) lIa. wllh h I' £30,000. P rhll ps f\phne armlchae l had someU1Illg to do with It. Sbe '\Vas the s,unt' II ntl , winning r ature at 19 u lit 12. Sb was s lll1 II' Pe ter's D t. and l..arly Hl\wltshnw's com for ; but I had not b II In th house a w I( b foro the chang I alluded to came abou and the chang was In me ohern ing Da,.hne. 1 began to find It v I'y hard to keop away t ram he r. , She treated mo with gr at kindness before others, but when w w I'e alone tog th 1', she was CIlpl'iclous. I began to d spalr at e ver finding a woman who could h ki nd to a man three tim s runn ing. And I was \,ery much HurIlrls r1 at tll e end or ::\. fort night to find mys If xpe rlenclng tho Ide ntica l symptoms I had f It five years betore with Arabella-only mu h aggravated. Th ere was t his dlff r nc , too. I had admired Arabella as n. star, afar olT, and I think I should have been very much {right ned, It, at the time. she harl c hosen formally to accept my devotlnn , Not so with Dallhne. I felt I shou ld ne\' I' be reall y at ease until I had the prosp ct or havi ng b el' by my sl do the Test of my lffe. 1 reached nd of the th ird Ibis pbase at th wok. At the end of the fourth I was In a desperate as. bllt It was then time to' gO to Portsmouth to meot Gllos, 'ficcol'dlng to my {.rom ls , nnd I felt. when I parted from Dapbne, as It 1 was starLlng on a three y I\rI\' cruise, and I was oul}' to be gone a day and a half. Sh e. dear girl , s howed some teellug, too, and 1 I flo bearing with m the pack which overy lover canles-palns and hOlIes. I left Lonrlo n at night, and n ex~ morning on rea hlng Ports mouth, as I j umped from the coach, I ran into Giles' arms ; h& had reached Poi·~· mouth some hours in advlUlce of tile time. He showed marltS ot his Imprlsonm nt In his appearanc , but bls soul liad e ve r been fr ee, and he was, the same brave and JOYous spirit I had' ever Itnown. Not l>elng minded to waste our time in Portsmouth, we took coach tor London town at noon. As we were mounting, a countryman stand ing by held uJ? 11. wooden cage full of larks, and asked us to buy, expatiating on th ~ lr beautiful song. "I wl11 take them all, my lad," cried Giles, throwing him a guinea.. The fellow ,gaped for a moment, and theD made. oft as fast as his legs could cal" ry him. I wondered what Gnes meant to do with th~ birds. He held the cage In bls band until we had statted and were well Into the country; t~,' opening the little slide, ' he took ' on!, poor, fluttering 1)lrd, I!-Dd. polslnl on his finger for a moment, the lark flew upward ,with ' a rush of joyOUS wtngs. ' ,Each bird he llberated In the same way, aU of U 8 on the coach-top watch· Ing him In sUence. ~s the last cap·t!ve disappeared . in the blue heave ns, aUes, crushlng the cage In his strong hands, tht'ew' It away. "I have ' been 11. prisoner for If months:' be said, "and 1 shall n ever see a ny harmless Hvlng thing again Imprisoned without trying to set It free," . We 'feached' LondOn that nlgbt, and Giles went to his old lodgings, whe re his la ndlady was delighted to Bee hIm, as all wo'men were who Itnew QUes Vernon. She gave us supper, and tben we sat up all night talking. I bad t hought from the guinea h e had thrown the vender ' of larl(s that h. had money. I found he 'had .none, or next to Done.


The appl e king of New york state. Foster Udell of Brockport, bas yielded uv that title to another. The Great Renller s kipped him till he reached the age a t 82 years. For three·quarters of 11. century his name was associated with nppies, for be began 'growlng t hem when but a boy. His Hfe ~nd bls appje-growlng' have bad' a powerful nnd far-rench lng effect on weste rn New York. The title ot "Apple King" was earned by Mr. Udell nearly 60 years

Itched and Burned Terrlbiy--could Not Move Thumbs Without FI ••h Cracking-Sleep. Impossible, Cutlcura Soon Cured HI. Eczema.

Foster Udell,






Til Phunnlbenk ar you? Tho Oth I' 13Ird-Don' t you know m ll'! " ' hy, I' m "The harp that once t11roug.h Tara's Halls." Thc Phunnlbeak Bird (s hortly)-Oh. tul; tut! You're a lyre ! That'll what you arc.


ago, when, with his brother, George Vi., n early 100 acres of a pple trees were planted on theIr farm two miles southwest of Drockport. They gave up the nursery business to grow ap.: pIes. Their plunge, as it was then reo garded, brought astonishment as well as not a little ridicule trom the oldstYle farmer. But tqey stuck to their Idea with U'ue pioneer ftrl~ and won a big r e ward In fame and money. After the big orchards of the OdeUs began to bear fruit Insect pests mulUpUed and each year seemed to brinK a n~w en(1my to conquer. The terrible rav~ges of the "army worm" struck suc.h terror to apple-grower/l that many beoame disgusted with the ever-' lasting battle tor a crop and pulled out or choppell down their orchards. Tbe ooddllng moth. -the green avis Bnd the ' fungus force; the aVPIe-grower IntQ . constantly fresll fielda of scientific warfare. II'he 11dells were In the "anguard of these pr.<>gtesslves, and Foster 'udell. surviving bls brotber, George W., became tbe authority ot western New Yotk .'on tbe production, keeping and markeUng of apples. Prpbably many mUUons of Amerl· cans 'hav.e eaten the fruit ot bls thousands pf trees. BO$ton, Philadelphia, London. P~rls , and almost aU the Imp(lrtant clUes ot the.. world have seen the Udell apples. displayed on their fruit stands. They, carried to all markets knowledge that the G~f.-we/.lt­ etn New York 'produces apples, ot better keeping qualltJes than t hat of 'any other llart at the United States. Windham, Greene county, New YOrk, was the birthplace a! Foster Uden. and when h\s parenti!; Wheelock and Huldah Udell, moved to Brookport, .in 1828, be' was but two years old, At 16 he Ilssumed the responslblllty ot 0. man when his father lost his farm through gOing seeurlly for a fflend . Hard work and care.ful management enabled him to restore 'the ll,ome. For 62 years IFo.ster Udell -was il ember ot the western New York ; ortlcultural society and ' a Ufe membel' ot the American Pomologloal so(TO BEl CONTI NUED.) Ciety. He leaves as a monument one of the la'rgest and fi!lest avple , orSeagull. of Auchmlthle. chards in thl;) United States_ Within In the fishIng village of AuchDiJtblo the las~ 20 years the productlveness of you mllY frequently witness se!lgul)s his orchards made him' flying Into the houses of the fishermen aud partaking of food from their hands. One of these sea birds was In QUAI~T WAT~R 'POWER PLANT t.he .hablt of staying tn a fish erman'l ,house all ' the year round , 'exce pt at Old Mill That Has Ground Corn for the breeding season, when It left. Arkansaa Farmers for Over About a tortnlgh t ngo, while t he gull Fifty Years. was away. the fisherman removed hit hOOle Bome three and a half mlIes Kallsas City, Mo.-This "Qld ' mlll, . from the .form er place. wIth slow trunlng .:water wbeel, Is 's tiU The flsherman never expected to SO(l' in operation three miles from Berghis old fri end the gull again. 1t . man. Ark. Two days of every week lherefor e. much to his astonishment tor ' more (him balt a oentury it has that he beheld on a recent Sunday the sea bird come walking Into bls new resIdence with stately steps to resume his old familiarities and hous. hold ways.

CHAPTER VI I. CHAPTER VI.-Contlnued. One month from the time I arrived We bad a plensnnt journey to PlyJ,IIouth and were t~oul)led with few In London I was on my way to Portsresrilts /it leaving ~ndob. We ex- mouth to meet GUes Vernon, who had ()~~ed; 'ijl . tM foollshness of youth. to been brought· over '\Vlth a batch of exQapture inany motre such prizea as the ohanged omc ra from France. 10d9mpta~le and Xantippe. The BelIn that month, during wblch ~ had .t4era WIUI nearly roady, and 10 & few JIved continuously In Berkeley SQ.uare, -weeks we sailed on our second cruise. things were so lltUe -cbanged. except I sball Dot give ,the partlcul&ra of In one r·e spect. whlcb I sball mention , tJlat cruJae. It "aa ' sucb &' one pl'esently. - that 1 could scarcely per.. all the ~mcera of hia maj- suade myseir ftve years had passed. ..t1'. lIervlce were engaged In ' Peter ~nd Polly, aB Giles disrespect4utlQg thoae eventfUl years. We were fully called them. bad not grown a constantly &t seai wi) kept & tireless day olderl and quarreled lUI vlgorousl,. leok~t ~or our en'ern~~a, and bunted Ud punued them Into their own hal" )ora. We' never sleilt for more than ' , four 40urs at: a time, in aU our ornlsIq. We .Ived on beef and biscuit tor months , at a time; sometimes we li~"'::~""""--U--oIi\CUvq In the ship. and 'sometimes we did not. We struggled with mlgbty ~e.s, that blew us hundredS and even , thousands or-mtIe-S"out of our courlle; and we swelte red In ,cnlmli that tried men'. souls. fu all that time we wat;ched :nlght' aUd wiy for the enemy, . end, when foun d. chased him, and !Dever ,t~le4 t o get nlol\gslde wben It 'WfUI possible; and we taught blm with the greatest good wl1l. We hnd good , ~d lU tortune with the ahi'!'I, but her colors were never lO'l"ered. And it • ",as five years beCore we Bet foot In J..o~dGn tpwn OnJy a yeal' of that time was Gnes Vernon ' wltb . me. Be got promotion ·whlch. took hIrn out of Ole shill. I had the ' extreme good fOTtune to lie wIth Ne~on at tbe Nne. On tbat. great day, B8 satilllg-master of the Belvldera, i · took -the frJgate around the bead ot Admiral Vl1len~uve's line-she was ~be I,eadlng ship-and placed her, "We Were Conl~ntl~ at 8ea." wh~re slie was enabled to flre the first as ever. Lady Arilbellll was then her rakl.n g broadside of the battle. I got own mistress. although sUP living un., a ' woqnd in the forehead whlcn left 11. scar tba.t re mains loJth ls day; but I der ~Ir Petel"s roof; but, as far as 1 also 'recelvE1d the personal thanks of coUld see, t his spoiled chUd of nature ~y Lord N!tlson. whlah I shall ever and fortune had always been he r own esteelD as the greatest hanOI: or' my nllstress. I found that Overton had 1.1Ie. I }lad heard nolhlng of Giles fOT been away for some years on foreign ~early 0. y ear, ,w hen, among Admiral ser.vlce, and, after distinguishing hlm:v..'Jlleneuve"& officers, I found one. a self greatly, h~d lately returned suffering trom s eyere wounds and In· 70ung JJeute nant lI\<e mysel!, who told juries to his constitution. He was, --me that <mes bad been capt.ured, whUe 'bowever, In , LondQn, and able to I'lde ')XL Ii t>qat expedition, and was then In ) prison at DunkerQ.ue. anel wallt Ollt, and visit hls friends; , but It was doubted by many wh ther, I wrote blm 11. dozen letters at le!l!!t on the exph'al.lon of his lea Vii), he ' by omcef!j who were paroled; and would evel;' be fit for duty agaln_ ,t when the ship was paid off, the followI hoard and saw enough to convince fngr$pr1ug~ I lost no 't1m ~ In getting to me that Lady Arabella had been wild -J4ndon, and us ing' what little power J with grlet and despair when she' heard ad In tl'ylng to have him excllanged. of his . wounds ; and, ait.hough since , A Dangerous Roll. Sir Peter 'was In _great favor' at the his return to London he a voided comadinlralty. As soon as I reached. Lon, ' H. Eng Is, an Oakland, Ca1.,' bolle", \ don: I ' went. I.1!lmodlately to call In pany gen~rally, she managed to see mhke r, met with nn experience wblch him occasionally, nnd spent much of nearly cost him his life, while at work ~rkeley Squ!&re. . My Lady Hawl(- bel' time driving In the parks llpon the Inside . , a 28·lnch water pipe. The line "! 5haw was at home, and received me mel'e cbanoe of seeing binI taltlng bls of 1.lpe ran along a steep hl11slde . • wi. and ''1'" great state, blllck feathers and al1; dally ride or walk. Lady Arabella was held In 1l0s.ltlon by wooden ,au .... " ll..O...··,"""·...' .a ..... with h' t D [h C 'I h I .. ~ · II er In life that ports. While Engel was riveting two .. L H 'a Ik ne h I1rm c ae. stormont had e vervthlng I. be eve a. y aw s aw was really beal't could wish, except ·one. ~ "he had ~ectlons together the ' supports gave 101.';' g.,... '-1to see me ; but Daphne, after chosen to give ller willful and way- wily and the section In wblch he waa . spea" ng' to me, remain d with ~r ward heart to Philip Overton, and It working started down the hIll at a ter,eyes . tl. xe d on h er embroidery. I must be aclmowledged that he was a rlflc speed. It roUeli several hundred noted, ,however, that she was 0. very man weli'fitted .to enchain a woman's fee t and flnally dropped Into a 'dltcb In cl(armtng girl •.nnd her eyes, unde r hel' Imagination. O,v erton had, dlsdal'ned which a stream ' ' of water was 'running. ,lone, tn dIU', k lashe", , 0 t wel'e h h full of fire and ' thG spontanoous gift 'of, Ar' abella's ' mng~ls' companion supposed: of course, awee eal. . u s e ad · not, and loye ; bpt I beLieve lieI" haughty ~nd : that he had been killed, but rushed to J:I~ver . COllid bav~, the glorious arrog!lbt mind could never be brough't the dltcb. The In-vlped ' man was bit41lty of , Lady Al'abena StOrmon t. to beJleve that any man could be real- taken out aJlve, but serioualy 'cut and 'f,!Uly Hawksbaw demanded of me a Iy InsGnslble to her beauty,· her rapk. :bruised and almost drowned.-Detrolt •particular at;1c~unt of my whole and her fortun e. Overton. couli) not . NewlI-Trlbune. .' , orulaj..,,~ anll ~veJlNt1ilng . that !:lad ball: _In allY , way be · COl!sl(1er~d ,& 'g reat _~-::.:._...,...,_..;,.. ~ I pelJ~ at'lthe,battJe of ,the ' Nile. This match for. bel'; His fortune was mod"WhY' We 8hllke Hand.. J 19>\"e. to the bes ot my ability, She 'elit. 'a nd his ' ch'nilc~ of ,suoceedlng to fn the barbarous' days of old" wben t1teD Invited, or) rat be r, oommanded, the uy , rnon ·ra. ..... o·..., hut, wltb 'eyel'J' man h ad· to watch cWUUy Iover < . ' estates ... e to take up my, quar~ers In' Berkel,ey th~ desperate perveuity of her n,a- his 'own lIatety. whQn two penpna met and told In(l that I had W'r se ture, 'hlm she would ha:v.. and uo other. they ' offered each to the other . the " '~~~-:,d:l an,d ~~ POUlldll, ·-nlne~.een It ~l\\'ays B,eemed to me ~. If Oyer~on 'right band" the band that wiel". .... ., . a d: soven I,lence to my credit Wl1a ' tbe' bne thing denJt!d her. put clu!), "wold~Rtfe or other we,[pon ~... . _ " that ahe had d te.rm1ried tQ do. bll.ttl~ war, Each tJld tlil. to ,,~ow that the t t)J abe ~ called upon ' to . 1vlt~ 'ate , ·ut:1l. she- ,conquered btl" ,hand waa emvtr. and th8~ therefore, the ~. Cor & moment, and J soq1s desire. , _ ' . . no lrouble needed to be f~. Th' .~~r. ~~fl'alnld ~ Daphno hOlf';Lady Fbr mys-elt, she treated me exacUy' 'handal!!lke W88 the of, ~ as abe had done ~v,. , yeara' baf~re:- In a word, tbe 1'&7 the), b~of . . . . eaRed 1I1e Dicky in ber iood humol'll. IDa' eacih ~th.. _ tb8J .But to & .~delY oil$Otl'JQ DaID.. til ~ea: ~ . ' ,


For Fifty yea.... FOlter Udell Held the Title, Unknown to Mlllloni 'Who Ate Hi. FruIt.


"A n Itching hilmar cove red both m,. bands and gol up over my wrists and even up to the elbows. The itching and burning we re terrlbie. My hnnds got all scnly lIud When I scratched, the surface would be covered with blist ers and tben get raw. The eczema got so bad that I could not move my thumbs without dellp crn.oks appearing. I went to my doctor, but his medlolne could only stop the iteblng. At night I s uffered so fearrully that I could not sleep. I could not bear to to uoh my h ands with water. This went on for three months and I w,as fairly worn oul A t last I got the CuOcurll. Rem&dies and in a month I wos oured. Wal. t er H. Cox. 16 Somerset St., Boston, _ Mass., Sept. . 25, 1908."

Vlen"" S . . . . . . \ .


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Objection to Women Golfel'l. "Farmers don't mind r nUng the ir fields tei golt rs, but they are strongly opposed to women." , "Why ?" "Because woman golfers are always losing hairpins a nc,l hatplns a nd s tickpins In the graSB. Follow the trnll of a woman's fours om with a pincus hion and I:n guarantee you a cusbtQnful ot pins at the end ot the ninth hole.", "But why does the farmer m'l nd that'" "Because a.!~erward when his sheEll> nnd cattle graze In those ftelds they 8wallow pins. P~ns, 1 needn't tell you. are lnjurlot,is to the health."

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Il/10,,,,,,, & ..""" 0Mr•••


Cheering Him Up. "Bm," Bald the luvaIid's friend, "I've come to oheer you up a bit like. I've No Romance About It, brought yer a few filtbrs, Bill. 1 The strloken' man constantly moaned fought if 1 wss too late they'd come In the name of the young woman who 'andytor a wrent, yer know. ·l>On't had jilted him. ' get do~n-'earted, BU}. Lummy, don't "TeU her,~1 be said to the medical you look gashly! But there, keel) up mnn, "that her cruelly Jdlled me. Tell 'yer IIplrts, ole sport; I've come to her I am dying froJD n 'broken heart." .IIee yer an' cbeer yer uV a bit. Nice . The medical man shook his head. w, go on, e sal . " hat w9uld IItOe room y ou 'a~e 'er~, 'buras J sez to meselt when ' l was a-comln' up: be shamelessly ' unpro'fes lonal. Your 'Wqt orkard stah'case- to-g ' GQ'lnI*~WJUL..ll1JL..LJI811-t.-lCa...)tou.rll\'er t~1I. daltn! ' "-London Glo~e. 't he trouble." Leaa Precarious ,..Iso. Scott-So Rawson bas become a preDeher. Last time I saw him lie was 1 doubt whether to be ' tbat or a lawyer. I wonder Wl1St decided him. rtott-1.J:e prob~bly recalled tbe sayIng that it Is 'easier to preach than to yractlce.-13oslon Transcript.

The { Earth and the Moon. That the earth must s hine on tbe moon even as the moon sbines on the earth III' obvlo~s. To detect this lIg)1t from the · earth on Uio lunar surfaoe and scientifically prove Its existence Is anothe r matter. It Is Ipte restlDg ~ find that a recent number of 11. Fre ncf nstronomlct\1 paper contqJns two phoNobleman, Probably. tographs 'ot paJ;ts of the 'moon {UumHowell-I soe that tbe heiress has InMed by earth light. Th y were put her mohey Into the lumber busl- taken by M. Qllenlsset at tli~ Juvlsy ness, ' , b Powell-That so? 0 sElrv~tor_y_._ _ _ _........_ Bowell-Yes. she bas married a A 'lout"fulld~ .. wooden man. "See, my soni" sold an entbusiaJl.ll!L .1)arent, anxtous to Impress the beauGoo~ Excuu. Ues and resQuroelf ~f nat\lre, '!w)lat . . "But, Egbert, YoU never used), to, bEll}utlful green dresses of leaves tho mind cutting the grass." trees have trow,' when In winter tbey knew, JIB, but ''It'''--1i:-.:..nITnt'''-Too;;j-t-~;;'r;;';e<''7.IJ''''uTT;;eC""'<:'ar''';;e'':''.;;'-~=...:.!:''';::';:;=~=!''''''--''-=-~ harder sLnce .you sharpened the lawn . "I . g uess," . said ,. the yOuD ..... ter. mower." . ' "u ,thoughtfully, "that when winter comes they pack t11ese pretty green ··dresses He wh9 s p e~ ks honestly cares not . I~ . ~helr trunks, don't they?" needs not care. Ie' .hls wo~ds be , 1lre~ s erved to 'the remotest . tlme.-Car. There ' is more or less moonshine l~ .71e. . the a~trology btl81~ess , .


' grinding out com for farmers, 'rhe roof of tbe sbed has fallen Ih and sunl\ght flltera .thro,Ugh the cbinks between the logs ot the walis and between the rough hewn clapboard shlnrglea• ..~entlmen\41' Jnter~st has hell.led to .~reserve the 1l184ls, 1lhe economy in ItS che~, tllough slow · moy1ng, power has done- ' tbe r est ' Iilnd kept the mm ,tZ:Oln being ;dlsplaced' by • IlllHl'Hrn plailt; " '

The crisp delicious, golden-brown ~ ~ f ~ (, d. ma~e o~ Indian , Corn.



Davtcl anI! Botomo n! fl till , . ~ ~ glory at the temple? Where JI au' ~ .. Inft~ence for good 'among the na· ' tions? Gone!. GOne t Gone!" . "Yea, but th9~ hnst the memo~ 01 . ~. thy great le'a ders to comfor t thee," ~}!. L J ••as, SOD of Siroch. spoke up Lyclus In elrort to cheet bls Elltolet h Them. compan lon r A MILKIN I G 80NG. "But ,s ee how llttle my nation careth IY THE "HlGHW AY ,AND BYWAY" for them or the truth tor which the, a BOS'I; co boa8; co b01l1 I" ~ PREACHER H ear Molllo cull the stood." C OWII. "Yes, but shoulde st thou not speak . Stops' to pl ok a da.\IIY at ot them, neverth eless? Perchan ce tbe edges of the croft. ~d Then resume8 hor gentle some soul w1ll. be blessed In the tell· Bnsed on Apocry phal Book of Ec· Inll." ClllUng: "Co bo..... ' low and ort. a, cleslallUcus. ~e "VerU>, thou speakes t wisdom ," ·ex· 8" J Unbeedlngly they browlle. Eccleslu Ucus.-T hle la the title given claimed' Jesus, earnestl y. "I will, and to the soventh book of tbe Apocrypha, "Co b088! como. como! '.0 otherwiso colted "Tho wlsdem of Josu. thou shalt hear of the men who knew boss! " , th~ tho Ion ef Blro.oh." The word. like many and served. even before Abraha m the Not ono will 11ft h"~ otbor. ef Greek erlgln. o.pP\lars fo have father at our nation was called out had. been adopted to. th& AfrIcan dtalect. The to go to the land which Ood The columbine III IIwlnglUg had rllfht .expJo.natlon ot tho word Is given In Its IIlIken·booded by Ruftnull. who romarinl that "It does chosen tor him." trock, . "Sayan ." . urged Lyclus. I not dellignate the author ot tho book. Alld the mullein make" a but tho "haracte r ot the wrIUng." as pub"Listen , then. tor we will praltle the shudow tall I1S 11111 'aJIIcly ' ulled In tho servlcea of tbe church. penstock. ACCOrding to Jeromo tbe original Hebrew famous men of history. We will tell "Co boss; It'a lato." she 9al<l. tltlo WIUI Proverbs and the Wisdom of at the men through ,v1lom from the Solomon. the title of The DOOk ef All beginni ng the Lord hath had great "Co b089, co bOS8. come. oomol" ~ VIrtues. In tho SYfine vllrslen the book glory and hath I'hown his powell Such ~ The night-shades climb the hili. ~pens la enUll oll "Tho Book ot Jesue the 80n as did At last. 8ate homo beneath tho 8tlll'8, bear rule In their klngltoms, And Molly's lover at the bars; ot Simeen Astro." and th e same book Is called the "Wisdom ot the Son ot men renown ed for theIr power. g1vlng And not 0. sound tbo Iltlllne8B mars, AlIlro, " Tho Palostinlan origin of the counsel by their underst anding, and But Bong ot whJpporwllt. author Is lIubstantlated by Internal evI- declarin g propbec les. Leaders of the dence. e, g . 24:10(. Tho language In which "Baked Ice Cream. " the book was originally compelled Willi He- people by thel,r counsel s. and by their addressed ~to To many. this sound.a Impossi ble. brew. Jeromo sllylng that he had met knowled ge of learning ,; meet for the Dr. :A. F. Peeler, of st. LoUis, Mo., says: "I bave prescrib ed your with the Bebrew text. Nothing hdwever. people. wise and eloquen t In their in· and It does savor of the wlld attempt Castorf remains of tho original prov~rbs ot Ben In many cases and bave. always found It an effiCient and speed~ remedy. a at novelty with wblch most of us have 'c BITII. oxcept the fow fragm ents In pure structfo ns. Even such as found out little patience . But for the curious . Dr. E. Down, ot Philade lphia, PL, says: "I have prescrib ed your Hobrow which occur tn tho Tdlmud and musical tunes, and r ecited verses In Callo It Is here Bet down as within the pos· lat r Rabblnlo writers. Tho book J8 di- writing ; rich men furnishe d wltb tori In my practice lor man~ zeara :with great sauetac Uon to myself anll: vided Into Gl chapters. ab11ty, living J,>eaceably In the ir habl· slbllltie s If done exactly as directed. Sxmellt to my patients ," Use n thin slioe of any good palltry. tatlons. AU th(jse were honored In Dr. EdWlll'd Parrlsli , of BrooltlYD'. N. Y., says: "r liave used your CuMeamw hlle. their generat~ns and were the glory Hollow out- tbe center. lorla In my, own househe ld with good results, and have advised several,· beat togethe r the yolk of an egg and patients to use it ,for Its mild laxative elrect and freedom from .: ' GEMS FROM THE BOOK. ~f'*:~ut~~::·~ake · meen'tohe ar two ounces of loaf sugar. to a cream hnrm.'· • --.Dr. J. B. EUlott; of New York City. says: "Havin g during the .. The root of .. speak8s t flavor with , vanilla. and ,add.ln tb,e wl.dom la the fear + past s~ • their names. And as thou years prescrib ed your Oastorla. for lntanW e stomao h dlserder .: of the Lord, and the branche t s, 1 most way It not be well it I but write down sUtny whipped wbltes of ~hree eggs. hearUI~ commen d its use. 1 thereof are long life. ~e tormul~ contain s nothing deleteri ous . thy words," and suttlng the nctlon Place In the cake ' a pint at any frozen to the most deUcate of children ." , .. Be not a bypocrl te In the + to the ,vords he reached Into cream, or Ice. cover complet ly with the re· Ilgnt 01 men, and take good Dr. C. O. Sprague , ot Omaha. Neli., says: "Your Oastorl a Is cesses ot ..hls tunic a n 4 brough t forth the egg mixture , smooth with a. knite. an Ideal. ... heed what thou apeakel t. medicIn e for chUdren , and I frequen tly prescrib e it. While I do • his parchm ent and stylus, and spread· gar.illsb with glace fruit, dust with not advo• Gold I. tried In the fire, and suiar. and bake three or foul' mlnutes cate the indiscri minate use of propriet ary; mediCines, y6t Castori Ing the former out upon a 18 ~ , aocepta ble men In the furnace ... topped stone lying conveni a smooth· In a fierce oven . Serve at once. 'The exceptio n tor conditio ns which arise tU the care 'ot chlldren .'ently nea.· ' of adveral ty. _ .' success of this depend upon tbe stUf. he looked uP with a nod to Dr. J. :A. 'Parker , at Knnsns Clty~ Mo., 8I\YS: "Yo,", Cnstorl a 1101ds' ~a ... The greater thou : . art, the • that h.e was .ready for Jes\lJl Indicate nellll of the Ice. the quickne ss wUh esteem of the medical profess len In a manner held by no ot4er propria to begin. .: more humble thy.elf, and thou ''Very well, if thou art BO minded. " whlcb It la made, ana the heat of the taJT. prepara tion. It Is Ii. sure and rellable medicin e tor infanta and ohU-. (II Ihalt find favor before the Lord. + respond oven. Serve Immedi ately. ed Jesus, ~aclouslY. "Let us aren. In tact, It Is the univers al househo ld remedy tor infantil e ailment s.'· Many are . In high place, and';' see-wh om could we better 1,legln with Dr. it F. Merrill, ot ,AuguSta, Me., says: "Castor l& Is one of ~ of renown , but myater: lel .,.. re- • than Enoch Vegetar ian Beef. verT. the son ' ot Adam, who nnest alid Diost r~rkable remed1es tor infants anei children . the. Chop ftnely a halt pint of any mixed • veal~d unto the meek. "'''0Il~ vleased the Lord ana was translat ed. In ~ ~W.. oplDlon your Oastorl a hilS saved th01l8lUlda from ' an Wly ~'Y8. ·t . A Itubbor n heart Ihall fare + being an exampl e ot repenta nce to all nu~. Roll u.nUl powder ed. Add a cup I can. evll ,at lalt; and tie that lovet,h .;. generat lons. Noah was boiled ~ hun~1 "f J.eatlmonlala from WI loe'Uq as hominy , t'Wo ' tablesp oons ~. found perfect Ita 8mc1eD:c~ ' .. danger aha II perllh therein . ' and merl ta,'· • and rIghteo us, and In Ute time' of bread crumbs . a dash -of cbopped,paJ'llo . J ~ 'ley, :. a The of the produet will hard-bo iled eu, dlc8ci, and Dr, NOrm&1l JrL Geer.- of CleftIan 4. Ohio, sa1l: "Durin Uie ~ twet-v. lalt wrath he was prelene d, Therefo re • underst and a parable , and an • was he left as a remnan t&4te. . yeani I have frequen tly ' reeomm ended tour CUtorl& as gone , t unto the to Mix of the b4iat ., .ttent/v e ear 'a the dellre togethe r, adding' a raw egg to earth wben the ft904 came, An e,.erp~paratJona of the kind, .belDS we ID the banda of pareJlta anei ,.ery et+ wll. man. • lastIng covenan t was made with' him. make 1t the rIght consist ency to roll fect1v:e ID reUevlllS chlldren 'a dlsorder a, wblle the wo with wbleb: auch. .: Oblerv e the Opportul'llty and that all ftesb should perish 110 more Into shape. Pl&ce In , buttere d PIlJl, and • . pleasan t prepara tlon CIUl be admJnta tered Is a Il'Ut ·bake. • bew"re of evil. Serve bot with a . sauce ' made , ' :;+-, by the flood." Be not a lion 'In thy houn,' ;' Jesus paused, and Lyclus. looking of the yollt of an ecg and a tablespo on butter, a teaspoo n 'vlnega r and a ... nor frantic among thy IeNant .• .: up, aSked, thought fully: . : Strive for the truth unto. "Do tbese tllustra te types at thy llWe bot water. Set the lauce In a .~ ~ pan' and beat with an eg8:bea ter until • death, and the Lord Ihall tight . - Ood's mercyr ' ,.~ . ~IIIIiiiiii""~, for thee. " . .;. "Yea, both kept by Ood. One taken It thIcken s. Tbls tastes very much + Be swift to hear, let thy life :: tram the Jnlqulty of the world because like meat. and Is' an excelle nt substitute, the nuts ai!ordJn g plenty of l,lro.:. be .Incere , 81ld with patienc e • he had 'chosen to walk w'l th dQd: The • give anlwer . . , . other preserv ed In the worJd l even tetn. Swe.t I.ngu,g e will multiply .. wblle God punishe d t,he . ' 0· unbelie vIng ,. Tl-JE CALL OF THE PRAIRI E. + frlendl, and a f~lr spe"kln g .;. In the world. But we must hasten . .;. tongue will Increale kind greet- . . cbme to the great Abraha m, wbo T'18 all very line • Ingl. · ... marks Mothat ' great 'cllspeDsatlon In For the poota to pine A faltbful frIend II • ~rong ..;. the plan ~Ild purpose s ,ot God. He . For a "life on the It defen.., and he that hath found .;. WAS wh.o was the lather of Glany pea..-.-.-uch an -one hath found a trea.· • pIe. ' And,1n glory was' But &0 cont;mry ·t here none like I love best the praJrle; , • ure, ' ... unto , blm. Jle kept the law of the :AIle! over Ita bcautlell I Open not thine heart to every .;. most blgh, and was In covena rave. nt with , man, le.t tie requ,~e thee 'wlth .;. hIm, a~d be establis hed Be Your Own Agellt and. _te ~omllll lon. 'We plcu:e hlB CQVena nt . + a Ihrewd turn. . The IIpell ot tho deep. you In direct communlcatloD wiLb .. . • with hllD In' hts lIegb, and wh~n he the bU7er. by .. Is naught to tho sweep melbod lba' brliJp ~beolute re8ul~, • Clb ..r~ DO . ' .... 3'V-\l8 proved he was , founit faithful comuilllBlon, lint place you JD 1\0 AA81tloDWe . Ot 'the blllewy te.a ot ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .. m. ake your Th,eref~re did God aSIl~re him by an owo deAl. 8eud complete de8C~Jltlon of tQ the grain. property wl~bc. lowelt · p,rlce. All klndR · o't . bullln~ aDd pruperiJo' THE STORY . And tlle rJpple and runo oath that he would bless the natioDs haodled , Dothlng t.oo larp or small. Cl't the meadow-lark" . r In hiS 'seed, and that -he would multi, PAY NO GRATI OT ' COMPANY . ·D. tune HE good deeds of ,a ~'eat .man- ply him 88 th~ dust at the Is mere earth ' 8~e~t than tho and hoW' they live to inspire the exalt hla seed as the stars. 10n1f ot the matn. and cause Uvee of those who come atter." them ' to Inherit froth sea to sea and An Irl.h Bull. AH PROSPECT. ~ 8) RIng all YO,I i pleue '''Tbou hast well spoken, Lyclus. tram the river UDto the , Aner Boyle Rocbe'lI famous bird utmost part Ot tbo love ot UI leaa; And wbat,. oat~on ~a:th more t{)" glop' of the land." comes the County CQrk veterin ary sur· Of a .atlor'. lifo X would be wary. tn than laraelr ' geon. At the last meeting' Of the DUn: , "When shall that·tlm e be!" eagerl,. GIve mo the l'et~aln , . The f~eo\ of the plain. "Then why' hast thou "oot man way rural council a membe r of asked .Lyclus. "It surely CaDDot And, -t he utt an,t tbe ,lure ot the pralrte. of them beforef Tbotl art rich ID wis. speak of the present that body comllla ined of the Inatten· time. .. It paat dom, and proverb s flow 1r0IQ thT Ups or 'future? " tion of the omcial veterina ry Burgeon. Cheerfu l Grouch on Women '. Qke water from' the rlppillig spring." , "TWs Is the time yet to be," spoke l''l'here was." the rural' coun,ctllor Smokin g. Tli Id plained. "a ,case of Ii,Wlne feve In this t .n t d Jel~ wJtb conftden ce, "FOr with to women smokin ge e er _ man sa I etn btan a laoac did \:Ilaoe recently . ,and. thoug\! 'tbe docthe Lord establis h lIkewu e' ae'Cld,ea , I Y qppc)lJe1o '1i, and the Cheerdeep, taraway look came n 0 , I eyes, .11 I c!)Yenant. that thQ tor' go,t the. order to go , th~re, he bleSSing should a~ an .exDleal\lOlbof sadn~ss , se,ttled extend to' aU .m,en, . And' never turned UP 'until the tollow.lng unnn Isaac's uwn Ii" ,tace, but be made no , reply ".,. Tuesday . and even then It )Vas' an· to ' the otlfer'. que1T~ . . 80n Jacob dld l he 'c ause to' rest tbe other man who .came to represe nt · The tw O- o' men- were aeated In a shacl. coYena nt, ' acknow ledging him In the him ... · bles.ilng which bJ. ed Qoot , In one of thoie .beautifu l and ' estabUs hlng hImtather gave btm In tlie heritage . crape arborl wblch cel\turl es ago cov· And to bill twelve SODS He-Dar ling, 1 don't know what to A ' Simple <Problem. did he dlVld. say to your .father, " ered ' the btl18Jdes Of Judea: I The ,their port.1onll. ADd ." Teache r-Don't know the sixth com· long yeaia afteryounge r man' had come 011 a toni ward the Lord brough She--"-Just say: "Mr. Munn, I wish to mandm ent? Now. listen: It a man t Ollt 'of the . ~oum.ey . that he might find ·. antl con· children 0(' Isaac marry ~our daught er"-the n dodge. . caine up to me with a revolve r anel a mercIfu l .man, nrBe with Jelul. the . man of 'which found f~vO'r In shot and kll1(jd me,' what would It be? the sight ot aU Leave It to !irm. , proverb e, wbose ta~e "~or ilie wisdom :men, even that MOlle\l "JohnnJ e (brightl y) - A hollduy ,wbo· lVlLS beA Wichita man was tusslng becausc ma'am." . al his worda atid the beautifU l recti· I ved ~f G,oCI and ,men~ , and whose of ,bls , aelllng teeth. "Why 'don't YOU tude of hili lite had spread' to bts own 'inemorl 'al 18 blessed . ' He was made gq to a dentlst? " asked one ot bls lan.d. ,,' . '.: "" . like to the, salnta, and', was ftiehds. " . . "I would know this man." h'e had magnlft.ed, soglorious tlJ~t ','Oh, .1 haven't got the nerve," was exclaim ed •. "and would alt at his fe vt In tear of him. , BJ,hll en~inles "stilocl word of this. tho, ·reply. . . and learn ot him:" " Ulan Moses dJCi .b caQBe wonder s to , ·'Nevpr . mInd that." replied the , And ,havlq tQl'm'ed this resolve be cea's e, ,and made ehim glorloua In the rrtenC!. '\the dentist' will- lind the 'lrerve' prejjare d fOlt~the" journey , and ,slght .'of kings. and, gave hl~ ~ com. ,nIl rlght."~Kansa.s City Jorunal . bllde bls frlends:'goodby. had Ipandm ent tQr his peQple. and. s~owed saying: . the ' 'him 'PIl1'~ o~ ble glory. And \' / WIIII"g ·to Oblige. . ex· " · .. ~ go seeking truth. He who alted .bts 'brothe, ~AaroD a holy'beman, . IAidy (Sitting tQr Ilortral t)-Plea se " speaket h sucb wisdom mu_st , be en: to ~ph'old his 'haltd~, aDd' "he ' ~§~b. nAir.nnR.'I '1 make my mouth sma.ll. I know It Is dQwed . bY , .the gpds. With . an .un~er., Jisbed ~Im tn the I1rlesth 'large. ,\lut 1. wlsll It to appear 'quite oodfore~l!r.:· a~ndlng ~f the my~~r1es of. lite. .I , So Jesus , continu ed tJnx. · .' · speakin g ' and 1 • . • would learn ot him. . . naUght wall heard beside the ' 'voice' ' Artist (llolltely.}~ertainly, madam . ADd 80 . ~yclus '. b,Ild · come nn~, ~ail. saVoe ·the . Bctatch of Ule. ,st.7luS of If 'OU -Pr,efer, 'J Will leave, It ~ut altor found · Jeaul the sen of Slra~1a LYcl~s the p~rchment. . '. gether.:-Bos Jl Transor lpt. , gracioUS ,lnmaD~er all he wall I~ 1 y t .' _ __ 'A nd as th~y returne d In tha. dUll! words. An,d'.~lnCle .the dl\Y ot hJa cQm· the Into Your 8hq •• . , even.lng JesUs turned ' to Lycl". Ing they had ', co1hcu ned toirethe r ,con. AI••n'. -I'oot-Ea&e a.. PQWdOf for your teet. . l cernlng the deeper thln~s qf' lite, and , Jt c~,. , patJitu., .W~lIen, smartinr . sweati from 'hls manusc ripts -Jeau •. had read ,na feet. Makes new IIboee e\UlY. Sol!! l;Iy all D,ucitlea Ud Sboe, StilrCll. 25c.. Don't to_bls ~est the treasure s oteUlought .cc,ept'ianY ' .uJ)s(!tu~ s4mpJe F,.REE.:Ad'whlch he liad gleane~ tbrougJi th~ dreU Alleo' S. 'Olmatecl; LeBoy, N ! Y. , yell"', . ., . On the pa~tlcular da, !:In whlcl1 , 1, . • Edl.l~tlon. " lltory opens , they had been dlllcuisl.n3· Eve dohll~ · tile fig Yes. theupll ft\ng aDd fioansl:drlniililt . i'Mr ' sradUaU9~ dress from i , th~ .. qf It loltY thought , and .Jeaua school ot experIe nce," she ~Id. I that II SO()d We ~aa .,~ ....", ..l .. tlm. .. lIe~.~lth ~e pr.ogram continu ed. , . the tr\1t~. And Lyclul ' with the rem~k with whl~b our storr ~ hOlSlebold oal!e' mpl\ed ,nth U,m. . j. ; • IiDI w,;tlard Oil" is lleldo,m' allowed tQ be ..peDS. with01lt it. 10 cue df .udden lI\ittba\> 01' !i~;:i:~i';a:: ~ea &rael bath IJld~ed had m~r ~e,nt Wiard Oil take, tha, j)laee of' 'lI lJ'eat ~d ioQd meJi to l.,ad and StUde u.. famibr~. Are Joa I~Hed! ........ '. , . ., wp te her. ad tbfU 'l.dOet · ..., -I 'ba~ Dot QOReD of them. b. A. CaD lAd reaaQDS tor doIq as he wlsbe' thaD for dolq he I ADd .. 4..... ~ Ad· oup ..-Jou



'D(i ..rE y-

Sa ve tl1 , e Ba bie s'." NFANT :MORTALITY is something

\Mgh~ We can hardly realIze that Of children born oivilized oountries, twentytwo per cen.t., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per oent., or more · than one-third, before they are five, one.,half before they are fifteen I We do not haBitate to say -that timely of CW3toria would save ma.jority of these preoious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are oooamoned by ,use ofnarootio preparations. Drops, tinctures and soothing syrups sold for ohlldren's complaints oontain more ,or lesa o,Pium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity they stupefy, retard ciroulation and'lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates eXfWtly the reverse,' but you .must see that it bears the sigilature of Ohas. H. Fletcher. Oastana oauses .the blood to oirculate properly. the pores of the skin and a11a.ys fever/'- , , '

Let ters from i!rominent Physicians: Chas. H. Fletcher. a

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adftll*.. .

.' a_N UIN . " CAST()'FiIA·,. A~W~Y8 .




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.·r~ Mid.Su·m mer'




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wait, w~ have '-. all siz~snow. If . i you de)'iU' a week· your size may be g 'o ne ;






If'A.RK DO.iN Sf\L(


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.R. S.

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R. S. Kingsbutty ...


EVERY PRICE WE QUOTE MEANS 'GOOD DOLLARS' SAVEO - EOR. YOU. , ______________~--~~__- -__.....____.....____- -____--~.....____.....__- -____. _.~~____- - - - - - - - - -.....- - - -. .__.....______~----------__.....--~___~~__~ .... -w__-

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$7.00 to $10 valu ,marked ~own to .. · .. ·· .. · ...0.25 $5 to 7 value& ..marked down. to .... ... ....... ····.t4.98 ~ . 3.50 to $4.50 values, marked down to ......... '3.50 ~ 2 to $3 values, ma~ked down to ........... ·· , ..... ,.98








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'$ ' ,

:* * ;! ~:



, Oh()!~ of .uJ1 f8 w-t6 Values, nOw·· ..·.r .... ..... , ChOIce of all ~ and t2.60 values, now ......... ".48 ,",,, ':Choiee of all ,tl.50 v.alues, ·n6WJ .. ~ ........ , .. ,.....: sec ~o1f-' Cho!ceofaU.60c.and '76c 'valu~, now .. ,....... a~ :

Manhattan 'Shirts

AII $2 "Oand$Sva)u ~



tn .. ' $1.98




:£ -l+ ;.~;;;*;;:;*;;;;;;;;;:;:*~ .,;: ~.~~~~Ii!!I!~,....-.I,__.._ <,.



....... .




All $2.50 and $3 nio)1 Suit.s, m,w ...... .... .. .. $1.98 ' All. '1.50 and $2 Union Sui ts, now. :... . ,.. ..... $1.39 All $1 and 1.25 nion Sui t.'l , now ................. .89c All $1 Silkine values. JH'r ga l'ment ,,, .. ...... .. 76c All $1 and $1.25 Balbl·jggan vnlu s. ]I t' . garment . ... . :............ .... . , ... .. " .... ...... . .. ' Sge All Oc ana ,'65 Balbriggan val u '.. J) .r garment:, .... ..... ....................... ...... ... :" 46c 1\ 25<: B~Jbriggan value . per gmlll "Ill ..... I C



~~~~~~~~~~~~_.t~_~~~ . ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~.~_~_~~~~~~~~~~~~i GAZE1'TK ' --~---:---:-~-;~. '

W"'~.,,", -,,~, ·4I .D--...1..--------0 Here -and-There I

- -:....--...:::..._--o..,....,.....!.-'---,-_-'-:-.


' THE , O~OD ROAD~' QUEST,ION Troublo aod'NovDr SUIDDct It : ~n every ..?tio~ oHhe ,talo th?,.

Tbousands Have Kidner ,


Jlow To Vin,d Out.

la Increasmg tn t I'e t " , '






d 'b 'ld

Wf'n~, adln ill; LI';llm'vf l lr 'FiIl ll h ltlll qr common glass witb,your of I'oad lmprovelll n .a~ TOn UI. )'lours: it)g, TJ:te men living III I). l;ll "ut'v\'aIlMe Uw Inti, whO" \~H!l witter :111,.1 ' ·Ut~t(tBJllltweutx:four t.I brick,dusts ui. , the rura l falally 'lll j ul' ! il') a 1f1'HV ,1 , pH of Lh ) interested . .Ohio is arom:;ed to the 11' \1'1 1

. , t;in ci nl1~ I i 'l'.UI~h~d ' ton ~ <;lnd Grav -I MunaJ{el' COI11\JllllY at, WlIl1lingtoll. hio, - - -- - - - - - - - - ' - - - pl'ol1~i ed yt' Ll:!r~lay, tnt' lig!l the pro-



~ of


bula t Olll'C by accel ting !j;150 fl



need of improvement of the wagon roads as never before. Why would i t not be'a good P);iln to have a Good RoadR day at our


To Oolumbus a nd Spi '~, gfield

uJumbu8, H,2. '; , ill'in Ji tid, 71k .! dill loave::; 8:42 u, !'n. quen! deliir~L ~o county fa ir wher e we cou ld learn pass It or pallJ 10 . To Niagara F '~ Ls th tbe Ilt:k nren lso symptollls thattell you more of the movement now bemg' 'the State' of Ohio b cam the kidneys are out of order carried on fo r the road improvement? August 1 , via '1 vpla nd an I h Lukl', Rate", of Adv~rtjs('nH!l1ts dis puttd own 1', 'l'u cflt\ay , f t he and need alteutJ n, " t t !ir. '11"k"'r,' fal'n' " 'I'ope l'ly by th HUng . What To Do. urel y th re IS "9 more Imp or an To Atlantic Oity, C' oe May Ht'UI\llI l' J.\"'lll~, lwr Ji l'l· .. ~ ~,· ,I '" '" , '>' 1' berc is ('om fortin tile knowleuge ~o question that could be discussed, II ,,;..lltw. l .. cuh., II ltlt'k 1.1(',', 1I" r 11 ,1 , lUI! uf th d o [ (r'unS! I' of the prop r- oft en, 'pressed, that Dr, Kilmer 's .. " b r Cl' S is an imAnd oLher S 3sh ol" Res() r ~ . 11l{w.t r: , lU\..- WI·d .I,ls. 11111 til , 'X ('I' ,'11 III ~ 1111 "', t..l' fl'1"n S ym u P- B. Kelly tu th Swamp.Root. tb e great kidney remedy, ow to I alse . um pe op, ' 'I' lt l'l!" IUII.· nln'h , , '! r,,, "-r , . I f th) I fulfills nhuost e\'ery' wish in correcting pOl'tantqueshoTl, but more Important To Colorado and Califor. ia stale rh t()~ acreage t:l I ur· ..· ·IS how to reduce the cost 0 f get t'11lg 1>11 111,,' 1,'''1, rll' .. lIn' III' l- (I' N ); "V" \ll'" ' , , Th 0 'I rheU'1Jlatlal1l, p a .lll I. II tlle back, k llL!leys, Daily with 1 ng li mit. V" r iaL}' I',) II ! ~C;. III .. h .... ,.~r 1I111! ., .. ,.. ...... . rlU chll e IS 076. 88 acre '. e c rum ar- liver, Qladder :lJId e~ 'ry p~rtoftbeurlDary the crops to market , ('U I'<I of lhunk~ " ... ....... .. .. .. , ~:;,; nt,ion mentioned is $80,000, passuge, Corrects 1II1ll>lhty to ':told water h b d' ted To Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Expo$ition H'>I\" I II tI , ~' " . " " ., , 101" : ' lInrl scalding pain in pasSlIlg It, or bad August 31st , as een eslgna 1511" I:t I" ,' 1,', '1' 11 1" "> I'I""'J '" 1>< IlIa,t " :!,;c ' . efieets follOWlllg use of Hquor, wine or as Good Roads Day at t he State Fair, D~ily , Seattla, Portlan~,. San Franci e~ , and ?lheJ : 'aci fi', OUllt lln.] With the isSu of Jul y 10 the . 1- heer, and uvercomes that unpleasant ncUIHllla y ,\t.I~erl l law , I'.. r In h .• , . ' , . Hit' c~ssity of bd ng compeUed to go otte n and we wuuld recommen d t h at. ~ur Western cities may be VI~lted on the t rrl!, wh Ich ,Olav ~ made ()V'~I' 1)1""" lll' t~ ~I"", 0'\ 'n,JII'''l'~, urnlJus Pr SS-POlit passed out of ex· t~1rIJI1~h ~hc c1ny , ~nr\ to get u l? mnny fai), authorities t ake up this questIOn -variabl , Toutes weflt of hlcugo and St. L~ lIl. . istenc . hl:!ing In ' rged into" the Col- ~1IJ1es I~urlllg lhe !IIgbt , The ullld Jln.d at once and endeavor to arrange for HomeseeKers Northwest, West, . Southwest N h ·t 'II I, dl t- 1I111l1etl~o le ' !Teet of .swamp-Root IS . J · l . " ~ I , I U'Hi , WI:\. W Ie I WI u 6 con l C tI()llIl rco, Tt stands the bigbestbe- su ch a day at our County Fall'. um\.Jus On tlesignated dates dul'ing s ummer. The Ohi o Good Roads Federation, d as Ii strong d rl)ocl'atic d~i1y nTl- C'1l\I~orils rcmarkable del' th alLor' hip of Jos\\:ph h~~lth, r If'stori ng prop12Ll CI't'zens Bldg Cleveland Ohio', · H. me H IE '('UNTRY- PAPER crtl(,'lieine nel:d a I , , Il a l'p I" fonner IY 0 f Was Illngton y),ou u shoultl _ " ..._ __ i1l1 From neareSt ricket Agen t, 0 call on 01' writ T ,' R. SMl1' '. IT. N Wtul,1 L, Bv ell, uf Wayn s- hove lh IlE:sL Sold by Life 100,000 Years Ago. Innoa('t~vilj' ha~ th I'e b (,1lmOI' t.lrllggisls in 6fty. eut Scientts"R hu:ve foand in a cave in pl' ·$a" I'(>!l.H)UI'IT\ )' t1wIHs llwt'IJt.y y a I's viII • iH .011 th , b UI'U of <lit' ct !'R , olld o ue·uollul' si:tes, III

man's J ath.

- '



Ju ly 5.





th an thllL uf Lh o mi t l'Y' I1 I:'WSJ,lUI '1', M ;sr, WalkCl', 'tar\)lick and Th t'e ul'e.I'I\.1w. hUI~~I' .ds . ~ ~OllIl L"Y Moon, o! Wilmingt.on, Ohi(J" had at) pape l'teI whIch, III ("lorlal nbdlt.y, Ill(~- amu ing e ' pel'ience,\ ,hil camping at char~i~ul UII ,,(!a~aJ 1 C:~, nt,,1 al\ t.hat r gOltla hni1; we k in wnt<;hing ', a ntllliul H 1.0 IIl " Pll" r, !-IPtlct and puir of wl'en~ build a nes~ in a basket comlll~nJ aLt" kJ'tl fully aLre~ hung to a "'OP in t heir tent. 1'h ' lhe ll'm .·Ll'op h tan CQII~ mpI I'U~I(!S tiny . ' 1' ul.ur wQ l'keu inuu'triously, In mornl t Olle, and t n HI ,ji lo.. '~al !; 11tlr(;)ly undh:ltu l'beu ,~Y th it' fJI'OX' theY. Sl\JI'pa~'1 I\lO$tMlh v,n:a dUl IJ ~s, . ",,'l ' 'Jh ' Wil"'in/rt~m (rent.remen . ,I , . l 't H,d y, ~ "' ''' .. ~ In tit'll , past ll~ tlunl,1Y I:!ul ·ur wtU q'e'lLly r g reLt d wh n the tiItHa:Ufl') QuiLl, gelwi'lllly .Ct!gal'd .tt. with a half. s;rllt"e' cam'~) that th~y h~d to uppi yillg 'on~ mpL fiB a gOI~cI-nllfllr~t1 set th hous ping- arnmg merIts but eh idum-h art d ('I,m lnl ~e l' ~f In· theil' Ii ttl 'nei'ghborS. ' nsp,q ue nt iil l 10 'als , All ( I L1llS h' hang tI. 'O Ujlt.I'y TI w/'I pap j l'8 us a cl~. wieh.l th Om ~ghtjf:t\t in fll,l 11 e ir, HomUl' 'Harrison . 01 ted, about t he l\aUon, '1'h ditors Ill' 11'11:1)1 oj twelv , wrul up befQre th . javenile cAara '\;el' anthmlt;J'PJ;j:4 ,d vi nSfmor COU\:t ''l:ue US}' qt 'Lebanoll W·an~wer f t' th ,ommunity f(II' It:. i:! mon y l' hiSl condu t in t;ll'e ant capade tban any ' OLiI I' b (j,V of WOl'l<t!I'S whi h he had with t h l:lawl ay boys, ~Excht\Ol! . 1 JUring wh)ch he stabbed one of ~h e lat t'Ir-jn ~the , jaw .With a pe~-knife it ap,J;ieared that there we re grou~ds eor grievances '()n both sides, ~hd after being iectured by t he court on the advisability of, ke ping. out of li\uch Scr apes in 'the futru:e, youn g; Hurt'i n wa.<i T lease(l n pr,oiJation:'




You Ul3y hllve usnmple bottle sen by mail. Addrcf;S Dr. Ki lm~r & Co., Bing. hU1I1ton, N. Y. Mention thi9 paper and r eIn mbertlle uame1 Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, und tilc andress, BiughllJU~on, N. y " Oil cvery botU,e.




Swit,zerlund bones of men, ~ho \I ved 100;000 years ago, when life Willi i oonstant da.nger from wiJd beasts, Today the dan ser, as shown by A. Undertaker and Embaliner. Brown, of Alexllnder, Me itf large. Will be foand in the o ld ly froOl deadly disease, It, had BllnK BoUding, opposito n ot been for Dr. King's New Disoovthe Na.tional Ba.nk. ery, whi oh oured rna, I M uld not' Telephone in hoa e !mel' of· lived." he wrltell, "Rutfertng as n e where I can be called r did , from a. seVl'r a lung trouble dLl,y or night. .. 'l nd stubborn , ,o oug h " To oure Valley Phone 14.--2. ::lor e Lungll,'Cold , "bst.ionteUoaghs ond prevent Pn eumonll\, its the best Main Street. Waynesvill, Ohio medioine on en,rth 50c (lnd '1.00. G unrlluteed h.l' Fred U, SohwAr tz, rrial hottle fr ee .



-~- .- ----




Chas. F. Follen, son of James Follen Sr" of Lebanon, who hasfor som~ time been in the 'Forest Service under ,



. FunertU Director. '

A'~"ollll.endlnr ' ••ketoh and Cle.orlr,tlon mil, I III ..oefl.ll\u o ur opllllon .~re. w ,ether 811 ~u a :r~n I. probabl, )l1\II!Ilt!!" ",Coolluunae". nye".t.rIotl' oollMantlaJ. MAllO lunK on J'atOllt. ~~1re.. Oldolt allono, 1,lir eeourTII'uJatell ....i·

~';.':tI~:.Il:.'t~~~~':,t~r:~~': t~eCO. race ve

~~tnl'll~ .Hm~rl~an.


" "" . A hlUlttlolllel, IIInltrate4 weolll" J ",rR8.IIt cl r·

ealatlQII of, All, eclontlUo 11111.lIl\l j 'l'erl~rr: ~~' fnurUlon t bl,'1. SUldIl1 AI Jle".

yO,. mU'NN 1 C~8IBrci'dWIy, New ~ lir~



, ht Telephone day , or mg , Va-n ey phone No~ ' l, J~ODg Distl}noe No. 69-'jr..


I n~aneh' Office, HatveYRburg, o. .~B;r;~u~,~~~m;oe.~~I'~,s~t..~W~~!!!I!!!DII~~t"l~.!!!.!!!c.~~~~~~~~~~!!!T!!!!!'!~!!

.•- • .-.

'Th~re are thirty difl'!;!rent kinds of ! new roses for ' this year alone in England, :where rose culture abounds

Orthodox FrlendaChurch. Re". Beojal\llo \:Jawklus, Pl\s lor, hool . \I ; ~u n, 01. neglll

I' Ch(1I'e~1

Miami, -'



"l'be Old Reliable."

mite Miami 'Gazette ,is,. 60 ' "

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~'fi' d " as ' the, ~~p~

:': S~. Mruiy's

Episcopal C~lIrch~

, Re,,; J , [0,,' dw'all(ule r . n CC LUf. . Suniln1 '5ubool, ,9 :lIO B. m Mornin g He \" Uoly Oommunl on th o II r s

iltation "of printil)g Jail tJte n~ws in"a very sa~isfactory , ma~l)er.

" It.prints ,regularlr 2',496.

, colu~ns


good ":readabl~'

The Miami Gazette 0 _ L. CRANE .



Tbe trouhle with sultans Is they're all alike. . In t he sprIng a young man's (ancy turns to thought s of summer togs. In a p a e congres s the . . \' 01· lords are r legated to the p unlit gaU ry.


IF<IDlf Chat .


Ulln~ IHl(lJ)§11:~§§

T .p .C $ of Mao y Il<i"d Reeo g,"ze d Autb ority ,



'( MONARCH "EASY MAR'K" Wile. of Beautifu l Captlve- Proved JioI. t tho Thing When· ~"".,.. . ., Qel1cy .,

· 1

by a

,Tbe beautifu l young captive retalJ1ed Often Kindl ed ~y " Spark s ' .from . Ralln ia.d L~cott iotlv. het m' sence 01 mJ~d, how-ev r. anti: aud by. Settle .rs and Farm ers In · Clear ln8 wben It clime hef turn tQ be t,u)6en . Land or Burni ng Brus~ b fore the a nnlba l ktng, she ~ar el d Ot all the foes which attack the

(Ul'ly wlltohed . ~ sudden ehange of wind may check a tlre, or ma,. turn It olr In a, new dlJ'\\ OUon and pe rhaps threaten tlle IIves .ot the mell at 'Work by drIving it sudd nly upon the m. . When all the condlUo ns are favol' able, forest tires sometim es rench gIgantic proporti Qns, A" few such Ilres have attaIned hIstoric import· ance. One ' of these' Is the Mlraml cbl 1lre of 1825. It began Its groates t destruc tion about one o'clock In th. A!terno on of October 7 of "ear. at a place about sixtY miles above thE. town ot Newcas tle, on the Mlramf chl river, In New Brunsw ick, Before t en o'alock Ilt ni ght It WIIS 20 miles below Newcas tle. In nine hours it had de stroyed a belt ott<?re st 80 miles IQn& and 25 mUes wide. Over more than 2,50Q,OOO acres alplost every IIvlns thing was kUled. The Peshtlgo fire of October , 1871,

-h rselt v ry carefully. . "Ain't r ~we t. thollgh " Bhe ax-

A Beach Picnic, claimed , nrchly tltrUug bel' handke rfound In the delicate ssen shops 1V0odlan ds of North Ame-rica no other There was nothing very remark able just the thing chief Ilt the monarc h. to serv Is 110 and terrible are . as 1Ire. the Forest tires Tbese Wright brother s hav Pll t about the Invitati on I fo und Qn my very n ewest His majesty at onoe fell · Into thecape r." Jt the bostes8 spring tram ronny dilreren t causes. Dn y~on on the map or the worll! b desk last week, save that I was asked possess es a trap. 8 t of They are often kindred . along rallbig letters. to come at lhr , and in large letolers ton, lhe teapot In gold medl1l11on Can"You're s imply HI " be r e plied cor· Ita roads cozy by basket, sparks and trom the locomow ra the words: UBrlng you, batblng If s he dlally. " pal!ses candle4 ginger on a tives. Careles sn ess is r esj)onsl ble for When t=rn=\= 'e=Ii=D=g=l=n=lb::r'e=U~lr becomc s su it," "Well, sweet thJngs Bre terribly tatQuaint Iml\rl plate a nd burns lhe best many fires. Settlers common fly ·by·nlgh t scbeme s will be and fanners Tbe hC/stess llved on the shor of an orie ntal Incense In tenlng," a bro"nze burner clearing land or burning grass and mu illpll cil . Inland lake, . Oh, yes; "Mr, l\1me. Ilbe J8 doing quite "A-h!" the brush mos ottens t up·to-da allow t the tire to escape = situatio M rrl" was !lsked ' to' come nt s ix. thIng, Ilnd h er "leas" = == "0, terrIbly . And ther 's notllln,. 110 Among th = Into the' will woods. Some one may drop be noted fn ns whIch try bopeles sly out ot It as to be fat. these men's sOllls Just now Is boldlng down Well, the whole thJng was so delight· her commun ity. a hall-bur ned match or the glowing ful, so delightf days! " ul, 80 possIble to nearly Just at present th re Is I!. fashion - tobacco of a pipe or Cigar, or a hunter a Job as ml slonary In Asiatic Turkey. everyon e. tbat we all fo und ourselv es able coyplng ot oriental Whereu pon tbe king lVas greatly ways fi nd or prospec tor ma.y lIeglect to extlDsbaken nnd comman ded her Ins tant re'If ]\furs is so lDuch f~rther ad- as king: " Why haven't we don It ba- c ustoms, wome n a nd men are . talking guls h hIs camp tire, or l,IIay buJld It lease. vane 11 than we are wby has It not fore?" As wltb almost e verytbln g, of scarabs , thi ngs .egyptia n and things where It wUl. burfOw Into the thld'k "p opl used ~o blame me because there must be a leade r, som one ~ ho Chinese , but this Is a nother devised a way to s ignal us? duff tnr beyond 11.1'- I' n h, to smolder story. t knew 1 wus pretty, but all the time 1 realtzes posslbtu tles and makes tbem Only ask a young nl1s8 wha for dnYll, or we II:S, nnd perbaps to t s he most felt SlIre the knowled ge would come With only two wives to buy hats realities. In tbls case the hostess had wishes, and It I do not mistake sbe break out -8S a , destruc tive fIre long lIandy some day!" corum nted tbe and gowns for, tb e new sultan should li ved for years on thIs self·sam e s pot, will say a Ch inese mandar in oat or a atter he Is gone: Many fires are set lovely creatur e, as sbe was I d away. mana ge to get a long com!ort ably on bad regulnr ly gone to the seashor e for gorgeou s s ilk embroid ered kimono . for malice or II venge, and the rorest h is income . . - Puck. the batblng and It was only because is orten burn d over by puckleb erry the famJly excheQu er had been struck The pickers Golden Weddin g. to Increas e the next season' s . Under Ule French law, an autolst by the financia l paniC thnt til HER FRIEND S WONDE R su' This Is In reply to several request s tor growth ot berries, ~r by tbe .owners wbo fi ees nItElr an acciden t Is liable to mer was being passed at home. mIt's golden wedding celebraU ons, 'JUld I a prison S ntence for sucb flIgbt. an III wInd that blows How Mr., Keasler Waa Rescued from no one any hope will fully answer all questio ns Pretty good law. Almost Certain Death. good, and tbe re Is more tban one asked: person who Is gratefu l th nt th e Tbe Invitati ons are engrave d with - Now thllt the trout season bas Few have lI\'ed through s uch trials ollened the J' g ularly organlz d. Ana- "Dlanks " bad to remaIn at bome, for letters of gold and, or course, gol-den and s uff ring trom kld~ ey disease as there have been a number ot nITa.lrs yellow wlll be the DIns club can hIde Its dJmlnis hed bead, color schome jUi}t as pleasan t as the one her eIn tbrough out the house. were end ured by , or open a fisbery 'branch . 1t the alJalr descrfb ed. Mrs. Carolin e KesB.,....:.:~-~" Is In the fall golden glow and golden At tour o·clock, wate r Bults were rod are just the flowers IeI' of W. MaIn St" - There Is but one Skowbe gan, but to use. For Paw Puw,Ml ch, Well bow man,. o( our esteeme d friends donned a nd under the pl'otectl on of the table centerp iece there should be and strong again. DQW present know that there are two automo bile coats th~ 'run to the beach 60 roses. prefera bly Marsba el Neils; ~as made. After a jolly splash and the candles of her case Is thought OShkos h,es 'and three Kalama zoos? yellow In brass UU'IUtll'l' . an hour spent on the broad pIazza the Gilt sllp])ers make charmin a miracle by bel' g souve'An Engll,Sh writer haQ come to this men came ou t from town and there nlrs filled wIth almond 6. 'rbe friends. What Mrs. bonbon s country -to study Qur mllUon alres for was a ·reguJlU' beach supper served may be wrappe d In gUt paper, Kessl er wen t the the llurposo of, putUng them in a 'book. with all tbe comf£>rts or home close at cake frosted wlth ye llow through makes a iC ing (made No ,wonder that the aftJlctions of hand. long story - ba kfrom the yolk at eggs) and the ice A huge driftwo od fire cooked tbe cream frozen In rings. ache. rheuma tism, dlzlY and fa inting ~ealth make BOme unhappy rich men N~IV York Ice potatoe s just to the rIght turn and a cream is a deep yellow spells, urinal'&" disorde rs, dreadtu l pine to die Poor. and should be r eal Gypsy ketUe boiled the corn. used. bloatlng ot dropsy and finally a. com- . - The Tokyo governm ent, wblcb keeps Sawhorses with boards on top made punch Serve orange frappe In a plete ' prostrat ion that defted medica l bowl wreathe d with yellow. It close wlltch of auch tblngs, reports the table and the cloth was white 11a- the skill and caused her iQ b'e given up. young peoplo who assist are ,that the total number of Japanes e In per with the cutest. napkins and rings gowned Throug b ' the use or Doan's Ktdney In yellow It will add greatly thl! UnHed States i. 69,100. ab.o ut Ofty at paper. each with a souveni r In- . to the PllIs lIfrs. Kessler fs a well woman scenic elrect. per cent. belpg In CaUternia. and Is wllIJng to tell about h e r cns~ The side. The guests went In rapture s In way 01 gifts on: such an occasio n otbe1's are scatt~reci allover the coun- over the dlsh,e s:-I means .,the plates. gold 'pleces . to ,anyone who cares to' Inc:J.ulre. are In order, flowers and ~_ And real 1,. ~!lt doel not appear -which were of pastebo ard, each Sold by al.1 dealer.s . ~O eta. a box. ny dainty rememb rance, for, at of catUe or 6he~p ti) mal'e better' pal' was sUll more aevere than thll ·FoBter-Mllburn Co., Burralo, 'to be suCh an ....DTlP.slon·~ 4s to consti- with dainty palJlted ftowers for deea-, course, N. Y. quantit ture for their herds. MlrlUJlJQhJ, It covered an area <II tute .. tremend ously threa,te ntng dan- raUon. The hostess said they came are not expeoteies of elabora te tblngs There fa danger from forest fires In over d or In good taste, 2,000 ~quare m.lle, In Whlcon sln, ger to the fllpubllc. , In s~ts all packed' In one box. When a couple have reached tbls the dry' portion s o.f the sprln8 and THE PRIVILEGED CLASS., and InVolved a los8, In timber, and As there have been several J;'equesta perIod in life's Joumey I summer , but those they do wblch not dOnlO st other. propert y. of 1l\any mllllon l of At the hearing of 'a divorce cale In for menus for outdoor suppers want the care ot a lot of new things, harm usually occur the faU, At dollars. ' BetW,een l,~OO and London the ' court was crowded be- gOing to tell exactly what we oJ 1,500 perhad. but rather to be .1'eUeved of what they whatev er time of the year they ap~Ie 'for the fl.rst time tn ~g~tah le- l:1'Jrst, there SOilS l'er).s hed. _neludlng ' nearly , haiJ was a c&nteloup cut In have. In many Installces~t-thls kind pear, tblllr destruc tive power depends gal Illatory a NorUi AtneriC)lln Indian halt by the man who Jlas' dubbed the populat ion of Peshtig o. , ~'the the children and near relative s 'have very much on the Wind, ... They cannot ~SQred In; lawsuit as corespo n!lent. knight of the knlfe;'il!Jltheq ' The Dtost delltruc tlve fIre Of more there were a really golden "showe r" for the bonPerhap s the crowd thought , and even sandwic hes of mln,c ed hIm recent yeal'il w:tl1~ tha~, WhIch "tarted mlxed with ored pall', and tb:en they do what t4ey llecretly hoped, that the copper-colored mayonn aise and chopped Hinckle y; nn., Qeptem ber 1 pIckles, llke with the mo~ey. Bon of the forest would 'glve the war- sandwiches of sliced chloken 189., Whlle e ar~a burned , over and The golden weddln g 'ls tlllie c:rr .' and scalP the plaintifl: in open )llaln 1'lI.lsin brown bread sandWiches; f,?r remIniscences, and aa fitting was leIS tban in lome other ' great ff!atul'e of court. ' fires, the 'loss ' at life and , propert y ~evl1ed eggs and potato salad gar- the evening should be ,a descrip tion .. wal very heavy. Hinckle y and six nlsbed with beets: bottles of olives, <?f · the orlgJntil eer-emo y Georgia expeqts a big peach .crop lced rt , 'WIth ot.her towna were des~oyed about tea (the fce brough t trom the music and letters r ead from tOasts, absent this yeaI', and, the fruit IIJ ripening bouse), 600 lives wer& lost. more th~ 2,000 ginger and white cookies and h'lends. npldly. Shipme nts north will begfn pe~ons were left destitut e, and the dellcl ous uttle frosted chocola te SOOU, and eyeD a shortag e : In ~l~­ estlmat ed '1088 tn ' propert y ot varl. cakes. The corn and potatoeB cooked the country of over. the 1Ire made ous kInds was tS6,OOO,000. Except heavy portioD ,o ne of the ~ost detlghU ul · and _,appefor the berolc conduc t of locomo tive of the repast ·For tbe tinale there tillng 01 food artiClel , 'the great and "But. Minna. YOIl shouldn't fUrt with enginee rs and other raJlrdad men .the was all the q1en as your nre doing t Reglorious Amenc an Jleople bave come wardsa huge waterm elon. and atterloss of Ute would bave been rai membe a marshm allow roast over the ' to rank peach sbort·ca ke hardly ' secr-you'r e not married ! ' 'greater , . . . - . ond , to tbe~ delectable 8trawb errr con· dying beach tlre. Every one declare d . The . m~an~ .that: of.' tliey fIghting had forest learned tire. a lesson by • . • cjKl·Uon. - , I' Force of H.blt. _' are pot everyw bere the '. same. for learnin g to apprecf aW what was withIn' splt6 of ilIe ImpedIment; ' In bls. , ~ey. burtt : In, many .dllrere nt ways; speech the fervent lo?er liad n~r , .,There ,doPoe Dot a~pear to be any In ~elr reach, and the. hostess re:/]"be hi\t rarely matcbe s the costuln e ved but .n e,very case t)le best' tlble to blmself up to the '\)OInt , ae~ous 'alalm 'as to: the Clang~r, of ceived a vote ot thanks for the pleaa- Just now.· of a propo~l . fight ant outing. a Ilre: la' ' at· the beglnnt ng, before New Engllq1d losing industr ial prom'·~um·Mu~.Maud'" Mlllta.ry brushes now corns with pig:It, h;aa Md · time ~ spread. A dela~ mum-mum-may calr he, ",r ", . tn,ence. OlftclaJ' ~.ures sbow that In you Mum-Mum~ skin baCks. of ev~ a very l ew miDutea may per- Maud, may 1 nun-nun·noU" For the "Cup 'That Cheere." 'the four , s~tes ,of Massac husetts, Rows :ot tIny buttons rival rows of Inlt a tire 'that)l t ftr8t could easUy: " WhY, ye ~, If ,you 'wlah to. Mr. Obat~ AfternOQn tea' Is now an establls bed large ones. Rhod,e Island, New, Hampsh Ire an~ bave been e~!ngulshed to gather terton-Harry.~' . Valne plans have been perfecte d and and welcom e custom in most bouse' . Buttonecl shoes are more jlopular headw" y and , get" altoleth er beyond "T~t's rab-rnh:rJght. Oall me Hacontrac ts let for con8truc~1tg more holds, and there ~re m~y deliciou s than laced ones, · conirQl. Ha-HJU"ry." . than 100 n~,W mUla or addition s to old addItion s to the cup tbat transfo rm I The newest covers and chemise s are When there fa but Ii. Ul1Q .coreriu s ·'HIr-ha· Harry! " .. . ,1anta. The total cost will be oYer It so that ·the VisItor often asks: cut ·lo'\V. . of l~ve. ancJ other waste "Wbat ' Is It?" "~ank you. Mum-Mum-Mau d, ·ther& · tIiUOO,OOO. the Stylish ridIng boots for women come FIN, l(J'Ound _. tire uswb' 'cannot burn II sUS,su.80m~tblng very nun-nun. One bostess, uses arraok, another in whJte buckslUn. ==~ === very hout 01' mov~ with much 8~ed, near my ~eart that concern s yuh-yuh ... Uncle Bam Is 'by nO ' means as larKe places four whole cloves, two green '1.'he new coat colll!oTs are large, travel acalnllt It except when bUl'Dlng The firel 1Jl moat hard}¥Ood forests you. Can you , gag·guB -gues. ~~at' • proprIet or. of: reat-est ate as be used mint cherrie s and a. bit of rock candy roun~ up hU!, alralra Ind ot not IrJ,sh even or then Oluny If the wind are · 'of tid. ktnll. ' Jlb'ey laQe.. to be, but be stili haS land for settlers tor sweeten ing In each cup, and still seldom IIl11 It Is?" ~rna handba gs are to be found In la atron" The wind may "'ve "them .lArge trees, but they, deatroy -,· Wby•• no, Harri.~ , :who ~Bh ,to get It on easy terms'. .apotbe r Is fsmous for tbe rum and. tilmost 'seedUn ;1 every color' and every shape. strengt h and'lsp eed lly drlvlnc , them and sapllnP 'file olMlJUng of about 700,QOO 'i lcres In pineapp le wltb which her tea Is em"Then l'J1 tut-tllt-t en )'ou. My dlldand kill the bark of Ostrich telLtliers are much used, al· througb unburne d, Inflamm able older tree. Montan a, Idai19 aad 'liashln gton gives belllslre d:- Half 'claret and haH tea though I~ plaCet! n~r.' tbe, around. dUd-darllng. 1 lul:lul-love, you, Wub. or ........ few (\1'. It ot may the extingu uncurle ish d sort are .the flerc- The !Jollowa at the toot opPQrtunfty f()r. I~curlng rich farms. 1s the favorite fQrmula at a little seen. ·.ot o'd chew \VUll-wl!1 you 'bub-bub-bub-bub-be est flro In a time by tUrnlng 'It back nuts and r. Pi:eced ent Vim be foUowed, of course, souther n woman othe~ large . trees. are often wuh-wtih-wuji-wuh-wlfe '" ' renow~ed for mix. SaUn crepes, on account of t~elr .pver Ita path, where Is nothing lef~ the resultsf 6f th~se lires; which occw ·,and .before long regions now Idle and tures, ;'o~. H~rry! ~hls Is 80 lud!lenl " . light weJght, are the preferre d hat to burn • . In flghtll:g forest fires the apln , uninhab ited will become thrivIng comand again. and so" enlarge the The dainty Japanes e wafers to be faclng, wlnd' lll 1I1ways the' fIrst thing con- '\Vounds instead of allOwlliK them · ·'m1,Ulltle~. addJng to the wealth and tc sld,,!r, Il~" ~ts' dlrE!ctlon must be cafe-, ~eal. ' pr08~rlty ot the country . ' . ,

== ===







- .




' CongTessmen who have been In ' {porto Rico ~oUllc e that tbe outlook · for the . Island Is bright.. Agi'lcu! tural C)Ondltlons encoura ge expecta tion ot , 'large returJ1s, ' and there Is abunda nt' Inducem ent tor the Investm ent at · AJDerJcan capital. It Porto RIco will r s~pj)re!ls its politica l disturbe rs and I utilize fts many natural resourc es to the , b~~t advanta ge it ~III be all r ight. ,:Ana ,the 'United States will stand by Porto Rico in tbat endeavo r. . Xhe deposed Sultan Abdul Hamid I1l\s been remove d from Consta nt!· no~le -!Wd wHl be kept, practl ca.lly a IPri80ne r, in a la.rge establis hment ,ot Salonlc a. Moreov er, an effort Is like· '., Jy,'to ,be made to liscerfa ln the whel'e. abouts ot the ex·sulta n's fortun e esll. , mated anywhe re trom $25,000,000 . to ,'00,000,000, 'and whIch mlsht come tn b~dY fpr t.b.e deposed monarc h should · ~'. w~t , to get up a counter-revolu. tio~ , And, as ' ln the caSe ot some ollier notable s, there Is u great deiLI Of' ,!url0.slt y as to "where he got It."

A very decorat ive and usetul little In position , put a small silk pom. article thIs to bimg on tbe wall or pom on center. on ' the looklng·glass. Cut a piece of , , Now SeDda SODa aud Daqh~ sUk the shape and size of No.2. alto th4t Beat o'f, Collea e. . , lowing a third of an Inch ' at 'edgel;l tor turning. Ewbrol der It with sequIns Ilnd ribbon In the design given, or In N4n~er In · ~e 'hllitory at agrlcult ure saUn and kno~ stltcbes If preferre d; has there be-en suqh a forward JIiovegolll sequins and pale pink ribbon on m.~n on. the p,a l't of the,farm er and tor white silk would be very dainty, and the' farm~r 'on the part of state and would accord wltb most bedroom deconation.., as Is noted at ' the ' present tlme. - Prolpei' ltY· tor the 'last decade has lieen the' constan t c'o mpalilo n Of' the man wlio ' ~lo~ea iI.~~"':fe~ ds , the nation. ' All tbls goo~ fortune that ha, fallen to the 'cause ·of agrlciiltur~ ~ not come " unme rJte d. ' Progres s has been made 'all along the ' line In solv.' In'g the various p'roblems ' deallng

,AD. ae~Jal ., =::;::=:; =;====== navigat ion eompan y

Ilopes )lave airsl\lps !tying between the l1Dl~ Statea and' .Europe by next _ Cbt1ltm ... Tbet will bG no aeu.lck... . . ... tbla triP; but tb re may be , . . . . . of h1tere.t~d hiclden tally • lew pueenge ra-,...fal Ulig do,,'D 011 lIle



rations. After the emhrold ery Ii lin-Ished, cut a piece Of card the sb.ape of NO.2, cover It wltb the sUk, and Une It wIth whJte silk; then curve roundJ Ilnd lew tbe two edges neatly t!)ptbe r Cut , a tillY c!rcle to fIt the Itole at lower end, cover with sUk an4 aeam '

rural E,!oh


I, nr...tlnn \



oDebrcOKer "

' DS~~~~~

His first act WAS 'to murder bls bab1 brother . Cruel and sensual , yet he was a cultlvnt ed man, tond of poetry and learn ing. lie even acquire d the 0 00, ZIl 'hnry T . Sweeney, for su rname, "Father of Good Works," a.' 8 vera! years cl>n8ul-Q'e n ral tor well as "Sire at Victory." He aeth o OnJtc~ stut 9 at onat a nlt. qulred, also, the title of "Conqu eror:' 1IoplQ. 18 one o! lhe most Ivldely after he had aptu red Constan tinople kn wn men on tho I 'cluro plutIn 1453. The Turks had coveted Cont rms of the cou ntry. WI! tame stantino ple eve r since the dream of IU" n liP Illcor extonds fI'otn Main o Ot hman, Bajazet had besIege d it. to alltornla. nnd hla Wide 1111. M \l S& came near capturi ng It. and so r tmen t of Icn ow ledgo Qt 'l,'urkMurad II. bad ' patientl y pianned It. IlIh lIubJ ects b II mllQe him o n au. COnqueilt. They had capture d everyrhorlly on OUoma" h lstor), nnd tblng but the city . but t heir ambitio n Ilj'flll I'll , At pr sent be ' III stllto could not b e crowne d while the cross · fish comml88 1 ~n .. In Ind Iana. , waved over it, Paleologous, who had ~~'U~_~-,;~ long dallied with and cringed b efore . ~.~~ the Mohammedans . roused h1 mself. and seemed to renew the Immort al ONTESQULEU says that the cause of tb e greatne ss gether naturall y, his elder Greel< s pirit In his ,final defense Servlan ot the Roman st.l\te lay In the fact tbat itl! early noblem aan, brothe rs dispute d only a few followe rs, possibly of t he fated city, With 1.11· ~nlfS ",ere all , gr~ld persona ges. "One finds nohis right to the ot tbe besiege rs, he walked less t han three per cent, 0 a 0 h Kabllotbe walls, en~ouraglng hIs " where In bietory an IInllroken sliCcess lon ot such states· Ivltseh. c rown. They raised enervat ed troops by deeds of splendo rode to r and men ~nd s uch gen rrus." Allot :which Is truer when BU' the oppositi on s tan- a slego of 53 days tbe city of Byzas. that valor. Atter Ottoma n center and claimed to be a deserte r and dards and bad lifted her set up opposlLJ oll governm ents. but Moham· proud head so tong above pll d to tb e first sultans of the liavlng Importa nt secrt:!ls to reveal to Amurat h I.n person, me~ was endowe d with grent the rushing waters ot the Ottoma n empire than to the kings· On ,being led to the Turkish ~tntes mnn·lIke qualitie s, . Bosporu s, was at last stormed soverei gn hi! knelt as It to and , by t4e victorio us Turks, ot Rome. pay blm bomage , and then stabbed Amurat h with a sud- bec' gradually he elimina ted all oppOSition, and In 1413 and the Greeks Oed In dismay. and Mobam med II, enme sultan over the enUre Ottoma n empire. His Tbe fi1'8t aultans were . men of den alld mortal , stroke of tered In triumph and pure minds, lotty ' Impulse s and !rom his uees, and being his dagger. MlIosch sprang rel~ laste.d eight years. but In tllat space he accomp · SophIa, ThL! cross tell rode hili horse Jnto the Santa trom the churchell of the city gifted with great acth1ty and lisb d great things, He was not aggress ive like his and 'f.b great probity ot ltte, Jouannl n says strength , cleared himself ~ crescen t rose In Ita place, and s~.111 flasbes back ot the early period ot the Ottoma n around him, and (ound blsof ,the enem1es that thronge d ta~ r, but he Vi:as vary prompt to resent any encroac h· the gleams of Asiatic sunllgb t to way to where , his 'orse bad inetlt upon his dominio ns. He empire: --It was more prolific In been IQrt, but before he was called Cbelebl 1\10- of Constan tinoj)le swept away 'tb'e Ottoma ns, The fall could the last obstacl e In the remoun t the JanlssaT leIJ hammed , which means "M great men than In any other dynasty oveipow eted him and hacked )lIm to pieces. , Amurat h was a very apt designa tion hammed , the GenUe," and It path of Islam. It fixed forever the triumph of the east 1n which has. reigned on the face 'of realized that his wound of his charact er, Tbere are its struggle against tbe weat. was mortal, but bad su/Jlclent only one or two inhuma n things It the globe." recorde d ot him. He of the Mediter ranean to Orienta gave up the civiliza tion . j)resenc e of mind to give l barbari sm, It struck . The ftrst sultan was ' Othp1an, servell, which decided the orders for a charge ot h s re- caused his only survivin g brotber , Kaslm, to be bUnded ; . all Europe with conster Victory nation. ' In favor of 'the Ottoand he killed the chlId of B,uleym an. ~he only mltiga· whose name, translat ed Into Eng- maDS. He died pronoun cing tbe death doom ot King tlon that can be plead tor these • Usb, would be ' "bonebr eaker." Be Lazaru ., who was conquer acts' of cruelty Is that he ed. But that was not the had experle noed so much . discomf iture from the jeal· Oen. 8w.eney. I was celebra ted for the length and saddest death of the day. When Prince Bajazet realized ouslell of his brother s that be decided to put out of atren8t h 01 hili. aim, Like Arwerx es Longlm anua, be that the the victory over the Cbrlstia ns was accomp lished, way all "MOO N CAPTURED BY EARTH, ~uld at and erect and touch his knees with bls bana.. who mJght become opposer s of him. It Is cbar· and be was acknow ledged by his father's general s as acterisU Be wa~, alllO, c:alled Rara Osman, because of his great theIr c of Turkish princes that they always aspire to NOT DETA CHE D" PClrsonal beauty. His persona l costum e was exceedi ngly Yacoubaoverelg n, he Immedi ately ordered his brother , and Intrlgne for the sultana te, and the reigning sultan Is , who had fOUght 80 valiantl y by his side, to be not safe wblle one Is at liberty, Abdul By PROF. T_ J. J. SEE. simple, He wore a turban ot white 11nen wound around 'seized Hamid, the late a ,. red center. He was largely a man ot neace, aild lor that and put to death, He justified the act by saying deposed sultan. Impriso ned his brother , Murad, In the (Astrono mer III Charge of Naval Observatory ilt Mare "Sed'ttto n Is worse than murdor ." a saying tbat has palace of ·the Oherag Islo.nd, Cal.) .many yeys hi, reign was one of peace. and ,much ot bla caused an until 'a tew years ago, when he so many Ottoma n' 8ultaJls to commit ac~ of ended his Impriso nment In death, The present sultan, military career wal! defensiVe rather tha.n olrenslve, He crnelty since that time, Meh~e't Resbad , was so closely confined In the YUdiz allowe!1 the w'ldest t9leratio n in faith, and ' prote'cUon to Baj/lzet commen ced his reign upon a battlefie ld, IUld palace that it amount ed to actual Impriso nment, Moperson ·and ·propert y. altke to Chrlstla n and Moham- tollowe I bave mathem atically proved a discove medil~ -In A, D. 1299 he coined money with his own vigor d up the war agamst the Servlan s with.: such h,a~!JledJ. dled .in 1421, and was burled near the beaut!· moon Is a planet capture d by the earth fromry that the and success that be ' was named YUde~lm, or tul gfgen liP ace and mosaue of that anclAnt capital o~'I'-ul'ks.• .and caUlled 1ltayefs not a detache d portion of our globe. I reject entirely the e 8ald in bls name, the "Thund erbbltY Alter comple tmg the Servlan war. Ba3a. ofIfClal eoJat!lUon ot his SUltanate, He was, neverth e- zet He was succeed ed by Murad II., wIlo was a man ot long-acc epted theories ot Laplace and Sir George Darwin returne d to Asia and Increa.a ed the territor y of the equal prudenc less, a lnan of strong passion s when defi!ply aroused . On' sultan ascrlhln g earthly .orlgln to t.he moon. My discove ry Is e and cl emency as his by, conques t of several adjoinin g states, Oara. ambitio n was muoh greater., and hepredece ssor. but hl8 support ed by rigorou one occasio n be summon ed ~18 followera nnd announ ced O1anla, s mathem atical proof, based on the lost little time In which had long, held, out as aD Indepen dent iitate, glv1ng proof ot It. the intellt1\ln at nttackin g a 'Oreele rortres!l, but his aged aclulow The Greek emperor. forgetti ng his method s ot HU\. POincare and Darwin, ledged Bajazet as sovereig n, Glutted with ' vic. co:rdlnl relation s with Mobamm ed. and looking upon uncle. Dundar, who had marcha d ,,'lth Othman 's father, tory This a nnounce ment III a further develop ment of my ~rtoghrul. ~rom the Euphra tes. counsel ed , nga,lnst l the self and rapidly augmen ted power•• B\ljazet gave him. Murad II ., who was tllen a rtlere youth of 18 years. with I discove ry promulg ated last January , that all planets over to sensllal excesse ll of the foulest .kind. He Qo~tempt. released n pretend ed attack, aJld set torui the danger of provokI ng tile nelgb- was son of B!ljazet-l\lusta fa satelllte.s are· capture d bodies, whloh hava since bad and the first of the Ottoma n' prlncell WbO violated the 'Qy name-w their borJng l>rlncel! ~'ry such, a~ act. Enragli!d nt these words problbiU ho had been for years In close custody at orbits reduced In size and rounded \lp under the seoular, . of caution , Othman sh t his aged Uncle dead upon the > Pasna, on <:!t the k\>ran against the ll6e of wine. AU Constan tinople. Mustafa subdued the Europea n provo action ot the nebular resistin g medium on.ce pervadi ng Ius tavorJte general , set .bls master the exampl e ~ces, and spot.. The fortress was attaclced 'and taken. whlc~ led of sfi!emed In a fair way ror some time of · cUs· tbe Bolar system. J s bowed how tbese bodies. which once to many other offensive enterpri ses, wilich culmina ted Ip the'dlllnken nells. and the Infamy ot thelle fwo Jives 'sully planting Muraq., but he was at last overthr own and revolve d around tbe Bun pages ot.Orlenta\. lj.Lstory.. Bajazet was startled !rom banged, like the asteroid s now do. had the surrend er of the. great cJty, Brusa, In 1326. Othnlan lils revels by a crusade of Ghrlst1nn ohivalry o( Frankls . t)ostor." "to convinc e the world tllat he was an im- made circuits close about tile plan ets . In the nEilghbordied at Saegud , and sbortly before 'hls death he cslled tl\n. hood at a planet like Jupiter the aphere of the sun's con. , Murad al{aln' proceed ed to Invest Constan tinople, He trolls shown to have an extensio n. or hils two S,01)8, Oroban !lnd Alaeddln, !p his bedlllde, "Iln~, down rbe Christia n. arlJlY marche d against the Ottortlana protube rance, on · ·througl 1 Transyl vania, Wallach la and Servia, ~bey had drawn hts)lne addresa lng Orchan , said: "I am dying, and I die without capture s tl'om the Golden to the Wooden gate, like the ·neck of a bottle, or hourgla ss with very unequal d Wlddln . Orsoo&. and invested NlcovoU s, but when a revolt In Asia. ~Hnor caused him to hastily crOSB bulbs, nnd wben the small re~et.' beeo,u.e Ile\lve such a Buccessor as you. B,e jUl!t', .B~azet bodies moving about the Bun love goodile ,a. and sllow meroy," His 6\\10rl1 18 8tm pre- them, marc~e dDgalnst tbem and Inglorlou~ly disperse d \, the Bosporu s In ' order to put down an Insurrec tion' of came Into this neck they could revolve about Alter Jupiter, and ' the connlot Bajazet pitched bls .lent In trol,lt· one 'of his brptbers, ' Murad' aerved In tbe treasury of the empire, and the mafUill pf s 6ghUng QUlllltiefi were soon In many cases again return to their J)atbs about the su~. Nloopol ts and rode over the , field of battle, ,When be »~t to a severe test, TJle Obl1lstian states were all In- In otber cases after revolvin g about ceremo ny of gJrdhlg on tl\ls snbre hi ~e m\'lsque 01 SIlW Jupiter they woulcP Eyol)b, ot wtilch there were press account!" last week, that the number of his dead soldIers It enrageC3 blm 80 flamed, 'and Hurlyad y was their leader. He was sup. - be cBpture4 by the action of. the nebulou s resistin g m~, he saJd: "I wUI, bave thls l slaugb~ er 'Well avenged , posed to' be a son of King Slglsmu ud correap onda to the coronat ion ot a Idng or the Inaugur _· on and tbe beautifu l dlum about the planet, and stay there forever as satellite s. the prisone rs." Tbe ne;t morn'ng the Chr~s'tlan prls: El1z~be tJon ot a ~e8ldellt. His a1I':es repose at Brusa. By revolvin g about the planet for a long time their , tmers, to the number of ten thousan d, were· led out willi 1 vaJlant,th Morlsn~wbate¥e h:ls parenta ge, he was torhlna te and famous. When ,Orchan a8c. Anded the ,thro.n e, he bes. ough~ his theJr tinnde 'orbits ,vol.\ld be rounded up Intq almost perfeot circles, bO\ln'll behind tb~m and " hal tel's ..1 to share with him the ref:iponslb,lltltjll t\le1r 'b ecks. J).. tt or al1ow Ing 2 Oh with brother, AlaedtU'" Is tl an DO bl esaround ' tr om . ~ For ~O Yi!ars he WIlS the terror ot the Ottoma ns. At and made smaller anI! smaller , till t~ey beca me just l1ke ~ 4 r ' th and duties of .ov"r~lgnty,but bis brother firmly ~etused among ulta th Herman stadt . he totally. routed the Turkish army ot the satellite orbits are now obs!3rve d to be, Such hae the prlsoner~ , elr 1tb arty th... e s n gave t uJ. do so, becauB~ their tather go,ve the success l_on to signal for the slaught er to commea ce, and ' the unhapp ye ' 20,000 men and publicly hacked their general to pieces. been the or1gln of the satellite s general ly, and the rings ()J:cban. \ H~ hoWltver, agreed to accept the pmc~ o~ ',cf1ptlves ., . He ",as as cruel and bloodth irsty as any of tbe Turks, of Saturn have had a sImilar origin- by the captur~ ot, fel!..ln f~nt. ot .bis, tent. . . ., and his favorite music for ' dinner viller, .wb,cb In the 'Ottoma n languag e, meqns "bu.rden· was the shriek of waste nebulos ity once clrculnt lng around the sun. When The, battle of Nlcopol ls was the · ' hlgh·wa ter. mark In dying prisone rs. He also defeate d the Turks bearer, " ' Tbl1s office' oorresp onds to prime hllnlste r In' the at Vasay this matter Is once brought In near the planet It cannot , powllr, of Bajilzet . He sOOn made . pro))at:ati~nB to and Niss8, He made the fearful Eqland, or .eQJtetlll'Y ot state In our oountry, Alaeddlnj Invest passage of the Balkans again escape, but must stay there perman entiy, hecaus~ Constan tinople, Tile Byzanti ne king seaJ;che!l all in Winter, (Qllowln -by hili! mlll~ry legl's latlon, laid tl1e fo'undatlO? fo~ Otto, Europe g the Turks, who bad sldlltull y barred In the space D e a~ the planet the planet's attracti on I. man suprem acy. He formed the first st~illng army ~t1on (or allsistan ce. and evende scey ded t9 the humtu- the .passes and formed an Icy wall by wetting the roads supreme. of asking aid from his -old-tim e e!lllmy, the pope of .. in (reezlng weathe r, But, tor 's ome unknow n reason, knowll to modern history, It was ,u nder "the reign of Rome, In the case ot the terrestr he Oreb"n that t!le ", Janlssa rles, so long the scourge of Beemed but all In vain. Just .at tbe momen t when - If suddenl y abandon ed the campaig n, and r eturn ed to Buda. ' tban usual uncerta inty existed ial moon, howeve r, more as to bow tbls large satelthat Bajazet was on the pblnt of ente~lng 'Con- ' p"t Wl~h . a large amount <lbrl.te ildom,. w'!.1'8 org~nlzed. ':rhey were composed of , 'statlt!n of plunder and oaptlve s. \1te originat ed, and a special InvesUgatlon ot the problem opte' cluod Mose in 'tho ea8tern horizon In the 'Murad !leized _ thl,s opportu nity to negotia te a treaty. bad "to be made, clllldre n Of Clhl'lstl~ns ,who were wrested ' Crom their fami· Ijbape The moon's mass Is .relatlve ly v'e ry I\es""":a thouaan d, of ·thel,!' finest b9Ys eaoh ' y.e ar fqr ov,:r: age. of 'ramel'l ane, tile Tartar', w~o, though 70 yeats of .whlch , was', solemnl y sworn upon tho Gospel nnd the large. ~bout one-eigh tieth of tbe earth's mass; !lnd thell mid succeed ed In uniting a number. of (lOnQJ1E1red koran to'last for a period ot ten yeara. aOQ ,y,ears. ,rher were torn tram: tbelr parenta at.a very ·f pl'ovlnc The death of his Darwin s argume nt that the moon had once been a part es 'In~o a strong emil1te, and l1ad marcbe d ag~l~s.t , oldest son ~arly Bae; and were trained ~o renou!lce .. Ohrls~lanity ~d 'so Borely' amlcted Murad that be turned (rom ot the earth. had to be overcom the c:,lpmlnl0il ot · the Ottoma n ~milire. capture d the the e, I have proved matlle- ' preaen e' the ct~ed ' ot Islam. Tbey' were car~ful!.y pre· , anct~ut joys , of. emph;e to peace and r etireme nt, and abdl- matical ly U~a~ our moon. too, had been c~ptured, and' haill clty ,0:" S~valJ, ,and , put the , 11l~abltants to ·the cated In tavor othls son, M:ollammed II., and retired to come to us trolD the beavenl 'pared ' (or a*oldle r'lI " Ufe . by severe dlsclpll ne, which " swot-d. y spaces, kUling among others. . Prince ErtogP.rul, tbe son of , Magnes ia' ~ught: . them ,lm,plicl t .obedlen ce anl\ to 8pepd the remaind er ot his days, No them!" \0 ' lIajazet , who, whe'n ' he' heard of the ' deatb' of his It was original ly a planet like Merc~ry, but not quite S~>D, "SOoner _r,,·w lthout compla int, al1, the bardsblenabled was this '"news conveyed to ~he Ch.r lstlans than so ps .of ~ l5oldle~ s , hunled at the head ot. hls, veterlln ,!lPs a~a'n8t large, and moved about the sun Ilt nearly tbe same ,dlsTamer- , they resolted ,t o' break lho treaty ot peace, and the pope ~. ' . ' ' , ' . , ' . " lane., ' He ,!eemed, howeve r, . to have l0.8t· his u(.lIll cauand Greele empero r used their spiritua l Influence to In- tance as the earth. Then It ca~o between tho sun and , Orclu\D··. cap~reil the city of Nlcbme dla in the fir~t . tlohlin the earth In d sngQ~lty; ' ~Ith ~illY 120,0QO m~n he swe~~ tor- duce 'Hunyad of hia l'elJp. and four yeltrs later, the great city · 01 . ward against y to 'break his oath, claimin g that "oaths resenlhll!lg a Bucb a way as to enter the neck ot the space bottle ntick projecti ng trom the sun's sphere an ar~y of .600.000 . aM, ~o show hili re~kate 'not to be kept with 'Infidels," 'Hunyad y was finally ot .Nlce, ",here : tfl& .ftnt EcumeplclI.l c~uncl1 'W8S lleld. Ltk,e lessness control and enclosin g the eartb', 'I;hls neck was Quite , eng~g~d. 'iii , P. grand bunt in .t,M nelgh»orl1ood InfluenoM . bt pted~celliiO~, ,he neve'r lett a ~ilptuted provfnc e t111!t , of to bre!lk ta~tb, and marche d upon the unsus· small and narrow, but the bulb of space ,A-/lgora until tbey 'Y~re enUrely e~h':.u~te~ . ~eturn- 'peetlng enclosin g the • "'.. thoroUghly' .'a8almUla!ed to the'Otto man lI<:,wer, ' Ing to ~Is .quarter ll J14~ fO,ul)d 1that ~e '. "\VUr :r'a rtar .ad .strange Turks with 20,000 men, He took a number of earth and' constitu ting Its spbere, of attracti on was.Of con• .' placell, o h ' "\11 d 'in 1869 after a. reign oC 33 ,~ears,duI'lng ~aKen p08seaslon of , his ' and on reachin g the 'Black sea marche 4 slderab le size, Wheu ' the Dlopn had once left the 8un's camp and pOIsoned the as tar ,rc an ()'t.e J;Ilali wall' extende d over ' a ' large i and bl!, Vatna~ where ' he learned 'thst Murad Qad been control and gone Into tbe bulb aj)out the earth, It met weary anct t!llraty troops had to spend tbe nlgbt. <ilrousedas,by ..:w~ck ~I. '4 D~lY pl~nte on·· tlie .ElIropsa ~, qonU· . wttho:!1t' hi • . adv\Ulce . and had collecte d an: army of ~1t1~ so~e rellls~nce, ~nd the. neck became ~Iosed, BO that water, ~next day he ,l~d tbe displ,rlt.e d, army. 4~;Q00 men, WhIch were then being conveye , , p'a;rl ~t D1 \f~nll It tiaa.nev er een di,lodge d;" d ac1'oss: the ' the moon was ' bottled up" under the eal'th's . " .t.Q. b"tt]e, and wl~Ue ' ~any ,o f. them. gave a g,o,C)d .account Bosporu -control and . .,}tent, ro " . c _/, by Genoelle .vessels , When the armies met ,a could ~ot escape. -', ' . he Orienta ls 'of tbemsel vel, .p.t he,r s were so' e~~usted that Hence, ·It has r emained with the ~arth. they gave .oopi ot the ' vloJat~d treaty ~as placed on the I The) t~I~.. sultan was. Amurat h, ;.r~ ~s !helf' he . sue. ~en'l~'c point ot a ever since, '!ond wlll a1WaY,8 abide with us, tves' ;'Q~, er tb ,t lJ,e enePlY, and 'on tbe flel~. of lance and ralse'a Mgh Ilbove " :U1c1~ "l4J1rad. ", He".88 0 r~s <> . ~ '. the Turkish . standar d 8S ~ . ' _ A.n~Qi'a, wbere'. h!a a~cestor, Ertoghn ll, nea,1'IY , two ~y reVolving about the earth In the sllace ·control led. hun- . vtslble ap\lenl to the 'lord pf truth, ~ho punlslu'l S perjurya :, -eeeded hla lather', anc,l reigned. Ste° Y~I~~ Ina.,grtoe~"'!:n~ . , cired years prevldu s had lats!· tbe foundat ions o(tbe Otto:: . 'The . .P.I "....~ ..·.. d · "''''''or.' -Hungarlan!! werle lng!tlriously 'deteate d,and Hunyad y by our planet, the mo()n has inet, With 'conslde rable ta: :'f ' was ctlec,ked ~ ,' .. "".. .... I.... ., iU 1I18 Drat 'l it 'tenth ~prb liet be ' . rtb . d bi ~ i 'Dia~ e!DP re" .ue wai. ovt!. . rown, an , s ePlP ' nad fo' IIlatl1nce, ~nd .ts orbit: has beoome ' smaller and smaller '; re "ah"· .,.. was comPa , ' the EuJ'OP~ • eat 0: miii· ad ~ l~n8 ' and was' eom." ttr~ t.o fragmentB'. pajaze~ I.n I dlsorue r; after ,which Murad , .. :wlth one. ot .h,. SOrl~, 'was a'ga'i'Jl' retlrE\~ to .retreat ,a?ld :also rounde.!: a.nd. rol'lnt\er.. 'll~us 1t·h.li1i cOKPe ·'ne~ueJ'> · b1 a rebe1UQ1'''~i Ithe Q~ ~ , IUI Q n 'MllgJle sia, ; " b~t a ' revolt • e of In.urrec - 'capture d" and 'made a ,shOW ill 'the trIumph al of the Jan· , and nearer p.agean t of Issarles .ag~Jn.t his force ; teoalJe_d ~Im ~o tile the eBt:tb, but, ne:'V'lr bas be~n clos~r ,than ,e~ed ,to,"1D~ ~I. army to.w~r: th;t a~!n bro.lied re~ponsl­ fl~esent, Da~ln ·till! his ()~ . ~rol". He :W1\8 , carried In a lattlced utter. ani! blllties 's ~heory of tile moon'. detachm ent.fl'om 'tIqD, 1Yli1c~· Ii.fcomplltel' ,qu~ Ii! f of Jead~, when. be relgn~ -six e . eats in Europe yesrs JQnger, and Uler al'O a current , stol7 that .he bad been plaoed In cUed In Int, With the earth Is overthr own. ana 'an entirely 'new theo,ry d. ' H.ll.apo~t ,~!I ~111~ a aeries. 0 . q.<I;'lqu un4LmI ntahed prestige and r;iory. n the ft.e1d\ an . 1 n. ca e .. 'rhus 'tb~ empire . ~~ Ottoma ns, ~at '"hJch were:roDJ,. 'CIOSl~llmDu~te~ bl .hlil ,,~ath ,,0 , "~Ioped willen ' h ~s tl~e su~port ot all-t4e blgbeat . math. " tt '. ~d awept over .AIlal. anl a lar,e ot .' part 0( murope~ ttll It Five ,ear. 8 eli Murad's ('dea th , Mobam med II. lil· mallcal science now known. 4f ItdhOv a 'in llBt. '.' '. , .• had earll.ed the tstle, "Wrath of G04/' suddenl y t~~ml. vadea· ltectofbae¢ ~aDT ftluabl e alUanC8J \lQ'OU8Ii.. ,~e JD!,t Slated E~tope . and )"Id siege to Belll'ad e, tbe key ~ 'I'M famoll8 'O~tstlUidlng lne?tialltY" ot . s~~ af:c~nds in .~d. tlie ' OttoQl8 q Power .eemed KODe 101'ever. ' of d ~ue" HungarY. HUllyady_ stirred ,hlJXlaelt t9 a vaUant. de[ellse. ~e aecu]ar acce1eraUon d hla· daUgbte r, Nlulli)'. ne. " ," ' of the moon's mean motion fa . .. and 80 batUeae l,- of K~&t H.I old~t ~on~ " Not!Jlq ~ ~hara~rl&ea the rule ot the Turk as Ita cru..JolUl 08ptstr an came to bla aid wttb a b'alld ot 60,00.0 thu!! explalne(l, This per~l.lrbatl~1l In the moon'. IDOUO~ d~ who , had gathere d to,ethe r to figbt tor: had beE'B dlllcove ~It"" "'DDi~cl~. the rlfht. aDd Ptlnce Yacoub. h1I recuper ative red by aallq In the. power. OfteD huJt been leeml,DBI" ov,r- Ohrlaten dolil.'1' ot " ..,.,~-,-~ , ,," Amurat h colDDlaDded the he..TUrlCl wer:e d-,eated . "tobalIlIlied w.s 'It. w.. partiall , explain ed bY lAplace ill thne thrown. ..nd IWept the face of iht'eart h. l;)ut Imme- wounded, .nel 25,000 1781 Turks Jay, d~ad uPol1 .the lIel4 ~f alone would nc)t accoun t tor :tbe observe d ~a~eeJ,81jJ~tiClIIl bl 1bHi c1Iatel7 there ~C8 the time Of the a a C. 1io, po er bavin. tb. belUe. In 1881 thaD a 1Gonth Hunyad ,. IUl4 ' VQ .ptr tt.~ ~~=i aDd ·SO cia,. ataDdll ll ~~ii~i1L.~ I0Il ot rt,Ip lett. late, ot .. MQhaDa follOwitClQecI l to tile the .~.t lt·,ll:laUltem.. 0&1I1.u au. !l'1ie U. lrave Wu bi .fom1t7 ~lol_C8 anel tI~DafOr_~,.al THE AUTHO R'S WORK.







a ililiii~'1'bi.i~~~~W;.~N;l~'"









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•• ••

The .Neighborhood News

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1'he loug dll: f RID. iou Iw~t hln~ 'om statisti just compil d by . ' ILUd nurltit!g have. OlUe to " 01 e the Pennsyl ania railroad ar~lIf gr~al . Ridgeville Ofegonifl. aDd th e worn /\,nd we..,ry , body ~ int l' t to travel I' • anti tI p~ciully I " Anna Barel foru is a.t re t o.fts l' fivo to New Yorke\'g, In 1903 that sysM~. Frank I av r was li n X. niQ '1 Bom to Mr. ,a nd M . rt.hur Phil· weeks f h61plo!'Iso UP ' m carried' 14J .650,543 1 p I eng 1"8 long, , o..;at1ll't1ayal'ld unday,. . ips, a hflb) boy Ii'l'iUH,V moming. I iss M'arlg i Jer, f ayt.on, is . ' MiS! t pal'l Rile. i~ slowly, improv" sutr r ing from fl trolte of pl\ralYI Itl safely, and on iti· 23,000 III ilesof track he W:RS tb e dtm ghter of TimothY'1' n its ' ari6u8 lines not a single pas, .j itinK r Jati es reo _ iog. Mra; Ut"' h I'W od :imd Mr, and Ml's; ,1 e Hailley anti on art, I' IlJld Benlah B Iford It\nd wo. ' bor n eng r was killed as th r ' ul t of an M!' , C. E. Bta Ihul'Y Ilnd baby dall2'h- call('{\ on h. Lafe l'ahnm !<tidilY. Novembt'r 14. 1 22, n a fnrtn be accid nt, to a tra'i n. tel' 81' visiting in 13 th L aman '10m i. on l} ick list. two u prinAu ro l\:nd Le~nnoll and Thi is a r emarkable sh wing ill\d ML ' L nn ~'vel wa home from MI' . ]~dw~.\'d 'ook al1(1 family n~ her enti re lif WIlS "nt In W rran 'entitl the sy t In t6 whatever cr d~ Kings Mill ' . r untlav. tel'lailled Mrs. Hany Hain 8 and RU a 1 ntgum r, aountie IJ uo 3 it may . be 'derived f"om sllch I\n Mn$. J' K p neer and daugh.ter. uaughtel·,'. of Hill bro. a f w da 1 42 " aIle WRS m~rried to 'j' llorn ll ~ acliievement. The number of pasI Mi s lady '. wel'e til gu ts f MI'. last we~k. IE' · . I · CA l J. '. Linn in Av~\ndale Fl'iday. M}ss M r I and Mrs. Geo, Hi! y a tani.! .d BoraJ~ford 1'0 tl1j s uni D were burn sellgers injured the same y a1' 'on the f. D child en, four bOY8 Aodl I girL ; Pennsylvania system wa' 102, a reEdna pene I' retu rned h m With tit hautau<\ua t'atUl·day. two gi rl" itO two boy with t.he duction of 452, or 1.6 per cent, from t hem. Marthu Graham call d' on M 1 I d d h t th th f h ' A h Bu your new fence for years to come. Get di ~igl qeavy. wires, the ary f h Henry Well' elljoy d a vi ·i.t with p 1'1 ttl aturday afternoon. at tW 1" V ri g r l' e e el' l e at t e preV IOUS year. ~,w, hinge j&iDI, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel hi!! Isler in olumbus Sunday. - - -- _ .. "'--t~er kno . . ever. the lines carried 11.344.413 less that is not IOQ bard nor too soft. ., . d Mr. Hen'ry Ket' ey is quit ill at .. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . . B Mrs Brelsford joined tIlt! hris pa...'lSengers in' 1903 than in 1907 the We can IIhow you this fence in I)ur stock and !!JC pladD 'lUI ment~ an he pr sent wl·iting. nlu mber of accidents ' luperi,?rit>', not onl1 in the roll but in the field. Come aD lee IIlI an gf't FO NTAIN SYRINGES titw hu roh 20tb f Juoe, 1 , reduction in the , • out' Ilrlcoca. Mr . LaSu r has as her gu ~t, h l' nnder Rev B. F . Vaughn in enter are not so great as the percentage I I daught l' Loui e from 1 vt!land . ! W h"ve a carload of t his Amel'\can.\<' nCe un lr'ut! n~)w. ville Montgomery 0, nnu W6. 1\ figures would seem to indicate . . The j' . " All n IGblt'l' and family spent Sun{!lithful member always. but Owing greater number 0 passengers car· de~,", Waynesville day in Waynesville. ~ Ohio. SCHWAR~~'S to the klfirwitie8 of age she hl\d not ried, other things bein~ equal, theI . The busi ness meeting of the '. E. society was held at the home of MiSl been permitted to attend reh~ious greater in general would seem to be ,,' Mab 1Sherwood Friday evening. services for mauy yeurs, t he liability to accident . • . _ _ _ _ _ _. .~_--•• -~-I. The QuarterlYIMe ting of the . B. 8~lng of a quiet Rnu dome Me DR. l. t lnust be remark d also that New BU,rlington. church will be held her Thursday tute she devoted her energy. time thesefigures refertopassengers alone aft"ernoon. The p1'~.iding elder wH\ Omal' Whitak r, of Mechanicsburg I\od strengt,h to hel' homea.od f~ml1y. The grand total d.e ath roll of any . I preach in the evening. I Quite a nu.mber from here atteNd- is the gu t of his brother, Dr', H, O. Halving been le ft a widow wit:h 'l\ railr ad ystem i.s always much g r Ilt. large family tc. support she h'ld r when its own employees and erv· ed an ice cream social near Flat Fork Whitaker. Saturoayevening. Mrs. E llis Patterson and children many yellrs of hardship and trials, ants are taken into account . F or inZain IArmi tage wa . in Lebanon are s pending several we ks ..v1th · Mr. all of whioh she 'met bravely /l'nd tance, while on BritiSh rallways the Pattel~oninwwa. ,.~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ SaturClay. . • I- _ _. _ _ wHh plltlence IIond christt,an fortitude number of pa engers killed in 1907 ;! h Laurence Lumpkin fell and broke For Ithe )}Ilst eleven year 8 e l1"a was only 126 and the inJ'ured "'umhis arm. ThU):sday of last week. ¥ ,. Spring, Branch How dear to ~y heart are the scenes of nll y chllih od, made her borne with her ~I\, bered ,2,666, the total number of perBorn t Mr. an d Mrs.B.H . KeIc h, When fond recollections present them to vh: IV. Several from this vicinity attended lice Len~ Elair, of Chicago, July 15th Mrs. Harry Morrav , where all tbat son killed by the workings of the the ~uneral of Mt'S. Berel ford. of a daughter. loving bands Ilond heart oonld do, r ailroads that year was 1,117 and the Waynesville. ' . I . Misses Jennie. Elizabeth and Jo~ hllo8 been dobe to IUlIoke her deolining number injured was 3,311. In the There will be meeting at Middle sephine Reeves are a ttending Miami pleasant Ilnd happy whlob she same year the railroads of the' Unit,. Run next TUes9ay, "Wednesday: and Valley Chautauqua. appreolated t the fnlle8t e·x tent. ed States killed 610 passengers and Thursday. All day meet ing on Tu~s- Th~ W. . T. U. heitl a Mother's M'r8 Berel8ford Wfl.8 littlfl known l inJ'ur!d 13 041 whil~ the tQtal num. day. preaching by Elder W. L. Lines, m etmg at the home of Mr Z. F . ' I U , , . of Indiana, and Elder S tuart, f Ala- Haines on Thursday afternoon. ' in this community outside of ber bel' of p~engers and other person bama. ,I ' , FrankL her attended the funeral home, nevAl' h'~vjng been IIobltl to killed W88 11, 39 and an army of Mr.;. James H. henoweth is worl<;- of his nephew Toledo, the forepart mingle with' t,be people sinoe ooming 111, 16 was injured. These figures · in, away from home at the tii:ne of of last week. The lad was killed by h ere but to all !liltlluet in her borne how that after mere than a century th18 writing. I . I' t l'uin while 6s)ling ' fJ;'om ~ U'estle ahe ~ver &,\ve a kindl, greeting lind ot progress in Itransit by steam and I MiasesFra'qc~ and Bertha Chellothe la~{fe. f F . 1. P t will be grelLt,ly m188ed bv those Who electricity the lto\l of life and limu is 'watt and Messrs. Guy and Jacob W1 e 0 r-.UJJ\ e ersol1 . ~ I d'l1 h ' . En I d d. of' Mr. It d Mrs. DaYid knew her. Bhe ba81iv:ed 1/\ oQg wD sti a eavyone 10 g. an an m Chenow,elUt were ' at a sUrprise ott views~ Wm. Harley, of Mt. HQlly, on Sun· die d at the horpe of her brQth': usElfill IIfe- 6 yetL~8, !:I ,month!! "nd Amerir.a; , dav, Monday being hiS birthday. , James Peterson. on Thurs. 1 day, tIobd it oau be truly 1I.~id to ber Of more particular inter .too New There were twenty-nine .present. day after~l()On ' Funeral services "Well don:, th.ou goofl and flloitbfpl Yorkers is the fact that!)h one of the AU had a nice tim~. · wElre ,hElld at the M. E. churqh on Bernnt enter tbon Into'tl1e joy of Pen~ylvania's subsidiary lin the 4:'1 Satur(lay at 2 p. m. · ) ! . ' , Threshing and hay .making lS .,.Ie Miss Daisy Fox of Markle, Ind:, tb~ Ll)rd. • , Long Island rallro&?, outof 28.242,ord~l\:o,ftheday. the guest ofl Mr. nd Mf/5 •.,lra · 1:)ixo~ijdl'eo;Mr8, Wm, Fox;. MrSI a38passengerscarrlE~d last year , MJ;'. and Mrs. WaIte... Dakin WI\.!! en· I . I Perry Kir»y. Mrs. Job ' Fox. M.riI. 17 were injured, while for about fif~ tertained b~ Mr. Edward Cook and H. Smith was taken to Or: Ha.rry Murray, timotby and ,fORb. teen' years this road his car~ied p~ Wife last S~nday. . ., " hospital in Xenia on S~. Berel~f~rd; w~th ,a large qirole .orlserige~ without a single fatality dUe rrhonias Lacy ~nd family were en· dJlY to be operated on for appendlCl. grandohildrenare left to revele and tol 8 trajn accident' That fact eel'. tenained by John Conner ahd·family. tis I . M' Ra h ~ I .....·11 d n ' honor the memory of a faithfol and tainly tends to reassure the suburban· , Mias . Lutie ~nson ·of Xenia ' rs. c ae 1lJ.l er an '1180n .our. I, . ,.1 . entertained bj Mias 't;na Conner Oil well spent a few days the first of the 10vmg mother, lte.- Exchange:. _ ~ " week with .,rel,ati~es.. in Celina, Ohio. ttl>.oJr l'RANXS SWfSS W~ TCHMAKERS saturday n~ht., . _ . rAw"

. ....... "".






6Sc at

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The Gazette always


II h as a t e news

Remind them of old scenes and old haunt~ b~ sending 'them a series of our po.t-¢ard


We take this mell~8 pf ret~m DR our sinoere thank iii ~O_.J I ihejjnc1.k~W~r.rn!~~~~~~~a!!J~tI Mr. and Mrs. Clark were 8uil· trleoda aDd neighbor8 whQ Mslsted is always associated with clock, day ,lruests ofl Mr. and'Mrs. Japl Mer· us during the sickne88 and c1ellth of watches, but it seems that f recent eer. · onr beloved mother. ye~ the industry r~ suffered from Elvin Fires and family called on .MRI AND <VIRS. BARRY MURRAY. foreign competitioll" the extent of ~~~c: ~rs and wife Sunday afte~• _ _ which can be seen from the faet that, Mr . .and Mrs. Joseph' Hisey, I Mias IN MEMORIAM , accorolng to a TEiJ)flrt recently issu.ed I ~' I the.f~eral government. the best Creswell and Jl.ev. Shentt were' ::ilil~d ...y gue§ts of George navis and ' At 0. reglilar m06tfng of Farmers' watchmakers 81\d clockmake~ On an , I , Urange, No. 131 held SllotQrd,/\y, after· avetage reeel~e little more th~rl Uo l . Mrs. Sadie' Evans :, and Blancpe Mrs. Will D,unn and cHildren spent ~oon, Ju.1y 17, 19.09, the !ol1c?,.,ing :francs·Qlweek, in place of '59 to 70 ~~c~~~~~e~e;,tife~ver Sunday. Wednesday WIth George Bog!ln and re80lnt ,()D8 were read and allopted: francs in days gon~ by. The result Class No,. 3 ofII.the Friends church 'u · , . J M ' 1;IarI Harvey an d son Wherello8, The matter lU,r. an .... , rs; ' I . keen ".siokle' . • " of , is 'not a , ' , l for . small . wonder. <I held,a lawnfe t ~ In. the l'ch urch yard were Sunday guests ot F A Hartsock Death has again entered our Fzolloter- tnen.t whim one conSIders the succ~ Saturday night. ' and family. . ,, ' nal HODle and taken from our O'rder ,vith whiqh watches and clocks are ,Miss Ada Stokes, of W~tiesville'. Mr. and M~!!. Waite.!· Tibbals and our beloved, Jon~thaD fabricated by the United States; walJ a guest ~e Valley .Houselaa t Mr, and Mnl. George Bogan were Bornett.1 Tberefore, ~ it G~any and even France.- London the guest DaYton vi!)itors last week. " ~e801ve·d. That in the death of GloPe. last ~eek of Ray El+gle and ' wife., M~ . . alid Mrs. G~orge EI~ Ql!d onr Brother the Grl\nge has austained ' I S ,. -.:, ~'" • I RobertSims~,of Cincinnati, aa~ghtfr ,werde yguests of ~ artm an irreparable lolts Bi8 gentlU na 'There i/J a great 8por~e of theo· an w auedsMunre.a ' iI'I'llul) . Wk . tnre ~avorite. logical st~yents of relatives h ere. I • " ee ,B~pent I' mllde .. \ him tIo· u~ivertlal 1 .. , " I ' in,_Wurt.emberg. .I"' ___~""":'; _ _-:--:-"""'-:-::':,;q W , 'fhQIIlas'MJddl~toll and'Wife ay rlli ght Wi,t o Mrs. Ida Mannon. I Be WILli wldllly kno~n" . reflpeot~ and .' The warldep' Br,t ment. paid It94,413 . I t heir daug ' hter.ln Lebanon last Suil· George Davis and -M I d b~ al11 w ho knew him , in '''im , 1'S. Ernest ove 't . for artificial limbs last year. "day. < ,,,,' spent Wednesday with Mrs. the ohildren fouod a t.rne friend. .' • _.Hermah Evans and wife, 10£ Col. vel'; of Harveysburg"f The romovo.l of suoh 8. hte from 'our ' , The ral'lroa~'" of this country pay l umbuB, were guests over. Sunday of WI relatives here. . .'. • mldst leaves a v.~oanoy , and a shad- oQt '24,000,000 a ~year in freight ·Mr. ;{IeJ.ll'Y M~l1s is very sick. . 'I' I. 'ow tnat 'wU) be deeply , f~lt 1f~ ~ur claIms. . . ' i Mr. and M'rs. Sam Trubel', of Col· Order ILnd tbeerit!re oo~mbnity'. ! •. • - • umbus,are visiting her parents, Wm. · Guaranteed to remove Corns. In bi8 upright honorable life' we Six out, pi~tures sent .t? I,I ~oo$ ~d wife., I ", without pain or sorenei~. . ha ve an example wort)ly of ~'mula I ~he roY~1 evellTY y~r are, The M. P! ,c~ureh lte1d an .oUtdoor Il!I!c t S h rt' 't ion l . . i" Jected.· ,I" , roeeting Sunday evenmlg . ,.'~ a c wa . z S 'Re&olved, That the mem~r, of . I· , I . "" ,- " I I • " W • .!\.nabee"and,Wife were ahop· thhi Grange exten~ tnelr beiLr tfeltl I' An ~~l ~lth a ~est young ~lll . ,J>hlg iii Xenia Saturday.· '. _ _ _ . sympathie.s to the ' bereaved ~aoiUy ~at~er ~~~ut. forty 101~~ ~ d~y for . Mr. Sherwood and wife were shOI)· THE FI ST f h # I R PHONE and we trust th".t ,even' 80 i~e, erion , s~rmg. , f!!I~IIIIIII!...~!iiII""'.I!I!I~IIII~___~.".""."• • • Jjin~ in l)ayton F~idllY. , . ' I 01' ~t l ll ': M~.~ ' ~~~Wmed~~ " I . . ' ~ I ~to~( m~~o~~~~~ ' ~~~.~.~~.~~~~ ~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~








. ,n"




T~~ay~ma~~~~t~fu ~ I Sl8 . te r, M S':t ' .. aln. ~ler

rs ~

."t. Mdrris Sherwood and wife attend.


eci'the inlair given by Mrs. }3agfOl'd I in honor of. her SOil .. CI~~nce and

, .wit~; ..·

.~ Clarence ·Ba&tord

and wife re-

. , ttll11ed last week from their wedding I trip. to 'M~ckir1ao,. Mich. ,


l~fi~~~ofu~~~~m~~~"IDmW~~~~lhlD~I~~~ I :~tt::~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ »>el1.',,· I' , '1. I' I , .,

Wlloy.nesville, 'VI"'I in 1 82, Rind I ~1l8 used in t~e FurI'.Ut,s& ,Ellis Idoctor'8 otnoewbloh wnsoPPoslte t~e.Gl\.z~tte o~~~, Iln,~ oon~eeted ;w lth Mr. IF ur: nllll reSIdence. 'I • .. •


• - • '



Re8~lvfld, 'I'hat o~r' I0l,18~EeIi : bi! ' drlloped in monr-ning for sixty 'd"'Y8 Itbat a copy of tbes~ Ire801oti()n~:. ~ , eotered on 'QUI' mlnnlt e lb.ook Itt' o.tip'y ' Neni to the bel'e~ved f~milv: 'and lto th'e paparlJ."iotP~blioa.~ioD ;1 }il:.,.' III , .' W~rreb Keys, MB8t~r; ~" r.'iary Bii~er, I~~" ~I: : l . , I ~ Ruth janney, I':.. : "" Com. ' :Doro Ellis, I . : ~," ,I 'W I BI"ey. . , c' .. f f l . .










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