JANUARY 5, 6 AND ' 7. , 1911
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1Former Citizens I --...-. -.'. -....-.
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Harveysburg •
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r.hurch Ce l'11 e were spend'mg th e eve , day niO'ht to a larg e and contente(1 h' ' , At the. Orthodox FrIends . , ' ' ,nterv b · J . G MISS enme oug IS v,e ry se"IOU8 the Christmas treat Will be glVen m People who care, wear Barnhart The @hoe fits If bought at Barn-. 'th dM K h audience. hart's. mng WI r an I'S , eever w en Many of our citizens have severe ly ill in a hospital in Los Ang~les the morning at the regular Sunday- ~ho es, t he phone message came that a colds. h - I f . 9'\'0 The exercises will Mil3S Fay Bess spent Wednesday in Mrs. W. S. Graham was in Dayton couple were at the parsonage wish· Messrs Patterson and Herald repr _ Mrs. ~cbel ~oy, slAter of J. M s~ 00 Ime't e 'same time ChristTaylor, died at the home of her a so ocrur a t l0'30 Cbrl:stl'an En- Xenia last Wednesday. ing to be married , Ret. t.:ampbeJl senting The French Bros. Boyer t.:o., ' . X ema . dmas sermon ., . . d D r. an d Mrs, Keever to go 0 f Lebanon. t'l'ansacted b ' , d augh ter, Mrs, Ev a Mettey,m t 7'00a Ro Id H k . D to M' M. D' h h b mVlte usmess III ~onday night, December 19th, at 11 eavor a . p. m. na aw e was m ay n I~ ~ry aVIS, 'N 0 as een home with them and upon arriving our vicinity fast week. o'clock. The funeral will be held Wednesday. very SIck. IS ~etter. and remarking freely about the The cold weather ha not stopped CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. E. B. Dakin with hiA house, It Thursday afternoon at 1:30 at the Xmas Slippers for grown ups at Mr. and Mrs , N. L, Bunnel1 were weather as usual to the~ oungcouple, is progressing nicely and will soon be home of Mrs. Mettey. Burial in The Christian Bible School will Barnhart's . Dayton visitors last week. invited them in and ,to their complete enclosed. Xenia cemetry. ' render a Christmas exercise at the .. surprise their home was filled with W. W. Welch tTlnsacted busines3 H, H. Wadsworth wall a Dayton Mr~. He ter Robmson. IS slowly re- unexpected friends'who had met to in Wilmington Friday. church Sunday evening. Besides a Mr. H. C. Bradstret, of Clifton, beautiful exercise entitled "The Na· visitor Friday. covermg from a severe Illness. remind them that Christmas was Many of our citizens attended the Tex., who recovering from an I'e tivity," the parable of "The Ten Vii" Otho Henderson . who L.,u, been neara t hand. Prof. Puterbaugh. in dance at Clarksville Wednesday night ' tt' I fi ' " '11 b ted t Th"l Lou St. John was in Dayton last I,..., Daniel Dawson moved from the cen t operati on, IS ge mg a ong ne, gms Wl e ac ou . e}' ay Friday on business, quite sick, is able to be out again. his easy and impressive manner. in Banks Dakin farm where he has he Wl'ites, also his daughter. He was produced especially for this en behalf of the friends, present ed lived for two years, to Mrs, lbbie Please the husband or wife with a Be conservative and fit the boy or them with two nice leather rockinJr Collett's farm. sends ~ a sad message in which he tertainment and promises to be very announces the death of his mother, interesting . pair of Barnnart Slippers, girl with Barnhart Shoes. chairs. Rev. Campbell in response Mr, and MIS. Delaney Carter enHe also says he would like to comp There will be a great Christmas Mr. an,l Mrs. E. D. Burnett were M' EI' H ts k d H 1 said/they were not only thankful fo tertained at their home Sunday, Mr. 'back and visit the scenes of his child· stocking instead of a tree, Each U Isses sle ar oc an e en h 'h btl f and Mrs, John McKnight, Mr anci fn Dayton Friday. St k ' . D t W d d t e presents gIven t em u a so or W I M K . h M dM 0 es were 10 ay on e nes ay. their calling upon them. Mrs. a tel' c mg t , r. an rs. hood. Mr. Bradstreet, is one of the member of the Sunday.school ,is Wm. Ecton, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen "old settlers~" of Bosque County, asked to bring a package of someThad Zimmerman was in Morr(\w The best line of Holiday Slippers After a verysocial evening, and re- Ecton, Mr. and Mrs: Milton Banks. al Barnhart's. ' freshments were served, the friends Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminJamesonand having been thel'e-35 years. . ' thing to help fill it. Anything that Thursday on business. will be useful to wear or eat. The ted 'th 1X h Mrs. Welby Carter. · f t hi 8 Sketc, h M Gi~e a Gift that pleases by giving Mrs, J . E , Hock et t an d Mrs. P ear1 par' WI usua The su bJect 0 . rs. stocking will be Sent to the Chil: . - mas _ c . eel', Rev. Fringer pastor of the M. E. Mary E, Bradstreet, whose malden dren's Home, Cleveland. Ohio. a pair of Barnhart ,Shoes. Rich were Dayton visitors last week. WOMAN SUICIDES church was with his congregation name was Mary Kelse v , was born Sunday. " Mrs. H. O. Cornell was a l,)ayton Is it quality you want in shoes? F th t appearance of May 28,1836. in Ohio, and at t1!.e timp. M. E.' CHURCH visitor last Wednesday. Then you war.t Barnhart Shoes. . . Mrs. John Kreuer who lived one. thin~~ wee ~iiinsoon be out of ' of her death was a lit~le more than At th M E h h S d th half mile west of the Dayton arad a creamery the skimming station will un ay . e M J H Col d M D ·L ed e . . c urc '14 years 0 f age. ' C·h . t t '11 b ' t th rs,.. eman an 1'8... Miss Elizabeth Collett attended Lebanon pike, ended her life early be mov,· away. . rlstmas rea WI E' ,.!lven a e C . D to W d esd L Stew!lr t ,0 f Xen.1,., a 0 tra......... · t er n.,rads t ree t WI'th h er In 1877 SIII , Ch . .. rane were 10 ay n e nay. a fraternity party in Columbus Sat- Monday morning by taking carbolic eVI. 9:30; thel'ls~, I " d I h db ' d f m acted busmess here FrIday. h us ban, d Milton Br ad8 t reet ( now.d e Sunday, school hour, aCI eased~ d th f' d t mas sermon at to:30. The ch'ld Iren ' s The proper present for a friend ,is ur d ay. , . t , a een nOtice' or so e The Government is receiving bids C , and1 0 tederj nBen s came t 0 ~ercises at 7:00 p. m. will bring the a pair of slippers from Barnh~t's. Mrs J C Hawke and daughter ~Ime that Mlrs'hKreuet: had bee~ ac)t- on the Star route running , frem our . . 'T exas an oca n osque coun y. f Id . t fin' ) . . ... ' 109 s~range y, er nerves 'feemmg y town to Corwin if you want employThough always'a delicate woman she ests BY 0 a • ~~e os~. Mrs. A. Wysong and Mrs. Leroy ~I~ CI~ra were FrIday and Saturday having gone back on her. ment get busy ~nd put, iri a bid. outlived her husband and ~ll the GRANGE NOTES Irons spent last Wednesday in Day- Vlsltorsm Dayton. Sunday her husband ran a nail in JamesJ. Butler, of Dayto!l ~d friends who came to the stlltie with t Mrs Lina Devitt and Mrs. J B his foot, and the excitement of this M~yor Wilson transacted bus1DeB8 In ' . . • acci'd en t seem ed t 0 rnak e her worse, ' Wllmmgton he r. In ea r.ly I1'fesh~ became".. mem - At t1..l"e regu Iar G range mee t'109 on. Chapman were shoppmg .m Dayton Ed MThursday. 1.f ·G to ber of th~ Meth~ist church and Saturday night the third and fourth ~o1iday pr~ents at ~he lowest last Wednesday. and early Monday her youngest boy h:b~n in8Wir~ 0 aeve~~,::;.:r::~ ever remamed a f81tbful member to degrees were conferred upon a class prIces at John A. Funkey S. • found her dead ' . f l' l' h ' g . ·U , I' ' . . . I 0 gaso me 19 t10g 10 our VI lUle rethe end. of twelve. Sister Trena Cornell anp .1' W Wh't . C" f Jeff Thompson, of Lebanon, was Bedides her husband she leaves a Icentl Y, Truly it can J?e said of Sister Brad· Brother Jameson, of Lebanon, were 'Tu~ ' ~ \.wuh.m . , l,~mn; I a dinner guest of Mr.' and Mrs. J. E. family of six children, all married Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sears and. son str~t that shewas'.daithful wife. welcoD)ed visitors. As Brother and ' Ch . tBY re·s c Jn~ IS b Igs re or Janney Monday: , . but one boy, who lives at home. Howard will spend Chrhtmas with tender mother and a lov~n~ friend. Sister Lindley Mendenhall, . Robert rl!! mas , , . At this time no funeral arrange- Elmer Sea,rs. and family, of ' Dayton. A frj~nd of'Sistet Bradstreet adds Williamson and Warren K~ys bad Fred 'Vlhite is ill at the home of Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to ments have been made. . Mr. ~d Mrs. Wm. Hai'vey ~ere word&: , "That of her many ju.t returned from the Ohio State his arent.s, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. offices in the new , Morris building, " _. 10 Wtlmmgton ,Saturda~, : shoppmg. , ~",:"----ebllil..ctertsl;tt8. if there. was any Granae at Zanesville each gave an White ns.t to the postoffice. LebanoJl . INCREASE SURPLUS Mr. antedd~rs; HharrY ShidakerEaare . . -- . ' . .now loea In t eir h orne on ,t promment bovRallothers,itwaJ;ther inter~ting, report. We offer you a most desirable line ' RegularPhotio P,ost-cardViewsof Ata meeting of the board of di~ Main St: January I, ' 191i, Mr. tender caN of otb~, and through -' -Shidaker will take up his work with her long life she was noted for ~ovWa'rren County Pomona Grange of pictures to choose from; when Waynesville and vicinity. Just thE rectors of the Waynesville National Mr. Ma:Jdel'l in his m~oth drUg ing k~ndn~ to otners. " will meet 'with Waynesvi1\e Decem- ,seen t hey will impress yoU with their thing for Christmas. ~11 or ad~ress Bank on Monday. after declaring the and ~ocery, stON. :--4~'iI!hel@ leaves behind two sons, Harry ber 31, 1910. beauty and reasonable prices. Ridge Gallery, WaynesvIlle, OhIO. usual dividena , $25,(l()(),OO was transMrs. Park Hadley and dauRhter d"d d fits to and Mrs. Frank WlOfteld called on . . J E J f df th and. ~k Br~dstre~t, with ~elr Miss Dora ' Ellis called on friends ' . anney. . w..C. Philii~s wil,l op~n his Mov- s~~~lus~omWj't~ ~~e 1;~r~lu:r~Ccount Mrs. Hadley's parents. Mr. and Mrs. I ~amlbes to mourn th~r I 88. eep and relatives here on her way f rom Mrs. Isaac Jones and Mrs. Perry 109 ~Icture 'l'heat?r ChrIstmas Eve. now one and one half times its cs'pi- Benjamin Wee,ks Friday. , ' not loved o...~ fot departed , mother the Ohio State Grange. ' Pence spent Wednesday with friends If you want t.o.~llJo.y an hour or two tall't makes the locall'nstitution the Mrs. Clif Smith after a IUlgical for she has just entered upon a life " • oi.; '. in Spri,n,g Valley. f I t this th t operation"i!J tllought to be' gettil'lg thatsb&ltnever end. Ifweare!or. THE POULTRY SHOW 0 peasureVl&I , E!!l er. strongest in thA,countyin,ercentof bette.r, ~i!,hl~ more strength. ,b ut ,t unate enough to enter the pearly Miss Dora Ellis, 0 '£ the Wooster We offer yO!! the l{apppiest Com- surplus to capital. . This 13~ndi~g at thiS w~lt1ng IS very ~oorlY\ . ' . .... tes I am &ure we will BeE> her wait- The executiv, e com~ittee of the Experiment Station, spent the' week- bination, of a Superior Stock, at the is one in which the officers and direc- . Mr. WIley Lov~, one of our ol~ Clt.. " ( I' I t tak d bl 'd d Izens passed away and "was- laid to ciog and watchmg for the home·com- Miami Valley Poultry as"3ociation art! end with relatives bere. Lowest Prices, every artlc e IS wort 1 ors e a par ,o na e prl e an rest We ine&iay mon:d ng in the ing 'of the chililren. getting aiong fine with their , work. twice the price we ask you for it. makes the bank one of which the burying ground neat here. Though, a mother Is ' gone and Special ptize3 are pouring in rapidly. When it comes to a question of every artical is useful as well as or· whole community may also be proud. Mr. an<J Mrs: Levi Jessup spent '" Blooms liker.ae e r o I u W rw f to •a - •y . i n i m i r l . g Wt I o n t h!! guests book will bemail efOI,twear, d n aBarnhart men tae e s eII- S a t u r d •• chair is ~vaCant, yet heavt'n is rich· and the premium et byherpn!Sence~ , out 'this wee)t: ' , Bargain Baza.r. lected assortment of that beautifu NOTICE of Mr. and :Mrs., q~88. Austln . . ' , , Th, funeral 8el'vic"" were conduct;. 1 d' t' , t t la ge num Dr. and 'Mrs. J W W d I " I~idescent aud Venetian Art wares ' 1 1 b b ' Mr. ~d Mrs. Chf.ford ,aawk and ' C ':"" . n 1~ Ions pOlO 0 a I' " . ~r , eave 11 h Lo p ' f " l 10 There WI e a meeting of ,t e son WlIbur wel,e gues~ Qf Mr. ed by Rev. C, • HIg'htpwEll', plisto.r bel' of birds on exhibition, and ,our , today for Florida, where thy intend a go at t e w rice 0 o~, y . c. Miami Valley Poultry Association, Hawk's mother on Sunday. ' of 'the Metho(;li~t church in the prell citizens must 'not miss this shQw on to spend the winter~ , ' J. E. Janney. 1 o'clock at. ' , . ,- - - - - - ~ce of ~ large co~course of friends 6,' 6 and 7, 1~11. . . BellbrooJt.:' and relatives in the Clifton ceme 'rhe prizes will probablY be !luI; on Mrs, :priSCilla Compton, of Dayton, ~ond ' Crowl, formerly ofthis Fi!ld~mber 25,1910, at, 4 p. in, exhibition in some window here soon, 'was the guest of her mother, Mrs. TRUSTEES ,WILL SETTLE place bqt now of Dayton, is very low ~. C. H. in CliftOn Record. • - .. Mary Satterthwaite last week. with consumption. ' - -_. _ . .STANDARD BEAl{ERS We have the best line of XmlUl NOTlCE Mr. and MrS. George Earnhart are visiting her sister, Mrs. Wilcox, at , 1 H' . d J . Slippers ever shown, at Barnhart's. The'stock.holders of ' the Citizens , Misses Etbe ' oSier an ustma be Centerville. Bank of VVaynesville, Ohio, w.ill Hartsock were , hostesses to the , Read R. S. Kingbury'a ad on an. The Presbyterian church held their ' at th~ir " Bankingbou.e on Tuesday, Standard. ~ea~ers and guests Satftr- 'other page. ' It may give you a Christmas market laSt Saturday , " , evening in the ToWn Hall. Jknuary ~; 19,11, between ti~e b?ura day. ev~mng at tlhe heinie of ~I's. "lea~er" on ' th~ negl,e cted present. oU and 11 o'clock,,'p , m., to elect di f;iatl.da H09i~r. : A very .Ple~mg l . .. ' ' Edward Shaw, who liVes south of , t t'h en..· ·l·ng year ' prografll Conslstl"&" Qf mUSIC, read- The S. ;Fred Co'op~ratlVe St?,~e has town. visited his brother and family to ,1'ec !1'8 or e q U o " • • , d !t d th'IS wee.,A\ICG k Dnnd th em In . at this place last Sunday. ' recltattons were gIVen ~n , w,0. a s , ' F. C. Hartsock, Oa8hi~r. ", inKS and Miss Sarah Weller.. of west of . • _ • a dainty luncl:t was served dunng thIS Issue and see'o1!h~t they offer you. town, has been very sick with chick" E SUNDAY SC·tlOOL' the social hbur. Four new names, ' , ' . en pox. , LYTL . •. , added ,to the membership. ~rs. E .. J. Mayers, of Dayton •.1S 'Mrs. Walter Weller and daughter Lytl~ M. E. ChQrc.~ ' wiil hold ' ' . -_ serIOusly SIck at the home ,of her S18Marie were Dayton shoPpers,Satllr.. Sunday.school as, U8UaJ at 2 o'clock, DeATH \ Itel',' Mrs. J~sep~ H~in~.. day. '
Mr. 'and Mrs. John Sidenstricker
The MUise. Jennie and Clara and Mr. Chester Hamilton spent Sunday aftern09n wJth Mr. and Mrs. ~in
The Miami Gazette
D. L. CRAN E. WAY N"E~VTf_l .F..
"Tblll Cpo lolne crnZf) r.,r t: lug fllen· df'r bas knocked til bOltom ou t ot our bu In ·ss." I51\ld t .c Dlall In Imrge ot a do wn town braD c h f f hlg calldy oncern . .. '01110 DI n who, lIre good for at I(\:l:t $]0 worth (If cnody acb 'W ek 11 I' el' "01111) in sid e th dool' now. lind wb en 1 see tbem trudging pl.st th }jl~ 1'0 \\ IlU It paddl:\ll or Cruit I 1IIado Ilil Ill Y mlud lb l'l r "I,·cs nnd (juugIJt ra or sw ot II nrt s have tak u Ii uland )gnl l1 st cau d)'. O~e IDaD wltb Il wife und fUlIr dau gh! )'s. who used 1.0 b n Sil l ndlll cUEtoO'cr. lold Ill!' t.b e mh r fl a y tba t he'd as soon come home Wllh a vl pr'r na with n 5,poufld box of ·anus. altbougb a year ago he USf'd to lI\,y two 6' POlllld boxes ea h 'I\'c(·lc. says the ew York Sun. We Dati 0 tho same differ nee In sal s to womeu (!Illployed III offie 13, 'fber 's not half lh number of cruls {or half· pound boxes, thougb our sales of swect chocolato are always big. as lot s of business wo m n n ibble It tn8t ad of taking n r gulp.f hlDc beon . 'fhe continua l running In of otnl':6 boyS to xe uta ommissloD3 ror tb o Iltonogropherl! nDd t e lepbone operators is g tUng to be a thing ot tbe pas t. 6nd lemon drops aro about the only liweets .tbese business girls wllJ eat. Every mother's da ughter seClllS to be (lead set agnlus t g ainlng an ounce of lfiesb, and untIl It's fashionable to be plump ngnln 1 suppose we'll notice this dllforenee In sales." From Wisconsin bas como a wall at tho dense Ignorance concerning geography with wblet high and llrc· paratory school graduates come up to the unlver sRy. Recent tests made by t.he departJneJlt ot ,geology In first .,-ear pllyslography claoses have delWei oped dl1ference of oplnion omong 1II0 fresbmen lUI to whether the Rhine 18 In ABla or South America.. has developed I1n ast ounding ,lack of InformatIon as to the location of such d.Ues IIJI Vienna; Venice. Lisbon and Uongkong. and In trying to.. t 311 tbe whereabouts of the , Pyrenees, Cau· ~us, HlIitalaya lI;nd Sierra Ne~ada mountains 'and Mount McKinley" al· most baIt mlsBed two or th!'ee out of , the ftve, snys ttle Cblcago Evenlns P9St. In tact, In tbe examhiauon. wblch included only such Questions 88 allY fairly ' Informed ' person should know, only ODe-slxtb of tbe 103 freah· men tested were recorded as making a sa~lsfacto~y showing. A
youllg woman of Brooklyn broke
a promise to her father ond tried to pass through the New York custom ~ouse ,seven dutlabie gownB sbe hnd
(lurcbased abroad. Flel' Tery foolish acUon cost the' fatb er about four times what the gOWDS were worth ' and the young wom l1n was lucky to escape • severe v'unJsbment tor ber BctIon. Collector Loeb, who bas been making a most suoces sful war on smuggling, has served noUce on all, men and women alike, hat more severe penaltie. than flnes w111 be Imposed tor 1!agrant violations of ' tbe law. In tlplte of this warning women more than men are still, taking a cbance, and probably will not stop unUl some o~ them are ' 'compelled to go, 1.0 prlsQn. The dep~rture of the United States battleships whlcb are to vis It Frencl. and English ports Is a r eminder of the famous crulse around the world. When · the fteet Is assembled at sea It will consist of sixteen vessels, tlle same number that made the earlier trip. There can be no doubt of tho welcome that awaits the visitors. The ono r egret tn connecUon with the llroceedlngs ' Is that tbls showing or .uperb American warships will accen· tuate the lock at an AmerIcan mer(an tile marine. A th let wbo stole a gold spike used to fas te n the first rail at a new raU. road In Pennsylvania found It WlUl only gold plated, Snch base deception 813 thlR. resulling In painful mol' l lncation and disappointment to a man acting In !tood faIth. Is pll'lnly reprehensible alld comes under the same category as selling a goldbrick. Tbe dlITerence or 83.000 bat weer the first ('()unt or Tacoma's population and Ihe second Is a melU!ure of the mlstaln or too much enthusIasm In 1>addins ccns us returns. Hod Taco mn been .sl\tlsfied with a modest ' ten or fifteen l~ou sR nd Inflation It might halTe succeeded, but Ibis overdoln, oJ things Is gen.erally dlsasl rous~
" Tbe WashIngton chIef oC poJlce be lle ves that wlfe-booters should b.' lasbed. Theor~ UcalJy. this punish ment" wblch exactly fits tbe crIme, III Inrtor!! d and recommended on 01' .Ides. J'rncticaJ)y, It Is 19oore'd eveD whero the law ' bas put It OD ' the Btatut.e books. Nat4rally," the wJtE! lleatlDe goes OIL When ,a man I. bl. ownqJanitor b ..
....tee Utuo Uale
OD ua.
Prompt Response to Bold Move of President Vail ,..-"Accuracy·' Reduced Weste r n Un lon'5 Su rplus, $13,OOO,OOO.-"Publiclty" Rostored Con· flde nce and Its Stock Went Up. A r~ 11If' gr 'lll finnll<!\urs or tho ~lIntl'Y h '~ llIn!J1g to I;l'e a Ill'\\' light? Ti me w as. uUllI I'Pct!lIl l y 11\ fact, wb 11
tb III D Sf the Ii IIU or th o big '0 1" pornllons "k,'pt lil Ir business 10 lh e m ~ ·In ' o;." a ;! for all III IlI w would a llow . Capallll' 1u('U a t tho henc1 of tile l;lg cu ncerns . loug r · nllzotl We wealc· !less of their pusltlon. uul what was Deeu ed ubvlolls ly. as In nil J.;r at reo rOrlU !!. was un ulIlul sla llllble u cas Ion lUll! a coul':1g ' ous muu. Th o occas ion aroso In t ho Ilurcli ase or Ih e W es t rll Union Tl! legraph company by tbe Ame rican Tel phon and Telegru.ph COUipaDY. and th e man nppeat'ed In Th adore "". Vall. President of the pu rchasing corpora tion , It was last lJcccm uer whee public aDU0l10 C nwnt wns made tliM t b Gould boldlngs of W Clltern Union hall ' been ta lcf'n over by t.h Tel phune comllony. . On account of Ihe high sleem In ' which Ule umnagowent IJf tb tclephon com~lln y Is so geIlllrall y helel . great thlogs were pr dieted ns n reo suit of tb e nbso rption of Western Union. ny III lIl'eali of the co untry the " deal" wa s most ravol'ably comInent d on. It uf'ln g widely point d Ollt that un d r the di rectio n ot such men liS Th eodore N. Vall a nd hIs asI' OC Ia t es. the telegraph coul pany was bOUDt) soon to work Itself Into 1\ po. slUon where It could 011' I' lhe public tor mol' e ftlcl n service thall It hud ever betor been a ble to alTer. Bllt a very few monlli s had e lapscd when It became apparent to the ne w management thnt a modern Illld upto·date appra.lsal of t.be company'l! assets would make possIble a fnr greator degree of et!lcle ncy oper. aUon. "Her e," they said to themselves. "we've bought control or thlll prop rty and we ' know It'e immensel,. valuable, but we don't know just bow valuable. Thes appraisals of real estate and s ecurities owned were made a Jong time ago. ' If we bave a complete lilventory made of every thing We've got we can announco' ~ tac.ts to the 1mbllc, start a new set ot books, and be«in our _respOns ibility to stockholders right there."
CRf/lTU/i'E UY WrlIT£ aA/i'I'fE/YTJ jl'H:1i tXlL.oE/y J1I.v>tA1. /JUUi>IIYC A UJ.Y. "
)110 W;
SID to S30 an aal'6,
al!cordlolr ~o 1"" .. ~lon. Two Wll b til m (\ re t he II o\lle of tile ""ops 0. :reo.r; CIO 10 100 buahela of corn or Data 1.0 aw-e. Flue 'rllh coouu" ,_ tOWD. th hInds a nd yokels of the Mild .. 101 r8 ; Jll e"BBn~ B"mmera. Beet a04 6urroundlng hills . the tradesmen antI cheap4!B~ landa In U. 8. To loealie l.G BecUoD .. Ith brll[b~lIt future, wYllie rafts men of the lit tle wlllage. togeth· Pot' with lbelr wives aud sweethearts. Frank Weldon, Atlanta, Ga. LltLle clllldr«'!n a re the re. balf·frlght· ened at tim es. then me rry. and ngaln saddened by the 111\t hos th y scarcely understand . It I a typ lcnl crowd ot the t1m~ and the season, but sucb an one as was never before gathe red. for Christmas bus hithe rto been celeuruted diffe rently In Merry England, For dUYB th e preparations for the MIl'acle play bave gone forward, About tbe partly finished cntbedral there bali been no sOUlld of hammer Tbnn you ever dteamed poelble decorati~ or c hisel or knife. In place of the china. burnt-",ood. Dletal, pillow-tops. etc.. workmen bUBY about the building in colors from pbotographa. ·Men IIOOCeDbave been D;lOnlts decorating th In. ful as women. Learned at onc;e; no Inlent terlor with bolly b9ughs and yew and required. Takes like wildfire e~rywberc. Christmas green. The stage has beeu Send stamp qui t:ll for pratitulars. 4\. a.V~CB COJlU>..ut:i'.~:lnd. put In place. the curtain orranged and the trappings gotten into working orIlIRNIlBNT PoslllonSah!oUJ'I.o"'''' Ill, der. It was pioneer work, and to f ro<> bookl ollll$ lAl U. bow. WrIWt04B,,our modern eyes It would I!eem NUW. 1UaJ.1I01'IWI, ,,~. ». ~ strangely crude. but In that time It Skied. was destined to be a marve l for many days to come. IIgbt breElks and grows In splendor "How does Dabber rank 08 a pa.tnt.a cross the stage and Gabriel Is seen. er. anybow?" asked Wilbraham. Somewhat ot the grotesQu again 011 n platform 80 arranged that he aJ)"Pretty well, I gue,!I," said LollerbT. a.ppears In the second act of the pears to be In the clouds. Tbe sheJ)"At the last exhibition ther hung bI. ChrIstmas ploy. but It Is short, the herds awake, frightened and confused, picture higher than any other In tlI. first two being chiefly preludes to sheltering their eyes trom the brUplace.".......Harper·. We~kJ7. that wlilch is ot the greatest Interest Uant Ught. But Gabriel bel\rten.s t and most pertinent to the selUlon- them by waving his ' Uly and calling ImPOrtant to WlOtttere Examine c/U'efuU7 every. 110lUe ~ soon.o s portraying the coming of upon them to be ot good cheer. and CASTORlA. a aate and sure remedy fat Christ. The second act tells of the then auddenly a cbolr of angels gathlntanta alld chJldren. and Bee that tt Fall. It Is tedious, but tbought by er ob?,ut him, singing "Gloria In ' Ell:the monkB to be necessary for the eelsls, ond the shepherds fall down Bears the ~~ setUng of the teal story 'that Is to and worsbip. StUl kneeling as GaSignature of r. .~ be told. . '.,- brlel and bls heavenly cboir 'dlaapIn U.e For OYer SO .Teare. , FInally, tbe curtain II 'drawn tor p~r, the. sbepberds chant a fam~lJat' The Kind You Have AI".,. Bo'uPt. tbe third. and by th.e dim. rays ot a carol, partly. In LaUn., partly In En«lamp Mary is dlsclo~, In her hum· Ush, and the chords of the o~n An Unml • .akable Hint. ble cottage, spinning. ~he slnga as sound again, sott and low IUld distant, "Young -Staylate got • dellcate hint she wt;lrks and all Is quiet and peace- while the voices of the , people take from the youne lady' be wu calUns ful. Buddenly tbe 'light -on the stage up the melody down. In the body of How Inventory Was Taken. on the other , evenlne." Increase., a ""'tllng , Is beard and a. the church. . The most expert acco~ntant8 lI,n d "What was tu" wondertul creature In ' white garments When the curtain Is again drawo appraisers to be had were put at f.he "She. found lookIng at the clock and ,and with golden w~ appears, bear- there Is sbown the stable at ~Ie- task. Their labors lasteel over e ight oth~r ' faml1lar devices uaelesa, 10 .". ing a 11l~ and crying, 'jAve Marla, hem, the atar sblnlng above it. Mary montl1s. Their report and Its publl- ordered aome · refrelbments anet ber" Gratia ,P~eJ\a!" ~Imld and confused. Is tbere, kneeling... and Jo!,eph ~eanll cation by the company marks 0Jl ep' mother aent ber a pla~ ef.~,. .RtS~-~ Mary rIses but doe8 not answ~r. Oa· ' upon his staff, ~fore tbe 'ox and the o ch In finance. . foocL" I brlel ,c omforts ~er and slnga about ,ass Is the manger, ,ond. in it, on the :. It began by recommending 0Jl lld· ' hls glad message. Then Mary kneels st~w, clothed in jeweled robes; lies lustment of the difference betwClen ,-THEIR FATL and gives tbanks to Go!1 . and . the .the child Jesus. The .,bepherds have t.be apjlralsed and book valnes by 1\ angel disappears, leaving the room followed tile star ond bow In dumb charge . of $5,595.089 agntnst BUrhalf darkened again. Clearly and joy- sbo.w wblle solemn music Is chanted plus. Book values of se urltles he ld ful ly there Bounds through the church trom a distance. were reduced to market values, toad the voice of Mary singing tbe / 'Mag- ' Then entere a magnificent array- ~ nd doubtful a ccounts . were '·cha'rg· nlfleat," while from the a udience tae three Idnga come to do worship fld ott," an allowance of $2.000,1100 come the sounds ,of women weeping to the neW-born Prince or' Peace, As was m~de for "depreCiation," another a8 the curtain tails. the cbant· cUes down ·the roll of drums ot $500,000 for "reserve," and so on • Next t.s shown a shepherds' camp and the sbrill of fUes and trumpets l until the old 8urplus or $18,867,<l1I0 In the hills of Judea. It Is wonder- announce the royal CQrtege and the I came down to $5.136.000. fully reaUstlc. a ' tact which· t.be · coun· kings pa'88 In Btatt\ly revle:w, each l It reQUJred oourage, th e ,publication t.rymen present acknowledge In low doing his obeisance ,to the cblld In Its ot this dtatement to stockbolders, say, murmurs of appreCiation. Real sbeep lowly cradle; eacb presenting It with . I~~r In effect: "The Ilroperty of are bleating In the fold and t.he shep- some costly gift. each laying his ~e' company' ba~ been reva.lherds lolinge about talking of 'the crown at the feet ot the Savior. Then . d. the surplus Isn t nineteen millday's work. Tbe simplest things' of tbe royal flgures ,and tbelr reWnere Ions, as you have been led .to be· their Ufe engross .them- the death of Joll) the humble shepherds kneeUng lJeve. but ftve mlllldns," b~t It was a lamb,> the whereabouts of a.. sb~p 'and , worshiping in , alienee. ' Soft and tba truth, and PreSident Vall ctld not that has ' disappeared. low then rising higher comes again ftin~~h. "Accurac)' ana publicity," be As their talk ceases and they rau the'melody of the dlsta~t angel choir, ::~!:~ was eSlse~~t1tl. ~be stockasleep. soft notes Issue from the hid- then It diminishes and dIes away as s~a r g 0 w' . Tbe den organ. The. stage la darkened the curtain clo~s and the lIgbta go ed 0 one :n:O:P~DY ua~e scatter· Hr•. Orow-WIlUam: . ~ave fob e• • now anU the 'scene. with the dyIng out. other. This Is more e n on to the atopped to think wbat 'win become of melodies echoing througb tbe cathed. , So ended the fI t Obrlltmas play cornoraUo It I than a private ' ~ . rs . ... n. s a great naUonal ua when we are old T ral, most. ili1presslve. Then a ray of ever written. entertJrlse. Th1! public fs entItled to Hr. ' Crow-ob! I ' supl)OM' wee'll wtnd, up u quail 0.0 tout at lOme . ta. t.he facts." . Th~ report was ordered published ble d'hote restaurallt. . you of tbe utter disregard for and ap- forthwith . FInanciers of the old R .. l preclaUon of tree life that bas taken school and speculators generally were ' THEY GROW Good Humor and Ch.erfl.llnMa FroM aghlU!t. What wouid happen? Would '" CHRiSTMAS festival hold of the Uves of city children a. H "" rangers among our birds what cbeer a result ot t,be metbod pursued' In the bottom drop out of Western RIght Food and Drln~ has long been Il, beautiful on Christmas day. If Incllned to com· the holiday season: He may say that . Union ' when the shareboldets reallz. one. The celebration ot plain they could tell you of desec~ated a trip to the woods or the planting ed that their propetry was wortb the natal day of the hpme trees, stolen granaries, deva&- of a' tree Is an enUrely wbokiiome $~3,OOO.OOO less than they had sup· Prophet of Peace 18 fit· tated sbelters,' their · only proof Wm way of provjdlng a .C~rlstmaa tree: posed? But the amazing thlntr Ung, and its sacred slg- th~ terrible rigors of the aWful wtn!\er Giving the birds a luncbeon by the bappened. The stock went up and nlflcance to the nations nlgbts. of the Increasing hardsb~ children will not be costly, and a real stayed up. The , ~ubllc had respond· shows ' no signs ot abate- pressing upon tbem from all sides. Christmas tN!e for the birds wlll ed to this remarkable ',lIsplay of ment. The period of glad and t.be 'gradual but sure depletion of . make al1 happy. frankness and confidence; to the new Udlnl\s to the children their tribes. The birds may tell you H ' k If bell th prop'tly qulclcens the ot a thoughUess lack of mercy. ,e mayas , you eve e motto, "Accuracy aDd Publicity." · hearts of adults at the Ask t:he lover of trees and he will Oreator ill pleased with the telTlble . The fult sIgnificance of the action of the new boar~ Is stated conCisely sight Qt happy , guileless tell you of the early passing <ft' these sacrifice In ms name. by ~per'lIi Weekly In these words: childhood In the mJdst of Its slmplo hla favorites ot tbe woods. He will The ' pracU~1 farmer will tell you "Is thl8 policy of publicity and or pleasures, surrounded on all sides by wonder bow it can be possible unwlt- without the, need ot queltic\lnJng that open·handed 'dealing with sharebold. the memorlals of their tenderest ata very valuable Une ot Umber Is des· ~rs imd public the . torerunner ' of a feotlons. The JOYB of childhood are troyed In the Christmas tree bustneas, now , the Joys of all. It Is the Cbrlstand tilat every, particle of It goflS to similar moveme.nt;on the part of oth' masUde! waste. His story of ftoods and er big corporations? Certainly It Is to be boped that It Is, In the case This is the seMon wben the limits drought, connected very IproPerly In or Ilsefulness nre unmarglned. No hla mind with the disappearance ot of these big com)lanles. - dependent upon publlc patronage , and doing bus!. ' e rrand of mercy Is neglected- syml1a· our foreats, and his amiual loss, add.1 ness under ,' public fran ch l.IJe, can thy blankets the unlovely forms ot still to tbe size of the cloud and re- there be any question ot the rlgbt ot envy and hate. Human·klnd Is sweet Intes It directly with the verY' chi I- tlle people to know l' ' ' , Rnd gentle. And yet who could bedren who are momentarily delighted . "That' right Is being recognh:ed. lfeve tlInt: somewbere In the sun of v.:-fth the glitter of the .Cbrlstmas tree. It Is recognized now In thlsepbcbaJ t.hls IIrlpareDlly universal joy there Is ' Does.lt not look. then as It when act on the part of the telephone nnd a cloud of sorrow tnr larger than a we celebrate the birth of the Propbet 'telegroph Interests. It b the 'dawn man's hand? Even BO It is. Ah! you . of ' Peace we are at the saine time of , new era In \corpo\atlon 'lInance," soy you do not wis h to discover It? warring ,thougM1esBly but nll6 dle"ly Pe rhaps not; ' but It Is dlscovQred by on HJs creafuresT DoeS It ' not Ii'e em I, multitudes ' wbose Uvea It darkerJl clear that while ' :we 'a~e .endeavoring TlmoJlneu. , wIth dee[Jer gloom from year to year. tingly to strike do,,'u the 'growtb of to' ,create beauty in" the home ' and ~n measures of reformation are ' ~t It-cRn you bl!Ueve !t?- Is the sbadow twenty yeara-tbese trees "are very church we arf;l; ln' '~llty , workIng a ·fective..tn exact propor~Qn '~o ' tb,e !: or ,tbll ( 1)rlstmas tree! . 's low gro'Wera-;-nnd the ' proS1>ectlf~ vast ~evDstatJoD ' Out of doorS? Does ' ,timeliness.; partial decay may be· cut (s Ifl possible that tl\e beoutlful beauty of a century or more, for tile it, not appeal 'to you as betng tme' a~ay alid 010:anse4,; . Incipient error tr,ee around wlJose brnnohes dance the ' very Questionable enjoyment of tbeU' tliat formerly'''tIie C~ristmas tree was correqted: but tber~ la · a point joyous feet :of beaming 'chlldr(tn Is re- dying bour.s for a . day or a 'WflCk, ~,veD u~ to, d~<;orate th'. home; ' BcliooJ W~lch corruption '.can, po more bE' spons1ble for. aught ,e~s~ than happ!- when ~ecorated wltb,. gifts and gaud, and obtirc&, . whereas, ,tOda, we stayed, Dor wandering ,ecal1ed. 11 ness? Come with D;le here to the fof.. tI~~et He will ten you.pe!¥ps, t~al lDaldr,tS !1;~ut a peg .on' 'Whicb to 'bang ' bas been the m~ner 'of m~ertl Dhll Sl!t and ask t'he Uny. hungering: shiv- at one time We use ~f tbese,..: ever- . artificial decoratronlT How doe. the antbropy (0 rematn pullvo !ln~U. tbl;tl erlng _ form~ . crou,cblng amon~ .the greens WaS the ellpr~sslon ot a lenu· spll·lt ot Arbor ~""comport With the pr8(:18e pe'rlod. and to leave the slall blackened - . stamps' and rotting Ine B!lnUment b~ those who loved Clirllitmas tree tramoT J'rO~ 'the ecq. to . perish, and ~e fooll.h to Itra)' branches of tbe. spruces, pInes aod tilem, but that !lOW oupldlty tOl' eas, D.o mlc standpoint .s Nllated to )108. ,wllUe' It ~.""nt ItI~1f in franti,ci exer ' cfI.i'ars. Aak the ch!ckadeell. ktolletl!., dollara alone prompts ~elr belDg tl'!lf· terlt)' caD we alford to ' contiuue Wr tfo~ to ra,l1e the dead. and ref(1('Jll tb~ !'I ,.~.l'bIUI. waxwlna:s nne! other fOl'est flcked. In. He will' not taU to tell v,1t Cbr1stma. tree cutom1 . hat.-iJlwr.kln.
OFT null low. melodl· us. Ilonetl'ntlng. tbe tOil s of Il bell broill. the sti llness Ulat has fallen ullOII t. he' Illtle aud ience. owlcd monks ste p noIse lessIy to th s id 8 at a wood 1\ stag and e1raw the nrt(1lns. Lighted condles shine brightly In contrust to Ihe dark ened amphlt h ater. A gre at robed figure. lI.uguat lind lUajestlc. wearing a tri ple ~~OWll. moves to t.he tore. He Is at· t e."lded by 0. court wbo sing and dance and toss up censers until he lIrtli his hand. They they foB mut e and tho silence spreads instantly to tho peopIe below. Who hod stirred and leane d for wa rd In tho intensIty of thelr Int erest wh en the curtain parted disclos Ing t he magnificent scene. It Is a Miracle play- t he first Christmas I Dayan d It! s Bta gc d In II. le CII. th e d ral or a m dleval town In northe rn E ng· land . The great robed figure Is the representation of Ood RlmseH. The s ingers are att ndant an gels, Tbe acene fs- heaven. nod speakB. In sonorous Latin Is disclose d the order of creation and God's will towa rd man. Monotonoul!Iy tbe words roll forth. and almost end] ssly It seems to tbe awed ILBteners. But at last It 'does end and there tollowlI' a strange Interruption, ludicrous, almost sacrllegious. .~ ugly creature. clad In goatskins and with t\Vo ram's borns on Its head. capers forward, a clown, a buffoon. With strange grimaces ancf sinis ter contortions It asks and receives leave to become a curse 'and a plague upon men, then It departs as It came. grotesqQe and out of place, disappearing . beneath tbe ltag~the devil going elown to hell. An organ peals from out the baIt gloom. the angels dance and, sing and toSIi their censers and the first scene closes-as It opened. Outside the cathedral the old town la deserted. Its .streets snow·covered and allent. AU Its ' Inhabitants, the y!sltors within its gates and the ,peapIe from and near' around It are gathered within the cathedral to' witness the first Christmas play. It la a solemn occasion ; one meant to CODvey Its Impre8slvemiss and t.each Ita lesson for a dJ's Unct lIurpose. The catlledral Is only part flnlshed and the artisans and craftsmen who OTe completing It wlll draw (rom ton.lght's ,producUon of the Mlraoles f~l\plrs· tIon for theJr work of decorating and carving and building. From tar hinda and lIear these workmen bave gathered. SkUled men from across, the seas have been hired and brought here to enrclse their skfllfulness. Otbers have come ~ cause · of their love for the art tbey represent anxious for an opportunity to let It ~peak ' n the scrolls nnd fig. ures and images of this sacred place. 'sun otbers are there from (1 ' sense of religious duty, and yet others to do penance for. their .s~s by ma nual labor In suoh a cause. I A I these Bit within tbe cathedral.
i::m :St:
The Shadow of the C'l..r,·stma·s T.,,-ee
A~ct.nt CIty MqCSe mlu'. Tarsu,e, the ancient clt~ In Asia
• ~rj whe re the apoatle P a uf wa s born. h now ~lIumlnated by 'c lectrl tty. '1'be " ower Is take n. t rom th e Cyd nlls rive r :r.h ro ure n'ow In T m'lIus 450 electr ic atr et Ug hts Dml about 600 incand ei . Cle u t lights lor private US(l.
K ' ~NEY8•
Weill{' kld neYI1 (1,11 to reDlove pol-
lIOn s from t be blQod , flAd they are t h4i
SImi Rewar d, $100.
aid he (tor mlgilly d their t roub led LOIn); "Glne! tidi ngs of gr~llt joy I brl og To you n.o d nil WIlll kind." And wllo wou ld forget lhe swing of .t~n lt h by bUlldl nr up Ule CODeUtuUoD nod u;&ljfr. me lody, nn d t he charily tn ught In tnra b av. !me natu re In d 0 1111( l UI work. 'j'ho pro orlr lber Ollef "G ood l" lng Wen f'o laus loolted fo r tb m ilch 'altb In It. ''\IrAUva powrr3 thal On th o lellst of Steph n, " .,;.. H~~olln.~r 1fb~~';' t~~"~~~I::a t b.. ~ It IAIIII ~ "tiM ..... F. J . e ll F.NE Y de co .. 'I'oledo. 0. He saw the b ggn r gat he ring fu el ,",old I>y all Urll~~ I."" I II<:. TUe Ball'~ Yawly 1'11 " lot COD.!lIlX1tJoQ. In th e HIlOW . t hnl lay "round a bout," and cnlls to hl8 ser va nts to bring hi m Wa s All Right. rob B an d wi ne aod to f tc b l be poo r rlowal'd -Dld YOII l.olcp hQlIO l\frs, n In f rolU t be cold. mn t a d l~ ln c d be ld wt)u I al th H OlVn rd Iu lh I'll ra l d Is t r icts t he nnture f E'S' tb p oftlc un lll millnig!.Jt·! Ilval IIl' ed long afte r t he cbur cb had Office Boy- Y .s, si r. ln ken lh e feast. T here we re r emain s " Ana what di d she say?" ot tree wo rs hip an d sa c rifi ce to p;'. "Suld s ho dIdn' t blam o you-sh e ba d IDona In Cornwa ll lUI las t as 160 yea rs tll/ldo a n engngPI IJelll lo go to the Lheago. T he peas a nts used to go Inlo u tor h('rsclC."- Smnl't 8 -t. th e orchard s on Ch rlstm aR day with pail fu ls of cid er a nd r oas ted Rppl es. A. Jar of Resinol '1lntm~nt Is a Handy Remedy to Have in th e Ho us e:» T he h e::\!th 'of t he t t:ees was dru nk to All the Time. song, an d liba tions pou re d upon th e roots . In va ri ous seclion s of north· ern Eu rope It Is th e c us tom to deco· tn t we nty years' expC'rlc.ucl' as a ra t e t l' es out of doors. Th e fi r trees Ilurso I have nc) vor found as good a as ve rgreen s. and fruit trees for th eir r med y tor Skin Troub les. Eczema , promIse s , we re trimm ed wIth lonr: I . ~tc. , 118 Reslnol Oin tm ent. Its coollns. . st reamers of ribbo n or paper. h ealing e trect on sor e v illpies Is truly 'Wond rtuJ. T he hris tmas tl'oe find s Its an ces· Mra. T . 11. Hend erson. Alhany, N . Y. lor In t ho German nsb Ygdra811, 8 grent t ree whose top reached to Wal· H E · twe nty.fi rt h of Decem- balla. th e home of the gods , aD4 • The Big Show, ber ra the r th e week about whose roots 'Were fas t In the e arth. The per sona lly condu ct d touris ts tha t tim e haSl bee n cale. s. pyra.mld n ptiu EI:,"y e th viewing werE! The German s have a wealUi of carfor m a ny nges with brated ed jaculat e !" s "Ooodlw s8 graciou ols, bu t n early all are of a r e ligious tbe before Long lng. lejolc _ _ . a t cos e • M rs. Ne'oV rock s , " It mus t hav pa- nature. tbe CbrlaUl ln e ra !lila of mone y to build t!.J em ." Oh, Tsnnen · that these "Oh, Tanne nbaum! decided rs tronome s a ,aD Mr. ld sn know," you thing " Surest 80ng of the til' tree at sun the or the before baum," days t shortes the were II for Imagine t N e wrocks; "bu t don' n lands to brtog Christm as time. has become world m oment thClt anyone touris t age ncy returne d to noz:ther ttme and har. wide. Who could CO~Dt the houseseeli and .tood for all Ule expOlise-It WIUI another spring was at its holds that r:ather a round the tape", winter drear,.. The velt. " I\trl~~ Jackpot a probabl y with IUta worst, and the coming daya would lighted and the tree loaded unison. In this sing to sun· and IIgbt or have Jonger houfs 16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE sblne and the reawak ening of na· In the English housebo ld the sonv joyful. be and sing re : Therefo Is ture. "For sixteen long ye·a rs I have hee n Tbe Egyptia ns held a festival In honor "Gather around the Christm as tree, autre rlng wllh a bud case of skIn dill' of tbe birth ot their god Horus. The Ever green haa Its branche s been a out broke there e nse, WhUe 11 child calJed It "the birthda y or the It Is king ot all the woodlan d scene." Romans r ed sore on the legs just In back of Invincib le sun," and dedicat ed It to Or It may be: O1Y knees. It waxed from bad to worse, Bacchu s, rejoicin g with him that the brother s, cuol. "Carol, . skin d ha a had 1 and at last I saw was about to re turn and revivify Carol joyfully , aun known dIsease . I tried many widely At Christm as time we celebra te the the vineyar d·s . The Perslan 8 held a tor the coming of Chr is t's ns· doctors In dlft'e re nt ·cHles but to n o festlcal of uncomm on splendo r as tbe Carol y of our King. The wise men birthda t1vlty." eatlBCac tory result. Tbe plague both· birthda y of Milbras . th e mediato r. a the far east, att racted by from came Tho good old c us tom of s Inging ered mo more In warm wea the r than IIpirlt ot the sun. ~n t he north coun' the IJgh t . of the star, to flnd and wor· ve e as Christm on bouse to house {rom Sn ""Inte r and being on my leg joints try amoD g the .worship ers or Odin It day Is cre pt across the water from E ng· shlD the Kin,. This blessed to atIt made It ImpossIble tor mo to walk, was cl nature fes tival or. riotous feast. hlUl ught o ' that star a by lighted the ot part a was It to Ame rica. and I was forced to stay Indoors In thl) Ing. because the fast ot wlnter was land to lea rn these tract our attenUo n and lead us In the My hopes of r ecov' a pproac hing lta end. It hlUl been a program ot the season I ;wa rm est weathe r. bands going I same dlrecUo n and to the same end. In gather to and carols ery were by this time s pent. Sl ee pl es~ time of univers al celebra tion accord. th~ snow This time of mUllle and glad festlvlU es ross c a house to house {rom IlIgbts and restless days made Ilfe an Ing to ancient wrItten b,lstorY IIlnce and singing before the doors. Tbe IIho~ld lay especia l empbas ls on the unbeara ble - b urd en. At last I ",aa the begInni ng, and obscure tribes In neighbo rs b ew they were coming, kinship of Jeaus ot NlUaret h. It Is advls d to try the Cutlcur a remedie s remole nations have legends of their Prepari ng cakea and warm drinks, and our prlvlleg e to see, In the Bahe o( [Cutlcu ra Soap, Oll)tme nt and Pills] own about what we call Cbrlstm as- IOmetim es gift. of money. Whoeve r Bethleb em, tbe King of kings and :E ~n,o.t need more than a trIal tide th e feaBt of peace and lOod will haa heard "God res t ye, merry ge nUe- Lord of lords. Th.a t vl810n sbould be -r;~~: ""--.. the wlae ce n.". that i was on the road ,.. Aa Christia nity brougnt Its ble.sln8 s me~, let nothing ye dismay, " s~nr: more clear to ua than t~ ot·, SUCCQ8S tWs time. I bought . two to follow tbe good of past religion s, It hearUly In the trosty air hal a. tbrtJ1 men of old. They bad none ot the a ets at the CuUcur n R emedie s and seems only right tbat the birth of and an experIe nce tbat returna to hIm helps that qui cken our eyesigh t. We may rem ember the lite he lived, the a .r ter ....thcso were gone I was a dUre r- Chrlat. sbould come at a time of gen· every Christm as after. e he made. ~t man entirely . I am now the hap- eral reJoIcin g. It made It easier tor And eve ry Chrtstm as morn Is awak. work he did, th e lIacrlf)c pie st mnn that tl'lere Is at least one the pagans to turn to the Saviour of ened with the stlrrlng - s t r8tus of and the Intluenc;e he has exerted , and true· caro 1'or s k in disease s. Leonard Light, at a tlme when tbe returnI nc "Shout the glad ·tldlng. exulting ly Is exerUn g to thIs TOry hour. A . Ha wtof, 11 Nostran d Ave., Brook- lIunsbln e In the skIes wu symboU cal Ilnc." "Never man spake Uke thla man," l1n, N.Y., July 30 and Aug. 8, 'oa." ing God, man, sin, liCe, death, concern ot the rcellnA' ot brother ly Idlldnes s England that think not must But we which Wu"tau ,ht In the love at a lit- or Oerman y sing al\ ~he carol music. truth, Immort ality, and "tbe vallt to~· T HE POLITE CHICK EN. tle child. And so 8S earlJrJui the seo- trance had a Quaint literatu re ot Ita ever." He hail drawn the Intellec t of 'ond ce ntury the church celebra ted own . • Here Is one of Nowell, or Noel, the world to himself, Ohrlstm as day when tbe heatben were .and trolD nortb to south there are HlB Ideals have Inspired clvtJIza tlon8 honorl ll4' their ",ods. and turned the current s of hlatory Into delightf ul nrlatlo nl 01 It: Dew channei ll. He haa compel ed the The Christm as celebrat ion. as we .. 'Nowell , nowell, nowell, nowell: of I f atnells know It, Is but a reincarn ation -of the Thla 18 the salutacy on of the angeU world to accept his Ideas Ii haa UCe. human .of value the •. and tribe Eluau Anglo tho l, at Gabryel Yuletld e· him. to world the of art t the manifes drawn to wa,. sent Slni1ng Is a proper T7dlnga true ther be cum neu selt\ for tlie greates t palntln ls of the frome the· trynyte , Joy. It delight . the singer and Civea has drawn pleasur e to othere. The churcbl y CIU'- Be gabryel l to nazaret h cety or r:allJe. ages reflect hili glory. He , for WDlJelt to world tho of music the bearty the vtra'yn tor pur. and enough not 01. were A clene maydyn realm thla ot ieces masterp mighty the . remalnl te, tborow her bumyly , teellng. The pagan teutlng the AtOry of bls work and In~nd 80 with that dlvlne old carol, Bath conceyb yb tbe peraon seQund I ~ tell He hu drawn the thour:bt tluence. ' sonp. . al oonvlvl delte." are " FIdelia, A:deste to hi mae It, for Ulere world the of ,. cblmJl,e he t ' down Pere Noel comell COlDe hither, ,e faithful ; whom ao many about ono . waa never Christ. and ,Ives glfta jUllt ,.. Father Triump hanU, stng; ,kI/P TlIE AWPZ:.e ~;. 6:.:U., tha boob b~ve been ' written. His ' life and , ~hannel the across does mas , Come, see the manger • ..JiJv~~» - anel words have "beell ,the Inaplrat lon or little French children IIlng: Our Saviour and King! 77IAr 1C'~w-: • the modern . a1trulllm that I. dolnr 110 clear, alngeth Noel Noel, , "Noel, Noel, To Bethleh em basteD, to 11ft humani ty to higher and much r.~ A/'MZE/"N!iv1'nt'I!§DW earth on Holpen are all folk accord I JoyOUS With Ie vela. Hs Is . rapidly drawbetter /r'hdW )oW Y CE,em# IAh Bona 'Ia God's son so dear." Oh, come ye, 'c.o me hither, the heart ot the world to himself Inr LEY. McCAU . M L. . e~" weFA, TWAT PMI' /Td To worship the Lord I -Is dro.wln c the lIvea of men t~ ... B/RL).3 A:1 himself . The contras t lies In "A Cuol. Heed." !Jore's Ye In g He sball reign, "K1ng of kings and YOUR STOMACH FEELS FINE. BqDl:in Lord of lords." Because be humble d . Capri aprl defero, himself and made hImself of no repu: Redden a laudea domino . Dyapepa la, Indlgeat lon, Sourne• ., Gat taUOD, and toQk on. him the form or a In band brlllr I, head Bore'. The Ended , Mlaery h 8tomac All and unto , and heCllme obedien t ry; aeryant rosema and cay s 8arland Wltb ... Mlnut In Five el.ath, even the death of the crosl And 1 pra,. yOU' aU IIlng merel)'~ therefo re God bath hlgh1r el(alted hl~ QuI_ astlla In convlvlo . and given ' him a Dame that Is above Tbe churob ot tbe early da,.s bad every name. It we will not crown him Lord of all III our hearts here we 'lit 'atlttr. o.r 60 B. yet be called upon to crown' blm shall .blllln••tan 0' .bt cold of .e ternlty. Let ua crown the King Btet.be r .kY rt.11d •• Christ Child our Kine in the here anel "Fear nO l,"
Hill!. CalWTb ClIro III Ibt only J)OIIUve
H ad s e(~ e tl
know n to tho 1D000fcal fratern ity. C....arrb C<lQatllu. IIeInll " couaUt u , lonal (l1at1lJlt. ",qui(,. & laktn In. CIon"I' t reatm en!.. fl a ll'8 CAUlrrh Cur. . . ~rnGll r. neUng dlrl>ctly upon the b lOO<l And "'UOOUII Ult roy!aw dl'lll \.h.r.bl' cm. l »YM \.he of rIMl.. ... IOUPIIIIIIDO 01 UIO d......... ano . Ivlng \.h ""lIent \I0I'O DO"
111 ... , WI08hrco r's Hoot hlD C' syrup.
r.::,fuc;,~~~~ll:;~~'u~~f,I;~"~ lf~"i!~~~: ~~~~ SODle women Jump at conclus ions, because thry wnOl to soe how t be s tory Is going t o e nd .
One Thi ng That Will Live Forevol", P ETTfJ"S EYF: ~ ALVE, first box eold iD 1807, 100 ~'cal'lI ago, ealca In c rease yellr!l'. All drUltlfiata or HOlVu rd Brol .,Buft'alo ,N.Y. An ywa y E ve never had occ a.sfon to marry Ada m ' b y a s kJng two or three tim es a day tr s be was the only w om· an h e ever loved. Thousan dll of country people kncnr t h&t of BuddeD mishap or accident Wiza rd Oil is the be.wt ~bitl tute for th e fantily doet.or. Tbat is wb7 it ia 10 often found upon tho .holf.
in t i mo I Hamlillll
Thorou gh. "You are an optimis t 1" ''1 am," replied ·Mr. Dustin Stax. ""I not only hope tor the beat, but I m.u e pracUca l arrange ments to get it."
Non. In Stock. A w ell~ressed woman paused til tront' of the che stnut ve nder's stand. "Are they wormy'! " she asked. "No, ma'am," he answere d bland I,... '"DId you want them with worms? "
"Wha t meaDS tbis glory round our feet," The Magi mused, "more bright than mom?" And voices chanted dear and sweet, "Today the Prin~ of Peace is born."
As Time Palltle, "Before you were married ,ou use4 to se nd your wife fiowers ." "Yes;" re plied Mr, Meekto n. "NoW' It takes a dlamon'd necklac e to make h e r aa enthus1 asUc as she used to be , ovar a flv!Hl\lllar bunc h at rosel."
Saw Only Physica l Idea. One at his friends once asked Mr. . Darwin 's gardene r abolit bls master '. health, and how 'lie had been lat61y. I " Oh!" be said, "my poor master hAa ve ry sadly, I · orten wish he I OOeD had someth big to do. He moons about in the garden, and I have "eon h.lm stand ' dOing notblng before a tlower for ten minutes at a time . l~ be onl,. e e had someth ing to do I really he would be belter."
"What means that star: the sbepherds said, That brightens through the
rocky glen"? And angels, answ ering
overhead, Sang, "Peace ~n eartb, good·will to men."
Triump h ot Optlmll m. "How are you teeling todaY, .uncler asked tb e robullt n ephew or hJs aged and feeble kinsma n. " Pretty well,' prel ty well !" quavere d that incurab le optimis t, "my rheuma.. tlz Is botheri ng me a good deal and my erfstplll s Is worlje than It was yea· terday, I've got a sUght headach a and I went down to the dentist tQd'a r and had all but two at my teeth pulled,. but thank hea~en those two are op.· posite each other!"
And they who do their souIa no wro.ng, But keep at .eve the faith
of mom, Shall daily bear the aneel's song, ''rods)' the Prince of Peace is born!"
JI.~' ..-
8lgnlne .nee tn Name•• In an flllnojs to~n a ,worldn ginU bavlDl: been informe d that a sixth baby had arrived ~t his 'home, exclalmed : ~ ' B.umcle nt," and hla nel,h.bors, referrin g to hi. having alvell thnt name--Sumcle nt-to the new arrival; credHe dbtm with orlglnalU07_ The inolde nt resemb les a case nearer home, adda the New YQrk TrtbuDe . A New York tamny was blessed witb nine' daughte rs, 'when the .tork brougbt a teath one. It was In the days when the slang term tor an otttold story was a "chestn ut," and as the baby oertain ly came under that head, she receive d the bame, but tor auphony 'a satte the French for the word was employe d. and ahe waa called Marron .
aPia or fbt patltaf _lin aad .bt rocll·lt,.a ....n la' lowl, ,.dbltll t_ wbcrt la, mlSltd ttl, 1'IIt rtltt MrI4. . E 00 t
.badorn of tilt .lItlt stall wt .taail btsIdt tilt £blld od "als,
.m '0
i o.
tbet for tbv Itt...rt.t lI.tal. tL Sptalr to OIIr 10111 ..
10011111, we walt. ttl 'be ......... sptrt. Of tilt eblld It,al
'ltO oal: ilttsl...1 It callll III Mali . ... UlOIIS It. r • . "·soo.lIt. a" IIltttritu .111 ,....
, ta "willla. ·...mIllW ..... 1101, .
. 10..... It' It' .allt fbi £I",.f . , eltl~ 11IfO'", I)tII1I, .~ IItltto
II It ItVtll, lonb we .av loot II It 100f1>... follow:'ln
II. footH"" MI...... 1ItIfio.til , WU', . Ie fO 1Ittft, co.ort ,tO'lllt .. ..... ..0" 10
i ~ ."", ·
....ar_ilt . .
": low' 10 '.lL' 8 ....1' $I. tltc .,lrI" of: looIaIl dlNl-' • • 10 pre• . all PtOJle , iIIoU ..... "1fM. tItoIt ..,. ..... CIItc 101, .-eM ..... or 1014
......... .
" Wh en they saw the s tar tlley 1'11" jolced wIth exceedi ng great Joy." For men in banked cabins In the nrotic snows and men In the wind beaten ships on remote seu, tor men In troplo junglel and men In rorgotte n wastea, this day Js Christm as. We who IIpend the day In 't he friendly lIe<lurlty of citlea and ilraw a.bout us the familiar In· tlmacJe s of home and dally (rlendah lpa are apt to forget the wonder of this, and the signific ance. But whethe r the,. reaUse It or not, men draw togethe r durlnr: these hours. An" this III to follow the star the wise men aaw over Bethleh em. Chrl8l.JlUla for most of us Is given to the cl08est of ties and the aplrlt of It I. only a. warmer Clow of well used afDOW. teotlons . But the deepest and mlghtlellt things are tbe nearest , and In the heart of thIa da, I. the hope of the. there race. Two thousan d yearsa ago lllaS l\cept.'nt1':) ~"'rist mounta in. was one who spoke from t1 .( .. His messag e' was the brother hood of -r tlme he said: "I am Chrlll~ .. a day of J07. but Joy all men. Anothe and tbe Ufe," To. Ihould nOl De allowed to die out of our the wa,., th.e truth, wa,. though the,. the follow men da, atay ahould It . morning next Uye. obey the truth and know, not do alng ahould We ",Ith UII ever alter. .ee, and live the . the Chrlstm aa ItOn,a all the new year. though they do not u~C<ln.cloU8 of ItI! We aboulel carry the peace of God- In lite though they are the world. i'or the our hean. COIIUnut1ly hereatte r. We pulle beat through the race marcb lq of wa, the la "., the flDd Ulne"to la Iboulel J,earn fr.oDJ-th •. goal lar Its to lul,,: n pal' , .. thin all beauty and the cooid w~ III Tbe lite of the Individu al and the aDel 'to ahow ~e world ,that w. believe. beU8T~that alnce Una of DaUon. are bOrDe upon the wbat we 'aay Chrlllt r. our bolom of a ,reat .Ude . .Wlss meil .call Jeaua aDd · 'God lovea u., but . DO mn .rneQd, ':'~i1~a ' .,.~ . ~ tho "orld." It Il,. cUtrer4lat Damea. Ita tqll CUI' .fteefua ll, U'fa III Tb.,. w~o ·,.oel•• ·ud . tell of Ood'. Obrt.t · N " a a.. ~DL .W hether "• •tate It 1Il " uI~ · un.pok able .IWelea t 80rt ot' of ' reUalon . or of PhtJo.O phy. or pol· . the cUrJ IDa7 ,d"mer CllylDe plaUtue l, ~~tinU a~UD,cl ' ,!,~Ul. them aU ·tu> te" Ita la. . . but , man: or Ooll broiherb the 'of '. iD th.... b~. , ' .
em or
~~ ..
to espl'llU Om: ....."..,. yin DOt. lDdee,4..com. : ' I1'be wllle a1aa be~' .1aIa... ~~ .... .l p~yerw 4baD more . . . . bMk. Jet ~ Qarlaj.IDU"Il: ~lldlaD· " Iae ....... . ..1 . " · ......... ...... to _iIae ~.....b""'" ... _UN clteD.t. lelllQ' ~'t. ~~ Dl~ ar ~!!:~~~~===c=:t! ~'t1q . . . . . . . . . . :: ~ . roatL
'..,.,ball ..
Se vere Pun ish ment. BelJe- And rlld you ma leo hp. r eat her own words? her mad Be ulah - Eat 'em! Fle tcherlzo 'em .
€rown tbt €brist €blld King ............
backach e. urin8.I7 heaJac hCl!, troub les and d~z,. sp Jls. To IDlIUTe good h ealth, k ep th e Idd· neys well. Doan's K,ldney P ills remove all .... kidney Ills. Mrs. Ill. EJ . Dowey. ellgb, 1':1eb., saY9:1 " In 100!) I ha el a. dreadfu l nltack ot dro llsy, my face being so''1)Uft'c u I could hardly see ond m y n. I t eet and hands we re t e rrJbly swollean4 Doao's Kidn e y Pills wer advisod I begnn luld ng tb ~ m . It f(>llulre d only short use to r s tore DIY kidneys to • normal ' co nd ition," Hemero be r t he name--Donn·s . For IInle by all deal e rs. 50 cen ts a box. Fus ter·M il hurn Co., BulIalo , N . Y. ,
'nle fttIde.. 01 this PIIlltt will bfI plCll!Cd ta 1_ AA, t hero IS III leaat OUO dtelWod I1ll6Joe \.hill 8eleuce ItutA been ablo. to cur e 1n IIlII n .. aLn.~"e.1 • . aod th at. II OalGlTb.
Post Toasties With Cream or
With Milk
Savoa'1 Who ••some. £co.omleal •.t,;
tholce ' of Three.
have to do one Of tAre. things," deole.red tlle ery portl,. oonducoor. . ··TOU·it
Tbe. tlcltetle ll -paUons eir looked -, up IlllIolontly. and aald: "Well '" "Sbow yer Ucll.et, pa,. yer, taJ:e. qr lit olfr" anewere d the veT}' portl7 con-
The lnsolen t pUll4lq er leaned out
of the 'lrtndow , "And you , too, frllnd," be a&ld ,erlou.l,., "will bave to do one of tbree thill'. ...
"Well'" queried the perU,. conduotor confiden tly. "Walk more," retorted the pallon,er. "eat Je.l, or bUIll" And b,. tile time the fat conduot or had recover ed the tralA ...4 lett tM ,tatJon.
Wants to Help Some One For thirty years J . F. Boyer, of Fertllo, Mo., needed help ~nd oouldn 't find It. That'lt wby be . wants to:belp somA one now. Sut. ftlriog so long bimlel t be feellt for "II dlstrelts fr om Bllokllobe, Nervou a ness, Loss of Appetit e, La88U odean I Killney disorde rs. Be sbows ,baS Eleotrlo Bitters work wonders for flno h trouble s . "Five bottles ." btl . writes wbolly oured me and now 1 am wtlll and hearty " It's also pnsltlv ely guaran t,eed for Liver Troobl e. Dyspep sia. Blood Disorc1urll, .E'ttmale Complldots and Malaria . Try t.hem . 5()(> at lo', C. Schwa rtz·s.
Our big stor e is in Chr istm as attir e. We hav e bee n buying for months for this occasion, and can show hun dred s of useful articl~s suit able for presents. Gloves
English Fur Lined . : . . . .... .. $3, 4 and & Street Gloves. unlined silk lined and fleece lin,ed . . . .
Tft.n Automo bile ... " ...... Tu.. u,ed to claim the dIIUDct101l of ba?ln~ the tll'lt automo bile raUroad. Five can wied to ' make rekular trip, OD a three-hour ,chedu l. O?.... the mil.. betweeD Lubboc k &Del Hale eounUe .. Tbe line bad a .,rtvate rt~ht of wa,. feDcld off u tor a rail".,., aDd Ita 1"Oa4N4 wu worb4 by MCUOIl haDd, to Utla uteat-- lt kept rr... of IIU4. Th. ctrt.en (tIlla to til. ...... to wIl1e'" the ~U.b \1M the woN) were cowbo,.. , hi blue overall . &lid ~ telt bat&. Tile, were reQ1Ilrecl to mab tile mile, ID tIu'M boura '*'ay.. the ltne carried UDltM 8t&tea ma.U ud lIDder cOlitrao~ to It... a echeclal.. Ofta the can would on. u Mur off that tor .004 m...,.. ,; Tbe roud trip fare for to mU. wu
. I50c
Crava t Holders, (new). . , .
Shoe Bags, Collar Boxes. Handk erchief Holders, Cravat Cases, and other articles . " . . . . $ I, I .&0 and 2
anw ao appallt og calami ty in bis 'f amily w.. preven ted' Is , told by 'A : D. MoD6nald.z.. of .Fayette ville. N. O. R, F. D. J.'IIQ, 8. ",My elater had oonlum ptlon," he write8, "'ehe wei 'VerJ thin llD.d pale, had 00 apo ,petite and lleemed to grow weake!' ~very day, ,!'8 ' all remedI es , f.ned, \m Dr. KloK'S, New DiaooV ery was trie"" aDd so comple tely CQred her, th.,t she haa 00$ been trouble d. wlt~ .. oougb IiDC8. Us tbe best medloi oe I ever saw or heard of," li'or oou~hs. , ooIda, I~@Tippe, asthma , oroup. hem. orrhlig e, all bronob ial tronbl ., it h~ no eqnal, .500. 11,00. Trial bot~ I tIe free. . Guarao teed by Fred C. ~bwartz , .
:.: .:. ::: :.: .:. ','
..----- -
m ','
:.: ,', .::.: ,',
In.."lolI II' Ex,Iana tion.
tCrtU~Wby 40 .7OU ..y I. that ator)' or yoUr. that "Hed.n oD', hean
,', ,', ,',
beat a tattoo .. MaW 8Ilte1'e4 the roO..• 8crtltl. yf Do , 101& wIM 70ar . ,...... to beU-r- ~t ~ .... .... net 4nuq ~.... lie ahoaW 1Ia.... ...
.1I.ut f
aU. ID7 ..., hi1 .... .tW., .... . . ..tM41F. I. ~", ' ,..... to Iat_ tb& .. . · 1IaMl', _YNG the nMIia H....s.nc.·. , ' -..art ..... . a ·.u .. anu.-- JIu.
::: ,',
,', ,', .:',' ',' ','
',' ',' '.' ',' ','
;, ~ on S~ ThIng Now "I'n never be wltbou t Dr, King'. New Life Pilla again," wrltea A, Bohlugeok. 847 Ehn 8t., Bmfalo , N, Y. "1"hey oored me of chroolo OQn.tlpatlon when aU others f.Ued. "
',' ,e.,
,', ,', ,',
Uoequ aled for. BllUOUlD888, Janodice, IDdlgeetion, Headac he, Chilli, Millarta aod DeblUty. . ~50 at 1', C.
..:' ',' :.: ,', ,', ,', ,',
, ~hwart,z'••
DIe,,,",,, WIl_ tile curtala ' .. The
:.: ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,', ,'.
.at up
aaIl'. pace oa til. "".....m. p~ • ......,la~wtllow lady ao........ Ia aoft, .c11Qtq
at.. . . .
ellRcwe nC
Matec1 .alo.. Iteton tile ....·laa. . . U.htet 'Ire,l&o e .. tIa. 4Iml7.u pte&
a tat.
of ema... . "Tbt Nttl..
-r. aom.
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out to ... a mao tor Ju.lI.
IoIdIIL ' .
Bnds,\\,inter'& Troubles)J . To . many wloter Ie a leaeon of trouble . The froet bUten toes and
fingers obappe d h'a ods and Ups, obllNa lns, oold sorei. red and rough skins, prove Shis. But su 'h trouble . fly before Buokle n', Arnica ' Salve, A trial oonvioOtll, Grea .t healer of BtU~8; Bona, ' Pile•• ' Cute. 80ree, · EoMlb a aod Spraio s, Ollly 250 as Erect C. 8ohwartz ~a ,
.... _--- -......
Hoi.. .u!'rCHII'ftI.d . by Dylpepe l .. ileat lIlater- rYe tped nuta -.. 'fQ04. but· tIl.J ·4ou't leem W wIth me. ,
.. v•.,t.Artu-Wbat kid lou~T '
. • ". II, '••..:...DoUChJluta. .. '•
of Dute ~
Your ow~' Mli'MI . •. Wbea la 'he ' need. Qr-.. UU'III("'~1 ;tDe4iolae, If ,ou bU., Dr. ~'lV·aOD8:t' we paran tee 7011 .l·"
. Make. ..,
. ,....
::: ,',
Bradley Mufflers
All packed in holiday boxes, .guaran teed
All the new colorin~s, suitabl e for street
for six months , the Box . . '. . . . . . . . . .. . $ I .pO and 2.00 Silk Sox
SOc. SI, 1.. 50 and 1.15
Ueeful Preeen te
Han dke rchi efs Neckwear for Men and
On:e thousa nd four hundre d Jap Sillt Ini-' tial Handk erchief s .: . , '.' . . . .
IDc . 15C, 25C and SOc
Other lines .
Hundr eds of new styles at ,. •
25c, SOC, 75c. $1.00, 1.50 and 2.00
Travel ing Bags . . . . . . . . . . . .
·13.5 0, &. 7.60 , I 0, 12
wear and motori . ,ng . .
. 60c and S 1.00
Special Boxes for all Ties 75c and
Sca rf Pini; Cuf f But~-, tons, Tie Holders
$3 .5 0
M.a nha ttan Shir ts •
New styles in oeat s.emi-stiff bosom s. . . . . and . Negligee Shins . and Wilson Bros. White Plaited Shirts .
$1 15 SI 50.2
2 00 2 50
Ii' 00 and I' 50
$6 .0 0 $7 .6 0 $1 0. 00
Good negligee styes at .
SOC and 150
Sweater Coats and Jerseys rhese s:nake a good warm presen t, : prices and
50c, S1·1 50, 2. 3.4
5' , ..'
· f .a ncy Ves.ts
These make U~ful Christmas Presents.
$1 50, 2. 3. 4 and 15 II t 50 2 and S3
New lines .. White Wash Vests
,', ,', ,',
It,H wbla,. ... Oalq
&Il bur-Jo a CaD 40 tile wM»bl a tor ~ of ul"-D11 18trate 4 Ikm4aJ II..-
.:. :.: ,',
to b1a ....ue... II. reaelleci tor
New Rough Hats. . . . . , . . . .. .. ... $1 ~50, S~ and S3
·8orlltltl q....NO t at
S I , 2, 3, , 5, 7.60 and I 0
::: :::
. ~.
Suit Cases
::: .:. !::
""WM JdJ,
Sui t Cases and Tra vel~ng Bags .
Stetso n Hats. . . . $3.5 0,
Hole' Pro of Hosiery
. . . , . . '. . .SOC, 7&b, $,1.00
Saved from Awful Death
. . . . . . . SOC, $1 and ·I.150
Lea ther GQods
With fur lined ear bands.
SOC, $ i, I .60, ~ Boys' Rough ~ider Gloves. with star on the gauntl et
Heid Caps for Men and Boys
,', ,',
,', ,', ,', .:.
:.: .:.,',
l ~,
'.' :.:,
'.' ','
:.: .:'.' ',' ','
:.:',' ::.
, . --.-. -:--3~,"", _ ._ _ _
THE MUlIA . GAZErtE . , Coun~y Cou.r.~s
The io ventor.y Rlld appril.ise)nent Ch~mber. , \ . lin, · deo~llsed. wat! filed , by Kenneth Uhamber1ill, executor. . Co nmon Pleas Court. 'l'be iDVel,ltory Ilnd appraisement VALLEY The jury wbeel waf' turned Mon of the estate of WHlillm o..McVay, dllY lind the fallowing ntlmes drawn: deceased, ~as tiled by B . D. MoVay D. L. CRAN~, Editor and Manager Bnd Faonle B. Greelv. Orand Jurors. The first and final·aoo,mot of tb W 0 MoFlldden ..... Turtleoreek'rp sta te of W C. Hankinson, deoeuHcJ Ratea of Subscription no YOIlr (strlcUy tu advlmce) .••. . ... $1.00 Devon Runyan ............ ... .. Uoion Til WIlS tiled bv Hannah J . Bimkinsl'o , Sluglo Copy .. . . . .. " . : .. , . . • . . . . .. . . .. .06 .J C CJhHmberlaiu ....... If'raoklin Til admlni~trll trix J . A . Ruffn r ........ .'rurt}eoreek l'p Due proof of' pub!i'cation of notloe Itnd.llpb St . •Johu ..... Turtleoreek Tp of appoint'ment of N. A. Bilmilton Rates of Advertising Hoadlng Locals. per line .. .... .. , . ... . Ik' Frank B. Stokes ........Clellroreek Tp Ildmlnistrutor of the estate of wn: Roac.l1ng Loca ls. t)lack faco. J)Cr IIno , .. . 10(' B. M, Decker ........... Olearoreek l'p Ham '1'. Parker, deoeased is flied 11UIII1f10d AdJJ. no~ to',excood fl va lines "-4_ I L' Bilker ............... ... Dolon Tp T)ll'OO Insortlon8 .... . , .•.....• 2Gc ChBrles B !lrvey ~ongF\r ... ... ..Clellroreek Tp Hlarr 8p lcenaes. Obl~uarlea. five Inchll8 free: over 1h'e Inclll'l8. per IIno . .... . .... , , . . • 6c Georl!e H. Da.vls .............. Mossie '.rp Earl H. Orn~orf, 18, farmer of Card 0'1 thanks . . ..• . • . , .. . .••. . . .. ... UOIIOlutlon'" ..... . ... . , . . ..... . . .. . .. . 2Gc R . U. Cross ........... :. ....... \Va vne rrll Springboro, and Veda M. Spray, 19, Socials etc. whore cbargo Is Il1l1de . .. , •• • ~: H. W , Lewis ......... .Turtlecreek Tp of Corwin . Rev. :Floyd Poe named Display AdvorMslng per Inch. , .. ...•.• . 1Oc· W m . V eao h ...... ... ... ......... U nion Tp to perform ,be oeremony. DlIICOUllta gl \'IlU 011 conW'lIct. Smith Hatfield ..... .. .. Turtleoreak 'I'p Real Estate Transfers. Lewis Olawson ... ~ ........ Deerfield 1'p William Chuneyto.lollnJ. Miller, DEOEMDER 21. 1910. Petit Jurors. lot in New Columbia, '750, Charles Clevengeriio Louis Castel. 8hortslghtednessls usually volun. O. R. Beokett ..... ........ .... Massle Tp In, lot in Franklin, 11. ... .John Kibby ........ .... Turtleoreok Tp _ry. Clem Oouden to Luoy B. Couden, • • • Clint Gilmore .................. Salem Tp A full stomtl.()h i8 a fine working Wm . Chaney ............... ... Harlan 'l'p lot in Morrow, $l. William Webst.er ~beets, to Wit capital. Geo W. Byers .... ........ Fra,n klin Tp t~z-:";a ~nmael .Ellie ................... Mllfl si e Tp liumElm er Sheets, lot in Springbor(l, Frank B , WhUe .. ......... Frlinklin'l'p U , Is;00n8ldered hard to oure. Try , Alioe J , Levi to J oseph ldarlett Dr. Bell's Antilleptio tmlve and yoo T. B . ~ears .............. .. Hllmiltrm Tp und Callio Marlett, traot in WtLyne willohange your mind , You will NatbnnGray ......... ... .. .... Wltyne'1'p see an imllr,\vement from the firt!! relillo J. !r·ons .... .. .. ..Turtlpol' k L'p lI l wQ ;t blp, $250. ~1ur E But:terwort·h to L ui t' bpp\iQa_t_lo_n_,_ + R. B ~D~der . ......... Turt,lporet'k '1')1 ~ Talntod money depends aJtogeth John H . Le o'] .. ............ Fmnkh ll 'l'j.l "'i IIlllnd~, truot iQ Bllmi\t.on town PubU..bed ' WOOldy
f the esta,te of N tincy T.
"~ · WIl)'DllIIvtue. OhJo
.. ...---
..- - -
New Suits ----.~ The J !looby Deltmy Lumhl I' ' '' , Be sure y \>o are right, then g filed ·sult !l/l:aiost P erry ROIDlIhl· Ilud abead and verify It. William (iood win oilliwing thtlt the " defendant wrongfully detained !ry It, Try It from tbe platntiiI 58 white ouk logl'! Try .or. B B't! Ant.iseptlo Salve und for t.bis the pillintiff wonts 'lOt> for all skiu troubles ItlsBs pleDs ant 8S sweet 8S oream and gUltrlln. dlim ~ges . ~~~~ve Mhl~uo"on ~ Wo~1 Court Pr~d~2~ ,asos. 2608 box Battie Gardner WIlS granted a di .-. voroe fr~m ChAorlea .G.a rdner on t be Weed8 don't ttt:ke root in the grounds f gross negleot of duty worst soil they can • _ find • . lind plaintiff Is given ou tody of *he The street urobinp of today are ow·l.... 'l I n the case of CorllOsborn ag"I·Dst the leaderB of tomorrow . "' , " • - • ~amuel O. Lear 'et al the oourt o'r dered thllt proper tv be divit:\"d u~ QranulateCC Eye Lids are eMily cured-Caustio Is no~ neo prayed for. essary. 8utbe~laqd's , Eagle Eye (Jonrt oonfirmed the sale of propi8 Painl888 and harml888 and t 1 ·1 d i t.h it ~ M · .E g~lve naranteed to our'o . Bu never e,r y nvo ve n e su oary failed on II. case oOl\ts l260 Il;otterlll againat Una. Bel e .utter, ~ , at al and dlBtrlbutlon is mM~. ' . ~ - .. . , The long green is tbe moat reatful A divoroe was granted Lulu Ad.
r upon Its loout4pn
'bristie !lno Edwl!rd Uhns ullie A. MoNeal, tnct,s in ()Ilmilton township, 60, MU I ;\'
!I.....I1!11. . . . . . . . . . .IIIIII.-..- -..- ...- ...._~..IiI_....IiI.I!II.........IIIII••
t~ .
Instead·of waiting until January or Febru~ry, WE WilL DO IT NOW., . Commencing Saturday, Decembe.. 17, we will sell our entire' stock of Men's arid Young Men's fine Suits an~ Overcoats at the following prices: . $8, $12, $16. .
,$8 Will buy any Suit or Overcoat in the house up to
Will buy any Suit or .Overcoat in the · house up to
• Will buy any Suit or Overcoat in the house up to
It is up to you to come early and select one of those good Hart, Schaffn~r and Marx Suits or Overcoats at $16..00, for your holiday wear. You will be courteously treated, whether you buy or not.
Commissioners' Proceedfnrs. Bills-George E . YIJUIl~, defend , FRED~S Lebanon, int{ Fmnk So).loonover, 150; Frtlnlt I ' ~_._._~~~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~I~_ _• _ _ _ _~~~_ _~_~_~~~~. P Forgv, board of prisouers, IllS 29,· • m8iu ~i~ing bo~~ and v~bi~~ ·'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *2fi i rhe Western Star, publ\shlng roail notloe, $6 08·; pub118hln~ rates us'ed for only a. few weeks, {lr £ven WALTER . M:C(!L URE, DR. J. W. MILLER," . f ·1 I e I·ng of tlixiltlon, IU8. 13; Warren or ~ s ng e ev D . I unty 'I'lmes, publishing rates of W('J have frequently seen in hotels ,' " .•• DENTIST .•• Funeral Oire~:tor. taxation, 1118 1.3; stationery for Rnd private dwellings d BI~o,I heleotrio f Office In WaYnesville, 0 auditor, 18 60·, Valley Telephone Co., light bulbs dec.orate w t 8onoy Na~lonr.l Bank Blda. I • hal\es of tissue pflper. This sbould I rents and tolltl, 119.46; Dr. H. M.· T"lephone dRY or night , ' Alexander & Co., lUlU-toxin for never be done , While it. is still dif- I Va.lley piloue No. t' . I~Dtl lJARNHART, Fra.nklin, 115; Fr"'n~ B , Duke. fioult to oonvlnoe·some people that Distanoe N (). 6\)- ~. bri.dge lumber $26 88 i John & W~t it is true, it I~ nevertbeless a. .faot Notary ~ublic on Uo supplles for 'rOBsurer , .. 40 that tbebel't fr om ~n eleotrlo hRht WAYNESVILLE, OHIO " , . ' ' ' , bulb wI·ll set fire to p"psr or even • •\ All kind .. of NO""ry Work Penslon W. R. Btanage & Co., supphes for I h if I·t i \I t I .. t t ith it ' . .<1 , Work:-tipeOllLlt.Y. . . uuditor, $S 30; B. L . Koogle & tion, oot II ep n oon ,ao w Branch Office; Barve1' lbura~ O. work at oou.rt bouse, $S j Dom~augb for a tew hours.
E. v . .
shade to the eye ~xoep' the round a~8on from Bal AdamaC)Jl on tbe & BolmAr, repairs at jll.U; Jl 91; THE OHRISTMAS TREE. \ DR.,.BE,L L'S ANTI.PAIN, Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalve yellow. ~round~ otgr08S neglect of duty Perry B Monoe. oontract, 16 26.; ,Care must be taken eTen in ~his .. ~ , ., and,plaintiff waerestored her maid- Oh l!rle'3 L. Henderson, contraot, hlnOO6nt delight of the children's 'or Internal Mel External P...... Good for.n 8~n Dis....... 80n1ethlna "uat Aa COOd V J ' , . . . en name of ,Lulu Monroe. ' ,f 71 95 ; .' . Zant~Yflr, oon'rllct, 'hearta. The usual decoration a ·of . . !,!,!!~~')~~~~~~~~~~~ canonlybe~b~ .case wbeo a ip TheoaseofW 0 Corw1nagllinst 115· J osep!l Nioholson lumber t.hetreeroquire · care · andwatobtDg HATHA.WAY another bottlA of Dr. BeU'a PIne- ' .' . . ' ' , ' no. • ,. . , C. HENDERSON, O· '. Tar-Honey. Every botlle theaame. O. F. CorWin Wild settled anddla. " 93.06; Xenia City Workhou.~, all the time the treeiHillumiriated , , ' Look tor the bell on the ·bottle. ' mil!!ed. bo8rdin~ prisoners, $S. We repeat in aubstanoe aome of tbe WR.YllelJville'8 Leadina DeIlSial .' - - -...- -- • Albert Anderson was appointed • -- . ., suggestions made in previoQtl bnlle. Office in Keys · Bldg. . Main Ht Waynesville,· O~I~. It ~ h ...rd work ,'0 draw tbe Une guardian .of minor defendunt in tbe you can ~~ways Cet . tins of t.h i8 department with regard Vallev Phone 153 lome&imea; thla Is , apeoiaUy 'rue' oase of T. Be~ton Soott' Bgah~st The beet COU~h medloine if you to tlits 8ubjeiit: . ' , wben 'he flt!h lue b"'o~ well. Wallaoe E. ~oh et a1. Mr. Ander ' ask for Dr. .Bell s P~e.Tar. Boney D~ not use ootton batting for the , ,. .. Rnll lOok for the bell on the bottle I , • - • son WIlS also appointed guardian of Guaranteed . to g~ve satisfaotlon. purpose of. proouring a snow ~ifeot. ,It Antl8eptlC Remedies t-he .minor defend,au t in the. case of I::)old everywber~. ' 1'here Is a substance Qa11ed"'mlnera) d6(ltroy d1aelL8e germe, ·,Dr. BeU's Roott aga1DlIt rdina May Oompton, ' • - .- , wool" (made of asbestos) whioh Anti·Paln Ie ao anttseptio remooy et al. Court tbeq ordered sale of CHRISTMAS DANOE~S giTeS a better !eireot and will no' ndertakei' a~d tor external atid external paina, reburo. , . ' I ltef la aIm "'" loatan·-noous. Sold prol>t'rty 10 both case8. .,.. .. -. There are, 'a t lea8t ,',vo",0lasse8 Will \he found in the ,d;d ' Cou.rt or~~red the ~herlff t? re· · , . of If &nta Clans Is to appear 1et h 1m 1)yaH.dealerll. Bank BuUding: opposite It or • advertise' !HIe of property tnvo)ved ~ople wlio, by reasoo. of their oa( not wear 'be ma~rlal whiob would . tbe Natl.dnal Bank. ' n tats. 8 good deal of oonfidence In case of 9harlea ,M~lliri agatnst ployment; view ~fie. apprOltoqh of readily make ()f him a human toroh, Telephone in honae and of· , Chrlatm:astlde with more or 1088,ap. but let him S68 ,~hat hi8 olothl~1r if;! . and opuragtJ to lltake your l.~' doti Jo~n H. . Mulll~ ot 1,'1., fioe where loan 'b e ,caned. }arwh"o YO)1 ha,en', got It. Case of 8ulbaok Hotel Co., agalna~ prebenslon. ~efer~noe h' had to the made of material whloh ,will not Igday o~ Dig~t. • - .• B. A. Brown waa seUI~d without memben of the V1'rloos:fi,r e depart:- nlte. 'rhe ~'II.~rlal <1ommonl1 u8~d Valley Phone 1(..:2, ' , . Not ~ . reoord. " , , , - , mentS and $~ft et~te flr~ mar.h.l a can be dipp-ed tn' a solution of alum, WaYnesville, Ohlo...-r::t"~. . ~-:: ': . . for~very~hing. Bn'herll\nd '8 Ellgle Oefendants gl v~ le'ave to fil~ foroe , F.o r, d.espi~ ,revell.te<\ _41'n wblob wtl1 ,ai~ke tbet;n praotl~l1y ·~~e ~lve ta good for nut-bing but d d ·" I ,. r·A"li ·B inga from 'tbe varlou~ authori&lee dt fi':"'proo·f. ' . ' WAYNESVILLE CHURCHes ,he eyea. If .yon use It and are not amen e ,answer n case 0 • l e . '. . .. eatltfled oomo baok /lod ge~ your 260, Jaok aRainat Huston R oberlBon et a1. the - dan g or80.f }lre in .0Qnnection Do not use ootton batting, tissue You bta the j'ldle. . P b t ' Co ' wltb the deoorJ'hon" oons_ldered neo paPer, or oellulQid lrnamenta on St. AugUstine's Catholic Church. Dr. Bell's PineFatber George Mllvenhoefor. Pastor. For OciUr;~8 and Colds. • e, ~ • ro a e u. eaeary in 'be Ohrlstma.& sea!lon, Jennie M. Miller, executrix of thEl 1 ·11 t·lll b ' 1 a tJljeO , Mas8 ever, !looond Sunday of tbe mOD\b a , '"'!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!. ::: Bmoking a olgar now and then III many pe9P e WI 8 a oare 888. Plaoe the ~ifts beneath tho tree U:OOa. m. expensive, ·bu' It 1. nothing oom. es,tate of Ad~i80n K. Mlll,e r flIed her . ~r.a.ttRtt08 gathered', by the A1g eri iDatead of suspending tbem from ,St. Mary·s Episcopal Ch~b. can ~erHMl Al4soolation show that the brknohes . pared with lupnnrting a 200-too' inventory Rna uppruisement. .,., M. l B ' d ' . . Rev. J . F. Oadwallllder. Rectol. steatp yaot. ' "ry A lo~ .itz was appolQte tlA a result of tegisJation ,by our va.·. Bee that' no draught. of air reuobes ' Sunday Sob 001.' 0 :UO n. m MornIng 80r . ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!I administratrix ?f the t sl·llte of An I~us mUllioipalltles the 0l1u811.Itles al! the tree to sw/'y lis branohes WhllA \'ice. 10 :30 a. m. Holy Cowmunlon ~be tll1lt th . k er, d e OP Il~e. d ' , ' S4Dd1l1 01 eacb won~b. ' . THI CltllATI8T , ony p ar , I;l result of, tbe' Fourth <;If July oele it Iii ill IlminlltAd . Court rde!s that Kenn~t;h Cham brutif\~" have b~el1 re~ooed Ilt lealiet . Extl'lgntah ",11 lights on :, tree bl'~ethodist Episcopal Chura.. beflin" ,a.d ministrlltor of the ~~tll,tti rlll{i b 'llt in Ubio, The (fires and io- lore I1ttAlDpti n~ to di trihtl~e gift,,.. Rev, H. W. Balley. PIiIIWI IN THI , WOIt&.D • of ~"'D,OY T ' c) "'om hArlin , di!4t.r 10 ' " j 1 I Nltlo'" u~uully attond tbl· , ' SundQY SChOOl. : 1II , ~ . m. .llorOIll/l: Rer· I'UBIJSBED WmLY. $..00 fER TEAR u . f ~. ,0 Dttnlel Chum bti riin I W. i, illite IlU ti I 1')1\ I1Iif tb " tb' -" ·t.ltill e4p~.C l l'l l ... if !lily Ir ll 'u ,~pl m I'll vice. 10 :110 ;L , m. F;plVor~h r" (~I;U!!. '1,00 P' . dr ' rom ose ot '" f n the hrl1 noh, ~ . l Pr ID. \yer t;;vown!r ·scn-tcc. 'i : 00 p, 'Ill . MHlwOA" HOTIIL', DItUCciiiT8, IPIICIAL..T8, morta~g6s. . B I .. I th tb r",m . J MO~lllIg. 7 p , m. OOIT U M It It 8. ,T ItANIF lilt, 0 AB "I wouldn't take a thousand " .. '(lU':~ l ntbtl,t v ey lire not N AVArl ava · t,lie t, r' \~ u nwlltt'liPti l __ _ AND 'BUI 8ERVICI CAN PROFIT dollars 'for the 'good VINOL bas . M~rtln'" A. ,T"mAilOo. ,ex"outflr · of /" 1 ' n'l 1)1 't,tt f' tiE, .or dllr.gerouii ~l(en wbll f1 lllofDl1l'a tA. j 1\ nd U,III'I; ( > r hi I ,Christian Church. BY ,UIIMQ ITa ADVIIRTI8INQ' COLUMNS done'me, I was told that €odLiver the esta't e.of "West Glenny,' deutlll~ ,r , 01 . ;,. b~t ItT~Re . h'o,m tbe OIU tilt: . II I · I b I I v ax tin . nov. L . o. Thompeou. PIUlt.Jt . SAMPLE COpy FREE ·· I ded f tiled bis tbird,oDd final a·o oouot , . h · . . tDtt·t 0. Ig lts ILre t oruu~ 1 . , - , Blblo School. 9:30 a. m. SoqaJ muetlo., Oil was the med lome ~ee ',or huodllng of thiof{!\ iuwless enou~b "'uisli~d before VIlU leave it. ' lo:ao ... . m. OhrIBtlliu Endeavor. 7:00 p. m, Addreaa ' NEW, YOItK CLIPP~fl . , my"',eakened conaition )and POOl' Fii:lalaooount tn the estc\te of 0 I ' 'I a" 1 ." , ., ' " .' Sermon \)y pllo8tor overy ' alLornatt'l Sunda)' at , New 'Yo"". ft.,V. .. ~ I n "'. m "" ves 81\016 11 'h e Elt ""pt.,l (till nr e , 'lO) . 10:8U .., m. and 7:\10 P., m . .' blood: ' I could n~t take ~~ greaSy. • KoCa.b ·', del\e~tled, Wl.a fi ltlll ' hI' "" r J _ .. ~__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . mixtUre, and w,hen'our.~ruggisftol~ A.. , ~ert~r., ex~outOr . \ 1!l1,.:JCO'l'IUOlT,(, , ne'o~ll,th v .f:Y t.r at I)·,tl h d rip . H'&kslte Friends Cltur<=,. me that VINOL cont~ne. d.,~ot pn . ly: '·.Leave 'Wft'S aranttld . H. D. MoVflY 'pings from tb OI~ndles Or pO~tI ule I 'Fil'$t Day M6t!tln~ • .0 :001\, m. Fll"1It Da, ..U"onlit b all"th " ..uQJ'1l i ng ' m .'terial ohool ; 11 ;0(1 a, m . · b'our~b Day' lIIee'tnj{· to~IC " e.m~ dlC~lI~a :prop- 1 ap,dF"DoleB.GreelY to.sell t)rQP"rty 10:00 a. lZl. ~d. for Nothing but the Eyq et11es Q.f C~,J.~v.~r pU,,~l~~ut.tli~ . '. to 'tbe ,..esttite of' Wm'. ,0 ' ijave paoket04 ot sllnd or wat.er, or --'"7-', - ,- . grease or od or bad taste, .l ma~,:, ' , . '" . , ' '. ,'_ fir&extlngui8,.ers in a place oon ven . up Diy mind that was ~he, medicine' McVay, d~~". , . ".' ,I i ' , ,~ 'f?r insts:~t U·8e. . ' .. , ...for !!\~., ,~· tri~t\J,~ ' ~d: t<Mlay\:arn ' ~~~' will '.A.~d; ,1loo11:v. , 808 ' has f equently " ·strong and ,welJ,'f,'.' ,I \,~, ; ' .';. J.' .• • beretofore, ~\be care" M~J, T. " IM~1'!::;;:~'il!:;l\L,:ii): '.. ....,";' .. ,." Gi~l~sflP~o,
Do H··E
M. 7-
A. ·MAFFfI,.·
Einb8:lmer .
r ' t
:J. I
.. r I threw mY panama on f\ f' ... Ir In' dis· cust. . "It's 1n the closet ,,1 'sbe r eplied: "tblrd shelt. I put It tbero ltIy"elt. Though wbat yo u want w1th I hat old thIng whon you bavo boxes and bozes lull of goOd hats I caD't lm· agine! " . " No t hing 11 ko being comtortab l ! " I shoutod, as I ran up the broad stairs outside Ute door three steDs at a time. Dearest was all ready n.nd w:lll!ug ,,-ben J camo rlown again. but 1 dhln 't need to slleak to luform ber tbn.t 1l0 1D ethlll~ hall hnppenod. Sbo saw It by my fa o. "What Is It. ,\'1!rr d~ " I5IJe 9.9\(ed. "You look as It you'll f"on n ghost!" EDITH "I 1111 "c!" I flnswor d. "o r S0l111r thillg quIto as stnrlfln!;! ' 8ny , HUNTINGTON Agatha. what 110 you thlnlc 1 round '"MASON 0 111 Arch's losot?" "Your but. just us r told you you , 1I'0ull1 ! WlInl c l se ~" But I kn ew she Aulbor o' I "n IV I didn 't mean that. " Wby, noth1ng more nor lcss than "Tbe Real Agafha" a loud checl(ed n.utomobile coat, o r duster! " I replied In m asured toties . "Now, whllt do you think of • ____.....~~~~-..-_~ I that ?" UOP~I,,"':thrtl.!!.I.O\ ~)'o~0. 1I<;:!'!~.~U\u . ~ "Not III(e t IIe coat you !l aw hang· log Ol'c r the back ot tb e mac h ino In SYNOPSIS. the woods?" xpostulalcd Dearest., rchlba lt! Terhune, a pOI'Uldr "ntt In· aghast. "Not that coat, Wilfred?" '''P be very sam , or Its twill lJrot tl· d olent younG' bachelor of l..ont1on, ref'oh'es nowa thnt ho luis b Olln mnde heir er," I told hcr. "Come, now, isn't that ' to the t!st.a.te 01 hJ8 Aunt Georglaua. wlUI a go !" lIut my wife was out ot the an .Income dt '20,000 1\ year. on, cond ition t.hat he ~mea cng11C'1ld to b e marrl rd door an,d haH way up to tbe t hird within ten daye. Failing to de 80 the floor by that Ume. legacy wUl go to a third cousin In Amer· '.'l':ve got to seo!" she cried back Ica. The rtOty opena at CMUe Wycltol'r. wbere Lord VIncent and "Ia wife, (rlond! to me, and r went up atter her, al· etl Terhune, I\re dl8CulISlog plana ,to dnl! though I knew It wouldn't -be any use "'m 11 wlte wtUlln the preecrl~ Ume. It her .eelng It, since sh~ had n ot seen ~s thllt Ln.dy Vincent 10 one of lIeven the one in the automoblle. ~ona named Apthll, aU CIOBII girlhood lilt surely Is!" she ox lalmed all I oehuma. Sbe decJdCII to. lnvlte two of them to tllO caatle nnd have ,Krollls . UIIl!'O lUI ' stood by het side. "A checked auto· .all ot the suest.. Aptha SbU, etrlkclI ~Ie ILl!! a bandpa!nted beauty. Agatha iftioat I. a brOMY American Btrl. Lat!y 'Vtncent tella bel' buaban4 that Agatha 6lxth already carea tOt' ArchIe. He «alna 'ft'om Aptha SIxth the fidmllll!ton that lIbe c&reII for Wm, but wUl require a month', tlmll full,. to make up her mind .Aptba Fint, DOIJlect.e4 by Terhune, reo eetVOli att.nUona trom IAaUe Ji'\ocer. Four (lay, of the preolOUII time bave pa.ue4 ..ben, Terbuao Ia called to London on buslneea. Aptha Flnt. 011 Ute plea or. elc.kn_, exc:u.l henetl from .. motor trip plann4;4 by the Vlno..nla. · ~ter the,. • e Altatl'lI' Firat 'tlleldn&' ftowera with a tru"Ce mr.n.. .. ," be. vtncenta cJ1ICuu A~tha'a ' _mtQ·.euPUclt~_ .
Archibald's Agatha By
- .u '" .- -
, ~,
CHAPTER VI~ontlnued.
her every wo rd wIth th e ea{:er tnte1'~S I)RINARY. AND KIDNEY est of t.he most de ot d suitor. An.d RELI EV~ I" Lho delicate raoe ot Miss Lawrence TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STR~INwas alive wltb f e ll'ng and glo,v d W tt..er ot: Small Expense to C9nslruct Small Dra in FI'(~m lNG, 'S wEL.LING, ETC, pink oven without the aid ot the rose Celltlr or Heap to Ltlrge Concrete Tank colored para.ol sbe carri ed. I Sltuated N ea r M a nure Pile, Stops Pa in In the Bladder, Kldr.eya "0. wbat do you thlu k!" sl1 cried ;and Back. In her sort. ullh~t d Voice, "M r . ' r et' I h uno says that the rllins a rc h a llnled! i Ita\" 0(;" 11 wand 'I' d why moro Itng. By 1l . lug lhl~ wasil on III\!udows, Wouhl ll't It U IIl l' ~'Ithlll 11 w ok or 110 Dy ~he ghost ot a nun tbat was shut 1 ...lrull'r;; w h o k... p large dairy ha l'd s you 1m "t' your Hllu\lll'~ rOl: II Id (' rops, to Uf' ' I II tIm}, goodbyo tor vcr to tht) up In th wnll once :" lIer r eally won 1,(11,1 will) hay t' liars II ndor the Ila rn!! a nd th wl\s h is nn excf!lI cut I blug fur a, aldlnt;', tJrll.lb Ung. straining, or too fretd rrul blnel.: yes wel'e brl p'ht wltl 1'1 )1' nWllure. or who ha v. Inrg mllllllr wo -dy lUeallow!:I or on llUld wht'l'll cul>- qucnt plLSsnC!I of tlrlne; tllO torehead and interost and I thou ght she made I> pilI'S >lOllI!' 11I ·tl~n 'e f rom th Imrn, lInge or onloo,:l are tp b lint. It a p· Lho back·or-(he·1I nd achaa; tho sUlchet r~ther dazz ling picture In ber wblte I 10 not iJllilll • Cu DCI' ,t ulnk fol' holll· [1 11 d 10 lU udows as SOOIl as tJl' firs t and pllll1.'l In U1S bnelt; the growing mustrock and the 1\ lltiou8 (lur(lole 0 1 I I II~ 1If1l1id lU 1Ll III fl ' , says u wrltel' In rop Is clea r d oIY. Ill!hould b rllhlt '(I clo wcal n08S: IllJ DUI before tho' eyes; yol· IJl nk sunshlll'lo about hor. But I 1 i',w n ry th' n If'um n. In 1111 UII·to·date wltb Wilt r--sny half' II iJm'\' I or WilIer low skin ; slogglsh bowels; 9wolloll eye, I lids or Ilnkles' leg ernmps; unnatul'tll coul dn't swallow a ba re·[aced whor>- f lll' lI1 t1 t h, c,.\1al' 11001' Is of conc·rNe. to ha lf or Wl\sh . It l11C1 kcs all xc . I ehort bronth: 'III plellsneia und tbo d o\.leI' lik e that, for tn a t tllln III ry 1E !.Iud 1J111 t'l ct o lho Illllll ur 1111 bus often I nt rertlll z' l' tor clover, rYI' . bar}!'y, 8vond !Icy? so old. So I hn.,l just begun to ex· I IJ. ('o ncre r" IJQun m with n s lIghl s IOIU~ . and t1l111 II Ii a ll foo(l n dell for tb 'se I hn\'o a r ecIpe for tholo troubles tho.t plain tbat AI' '11 wn.s clwUing her, nnd I wou lU lip II lUul! r of »mnll xlle usc crolls, O UP of the flnest farm s I have I yelu elln dOJ'l cnd on, and It y<?u want to the Shost . raclwt his own Invention 110 hu /lrl ~ s h u ll ow drain wltb plank eVl'r s e n hall liS d wasb Oil III ad ws I malto 1\ QUI K RECOVERY, you oughl entirely, wben [ caught hI s exp res l'(lv "I'I Il/: i l' <1 111 Ow ('C'!lnr or )1110 to n and bay fo r t n yoarll. ther Ill' ulluw log to wrlto nnd get n copy ot It. Many R slon aDd mjl wire's eye. Th formel Inl')", ('on t·r" I.) UI llk sit uated n.t a short n il lhe solid mn!lure to be II (lplll'd Lo doctor \vould chnrco you $3.60 Just lorrool and othe r crops, and uot a p\l\lnd writing th Is prescrlvt!on, but I have It was embllrl'u .'s('(1 nnd tho latter S ir Il l. lUll<' from lho U1!lLlllr \111 . will be glad to Bond It to you en Ure· v re, ancl I Ktopped In tho , rui c!dlo or Now th n l' OIIl'ret{l wor k ca n b don o! ILrI Itlclll I r rUlizer hud been UOI,lgbt lind I y tree. Just drop mo a Uno ll1to tbiB : a sentcnco n.s 1 fathomed tho cow· by lilY illI ('lllJ.:ent f!ll' mer wltbout tbe for eight yp.a rs exc pt ground Illue. Dr: A. K Robinson, 1(·251 Luck BuJldlna . alII ot blgh ' prl('ed s killed laiJol'. th e If poss Ible, two ban Is can lJe fix d, Detroit. Mich., and I will lIond It by reo billed si gnlOcan c or 'yo and look. "So th n.t'tl It, Is It 7" I tbought to lIr~t outlay wouid soon r epny its Ir In say one each on a one·horse ,/ugon, turn mail In a plnln envelope. As you w\ll m ysolf. "Poo r ,old boy ! He's so l in I'e n.lled produ('tion a nd soli fo rtllll.y. and It III s urprising ho\v Uluch can bo SeG when you gol It, thla recipe contalM only puro, ha rmlellB r omedlclI, but It hall mu ch In lov o be do cs u't Imow wh t Mako til · tauk at 11 cou\' cnlent place don e In a day . Whllo you are nbout It, l)lllld a goo;1 grent healing nnd paJn-oonQuerlng power. ho's saying, AnytblnG wfU do us long I for 1\ wilson lo Ilpproacb . nod cover th It will qulc.kly show I/a pow~r once you as she will listen! And I'w dOllced tnllk with 1\ plank co\' r. 00 this can bIg taul, 13 0 that you enn rlln raw wa. I ue., It 80 I think you hnd beller BCO what g illd to see It. too!" he C1xncl uu (' nlll ss·cbn.ln buckel pump . t r In to ,It whe n desired to weaken t It Is 'wIthout delay. I will Bcnd you .. Bu~ F'reor showed less Iltl,I'splcnclty. IIa.vfl pump llt' t so tbat It does not go a Uttl . Thl:) wbole ta nk, (lump, bar· copy trll -you call u.. It and cure yol1l'though at course tb or e 's thlll to be within s ix I n hes of tbo bottom. nuy r eb and labor sho1tlcl cost within $tOO, a.lt at borne. suld, be dldn 't have the key to the a n l(tru Inrg-e Illolass s bn.rr I nnd ut an d H any good farm l' r will look up -------sltuatlon us I did, and challenged poor a h Iq al t h huug·hole: then bore a h is boo ks he will see th t S100 did Dot DiscouragIng. "Oeorge," said her husband's wICe, old Arch 's story of the nun. and ! .. " I den't b Heve you have smoked one five mlautes ba d him showed up ot tbose cigars I gave you on your propor. tb o old tellow nt last bavlni c to take retuge In the statement that birthday." '''Tbat's rtaht, my dear," replied hi. It must have been somo ath r ruine wl1e'8 husban<l. "I'm goIng to keep be . had In mind. Strange to say. thew until our WillIe wants to learn however. for all his learning Freer to Imoke." did not win a smne from Agatba I::illrtb, who ouly turned to Terhune T SPOHN'S DlSTEMPER CURE will wltb more Interest than e~r as a aure un,)' poasiblo eBiI! of DLS'l'EMPER, result of bis errorts. EYIo:, Bud the like among honell It was then thllt Dearest made her i"PINK of aU agel, and prev 'uls all othcl's in the remark about motoring over to see The M;anuro Tank and Wagon. Ame .ta~lo from hUl n" the diae,!"!. Allo Mrs. ChIltern on the following day. cure. chicken cholera, and do" dilteml'er. It I h k ' Any lood druggi,t can ,u!lply you, or aend lhree-Incb hole 10 onc e nd lind set on go tar aftel' buying fertilizer snd eow· to mfn. 110 cenu and '1.00 a boW ;. . .ACOnta wall an nnocelIt enoug remar and very cas\1a1ly said, but it seem· hind end ot wagon on a trame, to pre- Ing machine. It I. a most unpleasant wanted. Frt:e boo~. Spohn Medical Co., ed te have an electri(yiIig effect Qpoll vent roiling. ThE.'D make a wooden job for the worker, but OQO tbat will Spec. Contal{loUl Diaeuea, Goahen; Ind . ' Agatha First. She jumped up and trough to b fixed to end of barrel just give a.,y farmer a goOd return for hie came over to iny '\Vlte. below the bung hole. The t ront end of mon ey and labor. It is es'peCJally s uit. Benny on Benovolence., 'Don't do that!" she said, low and trough should have a raised board to d f d I f h t th Benevolence Is a great thIDa. Wbell ' e or a ry arms were you ge e 'fou he.ve benevolence yeu cannot rest " earnestly; ,jplease don't, Agatha, prevent splashIng 'vhen bung' Ia 're- hot dry 8umme.r a, as the wasb spreads unUI you do sometblng to make other dear!" Dearest was surprJsed: and, moved . It Is also a good plan to hang all ovor the lIurface and Is- washed on people fe el grateful to you. The other by Jove, se was I , or puszled. at a bug over the nd or the barrel so to tbe toots, and the plnnts get away day my mamma went up Into th. attic least! The girl seemed so awfully that when the teamster leans over the at once , nnd It Is Borne plelUlure to see to ftnd u lot of old clothe. to gt•• earnest about not wishing us to s0'8 llar rel and r movea the bung he will a second·cut field ot clover or hay a t to poor neople who could not alford to Mrs. Chlltern~ut or all proporUon not be splas bel1. . good da.rk g.\, en oolo~' wben all around, bul" any 'fclothes for theD)selves. WhIle to the importance of her request, It The trough must have one·lnch . .Jles all else 19 brown and wilted. TWa shewl18 hunting around she feund a seemed to me. "But why not!" my bor ed allove r the s ide near the bottom wasb Is very rich In nltro~en, /loda anI', gold.headed cane worth ,25 that wifo cnuldn't help " as1dng. a.nd a wire brace from the end of bar· potash, llnd It soaks t hrou gh the mo· grandpa had pnt up there 18 yeara "Because we have such a little tLme rei to troug h ( B) to support It. A Is the nuro and draws good from the manure ago, and forgot all about. ' Thus we left to be togetber. you and Lord drain Into tank (T) . from barn. C i. a on Its way to the tank. see, dear friends, benevolence brtnp Vincent and Mr. Terhune and Agatha t ooden trough to carry t he wash from The tan\( s hQuld be Clleaned out once Its own reward.-Benny. Sixth and mYgelf," she sald. ·"Mr. p!tm\) ,t o barrel. Wheo not In use, the a year ; if tbe gutters are ot concrete ' _ ________ Terhune tella me he has to go badt empty barrel can e asily be sllis on to a nd coverCd·wItb plank, they are natly VBRY DECEIVING, to London In . a day · or tW(), and J I' ~ nuder cov r and kept standjn~ cleaned, and a gl'aU ng can be fixed Ilt think It's a .hame to waste a whole ru ll of water. It Is beUer, It possible, the manure pile end ot gutter and an· day by golng o'ver to Ch1Jtern J.louaet' to (\lIpl1 to grQund Oil n wet day. other where It ent re the tank. Wber Besides. you saId they owed yell. I h a ve seaD worked·ont land and run· commen cing to baul out tbe wash, I, all!" Sbe bad lowered her ' volce' down hay ' uleatlows tbull made to pro- mIght" be belter t0l>ut Ii lleUe water1'..-tduring tbls last statement, but It waa duce heavy crops with no soUd manure the barrels, as the first few barre ls Villi not necessary. Freer had strolled orr Ilnd no fertilizer. The 'wash should be the strongest, until the wash tank to the ruins al1d ~phlbald ll.n~ Agatha I b applied to the grass as soon as Is well mixed by pump'ng. Tbese emp· Sixth were too absorbed in each oth· bi) frost Is out of the ground, and YOU ty ' barre ls with their , gulters wLll be ers company ' ~ noUce ua. hould take notlcs that the stream Is ~oltnd very useful In a dry sUlll,mer for Her reasons were apeclou8 always overlapping your last sprint- watering root crops or g,!U'den truck.·. leglcal enough, but Dearest, ·to IDJ . ___ ~~ surprIse, . seemed InoUned to ac;cept .... -- .... ow w· .." ~ - - - - - Then It caught ,n, th'e gearing 0 the them and 1 ha~ ·to Interfere. . " binder, raised riglit up and caused a "They do owe us 'a call," [ said, ' . ' . , smash which stopped harvesting ' for "but that WOUldn't prevent Us trom ' two day&, durIng which time a wind: having a jolly Ume of It if we all atorm ('.ame' , a~d leveled , tbe grain chose to CO, .over together! On tti~ te tbe ,round, so that muc.h of It was contrarT. It -.reuld be .somethInc to (oterestlnlr S tory of One Farmer'. 10llt, because he did .not keep bls do!" ~eth04 01 Removlnlr RUbbiSh fences lit repaIr , and could not turn Then Agatha .FIrst. evldently goallFrom Field-Lost TeDlper his hoga on the stubble. ' Tbls farmer ed Into a comer, set ber young faee &JScl Money, believes In' 'saving time and It would In a fashIon tbat wall almost despe .... be a dead waste. of time to throw ate. "But Aptha Fourth-Mrs. ChltsUoks and stones on the plow and , ( B y J A MES O.: GUTfffilE. tern-isn't' tbere!" ahe declared: "8he The Pre.ober-We ~ed . ' lJhORo toM me' she was going down to LollSome years ago a farmet In our carry them. to the edge of tbe field. ' ., don for a week ,or: tw.o !" ;. county found his 'plow 'ologged ~tth a you 'kno1V, 'where they ' could . b.o laid graph choir, Tbe SextoD.~Wbat anooe.,,'· .' Dearest stared at, her, but ahe IUd two-foot piece ot scantling whIch bad out ,of the WRY 'a'ong' the fenc'e . , The PreachElr-Flne. : Nobody knew net allk her, as I wanted to do, why J)een uaed for some ' p\lrpo.q· In Hie the difference un a deacoo', weDt to ' she hadn't ·sald so in the drst place~ tleld and lett there . . He stopped long the l~ft ' to take up uae oOueetioU. ' , aulr!.a Fowl .. lostea'd she took plty on Agatha eno'u gh to think up some warm Firat's white face, for the girl had , tbings and lay· the offending pIece of The nesh of tbe ·gulnea . Is hlghl, actuallY turned pale, and allllured her timber straight 10 tbe furrow where prl'z ed and brings a. blgh a prlce I~ MIX. THI~ ' FOR' RifE"MlTISM charitably that she had entirely' given It would be covered the next round. the olty market as that of the flrst up all thought of an expedition to When be plowed tbe same fteld (or chIckens and orten more. It baa • E.. lly p,.par.d and pen.lv• •,,' Chlltern house, tbough, as I told her wheat the next year he did not see pmey tiaver wblch moat people prize. Really " Do.. ,t he Work; 'aye afterward, obviously the young lady the piece of scantling, but It was there Noted Authorlty~ . Oulnea flesb t. se"ed In nearly all · was cramming her. But Dearelt hail and when the drill caught it and the large hotels and restaurantiJ un, , I' the kindest heart' in the world. broke a break pIn, requiring balf an aer the ' nam'e ot pheasants Md If one 'I'bouaaucla of men and women who hour's ' delay,' the farmer did not stop Is In touch wit h a large b'otel a con· ,baTe fel~ the atlng and . tonure .of, tllat ITO BE CONTINUED.) , to pick the orren'd ing thIng ~ up, but sl",e'r able number of the ~rds Ulay be cSread dlleue, Rheumatl.m. w~loh. I. left It with four Inobes !lUcklng,above . ,!!sliosed ~f alwaYII ' a~" prlcee thatwll~ no relpecter o,~ ace, ~~. '.elr.t the level. be a handsome profit, even . consider·· ·color . or rank; WUI be lDte~~ tQ Th. FI.hhawk'a Warning. "The ftshha.wk tells us when the sbad TJte next'harvest he fou~d that twO: Ing the ' care necessitated . In ralshl, know- that It ta' OJ;le of the: e.~le.t ~, . . begin to run up the river," saId a foot piece of common scantlIng again. them. lUeUoua or ' the human tiOcb ' to conGloucester Osherman. "We have learn. Quer. Me4lcal .Clence ,~a. proveli Jt . ed that It Isn't much UBe to cast· nets. not' a 41atlnct ' 4ls8Me In Ita_If. but . a no malter how mUd the weather ma, .-,mptom caused b,. m.ctlve ,1d4ue:r.· be, until Mr. Flshhawk swoops doWll Rheumatlam. la uno actd In the blood on' us. ' and bther waste product.i , of t)ie .,.., "When he comes salllu'g up tbl:l bB,J tam Which .houJd · be tfite~ we know It's Ume to get to work. '. ti.tned . ou.t In the tOtal of miD. -'T he Lois , of (armers down Jersey WOuld . 'funcUoD of the kldDe,.. It ,to IUt'Uleae never think ttl start planting until thl pol.OD." 'aDd aalcla out ' add" keep .the ftshhawb come. I don't believe they blood olean .' aDd pure, The '1d4neYI have ever been later ~ban AprU 12, hcnjeT.r,,~ .re qt .ponp.Jlu~ubstaDoe: though. They work their way up the ,'the :.1101... or'pqrel of :.hI~ coast (rom Florida and the other Um,.. ett)el,' from oY~!.r"0,1')[: southern waters early In March, WheD e~uN become Olofttlld;· the fish begin to come'· north. They tuncU~ tollow the big schoola Df herrlng j '':;' a rule, :because the herring· swim clo8e together, .and the hawk has easy' plck- , tng. The shad ' foll~w the herr!nJ,: an~ when the fisbbl\wk comes we know 'the a.had ' are not:. far behlnd ........5'ishtiiC :a., .zeUe. '.
"Ou.r marriap~" I corrected, "~aturall7." abe said Indulgently .and ··Iaugbed . ., "But- I 'ye always, ad· mired her," sbe .....eDt ·on; "she's SQ . !bIg an'd slton«' and baa . suoh' tr&Glendow. vital' force. . I'm a Uttle sur· prised ,t hat Bny ~De ' of 8UCi{; M . open F h.aracter could ~evelep intO .uob a Content ta Gaze ApathetIcally Upon It. 1P10tt,r. lt'a' atl .~ rrllS~t1Ulll" un.~er hand l\omehow.Vlhy oan't .ahe come' mobile coat! , Did · you ever, Freddy, • • n4 ,telNime friD~T < aU · aoout It, did YOU ever!" And she held It up and 100kei1.·lt over from collar' tO coat· . wbatenr ' t I_r.' · . It were enchanted and , " "Perbap. MI'!I_ ChUtern could ·t hrow tall as .1iIome U~lit on the subject" I ' sug- could t~l1 us more than our' own' ,yes _este. ,' , _ ._ _ _ __ +-".......I.IL.................._ - '_ _. ''1 . shouldn't wonder "~t . all!" ex. "Yea," I said, "tho very same!" .ela.imod,' 'Doareat. 'iAgatha First "Tbeu·1t must bave been Terhune!" .tayed D)ueh longer with ' her than "Beyond a doubtl" 1 answered !Aptha Sixth ,cUd. · , I sball telephone thoughtfully. "But Isn't it too queer! er In ' m·o~. What. a smart In the first .place 'I didn't Imow he ~1Jt(le bpy It Is. tAi ~ sure: to·Wnk of could handle a machine. and In 'the ·'that!,H .And I .wu ,more ,than paid aecond, where did he get It from. By, Jove''' · . ',:101" my -~1iP7 ~'QKht ~:r. a \lair ot ".And why d.OeII be bave to , moet 'J exquI8It" arm. "bo~t my neck, , ' . 1 "t woi\der ,,-at" tlJ,eTll have to &aT Agatha First tn secret that way?" ""for theJrtselV~ wlien they, come In 1" .wondered my wife as we left the cas-:1 said as we ' ,;er~ goIng dbwn to the • Ue and, started tor tbe scene ot the .drawfng.room a tittle ·Iater. picniC by a series ot short cuta the others dId not know. , ''OJ ~ey won't come tn together," But all our ' marvelling brought · u~ '8&Id Ill)' wife; "that would be too 00 eDllghtment. only the concluslen on '1huch Df. glyo. away." And Just then , Dearest's 'part that she would conatijt "'We percelye4 Aptha First !Jtandlng ,Mrs. ChIltern on the subject as soon • t the foot Df tlle stalkase waiting .. an opportunity presented itself. ' for UI. She was alQne, aa Dearest bad prophealecf "~",ouJd' boo --' -t-.CHAPTER VII. ,., " Hellol" she greeted us comPosed· ,~ Iy" "Was I~ a nice party?' ~tc1 yeu ' We arrived at tbe group of ruins i m1IiS .me'" And altheugh 'I COUldn't which formed the goal of our walk Ibelp,' thlilkIng ,there-was a new . beau· In good tlme~ although tbe othera ty about tbe girl In the unusual "I'll· were there ahead of UI and were jllRt tlance 'or ber d.&I'k eyes and the deep· lipreading a cloth and ' taking thln~ ~r glow of her color as she Rtood out ' of the automobile whlcb had met ,t here, I thought such cb.e ek deserved them there, as we came up. • cropl)er. "Hurry up, IIlow coaches!" called "Rlppln!" I lIald, before Dearf:l8t , A«atba First cheerily, "or we won't could answer. "But wbere liava TOU leave you anytblng to eat!" been? I thougbt you were 1!I1lJ)()OlIed "Lend me a ,hand with tbll cloth, (0 be on the sick list today." Dut Vincent!" was 'l'erhune's request, ahe didn't seem Ii bIt. embarrassed . "I and I fell to wIth a will and had tbo was," she replied. "I didn't really thlog right in a jiffy. . . teel like gqlng way D~~r , to NOJih· And maybe It walln't good fun 1I1t~ bury with you. but I thought 1\ little tlng there op a lot of jolly boulders d'utlDI would do 'my . head gOOd. so I and clumpa of rock that I had col· ""ent for a stroll." lected with great pains and arranged "1 llee!" I said, aod tbougbt wit,h at Intervals about the cloth, grinning IndIgnation of tbe sceoe in the woods at each other .ncrMS Its goodly array even a s I netIced tbM the young lady of picnic dainties. did not wear the' pen gee (luto coat Dearest Is a famous hand at plan· tl he had ~'orn then. "Left It In the ning that sort of thing. We had ml'.chlne, probably, to prevent 8U8' camped upon a IImall rise in the mid· plclon: " t tbougbt to myself, while dIe of an open 8pnce whore great oak DonT'Mt. said 8woetly: "That'a nice, trees cu~ us off trom sight of the road dear; I'm !;Iad you felt like going. on the one hand, and broad meadows Run along now and get. ready {or I\nll wooded slopes fell sway toward dinn er. It's almost eight." Hartsmei-e stream on the other; ' the It was what- we catted between OUI" latter streakIng the green of It all 'sel"es "The oeldent ot tho Checker) with silver a .field or two away. · ont" t.hnl rcall)' decided my- WUfO Close at band' the ruined chapel or to ('ons;ll t Mrs. Cblltero about Aga· convent w!\.lch we had come to see lha If'ir!lfs s trange ,behavlor. plied It;;~lf In picturesque confusion, T h morning was fine ~ll we bad nnd we had I'eached that PoInt In our planned to take eur gue8ts LO 6Ge merry-makIng when we were simply lIome lli teresllrig ruins not Quite II! ('on tent to ~zo npathett'cally upon It miles nW.ay, whero p.n autO.inohlle was ' and .listen uncomprehendingly to to m et us I\t noonUme 'wlth lunchco J: Freer recite ItS ' hIstory ' wIth never· Dea rest had beeJl delayod with flagging llCcuracy nnd zeal. ' malting arriLngementa tor . ollr plcnlo, He kn'o ws everytblng, that . cbap! and ,tbe others, the Ineyltp.ble Ij'l'e ~r, And III, ,dlsgustlngIT." ready to ' glve , " .i ArCCb !utd the t 0 Agathaa, hail' 8tat't· e';ery60dy else ,the benefit· of his · , It So~n.d.d Hopeful, " l '" e(l I:l()~;IY on a.hea() . .' .l~~lng at !l1J timeR. ,It ,()ung man wile ;waS not P'iilittc1lo \'!'. ,. " • We . Id hear tholl' 'voicOli '10 the ,Agat~a -First was sitting near him ' i~rlY eo'~ertaln.nc wall tponepolll'lna 'J!l , tbls drawl~1 Is abo;wn, "If gate 3.rdenll belo\\, ' our windowlI ,.11 ' she . ~' not making any Ilt~eQlpt to dis. the ',attenUo,n of a pretg debu~iite " .,hp~ , so ,It cIln .be. ra.l,ed wbe.n , ~o~w li urr lf'db' t;'o'~ .jnto Ra1/l e walking ~IBe- bel' indlffet:ence to his. pedan;tc 'w1th a lot ·.ot UJ;Ilnterestl~ COAY'~ 18 ,deep; . but mo,re ~an thIs, the ~~ • lil,ll;~ I had or COUt'~ ' "'8jle~ ·fOt /. dlBcourse, 'while Arob and Agatha tUm. . '. ... . .' .way ma, ~ ext~ndeil for extra . wl~e her. , .SIxth, I I'm grad ·to say, were .calT)'~ "No"W. ' tDl' brotlie'r," he ' remarke~! ' I~ ' loada ' ariii toOls lO :pas. · t.hro~h b,. · "I cion i know bllt J'11 ,0 uP ' Inte ln~ on n wbllJpel'ed conversauo:n ~be cou,.e or a dissertation op bit remoVI~ t~e, C8nteJ: poet , 04 ~e '1' rbullo's, room ." l 'saM wen. {'IfHI ptber 00 th'e ,othet' aide ~f the cloth. famt!1. !'!8 3ps.t t~e opposite of ~ p!\Del at. . ~ lett.. .BalJ ~me~l:lin. ~ flnlshe«! laclng ' her IODg boot.s, "aod Dearest. and I ' sa~ togo~her, of ·course, eyer,., .reapect:..' Do 10U bow IDJ· . ~unurlJt. . 'I'hls post . I~ ~t In ... ,~l'On 1'9 tt (~ci:( nnd thAt olll pallln~ hat at one · end ,ot· tbe·' s~uare, and 'as I · b~'~~ , ' . ' .V/ell-caalDg burle4. . . li1l.o1,u; or llaltte C' lWoe!' tp .port 'lA~t 8ttminer. ; l\&(d to ~et\ In _& low to~. IQ tlJ~t,th~ . , ~o," .the deltutaJl~ r,pUed ~.mare l ,tIIl nJI It up tbere, {JIMo to '1M 1. othen (!ol,lld not h6ar. J thougbt Arch . J,.• ."but I IbQulcl- 11M. -."-HauIa4a t: ~ It tramD _ ifNI !" AJid , . . . pl$yJn, up: ,to the ~rt ahe anI{ I, Life. .
had s I led fOIl hIm, that : t A th'IVA,i U -A Sixth's lo ver. a litUo better th~n Ill! I:. un l.the He to gi rl\yas nt hi sert~Jnly tide 6nl1allI!sattention tened tAl
Need of Church 'Effort to Reach the Educated HE" SAVE-o
T i mo t hy W ebater H ad Much to '00 W i th Spiritin g Preside nt-Elect From Harrisb urg .
III J Ii I th l P bllndl' lpbl a , Wlhnlog-
. lUll alld B nlthll I'
<l lrtlC I II no COII Il(!cll ng New York city aud t.h o New I~ugl (md Statel;! with WlI ll hlllgt.OIl : tha t the rallruu'd should lJe k ClJl unllrolWII nt this critical time W~ 1l or th o utlllollt 1n portuuc e, w ..lt.l\!s 'A . B. B YUl r In Rar))er'l,j . !lIguzln e, It WII S r eud ll y discove red tbat IL Jllot ~xl B t ' d among the Marylan d scc('slllo lII fi l l; to ut th e line br burnin g Ih(' bridges , uut Ihe fi rst blut of the reul Illlfl)OSO or t11 conspira to rs cnme to l>lllkertoll III n leller rron'\ tho master IU llChlnls t or tll ll rnllroa d. Mr, WllllalU Stt'R rrlS. He wfote: "r alii lutonne <l thu t n son ot u dl IIngullihed citizen or Maryluu,1 said thot be had taken 8n oath with otbers to astlal5sln nie Mr. Llneolll before he gets to Wasbln gton ." Thle letter IVIl8 rec I" tl oa F bru· s r y , 10-t\le duy before Mr. Lincoln
to be Il passion in America . A weeks ago there was witness ed
EVERY liN 1110 EVERY WOIAN enl!!..
~Rle~s Pl'e~f!!Si irQ th. FRI!I
.... __ . _S ._T
!'2'35 ' This servicea ble coat Is cut with the Dew narrow lines. The fron ts aDc! sides are joined by long French dllrts and corresp onding long seams joIn the center bac.k paDels to the sIde back gores, The closing Is close to the throat wbere tbere Is a small turnover collar; the sleeve bas very little fullness and Is finished with a cull at the wrIst. All e dges Ilre trimme d with' braId, hut stitchin g may be substituted. Covert cloth. kersey, tweed, and and other woolens of good body are ~ultable tor thI s garm ent. The pattern (6236) Is cut In sizes 32 to 42 Inches bust measure . MedIum siZe requI res 2% yards ot 44 Inch mao t erlal with 4% yards of hrald to trim IllI pictured .
Your Liver's ' Yo ur Life
...... 8oII6ot
3 Crui ses to the
T", GIlt
COl O add"",. D0IU'I!80 YOIL) "
A dead liver means awful sick. ness-d on't let if come -when
it can bo preven ted. Casca rets keep the liver lively and bowel . rellular and ward oft' aerious,
fabd illness.
MIIAI~: ~g~~_~~~~VC~~~N
WrlLo tor 8ecuri~1 L1a~an(\ CIrcular n . JL J .• DABBII !I.a COMPA liY, BaDkel' llUld Droke.o , ,II. Broach.a T,
,elurD (,om u Lloyd.
mln.ter farm 111 the . ca.o n of 1010. M.n,. fleld eln th oIA.well •• o lher dlat""t" ,;lel4ed (rom as to 3!1 bu· ahell otwheat to the aore. Other pu- ID proportio n.
I:r Ul61a.me ln'follDeD tIIU DaDO. proa~ b~~!>olr e"porl.Dc.... You . a n buy on our ONTHLY }> A YMI!:NT PLAN, ~Y 8 TAloi DA.1Ul STOC IU! AND DONDS lliIkld OQ .. .-..,. t5LOck a&c.b&DKe. ODe 8baro ur ODe BuIlG up. No ~ta.rNln 0aJla.
. '
of wheqt wu the thruhe,' ,
If you are in doubt as to the cause of your djsease, or ieel need of medical a.dvice, addres~ a letter to Munyon" staff Of emjnen tthe special. ista, and they will Bend you an examinaLion blank, which you will fill . and return to them. They will. then diugJ?ose your case and tell oub you what to do, absolut ely free of charge. You do not l)ut yoursel i under any obligation to them, and they will not feel hurt if you do not follow their advice. If th«V, prescribe Munyon's Remedi es 8 Illl you decide to take the treatme nt, lt goes with .. guaran lee· of satisb c iion or m oney refunded. Addres s !t{unyon's Doctors, Munyon's Labora tories, '5 3d & J efferson Streets , Philadelphia., P,a.
. 800 Bushe ls from 20 aoree
S.·skatchewan (Woltefn Canadl)
few tbe march at an army more mJghty and magnHl cent than any wh ose statel~ '1'0 pl'OCUre thIs pa.ttern senO ]0 cents tread h ~ disturbed tbe peace of em- to "Pa ttern Deportm e nt." of thi s paper. Write pIres sJnce the first conquer or led forth aure name a nd adaresB plaJnly, and be to gIve size and number of pattern. his savage borde. It was the march ot 20,000;000 children from their homes SJzf:._ . .. _._._ ...... . NO_ 5235. to the' schoolh ouses of our country . Tht!Y bore no arms and obeyed no gen· NAME .......... . _.... . __ . .... _._ . _•• _••• ••• • eral, but they hold within their power 'r0WN. __ ....... _... _.•• _. .... _...... '_•• _...• the destiny ot our great nation. In 20 years thIs army will . be the ruUng pow8TREET AND NO• • : .... ....... .. ..... . l er ot our nlltlona l l1(e. They will manSTATE .......... _.......... ........ .. ..... .. age our great rl,ltJroad. and corpora · Uona. They w111 sit In the halls ot A BILLY POSSU M. state and determi ne the policies of our republic . They will be the leaden of Was Interrup ted by Thr. Strange "'. thought and action- making our litera· ture , leading our churche s and bunding l eft his. home In Springfield. Ifl .. and our ciUe". started on hD! eastern to ur cn route "WJ1en we look at the educaU onal fot' Washin gton. PInkert on sent for more or his men, queaUo n In this way Its Importa nce and redoubl ed his efforts to learn overwh elms ua. It Is lltagger lng. Can somethi ng tangible of this or/ any any public quesUo n compar e with it? other plot. Time passed rapidly'. Such The work of the school a Is to lead 20. .. \ a conspIr acy, well -organlz d, dJd ex· 000,000 savages througb barbari sm to .Ist:-he learned enough In BalUmo re clvlUzation. Is such a work anythln g but religiou s? ' to coilVinc e blm of that; also-th rough "Individ ually, each scholar Is receiv· tearns.- llIat a branch of ~he organIng somethI ng of Incalcu lable value. C· IzaUon - wss at Perrym ansvllle In th --gUis e of a cavalry compan y. Webste r, An educati on Is an asset ot whlcb no wbo had been w1thdra wn from there man can rob hIm. It gives him lnlluWIl8' hurrled back, and wl tbln 24. hour~ e n ~e and power. An untrained boy or llad been enrolled a s a memb(lr of the girl stands but one chance ·In 165,000 ommmy. Then, handiCa pped by the' of being an Infiucnt lnl factor In the hortnes s of time, he made 8 auprem e world's work. A hlrtb school educati on ~ . The possum Is well known In south· reases the chances for Influenc e 96 effort to gain the confide nce ot the Inner clrele or conspIr ators. who alorie Urnes, whlle a college educatld U In· land, and even In the north It III not unfamil iar to chUdren . The little aniwere In the principa l plot. Few men creases them over e. thoullan d Umes. mal Illustrat ed may be made of fteeC1 (auld have succeed ed as Webste r dId, Need of. ConscIe nce Trainin g. canton fl!U!nel. or felt, or plush or of few' have such a persona lity a s' his . 'But schOols and educati on are not any other furry fabric, for the genuine Natural ly he was of 1\ 'quiet, r es rv ed without their crttlcs. It Is Bald that animal Is furred llke a cat. The sho.rp ) dlsposlt ton. seldom 8P~aklntt unlel\s modern training exalts brl111an spoken to. n,nd never betroyln g emo- clevern ess at the expense ce and nose, which Is so otten )loked Into of soUd hen's nests and other places In 'lIearch Uon or excttem ent. worth and honesty ; that It breeds a of ltd bits of food, '1s well .hown In tile "Webster'~ talent for sustaini ng a desire, ' not' 'for unselfts h service-, but pattern, and the long ratlike tall, by , roh~ of this. kind amoubt ed to poslU:ve for a Bott 'snap; that It Is superfic ial, which Billy hangs from trees, Is ma4e I genl~s;' In a lifetime of detectlv'e x- l,mpracU caJ and irreligio us. just a little larger In order to make I perleDce I have never met one who It possIble to stuff It properly . The "Much could more reallify stlapt hImself ' to expecti ot this criticism comes ~rom pattern (62,31) Is qut In one III,e. To ng toO' much from th'e schoolS )troumstnn~s," Allan ' Plh kerton has make It will require . % yard of •• but th~ lead~ns educato rs reCOgnl z~ ~ltteii ., "'; . . that, as a recept resoluti on ot the Na- Inch materta l, with '" yard of '18 Inch ,it W~II -;'Ith such a weapon tbat Uunal Educa'Uonal ~80cJation put 'It, ~elt. . Webste r was making bls great Ogbt. 'the To procuro this pattern lIeDd 10 cenle next great advance .111, sch'o ol life The tour ot tho pl'e8 Ident~ l ect was of thl.s to ',:Pettern DCpal'tm e nt,'· of thla paper. country· must be to put (IOn- Write name and addresa rapidly drawing tol'lts end. Webste r, ,.elenea pla1nly, and be training decisive ly above mInd !lUre to . Illve a'so' and nUoI\ber of uattern. consum mate actQr, was making baste training : When we recall uiat the slowly; iJT'Ilve, fiery, serious, bolster· great crimes NO. 5231. of today are not the reIJZE . ... o • • • • • • • • • • • • • ous-ea ob at the golden time. he sult of IcnoT8o.ce, but at perv(!rf ed played with a masterf ul hand upon Bhrewd NAME, •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••.••• ••••••••. tbe ' excited, hIgh-str ung cousplr ators. knowledneSl, we are reminded , that. a ge at mathem atiCS or ' IItel'llTOWN ••.•••• ••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• From tbe. first his efforts bad been' ture or the Bclences wtll not make hon, covertly dIrect 'nglllnst the cavalry nt m,e n. The &TRBlm AND NO .... . .... .. .......... . . men that wr~(lk our great compan y's officers ; they were In , tho financia l concern s, that bring shame to BTAfJ'B: •••• : •••••••••• •••••••• •• ••• , •••••••• secret or no on was. At last, on e our, governm ent by bribery 'and ' cotmorning alter drIll, ' captaln wltli' rupt practise s, are ' not' wanting In 111,Initiativ e ' .na Referen dum. mucb searecy asked him: to call that tellect.u al training . There 'Were, a t~w The Initiativ e' IUld referen dum nIght at bls house, '~ana 'say nothIng years ago, in Joliet prls'o n 200 colleie properl y be called a pOlitiCa l phrase. about It_" How , tbe time must " have bred meli and . only 119 llliterat ea: The Inlbat1v e means tbe rlgbt , of a Ilragged till tbe appoInt ed bour! But RCtioD 'ot the peopltr -a ' party~to True , Religion I. , Not Taught. wltb . t be first step he· made Into 0 "A~ a remedy It La propoJiell thalre · ; have III views on a certain poUtlcaJ room' wbose window s were hung wIth h eavy quilts , and blankets he knew }lgfon b!3 taught' lD , the schools. This que.bon brought b'efor~ the whole t.hat IllICceSS had ,come at last. Web· Is easier propo'tod than practise d. True people tor a deQlalon. Tbe • refereD' 'ilt er was I~troduc ed to three stranl!:6rS reUglon lil 'not· ~ug~t; ' '.' It is ca·u ght. It dum ' ls the 1.YBtem pf 11~ldlng a ~ In the group, membe rs of' the learue ta a :matter 'of 'llfe,'no t ,o t formal creed Utlcal ' question' Pt!ndlnK In ~oncre.. and cateQhlsm. Some principl es could b, .uhm'ttl~ to POpul~ vote. ' ' , from Baitlmor~; 'then took his '. . at th tablc wIth 'the rest nnd Ustened and should be taught,: but :l IItudY' -johiln g lil,.now and then with a word eWes doell not brlnlt honor and ,s61i~r t"'o..!-'os they. ,discuss ed tbe plans ,oont\,ol ~Dd hi.IIPJuatl6n ,to tlifi he art. ' for lIle ~ssassln ntlon o~f Abraha m Lin fhls . c;omes only' from,rpq,tiJ~n'l cop~. tit! t.be ,C'\!vert treet devot In, gion. . We ,~an·. ll[t , tbe 'moral totie 'of Rn·ltlnu'lre.· Febr.t\nry"'d : .T lle plrui the !lcl\9(i.l s;, bY, exal~tDi~ ,~~ amce '. elf teach~r ;' ' There ' ls ll~qe Incentiv e for a,tured e)(cept fO l' 'the alrong m:~~ 'to :teailhin g prO, ' person to 'fire the "of ' bo~ : Allatl ..,..;, •••_..... feslIOD.'.' ,The ' . are I IIlIl.....nnll ... low~" The a teacher of the ' ....!'"", I'I,~ ...":y '181;- fM9 a )'ear, ' the nVa1' ,Ihcaml' . fO!, bit '''But t e4ucatiO n the . \.
Spl,endi'd .'Crops In
Emin ent .~octor8. at Your Serv ice Pree
. Educati on Is a Paulon . . "The desIre for educati on has come
Practical rashion~ '
•• uunn:umnu:m:um:mnmur.mu lIE HunCH or today must . milite u greater etrort to ~ reach and conver t the educa led class of people be. cn.usc the 'mos t powerfu l allies tbe church can claIm In the fu ture are tbe educate d [Ieople." deolare d Rev. A. Watson Drown. pas· tor ot til e FountaIn st rE!ot Baptist chu rch of ,rand Rapid s , :1\1lch. He de· clared th at tbe church bas strengt h In dlre' t ratio to Lbe nmoun t of edu ca tion the people at large have. "Th ~re Is 11 widespr ead bell er that r \lglon nud ducalleD are anta gonls· ti c, 01'. at lea st. unre lille d departm ents of lite." snld Rev. Mr. Brown . "Certai n te xta tram the Bible are wrenche d from their connect ion and Quoted as proofs of this separat ion. . "Nothin g could be ,rarther from t.he trulh. 'rb e 1I111rlt or Christia nity Is thnt of self-Imp roveme nt. Everyth ing that enlarge s and enriche s lire. that Incrense the powers. that clarifies the v1alon and sha rp ens the judgme nt and elevates the last es Is a vital 'part' of our religion , tor It determines our attitude toward God and the world, snd It nes the amount ot lien Ice we del' to the cause for whIch our are d votod. 'Wh en religion and Ignoran ce are , wedded. fanatici sm Is tlle offsprin g. Divorce religion nnd educatio n .and religion become s superstition, whil e educati on become s Infidelity.
~Iae ba& .~•• trft... . . ment. All dnla-c\ato . ~t leller
AD &be world. KllUoD boz.cIalDOGUl.,
'Threede llhtful c> rulnale. v lnlr N"""York
" ...." Z
,f,.,..,,:u ..II ....'. za,l 0 II
IrkT~ S.S. Molfke TWs 8~.1." Main, Weallnd le_, P . . . . . .
Ca.al, lIer.mud .. , ele:. Two eroll el or as da y. du ratio n $150 and up. One crul',!,11I d ay!. SitS nnd up. Aloo c:ruIses to the urlenl, 30ulb 4murle. and Around file Worili. "'riff fir 1II11Jtr~ ,,,, Ihflln.
I.' "
",\III II VRG-1UI f RICAN LINt! Br.....r, N. Y.
P.'lu 17.7 'I
N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 5O-191oi ,
The Origi:nal florida Colony $3 0.0 0 pe r Ac re
so Cen fspe r Acr e
50 'Cen ts per Acr e per Mon th
ne Slles', lest IDd GrlDdes. Rell Estl'e lDyes'.meD' la fbe United St. TodlY
\ W H Y?
Becau se It Is right at tb~ edge of Great er Jackso nville , the fastes t growI ng--city in the count ry. JacksonVille Heigh ts farms begin. one mile from where Iaild Is selling in town lots at tbe rate of $3,150.00 per acre. Becau se it, w_ practi cally the first of all the Florid a colon ies to deve~o'p and settle OD accou nt of Its unsu~sed soil, locati on, altitUd e and cheap est shippi ng fac.iiities. ,f . . Becau se 2700 farms have been sold to date and a popul ation of abC?ut 700 souls sprun g up in one year- ;md the lands are now 8~ttling at the rate 01 40 families Per, month .
Bec aus e the Pur cha s'e rs 01 Jac kso nvi lle ~eights Lan ds Hav e Ma de Goo d i
Settle rs and farme rs have succee ded. Prices and values have advan ced-f our schoo ls hav.e been erecte d. Hard lurfac e roads ~onstructed. Telep hone conne cting up ' with Jackso nville local teleph one. Hotel buildi line establ ished ngs erecte d. 210 farms fence d and being develo ped aU in a little over one year.
Bec au:s e it Is the Clo ses t Co lon y to the Bes t and ~astest Gro win g Cit y in Flo rida
. We opene d up our sale on April. 1909, at $20.00 per acre. We have about 200 tracts , left, now Belling at the advan ced price of , $30.00 . per llcre · subjec t to anoth er advan ce Janua ry 1st, 1911. Writec today to Jacks onvill e H~ights Impro vemen t · Comp any, 122 ' Hogan Street , , Jackso nville , Florida,. for. full partic ulars. Invest igate the p~opo8ition and the person nel of \:he Comp any throug h an:y chann el ' you wish. . We ' wiD only seD out our remai ning traCK Uld we CSDDot enlarg e; we can only sell what land we now have on hand. AD large tracts beyon d UI have been gobbl ed up by big syndic ates. _~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Write :rode) lor LI'.re' ur. - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ __
Jac kso nvi lle He igh ts Imp rov em ent Co. 1~2 Hoga n ,Stre et, JACK SON VILL E, PLA.
The Daylight Store Quality the best and pric~s the lowest at Barnhart's.
Santa ·Claus will be at our Store all day Saturday before Xmas. Bring the children to see him.. We will 'have a treat for every boy and girl. Calendars, we have a very pretty calendar. Ask for one.
Gordon Joy spent Saturday and Sunday in Dayton.
Be practical and g ive a pair of Barnhart shoes. Frank ZeJl was in Dayton Wednesday on business. Mrs. Chas. Cornell was in Dayton Monday and Tuesday.
Wagons, Sleds, Skates, Guns, Ted· dy Bears, Dancing Clowns, Dolls, Drums, Games, Balls, Whips, Go Carts, Toy Furnit ure, RockingChairs, DollHousea, Hobby Hor es, P ianos, Checker Boards, Dominoes, Harps, Billikin Dolls, Teddy Lions, and lots of other toys.
We· have the largest assortment we have ever had from Bc to 40c per lb. Also home-made taffy. Special prices to Sun 9ay Schools.
For Men, Boys & Children. Men's and Boys' Shirts, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Mittens, Gloves, Leggings for Men, Boys and Children.
Oranges. sweet and juicy, 20c to 45c, per doz. Special prices by the Box. Bananas, Apples, Grape F ruit, Tangerines, Figs, Dates. Nuts, all kinds. Home made Mince Meat, Pumpkins, Celery, Cranberries, Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes.
Satsuma Vases, Art Vases, Salad Granulated Sugar, 25lbs for $1.25 Dishes, :Cake Plates, Cups, and Premium Flour. . . . . .. .65 : 'Saucers, TobaccO Jars, Crack- White Cliff Flour. . . . .. .70 er Jars,. Dinner Pir-tes, J apan- Albino Flour .. .: . . . . . .70 ese Plates, and Dishes. The Bllckwheat flour, 101bs. . . .39 b~t assortment we ever had. 7 lbs Rolled Oats . . . . . . .25 7 lbs Lump Starch. . . .. .25 ORMULOCOLD 4lbs Fancy Head Rice .. , .25 Jewel , Boxes, Clocks, Alann Fancy 'Peaches per lb. . .. .10 Clocks, Mrs. Potts Sad Irons, Pure Kettle Rendered Lard Com Poppers, etc. .per lb. . . . . . . . . . . .14 . , 2-year-old Pop com, 2Ibs.. .05 CAPS If you have never traded at KilToques, ~rfs, Over Gaiters, bon's give us a trial. You will ~enter PieceS, lots of presents come back. • '. ·for all members of the family. ...... uu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~w
. . . . . . . . . . . ~ ...........
ft . . . .
Go to Zell & ~on fol' Tobacco BoxK. D's., $1.15 .
C. I. Wagner. of Oayton , was in town Friday nn business Dayton
ides went to for a two day' visit.
Our assortment f Jewelry, COli' '3isting of brooch 8 , link buttons, scarf pins. neckla eSt watch tobs blacelets and ha t pins, w offer at prices t hat will me t th wants and plea.'1ure of ev ryone. J. E. Janney .
J. M. Taylor was called to Xenia Mfmday on account of his sister, Mrs. Rachel Foy, whose death O\!cured Monday nigh .
Our. large and beautiful display of
II _ • • • •~_~~~.~M. books and booklecs meets all require~_llf8~~ ~t2ft ments from first to last,' we offer B
these books for your selection at prices that are in perfect 'harmony with your pocket book ; they are the newest and best of the season.
.., ·I ..___.·.·-_ ·.J.·EI I·.Ja.n.n~:. '1 •
8' bars of good, genuine Lenox Soap... .
. APPLES-Selected. Cal Bellflower and American Beau-
t;y.,· ,
..... . f •. '
and . ''' .................1
Has just tecei\Ted '! ' lot of Holiday ' . Good~, embra~4tg a pice line ..of With the complime~t~ of th~ . 'JeW'elry, " Watches, '. JJraee-. season .t o all our patrons, w~ ask . I ' 'you the question of the. hour:':"' , ' , ' lets, Clocks, Si ver- .·· ,: ,.,W-!Iat a~~)U~ C~.r.iE!~~~? '.,ThEj· " .• " .. ;ware,~ _~tc ~ ., \!" chlldreh a~e .as4~n, It: w,lth 'hJ;lp~ '.. , ". ~ . . ,. ....." '. .' ' . ' . '. ,ful ~nd wQnd(>.tlDg ~expectattons, . ' .i : .:, \ ... ' . . . ' . , , . " ... ' : oftwhat S'¥lta .Cla~s 11'1 :lik.~IY"to ICall'.and~·Se .brlng ·them., The ' older 'p"eople . , . ' .; . '. ." " }, . ar.~' askiiig:it, tqo~. as an i~qu!J!Y,·' as.. to hO~ '.they . are t\l- pr~~ld~ - ". . . '.: ". ' '.. . '~ - aUI~ble presents for. relatiVes .., , " andfrienda without too heavy a We alll .fit With any ~ind .of drain upon their 't ime and purae.~ May·w.hell> yo~ ~ SQlvetbe ' GI~;: S~es, e~. " problem and PU~10U In the way " of doin~ your Christmas shop-
leet your' Pre$ents
.. ping with
ple8sur~, satllif.cti~n
. and ~nOJD1 toraurae)fP .' . . J.:& 1&IlIle1.
.. .
~ ... ~ M ... Op~. , ",-
del' In Warren Connty. S!\larv ,70 pet mont,b. AddreBs 301 Unity bldg. Iodianapo!t." Indiana.
8PECI,~L ' --, Candy, pure cut, mix- , . ed and ' Stick . Cand~;: . 3lba. for ......, ;. .......... 2ao ,
'Glve me a
MANgyopoet 30 with hOree 0'n4 bugto sell stook of')ndition pow-
OR'A NGES-(Jhoree Florida. APRICQT~Extra choice," , California and Arizona fruit . Cal. Evaporated; crop of . thin skin, sweet and juicy. . 1910. Reg 'pricj! 18e lb. . per doz ...... ~ ..... 250, 3Oc, Sao.
' .."
N Mtl1t1r. I:1llrveysbUrg. Ohio. Telephone 83 2Xr.
The place. to buy your CROCER'I iE8 Is where you get· what you want at ' t"e . price you ought to pay• .
Merry C~_istmas' to All
~_'" Jeweler
The finest line of good things for Christmas in town. Special low prices to Churches and Sunday 8chools. Get our p'rices. we can save you ' money and sell you the Best Candies made. Call Saturday and 'get a nice raleridar and Reminder ~'ree.
... ...
6r~t-ola l!!I
Edgemont Butter Crackers
Our Holiday Stock this season being larger than ever before, is a marvel of bpauty and elegance,' its new features a re innumer"ble. its variety almost unlimltea. ' J . ·E. Janney.
tJTOOK-When yon NURSERY wliont anything In tbe of treOtl, 1}owers, etc, 0.11 ou WilY
golvanized iron t;U l{in Tank. gnod 8e new Van or IIddrfls8 E H Brown, R. D. 5 Wayn8Avtlle, Ohio: NUMRER of b. O. Rbode Ie. land Red oookere18, pore bre,d, Inqnire of W . B. Lashley. R. D.l. Wnv ..esville.Obio . ORSE~Bort'le8 for ' Mle eingly or 10 PllirS. InqUlre or J. B. Chapman, Waynesville. Ohio.
FrEd's Co-operative
Ice Cream for Christmas at W. C ' Phillips'. We will furnish cream any t ime during the holidays. Leave your order early: \
Only four more business days until christmas. We are anxious for evone to see our . large assortment ... , . ., " ' I -.......- - - -...-----~_~,-_... of holiday fancy up-to·date Notions. Ladies' and Gent's Furnishin~. We . . can show you' presp.nts for everybody Bellbrook Mrs. Clem Penewlt, of ,lOuth of or anybody below Dayton or Cincin&own, who baa been very III with nati prices. Don't fail to see our dis(Delayed.) typhoid fever .. geUlng along I' d C lIlt Mr. and lin. William l'ul~enOD, well .. oould be apeoted. P ay m our eep room. a ear y 0 oftJprlngVaUey, and John .Raper , Mr. and lin. Laoy Petenon, of avoid the rush. John A~ F'unkey .• , " ,o f Clnoinnatl, . lpeDt tlGturda.v and Dayton, were the gueltl of hla par tJundt.y witb Mr . .and Mrl. ~Wi8 ent,latt Hunday , ' Miss May Wright, who •. 'with her Raper. . . Oharlee. ,B~.ltlford and 'Albert mother are in .Los Angeles. Cal. Mr. And IIrl. Geo. Earnhart "ere Kemp' left ' fo\' .1aok,onvllle · FI& writes us and says 'it is still .summer shopping 10 Dayton lalt S.turday. l.,t Tuee4ay morDing to Ipe~d th~ in California. The citizens there MI.. NetUe Borojfllnd father, of winter. want rain. and rain brings colder Dayton, spent Thnnday with MiA W.lter Dinwiddie and Jel88 Well th Sh th 1 h d Nannie 11m.. ver villtecl frOID Friday untU ~nQ- \Vea. er. . e say~ ey lave a Mfl. Barry Turner entertained day with relatlvee near XenIa. but httle ram durmg , t.he past te.n the C.lI:. Society of the Presbyterian MIA Grace Turner hall returned months. Mise Wright and her mothohurch at her home Friday from an extended vilU with her er are pleasantly situated at the night. ooneln in Ohioago. Shirley hotel in Los Angeles.
I)t ~
Whether you come to look, to meet your friends, or to buy~ the same cordial welcome will greet you at
Mr. and Mrs. 'L ewl9 Stibbs. of Lebanon, were here Monday to attend the funeral of Miss Mayme Tinney •
Bunnell and Hatfield were r. ceiviog hogs here Tuesday to b~ shippeq East. ~he best came from Fred Harlan's. They averaged 266 pounds.
We ue paying 36c for .E gg'
Should any purchase fail to please,- we cheerfully exchange or refund the money.
C. A. Burnett left Tuesday morning for Miami. Fla .• where he will prospect for a time.
Mr. and Mrs C. S. Sears left Monday for St. Petel"sburg, Fla, to spend the winter.
Don't forget to 8end U8 your o~der for OY8ters
I .1 '11 . I I I
Su"table presents for every member of. the family and for the house under one roof.
Mrs. Waller McClure and Mrs. F. C. Carpy were shopping in Dayton Tuesday.
Your Christmas shopping t'· Fred's Cooperative Store will save you oney, time and worry.
Mr. and Mrs.' A. B.
. , ..
Halr , •
, . IX I'Y-F(R.t-I·l· YEAR.
WAY NIl:8"nJ.LE,
~ pecial
Rules Bnd Special Prizes .of the Miami Vatley'Poulb.y Association Show -Ne~f Week To arouse a greater degree C) f interest in pure-br d 1 <ll1ll r To further the inte.rest of it!, menlbers through a beltl'1 \, ntl\\ I· edge of pure breeding and the intrul 'j(' points that are cha racteristic Gu:d desirable in the different breeds.
General Rules r.. 1. All premiums, both genera l and · special,' shall be open to tl.e members of t~e Association only . . These members shall be rcsident s of Warren County. E"hibjts f{om other than members will be wei · comt!d and cared for the same as tbase of members. ' 2. All exhibitors will be pro'\!ided with entry tags, upon which will be found the entry number of each bird,; these numbers cor~espood with the nu~bers on show cages. 3. All poultry specim'!J1s to be exhibited for premiums must be banded. 4. Every precaution to insure the safe return of exhibits to their • respective owners will be taken, but, the Asso,ciation will not be responsiblelfor any losses or accidents. ' . AI~unhealthy specimens will. be returned to ~the exhibitor as soon as discovered. . • . 6. Eotries will close January, a, 1910, ' • ' • ".7. Exhibitorsland tbeirlo.families~wUl..be..entitled· to admissian:and willIbe furnished tickets. . 8 .• No di.tivel ~arks will be~al1owed on [coops ' orlbirds until after tiie awards- have been plade. I... • . Awitrds Will be made through the Secretary. iii: 10. Any attempt at faking ~ll bar exhibitor. • 11. All protests must be wllde .t o the Secretary. 'I be Judge or the .ltxecutive Co~tee will inves~gate all protests;,their decision shall be final. ,, ' .' . , 12. , No person . other than the JUdge, the Superintende!1t or bis assistant, wilt' be' permitted to handle any fOwl, . until after the awards have been made, " . 13. AU' birds to be sold during the exhibit, should have prices marked on entry blanlc. . 14. A pen shall consist _of one (1) 'male and four (4) females. 15. T1iescore of the male bird added to the a erage. score of the four femiueS 'ill' be the score',of the ~. . 16. Directions for the ret'urn of .ex,h ibits' shipped J?y express or • .ot~erwisel 'mustac(!otnpany each Coop" " • , 17. All expenses of trans,portation must be prepaid by owner. 18. Exhibition' coops will be provided for all exhibits by the Association. ! ' ' 19. . All poultry specimens to ,oe judged by.the American S~ndard
A lIock or c.hlc.ks ou tho Wlldsworth Poultry .Pnrm
List of Members and Their Breeds C. W. Hender~on C. V. Harness, R. 1. Reds Mrs. Laura Sides, R. 1. Reds Mrs I. Satterthwaite, S. C. B Minorcas Mrs. B. V. Smith, Buff Orpington, S. C. B. Minorca. L. Nicholson, Brown Leghorns Mrs. H. a Wadsworth, W. Orpington, S. C. B. Minorca. .T. E. Brown, R. I. Reds, W Leghol'nB D. L. Crane R. E. Simpkins. R J. Reds Mrs, Clint ROBS. R. 1. Reds, S. C B. M. M"s. H. 'E. Hathaway. Barred Rocks W. A. Surface, W. Orpingtons Mrs. W. A. Surface, W. Orpingtons Mre. J. B. Chapman. I. R. duck. S. C. B Minl.rca. Mrs. E . S. Bailey, Barred Rocks. S. C. B. Minorca. K. E. Thompson. Houdans. B. Rocks B. H. Wadsworth, S. C. B. M., W. Orpingtons M. S. Harlan ' L. O. St.John S. C. B. Minorca. ' t\mos Allpo, Br('\wn Leghorns Mary ·E. Shoemaker; White Leghorns, S. C. B. Minorca. A. C. Tomlinson, White Roc~ Buff Cochins , Mrs .. Anna Thorpe, White'ROt ks. White Leghorns Lo. M. Henderson, R. C. B. Minorca. J. O. Cartwright H. H. Marquett. S . .C. B. Minorca. F. P Huffman. R. C. B. M , R. 0.· Rhode Island Reds H; A. Milliard. S. C. W. Leghorn: Indian Runner Ducks !.rene Henderson, Buff Orpington Russell i>arlett, White Rocks Earl E,,·ans. S. S. Hamburgs. W. Wyandottes .W. C. Welch, W. R. and W. H . .Turkeys W. J . Kilbon, Minorca, Buff Orpington Mrs. Frank Stokes. Brown Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons Mr.. J Wells, R. I. Reds
. . Each wecimen jUdg¢ will be.:fuJUished with a sqo~e car.d. . As soon as awards are made, ~rds denbting pnzes won, also '
(d) Pen
~~ , ~
. '.
.!' . ( e) I'fUr1c~ys, plrir
~ ;.
' lOc ' 20c 25c SOc
50c .
'PJ' ,
ew Method
H . H , WADS\\ U V l'l-l' S . PECIAL Three awa rds fo r high st sco ring- pen of-8ingle Comb rIack Minorcas. r~ lu e Gras' St rain. o W1Ied b any on l' who has pur ha..;ed 5t ock or egg ' from him . I sl --I'i los. I ec d !'>s Sto ~'k amI POllltr . . . ~ ·: em(·c1 y. value $'2 . ~ ncl-'2 books, Eg-gs and E!.;g f ar lll S :Llld the Chick R ok . vallie .., I: ~rd - on years s ubs•.' ri!' tiol1 to poultry jou rnal . value fiOe A spec.lal l.o r ggs by Wadsworth . One doz. largc~ l Minorca eggs . ,Iluc Grass Stram. cash $1. $~ . O() in ca~ h 11 )' Way nes ville ' atiollal Bank ami one . oultry book' value $ 1, by l:eliahle Poultry J oul1lul ior best pen of '\ hite Plymouth Rock s. Onc s tting of Huff rpington eggs, value $5 , by W, J. Kilbon on best pen of Buff Urpingtnns. One hat , ,·alue. '2, hy John A . Fl.mkey, 1 lb . Lowney's Candy~ val~le 50c, by W. S, Haines and 1 years subscription to Southern Fanclcr, lor best pen Brown Leghorns. ' One Rug. value $3,00, by B . F. Howell, for best pen of S. C. Black Minorcas. One Tortoise Shell paper cutter, value $2.00, by Davis and Walton. Philadelphia, Pa., and one silver cream ladle, value $1, by Cross Bros. for best pen of Barred Plymouth Rocks. . One Set Carving Knife and Fork, value $2.50, by J. W. Wlute. Waynesville., Ohio, on best pen of S. C. Rhode Island Reds. $1.50 in Cash. by Citizen's Bank. Waynesville, Ohio and 1 years subscription to Waynesville Enterprise, by F. H. Farr on best pen of White' Leghorns. One 20 lb. Can of Lard, value $3, by T . J~ff Smith, on best pen of R. C. Black Minorcas. Two Cases of Corn, value $3, by Waynesville Canning Co., on best display of White Orpingtons. One Golden Wyandotte Cockerel. value $5, by Gus Seiker, Lebanon, ',, ". Ohio, on best display of Golden Wyandottes. One Silver Cream Ladle, value $], by Walter McClure, 1 Brush Mirror, value $1, by J. E. Janney, aod 1 package of Baum's Horse and Stock Food by A. B. Sides on best pen of R. C. Rhode Island Reds. , One gal. can of Kill-Germ, value $1.25, by A. B: Sides and one package of Baum's Poultry Tonic, value 25c. by A. B. ·Sides 00 best pen of White Wyandottes. . ' . One pair of Children's Shoes. value $1. by E. V.' Barnhart and one years subscription to Southern Fancier for best pen of Buff Cachins. One years subscriptiQo to Lebanon Patriot, value $1.50, by Mary P. Wilson, Editor, and oile package of stamped envelopes by F. H. Farr, for best pen of Buff Plymouth Rocks. 1001bs. DeWine's Poultry Feed, value $2.2S by L. A. Zimmerman, and one package of Pratt's 'Poultry Regulator, value 5Oc, by W. J. Kilbo • for best pen of Cornish Indian Games. $ .00 in Barbering by Cook and Dakin, barbers,. and one years subscription to Southern Fancier on best pen Silver Spangled Hamburgs. One package of Baum's Stock and Poultry Tonic, value $1, by A. B. Sides and two Poultry Books, value 51i by Amt!rican Poultry Journal on best pen of Light Brahmas. , ' One years subscription to Lebanon Patriot, one years subscription to Poultry Record, and one package of DuBois' Roup Remedy; value.-,S""Oc=L_ __ on best ~ of Anconas. 150 sheets of paper and 150 envelopes (printed) by D. L. Crane, Editor of Miami Gazette, and one package of Conkey's Roup cure, value' '5Oc by W. J. Kjlbon for the best pen of Houdans.
For Best Pair of Old Blrds-Cock and He~ White Plymonth Rocks-a packag~ of DuBois' Roup Remedy. Buff Orpingtons-a book by American Poultry Journal. Brown Leg,horns-a package of Conkey's Roup Cure. S. C. Black Minorcas-a yrs. subscriptIon to Southern Fancier. 'Baned }Ilymouth Rocks-a package , of Pratt's Roup Cure. S, C. Rhode Island 'Reds-a packag~ of Pratt's Mr . J B. Wells, R. I. Reds Roup Cure. White Leghorns-a package of Pratt's Lice Killer. R. C. Ml'S. Jessie Haines, W. Plymouth Rocks. S, C, W. Lea-horns black ·Minorcas-a . package of Pratt's Roup Cure~ . White Orpingtons Mrs.-Howar'J [arnes; n.. C. R. L ReUs. Brown Leghorns - a package of DuBois' Roup Cure. Golden Wyandottes-~ package . G. W~ Da~in, Sr., Cornish Indian GaTlles. of Coillcey'g Roup Cure. R. C. Rhode .Island R~s-a package of Tbos. ~4nter, Morrow, Barred Rocks, M:a~motb Bronze Turkeys. DuBois: Roup Cure., White Wyandottes-a years subscrip~on to South, ', , . . . . em Fancier. Buff Cochins-a package of Pratt's Poultry Regulator. '. " ' \ . . , !!!!!!i£! Buff J.>lymouth Rocks-a package Pratt's Lice Killer. (orI\isli Indian DEP~R:r~\EOT 0P AoRICUl.TURf 'rlie' 001'0 hllrvest @bows 11 m~terl- Games--'a book by Relia.ble 1ncubator Co. Silver Spangled Hamburgs • ',,' III inorease over tbe eRtimate of 00.8 -a package DuBois' Roup Remedy, Light Bra~as--a package of ' Tile follow,IJl8 report ~'F\ , Qumpcited Iliont.b Ilgo: ~n Deoember , 1, 1909 .. Conkey s Roup CUre. Anco~s-a package of Pratt's Roup Remedy. from retur~s ree ived from the offi- 0 rrsapc)Udeots 'of this Departmeot Houdans-a package,of Pra:tt s Roup Remedy. Ol~loorTeSpoDdet\,!8. Of !,be Depart- ~8~i~ated tb6_harv~t at 121.127,532 For ~t Pair' of YouOK ' ~Ird~kerel and Pui'et me~t. ': ' . . .. ; . bt'JSh~18 .. flppro~hr:t~tel;v 16,000,000 White Plymouth Rocks-a years siUbscrip,tioil to SoutheJ;11 Fancier ' Wheat', ()ondlUoo comp,,,.r6d wltb tQ9r~ tlblln the yr~~eDt e~timllte ;Buff Orpingtons-a package of Pratt's Lice Killer. Brown Leghornsanuge, 94 pe~ ~ o~ i omqoot, .of. The av.~r~g~ avprox\ou.tel:v 16.000.- a package of Pratt·s Lice KilIeI'. S. C; Black .Minorcas-a package of or,~p of 1910 ~oid tL8 8'000 as tllraMhed, 002 mOfe tban the preeeD.t estimllte Pratt's Lice Ki~ler. Barre~ Plymouth Rods-a. years subscriptio~ to t4 per oent. '" . . ' 'he aver';ige d,ate of orlb~iDg was SoutlteI'D FanCIer. S. C. Rhode Is.and Reds--:-a book by Amencan CQiD~ Ilrel\ jllllnu,rl In 191!fas re_ lo 'oOOber 25th. , TJ:l's J/Ate , date .wn !'oultry Journa\. 'Yhlte Leghorns--a packa~e .of Baums' ~oultry T~n torbed 'liy towqshi p.~I1S l:Iora,3,074, due. to the o~op' dryin~ oot j;\lowly IC.. R. C. ~lack' MUlorcas-a years ~ubsc~IPbon. to Southern FanCier , 21121\oree . ' .. i . ~be ,qllt&li~.! of the !(rain is vllrillble White Orpmgtons-a pac~age of Pratt s Lice Killer. Golden Wyan~':Ib 'only who <', bI ", ,( W in 1909,out fOl· 1over.the 8t('te. · Wllrm ' wet weath- dottes-a package ,o f Pratt s Po~ltry Regulator .. ~. C. Rhode Island Reds. r their '. ' OVe \ ~r.(\t\ S II . Ie~ cao~ed mold ih e;1 0 to ro - a package of Pr~tt's Poultty RegUlator. White Wyandottes-a pack__ '''' __'_.' send " .'.I:S'I1YJI1g1l01h ' I . .., .' . \J Y 11 • age of DuBois' Roup Remedy. Buff Co chins-a . package of Conkey's ' lUCp,JIl1!llll.d, ,seed, ~2 ~~~ a.ont, " '! A,pple~, p~obllble tQ~91 ytElldoom- fJt.la e8,~I~ated t,bt1t .7 11er OObt nf the Roup Cure. Buff ~lymouth Rocks-a years subsc.i iption 't o Southern p~red ~lth 'll\l1t .ye~r. 56 fl'r ~e~~ {)r~8e,nt . q .op ,. waR .tmt ioto silo Fancier: CQrnish Indian 9ames package of Pratt's Roup Cure. .Sil. , '1l~~IlOO~, p,roDIl ble aVflrll~e produot /')01'0 produoti.6,o 'in, Ohio tor past ver Spangled H~burgs-a package of Pratt:s Poultry Regulator. Light o rellrS, IlB re.t~rn.",d. »V townshi p Btahmas-:a .package ,Pratt's Poultry ~eg':llator. Ancooas--a. Poultry per 8'Q~, 18 PQ\ltlds:; , :;.. Cattle unruh r beinJiofed for sprlog 1\8f1easors have . been, os . follows: Punch by Rehable Incubator Co. Houdans-a package of DuBOIS' Roup ma.~~.~t ~1>r'nPfl, r ~d with an av.e·rnge. 111111). 108, . ?38,5i1~ bushels i 1906, 127,- .Reme~y. ., . . . . ' P,.?-~' o'e~i .. " '. .c, ,:, O~ol.784 ORbels ; , 1~07 100,620,205 On.e Hand Sa~cheJ, value 7Sc, by F. C. Carey, on the Higliest ScorinB Sl'j,~p nnmber belug fed for. mut- b!llibeI8" 1\108, ~02,6~2,008 bushels; cock bud. ' to~. o:l)m'plI~i:id \l7iI11 . 8:0 I\ V61'age, S'l, 1909. 127,218,. 2~7 boshels. .One .setting of ~t;e Rock Eggs, by A~ C:. Tomlinson, on highest 01. •• , . ;' . -- ! , , sconng co~ereJ (White Rock). " (>f t.hn gt'l)w. . . Wliat,She ,N,eded. . One set~g pi White Rock Eggs, by W. C., Welch, on ~hest scor- ' sJlQ'W8a deoliD~ of , . JUlt at ' the 1. b~sY :'hoiJr I.D the . . . ing pair of White n.~s." . ' . , ' (, t '\Q, oo!~,pliw;i8on ~it:~l. ib'8nl~g ) on': l!;le "L." a. , wo~aD Mlsh'!Cl: ~oe setti~g· of White. Rock Eggs, by W. C. Welch, ,?n ~ghes~ sc~rNov.erh~e.r 1st'; be og J mad1r Into Ithe st.nl:\op: She had lu.t 109, ~IO .0(Whlte R<;».,*s. , ', '... " , " ,. , " d 'ltb a minute to buy a .cppy of ~e 0.4 .' $100 in cash by the Association for finest dozen of Hen Eggs (sPt, ,"0 OOIq.p ."rll, " ~'. \ ~tcb b~r "trilln, ,.".'.',., "", ' . ., .. . , " . , . '. ! ". • . VAlrU'I I'IF :'->'! iO l, Op~dltlOn The1e w.u 'another cllJJtomer at the entnes to COtI\p~te) 0pe11 to all van~ties. " ,: ' ' . ~1;K>.1·~I~plr,ttlQIllllI.lIly 'fro~ :"oo,tQ ~e~8 .~*~, when/Jlhe got i;her.,. ~d. .' ...;." . 'J ' . ·il. " TU'RKEYS ", . 't .': ' , :«ber~ dr;. oo)d .ettlilg Impatlenti, ,.he ;waved her tea. ' " . ~!:.,- ' " , ,' ., . H ' k d $'1 00 , I cent . pl~ce.: III thtt all' ,ana said · to the $1:00 l~' ~~~m~,$1.00 in merchandiae c:\C?~l\t~)>.y G,.T, awe, d~~J'tI~ clerk. i# .a: t$n~te~ t4ne:<,' {!~lve ··m. p~ckli!~. of ~u~. stoc~ aJ)dP.ouJ~,~~tllc for,~t,p~~~f Bro~eTurke~8: ~o'veD~bEl~:)f l1t:\e pIll " ~e, ~ulci.lfl . G~ve lme 4fe," ~eo. lhe. Orie th,ree I~e~c~e by p..,A. ,Pepry, ~~er.. ,and • leal'S ' 8u~riptiQn' . , .,·l.Els••ia.o,' . fly.. oot . praDcel1 Ip hel". t'J'aClkt;w)1en ' thir ,cler~ ,to ~~y~.fll,.. ,Eitte11>rise~ f9f \~ond, '~ ~r. ot B~n.t4,.~rk~ys. . , ~~~~rtJ",~t~ctelll";."e.iti~~~tlIDg~ aa~nl ist 5 OOJltlAu~ to " walt. on th~ .•dx:a t ~ .," ,$1.00 in cas1i. Ii Berry'~poon, value '1~60,. ~ .c~ Bn)8.·~d, a;~~" no11D~<lfm' <If tO~e~:' . ' ;', " / :1 .. ' ;.. " " .:" ,of Qonk~Y~" Ro~p eure'fC?r '~ ~II of White ',Ho}land ,Turk~. ..' , " "' , t ~~' : '~., ~patM ~1i1of1~.lble, ll""eD~~ of nY. . Q.do~, 1, Ol\~ ~ 0~~um'8~~~ and Poult!')' ranic ' .value SI, and ~ In . ....'m· ' ..... iII ,foroll;l,.. " '" ,. ' , barberini ""- oJ. lI. Smith for second' b.eit patr, of,.WbIte !tollaneL, 'J?Urkaya. e · . Ua· , "You. don't Ileecl We. Iiladam. wli&t "'1. . : ... " ' T ..1 ' . , Geot For 11ie 7,01r Deed II "r" " ~"c1dl' npllecl ~ .' " t.Do in ,ca$h. a pack8p.of Baqm 8 Stodc ~~1I1t!1, oniBoc. ~U\.~j .. ..W.~'~';!'bLql~~~I.wer..~f; OOD.' .eWl . . . . ' • " '.' ,j and a:,yeara"8UbaC~"tton .~ rpultl'7, Record ~o~~ pafr, 9'I' ,u . b ~ .~Ud!_,l.:~~~ ·t ' ' TUrk8J', :,.' .. . . '.' . . " '
(f) Duck-s, patr . . . . • . . . . 2Sc , . 25c ' . " ~~ ,Geese, pair · : . '" . . . ; ~3. Alriogle bird selected from a pair; trio or pen, entered M such, a pair' selected from a trio .QI1' 'p en entered as'such; or a trio' selected f,rom a'pen $elected as.suCh; must be designated on t~e entry: blailk by lium1>ei"or numbtrs 00 leg ba~ds And must pay the entrance f~ for 'each c~, a;; ,pet'. Me 2? , J .'', " ~, "', ' ..', • f
Prizes- Cflntinued
ne l'\e w ~I c t lto d III ' uhator, value $7 . dona t d by the Incubator Co" Morro w , Ohio, on the Ilig he~ t scoring pen.
variety and oWner's name 'wilL be placed on coQPs. 22. nntry fees will be as follows: --;~ '(a) Si~lebird (maleorfemale) (b) Pair' . ' 1iilI).'lVt~.:.i.I. (c) Trio ~"
WHOLE NUMBElt 81!ol7
BIO . \vEDNE DA Y DECEMBER 28, 1910.
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Vt'r \ "
an. "
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"atu. ~ 86c,( b~ · Dtb..bMf , ~~
..,ccma CoD" pap • . ' .
~le . ..,.: ~ D ., dpt'. .-..w~pan by J. H. COleman for C.~U1I. gu. ... . . . .,iO'1 .,' " ' "
MIt P.ait o(BoUl'boll Red 6"'~~
' . ' ,'. .
- - . . - . ..
The Miam~ Gazette
On. 011 Th... Talented W.omen Sarah Bernhardt Ind the' Other
Ellen Terry. '
At what age are nlen at tllE!lr boet? Tbe pesslmlsUc tbeory attributed to .Doctor Osler, wblcb be afterward re,pudlated, that the golden age Is tblrty-five, or thereabouts, that It Is fol· lowed Inevitably by waning powers, and tbat there sbould be provlllinn for cbloroformlng all who threaten to sur· vlve tbe age of sixty,. bas never bad many serious adherents, says t he Mil· waukee EvenIng WisconsIn. It Is generally couceded thli.t thlrty-n ve Is ratber tbe begi nnIng thBll th e end of the prIme of life, and that the vlg· orous human indlvldunl who IIvea tllUloly and cbeer!ullY may do more ~n some Important fields of acUvlty &lfter be bas acquired the ripe judg· ment that omes ""Ith experIence tban in the heyday or the tblrlles and fort lea. Dr. T: M. Crothilrs of Hartford. Conn., bas come forward wlt.b II- declaration that Is quite as Inter esting as the one Doctor Osler disowned, and tbat ought to attract equally wide atH. AYlI tbat '"then! an tenUon. many )'easons for believing that we carry nround with us great reserve ~wers, and unknown energies ""blcla are seldom used, aDd tbat In old nee appeal to these powers may Ki'Ve a certaIn vigor enUl'ely uneX1l6Qted, lWhlch , lengthens -our Ute IUl4 PTa.ctrcally overcomes -dlseue." He also Says that "the man past. .Ixty IUi.1'1 trom tbat on to et~hty ought to be at. his very best because ute Ie then uo expertment. &bel be bas attained a p~ .IUon where he can use all his PIIWfBra to the best advantage." Dootor Crothers Insists that there IB no th~ ory In this, but that It "'II sustained by a creat variety ot facta which furtu· .tely are becomtoc !pore realized u ~e years ~ by~"
HE TEXAS RANGERS, who few of them are stili al1ve and active_ Rangers Carnes" Lawrence, West . ' bave bad a proaUhent part In A traveler , to the wesl a decade , : .troublo along our southwestern and Cralgbe..p recently rode l1\to n kCO wa,a mucb amused at the vehlQles border, constitute a force tbat jungle tbat skIrts the Rio Grande near be IIlW. They were all kInds of "conIs more feal'84 by miscreants Its mouth. Mexican renegades were ' traptlo.n ...." '. J)u~es, ' .. de~rbornl·· than any otber body of Ulen that cJvi- hidden In tbe thkkets and the rangers knew tbe' deadly peril Into which ~y old thing to ! Ide In_ The people Uzatloll bas ever organized. ' iDut there were living close, faring They carry law and order to the reo tbey rode. Despite the disadvantage under har4 and--6&vl~g m~mey. 'says the mote regIons along the RIo Grande. Pbi184elphla press; That·s why the where outla}Vs of two nations take wblcb they wor)t~d, the rangers rode per cabl.t a · savlngs bank account of refuge. They carry It Into the back- Into tt.e thicket. They could dIe but KaDII88 excels that of all other states. woods, where feuds rage constantly, once and their huslness was to court It ts astonIshingly different today. At beside whIch those of Kentucky's death, A roa'd had been cut through the jungle and !ollowlng this the rang· the ' ;Leav'e nworth county fair some mountains sInk Into InsIgnIficance. Tbey carry it Into POPUIOU8 cities ers were ambusbed. Tbe outlaw II da,.s ag() dozens of tarmers .came to They carry _It Into every nook and opened on them at close range with ' the l1'0undl In motor cars. They had ' corner of that great state ot Texas, shotguns a~d every man went down. "~4 for 'them, too, They bJld raised the extent ot which Is such that they Carnes and Lawrence were killed nnd the wheat and COI1l ' to (10 It. ' The a~e prqp,lems to face, such as other Cralgbead nnd West were wounded. mere JQnlatioD of-glldlng awJftly over . ~a, dream not Qt. Pablo 'frevlno ' WaS 80 ' Indiscreet as the roads where ~,ai' , o~ so baCk The Texas rangers are the most to peep for a mome.nt trom the thick· they had condemned the "blaz" wag- plcturesdue set .of legallzed flghtlng et and Ranger Carnes, wbose rIght Alns wblch frlgbtened their borles, men In this country, Tbey have no arm was broken and wbo was near pve them Confidence ' an~ a new sat- counterpart In the world: Only torty· death, shifted bls six-shooter to blR tstaction. ' Tb1s ' ls wbat the automo- In number, .they are 'e qual to almost left hand and got bls mBll, 'tben died. Sergeant W. J. L. l3ulltvan, wbo hal bile haa achIeved In, our country dis- any emergency tbat may arise when It been shot to pieces so many times comes to _ putting to a lest , real figbttricts: It has made a modest t.oller a that he Is no longer a ble to chase. Tbe presence of one Ing qualltles. man of ,new resources. It has put a ranger upon a scene of dlsord'er and' outlaws, Is d.oork~per for the bouse, machllie, In bis hands and saId, "Use , r ' , threatened lawlessness Is uSllally suf; side of the Texaa legislature, . He has ft", , And . be III using It. He . feels flclent to quickly 'rel$lOre peace' and tb~ reputatlon ot bavlng been the himself on ,a pal' wIth any mllllonalre uphold the dIgnity of tbe law . The best rangel' sergeant that the force who can, .atrord to buy a ~ew m04el ranger Is' tbere to do hls duty. '. He ever knew .' eve~ year. It the present mov/ement to abDllsh 'd oes ,It fearlessly . , The rangers are picked men, every ,the rangers Is not cat'rled Into etrect one of them They must be proved . by the legislature It Is probable t hat l'be rapidity of c1evelopment In thl8 experts In marltsmnnsblp and at· home age III' such as to cause nlany to lose 10 tbe' saddle; they must _be or good 81ght of tbe fact tlilat Bome of 'our moral cbaracter,whlcb menns that chIef lndustrles are " of comparattvely they do not drlok or gamble WbEm modern origin. Ootton spinning hal a vacancy ' In a companY occurs the .:ome to be one of the foremost ot captaIn ' selects the mun to Ull It ~anuta?tures In this and , other coun_ "I can 1001\ Into a 'man's ,eyes and ' jtr1es. Bays the' Milwaukee Evening tell wbetber he ba~ got ·tbe rIght klOod Iwlscc;lDsln_ But 10 the present form ,ot stuff In him to make Ii good rangbas been In e1lsteDCe ' less t han a er;" ,Captaln W. J . (Bill) McDonald. bundred yel}rs, the Dret cotton-spln- who sa:w many yeare In the service" Iling mJlI In the United States bavlng saId the other day. ... never made a been atarted In ' 1811 at Fall River, mistake hI pIcking my men," Most ot tbe rangers were former IMass. That city Is preparing to ob· cowboys. Wben a man leaves tbe lerve the centenary ot the bUSiness, ranger service be uSllally eIther , goes and next year will have an Imposlng back/ to tbe 'r anch or t.akes a position celebration. It may be ot Interest t.o DS peace offi cer In some county or know that .when ' cotton manufacturing city. :Willi ltarted there Fall River waa -The official I'eports of the adjutant bown as Troy, a name wblcb was re- general's department ot Texas show tained unUI 1834. Cotton goods ot that during the I)er-Iod from 1870 to various , kinde are made In Troy, N. 1884 IndIans and MexIcan thieves :y" and vtclnlty, and the annlv~rsar-y stole 30,838 head of cattle, 3,781 of the origin of cotton splnnJng wlll, -borses and 2.436 sheep. Tbe ma'r auders killed hundreds or clt.lzens, burned ~lst attention. many homes and destroyed a vast amount 01 prope rty: "Although cat,.. Wonders never cease. A woman tie stealing was the origInal object ot In Minneapolis Is suIng for a dIvorce the raIds, the lawless bands engaged on the ground ot cruel und InbumlUl In tbem have been necessarily led to treatment because her husband per- the perpetration of ot11er_and greater: sists In kissing her too often and ar- crimes, The lawless spirIt engendered dently, And others complain because by tbelr trade, and their own protecthey are never klssetl. No wonder tion, caused them to murder traveltlIe poor men bave been trying un- ers wbo happened to meet them on tbelr raids, and tbose wbom they .uccesstuUy to Btrlke a happy medium thought mlgbt -Inform against them. .lnce the world started_ In tact, tbese raids , were soon, turned Into general rob1lery and murder. Boston Is developing a taete for . The conditions on the I'ow~r RIo .hark meat. Tbere Is some uneasy Grande border ' regIon began to Imfeeling In W~I street le st the taste prove as soon as' Ca.pmln L. R McNellf and ' bls compl;\ny~t . rangers epread to Gotham_ '. were serit down t here to run down the ...outlaw8~ McNeUy adoph!d 'the ' A Virginia scbool board has e"tab' . 1.l lhed a ' rule that 'Its 'school teachers policy ot' giving no qunrter, \ I;Je',a~ked , ' ,nOne: It ' Wa~ , n tlgh~ to the death of the .E!oft,e r sex must not , ~tte,~d Wheq. -he 'an~ his men got Witbln c1allc~11 . 'fhe board should , ex~lal1;!. . sbootl.ng distance ot . ~tie . Mexican IWh~t,ber tols actlon, .te. taken lieea,use ' Ui1eves. ' . ' ' , 'I .,' • ~fY teacbers ar~ ,not good enougb 'iI1I;1~ ~(ln wbo ~on dlstlncttoil -lil tbe appear at dane. or ' because tbey ar.', Texas ranger service were the- 'foretoo rood. "".. . . ' ' rpnoe~ , ot tbe pre!'ent era ot peace, c1evelopment .&I1d pl'ospel'lty .that" t.he _ ,Itate 'hi ~njon.ng, . ~ost. ot: the many ~e arrelrt of a man ~>ne b"undred ' rangere who won dlstlnctl.on fot their' ad letVeb Y,e~p old a~qws how care- bravel')" ~ notable exPlotte · U{ the tuu, "w~ ' " protee\eCl frouz ua"'" perforDlADC8 .0; their dolT are dead. -cllal'p of ... ~aoecl .. OW "QnUll". So~• .,ere -ldUed ta the 1,"lce. o~ wbo lbaJl ba.. fUll . .. era 1U~~be~ to DatWal C&II8D ' A.- raqer optraU.... '
Two famOUl crand1l\others are 41. Some Brand or Portland Cement Should Be Used That IS' tlpgulahed visitors of thil countr)', n. Guaranteed to Meet Standard SPecl(l~. . fertln, to these talented ladlel tbe Uons of: Government, Rochester Poat l!lxpress BIlYS: "One of the grandmothers Is Mme. ~arah BeJ'Doo hard't; tb,e other I. Ellen Terry_ Botli JctreBses bave reached age whenn """[7' Is permillslble to reUre from actlv. llte; but the French a¢tress ts said to be a. enereetic all a WOlDan balf her age, wWle Ellen Terry Is declared to be as youns as ever ahe wai I~ the palmy daYB when she and Henry InII~ Ing ruled the theat.rlcul world ot En,· STONL" land . Min Terry has retired trom the Excellent Concreto Mixture_ stage so fa;r as acting Is concerned, and has taken to lecturing on ShakesOn account or Its cb apness, uniOn e measUI'lug box or frame. Bee peure 's berolnes. And wbo could do formity and quick development of description furtber a long In article. better than she wbo hus played 110 IItr ngth. the only cement practi a)ly One mixIng board . many of the womanly women of the used at present Is tbe kind called Two wheelbarrows witb steel traya great dramatist? Readers ot hw "Portlaud." There are a.lmost I\S For farm work the [o llowlng propor breezy bIography kno'w wbat IIh. many bronds of Portland cement as tlons are most suItab le: thinks of Portia, Deatrlre, Voila, Rosatb re are of wheat Dour. For farm For concrete necessarily waterproof land and other tamous women of the "''Uk cboose some brand guaranteed 1 : 2: 4 or 1: 4. tragedies and comedIes, but .no printby the locnl dealer to meet the standFor all oth er ordlnnry purposefl, eel page could charm as doell tbe wonard s[lecillcations of tho AUlerlcan 1: 21h: 5 or 1: 6. derfully expressive featurel and the Soclet1' tor Testing MaterIal., whIch Sucb proportions of tbree parts, a! velvet voIce of the greatest livID. standal'ds are approved by tbe nallon- 1 : 2: 4, Indlcnte tbnt the concret e Is to EnlIlIsb-spealdng actrE:ss." al government. be mlxeo 1 )lRrt cement to ~ Ilart ~ Cement takes waler so oalllly that Band 10 .. parts IIcreened grave l or care mURt he exercised In storIng IL, crus bed rock; and 1: 4 that It Is 10 be SAVED OLD LADY'S HAIR says Kimball's Dairy Farmer. Upon mixed 1 purt cement to 4 par.tll bault· the regular floor of a good buildIng run grav el. "My mother used to hnve a. very bad Measur mentR lJy cOll ntlng IIhovel· hunlor on her head 'which the doctol"l place timbers close together, aB a SliPport for a false floor, Ullon wWcb the fuls Is poor and uncerta In practice. called an eczema, and for It 1 bad twc. BIlCks may be plied. To a void splltllng of bags of cement, dlf[erent 'doctors. Her bead wall ver,. Cement Is heavy: do not overload make as tbe unIt of measurement 1 sore and her hall' nearly all fell out the tloor' of the building by pillng It cubic foot, the amount of lonee co. In spite of what they both cUd, One too blgh, and do not store It against Dlent contained In one cement bag, day her niece came In Blld the7 were the side walls. Keep It covered with Such measurementli are made a very speaking ot how her hair waa toUln, canvas 01' rooting paper. If once wpt ensy matter by gllllging the wbeel, out and the doctors did it no good. For this purpose use • Sbe says, 'Aunt, wby I don't yoU tIT. It sets up and Is untlt for use. How- barrows. ever, lumps due to pressure In the bottomless box bolc.lng one ('ublo Cutlcllru, Soap and Cutlcura Oint.IItore house must not he mistaken tor foot. A shallow bottomless trume Is ment l' Mother dId and they helped setup cement. Such lumps are easily also a convenient means of measu!' her. In six' months' time th~ , ItchlnL Ing. Such a frame, when set on the burning Ilnd scaldIng of ber h end wu crumbled and may then be uted. Concrete la a mixture or Portland mixing .board and filled, should can over and her haIr began growlnc, T0cement and particles of slOne. The Udn the full amount of sand or onf day she feels much In debt to Cutistone sbould vary In size from pieces balf the quantity of gra.vel. or cura Soap and Olntm fit ror the flne one Inch In diameter to sand grams, crushed rock required for one batcb h ad ot hair sbe has for IU1 CJld lad)' of seventy-four_ . By so grading the stone. the smaller of concrete. The size of the bat ch Is dependent -'My own cale' ~aa 80 eezema in DlJ: particles fit In the spaces between the the cold weatber larger pieces. thereby producIng the upon the lUllount of help and the dl· reet. As soon most compaot and the , strongest mLx- menslons of the mht-Ing board or cume my teet would Itch and bum anA platform. ture_ then they would crack O~D And lllee4. Then I thought I would dee to Di.)' . The best stone tor ' cmshed rock Is motber's f~lends, CuUCI\ra Soap and Dne wblcb Is clean, hard and breakl Cutlcura Ointment. , 1 did tor four or Ivlth sbarp angl6ll. Trap, grl11'lle and ~ve winters, and now my feet are . . bard limestone are among f.de best;' smooth as anyone's. . Ellsworth Dunthe UBe of shale, slale and soft llme-' ham, Hiram, Me" Se~t. SO, is09 ." stones and sandstones sbould be avoided. The crusbed rock should be ~uthortttea 00 ' ~rIC1l1tur. Ursre COUldn't Stand the Nwlaance. screened on a Quarter-Inch screen to IlDpor~ce ~t Storlnsr Fodder "He compla.lns thnt bA wAs una.bl. remove tl:.e fine particles. These small to A=ompa.ny Stra_ to get woog wIth bls . wlte's z:eJa. particles should be considered ail sand; as Roughase. Uves." · , and, If In lIufficlent In quantity tu make "What was the matter? Did they aD tbe proper proportion ot the concrete, (By R. G. WEATHlllRS'l'ONE.) want to live a.t bls e. PClJlse1'" , as i/l descrlbed later, enough sand BesIdes pOinting out to farmers the "No. ,H is fatber-In-Iaw wanted him should be a(Jded to produce the raImportance or saving theIr Bttaw, to enrn t b salary be was YI"""'..,J.P¥8 <l~lred amount. authorIties , on agrIculture are also tbe old gentlemBll," . ,Gravel well ~aded In sizes Is at urging the Importance of saving aU least equally as good tor concrete flS corn-stalks, to accompany tbe straw A Long Chance. 1_ crushed stone. Bank-run gravel, just 08 a wInter rougbage ; ' tllus making "I took a long chauce when I ask •• as dug from tho pH. seldom runs even a savlDg In bay, the scarcity of which ber to marry me." and rarely has the right proportion of necessitate» the greatest economy IQ "Sbe rejected you, ob?" sp.nd and Ilebbles for maklnlf tbe best Its use. It Is believed that tbe 1910 "Nq, that was the long chance I ~oncrete. The ,mixture most sult.p.blo bny crop, all over the west, Is mucb took. She accepted me." bas 'one part sand to two parts gravel, behind the uSlIal teJryear average; measured by volume. tD which all sIzes and that ' next wInter will develop A DIFFERENCE. passing througb one-Inch mesh prices at Which farmers "til think screen and retaIned on a Qu~rter-Inch tbey ca~ better afford to .ell ttJelr screen are considered gravel. As bay, and feed th'e cheaper ~oughage, there Is usually too much sand for the than to feed hay to stock. Ou thIs gravel, it Is tioth advIsable and p\,06t- point, however, It' will be well for the able to screen the mjl.terlal and to re- farmer to be very sure tbat he bas mix them In the proper proportions. 3; sumclency of other ' fodd.r, before gravel shobld have ·no rotten stone and parting with bis hay ' to the' detriment should be clean. ~o that the cement of his stock. Wltb the use of corll may adhere to It lightly. binders, -tbe savIng ot fodder Is 'oot 1\ If It Is dirty, no amount of cement dlmcult matter. ' If the farmer has not wtll make etrong concrete. Generally enough stock to consume his entlra, sand Ie clean, but tf not It can easily acreage of' fodder, he will find other be w~lIhed by, playl.ng a l h~se or flush- farmers wbo are' wIthout enougb, and Inc water upon ' thIn layers of ·- sand who have stock ,,,,blch It ,will be pro!: placed on _a tight-pointed Inclined ltable ' to bOY, to use wbat . eurplus wooden board, ' in size of graIn It- fodder Is stored from the cprn fields sbould vary un~formly trom 'floe to Save the corn fodder! coarse. All parUclE?!! passing, a quart.er·lncb screen may - be cousldered Value ', ,! Oat •• .and_ · , There ' a re several good reasons for Any good-taatlng drinking water II feecJ1ng oats; all authorities agree that lui table for concret!!, Tbe tools and equipment necessRry they are easily digested and contain for making concrete In moderate quan- the necessary amount of protein to fltrllnger-Ja thla the nUl'fleryT tutes are 'a lready at 'hand on a well supply food for the muscles. ,That H(\st-N~: that's ~e ',bawl?roODa. conducted tarm, or will be uBeful arter- even tbe hull ba Its va.lue In furDlsh, Ing a sufficIent amount of rougbness ward for otb'e r purposes, . I, " , -' , _ .-, to aId In exclUng 'tbe saliva and gas· . EAGBR ' 'to WORK, , The list follows: tric juice and thus aids tbe dIgestion. Health Reg.rn~, by 'Right. Food. Two square pOinted "paddy" shovels, Many careful and experJenced fee-dera , ('. , ' prefer. ' corn as tbe prlllclpaJ grain No. S. The average healtb). man or wom.. ' One round pointed tiling shovel ,or and oats only as a cbange. There III usually eag~r to lie busy_at '80m. one garden spade. can be no question as to tbe value of useful, taek ol' ,employmeilt., " ,' , . One heavy garden rake. f c?rn In fattenlrig a horse, and It Is But let dyspepsIa. or' J~dtge8tlOD le~ One sprinkling can or bucket or OJl'S certainly a much cheaper teed than hold' of one. and all en'deavOf '~ecomel " ' spray nozzle tor boslio, oats, but ' after careful InquIry I am a burden. One water barrel or one lengtb of firmlY' of tbe opInIon tbat co-rn-fed "A year.' ago. after recoveJilng from ' bose. horses are more susceptible to dis- an operation;" wrttes f1>. Mlchigan la~"t '. One sidewalk tamper or home-made ease; and even tbough they present "my. stomacl1 ,and-nel'l'es beg!iD (0 give wooden tamper. II. pleasIng appearance, have not the me much trouble:',' ,." : . One sand screen made ot a section muscular strength, the endu rance or "At ' times ~y', ~a'pP'f!tl,fe " w~ ' ~ora. , ot ' ope-q~arter-lilch wire mesb nlllled tbe power to resist dIsease of. borse. c1ous, but wben Ind~lged, lJ;ldlgcllUOD , to a wooden frame. ted 011 oats. fallowed. O~her tlmes 't-J1ad ' no ! e.~J). tite '}Vhnte~er, T~e ·toOd: I t6p~"dl.4 :~~~ ", .nourll$h me and I, grew 'W.el1ker, th~," aver. ' ' - . . '. :' .. ". . _, .. ', t'l lo~t Intetes~ In ev-~rythmg :-U4 wan\ed 't o' be alone: - f had:alwaya- h~ ~ gOOO n,erv.es. no,,,,·'ihe,m~e!l.t tri1Ie , '~oul~, , < aill oq,',," v~ql~t ': :, headache. the, room .. was , "'...~ . . '4U ... :
i ,
, ,
God"s Method of
Drawing Souls to Himself
Year's day Is lIk,.e a ' rnlvAI A r r oach ing a s um· It on tbe 113 1h . whe l'e he s urveys th t' I'Q!l ti , he bas I ft behind and looks a bead to t but ove l' w hi ch ho hus ye t t o go. Th es epa hs a re mom ntol1s In IIf 'bls tory, and no wIse pOl'son will fall at these periods to Ink his I ' ckoll' Ing. Most thoug htful personll at this Iwuson to make res. I!: In tnct, New Y nT's day Is grand baza r day III whi ch vurl. and b autltul l'osolu tl UIl S ar!' out to view. Uu t a las, bow of th eAe nre ani), mude to be ! \ Ve are d e te rmined to turn a new louf In th e boole of life, yet the fulr, uns potted leaf 111 I ~ d almost In the v ry act of turn . It What then? Sha ll w give I li P making resolutions? Not a t all A ll e ffort Is fragm entary. D ecau s~ J)urposes mlsoarry Is no reason wh y 'we s hould not farm them. W re ev. ery New Y ar's resolution to be brok. en 'w e would allli have lived bette r' for nlaklng the m. And s ome of the m wUl be kept, willi the " e ry endeavor wtll bave lifted us to a higher plano and Increased our selt·res p c t. W e should, mos t of all, a sk ollr. selves It we bave n true life aim. No man can bit the mark If b e Is 110t aiming at ft. ' Resolve to break off bad ha btls. W e all have our defects of dis pos ition a nd harncte r. Those we annat b tl!p. But It Is ollr voluntary s elf.lndulge nce tbut makes them our mus ters. Now Is the bour to figbt them, to resist them unto blood, to break the m orr at once ~nd ' for all. Look on the brjght s id . Th e world ls f\lll 'of beauty and life s parkles with JOY to tbe , unblurred vision. It Is our s loomy spirits that dlstor l ollr view 'fhe worst evils are Imag ined oll e~ that never come to pass. Let ns look look for love and goodn oss nnd b eauty and bapplness, aud 'we s hall trend a fragrant, embowered way. Le t u do better in the home. It Is h ere , . wbere we are orten most t boughUcss, that we need to do our v ry best. More d epends On the at· mospbere of home than upon all e lse. Resolve thnt those who love ),011 most and sllcrlftce the most for you s hall see only your most ' pleasing s idebal.! bave only re,s pect, gentleness, love. ' Ab, bow much of the recuperative power ' aeeded for tbe strain of me's wenrlng duties depe nds upon tJle t empers, manners and habits of 1I0mc! - If. tben, Y0l! will weat· a morning
face and keep the eage r, unsullied b eart of a cbUd; be strict tn the judg' ment oC yourself and kindly In your judgmen~ of otbers; be more eager pMI ~e than to blnme ; not tb har· monl s ' at lI.fe ratber than Its discords,
' D m
nnd set your nlm upon duty, God and th e unfading, this n ew year will bring yon no sorrow without Its comfort. a nd over and over again It will fill your C liP with blessing, Purpose Is the very soul or xlst· ence. Th ere Is little need that we presl! tbls fnct home. The av rage man grasps Its truth Instantly. As w stand upon the tbreshold of the New Year, however, we do well to consider a c rta ln phase of Its men.nlng-that whl h npplLes to the things that are ne w. We naturally like whnt Is new. 'fhere Is a certain charm about va· rl ety. V. hen life presses s tron gly up· on u's with Its burden of r es pons lbll· Ity and Its pressure at care ther e Is over tile temptation .to throw olf the old and take care of the new. We respectfully s uggest thnt the problem s oC lite cannot be solved by some PntClft process; old r espunslblll· ties annot be shaken air by the adoption of lantastlc theories at r eligion a.nd morals; there ' nre no short cuts to truth . Willi this In mind, 'Wbat'shall be the truest attitude oC tbe thoughtful man towartl tho possible variety of the New Year. True,. it may be a variety closely r esembling U1at of a year ago: the commonplaceness of Ufe's expe· riences Is only too apparent. To win without e ffort Is a mis nomer; to attain without sacrIfice Is to eliminate joy; to look for an easy , path Is to prove the worthl essness of such a life's at· tainments. 80, In view of these sug· gestlons, what shnll be our attitude
th e New Year and its purpose? Ue t ther e be joy In work, madera· tlon In plea s ure, faithfuln ess In friendship, en rgy In servl oe, loyalty to tru th, openmlndedness In r esearch. openheal'tedn ess to all me n. May we Ilbhor only that which Is superfi cia l and hYllOcrltlclll, and prove Olll' call' dol' and frankn ss by living abov the thou ght of more profit. Furth rmore, let t h re be " honor to wbom honor Is du e , cus tom to whom 'ustom, fear to wbom tea r." ourtes y rises su pr emely higher than obsequious ness, pI course; the for m r Is gen· U and self· r specllng. the la tter Is s rvlle and selt·cond emnln g. Inv st, the mind with noblc possl· bllltl s nnd th e beart with boly RGplra· tions . Be cha ritable, symputh etlc , c beerful , s tron g·hearted, fearless, free and undeflled. L e t thos a bout you kn ow tb a t t hese old tru t hs have been (onnd of you full or new meaning and Interest, and tbere can be little doubt but you will do milch townrd tbe bet· term ent at your kind. The world stands in n t:led at men who possess poise or character, bal· ance of soul and vision of usefulness •. Murall,t y taaches ' us that It is better to be true tban false, pure tban IIcen· tlous, bl'avtl than cowardly. Spirituality do' s bettor than this, for ' it lloeps m en Unsound by persecution, undaunted by opposition. un· compla ining In tbe presence of hard· ship, hopeful for the future, bearing reproof and criticism thankfully, and above all beaded toward the r ight goal:
Speeding .Out the Old Year Then a poet s poltC from his lilngdoD1, And tho Old Year's laugh rang sweet .T he' OId Ye al,' wn'it,e'd amid U\e !\n~\V, , . and ' gay: ' 'fbought: JP n, SbOllld bless It , 1', and bid "I bless you, Yoar, for the powers y'OU "Bless ~ e ~ Oh, bless me, ' Bnd bid me Jrer go. .,1 b~u~t. . . s t.ay!" ' .
:But tho children Inughed. " We a waIt "t thank you for lo\'ellness, love, and But tile youtb and :.he mald~ n mllde tbe New; IIgbt, an s wor swift: 'Tis 'fai rer and sladd rand brig h,ter For strife divine, nnd for vis ions "We bless you, Year. for YOIlI" pr ice· t}1nn YOII.'/ bright less gIft. And the Year sank sobbing amid the "Out the poet's heart ' Is tho heart of " Out tb e lo\'e which came to c omplete our lifE! IInow. yout1l; , HIs bope Is To·De. and b Is quest Is Gael:! onward and upward tbrough "~m ,.no one bl ess me b fore I go?" TI'utb." pa in ' and $tl'11e.
· . 'J'b~n trom their woes the weary said': ' And the Old Year sighed
In blUe!' "TIle hlgh ~st hopeo of tho better part, "F'arewell! we sbaU bl~ Ss YOIl when \ paln, , . We se k togetber, thus, heart to you are daud." "Is there 11('1 one would lr.ke my gifts hea rt. again?" • "We th erefore bless you-but hid you \ so." But the Old Year walled : "~b, cruel Then n youth and , maillen mu.d e soft And lb e Yoar lay smiling amid the 'reply: asblome ! ' snow. ,Will no one bless me because I ''We ' again would ,live all' your '.day~· -Jessie Annl Alldel1lon. gone by," caID ?I'
fourth of an Incli In dlam e'ter; In the brook trout, one-fiftb; hi the grayling, one·slxth;, In the shad, one'e)gbth, while In the ee~ they are almoki mi· croscoplc. The number of eggs pr~ duced 17Y tbe f '~ male of nshes varies according to HE- nge and welgbt. In
RI NO one summer sea· son, aftel' a very active servi ce in evangellstlc missionary work, 11 , seom d very . necessary that I tllke a rest and have a chn.nge. 80 I loft the south for about tw o months and wont Ul) n ar tbe la kes, wri tes Re v. aptaln Kin gs, bury In Sabbath Rending. It so happened that on e of the cburches, lett without a pustor. called me to s up ply preaching on Su ndays. I WBS glad to do tbls . and while resting [ did not rest so full y that I could not do s ome IItle servi ce In th o homes at the people. One afte rnoon I cnlled at n home wb e re I found a mother nnd s everal children- six at them 1 beli eve , If I rem e mber cor re ctly. Among tbe chll· dren was a bea utiful puJr of twIns, brothers, abou t two years at age. I conversed with the mother- the cbll· dren being Interested Itsteners . I found tha t neither of the parents were Christians, So I bent my earnest efforts trying to lead this mother to come Into the Christian lICe. The mother s eemed deeply affected, but was not wJlllng to tal.(' such n s tep unles8 the falher would join her In doing the same. So after reading portions of the Word of Ood and offerIng ea rnest prayer wIth the mother and her cblldren, I went to tbe field where the fatb er was at work, In troduced myself and at once told blm about my visit to the mother and his chlldl'en /lOd earnestly sought to lead him to Jesus, 'fhe man s emed very Indifferent to all these tblngs- and my most earn· ost plea s eemed to fall, even portions of t be Wortl seemed not to ma ke the leas t impressIon upon tbe man's beart The Chastening Rod.
The home or tbe family was about three or four miles outs ide of the town. I heard nothing tram tbe man or tram his family for a lull weele, when one morning a mQn called 10 know if I would attend a fun eral sllrYlce at the born e of the man <!n the next day at on~ o'clock. The messenger brought word tbBt th twins were dead: tba t one had been talT.en sick tbe night Blter I called Ilt the house, and the other was tatten lIck the morning of the day before he cam e, and both had died that morning The man and bls wlte sent B s pectal request that I should come to the house at least one hour be Core time for the funeral se rvice. Accordingly I went to the home, ""here n prayer service was to be held llatore the regular hour for se rvice at the chur h. t went befor e the bour set. As I came to the door of ' tbe home, the mother met me there and with tears streaming down bel' cheeks bade me enter, and requ ested that I come at once to tbe room where tbe boliles of the twin s lay, now robbed of life and lying ca lm and beautiful In dea.tb, In a broken voice. amid sobs and reregrets, the stricltOn parents now joined In requostlng me tbat bere, be, sIde their sacred dead. I should point to them th e way to J esus , who suffe red the ,lItUe ones to come unlo him.
All Efforts to Have Connecticut H o mage to Her Brave Son Have FaIled.
"J would rat bel' pl'ellene tbe .nltll
On tb nnDlv I'sary of t bo d ac b or the greatos t sold l r Connecticut eve" produced, Drlg. Oen, ·at. haul I Lyon, who wos killed at Wilso n's Cree k. Mo., mnny citizens 81' conside ring wha t the slate has done or may do to honor his memory. T be onl y public m mo· rllll today Is a monuwent which cost a few hundred dolla rs . In bls cemeter y lot In the to wn of Eas Hord. Th, las t legislature granted $500 (not to eJ(ceed that sum ) to tie xpeud 'd In im· proving the condltlonll a round bls Inst resllng plaoe. His na tlvc cO U[lty or Windham , blr tl,· place of men like Israel Putnam, tbe Knowltons. Oalusbu A. Orow , and Otll' ers whose nUlUes afe prominent In history, boasts at Nathaniel Lyon a s one of Its greatest s ons, and yet none of Its memorial histor ies Jlnd nOD of the state bistorles, possIbly barring one, that has to do with the Civil war, ~Ivea him lUore than passIng notice. Llout . . Oen. Bh rman said of him: "Oen. Lyon wall the first man In tbe country that seized tbe whole question and took the inltiaUve nnd dotel'> mined to strike a blow and not walt for a blow a be struck.. . . H.Is deatb Imposed on the nBtlon a penalt)' numbered by thousands and thousands of Uves an<;l mllllons and mllUons 01 dol1llrs," An old portrait of tho general hangs In the adjutant general's oIDce ut lhe capitol, but II ono looks for statue, bus t or tablet, he loob in vBln. Y ar by year clUzol)s hBve petitioned tbe leg ls la.ture to establlsb a Otting mem~ ria l. Commi611ons bave been appolntad to consider. Tbe 18st one, appoint. ed by tbo governor a. fe w years ago, was composed of Morgan O. Dulkeley (who found himself .unuble to serve); .Tobn E. CBrpenter, DBvid A. Baker nnd Col. Frank W. Cheney. The grave In tho old country cemeter )', beside 'those of 'his parents, la th ra by the peaora l's own choice, and tbere could be no thought of removing his ,remains. The commissIon having In ohnrge the expenditure of the $600 Is tor ming plans to acquIre land BdJa· cent to the grave. . Tbe legislative cowmlsslon of 1905, In Its report to Gov. Woodruff. sug' gest d $1;000 for the care of the Lyon cemetery lot and a permanent mem~ rial to be chosen by the sculpture commission at the capitol. The leglsla· ture cut down the appropriation asked for by one·halt and Ignored· the sug. gestlon tor a memorial at the ca~ ltol.· At tbe outbre ak at · the Clvll war Oen. Lyon was atatloned at St. Louis In cho.rge of the arsenal. From tbere, following his appointment 8& brIgadier ge neral, he condu ct ed the camllalgn which saved Missouri from complete
"f •
D,HloD IbuD be
't. 1'1IIer."-J:lUN-
Tho u ~n n ds of people who aro lIufTerln. "" ith co ld. nrc a llout today. Tomort'01t they mill' l,c Ill'oatrn ted with penumonia~ An oll nco (If prevent ion ill worth 11 potlna of cure, Get 11 25 cent bottle of Mun. yon's ~(li d 'Itre at l he nearest drulr
Bt on'.
T lt ie hottle
bo convenienU,.
ell r ricd ill tit" \'e t Ilocket. If you or-. not snt i.fier! w ith th e cffect& of the remed\' , Pl'nri UM you r empty hotlle and ,,,e will refun d Y II I' monCl·. Mun yon'" Cold Cure wi ll Sfl r uilr brcllk UII all fornu of co1da nn d prevl'nt ItriJlIIO a Dd pneumonia. It checks
rl i"(: "arJ{e~
of t he n08e and eyes
8topa 8n e~illlt, a llays inflammation ana f ev er . lind toneA li P the system. If you need M edienl Advice, write to 14UnYOn'8 DoctorA. They will curefully dJQ~ o!e "our ('n~e and advise you b.r. mtllI. nh.olu l.ely free. Pr.of. Munyon. 63d and Je!Tcl'1IOQ Itreet.. Phill\delphil\, Pa.
poy .rUI
."k17 prleoll ... M. SASEt II SONS,
~Jar.... III.... Wool. " __
YOUaIDJlJA8. Tberj$Ybrjll'~ " anb. s.-P"«o Book • Bit. _ u_vral4 &; Oo_l'al.Attra.;JSo:c K. UlW!atoD,)4
Why Do They1 Why wom en Uke the ba.1dheade4 man it Is some what difficult to debe. It may b be ause he appears to be: ' Tboughtful and kind . . Trus t wo rlh y and confiding. Whimsical. POllt t he follies and trlvotltlea of yout!!. Usual1y s uccessful. A man of property. OpInions why women llke the bald· beaded tn n.n obta.1ned by ' the Dal17 Mirror are as follows: H e is not silly Uke young men. He accepts refusals of marrlag'. lID nicely thst one is sorry one did Dot accept hltn. The bald patch looks so clean and nice, One would like to kiss It. , A doctor welcomes baldness when .t comes to him, as It is a sign of I . . dateness and dignified learning, wblch Invariably Increases bIs ~ractt.e.
Appeal for Mercy Heeded.
Scarcely able to s peak a word my..:, selt (but for grace gtve,n) , I l end erly sou ~bt to lead this broken·hear ted father and mo tber along 'tbe s imple steps that lead to penltence. Ah! thAt had already been lald deep, deep down In theh' souls. Repllntance, too, bad Ita tun 'and proper place. Tbe cry for mercy was mos t earnest, but merc}, was thore. Forgiveness ~' as needed, but ab , forgIvenes s was there. And tbe loving spirit en twined t hese br~ ken"contrite, penitent souls, s mitten with ~rlef and sorrow and loss. A.m ld the love and forgl~ en ess of the lovlc!r Jesus. tber~, on bended kn ees bi)sl.de th'at casket and tbe sacred ~ead , It seems to me that t hese two souls then and tbere came Into ne w· ness of lite. Into the new birth. as few alnnlng, erring ones ever came lnto '.bat blessed experience, And tbese were comfortod ! God had taken tbelr two darlings, .but hod he not made the very takh,g of tbese lit· tle ODes tbe means at brInging fath er ur..d ptother to, hims elf? Had ne not given to tbe rematning cblldren In that (amlly clrcl . a CbrlRtlan father and a Ohrlstlan mother! The Bcene 8S It transpired beside tbat casket as father and motbe!' surrendered to tbe Lr)rd JesuI' ,wlll never, no, 'n ever. be for@:ot· ten so long as I live. Certainly. those par.ents caD never forget tbilt hour. "bd what a tpeetlng that will be In tbe kingdom' of the bl\Jsscd J esus wben ll~e father rind mother stand face to lace w!tb tbolr two little ones who are rone before . . Truly ' Ccid no. loves souls ' that lie lIo~eUmes urnwlI me'p BDd womell to ' hlU1selt by tlllc1ng dear on ell from
The Eldes t Dajlghter-It JIved In the old daya he'd haVb made & ' Old Hou.a Where Gen. LYon Wu good knight. Her fat.bP.r-I don't know much Born. about that- but It take. blm a lana: sccesslon. H Occ\;pled Jeffersoq Cit)', time to say 'good night' now. defel1 ted tbe troops of the secessionist gove rnor, occupl d Springfield, capthe Star1 WhIch tu re d t~ o rend ezvou s of tbe Con fe de· "We aro thinking of putting 8.Il elec-rates In the state, s cattered tb bol' trJc algn over lhe chlll·cb." del' guerrillas and deCented the .can· "It might be n good idea." fe derat e forces ga thorlng to 01)POS8 "But ther o are factions. We can't decfde wheth er to feature the minister 1' he Con federa tes, bowever, rein· 01' the soprnno of the cbolr." rorced by tbo coming of Ste rling Price and bl!; men from the south, moved on We cannot tcnch truth to another, Slll'lnglle ht wIt h a force mucli greater 'We can only help hlm ftnd It.-GalIn numbers and armlll1lenl than tbat Ilea. of Lyon . Th e lotter offi cor, how ever, I'lsleed battle ra tber tha n surre nder wh nt he had won . and met Pri ce at th wid ely kn owlI battle at Wilson's creek, where his forc 's 'we re derollted tl nd th e leader killed. Price overran Missouri for 1I time, but was finally s ors t d and · fOI'ced to ligh t at W est· [Iort. thou gh ho again outnumbe r d bis nlo n opponents two to ail e,
Gives Breakfast Zest and Relish
War 8alloonll for Italy. The ltnllall ohambQI' the othe r day unexf)Qcledly ,ra ted the ex rlendltnre at lO,OOO,OOO Ure for dlrlgl ble .balloonB 'or the army. The ' socialists and reo 'publicans deplored Increased army x· pcmdlture as use less, wal' being I)ra c· Ucally Imllosslble, '1'hoy advocated dis· a rmllm nt, .," fh c 'dlscussJon aroile duro 'ng Lhe Ilbsence of the minister at war. t, .' He was sum mon ~ d from , the s enate and mado' an 10'Quenl appeal IQ the count rY's natlon~l honor, "TIi \l yote: was then pas$cI\ by a ;najorlty nf. 200" "
i4 '
. • • .;....
, ;"
.. , .
, Wll'eleos .on' EnOtl~tl Dreadnought•• Tho .English Dread~Oug~t(j :" are be-
lllg .equlpp34 with ,hnprO'Ved, wIre· ,H e tbat .paretb less otitfits thD.t ~dl enable them t o rOo III notblplr Ie .n Inexcul&b:'; .madman: ' oeln ', 'tind send m~tlsagei 'long '. "Is-' ~ Bailfn '.~ .' . • lallC8!r' e.e~ " u~der ~ntavor\l~lo , coni;Il· , , , ,'< 'lloos; . : Tb.e , ne~ ., pl~nt, a r~sult of many e1perlmenta In :the , p~t 1,e ar, I. to be ,We llne.t In 'lbe world. Tbe We mlalt ft&bt' our ....,. on""nL' We m'ust b. IlraY8, .The,. 0" o~ratillg 'room, loQat'ed ...,. tbe malD ~taC'8• . t9 be met, aDeI •• .-au. IDM( brtil,8 ot tbe. .pcnve1\1l Gctlt... h.. cru.~ tOUl14.prool .••111.
u...L--... .
Po'st Toasti'es ,
' A SVleet, ,'crisp, whole- · $Om!; food made of Indian ~~n; ready to serve rtght '., fr<m:l, th~,,~ with Cream .and ,'s",g~1 ,. .
.. .. rla~~qry .
Deli9ioul . :: . Ec:oDOmi~aI' Hemor., 'Lia&~ra" " ,' -
':::'~Y::I~;.W.". otlrCh-;~t~;s~~~t~;i ~~--~---~--DAYTO N, ' 0---'.',af~ruooD,
Wilmin g,oD, o,,11e\1 qn frlende here - . -- - - ; - - @ Friday , Miss 1,{ezia Menit t a te Chl'i tmas We are just finishing up the year , Alfre,d Edward s, of Bapvtl le, Ga. -dinner with Mr. and Mrs, . 19 10, ,t he b~t year we have L. Cal·tts visiting his friends here after ever had. and wish to thank wrif! ht. our many friendR for their "bseno e of over two ybars. generoull patronage iD the , Dr, J, W. Vander voort, ooe of Mr. and Mrs. E. . Barnha rt took , past and , promis e the same our blghly esteem ed citizells and Christmas breakfa st at the home of courteo us treatm ent. promp t physlol ans, was takeD sudden ly slok Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smi th. deliveries, the Best Good'J, the FridbY mornin g and for a time was lowest prices. During 1911 we are better prepare d to take though t '0 be danMerously ih. but Mr. arid Mrs. Thad Zimme rman care of our incrt!a.~ ing trade, at this writing II muoh improv ed. had as their Chri stma~ guests at havinJl' leased the entire upper Clark Burges8. JUlltice of Peaoe, dinner, Mr. anu Mr!:f. Ed Retalli floor , put in a freight:fllevator, ck hi dllDgerously i11 at bis borne 'two and now have the largest and ~ most comple te stock of grocer- miles aouth of our vlU"ge. Bi. SOD Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bunnell took ' ies in Warren County. B orace, a teaohe r in the East, blls Christm as dinner at Lebano n at the been called home to be , WIth his home of Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Eu lllss. A Happ y and Prosperous father. Mr, and Mrs, ChlUl. MoMillall. ot New Year Mr. and Mrs, Will Rich , of WellDear Colamb us, visited Mr. and Mrs. man, had for their Christm as guests to all . NOT E-As has been our cust<?m, Milton Bowe Saturd ay. Lester Surface . wife Ilnrl baby BerPaul and Peroy Rea800, Clyde man, Ellis Spray, wife amI childl·im except a few items seld under con, Olea,ver, .Joaeph Davia, Mr. and Mra, and Earl Orndol'f and wife. tract at f fixed price, Ira H8r~ook and Clem Foley, of Dey too, apent Xmalf wUh their pa r _ Mr. and Mrs. J. H , oleman eneots of Dear here. tertaine d Christm as Day at dinnel'. Lawren ce Vaode rvoort WIlS called MI': and Mrs F_ B. Hender 'on and llere Saturd ay on aoooullt of the daug"hter s , Mr. and Ml's. D, Oregonia. L , mile slotnet ts of hi8 father . and son, and Mr' . Louisa Woolley . Mr Ilud Mrs , R , B Emmau s eoJohn Ward alld shlter Laura w!l1 terf,aioeti tit Christ'wlts dinner Mr Ilnd Mrs. C. C, Emmon s aod son soo D move into tbe proper ty pur- Those who enjoyed Christm as dinobased by them of Pbthp HopkiDs ner with Mr, and MI·S. W. RU88ell. H. All n BndG occupied fourtoe n YeRrs by J . were MI'ss B II G t I Mr_ ' Dd Mr... Edwio ArOlUa"e U ' . , ' e e a C I, 0 f Xellla liud Vern took diooAr with J , K , . ray. Mis.' 1 es Emrc; a and Letitia McKay , I:ipeocerBnd family Cbri@tm8s, The R. W. Kaylor was one of ~he Georg ia Hadden 'and Lizzie Stewar t. -11f1S88 Mallon and .Norton oawe 10 luoky mell, having fllled his 10e (Dayto n Agents for Ladies ' Home Journa l Patter n.) tn RJ)6nd tbeottArnoon with Mr I1nd house with ohoioe ioe. Mrs ZIlin Armlt,a ge lind Miss Mpen , , .... rs. Cb a8, Ed war d s apen t .... ~ V' maa taO Mr. 'd and M1·8. Ch' C. 'I . Hawke , enter- '=-__ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Qet·. ___ ___ _ ...___ ___ ___ ___ _01 '" d M Be Ca me . at a with ... r, an l'lstmas dll1nel' th e ra. rn rr at Mr, aod Mra L. B, BolzlllI, of Kt MUJ ' followll1g: Mr. and M,'s. J. M. Klod Mill .. , llpeot the afterno on of ~:: 8Ob:~1 teaoher s are enjoyin g Keys, of Cent erville, . Mr. and Mrs. ChrlfiltaJll8 day with Mrs. Bozlin 's Sherman Dyke and family and ... ' mother hare , ' Amos Cook and fam lry and Warren Corwin. a wee. s vaoa tlon, SERIOUSLY HURT K Forest Graham and family were MrR. wm Kersey B,n d ohlldre n Oor oreame ry whiob has beell eys. are 8{eDdiog tbe holiday s in liar. Christm as Day guests of'E. D. BurJ , N , MoKlnsey and fl\mUy, of James Mweeoey, who lives Dear runniD g for several yeara, will be Mrs. Euphem ia Hough enterta veY8burg. Morrow, speo' Christm as Day with Springboro, was perhap s ined nett and family. fatally inAlr BDd Mrs GeOtR~ Saoker en olosed JaDUary 1st. There wtJl be at a family dinnel' Sunday , Mr. and hit! mother Mra. Alioe MoKinaey, jure,d iu aD aooident l~t Wedn811day j01Ad a ViRU frOID' their parenil! a oream route ntabUs hed to walt Mrs V ' James Frame and wife, of Iowa, He is aD old thl'esh,llf Mt·s. Sarah A. Harlan and sister . ern H oug i I d an ' f amI'Iy , 0 f Cnrl8t,mal ' " and shred,d er, ' upon 'he farmer s aod gather up the n'ayton, Mr, and were gueRts of M.r , r\nd Mrs. Wm. aod while feOOil.lg Mrs. enterta Ed ined Hough at Christm as dinner, Mr. 14rft. R. 8 : Jilmmooa and Miss Vir- orea~. the maohln e 'oD "'-h I h lI,ota l.ft MOil day morDlng f()r. via, an d f amI'1y. M r. an d Ml·S. George ilnd Mr!!. B. L. Dakin ; Mr. and Mrs. Frlime last week. a-fa.rm near Ut.ica, his leU arm Wll8 The S' OD d ay <AI 00 S ere gaTe Hartsoc k. ' Chas. Brown is uoder ~he doo. oaught In the mlU)hl it with Mr. and Mrs. George Mote E B. Dakin, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. llery, Bnd before their annual treat So tbe soholar s. of OoJumb1l8. , Welch. Fred Dakin and Thos. W. tor's oare, it ' coald be stoppe d had tOI'D it so Walter t3tlVer8, ODe of our popa, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge M188 Eva Sherwo od, of W~ter , Mrs , Viola BarlaD and lUtle badly 'bat the enter' Welch. arm hilt} to be ampu-' lar meat meroha nts Wall 081100 $0 tained at Christm as dinner, Mr. and vUle, i,8 vl8itlog relativ ea here. - - -... ...--- dau~hter are speodl og 'he holiday s tll.tl'd at 'hesbo ulder. &ir SweAney You Can Alway s Cet MI... Ruth Kersey . ot CiDoinnatl, Dayton <..n aOOooDt of hla brotbe r'8 Mrs. Clifford Ridge and Mr. Kennet h witll rel"tl ves in O.yton . Is in a preoari ous ~ndltlon . apen' Cbrinm al wlah her ~renta siokn888. The be!lt cougb medl0i ne if you ' Ridge, of Dayton Mrs, F. Graef wail shoppi ng in ; Mr. and Mrs , O. h~re. , '18k for Dr ' B II's Pine,T-ar The Jonah' l RUD' Baptilt ohUl'oh 'M. 'Ridge and Messrs. Hugh, Cinolonliti last Thursd ay. and Dfl look for t be bell on the Hont\y "lIias Mabel Sherwo od 18 home gave a la1e of produc e at Towns hip boUle BASKET BALL Forest Ridge. Mrs. LID 8ima, of Ua.ytoo, wa~ a Goar!ln teed to give slltlsflloti()D. ftom ,Miami sburg for a two weekI' House Friday whioh W1&8 a luooe.s , VacatiOD. ' --80ld everyw here, guel4t of Mrs. Bope S'iJes Ohristm as 'rhe I:\igh School glrl@ and bQ1B The' mercba nts hflte have been With sOngs, Day , ' Prof. and Mrs. B recitati ons and diaWllsoD came very bu.y wellt; fio Leb!l.noo Friday ~veDlDg to dUrtDI the hoUdaYI 0'Ya, ' f~oQa Spring boro to lpend logu~ also the usual Christm as treat Miss LtJlie N edry is spendi ng thi' play the Univer sity team'l, and were Mlsa Jane Cr8llw ttll 'r emains Tc3ry to the childre n, Miss Cbrt.'m a. with MI'. aDd )Ire. Ed week with 1 elative s in Barvey sburg deCeated, Margu erite Retalli ok and famUy. .10k wlth lUtle hope of her gettiog Monfo rt, teacher MIs8 lois 'Davis, of Cedarv llle 001. at the Sugar Grove They 'were rl>ya111 ' , eD~erialn8d , \0 better. . distri~t closed her school Friday af· lege, Is spendin g her vacatio n' a~ boweve r, 'he Lebano . , . . . up :Your OWn MInd n teama baving Dr. 1. N. Seal 1~1l remain s qui&e temoon for a weeks vacatio n, ' George Larrick , of Lebano n, has home. , When lu the nlled of a oough poorly and 18 prepllred ~n elegtlDt supp~r for them kept 'd home: , medlol ne, U Y01l buy Dr. , Bell '. gone into the dravin g business in Geo. P,'llse' and ,family are spend. • - • Mr. and Mrs. Lewil Seara and I Plne-T ar,Hou ey we gnaran tee 700 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaw ay that town, having lately bought an ing ~he holiday s wi th relatlve ll in" i DEATH OF MRS. MAYERS • et the beat. Bowar d spent Xmal with ,Mr and had a family Christm as dinner Dl\yton. Sun- old-established route . ' .---..--~-M~. Elmer lIeare, of Dayton . , day. Those presen t were: ' Mr. and W J Kilb ' ' c' I tl Mrs, Eliza M' Utica of D"ytoo , , Barry E. WUlOn,of Day ton, spent Mrs. Ed Hath;aw ay, of Columb · .k on was 1n InP nna ' died a'tbe bOlDe"yerlt, of her elater; Mrs. us I t Tb,Pre will be a W Frank E Fisher, of Rialto, Cali. ~ w~ , . • J os. W , Baine" , last Fridar afterILt3h ,nig\1t meet Mo.da y ud Tueeda y w,Uh hie par, Grove, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Insal the U. B. chnroh New Yean ente here. Iso writes: Mra. Reeder aud Mr8, Horace 1I00D. 'l'be funera l service wllJ be ' Hathaw ay and Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Jhe, S.tD~IlY nlgbt. A~ Interes t , While we are genuin e Californians Stokes are vi itlog io Spriog Valley. beld tcday at. 11 John Jones whe ba8 ~n in the Hathaw ay and Son. 0 'olook In 'he ~bap. iDl »rGKfII.m has been arranR ed , employ of Otso Horn now we can't brel'-k- away from all 10k, has ' reMr8. Ol. ~vjU' Davia wa!J in O\tloln- 1il1. Interm ent ~tl' Miami oemete ry .. Oeo}amatioDS by Everet Uua&tn, ligned hlJ pOsl&to and aooepte d one Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mason, of Xenia t he old home ties and your paper is Otltl one dliY recentl y , Vaulh n GustlD, VaDoe Decke r,lrv. as olerk at the nUus&tn one _ _ Our weathe r has been perfect hotel In iDg Pence, ~]IO papers by ,DesklD TV \ enterta ined at an elegan t Christm as that word describ Lewi( J8IIie Gustiu , Josie U80lrer es it nearer than ,Antl.e ptle aynesv ille. Remed lea • dinner, T. E. Cummi ngs and family, and JenDie PhIlUpe. , Shori addreee any other t can use' and th'e orange deAtroy dh"~a88 ,germR, Dr, Be\l's Miu Lillie Nedry, of ~rw1D, is J. B. Cummin~, Joe Cummi ngs and b~ puklr. Service will begtn at 10 vlsl&1Dg her aged UD~~e, ' William Brendel: of ,Xenia. Mrs. Ed. crop is going to, be a splendid one. Antl,P aio ' i~ ao Ilntl8ept;io remooy o'o1ook and o~nolude WiSh oonlleora. ~~ry. ~or exter08 ) 'a..d extern "l l,>ai09, re\' Macy il~d childre n, Mrs. Mary Wise, ,lollne rol88l .t 12 o'olock. ' )lef la almoRt In8ttlD'an8008. Mold Frank Shldak er d fi 1 Jam.. Sw.ne y met with a serioUl In renewi ng his subscri ption,to 'the by ~U dealers . e a y og Mrs Julia B.era-an, Margu erite and "'aOOldenU..t week. Whlles hreddiD g trip to Way~eavU1e ma lIon,da y morD. Milton Thompson. Miami Gazette , John T: Ul)P, of San focfde rhellad hil arm, to~off. tDg on.bua lneel. , , Bernar dino, writes as follows: Edgewood Rev. McKenzie and Jill Blaok Tr.uma n Gillam , ,af&er a , severe Mr and Mrs F B Sh , t:!aturd " d The weathe r is ' ' the II finest f I k l ha~, e II bl were,1D Dayton rid . ined ay. . . Christm ape .., • 0 ~eu . erwoo a ,e to . ence. e out. enterta d Very I' I' &lm uhariio D and 'daugh ter were at dinner . as ever exper.l Itt e r~m , ' lit.. Estle Carey ha. gone to BlaD' I',Uton Howe transac ted bUillnes8 the following guests: 'Rev. and in the Gem City; iWlt' Saturd ay. BGAR -Big Blaok Poland Chi,~a, Mrs. , s o far but ,IS ne~ed oheater to speDd the hoUda ,l. now for the wmiD Corwin y. " , J F Cad llad IIar ,t F ' about 850 pound8, tn M' El' . crops. QUIte a great deal ot Dr. aDd KODda ,.. Ellison Mr, aDd. Mra , Max Uranzo w aod fiDe weight n ra~e spellt L'hrf8'maa er,Th ISS Sle H art- ter" oooo1tion . .'Inquir e of Le8~r h' h are enter. /lO.k. D wa ' ' d M Sh d C rlstmas s oppmg has been done, Misses Velva Marqu ardt and LotUe Surflo e R. with ~ daugM er In XeDla. D.', WayneRVilIe, Ohio. talDiDg Mrs. ElllJon'iI mosher Mrs M~' Li:~~: Ca~:il ~:~. , ~r~o~I' but it seems more like one should be Deoker~ of Day tOil, spent Chrl8tm as lIin Belle Frazier has gone '0 Wilson ' of Adams OOUDty. l . \ d M L ' Sb IZZdle al y buying firecrac kers for 4th of July. 'witb Mr. ~Dd Mrs, O. J , MnquR r', BamUt .... II"'.. Shidaker ..___ reiaUveon e. to 8fend 'he holiday s with __ purab as ed an 16.GAL LON galv"n ized frOD r. awrenc _r. ntn. erwoo . l'he orang.." crop . b' h , e t d M d M' W ' D IS emg arves e !::iugar' TaDk, good , a~ new. r. an rs . . m . ~y and son Can or Wm. Moyer haa retllrnt td from aD a new oloeed buggy. add res. E , H. Brown , R: D. ,' " and work plenty, J!laln Collier has R6y moved to frallt \ !drs. Maud Cleave r .ent.ertamed eDterta ined ~rieDds from Day 5, WaynegviUe, OhiO. ' " ea:tended vlslt in Dayton . , ' ton and Frankl in on Christm aa Day.. IWv. koKen zle 'a nd flLmUy aDd Mbldaker's farm aDd DaDiel PaW80D with an elegan t turkey dmner Satur' NUM8 ER of ' b. O. Rhode'J~ Ju, Blaok and, family were ChrilJt. to the une vaca,ed by Earn Collier , day. Thegu ests were, MI'. Rachel Foy, daught er of Morgan Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stokea speDt and ~rs. laDd Red oookerels pote bred .ID&Ip eets 01 Wm. Koyer. CalviD Edward s, who has been in Walter Jordan and :daugh ter, and Mary 'Taylor . decease d, ' born it&lft Bundlly' wi't h frienda near Mlam. InqUire of W. H. lAshl~Y" VIOla, R. D. 1: Illu Rosetta Frazee. who ia the employ of ChlL8~ Madden, our Chas. Gr~y and famIly, MI', and Mrs. in Virgini a in 1853.' and died in Xe- Isborg. , W"VDe8vilJe, Ohio.' ; " teachl nl in Clinton Couoty , hi at popula r grooery . moD, hu resigne d N. B. RICh, Clarence Cleaver and nia, Decemt>er i9, 1910, aged 57 hOIll8 tor the holiday s. W.d'W. Crane alld family enter· HORS E' B ' "r ' ' i J 1 hia poeUion. ' , \!'years. orElee Messrs At or ~arl and Clyde Cleave r and an early age sh~ came talDe Mrs. , ullet ~taDt(lO Bod IIOU Elale Qolte a Domber of the parents or In paira. IDqun e or s'J.DgB.y Fred Dakiu has beeD calling ou Joe DaVIS, of Dayton . with her parents t.o Waynesville, Fred, Ml88 Milry ~ee'ver, Dr. gathere d at the lIohcol hOU88 JrrtdllY Keever Chapml1D, Wayne eville. Ohio. where she grew to womanhood; IIont family and Boraoe Kirby afterao on to Wltoesa the dl!!tribu his friends in Dayton during the ' _' ___ alld boliday s, ' ttOD of pre8en&8 to the ohildreD. She was twice marrie d, her first hus- fllm!\y, lest SuodllY· NURS ERY STOc k--wh e. you • • Miss Henrie tta McKin John Byron and wife, of Dayton , sey enterband bel'ng Frank Fogleso ng, ' of X:.. . ed h C d CI b T d 80.2'81 Kirb" eDt t i d M d WilDt aUJthl .g In 'he way of Wants to Help Some Oni spa.t CbristmR8 with Mrs. Byron' s .... ' .. er, a oe tam tear 00 ay first-cla ss trees,ll owers, eSc;, u ues ay even- nia, To them were born three chil. oatl ou" Messrs father, Jail, Blaok. . Ernea~ an,d Wilbur LaQY aod J. N. Miller, For tbirty yeara J. F. Boyer, of ~g. k Th~ g~les~werl~ ~~S;S~S ~o~na Barvey sburl,' Obio. dren, William Foglesong and Mrs. 8ts~er Mi98 Eve ... ~f Dayton Fertilo , Mo. ueeded help aod awe, ue a ~ne, , I~lepbo~e 3S2,Y.r. ' : ' It os er Eva' Mettey , of Xenia and Harry FOo ' ~e are 80rry to r:elate , 80met hlnc duet Aa Cood oouldu 't fiod it. Tbat'lf why he Kather ine,Alf!.>.;ander, Stella 'he short . , Lemmo n glesong ,' of Madiso nville, Ohio. Ai- ill dd b fM Can oDly be 'he case wben it ia waDts to;help some ODe DOW. '3ut. and Jessie Marlat t, Me&srs. Edward fariog so OMS loog I1n himlM!l el1t t 0 he leelli re. Mar, for R' Urak F ano'be r bottle of Dr. Ball'8 POle' 'n 1.:1 ' k ter several years of widowhood- 'she ,hem,' of .Ridgev ille. The IC s, ran k Crew, nona OJ Hawe" deoe~ed Tar.Mo ney. Every bottle tbe 8ame. 1111 di8tres8 from Baokac be,Ner vous Ral . h M'II H ' ld H 'I D" was marrl'ed t 0 Harry F oy, 0 f Xem~, ness, Lo8a of Appeti te, Lassitu de an i WbS 79 yearl! of age Look for the bell on the bottle. ' ' P I ~r, aro owe, , r. whose death occurre d a few yearS Kidney diaorde rs. Be shows ,that Miller and Ernes~ Rosnagle. ago. B""I'des her chl'ldr'en she' I' eaves Mr aDd ~rs, ,Ben J ..m~lI, ,Mr. and 'MAN past SO ,with horse" . ,D4 , E leotrio Bltterll work wondera for ..., 'bug. MfS'. Frank BaveD!! "od Mrs. BusaD The Rev. Irl Hicks 1911 Alman ac SDoh trouble8, "Five bottle!!," h~ , gy to 8ell stoc}k oondl~on pow t wo brothe rs and one' sister, JOlin M. H • '8 ' ¢er 'D " Wa~en COuuty ' ' . salary , , , t7~ writes wholl." oured me aod now , avens ~peut, ,.uDdtl Y with Mr. and ""'I'. m<:lDth., 'Addte el 8'0,1 , Mr.' and Mrs. F.rank E~ Thoma s en, - Taylor "of .t his place, ~Ibert Taylor '. Rev . lrl R. Hioks Alman . r " U,nt • ., , The' , M. r8, ,_M. D . ao I am well , anli hearty ," It's also tertam ed at Chm,tmru; dmner, . " , "'" :~:IDdta n ",ur08,' o.r Cl- 1I0IDD~,~i . , , ," Bl\1g, DaVId of 'Ohicago, and Mrs. , ,.ua oJlI,'In41*,n,a.,' """ ',"",~ _ E~taPrintZ, of for 1911, ,tbat lu~rdiaD ADRell~' l>ositively , guar~nteOO for 'r Lt,:er Thoma s anq family:and Ed\~jn Thom· nay~~, to' mourn' " the Iqss Of .one .. hUlldred thous\n d homea, is DOW TFrobblle, DiCo'8pePlsila,;~loo'dd D~~orlat!ir l!l" as and fami y :~ftei· dinner " ':was who,~ai waY8'of a cheer~u " ema l !lisposi e mp tion, D... an JUG sr 110. ' r8ftdy . .tiot many are DOW wtlllDg Try them. 500 aaU'. ,. d " ' d O. Scbwa rtz's. serve d '~n d t h~y ' h ad ~epalre to the . w~ , ever read , y, ~~ , " ~I'11'mg t h I' , be wttbou t it ,and the ~v. oJrl' R;". • _ • rOQm 'where tbe.'Ohristmas tree waS tbem-b ear tpeir sorl"ows. . 0 e p, Bloke ~ZID~, Word and W,orks, - ANKL e BONE BROKEN s~~~in~" old Santa made"h is..ap'p~ar- ,The ,fu~eral .. B,er\lice ' .. wa:& held : ,Tbetw o are only One Dollar a year. ' J ' ance tl:trpugh ' an, out~l' d'OO!. which Thursd~y ~t.ernoon " at tl1e ~otne f Thol', Almana~ lJ' 3~ . prepaid . No ., .'1·he.. vene~abI8 Cyru8 W 9 •. lIlmtt.b was a :great su.rprise to , ~ome of : the', her daught el' iDXen ia,' Rev, J. F.. ' , home or otBce Bit ould 'fail to send met with quite a .erious ~ldeDt older folks as 'w ell ,a s the childre n. for them, ~ , ~~t ,Fn,d ay ' enDiD l. He had ,ju8t Af~r 'the preSe~ts had b~n Jl~dqd 'C8dwallad!!l' officiating. " Ari ounce of . ~ " ,,/' Word.ad,Worktp~blt8hlnl Co Itepped otr ,oU~e ~h at hie hpme down, old fjmlta, departe d ' Preven tion is wit~ the ' . . 1 ,c~em , . c:!& r :.._.-~ M 'I' wh"n'1ie .u~ ,and le11, br.kln l remark that be would be'eigh worth a pound " " ",," ~ 0. tY.nine , 1a cODPide.red hard to oure. ' Try ' 1 ' ' -.I . ' , • " of , cure. , , t ' , , 1> ~ _ • ... Sell'. Au&tl1e ' ptto tJilJve aud you 'be em- I . e:or hil ukle. OWl~1 hl8 'n~t bu!thday" but !VQ~ dtbe ~k wtll ch~IJ8', your mind. Y~~",. 1' .Q~ f9r "" ~i ~ to,-bi8 adftDa i4 . . . &he ~De JDaY I to " <US aaain nett yea,r it we were , see an U:npru'eiDlIlt ,from tbe 1lri be 1OID8&t1De ID . .tuaa. " all aood,cbUcINn. ' :, ' . '.PPUoa
We Begin ,Ou r
A nn ua l W in te r
De ce m he r 31 st
1.•• A.Z imm erm an
Ev er yt hi ng Is Re du ce d co.
. -.
' ',
Ola saU led' Ads
• • • •
.,. - .
' . ..,
.. ~
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" .
.. . i GAZETT,E s
THE MIAMI Publl ~ hod
W oelcJy
,We extend to our patrons
D. L.
' ~~~",~,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,,. ""'~
WaYIlC8\·lUo. Oblo
o (qr [ E
. one and all our best .wishes for a happy and prosperous
Ed itor and Manager
nates of Subscription
$ I~ +~ , _,,=: ::":-"-:"-::'I':'=~:':~ ___ $ :; L~-:!~~~~_e~~i~~!!~-:_ ~d_!.!:'~r:..eJ $ New Year.
Ono Yoa r (strictly III Qllvallco) ..... . . . $ 1.00 8111g lu UOJJy, . . , • .. , ... . .. . •• • .. " . .. ,00
Rates of Advertising Hondlng Locl1ls. por IIno .... ... . , ... . .
l<onulllg Locala. black faco. per Iillo .. . . CI U!I810ed Ads. 1l0L to exceed 0 y
Tlu'eO IllBCrtloU8 . . . . . ... .. . .. . Obltuarl69, Ilvo Inches free ; over /lvu Inchll8, per IIno . .... , •. .. . . , .. Oard of thanks . . neHOlut loll8 ..• •• : : :.' : .. : .. : : .. : .' : : .. : : : .. .. SocJllIa otc. wh ore cl1t~rKe III lIludu . . . ... .
Chas. Michener, of O. S. U. is home o. W. Hamilton spent Sunday and for the holidays. Monday in Dayton. fI
R. A. Cross was a Cincinnati visiDECEMBEH 28. 1910,
tor last Thursrlay.
With Mr and Mrs. Caskey to dir eet aDd aRsist, aDd tha h nlp of thtl employees ~t the Warren County ' Home, the children were given a d elightful Christmas trellt aD the twenty-third. Mr. Harmon, a for. mer resident of Lebll.noD, sends fifty dollars every year, 8UpultLting that it be speDt in toys and other gifts for the ohildren, whioh the home is not expected to furnish After the eDjo,yment (if a real Ctlristmlls din. ner b 11 h " ya ,t e ooors to 'he parlor" were thrown open, -shades drawn and lights turned on . rhose rooms were beautifully deoorated, muoh t"ste beiDg sho~n .. ~ in this part of tht! work . In tht' baok plI.rlor a fine tree was pJlloe<1, arti8tically trimmed, and IlI.den wi~h presents to oharm and beDefit the ohlldren. When the guests Rnd em ployee8 werAseated iu t-he front pal. lor, the beginning IJf the program was IlDnouoced by the teacher.
Don't forzet to see Kilbon's display at the Poultry Show.
~~~"&&n~Th~~~~. es.
The Daylight Store wishes you a Happy and Prosperous New
$ $
lllijlllllY All yorLlsllIg per Inch ..... , ... • . 10e Discounts given Oil contract.
hh _ _ _ _
K. D's., $1.15.
$ '
"""~~"''''' """'~"" ~~"'" ~""'~
K~n~ rud~,~DQ~ , ~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=======~=== Saturday and Sunday at home.
Saturday Kilbon will sell 26 Ibs. Miss Emma Heighway returned Granulated Sugar at $1.19. home last week from Sardinia, Ohio. H. H. Wadsworth was in CI'ncI'nE. H. Colvin was In Columbus nati last Thursday on business'. Tuesday and Wednesday on business.
"rh e!:!e pOt! IIlS were gIV"1I ' ex t enslv We desire to thank our neigb_ 1 0lroulll~lon by the. prfl,.s, It~~ W,II ' Tee funeral ot Miss Mavme bo rs and ffl en ds for their h elp for thelr uut~or WIde reo.og 111 I IOn n .. TinDey was held at Mortuary ., /I, yonng wrlter v t p,·omlt's . "8"h C ar.d Sy. mpatby. Also the mInIster White" was greeted by t,he revit\whapel at 2 p . M., Monday after. f kId r f I o c 10( wor so · com ort, tI e ers a8 "ODe ,)! the id.vllo produotioll i<\ noon Itnd was attended by mllny ch o:r and ull those who so kin~)v <f th~ ~im e," tlnrl WIl8 copied and frit!nds. Rev. Bailey spoke on helped li S during Our great be· ' oommeDted upon by neRrly ever the occaesion and hi s remarks reavement. newspilper publlsbed in the English were well chosen. A quartette Jos. Tinnev and famil v. laDguHgl The Memphla Oommer com(:os'3 d of the followi ng pel snns - - -•• - • , olal-AppflllJ said of it: ''It baf4 th e' ~Irs. Rhoad~s, Mrs , Hllwkej Dr. Saved from Awful Death brfllith of Dew-mown fieldtl \D itK IQlis, Mr. W. O. Raper ancl Mrs . rhythmio grliot>, the whirr of sun Bow !lon appalliDg oaillmity io Ilis 11 Brun er as organist, sang appro- fllmfly was preveDted is tolCi by kissed pinioDs in tivery musloa.l ne, priate mu sic. The tollowing ob . A , D. MoDonald, of Fayettev ille, the fairy daDce of sun HoDd shade, ' N. 0 R F , D No 8 "My sister t"e vibrantel:hoes of life and the I ~uarv was read: h d i" h It 'b U a oonsnmpt OD, e wr es, 'R 0 I"nguor' an'l dreamy oharm of dOUM"Yllle T1'nue tl d hl WIlS very thin and palp, had no tlPV, Ie aug er petite Rnd tlgemed to grow weaker tude rUDning' t,hrough It trom the M~ . of 1 r. ~ud Mrs. J oseph Tinney, every dllV, 8S All r~rnedl es failed, firtlt line to the l"st. It is so sweet wal' born ill Harrison County, (ill Dr. KIDg'1I New Oi oovery was Ilnd natural thllt the bear~ of every Kentuckv, Decem ber 2~, 1896 . tried, Ilnet so C'nmplp.tely cUl'ed h er, old oitified, OOUDtry boy beats 'aoter that Bhe hall ont heeu tronbled with ' S he died D ece mber 16,1910. She a oough since . Its the bellt medloille in the reDdiDg of it." Mr Bam's .. leaves to mourn her 10as a mal her, lever lIaw or beard of .. }i' or con~hl!, llklr&ry reputllot,ion was eatubUehed father, five broth~rs and one si • oolds,lll.grippe IIlIt,hm",oroup. ,hem. hv this poem. William Dean Howter. orrhrtge, 11.11 bron""'i,,l trOUbles, it ells wroteoflt: "1'he verses br\mgbt hilS no equal, 5UO, U 00 Trial bot- buck for a happy momeot my boySlIe was a lovia:g and obedient tIe free Guaranteed by Fred C. .. daugbter, of a vely happy dispos- l:lohwart,z bood days in Southern Ohio" ilion. She willingly aDd ohecr - -- ... - - - - WheD "The Goldea' !:;huttle" oon THE AUTHOR'S WORK talntng these first poems appeared full v assumed her share of dnties its soccess WIUt tmme di a t e. Th e V(\1of the home hfe. She was a very If the abllilY to write verse that ome, sinoe revised and eDlarged by affectionate sister. oontiDUe8 to ch l\\Ienge publio aHeD. additional poemu whi~h refleot the Dur.tlg her. last tllness and tn- tiOll and to hold t)ubho interest in more mature thought of the author, tense 5uffendg ~bat same patient t,he test of fln aq'thor'lI 8uooesll, Mr. halll'eaohed its fourth ~djtlon. Bound c he.:rful I1nd self,sl1cnfic1ug s iri; I?Homhas'est,<j.bllstied his right to be lu otean oloth stamped in gold, and " p to remallledw1tbhertotheltlstOOn8idArepoDeofth~f!uocef.!sfulillus.ratedlnhalf-tone12mo . i 178 . , She assu"wed the same atti~\(de verse writers of the day , pages iprioe, tl.OOnet; by mat, t -l.lO- -"--=" t d I h I k Be be~on itS Ii young man to write 8herman, Frenoh '& Co , Publlsher8, oWllr ler se 00 wor as she d'd ' b b " poems whioh wer" purlished in our. Boston, M&88 , 1 III er owe. Sbe was loved reDt mliKazines and newRpapers. by both teaohers and puptls. Among the best knowu of'tbese Cranulated Eye ' Lid. 0001l810na1 poe'lJS were 8uoh Iyrios 11.8 are easily oured-Oaustio is DOt neo· MEMOIR " Bob White, .. "The Cider· MIll," .. A essary , Sotherlaud '8 Eagle Eye Fl1dlng Type. " i'My Reliquary," Salve is Painless !Lnd harmles8 and It is sorr~\Vful indeed, ap· "My Fate," '''When the Daylight guaranteed to oure . Has never proaching this seaSOH of lOY and FadeR,': aDd "The AwakeDIDg." failed OD 110 OBse, oosts 250, testiv1tles, to even hear of Il death It1 the distance. Bnt when our scboolmate and pupt! is taken a wa V forever ' from our presence we stand in sad reflection. OAH U OF THANKS .
Mr. and Mrs: GUY Dakin, of OsMiss Sarah Burnett, of Columbus, born. are visiting relatives here. is spending the week with relatives here. Miss Mary Hawke, of Lebanon, spent Christmas with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. Stahl, of Franklin, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mi&s Josephine O~lesbee is home H. Allen. from Oxford for the Christmas holidays. Raymond Williamson, of Dayton, h was t e g uest of his parents here N h H d f '1 at an • awes an ami y, of Sanday. Sprmg . . Valley, are visiting relatives here. Miss Belle Gatch, of Xenia, was the week-end guest of ~r. and Mrs. B. F. Parker, of Charleston, 'West W. H. Allen. Va. was the guest of relatives here last week. Seth E. Furnas is spcuding this week with his friend, Arthur Zell, in E. B. Rogers APurchased a fine Granville, Ohio. four-passenger uverland roadster Piano-To aell or rent. Suitable last week. ' Miss At. JohD WIll'I highly oompH. for parlor, lodge or school room. InmeDted upon the entertaiDment giv lewis Chandler, wife and children, quire at this office. on by the ohildreD i 'hey did oredit to tbA ~Ime she hltd SneDt ID tho~ of Dayton. M'ISS Pearl Carey, of Dayton. was ... home folks. spent Christmas with training, But their happy time the Christmas guest of her parents come when the exercisos were fin . Milton Sheehan, of Centerville; Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey. ' irlbed aDd SAnta Ilppeaerd in the was in town Wednesday and made us hall with fur O"P I1nd ooat OD. aOl1 a pleasant call. The Tyrolean Alpine Singers, prebells ringing. After Ii short talk to sent a tho~oughly unique an~ ,altogether delightful en tertamment. bethe ohildren, leoeivlng a promi!''' Mr. and Mrs. Frank spent the. d ed' th . t t' that they would " ttY aDd be good' " day with Mr, and Mrs. Eli Burnett ~~!tu~e:an;:'it~ ~I~n~r:pur:~:n~:~ - .. be di8trlbuted the gifts oausiDg last Wednesday. tion of Tyrolean Alpine scenery as mllny plilrs of eyes to shiD". ,Thl' a background, they constitute an atemployees were well re~mbered, frank Kendall, of Dayton, was also, and the dllY olosed pleasantl)' the guest of his father, S. P. Ken- mosphere that is like a rose breath for all, with oODgrutulcttlons to Mr, dall. Christmas day. from the air of the mountains. At and Mrs. Cllflkey for its SU006S8 School Hall Friday night January 6, Mrs . .Cyntqia Evaris is spending 1911. --•_ • the)lOlidaysWithrelativesin CincinNotCood Banks on Sure Thing Now for very thing. Sut,herland's ElI.gle "1'11 nev.er be wlt,bout Dr, Kin g ' ~ nati and New Richmond. E,ve 'alve ill ~ood foJ' nothing but New Life PilllI ,,((nln," wrlt~!4 A. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Evans at- t,ll ('yes " If YO ll use it and are not 8oblngeok, 647 Elm ::It, Bun'alo, N. Y "1'hey aured me of ohrODlo tende4 the fu neral of Mrs. Rachel 1411 til'fi ~ d oome baok and get yoor 25c, You bt' t,be j 'ldge. oOntltiplltloD wheD 1111 othertl failed ... Fay in Xenia last Thursday. Unequlllad for BillioQsnefls, JaUD· --dioe, iDdlgestioD, Helldl1obe., ChillS, HOCKETT .MORTON Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ridge, of DayMlill1rla Ilnd Dellilitv. 2Go lit F. C. ton, w.ere the Christmas guests of ~hwartz·8. We can not re .. itze th!Lt she has -----.~ .- -----On Monday evening, December left us .never to return. Her a~· Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge. 12th, at 6:~O o'clock at the home of CHRISTMAS ENTERTATMENT ' Rev .. W.O. Fries, on W !:a~r~d~e!!r~s!!;tr~c!!:elbt4"m+..-r~;;-;;;....-n"'=:;-;:-'h;;';;:;-;'--'::::T-:::::i1r-~ eb' j -f::J t . I b Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved ·W - l"l-II'am F. Hockett. 'cashl' er of the 118 mas t:J8 1Vlt e8 were /) offices in the new Morris building. served at tile Uhrl8tliiD ohtlroh Sun next the postoffice, Lebanon.. I·'ourth National blJnk, and Mrs. extended dilY. At. the 010S6 of l:lnnday Sonool Nora D. Morton, of the Wirsching
---.. ..
treat Wll8 d'i strlbuted to the Bobol ars and IL large stooklD~ bung up to he tilled with preseDts to bs leDt t-o the Uhildren't! b..ople at Cleveland. In tile uvening IL musioA1 and lit. erary enterillinment was given" whioh was largelY aUended. 'fhe progrllm oonsisted ?f 90ng8 from a Ohrlstma8 oonoert exerol\Je, "Nil I tivity ;" reoUations by ~he ohtldren of the 8unday ~hool. and aU exer· olse by ' ten young lad~es, tlntitled, "The Ten VirgiDs." B
' The renowned Tyrolean Alpine Singers will be at Waynesville School Hall Friday night, January 6, 1911. ' Lawrence Sherwood, of Cleveland, gladdened his parents, Dr. andr Mrs, T. Sherwood, by his presence with them Christmas Day. Fancy Salad Dishes, Cake Pla~s, Cracker Jars, Tobacco. Jars, Vases and Toys left overfrom Christnlas at cost. Kllb~n'8 store.
_ _ _•• _ _ 0
New Years falltng upon t;nndIiY,
apartmeuta, were united in marriage with Rev. Fries officiating- Thering service was employed ~d the cere'mony was witnessed by the bride's son-in-law and daughter, Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Turner. and heqlaughter, Miss Scott, and Mr. Schroder. The service was pretty and impressive and at ita conclusion, congratuI t' . ,d b ' h d a Ions an est WIS es were ~ten ed. Both the bride and groom are well-known and highly esteemed residenta of this city- They will reside in' the Wirsching flats and Mr. Hock. ett ~ume his duties at the bank
scarcel y over ODe week. 'l'rul v has the. poet desoribed our sOI'row: '''There i8 a Reaper whose naple 1S D.eath, , And with his "'ckle keen, He retLps the bearded g-t:aln at a breath, And th~ flowers that grow be· tw('en, We\) may we r:ompare Mavrne's II fe til a Bower-al wa V'l pleasant and agreeable, v(:t firm and UDChanging In her convictions.
v:iH ~~::bo~sM~:o::d MO~~oF. ;~r~a~~~lwithm 10 ays~;.~;n News. ~ dO;:~:f;~,e flo\\ers she loved Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hathaway, of
the legal hoUday oomes OD MODday. , away. Sun'day and Monday. . . . We shtLIl miss her much from The hours at ~he Wa,.n~8~iIIe Post . . . ' . The stock.holde,r s of ~he ~1~lZens' the plaYllround for she always offiriS will be a8 fullows: 'rhe lobby Ml~ Sybll Ha~~e, of OhIO Wes· 1Bank ?f Way~esville. OhiO, "ill! ~eet. tllok a leadlnK part and greatly , will be ,opan fro~ 7 a. ~. to 7 p m. leyan·colleR:e,.,arrlved hom,e ,1astweek at their Bankmghouae on Tuesday, enjoyed all k1nds of out door All departments will be open for to, spend tpe holiday. vacation with January 3. ~9~1" between the. hout;J ga~e!l. . bU8lneufl'om9 to 10'a.. m. ·and from her paTents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. ofl and 3 0 clock, p . m., to elect dlAI I I I . . B to • p, ~; Dorilig ~he time th"t Hawke. .r ectors for the ensuing year. , , ' . t 10Ug: I ler plaYing was 'vlg'the' 'office i8 OpeD for ,bosln8a8 r.u ul " ' . . . . ... ' . C~, !lart'4ock. Caahi.e r. " or~u,s ." lId actl ve vet she was 111. , patrons ~n caUfor 'thilir ~ai11l11 the > ,The, ven~pable. M. C" ¥cKay, ..of O,! '. . " " "wa.yttcar~l~l!Jf ber clotbi~g and ~~r~l 'pa~~i~r~ , ~iHnot go on thei!:: qli~ton Cou~t1,:~i~ l.~t , w~l,(, ~r~ .ST. , ~A~Y 5 CH,~,~~,H " ,,:, appe";,rance., " rou&e8," ," . ' McKay. Was ! ~e father of, th~ Th ' Ii I. lth,' h' l ' la ' Her work alw·a vs showed ne,at· ) " ; ' , d' l ' i W S ' II" K \,,' t t" " ed :, e ,O uroo, 8 OOJ , d an"u,nun . , . , ' .1 'i " . " , • " Wb~!J , th~, g.~~e.Ml e,ivery, " '~~" ' . ' .," ,,~c , ay'., w~ol!o ·oJ:le up~o.'Y" ,: i ~ bed , 8t'atei.' will be ' in, o~dltiOD to ues(iJ'&~d . ~er . desk rernams toda'V , ~o:~ i~ 010,00 :J:!>1I:,.will -"v~ time bt th~.,~~~~lle Ner~~· . ' i.'" 8~nd!LY. ' as sb", telt, it in excellent or«ier. ' Do$'trjh~g.:to. Bttl'liot t~e .attenti0,u, ,. . ; . ', ;' "."' . ' . ofChrll. · !leT pli:a,san(", ,greetings of I ;':.:" "" oBhifPoet~"8,\er~r O,er~ whoar.~ '" ~P'> ~YJ'olean , Ali)1n,: , Smgers , and sond4 ', , '~and ',~qoo~ t Morqi'ng'I ' and'· ','Good '<'.'" ~fwot.k :,,:, ~'-~)' will· I,JIl,Y Dua~ie~-, Y~~e~ c()me- ~ ~er.'lcatfrq~",their Boll > a ;'..iJ.' . ilg" ,willJo~g .tie rememb,e·t • . ,,', $ton to y~lIT ~.1~8 . . When tb~ pftloe " 6,lpine homes }iama: ~n ~refull'y 80nday and Bible oillette. at ed.. '. , 18'010" awn hollday,, ·. tbey ., b"·Y" . th~lr famQ.~8 .director. 9:30. ; IIlverybodt· .1uY1t~d th~e 'plenty to ', kee, them busy .fia~ ~e first , bro~~~t ~enioe8'. , " " wb$a " ~er~ aad canDot; be 'bot)lerttd I~em ,to undet the auspl~ ' . _ '_ _ _ _ • _ _.,. PI.... _r~ ".bo"~ ID,'",o'tobe , o~ ~e Fair in .ISOME. iuO' .ONEs
0' -erk
·.lD ralJad.aucl if
, J . K I-lbon· .~ ' aIt'er
Corwin, Ohio,
BREEDER OF STRICTLY HICH-CRADE SiDgle Comb B.uff Orpingtons, the greatest layers to be hfd . Also, Rose Comb Black Minorcas (Messler strain) Single Comb Black Minorcas (Pape strain), the best that money will buy, We will book orders for ~ limited number of eggs only.
We also handle a ;full line of Poultry Supplies, 's uch as
The Gem Incubator and Brooder I
The best Incubator made at the price. Exhibition Coops, 'I Drinking Fountains, Feeders, Wire Netting.
Po~tr:r . Rem~diei
Pratt's 'Poultry Food; Lice Killer, Roup ~~re; ,LayiPg " Tonic, .'etc . . Alsb, 'Hen F,e ed, , ~ying Feed, Chick Feed, ' Oy.s~er She~ 'and- 'Grit; ~ fact,.~ y~u can ;:btiy at ,our sto~~,' ~ything y~u need fo~ t~e , poultry, faryn. , , : .'
Arthibald"s Agatha By EDITH HUNTINGTON MASON A •• ller
"rhe Real Agaf••" ,
ArchIbald Terhune. a popular and InColent )"Clung bachelor ot London. rec:elVe!l ~ _ _ that he hall be n ma de hetr to the eatat~ of bill Aunt Georgiana. with an Income of '00.000 a year. on condlt1olJ that h& becomes englLged to be marrIed ~lbln ten days. Fnlilng to do .0 the leeacy will go to a thIrd cousin In Amer-telL. Tb e ,ilory opene at Culle W yckolt, W~re Lord Vincent Bnd hltt wife. friend I et T erhune, are discussing plans to flnd blm a ,nfe within the preecrlbed tlme. It ill!eDUJ dlat lAd,. VIncent Is one ' of seven iH'l'tIona Darned Asntlla. aU c10lle girlhood chum8. B'he decides to Invtte two ot them to the cutle and have Archie then! U fHle of the C11eatll. Agatha Six th IItrtk es \Archie IUl a ttandpo.lnted beauty. Agatha • :P'lnIt •• 8 1>reesy American lir\. LlLdy iVlncent tell. h er .husband that Agatha 8J,nh already cares fOT M chle. He gulnll ft:'om Aptha SIxth the admlllllton that ' mo ell". tor hlm./ but will .requll"o a IbDnth'e time fully to mo.k up h er mind. ;Aptha Firat. neglected b)' Terhune. re_vea afienffonll from 'Lesli e F reer. Four 41a,.. or ttle precious tlmo hava J)lUsed ,when Terb~n e I. 'called to Lon(lon on tlualn_. Agatha Pirat. on tho plea of IIcknllQ. excu.e. '/ lerlltltt from a motllr . trip pJ~nn ~ by the VincentI!. Lat en' the,. Me -APthl\ FIrat pl\lklng ftowe.ra · wtth & ~n8e m.n. Tho Vlnce n ~ dls cUlllI ~tha'. >ie&ming dupllcJtJ'. Tbe loll OWbw' day the party ~Itll tho rulna ot o.n old c:qnvent. T erbune co ntlnuolt 11.18 attenU!'1l8 to Agathll. Sixth.
what T tbought of hIm then and t bere. Miss Lawrenco lookell so fo rlorn nnd wr t hed 8S s be wat ched t hem d lsn ppeal' tn t o the woods t.ogether. "The beas !" I bega n. "he oU/i:ht to b .. Dut Denrest Int(,lT'U pted me. lind 1 reali zed It was becnus the yo ung la dy ,vas still standing wi thin cn r t'hot. "Don't, Wilfred!" Bhe suld. "Agath a doesn' t mind a bl t~ o you, rlell r ?" And Hile smiled confid ently nnd encouragingly Into tbe other wom nn's Ca e. It was the required tonic evidentl y. for 1I11ss Agu thn Law. rence-f!omot\ mea called Aglltba Sixtil- a t on ce cont rolled her QuIverIng Itp with a display ot self·com· mand IIpon which I In wn rdly compli· mented ber. It·s a trait of t he ' Amer· Ican girl . I t hink. t hn t fine Belt·con· t rol. and som elhlng ' t hat I admire greatly In my wife. " Of course not." sb e re pli ed stend· Iy. and turning upon the bewildered Freer. wbo was standing by. wltb the sweeteot poss ible smile. asked him If be would m ind hlintlng wild tlo"'or o with he r. T he Invitation. I need not say, WIIS a ccepted with servile gra titude by that un dls· crlmiua ting and Im pressionable young man. Lllte the IItli e dog und er the table. Freer WIlS !leve r too proud to partake of the crumbs. My wife and I left alone. she broke at once Int o la mentation. Her plans were all going a stray. ahe declared. Match·maklng was perfectly horrId and 'she would nover. no. ne ver, un· dertake It aga in. As tor Archibald. sbe gave blm up. She couldn't under· stand It. at all . Why couldn't he make up hIs mind which girl be wanted and stick to It? A man wbo only had t en days In wblcb to choose a wife , had no busIness to ~ on a s he did. Why. she'd never get hIm married. and · lIe'd lose his fortune ! But thnt wasn't the mo~t Important poInt to be considered by any means . Wbat bothered ber most was that poor Agatba Lawrence had fallen tn
CHAPTER VII.-cont(nued. • . Freer had 'returned from his ·vtslt to the 1.'Ulna IUld , was endeavoring to /.
Illterest the rest of us, Arcb and 'A pttuL Sixth and Dearest · and my, !leU til 11 dlsllertatlon upon, ro8&-"0' 1!qW8, wb~ . Agatha Jl'il'1lt Interrupted ,WI , by runnIng up and exclalmtng ' : "'Do come , and see tbe ' waterfall. PQde!801ltb-111 there'. a beauty f over tb ' ,llI'e In oae wood.!" She bad been '¥wn ' to .*he road with somethIng or ' ~er '-m the 8nrea~ wbere the o.u~ /'+" .. ~mobUe and the, ch uJfeur '. awaited "r t .. _· . O... ..., - _ , "f\. waterfall!'/ . saJd Archibald. "Dear ome! HoW' jolly! Let'll . gO and ace it!" ." ' . on. . ' then!"-crled-.Agatba '. -- " Come
'~ Here You've Gone and Asked U. to tielp You."
h or yourself, why. then, what fa do ?'" I stopped and faced , hJm: w r <) "08 Illg Hartsmere commoll the castle was already In s ight. his eyes fell before· 'm y 'just In· dl gn ~ Uon . H e didn't see m an xious to le ll me. flO 1 Be t to and tol" blm my· seU. . " Wb Y. you .go and S!·oll It al\ by flirti ng with Agat.ha Firs t, nolP don·t you!" "Spoll It all ?. he a sked wlthou' looking up. " Yes." J amrmed Imlla· t lentl y. "tnat's J us ~ what you' re dolnl'l' I should think you could see you're ~e opa rd lz lng your chances wilh Agatha 'Ixtb e very ti me you so much as gla nce at Agnth ll. First, and really, whe n yo u consld r that you'ye asked th e girl to ma rry you and are s up· posed to be awaiting he r answer with all a lover's Impa ti ence. It doesn't look well. It does n't really! What do you wun t to do It for, Rny f.·ay?" I paus ed In -my tirade. bllt be made no motion to , answer. " Wb y. It'e plain loony of you! " I xploded In my irritation. " For a man In your pos ition. Il's posl· ti vely s u lcl ~ a l to fool the way you're doing, I shouldn·t wonder at all If 1II1st; La wrenco re fused ytlu eventually. n.nd the n the game wcsUW be up indeed!" "What ga me ?". lIald Arcb, It JOU please. just a s It be dldn' t know wbat [ was talkIng about. " Why. your Runt 's property In Au· stralla." I bellowed In bls ear. "You can· t ·inhe rlt It If Agatba Sixth won't marry you. can you 1" "Can·t I?" he said s imply. as It I' dldn't matter at all. and I nearly 10&1 my pa tience. "How could YOIl?" I r eturned. "Th6 timo's up In two daYI; Is It likely you could get anyone else to marry you in that lengt h of Umer' H e loolt d up. ';1 shouldn't care to marry onyone else," he said. ''1' hap. pen to cs r e about her," and hIs expression was s o earnest and sincere 1 had to be lieve him. "Well. tben. [or heaven's sake. make R little more c fiort to cotivince her , that you care !" I advised, but more ge nUy, nnd we wjllked on tn silence. 1 broke It first, as he dldn't seem In· clhied to talk. "Honest, old man," I said. "I wish you'd tell a tellow wbat you're up to! I bate to see you mao kIng a mess or this tWng, .for no good reason. U you dldn·t llke ' Mlss Law· rence It would be d11ferent. But you're . self'confessed as to that. and It's es· peoially hard to bear wben Dearest and J have been doing our Very best to belp you. Tell me wbat Jt·s all about. can't YOli? Wby will you per·' olst In running after Agatha Endicott just at t hIs critical stage of the game ?" "1\1y denr rellow." be replied, "rd tell you everything In a minute If there 'w ere anything to tell. But there isn·t. not a bloomlng', blessed tblng,' J deny your last otatemenl. however. I onn do t hnt much for -you. I am oot ruruUng' after Mls8 . Endicott, not tbe leas . t bit In tbe world. 1 give you my , word I'm no t !" For a momeut I felt a curlou' s aense ot poslilons reversed. as if some tIme not long ago I had been the one to Ilpeak $0 to Terbune, and he to lec. . ture me. H~ Is older than 1 and bas always been the one to look after IDe, not I after hIm. And tbls ftellng al· m\lst Impelled ml;) to drop,. inY' In· quls. ltorlnl toae. Jlut J thougbt of the automobile in the woods and the scene 1 had IHumbled upon and grew firm. Really It was too much. I couldn'l lot him IIt r lng mo like tbat! "I don 't know what you call it." 1 retorle indigna ntly, "but whether you think s o or no t, you' re with Agath~ First all tbe time lat.e ly. Wby can"t YOU let lIe r a lon e and ' l end stl'lcUy to bIIPlness?" " ~TO El F. CO ·T1NlJIll.o.) ___ • . Ing you We ilnd nnd
Archibald's Agatha By f:DITH HUNTINGTON MASON Au'bor 01
"Tbe Real Agatba"
Archlbalc! Tl!rhune. a popu la r nnd In· /lotent young bac helor oC London. re· celv ~ s newlI th a t he hll8 b en mad!' h eir to th e elltllte of hili Aunt Georgiana, with an In come ot JllO.OOO II. y ear. on condition that he bt!come. engaged to be marrIed within ten days. F aili ng to do 80 the lell'&CY will go to a thIrd cou81n In Am er·lea. Tho $tol'}' opens Ilt, Castle WYCkoff. wJJere Lord Vincent and his wife. trlends of Terhune. are disc uss ing plans to nnd hIm a wife withIn the prescribed Ume. It leemll that Lady Vincent 10 ono of lIeven I"'rllons nllmel1 Aguthll. all close gIrlhood mums. She decldcs to Invl e two of tbem to the en-qtle and hav e A rcble th ere as one ot the gu ellts. Aga thfl. SIxth strIkes Archie as a hanllpaJnted beauty. Agatha Firat 18 1\ breezy Am ericall girl. Lally Vincent tells her husbllnd that Agatha Sixth Illready cares tor Archte. He gaIns trom Agatha SI xth the admissIon that Ihe cares for him. but will requIre a month's tim e tully to make up her mind. Agatha. Fi ra t. negtected by T erhune. reo celves attentions from Lesli e Fr er. Four dILY!! ot the precIous time have pallsed when Terhune III cnlled to London on bUlllnt'lls. Agn thll Fh-st. on the plea. ot Ilckncft9. exculles h en elt trom a motor trip planned by tbe Vlncents. Latcr they .ee A!fatha First picking flowers with a .trange man. The Vln l!cnts dillcuss Agathll'lI seeming dupli city. The tollowInc . day the part.y · vi sits Ule rutns ot an old convent. T erhune continues his attentlons to Agatha SIxt h. Tben Buddenty he transfers hIs attentlonll to Agatha Ftrwt: VIncent s cores hJm t or hili appa rent flcklenesll.
CHAPTER VIII.-Continued. He glanced at me In a balf embar. d b aIf trluml1bant way, mucb as raase, be uae d t 0 d 0 In tbe fl.rst Castle Wycldl0tr house party dill'S, when he '" aU.ou " t .t 0 t e tl me 0 f h ' clue Wll" Isi atest in regar d t 0 the Identlty of tbe real Agatb a. . "Well, to be quIte frank wl~h YOU," ho eald. "the truth' ot tbe matter Is that. Aga tb a Flrs t .w on 't Iet me alone!" "MeanIng" I I" "th t h 1 a s e's n love wIth. you. ', ,.. sa \I, • "weII• o.• course." he replied. re· . mov Ing hi 8 eye·g Iass 'llnd ·pollshlng It desperately as Is 'bls cu" tom wben 'he .. pretends to be emb"rrassed "I .. exactly. , wouldn't like to' sa. y t. hat I
"Burglars n othtD~f" I .nnr....c.. pel'lluade4 bel' tt.at IIp~akins to hIm berself would .only : make m.atters ''It' A on ' of' (lle dogs . I say. Desldea, It It w re n burglar QJat'1I aU'. ~b. worae and Terhunfl more obslhiate. mor I'c n'!\on wh)' you should go back!" "Aud lea ve you to be kllled all CHAPTER IX. alon!)? ' .. (! \ . I' ! " . Sometimes . 1 admit It with a s'o rt of .it "'IUI the very las t eye nln g ot the time that had b on aUoted Terhun e tond r rgrct; my wife Is u!treasonable. III which to s olect a wi re. Tb fol · "It wouldn 't help !lny It you were low ing day was to see Solicitor Da rn !; kl~l e d . tllO !" J told ber. "Bellides, at luncbeon with us nt on e o'cloclt yo u'll en [ I' ll old. It·o chilly down precisely. Dear est hnvlng \ lnvlt ed him here. nnd I wan t you to go hack." In accordance with Mrs. James' I' . Sbe cu ught th e tone of authority tn quest that he s hould be the reteree my vol ·e. a to ne J s Idom lise toward present at the hous when the Inst her, and fell to pI adlng wlt.b me. mlnule of Terhun e's tc n days of grace "0 Freddy. c m 't I stay ?" she should cxplr '. and hi s expected pres· begged. ''It's so exciting! See ! I've ence at tbe meul brought It bome to brought you a pis tol and be.r e's an um· liB what a decisive one it mus t of tJrella for me! '; She came close up to necessity be. Decis ive was Indeed the me as sh e spoke and the gleam ot rlgb t word to us e In connection wltb starlight from "Ie ball windows fell that meal! For It old Arch was s UJI upon bel' supp~ntlng fao e a nd the free nnd unntllanced wben he sut dow'n old biunderbusl . . bad tallon down to It . he might as well never hll\'e (rom some 'Wall alllt carrIed In he l' been nephew of Ills uunt as far a s In· ri ght band. aDd th e ot't.~r weapon of herlt.lng that aunt's property was con· defe nse s be bad m onUo~ In lhe olher . ' . • cerned. I laughed. If one may be said to Dearest was IncUned. being optimistic enough to hope for a consumma· laugb In a whisper. and hugged her tlon of his engllgement to Aga tha for her s pirit, armament and all. Then Sixth before that time- to make of the we turned to tbe foldtng doors again. luncheon a sort of marrlage·feaot In Beneath them and tbrough tbe crack honor of that event. and was already b tween a Calnt light sbowed . planning famous Ices and c akes of n "Making himself pretty much at hym enoal nature. But Arch seemed home for a burglar to lIaht the lamp," not to vIew the approacb ot the cru· I remember thInking. ADd I slowly clal day wIth such a light heart. His and cautiously widened the atoresald thoughts at dinner that night were so crack unlll n spaco ot some two or absent. in tnct. a.s to force one to con· three Inches wIde was obtained, tbe clude thnt the spectre of bls nunt's doors roiling back sortl,. on each IIlde tblrd cousin seated upon tbe veranda ,,' Itbout any noise at all Then wo or the house In Australia · with pos· looked In, my wife making It pooslble seoslve teet on the rniltog had be· for UII to do this at one the same come his familiar spIrit. time by kneeltns on tbe floor at my It was tblll apparent anxiety ot his sIde. and tbus obtaining a chInk to and 'h ls renrlsh devotion to Agatha look tbrough nil to berself. It: was lucky sbe was so near th. Slxtb that utterly unprepared me for noor. I thougbt afterward, or sbe the unfortunate denouement later. The eyenlng had ended. at last and would certainly have fallen upon U Dearest and 1 had succeeded In start· with surprise whe n she beheld the Ing a general move toward retiring thing our eyes asked of us to believe. For there at the tar e"d of tbe draw> tor the night. We had been playIng brldge- tbat lB. the two Agatbas had Ing room dimly dlstlllllrUf.bablo by tb' -with Terhune and tbe InevItable light of a lamp on the table. turne4 Freer, while my wile and 1 stood by lo w, was Agatha First. We reco&" nl zed her ev n In tbat tlgbt wltbou' fall. dressed as she had been that evening for dinner,. and atandlng with bls back toward us and bls arm around her wns a man In an atUtQde unmIstakably lover·llke and possessive. And through the hush ot thlrt late hour th l;) low murmur of their absorbed voices penetTated the Inmost reoess of our staggered consolousness. Agatha First and a' man meeting iD secret at thnt hour! What could It mean? Who could It be? Tbe surprIse ot my dIscove ry In the woods the day of our trl'P to Nort.h· bury was as nothing to thlll! ' But alas! We knew only too well thl. time 'Xho the man was, and wltbout requIring any further pmof such a. we bad bad on the ottJer occaslOD wben we had watted untLJ the dll!cov, ery of the checked coat before we fell sore. In thIs, Instance ~nelther of U8 doubt~ for a momont the (denUt, of MIss Endlcott'lI companIon in her equIvocal poslUon. W e Turned to the Foldln" 0001'8 ' Freer had saJd good nIght and gone . Ag.ln. on down to the village at ten o'clock ·and cut In now and then. We bad ob· when tbe party bad broken up. It serve d with pleasure tbat the party could not be be. Then Itl must of f ' b ....• dl VI'd ed I taeIt exactly as' necessIty be Terhupe. Indeed, 'wbat 0 l our Id h ave .arrange , d It ourselves: other man "",,ould bavo the opportuwe wou T h . er une and Agatha Sixth· Were part· nity for suoh a meeting? Wbo eln n ' . tb F1 era. as were aga a rs t an d Fre'r. 'Was staying at the ca's Ue? . B e tt er s till • Agatha ' (TO BE CONTINUED.) Slxtb seemed quite to have forgotten the u nh appy eJ)'I Art Leads Language and Science. sod e 0 f tb e wa t er(U a , w h en Arch h a d so ob viou s Iy m . j .sse d hi s cue, an d was The tact Is that art .. working f.l f openly b us 11 (tlg f n tb e re t urn 0 t h er ahead of language all well 118 ot ·sCI. admlrer's devoUon. And Agatha FIrst. enoc. reallzlng for us, by all' manner or too, seepled quite contented. not B suggestions and exaggerations,' etreo~ whIt disturbed by thIs attitude on my ror ·wbleh as yet We Ilnve no name; friend's part an' d mildlY ' nmus"e' d by ~ay. for whIch '!Ve may never .perhnp" th tt t d II t I f have a dJ,tect harne, for the reason that e a crop e ga an res 0 the rec· these etrects do not enter 'very lareel, tor's son from Wye. It was In fact " , tboroughly 1.l appy· llt'Ue fou.:.. ... m.e, a'nd Into the ..ne.cessIUea of life. Hence • DV as a speotator of Its content 1 felt .alone Is that susplcton or yaguenesa pnrtlcularly pleased wben I thought that often ~angs about the purpOjle of ot what Arch had confided to me just a romance; It Is clear 'e nougb ' to u. betore dlnnel·. That he tntended to In tbought; but wo are not used to conanything clear untIl we are able obtain a dellnUe. and wbat be seemed sIder to consider. a favorable answer, from to formulatq it in words, anll analYUca. language bas not been 8umc1eDtl, Agatha SIxth, on the morrow. We bad all gone to bed, and the sl)aped to that end. . •• It Ie not that n!ght was well advanced, wbea I was there ls anytblng blurred or Indefinite k d f In tbe impressIon left with UII, It la . awa ene rom the rlpplngest kInd 01 Just because the Imprells10n Is .0 ver7 a · sleep by the loudest kInd ot a bang definite after ita own kJnd. that we you ever heard In your life. It came trom the bIg drawing· room, whIch we lind It bard to fit It euell;, with th. dId not often use, ' dlrecU'y beiow my expressIons of our pbtlosophlcaA spe<!cil,-Robe'rt Louis BtenD8oD. room, and woke me at once. It Bound· ed for all tbe world as It some one or sometblng had knocked over one t tb e en dl eSB Dumber ot statnettes 0 hellvy vases or little tables that mak~ ' a regu Iar auction shop of the place.. Ilnd..1 struggled Into my bath robe In a mInute to go and sec wbat It wall. Dearest·s room adjoined mine and I listened at tbe door to flnd out If sbe had been awakened, and heartng noth. Ing from ber, went on my way down. stalra.
love 'w ith tbe marplot. and so tar as sh~" could see-and tlils In spite of her ' best ejforw- the poor girl was des~ed to lose him after ' alI! O. it 1'{~8 really too bad. Terhune was t 00. t 00 ' t rylng! I must really IIllenk . .F lrst, p~uiJI.ng and looking ' at hIm t 0 him an d f!. n d out w h a.t h e meant I to g fAuS t an d Ioose IIke t 1lat! 1 . ntly. He rose obedlentl.y, but by' pay co. uldn' t oay posItively, that Is, but ·expecta ~.rore , be could niore than utter tho g I ve you my word I've seldo,m beard to a man of my experience tn suo ch wot'ds.• •'DeUghted, I'm' RU, re !" Agatha ' Il~r go on so a b ou t anyl h Ing. She matters and knowledge of the faIr sex, the Indlcallons are-" 81:1th had risen also, ,...and r-'as now r ea II y f 0 It distressed by t.he unaocount· -'-_ f ron"""6 bl m. as she coldly and • abl'" .. 'nn(l rather mysterlouu olor Ol'~ "0 rot!" I Interrupted, rudelY', I ....,n , t I'" . I j haugbtily. reminded , him that he bad rna l' .... OIl1U pro eet bad a ssumed, and fear •. but r eally th e old ' boy Is Quite 'Promised to go and look ' tor wild w':l" mue h concel'Ded for Agatha .too lus ufle rably conce ite d to encour..... b· s ·.h app! ness. Th ~ otber Agatha age. U's an' old tailing ot his. 1l0wers with her. It was pnttlng tbe Sl .n old boy in an Q,wkward . position, I ad- we, did not seem to bo a s ir.1 rested "Wbat makes you think so?" I asked mit, but that·s no excuse for hlo oub. In somehow. as she had ne ither a h us· atter a moment's consideration. AI. ee, Quent behavior. A tactful speech band or a t ortune at s tak wltb \ blc h th h I Id' oug n cou n t quite beHeve that wOllld have saved the day. but that. to en Iis t our special Ey mpathl ~s '.· Agn' tb .. Jl'irtlt was actu all y Inove I tIOmetblng llel'Vel'Se ll-boltt him, which " fler all, W ilfred ," ahe said. henv. wltb blm, stili I ~anted to be'a r' bls b. e h~8 tD common wIth mos~~ men. Ing II deep 131gb, "th o course of true reasons for the conclu sion. I dldn't made him want most at that mome~t love ueVlw did run s mooth !" wa t to b II It th t' i ' hIm 101l0t. And ' It. Chinese Wedding. n e eve , a was certa n. the girl who wa.nted "Nor yet tho course of true mnlr.h· I thought we bad trouble eno gb A Cblnese ma rrla"'e that girl wall oertalnly Agatha FIrst. maklng l" I uns wered and we s trolled .. Is all ceremon., our bands ao it was with t uh Ion -no talk. no levity. and mucb cryln.... k t ,ou av ng for wIthout. wnlUn'" to see whetber he down tho side of the little tlill wh A re D '0 rec on w tb a b k l h .. " The solemnity of a funeral prevails. '. rk ro e 1 ear t on th C came or not, she bad run 0" by her· the "ienlc had beel1 to go a n" look JlB' rt ot M s EndIcott A d th\ self. nil eagerness to .sce t~~e water. for ,"' jJ'd nowor s oursolvos. " After tbe excbange of pres ents tbe . n as s ,fall . bride Is dressed with much care. A oonUngency a,l9umed an all' of prob· , ' feast Is spread upon s table, to wblch ability to my mInd,' I Inwardly vowed Wlt-hou t conSidering the rashness CHAPTER VI·II. .. tbe blushIng bride Jrl led- by five of agaIn never to unllertake another ot such a sneech. Archibald replied to her best female frJ(;nds. Tbey are match ' making proJ'ect.Gad , no! L e t .. :Agatha. Slxth'lI rebuke by remarking Jt was 011 th e rcturD trip to the cas· J)eople marry tbems Iveo hereafter casually: "So .J did promise to · go tle that I fOllnd a.n opportll nHy t.o talk seated at tbe ta!.:lle, but no one eat II. wltbout auy Interference trom me, r .nd look for wild flowers. but I dldn't confldenl1ally wlt.h Terhune. He and The utmost silence prevails, wheD h d h dIll t d f h finally' tbe motber leads off In a c ...., aa a wan e 0 t e thing tbl& know about the waterCal1 then' I were walking bome. as se l'en wa" ." t'lme . " ~ the maid .. follow and tbe bride eoboe. ' ,. wouldn't "ou rather come ·a.nd see . 'r athel' n. crowd In tbe macbi ne nud we In tbe chorus. Thon all the brtdes"What m"kes,.o k so.,.. I re, .. uthl nthat first?" We shudderod to hear wanted tbe exercise . .....,ted maids Icave the table. and the dlscon- ..-. . ,hIm. Denrl"st nnd I. It was pretty b"d. co "What In thund \' dQ you mean by 80late mother tak'2s a seat beside the AI'ch shrugged his shoulders. ·'Can·t you know. Yet. a s I say 1 thought It?" I demanded wh en [ bad finish ed chaIr of !'otate, wh...,re tbe brtde stts. help It She's after me the whole J understood just how li vn ca me to sa'" setting hIs errati c and Inconsiderate Tbe bridegroom now enters, .w l ttlmo' fan cy· ~ h · T "Iuppose she can't help . tho ratal words- just. what spirit (~ollduct before him In Its true IIghtfour of hIe best Ill'3n. Tho men pIck lng a Dl .. n of my--er-tf ] may so. rnromp! d h im. nut D~arest tblnlts e'Xcel)ting. of COllrse, th e details o[ up the Ih roJ'e on wbkJt tbe brtde slu my attractions . I daresay I'm a reve Ia· ~ not. Sbe says that h'e's far too cal· the Incident of th Ilutomohlle In the nnd, preceded \>y the bridegroom, form tlon to ber In comparison with the culallng-far too much on the look· wood. and our la tpr dlscovcry of tbe In proCel'SIOD and walk around tbe American college youths sbe has out for his own 1llteres ts to run the cbecked cont in his closet. All refer· room' or Into !!'ll adjoining parlor. sl.g. probably been used to. ExperIence risk of los ln!; Agatha Si xth deliberate· ence to this little episode lind tho nlrylng thllt he Is c6rrylng her .~) and Intellect does count. yoU know, h . . Sbe thinks he was only em bar· s uspicions of Dearost and myself In to bls own borne. Tbe guests tileD Wilfred. Besides. the results show-" ras sed . But we both thougbt that r ogard to Ill S connection with It. I throw rica ahthellappy ·couple. But I cut him short again. the most peculiar thing nbout the had r It obliged to onllt. We had de· ~\ ~ "The results show." I saId sternly. wholo nrraf r was th e [:I.ct. tbllt Agnth cldM not to. mention tbe s ubject to yO> ''tbat you're just enough ot a ch ~ A Fat Reducer. f I dldn't .much belleve It could be a Firat. ba ving loft tho group Immecll- him as we bad after nil only circum· to heed her manIa ' tor amusl n g ump h alely he r unfortuna te in vl t,'ltlon was s tull tla l evidence upon whIch to base DeCore starting to starve or dr\:!It Ith you for I can't thl k b elr.. burglar: J had a hazy notion tbat It . .. se w n B e s mlgh. t be one of tbe dogs who bad gh en, must h",'vf' heen qui t e ·ignorant our beli e f tbat Terhune had been off your extra IRY~rs of fat try tbe tn earnest." I h'ad to tell b'l m that gotten. in tbera someho.w. ' Tbe.r e are o f tliE' tTouble It had ca used. Slle Agatha Firat's companion that day, effect ot tbls simple exercIse, whlto.~ ror hiswn good thouph I o. ., cou Id h ave no end,' ot tbe big brutell . about the lloomod. Indeed. t ho wholH time to be For. Iltl'e r nil. the cbeckell coat \\'0 Is a great reducer of ilc:Ilpose tissue. w Is b'e d J f'e It s u rer . thl a wa. II t"lie t ac t . place and somfltiines, one ge'ts Into the absolutely oblivious to tho oituatlon fOllnd In '-Ihis closet might only have Standln!; with knees close tngetb,·r. 10M ' . e r fondness tor ft' lrtl,ng w Ilh yOU house tor othe night tn oplte ot Dea'r. In r egard to A"'atha Sixi hand Ter. . res~Jl'lbl e d tho o'n J snw In the car. rloe on tbo tJps of the t!les. Il\.ld, at the 0 a tters' y.0U BO m . uc h t'b a t you 'd run tb' e sst. · So. t wasD.· t In the least alarm'ed " nu:ne. An.d thi s was the more e x. D,nd he might easily have owned ono same time. elevate the o~est IOld Coree risk ot loslnl tbe. girl . you care tor, f traordlnary because anyone olse. any of th e 1;:lnd without our ever bavlng down the 'p alms of the bands as If iuat for the ' !Ja~e ot ' havIng thnt or nvp~ebenslve,' and was just about !mpartJa.\ observ r wi th hi s eyes ,s een It: 'Our fri endship with ' Arch pushing hard on a board. Bend ('be egre'Jlou8 var..lty of yours pleasanUy ~o· .1a.y · my hand on ~e .dr:a~lnlr-room OPElD,: mUI\~. It ~eomed. have beeu \vas . too dearlr pl·lzed. by UII' to 'rISk hands up slightly 110 ·the : inuacn~llr tJcldlld. ' her apprireni fancY-" 'for foOt~dt!P.e~.s· ::~orllr,~.f -whehn :tdb b·'W.e·aer~ll ·tba~e·'tlhlgebtte°ostt I . aware of nll affa ir of some " ki nd or raLei :~ nocuslng hlql . ' And then I s~raln "omes ou ' tbe Ileshr paJ,'t ~t I't d bt ' df tI kl ' ) ( "..... W • han" 'cloBe to ttl. e wrist. . '... your' ~I)C C Y .,pn ou e y . , c cS .. t. possible tread on the ' stal- b",l.l· d' ... Your olji taUln$ agalnl 'Pon ,my.. word. , \. . . ". ' , ~~ , .,u n 'o"l1er between th'o t wo. , Bu t !\flss .couldu ·t help ·feellng that ~f'ter : all 1 ' " lCndl cot t. ' ttappellred. , waHted wi t h had ra n I )' 's uI'prised lhem witen' J h~d . Do . o;l.S ~heQev~r ~ou 1l!1!,pen ' t4 old cbap. ' I thought be'tter, 'ot " YOlI} 'P e ,B»:d a sott · b~nd ~l\Jtc~~d mr' a~~ .. be r. yes · sh l!l.' Ilk a P 9 1'SOll In ' a come upon them In the woods,. and In think 0 . Jt during the .day, IInll ~ ," Bettor of ·your. prudence and' foresight! ,': It ,:"as Dea~es~,. ot ·Qourse; . "0 Fr~d· dr aUl. b r tho\!~hts upon SOlli other seei~g wnat I was n6f meant to ha~e' wllJ ~~n .noUc~ a · decIded ~tre~e~~ • . : Why;:)' couid~t baye ha.d .less o't un dy!:" ~he gasped, .·~ 'wbat. Is itr" · , ' ''q'o rl d a tlchc"1o of liings remov'a d, soen: bad rlit,hor pla'yed ' the SpY," ho~.~ In YOUl fte8~, ~artl.cu~a,r:~y In !1 prollll' p.~~ out for ' m);'~ oWIi ,lnte ...... t. , m1.'selt · ; ~'Qn, ot t~e .!logs, ,J ex,pect;", ',I tola: . . .' , -e v ."r I"oadvorl ,n tly It m!gli.t . '.haye. .bae~ . nent abdomen. ' . ·when, " " YOll ian~. ~!\' . ' . .. . ~ "Wb/lt m a d'" ~ .. l' I ' I'CC1Utitr:y, (rom u~U-. . " .. . , lJ1". the dllYB l wer, con. bID"'i~ •j , • ",ou'." ,c~me l ' • '. /!. ma tt.f1rs ' stQol! . how the ra-' · d6ne . . And 1 did nof fellsh making , . . . .. -. toncHns l3uft-ori t.OJ! tho banll of one (W " '}Vl!~. sbe lIal~'~ an ,lndtgnantlft. "li lt ·o( l.b e ~ate~tal\p·ropOSitlo.n /lnd usa of ' infor,ml:ltion so obtained. l~ . The · Impp.rt.~t Pers9na"t. :' . ~be 4gatliait., .,n·d you 'InaIJl'ed t~8t it , tle'.w~,18'per, " 1" ' c~~e : ilfter ' ·Y..C!Y. ~ot 'T -r~lU)e'6 - mlsmalUl'golIJimt : oC the , '" a~ betl er, muoh ·falrer to .. Ar:ab, we ' "Are YOIl the owner ot . tiM. plac•.,." Ihot)ld be ·tbe hetlles)! and no course Do .,-og'.. t1i!lJk I'd let YOQ lEo orislli It ,brought; abOuL wlle ,JI. ' flat .1:...... '(lEl~lded,.,(o acl !lImply as If mt -dis- aake,d. the. book agent. ... .... ' . and ~u1lted ·ille so · becaule ' I.. dldu t· !rtt;'aIQne,I, . " . . . . . fllMt trt:' tbe ' pal'{ ..of Agatha ~I.th· i O ~,?very: had r.cvel· :been; . . "I ,am( ~pIle4 Fa!"mer CJorntOlI'.' take the .a~n .vieW'! - AD". t~e' ~.rd '~b1' ~U" I .JV~lsperecL " "r~ • ofl.\.panr . lWn 'anywhe re; ' and hiG "}ol r.n . you·vo ~Otl~ Hnd a"ked . ~B to . '!Anylblllg 1 cit" do ·toJ' yout" . , ~OWII )'OU tn"de enOUgh fullS ,a.bo~t :I;IlIUl Ji~I.d_, there"-. nO~Dg to 'nc t (led arul tardy pursuit of belt) YOIl.~·, I ",'ent on. ' "In the matte, . ''No, The chILlIce. ~e tba~ ~oq... tIIatl'" . ,.. . ' . '," afraId Ofl • . "nt . . who waa: ~beQtconlnlf ,or geW.u g a Cqrtllne-, I\cot to- mentlbn a too, bard.~Qrke4 to bave time to read ~t ~MD 1, reported the ~ult or $hate • Ca N,l h., fO '1'~llow rromtbe odp ot thl" I ""If.e. an-d wben It·s mnde splaIn aa Qbytbing, 1Ui.1 tbat foa ba~·t . ,' .1111 remoa.~ -to nearest••b.~ ,.. 1. Ja~e, It ~e me foe) It could well be that Agatba SIXth 18 apar_,!=bila". ~7bow, Let ...... _ l.bl4n't II,eII1laalf· ItreM WltlJ ti G lit a~ blt &114 ilia .(bl' 'slrl [or you ,Rnd ,.em adQlJt faneN- ~e bitec1 m ...• ~' an4 Ii .... 'WIth t
ft ,
lH~~~N~E:T~:NS I_A....I:.-f....1. . .1....=.....1...I~I...·,~·I~I~I....1~I~I....I...I.A_ ' Practical Fashions ~ CANADA. THECHEVALlER
They Reveal' L.rlJ~r AV.l'Ig,a ot - Wheat and Oata Than Anticipated.
:For IJ)lantl eel Ohll4re!l,
Tha Kind You Hava Always .Boupt
The ret,urna from the crain l1eld. ot Westet'll Canada as revealed' by lhe Copyrl,ht, 1910, by Auodate<l Literary Prese work of the Tbreshers. ahow much In the seat behind the milldle·aged an AmerlCIlD' bride might return to liu'~er yields than were expected aa womM IlIld tbe girl with her sat Chev- . France with him. the ('TOP Was ripening. It la a UtUe aller Darcy. He had been Bltllng Mrs. Flynt was a thqughtful woman. ~LCOHOL-3 PER CENT early yet to give an esUmate of the there for two hours, anll he had fig, She thought that co11\slon might have AWtttabit Preparation forA!· ~roll as a whole, but Individual yleldl ured out that the woman was no lady. jarred the chevalier's wallet out of slmila ling Ihe food and Rei! ula' selected trom "arlous points througn. That Is: she had not been born to the his pocket and lost It. At his very Iht Stomachs and Bowe15 out Manttoba•. SllSkatchewan and A,l. purple. 'She was just a woman trying first call she offered to become his It;'~IMiiii!ii berta show that tbe farmers there as a to be a lady. He figured that the girl banker. She put It In a way to spare rule have had reason to be thankful was ·about nineteen, the niece or tbe his prout! f ollngs. anll he pocketed Promotes Di~zstion,Che.errul over tbe results. Excellent yields are other, and that she was frank and In· the cbeck and said he did not look for reported (rom many portions of Manl. gcnuous and not trying to be anything such fine consideration In crulle Amer· ntss and Re5t.Conlains neither toba and a. large district of SllSkatch. elae. HIs eyes had told him ove r and Ica. 'They had already looked as kance Opium,Morphine nor Mineral ewan bas turned out well, whlle the over agaIn during those two hours Ilt him at the hotel. but tbat check NOT NARC OTIC central porllon at Alberta Is splendid. .tbat she was good to look upon. 'saved the day. '--k'i" "OM OrS~NlIEiPIn-1I41l There wUl be shown at the land ex. Cbevaller Darcy looked to he thirty For a fortnight Mrs. Flyat had """",Ir,;, SOIII· position at St. LOUis a sample ot the years 0111. He may have' beon ten thoughts and dreams conn eCled with Alx of",,, • • NotA,liI S.III ., Marque's wh eat-a new variety and years olcl er. It was his business to hersclf and titles and castles. S'be /., 11 • In our IIlust.ration we sllow a model , .I:,"",IM one that appears to be well adapted look thirty and to size UJl people. For was a chevalleress. She was the bosl • to the soll and climate of Western halt an hour be hall seen that the ot II. hundred servants. Sbe was or. which Is arranged to close either il'lIr1k"I4S.J.straight down r IJ front or somewhat 11' ..... .r,,1i Canada-that yieldod 63 'bushels to the girl had something on her mlnet that fri endly terms with people ot blue a."y,,J s.,•• 1fl1l1ityw,,, 'F'IIIvoI'I' acre. The exhibit and statement will she wanted to talk about. One would blooll . Tben she became conscience- to the sille. A t eRch s boulder there are two tucks. whi ch III front "I.\re be supported by affidavits trom thEi ha\'EI thought the worn au woulll have strick en. There was that poor girl A perfect Re~'e-d-y-ro-r-C~n5Irpa. gron-ers. This wheat welgha' well, noticed It first, but sbe didn't. H er , Florellce. She hnd promised to do the stitched down only to yolte depth. but lion . Sour Stomac.h.DiarrhOea, In the hack all the way to lhe waist and being a hard variety wUl find a tbougbts were busy with other things. square thing by her. anll would It be Worms ,Convulsions .Feveri ,h· ready market at the highest prices ob. Y ars bofore. when Joshua Flint dOing It to beat her out of title aod line. The neck Is cul just a trifle low Essand Loss OF SLEEP. talnable tor a, flrst·class arOcle. It Ie and his wife came to the city. Josh castles ? Wasn't the chevalier already an~ Is finish ed with a Cinudille collar, .. Interestlnr; to point out that .. tleld was a carpenter. He was a good work· showing by his actions that he WIlS which Is tho very n e west tliing out. J"c Simile s;gnatuff of of ooe bundred acrea of this wheat man. ~e shoved the plano by day Bfd falling In love with tbe girl? No. Old The sleeves may be ot either of two would glv.o Its producers 6.300 bush. mixed with politics at night. In a year Josh l. . lynt had always been called a styles. One Is the simple bishop ~ 81s. Sold at 85 cents a bushel would Josh bad 0. pull; In another he was a square rullll __ ven If be did divide sleeve. and the other Is a shaped Ollen sleeve, whlctr' many will prefer to give him ,46 an acre. Oountlng all city contractor. The members of the with the alderman-and his widow tbe cost of Intereat on land at UO an Flint taml,ly dldn't lose their b eads. would upboM his reputation. Later gather In just above the elbow . as acre. getting the land ready tor crop. They lived in a modest way and they OU, ot a lord or a count r.ame ber way. shown on the figure. A belt of the mao terlal or ot ribbon should complete the Seed Bowing•. harvesting and market.. saved . Joah wore his old coaU!, and well-=I h his wlte never went beyond $12 for a costume. ng, t 0 enUre cost of prodUction The aunt sougbt Miss Florence and The pattern (~682) Is cut In siZes 32 would _. d $8 . ready·made dress. More polltlcsI d th h II t h d .. n .... excee an acre, leaving more pull-more money In bank. res gue e c eva er a er Q.Il to 42 Inches bust measure. To make tbe handsome net profit of ,37 an I asked no gratitude In return. the gsrment In the medium size will .....Cllftu._.......... _ ..... . ac e 1 th Mrs. FI nt·s brother Sam. living In r. s ere any crop that would a western state. died. Before It was . Then csme the long-delayed con fell' require 2% ynrds of material 36 Inches yield a better return than tbls, with too late he consigned his daughter, slon. Florence was ongaged to h a wldo. with 3 yards ot Insertion and th I b S e , 8'lL yal'ds ot edging It hlmmed as 11. , C e same a or and Initial expense! Florence Benson, to the care of his young man In Poughkeepsie. 7 J l ' " otton fields w1l1 not do It, apple Ol'o sIster. She was a. girl of fifteen then. dIdn't exa.ctly know about his famBy I l11ustrated. chardQ with their great expenae ot culo The fatber ' hall said of his ' sister that or finances. but he had curly hair and t1vaUon and the rlak to run from the Hlle ' WIlS a hard.healled, sensible, SIlV. black eyes and very while teeth and To procuro Ulle pattern Bend 10 cents ~o:o=~~ various enemies of the fruit cannot Jng woman-Just tile ' one to bring up a tenor \'olce. She loved him, and sbe to "Pattern pepartment." of thle paper. BOY.' SHoEa, .2.00, .2.50 ANO .3.00. IlIaT IN THe WORLD. begin to do It. While what Is consld. would D' ':'J'ry Writetoname plllJnly, and be '. , hIm • . and abe dldnrt caJ'e .. • euro alve and Bise addre8s and number of pattern. T". &.tel"• . , , _ hIfI~ U Ioeald take ,011 j~t.o m, ered an exceptional case just now 1. two red cents for an old chevalier. Aa I 1no'.....1JI Jar. . flUlt.orlea at BrocktOD, end ' " Ha.':.t...aod Illow yau bow caropresented, there Is no doqbt that this for cllSties. they must bo full of ghosts r--------------~ , _ , . Oft aoI. tully V'/. 1.. DoUII.., .boea are -alee.... made 'tbOloperlorworklDADlblp man's experience may be duplicated and cobwebs. and she preferred a twoSIZE.... ........... .. NO. 4682. ,. ",". ,,,. _rei" _ _ and lbe hl"b grad" loatbOf& ueed. by otbers wbo care to follow hll ex. story brick house, with a stone doS ""'_ ''''''''' .......", lief. you woold tb~n uiuleMItaDd w.b, N AIlE •.•••.• ••• ..• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• , _ _II "",~ . ....?In. DoUarforDoU.rIOuaraDrample, A.a hIlS been said the growinl and II. fountain In the front yard. . . . • •• IJO IIiHI H."... H3': 8boee to hold their lIbape, of this wheat Is but in Ita Infancy, and Mrtt Flynt became very angry. Sba 'TOWN ...................................... . "..,d .",. look and lit better and "OAr lon.er tban any otberf3.oo, wbeat 1I'0wlni Is etlll largely con. scolded and criticIsed and put her _ _-.._ _ _ _ _ _ _" or tt.oo.boee 10u can bU1. f3.11O STREET AND NO ..................... .. fined to other older varieties that do fOOL down. Tben she shed tears and Do you re'aJlso th..t my .hoee haye been tbe .tandarct for OYor 30 not yield as abund • .ntly. EVen wltb' appealed . Here was the cbance ot a ,oarl i tb.t 1 make and Bellmore '8.00J '3.110 and ,boos tb.a~l'r(J.f%-, STATE .•• •••••••••••••••• •••• ••••• •••••••••• antOtbor manulaaLllrer tn the Unltea 8tal.el P Quality oounta. iJMj I.these we have records before ua of girl's lItetime. It would, never occur h .. made W: L. noull...boee a hO\l.lobold word .nrywbere. I:.. farmers who havo grown 40 bushell ngaln. Weslth, title. station and CIlS' CAUTION I :.~.:~eg~I~::.~l.~n"1U '!n~eD~~fo~TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE to the acre., othera 1I6, some 80. and ties for just saying yes. Hall the 1f r~ daIet -IIlPPlJ' Jon I" 'l<J0f~ :~_ tor Hall O'"aloll:. w"'lIh ....~ DUlle I.~write .park _ .. ,0"" B .. .... klle ... _ _ otherl again 26 bushels. Taklug eVeD glrl'1I senses desert&d her? Let ber CHILD'S DRESS. 20 bushels, and some farmera repott take n week to think It over, and then' that amount, It hi (ound that the reo beware how she broke her loving turns from lucb a yield would be ,17 aunt·s heart. an acro. ll'hls wheat will cost to get The cbevaJler woulll walt a weelt to market, Including all eIpenses, b efore committing suicide for love ot 215 Wabasb Ave. about f8 an acre. and the farmera Miss Florence. He WOUldn't do 1t tor Boat. . ft•• Yeril Pittablll't will sUll have a net profit of . about any other penon tbQ.Il the aunt. He lfILU(DFACTtJRERS PUBUC SEA1'I1'G DCLUSIVELY FOR ,9 an acre. Certalnl, the provinces would do It for her because sho batl of Alberta, Saskatcbew~n and Manl. lonned hIm money until be could ' heal' from Pl,lris, Qnd because he ' WIlS . toba are progreSsing, settlement Is In, I~ ~T.a.OIj~a.'~ cre'a slng and there Is a general can. obliged to ask anotber favor of the Save money by buyihg from the manufacturer. tentment aU over the c untry. The I s nme Bort. Pnrls wasn't so far away, social conditions are splendid. the cIt. but those Paris bankel'S always took ARE YOU BUILDING OR RESEAnN9? U you lite wrlte fot!mate .. excellent, and there Ia ever; their time about business matters. An· Catalogue A M. at once, mentioning class of building. ~ DeaJllr. should write Thomas M. Boyd. President, McClurg Bldg..; condlUon to mllke the lIettler lIa.tlisfied. other check was handed over, and OIi · Chicago, for our ~xdlUi'IJ~ At the farmJng congresa, held at Spoagain the hotel bouncer was saved a . SCHOOL kane In October. wheat $own by the job. Alberta Government, took ilie allver 'fhe week was only hal( up when a cup, awarded by the' Gov.'rnor · ot young DIaD with curly hrur and black the Slnte. It completely 0 tclaslE:d He Auumed a POle. eyes and white teeth called at ,the all other specimens on e~bIUon. Q.Ild bls daughter In a vroner way. So she Flynt mansion. Mrs.' Flynt happene,l It b t d1 a I tI .. to receive him, and she n'oUced that W!lB ,u an or n ry . lie ec on" was as Mrs. Joshua Flint. but things hIs card bore the name of Wnlter AI. hundreds of fields In Alberta nnd Sa81 chang anlt men and women change katchewan betng able to duplicate ·1l4 wltb t.hem. One day Jo h WIlS J.)lown v9rd. lfe was just a cOl,mon Amerl· There ar.e sun avallable thousands ot up by his own dynantlte In a cellar ex. can. and when he asked for Mips. Flo homesteads. as well as . large areas, at cavatlon. , He ' carried $50.000 lite In- ence Mrs. Flynt retired trom Ule par, J first-class land-lhllt Is b,!lng offered suranCI). , lor. She wasn't exp~ctlng the c11eva. for ·sale at low prices. The agent. of Wlth,n' a month ' Mrl\. Flint began lIer at that hour, and that WIlS the rea.· the Oanadlan Government from whom to . have" aspirations. She wasn't so son why he was shown directly Into the above faets hnve been learned eI. very Qld yet, and there were the the parlor, and beheld ~he young man pects that the Tush to Canada wtll wrinkle ' removers and the face bleach. holding a willing . band belonging to The yoke dress Is as popular as 'ever "Before I ' bega~ usiug Cascareu I bad '<. next year tar~ely e,I ceed ' th~ DUmber. ors and ' the tashl.c nable dressmakers. MillS FI?ren ce. for Uttie girls. tor everyone In tact. a. bad complexion, pimples on my face, who have gone thIs year. . Bhe telt tt her duty to do soroethlrig He IlSsumed ~ pose. He \leant It . We lllustrate a model which has a and my food was not digested Bsitshoul4 for Florence. The namo of Flint WIlS to be " terrible pose. Then hIs eyeil small round yoke below wblch' the mabave been. Now I am entirely well, an4 changed to- Flynt ' on tlle new cards. betrayed the tragedy lhat was turning terlat ot the dress Is gathered In both Tlibute to Palnte"" Skill. the pimples have all disappeared from my One of the "UIl life palntlnp b, Joshua became Joseph. The tblrd.Ooor comersaults In bls soul. No apllrecla. front and back. · The sleeve Is cut In fsce. I can truthfully say that Caacaretl .Jan van Huyscn In . the', muse\lm •• flat WBlt exchAnkEid ·for a. house. The tlon from the audience of two. Then one wltb the body In. peasant elrect, are just aa advertised; 1 have taken OWl two boxef of them. II The Hague was recentIylnjured. bllt street cars were exehanged for,: her he thundered out: producing quite a novel garment. Tho Clarence R. GrilJiQ, Sheridan, Ind. it Is believed the perpetrAtor was own borses und carriage. M~e. Joshua "Mille' lonerres '" In a voice to make IIleeves are held by the ClIlr at the had ' bustled ~or money In other days; one shiver. No shivers. The cheva· wrist In bishop fashion. A belt of the neltber vandal ,nor' thief. , Ple•• aat, Palatable. Potent, TaRto Oeod. The picture represents a tbasitet o! now sbe hustled tor aspiratIons. Flor. lIer 'l'l'as allout to wavo bls arms and dress mat&rlal or ot leather holds In Do Good. Never SlckeD.Welllton or Gripe. I Oc. 2Sc! SOc. N over Raid 10 bulk. The treou· fruit on which a Dumber · of Insects ence had vel'Y little 'to 'd o with It' be· yell wben Mrs. Flynt entered the the skirt portion. All wash materials. Ino tab Ilt atamped C C C. Guar&l>teo<l to have gathen··j. On at pale yellow ap- yond her ' wardrobe and jewelry and . room. The young man with the dark ·cashmere, cheviot. checks and plaids CImI or your money back. . 921 J . eycs and white .teeth rose up and may be used to make this little ple, which IS the centerpIece In the being sent to college. And now the girt hR.d 8plsl1oel ber handed her varIous newspaper clfp. trOck cluster of ,:OlJft' ,ls a large ftY"palnte; 80 trne tc oaturo. IIO . llay tJle offlclala education and was oomlng bome for' pings and quIetly said; . Tbe pattern (5211) Is cut In sizes of the gal ery, that the cain/as was good_ She ba~n't bee~ spoil ell at . all. "His hlstory".!s all there. Shall It I 2 to 10 yenrs. Medium sIze requires tnjured 'b y some ODe who ende~vored In a way she wes-beginnlng to realize be rend aloud. S% yards of 27 Incb material. FURS COllIe fnlm YOUR IIAltor In less than II. ' minute the chevalier . to "shoo" It and brought Ws cane or tb~ talso position hflr aunt bad placed Ct.'STLY tho COUNTRY. Ship Cbemln thollEST It was not for her to was gone. . . To procuro thlll pattern send 10 cents hand too close to tbe canvas. "A herself In , but FOR MA'RKET AIle! RIGHT FOR HOUSE, . h . . to "Pattern Department." ot this papt!r. By IbIpplnc DIRECT co \U you recei ve for t.ribute to the llalnter's genluB," aaya crltfclse. She WIlS practically perini· Mrs. Flynt rea II t oso ·n wspaper Write DlUtle and addre8s pluJ.nl}', and ho bener PRICES tbM you hne obC2l ned ell<th a letter recording the fact. ··to~ whIch Jess, and besides she bael something to cllpplnga In the prIvacy of her own lure to alve al&e and number ot pattern. where, because wo l ell dJr~ct to manutac. tell-something that she had torebod- room; and an hour later appeared tn tulU! of HIOH OIlADE FORS. the work hall to euffer." . 1\ trl.1 sblpment .. Ill CONVINCE you. Ings about. ' the parlor, red·eyed and Contrite. to A .peelolly arr",,~ed prle. list for your SiZE . ............... . I. Truly During her trips borne sbe bad say: Territory will be milled upon " quelt. w. PAY an aprf"5&1.$Ce , chario 110 commlJbeard mention made ot matrImony and "Florence, I guess we don·t want IIOlll. aDd r"nlt pIODlPUy. titles and castllls. aJld she ho.el ome any titles, I guess It's your allnt whe . ~ N'AltfE ........... __ •• ; ..................... . LEOPOLD GASSNER FUR CO. to know that bel' aunt bnd B'cbemell. · lacks the brains. You may Introduce TOWN ...................................... . so\ E •• t 1 lUll Sl. C. pll.\. $?C:" 000 • 00 Chevalier Darcy oo\, ldn't' liave Og- mo to your young mQ.Il. as' ~lrs. Jos hua Jlew , ... orAl: (Jlu ':u!..l at ~v, nrad. al) tWs out. J)ut he fi21lJ'ed FUnt-F-I.I.n.t. . STREET AND NO ...................... . llnouf{h ,to' make bini wlsb tbut some. 8TA.T E ..... .. ... .......................... .. thfng wouJd ' happen 'befote r Rcillng the city. He was accommodatecl . Miss The Real Thing In Pathol. Florence !llld' just; opened her lips Jacob .A. 'RUs',- the ' brl!iJant ' Rutho! I blovo ' discovered a gt'cat IIftcret_ mak,e ' a ,co'!.tesslon 'to, her' ' riunt anrl and journalist, was ' etlllcUllsln~ in 'NElw Your 01" Pipe. , , bow to m ~ "e 100 beoe lay tiO cnto take ·l Ier sC(lldln,g 'w,bel.1 tberEl was a York his -experlencos a pOlice 1'& 110 day In "Ioter; fulluro hnpolI.4lble, When your old pipe becomes too I prove It by sending my lSucceutul welhool aD ear-e"d col\ll!lon... wlth another· trnln. It porte~_J " ' .s troQ$. you may easily remedy It by; r • .EE TRIAL; you don" II _10 to pD.y UU dldn'tamouu.t. to much-a crash and 'Ii ,"They. Wete " "ntense .. ();xpe~lence,'" bolJlng- It In', milk for se~eral .hours. Jour bens Iny. Send for It TODAY td ~,B ' wai'no the ron;il;~ ' r' gUl~r: Tho,' Pathet.lc .ones " had~ e,d. , such lhen giving lt'to tbe janHor.-Cblcago L. Alley, Boa 6. New Hadrld.Mcu dAy :(or .. ~d 'liUrapght ~but . an In.tens1ty·, tb.a~ ·.tlJElY cO'.1ldn't- be uae·d. Poet. tbe ch val e1' to In lit rature-;-t\l.ey'd 1leoln overilrawn. ' It -WaR ,pl~~ . the 11(10 , r; ' ,tll'U,sb ' •.''Fe . r' ex , -'ali111Ie-, one 90,. 1,4, a. nd drear,t" d ... I ", . \ 1 Good ' Manners ' a Requlaite • •,e .. an oner' his.. ThllnkS6 ~v n& 'e ven. ngj' .~ · ( ,pn~sed .s ' A brilliant mtnd, ' the pO. B8es~'on of Than you ev\!r drenmc'd {)9SSible decoratirll ,'.: ,.' • I' • . tQI.'/loiIs ,;:est'.aurant. l 'sa\\> a )IttJe ui'. . ~ ~hlna"bumt,wood, ineta'; pillow-tops, ·etc.. .. . t t ' • ullIlISUaL" talents anO worldly succell8 b,e desired,. but not"log will Olie\llllletl Dare! chill slana ~g' . be are tlte"area. Ifhrough are aUill colors from photogrllph.'!. Men suoteD-' no'nOlre.' ' ~1 !18t In f e th area, grll.\Jngs the kItchen. bril ~ ful as \\:omen. Learned at once: n~ talent ll'lorc:nce loolre'd . t\antty. tJ1ul)linated.~ : could ;be,. -eenl THe eompenll8te .f ot a lack, good man· required, Takes tiko"wild'6te everywhere,; ~~1I1lil!fU11l>..;~1)1lt' 't I~e ~(J.nt nc,c pt!.,,}coo,!-, . '"" i n .hie wpll~ dr ~s;~.b¥ted I"' nersj ~\Vhne possession or .good Send $tamp quick for pralioulars. , a halJ lDannen wlll (reQl,IenUy make amende (l.1L VALJ...UlVE cunANY, J::Ud>1Irt; 104. DOt! He bact clo~(!n great b~wn blr<ta,' · -, .~-.uJlbir., UlIIUUUU11: be was a; .. 'm, 1'lmmy! ' ..the urobhl. crled. and rOt' a certain tack of book knowleq ,..,tr.ttDJm _Ted . a lecbDd' ),ounpt.)r turned towBrit lalepL and world SUCCUL wbe» · b'~. ," ,
Bears the
For 'Over
'Thirty Years
00 _ _ ' -
. = t._ .,,.,,,,,,.,,,.,_IH_,,,.,.,,.
'3.00 '3.150& '4.00 SHOES
~t:r; ,,-, _w
Hmerican Seatin
~ ..
Schools, Churches a~d Theaters t~!."- ~.~
RitLand .Costly Furs
Don't Persecute your Bowels
to .
----'0......... ..•..••••• .......•.....• . .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::: . . .,...... ....... .. .... .. ................... ' .•.....•.•...•.. ','... '.' ..•.. ..........' .........':.:..' :.:.:.;. ':.:.:.:.:
" '• .:••••••••••• • • • " • • • , •., ••••.••••••• • • • • . " 1'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .: ••• .:.: . ••• .:. . :.:.:.:{... : ••• 1: :.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.: ' • .:. .. . ..." •••••••••••••• ................................................................................. :••• •••:••• ••• j ••••••••••••• ", •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ~•••••••.••••••••••••••• ~ "
~:~:~ :.:
Y am ag there stood t1 forest, Long' longyea.rsintime primeval; F I' st its tre so stat ly. .'. For .~ with its iigh and lowl ands. ::= tr ' mletS flowed throughout its astnees, ::; Flowing north. south. (,aBt and westward, :.; N ou ' hi' th m' I' h · :.:i.. the O 'er \ts pebbly be .it rippl ed, MUl'llmring noles of joy ::md adness, ty ·(Fh I' s ....., f l ' b ::: .,. ng songs (1n,,~ of 0 c ru: Ie eau . Iighing ::: tender welcome . ::: To t he bison aDd th r ein de r .:. ' To lohe beasts of all th f orest; :.; . Iu II abY!l 0 f sw etn ess ': :":. •S'Illgmg To thl! finn y tt'ibe wi thin it. •.', Thro' the forest roam d th~ panther. .'. Ro ed I b Ii dedI d , .:. Roamed t.he antelope and cougar. wng !ong years there stood the forest, .'. Stood there in maj estic sp lendor, .'. Stood there in the sto rm a nd sunshine, :~: Stood, defying Time and Nature ::: (n its solitude and beauty, •:. ::. Soon tre red man. roaming west-Nard. :.: Ro.a ming towards the glowings unsf't :.:.:. Camn upon its wonted s illn ss :~:. T~ere he pitched nis tent and wigwam .', Made from fir an f bark of c dar .'. That he gathered from the wood land. Gathered from the fringe of forE'st.
1 'h· '" ' . e.lr L ast · Chflstmas
:.~,:. 'Nou~1 hi~~ grl:~~V'~)~~df:~d~
~~~ Ro:~ed ~h: bi~~na~ndSrh!\eind~~:,r l:. ~.
'.. ~~?d ~~~~~~~~e~n~~~~o~~h~~~f:wam
::: ::: ::: ::: ••• :.::• •::: ::: '.' ::: ::: ::: :,,:,:
While the forest, stern and st urdy Looked with awn a t its invasion. But the r ed man stern and silent , ;ame not bent on its destruction. Rather he would roam the woodland, Roam t he forest and the upland With his bow and flinted a rrows. With his tomahawk and hatchet, Hunting for the dl)e and reindeer For the antelope and bison For muskrat and the otter .
Years had flown since first the red man Planted fvot in virg in Since he came, and saw, and conquered All the beasts that roamed the Woodland. As he went the forest fires Causfd dcstruction of the monarchs Of the upland and the lowland Of the glades with vines o'erhanging. While' the streams no Ion . ger gurgled Welcome notes to thirsty leopard. No TIlore echoes ot the red man .
:.:.: ','
•: ::: ::;
~;~ ~~~~te8O~~~~'~f ~: ;~:~d,
By M, W.
~A 'n, ~I.
Fill d th air with sweet perf um , All 1Il(:' lunds 'ap '''; h(~d be n clotted "'lith the c in. of lht;! paleface. S on th . lall I \ ithin the f orest Wh 'I'e \tuu l'I lurT:ed t h . deel' a nd bison, Wh ' 1" !tad 'I'U dl~d tl . waiting leopard, , h 'I't;! III ~IHIl ,'_ With vlIles o'erltang ing Ie IJ l LI.,e IHlIhII1 '1' al II 1 IIle CQugar . Bur d It:; I.JINII Il to I he ki. ~ 3 or the s un ill all it!'> beauty. Whi le th' oil in'all its ri chne s Yield ed fort h abundant harvest. hell th· all t u Illll I·av~ were tUrf ingI{cd and guldc ll in tl] e sll nl< hin , And tht' :·mll,kc hUllg o'er the vul!cy l it tIll' qui t l \Ut ullln stll ines.'l. , \J h'n lh ' harv "t had u en I!a rnel'ed Fro nt th e "all ty and lite luwla nd, And the brc(!:l s from the upland Hrt)u~rht til(' perful11 , from the III adows. Wlwll t'l' IWl'lh wintl'" 'hill y \Vl1t·,.. per . '1',,1(\ f willt e". Oil it.. jtlul'Ilev 1-'1' III th~ old: till frozP Il Iloj·thland T(jward~ till' land o f pl'a~'1' and ~ullshine ' ''' hen th t' wiltl dUl'k. aw l lit€' wild goos~ H ·ad·rj fIJI' lit >'Ulln.' :lo u : hland .
From that pale face in the f orest ' She had dreamed of lonely cabin In the forest by the stream\<'It, 'th*:~e~h\sl!-w hir lover I~ i\ting I nhl dan In Pha e moon Ig 1l: . n er teams s e saw t h e b UI ld tng Of the cabin in the fOrt'st. Of the cabin by t he streamlet·. Of. the clearing of the woodland. Of the waving grain and meadow And she listened while the echoes' Of her dreams were softly whisperinl', "He is waiting. calmly waiting FWoar"tt!'te hie leflt bebbinu him; mg lOIS one y ca tn. ~hY tth e streamthlet in tk~e forelst," e 00 saw e smo 109 to {en . 0Afdthhe firhe from ~~stedrll ~orest, n er eart rejOice wilhin het That she soon should join he r pale f'lce. Many too had read the nleSS8ge From the !and where glowing sunset, Kissed the forests and the meadows
tlll;1 ..lI.J 1'ht'll tt wa" chat in thf' ca hin Of t h pale fa..:!:! allti sw ethcal'l lim 'a s ve 'L and dimIJled Thu !' hn I Ll endl'd I,)\'c and dl'tue, V\' f'dc1ecl Im'l . <;11 I' ll rl! a nd hil ly. Lon:':< t el c1C'l'. sw et. uTlRelli>h. Ag-ony harl.b\.'t' ll 'iol'golt n. A" th pre:!'Cd the kiss oC welc me n tlt t! dimpled l'h ·t!k of Ill'stborn ' E:vcry f t.? ar that had been hauhting, Ev 'l'y l'vil t h uL [oreilh,ldow>d. Every '~al' a lllI panR' that startled, All hacl vanished, wilh the co miilg Of the bab in fore t cl\bin . Years bave.fl own ~i nce fint the forest the keen -t1g of the ax s, Of th e pa e fa" from the eastw81'd, 1"rom the land nf gulden unrise: And w\t(:re a ll was d nse with forest Now sm iled waving grain and meao:1ows FaJ' to ea·tward, fat' to westward Ii'ar to northward, fa r ro southwa~d, t?e un-ki ed fer t il e lanel cape.
~:: ~::~::~ ~:::c~:;e~:::~:~
Smiles, and greetings, to the old folks Who liad longed. and yearned .and waited, Waited fo r the last hom~-cominll' In their dreamQ the faithful watc"hdog Whined a welcome to those playmates 4 . Who 10.ng years ago had left hl'm'" Loft with his white haired In theIr dream, they Jived all over All t he Yf'ars now left behind them All the autumns and the wl'nters ' All t Ile sprIngtimes and the summers. •
And which shaded them from sunlight Was reduced to prostrate timbers ' Which in turn wer naught · but ash s. But the fires that had consumed them, 1 I't tb e!l ky f ar m . t 0 rRpace Id all , While tile smoke was floated astward, Far,.to wher e it kissed the ocean, This Wh wl1s dIsignal fol' the pal e face . 0 sa ong had watC'hed and waited For some token from the westward, While the signal was still fl oating Eastward to the other pale face. Fields were cleared and g rain was waving Softly in the western sunlight, Gently in the western breezeM. Saon were others treking we3tw<lrd Towards the pale face who had conquered Fore~t with its mllSllivQ timber!;. Foreat with its flowing streaml ets Far to eastward where l h ' sunrise Kissed the woodlands and thr ocean. Kissed t he uplands an U') the r 'l lel'S. issed the hills and waving meadows, as that sweetheart waitin g , watching For some message f rom the we!ltward. She had waited without mu~ur.
s~nset, oce~n,
* So~m
~~~::: ¥ht~tt~~~~~i:c~dno~~ ~'::~h~~ber, Builded hut, safe and securely,
::: . CloSEi beside the flowing streamlet. ::: Antelope and bear an.d bison. ::: On their trail to flowing river, ::: Where their thirst they daily slackened, . ::: Viewed with wonder and amazement, ::: Vabin builded by the.streamlet. . ::: Soon the thickly covered woodlandt- . ~:~ Thro' which ~oe and reindeer wanaered"
BEnE I S TO I!: PROO• A eafle I. recnr,h,t1Ir1 AlbaoYt N. Y./ of • ",tlnuUl ",btl ... It Kh" WI" Dreak ulf down by Rift! IUlI\ WitH doomed to the ,..".. k alld I ..cblc ('un,lIl1ol1 til oltl r,eIJPlc. IIhe IlI,d uo .lTCnuth Oriel tbe allah ... t CK· erlln" tIred h e r, but \'J~OL mad" h e r ....eU .rld ItroDIf •• ud Ibe lIalel that Ihe tccll Ic n yoar. y o unser tban Ibe did bet,,", , ..kin. VINOL•
We ask every aged person in this neighborhood to try a bottle of VINOL with the understanding that we will return their money if it does not prove beneficial.
x~lrtsb~a~~n~~~t;v~~:U~: ,~~111:!:.
()ouK'" and Oolcli. Where It touched with soft caresses ::: Locks the:t' 0l'!ce were dark as midnlaht. ::: C WHEN DER N Once agal." .d ld watch dog waken ::: • • SO, M. D From t~elr sluf!1ber, ~we.et and peaceful, ::: Waynesville; Ohtu• As b~ die! ~>nce In their dreaming, .•• By h.ls and bark of welcome. ::: MU~lIc of slelgh·bells approaching ::: Valley Pbon"'l53 Main Streft Floated softly. on the breezes' .'. ""'!!!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ the pale faceo and his sweetheart BARNHART, ~oked out .thr: '.the curtained window, • They commg, coming, coming, Nota.ry Public JU!\t as In our dream we saw them .'. Com!ng for their last hQrne Xmas: ::: . Commg for their last home comIng" ~.:~ AJl kluds Of Notary Work. PeDlIi\ln Soon were opened wide tke portals: '.' Work 110 ~pecltl1t,. ' Of that mansion by the strpamlet ' :-: W~i\~ the ehildren crowded round them. . :!: Wls.hmg sweet Xmas greetings. Whrte hatr ~vith the 'fold cbmingled, ::: Good Nothlnc but the 1;. . . As .thet ,kIssed tbelr children's children ::: ' TWhhll.e t e watch dog whined his welcome' ::: o • IS ne'er forgotten play'm&tes. . ' ::: DR. J, W. MILLER, 'N~ ghboJlI too, began t~ gather. ::: Gathered, t<> extend their greetings ::: ••. OENTIST,.\ To ~he old ~olks, who had waited, ::: FW8~tedh ' wh~tl~ th~ir sun was "inking, ::: or t e c Ildren s last home coming ::: Olftce In . Waynesville. 0 For their last home Xmas: ••. N .. A)I day 10!1g. the JOYS and g1'¥t1ngs, ,- " -their home to overflowmg, '.' \V.hlle the gold and silver mingled, :l:.· •. , . I . KYlsed by rays of Xmas sunlight ' .:• In t.he eVl'ning. ere the ~un set, . ::: , T"II . oaIlAT••' '. While they clue,tered . 'round the fireplace, :.: ~,l l 'rDICAL ' , That wa~ shed<ftng ra,vs of brightness .:. 1JU:..a·I N AI" J:4\; Ray! of warm and genial. c o m f o r t ' ;:r.;: ' III TMII WORLD upon RI ouhndhabout b those seated ' PUIII.JSBJ!l) WEl!lLY. $4.00' PEl 'f!AI ;. n t e orne, aside the streamlet .•• . Wooing sihmce for the moment, ::: MOUI.., DItUOciiiii, ePIIOIAI.I.T8. Then it was, when aged Pale face . '.:i.: OO.• TUM a .. e; ... OA,. his sweetheart spoke together" ~Chl!le t,he sons and daugbte1'8listenea .::.: SAMPLE CABy FR'E'E' • I dren, you have made us happy Add..... IItIW 1"ORK '' "'.';Ccu -·a.. . By this joyous Xmas 'coming, . ' .. rr You have filled our souls with comfol!t, ::: .'. -: II. . vcittl..... y. By your sweet arid happy gre stings :.: YTou have rounded OUt our journey," :'.:: Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalva Good fo .. ·aI •.Skln DI.......· I' hat will end tonight a~ sunset. We have dreamed, that as the sun seta ::: Oh this day of festivejladness ' That'our spirits, woul ~ke aitswer ' ::: MOf' To the roll call of. the master ::: ALTEB . BB, And we waited, calmly waited, ::: For that summons, now so near us ::: Funeral T.hat wouldlElad us o'edhe river, •.' . . There to dwell in peace forever. ::: YOI,l have c~eer~ uson our jo~rney, ::: , ·T elephone . day 01' 01811•• Dow{l the bdl 'ofhfe together. ~:~ Va.llei phoQe No f. r~ ~ou hatvhe lltghtenedfmany bu:rdens, :.::. rn.ynoe No. 69-9,.. :' . . "rom . e s orms ·() many wmters; .'. . '. Ah! we see the sun is setting, ::: Far beyond thj3 ~estemocean, .:. WAYNESVILLID • , .. And we hear the Master calling . ::: ...., .. , . '..
l ; - E. v.
:~. ImEBLUD'1 ElILE EYE IALli fo..
~ ::-:'.:::~T":::~c,.~.~::~::."~:
:~: !!"!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]!!!!~!!!!!!!
. ::: '.'
This does not
includ~. those (hundreds for !J88Is. , .
~~.bave been taken in cities,such as
is being taken in CtnClnnati, .Col~ml)Qs·I Toled.o , Canten, Steubenvtlle ~d Cl~v~lalld. result of ·State. call tak.e n 100,000; ' ''~:by the ~ Groas Chnstmas town~ 80,~, ~ro~! 50,~,. ChtlhSeatS. 10 every town in the State, 825 eothe 20,000, Fremont, 29,000, fr.I~scltle8. and towna have responded. l. eld• 10,000. and the l'emammg Every County baa BOme town that is towna eorresponding amounts. , ....Uq Red CI'OII8 Christmas~.. Letten have been aeilt to everY to t1Ml PNMllt and Active
tb. • •le of Red Cr08S Seals.
_. ~
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Sp~eld h~
brt~ requ_
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w~ thlbk~8
1»'1 the Ohio.
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o~c:e,'~eJ1lb~~ ~~ '
I " 'Ends win'tet,,'Troubies :. If",., af8-ilS' good-•• . ' Let every on~ 'see to i.t that every , ,To ~aDY. winter II.a .eason ,. 4'r~ ~~'~ ..'~rao'mor.,p'~~"de. ~.iece of mail.tha~ is se~~ ~ut ~et~een .'rouble, I Thl? frOlIC bi&~~. to~ . and . ~ , , ~ - • L . , •. .'. now and Chnatmas bears a Red Cross 11lngerlJ o~ap~ , babet. and ·)tpe. j Ibn baa no patt"uoe wU. a ....,. "' . ' . womb ...11. -Eve,~ PeuW ialsed :trom t\lis sale fl! ~'!)l'e Buokleil ' • . A1'DI~ ~iil.ve.l ~ P,tUent ....tIl balQ' m... . gQes toward. the' 4.e velopment ~f the. :A trial ~OIlY{~cea, Or,aceet bealer ". • ~. . -'. work "hichwUl~bring aid -and com- .,Qf BQtn@', Bolle. Pile., O~Mj ~o~J . " . Trr It, ,." n ' a f~rt and~...a anhl1-'!Tadll. ~prat~. Ooly,' 150.... f 1I\oW'" .or, ~~~tlii~jY:r:!: K~ health . I to thousand ....• . !"~dmC& . ·re tiC .... Le~ 98 all QI8 aealaW ·Address S. ~. , 'I • - Ii . , or a ...D Mather.. Cleveland. Bow ODe mflllD _pilei .....
.YOu?~ Sea~. :..
~e 18.ooo,oool~""ih tbeatat.eo~ ~blo"
baft.,...,.t tbrouahouttbe ..., ~
~-...Y.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:·:·l·;·:,;·;·:·:·;·;·;·:·:·:·j·:·:·:·:·;·:·:"· ·:·i·:·;·;·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·;·:·;·:·:·;·:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:, ',. :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:'z·;·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:.:·:·:·:·:-:.~;:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: '.:.:->:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:':':(.:o):«">:.:~~:,~:: •
.Bury us, where stood~thecabin,' On lhe upland, tiear'the streamlet, . So, that'we may hear.it murmur BlessingS, ,for reward of duqr: And mey &ankinfo tbat;sleepIdK, That awakens the mo'mimi' ':, In that sphere. where all is gladness, Waitipg for. the ~t:.·~ome' . ~iriin(. ' ,.
f t h t iny &rms about them. While t h golden locks of chih;1hond, Mingled wi th the ones of silver. . . In t heil' d ream , n '.e sons and .daughters Had t'et urn e:J, and bringing ,w ith them, Golden uri d and happy children, . Brlnginll . pear.e and joy in' plentY. They had cdme to sca~ter flowers, "
~_at_lo":,"D&l~B_IUlk~ B-:I,~.:..,:",'~~.....".~=~_ -~--
o~~: ~~~~: ~~~~dth~i~·~tu'h~ij:.h~~;~~ne. .)~~;e~~I~~hlid~;~.~ea;'»~ ti::e;~u A.s he blessed me and'my sweetheart'
III t il it'dl' am Lhey felt t he love clasp
.And the winter snows had va.nished From the upland and the woodland, When the violets were peeping Thro' the velvet covered landscape, And the song birds were returnin't' From their homes in sunny southland. When the trees in leafy splendor, , Cast their shadows on the water, While the locust and the cedar
~ .~
h~ld beyrm~
~i:\~~~~ ~~~,~~ f~u~~i;u~a~e;~~.
b~'epzes, loc~~.
::: :::
At advanced age the organs act more slow ly than in youth. Circu. 1.160n becomes poor, blood thin and watery, appetite fitful, nnd digestion weak. This condition leaves the system open to disease such as Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Pneumonia, Rheunlatism, etc. , VINOL is the · greatest health creator and body builder we know of for old people, as it supplies the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissue and replace weakness with strength.
When the autumn lay withered ::: On tb hill ide, in the ~n~ the pe~ume . from the meadows, ::: J. F.. JANNEY, Druggist Wl:!hrlShed WIth the dying autumn •...=:: !!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!~!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!! en ~he ~ong birds too, had vahlshed To t heIr \vmter homes in "outhland' .:. Wh en t he.north wind, with its flakes ::: T Id of wmter fast approaching • Undertaker and Embalmer 'r~ey wer~ counting all the suns~ts Till th,,: Xmas joys o'ertook them ::: Will be found in the oUI For·th":lr drea m had surely told them :;: Bank Building, oPpolhlt Of the JOYOUs, sweet home coming. ::: the Niltion~l Bank. Te~ephone in honse and ot, SAIS the sun, on Xmas morning ::: owly rose o'er eastern ocean' ::: fioe where J can be 0&11811 day or night• Slow d!y rose o'er hill and mountain, ~:l IOn tng blended rays so swiftly .:. Valley 'l'hone 1. .2. To the western hills, and landscape, ::: Wayneaville. Ohio To th~ home beside the streamlet. ::: Main Street, Stealing softly thro' the window '.':•: Fearful, Ie tits kis.q should wake~ ,'. Agpd pale face arid his. sweetheart ::: Who were dreal!ling of the coming. ::: Dr. Beil's.Pi ne-T ar-Honey
:i: ~k
.:. .•.:;.: .:•..:
'.' :::
~~~ ~~~I~~du~I~:~:~~~Yo~~~~ing
Caused ,the red man's heart to tremble, Red and golden in the sunshine, Town. a nd villages lay peaceful ::: . All had gape, and from its vastness; ' As the grapes were growinsr purple O' er th land where once was forest :'. Nothin,; echoed but its stillness . In the quiet summer stillness, Whil e th cit ies, teeming thoupands • ::: But those ech0ef4 had been fl6atin~ And the grass lay seared and withered Spoke of land of bountp,ous richness' On the breezes far to eastward, Quietly upon the hillside, Line. ·of belted steel had tl'av rsed ' .!:: Far to where the sun was rising. There had gathered in the twiligat. All the land from ea t to westward :.: Far to where it kissed the ocean, Bands of pale face from the eastward. Carl'ying o'er tu we tern ocean, ' ::: Causing pale-facl!twho had listened Men and maidens.there had ~athered ommel'ce of the land'~ production ;:: ~o echoes.from the foreSt For the journey towards the sunset, Where the cabins oncf' had nestled . " ~ . To the echoes from the streamlets For the journey towards the forest, N ear the f"'rest covered, upland ::: , To those echoei110ng since silenced: Far to where the sun arid ocean ' Now stood ivy cov red .::: Causing pale faeed ones to follow Met and blended like the colors, Stately homes of eastern pale facf'. those·echoes that had told them Red and white within the rosebud. Sons and daughte rs, too had blessed them ::: Of the vi~n lands to westward, Long ere feathered songsters scattered Blessed the pale face anti his sweetheart , ::: Far towardi the gclderl sunset, To theJr homES in sunny southland, Who hari braved the forest's dangers ::: Far towards the western ean. Long ere autumn leaves had fallen In his cabin by the str eamlet. . ~; . .~ . In the forest and the woodland, As they sat in waning ~wilight ::: Years had flown since first the pale face, Long ere winter snows had whitened N"e'ar ffie streamlet, neal' where cabin ' ::: He&rii thOse echoes from the breezes All the forest and the landscape, Nes.t1ed in the ' f ringe of forest, ::: That bad borne' them from the westward. Long ere frost had stemmed the rivers While the breezes wafted to them ::: .Telling them of virgin landscapes . That flowed north. sOuth, east anp westward, Perfume fro~ tl)e clover*:d meadow~, :~ Rich in soil ,nd precious metals , Came that b9.lld of men and maidens. They were thtnktng. musl!1g, dreammg. ::. ' Onceqain was ufland wooded Treking slowly towards the westward. As t.hey watched the evemng embers ::: From th~ seeds 0 virgin forest. . Slowly towards the w~tem sunset. F~dlng as t he shado;vs ~athered _ ::: While the streams 'once m9re made music Towards the cabin of the pale face. 0 er the land~ca~e and .he valley. ::i For the ~kled beauties in them He had waited, calmly waited Tohey were tnmkmg of t he winters, ~: , Once apIn the dOe and reindeer For some me&.'"8ge from the eastward, :f the. sun mers'and t~e aut.um~s , ::: Sought the Shade of wooded u,land, For some token that his kindred Of their ha.ppy youth m ::: Once' again the panther's echo Had begun their journey westward. And tlWY listened t o the whl'lpers ::: Caused the antelope to tremble. And he li"tened while the music Of th e as they gt'lltly ';:: 0111:8 again the feathered songsters Of the echoes' echo floated Toyed wlth now with silver. I,::: . Caused the air to tremble softly. Back to ~bin near the forest. They were I~UStn&' on theIr Journey .. i:i Wbil,e th~ ec~oes floated swiftly To his ho~e upon the upland. Do\, ~ the ~I\l of hfe to~ether, •:. BaCk to e~tward. to the paleface. By the streamlet he was sitting, VV: hel e their lov. nd virtue blended .,.,,-/ ::: , When the winter's snow had vanished When the evening breezes whispered ~Ike the colors 111 the roseb 'ld. 1 r :.: From the upland and the woodland Of the coming of his sweetheart, . Ph .y mu d .upon the . ,:~ And the streams again were singi~ Of the coming of his kinlired. AAs !ts lasktlb'~YS Iuhsed t;-e hilltops, ~: . Songs; rejoicinAr at their freedom, By the.moon's ,paJe \i~ht he ~wthem S It san ~n at t he waters, :::. Caine the pale face from the eastward. Treking slowly to his cabin \ Far the west,:rn Lithe of limb, and strong of sinew, Treking virgin pathway" had lik ened their last Journey ' Face so fair sa any maiden, Thro' his tears he bade them welcome, 10 the J$'old en. western sunset, ::: ,. !!e had· folloWed back·the echoes Welcome to his little cabin, R~b.ere.lt ank serene and peaceful, ::: £'l'Om the eaatward to the westward, WhUe unto his weeping sweetheart, , 1 IIlg ~n m r pe~'fect bea~ty. . Where the' land was rich in forests, This is 'what' lie softly whispered. rhey were d t' all1 Jng of their chIldren, Rich in soil and precious metals, "I have waited. calmly waited. andldaughters. now far scattered ::: He had come home to build him, For my bride, my little sweetheart, 0 el', the and fro m north to southward. ~ In the forest, on the upland. . Waited by the lonely cllbin, S(ome to e~stward. ~ome to westward. :•• . Neal' the stream, that he might hear it Waited by the flowing streamlet; Yeal'S har. paB'ed smc.e all had gathered ::: Murmur softly, name of sweetheart. When the moon hung o'er the landscape, Round the JOYOUS fam Ily ::: . AU the forest bade him welcome When the mist was on the river, Round happy bom e at Christmas,) ~~ We.leome to its ~ome of :astness, When the birds were singing echl)e~ And th et: heart ' were sad and lonely .'. To l,ts homfl of birch and.fir tree, Of my dreams throughout the woodland As tht: teat'S coursed d .wn ·the .furrows .::: To ~ts home of shady upland;. I have waited for you, wai ted. ' Made .from ' fl t'ms of e Ig hty wmters; ::: Whlle the strea1ll~ spoke forth thetr welcome Waited for my bride,my sweetheart." 1n theIl' (11'e~m they once more wandered ::: In a soft and mellow cadenc~ Soon were tents pitched on the upland Bac~ to cabITI by the slr~amlet. . ::! the forest was resounding Soon were weary pilgrims !3leeping,' acl{ to ca.h lll. whel'e thel!' first born . With the stroke of axe and hammer, Dreaming of the friends far eastward Bound the)r h ves and love') completely. i~ While the monarchs of ~he forest Of the future homes in forest. ' (n tl~eit' dt' am th ey Qn~e more pillowed .:. TFhell Phrods~rl;\tledUP0ton tthheJr flacfes. Sleeping, dreaming, till the sun rose; AFClhtlll g head U1t)lo n tt~elrk~osom, ::: ,. ey. . a Yle ed epa e ace Making golden all the landscape. ~ ?Il ce I~·(~ :e . 1 Iny Isses ::: 10 h~s axe and hardened muscle, While the feathered songsters carolled EI e t.h.ey p<\ssecl to fretf ul ~Iumber: ::: 1'0 hls st.ern undaunted courage. Sweetest song!!! to give them welcome. In {heir d re 111. the ..sons and daughters ::: Soon the trees were fashioned deftly (\.yho hall 1.11 'sL thpm with their coining) :::
-= :~l~:
th~ br:ez~~runs
How Old People May Prolong Their Lives
::: Night had shrouded all the landscape :.: .::"':.:".:' ,Et'e \ the: wul Chd og wh'me d h'IS we Icome I hat awnlten d from the ir dreaming. Agt;ri pale face and his sweetheart, '.' Wh tle t hey dreamerl th d t h'" Floated softly on swee 0 Fa r to ea twal'd, fal' to westward, '.' Far to northward. far to southward :. : '.: FI a~cd swiftly to t hose children ' '.' 'Y hll were waitillg £0 1' 's nme message '.' I· rtlm ~he old folks, who were waiting :~: ~1 t.h~lI· hom e. bes id e tl1 stl·p.amlet, ;:: .. attlng. fOl' t he Xmas coming ::: That was tol<;l them in th ir dreaming. ::: Th ey had w'nted c'lmly 't d ,'. . add it e • ;:.: ~\\ s tlle.yea,:s( were in gWat numbers As t he!r I~ful' was g r owing whiter. ' ~:~ Ai' t h Ir lives grew near the sunset, .:. They h~d }rno.wn that the ir life's journey ::: Downlt!e s hIll wa!lMarly ended · ::=
~~t ~\I,;~~~ ~;!I(llh Ill~~~l~t'~:". lt i~1
Ever~' ~ody
IXT Y-FIR!:!'!' Y E 'I\ R.
10 Cents JANU~RY
4, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin ~hackara, 01 Spl'in2boro. were made happy re cently by the birth of a daugh~er
Exceeding by almost three years. the t~ree score ~d ten, allotted buman life, the subject of this J. E. Janney was in Columbus FriMiss Sybil H,awke returned to Delmemoir passed to the great beyond day on business. aware today. at the home el her sister, Mrs. Joseph Haines on the afternoon of Friday, Jesse Thomas spent the week-enli Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen spent with friend s in Columbus. Monday in Lebanon. December 23. 1910. Eliza Jane Mayers was the daughter of Oscar J. and Susan Wright. Don't fail to hear the Tyroleans John Davis, of Dayton, was on and was born'at Wllynesville, Ohio, Frid'ay night at School Hall. our streets Monday.
Lawrence Moran, of Cripple Creek, • Col., writes us that he is well,' and extended us greetings for the new year. March 24,1838. Wm. Thorpe, of Dayton. was callMiss. Ethelyn Jones returned to On March 7, 1865, IIhe was united ing on friends here Tuesday. her school duties at Oxford Monday. Mrs. H. F. Presnall, nee Lydia in marriage to John J. Mayers. To Edwards, of Fairmount, Ind,sends ill this union five children were born; The Swiss Yodlers will please you. Mrs. J . D. Marlatt and daughter, her subscription after a long timf' four daughters and one son. Susan Helen, were in Xenia Tuesday. Hear them Friday night at School without the Gazette, and says she V. Nelson, of Nampa. Idaho; Lida Hall. must have it, K~ Sawin, of Waynesville; Horace F. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke arid famMi'S!! Florence Wilson, of Greenfield, and Mariana Mayers, of Dayton, 0., ily were Dayton v.isitoraSunday. , Ohio, was the guest of friends here The little daughter of Mr. and and Margaret W. Mayers deceased. . Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell, of last week. Mrs. Jamea Zell, of Yellow Springs, For man~ years a widow, she d~ Day ton, were guests of rela~ives het'e was made happy thi81ast .christmas voted her l~f~ to her home ~~d chlllast week. by the gift of a beautiful pony and dren, and. In both capaCltles she outfit. She is extremely proud of it. served dutIfully. . W. G. Sides, of Dayton, visited The eldest , of a large famIly of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saml children. and early depl'ived of Sides Monday. In a letter received from Saylor a mother',g ·love and guidance, she Park, Ohio, we noticed the name of shared with her grandmother the repjano-To sell or rent. Suitable J. O. Falkinburg, our esteemed sponsibilities aDd cares of the home. for parlor, lodge or school room. Informer fellow townsman, as clerk of Religiously, she was an adherent of quire at this office. that place. Saylor Park was for "The New Church" ISwedenborgian) Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades and merly Home City, near Cincinnati. the church services for quite a while being held at her home in Dayton. daughter spent the holidays with rel- week, One of the best Christm8!l presents ,1888~ 1910-Hetwe~n these two atives ill Lebanon. that feU to our lot was some arrape lads of bIrth and death, are the leaves Smith and 'd . , b W of a long and useful life. She waS Mr. and Mrs. T. Jeff . . , ' f rult an orangeS sent to us . y . m. a WI'd eread er.acose 1 b . d daughter "Grace were Xema VISltol"S 0 server. an Bes t • 0f De Ian. d Fl a. Tb ey were h htf 1 d d' Ad 'tb h • Satul'day'and Sunday. ,ISCUSSt:: WI er . delicious. Mr. Best sent several t ~ug u,;an Mr. and Mrs. J O. Hawke and boxes to relatives and friends here fnends . tOPICS past and present to ~d were dEdighted with ·thei; their entertainment and enlighten· daughter, Clara, were Dayton visimE'nt. ' present \ . '. .~An ~xemplary wife and mother, ft\EN'S MEETINO a constant friend, a forceful charac· tel', she lived well. li'ollowing ;8 the program for the men's "meeting at the Christian 'I long tor household ,voices gone. For vanished smiles I long. . church next Sunday night: '1 p. m. to ' 7:15, the orders will But God hath led my dear ones on, Mrs. Eva Jones and daullhter m.rcb ipto 'the church and occupy And he ~an. do no wrong. Ml!lS Ethelyn spent a couple of days reserved seats. SOng, "Coronati0il'," I know not wh"re his islands lift by, the audience, i~~oeation. song by Their fro!lded pahn~ in air; tbe chorus, greetings,;by the pastor, (only know I cannot drift IQlp, LuCY Emley, responses from . Bey,ond his love and care." visiting Clrders, Grand Army, Masons, • __ •--Odd . ~el1dws, Knights , of }lythias, DEATHS =- --ru-hiors. Woodmen and others if pres· -, Messrs' Carl Hawke, Herbert Ed. t'nt;'violill ~lo, by Grace Carman, Mrs. Mary E. Prater, wife of Mr. wards and George Wate),'bouse at'offertory, cornet solo. by F. H. Farr, lIenry Prater, died Monday morning tended ~ New Year's ~ve dance in 80Pgj by chorus, address...py the pas· at 7:30 o'clock at her late horne on Lebanon. :: , tOf" "The N~w Man, W~o He is and :he XenIa pike She has been,,n poor , What we Owe Him." Song y ' he health a number of years, and was al- Lawr-ence Sh'erwood, after a pleasaudi~nce, beri~iction. ways a patient sufferer•• The funer- ant weElk s visit :",ith relatives and al will be held today at 1:30 p. m. at friends here returned to Cleveland , C~NNINO 'CO: ~LetT OFFICERS the resid'ence. fnterment in Miaini Tuesday morning. . . f h Cemetery. :At .tbe annul\! 'meetmg . 0 t e · ---The 'Guilq St, MallY's church, Wayn,-viHe Canqing Company , tl)e . Chas. F. Ada,ms, you'ngest SOD of, -which was to meet Thursday atofficers ele¢t~ ~re as follows! J. C·the late Dt, Thomas Ad ..nls, died in ternoon atl the ~ectory., bas been Wilson, preb.; ROy frons, vice-pres.; Topeka, Kan. Saturday (light. aftel' postp~n'ed until further notice. J: F ~nook, aeere~ and treB;8urer; a long iIll}ess. Tle.' remains will dlrecto.", t~e ~me as last year•. ' reach this plac~ this, ' Wednesday The Clmmng Com~ny extend~.to morning' at '9:07 and will be taken to .Mr. J •. F',Snook ••tbelr ~.anager, ~t8, mortu.~ cbapel, ~here 'a 8ho~t ser. ~precl~on OnU8 8e"ICes. by , tn-, vice WiU'be h ..ld. Interment in Mic~ng his salary ~nd extended to ami cemetery. . hbn tbeh:: thanks for ' the successfUl I • • • • ,maDagement of the ~!lmpan;y'8 bUli- ' A DEJ.IOHTFUL SU.RPKISE
e- -
- - - -. -
I .I--Social - - Events ----- - -. ..
Mr. and Mr~. W. Aile', ate New Year's d:nner wi th Mi ~ses Emma and Letitia McKay.
The Dancing Club heln one of tht'lr pl easant dances l<'mJay eveni nll'.• A good crowd was pre<;ellt.
Mr. and Mr8. A. Maffit gave their annual New Yt:ar's dillner Sunday. Mil'S Emma Hf:li6hway and MIlton Thompson were tbe forlUnate gU~f;t, ; . Mr. and Mrs. Gell , HlartSllci< ente: · at Ii New Year's, dinner. Mr.:i. Euphemia Hough. Miss Irma Hougll, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Hartsock alld little daugh·.er and Miss El6ie Harlsock. tain~
, Following their usual custom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 11!Il, Mrs. Eva Jon('R are in and Miss Ethlyn JoneSl'pent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. E , Janney enter-
Mr. and Mrs. Oharles CornAll entertained SaturQay 'evening Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornel1 and daughtera, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Cor. nell.and family ·and Mr. and , M~. W. E. Cornell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Erperick. Mr~
" i .-· .. '
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eulasa, Miss Mabel Eulass, Mrs. Wall~c~ Tibbals. Mrs. Georlle Riley, Horace Stokes and eon James and Mrs. Maurice Sjl. v'e r and IOn Lyman were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. StOkes, of Grand Ave. Dayton, on New Yean Day. Horace : Stokes and , family leave this week for Florida.to spend the winter, and in a few days will be
The Miami Gaz ette
D. l. CRANE .
WAY T!$VTT .t.'E,
The, ~ible in Mod ern 'Edu catio n
Fixed Standar ds and Prices Mc:ln A cen sus of the Dominion ot .Ca nada Lock-S tep-Far mers Do Not Want Every ISQue of a newspa per wbleh will be mnde during 19H. U \\'JU Cheap Sch,?ol System . tries to re ord the most Importa nt ,how that during the past decade a P THE Bible spl'lngs from events ot tbe dar seems to be on Its , remar.s Marlon, Ind.the deep wells of human place, .hle d evelopm ent has taltel!. The ' Importn nt BUbface an Indictment of tbe human ra ~e and, whe.n compar ed with the .\V experie nce, It Is but Inev· ject ot uniform school text books II • and mod ern cl\'lIlzation. Stories of populaUQD, a sreater p rcentag e of In· " ltable that discuss It ed wlll In the current Issue of The again crease In industr ies of all klndB lTood, oppre8t;lon, wrongs and crlmo ' thaD tou h th e s prlnHs of life haa Teache rs' Journal , one of the loadl.ng • ever been shown by any country . often takc Uf most of the J'~ In \Is and produce experien ce. educati onal publlcaU ons ot the coun· Tb column s. Tt.o effect upon the reader e great probf3nlS of humun life aro Oomme rce, mJnlng, agricult ure and try . The papcr takes un empha,tJ.c perennl Is Bomctim es to ,m ake him think, tor ul. Tho forms In which Utey railway s have made a steady marcb onward . The .tand against uniform ity on tho appear lllay dlfTer trom the momen t at least, that tllo world age to age; slderab ly over populat ion w!ll be on8,000,000. Thousa nd. CTound that fixed standar but no maUer how much th e ex PI' s· ds !llld Is growing more hard 804 eruel, and prices stand In tbe way of OOIlCB' slous may change they point to a ot rplles of railway lines have been. ·tha t Boc\ety , as It Is constitu ted, is a tlonal progres s. The Teache rs' Jour- fundam ental dcop-se ated n tid that In constru ctJon since the last census wu blluro. But sucb Ii view ts aJ1 W'("ong, som e way mus t bc met. Whcthe r we taken ten yeara Ilgo. This construc>nal says : and Ihe thougbU ul readeT Boon real· tion was made necessn ry by tl)e open"Tlw trend In <Iucatlonal thought go to ngrlculLUre, com mer e, science Ing up of tho new t\ ~ r1 izes It. The world Iti growing be tter c ulturl\l disor urt we tlnd f9w men wbo today cun· Is away frum fixed COUl'ses of tricts In Wester n an uda, In whleh all the time, and humani ty ,Is stlead1\y trlbu! ' n w element s to tho solution thero have been study nnd rIgid clnl>sificat\ on and pouring year after advanci ng trnm on~ plane of .Ire tD towarl) gr ater fro edom In e ve rything ot ~ th o eve r recllrrln g problem s. And year an Increas ing number ot onothc r. The rea,son tbere s eems that na s 10 do witb th develoliDl enl these who do, jlut the large majorit y uutll the present year wl\1 settlera , wilneRs more wtckedn ess is that the l)Cople ot or hum anity und er oblignti olls to them. .etUem ent of over 300,000, or th e Indlvldu nllty or tb u child . For the earth 'are In closer commu nication yenrs, an Immc nso amolln t of ene rgy Plioenlc lu has '1\ g enius ror commer co less than one·thlr d of tbe or a trifle Immigr ation and It r r euled to tho world the prln· wltb one another than they were only W l\!1 ,' xIMlO rieli In wo rk ing Ollt a s y t;~ to the United States durIng tem and perfecti ng m;\C hln ery by clples thnt govern It. Gro('co r tI hed period with Its !l2,OOO,OOO the samo • tew yearlj ago, saye the Clevela nd of popula.· means or Whic h t illl child was Ottcd luto tbe dnrk cha mb 1'3 0\' superstl - Uon. Even wllh tbeso hundre ~.eader. Crimes wblcb once remaIne d d. o~ to th e sYRt pm- lh Cl lock s tl'P method, lion and drcw out tli I,ey to modern thousan ds of ne wcomer s, unl:'.nown to all but a compar atively the great t;cic uce. Rome ascende d th e moun· "During t he reign o.t til(' Iden tbat majorit y of whom go upon tho Illnd, rew' ue now revealed to tbe entire aU 'hlldren In Ind iuna OIlI;I)t to be laIn Ilnd was re ward ed with a vision thel'o Is still availab le clvll~ world, {bat it may lrnow tbe room for hun· of u world olllph'o a nd tllo laws to dreds at thousan doing tb e s l1me thi ng at th same Um.e ds addition lIort of tIlen It must 'suppre ss, 'tbe, ex· III tho same W U)' , th o uniform t ' xt govern It. Th o Gorman i c people were census figures will therefo al. The re show a tent of the hann they Infllot and the book Idea s prang up. How could nil arouocd froIU th Ir ba rbaric s lumbers , great-a vast-In crenso In tbe nummanner In wblch they are dealt with. tbo chlldr n In IndIana of the s a mc nnd a world of hummin g spindles. {ly. ber of forms under occupat ion, liS weUIng locomot ives, fla s hing wires, a lS In the output Wrongs whlcb once flourish ed beag be reritlng t he same t hing at the at the fa.rtns, When Same time In th RIlDl U Wil Y unl css world bouud tog ther by arterl 9 of the figures of tho splendid l:ause they were 'bldden ope 1l0W tbe y hAd til e sp. tn e !Jooks, h nce unl· ste I and uervell at iron sprang Into Uon are added to tbe natural Immlgrr..dragged Into the light ot .day and 'ox· Incr ase, formlty . nut. sin e we have awalten · exIstenc e. Dut It \vIlS tho Hebrew the total ",,111' lurvrlse posed In All their 'meo.nne86 ,In the even the mos~ people wbo solved the great proble ms Optimls cd to th far t that the rleveloll nle nl tlo, To 'the excellen pagos of the lIlewapapel's. l'lfodern of th e ('bild Is the ccutrul purpose In of buman life. To the great Quos lion, that the western portion t growth clvU1zaUon, tbrougb 'Its most power· of Oanad. educatio n and nol UIO muinten ance or "Where did the univers e com from?" will show may Inrgely be attribut ed ful agenoy tar 'progTells, the publlo th y found an unsw r thut rushes the commer cial a partloul ar sys tem, n good deal of s.nrl Industri al growth press, . lays balle tbe bltberto bidden the elabora te , machin ery of former dOwn the ages carryln g wIth It a last. of tile eastern portion of wounds lnftloted ulton SOCiety, that systems hae been relegate d to tJle Ing satJsfac Uon to tho Intelloo tual Canada is being upbulld Cannda, AlL ed, I) eeds they my be cured !lnd their -repet1· oC humani acrAp heap- the on promin ent relic ty; It 18 the acme or transfor maUon tbere 11 and In thl. taking part remaini ng being the uoiforn;J lext all philosop hical discove ry to kuow the people from man' Uon prevent ed. No, the world Is not y countrie s, but book. It Ie true that uo cit y that pre- that "In the beginni ng" a personAl only from thos, countr\ growlng worse. Tbere Is less ·of 'pov' es that pro. tends to be progressive In Itl! work "God created Leav en and earth." erty, ' crime and sufferin g 'tban -ex, duce the strong nnd vigorou s. Aa ======;;;;........;;...;...~---------------' has Unto Final Perfecti on, much to do with the adopted lOme evidenc e of the r;rowth of the only a few 'fears ago. LIre Ie books. They are purchas d to saUsfy But there fs another questio n equal· w slern portion of Cauut! , tn agrtcuJ.. OR a ;gener-allan IHItrollOnlerll" mounta in of Enrope. The ,a.ler, more 'ProD table and more full amateu r nnd Pllotes slon~l, hav peak In the Lelbnlt:! mounta l.nsgreates t I the ,letter o( the law, but not used to .ly deep with a Iweepln g signific ance tural Industry , It Is Instruct ive to _.Dr joy, The man wltb tbe ahovel gets on till! • rwy great exte nt. which comes to us In this Corm. "Wbat point out that over 100,OOD ' homeunquest ioningly 'accepte d the moon rises to the tremen dous blore out of tt ·than did the 1Jlan wltb stateme nt ihat tbe moon was 0( '41 ,000 teet. l\{ollnt Everest height 1I "ClUes escape b)' ustog supplem en. Is this whole system tor 1" Wbere Bteads of 160 aores each have beeD , In tbe. t&ry books those tbat are m04em the two-ban ded sword ,I n ,his cuUe, a .notblng more than a burne ·o\lt fn the play and Interpla y of rorce., tranllre rred to actual settlers In the brief remove !bjldk In the Ufe of the worlt!, a. ,della -plan t, without atmos- HlmaJa yns. earth's hlgbes tpeak, and liP to 'date, the best In the mar' In the eVe\'lasting whirr of atomic com· past two year.. Th!s means 25,DOO Dnshes Its " 'ay but 29,000 feet above ket. those adapted to the needs of the blnation s and dlssoluUons, where race. phero, ·wat-er soil, ultet1tlately the level of tbe sea. These lunor ehUd In square miles 'l.t territor y,' and t}leD. and ad justed to the kinds of all the process es of frozen In 'Il ·cold more intense tban peaks haye been measur growth bBlanced when II added the 40,000 I60-llcro preed with WOD- ' work done in the schools. But In the any known 'to 1be ~ar.t:1i, and Sizzling dertul a.ccuracy, as tbe olearn S8 or country and smlllier towns teach era by the counter proccsl\es of ,decay, do emption blocks, there la an addition al Exchan gtnr; profess ors with :A.mer1· In a beat 'greater many we find the one thing in whlcb any 10,000 sQuare ,mllel!, or a total of 861times 'tban the moon's atmosp here, and the fr e- and children can Institut ions of learnin g is an In. tbe burning atmosp here are held to the adopted partie,l l"r purpose III ot Port dIscern ed,? Who '000 square miles- a territor y DS lariSaid, dom of Its surface from clouds und books, thougb some of them have will flnd Cll'eaalng practlse 8lUong educato rll the worldls most >torl!ld our answer to this perplex · B8 the fltate ot Indiana , ' and ·settled spot. The haze make the ope ration an ('asy and been In tbe schools tor almost a quar· pule disk bail 'ceased ,to=ilolll anythin g exact one with the aid of the ml- tel' ot a century and others are In- lug Question? What ,Is tbe promon-· within two years. ' Reduce d to the : abroad, For several years ,the IIiter· of Interest tor the men who sit at cromete r. terlor and not' ada.pted to our present tory whose summit shows a world produclnat capacit y imperat ive on th. . cbai\ge has been golng on between ' great eye.plec es or tbe great glllSses wot-klng out a purpose worthy of In· cultlvllt lon restrIct ion of 1)0 Acres o~ All over t1le weird face of Lllna are needs." th1a countrY .GOd German y, and some that sweep Itbe <helliven . s nightly. The Indicati ons of a w nderful "olennie finite wisdom, goodnes s nnd ·power? cult.lvs.Uou on each , 16().aore hom&Farmers Not Cheap. o( the ablest of nur teacher s have dead craters of tJte lunar :Volcanoes lleU\7ity, nnd the astrono mer" of the The Teache rs' Journal points out The Hebrew s found the answer and .tead within thr~e yel\1:" ther,e will llened In BerUn and elsewhe re, wbUe lind ' all been mBppe4 anil located time earth are wonder ing If we aro to wit· that econom 'Genna n profess ors bave done al1:iillar after lime. 'They 'Were y was the argume nt for Christ formula tes It ",hen he an· be within Go year IUld II. half from noW' ,univers ally be- ness !.be , surtnce of our nelghbl lr once , unltorm nounces and urges to a pursuit oC the upwardll of (i,OOO,OOO addition al acrea lty, and qdds: !Work , ID Americ an univers1Ues and \leved to 'bo extinct. rhe moon was again In cosmic agony. ~eat'n6 "But Is the farmer clamori ng for world goal. "Be ye pcrCect even al from this one source addt!d to flle en- ' looked upon as an exbaullt ed lleld for and crackl:l,Ii ghastly evidenc e" t a' the colleges , B&7a the Tr~y Times, N()w ·a the astrono mer. for bls cblld? Not at all. y'OUl' Father In beaven Is perfecl." tire produci ng area. of the Provl1lo e. cataclys m mOI'e' rendlng Ihnn any In. He Ischeap not pr,opl1nent businea s man of CopenobJ ctLng to the concent ra· Wlth Increasi ngly clarified ,'Islon bu- of Manitob a, Sukl\t.ehewan and ~ The great Ilstroa 1D cal socletie!l 'dlcated on the surface of tbe earth, tlon at schools , and yet that costa m!lnlty Is beginni ng to 'see tbat the berta. . bagen bjla gtY~n' $100,000 to the Scan· are not so SU1'e abouto l the moon now sbow somethi ng ot the moon's travail ~~~e~~ purpose or creation Is not to balance In 1901. at tbe time of the lut ~~8\1~ 41naYla n·Amen can SOCiety \0 pr~ 6S they were a few months ~~/e~; e f~d ea;~:.u p~ mote the Interch ange ot profess ors down on the lowar 11mb. ago. Away ' in past ages. These cracks , tiny tis· 1, Iarge per ceut of the studen,t s In Nor- world systems or to draft nnd build census ot Canad,a, luecess ful agrlcul· of tbe big Bures In the field of vi w of the blg- , mal schools betwee n AmeriCian and' Danlsll unlver- , s ilVer disk someth ing are farmers . The f rm. up institut ions: ' All these, as the Mas· ture ' In the ProvJbc es of Monlto "", Is' happeni ng. gest telescop es, cross and recross the , ers about cities nre willing to pay lbo' ter teach r ' said, are Cor man., Tne Saskatc bewan and Alberta . was all .lUes~ The 'Rbodes , scholar shIps, \Just what It Is the astrono mers do surface and z~zag along the beds ot estru tuition .that through whlcb Americ an student s ra- not know, There Is their ch ildren maf great goal of divine acUvlty through experim ent to many, There were , a: brillian t spot ' the prlp1e,:al seas. the boundle ss ages Is the develop ment skeptlcs wllo could not believe thll.t : have the advanta ' d ge of city .choo~ vl"lble to the naked eye an ce1ve tb e, be ne fit de a lance d courses almost Craggy and ITfeguJar p)'Tamld where they use the , books . ¥ I . that beat of persons capuble ot. se"elllg God's It was possible to grow thirty, forty at EnJland 'a creat univers ity of Ox. ' ominou s glowing ulcer, that seems, ~o• b rea k t he . lIuit tbelr needs Many farmers move great ends, efficient In working them Rnd even Dtty bushels of wheat to '~. monoto ny oC tll\l nlC?on s 81 Y to town to~d, ' turn.lsb another Wustl'a tion 'of be growing brlg\lter . Yea,rs;, to sec~lre better educaU onal out, and worthy of tbe artll dweller wanderl ago thl3 line, enjoym ent of acre, or that as blgh as one hundred but ntl llg adv.anta ges · for their 'c hildren, though . '. grent Hersch el stoutly maintai ned In these ancient sea and tblrly bushels' 'o f oate to the aore bls blessed ness and glory. be~s ,the lIol1darlty . ot learnin g whicb Incl· that there would be the tax rate is twice 8S high ns It t. was still yoicallie acUvlty stricken dumb with tIle utter desolaThe goal of creation Is the perre<'- could he grown. 'rhe skeptic s are notl 111 the country . So the econom , , den~lly must tend to draw nationa · on the moon's Burface . 'l'wo great tlon tbat would !,lUrround him. The theory tlon of persona lity, the perfecti on o· to be round today. The evidenc e of Is wllhout foundat ion: ~earer to one another . craters, old Pl'oculus and the great worst or the waste' places persona of the lity In Its three-fold Ilspect of the hundred s of thousan da of farmer. earth . , • Quite a bit ~ns been saJd about A:.rlstilllchus, ,!pleat holes In the bat· tbe Bad Lands, the Clay CUff" Intellec of t, feelhig and will. Sight ot Is too overwhe lming. Not only haft persoua l IIbert-y, the right of the In· , tered surfaoe of the mOOn, were polnt- western Cblna .. tb windsw y matche s .bave been known " ept IlllSS8S dlvidua l to eat what he wants, drink a great goal, ability to realize the tbe lands ot 'western ' Oanada prayeD t h 11 hI ' I f ot !.be m~Ru~awa Tlbetnn .turD out l!lea:lly, but not often. e.. mounta ins the Sa. wha.t he wanta and aR muob !\.I , b,. goal, and tlll:i actual ou , y ersc e .as examp es 0 joy connect ed tbelr worth In the matter of ratlilq ' ~ . , wrwts, no matter what the re8ulta. the ,wrath of Int rnal, pent-uTI forces bara, Death Valley Itselt, would oJl We wUh the reaLizat "hel~ avera~e CQu",e Is toward V(l'eek· . tbat ion of tbls bave goal. We all tho smaller, ,fIeld gtalna. but tor' ' bad It proclalm pd (rom tile might some ,day make the pale be fertile and greatly to be deslrmi bouseto ps that we shoUld have goy. come now to the QuestJoD dJrectly In· mixed farming , and for cattle /raisin . age and wretche dness. The vel.'~ .nQed satellite an awful objcct tn tl\e areas In compar ison w1tll the ~hhn- ernmen there 18 no better oountry 'anywhe re.t valved, "Docs the 131ble contrib o.f secrecy and fllgbt 18 general ly .i\1- heavenH. t by the ~eople, ne, s of dead volcano es set in a Mil· .rn~u, the townshi p or the unit ,beln, the ruUlllm ent of this end?" ute to The climate Is perfectl y adapted to' all'c1lcaUve at ~ a fault In the soheme the '-bere ~ar~. 'rhe mpon was ,t he subject of the 'tou-Iau region paved with cinders uod "If the principl e of ~ocal self gOY- call be no aspirati on without the these pursulta ~ 'Veil as a mJra!)l. . , aomewh ere and young girls who \11:e :first Ilstrouomlcnl 'obse rvatlons elier scOt'ln of long extinct craters. " emmen t Is 1\0 sao red t at It be vision or an end. A goal for persona l for health. The DominI on govel'nm 8ni 'WIlling to defy parenta l love and Icare made lJy mankin d. Ewen If b Id' i I h lIafegua rded tbougb It result,smust tbe red Inliteratu me~ S ou In the v s t t e moon, grallt- establJs and JOllrry by stealtb ,need feel no BUr- dian cOunted J1Is :time bment and malnteu ance of Ilsplrati on must appe.)1 not to th one :s what're, descrip tive of tll,e c6unti7 . 'by the waxil\(: all that ,are Interest ed shoulcl ' Ing part t , b 61 only, were but able to to tho !tve whole for B person. mo· sal dons In prise wben their Idols' feet tum .out and 'wanillg of the shining disk. The ment in Its wonder fu l atJlIosphere. state, why every city and town In the Here other systems of religion prove relld. Send for a oopy t o the treate.t Is It not jilst and rIght , moon of little leaves, ,of gr.een corn, lhj?Y would find som weird condJtio ns that a city or county should have t be themsel ves Incomp etent. TIley orten Oanadla n ~overnmoDt r~presentatlv..: ~o be clay, and a POOl' .vlllriety ,of that. of falllllg 'leOJv,es and the moon or xlstlug. Nothing could be seen Ul\right to choose its own text books ap1)eal to' the one elemen t In tbe per, Spito of the joke&ml~B, the cartoon · snows were his names for tbe chang. i ss tbe my!!! of the sun were fall and attend Its own local educati onal sonal life to the neglect of otber8. Uts and the wa~18h poets, marrillg e lug l)hnses ;Ol .tJle e8.l1tJt PROOF POSITIVE ' satellite . directly upon the ·surface of the obs 1& the most serious step 10 -tbe lives The Babylon ians, Ohnldea ns and Egyp. ject. ,There would be no dllTused Ught atralrs? Why 'persona l liberty' ' and They may develop the Intellec t but the 'small ' dl!stroy tho will and the affectio ns DS of men and women i1ays the Boton Uans constru ct d lhell' fll'at rud cal- ' and tbe long twiligh ts of tbe enrth of crime uolt' In the eS!-Bblls~men~ , s cel1ters, 'and the state wide In the cllse o( Gl'eclan and Roman . Post. Even tbe matl1l'4) eught . to tdv,e endal' fllom -the SWinging of the moon ' would , Idea on matters that perthtn to educa· stoIcism , or they llIay slir up feelings be . uuknow n. Whe n t.he sun B tloll U At least I)S r~eot ..ble ooIltllo'\ora. III Its sweepb lg, spJ.ral path about tb e rays faded from a penk or a roc~, pIe! and the enlight enment of the pe<> only, with no Intellec t lo dire(lt as IIi tion as tbey 'Would aIl1 other in'vest. etlrth. . that Instant the rock tbe mountal~ , "Wben tho law requirin g uniform ity the case of Grecian mystici sm or the t B . d «ifl d t • Modern ,te.1escolles have sbown tbe top would be swallowor ed up In black- was pnsBed t.bere was some' cause Cor supersULIouB pracUse s of the pagun men . oys an 11 nee 0 taiie seas and gulfs .to be great clepress ions ness. Tbe instant a membe r of tM It. But advice , on tbe mattor, not l'allroad filled wIth d.rea.ry craters, conditio ns tb(l,t may bave, to world, or they may urlTA a sort of reminis cent party stepped Into the shadow of a 'a small mensure , Justified trains to a Qulck·servlce city clerk'. of a terrible vo1can.!c acUvlly such a law, brute de termina tion without 11 PUI'. in cnse lunar crag he would be lost to vle\\'. no longer exist. office somewb ere "across the line." Thero Is poso suggcst ed by I'enson or dictated the Indica! d dls turbnnc es should de. ttcr s\lenoe would brood ovel' the Petition among the book keen colD- by the feelings . The Bible, on the compan.les, velop Into a general cataclys m the' face of the desolat e country and no enough to ' keep the price of good contrary , Is full of insplrat loD ror The many exposur es of smu~gllns \I OI' ld ' s lI!ltl'onUlD eI'8 would be glven I'l sound books at a. reMona ble rate. Under could be heard no matter how the uniform law wo bave had some every element or the persona l llfe. !by rIch women sbows B curious cast <wonderful slleelne la. Photogr aphs of loud It might be. An avalanc he, o~ good books and a good many Inferior tlnV--'1'D lR 'Ie a 'good ~f the femluln e mlud. In nearly ev· tbe moon, mado through tbe gl'eat the rolling of a roclc down r tbe mile· ones ; and that Is the conditio n DOW. Lick and others Angler -Wbat cian you . catch bereT of the world's ery Instance tbe culprit was a"'are of bIg. long wall of a luulIr crater would not '!Tbe absurdI ty of making a fixed Boy-I do~'t know, but It must be the law and that she was vlola.Ung gest glasses, sbow a terribly sca~red cnuse a sound. price on an article, every elemen t or aod battered surface . 'I'here is some. a great 'place tor fis,b, be,llallse . I i:u~", Tbe earth would loom up In the sky ",hlch changes In value sccordl ng to it; but few, It nny. regarde d the Ita- lhlng Inexl>l'e sslh ly er seen on1 of them leave It,~omto tute serIousl y and doubted even In tlIe late In a Pbot~rllPhdreal'Y nnd deso- four times grenter la size than the the law oC Aupp,ly and demand , la Cuts, of many of tbe moon ever appears to the earth',; Cllear . '" I.. to I1ny one who , e.vent of deteotlo n that It would b'!l regions to give the ot the 001l . Great craters of lovera who mnrvel at I~s size on mid· matter any attentio n.cnres Why not fix tbe price of bacon when hogs R.re..lo" applica ble to her own Inrllv:dual In, unluww n depth lie In the midst of summe lltance. !\lost women of this clas8 mOllntal'n peaks that would sta'nd or Ice r night. Its white po lar 'c,a ps snd sustain tbat price ' by leg1s1aUoD and snow would be plainly vlsl- wben bogs double In price?" hal'e ·n evel' come In contact with the slloulde r bigh above the greates t hie, Ole great dRrk oceans "WHh!n the past few years, the pealui of the Andes or-tbe Hhunlu yas. shifting !;Ioud Q,reas would und the Jaw, 'b a.vlng lived In a realm In which be con- county superin tendent s have petition their i)Wn will was sovereig n, Tbat The so-called "seas" were undoubt ed. sllicuou s on its glowing disk. '.fhe ed for a cbange In the law and lbe the beda of. primeva l ocenns In lhe sun's rays reflecte d fr,om ~ ia.'w Is no respect er of personll Iy the broatl city superin tendent s have recently long ago, but they are bare, as thb face uf the eRrtb would give a taint express ed themsel vea a8 against cer· they bave had to learn , and those who . Sahara nt pl'esont , and have possibly beat, taln cbanges In books made poBsible but neither lhe . reflecte d rays under will tal,e to themselves the losson the law. These men are ' In been so for mlliloDS of years. 'I'hey nor the direct bea.m s of the SUn hlm- close touch with the schools , al1d abould be better citizens and certaLn. ar no t nt nil at the same level, 1y' moro familial' wllh the Instltul Jont the beds at mnny of them ' seem but slllf would be able to warm the cold know · their needs. The unltorm law ' to lunar rock$ to a temperntul'f.~ ap· with fixed prlco ' on books, stands ~ of their country . hove b en twl stod" D.nd warped by proachl ng thnt of' the ,aal·th. the way of educatlonal · proJl'~"'" ", ,some ti tanic force. There are far more 'I'he , unknow n side ,of' the moon haR " , Among the (asbian nOles of tba craters t~a,! there are mounta ins ove r always exel'oise d a great power over all Its surface. Tbey seem to. be the more ImagIna tive of .4&7 Is ODe to' t)Je ",trect that there u. toe astroll' for' the mos t part. rulos ,oC tef1\lbl~ ol11ers. Tbeorle s have beeu a'dvanoed ·war bet.ween the large and the email fiery tuourita lns, but some ' pC tbeql that on thIs unkno'wn (ace E!Dtlr'ely ' ibo:1nflts. In luab IS strl fe DC douot were undoub tedly the rim \valls' .a.e , princIpa l weapon of offense and moit II lakes that ba·ve bubbled of dlll'ercJ;lt condlUons 'misl)t be fouqd, a.yolde!iI and sz::t!llng areas In which the traces pf ,defense Wielded by the ladle, will bo lIeethed and steall)ed when the moon lunar ·vOlcan.oes nnd forgotte n Beas /the hatplD. and It!;! parent earth were young, ' would ite missing from the lunar land. The true ' crat<;Jls are remar)s ahly !,caPe. "be absence at air and' ., ~~----------~ Witter , sImilar to ·those of Medltel 'ranean In any I} 10000tltlea on the eatib aide ot 'When tbe cur and tbe kaJeer llJet \701canoes, having the the same abrUllt tM satelUte bas always led the atu., itber kllBed; but the ealutatioD the depths and sloping sides gradual ly dents to tbe conclua lon. bo."eve r. &bat II'Overnor of North Carolla.a aDd tb rJIIlng from It level plaJIl ~t cooled the mood'8 period of habltaUOD Jf II'OY9J'D.Oi' of 8oQ&Il C&rollaa 'bad far Ian. Forty of the lunar peaks ore eyer bad 8UC!b,,&D . . . . . . 1lli tPlr1t to ,1& bieber tban Mont Blab~ tbe 1l1ab~.t I01ld remote . '
I MrltletDe II DanGerOul. Acknowfedgment. , h 'W people who ,k now mistletoe "YQu :w1l1 admit that you owe & ' only al a desIrable teature of Christ- gr at deal to your wife?" mas d'e corattons understand tbat the "I shou ld say so." replied Mr. Cum· plant 110 II. paraslto dan gerouB to the rox, " I wonldn't be Invlled to any ot IIfa of trees In th e regions In wbtch ller r C) p Ions or muslcnles tr {wasn't It crows. It Is only, a question of marrl d to her ," time, after mistletoe once b glnB to grow upon a tr beroTe the tree It· Disqualified. H er- .1y brother won firllt prize tn selt will be killed . 'fhe parasite Baps tbe lire of th ' in t cted branches. For· that wnateul' g uessing contest. but tlmately. Il Is of slow growlh, t.n.klng 'tbey rul c:o d him out as a professional. y ars to d v lop to la rge proportions. Hlm- A pr.of sslonal? ljer-¥es. H 's employed In the hUl wh en n glected, It Invariably ruin s gov rnm e nl bur 11U, you know . ull tl'eefl It reaches.
FLYING MACHINE IS UNIQUE Aeronaut Rigs Himself Up and The n Walks Through Air as He Would Thr,ough a Street.
The Bright Side. "Echoel of Munchaulan. 'Nel111chadnezzllr was lurchIng tn hta l It ~as an absent·mlnded traveler ~ I Il('customed sty le. wbo had lately taken to ba\1oonlng. "'AJllIesh being grass," he ref! cted, • "Yes," he observed Impr.esslvely, "It Was a fearful journ ey, The machine, " lhl s must IJ Beef a la Mowed." And chuck lin g hOllrsely, he took Illla thousand t et up, nod no niore bal· last. headed straight for Sib rill., IUId oth r c haw . . Puck. tb rarefied air- well, you know aB Kindly Intenti ons. well as I do what etrect that has on .. A mall who enjoys s"'e lng 11 woman a balloon .. Yes, the peril WllS tElrrl· ble." Thc n the old habit waa too In tesrs Is II hl'llte:' " I d on't Iw olV about lital :' replied ' strOIl~ for him. "T he wolves, detected our presence. A des Derate r ace en· Miss aYPllne' , "O ue of tb p kind cst hushands [ I, no w tullO!! hi.; wlreo to see 6\1 d. We felt tbelr h t breatb on th e all th e emol lonul plays," nape of QUI' nec1ls."-Lolldon lobe.
"ih,d th-;
Eng'lish Women Smoke Plfles. Lightning Change. Larges t of Whales. T akes Himself Seriously. Th e lateRt fancy of the woman· fl:1 C/ln T e'lln . dinin g by himself In a The 1IIanagC' r- a n yo u make qui k' The largest wbll.l or Ill! Iype ' of !lmQk r hi It pille- not I he tiny u rTull' whic h th ere Is scien tific record wus !r ot ~ H gn.' lll dining room, lutICs a hun g 5 and doubl' In a tew parts? lh ut. flullltes ro r tllf' .Japanese. but tl Thll Al!tor- 'an I ? Say, you know caJltur d recently oft Porl Arthur, w \, lo wilerr' he l',11I IJr fiE' ' II. Through. gqod ·t< I7. d hr l I' 0 1' a neat. me 'I" th sce ne In " Loy a ud l..obsters," T e x . He me asur d slxty·three feet 0 ,11 his 1I 1l':d h ' weul's a dcelJly lit n· scha um . Th e pi pe Is bold ly an'led wll rC? th e hc ru aud the yl1\lllll ar~ In le ngtb. and wus es llmat 'd 10 be C:i()II~, t\ C'CJl1lp ll" lely absu rhcd , attitude. llion g wllh a gold card caso a nd chain· fi g htill g. a nd l\ friend rus hes in and ,lIbOUl three hundrcd year>! old . 'np· lit tnllY uril ~ 1\1 th· tail le ; L portfolio purse. For sume tim' now th dg· t;~ [lal'hl t' H 'C Ill '! We ll , I played 1111 lain ob Plumm e r, mate of lL l ' nll ed fillee l with lta/lr·l'lI. Tlic"o he may 1l 1'Ot\1' has give n plac to a cl;;ol', thl' (. pa r ts OIl(' night when th e <Hher States pilot boat, sighted the mODst ' l' t;cnn wit h jJrolonged t;o lcmnlly . In Bmnll In slzo nnrl mild In quality . two fellows Wc.rfl Ill. In the s boals orr til j tt les, anrl 111e nny !l \ ' '111. he' 51tR nn loq \lc' nt Iflbleau \\'omml salc! th ey were ,lll'ed of th e crew of his \' essel captur d I he mam· of profundity.-:-: ew York Press. cignrctt , li nd want ed II bigger smo k '. mal. The huge body WIlS towed ns hore , Not Altogether Dead . Holidays in the States. -Lonclon ~Iulf. 1\1 r. Hubert \lull r of Mar lborough. e xhibited and much photographed be· Washln~ton ',; birthday Is n holiday Engl an d. hu s lIall the peculiar e xpe· for belng cut up. ttl n.I1 s tlltes. Decoration clay In ull Cripple Rides Bicycle. rl e ne of h 'arlng hit; deatt!. announc· slatES but I,'l orldn , Geo rgia. Loulslaua, Geo rge Anstey, aged l:!, II. cripple, ed . li e WUll nil ndlog the poor law Rat Bounty Excites Merriment. ' arollna, South of Le icester, England, Is one of th e co nferelH:e al Exe ter when ono or Seattle, fearing tbe Inl roductlon of MississippI. North mos t rem urknb le cyclists lu Ib oun· til 11 'Iegates moved that, In c~nse buboni c plngue by Tall!. has ol'l'ered a Carolina, Tennessc and T exas. Labor try. \3otb hi s legs are wltb e r d and quene.;! of th death ot Mr. Outler, bounty of ten cents a rat. This moves day is ohserved N'erywh ere. Vlrtuuseless, bu t the Lelcest r rippl es' whic h Lil A>' all regretted, another gen· Tacoma . safe from lurection from tbe all every state !JaR lega l holidays Guild has provided him wllh a twO" tlemall, whom he Damed, sbould be Bea, to raucous laugbter, and the Led· having 10 do with It~ own special af· wheeled peda ll ess machine, with Ii I appolnt.ed to flll his place as one of ger Bays that tbe bounty, "though not falrs-batlle of N W Orleans In Louis· padded tll be co \'erlng th axle bar. th e revr sentatlves of Wiltshire on intendell fOI' rodents of Tacoma. lana, Texan Ind pendence ami baltle Across Ull l:! be li es fuce foremnst, and the c ntml commIttee. Mr. Butler Everett, Bellingham and otb r popu· of San Ja'into In Texas, Admission with wooden c logs strapped to his roso from bls place 00 the platform rous and busy ccnters, has been tlnd· day In sllfornla, an d so on. Mlssls· l"!t·'s not t hpl' fl O W , u tili whu r an t(')1 hunds he propels himself along the and nJlnounced to the . conference • Ing Its way Into the pockets ot non· Sippi Is IlIle th e r deral government •1 1\~ l \l'her 11 (,3 streets Wid roads In a marvelously am ~ " much amusement, tbal, so far res idents of Seattle ror non·reBldent In lack of statulor y bolldays, but by rapid manne r , He has complete con· ss he was aware, he waB stlll alive rat.s. But the joke would be on U8 It common consent lildependence day, I ro l of tbe' machine, his hand s acting and In good bealth. and would be It were found that our rat popula.- Thanksgiving and Cbrlstmas are ob· SKATER'S HANDY LIFE-SAVER as pedals, steel'lng genr. aad brake pleased to continue In the ol'llce If the tion had round Its way Into the Seat· served, A lIew one Is '0lumbu8 da)' oomblned. conference_ desired. In a few of til\! states. tie ceu8us." ___________ ,uLittle Spike Hanging A~ ~,"d Neck on Cord Enable. One til Escilpe Pretty Good Defln)tlon. Two Very Old Ladles, Planting Wedding Oaks. Bankers and Bank Notes. When Ice Breakll, We have beard a great deal lately Princess Au g ust Wilhelm, wl.re of 'We hear Borne funny t lllllgs In Fleet Four men, three of whom were con· street sometimbs, and the ' followIng n ecte(J with brokerage concerDB In the about long·llved people, but It Is prob- the lealsel"s fourth ·son. bas set herself, It iti orton on some tr.lIlng t bin s deflultlon of tho heigbt or aggravation. Wall slreet district, were dlscuBBlng able Ulat the oldest two people In tbe the task or re vIvin g one or Germany' .. that R man's lite hangs. Th l" lItU :) by u gentlem~n In rathe r sbaky boots, Unit d StllteR pupe r currency and the world today are Frau Dutklevltz nnd oldest customs, tbat according to whloh. articl e he ro described, fOI InstancII, 71hom we e nt:buntered In a well·koown dl ~npl>enrancl' of countertelU!. "We another old lady nlUDed Dabavasllka. newly w,edd d eoupl OJ! Immediately afca n bc dropp d Into a pock·ll !lnd not he9tetry th e othe r day, struc k us as are 50 sure nowadays," sal(l, one of The tormer lIvea at Posem. In Prus· ter the manlage ceremony pl8.Ot a counoticed, but there ar cl rclllnstances being particularly choi ce. . th e po r ty, "as to the «e nulnens8s of sian PolaJld, and wall born on Febrn- ~l e of 'oak saplings side by side In a: und J' whIch It mlg'ht be lne only "The ·e lgbt. of haggravatlou, gentle- bill!! that little attenllon Is paid to ary 21. 1785. She i s thererore one lIar or by th roadside ot their na. thing b tw e~n a man ' and death by men," snld this polhouse humorist, set· th e m In handling, except as to de· hundred and twenty·five years old . Uve ~wn . drowning. It consists at n wood n tlng bls pewter on the C:lUnter and nomination ." To prove his 8sserllon Tbe latte r, bowever, Is nine monthB Tbe towu of Mulchausen, In Thurlnhandle, with II sharp metal point pro· looking round proudly. with th e air of h took a $tO ye llow back (rom his her Benlor, bavlng been born In May, I;ta, Is the ,Irsl·to respond to t.he prlnjectlng nnd r sembi s nn awl ot on e about to le t off a good tblng, "the pocket, and, holding It up. asked who J7. 4. _ ce~s' almesl. A munIcipal omclal aJ)usual strength. It IB mennt to 'e ight at haggravatlou-w hy. tryIng could t 11 whose portrait It bore. No Sb Is sUll a fairly hale old woman, II ars at thfil chu r qh 'd oor after every hung around a Akate r's neck on a to ketch a flea out 0 ' yer ellr with a one kn w, and by way of coaching nnd for nearly ooe hundred years wedding and InvItes the bride and ord, and Is 'well n nmed. "The Skat· pall' of boxln' gloves,"-London Tit· the broker sa id It was the first treas- worked In the fields . Her deBe ndantll brIdegroom to drive wIth him in a car· e r's Llf ·sav r." If the Ice should Bits. urer of the nlted States. Again no , number close on 100, nnd lliese now rlage to a n ~w road near the town and' Itapp 1\ to break t.he skater c-)Uld one kn w the name. "Why, It's 'make her a joint allowance. She lives there plant oak saplings. ) seize this lnst.rum e nt and sUc)!: It Into An Alaskan Lunchc:"n. The tre Illaqtlng Idea was started Michael Hillegas,". said the man at the village at Bavelsko, wboBe t.h firm Ic alongside the crack. \:hus Runners of wove n India n bas IletTy , proudly. "' But In confidence, 1'11 tell neighborhood she has never quitted by a tormer elector at Brandenburg affording a purcbal'le by wblch he wIth white drawnwork dollies at each you, I di dn 't know It five mInutes during the whole of her long life. Bhe wIth the object of repairing the rav· co uld draw blmself to sarety . With· of tbe 12 covers, were used on an eval ugO," - :IIew Yorl< Tribune. remembers events wblch bappened at ageB caused by the 30 years' war. The out such aid h e might flound e r to 'llf mahogany t a ble. the begl'nnlng of last entuTY mucb elector forbade young persons to MarTho dullIes were more clearly tban thoBe of tbe last ry until th y had planted a number ot made at Bltkll. In the middle of the Vivid at Least. fruit trees. ' table a mlr'r or held a tall contral vllse Dr. Hiram C. Cortlandt, the well· 40 years.-Dundee Advertiser. of frost'ed glass, surrounded by tl>ur known theologian of Des Moines, sald smaller vaBes. 1111 filled with wblte In a recen,te'lddresB: , Too Ardent a Lover. An Unnecelury Confe ..lon. spring blossoms. The edge of the "Thomas A. Edison tells UB tha.t be Georgotto Fontana. an embroiderer A hearty laugb was occasioned _t mirror was banked with the same thinks tbe soul is not Immortal; but. wbo lives in the Rue Savres In Parts, the Blrmlngbam police court by a prls· flowers. Four totem poles were placed after all, what dOils this great wIzard has found berself condemned to ' a oner who gave blmself away in a very on dollies In tbe angtes made by the know nbout souls' H1a forte Is elec· month's Imprillonment for wbat seems delightful manner, The man was thlll runners., trlclty and macaJ!nery, and when he to ber a hannlels act. first on the list, and the charge acaJna~ Place cards were water colors ot tatka of souls he remInds me IrreslstShe wn.s going home from a concert bim was merely one ot belnl' drunk Alaskan scenery. Abalone she\ls held Ibly of the young lady wbo visited the a tew ev,enlngs ago when she decided and disorderly. He stepped Into tho salted nuts, and tiny Indian baskets Baldwin locomotive works and then she would like to see ber fiance. As dock, however: jUst at the moment beld bonbons. The soup spoons were lold how a locomotive Is made. be happens to be a fireman whose when the dock omcer was readlqg OU"~t~-----'" ot horn, several ot tbe dishes used "'You pour,' she said, 'a lot or sa.nd station Is In her own neighborhood It, a few of tbe caseB which were to come were made · by Alaskan IndIans, and Into a lot ot boxes. and you tbrow old occurred to ber It would be very easy bet-ore the cou rt that morning. and a the cakes were served- on baskets. stove lids and things Into a furnace. to summon him to ber sIde by break· guilty conscience apparently led blm Tbe menu was as tollows: Poisson and they you empty the molten stream Ing the glass of the fire alarm and to mistake these Items fcr a \1st of bls a Is Bering Sea (ballbut c,howder), Into a hole In the BlUld, and everybody soundIng a call. previous convictions. . Bhe rlld so !lnr In a tew moments He s\,ood plL8slve enough while the YullOn clim bers (broiled salmon, po- yens and swears. Then you pour It tatoes Julienne), sllowblrds avec out and let It cool and pound It, and fire engines came from several dlrec· officer read ou t about a daDil! 41'1l1l1c llurornboreallB (roast duck wIth jelly), then you put It In a thing tbat boreB tions, n.Illaden witb firemen, ot course, and dlsorderlle8, but whe.u be came to Shungnak mer turnIps. Tanana holes In It. Then you screw it to- but alas! her fianoe was not among one "Bhopbreal<lng" tbe prfloner beets, Skagway hash (salad), Fall" gether, and paint It. and put steam In th em, nnd more than that all tbe ftre- claimed excitedly, "That was eight Hilngs Around Neck on Cord. banks nuggets (ripe strawberrIes ar· It. and It goes splendIdly; and tttey men were angry, and before sbe knew years ago, your honor." Every.ne berang d 011 IncJlvldual dishes around a take It to a drafting room and make what had happened she was taken to gan to laugh , a nd the plisoner, reaU~ death. be (ore he could get sufficient central mound at powde red sugar), a bluep rlnt of it. But one thIng 1 r"r· a magistrate, who proceeded to make lng, the blpnd er be had made, at first grip on the slippery s\.irface to gel arctic slices (brlelc Ice cream). Circle got-they bave to make a boiler . . One the course or true love run unsmoothly. looked very black Indeed, but tlnally out of the water'. If t.be skater Is I City delights (sman cakes), Klondike man gets inside and one gets outside. by sending her .to prison for a month saw the humorous side of the matter. alone h e would flnd It a diffic ult task , nuggets (yellow cbeese Ip round balls and they pound frightfully; and then In spite of he r tears and protests tbat and ' a broa.d smile spread over his tace. to slive hImself In the e vent of tb on crackers), Nome firewat4(lr (colfee). they tie It to the 'o~ber thing, and you she thought It would be a simple 'way Rls blunder did not cOl!t al.ythln,.-
IO:n' ry rew duys SOOI bod y inv IIt n a PuS' 00)' bnd lI ew Illnl1 of flyin g OlUl'hIIH" unrl "lIle ( Ir tile most Intl:! rostlng or th · lutt'r o.'re 're.te-t,on s , ('ontl'ivllnccs Is Ihat lh.:.·lgn ecJ by II must be:\\lbruslm mun II1Hl". sho wn ' h e rewllh . Th i1lutl'ntlo n I Ihi tIle Btor\' !Inti 1\ S 6.'1.s ve wOlllrt H em to IlIdlcutc lhut ' tlh 111'1'0' ~ ' nose' nllllt S'tli 1'1t;St!cl UIJ :1IIc1 Ihe'll wnlks orr And o~ C.ou~se ,hl'ougb th ulr Uti h" \\,flllid walll UII 1.h str t. A s mull bulluoll hall U he 'nun d pendill" from II. Thill fram has n brond uclt thul (O nCOllillallSt'li th e OJ) ' ralor's body \lnd ~ r Ihe' ul'tlqdts STATELY VERSE . li nd s upporls him. J~lcxlbly COlllH' 't· Pd with tho frum lln~ aux ili a r y buoy· If Man: J:;orR far nul lo ~('II. I {," wlI \,wnnl ll rt'\ ·z"·,,, runol 'cI unt bodi es. like I> mCl Il boal ~ , on wbich I' ~ ttl IOlvw- cun yo u l pll lh foot rest, aocl whl ell utTord a r . 1'11J,,· "I lit t wiler<! wou tel M ar y tand. Rlstance to th e 1111' \\'h II th e fL ' ronalll Hoes t.hrOllgh th motion ot wulltlng". H T(,)IJ' ~' w('nl high liP In nt r A n, l lun )u)t l ,,'(Or lunrl and I n, nnd nro xpectetl 10 lI ub l{' him lo nct· I,o nkt·ct h f!"" UlloJ It\(~ r und (' v"" y wlll~"" 11ally wall< 00 air. l''1nally, th e op· f'f(lY WhU.l ,\,,,uld 'l'e nn SHOP ? (lrntor III equlppcd with 1\ light, broad· lliaded paddle. I ill th .fraud I of a I Illo l'lJc1 O\h Itt lh o \"Indo,," ult,1 811 w Orry (11\ lh o lIilvn ;
, .'
Pa dies Through the Air. anoe, tor the purpOB o( paddling nbov the bouse tops after he bas walk· cd up the re and hung suspended by the buoyar.qy of the balloon above h ls h nd . I,r everything works as Intend· I'd , this w!ll truly b , a remarkable In · v ntton. t
WHAT LITTLE CHILD THINKS 'Interelltlng Story of Wee Tot Who Wu Bothering Her Aunt and Couldn't See It.
AD tbos In cbarge of little c hlldreu nlullt lIurely wonder Bometimes what IItlle <:.hlldren think of them . There re- always the two poInts of vlewwhat we think ot the pe rson to whom we are speakIng and what that person tbtnks of us. A certain young woman was busy wrIting letters the other da)' while a smal! nlec played about ttie roam. "Now, Nell, Y'U\t must b vc ry qui et, as Dllnlle '1s very, \'ery busy." ··Ela. uuntle," De~ sllenc tor n arly balf a Illln· ute. and then N 1I1e sold: " Can I )Jut dolly Ii re?" "YeB. Ii t, bu~ don·t speak." Anothe r momentary silence ' followed by a second Interruption, and t.hen another and tben anothel'. . 'Now. Nellie, darlltl~, " said ber aunt sternly, :.'If you bothe r me again, I ahall send YOIl up to the nursery." "Do you ' mean ,It. aunt! ?" , asked th .naughty little niiss. "Yes!"--ev6D more sternly-"I do iffiIan it; -'10\1 have already . bothered me quite enough ." The re wns the unmistakable note of firniness that every child can recog· nlze, an., Ne11le subsided Into comparative stillness. , Atter abo~t ten ' minutes auntie turned round with an approving smile: "Now, p~t" you bave been so good you . may come here and I'll \.en YOII a Jovely fairy story." .. 'Es, auntie." Nellie cUm bed on to her knee and then looked critIcally and only hal.f. , approvIngly up at the smiling "fl«!e, and she added argumentatively : 'But, auntie. It was not me that was boverin' you, but r eally you that was bovrtn' me, ' os 1 wanted to play lind you dldn't 'let me.:'
lce~~ng un~~~~p_wlth®e of thes pi oks.
SCHOOL LESSONS AT HOME' Ttlck Problems Can Be Made Source of Much Amulement on Lorlg Winter Evening.
Write these problems on, paper, dis tribute them among your frIends and see how many can ' anBwe r tbe m promptly and correctly: 1-What two numhers multiplied to" gether wlU produce seven? 2-How may four fives be placed 80 as to make six and 0. balf? 3-lt five timeB rour are tblrty· three, what wm tbe ~ourth of twenty be! . -Wbat Is th e difference between J"llce twanty·ftve and twice five and twenty? , 6-D1vide the number fifty Into two sucb parts lliut ·tr the greater part b e divided by seven · 'md the l ~s ser by Blind Baggage, three tho Quotient ,In each cn.se will b "BUnd bll6gage/' Is the route that 'the same. . a 'Qlnclnnatl cat took whe n he went 6- U you lia'Ve a piece of clotb call· tril.veUng. That Is to say, the cat hllnlng fifty yards and wish to cut climbed on the truck under one of the Into fifty on ·yard pieces, how many cars ,ot a 'pl:\SBetlger tratn and rode to days wlil It take you , to du so Ir you Cblca80. 'He . dId not pay any tare. cU'l one ' yard ' a day? Pussy was dlscovere(l at Newcastle, a Some " may answel' correctly and ~Ity In J~dlana 100 mlleB from Clncln- some wll1 ,be caught, easy as th e prob· naU. , He >was ,not a- cheap cat, He lems ' ~l>j,ear. , " . had passed by ' tbe ordlnnry ca~s nod , Here are the answers: l~The two numb ra are 7 and 1. 'had chosen B ' J;':ullman coach! to ride 2-The 6g11l'~ 5"the fraction ' 5·5 nnt! lUhdcr. He was <!usty ~0r.n , the jour· ,n ey but" tha conductor did not dIs· ,the decimal fraction .6. a-Eight c nts and one-fourth. turb him, 'atlll '80' PUBSY eontln'Ue(l the "-TWice 25' are 50. . Twice 5 and , Journey ~ Qhlclaio, ~O are :t6. ;' , " ', ' . I ,, 5-Th t.wo p,arts are ~5 and 1". The Canary'l Ear:s, , " . 6-b'orty-nlne days-not 60 days. .A ' OllnarylS eats , l)l'1' bq,ck of and a 11tUe below its eyfie, Tbe1.are not b~d to anel :When one ~!ls ,tea!~ed Dorothy Vilits Grandpa, Mhere to .look, 'rhere Is ' no' 0llt(r' ear, " Dorothy ' was vlsltlng ,her grand· .~el1 a8 8Df'maia bave, butBlmply & 'p arentll In the COWltty for· the fil'.s~ '"mall oPeDlnl w.hlch -1B covered , ~)' time. Se~lng a qUlUltlty ~t featbers leathens,. It IS qU!te surprising that scattered, about the hen lard, ~hE' 'blrilll ' aheuld 'POI••• Ute ' very acute ' shOok ber head In 1I,lsap~l'9v.al. .. ' hearlq which tb87 do whUe laakJnlr . «Onmdpa," sbe BAld gravely, you .... . . . lap wUcIa eublea tile &Ill- reall1 oqM ~. &> sometblDg 'to keep ~ 10, ~ SouD~, .. _ ., roQl' ~tkeQ. wearing ou~ '~"
--w~o~m~ . ~a~n~~~B~o~m~~e~c~o~m~~p~a~n~~~n~.~~~~~O~U~g~b~t~t~o~s~e~e~"~g~o~!~•.~'~~~~~~~~o~f~b~r~l;n=~~ln~g~h~e;r;fl~a~n;c;e~~~b;e;r;s~l~d~e~ . ~~~B~I~r;m~l~n~g~h~a~m~~~a;";'~~~~~~~~r _ - - -- - ~
That Suit for Libe[ A_ainst the Posf~m Cereal: C()·~. Ltd~. Gave a Splend'i d Chance ,
A disagreement about adverti81ng aro" with a "weekly" Journal. Following It. an attack on us apP8!,red In tbelr editorial columns; sneering at the clalms we made particularly regarding Appendloitis. We replied through tbe regular papers and the "weekly" tbought we hit back rather too hard and thereupon sued for libel. The ' advertIsement the "weekly" attacked UI abollt claimed ' that In many cases of appendicitis an ' Ol1crallon could be avoIded by discontinuIng IndIgestible food, washing out the ' predlgesl'ed tood Grape' bowels and taking Nu~. . Observe we saId MANY cases not all. Wouldn't that knowledge be a comfort to tb060 woo tear a silrgeon's Imlfe as 'they fear death! The "weekly" writer sllld tbat was a lie. We replied tba.t he was Ignorant of the facts. He was put on the stand anel compelled t~ admit he was not a Dr, and had no medical knowledge at ::.ppendlcills and never Inv~stl· gated t.o find out It the testimonal letters to our Co. were ge{lulne. A famous sUl'geon tesUflel\ that wbell nn Ollerntlon waB tequlred Grape-Nutll would not. obviate It. True. " . We never claimed that When an operation )Vas rOQulre,d ' Qrape·N'ut~ would prevent "It. The su rgeon tel;tiHed baclel'in [germs] ' help· ed to bring on an attack and bacteria was '; , . g~wn by tmdJgested, tood _requen~i. : , '''We claimed> and proved by other tnll\ous. 4)xperts thllt undlgested " tood was largely , responsible for-. appendICitis. '.' , , , We sboW'tld by e~~rt; teiJ,1!,mony , t)lat · ml:\DY case.' are healed wltbp~t>a knife, ' but bi· stop.. ping the. U~fl of t90d whl.e h di~ not dlgeit. 'aq,d when tood w'aJ:l requlreil i'lsln· It ~as helpful ', to UI~ a prediPtSted 1004 which dl.d IIOt over; , tu, the weakened or-gana ot dlpatlon;, When .. pain In, ~he rlJbt aide ap~al'll t lt I.' ., Boi alwars D8C8Uar)' to be rushed pft to ' &
to Bring Out Facts
hospital and at. tbe risk' ot death be c ut. Plain 4:ommon sense show. the better way is to stQP food that evidently baB not been digested. Then. when food t. required, UBe an easily digested ,foo.4, Grape-Nuts or any otber if you know It to be 'predlgested (partly digested betore taking). We brought to Coutt analytical ' chemIsts from New York, Chicago and Mishawaka, Ind ., who aware to the , analysis of Grape- ' uts and that part of the starcby purt ot tbe wbeat 'anel barley bad beep transformed Into sugar, the kind of B'ugar produced In the human body by digesting starch (the large part of tood ) . Some ot th~ State chemists brought on by _the ' 'weekly'' said Grape·Nuts could not be, called a " ' predigested" food because not all of It was digested olitside the body. ,The other chemists B{lld any food which hud been partly or half dlgest'ed outside the body was commonly known as "predigested." Spltttlng hairs ' about t,be meaning of a word. It Is .8umclent that if only one·half of the food Is "pr~dlgested." It Is easie r on wea kened ·'Sto·mach ~nd ' ·bowels' than food in whIch 110 part 13:·predlgeste'd. , To show, the facta we Introduce Dr. Thos. DatU,ngton" fo!;,mer. chief of t he N. Y . Board of H~altb·.' Dr. ,Ralph W. Webs ter, chlct of the Cblcago 1--abo~toT1el!, and. Dr. B. Bac.h8, ' . Y. It we were 0. little severe In ollr denuncla· · tion"of a. w~lter. se!f,~cpn~es.!led Ignor~n t about appendlcltls and 'its qause, It 'Is possible the public will exous'e Us, in -v~ew of t he tact that ,our be!ld, M'r' / ~' 'W. '~o'st, lIB' mild!,!, a Ilfet,me • s~dy ~t foqd, ' f6Qd . dl&:estlon. and ~tfects , and . tbe ' .conclulllons kr-e indo sed by many oJ. the . beljt· ~~cUca ' .~thprltJe.s of' tbe day . .. ' , ~s I~ '. pos'O>I~ , tbat we, Q.Te: Ill. ' fault fa\" Bunesting, As a !!'ather, und r.l~thel' might, ~ ODe or tbe tamU)' wbo announced a pain in' the ' at~e: ·"~~P. ~~ greasy meatl, ' min_ pte, cheese; too much starch)" , "
t-..·, rood,
food, etc., etc.. which has not been digested, then when I1galn ready tal' tood use GrapeNuts because I,t Is ~asy ot digestion 1" Or should the cblld be at once carted oft to a hospital and Cllt? We have known at many cases wherein the approaching sIgns of appendicitis have dis· appeared by the s uggestion being followed. No ' one bett-er appreciates the value ot a sklltul physician when a llCrson Is In tbe awtul tbroes of aC~lte Ilppendlc1t1s, bu't "an ounce of. prevenl10n Is worth a Ilound ot cure." .1us t plain old common sense IB helpful even nowadays. This lrlal demonstraled Grape·Nuts food Is !lu re beyond Quesflon. Tt i~ partly predlg·cBted. Ap pe ud!c1tl l! generally bas rise from uncUgei'tCd-food. It Is not always uecessary to operate. It 1:1 best to sLop all food . Wheu ready to tieglnfeedlng ' use a predigested food. It Is (lu,lutll.ble nnd strong in Nourishment. It will pay fine retllrns In health to quit the heavy brea ltfasts and lunche:; and ~se less food 'but select food certainly known to cont9,111 t.he c lem nts nature requires to Bustaln the bod)-. , May we be permitted to suggeBt "a breakfast of frull'. GrnjJe.Nut.s Bnd cream. two soft boiled eggs, and some hot toaBt and oocoa, milk or Pos tum'l The question of wbether .Grape-Nuts does or does not con tnln tho elem,ents wh ich nat ure r quires tOI' tbe nourls~m ~nt of t~e brain. alsl) or ita P\lt:fty, will , ba treated In late r nl?ws-' paper al't! les. < ' • . , Good food Is Imporbmt and Its efte t OD tlie ' hody Is ' also lmportaJiL' ' , , '~
··Th...~,. • .R ••• on.'!
P~.tum ,
Cere.l,C-o •• Ltd •• . ,.Ioh.
a.td. c ......
~~~~~~~~~~~="~~~~ ..~~========~======~==-=~===== Coun.t y Courts
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lUI's sRl~, 12183.U. OJt va M, James aod william Jame8 John Driever, 10 .. aorel in ... Jm non Pleas Court. Harlan lwn8hip IUlO. · . Com t adjrmrned ~ltturdl\Y n?on . Oxford Loan & Bailding A'ssool~m Irkin/ll; tit., olose of "btl Ootober tiOD to Isaao Murphy, lot in Frank. terru . Thfl nl1w s~sBi('n opens Moo ' lin, rillY. ,Janatlry 9 t,ll. Catherme Snook was granted Commilsloners' Proceedln28. leavll to "ecover 1190,79 frClm t·be Le btln 01) VllrHlin~ Comp&ny liS the The bond of Frank P F9rRy,8her. Tl'''U1t of Ruit Motion for . a new ilJ.e'leot. 81gned by himself U8 prlnoi trial having been prevlouliy OVf'r pal Bnd R. M. GalJaher. T. E . Ivin!!. ruled . J W.rren Wood, L, Simonton, J. In tbll Ollae of Dan P, Bone ugBinRt A. RUl'yan, George (i . King and the B. & O. t:i . W. Rullway oompa· .ll)bb V. H. Lewi8 a8 8uretle8 in the ny tl-e amended petition was 8rgul'd sum of 110,000 wall I\pproved by the and pre"8nted to oourt oommillllioners. Th.e .01lS8 of O. W . Ilaclley Keever. The bonds of Joha Q. Baker, Pet.er Bitmlnlstrlltor aguinst Ueorge W . B Dunham and Rylvan A . Lewi", Martin et 1'1 was settlE'd Ilnd dis In tbe 80m of 15,000 were a.pprm·ed . missed. Jum\ls Fallen, Sr., !.Lnd Rhymond Restraining order ill vaoated Bnd HI~rsb bBrger were re-l4ppomted ElS dissolved in 088e of BRrllb A. t:ilmon janlt.or8 of f.he oourthooile. ton against William t:i. Simonton. it· WitS ordered that ,~,OOO be tern pororily trllYlsferred from the speoiul Probate Court. bridge fund of 1909 to the oounty Mattie MoDermott a!:l odministra fund . t or Ilf the e:itate of Fred MoDermoU The p"pers from the B. &, O. B. deceased, filed his fir!!t and final no· W, railroad in regard to fhe oro~~ oount ings between Couddale were pre. Tbe first and flualaooount in the sen ted Rnd ordered pllloed on fil" e"t"t~ John P . 8~)janger, delluu..-'Cordan08 with_the new Iii W 08ftsed, Wft8 filed by Mary S . Paull, an additional allowance of 25 per exeootrix oent to the ooonty audItor of all fee8 S:~oootors of the erdate of John all owed for additional olerk here V . Jank, deoellse'l , filed $beir report &m D. Hinkle, third esilmate on of ~lIle8 Hod S,lIDe was approved. t!.LX maps, $500 i Harry Smith, 0011. The flrllt Ilod final Rocount in the traot. 1100 i.E. S. Bally 2nd eat.lmate e4LI&te or Obllrles A, and Walter W. oontraot, $274.75; Charle8 Harner, R )."'. minorl, was filed by Rlohard d~mages fqr road aroond bridge, ,5 : Ro"e, IIUllrdi&D. Ed. Conklin, slampe, $5 ; J , W. Lin. ,J. Gilptn l'timhle, trustee in t,he go, merohandise tor oourt hon,e, e~t,"t~ I1f S&rah G. Trimble, ee· $11 42; Walter N. Allen, bridge reo O~HAd,ftIAd bi~flhha~ounL ~k8in C~aroreek~wn8hlp •• 2~75 · In the 01i8e of FranIt. D, !.fareh, S,. L, Irons, 6 d'\Y8 servioes on Mud. ~m~~~~or~~ee~a~~ Maria dy pree~ I~;J, M. K~vM, 10 "" '. h .• d ' I .... "'d 0 kd h . ..ar@ ueoeased &l1aine' . FraQk Day,, serv oes on .w.o. y ree Ito MlU1Ib, Clyde B Marsh, fit al 130; F. ~. ~imP8on, 6 days 8ervioe!! Coor.t ordt'rs M)e of real estate. )11 Muddy Creek ditoh, $18 i E B '!'be will of 'he)a~ Mary C Brown Morrell, bridge repai.xs in Wa8hing W&8 probated and recorded. - ton township, 116.22 j O. 0, Oupp,
, ..
...............................- .............. In view of the lnany Catal llInesses whloh Robert Ol rl don bud njoyed It was remarkalJI Il)nt he WIlS sUIl alIv e and well. No one ever would have suspected him or baing a wcnk!1ng. Blndon was thlr ty ·s l~ , over six feet tall and brQad corr spondlugly, and ate three good meuls each du), . Furlher, bo dId enough worl~ fo r len ordinary men. yet every summer, when he bll4 a breathing sDn 'e, ho alwllYs rau aCroBl to Europe and Imll1edlo.~ly at>proached death 's door~ The attacks a.Iwnys hIt blm when be reached Sond el'brul, which was nol d for Ita medlolnal Blll'lngs. Of cours • fln eallY solution or tho dlfflcul y would seem to be stay ing II wny trom oD/l er· bad, but he had got Into the habit of goIng thoro. Es pecially did he do· pend on Dr. In.nll, wbo al waY'll attend· ed blm and with IITCllt diffi cu lty dra!!· ged blm back from dissolution. Uln· don 'though t Dr. Jllnn one of the WOD' ders ot the human rllce and ort 1I talked about hIm to Juanita Drane b&Core they were IDRI'I'l ed . . Juanita was one of tho.·e ,ther ru, tragUe-l~kln g cr ntur s who nlways run thIngs \.0 sull U1 emselvGs withou t any oue's sUl!11ect.\ng how In l'eatloD they do It. Ap llnnmUy she wos a clinging vine aud a bundle of nerv l'S , and Ibe sympathized sw eetly with 1I1n· don when he mouru d ov er his l:l utIer· Ings and sighed b cause Illness wall ted 50 much time Jor him. "It's dreadful to b so alllicted," he mid her, "but It can't bo help d." JuanJta saId that she- 8upposed It
14, 16, 18 E ... Third St.
Dayton Ohio
Semi Annual (;ost and Clparance Sale GREAT PRICE REDUCTIONS ,
This Sale will Begin
Tuesday, Jan. )
Blndon and she had been married eenral JDonths when they wenL to Elurope. There Dlnclon enjoyed· her pleaaure In Uie sights, n&w to her, thougb old to him. L1ke a boy let out of sch~l~ he ~you~Y conduc~d tho ~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. trip. Naturally. therefore, bls wite was • ~~~ooedQ to ~e hlm h~~ng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~ bta head and looking' ser10us. wln( r In lnc grounn III tne paTtly "Do'n 't worry, love," he told ner sol. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~rown stage. Fall .plowlng has been • • , e.m nl". "but I fenr I am golng to have • f b t ' #. . recommended as one them. 0 the es U nderta k er andEb an attack Qf. somethlng. I can teel It ~ : methods of combatting maimer comtDg Qnl" • Orassbopper'J lay their eggs In -the Juat as JuanIta's heBrt stopped • tall about all Incb under the ground, Will be found In the ola , I ,b eatln« In dread she recalled Bome- • In a waterproof lac. Fall plowing BRnll Building. OPP08i lt1 AlvA Bill Wll8 anpoin~d admlo18. refunder of tllX on 0 : and H. C pike thine that sent the bl~d back m her • will hreak many of the sacs and thus tbe National Bank . 'rator of tbe estate: of E. 0, ,Mer'ln $'.30 j Mary J, Clark, refund(lr of cheeka--ilhe remembereli that the : dei!9'0Y the eggs. Many eggs and • Telepbone In hontle tlnd or ~eOeal8d at a bOnd of 120.0, C. C, tax for 5 .veats on property not ex· train w.. approaching Sonderbad and t Insects are covered so deeply by fioe wher.e J oa...'l be calJ~ Eol.a aa W. C. , Maple and H. C. ieting fl .g6 • Raymond Harshbarger .be alao remember.ed a vow which she' : \ plowing 'that they can do nO' harm. day or "'I(ht. Dalrin appoloted apprlltsera. l.'he salary,"O j Jame8 Follen, Sr ,8llme had 'prtntely made back In the days 0 Pla11 plowIng interferes wIth the wIn· \ Valley l'hone 1..2, . fir ft 150 J K befor••he married Blndon. BY G EORGE LIVINGSTON, ter ~esUn~ IItage ot many other In· Main S~reet Wayn iU Ohi It and nal aoooon' was altio filed. j , . Spencer, bridge lumber, She did not go Into h~terlcc, 88 he _lects, chief among whIch ere the e8V II, 0 Sueie'M. Smlib, admin18tratrix of 148. gS; Wal~r MoClure, borial of had half expected she would, ' but A/l'r1oult'Jrnl Extension f1llrtme nt, corn bill bug, corn root louse, ,wire· • , . Ohio Stnle l ,,1\, rsllY. 'be 8I&aM of J!:lmer E, Smith filed Delila Yeazel, 175. M. H. 08wald, meH17 aald he must get to the hotel • worm, and the corn root web worm. - _. her tDTeatory and appraieement and burial of aanoah A , Mon'Komery, .. IIOOD .. poellble llnd lie down. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The dlsadvantllges Qf fall plowIng Dr. ~ell's Pine-T i...C dot1~ electa, to take onCler all perlODal 175: Ar.hor Bryant, defend·i utr R Then when be faintly re.quested hel' In (rder to decIde whether or not are: For OoUtrhS and Colds. K L to make h ..te It she would save bls fall or winter plowing can be sue. Puddling, ."oper." iog, 135; • R. 6rwlb, aoting life, ahe sent for Dr. JMO. Leaving TenadouB .plls, or soli with little !'! . ~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~!"!!!!!!!!! lD'tbe8ltateof Willi. , ooroner stinquewt of lDdoo a ' beauU(ully 'patient SUfferer, cessCully practiced, It Is necessary to Qr no organIc matter, If fall plowed, C W HEI\J DenSON M D decealed, doe proof of publication el', " .85; William Evans, bridge Juantta. haBtened down stairs and lay c~ns'der both Its advantages and Its will sometimes become hard and • • I'" L4~ , • •- .. f b b b d' h j"l .. cllBadvantnges. The advantages to be of tbe 00'108 of aJ)Pointmen' of 'he lum"'ber, 15.25: te. S. Bornett, bridge ... w... or er us ~n Jl P ys" an, compact .by spring. If plenty of Waynesville, Ohiu. eXe<l'n torl, I:l, D. MoVayand Fabme repal" In Wayne tow. nl.h ip. 122. Th.,.. wu a l1ght In her blue eyes tba.t gained are : humus Is furnished the soli, . lIttie lpoke determination. Conservation of Moisture, puddling will result trom fall plow· Valley Phon",.153 B. (.:freeley, waIi recorded.. " - .. Dr. lana wu charmed to meet the The loose ground turned up l)y the Ing. Main Stre~t W.lhlng. Saves Two Lives wife of his 10 dlstingulsbed patient, plow will abs!)rb more wat r from . Tbj>mu L. Brown Wal appo.l oted When the grQund Is steep to the pardlan of the 8Itate of Ji'rallk A. "NeUher my It~"-r nor mYllelf but he' aald he must basten to the sut· the ~Q.in Ilnd snow durIng winter and BA~NHART, "'n and m 0 , d B " ' ' ' ' ferer. Then to' lUs amazement he spl'lng than unplQwed land. l\'l uch Of extent that 10S88S of the soil are Bro .. ..... er ro e rown, mlaht be living . bo .. . .·oda·" If it had no·• found himself drp.gged by a small the water runs olf from the surface likely to ' occur by surface washlng, Notary Public , m t nor. a' 'a Dd of 'SOOO been for Dr. Kinifl New Disoovery" white hand Into a secluded cotner, if the ground Is not 1JE0ken up. Not fall plowIng III not generally reoom· The eeoood and final aQ900nt in writee A, D . MoDonald, of Fayette. :whlle a remarkably pretty face bent only will loose soli atisorb more wa· mtll\ded; but if the grouiid is slightly . the .sate of Margaret OlemeoSl, de- ~llet N. O. R. F. D . No . 8, "for Icloee to his whIskered one. Juanita ter than bard, unplowed ground, but rolling, plowing at right angles to the AJI kindE' tlf N"tary' WOI k. P~Dilh)Q . Work a t:ipeollllt.v. of.sed tiled by F M H ilia J we both bad frigbt,ul oougha thllt concentrated all ber , nervous torce less Will be lost by evaporation. slopl' will reduce the amQunt of . " . , lim D, r, D? other remed.,. oooid help. We on her hypnotic pze and ber German Plow ing breaks up the surface soli Wl\sblng. The slight ridges J;lroduced ~utor. were tJld my elater had ooneomp .....be. and separates the soU parllcles so by the plow will have a, tendency to aepon of .. Ie and dlltrlbu'\'on of tion. ~he waa vel'y weak and bad "See here. Dr. Jana," she saId In a that the film 'molsture can not get prevent washIng, and much of the proOeedl m~elu 'beesta~ of Frank night ....eate. 'but y'onr wonderful .udden clear, new tQne that held the Mid of tlHim and reach the surface 'Yater will be abeol'bed by the loose Good fo .. Nothln" but th~ E.... D. lIarah .amlni.trasor agains' medioine oomple&ely oured os botb, fam0U8 doctor in Instant attention. to be lost by evaporation. Fall plow· lIOiI. I' It D b I. , , U'. the bell' I evttr need or h8llrd of . " "Before you go upstairs m Rohert ling, ,,:hUe conservIng moIsture, at ran • arl et r. . For· sore longe, oonghl 00ld8 bemor. ',..ant m . tell you what you are tp say. the itarne Orne' Is conserving he~t, Cor Tbe Itght, open sol\s are more likeDR. W. MILLER? rbage, lagrippe, a8'hm~, hay fever, 'He lan't' siok-Dot. a lllt! There hlO't it enables the heat of the sun In the Iy to IQse plant food tl)an the heavIer Marrtqe Ucenaes. oronp, whooping oough-all bron· a thing the matter with hIm I He's s pring to' be used In warming up the clays or 80l\s tbat are full oJ humull. .•. DENTIST, •• , , ohial troobles-Itl lopreme. Thai jUlt full of Imagination and he's got lieed·bl'd Instead of being used In \ Joel George, :U, 'paper mill em. bot~le f~ee . 600 and '1.00. GUllr. the habit of coming over to Sonder- vap'oratlon. When possible. It Is better to IIbtp ploye and . Eva HendereoD, 18, of ant~d by all druigistl . bad every year and trying to dJe, aM The complaInt Is often made that fowls alive and let the market man N&tloD~mff~ Bid.,' Waynesville, 0 Blue Ball. •- I won't have It! His state of mind corn will fire more readily on fall dress them, but this Is not always e----~::__-~=~~~~..:..:.=_ Is a nuisance, because "Jt ' spoUs our plowec1. land than on land plowed in possible. Boyd Garrett, 26, farm!)r of "Con" Knew HI. Duty .1 U.l her. trip! . I wa.n t you to go and tell him lhe spring. This is often due to fall· DowBgiao, Mioh., and Eila Clevt:n The cQngregatIQn of a certaIn that be Is well and that nothing Is tll'e to re.establlsh early In the ;1prln~ Selling tbe treeding stock because ' ., " , ',' . pr, 17, of t:3pringhoro. eburch III nQt "exclulliTe," but lIome of wroog~o you undersland!" the e:lrth. mulch which has been set· . feed Is dear Is just as sensible IL1I Emmett Beltz, 21, tarmer of Its members were .urprlsed at the ~ptied dQwn~ by the freezing and ·thaw· s elling see.~ grain because you can. TH. OItIAT••T ' I W"ynellvm~ and Rntb Creager, polntment ot a new ullher. Thei· said There are some things that even U.D Ing of the winter. The mulch should , get a good prlce for It. Think tbls 'rim t:mn 18, that he mIght be a very good young autocratio physician ' can't manage' l h e re.establlshed as soo"\ as th e over. , IIII:.It. AI'" I:i"Of Rtd.geville. man. but he had not belonged very and Dr. Ja'ne r ecognized that Juniata . ground is dry enough In the s pring. IN THI WOItL.D· . Frank Brandon Pauly,23, newspa long to the church, and, bellides, it was one ot them. 8tlll byp notlzed, he I by cultivation with a ' harrow, anu I Some hens are born layers, otherB. rtJBI.ISlIJ!D WEED,Y. $4.00 PER per 6d.Uor of ~banon and Mftrth" seemed unllkely that a street car CQn· felt himself going upstairs to the in· s hould Do t be left to lose moisture acquIre the laying habit, others get HOTIL.a, DItUOo'iiie, 'PIOIALIITa, I W i ht 24 f R d Li dqctor would sult .the etiquette of a valid. until plan ting time. . credit Cor being good layers when OO.TUMIItS, T'A ......... OAB rene r g , ,0 e on . I hQuse of worship. But the trustees "No'" b id ill" t \. I 1 they a"e not. The trap nest picks A.D '.u•• IItVld• . GAN ' ' PItOF'IT (ieorge Thoma!! Craddook 22 ' nld' that he had bean cholen for that . e sa ,gl'U y, you are no Say ng of T me. them but and leaves no guesswork. . . ,,/ . . going blJndl Those shooting pa.lns h i t II .I t Ii ' . BY UIIMO ITa ADVIItT".IIlQ ,OOLUMIIl8. employee of bridge works and Marie .- nry reason addlnl': ''We .need a man f kl At t e t me a or w n er p ow ng . I of that to deal with the end seat I come rlom fsmd o · ng! d StOll ciga r~ for i s being done, the extremely busy Eczema • SAMPLE COpy .FREE Homphrey Gorringe " 18 of Leb Il- . . a coup 0 0 ays an your eyes will . h I I I Ad. . . . IIlIW YORK Oi.IPfillt . non. , hQI'. He I. a &'feater nU. I.ance In the -be .ail rlghtl" season Is over. t us t I.e pow n g can Is oOh!Oidered ha.rd to oure . . Try church tban In the cars. Early In be more thoroughl y done since it Or Bel1'd Aotill~ptlo t:\"i ve Rod ylm : New Yortl. ~·Y. D"l1a8 MoLaughlin, 28, olerk of th~ ••"Ice he plantl hlmaelf at the s ~U;!~~lent descrIbed some more need not be rusbed by othe r work . . will ohungs yonr mind Yqu 'willl . ". '. IItddleiown, and Mariannll Somers, . atlle end ot a tree pew and later I y" P .. " . . At the same time It lessens the work see an Improvement from the firl . ~ Bell's AntisepticSalv8 28, of SprlngborQ. I comen wbo ar.Jt ushered Inm that pew ~o! barked Dr..J ruJa. You ~aven t or tb~ farmer In the spring when he I bpplloation. • I Ch I ' E G d SO fBI ' tall all over him taking their places. got cancer Qf the stomach! It S Indl' l ls busiest. • _ • . ~ for "I '8~n D ...... ar e8 arwoo, , 0 lin. It takea a man wltb grit to' make hIm gestion from overloadlng it!" . Weathering . . . Willon A •. Qrown, 23, teamster, of ! move alone. This fQrmer conductor / A little later be roared: "No, It Few farm ers plow ~eep enough. No Such GOlt. Now, . ,B)auobl'lter and Alloe O. Gookie" has the grit, and he ,baa tact galned , Isn't paralysis in your leg-you've ju'st Deep plowing IpcreaseB the depth of I They must bave bad some prett,. li, o' Franklin. from experience. Tbat t. wby we cramped a muscle from lying In bed! the seed-bed and consequently tile savage goats .In Connectlcut. a hun· oh88ter and Deaaie A 8rown 27 f ' made him ullher." . , Tber.e 111n't a tblng the matter with feeding area of the roots. Jncreasln~ dred years a.go. Under an old law If B h . J' 0 you, .Herr Bindon!" the depth of plowing can be done a boy was drIving a coat alone a highI~no eater. . "lln't It lovely!" Juanita cooed when I more satlsfactoplly in the fall than wa.y and they ,met a traveler and th. Erie Mlu?bin SohuU, 21, olvil en , Death in Roarln, Fire the ,reat Dr, . Jana ~ad left and sbe in the spring. Tbe .·sub.soll that Is goat jUplped .Qn to the traTeler ,and gineer of Cleveland and Eliza.betb may not re80lt from the work of wu throwIng ·up the window shades t\lrned up in the tall wm be Incor- thr~w him down aad bit blm ad o~ Eastman 20 of Foster firebug b t ft ' . and removing the glasses and SPooU!! nnrBrAd with the surface 'soll by ehVtse harmed him, that boy could be " . . s, u 0 en eetj!re boros ar e th BI d on h d i d . .... ,. t t jall f three -i n nth. ~4 ida William C . Ravenaogh . 32 teaoh caosed ·'blt make a qolok need fo at n bl ~ a rea y ordered set fr.ezing ~nd thawIng, whlcb are ex- sen . 0' d for.. . '. . !" . . , ' . ' . • B kl ' . r out for s mlldlo1nes. · "Dr Jana cell lit agencies hi' pulverizing the tather Iue or uam...... ' , • er ..of Franil1u and Kathryn · ROII. 00 en 8 Arnloa Salve, the qoick. s,,1.. you're ' all rIght) ' llm' , so ra- 'sOIl~ '. . The ,oat' 'hu Improved In . wm,. ,..r ,'.naRle.28, of Frankhn. b:~i!°re:'tiore fj>r born!!, W:OUOdll, Ue1:ed! ~nd we can go on to, VJeiin~ Killing 6f Insects; '. . \ sInce' tb08~ darll. ' If one , ta ~1~1 . Norman Henry ~harit8 23 , labor 88, 0 S,80rea. n lubdu8I1l 10. to~rrow, can't we, dear?" .'" d&T1ven ~ong now and meets a ·u:&y.ler . ." • ~ama'ioo. . It klile pain, It loo'he. "tt I'm well. enough," sald her h . ' .Mauy of the · ~rou?lesome in!lects be IlmplJ wlnkl and .pus.. on aDd ~r of Frankl~D and Rosa BaUey, 32, and heals, Drive. off Iktn eroptlon II band, severely. ; . , us , injuriOUS to tleld crops, oan be e.l fect.. the boy 1. ·sate. . of Frankltn, uloe" or pileI. Only 250 at all "WhJ, ..areil't you goIng to get up ' ul\lI~ comhatted . by rail ploW1~g. . drn.g gilte. nolt?". demandE\(l .hjs w~f~ In eut. 1I-19ny Ins cLI\ '!J?end ~~e . o,vlnter a .few . , • - ~ ReaJ 'Eitate Tnin.r~ •~• prtse4 .tone. "I want to W~k thl'ougn Inch "d bI!'InIO)V I thhe ,surfRcte the Old Soldier Tortured"· . \ ~.. . ' the town and · today's our onl .g roun. so e n t c egg s age, some . '. ' "{; BELL'S PAIN John R. Stantou to' A ..Twrlb18 Cre.ture. chancel"· . , . ' . .I n th~ Wl1J'.r n oJ: grub . "tage, and o,tIl111'01' y~1'I I lufrere4.oo• .,-bb18 ' . . '. .• . '... '. rtu &lib, 10' in .ioa~'klin, ~~.r, ,_4 ~ .mall boT,'" . "JuaJilta," Bald Blndon ' In' a h t i ers In, · th '. pUPil stago~ l?ull Qr win· t9 l'e from lodlgeetloo, oou.Ups. ~ ~~_ _4~~~~~~~~~~~~~rl.~~em~~e~U~J~u =l~m=~~.~ =~~=~~~ ',.~~ .. ~~mb~~O~~b~~t _~~~~wlll~~~~'~t~ . ~ooudli~~~~wroteAK s _ .. ' • I 'I cUe It'. ' Jour fault, but 1;11· IBcJ1ftce eggs or e~g (ladS, bring t e oaterpll· ~mlthJ.. a war .,.e~.,n It Ji:rle, i-a.. E' . r..ormlokl thne "'aoll, 11. T., IDJ . ..; a oow. U _ In, ' 'ioilelf and 101 1 tblnk Dr. JaDa la lac and . pupa 'to the surfaoe, .wbere'~bQ' . IJI'. ~" New Life PUla A. . Loall& .J. . . and I'ranoee: II, ktckSq 70Q Ia . ~ ucIr or~' lattlns old-lt'sql,llte.. aPllar8nt that. ~ny 'NUt be klll .d ~Y frlle:dna and aKed. ~e al1l'1lh~ 'they're .lmpl~ • • .• . •. J.... &0 . UbarJ. art-el, 'no' 1A J'OU 0", tbe PMtan to. ~,., I.n't .. 'Iood &8 be used to' be"'" tIlawing Dud otlier$ a.t n by bird.. or great. . Try themlOl' aD1 do1Daoh, ~• ~ JJ If • .. ....1hoI tow_In.. Hnn. ' . . . . . tI7bII t.e . . . ~ . . . .. Tbat " .. the end of alndoo't Hr1U .hilb ~d other anbna:3. 'rh~ (lut- Unr 01' ktc1pJ troahl., 9JaIJ No ~ ........ • ..... 1"' ~y ~ ~. _~ oC fatal Uba.... at Sod",... ( ~ ~d ~rubwo.· I'lSll. -tbe at aU ~ . . ~. " -.,-
Saves Moisture as Well as TI·me.
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Wuynci8ville, Ohio
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'I'ELIJ:PUONE--C,\LL Nu, 11 2 . - - -_. , [)~ L. CRANE, Editor ami Manag~r
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EVE I ."""",~~~~""" IJ ." , " . .,. ~ , :,~. " ~
Ragged Tramp Wa.1 the Only Ono who Dread of S.,.kea II Almaat Unlve,.... Truly Sympathized With HII Fal· .nd M\IIt D.to Back to tho' low ' of tho Idle CI.... Cradle of tho Race.
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"Thank nil th e (low rs that be! That turn ed to th sun. lils hat, which he lived In a country or zone whlcb was ' trllnk Is cut cf the hous ," said r.11J- hud evi dently placed over' his eyes to Inllablted by a single danrerous, vene• , (i f' d, .Lhe married slst r. "Now I clln ! PI'ot ·t lhem from the glare, had tal an mOU9 serpent or a snake at any )dnd Rates of SUb8crlptlOn breatbe agoln . No one, tc look Elt that l ott and rolled away ln the dust. No w big enough to kl1l a jaok-rabblt, yet . On YOlJ.r (strtctly IlllJ.dvllnco) ...... .. 11.00 1?1I0C nt·appearlng trunk, wculd be- and th n a pl\sser looked at blm, 6(\111e the dread of serpents Is as vh1d al n. . 81nllio opy ... .. . .. .. .... . _· . ....... . 1Jf; heve Its cont Ills could r fir sent so , urlously, some with amull ewt!n t, 11'118 In the days or the Garden ot man y hours of work and worry." 60me with Hcorn some with (udl lIer- Eden, says Dr. Woods Hutchinson. In Rate8 of Adverti iog "O ut of the house?" shrl fl ked Mar- I ence. "Let him sleep," they seem ed an article on the dread of cats, snakea ~ j OrY, Who had b en visiting her sis· to say. "Pretty soon a policeman wi1l and mice In Succells Magazine. Their ~ A H udlng Lo!!lIls, por IIno ..... . .. . ... .. 0 Hlllldlng Loculs. black rllcC!. IlIlr Iino... . I u~ tel'. "Wh at do you m n.n? Don't tell com alo ng and wake him up by pound- b aleft~I, unwlnld.ng eyell, their itran' ~, . ' 0111881000 AdM. tlot t.{, CX('OOlI tI\'u IInos IU EI that my trunl{ hl\.B gono! " Ing the lazy tellow on the soles of Ills gllng calls, the ghalUy sinuousness of Throe IlIlIOrtlou8. .. . .. .. . ... .. 2Gc . "Yes, the baggageman clUDe. I slm. shOOt! and send ing Mm ott to lie p their movementa, the .noiselessness of OLJltuarlllH. 0"0 luchllii rroo; UHlr IIvo ply turnod the key In tho trunk n.nd somew bere else." In 8. w.orkaday ~ elr aPrroach, the s(ony and dead· Incb6H. per Uuo .. . ... . .. .. . ' " lie sent It away. b cause I WIlS so glad wor ld tbere Is little sympathy fcr the ness a tbelr sUnc, throb and echo Cllrd of thIlJlI(s . .... . . .. ... .. , . ... .. .. 26c that you Ilad finall y managed 1.0 Idle. like a WaA'llerian lelt-motlf through To be held at the R6HOIutlo1l8 .. .. ........ . . . . .... . . , ... 60c 9CJU eze In every thing. I told him te n SUID e seats distant sat another man I all literature and legend; are bitten Socials HI sown ragge d , Il.Ild brand ed tnt0 our d eep81 t con· Dl I ote. A whero churgo 18 llIudo ..... . . 2 00 tlmes to be carefu l of the wocdworlc 0 t th e snme s t amp. sp IIY dvortlslllg per III ·h . . .. .... . , . IUe und then g ntl y 1I 11UO d him cut. Wll n I teet were stuck out In tront at hlm, I IICIousnes8 as It by fire. An ImJtaDIJKlount.8 Klven on cOlltract. I he wns gone I breath ed a deep 61g b and be contemplated them steadily. as t on ot their hilS baa becop1e the exof gratitude tha\. at Il\.Bt tbe siege of It he wondered a little at the wreck pression of our deepest contempt and . JAN Any 4, 1911. dressmak ers and rullll n ra had come of his own lire to which they had con- I loathing. A hlsl II understood In every to an end. Now peace ello.ll reign ducted blm . His hands were deep ' language !under heaven, and every again." In bls I>ockots , and his battered hat tbree-year-old, to expreBi derision and "Oh, Mildred! How could you? It's Incl.lned weU over bls nose to pro- I dlsllk6, tbrusts out his I1ttle pink Odd Wlrelell Telephone. Writing from German Africa, a Incredible! ' My lavender marquisette tect his eyes from the lIunshlne. Pres- ! tongue Il.Ild with It Imltatell the tllck· tourist says : "We found here In the wasn' t In the trunk I I was juilt pull- enlly he grew weary or sltUng, and , erlng movementll ot the aerpent'li dense forest, among people who know Ing out tbe basting threads In the clr- rose unsteadily, as If wondering where II tongue. cular 1I0unce. I never dreamed that -to elt next. Then be advanced along The avel'8lon to Inall.. has DO apnothin, of modern sclentlftc dlscov. the horrid Id b the "ath tcward the sleeper preclable present uUIIW, for the risk eries, a good and practical wlr less time I expressman wou e on The hat lying In the du~t cnugQt of any modern Am~rlcan or European telephone. Tbe 'natives have for the . simply must have that dreSB hi .. t U H t d d I k d ' being kl11 d by snake-bite eyen In e s oppe . an 00 e , purpoles at ceremcny, peaceful and for the frat dance the nl ht I arrlvel" ... a ten o.n. ",arllte, drumll of varioul dlmenelons threatened to g dissolve In made ot wood, and tbese, when beat. " " IIleeper. I one-thlrty-fifth that of death by IICht· en, emit sounds of about an octa.ve ID WolI, dear, can t you carry It In a He seemed neither amulled nor nlng stroke. It mUlt date back to at range. Aside trom the ceremonies bo~!" talntly lIuggested her sister. 8cornful, nor curious. He PICk~d up leallt the cradle of the ra.ce I.n the ..... tbe drums a'r e used also a8 a means In a box I The size of a comn! the battered hat .care-fuJly and dusted tropics, but eve.n bere Its dllltrlbuUon . . ot communloatlon. We had a proof And George I~ to meet me at the sta- ' It wltb the sleeve of his coat. Then he Is a IIlngular one. Of 0.11 animals ~ of It ODe day. Our caravan wu ready tlon. It you had any eiliterly lnterellt approached the sleeper, placed the bat above tbe size of a squirrel, one two .... to .tart when our head larvant atop- In my attain or 'In me you would re- cver his tace and shambled olr along display It In any vivid or paralyzing ped lIuddenly In bls work, Ilstened In- member George simply abhors boxes, the path, and he did It aU with Inftnlte torm. It Is an echo at the daYII wben tently and tben gne unmlstaksble packages and baggaae. It's terrible," precaution so as not to aw&ken the our common ancestor, "tailed, covered: signs of pleallure. . We learned later sobbed Marjory. sleeper.-YOutb's Compll.Illon with hair and probably arboreal In Ita that the Indistinct Boundl conveyed "Can't you pOIslbly wear your last . h.a blts," swung ' and rollloked In tho to blm tbe news tll~t i boy bad been year's apricot Batln and lIend this one tree tops. born to his brother In a nelghborlnK byexprells? I alwaye dfd like that lit- ELECTRICITY AS ILLUMINANT 'fl11age." tie dress on YOIL" WEDDING CAKES FOR RENT "Mildred Morton Morse, bow can Commercial Value Wal Not Devoloped AntiseptiC Remedies you suggest such a thing? This Itving In Thll Country Until After the 6howy Confeotlonl May ae HI,..d for Centennial Exhibition of 187&.. About $3 Each .nd Are ROoloed IS del\troy dii! IUle germB, Dr. B ell' ~ in the country has dulled your senses. I'd rather After Eaoh Ooo .. lon, Anti-PaiD is an Ilntl8evtio remlld., Imposslbl&-absolutely! The first experimental phllosopber for externo I 8 nd ext·erDIl! pilins; rt'· stay at home. It would be a cardinal Tbere was something wronr with ~ lief 18 alm ost iDstlln&IlD80IlS. l:301d stn fo'r a «Irion a visit to lead the to dIllcover that electric l1gbt could grand march In a made-over lut be produced by a dry battery was Sir the oake, the baker said; It looked all by lill dH'II Ar" ............. year's ·dress. And 1, Just love my new Humph'ry Davy, who. In 1810 exhibited right and It smelled all right, but his bobble skirt!" walled Marjory. . a 1I,bt three Inc.h es long, between car- ' artlstlc sense told him It wou)d not ~ • ~ v .. Mollt He.t, "I'm sorry, dear--dreadtulJy sorry. bon points, before the Royal Society of taste al1 right. Slewing, braising. steaming, etc .. ""'''''''''~~, " ' . . . . .~ are examples oC 'ooklng ~y moist When I think how I nearly wore my- London. But no oommerclal value was . "Tben fix It up with an extra coat beat. By browning the meat first, a self out to matc~ that lace, the hours attached to the use of electricity all of ICing and we will keep It for a good ftavor II produced. rn stewing, you stood whUe that awful woman an lI\umlnant until more than batt a renter," said the proprtICtor. WALTER '''·O(!LtJRE. the meat 18 cut In .maller pieces and stuck pins In you, how you weakened generation later. The Centennial ex- I "Who In the world wo\tld rent a 1".1 III lerved with the broth or gravy 80 while she pinned the boltom of that hibtUcn, held In Pblladelphla In 1876, I calle?" some one aljked. r eally marks the era of our present I "Wedding parlles," said he. "Tbey tbat none of the flavor and r,utTitive sklrtLoo~g "But I bave an Idea.! I'll run down form of electric llght, though electric f want a big cake In tbe oenter. ot ths n:aterlal will be lost. In braising, Funeral Dir~!to'. tbe meat Is placed In a cov(>red pan to the station and ask tbe baagage- Ughts bad been In use abroad prior 1 table for show, but a cake of that PosIU~n? In tbe oyen and steamed In Its own man to let me put tbe new dress In to that time. The exhibition or mod- , size good enough for a wedding would Juice. A pot . roast, II IlmUar except your trunk. There won't be many els nnd practical demonstrations ' of , cos,t more tban they onn aUord to Telephoue day 1l1gbt We can offer you good that It II pooked In a k tUI:! on top trunks there. I'll make eyes at him electric lights at Philadelphia In 1876 , pay, so they order, fine cake put up tn Valley phone No. '7.. J..oIUI' of tbe ltove. A small smount of and be'll let me do It. Cheer up, Mar. ,attracted the ' attention ot scientists I Individual boxes for the suesta and Paying Employment Distance No 69_ Qr , water I. ulually added tn botl1 cases_ jory. Behind the cloud II the sun is and capitalists In this country, and the use the bride's cake just as an ornaftrst Incandescent lamps and the first ment. They don't buy It, they rent It. sblnlng." that you will enjoy and Tho temperature atter the browning Twenty minutes later she was back 'arc syst~m were pu~ to practical u~e SomeUmes 8. cake Is rented a dozen WAYNESVILLE; procela II Bnle-h'e d must \)'3 low at home. Write to-day . , , In a small way In 1876. The Brush dltterent times. Atter each, wedding T~II method may be used wltb cut ot breath. "It'll al1 right," she cried, Joyously. I arc I1gllL gained favor In the begin. , .It I~ treshened up with a new coat of Branch Office, HarveY/lbul'Jf. O. ateab also, browning th roughly, ( Addr... then adding a small amount at wa,.. "Your marquisette Is lying neatly fold- nlng as the most adaptable tor street Icing and looks as good n.a new for ter, coyerlng closely and cooking tor eel In your trunk .. I\.B peacefully as a l1ghtlng, and Cleveland, 0 ., the home I the next occasion. A good renter ; Tbe BuHeriek Pabl......... eo. sl eplng babe In Its mother's arms. of Cbarles Francis Brullb, the Invent- fetcbes about $8 a wedding. • WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES • Jon. time over a very slow fire. B~_1ek Baud .... NewYor,k oN.Y. , But I bad a dreadful Ume with the or, was the InlUal American city to .--~ key. It wouldn't work. Tbe bag-~ a.dopt the· arc system for IItreet HlhtYou Can Alway. Cst St. Augustine'S Catholic: Churdl. . , ASK 1J'HE SALVATION ARMY . Fnt}ler George MlJ.rcnhoef,or, Pastor . The b~l!~ cl)u~1l ro .. dl ID e if you gngeman had a 80rt of skeleton key Ing. he opened your trunk. Since 1878, both the Brush arc syaMass every 1IC(l0nd Suudlll' of the montb a as!t f'lr Dr. BI3I1 '14 PUle· Tllr ti OOEl,\' and ., . tem and the Edison Incandesc'ent sy. 8n" look tor t,he b II ou th e bot·lle . By the way, Marjory, you never tem bave developed.-Morley'l Map- That la What Many Do When They II : (I a . m. Want Anything, Evon a Bonnet Gaarl\DWer\ to giVA 81lt.i felotl'lD, shOwed me those velvet pumps ot line. St. Marts Episcopal Churdi. for tho Hol'lo. yours. They're stunnIng. What a tlold eve rywh,,,,·t'. Rev. J . F . Cadwallader, RectOI·. -~-....------gorgeous automobile scarf tbat Is on .... unday Sohool. 0 :30 a, m MorDtng ser A tea.mster who needed a bcnnet Not CoOd the top ~ray! And wbo sent you that r ico, 1U :30 a. m. . Holy Comm union ~ho lint Th'e COlt, five-pound box of candy? You \lttle tor tlv~ ry~hiuliC Sot,berllmd's Elu!'lp for bls scrawny horse applied to the Sunday of' each mOD~h. Seymour--I don't believe that wan· fox , you never told your bfg slst r a Ey e Hu.Jve \14 ~ood for no~hiDg but Salvation army, man haa ' a slngle . enemy among all word a)Jout It. 4nd I never knew you t b V II , If yo n use it and', a.re not ''Wby dtd you go to them for such . Methodist Episcopal ChurdL btl n.s.hbora; every ' one af them had a book "of golt rules. I qnly just 811 ttl'fl Art oome bac, aud get your 250, a thing as that?" someone aaked. Rev, IL W. Batie)', PUWl , apeaka of bim as it he were the beat . ber;an to get aC.!juainteiJ with yo.u r Yon ot" t,b e j'ldge. "Because I knew they bad them," unday School, 0: 15 a, m . Mornln" serman In the world. personal belongings when I looked Inhe saJd. · "I saw one of their 'wagons vice, 10 :80 a. m. 'Epwonh League, 7 :00 po --.,.-Alhlay-Well, I ,uess that's ri,ht; side your truuk at the station." .So d,own the IItreet wltb two strings m. Evening servIce, 7 :00 p . m. ldldweelr but Wallman ,bas to pay pretty hlgh of borses' bonnElta stretohed, from the PI' \yet Meeting, 7.. p. m, "Mildred, ' I'm . ilo tired tbat YOllr Th.e Open Mind In Trave',' ~.~ opinion; every year cbatter bores me. What are you talkTo leave oneself be.blnd Is perhaps top of the cover to the tailgate, so I Christian Church. ' be baa to Inve.t l~ a new lawD- Ing about, anyway? .My pumps are a ' the first 'and best Initiation for travel, hustled down and asked for one beRev. L, O. Thompeon, Paat.ol . . year old and you've seetl them a , says Harper's Bazaar. As one stepa fore they were all gone." Bible School. &:80 a. m. SocIal meetln., dozen timel. 1 never had Il.Il automo- j on the traln 'or goes up the gang"His caBe Is typical of bundreds of 10t30 a. m. CJhrllltlau Endoavor. 1:0U p. m. Sermon pastor ov~ry ..altonlo.to Sunda:v a& bile scarf In my life. and never expect j plank, one says tarewell, to that wear· others," said' ·an army worker. "Our 10: 30 a. by m. ILDd 1:80 p. m. .. Cranulated Eye LIds , to have one. No one has had the gocd tng and aggravating personality who collection wagons are veritable curl· Hid<site Friends Churc:l. are I'a!lilv Cllrl'el-Clltllltin i/ol"1 t De 0 Benle to Rend me a one-pound. box of has lived so close to UB tor months, de- osity shops ,on wheels. ' Household t'!u"rv . 8llth .. rln nel'", E'IJde EI A .condy, . much I~S8 a five-pound box. mandlnc, exacting, Questioning, ex- goods and clotblng cOmprise the bulk lJ'irat Day M ' tin ct. 0:00 a . m. Firat Oa)' Sldv~ is Plll'li slIS &l nrt hftrmlE1!11" Bod The oplY rule about anything Ihat I hauRtinc us with anxleUes and .brood- of the load, but it Is ,topped ott by ,cL ool, 11 10(\ a , m. Four~h Day Mce\ln& gnarn ntel'll t, I n , I;J 1111 1 eve.. ever ,owned or ever knew was, 'When I.n8 troul>l es. It reQu\l-es no entire es· curlo~s odds and ends. Penurious or 10 :00 a. m. failed on Ii 011 P. ,(. \ 250 In doubt play trumps.' Please exola1n 1&7 at Mantalgne's to prove to us, how poverty-strl~k e,n souls keep an eye on Save Moa'ey'ud lee,,- in Orthodox Friends ChuJ'CII . what you mean. Is It possible t~at "that the spirit often hlndereth Itself." the most conspicuous contrlbuUons Alrs. JliUzabe~h lArkin. pastor -:::~ Style by ReadingMc~l's Frelb fields and J)lUItuTee new, a head and whan they sea anything they want you've .. ·opened ' so.m ebody else's-" !'\lJ.bbatb Scbool, II :30 a. m.. Rel!:ular church Magazine and U.inr McCaIl .PaUerna "Ob!" gasped Mildred, despnlrlnsly. and tJlfl hour to throw aside the old they .s imply follow the w.agon down lIervlce, 10 ·QO 11. til. Cbrla~lau Endeavor. 7 ::!O p. _ 1'1. must ha.ve put your dress In Bome and pu~ the best foot foremost brings .0 headquarters and ask for it." M.e.n'. M,..... I ...wlll ~1~CALt:S MAGAZINE III I)) you drollS Slyl· one 'e18e'8 trunk. 'Now I remember a new beart as readily as convel'8lon. , 1:111 II' al n lI1odc rul O tbat the man sold: 'You'll have to Care Is shifted from the sbo Ildera .; xp n~o by k 0 CP I II I( ~A),,) 11 'P O S lO<l on tho hl1rry, lady; she goes In a few min· the back 1.11 turne~ upon teasing, reSolves a Deep Mystery 'Iuw t rll s hlnlls III ute • .' I tbougbt It was strange, know- Iterated obllpttons, and adventures "llIthe!! und hllt.s. 60 . " ' W f'n~ h Ib n Vesl1018 tng tha.t your train doesn't leave unUl and stran,geneall, so exhilarating atter "I WilDt to tbank yoo fram tbe III ol)(:h Issue. Also tour o'clock." a long siege of the . a.ccustomed r.ound, bottQm of my heart," wrote C. B. "lI l.U\lllo l,urQrmalloll "Gone! Gonei" wailed Dorothy. are ahead. Motttaigne sa),B that 8OmO Rllder, of Lewisburg, W. Va ... "for We 4.on't mean just stop. tI.le irri"" nil homo IIUtI por· ~fl lIlIl nmlter.!. Ouly "U'e-U's tragic. but It's tunny!" one reported to Socrates that a cer- tt-le wonderful double beDefit I got If you would like to supply tation in· your throat-but cure the Wc II }'l'lI r Including ____ .......i. , ___ taln mant: ' 1l8 In no wise Improyed by from Eleotrlo Bittertl, In oOring me tI rrell 1 llIltOrn. 81111· underlying cause, 1'0 r table with this high'1 of bol b Il severe , case of stomaob 'Mtt¥ft~,..... ...., ~.1'UIo ':i(' nb U.HtIlY or seud hi s traye s, an d h. e r elied A Pellennl.1 Peril. p ; can .rur frco ~lIlI1ple copy. Cough syrups cannot do this, It The crInoline of the BtUes' Is b~ well believe It since he took blmseif trouble and of , rheomBtiam, from graqe silverware free of McCaU J'alt_ willi"'" 10 yon to nlllke In YOII r take.s . constitutional tonic body . .,.. alon.... whioh 1 hlld b~en , lm almost helple(l8 own borno. Wllh youro)V n hUI II.,. C l <l lhln~ r" f lleved to. bave been Invented by one 8uff~rer for ten year". ' It suited my cost, write us for our spebuilder, to do the work properlyyourSelf lIud c'lIll<lroll' whl 'II will hu Pllr(N· t In. sWlo nud lit. ·Prlce-none billher tban 1& of tbre~ P'fenc:b~en-a 'certaln Joseph • - • . cuse 88 though m~de JUl!t for me" and cure you to stay cured. Vinol COil IS. $on(l (or rreo .PlllIern Clllalogue•• cial offer. Address Tho~as, who died as~ort time ago In 80methlnir .lust As Cood For dyspepIlI",·.ndIK611tion, jlluDdloe W. Will Ci•• Yo. FiM P....I. ror gettlnlC lIub'is the' remedr,You need. .the United States; a draper's assist. Oan only be the <,lillie wb~1l it is Ilnd to ,rld the .eystem of ki"ney .pot. ~" rlpl l!l ll$ nmong your (rl unds. So DII ror rcee I'r!'mluill 'utll l OIlUC Rl\d ash Prlae Orrer. STJ\NDJ\RD fASHION tOMPANY . . , IDBE Is ·pROOI' . ant, w.bo la 'nlUDeless, or one-Hefnden- ~noth6r bott,IA of. Dr. Bell'" PlDe. BOn8. tha t .oantie rbeu,mll.\lsml Elee Til ~ct,\lt (OMPA/IY, 23910 249 Wat3711r SL, RlW YOU 1!.IG Vlndl\lll Slrftt. Newton. N. ,.' iIn,' ¥lDDla o.Poct. Olen • .-an., ' rbah, .an executioner, wbo "flourished" Tar.l:I oney . Every bottle the Mme. ' ·rio Bitters bll8 no equal. Try tbem ;K."1r.. wri....I ... ,A:fterU7!njf ..YeralNJDoo ' during the second empire . . On wbat Look for th~ bell on th~ bottJe. Every Qot,tle bl guaranteed to eatla edt.. tor a bad' _ajfh and tIold Withoat one mIght nry . well call clrcumstan. • _ • . f 0 I 500 t 11 d i ta lleaaflti ,I wU . .ked to try, V,lnol. 'n tlat-evtdence, 1 rather favqr the ex&y. ~y ~ &r~gg a . Wor~ lIJl~ ~ I .t C"I~ ~:r oold auUoner. · . ',' , ' , - Tolltol'l B'oo.makln",' , ' . , .' - :~ . , . 'aD4 eoqh ~lplDed la bealtbaDd It II Polni8cl out: that the aoft boop Many who bave n~.er read a line of Th~ .Rev. Irl ~Icks 1~1I A.lmanac 1I&nD~ I , ~a"cler Vlao~ tb_ moH ' ,thicb DOW en,clrolea ' lIo many' suiart Tolltol lmow tb"t th, j:ountl with 'his .. ' , . ' '. , :.:.~al t.oAJO aDd IDYI~ra40r' J;.eYel' aklm m\llit o.. IlY ,devt?lop 'Into sQm.~ ~ullar : Dotlo"s of 'rork,' D,lade bls: T~e Rev . Irl' R. B.lpkS' A,Jman~ " ' I' thIng ~U'ab. mo~ subs~nthiJ and that o;wn b«;ota: '~yimer Maude, In .' hi,. fot' 1911, that IIInai'diaJl, . Angel In U w~ 'cannot s't op that cough from ' weartn'g beebtv.e bpnneta Dame Tolltol'l. blocrallJ;lY.. quo~1I an ·incldent· a )J,oDdred tlioQs\od bomee, Ie DOW with 'VlNOL-bur delicious cod 'Faahlon m18ht eaaUy tum tor variety ' to that eonnect1o~. jlAa to the boob r~dy . N,'ot m~ny are DQ\V _. HUng liver and iron toriic--,.which made to beeblve petticoats. But I hope tile Tolatol made, I aakeel a man to' ,rho~ .th 1 I ' . 'No OrtDoUDe laqUe 'ot 1893, It it I. be had given a' palr ~d' wbo bael to . 1,iewit~~tlt it. an~ the I!-a,v, lrl R. Wi out oJ -:-we Will'.' ~~ 'cbJl,fge ltiU In 'eslstence,' baa Ita corborate or WOrD thein, wl1e~er the,.', we....' wen Bloka, Magazine, Word and Worka ~1I a cent for ~ me(ltcln~ you th.. y ~..... t . ' buv. This seems like a pretty fair I'~retarla1 eye on . at uOOP,:-'--., I . • ad~. 'Couldn't be wone,' w" .h1I Tb!.twy ar~ ooly Qn, DoBar 1& yetar -, Pictorial. . • repl,.. I aUlpeel," adda )lr. Mauele, Tb'! Almanac , ia '360 p~ald, No proposition-and ought to be ao~ • _ • • ud the averqe ~der will DOd .... ..tR.. Id f ' il ... . cepted. ~ft YOIl thi~ soP With ' ""'''e up Your OWn 'Mind 1Ie..t. "tbat' ToJ.toI'. boot.maltlq ".. bome or ,(_De IA OD . a to Ifbu this Understanding we uk JOG to · Wben I" the , need of a ' muab of more uille .. ., .plrltual ..dati" for 'hem, to " . :try a bottle Of VINOL , medloln., If you I bQ,V Dr. Belr.. thu It w.... ,& ClOIltributioa to the Word aad Worki Co.,
$ $
Masonic Banquet Rooms
$ I $J ~~t~\~:dfo~t~c~:e!t h~b~~~!:I~~e~~ ~~bl~::.~I~~~~es~:~~~~~~~~d l:n~::~ $
Waynesville, Oh;o,
Are Yon
lor a
..- - -
- ..- ---
.. - ..
- ---,.
- ,..,.---'- --
How To~,stop
.'- .
Stubborn Cough
a · J.&.VIWBY • -ftIt,., "
D..........' pt:~!-t!.~e7 we . . . .tee .~!
. P ilverw~re
I'l" -
10 cents
$ Everyone interested in Chickens $. $ - cordi-ally lenvl-ted to $ be present - ' .$
$ $ $
anuary 5. 6" 7 1911 $$.
01 tIaf eaoaomICJ~"
. It.
~ · Moe
r I\L.IJ
-~JI'oI- atl the world ". If tbe dl\Y It beJ"o Of' of Ita fmpot'ta ftc., r 8UPl 0", .... Stepmo th'e r of Mint Julep, aid d wI¥' nol a cliUcai one fOr one at had put OD my fav orite whIte liner, Roman e nnd pC1etry have ()ellg~te4 Its In mb !"S, and nfl , axj()us o'l le for h i!.! dress, Ith a lot of lace or cMChei 01 to!) w av garlancl s 'w,! tb whIch to col, two friends, Deare9t nnd myself, wh9 SOlD thing at that Bort let W, "and I brate nllll .pcI')Jet.uat ,t.h glory of thl) hnd Invit ed T erbune to t..hc castle Bole· t II you slle look~d WQndertul I(ood, blue gruss In old K ntuokY ,fum ~ for Iy to turth r his Interest s and w lfare. Gad! It's nice to have a wlfe.! ' Its flue hor>! H, I.J nlltJtul women ' nud At lanst tba WIlS tbe \"ay 1 feit ab(lllt Dut ail I was saying, we were 'all mint, it. Dcar st mllY bave had' some other. of UII \lndel' a rather unusual strain 01 Objec:U OD Ralse d Aga inst AnimA l That. I( e ntllcl(y hus been deslSDll tod as object In view. ' r hadn' t B ElU I her She Is Extra vagan t xcitemo nt. I could see ' RII we left the Feede r Is Not Justi{ led - Grow .Fast lh hom e of th> mint Julep, and III! since last ulgbt, by the wuy, nnd r breakfa st table that old ' Arch bad b e(:01011 III I!o,ve b om famou8 an over own I fclt nJilrTo d tor lbe succcss of gun ttl have mlsgh" and Fatten Easlly , ngs as to the sue· lit W01'11.l fill' th e el)8Y and gracefu l our plans wh n I thought at the events cess' f hIs suIt, and was looltlng very ot that evening and the sbockln g dis· lIorlollB liS the I'oallznt way In wltl ." til y dl'lnk whisky with loo b gan to c losu re of Terhun e's Inconsl ancy, to dawD upon a 1It1.l rl n>l h of s lIgnr und a sprig or him that bet~'een break· tbe v ery one of all olh rs from whom fast Ilod one o· tw \ Of Inlnt III ord er. hlellY. to over- ' I ck be would have to It shou ld hnve beun hidde n . rOllle thb lIl)C'oss ltl' for 11 large amount put the d eCisIve 4u os tlon. \Vben be "Poor old r h! " I said to myse lf 8S had conlhl d of wnt I ' In Ih b "c rage. Th trlle to me laat eveninG that !(eulIIc klon does n't want Me whl~ky ( Bat down at the br nkfast tabl nnd lie By , Inlen ded to as k Agatha Sixth to- . 1) ga n to r e nd tbe oaper until the clay, he Ilrllwne d. hurl also told me that he III an I ot h()rs should join m e . ''I'm nfrald he's to walt EDIT H 11 tI'III1SJllr l'R, howc\' r, Ihat til l' ul until tbe las t p08slble minute go ne nnd dono Il now! He's mnde 1\ to try his hOl1lo of III mlut lI ud the nlhlt jul II fate, In ord I' to humor HUN TING TON hnlly m ess of It tbls lime, aR sme as is r ig ht her In JlSSOllrl, whus crop gFltha !;ijxlh's coqu tll s h (Ieslre' to l ~ g!;B! " MAS ON Anll yet even In s plle of np· l(eElp him walling for 01' mlnl lusl yenr I1mount ed tn 7.Gfi !1 his allswer. But \} " run c s, at-e re t ly I hoped, If Agatha he spo ke l'UII\uls, or e nough to UlU lto 1. 2:) ·1.320 Ul en \\' Itb Il good II 11.1 of Sixth were really ns daffy about hlru confiden co as Ju l 1>9. Til ls 1)n101lIlt Indude! l th e 1I11l1 ' to th fll.vol'nblo nature as my wife hlld seemed to thlnk- or tbat ans kl' tl~ d )lrodurt only. no nocouut hn \ . Aathor we r. whll o no\\1 doubt ond \lut tile e ntrance of both the young anxie ty scem d ill~ he le ll talePII of lh e counll 5S Iholl . to be hIs on ly a llies. "The Real Agatha" persons my thought s lind just nnm ed · r w us sorr)" fjuo(i s of Ju le ps which were eompou llu , for him, UlOlIgh I couldu' t Interrup ted my medltnt lons and 1 ros e help. won(1e rlng (' 11 dllrlng the ."ear wllh a bllse of th .. If h~~ fllrtatlo n and !'\s they seated th emselve s and wit h di s loyal conduet un, liluted llIoons hlne whllJky tbnt In r I1rel to Aga tha an am nz lng calm be gan a comruo n· FIrst dlrl not 11 ('\'1 r pnld Il cent of tnx. -St. Louis mak e his TClfusal 11 jllst vince little cbatter a bout unlmpo rtnnt punis hment . and Stne', ) s lIrmli:oogU thnt be things, just as If nothing hnd happene d blld h e~lIn to wouder himse lf It the nt all. Nor did th e appeara nce or ('rowll ln~ ofTen &YNOP SIS.' '(If In8 t nIgh I hrul no t SKIN BEAUTY PROMOTED Agatha First nnd T rhuue one after becom know n. In allY liven I, trou· A~l'lbo.l4 Tnhune . 0. popular an4 In· the other at all dl s tllrb their benutlfu l bled wa s no 1\'o rd tor bls Ulpress lon In tho treatme nt of alfedJo ns of tbe Ilolent young bachelor ot London. re- serenity. as we s rparnt d In the breakfal !t skin nnd scalp which tortnre, disfig"eJve~ ne"''' thllt he btu been made heIr Strange to say, Terhun e ga ve no rOOllr eac h to his own pursuits . How· to the cstate of hJs Aunt Georglo.na. wIth Ure, Ilch, bllrn, Bcale and dCHtrOY the ~n IncoUto of m.ooo a year. Oil condlUCl I\ evidenc e of nny inward disquie t or ever 'rJ esc TI' l.'d bls refusal might be. I hull', us W Ec'll as for preserv ing, purl· 'hat he becomes engaged to be ma.rrle4 cause tor alarm. Champi on Hoifite in' He lfer. He IIhowed not the couldn' t he lp wlsblng ' thnt sucb 8 fylng aud beRull! ylng tb .. complex ion. "fthln ten days. Failing to do 80 the keno)' will go to .. thIrd cousIn In Amer- faIntest sympto ms of a ~Ilty can· calam ity would not o.ertak e hIm. 1 Al though a dltre r II CO of opinIon Jlow e r oVl' r an d !IbllV I! utb o r milk ; inlllble. 1I111110ns at womell through · Ica.. Tho s tory opena I1t Castle WYc koff, science , but laughed and chatted with tllink the world of the old boy and J exists on Dlany pOints nbollt dairy second, because Il sh ill!! out tbll world rely all tbese I1u~e, sweet whl\re Lord Vln nent and bls wlte. frlendll hie custom ary soclabll lly. It w II when It bad want to soe him al!l happily married breeds. on one thero Is no dis Jlult'. nnd g ' nUe emollie nts for nil purat TerhUne, are dlllOues\ng plans to flnd not sold as milk, nod l hlrd. b cause It poses been for his persiste nt nvoldan ce os 1 am-tho ugh of course that's not The big blnck nnd bim 0. wlCe "'Hhln the prescrib ed time. It or the toilet, both and nursery , white Holste Ins are Is peculinr ly a milk fOl' nso In chees _Dll!l that Lady VIncent Is one ot 8even ot convers ll.tlon with Agatha First I lit rally posslbl£'. liS there'll only one the b nvlesl milke r s. As nnd for tb sanative , untlsep tlc clennsInclh·ldu making llls. . J)ersoUII "1UtI!!4 Asutha, a1\ ctoae girlhoo<1 s hould have heen convinc ed In spite Dearest In the world. tb y hold tbe record. and as for h 'I'd Now Il word ubout th c OWS. They, Ing at ulcerate d, Inflame d mucous SUI'chums. Sho 4ecllllltl to Invite. two ot them at the evidenc e ot my own eyes thnt For my s If. I followe d my wife out av rage, ·th y lE'a rly sln nel In to the caatle and hlwe ArehJe there a. Potter Drug &-. Chem. Corp, Bos8 c\n.<;s 100. have tll e lr good points. They ure Inc s, nne or the ~eat., Agatha Sixth Irtrtkes be was not the tro.ltor and doubl e- lipan th e \' randa and began to tell by them~eh'es, In thlll sens th brped doci le. c uslly Illllllag ct , 8nd not at all ton. Mnss., Bole Propri etors of the Cnt-rchle as It. bandpal nted beauty. Aptha dealer we hnd every r eason to think bcr my apprehe nsions tor my friend. Is fSIIIOll9 lUI enorlDo us milk Jlrodu· frt!lfu l 01' IIl1s)JI Ions , and JI'lrilt I. a breeST Amerloa n girl. Lady him, but an upright nnd Innocen t gen· not. at nil ticllra Remedi es, ".. Ill mall Cree, on re"Look b e re, Agatha, " I said, "1 wnnt ee l's. S£l)'S Ame rlcon Agricul lnrillt. UX' 'eds tb'm In cons tltut lonal vigor. qu es t, their latest S2-pnge Collcur a "'ncent t ells her husbaftd that Agatha t1 eman deeply In love with Agatha to know whnt Tflrhun e's prospec tl Hols t In milk enjoys ~th already CII.'N!J!J tor Aroble. , Ho galos a distinct ion that T ho cnl \' s arc lal'!; nt birth and lire Book on the skin and blllr, DVm Agatha Shth tho IlA1mlallton that Sixth and ' Agatha SIIlh only, his 8rc. Whnl cblLnce bas he with Agatha so tLlr bas not bee n claimed by t.b e lI sua ll y s trong nnd tbrlfty. Th eY .g row "he caree tor hlttl, but will requIre a strl\yln g toward Agatha 1;'lrst having Sixth now? Any at all?" .AI I have e n When It Was Roughe r. thus lnsts of th o o t her breeds. Some ins t and fultcn l'/I..'illy. T it.' )' It!onth'lI time tully to make up Mr mInd. been but a tempora ry Bwervln ar ' nillbo Puul Withing ton, th e Harvard coacb. snld. I had not yet hnd an opportu · bell ev ' that thlR milk Is more g from Agatha First, neglecte d by Terhuoe , .... vltaliz· prepote nt. No dl rr~re nc wbat crOfS waH praising the milder loollY.1J1 or celves attentio ns from Lel!llle Freer. JI'our the path of loyalty, born only of his nl ty of speakin g prIvatel y wlt~ her, Ing lhu n any ot h r Itlnd, but wholh r In breed In!; Is 1l1£Hle. til Holstei n 1!ltO. d;e.yll ot the precloull Ume ' have passed conceit and thirst for flatte ry. I'm nnd s ho bad bElen with Ag(lth~ Sixth th er is any slJch . thing aM a vitality c hara ctcristic s, Ill< II rill e, Ilredo DI' ~en "rerlntne · t. called to London on bound to concede . howeve r, that "Footbn ll In the '90s WQ4 a te rrible be all night and W(1S of course f.n her (Iecu lar to milk is. at course, a ~ulllnen. Agatha Plrst, on the plea ot made no sort dl t!· innl '. at h adway wltb Mtss conflden c. I ex pected tI; heE.%' how puted ques tion, ga m el." sllid Mr. WI~hlngtan. "Bour· ~e!llt, exnu_ berl!llllt trom Q. motor Th o larg!\ s Ize anti the t e ndNJ'Y to g l, you know, devoted a whole chall' irlp' pllUined by tb. Vincente. Lo.ter the,. Lawren ce, who me t his advance s with matters stood with Miss Lawren ce Som soy milk Is like roots or oats. lay on fat It fed fal·fol·rulng toods Ilro tel' or 'Outro Mer' to \tl\ horrors . "" Acatha Flnt pIcking flOWers wIth a unfailin g courtes y, It Is true, but a that momen t and with the ~'UlIeBt de- WhCll roo t crOIlS are fed to hoth stock points an of "~ng. man. utility which DlRI1Y 80m (If the stories of th. The ' Vlncenta 4lscu88 p1l1ar at loe could scarcely have been tail. ! was therefo re as disagre eably footbnll of Increns e III growlh alld health Is often fnl'rn e rs do nol cn.re to lo+..aUIIl'• •eemlng duplicIty. The toll ow" more unyield overloo k. ing nnd th e look on her sUT'prlsed as I've ever been In my 1I1e, noted illir day. the party vl.lta the ruin. at an little white pansy In e xcess or what th nutritiv e Whllo dnlryme u are bell vel's In Slle- 'flO or '91 nre, In fnct, almt>At Incrcd· tace was rnther pltl· by Jove, when roy darling e:red r'l8 value !bl . eld convent . Terhune conUoues hili at· ' would Indleat . When oats ar clal )Jurpos(} cows tor lb spoclal tentlon. to Agatha SIxth. 'Ulen truMen', . fully hard. Dearest was only a little coldly and Imperso llally and nsmark pur· Philade lphia lIoorting editor reo fll, fed to horses that pecuLiar, quality pose of produ Ing milk or he tran.r~" hla attanUo M to Agdba more cordial berself, and 1 pitied butt r, they tUl'n or! l' n Nov wb r Saturda y trom the "What do you wan~ to know for?" I!'Im. VIncent .coroe him tor hi. appar· poor old boy known as ru ettle 81)P m's, wblch seeWB do f el.that If a good cow poss 'sses a W t Phllade lphln with u lIale, fright as I saw an exprcss lon "Why, becnuse I'm Interest ed In to he accoullt d for • at fickleness. The lut cvenlng or tbe only In some way large car cass that will CArry to mar· en lime alJoted 10 which to become engaged tbat I could almost have sworn was Terhun e!" I cried, a little Injured. "I otber d fuco . than the feeding value of the ket n largo quantilY oC m at wb ' utt.ee. burt and bewilde red growing upon bls wlUlt blm \'0 succeed In Inheriti n the .. ' Many acciden ts at the pm ?' a ng hll constllu ent s contain ed therein. So It anima.l as a mllkul' face. has finish d hor polic r torter asked htm, nunt's propert y of course! Wbat else'" may be wltb milk. Anyway , we know time. th e n th y ar not averse to so (C~APTER IX,.- Contln ued.) But I didn't get Ii chance to observe " 'On "What e lse Indeed? " r etorted my that many frigbtfu l acciden t: replied physlclo llS r eco mm nd tbls using h r, !; t Hng In lllis way nn addl· the m mucb longer than a first glance wife scornfu lly. "U you don't the s[lortlng editor. 'A powerlu l mule .know kind of milk tor Its vitalizin g power. tlonal The conclus ion was obvtoUII a.n d we betore 1 plunged myself tnto profil thal would not be possible from a Ilelghbo rlng ooal deoler's the duty what else," empbae lzlng the word ' Ot course, en· tell Ilwa,.. from our poInt of vantage at entertai ning Agatha It 8uch power xlsts It Is wer one extrenlc ly angular , with First, which :'know," "I can't }Vaste any more tIme no tered th e field, blunder ed Into one ot not underst ood, and we sh8U hove to tendenc y to fI 611 1111 and at the door and looked at eaab otber naturnl ly devolve d upon me. fatlen . tbe hottest 8crlmm ages Bnd lot The talking to ~oul" ' Then, as she caugbt walt for closer h emlcal and micro· with soared and troQble d faces. Our poor girl wasn't game for much Thll objectio n raised aga.lnst the kill d: .. con- my look of utter astonlsb ment, "0, scopic attemp ts to malte analysi s to reveal just what Holstein that s h Is an extra\'a match tor Agatha versatio n, though, I could see tbat. you men! You gnnt men!" Bhe added, things: It any, are 8txtb and win Terhun e 4' fortun" were And hy Jove, tr Agatha Sixth looked behind this can· Ceed r Is nol justlll d. A cow Is a shaking ber head at me. I'you're all tentlon. certain ly going wrong wltb a ven- tiadly, Agatha Flrst looked l( Holsteh l milk Ie more machln , tha pllrp05 of wblch I. to worse. alike, aEttlr all! But I thoUl'bt better dlgestiv o and assimila ble, th n we make milk and butter PIU}I!9.. Never SIlW such a hopeles s wretcbe d of you. WlHrcd ' tnt . These prod · !" Wllut to know why It Is 80. But the worse was not yet. Before looking YOUllg woman In my lire. ucts are made from lbl food she Gnts. It "Th~u~ht better of me? Hut what we ha4. time to more tban breatbe a It badn't been for the presenc e of Anoth r undispu ted point Il.bout No anlmnl can at a sml\.ll the I bout ,." I qu eried. amount of Jlew cOmpllc atlon present ed Itself In footman , who was tn the room, I Holste in milk Is the email fat globule. food nnd at tbe same Ume beproduce "Ha VO YOIl forgotte n r she asked Some prefer It tbls way, otber dis· big qunntltl es of the shaPe of· tbe sudden appeara nce of Iteve she would bnve given way to 'milk and' butt I' faL rut'. without nnswe)'! ng my qllesUon . like it. For butter malting It .A«atha ' Slxth upon tbe scene. Is a It a cow ents little she also produoe s "Have you forgott en last summer , not drawba ck, but ' Cor shippin , W~ met fun. at the toot of tbe etalrs g or tor little. A cow Is profitab le In proporquite ' a year ago, wben you and !lir, cheese It Is a decided 'ust as we were going up, wrappe radvantl lge. tion as s he us es II. lal'go quantity of Terhun e first came through tile fields Wben milk Is sblJlped ove clad an4' with long black braids bang· r a long rough , coarse farm JJroduct s and from of Wye and stayed at Cas tle \Vyck· distanc e the fat rises to th 1ng ov... her sboulde rs. I .felt myself e top of these. makes th e largest Quantit y of bolt with us all- my aunt Mrs. Ar- the can or other vesse l In 'lP'OWD Quite cat-Uke In regard to seew61ch It Is finish ed product s In way or milk or mi stead and the six other AgntbasY" transpo rted . With ,J e rsey 1p.g tn the dar~ and had p,ercelv ed Iy ("Him-B eg purdon, my good or Guern: butter Cnt. "Rathp. r not!" I exclaim ed. "But eey milk this creamin g tllkos ..... ho abe 'Was and the vital necessi ty man. but how can I find the custom s place The HolsteIn cow has Illude Sll h an wh at·s that got to do with tho present v e l'y {lulckly , but wltb Holste CIt' keeplllg OUr dlscove l7 a secret from in milk enviabl e l' cord and Is sucb a ,u seful office? caso ? 'W hat do YOll mean, d nr1" Iher, b~tore 'm,.. :WIfe bad Ume to more tho cream rises very slowly. For ship. nnlmal, aU.d Is filling .Jack T81'-1'1 l tell ye, mate ; shm he r plnoe so "Don ·t YOll rememb er," she pers!sl' ping to market this breed produce t .han gasp a greeUng . s 8 we ll, that It will behoove all other yer lantern from starboa rd to 110rt ed. stil I ll1'norlng my quesUon , ber mllk tbnt Is peculia rly ndapted to "Is that you, ' Agatha · Lavren cer' the dairy' breeds to change tJlo old order and faller lbe twillt In yer ·'ace. voice thrilling with t ears, "bow you bardshl ps of l'allroad wbe InqUired . trallspo rtaUon. that now rul s In breedin g else they yoursel f hehaved at that time? Have All tor che se making Holstein ·'Yes. Wbat Is it?" wblsper ed back Wltnou t Malice. milk Is will be dlstlngl sbed by the Holstei n In YOIl fol'gott II why It was thnt you pop1,1lar for tile r eason Aptba Slxtb, peering at US from the "Whut blll'e YOll done?" exclaim ed t.hat the fat the big dairy race now being run In wantod to mnrry me?" stalra, and by Jove, I telt 80 Borry tor Mrs. lIU1rox, as she flourish ed 6 letglobule s are r etldlly r etained In the tbls country . As tblngs stand now, the ~er nt him. "Becau se 1 loved YOIl!,' I burst out, curd. the poor gIrl If she should Bee wbat Holstei n In tbls rllce Is In the hiadu. ae veheme ntly as If It were Indeed we bad Just seen ,that I rather 10llt "Has thaI anythin g to do w1th tbe In three ways , then, Holstei n mUk She haB not alWAYS been In tho lead. tbat wonder ful self·sam e momen t s eems to 6tb.U'd out consp my head. cuously . bllt real merit baa placed be r where corr spOndtll \ce I tried to lIelp you when I first had asked b r. '''What First, because of Its alleged with?" "Doga:' I lIald, my voice 'qulte hoarse vltnllzl,n g Ilhe Is today. elseT" "rt bas. It's an Indigna nt ~Totest. 'With wblsper ing, "one of :Am's got (TO BE ONT1NL "1Dn.) I told you to address that dlstln· IIbut III the dr!'wlng -room !lome way, ~ and he'll knocked ovel\ a vasel" from front oC , fram e to point wheryl gulshed plllnl't as 'flerr ·Proteas or.''' ' "Grey" and "Gray," "And , r did ao." "Did 'be 'also Ugbt the lampr dethe wbeels !'uh. Where 'he stand. What Is the differen ce, It any, be" Yes. But you wrote It 'HaIr Promanded MIIIII L&wren ce 8usplcloUIl17, ards touQh tbe stlls, wedge ehaped tween "grey" ano "gray," Bslde from . . she came and stood bealde us. And "What Do You Want blocks are bolted on, 8S illustra ted Cessor!' " to Know For?" the matter of spelllng T I euraed myaelf for a blunder er as to mako the stUll fill the. standar ds: The edItor at the Oxford Diction ary One ahe said IL Then Deares t bad a go tenrs at any moment . She certainl y vured, Shown tn illustr ation Can be This simply constru cted frame can be "Your lion used to be 110 round· st the situatio n, and I felt tbat it this looked as If she'd cried all nIght as It 60me years ago mnde extende d Inquiry made for use aD both hlgb and' low Constr ucted (or "ae on Both attemp t failed we .c ould do nothing was, nnd thElre wag hardly a trace of "s to usage, and found that opinion s wheel wagons and becomel l vcry us~ sboulde red. How did you get him Htsrh and Low Wheel Wall' In London varied. Repliee to bls Quel' more to save the girl trom tbe certain her eplendl d color left. ons-Vs e{ul About Farm, rul and conven ient about the farm, es- curad of It? He BeemB to be so 8tralgb t Gad! If ever a gtrl had tbe allpear· tiona IIhowed that In GNat Britain 10isery she seemed M) eager to bring pecially 'd urlng hay and grain bar- now." "He bas become an avlaUon enthu· ance or bavlng been run tbrougll a tile form grey is tlle mote frequen t upon berself. 'fhe hay frame shown in the ac· vest. slast, and spendll moat 01 iris time "I lit tbe lamp, darling ," sbe said, wrlnger , she had. I began to teel In lise. despite the authori ty 01 Dr. watchin g the btrd-m., n." .tandin g directly In tront of the doon mo1'e sorry for ber tban I did for ,Johnson and later lexlcog rallhers , who compan ying drawing gives extra room 80 that Agatba Slxtb's view WIUJ cut Aptha Slxtll, even though her con- give tbe prefere nce to gray. Manr for wagon wheels In making short WOND ERED WHY. ofr, "to see If tbere "'&8 much damage duct had bee n more open to criticism . corresp ondents sa!d tbat they usf1d turns. This gives much better eerv· Found th~ Anlwer Was "C1)ffee," Arter all, I soliloqu ized. the poor tbe two forma with a differen ce of done. We forgot to tum It out, but Wilfred will do It now If you'll come thIng had as much right to be In love mennlng . or applicat ion, the distincMaD),; palo, sickly persona ,w onder for along upstalrt / wltb me and not botb- wltb Terhun e as Agatba Sixth did, tion most general ly recogni zed belJle years why tney have to sufrer so, and er." But the gtrl was not to he turned and perhaps It wasn't quite talr of that grey donates n more ' delicate or SY%ftP toma CODsts t o{ DrytnS f 01 eventua lly discove r that the drug-il a!· trom her purpose so ea.slly. Some In· Dearellt to side so entirely with the lighter tint than gray. Otbers c'onMembr ane o{ Mouth and .tlnet ,seemed to tell her that wbat latter. Of course It woa true, all Dear· sldered the dllTersn ce to be that gray feine-I n cofree Ia the mam eause or Partic ularly That COy· lay beh ind those clol!led doors con- Gat bad explaln~ to me ottcn enollgh, Is a warme r coloI'. or that It baa a the trouble, erlnll' tho Toasru e, that Agatba Sixth bad cared tor blru mixture of red or hrown. Anothe r cerned her nearly. "I was always ....ery fond of cofree "Let me look-D earest ," she anld, months before Agatha FIrst had ever group held thnt grey bas mor.e at and drank It every day. I never had using my naro e for my wife for the thought of sucb a thing, and I Ruppose sentime nt. gray more ot color, 'which much flesh nnd often wonder ed why 1 (By R. W . DUNLO P.) 'nrst lirue, as she'lI usually a cold lit· had therefo re a sort C)f first clnlm up· may mean that grey Is a su,gestl oll The term "pip',' IR common ly used was always so pale, ~ID aDd weai:. tie tblng, and Dearest , as It convinc ed on blm, And of course tbe poInt rather tban a poslUve outlIne. "About five years ago 'm,.. bealth to describ e a catarrh or tevered cun· tbat It was [or the best nfter all, thnt sbe should hn,' o' seen bow things comp'le tely broke down and I was condltlon at the mouth 'or fowls. The fined to my betl. etepped aside. were fran} the begtnnl ng and not al· My stomach was In Saying Grace. sympto ms cOllslst of the drying OP t.be It dIdn't take long, the oeilvery of lowed herself to get IntE:l'estcd, was Buoh conditio n thatI could bardly take I own that I am dispose d to sa,. membra ne of the mouth ana 'particu · tbe bldw, Ilnd Agatha Sixth took It good, thou gb I didn't argue with them, grace upon twenty sufficie nt nOUrlsb ment to eUBtain life. otber occasio ns In Inrly of that coverin g the tongue Tbls m(O a mart.yr. One glimpse was thnt sbe bad dellhera tely tried to til", course of the day besides "During tbls Ume I was dtJnkln g cof· my din· drying of the muoous membra ne Is fee, enough . The n she turned and sllcntly alienate Terhun e from his acknow l· nero ' I wa nt didn't think I could do wttbout It. a forin for setting out caused by b.reatnl ng th!'ough tbe Jed tb way to the 'Stairs. edg d preferen ce for Agatha Sillth. IIpon a pleasan r "After awhile ,I c'ame to the conclut walk, for 11 moon· mouth on account of some oblitruc tlon At th e door of our guest's room Tbe girl had never seemed to me to ilght rnmble, for a friendly 'mee't lng, of the air passage s, or ' disease of the sion that col'tee was hurting me, and which we passed before reachin g our be aware of such n s tate of things In or II solved decided to glve llt up' an(l .'try Postum . problem . Why have we lungs ol'tectln g the respirat ion. To owu ~ \ile, my wife stopped . .regoro to Terblln e and Mls~ Lawren ce none for ' books, those spiritua l repasts ,I dIdn't Uke the taste of It at first, but remov e or tear oIT the dried portion "Good night, Wlll'red ." Rhe snld. an d bad . l\lwnys gor fl ahollt her ~Ulil· -a g raco b fore MHtun':"'a gT!lce be· • Is cruel nnd Injur!ou s and often leads whE)n It was made tight-b oiled until ".g'ath a, d ear," to the slrl, and taking ness with t he 011' dark nnd rlcb:"":-I soon became fond of of a !lleep·wallle;-. fore Shakes pearo-a devotio nal exer· to the death of the bird. "tlt band, "yoll DllIs t let rue spend th ?r as III' ber mfni;! were on other things. e lse prope r to be said b~fore relldhi, It: ". . rut oC the night wltb you." And ns , l ~ In case. of aim ole drying of the ' Howeve r, whethe r tb.lI;l was true GIr the "Faery Queen ?"-Cbnr leSl' L!1mb "In one. week .1 b~gan to. feel better. r .. litll.mbl ed on "to my o":n room I coit.1dn't I ;ot, I must ~mress mouth It Is sufficie nt to ,moisten the I coqld eat moNt and sleep better; ' 'My I made utber a help tl,llnklng ·that t.f anythin g in the mess -of my e rtorts tongue wlUl a few drops of equal parts slck ' to convers e ,w ith Jleadac bes ' '1\'ere lea8' tre~t. and His Awful "Break, " wot! 'could comrort ber, If consoll1 ' bel' and fran~y abandon of grycerlB o ,and wl,\ter. rll case tbere within five ed tb \'lm monilia' I look'ed 'and telt tor Tbe IItUe god of bad breaks II ev~l' tloD Wll to be fOllnd, Aga ha Slstb un I\tte m vt to get Is redness of the ' membra ne or ,If ltke a her to e.a t, bu't ee.klng victims. He ,made a' young lJulV being, beadac he spella en· 'Wollld flnl\ It In t hose dear nrms: the pardnes s·l,\t .the Hay Frame. "taU d also In that. She Irteadta sti:r man at a socIal gothertn end oq.he tongUe Ur~ly gOlle. .:. ~ . , r; the other . __ Is beginni ng to separ,a te ad'd twenq. refused everyth ing, even thotlgb Ollar- {<,enlng blush tor a "My. health contlnue~ to nxrprqv e and ' we~k. Til,e young Ice In hapdllq g the .beavy PART THREE, .graln grains of cblorate Q! pataah to eacb today 1. a~ weU est, whu ' can't bear·. anY,o ne to gu bun, mlln 'had been Introduc and li.trllng, weigh US gry, ' howeve r displeas ed . $be may h(l! woman. "Wby, 1 knowe'll to • •youn, ons wbere short turDB must be made, ounoe ot tbls mlxtlq'e , An, eJ:celleD t pounds.! ,I attrlbut .t D11 preseDt health 6 CHAP-r:laR X. 'w lth tllom, urged ber with tJle ut,lllust. silme namo .In Kansas , Ill"" 1)1 :tbe ,wrlteB T. M. Cisel In the Farmer !! remedy Is made by dlsBQlvlng ftfteeD to the t1fEHffv Clt.y,"· he . . -view, The frame sbown Clan t;Ie made gralnll ilig QualiU.., or .-ottum." cordiali ty. De~r<lllt' makell tbe pret-, marked ,. "6nl,- sbe's at ~orlc .014, 1n au "oullce of R~ -"Tbe Road .to WeD1'lJle,'" ~ a ,beautlt~l girt;" froM ·t.he same ~u1;1lbetr It require Tbe follOWing mornin g ' dawned u~ tint boslesll 'ImagtnlCble, s tor ~ater.. Bo~ of thele , iO)UtlOD~ 'are. ..pkp, "There' null It'II.. ohly The young wom~D frole him to tJi.: irtaklnl a '" Reu, ...... en - tho Ct..tle Wy~ol't hOUBe I'uo,. recenUy that I've ·the OQmJDciD frame with ' the barmlee s .nd ... , ... 'freell' beeD halt able ' to "pot' Ilnd be .wai Ilad 'of aD J:Yft . ...... cW ant ' b lett... ',A.. _ _ C. e1ft!' _4 ~ltU ClDd t,plcnll , J1III&. ea fot lonktng at bel'. R4d1Uol1 , of I ~~o 'l hort_ ~o ClQUU, TodllY IIi'JIOD. ~ Ift\"~ ~be lat~er1D.. ......... . . . . ,..... . 'I'IIe7 '. &. • .
Archibald's Agatha
.w.g· Re.
Iml _ ""u .
_= .......... ..................
~~~B 'III.~~3=r~~'
M on da y' s .
By TEM PLE (Col',rJvb t,
by Allioclato d
l!:vel'y body had s pall d Grace. Sh e li ttl e gh·!. " Rut what could YOll expe 't,~ er allly little mother had eald; "sh1J""'ls Mon· ~!\y'll Child. atH/I fn.lr or face." It seems 8S It that s tru ck. tbe k y. Jlfte of Graoe's existenc e. Her fall" n esl'. which d ve loped us s he grew old er InCa rad!ant beauty. was the ex('u se for veryl'hln g. Bad t e mpe r. lu do lonl:'!, were ov erlook ed because Gm ce h uel golden hall' nnd ' brown eyes. As sho grew to womanh ood. Olen fin d women \Jaw ed b efore he r . At school boys flutt ered nfte r her 111\0 bu ~ter m eB about n rose. Th e girls a dored hoI' \\'h lie th ey env ied her. nnd so Cra.:e wen t Oll, n IltUe <IUeeD s ur· :round ed by her sul>J cts. It W!lS not until she met Ja ck Mn r· tin that ho began to rcnll ze tliat b eauty is uot everyth ing. It toole h I' n long time to come to this decisio n. Sbe wonder ed .why s he co uld no t sub· juga te .Yack. H e was never smong th clecle of he r nd ll1lrors. Thil clim ax came at a dan ce at th e 'oull tl'Y club. Jac l( Martin was th o only llIan wlUI an nutolUob lle In tbe llttlo suburb where they both I'cHl d· c d. Gmce, 3S tbe ncknow ledged bolle or (he corumlln lt y, fe lt tbat It was b • n eath be r di g nity to go in a hl rod cab or carriage wb e n s be mlgbt hove th e legnnce of Martin' s motor. 'fhcrero re she smll d he r sweetes l at J:Jl'k Martin v ~O' time s he met him. Illld was r ewll rd ed by ' havin g him t a ke little LlIl lo Lane, wh ose strnlg bt lIo..1r and sallow ski n gave hel' no claims to 101'e lln e5s. All the doys went on Jack Martin was seen afton with J.lllle LUll. Orace could tlOl und erstand It. She woro pale blue gowns. and lavende r gow ns , and pink ones. and was com· plncent ly aware that be l' beau ty hud been !luch a pre tty
cp nd
B~ J.Iw.... rr Pl'tIu.)
a nd present ly' , Grace 'sald: "Perhap s
"Perhap s you 'h ad," was hIs d18. couragl ng stat ement. Sbe iltood up discons olately. "I .see." she said somewb at timidly, "I wIsh tbat tb ere was someth ing I could do tbat was worth while." For the fir s t time he turned and loolted at her with Interes t . "Tbere a r e lots of things." b e said, brlRkly. "You ougbt to be able to take up music or s in ging. It seemB to me t.bat YOIl have some tnlent In lhnt lin e," Some t nl en t! Grace had prided herself on her nice voice. It was not a big voice. but s hc had been nble to chn r m h er followe rs, and th nt was a ll s he car ed. Dut this m nn demand ed 110m thing No matt I' w hnt t h e> number of go res morc of hel'. S be snlcl good·l1y. tuld Lh' Illtlrt today must In Bomo nov, wont away II10w ly, unawar e that bls olt! s to be ac~ · ptable .clude ' Va lIIustra to y(!s fo llow ed b r, and tb a t a lIlUe un of til new nnd Ilracli al des igns. This RkirL bas 11 fla t pane l III th front s mile da wn d In them . The n ex t day she sought ou t Lilli e of the s kir t a nd this Is stltcb d UOWII Its C' I ' 'b i d tbere Lan. nt ~ Ifl ngth . At ellC B e "Li llie ." abo silld, "you seem to ~tJ al. tcllh · ·UIUl {;ore. \~Ithhal smalll d:~t make life worth livi ng-t ell me what a J l e s k· Irt Ilt til e ps. (' Iller of the back lh I' hi then cus·e I can do." to mary rev ersed b x·p ltllt which call· Lilli was. nt huslas tlc. nnd while libe talked at her pain ting Grace was c a ls lb clostng. At about Im ee depth ACCURACY force d to admit tba t the d ark little th 1'0 is a fold and gives t be Imprcs· This skirt alters girl had mu c h of eh srm In manne r s lou of a flounc. nu excellen t mod el for lIueb mate rials nd lace. "No wonde r .l llcl, Martin loves her." as vicuna, ch vlot, serge nnd th e like; the fold m ny be of th e mat rial or or s be thougbt . "She Is just sweet." IIl1k of th e same color. ' Lillie was a great help to Grace. Tbe (lattern (5226) Is cut tn sizes 2Z She showe d th e spoiled beauty that th re were otber. things In tho world to 34 Inches wo..lst measur e. MelIlum size requires 3% yards of 44 Incb bestcl el! ndm.\l'ntion and adulatio n. "It was Jack Marti n who has made mato rla l. me se tb e beauty ot doing mY best," To .pro 'url) thlll pattern ~end' 10 ce nts Llllle confided to her trlend on one to ";Pattern 0 'partment," at th\.s poper. Writ na me Clnd a ddresS pio.1nly. ncd bB occasio n. "I can never thank hIm .ure to give s ize Ilnd number ot pu.tter~ nough." "It was .Jack Martin wbo made me see It," Grace faltered , "but be Is n't NO. 5226. SIZE .•..•••••• ••••.•• my friend aB he III yours. Lillie," NAMIll "Wby. he Is," Ll111e said.. "He ...... , ...... , .. ....... ...... •• .. · ····· , , thinks you are p e rfectly lovely." TpWN •••.•• , •••••• , •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••• Grace looked at bel'. bewilde red. "Yes, H enry, I've trn STREET AND NO •••• "I don't believe he ever thinks of ~ ery corner of tbe globe." me." t!lTATE .•• •. ••••••• •••••• •••••••••• • ••••••••• "The g lobe Is a spherica l l)ody, " W II, he t ll.lk.S about you a lot," uncl e. Tber efore it bas no corners l " LUlie ' stated. but Grace wouldn 't · be -Chips . convinc ed. For so many months she CHILD' S INDIAN SUIT. bad Buffered from his IndIffer ence A Tripe Famine . and crlUlcsm that sbe had no vanity "r want to ge t two pounds or tripe." left, and- It was LlUle ho cared for. said th lady, e ntering tbe shop. Th erefore. when Lillie calDe to her "Sorry. ma'am," replied .tbe keeper, with A ring on bel' third finger and "but we have n't any trip e today." (laid, "I have Ii secret to te ll you," "No tr ipe? . Wb y, It's In season." Grace felt he r heart grow cold withIn "No, ma·am. tbero's no tripe be ing be r. but ab auswe red calmly: s hot just now." "1 thjnk I know your secret; you're "No tripe be ing s hot! Wby, what going to b ~ married ." are YOll talking about?" "But how diet you gnaw?" Lillie "1-1 sbould say, lDa'am, that Ule . asked. "r thought no one h ad heard fisherie s commis sion won·t nllow trlpe of It but J ack Marlin ." to b e caugbt nmv .• "ot oourse he knew It." s aid Crace. "Are you crllzy, m a n ? 1 don·t want "Yes," said Lillie. "I told him flrst, nshl I want tripe." he was a chum of Bob's at college." "We ll, what In t.hund e r la tripe, " Bob?" Graco's voice express ed mll'am? " as ton is hment. "\'yhY- 1 tbought you ''Why-w hy, 1 d on 't know just What we re engaged to Jackl" it Is. but It you haven't got any I'll try "Oh! you ·sllly. Jack. was nice to Rtime olbe \" place." me because or Bob, a nd becaU8e wo both paint, tbat's all." Reslnol Ointme nt Cured When Nothing It sllemed to Grace that tbe world Else WOUld, took on a new radianc e. P erhaps. oh, I> rbnps·. ·If sbe tri ed sbe mlgbt make I lIave had a br nklng out on my hlni like her It little. n eck every . Bummer with someth ing The next mornin g she saw him Ilt like lllcze ma, nnd notlling ever cured daw n. His ploture was almost flnlsb· It u ntil I u se~ Reslnol . e<.1 . und as , she came up to Wm, he . w~ nil kllow how chlldl'cn love " to Barbara .' Carpen~ e~, Ogde.n, S. C. \ "dress up" when playing. for this pur· said: . , pose no cos tume Is more Ilked than "Let me s bow It to you:' Of Course Sho MUBt. It WRe just 'a n exllanso of sea. light· Ul e Ind lnn costume . W e lll11stra te a de· "What time does tbe dance begin?" eil , up by the 1'0 ~ hieSs or the rising sign which moy b made at home or " Nine o'clock," nny IIgbt brown mllterla l, s uch as lin· sun. "'rhen we must be there at 8: 30." '··How lov Iy It Is," Grace said. lug goous. de nim and th e like. or course "What tor?" a han ds ome suit mlgb t be made of softly ., mus t have at lea s t an bour In "liow b eaut\flll ." Then she looked up nt lilre. "Yet calf sklu, but fow childre n can expect the dressin g room to rea.rran ge my yo u snld tbat beauty didn't count t his. Tbe blouse Is U plnl'n shirt. 8S hair." s hown In th small diagram and under lDuch." In CI1.IIIl of pom on the lungs "I snld In a woman ," Jaclt correct· It nre wor n long trollsers . The blouse l an d trousers s bould be trhnmed with Wi zard Oil Act.S like a mustard Blunlin ed. . . plaster. fringe oC s01:!le sort. o r wllh feathers If e)( ~ep t thllt it is nlore C!/fcctive nnd is 110 Tb en as he looked down nt her be 1)08sliJle. Bright colors s ho uld be u sed much . nicer and cleaner to usc, sp01te . with some heSitati on. "But to mu lt e a striking contras t wH b the your beauty does cou nt, Grace." Seve!'e. mat,\l lnl. A rich ':lend d s ign On the " I don't think tb re Is an honest "Oh! " sbe sn.ld' brel\thlessly, "do c hest w ill a ls o be ef! c live. h o 11' In his lIead." you really think so," The pa t teI'D (52'10) Is cut In slzos 4 "That's rl ~h t. T beUave he'd even "I know It." he sRld. "but ·there Is to 12 years. Medi ulD size r equ ires 2'>{. cheat at checke rs!" a new . quality to It of la to; you seem yards of 4-1 In'ch mate r ia l, with 6~ sweeter /I~d nearer to .m e ." . yards of fringe. Worth Ita Weight In Gold. She had nothing to answer to that, PET'l"lT 'S EYE SA INE strength eus old To procUI·t) this pattern selld 10 conts and be went on slowly. "For a long , tonio fo r eye strnin. weale nnd 'mt~ ry lime you Ileemed so far away. you to "Pattern Uepartm nt," ot thIs pap r. eyc~ Writ nnd eul!lrc88 pla.lnl y. IUld be C'~'(!~ . Druggi ts or HawnI'd Bros., lIuf1'alo, seemed to t hink of nothing but bav· aure ..toname give slzu and number of pattern. ~.Y. Ing a good time, a,nd life to me has been a sel'lo\1s thing, but now. S~DlO' Cause and ·Effect. ~!O . 5240, "Ee's a poet of passion , isn't he?" bow. I feel that we have more In .SJZE .. .... .. " ....... "Yes ; l'\'e seen lilm ' Dy i,n to one common." NAr-m .......... .......... .....\ .......... .. . when 'bls verses were returned ." They bad a long talk after that, and TOWN .......... .......... .......... ........ . whlle Jack said: nothing of love. ther~ JlI .... Wlnalow '" Sootblng 8~mp. was much In his manner of deferen ee. For abtll1rell teatblDIt...rtclD l tb ll lUm8, reiluc<'ll DSTREET. AND NO ....... ........... ..... • 1I!UlU11lAtlon ,al1~ . ""III, cu!o.wIDI i ooUe, zw Do bOW"" and of devot ion. . I ' . And so It came abollt that In the STATE .......... ........ .. ..... .... . , .. . .. .. up ex.perle llce fall there were two 'weddin gs Insteild or oue. and the. dark beauty of LlUle, '. w~ich , bad blossom ed IU1d bloomed In . DIffidence. those days of I.ove·s fulftlJ,ment, Vlna "How do you lt ke )toll)' titled a foil to the fairness ot M,onday 's Ill'" 7" . . ChUd, .but ' Grace, ra,dlant and . !'nppy, haC\. no , tbo'ugbt qf envy. , She WaD am not eve.n s uIDcl ently we ll no' glad tQ' haY", all Uie · 'World' ,love and ed with hIm to Dronoun ce 11lsq uaint, name' adnilre 'Lillie, because she .be rself nad ' Q~rrect1y::', . '. / tbo ' greA.t ~ftOf . ' ~he ,love Ja'clr
:.:...".--------. ..,
II .\
stnto snnnto\' la . 28 ' ounty hospila ls nnd 21 munici pa l hospita ls for i ub '\'ru losle bnve been e r ected nnd IU'ovldf't1 fol' since .Janunry 1. J 909. says a r ece ut bulletin of the. ' a· Uonnl Associa tion fol' tb Study and Preve ntion of Tubercu lo sis: 'Within th la s t two yea r s the num· bel' or stato Instltuclolls for tuber u· losi s hat; dOl\bl d. and the numbe r of county ullrl lllllnlr.l pn i Ins titution s has in(~ret1 sE' d fr o cu abo ut :10 to 80. The eX[ll'D<litllrC!s of publi c mOll CY for Ihe trl aUn c nl. or tubercu los is also has mol' thull doubl ed. Not less than $3,000 .000 of stale mon e y was appro printed rOl' 1ube rculos ls InsUtuti onFl In ove r $GIW.OO O III 1 (1 10 , when only 11 leghll:llUI'('H \\'('1' III Ii · sslon. T h e np· IJrOllrl uLiollt< of 'Utilit ies alld It I s (or tulw l' '1I1"~ IS hosp itals and oa nlltorln In ,tIll' ~a~1 two real's will aggre gate . fu l lY $ _.,,11I1,OU(I. bringing the total of olliclnl npprCJ(Jl'lilllolls for tllb rClI· losl s hmJl llah; lip 10 OYer $G .OOO.OOO In th Jllt~t t \\'o y~ars . . In ~j\ltf'. I\(j we \' e r, 01' th is good s how· Ing. Ih l' ~:Ilillnal ASRoc\a lioll fO I' th " .1y :'111 I 1'1'I'\' ,'n i Ion ,. ,luu of TlIbe l'cu Ios l ~ s tal s that II t 0 11 '·1 nIh of Ihe pub· Ii<' provlf; llJn (01' U1br: I'(' ulosls thal Is lI!'eu'el has bl'C' 1I iliad. :l lore than 2fjO,ono tlll)(' I'('1I 10, if! jlaUem s nrc con· i!tallll y witholll prOIJer InstJtu ilollal trea tmeut . .
1 bat! be tter go away; you're busy."
bloomsl l delicate ly In all of th e m, yet Jaolr MR~I'Q-Jlti lirno more ntte'n Uon to her tb'a n to tbe gold'enr od which grew at tbe roads ide. Sbe conelud · ed that she must mnk e some effort to swing him owny fr om bl.s Indltl'e r eneEl. Sbe studied his habits , and found that be took loug wa lI(s In th o enrly morn· ing. The object of t hese walks , Lillie Lune said, was th e sight of t he Boa Ilt dawn. He wns pnlntlnl l u picture, and be carrier! his campsto ol and easel to a bluff that overlooke~ the beach. It was not ensy for Grace to get up early, but aile Octobe r morning sbe saJlled . forth in th e gray light. She wore a .gray swoatel' nnd n gray slelrt. nnd ' ar01l1ld bel' honi! was a veU of .rOlY cbllTun. Sbe WAS a spirIt of the' 4aWD ' per.ooID ed. Bhe came upon ,lack Mlll'Un sllenUy, and as he t1ll'ned and saw her he gave a start DC surprise , "I wanted to see your picture :' sbe told him confide ntly. "HoVi did you know I 'w as painting It?" he asked. "Lillie Lnne told me." His .face brighten e d. "Ob, Lillie!" he said' eagerly. "She paint9 beautl 'uHy herself; have you ~ecn her min· latureB t" . ' . . ".No;h · Grace anawer. ed coldly. "l:Jhe III .n , 'wonder, " Jack·. Btate~. ," Some day ahe Is (OIog ' to ~ be, ~ea:t. · we~n be proud to kilow h.er." ,. . ~o'n't ,aee .anythln g ·verY wohder {ul·· about .LiI.lIe, ... . qrace ' r em rked . .' and sbe ~c~rbli.nIY ISll't pretty ." ", : '!OJl, " )leaiIt.y," '· Jack , shllljgg-ed,' .hlll' B~quld~JiI, . '''406Sij''t count ' much In' theae .daJ'~;,"~'. . • .' .: ,. .,' Ma(~n. Grace looked at . him IIt&.rtled. 'That "V,'!oR a 'polnt ot view. ,,' ,''Wbat do.e s CQ~,~t~"" abe dettlllnd~d .: "Oil, br-alns, persona lity,. cli,arm," be .a1~, i)1&liJg ' ~p ~i,. br.u ah.8a. "L~I. ·I.e Lane ball all of thele. I thllflC' sbe ~ . •• " ~~ apln'~cl8.tec1 : lIbo~ · ~ • .J!ow,
Number of State lnstltut iona Doubl e During th e Past Two Yea rs.
Slx t~en
I I ••• •••• • I . . . . . . .
Waa a , Sp irit of the Dawn Perlonlfled . _
Practical fashions
Profess or. :Uunyo n
h as. engage d
r cnm !leu 1 :uic l's in their lUlc.
B~aff of "pc inlisls ihat are
'I'he ro i" 110 quest ion about. their ah il it.y, U\~y are th.e fi uest physicians that colleges nnd ho pituls llQ.YO l1ll'uC?d Olt dnu l'Cl'c ivo Iho ltighc t salaries . If olTers their sen-i co to you nbsol ullly :l'ee of .cost. matter what your di eusn or how many tloc llll'S you have tri'c<\iw'I'ile No to DroIcsBor l\hlllyo n's physici ans nnu tltny give your Me cnreful and PllOJl1p nltcntio n IlOU ncl\'isc YOll what 10 a o, lOll nrc under no obligations t to 111('111. It will not ('O" t you n. penny, only Iho posing!} stamp you put on Y IIr let tel'. All consult ations are helJ striclly con{1Jcntiul. Addrl'ss Munyon s Doctors , 1Ifunyon's LlIboralorie , l'i :lcl & Je[erso n SlrC'ctH , Phil :lllolph in, Pn .
------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -
Farmer's SOll '-~ IThe Grea t
Big Man With Good. Nat u red Face Sub· . mits Reasons Why-B uilt That Way.
" I don't wh ll t t li lal\' my own b orn," ::llI ld thl bi g man wllb th good. lIatllr d I'llI·O . " bill I thluk I 0010 un. c\('I' tile h N1l1 or S(lllllI'C nwn ." " DId you lillli '" lo · t [1111'50 a nd I'e' s t pre It 10 lIowe wllliona ir ?" w;u, ns k,.u. "A lit tle hl' ltC'l' th an (lint. I tblnk.. T .n days IJ for Lbe stat lec Uon (I, !lInll 'n III to m e a n d aIlked : . .j ·,Tohn . bow do you thInk. thing~ nre going to go?' "'A ll my \\,a y,' I I' plied. "'W lII It be a la ndslide? ' " ·Sure.' 'But I'm lold Chat It will go the o th I' way.' .. 'Dou't rotl be ll ve it. J'1ll seeing t he signs In tb s ky. Bet my way. Bet even till. B t nil you've got. You' ll bo a s ure winner. ' "And he took YOllr advice, did h e?" " He did . Went right oil anel made a. bet within an bour." "Ani! about the landBlld e?" "It llUlds lid d th l;l oUler way. Yes, m y party got burled ten feet d 11." "BlIt where <tid t he · square deal conlo In?" "011. I saw bim rual' off on the slre t n ext day and ran to him nod lla.nded him 60 cents." . '-frOIQ over-eating; drinki nti"But- but -"· "He'd bet that anti lost. It WIlS IJls ,bad liver and const ipatio n ~t aiL I r estoted It to him. Square i! oal, many a one, but there's a way (Jut and h Is a happy man. No compU· -Casc arets relieve and c it ments, gentlem en. I am built that quickly . Take one to-nigh t &nd wayl" feel ever 60 much better in the
. j
th& ,d um ps
Doling Out Knowle dge .. Mrs. Cbugw nter-Jo slah. whllt Is the origin of tbe name of Milwau kee and what does It mean? Mr. Chugwa ter - It comes from tbe LaUn word mUle. mea ning It. thousan d. and Wau Kee. a ChInam an; Mllwall ' Ieee. a tbousan d Cblnam en. Think you can rememb er tbat? The Happy Man . "1 hear she is to be married . is t he hallpy mnn?" "Her tatber." -Llppln cott·s.
bo..-wee k', tte.t.
JDeDt. All druwtSla . BllllI"t IeUer III tbo wodd-mlWOII bODS a ~onLb.
Tbe most valuabl e feature of success Is tb e struggle that precede s it.
Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief--Peraailul Cue
UVER PILLS fail. Purd y. abl-.t eure1.1 .
but aeotl, the liver.
. how
dlsoonre d a .-real Mcn'IIt1.00 bon. la,. 80 ~SP
to ma.lre
a day In winter; failu re lmpoplb1¥, I prne It by ilrndiag my IlUllOOlIsfn l metbod o~ FREE TRIAL ; )toa don" h""8 to PI" tlU JOur beDS' lay. Seud for ' It TO~AY to
fin. L. Aile,., Dept. 6,. New Pfailrld. 110.
cure aeation- imPfO'I'e lhe cOlllplaio n - brillhtea ' eye&. Small pw. Saall Dote. Saal.I p~
Genuine mllllLeu Signature
~~ Rich and Costly Furs ' COSTLY FURS como (rom YOUR PART OF TH P: COUNTRY . Shiv them to the B£ST FOR MARKET and RIGHT FUR HOUSB. Sy .hlpplnl1 dire ct eo Os, you . r eceive far better J·R.ICBS thaD you hll\'e obtAined .I. ..... h.' • • b."'Ule w••• n DIRECT to .fANlTI'AC TURERS of UIGH GRADE , FORS. WB N EEn VOUll FURS. MAKE US A SHIPMEN T. Ou r PRICR LIST I. oUT. . AS~FORIT. OurPlUCES .?,c NETlOYOO.
Than you ever dreamed possible de<:ornuul cbina, burnt·wood, metal. piUow ' IO~, etc" io colors from photogmphs. Men. successful as women. LQaroe:o d at oocel 1\0 taleo. req uircd. T akes lilea wildfire eveIjrwhura. Scnd s tamp qui ck for prillicula(s. '.
C. M.VALL All(;ECO M1'ANY .Elkbart ,Thct. .
LEOPO.LD CASSNER FUR CO. .4E•• tt.U. lit. yo~" Clly
'e:, II ••
c OPI ••
IIc d
I'S250 000
, 18 0,· 8. 1t:'~~~' :..",!~1
I . ' THE
COUC ....
I!i COLD .
Tho~P'OIl" ..
~ ~~~Wy,'. H~I~~~m~~~liii~i~iiii~ii~~ii;ii~~~~i~~i~iiii~~~~i~~~ii~iiiiii "I
~"""''''IIiIIIIii.''''----IIIiiiIII''''''''''~~~''''-!I-'''''--~ \ WARR
N co. PO
O'l aSBilied Ads
pr~~r~~ ~ ZIM~ER~AN,'~ '
~tlanslonl .
. Tr;;;-;; \ aynu$" is t?e Women's Ad!!" wui be Insl'rted ' Ulid r ~hl ~ lit ud ~ r vlll hi, 1) c r ,i1l'. 1, U 1, 'N) f I'. the Agrleultural , ( t.w~n l Y · IJ \' cell for tbr(!1! lll~llr ll "'l 'I, atl nd'ln 'e Yo' s luI' ,'" t 1 II 11(' ~tle t- Sen 01 to be eld in L banon; JanUIl-[ S~Jll't th'e ' N~\V Year wbon UK\ I1U aul m(jr o 'lhau II ' " line. ing was said trJ hI:! thcJ be:-'l t th ry 23rd to 27th: ' . RIGHT" d ~..,..~~~~_':"_"';'____-._______~i~~~_'1 . 'I'h firth d "'" . , f " >I ,Give U8 your or era yea,,, e ~". re ~ !'I con u r et Morning. 8:30. Yinp se~ jf we donlt Los'r upon a I, rg In '~ a nd 'i f '1' th{' U"l l • • " treat you rfj 'oy s!!ling you the al feaRl the {,range., ~'!l!! called 0 I 1"Monday- nlutatton; Beverages. Best Goods at the b • " Pdces. 1910 was the best since we 'l'?e8daY-" Vege~able Food~. The la rg est stock " \re,n , der by W, ·M. II nTf'11 <:nlt, of M,,· IR Rrrl~E-':I:i~t.weeo Robt Be "Jed n sclny- Milk; Eggs. County toselectfr.om. ~ \ . ' IS m son, in thefou n h t!~ 'l't-e. ,started in business, and we hope , " Att ti r IdenOb lIod t.ytl,: , . 1 h . Ul'sday - Bread' Left Overs the market you will find t , .ere. 1l'l uder WI~1 lEIUo ve Ill, E U , ~ olll.Otl. Is t er DClbold lUd (~ I' usua 1I1t 1'. J" d Ch ' ' d C f'T Make our store your headto do even better the present year. ealing' \J1'l}grnm pn~p;\ 'tl 1> 11 Clll n(' , ' 1'1 ayOIee an ar.e oex 3uartera during the Poultry We ry at all times to, buy the best count of lack of lillle it was l\ot ca r t li e. ; Hou sehold DecoratIOns and Show. FOUND goods for the least money, and give ried out. Hr Hat· ' P), , lll'[ae , I a~t Fund binga , Good Thin)ts to Eat This Week our cu~tomers t he benefit of good m aster of his horn ! g-ra ll'!!!;' , i n PennAft rnoon, 12:30 Fancy Cal : and Florida Or&nges, r sylvania, Wets PI' S li t alit! g:ave a Grape Fruit. TangarinE'S, Malbuying. We will try hard~r th~n ever OCKETI;300K-On ~.l a Dayton tnrchy Foods. G F E ' A Mond ay-Foods; aga rapes. ancy atlng pvl!ry intet't!slillg' ta l), Oil f r uit. pb" between f.he Lytle ptll '" t his year and those who trade with Morrow, l\1 a JOII , C'larln: \' ill> and 'l'uesd ay- Fats in the Hou sehold: pies,. Bananas. Lemons. Cr:an!\oDd Uentervillf!. Owu br OILn ha VAe , Pure Foods and Pure Food Laws. b erries, Celery, Dates, Figs, R,\me by oallin (tl on C L 'l 'ewaJl , us will find out we will save them Le banon g range, W l'e w(>,l r ' ):In'' d Cluster Raisins Jumbo Peaches R D ,5, WayneSVille, Ohio, I1Dd s n ted and r e port ed a rond ye:u", 'Noone ay Meats. Fancy Apricot;, Prunes. New money. provtng property, • 't hu rsday- "hoice of Foods; BalApple Butter, Mince Meat, ----~...-. .-- nn 'cd RatioflS; Br ad Judging. Nuts of all ' kinds, Oysters, F l' iday- Home N U1'Sing; Hou eEdgemont Butter Crackerta, hold Management. Cabbage, Onions, Buckwheat, FOR SALE '1 ' A ' It 1 E.xtension New Meal, Cream Cheese, II en s g n S!u ura Pickles, Olives, Canned Goods Wednesday a ftc l'Ilcon , D ' comber ell 01 prog ram : of all kinds. Jellies, Jams, OBACCO TRANBPLANTER2 , 1910, MI', l~d\\'ill utt and 'Miss MOl11ing, 8:30 Peanut Butter. Nearly ne w: in good shap In a Manu ~), \) f \ 'nt 'n'ill , f! urprised I nquire of L C , , t, Jobn, Vall:v ~(Io ndny- oil F; Sou rces of Plant Special Sate, 3 Days Men's a nd Bo 'Caps at cost a nd less, to clean up. th ei r many f )'i c nt! ~ LJy drivillg t phone il7-SX. W Ilynesville. Oh i!). }<'uvd ; F, Co m Cro ps; Improvement Thursday. frtday, Saturday Day ton and being marri ,d /Jy f ev, Men's Work lii rts, Gelll make, only 45c and Characteristics . Denoting Yield, loz Fancy Ohio Canned OAR-Big Bhiok P oland Obiuu . S\ ift. pastor 01' thl" BUVLis t cht rl.: h Men 's \ ork Cats at cost. Tuesday- oi l F; Drainage and Corn w~ight about 350 ponods, ill in which Bdwin i an activ workt' l'. Men 's Jeans Pants, only $1.19. tl~e oClnrllt.lon, Iuqulre of. Lest,er 7c a can, or 75c a dozen. Till g e; F Crops' Corn Improvement. All wish them the Ol?st f It· a lung 8urfaofl R . D, 4, WaY'1e8ville, Ohio , S hoes, all k inds, red uced to make room for Spring Wedll Rday- Manure; Value jind doz ralifornia Yellow Free prosperous lila, goods. Canned Peaches- SarnA • __ - - La ; Farm rops, Select ing, StorOR8E~-Bor~e~ for ~l\le singly g rade others ask 2Oc, Special • ing- and Testing. H or 10 pairs, IoqQlre or J. B. price for 3 days, PRIDE OF THE CAVALRY BANOS T hursday- Farm Crops, Tillage Uhapman, Wo;yne8vlUe. Oblo. 12;{c a can, ar $1.45 a dozen , Tomato~, hand packed, only 5c pel can, guaranteed HnJ I,lltivation: Soil F, Fertilizers: to be a good as any at any price. Thl'l'e p rices are less than they HOI'H That Be ars the Ke~tle Drums URSERY 8TOOK-WheD you 'ou rces ami Availahility; Farm Crops , , can be bought now by the car Must Bo Handsome, Dignified and Pumpkin, ev ry can warranted, per can, 5c wllnt an,~bt~g 'tn tbe way (I f How Pl ants GI·OW. ElpecJally Well 'Tralned, load. An early purchase en6rl\t~1318t18 trfleit, flowere, e~o " oall Oll Fancy H en . Rice,' 3 )bs., 25c. ' ables us to do this, Friduy- Farm Crops; Insects and I N . Miller, alll'veysburg, Ohio . . Fancy Jap Ric;e, 5 lbs. , 25c. It pays to trade at In certain armIes ot the world there Fung us Di seases; Fertilizers; Expel'Telepbone a3 2~~, Rol'led Oats, 7 lbs., 2'5<:. a.re &TIldes ot bonol' u well u among theamong men. tho The borses, proud, imental Re ults; Reinforcen ,ent of Lump Starch, 6 lbs., 2~c. elt and most dlsnlfled of aU the borlSea M:mure; F. Crops, Alfalfa. WANTED Pfemill;m, Flour,' 24X' lb. ,sack, 65c. 'fry a sack. ot ,the a.rmy Is the anlmal ' that 111)8 the Afternoon , 12:30 posltlon ot drum horse In the regimen· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Three bars Toilet Soap, lOc, tal band. In some armies cavalry 'Monday-Dairying , Methods of T n pounds Buckwheat Flour,a9c AN past 80 with borse and bug . .l>andl are mounted., and the DloSt hon· Dai rying; Soil F. The Nitrogen Prob· gy to sell t~k ollDdltlon p ow'}'rlr,e kettle-rendered Lard, pet Ib, 14c B'etter buy A Har\d World. orable JlOIIltlon In all the band II! that leO, ; Dairying, Silos and Silage, !llarv' .70 or the bearer ot the ketUe drums. The a can. , "It'" a hard world." l&.ld ibe I'-vla· d ,r in WArren 0 0uuty, hOrle Ie lelected for hJs dlstlngulshed Tue!lday-Dairying. Feeding Dairy lor, who telt that be WII not appre- par m"nth: ACldre8s SOl Unity ; Raisins, 3 ibs" 25c. . bldg., Indilinapn)t., Indilln .... He III , ofte]l. \11 l:I ld, al· Cattle; Soil F, Hunnis and Ro~tion; ciated. , i :. Mince Meat', 3 packages; 2Sc. ' thoulh lometlmell pure white, but Da irying, Dairy ,Manajiement. "Y~B," replied thll colleague, "The , 'l Iome·made Mince Meat, 2 Ibs., 25~. whatever pis oolor' bls appearanoe Wednes!iay- Dliirying , Fermenta· IVorld would b~ much eUler for Ollt mutt be oonl~ltent With the co~plcu· tiol') of Milk: Soil f. Manure. Pres~r business if it could have been made of Apple Butter, Jcl1i~s,HoDey, Picldes,:' Olives, .Ho'r se OUI poalUon he baa to fill. "\lbb r nnd Inliated," . J.?adish, CatsuPi etc. Ff:11it5 of all kinds. Something more than mere ~eau ty ot vation and Application; Dairying, form 1a required of the drum horse. , 'r 'sting of Milk and Cream. ~e Plu..t be traJ.ned u~l'Ul he becomes, , Thurs.d~y -D(lirYiog, ConstrucUon .. cllinlfted and ,cracerul bearer of t;be and Dail.'Y Barns' Soil F. Fertilizers: trapptnp that pertam to biB high call· , . " . •• tn,. Ht8 educaUon JI levere 'and pro- Bnymg and Home Muong; DaIrYing, 10Dled, brlri.sn, hIm 'lIP to thllot poiui 'election of Dairy Cattle. , where bJa pride and lntelJlS'lllce make , Friday-Soil F, Lime, Dail'ying, ',! AD4 1Il.'o.....,. 01 him -equal to' 't he duties required of J udg inJt Dairy Catt)~. 'M ..... E...... lD'deat", hIm. , , '. _ + ____You cannOt ,orce • fowt'be7Qad It. yltalUt, but 700 cuke• ., lb., Hta ne"MI a.re leverely tried by the 'Oregonia.' I ' "ltaUt,. at Ita Ilr.be" 90lat aod boomln, of the IMIS druml\ he carries, In pUl'IIIlallCO or all ords.\', or the Probate belp·.lllaadate lbe1oo4b1bal PJ'O"but tn 'tJ,me he becomss 88 indifferent Oourt; or .Warren Oou.n~y, Ohio, ,made ali the duee tb~ :el'.a. . ' ·"-tr nolle ... -a~' horse8 do to the' Ii Bea Holzhn. of K ln gs' Mill" 29tb da.yor Dooomber 1910; In tllp cue or to u.a .. ,. E . B. Dakin a.8..!fuurdlan a the pel'8On and *1n.sIl, bulleta. In the parade his rIder , P fd "holiday visl t to h r g rtlnd- 88ta~ or Banks ,/Jakln, Jmbeoll , plalnUIT, Vili hu hla handa ,full 'In the USA ,of , the m nt h 'r , ·13l1J1lc8 PitkIn: Imbf>cUe: Qof! ot borsllelslldQntil. lAYING 'TONIC::' .... tlle undol'lllgnod,WIU 011 t4e , " " I' .dcb. He controls . the horse by ' J'rs . GeOl'ge Suoker eli1; rtttined meanlot relI!JI fastened to fhe sUr rup on Th 'lr ~d"'y t.hf; Mt e Milutle, Ct,LI: 3rd 'Day' of February 1911 CIlP .Dear the ~oot.-HIU'.Der'a Weekly. tiEl nod IDIIR; Veid't , und LOl\ise and ' , lj"'i dl~ ~ y' r ' . Morrow ' , ,4t 10 o'clock "', M. on the promlllOa. offer, ~~=~~~~~==:=::~== . ' 1 . at.lIllbUc 81l1e t ho -followlng'd'e acrlbed rea1 oS· , ", r ,,und Mr Zl\in A r lUt t/t ' e fnr- tlltA to-wlt· , , .. , l ' • , ;' . . .. ;rBltuate"ln BurvltY No! 1}46. In Masale ' "~"'8b"urfl,~ ", ".R8v. ·Frtn8sr"otthe M. E ",!hurch Nexb Subbl\ tll t.be 8 th wII be i oi iBd th ' Olu io ' for th~ .Jr 0 U Township, Warren ,Oounty, Ohio, ~ntalnlDR , -rJ. 'oallecl o,tlll1&ny-of hie Qungresation siouaryau.lIy 'ctuyat 1.1. E.ollUr uh M, d~'uoe 'ut, L bau onNe w Ye;u 'li! ~rl':.t~:·gn::~, ~'!IJ:.1i~1ro~ot~~ee~~~ 'M' W .l1'I " ,.y d' .,' '. 'f ' two daY8 of laSt week, The '8etwbu WI ll be I'v"r r1 bY EV4i\ lands ot W. A. 1I( rrlLt, WlI!lam·PJ. Rarlan . r. I am , ...~e .r y "Qne 0 our ' " , T ' " ") 0 B '" ' b f , Gnd \VUUam ])roo\<a. and boupded OU the pioneer 6ttizenlJ b:8~ 'b~n" quite In , W. W. ~elo~ transaoted bUSi~~S . ReV'. White a U)i iOIHU'Y' fr 111 O r.~ J, ra , "', . ",mmons IS om rom south by' lande or William Brook. and Thomaa 'f"'r, "o'= e' time, J bu"U by'- the, in,' WUmi,nKton. ·Sa;turday.. gon, . ' ' " , ' n'.. 1l10st (;I nj oy'lll)l~ vi it in C(llumhuR. M.cGlade and H, .0. rbrv.crr and ~uncl6d on di";-';"';;;e:' ...,.-. u v .. UI . • . t he w~t by lalldS 01 W. W. Ourtta and Han', oa:~ful treat'm ent 'oHds niece, Mfaii' E.~, Dakiu ,~Ilnsaoted bU8iness ,Rev, MaKlD'iiE.' )I t'J l'ris' R\)perll lr Will Kersey. w.no bllA' beoen nab Orea",ell , ,laid laud, be~ the aame BlUlD" ~ Lillie Nedr,v he le) JI.ll?,rC?r.ing ~Bop!d. '~~a~oq rt:.hloltRday. JMI. Blltok. ~uu ot' r of ur Cl ~IZ n~ ,p~'ndin~ tbe bo!\(lu.y -n 1l 11rv~r.~ :::Sa f~~%~~~~}lPled ,by , ,, d ,8.an~. akin Iv. , 'i ','" ." , '. Mle . e Ada ', Made) , en were bu loeal! VIl'i 1'1' ui Ull~' t'O" bUI'g , b as r t l1rned hOlue. "' Jl'E,n~S Oil' SALB::.....Tbree fourths ' J Q~ ' ' .. ' ' , . • ' .. ' • on day of,sale anlt Oll~ e!ghth.1I\ one Dr. ''\Tanderyoort , a.nd ' daughter mit' among f,r ieuds ~tur1-',I1y . . ., 11 . mdu~ S pflDoe r ,,1,8 spendIng one eighth Ib 'wo years rrorrt~ ol , ' Lu~le entertainedfol'd!onsr Sunday ooblpani~ ~l .,~i88'" Apn.., , 'Ed M,oyer Ul~de IA fl mg t.r.:ip ~u ql, ,week with Lebanon r'ell;1tives ~:'~~='::':'lra~:Cbear mortol~ Mr.. Alfred Edw."l'ds; of BllpevU. ! allt,i "pElnt thl? daY' Ule gaeet 9~ ' ,Er..oklin j:)llt\~'(Ju.y. ' " .._. , ' ,tho rata of ~ per centlim pel' :a!ln~. , , Ga,; and MisIs Loues~ N. Wilson, Mabel SherwOod, of Orell~uta. , 0 · BI k 11 . ~ ! the right bll~~~'at IIthO, lI l1• I ' ot thts plaoe, ' , ' .... ' The Banks O!lkln faJ'm on'e of th e ollr 0 t~~ f;lfJntf ~ ILy to u Ig OW time , to sub E. B. PAKIN · , ¥rll .. frank :Wilson wns 'cialled to , ~o,od pr~uotng ,tarme ,? ' th18looaU- to ~~~ w~t~ hl~ a~" ;~br" " ~ o r i e tOT t he ~IQ.mi G a z e t t e ! AIJ~~ll~~ of ~a.n1QI ~ak~( &1>lna Wednesda.y on aooount' of \' t;v wlll be,eold tebl'Qa.r, Brd. , , Mrs'. , Flol enOEl l:l til' O, of }{un 1\', !ti. , . ,, , , tl;ledeatb ot her · 8i!\tt;lt; Miss Lou, . JohnW. 8t~w~rt, : of ~eni8" 0 , vlsltiogher fl1 ~lll'l t, ~ . 1.., Fl'u',. ". , , '.," '. ' ' . , J. ,We14y/ att~r an ~lIpes~ : of fifteen was ~e~~ on,o'' }r ~ ,t~eet8 ~~t,urdIlY ", Unole Boury·n . Cl<,ec i un th e ido ' ~~J. ."':t\&~M~~aM~. JJM&aM.~~ M.~."M year.. P1uneral ·F t i,day, Deo;~m.ber :Qur sohool'took up Monday after ha&., " . ~~ ~~~~~RiIL'~~fP.II_WiJlI'~WIiI:";'JlIW~ '~_ ~Oth, at 1 'p, m., But:1i'1 tl.t Sabm&, a we~k's' vacation. · '" Mr,- Sorvey Surfaoe, of ' ' , " " , , 9 hl p. , ' , ,: . Prof. E ., L, Battou spent Friday burg. 18 viillt1ng his tno til t', ' ~r, Alfred Edward~ W !J.8 tihe gues~ B'lid &tnrday, the g~~8t of his par'of ~r , lind Mrs. Samuel Wilson. of ente, , Dr. and Mrs. Batton returning Mr. B~rvey l::)urfaou umt lUutbel', pear New B!:!orl1.ngton:S~tur~ay, ~o Bl.anoh88t~r his h~~e M~turday were guedts of .Mrd, U Ju.nl. Kirby MiliB ,Ltllte N~dry, , ret~rned to,her evenlng. ' :' .' Mundt\Y. . _ . home In Cor,win W~Desda.y. , ;' Howard EtufTm8n, ofIndiaDllpolis, - -'--'--... B~ll~rook. , J08eph llavi1!, Paul Reason, Clem Ind.; -vi~ite!l ~ parente here BUDday and Ralph Foley, o f DQytoJ;1; ,to6k returning Mondtt.y morning. Pro'tr:~6L~d meat(og will cumftdv~ntage of t~e~ olldfl.y ,~d , spent ( Rev. Frlng(l~ preaohed , a New S qod u.y e emng, J tWO IU'Y 1t!t , itt~h~~ll88t of th,eu pll~ent8. " Yeats sermOD ati oor ohuroh here meoo~ Ii tUe M: E, onuroh, , . ~iss' J~ne Creswell wpo,has , b!,en t:)unday, ' . " B~rt W ~'80ti, of 0' .. b~rll, spell ', !ltling for 80me time d!~d ..~J;1n!iay, Mr.' and ,Mrs, Benjamin , Weeks 8o~day witllIJ18 tlit·t f, Mri. N llle "",!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ilfor many ' year9 lQembe~ of the ~(jwl1i'ds. ;;:; Clark8ville ,.14. E, ohuroh 'htl ve Mrs. ·J. D :, H ilmI:! S It,~ u. oblluren, moved tb&lr rpem~rsbtp to tbe . 14" E , ohuroh. here where tbey were and Asa Hnnetou, 01 Jl elli' X bui , ~nd . bUss NeUie CuuolDgllltm, ok welooDlQQ tiy ~U~ ( Gree~~ills, spent tile IlOllC.l IlYI:! WI th Mrs\ , Chile, Brelsford , , Utica M,re, ' H~rry TurDH 's , bol oy wll l.,i Tbe w~toh night meeting 'be blll'l peen ver~ alOR il:ll'tl putl tl btlttur. U, B. ohuroh WIl.S ",~11 attended ,Mies Ber~ba Puri1()Q.l , .o ltorth ot The 88'~y.a by; pesldn ",Le'NUI, Mrs town entel!tainEtd uet; frieltd, , Ai " Philips, J,oaie Deoker, and Mrs. JeB- Claud ' Lawson, ,of , 1) ~tou, oholU ete.Gu8tin w~re , ~x08pt\Onany good. , impl'es8~vely ~el!vef~!:l all.d ,over ,'nr, .... na wJ.t h rioh,thonght. oilloulaf:-
Just a Few Specials This Week
1 00
Guardian'. Real Estate
, , H4rv
R· ht N
.- .
11, 1911.
Mrs. Julia A. Underwood, a member of the Friends' Home passed her 89th birthday in October last. When but 8 years old she memorized Ihe f ollowing poem, by Job Rcott. She frequ ently recites it these days to fr iendii and visitors. J ob Scott was 11 Friend. and died in 1794.
Again. the death angel has come into our midst and claimed a loved one; another life has pa!lsed out of the shadow into. tile sunlight of eternal rest. in answer to the welcome plaudit, "It is enouirh ! Comeup higher!" Mary Elizabeth, daught er of Isaac and Matilda Sands, was born December 11. 1846 and d eparted this life January 2, 1911, aged 64 years and
Of the Miami Valley PouJtry Association Was a Decided Su~ce88·-· The General Interest ~f the Show Evidenced by Good Attendance
ALL ABOUT PEOPLE Personal Mention of Visitors and Those G ,ing Out of Town---The List Small on Acconnt of Our Own Home At tractions
The first annual show of the Miami Valley Pou ltry Association was Great God, thy name be blest, 'has . Burnett was ir. Dayton Fri· Harry Murray is on the sick list. Thy goouness be adored; day. a decided success, both in interest and financially. Only five weeks ago 22 da.vs. Miss Lucy Emley has been quite a ~ little company of twelve people met at the Miami Gazette office to talk My !:loul has been distressed. L. S. Rhoades wa~ ill Dayton Sal. Al thou j{h deprived of a father' s sick. over the advisability of organizing a poultry association. At the sam e But t hou hast peace restor-ed. care and g uidance when but four urrlay. time the question of holding a poultry show was discussed, and it was de· I 'years of 'age, she was surrounded Geo. Zell is quite sick with the Mr. and Mrs. Eli Burnett were cided to hold a show the last two days or December. A ythankful h€ar~ Idf~el't d with such influence as tended to de- . grippe. n peace my mm IS s aye , Dayton visitors Wed nesday. velop that high standard of morality This, however, was changed on aCCQunt of the judge, who could not Bal"arnic ointment healed and self r eliant womanhood which R.~. Duke was a Lebanon visitor Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gustin, of get here. So the date was changed to the January date. The wounds by sorrow made. characterized her life . last weeK. , Lebanon, was in town last Friday. Early last week looked as though the show. might be a failure. bu t ,She uni ted with t he Methodist Though elements contend. Walter McClure was in Dayton , when the entry book began to fill up in on Wednesday, it loo\led hopeful Mrs. J. 0 Cartwri~ ht was hostess church at the age of twelve. and in Thoug h wind and water rage; to the Card Club last ThuI'8day after.. and by Thul'ttday morning the show was on in earnest. and the managers I've an unshaken Friend early life was an active worker in last Saturday. church and Sabbath School. . foresaw the end. Mrs. Willis ' Marshall is going noon. Who doth my grief assuage. 10. 1863. she was through a siege of grip. On December The associa,tion members took a very aclive interest from t he very Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Chicago, is united in marriage to Henry .Prater. start, but the secretary, H. H. Wadsworth and Executive committee Though outward storms arise 'd the guest of Mrs. Edith Harris and To them were born five children; St. Mary's Guild will meet Frl ay Emblems of those within; Chairman, Dr. Henderson, and president. Dr. Brown. who made the show three sons and two da uhgters. Two afternoon at the rectory. family. On Christ my soul relies, boom, can be complimented on their active interest and for the success of sons have preceded her into t he Grliat The sacrifice for sin. Mr. Willis Marshall, of New Bur. Piano- To sell or rent. Suitable Beyond, leaving a husband. one son, the whole enterprise. Iington, was in town Monday. for parlor, lodge or school room. Intwo daughters, two sisters. one Though inward storms prev&.il, quire at this office. brother and three granddaughters Afflicting to endure. Henry Kunker. of Morrow. was to ch erish her memory. Dr. Herschel Fisher hil& moved to The committee spared no pains nor l One Setting of Buff Orpington I've he(f,I that cannot fail a bU3ine~ visitor here last week. Anything by way of eulogy of Mrs. offices in the new Morris building. expense in advertising tbe show, and eggs, value $5, by W. J. Kilbon on In Him that's ever sure. Prater must fall far short of our esthe business men were liberal in their , best pen of Buff Orpingtons. -H. H. Quite a good many !3trangers at- next to the post office. l.ebanoI timate of her many virtues; and her tended the poultry show last week. donotions. thus · adding to the inter_ Wadsworth. Though outward war and strife Lebanon Elks are contemplating passing away arouses many tender est. One Rug: value $3.00, by B. S. Prevail from s~a to sea, memories of her genial compp,nionRoy Irons is in Dayton this weEk building a '$50,000 lodge home and When thedoorswereopenedThurs Howell, for best pen of 'S C. Dlack ['ve help in inward Life ship and helpful kindness as a friend attelldini the Ohio Canners' conven- are now working in that direction. day morning to the public, every- Minorcas.- H. H. Wadsworth. And that sufficeth me. and neighbor. thing was in readiness. , and, ~ the One tortoise shell paper cutter , . tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enterAlthough in failing health for al ~ people came and went, the common value $2.00, by Davis and Walton, ' Though clamor may rear Its head tained Satufrlay at a six o'clock dinMessrs. Walter and Cliff Burnett most fifteen years, her unfailing e~pressi9n w'!9. .. Didn't think there Philadelphia~ Pa.. and one silver And s~lk from, shore to shore. mother-love was manifested by her were business visitors in Dayton ner, Mr. and Mrs. F. S . Simpson, of -were so many good chickens in the cream ladle, value $1, by CrosaBros. My food IR angels bread,? Morrow, Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Brusolicitude for her children's welfare. WP.dnesday. for best pen of Birred Plymouth What can 1 covet more. neighborhood ." nero to ;vhich they responded with untirThe?isplay w~iCh was held in t~~ Rocks .~Mrs. H. E. H~~ha~ay. Though ill reports abound John A. Funkey ~as reduced the ing devotion. ~asontC banqu t room, was a~tl6 $1.60 I~ Cash,. by Cltlzen s Bank , Suspicion and surmise, The Irreat . Lace !$Sole at ,John A. She was a loving wife, mother and prices on Underwear. Go and get tlcally arranged, and . the birds WaynesVll1e. OhiO. and 1 years sub· I' ve found and oft have found Funkey's. Over two Dundred widths friend. and a great sorrow and sense your bargains. showed to !l0od . advantage . . It was script-ion to Waynesville Enterprise-, In deatn true comfort lies. and patterns. The 8, 10, 12 and 16c of personal loss' fills t.he hearts of all a goodly SIght as one enterPd the by F. H. Fal'r on best pen of White Mrs. Chas. Green and son Roy, Lace now being offered at 6c for' with whom she was associated but- sJ.lent Saturday and Sunday with room to see and hear the beautiful Leghoros·- Mrs. E. S. Bailey. That death. 1 mean, whereby. cdoice. Go and see them dis,layed. . chickens-black, white, brown. span· Two Cases of Com, value $3, by Self love and will are slain, "In the beautiful beautiful after- friends near Springfield. Were you at the chicken ahow? --&'Ied: in fact. almost . all varieties Waynesville Canning ' Cp.. on best The-\n or'e they die. the more ward Herbert Edwarda, Dean Howell What was your highest score? . Mrs. were displayed . display of White Orpingtons. - W. A. The Lamb of God will reign. When all this life is o'er, and Terrel Macy att~nded a dance in So.and-so had a better bird than Mr. Tbf\ judge, Mr. S. G. Case. of SiJrface. And we have left this world of care, Lebanon, Friday·evening. Whats-his-name, was all that c'ould Shreve, Ohio, judgeJ the IIhow, and One Silver Cream Ladle. value $1. And well assured I am And reached the other shore, True peace is only known , be heard on our streets last week; gave general satisfaction. not on~ by Walter McClure, 1 Brush Mirror. WP,'U find the friend we mourn here Mrs. F B. Henderson and daughword of dissent being heard from value $1, by J. E. Janney, and 1 When e'er the heart hath made for ter Kathryn and MrS. U. M. White The large Shoe stock, the best Th~ Lamb of God lts own. contestapts Mr. Case has been at p'ackage of Baum's, Horse and Stock The loved one gone before. were Dayton visitors Tuesday. shoes that can be produced. The the busi]les8 many years. and can al· Food by A. B. Sides on best pen of She'll meet us at the pearly gates best Rubbers, 'Rubber Boo,ta, the best most judge a bird by looking at it. R. C. Rhode [sland Reds.-Mrs. A. Th~n, then may tem~est ~age And ne'er be parted ~ore." Mrs. Amos Romine has returned Felt Boot", the best Cloth Over shoes He was assist<>tl In his work by a S'd ' Cannon may roar In 17"lm. , -'\ . I es. . Th R k f from Cedarville, where she has been at bargains. All at J. A. Funkey's. ROy Hathaway who was !'uperinten. 0 ne H d S t h I v8'I 75 b e . oc 0 every age CHAKLES F. ADAMS visiting her daughter, Mrs. Enos Hill. \,. C C an . a cthe ·h. h \let c'. y The Lamb, the Lamb doth reign. ..lent . ' ' a • ". . areY"on e Ig es scoring • _ .. The Fanners' Ciub met at the A great many people did not get cock bird .~W . A. S~rface. MEN'So FR,\TERNAL The remains of Charles F. Adams, Miss Mary' Latchem is nursing the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawke the right understanding of the show One setting of Whlte Rock Eggs. _ ' _ ME,ETlNO whose death at Topeka, Kah. was venerable Catharine A .. Stanton and last Friday. Among the invited Several Lebanon fanciers would have bv A. C. romlinson, on high est The meeti ng a~ the Ch ristian announced last week; arrived here ner daughter, Mrs. Chapman, near guests wer.e Rev. and Mrs. Bailey. liked to have entered, but they w,ert' scoring cOl'kerel (White Rock) . church Sunday evening for the fra- Wednesday evening accompanied by Springboro. Prof. and Mrs. C, A:. Bruner, Prof. t?ld it was only for Wayne, township C. Welch . ' . ter'nal lodges of the city Was well at- the widow, Rosalie Adams, and T. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoades and little Mr. and Mrs. J . T. Liddy have repeople. Hut the rules plainly aaid il One setting of White Rock Rggs, tended. tbe )odges of the city being Lee Adams', of Kans8s City, Mo. daughter. ' __ ••_ __ ~ >Rae epen 0"all Warren Coc.nty citi- 1 bv W. C. Wtlch, on highest scoring well represented. T'h e following' A goodly numb~r were prt'sent at turned to their home in Daytcm after ZElns, and Lebanon had a ' perfect pair of White Rqcks.-H. H. Wads· program was carried out: the mortuary chapel on Thursday a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. FARMERS'. INSTITUTE right to become members of this or· , worth. S morning when. after a b"ief service. M. C. Liddy. ' The institute, which opens this jl $1.00 in ca.Qh, by the Association P ongD_ conducted by Rev. Cadwallader, all ganization. . rayer n.t"V Thompson Frame and Mrs. DempMrs. Eunice mo~ning .. promises to be one of the .. .. .... '~{"" that Wag mortal of the beloved husClerk W . O. Gustin, of Leb~non" for the finest dozen of Hen Eggs. sey Dennis, and daughter, of Rich- most interesting and instructive that l ~nd Direc~or Frank. ~lbon~ of the (six. e~tries to compete) open 'to all Remarks ...... .. .....~~.~Rev. Thom son band , brother, rela tive, and long mond, are the guests of relatives has ever been held here. The spe.akCounty FaIr board, VISited the show, I Varletles.-C, V, Harness. ~ J ' CPh ' time fri end was con. mitted to its and were very well pleased, Both ' ong .. ... ... .. .. .... . ........ unJor . olr final resting place. . and friends ~ere. ers, Dr'. August Stabler and C. R. Regular Premiums RResl,onse- Masons .. J. O'ECartwrlgl~t Charles F. Adams, son of Dr. Thos. gentlemen Said they intended to reWagner, come highly recommended, F. J . Snook is being entertained 1 . o. O. F... . . H. Co vm . h' l' t th O f II d h espon ed M ' h J Ad II d with some of our best local taland Vise t elr IS s IS a an ave BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS V· r S' l G C an art a . ams. so we an in 'Dayton this week by the Ohio a coml>etent judge Ihere to judge . 10 In ~~ 0 .. ... • ......... .. race arman favorably remembered by our older ent to assist, the prOlrram will be Mrs. H. E., Hathaway. 1st cocker- Corn~o lo .. ... .. ............ Frank 'Farr citizens, was b om at WaynesvI'11 e, Canners' Association which convenes well worth listening to. t h·e' f owIs. I n a 11 PI,'O b a b' I'1'1 ty Wayne ... there three days. '11 h t h" el, 1st. hen, 1st. pen. ' :sermon ........ .......... Rev. Thompson 0 b 859 I 1874 . The Ladies' Aid, of the M. E. towns Ip VII ave a s rong s owmg H Kkk I ' •. I P. . T d" Ohio, cto er 10, 1 .. n at at the hfair this fall, if a competent enrY udn er• 1st, coc ere. 1st.• :song... Be tB ,e td~e ~Ie hat BIn s the age of fifteen years, upon thA The wind of Sunday night and ear· church will serve meals in the Ma. d' ed 21t ~I, an d Sr pu llet. ene IctlOn d h f h' f h h . h D 'd Iy Monday morning playt'd havoc Bonic banquet' room. JU ge IlJsecur • J h C H I ·· 2 d d '{ d eat 0 IS at er, e Wit aVI ----,loose es· ' Space will not permit us t~ give coc~e~e1.· aw w. n : an . r . Thel'e w re no ,res~onses by the I and their mother joined the eldest 'MEETING OF CEMETERY BOARD with things I}'ing aroun d G. A. R. K. P .• Jumors and W<;:lOd. child of the family, T. Lee Adams in pecially the lodder. eal'b person the proper credit, but the ' list of re~ular and special WHlTE PLYMOUTH R9CKS men, whil eeach lodge , had repre , Kansas City,Mo. where Charlie grew prizes IlIld the winners is as follows: C I J J selltatives, J')resent. , to manhood and enlarged upon the S f At the last regular meeting of th~ . ' . A. • Tum inson, 1st . coc cel'~ , l!:lt. Rev. Thomp~on ' preached a good aetive duties of life. ' Mr. and Mrs. F. S. impson, 0 Board of'Directors of Miami Ceme. hen, 1st. pen. h Morrow, attended the Poultry Show Asso . t' 'tt . I ,', W. ". \l/ elch, 1st, cockere, ' J 1s t ,' sermon on "The New Man: W 0 On 'May 25, 1893. 'he was married Saturday and were gUeb t sat d'mner tery. comml eeII conP ou I try Speels S .' v '\ f cia Relon,Ja Fed d he is and what we owe him ." The to Mi~Rosalie Hart, of Kansas City, ' sistmg 0 v.. a wa a er, Largest and best. display- H. R. , 2nd and Srd . pullet. of Prof. and Mrs. C. ~. Bruner. · . W whole serv ice was very impressive . who survives him. In September. O. J , Edwards, E. V. Barnhart, a 1Wadsworth, baking dish. value, $10. A. H. Wadsworth, 2nd. cockerel, ' You can buy 25c double mittens, ter Kenrick an d Wm. H arveY'. was Th e choir was al1gmp.nted by sev- 1900 he removed to Top.-ka, Kans. , Best display in variety having 1st. pen. d • ed to revIse . th e ru 1es an d reg' , ~ral outside vnices an the music was where he resided until his death. ladl'es ' or misses for 15c, tht\ S5c appomt largest entry-:- H. H. Wadsworth, cockerel. Russell Parlett, 2nd . hen, 2nd good. . f h For a long term of yean. he held ,a double fancy knit fo1' 25c, the 36c ,ulatlons 0 t e corp.o rati' on. ;Sa'd I Gem 'incubator; $7. . BUFF HOCKS • .,- most r~porisible position . with the Golf Gloves at 23c,. all at John A. revisi~n to be submitt~ to Ute I~t Best display in ~al,'iety ha~ing 2~d DEATHS International Harvester Co •• which Funkey's. ' oymers for consideratlon at their larlrestentry,~. A. B. Sldes, 511· Mrs . .J. W. Edwards, 1st pen. , 'th ;..; . th l ' of trus' t h'" .' annu' almeetinginJune ' , , . '. . , M. F J Sh d d' d S d Wl . mallY 0 er paces • , 'Q ' • • .. -' . . . - -ve~ cuP ,.$6·I ' . . 'h ' 3 d WHITE WYANDOTTES ' ~Uh·ltS. 1'0', lerkwoo h Ie t d' .4n ay filled with fidelitv and painstaking ' Mrs. E. L., Bergdall , and ~n, of. .. NUAL··-EL·f.CT(ION " .pP.St d ISP ay In variety avmg r , ' mg at 0 c oc 0 f ear u~ease. fl ' " . D t ' n ' spent a part of 'l9,St week . AN ' . , largEist entry W. J. Kilbon $4: ,Earle Evans. '1st., 2nd. and 3rd. pe had been ai1ip'g for some time care u ~ess. \.. 1f ~Yhoh'· ' ts M 'a'n'd 'M.... · , . ' , .' " " ' . ' ! .' . '. .d ' 1..., 1 t 2 d d' 3 d . 1t ' . . ' ' , " Charhe as a DOY; was a genera a- ,WIt er paren, r. .... kh Id 'f' th .. W , Best 'displayan.varl.e ty havlnlr'l~h lien, s., n .. an r. pair, B . butn()thmgserlOus was thougpt of ;, . W ·'11" dd uri th' Ph'}' H k'ns ' M:r Bergdalljoiried . The. atoc q , e~ 0 .. e . ,ayneslariest enll'Y; W. J. ' Kilbon, $2: pen., ,"' , " , until ' Sunday, wheri , she became · ~0r:tte ~~. al'ne~vI he, a~ Id ng, e IfIP . 'r°:Ph~re'sunc:iay " , ville< Nation~ Bank held t~eir ann.ual . . , " . . , R, C. R. I. REDS ." worse and death relieved her suffer- mte~(mmg y'ear~ !foB. ~~ a waWl . IS . ~.~l.y . '. " , ,.' election Tuesday' and the followmg ,' . ' 'W~D8WOR~ ~P,~IAL. " ", I J. o. Hisey. 1st. pullet. ings. " Thef~raeral se.r v ice , Will be , place in ,the ~eal'ta o~ ' many o~ ,~~r , ", 000' ,. who had 'ustr~ direetorsw.ere, el~ted: oW'. fl.. All~n;. .Glven for the, highest s,c onng pen C. V. Harhe8!', 2nd, and 3rd. eock held iuttle M. E. church today. wed.:" :people. M.8Y the Lo~ ., gr~t ~Im P~of. '~~ed ~'his home i~ 'P jtts- ·S L. Cartwright. C. T. ~awke~ ~ B. ofS:· C. B. ~in9r~" Bhle G~ erel.8rd.pullet, 2nd,. and 31'd, . pen nesday... atli Q'~lock, .n.ev. 'Gow~ll. pe!'Pe~a tlghtl~Pa~.sellndaJoy- ~en Y~ter diq the , l1olid8ys Pence.G.E . lUley,C, S- ~n.~' ". Stl'aiu. M:."rs. J. B. Ctia"pmarr, J'irst. '(young), 1st. apd 2nd. ,rib b oung) . of New Biirlihgton officiating.. !iiI ~rree.ti~n 10 the ha8r~ay... . ., ,w '::'bia Mr and MrS . F J White " ., - -' , ,,00 ' In cash by Waynesville DI:rs. ' A. . B. ,Sides, 2nd; eockerel, ~~ , " ; ~esldes tbe abo..ve ment oned, who '. paren, led back Mond :~ The org&rUza~ion · was m'8de COIll.- · " National:Bahk ~Il ~)De poultrY boo~•. 1st. h~l'l, 1st. cockerel, 2nd. pullet, The six-weeks·Qld ~hUd o~ Mr. aDa fr~m.a dl!!tance attended the. fUt:ler.al\sne~oodi w;atbcaldeath of biB'm a: plate by appoigtina, W. a . ~len~ .'value $1. by. ,Rehable Poultry ~o~r- 1st. trio, lat. pen. .. Mrs. Chas. Th,o pwqled 18St·TueRd~y were Judle"and Mts. HoWard and ~'\ ac;u~ 0 e ·edbYMra'.Sher- Preti, G.· E Riley, Vice-pres '• . J. O. : nal for belt·pen 'of White PlyJqC)\ltb. R. E. Simkins. 1st. cockerel. and was buried Thursday afternoon Mr. _Will~oward. ofXeni,a. an~ Mia er. e ~eomPJ.D~ . Cartwriaht. cUhi . . ~-A. C. TouallD8oll. . ~Ooo~lnlled on pap 8) at Cent.erVlUe. · , Ada Steele. of J'amtItoa . wood. . '- ' , . .
. -- .
\ \
wome~,gpr~~ra~I' ZIM~E~MJ\NfS
]'ol\pwing.isthe fo the Agricultural Extension h 01 to 'be held in Lebanon, Janua-\ St'art ..., rd to '27th: ' ."
estillg p rogr n:ffi JlI'epa t\ 'but on ae count of rack of tim it WU!) not cur· ried out. Br ' l~al' 'l!Y ul'face , past maste r o f his Iwrnll f)'mllle, in P nn· sy lvania , was pre ' . nl 8t;1d ga e u v£'l'y illteresting l;llk on fr·ui t:. 111 r row, 'hl;;OIl , .Inrl ·ville and L ban n grange wer Wl'lJ r e· sen t d a nd l' Ii l't l'd u good year','J wor k.
- - -...
NUTf.i\lA 'UEL
Just a Few Specials This Week Men' and Eo '5' Caps at cost and less, to clean up. hfen's Work bi.;ts, Gem make, only 45c 'M n's Work Coats at cost. Men's Jeans Pants, only , 1.19. Sho s, all kinds, red uced to make room for Spring goods.
I hand packed, only 5c pel can, guaranteed to be good .!¥) any at any' price. Pllmpkin, very can warranted, per can, 5c Fancy Heaq., Rice, 3 rIbs., 25c. , Fancy Jap Rice, '5 lbs., 25c.. Ro)led bats, 7 lbs., ~5c. ~t.tmp Starch, 6 Ibs., 2Sc. . . P remium Flour, 24U 'lb. sack, 65c. Try a sack., 'I'h.ree bars Toilet Soap. lOe. Ten pounds B,,+~wheat F ,l our, ~9c J'l.u:e kettle-rendered Lard, per lb, 14c Better ~uy ~ can. '
Raisins, 3Jb~" 25c., , I" Mince Meat 3 packages, 25<:.
-Home-made Mince Meat, 2 Ibs., '25:>. Apple Butt~r Jelli~, !lon.ey, Pickles, 01jv~, ~ Ho'rse . Radisb j C'&:tsup, etc. FruitS all kilJds. . .
' the, New, -,Year
Mllnday- Qnitation; Beverages. Tuesday- Vegetable Foods. Wedn sday - Milk; Eggs. '1' ul'snay- Bread; Left Overs. . Fl'lday.- Choiee and Care of Tex l 'le:' Household Decorations .and Flll'n \sbings. Afternoon, 12:30 Monday- Foods', tal'chy Foods . 'J'uesdny- Fats ip the Household: Pure Foods and P ur e Food Laws. Wedne day- Meat s. ~l'hursday- hoice ' of Foods; Balam: d Rations: Bt'ead Judging. l" l'iday-JIome Nursing; Househo lJ Management. u" A ' It 1 Extension men S gl'l!!U ura School PI' gram: Morning, 8:30
Wed nesday aft rJ)o n, Dec m ber 2 ,1 910, MI' . ~tl\\'il1 Nutt and Miss In a Manu el, f 'cntol'villc, ~t1tp}'is(?d M9nday- Soi l F; SOUl'ces of Plant th ir many fricnJs by · tlrivit g to Fo ; F. Corn Crop; Improvement Dayton and bei ng marned by l' v. an<\ Oharact ristics 4 Denoting Yield.
... --. " ...
Ad!! '\~'UI be IJl8e r~ I un ll. r ~bl,. br.ad for . twtnlv 'U ,'"" c nls ·Cpr ~brl\l!. tnijcrd,, ~ '. 'I'll lIlt..lll /! not more l han I\ ~ " ai ne ,
,. , . ,ive us .your q~ders ~nP see If we don' t treat you rlg~ " ·y ~l1in1f ·You the BeRt Goods at the I~ '.~ .Prices. 'I.'he larg est stock ., iren County· to select fl om. 'isin the market you will finct 1, ·.ere. Make our store your head- . quarters during the Poultry Show, ' Oood TblnRs to Eat This Week Fancy Cal. and Florida Or&nges, Grape Fruit. TangarinE'S, Malaga Grapes, Fancy Eating Appi (;!S , Bananas, Lemons, Cranberries, Celery. Dates, Figs, Cluster Raisins,Jumbo Pe~ches Fancy Apricots. Prunes; New Apple Butt"r, Mince Meat, Nuts of all ' kinds, Oysters, E dgemont Butter CrackerS', Cabbage. Onions, Btlc~wheat, New Meal, Cream Cheese, Pickles, Olives. Canned Goods of all kinds, Jellies, Jams, Peanut Butter. .
w,.. ......
. Morning. :30.
1'910' Was the ·b est · sl~ce we started in business, and we hope ,to ,do even better the present year_ We ry at all times to buy the best 'goods for the .Ieast money, and give our cu(;tomers the benefit of good buying_ We will·try harder th,n e~er t .his year and those who trade With us .will find out we will save them mon'ey.
Olassifled Ada
A• II'
.......... ..
RQbt Beol .-
eM, i! r 'ldenOb ' II Dtt Lyt,l . uder will leave lit ~ll tfoffio6.
---~~', OOKETBOOK-On td6 [)~ytoll phI! between ~he Lyt.le ptk u and UeotervIJl~ , O\Vo ~r OliO hI\. vile !lllwe by oallio ~ on C L 'i'ewell , R 0 5, W~ynes vil1 e , Ohio, Ilnd proving property.
FOR SALE OBACCO TRANSPLANTERT Ne!lrly new; in good HhBpe . Inquire of L C , John, Valley 1' t,
Special Sale, 3 Days
phone i!7-S
Thursday. friday, Saturday
W"yne8ville, Oh i/) o
OAR-Big Bhlck P oland Ohhlll. j oz Fancy Ohio Canned wift , pastor of the aptis 'hurch tuesday- oil F; Drainage and weight about 350 pound8, in Corn in which Edwin is an active worker. fioe Oo~(Ut.ton. Inquire of. Lesler 7c a can, or 75c a dozen. 'l'i113g ; F Crops: Corn Improvement. All wish them t he bl:'st fur a long Surfaoe R . 0 . 4, Waynesville, Ohio . WedD e,day- Mamire; Value j1nd. doz ralifomia Yellow Free prosperous life. Canned Peaches......samA Lo 't's; Fal'm rops, Selecting. Stor- - -... ORSE8-Boraes for sl\le 8in gly grade others ask 2Oc, Special ihg and ·T esting. or 1n piltr8. Inqutre or J .. B. price for ,3 days. . PRIDE OPTHE CAVALRY BANDS . 'fhur day- Farm Crops, Tillage OhapmlloD. Wayn.,.vhle.Ohto . 12'xc a can, ot $1.45 a dozen. < 11 Cu ltivation: Soil P , Fertilizers: Hone That Bears the Kettle Drum. Tnt>pe prices' are less than they URSER~ 8TOOK-WheD you Sou rces and Availabili ty; Farm Crops, , e&11 b~ bought now by the car Mua~ ~o Handaome"plgn lfled and N want IIolly,hlDg tn the wa, (If How Plants Grow. load. An early purchase enEap~lally Well Traln01l. firAt..ol'a89 trEl8fl~~fiOWer8, eto., 01111 em ables us to do this, l' ri duy- Farm Crops; Insects and , N . Mllter, tlafY(lyebnrg, Ouio. In certain armies ot the 'World Ulere Fung us Diseases; Fertilizers; ExperIt pays to trade at Telepbone 33 2,Ytr . are ~des of h.o nor a mong tho borses, .. well as amo~i the men. The proud· imental Resul ts; Reinforcen.en t of •• t and moat dl!ll1Jled ot all the horses Manure; F. rops, Alf&lfa, WANTED of the army t8 the IUllinal ' that fin. the Afternoon , 12.:30 postUon of drum horse In the regimen' tal band. In 'some ' arml s cavalry 'Monday-Dairying, Methods , of =========~~~~ .M&N past 80 with horae ood bag. ' banda 'are mounted, II,l1d the most hon· Dail'ying; Soil ll'. The Nit rogen Prob· A Hal'\d WOl'ld. gy to 8ell ~ook onndtttoo po",",arabI. poelt1on ·tn. all the b(l.nd .that lel:1 ; Dairying, Silos and Silage, "It's a bard wo.rld," sud ' the avla. d r in Wllrren Uout1ty. Slllarv .70 CIt the bearer of' thekettle drumB. The TueFday-Dairying, Feeding Dairy tor, who felt that ~e was not appre- ' p r month . . AdcJrQll9 80~ Unity hor.e aelecte4 for hla dlstiJlg-gtshed <lt t1 e; SoU F, Humus and ROtation; elated. . ., , . Bldg., .lndiftna.polltt. ,I ndt.DIl, appearance. He til ofteA pi ibald, at· irying, Dairy' Mana$lement: 'thoulh lometimes pure white; but "Yes," replied thl' coUeal'Ue. "The whate ..r hla color bla appearance Wednesday-Dairying, Fermenta· \Vorld would be much euler for ollr mWit ba coDal.tent with the con.piou· ti~n of Milk: S6il l<~. Manure, Preser, business If It could bave been made of oua poatUpn be bail!' to fill.. .' "'lbb.e and InAa.ted." . 80methtllS more thUIl mere beauty of vation and Application; Dairying, torm ta requlrel\ of the drum horae. T ting Qf Milk and Cream. ;- - " ·He D;luat be tt'alned UDUI be becomes 'l'hursday- D,irying, CODstructioT) , a cl1lD1fted and 1l'8ce1ul ,bearer of the a1 trapplDP that '~rta1~ to ~B hlSb call· and .Dait~ Ba.rns; So~1 ~. F~rt~liz~rs: ' . tns. .m. eidUoaUoll fa aevere ' &nd J)rc> Buymg and Home Mlxmg; DalrYlOg , , . 10Dled. brID.sn&' him up to that point Selection 'of Dairy Cattle. ' . 'Whe~ hi. prtd, ~d 1JltelH~,n<!e ' make . f'rid'a y-Soil F~ ' Lime, 'Dairying, him equal '\9 the clutl~s .reQ)llred .of Judgihg: J)airy Cattle. . him. -, . , . , . ~ .,..:. -,,...-~
.Guardian' -R 'I 'E
ea " .tate
Uta are aeverelT trt~ by the boomiDC Ot the l~e drums he car11ell. but ~, Urne 'he ,becomes as "lna'Uferent to their ,nolle at wa~ bOrl!e~' do' to the 'aln&tq bullets. In ,the ' p&.rade hi. rider baa. his ha.ncla tull In use ot t.b'e .UOD. Be controls . the h6raeby meutl of r'@lDS rast~ed to th'e lIt,.\rrqp cup Dear the toot,,",,;"HarJ),e r's Weekly.
'r '.
In p\U'llu\1nce of an . order of tbe Pro~te Oourt of W~n County, Ohio: mllde on the 2~tb day of DlleemQ4)r lSle•. In ~hp cue ot E. B. 'D aklMI8 'gullrdlan -IJ,I tho pel'lOll and ' 08W.te of ,BanIaJ Dakln. Jmbecll"f plaJntUf, Ye • .at.nka Oalc. ln.lmbllClle. Ilndotliertl d e fendaOtl. \
the un<l,erslgned will on
3td D~y of..F~bruary 19U, .A~
10 o'clOck A. ' .
on' ~h'e' p~I_'. 01t~~
at' pabUe sale lhe fonowlog described , real M-
tate to·wlt:
'm .
\!I (I ,
. ", . "Sltuat\l In BjlrV..y No. J146. fu )l88Ile 'l'o'!t'nabip, 'Wal'n)n' CoUQty, OtUp, coD'alnlUjl about elf,liB acrllt arid bolUU,led 00 'the 'iilortb ' b,. land,a of D. ' L.. nakln, .and on the eut by Ianda of, W, A. 'MeiTI~t, William E. :HarlaD " and Wlhlam:, Brooka. and bounded aD the
BE ' . b .f . mmQ09'18 om~ r om- lOuthby "land.ofWnllam.Bl'llokaaodTbo~1Y Il tu ost e nj oyn ble vi Jt in Ctllutn tHIS ' Mc(lla.de and it. O. Hat:Vey a l1d. bolJDded on rl rl'l .
lV .,
.. ' . " , ' 'L tbe .wos~ by landi ot W.W ~ lrtle anti KanWit .K:el1s!3Y, 'who btlclt ot" n nail OresweJli, laid IAnU" bufUg L 0 IIaDlQ JI~ni . ~ h 1\~ ~V B n ' l1' \'VA'" ~ l809 tormorly pccupled by . &1d BIi.q !" Dlkln 1 "'" ~ \' .r ' a s & homestead." • , 1)\ \. " lul r tl arlled bOlOe. T~RM:S O!l', ' SADE::":'11bree , fOurth. ' cub ; . . " - on d ay o~ "'Ie anll oue e!allth In one ~ and . \ ~ Edna pADcez:)S s p nlltQ~ one elglit"ij In \11'0 yearW ffom 'day '01 1iaIe, ~Id . ,,,
· l, ~ ndlil tr tb ~
we It with -"--
OSPI4C BI ok h . gout:! s~~y "J9 Ul bls l\ l<l ~ Efr , ' _ • "I • ) J Mrs'. Flo! enoe l:Stt!!r Jl. o£ :Kanil.,
v.1 l ting 1u)[ fu t·h aI',
,Unole tianry.o
L. $l'llzoa:,
kat: J ou t ilt! bid
list., .",' " , ':, " Mr; B~r,,,ey, '~'o l'f~OE!, of .Bart' ·'~
burg, 1 v181tu~g hlt! mo·t he ll • . . Mr, Bllrv y 1:)1;I~flloe~1l1,l. moth e r , wete gue~ 01 ' .M r,~: Cl4ftl. l~ lJ' \Jy Mundlly,. " ,
. .... . . Bellbl'OOK. .
, Prot[IlOL~1,l weetlng ' will OOJn meuo,, '!:itllld \1'ya 6urhg, J,lI>lHUH Y It!t flt,lIe' ~.E. onu:roh. , , Bert , Wtlo'f:I~ll, . 'of O "bol'n , tlpellL Snnd~y with 1118 lIit-tar, Mit;. ~owa Fds . '
Mrs. ' J. D~ H~rnu!:ls 8..o(l, ohilllren.
"'Dd.. ~l!a BI;lOSGOll, 6 1 Do.:IU: Xl1l.1 i , and I M.iss .NeJlie Ctlunlngbtl.Ul, 0t Gf~nvlUe; spent. tile b OlluliYI:I wltb M.ra. . Chas. Btel~fo ll<.l,. . ,
-. -
r ehl ti y"g. on'tbe deferi:oed . J1aym.OJl~ to be *11Nd J)1~nnae . premliMllllOld' and to bear .(ntea'elG i~ , ",
tbe rate ot 111 per centum per IDDum, .1*1-
-e~ht 'Now' . Istime to right bl~~~r::~·"t Rl sub ql.' i Ie fo r Db.e M.lu~i Gliz<ette . ;, ! ' AaiI:=ll~? of ~anka D~In, the
THE POULTRY SHOW Of the Miami Valley Poultry Association Was a Decided . Success---The General Interest of the Show Evidenced by Good Attendance
The first annual show of the Miami Valley Poultry Association was a decided success. both in interest and financially. Only five week s ago a~1ittle company of twelve people' met at the Miami Gazette office to talk over the advisability of organizing a poultry as90ciation. At the same time the question of holding a poultry show was discussed, and it was decided to hold a show the last two days of December. This, however. was changed on ace unt of the judge, who could not get here. So the date was changed to the January date. Early last week looked as though the show. might be a failure, but when the entry book beg-oln to fill up in on Wednesday, it loolted hopefu l and by Thur!>day morning the show was on in earnest, and th e managers foresaw the end. The associ~tion members took a very aclive interest from the very start, but the secretary. H. H. Wadsworth and Executive committee Chairman, Dr. Henderson, and president. Dr. Brown, who made the sh ow boom, can be complimented on their active interest and for the success of the whole enterprise.
Mrs. Julia A. Underwood, a mem.ber of the Friends' Home passed her 89th birthday in October las t. When bu t 8 years' old she memorized the following poem, by Job Rcott. She frequently reci tes it these days to fr iend!i and visitors. Job l Scott was u Friend, and died in 1794.
Again, the death angel has come Into our midst 8J1d claimed a loved one; another life has passed out of the shadow into tlae sunlight of eternal rest, in answer to the welcome plaudit. "It is enough! Comeup higher!" Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Matilda Sands. was born December 11, 1846 and departed this life January 2, 1911, aged 64 years and
G rea t "'1.70 d . th Y name be bl es, t Thy goodness be adored; My ~o ul has been distressed, But thou hast peace restored.
11, HIll.
ALL ABOUT pEOPLE Personal Mention of Visitors and Those G ,ing . Ou t of Town---The List Small on Acconnt of Our Own Home Attractions
Harry Murray is on the .sick list.
Chas. Burnett waS ir. OilY ton Fri day.
22 days.
Miss Lucy Emley has been quite L. S. Rhoades Willi ill Dayton SaL Although deprived of a father's sick. care and guidance when but four urrlay. ye~rs of age, she was surrounded Geo. Zell is quite sick with the Mr. and Mrs. Eli Burnett were with such influence as tended to de- grippe . Dayton visitors Wednesday. velop that high standard of morality ' and self reliant womanhood which R.~. Duke was a Lebanon visitor Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gustin, of last weel<. characterized her life. Lebanon, was in town 111St Friday, ·She united with the Methodist Walter McClure was in Dayton . Mrs.. J 0'" . ht was hostess church at the age of twelve, and in ".ar t WrJ~ d S to the Card Club last Thursday afterearly life was an active worker in last atul' ay. church and Sabbath School. . Mrs. Willis Marshall is going noon. On December 10. 1863. she was through a siege of grip. Mrs, 'F rank Taylor, of Chicago. is united in marriage to Henry .Prater. he guest of Mrs. Edith Harris and t To ~hem were born five children; st. Mary's Guild will meet Friday
A thankful h€art I feel, In peace my mind il! stayed, Balqamic ointment healed The wounds by sorrow made. Though elements contend, Though wind and water rage; I've an un 'haken Friend Who doth my grief assuage. Th ough outward storms arise Emblems of those within ; On Christ my soul relies, The sacrifice for sin.
three sons and two dauhgters. Two afternoon at the rect ory. family. sons have preceded her into the GrQat 'Mr. Willis Marshall, of New BurPiano-To sell or rent. Suitable Beyond. leaving a hUl!band. one son, Iington, was in town Monday, for parlor. lodge or school,room. Intwo daughters, two sisters, one Though inward storms prevhil, quire at this office. . brother ' and three granddaughters Afflicting to endure, to cherish her memory. Henry Kunker . of Morrow. was Dr. Herschel Fisher has ' moved to The committee spared no pains nor One Setting of Buff Orpington I've help that cannot fail Anything by way of eulog)' of Mrs. a bU 3ines:5 visitor here last week. offices in the new Morris building. expense in advertising tbe show, and eggs, value $5, by W. J. Kilbon on In Him that's ever sure. Prater must fall far short of our es. the business men were liberal in their best pen of Buff Orpingtons. -H. H. Quite a good many strangers at- ~ext to the post office. J.ebanor . timate of her many virtues; and her tended the poultry show last week. donotions, thus adding to the inter_ Wadsworth. . Though outward war and strife passing away arouses many tender Lebanon Elks are contemplating est. One Ru~ value $3.00, by B. S. Prevail from s~ to sea, memories of her genial companionRoy Irons is in Dayton this weEk building a-$SO,OOO lodge home and When the doors were opened Thurs Bowell, for be8t pen of S C. mack ['ve help in inward Life ship and helpful kindness as a friend atteDdin&, the Ohio Canners'. conven- are now working in that direction. day morning to the public, every- Minorcas.- H. H. Wadsworth. And that sufficeth me. and neighbor. tion. thing was in readiness, and as the One tortoise shell pap~r cutter, Th hI' h ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enterAlthough in failing health for aloug c amor may rear.lts ead people caine and went, the common value $2.00, by Davis and Walton, tained Saturriay at .a six o'clock dinmost fifteen years, ~er unfailing I Messrs. Walter . ~nd C1~ff Burnett expressi,9n wQ;8, .. Didn't think there Philadelphia, Pa., and one silver And s~lI~ from, shore to shore, ner, Mr. and Mrs. F. S Simpson, of mother-love was mamfested by her I were business VISItors m Dayton -were 80 many good chickens in the cream ladle, value $1, by CrosaBros. My f ood la angels bread, Morrow, Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Brusolicitude for her children's welfare, WP.dnesday. neighborhood." for best pen of B:nred Plymouth What can I covet more? nero to ';vhich they responded with untirThe display which was held in t?~ Rocks .-:-Mrs. H. E. H~~ha~ay. Though ill reports abound John A. Funkey ~as reduced the ing devotion. It;talKlnic banqu.et room, was a~ti6 ,1.50 l~ Cash •. by CItIzen s Bank. Suspicion and surmise. The iireat 'Lace sale at ,John A. prices on Underwear. Go and get She was a loving wife. mother and tically ar~ged. and the bIrds WaynesvIlle. OhIO; and 1 years sub· I've found imd oft have found Funkey's ~ ' Ov~rtwo~undred wid~hs your bargains. friend,. and a great sorrow and sense In' death true comfort lies. showed to ~Qod advanlage. It was acription to WaynesviJIe Enterprise~ and patterns. The 8. 10, 12 and 16c of personal loss fills t.he hearts of all a goodly SIght as one enterPd the by F. H. Farr on best pen of White Mrs. Chas. Green and son Roy. Lace now being offered at 50 forwith whom she was associated but- spent Saturday and Sunday with room to see anc:J hear the beautiful Leghorns·- Mrs. E. S. Bailey. That d~ath. I mean. whereby. cdoice. Go and-see them displayed. chic~ens-black. white, brown. span· Two Cases of Corn. value $3, by Self love and will are slain, "In the beautiful beautiful after- friends near Springfield. Were you at the chicken ahow? _ __ .-alled-; in fact. almost ,all varieties Waynesville Canning Cp .• on best The-lnore they die, the more ward . Herbert Edward.. Dean Howell What was your highest score? Mrs. were displayed . display of WhiteOrpingtons. - W. A. The Lamb of God will reign. When all this life is o'er, ThR judge, Mr. S. G. Case, of Surface. And we have left this world of care, and Terrel Macy attended a dance in So-and-so had a better bird than Mr. Lebanon Friday evening. Whats-his-name, was all that could Shreve, Ohi9, judged the :show. and One Silver Cream Ladle, value $1, And well assured I am And reached the other shore, be heard on our streets last week. gave, general satisfaction. not one by Walter McClure, 1 Brush Mirror, 'rrue peace is only known, Wp.'l1 find the friend we mourn here , Mrs. F B. Henderson and daugh,ord .of. ~!ssent beipg heard from value $1. by J. E. Janney, and 1 When e'er the heart hath made for ter Kathryn and Mrs. U. M. White contes,tants Mr. Case has been at pack. age of Baum's H"rae and S.tock Th~ Lamb of God Its own. The large Shoe stock. the best The loved one gone before. " were Dayton yisitors Tuesday. the busi.nesa· many years. and c~n al· Food by A. B. Sideg on best pen of She'll meet us at the pearly gates shoes that can be produced. The most judge a bird by looking at it R. C. Rhode Island Reds. - Mrs. A. Then, then may tempest rage best Rubbers. Rubber Boots, the best He was 8ssist~ In his work by a. Sides. ' ThCaRnnokn mfay roar in l7~in, And ne'er be ~a!t~ ~ore." Mrs. Amos Romine has returned Felt BoolA, the best Cloth Over shoes e oc 0 every age 'CHAKlES F. ADAMS from Cedarville, where she has been at bargains. An at J. A. Funkey's. Roy. Hathaway, who was Iluperinten. One Hand Satchel. value ' 7fic. by dent. ' .: ~'. C. Carey, on the highest scoring The Lamb, t h: ~~b doth reign. visiting.herdaughter, Mrs. Enos Hill . . Tbe Farmers' Club- met at the . Ag'r eat,many people did not get cock bird.-W. A. Surface. The remains of Charle.~ F. Adams, Miss Mary' Latchem is nursing the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Hawke the right \lnderst8nding of the shC?w One setting of White Rock Eggs. MEN·S· FR.\TERNAL MEETING whose death at Topeka, Kan. was venerable Catharine A. Stanton and last · Friday. Among the invited Several Lebanon fanciers would have bv A. C. romlinson. on highest . The meeting at the Ch ristian announced 'ast week, arrived here her daughter, Mrs. Chapman, .near guestS wer.e Rev. and Mrs. Bailey, ' like(hohave entered, but they ~ere coring cot'Kerel ' (White Rock). W. church Sunday evening for the fra- Wednesday evening accompanied by Springboro. Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner. ,Prof. told ,it,w~Qnly Ifor' Waynr, ~ownshil> C" Welch'. 't ernallodges of the 'city was well at- the widow, Rosalie Adams, and' T. and MrS. L. S. Rhoades and little p~pte. Bunhe.rules plainly said il One setting of White Rock Eggs, tended, the lodges of the city being Lee Adams, of KilDS8s City, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Liddy have reo daughter. -.::- W88 '01)8" to-aIrWatren <:;ocnty · citi-., bv ·W. C. Welch, on . highest BCoring- well represented. The followmg f\ goodly numbtlr were prt'sent at turned to their home in Dayton aft~r --' ~ns,and ,Leb~non h~d 'a perfect, pair of White Rocks.- lL H. WadR- prog ram was carried out: the mortuary chapel on Thursday a pleasant visit · with Mr. and Mrs. FARMERS' INSTITUTE right to becom~ members of this or- I worth. S mOrnillg w,hen. after a brief service, M. C. Liddy. gani'z ation.· ' . '. I $1.00 in clU'h. by the Association Prayer ...........~~~RElv. Thompson conducted by Rev. Cadwallader, all The institute. which opens this S that W88 mortal of the beloved husMrs. Eunice Frame and Mrs. Demp- morning, promises to be one of the 'Clerk W. O. Gustm, of Leb!lnon, for the finest · dozen of Hen Eggs. ,,:n~ Pirec~,or: Frank. ~Ibon, of the (siX' en t ries to compete) open to ail Remarks ........ .....~~~Rev . Thompson band, brother, relative, and long sey Dennis, and daughter. of Rich- m08tinteresting and instructive that County Fair boarq, VISIted the show, varieties.-C. V. Harness. ~ J . Ch ' time friend was con. mitted to its mond. are the guests of relatives has ever been hel~ here. The speakand were very J'welt' ple~ed. Both ' . . ong ...... .. ................. UlHor . olr final resting place. and friends here. ers, Dr: August Stabler and C. R. gentleJ;nen said the.1I intended to raRegular Premiums RResl-OnSe- Masoonos··JF· O'ECaHrtwcrlgl ~t Charles F. Adams. son of Dr. Thos. Wagner. come highly recommended, ; h' r tb' f a 11 d h espon e- 1 . . . . ... . . 0 VlD and Martha J. Adams. 80 well and F. J. Snook is being entertained fbI I tal Vise t elr lsl~ 'd IS h . an . dave BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS 'Violin Solo .. ... : ... :...... Grace Carman in Dayton this week by the Ohio and with some 0 our est oca . F favorably remembered by our older ent to assist, the program will be a competent JU ge I ere to JU ge the fowls~ In all probability Wayne Mrs. hH . E. Hathaway, 1st cocker- ~ornet Solo .. ....... ·.... R.. ··· FTranh k arr citizens, was born at Waynesville, Canners' Association which convenes well worth listening to. township will ' have.a' stro~g showinll el, 1st. en. 1st. pen. ~rmo~ ......... .... .... ...ev. omp~o~ Ohio, October 10, 1859. In 1874 a~ there three days. ' 'fhe Ladies' Aid. of the M. E. ' th f' thO f II 'fa' om' tent Henry Kunker. 1st, cockerel. 1st.• Song .... Blest Fe the Tie That BIn s the age of fifteen years. ·ullonthA d h h ' '11 I 'ntheMa ~t ~. aIr . 18 a. I .C pe 211:.1, and 3rd pullet. Benediction ' The wind of Sunday night an ear· c urc WI se.rve mea s I . JUdge ·lpsecured. . J I CHI 2 d d::\ 'd death of his father, he with David ly Monday morning played havoc sonic banquet room. aw <e. n . an . 1 . Ther were no ,responses by the and their mother joined the eldest .. - - - - Space will not' permit us to give '. kO lD 'I ' . coc ere GAD K P J ' d W d I . . w. ith, things . lying around loose es- 'MEETINO OF CEMET'ER' Y BOARD earh. penon , the proper c,redit, b u t ' . . (~' . . .• umors an ?O - child of, the family. T. Lee Adams 10 peclally teo h t dd er. the -list . regular and special WHITE PLYMOUTH R<,J CKS men, , Whl\ eeach.lodge had repre Kansas City,Mo. where Charlie grew priz.es m,d thewi~ners is as tollows: A. C. Tutnlinson, 1st. cockerel . 1st. sentatives. "resent: to manhood and el)larged upon the Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Simpson, of At the.last regular meeting of the ' 1 t pen Rev. Thompson preached a good active duties of life. Sh Boatd of Directors of Miami Ceme_ . h en, s. . "'!'h N M' 'Wh h ' e d Morrow attended the Poultry ow tery Association, a committee conW. C. Welch, 1st. cockerel, 1st, ser~on on e ew . an;, o . On May 25, 1893. e was mar~1 Saturda~ and ,were gUef>ts at dinner Poultr), ' Spe~.lals . '. 2 'd a d Rrd ullet he IS and what we owe hIm , The \ to MiS$llosali~ Hart, of Kansas City. of Prof. 'a nd M~, C. A. Bruner. sisting of Rev. J. F Cadwallader, Largest, a?d ~est ~lspl~y-B . R. , n . ~. ' Wads~orth·. 2nd. cO,ckerel, whole ser~ic: was very impressive. who surviyes him. In September, . O. J. Edwards, E. V. Barnhart, Wal, Wadsw9rt~, baklpg dish: value, $.10. 1stA en 'The chOIr was aug.m~nted by sev- I 1900 he removed to Topf>ka, Kans.; You can' g'u y 25c double mittens, . tel' ~enric~ and. Wm. aarvey. · w~ . Best dIsplay In vartety havmg P il Parlett, 2nd. hen, 2nd . eral outside voices and the music was where :he resided until his death. ladies or ' misses for 15c, thp. S5c app~lOted to revIse the rul~ and 1"e~ .: 'a..~e~t .~ntry-H. H . Wadsworth, coc~e~:1. good. For a long te~m of ye~i'b he. he)d' a d~uble ~ancy knit fot' 250, the 35c ,.ula~l~ns of the eo~oratlOn, ,Said .r' .<;tem ,1l1CU~!ltOr.! $t> . . ' ., . SURF ROC~S --'-'" most · regponsible position Wllh ~~e Golf Gloves at 23c. aU at John A. reVISion to be .submltted to the lot DEATHS International Harv~ter Co,. whIch .Funkey's. ow~ers tor '. co~sideration at their ' . , ~:st,di~~I~~:m~a~lety ha~m~.2~d , 1arg'~t~ntr;.~~r.~.A. ~:' Slde.s, ~ll~ Mrs. J~ Edward,S; fst pen. ' . ,: .' . ' with mlf,riy :other plac~ ' o( ~iQst. , he .: . . . ". annual m.eetmg 10 Ju,1i~. ' ver.cup •.~. ,""" .. ,' ', . . ". '. . WHITE WYANDOTl'ES . .' Mrs·. F. J. Sherwood d)ed Sunday filled wit~fideIitv and pahlstakin~ . Mrs. E. L., Bergdall 'and soil, of " . . _. 4 . '. .~ Betitdisplay in var.:iety)taving 3rd. . " ' , . .night'.at 10 o'clock ·of heart di~e. , f r ' l .... .' ,. ,,' . ~Dayton sptnlt a ~art' 01 "last 'week " AN~UAL . ELf-eTlON " ",'~·' I~t' elitry;~W. · J. Kilhon, ,'4~ .. ·, ".~ar~eEvllns" ~st." .2nd. and 3rd~ . fie had ' be~n ' ailiJig for8(jmetime C:IlChu~~.~ " agenerarfa ' ",ith h~tParents " Mr • . and M~: . ' . ,' . . • " . ' . . ;. '.. Bait ~i9play' ir(vari~ty, .'llaVinjr ~h~ ~~ri~ 1st., .~nd, aT!~ 3rd: pair, l'st. but ,nothing se~,ious,. wa~ -thought." of' ; ar. l~ ~ a ~~llwas d d .' ,th -, .Pht · H k'ns:, M'r.liergdall joinj!d , ' The, s~~kh~'ders, .o~ tiie .~aynes-., . c': lari&t'~ntpy·; .(W' . '.It. Kii}jo~.::$2. , p.:~11'" '.:- i .', . ,; until: : S~riday," wttl?n she became ~orlt~ l~. W&f.n~sv~. a~I..' ·l:.rlD§r . ~. 'h' If~mi)o~h~re >Sund~y. n" . vi1l~ ~~tlonalBan~held theIr an,n.ua\ •.r ' ;', '. ~"',,..' ~,; • • ~~" • , ; ' . " . :',' ',1 " ," R .•,C. R ... I. RED~ . worse,.and death relieved her.suffer- mter.y~Dln~ years , as ,~~~ " awarm '. ~ '.' ." Y , .. ::- . ".. elecb~n T.uesdl!3:·anQ :the .followang . . ';,;: : .. ,~~~I;l~o~tIf: .~sr~c~~,/. ; \ § .. .J. G;·:.HiseyL1st: IPune~~ '\'.: '. '.. '. in'gs:; "The {ulle~l.. ~etvice' ~iil be, 'place·..ID ,£he ,hearts' .of m&mY of o.u,r , _Ii ' f 'Sh~~ood " who ·.had' just ,directol15,,!ere,elected,: W ·.R. Allen, mesl1, 2.nd;' ~.ri(1,~rd. C()C~ , . bel~ 1rtthe ~ .'. C~~l:cb ~d~1~. Weel- p~ple. . ~t~ ~ep ~~ , ~~t .~I~ ~b:l; ~etum~ ~'his home in Ritts- ~ '·,L. 'Can)Vri&'~t; '11; H·aV(ke.: J B. , ., " Gi,v,:et(f9~.'fh~-, ~jg~~~ <:·8COl'.r~g .il~J1 ':. V", '~'o(S~ C~ ~~ ~J~o~!. :: BIU~ ·. (}~ er~I.~8rd; .PulJ.~tj .. ~d., ;a~d.~ ar,~ • .pen, nesd.9,. ~ 11:" o'c19ck. Rev: ~wttill, perpet~~ ~~)n :"e1:~ al.o~, bun," after ' epeitainc' ·tb~ ..liolid .,nc~.G. E ~~,,~.s- ~•.J _.W... i!l; St~,. :M.....,'J·. ,B~ .C).~l?man; i'ir:st. .(yoq'l~),1~t-. ,~~.2nd" ,n6' bou.~g) .. ofNew ·Blir1ington;, 9ffi~iatin&'.,. ",' ful~~rr: . 'I ~ , ~. h withbill~ents Mr.andM~.-F. J. Whi~ . . ', :." ,' . . .~.OO:~ in '.Ci8h ' ',. bl! ':.~Wilyne8~lle Mti". k.: B:; " 'SJdij$.. 2n~~ c~.kerel , \ ',.: ",' ~'":- ~, . . . . Bes,~~ w,e a~ve men~~on , w 0 . ~led back: Monday ~e .o~tion . w~ ,rpad~ ,com~~~~ ~k:.an" ppe.po11ltJ'Y', ~k" .lst!,bey .' t~t. '~~erel" 2ilit p~pet/ .'l'h~ sb!:-weekg~ol.d ~hlld of Mr.'and fmm a dI8~~e attet:'~~ the tun~ \Shet1vC:t':~the death of"hia moth- plete ~Y Ill»po!ntilllr ··W.. ~;. All. . .Vt.lde· .tJ,b~ '8eli~le ~q~l~l'j .J()~r- 18~.-trlo, Ist: .pe~, .. ,,~.. ' .. ~~. Chas.~o~ ,dl~.l.Ut ~~ay w~re Judp Wld ~~ Roward · : . o~.~ ., acec)JnpiniedbyMn.Sher- pres. Q, .E ' Rilq, vice-p.r es i J~~O, DI1'forbelt ......~,. ;Whi~ p~¥tb E. Simkina. ' l~'- ·cocke~llt ,~. and WIll ' buried '1'liu~afte~~n Mr. WUl~HOward;of""eDia.ancl .ef• 8.11 .... ··cartwiiPt,cubier. . . "
.f '
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"" '.a
(cqgt~uechJifNe 8)'
at Cent.erviUe. '
Ada 8-'e, of .1amt1town.
ood w..
The Miami Gazette D. L. CRANE. WA Y l\tE ~VT r.T.E .
0111 0
ISlik Im-prisorimenf SAVEOJIBERIY BELL Worse (ban Deafh 1 P~r~~tl~h~ri~:~:·I.d Early
HEALTH ' AN,? LONG LIFE. "All men think nil m II mort.nl but . themselvos." yet all mon ure can· stantly eking the lIources at bealth Itnd moans of prolonging w eir live s . and not hlns Int er sts th average mnn more tha n to r en d th statements ot per ons who have attained grea t ages. IUHJ thdr ve rs ion at the U1 ans which enabled th em to prolong their lJvea. W havo muny at tb ese. 1-1oltke. wh II asked In bls ninetieth yea r hnw ho hud maintained his health nnd aCII"lty. 8uswert"d ; "By great moderation In nil things. npd by regular outd oor exer cise." Crl spl said {'h at "regularity and absli neuC() are the secrets of long lICo." Sydney oOIle~ also b !lcved In r &ulnrlty . L'agouve altrlbllt cl bls long life to rogu· IIII' exer Ise. 8UY" the Wushlngton Herald . An Am rlell n nonagenaria n. Han . Neal Dow. of Malue. laid stress on the ca re rnl a vohJance or fretting or dlsturbnn ce of' th e d igestive or· gans. and at exp08ure to suclden or protract ed cold'. with -In,s u ffic lent pro· tectlon against its Influence. or· na ro 's r ule was extreme t emperance in eating and mod mllon In drinking. He took ever yth ing that agreed with him and avoided everything which did not. Many others could be named. but tbe constitutions and organism at men are as varied a8 their ta~8. ben~ no general rule can be laid d.o wn. What Is meat to one may be polson to another.
HWldreda of thousands ot RUBalana lare going to Siberta. But not after ,t he old style. when tbey were per· sonally conducted by mJlltary guards 'a nd distributed aa conVicts amobg the mlnea and prisons. Siberia hal vast 'a gricultural and otber pGaalbllltle8, and tbe government in this · 1n8tan~ at leaBt Is 'w iae cnougll to encourage ,t he utilisation of suell resources. It ~s announced from Russia that the mi· gratlon to Siberia average about hall a ml1llon persons yearly. This movement la encouraged by the offer from the government ot cheap ' railroad rates and an allotment ot torty-one and a halt acres at land to each adult who makes a home In that part at the empire. ' Tlie Pennsylvania state board at health reports that the expenditure at $3.000,000 In tour years In the Intere8t ot the l)ubllc health haa resulted ~ n saviug $23.000,000 to the common· wealth. This Is conservation at a IIlost deslrob\e" quality. It goes toward malntalntng ~ose greatest reBOurces of a state which lie In a people riell In physical and mental well. being. The Pennsylvania board has tought diphtheria effectively with an· tltoxln. It hall reduced the death· rote trom consumption. "the white ~Iague." from 13. to 120 per thousand. and Is abOut to do better by adding two new tuberculosis colonies . to the ('ne now In operation. According to lllte reports Mammoth Cave. thut old·time geological wonder. and yesl's ago a close rtval to Nla. gara Falls as a show pla<;e, 18 goLng out or tashlon, ' and has ot late years had but tew vlsltor8. says the B08ton Evening Tra'nsertpt. It ' Is now dt'm· cult of acsess by 8 little dinky ral1. road and the accommodations afford. ed by the dllapldated hotel are by no means up to date. It Is proposed to ask congre8s to adopt It as a national reservation, fi~ things up and make It more accessible and attractive. Perbaps one reason tor Its decadence la the discovery at other great cavernll and natural curiosities tuJly as won. ~ertu\.
A Washington man bas been fined
tor violating the chlld·labor . law be· CRu8e he Induced a number ot fourteen·yenr-()Id boys to engage In a pie· eating contest. Would It ' not bave been more appropriate If he had been punished tor cruelty to children? When . a man's Wile sticks hatplna Into blm,. and tries to suffocate him he sleeps. the New York court8 bave decided tbat be has a !1ght to leave borne. The ruling. however, WaB collflrmatory merely, the man having decided first.
One man has been sent to jan for IIlne mon~s for smuggling at N~w York. The fact that he was QlIly 8 mus'\clan and not 'a millionaIre ruakes the lesson less Impressive where It Is .most ~~eded. A ' dog thnt carr'ed tn ~muggled goods across {he MW!lan l10undary ' J)hll lJeen '~illlred to be shown 'In a dog s how. ' J1 he bn·d· Men ·taken . 'to ' a Ne,v Yp.rk dog llhow ' he wou~d - pro1>/lbly !lava brought a 'fabulous prlc~ fTom the ultra 1'1~h. o tbe f;.ovenu'nent Is going to .1' Bu'e w9rt.b or $I bUlB to repJQce ,:0 and. lUgher denominations. 'l'h~ oucht to Increase the ohaaoe at ce&' 176'.00'0.00
. . . .0!tl1Po.
Bronze Tablet to His Memory In Front of the Hlat orl ~ Church Where the B.11 Was Hidd en During the Revolution.
Bible Teaching ·as a' Function of the Preach~r ITH till' nOI'l\lal
.practical FashiOl~ LADIES' SHIRT WAI ST.
man. sin upnrt . th e pruh lem of out· , uraJ de ve lo\ll\l lit wou ld be th e sl mpl l'R L possible. The truth of th o 1l111 ltl would Alleutowll. Pa.-ln front ot th e hili' . drop into t b mi nd or th e torlc Zlon 'lI H form ed 'hurch 10 this livi ng mun HI; ' r 10 rc tl lve It. and cllY II. Jarg ' graulte boulder with I acl him ri ghi, on lind up to bls bronze taul t stands In memory ot h Il't nil . In ('01\\ Vi t(, 1I 0>;S of lifo III John Jacob Mickley, 11 patriot of tbe Gncl. PI' unlily lI\\l ch of I he ubi st of Amerl an it volullon. lu Seplembe r. purely Int Il c ·tual pr() lIching of tho 1777. before the l.Irlllsh enl red tlle day moltes fn tnl fullur In ass uming city ot Philade lpbla. ev rythlug of t!t nt It !t nli to Ii a l wllh th u no rmal value was selll out or the city . T here mOn In Ihls wl ae. und thllt It s eud can WIIS dan g-er or tho Brltl ll h using Ule be ntta ln ed by me re II fllurul d vclopbell s or the cl ly for cannoll . lI ud fo r 11\ ·n\. \llI l praCllcally Ihe I3Ible that r eUBon lhey wero on s ldel'e cl of pr hu('he r fiR t cul' b ol' hn s to do. not such valuf) that th ey wer tll.ken do wn wllh til'" norma l mUll, hut wit h man trom th ll ir towcrs on S plember 10. the si nn r. That eli lirely dllln& 8 1777. anu by o rd l'l" or l\to ex cut\ve th III·oh lem. ::)I u nl ('tI lIll obedl enco cuunc ll WCI' onJ I' d out of th e .Ity tu lOE't. cou forming to IlVII'Ollmf!nt lost. This waist olTt! rs a ,' a mpr"I " I~' p &some p laco or IInfe ty. TLH am mi ssion !if, lost. l;od 10 t. It III 'a n s di sorder was glv n 10 .John .Ia ob Mlclde y. a and w reek III til snlli. in th e li te. In tw e ll tbe pl ai n I! hi rt wnl HI alld I I,, · ol'mher or' th ge nernl cOlllmltt eo at soclely. Th o 111m ;If In s tr uction IlIU S ~ II' SIIY waJal. II Is <:lIt ot) t< hll'l \' ,1\·1 ' /,:orl.hampton. Po ., appoint d In No· b to bring II\UlI lllt k to obedi ence lin B. InaslD uch as It h:\l1 Iii ,' . I,:, l " IUb r. 177(;. from W hitehall town· and li fe; 10 brlll g nhuUl Ib e moral unll Ing In tront In 'I! hlr t Slylt,. 1"'I" 'lI h a band u nd thl:l neclt O ui ~ h. (\ \1'1111 .t splrll \lll i remwntlon uncl I'ecoustruc· ship. band for colInI' or Htuck . ' .\1 "." '11 H e wus Ilppol nt d commlssury or Is· tlon or th e /l lnl1 (> l', find to save him <l bOl.lder aro , wo luc lts . an t· I",al' Ill(' Ilues allcl took the b£olls of th ci ty or from Rin . \\·h ll ·. th er fo r. th e n Ok . turni ng rorward IUld OUl" 11 , ' ;0 r I h e Philadel phia. 11 In all. OUL ot th e PI' tlch cl' Is nol. to los ~ I s bt f the a n'll turnin g outwurd . Tb.· d r" , I Is city. H ~ bad two four·hol·s o t oums at I nalu ra l d \'e lopmonl or whnt ' ls nor· thut at II very brond plait JIll I U ll II" his own. The " Liberty b 11" or st ate· mal In mun . he mu s t. In .pr(>s nUug a trlUlmlng. Ju s t across th e h ils I tl ll' ... • hOUSO .1lell. was all' one of his own th t n hing!! or God 's wo rt! . alan s u· t here Is un ornam cntnl . t ra p. \lhlt' h wagons. The bells were brought to preme l), at th o SU IJC' I·natuml lran s· gives a furth er ' touc.l.t or fHUt'Y. ThDetblehe m. orthampton county. fo rlll utioll of hIs h nr!'r . The natural back ot the wal8t Is nltogt'l h l'r plalil. Pennsylvania. on the 23d or Beptem· Is to be bill' ly t ho point of depnrltire Rnd th e s le ve Is In th e rt'&ulali lln ~ hlrt I b I·. 1777. When tbey arrived In Betll· In renc blng Ollt toward the s uper· s tyle ndlng In a culf. ot only ",atl h I lehem the wagon with the statohouse nat~ml; the de \'elopm lit mere ly an l\t· materials. but satin. silk. r-r~fI'" IIllll bell or "Liberty bell" broke 'down and l e ndant li pan t he tnlllaformatioll. muny woolens of ligh ter weight um hlld to be unloaded. The other bells. Wllh th e nature all rl&bt · nature a ppropriate for d evelol)Ol nl hy Ilti,. HERE are times when a hush. twelve . men in the box who would among which were the chlme8 of St. would alone be n ee ded tor d evelop- design. n sti.J1ness that Is awful In Its not InOict lhe dealh penally IIPOIl P eter's and hr\st church. Phlladol· me ot. but with th e n\l luro Ile rverted. The pattern (62113) Is cut In ~ l z(O;; ~ 2 IntenSity. falls ov r a court· you . yet It Is th e poli cy of t he law to I 'phla. were 8ent on to Allentown . something more and essen tinily dLf. 10 42 Incbes bust measure. I\h'dlum I'oom. The trial has dragged regard a pi a of guilty In some meas· When anothe r wagon was procursd fer ·nl. becoml s necessary. sIze r equires 3lM yarda or :!1 Inch I U a.~ out Its painful le ugth. the evl· ure at Itself a mWgation. the Lib rty bell was put on It and For Real Effectlvenes8. terlal or 1% yards 44 In h . dence Is In. the pleas h'ave been made No\\,. the· effecti veness or Dible " The Ins tinctive, unreasoning hor· John Jacob Mickley brougbt It safely To procure thtll pall ern s c nd 10 ~cn t8 and tbe jury bos returned a verdict ror of mankind regards deatb as the to Allentown. where It. with the oth· ten ·hlng. In PI' ach in g to men as sin. expressed In that one short Anglo- most severe pun ishment. Th is Idea ers. was hidden beneath the floors of n ers. must always depend lipan cer- to "Ptltt rn D partme nl.'· o f :h B puper. Write name and address pi :nl)·. nn.1 IJ .. Saxon word. ·'Gullty." The convicted Is not correct. YO. u are . now to. r e' l Zion R eformed ebu, roh In Allentown. taln prJ.n.c lples- too often neglected or l5ure to 'glve stze ond number 0 1 plIltcrn. murderer ris es to his feet at the com- elve a sterner puni shme nt. )' our There th ey r emained for nearly a forgotton- but that s hould be clearly mand of th e judge. H e stands up to vlcUm di ed but once. You will die a year. This old Re(orwed cburch wal!! defined and firmly grasped. H It be .SIZE . .. . ...... . .... .. r eceive the m easured sentence of the hundl'ed times. You will surter more first built 10 1763 of logs. Th e s econd as k ed. What nrc Ih ese principles. It NO. 5233. law. Every eye In the courtroom Is the day you put on your , prison chllrc h. at ,stone. was built In 1772. mny be readily shown th at they nat. NAME . ............................ . .. . . . .. · · turned upon him and . every ear Is cloth s than she did In her death . when .John Ja ob MI kley waR one of maily conn ect tb mselv s (1) with strained to catch th e words tbat will "After thllt t bere will be only lhe tile bullder8 of the Zlon's Retormed the tea her hlms If DS r gards the TOWN ................ .................. ... .. mean life or death to th e unfortunate hope less, painful yea rs. tro m day to churc h ot Allentown. The boulder Is proparation (Ol' this task; (2) with STREET AND NO ... ... ...... .... ..... .. who stands upright to meet the blow. day, trom month to montb, str tCh' of P e rlts county. Penn sylvallia. gran· thoso WhO, a r e tllught. as haYing to do If you stood In bls place would you lug out for vel' and III agony. In Ito and ""elgfl s n arly ten tons. The wltb tb olr concllUon and needs; (3) STATE .............. .......... ... ..... .... .. hope for those omlnolls words, fo ur or flve y nrs Ih eternal solitude with the Dible remedy for 81n. as fur. "Hanged by the n~ck until dead ." or and sllenc 'W ill begin to crush in ~8bed In th e red emption by Cbrlst Or CHI~D'S DRESS. would you welcome a sentence or upon you like an Iron weight. (4 ) with th Holy Sp irit. who ap. "life ImprIsonm ent?" Tf you kne w "You are so lated now at the pears a8 the author or the r generat. ad I1C . ' that "Ute Imprisonment" meant just thought of sllvlug your li fe that you what It Is SU1)110se(l to mean a nd tbat dou·t reali ze all th is. 1 want YOll and I These polnt~ cl eclde the line of there Was no hope at escape. no hope tbe others here In th is ourtroom to thought to b ' rollowctl In the present ot pardon. nothlIYg' but the long understand It. . You are' not sorry yet discussion. and suggcst th e principles months reacblng Into drab monoton· fo r your rime. You have only 11 upon whlcb ert cllven ss In Bible ous, loathsome years of loneliness. gl'eat 8~l!·plty. teaching ~o s inner s must depend. would you sUU choose to cling to th e "Th re wl11 be few worse men tban First Prlnclple-Let the preacher life that was In you 1 I you In that big prison, but I may say alj teacher. tlrst at all, grasp 'the sitThe legal world was shocked and the lnw has taken Its full and ample uatlon. and master the needs at man the public was horrified by the plea revenge upon you ." as a lost sinner, and let those needa of Atbert A. Patrick. convicted mur· Welcome has' now entered uV on the overmaster his own soul. derer of the mllllonalre. William monotonous round of the "Living Suitable Teachings. Marsh RIce. who demanded death Death" tbat Judge Kavanaugh de· Second PrinCiple-HavIng hlmBeJt rather than ·l Ire Imprl80nment. In a scribed . He Is now a "thing" In mastered tbe situation. let the preach. remarkable document he tried to reo striped clothes. 0. number that has its er as teacher. In the Pl'osecuUon at ject clemency that saved him from hom~ In the heart of 8 great mass of bls aim at s eeltlng and winning the the electrIc chair •. giving him lI.te 1m· stone and 8tee\ and concrete, watched lost, press h'o me with absolute coovlc. Old Mickley Home.t ead. ~rlsonment In the place of death. His by riflemen on forbidding wa\1s. the Uon the Bible tea hlng8 suited and petition recited this. I1S his prinCipal great state prIson at Jo\1et. It Is pas· Inte nded to rouse tbe sinner to his reason: "Life Imprisonmll)"lt Is a fa'!' sib'l e that he has already glimpsed bronze tablet. three feel by tour feat, lost and bopeless condition In sin. Reverer punishment than cleath In any Rome~hlng of the pun)ahment that Is was JIlade In Philadelphia and Is very Third Principle-Let the preacher. torm." This action at hl8 has no to be his. so long 118 hreath and rea·' handsome. The design of · the border when the war has been thus prepared,' J:arallel In the court records ·ot · the son remain' within l,lLs body. of oak and laurel and the "Liberty lay all Stl'£t.S ullon the Dible doc. United states. It was · a remarkable WIlS Juclge Kavanaugh right? Is bell." with the same emblem8 of valor trines concer:\Ing tho r emedy- salva. III!Sertlon made by a remarkable crlm· It true that life Imprisonment Is a and strength are Its only ornament. tlon 1;>y the cr09s. preRslng the sinner lnal. .It cau8ed maily jurists ' to won· more terribl e punishment than the The memorial Is placed - In a grass always to') immodlate decision tor del' If. ' after all. the deprivation ot extinction at the crlmloal? Do men plot In tront of the Fourth bhuroh. Ohrlst. Uberty ougat to be allowed to take the ,die a bunared dea~hs where their vic· The first churcb was , bullt In 1763. of Fourth Pr~rlIcDId--Let the preacher place at the de~th pimalty. tlms died but one? ID8 pronounce· logs. the second on ~ was built In 1772. a s tescher of truth (or sa.lvatlon, ~udge Kavanaugh'. Opinion. ; ment Is p ew. BO ~ar aa th.e bench Is of stone. th third one was built or wblle seeking ~b e mos t perft!ct adatit.a. A Chicago courtroom listened reo concerned. It has been de bated, how· brick in 1838. and the fourth o'n e of tion 'or means to that ericl, riot neg. .Tbls pretty little frock bris tuQks ' at cently to a strange address madq by e ver. for generations by ' phUosol?hers · brick, with granite facings. In 1S'i8. lect the t\octrln e of the Holr Spirit the ~boulders ot tbe waist In both Judge Mnrc;us Kavanaugh, Joseph WeI· an'd students. Cold reaSOn tel.1s the The Liberty bell and the Cbrlst and his saving work. front and bo'c k and at the neck, which 18 corne. Ihe prisoner at the bar. 'had human mind that death would be church bell were the pride of 'the ·Phll· And so th A outcomo cf the whole ple.a ded "guilty" to the charge of mur· preferable to a lire . lived In the nru:' adelphlans. and upon the approach of process of the vreacher's Instruction cut round. there Is Q little yoke'outllned der. Jt was a crime of peculiarly ago row confines of steel cages and stonl-' the British forces In 1777 It was gen· of tile sinful nmh Is not .a I:l\tural eva. by a frill. The s leeve s are of the leg o· mutton variety and mllY extend gravatlng circumstances. .Welcome corridors. but eve ry criminal . weI· erally feared that tbey might be seized lutlon Into th e Chl'lsUa~ life. but an to the wrist or be cut off below the had driv en his wife from ho'm e. He comes tbe alternative of Imprls·o n. and transmuted Into artillery. Accord· Instruction into It by a sut'l:'rnatural elbow a8 shown In the illustration. followed ber to the boarding house ment all his clays when actually con· Ingly. one morning It was discovered tran9tormaUon.~Dr. D. S. .Gregor)" In The skirt has a small pane l, In tront of Mrs. Mary McLean and a quarrel fronted by the gallows or the electric that the bells were missing. and, for a Homlletlo R evie w. at which the balance ot the 8lUrt con· en8ued. Enraged by her avowed In. chaiT. Judge Kavanaugh 's speech to wblle. It was supposed that they had tlnues in plaits to the center of the tentlon ot qulttlna- him forever. he the condemned man serves to awaken been burled or sunk In tho ·Delawn.re. - ..., . back. A plaIn serge. trimmed wIth drew a revolver and shot bel' down. Intere8t In tbat last and greatest of . but they were safe under the 11001' of The Ell!!ments of Repentz:noe. plaid 01' striped silk would make . n tLe powers of the 8tate. ·the right to th ZIon church In Allontown. In the In attempting to save the life at the very u.se!ul frock, or a brl~ht plaid e'peutance has two e lementR In It~ R unfortunate womatl Mrs. McLean was take human J1te. "Bethiehem Diary," the then resident might be trimmed with a plain silk. killed by a bullet tram the degen. In aU civilized countries In the Moravian bishop record8 the arrival sorrow tor sin. aud turning aw!.;. from , Tbe pattern (5289) 111 cut In sizes 4 sin. The psalmist put It rlgM when . erate's Weapon: Moved by the plea world, with one excep~lon. the death or tbe he1l8 at Bethlehem. to l2·years. Medium! size requJres 2% of guilty and his appeal lo'r the mercy penalty Is exacted of tbe murderer The bells remained lit secure can· he said: "I thought on my wan and yards of •• Inch material. with % of turned my feet unto ' thy tosUII-onles." of ,the court. the jury fixed Welcome's and the traitor. Italy Is the single cealment beneath the floor of Zlon's a yard ot 'U inch ' contrasting goods to punishment at life Imprisonment. exception. but there Is rarely an at, Retormed church until after the Rev· RelJCntnnce Is th e r esult of ollr look. ,trim·. . When the prisoner rose to receive tempt to secure the commutation of olutlonary • war. when they were' re- Ing Into God's face and seelnc ther.o th e pnJn at our misdeeds. 'It Is the To procuro t.hls pattern I5end 10 · cent.. the sentence. Judge Kavanaugh said; a murder's 'sentence In that country: turned to In4ependence hall and feeUng of sorrow that comes' when we to "Pattern DeparUnent." .or thlB paper. "Welcome. you committed a terri· When he 18 finally aentenced. It Is Christ church. Philadelphia. look at the cross of Christ and see Wrltii name and address plaluly, ani! be ble crime. Your punishment 18 to be the end. tor there Is no hope of par· lure to &Ive II&e and numbor of p!'ouern. there what sin. OUr sin, has dono. It more terrible sUII. When your wife don except ·In the most' undoubted Warnlngl to ~"lIdre"'. Is llOt so much the feellbg of convicsougbt to escape you shot her. It was cases at Innooence, and tlius far the NO. 6289. 81Z~ .......... . , ••••• Fall River. Ma8s. -School 'chlldren tion that results trom our thlnklng no fault or yours that she lived and prison gates or that country have tbat you, In tact. then k1lJed another never swung opsn to release a ' mur· of tbl.s city have been warnetJ by about otlr lost state. nnd the iad NA.ME •••• , •• •• •• ~ •••••••••••••••• ~ •• ~ ••• •••• woman who wall malUng useful way derer. In America £bere Is alwaYR melins at printed ' 811ps pasted 4n their 8tate of those who die wIthout· God and without . hope. as It Is the sorrow ' TOWN •••••••• ~ ...... ........................ . text·books. py order at the board of In the world. You could . hardly get hope so long as there Is lite. health, not to spit; not to moisten that our sin . Is so. ha teful to God and STREET AND NO•••••••••••.••••••• ~ ... their fil\gers to turn leavea or count so harmful to"hls rlgbteous rule upon money, :not to suck pencll8 Qr . hold the ' earth. It Is the state of unnd 0' 8T'A TE •• , ••••••••• •••••••••••••.•••••••••••• money In the mouth. and n'ot·, to the child ' who feels sad at his disobe -----... - - ~-"swap'" .candy. 'gum, halt-eaten ' fOOd, · dlellce, not 80 much ' because It tears tbat be has caused ' . Censul ' Retu":,s. . .whl8t1es, bean·bloW'er& o'r 'anything pUllls.~ment, that 'Is put ·In the 'm ou'th. It tbe young pain tO 'thos who 'a r denr er than lite ' .. "Why are - .cHles " r~fe~red· tb .. ln the, " ." " fol~s In all parts of the country ' should · all~ Is d et~rDlIJ1ed not to ' ~Iluse ' hl~ re~linirie" ge~der?" ober. these' rilles tbere w'ould be ' feWer Pll1'en~s sorrow .agaln . .. That lit ' reo , : 'Bec~re some ,of th e~ P~d tli~.lr . ' , !1gure8. ·, f ., . ',' . ,. -pentAnce: .cases of tonsilltis and dlphtherlii. J. ' ., .... " .~ ...... • •• ", " ~! , .' , .... '. Ml,lst Allo" 8~ ·Qlff.u.~. " :., :rhe' Oldel~ T~e.ei on Earth. . Life's , Reality. . Tho uncrltlctfl, T;;orld. just' a8: I ~jll . . ,- ~ndop.~AJ:l .. eJlOrmoUB , .:ag~ ...Ia' lit!,rhe noIsy w~vJ'S ar.e tRllul'ea. · but a~~ W, .' rn,lst~!!e no!ee Of.. utteran~e tor ', 'Wned by; some ,' trees- notably the the great' silent . Ucle ·. Is a sut:ce,Qs. fi rmneS8 bt ch~ract.el', bas I\n~' a.lmdB·t ~ , evergreen In Eng!imd: ' At \'FountalJis' ' .. Do- you know 'WI:iM It Is to ,bE; Invlnctbll? '.t~n!1~nI;Y to .'· t~lnk. tlilit. "8 , .Ab1;le~'; '.: Yo~ltsh~re, .' the ,. ev~r~r~~s 'fa~lhl~ e.vel'Y ' ~fjy l1n~ ··~~t tp' be Bur'o . wrlti!l' ' or . Ol'n.~or·, cannot be eloquent . 'W~I1'e .0Id ,...wJi~il' .the abbey wa, : bull~ thnt· yp~t;, life is. :as a ,·wh.ol~, m...,lt,l! ,U,nles/l h~ Is ."'al~.o . 'dl'fru~,e. elglit .cl!ntur-les ago. This. (a ~'r~~ grea,t movement. a,n d IT.ennlng. no't 'fall. . . Her .One ~ond'ilon.' . , :woo'd" ·w blch 1/1 ' cre4Ited ·. ",:ltb ·maiW. ,.lUg but 8\1o.0eedlng?-~.~Il)JJ)/'l nl100ks. . ,IIe-:-:Would ymi be satlst\e(J to gl've . IiUlidred y'~ar8 . .' B~~ba)J trees of '41tip 10ur llTeSt\Dl beautlfu! 110j:lj,. an'd have' been c«m.lpu~ed ., to 'be' ~o~ God . WtUltll hUllien : heart!! f~t' tem- U.e ~ a little "!Illite cottage·? ' . than. 5.00Cf·"ea.l'8 ~Id . • nli ·. :!1'ctcbioua c,p..,.,as tat' Chapu1~epec J. " c:oDU~1n4 piea, (o'r homes. ' lie hath need OC sbe-I mllbl, ,It ~ere ,w aa .a ·but.. thee: Let' him dome' In ..~d ~~ red a~tomoblle hl~bed ~Jl front ,01: ttl_ L..--"';'7J~~~'iE~t:;;iir.u7i~~~~~r-~~-~-~. to .....4Jf'a .~,~""" ;" ' . . Re· •• ·s. Mer.n\. . .. doo~.-:"JlOIltrQl Star•
It Is lhal PUZZI ~H m e-'
Ihe little J a p e ll e .
'Way beyond ttl grelH Malt In tho land ut s ilk a nd tea,
Ia Just o'ppofl lt e · to me!
Both ore stan di ng 011 the g r oul1 " . 'A nd th e ea rlh b ulw et'n 18 r oundl O . T c a.nno t help but trown. Por perhllpH l'rn upside down. A rod o ur pea ce ful IIltlo lown And Its churc h a n ,l 8leuple bl"o wn Also lirO all upsld down I No. I wflf not think 'UII 1 Who am ha.n g illt: In the slt y1 (J1w!h rathor thing 'lIs he. Th o tunn y Ilttl n Japll.n ec. -Arc hlb '~ld F . 1 Mdl... In Utl1 " I\[en and
W omen-,
TWO VERY WEIRD ILLUSIONS Ftlw Experiments With Eye Will Be Found Interesting and to UnInitiated Very Queer.
Lltll ,., "au Llttl o CIlII.
Dfltl y 1'."0 <1,])"8 m ou th n(l l onger f' o t n o lly Nodd y '!! pY"S n o lon~p r prep ;
Lfttl n nutt y Nn<l rly'S bn ck COOl,,) t s ll liP tI ) rl\ l!;ht ; LIlli I 'otty Noddy'lI head'8 Sl ccplll~ by hur p l ate. -By H . lr. Button.
, One' ,"rom the c.."re... Acted ..Llke the Genu!n.. ' The harmless oUstoroer leaned "The land}ady says tliat new ~ar4: aorose tbe cIgar counter IIp.d smiled , . er Is a forelcn nobleman." enp&"liI,ly at the new' CM)ller. As he "Boilis; I'll' tiet." bandell across the amoun~ his d,fnner "Oh. 1 don' t know. He may be ~e check called for he ventured a bit of real thing. He hasn't paid her II. cent · aimless converse, for ·he was of that aa yel." Bart. "Funny," said be, "how easy It Is to More Hu ma n Nature. Orouchl y- By den ying myself three apend mOlley." '''Well,'' snapped the cashl er;!f.S she ten-cent cigars dall y for th paRt 20 ted his rar~ to tbe regi ster. " It money y ars I figur e that I have saved $2,190. '11'1.8 Intended tor you to bold on to the Moxley- Is that s o?" \nlnt would be tu·rnln, out coins with Oro\lcbl y-Yes. Say, let In have a cbe w at you r toba.l!co. 1i"i!i l you? \landles on 'em."
Thanks to Burnt Cork. Had Money In Lumps. "Oollhl But the colorlld nIce 19 a· Charles H . Ro!<enber.g of Bayal'la had lumps on hi s should e rs, elbo\;,''S; . c6tfilo' 16 - me front' f s.llt!" -~hispereit aud hips when be arrlved he re from InnocE'.nt l Tnc\e,J-Jiram. Ilt ,tb e . vnud eHamburg 0'1 the Kal serl n Auguste Vic- vltle s hol\', as ' the blacll:-face comectlan toria. 11.1 fact, t here ·WM a series ot was bOI!;1 1'011 sly applauded. "Yes. Indeed." Rln lled lh e Ity man: smailer lumps alon g his sp ine. much like a mountnln range. as It· Is prese nt- "an yone can see that th!lt fe llow Is a ' se lf·made negro." ed on a btl.s-rellef map. The lumps were about the size of Lo, the Rich Indian . cood Orego n apples, and 118 ROSf?n , The per capita wealth of tb" Indian berg passed before Lh o Immi gration >loctor for observation. th e doctor said Is al1proxlmntcly $2.] 30. that for other softly to himself, "See that lump." Am e rlC'an ~ Is (lo ly a IItUe more than Then he asked Mr. Rosenberg to step $1.:;00. The lunu!l ow ned by the Indlnn s a re rich In all. t1mb~r and olller aside. " You seem like a healthy man ," natural resou rces of 0.11 ki nds. Somo said th e doctor. "but I cannot pass you of the besl tln lber land In t he 1. nlted until I know tb e origi n of thos.e lum ps St.ates III own ed by Indians. 'I'b e valu e of lhplr agricultural hind s on your body," "Ah, It Is not a slc knoss;' laugh ed tb o mnn from Bava.rla. run !! 1111 In lite mlilions. / The ·rangrs I\'bl('h t It ey pOSHess IlUpport about 600."Those swellings Is money," 'l'altlng orr his coa t he broke open ~ 000 t; hp p and ea tie. pwned by. l etis(·e~ sampl e lump and Rhowed that It con" bl'ln glng In II. reVen1l1l 0.( 'I:\lSlt:(! ,thM taln ed $fiOO In Am erican bank notes, $~72 , OOO to th e va.rI911 3 trllJes b~IC\ f?s He Informed th doctor tbat he had J,ll'ovliJ Lng f PO for more thao 1;500,nOO $11.000 In all. wilh which he was go- bead of b orse~. cattle, shep!? 'lOA goat~ Ing to purcbase an apple orcbllrd 10 belon~ l ng to thr In dians Lh ms I V~ !i . Pra.ct lca lly tbe ouly aspb~1t . ~e posl.L<; Oregon. In th e {nlterl Slat s aro 011. ,It\dlan He was admitted to the country.land s.-n ed 1I lan . . New York Tribun e.
,. .
, "8 he"'-" •... ..~..,..med.
'The mother . of Ii fam 1'1 ,ot tbree.. small hlldren' was dlsousslng their ' comparative precocity wilh a frien d. "John was. very s low at ev rylhlng," sbe said, referring to her olaes t. '''rom was a little be tte r, and 1<~ dllh . the baby, Is the smartest or till . She pi cks up 'ver-ythlrtg quick as can be." Master John. who had bee.n IIstonlng, now contributed his sbare ot the convers ation. "Humph!" he e xclaimed . "I llOow why her learns so qui k. It's 'cause he r bas' us and we didn't have liS. " Economy. The late for mer Governor AII ~n D. Candler 'o f Oeorgla wa9 famous fn ' th'e"soll th for 111 9 qunlnt ·humor. " ,a" rTlor andl er," sal d 0. Gainesvill e man. "once aband oned clgllr!l ror a pl~e at th e beginning or tbe year. H e stuck to hi s resolve till th e year's end. Then ' he was heard to say : " ' Ry actual ' enl nlallon, I bo.vo sav(>ll by smokin g II. pille In stead of Clg,IJ'B t h js year $208. But where. Is It.?' " Moslem Traditions .. n nmadan Is the month exalted by l\1oslf' ms abo\'e all olhers. In tha.t mOll th lhe Kornn- arco rdlo g' to Mos, lem tradition- was broug,ht dow.n by Ga1>rlel from heaven aud deJlve),ed to n1l'll In small s ctlons. In t.hat.J1lpnth. 'MolH\m11led .w as II.CClj~toLl)ed to retire froln .Mecca to th e Pllve or Hirai for pr.ayer and medllati9n. In th!\.t T}'I 9nta Abraham, Moses and o~er .propbe.tB I'£'('el\' d tit Ir dlvlu e revelat ions. In l)1,: l mo nth th e ;'doors of heav j) are .l}lwflYIl ,9[Jen. th e Jlassages , lo bel,! nre , shut, and th devils ar cballJed." So rlln tho trn.d itio ns.-The Chl'lptlan .Heruld. ,.
A PI.traotlfm.. "Totv lhCllal.d p't liave called tb ....... . a pig:' said the conclU/!otory maL "Thill's right." replied the. vln4lotl•• ·.. person . "'fhere Is 'no senBe In Im.Il'". Ing that he's worth 40 cents .. poUM to lUIybody."
Blissful Ignorance. "Were you nervous when you pl$ posed to YOllr wife?" asked the. aenUm ntal person. "No," replied Mr . Meekton; "but Sf I could havo foreljeen the next ta years I would hav e been." Economy In Art. "Ot course," said , fr. Sirius Barker.
"J ' '''lin! my dnught I' to have somt sort ...o~..I\)'1 ~ rti l! i1c: education. I think I'll hnve her sludy slngfng," " Why not art or Ilterature'" , "A rt spoil s canvas and paint alld lile rllll11'e wall tes reams of paper. Si ngin g merely produ (.'8 a temporarJ' disturbance of th e atmos phere.
Home Thought. "It must have bl'p.n frightful, " ...Sll ;'.Irs. noss lm to her hus hand . who wu In t he earthquake. "Te ll me wbal was your first thought when yOIJ awakE- nod In your room at the hotel nnd hea r,l the alarm ," "My firs t t.hought was of yo u," 11.11' swcred :\fr. Bosslm. "How noble !" "y'e·s. Fln;t t hi ng I kn ew, a vase 011 the · mant el ClLUght .me . on' the- ear ; '. tb n a chai r whi rl d In my dJ'reclion. ane! wh n I jumped to the- middle of ' th e r oom four or fl vo books and a fram erl vlcture struck me a li at once." E\'en after sayi ng that,' he affected to '!vo nd r what made he r so angry for lho remalnrl er of the evenlng.-Mack'. atlonal MOlllhl y.
A few exl) rl ru.e nts with the eyes 'W IIJ bo founrl very Inter sti ng. nnd. to Simple Yet Perple.xlng ArlthmetlCIII Performance Helps to Armlse th E' unlnltiRtod. very que r. Young People Eve"'lngl. If YOI1 will hold UJl your ror fin ger about a foot from your fnce, and look Odd or even Is a lrlck which will 00caslon conslderu.ble perplexity, aod yet It Is very s imple. You talte a handful of coins or cou nt. rs, a.1t Invite another person to do the same. and to IlScertaln whet he r tho number he taRes is odd or even. You reQuoot the No Slilng for Her. ·. company to obs ' rv that you have not New Process of Staining Giasi. Why He Laughed . A Medical Compromise. -"Slip me n bra(' e of cnc:1tleS !" 01" asked a singl e question of him, but The art of colori ng glass b as been Miss Mat ti e h ·Ionge d to Ihe old "You had t.wo doctors In conslllta· that you nre able, notwithstanding. to Bouth, a nd I>he W8.8 entertaining a der'ed th e ch eety ·looklng titnn ,,,'ttl) a ,tlon last ni ght, dldn'-t you ?'I .' lost and r found . jealollsly gllarded bored air. as hI' perched on tb' fiis t C\lvlne his seer t Intentions and coun- guest or di s tin cti on . ami mn llc(ollsly stolen so many Umell "Yes:" " teract thorn. In Ilroof of this you take In tho his tory ,or civili zation that l~ On the morning followin g his arrival stool In tbe lunchroom , .. :; Wbn~ dId . they say 1" . a number ·or coins and adll them to she toid Tillie. the little, colored mrtld, "A what?" ask'd 'lhe wailr' ss. as "Well , one recomm ended one ,!.hlng IH'l'mS almost Imposslolll to say any· tbose h e had luken. If the number he to take a pi tc he r of fresh water lo Rhe ' placed a glass of wa ter before and the . other recommended . some- t hin g new on glass sta.inlng. Yet a . took W8.8 odd. the total shall be even; Mr. Flrman's room , and to say that him . process has been discovered tor ma" thlng 'lse." It, even, the total sha ll be odd. king th s tained a:lass IIsed In windowl!I Miss MatUe s ent him her compliments. "A daT!1 a nd Eve Hat on their .Ii '~S ! , !' A deadlock. eh 1" Reqil sting him to drop the c,otns he and that It he wanted a 'bath, tbe /\ pair of su nnys ld c l's!" sald the YOU'pg "No. they finally told( . me to mix whl ()h Is il departure from anythlnl holds Into a hat; held on high b; ' one batbroom was at his ·serv lce. man In, an exasperated tone/ .~ ' . Imown a,t the present time. "{hat tb., 'emt" at the company, you drop In a c&rtain Ven lians and the Phoenicians 'knew Wh en Tillie returned she said ; "You got me, l!.Id ." r ~ tuhe d ·. tho number on your own account. He III "I tal' him , Miss Mattie, eu' he wa lll' ss. "W atcha wanl?" 'S or It we cannot ~ell l .' • . Hard on the Marei "; now asked whether his number was laugh ed fi t to bus' hisself." Th e glass first receives Its design In "Eggs up," said the ' y6uo'g ·man. 'rw-I e. as tbe bus slow IY'''''' E!ntled Its odd or even; and. the colna belqQ' ~'Why did he laugb, Tlllle 1" "'E-g,g-s,' the kind I hat cortie beroto way up the steep umlJe rlrtnd -Gflp, thll min ral colors and th whole Is then The Firat Experiment. counted, the total number proveB to be "I dunno." th e h~n or aftt:!r, 1 n ver"knew whlcb." dool' at the n ' RI' opeaed and slummed . fir ed In a heat so intense' that the 0018.8 you stated exactly re vene. The ··Who.t did you te ll him!" " Wby dldu't you say s o In . the' first At first those In s ide paid little be d: orlng matter and the glass are [{idls"Jus' what you tal' me to." plaoe?" asked. tho waitress. "YOu'd a ' but the tllird -tlqle deroandtd to 'know solubly fu sed. The .most a~tra<iUv • . at a e beyond It, or at any tall ob- experiment Is tried aaglo and agata "Tillie, tell me xac~ IY what you ha d 'em by this tim ." , . why they should be 'dlsturbed In thlp. iea ure of th la m,elhod Is that th~ surj ect, you w1l1 see your finger double. with dU'ferent numbers, but the result said." face acquIres a l)ecullar pebbled char"W 11. of all tblngs- - " saId ' t~e Cas hion , " . , I ..~ ' ( Then loolt directly at your finl(er, and 18 always the same. "I b!lnged de doah , and I said. 'Mr. young ~an. 'fhe result l10s In the simple ' arith"Whist." • caution ed' . the , d,r£ver, acter In the heat, so lhat when the /' you will see tbe tree double. "1 knew what he "was' drlviii; ' at .ii:U doan't S!~Il~~. SO loud; sb e'~l overbear glass Is 'In place the lIgh~ ar~ delight· The explanatlon Is that each eye metical fact that' if you add an odd Firman. MlBs MatUe sends you h et' lub. us.', · . fully soft and mellow. . aee.s sep8.JIatelr, and when both are number to an eve n number the reBult and she says. 'Now YOIl can get \lP tbe ' Um~r'" regl\p ~he ,w~itrerJ~ a~7.~he '~ WllO?ft . llI.1d wash yo'seU! "-Llpplncott's Mag, . In making .a large window In mant wlll be odd; it you add an odd nu'mber !looking at the finger tbe right eye sees YOltng . ~an'''dep~r~eit. · :.'f!!:I:\ .ij~~_ ..?~t, "Tbe m.are: .. ~pake lo~! Shure, 01'00 shades each {lanel II\, separately mould· of them fel'ers that tbHh(s. Qi'by can the tTee on the right sl4e of tbe fin- to an odd number the ' reBult will be IISlne. get by wlt1i " antthln g~ tIe 'd'oth ,:kno;vV 'de savJ~ . t~· ,orayture. Everry, . tolme, ed and beut and .the sections are ay. :g er .and .tbe .lett eye sees It on the left. even. You have only to take M, Where He Was Queer.. she 'ear's ' Ui' door close, ' she Iplnks sembled In Po m~tal frame. that lh'ey're' using ''Plal.b: EI,l'gll~~ 'W hw, however. you look at the tree the,refore, that the number you your- . , won o· ,.r~z I", ge.lUn' .. down ter~. 'walk " . 'd lrect)y With both eyea, each eye sees seU add, whe t.her large Ol' small, ahaD , The: negr(),' "on occasions. <\lspla.YIJ a In restaurants." , be dIscrimination Ip the choice 'of up tho 'l Blr:"an' that s'dr~ 0' .rfllspii her "Our .Vol_c el; tbe finger apparently In a different always be odd, words. sl>errlt~." -Sl\ccess Magazlo.e. " .J think our conversat!.onal soprano, . The L.eague of potltene.!~!'.. .. ~ \place. If you will cover one eye and .. ; ,. " '.,. "Who's the best whlte-)\'asher In . 'rh'e' Lea'g ue or 'Poll te'n ess hl1lj lfe~ n !l-s sometimes ov~r~9~~dln .. ~hegar•• :Jock ,with the other, you cannot see town?" Inquired the new resident. Exa'gge~i'!~lo~: , . arl.slng f~om a grOltP ot young 'perSOpB formed In ·BerUn. ' It alms ' a't;" lnctllenteither the tree or tbe finger double. ~ ~ .'" "Ale Hall am a bo'nd a'Ust with a her arrtvo.1 In ' New York Mme. .On who have taken the train at' one Ing pett,ei" manners among ' tbe 'P ople which 1.8 the proof of the experiment. 'whitewash brush, sah," ans",ered the of S'e rjln, . It ";Was tomided ~'p,Qn ,:t~e Sara·...DenUlt.rdt. replying. to a compll, our great Industrial c n(ers. fQr In· Place two bits of :white paper about colored patriarch eloquently. inl tlaUve 'Of Frll.ul eln Cecelle 'M~yer, · m!3rit': 9n her youtbCU,l :'". apP(I.Il.rance', stanoe, young persons ot tbe female .. foot apart on a table. Cover the · sald; ."The secr.et of; !flY .youth? It s x. 'we will say. who have bustled In "Well, tell him to come and white- who was In'spir ed by 'a'n" ~xl €itln t; it1l(ht e'ye and look steadily at the w8.8h . my chicken house tomorrow." Is the ·.go·q~t:Go·d -and . lG.en, you lfuow, 'full dressed. engaged 10' loud: strident ganization In Rome: ' In de.fenmcEr i o right band piece of paper wltb the left Uncle Jacob shook h.l s head duJ?l- the Pll1ent organ.lzatioh '" Ule . 1161'1!n I work all the time. But 1 am 0. s pe ch. and who. after free discussion. eye. By stepping baokward you wUl ously. league' h'a s chosen 't he Hall an ~ \nbttQ, 'great-gr",ndW9 tl!er," s~e Oqn4.11Ued, h,1\'e 'tlxed on two or more double Teach a spot where the left hand piece "All don' believe. soh, ah'd ngage\ "'Pro genlllezza." . Tbls ! wl!i' e'llt~m ,thoughtful lr, "so b9w Cl}~ .~J!Etse 1Tl/lny' Seo.ls, wbl ch ,having se¢u'red. they"jlroof paper w1ll dlsappellof. You can Ale H ..lI to whitewash a ohlcken blazon d u pon an aUt-active little com pflIII en'ts be true? I am afrn'id my 'ceed t.o eat apples and hand round make the right hand piece of pap.,r dagu err otyp s-[ Suy. I think "·the . houso. sah." medal worn wh ere Ge rmans ·afe . IlC" fri ends ar'e" ilxaggel:atlng:"ti1!!appear by looking at the left hand . M.m~: Bornh ardt's 1a'll gh, spontane- convei'Ratlonal soprano. heard ' under ' "Why. didn't you say he was n good cIIs tomed to 'wear the hisigli ili or· pleoe of papt!!.r with the right eye: whlte washer?" ders. The idea 'Is that a glannce 'at ous as a ,Irl·s. proQlpted a. chorus of lbose circumstances, would not be When you. have nlacie one disappear "Yes, sah. a pOlVe' tul good wblte- th e "talisman" will annihilate 'a ny' ln- "No, no!~ among th e o.llurements th e old enemy 1n this" way; move your head ever so washe r. sah: but mighty qu eer about cllnation to Indul ge' In bad temper' 'or "Yes," $a.Id the' actress.. "uncon- would put In requisition were' he get· eUghtly backward or forward and the a chicken bouse" s8.h, Ol'Jghty queer!" discour teous language. '''Any poUte scious exaggeration, like ~he Frencb Ung' u'p a now tew'p tallon at Sl An· papor wUl InstanUy. reappear. The rea-, . -M«ck's National Monthly. nurse on th boulevard. Our boule- thony. pt;rsQn" is IIgible for membersblp. OCin of this 18 that every .person'a. eye ..... ------~ vards are l;11uc h mOI'e crowded'· than There ar o s~eet vol es' among us, has a blind ' spot on the , retina, and MAKE UP YOUR MIND. The "Country Ch!l·r:chyard ... ,'·, : your stre ts, you .know. and, altb.ou~h we all know. and \'olces not mU!ilciu. when an Image of the I11e06 of paper Those wbo recall Gray's "EI gy Ill ' we bave numerous .Rt:cJdents, thl~s It rna'S' be, to thoBe wbo ' hear them If you'll make up your mind te bit . fall l! on . Uie spot, It cannot be seen. a ' Couotry Churchyard:1 \vlll r eme~ b er 'aren't quite as bad us tbe nurse sug" tor tbe ' first time, yet·, sweeter to 'UII . Co'n tented with your lot Fhy lolans .use this pr1.nclple. In the t han any we shall hear until ,~ listen .... nd with the opllmtsts aSTee that the~ 'pe:;r~eful spot wh re "the ges~ed. ooi'reoUon of vIsion. . That trouble', 800n torgot, rud ' forefathers of the h3Jlllet sle-ep" "'l-ier L~ttle' oharge. a boy or six, to Borne warbli ng ange l In the overPlace- on .a gra.ybacj[ground 0. piece Is ,'Idimtlfted o.wlth Sl 01les': Stoke begged her to stop a while In a cro\vd. ture to that eternlt.y of blissful· har'£ou'1\ be surprIsed to noll. I guess, of colored paper In' any .dealgn. "lUid Despite mls fortune's d !\rt s. . Poges, Bucklnghamshlre. In tbe . pro- surrounding an I\utomoblle accldeot. monies ' we hope to enjoy. But why look sleadlly at 'It for a mhiu~e or ao. What con stant springs ot ha.ppln e u sale pages of a recent Issue ot. the ··Please walt: the lIttl ~ boy sllid. 'Want s iJould I te ll lies? It ·my frlenlls love Lie hid III humnn hearts; Snatch tlie colored piece away, and a Oazette there appears an order In to see tb e man who was run ' over,' me, it Is because 1 try to tell tm e design exaotly like It w1l1 be seen In BOYS' AND GIRLS' S'CHOOLING What Runny g lt'nms and golden drcalll' council provldlng .t.hat ordinary Inter· 'No; hurry,' hiS "' nurse' answer d. tT\lth . I nevel' heard but two voices tbe same spot, hut In II. dl1rerent color. Th e pasHln~ )'cn r s untOld. ments are ,henceforth forbldo en,J.n the 'There will be plenty more to see In my life t hat frlgbtened me by tb~Ir' 110ft and "'3rm tho lov clfr;ht beam. If the des ign was green, th~ replica Natlenal Educator Defines Gooct' Com-. How sweetn ess.--Ho!mes. cburchyard. furtb e r on,''' When 'YOU aTe grow ing old. mon School Education - What ",,111 be red; I.f yellow. the reP.l Ica wlll Every ' YOllth Should Know. be violet. " Instead Qf snatching the paper away Every boy and girl that Is educated after 100klnF at It steadily, 100 t,.lp at th~ ce~l1ng, ~d: the . Image will ' be sbould be able toWrite a good, legible hand. Spell nIl the words In ordinarY use. Know how to use these words . , . . . Speak and write good Engilsh. Write a gootl, social letter. ,Add a column ot figures rapidly. Make o.ut an ordinary account. . Receipt It when paid. ,Write an advertisement for a lOcal paper. A "Weekly" printed some crltlclsm s of the law of amnlty, all things needed to manufao'fltls trlnl 11 :1" clf!monstra~ed:: Write a notice or report of a publlo claims made fol' our foods: It' evidently did ture the ell'i-tr ~f life." . meeting. not fancy our· reply printed In various newsFurther on he says; "The b(!glnnlng and end That Brain.,1s n;i'~ de of Phosphate ot Potasb papers, and b(ought suit for: libel. At the trial ot tbe matter Is to supply th e lacking prlnclWrite an ordinary promissory note. as th~ principal Minerai Salt. added to ' albusome Interesting facts came out. pIe, and In molecular fC:Tm. exactly as nature Reckon tho Interest or dlsoount on Some or Hie chemIcal nnd medical experts furnishes It In vegetabl.2s, frult.s and grain, It for days, mOr1ths and yaars. dil'fered widely. To s upply defjcleticl~B-thts Is the only law of JU en and water.. . Draw nn ol'dlnary ' bank cheok.· The following facts, however, were Quite cure." . .. Take It .to the proper place In & That ' Grap' -r)hlts cantil Ins that element liS ~learly eata!tllshed: . Tbe natural' conclusion Is that If Phospbate bank to get the cash, . . Analysis of brain by an unquestlonRble auot Potash .ls the 'needed inlneral element In more than one-Il!ilf of all Its mill rai s alts . .Make ,neat and proper entries In day ,lhor.itY. 'Oe.o ghegan, shows . of Mhi.el'al S~I ~s . braill and· YOI1 ,use food wh ich does not con taln book and ledger. . Phosphoric >Acid and Potash comblne.d (PhoB- '. It• .you have braJn tag becal\se Its daily los's Is . A banlthy . brain Is important, if one would , . Tell' the 'Dumber ot yards of CBqJet . pbate ' of , potash). ~.91 per oent or' the ~ota.l. . no.t ~\lPplied. .~ . . "do thltigs" In this ~orJ fl.. ~Q.ulred. 'ror the .parlor. . .. 1).33 of all. Mineral Salts. . ' . ' On tbe . contrary. It you eat tood known to . .. . • r Measllre' the' 'plle of lumber In . tb~ This Is 'over one-hali. M · rlc.h . in tIlJs, element. you place"before tb,e A man who sn- ers I,\t "Mind" sneers nt the she,d ." . ' .. . .Be.aunls, another autborJt.r• .. sno"" . IJ ,',"Plios',' II ~~ forc~B,)hat whlC;li, natur~ deman!is ' tor be~t anJi le~8t . uhrlers~ood part ot himself: .' Teil ' tb~ .largest nun)ber ' at bushels " .T' bl·aln-bUlldlng. , . ' .. ,. . ..~ . That part which floltle' folks believe Unlts \IS to phorlc 'Acl,~ oombl.ll.oo" and . Po~sh ·73.44 .p~r .,.. '. th I fl It . " " of wheat In ·the large'st bin,' and. ' the ~e'nt:tl'om a ·t.o~al ot 101.07. , ", '. . ."\... : . " tn ' the t-r.la,ts lsneer ~.~ utt~red .h,eclluse 1\{t': o .n n e. , _ :, . '" ". .' , " value -at . .ourr~nt rates·. · . '. ,. ,,.. COI!slderable · M9re' than · one-baIt . pf ·; Ph.Qs-'c· Pqst l\~iO?nC¢d >that.. h~ , ad ~~de , rearS, of .1'&-'. . Mind. nsks' tor·"l lleal.~by br~i.n:\lpon wh'lc h to ·s~methin.«· abou~. ' th'e : laws of '~;' , p'hl1te ' ot-.:P,o,t8.8b.... '. ' . '. '" ': ," .. .;.:, '. f < _ se~~c~ ~ ."n thIs ,c;ountry ,and sOIlla . p Hnl os ~~. act; and Nature .hjls defined a w1\Y '( 0 .make ,a ....... ft, ... . rui~. '~h:t... ~ .<.~~ ~ '1~ ·',Ca.8~. :~~ \·,>'- .8''''0.W.s·• ." l'otas8Ium: lllur<?p.t;l. re~ard'hg .th~ ,' err~cF of t!le. ml)l~ '9n.,.. healthy brain a'n d renew ft ' day ' by . ,tay ·.as' It .,._.._ .'. A'!fn'a l''J'sls'' . 0' f Or"pft-N· ","" UI IJ' dlgtlstfCln of food. " " , I . . .'" f .. k . • ... . - . I . d ' . axid Fhosphorus, ' (w.hleh "jblll 'and make ' Phos- ' : -; \;But ~'e; ' mu's~ ' . be . llatl~p.t ' ,,:1~ ,tbOse . \~~ S, ~s~~ up. r0l!L. !,~r ~~ .~e p e~ o~~ ,. ay. . " how· tQ ·b~hB.ve in pu.l)ltc · ~d ". . J)lil\te : of"?ot!!t~h):' IIf"~'O~II!ldef,~blemor~.. tb.~"~ , .n.eer a~ taets .r~eY ;.know n~~blng nl)g1,lt. ." . . Na:l:!tre's way to rebuild Is 'by-tJi,. U8e or food . :\'" f :. o~e-_~D:-If' o~ all~lieol IIl;lJ?6l'al.. BaIts '~~ U,ie;.:f()o.d..· . , Mind , d·o~s_.not work , welt on a: bI,'aln. thkt. la . which supplies the things re n ulre4. Dr. Geo. W. C~,; an a\lthQ'r lty on the ~ Q~' brokeQ 'dOWll ,bl" .lack of ·nourlshment. '" .. ' . " . ',. ' '," .' . :8iltut!n.t . 'el~enta C!f 'tbe 'bod);, 8jtS~ ~ • ('!f.h~· - ". A p.eac.e~,+l · anti ~y'e~ly p'018~d 'mlIl,d III necessra), ,D)Iltter, of" tl,lebralp >18, ~ntrplled' enUrel) 8I11'f·.t<rkoo4 dlg~stIo~ , '. u'Xhere'. brUle lnol'Manlc. cel~alt, Potaslllup:1: Pbosphate ' Worr)', "afLXlety; fear~ b'at~. 40., ''&e., dlrectlr 'j . " (" (Ph.oiipli~t~ ()t .. PQta8~), ; T~~B., lIalt finl~es wUh . - fntertere: wit'll or,'stop AAte 'd()~,.ot. Ptyalin, t.h.. ". , alblJQl6D' altd by.,~be qddltlon ~toxy~en cr~a~".: ,dtg·e stty. ,JulcQ Qf ·the mot.i\~. llnd alao Illt~r-:-.-;.~ .:. . ; ~e"e ',htd or. ' the . gr.~ matter. 01 ~he ·bT~., t,er~ !(tt~=lJJO flow of .the dlgestlv~ juices ot , . or eo~e; tlJere l8 Q."ttace. ot:other,. a8Jts ~nd : .tom~b ld l)'anCl:e811. . " otlier. ~lc matter to 1i.e"e· f1u1d{1)nt Po~ , .' TherefO" ,'''die Iilent,alstate of 'tila hldlYidual 1ifUm. Pbo.~.t.. I. th~ ' cbl~ laQtor, and. lmi' has much' to 40 ' (mora UUUl suspected) ~lth 'the :110"" ~1tlal~, l~ ~ attr.c't; ~ its OW~ 4~ '., , '.• '
This Question Came Up in Trial for Libel.
• • • •
. I
_ e::s _
n ••
_ - - --
- -..... " ::z -THE WOllEN
'O'ING' HORSfS ~I~ ~ ! HARRY'S fE[ , . . -~ . ..~.. 'e1';'''':.:t - 1 TIley Ha".
. t+·Wbat May Be tiivcn Tbem
+ ++'"*
t .~
or Ani mal lI u. hurtl! ry lhlo lat l' I I1lv ' r~ l l Y .
"'+:I'+++++!fo+++++++++++++++++ The retldlng of harspil In lhes!) daY8 81 ults Interelll 1 "th tbf' ·Carlllp.r a nd IIH' tow n own r l'f horses. Tht' f' ntlrt' fl'ed ot the 1'('I rsEl!' nol on (urma, a \'f'ry large per cent of thp 't otnl n\Jm~e r, mllst be pllrchaeed: y I thl' food on the farm has a market vahll' a nd so must be cha rged li P It con ~ um ed . Horael Should Have etun Food, HOI'S s should be giv en toad tree f rom du sl. Dusty hay has caused Irouble with th breu thln g organs at IllUIlY horses. Timothy hay II a itand· urd roughag e for the horse ; It Is usually cut atle r thEl dust trom th e bl08' soms 18 shed. One should teed a bright aDd not a conrse and woody Ilmothy. Far too much hay of this kind hal been cut wh n over-ripe and when It 18 below par In Dutrlment. Oat. Compar.d With Corn. A . ( tandard grll in tor horses an over America and EuropE.' Is oat.. They are nutritious, palatable and appa re ntly contain th e material that th e horse most Quickly relpondl to ID greater J)h)'si cili elfort. Oata shou ld be. plump and tree at dUll. ~usty oats are ted more frequently titan 'Iiey s hould be. COrD In dUrerent torinl has give n aalillfactory resulUl lind Is extensively uaed tor thll put'pose In both the wellt and .outh. filxp riments conducted tor, a ,..ar at the Ohio Experiment Station at Wooster In comparing oat. and corn for tarm work horses gave mucb tbe same r esulls. The horsea fed wltb corn performed their work at a cost of 3.3 ccntCl per hour for their feed as pompared with •. 5 cenls tor tbe fe ed ot the oats·fed horles. Corn III more t a tte nln~ than oats and does Ilot give Ihe horse tbe bone or vim tha t oa ts do. Oats are on. of tbe very best feeds available' for an, of our farm animals, The Ule of the Bran M.lh. Bran Is . generalJy uled In a mod· erate way. It II a luaUve and Ile.pa tbe bowels in a cool , and oPen coDd&tlon. In many IItables eacb horae ta given a bran ma.h at le.at ollce a w~1t. Bran haa been u.ed to a eODalderable extent b,. some men . . a part ('t a mixed feed tor borael. A. IIlt~tllro of one-fourtb braD and thr•• fourtha oate morning alld nllbt, wltb ear c!orn at noon, furnllhe. a much reU.hed and nutritlou. raUon. Alfalfa H.y a. a Fe.d. It one ean get a ,ood Itade of al· falfa ba" lt may be ted to creat ad·
cr hlgb-pr l('ed tf' ed
Wom.D .b a.,. u.. - - ~ , for ...... a 1M' IIUF ' thlDp .at oaoe. IW ~ Ul., ..W L,,=~ . :;:.,=·=,:;;·..=-::-;:;-:;;:..:;;: ..··;...... ;:;;:;:...:;,:-;;:;; ..··;:;;:·-:;:;!II remember .y..,. dMall 0« .. penca'. Come. lada, I'll tell you ' what we'll clreu. uei l**IG&I Q~ .0; we'll droQ. lnto the 'Reindeer; and ance. even to the color 01 the bd and e),ee. after a mete allm~. Tille Cll'der hot punch and C~l'II . What do All Infavor line out a)'e!" power la IlI'e wlth rna In ,.aenJ. 10U . ." thou,h .orne ba.,. oultlvate4 lt. Th. .. A),e! a,e! " Ihouted half a dozen ,oathtul voice.; but Harry Hilton rUt be1cmp pre-em1aenU, to wCIIIII8D. 1t.004 .U.nt. however. who wt1l often. without. eI-· HI. comrade. turned upon him Ittort, talle awar the moet nv14 impr. . multaDeoual)'. .Ion. of people th., haye "Wb&'. u~. old fellow1 wh)' (\on'l with. tor a Ibort time 0D.l)' aD4 bay. never .poken to, or 01 people tbe7 )'QQ .peaa out? You',.. made two dol· have met by ohance In the 1tJ'eet. a,. cl. .r at .your w..... ; )'ou're not Women'. 87" Deed to be .. keea . . too IILIMfI)' ~o ha'e a *1... of PWlch. they are )dndl),. In h.r hOUMhollA U4 • eoolal Imolle, are you '" all dePendl on them. Womaa II tile "Met I; rin DO more mllerl), than ant to noUce all)' UWe rUt w1tb1a til. net at ,ou. I take it." an.wered the lute of home Uf., an4 faUUN III tile )'CNq DUUl • •touU)'. t.b e health of thOM .h. ao... .... bY "Tb.eIa. wh), do you bold back! I the care 01. IUlT I~ from tJae ... MY, oomrad••• 0001. on; the evening'. cuatomed. an), tro\\bl. \lUSP""" da1U. aDd we've had a hard day'. that I. maldq an), ooe WlbUpy. Jlore ..ork. ud a Irla.. at hot puncb WOll't dellcatel)' ba1UoecI. IDCIC'e MDllltlve 10 t.4. Here ve all of to a than man, her nOel... 1m. 1DIlA1" prueloal whleh to thOM or ....... "No. w. dOD't," responded HArry. .nt, perha»- COU'MI'. aber wCMJ14 111mH . . .a~ Il tall. handlome youns fel· ply ba,.. no ••I"'nee. H .. ba&altlOG low. a bead and Ihoulders above the II ~ tim~ 41'1De_ The .)''' 01 a I'OOCl wOlDUI How ta1lt!at of hi. tellow wockmen, and foremaa In the Iron manufactory of I cenU" how clea.rl),. how tnthftalb' Kirb), A Keith, where the the)' loot oat OIl Ufel How DI..a~ wllole party found employment. I), ca tIloee u..,. ~I llapp)' the ':011)' pth.re4 about him In the homee that dweU In peace aD4 ~ . JtT beDeath the miDI' .... 01 a U\ae ch1l1 twlu.bt. "Wbat'. cot Into the chap?" tbe), woman'. 87". t!I1e4. HI 11&1', Harr),. whar. come J'GU f Wh), elQD't ,.011 com. on 1 1a for a carouae. and . ma),be a HOW ROGERS GOT HIS START .W...... . . to ..1Del up with. A.rn't )'011 .()o ~t7
The Handiest Stove Ever Built
W ..... V.... DI7 Qoede. . ........... . . . c..-. . of Hie •M..,..,.
A. '1'. IItMrut .... IIIaowa OM _ ti " . ..!:~
1Il . ~ ~ ",1_ . . 1aqW. ....... u-...lo., ....-t. un._ "". . .&_ _ "_.. I ... ~ ........ at tIM
u... ji ~ .& .... ,.. vtlle eoaa. --... I ....
= ..
to '-.... - 1& _... ..... ... _ __ _ "" __ _ _ "~'I _
... _...c:. . .-
=~ "'!c:'.. ~.,.-u ... "'~ ___ ~~a~~:'::' ~
'Iac . . .r ..... '"
Moore·s Stoves Always Please'
Call and See This Superior Range
For sale by
H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~ -'! ~~~~~~~~~
• ~ WI )'OW' . ~ reuon. , ...tot. to turn p&nIOD all of a
Are Iud. to )'OU hate to .pend ,.our ex. m ~1 Oome on, la4s, we'U cbdt .t a.ether and let him dr1nk fr.. ... ':'8e, ". wtu," ...wen4 half a den.n ....... ' . tIattT. Iwarth7 ch..k bePD to _.ab: . ""Toa bow me too w.ll to talk Uk. tbat.' aloe.. ...... ,L .i Iad..- b • •-... "'I&. "1'_Dot ... , - wtth - mo..... U )'ou .hall -., -w ..... · If JOU'U m.DtloD anythlq ell. .aa.t JJae public bowie and drlllll; ' I .eu'~ ...... to tbat." . ~ 70nr reUCIWl' let'. he.,. 'em. ' ...... ,.,.;,... - .. 0, but I'ye made a proml.e to m,. ; 'a nd lIbe'l a widow, and I her ~77 aae-I',.e ",.en her my word
=J"08tIl..... "
.... .......... lo 'a._ • IDa
We haven't room here to tel l you nilublJut the alumin ized oven -whicb do e~u 't turn bruwn nor nuke otT - th e nutt-scorl'b cover, nor th e only nickel'plated oven rack on the market. but if you will call we will be glud tu show nnd cx' plain the many lealUres uf .M our~'s RanEre. eaa NOW while our atoeA ia complet••
p .... ,
Damper enab ll' s to control the heat as we ll as YOII can con trol th e heat of a g'as stove. I t is I he only C(' :l.1 ran ge hll vill~ th is a( 'vant age . With nil t h se exc lu sivt:' advantages t h~ J\loore R ange saves over half f your fuel expense. y
Each rnnge is CQ}lI p p !'<1 with an accnrat" OyenTbertnon.eter Rnd a Tbermomet"r Cuide prepnred t" r Moor" 's R a nge t:xcl uslvt:ly b y 1\1 rs. Sarub 'I'y""n i{orc r.1 ht: Itcknowledged furcmuM t couk of th e cou!l try . It " , lis the e)( ll~ t l'i..nKth of lim e n . ' c~sa ry for bakIng nn y k1Dd of food. :.IOd llH! temperature required. The Moore Hinlled Top o v~n'l) mes the Iroll hies nnd inconveni encc of broiling si t-il k or toustin" br lid. Tb e whole lop can b. pull"d out o.f tb. WQ' und tile flrc surfuce " xpost:d . When lift"d, Ihe Illp ' " !'IlIll a hood III1 U Ihe ~nloke and :;01C)) IIrt: druwn urou nd Ih e flu es of lue rl1 nge lind cnnnut eSl'ape into the room. T he M",!ro Anti-Scorch Coyer pcrmits Ihe builln" of m ill' ur sub· . stances whlcb hurn easi ly-with no stlrri ll " Clnd with /JUt th t: I"ast danger of scorchin". Just lh e th ing for eanllin~ selison. 1.ni~i~~Ii.iiii.i Moor.', Clau O .... n Door saves hal f th e work o r baking. It's 1lI ~ilh ou t doubt Ih " han diest impnlVemt'nt eve r adde d to a cook· \D ~ raage .
"-'1"'amoue -
Moor~'s C~ntroll er
Think of it! Fifty cents saved out of eve r y doll at YO II now spend f r fu e l. Moore's Ruug'e can be run 11 poor grrHlt: coa l costi ng at least two-thirds, less th:l.n coal nece ssary for 0 the r ranges.
a"t 'l
Pro r('!I~Or I
Moore's Range .Sayes 'Half of You Fuel
- , :;~= ~~ ~-= "Tel" ~"lo .rlllk 1D a public boule. and ~~ ..... -....t ....~.... I ~ 1rreak It. Tbat's Ill)' r ..lon.
• w.,.Q u.. abtoIl ..... '"DIt,.. ~ 1184 IOO4DJcht to )'ou'" ... . Ai4 l tll. wont of them was Dot bad ~ .~ to ad,.... the break1nC of aucb
: :P.::.:::.':::::=;'
A. MAFFIi, .
Eczema .(s oODllidered bard to oure. 'l'ry aachelor Maid Who Wrote 8Yccealful Dr Bell'lI Ant-ifleptio t:!a\vfl nnd IIll Undertaker and Embalmer N _r , ovel II Bombarded With Advel'o will ohlinge ycmr mind You will tl.'menta of Cigara and Llquo,... see itO Imprllvement from t·be flr tl t Will be f ound IU the Old -\ bppllcat.ion . . Btlnk BuUding. appolI"" Tbe bachelor mald wbole fint no....1 --. the Ntttlonill Blink bad mad. lom.tbln~ of a hlt beld up The Rev. Irl Hicks 19111 Almanac Telephou" iD b on~. e und (l'" a handful ot circulars. . ~ fice wber('l ] oon be callovt "All these came In the first mall Tha Rev hI R H;0l-8 Alm ·,u 'ln dav 'r I n :\11 . tbls mornlnl:' Ibe said In a tODe of f llr I 9 11 , t,h " t, l(u'l r rlttl n An tl,·1 I II tl Vllllf'.v !:-hom' \4-2. exuper, h ' on. "Here's one otferinl me Il IlilU d'" r llll t,b Ul1BID d It OU1S " , t" II" IY M - S~ t a c olce brand ot elears : another Is . am .. ret.'. aynesvillll Ohio a card ot welJ-known whiskies . Thl8 r fllldy Nit Ill-IDY .ltr.~ 1I01V Willing , one advlles me to drink stout- I M he witbout tt· nn,i the R.·v lrl R. weICh a bundred and Ilxty pounds Hic~R M8g1lZlnfl. Word and Works D B II' P' '.uoBWtainlUldmybertealnISttn0..neltrurel1ngntgb moen toa T,b et. \vlJ lirA Otl!l' O.nr. e Dollar ." .r aur r. e s Ine-1 -, .. I \ For Coughs and . v~ds. faDcy rrade of cod liver all. Theae 1 ' : \ 01""'10 11'1 aD \Jt t'pnl(l. Np are O,nlY a few ot the hUDdreds 1 teo h Olllfl or om" ... t'1 ' n nl rl fIliI t o "AIIO - - - - - - - .. ceivl! I never received lucb mail un- I f oi l' t.h, 01, til in about a year aco· I supP08e I deWord and Works Publishing Co, .erve It_ I kno~.bow It came about. . Aft,e r my book appeared and had lome . St, LoOls. Mo. pre.S> noUce I wal approached b), the I lme ;nyway. ' THE dltEATElT repr..,ntaUves or a Boclal directory My little 80n, who was just over two ~adr!r.ed to allowd ~ publlsbers to yearll old, one day wh ile at dinn er IN THE WOItLD · n. 01,. nam. an dre.s, to,ether used his fingers Instead of 1\ s poon PUBI.ISBED WEEnY. ~.,oo PER YEAR wIth a brief but cocent hl.tory of my and the following dialogue ensued: • HOTELa, DRUCCISTS, IPICIALI8T8 • brfUlant career. Of oourle I waa flatFnth er-Don't do that agaIn s COl TUM. It 8, T RAN a FElt, 0 A B tered Immediately and yleld.d at once Son- Me will. . ' onDY. AND 'BU8 SEItVIC. CAN PROFIT to the Intoxication of thllfir.t draugbt Father-Well, don't let me see you. BY UIINO ITI ADVERTIIINC CO&'UMNO of tame. I pve him all the InformaSon-Shut 'OU eyes den. SAMPLE COpy FREE tlon he ulled-exoept my age, of Add..... NEW YOItK CLIPPER eourae-e.nd simed a contract to buy New York. N, Y. Remlndera of Trouble, a c~P)' of the directory wben It .hould "1 thought you told me a sea voyaPlle~. I can·t. .ee that I ever got a age would take my mind olf my penn,. I wort.b ot COod out . of It, but ·Dr. Bell's A ntiseptic SalvR troubles." said the unlucky motorist. I hlLye been burled under whisky ad· "Didn't It?" Good fo .. aU Skin D.1 8eu~er.tllements and othera of like IIOrt. "No. The life preservers strung My name la a d.lsUnctively feminine .Ion, tbe rat I of the s hip looked elrone, but I .uppos. advertla.1'1I think actly like automobile tires." W. HENDE~SON, M. 0 all writer. are Bohemian. 1 wlsb I nev~~ bad he ...d pf that loolal dlre()o .u
~('; onev
-. ~ .. thal • Mt .oI:ha--l ......t........... ~I all ~.". ..aU. FMI'U . - A:,..,. Wellt b)' anl2 • dOlen of the ..... to ,.s.. 11» 7CNr job "-=':D4. w.... up tor promotion. . . .... . KSrb, I: Keith had • pOIIP:k~~ . . .1tI,T ................. p~ fJf .....t reeponllblllty to award, ....... "bo 1Mlnt oat Ia~ .... that broulrht excellent 'pay. ~!L,; ~m::~.. the minor promotion. were aU .....t . . . . . It woaI4 be' a Ita tb ~UWlt ave )'ouq men were lett. y~laI.. . ~'" IIlUi 01 ,.,.·artfIt10 taIeDt be- .udi to on. of tb... the luerathe poHow ' Mllcti to Feed, bbal.IUD. . OOUDt.r I propoe. to I". .Iti~ : w.. to CO. Stalwart. honeat. U't." ,."..\t ,OoDC t.Uows the wbole ftve How mucb to teed depend. on th. DlYI)oa wlUl u.. meaDe to ,t.wart·• . propoel~OD ~ pate. ·01 ldnd of food, tbe amount of w~rk to ' ft.; un.Ior partner of the arm be done, ud the cbaracter and ldnd fa1II: . ....~t ~:-~ed up hi. lpectaele•• and looked of b.or.e. :A..b out a ' pound of rraiD to Jolii ~~ . ~" b1m III 10m. Indecl.lon. 100 'pounda llve ·w elght will answer Ida ., ' ~ ' " my Iooc1 fenow .... he said. In mOlt eues. but wltb hard work .,rel,. puuled how to proceed. mor. ,.hoUld be' ted. ~. LenI I,....ham'. Om.ry. ." • • ~ the ODe position to be.tow; • Iaa.,. DO . .tor fa tM IeMt like aiI4 beN ,.our are, live In number. WHAT BR~ED OF LIVE BroqIwD . . . . u.. oIOH or equal In d ..entn. merit. How tory. i\.. HATBAWA Y Waynesville; Ohlu. STOCK SHALl ONE KEEP? ~ ~-"-' ....-'~ to decld.'" . B lIlacb person mUlit settle ~he que. . " - - . pav.......... IIIYer7tIllq "Cut I boa" ~ Main Stre't tlnll for' blmself as to the breed of tIlat. ..~ CICMIN . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ' : Th. ~·.mll::s. ~d ..em:csn~or a' SAUSAGE MAKING IS ANCIENT \~I1 .~ 'Je~ville's Leudin~ DeDSlIl Valley Phon"ll53 1\ l'e jltock ~e sb,ould keep, but tbere l*1!p-' IIWlDer .... ..so. ...... ooa- ii.. or two to .f.u or the Idea, then ()ffioo in Keys Bldg. MalO Stl I"" ere d . ..~ ... . ... a..... toM! to prenat IaIm I n d u.try Dat•• aack to the T~nth een~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;\re - ce rta1n thlnil t 0 be con... ~ beIq .... t orilGr; . .t ,.t. • .aU or a .u4cl.D hl1 .ye .parlded. :;:: 1:1' comtng to a wise conelullon. In ..... oratar . . 1ID4oaw ....II- . . . . I I • .A. better thoucht than that haa tury anti Wa. Form.rly Con.l. E. · V. BARNHART, DR. BELL'S ANTI~PAIN ;reneral, U one II a natural - b o r i l ~k me." h. I&Id. "See beret m), .... tI a Queln·. ".oraatl.n. t til. bO\lM oIlorc1a JUl ....,' ..hlCh ODe of )'OU DOW A." .a), t a:tockm.&n and a lover. of .tock. tb. Notary Public Fo.. Internal an4 External ~...... tll.k of a " - .....0 -.~ ,~an_ took ' a dram In a- ' are that he wi II lucceed with DOW," (. h &ncos . wOal4 I public . .' Han to tHe lau .... ' exclalml thJt . All kiradR I)f N'Itury WOI k . PenRion~!hatllVer breed la. aelected. u4 belloWed ............. ~f .lh! here'. a teet tor ),oul 1I0bUe Rell.ter. The lUlelous fruit . Wu';JD til. laUlt of tom.. But It . . . . , . W o/k It. t:!peoltllt.Y. ... I.ct • Well Known Bre.d. Speak oat, DOW, Uke men." ot a combination of pork; .plce. and"\ \ . . 1\ bu.lne.. propollltloD, It I. ad. !:t~I~~~:,.to~~ '1 caa . ., It, .11':' lpoke out Harr), meat ,::hopper I. now eelebratlnc III ntable to ..lect a well known breec1. hla ,'tpteUect, b7 hla torNDt or...... HU_. lD hla rlqlnc yolee; "I DeYer one tbouaandth blrthday. And In Au. The more generally abundant and by t,6 8 f lu44ft ..hirl u4 ed47 of Ia1I to9k .a drink· In a public houae In m, tria and German,. hapPJ tolks are Rely on your 0"'; I widely distributed a breed. tbe more ra~ Waetratloa.. ut la,. tile Ioapr .-,: '''''.:, ' .Inctn.: · I Judgment a. to .... Good fo .. Nothlni!: but the Ens populu It Is, and tbe Kreater the an4(,'hoI'ter .tretoh.. II quletu4e ut '_Com" III'. HUton, honor brllbt; We're happy &114 contente4 wban wine i pattern. but reo mel:1ber durability number ot buyers available. What ..." . . ~lato ..hlola hla U8WDftt ecea- ,.ou·... IUN of what ,.ou la,T" uked Par ~!:a:,.~elo,,::winventa4 • thouaan4 I. the mo.t Imporare kllown as "the ,real breed." han lIoda,1lj' lo.....-rro. .JUtlD II. klr"'. year. . . . 1 tant (eature. "I'm .ur'••11'. or I .hould not have It was In the tenth centur,. that the a clhmtage that reprelentl w.alth ~~. Bem1Dl8oeaMe. OR. W. MILLER, and pusb. ..s4 10." repUed the ,ouq maD, tasty perk lau'ace wu et,.en to a d&Importanc. of Splclal Quallflcatlena. ,,..,,..1),. ' .ervlnlr hamanlt,.. ud It w .. not un... DENTIST ... , , in peleetlng a breed, one .hould He I. atlll I.......... . , "A,e. boal, antS w. can back him til 600 later that Germany be· ' alao keep well In mind Its .peclal 1'oartHD,...,. 1lIID. ..... It wbat h. NJ.... chimed In hll com· laD Inlroduclnc .plce. lato the .au· -Office In Waynelville. 0 Nat lonai Bank Blda, qualSBcation. In prodlictiOll. That CcMiiPer; UYlDC OD • rum two mUM ~. "'We',.. no mol" to la,.; the sage, wbich Immediately .ay.e the II tht! aeme .tamped 00 the hnck or 'poonA, (ork. wblch the market demands mo.t fur- hiII~. IlIo!L, . . . ~ tiIac. la hll." product of that country a world·wlde ami fnocy R..... lng pl"cea nlsb~ the ,rea test outlet In a aale. ,...... 014.............aIkbw blto tile . An4 10 lt wa.. "l'eputatloll that tlme can never e ....e. in Illver ptate of proyeD way. Milk. tor example, II In non. ton..,.., fa,. &lUI ukIq for mall at -' lIariy Hilton ~u appointed to thl. At•• yearl alo a laulace exhlbl· quallty~lnl demand about all larle town. th • . PDtl ollee. TIaomu .. DOW tw_t)'. trWItwOrth, .ltuatlon; and It tran. tlon w .. held In Switzerland and onr ,. Sil"er Pia" and cltle.. Beef cattle have their . . . . ,...,. old. and be baa Dot..... .p1re4 \hat In a few yean more he wu 1.700 varletl.. of aau • .,ea were on Ih{lt Wear," field In a more profitable derre. UD- OD,.."le w..k d.,. ID all UloH ,ean• •It'kn Into the firm al a partner; and vtew-mo... thaD half oomlDC from Wide latitude (or choIce der other conditions. "~I, e'l1')' monaiq be !au tak_ ·,fie won ud wedded for bl. wife pret· Germany. . I. olTered in the many esqnllite dellgu •. Inflll.nce of Oth'r Condltlonl, the le. the onl), child and helresl of : lIa1dnC .auaacel wu In the I'OOCl mU • walk. ud h. II IItlll at It. Sold by I e a diD g Tbe climatic, .011 and cropplnc con1t ~m1a7 alID be .tate4 tIlat .. !au ;Mr. Klrb),. And all this rreat. Iooc1 old da),1 of lonc &1'0 a queen'l recre. deale,. e""rywh"re. dlUonl sbould allo Influence the maD DOt. ,'up to thb date......,.. . a....... fortUDe came of hll keeplnc hI. prom· tlOD, A wUe'l ablUty to make IOOd Send (or Catlilollue "O-L," showing ell elltabU.bln, a h.rd, It Is unwl.e to lett.er•.:but h. la Dot .lacIounp4. He ..&IlI.... ' oounted . for more thaD, . brinr In a breed used to entlrel), dlf. beuev.. ODe will ~. , . Iatm IOID. wealth· ud beauty combined. To ferent conditions. Heav)' draft hor.e. d.,.; ..... If tl la -I)' . . . . . . . . d ' d P k .ppreclate ..Ul.... 00. mult ' have never been poPlilar amonc the . . . ' \ ... own In 0 laave beea 1M»rn and reared "back on - Tbere .... two .am.. whlcb at the the farm" where dad wu the hllly sectlanl, On the level. produc· :p....-t ~. .t are .baor~1DI: atte~. -, ..lilt..... 'meat r.ad" cn ";~:rlD-" ! tlve 10wilUldi we find tbe heay)' t ' " . ~\IOD .. t.bOH place. wh.... two o r . h # • ot animal at Ita greatest perfection. '~. It Wu • ....,.,1---. ,.~ more-belnp ' .atbered ~ a'......uCl.~ dar of da,.. to the 'bareAnlmols' of hili ance.try ar. IIrhter .A. IICIaooI t.oh.. III a . . . . . . . . . that time cu onl)' be foote. bo)' on the fannl u eu't eel tho. . . .u ..... .at tn shlulder and weight than thosl ,.aria b .. beea ureeW ,.. a ....,.. '.killed b, playt"C IOmethlq at which ' No, of th!l lowlandl. It II alwaYI IL ,004 1u . . . . . He ~& a _ of~· you ClaD eltiler loae ,.our .money or the corne! butoher .~op. Th~ 1. 0111,. , .!!!'!~'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!~~~~~!'!!!!'~~~~~'!!!!~~!'!!!'!!!!~~'!!!!'!!!!~'!!!!~~~!! plan '0 bandl. a breed tbat hfa .fu~)'. ,,~ apd a ctrl two ~ ,....... ;CW' \eat..... ·TIlII belq 110,' the; hav. : . one plac. ~lae~ you eu cet" them, demon.trated Ua fitnes. for one', ~ daraa. ICIaeoI 1aavI. ...'1 . fowld t ..o l4eal pm. . at "hleb It .. ' aDd tIlat II back on the tarm. . p - - - - - · T f f Y · LIVE~lirES-~.......--~... local I~Ylrooment. . . ..... Ulna ...... eM ~... " b l e to ICIUnder both the.. .... . , • _ • wttb u..1r . . _ .tl,''''. ,Boa '...... 'TIle pq. II ADdcnna. the other · . . . A CI.ar. C•••• w",· ", iabat. Ie poker. ' j.f.lther .. D••• of eou~e, " "I nt1 wen lee,,~ ~~d the Old Soldier Tortured ed ....,........... ,....... .. . . tile but both ~~D to ban tb. ycwue· I.~.... ~ JOU oaD lue ,our hu. : t • . ' . • ~. 01. ~dp. 0... ~ pmbl. &t them I for 4lYOrc~ Oil tle ' .lCOre . . "'For Y8!'r8 I .ufrered UDallestable teaober ........ account . todure fr~m ladlgesaloa, ooas&ipa- ...... beeD. lIMA,... ~ . " II . . . te · 10 a¥ . ~t.eIlt., _d ..hat more can ..aD7. d~ . ..b.D . OD ,.our lloo·.aa4 live, kOubl.," wro&e..A It . , tW . ~ "m .. Me .te _....· OM . . .t. fw tIlII me ... ~lteID.Dt. he . . . ben linD, . qUieti,. at hom. .. ' . ' ' ' w~ob II tile 1'erttable b....ti .or 1DOCI- all ·tIle tbDe." . . . ,. I5mlth war veteraa Erie, Pa, ~. . . . .MetrUa.~. PIotorIaJ. ' ''Yoa doD't,. . • hf,f retorted tile hitHe. "buS .r. Kiatt'l Ne" Lif. Pilla . aut ~ pla1Dwt_· '"Wall, If it lud.lI;1e· all rlabS. '!!bey're IlimplJ' la" ~_ for a maD to take a peat" Tl!)' them for .DY ltomaoh, . ' . ~.I""" I .tuIou to ·tIl. c:lub &ad 'eIlY that ·tie' Ilv... ·or kldaey kouble, Oaly'50 .. "DI4 Uaat JINttJ' ..IIS8I " ~ au ,Je ~teI _ ber, ·juat bee'a ",e' bt• • S.11 d'~nl.s.. Prepared· fl'O..- . ~ Natt.ve·':liefb., .the;'CI_~" the O~~d .............. ~ . .. ~pa,.. I·.~' _ un.te4 OD the tock Purify, the BlOOd and thu. PREVJNT SERIOUS 81 ' M,,; . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ to· . . . . . . . . I " ' t 1aunr ."Iaat ·•• ~ ~. ... .......4 ............ ~,'tl, , --tt1'GiIIt
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ot rattlesnake toXin, a bite or rather "No, that's not the reason," said "And they lived happy ever atter!" stroke such as a. tour-toot snake the thin man. That Is ·lb.e way the stories we t h fI h rt t .. :: heard' In ch ildhood always ended. T he would l.n1Uo on t e e s. y hpa F 0 "My guess Is becauso a sale make ... . BY MARY EDMONDS, ... the body, as the calf or thlg. or It go," suggested the fat boarder at Rnt(,8 of Subscription :: A~rlcult\Jr" l 1·.xleIlSI(Jn I ,'purIm n t. ~ I 'hero and h e~olno m.arrled, and til n such a bite, oarrying as it does half the end of the lable. 0110 Your (strictly lu 11l1\'ullce) . ,. : .... 51.011 -+t 1110 Sla le l i ll lv(Jr ~1 y . ~ theh' lrollbl s termInated. We Wl' re a teaspoonful or m.ore at venom deep "Very good," said the thin mao. t SaY8 thOflIt Bneezlnll'. wbcedna-, moplDa'. Bingle 0<'lly .. ...... . .. ' " ".... .. .. .. . O~ ! ...........................................: always glad when they were sart' ly Into the flesh, all ordinary .curos are "but not the correct anBwcr.~' IIwollen-beaded fowl. with ... ...~ T'T'Jf i joIned, and all. trials were over, alld unavalllng. . Hypodermically. Injected, "Well, we give It up," came III I The hous se rv es as a means of v rythlng was lovely. Rates of Advertising however, In sutIlclent l,Iuant1t1~ sure- chorus. ' Now, In real lire, that period .Is ~\lRt Iy to k.lll the patient were he not . "Beca use It's a single slicker," .sald I' Hendlug I..ocnly. per IIno . . " . ....... . . ~I ' exp r sslon of th e s n!;e of beauty 'J! Heading Locnl". bll.e1. Inco. per lIuo ... . 10(' tbe people who dw ell In I, jus t as where trouble begins. It I.s.a pity It sutterlng trom the Inake polson, th thin man as. he began to dodge OIWl11lUod Ally. lIot to oxcoo<J Ilvll lial\ls a lIJ~ans ot ex.· Is true. b\lt so It Is. strychnine Ie a certain counteractant' l lhlngs.-yonkers States man . the :.lody serv es It kills tb .. dle_ n erms, tonea tbe bird. Throe IUlionloU8 .. . ... ... .... • 26c Tho young girl does not think Ito. The great""-t _ _ • _ _ __ and real.ores yourprofit.s. 1t is !riven in the PI' ssloll of th e soul. Yl clol' Hu gO ".,.. danger Is said to be In Ollltuarlll8. JlV Il Inches Iroo; over \I ~o drlnkinlr water w ithout trouhle. Gnd Ia Her young miln does not think so. adminIstering too little strychnine. As Antiseptic Remedies IDeIlOli. pe r line ... .. .. .. . ... . . 6r tell s us "houses are IIkc lh e human Tbe old folks croak about It, but the a matter of tact but tew even .of used In every el.tlizod country of thowol'ld AS THE STANDARD. Your money w ill bol'OIIrd of thnllk8 .. ...... ... ..• , ... . ... . turned if not sRtisfacl.ory. Prices 60c and 2lk btihlgs who inbaLIl th Ill ." yo ung ones laugb at their evll-oment'd skllIed physicians have enough Imowld et'it.roy . dl~I;!/I~e tH".II!!' , . Dr . RAil'!, U e80llItloris ..... . . ... . . ..... .. ... , .. . ,1-DOc .. i:o;o mnkea :t6galJons of mod iclne. Mu ch time. lailor and mon ey Is ta lk, and mutually assure each other edge of tbe subjeot to be able to act Alit., Paw 1 ~ nil IJntlseptlO 1·"II If·d ~·. oelula ote. whore c hllrgo Is made ...... . 601' CONKEY'S CELEBRATED 48·PAGE BOOK ON POULTRY Display Advertlslug [KII' Inch . ... . " .. , . ~~~: spenl In the end cavor to malte ou r that once they are married, every· with any assuranoe In ad;nJnlsterlng 1f)orft'xttlr'l lIl ! Hn ~1 t'xl\' rtnal »lt lll ":,; Tle - ' leila every practical p oi nt of the bnalnee.. tblug will flow on as amootbly 8.11 a strychnine In suoh cases. That rat. I E' I!'I B lU " !:' ! lDt<tuo une , 0 d DIJicoUJll /l glvon OD coutruct. homes beaulit.uL It IS vc ry fitting. summer sea or a ooun tr y m III pan. d , "II~'" ... _ ••_ _ __ 0.' It FREE to-<!ay;cnllorecndolcatamp.. tlesnake polson and strychnlne are I by . 1111 n,_ ___ 'OR ."lE aY And when. after ma.rrlage, storms exact opposites has b een shown by for lbey shuuld serv o not only 'I.8 ·~ JANUAltY 11. 1911. WALTER ~. KS LBO .... , plnce wh ere the ch ild may de velop In arise. and things get tempest uou8, experiments In which animals dying The First Club Sandwich. A New York lawyer claims to bave Corw in. Ohll>. pleasing and artistic surroundings. the young people are dlaappo:nted , of strychnIne Inoculations have been The way to ge l the largest r tlll'lIf but a lso all a plnce wlo ere the old ·:!' and accuse each . other or being to cured by Injections of the snake I di scovered the flrst club tlandwlch. _~ _ ___ \ whlcb Is now tb e popular tasly of from the hen s is to gil' tb em th t: members or the family ma y find rest. blame, and they argue, and bicker, venom.-PoDular Mechanios. and twit, and make themselves gen- I every tea' room . He found It. do wn In A L 'I' I':'. I)\ .\, ,\,' A " Dest care. esp{'c1a lly the most careful comfort, and In spll'lltlo.n. FaIlure LO erally uncomfortable because they Mil He I ·eedlng. ' I Solves a Deep Mystery New ex co en years ago. make our homes really beautiful has have not learned the lesson that we I \ stopped at a small town and not be· 1 - -be~n Gue to lh e fa ct thal hom o deco· old stagers learned long ago, that I "1 wunt too thunk you from the l ing on the train with a dining car. Make up Your Own Mind When 1'1 tilt! n ad ut a uuglo rallon has lIot be n looked upon as Ute is a "warfare." and there Is a b ottol11 of my henrt," wro l.a C' . B. i went Into the little e!1Ung plaoe and medioine, If yuu buy Ur Bell' .. a n art In th e l rue s ense, depe nding good deal of fighting to be done be- R'ldt'lr, of Lew itol bnrg. W . VIJ . . "for ; ordered 0. dozen sandwiches. half of Pine-Tar Honl1Y we gUIITllnt,e YI)U upon de llnlle laws lind prin cipl es, tore we can stand Inside the fortress til e wond e rful doublfl bAnefit I g~ I wIalch were to be bam and balf tongue. '1', I" " ltoll ,: " ,. , at peace and safety. 1 frl ~ m Electric Bitter ~ in curing me Arter he had boarded the train and get the bflHt. but as a promIscuou s a ddin g ot muc~ A woman might be an angel In of bol h 11 Ell'l vere 08 sa of ptftml!oh opened the package, he found the or· V II Hy pII II tt " N material and co lor without rega rd for One goO~-;o;- 'I!-'s l\p e r! or to three appropriateness or harmony. Su ccess skirt and shirt waist, and a man trClublA and of rh t'u m atblll, fr om der carried out to the letter. Every Di!'l t.anoe Not t\\l- ". poor ones In lhe dairy ; lit dlfTet· depends, In large n easure, upon tn e mtgh~ be a ma80uUne cherub In whioh 1 hlld beAp un fl.lmopt. b e lpl eElB sandwich had a .fllIlng of one alice trousers and side whlBkeu, and stlll . pu fferer for h ' n Yllurs It suited m~' 'Qt ham and one slice of tongue. But WAYNESVILLE. .nce 16 the coal or lh t ed and tht> canaful obst:r va nce of t il e laws or OHI' • they cannot avoid trouble. cuse UP t.b ou/? b mlld e jn!' t . for me" the Inventor at tbese sandwiches was product of the COWl!. rlgbt proportion. hbrmonlous <:olo r It Is the common lot. Nobody For dyspl'Jj Ri u, indigeNt,inn . j 'lulJdi ce not so far out of the w~v. Branch Office, Harv4!y Iburll. (' s cheme, fitness to purpose, and slm· "Uves happy ever atter." No matter nnd too r id r.bA IIYf!tpm IIf I! hlne}' \l ll! Not Cood pll cl ty. how angello your disposition, you are 1'10118 t,hAt ORU~A r!tPUlI\at.1Rm, El pc for' every thing But ller!o.Dfl's E'L~II Right Propol"tlon. liable to have toothache. A saint,.' If tric Bitt.ers h 'ls o n ,' qilid . 'rry t.ll HOl -~-"""'--. -. - . . You Can Always Cet Eye t;alve it4 good for Dothlng bUI If the lines or a room are not "'ood, be should get a pair of Ill·tilting E. ver y bCltt:lfI If! gUflrnnt.ep!l to !;little It"" l '" .,.',. " '. ~ .. Thfill' e be!.'lt CO U~Il ' JllEHh oin e if you the rYAH . If yo o u !'Ie It. Rnd a r e n OI decoration should beg in In bringing n l l' ~.;. L '_· ·-;-·'"' ..... ~"'1 boals, would be just as likely to breed f Y 0 n Iy.,' 0C /I t Ii II d 1' l1g g l t S ask Dr . Btl ll 's Piue. Tur HOUIl\' sl\titlfh:d OCllUli bit ok lind get your 250 tbem Inlo right proporllon. A elllng corns RS the most hardened sinner 'on - -- -.I' (11.)11 Jook for t,ile b El li o n t.h A bott.le ~ou bp the j'ld~e. which 18 too high may tie mhde to the footstool. If John Bunyan had G11fl H nt 611 ton g ive sl\t.i fuotion. appear much lower by d ropping th ' eaten greel1 apples, be would have FINGER PRINT WAS ENOUGH ::3n lti e vo.'v w)lIm•. ceiling ' paper onto th e s\d ~ Willi a had as good a chance for the stom· I _ ..._ _ __ We can offer ou good Th e ell ('I\n proper I) liS d. I OM ' tool or a foot and a halt. u nE: Wu ch achache as any Irreverent writer of \. n of the grt' lIl 's l UlO y · llIt1ker~ . or is too low may \)e macle lO appear pl~ate storJee. The faot that he can· Guilty Peach Thief Thought It Was a \\oAV"IESVILLE CHURCHES Paying Employment rather mqn y. a "e rs, on the farm. higher by us ing s~rlped pape r on th E> celved "Pilgrim's Progress" wouldn't Picture of HII Corduroy TrouBthat you will ·enjoy and Keep the machinery well oiled side wall IUld runnlng It up to the have saved him. eMl, and Confealed. St . Augusti n e's Calholic (';hur(jl. ;...._ - at home. Write to-day angle where sIde wall and ceilin g \Ve are aU subject to the laws l of I.':nber. cor", Illn!ol!oefor, PaSlor Cranulated Eye Lids All hIs rlpe peaches had departed. JlI,,~ ' cvl 'ry ~ec .. II ' 1J 1.tlllr ,,1 lhl' IIwnth :I, meet. The apparent siz e ~t &. room universal nature, and we cannot may be changed. A light paper w'lI evade them. We must take the can· disappeared, deserted. Some thief In \I : Oli a 111 ( ~ddru. are c'8Hily urt'll-CII \,8110 is f1ot. Ol' C make the room seem large r tha n sequences at ~ng mortal. I the night hs,d played havoc among the 6ss"ry . l:!uthHrln ll d'1I EU/lle E yt, dark paper. A large design In t he \ The BoHeriek Puhllsblng Co. We mlgbt just aB well make up our forbidden fruit, s,nd Professor b~~m~ 51. 1\ 'a'j"s Episcopal ChurC'h. ~tllve III Pt\l n l•• ,.q ', n(1 h lt rmlp!'EI II d . Butterl.:k SuUdlag. New York. N. Y. 'II'all pape r makes II room look small· minds to take thIngs as they oome, perdlnok could find no olue I Hc\' J . r . "1I1 W,ll lIlIlor, f{ee l ' I gnl\rnutf'I>11 II I PIliI' HilI! lIeVlr er. · Large, heavy pIeces of fu rniture and let them come wHhout going ' to finger prln:'lef~ 'on n unripe s~~c. ;;IIIlJay 'chonl IJ :JI' n. ru Mormllg !\er failed no " n ',~ · . •. ,,~ ! ~ :!lio sbGuld be use d In large rooms, 113 1 meet them. ' . men. Neve. ~he ess, . t was samet ng. vice, IU ::10 a. n L flob' COUlmunlon ~11U lin" .:.they tend lo dim inish the s !ze of a fIlth h b d a nd he had hts 8usplclons. ForthwIth, .... uudli'· 01 each IIIUIILll . I you Quarre w your us a.n , the professor made an enlargement A Long Yell. small room and make It look o ver· console yourself with thlnktng that an . d sort h Iy a ft er me t th e suspeo l "Ah , Melhodist Episcopal Churco. Y The house of th e WI.do ..... Barnes, at crowde d . A square. room Is \'ery un· you are not . the first woman 1~47 · I:'D~ who bas J k • h Id "did k Rov. H. W. BuUoy, Pastol BelOit, Wis., took flre around the t;blm· Interesting. Avoid placin g a piece of done it, and you w!ll probably not be a e,' b::a , :ou ~ow ~~~:; .'und"y Sc hOOl'. !) , 16 u. m. ... ormng Her. 1 ~r erw are ney In t he night. Rnd she sent ber son furniture In (>ach corner of tht' room tho . last. And It isn't llkely that y~u o~eh/?~ ~'DI:~e!ar z~~'" ereturned '·Iu~. 10 :ao a. nl. ~;pw,-,r~h Le u gue •• ,01) p. Johnnie out to cry fire and arouse the as that acc n lustes the ' sQual·cness. w!ll live more than I11Q8ly·ftve or a Jn gk I . tl .:Y" ·· dd d P m. Evening IIcn-lcC! , 7: 00 p. m. "WI.welll< neighbo'ts. Johnnie's yells did the a e nnqcen y . es, no e ro- pnye r t<I~etlng. 'I p . m. yell 1 would llke to supply Color. hundred years to follow It up. ~nd ' feesor Pumperdlnck; "but the ' thief • • ~ . trtck, and the tire was put out, but he In the sel ecti on of th e color Lf you dIe ftrst, he wlIl tell t~e min· left his mark behInd. so I'll easlly Christ/an Church. . our table with this highstill kept on yelling. As a matter of Rov. L. O. 'I·hompson. PIl8i.t. faot he yelled tor seven days and "cheme for our bou se we turn to nn' l lster who presides at the funeral UlI~t trace Mm." He produoed the enlarge. never gave him a cross word In. ment "no you see that 1" Jake's Blblo School. 0:30 a. m. SO<.'Jal mootllllJ. • grad\;! silve~ware free of nights before they could Quiet him. hire for help. During the SUnlme r you your lite and that you and he always . . 10:30 a. m. Ohl'ls~l/l.u KndolLvor. 7:00 p. ru. I for o~r SIlO' 11k . I' knees began to qulver. Then 'he burs t Sermo'u by pastor every ILI~cruate SUndl»'''- , i cost, write The' doctor saId It was a nervous at.· months sbe gives us a gr a.t d al of green to llve with. It IS n IIrly a l· thought a e. tnto floods of anguIsh. "I zee It aIn't 10: 30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. tack, brought on by his sudden fright. cia! offer. Address So YO\1r memory wlll be saved. no good, zur!" he sobbed. "I t·took HI(l<site 'Frie~d; Chura!!. During. that loo g week there was ye1l· ways softened by yellow. orange, or If your chlldren turn out bad, .take . the peaches rlghternutt; But-it-It Fir8~ Oay Meellu v. U :00 n. m. F lnt Oay - -I-ng enough to last the town for . five red, and we say It Is a warm green. STANnARD fIlSmON COMPANY ,.ears, and Johnnie wlJl have a frog In In t~e wlnler monlbs, wh en green the comtort home to you that other fa ir llcks we 'ow yer got that plcter SOlool, 11 :0(1 a. m. F'ounb Duy MIl('\IDIl 12-16 Vsndam Strut, New York, N. Y. growth I.B taken away, we have people have bad chlldren and have 0' my . corduroy trousers."-Answers. 10:00 a. w . . . hla .throat for some time to come. ruany beauutul shad es of brown. lived through It. It Is one .of tbose ---. . ~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ These are splendid color.!! for the things which Ja happening right - Orthodox Friends ChurCD , rooms In which we live most, as the along every day, and there 1.1 nothIng Something Just As Cood Mrs. EUeabe~b IArkin, P&stor Death in Roaring Fire - llbrary, sltthig room, or living room . remarkable about It. . t Can on ly be the ool{e wben it is !';abba~h oboo1. 0 :au a. m. Hcj(lIlar cbllrch r~ ~ ~_;\iW may n ot re ult h'\lffi the work The quiet, warm 'gr ens and browns, Lite Is a serIes Of . dlsenohantments. tln otber bottlA of Dr. B~l1 's PlDe.. ~o:~~i ~o ' '10 Ii. 1ll . Cbrl.lltlan En~eavor. L_ ,!:'2':'! Save Money and Keeft,c in firebugs, \Jut 'often !leverl burDI4 IU lei when used for fioor lind wall cover· In our youtb we cherish tIlullone, and 'l'ar-tioDey . Every bott.le the lIame. oaulled thlit mnke R quick Of ~d fOJ lngs, make most su"~abl& back· when experlenoe haa swept them Look for tbe b ell on the bot,tle. :.:: -:=.:.::: Style by 'R ending McCaQ'. BuokleD's A rn 108- 811 1VA, t.be q oiok-. grounds for pictures, turnlture and away we find fault with tate and -wIth • _ ••_ _ __ IViagazir.e and Using McCall.P~ttetDI est, surest o nre for burn", woundfl, people. Providence, and think we are hardly McC.II', Mara-i .. wlll bruises, b oil~, sor es . It- !\uhd",e.. IDNature sends us the brtlliant colors used. M' GALts MAGAZINE II(!IIJ fIJ U Ilfl)llll styl· flama.tiou Jr. RIlls pRin . It I!ootbe .. bul It rew weeks In the autumn of . h.III)· li t 11 Iliolltirtl~e ' Every lite, however sheltered and Not the Place for It. " III) II ~O b)' k.1l Plllll ' ~nd helll Dl'iv~8 off "kill erlllltloll!l each rear, the hlghly·tlnted sky . but protected, has Its sorrows and trials. He was writing the libretto for a ),,,,, 1I0 ~ l d ou Ibo ' uloe' !I or pil ~ Onl y 250 9~ 1\1 a brief balf hour at . s~ nset and sun· We cannot hope to escape them. Bu,t comio opera.. Budd.e nly he smiled. 1111,' L I'~ $ 110 II .S. In . (IOlh <.l. ') llfl ·llIns. 60\ drugtr ist rise. The brighter colors . may be we 'can make them lighter by accept.· l .He had litumbled on a brand new I'> p ' / 1·'II~ h lun' OC$IJITl.s . -------. .~~-~---usel;l 10 the passageways and rooms Ing them as natural consequences, . jc;>ke. , . " llf "",,II lSilue. Also Vi' 111(1 111 0. IOrOl1f1atIQ\l In whIch we do not 8P~nd 80 much and being wllIlng to .bear th~m as. tl j. ~e was a etudent, ot jokea, ~ coHeeThe . Idiot Again. loll .1\ It II llIle l\l¥d ver· time. Red Is the color of good cheer. j:mrt of our 6lsclpllne; just a9' w'e bore. ~or, a revtaer, an adaPter, a faddlel He mUller. . Ouly , ;"ulIJ The turkey was not · a :very large ClIlC n l'cor 1nohldlng one and Mrs: Pedagog's boarders be· ·It may be used In' the front haH , or the hard aents and tbe orOSB teacher subjected the joke to every known teat. 1\ Inlll Illi ll rn . . Suh· . ~ c::am",," -"""mn........... :-(" rlb \ luetn y or .' sond . . <=ol~e a . lltt,1e anxIous. on the sub· dining room, v,'her.e welcome and In school; just as we bore the spank- ; Finally he gave it the third degree. fllr frl'(l 5UIIIIlIQ1;01)1' hosJ)ltallty are oft e' r ed. Tbe room Ings our gOOd mother gave us In our I There was no longer 'any' doubt ot ject of Ita golnll around. FillalIy the McCan P,II.,OJ wlllllIlIllllt')·ou to Illllko.Jn )'91, r last· bit wae distributed and the 'Idlot, that IE well supplit:d with sunshine. younger days, to teach us that our ' Its orlglnaU9'. OWII 1)(I1lH' . Willi 1" " IT uWII Ijlllllls. rlolliing fur He read hie manuBcript over oareful· ),ollfsr!lr fl lHl chl ld,'('" 11'''11'11 wlll ·ho perfol1t glanolng at his portion, observed t.hat may be paper (\ In the cooler gray, ways were not her ways, Rnd to 1m· III 81r lo RlH l nt. l'rh~Il-'\IIlll h!l,Il,cr LImn If'> blue, ' o r green, whlle.a sunless north press upon us the flUlt that all t1!e ly and, sighing heavily, etared at the had drawn the neck .Ilnd the pope's (lu ts. 'rll,d fu r rr"o P ull' m lIullulluo. t room should btl brightened by tq!! way along th.e re Is a guidIng hand joke. n08e. We Will Ciy. Y~a Fin. ·p,.... ta rolf 1I() t\l1I1I slIb· use ot \yllrm yellows, redS, and higher than our own wlll whIoh I He realized there was no plaoe tor it ~c rl "I1<)II S II ll1rlllll )' our frl llndR. ~e [lll rorrree "Ab, Mrs. Pedagog," s8.ld hll, with , Prlllll ltliD ('ll l ldllllllO n nrt ('llsh Prlzo Orrer. . 's hapee and directs our Immortal des· In the libretto. a ,ental Imlle,. "yOU are a wonder at browns. nl£ M<Ct,LL (OMPAtIY. 23910249 W... 37ih s,., ~EW YOI!I . The floor should carry ~he darkest tiny. So he lett It out ~nd went on wrl· makin, both ends meat! "-Llppln· , tone of Lh li ' !'ulol" Ih walls the me· tin,. oott'a. dlum lilld 110 . ·,·;-iJln g ll.e !lgh.t est. 'Feata of a ChampIon Swordlman. _ _ _ _~!'!"~~~_~~~~"!".!'-..'!'!._~!"!!_~_.~~_~_~~~!""~~~~~~.~~..!'!~!'!!'! There s l,bUIM " ~ · n ~ pr edominant SQu~dron Corpm~M~or Eg~~o~ - ~~~~~~~~~~_ _ _~~_~_ _ _~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _~~_~ . c~ lor In I h ~ l'(I() II; >lml [l 1' OHJDY may one of. the' finest swordsm,en In tlie h · (,\).t ll hl (;d ltV " " .\ Ill roi ll g' with It British army, Is reUrlng shortly from I:O IOr8 '.I ol,:, 1·1.\' I .\- I~ t '1 ru ne. LivIng I the Royal Horse Guarda (Blues) atter In a mOIll Wl l h I' rllllitnt l"d wn lls 21 ears' service. und ·gr(,.eu 11 001: ' U': nn" I~ 1I11 t' Li'Y· cine of the corpotal inajor's sword , HERB IS;'PROQP . tng to 1Il1'.LlI.lJ ln . I III, su mli I.1tn f.! , teats · Is to cut In two an apple .resUng "I sufferedi!o long from 'stomach two Plll)p l .\'1.0 ,, 1',' 11\ '::1I.nllt · WIth on the neok of a kneeltng ~sslst~nt. ' . . ucb oLlo l:: r. After a swllt downward sword. cut t},le troubJe .:and indlgesti~n,that I lost Appropr ia teness and Si ", pllclt)l. halves of the ,a pple roll away. and Lne flesh rapidly - . VlNOL cured me assistant rises unharmed. Another feat I d f '1 d I If lh e . IIiW 1)1' nppro llrl l\l(!I I()S \Vere after .everything e se ha al e. t practi ced 111f. ny th tn gs would l)~ r · Is with a horlzpntal' st~oke to sever an strengthen~ my djgestiveorgan~ moved from 'JIll tlouses "W.e ~ h o'J ! 1 apple placed on a man shead. AU. I'OR; gave 'me a hearty appetite, an.d I have tiothln g III th rn whi ch ' we . dO : The corporal m~jor . ~as won many .. . ' , '.' GNLY can 'ea~ a1'!ythi.ng without the slight- . nOl know to ot' us tul 'or bell e"!:' '.0 prizes at the military tournament and est- diStre~s, I do not believe anybe beautifu L" Beauty and u s~f'J: n e s s has ' given dlS1>lays of hts kill petore thing,equals VI~qL for' stomach · should go Iland In hand. but s el" J! .Q ueen Vt.otox: la , the late KIng Edward trouble · ~n4 jndiges~jon.". · nesa leads lh e way . In t he sel ec :io tl and Kl.ng ~Re .• _ ••_ _ __ W. ·E, WATJeRHOUSlt, ' of every 'piece at ~urnlture we ~ ;l0"\.ct Saves Two ' lives '. Ponland, Me. look fcir' .good. simpl e !lne and .de· .. Sign, durab!l!lY. IUid an 'ab~en ce or "! !lither ',m y slRter uor mYllelf . . . '. . Mr. ThOs.. G .,.w~llace~ · " f Detroit, dust harbors . E"ery article ·should . m lu llt b~ living todllv if it bad ',not Mich., write~, ~iI suffer : for, yea~s be : in,lldo t6 I~t ··and to gl ve service " 1 ... ~tl fl) r Dl' Kinjl's N ~w .Disoovery," from a Chronic stomac ttoubJe. The ' lI,g~t' uphol stered cbalr ·tu ll Y oe W I' !tH;-I • D' ~oDoql\'(1, of J1'aye~~e. V1NOL , ·e,!ltrtely·:·.cu~d:·· Pte .afte~· . pretty, ~ut It should find 00 \lln ~ e tn f if', .N c .'a 6' . D }fo 8, ' ·for . everytbjng .else. baflJa~led ;" .· , 0ur . l,v~ng room ,..C~a.l~~. wIlli Impos· . ," l," lb Itlld (rU~lltfbl . oougbs . tbllt.. . It 'is tbe'.. eurative medicinaf'ele- ' slljh'l ·.twI8ts In' ~helr legs' and }lacktlh lI P'uf,bl ' r rfom dv oould b~, 'p '" .We .... " a~d , carvings on.. tQe!r , a~~s wh lC. .. : 1" " ):\' t hi tn ,V fo~~~~r', J.hU~ . OOD~9~P ' ; me ·n·ts·'. of·. th'e' 'cod''.sli<-er.• combined ..... c!LD not be ~lean ed u.r~ .belter u!~~~ ·'r. \ ttl' . • be Wl:\~, v!"ry. w.~~ It , and h~tl i with the 'stren~enfng" pr~peni.es· to. the curio ,sb.O)) ,· That fl.Jru)~u.re, I~ il l ' It t . tIIlts hut, yqul- WObderfu1 ~, . ononic:iron conwned i.n VlNOL, 0I08t , beautl~n! ' ,,:blch I., co~ .r0n hi m ... llr 0 1;r.npl ·tflly. ourt\d '.q~ both'- j . . ~ .whiol1 Diake'S.it ·soSuccessful ig re-,.~; '. ~at~~ ' t.han. ~o~,m.s l \ s~d" ~ ~I\\·vef\'j l e. f-!,, ' io.vtlr n .6 or lre\l'j'd ~¥ '\ . ',, ' :.: ~toririg ,p¢rf~ . dig~stibn,and·.( at .. ralher .th.an ·\ shQ~: : ' I t.} \ 1,,;) • f ? .",' 'd' ,,' ' If ,,, , . ·) n~ ~~q.o hiM beinrN: .. " the·.~e, pmelluildiQgupth~ .weik... . '. to aY,old the:: prE'l en t~.9l1s 0' . :~I '~ I , , ... r ':·l w, , ·.\~tbt.u,,;, · ~ltl' f~Y.l: I· , run-down system. ' " .UlUjlI. Willl,am , ;\10. Ill< Ol}P , .~f I l ~. t) tl\~ I~ • .o\'hltl, vlng (:) u ' ~h.";-.".n 'bl'fl~ :.JI~rld·8 •. g~e~t~~t . deool·R~hr8 .., ~88 Sa ld .1 M 1'1 \1 "1' \Il bl 1'I-'.t8 ·l!Upll m~ Tl'ial ; 'l'Ij, bo~tl~. ofV1NO~ Willi t~e ., Simplicity ' (s t.b.e · one . tl'lt~g n~e(l'f!l.~ '.1 h')tMI1 .ht>e .' 500 anu II 00, ·GaUt;' u. nderstand~,tb,,~ your:.money.~,ll tn, ~rnlJil~ng, -of. that l am certain. l 'ltltt'~d .b:v ~11 drtlgIlf8t~. ~.. ',' ·~murned If It doesD~ b~p 'yo.u. . Happy and fort~.nat. are theY. w.bo ~ . _. . ' .. .' '.,' elniJlle bl'~\l V rOI' If \11, Rttflr ,Ill! ·t" , ' . \ '. ~N . 'I: . \l ~&. UiA&! Uoll ~ ~.... . -, ";.
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Stomach Troubles
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Barnes, and was almost annoy ed the mlln i.nform d 1116 thnt "Her Ladysh Ip" waR In he r room nnd by hllr ex· pr ss ord rs was · not to be Int errurlled . . "But do es she kn ow that Mr. 'Darn s Is h ra?" 1 na ked, rutb I' ImpnUent or al1 thIs 1Uy~t l'y. Mr. Barn s hImself RllSW red me before William could spt:'ak. .. cl'y d ar IAlrd Vlnr. [It,'· he said. "Don·t, 1 pray, trollble about It! I have be n ",ve lcom t:' d by your lordshIp and sIJall awaI t Lady VIncent's plpllsuro In r egard to m eU lIg ber, whl h , will be soon, no dOllbt, tor we lun ch a t one, do we not 1" He took ut his big open -ta o d watch. "What tim Is It 7" I askc(l s.nxlo\lljIy, as a suddt:'n rememb rance or tbo Important'e at that s ume luncbeo n ' ru s he d over me. Would T'rhune sIt aown to It an affianced or a froe man?
"Wlly t ben s he refused me!" he "let "She told ru It I we re the last \)li1l1 all
ar Il she wouldn't. lllarry m! It was very cru e l lll,ld I cnn't ImagIne why sbe . . , sbould ap Ilk so hllrshl y!" I thought I could. J. fa n I d l und I'stood Agatha Ixth's renS011l! for belial-log as sh o rt ld pe rfectly well, In lhe light or b I' sult- Often Results From Neglect or Ignorance of Harmful Effec(.a or's perfo rmance the prevloll s e l' nlnl!:. of Placing W e ll in Close Proxhnlty But ot COllrs T e rhune was st!! l Il Ib to Stables. dark as to our knowl e dge oC that eo,lsodo. "Ond, ' Wlifre d!" he went on In deIa th e cll y Ih' Hu nltnry ('ondltlon of Too mil ch cllre canllo t b bes tQwei! spalrlng fon es. "ThInk what I've los t!" hom es Is maln tat n rJ cht('tly by a IIYS' IIPOI1 UI O hou se hold 11'('11. It shollid be "Yes," I agreed. "Dash It all! I t em of co-ope ration ;HIt! c IIttullzlltlon g URrd C'!i Jealousl y, !Lud a ll meanM np. thoughl we had you all fix d for a for· which hrlngs into xts tencC' cxt couslv Ill! '<1 to put Ihe waler ahove allY sustune, Arch!" lIewerl1go BYijtcOl!l. \I Iller 'llIppll e!! . !lllll But ho dldn·t appear to bear me, ror picion of be ing Impur . This Is ell peh e droppecl des ponde ntly Into an arUl the coli c tlon of hou~ o wastl3 by \lub· ehLl ly tr' lle III dnll'les wh 'I' we ll watar IIc fluthorit)' . chair, r e[J atlng us If to himself, EDITH In th e country- u nd m o re pttrtlcu- Is IIs l.' d III ~Icuulng th mllil cans, li nd "Think whnt I've loat!" larly In lsoln te d dl:;lrlcta- I htl condl· wh e i·(\ · sleu III lind builing WI110l HUNTINGTON T ber e \Vns a momentary ' silence In tions affecllng lh heal th of Ih huuse.- hIlV,' not )'ct found th e ir wny f<» the room, broken only by the dry MASON hIs ' nd . c\r~ !U'ln.g ot Mr. Darnes' Jegnl throat. hold ara largely In Its own ha nds, und more Indlvltluul eIYort Is requll'lJI\ 10 Th e well lI s If must he so COllSt!'UCt,. Then I went over aod put my hand on CHAPTER XI, maintaIn healthful s urroundIng!! thall {'<I thnt IlIlpllrlt leB cn.nllot gel Inlo It Arc h's shoulde r. I (elt sorry for him , Author 01 The farm or ruu Sl s upply I rom aho,"" or from th · li ld es. In clU ell. It "The noon hour exactly," s aid he. ancl J cou ldn't bear to see a ll my blDlS It al!.~ "amJly wIth <l.c \nklll g wattlr Clm soult Inlo It uItCl' pass lnl "Great Scotland!" 1 e_ clnimed I\loud. brigh t plnns ror bls fu turo lid so. J througb 1\ f(~ \\' ( €O pt o f so il only . It canThen th e deed, I thought. must be wouldn't have It, 10 fact . "Come, wat r, and must j\<.>t rI d Or th e " 'uslO of tile llOuscbold liS Ill's l he can . 1101 1m regartl.!tl li S sc' cur from poil udone; I had been two hours rIding. como!" I eXllos tulated. "Don't g lv c lip! The cblef dang rs whIch tlireatc n liOll _ '1'0 PI'l'l'enl tlll S . th o we ll lOa, . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ Terbune must have decld d bls tate YOll mUllt make anotber try ! SurelY the bealth of rul'al luhnbltnnl s arc h 1)I'ov ld ed wll h l\ Will rot Ight wall ·oPb!~,br~~t'~.J?·o~~il~l:!r~D. one way or the otber durIng that you're not golug 10 th r ow a WRY your thole arIsIng from polluted drInkIng built of hllrd-\Jlll'Jle d brick Itntl Cenll'll t time. It was Quite exciting. 1 rang only chance of Inherlllng a prope rty fQr a footman and when William had tbat will make you rich for life and water. ThlR Is oft n tho l'eSlllt of (lawn lo I h wat(, r 11.' \·c l. Tt", oUl'lde SYNOPSIS. , tippenred agnln I Rsked him where whloh s hould be yours by rlglJt ot your negleot or Ign omnc ot tho b n.rmfu l ~lIl'rll(- . ot I h ll wall s hould bo co,.· Archlbal4 Terhune. II. popular and 10- Mr. Terbtlllo was, realIzIng at lho aunl's promise, tor the lack of II little erteoUi of placIng a woll In 0100 0 prox- Net! wIth n lbln In),1' I' o[ C\! IU Nlt, and dol ent YOun & ba.chelor ot London. ~ celves newe thnt he hM Ileen mllde heIr same 11m that It was just as much spirIt! Or If you do, it's Dol IILte you, . 10 the estllte or his Aunt ~"rgtana. wllh A1'ch's dUly to e ntertain old Barnes, th at 's n il!" an In( om oC m.ooo n )' nr. on conditio n s In e the solicItor had come upon his 13ut my words did not succee d !n that he become enlfllKed to be mlln'lod • arousing him. Wltlan tf'n d1lY3 . Failing to do 80 the busIness after all. eg,\C)' will 1:0 to II. third cousin In Amer"Don·t know, your lordship. WI\l "Oh, as to that," be said, speaking ca. Th e Blllr), opens at Cl1.Itle 'Vyckotr. \\'hore LQrd Vin cent ana hl8 wtt , trlends \ try to !Ind him," said WillIam, Jellvlng from the de pths ot hIs misery and the of Terhune. are dlllcuBslng plans .10 nnd the room just In time to escape col- arm chaIr, "ns to having anolher try, him a wlt~ within tbe presorlbed Uma. It lIeems tll!1! Ladv Vln ent. Is one ot 8 ,'cn IIdln g wltb Terhune. who burBt In up- look at the clock!" I looked. It was persons nl!.lned Agatha.. 1111 cloBe gIrlhood on us In a manner 90 unceremonIous half n.lter twe l"e. chullls. Ah~ (11OC"J ...1' to Invlle two ot th em "TIme's up at one, bn't lt, Baraes~" to tho cnstle snll have ArchIe there lUI and excitable as to be quite unlike one ot tho lfuel!lJI. Agatha Slxlh s!rlk911 hlms If. he asked, taking notice ot that worlby rchle M s hl\ndpo.lnted beauty. Agatha " pan my word, Vincent," he ex- barrlst r tor the firs t lime. Irst 18 Il bI-. zy Amertclltl .nr\. lAidy Inc nt t~1I her hll ~ba.nd that Agatha quite IgnorIng Solicitor "I bell ve It Is, Mr. Terhune," reSixth alr ~ady arell tor Archie. He giUns claImed, tram Aglllhn Sixth the admls810n that Barnes, ''I'm glad I've found you! 1 plied 1\11'. Barnes, as IndlfferenUy as tr IIhe cares t(lr hIm. but will roqulre a Ihought 1 nev I' sbould! 1 8ay, where It were only a Ques tioD ot boiling Jr\onUI's time run,. to make up her mIn". breakfast ggs. ARatha Fln;t, neelected by Terhune re- ha.ve you heen 7" ceives attentions trom LeeUe .F reer. Four ''RidIng,'' 1 repli ed . " ror an hour or "You see." so ld Arch. lookIng at me days ot the predollll tlmll ho.v paBsed ~h en Terhune 18 called to l.-on/lon on two, and talkIng to Mr. Barnes, whIch desllalrlngly, "there's no uso talking ot oUlllne88. Agalha P'lrat. on the plea ot YOll sbould have been doing also. J urging h e r aga in . I coulC uo nothing Ilckn 88. excuses herself tram 8. mot.or trip planned by lhe Vlncen18. Later they don't think you've apoken to him yet, at all with her In that short time, e ven . ers with a seo Agatha FIrst tllclclng now It's a pIty, ot IItrango m8.n. The Vlncen18 dl sebsl! have you?" But far from attending It I were Inclined o. Agatha's soemln. duplicity. The t(lllow- to my hIn t, he hardly let me finIsh course. I rather fancied that property !ng day tho Pllorty vIsits the rllins ot an betore he grasped my s houlder and of my aunt's. An income of $20.000 II old conv nL .T4Irhuno . conUnuOJl his atyear Is a good deal to lose at one blow. tentions to AgMho. Sixth. Then 8uddenly was shaldng It nervously. h e tranar rs hlB attentions to Agatha "I've made a mess of It, Vlnceotl" EspecIally wben the blow Is unexpect. FIrst. VIncent scores him tor hili apparent fickl &nellll. The la.st evening at ~he be said, and hIs voIce sUrred ' me to e d! By .Jove, you know, ,she dId bal! tlm o alloHed In whl~h to become engaged real teeUng, It was so genuinely dill- way promIse to marry me, atter aU! arrives. The. tollowlnK day SolicItor Burns ,nll _arrive trom London, and the Vln- tressed. ,. pon my word 1 haye! J Can't think why she changed her ~ts are anx.lous to consummate the enw'o uldn't have helleved It If you'd told mind!'· But of COIIl'8e I could think, pgement. Vlnoent.· discovers Agatha Poorly Placed Well. :FIrst and a man wIth h18 arm around mo yesterday, but she's r efused me!" and ( didn't Quite see bow Terhune ,! \er waist_ Vlnce.nt decides that the man "By Jove!" 1 expostulated, fOT .of could oall tho 'blow unexpected. <ll\ust be Terhune, The nelCt mornin g Ter- course I kneW' that Agatha Sixth was "You know I warned you that you 1.zxi1t,y to barns aud other outbuildIngs. clay pounded snd puddled In arollnd '!nine and Agatha lnnrt are very friendly ' at the breaktaat table. While Al;lI.tha the '''sbe'' referred to. "You don't say were paying far too m-uch attention to The water In the well Is Intected trom It.' Or, Hie may be UB d to Hne tho ' SIxth Beems IIOmewhat dlsplealled. Solici- BO! " .And Bomehow J felt just as sur- Agatha First," 1 saId, "but you would the household e:a-crement and barn- well nnd tho joints made wator-lIght tor Bumll arrlvell. !J:'he ~I",;c nts are ' arutloull. . In an Intervlel" ot Vlnc nt Rnd ' prised and dIsappointed aB it I had Indulge your fondness for ftlrtation and yard dmlnage, and Its IUe leads t o wIth cem ent down to the water leTel. . hilI wife the latter erlos tn desperation not known ot Diy frIend's rosh es- you see the result-an upset kettle 01 t,yphold feyer and Clther diseases. Wells , Drh:en wells. I. e., wells construct d . 01' r the puzzU.", condition of affairs. capade ot the night betore. I bad telt , flsh!" It was all tho refereDce to the are exposed to cvn·tamlnatlon by the .pt lI'on tubing drhen Inlo the ground, so sure that It would all come rIght. scene in the drawing room of the nIght lurface water from raln, house slo~ are, perhaps, the sarest where the CHAPTER X.-Contlnued. "Refused me!" he went on dlstract- before that I Intended to make. Alter and' barnYard drainage. which finds Its qunntity of watel' needed Is not large "Tben don't you IwderBtand?" she edly. "Just as it I'd been the dIrt all. as In the case or my dtscovery of way Into the well at or Ileal' the 1lW'- and wbere otb. r conditions are !aunder her teet, my dear boy! As If I the red automobile In the wood, we had face of the ground. vornble. ' · Batd. "Don'( you see.1 " were lDsultlng her by askJng ber! seen what we were not ,meant to have "Well, reaJly, ' Dearest, J don't," ,I Me-a Terhune! . As If I were Insult, seen. And until Arch came to me and bad to acknowledge. "I don't see what hardy gIrT and women farm e rs work ing her!" His face flushed agaln at spoke ot that event hlmsel! and asked , pU that has to do wlth-" In groups, and judgIng from th"'lr 'the tbought and he ian an agitated my advice, my hurt friendshIp made But her Quickly benl bead and low singing and happy aIr whfle At work me resolve not to demand bls conn· - c:hoked cry ot '"Wutred!" Interrupted are a contfmted Jot. Ft Is no un comdence or thrust advIce upon him. Let me and tben tbe oddest thIng of all mon sIght to seo half a dozen or more him keep his seoret If that was hl~ happene d. There was my own wife hoeing or planting In r egulnr lin os so wIsh. (would not Intrude upon It, TbetrEmlJloymentBrQu.htA.~ cryIng and there was I, her own bus· as to work &<:rOS8 the field at one though his retlcence palnud me ever 80 by Increased EmilrraUou ~ 'band, unable to comfort ber because tim. In ' thIs metbod of keeping the much. Farm Help-Give Eattre she pusbed me a1llay every time 1 work together the r es ult at tbe day 's "I couldn't very well help It," he re-· SatlB(actl~D • .came near hel'. ' labor for each woman (anner Is easily plied. "Upon my 'Word I couldn't. The It was too much. And hang It an! lIeen. An 'elder willman or man usualgirl's very fetchIng, you know, Rlltl. she (8)' R. O. " -E'ATFffol RST Nl'l.) The ' cause of the frIendships In ly acts as overse er. The wages of seemed to take such an extraordInary Owlug t o lhe lI11'r ased elDIgI'allon the \Vorld wl1sn't' worth that mo'ment's fancy to me that I couldn't help r& from the bot'cle r alld mIddle lunds ot eacb full -grown WOlllOill Is 3U 0 Ilts per paln. I wa~ dIsgusted wIth the wbole spondlng. Ag'atha Sixth, on the o't hei Scotland to the nlted States and day ordinarilY, while In bal've t time busIness, and In my agitation I went hand, had hardly a word to say 10 anada, fann hold ers th e re appear to they earn for eIght hours' Ume trom 'down to the stable. and fiung myselt me!" bo employing more' wome~ farm GO to 72 cents. Me.n farmers do the on a borse to try and rIde the raneour "Of course not!" 1 said hoUy. "The hands than heret ofore. There are heavleJ: work, such as plowIng, cutof my first taste of Dearest's dlspleas· more attention you paid to Agatha many fruit and vegetable farms on ting an d building roads , and fenoes, ure out of my velns._ .But 1 dIdn't First, the less Miss LM'I'rence pald 10 wbl h wom n and gIrls are e mployed ' and earn $4 .38 to $5,34 p r week wIth make very good worl! of It ·and I am you. That was Quite Datural. YOU'd In prel,lnrlllg.. tillin g and harvestlug housll l'e nt free. afraId . anathematized Agatha First asked the girl to marry you, you know. th crops. In many Instances It Is nnd Agatha SInh and even old Ter· and she couldn't understand why you claIm d that til y give btlttor satisfacHogs 0l'J. the Farm. hune himself aU the way out and all should want to han anythIng to do tion than men. theIr- st ady nnd ca reThere Is somelhlng ,vrong In the the way back. with anyone else!" ful truck farming In gal'd nand tl 111 makeup or a farm wlthout at leas t When I returned It was twelve "Yes, 1 did ask the girl to marry me, abowlng Incrensed results. These few hogs. 'clock and the footman told me at and she ObOS6 to keep me waiting tor .......... the door that SolicItor Barnes hlld ar- "Yes, I Old Ask the Girl to Marry Me." an answer," replied Arch impatiently. r Ived nncl was In the Iihrnr y. As I " which kept everything at .8 standstill. bave said, In accordance with Ter- hand througb bls thick, slightly gray I couldn't go ahead tlJl she saId the hune's nunt's wIshes, Deal' st had In- hnir, careless of the dIsorder it left In word, and as time .hung heavy on my vlted Mrs. James' solicitor, Mr. Its wake. hands-" ~.n , 1 ~ 3 • • e 7 R DIU II 12 18 14 l<l 16 17 IN 1~ ... 'lI 11'1 ca 11 :1\ ~ ~ 'M! :u "" In Barnes, of Barnes, WUloughby & Sons, "Poor old chapl" 1 saId pItyIngly. I "You made love to some one elee, up from London to take luncheon with felt thunderIngly sorry tor hIm, for I~ Deuce d cleve r!" I Interposed sarcastl· us, that be mlcht bE\ present at the was uncommonly hara lines, but some- cally. tIme whcn tho stipulated ten days ex· how 1 couldn't think of a thIng to say "Well, I · couldn't make love to hllr MAilE ~.n. • G G 7 R U 10 U U 111 14 15 16 17 18 18 WI 21 7J ~I 21 ~ :II iii':II ~ 00 31 Jail . (lOW No. ~ 1" 11 I ~ 1ft It III 18 n III 19 :Ill 21 7l " " S1 " 27 ~ :II ~ I , a • a II 1IOt'. III r ed a.nd be witness to the fac t that that made .' matters any better. very well, could I, when sho wouldn't ROW MI, !II 2\ 'l!I '!1 :III ::.I III 51 1 2 a • I • , 8 • 10 II It 18 11 Mle 11 :s 10 WI J\1ntt p!1"E J"". ~ 2 1 ,_, 12ft • 0 • , A t 16 11 11 1lI'1t I! 10 11 I~ 11 :I) 21 rl"'AI '.III .lul,. the lime 'vas not ov.erstepped by so "Where was It 1" I asked hIm wIth a say posltlvely whether slte wanted me milch as a. mlnu e. Th ey had sent natural curIosIty to learn ' th e scene of to or not? She kept me at nrm'8 the stalion wagon to mce t him as per the dlsaster. l ength all thf'l Ume!" Dearest's arrange ments, and h e had "In the ' west garden," he repU d. (TO BE CONTINUED.) reached the cas tl e not ten mInutes b· "I'd been sticking In the house a1l 'rARE, fN my aII'll arrhal. I was' g lad of morning waiting tor her to come down COIV Shine. of Pioneer Day •. IIOW 'that, for I remember d, with a ncw staIrs . You Imow she went up rIght ~WE "A file of bootbllicks now ,I08S l1ut1 :nnd t roubl pu sense that 1 was no after b'realtfast, but hadn't !lucceeded In front of the Callforara exohange longer In her . ood graces, that my In seeing her . . So I thought I'd,talte a and the man with dirty boots wbo wlfc hud Inst.r ucted m to meet hIm turn In the garden to hrace me up, pusses them and Is no custom er m\1st mys e lf. an d there she was herself!" run the gantlet. CapItal enters the Imp \le d by thI s t.t lllught, I hurri d "FIne!" I ejaculated, as Inte rested field wIth the armchairs and cushlolls, Into the library wltllou t dlllnglng my In hIs r ecItal of the c atastrophe as and to til e armcbalrs nud cushldns ridin g thIngs .and found Sollcllor It I we rc at a play or watching the newspapers are added. Close to the B arnes pacing r estlnsF;ly liP a ud dowlI races. We had both of us forgotten customcr's e ye s Is this placard: the; apartment and glancing at llis SolIcItor Barnes, \\'ho had retired dis- 'Boots blacked (not wet or greased), wa tc h from time to time. reelly to lhe heartbrug and was 25 cen ts. Boots blackeli (whe n wet or' AUQ. I 2 S • 4 ft 1 8 9 10 11 n lA It 15 lA 11 18 1lI !II U 22 "'.:It " " 21 :IIIl:llfl • "All! Lord Vlnccnt?" IH" asked-we paclog It wit h mathematical preci s Ion . greBs d). 50 cents. Boots blu.cller\ (nil A II I'. ",,1, 1 ~ e 1 " ~ 1" 11 n VI 1.. 15 15 17 18 1lI !II :u 112 111 !II 21 til '!1 :III 2.1110 111 1 2 Q AUII. IV MI' P 1(' 11 12 1K 14 Il 16 17 18 1lI ill 21 22-. !II :III '.III 27 21 22 1101 111 1 · 2 • • 8 e , .. lila" b a d not y l met-nnd as .J ass ,nled 1 "Not il O floe!" went On T erhune, ov r, legs. cto,), 50 cents.' "-WhIttle!lOW lin.., 21 'l2 2' 'U '.1\ ,. :n 'lI! :& 110 1 ., a , I e. , ti 0 1011 12 IS it 11110 1T '1lI19 S1" T>et:. !''W~ l>\IC. :l8 'jl " .~ :II. KI I 2 H • 0 II . ~ • !I ·ln 11 12 11 " 1.5 ' 1.5 17 1lI1l1 WI . . ~j ~I :It:lll 1M. shook h Is "thIn ImpassIve hund us cor- "be<:ause sb e ma d e us If to esca pe llIe sticks WIde West. A paper published &1.1_ 1 1 2. ' 0 8 7 8 9 10 U 121a 11 )~ 1ft. 17 1ft 10 2l 21 112 :zI :It '.III '.III 21 :II !III \!I I1lally os l ~o uld. He wns 11110 most directly, whkh of course wasn't very In Sau Franctsco fifty years ago. lllll'risle rs 1 ha"e m e t. u tlshy loolling encouragIng!" \l east, thoug h one co uldn't h elp ud"Dcc ld dly not!" I exclaim d. "Out Lights on Baby Carriage. mll'lng th~ look of omniscience about you as1, .<1 he'l'?" I;~I'~ " . I 6 ' 7 8 0 III U 12 18 1. 1.5 1117 18 It:ID 21 .112 :til :It :1\ • lit·.", IlIl ~ 2 3 .O,ot, · "I was puzzled the other 'nlght Ily lUi, 0 10 11 12 III 11 161ft 'Il III IV 21l 21 • • IN ' • • 2UII._1II III 1 2 0 • 8 I T " AUII, I dru. a l,f D " r 60 oluc11 at ho'm . "1 did. I blci~lted ber way us s he Jori. 2J ~ !II !II 25 :::I :n.:ll 111 III III 1 , • • • •• , R .10 U U 11 It 1.5 18 t7 18 W 01 Feb. two lights whIch kept appro<!cllJlIg •.,,1>, '.III:lII 'J1:.o 1 . 2 R 1 ~ • , II 110 11 121114 llI· leU lUG WI 21 112 :tII .!Ij '.1111117) - Iof~b. '. . " nd how .III Lady Vincent.?" lle III- ~larte'd liP the putl1, put illY cane rIght Qulr9:l politely, when I had finI s hed across ID front of. her, nnd aslted h er m.e on tho s ldewallt," saId a way.(lil"l?r. apol og izing for · my attire. nnd for my why s.be wanted to run away froin me "I finally made out . that t.h~y. welte on II gt,,'C( to lI1;ct him at the stutlon . whelD a ll I wanled In the 'world -was 10 a baby carriage. Jt struck rue as a COm-erslltloD was c rtnln\)' fla gging. s tay by her ·all tile rest ot my life! " pretty good idea, for the IIgMs didn't' )too. " , • • • • T RUlli 11 U 18· .. 11 11111tt WI 211111 :It .21 :11111 • :Ill .De!'. " Bravo!" 1 cried. "Played, Indeed! ,see'm to bother the baby at a\1 ..nd 1 btld nC> heart for It, with all I had W , , !IePL , . 9 11) 11 11 11111.5 18 It 18 .1f. 'JI'. II • 'lIl 27 'II • III 1 2 . , . , O«L W aw.. !aQl!llZZ27Q1Z1111111 12 • • II , ' . (l1I)1l12I1UllUtT ,1II " '11 Apr. they certaInly kept people' from PUD' on ·my mltld, nnd. had b egu n 10 fe I. And then 1" , '. • 2111.. III 1 " • • e I , . III . It 11 It 11 •• 1118.11. alU.!II.:I1I pretty w 11 talked out, wti' n a fool· '''And then," he sa hf, poli shIng hIs bing in to . the carriage hi the dark. .' Lnta'NrleSI~I"""'~II"!,_b~"~ _ m:lll i\llP . ur'el! . I.n th e doorway and ' 7eglass ,rur,lousiy' us be spoke, "and ' l'be lanterns . lYere .~a:de like amAll The table shown above -Is 'ea"ll,. UD- lowtn!i year. A sow bred oD' J'aJiu&n 'wante!l 0 know I·t be was to sbow then If she didn't go and preteQd ~ to' car~lage lamp. and W~I'Q fast~ed in derstood: The' rows ot ftguMI. be. 1st· :wll~ ,tarrow a~~t Ap~l 2~d Q~ ' misunderstand me! But I dldti't let sock.ets." .tho gent! man UP taIl'S. , " 11 . . I ' tb d t . f 8en- tbe sam~ ·year. 'or course: these fl&J didn ·t lIDIIW r hI qu li lIan. It that bind r me, I sImply lIald It.agaJn -, tween t"e n~ . g ve e . a e a _. - . urel are 'onl)': . approximately , COrt'El;:t. seerued_ lao !f1uclJ. trouble to bave .to tiS plain as man can, put it, 'W1l1 YOU LI.ten tn Tht.. Ice. Directly below Is g1ven a c()~ as no two anim4l18 iUactl7 'alLke la expl In to Wll11am that tlj . barriste r marry me?'" He stopped aQd I oould LIttle PhYms was at 'a concert. Tbl respOnding l'?w of blr;,tbdate, tor. each tab.11 ieape'ct' nn), inote than In m.tJ17 lUI not "gucst In'ern lght, and fnsl ad!i that pain and anger, resentment leader rapped and tbe buzz of con· 11nQuired wh.r Lady Vln!'tlllt was. ~:!)d bUlDlIIll.tlon for tbe moment bad veraatloa eea«ed. '·Ob. mlUllllla," ... ,class of nnlmal. For ·bultan~: l!~. 'o thers, bqt for leneral 'PUI'lJOHI tl!a I t -Ol1gbt. It rtlt.her olld t~ lit ~hf.l did I' tn3 tMed h\.s power ar speech. "ADd elalmelS Phyllis, ·... Ju.t I1steD to &III mare bI brecl (10 ' Augult IlL, ahe win table t. re~bl~ and 8~uld )M ppe. be dlle ~ foal on JulJ Ctb:·of ~• .tol- lePeclfof referenoe, oql'.lO don IUId w Il'om(' Mr, &hen 1 Ill'OIDllled him asalD_ bulbS"
Archibald's Agatha
"Tbe Real Agatba"
New York and Phllltdelphf.. Sbo was a beautiful and · BtatuesQue blondo wIJo had changed her resldenoe
trom New York ta thIs city (Uld cured a position a.a stenographer In tile olnC!!!! 0 1' a staId, dIgnIfi ed citizen of good o ld Quaker dl)soc nt. an the mornIng ot her first apJ)t'll1rnnce sh. weDt stralgIJt to t be desk of Ule hOSB. "I pres um e," she remarkod, "tbat YOll b gIn tb e day over h re tho sallle !IS thoy do In New York 1" "Oh, yos." repll d tho bos8, -wit bout glan ci ng from tho lett r be was readIng. "W e ll , hllrry liP and IlisA mo then," WIlS the stAr tling roJo lnd r, "[ want to get to worlt."- Pblllldc lphlli Telegraph . Two Bad Cases In Engl il nd Cured by Reslnol Ointment.
I hav e bcen uslo!,: n slnol OIntment durIn g the last r w woe ks tor a varIcose ul ccr on leg and can bear testlmony to Its cooling nlld curatlvo CJualItlos. Have nove r fount! nuythlng to equal It. I was recorum e n'd d hy my lIster , Mrs. alruB Lady l!lrl(. Norha.m on TII'ecd. to tr·y It. She had boen trllntcd 14 months pre l'lously without errec t. but 'I\'ns e ntirel y cured by Res· Inol Olntlllent. Robert DavlUsol,1, Oat s head on Tyne.
Mrs. Roosevelt an Economlot. Roos velt Is sa lt! 10 11Ilve Itept h er gowns from on o yell r to tile next nnd eve n th thlrel y('aT. and ret WIl.8 alwuys beautltully droBHod. Tbo bes tdr ossed woman I n London I ~ snld to be l\Il'!! . KC'rtIlel . who w Ilrs h!"r gow us more thun ODe season. hnvln g th orn mad a oyer for lb() sC'l'uncl year, as he,r Incomo (1 0 s nul allow or a gren t ,'arl ety of sowns. 1\11'8.
CIvilizatIon. Ml sRll1 narY" - Yol1 cla Im to be cl,.IlI zcd . and yet I find you torturlnc your cllptlves. Natlv Pardon, but ' va do not cull this tortur'lng now , We are m rely ha'llug hI m . Important to Mothers Exnmlno cn.rcCully ev ry bottle · 01 CAS'l'OlUA, u safo and 8uro rem dy for luCants tlnd children, and aee that It Dcars thO ~ -"fY~-- SIgnature ot~~ In Use For O,'e r 30 Years. Tho Kind You Have Alwa,y. Bour;h~ Quite Different, "Do you always do
1\ little m()r. tban Is expect.ed ot you r' "No, my boss always expecta • little more than you can do."
6top gllea>linll! Try the best and moat certsln remetly for all · pAi nful ailmO'DteHamliDi Wizard Oil. Tuo 'lny It relieves 81\ 801'en088 from 1Iprninl, cut.. wounds, lrana, &CI\lds, etc., is wonderful. At the Doer. ''Yell, my mind '111 made up. Tonlckt shall ask her to be my wife. B -~7 Jove, I h·bope sbe's out!"-Woman'l Home CompanIon.
Dr. 1'101'Oe'8 Pellet8, eman, IlUIII.,....COdted. enlY to tnke AS cnndy, rCllulate nnd invigoMlte atornao:b, liver Ilnd b(lwela. Do DOt lI'ipe. Truly Spoken. What a narrow. clrcumsoribed IIf. the woman must lead to whom Il wrl ... tie Is ·" tragedy! • MONEY Ole tT.
Gured in Dna' Da,
II ,
IUPP08e he's a worse drunkard than ever." "Oh!. DO. He's a dIpsomaniac."
Advim ·Write.
,.."I . .qalifull.1 IPve ,)'ou JAdVioe .A:dtll'el!8 Prof• JefferrlOD 8treetll, Phil&..
11iJ~~~~~~~b[i~*akl~~~~!!!!~!~"!!f:fili1 .
MF:c;::~e: ~~a~:;,.plnng·
olu.mhul\, O.,--MoGuffey's Third Reader! You remem ber It and all the eithor M 'Guffeys, don't you? You, rigbt th is 1Il01ne nt, are thinkin g a bout the s lory or th e bad boy who we nt Iota the rarest and. os a joke , cried "Th o wolf! The wolf ! " ADd when th ne Ig hbors ca rne to r eEl lie him he laughed and saId it \V as a ll n joko. You r e,mem ber, too, lhat on e dny the walt did come Iwd woe befell t he naug hty li ttle boy. And you . re m m · ber "The ln chcape Rock" and the story ·ttbout th e noble dogs that ·r es· cued th e man lost in th e sno w. antl011 , YOll reme mber tha t a ll right. A· ta bl e th at oC('upl s a conspicuous olace In th e museu m or Miam i unl·
_By . T. S. STRIBLING by A SHucltllcQ Lite rary I'r 'SH • .
Cranlelgh Bume swung hltpselt Into the l\tanayulllt car, Ihru!lt hIs thumb and rorell nge r Into hIs wRi st. coat pocket arlor the s mn~l dmnge he usually kept there, and f(uad no thIng. "Hurrup!" ~rowl e d Iho rnnduclor, .glanclng at tho walll ng 1111 0 behi nd the trim you n b' fellow. The boy's flngcl"s rummaged nOI'\'ously throug h other pock e t s. "Ah, he re," s narl ed th e bluccoat , · ~try lng 10 bea t you r way fo r a few blocks! " 110 jorlced th " bell viol ut· Iy for a s top. "[ ha vo noth in g but Ihl s bUI." Hume thru s t Into nn Inside poeleet /L nd d rew for tb n t wcOly dollar note. Tbo car nlTte lo a srllm blln g stop . ThQ cood u 101' wnH nngl'Y . ":'\0 , YOIl don't. Yo u know ! can't chulIJ;e a doub le X . Ilon ' t IH\\' to. Get off." The youn r: fell ow lt csltllt d, n flu s h crept up hi :; fllce Into hi M clUllely clippe d hnil'. Two or thr I':t:sen· 's ers were sm iling ' ut hi s dil e mma . He turn d on his hee l tlntl 6tellped into the ni g bt. At the sn me mome nt a fat. wh ite. haired, red·fac ed old gen tl ema n stepped rrom th e crowd on tlte car plattorm. '!"t.Ie cllr rusb d awny wit h its usu a l IUicending wblne. ran. leigh found hltnseJf nnd co mpnnlon dropped In tbe mid st of a row of dwelllngs at uncompromising ra8J)6ctablllty. The young lDon stood to r n mo. ment und e r an nrc IIgbt. won de rIng 'Vaguely Into whlc~_ house tb e old sentleman would turn wben: to bls surprise, he spolte. "Pretty rotten company, Ulat." "Rather," returned Burn e cn uUoue~ 1,., looking up and down the street tor the light or a drug s tore where 'he could get hie bill changed. , "Don't bother," sn ld the old man; 'I have some . small cha nge. We'll go out Manayunk way tog ther.... Bume glanc d suspIciously for n moment, but the broa d comfortable tace and prosperous cloth es we re r&aBS~,ring. "The n why dId YOll get
.'No Man :lsStf~nger
,Mla'ml Unlvertlty lias Table Used
Her Hired Suitor (;0\Jy r 1Illlt , 19W,
His Stomach
A .tren' mlln is strong .11 over. No mon can be
tlron~ who 'is' "u(ieri n~' from we.k stomo ch with it. con. equent indigcstion; or Irom S'lme other disease of the- stomach nnd its . ssooiatcd organs , which im· pairs dige 'tion and nulrition, For when the tomaob il weak or di 'cllSed there is II loss o[ the nutrition (lontllinedin food, whi ch i s the lource 01 n'U physical strength. When a man "doesn't lee I just ri /!ht," when he doesn't slecp ",'ell , hRs an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach ",fter eal ing, is lungu id, nervo us , irritable and despond. ent, he is losing che nut ritio n needed to make strength, Such a man shou ld use ' Dr. PIerce's Goldell M edIcal
light song ougbt to be a r egular wtlc2 How Triple E xec utio n Pl anned by west s how, nnd a rew words wbllCommanderll. of Army of Potomac p re,l In wind ow '9-ttlce, a chnrgll Prove d Paln fut Inciden t: ' up Sa n Junn hUI. Are you Qn- sal· D/scovc,.y. It cares d iseases 01 tile stomach anti g the,. nry t wcnty·lI\,e J)o r week till the druS ol'!lans 01 diJJestion and IlUtrltlon. It enriches til e blood. l\'1'~rl)' ~ lIn I ;"ion ~ l)ld!e'rs Ilwt Ik. c l ' rlt fall 5? " InvlfjOl';uetJ tile JIveI', s t ,.cn g th ens th e kidneys, noul'fshes IIllllolnlulH< ,\"nlh H dl, l'ln g IIIl' \\'ur IIf "TI\·"Hlly·th'o pl'r." laug h ell H ume 'he nerves, BDd so GIVES HE7ILTII 2JND STRENGTH TO ] 8 1; 1 · 1~105 . .\ IIl >; t ur l"l' lll 11" ' 1' 1' !i1i' ,1 ful' "HE WHOLE BODY. In amCt7.emcnt. "to cou rt a girl?" desl'l'lillll . On ly nnll of tl li>; n umbe r, [ You can't afford to ac cept II lu rel nostrum os II lIubfttitute XU I' tbis non· "111011 y's no objec t. Mr. Hume; 1 am glad 10 S ll~' . Will:! frolll ·,!w .Il! nH'Y, .I coholic med icine OP J.NOI\ COMf'OSITlO'N; IIOt even tb ough the urgen t de.ler wnllt tbo WOl' lt c;lo ne. I wouldn't 01 ~ 11(111\'0 ·tnl e. and h .. a fur Il';ner . m y the reby mol,o a little bi!!l!e r profit. Inl!redients printed on wrapper. (luar rel n hollt 11 III wycr's' t e when he whot;(' hOIIl., was ill l\" ' I\·UI'\; . Thl !! fp I· ----------------------------------------~----------~---------,~ writ R my w ill. . 'I ' Is Is IIlce that. 10"" had oI"H,·rlp,j 1'1'0111 tl1l' Thirtel"ll tll Yonder corn 's Oill' 'ar. We can 't ta!:': N(' w .1 ' rSt ·)' 1"'gllllC'llI . s hort h ' nft·r th f' thi s in s ltle. Is II u go?" ba llll' uf An tll:l lIllJ. th" fi'l'~t ,' nLwg' "SUI'O th lll ':;." lit 11 1 ill II'hl('h Ih nl (,01111111111r1 p~l'Il('i . '3.00 '3.50& '4.00 SHOES ~°J}o~~~ Tho two me n bon rded th e car and Boys' SHOES . $2.00. S02.50 AND .S.oo. BEST IN THE WORLO. pu tf'cl . an(1 jolnf'd lh' \ 'u ll fn d~ra t " I wurc fl yi ng 011 th Ir way to ManaTlie ,P'ii(;fiTSOCfref, lllcl('s, It I Multi tnk u "'" ' Inlo lilY afllly, 1,1111 ' 1' 011. Iw [01' (Iu le th e ron . I yunle. Th !'}' sat side by s id e, nntl Mr . whld, app l y priu<'ip.LJly In l"rl;tI r""l".h,. ,,', IIr" "k ,,,,i, ft'II" rll l ~ all,J 1'(·· . '11 1, '1" ' " nur linf's, I ~ , Il' It.·u l htH',and th orad lu ' t1 1\1" ..... , Hlld s h u\Y \ ' 1111 how tJHn!Do \' rll hand d Lbe btue coat 0. dime, h lJl"n~ . Ih "rl'iI.I·. a !< a ('IIIlfp,j l' l'itlf' de I . t,u'lIl' on 11010 l e athor. now ( ull" \\'. L . IJ" u~I" • • I",~" '1"0 lifti ng- tw o tl ng lS. It tnke d ~om a (' Rlllll e" me to givo tho ma,'". tb O"" II"rlnr \\(,rkIllRII" l li p scrl ,·r. In lip !jt'1I1 nonh In IIlJ l' ri Y. Ali I tldnl{ JiliO lhr e·quarters of a n bour W,'llI'e l' moro \"1.luo for bis 1l",llhe hl~" ~ mtl" I 'uLh ·r. u.".I , Y U \HHlld l lh..' 11 IIn\.lt'r",uHal why I U C:' '.I"PI'l'l'd. Iw \\, U" SPPII h .' Rome of 10 I'id fl'o lll tll bell rt of Phi'm del· Inun .. ~· , h u lt('r IUHJ t o n f!~ r Uf)l1ar lu ," "oll ar 1 n III,rR.lttoe ,Nil 1 hlr t~f'lI l h, Imprisoll rl . Irl r d. ('o n. , w{'arlng $a, 1113.50 ILulI 111-1- ;" Y s ....". I " .. hi th .. lr . 1I"I'e. I ph ln 10 ~Inllnyu;lk . Burne coul~ not s h ot's than I ('0 111.1 gin' prl'_ "''' k 1I11t1 IH \loLl,'r tlll d W'" II' vl cle". lind ,wlI!t·nl'erl til hr' !;hol. as forb ur miling at this whllll SlclI! ad· \' Ioll s to t hn lIu'ltl r('\'ls l cllI. l u "~"r' h,.n lIlly lI ,hllr $3.110, $3.60 w eI' also tw o l\'pw Y I'll rs who hat! ':o:"~ .... ~~~ ... --~;;';;~.! or '4 .00 h'le" yon""" lJuy. v II tllrO IIllon wh Ich he was e ngaged. Doctor McGuffey's Table . UU " ,IU r Ib e tJuu 1UY Mh.lotl hu-'"I' 1J(~~ 11 tho slluutard to ril\' orilO h ' 11 fOllnd A' IIJlt.l' of 1111' same crl lllC' . Sudd · ltl y a lhought s truck film . He YOMh. ,hilt I III1<k .. nn'l.eUI.nor S3.CHI S:I.r.o :\1,,1 $4 .0(1 8hoe . " thllll ~ p."'ldeAI lI.1'I) "cher UlilllUrH.Ctttru r tn t he t111h o..l Rtu,t-t. tj" ~'U 'llf t). c: mllt ~ w. J... If'oned ov I' to tbe hectic ear at hll versity at Oxforll, 0 ., was U!:;ed by writ F; (;£'11 . .J. ~Ia"i!:ion nraltf', in th £' Saturrt ay Globe. It . UUl lIltili/' " ', r... n r' uglll8 aboti8 a huu~uh le i \1'or~i ovorY"'II(!-r~' ~uUI'lj' (;olllpanio ll , Doc tor McGuffey when h e com pil ed CAUTION' 1'1 ""6 ~."U"''' .. " 11,"" W. I_ n0n.IIl' TAKE N ' 0 SUBSTIY'UO y' ~EO' A t eig ht o'('loc1t III t.h e 1lI01'l1ing th!' 11 ~ • IlK t1l0 amt prWflllt""'p""l On the tHHI UIIi . "8 UIlJlOao I s houl(l- supose--'" th e r ead e r s that mad him famou s. your l1eaJ.er CMJ1DullU ppl , 1(~W' 1 ~ ,,' . I .. P Ol1gl • .- SlIOf"fI,_wrltu Co r Mal l Ur(ll:'r l 'a taloll. • • DCllJO.J.. A...tt. , ...... 8p.... rk 8 ...... IJrockc.oD, Alau... ~ II'. DoveI'll turn d and ga'v e him a TradItion In th e old college town or T weJrr It r '0 1'1I8 fo rnwd, wh ' " tit. co urt· stt'ody 10011. "I'd get somebody to Oxford Is that Doclol' McGu ffey buill m(ll'lia l proceeding" an rl th l' o l'tl e rs for AND GO AHEAD SLOWLY. Mean of He r. head yo u off." Ihls tab le himself. It Is octagonal In t h PXOC1lt iOll W('f(' reall t o each I'egi· m III by th o Ild julanl s. While t his 1\ll's. Ga ley (bnek from the moun' "~ h e mU3t be young." shape and has eight drnw e rs. Th talns )- Weil, my d aI', did YOll keep "Too youn! to marl'Y,· table r evolves on a pIvot. Doctor Mc· pal't or the c r . 1I any was being enart· o pell hom; dudll g my abse nce? "What age?" Gutrey was tor years a professor In ed, a sma ll column ot arrH eoJ men was Gnl oy (ea rnestly )-I s hould say t "Eighteen." Miami university, and whlle serving me nt by th e adjutants. The s us pe nso wns awful ns th e dIdn't.. Lou ise; wh y, th e r wasn't ai Th o ca r lied on up past Fn!r-mount l In that capacIty gathered the mate· ul gbt. l hl\t I didn 'l loclt the doors at park . The re was a full moon In the rial tbat made up his series at sc.h ool marchers a n.1 wagon IIrow n ear with lIln o'clock. sit)' tbat wove a pale fllterl.ng at light readen. He read ,n ewspapers, map· painfull y slow anti measureoJ I read, to Mr~. Galey- Yes? And Where dId' over the massed trees. As tbey linea, books and everything else that th ' spo t desIgn ated for til t rll gedy. Tbe three I)rl son 1'8, assIs t d by the YOII go th e n ? passed th e Wissablckon the tumbllng mlgbt furnish clippIngs which would soloJ le rs, lotler~e l (rom th \'e hicle to waters at tho dam gleamed white and ftt his reader Ideas. th gro unt! . . Those who admlr knowl edg tor tt., mn naged to send a note at Its barl. He had six at the draw.ers In his The 12 a rm t'!l s o ld ier s, 1\.\I\'anclng a own lIak ought to wish to see Ita ton Into the rattling car. revolving desk marked and when he e l m nts mad e nccesslble to alJ .--SSr; "A flne night for It," suggeBteli: found anythIng that be thought would few sleps, rnced tb e doom e d men. Wl11lam H e rs chel.' Tb e reael ln g finish oJ, wb lte band· HU lDe, hi s heart wa rming to his task. be serviceable for a reader he threw Mr. Boverll nodded, pulled out a It Into the drawer marked for that ag s ,,'er bound O\'er th e yes or th e fat gold watch . "Nearly ele\-en. That's particular reader. When he had ob- pri sone rs nnd wltb a rm s pinioned b . not very late. You mlgbt borrow a talned a lot ot material he invited hill el th e ir ba k s, I hey acb w e r 'm arle g uitar tram somewhere. I'll listen children of Oxford ove r to the col- to kn e I upon t he nlll I)" cons tru cted to you a little blt to see how you lege to hear him read ·'pleces." He coffin s-placed beshl e th eir g ra\' s. Til a moment the officer In 'ommand pe rform . Afte r tonleht let me know divided the children Into groups, ac· That'• . Why You're ommandedwh n you 're coming around to sing cording to age, and when he read of the firin g pa rt y Serb-Han No vo~ and I'll stay a way at the club. l'~ something that Interested a child ot "Rea.dy." "altu," " fir e! " and a quick, CARTER'S PhlloB'opb e~And now, after having o~T not much on mus Ic." third reader age he would place that s hnl'p \'olley so unding through 'a cloud UVER PIll5 revIewed all philosophy ",Ith you, or black SUlak , us t h rer,ort r ev rb e· , 'l'he old ~,nUeman nodd ed em. "Sure," re pli ed Burne oaslly; "nelth. pIece back In the draw e r No.3. When wm put' you riPt ·there Is only otte law that I can Jay phatlcally. Decaus:) you did . Bov· e r om r. ] us d to s ing In my board. one of hIs readl 'n gs Interested a child rn tl'.J ov(' r th e fI Itt Illte a s ingle s hot, hi .Iewda,.. Th"1do eril's my ll!lme. Elzi\'c r Boverll, ing house until Ihe gentle man below at fourth r eader a ge the piece would the bllntlfolel d . pInion d (orms , toUe\,· down tor your guidance. Stude nt- V, hilt Is that? lheir dutr. ca rn e up on night and otrered to go Into drawer NO.4. The same rule In g for a sln g l In s laut, Illche c1 heavi· C_ PhJlosopber- When you a re s ure throw me ouL You understand, h applied to a.U his reade rs. Fl.nally he Iy forward to mothe r arth . To mnk Ill y s to ry complet It will you are right, you s hould s u peet that ju t look a t an("y to do something toy bad the drawers filled wIth enough me, just a s you did . I s topped. how. matter to compile tbe series aud then be necessary to add the words of you are wrong. ........ bdiaeatMe, ever . not wanting to put him to any WIlS born the famous McGuffey read· Gener a l Sio utn In hIs a~ ldrE:,SS nt SlIAU rru.. SIWL D~ SIW.L PlIca Gettysb ul'g 'Jul y 1, 18 7, at th unveil· HIRAM CARPENTER'S WONDER· t roubl e." ers. Genuine IDIIItbeu Signature 1111'. Bo\'crl) s m iled. ''We get otr at Tbe old desk Is one of the treas· FUL CURE OF PSORIASIS. th e n xt co rn er." h e said. ures of MIami unIv ersity and cannot Th e Bovertl mansion was located on be bought Intere~tlng sums bave "I have been amlcted tor twenty a .blllsill e In 'I anayunk o\'er toward been otrered tor it, but the college years wIth an ob: t1n - te skIn disease, Roxborougb . It stood white and holda It as a sort of m edal of honor called by some M. D.'s. psoriaSiS, and stately In the s oft light on a terrace!! applied to its hIstory 8S an educaothe rs leprosy, commencing on my lawn. up whi ch clambered man~ tlonal Institution. scalp; and In spite of aU '1 could do, fllgbts of marble steps. Hume CaUght , - - - - - -- - . with Ut.e help ot the most sk.llful docbe compelled to pay to yoarkmdlord mOlt a breath at ndmJratlon at the plio r hard-e.rned proflta1 Own your OWD tora, it Blowl,. but surely exte nded un· farm. Beeur• • Pre~ Homeate.d In whlcb was not wasted on the owner, ARGENTINA'S ROCKING STONE til a year ago this winter it covered Maoltob... S.akateh_.n or " 'Tis pretty, Isn't. It Y" he said, "an~ my enUre person In the torm ot dry , Albert.. or pureh... land In one of the.. to thInk that wasted on a drug clerk It Noted Example of the Many Curioul scales. for the last three years I have dlatrletl .od .. ...ak • Toy. Found In Nature'l Won· - she's my only child." Tbe old tel. been unable . to do any labor, and I!rofitof $10,00 •• 512.00 • • -co •• derland. low's voice 6hool. a little. "I wish I sutrerlng Intensely all tbe time. EverY .very ,...... Lanc1 purchaae4 a could buy her half a dozen druS morning there would be nearly a dust· ,.. .II.ero .t 110.00.D Buenos Ayres. - Nearly every 10' cIeri,s unUl s he got Ured at 'em." panful 'scales taken fro~ the sheet acre hal 1'.0eDtl,. ch.o ... c1 hlDc1••• As they wall(e d through the streets callty has its lover's leap or some like on my bed, some at them ' halt as large '25.00 .D /lere. Th. of lhe suburb Hume visited man,. ot 8POt of local Interest, where sometime as the 'lnvelope cpntalnlng this letter. Crop. 1[I'0wn on th ... tbe deslli aed drug Blares until be hlt In the history at the world nature has I. n c1. "'.mull the' In the latter pal;'t of winter my skin e You can uPI?n 'a guitar that co~d be had. had her playgrouud and with the aid commenced crac!tlng open. I trIed Armed with this the two. plotters apo of the wind and raln has fashioned everythIng, almost; that could be the 80lld rock Into weird , fantastic proa h d t.he mansion. . thought Ot" wi,t hout any relief. The by c.ttl.ralalne.daJrYlDIr,mlaed , ' When they had climbed tbe thlr( shapes tbat at · once e xcIte o'ur adi 2th at June 1 started West, in bopes U{.\ItQIi. . . (armlne and .raln. trrowtna' In "Cuddle Up a Little Cloler." te rrace. ~r. Bo\'erll toolt a seat on all miration and awe. the proviDe•• M_ttob•• I could reacli the Hot Springs. .1 S ..... tchew.q Ath..... One of the most noted at these natreached Detroit and was so 10'" I •"wner · at th e Boverll cotton mills at Iron settee, and look ed t the summer Fre. homeat. .d alid preural fo!maUODS Is th~ rocking stone emPltoa .r .. a •••• W.II •• I.od thQught Isbould have to go to the Manayunk. You may have heard at moon while hIs accomplice stole held by railway .nc1 IlDd com. me." "" around to tbe deSignated window for situated near the c ity of Tandll. Argen· hospital: but finally got· as far a8 Lanpanle., will proYtde' bo.... fo.mlllloa.. . sing, Mloh., where J had D. siste r !lv· Hume .coughed apologetically. "You bls war);:. AcI.p .... l. .011. la_Idola I One Dr. treated me about , Ing. will excuse me, Mr. ' Boverll, but . Presently Mr. Bovern heard II ellmat., .pleodlil .choola two weeks, but dId me no good. All Manayunk haa 80 many millIonaires thrum of cbords and then a ratber ,\~:'~~~~r~I"~f..'!.d ~::~~~:. literature "La.~ B on W""I,'PboW that er-Hume Is my name, IIle J1,snnt t enor voice Ilngtng "Cuddle " Ready, Aim, __ " thougbt I bad but a short tim to live. to r eullb Ule COUD''l' Illld ol"-r parti cal""" .. ,.,'" lo ,8op' t of lulmlManayunk nil,ln mrselr," a p a Little Closer," an aIr then run· 1 ea rnestly prayed to. die: CracJ<ed IIraUon, Oll."", O.. DI\d .. , or 10 UM lug of the manum nt to th e ThIrteenth through the Ijkln all 'ove r m y back, "Good. I Size a man up Qui ckly. nlng In It popula r ml'.JIlcal comedy. 0Ana4IaD G<nummoal AeODt. Ne w j e r sey reglm nt on that fie ld, In across my rIbs, arma, bands, limbs; .Mr. I:Iume, that's the reason I'm now . "What a . night," murmured Mr. which he r efe n cel ' as tallow s to th e feet badly swolle n; too:.na!ls came otr; ",bere I am, I want to employ Boverll, "and his voIce Isn't bad, .tou- " tbough It seems to me live lleard execution above descrlbed:flnger·nalls dead and hard as t\ bone; III ". . . Tbe corps command r s had balr dead, dry and lifeless aEl old • "But II bave a profesaion." before somewbere." a li ttl e confere nce and agreed that straw. 0 my Ood! how I did s uffe r. "This Is an odd job, In a wav. Within the beavy window frame s th e y would take the matte r of the "My sIster wouldn't give up; saId, · ,Vott't 't ake up your professIonal t1m~. girl's bead appeared wIth tbe flrel wholes al desertions trom' the Army 'We will try Cutlcufli: Some was ap' I bave a dauj;btrr, 'Mr, }'hime- you notes, "Oh" Cran le~gh," she ' whIsper at the ' Potomac Into their own hands IpUed to one hand and ' arm . E ure kal don't Imow what a daughter Is, Mr. ·ed. '~you must go away, darling. I'm and pu t a 'ltoP. to It. Jt so happene d there \\'as reU et; stopped th e terrible Hume." The old gentleman's bust. expecting Pop home any minute" . "Ifind Cascarets 80 gQ9d that I would that I had nt that tim e t11r e or these bu~lng sensation from the word go. Dot be without them. I was troubled. neBS.like tone trnlled otr Into a Sigh. But ranlelgh's arms were abou~ lil Y co rps, ' They we rll t:·j d Tbey ImmedIately got Cullcura Re· great deal with torpid liver and headache. ma n In "I've seen tbe~." remarked the ber shoulder!!. "He's already here. "oung man. down on the third terrace. listening ' anll c\,nvl c te d upon · Incontestibl e vi· solYent, Ointment and Soap. I com· Nowsince tak.ingCascarets CaDdy Cathar. ~ to , me slng. " den ce and when we got to Lees burg, menced by takIng Culicllra Resolvent tic I feel very much better. I shsll cer"Oh, I mean to own one, bring her before th'e battle at 0 ltys burg, their tbree time a day after mea rs; had a tainly recommend them to my friend . . . up, let ber get to <the fool stage and "What. Cranlelgh," she 1rblspered I have ever seen." run ' ,.ou crazy ... • · In astonIshment . . "How dId YOU ge~ grav s .were dug and th e III Illaced bath once a day, water about blood the best medicine Annll B.zinet, at the head of tbe holes and shot. heat; used Cutlcura Soap fre ely; ap. "I don't know, what that ~s," ad- away tram tlle drug storeY" Osborn Mill No.2, FalJ River, M.... mltted Hume. Cranlelgh .· explained, struck h.l s BefoJ'e 'tiell o'clock I r eceived a m eso plied Outlcura Ointment mornIng and !lage from Mr. Llqcoln sayIng: 'lf such evenIng. Result: r e lurned to my Pleaaant, Palat.bltl, Potent, Tasta Goo<2. "Well:',. my daughter Belin thInks guItar again, Rnd once more Mr. 'g1 I hi h ' Do 0000. NeverSleken,WeBkenorOrtpe. ehe's tn >love with a drug clerlt In Bovertt hea.rd the lilt, "Cuddle up • a man . y ng s name , ' as not been bome In just sIx weeka from the time lOe. 2Sc. SOc. Never 101c1 In bulk. Thtl&eDU' , shot, YOU" will suspe nd th e sentence.' I len, and my skill as smooth 'a s thIs 1D0 tabtet Itampec1 C C C. UuulUltcec1 to RoxboroUgh . . It's rldiculou's . I asked 1I~t1e closer, lovey mine, .1~veY mlne.l sa t d own ' or_ your mODeT baCk. 1121 . _ Wonderful Roc.klng Stone. nn' d te Iegraphe,l 'Ule presl· sheet of paper. Hiram E. Carpenter, _cnare __ _ ~ _ _~ _ __..________ her wha she admired t. bout him ·a ny. This time it was In duet. and )\fr. 'Wa,.. Sh'; said sbe thought it was th'o Boyerll woqdel'ed. tina. This Is a p'lrfe.ctly bala.nced it e nt: :Th mall has been executed, Henderson, N . Y. · 'the above remarkable t estimonial .11 .1are-devJl way be diiug. her sodas. K-I-n-g-'s-GIo-v~e-H-a"-n-d, boulder of immen8e size, 80 lodged pur u8nt to hIs sent noe.' ".Just before ' 1 de pru·teel wltll my 11'88 written :January 19, 1880, and Is w. ,"II 'ouboWI .... She's so young I . 1 told her sbe It Is not gen l:\rally ' k.nown that Kin, tbat it .can be rocked wlthou~ . fear of fol' the west· renubJlshed because at th e permnn. ..."boo •• ",o,k.t prt .... couldn't · marry him. , She ' saId she ~eorge's custom of appearIng wIth Its falling. Probably It 'Was ' .tormed ~o. rps tl'~m . I Wnti~tington . b· I~· Wrlk r,,, ret. ,..QMI aa4 ern army w n ,0 , c1 Mr. LlnQoln ency t.b e· cure. Under date of April ' wMtlnpoel1n. wpUld. I've ' had ber ', inotber and HIs l'ight lIand gloved and th e other by the dissolyl~g or wea.rlng away •• SABEL fI' ION" aun,t tell her , 'she sbouldn't, ' but· bare tlas- Its origin something more a sotter stratum of rock, IEll!oving · tbe good·by: . It WIl8 th e last time I e ver 1111, 1911', Mr> Onrpent.el' wrote from his ~'i.~~ l.T4... I believe she will. Then 1 bit on my t han n mere 'W hIm at fashion. The harder portion to ' maintain tts eQulllb- sa,Y him:. ,A s r: e tltered the ' room he' . present honi,e , 610 'Walnut St. So., oa.1d to ' ru , hardly waiting for me to Lansl):'lK, Mich.: "I , ,h ave never But,' w.... ,.....lIMHi_ acheme; I!.:lfl thE\~ \:J .where YOu' come wea ring of n glove on Hie tight hanu rlum on ' a curved sUI·face. . ' .i_," \ gr at blm , '0 nemi g'lpCllnJ, We last (ered a return at the psorlas ls and aI· ~~,_~_~,~~~~~~~~~~~~. III by n rn.onar.c ll Is 1\ dIstinct s nrvlval ot HU,m e 'Ioolted at the ald " tenow's the' IIY b tI ,tnes!$~e ~llat' I r ecelve(J Cram you ,&,ave thouJh.: many :ye~rs' have passe~ I .h.l1ove !ll~ m?~e lIai~\ Iha? n.nY ~hl.l~g thll~ bas ttot., torgotte~ the : terrible sllf{erh'~ g I ' K,!sh~d , ~ace u,n!1 er ~e a rcltght, atter \Vss [bUel~ ~ ~1~ l\ l~ ~~:.~~~~~a,!~U~~. A Vilrrab le Lake_ e tl sInce l.. to.o~ m y II a~ as llres· , endu;ed b efore , using the CuUcura ' · , .. , " . this burs t' of aonndence. ' . ..)" ' ~.I,~dS at ~Is~ns:e~i , tl.Bpecially scrotula. Wn.ship~Oti.-Lo.lte Oh ad in ' Afrlc a ' .0 C,tI1;t nt.' 1 'w,as .astoplsh. d. a.t his words" REo~d1eB:' . ' . '. '. : T~nu yo, u ever .d,reamed. ~lbl edocora\l1~g 'ltle '(~'What:; am J to do? i" . , " '.In, th~ days 'W~I~~. at' eer.lpln ,d"t~ ls..·pec Jlllar, ' . Its: ~p.u'gel! are a puzz~e , nod ll~ld ",rth ..,8urprjs~, 'Mi'; T,.IncQln, r . ' . ~blDa , burnt·wood, metal, p,IlQ\\'·toPS, etc" "\y~ll~', wben s.~~ .told ~e B .' sOdo.' I~ wae, custolDary (or hundred", of · sIck to, I;colo~8tS. ' I~ ~90" in thE\ ' J1oftb- it.on ·t reruetp·ber · .what' was It 7 '· Said 1, rn.lnranC6 g' ives ""'eater f r t'e"om In an c~lon; (rom pholographs... ~ eh success, ' . ' , .. . . '. • ......... D' .. ful (IS women. Leilrned at once; uo talent ~JJDg~r< lOo.k9tl dar&~evll ' r. decided men and ' mendicimts ' ot all kInds Illrn ~u.rt sbips were s.aUtng across It; right then ',to fight . a dare-devll ',:wlth ~e: t~ld ' out In tbe <lOUrty.e,t1\ (J( Joyal . tpl.\,r ; y~rll J ater, cara.va ns ~e're t crC?li&; 11~, You w. ~ tip .tbw.-e at LeE!sburg, uttO\'a\llce ' than ,Inspiration, und fa required. Takes like ' wildfrre' everywhere. Send st~lmp quick for prllticuhlr$. . :' ftre, .1 1000K41d' you over, 1 'Uke YOUr lUllacell awalttng the hoallf1c 'toucll{ fnr; it c.n dry land., ·I n ~Ize il:S ~urfaoe nnt. 1 ! te)ef;raJlh.~rl y~u .t o SU~l)end tpe oft,e~ . mistaken tor, i,e. , o.lLyA.LLA~CJ!: com.A!iY, lWcba.rt. JacL o~t, BJ}t,t.- ~n, Hlll,ne.! I .,Wallt· Jo.U ' of the "anQlnted Q,r the Lor'li'" ~on- .tll ·al5out equa.l.~ P4ln~IlYI;y,a¢a¥d Ita 8 nt nee .lor a ; man .wbo ""$, ClOn~ ':'-7""-'--:- ~' --_. '-'~ ~ pJtcb I~ now: Ilnii m~ko ~at ~J'Ug archs found Jt.' neoel,ilsa" to 1t'ear a ayera~ dtipt\:lla '~ve\ feet. Eveb · ~e. de-!lme!l. to de~t!t ~11d. th~ ",Ite ' tpld sfll. ' You .cannot lqve ~utb · .and . fight ' 'sat, hete a.to thla1",. t"ble. ~OQ1 PITgNT' 1""tlnvanthj~, FrtlO Jliie1lm1o. " of t)lat man " . .In thluklnc: . ' ,117 leareb. ·Bi>o.kIeL !roo. MiLO ~l.rk as dead .aD 1s8~~ as. fi'ee ·· .UY~~. glove 'In, ora~r tb' ell~pe j~feetloJi 'Wind. BUmp. ,to .Ob~l1ge tta· level , to· ter oPpQ.lte ' Jl1e , lUl~l ~A , open.fjtur ' .• ,. . III 8 ~.I:j'r~VIiINI> · W ,S Ji: .... b..1\MMo or abo~tJon. Can ~~tl ~ln.c-1Jl..,.~r a' Thus &rOa,e , t~e bablt whloii 4urt~, s~ch , aD, extent aI , to Bubmerge . ' or ' te~.grliphtQ IUl!Iw.eJo and-, read It to - .- ar.,'WIII8Iow"• .8Ootb1hc $Jrqp, . UUl. ~, ~qIOD; - DearbotD ,"-' CII1_ pltar? . ." IDodern ,times bu ~' TDtCr a' ~re I.... 1M?rt10Ji. of lta ahoreB. It Tb,"-' ~\d 'he, 'cilUlIed me wore r:=141.'U1~IONDlta~ .. *_,Ia- WANTED 000 mbl, WOIlltlll .1Id eblldroD to bIl~ 11 :A IlW. ltlt... ·.. :. " -" (ad .of fasbloD, tb. eipjGcaace of ~. '.ntJre17 ~4.pendent of tile , I'1M1'8 ttiem. ahf ,tball al.mQBt'an~bJDI. that has OQ" . UoII ,J' , ' GoUc. lI50 a bOw... , ll.Iion poa, cardl.11lG. Gold JlmboaioMl, 1~ "UU''''' ......... .'forlollla4-QD"'D~ ••• lIIIoo7il."a;ciIC.,.,...,... . ~~ I fallC7 II ~wIq aoc1u . "'~I"bb" . loq beea ~ ." _ . ~t OOw ' ,Dto. W. Atlaaatl• .. &D!1 til. CU~ since 1 .beeame pteaftla·t of Ut, A _ ~~, II _ , i. j '. • q f ". ~ aPltar . .4. ~ '~tJ- ot J!IIOpJj . .....~~.... . .
Your Liver is Clogged,up
Whj Rani a Farm
lAZY ll'·ER
ON"rv.. , :o
v.ate« SlaW.:
. . . . ..
W. N. U.. OINCINNA'tI. "0.
~~~~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
•• ••
Th;-Neighborhood -News
:: ::
The Poulty Show'
. Edgewood
Jo~.;).>#~oj ~~ (~D·....; ....I~....~'~... ~)..;~;. .1...: ...y. . . . . . . .•....•..., ......":'\....· •.......... e·.·........... ·n'"......'a~...,.s"':...rpee...gn....o:..e~..r·....Ii·.a........·b:...·o·.·m·.....·e...• ....·'....·r.....o-..m·.. la~ ~:~hbn~th~1...8•!tr!rcSdo'bn:s~ :~ ntm:d:lt:'",nu~I::rlats!:i:~.a:rW·~O.k; . ......
Mont, ~tuUlp lind
f~lIlily who bave a. pleasant vis" wUh LebiulOD r • Preaobing at tbe Ridgeville Uni li ved in AlntJlllnll tlJ e pllllt tWi) years tivee. v·er8801iat onorob was held last Sun A '" I V II I t . . "'I 14 bel Sh od t i t I II vo .. t L ",pr ng Il y !Ill ~ ee... w 99 a elwo .pen al day'by the Stat~ Superintendent, 0 .
Mr . .Jt bn R eve9'~r. eDt r taioed week as the gues' of ber sleter in G. Oolgrove, of GreenvUle, Ohio . , Mre. W. W. Orane. Wbo 1I08lded ,.)1 i1dr(ln , tl f Jam t!~OW Q i Jobn C lI' . Myers, ot MIns~r, paid a ber lett limb Ie getting along 8.8 well H'1(1ve , o f Dayton. lInll Will RelIVes brief vleit to bis danghter bere $hIs lUI coold be expected. wife IIDd !lon of t,his plll O1. wAek. LiUle Vall Cook 80n of Jlftnes Ednor B Olld bftll " ooopted II. pOlli MI1I8 Nalle Brown returned last C .. b be ill / t \l'1\ R!I OlltlblSr tit P ort William wee k to bel' home in Tex.as, after aD 00.. a. en :s:.y. . Erne!lt Urton !lnd wife, of Dayton, extended visit with Mre. t:ine Siler· Utica lire ~neats of Geo. Vetter", tl.nd wtre. wood aod famt17 bere. Mre : Eugene KAnt aDd 80n lind Cedrio Bradbury la in Lebanon, ru. Cbarl!'8 Evan- and dllnghter where be ball a poaitlon with the The !ltls8lonary Rally at tbe U. B. .. C ohurob Wl&S a very enjoyable service spent New Years with their parent!!, Ore",onla Bridge ompany. M.re Jennie Philips relld ao eelloy w. V . Luoe and wife !'he Infaut .on or Prof. and lain on t.he Difference between Duty MI88es Ollie Imd Lllliao Anabee William8 Is reooverlnK from ... ~ere and Privilege. Mr8. Jessie (Juetlo, were gue8ti during the holidays of attaok of bronobiti8. Tbe Field I. the World. In the absprinKfield reltitlves MIIl8 Mabel 8htlrwood baa re senoe of Rev. Wilson, wbo wall to Mrs D. W . Ana bee and dl\ughter turned her scbool in Miamisbar, bave preaobed the missioDary 8erOlive were Dayton IIboppere ' 'fuea. Tbe J"nuary busln8R8 meetln, of 9"00n, tbe pa8f,ur preaohed tbe serday. the t: E 800iety wtll be held Frldav mon o Mr. Alonzo Ennis, of.ConnertlVilIe, evening at the home of 6,1i88 M..on. Prof J . M. Surfaoe, or Barris. [od ,epen' the bo\ldl\YM with bis •- • borg, Penn. who hae been vl ..Uing '.uother, Mrs. Fronk Thumpson. New Burlington hie mo'ber, Mrs. Marla t:iurfaoe, Mies Bessie Oglesbee spent the hal returned home. . holidllYs witb Bowersville !riende LvII!! M.orris and MI.. Martha. Mr. hank Mod80n and \Vlfe, of Mise BIlnnab Hruper , of Berea, Ba.Aft were marri- A by'D- v AmOR Sabina, were the gueets cf Bev tl.nd Bugb Uarper , of Oxford. "pent Co;;;' at hift reald';;oe I:UXenla on lIoKenale lllet week. tbeir VIiOlit.iO U witb tllelr parents Wedensd8Y of lut week Wm . 1I0yer hilS gone on bis week. Protraoted 8ervioes wt\1 beRin M.r8 . B. W. Kelob and datllbter, Ij 'pilgrlmage to Dayton. 'L'uttlday nIght at tbe M . P. obnrch Josephine, bave rtlturned to 'heir Rev. MoKenzle and Jamel Blaok Mr8. (;has Oglesbee and dliogMer hom~ tn t:bioago. made" boslueaa trip to Wilmington, Irwa retornod l .. at week: from a via. 'I'be Mutoal telephone oompllllY W.'hlnKk>n C . B , CIroleville. Chili. I~ in l'roy,IlDd Mr . Chu Oglelbee have put up aUne weet of \own. ooSbe and Wnerly 198' week. retarned from Texa s . Flora aud WilUam aarlan have Mrs. FlorenceHtern,of Xenia, who .• 14 h • f Oi lIlary otA was t e Kue,. 0 n returned to tbelr IObool work In b·.... "~n ...,., visiting ber f"'her, . . . ...... ... rt'· n Miamisburg. Erasee hall retarned home. oioRllti frilmds laet week. TheM'lIl1es Aul\er80a and Pearl Chu.MoKinney.ad fami1ybave Kn,Charlea t:rOHI~on'he aiok Col vi" wer", holidliY guests of Misa moved k> their farm aear Spring liet. Bllnnab Harper. . Valley. UleDn Brazee la oarrylng hi. "fm Mr. ,James BootoQ a.nd dallHhter, Alva Blair wOD a mloroeope at ~ 'Ia a ouing or plaster paris tbe re Ad ... "ho are working tn Dliytoa shoo\tngmatohiD Deyton lastw..., 80lt of aa aooidftnt. apent SundltY at bOlDe. it belal the a800nd prise. Wm. RIol1 sold a ,800 bunob of The D. of R . held a watob meeting Seven 1 of 001' ol'izeD' par"ol- bOil 1M' week. Sa'qrdllY night ,,' the I O . O. F. pateel 10 a fox drive wbloh centered • • • . ball. near Barney Lewl.· place eMt ot Spring Branch Mias CIII:ra Bmltll ill visitin~ bere. Batnrday. Spring old reln.tlves. Th D I.~ .... 1 b I ._ Elders GPOrKe A Bre~z and Eddie e e - :.. pao ..a wall en_r· 1a f dl ..... d" The. Jr. 0 . U . A M. will hoi d ,ained by Mlea Ja.e hlne Bee~es uar n,o In aOI'. _r. an ..n tbelr anollal banquet in the Town 8tatordayafternooa. ;Fney lWlDoaaoe .ObarJee Rye. ,Mr. and Mr8. E. MorHall Thursday nigbt. a proviaioD eale for Dex~ Satarday PD. Mille. Alice Chenoweth and Mra. Donaldson and dauRbter afternoon. ~rtedha;ond Bey.a. smdltb wbereNe'~bter. wert! gUtlsta during the hoUda:va of • _ • _n ..... ~w Mrs . , y Ih lin her dQQghter, Mrs. James Coirelt'. AutiD and famtly. . Leater Peteraon and wtte took Harveysburg. Mn. .Uada t:i~ltb had ll8 Her Illes' }ItDner New Yeare with John Hood, ' Tueeday.' George A. Bretz an.d al1d family. ltobert· Ool1e~~ wu remembered ~r'ha Sml~h. )Ilea Leah Flammer spent the by nine hundred aad ninety-nine of Alice Ohenowesb entertained M.... boltdaYlln Lima.. b111 tllend., eaoh .teadio, him a Ida Mo~.damlt...of Dayton, 00 108t , poet·card 10 remembraoce of hiB Toeeday'and wedne88day night. Mhtll Myrtle Ennl8 of W.O •• 18 btrthday Mr. ()Olle" la • IIreat ' M Ad D k1 h bee fI eel tbe Jr lltl8t of frtendll here: admirer ~t po8~oarda and wl.bee to to t~:'hou!e f~r ' :woUwee:aO::: o:er . Mr. and M.n. Ray Eagle and 800 tbank tbeae thoughtfal frt~. . wlib grip, but i8 maoh bet$e~ at 'hil! took N.w Yean dlnaer witb D. W. '... . Id R 0011 ... t ' ........-.. bul. wrltia" . - She en~rt&lned her "raad Anabee and family .1 A.rno. e •• r a a _ t v U . " .. ... ""I .... I ' f b Deula Day too Ba,ttlrday. mother, of Mt. Bolly. and Eddie ~ _n . ., ora . _ ..oa 8 " . aliI 0 ' e ; . ' a.,lley. Frlendl ohurch beld tbeir anllual Allred Edwards wu "he go.t of M J B Oh th th 1- -- - banqftt Friday IIlght at the' home Mr. and Mra R . O. Weet, of XeDta, . rta. f· • Lead°taw,e A '!'tlUl I ~ U U d . ~.... . S d goel 0 aun. Y UI. a ..... Monday DlgM. of _l88 _au 80ltoa and -rf. _ta· 1}n ay. nle ~tma. Our oouaoil ta in.etltiR"tlnll tbe Mr. and Mrl Thomll8 Hese and ._!II,n . Geo. Benson is 00 the slok dUferent kl~da of lt8hu tbat will be family entertained Jndllou BelS and I .. . lint table for our I'reets, aDd at tbe 1IV,ife. of Day too, last week. 8lUDe' 'ime it will be ne0e8aary for . • - • them to inveatlgate what tbe, will . Mr. Daniel M.otglin aQd lion Jue / The .ketch D_,noa.d. pay for tbem with. were olilUng on Mt. Bolly rel .. tlvu Wlan. tile curtala w.nt up at. Sunday afternoon, aaIl~. J&Ce OIl the nudenn. pla7let. 'Uarry WUaoo. James J . Butler Mr. Guy Ohenoweth speDt ~tur. a W"P~WUlow .lac4r , '~wa" III and 80D, ~"wart. of DaytoD. were day ntght with hia frieDd RUllltflil . ' 80ft, cUq1n, w.. dl'OOYered goeets of the Oentral ~otel 8unday~\. lIor,an HatecI aloa. _eton til. red.1utAJra·. Mr. aod lira . .Pearl Stewart aDd. . lire. J . B Chenoweth and d.ughUaItt.iar.p1aoe III the cUmlr·Uahtecl Mr~ Bnd Mr•. Wm. Wrl8ht, of WU. ten Bertha aDd France8 and lion ....wtq·rooll1, ot a late NOYember miDgton, apen' Son day tbe gnes& of Jacob were ~ntert.lllned to Sunday ' w ......, . Mrs. Mildred Eagle and J. G. Macy . dinner by Daniel Morgan 'and fam. <~t ~. It,~ wht.pered Gal.r . Oft d' B ... I I' wi h ~1· to .sa wu.. u . b. re.clle4 tor Ille bat: . ~....Y'mon rOOd a meet ng , !If. • _ ...- - - . "'rIll ' 1QIq OIlt to .~ a man tor laalt ~<?od suo~in ~t8 ahow boslnNft. HOW PHAROAH WAS DROWNED _ ~ cu do the weeplq tOl' With 'be a88's'tI.~oe of O. 14: Ed- , ~., ~t"-mutr.t.4 8uada7 Kaa. I wfrd8 and R . O. Oamer, wbo wilJ ~ . . ~; . •make it their futore work. C.'ored Mlnlater 'n.lat~d ' Elyptla.,. arok. Throv,h Ice After Children of '.,..al Had Croaaed.
~ t w Y&l\rfl ,.Orll .ite ves, wife BDd Bethel.
: . \/I
. 1(.0
fl. H. Wad8Worth, 1st., 2nd., Srd~ cockerel, 1st. 2nd . and 8rd. hen, lat., 2nd.. cockerel. .tie on 1st. lIlt i 1 ttl t puMet, s . pa r, s. rlO, s. pen. rs. J. B. Chapman, Srd. pen (young). W. J. KUbon, tie on 1st. pullet, 2nd, and 3rd. pullet, 2nd. pen (youn a )
tracted large audience. Their - - - - - ' - - -.- - -...-. - ~Isimplicity of manner. and quaint cos · FOR tumes . together with t he sweet blend. 1\
, iog.t their voices made an evenina' ,. A RM-A I!f) d i u rlll. g od hon. II (\f rare entertainment. Miss RamS: 6\,0. ji'tll' till:.\11r liod . oill vur ~ A" ' l den, as a reader ShOW8 marked abiH· furrli b ~d . l oq \1l1 tl tit tUI>t !.,IllCtl . ty an~ the applause she received proved her hearers appreciation. Th . M . LO T e ' . I.s com,any appeared 10 USIC Mrs. B. V. Smith, 3rd. cockerel, Hall. Cincinnati, Monday night.
, This is ~ chance to get best Syiup eheaper' than you' ever 'bought at befo~~·. ." 'R E# .' 'BARGAIl~J
1l'LE- Uetween RI.bt Bet 11A 1RR1 ett,'s resldenoe no l...y t ie . II
lfiude r will le(,ve lit t·hill offioe . FOUND
t,lltl Utl.yt,ou L:vUe pi ke and t:euttlrvillfi . OWD tlr olin hlH8 Slime by CAlIln!;; on C L 'l'ewell, R D 5, WIl:v ne ,·illp, Obio, lind prf) ving property . pi~"
aen, 1st. trio, 1st. pen, 1st. cockerel. S C REDS • . O. K . Poultry and Supply Co., 1st. cockerel, 1st., 2nd. and Srd. pullet, 2nd. cockerel. let. pen (young). H. H. Wadsworth. Srd. cos:kerel, lat. pair (young). Mrs. Clint Ross, 1st. cockerel. 1st. h 2 d 1t . en, n . pen, a. pall'.
Henry Kunker, of Morrow, had a fine display of Barred Rocks at the potltry show. Mr. Kunker is a fine gentleman, and is an enthusiast in the poultry busine~. He has the Ril1g1et Strain of Barred Rocks, and took premhims on all of .them. He
FOR SALE --------------TOBACCO 'l'RANSPLANTER. N~arly new i in gnod i'h n ptl , Inquire of L t: . .~ t. John, Vu lle y phone ii7-3,X' , W~ynf's vi1le, Ollil).
OAR-Big BhlCk P olnnd ChiD Ii, weigllt. about 350 poands, in had one cockerel that scored 94.. and R. C. B. MINORCAS he surely was a fine bird. Mr fl oe onnrilti on. Iuqulre of Lt!!lter SurfllOfl R I) . 4, Woyt1e8ville, Ohio. W. J. Kilbon,lst. 2nd. and 3rd. Kunkerspentthreedaysattheshow, puUet, lat. coc~erel. 1st. pen, boung) and sold quite a lot ofstock and eggs. OR E ~~HorR es for Rille Rln gly 1st. hen. • ... or lD pairs. Inqutre or J. B. ChIlPWIlD, Wllynesvllle, Ohio. H. H. Wadsworth, 1st. and 2nd. M.E, SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECTION cockerel, 2nd. hen, 1st. pair. At the anuual meeting of Sunday ,NURSERY t;TOCK-When y ou WilDt Ilnytbing in the wav of BUFF COCHINS School Board of the M. E; church first-olass trees, fl owers, eto., 0,,·1\ Q. A. C. Tomlinson, 1st. and 2nd. held last Wednesday evemng, the J N . Mlnar HtlrveYllburg, Ollio. l hen. following officers were elected for :t'elepbooe 33 2X r .
Mrs. E. S. Bailey, 1st. cockerel, C. M. Robitzer .... ..... Superintendent 1st. pullet. C. A. Bruner .....Ass'tSuperintendent H. H. Wadaworth, 18~. hen. Miss 'Elsie Ha~t.sock ........... Secretary CORNISH INDIAN GAMES Raymond Davis ............. .. Treaaurer 'a t pen ,'young) Miss Helen Hawke ......... ... .. Orpnist G H Dakt·n,l . Mrs. H. E. Hathaway ......... Chorister s. c. w. LEGHORNS Miss Lizzie Stewart ...... ..Home Dept. O. K. Poultry and Supply Co •• 1st. Miss Edna Jannev .... .. .....Cradle Roll' 1st,/and 2nd cockerel, 1st.• 2nd. and Miss Minnie Satterthwaite ......... .. Srd. pullet, let. pen. Missionary Supt. . Mrs. E. S.: Bailey. 3rd. co~kerel, lat .• 2nd. and 3rd. hen, 1st pair, 1st. trio (younr). 1st. pen. Mrs. A. J. Thorpe, 2nd. pen.
I . .... . . .. . . . . . .
K. E. Thompson, . 1st. Ie·t. pair. 1st. pen.
Barle l!.'vans, 1st. and 2nd pen. BROWN LEGHORNS
Amos AU.n. lat. 1st pair. 1st. pen. L. Nkholl'lOn, 2nd. pair. BOURBO~
Mrs. E. S. Bailey, lat. J. C. Wilson. 2nd. WHITE HOLLAND TURKEYS
W. C. Welch,'lst. and 2nd. INDIA. RUNNER DUCKS
Mrs. J . .B. Chapman, First . . J. C. H~wke. Second. ( PEKIN DUOKS
QUlCK: S nd t.en ooin, RDd a twn oenS IIt.Hmp, ond I will t~ll yon bow t o get; rioh B bx 99, Corwin, Ohio . RICH GE1'oentll in
30 with hOrBe ond bug· M ANgy paet to "'fill Mtook ormditlon p ow . ' d~ r
In Warren Co unty. Slil!UV *70 per m<\nl·b Addre s 301 U nit;y bldg., India.napoJts, lndiHna.
Now ~s the right -e - - time t.o sub ZIMMERMAN'S R ioht tor !'be Miumi Gazette orib~
Good 1'hings to 'E at You will always find the best here Sweet Florida Oraoget!, Grape Frmt, TI\ogerilles, iJl'ulon8 . Ext,ro. fllDOY Apples thlll wt-ek 'I'he fRnch st· Cran he rJif'II, J urn bo Oalery,thllse !tood (.YIlt.erR, &he dllinty Edll~mon',s, Nnw White Fish. '/lDOY flit Mltok. eral, porf1 Bl10le wheMI 010. t.ime t:\o uer Krlluf., another flhipment. of ,.h nse 8oft.shell Enullsb Wlllntit,p. QriedFrDlte of illl kit dtl,BtlWHitlln Pine Appl A, LIIlPiuontt 's Apple But. ter, B tl.i~z·8 lit.Me 8 ?\l fiAt. Plok "'8, B '!IDlI '@ O,wned Fru.itll, 'fbe BeAt' t:offfles and <lUr pi i ops are 1'lM Ii t Give all yoor. Q,der~.. lInd \\'e wl1l treat vou right "od E'tlva you monflV . . It pays to trade at
Choosing Silver Artiatic des...
correct .ty Ie, brilliaat
fitWh. combiucd With hoaat value, maIre
.184l tile choice 01 di.:rimiDatiqpun:huen.
nil Dame to-day Itanda for Ihe heaviest stade of plAleaodaquiai\ebeauty Of pebenlt, •
1ea11·of teI~ '1111iJKboD. Ita remarUble durability hu woo it ,the popular tit1e
"- Tbere la' a .tOI'1 or an old colCl"M "SilHr 71111# '''al W,an.·· imtalate.r, which I am tond of telllil" • • Sold by leadl .. that Wuatrate. wbat I mean. The old EASTI;RN ST~R dea l... eve,,· fellow wu tn'lnc to explain to a Bun· when. lead to. (2101_ aar acliool cia.. ' bow It' WaR aDd wby "O-L,It.bowlq ~he Eastern star met ' M~nday It wu that Pbaroah and hla party ala ,.lIeoo .. we,. 4rowne4 .wbell ther were tr)1nc evenin'l' fn r~lar seesion. After ~""""to.. ~-o... to cl'OIa the Red aea" ud ' lIow It w.. bUlliness a social hour was indul~ed Notice of Appointment . e -. .IIIr*,CI& aDd .wb,. It wu that the .C hUdrea of in durin~ which a de1icioualunch waa -..I ' 1.....1 CI'08II~ oyer 4rr .• laod. ne Bat,... of i\fary E . Compton. decNlled. I·I ....IW. . . . . . .~~• • The undersigned b.. been appointed and I . old mlDI.ter explalae4 It III thla wl.e: aervwu. qu.llfted .. Admlnlltrator of tbe eBtate of ""!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!!!!!"!~~ uWhea the Irat partT euae as.,.. It - - -... ~. 31uy E . Compton. late of Warren CoUty. Ohio. = decelMd. wu earl, In the morabls _4 tile loe Contemplat'on.a i Part of Life. Dated this InI day ot Janu&r~, A. D. 1911' . . HORAOE F uOMPTON , "u bani and thick, ud tile tlrIt paftr We ar. In such haate to be dOing, . Admlnlstrotor. had no trouble crOaalnc onr' OD the to be writing. to be ptherlnl lear. to Ic., but whell Pb&ro&h ud b" party ,malEe our yolce audible a moment In I,,,!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!!!!!,,!~~!! came alouc It wu 11 o'clock \II tho the d.rillYe .nence of .eternltr. that I; clQ' _d tbe .UIl wu ·. blDI.., bot Oil we for,.t the one thin". of which tile Ice, aDd wben ther sot OD the Ice theae are but the parta-namelt. to It broke, ,.u. ther ~eDt to IiD4 we... .11"8. We tall ID loye. we drink bard, 4iroW1led. < we run to ud fro upon the .Arth Now, tIlere bappened to btl In tbJ • . 1Ike fr",htened .heep. And now you clu. a rqull' coloNel maD ,wbo bact are to. uk roureelt It, when an t. bad ccm.atclerable .chooIlDC. :&Il4 tilt. cIorie, 10U would not ban been better 7'0II1II tell~w tuna.eli to the old lIliDUo , to .It b7' tbe Ilre at bome and be ...~ and .ald: ;bappy, thlnldn". To .It atm'.nd ·conNow, IIr. IIlnlater. I .do ~ot ude... '. t.mplat.-..to· remember the tac.. or. .t&Ildthat killd or explanaUon. I hu. women wlthoutd ..Jre, ,tQ be pl.a.ed be.D piq tQ achool ud b!lye . beea I with tbe areat n"". of meD without .tu4JlD1 all theae cODdIU~ ~ m7' ""7, to be enrithlnc aDd eyef)'. '~Ph7 luch.. me that Ice ~oee wbere ·ID. .Jmpatbr-I. Dot thl. to not freaH wltblll a ce~ cUatuce no. both wl.dom u4 YI~e and to ~ . ~. ,,1I&tor." ' . _ , ." . dweU wl,~" happlneia~-Frqm Robert . n."014 mtnlmr · repll~. _~ow• .:t.uula StevenaoD'. "Walklnl Tout• •" r.e Wan Ul*lUDI eOmetJljDC J~ ~ I. . ' . • W.. alwa,.. ' lODle . fenow ' .' .Nad.7 to .pHe all the theolorr. TIle , PrimItIve Lif. ·8.~lnl. '. ume r .. ·taWll . aboUt wu before' iller JbpecUeliti for .&Vlni ·lire and .limb . bat' Jqptphl.. ,or 'qator. either.'" . . &iDOD,.the 'ppor u.s manr ~d o~ -~"'!"~'.~. N~, ~Ie 'old .man, ·11i.bll: plalo ani . ''WIlr do ' rou .tretch YbQ.I' ,ol~.. !ij)2~~;=r~~i~~~:'~:f . aIm,l. wu ~ to bruah u14e' be.o cloae to the ••11,.. uJd a IJ '. bowuJed"oD .alI aluaclallt)- u~ to,.et. cs.0wn' to,~ cu~.omir wbo '~Iad. . pOked .·ber . ' 1'OCk. . 80 It wa.. with me.-BoQker '1:; .ilaroqb the wub.erW.o mall'. blck . . W~ ' 1Il World'.'Wor1 ·. . . . ..,,,' to . . . .bat,r~~ of· . SIll.. 1 ' . " .. •. , b&cl. to 4r1 th. cfot,h.. ·lD:.' ~ ~Q ~t. tile iScl• .or .the ~~. ::;~~==: Iomettt'ni' ~ Be' P;wd ucl . ' .. . .. "WII.at II .au~ '1 0 :.tu~ up a~DU'" . . toPe 'aiD't ' far, ·tIIe tIM. ~ sa / ~'t70U bOW' 8Jae~. a triad Of .....IIaI. .-
- - - 9c - - 17c - - 33c
••- - -
J. C. Wilson, First. Mrs. J. W. Edwards. Second.
10c can White Syrup '" 25c bucket White Syrup. .J _45c bucket White Syrup
- -•• -
H, H. Wadlworth, 1st. cockerel, THANK YOU' BOYSI 2nd d 3rd h 8rd k . an . . en,lst. pen, coc· W . . erel e are under obhgatlOns to t be J. Kilbon, 1st. and 2nd. cock. O.hio State Fair board .fo.r an invita· t t d b t C I b erel, 1st. and Srd pullet, 2nd, 1st. IOn ~ atten a anque.In 0 um u~ ben, 1st., !lnd. pen (younar). to.da~ . . Also t.he Ohio .. Canners Mrs. B. V. Smith, 2nd. pullet. A.~'10ClatlOn, w~lch meets In Dayton thIS week. OWing to a pressure of WHITE ORPINGTONB business, we have decided to remain H. H. Wad.worth. 2nd. and 8rd. at home and dream of the good cockerel, Srd, pullet. 1st. pair, 1st. things others will have the pleasure pen (young), 1st. 2nd. and Srd. pullet of enjoying. W. A. Surface,lst cockerel, 1st. - •
Cbis W¢¢k Only
TYI!OLI!~N VODLI!RS~~~~i~~~~ •
~~~o~~a~;:.ea;,~~;~~,~~:.:~~ ""i~:~.'x;~:::r.~~~,:::~·,~,';~::,:~;!~·~~
M·;...\·.... Ed· ... •·....
.r ....
............................ ; .... ; .... ; ....
The third number of the Le~tufe
Guardian'. Sale of Real Estate·,
'l'b.... w.,.
.,- . . . . . . . . . .~ .!!II...- ...................Jill ~,., a fIt_ GlUte ........:... .. tlrIt -e..o. . '" ":"~-
III CIIII . . . . . . .... ... !!;"..;;:~ .;......~~
BIX I'Y."' l1t ~ 'r YEAR.
18, 1911.
C~ ~ !.;~~~~'~i~~~;t~ ~~~~===] bI~~~I;a:;';;;~;~;h~:~t ~~;: ;:t~,:~o~:;:;;y~~~~~;~
The Standard·bred trottpr, bred well. was born in-Virginia Nov em".. poultry I give below the correct win· Frank Zell was in Dayton Thursday. Mrs J H Coleman is qu itesick . for sp<'ed only, Crrec us as the g rpat· ber I, 1 34 . and died in Harveys. nings as shown by score cards anu E rnest Robinson has been on the M,'s. Mal'k Davis i'l c') :l ... i Itlr,lb lJ est example. Also, the Sh ~ tland po· burg, 0 .. January I, 1911, being 76 $ecretary's book: sick list. indisposed . ny. for only one purpQse. attle yeal's and 2 months old. She was Buff Orpingtons- 2nd on cock 1st F. H. Farr was in Dayton ·Monday . Born- To Rev. ~\I .rl M's. W. 1'. should be bred alang certain lines . the oldest of 6 children, ' and is sur· on hen. I only showed 2 old birds. on business. Gil liland. of Piqua. Ii son for beef. the Hereford, Angus, Short. vlved but by one. James Criswell. 1st and 2nd on Cockerel 1st 3rd and horn, for milk, the Holstein, for Her life was one of meekness. !linceI'· 4th on pullet 1st and 2nd Pen. 1st Bom- To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ge rge Zell vao; .jut i\'l 'IOd .ty I he cream, the J ersey. Sheer"t Merino, ity ann truth. She was faithful to on Pair.B ff1st0 prize first tin1'~ for nearly tw" WCf' I< :i. • . t for best· hapen O'Neall, a son. last week. which was developed from the Span. her parents. her brothers pen Sh and sIsters b Roof Cu b rpmg BI konsM' a 1st ·Mrs. W. H. AHen was shopping in Mrs. J . W. White vi..;ill"d r lati vi I ish Merino, bat for wool, some indio and her neighbors. e was ap· se om ac morc s Cincinnati last Wednesday . in Dayton W edn~sday and Thursday. Response .............. Pres. W. H. Keys viduals of which shear forty pounds, tized into the Free Baptist church by and 2nd Cockerel 1st, 2nd. ard and I H'Isey, w h om see h h Id'10 4th pUllet. 1st 311d 2nd Pen 1st on Mrs. ,F. il. Sherwood and children Minutes ot last meeting, mornjng, Delaines, with three and four inch uncIe J 010 Mrs. C.- A. J Oh'IR 0' LY ll e. was a afternoon and evening sessions of coats of wool and very smooth . Mut. great veneration. . an d s h~ was Hen only showed the old bird in this were in Dayton shopping Saturday. Dayton shopper WedneR.lay. lon breeds. Southdown, Shropshire, . a faithful christian to t.ht' end: She class Tie 1st for Highest scoring bird Dr. Mary Cook and Mrs. Lillie Dy. first day, read and approved. Rev. H . W. Bai ley was unable to) President Keys then introduced and the Lincoln which is the largest loved to talk of her SavIOr. HIS for- in' show 94,%i 1st fol" highest scoring er were Dayton visitors la!lt Wednes. haITe el'vices . und ay on accfl unt f State Speaker. Dr. August Stabler of breed. Poultr;, Barred Rocks are giveness of her sins, and His com- pen in show. . . day. illlless. ' Brighton, Md. In his lecture, "Bac· best. Hogs," Poland China, Berks .. forting presence. and she ct'ntem· Singll e CombdBIsacdk Mdl~ottca~~r~e Mrs. Chas. Brelsford, of Bell. Adam Stoops attended the Can · teria; What They Are and Do," Dr. etc. Warren County animals have plated death with unusual confidence 1st pu let, 2n l' an I ' pu e .. b k I n t visitor I~t S ta bl er told 0f th e d Iscovery ner 's Convention in Dayton last 0 f b ac· competed with the best in the world. and peace. ,,, · 2nd, P"II showed only 1 old bird in roo,d was an ns I u e Thursday. teria by ·Dr. Louis Pasteur in decay· Success Is obtained only by following Being a great sufferer she "desired this class. . Thurs ay. ing vegetable matter. Bacteria, unchangeable natural laws. Hered. to depart anli be with Christ", and 1st for best display having 3rd Miss Mariana Allen. of Springboro. Miss Helen Taft of Dayton, is was the guest of Miss 1 uella Cornell spendi.l"!g the week with MI'. and Mrs. sm!!lleSt and simplest form of veget. ity- MUst breed only to best animal. often expressed tbi s desire to her largest entry (Ol'pingtons) able life consist of single cells. Bac· Individuals, for example, the Morgan fri ends during the last five months 1st for best display having 4th last week . . J. W. White. tena in soils, convert inert matter horse. Variation takes place in all of her weary waiting. Her last largest entry (Black Minorcas) Mrs. Martin, of Dayton, has been Miss Elsie Van Harlingen, of Beainto available plant food, changing animals. Darwin says, All organ. words were, "The Lord is calling , 1 Incu bator value $7.00 for HiVh· the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lindley vertown. is visiting her sister, Mrs org~n.ic substances into soluble ni· isms vary, feed, climate. etc .• are I must g'l," and all who knew Ja~e est t)coring Pen. Mendenhall. U. M. White. trates. Nitrogen most abundant the ca·us·es. Pedigree· ·AlI are writ· Criswell, feel confident that she IS Buff Cochin Bantams-1st on Cock Messl's. S. E. and F , M. Alexander, O(l I'ng pedigrees of their children,' pedi· now wi t h Cbrist free from pain an d 1st on Hen. element of nature, four·fifths. Misses Alta and Blanche Custer, of of MIddletown, spent Sunday with k d -- - ..SERVICES Hillsboro have been visiting friends their mother, Mrs. A . J. Alexander. not buy ' nitrogen, but ma e con I· gree counts. . weariness, and sorrow, reRplendent M. E. CHURCH Agriculture in the Public Schools, with the g lory of redeemed woman· - _ __ in WaynesviJre. Mrs. Annie Leonara. who is recov tions favorable tor Ule development :p'f ' Bacteria. - Government of No!' by Supt. E. H. Colvin, who suid. hood. ' e has been cared Wednesday, 7 p. I!I. Praypl' meet- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zell were in ering from a serious siege of grip is ... way 8Y electric poweris manufactllr "Agriculture in the public schools is for during t his long by iug, led by C. A. Bruner. Brother- Bay ton last week attending the in needy circumstnnc.es. and anyone ing fertilizers from the alr,ill form of only part of the great educational her ' dear cousm. Mary Cnswell, hood meetil)g at 8 p. m. Canners' convention. charitably inclined can IIOt find a nitrate of lime. Line must be in wave that I'S sweeping over the coun· whC'm she fondly loved, and often Qu arterly Conference Satuday at . soil sufficient to develop bacteria OJ try. Ther€ are (49 township super. pra~sed, and .to w~ose unRclfish ~e. 3:00 p. m . !nore worthy patient. M·ISS BI anch e Wh e Ian, of Hamtltun ther~ can be no paying crops. Air intendt'ntS in Ohio. Unfav.orahl y votlOn, all thIS neIghborhood, dpslre Communion and short sermon Sun. was the guest of Prof. aud Mrs. C Mr. A. Munger and son H~rold, .o f is necessary to life of ~acteria; hence situated sections take up the w rk to beal' testimony and praise. day at 10:30 a . m.· Preaching by the A. Br'u ner last week. Manhatten, Kansas."have 'been mak. we mUst have good drainage. No oonest and seem to succeed be~t A. K. Sargent. D.istrict Superint~ndent Rev. J ohn A. Get your supper Friday evening ing a 'ten ~~8' ' vislt hel'~ ;wtth niB bacteria in cold wet soils, or d~eper, Many -objections to the work come •- • Story a t 7 p. m . in the Masonic room. Served by the sister Mrs. 1f, M. Duke, and other than one foot, 95 per cent of all . from particalarfarnilies. Pupils are TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION H. W Bailey, pastor. Guild of St . Mary's church. ' relatives and enos ... •. Waynesvilfe Farmers' Institute which was held here Wednesuay and Thursday wae a good one, and met in Cross' Hall. ailed to order at 9:S0 by the president, Warren H. 'Keys. The following proiram was carried out: Invocation ... Rev . J . F. Cadwallader Opening Address ......... J. E. Janney
animal matter is air and water too anxious to lea ie agriculture and Program of the Warren County LE, T'S OROANlZP. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Hartsock. of B. Stokes Silver been and go to town school. 60 percent of the reac;hers' Association which meets at ___ ' . Harves sQurg, attended Farmers' In. promoted to the foremanship of the Anhnals have. aense of feeling; plants o,not. ' boys are anxious to leave farm Univers ity Chapel, Lebanon, Ohio, As the wa rm days of come stitute here last Thursday. ' ' Glycerine department of the Proctor ' He next explained tbe different homes. The agricultural idea must along. the base.ball fan .s mind re· & Gamble Co., Ivorydale. We all , forms of Baoteria ~d Ba~illus and be instilled in youth.' . (:m January 2l, 1911. verts to the "good old summertime," Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Coleman., Mr. rejoice to bear of our Waynesville that 160 degrees of -neat WlII destroy Music', piano, National Melodies. 10 A. M. and just now IS a good t ime for reo and Mrs. D. L. Cr~ne and son, Bthan boys' successes, and s!,e pleased to spores. by Frank Carman. Devot ional Exercises..... .. . ........... verting_ There has been no regular spent Wednesday In Dayton. hear of the rapid rise of this young Reading entitled "The New Cburch Leguminous Crops, for Soil 1m· .. ........ .......... Rev. Arthur Cooper team of ball here for several years, Buckwheat cakes, ma.,le molasses, graduate of Ohio University of Organ... • by Miss Luella provement and Forage, by Dr Sta- Penmanship ... Proi. A. H. Steadman and it is high time we had one. Time and coffee, in the Masonic last year. Mr. C. R. Wagner was then intro bIer, who 'said: LQitumes are the chool Exhibit-Maintaining the waS when you could hrar of the banquet room Friday evening. _ --- - -....-_.:: __ • _ .•. _ . duced by the Presid€:nt. "Live highest order of plants. Tumor" Balance in a Course of tudy ..... Waynesville Miami team talked of . , ' Stock on .the Farm.;' was of much in-, nodules, are beneficial to plant.q and ..... SuPt. I. ~. KeY,s er, Urbana. O. a.~ t he best .in the county, and there 01'. August Stabler, of San?y terest. He. saiq in part, "Every· rich in protein. carbo~ydrates and 1:80 P. M. is no just reas® why that shl)uld not Creek, Maryland, spoke at ~he WhIte __ . _ .•. ...:. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ • Music occur again. Brick church Sunday mormng. countrY Which has reached the' high· 'at. To get a first·class growth of , est place.in." agriculture,' are stock- any legume, must have lime in the School Exhibit- The Language The.Miami '.Ball t am will or· Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to Henry Matthews , of Mineral Point, rkisi~ countrit'lf. He . predicted soil. Clover and alfalfa demand most. At·j.s .. .......... Sapt.l. N. Keyser ganizefor U\ sa n of 1911 and offices in the new Morris building. Wis" sent us another handsome ralthat every acre of &opd corn land il" Mont~omery County needs so m lime The exhibit bt'ought to us by Supt any good play fa wishing to try for next to the postoffice, LebanoJi. endar this year. It is fine, as one Ghio would be worth $250 per acre, Hardin Countv needs none. but ha~ Keyser represents the. work of some the team can do so by inquiring of ' can see it and run at the same time. City' and not country people are an excess of watel·. Soil that g row::! of the best schools in Ohio. No J esse Lew is. F. J. Sherwood left Taturday for Mr. Matthews has our thanks for. the tp~t iD~re$te!l !lrtd !ire p'aYin~ .toi legtimes will grow any thing else. Wa~ren CQunty teacher should miss By all means, let' have a little Penn Iylvania, . \Vhe~e he will sper:td .s~!lle. our , . expe~ment farUls. RaIlroad. 'TImothy is' a non legume. 'rimothy .' eemg · "t sport bere this season. The time is the winter Mrs. A. G. Smith, of Bonner, . . h I. d With hIS son. Prof. E. h companies e,re establis fng experl' and clover grow well together, ti mo· E. C. Van Winlde. President. ripe for it, and the fans a-re ready $herwoo . ' Mont. writes and says they are avment ;·farmS. ' Statistics show a de- thy feeds from the roots of clover 1'Alice Cooke, Secretaljl. for it. Miss Edith Crane, of Pekin, spent weather, having .had crease of crops, Live stock .will ' T. , H. Rogers WAYNF.SVILLe:s· POPULATION a few days l.ast week with Ml'. and good sleighing and skating ever smc t help and clover is held up by the timothy. to increase farrrlerop,,~ l'49.8 of the Cow eas and corn go together; 'corn Ex . Com. C A. Bruner , ." Mrs. W. 'E. O'Neall and other Thanksgiving .D,!lY. liv~tock farm~r.s in 'W"rren 'Co~nty feeds on . the cowpeas and corn su~· ' M.rs_. L•. . , B. Berry (SpecIal to the GazeHe:) frieuds here. 'a.re success Washington, D. C., Jan. 17. 1911. . " f u1 f IU'mers. '· F· arms are ports 'the . cowpea. We do, not need Mrs. S. Handsaker. nee Sallie -;:- l'ieher'thap they ·.were one live stock to improve the soil if we CHURCH OF CHR.IST W . aynesville village population, 13th, Prof. and Mrs. Harvey Surface. 'of Carter, of Lincoln, Neb .• who made years census 725. E. Dana Durand. . the Wa-ynesvl'lle a VI'SI't I'n Julv.,, wants the ' ago. ' Eng I'ISh f arms suppor t make proper use of the legumps. ---H arrls . b u r g, Pa " who have been three 'times tnuch .live stock as More cOlln can be grown per acre Bible SchOl)' at 9:30 a. m. Preach• _ '. guests of relatives here for several Miami Gazette for a l ear. She says farm's in tlie United States. Fertilize when planted ·with cowpeas ~han ing by the pastor immediately after. ..- - - - - days. returned to their home Satur- she enjoys the papel', and se.e s many , live stOck, green manuring and com· without. Experiments at' Ma~yland Young people's meeting. 6:30, p.m . , 'day. . . familiar names each week, a.q she . mercial fertilizt!rs.Plo~. la~d in Ohio stations show that pea vines supply Preaching at 7. p. m. .' _ . . _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ .•. The Guild of S.t. Mary's c.hurch wIll read~ it. ' ___ .3 to ' 6 MO 000 ' . . Teacher Training, Friday, 7, p, m. ,- J - has inCre..-u . ,ry, acres,111 protein ' which corn lacka. , Silage o.f at the home of Miss Katherine .Pren· . serve supper FrIday even1Og, anu· Mn. Wesley Holden died at her SO years. Live stock decreased corn and cowpeas makes tlC best 81- d t t 'h SubJ'ect "The Mrs Rebecca Randall, MISS Helen ary 20th in the M,asonic banquet home in Walnut Hills last WednC2day ,'t o 'l500/.ntI.'Ilead in,the sa,''m.e · time. '., T f d d f ergas, . eac er. , Taft, of Dayton, and Miss Elizabeth room fro'm. "o'clock on. The menu ' . b ... , "vvv" '" lag'l. wo to oUr po.un s a ay' 0 Christ of the New Tes.lament church dM 11 night. She had been sick smce e. " s!oek most profitab)e way to cottoQ·seed meal pet day and the · • J h .. All the memo Carroll, \'fere gueats of an . rs. will consist of buckwheat cakes, mao fore Christmas. but the direct cause " cropa, feed crops amount Of. is a perfect an<LBible School J. E. Janney and faTruly at dmner pIe molasses, sausage alld coffee. of her death was "cute indigestion. Best are ers 0 td to be present at these sel- Sunday. A go09 supper for 25c. The funeral service was held . at her t(j'Jive stock anti ",ou will succeed. Live in 'with any crop rota, Recommends everyone else cordially in. A number of relatives and friends The excellent papp.r, which was late home and the were tion: .. the ... the best soup v i t e d . p e r p e t u a t e d a surprise on Mrs. Ellen prepared by Lindley Mendenhall, and brought to Waynesville Saturday .. com- .bean for table also • ,- • Side,S Sunday by &oing to her home· read by him at the Institute last morning and intE'rred in Miami • . l(esolutions the SOy t>ean, which conuuns .per. ACCEPTED 0000. POSITION with well 'filled baskets and spending Thursday afternoon, will be printed (etery . bODS. • . : Colvln,. cent. and needs no fertIlizer. the day with her. The occasion was in full in next week's issue of the Mrs. Holden. was; formerly, MISl!' . ,-Mrs•. P. T,. Frame, Grow seed of Jor sal.e as Lon BlIrton went to Middletown Mrs Sides' 76th birthday. Gazette ' Annie Ebright, of and lIt~!lliDati0M.-:S, ~:. Cart~~lght, ~rsthere is a great demand.. "., WednE'sday to accept a position with " . '-;-.. Mrs. Daniel Ebright, forrtl~r resi- ' ~tel1a ,Butt~rw~~~,;,'M.rs. Ben Sqllth.: . Presidept Keys called Ernest But- the Light and P~wer Cp., of that On Mond,ay M"r ..and M,r s. Maurice Kev. and Mrs. Cadwallader were dents of ' Wayn~ville. 'She is surto the'. city. Mr. friends entertainEd quite a number called to Xenia on Tues·Jay t? vived by her husband, ' and , two . , '. ' the audience wltb . to see him go. out they reJolc1Og'. of friends to dinner in ·honor of Mr. funeral of. Mrs .. Marla LIIe . Miss Myra Holden and -. . , ". . President Keys next .1Otroduced over his .good .fortune In a well·de- ,Mu,nger and SGn Harold, ,Manhat- Mrs Lila was a slster·lO·law of M~9. Mrs.' Mark Curren. . . .A fternoqn.SePsion-l:SO· Prof. . H. A . . Slirface, Ii , fOJ:mer serv'ed promotion. Mrs. Burton a~dtan Kan~ . . The hospitality, char· 'Cadwallader and th~ mother of ¥ISS " . . • _ .... " . . . • Q;met:' Solo, Farr., but family will ,join time., of the Silvers,.: Clara Lile, who taught in our schools . ' .' , "'. .' parii~,on, piaq'o :Q~ ,Ml'~; ~;. ~'; nrufler l tomoIogist of ..Pe~n&y,lv~~,la:. who ' , .. • -:- •.. , ' '. more ..evident . than ,on .th.IS 9c~asl~n Ii few ye8l'S .ago. . " As Dr, H .. E. Hathaway ~as gO.lng " : ',,', ke ._ . , . ~C; . R . .•Wagner , : limtt SP9 on gave ,~8: short.. le~t~re on Home , . " ~OREION SHIPMENT . . . ,At th.e .no.on hou~Jd.rs. SI.1ver, a8;91St- . Mrs. M. ~. Parshall, whq has boon .to the post-offi.c e thursday . evemng , ,';' I, of Animal' that, S.an . . '., , . " , . .' ed by her son quite. iiI for !leveral week,S. was tal,<en he stumbled: over of. '. . ).'. . ~d:·:-.'The ~an Who und~rsta~~s, hIS .Scale was the most destr~ctLVe pest HI .R. "'\Vadsworth" Q.~ t~ ~rd~t Mary 9~I~e.t~.':.ser~e9\· ~p. elegan~ ~~~r, 'to Mi~mi yalley. b?spilal, Day~on. that ~uildit:lg, ~.h .ic~ ~er~'j.~tan~1O~, . "} . . ' buiirieSt:i~. th~ m~~ who ' SUCC~d8. on ,t?artb .and ha~.d~n~ ~r~~t .d~m, ag~. wqrt~ foul,ttY. f,arm~! S~IPP. • e ~ '" ~pur~ dmn~~. wh~c~,,did ~r~I!o~...~~~~t :M.onday., 'a nd will un~ergo an opera•. wide .open'" ~d: ' 8t~c.k ~I.s.i l\~ad on ;;.~.' , ·:'FQ' ,.. ~m.ple ~. Rpbert Bake!{e~l, of. to·0.rd\~r9~ intbl~vIClntty. 9rcrh~rd~. h~!l9 Of:l!~CK to a .~~n' I~",~ur]nil~k". Wher c~li*ary '~BJi,~h" .A~~er-~.~~~~ tion 'toda" '.Wednesday. : .Her. many. t1\e ' opp,osite . door :, InQictmg ,a . ~d '~.._ :' Etlgln d can be-'madt!, most'prpfjtable G; G, • retiE!wing of friends for her.'speedY recoveY. wound which required sixatitches to ' , 'who of ,the.filr.m • ."CQriser,v:e mQisture- by. tbe ·'ex. . ': , ' . " ' j . h ' attend. close "0. ' M. ,. -who .. , who.aiiid, Mally': tr( VY tIl. . a: .:' Holden 'w ith pickeo up/ . ','. m~ ' ar~~'. n~e."viax ·in tHe ~ands 01 forturi~ inlrui~ . Qo not de.JItrat I,n · ~~,.. 1148•. an4: 1~,. ~~~~ hlgh~~:, ~f Silve '";for .the ays .pleasur~~ 'rr~~ ~ tl:le.:~un~ral Qf·~ts .. A:,' L' dla E; and' wok, ebtV home: lI:e;i.8' kt!~ina:'.' .o" . .tlu!Jireeder•• b.e tQ spray . ',,' , " '.': ',:" npiV lii1t )tt8~'taa~.· .":; e1yd~.'e l}tQ~8el w~h . . P,rune :~werely, " tlPl'~y \"nile ' . FOlf S~~E ' , ger and son ltarol~. M~. ~nd. ~n. , ~rlg~t, ~~~ ht M.r8~ 'Bo\d4m; 'Mrs. a gl'eat't.lea1 o~pal.n. ,.bil oUJ~t to. d",elo~·-'· alOll~ ~rtain lin,es 'fol dor.m~nt. Spr~ puch and ~lll~ .' " , ,. Ed~I!0ha~~lertM.~.andM?: R.M •.. Mr. o~, . ..:.gRe~ee Randali" Oflbe .awa~~I'. to "keep,. . tb.,ae doo... , raft'll~owi)t. TbePer~eror, treesyear11\ Lime.sulphurpr~v~nts, . Fi White- Orpington hetl8 pill· DQ.ke::Mr.andMrs.G• .E. Riley,Mr~ ~e~,), M:M Weslei- Holden Mias I!hut•• tbeteilno. P.rotectiQll what-. __ fOr d¥£:pur each:!.f curt,-'·.Tak~ 1 lb. ql1ick-c ts ne, k ei.' ba~·price.. .:, ,,; ,an~ M...,. llarv~ . B~rnett, Wa11a~ M,':'I, ~."ld r. Mark~rren; ·ey~ .a~9Iid ·:~: "~eD th., Ddlal-lI~1irl"'" 'aqima, . i~e, 2 Ib'f 1 ~'~d' e .... ~oc ~r H. WadSwflrib, 'Tib~"'" and f~U1 ~d C" L. , ~e .COi~,.:b!~D" an!tht 'Na~erj"bo 1 a . P~on,"~ ~wa,n8mu8. Ohio. andf8aPJ1. . , '. 0 . to , • '.. ~ ~.,.;: ~':':o';~.ifhE:t"~
ne~es, ~USCI~,
Former Citizens t
in~ b~utiful
hu~d. red
Social Events · P .. -
' Liv~:
~e feed~
s~ock ~ts
Jr~dent · ~e~s't ap{lo.in~d
~ttee' ~Il; 'a~d .Nomi~a,~1\l~.ion8,-E ~. "F~ , ~<?~tl8,.,. Wpl.
L~cile qor~~~l~ ~:'Yhi~aker. . ~
AdJo,um.m~nt ,
~,: , ~~
s~lage :ccord;n~et~h:rc~; varl~t1es Whippoor~
' ~iI1,Cl~y and~arrow
Whl~poorwlll ~ us~, re~~)l,!mends pr~tein
·;t~\!'~dt1~:aieatest. ~re.~d'" th~, " er ~ri"h~aW Shorthorn. c8ttl~ . Jd ~ecester .h~PI' ·~.Ahi; c~itivati~ri;'
a~e.l~th Sil~er
~im.in ~' ~hort
~,as n~ver
.Ly~~n,: ,~d.he,ql,lece.,
~~ttl'·!\ll'?-~rle,a!.;. l~t 'Y'~ i>j~asAnt
t\l~ cella~ ~oorr.
.T~.is mi1~es tbe'fo~tth f~t:~J(h ,c~,un. aD~ gu~~' lef£\vitn. man~ &. , \.. me~' ~re m~ki!lg· ~bipn)~nt;.th,.t ~t:. . ~.dsw()rth rJ)~ions o~ t~!plk8 Mr~;.~d. M~. Thos~ ~rom lsta~c~.w
wit\1.·J~~e.slll~~p.r .t~e ~tollll h~.~!J i'a~,,~g.
daug~ter . Mr~
pi~?O, w~o fa~or~
Breeain~. . ~~ Gro~ rr~its.. ~a~d
~t:?~.~: 1 Wa~l!,esville' boy~
~d·.~n. f!ls~,~n~
~P" Ridge~ '~~ Dr~ ~aib~w~; .h~Di
'· '~v.i~¢ gueti<~ ,'.w~~e~,. ' 1dr. , ~ · .M~n. , l~~t St.tur~a>"E;a~~:d~die '~~ight al~ng.~tceIY
It:nm:tiae: andMra . .. ......
open. ', .',"
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ar.- '
The J\Iliami G~ette iii~~.~~i8.i!i~ .
, D. L, CRANE, onlo
The Healing ·of a Breach
()os~ $5.000. An Il~ cruiser costs $6,000,000. Tbe "cst of our armored cruIsers," the Te n· nessees and the Montanns, have been tendered obsoleto by the Inflexible and the Von der Tann. Nor are we building new ones to succeed \.hem. (I'herefore \.he aero11lane, ns an adjunct ~o \.he battleship, becomes a matter ~t Interest, botb tactically and economScally. The comIng attempt of an rOPlane to fly trom the deok of an cean stenmer back to New York bor· or Is a matter of prime moment. , ough th", federal government has tesclnded the ord er delalUng torpedo toats to assl.st In the experiment, the ~avy department will keep official ~atch OD It. The result ot tlils expert· ment may determ ine whether the baval authorities wtl1 'eQulp the next Ilew battleshIp with an. aeroplane and the necessary tac11lUes tor making a ~Ight from t he ship's deck while at. aea. Tne advent oi the battleshIp· cruiser hal. made our best cruisers nothIng but acouts, and ~ot rapid ones, eaYII tbe ChJcago Record·Herald. Yet pie cost of their maJntenance III al· Inost that ot II. dreadnought. It tbe aeroplane can perform lcout duty at ~ea the coat of construotlng and maln· jl.alnlng our navy will be Immensely reduced. This new appllcaU..,n of ~t'ronauucs to naval warfare 8eemB, at "resent, a delicate and diM cult matIter. It ,will require expert avlatore aboard ship and hl,bly tuorable con· 14ltJonl all around. Yet aktlled and ~arlng lIyel'll are rapldl, Increasing In Plumber and the ability to cope with rarled atmospheric condJttons I. del"eloplng to match. .An aeroplnne
(Copyrli'l1t, l!IIO, by Auoclnted lJlerary Preu..)
"If I were only a man," EUen e.· ploded, her eyes dark with teara. Clayton's eyes' twinkled despIte thclr open admiration. "No doubt It Is llosslble to Improve on tbe waYI of providence," he saId. "Still- In thle ,co.se, 1 don't see any misfit." "Ot cou se not-you believe. 'What. ever Is, Is right,' .. Ellen flung at blm In a tone meant to be cl'usblng. · Clayton took her hands In his, looked carefully at the pInk palms, .ott III a baby's, at the fllbert naill, the tapertlng tips and went on: "It really aeems to me the pow ers that be knew their busIness. What could you do wltb those hands? 8esldesmen are not allowed to cry merely tor get\lng v'exed-nothlng sbort or lOSing a fortune or a wife excuses them tor being lachrymose--" "Hullhl You al'e 100 hateful Cor anytblng! Anytblng!" Ellen burst out, "Of course, If I were a man I shouldn't be tbe ridiculous nuisance I am-l should have reach and strength ot bOdy to matcb my strength of mlnd-" . "Dear me! Where 40 you keep itT I always thought you adorably reml· Dlnn-not the leas It ,slrong·mlnded," Clayton Interrupted, teasingly. "It alarms me--dreadfully-to find myself ml.taken. You II:now I've Quite made up my mind to malT)' you." . "Indeedl" The monolyllable Ipok. .oluure...-ot scorn, at anger, ofsmothered laUlfactlon. Clayton caught the smothered note and smiled cov· ertly. Ellen laW the smile, read It aright. and srew angrier tban ever. "Ma1be 1 am ungrateful," ab. went on, choking sUChUy. "but really. It seeml to me I have lome rights in the case," "All r1,htIJ," Olayton conceded, I Showln, American alrlcultural prod· ucts alongside thOle ot England and promptly. "But see lIere, honey·bua, Iscotland In thoee two countrlel may ~~t strike many aa prOjpJlIlng valu· · iable reaultIJ to our people. But In other wayS there seem to be opponu· I lUes. Jobn N. McOunn, our conllul Olasgow, writes that he At a great mistake that Am6l'1can farm ~nd dairy outltts are no~ on e.1tblbltlon /at the farmers' weekly markets In ~uch Sootch towns as Kilmarnock, 'IKtrkcudbrlght "nel otber places of llke haracter. It appears that the ex· ellence 'at luch devices Is their . own ommendaUon. The Inventive Ameroan mJnd hall gone very. tar In con· rIvIng apparatol which economlzes me and effort and Increases em· lency, as tbe uae or such appliances ere has demonstrated. Th s old world ~as been slower, but the Scotch are , flulck to perceive advantagefl such as the American outfits nS8ure, and Can· ~ IlIul MCOunn'8 hint mIght lie taken • IWlth advantsge to all concerned.
. Oarlyle once' told a ma.n wbo was lDnanclally Interested In gOld mining Ithat all the gold ever produced by icallfornla was Dot worth one good mealy , potato. A.Jld yet Uw potato ,n Bcotl8.\ld hall. a history of less than 000 years, says the Edinburgh DIs· When Macdona1~ of Clan· ,patch. iranald, In 1748 brought aeed potatoes ~~r bls tenants In Sou~h lJlat they ob· ~ected to plantlng them, because the ~t.ato Is not mentJoned In the Blblel Somewhat later Oeorge Baobop, one pt the Ochtertyre tenants, 'when told iby his wife that she had potatoes for ;'upper, contemptuously replied: "Tat· 11eB! tatllesl' I never iupplt on them ",' my days, and wlnna the nleht. Glle them to the herd, gle me
·~O 'r 'OFFeR. HrM 'lHROlJGH ~v ~ S£NC6Re.3T I\POI.OG¥""
'. don't, don;t lei's' . Quarrel, even before We are engaged.' "Then-wben can wo (luarrel1" Ellen demanded. "We .s~relY never 'VIII be engaged." "Do you mfilUl tbat?" Clayton demanded, a hInt at serIousness oree~ Ing loto 'hls voice. Ellen looked him up and down, "I mean It. lJt.terly, positively!" she sold. "So 1 bad better say good·by to you-l fancy you won't care to ltay tor dlnnAr." " No; but J am not goIng until you hear me out," Clay tall said half stern· . "We have got beyond jelUng. ~wens." 'Let , me state the case. You know I love you-I've been showIng It the Cape Town once lived under so se- beet 1 know how this year and bet· 'Vere a oode ot sumptuary laws that ter. I think 'YOU love m&-no matanythlDg like display was r~trlcted ter what yO\l say-now. But ,YOll are to the governor and his Immediate GouUng me, anFY with me over the drcle. Thus runa Artlcle VI. ot the most tooUsb thing In the world. An Dutch 1aw8 against luxury and osten· old quarrel, one that belongs to the men ot youl' ,tamfly. U It means any· taUon : "No one less 10 rank tban 'a thhlC, I'd Joy to take It up. You are ;unlor merchant aod those among the. precious to m~so precious aDY hurt clUzens of equal rank and the wives or shame or Icath to you would bo · and daughters only ot those who are wortb a man'a Ufe If I knew It. But or have' been members of any coun· I: don't Intend , to make myself a cll shall "enture to use umbrelllUl." laughing stock for the coUnty by reIn pracUce this restricted the l)()Sses· rulln&' to Ipeak trom tbe Ill?ome stand .lon and use ot nmbrellas to about 50 wltb General Peabody at the rally next week: I want to apeak.-for IIlany persons In Cape Town: re&8()ns-1 ousht to do it-It ,belongs to me al man and citizen: You An Inventor III New York claims to wou'l dn't haveh me Bit back, a: ' s~1l liave perfected a I!iolld (ue,I for auto- In my sbell' "[ would whell that creature Peamobl1es, tbe cbJet advantages at which body -a's around, M., fat"er ' Ilmp ·.I" d d I s ' " ,.. I c'o uldn't bear him . . ,or. 1 w.re a man · are thnt It gives au no 0 , or an . II emokeless. Ail soon as ""e are usurlld 1'4 'sbow him . the 'bloOd ·.was true . to that his now fuel is as he repl'~iI~n~ ltaelt-no Btn'tQn ever. iotgetIJ,~' ·Ellen · it to' b'e ' '\\'e sha.11 ·s tart a ' DioveJ;Dent I&ld" her ,e1ee ftiLsh~. " " ..... " for the purpose ot bavlng".hlm ,ae- .: Clily~:" w.~ -;.not '~e ivhether he cepted as One of , the country " be· ~08t to Id.s her or to .. roes ' . ' . .', comproml.~d bT ~Iuln, 'b~r ' mal'DllJrtq-. as .'.\ h• .,,;'.. " "",foqd ..... .",o1-d. , ,...
. :A. Punxsutawney (Pa.) man .has tn.... 't'~~ed a .poQ)tet telephon~, a.bout efg~t ln~e8 long, two Inches · broad: iUid an. Incb ,.tblck, ..whJch can.' be ulled. by itng ,~ plug.'· .attached to. It fAto' a ~ · tn ·boxel ftsed on ,. tel~pbone polell The Idea 18 fiJgen}· ar.ound tho our, ·but 18 the PUIl."tBulawDey pocket · ·1111 eQouth ,f or the, dev1c::e?
1 guell8 she had so muah at tbat old Ih'e-eater, ' ller daddy! Oame'l up, it appears- wIthout a Ipeclal prol" dence. P1ease send one-Qulck-klnd Fate. Life without Nell Ja duHer thlUl dltcb,water." Ellen bad not meant to (a to the rally, but now a s cnse that golna wal Imperative rell upon bel'. 8Q sbe was there, very flne, very ga)" with Johnny Goold at her elbow. He had begged to fetch her, but she .had r.t>me alone In the family carriage, save {or Mammy Nance. Johnny's tender mertles were over· tender- he had been ' mad about Nell e ver sInce they met. He was not bad·looklng, nor bad·hearted, only lax and coarse or fiber. also el18111 beset wIth a craving for liquor. Ellen had never seen him' sllve strictly sober-sbe was pardonable for fall· Ing to understand hIs hllh color, hi. glib speech, his all-embraclng atrec· Uon for the unIverse. He wn8 gallant to every 'pettlcoat, but · 'he never got far nway from .Ellen. Long be.t ore the allealdng ended, thougb she had not fully aenled bl, condition, she had b"gun to b. un· easy. Prejudiced as IIbe was, uneasy 18 she wal. ehe had had to admit that General Peabody was worth hea,rlnc; not so well worth It a. Frank Clayton, to be ·sure-but . lUll he ~aa eloquent, and bad aenae DO len than lound to what be lald. Deep dowll she began to wonder-sbe had been regretting It ever Iince the day of tb. quarrel. 11 only eh. had left a loo~ bole-but Ibe kn.w how futU.1t wu to think Frank would eyer come back, "Won't you 1lnd mammy, pleue" ! she asked Johnny. "I think we bad better 10 home before cUnner. TeU bel' Icr-anil to come at once." "You're goini to"dlne, not at thll measly barbecue-but w:tth me-Up at tho club," Johnny eald, strenuoul' Iy, tlaaplng ber hand, tucklni It over his arm and striding (oward his big motor car. ' "We'll ,et there 'In no t1me-1 hate crowds like thlll," be ran on, balf carrying Ellen u he strod. along. ' She was wildly angt'7, stlll more trlghtened. Pull as she mJght, ahe could not -free ber hlUle!. To scream meant a scene-and anythIng, wal better tban tbat. Desperate"y Ihe bung back, casting appeal In, glances toward the place wbere- play ton bad been standIng a minute e,ar1ler. He had 'vanished. but tall old G~neral Pea· body was In evldence,.--he caught Ellen's anguillhed eye. In thre. stl'ldes he ~as beside her, saying, as he latd a heavY band on JOhIlD),"S shoulder: "Pardon me, my young frIend, but I must speak to Allan Burton'.8 daugh· ter. Your father and 1, my dear young lady, were, .1 regret to aay, · lifelong enemIes . .4,nd all orer a trifle-a trllle moreover In whlcb lately. I bave round tbat I was wrong. So I offer hIm through you my Sin' cere apology. nnd hec pardon. Will you grant It?" . . "Ob, general!" was all Ellen could say. . Clayton behind the general, caught her trembling hand as It fell ' from the general's ,clasp, and said, IImllJns: 'II am slire' sbe Is In a forgIving mood. Johnny Ooold nearly , alwaye provokes one to repentance and rltmIssion." . . "I am very glad-to.-tcr-forgfv_ everybody," Ellen aat d In a small, tremulous VOice. The leneral 8mJled, Ibook bandl again, and liowed hImself aW&J. ';Dld you really 'flnd ,o ut you were Wrons?" a cron), ..,ked him a~ the two 'stood apal't fllled wIth, loy rand barbecue an bour later. The len. eral'& eyes twinkled. "I bave Quite forgotten what Bur·t on and I bated each otlier about," 'b e Bald, "but I shall never be ' 014 enouih to forget the appeal of a .glrl'a eyel wb~ Ibe'l . badly worrled..!...today I 'l aw It. and ncted acool'\1lnlly." . "Yet folks sa'1 you a1'8 .'leI8 ' man than politician," tbe crollY aald, . ad. mlrlnsly. The leneral . chuckled mildly. ''I hope I'm . pre~ty mu~h all there II ot both," he ' uld, UfoI' 'tlie credit !Jt my counti>', no l~ss D»'lelt."
Wh.n , Suffering ~rom BI'CkaClh.., Headaoh.l· and UtJhary ' Troublel, .
They Bl'e probably tbe trUff 80uro. "'our ' miseof # ' # ' . To ~eep well, , you . .l)epartment ot Aa-rlculture Issues B~I1.t'tn GIVinS Plan muat keep your lor Cone:truc:tioD 01 Struc:ture That kJdn eys welL WUl Exclude Rats. Theft'! I no better kidney remedr than Doap'. Kidney PIlls, Ratll dtstroy BraIn, carry "c;tCbIDg" nl1lU't. Bomo fumers prefer to coun· Tb y oure sick dlseas.s !rom bo. se to hou/ie, and terslnk the balling sill so that Its top trom thel.r love of matcbes cause de- will be flush wltb tbe surface at the kid n e '1 Ii and IItructlve dres. This ulleles! waste floor. So placod, tho 11111 la liable to cure them perbae become such a national IQss tbat rot more quickly. Others firmly Itn· manently. the department of agriculture at bed strap loops, made at old wagon E4wnrd PorWaehlngton bas Issued a free bulletin tires, wl~h the loop end encIrcling the scbe, 1833 Cleveon "How to Deetroy the Rat." To set stutldlng. Do not sink the wooden up. land "ve., ChIcago, m., ays: "MY eyes were ' putted from dropsy and mr face and feet terribly swollen. I wa.. laid up for three montlls null 'although. 1 doctored, 1 received little benefit. Doan's Kidney PUIs relieved the aw· ful back pal.ns, stopped the swelllns: and madQ me feel 100 per'cent. bet.ter." , Remember tbe name-Do an s. For sale by alt dealors. 50 cents • box. Foster·Mllburn Co., Buffnlo, N. Y. Floor Plan. The Pronouns. rid of tbe rat, remove hili nesting rlghlB Into the concrete. nmt»et rotl "We must flconomlze," said th. plACe. With this .object In vtew the ollt 10 a few years; concrete lasu fo~ man ot hlgl\ finanolal autborlty. nepartment recommends concrete ever. Sometimes IItude so Illaced swell "Your grammar Is at tault,v replle~ floon, espeolally for ' barns, poultry and crack the concrete. Atter the the ordinary citizen. "Why do you houses, com cribs and grannrlee. The forms are removed, pla.ce a well· Inllst on using the first Instead ot th. experience of many farmers Is that rammed 1111 between the foundation .econd person plural 1" ,;raln mature enough to be placed .In walls and within four Inches of the~ etorale wlll not spoil on concrete topa. Coarse gravel and cnJBhed rock AGAINST TEXTBOOK UNIFORM'ITV 11001". SaYII tbe government bulletln': are the best materials for thItI purpo... "Oom will not mold In contact with If lonle clay mUllt be uaed; tamp it In illinois 8.t at. T.achere EnergeUcallt tbem, provIded there 'I good ventUa· the bottom, but let the Ooor 'relt on Combat the Propolltlon, t10n and the root Is tlgbt." For a at least IIIx Inchee at gravel or crushed com crib choolle a well·dralned site. rock.. With the till thorouchly settled, Chlea.o.-The llUnols State TeacbExcavate 'a trench for an elght·tDoh comme~ce placing the four-Inch lloor: en ASBoclatlon In a resoluUOD sete concrete foundation wall around the Thla concrete should be only wet Ibelt Itrongly oPPoled to state unIoutllde 61 the building and to the enough that It wm flqah a little liquid formity of Ichool booka, expressing It depth of two feet. With box forml cement when tamped Into pla.ce. B. .. the determination of the aSloclaUoa ot ana-Inch sldtnc on 2 by 4·lnch stud. gin at one end and lay the ' fioor crOe. to exert all Ita Inlluence to comb.. dins, carry this eIght-Inch wall to • wise In three-foot secUon.. Bring the allch a movement. height ot 1J to 18 Inebes above ground surface ot the floor ftulb wltb the top level, d~pendlns upon the hellht of of the foundaUon wall. and, with • , wry Different Mittel', tho drag·belt conveyors used by local She-YeB, I like Ted; .be II 10 . . . com sbellers, (All concrete floors tra't'l,an t. Ibould reat on a 1m brlnginl them en· He-That Is hardly the best quail,," tlrely above tbe IUrroundlng ground.) for a hUlband, II itT See that the forms I1ne' up and teat 8b.......ot caul'll. not; I am not p them tor levelneai by means of' a car. Ing to marry hJm.-Slray Storie•. pent.r's · lnel. On a t1Chf. mlxlnl board .mlx the concrete .one part Port. Where Reslnol OIntment Is Kncwn " ,. Coneldered a 800n to HumanIty, land cement to two and one·balf parts san,d to flve parts crullhed rock (or one u .the loathing and healIng prop. part Portland cement to liYe parts bank·run Ira.vel). aU measurements ertlee of ,}telllnol OIntment were ien. by volume, ' baaed on one .bag ot loose erally kDown It would be unlversall,. cement belo, equal to one cubic foot. used to the exclUSion at all others. It IS Indeed a boon to humanIty. Fill. the forml! wltb concrete .thorough. ly wet and do not remove them for W. J. Callan, Brooklyn, N. y, tour da)'s. There are several ways ot Fundi to ' FIght Tuberculolll, aUachJns tho studding to the concrete Complete Crib, Baeed on reporta from all pnrts or floo·r. One of the simplest and easIest 18 tbe nalllns sill or plate, generally a straight e~e, round It up sllgbtly CUY the Unlted States the National ASI~ · 2 by G·lnch piece, bolted to tbe can· one Inch) In the center. Dress It down clatlon fall tbe Study and Prevention crete foundation ",all. For auob t\ sill, with a wooden' Boat an'd, when tbe ce- of Tubercula'sls baa Illued a sml.ement whJle the concrete Is stlll soft, aet five- ment begins to sUffen, smooth the aur- which- sbowl that In 1910 n o.rly ,16,elghths.lnch bolts 'eight to te..ri Inches face with a steel trowel,' Oontinue ~OO,OOO "Was spent In tbjt light agalnl' long, bead dowu, three Inobes In trom plac;lng the floor In lections until ~e tuberculosls,8S opposed to '8,000.000 the outer edgo ot the foundation wall work Ie completed. Build the floor lpeiJt"1D" 1909. The largest Item oC eJ:nnd projecting two and one-halt In Me. 'euly enough In the senl/on ' that It penee lp 1910 was "or treatmlilnt III a.t>ove the concrete. These bolts should tIlay ' I)e tltoroughly dried out betore nnatorla.alid hOspltale; '11,876,500 b. Ing expended for that ' pUl'pose, or be spaced not more tban' th.ree feet graIn Is atored on It. mo.r e tban double the amount for 1909,. The antl·tuberculosls · '8ssoclaUonl spent '760;600, and the tuberculoll. 41spens&rlel '889,,~OO. The speplal munloJ~al ~nd ' state expenditures agar. aatedU,'lIiO,OOO. " . r Tbe statement deolarel that the tnoat slCJ;lltlcant lact In the survey of Coantry Lass Is IndePClndenl azut. the year:s wodc JI the Increaae In the Free From Ten-or of Old All'. percentage at publlo money spenL and' Povet-ty Wht~ Olutches While' In 1909 63.5 .per cent. of tb~ Heart 0 .1 City Girl. fatal e.ltpendlhire . was t~m , federal,a state, municipal or c~lUnty funds, 6l1." per cent. came tram publlo' a:pptoprla e (By 8. M . CLtNTON.) Uonl In· 1910. The actual amount or Farm girls who &nvy . the girls of publtc money spent In tUb8rculosl~ the olty and Imagine that the)" lead work this. pallt rear WIP '9.~67,900, or. Uves of compataUve ej\se 8:nd pleasure, more tban double the amount troua, would bave their eyes opened It !;hey tbll 'eame, source fn 1909. TbJa tact really' knew wbat cltl JUe mean.s to hidlcates, the natfCUl!\J aSBOcJatlon dethe workJn~ girl. The girl who h&i ciJa,rea. . that anU·t bereu.lolla assocl~. tlonB, are galnlna ground, by lIe'c urlna lnc"eased appropl'latl~1I1 ftom pubUo money.
One Way to Cr.at. ·P •• re, ' Peerage&. have eometlmes been :l00 qulred ~n CurtO~8 ways. Wben tb belld of & ~~ll.known weet country tamlly WAS. ralMd ,to the upper hou~ ,a gOOd deal ot sur:prlse was eiprealled .at . Buch , a dlltlDCtlon ' behJc' ,. ~.n' terr.4 d'" 'upon h~, tor , ~e '~d ~ot "ell ere 1 to bls rt .. any particular lien ce ', ... pa y., having 'losi prac~ca1l1 e .el'1 elee,t lon . J,.ord B,eaconslleld
"What do Mose'" "1!se de manaier. ob a laundrT." name ,of till. laUndl'J'r~ .. ''Wbat/& "Eijlta Ann"~ , . . , i
"-, I.
bls cUr 't alte . of Ule, but
... ,
F~r•• n'/"l "
The Homp B~s~tl~ul, ,; .. ,
In IImall 'yar4l1, . all walk. arid ' the
drlv~wllY "ho\lld be ·8tralllit.
I J "1 I
PROFITABLE Wonderful P.ylng , Pr:opoeltlon Western Canadian Pralrl ee.
_When the Altar
Was Not a
So ~u Ii Is hearer or"tl)e wheat, oata and' lIarley gl'own III th e prairie Iallds of western Canada, and so much haa b~eeD told ' of tile wealth to be made ·()ut ot tl\e raising ot catlle on the sucoulent and ' rich ,ras~e9 ()f those forUle plaIns, that a ,most Imllortant product has been almo~t I06t sigllt of, F1n.x. Recent press reports advise us thO.t on OM at the last boats to 'clear from Fort WIIUam (at tbe head ot Lake Sup rlor for DuJralo,. there wore 241,000 busbelo 01 ' 1\1\X valued at ,583,220, and 00 nnothar boat leaving lIle 94me day lh re were 288,000 bus he ls valued at $720,000, ,There hl:l8 been a bIg demnnd for CIlnadlan fit!. this season, and the lnke movement has been very heavy. Flux is always Q £IUl'e crop, and glvos to t~e farIl)l:lt who Is all."tloufl for quIck return after getting on his land, tb~ chance be la looking -for. There Is opportUnity for t housands yet, On the tree homesteads at 160 a cres, and mnny at these are available witbln abort dIstance .of the lIncs of railway that are already built or under con.trucUon, either on the main line or brancbes. Besides these free grant lands there Iii an opportunity to purcbase from railway and land companies at reasonable prIces. The display of western Cnnada'a crlline In the straw as well as thr~Qbed gralne and grasses recently mnde nt St. Louis was nn excellent demonstration at wbat the country cnn do. It proved IIp l ~nd ld as an illustration ot the resources of that vast prairie count'ir, wblch durIng the past ),oar hal' II.gain proven Its I,\blllly to produee excellent yields of wbeat, oats and barley-and 1Jax. Not only this, tiut the Iplendld berds at aUlo are • source of large revenue. There la a func! of Information to be bad by ..,adlnK 'the Canad~an' gove rnment lit: ~rature, copies ot wblch may be had tree by applyIng to your nearest CaDadlan lovemment agent. .
HEN JOllb the warrior entered the Tabernacle court and laid hold or two of the two horns or comer projecUons of tbe altnr of , burnt otl'erlngs, he had Women Buffering from Ilny form at found the placo of all plnces Oint W!l.S ll!Jless are invited to prompt ly comsafest tor him. And yet It wns not municate wUh M.rB.l'inkbam at Lynn, safe. Mass. AllleLLcrsnro received, "pened, Joab was David's nephew, and tor r ead and answered by 'Women_ A woma.n can 1:l'ee1y talk mnny years he had been true to tbe of h r privata ilLgreat kIng; only, II was true to lhe n css to a. woman; worst side ot David, and not to the thus has becn esbesl !:ilt! , aod so be wns not true to tauli shed this can· David at all. fld once between To be 8UI'e, be bad fou ght on David's HERE ls no end of odd Mrs. Pinkham snll sIde agalnllt Saul, nnd Da vid had made the women at occlIl)a tlons in tile world Ameri n. which bas him commander·ln·cblef ; but Joab where by peoille gain a livelihood. but certnlnly price to be brought by that one speol- chose to foll ow hi s' own judgment n ever been broken. Never bas sbe puboue at the most novel men Is upt to be well' worth whlle rather than bls king's, and that is treabut tr the hun lor has a "butterfly li shed a. tes~imonlal or used a letter Bon. of these vocations Is the fnrm" nt home,-as ' most of the exwithout the written consent of the In the first place, Joab slew Abner, writer, Illld never has tlle Company raising of butterOlcs fo r perts In tbls Ii Id are coming to have, the mighty warrior, whom David was allowed these confidentIal letters to proUt. "Hutterny farm- he b nds, every effort "lo capturing aHve the winged beauty. or, better moved by the wisest motives to pre- g t out of the ir pOflsession as tha lng " Is new too, as new hunc\rc(ls 01' th ousands of them 1D. 8S airship building In sUIl, several specimens, In the bopo serve, and. whom the ltlng mou rned nil their Olea will attest. f net, and up to date not that such captives may be made tbe "a prince and a grent ma.n." In the second plnco, Jonb slew AbsaOut of the vn.st volume of experience many people have ta)(en It up but It plone rs In a transplanted colony of Mrs. Pinkham bas to draw Is safe to predict that the number wm tbe butterfiles. Howevel' the mere lom, and by that murder almost broke which fr om, it is more tllan possible that &bQ Increase consldernbly as time goes on captu re or the butterOles , dIfficu lt as the father's heart. In the tblrd place Joab slew Amasa, has 'g ained the v ry knowledge needed tor wbe u one cnn g t $20 to $25 for It may be, i8 not the sum and subIn yoUI' ase. She asks nothing 1n fa. as he wns In the act of kissIng him, turn except your good will, and ber a band some butte rfly in tbe open marstance of the butterfly expert's trou-' and thus became the Judas of tbe Old advice hns helped thousands. Burel,. ket It goes wllhoutsuylng that such bles Cor If the butterflies Bre to live nny woman, rich or poor. should be butterfli es are worth ullivallng and ami thrive In their ne w bome their Testament. glad to take advanta[;e of thIs gener. Joab'e Final Treaohery, Ilre enough more profitable thun chick· kooper must be familiar with their In ,t he fourth place, worst of all, he ous offer at Ilssistance. Address Mrl. e ns to ju ~ tlfY the extra trou ble t b y habits and must have transplunted Pinkham, care of Lyrlia E, Pinklunu cause. the veg tattoo necessary to give them pandered to David's IUJIt by plaCing Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Perhaps, at the out.let, a word the same env ironment they had In Uriah where he must be kllled In tbe Every WCiman ought to have should be said about the market tor. their ori gI nal home or "somethln, batUe, that David might marry hi. ,,·lte, Bathsheba. Lydia E. Pinkbam's 80-paar8 DutterOies and then ,the reader will eQuully as good." As a flnal treachery to David, defy- Text Book. It is not a book for better understand wh:.' men and wo:rhe most beautiful butterfllcs are !nen are devoting all their U,me to blltthe tropical ooes and thus It comes Ing his royal master's will that Solo- general distributiou, IlS It Is too lerny fl\nnlng and to that other or old ,fUl·nltUl'e. Certainly there Is about that tbe buttern y farmer Is mon should succeed blm, Joab joIned oxpensive. It Is free nnd on17 branch or the buslness,- {he hunting nothing In natu re or art more beaut!- most eager to stock his Carm with David's oldest Bon Adonljah, the sec- obtainable by mall. Write f . ;,t rare butterflies In out of the way tul than a collection of butterHles the live jewels from Central and and Absalom In hi" plots for the sue· it today. :lorners of the world. · First of all and It Is a hobby.upon wblch ono South America and tbe West h,dles. cession; and wben those were foiled, there Is a constant and talrly heavy may spend almost an)' amount of Some: at these tropIcal butterfli es .loab. tbe ml,hty general, had nothPRECAUTIONS. demand for butternies f rom museums, money. as Is proven by the fact tbat measure six Incbes from Up to tlV Ing leCt but to Hee tor hi!! 1lte to the house of God. lohools and colleges and scientific in- one of the Rothschilds ghidly paid or tl1e wings and they are resplenliant The four "horns of the altar" reIIUtuUona of one kind or anotl1er. more than $3,000 for an especially In coloring or tbe most ,'Ivld hues. WAITING ~ FOR TROUBL,E. Such Institutions may be seeking In· raro butterfly whIch he had long The butte rfly dealer must handle his ceived the blood of the sacrlHces, and dlvldual /lpeclmens of butterftles t() sought for his collecU0I1. Most of stock with greater care tho.n 111 be- In a special W8f summed up the aanc· flll gaps In collecUons ah'eady .fatrly these private colleclors" of coune, stowed by' any other merchant. Ot Uty of the altar Itself. From at old, complete or (particularly 11 the In- purchase their! butterfly treasur~s course the butterfiles Bold to coUee- pantlug fugitives had laid hold upoh BUtlltlon be a newly established one) merely for their own satisfaction aud ters, museums, etc., are dead but ex· tbem, and gained that protection from they may be In the market for a com- (or the edification of their friends bllt treme care must be exercised In hM- merited puntBhment whlcb tbe altar (llet~ co.Jlectlon Of butterJlles repre- there are oUler talk wbo buy butter- dllng lest their <telleate wings be and Its sacrifices gloriously symbolsentlng the winged jewels thnt In- flles as an 'ald to their work or bus]- brolten or cruBhed. Each butterfly Ized. Joab ielzed upon his last hope ,babn any country or region, and It 18 ness. For 'Instance the great Pa1'lsla\\ when unmounted .l s kept In ,a three:. when he grasped In his despair the , a cCimmlsslon' such as this that brlllgs dressml\kers buy bulterfiles In order ornered envleolle and the . butterfly horns of the altar. ' The Unpardonable 81n. JOY to the butte rfly expert, ror great to obtain new , hades and s uggestlona elCpert Ukes to mount a valua.ble spedBut wilful murderers. by an exprela tnl!lltutlons at learning are usually ·.for new color combInations for gowns. men al promptly as possible teellng willing to pay a fair price for tbe The famous Worth started the prae- tbat the treasure Is lIafer In that provision of the sacred law, were forprlYes they seek . tlse and other dres . makers who cater - torm. 'rbe latest approved method Is bidden ,e ...en thls final lIanctuary; and' a willul murderer, trebly Yet another bu ~te rtly market ahd lo the wealthy fasblonables have tol- to moun t each butterfly between two Joab Solomon was acting legally, 'OM tbt\t Is broadening rapidly year lowed his example. glass plates so that both sides of the dyed. by fear Is tbat whel'eln butterfiles are The butterfly hunter, Jlenctrates to wonderfully colored wmgs may be QII wen as wisely for bis klnr;dom, sold to private collectOrs. n 'ill very the wildes t and most Inaccessible seen. Anotber styl,s ,.pl.ounl consist- when be' sent Denalab, who Blew common In ~urope and III yearly be- quarters of the globe 10 quest of ble ot a equare plaque ot plaster luto the blm, The~ t. an unpardonable slnl-that coming more common In this countTY precious prey and much of his but- h.o llowed side of whlcb a butterfly for people of wealth to have collec- terny hunting must be done at night fits while over the specimen 18 placed Is the lesson taught by the Jaabs. tlons just as people of means and with the aid of .a dark lantern. A but- . a glass lid which seals It bermetical- There hi a filthiness that must remain lebure amuse them.selves with collcc: terfty bunter Is glad to get a rare This permits butterny tropbles " filthy stUI," that even the blood or tlor,s of stamtls or (olns or tlalntlngs butterny dead or aUve because the to be hung on the wall like pictures. the Lamb oan.not wash away. Tbere Is a laying hold even of the horns of God's altar that does not avail. bemy ps cause the hands a,Jone lay hold and £Iura to sit out balf a dozen uances I'm not the heart. bny tor No one h.a s committed the unpara- with harlle, and he's such donable sin If he dreads sin and longs kissing," otter holiness; tbose that bl'ood over Th eir Last Hope Gone. this teaohlng are lenst at all those When tho minister praised the I'aspthat need It Tbe sin against. wWcll the altar of (lad's mercy Is closed Is berry jam at Mrs. Green's bountiful the sin that, ' through years of acqulos- Saturday night supp~r. he could not Imagine wby Allgie DU\! Horatio, the cence In It, ball closed lbe heart against It flns g rown to be <;ustolll al'Y In ralllug tbat Intervenes between, tbe so happen thnt the Chlnaman Is not (lad's mercy. nnd mnde ilollness no tw In s, gazed Ilt him 110 reproachfully. . A. Lltt.la .Mlxed:, ., ,' "Don't YOIl Hlle raspber ry jaUl, my litAdmlrol Evans. at a , luncheon 1n the nlted Slates to conslcler .lny step and the doorway no manner at pl eased wIth his caller aIld is In. any long r uesll·ed. The Joabs tall by Ulan?" be asked Hora~o. San Francisco. said of a naval pollcl' llrtlctl,s e of a ol d a ountry as hlua persuasion elm prevail uvon the mer- way annoYl!d by him the merchant Inches, I..!. I nt last lbey fa U even from tle"Yes, si r, I QO, and. Angle does," takes up the tea and begins to drink the horns of th e a ltar. be dlsllked: . as l ~lng of barbaric or h nlheulsh bunt to grant him an Inte rview. said HoraUo. In distinctly r esentful In ase he walts patienlly In the at once, which act Is a direct and de"It 1a mlxe1 lind ·lIloglcal. It re- 0 \ Igi and otten as crude or unciviltelU l's; "nnd mother told us that sbe mind!! me, of Bob Backstay. who be- h7.cd Ift ,Hs nature. A young Am erlenn space allotted 1'0 Im lmown callers tb ls dded hint that the Interview Is ende\! was afraid tile last elle made wasn·t Loving Others Into the Truth . ca,m~ enilnee~ on Ii,submarine. , , just ' returning from a three year~' ' (act Is no Led nud he is uS,ual.ly llsuer- and bas-l19t ' been, to the pleasure ot. _ ' the ml;lrcllant. The caller Is then ex, .. '~ob,' said ,11" {rlend, 'don't you flnd business rill in C~lna whl h ' toolt cd Ii\. We noed Ulore tba.n a clear knowl- qu ite up to tha mark, and if you didn't It dangerous :wol')<; this ~I\ocltlng hiln all , ove r the empire te Us of a Once In there Is 8t11~ a IJlore dell- p~cted to take his immediate depart- edge or the truth In order to get otlt· \ll'al se It, ngl e and I could have It for IlIncbeon 011 our bread, for Mrs. Willie bounn a aubmarlne doop beneat ers to see tbe truth . We may even and Mr , Sh dd never -said a word eu H,m praotlsed ' by the Chlncse cnte matter to be dt posed of, and In ure. ,the lIea1' , When a caller has become well ac- know the truth and live the truth, and when th y ate it, and you've made the wblcll might well be used to advn.n· case the newcomer Is Ignorant o r the . .. 'Yes, ,.ery dangerous,' Backstay tage In this young and Inexperienced custom be fares 111 witb his errand. qualnte d so e of the formality Is bro- yet utterly fa.\! In winnIng olhers to admtt,t ed, 'but a JIlan's got tQ do some- , roputl11c, where too ' 1,lttie Ume ' or Immediately upon the caller's enter- ken by the Chinese, and on a cold day live that truth for themselves. To thIrd; but now she'll use It for the thing, yOUr know, to' keep his head lbou.~l}t 'Is ' given to tbe finer points Ing Ilnd talting a seat a servant brings a cup of tea. Is served h'nmediately to knowing and doIng we must add lov~ church sociables:' and Horatio looked gloomily a t his twin, who raturned the above water."~ - .. ' of etiquette. a serving of tea, whl.ch Includes a the guest In a soclr.1 ,vay. But the -a loving confidence In otbers, freely look In Irlnd .-Youth's Compnnlon. small cup for eacb person present. "formal" tea fs stili to be observed and constanUy expressed; a quick apWhe n a salesman or person seeking Returnlna the Compliment. a bUsiness "interview presents biG card The point of etique t te demands tha t nnd partaken at at parting, trrespec' preciation at their best points, and a Parliamer:ltary Quarrel. Mr!!. Faraway-I suppose 'YOU ' have at he entrance to a Chinese mer- ~hls tea shnll not be touched unlil tlve at tne cup given to warm and loving blindness, most of tho time, to "I , sIr, aim always at tho truth!" fOJ:'9t~eo' that this is ,the anniversary Chl\Ut.'s place of business the possl· the guest Is ready to depart In case greet the caller on his arrival. This, th Ir weaker and unworthy sIde. "\Ve ll , all I lun'e to say Is, you're of your ' !i0ddlng .dllY. , . , blllty of an audience depends alto· the I.n tervlew bas been a pleasant bowever. Is done o'nly. atter many Only thus can ' we lead them on Into '" very bud sbot."-Le SOllrire. . Professor Faraway (abstracting gett.er pan how he deports himself onc, In which case the aller Is SUI>- Vis its, wben the buslneslI dealings the lmowledge and the acceptnnce of ' hluiaelf ' ~rom . cQnlc seoUons) -:-Eb? whU.- awaiting the return of the card llosed to tuke 1111 and drlllk his tea at have been at su'ch a nature as to war· the trut hs that they lack a.nd need. If I,lfo 15 fuli of ups nnd dOWDs-but Wba{? Dear me! Is It; really? And ,'bellNr . . Should he be so Indiscreet parting and at this signal nil the oth- rant friendship and this hospltallty.- we would effectively close the door to lInfortlln at Iy most of us are down , wh.ii.1. your's, deat?-Btray Storlell. 8S "0 put ,one toot over a twelye tnch ers do 11I,ewlse. However, sllould It Youth's Companion. theIr recognition of truths that we mor 01' the time t han up. know th Y lack, all we need to do Is to rart In the band a t members of tbe toll th em at theIr Illck, to sbow our his JewIsh communIty. It was originally tllflapp roval of thIs In critical detera home Industry,. and was conducted mination that tlley shall re~ llze their In atllcs, of which' there are many In failure and adopt our course. Probably Two Women of a Palt Genoration 01 .. tb.e old tumbledown houses of Am- no human being tbat ever lived r eo CUll With Somo Regret the · sterdam. (lradually better worilshopl! sponded to thIs cou'r'se of t rea t,ment. Present Method •. were seen to be essenUal, and the Y t it Is mistakenly admln l ~ I'e d by , first factory to , use i steam power was llome of the beat.·meanlng fol l"W rs of erected In Londo,n in 1824, and the ClIrlst, who fall to' follow thell' master , and n mother-I~·'aw lIv~ ' OLD.~CO~MOr.t 8ENSE, , lugA InDlQthel' fi.rllt, In Amsterda)l1 in 1840. Elec- In I h 10v,e without whIch they themthe same hO,u se wIth their reCha~g. Food . When . You Feel Out of The Happy ·Replytricity Is now largely used. The lar;' .elves would ~ever have been won to ,flpecU\"e married Ion hnd ~augbter " " ort•• ' • est diamond polishing' factory In the blm. wer~" , contrary to · all gen~ra\1y reworld III tbat of Mesua. Asscher at Paris, and Amsterdam. The total Who'I e-Hearted Devotion, value of diamonds hMdled. In Amster· ~ntil. per nl:tnuui ei~eds $21,250,000, . Have I gIven UlYBelt up to say that, of whlcb ttie , United !;Itates, the most Utero must be nothing, nothing wliatImporta~t buyer,'"pu~ba8es ,a bout $10,. ever, to' sbare my beart ~tb (lad and bla wUl t , Is a ' heart' perfect with ·tll:e OI)().OPO 1>oUshed, and '500,00~ rough. ., ,0• ... Lord my :Qod, ,the ,object of my deSire, .. ,my p~ayer, mr ~altb, .my ..'hopeT . Whether it I)as been sO,or not,' let it be '. today. »f\kt! th~~ ,ll1: omls e , ~t "word.' y,p qr' o~: , . "The (lodof , 'hImself perfect you:' . The. Ood ot 'po",er to ', dO .' above all 'w~ thitlk. "Ill. opell \lP , to you ~e LO ~"'- "-" " pr0811eet of, a ' lIfe at; 'whlch' . I lila: heart' '~a. pe~f.ct ,tJ04.~IiUlT&J'•.
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
~oastie.s l
li Ams, $dminjs'ratrix. Inveptory !lod appraisemen~ 81so flied. 'the Invuntory ,and appraleemen' Boys' Straight . Boys' Suits in --. of tile estate' of E. C. Martin, de. Cammon PIC~ Court. 1068sed w.as filed by Alva. aUl, ~d . Knee Pants Straight Pants '. Imlnistrator. The JAnnft ry tfirm of th o Wllrren Due pr')of of pubJi'oa tion no'ioe One-.Half Price (', lIlIlt,)' :O ll'ltn U U Plcu p Clln r pellAd 'of appointDltmt of W. H . Allen) as Style H~lf Price M onrluJ' III rll ill )! with J Il c1 g-E\ MIlton '1 6X l'utor, of t ile estate of !::!arah C. . . .---"P."!'----~ LI.ll rk 0 0 t'~le henoh. fh e pllnt' 1 ~t Allen, deoeased, was filfld . ~,I1f1 j;( runrtJnrv WIl f ou nr! to b{4 lllck Burace F ComptQn , Ras appolnl~ 1"1{ tbr A Ol pmb rl'. nn HCCfl llnt. of ed Ild'llllnist'rll~or of lue e!lt.t.e o f "ill knelli'l A f' !J11C1iill v " "irl~. Wil l' ill ., MUI Y E Uoruptoo, d ooused, at. "'IlPO I1 n (l t il ... tll il IWI I ~ Jll r .,' W,. S , b,)lI\l f ~J OOO. Reube n E .JlOnA!', fill ~lI\' Io w o rn: R 1. l-llt llilh pf, W,,1ter 1' . Wi l ~ oo lind J ohn WI lson .' phil 'In N"r,· \V N Tlt nrr>p " 111 . 1 I t .. . Will! Il ' po n u 1\ pprlllt'l'rtl 1) " ""11 I I1l1 y a n , .1 (! . 'hlllllhHr\to. 1o ven t ury uu d apllTII 1H U) D t a f ,T. A Hll lfllt r. H url ll pb t .I ,.li n, tue estute or Robert ~ook , U oell~ e u, ~ 1I\llk H !'tnk e", H . . M I)E" k Ar, M1 S fil lld by J ohn Maloy executor If Sacrifice Pric.-es Will Bring Customers, Not a Dollal"s Worth of ' hnrl e~ Bilk .. .. HIli vey Monger, La/Lva I 'gruoted Ch~r;e8 Middle (iE"nrgn W . UILVi F, A . W Le ", !.. , ton ucitnin is trlltor of tue 6sttlte of This Advertised Merchandise WIll be Carried Over Till Next Season W,l1illlll ,' n h and Hmilb Hot fi 1l 1U. Estle ~neIl, deoeol!sd. to sell pei'8onH.. M. Q'llIuh er WlLS mude foreman nl properl,y utprlvilte 81.1 )13 /\ Ild J oseph Lnoe wlltl apJlOintl,d 0<1tI . JJ; B Oechllnt udminist.rl1tor of I-r."ble. Pr seolttor Bro wn the n re t·be e tut,e of ' John Mar~hal1, de Boy's Suits and Overcoats Men's Suits and Overcoats t·ired with tbt' jur y. c Il S0~, fil od his seven.~h aroount . tl7 Fine uits and Overcoa . Hirsh. Wickwire & Hackett 1:lI\ )e of blLnk stook in the elltute of After bei 01{ in PAssion t \vo d/lys 67 Boys' Finest Suits, Bloomer Styles. and Overcoats. in Long the grond jnry rOl'e b rln g ln ~ one Carhart make, regular $20, $22 $25 and Storm Coats, regular $9. $10 and $12 values, Mary C. 'laments, decea&ed, was $28 val ues, twice a year !!ale price .... .. ... • twice a year sale price ,........ ...... ...... ...... .. . • lIIdiotmnnt. !SIx wltne!lsf's W 1'e filed by William 11. Allen, exeoutor , 130 Men 's Fine Suits and Over 'oats. H.W. & Co .• and Hack· eXllml n d of)verin g tI IT!'O Cll. A'i, lind 12, Boys' good Stytt3h Suits and Overcoats. description as Wi ll of t 'le lll. tt; Henry G. Beller. ett make , $18 and $20. and some broken I h e j 'lil w~s xumln ed oud round to lines in $25 v&lue.s. twice a year sale price • b in It ati fl\ tory ol)Odit.lon The deoeoseu. was admiUed to probate . 92 Suits and Overcoats, good dependable values and e very Sui t Real Estate Tr JDsfers. lig ht 'work of t.llA ju ry ,t.his t fl rlll 35 Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $3.00. $3.50 and $4.00 and Ov r coatgua ranteed fo r wear. Reg· value, twice a year sale price.. ......... ......... • tlho w. that li t tle Inw)e snes is be Ada iJ. t:lt . J ohn, heir I\t law of ular $12, $l( and $15, twice a year sale... .. • iOIf olllpilli n()u f throughout tue John B. Perrine, deceased to Raohel 55 Juvenile Suits, many fancy Russian and Sailor Choice of 50 of our finest Black and Blue and Fancy HandStyl ps. $2.60 to $5 values. twice a year sale.. • . Tailored Suits, all remaining of our finest models, 20 per ooontv. A. Perrine aud Heber Perrine, 111 cent discount. aores In &lem township, 110nd Court Proceedin2S. Boys' Bloomer Pants Court ordt'rR tbll4:, saoo be paid to other good and vllloo.ble oon@idera.. Men's Trousers tions . ~horitl' Fm ok ~ 'Forgy for @ervloes $1.50 and $2. values, All finest $6, $7 and $7.60:&-rades, nlolJtly SweetTIHldlit ellla orilnl ol.l.l (JiRes wherein Rilyruond E . ShieldR to Obl\rles .now ..............••...............••••................••... Orr make, twice a year sale ... .. ......... ....... , til t." t fllll H'l to oonvlot S Bilker aod Fairy.E. Baker, 3385 $1 and $1.25 values, Many $4. $4.50 and $5 values, L IlIl ve is ~ rn n ted pIlL i n tiff to 111e aores in U oion to WDshlp, 11, etc. now ..................................... ............... .. ' now ......... ............. ............ '" .............. ... "mended petition in oase of hed P Marri8le Licenses. $2.60 an t $3.00 values, 76c cent values, now .. ~ ...................... ~ .... ..... .. ......... ........ . now ·.· .. · ....... .... .... ...... ... , .............. ....... .. .. Buobb!\UIll Ilgltiost James R . B.r own. J. W. RetlllUok, 89, farmer of $150 and $1.75 values. Rltlf)b V"o Meter was granted Lebanon .and Bllssie Drake, 33, of 50 cent and 65 cent values, now ...... ................................ . ......... ....... . lea ve to tile pleadlog8 in his oa8e Lebanon. ilPW ............. , ......... ........ . ....... , ............... . t."u.lnst luterurba.n Railway & Ter Ueorge Cllrpent.er, 21, farmer of mlnal oomplluy . FralJklin and Alpba .Bowle8, 17, of Th" cae of William 'riobenor Franklio, All Men's Spring Overroats and "Slip-On" Rain Coats 20 Per Cent Discount ItKlliul4t C. W . Moots, et til, Wtl8 dis Carl Augl18t Hilokman, ' 29; farm. WiSRI>it'wilhout reJord. er of Bnrley, Idaho,. and Frieda HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT Ib thf' ollse of .Mllry E Ellrly Emma Winkler, ~O of Le~non . Underwear Men's 8tlIJ Bate. 1~ . 1I 0 And IS ~ ~ II gBi ost Charles N. P€loce at al. 'rhe Robert Warren P~ttereoD, 28, la gradee. now .. .... .... . , . .. '" Oholce or a \l Manbattan Shirt8 Derby Rlbbed;and Fleece Lined OIPl, 1 1.60 grad 8 . now. • . . . .. olerk WIlS ' direoted . to. retorn the borer of Lebanon and ' Mary ElleD 12.00 and 13 grades" now ... Underwear. extra values .... . Oape. 1 1 gradee. now . . . . . . . . . . 75c Obolce of aU Manhattan flhlrta· &Umm008 heretofore iS8ued to the 'G ray 21 of Lebanon oaps. GDe DDd 75c grades. uow . . 43c ,,1. n and 12 8Ta(ies, no'!,-, . Union Oooper make. $1 and cape. 211c grades. n(Ow . ... . . . . . 190 , 11.25Suite. Rheriff 'of Bntler conilty for .oorreo_ " . ' .. Obolce of a\l MaDhattan Shlrta. values. also 2-p!tKle 8tyles. 11.00 ,radl. now .. . ·.... . . . tinn . I CommiSSioners' Pnx:eedlrip. York t!t ·Wu.ou Bro8. ' 8bJr1l~ (whites not· TIES AU Union and 2-plece UnderPerry R . Ruse, reoeiver , filed bis BIlIt4-Ran<tall & Monger, ' olothwear. values 12, DO W • • • • • • • 25 doz ' ·In band. Il De gt'ILdes. now 26c !f~~u:~). ~~. ~~. ~~: ~~.~.~. 75c Ties, nOIll' .. . . .. . . .C. . · · · · · . 600 report and i& dlsoharged tn- .suit of. tng . for prisoner8, . 12 .50; R, B. Oholce ot all 5De and 75c' NegIlt!ee All 12.11 0. $3 and $' grades ot Under$1,00 Ties. now . . ... .. . . . . . ... . 76c 8hirta ••plendJd barp1na. now wear. now 20 per cent dlacount. William MIohael again8t thA Perrine Smith, 001101 for oourt hOWIe, ".20: 11; 110 anti U Ties. now.. ..... . . 11.00 Paper 00.• et 81, , M. B. Oswald, repairlngJ lhalri and --------------------~~~~---I Oonrt overrnles "emurrer hi case oots, .17.25 j CatheriDe ~unUst, wuh. Per Cent Discount ~ on all . Bags aud Suit Cases, of John K . Speocer at al against tb.e · ing ' for OOtl1't house, '9. 5~ j F. P. 50 and 52 P. U. C. & St, L. Bililway Co. Forgy, boardiDgofprlloDers, '100.22 F~ncy Vests 20 Per Cent Discount. Frank ·P • .Forgy filed :ht8 bond 8& maln~thin'g' horses and vehicles, '25 East trostee in the olLses of T. BeDwn ..If' ..ney Telephone Co:, rente and BaoH, Wallaoe E. E!oott et 81 and T . tolls, $1935 ;~ymond B~rshbar-ger, Main Sireet Bsnton :;oott vs. 'Nioll> MILY Comp- aoap, 't; Alton ' Bro'Yn, expen8es as · ton, et al. " prosecuting attorney '1 40; J P R "lph B Parks w'~ "'ppoiDted ];lawles, mdse: 16,90 j ' Xenia ptty " Teceiver.in the oase of May E Loeh1' Work 80nee, boardlng prisoner8: vs · Lewis .<? Kemp: et al: , '10.50: W. H. I:;'tanage & 00., sup. Conrt ordured that Hattie Albert. ,,1168,f41.: Il'ranklinChronloleblaDka earl call . be plted up In lingle ranka J ' .W . MilLEn E. • V • BARNHART , . ' DD ~. ..., ~' . son, plaintiff pa.y ,350 to E<lw~rd 'S.GO; Thornton Thompson, 8er· Uk. woo4, are very dealr.ble. These ' DENTIST Notary Public . BaJ(}wln dbfendtlnt. vioes pn soldiers burial oommlttee, raa'i o.n bt separated by JUI' •• ' ••• '-New Suits '2; Borlloe ~hl eld8, eetima'a, 1600; enou,h room tor one w&lk between omce In . . . ' All kinds of NQtary Work . Penllil>n John Wolfe, brirlge repairs, '12 IS; aDd thua allow tr~ olrculatlon . Qt I National BUlk Blda. WAYnesvl~le . 0 Work a. I:!peola"y . . e.tr. SUCh raokl have special merit Ella Gudgenn filed suit against' ~lI.m [). Benkle, fees and expen8es, wbea dl1ferent ".rleUes . are beln, ~!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~~~~~~ Biram W . Gudgeon for dlvoroe on '7385 . Inqaest over body of Mrs. stored. or when the product of MY : pTodu ct. 1'> 0 ' y m or ~tl)rlllg ' nas " th.egrouudsofwlltul absenoe . . 'rhe 4-'nnn.E. Whtte,oosts,t960. te.' 11 to be kept In lepa~ate cOom· ' enllr!:ly (\ ',." J. ·.\·ay wltll the 10sses · IDTBERUliDI oonple were married Deoember 26, • .. • ' partmenla. ' In cc.n n e ll< r, .; tr. ! . 1)[ wh ich the re Good fQI" Nothing but the ~,.. 1880 at Middletown and t he defend Old SoldIer Tortured . atorlng In Oat Bin. are Ihree ct" (J T a ll of these may anUs oharged 4S having been absent "For years 1 suft'ered unspeakable Man, farmerl are using and · ree- occur In st.oroc\ rtl 81:ure. . t t f i"'di t ommendln, blghlY" tbe method ot In Ibe !lI Sl. p l ll ~e th e . liquid, wblch f rom th epa 1 I nt iff for the p~st three or ore rom u ges lon, con8tipft. storIng new corn In the upper lay'ere ' Is the most \'a, lun ble part. containing 'tItrank C . A n de rson i@ a tt or- S tionIth and liver trouble," Y""r8 .... • . J! t t wrote '" i AP K 01 the oat. bin The oats are ut~\llll1y 8S It <I.oes nearly II the nitro en and Dey for phdntiff. m , 8. war ve eran a ",r e, a " potas!! may soak Into the n . ... "tiut Dr. Kin/l!s .New l..ife Pill8 Quite dr, by the time the IlO~ .11 It ' h ·t· ', tl I t I . door. bor Berllert Weldle filed suit ug8.inst fi ' xod me a II rlg ' ht . 'l hanested ~ S g 1 , t m8y run own t e . 'h ey' re s Imp1Y ' and the damp corn bUrled I Dtntslde . Jamee F. Blaokburn to r ecuver *,10 great. " Try thom fOl'anystomllob · In tbe oatl Jeem. to lOBe Its mOl'. , . . ... 'ver or kl ' dney trouble. Onl 01:0' ture qUite rapldl,.. The corn burled .Second . wh en there Is no cover i~. HATBAWAY damages in the injury of a oow llt 11 d Y "' u In the oat bin Is undoubtedly pro· I over t he manure h..L i t eap, rne ra In may oWQed 'by him and wounded by It t\ rug~ s tI~ _ • tected III a mealu;e trom the severe l leaCh out the soluble plant food. \V R .~ 'lee nne'. Lea.dlnv Deuaat Weidle wbo is alleged to bl\ve s*arok d ,' colli later In the winter, Tl lr<l. whether the manure Is IIhelOffioo bl Keys Bldle. Il&1n 'sa the anima.l with hill automobile 8torlnll In Attic. tered or cxposed to th e weather. th tJ h 1 A t + heating may go on Bnd dr.lve off the ro g care flssoess 00 ugue , A xnethod of storing seed c<?m am n onia to such an exte nt that a 21, 19H>. .' LL which combines thorough drylngwltb . large r.art of the value Is lost. DR. BELL'S ANTI ..PAIN Oatburlne1'uusElyfilflds uitn.gaioet protection from lIevere cold Is the l · A t f L EIl& Tansey, Joho Tansey, ·et'a.I, quIte common 'method of using tha i moun ~ OSII. Internal Mel ExterftaI ..... atuc. When a roomy attic Is av.all·' The amount of ·thes losses will praying th&t the defendants he oom· a.ble; and corn can be hun, out of ' vary wl~h conditions . ~ut expert· pelled to show t~eir Interest iu (lor the way of rata or mice, or perhaptl ' ments at ornell and at lhe OhIo taln property !n Morrow and the better yet, Itored In a wire Icraened Experiment Slation show t!rat from IIJlme he adjud ged nu\1 tl.nd VOid. S c8le, It II probably In about u near, ; 30 to 60 per cent may be lost, de· Undertaker., ,and Em~mer Woodward.is attorney ' for p!aint:ff . Iy a perfect condition as i8 p·o ulble. pendlhi upon tbe length ,o f tim e that . BV E. D. WAID, 8 I I D H lhe manure 1.5 exposed and upon the William J . Bollinger filed suit; peo a ry· ou". talntall Will be found ID the oJd ' ACTloultu rnl Extcnl<l cm Depa.rlment. On some 01 the larger farms of the . • Bftnk .B ul.l ding, . oppo,ite against K. ute M BlIlLtu!{er for cU · OhIo Stale Ur.lverslly. Th~re may be a loss In the field If D~ Bell' A f fcSalve c. state, especially .where !leed corn 1'1there II a large amount of rainfall • . S n lSep I " . the ;Nlltional Bank: ' .; , vor~e on groan 8 of wilful I1bRenoe. , +++++++++++++++++++++. railed In a commercIa) way. It .,1' . 40 the manure while ' the ground II . Good for all 8k1n 01........ . Telephone In house aud of. ~.tltion states tllat two Wl lre mur· 1 The lime of Year Is at band when ce~talnly practicable to build .. oheap frozen Or water·clogged·. Whenever fioe where J can 'be calJed I'led at uebnnon Ootober 19, 1887, I the proper kind of storage place .tructure fitted with rack. tor th_ 1 conditions are such 88 to permit the d~y or 'nigbt: ' aod to them five ohlldren bave bean must be made tor the seed corn storing ot corn. and provide" ,Wittl dr,alnaga water to sou Into the soil. Valley 'Phone u-~~ born. 'Plaintiff not ooly prays for which every carefu l farmer bas se. Borne mean s of sUllplyln.a artlflctal there will be a minimum 10111. C. W. HEN DERSON, M. (> Main ~~ Waynesville. Ohio dlvcrcG but also thut the defendant lecled , by thIs lime. . heat. . n b·rlef. It the time of manure In localities where the general lu. haulinl 18 to be gover'ned by rule . SI th thl b ht 4 th Waynesville, Ohlu. lJe barred. from any d .lwer in any oce e ng to e soug s ~ terest in good s~d corn 18 stronl( rather than by oommOn lIense baul . . I thorough dryIng or the corn 10 as I h ' I d I h . ' d lan:l. owned by .. hlm Seth W . short a tim e as .possltlle. any method enoug 1 t e (;omm'lIl If ry ng ousa Immediately from tbe Itabia. On the ," . .• Brown i8 al v.JroElY for plaint,iff. which will e,xpose the corn to tree Is surely a prucLi (;nJ Investment. other band. : slorlng may occaSionally V~lley Phone 153 . ~~in Stre' ~ Dr. Bell;~ Pin&.T~~Ho.nel: .minnie Symons filed 80t t against currents of air ~~d i>rQtect It from Such a dryi ng ho Sf: ':on be built 80 be made neceesary by , soft' 'ground or =======~==='=c~.=~. ,~ oc,uSQ and cOle... ',:' " Henly" 8ymon~ ' for dlvoroe .on 'the all dam,pn ess Is a good one. a~ to contai n nil tt..', ~s entlals of 1\. CQndltions' iii Indicated . above. ..~ ." ·.I'~. ". . ' .. . '. . more elabQrat!: ·. pl&.nl .un o yet not . ' 0 . M. JOHNSON. grorind~ of gross 'Dl,lgleot of duty . ~preadjnll ," 6caf!0ldl. , . coit :r~()re ~h hn tW6.1'l und red hndfttty Airlcultu1l8! , Elt.~en8Ion DllD't v 0, S. U. Petition .lIt&tes '. thut oouple were' Th e common method 'of BP eadlng dollars. ' ' . _ '. . .. married .laDn!rY 10, 1910 aud to ~ort1 . In thin,. layers on " 'ie-altold over r~e state's average, .as 'bushel" per ECZ~~' . ., . ,,' - ~ . a ' bar~ ' lI()or. corn ) crib: w~son shed aere;· caub'~ mos surely increa.,\e4 ~. . i .'" ' ". . •. .them (\n8 daugbter 'Ya~ 'born. ~r tool·~ouse 'Is . Ii good. one,: provided br ta~lnr good ca,c;. ot seed corn'.. ' ':18 oou~id~red h,. rd .to ~~\,e. · Try . ': . f.:" .... " . . " , ,', .,,t, Plaintiff ~8ks for cnlltod.1 of· ,ohn~ v~nUla.tI,?1\ cap be lecur"ed, 't.ild . I Dr Bell e ,Au'tleptto I!Jal~e and you .' :If. you would like to supply .. · and .~hat ~tlle d~fendu.':lt ,be ,enjol~ed, Sli.!>uld ,' ~e enco~ rag~d .whHe..no ·bet·, WHEN SHAtl MANURf Bf IiAU'Lfb1':tv.i\1 oban,e. J:0~'" ~i2d /. 'i'Q,U ·~n ,"... ',' '" ~l ":'( , ··t:. . 'L1.:· .hi· 1:.:,\' " · ;rom iut~rfeJ\iDg ' with the 'nhild "D' tet·. method. Is prao l1cablil or possible. . . . .:' ,. see/au.lmpro:vemeli) . fl'o~, t:~e. tJ,ret, « ta.,., W1t~[J118 . g,u~ '" .' . ' . y r· ' . . . . g . ... . . " IbppltoaUOD. · , . ~ '-\d <'$il ., ,- ' fr ' 01 aqy. ~IlY~ .. · ~r.,uk ·. 0.' And~Z:~~~ ~e ':rr~'I ':" ,~~~III,;g. .' ' IAt.. t.lIi' , "~~b.' ..~r· t'h~,. lear xn~llr _ ~. ,,,~ 1 . .. ~. . .. , " ": . ~ e , ,.. ~.Y:~~ , ~, attorney for plaintiff. , . f n~ n sma 1 bu ~1;'e8 by the llS~ . p~!)ple 'l'0nd,,. aa",~.o "whet~~r ,tDanu,re . 'It wae nor "Yti•. .P&rtlulrtOn ~' hat· oost wnte;. US"for OUI"~8pe. , . oJ. (wine or h.usUs an-d,;,h ngll!i 11;1 ~' ' ,bid belt be IpJleall tm~.!llately 'or '. ... .. '.'~ .. ." ~ .::; ' Probate Court. ' .. ' good drY' pl~c, baa some m~r1tai ~ut, , .to~ed, &1\'aldng tlle . tlme when .t he ~Q~e ~.'Ii~ W'0!Dau J'ho .obli8rv~ clal .offer. , A~ ; '§." '!. • '. I, . . It· . 1". a nther. "lot{ . method.. where crolli ",nI' UI8 I~ . " .:' .~t *~. a_rlluR fa~Uy. mQl~' have '., .;'. ", ,..~ , ~..";' . :Fi~8t ~nd final &O()ouut ~n the il8 : illve'JI.l. .bushels ar, .to":be h~d1ed. , ' . ' A Pe"'.~abl. 'Produot. , . - . ,bitMll.t~,.Qd wry ?Ioh'at o'Jdtme " AiI ·tale of DIl.,~d. ~. WUllalQ" de., . DryIng Raok.., . /0" ~e tliina ~ust ' be . r.m.m~ ,~a4ti1ul"f~1D the ....f: cta&Dtt~r~O;.: II-,t , ........... OI~W.' Gl04· br 1W:fa& wU. ~· ~"Plall' built raoq ,lQ '"lllcJl tbe ."ur,t la a !~~l,I,~Il~!; an~~I.upr~~_"* '**~.'J '.
County Courts
KlNGSB'lJ R'Y'S • Ice a ear Ie
$17 50 $14 75 $9 98
$7 48
$4.75 $2 48 $1 98
$1.24 8ge 67e 45e
$4.98 $3.75 .$1.98 $1.24
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$1 65
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I SI=I=O CORN. '.1. . ++11"'." ••,.............
· S orneC areIn Requlres Storing.
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Rutl's of Advertis ing
ALF'RED DACHNOWSKI, IJ ru r" ~"t", or BOlan y at' O hl '~ \ Ilt ~ l," ,,('rs!ty,'
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uer'ess In agrlculturc de pends Hoo/li ug LoI·al•. J)()r lIuo ,. ... ...... .. tit · II HeucJlng Lu ·u l•. bln 'k 1,,~o. ,. '11110 , .. . 101' upo n I e xl ' nt f 0 t' cOll t rol over two g ren l .. slJ'ent , but pow er rul' forces . Il\86lf!ed Ad/S. lIot to IlX.l'ctlll 111'11 IIn!l6 . ·r l . "roo 11I80nluns ., . . . . . . , . .. . . 2GI' On e of the Is the . life (o rce In Obituaries. live In It '9 freo: ovor Iho ,, ' r. .., pl ants. Th e olher Is the sum or in';'ltl8, per line. , . . .. , . . . . . . .. "" Cllrd or thl1nks ........ . .... . , ... . .. .. 2~c lhose numerous exte rn al fac tors or Roaolutlous .. . .... . . , . , ... ... .. . . , .. . 60e soil. clim ate a nd Olh er li ving organ. Boclnl.ll etc, where chl1rge Is mqdo.... . .. 2Gc . Display Ad vertising per Incll. . . . . . .. . ,. 10e IsmB wblch ma ke U "P the p lant'l en.. DiIIcountB given on contract. vlronment. Ev ery plant, e very crop, orchard or for est, In form a nd be.. ha vlor, Is a product or these torcel. JANUARY 1 ~, 111 11, The Problem.. At tbe very outset he mel many One may reta il IlPP)(,lI, but It It- diffi culties. Among th ese .tbe mos t perplexing one has been the problem i mpouible t o r e-t llila d og . of th e conservatk t of soil resources, While few women are Rble to the pro bl em of the permanent fertll.. tty of solis. Tb e soil Is the farmer's writ.e for the magazines, all oalJ and the country's greatest asset of write for II. oat,s log u e . wealth. The causes which make one ---~parcel of land yi eld more In crops tban anotber s imilar piece of land ad.. Make up Your Own Nllnd When in ,btl nlled ot t~ Jo ngb jOining It s.re among the leading medloine, If you buv Dr. Bell 'to prohlems for Investigation. Fert!. Plne-'rar Boney we gUllfante" you lIzera have been ur ged as the pana. cea for a.lI ev ils In tbe 80ils, but th ey get 'be best, ---_.~4 ·~. ~--tall to cure In most cases. Some un.. The bealtby . youngsters wtll nOI known factor .v ltla~ed the validity or desert tbe t !l.ble BOlon8 8S there is thill time-honored recipe. In every .tate ot the Union there are today any dessert. in sight, large tracts ot land which have proven an exception to the " unquea.. Not COod tloned re"'ulo.rlty" of rAsults w'lth fer.. .. .. for everything , thu.her}and's El1glt.. tlllzerl, Much ot the virgin land of Ey~ 1Sa.)ve hi good for n(J~hlng bUl the g,reat West haa yielded crops of tbe Elyes , It you ulle It Bud are nOl sl&tildltld oowe book IlDd get your 260, You bf' the j'ldge, bacteriology of 80lls was closely studied, but w1th li ttle av ail. T he 1il.1eot thl&t ~I1U to offioe who hll.~ dlagnosla were made for tbe solla, the oourage to be deoent. Ilnd bonesi but cUd not In clude th e lite of the plant. The symptoms wblch tbe plant wbe'n nobody Is looking. exhibited, the lack ot sanitary condl.
- --
- - -...
Prominent . In , Convention ot. Agrlcul.• ' ' tural College.. Th e As see Ia tl on 0'r American Agrl· cultural Colleges and Experi ment Sta~lons heid Its twenty . fourth a n· nual session . In .Washlngton, D. c., Nov. 16, 171 and IS. Upon President Thompson of the Ohio 'State University, who was chairman ot the executive COllill1!l. tee, devolved the greater part of t'le work of compl eting t he program and othe r arran gements Incident to It. The program covered many sub.. , 4ectB relative to the admInistration J of the Ins titutions, th e arrange me nt and de velopm ent of the courses of study and th e general outlook of I I I d I aer cu tura e ucat on . Protessor H , C. Price, Dean of the College of Ag. rl culture, Ohio State University, \V os promine nt In the discussIons. Thls association has done much to harmonJze the alms and purpOses or the State 'Agricultural Colleges whi ch owe tbelr toundlng to tbe act of con.. g-rea'l known as t'he Morrill Act or 1862. Tbla act laid th e fiscal found a.
Problems Confronting the farmer and SCI"enll"st . of T0dayo .'
D. L. GKANEl, Editor and Manager
- ..----
... , "
.. .. -I ~--~'----------~~----~~--~--" ;,,1\ ... ECONOMY 'IN HIGH .PRICES,I' ,i "
W.II Drelled Man Explain,. How H. lIuy.· bpenilv• . Cloth.e .nd ' w ..... Th~m Many Yea,..,'
- -
~o '
OSTERLY . eeee4e.s;;;e;;
Two w.ll dree.ed men, at leaat they were so tar 8.!1 one not thorou,hly ex1 th es are could ..nert In -h " a t 100 d co jud,e, were tal1t1n, about the COlit of
:" "
37 Creen Street
"I paId 'SO tor Ws sult," 8ai4 th.
Xenia, O.
elder man, "and-" "Gee whiz!" Interrupted the youn«.. er, "that's too much for mo to pay for one suit of clothee. Why, I ,ave OnlY , for this e It I h " .. 0 u ave on. "Very ntce looking suit, too," admltted the other. I "It was marked down trom '20," th.e younl'el" confessed, though des irous ONE-HALF MARKED PRICES .... ot apoloil%lna for wearing a $Hi hand.. I me.. down. "A. far as I can see," he I went on -Ith lome de .... e of elf ON " ulaUon "youre doesn'tDoe 10 k toI b . I(t'&v ,011 better.': o. I "How long have you worn youn''' 1 Inquired the older. "This Is the second year. Two yean 1. . . Ion, as I wear a suit." tlon for tbese Ins titutions by grants "And this I. the eleventh year I've of public landa. Tbelle gra nts were had mine. Of courae, I haven't worn .upplemented in 1890 by a perma- It every day, and I have had the Bent annual appropriation of $2 6,000 . tallor keep In I'ood condlUon as you Through the activities of the a.s socla.. lee, though this la th fl lut ye~ of Ita This drastic action is takpn in order to tlon In 1907, led by Pres ident . life, 10 your U5 suit at '7.60 a year effect' a Quick clearance in Dress Hats, Thomp.on, this appropriation was In . I te about as extravagant ae my '80 ault Tailored Hats and Toques, Children's creRJIed by cong r e~s $6,000 pe r yeo r ' at '7.30 a l'ear, Isn't It T BeSides, 'I've until It becomes $00,000. been wearing an 'SO suit trom the Hats and Caps. Colflrs to please the No w,lser expenditure or publi c beRt tallor In town while you are most aesthetic, aH well as the staple money Is made by Congress t han wearln" the ,111 hand . me . down picked shades for the conservative. A large this which fostus tbese great een.. up whernel" you happened to I.e th. ters of leamlng In each state. wbere reduction &&le. I practlBe eoonomy In assortment to select from. th e cost of education Is r'e duced to a all thlnge, and for that relUlOn I wear minimum. • - '. th. beat clothes 1 can buy and look like a millionaire If I'm lIot one," , Solves a Deep Mystery "I wllnt to thank you from tbe Wh.n 8he "Prlmpl." bottom or my heart," wrote C . B. R .. d er,o f La w i s b urg, W . V a " .. f or ..IIh. walks In beauty 11k. said; the nl,bt, lOme romanUc eIn!er h.r the wonderful double benefit I got ey•• forth a Btarry lI,ht, her lips • fre m Eleotrlo Blttert!, in ourlng me are of a cherry red; acrosl the fioor I ~---------------------------·
Closing Out Sale
___ ._ . ,~ ._._A........--.-'"""!"_~
:~~nt::~c~~~~, Plt~nets·ch:!~it~:.yS~~S~ ~:o~~~~ ~~~ve:; r~~s:m~:i8:!;~:OC! ~!;o=x:~~~a~:a!; b~~:g 1l:~~C~~~I~ j The
. .-
Rev. Irl Hicks Almanac WALTER MC(tLURE~ whioh 1 hlld been an a~most helpl f\~R sufferer for t en v. ears . I" sut' ted m ." I 1I0te the way eh. has done up her. The RAV lrl R Bioi' S Alml\noo " ,. Ulr. SlIe muat· have tolled throul'h cllse I\l'Ithougb mAde jUt't for m e , " half a day to bulld that larea, un. fo r 1911, t,I1 II,t !( uflrditln , An~elln Funeral l>irer:tor . For dYlIpepsla, indigestion, j"unrlice wieldy mal!l; she must have us.d a !I. I.lIlnrlroo t,hotll:llnu h ,lme , is D ['!W Rnd t(\ rid the syst.em of 1I1«ney 1I0i- bale of hay, and Itrlps of Un, and 'WIre r eRd .\7 , NIt, m 'ln .v tire 11 0 W willing 80llS that oaUbe rbeumut.llloi, Eleo .1 t ' B' t t hiT of braes; her slstera must bave helped t o he witbou t It !I.. ud "be Rev. Ir) R. T fllepbone day nt rtl~"t; tiona t or the plant, In short tbe need ,rIC I ,ers fl8 ,no equil . ry th em to braid , her mother wrou,ht and Un .. Valley I)b o n e 'No . . l.ooll Granulated Eye Llda and functlo,nl of the plantl 80mebow Every b ottle Is guaranteed to 81ltl s kered there, and butler, cook and Hicks Magazin , Word and Works Ditlt.a.noe N\), 6\)-'"·. esoaped notl oe. fy Only 500 at all druggists chambermaid all helped to wreltie 'f h e t wo tt r e ou ly One Dollar Il yellr are eaAlly cu erl-Uiustio ISllo" ne c PI.' and Muok SOUl. • - • with her halr. And after all tlie "rh'" A\mtlDRO 1s 350 PI' pnid. No e88~ry But,b rlRod 'l'I Eligle EytOHIO ~I&lve is P~iuJ ass u.nd h lrrmlells nlld Our moat productive agricultural I grin.dlDg toll, and aU the braldlnc and home or offi s· on ld fll il t o pena VI 1\YNESVILlE, guaru otee<L 10 a I e tills n e vel IOUI pn peat and muck SO\lI. Their IN THE HOME OF PELICANS tbe fuss, the one effeot Is just to spoil t or "h£m to Branch Office, Harve,'lbuq. failed on Il o~p: Q')8t.!1 l!uo, ' post·glaoIal origin and development her beauty and make other people • now 'well known. Laborious field "tudylng tile HUle, Ungainly Blrde at cu... She -walks In beauty like the I Word and Works Publishing Co., II -~--. Ciol. Range and Obeervlng Their ~nl'ht where IItl'hti are moet eer.nely I . St. Lonis, ~\O. A lie trllvel~ by ueropltlue, wbilt work has shown that climate and 8011 must be re-Interpreted trom the Mllthod of F.edlng Their Young. talr; but, Jullu. Caeur! she'. a .I,ht, , .. - • ! S... ,"c lVic:.1!ey am) ,0 truth trndg'HI al' ln'lI wi th loggiu ji point of view of the needs of the __ . when ah.'. ,ot on h.l" Bunday hllrl The bOBwte r' tj stor y of 'bl s life is atep, and ye t it tlOji! i'y Ilrrivtls. .~iy ll ~ hy Read\tlff m~CaW, pi anti. Detailed I;tudy ot tbe physIcs, Tbe tlnt time I ever 'saw a moUey t oo mnoh li ke t h e h ietor iclll n ovel ----~.~-,-~.~---mechan!cs .anet ohemlst ry of thelle orowd of hiL!t"rown pelicans I thou,ht , .. • - • fi 8C)UI tailed' to ahow wby manv, Dt our na t ure "A On tbe very first day of Jan . one par' truth tu thrfle parts oMon. AntlaeP1Jc Remedies ~a\l lur.ly done her best to ' .. • McC.W. !\, • • atIDl wltl I '!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~~~~'!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!! delltroy dill eu ~e !!leI W~, Dr. Be ll' ~ agricultural a.nd , naU ve plantl we re malt• •omethin, ugly and ,ridiCulous. A new diary he . began i " " Ip '),\'11 clrolo.~ slyl____ "1. Isll iv II I 11 mocleral Anti· Pain i au untissjltlo rem1ldy un'a ble to occupy peat areas, llnd to It wu a ..arm day, and the blrdi atood Bot before the first of Feb. .· t) ,,,,) ,"l' k oe pl u g for externo} arid ext-ernal pllin8, or e. cope \YUh t he firmly entrenc hed ex· aroUnd with theIr moutha open, pant· His well-meant zeal bega n to ebb '1 "'l I ''' lI~t'nsblol1s l e d 1.1 the , t,,> In Y Om! ~illlg • _ • ltef is olm (l~' instuD~noous . 1::1'010 cluslve northern ptant society. Only 1r.1' like a ' lot of dOCtl after a chase. \\ lul" ~14" IIIH.I ba ts. 60 by alII d"lllel"t4 ' b, questlonln8 tbe plant, rather thi.n their pouchea ehakIne at ,ev'e ry breath. WA~NESVILLE CHURCHES. VI'II' p,,"hloll De81gns lbe soil, we are beginning to know When I went near the youna-stera went .11 "I.dl l,;sue. AI!lO ! ,1 ~ InrornHuloD To possess lufol matioD is aD im· a number of ttle Illn 8a s tu Which totterlD, of! on their bl, webbed feet St. Augustine's Catholic Church. til l "II 11I\n<ll aud per·, with wln,e drac,tng on this ald. and ~"'lI d mULlors. Only portlu~t matter. It is des irable the soli II hell. Fatber George Mllvenhocfer, Pa8tor We can offer you g~od WO a l'unr lucludlng Ilia of the 6011. that ... U they were poorly handled eve n for" hIDoe to be well p ostod n trOll pn Llern. ,aub· MaRS every seoond Sunday of tile wODlh a Paying E Dl ployment ~c rllio wdnl' or send They range trom mere "tatlgue" to cruteb ee. The youngstere huddled to- 9 :00 a. ID .. n,r fruc StLlllplc! copy. Intermittent, periodic, li nd Infec tious cether by hundred. In a tim all place. .Somethlng "uet As Good that you will enjoy and McC.1I P~It.".1I'1I 1 onnllio you \.0 make In your dilleaeea. A strong, Int imate, 'con- ThOle on the out-Ide pushed and St. Mary's Episcopal Chu.rdl. OIvn.lI,ml ,\I'il il yb urOIl'u hnn(Il!. clothlne fu t Can only btl the ool'le W b en ,i t is t rolling }IOU 'Ir !lud cbHd,. n wh IC h will \)e perfect r~latlon exists between cl1mbe4 to I'et near th. center, Ull It at home. Write t<Hlay Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. ReclOI'. lu sL), 1 nnd flt. PrlCll-lIllUO h lghor tban 11; , !lQother bottiA of DI'. Btlll'l,I ,Plue- plantl, native In peat bogs, and cer.. looked worle than any football .crlmSunday Sohool. 0 :30 D, m Morrung ser "cnlS. · S nel fl)r ('reo f'oLlorll Cataloeue. f. ,. Tar-Honey . Every bott,le the flame. lain so\1 bacteria and other low .. torm maae I ever aaw. Addr... vleet lU :80 D. m. Roly Commun ion tho firll t w. wm GI... Y•• Fl•• Prunt. for gelling lIub· Look for the b .,11 on the bottle. ~cr l\ltl ()n s muong your rrlobds. SClnd foreree orsanlsma. Injurious organic tran·s.. I.n this wide area of low talandl Sunany of e~ch montb, PremIum ',lIlllb\:ue lind ,ens\) Prize OlTer. Tbe BoDerick PabllsbIDg CO. for'm atlon products due to- the actlv.. and water It was necessary, elnce we Til! IIItCALL COMPANY, 239t.249Wcll37UI.~"EW'OIl MethOdist Episcopal Chua. : Batterlek ' Bundlng. New York. N. Y. or bacteria, fun gi and protozoa wanted to Itud1 the pellcane at clole Ity If you will olnefqlly OOUr,lt y ... ur Rev, H. W. Bailey, Putot play an Important Inhlbltlpg role, ran,e, to adopt aome method of hldexpellses you wlH seldom have 00· SundBY S~hool, 1): 15 a, m. MornIng ser . and render a fi eld s te ril e to agrlcul.. Ing. We toolc a large w&&,on umbrella vice, 10 :80 a. m. Epwortb Lel1gue, 7 :00 p' caaion tJ Ilsk thti 'blink to Ulsoouut , tura! pl'a nts. 'Mine ral solis used as cov.reC\ with a piece 01 l1'een canm. \yer Evening service, 7: 00 p. m. . MldWClB" ,' ---------'TRY LIVERITES~--~~~IIIl!II-lI!I your note. ' absorben'ts retain these accumulating Ivai, that hUlll dowlI around the lid... Pr Meetlnll, 7 p. m '" il:! ---~- ~~ ---~ Injurious products Indefinitely and 'J'hla w. planted among the tulel at . You can Always Get . themaelves become useless. ' the edee' of- a lar"e colony, and·cov.... We have numerous xperls In the ed the top well with reeC\a. The whole The bes t . cough , medloiue if you ask for '. Dr. Bell's , fine. 'fllr liQney physics and chemistry ot tl1e environ.. thin, loon puee4 U ' part ot the en- 10:80 L m. Ohrllltiau Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. ". , vironment, while from the 1D.ldo the 8ermo.n by P'utor every alternate Sunday" aDeJ Jook for t he bell on tchtl bottle. . ment of plarits. L~verltee for a Cold, BaCkache and . Weak Liver or KldneYi. 10:10 a. m . and 7:80 p. m, The new lines ot research Impera· camera man could point hil camera Suatt\nieecl ,t o give 118tisfuoHlm. ttvely reQuJre.d deal with the guld· out throul'h a lIarrow lilt ID the cantiold overywbere, HidWte ' Friends Churae ance of the s ilent lite energy Into ' ·v.., take plctur.. and make obs.tv.... ',vlrat Day Meellnl/;. 0 :00 B. m. Flrllt Da, Prevention is ~ , . ,them in keep the ,' An ounce of SoLooI , 11 ;00 a, m, Founh. Day MceUne It will require more thl\D one ohannels which will give us new Uonl at wUl worth a pound . . . house ready plante which are more resistent to On. might wonder: how such a hllP 10 :00 a. m. ooa.t of wbitewtlsh to renovate 80me of cure. . , ~f~r use. bWe4 blrcl .... a pelican could feelS a disease, drougbt and trost. . , Orthodox Friends Churdl • polltloians . . Indeed, Borne of them • _ • helpl... ohlclt Ju.t out of the e". 'It wu done with apparent eue. Th. -1tlra. ElIzabetb Lerk~, Putor need a dlslnfeotl1nt added to the Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, titer Cleanse 'the System·and , Death in Roafing Fire , old bird l'egurl'1tated a ftahy .oup IDto ~abbat.h Sobool, 9:80 a. m. Regular cbureh lime. lIervloe. 10 ·qO D. III. Cbrl8ttan Endeavor, Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT, SERIOUS, S~CIQiESS. may Dot · result fNm the work of th , fron t en d 0 f ' th II pouc h ,and th• 7 :30 p _ firebngs, but often severe burnA lue baby pelican pitched rlaht In and h.lp~~_~."!!_~~!!..!!..~~"!'!!!~!'!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!'!!~'!!~~!'!!~~~~!'!!~~!'!!~!'!!!!!i! caosed thnt IDn.ke Il quic k nepd for eel hllDaelf out of thl. famlly dleh. Aa '!_!!"_ Buoklen'1,4 Ar nica 8ti lv~ , tho q lliok- the 7,OUD, bird &Tew older, and lar,er, .....- - - - - , . . . . . -... est, BUte!lt cinrtl fo r hurn · , Wf' Ulld , at .ach meal he kept reachln, farther , . brUises, b t1 i1 ~, !lOr A8 It; !'lubel hi' " lU- iJlto the ble pouch or his parent until any fil1mRt.lon It- Ki )I "l'I'd n It. .. oo'h " ~ finally, when he was half &Town, it and h eulA Drivt'tI off .. klu Arl1 l1t lll'l li wu a most remarkable .Ieht. Th. bioe's or piles, Onl .V· 25c pt III mother opened her mouth, 'aDd the whole bead and neck of her neatUng drugglstR HEIiB IS' PRQ9P . disappeared down her capacious maw "After a long attack of Grippe, while tie hunted tor bla dtnner- in th. Mrs. Vauglit seemed unable to reIDternal rel'1onl.-COlller'. MOIlthl7, cover her strength. She w'as very ., we~ . and had no appetite • . VIAU. I'OR; . At la8h we h"ve Kom ething t,o b l> NOL r!lpidly improved het: condireally .than kflll f or FlIshiou ba~ tion' and' restored her to heald). . 1 ONl.Y sincerely recommend, i~ !JSe during convalescence or ;my run down condipon, " ." , JUDGE .C. N. VAUGHT..t ~'. I, , . ,' H~ntsville, AI~ .' . Mi~ Adel~ide' GamiJl, of .Water~ " towD, ·.Wis., wri~, ." After ~ .'severe "
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Blbl~ Rd!~~:;;';:'~~'meetfna,
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~fter " Orippe or
Vinol ' Creates Strength
Liveriles Prevents.Serious ,S' icknes's
ILIVER' IT"ES' l 1lways
-----"'!"'---.. .----------------------.-.---_.. AN IRRESISTIBLE ·BARGAIN.·' $1.75 Value lor- Only $1.20 One Year's Subseription lor MeCaIl's MagaZine Any Ii-Cent McCall P.ttern yo~ .·'ituiy .seJeet One Year's ·Subscription lor' 'Miami,' G.zeHe I
al!ac~. ~~ the was III a
' s~~~ ;nervous, . 'yl~"
c onlY 'lmportant thins to 1011 mm! WbAt bad given each ~thet- • ,IIWftt . . a pity!" And the eye. 1' love best In tbe before Asatha Ftrat hUrrIed OD world fllleil with tears. And ·it was to meet her lover. . then that the whole thing came to me y.le· had just reaoh d the ·stalrca.e, aod I saw at on ce whn,t was t.he otber howayel', when. Dearest overtook us. obs tacle 1 had to face In my attemllt "What are you going to' d.01" &he to obtain a fortune for m), ,f riend. asked Arch, who was just about to as. '. . Now tMt Aglltha Sixth's mlstako In reo' cend. gard to his fondness for Agatha First "Go up nnd flnd MIps Lawrence," '"9had been dissipated by Brancepeth's lllied t he distraoted lover, "as Quick al revelaUons, the only Impediment to the I can." saUsfaotory conclus Ion of Arch's affair But Dearest glided past me and I.\tood was Dearest's refusal to co·operate In front of hIm on the stairs, barrlll,1I wIth me at this crucial moment be- the way. OaUl\6 of b el' beli ef that Terhune'a wish 'Walt!" s he commanded, " She's In to marry Agatha Sbl:th was purely a her room. you can·t do that! You meroenary, one. And as I at length oan't go und SCI' am the good news comprehended what 1 mIght have seen tbrougb her door very welL It wouldn't By n long Ume ago If I bad only stopped do at a ll! You mus t 'huve m01'e r egard to thInk, I understood In a second her tor the appaarance of the tblng!" I:DITH soornful and almost resentful attitude "But, good bco" ens !" crIed poo r Tcr· HUNTINGTON toward mysel1 on severnl o..:caslons, hune. "this Is 110 timo to thInk of apfo r apparently s upporting my friend In pellrnnces-Il's three minutes of ono!" MASON hIs meretricious designs. With this But my durling paid no uUention to new grasp of the situation Buddonly hIm. "Hold him. Wll£n' d," she ordered given to rue. I couldn't begIn ' fast me, and as I sprong to (lbey was gone Author 01 enough to try to make my wlte und er· In the shadow or the' hall above. stand wha~ I had so lately learned "Tbe Real Agatb." Two and a half mInutes later. and myself, that Terhune sincerely loved not n secontl nHer, s be nppeared, Miss Lawrenoe. As quIckly as I could leadIng Aga thn.lxth by the hand, speak I began to tell h er, as proof, of thougb It Is true the ' Ia tter look d Arch's repudiation of my s ugges tion In wecpy-eyed, to suy the least, and gave regard to asking Agatha First Instead. e,e'ry appearance of reluctnnce. 11 a moment ago In the hall. [judged, SYNOPSIS. 1bls vanished, ho wev 1', at s lgbt 01 anI. judged rlgbtly, as events proved, Terhuno. red· faced a nd some what ArchIbald Terbune, a. popular and 10- that the r ecital of this IncIdent from , :arm from bls vul n e trorts to fret! .olent youn. baobelor ot London. re- my Ups WOUld .. convince my wIfe as hlmselr from my ~mbrace , and s be CIllv~. news tbat he hu b ee n made heIr the .. tate of bls Aunt Georgiana. with nothIng else COUld. that I was rIght In fl ew down the s taIrs to mellt him and n Income ot 1:20,000 a y ear. on condlUon believing that .T erhune bad come at by sheer forcl:! or arms, not to be faceat h,e become engaged to be married Mr:fthln ten ,days. Failing to do.o the length to see that love, more than any· tious. compelled me to relinquish my ilS8.cyw1JJ 80 to a third I;oueln In Am er- tWng else In the world-even tortunepOGltlon in lIer favor. Sometblng 1 was TIle .tory openll at OuUe Wyckoff. "here Lord VIncent and hlll wUe. trlends wn:; the om)r thIng worth considering :lolly well pleased to do, by the way. It came 'I() a Question of getting when Terhune, are dlacussln,; plana to nnd Ar ch Is a bard man to hold when 11e's m a wife wtthJn the prescribed time. It marrIed. mAl that Lad.) ' Vincent Is one of seven riled. "'H] that two and a halt minutes nOM namet1 Al'Iltha.. all close gtrlhood "Don't you see," I ended. "he refused uma. Sb. decldoa to lDvlte two ot them to do as r suggested. refused to go and of susp US6 bad ma.jll me his debtor for 8" couple of lo;1ooks and one wen· [ o the caatle anll hove ArchIe there a8 De ot the lOI ..ta. Agatha Sixth etrlkee ask Agatha First, al~ough he believed kIcked s hin . rchle U 8. baadpeJoted beauty. Agatha rst Ia a "retial' AmerIcan g1rl. Lady thoroughly that she ~ould accept him. But just bow the mIracle of Agath. Incent tell .. bel' husband that Agatha solely because he wat In love with Sixth's change of heart had · been aclx'th &tready carea for .A rchle. He galne Agatha Sixth, and would rather have m Acatha 8lxth the admlllsion that compllsbed, or In wbat. mannllr Desl" Ile oaru tor hJm, but will reQulro a bad no .ortune at all than a fortune est had so llresented ber case· as to onth'. time fUlly to make up her mind. wIth any other girl 1" I laid my hand the. Ff~t. neglooted by Terhune, r oachieve such speedy results, 1 am not vea attentlona from Lealie Freer . Four on her arm appealingly. My last trump pre pared to state. I only knoW that It ,"Y8 ot the IIrecloua time havo pll3Sed had been played, but not In vain. 'hen Terhune Ia called to London 00 'was nothlng more than I had expected uslne... Aptha. First. on tho plea of GraspIng my meaning with lightning· ot \.he cleverness of my wife, and as Ickneu. ellCUII08 hereolt trom a motor Ilke rapIdity, Dearest was on the 10.' p planped by the Vlncents. Later they for 'rerhune, I think he was too happy ee Agatha IJlnlt plok.lng nower. wtth a stant nIl action. "The Ume, Wilfred, tranp man. The Vlncents dlscus. the time!" she Urged. her cheeks to ~now Qr cllre. atha'a seemtng dupllolty. The tollowd&y tha IIart., . vlslta the rulna of an aflame, her gray eyes black. convent. Terhuno continues hIs at"Six minutes of ono," I answered, as enUons to A.catba SIxth. Then suddenly a transtere hi. attenUon. to Agatha she pulled ,t he watch from my hands. As for tbe rl!st of us, Includinf: 8~ rat. Vincent ieor.. Wm tor ble afPar. "Archibald Terhune! Do you hear llcltor Barnes, who hs'd been rescued nt t1cklonesa. Ttla la.st evening 0 the Imo allotted in Whloh to become engaged thaU" she almost shouted to Arch In trom the library by some maid or v .... The toUo,..lng day Solioltor Bum. li arrtye from London. and th. Vln- uncontiollable excltement. "It'll six footman, we 'J'epalred Immediately to nte are anUi!luI to consummate the en- minutes of onel Find Agatha Sixth and the dining room, wbe~e the weddin. ment. 'VIncent , ~lIICOVlllr. Agatha ret aDd , a man wrth )11a arm around ask her to man), fOu. for hel\ven's luncbeon, of Dearest's oreatlon, awaIt . '", waIst.. Vlnc.ilt decidu that tba man ed us. and' had all taken our places b~ l\at be Terhune. .'Dbe ,next mom In. Terune aDd A.dtha Firat art v~rr trtendly fore the big clock on the mantel quite the brealttUt table ' while Agatha ceased , booming the ~our. Of COWie Iltth. IIII8IJUi aoDie'll\'hat dlaplea.se4. Sollclr. Bu~ , arrIvu The Vincente are the bridal nature of the table decora·~x10ua. In an ' Intervlow of Vincent and Uons -nade a hlt-:-as my, Americanized ll8 wlta the latter cries In desperation tyer the punUn. oonditlon ot alralra. wife persists III saying-wIth those two IoUeltor Bam... IUTtvee. The Vincent·. ardent lovers, Brancepeth and Agatba amdoua. WIll Ter)1une report an .. rFirst, and they admired ana ezo)l\lmed eM or a me manT Terhune tella r4 \ " I _ t tha.t he propoNd to A.ptba quIte as If the whole thing 'Were gottt!n th and that .he ha4 refUsed to marry up tor ttrelr especial benefit. And It JI1. Terhun. dec1Uea that It -ha cannot, aft lb. 'womu Qr bla ' 'cholc. that he was during this moal that we gathered . olJ:"'-=~ .aunt'a fortuD.e. An auto- , fuller details of the trials and tribul..
rtactical Fashions l
C"APTER XII.-contlnued.
"So JOu were the man In the draw· ~g room the other nlgJiU" ahe ' elt~ tlalmed, when· he had flnlsheel telU!!. " er, u4 ahe OpeDo4 her beautiful gray ''tyea Tel')' wlelely at· )'ouns Ml;lrray. "By Jo,e, )'eel". I addo4, "and It "asn'tl 014 Terhune. after a11l" "And it waln't old Terbune, either, who w.. with Agatha. First the day fOU a&w th.,. ·Nld automobile In the woods," aho said. "By love. no!" I said excltedl,. "I bew r4 BaeD that maohlne of Brance"eth~s belore." And as r glanced at It aiatn tile whola slgnlflcance of the Plystery we Ia.d made In regard to ,,«atha Flnt and .Aroh came to me . trlth t.he torc81 of revelation. I turned 10 ell1La1n Jt aU to Dearest, but, as . usual, Ibe ,vas ahead of me. . "It was ¥ou all ~he time I" she erud •-'t o l'IIurrar. but with a smile of such In· '!fable relief that I wondered, unUlshe turned to Arch and 1 saw what bearing that fact 'had On the sltllatlon In reo p.r(J ' to Agl\tha. Sixth and Terhune's ~t's property. "I'm so Borryl" she said, holding out her hands to the old boy. "We did you ,n injuBtice, Terhunel" And she told blm brlefty ot the scene she and t and Agatha Sixth had been witness
. -:.
During Thl. Meal We Gathered Fur' ther Details. sakeI" Then, as Terhune only stood and stared Ilt her with dropped jaw, sbe stamped her foot vehemently. , . "Don't stand and stare like that!" she orled. "00 aa I sai)'! Hurry! RUD for yo~r lIfel" , And Arch WllS ·gone at the word, though I don·t Ullnk he had unUI then any 'Idea that there was still time to retrleve the dar and a fortune. " To do him 1usUce, I 'don't think he had any other thought subsequent to Brancepeth's stOry and the rev.elaUons that fo)' ~wed in r egard to Agatha Sixth'!, reason for refusing him, than that ahe was more likely 't o change her
Mortals "",'hb Would 1)0 Tlielr.·
'Courtlng Afoft.
ceur n nloe. r jom y n r oll\n • npd in It lUI old·fa hlon d sofa 01' a nn 'ho l r . T hen 1)4t tb girl.ln, get in yovrself a nd turn on til ' pow r. Do not be In any lllll'l'f. Gct far onougL 'IP 3 0 lhu l YOII mill bo Drco '. mpied t or 11 fe w mom enl/! without 1!llIdiJI·g . It Is Jus t ns "' (11\ to s trap the girl In . Sll C ('un ' t get awn)', of cours e. but yon Cl\ll kiss <\ girl In an aeropla ne mllc b ensl I' It she Is firml y s cured. Al ways ItN' P ono hand n lho sl ec r· in: appara tus and the olber on lh o gi rl ; but If wors t OlllOS to worst. let gIl lhe lJ t rlug appa/at s. Tile following tlchedui , If adhered to, will prevent ordinary acc idents : "They that a statue of VI ·tory, . Ji'i ve hundred reel ' L:P. hold gl rl's It must havo been 0. hot fight." hund. Six hUlldl' d teet up, arm around ber The man who Is nnxlolls to let yoU waist. Seven hundred foct, drop everything Iwow that God Is on his tongue 118ual· Ilnll hold girl. worldng steering appa- ly has the devil In his heart. mtlls with both Ceet . De careful. when you alight, not to cume down n ar a church. In the excltem nt of til occasion you may for· g t YOUl·selt aud Dlarry the gIrl. ~fany tntal accidents ha ve resulted In his mnnner.-Puck.
flln e
This s kIrt wIll b found a blessing by those who nr obllg d to niter last years gnrments us well as by those wbo hnve new material. 'rhe skirt has a seam In tbe c nter of the tront and the gore which continues Crom tbls poInt to the plalls whIch form the back Is circular In cut. fi tted by sma\1 darts at the hIps. The lower edges of thla portion of the skirt are sloped downward toward' lhe center of lhe (ront and joined to a deep shaped flounce. ' In t he bacl( two box' lliolts extend all the way to the hem. Two materIals may be used In ma lrlng thl!! skirt or only on e as preferred. It of· fers great possibiliti es for comblna· tlons and a 'sati n or velvet flounce will add much to any style selected. The pattern (6286) Is cut in sIzes 22 to 32 Inchse waist measure. Medium size requires 4 yards of 44 Incb material.
For Spraina,
Some ·Good Advice for Those Daring
"Some nine :yenrs ago 1 noticed small pimples breaking out on lhe 'buok of my ~ands. They becarue very ltrlm·tlng-, and Ifradually became worse, so that I could not sleep at night. I consulted a physician who treated me a long time, but It got worse, and I could nol put my- hands In water. I was treated at the hoeand It was just the same. I V(U told that It was a very- bad case of eczema. Well, 1 ;Just kept on usln, everything that I could for nearly eight years un-til I was adv.lsed to try To procure thle patlorn send 10 cents to "Pattern D epartruent," at thlll p apH. Outlcura Olntmellt. I .dId so, and · t ' Write name and address plainly. and be found aner a few appUcations Clnd b, aure to give size and number of pattern: bandaging my hands Well up' that the bUrning sensatloJls '\Vere disappearing, I could sleep weU, and dId not have SIZE ............... .. NO. 5286. any itchlbg during the night. 1 began atter a while to use Cutlqnra Soap for NAME ~ •••• ••••••.••.•••'•••••••••.••••••••••• a wasb for them, and I think by us!.ng TOWN ...................................... . .the Soa» and Ointment I was much • STREET AND ' NO...................... . beneflfed. ' I !!tuck to the Outlcura treatment, and thought U r could \1se STATE ..................................... . other remedies for over seven years with no result, and after only havhig .. few appUcatlons and ftDdlng ease [rom · Outlcura Olntment, I thought It CHILD'S DRESS. deserved a tll1r trial wIth 11 severe /lnd stubborn case. I uaed the OIntment and ~oap for- nearly sIx months. nnd I am glnd to · say that I have "lands as clear as anyone. "It Is !tly wish that you publish tbtll ;ettr to"UU the 'World, anel If anyone c1oul)ts It, let tbemwrlte me and I ' w11l give them the name of my pbfsl· tlOJilJ that had beset the 'path of thll olan" also the ~ospltal I 'fas ~eateel now happy \lair, which expJalned an'd . at." '(Slgned) Miss Mary A, BenUey, accounted (or, many hl\.herto una~ 93 UniversIty St., Montreal, Que., countable happenIngs of our own e~ Sept. 1.4, 1910, ' perlence. . Among otber things It appear.-4 thai Malady Worth H~Ying. Brancepeth was, ot couree, the owne' "I can't understand my husbanel. of the checked' coat I had seen In the doctor; 1 am afraid thf)1'e Is some· automoblle In the' woods, and that th, thing terrible the matter with him." · coat we had fou~d Terhun'e 'a .olosel "What are the symptoms?" Inter had only borne a resembrance tel "Well, 1 often talk t'o IiJm tor half It. The young man. had run down .froltl an h our a t a tl me an d . wb en I ge t through he 'hnan't the least Idea whn~ his uncle's place In his machlne thut day. he told us, to meet Agatha Firat {'\'o been saylng." , "Don 't worry any morfl about your I In the woods, by prearrangement wltb husband. 1 Wish I had his g,1ft."I her, wblcb, of . course, explained tbil , Stray S~orles. buSiness of lier assumed hEladache and refusal to go to Northbury wl~' UI!' . Feminine Flnancierlng. . Tbey had been obliged to keep th~1I IIe-l'ye won our bet on tbl' foot· ,a ttachment a secret e'VltJe1;ltly ell:0ugbr ball gnme and you o\ve me ten kisses. on account of Brancepeth's unole's de~.be (a olnmerclal school graduate) termination to marry him to MIss aim' -Very ""Qil, I'll glva- yOjJ a draft on plln. But when we protested aplnat , nial'l1ru~. . thetr having .hi lt 'lIa out oJ theIr cond; Th~ little frock shown In the Illus· -~-il-"~-"----dc-nce. Braneelleth ~ltplalned 'Uley had tration recalls tho popular ,' jumpe-~ , Hardened. It best because they feAred style . . It eonalsts of· n waist or gulmpe Sco~t':':"ll! ·It true . that Coolelgh i, that Cecil Chlltem, wbu. It 'Ieemed, which Is tuok.ed · near the 'neck In financinlly embarrassed T was a great friend ana poilU cal ally 01 front and which 'closes In tho' center of Mo~t'-He'a fe!lrtully In debt, but It his despotic uncle, would flnd 'ou~ .trom -the back. · This ," waist . haS bl~hop doesn't seem to embarrass him much. us. probably tht;0ugh'. iny, ",Uo's friend· .sleeves and a stondlng collar. There ship ' for his wife, about Bran~.peth'. , Is a small bib . 'wblcb Is really ,part TIl!! n~xt tim,,' you feel tha.t. awnUOwlD« engagement to Agatha First, tn, which ot the I!klrt and' 'Wblo,h Is' held up In, .•m~nt~!\ the Bure ;BiSln of 80re throat, event Brancepeth felt convlnce4 · Chll place ' by ' straps · ·whh!b · go over the gOr'glc,· lfamlin8 Wizard Oil immediately ,witb three parts water. It will BIl,e you tern would feel It ~11i iluty to inft)r,m shoulders ,t o the belt In t.he ba<)~. · The saId despotic uncle, "Therebr," as th~ skirt Is plaited all Ilr9und. The com· days and perhapa ,.,veelc, o! mi~ry. young man 'hlmself-.put it, "I'lllsmg, the blnatlon showli ,In ths lllustraUon 'ean And It sometimes happens. that a deuce of a row for nothing, doa't '011 hardly be lmprovad upon, but plain mall likes to' have his wife get. so' mad know." 'colors may h6 used It preferred, 'l'he she won't speak to hlm-tben ilhe: wlll pattern (52GI) is out .n , sizes 3 to 11 not ask ' him f0t: ~oney. (TO ~ COliTINUED.) . , years. Five year ~Ite requlres lYe yar,ds your Thought., ' , of' 86 Inch pllild materi~ 'and llAa ' yards PiLES cunED IN 0 TO U D& Y~ . ' Don't go to Bieep' with ' a fr . own 1'ol1r dM'l!lIlat lfflfrol'ulU\ mODe7 It l'AZO IlC'I'' .. ....... ~ of ' pln.ln 'jor' the waist: IIUlIS'l' falls 10 'cun) nn1 elUO ot lIobln., lind. rour brow. A 'drawn-down mouth and screwed.up eyes help to brlng 'wriDkloa ' To proc~o ' thlll vattern •.end 10 c~nt8 Blbcdllli or l'roLrudlnll Pile. lu ~ Ii> 14,d.'•• .. GOo.. . .' • But really one needs to think, pi,.. to ' "Pa-Hern Department,'· 0' tbls .papct', . There's one little satlsfaotion' when ant thoughts In . tbe daytIme, 100. Write name alld a~dre8i1 plainly; and be a man (I\lls sIck, It makes his wife . trfve .!Se alid ~~m))er of pattern. pent Of her III tre.a tment' of blm. Don't Pleasant ,thoughts brltig 'a serene e;Jo aute pression lo' the faco; which, aa till work the ga:~e too. orten, however. '.' . . ,. -:--...----..;......'-., lEarll go:' on; becomes permanent. 8Izm~ _ •••••••••·••••• . NO. 5251. h b The people you ~eet 'W 0 . , ave pi... lng' faces' are the ones Who have n •••t NAMm!·.•••••• : ...•••••••••••••• ,••••••• ~ •••• · ,I allow hard or unJdpd or dlscontltDIl TgWN! ••••• : .·••• : ••••• :~ •••••••••••• ~ ••••••• ed thoughts to' ftnd 'a resHn • .plAce 'the'li' 'm lnds, alid tber~" tii urgent liis ii'rR.B~ ~,· NO~ •••• ~ •••.; •.•••••••••• ;~ c'e slty tor 'cliltf:vaUnr; se~e~lt' · ~ : ,~ : . ; " ' . .. .' I'I'A~ ••••• '••••••••••••••••• ~ ............... . aaleep wltb. . , .. " .
mini. and marry him after all, IIlnce hf:'· suspicions had proved unfounded:' And this thought, to give him all hIs :lue, had been sumclent to make him ·tu the other night In the drawing room flappy without any thought · ot hIs a.1i"~ our sus}llolons of him In connee- aunt's . property. In 'fact, I thlnk he tlo J with It. had forgotten the latter In the flr.s t I', took him a moment or two to bUss of the moment, but 'When Dearest STaAp what rthe m.eant, and what her raised ·her warning and Inspiring cry dtl:l~very thlu our suspicions were .un· be had realized that after all .a fortune llI'an ,uat mlgbt . . , and I spo k e be f ore h e like that his aunt's propertv represent. ' J did. ad was quite well worth the having. "And now .....Itb wlll Abe all right, Dear· ('m not atte ..... ptlng to· d' e nv, you ·see, . h JU J id .s~ J sa, u out gat a Sixth, She that there was enough of his old self ~11l see that. she was unjust to Arch I"ft, In spite of the changes love hael d 11 l 1 h ' " ,n yo~ wi e I er. won't you 1" And b.rought about, not to make hlm rather s. l• looked at But to my certain, now. t"at Dearest had .remln u' I 'j t ber reagerly. th U • urpr se. us...... as hi ought everything '.d him of,,It, that Au' nt Georgy's Aus· . d .,.eryt ng arranged and eraUan farm would not 'make hill! a ::pIa Ine, e road cl64f to a reconciliation and bad sort of wedding present. At least • ngagement f)uLween my friend and my I noticed that ·he lost no time In obet· e.1fe·s friend, toward the accompUshln, Ing bel' mandate, fot" ' no sooner ware ot which object we ~ad Invited both the words out of her mouth than Ter· parUes to cO'ne to Castle Wyckhoff, hune was In full cry for the staircase, Oearest seel1led inclined to spoll ' tbe ' with Dearelit and myself hard after .... holo thing . 'y refusing tn act as medl. him, while a c!>upl~ of 'fox terriers t,llat, . Too ·'v~lii.bi.; , : , ator between tbe two. Ana a mediator had sprung fr.om deal:. knows, yrhere "What ·YOIl 'Yant' ~0 ', 4o ~!I to · ~lis necessaty. t~at la If they W!3re added to . the 'cpnfuslon' by 'yapplng at that:" mudbole ·In· the , (oall all.eli" . '.f f . to be brougbt t~ge\.her In Ume t9 nil\ke 01.\1' heels ' and, oth~rWlse Impeding:; our '. \b~. engagement" tact befo~e tl)e. fat~ . progress, tq ,Ill praiseworthy , att~mpt ·to , bout had 'U'f'h'ed, for Miss Lawrenpe be lil at the ..death. Arid e~eii ; as ,. ( ·~aa . stl~ ~ol!.ed In the faaln~Bs . of 'ber tripped . and .ii~umbl~d ' ..ove~ .th'e'J!l'· ancf f,OOJ;n. " ;'. laugbed and '1Vhooped with Dearest, .. (, . ',II sa!t~' ~ Implored; selalng Dearest.' s· heard,that . Ch~ltJip ot a BrancePcth bilt Il!lnd. don t ,fttt~ltate nowJ. At suc~ a o.n the B~oo.P " s¥le1dn.g,,; "GOJle . ~;tt-.ff · oti81a Go a\tJ · ~eU Aga~a Sixth the Go~e a'way I'" .as, If ~e ' wet. P:!JBBel!secL. p~ws and ge~ 'ber to come do.wn »efPre<' It Is' no ·V(~~df3t"thtln... h;!'lng lad~U~~el ~ta too latel . By Jove, it Is hard OD the' child.sh state of .e:ccitemqt ,.•.,~old Terhune tp ,lo,se. n 'fortpne be- wbloh Terbune'II·'1.lt throw' tor 100 , choose to ltavl}whIDlcl.f'''· I tune asalDit. thile Jlad n· ,I0> •• _ '. ~!'!. 80' earue,t I ,~ alm91t ~DKr7:., la the cOof.usloD --o~ would tIltllk • tor~w.e' "'... & "IDa..... tq ~ AI~II ' ~'tl'1~ra~ . ~t.r ot 110 IglportanOG .to him at aUP' . came rolmd··the~ . ~. j~t Itl" repUtIIt'my wife b'o-;:·Wia)o.. i B11111110118: r ,.alJL It teo '~l1ch ImportaDoeL aU the, .,.. oDJr ,.... that 1 "..atate tI). ~ , ltopped a ~ClIDlIIDt fj'.-MMIAIWI 10\1 ~k" ...... . leea .U b.er I .~.., • . . \l1li ....... baa ..... tile .". . fill _~~"J;1_" ."'~
Archibald's Agatha
eel fell and sprained my arm and was in ~rriblo pain. I C':outd not use my hand or ann without in,tcnse .suf[~ring until a <Deighbor told me ,tQ use Sloan's Llnit'nent. The first application gave me Instant i'elief and I can now use my nrm as well as ever."-Mas. H. B. . Spamor.Jl, 9:31 Flora St., E1izabe~ N. J. .'
is an excellent antiseptic.and
killer .....:. heals cut$, . bums, ~ounds, and eontus~ons; and will
draw the polsoJ\ from sting of poi. sonous in'sectS, ..
• 81oao'. book OD aud pomU.,. .• eat ,free.
bol'llU, cattll;l, .• heep
.D ' r.. ·E arl' .8. 81oan, ' BOlton, .....,
IL'IV,ES FOR SAKE OF HER AItr Poet Joaqul ... Mllieril Daughter Wooa the Mu.e In a Cheap New York Lcdglng.
New York'.- Everyolle bas h arlt at Jonquill Mill r. \he poet ot the Slerrnl!, wbo lI\'es wllb his bIrds , and hl~ ' hooku i.n a little cabin on the mountain side abo"e Oakland, Cal. Once In ' a while the aged and bewhISKered berBATTLES , OF 7TH mIt-po t comes Into clvl\l~aUoil and ntcrtn ills l)eople with bls undlsgulSE1d General CUlter'1 Regiment Had Many conteml)t for socIety, but In tbe main Thrilling Flg~tl With Indian. ne prefers to commune with nature From 1872 to 1876.
- PAPA'S MISTAKE. "apo. dlsUnctIy .ald, tho other day. , That In the night, when I'm ..,Ieep 80 , I!ound, !rlae enrlh keep, turnlnlf over all the time, .And very morning ft', be on halfway
I thought how trrand to aee tho big roulld world I Go turning po.,t till, wl'!.dow In the bllll, IA.nd here I'm up at fO'ur o'olock to Wl\tch, .And there I, nothing aoln~ by. e.1 a11. ~
J thought that de.orlS, palm trees and , IIlrlll't"... , • Wlihl Just b, palMing by the time 1 l anle; lAnd now. Inetead of all thole lovely thlngl, Here 's till' old yellow rose bUlb, Just the lIame, -Century Magazine,
Sa:.d Ann. d'you think ~ Se~ Puaa 'w ould with ~ Oo~' Fi6h p\b.y?'. ·,1 'think she' d ~'ve
:CLEVER 'TRICK WITH STRING May Be Pe'rformed If One Concentratee Mind Intently on Thumba' and Little Finger,. Secure a piece ot stron, oord a yard LITTLE REMARKS THAT HURT pn length. and having tied the ends ly together, pass the double end Two UnkInd Phr8l88, Often Untrue anee UnJultlfled, That Our JUllloMi rough your buttonhole and a thumb May Well ~vold. rough e8()h loop, as .hown In flg-
,U N 1.
, J\q(,w IUp the little finger ot your ~and under the lower Itrlng of \be loop whloh passes over the right !thumb. and 'a Uttle Hnger of the rlgbt 'hand under the lower string at t.he I
PlacIng SCrlng In Buttonhole. loop whIch pUlea over the lett thumb, .eparallng the hands as Ibown by 4laure 2. Now comel the mystery. A qulok movement of lloth hand3, either thumbs or Uttle fingen, will "ve the effect of a tangle which can only be unraveled by cutUng the ~trlng or the buttonhole . . You add to 'the JIIuslon by lawlng a 'UtUe on the buttonhole to direct the attention to the ItnJ)Out.blllty of loosening... · the !atrlng at that poInt; ,t hen suddenly, rwtthout letting !la' ~Ither .. hand" you "relent' th.e Itr1ng' free from the b\1t!tanhQle, though Bttll securely tledl ' Thll Is the aecret: u 10,U look carelT at tlpre a,you wlli dJlcoyet that e little finger of one hand and the umb at the other are really bolding e same loop; so you have only to taln your, )lold on these ' pOints" letIng the relt go, to draw the string out of the buttonbol. wJth freedom. i ,You may find ' It. rather dJft\cult at !ftrst to make {he proper t.humb and ~ger aot qulokly and In unison, 'a part Ifrom the twin brother or1!bch; for
Secret of Trlok. umbs and alao little tlngers are like win chJldren, and; unleBs well trained, , lJe alWj1YS wants to do what th~ othr ~s. But you will succeed It you - - - !conoentrate your mind very Intently jon the separate command to tbe twin !thumbs and little fingers.
WhIch Createl Muoh Merriment for Both Player. and Guelt. -How It II Played. r-
In 1872 tbe Seventh United BlfltetJ cavalry had been scattered througb seven states In the south servin, as constabulary to aid the officers In tbe reconstruction policy, says the National TrIbune In reSllonse to a Query, The threatening atUtude at the Slou:l In Dakota called for cavalry and tbe Seventh was sent thIther. Gen. S. D. Sturgis, tbe colonel of the regiment, was assigned to duty at St. Paul, Minn" and Major Reno with one sQ.uadron was dctalled for escort duty with the boundary commission. The rest of HIe regiment went to Yankton, and then under Lieutenant G13neral CUBter reported to General Stanley at Fort RIce, where It was assIgned to duty In protecting the surveyors of the Northern PacIfic raIJroad. The column lett Fort Rice June 24, and August 4 Gen· eral Custer had a fight with 300 Indl, ans near what was afterwards Fort l\.eogh and droyo the IndIans tram the field by a charge. . The next day the IndIans killed tbe sutler, veterinary surgeon and one enUlted man. August 11 the 'InOlans attackecl the regiment while In camp on the Yellowlltone, but were drIven off and then pllrsued elgbt miles. The regiment 10lt cintl omcer and two men wounded and one D)an k1l1ed. The IndIan 1018 40 kUled and wounded. In June, 1874, Ouster went out tram Fort Abraham Lincoln to reconnoiter the country, and !]lent 60 days In thl •. In September, 1874, Ilx troop' under Major Lewll Merrill were lent to the department at the gulf. where they remained unUl the spring of 1876. Then all tbe troopa ot the regiment were concentrated at Fort Lincoln to join Terry's column against the Sioux. The cOlumn left Fort Lincoln May 17, and June 22 the trail ot a large bol1y at Indians 'was discovered on Rosebud river, and Custer was sent with hIs regiment to toll'.>w this. The scouts reported that a large camp haeS boen discovered In the \,alley at the Lillie Big Horn. In order to prevent the es· cape of the Indians Custer decid ed to attack at once, Bnd divIded hll' regiment Into three squad.l'oDs, one of troops, ,w h'loh be commanded, and the others ot three troops each, to be com· manded by Reno and Benteen. Reno ' was given the advance, wbUe BeDteen was'15 nt oft ·t!> the lett and south.
"ThInk betore you apeak," 80Y8 an old sage, and ollr junloMi may well ponder over hIs advIce. For there are words that wound more deeply .than wcaJ),Ons. and It would be dUftcult to find any utterances more vexIng than the two 10llowlng: "I told you BO!" and "Jult what I expected!" With alight variations lu \he last menUoned. those two rema.tkl are &I common u they are unJustlned. They are unjustlfted because they are so often untrue, The person who tellll you that suoh or suoh a happen· lng Is jUlt what' ahe had anUctpated Is orten either talkIng for the sake at saying Boruethlng, or pretending to wisdom 1't'blchshe· does not POSS088, It II sate to lay, In nine 'casea out ot ten. that ahe ne~er thought anything abOut It till that very moment. Sbe really does not ' mean wbat sbe says. What sbe does mean Is this: If I had given a thought to the 'matter, Il1h'ould have arrived at the concluelon th~t the accident Is jUlt what might have been anUclpoted. , As a matier cit fact, people get Into the habit ot saying tbat kind ot thing without COnsidering the truth at wba' they say. "I told you sol" Is frequenUy used, although the Ipeaker has not "told you so!" It ls a fiction pure and slnlple. Now, what Is the lise ot maklng such remarkll'l Gene.-alJy speakIng, when a perBon baS committed som.e ~rror or done something unwise, she suffers the penalty. ana Is sumclenUy vexed about the whole thing wi thout havln~ to bal' the stab of au aggravattng observaUon which either has no foundation or Is taniamollnt to an eXllressloll at sllperlor wIsdom. Diles It help us. wheu we have been foolish, to have some one boast at being so much wiseI' than we? There are, naturally, a tew cases wbere tho remark Is perfe-:tly justi· j fled, and in those InBtancea It may be that the unwise person deserves' the added sting. Yet it ,Is questionable It the utterance ot ·elther at those ex:presslons does any good. To '" told you so!" ono might reply: "Yes, t Is ; true you did, but why bit me wben I ' am down? I am suffering enough without that." Perhaps a lItUe thought on thle aubjeot may p~event much annoyance to others.
.Hood s , t
A Chrlltm •• Crltlcllm. OrYtlle ' Wright, dIscusllng ftylng 1. New York, ssld to a !,eporter: "The Inrench claIm to make the bellt , machInes. but our foreign order .boolcR tell a dltrere~t Itory, , ' ''Our foreign order books c1ve the g"me away like the little 'Dayton boy at tbe C.hrlstmas trent, He got from Cure~ all humors, ~ata.rrh an4 ' the tree at t1118 treat a paJr of trouR- rheumatism, relieves tha.t tired era, and, wavIng theul around hll! head, he eleclrlfled the entire Sunday feeling, res~ores the appetite" scbool by sbouting In a 10u:1 and ,jOY- cures, paleness, nervou&ness, ous voIce: bu,ilds up the whole system. "'Oh, rna. these pants must be new. aet it tocL1y in u5lle1. liquid form ~ Pa never bad a suit like that.' " ehoeolnled tablet8 called Sareatabe.
Sarsapar'i lla:(
Long Time Coming. Renl College Roy (waiting tor Ills change In department store) - Thls slIspense Is simply maddening, Esmeraldo I Hadn't ),011 better start a tracer otter my change? Saleswoman (meanly, but sweeUy) -Just like mono), tram home, Isn't It, Archibald ?- Drake Delphic. Compani ons In Mllery. Ella-For all so.. d words of tongue or penB te II a -F orget It ; I ' m an a 1d ma Id mysel!.
~ ,
La ....
tlee e.Tew"e. 16ak-. P
e86 to~. CapadUoa .. hlah
trultlllD 10 hours. TIl_I: A eentotpaek.or201'l!l'ear\yp~.1!I!lIIt11,orforealJall
Write for Booklet.
mos. U. MOWN.8triaIIIW.
SYRUP ~rIGS ~d f1o~ffiR~~~t!~~ using
~ MI .. JuanIta Miller. snd the muse wbloh be courts. He Is a scholarly mlU1 1't'lth poetic thoughtJI. His beautltul dl;lughter, Min JuanIta Miller, Is somethIng at a hermit berself, for her home Is a tiny room In Carnegie ball, this clty-a room which ,used to be a box oroce. Young, pretty Ilnd \'ery talented, she could take , a prominent part In society If she WOUld. But sbe will have nothing to do with the pleasures and frIvolities at , t~ world . "I am trying to find myself and discover what I am hero for," she says. "I am severely crIticized by my friends for trying to JIve my own life. but to me freedom Is above all else to be desired. My greatest horror Is the possibility of being a sheep and following a leader. SocIety women do not order their own lives. I am well and happy and just now am living a life whlcb tends most to happiness. I have solved the problem 'of high prices. I pay $4 a week tor my room Iter'e Ilnd as there are no bathing taclllUe.s I go to ' a Turkisb both once a wellk. My clothes I buy on Fourteenth stl'eet Ilncl lIay almost nothing tor them. My food costs me onty $2 a week; so 1 may say my total living expenses amount to but little more Ulan $7 a we k. r make my own coffee ' In tbe morning. At 1100n J go over to Sixth av uue, whero_ I get an egg sandwich for five cents 'and a good stew for ten cents. In the evening I l'ualce my coffee . agaIn and hav some fruit. "Ouce r was drlfUng and was bored. Now 1 am happy. I have done some water color s whlcll my ft'lend.s ' say nr good. I can sing mid I clm play. Now I wa.nt to know w.hlch thing I cau /10 best and th"n follow that line." Miss MII1~r'a motber Is' v ry fond of life nod soolety, but CllDllOt Induce the girl to 'give liP what seem to her to be v~ry peculiar notions. Evidently Juauita is a feminine oOPY of Joaqufn.
Ma .. lve Ccuch Mauloleum Stands a. Lalt Vestlgo of the Clty'l Firat Cemetery.
CAliFORNIA fiG SYRUP-CO J w. L. DOUGLAS [~~18\1'3, '3.150 a '4 SHOES ~o~o=~~ ove'
HOES • • 2.00,
If I could tn.ko)'on Into Ill" Ja!:Co laotn.rle. at Bl'OCIkton, Uau., and sbow YOIl bow enrotully W 1.. 1>011&1. . .boes ato ml\deJ tholul'erlor 1fOrkmAnt'blp and lbo W ~h IIral1e l elUbon mod, you wou!a then IIDaOr.tlUlll ,yby 'Dollar lor DolJ~r I GuarRntee l\£y Sboe. tQ )lold tholr ,bAllO, loo.k nna II t botler and wear longor tbllJl lUll' othor t3,00 , 4.00 ahoee YOIl (\IID buy. Do you realile thflt my Iboe. hit\'O been tM .lnndard over
YORrl; that I lUIllte nnd l elfmoro .a,oo, ta.® nud ",00 shoe. ' other IDIIll\ltaot41'er In tho United State,. ; ~ ' Qunllty OOIlDta. It h/UllDllde W. 1•. 00111. I.. ' boe! a bOUl!,bold \ford enrl'IYhete. .
CAUTION ....I"n./lm~ ..!'!lp_rt •••~n.\~ U ,oW' iIealer
LI!!."'''!L~ _''''L'''',",.'"
Father ofl tho Man. Miss ' Amelia Allstln lJstened with bre..athles9 atteiltlon to Mrs. Amasa. HllIlUng's radiant account ot the do, Il)gs at Jomes Hunt\ng ~ ber"husband'il younger brother, Who had left WOo brook,IJHbe-Hll1l1 In 'hIli 10uth 'an4 hod becomE) a millionaIre. t ';Where ,Is Jim this summer?" 1\lIas Amelia Inquired, at the end of tbe r. cltaI. "He has gone abroad for baths," re, plied Mrs. Hunting. "I ain't one mite Bllr~rlled to henr that," Miss Amelia said. "His mother never could make ' him wlLlh bll neck."-Yout!l1'1 Compa~lon.
Chlcago,-FamJllar as are most peoplo, whether visitors or residents, with Lincoln park, tllis city, and Its prln· clpal features, th~re ye,t remains one object' thereIn whlcb causes wouder and question by many who go there, and ' which still stands an unexplained The IndI ana Attacked the Regiment mystery to thousands . Ourlng t:~e Important to Mother. While ,In Camp. e arly days of Chlcago's hilltory the EXamine carefully every bottle ot present site ot the park was occupied. OAS'1'ORIA, a sale and aure remedy for by a cemetery. About 1805 Interme ntE Infants and children" and see that It BearB t!l.e
~31gnature of ~~
. In Use , For Over 80 Yoars. The Klnd 'you Have Always Bought. A Pcultry Problem! "Wblch ' t9 correct," asIt the Bummer boarder who wished to air hi's , knowledge,' "to Bpeak at a alttin'g h~m or a ' lIetting hen 1" "I don't know," repUed, the farmer's w\fe, "and what's more, J, don't care But there'B one tblng I would like' to know: ' wben a hen caCkle., baa she been lann,. or II Ibe lyln_n
. 1:he . Board of Pul?li~ k~airR \1'let l ll~t Wedn~day, apd elected Walter Smith to take t he p!a c~ of L911 OUI'-
Outing Flannel,
Gingham~~ prices. over. ---~-
will Iplace
Calico, Percales,
Dr~ss .G~ods,·
These must be sold.. You
.- .
Come a n d look them
will find something.
. - ...................... _ ....._ .......... --.. --r . __ .....--- ...... .
InS('nO!lI unlJOI' Ll1lR l}ea6 for lwentv·llve ¢e nt.~ (or thre.e III :orll',,,,,•. \l'h II uslllll 1I0 l t\lUl't.I l.h a n U"" ·lIn':h.
AtllI \~ IJI u~
·ton, resigued, at 'the power ' house as ngineer. . This was a wise selection, und t~e friends of Mr. Smith are rejoicing over his good fortune.
Classl8ad Ads
YOUR. FEED ARM -A j!oC' d TilrDl. g')od han 'R . atc. Fertillzf'1' und olover Aeed , A t the · Waynesville Mills. Feed rurn.ish ed. InqUIre lit tohi!! offiol) grouhd every day. We have plenty of our own make of bran and mid./ dlings for sale. LOS"r
.. ..------
IRRIFLE-Between RI'bt. Beok. The Miami Valley Poultry associaA ett's rel:lidenoe lind Lytle. T h e Gem Line Groceries tion will meet Saturday to settle the [finder will.le/Lve ut t·bis omoe. Mens W o r k Cloth',g Blankets . I Incubators and Brooders 251b G I ted S $1 25 a ffairs of their late show. EverYbody $2.50 Wool Nap Blankets .. ....... $1.98 Chicken Supplies of a ll kinch. Ask s. ranu a ugar.. ......... . is requested to be present. 1.75 Cotton ·Blanket.~ .. .. .... ... ... 1.49 1 for hook on Poultr.y, f r .e. 7 Ibs, Lump Starch .. ....... ......... .25 - -1 50 C tt BI k ts 1 19 3 llars Lenox Soap ..... . .. .... ...... .10 $200 Durk Coats .......... .. .. .. .... $1.7!l . o · ?n an ,e ...... .:...... .' Pratt's Poultl'Y Remerlies. 8 Bars Soda Crystal Soap.. .... .. .25 FOR aALE Of 1\11 the monopolists the one we ggm 175 Duck Coats: ............... .... 1.49 .~g ttad~ s fr. B,.? ~ \ . .39 Conkey's Poultry R medics. 3lbs. Ro lIedOats.. .... ... ... ....... .. .10 wost deteH ito! he wbo monopolizes - .- - - - - - - - - - - - con verRl1tion and prevent!! as frOlD '50 1Js 0: .. ... .39 Feed 'Exchange .... :::::::. RYSTAL WHlTE Orpington!l, 200 Corduroy Pants .. .. ... ..... .. 175 . en,sor oy ,s aps ........ · .39 . . White Cl iff Flour... ...... ........... ~70 g ettin~ in ollr w01'd. hlgb soorlng birds, from the 25 CMh~nlds or,BToy s Caps......... .1 9 Bran, Md,dC bel:lt Uook st,rllin SODle OOOkerels 1 50 Jeans Pants ................ .... 1.19 '25 ltngs, rdaorketd Corn, Meal, PoP COl'll, 2 Ibs...... ..... . .05 1 75· I ren S oques.. ... . ....... 19 g roun 01'11 an a s 5 Ib B k t P L d 75 2 no Sweater Coats left, ond I!g~!I in BflllBOO, W . A . l':iur '75 8 t Co ts .. .. .. .. .... ..... 59 25 Children's LegginR .19 P' H f 1 195 'OOlbs uc e ure ar .. ......... . l'OOCI'ld 'L .. ...... ... .. 7n DUrI!la, e~ . ~t'l · F·· · dPelr·5 t 10IbBucketPureLard .. .... ... ... 1.45 Guardian's Sale of faoa, R J) 5, Wilyuotlville, Ollio. · wea er a . .. ......... ...... . 1.50 Men's Wool Shirts .. ........ 1.19 . 1I ren s eggms ........... . .., ewme s lJI1Yll1 g et' . cw. Canned Tomatoes, the very best APER NAPKIN~-The Gltzett.e .50 Gem Work Shirts .. .... .. .... .45 S ' h L CI' P h for a ShOl·t tl'me, per can...... .05 · 5 Fancy ~m on mA' eac es .. ·.... ·18e Real Estate P offioe bundle" tbe philn Dl1pkins · 75 Gem Dress h uts ...... ...... 79 4 0eS L emon I'IO ):{ P eacIles· .. .. ·.. 15 (' Canned Pump"I'n, per can...... .. .05 · t Choice " I r 0 Gem DreaR hII' s .. · .. · ...... . Call1lnd I'ee them. F• ree P eae h es .. · .. · ......... 12 /~c 1/ am1ed Sweet Potatoes, per can . 10 79 $400 Dress Shoes $349 Yellow ' U d 1·00 Men s n erwear ........ · . . . · ,......... ........... . Canned Spi nach, per can .... ..... .15 .50 Men's Underwear.... .. ..... .39 3.50 Dress Shoes .......... ... ...... 2.98 Pie Peache:>, 3 can ' ....... ......... .... 25c . TOBACCO TRAN~PLANTER1 00 Ladies' Underwear ........ .79 3.00 Dress Shoes .................... 2.49 Choice Muir Pea 'hes, pe l'lb ..... .. lOc Can ned B~ets, per cap..... . ...... .10 In pursuanco of un order of the Probate Nel1rl .y new i in good Rbllpe .50 Ladies' Underwear.. ....... .39 2.50 ~ress Shoes .. .: ..... ........... 1.98 Fancy Muir Peaches, 'b er Ib ... ... 12.~c Canned Pmeappl~, pel' call.. .. .... .15 Oourt of Warren C'.<lunty. Ohio, made on !.he InqulfA of L U ,~ t. •lobn , VIIJlev · co"s. per I .. .. ........... Inc Canner! Lye Hommy, per can... .07 Aprl 29th day of lJecemuor lillO. lu the CtlSl) of Fancy S peCla1- These prices are for cash Children 's -same discount. "" CdS K t 08 Ir.. B. Dakin ns gUl1rdlan of the J>OnIOn and phone 37-ax , W!lynesvllle, Ohio. . or produce only. Fan$!.v Raisin::!, full lb. 3 fOI· .. ....... 25c anne . our rau, per ran ..... . IIState of Banks Dakin. Imbecile, plaintiff. V8. Banks Dakin. Imbecile.und others defendants, ~~ ... ~...,.~~.~w ...~ ~ ... ~A ~~ ~ ~ the \Inderalgued will on the OAR-Big Blilok Poland Ohina, f F b 1911 weight about aGO ponndR, in 3r d Day O e ruary , fine o(lnoitilln . I.n qaire of Lestel' SeaIshipt O y s t e r s - n o n e so g o o d - l e s t you forget. At 10 o'clock A. :&l. OD the Ilreml888. ofTer Surfaoe R D. 4, WOY'lesville, Obio . ut pllbHc sale the following described roalestate w-wlt: . Apple Butter, Home-madeMincemeat, Honey, Jelly, "Sll,uate III SurvbY No. 1140, In MIllIS . Ie HORSE~-BorRefl for Mle singlv 'l'owll8blp. Warrell Oounty. Ohio. on contalulng tbe north or 10 pit i fe. I oqlllre or J . B. nbout 9S.6i acroa alld bounded by land8 of B. L. Dakin. anI! on UJe eut by ChllpOlan, ' Wuyn6sville, Ohio. Pickles, Horse Radish, l'ives , Salad Dressing,' etc. lands of W. A. lIfenitt. William E. Harlan nnd WJlUam BrooklJ. and bowlded 011 the south by lanlls of WIlliam Drooks.and ThomlUl URSERY ::;TOCK-Wben you Fruits all kinds. Fancy Apples, SOc a peck. McG lade aud IT. O. llarvey nlld bouuded on wllnt Quythlng in the \\OilY of the W8llt by Illnds of W . \V. Ourtls and Hantlah Oreswell. 8Md lands IJelng the am prem- first-olo ss trees, flowers, et,o., osH 011 ises formerly occupied by 8ald Bank.ll Dakin BRING US YOUR PRODUCE J N MIllllr, litlrveysbnrg, Ohi o. tllI a bomestelld." TErtMS O~· SALE:-Th.roo fourtlui cash TeJepbooe 33 2X r . on day of sale and one elghtb In one yelll' a.ud one eighth In 'we) years from day of sa.I0!fBaJ.d , deferred payment,lI to ue secUI'IIIJ by mor age on tho prwnlses /!Old and to bear interes at t he rate of IIU par centum per annum. payWANTED bLe anDua.Uy.
~,~g ~;3~~~~ ?a~~:::::::::::::: ~.6b
~;~.~ ~~~~~1 ~
HalWeysblirg. . pn February' 3rd, a matk oarniva.l
E. B . DAKIN BIIJlks Dakin.
guardian Of Imbecile.
Notice of Appointment ·
AN PAst SO with horse and bng· M gv to seH stook ormdltion pow. der in Warren County. SlIlar'v 170 pel' mtlllt.b Address ~Ol Unity bldg., IndionapnJlII~ Indiana.
MiSs ' Mollie Kemp bas returned to Day,ton af~r a. pleasant viah Ohas Chll.r~ton, of Cozj\!ldale, ~tl!1 The ~aynesville Canning Co. is '1 lle of MarybME , been Compton. decel\lled. Estate und8l'lilgnoo appoInted aud ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;;;. ' · w,i th b.e r: motber, Ml'~: G . W Kem-p. wm. be held at Town' Ban uodertbe \ returned to hIS hOUle a. fte~ · visitlDg now ready to contract for corn and C/ualUled tI.S ,\dmlnlslra'Lor of tile estate of E. Compton. 11ll-e ot WarreD Couty. hiD. Mrs. Johu Spitler of east'of' town auspio~s of ~be girls of rooml three near bere tor sev4itral weeks. tomatoes for the year 19U, 'It t heir . Mary decetl8lld . thA right Pllsllad away at the 'Jaliami 'Valley aDd four. rbl1 Is some~blng. ell . .Mr. and Mrs Jas. Oook and soo, W '11 ffi Dated this 8rd day or January... A. D. 1911' Ig h t OW Is time to sub . HORAOE ~' uOMPTO , b08pi~1 1'n D~yton last Saturday' Urely:. Dew In this. Q9mmunlty 88 Vall. W . 8pent Sunday witb George aynesvi eo ce.. . Admlnletrator oriOO for ~he MiI1IDi .Gazett.e evening," Funeral Thursday , at't~~ nODe of Q8 wear maske. tn ODr every O('ok and f~mily. Waynesv~lIe Cannmg Co. bome of her ,parents !ttr and MrS. day ltte. AU that can should a$-. Mi8S Hazel Blsbop Wile io the Gem J. F. Snook, Sec y. Pa~lot 'GlbhOns of tbl, ·p18oe. . -, ~d aDd have an enjoyabl" evenin.1( City last t3aturday. HAD SO· M-E"~-H-OO-S, , '. ,. . f . . '! :verY'blbg will be .done to make It . . '-bu. J;Jrelslord r.e tnrned from enjoyable Bemem~r 'tbe ,date Several from IIround here I\tt-and. ~ ~ ' . J.okao~vmf, .Fla , 'la.s ' . Friday and JaI d"M W W W 1b ad tlId' Farmers' Inll,titnte Illst week , Frank Elbon sold a bunch of 61 was wel1:,Pleaaed'w 1th 'h!J l:iouth,aDd r ii: ain Wi~s, i 'kln' t t~ 0 jr~ and all report Ii. fine meeting. . tiogs Friday that averaged 380 Ibs muoh ~tter in belilth. . ' ~ . By n m ng a e 00 eg 8am Cbarlton sold some vers fine h Of l' 1 M h' . :l4islMeUa and NIlDoie Mil1S' SPeD~ Jame~J, Butler, of Dayton, spent pigs to Dr. Clsget 11\ t week eac . ~ t ll~ ot 37 ~~re arc Pigs Saturday _nd Sunday " in DaytoD Bev~ral · da~ be~~ }allt week the Al:>nzo Munger and son , of Kan-' a.d 24 May PI~, ThIS sale ought,to vfsitlDg relatiVeS.' -, ' . ~ ,.... ~ilest of t~etJentra}. . las are visiting bis loIil'lter, Mrs. R keep the wolf away from Mr, Elbon s, , Fire broke out· 'SllturdaY" eve~lng , A. K . ~att~reon representi.Dg M. puke. door for several ~ays. If yOU ' this a d you will in thttfurniture ~{ore . of' J Ill'. F~eDo~ I:Iros. Boer 00. of OinoinnaU, - - • • -j4 ,.--' S~ke :wbioh was flupposed to h~ve tranaao~ 1?ustn88e bere last week. New Burlington GRANGE MEETING 8t/lrted · from " . ttgll~ la~p, . b1;lt ' '. MI'. A,fred Ed~ ~rds . villited In I II . save MO·NEY. Boro t.o Mr ood Mrli (Jarl Peter. nsta ation of gran~e o~cers will · was , loon put out -without' mnoh WUq'liugton ~e8day, sbaldng hanw, damage. . . . . wtth.bil many.aoqua.i ntanoel. Bon of nei\r Bellbroolt ::;aturday take place Saturday evenmg All " BorD. to Mr. and M.r8. Jolln Shall' , Charles SOhwartz the monumental aao'o. " grangers are reqe'ested to be present ' . Ane girl ,·. .':. : ., salesman of Lebanon, traDsaoted . Clyde lbrn er nnd fllnilly Wbo l at .thjs meeting• . .. Mrs CuroJ. BIlV&DS '~nd dalll(httlr business In .thil vioinity las' wee~ . have been livIDg in the West for . • - • . Specials Extras MaPel vti!lt~ her pa~flDt8, .. Mr. ~rid Cn,a rle.s Gordon and. friend spent several yel,rs h a.ve been visiting , Spring .Valley Mra. E&rohart'last I!'rld~y .. " " FridllY in Dayton . "mong fr'elids' here. Heinz Sour Pickles, per doz ... 8c JIeinz Sauer·· Kraut, a qt :..... 8c Mr•. ~ Ghall:.. Breltlfo~d, '- M~~; 'E Frank Osborn's,·hqfs.e got , unrajy . Mrs, Clilrenoe l:Jentley whose. arm Mrs Jobn Splt.1er· died at her Brazil NutS, pellb.,,: ........ ; ... lOc Roses Rolled Rye ................. 9c ~"rnbaa:t', 'Mr. "nd·M.f,8 ..Jobn Pene: and demoltsl1ed his QUIIIY to q.li1te was oroken 1n a rOlltl.~ay aooldent bome Sund"y ,norDln~ . , 'WU all. a~~.nded i ~lle Waynesville an ·extell'. · . several Dlonth a.go, we.nt to Xenia Mr. aod Mrs. Will 8enson are the Flake HOD:liny, ,8 Ibs ..........! JOe Stick Candy, pe~' Ib .......... , .... Be lD8tltn~ lAst Thllrl!day:~ , '.; . 8everal from ~ere at~ndedtbe 8atD!daY,, !.I.Dd had tl,\,e inJured m!lm-lpaJents of II> lltt.legll'l . , Cr~cked Hominy, 3.1bs .... .... lOc Cut Mixed Candy; 3. Ibs ........25c ·· , Mliil'! ~arr,y' Armatrong a~d' daugh Farmer's Institu.t e, . . ber examfned by X ray. The sur ·, . , .' ~r ' were ~~tii of; ber mot.ber, Mrs . ,.M ilton S,m.'iih, one of the·.old 'peo ' 'geoos say her urm ' most· be reset '. Mr . c..larence lI~ gle and Mlldl'ed Rolled Oats, 3 I~a ..............~· ... lOc Pie Cherries, per can ............ lO~ . ...... bIll t F r.id aY' ''1) d"~ 'rh e m!lr kat held . 0 ",,!ltn u ' were married Jl!ouollr.y 4th, at . D 1'.....~.rn . l:l . a8 ' ~tUl' " pie of ·oar· town is ' reported qui~e r d ay ,by I Sims ber ·b ome. '. ¥y:... . . . ., : poorly. '. .the D Mra. Ameha K-opp ~ere mov~d in. IY tcf tbe Nao~. MUes propel'tyon'JCast Mr: ~nd Mrs . Robt.Favor, of D~y_ We are aple Agents for Rockwood's. Baking Frunkl1n str8Qt; . . . ' ton, vlsited Mrs. Favor8 (Jarents, Chocolate and Cocoa. If you want the , Quite' a l,itrge 'orowd attended th& Mr.. tIPond ~rB. A. B. Anson t)undtl.Y· reception gi~eJi .by the K. P's.. in , Mra. Maude Al\der80n Ilnd Ron best at the Fight price, use Rockwood tbeir h"1l1~st . Wedneliday evening. Carlton, of Dli.yton, are 'be guest.. brand. J ••Mr,'· C. M: ' Wright:, the baker is. of Mr. and Mrs'. Amos E11ls. . · b~v{ng hiB pakery remOdeled. . ~Ifred Edwards and Mayor WIl· Bon. 8pent M,onday . th~ gnest~ pf Mr. We . have in stock a "umber of good Class ........aqd Mrs. Will Fornshe)) , ot ne"r ' NO:. 22.20 FEED G~INDING Tumblers (H.orseshoe brand) which T;Obaoon: . -J1EPORT 'till sell at 30 cents pe.r doz. Mr. Jl)bn W"rd III preparing to We have our mill funning, and Of . tl,te Condition of the Waynes- repair his property wbloh ' will add gr.ind feed every day . . ville National,Bank, at Waynes to the beIlO'Y of our village. . Waynesville Mills. ville .m the State of Ohio, at the . CJIi.\,k Btirgestl our. Juatioe of the Ule Monibak Coffee, 20e a Try a box of Samoset Chocolate. clpSe 'of bn,Siness, January 7, Pe(4oe who: hilS been. '~o : dano.,rously package-not a pound. but I . Others as ~ood but none. 1911.. . . ' , . Ill, is,at thi;. wrlting gre;tly imnEs'ouR"ES, proved, and iSllble to walk aro't1nd . . 20c worth of quality. coffee. better. We have the ex. ZIMMERMAN'S The kind with the flavor. elusive sale. , Canned Sauer Kraut ...... . ..... 8c Canned Bee!s .' ............ , ........ 9c Canned · Spi~ach ........ , ......... · 8c ~ppineott's Preserves ......... 25c ·
.... .........................
Look and Listen! r~ad
' SIXTY-FIR!:!'!' · YEAR.
The Outlook
:;t::w:eod::udn~:NwEh~~a:tl~h:~::::dd [~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~d=!~~~] MrPO~~:;I:CI::::N
26, 1911.
me through your valuable cl.lumns to J. B. Chapman is on the sick list. say a few ' words in regard to the Continued from Last Week For the Young Man in AgLittle Louise Smith has been quite Miami Valley Poultry Association, ricuiture···Paper Writ---Interesting Ac('ount sick. The association was organized to f ur· ther the in terests of its members ten by J. Lindley of the ln ~titut~ ProMrs. R. A. Cross is on the sick through a better knowl edge of pure Mendenhall list. bTl d' d h ' . ' , h o:ree mg an t e mtrmslC pomts t at J. H, Coleman was in Dayton are characteristic and desirable in Thursday. the different breeds. W was I'n CI'n"I'nllatl' The show we had Jannary 5th and use 1 measure of thi R solution to si x What are the inducements at the ' H, Allen '" present time tor the youn'S man to Wednesday. 7th, was in most part go~.ten up for parts water, Use W'inl<le Mist.3 spray educational purpofles and it was ade· 8th t urn nozzle, Spray 3 tlme3. for take up farming a3 a life work ? ' Mrs, Alethia Alexander has been CI'ded success, 0 f f arm pro summer spray a two Ib3, a l'~~nate of I s th. e presen t prICe ducts reason enough for one to take Cluite:sick, In orde.. to encourage all breeders lead to 50 aal!l wl{ ler, ~xhibi tt. d . beI'levmg , It . to bean easy Mrs.J. C, Hawke was in Dayton . 0f pur,e b rt!'· -..I ' .,. up f armmg. pou Itry to mak e entries, 'twigs from infe"r,ed tn'es , also apples Th II h h b an d fl owery road to wealth, to be ursday. especla y those woad nHer een infested with scale' al 0 so me fine made a success of without any knowl, in a show room, it w,as. .decided to apples from his ow'n orchard. fro 'n . Fred B, Sherwood was in Rich- rna ke ,t he fi I'St exh IbltlOn a coun· trees supposed to be nearly dead ge or prevIous training in the de, ed '] f t he b usmess-for . mond Thursday and Friday . business it tya Ifair. an d allow no one but mem- from scale fi ve y"ars ago, ta ISO Mrs, Walter McClure and Mrs. F, bers (any body in county could beMr, Z. 0, Worl ey asked Dr, Slabler is in jtself, just as distinct as any · 0 f wor k . C' Car y were Dayton visitors come, a mem ber,) ...'.0 compe te f .or whether feeding sorghum and cowoth er Ime ' wou Id be, unsafe, . h we rnad e no m,ls,- peas increased milk production, The Wednesday, I'remlUmS,' 1ntis We f ear t bIS ' on Iy to failure and disap· ' '. , ta ke. f or It caus ed many to ex h IbIt answflr was yes. Iead mg pointment, in nine cases out of ten Mrs, L. 0 , ThompEon VISited her who otherwise would not have drme . --With the population of our coun, brother. in Lexington, Ky., a few so if they had known they would Wednesday Evening- 7:S0 try increasing at the rate shown .by day s last week. have had to gone up against the pro- Music. High School Orchestra. our last census, especially the in Melburn Hathaway. of St. Louis, fessional huckster who pU,rchases Reading b.y Miss Justina Hartsock, crease of the city population as com· arrived here Wednesday evening on (never breeds) a few· exhibition spec- "An Old Sweetheart of Mine," a visit to relatives, imens. We had between 300 and "Typhoid and Otht:!r Germ mseaeIJared with that of rural districts. it would sPem that the price of farm 400 birds. '.fhis was all we could ac· es," Dr, Stabler. He said: If the products' must maintain a higher lev. Mrs. Warren Barnett was taken comodate. people knew as mIlch as doctors they el than in the past. With more peo very seriously sick last Friday, but The membership was 50c. entl'ance would apply the laws of health . Tyis slowly recovering. fee pen 60c. single bird lOc, admis· phoid more easily preven ted and • pIe to be fed, and fewer to produce the two causes will work ~oward the Miss Loui!ta Sweinhagen, of Ridge- sion 10c (exhi bitor's admitted free). ! more deadly than smallpox. Deat:h . ~me effect. While we do not wish ville Corners, Ohio, is the guest of Notice the above expense and com- irate in Wal'rE:n County from typhoid to hold up the idea that we need not her sister, Mrs. Wm. Benecke. pare thp.m with oli-et" shows and you highest in 'the state 46 in 100; city will find the expense , to an exhibi. 1rate, 25, In Cincinnati and Clevelook for anything but good prices all Miss Lizzie ~t.ewart left for D,ayton tion in our show was less than half Iland, rate 13. Death by typhoid can along the line, yet we do b\!liflve that. ~u esday mormn~, ~.her~ she wl.1l en- what it was in most shows, The and must be stopped. Causeisbacil· generally speaking, we have a reason able right to look for fair living JOy a. t wo weeks VISIt With relatIVes. I above expense also includes free Ilus; seat of the disease. the digestive , HerbertEdwards, AlexMart.Dean t COOps" freefe~d and care of fowls. \organs, London has the lowest death prices for the products of the farm, Howell and and Geo. Waterhouse at- Notwlthstandmg the fact we made . rate of any great city in the world . You say it;takes so much capital to make the start-to get needed im tended a dance in ' Lebanon Friday the expense so small by using econo- Typhoid bacteria cannot be killed lements. This is true if you have nl' ght, my and good judgment when the by freezing. Symptoms: Nervous P the idea that you must have al\ at books were posted we broke within fever, cJiseasecannot be'.broken after M. L . PhIl the beginning. Do not get this idea! ars a and Mrs. J . W • atew dollars of even, in fact, so np.ar it is well seated, confine to room by WhilE' It-is Dice to have all the 1m- business career with Mr, Janney and - Lewis went to Dayton Saturday to even, that the members made the disinfectants. Explained case of proved machinery if one is able, yet remained there un til two days be· . Mrs. Harry Cooper, of Chicago, see Mrs. Parshall, who is recovering e](pense 'Up. Our organization is Plymouth Pa., where there were you will be su.rprised how well you fore his death, Full of energy he was called here last week on account nicely from the operation which she a p~rmanent one and from now on is 1200 cases and over 100 deaths. also can get along witla a limited number overcame obstacles that others would of the death of her brother Ernest underwent in Miami Valley hospital. national in scope, entries and mem- Chicamaugua Army camp, in which of tools when 'you try with the de. have given way before. We shall Robinson. • - • bership open to the world. We have were 11,000 cases and 850 deaths, termination to do and to keep with, IT. i88 the kindly Rmile, the beaming Messrs, Dodds and Peters, of XeHAS A 0000 'RE CORD now before us a proposition from the when flies carried germs from refuse in your means. We hale in mind eyes and the thou({htful brow from nia, representing the the Geo Dodds business men of Morrow and people heaps to ,food supply. Get rid of 'I At the Canners' Convention held the young man who has not had his our d al y associations. Just as his & Sons Co, "'ranite firm were calling of the vicinity to have our show down flies by using a solution of formalde· in Dayton recently the following 'f .. start e' criven him, but whose capital is dI1 e seemed more th'm ever a bene· on the tl'ade here Thursday. • resolutions in favor of a fellow- there. Th~y think they have a more hyde, also bathe patients in weak so~ood health, an active and alert mind. iction to a household, already sad 7 suitable building better railroad fa- lution, use] a strong solution' to · , h Henry Kunker. of Morrow, at- townsman, Roy Irons, was favorably cilities and, the proposition will be wash clotl-.ing. Cover aU refuse and a willingness to work and to de- dt!ned by a tH Ictlon, w en the sky of ed b tended the Fanciers' meeting here passed ' I'f ny himself what It. ny of bis fellowp h IS I e seem rightest. the sum- Saturday and was entertainPd at ' Whe~eas, Mr. Roy Irons, a practi- considered at a meeting later. with lime. clean entire premises call a good time but which is very mons came. why we cannot now know We are out for more and better weekly, these precautions would ptesupper by Mr. and Mrl!. Emmor cal canner. a man of unqueationed poultry and if this association can be vent 71) per cent of cases. Vaccinacostly in the end, This type of but we sh aII k'now hereafter. From Bal'ley. d' II know or ability 'and inte~rily, who, in hill " . h youIUr man will always find an open- a uman stan POint a we capacity of inspector, has already of any assistance to the Fair Board tion to prevent typhoid is a great ing. where his services are wanted "t can.say is that his home life was Rev, H. W. Bailey, although imor any organization to enhance the discovery and is harmless. In dipb" uta uI son an d IoVlng proving. was una bl e to 0 ffi ciate at viSited and is acquainted with every poultry interest we stand ready theria death rate - is very high in a price that will enable him to. save t hat 0 f a d'f d ' Sun day morning. CcUlner in the state, and who ,has im- to help out. We have proven two Warren County, 47 percent in 100;000 uat e from thei tIe ch urc h serVlce and make a start toward a home of brot' her, He grad W 'II H' h S h R S d' ' his own later on. This is his nuole. aynesvi e Ig cool in 1905, ev, tory. Istrict superintendent partially enforced the law ashe found teinga. First. that a show · can be of population. All infection CQUl4 us to build around. While h~ has His schoo! lif! WaR thl!ot of a faithful preached in the evening. it. had in Warren County tha~ is a 8UC- be prevented by isolation' di8inlec.i3e it resolved, th~t the Ohio Canand conSClentlOuB student b i d b cess. Second, that the quality of tion and vaccination. Vaccina:tion been forming this he has (without . ' I e ove y }'>ev. H. W. Bal'ley. pastor of the ' ., teachers and pupIls. A ,though al" ners' AssQciation hereby reccom. ... .reahzmg It) made for hIm elf a more ways bright and cheerful he had M, E, {·hurch has been grqnted ends the retention of Mr. Irons as stock in Warren County is second .to renders those who have not had it .. val,~able asset in the ('yes of his em- been in failing health for two years, a leave of absence for an indefinite Canning Factory Inspector, and that none. Thanking the business men, immune and enables those who have p~oyer who recOgilizea his wprth and ~ontent".len~ an~ patience were dOI"!l..' period on account of illness. and he a copy of these resolutions be sent to press, and individuals who helped us it to throw it, off. More people on i8 willing to give him a better chance Il'!ant t~a~ts In hIS character. and 1)1 and his estiruable wife will leave make our show a success, I am the streets with diphtheria th, an are • . . hIS devotIOn to duty he found hapPlthe F09d and Dairy CommisSioner. V I In the way of share an crops or stock ness. While w.e .cannot understanrl next week for' Florida. It is the sincere wish of Mr. Irons' . ery tru y in bed. Diphtheria is one hundred many friends here that he will get H. H. Wadsworth. Sec'y. times as poisonou8:asstrychnine, and .or both. Now he has gained the the sad providence that took so sud. first few rounds of the 'ladder, ana denly our brother we bow in submis· Misses Edna Stout, Anna Vander- his oid place again. The following resolution was has been known to stay in houses • _ • passed by the Miami Valley Poultry twelve years or more. To disinfect is able ' through the same sterling sion to.at' All wise!ather ~ho " doth voort. Eleanor Earnhart. Emma . I" th h , . not Willingly afflIct." HIS father Hawke, Messrs. C, A. Bruner. John S d qua ltles. at ~ve bro.ught him thIS and four brothers have preceded him St dJ h.C ' d \\' AYNESVILLE SHOWING association at their regular meeting use heat an.d moisture. team ari far. to chmb higher, stf>p by step, into the Great Beyond. while he edrta;nTan h 0 ~Aumr:nlt~gs ~ttLe enb- . January 21, 1911: . liberate large qUantities ('If formalmother. eac ers· 9SOCla .Ion In . t e th e' co·op- Elehyde gas . until he is the proud possessor of leaves a widowed b h h f two sis- onon eSaturda , Mrs Laura A• Sides ,'" took 1st prem-I 'Wh ereas, we apprecla . ' . a home of his own. My young friend ters o~e rot er, 8 ost ,0 rela tiv ~s y. !Urn on her R. C. n.hode Island Red erations and assistance of the press Next on the program was a vlohn T~e Misses Donna Hawke, Eliza·: cockerel. score 93X, at the Dayton fand busl'ness men of the county. solo by Miss Grace Carman, ' with ' this i8 no cheap story on paper ~nd frJen,ds to mourn hIS 10f:lS HIS • . . hfe was like the perfume of summer Therefore, be it resolved, th~t we piano accompaniment by Mrs. C. A. Whlle l~may look and sound mce, yet blossoms at the morn, that make us be:h Collette, E?na Janney. Ada show,last ~eek. She ~as also f~rlutrue instances of this character pilve feel sad when the bloom and bright- MIchener and Justma Har~ock, were nate It takmg 1st Rpeclal premlUm.s expres.~ our thanks and best wlshe!1 . Bruner, come under my own observation and ness of their charms are shorn , The in Cincinnati Saturday and saw Ham- Qn the !lame cockert'1. These premlH. H. Wadsworth; Sec'y , "The Boy. the Girl and the Farm" what others have done you cari do. youn,g life ~s closed on e~r~h. but Le- let, They were chaperoned by Mrs. uma were taken , among a class of _ _ __ • by C. R. Wagner, who said in , . " . gun In a chme where c1Hlhng blasLS bo' t 125 b' d Byron Hart~ock. Ia u Ir s. A FI NE SHOWING part: I have .that much confidence m you. never touch the immortal bloom. BU,t let me impress this fact upon Resolutiolls passed by the Way nesMAl' ' I' ' Mrs. B. V, Smith got, 3rd premo "The greatest crop is the boys and rs, Ice H aw ke 0 f Lebanon .. - --your minc;l-that hon('sty. integrity ville, Ohio Methodist Episcopal Sun· was in town last week'and purch~ed ;'Ium on her S. C, B. Mmorca cock· Some extra fine bird:! were exhibit- girls. and early te~ching has a wont f J' W D' , erel, score 92 X . This speaks well ed ' t the late poultry show by Mr, derful influence on children. A naand good moral habits are a capital ay ~ct)ool upon the death of El'nt'St th • d d Robln!!On: e proper yo , . avIS, on f n, ' II b' d d th a . " h ' 'ith w . 'WbICh you mayan shoul bE' Whereas,God ih his inflnite wi _ Thirll street . Hermaayfriendsare or v¥aynes~1 e Ir s,~n . e~t! a 'e and Mrs , W, A. Surface, being of tionsl,ife IS, a ~ontlnuatton Of. t e equ~pPed; that dollars and cents can ,10m has see fit to remove, by death glad to know that in the near future many mo.r::~~s~~ blrds~ere , the White Orpington variety, which homehfe. Fo~el~erssay AmerIcans won nine premiums, and were an at· value ev~ry:thmg 10 dollars and cents. 'u9tbuyand which means morE t " fine ~f our scholars, Brother Ernest she will again be 8 resident of you In th~battl,eS' of life than any pe. Robmson. and ' , . Waynesville. MISSIONARV MEETING traction of the show. There were Some thmgs are better than gold ' mf" t u· i ht ' 1 Whereas, In Brother Ernest s deat.h , , " ' . h' h they are health hapPl'ness and borne CU~" I'ary ... IS yo IJI g receIve, we lose one of our most faithful at- ! Mis.s Hazel Re d h h d The Standard Bearers met at the eight bIrds exhIbited, none of w IC . ' " . care not 'whaftheir' value might be, lendants in our Sund ay Scho?l. be it ' her home here f:r' s:Ve~ai as o~t~se , home of Miss Edna Janney last Thurs. scored less than 92 points. whic~ wa.~ After the home, of boy or gIrl school , At I have already said. agriculture Resolved, that w~ tender hiS moth- , . ' . m • I da ni ht ' Aft!!r the usual business a good showing for amateurs, days are best., Back of every ~ucis·abu8ine. in ,itSelf, and the y(\ung r sisters and 'brothers .our heart- left Monday morn~n~ for, Boston, ' y, g . , M dM S f b ed th cesS is' a trained man or w!)man. ~anwb9'isin:cUn~ ."tor~dandcon., feitsympathy.inth~ .theil; da. ~ hour ' whereshewillmakeherfulure'home an mterestl~g program. was ren· , ~':~h ~~e ,re f;~'t·Schooldaysaretheseedtimeoflife. ' 8ult learns·' from. the experience 0) ,)f sorrow IlJ'ld commenQ them to the with her grandmot.her. Miss . Ha"fel de.red. Durmg the sO~lal hour re- mg. u e rys s ram 0 . . I ,e -rhoughts make habits habits make .. i.e" rs.l.;...a ' I) ' .;' . ' thl.n ..... t'h ' at l't WI' 1 1 take ;lll Wi~e Fat~er "Who doeth all things while here ',made 'many friends by freshments were , served. Orpll~gtons, and take great ., , :o ., . WI , IU.T, •• _ . well." Be It further . , " .," , ' _ ,__ them. . pride m a d es t'my. . Un'ed u~ t'd e ' persons are ,! ' : bini t90 10."" Iili,d be too expe~sive t~ ~solved •.th,at a cQPY o.f t~ese. rego- het' pleasmg manner and eharmmK SCt.lOO~ L.IBR~RY -- • handicapped~ give b~ys and girls .learn 'from his own ,experillJice• . Sci~ l.uttops be given to the famlb" a copy YO,ice. , . DOING A 0000 Of-ED tbe greatest opportunity. In choos:'~ritist.a :~o, so ~,e~p')ri~ .o~'~:P~9bf~!T' " :~e!o~ in-~~~nP.ili~~~:rt i;ee',,~s , a:b~ .M~. ,and. MI:~. ~wis Stibbs, of '. T~e li~~arian i~' rearr~nging ~d ,. . ' . _ '. ' . ~n~ a vocatio~ ~e l?oth .sid~ of lif~; .. of . B¥J'lcult~re ' th~t . ~he.lr : r~ul~ ic"R~n~" -, " p ess . P Lebanon; Mr . . and,., l'i\rs. ,Harry E .. r~nli~be~mg t~e ,pook. ~ In.t~e· l-ll~h , . P~tmast~rf~rr_ .as now. sendmg It. IS ,the - a~~ltJou!l , man or ';Vpman . 1Jl~ noth.\~at~ll:~ the ;tn!ln w.ho ' . Cooper. of, Chic~g(); 'Mr. and Mrs. ~ !¥lhool ,hbrary', finds . th~t . qUI~ ,out batluas,t , and . west mal!s at the that make!!" ~the wheels go round. " ': mUl~.~:.d~'" w:ith l ttie ,J?ract.i~l lIide,:'... ,. CI\~n OF "HANKS . .. , ~arter ,Lack~y, ,~rs. Char)~ SJ;8ng..· !l nUqlber are,'n'lissing. :,.$oP'le bOOK " same tit~lf~, i,n .t he evening,. tli~ 'r~ Mar~ Y9Ut '~ualin . (v~ry respect, ·· .lqne.!" "' X~t ."fe kno'w therf{ a're ·8 , We 'desire t.Q ,exp.ress OUT s.incare h¢ry., Mrs'; Jo~ _ Maniqgton, ,: '~f Day~ tliat h~ve 'b~e~ out for ,~",C?·~ear.~ or. Jievin~ our,efficien.1i rria~l , car.ri~l\~. do not hav~ a"dou~le . standard . of.. f~w, t~si~ ~~n,Ciple:S~unq~!:liY.ing..~bi, !h~n.ks ans ' g~\l'tit\1d~ to oi1~. , man~ ' to~;, Ml'S.E~g ,Hard~~ .,ofbinci~~. a ti,1 mo.re-h.ave' ~n.' !ece.ntly ·ret~med., Meek8~' o~~at . I~f t~o 'ho,u:,s' ~Q'raUt~. " I~ 'i s th~. ca~~ of div~rce. · , J}~~cal ~ld.e. " tlta~" ~~e · 've~~ 'Sl~ .', ~ilids a~d ~i~~~::8 i~()~ tl;e~dYbe. an.d Mrs~ ·Ellen. ~,:,n~ngto~; of Spring $hould aJl) o~~.h~e an~ .~ks that work. Thl~ 18 a very c;h~ltable ~t, A good Wife ~s t\le b~t- ~ld t.o a,man~s , ple 'and· dierefor~ e.aslly unde~tood ~ea\"~ment. .," '" .~ . ; Valley; atj;en~ed ~he funetal 0.1 throu~h negligen~e. have "not b.ee~Qn the pal'.toLgos~~ster· Farr,and success. N~poleon's .!Idc• du.~ to , . . ,.' (Con~inued' onNe 6) , . Mrs.,'Robin86mand -Obildren • . Ernest RobiQllOil Sunday. .' retumed;ldndly ,send the'rn;in. Webjsvery, t~kful thel'e~ore. ' (Continued onP&ar,e4). ..., ne ay w en e wo r went around that Ernest Robinson Dr. Hathaway is slowly improving wns, dyin~. He had been in Mr. JanMrs. C. T. Hawke has beell havI'n • t I ney S s ore as usua on Monday, but the g rip. at the olicita tion of his employe r. Miss Sybil H~wke is home from remained at home Tuesday, and so me timfl during the nigh t lapsed in to un· Delaware. consriouRn'''''' I'n whl'ch state he re ' <>oc Ray Hawke, of Day ton, was ill mained until death relieved him at town Sunday. about U o'clock Wednesday nigh t. Go to Zell & Son for Tobacco BoxHe had 'for some t 'Ime been a su f . ferer from diabetes . but had attend- es, K D's" $115, ed to his duties ::heerfully and unR.ay Ha\vke VI'SI'ted frl'ends I'n Hur•• complaininglv: veysburg Sunday evening. In the death of Ernest Robinson Charles Burnett and D. L. Crane Waynesville has lost one of her mosl we re in f..ebanon Saturday on busiestimable young men. His Sunrlayschool teacher. Mr, F, H, Fan, ex· n SS, pI·es..qes our sentiments in the follow· Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Sides attending tribute: "To know Ernest was· ed the Poultry show in Dayton last to ailmire and love hi/:! sterling man· Th ursday, nood. his unswprving fideli ty to his Mrs. Warren Barnett was taken friends ' and duty, his pleasing per- q uite sick last Thursday, but is much sonality Not only is the death of belter at present. such a young man a loss in his home but is also a distinct loss to the comMr', and Mrs. John Fromm, of munity." Dayton, were guests of Mr. and The'fun eral was held ~unday after, Mrs, J. C, Hawke Sunday. noon in the rhristain church ~and was John Gibbons was the victim of largely attended , Rev, L. 0, Thomp a slight paralytic stroke. Sunday, Eon conducted the service Miss Lu · but has ill'proved at this time. cy Elnley sang a beautiful solo. after Mr, and \in. J. n. Chapman and which the body was taken to beauti· son , Charles. were . guests 'of relu. ful Miami cemetery, where, amid the tives in Springboro Saturday. white snow. symbolical of the pure life, it was laid aw"y to awai t the Dr, Herschel Fisher has moved to resurrect ion morn. offices in the new Morris building; The following beautiful tribute next to the postoffice, Lebanon. was written by one of his school Miss Pearl Carey, of Dayton. is teachers: spending several days this week with Ernest .A" son of CharieR and herpal'ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Esther ,Robinson. was born in Spring- Carey, field, 0" August 28. 1888. and died Don't fOI'get the date of C. A. in Waynesville, -Janual'y 18, 1911, Burnett'., sale, Tuesday, February aged 22 years, 4 months, 20 days, bl'lls next 1911. , See paper and At the age of twelVl'~ be began his 15, week. CT
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" ' " .. 11 (or tho ri gh t ami JU1It. \Vlth /In In tn<plcl lrll.l ; Then It mntt or th e" NOIJ.,; hl It Ih oll burl ed b .. Jo'it h r on land or S I rnnd. 1·;11
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'uth 8011 or 8,'1\ . - " I r n'lulll "
C url ou. a nd Int eresting Toy May Bo Made Out of Cardboard-Dlrec· tlOnli for Mak ing Same.
~() m~ybe 'thb.1's 1h~ ·yeA.$on why.
~y Wncte ~.m's
Yo u can nJak a vf' ry curloll!; IUHI In· toy on th e putt rn or II. ,lv..Ilapon us d by th e aborlglu ' R or, Aus· ~.cr e stlng
~heutn~tic. ! •
Wuuldn't It be nice within a we k or 8 0 to b o!;ln t o Bar goodhyo t o,~ vur t o t he scallllng , drll)bllng, st.n. lnlng, or too f re· Quent prulHngo at u rine; the Cor ah es rl nn,1 lho baok-ot·the- h oad a c h os ; th e Stl l c 'i> cR nnd pruns In tho back; th . growln!; mUll' clo weILl< nus,, ; spotJI (ore tho ey 8; yd· low IIkl n ; sluggish bowols : swo llen eye· Ilds or nnkl(,!I; le g cralnPl!; unnatural short breath: .Ioopl 88 n 058 nnd tho d o-
doctor would chargo you
Just { or
Build Their Nests In T~s Where Frisky Little MonkeYI al'ld ,Snakea Cannot Find Them.
gToot h l'lll llnS" n nd p ll ln·'on qu erio g pow ur. It will ' l u i 'kly IIho w Its p o w er onco y ou use It, 80 I think you h ad h olle r 8ee whlLt It Is wl tho'llt dolay. I wil l send you & copy troe-you can UIO 11 and cure yourselt at h omo.
Parllhloner's Remark, However, l.eft Young Mlnlner Somewhat In the Dark.
Rev. H onry R. Rose In tbe Newark Suir te lls the s tory of 'a young min· Ister who had reoenlly taken charge In fa r-off India there live little yel. of a small parish .In Vermont. He low bi rds about as large as JOur ra'IIUlPlred to greater thlngs and a large ther's thumb. Th ey are called tailor fie ld, and In the hope that his reputa· birds, because they sew. Monkeys and Uon wo uld trave l beyond the limi ts of s nakes also live In lWs faraway land. the village to w hich he had been sent Ilnd they eat birds. he threw Into his sermons all the But t he tailor birds are very wille, force and e loque nce at his command. They build the ir nests where they can· He was, however, totally unprepared not be seen by the hungry monkey.. for what was Intended for a compll· ' They pick up a dead leaf and fly up ment, but wbic.h was put to him In How the Board II Cut. Into a hlgb tree, and, with a Aber lor such a way that It left him In doubt lealla. They made it of (\ piece of fiat a thread and their billa tor needles, as to the r eal lmpressJon he had made. ~ardwood, but you must use s tiff card· sew the leaf OJito a green one hang- One Sunday morning, after an espebOJU:d, as that wlU be harmless. In.g from the tret). They sew up the clally brilliant effort., he was greeted The w~apon is the boomerang, and sides and leave the top open. After by an old lady. who was one of tbe Is 80 constructed that no matter In la71nc lIome of their 110ft feathers most faithful attendants at all servo bat direction it may be thrown, It and down In It their home ie Hnlahed. Ic s. Approachlng the young minister, \ And the friSky monkeys never know she said: "Ab, s ir, we do enjoy your . \1 r eturn to the tllace from which It ,... ~tartetl, descrlblna a curved line as It the nest Is swingIng there In the sermons so much, they are 80 In· , oeB so. The savages u sed It with breeze, with two little white eggs In IItructiv e. Do you beli eve it, we n ever uch dexterity that they could make It, and the mamma bIrd safe In the knew W ~l~t ..sln was unUI you came to , t trave l around a house In a ourve nest, too, while papa bird sings near Ille par s . ------------d r eturn to their feet. Or they could by. Some day out of t he Uttle white HII Ruling Paulon. Irow il on the ground In such a way The young man walled for t he mil· hat it would fly Into the air, describe eggs will come two yellow baby birds, fiy away with papa and lion £lIre's r eply. n arc over their h eads, and co me which "I don't blame you tor wanting to " own on Ule back of the one wbo mamma birds. marry my daughter," said the lalter. re w It. " And now how much do you suppose Your miniature boomerang should be you and she can worry along on 1" ·.Iout out of stur cardboard, thtf form be· The youth brightened up. /tng somewhl\t like a rig ht angle, e l[' "1- [ think." he cheerfully stam·. pt that th e corner sbould be round· mered, "that $200,000 well Invested, , , d both outs ide ~nd Inside. The Hlus· , would produce a sufficient Income." allon will givo you tbe Idea. Tbe 'I'h mlllJon aire turned back to his trip s houl d be abOut half an ' Inch papers. fWlt1e, and oach e nd, or s tem, a tow "Very well," he said , "I will give knches long. , you $LOO,OOO, providing you raise a To throw It s o that It wlll relurll to simila r nmount. " jyol\r feet, lay It on a book be ld a t a And the young man went away sor· ,.lIghl angle , a llowing one nd ot It to rowing, P,roject abou t an inch over th s ltle of th e book, and tb en strike th e proje ct· A DiscouragIng VIew. bnl;' end with a lead p ncll or a stout ''We must luvestlgate th1.s affair," iP nholtler. After 11 1I111 practise you said t b ~ rural officlal.\' 'Will be abl to maltll it fly orr and come "What's the us e?" r esponded Farm· er CorntosseL .. 1 never saw an lnves· (back wllh you. tlgation that changed nnybody's per· Whli e you ua.\·e 1110 pi eces of card· sonal Ukes and dislikes." Iboard at hand, try ano ther trick that !Will provo a puzzle to the spectators. Cut out a pie ce fiv e Inches long by W cannot cboose our Ufe, but we bree Incbes wide, and /lsk anyone to can choose the way we shaU live It.ut. it In such a way, stili keeping It In Emerson. piece, th/lt you can PIUIS through
pn ~
People who borrow trouble give more tban th ey g t .
Apt Quota t ions 01 BrOIl' Reuben Sa ved H is Mule and at the Sarno Tlmo , Rebu ke d Sin.
wrltJnlr t h Is presc rlpUo n, but 1 havo II Ilnd wlU be glad t o 90nd It to you Dtl re· Iy free. J'\Jst drop rno II. Uno 1\11 0 thi s: Dc A.. E . n o blnso n. K · 261 Luck Build i ng, D('trolt, Ml ch ,. a nd 1 will se nd It by r oturn m a ll In a plaIn e n v l o ~. As yo u will soo whon you g e t It. thi s r o ' Ipo co ntains only pu ro, harml o88 r eruc lll o8, but It h nll
Color more ~d. Wlght.r and ,..Ier coloralha" "'" attIer d,.. 0". tOe D8cka •• c.lora anllNra. Th., 11,.1 .. cold ''',Ie, II...., lhan an, olher d,,, You Gell'" PI 8ll'lllMit wl\hout rlDOlal sl)8lL Willi 'N " .. Moklll--Ho_ to Ore. 81aacll AnAl MI& 011_ M 11 IfRI1. D" U G " " . . O"/IIDJI. 111/"./e.
s p onden c y? I hav e a r e /1)8 to r lhWl tro ubl68 that }'ou enn d e pend on, and I t y o u wllnt 10 make a Q l e X RECOVERY, you ough t to wrlle und Kot 110 COpy o f It. Many Il.
E lde r Harr is wa:; making anot ber attc mpt tu Inu ree une uf t hc membe l'll or his liork lO t rud e hors 9 with him . "Dil l I'/) II Y 0 ' you'n , Ura r He ube n," h e sa id , "1M Jea' w ba t 1 "" Ull t, UIl ' DIY big bay has If jes' what yo' wa ul. ) k in gi t ovor It groun' fa s t I' wid de I)C)QY, nn 'you kin h Ull I a bigger load wid de bOilS. Hlt'd be a good trade fu r bof on us, 'c pUn' dut It 'd be a le9tl a bellcr ru b you dan Il would fur :ne. You tu ke uo bay und give me de e hes'nut sor·I." "De pony 8ults me well 'nough, e l· der," !IV n ed Brother Reu b n, for tbe lW l'nlie th lime. " ) don ' keel' t' luake no s wap." "But ) j es' natcbelly got t' ha\'s dat pony, Dre r Re ub e n." "Elder," spoke the otber, afler a period at profu und thought, ") been tIlLe." . ",\'e ll, what Is It 1" " I kn o w w'at one 0' de 'poslies says 'bout de Jaw be ln' done away wllh, but ain't wo s tili II vlu' undah de t en com· mIlD' m en ts'!"
"Bre r Rub en," solemnly averred Elder Hurrls, "w air." "We ll, ono 0' dem comman'ments says we mustn' t covet anYl'lng w't b 'longs t ' OUI' neighbors, an' you re covetln' dat 11:1 chestnut sor'l pony o' mine, Brer Harris!" Then th e e lde r gave It up. Clea rly tho l e ntb commandme nt 1\'as a gains t hlm. - hlcago Tribune. Left Both Satlsfled. rt all ballpened on one of those few sl lrvlvlng pay·af te r,yoll·onler cars. "Oh, I lo!-S ,t on pay ing, Gladys," saId tbe bruue tte. "You paid coming down." "No, I s hall pay," declare d Gladys wIth equal firmness. "W bat If r dId pay coming dow n..-di dn't you buy that last package of gum?" "Le t mt! s e tU e th e quarre l, la dles:' euggested the diplomatic co nd.u ctor . "Why not use the dellatured for m ot Dutch treat 1" "What's that?" " ' Ve il, you eacb pay the othe r's faro." And that was tho WI! Y the y solved It."-ple veland L ead r . Hard·Hearted Judge. The Sympathetic Pa, - Wotcher, Bill! You looks bad; been laid up? BUI- Yes, sort of. 'Avon't bee n outer doors for three munrs. The Sympath etic Pal- Wot WI\8 the matte r wiv ye r? DIII- N'u ffin ' ; only tbe judge wouldn't beUtlve It- Tb e Ske tcb. Tb weaHh of a man Is the numbe r of things whi ch he loves a na ~"Isses. wbloh he Is loved and blessed by .Carlyle.
'1\lnI. Wlo81ow ·. 800tblllg Syrap. , !i'orcblldrc n tC6 tb lnw , 8Oft.cn s t hi' ~UIll M. rtJdur.e ll ... IIuWWIlUOn,IlIlIl,. ,,"'u, c uroa "10\1 colle. !I6c u b<Jtlla.
T he wblrlwlnd of pa6!l101l scattera many <:!f the seeds oC si n. Const ipation CAuseR Ilnd ugbYfll\'nles
!Ol'ious ,Ii scoscs. I t is thorollgu IXOll! cd by Dr. P ierco's P lenllllnt Pellels. rue fnvOl'ill) Cumily laxative.
Bring your w ill to YOllr fllte Ilnd suit your mind to YOllr clrcull1stancea.I Marcua Aurelius. Somo people would drown wit.h n 11/11 prcsc rver nt haod, They ON.' ,he kind th nl suffe r from llhcuUll1tistn ~ nd Neural · lIin. when they can !lcl Il nmhns wiznid Oil, the best of Illl pllin reloediCII ,
J en k.lns (humoroUlily)- We ll, do you or your wire rule In the hou sehold ? Benedlc't (serlously)-Nelther. We li ve und er a pro\' ls lonul government by the cook . •
The Cache, Knic ke We are told to do our IIh opplng early. Bockll r - J know It; my wife haB aI· r ady concealed a fortY'nlne-cent Ue in lhe top bur au draw er. QuIck ' •• Wink. If your eres ft che wit " n IIm"rt\l,,{, hum· ina: SellllOtion IIlIe P'F.'M'T'I"R EYB SAT~V£.
Ended the Controver.y. On the stee ple or an old Unive rsal· All druggists or Hownrd Bro • ..Bufialo,N.Y. 1s t church In Batb, Me., there Is a H III SpecIalty, wood en figure ot an !lnge\. It Is not "Wbat has become of youn', Mr. a r e markably fin e specime n or art, and has always beeu somewhat laughe d D' Aube l', who s bowe d such slgnl of about, ospeclally because ot Its hIgh: 'talent In drawing ? HIlS he made a b eeled shoes. Tile Bath Enqulr~r re- success?" "Oh, yes, Indeed. He'll cot all tU calls the story that a former pastor of the North Co ngregational c hurch once work he can do now." "'Magazine or 8udlo workr accosted a de voted nlversallst with " He draws the mallese cr0ll8 show· lhe question : "~1r. RaymoDd, did you ever see an ange l with high· hee led ' lng where the body WIUI found. In tbe shoes on Its feet?" "Wh1, no." an· eve ning papers."-Cle veland l4!ader. swered Mr. Raymond, "I can't say that On the Dog. I e ver did; but dId you over S8e one A s mall West Philadelphia boy mQ' . wlthout th e m'!" be an a uthor some day. He baa jU8t finl Bhed his fi rst essay. [t Is on a dOC. A Young Philollopher. "A dog Is an animal with four le p, TIme 1& a r e lative quantity. ,Some mlnllt~s I e m like hours and some a tale and pants but he never changes hours seem like mInutes. How to con· th JIl . He wags hIs tal e when be Ie trol tbls fll gbt Is beyond a n y pe r son, glud and s its on It wh en he Is SOrl'Y. A. but the little boy me nU oned be low dog Is a useful nnlm ul b caus h bites s e ms to have progressed pretty well burglars but he Is more trouble tban bo Is wortb whe n b e track8 mud on for a youngster. carJ1et....A. bulldog Is the king of Th~ t eac he r was . surprised to s~e lh that h e r e mained pe rfectly Idle all bees u." through recess, nnd acconllngly asked him why h e dId no t pla y. Young Age Penslona. Young age pensions! Why not? Tl"'Cuuse," he said, slowly, "It m a kes r cess too qulcl( If I play. and I want tles, honors, riches, pensions and mo.t other good things are, 118 a rul e, postIt t o la.(\.a.st!"-Youth'e Companion. pon d to a period or life when th e ca· paclty for e njoying tbem has beeD Same Trllng. Joakl ey-Yo u're rigbt; most people blunted . . Australia WII8 one of ' tb. worry over what tbey have n't got. fil'st countries to adopt old·age pe n· but I know ce rtain people wbo \\ orry !lloos, and now a Labor member of the ollltllonwealth parliament proposes " becsuse of what th e y have. Coakley-That so?' What have they? comple me ntar y scbeme of young agll .loakle y - Nothlng.- The Catbollc pe ns ions. He would start by pe ns ion· Ing the fourth c hild Ilt birth. 'rbe faot Standard and Times. that three had p re vlous iy bee n born s bowed tha t the parente were doln. The KInd. ''1 tblnk tbat chuuffe ur hsd great tbe lr duty and d eserving well or the nerve to make love to his employe r's stat e. The )'tlung age pension would " re ward Industry and encourage tht daughter." blr t~ rato." - London Chronicle. "So he bad- moto,r n e ~v c ." ~------------~----------~----~
Of cou rse, no on e will be able to do ,t, but you may, If you follow th e dl· r ections caretull y. First double the THOMAS A. EDISON'S OFFICE icard by folding It down the middle le ngthwise, and keeping tbe fold Great Inventor Had NeWipaper Plant on Board Rallr.oad Traln-"Sen· t oward you, make a cut Into It almost ••tlon" Duly DI.played. Thomas A. Edison, the great Inventor, had a dlmcult time of It when he was a hoy, just as so many others of our famous men have had. HIs fatiler died when he WIUI young and hla motber, left with her family In her Ohio home, bravely taced a dlftlcult problem, and that was- how lo pro-
:~d~~~~:se~~~\u~~ ~:~:~:nhe !:c~:~ place on one of the railroads be· tween Chicago and Ne w York as newsboy. It was long be.fore newspaper trains had bee n thought or, and It wall bls work to look after the delivery of lhe papers at the various stations. This work was difficult, but he kept faithfully at It and by b1.s ene rgy won the regard of his e mploye rs. Young Edis on soon aft e rward se· cure d a position as ba ggage man on tho r03.d . About the Hrst thing he did In that pos ition was to set UD n small printing oUice In one en d of th e car and ' !~II his spu re hours on tho long t rips W O rl,) s pe nt In g e tting out 1'l We, ne ws papers, which he di s posed "of at the villages a long the road. He ar· ranged wtth a man In nl cago to te legraph hi m the Important news o r th o d !~y . He r ece ived th es e dis patches n.t various s t.ations, and lJy ,the tim'e h h ad reuch ed th e ne xt; bls little' pa· rle r WU8 sent bul with th~ "sillisatlon" duly dl s pla'y ed.
To Throw the Boomerang. ,
Ih l", dg s , uhout nn e lgh lh of :Ill ~nch, from on e end . Then turn tb > (!dg!1s toward YO II , and lIbont lUI e ig hth o f 3.n Inc ll fr om th e fir s t cu t, cu t again lu to tbe card n.lmost to th folt! . '[' um th e card thu B, again a nd a gai n, ~ 111 ling a lte rnat e ly Into t he IIges an ti ,t he fo lt! , until you again ILlmus l r eac h th end or tho cord. Th ,1\ carefully " POll th who l leugth anti ('ut Ilow n ,t h 1ll1<l(\I 0 fo ld, leavill ~ t he tw€" ods 'I 10 (mt.
T h e curel will now open Oll t l{lto n '6PIlC 'Ia rgo onough for you t.o pa s ~rougb .
PrayIng for Gran.dma. l"ond Moth ,,- Do not forge L to In· ~~l utle gran,lma In your prayers, Bell' Ide, lind a sk Ule LOrd to bless her and I t her U e to, be very old·, Besl!te (aged 10ur) -"-Oh, s he's' old ~u ouglt · no ~, Til u11, Ill e Lord to ,uluk hor YOllnger,
HI, Fac. SlIppi:d. Swall tommy on belrlt- reproved one day made a (ace at hili mother.: "\Vll y, Tommy," said she, "T'm ' aurnris d 10 ,think you would do luch an un,g ntlemanly thing as that: ' ' IExcuse me, mamma." S~d l1e, "'J lnrtE'd t,() make a Imlle, be&. my talla ~lipp od." ,
Now About Clean F ,o od Another Splendid Opportunity to Bring Out Facts When the ''Weehly" ,wblch sned us for libel (because we publicly denounced them for an · editorial aLlnck on our claIms) was searching for Bome "weak BPOt," they t,hought best , to s e nd a N. Y. Atty. to Battle Creek, summoned 25 of our workmen and took their sworn statements before a Commissioner. Did we object? No. On the contrary, wo h elped all 'we could, for the opportunity WIUI too good to be lost. G(!o. Haines testified be inllpected the wheat nnd barley, also floors and every part of the; factories to know th.\ngs were kept clean. That every 30 minutes a sample of the products was tal.en and 'Inspected to keep the food up to standard and keep out any Impur· lUes, also that it Is the duty of every man In the factories to see that anything not right Is Immediately reported., Has bee n with the Co. 10 years. EdWard Young testifled had been with Co. 15 years. Inspector, he and' his m en exam·, ined very tack and car of whe at und barl ey to see th ey wer:e up ,to standard and rejecled m nny cars . H. E . Burt, SuPt.. tos tlfle() h as b een with Co. ove r 13 years. Boug ht 'only tbe b s t g ra in obtaJnable. That the o. I,ept a c,orps or m n who do nothin g but koep things clean, brigh t n,n d polished. , . . T est ified t~at no Ingredie nt '\\'ent into 9ra pe, Nuts lind Pllstum except' those , prin t~ d In tbo ndve r tls lnl;. No possibility of, any ' foreign thin gs , gel Ung Into the foods 8S .most or th e . machine ry, I. k pt closed.. 4l!kcd If th e rI\c· tory Is o pe n to the public, said " ye,s " and "It· tool. frO.m tWQ to tliree, g\lldell constondy to sho.~\ ' ..~slti>r8 tllr01,lgh the ' workJi." SIi1~l none of ' th e 'pi'oce&sBs were, cnrrled on behInd closed'· doolls. " " ., At' thlll poInt nUts. for tb~ "'Weekly" trle!!, to s how tbe wa ter u sea "WOB from Ilome out· sIde lIOurce. ,:restUled the wa...t ·came from CO.'8 own IlrteBl.a n ..elll 'and w" "p1,lre,"
He testified the workmen were first·class, blgb·grade and Inspected by the Co.'s pbysl· clan to be sure they were all . in proper phys, leal condition; also testified tbat state reports showed that Co. pays better wages than th e average and he thought higher than any In tho state. F. B. Martin, Asst. Supt., testified GrapeNuts made . of wheat, barley, yeast and water. Anything el se? "No, sir." Postum made of Wheat, Wheat B~l\n and New Orleans l\J olasBes: S tatements ' made on his experi· once of about 10 years with Co. T estlfled bakers are required to wear fresh white suits, changed every other day. Said had never known any of tho products being sent out that were below the high standard of Inspection. Asked If anyon e ' connected with the Postum Co. had Inlltructed him how t o t oo Ufy. Said, "No, sir." Horace Brown testified bas been with Co. 9 yours. Worked' In .Grape·Nuts bake shop. Te titled,' th e 'w hole of the flour Is composed of "," b eat anel Barley. Atty'a. tried to contuse hjm , but ho insisted tbat cny casu a) visitor co uld liee that nothing el se we nt Into. the flour. Said macblnery and flollrs always I{ept olean. ', So tbese men were e:.mmlned by the ' ~W ee lt. Iy" law jler£\ hoplng t<l' find at least one who 'would sa)- that somi} uncler·grade grain ,was JJ.ut ill 'o r ' some unde.u pondlt1on waY found lIomewbe re . , ' , Dut It was no l!Se. " E: it IIJld 'ev;;ry ml'.n testified to the purity and elelinllnesB , ' ,As a s,,'\D1ple, take the testimony" Of Lutb'er 'W. .Mayo. . ' ". .. ,. ': ' TestH.\M · been 'rlth coinnau,. aboqtl0 , yea!:s. Now ,w.orklng In tbe bl\kery d~pjlrtnteDt makIng G~pe-Nuts. ~8tffled tllat the ~_reDlf and floors are kept clean aDi! the ,rllW proc;luctB 'as they go In are ~ept clean. AlllO that tb'e weerlllg apJ)al'el of the ~plo7ea h811- t4 be changK. tllree Ulnu a w~k. . . '.' -
Q. Do yoU use Pos tum or Grape-Nuts yourself at all? ' A. Yes, I use them at home. Q . It trom your knowledge ot the factory wblch you , bave gailled In your ten years at the fa ctory you believed tbat they were dirty or Impure in any way, would YOll use them? A. I do not thInk I WOUld. No. Asked If anyone 011 behalf ot tho Company had asked blm to testify in any ilarUculnr manner. Stated "No." All these sworn depos itions we!'e carerully excluded from the testimony at the trial tor they, wouldn't sound we ll for the "Weoidy." Think of tho fact that every man swore to the purity and cleanliness so that the Atty. for the ''Weekly'' was forced to say In open court that tho tood was pure and good. Wbat a dli!appolntment for the "Weekly!" But the testimony sbowed : All of tbe grain l1sed In Grape-Nuts Postum and Post TOllsties Is lhe highest 'standard pos1l161e to obtaIn. . ', All Tlnrts of the fa ctory are ke pt 8cruPlllcbs. ,11 c lean . . ,None of the -:"orltmen bad .'been told how to tes tily. . ' , " tJ:em havo 1X)en [roni 10 to 15 Years , Most with t he ,d o, and li S tho produots on t oelr ,: tables af borne. ', Wb~ do the:lr f~mnie. use th; products, ' Grape-Nuts, ,Po's tu,m and POlit. 'foasties, ' that tbeYI tbemselves, make? ' .' ' .
··T.a.eret'• .,a
! .
Po.s tum Cere~l .p,o~. LtcL. ' " , ~~ttJ. c ...... Mich. "
Archibald's Agatha By ~DITH
HUNTINGTON M4S0N Auillor.. ol
"Tbe Reul Agatba"
SYNOPSIS. Archlhal<1 'J'l'rhllne. n pll(lultn a1l< 1 111 dolent YO UII !; bll ' hel"l' "r LUIlJun. r · CU1Vl' 8 l1 \!W S th n t Ih! hn R 11 1""(' 11 IJlHil u l1(·lr to Iho calnl or hlH AUIll UI·I) rl;'lnnll. with an Income ur r..:O.OOO It yell I', un I'llnltltlon thot h I com e- ' IIj(U j( ',1 10 b,' lIlurrll'lI ~lthln ten days. 1' 1I1t11l1( I Il l) /I" ti ,,, legacy will tlO to a Ihlr!1 ('o uAl n In ,\n1O'rlea. Tlw 810ry np 1111 at C· •• t"~ W~, .· I",IT. whero Lort! Vine lit anti hlil wtC . fri ends of 'l'crhunf!'. Ilr.~ Itll! l' u l!~ llIj{ l,tUrIIl In n'h1 htm n wIfe wllh!n the pr SH lwrl tlrll r.. It 8 elll8 thn t Lndy VI Jl 'fllll I .. U II II of M,' \ ' N ' por80118 nam t1 Agn lhn, nil C I(J>lfl A'lrllllloll ·hum,.. She 1"'I'IIl '8 to Invtte t wo oC th em to tho caslin n'nd hl1\' Ar ' hl o ther.' 118 ono ot ·th e /:UI'1lI8 . . Agll thn Sixth 8trlk's ArChie lUI a hnntJllrunt J benuly. AI("lhn F trtH II a 1.rN· z,o' Am rtN.n girl. LIlJy VIncent tells h,,'r husband thut Agnlhn 81ltth nlr!!nd y cun'/j ror Archlo'. li e gains trom AgolhA. Sixth lh a(lrnlsl<loll I hot 8h care.. (or hIm. uut wtil rriju lr.. n month's 11m fllll y to I1l1lk liP lu·r lntll<'l. AgII,Uln Jrlrsl. n('!'C lccl,,,1 Ily Tr r hllll(" reo ceJveli ntlenttons from Les ti e Ir r cr. Fuur dnYft of Ihe prt>c lous lime 1I1l\' O plIs8 ·d wh en T rhun III "ailpd 10 Londoll On buslnl'88. I\ gll hl\ Firat. on the pl .11 (If IIlcknese. eXCU8es hersI11t rr III a 1110tor trip plann d bv Ih Vln ·cnts. Lnl cr Ihry !\16 Agatha First plcktng tlnw!' rs \\Ill h 1\ tt.rnnlJe man Tho Vlnc<:nts dl acll8H Agatha's 80 mln g duplicit y. The rollo w· InK dllY th parl y vIsits th rutns r Iln otd co nvcnt. '1' rh un contlnu's his al· tenttons to Agntha Sixth. Th ' ll 8\1(h1\'nly li e tru.n1l' cl'8 his a LI nllonll to Agal h" FIrst VIIlI'e nt scores him ror hfa appur· ent tI k· l e ll "~8 . Tile ln91 1" \' l' nln~ ')( the ttme nlloted tn wh Ich to upcome (, lIl(lI g"(] arrIve. T h rollowlng day. ,)lIcl\o,' i'J1Irn s wIll nrrtv [rom L OIl <lOIl. lin d Ih \'In · f nIB nro o. n"loul< in ~ o n su nl1nnl c tho (, II· ~n ament. " Inc nl dlscov rs J\ gllthn First and 1\ mnn with his arm IlI'Ulllld h el' wn ls l. Vlnl: 'nt ~·c l (lN! Ihat th" mBIl mU lit be 'l'crhunc. The llL'xt m o rlll l1~ T r· hunt! nnd AJ:'llthn l·'Ir!!t 0.. " pry trl ~ lldl y Rt Iho brC'llkfa flt tulJh' . whll AAnt ha Slx lh /ICe III " Hn mcwhll l ,1IspINlsC'Il. Sutlet · tor BlIr n ~ orrlvl's. '1'11.. \ ' 111' ·nts nl',' IlnxtouR. In rlf! In ! .r\'! \\' or "Inl'pn l nno! his \\'Ito th e ln tl" r crl .. In d,·Sp".I. II ,'" <.)\'''1' thl1 111lll:Zltlll; rt on.UII ,'1l I)t 111'1',, 11'9. 8 lIe1lor nOrlll'H 11I·1·1"",.. Thn, VtJWl' IH '/i ur{' (111):101111. Wilt rh ll lll' ro port a n nr· tt'lis fian ce.1 01' It fr " m nl11 'I'!'rhUfl lhrtl VIJl r.lIllt thul h~ p rn [l"~ , ' J In Al': nUw t:lt th Sill] thu t lilt " hnd ,·" CUN,"] 1',1 mnrrr
"H'1l the cruelest thinK I ever heard ' ·of. " sbe said, 8peaktil g first, "and 1 should think YOtl nnd your worthy frl nd would be prollil ot YOUI' work!" Yea ; tbltt s ju st whitt be tsald. 1 n e ver wu s so taken aba Ie In my IIf. Dar. eat ~pe nklllg so to · nic: Why was 1 to blam , i want d to know ! And fancy re fcnlng to old Arcb. wbom Dearast bad f" " :I)'S (l tted a nd mad e eve n more or tban I ha v . us my "worthy fri end!" !le nlly. !l W ItS IIffinzln ' ! "Bu t. lil Y d H I' girl." I Imid. "It Is n 't my wo rk , IInll l' I'hun ·s 11101'e tu be pitied thun to ba blam ed. as far as I 'nll S . ! li 'll aWI'ul IInlu cky, I'll ad. mit. but, after nil, malling love to Agatba <''{('s t on the s ly Is n't a banging malle I'. \:; It 1" "Ve ry we ll," I sai d. "Don't ans we r mo If you d n' t l'hoose. :lIld I'll go fast e ll u u~h . 1 rl on't Cllr(' 10 Iltay a ny long. er. Bllt I thlalt you'('c ma king a greal fU8s o\,e r n uth lng. lind I don't see that tb e lIli sfnrlllnps or 0111' frl nds Is ex. CII Be ' nollgh for n ro w be t ween us. at a ll !" 1 I·;nlll th is with IIIl1 ch dignity and W' IlI IowaI'll tb e door. R eaching It. I Ihl' W n parling ' hot n,; 1 w nt. " n !'s ld es ," I fin ld, "YOll know you'll huv to s ec nIP 1/rc tty soo n In silite of you l' s(~ l r . It \\'111 be tim for lun cheo n In a quarl c l' of an bou r. und I suppose yOU Int ' nti (0 corlle'! down?" S he dld,, ' t un swt:r. nnd 1 we nt down th e ('onldol' nnd rlf' , cp nd l'd tb e stairs In cOIHlldera bl of a te mller, 1 admIt. "Oy .Jo\'o!" I ~;uld to T e rhune, whom I fOllnd waltln" ollll. lou l! ly for m e at the foot of tb e stull'S . "If I we re you I wouldn't was te a ny more Ume ove r A[;nthn Sixth! She nnd my wife are In league, _ should thInk to prevent you from Illhe rltin g a rortun o ! The gir l 'a r eR for YOU, I llllow. Dearest told me liS mu ch, but th ey're just contrary nou g h, th e I~ air of th e m, to walt until It's too late 10 get your aunt's property bl'fol'o they admit it to you! Some Quixotic /l otion a bout lo\'e for love's s nke only seoms to have s o possessed them thnt th ey will not nctually be co nte nt uutll 111 y've forced you to sac. rlfi ce :be prope r ty. All women's non.
CHAPTER XI.-Continue-d .
Covered the Distancll in il Little Leaa Tha n an Hour.
.. h was only tr)' lu /t YOII ." I r e plie d. takin g Dear s t '!! 811 ), >'0 1\1; my outhorl· s nse. too. I say. The re's no r eason ty-for ndvanclug t his opi ni on. "Sh h ad why you shouldn 't hav e ha d both! Uut a right to do thnt! E \' ry g irl does It, s in ce th ey' re so plg·heud d ubout It, li pa n lilY word, I'd outwit them yet, It In tact!" ':She nearly trl p(\ mc too fa r." he I we re you!" I was thorough ly xclted saId u o~ge <lIY . "Oll t. 1'111 s orry It nil nnd sa l' . 01' pel'l.laps I wouldn 't b a vo hupp ened , nnd If I bnd known I UluJ e tl,ls sugg s Uon. "I wouldn 't le t 'Wouldn't have r ls l, .d lOy I\uppln s for IhpJ1l 'c heat Ill ' of my rights that way. This IS :l 'banc In a hundr ed to m ko tll e world!" yo urse lf ri ch for li fe! I wouldn't walt Th re dldn't s e m mil h m a I' o thnt for th m. Ir I wer e you! I'd go ah e nd I could sa y after thn t, a lld I sn \' e up f " d us le AgaLha First before tbe tlme 's trying. Ull. he'd bn va YOU In a moment I" " We ll, anyway, i t'll ad ueed s hame:' " I'm not so s ure." I' plied Arcb, J elided. "I must go til) and s e what gazlll g longi ng ly at his watc b , us If to my wife thInks about It. Mea nwhile bold th e millut s back by fOTCO. HIt! you mIght be tryIng to pe rsuad e Darnes sclf·conl1t1enec was te rribly shatte red. over there," I smll d at the stltf e ld e rly poor old chap, 1 could s e tbat. It I; ntie man on the h arthrug. "to gIve wns II s hnm e , loo! It was s ome thing UB more tim e . It ctirJ't be twent y min· I was always 'haffin g him about. but ute s to one now, and I'm a frill.d It for nil thut, I 'w ns r e ally fond of the would take more tIme tban thal to Iler· egoism that was so c baracterlstic of sllade a certain young ludy to cbange blm. I had always delighted In his ber mInd, e ve n Ir Oauros t were to make childIsh vanity. =- --1.he....nttempt... But I got 110 answering "Come, Te rhune!" [!wlll. "be a sullie (rom Bnrnes. mall! Tbere's MIss EndIcott now! Go "I have no voice In th e matter what· und ask h e r. be rore It's too late. It's a ever." be saId. "I lim here m r Iy to shnme you shou ld lose both the girl carry out the Instructions ot my client. and the fortun e !" "I Mrs. James. to see that he r Injunc· But to my ns tonlsbme nt. Terhune. tlons In regal'd to the condition llIlOn whom I had nlways langblngly aewhich Mr. T e rhune Is to Inberlt the cused o.r beIng a m e rcenary beggar. . pi .co of property In ah oyan'e are when It 'came to a Question at marry" obeyed talthfully and to tho le tte r ." In g. ell!1 uot take my sporti ng s ugges. Having !lnlehed this unfeeling speech. tlon at all well. whl,c;h lie bad co uch ed In IlS formlll "Ore nt heave n, VIncent!" he ex. phra~eology as It he bad been address· c laImed, In n low. te nse tone, and tng '!udge nnd jury Instead. of 11001' old turned on me almost as If Insulted by Arch' and myself. he Inpsed Into Ul edI· th e Id ea. "can't you let . nle alone? taUye sUencp.. What do you SUI)pOs e I wnnt with my My frlEmd, perc~ lv ln g t hat th e re was aunt's b astly property If I have to get no belp to be had In that quarter, a long wltliout the glrl1" t.urn ed Imploringly to me. "Go up and And by the wny he saId It I saw at lee wbat you can do, VIncent," he once that there was only one I1rl ror lIald, "there'B a good cbap!" hIm, and thnt when It ame to the "WIth all t be pleasure III life !" I rc· point ho fOllnd, In spite 01 all hIs old plied. "And I m a y perstindo her to r eo cnutlon aDd calculating Bplrlt. that lent, who knows? So cheer UP. old lI. va wns th e only thIng In the world fellow!" ADd I left them. tbat counted, after all. "What Is all thIs llbout T e rhun e?" I "Gre at Scotland!" I thought to my· I s ke d excitedly, bursting Into my wIfe'!! selt, as I grasped the tru e Inwardness room without my usual 11re limlnary of thIs facl. "If the old hoy Isn't aetll· !Cnock, .4nd quite forgettIng Wllllanl'!! ally In love ! I dIdn't think he bad It caution that she did not wish to be In him!" The Idea occurring to me dlsturbp.d. s erlolls ly. for the first tIm . only that "Do ypu mean to SIlY that she has moment.. and I saved up tbe Inclp,ent r eally refused the old boy? I tllOugbt to te ll Dea rest wh e n I should gel. the YOU sald-" But there I stopp(~ d. tor c"nnc. Somehow I had been so bus, there aD the floor with hel' h end In i:'ylng to be lp 'te rhune gnln hIs , aunt's Dearest's ~ lap. Was Agatha Six th. and promised legacy that I had nover had I .c8u~ht a glimpse of a little t e ar· tim to cons ider that th ~ r e might be a 8tallied cheek that smote my he art 'sentimental s lde to tbe a l1'a ll·. It bad 'With :0: guilt)' sense that the r.e , were all seemed so mu ch' 11k a game to me, . two sllics to every qUesti on always, it hail been' suell a jolly lark to fInd and thut" Qomethlng h 're wus very nt'yS It mIxed up In lin affnlr at s.uc.h an wrong. tinu u nl d sc ription, and A rch' had 'so • •"111 )lOll be kInd nough-" began ' lllng acsustom d m e. to his mel't'enary ' Io·f wlte: : She .hud ' be~n' gOing t o attitude townt:d J lfe, that I hnd found me to ' leave the room, I koew, 1mt it myself quite ',r eadily talking and advls. ~IUIO·t neC~8/i&J'y.. Agatha ·,Slxth got Ing In ' a mann er that I w.o.uld riot have to her feet , ___ " sudd~n anil, with a though'~ of doing If_I had myself been murmur .,~( ,. 1If!4~Jie:, , to U\y wife, . the prluQlpnl ' 11:\ the. lUralr Instead of . ~U~ped p~t, 'me 1'{ltb nv~rted face and ' Arch;' This long -explanation L make • led d.o~· the 'eOmdol' tp ~er room. ' W. ·mer.ely because I could not teel mYself beard the door bang In the distance. I free'1J'om\ a Renee of'mortlJ.!caUon when .. Iooir~ ~ »e..-t, and Dearelt looked It bad been 8Cl a!Jnapt17 proyen to me at •• tbat my Irlel:'4 WU, .'ter all, capable
or the , finer fee lin.. I ' prtdecl mysetf upon. 1 may say that [ even felt reo buked. And my t espe ct a.nd fondness (or Archlba ld ,lncreased ,.t he more wIth the sense of my Injustice toward, hIm. Dut at this mom ent, as we waited lIke two Mr. Mlcawbers, at the foot of tile s tairs tor somet blng or other "to turn uP." a footman· approached and In. torm d m e that tbere was some one to se m e. Some one who had just corne I': im lIutomoblle a nd was wailing at tbe c;a rringll e ntran ce In his ma chln o.
Practical Fashions I
Beata of .t"e MIShty. "H&" you Investigated those eharges a gaInst BlgguD y t?" a s ked the Intimate frl e lld. "Not y i," ', answ red t ho d lstl n' gulshed stat sman who Wa!! a ' In m · Inv s Ugatln!; c:ommltl . be r of tb "All we have ·don Is to hold lin In· formal m ee ting a mI l1 't ld e t hat he Isn't gllll t)'."
11I1I1I .. ,unl... II1II1 .. III .. UUUII''' .. '' ... III''IIIIIIIIIIUIII1 1 ~ ,
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They Both Knew. The fool said vn'e day In the klng's pres ~ ce, -" r am the kIn g!" An d the ki n(i' lall gh ed, ~or he ltD w ' ~hat h is foo l watt wrong,. A wee k lut 1'111 king was angry . be· causa of an ' 1'1'0; be had co mmltt e d, Il~ exclailll C!! : " I UIO 3. foo l!" And tbe !ool laug hpd, fol' lie kn w that hIs king was rlgLt.- Sma rt Set.
in your mouth removed whiJd you wait-that's true. A CuJ caret taken when the tongue ~ thick· coated with the D8S~ squeamish feeUng instom~~ bri, ngs relief. It's easy, natu;;) BABY'S HAIR ALL CAME OUT way to help nature heJp you. ~
"When my firs t baby was sIx montb.s old ho broke out on his bead with littl e bumps . Tb y would dry up and leave a s cale. The n It would break out again and It. spre ad all ove r hIs head. . All the balr ca.1l out and hIs heud was sCH ly all ov r . Then bls face broke out a ll over In red bumps and It ke pt s pre ading until It was on his hand s and arms. 1 bought s everal boxes oC ointme nt, gave blm blood medicine, nnd hod two doc tors to treat him. but he got worse all tho time. He bad It about s ix months when a friend told me ubotll Ctltieurn. I se nt and got a bottie of Cutteura Resolvent, a cake at utl cu ra Soap and a box of Cutlcura Ointment. In three days after usIng th e m he began to Improve. He began to take long nnps and to stop scratching hIs bead: Arter takIng two bottles or Resolvent, two boxes or OIntme nt and three cakes of Soup he was sound and well, and n evel: had any breakin g out of any kInd . His hlJ.lr camo out In little curls all over his head. I don't think anything e lse would have cured him exce pt Cutlcura. "I have bougbt Cuticurn Ointme nt and Soap several tim es s ince to use ror cuts and flores Rlld have never knowD them to fall to cure what I put t h~m on . ' I think Cuth~ ura Ie a. great rem edy and would advi se anyone to use It. Cutlctlro SOIlI) Is th e best that I have ever us ed for toil et purposes."
~~~~a:1. ~~:·n~·8~;)t~~~~t~~io~· F . D . Life's Varie,d I ntereah. "The weatber 'l! ra ther bad. ts n' t It?"
CA.SCARItTS-IOC box-week'. treat. lUmt. All druggist.. Dig.~lSt adler in the 1IO'OT1d. Million beau a lUOIIU&.
and ' Ex·Spanish War Soltiers or thelf. widows. you lire enlitled to too acres Government land ill Colontdo or otbeJI Western States for your services iD tb4i war. Filings can be made by Power 01 AUorney. Write to(lay. A. W. GIFFIN, Laad looalor. Wlchltl. Kin'"
Th an you ever dreamed possibl e decorati~ china. burt)t·wood, metal. pillow·tops. ctCojj in colors from photographs. Men sIICCeD<l {ul as women. Learned at once ; no told required. Takes'1ike .wildfire everywher'" Send stamp qlli ck for prali lllnrs. I
!lu\ted t be young woman . "Yes." r epll f'd th e nonchalant. youth . 'Lucky Ihlng It Is. Ilelps conversaUon. It would he a 'deadly bore to go on for C.lIl.VA,LLANCECOM(>ANV.Elkbart,lD4I ever aaylng 'It's a pleasan t. day.''' . OUlnCE STARCH ==.!O::u,~W1= To add 1\ library to a bouse ifl to "'ve thlltJ.house a soul.-Clcero. ·
' . . ,. .
W . N. U., CINCINNATI, NO . 1-19114
. Honored ,by Women When II woman IJ)f'lIkl of her .ileDt lee ret . 5ufFering Ihe trult. you. Millions have beItowed ' tbis . mark of con6donee 00 Dr, R. V. Pierce. of Bl}lfalo, N. Y. Every. where there are wpmeD' who ..bear; wlto'esl to tho woode~ working, ,curing·power of Dr• ilrerce'8' Favorite Presoriptiou '·.......,tucb I.v'ea the $IIffm,,! /rrs", .paI_, end aUCCC68fu'l ly 'nipple• .with wom_'" weak.
Where Women Vote. TI, ' I Surtr " IUtll- 1 heal' You have (l1).:lIned fO take tbe. nomlnallon of. farM you? ". . . The 'W enk Sh.iter- Y(!I!. I Ilnve . You ' sel' 1 haven't hnta 'enough to malte' the' prop r ·klnd of canvas .':'-'Yotl.ker.
~~I The Kind You Have
Overheating Avoided. Th dunge r of overbeallng \ hl eh at. tc mls Incandesce nt lump soeltets can. tn inlng a l'l:lsls tan ce' IInlt to (,~ Bse ll the brilli a ncy of the li ght Is n 'old ed by di s trIbuting the res istan ce th rough ~ cord . provide d wl't n , regulating s wlt 'b at the end.
-Hlaheat Good In l,ffe• :rbe highest good ~ Ia found lil tbe way of doIng good, glvln'g what WI 'have, our best selves,. to othe·rs. ~t . !:)~t41sman . • man' seek emcleJicy in hia bualneal; let hIm leek leadershIp in biB :prQfes- .. A .Good Old Wor11f. SIOD, let him seek enrichIng lOme "idter, all. It's i pretty good old othel' Uvea.· TbJ. Ie the mrnll -t!aat world. isn't it?PI ' •.. preeerY_ to u all that we pin . . . "Bete1!:er Ute. My ordest · daughter perfumea wbUe _elll_Im... I. . . Kot married TI!~bglvtn' day; 8IIJ1 ""e her up thr,e . yeare a,o." moth tIaa& ~ dec:Q ud _tIL
curative 1I0we rs , peculia rly adapted U
For al l around IISI' Ih" re hI no gar· h l' ltl"r tbun Ih t' dressin g sacque. bl' worn Cor br Ilkf!l1lt and ab ou t the hO'I ~I' In lh ' mOl'lll ng and It Is nl ways drC'''t; y I'Jlougl\ to enabl e tb e \\'Pa r"r to In tf? rvl e \\' trndes men, ulC .. wI! hout f' mbIlTrIlSS tll ent. The II· lustrn ll on I! hoWR an e xe-e ll nt desIgn for 11 d ro!~tl! llg Rll.Cqu e. It Is plaIn In both front I1nrl buck a nd Is blgh In th e n eck. A turnover collar finl s bes the n ec k nn rl t urnblt'k cutrs complete the plaIn s le<' ve. The closIng Is In th e ce nl er of th e fr onL 'EId e rdown . outing fl a nne l. sateen, ond many light weight woole n malerlals Bre npproprl· aUI tor this gar ment, and those wbo pref"r wI\8b fnbr lcs will find sateen S rv lc a ble. Th po Hern (6256) Is Cllt In sIzes 32 An enigmatical speech eno~h, ('II to 44 In ch s bust m easuro. Med Ium admit, and , of course, I don't mean to s ize requIres 2 ya rd ot 36 Incb Dla. say thnt It alone was the means of en· t.orla t. lighte ning T erhune and myselt as to To procure t hIs paUPrfl lend 10 cents th e n e w turn this rather compli cated '!J'ultern D"pa rlm l' nt ." of thIs paper. and stnbborn affair of his aunt's prop. to ~' rllo nume und sddre!is pllll nty. aAd be e rty had take n. 8u re to give 81ze und nurnhl.'r or pattern. It was only after a dumber of ques. tlons bad been asked and aDswered NO. 5256. tHZE ..... : .......... :. that we unders tood him. Wbe n It ap· NAME ..... ... . .. .. .... , ........... , .. . ...... . peared that be, ;Branee):)eth, had bee n In love wIth Miss Elndlcott and she TOWN ................................ : .... .. wIth him eve r s ince the first CnsUe Wycleboff hous e party, but that th er e STREET AND NO..... .... . ........... ". was an obstacle to theIr marrlago STATE .. .................... .. .... . .. . ... . .. wblch preve nte d th eir acknowl edging th ell' attachment. which obstac le can. s ls te d or tbe Inexorable d e tsrmlnatlon CHILD'S UNDERWAIST AND DRAW. of l:Irnncc poth's solo re lative. l\ ERS. wealthy uncl e. tbat be should marry a certaIn Miss Slmplln. an h eiress he r . self. and a n e Ig hbor of his uncl e·s. l:Irancl' ll th h a d not the faintes t In. t nU on of marryIng the lady of hIs tLO' cI 's choi ce, or nn yone o the r than th e la dy or bls own. but was sti ll un a ble openly to dis r egard that uncle's wishes, ha vin g been e nUre ly . depe nd e nt UPOD hIm ail his life. Tho young lady In question, Miss Slmplln. had now dEl< c lded matte rs for him by e loili ng with a poor young s quire, lu spite of a tacit agree. ' nt with h er Cather that she wo uld can sid r tavol'l\bly th e s uit at young Murray. And by thus boldly secu ring her own happin ess th e young lady bad at tb e snme tim e opene d the wo y (or that of Brancep tb , a dee(1 tor whI ch I thought. when I hea rd the tal e , s he d eserved the comme ndation (If the ·ommunlty. I like good sport. But thIs opInion of mine In r egard to Miss ..... mplln·s cscapade dlil net spparently jibe with that at Brancepe th's ' uncl e, ror, as our vis itor proceed ed with hIs tale, we learn ed tilat h e was indeed so e nrage d by the very act wblch so Wo sh ow 1J1 t h (! ac ompan y lng l11u8' de lighted us all that when bls nephew. trallon on of t h e regu lar strles ' of uD. e mbold en e d by th e tidIngs at the ele rwBlsts and drawers thut are used elopement, confided to him hls .attach· for little folk. The waIst hl>8 a seam men t tor Miss EndJcott. hIs aggrIeved at the s hould e r Ilnd Rootbe r under the re laUve had s e ized with enthusiaslD arm , and th re Is an extra pIece o.t the chance at proving to the scornful good s a t tbls plIl·t of tb e walbt to add and fuglUve be lress that sbe was un, to Its strength. Th e neck Is c·.I t out In regrette d. He 'only awaited the al)· round d outline and tbere 111 a short pearance at Agatha FIrst, It seem6d, t.o poplin below the be lt. Thl' urawerl toke ber to hIs arms and enshrine her nre In two pIeces, jolued by a s e am brows with a diamond tiara that was to down th e cen ter of the garment. Tbey fiaunt defiance and triumph before the open at the sides and fast en the waIst jealous eyes of the poor squire's wife by mea ns or buttonholeR Nainsook, whenever the two mlgbt meet. longcloth. muslIn and canton ftnnn el This excIting erl:ll8 In Br!lncepe th's arp. suItable materIals for th ese gar. romance having developed only that ments. • morning. It was friend Murray to bls The pattern (52 2;) 18 c ut. In sizes 2 macblne and on his way to Castle to 12 ye ars. MedlulD sIze r eQulros '% Wyckhoff wIthout IOS8 of time, and we ya\'dN of 27 In h mate rial ; tor tbe wer e not at all s urprised when he drawe rs 11J4 yard~ ot 27 Inch goods. boasted tbat b e had covered the dis. Alsll 1 ·ya rds ot edging If trl:nmed ' tance between bls uncle's place at the as pIc t ured . other e nd at the county and Wyckhot! To procure tills pallPrn 8e n~ 10 cnnt." castle In a little less than an hour. We to " Pall rn DepI11·tmenl." of Ihts paper. hod just succe eded In graspIng ,the8\.. Write no".. .. :.:~,d IlddrPHs plainl y. a nd be details of our friend's love affalr sure 10 gIn IIlze a.nd numbnr or pilltern. l though he ha d not given them In tUll' l as I have, but ~athl'!r sketched tho NO. 5220. SIZE .. .. ............ . story generally and rapIdly. wben Dearest appeared upon the scene anl,f NAME ........ ........ ...................... ~ the whole wonderful tale llad to bt TOWN .... , ...... -. .......................... . told again. STREET AND NO .. ..... .. ..... , ...... .. ('1'0 BE CONTINUED.' KIckers. Wbat Is odIous but noIse, and 1>00 pIe who scream and bewail! People whose vane polots always east,. who live to eline, who send for the doctor. who coddl e themselves, who toAs' tbelr feet on the register, wbo 10' trlgue to' secure a pndded chalr ·'a!ld a epro,?r . out of tbe draught. Surfer thllm onc~ to' begin the enumeraUoD ot their Infirmities, nnd the sun ",III &0 dow.n on tJie' unfinished tale.-Elb. erson . .
Huod's Sareapi or AI·I·lng~ . rllla bllS
r estor e h ealth and st.rength In JU~ suc h 3. condition as YOI1 are u p agalna It ha's b n tlolng thIs for more th u third of a c ut ury. lt ~ legions What Happened . I be rr fit frl e'! uds tIling of h ealth r Pat -- Did yO u (:all '! I _I Op pnr lulllty- YP , bill s h,~ .' Allt \\' 0' 1'11 Ii stored. s u rf rIn gs e nd od. a r e founG by h r son-a.nt s lr e wusn'L 111. -l lal" 1 v rywh l' r Olv It a c hance to he)~ per's Bazu r . ou t b y ge ttin g a botlle toda,':
CHAPTER XII. burrled round to that part of the caslle. fo llowed more dlechonically than InquIsitive ly by T e rhune, and saw on tbe stoop und er t.he port·coche re . through tb e wld e,o'p en doors, a s ligh t young fellow of about Arch's build. with a dark, anxio us face, just r e lln· qulshlng R long duster to bls cbauf· fe ur. nut e ve n berore 1 had pe rc:e lve d who It W1l8, illY eyes wandered bac k of him and took In the automobile he' d jus t s tep l)ed from. with a vague s ouse 01 hnvlng see n It somewhere before. Dllt Its ow ner s urpri sed me more , for It was Murray Bran\!epetb- of nil peopl e! "Wha t III thunder brought him here?" I wondered. (hadn't seen him In a y ar of Sundays! "Hello. Vince nt! " ll e c ri ed, on see· Inb' us. "And old, T e rhun e, too !" And he caught our hands In a large, ex uber· ant grip. 'roo e xuberant, I could see Terhune thought. Cor h e was frowning, and I must say I (elt Incline d to r es ent Drancepe th's Camlllarlty, myself, for I had never kDown the tellow woll. when he follow e d hIs bandshake by a great slap on my shoulder. But by hIs usxt words It was explained and excuaed In the same moment, as we re many other thlngs that bad "happoned Ia.tely. "Where's Agatha FIrst?" he cried. "It's nil right now! Miss Slmplln bas elOped and we can get married."
Are You
And 'sI1l6bo,.. 'ill$'. "
._ I'
' IT MAKES W.EAK' WOrt EN STRONO ' .' . IT flAKES SICK WOMEN 'weuNo woqaft" .ppc81.w•• *,,~81'; ml~'tected o~ her w,-.
~ aiilpleCed when ''be wrote tor ad.._ • . tO;
'the Woaio's DIIPSNaARY ~1!!bICAL AISOClAl1oM. Dr. . 'R . V. Pieri:~, President. ~\dreJo. N. Y. 1M ",.,.., ~ I'e&W III6K» 111M DMiuwlIIoweI _' ..... _ . - . '.
• . I
______~____..~~..~~~'~~~~~~l~~~.~~~·~~~~<~':~I.~·~~~~~~~~~~~~s~r~n.~r~·7~~~~~-~2.. ~~'~n!!~!.~~~rx~$~P!!?~ . ~~~~I~'~~~~2~t~F~T~?~r~:t.~tt~~~~'~·'~~_~~~f~_~'~'~~.~,~~~~., t' ) tr 7 "EWER S7 Farmets' j,nstitute e, V, BA.RN H-'\RT,
- --, -
{ .
Roys' Straight
p' . . .
Knee 'Pants
One-Ralf Price
'. Boys' Suits in
, " '.
' ,. . . ' .
. h P " Straig t ants
Style Half Price
Ice a aar II
leSR,: wOl'thlf8!1 yoong peoplel Sine. Olll'es Ill'e lIOtlroe and hard to find. Win by selectlug a bush Bud etioki o g . to it. La.bor 11.1 ways oonq oers, R Mdin g, by MillS .Jessi.s Ml1l'latt· . 'e ntltled, "Lovitl g MMY .. Mtl~ic by the Orohest ra -, COD tinl1srl Next W eek,
.. - ..- --
$17 50
$14 75 $9 98
Styles. $2.60 to $5 values, twice a year sale"
The repor~ following is oompiled from returns receIved frolll the offiolal oorreHpondeots of tbe DeplI.r t ment: Whettt-oondition compared with an averllge, 92 per oent. Oorn-<JonditioQ in orib,oompared with II.verage, 91 per cent . 80gs-oondition oomp&red with average years. 95 per oent. Fall Pfgs-nu~ber compared with average years, 86 per oent. Sheep-oondition oompared with average, 98 per cent , Cattle-oonditlon oompared with ~ veruge, 96 per oent,
$4.75 $2 • 48, $1 • 98
Boys' Bloomer Pants
Men's Trousers All finest $6 $7 and $7.60:&,rades, Dlo'ltly SweetOrr make, twice a year sale" .... .. ............. . Many $4. $.4.50.and ~ values,
now .••.•.•...... "..•.......•.. .••• ··· ·•.. ···· .. ······· ....•
$2.50 ani $3.00 values,
now ..........................................•.•.........
1150 and $1.75 values. now ............ · .............. .... " ............... " ..... .
$4.98 $3.75 $1.98 $1.24
$1.50 and $2. values,
now ....~.. ." .....••.•...•
t ••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
$1 and $1.25 values,
76c cent values, now ........... ,•. .......••••• ..............••••........... 50 cent and 65 cent values,
67c 45c
now........................................ ............ . .
now ...............•..................................... ' :_
Obolce 01 all Kanhatau 8b1rt1 12,110 and II gradee' now , .. OOOlce 01 all ManhaUu Shlrte· 11.111 and U sl'lldee. now, _• Obolce ClI aU Kanha\tan 8h1rt.ll, 11,110 Sl'lldl,. now" .. ,. ,. "
$1 a9
$1 38
51 15 8ge
8~ (white. DOt
York & Wu.on Broa,
!.»c:;.I,U:::>, ~~, ~., ~: ~~.~,~,
Obolce of all 600 and 'llie NtIIJ~ 8hirtie. aplendld bupllll, now
K~:~~:~., ~~:~~ ~~~, ~~,
Oape, IUO ~ee. DOW . ••• ' , . Cape ... grad_, DOlf · _ , •• • •• , , ape, 600 and 'lllcl ....dee, no" , , Cape. 2I1c"sndee. II(lW . " , • , • , •
SflI QR 00
.•. DENTIST, ••
25 do& ...in hand. !JOe grades. DOW . 25C 11icTIIl8, now" , ... " .. . " . . .... 11.00 Tlee, now .. , , . , , , , .. , . , . , 750 11.110 and 12 Tiel. now" . " .. , . •
Union 8ult.ll, Cooper make, U and
, I',n valu.,., aIao 2-plece styles,. All Union and 2-Plece Unde.... wear, values 12. DOW . , , , , ••
Ws)'nesville 0
n;, l~t~ . ·;!\· ~ , .I!~ '; ; h H ,
I •• I ~ • •
Will I:I:. I.C U 1,1.
I, ,'
DOt~~'~j~·~D'l~~,~!l~!(~ ~~.I~r~.!~ ~t' ,;:., j
~~~~~, r.~~'I~[!~ret,rCo~d!:;'X\.e'~:~!~~. r~j~~'!.I:'I~ l!tl ":;~;; ~' and ou r rcn t C\'{' lI tS. Ph o toCN.:Ph)''rt ' III1JJ!C. 111(.. •• t rl el l),. ca r ;')C n ")' ,," nrlle , ~ a ru '.. " I! .. tJt>}' J 111 I
w hat t o d o fw d ) \f.I\' 10 li n It . """1I 11I u l\)' II lI '. \ " ·uf Ot.i ntHl e ven ' 1.0" w jl!' rm I ,)' with w·fI · • • f
Ilomo trullii na p .\ r~ l\t !: .
"'Utl" ,'(to,, il)' ::',U.(lllOItO)''' III I~ I,.
Sell I' )1
nil n c w.-tta.ud w:.t t 1(J \!.U n to .
l ull ), ea r .
III IIi.ji. ' 0.\
I ,
L ____ __ _
_- ..- - -
Old Soldier Tortured
Underwear Derby Rlbbed:llud Fleece Lined Underwear, ext ra values .. . . .
- - -...
All Men's Spring Overcoats and "Slip.On" Rain Coats 20 Per Cent Discount Shirts
DR. J. W. MIl.LER, Olllce In IJlluk Dlulf,
$7 48
50 Juvenile Suits. many fancy Russian and Sailor
Good for Nothing but
result frllm the work of firebugs, but ofte n Ilevere burns tue oausAd tbltt make 1\ qulok need fol' Booklen's Arnioa Salve, tbe quiok. est,. surest ourA for bQrn14, wounds, bruises, boils. sores, It subdue" Inllumlltion . ItKilJspain . Hllooth ell au!! b ellIs, Drives off skin eruptions uloeTs or piles , Duly 250 at al druggists . -_ _ -__
67 Boys' F inest Suits, Bloomer Styles, and Overcoats, in Long Storm Coats. regular $9, $10 and $12 values, twice a year sale price ", ." ... " ... ' ,... .. ......... • 125 Boys' good Stylish Sui ts and Overcoats. description as 35 Boys' Knee Pants Suits. $3,00. $3.50 and $4.00 values , twice a year sale price .. ,......... " ......
imll.Y not
:!>l~v~rr:~ .~~. ~~~,~~, ~?,~~!.~~~:, ~~.i.~~. ~.7.~.~~,
. ' i'
--4. ~
87 Fine Suits and Overcoats. Hirsh, Wickwire & Hackett Carhart make, regular $20, $22 $26 and $28 valu~s, twice a year Mle price......... • 130 Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats, H.W. & Co., and Hack· ett make . $18 and $20. and some brok.en lines in $20 v&lues. twice a year sale prIce • 92 Suits and Overcoats, geod dependable values and every Suit and Overcoat guaranteed for wear. Reg· ular $12, $1. and $15, twice a year sale..... • Choice of 50 of our finest Black and Blue and Fancy Hand· Tailored Suits, all remainin2' of our finest models, 20 per cent discount.
Natlu ll~
Death in, Roaring Fire
This Advertised Merchandise Will be Carried Over Till Next Season Boy's Suits
Notar~ Public
'bis ' fallure (il,1e til hi!4
s·aoond, wife. The grll.ndest W lllen ' All Ilf NI)tllry WOI kv., P eDE! . UO . " lw.d Work a. Hpeolttlt of todllY al'e.tlle qlleeus of our b omes ' ~tll.bi\ity-l·bere are t oo. mtlu ~ ~lm 7 '
If Sacrifice Prices Will Bring Customers, Not a Dollar's Worth of
Men's Suits and Overcoats
'. ;losepbine ;-
"Fol' yeare I suffel'ed nnspeakable torture from indigestion, oonstlpaUon and liver trooble," wrote A,.X Smithba wal' veteran at Erie, PI1. "but r . Kin~'B New Life pms fixed me all rigbt, 'l'hey're simply great. ,. Try them fot' any stomaoh, liver or kidney tl'ouble , Only ~50 Ilt _ll drugllisttl
""n.t ·.lesnlle's Leadinp DeDnn ()ffice in Keys~ld~. MalO 8'
----_ ..
- --
$1 65
WIlliam SlathWilyt. Comml .. loner 01 Plantation.. 8UIIUe.teci " s.
Called After the Quaker.
All 12.110, 13 and I. grades 01 Unde .... wear, now 20 per cent dlacount.
When WUltam Peon waa aaked b1
DR. BELL'S ANTI·PAIN For Internal and External P ......
CharI.. n. to name the new 0010117 oyer the 8ea he proPoeecl the name of the .queen. WUUam BlathwaJt, the 50 and 52 Are Y-Ou Lookhtg oommlaaloner of plantaUona, bluntly DepUnd the proposal in the preeEast ence of the court. and luueated the' Quaker'l own name aa the proper one for the Yaat territory that owed tts We can offer you good Main Street colonlaaUon and denlopment to him, Paying Employment The king wall not otrended. but Iided with BlathwaYt. anel Penn hlm8elf that you will enjoy and wu greatly flattered by the compll· ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!'!~!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!'!~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!I!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~"!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"_!!....!!....!!....~!!"!!!!2!!S!!!!'!~ ment, Several letters on the 8ubl4lct at home, Write to-day were written by him to Biathwayt. Defeodantwugranted 15 days in' Delllla MoCabe, deoeased, West Dormadyqui~ olalmon)otinFranlr. Thele letters were carefully prewhloh to plead to petition In cue of Glenny, deceased, W . C) aantinson, lin, $1, etc, 8ened by Blathwayt'8 descendanUl. The Buneriek Publb""'g Co. Tbe IDternational Barve,ter 00, deoeaaed, Raohel Smith, decelllled, Arnold Snider to Rebeooa Ann and being recently put up at auction Ba.....lek BaUella.., New York. N. Y. agaillst Jesse Mount. M.....gie ft. 'Rogers, benefiolary, Bishop, lot in WoodvUle, 1100. with the original draft by Charlea n. Common Pleas Court. Penn8ylvanla to Penn. broqht ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!~~~~~ ,..... Court hears certain motions In -An order . of apprai.emt!Dt and Levi J, Stewart, administrlttor oj' of nearly $18.000, s ollse of U8n P. Bone . agalnat the sale WAS lesoed in the oase of Val. tbe eata$e of Anna Virginia to Jolln The family name of Bla.thwayt beCourt ProceecIlnllo 8. & O. ~. W. Railway Oo~paDY entinA M, Hoblit and Reb8OC)a M. W, Stewart, lot in tlarveysburg, calDe exUnct through the marriage of The oontempt of ooort prooeed- and same are overruled. Hoblit as executors of the last wtll t425, the lole 80n of the line to a wealt1l1 in"s, for whioh Mrs. Mattie MoPer Tom Thom ....on pleads gollty to of WilJlam B. Hobltt, deoeaaed Kllte P. Yuu . ng to Iven Schoyler, Mill Winter, who reltored the faUen U~dertaker and Embalmer, I t " . . .. ofher the hU8band Blathwayta on condt. mott, was sentenced t<,> tbe oounty 'oharge of "bootlegglog" lu indiot' agatnst Jealle . V. Hartsook, et a1. 12,21 Bores in £ortlecreek town.hlp, tortun tlon that adopted the Will be foun~ io the out jail by Mayor C. S. MoonW, of ment and was fined 150 and oOlk. William H . MoCain w ..sappolJlted 11 eto. name of Winter. One of the Wlnte... Bank B~t1diug. oPl»oei&.t the Ntltlonal Bank. ' Morrow; were dismlsaed by Judge administrator oftbe estate of W~l. Edward ~.mh..r~ to Tbomas J accompanied Sir 'Francll Drake Telephone in house and or. Olark In a hearing Frtday, The New Suit. lIam J Dilatosb, deoea!led at bond Pl1rker and Dora T .. ' Parker 2044 around the world a8 hll vl~admlral. fioe wbere J can be called . and anothel' of the family waahe a vtcevsrdlot of gollty in a oharge of the Martba A. Deuilnger fll8!i suit 'o f 14000. John W, Donbam, Ed. aores, 11, eto. admiral under Drake when de. day nr night. . breach of the peaoe brought by Mrs a"ainst David B. Denlinger for di. win R. Wood a.nd 18aillh Holhngs. ' dameR L, King to Eliiabeth A, troyed the Armada. , Valley Phone 14-2. Jolla S . Oooden was. s08tained by ~oroe on tbe ground of extreme head were appointed appraisers , Batbll.way, traot in WlI.8hington __ ••_ __ Main Street, Waynesvill.. Ohio the oourt. Suit was in.tlLuted at oruelty. Plaintiff uks for sepu8. Tbe sixth and flnal account WIIS townlthip, $1, etc, Eczema once to have this verdiOIi set 'aelde tion and restoration of her mlliden flIed by Ann" Wyle Willil1mson, Edwin Adams to Robert L. Wh ite Is oon£lidered hard to o~re, Try B S the proceedinge before the mayor nl1me of Wier, Frank 0, Anderson 8oardil1D of t.he estate or Crys tal 'tll.ot io Hamilton townehlJj, $57 50 Dr 6eU'~ Antiseptio &lve and yon willan obange your mind, will Dr. Bell's Pine·Tar-Honey are decJared to be illegal in tbat the is attorney for plaintiff, Bnd Alverd~ Wyle, minors, . Commillionera' ProceecIlnllo ' see improvement from You the first Fo.. Cough. and Coleft. . defendant was given no ohanot'to William Tbaoekr and L . P, Kretz, First and final aooount in tbe es· ... bpplication, ,. defend hu.elf, Through an una. doing business under the firm name tate of Dudley L Haines de. It "II.S ordered that 12000 be tem..... __• _ __ voidable miltake aad the kind of Thaoker & Kretz filed soit agaiost oe~8ed, was filed by Myrtle fillinea por"rily transferred from tbe ·S ol. He Didn't Have It. whlob oreeps into ehe best of regll Emmll. MoFarland Dwire Rnd Jamea ' executrix. diers' monument ,to ,tbe coonty fund Mill Merrtll. a teacher In a Il'ade liltEd newspapen, oaosed The West E, Dwil'e to recover $5'5,19 ' on First Ilnd fioal Rccount in tbe ee A vetitton' lIigned by G B Fooohe . Ichaol, bad trouble with Johnnie la8\ ern Star lut week to flay that Mra, !l bill . Eltzroth & Maple II.re aitor. estate ~f Merrill A and Roma .M, and otht'lf8 r.skiog tor the Ilppoint I: : : . '::h~~e a~~:o~~~:left:::: d~~ THE OIlIATIST MoDermott was in jail all night fol , neYI for plaintiff. Baines, minor8, WI1S filed by Myrtle ment of George Eaglt! as superinten j conNCl that htl .I,ht wa. defectlYe. lowing the epleode on the' streets of Barry E, DIl.toeh filed ' 'Ioit H Haines. goardian dent uf r0l1d8in bl&milton townllhlp MI8I M.rrlJl teld Johnnie aQd Hnt Morrow. While t·he woman wasta aqain't Thomaa 1J11atosh, tie'o rge Inventory Bnll appraillement was WIlS prAsented lind ordeled pI_oed htm· home with a Dote to hll mother. IN THI WOIILD tile costody of tbe sheriff for some Dilatosh et al for partition of two filed by Cbl1rles Middleton adminis on file . /' He p&e4 at the note In horror then I'UBIJSBED WEEnY. $4.00 ·PER TEAl time the habea. oorpos prooeedin8s t1'8ok formerly owoed by the late trator of the 6IIt",te of E~tel Snell ' Cootrtlots-Oontrllot was enterod aTt tbe .~h4e~ and buret into t.ara. HOTILS, DIIUociiiTi, '''IOIALllYe, heDo... rea. ' i nto wi t,b OBOi ' 8Ilved ber from being plaoed in Jall William J. Olldolb. H~mllton & deceased. • , It n fol' fornisblDg I "JohllDle haa altlpatllm, do Dot CO. TUM lit., T It AN. IF E II, 0 A B 'BU. .IItVICI OAN PIlOfFlT The Weatern Star endeavor., to Brown are attorneys for plaintiff. Clua M Bl~jr WBS appointed and rtllUng 8nd PO'Jt and labor t'lrect·in~ let him "etum to Icbool wattl he haa AND BY UIINO.lYe ADVIItTIS,NO OOIoUMNS Probate Court. takes oath as deputy olerk. t\',ms liud m~kin" fill oy M~inevil\e bMn attended to," . print tbe faots ",ben obtainable SAMPLE QOPY' FAEE ' withoot prejudloe and is always :)emetery io Hamilton townsbip at Mill Merrln undentood btl lI'Ief Add,.e. !tIW YOItK CLI .... III . . . b i ' .~O 7 II better when Ibe reoelye4 a note from ready to apologize tor unavoidable Inventor,. aud appraitlemeot to. MarrIqe Llc::eoses. t 9 et't motte ....... 2. hU mother, She read. "I don't bow N_ York. N.Y. miatake., gether with a sohedule of debts of Th L D k 2 d i' . A generll.l oontrll.ot was entered what he dOH but IllckeCI him for It Oliver W, Morris ba'Viag I\n in, Harry Oeborn, wbo recently made f Le~mas . decKer, IG 'l a rym:: into witb O. B, Cilin to f~rDisb I can't find It' 011 blm, and lie laYI h~ terNt in property in quea'*on. wal ao aEsignment waa flIed by Jrlablon :f Mor::~~ lin ary t more, , lumber antllool18t posts. . ain't lOt It, bOW 10U bet~er Hak hb!i, Dr. ,Bell's Anti~pticSalva Good fop aU Skin DI....... made party defendant in the caee of Gebhart, aSlignee. t:f FRob 22 f Bills-R; 8, Smith, ooal, IS1 50; aDd ... It 10,11 can ID• . IL WUli!tm J. Roaoh, at al agaln.t Pearl Little. aged 7, f~un. to . be f .;r;naaUl , dm;t~'l t "';;oe; Trostees of PobUo Affaire, water 2R ~ I ".-'; .,.'. AI .!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!! Barry 0, Collins, et a1. Defendant a ne.lectal oblld, wae oomm"t. . tG ~ ~ nedv e an. e a" 0 and hgbt, 1~2 17; B. T Wilde dt e ev.· r . c .' manae: . , was cranted 80 daYB in whloh to the county ohildren', home. . ove Iln . . ' ' 80na Co. rObber.baods, '~O; Statalta The '. Rev , Irl60 810M Alman,.o plead. Doe proof of PQbltoatlo~ or noUoe Real Estate Tr.en. · . Pea. Co" m~e., .6;' be 'Neater~ for 1911, ~be.t. goardian Ao~el tn "' . '. 't:'D~. , &Ierepo~twaaconfirmedandpar_ of' appoiatmentof 8ueie 11,. Smith, . ' . tJiar"Uperor Reoorder" PO; Ill. b. ahuodred 'thoussndhomea .. i8 'Do~ .(,~, titlon made'in ..he O&8~?f Elisabeth admIDlatratri%. was o~~re<I ~rd. Ray~ond IC. Shield, ~ ~'bar~e. Conklin, -ata~~" 81; W~b ~~th, .r8ft!1y. N:ofpl~ny are ' no'; "wiUlnl ' '.' .' ...... . G , Ballard ~ga1net C~ri.tiae Gar- eel io tbe estate of Blmer, .• ' Bmt~ 8, Bak~r and Fairy m. Balter 8~.81i whtte.· "..~tDg ~~' ,jail~ ,. .. ~~; J : ~; to ,be' ~~out, it aod .the "Rev: I.rl R . .. you would . bke to Sl;1pply n8l',.t al. Vartoue aoooonu were oOD8nDecl -"1'81 in Union towneJ;lIp, ,I, and f:lun~~ ""ices at the inlJrmary" Bioke Magazine ' Wora 'alld 'W ks ' " hI 'th : h' h la 'the two .0A8et' of George M. tD the e.&ate. of 4 nn a ~. arandio, otlie,r oonlideratioDs. . '1~.60; ..W. '8 · ' ~opp~nr, . repat'r~,· Th'twri,are 'oni;' QneJ)oU"; a;!. ' your t:a • e .~ c·· t , 8,' 19. _ Corl'1, apin.~ .theDr,Oor~y ,CaIi08l' ImbeCIle, Sarah J. U~~l~by. de Tho~.. A., .Jone~ . ~ Christi~. '~V'«;, Wil1lalb~ '. & .~onfor$, eJeo-. The ·,.'m.n&O It 860 ·. prepaid• ... ~,,'~de,,s~Jve~ fr~: .of..' . (Jar.• ' 00. et ai, defendan~ ware oeued,. Wi~l1am A,. Pri~, deceued, ~ardi~g tract in ~r~ukUQ t,o wnsbip, t~~l repa,~re• .. " .80; . Ohio p orrq• .hohie. or om08t.~oall,1 taU- ' to ~eD ,. cost. w~te US fC?~ .our 8~ granted. lave. to rue . m~tton forth David Muon, d_.'~, IIll~an4 11""to. , . . . gated Oolvert QJ , .HW~ pipe" fOI! tb.m,' to t • ',! .' '. .ciJll.' offeF~ Address w~~. ., ' . - , VIola ~riot', . m\DoN, WIIII.a m.. C~rII"~ .Sardlng to ~l ... ·tJlt 76 ;"8t.. .. 9f Ohio ,,-. C?l8JD Jlrad- , WohtUd Works Publllb'n -~CO.' 2', """.. ':.'. . . " . H, ' . ":' . . ~." trtal w" lI'allW In the cue Wt&ham, deoea~ ~pHI!I L. ·~U. Sardiog, ~'io · Fra.Dll:Un to~D"': l~y, «Ia.~. 'l~ 6'0 ' c. • •·St. ~, .M ' ,Ii , ,J ,STANDAID 'OIIIN of Da~ W••• .,..m.& lIiobael ttama, deoeaHd, Laan G. f.,oOt"ood Ihip, '1,.~ I ,~. ".1,;" 0. . . ' , '. i~II"V"". $IfteI.. NoU ••••,. . deoeued, Thomu 48Q11U8d Jam. II. Dor~J: '1'lae ~famt G...... 1at1ae 'o~ II ....'~. ~ p& tate
20 Per Cent Discount on all Bags aud Suit Cases, Fancy Veats 20 Per Cent Discount.
lor a PoslUon?
County Courts
IS' 47 R '
ogers Silverware
. to.....,.. . _ '. :., · - · ( "
. : : .:
. ' ....
New'_ . . ,.
M·.~!~ ~.~~~!!~'~!!!!?~' ~5t~!_~pn!!.!·!t~?~7~!if~q~~~i~.~~f~?~J7~_~~~P.:~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~ p !rs!!~S~'~F~"~"~f'~Ii'~'5!!~~~~~~~~~~ . , .~I~ i • , I , '\ MIAMI , GAZETTE !J'be Outlook. lU bE in s ti ngs. In f { U'\t.W:UtHl ana .) \ .... _ _ ...... ... ..%." .•... ......'. - -, _ PUblished ' YDOkly "Ill. Wo.yncsylllo, OWo 8~lfllr oP,etiii')g today thltn the fa~ , In parli,am n tary rnl 's, 11lI( Il' hl li' to
' :"~, -' ~--- f~,~.:~~,: ~ I. .
~~ Instill In th em the high s li d Il ls ot "i:GApeoil.l.li,f is this , t-r1,1e of the young , honor and nlOr\lll y . ' m'lo rui se d on the folrm , 'F Som e associat ions ol'gan lze and r . . , , l'he~11 w a.y be oth e r lines 'that"HI Iconduc t. ISund IAY' tlscbools II Qd prt aoh-r ' S~ pay m ore money and look ' Qlore1a t._ ng aerv ces n le poorer par!i 0 J ~' , cltlell 'and)\11 tIn st rl cts not !: trllo t iv6, yet ,w hen living expenllefl, slipplled h count otber ry r'dlIIglo11 8 ser0 ' ce rt,tlinty Or empl oyment, safenef;A vlceB, In the citi es a large Ilumber I I' ,. "r HI Vtistm en t" opportunities sooi,n [_ of stud ents are to be ro und helping 1Y Itntl lnttl Il eotuully nod t,he gennlul In soCial seltie ment and mlss,lon 37 Creen Street ' t f 11 i bId house II, Thirty-five bundred men e UJ oy m eo 0 v n ~ are a Ilnoe u p were f:n gaged in some torm of social t il e oh noes f or the farm er are eq~1I. 1 eervlce last year, I t ' l th ORI1 of IIn y o the r , The State University. N ot; Iwer y th lr g o n th e tarnl it.. A typi cal college assoclntlon Is the 61i8,V a n d !OlUOO I h ' T h e UpR aptl one at tb e Ohi o State Uni ve rility II.t rl ow n o f li fe eom fl t her e t he sa me IHl Columbua. ' Here over 200 men are In Bible classes conducted by tbe e l"6 whero, but t o the y onn g ~"n associatio n, nnd Iln a veraa:o ot 800 ONE-HALF MARKED PRICES with the sti lking qlltJ:liti es, who l~ students every Sunday morning are In love with hill bUs lnflSs and goes : In Sunday sc hool. .t\n e qu al nu mber at it wi h a. d et ermination t o sue. ! of stud ents, most of th em tb e on es , oAed who d oes n ot yield to, disoou r- I that go 10 Sund ay school, attend a I I . 1 church se rvice. About 125 a rc reguagtHpe ut , wh u d oe~ . thin gs r a tlHlr lar\y pI' sent at til e weekly meeti ngs tllall tell how they s b ouM be !lone or tbe aSSOCia tion, an d othe r lines of by Borne one elBe, is oareful to keep , religious ac tivity [Ire purs ued wit h .... ithiD lli ~ atility to manage a t! well i marked enthusiasm , . However, as . " tbere are 2,800 st ud ents In the unl, a s WIthin hIS lnoorne- young m on verslty. It means t hat half of tbem ot thl ;! type Ilr needed toddY in tb e are not regul arly attending any refield of I1grlClllt ure , There is 11.1. IIglous se rvi ces, A large number of wuys room at th ll t 0l>-tu sooh , suc- I tbese are stud ents wbo at bome alThis drastic action i's takfln in order to . t ' II d A d ways attended one or more se rvices, c MI IE! pruo 101\ y I.I.SSUI'e , n " but here become careless and Indlf. effect a quick clearance in Dress Hats, m y y oun g frieud R, for y our enoour ! rerent. It Is lhls class of students Tailored Hats and Toques, Children's Ilt,!e'lle nt l1110w m o.) t o qu ot,e from one ' wbo. gradually drifting Ilway from Hats and Caps. Colors to please the of tbe greutest men our country . or their religIous Dloorlngs, are loon most aesthetic, as well as the staple the wo rld hut! ever knowu_ TbetiH sblpwrecked on the rocks ot Immor· allty, Some are only Indifferent to shades for the conservative. A large NordB were spo~en fifty one y p.ar:i the good, some ha ve become very assortment to select from. ago and the truth they p ortrll Y bad, It Is particularl y tor this ciani shines more foroefully t l?day, aod of IItudents tbat tbe association and 1 will oontiuuf' to shlDe bri ghter, a!! otber religious organizations eX18t. 1 the years go by, Abrllb"m Lincoln 1 8~id "P':>POllttlon mnst inorease rlip- FOURTEEN TAKE TEST FOR idly, mora rapidly thltn in f orm er RHODES SCHOLARSHIP , tim es, a nd ere long the m08t v8111 1l. Local examination s for !1' 1l Cecil bl e ·Jf all lute will be t.he I1rt of deri v · Rhodes scholarsblps were beld re centiy at the Ohio State Unlyerslty in~ tt comfortable subsiBtenoe from under the superv is ion or the coruml t. , WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. the smallest ~rea of 80\1 No oO.m t ee or the Ohio Colleges' Assoc!ntlou , I WALT E R c( I L (1 RE" mUDlty whose every member p OB of ·whlch Dr, W . 0 , Thompson Is St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. 8essell this art oaD ever be t.he vjr. chairman, Fourteen stud enta In dlf· , Father OeOl'go Ma\'enhoefcr, Paator Funeral Dire':top'. ferent Oblo colleges took tbe exam· ' MilAS CVl' fV soooru' !'; uDdll}" of the mont h a tim {)f oppret!sioD in any of its forms inations, Suoh a oommunlty will be alike to. One stUdent Is chosen . rom the \I :ou a, w. _ _ _' dependent or orowDed klUgs, mon;ey number wbo successfully PU ll the St. Mary's Episcopal Churcb. Tel ephone dRY or tlll{bt kings Rnd land kings , enmlnation , He Is given $1 .600 a HAl" . J . F , Oadwalltlder, necl.'" Valley phone No_ " l.uolC .. - • year tor three years to defr" y biB ex- Sunday Sohool. U :3U II, 00 MornIn g ser Distance No 6\}_0 •• , penlles at Oxford University. Eni- ' SuudBY vice, IU :80 a, m. Holy Comm unIon tb e Out Solves a Deep Mystery land. 01 each momb, OHIO WAYNESVILLE, "I WilDt to th~nk you from the The paperB l are not graded In tbls Methodist EpiscopaJ Churaa. bott l)m of my heart," wrote C", B. country. but are sent to Eogland 'Branch Office, Harve,'lbnra. O. Rnder, of Lewisbnrg, W . Va " "/pr where a committee esP!!clally apRev, R. W. BaIlay, Putol . Sunday School, 0: 111 a, m. Morning set' f 1 d bl b d fi I t II t,be won er 0 on e ene t got pointed for the purpose csre u y ,'Inc, 10 :lJO a. m, J;;pwor~h League, 1 :00 p' tre m Electrio Bitter!!, in ourin[l me scruUnlzes them, It no set ot papers , 10 , E)ycnlng serYlce, ";' : 00 p , m. Ml<lwllAIr of buth a severe calle of stoml1ch disclose sufflcent scbolarshlp 10 war-I l'r \yc r Moctln!!, 7 p, m, ""! \'~ Wlw"Y tlmi t~ , _ .' 1 \ trouble and of rheumatitolll, fr um rant the awarding ot the ,ulle, . all - - . ; f" , I 12 ',-lilt: I.. ,c ' 'c 'U' whioh 1 hlld been an almost helple~8 are rejected, If the quality ()t the Christian Church. -: ,lc YIC uy a :; s uft'erer for ten years, It BuHed my manuscr1pts Is ot a sufflclently hig h Rev. L. 0, Thompeon, Paatol I;' .: I t. , \.~ u :.il)g 1~1cCai; f'att:l~ Blb'e SChool. 9 : 30 a. m, Soclal7:00 moetlD8, ' OItB~!.U! t h.)ugh made lUllt for m e " . grad e to merit the prize. tbe c.:lmmlt- 10:30 a. m. ChriBtlau Endeavor: p. m. -- '- --, McC.U', I •• wil l For dy 8p 118ia, indllIl'lItioo. jl1undice tee grants tbe scholarllhlp, to tbe per, Sermon by paator every alt.eruato Sunday" •-•-i:"' -,~ '' j,~ 1 11\ ~/.ZltlE I It' ii' .• ,,11 tiro"" ~Iyl · and t (\ rId the system of lIidney poi- Ion sbowing tbe best preparation for 1 10:110 a. m. and 1: 80 p, m, l' ir I I )' ut 11 Il lOtiorll t o '/ ~ ~ I' S Pl\l1>1J b ) kO Olllu g sons that oaUbe rheumatism, El eo Ihe honor. Hid<site Friends Chura. ::" '~.~ ." l'''''u~' .. ' " ,'st J1.1fLlHI ou ~be h l o u ~ tU tric BItters hilS no l'qUtll. T m Besljes the Ohio State University, ' ll'iJ'1!t Day Meelln v., 11 :00 \1 , ro, Flru Da, t'iI ,l l1 •. :- Jl Jltl h il lS. 60 i:Gvery bot,tle is ~uarl:int d to satis· tbe following Bcbools wert! represent- SOl.:ool. 11 :0(1 a, 00 , Four~b Day Mccllnll " /0. •• \: Jo"i~ h l o n Desl1rll9 fy . Ouly 500 at all dr gists, cd among the candidates. Ohio WeB- 10 :0 0 a, m '. ,ct ~ a l' h 1 ~1I0, Also \'ld",d, ICI l" rormnUon leyan , Oberlin, Western Reserve, Hi( ·V ',. " " .' 11 h ')III \! alld p(!r· Orthodox Friends ChurClio ram. Ca.pltol UnlverBlty, Otterbein "" "II mUllers, Only , 1I1ra, EUzabeloh lAIrkln. Pastor ioUl' n y 'ur Including IJ1d Mercer. 11 freo PIlIIOro , SuIJ· ~abbath SOhoOI, II :30 a, m, Re.:ular obureb ----,----""'OJI'II ' Qrf ,..,,~, ~ s('rti lU l odu )! or sond se n 'lco, 10 '110 a, til , Chrllltian l!:ndea\'or, f,'r [roc samille copy. 7 :/l0 p_ Savell Two Livel MrC.U P.u.... WIll 0 1l 1l bl 0 YO II to muke In yonr 11 \\'II homo, W llh ~' Oil r () \\'n 1", " lis, CIOlblili for "Neither my s/Ilter n or myself ~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! ),0111":. 'rr II IHI c h l h lron wlll"', will bo perfec t III ~ t )' l o lIu ll fi t. Prlcl'-llo nc hlilher than 11i ml'lht be livin g todav, it it had not W. HENDERSON, M. D CC U L!j, " lI d for frcll PS 1Io m C8UlloIlUO .... been for i)r, King's New DiEloovery" " We Will Gi.. Y•• F'i.. Pr.... to for gonll", Bubwrites A, D McDonllld, of FayetteW esville Ohio scrlpllons Hmon!: your frIends,1 Send for free ,f'rolli l u'll ('II ll1lol!lIo lI ud Gosh PrIze Oll'or. ville, N. C R F. D No 8, "for ayn , .. TH! M,CAU. COMPANY. 2391.249 37l1t St.. NEW lOll we botb had frightful ooughs that l 153 Mal'n Stref> no other remedv oould help . We Valley Phone were t: lId my f!iMter bad oonsnmp '!"!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , DO MUCH IN SUNDAY SG,HOOL8 tiOD . t;he was very we" k and had I ' AND ELSEWHERE IN nigbt swellts but your wonderful .--------TRY LIVERITE!!!S~------~ THE CITIES. m edioine oompletely oured U8,both' l It 'sl,he bes t I ev~r used or hel1rd of"I' ~. ~. The escapades and wrongdoings of coliege students are so quickly g1vep croup, whooping oough-all bron · promln'ence and so widely advertiBed ohllll troubles-its supreme, 'frial Llverlte8 for a Cold, Backache and Weak Liver or Kidney •• that we are likely to get the Impres- bottlA free . 5Qo tmd &1. oe, GUl1rsion that a college Is ,,{bolly made up t.l1lt.eed by 1111 druggists . ------~.~.~..------of the crlmlnally·mluded and reck· worth a pound house ready . leu. That this Is nOl so 18 shown The oost of twen~y or thirty uush of cure. for use. by • little study of .the report of th e religious organIzations at work In the els of o~tlt fed to the colt during the colleges and uni versities of the coun· winter will be worth more than Prepared from Pure Native Herbs, they Cleanse the System and try. twloe as muoh in its growth and de. Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. The Y. M. C, A. velopmeut, knThe orgdan ibz~tIIO<fl1 ItOOSt kgemnerallY over own an w Ie 1 s a wor R,' I 700 Instltullons or leArning In North thllD III IIth t' r lineR .. f hu . in PR'" i:-l Itt h '''III ' -FIIl~ ,'IIn, I~ ,11 ' r,' America Is th e Youn g J\l ('n's Cbrls, Wh l:'l1 "l,!tlll c ''" ,- it t '" h tian Association. Ov e r 33,000 college h ' ~ " II: ) ., men were In Bi ble classl's last year , .. condu cted und er the a uspl ce ~ of tbls ,otl', II " onu , l·r .. . , ~ , , , as soci ation, This do~s Ilut Inc;lludo nUl b.\ ve 11 lIl,tlllK t,1I hlln h.·i ,1 l> the tllousnnds of other Il\eu who Bluevale, Ont" May 4, r9lo. Bomeott,er ftlll.Ow whOl clln Fill ,\' "1\ , were in church Sunday ,school .... . "I was sick for two years with a you mUJ!l' work to Hi" j Ih h ~)ld8 classes, Ten' thou sand men were ' ,In chronic cold 'and bronchitis and a' good-hI' hilS work for eVf>ry work miss ion study classes. The collt.g. \ condition. I d ' h T b men ere deyeloplng tbelr oharacters consequent run-<io"'n .. tog uy 10 t A ,VA" r rU >l, wP" t, ('II' ' I b b dl b t b th ' not on y y t ese stu es. u y e recel'ved no benefit from doctors, ~ FOR; C 'nt\itlollt"'ft' 1' 1 I" "" - I," , practical work tbey are doing for and had to give up work. VINOL OUU"IIII-( hllll I I ; I ,\, I others. GNl.Y was recommended and from the sec· 8 rUMh " I .. tL , I' ' 1.11 '" - . ,,,1 i , l\'l ost 'assoclatlons located In .cltle!! 11 . ond bottle I commenced to improve w1th a large foreign population are t · d h 'ful /0 ·,11 01..( '1' "1,,,1' h - r) ,'n '," , II ' ., - I gained in weight an strengt, conducting educational classes or my cold and bronchial trouble dis· tn gllud lihll pEl , i the ' (o'relgn Plen. In many clUes now appeared, and I am at work again. What is more '8!1ointlting to 8 m II we , find colleg!! men giving an eveq;. I want to recomm~nd VI~OL to , who 'JoTea hi. work, than the ollrfl i ing or two a week, without ,pay. to '. " d f I the teaching ot Italians, Bulgarians, anyone wh 0 15 In h,e~, . 0 SUC 1 a 9f live 8tock ; 8tudyiog tb~ dlft'~rent Hung'lTlanB, Arm enians . ant) men of McCall's Magazine medicine."--THo~A8 HIGGINS, lndivit1Ul1ls llndar , hls'oare? !:low other nationaliti es " to speak. ~ead and I.s a large, .~rtlstlc,batidsomely illustrated hu~drcd-page mo~thly ~agazi~e. It con· it' is the eombined '"ilction of the ', to feect t,hlll f)nA. ,tnfl how n ;.t, i" f."11 r. write the lans uage ,of their tainS' siaty '!few F~shion DeSigns in each issue. Every woman nee~s , It for Its up.to-d~te curative elements of the cods' livers' . , ' ' ..L · t fashions, ' elltes-taining 'stories and comple~e informatioll on ~11 bO','le and p~rsonal top.'cs,' . • d th,.t, o,, ~ , ':I'u I .. 81 rtlemll , ; I " hi ll!; ' cou'n try. Wpen · .thes~ , ~eJl 'com,e . 0 , ' aided ,by 'the b,lood making. an , ", i " j . understand Engtisb, they "are glvea I Over OQ8 , million subscribets. :,' Acknowledged the best Home and FashIon MagaZine. 8treng~b cr~ating properti~s oft6pic \ pllh~tlure , h lo fll r 0 ~m I Jlrt n lit d ft. ',I, talka 011 "Good' CItizenship:" '~Flra~" Regular price, 5<,cent!l :" <:opy. Worr.h do~ble. , , . " . lion Colltamed in VINOL which Vo!oPtil6nt · 'T h", .rh ll41l1j( "Uri}'" i.Jl , Ald ,to the lp~ured;" "'How ,to ,Make , 'fatt~~ , make's It SO successful ' ip cl,lring poultry ' a~e ml.l~'e to tbe" )ikiuit of qard8d8'~. ' e.:nil ofher v~ry' pr.~tl~a) Tb~ MI~ Gazett~ ,stUbbortl colds and bronchitis. .' ~ lome.: 'l'hen" the frul:t' .Ilod' VHl(Ah /. ,ubJectl,. , "." , So . • i~j)I.· ,'o!l ' ~not ' mia~n~e~tand ~h~m. , ' VINOL is • constituti9nal. rein- 'bles ":ht' r~rmar c"" , have frfl~ h ,ktl . I" :, B~y' CI'.'b . ~,~r\(. :: ',.. 7, I~; A.bsoluttdY .I~rate. ' . ~n aty lei' trrep.roa~hable,. Yo¥ 'rila, "I~t, ;fr.~, any McCall Pattern·y.o" ~dv:for chronic CQ~giiS. colds,. 1)roo· pure '· fur ': ,hit! ' toll fjl p ' '''I bTl re, ;,bi ui ' . Another kind o,t " lVor~ O~tt~4 OR: d;.lre· fr()QI': I~ fint l.IUmber Q~, tbe magazIne ' ' I onarvtroubles not ,'"" , . ' ~". . . by m~ny: aB!,odlatl<?n". 11 the; boy club ., chit .:....... Hut' d 'p . um -~, " s" , haal~b. llntllftrtH1Ktll ~uub ... rt ,n,) uthe,J ' work; where 'each clique or gao, ' In ". "hlch rea:::lw ' _ Rqu.l ir pn.:e •. 15 ce,ntl. • a pilliati'fe: like ~ugh . " ~'opa~lqn , a~9ra.. Be, in· a lttr~~ . a commUnity III furn'lshed_ wl~h: cOl. 'r\' mf!8liare ,,, ,no' Ilfleoted hlgli lege as leade!!. The' lead,at" ! ' ,don, ~' ~t,. ln 1 . ~ ~ , '~t of hvtDIiI' ~ ill\! t,hH ' 6ri", tD ti '1,1 i;<l , co,~ ~hea the boy.s )h.tblet\c.~. teac:h~ . yoqr~.. , .. .. ..' . . " Utr tbem bow to ~eep t;heir -. b!)~~e. , ",: •.' . ,: . '" ,. We ~elh~:Vtt ' ~I,"'t, ,..tll'!tlrf\ly r.bJ&\ tllf' . .. ell &lui" etron, ~4' how &0 pIa, .tal~
- ---", The~e,',our College of Agriculture at • • • - MA I N IfI'REET C I b d S t E . o,~m US ~n ta e xpenment V AL\..EY 1'ELIW UONE- -CAL L No, 11 2 Statiori at W-ooster treat ' in a way t,l", I. can he el)tllly C IDJH e hen d ed by D. L. CHANE, Editor and M~nager one iI. t l1,r e t4t,"d In his wl1rk, ond n,l 1' 11\, ll g mun oun Idfol'd & 0 n ot ket3 Jl In t,Qunh wit,b t,beN.) Fi"llroes of hpl p Rates of Subscription Gllr ooll eg ll u t CuIUl»' ut! throug h il l011 0 Year (lilorictly In advance) ",."" 11.00 ll ll .rt wint .." OOllrFlH I1nl1 ex tf' n loion Singlo COllY ."" "" .. '.. . .. ....... " . 00 -ohrln).. and tl ur Expe rim eu t 1-\1 " t,I' II vit ti itA prlt olil'ld bnll pTln R 111'0 opm Rates of Adverti s ing n oarllng l.ocllIR, POl' Ih IO, " "" " " '" 6c 10 9 nf-llu'Ar t n " 111' fWP I .V d ll v pro h. Heallllll!" 1.0CUIR. blnck fnl'c , por li no., , , IOc IAIn s !,hUII "'VfIr he f" rf'- II r a WOIrf: CllUl8lOed AIIs,-lIot t·o oxcl\Od li ve liues ' '' ltl p r .. II ... " .. iv fl "," ' rf' pm et,ion l 'II It 1 'rhree Insortlons" , , , , , , , , , , , , Obituaries, Uyo Inches free ; O VOI' n ve 2~ uIJ n"' t'qu l' nt.ly more ll HHful 'l 'h (> InchulI, PCI' 11110. , , , , ,_, • , , , , , • , lie fltrmer of todll} oltn D'lt Itft'ord t'lI Oan! or t1UUlk8, , , , . , . ,. , . , " . ' " .,' ., HoaolUtloD!l , , . . . , , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , , • ' , , 2~ OflJjltlO t Ih esll help!> , The qUl1sti on Socials OI.C, where charge Is IlIlldo . .. , , , , ~~ drainage, aOid soil s, organio 1l1at Display Advertising per 11ICh , . , , ' , , , . , ' lOe tf'r, Bnd I.I.vllilable pla nt food al ong DlBcounts glvon on contraot. ' I,bo line of soil fertility The mnn y '11ft'erent InseO!s, SOllie lind fuu gl t.1I J ANUARY 20, 1911 , he dealt wit h In fruit oulturo Or If It Is the dairy tbe b~lanced ration, It pays to feed theoolts grain , learuing to dlsoard ~be boarder, or .---~.------reduoe baoterlo , Information on Good feed and exeroille must go 1111 thel'e are phloed at the handB of ~oKether , the farmer todllY, bnt generall y • ~... !lpenklng it d 3p~nds upon the voung Make up Your Own Mind Wben in tbe need of a lougb ..,r men to apply aDd profit by th f.lto:~ medlolne, If yon buv Dr. Bell '" helps To the young mRn they s ure. Pine.rrar·Honey we gUllrante,., you Iy mdan muoh Methods mu~ t, get the best, ohange or there Ie no progrel\s • --Turn the colts in ~he ,~rd every New probl ems are coming up and day for exeroise, the farmer of the futul'e must be • - • prepared to meel them. The farm A horse's pulse bea$8 from thirty er of today finds hlB field widening8ix '0 forty times a minute wben he 'reoohinlit beyond the boondary of 11 in hlHllth, his farm , This is possibly not so . ' • mnoh from hislbdlvidual oholoe 118 Not COod for everything. t)ut·berlf\nd's Easle from ohanged oondltiODR or tha.t Eye I:.ialve ht good for nut,hing but DeoeElsi ty has Il we kened him to the the flyes , If yon use It and are not fllo~ that he has interellts other than sati8fl"d oome baok ilnd get your 250, feedlng and oaring for his stook and You bp the j'ldge, the r lising of orops: That, oondl-------..-.~.------tions haveoha.nged, no well Informed Carrots must be fed sparingly to person will denv And tbis ohaol!(e working horses, Cut them i~ s1iceti of oonditlonl' is what has awakened They are a lA~ative, and affeot the the farmer and taught him that if kidneys aIRO , he will allow the other fellow to a.~-------.~-~.~----tend to affa.irs for him, he willingly Granulated Eye Llde are eeRily our ed-Caustic 18 not neo d0f'8 it,:bnt no't always tn a way that· e88&ry Sutherland's EAgle Eye t8 satlsfaotory to the farmer, Eve r, ~AI ve ia Palole!!s and ht&rmleti8 ar.d ooe knows that his , prl'sence upon gnaranteed ~o OUle , tillS never bls farm-his pefflOnal a.ttention t o failed on It. oase, OOJ;t8 25q , I he work is the . beAt wily Bnd the -------.~-.~.~~--It is imll08sil>le to dev('l J p a colt ooly sure wtt.y to get the work into a. ~ouud, Itor vioea.ble horse if i. done sa.U81actorily, Tbill Is equally is kept lied on a bud fl .-,or day io trut! 01 hiM Interests be,vond ' the and d.y out throngh tl;le winter flum, whioh I1re nol indlvidnal in. '-' tereste but intertlflte of th ory mnn 'Or Antlaeptlc Rem~lee woman engaged in agrionlture del'troy dldEll\lte ger,m s, Dr Bell '8 Yon will please allow me to sa.y Anti , Pain i8 an It.ntisejJtlo reml)dy 'for externall&nd exteroll.l painll, re- right: here, there Is but one way to Uef i8 almost instlt.n'aneous , t:5old look after this common interest of by all dtllllerl4 , all , and that iB throug h organizlltlon --------.~ rh e ad vlincewent that agrlOn\t or e Stufflug the oolG wIth l1"y or blls' mlldA 10 the IIl~ t twC'nty :venr If' Itrliw or aoy ouardS fde,i will tlpOlI ltlrl{el Y c1ut! to orgunizl\t!on and ?f't, tta lookA, Keep thlll lation down not one fonrt,b or f,he IIgrfou\t.nrh I by ~he use of 80me grain apd lelt8 populn tioo of oar Stat.e' and N il ti c n ooarSe' feed. h ll V Il placed thamsoJveBio a p 0t-it i.)!'1 - --to ma,ke Ih"if power Itvlt illil'le 80methlnar .suet A8 Good Can only be the case wheo it is t,he ~' onng mHn "t~ .. ting tn agriool. ..no'her bottlA 01 Dr. Bell's Plne- turA kday ~e wonld 81lY, in our Tar-Honey. Every bot.tle lhe same. opinion, you oan nl t uft"lrd til not Look for thE' btllJ on the bortle, idf'nUf y your8elf With R.n Ot'g ll niz ------- ~ BeooQse sheep hu.ve wl ~rr,n OOIUS, t~on that i!! wor lt ing for the adit does nt.t follow that tbey o~n be vanoem en t of your ollulle, and J:ro . tt..ctlng your business IlgRlnst the exposed to wat lind tltorID8 enoro~oh~weots of th08e wbo would You CanAlw8Y8 Cet deprive you of your profits and The bet!' oough wt!dlOioe if you y~or rights In ohootliug thil\ or ask for Dr. Bell's Pine-Tllr Honey gnDlzu.tion obLlo8e one tbat is botb Bod look for tbe bell on t,he bottle. State and N Itt\onal i u charlloterll8 Guaraoteed to Klve s8tisfl1otl.JU, your IntereBt,s are boUI t:5tate and I:lold everywhert!. -. ~----NatiC'nal , H plao !! yoo In Il pOSition If RoUV sheaI' or llt.mb itt beard to help push your cause nlong-it is coughing, put it by itself 'and give your dut.Y, lpecial care and treatment , Find The youn" man making his way the oause "nd remove It , upon the f.rm has more pri vilegfls. m .,re opportunitiMM for enjr)vIllIID"
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! The Part Tbey Take 10 i Religious Work.
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L'Iverl'tes PrrventSderlOUS diekness
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How to Cure Chronic Colds
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n=m=mmms==-C=~'NECESSARY -'FOOLS FOR
"He la' Not Here. fot .~.. He ls Riaen"
To Obtatn Greatest EfCtclency o( Farm ,Machinery and Implements Breaks Should Be Mended Promptly-Best Is Cheapest.
'" SlY P away nil doctor's hnrg~s_ W'e pllt th' b st Il~clli cn l tll}I'nt , HRlS'1"S res urreotlon Is 'W it hin evoryuoJ,,'s reu 'lt. We en 'OUTil"O cr ryo n who all or th inks the high water mark at he n.il. to lintl. out exu.ctly wllaL his stut; oC Ill'llhh is. YOtl flU gl' l. o\~r ,the pur has r. The name ot the (By W . R. BEATTn~. ) dlvln~ power, and to rem dies here, Itt your dru g ton', o'r D Ot. nt, ull, u' yo n }lrd 'r ; tit 'rf: IS manufactur '(" til a sufficient gunranty To h ave the cl\uvonlencos for the • the same level tt will rise positiv Jy no hu.rgc for exnlllinalion. Prof . . or )f t1ny~ n has pr~p( rt'd again to every Christian. repalr of farm equipment at band Is at tbe quality at many tools, nnd tho spe ifies f r ncn rly evcry tli, ense, whi It Ilrc SC!UC pre}lUld ou re<:l'lp~ of The Lord, In the glory ot one or the very Important thiJl g'il on purchas r Is advised to secure only (hOBO that nre sold und cr a guaranty . price, nnll solll by all drugrrists., . the farm. his rison liCe, aDd In the riches of the , cnd to-day for a copy of our mC'(lic-al ('XltTn illll l ioll bln~k antI (, 111110 Breakdowns are most rr('quent dur- from eltber th ma nufncturer or th e gUts wbl h h e received when he ascendcd on blgh, IB 11. pat tern tor 118, Ing t.he busy s ason, and much valu· dealer. Wben cant mpillting Ul e pur· to H ealth, which wo will mail you prolllptly, nntl j~ Y(lll \\'.ill IUI I'.\wr nB and the power whJcb fulfills Its own able time may be l08t driving to town chase of a colic tlon of tools, malte II th ljuestion s, retllrning bl!wk to ll S, l' lIr dori ot'S \\, 111 1'111' tully dlfl ~1I 0!\e careful study to sce just wbat ones II.r~ pattern, The resurrection ot Christ or to the nearelll s ho p Cor r palrll. YOllr eas and ndviso you ful\y, wiJhou t n, pc'nll)" "li ll.rgl'. , The extent to whlcb the I'cpnlr nueded, til n Illlrcha>le all at onc time. Is the crowning work of redemption. :\udrcS!l MUll. 'on's ·tors Munyon's I.abo ra! rl tS 0311 & J ' !l l'j...,o u and a IIbNIII dl sconnl can ge nerally All thnt preceded had a very vital re- work should be done on tbe tarm will Stree ts, Philndclphio., I'u. lation to his resurrectloll. Without depend entirely upon local cl r':11 10 · bo secur d. Tho s I ctlon of th e tool Olltflt will depe nd upon th e scope and stan ces. If lh el' Is a well· II.Jipp d the resurrectloll ot bls body, ail the Blue Monday. TOUGH LUCK FOR BOTH. propbe les concern1ng his redemptive shop nenr by wh ere the r epnJ r work dlaraC'le'r or lh work to be Ilorform 'd, " Du YOIl know wby W I;! call tt l: day work, would have proven a fallur e, can be done by a trained mechanic A sold ' ring Iron Is very userul and DIll ' :'110111111)' 0:" " l\tnyh €' It'll l.o(' ca ll se 60 DIUI' h lJ:u& IUJd th wbole 'plan or salvation would without loss of time It mny be heal to s aves mu It annoyance , tlotn In r palrln K form macblnery. and cooking ca rry the great r part of such work have suffer d nil Inglorious def al b e; it; us ' d . " ~JUd g_._,._ _ _ IIt "'Ds lI s. For gcneral purposes a one to the shop; bul If the sl)op Is s t n the Fat her's purpose III human reand all -fOllrl b IlOund soldering IroD demption from time Imm emorial would distance , Is poorly eQu illP d, or. 1\8 Is will bll fOllnr! sati s factory . \Vh!lre 'I THE APPLICATION OF KNOWLbave been rrustrated. But In the r es- ortell th e case, the mechanic In charge rontfnllonB work is to be perform'd , EDGE urrection at Chris t. prophecies are tul- Is incapablo or turning out good worl(. two Iroll s are n ecessary, In ord'er th a t filled, t he purposo of Ood vindIcated, It w1l1 then be a saving to perform th e work nt home. Bes ides, th re Is a on e may b b eating wblle the other For th o Rellcf of Suffering Is a Ca~ the whole scheme of salvation r emains large amount or repalr work thnt Is, In lis e. Soldering Irons s bould be dlnal Principle of Phil anInla.ct, the world or mankJnd provisIoncannot be carried to a shop and lOust h ell ted only In a clear charcoal fir e [ thropy. ally redeemed; and the enemies of or In a blu e flame of gas, gasoline, or be done on tbe farm IC It Is done hrlst n.re confounded amI eternally sl· alcohol. BeCore using a solderIng Iron at all. n tdore th dlscuvery of n, 's lnol. lenced, and Christ exalted and coron· Much oC t.b.o loss and annoyance It is essential that the tapering copthousands oC pcrsons w re II vln~ IiV(1~ aled as the Prince oC Life and the Con- from breakage may he avoided by per point bo filed or ground until Queror of death and the grave. of tartur lind ami lion who nn' now carllCully Inspecting and mending bright. and then coated with BOlder by w 11 and halJpy, and ure doIng what Le .. on In ResurrectIon. wflak parts or th e farm equipment first dipping the brightened hot point the)' can by telling othcrs or tb ' ir The resurrection of Christ Is the di- bl!J'ore the rush at the season's work Into a little ot the soldering acid &lid wonderrul and compl te cure wllb tbe vine seal at a grac10us covenant, the I 'tile or tbls great r em dy. TheIr 'X1l(covenant which God hnd made with hi. rlen<:e and other data show lhnt. R ppancient people; and the resurrection ot Inol hlUl cllred num rous caSl'fI tbat Cbrlst was the consummaUon ot that were thought In curablo. No ITIlllt r Klnt! Old Ol'ntlemanWhy, chilcovenant, and the seal fixed upon Ita wbat may be the naturo or condition dren, what's the matter? accomplishment. The covenant was <'la .. bar. Tbe Twins (In chorus) - Boohoo! of the skin trouble, wbether l~CZ l' IU/I , made wIth the Old Testament patriPsorlasla. Herpes, Common Plml)leR Everybody IIC Z I looks jest like him! archs, tlnd in the New Testament covor any eruption, a fe w application. enant. Which Is a covenant at blood, of will show Improvement. Itching and These are the days for sausage. cx plalfon, of reconclllation, the to~ GOT HIS SOBRIQUET E'ARLY Irritation will cease Immedlat ly lind There III no u e for a person to stick mer covenant having Its fulfilment In n. campI te cure follow. Th r lief PU.", up bls nose at sausage, Cor sausage the lalle r, the latter putUng the Im"Honest John" Kelly Proved His Right t.hls rem edy has glven to 8u(\'er rB Bey,1 ~ua ... press or stamp upon all that the covIs good when It Is made right. It Is the Title Long Before from itching Plies h as caused lho uManhood. tho response of the food world to the ennnt In volved, -from Its Inception to snnds to write tha t they consldt'r it Its glorious consummation, In the va· polar breeze that blows througb the worth its weight In gold. It glv 8 TI!' cated grave, In the world-conquest of 'I'll r ' hll'/ b ' u mauy s torl s about morning. ~t Is swe~ t as a platc mankind's Redeemer, has become a th e' ma nner in whl 'h --Honest John" \I f Instantly and cures permane ntly In tl ,'ery short time. • of strawberries on a mild June day. demonstrated fact. His death upon Ke ll y , ~ lt e e X' lImpl\, . first got his nick· If YO\lr Caco Is easily irritated \I" I!J \ ;But it must be made right Good SIl.U- the cross WIUI l\ federal offering, and It Ullme, Mr. J{ lIy hltu selr, according shav Ing, use Reslnol Medlcllt d Shnv. Sa", t"llIl .... Mppln, 114"" : 8. ~rolSl'\'It ...... snge Is an art product It is made secured the blessings promised in thnt ~~l~~ \~:In~o:;::t \:rI~~~;: (~~I~~e~b~~ I! Ing StIck. Its h ealing I~!,ller will ho up of judgment, tast and skill. It Is covenant; but 'that covenant became ama ll boy lh p ,Jllrt ty of his soul shOll YO,t~r grI'J atcsl comfort. a com bination at ingredients that cor- perpetually meritorious only as It had through his fa 'C, " I tJllllk the first " I It s pr l>o~ot.l onl1 a..·.c r et'ott!relate with one another lUI the fra- the ratlflcatlon and Ood's unchange· lllll I was l' r I' c(III 'd 'Honest J hu', mend ed nnd sold by drug,trls lS o" erygrance and the hlush of the rose. The Il.ble seal. The atoning death at Christ was when I wat! quit e n YOll ng!;l r," wh ~nl In till , ounlrll's. H ro ll III butcher doesn't understand this. Gen- was a necessity not so much In a govsaid Kelly . " A nll1l1 lIf!al;cd a s UII 1 h mical a ., nnltlmoro, Md . ernl:Jlental sense. or of expediency, but erally he throws In some scraps and rather as an absolute necessity, be. I~U~~uluto r y Bll ~~SllJall or tinwilre ob· Tbe test of piet y comes I.\,ot In the odds and ends, a nd especially the odds, cause or what God Is In his divine na· el,·ed the In,l; IlttUUS Cllllllt 11 8l1ce J pew!; but In the I' ss of da ll II f , dabs of some salt, pepper and sage, tur,e as being just, and man In his na' jll'PBE' nted tu ~h e world onll ba lll':!d rue. p y grinds It out, nnd the confiding cus- ture as being sinful and guilty before 'YOII lIJ ~k han 's t, boy,' said h . 'Wbat • -- " tomer buys it because ,it Is sausage, him. So that the resnrrecllon at IIIl ght YOlll' n a lll to 't '.Iobu,' said I, I 'Illite s imPly. '.Iohn;- jus t like that. ' says the Ohio Stat Journal. He does't Christ was a necessity for man's justi'Th n hohl lilY hoI'S wollo I go III .. . LIke It 'very well, but he eats it, fication. even as his death was essen· 1'Inmb \11 !laloon (I nri ge l tL drluk,' said lie. In Salkatohewan (Weato~n Canada) B c rul e moll . and cverythlng goes. The oth· tlal to man's reconciliation. frpm a ('Ieee Alltl :;0 I held hIs ho!"!; while be went 800 Bushels from 20 acres .Tbree tJl)ta uC batcbH, Tbe blllf hatcbet -SPltll I ~nl er day we sa w a customer In a meat , The r esurrection Of. Christ . Is the , I I of whont w u" h~ thresh"',, or hoard, ' uD4'd . . . "l omb. All) I. b.. t adQPltll 'or utne rtll Carm u'r. III I Ie sa 01111 lin d !-;(ll I.L drink. But r~tu r n ,,"om o~Ll o)'d vouch&r of tbe resurrection unto eter· s hop 'direct tbe making of his own L111 ~ Wll !:! 011 loll' 'I' ;\;Iutil <I V lue, la n mi nster form In Ihe I .1 'h I . h . enlon .of 1910. MUll' sausage. He selected the meat, slmon- Dal glory of all hlB saints. "In ChrlBt's Tool s 'for Repair. on Farm. uny II e n lI e tlventl !:I . uuors weut ft.ld . lnlhl\t ns w<1I ... resurrection we s ee what man may be· pure cuts off tbe best parts • .had It come, and what his tollowers must be10 th e Ul an \\ ho rou lll clea u th e wost olher districts )'i"ldground and took It 'home to season It come." The pledge of the believer's begins. Tbe proper time ror mnklng afl rwnrds rubbing over t he soltl er. cop In:l gol" Il t im. By ~nd by the :~.f~o:rw~~~~ ~~ ~'h; ocr•. Oth~r "rn! n. '" there. That man knows how to take resurrection Is In the resurrection of such repairs as may be anticipated Is Tbls process Is known as "tinning" gan g ca me nlon!; nnd beheld lhat "LrAo"RcG"Elon'PROFITS care of himself. He knows art from Jesus Christ. Tho truth II lucidly In the winter when there Is little e lse the Iron, and Is necessary In order tel WlIglJlI filII uf tinware.. Th e !leddler make th e solder adhere to thu cop. Villi df\l aill l.ld withIn hy II sore tblrst a bull's foot . He aLlprecla.tes tbe and conclusively Illustrated In Paul's' on the rarm that can be done. The Iron ano th ey tu!) le til ' lftlwnr€', And th I; i~'!,~u:h~"F~\'t: :' Every rarmer s hould have n work- per aud s proa9 el'enly . matchless resurrection chapter, whloh true BenUment of sausa.ge. II 0 ME ST E" D LA N D S chapter. Joseph Parker has significant. shop and a supply of tools of good must b reOnned as oCten us the tlley ('am e hnck IIncl took the 'u8h. o~:'''~!~nO~t':I~udw'nll ~nll'" ly called "the thundeTburst of the res- , qnallty wIth which he c'a n repair Im- coaUng burns ort. Soldering Irons al'l) ion s o fT til wagon . I';veutunll y, be. ~ti~,,:rJ~():gl~,~,r~~o L"~~r~ll ~,'~' "Remove not the ancient landmark," urrecUon." BeCaule Christ lives the plements, harness or buildings. This sold by th e pollnd, the price depend · (!olllillg daring, I hey unhltchcd the Is an age when appearances count for Ing upon the market price or copper: I'ugon nnt! look It Rway. Tnl to illY om'nfll'Ow'''f.,ml...." rtar", : Is a Scriptural Injunction to whose Christian lives, because Christ con· much, and a rarmer's standing In tbe however , tbe ruling price Is about 40 IrU!; l, I !<toud I h re. boldlng tho hors I~~'~! a"un:::o'Uf:l~~."';.~:l'~ vaiue the United States Is only begln- quered sin, Satan, death and the grave, community Is frequently governed by cents a pound. And I,), amI by th e 11eddler came out :~0r.:"~:'~dl::ttl.~o:"er-;~::'~~ nln~ to subscribe In earnest, says the the Christian likewise will be crowned his farm equipment. The man who The use or tools Is at great vuluo nf I h e r;alonn nnd sized up the slhlll' dllll,rlet.. : IIlII aC"" pre-u",p' d hi ' I h i · · tlo".at.a.uo "erlle..., .. lib· even "more than a conqueror throug!a Omnha Bee. Spasmodic efforts at spen s s spare moments n t e re- as an educational featur e, eS l)flclll.l1y I lion. ." ell; !laid h wllrmly 'yolI're 1n:".. rtalnarewL Ikbool .... nd him that love them." pair of fences and gates and In maln- wben the work Is cl\reCully pflrformed. Hon est Johu, nil r ight. Yuu s~ved the ~:"~::b":.Ir:,':.t:·':.r;r01l~,:.t:!~I~ preservation have been made here and talnlng a neat appearance ot tbe en- The boys on the farm should be en, horse.''' :':.I:lt~,~,~lr~i':.~: ~ there , the most not.able being In the Ure farm will easUy be a leader couraged In the use of tools but sbould IIICIOU'ul. If case of the Yellowstone, but the Inhi I hb ' b h Id Ibl b f' ~'or particular.! •• \(I 1"",,-\.11)11 GOD'S CALL ON HIS CHILDREN among s ne gars. , e e respons e bot 01' tbo care The Patient Town&men In" lleille.-' mil..", nll e~ .. nd sensate greed ot the u ~!.! itarlan world Under most circumstances It will at the tools and the charact r of the " So YOIl gut to work In Si lt' !!f!.C:~PJ!,!~ ~~~I~l)ll"~h P.:'L~'.!'~I;: hlUl wrought lleavy damage In many Few Even of Tho.e Who Seek HIm pay to secure tools ot good quality, al- work pertormed with them. The tool 1 . a d'lft ?" r rormIAUU".,,,,rllOlot\'UP'lotlo,ml. h h fI , sn IV I S. I.mUon, vllA.A, (lan.dm. or \() spots at beauty and wonder ere the Are Prepared When He Makes t aug ne exterior finish Is not ca- out.1lt ot the farm Is of specla.l servo " Yes. Bill I don ' t 's e . wily th e cit. Cruwltan OoyommenL A&enl, people a woke to a real1zatlon at the HI. VI.lt. Bentia!. Tools ot very Inferior quality Ice on stormy days and will aid great· fo lks shuuld not follow th exam pIc U!tADlAllIIMINIIIIT Wltl wanton ells. The-PaJlsades of the Hudc.re otrer~d at low prices, but tttey In- Iy In keeping the boys employed and country peopl e and )lut UII a strong I",,, irick' for good roads," (U.o .d4_. _ _ t 1 0 ., .) III \Vhen we are expecting a friend to variably prove a disappOintment to contented to remaln at bome. lion have been saved after years of dellultory figbtlng, during which com- come Inl'O our homes, e.v en It he la GOT fT. mercialism was steadily at work scar· r;olng to spend only a day or two, Got Something Elle, Too. ring the noble features of the Hudaon. we are careful to put our houses In order, and exert ourselves to make Similar destruction of the famous Delhim comfortable while he la ·"our "I liked my coffee strong and I aware Water Gap has been averted 'guest. It we ' have Invited him, we urank It strong," says a Pennsylvania ICaD quickly" with the utmost dlfflculty. Only prt- owe It to him, and we owe It to ou~ woman, lelllng a good story, "and al. vate enthusiasm flnd ability to pay selves, to entertal.n him to the very CARTER'S LmLE though I had headaches nearly every saved Iwd perpetuated the Garden of best of our ab1l1ty. We give him the day I just would not believe there UVER PILLS. the Oods, which a wealthy patron has best room, the easiest chair, and negwas any counecllon between the two. Purely ....... just presl'nted as a Cbrlstmas girl to lect _nothing that w011d add to hll -ad iuad I had weak and heavy spells and paleead,OG abe comfort. pltatitm of the heart, toor' and alColorado SprIngs. II_~ CIA We Invite God In .come Into out t.hough husbtlnd told me he thought It hearts, and ,a bide with us. We uk was the eotree that made me so poorThe announcement that the two him to pour out his holy spirit upon ly, and did not drInk It hImself for he echo. ends of a waterway by wblch It will be ua. W. approach him with reverence said It dId not agree with him, yet J Oizzi,. loved my coffee and tbought I just possible for vessels to avoid passing and confidence. calling him "Our Fa.... ad do ... , duty~ couldn't do without It. outside ot Cape Hatteras have been ther." When we feel that strange s-a PIlI. ..... 0-. 's..u Prfce. ' "One day a friend called at my join ed, so tbat completion of the route warming at the heart which heraldl Genuine ....... Signature / home-that was a yelir ago. I spoke hesitate, and shrink Is II. matter of but a short time, Is of his approach, abont how well she was looking and from the visit ot God. If we would lpeclal Interesl Cape Hatteras Is one she said: be quIet and open the doo~ he would of the most dilng&rous points along "'Yes, and I feel well, too. It's become In and eup with us, and wbtle the AmerIcan coast, particularly at he Is here, we would hear the 1It.4 cause I am drinking Postum In place certain seasons, and anytblng whlcb small vol \.'e eaylng: at ordinary coffee.' "Peace, My can lessen Its terrors for mariners peace l' give unto you." '" said, 'What Is Postum?' "Then 'she told me , how It was a or passengers will be a moat welcome SomeUmes we ' call upon Ood tn how '\O make 100 hODI! ·Ia,. 00 CliP • 4&,. In ..,Inte., faUu", Impolllbl(\, tood-drlnk and bow much better she .chan!e. Incidentally tbe canal In faIth, and yet when he comes we do I prou lL by aendlae my lIuccc;.. rul met.bod OIl felt sInce using It In place of cortee or rREE Ques tIon will Corm cne of the links In nol have time to receive him. When TRIAL, 70ae dOD'~ b ... to pav till tea, so J sent t9 the store and bought JOur ben. lay. Sead for it TO DAY '" th Atlantic d ee per·waterways sys- he knocks we are "busy here and ~ package and when It w,aB made ac- ,..... L. All.,. Depl. 6, N.w~drld.lfg. tem, wblcb Is destin ed to play a most there," and we do not hear him. We cording to directions It was so good Important part In tbe development ot wonder why he does not come; he I have never bought a pound or corree has promised: "Call upon me, and I the country's commerce and as 3.D since.. I ,began to Improve Immediatewill answer' ~hee." We call again he adjunct to the natlonn.l defense. ly. , ' WI)), resort to Shr gi!=al Opera l iOll s? comes again, but we could not watch "I cannot b£'g\n to tell you , 'how . Wooderfl!l results of E)ectti 'it ' and walt; we are asleep. mur:h better I feel slnc.e using 'PostiJm' properly. 'a,pplied. Mailed r'r So'm etlmes ' Ood calls upon us. IIpon We are I;lad to ba ve that news pa.. and leaving cortee alone. My heillth reqlle~U .Address . p r clipping gIving the InloTlunUon Sometimes, he makes us an unexpec-. Is better than It bas ~een ' lor , years. I.ecl visit. Sometimes he comes, woo· . l"~ nrCTRO !!1fDIClll:' INSTlTUTl ' that "!lIes 'vIII' not alight oti pl c,ture and , cannot say enough In praise of ~G 1 I Vl"~~et' ' CI.clnD •• I, 0 , Ing us" saying: "Give ' me thine fraOl(la If you k 'ep them W 1\' rubbed heart." It we respond cheerfully, and tWa delJcious food drInk." WMn. IUUlATIOJ 00 •• ColOrado b.luk - -~ with oil," but It wou ld be just like us give him ourselves, we 'wlll establlsh In. 8IlUndn"~.., .uUlllllatt,ck 1<1.",.11 In :J.~~::n'r. ' The m~chanlcal . cotton picker, the . ed ,with succe/lS, writes Arthur W: , : take away tile destroyer and put 1....,\.1"0 pron~iI ennUla. HaJcl.. lrl'lwall4hot:.""'.';,.I)oI: to 106 It hefore next sllmmer. a rebun~er to ~'ark and Nature will a. frIendship ",hlch wtll lead to other impossible machine that will dl,crlm- Page ,In WQrld'1 Work. . do the rest. That's what you do when visits. So.me day wlu~n he c8Jls to say Inate betwesJ;l ripe and unripe cottoD -------World'. Tea Output.., ...... Postum ~kes cotreo:s place in your to~ us r "It Is enough; ' ent'er Into the bollI!, flnge OV6r th_e deUc;ate ' plant, Ahdul H a.tr.cd. (arm I' sulta n of' Tur- toy of thf I.ord:' b,apvy, thrice happy I(,t , t~e lint and leave the rest un· The world's-produotJon or tea II' ea· diet., "There's a R0810n." Read the lttUe book, "The Road to k,cy" Is reported t.p \)~ happy and grow- , ,will we~ b2 It he Hnds us ready to en- hllt-med-thls c9~tl'lvllnCe at almost timated at 1,200,000,000 poun'd s annu,' l ' , China consumes '00.000,001 w~llvme," liJ plrga. tn., fat. rtaln middle-aged ladl cs ler In tllrough the gates to KO out DO human ~t.llIlrence-1iaB at last be4)n aliy. EITel' ...,4 •• e .b__ let_e.' A. _ _ wtll end r ,·how ~)'llOdy 'Who j" mote tONver!-Mrs. SaniJi CannOD 'made, and ' Angua Campbell's quarter pOur.4a UDUa1l7 and aporta ItO• • ' • •• aptte.... from time te tl.~ TIlelIP' ' \ • ... ___1_, .... fall . . . . . . . . Leamon,. ia Plttabul'lr Ch~llt(aD' Ad""'j' ~_ ~.!.ntUI'J'._~OlU~ve beeD cro.~. 000 lJO\lD~ , lifO ' lulr 1:: ~ ~n pOtlalbJ7 be h8,Qp),.
The ('fTorts oC the lAlndon ' collnt, (louncll to drive out the Cockney "Jle ~ ch from tb e 8chools of th e i!:llgllsh m tropolls hardly needed th e oppos l, tlon glv n In a book re<'enlly Issu d In clef ns of th e cIlulecL '1'bls book, wblcb Is, cu riousl y e nologh , th Yo'ork oC 8 man named Mack enzie ~acBrld , contends tbat Cockney Is no mod rn dIalect , but tbat It possess s nn all lenl nnd han , ol'able llneug l'unnlng back nenrly 1,000 years, When one horn within sound of now nells suy s "thet" for "that," "b 'uk" for "bllllk ," and "by· lyffe" for "'baIlIff," he Is \Ising no mod· e rn corruplfon oC th e Englil;b IlIn· '{Ilage , but th > pronun 1811011 of Ihose words which has obtained not only III London, but In Kent nnd Sul'l"(, y for buudreds of years. MorAO" r, In an· clent lfrnes, th word s were s pelled as the ockney now sounds lit m. So, too, ar "abuht" lind "nhtsld e" jUlllifl ed for "about" and "outside," accord· Ing to Ir. MaclJrlde. He S IlYS tbat Ulany l.ondon rs have been laughed out at these ancient pronunciation s, and he advises tbem not to change their speech, h cause of outside prejudices against it, says tb e hlcago Tribune. Certainly Cockn ey would seem to be n cIlnlect or It would not have sUn'lved tor so many centuries In the midst of speech which cn.lls Itsclf more cu ltured. It Is a curious Cact that I~ the Bahama Islands, whlcb were settled more than 200 years AgO by Lon· doners, the Cockney dlnlect I. a 8 strong as In Cheapslde.
Spie' ndid Cr 0 pS
The Wretchedness
of CQnstipation OftleOlaO., ,
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?(Jncte Samtts N~wScfteme · WINSHDNOR MEDAll~~:~~'~I:~~~:O~:~~"::'~: t ri c Call Syste ms Not Wanted In T-hlll .Nlalne Village .
.,# lfandlinfO
Harvard Profess,or Gets 'Firsl Geo~ge Robert White Award. Given tiy Massactlu6etts Historical Society to Prof. Charles S. Sargenl, Director of Amold Arboretum for Em ine nt Service.
t;: n
tll o \lIll'JlOse uf slru: ' pJlfy lng IIlId Improy · II ' I Snlll 's on· Ing du ct or bi ll fur 'Ign (lrfnlr s and l's pe'la ll y fo r (b' 11UI'IJOSB of J\ rn e rlclln e xtencJlng trad e ubroad , th ero hall rc('e n tiy ·ue 11 sol In Illollon all Import · ant ne w section ur gove rnm e nt ma ·hlnory. This amoun ts to lillie lells tll nn II co mpl e te rear· gllnbmUon of t he Dopa rtm pnl of State whl()h h tU! to do with t ho wbu lo range of Ameri can In te realH a lJrolld . Th ne w tlche mo for looking uft Ol' YllUk Po Int r 'sts uoyon d th o II atl Willi fir s I batch d In tbt: f rtll e brlli n of Ellhll Root wh en th e se nntor fruill New Yo rk Statl wa;t ut t hl' hoad of Ule /:ll ate Depa rtm ent. How ('vcr, h e dI d Dot bavo un opportunity to cu rry oul tho 11I'ojec t hefore h r tired from the offic e and 110 h turn d th o tluggcs t\ul1 IlV r to bls succossor, SecI' ln ry Kno x, who has work ed out lho I(it:a and pul It In prn.ctlce. ongl' ,Sll U1Jfll'ollri ated th e IIHm of $IO(l,OOO for J'I'orglUll zl ng
BOKI.OIl. -AII Imporl ullt eve nt tn t h hor U 'ullu r lil \\' orhl Is th ostablls h, me ut of the (; o rge Hobe rt White 111 I'd II I OJf honor for th e lII!llntennnc e at which a s uIllIlJl u fUIIlI hus b 'en g iven to th e MU8sllchus ltll Hortlr.lIll11ral tlO· ciety, awl th e III du l It! to IJe awa rd ed by th .. 0 )( cutlv e mallllg' mc nt o f that organ Izalion. Mr. George Hobl3rl White of Boston In bill ,Ieed of tnll:lt accoTllpanylng th fuu ,1 Il tateH I hnt h' has lOll!:) tbought that th e re waR an u1H)or tun lty for IJro ud onln g Ih l) fi e ld of Infiu l.lnce or Ihe 1\IassnC hlllll' tt !i Hortic ultural 1I0clcty a nd of ex tfJ lldlng th(! In tel'{lBt In Its 1I'0rk If HUllI e s ui table r ecognition 'II'ore made of tho!jl,l IH.! rsuns who bu ve IIC ' 'om plis heCl iniportlul r eaul1l; In horllculture; th e [lward to be made lud e· pen d nll y or. or In ad,\t tlon to, any prlz<:'s or ('orUfl ca tes of Ill!'! rlt thnt IOny be b I' tow e,1 by I h societ y In t he counw or II Il r l'glllar sc hedule of pre-
IIl'th ,' I,
',-Thh:l town I'ontilluell to bel\. I AlltOlllUli c flr p·ulnrm box(:; an d leot r l ' 'nil 8y8t' lUs hav ll rpp la cd th e uld !Je ll III II llul'ly wery y illag of IIny !lIZ(! In ~ e w E ng llllld, bilt he SIIDlI.ll l'r IW stl:! al Be th e l ITI l.d su h n prot at COMRADE HICKOK STILL HERE wb n th> town fathp r!'! of n e lh e l nn noullc cll th e ir inlCnlioll of dhlcn rdlng On ~ of Two Survivors of Mexican War Regiment Lives at Nortile o lel h II that th e Vropo!\ul was not man , Okla. -Tells Story, ;1 1'1'1 d Into trel' \. Th e !Je ll III hl/n~ at the top of n wood en lowe r In til \\'b II \ roll ea ll was mud~ latel y cente r uf th e vlllagA and hus an In· c llrlt' plnHorm frum Ih e !{rou n.1 lO Lhl! :>r t he III n that hnd seen service with l he J!: le ve llth \. nlted ,stales Voluntee r In fnntry In th e war with Mexico. lI eWS I18p I'S r cordell th Is answer : "('o mrarl ' GUBIle, F ul t on County , Mis · 50111'1 , 1';l nve nth t nlted States Volunleo r Infa lltry--th last Il urvlvor." Th is brought a re p\}' from an ener· J;t'lk old man, A. D. K. Hickok or ;\lorma n , 01(\:1 .. who wrolc: " I wish to flnY 10 ~o lll rade llR Sl)O tha t I wus
III hill I 0;.
The Old Fire Bell.
H o has th ur rore fuull.l e.1 t he G ' 01'g6
Hob rt Whit e medal of honor fund, t he In('ol)lI' M whic h Is to be eJe \'ote u Ull nuall y fu r I h Il Jl c lnc pu rpose of pro· vldln g :l suhs tanllal gold lI11ldlll to be a ward ed tn the IIIUll or womnll , omm ,rclul IIrm or In BtI1ulloll, t.hat has lIoll(' th o most du ri ng t he ye8 1' or In rec III years to ;1<1 vanc t h 111le n's t In il or t Ic ult ll re In Its brol\des t s ns . T h e Orst Uwarr! of the III dn-I hn.s b II IIlnd e to P rof. har l B ' . Sar·
r I), liP n th o ohl-flll:!lIlon d III'
top or th e tuw e r , Wh en Ore Is dis 0.e re!1 III ]J'CI h ' I some vill as s ru ns to lhe bell ' u<lId rin gs with 'a ll hi s might lid mnln , On his excitement de p 'nds the SlH'CPHS of t ile alal'm. The fire compaul s ru s h the ir apparatus to th e a larm sla tion an d ure direc ted t o th e sc De of tbe fir e. Wh en fire Is di scove r ' d li nd th e alarm has hee n g iven, som!' 1J0y uSlla lly grnBps the bell ro p Rnd kee ps ' th bell clanging constn ut· Ir, RO th ere Iii plenty of xclte m nL
MERELY ~c t ors'
the S ta te D partment a long tho lines projected . Eas ily the most Impor tan t . outcomo of this reorga nization, whlcb has but' I'at ly b eCome an ' n.cc(~m'p I ~hed l rict. Is tbe creatloo of four ne w officos or bureaus known r espec'lI vely as th DIvision of I..nttn-A mt!rlcall Affairs, the DIvisIon of Far East I'n AftnJrll the Division of Near l':astern Alfalr~ and lbe Division of We!'lern European - - :;\tta1rs. As the r ead r may surmise (rom the Ulles of these ne w branches of t be governm e nt, eac: h will have j uri s dIc ti on over, one Importan t section of t he globe and f be Ilurpose ot lbls n ew o rd e r of I.hln1{s Is to e nable our gove rnment official s to s pecialize jus t as me n s peCialize In, any otber walk In life. E)very e lTort bas been mnde to c nlis t tbe sorvl ces In tb esf! fo ur bureaus of mC' n who have wIde knowledge of " on(\ltioos In the qut.rlers of the .g lobe with wbose nffalrs th ey Ilre to deal. For Ins t unce, Mr. Thomas C, Dawson, who laun ched tllo Division of . LaUn-Ame r lcan Affn lrs, haa spent most oC his li fe In e ntral nnd Soutb Americn, He was for sove n years onnecled w~th the U, S, legation ln Brazil and mari-leG a pl'O mlne nt BrazilIan womn.n.. Tben hI' anw sonolce C"as-U:-S: Minister to San Domingo, U . S. Minister to Co lombln~ aud U. S. Ministe r to 'hlle. He spea ks SpnnIsb, Portugese, Fr nch II-nrl Italian as tluently ns he does English, The ~ -~ ....... ... ....,...- ......
first ass ls t nllt hl ef of this bureau, William T . S. Doyl , hali like wise had wide ex pe rl eu ill Pan-Amerlcall count ries and a CCOmlJanled lhe th e n secretary of ti t ate , Elihu Root, on t be famous trip around South Ame rica whi 'h he mado a few years ago. Tbe OIvls lon of Fur Enst eru Affairs has nli lit ed tbe senl es of 81fc h ex · p rts a s Ra lltlford S. Mtllcr, who was for a long tim secr eta ry and In· terprete r of th e Ameri can Embassy In Japan , and Edward T. Williams, who h eld cons ular posiliolls In Shanghai, Peking, 'flentsln and else· where in hilla, This divis ion conc rn s Itself w!th trnd extension and American Interests in hlno, Jupall, Kore a, Slam, Straits Se lUements, Dorneo, lndla and th o E llst Indies, The DIvis ion of Near En.stern Affairs concerns Itself with American Inte rests In Ge rman y, Austrla-Rungary, RUBsla, ROllmanla, S r vla, Bulgaria, Mont neg ro, Turkey, Greeco, Italy, Pe rsia and l!:gypl. Evan E. Young, who bas th o r edlt of setting Utili
bra ncll of th e g-ove rnm e nt ou It II feet, has, like his 'o-workers In t h otbelr new burea us, been fitt d for hi s PI' & e n t dll tl s ll y practical e){peri nce In hi s s p 'Ia l fl Id . HI:! wa s ror yenra cons ul at s u b points as Harput, Tur ' key; Salo nlkll, €O le. II mi ght be upposed th a t the ' ne \l l DIvi s ion of Wes tern Em'op a n Atta in could do much to !ltlmulnte American trade In Europe, our cr)m mer cla l tnt'l' S UI on the ontlneut h uvl ng long been well look d al'ter by the mos t C'a pa ble m en In our whc.le onsula r se rvl e, but wh e n It Is enllaln d that tills W es t rn Europ nn Dlfhliou will. for Instunce, co ncern itse lf uot Inerely with Great llrl la ln, Fran ce, etc .• but , wltb th e ir colon ies and with !iuc b rich territory aa Mo r o('(~ o, 111 ong." et ., It cll n be 811nnls d tbat til 1'0 great oppo r tunlttles eVen In ll pb 'reo Thi s divl llion Is un d r Lhe pe rs onal s upe nit!lon of' th e, Thi rd ABs ls tant SecI' Illry of lUte, a pos t nol\' held by Mr. Hale , on o( t ne v l e ran U. S . sena tor from Maine. S lIp plem e nl lng t he work of th ese new geographical dlvl Rlolls In the re' orga n iz d Slat De)lurtm nt, Ill' Ih ~ actlviUes of what I ~ known as the Ilur eau of Trade H e latlonl, til head of wlllCit Is Mr. J o hll lIal1 Os borne. Thl e B urea u Is 10 IICt us a. so)'t of clea ring house for th e .... aal fund of Inforlllil tlon Which IB co ntin uall y u ing sen t home by l.l nt'le Sam's ;)ons ul a l' offie rs 1n all .Jlal·t s of tbe w(lrld . Not only will t he burea u publi s h and dis· tribute the repo rts made by l he ('on· s uls eve rywh er e , but any Am erica n citizen who desires Information from any nook or cOl'ner o{ th e world clln ' write to tbe burea u nnt1 It wll\ tnlllsmit Ilis Ques tion s to tho U. S . Co ns ul nt tho point in qu es tio n. Thal thl tl servI ce Is made lise oC exte ll s h'ely 11:1 nttesteG by t.h fuct that I his bureull Is receiving s uc h, le tte rs or Inquiry to th e tun o of nearly 10,000 a year.
White Medal of Honor,
Love-Making a Farce. and Stage Lovers ,Often Are Bitter Enemies,
hlcago,-=-ln tho course of An InterstIng artl Ie on stage lov ,making a n' A , D. K, Hickok of the Thin LIne of Mexican War' Veteran, actor wbo has been the stag love r of nl\lst of Ameri ca's most famous nco tresses says: "I must make one more 0. membe r of Company D of the same pin vrlck In the ol d bubble s urround- regIment a nd that he is the onl y man Ing the Idea that players In doIn g In t he E leventh that 1 have heard of lo ve s nos .act ually fa I any of tb e sI n ce we were . dlscharge d at Fort illati ons th ey portray. Strange as It Hamilton, on I..ong Island, In 1848." Olay s em, lUnny, persous ~ Ul1 be lieve 1I1 r. HI ko le Is one of lhe thin' line that Btuge co upl ' s InvariablY fall o f survivors of the Mexican war. He (I ellly In love with each other after volunt ere d for th service In the wlnplayIng lov scenes togethe r . Thi s Is t 1" of 1846-7, In Ohio. "When 1 rean old. old fa ll acy and In al\ my slag turn II hom In 1848," he said, " I was car er I remember only two Instancos so e ma lated ~' Ith disease that m y of this s ort. ' 'I moth I' did not Imow me." Ir. HI 'kok had settle d down 10 tbe "EYerythlng 't hat is don e on th s tag{l outside of th e s pealdng of lines I ur of. a merchant In Wisconsin , witbco mes WId e r t he head of 'bus iness." out fill' he l' t hought of wal', One day • II aclor walks across t ho s tage, a n- he reud a curl' nt news paper account o tb er Iif{bts a ciga r ette, un Ilctress of tb e IIrst battle of Bull Run . " I throws t-e r arms a rouud a uot ber pla y· auld 1I0t s tay at home," b e suld, "s o e r 's necr. un d kl s!>es him fondly - all I shul U I) my bus ine ss, paid o f!' m y this Is 'l.luslness' und aUlOullta to jus t m n, W li t to La Crosse, Wis., und wbat t hat word eXllresses. The llluy- 1 raised a volunteer company of 10~ er!'! ar pltld to do just what il. sta gt' m n . Ouly Ig h t of tb e m are living. m!l IHlger tulls tbem to (1 0 a nd wht'tho l' I was I' 'splaln In the Eighth WisconIt be s tubb ing Oi' kl RS llIg It Is gon I s in Infnntry, the regiment t hat carthro ug h In exaclly lila s a me Imlle r 'l rled thc li ve eagle, 'Old Abe.' " I'onal man n 'f. The ' actor 's fe ' liu gH whe n he emllrnc&s th leadin g lad y a r t he same as If he we re tyhig hi s , UNION OF THE BLUE AND GRAY I tI " ne!' I c. - -- -- - - National Encampment o( All Surviving HATTIE LE BLANC NOW FREE Veterans of Civil Strife Is Su,,gested by Leslie's.
g ill , dlroctor of th e Al'llolc1 Arbor turn , Boston , who!! ser vlc III hOl'tIII1tur6 Is g(!11 rall y r cogni zed bOlh In this cou nt ry and abroad. His gr ut worl( hu!'! bee n th e Introdu ctloll Into thi s country of U1 any desirable ornn' rn e ntn.1 tr es ane! s hrubs and the t estillg of th olr hardin Sle! in this latitud e. 'Th II org(j Roh ert Whi t me dal ot honor wil l t.a ke rank with the VI torlu 111 dnl of honor at England and the Young FMnch Girl Who Was Accused 'rhe v terallS of the Iv il strife are 111 cla\ of tbe Leg ion of Honor of of Killing -Employer Declared r aplellS d creasi ng In numbe rs, but a F r an H, anti will have a s trong Influ· Not Guilty, nntiolllli e ncampme nt of all s urvi vors e nce In promoting th e horticu lt ura l of buth s id s of til confil t would b · actl vlllf's of th e country, Cnmbrld r;e, Mass.- ACter 0. trial ex· Imposi ng fo r its ve ry s lz . Suc h an' Til medal \tsclf was s trllck at th e tOlldlng Into th e tblrd day of th e th ird venl hUll a lre ady b een pre llgured by I nlterl S tatos mint In Philade lphia, weelt HatU e J..I~ IIIall c , the av 01' 0- s mall e r gath rings of Grand Arm y ve l · from 24-lmrat gold; Is 2% Inc hes In ton g irl who WIlS accused of murder· e mns uTlll conl'ede l'ates In celebrations dlUllI e tf' r , flve ·thlrty'se 'ollli s of an ing Clarence 10'. Glove r, a w \l -to·de of leo-sse r IlOll0rl an ce, and on frequ e nt In ' h thl cl., and we igh s betw ee n seven (1ccnslon s wh e n t he s am e Impa rttal a lld Ig ht. ounces . hands hav ' placed fluw e rs on th e On th e fuce W e figur e lIym bollzes, g rl\v es of the he roes of both 1I0rth and IIOt th o ordinary ' hortl uHuris t as so uth, says T...aslle's Magazine. A mu ch a!l the scie ntific Inl ellec t. wh ose followers (being unable to enter "The funeral procession climbed the gre at nnti onal encampme nt, calling LIFE IN' SAVAGE BORNEO his nlm Is to Improve lIa~llr e. e ve n to cre· th e house until all cases of blood mound on which th e ceme tery was sit. toge th r I'rom e very state In th e U nion a te, Ir th a t is possible. Th e trees In th e vete ralls of blue and gruy would Observations of Cambrltrge Anthropo- mone y be tween his )leople and the uated, passing through the V of the the badq:;-rou nd r e pres nt th o a llie d fllrnls h a most t!rulllal lc Illusfratlon c J Madangs hud been tlettied) were cleft stick In a II lngl e Ol e, As soon branc h of arborlculture. On th e r oo 10"lcal Expedition In Madang 11 co untry unlle d In sentiment at; woic obliged to camp n e nr th e . ri ver for one ns the cotlin bad been rllaccd on tbe v r ae , In the Inscription, tb e name is Country, a s by th e CO II;ttitUtiOll . In th e tTJant night. Th e Madangs assisted In mak- s tage erec ted for th e pUr-rlose th e pea. 0;)0 desib"Tl ed that It can bo re plac('d by of the n e w generation which Jght, R. CHARLJ::S Hose, n~ Ing buts for my follow ers, gave them pie commenced th ei r T."lturn, follow· another na nl e each tim I be medal Is grown up 1I1uce th e wllr th e re !nded com pan Ie d by 0 rs, Mc- several pigs and s ent down their worn· Ing one lUloth e r's heels LIS quickly as award ed. no rcollng of sec lional. h ntrorl ,~ Tho George Rob ert While merlal . Dougall a 11 liMy 0 r a, e n lade n with baskets full or rice, so possible, each spitting alit tho words. trll s t an el lf t b e men who fOU l useful members or th e Cam- no want of bospltallty could be said 'Bit ball krat ' fall jat tfls ip be rtatlp' wa xecuterl by Mr: Johu Flanagan, . anoth r 'all now meet toge Misses bridge Ilnlbropologlcal ex- t a mar our re c eptloll . In the evenIng ('Keep back, close out n\l things evil' a na tiv e of Newark, N . J " Ilnrl a s tu· Mothe r!! about one campfifl> Bertha pedltJon, se t out for the 1 took a walk around t.he vll\age , fol- nnd sickness! ') as the y Ilassed dent. first of Augustus St. Gaudens, and OIxon's lin e wl11 on ce 1a Irwin Madang country, a bltherto une x- lowed by a crowd of wom e n nnd chll- tbrough the V shaped stlc~. later In Paris, at the Academy ,lullen, w iped ott tb e map. The ( , plortld district lying betw een tb e head- ,lrl'n, who a ppeared greatly pleased to "The whole party having le ft the und er Chapu, and the Ateli e r li'al . Its l'lf of 6\1 ch an e ncampmft Blanche waters of th e Batang-Yayan, Hejang find tbat the white man was able to grave yard, the gate was closed by the ' gulere . at th e Ecole des Beaux Arts. good, but we can see no net. Glenn and Baram rive rs, and Inhabited by converse with them, simple process of tying th e cleft ends During the cour c of th eso yea rs of ba rrl !,f to th o tul1 renll zll:!st Rogers. the Madangi!. a warlike tribe of Ken- , " Just across. the rive r (rom where of t~e sUck togeth e r, and a f,e w words stu!l : M'r. Flanagan wall awarlleil propoRa l of Co mma nd er-I,eys F'orest yabs who by constant raids had be- we we re silting was the grave yard, we re then said. to the c rosil stick man y covetf'd prizes, and acted as an Sant at th o re,c('nl e nca. ' orne the terror of all lbe surrounding and tbe re 1 witnessed a fun eral pro- which they can 'ngrlng' or the wall assis tant to MllcM-onnles on. his foul;l A t1untlc City of th e Granri8 rey, country, cession as th e day was drawing to a that separates th e II" ug from ' the I.aln fo r th e e h'lcago \Vorld's fair of R Il ubll c. --"After a Journey U1rough th e most close. Tbe coffin , which was a wood- dend, 189S .. S'ln ce, 'Ulen h e hali rece h' e,1 co m- ----.:HURCH pIcturesque country we nl'l'lved a l the en box mad e from a tree trunk, was "The Madangs are a very lIghl mls~ \{lDs for lIluny m ' tlnls, portrait principal Madallg village," writes Dr, decorate d with re d a.nd blaClk pattedrns skinn ed people, with brl~bt dark e yes b,usts, and ot~ler ' work5, alllo,ng tbe bes t _'" H,,'.~le Le Blanc, Ve'terim Inl' - Middletown Hose In Trave l ' and Exploration. In circles, with two sma l woo e n and perfectly strnIght, Jong bl'a ck bal r . known b 'In-g t h e Brltlfon' m e(la l, the ' ' l\1emhe rs " f W , M , h Sr' "This vlJlage, which conta1ned ~bout ligures of me n placed at elther end; It "Their only garments co ns is t at Laniley memorial IJ,nd th o 1£1~ (~sou . F\l!- " a llham I!\UntJrYIDan , a yeal' ngo• .w!'_!: R .. )o;u .. 16S, llIe t th E, ('hure una 000 people consisted of nin e long was lashed with raltans to a long pole coats nnd waistcoats marle from the ton'/jand P nns)'lvanla societY Dl dars, acct\i'l tt~~'_ of ~l!e chlm~e", W toolt 'l!ll,C Cn\lrorl;li~: -' ra" at I.Brotherhood will h~uses, form'lng a circle tbe center of and by this means WIlS lifted to tbe bark of.a tr e known all kumut, which Se v 'ral of Mr. Flnu llgan: s m . ,~I (\ls h !l~e b Olll; and '35 ~l1 ln u t s fo r the jury t, t nde rwood and lultne .. venin'g, , All (numbe ring Is beaten out to a ' tbln ".loth with a ', b en aCQu . Ire ll"UY th 1\6 tll e lr , c~1Il Itls ran that sO,me 0 .... wlllch had bee n olear ed of shrubs an d 1\ h ou ld er S of . the . be"rers " " . usen " n, j , , JJ ill' 'reac'" w , nin ty-seye n years ted tu +hese aero' trees, For a ,cons lderabl radius out- ' thirteen In all), Who t~en, clU11ed It wooden mallet. e mbourg, nil" l e(rOI ol\~an 'lIlu'H UIn: 'e l~o" be~j(]e ' . AHf\l ,.. as Ul e s l:iyer \. H a to~d Qualk. s lxtyl} ' .....""-bl'ly L. .. held IIlde thJs rIng th e jungle bad been to th q burying . ground . . New :York. a nd r ecenti)' by th e fuse- tbe l'Icb lauml rYll'la n, ' Th a.se er e s on IIls o was In It .p~u~ ., ua , felled and the land wa& farmed ·on _ "After the mourn e rs ha.d all passed 'The ~adangll are a ,ve ry musical urn at Fine Arts nt One nt. n t d more I uN lc Inte rest In the stnto nnd'soll ee rvl'll Intring Dr. Bailey's that side which was Ulore or les8 ' over to. tbe gt"11.v.a yard, '!' man quto~y race and llosses s many mus ical jnstru, 4han any olh ...• Jnl!~~~ r J~ i,I:t!.l n ~. sca r 'Wast \~ II'g1.iua ~ n {r.. . bounded by the rj'v~r:, The 8~tt1ernlln t.. cut · a ,c~)Uple '~f small sticka, 'each me~ts. · Among ; ~hese nr~ a ' sort or at y ears, " . ': -: • . It as evident, hlld been laid out on 'a about fl.ve feet long 'and about r~ ed ,organ, a banjo, gonp and ,drUIQII, . '. On'~ of B.rlghamYoun~'8 Widows, " . ~CE best calculated ~o resl~t attack. '11II Inch In dIamet er. One , of a "bamboo barp and' a po., flut, 'the Sal~ Lllk,e ItY,-~lf1rrlet, Ame !ia FolGeTmanr BUYI , ~he Madllongs came down , In . lf1'eat o! tbese , he split' lI~most t~e whole way.· nose. fl~te Is an , I.~tr,u~p!!! _~!~c;.I!~', 9! _so~'. ~s~ve~th: Wlf,e. of Brlghl\m Yo.un~. , Wha,t ' lc,!\ Means In New York, , The Qel'luun w r t, b ' h n a look at us and U1e 'down ,and forced the unspllt e nd Into l>atnboo Oil ' wb't'Cll ' t'be ,erson play. dlifd r~~lIctt Irrlthl.·c!.tT;-8~.-'Sb , .~ ;Y.I'~~,,~' 8¥S : 1Ul. ~\V," a~!'oPla~ flv ~"C •. 'r.. U. ,Will Dum e~s to ,ausun Ta I, In v1t€ld me "the ground, wheD tbo, upper , part IiQt tl;) -th~ uaual war wltl'! ,tile I1ps but was. a: ',~ative .of Rurr~lo. She, W,8S•.22 ful burd'e n t o I'owd ed N \y V.ol'k a nd 'These comprIse , tile \ 'at 2 p. m. at Clllef ~~ma. , reSld~lnc!. ln bls house. opened ' like a V. leavlnl autDclent w1th ' IllI, n~e. 1 remember seeing on when IIblt-'llRrrll!d ~o Mor~on r~l~r. Icy stre ts '~lw(l ys nlelUlS many r~I~I\. Farman and A'I1Uk b' Stout, Nol1b to ta e ~ Ill}'! " bad DOt ar. room for eacb person to pus tbroulh, one oceaslon a man plaYln~ on tils She was , n taU,. state ly, handsQI1\" ties amo ny, ,he horses, The olhe l day Ettrick m,ouoplane. 'remember tbiKeDyah trl::ds t It best 'to He nelt split the top ' 01' th~ ,other pccu~la.".tnstrumeDt surrQu~~,8d an ' wo~a~ .a1!~ h~ -great 1~~i1ence OYet the. I:\ymac:.' , Om~l!r(;. were cnlle,d I)n to a faN;~achlng ' c~l1fact . . lived "to ~ut I ~ atterward CoD- atlc:k. and J)lacfDg anotber I~ort atick audience of a~out fo1'ty persona. Ho ber husband, LIke Youns 8. other wll'· /lhoot no h lsr; than ~lJ hOI:/les Which had -wIth ' tbese n)l\ chlnes I with him at oDee: :ben J found that. In the cleft made a crotl8 ' ~blch be uliured me tl!.at aometimes b~. wa~ ows s~e·_ was a ataunch believer In the fnllim. and hurl tb~waoht.ea b~Yond ra ment will theta make' .... f,1lJatecl tom~, to ' Tama Bulu ad also rorced tnto the grouud , able to moye hts audienco .t o tear&'" KorlAOD' rnUh, I CO".&')', daa ••• for the al'1DJ'. accor41og Cui m, _
---_ --
D m
it "Mr
__ __
.. .. ...... ........
~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~7~~===: Corwin.
' Spring
(~lay.ed)- _
At' the approach. anot~er years' . work, . Death entel'ed 'Farmers~ BUY YOUR. O~OCERIES HERE . Granl[e ' No. ' 13 and ciaimed as Hie. AND SAVE THE DIFF~ENCE our Worthy Sister, Marv E, Prater, whose exemplary Uf~ was ever pure Quart bottle Catsup ... . .......:, 15c and 'ennoblin&,; . She was one most Ouart Jar Pickles ... ......... .. : 15c careful in observing the teachings of Quart Jar Mustard ...... _ .... 10c Quart 'Jar Olives ... ... .... ..... .. ·3Oc . our order. Her pure and refined Lenox Saao, 3 for ........ .. .... lOc home ever spoke in distinct tones 'of Cracked Hominy, , lbs .. .... .. .lOc her faithfulness t;o her duties. As a Rolled Oats. Sibs ......... ;..... lOe matron, she always looked with eal'Jl10 lbs; Buckwheat .. ............ SSc est solicitude upon ber children and Fancy Santos Coffee ...... ..... 20c Japan Tea. ptlr U Ib .. ......... 15c their welfare. and adorned her family Japan Rice. per lp....... ... ... 5c circle with the noble trait of a fine Liquid SJ1loke, a bo t tl~.. ...... 70c disposition. Good Brooms ......... . ........ ... 25c As a token of our respect. our Maple Syrup, per bottle .. .. ·.. 25c charter wilr be draped thirty days, Best Head Rice, Sibs for ..... 25c Graue Nuts, 2 for ............... 20c and to the members of the bereaved Wheat Biscuits. 2 for ......... 25c family. the GraD&'e extends sincerest sympathy, and teaches that through New Lettuce this wE'ek, Grape sorrow we are brought into a more Fruit. Oranges, Cranberries tender relationship and obtain a Celery. deeper insight into the mystery of Everything good t o cat at the eternal life. right prices at "Not what God gives. but what he th is wgek . . P~of. K . E . Randall visited the ZIMMERMAN'S takes. L B . Bolzlin, of KlUgs Mills, was Bellbrook eohools Tbursday anerUpUfts us to the holiest height. iu town Sunday noon. truth's rough crap, life's current On Ralph Corbpton anrl Edna Osborn Edge e-w·ood breaks werE married latnrday evening To diamond light. It SOCIAL EVENl S Clyde W .elt~ . of D~yto •• spent I - _••- - Ella B.Cook SutldlSY wUh bis m!}ther, Mrs Frank Harveysburg. ~tokes. Mrs. Lafe Graham and daughter. Mary S. Silver MRst.er Vall. W . Cook spent the f G dl Martha. Mrs. Ed Cook and daul[hter W. H.Keys k d with Borlio. Kirby and Miss Jennie Corbin, 0 ran n Glenna and son George. were guests Committee ;::II;.n boai of Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt Sa1f••• Mr. and ' Irs AllAn Hardy and urday. · IN MEMORIAM Walt.er Beel. of D"yton, IIpent ~IlnThe AlMtde Townsbip Bon dayd"y with John Beel !lod daughter . Bohoo} oonvention will be held at The Card Club was pleasantly enMary E .• daughter of John M. and J Ame.. . Hweeney, of the Pekin the M. E . ohoroh Bun day afsernooo . tertained at the home of Mrs. Israel Mar, H. Chamberlain, was born in neigbborbooJ who seve,,,l weeke Lloo>ln Temperanoe Day wlll be Satte)1;hwaite last · Thursday nigiat. Warren County. June 21. 183~. She IIOU, b"d bis /trm torn off, while observed Sunday, February U'h •• , Mead E B '1 J B ft ' 'be M. E. 0 h oroh a' 2 0 '1 ... ames mmor al ey. . • . was married to Frank J. Sherwood • .hreddlng fodder is no' a hI e t 0 se 0 00... Auguat 28, 1860. and died Janual'Y 8. op ye t . Alfred JCdwardaleftFriday for hi. Chapman and LinathDevitt I assisting f Thft ohildren .of O. L. Duke bave home ~t At.lanta, Ga. Be baa beeo the hostess. At e c oae 0 the 1911. She was the mother of four been Roffering from very bad . oolda spendinl lOme time wUh frle'iJda wening delicious refreshments were children one of whom with her husbere. Served. band ar:d three brothers, survives Sbe pass wtiek but are baUer now . Quite a :1iJ'~e ~aWket u:e~~u,!og Mn. Frank WilllOu lpent Hatur· Mrs. Aietkia Alexandel' was very her. fort v.four no es rom Ip ) P ae day ¥d Soaday 'be 1088' ot ber From early life. she was a member kUlfld on tbe farm of Borace Kirby IIs~r Mre .10na8 ~sh of Sabioa agreeably surprised Tuesday. whfOn bp Wilbllr Lacy 00 lll.st Frldav. •• • ' a fe" of her relatives ~rom Mid,l1e of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mre. George Scott, of Lytle, went Liaooln Klnl hilS a splendid new town Came over to remind her that Mrs. Silerwood WIlS of a retiring to Brown COODty ~ne day las" week &eam of ~ol'l8e. Mr. King il a very disposition. but was intensely loyal 1 0008ll8fol etook rateer it was her birthday anniversary. The to visit ber mot h er. ' . to her I fFiends. As a neighbor. ehe - - -••--- • Word was reoeived here WedDM- cuests were Mrs. W. E. Alexand,er, was kind and chal itable; as a wife New' Burllnlton day 'b., A. L. MoUee wae married Mrs. S. E. Alexender, Mr. Maynard . . a Dayton llidy reoen.ly. · Al d M J h A d 't- and mother. Ilffectlonate and f81th· Jrl I · c.Tm 'U oon -nd daof1lh·~rl ' W. Weloh traneacted bu,in8111 tIeexan elatl'on r . ,y • - . . .. K l . W. eoD er, rs. 0 n rpp an I ful • In e vet'V ., r . her 11'fe was Mary and En. aJ;'e vilUlnl relativN a' 'he Wilmington college F r i d a y , ' •. exemplary, and its end was ' peace. in W 88lt. E i i i h ltb . Mr. E . 8 , DakIn', bOOle' i. " .. dy Missea Martha O'Neall and Etiith 'On January 12, she was laid to rest L - 18 n o " ng 8 n poor ea d ill be 10. .,, ' d h ",aio . Ibe ha. heen confioed ~ her for 'he plae~rel' an 1000 W Mosher entertained the Five Hun- in Miami cemetery by the si e of e r home for ."eral w~kI. ooaupled. dred Club at the home of the latter, children who had preceded her to the Kelly Mendenhall sbowed lome Dr. aod Mra. Oorwin,ot Lebaaon, on Tuesday evening. The members spirit-world, of bie fine White Root ablckenl at :~~e.ygON" of 'be Central Botel are Misses Elizabeth Collett. Do~na The timely assistance rendered, 'he Dayton Poultr, sbow las' week. A B' Anson hal been on tbe piok Hawke, Luella Cornell, Jess'e Mar- and tho.ul[htful kindness shown by Our IIObooJ8 wereolosed on Thors· .. . M K" K th ' . I' d f ' ds '11 · , f·b d ·h t,.an \l1lt for several daYI but 1. lookiog latt, Henrietta c lDlleY. a enne re atiVe8 an nen WI ever d .y ou aooooo 0 • e toa. 0 .. " S ' II be ed b h b Jobo Spitler tbe wif& of ooe of tbe af~r hta boatDeu again. Alexander, Alma Waterhouse. te a gratefully remem r y tee' ' : t ood t f h tel M h O'N II d Ed'th ed f '1 . older waohera of I:)prinl -Valley , There I ... tJ open nl or. 0 Lemmon. art a ea an I reav amI y. ~wn8bip 111 tb18 town 'he people th., are fn. Mosher: Messrs Ronald Hawke Ray· • - .. • .....L ad i ' h ' boai 888 here desire 50 , . , Dr B . O. Whl\aker and dallRh· lal 0 a n mond Davis Edward Ricks Harold When a eheep gete unruly, the tel'. Lata apea' eatorday in Day~n qoit, ,the opportonity bllolden. Howell W~rren Keys Dr' Mill.r beet thing ~ do is to make a trip to .. W 0 B ith I di ' 114110 Anderaon. of XeDi., apen" ..., ' . mh Ii 8 llpe;. : , Thursdav 'be guest of hie onole 14r Fred Hawke, Ralph Mtller. Frapk he meat man s, and take ae your IemVotebraelr t~·~U~in::'n ome 0 er tJamoel S,ooPS. ' . Crew and Harvey Rye, paMenger thl\t trying sheeo. , .. . .- -. . .
. " Mr. 'T: 14. Hott i8 slok.. .' "'I ~'~ 'L11, II N~dt .V visited her oleoe:' ~rn. tQ, Vfm : ~"ri~8 aod' WUe,, } In 0 11 vtoo ,1I11~t. 'wetlk . Jan!1lu,y .11tb, " U~tle eOll. ' ,:\t'r!'", A \t1l+L W8~"rbow~e WIlS 8 LebQu.a~teriv Meetiol ~Ae beld at a ''';'' vi~U\Jr 'ontl da y r el'entl)',.. .' the M. P. ob!llob laat Satorday 'and MI'l! Lyella (iqrdon, i~ vitlitio~ h.er , sun~/l.Y. tinn near HafveYf'burg. . \ MISS Margaret Ale~ander vilited Mr' I\uc\ Mrs ~ hB8 , Reynolds were ' with. Dayton friend8 l'burlday and KIPllf: of Oll'y tou relat.ives )ast week . Friday. . . 1:1 . ,e >4t ok 8 Bud fumily hllve Mr . );dnor Bood, of Port .W llham, O'dllCt X til spent ~unday with hil parents . WI)Vtl ,0 e It .., I h ' h i i MrR F liraef WIlS Rhoppi ng in MI88 Clllra ~~m t· W~ s opp ng n OilY ton Thursday. (!\oOlnnllti reoent ly. ,l llruRS Buvnes Ilnd f ~mily oocupy . Tb ~ Mis8.6A Florenoe and. Hazel .. t ' t hat Chllries Brown ChlU!e were Sunday guests of l!'Te r.ue proper Y mont Stump Bnd family . v .. L tI~ed .l 'd . • - • Protraate,l servioes olosed BUD ay Oregonia. evening at tbe M P churoh, D Mr . T. A. Boyd mail ourler of " ill!' Edna B j}eDo~r and P ro f . route No. 1 is tbe posSe88or ofa new W WilIiatJls "trended the Warren a g 00 U'l11nt,y TeaohAla' AS!!lloilltion at w M j es Wiokershhm has pur. r /tm Dill Lebllnon ~llturdIlY. at Will Po~oru lIerva d af'sacoD dt r 10k ohased the restaurant of Wm W,hlle Mr . Todd Walton the mail operlltor here three days 11lllt week, d adr ~Aoker's absenoe. . carrIer was out on bis route WednellurI.n. .. . . dav his horse became frighteoed, IAl s LaCllle VISlt.ed Miss Mary throwin g him out sllghtlv injuring Conn er, of Morrow, the fo repart of bim , ;
!~he?e~~~~~~'. traDsao~
_n. . :
EXTRA SPECIAL We will put on ~le this week
2B . Cases Handpacked Tomatoes at Be per can 10 Cases Pumpkin at Be . per Can This Is the last week we will offer tbese 'a t Sc, as wbolesale houses want $1.10 per doz. In five-case 'lots. If the people 'of Wayne Townlhlp knew what these Tomatoes were we would not have a case left. Onlv one. dozen to . each customEr. Your money back if each and every can are not as good as any in Wayntsvillc at We or 12c. REMNANTS ~.....,.."...
- - - . •• -
200 of them and each an4 everyone a bargain. at 6c and 7e per yard.
--..--... •••••• - •• ..-... •••• - - - ••••• --~ ................... - - _ . - - ~
The Gem Line .~
$2.50 Wool Nap Blankets ......... $I.98
Lots of t Apron Ginghams
Groceries ,
Incubators and Brooders Chicken Supplies of all kinds, for book on Poultry, free, Pratt's Poultry Remeaies. Conkey's Poultry Remedies.
OF- '
lItlas Polttland e¢nJ.~nt THIS WEEK The most popular brand of Portland Cement 011 the market -
................................I WH1TE'S ~TORE
.-e---. .... -... Former Citizens ______ .__ _1 ~--~---.--
Mr~. Verna Caskey Kelley, of ·Springfield. writes that Lester Caskey. who has been very sick. is a great dt'.al better. but not well by any means.
Mrs. Ira Lynde. forme rly Miss Huth Barnhart, of Lebanon. was callina- on friends in Lebanon and Frank. lin last week after having traveled through Cuba and, t he Panama country with her husband. She was on her way to visit her mother, Mrs. Lida Barnhart in Oklahoma City, - Western Star.
The Waynesv ille Canning Co. is now ready to contract fo r corn 8'nd tomatoes for the- year 1911. at their Waynesville office . Waynesville Canning Co. J. F. Snook. Sec'y.
-- - -
.... _- --
ORANGE POSTPONEMENT On account of the Farmers Institute at Centerville. comina- at the reJlu)ar time of meeting, the Grange is postponed one week. February 11 t h at 1:80 o'clock. Secretary.
.. -...- --
We have our mill running, and In a recent letter. J. W. Satterth- grind feed every day. waite. prosecuting attorney for Rich Waynesville Mills. County. Utah. says, "I enjoy the home paper very much. Every time it arrives I look to see who has gone. The old acquaintances of my youth are dropping off one by one. All will soon be gone. but a happy thought follow~: we will meet apin."
Guardian's Sale of Real Estate
Word was received here last week In pW'BUaDee ot rul ordor ot 'he Probnte of WarreD Oouoby . .ohio, made 00 the 0f t h e d eath 0f T. B. Gar,ret8on. 0 f Oourt 29tb d~ ot December lGIO In the 0JMl of Oskaloosa. Iowa. who has at different !'ta~ of 1'~~k-: H~I~.I'~~lI:, ~ri:1WfT a~:. t times contributed interesting letters Banks , the undersigned wHl 011 the to the Gazette. and who was well and favorably known by man) of its 3rd nay of .F~~ruary 1911, readers Bis death. which was sud. At 10o'clock.A. 1(. on the prom,*-. otTer 'd en was due to heart trouble and :t!~~;If:"e the followtng dNCribod real .OII' occ~red while he was "weeping' out 'Towna "Sltl~~tewln SurOoVIIY l!.~. lOlh416. 10 MaI~le. liP, arron un..... o. CODt 1U1Ig "It hou'le that belonaed to him to make "bout 118. 61 acl'Oll 'and bounded 011 the n\ln~ ~ by I&nds ot B. L . Dakin. &nd on· t he eut by ready for new tenants. His last let- land. of W. A. 1Illlfl'ltt. WIlUam E. "Ela.rlan . and William &ndBrook8IWd bounded ThomM on the ter to the Gazette "A Basket of Ohio BOuth by laud8Brooks. of WlUlam A I ' " th 'ht b f h' McGlade and H. O. Harvey and bounded on pp es, IS Qug y manv 0 IS , the Wellt by lands of W:-1V. Curti. and Elaof' d t h b th b t l nah Qroawell, said land. bol~ tho same B rom rlen s a ave , een e ea. ~ fg~:,lt~::f.l'Pled by " d Bapo . akIn 'rERMS OF SALE:-Three fourt.hs cl8h The funeral of Mrs; Jo~eph J. on day of 1liiIe and olle elghthln one year aDd Browne. who died Thursday at the ~~r~t:a~:~t1~~er~u::rbo:~~~.:.,:~~ K mc • k er b ock er h o.tel'm I n d'lanapoI'IS. 00 and til bear Intol'08~ at thetho rateprem'of 81x BOld per ce, otum per Milum. pay-
was held at 2 o'c1ock Sunday at bl'!t~~~~'at IGUO.III1. the home of a nephew. Dr. Amos CarA. t uardlan oFB~t~I: ter, Plainfield. Ind. The Rev. A' B. ~bec1Ie. . Storm9. of the Central Avenue M. E church. of this city. and Eliia Strong of the Plainfield Friends' church, Notice of Appointment were in charg~. Burial was at Plain--field. Th!st:::e~~gn~ar:h~' ~:P!~~I~~~d Mrs Brown was born April 17 qualified 18 Admlnlltrat.or of the 88'ate ot . , lIlar)' E , Oompl.On, late of WarreD CoutY. Ohio. UJ~8. at Crawfo~dsvi.lle. She re- d~=t.hIa ardda of January. A. D. 1911' celved her education 10 the schools fl~nAoE F COMPTON/. at Crawfordville and Plainfield. She ' AilmiJiJatra or was married to Joseph J. Brown. of Waynesville, Ohio. April 22, 1866. OlassUied Ads Mrs. Browne was j(1~trumental in the founding of the Friends' board- .......,. _ _ "' _. _ ..... ...,.."., _ ... . under this hud tor ing home for working girls, now AdII ' will be tOl8rted" twenty: "ve cents for tbree Illsortion., known as the Bel tha Ballard home, wbon using nat more tban ave lines, and served as president of the board 'of directors for fifteen years. She ~..--. - - . - -..... was a charter member of the Olio FOR SALE Club and was an active member of theWoman.sResea chClub. Mrs. Browne is survived by her PlANO-fo 8ell or rent. Suitable husband, Joseph J. Browne. and two for parlor, lodge 01' sohool room d hOO MOl d M . e f Inquire at thi. oftloe. aug rs, rs. I' an 0 arm, 0 ' Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. William TOWN PRUPERTY-Desirable E. Birdsall, of Boston, Mass. . town property In good ebaptt. • -Ioquire of Ge, 0 Thompson, Waynee ORISD YOUR FEED ville. Ohio, for information.
A k 251bs: Granulated Sugar........... $1.2.5 s 71bs, Lump Starch ...................25 1.75 Cotton Blankets .............. 1.49 . 1.50 Cotton Blankets .......... .... 1,19 3 Bars Lenox Soap...... ............ .10 00 Duck Coats .................... $1. 79 .50 Men's or Boy's Leggins.... :39 8 Bs,rs Soda Cry8tal Soap ........ .25 "5 Duck Coats ...... ............ .. 1.49 .50 Ladies' or Men~s OvergaitSibs. Ro lIedOats ............ ......... .10 10 Ibs. Penn Bn..kwheat ...... ••. .39 & Corduroy Coats ... ........... 279 ers .............................. .. •39 Corduroy Pants .............. 2.00 .50 Men's or Boy's Caps .. .. ... .. .39 Premium Flour....................... .65 ~orduroy Pants .............. 1.75 .25 Men's or Boy's Caps ....... .. .19 Midlings. CraC'ked Corn, Meal, W~ite Cliff Fl,o ur ......... ........... .70 Th~ns Pants ......... ;.......... 1.19 .25 Children·sToques .......... .. .19 Bran. ground Corn and Oats. • Pop Com. 2 108...... ...... .......... .05 ends ,'eater Coats ............ .:'... 1.75 ,25 Children's Leggirm .......... . •19 5 Ib Bucket Pure Lard ...... ......' 75 Purina Hen feed, 1.95 per 100 IDs. posslbl~ter Coats.:.... .... ....... .,59 1.00 Children's Leggins ......... .. •79 10 'b Bucket Pure Lard ............ 1.45 Dewine's Laying Feed 1.85 cwt. tsld \ s Wool ShIrts .......... 1.19 Canned Tomatoes, the very best At the Waynesville Mills. Feed RY8T AL WBITE Ol'pingtons, oUi de Work Shirts .... ......... 45 Shoes Fancy LI!IDon Cling Peaches........ 18c for a short time, per can...... .05 ground every day. We have plenty hlghsoorlnl birds. from tbe jo M , s )ress Shirts .. ........ .. .45 Is a milt.) ress Sh'Ir t s .... ··' ....... 79' $4.00 ·Dresa Shoes ....................$3.49 Choice Lemon Cling Peaches ........ I5c Canned Pumpkin. per can........ .05 of our own make of bran and mid- bestCoo,k etrain . Bome oookerele f I ' left. and eggllln sea800, W . A . ~ur , Yellow Free Peaches ...... ......... 12~c Canned S~eet Potatoes. per can .10 dr •\Jeclallo Underwear .... .. :.... .79 3.50 Dress Shoes ................... 2.98 Pie Peaches, 3 cans ........ .... ......... 25c Q;Lnned SpI~ach. per can ......... .15 mga or sa e. tace, ,R D, 5, Waynesville. , Onio • of the hUnderwear........... .39 3.00 Dress Shoes .................... 2.49 Choice Muir Peaches. per Ib ....... 10c canned Beets, per can............ .10 ~- • the Amerh Und.e rwear.... ... .. .79 2.50 Dress Shoes .................... 1.98 Fancy Mui~ Peaches. per Ib ...... 12Y.c Canned Pinef£PI~. per can........ .15 CHUR.CH <?F CHRIST . pAPER N APKIN'R-The Gaze&te. certain 6el! TJnderwea~......... .39 Special-These prices are for cash Fancy AprICOts, per Ib ............... 100 Canned Lye omtny. per can....OO 'b Sch ' Ph ' office bllndJeli tbe plliin white can lessen -same dIscount. or produce only. Fancy Raisinlf. fuUlb. 3for ....... :.2OO Canned Sour Kraut, per ean..... .08 _.BI Ie '001 at 9:~0 a, m. re~. 'lind color~ napkins. Call and ('ee or passenget ._ _ • _ _ ..... - . . . ...... _ .............. ..--. _ . - . . . . . • - _ - ~ _ _ .....,.. ~_____ ........ _ . ••• mg 7 p. m. Praachmg ~t Ferry tn tbem, chanse. Inc the morning. question w11\ • Get ready for the Dollar social to T08AOC() TRANSPLANTERth e Atlantic I 80 YOU,: \ be given Friday evening Fehruary Ne!nly new; 10 lood shape. tern, which Is d. . S·' 'ted' d ked' Inquire of L 0 John, Valley 3'r.d '. EvefYone IS important part i) nVI. an , as '. phone 37~3y'. Waynee"Ule, OhiQ. to bnng a c;lollar· which , has been .... " . .'. the country's CI adjunct to the nl> earn~ i!, 'some ~ay a8i~e:· frO?l ~he HORB~l~~BOl't'le8 for SaJe 'IOglY regularmcqme: That D1&'Qt~Q!l Will . , or In .,,,,lrsr Inqolre~" J, ·B. be asked how. YOY ea",oo'j .. In,ad- Ob'~~m~ll, vraY~88vllle, O.b l.o. We are glad to . . per ~Jlplling g ivlna dition to thili there.- w-Ilt be.a mUlIcai :::::;==~:==~ that "Illes will no pro~m, conteeta. e,tc,. ' ' :.. . ' " frameB. If . you ko t' • ~ i. ' wlt.h .oll," bl!t it to loso It before' . " . ' \" '., '
Feed Exchal)ge :
Sealshipt Oy.s ters-none good-lest forget•. Apple.Butter, Ho~e.madeMincemeat, J-Ioner., Jelly, Pickle,,' Horae' Radish', Oliv,es,. ·Salad D~~sing,. 'etc. Frui~ 'o f @U kindi. . Fancy Apples, SOc.·. pe~k. , BRING ' US', YOUR :P~ODUCE .' ~' i
Ab~U~Hru;'e- ,W A: r~TER~
,'J. ;·K 'I LB()N,:. .
~ y,J8repor:t · . ',t.·I..........~..~~~.." .. Ill, tat. Ceo~le~. .~~. . . .MI......~.............II ........Ii..~.....~..~~..~... wtR .oDd¢!' ~wJQ,' ~~ 0&
-. IX't'Y-FIR "L' YEAR.
+- - - - -, --.- - - - -+------ - -----oJ
The Institute
l!~~S~~~I.,~~~t!~~.~~r! _~~d_!~~~J
Social ,E veq,ts
Again, Ih' death ang,l h., ,om thMrNs. EdiCth tHarriCslwbas\ nt o our mi ht, and claimed a loved ' e ew en ury u as r rJ ay on. Arother life has passed ouL of afternoon. In spite of very diea- During the Past Week As Proved 'To Be the Be t Ever th e hadow. into th sunlig ht of Roy Hathaway is on the sick list, Charles Stansberry was in Dayton greeable weather, a large number Told by the Soci ety Sunday. eL(>I'nal res, in answer to the wei· MI'!!. Henrietta Hopkins has been wus present. The meeting opened Held Here---Last of RepOl'ter Mrs. J. M. Thompson has been with roll·call, the members re!'pondcome pl au di t , "It is nough! Com e quite sick. the Report up hi gher!" . very sick. ing with some simple rule of health Maud Hannorah. da.ug hter of Mr. Ml·. and Mrs. E . D. Burnett are Mrs. Barnhart, acting in the place of and Mrs Patrick Gibbon s. was bom sick with g-ri p . L. S. Rhoades was in 'Hillsboro the secretary, Mrs. Bruner, read a The Carcl Club will meet with M s near Waynesv ill e , Warren Cuunty . Saturday. letter from Mrs. Hopley, chairman LADIES ' SESSION Mrs. Ray Smith vi sited Dayton of the state committee for reform in Fred Hend et:son Thur::.day afterno,lIl. Ohio, November 30, 1875, died Janu:. Thursday morning session was de- ary 14, Hill; aged 3- years, 1 mon lh relaLives Monday. Mrs . F. Graef was in Cincinnati the management of Industrial schools voted to the lar- ies, the P resid eni. and 14 days. one day last week. in which she requested that a peti· Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Williamson en· Miss Sue Crane, of Cincinnati, i~ Miss Luella Cornell. presiding. ~ rs. Deceased has b en a resid en t of visiting relatives h~re. tion sio-ned by the president and tertai ned at six o'clock din nel' alul'Go to Zell & Son for Tobacco Box· • "' .. A. M. Larkin opened with prayer. community in wh ich she lived at timu es. K. D's ., $1. 15. secretary o~ the club, be sent to our day . J anuary 28th, M· . and MI'::I. Miss Lu cil e Cornell played a selectio~ of hel' death, about 29 years. She M~. Edwin Furnas was shopping representative, Hon. Larry Langdon, Edwiri Nutt, Mr. and Mrs Jam..:s on t he. piano . After the read ing of was united in marriage to J. A . ' in Dayton last Thu rsday. Mrs. C. A. Bruner was the guest asking him to use his mfluence Campbell, and Warren Ke~s. the .minu tes of IMt year's session Spif\er, June I, 1899. and evpl' since of her parents in Mason last week. toward the betterment of the condiprepared by the secretary, Mrs. C. has been a faithful and de (Cted comProf. and Mrs . C. A. Bruner were tion of the Girls' Indu strial School L. Duke read a n:ost excel1 ent paper pRnion. In early womanhood sh e in Cincinnati.Saturday. . Mr. A@a Whitacre and wife visited at Delaware, by '-providing more Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen ent .. r on the "Hen." Mr. Russell Parlett realized her ne d of a personal Savior with Mr. Chas. Brown and family rooms and beds for the girls. A tained at dinner Sunday, Mr find then read a paper on the "Incubator and acting upon this knowl edg, P. K. Urton, of MorroW, was a Sunday. unanimou8 vote was taken, that this I Mrs. Chas. Fisher, of Cincinnal i, Mr. vs Hen." Miss Edith Crane played !:Ihe ~ave her heart to Christ, experi- Waynesville visitor Monday. should be done. and Mrs. F. B Sherwood Miss Dol" a piano selection. encing the joys of this new relation, Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey left Miss Anne Kelly, of Cincinnati, The first on the program was a othy Sherwood and Master Chalmer Dr. Stabler and Mr. Wagner spoke ship that . of being born in the king- Tuesday morning for the South. was the week-end guest of friends in graphophone selection. Mrs. Ellis Sherwood. on "How to Make a Successful Insti· rlom of God anel the family and Waynes~ read a pl:lper on "The Drinking Cup . tute." Among the thoughts put hou ehold of faith . At thp. time of C. G. Williamson, of Cincinnati, and Its R.P.lation to Health." Miss ' Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright in forth .werp that there should be good her conversion in 1904, she uni ted spent Saturday and Sunda)' here. 1" .The Guild of St. MaI?'s church Carroll read a paper on "Nurses, ' their usual hospitable manne;, enter· music, a 'good program consi ting 01 with the Glady M. E. church. to Will meet at the rectory thIS, Wednes- PRllt and Preserit. Botn papers were tained at dinner Thursday, Mr. and , a-ood speakers:- \\ it h pl'actical sub which branch of the ch ristian faith '1'he school board has recently put day afternuon. excellent and' a spirited di'iCussion . Mrs. J . C. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. Harjec~, handl ed in a practical way . :!he was eve r loyal, a devoted and up a new fire escape at the school S I M ed'th d 0 J T EIII's followed the reading. ry tMurray, Dr. and Mrs. J. ~11i1i . th ' I hour d e- an d M'ISS K eZla . M errltt. . Mrs. L S. Rhoades sang a vocal sblo t l'ust pd member. Of her Ii f e we hou e. '11am t erC II ban Th r .d. .t t Durmg e pI~asant socIa WI go 0 a um us urs ay 0 a· . ' . ed with Mrs. C. A. Bt'uner acco mpanist may say it was fu ll of ins piration, t d t h Co Sh hClous refleshments were s~rv , - Mrs, E. V. Barnhart and Mis en e rn ow. d hM h EI: b h C I Mrs. F . P. Jones r ead e, good, paper encouragement and help f u Iness to Misses E it as er, .lza et o· A II' ttle·surprl'se was tendered Mrs. . . Marie Harner were Dayton shoppe ra 0 H d M F ed on' "How to Make OUl' Homes A t· others. Her cheerful dispOSitIOn Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway, of Xenia lett. onna. a~ke . an rs. r F. R Henderson Sunday, that being tractive. Mrs. N. L. Bunnell gave ever won for her a welcome place in were week· end guests of Mr. and Hartsock a88ls~mg the hostess. her birthday anniversary. Those some good t houghts on toe work of every association in which she wa J · H'JCO~. taking part were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mrs. N. B. Rich has been spend- Mrs, F. W. Hathaway. The.MguestBFwerke ZeMrsl1 M the , •.;\nti Saloon League." p('rm itted to mingl~. None kn Wing a few days with friends in Tip. . man, rs. ran , r s . . . CQleman, Mrs. Louise Woolley Mr. THURSDAY JANUARY 12- 11:15 A. M . her but to love her. Wi th the young pacanoe 'City _ MISS Terrel~, who has bee? th.e Marlatt, Mrs. P ..0. Clagett. ~rs. and Mrs. D. L. Crane and Master people. she ever won their admiraguest of her SIster, Mrs. H. W. Ba,· J, L. Hartsock, MISS Emma HeIgh, Eth C At the clos.e Of the 1 adies' Session, tion and r espect. Her company was Mrs. N. H. McKinsey has gone to I~y, left TUebday fo~ Cincinnati. way, Mrs. Geo. Hawke and Mrs. D. an ,rane. the President of the Institute r eo 50ug,h t out by them. and to thefT, her l Indianapolis. Ind., for a week's visit L. Crane. --quested the reading 9£ the minute heart overflowed ' with love and ten with relatives. Mrs. Alonzo Burton joined her • -. Prof. and Mrs. Colvin entertained ,of Saturday afternoon, Decem~l' erness. Her sympathie were f ti l' . husband in Middletown today. their AGRICULTURE EXTENSIOl\' the Wayne Township teachers in a 18,1909. whi ch fo r lack of timewer reaching. As a neigh bor she was MI'. and Mrs Chas. Fiflher, ofCin· goods going by vans on Tuesday. nlOs&delia-otfulmannerlastSaturday not read 'the day before. Mr C. R 'lurpassed by none. In the sicltl'oom I cinnat i, were week-erad guests of Mr. The Agriculture Extension School, at .hlllcheon The guests were Mi880 Wagner called !\ttention to sectio 'he was a welcome v' itor, ever read , and Mrs. W H. Allen. Mrs. M. L . Parshall haa so far re- under the direction of the O. S. U., es Helen McClure. Pearl Hill, Alta covered that she was b'rought to .her held itS first session in Warren Coun- E m Iey, EI h Margaret of minu tes r efel'ring to organizat ion to do anything in h~ r power t o rf'" ' ' eanor Eamart, of Ohio Experiment at Ohio ' ta t~ lieve the s uffering to whl)m her Barton Kelly and wife. of Cincin- home from the hospital on Tuesday. ty at Lebanon, January 23-27, and Monfort, Eva and Mary Davis, HenUni~ersity in 1892, i.,stead of at cheedng words and k' ndly mimstt'l:l- nati. we i' g uests of Mrs. Alice Me.. was well attended. The instructors, rietta McKinl!ey, and Mr. John ~ KI'llsev and daugllter SUllday Nothing is "lIowed to stand in the Wooster in J8 2 as r ecorded by the ti lllS l the various needs. we r e · . .. five young, active farmers, gradu· Strawn. way of an absolute cll"arance sale. secretary, and reque t d that th . < comfort and a . olace. And in th Dr. Bel' chel Fish er has moved to The bargains must be seen throug h ales of tite, four-year course o.f agrir~rd be correctt..d time of h rown ::Ia(1' afHi ction.she wa::; offic' in t he new Mo rris b uilding . the large stock .to be appreciated. culture, were capable of presentin~ Mis3es Donna and Emma Hawke Mr. W. T. Frame also called at- ever cheerful and patient. and trust nex t t the po toffice. LebanoT _ John A. Funkey is anxiouB to have their subjectq in a very instructive entertained a few friends Monday tention to a stat.ement in one stat ed a nd ca lled upon Him who i manner. Two prizes were offered evening in honor of the binhday an· you price th,'ough the 8c. lOc and JZc 13peaker s lectur , in which he said a pres nt h.. lp in t)l time of nee I. M '; ano M rs . W. E. Alexander lace will be clo. ed at 5c. for the best ear of corn and Carl Gil- nivenary of their brother Ronald. that one ton df clover hay wail worth And whil e OUl' hearts ar~ saJd ne. are VIsiting at the home of their . _ .. bert, of Spring Hill,' received first The diversion .of the evening was $9 25 and asked if that was correct by lhis separatiull, we know t hat l:Ihp. mother, l\hs. A. J : Alexander. • _ _ .• _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _ • prize, $2, and Eimer Beedle, of Leb- cards after which light ref~eshments Dr. Stabler answered that it depend nath wroug ht well; that the worlo is , anon, second ' prize, $1. In the do- were served. Those present were: I ed somewhat on t h man who used better by hel' hav ing lived in it. and Miss J ean Ferguson haq returned mestic sCience, like prizes wer~ Misses Edith . Mosher, Katherine 'he bay but ft:'om a chemical ~tand - the in fluedce of he.t lire will be fel t to hel' h/)me in Dayton after a pleas- .'_. _._ ,. _ _ ,. _ _ _ _ - e offered for the best loaf of bread, Alexander, Jessie Marlatt, SteUa point it was ~orth that a mount . by all with whom she came in con- ant i it with Mrs. J . W. White. and Mrs. P. P. Benham, of Lebanon, Lemmon, Elizabeth Collett, Emma There being no other obj ctiun the lact. And with our mind' s eye we Thos. '.King, sUed at his home in received first prize. and Mrs. Jos. Heil! hway, Messrs. Ronald and Fred minute were approved as corrected , r:an !lee her passing the . p1rtal Q of Mr. Wa lter Gray . of Harveys- Dayton Sunday. He was a brotber Deardoff received second. The school Hawke, Edward Ricks. Harold HowMr~ Emmerson Earnhart favored Glory, anu bear the Mastel' saying , hurg, spent Thur!;day ni~ht at the of Wm. King and Mrs. J. M. Thomp- was a success. Tho e who attended ell. Raymond Davis, Dr. J. W. MUleI' th~ 8udi6Dce with a piano solo, also " Well done thou go d and fa it hful home of Cha . Gray and family. son, of this place. The body will be from near here were Mrs. Mary Sil- and Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. Mias Luella Cornel1.2alOO a' reading. servant, enter thou into the joys of brough~ he re for burial Thursday vel', Miss Blapche Riley. Miss Ethel _ ._ __ Meeting tberiadjourned until 1.:30. \, y ·Lord ." I s rs. F. M. and S. E. Alexan· a.bout noon. Sto~es', Harry Stokes. Lyman Silver, Despite Thursday evening being THURSDAY AFTERNOON She leaves to motH'n her los , der of Middletown, spent Sunday . DaVIS, Robert and Seth Furnas, War· dark and rainy, a nember'of fri~nds a husb~nd, fathe r and mother, four with their mother, Mrs. A. J. Alex- . C. M. Cartwright was appointed ren Keys, Ed Lukens and Sam I Hen- ~f Miss Viola Clark. of Lytle, com. t:: Muaic..hy·the Orchestra. . sisters, and 'flv e brothers: Mrs. Oral ander. a trustee of the public libra~ of kle. • _ • pletely surprised .her. As she and Question Box.: Hess, Pueblo, Col.; Mrs. Adelia Fuld dd h Evanston, Ill., last week by Mayor Harold Tbacketa, of Springboro, are t trees ~ kurson, Ada , 0111' 0 ', Mary i!:lmer and Mrs. Walter Jor an an aug ter CENTERVILLE INSTITUTE Is 110·apsuds .good for fr"'I' .. . '" . d]\1f N B R' h t Joseph E. Paden, the appointment .. goin a to be married soon, the nature Ashes? Yes by Mr Carl Duke Oscar Gibbons. of Dayton, Ohio, and VIola, un 'irs. . . IC spen '1 • h' b h' d J ohn, Frank, Walter and Je ' ie Gib- Wednesday nig ht at the home of being confirmed by the city counci. The Centerville Farmers' Institute ¢ the party was that of a miscella: Wh ere can,peac trees · e pure a.s~ Chas. Gra' and' faml'ly, and on Evanston is a city of 25 000 popula n ous shbwer and each present had Answer: All over tiis state. Go to bons. of Bell brook , (Ohio. Olher J • , . will be held at the Washington Town- e . tlienearest reliable nurseryman:' membel's of family a brothel' and Thursday, wi th Miss Mary Gray, tion, it being ChIcago's larges~ ship hall in Centerville on Friday a vel"je of poetry attached, written Are turkeys profitable i' Mrs. E. sister deceased), be ide, host of spent the day in Dayton~ suburb. It has asplendidly equi~ped ~nd Saturday of this we~k February by the giver_ When Viola had read public library system. 8rd and 4th. ' them .i t was deci led that Longfello:, Bailey. Perhaps,butlsoldtooearly re lativesandfriend s,unlil .webereh d d ed h (,) Does attending the O. S. U. tend united where reparations never come Mis.q Julia McComas, who went to Agood progrilm has been prepared a never pro uc suc poems: Day ton to be operated on for gan· . . .. . and the State speakers will be J. W. Refreshments, games and musIc ' to make boys immoral? Mr. Thomas and fareW'ells are never spo ke n. MISS NIta Larle Sides gave amusl- N o' d fV W t Ohl d' made the evening a very pleasant " , .. ed t 'f th b . II . ht g rene, is getting along nicely, the I th h . S h L' ht t ICO emus,o an er, 0, an . . answer ,no I e oy IS a rIg , CARD OF THANKS ·ca a er <'me In out Ig stree J F G d f J t Oh' one. In partmO', not only good mght, · " 1 '. . h' k ? doctors deciding that the operation. h' h f h t tal ted . . or on, 0 ames own, 10. .. Wh. a t WI cure gapes In C IC ens. I wish to thank my frie nd s and In w IC . some 0 er mos en Th . '11 b ' h f P f but the best of wishes was extended Mrs. "Duke said change quarters. WaE unnecessary. Mrs. John Beach. '1 k S . fi Id' e musIc WI e In c arge 0 ro . Mrs. Clara Kirby, have found no neighbors, who were never fa iling in was in Dayton Monday visiting her. plano pUPI s too p~rt.- prmg e Moist Powell. Everybody is cor. ~iola for a long, pleasant and u~ful their acts of kindne:ls and words of Nn,:s. . . dially invited to attend. hfe. Those present were: Misses remedy. Mrs. W. T. Frame. P t sympathy at the time of my sad beH H Wd th dOC W ( MISS SIdes IS a daughter of Mr. •_ • Luria Burnet, Zilla Githens, Bertha tn a barrel and dust with slaked lime. reavement. Also fol' the many bl:!au. a swor an r. '. : land Mrs. Walace Sides, of SpringCoon Mabel Strait Estella Irwin Mr·. Wagner ' said a-et the Govern- liful flora l offerings. Hpenldterson t.atte~de~ a Fa~cl;rs ,field, and granddaughter of the ven· BASE BALL MEETINO Beul~h Coon. Esta' Stacy, ' Blanch; ment Bulletin on the subject. J A S .t1 ou ry mee mg In arrow a ur· erable Ml' and Mrs Samuel Sides Co 11 M Ra B t Gl d'l. you gather cowp' eas when . . pi er. day. A branch club of 26 members ' .. _ . . The talk of the "fans" in town at ~e . , eBIIn. y ume, enn H o;" " u - - .. . . V II PI " f Brock Clyde Taylor Ernest 'Roarers planted with corn, and how do you MASONIC NOTICE of th~ MIamI a ey ou try asso· I ARRESTf.D IN DAYTON · present IS base ball for th~ season 0 Lee ~ hlll't W ' K 14" plant ,t hem? Dr. StableL' answered, ciation was formed and will act in • ,. 1911. Already the boys have taken rn, arre~ · eys, ores ~ ~'..Qo not 'get seed when planted with Regular communication of W~ynes conjunction with the association here. Ch~ . Stewart. of Harveysburg, hold of this matter, and a great deal Taylor and Pro: ~~le Carey. corn • . Harvest witb binder and put 'ville Lodge NE>. 168 F. & A . .l\'l; was arrested in Dayton TbursOay on of talk has' been going around. There AT THE M. E. CHURCH 'in silo. Plant alon~ for seed. Late Tu esday evening, Feb~uary 7th, at C. G. Williamson will leave for the charge of forgery. He " was will be a meeting .of the boY.8 at .. . sow;ng gets most Wh€m plant- 7 o'clock sharp. Sojo~rning , breth· Texas from 'Cincinnati, February 7th" j brought back by Constable .J oy and Hawke & Lew~' barber shop Mon· Rev. Dr. Homer Middletown ing with corn, use, two lVeasures of ,-en invited. . The party he it:ttends to take with was tried ,F riday morning before doy evening, when it is hoped that will preach at the'M E. r.hurch Sun. ·Peas ·.tQ one' of cor6, and dampen . . F. B. Henderson, W. M . him willgoinI?rivate 'c ars,andevery ' Justic.e Edwards. It seems tha~ anorganizatioll: will be effected. da,ymoming; TheBrotherhood 'will , slightlY:'before ,placil1g' ih the 4rill., E. V. B!lrnh,art, Sec'y. thing. y,rill .be ' '8tric~ly up-to-date. Stewar~ had ~otten a letter contain· . •~ • have services in the .avenina-. All . .'Most seed comel from the SOuth, ., . • ,- • They go vi~l\alnsas . Uity to Houston iIlar.a check made payableto his fa~h. BUCKEYE PRESS' MEETS are cordially invited these ser- ~ .is.'e~{wit~clov~~ bundler ·an~. 8e~ ' _ . OR~Nal; POSTPQNE~~NT, . . and San Ant~nia. S~ his ad in an- ~\l Rob~ .. . S~wart . and he w~t···, '. \ . de ' vices. , Se~vices wi~l. probabl~ ~hetd ,pltk¢d.;b~lial)d ~y colored .. ~htld~en -. '. 0 ,.. .. f 'h F lnsti-' f)tber coh,lmp., , to the Cl.t lzen s balik, ~ndo~ ~e The,p~gr~~or~~Bu. , ~yePress evei:y Sunday . dunng Dr. Bailey's at a · .c ost of aljo~t .$l:per;' ,bushelo .! J!f . n, ac~ou.nt 0 .t e .ar~ers, ". . . '..' che~k, Ill1d drew the money. HIB ASSOclatlOn w.?lch will be ~ held. ~t absence. ' ' 't hreshed ,in 'North' by ~pecial 'm tl,1te at ?~n~rvllle,. comm~ Gat t~, John A. Funkey's Shoe S~ocks are fa~er upon hearing abou~ ~he m.at- Man8fi~ld, OhlO~ Fe~ru~ry 23~25 .~8 , .. • _ . . ¢hi~~." " , :,. ...:." :' ~e~ular tvneof m~ting" the . ~an~e pr'iced to walk out il\.a:hurrY 110 half ter proceed~ to ha~ him a r rest.ed. very well arrang~, .Fnd~y 18: all . ' _ . NOTICE . \. eommitt~'· on . reso)utio~ th~fi .. IS p~a,tp~?ed one.,w~k, ~ebr~al~: 11 t~ wa measures cl~an-cUt ' recl'uttions ; ·The me"tter' was. amicably: !Mpttled , taken up wit~ ~~ness, 8eS810~8 and . .. .. , . . . . . . :' . preaeuwu '. ' ''':''~, t. Unelr: ' •••. 't - 1,;' b"" , .. at 1.80 Q clock. · , Secle ary. y. I ' .." , . b 'd 'n F b by both parti-· will. not A meetiniofth~ W~C. T. U. will ~por ,.'~ WJ,llC . ,was I" , ... _ . .. tv sImp y mal\e you uy. u ng e· '" ...... . . . :( be broken.up ' and the - work I -!rd' . 2 , ~~te..h,ith~ut~e~di;~ · .'. .rr) . reed ','Ut' ·.U 'tbo-clovI1r 'to IrUBrY. ~ 800. "Pairs $2 Ladles . . .s. , ,. - • ~. ._ of t1le_l1\ee~ ~nterfered--with by be hel~~u~ ,at . p. m. at , ",. ~~ Stabler : ~e(1...to ~~. a state·, ,t.he OOW8., ~II ve a cs . lot f t rib Firre sh09!ll\Dd 'CI)lf shOe!{ to close at The boa"'el' 8 8tory "of hil.I.U s Ja Jocal entertainment._ Tbu~ IV- t~e home of Fsther Stput, No~ .~ent·concerni~ .l'R!~'iluJph~r811ray • .8~eep. ' ['!ley J ill ge~ '118' muo'h good '$1.S3. .The entire i~e:. Shoe 8tock ~~ ~aoh Uke the.btttort-.1 novel-"- enl~ is, lP~eo- over to the local peo.; Thlrd~. ~t, BU rem~r tb8 -., (Oontin~ed~ on ~,.4) ",. u,'ol it lUI any anlmtll OD ·.he farlD • .w~l 'be sold ~t a b~n. · . ODe lM'rt truth IOt__ Plrtl 60tloQ . pl. . . well ...... ~f sa~urday. . date. . .
t Former Citizens
peas. .
ome Enquired
were "hiring" ,-a certain "weekly": paper .~ abuse us. dirt in the factories. After tireless spying about he summoned twenty-five of our workmen and took their testimony. Every
but 'pon honor now, we are not hiring that "Weekly." The general reader seldom cares ~uch for the details of "scraps."
ingredients printed on the packages
the wheat, barley and com
being the choicest obtainab1e'-all thoroull(hly cleaned- the water of
bel interested in the following:
the purest, and every part of the factories and machinery kept Some time ago a disagreement arose with a "Weekly.'" They endorsed our foods by letter, but wanted to change the form of advertising, to which we objected,
scrupulously clean.
The "Weekly" discontinued inserting our advertisements while they were negotiating for some changes they wanted in the word~g and shape of the advertisements, and during this correspondence our manager gave instructions to our Advertising Department to quit advertising altogether in that "Weekly."
That all proved disappointing to the "Weekly." There are very few factories, hospitals, private-or hotel and restaurant kitchens that could stand the close spying at unexpected times and by an e nemy paid to find dirt or impurities of some kind.
to be an honest statement.
In any or:dinary kitchen or factory he would find something to magnify and make a noise about.
untruthful statement regardin& its products or its methods.
Twenty to thirty thousand people go through the factories annually and we never enquire whether they are there to spy or not. It makes no difference to us.
He next turned to discover something about our advertising
to the pu bUe.
An analysis of the methode and distorted statements of the "Weekly" .may interest some readers, so we take up the items one by one and open them out for inspection. We will "chain up" the harsh words and make no reference in this article to the birth, ' growth and methods of the "Weekly" but try to coufine the discussion to the questions now at issue.
-Our ComPIlPY seems prominent enough for a sensational t7riter (0 go after, hunt fOC' some little spot to criticise, then distort, twist and present it to the public under scare heads.
\ . "LikewflN! GraDe- Nuts food
~ noything. but it does a8llilt nature
. ttiii'iendouBl)- In rebuil\linlt • .provided the \I~illtf!lltible £oofl that haa been ul!Cd i. ~tiJ1ued and Qrnve·Nute taken in its (ll&ct!.·. , . \
Charge No. 2 .statel! tl1o.t the 'p88!1llge of the .Natlon.l Food &. DrnR8 Act compelled "' to 'droi> f~ tbe packall'etI ROme .nution, . ~tding • Ui'e nutritive valuo . of Grnpe',Nut.. • , "We b~Te" never been -"oompelled" to nlIl).1te any change. Sinee tbe bep-inning it ball been" univerI 1 rille to prmt ctellrly on every packalte 'exudJr what the content!! are mllde of. \ ~!!{ate tlle' f)a_RC of tbe Pure Food J1w·£lie pn.ckngcs sL'1:t-ed UIl\t Grape-Nut!! food was marle f \" heat and bnrlov. :Wo. did not esteem the tlmall amount or' ~alt and ycast aB of \'"Iue enolJlth to "peak of. l)ut after thci neW' Law came il\ we bacnme 118 technical as the officiftl8 lit Washinltton lind added tile word!! 11"".11 .. anel "MIt." nlthoul!:h we have llU reoollection ef being asked to. ",Yo -belic,'cil ' that 0111' statement that Qral'e-Nuh will .rupply elements to nouri II tb brain anrl nerv centel'll is true w,TIIl bring authorities to BUVJ)ort ~he fuct. Some state chemists believed tllis a ~o.~ (,XIlItKC rll~ion nntl inllsmueh us t he FilOd Dept. at Waphinjtton could easily ~ Rrn88 l{I'ocel'~. pondinl{ n trillt on the d j,'putrd Que-t ion, we ('oneluded that the better W!lV would be to eliOlfUlltr. · from our pAcko.p:es sueb c1o.imR, hnwf'v er cerlain we mol' be tbat tbe l:I;lin ilre true. no her .lat.emcnt objected to reAd as IQlloI\"s: . "Tltp ~,·~t pm ,,·m "h·,..rh a lfI'Cater • • ' nun t of nouJ'ishment irom one pound of f'lrupe-NutR thAn from ten pound ~ of IlWIl l. wheat. oats, or bread." . ') rne Dcpal'tment ch em i ~t!! deceive tlwlI1seh'es ·aa weii' as the public. " Caloried" i. the word which· <1cfiuo"- Il ull it. of heat detennined by the amount " ec('~~a ry to raise one kilogram of wnter nno dClI'ree entiltl'lldc. On this bapis & table of calorieR i~ prepared Rhow-ing thp. p4I'rcn t.agc . of different kindR of fnnlI. llulter shows 8.60; Grape-Nuls 3.96 ; milk 0.70. R ememhcr the stntement on tbp packnge ~pol,e of the _nourishmen t. I h.? .""I·l>m· \\'nnM nh,orh. but did no~ speale of tllc ca lo ri~~ of hent contained in it, for tho hent i~ not nourishment, and the fl Otlrishment cnnnot he judlted by the numher 01 he"t units. notwithstJi odi n;t the ral't that ('ertll in cbemists would ha\'o the puhlic bolie\'c 110.
As man
~n iIIu tration: Attempt to feed a ~; x t)· na\'Mon butter alone, with ils
~ .OO ('" Ioricp. - The mnn woulil
die be· Core thc cxperiment had run si:'tty days. 'rhen, tal,e Ornpe·NulM with 3.IlG Ilnl! ,'Oill; "'ilh n.70,- the two comhined eq unl ~·.66 - ac/Qut one·bnlf the numhcr of ('a.lo· ri('Nconta inl'd in hutter. The mnn rell ror - i~h' da\'d on thill fonrl would be \\'ell n ot!ri bcd. nnd could live npt only sixty
This company has never knowingly made nor permitte d
M. K. HOWE, Treasurer. (With
days, but six nle.nthll on tha.t rood Blone, and we 'do not hesitate to MY from our 100& knowledgo of the flu~tui nin g powe., of the food tha t a ruan at the nd of I!ixty daYII wonltl · be of practically the 811m. wei~bt as when he etarted.-iC he bt: a man of normal weight. \ We ,\;11 suprse that from hi.!! work he 10lt a POUIl a day and made up ;, pound eaoh day from food. 1£ tbat premo lSC proved to be truo tbe man in sixty daya' time would make sixty pounds of tis6ue to replace what bad becn lost. un II thi,; would be done on Grnl'e·Nut8 and milk with half t he number of el\lories ot butter. upon whicb no one can sustain Jile. . Therefore. we have reason to believe that our conte:ttion is riltbt that concentrated food like Grnpe-Nuts. which is partly diltested and readY for eaBY asliimilation by t he body. presents more nourisbment that tbe Ill'stem will abJII('Irb tban many other forma of 100tI and Wi!wiU ftlrthe.r My that in ca~1I of diges .. tive troubles where meat, white breat! nnd oats cannot be diRe lcd . t ha t Grape. Nub and milk contain more nourish. ment that the svetem will I\bsorb thnu many pounds of the.t! other food s, Dlatortlon No. 3 ehl\r~s that; our testimonio.lR . were prncticall.I' all paid for and re,wl'Itten in Battl Creek . Thepe testimoninl" were dllmnndcd by the opposlnJ{ lawve.ra. Nnturnll~' t hh f!emond \\'a8 refus d. for thoy are held in vnults n.ndltel't IlRfe to prol-e t.he truth. and are not to be delivered UI) 011 demand of enemies. Tcstimony at the trinl hrOUllht nut the fllct t hat we neyer prill led u Ringl .. tCMtimonial thnt we did nnt hA\'O th lien"inE lett l' back of. Muny of thes IctteMl como spontancou ~b· . A record was kept of twelve hllndr~d aud fOllr ( 1201) letters receiver! in no month frt>m people who wrote thltt hey hnd either en lirl'l\' recover d theil- hcnlth Ill' h~en be",efi ted by follo\\'inlt our Sll ~gCBtiO)l! on food and bc\'erngcs. On three o~ fnur (\cca.ion~ in thc pnst ten or t\\'eh,c yeaN. we Ilrinterl broadcast in pltpers otTers of nrizes to U9cre of P08tum and Gl'apc·Nuts.-two hundred ~1.00 prize!. one hundred -$2.00; hI"nty of $5.00 and fh'r of $10.00 each.--ot otin <t t.h.t .. nrh mu-t be li n h on e~t. I ll tte~ NUnC nnrl II Ildrt'I'P. 'Ve al\'rccd not to flublit h naUles. bu t to fllrni fth them to enquirel'll by letter. TIoe.e letter writers very lte.ncrnl1 ~· nn!","rpd tho c who wroto to them , nn tl \'Crificd the tnlth of the statements. Under lhi ~ a~reemcnt not It) pull1ish ntlme8 ) ilemll~' .corp~ of I ctler~ cn.me from ilnclOn<_ . We 1«'1'1. Olll' word und neither print ell th!!ir names or sUlTen· dered the le tters. Rill'h t here notice an " imitation I3llIl m." The 'Weekly" ~ays : "Post p:ot thoFe test i· monialll br 1lr!"l'rl il'inll for t.hem. Tn New York he u!ctl for that purl'ose the New Y ork l\flll:nzine of - - - whm;e edi tor is now ia the F e,loml Pl'nitentiary for frauduleut use of I he mnils. For ex"mpIc, Post Ilnnounccll in th at mnl!a1.ino in ]907. et<: .... (t hen folioWR ou r pri7.c com· petition). . 'Ve used ..!!.Cn ~ILor til" pnpCN I\.nl1 tDlll!nzi nes in -cw Ynrl, nnd tlo rc~t of America. but the KCn@nlionnJ "Titer !livrs the imllres8ion to hiH realkr!' that t he (lnlv maga?!n(! 've lJ~ ell W3 S one "who~e editor is no\\" in the Federal Penit~nli " r v," etc .. £omething I hnt we lenow n othin~ of the t-ruth of no\\'. and nevel' did . Space \\"~s 1,Iollght in the mll~ine ~pokeil of on a husincP8 hasis ior t.hO! rea Ron thnt it went to a p:nod clllft~ of r,·arl('rs. Tho iDcident seem to hl\.,'o fm'lll he<t an opportunity fo r n desj'gnin.~ wrilcr to de· cei \'(! hiR rCllder~. . . We 1061. upon hOllest humnn tr.lItimony
trom m n nnd women 1\1 to the mUM by whicb th y l"CCovered henltb as of U:emendou~ mlue to those in l14!a roh of it. ur businei!i! hn been conducted from th very lint day upon linel of strict inteltrity and we ne\'er yet have puhlished a (nlse testimonial of human experienoe. Many of the e letters oove.red n'lunerou8 ih~ets; earn(!. if m·inted. would spread over half a palCe 'of newspaper. If we, would nttell1pt to pril.t onc such letter in e\'el'l' one of tho thousands of paperll find mngazines we u e. the co t for printiTlI{ ;hnt. one letter would r un into -runny thoullIIudll of doUQl'1I.
In the cas~ lately tried, ~n appeal h8$ bee.. ~aken.· to ~e hi.gbe·r ~ourts. . yt~ ~ave unbounded faith-in -the Llltirnate decision of oUr American TribUll8l& . .Our swts ai!ainst the "'weekly" have not yet been tried~ They are fot·6bel .. .
j '
F. C. GRANDIN, Advertising Manager. (\ ith Comp.my about
year .~ I)
years, )J
R. M. STERRETT, M. D., Physician 'in charge of Scientificpep't' (With Company about 4~1 year5.) I ' .. r. • .",...... .... ....,. 'VC 1, "" .,.~ j ".. ) CHESTON SYER, Advt. Writer. (With ompany about 3 yeats.
CHARLE~ W. GREEN, Advt. Writer.
HARRY E_ BURT, Gene~al Sup't.
(With CompIlny about 5 year.. ·1
(With Company OI.boul fJ yc.1f")
H. C. HAWK, Assistant to Chairman. (With C. W. POST, Chairman.
ompany about 7 yeil rs. )
(With - om p~y J6 years. from the begiDniDIj,)
Physiological Chemi8ttT. by .ten, biochemic yste.m of Med ici ne. b Prevarication No. S. ''Post · spend. Carey. . nea rly 0 million a year In Ild\'erti~inlt a.Dd "WeekI " ClIl't'£ully e1imiI'Bl.es from They ne\' r criticize t he purity of our r(!l ie 0 11 lha t to keep out ot the news· itdThe print d account tetit.imouy rCJ(1lrdlni food ~, for so much we are thankful. . pup rs the dsu!!erou8 nature of the fruud I he ycar8 of reeell h Ilqd s tud), hy Mr be is perpetrahna on tb., Il.ublio." , Po t in fitli ng bimself (or his war\( . und If our .eonel u ions In reltllrd to its beThe Postum ompany doe8 payout tiP- would !l'ad t he reader of the dis torted ing a brain food differ from theirs. and w u~ both honest. they have rftther the "'8rds of I\. million a year for trade an- Ilrlielo to belie"o that hill oducation . ad\·nntagc. because under the law they nounccments. New"J)llper men believe our began since 1005. can order us to climinate from the pack· F,lnl emenls truthiul or they would not them. Larlt number, of nCWJpaJlrint Dlatortlon No. 12 r eport.. :M.-. Poat .. n~e any statl'ment if it dil!llftre 8 wi th 1\ "dodainK witneaa." their opiuion. Olhcrwide they would per lDen usc our product.e. Thev Rre o~ "hIe of tellin thl' T'uhlie His eye' i not of the shifty kind ob· haraM grocers. 8erl'ed In tbe hOild of one of h l~ chi I W let ler or not we "bri e t em. We .boil down t hcse lelters e:'taetly 18 Spasm No. 6 says:_ "'fhe most danesca ped not.icc tIlAt 1"0 crilics. On the wil:\lC/l..ll sland MI' P08t II 1l ~\\'8pn per writer boils his nowlI.-1Iticklook. quielly but very stc,'IdiJy rrtra iaht inthat particular weekI),. ing sauredly to the important facte aud gerou t hing in the world for one threattI, the eye, of the h~~ltling. ,t,~itinJt laweliminating detnils about. the family and ened with appeorliQitis is to eat any fo od No•.9 ~tate that the amount of the Y~r . h 'I'inl( by nil IU8 art to n.,oUt doubleother uuirnportllut runtte",. This 'll'ork ",'hate\'er. Notwithstn ndinR hc knew that k rreled fluestions and bull·dolo anti conMnller, C. 'V . Post ad"ertised Grape-Nuts veTdiet \\;Il "be de\'oted by the 'weckly' of boilinJ{ down. or editinl(, is done fUle 1\ witne,~. honC$Liy, anrt with l\ (ull knowledRe of at fifteen centll a pack ~e for tho!e so to p¥n"":nro frn llrl !' ou r r~p'on~ihility, but notico the art threatened." The "dodaing" it 80Cm! consi! lcd of This is almost real humor. oJ the' twister" in. the war he pre~nta Thill i intended to muddle thl! render 'Ve havc two suits penr!in!! against the repl r ina. "I don't Imow." to bis rellders this matter of teeti.monillls. into O~poFincr Ni'iin,el hohl K a book in bit believing th" t IV Pllt out Clrave-Nuta "weekly," lotol. ~.OOO.OO. u a cure for appendicitis. ' Vc Iliwen't "devoted" the ! um to any hand whilo he flueries, Dlatortlon No.4. This i@ a bl\d one. 'I want to know if tbere ill a lIinll:le . Jt reads liS follow: "The onl>' fftmoull 1-Ir . POllt .. himself. haa had probably as particulllr purpose yet. ·thina in you r ",hole hook h rc thllt uaphysician who c nllm WIH slimed to a " 'Ide experIence as any other man In go I.I! IIny particular kind of food ." Then Item 10 i ~ a "disct)\'ery" that ",heat t~timonial was produced in Conrt hv America i'n t he IIt udy and obeen'ation ot followed romo d!scusllion bot.ween attorbrnn i a part of P08tUID. ollieri.- n.nd turned olli ' to be a poor old food as related: to the dip:eative organs. brokendown homeoPfltb. who is now work· and we Dut tho crilicism neglected to mention lIeYII. proved m Cour t by the physician/! hilt in a printinlt eRtablisbment. He re- and 8U rlteons on the wit ne ~tI IItnnd thllt tbat for years every Postum pnekBlI:e an'Vh'!n Mr. P Olt was ollo\ved to reply. crived ten ilolla", ($10.00) for writinp:, bis tlfe llredominatin~ caU8C of nppendicitis nounced in plain type that the outer CO\·- he I.ltid. "r don't know until J ~ead the . testimonial." erinlt of wheat (ilran ), mllde part of the book o\'er to ace." is undillc ted fooil. and t ha\ :t is neees- bovera/tc. sar~' tQ Quit eatincr food. and whon -t he W e "'ill WAller ten ' thousand dollaTa bo~y This book it tllme out. W88 written b'9' , ':rhey iJ{nornntly fell into a trip here,· require8 food aRllin, uee a pre·di ($10.000.00) with any investi.gator that we ted foo<1. or at Icut one easy of diges- not knowiol( enoulth of food \'Rlne to know Mr. POAt S l'\'entc ~n ., rA .tlrO RDd prob· have. subject to inspection of any fair ge ably ha ll not bt'en read carefullv I", him thot ·Tllka·DiasLR e" the article ugerl by eommitt~e. upward!! of three hundred tion. in thc la8 fifteen yenrl!. It wOll'ld reQuir.. phr"illianH the world over for "Rta rch in(300) cOll1munionCion ~ from phy ioio.n8. " remnrka 10 memory to instanUy I:IIN Dr. Or-h ncr In biA work on appendicitia digestion" i made from "whl'at bl'an." man:-- of them e;ocpressinll t he highest com" rCA" or "no" 88 to what " lmol( of 147 dire t ly to l he use of the well' 0 we use 018t f)llrt of t he wheftL bert:\· mendnt ion of our product, but. theee will refere known pre·dlltested food~ t ha t CRn hI! JlA I-':I'~ did or did not contain. \ il hnut not now nr ever ' be lurned O\'er to the ohtained on the market. JJe 111110 brolla:ht beca use it co nL3..in~ tho elcment nt'eded Tcndi nJl it over.-bllt such con ~llrvflt h' e to develop the y/lluRille dinst:\ftc in mnnpublisher for h i use. otlt the interestinlt fn ct that in "after ufa cl ure. f:ood Postum iy impoN3ible ~mt ""I'll hnlnn Clel! n n ~..c1'!l nre om t rned trelltment" it i~ nr!vnntogeous to trike by scnsu tion ' seekel'l!l to be "dodging." without this pnrt. Notice lhc statement in this ehftrge: "The nl,v . famn us phl'Ricinn whose nome on a pre-dll:csted food . These (!eif·npTJointed criti 9 do make The attorney !Oup:ht hl' P.Y~1j ut to Wil l' I!i~nctl to Postum tc timoninl. ete,~' The pri~e of t he paclcap:e (referrol1 to Bome );\ulthll blc hluntlel'!! tbrough igDor- hnprl:!!! the .Tul'}' WIth the loct th ~ Mr. The truth i8, this Dr. Under\\'ood ,me by t he weekl~- ) is not known by u~ to lince, but-be patient. PoP t'o! belief in the power of Mind in on f a Itre~t many physici"n who h!,ve have any relation to the question. relAt' nn to th e body b randed b;im alHlllnot onl" wrotten comme nd ntory wotda Item 11 is I\n iIIustl'fttion of the '!!l!!!1'lE.: reliable lind worllC. flbollt the value of our food . but every Our advice to RtOP u~inll indilZesti ble i!!K and twi lil!.l: of the scnsntional writer now nnd then ome plwsi pinn 'vrite~ an food in bowel troubles and to use Grnpe . iliilivel'inl distorted lUutter to hill readTh following I, qnoted from VI.e 0: arti cle 011 coffee or Oll foot!. nnd sends it Nuts food has been a Itrea t hlessincr to eI'!!, lhe qoestionn:to lIR wit h a IIultaestion of comllen!!ll Uon tenR Qf t hOllsallr!s of people. and we hope While on the witnet!8 stand :Mr. Post . (Tbe lilWjeT r (!ll.dinJ( from the bopk.) r"'r his ~iml' and meilit'nl Imowledlle. will continue t.o blce I\. ItOOd many more testified to hill studies in Al1Utomy. PhYIliPre" iouM to the tim') when. we employed in the 3ucceedinl{ yean!. olop. Dietetics and Psycbol o~.\' .- nII re, "The writeT of these pngcs de!lil"8 to ph,v " i"i~nR in 0111' own hURineslI. we oeIntmlt to the prepllratit'n Ilnd distestion of 1'8)' not hinl{ of him~elf other thau 11.'1 a cn~io nal1v emplovcd n doctor to write food. Asked to name allthorilie8 studied ei mple instrument through which the DiNo. 7 i~ n live wire. It rcurs to C. W, on artiel" on coffee, al",a}'s insiBUnlt th"t he mentioned six or ciltht from memory. vin Principle eho08elO to manifel!t It~elt t he "rtiel I,e on h,..nest expression of his Post nnd bis studies Ilnd experience in and commented on eome clinical expe- by, precept and example. "SuJlf{t!!Jtive Therapelltie~ ." or "~ren ta l opinion and research. Hcalong" which further lead to a most rience co\"erinlC ~everal years in annual / " k'lr . ' -'I pract,ce . •III ~Ined in to Europe. journeys '1 lD men.... Th(' ,rWrekh-" hunter! up this ph~·!!ician'. careful and ~.v .. tematie ptudy of the eflind bec:llI~O he ~ee 1l\cd to he poor. And fe t of t he minrl on the digestive and otbNow nolice thp. distortion. (ColJY hom the fiRmo way as skill in uny depiu tment ().r .rience-?~' Ob9.C~vlltion. Btudy~ ex.,e . the printed criticism.) R~ it MY". "hrokenr!own." hnd h:m er organs of the body. .a nd UlO IIblhty to evolve c:orreet hrnU,l:ht to Court to be e:'tpo~ed hefore a "He (Post) poinled out It pile of book. ·rlenee concl U!llons. . TIe atlf;mded clinics in Europe Itnd jurY ,, ~ th "onk ph~'~icinn thnt hnr! cver in p08se!picn of hiR attorneys a8 the very endor.p.d f:rnpl'- ,,,t.... hut much to the fitted himBelf for a future cnreer ih whicb ones he bad read." "RCRd Cl'lrelully. thoup:btfully no mont chagrin ,)f the " \"pe\;I"." \Vh .. n I>ur attnr- he hRs become know'n 8M one of the food (Nolice.- " the \-ery oneil he bad read." than twenty. ~Ill{e. dRily. Afterward lM!ek npV8 "R1:~,1 him if lhl' Rrl iolc he wrote eltpertft of the world, fitted to juellte both leading the reader to believe that thcy ~n !!a8Y po Itlon wh ere you will not b., from the material as well oe the mental about coffee wnH true he replied. "yee." were the only onc8. ) dillturbed. R elax every muscle, C1~e side of the qUeition. "Did you coDsul t the book. from then y?ur ~yCII a,!d ItO into the silence where 'Statemert No. 5 r ends : "The hMltb mmd III .plnetle to the breathinl{!! of sfliri~ For about eight YE'nrs previoue to 1801 editions!" wos asked. n ffi~ crg of 'Mi ·It.. M,tine. Penn.. New Hn Illn .. nnd ot her states in theil' offici:!.l _ he wn~ nn im·alid. In that yeaI'. Ilfter . "From th01!e and various edition.... &It- nnd where God tallul to the '. on . The thou~hts fr.om Divine Unh'enal l\tiud' bullet.ins hn\'(! for yeal'!1 hren dcnouncinl{. being ·under the t;are of several well· lWered PORt. come A!' wlDl{ed angel" and endow vou RM prello!it(!rolt" Rnil fr"mlul p.nt the clftim~ lmo\V,, - ph}·~ ioil\n8. he was Quickly healed, The attorney "picked up book Ifter !DAde hy till' Po-tum Cer.enl Company." by what to him \V",s a curious and not book from the pile and showed the title; \\'Ith a hen ling .power. . If yon AO into 'the 'Ve iln not recall pnv critici ~m exceJ;'t. well·unilerfttood method . Sufficient to SI1V paltes to the jurY.-l..1J except two had SIlence hurrble and trustinp;. you will comet out enriche!! and Jrreat.ly rrtrenrrlhenerl in front Mieh .• Penn ., Muin~ and S. Dakobl, he became a ' well TllIln. weilthinR about uis . been pnblisbed since ]905." botly by contlat even for a ehort time Jloundll. 'fhis ie lin example of distortion Ind witb t he- Fntber .f ftll l,ife and In pj)'lVI!r. The nvern lt~ render miltht think Ih"",, fahe coloring to produce an unfl\'o1'llble e:otperiencp. chnllenlted hi~ invest!This th e ollillion. e:rprCl$erl bl' tho !':itate O~. Y u will feel ~frCl'~e<l in every way and "illl" arc nhvR \"ft oorrect. bu t that con- Kation into t;aU>',!3 of dipenee and their impression. fnor! taken "'ill dllfetlt rndily 11ft the amelioration . Tho,e IItudies and expericlu ~ ion is nol borne out by facts. The fact. nre Mr. POlit purposely i.ntro- Ftnmn ch "'nrh .moothly when under th. ences developed a ,' ·-very f!ro{ound rever- duced the tale~ t editionR that could be inl1ucnce of a Riaber Power." ;&. 5 nn i1ht ~l rnUon; About thirteen year. ence for :\ Supreme Power which directly of prominent Authorities to prove (>,." Ihe Dair.\' and Food Commift"lon of opera tes upon tbll human beinst. and this obtained "Y ·ltllk ,-on if yon dill not Write- th.t by tbem the truth of his slatem(!nts ~ Mi chi~an for "orne personal reason printed re\'erence for , the Tnenite becftme to bim -lJ;aroing Ippendicitis and the 'anall'8iiJ of ftnd if .roll did not believe it wbo.lI yo~ . Il ~C\' ere .. ritiolsm on 11ft for mnking P ... · a form of religion w lchincluded honesty brain, aleo the · llceI!t conclusion .. in ~ 'fI'rote n." tum nf 13n.rle\' (aecordinp: to hi! official of purpo!C toward8 hiK' fello\\'·man . A gnd to the action 01 the diJIetltive oreaDa. For 11. moment the Court Room "as ba r.hemiet) nt mArket l)T;ice lind 8elling too IItoteme~ t which will.l-e indorsed by every- ThellC wprks a1'C): Ibsolute silence. . J.iRh. He WR6 6ho,,'n tliere wae never a ont .who kll.ows him cS,sely, \ J1Tnin of hRrley used in Poetllm. ~ Ruman Physiology. by ltaymone!. ·Mr. P OlJt RIO'1I'ly lenned · forwllrd ove. He will mnke a "u'bllc I\nnouncement Pbysiolol{icl\l Chemistry, by Simon. port wns rnlFe anrl ·misleadin·g·. The 'ROV; the .rail. pointe,d . hi~ . finlte~ at the AUy'• . in det.a il of these (arts. and- the ' Post urn einor di~l1lisfed him. . Diltestive Glands. by. Pawlo\v. fllce to emDhllBIle hi li reply and wltb ~re. Oomp~ n~- will cause' !:bat IItl\tement to be H'l-nd Book of_ Appendicitis. by -Oob- that ~ft~IF.~rl thoftll of the Attomey to dron -W II believe tbat. moat of the .tate- p.ubh.!Jbed in T;lew.pa~1? ~'nd trlnl':lzines nero hi MId. ·Yea. I am proud to lIlY I did." ,
It may b~ remembered that we were first ·~tb\c~ed. ftIld have .since defended ' ourselves ~y placing facts before. that great juty-T~e l~bllc. . ... .. " A good' "sciap" is· more or less ,comfortirig now··and · then~ if you kri~\V: " IQ.u are right ' . , "
ompany about 14 years)
Inspector of Advts. (With Company .,bout
officials arc honest, and on the other hand /We lire firmly convinced that Nome of their co nclu ion cu nnOL bc ~ ubstlln tiated by facts in scientific, research.
ill duo time. 'Ve iJUItItl!!t tho render look for it.
that could be criticized.
That "Weekly" has attacked many prominent men and repu-
We 1liiY, that in ~ where cotIee dillll·andis. ~ausing llioknCl!8 its diBmislIIIl \\':lJ remove the cause of the trouble. and '" IlUggCllt the use of . Postum for the I'Ml!On thnt( it Cumishes II. hot tlRlatuble IIl.Orning bcvernRe. and eonto.inll 'natutal ellflllent~ from thti grain wbien enn be UlIdcl by nature to qaaiilt .in rebuildinst n erve oont.eh! that epO'ee may b,ve broken down _ -
To the best of our knowledge and belief the Company has re ceive upwards of fifty thousand (SO,OOO) genuine testimonial letters.
Then came libel suits from both sides, and some harsh words.
We the undersig.n ed certify. that never to our know'ledge has a ' testimonial letter been printed by the Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., which di~ not have behind it a genuine tetter signed, and believed
But he failed utterly with the .Postum Works and products.
Quite a time after the advertising had 'been left out, an editorial ettack came. We replied in newspapers and the scrap was on.
Olltortlon No. 1 alAted that ,.e have en nccuatomed t.o ndvertiee Grap Nuts tUld P08tpm Q.8 "cure-aU a for everythini." It hall never been the policy of thia CoUlpaUy to advertiae Grape-Nuta or POlltuJ,Q to s"re anything.
Battle Creek. Michigan, December 30, 1910.
single one testified that the foods are made of exactly the gratn and
A few may have read lately some articles attackin~ us and may
SOUle Facts
So an attorney from New York spent more or less time for months in Battle Creek hoping to find impurities in our foods, or
Of course every time 8 spot light is turned on from any source
t offers _8 splendid chance to talk about the merits of the products.
Generally tiresome
erso·n s
. ,'"
an~ ~S500,~~.®\iS_.aSke~1 as .d8~8'es,,, ~~".lnay t~e.;i;g~t man ~ ., . After aU the·.sm~ke of,legal -battte': hI9wS away, the facts· wiD stand out ~1~~~Y.Jmd,- ne~~~ be.f~fgQhel.. thaf .POs.~m,o' Grape. ~uts, 8itd.'. PQst To.asti~, ~~ pe.deCtlypure,r1iave done .goOd ILonest. sem~e. to humanity fOfr. years,' the testi. ~oitials are, .real..:.and:'~thful- anf,l.the business-conducted ~ ~e higheSt plane of eommea:cial int~grity~ · . -' ;'. ~: .'. . . . . .-
'~!There,'s a
Po.'um C~".I Co•• Lt•••••'tle ·C.-"~l~h. . . ~
Making a High.: way' for
· m
God '
REPARE ye In th~ wllder. ness tho way of the Lord," exclaims Isaiah, . In hle rapture over a viII, Ion of what God would , do lor HIs people, "make .traJght In the desert a· highway for our God. Every valley shall be ex· alted aud every mountain and hill .hall be made low; and the crooked shall be made stralllht and the rough !Places plain; and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all l1esh. .hall Bee it together." Surely this world Is a wilderness U we look at tt In the light of the Sel' mon on the Mount, or of the Golden RUle. It Is topsy-turvydom gone to lIeed. There ' are good people In It, bot a few, and good work Is being ~one In It, not a llttle; but taking It at long and large It Is so unllke God's Ideal that it seems when conrasted with that Ideal like a wilderness overgrown with thorns and thistles. But God bad a loving purpose In creating the WOrld, and He Intends to slve errect to that purpose BO fully that when the final outcome appears a.ll created Intellls-ences w1ll acknowledge that He has done &11 things well. God'. Need of Servantl, And God Is going to carry out His purpose of good In the world through ~e Instrumentality of His lervants In It. That Involves delay, because God can onl), work through men In propor· ~on as they put themselves at His ~Ispoaal and work wlllingly under His ulrectlon, and Tery few men or women yield themaelves wholly to the will of God, The few who do can accomplls1\ great tWngs for God, but very !h1uch Is also being accompllshed lJu'ough the exceeding grace o~ God, ~y persons who though not wholly Fonsecrated In beart and life, ar. ~evertheleas honeatly trrIng to 40 acme work for GOO. ! God bas promised to ciTe the klllg· · ~o~ ot thl. world to Hla Bon, an'd Plat "the earth shall be ftlled with tbs · ~owJedge of the glory of the Lord .. the waten cover the "a' (Heb. ~: 14): how I. this giorioul state of da1rs to be brought about? . · By the etrorts of poor, weak, tool,sh creatures BUCh aa we are. For !God Is able .to make all grace abound ~ward us and to work In us both to !Will and work tor the accoJ!lpUah. ~ent ot Hla purposes, He can make Ws strepgtb perfect In our wealme... •. But there' mUat be preparation of ~eart 'In us. 'If we are to asshlt etre& IUvely In preparing a highway for our God In the desert we ourselves need ~o' be prepared tor that service: the ",Udemess must be. caat out of onr own hearts. The thorna and thlstlea at · are groWing tbere muat be up. rooted and the good seed ot the kingdom mUlt be planted In their Illace. Faith In Chrl.t Needed, This cannot be done without much ~onft1ot with ourselves and there Is ~o · ~se In attempting It unlesl we have ~ determined purpoae to succeed, w. iIlao ueed a Tery definite talth In ~hrlat, for we cannot gain the victory over sin without His help. We all naturnlly shrink trom thts ICOn1Uct. No one Ilkes to go to war rwlth 'h imself, But there 18 no other I"ay ot· escape from bondage to the ~ou~hts; dellres, - and hablta that rob bte ot Itl highest joys and noblest alms; there Is ·no.other way ot ftttIng pur,selves to take our · part In preparIng the way ot tbe Lord. And none of us can afford to lose := pur ehAllce of havJng a. share In the Jlrlngtng about of the glorious tran.· " ormation of the world's desert Into 'the garden ot the Lord; for a day Is coming when we sball reallze that to }lave bad a share In that work wa8 the only thing worth lI~lng for ,a day .a coming when we shall feel, as we ~nnot feel now, that every Ufe haa been a complete failure which has. not ~on from the lips of tho Lord of glor,' th~ commendation, "Well done, gooel and talthful servantl"
REENFORCED,\CONCRETE 'FOR CONSTRUCTING MILK HO'USE BuUdln. Is Fire and Wate .. Proof and EBSt1y' Kept Cleau and WUI Give ·Satlsf'actlon {'or MJ1IlY Yeilrs-C o~t $25~.
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M"LI( COOL"N. 1 : TNNIr,j'J'o6'()vr.fI#i!. ,
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Floor Plan of MiTk House. :bla milk house Is Hx20 feet In size an.d eight feet high to the eaves. The roof bas a two· foot rise to the peak
use. Also there Is a cooling tank 10 tbis room 3xG feet and two feet deep wl~h the I.nlet water pipe located In the bottom, also proper overflow pipes. The concrete floors In eacb room arc finlsbed smooth with a pertect grade to carry any and a ll water to draIns located In tbelr surface. This. building would be large enough to care for the milk from a herd ot fltty or seventy-five COWl except in case of Using bottles. 1 believe It would require at least as mucb room again ""bere milk was bottled , to bave It tboroughly good and practlcal tor the san.lo9 number ot cows. The drawing of the floor plan and photographs wll gtve a good IGea of the des!gn and appearance of tIlla building. Such a buildIng I. water and fireproof and easily ,kept ' clean and w1l1 gIve satIafactJon for yelU'll to
10 Sensitive to . Pain She H.d to "e Turned In Sheeta. Mrs. Eliza Kirk, B. Main ~t., Speneel", Ind., says: "I had been prostrated wltb Infi a ·m m a to r y rheumatism. My 11mbs were swollen, hands drawn out of Bhape and I ,was so sensitive to pain I had to be turned In sheets. I was able, at last, under the best medical attention, to crawl around the house with the aId of a cane, but the Improvement went no [urther. FInally my husband brought home a box of Doan's Kidney Pills. It was surprising how Quickly they relieved me and how soon I wao cured. For tllree years my cure has been permanent." Rememher the name-Doan's. For sale by all deal ers. fiO ' cents & box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. y, The Shadow of Science. It Is bard to believe that a shadow Is probably tbe origin ot all aBtronomIcal, geometrical IUld geographical Gclence. The first mnn who fixed bls !ltatt perpend icularl y In the ground anll mensured Its shadow was the earliest compuler ot Ume, and the Arau of today who plants bls spear In the Band and marks where tbe sbadow falls Is hlB direct descendant. It Is from the shadow or a gnomon that the early Egyptians told the length of the yea r. It Is from the shadow of a gnomon tllat lhe Inhabitants of Up. pl'r Egypt stlll measl\,"e the hours of t\'ork for a wale r wtee1. In this case the gnomon Is a lhurra stalk support· ~ d on forked uprights and points north and south. East and west are pegs In the ground, evenly marking the space of earth between sunrise and sunset. In a land, of constant sunshine a shadow was tbe prImitive chronometer. It was also the prlml· tl ve toot rule.
Cured in Dna "Da,
Munyon'. Cold Remedy KellevM . head, throat and lunp almMt I~ Iy . Check. Feven, .tOJl8 DiJlehai'1'l-!a the nose, taka away all aehea .. nd eauEed I!J eolda. It curee GriD an I .tinate Couaha and pfeventa. PlieumoDla.i Price 250. ~I Hn ve you nit! or ,",allen Jolllte, no DIU" tel' how ehronio? . Ask 1'0UI' druJmilt , . Munyon'. Rheumatism Remedy and . . how quickly you will be oured. you have any kidney or bladder . . S':'le-No, J wouldn·t marry the best bl!!If)1:et Munyon'l! Kidney Remedy. man on earth. Munyon'lI Vitalizer make. weak _ He-Of course not. The bride nev- .trona; and restores lo.t powen. er marries the best man. I-er-want you to mnrry me, A Son'. Compliment.
HIs Incessant work, hlB avoidance of all rest and recreation and hIs rtgorous seIt-denlal made Joseph PuUtzer, In his .days In harnes!!, the despair of his family. In this connection & pretty story III told about the famous journalist's son, Ralph. Mr. Pulitzer had refusod to take a holiday, and Mrs. PuUtzer exclaimed : "Did you ever know your father to do anything because It was pleasant 1" "Yes, once-when he married you," the young man gracefully repUed.
Make the Liver Do its Duty
N'me tim. in ten wheD tho Ii"" II riFt tM ud bowele .... Dahl. CARTER'S UTTLE UV£IlPILLS eent!r hut &r.1y ItolDllCh
atipatioa. and Is also built ot concrete. InailThe following Is a description of the doDo m.aterlal used and method ot erecting Sick . thla bulld!ng. The owner did all the H-.dacla.. ud Dlatr•• aft... EatlD,. excavating ' and furnilihed the gravel _ a..D PIlI. ...... D_ s..u PrIce for the concrete, a.n d the lumbe r . Genome ........ Signature used for the concrete forms ancI scafCat'. Tigerl.h Nature. fold, writes R . C. Angevine In Hoard's /L shocking aftair In whlc;:h & domesDairyman. The contractor furnished u.6 cat displayed tigerish Qualltlel octhe cement. the doors and windows curred at Ayr recently. A woman complete, the steel {or reInforcing named Mrs. John Scott had occasion the concrete and pertormed all the to go a message and left a ch1ld, six weeks old, In the house. On her reother labor of conltruction not menturn she waa horrified to c1Jscover that tioned a, furnished by the owner. the ~t had eaten tho s~all ftnger There was a detailed contract signed SKIN TORTURED BABIES of the child's left hand, and' had comby both parties which was carried out SLEEP AND MOTHERS REST menced on tho next flDler_ to the satisfaction ot the parties concerned. Buch a contract wUl almost A warm bath with CuUcura Soap, Old ·Hou.e .. entirely guarantee a well·carrled out followed by & ,entle anolntlDg with Old houses have a .far larger comjob work. Th, work was carried CuUcur.. ointment, Is leneraUy sum- morclal value' than their ownerl &lOD al tollows: clent to afford Immediate comfort In ways remember. Milton'. weU-known The ground wa8 staked off In the ·the moat distressing forma of Itching, observation la hla "Areopqltlca." "AI. proper manner 'for .the location of the burning lind scaly eczemas, rashes, II'- ' most as well klU.a ,man as a good book," bulldlnr, and leveled by removing tbe rltaUona and Inftammatl~ns . of In- applies not a llttle to a good old sod to a point four Inches below the fanta and children, permIt sleep tor tiplldlnl, which la not only' & book 'b\lt finished floor line. The trenches were child and rest to.r paren_t, and point to a unique manuscrIpt that haa no faldug U Incbell .wide, 30 inchesl deep permanent rellet. when other 'methoda' low.--Addreas by Thomas Bard)'. abd at the bottoD1 were cut out wider. talt Peace tails upon distracted ' ma~ng them about 28 Inobes wide for households when these pure, sweet . The Inevitable. a footing. A croas trench tor a foot· and gentle emolUents enter. No other "'You don't resent that suocessful lug for apartlflon was 16 Inches wide treatment costi so little and does so candidate's proud and haughtT man"td 12 In~hea d~p . These tr4inches much tor skin sufferers, from Infancy ner?" : were filled wtth concrete, mixed one' to age. ' Send to Potter Drug & Chem,' "Nope," rejoined Farmer Comtolsel. vart cement to eight parts gravel. and Corp.• Boston, for free 32-pago book on "The tact that he's In pollttes Is all the to the proper grade line. Tbe walls the care and treatment of skiD &nc1 guaranteo I want that sooner or later above grade line were hollow, conaealp troubles. he'll meet with some ldnd of a terrible structed wlUl 24-lncb walls spaced ftnlllh." three Inchea allart and tied together "TRUE. at Intervala by lites)' ties made of What a TraIned Nurse Say. About , tWlllAlllOftUIIIII MIIIl three-elghtha, Inch rods. These walls ..........', t .... Reslnol. wore cast monolytblc by the use of a n •• &411~ n_".nra: set ot for~s 24 InchBll high. reachln& I cet absolute satisfaction trom Reaentirely around the' building. These Inol and use It constantl,. ODe ot m), forms :were set In place and beld In patients has had ulcen for 15 years, place by bolts and gUides, and then and Reslnol has belped her more than flIle4 with' concrete, wblch was m'xed anything else. She wtll continue usQulte l wet and in proportJon or one ot 11Ig It until cured. I have made some cemellt to alx of gra,\·el. These forma r.emarkable cures with It. were raised and filled each day un Kn. Agnea T. O'Nell, Somerville, Mau. the desired heIght was reached. There were strands of No, 6 gage I StupId Man. wire put In the concrete once every "M)' huaband has no Idea of the foot around, and around the building Cros. Section Showing Detail wan Talue of money 1" with an extra allowance over wtndows Construotlon. "Wn)" 1 thought he wu & careful and doors.: Also at the top of the wan business man." • double strand of wire waa put In all come. The contract price tor this "He tWnka 10, too. But be ahaothe way around In each four·lnch milk nouse ' was $250 plus the cost . FlU-Doctor. rm s~bject to vio- lutely doesn't feallze what a 10Tel), bat wall. ~ The window and door frames of tbe gravel and excavation and the lent fits of late and I wonder at Umea 1 can buy. tor ,.8.99." ' were set In place In the forml at ·d4mage to the lumber .whlch was aft· that I survive them. . lhelr proper locations and the con- erward used for otber purposes. Tbe Placed. Doctor-You sort of wonder at the crete placed snugly about them .' Mra. B.-Is ahe a Mary Jlf the 'finegravel cost about 30 cents a yard on survival of the fittest, eh T Ask to see tile Leather Co'Y~ clad cottage T When the side walls and partition the ground. 8he excavating cost le88 P~t Edition Mr". M.-No, a Martba ot the rubwall had been finished, a falle wooden than five dollara. I mportant t o Moth .... roof of 't he proper design was Pllt on Examine carefully every bottle of ber-plant fiat.-Harper'l Bazar, with a G'Ornl~ projection, but all was CASTOR lA, a sate and sure remed), for Lofty Ambition. Infants and chlldren, and see that it constructed In such a way as to be "What Is your ambition?" taken out entirely after a concrete Bears the ~---. "Merely to make more monoy than roof had been' put on and hardened. SIgnature of . • ~ my wife cJln spend."-Detrolt Free Over this false work the reinforcing In Uae For Over 30 Years. Press. stoel was placed and wired togother The Kind You Have Always BouPt. to hold It In ' proper place and tben Article Ie Found Aloq Tbe .danger 'from slight cuh or wounds the whole thing covered with 311,a Edible Coast ot SlaID and III Conllumlld Terlfled Hero. i. always blood poisoni.nlt. Tbe immedi· Inches of concrete, mixed one to tour, by Chlneee, Who Resrard 1& "Did you have any narrow escapee ate IlPvlication of llnmlins Wizard Oil and this was surfacod with a trowel . a Gr.at Delt40&40Y. makes blood poisoning imposllible. In the surt last summer?" flnlsh of rich .mortar one-baIt Inch "Yes," replied the life-saver. "One When to Forget. tl1lck. . It's a great accomplishment to be Edible nests are found In the Islandl Lady WhODl I rescued was BO grateful able to sing, but dOD't lose slgbt of the U )'ou· wo uld Increase your happl· Tho reinforcing . steel for tbJs roof that she nearly mar~led me ." · I Ilf t off the COllSt or Slam, and are the prol1eBS an d pro ong your e, orget your coni!l!Ited of three~lghth Inch Bteel fllct tbat !t's just aa great a one to china, burnt-wood. meta!t pi1low-~ eI , .l1e Ig bb ora · 't au It I. F orget th e sander 1 know YOIl can't. I'Ods 12 teet long which, were spaced ducls of 11 species of birds belonging 10 colors (rom photogr,apl\s. Men /iQC:C h'" h d Fe t to the taml1y of swifts. The nelts con· Pettit'. I;ye Salve For Over 100 Vears ful as women. Learned at 'once; n.o ta~, !fou ~vo ever ear. rge the eIGht Inches apart and extended from slst ' almost entirely of ' the saltvary . hns been ueed for e()Dlteated nnd infta.'11ed ~emptatlons, forget the faulUlnd·lng, the eaves up ' over tbe peak and they secretion ot these birds, whose sal,. . e.vel!, removel! film or lOCum over t.he evel. i'orabl~:' :''::,f..7.;:r:!':~~~~!r:!f;lce.IJ)o required. Takeslike ~ildfire ever1wbm\. . and gtve Itttle thought to the cause were bent at each end lo fit' down An dl'Uili.t. or Bow~rd Bro.;,Bulfalo;N.Y. lIaDwIallon,llIla"II'LlD.oureawlwlcoUc. :160& boW•• Send stamp quick for praticulars. .' k d I F ary ·glandB are much more devel(l'pt'd C. H.VALL.&llI()E ()PJll>~• .&lkJIaU.~ I"(hi ch provo e t. orget the pe- ~ver the root form, Theso rods were tllan tbose of tbe ordinary swift. T!Je The Dlfferenc•• • .-- =r .- , . . . .!." The best way to 11ft men Is to meet . once each ten Inches by a No. season for t he gath er Ing 0 f tue 1. Ted-Did he _.... .""'~r ""n 001,,_", ,eullarltles ot. your friends., and ' only crossed nests .. and them on a level. W. N. U" CI~CI,NI\IA't:I, NO. 8-1§1. remember the good points which make I) wire running lengthwise of the begins III Aprt!-, and euda In Selltem' marryT ,.OU fond of them. Forg.e t a 11 penon- roof and at each place of contact the Ned-No; he married uei sobered .al quarrels or hl.s torles you may have wire and roda were wired to~etber bel". . d SSt ' '• • "'~N'S lIeard by ' accident, and whleh, It re- wIth bl'Of)D1 1fIJ'e. • The female bird, occ:ullol1al1y assist· own.- .mart e. .... . ~ 1'J.~"La .' peated, would seem a thousand tlnies A chimney having' a flue 8x8 Inches ed by tbe mal~. makes the Ol!lIt. About FaIle. Maily womeo .• ufer Deedlelll, from 'irlboocl to womaD. Clerk-Thla Is an eight-day clocllt. boed ' IUId from motherhood to old a,e-with backac~e, · 'E otse' than they are. Blot out as far and walls tour 1I1chea thick was allo t~ree months . are spent by the ~lrll8 possible all the dlsagreea})les (If made In vlace wlt~ concrete. The out- In completing their first nest. ",hleb t. Mu.-phy....:.Q.wanl · It's a 101; ther's di£zioell or head.ahe. Sbe becomel broken-down, .Ieepe; they will come. but · they wlll sIde of the walls were f1ulsh~d first' ta~en b y tbe. ne~t gatht\Tor betore .egg. eonly slvln dl\ya 1& the ' wake I-Puck. I~... nervoui, initablo· and ,feel, tired frOID lDomio, to siow larger when you reml!mber by' rubbing them . with a rl.ch cement nt'/' laId In .It; then the b,l r.d s !~. Di,hl. When paiol aDd' ache. rack the wo.manly .,.tem .. !hem, and the constant thought of the ' mortar., put on wtth a w'o oden noat . meulately begl,n to make an~tber . neSl To flnlsb the momellt: . to find tbe f::eClU~Dt .intervale, .,ltUor . a60", . ,acts afmeanness; or, worlje stilt; inal· ind then by a ' coat ot :cement 'Wasb wl1leb Is fint.s hed In . !lbou~ t Irty. day~. 'Journeys' end In eaoh. stlip" or' the favo~l·te toe.wlii .only te!id to,.m~e you more 'p'ut on wttb a ' brush wblch msd' and wblcb Is also taken . . Finally. II road," to live the greatest ·l1l\mbfi.. · of , . . . . " e .a . tlllrd Dest Is .maile Ill',. abOut tbree . . . ,. _ .. fjUnUla.r With "them'. Obliterate every- !6fY pl~llslng flnlsh as "ell as a wa· , th In' which the ' bIrd fa allo'Wf'd ,ood hours ' la . wlsdom·,-!lIm£\rson. t t'IJ/s PHlJbI'lpUo,. b ••, orepllO y •• ,.., bee,. Ibfng disagreeable ., trom >:elterda7,; ·ter proof one. ,The/ Ins ide ~alls. were m~n s, Its 'rl~ . ·. rter wltlch ' 'lbl" . : .. , '. ". " ' .' Cririad ' ti.~/c.te• .,ea•• "a'IJ."vl,~cked womeJl~ , ,·.tart ~ut with .; .cl~ ,a,heet lor t~ .,al" plastere!! 1I~09th wlt!l ~Ich :Qe~ent . to · reF- I~S, 0 Each tamny .ot . ; ~ auj"of. the oPllllbn ,.t!lBrt th.~ ,mo~t by ,b"Jhund".d. 'o'; t~'ou.ands. aad tIJ/s .too . day, and Vlrlte upon Jt, tor · swee~ - !Dortar 'flull!b:ed pertect.ly smooth, n~st .s :so ~~ . I be : tht 'e " n t I hon~abI,. calling 1s to serve the pub-_ ',he;",.'v"cy iIJ.~,., IJomd .'t{lout the'" hav" memqri~l{ lake, only · Uioae , t14lh.p , The building -Is dlytd~ Ipfo,' t,!o . b\~~S t , us ~:eB n:Bts t~ken ·f.!:r\h Q ' UI? lui'll' to be uBeful tel :·mllny.-Mon. . .' Ind ·t o. s"bmlt to Indelicate qrieatlon/lJ.,s .IIII(I tW.hlch ~re ' l,ov~ &II~ lo~ble~-or,e,ou roOD;lll. "one five .f~et, stx Inoh~8 'b y ' oM se;o:t th~ . &ell8on are.:conaldere: ' ~~IgJ!~ ' ' . . . , i. ." G/~";'•.'.r~~Y "~"U'D t .Jta~IJ~UolJ•• i .' QburehmaII. ·t"",elve~f~t tn !I\a, t;ontu:tns ,the gnso: begtnll g. . '" . .'. " . .... v: • ,; . .' • .' i Sick w"lii"", 'are iDvifed to 'c~lUtuit io 'corUideoce b., fetter (rH. Actdreea ... · en'"'uo,· used " to run' Cl'eatn "e~ .~he be,st t \ -«;IuaUty,dlbl . ~'.' I ' . , .. Pd:I~" €1nnBlfllf,8TOll..pDAZA.O~~j~ . W ' cOt' I"'" ... di I AII~, ' R . V. . : P'ler~, . M • D., P re~ 't B " _ I N""" \·In'.. Ii' f'" InIf ro, I\' will. rettil!cl mOD", .f ... ~~ u • "". uls~sary lYI~ C1l ,.C u....o, .. , - .• arator . ftbd , churn and . any oUier m... · ~ MQst of these ,e.. e , n~st/l Ilr~ " c:~n· "~N'l' fa .to CUN alir, caM of lIoblnll. 1I11ii,. ' DR,. P.11~RC\\'" GlUT FAMILY DOCTOR . BoolJ., The People'.. OIDID"..,· 'SeolO '~blnery needed, Tb~ water healer 18 , euro.E~ b, tbe . Qhlne/le, whO .: . I'eglll'd ' . a e4lq·or·P~U'I1Il\J11J~l~'~.U&1•. . ClOt. MediC1l1. Adv~rl De~ly ~!iiea 'up-to-dde edition-lro(lO pi,a, aa.~era ; . ~laio In , tlils room. and It eAD ._tlO 'br . them not only !D! a great ~able de.II·. . !!!Very ~~ad' of ;,oid: II vah;n.bl~· PI",. Ii.,lis' bOlta" of delicate-<tnestioD!, w~icll every woman, .itl'I~- or. mal#~. 'Wled to I!tore nEledllcl :~ppll" .. The aoy, b'ut &1ao .. a vJ!.luatlle to.nlll·. ' . ' " .' :...: o"'~t (0 Ita.ow· .bOo.,;' seDt 'r~' ~o any .• cldm~ 0 0 reoeipt of 31' o~~~~. rtlat of tlie bulldlns Is ,lbe muie' ~dl{'lne~' lD 'l1euruthenla aOIl plalml) and 19 1a evel':)' ...ome~t of time. , St&iiap. to c~ver oo,.t of ~*"ppUJ' ~4 mllUat Olllj., iD freDcb cloth hiod ..... USI. -feet' In ~ '~d In It:: .. ' I:~ ' ~ dl.a~~..... It 'It ;~ tbat. t.h~ ~~OD. ' . ' I ._ " • : ( • .' ." . • : . • • _
~.~~ The Fanner'. Son'. . . .__·.._·O....•..····i...
Nothing Like
IU' ,..r: Dr.''P·ler'·ce'. s·
Presc·' r.·ptl·on
=~:-:;:'-'{D ~:r:'!.~°tb!i=:!l=.aq:~~ :. aDell ~Ie l~:::.:,o:l;:r~~. 'lfi .ti» "' ,"r ·JK!follt. .,
itutt.ef 06 ha...·. a ..parator IIuUIa -.t otbtr, . . . . .~....
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County Courts ';o;nmon Pleas Court.
Re8J Estate Transfer..
The Ineti,t ute
El mer E . I:)ea~ and otller het rs· in.' I aw of the late Jaoob O. Seara, de It blls been tested thoroughlY In ev' oeased, to J oshUa: C. anli Amelia erv ' ~tat.e in tbe U. S. aod is not
ria Silver, Mre. E~08lt Bot&erwortb, Mra. Carl Doke, Frank , Squlre8, Walter Wilson, Frank Zell. Repor' adopted, Rtl Olt~tlon, "Seeto' Things at Night," &l:1S8 Editha Maoy. Enoore. "Six ',l'imes Nine. " Vooal solo, Mtst! Agnes Borniok . Dr, tabl l' in answer to a questlou conoeraing ' baoterla sait, "AI falfli nnd olover baoteria were differ ent, and the best way to innoouillte f r ,I\fa}tllo WIlS to prooure 80il from au lill alfalfa field and S , IW 100 to 500 pounds per aore by hand. Government oul&ures were not generally f ucc,.ssful ·" State speakers pronounoed this the best Institute of the yellr. Lo. oal visitors say the best ev'er beld In Waynesville. Adjourned to meet at call of t be pre Ident,
SUTHERLAND'S EAGLE EYE SAU:Good for Nothinii but tho fovea
D it. H. E. HATH A WAY ~\, ~.) 'l esville's Leadin~ Dell"'. ()ffice in Keys Bldg. MIllO
Undertaker'and Embalmer, I
Will be tonnd in the Old &nk Building. opposiitt the National. Bank. Telephone in house and or. fioe where J can be oollAd day nr night. Valley Phone 14-2. Main Stfeet. Waynesville, Ohio
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar,-Honev ,
For Coughs' and C~ld!M
. --
Add,... NIIW' Y~K CLIPPIIR New 'to,k. H. 't.
f !;II!:. 7 Qfi.t ,,~'Q , , :: ~' w ar,e
. . \: vould like to'supply •• I, U T able with this high"'udt: silverware free . of . ~ost, write us for our spe, cia] ' offer. Address
STA~~RD FASIIION 1:01Pm Str~~ YOrk. y• 12:16 Vandam
----- ..
'that- we I.mOOt! nth' \ E. ' V. ' BARNHART, pill' age of ~ pur's U law ,t il prc" , Notary Public , ven t t.he spr ! tliog of no~iou El W II 8eed . Resp otfullv s nbmll;t d Ali kh.HIM llf N 'Jtltt'.V WOl k : P e nS11 n E B . -'olviu Work l~ ' p uiult,v. Committee) W 'I' Ifrl1llle (Mrs lJ'. P. Jonot!
Roger, property i'n Burveys'b urg, something'new." In "Clover BoOS~8" aDd other valuable ooolideration. he made this statement, that clover Court Proceedll1lts. Andrew T. Rettig to Frank 'l'al\lIo- OIln be made a oartain orop by mulohferr o, 19.U2 acres io Franklin town- Ing ~ rowiDg whet,'t in the winter Tortured for 15 Years Divorce Wll g r!lnted N ra Dakin s hip, '1600. , wit h strnw or mllnors, about three ,by a our de'f yi ng s l,omu h tro ub '~ frolD Jl\m PM W: D!l.klo f)0 gr ouftd b'rlmk L MUler gUllrdiun of War. 10t\ds to the aore, then flowing o,lover tU lt t bnllied d ootor", Ilnd r istt'd of gross negleot and plaintiff I r e- reD .1. Miller and Dorotby M. Miller io the usual way . Be t ben oontlDall remedies ne tri ed, Johu W. M od 8tured to her Dlllirl eD ulima of Noru. minoTs, to Mabel B. Uinwiddie, Qed lJy giving bisleoture on 'J' uber. der , of ModdersvllJ , Mlon , se6m tJd Ca.spersoD. doumed. He h"d t.o !lell hit! til r ill proper .:y \n Waynesville, , O~. oulosls: Has caused m ore deaths aud give up work . His neighhor .. Laura Bl1rlllq is ~rUD l tld 0. divoroe Ralph B. Parks administrator ot tban ~ll wars of the world. In sliid, "be OBD't livo muoh ll)nl,{er ,. fr olu Wolter Harlan on tho grounds tbe est.ate of Kltiie D. Loehr to tbe 19th centuTY thirty millions "Whatever I II te dis trea ed me," lHI of gro@ negl ect and I given ou to ~ wrote, "UH I tried Eleot.riu Blt&ers, Mary E. Diokey, property in Frank- died of it. In 1909 there were 60,73L dy of ohildren on ~2 50 per week wh loh worked s uoh wonders fllr m e lin , 13275. def\ths in Ohio, !lnd tbe state rate in thllt I olln now eat thlnlls I oould alimony. PrlsolJla A. Cllmpbell by Frank Warren Oounty 149. Is oaused by not take for yeurs, Its surely Berthll Roger" is granted dIvorce P Forgy, sheriff to MiamiRburg 8. sma\} baollll, is hereditary in rare n ~ rand rfl medy for stomuoh troubl e from George W . Rl)gers pn grounds JIlHt us gnod fur the Iiv r lind kidBoilding & Loan Assoolation, prop· ollses only, but is oommunioated by of extreme oruelty and plaintiff is neys Every bottle guaranteed , erty in Franklin '22UO , infection . Only 50c !It Illl drugRil'lts granted oDstody of minor obUd,efl B. T. Ilnd Margal et A , Carnahan Orglmized oommunitiep oan stump .--- - Demurrer 8ustained aDd plaintiff to H . M Ever on, 104 aores in Bar it oqt, it ift not Inaurable, and 70per A Tough Boy. given 30 d"ys In wbioll to ameud biR WUlle Smith. a boy of fOll,rteeo COMMITTEE'S REPORT bo township, ' 1 aud otber oons ider. oent of oases will r eoover if taken in petition in OHse of Huse Bone VB . yeora old, \Ivlng ,near Coosa, Ga.. Wall Ii tlOns. time . For eXllmple explained a 01lge We the oommittee on resolu tionl.' dowa rd Collet.t, admlOistr l1tor. Louisa D. Robinson to Emmt\ 0 of his own, the patient a ROIall boy appointed by the President of t 1u' driving a. mule team across the rail· roa4 track..... hen the engine of a fast Gourt orders tllat Jeoords s h ow Bridge, lot in FrllDklin, 11 Ilnd other was restored to bealth by cold fresb W aynesville Fllrmers' InstUut. bpg train hit him. The mules were killed. oo rr~otiun of deed in OIlse lIf Anna oousiderutlons . air, 'rest in a horizontal position, lellye to report the foHowing for the wagon demoltshed, flnd' Willie W8.1 t'ltookton VS . Willium ,R F , Stookftunr a dIstance of 70 feet Into a coro· Albl1nous and Bertha E . Pears('n good food, aoid fruits, toasted brend oo.siderlltion : ton et al . fteld. When they went after his dead to Estbar P Steddom, 125 24 Bores He also advised tbe use of rhW eggs. Resolved, That 001' thanks art' body they found 111m BItting up and in furtleoreek towllship 11 and buttermilk, oream when patient Is New Suits due and are hereby tendered to the wonderinl what It was all about. He other oonsi<lerutions. strong enough to assimilate it. Do tltate Spell kerR, for &be interestlDg had ,two or three bruises. but no bones Marthll Doherty filed sai t Ilgninst E tber P Steddom to Hersohel not exolode (lunligbt. Take oold were broken. When Wl11le geta a 1Il. and masterly way in whioh tbey tie older he c~ play with dynamite. Jobn M 'loy, as ex ouwr of tbe e8 Isaao FIRher, 12624 8cre8 In Turtle- Ila\bs ia mornings and keep the tr ultt-ed the various toplos IIoS per ~--tate of Robert Cook, deoeased, and oreek townsbip, '1 and otber oon mind ocoupied. program. The Rev. Irl Hicks 191 I Almanac all hie heirs. Petition deolares that S,i derlltions. Musio. plano, Miss Edith Crane. Resolved, That we wish to tbank p'lper purporting to be the Illst will W , B. Hopping Ilnd W. Z. Roll Mr. 1". Lindley Mendenhall in Tha Rev lr1 R Blo):s Almanao Ilnd testllm8nt of tllf~ 1.te Robert to Benj!l.min T. Workman, lots on the "Ontloo1:t for the Young Man in \ir Sorfa~e, a Wayn,;, township for 1911, that Itu!lordlan Angel in produot, DOW of the state departCook 11100 in UOllrt. Deoember 8, 1910 University Heights, and other Agrioulture," sllld, "Agrioulture lEI a unnd red thons,\nd b'ome!!, Is now if! not tbe lu ~t will and testament oonsiderations. oot an easy rOlld to suooeS9. Jodg ment of Pe~nsylvllnia, for bis Ilbltl reAdy . Not mllony are pow willing unll pruvs thu,t B;tme .be set lI.8ide. William E. and Margaret MoE) ment und eduoation are n ecessary and instructi.e talk .on the trf'lltbe .witbout it and the RflV 11'1 R. • Willard J . Wright is attorney for fresh to Thoma8 Smith, property A higher level of prices offers a fnir ment of fruit trees . for his grat,ul • Hloks Magazine, Word and Works tous information io regard to t,he plaintiff. In Roohester, '675. living . Honesty intelligenoe and 'l'betwo ar~ only One Dollar 8. year First National Bank at Loveland, good moral habits neoessary to suo- oom.x>&t\l(Io of various inseotloides. Th '3 Almanao i8 350 prepaid. No Cominlsslooers' Proceedlo&s. IIond hiS prop08ed method of battllng tlleli sUit AAC'!-Iust F. S. Starkey and oes.. O. S. u. experiment Station , bome or offioe sJ:oonld fail to send ti. B. Woodward to recover 1250 on Bi11s-B~, Wade & t:ions Co, Winter Coorse8. Extension Schools with the San Jose soale. for t.hl'm , t.o "'" law. 8upplie8 for auditor, 11S.30 j rubber at\d Gov . Bnlletios, are aids in tbe Rellolved, That we ext nd to prom Is80ry nu t e R 0 b er t '1. '" Word and Works Publishing Co., h .n an d Airr ad N . P ax t on are a t ' bantl8, '2.50', Western l'elegraph study of drlloinllge, plant food8, etc" Rev. ClldwalJader oorsincerethanke St. Lonls,M o. j 'ff . torneys for I)1alntl Co."mes81iIte fOT oommi8sioners,.u ,,11 mo'!!t apply these helps . Field for ger.loes rendered . Izatta Sears filed suit again8t EI cent8 ' Barrett Brothers blanks tor is l>eoomlng wider. ,OrKanizaUon fte .. olved, 'fbat wa fe01 troly inmer O. SeaTS for divor:oe 'on grollnd proba~e judie, 12.70 j The Western oooel!~(Jry to advanoement. A farm- d bted ,"0 the Waynetlville Orobes ~t extreme ,Oroel~!. Petition s.t atee ~tar, stationerf for ooroner. 14,60,: er's work is alwaYI before him, the trll for 'th'e many e xcell en t Dum ber8 that coaple ~e~e married ~AprtJ 22, Dombao'gh ' & Bolmer plumbing tl.t best of toods inRure him health and ~Iveo tor tbe entertuioment Of. th p Bla~_oheeter, Pl!lintUI oourt hoose, ,150 j repairs at oourt strength. No business 8urer or 1n titote ' 1880. . at Resolved, That tb ID "tltut" prllY· for sepllrlltton and restoratioo boose, 1125; VaHey Telephone Co ., safer. Sooial and intelleotual opot mlliden' name of lzatta Johnson . reuts and tolls, $2.50; Rebuilt 'l'ype portanlth'8 better ,than 1n aoy other owes a debt of gratitude to t.bf' Br~ndon & IVins at~ attorneys for writer 00:1 olet.tling Rnd repa iriD 8 profession. " Mr. S. L. Car&wrtght readus, musioilLns and all wh o (I " plaiotiff, " .. typewriko1'8, 17 j Osoar B. Cllln, oon , asked cbat Ill'. Mendenhall's' p&per f\bly !lnd willtnily donated their ADd ...e Oweetlon 01 lion Eggs .. Interestln. , John Lehr A~ Iu:it Ctg~in!l~ ~nn!lltrao~, 130 72 j Uregonia Brld,e Co be published. A motion to publish servloes in forwarding t~ll! meetiug You ,c.nnot force a fowl be,.ood ' ·DURN I!:rtel, B,man Ertel, Tliomae firet e8timate .800' Ed Besohler ouried . Reso,h ed, Thltt e~n(le to thelntelll Ita vltaUtY, but ,.ou caa keep tbat vltaUtY at Ita blabelt J)OIDt aod ' Ohrts~.ie and T~e Citizens Nationa' bridge repair~ Frtl.~1rlin townshiP: Mosio, piano, Miss ,lJ,uth Miller" genoe and oonseqa~nt prosperity of belp a..lmllate tbe'foodatbat p,1Oo duce tbe eaa• Bank of Lebaoon to reoover 1500 OD IS6. W H ~Iegfried nails · IS 57 . Tit ted 11 h tbe agriooltorl\l olass.tt, we owe all note Thomas 0 OhrllJ- . , ' , . " . ' . he pres den reqoes a W 0 Promiuor" . ' C:ONKEY'S J • , ' James Fallen ar., salary 11.8 Jlloltor, "Ilnted &n tnstitote next year to our permaDf!nt pro8perlty' as a p n , LAYING TONIC .Ie ~8 attorn,e y for...Plaliltltf: ',; 160 i Raymond Harshbarger, salary, stllnd Vote almo8t onanl~oos pIe, we favor natnre stad" and tU«<1M 'IUIh baUblD If. Ii I. n~ a food aD4 140, "~'e"eding aDd eare of Live Stook," riOllltural edocation in '. or rurlll h .. DO fillur. bllt mix" wl~ JOIa 01IU Probate Courj. food ollppb at home p~I"" O. 'D Wagner. .. A yoong mun sobools. , U It Were Dot lor Bca..... Life Saved at Death's Door ..." I IF. . . . _4 8ID••" ' _ Ida M. Grtel!t was appointed ad. who CAn 'poUime, thought and monResolved, That we are in favor I l., u... ..Oll ldbe 0U7. OOlClln"·&aab .. YDlG To1l10 promotOll ...tlri~ .. lea miniatretrtx of tb.e estate of T. E "J never felt so near my grave, ' ey Into live stook Is not handioapl)ed of BOY aol1l111 thin~8 that tend to "'~ ooooum. the b . .tlna·t~ la \he tes blood. noet~fooda ladu... oJ.::r1ah. ' tiond of 110,0. iWrit R ,. as Patt oompetition. Fert.i1ity r.he up-building of the oommun\t.v. I Griest. deoeaaed, ng on, WI"ex. w her80n, eo a °ftr i gWhteflJ' u l by V1ealtlav J . c::..-r:sor~b.!i~ I':.e~~':':a~ D. Q. Ronyan, admiDitttrato.. of ooogh and lung trouble pulled me i8 nev:er retained oDless live stOCk, ~he improvement o~ eoolet.y Rnd the IDd \he heD hal '" lAy. P.ICES-l~ IbsJ 2Sc; Sl( Ibl .• I5Oo; the eetate of John ' AJoc8nn, de dow.n to 100 ponnd@, in spite of doo- is kept. Three thio~8 neoessary. making of good oitizenship 7 Iba" al; 26-lb. Pall, II. oeased, filed hta tIrst and final ao. tor', trea.tment fpr two y.eare. My breedinK, good oore and good feed. Resolvad, That the omoers are ODI' ~aana.e·-f~'~~~'= 1~'1.t ,1_1ou. we .111111.. 7OQ~ _ , IIIIcII ooont. . ~~t:::~=;~~~~::.~~~atS~S!~&a~:~ tng. Feaders ~ave ohanged meth- to be oommanded ~or the aarnest, I. 1r\\h0ll' I QIl..uo ... AIk for Coo key'. Book OQ Po.... In the case ot N . . A. Hamtlton tOday i8 doe eolely to Ur . King's ods The corptodllble animal ie the zealous, and perslRteot mllnner in try. FrOG to you . administrator th'e estate of WtlUam New Dieoovery, whioh oompletely profitable animal. Observe regu whioh they condnoted the Institute For 81110 by T. "rker, de.c eased . against John oared me. Now i weigh 187,poundA larlty In feeding and waterloff to ~ soooessfol i8sue. T. Parker, ej, ~l. COnrt ·l{I'snted ;~r~~~e ~:I~k w:~~e,a~~r:~I'~:8g :~! Fattening animals and work horse8 Resolved, Thllt we recommend the adminlltrator ' leave to sell per· best. remedy on ear'h for ooughs need more w~ter and oft~ner io som- Friday and S 1'tordllY aA the days of I 80nal proJl8rty in-Order to paydebte ooids, lattrippe, astbma, oroup, and mer tban in winter~" Yoong ani tbtl week for holding foture instt. Appraisers or, the ~tate of Ro~rt tI.~1 throat a~~ long troobles. 500 m~18 shoo1<l have 8helter In sommer totes. , Oook, deceased filed-their 'report ot ~od 11.00. ?r1al bot\le free Guar. as well liS in winter, ' MY,ble temResqlved, That we favor the ~======""======== . aesete as 115,336.59 and liabtUtleli a8 anteed 1:,ya I dr~~I~te. perature ,is importaot,also good ven governmeqt'., makiqg a tair trtar ,o f Dr~'. Bell's Antiseptic~alv$ 1118.07. J. B. K-ohlhig, ~orvJvtng , , tilati'on. Must have olmfortable tl,te Paroels Post. Oood for all Skin Dlsea~ partner . of tbe deoeasoo purohases J~ry Service In ,Dlck.n .. Tim ••, bed; use mooh l1ttel' to.abeorb liqoid.. , . ..' If It'. near dinner Ume, the tore. . " property paying casb ,at appraJs~d man take8 out hi. watch when Shred ,fodder, beoaul4e more O&D .be value and ,gives bond to pay debts, the JUJ'7 have returned and lays: stored In smaller space and is easier Sam D. Henkle, . exeoutor of the "'Dear me, genUemen, teo minute. to tn handle. Torn oot for exeroile eR&aM of George W; Henkle, de , five, I declare! I dine at flve, gentl&- wben wtlllLher is fh. Exeroi8e not , men." "So do I," Ian everybOdy 988eed, filed hie first and final ao elle eJ:cept two men who ou&ht to so necessary for fal animals. Period oooot. . ' han dined at three. and Hem more of geHtation in hogs, 16 weeks, sheep, . William Hankinson, g~Q.rdilin of t than half dJapoled to ltan4 out In 147 days. be theD explained the the e8tllte of John W. Irwin, filed consequence. The foreman ImUel, different outs of beef by use of Ohihis tleventh accoont. and put. up his watch: "Well, gen· oogo beef ohart. Feed to make ' . Uemen, what do we s&y1 Plain~ff, d&Coor~ sraots righ\ to se11 cert.a in tendant. IrutlemenT 1 rather think the most meat on tbe high. dell.Kol&ted stook to Ho"ard P . Et\r· 80 far .. 1 am concerned, gentlemen est prloed part of the animal Iyand John B. Penoe. exeoutor80t· '-I AY I rather think-but don't let bnok, rump,' Sirloin and roond. the eetate of Martha D. Penoe, de- , that Influence) ou-I rather think the Same gain oan' be made by Jersey . plaintlff'l the man." Upon thIs two d' h ceased. , l or three other men are lure to 1&7 steer. on the same feed an tn t e Fralllrie A. Dunham W&l! appoint they think 10, too-al of coW'ae they same time IlS In Angus Hereford or ad adminjstrlltrix ot t,he estate of do; and then they get on vel'7 unnnl- Shorthorn, but in oheaper parts of Elizabeth Jaok, deceased . mowy and comfortably.-From Dick- animal. Do not onderfeed. Nine Evelyn Sage Burns, Ildministra- enl. out of ten f"rmers underfeed be. trix of t~. estate ot J . M . Borns, ' joause they want sOlne" feed lett to d~oeaeed, filed her inventory and ap · BHlghklHata Bring Fat Feel. sell. Pusb tbe feeding prooess as A roo Yll clergyinao who II Ita. ptaisflment. , Uooed In' a parish that adJOln1 a large rapidly all possible. Valoable part 'It.'! Demo- thenes Weer resigns ae a<1. cemetel'7 11 called upon frequently by of, a feed Is protein, Oil weal oon. ~ " mini~tra&Or of, the el'tllte of James ! the cemetery authoriUes to read the tains 35.4 per cent, ..lfalfa 14 3 per ~. Weer, deceRlled, and lIame is Aooept burtal lerviee at grawl or perloue oent, cotton sead 23 per oeot or more f i ed aft~t"' filing his acoount of admia- . nWehcouse relaThtfve~f havfe ~~I Churc~ hcon . pr:>tein tban all oommeroial feeds , .• ODS. e ees or "t' I wor& ave istration. bee~ surprlslu,ly large anel recently Oommerc.illl feeds are too high In Edward C. Weer was appointed the clernman haa begun buylnr a price. • IldlUini8tr~tor de bonis now of tbe house OD the Inatallmtlnt plan. hi answer to a 'question by Mr estate 'of James H. Weer, deoeased At a loclal gath~rlDg of olflrnme~, H. VBndervoort Ml" Wagner 8ald . when the , dignity of their oSBcee tor · " . , IIot bond of 11500. the Um~ wu forlOtten, thll parlOD' that shredd~d fodder w~s not a dan. was jokingly ,accused of "'lIviDI OD' gerona feed. ,. ' .. "~rrla&e Licenses. dead , ~en.~' He 'dflJi~ed th. ·charge, but: Mr: 8, II . ~nook announced', t1!e admitted that he. all"'&71 wore a: aUk' progrlUil of 'the"llxtenslou"&hbol 'to' " ' :.. " . , - . e • , hat when ,caUed"upon to ,oftlctat:e tor OS08r Burnside, 2(, farmer of !ltrangers .beoause he, h&d coni. \olncS ' be all ~bllnon the VI eek, of. Ja.~~ary Leba~OD And Elva Beroavy, 21, pf that the bJ,her: the 'hat' the Ia:raer tlae 23.-d. · . ,.,'' , t... " ' COmmittee 00 , Domlnatiooi pre' .! 4asco. , . Arthur.,M. Potteng"r, :U, farme" . • - • s~bted the · followJn~ .Dain.,. •• o.~ ,. ot<OamlUon 8;nd Mary ~oUowe.J1, ' . ,Eozema . 081'11 for· the .,CQmiag yeai':' P*" o l F ra~~. -~li Is considered hard' to oure, T'ry P . ..... . • ,0 ," ' D ' ' .u' r Clagett; viae-pres.; Barve, Thopm& M. Pn/{b,. 61, of Olive, ,:,rl~ ~:~Oeg:;~~~Pt~l:~~e;:ud ~1~ Bt;1~~.t i &eo'y,.: J. Lt~dle1 ~~Dd~n~ BrlDoh an~ Ida Iifiller, 46, of Mor- see aD Improvement from i,h e rhan f treae ., W. I:'., Cornelt.:" row, Itppl1oatiOD., · : ' ..: ~eo\lUve' Oom~t~ke: IIr•.;lIor-
,. 1'1
Y ourSale Bills
. Printed {or you in a good s.lyle, black i~k, gO,o d w.ter proof tag board, and ready for you when prom18~C1; ' ~o · delay. One p~ice to all. , Do . ~~t',' g~t the~' until, ~Ou· le~ .it. an~ ,g et bur pr.~e8~
I H~ . p.........N·J¥\IS......"i"
~~~~~~~ I ~.~~~~~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. TilE .MIAMl GAZETTE 'SNAKES WERE HARD TO KILL . . Pllhllsli\ld
a~ Wh>'IIOllvlll~, ·· )hlo Reptllq From Brazil We re . Fro;cn ....1 , . Stiff on Shipboa rd but· Ravl ed
W', IU)'
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M',\[ "
l ' ftll:1!:'I'
The ~ Range for W'oman's.Comfort
L . J\
Whon Put in Wa rm W~tor~
~o. 1 1'~
! naturalist o~ told how',. In a H ere's good news for the women of this town. thloket Gn Ii mOllntalnsid e uo saW f1 ; We have sec ured the aSfoency her.e for the famous D. L. ~ : RA E, Ed it r Man ager man lUll a rattlesnake. Be bo<~t til. ~ ,. , lite out ot It with a clull a lld ·con· Moore R ange-the handIest ran ge ever made , The ' - -' - - - ' - - - , c - - ' - -- " - tl nued tbe Iiollndin g l!n II It was man. M~ore .Ran ge practi ally cos ts you nothing. The Ra tes of .S ubscription . gled beyond recogn ltl on. Wbe n tho ' --~.. savlOg ' 111 fuel It affo rd s not only pays for it. hilt 1lI You r (H lrl·Uylnatll' llIIc· l . .. . . .. . S I.OIl ~aturallst rem on strated tho IUIIDsald: BV,.. 11: . BE AR. : rea ll y pays you a profit soon afte r y u. buy it. Singlo '\lIly . .... .... ... ... . · .. .. ... . . 0;1 BOs~: you can 't kill a ratUcH nake too Dcpar tment of Agrlcullural Chern : : ,. _ _ _ . dead. 1 ISlry, Ohio 'illale U. Iversl y . .. On one oC!nuslon l\ bout bou nd fo r • Rates of Ad ,'e rti Hin g the Un ited State!! from Rio do Jo.' 1 1Ir1lr************·*Ir*~""""-1r It Ullug l..oClllM, " ilt lIuu ...... , . ,. . .. 1Ir. nol ro touched at Pernam buco. where In the fee din g .01 4ullnlU" oIlll ,; b R ndlng LucniM. lillie', (1If' • P t 111111. • .. 1l(' the mate drove a bargain with a SliMe str 58 is laid on t he balan cing ot t he IIUItiUJed Alls. not to e. •:0 , II\" liue:!' dealer tor a half-dozen rep tiles or raUon. It has been round by e ~p er l· '1'1I1'1lO luBonlon! . ... , . . . . . . . . . l O Ol)iLullrie8, nve 111 '1"", lroe; O\'or 0"" I' var Ious sizes. mont that It Is possib le to get a ra· Incllllll, ilCr IIno .. . ... . , ." .. . . 0(' The .ma te had th e m In a cago on lIoll which wil l produ ce a rl'lore e l:o, Moore's Controller Damper not onl y c o ntr ll !'l th e II em: art! of LhlInks .. . . . . , .. ..... , . .. , ... . 2~ deok, and charged a sullo r ~vlth tile I nornlca l gai n In th e fall nlng ot ho!;s but controls the oal. It p sit ivcly saves one-third of I he Htl8Olu~loU8 ............. .. .. .. . .. , . .. OUI duty or was hing It ou t wit h sea wale r I than corn wil l when us d alolle. fue l. And Moore's R anges nr c t he only r :l11 j,;' s II:! vi n g til i ~ Socials et.c. whore charl!~ Is Ill udu .... . .. 26c e very evening. All w n t well as long F il rs t ell us t ha I thi s Is becau se cuntroller damper. DI8pll~Y Allvurtialug pur Inch ...... , .. , . H)C as the weather WIlS mild, bllt on tho ('OUl 16 hi g h !n ca rb ohydrat!l and Moore's Everlasting Fireback enables yU'.l t burn coo.1 DIBcoIUl\" glvlm au (:outmet. nJght betore th e gult stream was re lal lve ly low 10 prot In. This would cosl ing at least two·thirda l es~ l ha ll 0:1.1 crossed the sailor le tt a Quanti ty of I lid us to th ink t lla t tlle re must be used in other Ta nges. It offC!'rs n st III fur· water In tho cage and, abollt 30 hours 11 defi nite ratio bHween the carbo· ther saving hy provicliu}{ f(l r Ihe bllrning IrEUR UAHY 1. 1911 . from port. u. bltlng gal e struok the hy dra' 's a od pro in wh ich Ie bes t up u f Ihe slUo ke antl so" l , t11l1~ g iving shIp. fol' I lle animal Bal a n Ing the rr.tlop Y"U th e aclvantn!{e o [ th e extra IH~ ul: nil A U hands wer bus y with lhe storm , m >a ll s chnosl ns f eeds wh ich . wh n I enahli ng YOIIultorange su v o tOil your f lll·smoke1. W it h III is wonderf here is nf) The boawl.t' r ',", " t o r y of hi to Itf!' II- and th e snakes we r e forgotten. Wh en t d tog til r to th E: anim a l. will give • D O sool-no ~a s. You c·/t o kee p yo nr too tDuoh lill e th t! blllto r lCli 1 n o v lthe mate thought of th em and wen t to t ll15 dc.>t\nlte rall oll th Ol.l the nnlma l kitchen s potle, s. Moore Ra n ~es last longer because tll y arc th e unly rallg e~ m a de haviug orn alone Is not a bal· th ree·w a ll construction throughout. one part truth tu t brf'(~ plIl· tll fi l3 t./ oll look afte r theIr condition. he tound I' qulr .. them troll en stiff, and appar ently as anc ed ratio n becau s ~ It conta ins lOO dead as the prove rbial doornail. mu c h cal'bohydrut s tor amoun t Oranulated Eye LIds Tbe dealer tor whom the mate hlld ot prot In. Tanl(a ge. on th e ot he r Let 11 5 sho\\' nnd ,?xplnln to you lho mony 8ul\Crlor clenn c8 t.lI ~ht cs t and most ~lInil"r)' 011 the mArket. are t'asll y our ed"':"Ullu8110 It; not n ee brought them came on board the ·fol. hand Is not a bnlanc d ra tion be- ' leatur!:8 of Moore a Oven- how It absolutely pro· oUlI'htlo sec thu O". DThormomctorCu;dc 0 0 . ' , ' I vcots deod spots." nnd how the Clau Oven Door thYou is stove. It wn ~ prepa red by Mr" Snruh Tyson e8s_ry 8 uth fl riolld'I'I ElIgle E). lowtng day. He protessed great dis. (au se It Is rc lath e l y IIl gh In prot in . ,,\'crCOIl108 the necessity 01 Opening th o OVCIl Rod Rore r. Ihe uckoowl",liretl loronl ost couk 0 1 Ihueol1 n' Stl}ve Is Pai nl e!!8 lind bU.rm!Eis8I1r ll appoIntment over tbe loss ot his I n. DUI corn and ~an Ilage rell togtl t be r 10.log heM every thllo you want to 6eo thceoudltloo try, exclusively for Moo re's RIIII!:" . It I:"'c~ lhe 0 1 lhe load Inside. ti me required nod Ihe heR t nece'sn ry 10· bnkl ng nil Everlostloll Flrebock gOlua nteert to 0 1'11 e fittH Jl v tlr tended purohase, but offe r ed to take give a proper balance. Then t hc re'~ the nlckel·plnte!tQven raei< (Iho onl y kinds oC fmld. Don't miss SeC In!: t hlM mar\,olous failed on Il oose . 0 0 t 2fio the snakes away as a kindness to the Pl a nts Need a Balanced Ratio n. one 0 0 the U16rkl!tJ nod the slumlolz d OV l! n, the rnnl/o. Cull now wblle ou r stuck I. c<Olllplutc. mate. He gathered tbem In his arms Moor,,'. Ranlle. can be had In either Ca.t Iron or St.,,/ TIl e same thin g h; tru 10 tile r .d· D lm't fead IIU t 1111 the olo vAr -t o Uke ao much fire wood and carried In g of plants. Anyon of l he Ie· the O\lWft. ' /lv e u nioe lot· tOl' t,b e them home. 'But a rival dealer after· meu ts ordi narily found In fe rti lizers, sheep . rh e y will get us much. good ward told the otDoer tbat plenty of I. . nitrog n, phosphorus. and poout of it It,; uoy Roilll lt l on ~h~ farm warm water had relusoltn.ted tbe t asslu m, when appli d to a Boll, Will ·snakes, and ' that th ey had been sold Increase the cro p. WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES to various museums not a bit tbe At Ibe Wooster Expe rlm nt Sta· Antlaeptlc Remedies AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION worse for their "death" by freezlng.- tlor!, ultrog n applied by Itse lf on lhe det\troy dtllelU!e germs, Dr , B e ll'~ FEATUR ES. St: Augustine's Cathohc Church. Harper's Weekly. crops In th e fiv c· year rotatio n bas Anti . Pain is an antiseptlo rem lJ d~ T he Exl llsloll De pnl'tment or the ____ • __ given a g ross gain at $8. 0 per rota· Fntber George Mn"eoboefer , PadtoT GonGtd.lIlJ. for externu I and ext-erUlLl puins, r E'. Cooll F.ctut.ln· MMS ey rv SOOOJ1d Sundnl' of l be mon th a Falls Vic t im to Thieves tlOD per acre ; rhos phorus applied Coli Jp; of Ag l'l 'ulll!n has b e n en· lief Is almost In8t~n'ILDflt)n8 . t:;old l1Ienl,AClh.c lJIC 01 abl d, I>y II 'clal appropriation made \I : UU a . w. Dis \Vita and 111& aands S. W B Dds, of COlli it,y, Alit, alone bas give n a gross gai n or by IlJl dAIL1 e,.~ , 'l'h ~.e or II". t lltJ' U- Which by lh I'l.sl I glRlatllr , to carry its .wlll 1Ul\lo n. man or y ,ur boy. bU(I fI, jtl tltil1 bl e g ri evllDoa Two $16.48; potas h applied by Itse lf has St, Mary's Episcopal Chur'h. t ea chIn gs to v' ry Ohi o fnrmer and Se~\l ro hi»11\"01): lil t ·re.t lU,d ,vhole· l ome developtn _nt Ly U lvlJ l ~ h im Millions 01 ponods of w01)1 are im tlli v.es s t o le his h ea lt.h fo r twelv H g iven a gross gain ot $6.40; but when hou'3e wlte. flev . •1. Ir. nrl wal1l1doT. n oel!'l . rl'hey w e r e It )I ver Ilnd k id all at these mate rials we r e applie d ported 801.lol111y t o s upply the hom I' yeurs The AMERICAN BOY Agllc ulturnl Ext ns lon .Schools of I ' ullday uhoo!' 0 ::10 Il . m Morn ing ser ney t,r o u b l e Th (' n Dr Ki n g's N ew together, the hI ghest gross gain was Filled wllh line tII. alnlf whtch fn.rln.teo b u)iS' fiv e days ach hav e b en g ranted In ,' VICC, lu :OO a. m. Hul), Commu lllon lbe firat demand . Why not grow tbis wool. LtfePi1l ~t hrottl t' d them E.x c.~ \la nt atones of adventure. tru vel. hlltory 8e' .ve il $39.72 pel' acre In one rotation. No Suuc\uy of enclJ moo~b. , . an d curr nt vent •• Phot05rrDphy, ' 1f1 "'.,., .81e(l· on o ur OWIl ~n\l' 'Ind p the money no~ , Unrivll!'~d f or Uoostl ptl~ion, one of the thr' e Was by Itself a bal· t rtetty. CArpelltry, . pertl . lI0lnes. Te ns bOll Jusl whal to do alld now to do tt. O..."Ulull, lIlulIroled. And c 'Cry line In hanneny with relined Methodist EpisCopal Chura.. M I rill , l:I e tl.daoh e, Dyspep s il1 25c anced r allon, but all applied togeth· in the f lllllll ,V? a t, ttl! dru !!giRt.!I r : whlle not exactly a bala nce d ra· ~~~~I~':4\I~:d :~g:~: :v,~-:eoJ.e)'~:,:.\~~~ .. Rev. H.. W. Blllley, Putol . ~~---.--_ _ __ ___ tlon (no one knows e xactly what con· a ll news.trJand. al iD cent.. 'unday chool, 0 : to a, m . Morning lIer' 80methlng . duet Ae Cood TII£ lPUIlII£ rutIlSKIJIG ttl. 108 vlcc. 10 :UO a . w . Epwor~h Longue, 1 :00 p . tltu les stich a ration tor plan tg) ga ve Clln on ly lit' tb El 00, wu a n it· i, WHAT THE STRING WAS 'FOR st he m. ~vc nln g service , ';' : 00 p , 10 . Mlctwoo\r he!\t ret I\ l'n5. Pr \yer lIf oetlDI!. 7 p . m. /I n o Ille r bot t I.> of r. Bto ll ' Ptn('. Manure la Not a Balancod Ration. 'l'l1r-ti o·l.I .v E f'ry bottle Ihl' "u mE'. Forgetful CItIzen Thoullht It Meant Christian Church. A ton or nl an Ul'e will contain 'on HI. WIfe Wanted Something. So Loo k fo r I ll .. b,"lI (,I) th e f'llt l E\. BEL~'S ANTI-PAIN Rev. L. O. 'Chompson. Paste. the a ve rnge 12 pounds of nitrogen, 2 He Old Not Reilister. Bible School, 9:ao a. m, 'Socl~1 mootlnr, pounds of pbosphorus and '8 pounds Fol' Internal an.cI Extemal Pun.. 10: 300.. m. Ollrlstlan Endea.vor. 7:00 p. m. Lop o lf th e 1'lIt\l 1O of ttll kIDO~ Tbe well·meanlng citizen Is ' some- of po tassiu m. Our soi ls, on the othe r Sennou by pastor every att.crnat.e Sunda)' a& 10:30 0.. m. o.nd 7:30 p . m, wh n I b e h o r !4fl II rH d Ol\lg lit t le 01 Ume~ so busy that he forgets to hand , con tai n on til ,average 4, 500 nothi ng 'Pb p,V tlr tJ t l/O nluch hk (' 'l'eglster until he Is remInded of the pounds of nltro g n , 2,000 poundll or __ ... · . . t·'\..- _ , Hid<site Friends Chura, a mtLO t f,t,u I h 'iV ,\ ' fa whIle Iy faot. wben be hus tl es around to tbe phoBp~orus, and 3ij,OOO pounds , or First Dny Meelln ll. 0 :00 a. m. 1"lrst Dar , . , . ~ :-',lve Ii.l'lle:;· :w (1 III~ · . ,\ 'Jl polling place and gets his name down. poi.asci urn In a layer ' one root deep I' c1. 00I; 11 :00 a, w , . Founb Day Mcellng iog slolli. 10: 00 a. In A hint of this human wealmess Is o ver tp ncre. These materials a r e, -------.~.-'.:': Style l-:y ReJci~!l!! l\';cCall'i contained In a li ttle parable told by or COU I'S , not a ll il! available torms, Th~ O!lt'lItIlUt. I r f' ill I' X' ('dingl .1 Orthodox Friends Churc .. , r::~ !: . :,1: ;.;.J Using lVi,te· n Patterns Jobn Smfth In the Buffalo Elxpress: but It we w1l1 cOD81d r that they are 1 ,mon stratlons In p opu \f\r w i TIl , I II ~ to mlloll by; bu 1 Bllnker was In t'he b ablt of wearing avail able In propot'tlon to the amountl eIght counties. Mrs. Ellznl>eth Lntldn, Pastor rt t' ~,,!r. th lll ali •• \\'111 l'iabb3Lb SChool , {J :au a m. He ~u l nT cbu reb WGA L. S J.l,\G,UINf. h t' II') I,ll ch·c.'olI slyl· "we l l-l udl' lI ct l UUhIl Ut, tre woul(i a t bre ad around hili finge r to r e mind present. it can n.s ll y be seen tbat pl'unlng n nd s pra.l'Illg ar IUllri upon ROr\.fc ".111)' :. ! a mOc\ (l n lC , 10 ·<10 II. Ill . C!hrlHtlan I~ ndoa\'or hIm t bat be 'was to do an errand for wh 11 man ure a lone Is app lied to the a p plication of fiv e )1£>1'50n5. In struc, 7 ::10 p _ p ~' I"'Hrl' ,II)' I, t.' 0 P t il g gl va blm j.tr >\lI t r j ' I\' t Ion Is CUITI d Lo th o " I'Y doo r ot " ll L)t-" l," d nu th bis wirej and .Ills acqllnl ntnn s ' w e re soil w~ a re not aav lng a halanced ra· -------.~--- ------1..ln.' ! In . h lOll S ill th e farm er 0 11 a g r Icultu ral trains. wont t o joke him pleasantly on th e lion fur th e . cro p. ' I,}I ....' .111(\ hilLS. 60 YOl4 Can Always Cet ~t'\t Fn~ hln n Du~ h:ns Bubject. On that particula r da y, a s be We can In crease th e n itroge n In the POI'fH:llla l vislt.q wil l be made to fa rms, In I~J ,' h ISStlll. A Iso The b i'!lt N I ~ U 10 fl(h l ' IIW 1{ ·.YII Il was leavIng the office for hom ,one soil oy growing leg um es. The av a il· Uu l rl san d ol'chu nls . \ II \lII,blu ItI(url1lnLion Each de pllrtnll'J1t oi II w oll ege of C. W. HENDERSON, M. 0 ask f r,r Ur . I:J II '" Pluu·Tllr H II I • ., \ of t he boys, seeIn g the th read, a sked: able ~'otash may be Increased by "11 1111 h"lIl Rnd per· " 11I1l1 IJlull ' rs. Onl y Ilnl} I ' ok for "h.· bf ll no tlh t! hOI II ' • "Well, w hat Is It t'hls time?" "Oh, plo wing unde r organiC matter. When A!;rl uhul' Is l'epl'es II I d In an In· (JI)C II V41llr lricluOln); exhib it tit co unty talrs. GUBritn~tlflfl t tl :,t I V t\ l!IlT,j f"o ti o lJ. just 1\ l1ttl ~ n (r(01l I)U ltClnt. ·ub· we ll , wbat was jY we sel\ t he grain trom the far m we !'truc Iv Waynesville, Ohit). bull tin a "'1-t'rm lOM ,...,. ~.~ ~t' rIlJ U" l lM t ay o r suud 1::!0Jd eVf4 ' v w hp,'1' for t oda y, a ny WRY 1" said Du nk r . "Let a re aeiling so m thing relati vely hI gh '1 'housulllls or IlIlI slro liv n,r fr u .. " lUJ)lo COllY. -------.~~ me see, now-what do ' 8 she wa nt- a In phoslJhorl" tI,s , wIth no opportuni ty ore Bent to r\1l'ul .tl' nch ' I'S and pUJl lls . Valley PhOn'! 153 . McC. 1I r a lle .... will (lIl1llllc yo n LOIlI"ku III yeur Main Stre" Jlom e falv 'r s' a n d F arcH S. Rea dln " U\\'I' lI11mo. Wllh )'Ullr \Vn II nncls. c lothlllg 'ur Wa.tch th", lUred m a n With yo ur steak~l ce tlc~ ts-pay for som thing of gelli ng It back und e r ordinary ca n· COurse h\lllt.ltlns n ay be Imrl upou r (> )'nursclr and r hlldron wh k ll wi ll lie IlCrrect dilion s. In ~LY l lI U011 fit. Prl C-IIll n hlghor thllu If» horses . If th tl v orlngfl, dodge or - te le phone to s om e f r iends of b el'sQU s t. cenll . S ,," retr freo Plll LUrn IltnloIlIlO. " go to the employmen t ag ncy for a Why Not Add Ph06p~orus1 8how signs o f fea r while wttb b1m, ----W. Wilt'Ci •• Voa Fl •• Pr..... I. for Iwlling subg irl- wh at could It ha ve be n 1 1'1) At th e Wooste r Expe riment Station scrl rLlll n nllllJll~ four rrl HIs. Sond ror free Not Cood take mVlldvi<l'· ttnd "fire" him A Just stay here until I remember ." So It bas been found lhat tb e addItion I'rcmfll ill rntO l cll!' II C nll tl us\1 Prize orror. . ~ood hor~ a Is "p" j It'd when be j " th ~re b e Bat until th e ti me for the Ins t I of 40 po und s ot fl oats or acid puos· f o r e ve ry thin g . SUI·berland's Eagle TIlf. McCALL mMPANY. 239 Ie 249 Vi ... 37111 SI. "EW YOU E y e 'HIve Is good for Do thin g but traIn ' out approached. WIl en h e phate to a ton of mallure has In· 8 vlotim·of ffl Ar r eached h ome he was In a stat ot or ased Its productiv e \lower 1.28 the r:-y 8. If yon u . a it and ara n o t ...,...--~o rry. "Ada," be called, "what did net on th e ton . Simply scattering fllltlBfi~d o meba' kuodgetyour25c. The Co.t. you want nle to d'o In towu tod ny 1 th se ma terials 'Over he manure as Y on b r:- the, j'ldge. Those who seek perfecSeymout'-I don't balleve that wan· I' ve 'been worryIng fo r thl'ee honrs It WRS thrown from t.he stabl o WALTER tion In silverware i Dman hal a Bingle enemy ,amon, ' all wbat this thr ad was for." "'Vhy, or ove·r the surfa In t he cov· variably choose forks, bl, nel,bbo1'8 i everT' one of them Stephen," sh e r epli ed, "you aslted III . red I yard has pl'odu c d this In. A Long Yell. . apoonl and bney lervldow The house. or tb e "Y Barnes, at , IPealli of him u 11 he were the best yourselt ·to put thll t on to r emind- y I . I'ease. A part ot t.h e Inc rease was Ing pieces stamped with Funeral Dire' !tor. to l'egister on you r wny IlP [rom th e d)I O to the sav in g of ummo tlla by pre· Beloit, Wis., too k . fire around the c; hlm· maD til the world. the renowned trade mark " en tl ng Its esca/l ~ Into th e ai r. ' Much ney In tbe nig ht, and sbe 8ent her BOIl . Albler-'-Well, I' guess that's rIght: train." of It \\'a8 due , how \·e r. to the tact JohnnIe out to cry fir e and arouse th e but Wallman baR to paT prattT high T .. lflp hone day 0' tlIgbt that Ihe aDlount of ph os phol'u s was nelgh bo't'A.. JohnnIe's yells did tht! for their ,oad opinion j every Tear VnlltlY phone No, ". J.uUIl be .hu to 1nveat In a new laWll' SOFT HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS Increaaed, making a more nearly bal· trick, and tbe fire was put out, but he anced raUon. Why not add phoa- s t \ll kept on ye11lng. As a matter ot Dl fl tAn oe Nl) 69_'lr. t»borul7 fact he yelled for seven da.ys ,and In quality Ilnd beauty _ _ _ ... _ • nights be fore th ey co~ld quie t blm . Old Notel Wanted by Women Auto~ of design, this wellOHIO ; W4. VNESVILLE, • The doctor Bald' It was a nervous a t · mobll!.ts Because They Can Bo known silvcr is uneur- . The Miami Gszet.te is the b8l:lt. t Wife Got Tip Top Advice tllck, brought on by bls Budden frIgh t . Eaelly Tucked Away. passed. Its remarkBranch Office, Harvey ,burll. CJ• able durability hal " My wife wd nted tD t! to tuke 0 \11' . DurIng tbat' lo ng week tbere was yell· won it t he pOpular "The request tor an 'old soft h un· llll.V t il t; h ~' fI ( (ltor to Cllr UD u g ly ing enough to las t the town tor fiv e title "SilIJer Plat, dred-doUar bill' bas become so fr e- b Oil " writa" D. ~'rIlDk I, o t Stroud , years. and .Joh nn ie w\ll have a trog In that Wears." 1 ~.IIJC"I.. ~t......-..:.~ " ' ~ '---"l Quent of late:' said t he ladles' tell er Okl u Sold by leRdlng " r RJlid 'put, Buc kl pn'", Arnl . hIs throat for some time to come. --FOR~ In a 'New York bank, "tbat I ma de so ou S!.lv.I on it. , 1:)h e dirt 0 lind it d ellie r S every~ ""on .., ..,y ... Q. 1:_ _ ... ...._4:.:.:;, ;"'.,-1 rlA.,,where. Send {or cntalo~e " o-L" Chleldre~ bold as to uk a trlendly dcposltor c:ur •• rI ~ ll e boil in II i'lwrt t im , ,. N o w 11:1 th o I.illle t il get t·h e O lizAt t a what this (emlnln craze for ' sha.bby (~lli o k t:'!lt hl'nlllr o f ' Burnl\, ~o"ld, .hOWlUg .I~ E tltSRGGll de.lgnS. hundre d·dollar bills stood for. Uut Fl, UntD!', Bruises, Sprnio". SwellMEl\IIIDI Letters from Mothers .. 'All your hundred·dollar b\1l ladles it1gl\. B ..... t PUll Cllr 011 ellrth Try (1D~~~R'I~i'c •.• "I wish I could induce every have autos, I suppose?' she asl<ed. .T i t 8uocuaor. ) We can offer you good . Onl y 2lio nf. nil c1rut-: g IR~'" MIJt\lOl. CM. th h h d ' • admItted that moat of them bad. roo er, w 0 as a ehcate, sIckly ' " Most of them have country ' places Payin g Employment, child,totryyour delicious Cod Liver withIn easy motoring dista nce?' was WILD ANIMALS AND CATNIP that you will enjoy and and Iron Tonic VINOL. It rehe r next quesUon. I thoug ht a mlnul e stored our little da1.\ghter to health and sal,d that many ot the m were semi· Lions and Leopard. In the Zoo Were at home. Write to-day and strength after everything else suburbanites. . as Delighted With It as 11th. DR. W. MILLER, Addr... had failed. "-MRS. C. W. STUMP, "She the n wcnt on to s ay th \1t It Domestic Cat. Canton, Ohio. . , I was 'any kind of a Sherlock Holmes .•. DENTIST ..• I ; The BuHerlek PubllshlDg Co. MrS •. F. P. Skonnard. of MintieI'd ' be able to put th ese fa cts to· A curious Invostlgator and a few I Butterlell BulldlllG~ New 'York. N•.'Y. Office In aynesv e . __ apolis Minn. writes "1 want to cr nnd Bee tbat suburban IIVlllg of t n I SnrlgB of catnip l ed to an amusing W ill 0 __. _ _ _ _ _ National Bank Bida', recorn'mend VINOL ~o every mothnec~8~ltated rapid motol1ng; that ' Reone at the zoo In Olnclnnatl. I -
Balancing of the Ration Necess.ary.
I. I
---- -----
c aU a 'n d See Its Many Advantages
----- ..- - --
For sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
. _.
-------4.~ .
---_.- ..----
... -----
- ..
"Silver Plate that· Wears"
------ ...---
.. ..- ---
Wha t T 0 D0 Sleekly
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Keep .Your Profits I'." ~..'!!If~":"""'~~~~"~ .C·O·· N' ,KEy·. '5, '-',Ro~ u'. p ' C U·R '· E. . '1 ' ve'fletes I
·.er vil~tt10has a ~eak ?r sickly child. ~h,l:oo~eat~~n:rrte:th:!~ !!a~a~a~~ 'V:~ f Tilde t lg rS and puhmabscohrnfUlllY r e· .j My' I e boy was s1ckly; p ale, and, . 'ex1lra hundred.dollar ' bill pinned un. I use to not Ice t h e e r w en , t, was had der r'l'~S lion Il.te,tlthtoe them thethe keeper, .but ,. 'ed DO d' iffappetite for. .two ' years . • . I ,' . a ' ousblon . 0t til.,e ma.cbin e .was fa Ir . ', {he \lonessb~ani1 big leot}.w erent .medlcmes and doc. Iy safe from theft and otte n sav ed d bit I ' tb I If . " 'th b ' t ' ' . . . III' we re 0 s , rous n e r man ell· tors, WI out , enefit, but ·thanks to ' . he flltuatlon : A new bIll Is . t QO.rO"' Sp In.tlons of pi Il,sure . . The lion planted for easy bl,d lng and pinnIng and Is 8 foot upon ' It, sme lled It, }Joked It, ,,¥y to-day. ' ,.,' •.J . . to ru.s Ue w~~m t9Ilch,e d. The ,old. bill S ' $)lT!l.\\; led lIpon It aDd toss' d It' p,boui Co• Allen, of Ne• ... ·Bedf"rd Vass Jus,t ~e .thJng .... , ry, • v !. ~,~ . •, 'cardc8ae or va tor It tll(;lUhg Jj ' away I . I Itl , -!" Ill ' ways. unbecoming . '-l\ Is kingly' . di.. --It ....... Mytwo,punych1·1dren b......" '.ned . some n . c k"'" ngI ,n n lty. The ' 1 opard picked -It up In her \. \'011'-'0, t tD. .thy ,ago or hi pn,n Q t " rapldlyinfteshandstten";""iriavery ' s' ... 0 e o ,, ? m~ ns. · .u e , li n e paw, took, 10l1g . and, ecstatIc shbrt time after' iakiii'g' , a(e, but lve, . was w,ay !InllIs aM r olled over 'and over upon " ~ ... ' . ' ' " ••.• .. , Bummed · ~p thE! ~al~j"ng YI~~U'es ' of the', . It ' In the: .. x1\bera,nce ot ;qe,i'" de.Ugbi, yve pos!tively know VINOL .w Ill 'I shabb,l hunt\red.~olIar bill. , I. In her 'etTorts to ~]iply; It to the ' upper little ones make, them ' • " \ I part of h.er be a4 alte ,. performed healthy, stfong. and. robust. ' TrY Make up Your ..M!l\d l·ll.aU,? f atB an kh\d . one, bott1~, agd if you p.te not satiSWben i~ tl)~ npeil of II<' 'nn ~ll F'rQDl ,hIs ~xllerlment the Invel!lUgator . ,fied,'we medlctne. If Y,<I.'tl,. b.nv Jk wn'B that of catntp la, '10" .J' ~MN'Bu ' ..,. . i · .. · P ,De-Tar aone,Y we B.I!."rlmtea lOU not confined to the ~OQl~t1o b~ " • file ,..,... \ . , tile of Uaa "oat __ • '
y~.NOL, h~ JS,~ W~~ ah4· ~ealthy ~iN()L' "
b~d ~p
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wiJ.l .~ 1QUf.·IDODeY.
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· .Ser··I·OUS'. SI·C'·ko·'e'ss ,P· revents
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~orth a po~d
LI. VE. RITES~ . --I11!'11~---1I! .
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e '=Iii?'~I=:'c::r~ of cur. . · ., . . , . ' " . , ~r use. " ' ......... ~ I ' . . . '. . WAI.;.TEFt. ,,~ KILBON" PreparM .from "Pure Native Herbl. they Cleanle tile ·~l·te...ad I .." " ' . Pari~r , the Blood aad thus' ~REVENT SERIOUS, SICKNESS. . .ODrwInj ~. ....~--~-.----......- - - - - - - - - - - . ,.
The Miami Gazette D. ,. CRANE.
The depnrtment or ngrlculture 18 pro\,lng Its vulue constantly In many ways. but In none more ~ finit ely and clearly than In the e ncouragement of Amerlcnn youth to adopt the cultlv&· ~Ion of the 011 as a career. It Is vitally essential that the children ef farmers s hould themselves till lilo land their rlltbers and their grand· fathe rs bav Ulled. says the' Wlls blllg· t on stnr. Tbey are potentlnlly tbo best farm rs. If they move to the clly to learn tradetl or to entt!r tho protllsslens or' to drtrt InettlclenUy t,h rough life. somebedy must tllke tbelr places to grow Ule crops essen· tlnl to tbe reedi ng of the people. A dangerous tendency exists towal'd tbe ellmlnntlon -or tbe small farm er and the 8ubstltuUon of tbe syndicate, or the large Individual bolder o f land. This des troys competition at l.h Ilource of tbe necessities of IHe, 'It 'lends unmistakably to higher prices and to the Increaso In the numuE'lr of non·produclng Indlvldllnls. Only by making tbe tarm attraotlve and profitable oan any headwny b e made against lhls clty-drifUng disposition, wllh lis Inevitable consequence of dangerous concentration. Tbe telephone, the electric car, tbe rural free dellyery and to some extent tbe good roads movement bave all contributed to lessen 'ole disadvantages of rural exlstenoe. Now comes science, lead· mg to an Increase tn tbe prOfits and tn the dignity ot farming. It Is 1m· ' portant tbat the ctlmpetltion amons t be boys In the south which bas just Ibeen brougbt t~ 80 suocesllful a COD· e lusion sbould be ~tended illto aU parts ot the country. Wbere Is the psycbOlog1st wbo can an .apllUlation ot the different ways In wblob the weather affects spOrts 1 There ar,e baseball and foot· ball, for Instaoo. Both are eUeDuous games, yet ODe lIourJabes like a green bay tree In the 'Sood -old Bummer time, 110 . matter .how .hot, and the other t.hrLves ,ow:y 111 a troaty atmoaphere. Players and spectatora to be in the same 'boat. WbeD the sun ablnes t)le hottest the heroes of the diamond are warmed up to their lImbereat and their best, while the lookers~n aceu· 111 III&' t.he bleacbeI:s just roast and are happy. But let a cold blast blow across the field and baseball sbrlnks , like a delicate flower ' touched by trost. On t.he other hand tootballera WlUlt .u oold ad raw and really pre· a lIear~1IIlII'O temperature and a ~Ul'l'¥ of snow, it they can be bad. Such .condlUana appear to put "gin. Bar" into e:very brawllY member ot the eleven. And the crowds on the srandstand (orget all about tbe weath· er whUe watching lbe wond~rful doI.np <ot their favorite players.
zn un national govern· nent will, ere many. months' /' :have elapsed, have t.o conduct the unveiling or formal dedication of several Impor· tant new s tatues. The monuments In question , ' are statues to national heroes, (or wblch the congress ot t.he United States made provision by appropriating years /\go ilie money ne ded as a purchase price and whl b bave since be n In tht! making In t.he studios of eminent sculptors, One slatue that was recently added to our national colle tlon at our CIlI)ltal city Is tbe memorial 10 Daron Steuben, t.he German omcer who
!In the matter of dress we have faUen upon a decline since the da:ys 'When the Duke ot Wellington was re-
beiped this , nation to Independence dUring the ReVolution. An even m.o re Important statue Is the splendid one to G;en. U. B. Grant, whlcb will cost. When completed, about a Quart.e r ot a' million dollars, ' Theil tbere will be new IltatUes to lIuch' naval beroes aa Commodore ' Barry and John Paul Jones and a statue to Chrlstoph.er Columbus as a part of a mammoth memorial fountain. ' Tune was, and not 80 very long ago, either, when the prospect of bavlng to conduct this series ot statue unveil· Iqs would have put 'on tbe' keen edge of uneasinells tbose public offichilS wha!e duty It Is to look atter such functlo~s. Our federal aut.horltles bave long been accustomed to conducting formal ceremonies of all kinds __ tate or military funerals, paradell, etc.-but tor years a statue unvelllng had the reputation of being about the mpat difficult spectacle to conduct that could be devised. For one thing, It combined all the difficulties of a pa· rade and a mass meeting, The pre&ident of the United States almost in· variably participates In every unveil· lng, and that means problems ot Its own. And nnally, It seemed tn the light ot bitter experience as though there wall always some mishap or slipup that marred more or le88 tbe aotual unvetllng, that Is, the removal or the coverings which have until the eventful day shrouded the statue and IIcreened It from the gaze ot a curloua public. But these uncertainties at bygone
days are now, happily, a thing of tbe past. Government oft'lclals, spurred by the chagrin ot unsuccessful unveilIngs, bave perfected a system wblch enables the present-day unvelllng to proceed like clockwork. There has lI.nally been evolved Ii definite fixed routine just as there Is a set of bard and fast rules tor Inaugurating a pres· Ident or conducting n mllltary 'or naval funeral and the fed e ral experts who make a business of these public shows could almost conduct one with their eyes shut, so to spenk. ' Mucb ot the credit tor the Hystem aDd rbutine that has been Introduced In statue unvelJlng belongs to Co\. Fr~aml D. Owen, On the fed eral payroll CIII. Owen appears as one o( the offiolals of tbe omce of public buJldlngs and grounds, but unofficlally he Is known-at least "behind the scenes" at Washington-as Uncle, Sam's professional Q.nd Elxpert mns· ter ot ceremonies with statue unveil· Inp as ,his specialty. Col. Owen has this whole complicated subject at hlB finger tips and he personally aUper· vises the arrangements from ths day they begin to build the foundation for a new statue until the lawp around the pedestal Is sodded after the spec· tacle Is all over. He knows just bow many flags will be required for the dec· orations and where to lay hands upon them; be knows where the saluting battery must be stationed In order that the boom at their guns may sound loud enough and yet not too loud; he knows where to place the preslqent's '
own-Ihe t , S. MRrlne nnnd and lb chorus of vocali sts If there Is to be on e, Mos t Important or ull, he knows ~vhore to seat each and everyone of the hundreds of dlgtinarl's wht) at· tend Ill! h n ceremanll1\. It will b~ und erslood thn t It, Is not JIlerely a QI1estion either of saling c Icurilies so that th ey will be comfortnblc and bave an unobs tructed viol\' of the ceremonies, In !lddltlon to such con; slderatlons are fhe more Important ones of the r:mk or each s pectator and the honors and pORIUon to whlcb he Is entitled In consequence. The lUan who conuu cts a big unveiling ceremony In Was hington must know "who Is who" and "who goes flrstH just as accurately as the men wb(J manage the presiuent' s r eceptions at the While House. Atter all, bow vcr, perhaps the most important Improvement tbat ,has been brought about under this new era ot statue unvellings Is round In the method adopted tor the actual unveilIng. Under the old plnn, as has been noted, the drape ries were almost sure 10 catch or tangle, Then there was 0 tugging followed by the rasping teat of cloth Rnd the statue's erstwbll, clothing was dragged away In decidedly dilapidated condition. l]nder the new sy&tem the statue to be ul1velled Is complet ly covered from head to loot with large American f1ugs and these are so arranged with ropes ane p1llleys that wben ,a signal is given they tall away from tho sculptured figure, and, bette r yet, Inst end oC lit· terlng the pedestal, lire drnwn abov., This nnd away from the statue, scheme euables persons on all sides of the statue to get a good view of the new monument and furthermore, n pretty touch Is ndded to the plctun by the uplifted f1agB waving In tht breeze from overhead ropes spannlnJ, tbe space 'above the statue. Ot courSE Lhls sYRtem of flng unveiling Is not Ul ensy one to arrang'e nnd n specla crew or expert "riggers" made up 01 enlisted scamen In the navy Is de, tolled to arrange and manipulate the network of ropes that control the flags. The government Is beginning to get applications from all pariS of the I)ountry, wh enever a statile Is to be 'mvelled, to lonn Its mas1er or cere· monies and bls ' crew of "riggers" to handle the practical part of Ule event
tused admission to Almack's because ~ was wearing trousers Instead of JlN!eches and silk stockings, says tbe London CbronJcle. Even Almack's, llov;ever. had to admit trousers with· I.R its elosely guarded portals the tol· lowing year. When Gladstone was "up" at OSford 'the reign ot the dan· dles wu In full swing. Wben late In "Yes, we got the doe. One ot our Ute be renslted the university to lec· party brougbt ber down two miles up ture to the undergraduates on Homer the fiver as she was taking the water be was asked by G, W. E . Russell F ANIMALS don't rea8Dn bad, the buck took hlB leap from where to cross back again, sUII way ahead .bether he noticed any dIfference beout the whys and where. the bar joined tbe' mainland, 'dropped of the dogs," ,. tween his audience and t.he men of tores ot things and act ac- Quickly down alongslde ' tbe rock, hug· Grlfft In Seiling Egg., cordlngly," sold Col. Hamp glng It close wltb his bead up stream. bJa own time, "Yes," he replied. "In Btone of the Big Thicket Tbere he remalnedJmotionless enUrely '}'o one who can afford them, good ' thefr dresll an enormous change. I country, Texas. "what was h~dden trom anyt.hing on tbe aide from eggs 'ire cheap at any price, but In, am told that I had among my , nudl· that big buck that I didn't wblch he had come, vestlgatlon shows that much of the enee lIome CJt the most highly con sboot doing that time down "The buck had ~carcely g t Into that extra mon'!y that the consumer paYI aeoted and richest men In the unl Devu's mountain way? position when tbe dQgs came dasblng to avoid tne risk ot getting a bad el1:g verslty, and tbere wasn't one whom I "They had put ,the dogs out, and lout ot the woods. Ttltly followed the tor this brenkfast Is sl'mply . the deal couldn't have dressed trom top to toe was to get to a bull pine tree on the doe's trail to the tip of the bar, plung- er's chal'ge upon t1:.e consumer's IgIDr £6." eut bank ot the rIver, at a place where ed Int<J the water and sw,\m to- noranc." Whlle Investigating tbe subthey sald the dogs would be apt to ward the opening on my sft!e of the ject for the department ot agriculture The "wild garlic" which Intests por aend a deer Into and across the dver where the doe had lanl!e<l and It was learned tbat a r -ocer In New Yorlt city was buying Iowa eggs for tiODS of Pennsylvania, Ohio and In· stream, giving me a fine chance for a bounded away. Before I got tbere "Tbe buck lny against the side of 20 cents and seiling tbem under his cUana Is a noxious plant first seeD In successtul shot. Pennsylvania. A farmer In soutbern I heard tbe dogs baying olf 011 the west the rock as mollonlesl5 a.s tbe rock It- private brand name for 40 cents, The Idde of the river, which was about 300 self until the dogs got well Into tbe groc,ers across the street were sqJllng !udlana sec ured Bome seed whea yards ' wide there. middle ot the river with their noses the Bame eg::;s tor 25 cents. The ex· from the Ohio Valley. and noticed "I was still quite a way from tbe pointed In the dlrecUon In which the tra 15 cents was pure gratt, made POB' the presence of the onlonilke peat In tree when a doe came In sJght on the doe had gone. Then he backed down sible by the merchal t's gall and ,ne the r.esultlng crop. He gave It no oPPOfllte ahore, jumped Into the river, to the lower end of the rock and pass- customer's g\llllblllty. further thought, as "the enUre In, awam across and bounded away Into the ed around It to the other side of It, Inventive Parent. fested plot mlgbt bave been carrie!. woods away trom me. The dogs w.ere thus hiding himself agaInst ' possible Woodbury-J noticed thnt Knewpop away In his haL.. And yet within .till yelping off in the woods across cbance o't being seen by the dogs three years the wheat trom that Bec the river, and not yet In sIght. I made when they landed on the opposite bad electric llghts put on his lawn last summer. !tion ot the country was refused boy all a tew bIg strIdes and got to th~ tree, bank. "Tbe dogs landed and went baying Seaforth-Yes, and be also had a JDlIlers because of the malodorous gar. ' U I didn't know whllt might be abead of the dogs yet, just as out ot the open· orr on the doe's ,track. As , the lalit baby IIlIng put on hIs lawn mower. H£' , ale, the seeds of which are about t.he Ing where the doe had leaped , and Bound of tbe dogs died away q,.e buck's figured, It his baby was wakeful, so b e 88me size as large whent grains. In taken the water bounded a big buck. head came slowly In sight at Lhe upper would I!,ave to ,walk with 'It, be might certain localities land values have "I dropped behind the tree, ezpect- end ot tbe rocll:, untU at las~ 'the 'wary" as well push ,bls lawn, mower and cut ,'been sorely affected by the presence Ing the buck to come on across. The ' deer was ' p,flering aoross the river to 't he grB88 at Lbe same time. I "ay~ of this weed. ' doe bad run out 'on ' a tongue of iand' see If the eoast wa.s clear. 'SaUsfied otten seel) him come tram the houae, at ' that extended Into tbe river ~bout 20 , that it 'wall, the buck swam boldly back midnight, turn on the lights, put th(! teet, and from 't he ,extremity 'If that to the 'bar, drew himself ,o ut o'li larid. baby In tbe ' sllng and start out on the /I. singular point evok~d b~ recent bIt of' land had ' jumped Into, the wa· threw up 'his head ,' scornfully aa ,be double ' J9b.---Chleago' D",lly, N!lW8. , prosecutions or fortune·tellers and ter: !Supposing, ' of cburse.. that' the pve one glance tn ' tbe dl.recUon ' the _ ....-,--,' ~---~ palmis ts III another city Is the tact buck would IIM'I( , the same ' (lOUl'lle, I dogs haef gone and then lloimded' baqk ModernIzing ttle Klondike, , that their Insight Into tho [utures of was ready to Jet blm ~ave it as soo~ Into the woods out, of wbJoh be bad , In the Klon'd lke ateam, hOt aIr and .other people gave them no Inkling ,'s be pulled himself out QD my sld~ I be~n, driven to ~ave',hlmse!! by l:hat 11': hot I water plant" ,.Te displacing , the ot the .eyil' lilfluences that were 'about tJf tbe river, but be bad other l4.ea8. . 'P1arkab,\.e.. ,bit ~ , atl'llteg1' and dlsapo ,o ld·fashloned ' wood stov~s, ' especially '" In, hotela and the hJgger ' tradlD. Ito haul t.hemselves Into the' pOlice , "The dogs badn't' broken tl'OIn' cover , peared. Jet. I could hear them comiDg nqt "1 could have dropped·'hlm In bla place•. ~ . !courts. tar beblDd 'tbe blick. Two or three .rods tracu as be a~ooiJ tber. In bls scorn- ', ," , Naturally_ , ' from the sll9te, on tllat aide of tbe !ul pose. but att~r 1'Iltn8sllq that, act Tbe)' ' ''cure It o~t that thlt mOOD 11 river and ' tho' same distance belo" the ot almost bumlUl InleDult~. I lIadult "SQ ,-OU bave la.t JOur COOk,r ' COW 17,000 mllel ' nearer the earth toncue of laDd. wu a blS rock that th~ heart to. " ' It. "9Ite'i dead," ADlmaJ. don't ~Dtd ab. die a Daturat.daath1" lbaa ' usual. EYel'1thlnlil aeem. to be rOlle perhap8 "sbt feet &boYe tile "a· rea.oll ~t tbe wllya Hel wberefore. the Dat'tJioaJ death tGr ,. ,\81'. " of Ibl.... aDd act aCcOrdlnsl,1 Wbat fOIIWIC dowp • bit. "lutead or GGJDlDI on .. till doe W.. ~ ~ac~ dobls tileD? tbat 1W1I.&,tlre wt~ It........"
Do Animals Reason?
TIl tr:l\,('Jer !lU S 'I TI ~ tbroul:h " (,Ollot r y Is iUlTlI'esscd fa \'omlll)' 01' oU . ARMY HEROES ON THE WANE Iwisl lJ y th 1I11pOaru nrc- or t h o 10wn,S alOlig thu Iln ~ ' of rallw llYs, At~ they Roll of the Grand Army of the Repub- apil ur prosporous lind ClI' hQ:t lthy growlh Ill' Ilt once ussu res hlltllielf , IIc Is Rapidly Shorten ing-AIl lhnt thor , Is clth(>r u locn l In<lustrlul Great Generals Gone. ' fa t II' to cuu·o It, or u tl plondldl .v Ugrl lllturul nren from The Orand Army of the Republic, d ru wn tbe I'!.)};o urces tbut that splen did patrlotlc organization which bas kCIJI. nllv\) the ~oc lal sp irit contrllJIIl OJ' mnke for tho ~ro\Vlh or the volunt ' r army of the norlh t hnt 1>1 ijO readily npparent. On the and th e memori es of t he bloodY Civil ollt r httnu, If · \'Id nl'", of Impo l'er· war period Is on the wan, For a ' num· luh'eu 1:;1 ree ts, lllld ly 1\ 1'11':11'1 ng I' sl, ber or yenr ~ no sadd er s lgbt can be d ri el'S "nd uusln ess IIIH!!!')!; anu le tb· lmnglned than the witnessing of one of nl'gi' ('1111,l'lltl, tbere Is !Ill UUSClI('e at tho ve terlln's annual . ncamllDl nta local Ind ustry and surrounuinl> IIgrl· such as rec ntly took vince at Atlantic cultural pros perity. Th ore llo! no line oC rallwuy, II'helh l:!l' main or urttll c h, Ci ty, N, J , 'nulldu, that The grand revie w Is no longer tbe throughollt \\' stcrn speotacular, impos in g par nuo tbat It , tbrougli tli ' tuwns or cilil's lhat Ul'(1 uullt nlong I ho ribl! of ~l ,,' Iou not ('onl' \' the luos t fUl'ora lJle Impres!llon, Tho c~us III not nlwuys OJ1par 'ut. but the fact H :11'0 thero nlHl. cas lly seen, In most cus Ihe growth and the s la· bllity of tbese lowns nre CUUHOU by th exccll nt agricultural dlstrl cltl th ut 111'0 I rlbutal'Y; Iu SOUlC' cnllOS, mannfa turing e nte rpri ses hnve t; (lruug Ull, 'uulled by lit agricultural <l emnnds and needs, 'I'll Wluulpeg- Fnle Press nnd Ibe Edmouloll D.I.I II e· tin have rec ntly sent corps of cor, r espondents through tbe prol'lnce!! to secnre data conc !'Ulng the growth or tho two or thr e hundred tOll'n 8 thnt htlve come iolo exls tenco during the past two or Ulree years. The 1.ll1l'lic· ul nrs lllukc Interesting I' /luluS', nno as one I'eads or the iltntion houllo, the bla ksmlth s hall, the boarding honse and t he s tore of April, bei ng dwarr d In August by a hundr d or Dlore dwell· ings, by large hotels, by splendid stores, and a halt dozen Implement warcbouses, not forgetting lhe two or ,three churches and the exae\lent IJub· 110 school buildings, It causes one to stop nnd tblnk It tbey vor beard or such maryelouB changes. erln lnly not often. These are facts, thougb, as was a decade or so ago. '1;'he firm <read t':llaled of western Canada. 'rben , ot the so Idler has left the men wbo WI fflo, tbere are now cities-yes, eltles tbe rallks ot the Grand Army now, of Crom ten to flfleen thousand people and a totterlng, halting march to the, -wher five or six years ago there stralns ot music and the beating of was but the bare prairie imd the lone drums hall taken ,lts place. section post. The changes In th ('a· The veterans ot the great Civil "ar nadlan West during the past elgbL are being called to the last muster or ten years have been marvelous, with Il rapidity that Is appalling. Last and It Is no Idle tale to say that tbe year nearly 6,000 of the gray·h'atrod development ,In number nnd growtlt or men who compose tbe Grand Army tbe cities, towns and villages rner died, and It Is estlmnted lhat because In the past decade has e lips If a ny· at tbe enteebled,.C'pndltlon of so many thing in the hilltory of the buildIng of members', ot that great organization a new country. Agrloulture has been theBe ligures wlll be doubled when tbe the basis, and It la agriculture or tb roll call Is read next year. In ten kind , that Is lasting. The elise wIth yeats, say men who have given the which an e~nt j'lroouctlve farm, matter careful study, there wlJl not be capable of yielding a splendid living enough able·bodled men tn the ranks and large profit to the operator, I, to fill a good sized hall. such that It has encouraged thous8lJdll This estimate Is balled on the pres- to follow that pursuit, and also other ent membersblp of the Orand Army. thousands on the llmlted and expenOt course If one 1n figuring takes the sive tarms throughout the Centrlll pension list as Ii basis there wl\l be a Western States as well as some ,of the different result. Tbere are on the Ilen· Coast States, to enlarge theIr field ot sion roll at Washington about 600,000 enterprise. Th~ Climate Is excellent, namel! of men wbo fought for tho north and just the cltmale that Is desirable during the Civil war. 'i'nese are dying tor the healthy growth ot man and at the rate of 60,000 yearl:y, auout (our the prod cts ot tbe field, All varle· an hOllr. ties of the smaller and better paying More tban halt of these though ell· grains are raised, and generally with ,lible are not members of tbe Orand every assurance of good fields. Wltb formy, probably because they do not government supervision ot railway leel tbemselves vigorous or active rates, splendid markets are centaln, minded e nougb to join. and the hlgbest Prices realized. Tbl! Commander In Chief Van Sant, ad· Dominion Government, that has been dressing the veterans at the recent carrying on a propaganda of securing encampment g'ave the number or mem- settlers tor the vacant landa, IS8UOS bers at tbe beginning of the present Uterature de80rlptlv~ o( those availyear at 213,001. One year ago the able 1m the proviilC8S, and on request number was 220,000, ' while In January, of your nearest Canadian government 1908, there were on the roll of tbe aaent, copies will be forwarded free, Grand Army 225,670 names. Thus It can be eeen that the great organlza· If every Y6ar we would root out one tion Is rapidly and surely approaching vice we should Booner ' become per· the day when an earthly reunion of Its fect men.-T40mas a Kempls, meDlbers will be no longer possible. L V ONE "BROMO QtrO."INE." At the present deatb rate Ihe G. A. TlIat ON. I. J,AXA'l'lVIII UROMU OUlNINIi. Loot tor R. will be able to keep up Its annual lh~ ~l lInatore lit I!I. W. GROV1li. UIIOIl Ui. Worl4 gathering and parudes for about , ten OYer 10 Curo '" (;0111 III ODella" Uc, years. After that the aging army Is He Is a dangerous man wbo spendfl likely to lJecome as are tbe Mexican much time drawing fine lines between War veterans, loath to lebvo their Mbrewdness and sin. homeil and IrreBPOllslvo to lbe sum· mons to assemble. Dr: ~i~roe'8 Pl~a88nt .Penl1te re~ul.t. It Is certain that there will never "Dd mVlgorate stomach, liver and hO'wel. , again be a parade like the one re- SUj(llr·con tro, tiny granulell, Easy to tak~ viewed a few weeks ago at Atlantlo •• candy. City by Vlce·Presldent Sherman, Blander soon die:: If you take It opt Many of those who particIpated In this of cIrculation. teature of the encampment this yeM have reacbed their ,homes with this Are You Weak, All tbought uppermost in their breast.. They will leak ,hack tq the affair as an occasion when they bade farewell to one another forever on this side of the This condition is directly caused by eternal bivouac. Almost al\ ot the great generals are bad blood. When the bloQd ·il made rich gone. Grant, Sherman and Sn,erldan and pur.e ~y Hood's Surn~aplU'ilIll, you 10ng ,agO were laid awa~ to rest. Only wil~ feel IItrong nnd cheerful; it will Pllt three C,orps commanders are lett. Gen· 'new liCe into your vein., ne.\y "illor into eral ,Sickles, approaohlng his eighty· your miJlelt1 ; 'give you a sbarper QI)petite aeventh birthday, Is still hearty; Gen. and good di"~Htion; ma.k~ you look betteJI, eral Dodge has gi1en up none or lleep bctt.er nnd Ceel better; will make activities, while General Wilson De~aware 1s wrlthig hlllt~ry apd enjoy. the hnrdest work- lighter Qnd tllO drukea' 'l og life. Aside trom ' these there Is clay 'briKhter, Fnctal ' 'l'hl)u8ands confll'lll Get Hood's today, 'scarcely a Union officer who was gen· ---=.---,---,~ erally known when the conftlct ended , , who Is al1~e tOday.' , No oftleer Is.. tilore loved lind rev.erea bY the ra~k and :"ne of U1e, Grand' ArIllY thaD Is General Slck.~s, When the <lId ' "war h9rse" made his' appearance .' at the re~nt> encampment anct bobbled, the aid of ~,t8 ct!ltche.. 'toward the speaker's st!Uid ~t wa. the slpal for an outburst ' ~f frenaled cbeerlng tbat Issued from' the tbroa~ or the Veterana [01' Mit 'an bour ' aftet they Jtacs bo~e I!1m OD ~elll .houJdera ' 'to the ...·huq plaUorm.
D'o wn7
..., wllat t'owe him for cutuuc me Gat lastotr13hed ttd~gfal .,.. lIPGll Uke that! Keen about bia cheek. area't we let him get no furUael'. )'ou, .V1ncent?" "It'. all rlghtl Don' t won;.. Ban He s awtully, your-II', Brancepe th. but some lunch. do, ·Cecll. old bOT. You r:.tber a ·decent ao·rt on the whole . and look done!" added' yo~ M\UT&T oo~ I can aee that be's z r own steadJe r and dJa117. And ' It wu a rlpplD' hot day.. more of a man than when 1 knew hJm too. a year ago. And I'm glad ot that. But Cecil WIUI Dot to be bel'Ullecl. First Is a tlDe ,lrland desery.. "I t 1 It '41 u to." h It · ....... a4-Gatha fine man ee my I. , e re erawu "Well. I'never did til all my lUel" mantully. But we . wo'¥d bave none 9Ald Dearest. as a 10rt ot l'envol to the ot It at alL romanUc tale ot our guests. "What' "O~, hang your duty." urg94 Bmncewill happen next I wonder? What lao peth, lightly. "It'l all right. 1 tell you. there left to bap' ,. We're IrO. to be married, Miss Endl· ,, ' pea colt,and I." . Nothing possiWy," laid the three of "M181 Slmplln eloped thlJl mornln...... us together. SoUcttor Barnea, by the .. wa7. had taken no part In the dlscul· eupplomented Agatha FIrst. slo,n at these InteresUng eventa- but "And my uncle has given ua hi. we spo~e too soon. ,For even as the ble. slng." tlnlshe<t Brancepeth. And at WOld. left our mouths I saw Brance- this all toundlng Inte lligence CbUtern peth. who faced the French windows Buccumbed enUrely and was as clay In of the dining room whlcb opened out our h ilDds. , on to tho Bide ver~nd a . p'olntlng with Seizing him 'each under an arm we his flngor at some appa ri tion which bad him IltUnc at the table In no Um.. had evlclently just come wIthin hla Brancepeth was even soUcltously tucie· ranse of vision,. In&, a napkin under the dl&U1f1ed gen. "Look!" ho said. Uqnan'l ohln when be came to and I turned around. but b efore I could pushed blm aside "Vlth a trowa excl~'hn. Dearest had pushed b ack her ··Tq.e that thing away." ha laid; chair with a cry ot pleased s uprlso and "I'm !lot a chlldl" Harted forward . ··Why. it'll the Chll· Tben he caught his wJ(e'l eye a. terns," sho aald. Agatha Fourth. Tery beautltulln a pale And so It was. O;lr Irlen,'s from the blue outtlt placarded' down the middle nut county had arrlTed 1n eur midst. with lace. was «raclously allowing unh.. ralded even by the nolso of tbe lr Dearest and Agatba First to leat her motor car. wblch now mad. Itself plata· at the table. and tJaey laugbed-the .two ly aUdIble (IS It chugged Its way slow· or them-Agatha Fourth relleYe4\y. Iy to our garage so Intent had we been ChlltClrn a trifle Ihametacedly. upon the t ell1ng at Alatha Flrs t'lII and "It leems my tlrTor of dut,. "".. Brancepe th·. tale. quite wasted." he said. "But. upon my ·'Frtends." said ChUtern In the wear· word, I meant welL Ml'1I. Chlltera and led. llored tones that have become ba· I did our best to persulLde Mill EncU· bllual to him as chairman at Innumera· cott, there. to gtte tho thing up long ble poUUeal meetings. "we baTe oome 0.10; unUI matters arrang\ld them. to tell YOU- " lIelves. But sbe was .headstrong. " We teel'lt our duty to tell you." put very Indeed!" And he shook btl head In Agatha Fourth. whJmslcally at hlJl late 1'U8It and "That you are undertaklnc a &red smIled . She smiled back at hJm. rOl5ponslblUty In allowing our former "And you aee It dldn·t do anT barm guest, ):lss Endicott. to receive t he at. after all!" she told hlD\ brlghtlT. Hmy tentlon. of-" There he s topped short. being headltronc. Ever7thiq hal all tor be s eemed to perceive for the tlrst worke d out tor the bost!" Ume Brancepeth and Acatha FIrst. " Rather!" relllarke d Branc peth l ard·
Archibald's Aga·tha By f:DITti HUNTINGTON MASON Author 01
"The Real Agatba"
rchlbAld Terh une. a popular and In. 'olent youn. bachelor ot London. reo ,oelves newa that h. hu been madll heIr jlo th e eetate ot hi. Aunt Georgiana, with an Income of $20.000 a year. on cOlldltlon lbat hoI become engalre,d to be D,arrled 'Witbln ten day. . Fa llln~ to do 110 the benc), will ao to P. third oou.ln In Amer,1ca. The atory opena at Caatle Wyckotl'. :Wbere Lord Vlnce!)t and hla wlta. frlenda · ~I Tell"'une. are dl8cusalng plan!! to Ond m a ,,'Ite within the prfJllc rlbed lime. It lh~t Lady Vincent I. ono of IIlIveD raon. nlUJllOd Agatha, all Cl0811 girlhood urna. 8he d eldea to Invito t wo ot them ~o the caIItlo and have Archie there "a e ot the a-t,e~llf. Aaalha 81xtb Itrlke. rchle u a handpalnted beauty. Aptha rat II a b ree zy American &11'1. Lady . Incent u·na her huab\U1d lhat Aptha ,Ixth a1r.eady Mre. tor Arohle. He If&IIlII ~om Agatha 81xth lhe adml.llion that abe carell . for hIm. but will require a Dlonth·. time fUlly to maka up her mind. '.A.atba Firat. neglected by Terhune. re.IIalve. attention. from Leslie Freer. Four a)'. of the precious time have paned hen Terhundla called · to London on ulllnollS. AlOlllha. Fi rat. on the plea. ot ateknelli. ex cu s~" heraelf trom a motor ,t np planned by the Vincenlll. tAter they . ee Aaatha First pIckin g nowers with a /l!lranae man. The Vlncen19 dl8CUI II .atJl a .• lIeel'(llng duplicit y. The tollO"t'nlf day th e party vlsllll the ruins ot loll 14 convent. Terhune continues hili a~ enUonll to Aa-atha SIxth. Then 8uddenly e transCel'8 hili attention. to Agatha lrat. Vincent II ores him tor hi li app"r· nt !lcklen liS. 'rho lallt evening of the \me a lloU d In wh ich to beco'me en aged rrlves. The Collowlng day Solloltor ~urns II arrh'e from JA ndon. a nd the Vln· enla are o.nxlous to consummate the on· gom lIl. Vincent dlacovere Ap thn rat and n man wltll his arm a round er wl\lat. Vincent decides that the man uat be Terhun e. The nelC t morning Terun e a nd AJrIltha 11'1rat are very fri endly ,-.t the breakfast table. while Agath a Blltth Merns somewhat dl sp~ea.led . 801lcl. itor Burn8 arri ve!. The Vincenti! are IlnxJou.. In nn In tervIew or Vln ellt nnd ~1. ""Ite tho lat t r crleB In desperAtion over t he pu ullng · ondltlon of altall'll. Solicitor Bar n@!! nrrh·es. . The Vlncent's ~n anxlciua. Will Terhune report nn atrlanced or a free man? Terhune lelle Lord VIncent that he proposed to Aptha I x th Ilnd tha t she had refu led to mAlTY 1m. Terhune (Jecllll'U that tt he cannot a\'e the woman ot hll choice th at he will 8&Crlnce his aunt's tor tune. An auto· mobile Ilrrl vell . Murray n ·ranoe peth a younA' man who res embles Terhune. 8tepII out of the machln.... He haa been In love ..... th Acathll Firs t. and WR8 tho man In 'the oheokered suit. It now lacks three mlnutfJll ot tla time that Terhune haH tor .-Announclng hi. engagement. Vincent TUehee Terhune to urge Agatha Sixth to accept him. Soll rltor Barnoll Is natified aD,t the ceremony Ie pertormed.
, m.
~ ~
palHd. 80 that ............ab..
out w.bat the tun wu ID that eon cd thlnc at all. It wna only when we had quletell down somewhat tbe girls Ilnd Braneepe th and myselt: that SoHeltor Barne., LADIES' OPEN·SHEATH who had b'e retolore been giving lli undivided attention to hi. luncheon, condescended to speak. .
" Wher e are Mr. Terhune ~~d hls-ah ~r-tl an cee. It 1 may ask. he, said. One .would have supposed that mJ cli ent s n ephew. Mr.- ah!-Mr. Tel' hune-:would have had more curloslt7 as to the exact value of the propert, to whi ch ho has only just be come he ir .. "1' suppose they're 8t111 s tanding 01) the stairs. just where we le ft them." said my wlCe ecslatlcal1 . "Th dears '" • y 0 ,, ' Not a very comforta~ place tD mak. love In I should lay.- ..amment. ad the solicitor dryly- he WlIoa a bllcht'lor hlmselt. "But 1 presume they hard· I), r eallz. whero the" are. poor things." And hlf thin lips parted slightly In a smile ot Infinite pity. But nobody e lse at the table seemell at aU to comprehend his sarcasm. Quietly. unobtrusively. my wlte aud 1 exchanged glances. and Irritatingly enough Brancepeth and Agatha First, and even the Impassive ' Chllte rn and AgCltha lo'ourth did the s llDIe. We none 01 us s a w a nything at all queer or out of the o rdinary In the conduct cd Agatha Slxtb and Terhune. you .... we'd been ther e ourselves . And a s a needle to Its magnet, so did the ha nds ot Dearest and myselt. aa we lIat cat·a·cornered at the table. se" eacb nther under the cover. And with thal clasp the last remnant of the W· feeling th e exclUng event.e of the put tew dl/J'oi! bad trIed tel make between u. vanished. and I vowed. as ( lost mYMU In tbe dep ths ~t those dear gray eyes. that even as It had been our first mfa. understanding. by Jove I It should be our last. THE END.
SUCCESS TURNS MANY HEADS Average Man Anumel an ImportanCB to Whlc" He Actually II Nol . Entitled.
,-- - - - -
eo tlDI
I Neatl y IHUn g unde r wear Is rCqul red by a ll women today. not ollly ror the sake of the a pt' arn nco of the Ir ou ler garments. but because t hey ha ve rOll nd how much more comror tab le Is tho snllg un der ga rm ent. t hun the one ,",' It h I! upem bu nda n t full uess. The d rawe rs Illust r ate d ar e cu t to fit t he fi g ure nicely at th e upper part. where da rts are used for this purpose. About half Wil Y dow n th e drawers h ave a dee p fl oun ce and t his m ay b of Ince, of embroide ry or of alternate bllnds ot ea ch. L ong clotb Is perhapl! tho ,most satisfact ory material tor undergar· me nts. a s It Is both sort and 8tro ng. The pattern ( 52 9 0 ) Is cut In size. 22 to 34 Inches w31st measure. Medium s ize r equl rt.'9 '% yard ot 27 Inch mate rial. with 3,. ya rds of 13 "nch edg ing. To procuro thIs pBltorn eend 10 cenU to ". ·IUtern Departmen t." ot thlll paper Write name a nd add re.8 plainly. Bnd be wure to ~ve al:&e and number ot pattern. NO. 5290.
8JZE ......... ..... . _
NAME .................. ......... ........... . TOWN •••• ••.••••·............. . ............. .
STREET AND NO. ... . ................. . 8TATE ..... . ......... ... .. ................ _
It la rather a r emarkable Ulustra· tlon ot tbe weaknes of onr nature' tbat there should be so ruany p er sons whose b eads are completely turne d by attaining even tbe slightest d egree of success. Inst ead at r ealizing that t'he a chievement which won him tam e ~s a thl!1g of tbe past, and therefore burl ~ d • In oblivion. except to 'those nearest to him. the average man Imbibes a goOd· ly portion of lIeU.satisfaction and drinks to his own conceit. HIs one st\co . cess I~ s very large upon his narrOW horizon. and the temporary adulatilln ot a tickle publlc magnlfie's Ita prop£\J\ tlons and appears to give him an tm' parlance not realy his due. Thla seU. Importance Is apt to be r eflected In "II.., his turijler etforts, If Indeed It doe. not forbid etrort of any ,.ort. a.nd otfee a maD becomes obsessed with an exag· gerated Idea of bls attainments there Is small chance of hls e ver duplteaUna those attainments. It 18 juat here, boweTer. that so many personl ma.ke the mistake ot· their liven by 'bellevrol .sus (CHAPTER XIII.-Continued.) that having OD(jj8 establlllhed a record for themselver tbere la no Deed to No style Is now a cceptable to the He had at ftrst. It appeared, called live up to It. It tt~y could only forge I small boy except the RUllslan suit. upon Agatha Endicott when she was thetr successes. or hide them aWIlY ID We have add ed to the attracUveneSll Btaying at Cblltern house. nnd courted the dim places of their OWD Jatnd. to of the m odel Illustrated by providing h er openly. but on liearlng ot the Slm· he peeped at only for Insplmt1oD. fhelr B1I1a ll t rousers even for the youngest pHn complication. Cblltern, who hated aelt·aggrandlzement would give 7'I'.y to laddie. Blouse Is Quite blgh In th e ne ck. the posslbtllty ot being' dragged Inf.9 a a correct valuation of their ability, as It should be In cold weatb er. and tamJly row. as mucb' as h e dlsllked to which would go tar toward h e lfl1n~ lhe rron t forms a pa n el. the closing be· 'e r esponsible tor o't'tendln~ his power· the m to n ew accomplishments. A lDg placed nt one s ide. In the back Agatha SbRh. ful fri end and nlly, had objected ve hem· man's mos t serious thougbtli s hould ". of lhe bl ollse there Is a box . plait ently and had (orbldden a contJnuance seated tranq\lllly s ide by side .at the cnUy. Qnd threw ber a gllmce that of what Is to' come. of what he II to h ".. b lc h pro vides a ll n ecessary fullnes8. In the future. not of what is passed 01 Tbe sleeves have a IILUe tullness at of tlielr InUmacy, a t least for as lo~ labl.,. But In'splte ot this damper. he mad e her tln'b color rise. as It was In hlA ' power to demand obe- struggled bravely on willi wbat he had For my&elf, I never telt more brU. of what he has already accompllllhe4 th e s houlder an d Instead ot a cuff there Is a serl s o( small cutrs at the dle.noe. That Is. wbile the girl ~as a evidently oome with his mind made up lIunt. and Brancepeth Tied with me In pest under his roof. which deore~ to say. By this Ume we. Dearest and I . getUng liP would.he humorous tele. MADE A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT wris t. At all sea sons t h6l!e suits a re made of linen and pique. and at pres· bad force d Brnncepath to cense his at- had gotten an Inkling of what that was. grams. tlrst to Terhune's AUnt Georgy, tenUoDs temporarily. when ollr Invlta· He had come. we could 8ee. to warn IlS and th~n to nils. Simplln. ' apprislnp; Row of T6mptlng PIes Attra"ted M .. ent ve h'e leen Is vijry smart tor them, Plalu serge a nd hevlo t are also ap· ~ tlon t,(Lmako one ot our house party agains t encouragtng the atralr be- them at the heaUllc state of the matrl. Ileal Student. to the Boardln, proprlate mate rials. . had mercifully remo\'ed the other prln· tween Brancepetb and Agatha Fll'1It monlal prosJ)p.cts at hlmselt and Atch. Hou.e 'Round the C9rnar. The pattern (5263) Is cut In s izes 2. clpal In this ·romance to Wyckhoff cal· tbe r eport having nt last reaohed him "It's 1& pity the, can't be here to tie. A change of scene. whIch wblle It In some way or other that It was be· share 10 tbe Joy wblch has been the dl. Pie, the naUonal dish. has beoll tt.. 4 and G years., Medium fi h;e requires did not utterly r emove her trom the Ing carried on more [urlously than rect result 01 their handiwork." said Bubjeot lately of pure food tnTlllIUrn' 3~ ya rds of 27 Inch ma terial. aphere or danger. since a chance visIt ever UDder our protecUon, but we had young Murray. to whom. and to his tlon •• (umlsatlon and ot an ea.U.u I, To procure thla pa tt ern\ Aend 10 cent. Gn the part of either h er former or no doubt. bowenr. that. aside from his fiancee, we had confided the aentlmen. contest. In which the champion l'io to "Pattern Dl'pllrtmt!nt." ot thla paper. present hostess to either mansion (lersonal Interest 1n putting a stop to tal situatiOn between Terhune and belt of the world was won. But Ittll Write li n ..... " :::-.11 Ilddrt!8H plnlnly. and be might r~v eal all. sUlI afforded her a the thIng. the man was convinced that Agatha. Slxth. more recently. In Boston. It was uled sure 'to gIve SIZB Bnd number of pl1tteru. better opportunity to see ber lover. he was ' acting tor Brancepeth'a Inter"Rather!" I said. "Thelr presence Is as an e s pecially clever advertisement A state of atralrs which naturall, eala as well In Interterlng. since It th e orrly t.hlng lacking to make this kl a certain kitchen ""ln6-',- In a OGJ' NO. 5263. 81ZE ... ..•..• •...•••• explained Agatha Flrst's reluctance to had been true enough that the lad was particular .solrEle u good as the third taln apartment house that tAcked QP have my wife make the trip to ChtlterD so placed that he could not well afford act of a well balanoed comedy, whero Ilglllnst a certain court. around '-hrao NAME .. ... ......... ................ . ....... . bouse; whe re she teared mutual revela. to offend his Uncle. Ch11tern Is a flne all the characterl appear at once and sides of which llved certalu ml:ltnal TOWN . .... .. .. .. ~ .. ..... .. .... .. .... , ... .. . . tlons might be made which must neces· teUow, aU rlgbt, but he's a good deal compose themselves Into statuesque students and other peoille who d1D~ ur11y expose the secret of Brance· older than I am. and a conservative In groups about the atace." at restaurants-tn this kitchen STRI':ET AND NO ........ .... ........... peth's courtship ot her. continued as it prlvato life as well as public. But In dow ,,,as displayed ellAlh "a1 ... row 01 ST I\ TE . .. ... .. .. .. ....... ... : . . ... .. ....... . was. In 8plte ot and against Mr. Ohll· spite ot b1s tendency to oreach, and an "Yes." he agreed. "but IJ we'ra goln« tempting' pies. tern's expressed wlsb. It was also obnoxious habit at expel'tlng eyeryon.. to hl/ove all the characters In our play The crust was flaky and dMfottotA1, made plain to U9 that Agatha Flrst's to toe the mark as rlgorou81y aa Oe Ilppeur. We ougnt really to have InvIted ~Q. OozIng through fancy ltttl. Unreal . devoUon to Terbune sprang from two does hlmllelr. I rather like tho uld cock. Mrs. Armistead and the three other pricks In Its top was jul .." sn rich ""I~ Mrs. A .-- Tht' ll you dldn't care aources . It W /l.8 assumed partly to He's deuced popular with men. , eertain- .Agathas with their American husbands plentiful that . the mouth watered 81 .n ueh fo r t be !'ocln1 comedy ?" throw Mrs. Chllte rn otr the scent In ly. and Is unanlm('usly returned by his ~~~t~~.?Cheon. to make It !,Iulte com· the sight. OccasIonally 0 taint J It Mnl. Z.-"N o. Indeed ; ~t was too case sho should make any attempt to borough evel'1 eleotlon. And tben, U "RJght!" 1 agreed. enlhuslaa'Ueall-. odor would float aernss the c~lUrt a·'ll unr eal. " lind out whether Brancepeth .were still ollother e:rcuso tor what mlgltt other· ~ drive the restaurant trequenters wild M·rs. A.-" In w hnl way. my dear?" ClonUnulng his I\tte~Uon9. In case of "li e seem his uncalled for ' Interter- "I say. wouldn't that have been. joIl7?" wIth longing. Dny arter da y tIl.1 Mrs. Z. -"\Vh y. six months elapse i h d wit anee In this affair. I rather think be And we laughed de lightedly. I was so kitchen window was ' ple.filled. 1'bu h betw e~ 1\ nct i and act 2: nnd ye t th e aw k war d ·Ques U,o ns sew s e my e el·ated over evervthlng In' general. "nd . .... to bo able to say with truth that her (ancled he wna doing Dearellt and my·, ' J .. some student asked the owner at Lu4 Vun Stylowood s have t be same cook. pelt was Interested 10 some one else. self a kindn"sa In Intormfnr us of the the outcome ot Dearest·s and my wlndof If she took boardors. "~(),' You ku ow th a l dOIl't so und possible." ~at some one else chancing to be Ter· tl'Ue Inwardness of the situation. that ml!otch·maklng schemel In particular. she replied. with the seltpossel!l1lton 01 " hune. 9he had also Indulged in her _ . might at least be able to aeit with tbat I was amused at anything at lilt one who had been owaltlng the qu."." Against Odds . ... rt I Ith A h be d Itted .... r e"es open.: That he· meant w.e ll, I But U Murray and I were hllarlous. "but those pies are made by a frl~,d, "He bas s ucceeded In lite. YOIl , AU at on w rc. s a m . ... ~ you should hayo seen ' those gfrls I or mine on tbe n ext street. No' d".,bt · with a most engagtng laugh and tena· rt!lt no doubt. , she' could boar. you." And' sh ....... ._ sa),?" iDg glance at her .over. partly because' Nevertbelea.. 1 could aee that the Their consciences seemed to be ",'orry· u """" , ·: Y ~B. nnd lu spite of n great bandl. ". for ~ome reason. fpr .e.Y8ry · ·Boston HeraiiJ. . cap." . ahe ' had conceIved a fondness for the part elf Inform8.&t was distaste (1 u to hi • In& them te but softened thIs shaft b, add. . . halt mJO!1 they'd got up and embra~e - - - -"\Vhat was th nt !;' old bOl, , t w1fe. 11'110,' In all I1robab~l1ty. had been each other and ask 'each. other to tor· Origin of Nul''''.' Kill. "He IIseel to be a n 'In fa nt phenom. ~ that she liked tp talk 0 hIm bo· tho means of 'd elaylnl execuUon · ~ give them . . U It .88n·t Agatha First The DU,ptlal kl!,B; wl~b a meal" ~' caule 'she bad dl800vered that heJmew that duty 80 lon,. , who was tallln, on. Agatha. . Fourth't! , .R.ln to that of tbe kts • . of peace, b'l4 enon ,' '' BraDciepe~, aod sh~ was therefor . . TheBe things havlns buco.m e' clear to neck It w'a s De~te8t was talllnc' Its 'qrlgln In a moat. .ertous and pri o Nelghbo'r s Rt! jolced. ~ taJk about bet: lover. tholJg~ she UB. we also perctotv.ed. 'that'l.ho, H, OIll' on .!A~lltha ,Flr~t·s n eck. . ".): t.l cal church ceremony: kl1o~ as flt' Q«lers-P ror. Sea!.9r. who lives nfl~t ~ul4 not otten see hlln. Terllune·. , ,: ' espousals. Among mediaeval P8~ ,b 4Do·. ' 10r her s'o clety.....roI: bel~g OecU Chlltern could not I>Ou'bb be By Jove! it r;ot ..,r~ther tlrp,some, a. amang s'o me classes of JAWS tod"¥" door 10 yo u. Is a l)s p t·tulbd e.d. Is n't h e ? jlrttJa Aptha Flrst-I thought. could be aware '«it that monln,'s " eventa, th~ · thc.)U~1i once 1n " , w~t1e. for a .ch~e, It was cuatomnrr ' for the b1IdegTU,.. · • Tow,Dsend- Yes. lUCkily for' me and Wned even more slP,lply. He had elopemel\t of Miss .E!lmplln. an~ ' cons(l- they ~ all.,three 8~t up a~d c~t.nch ,a~ ad . tbe bride", to meet betore :,.tt. tiro r est of ;hle nelgbbors. SOmetlmea · " ~ IlYeJi b1ma~ , awtly 'U1at . quent B.a'nctl~n at Br~l!Q.eoeth a u~."ll ·t!ght 1 couldn't. ~o,. ,the llfe o~,1De ,h~Te ' n:as~/J In the Qhurch aome daY. ~ th man operatee his plano plaY,e r ror · ben·he .b..s IP nal.e17 OCIl!flded to me u~n Iii" m.a.r~age wtth ~atha :•. Fl,rst. . said wblcbw.as ~ 'o~ .w'.fe. , even' weeks' before · tb!!J ' marrla,ge ~f I\ollrs . nnd :hours wi thout reallzjng tliaf. · ~ tlaat tbe girl ,,~ fa love :wJtJa So, with . o~e voice a!l~ , mind. :we un· We couldn' t .&et' an7"he~e· a(all ~,It~ th~ ' ma1ro a pled~ ' of future .. ... lie lias Insertea, no mue1q roll. ' • . , '. ' . ' 4ertoo'k to enlighten ~I~-\ Br~~.,.th the meal. uel BrlW,lCepe.tb and I ~ep.n and.1at .ucb tltne. , a .rlng WU , ...ua\Jr • . 0.0.... 1.. 1&1\1 ·,OIlD& . Mum)" ud MI". ~I~ft.tt bavlq paapecltbe to ("I quite left out, tbel ~kePt It up j)r~ented. by Ui, PfOIIpectl.e, b~ ~"ee l!pon a Tim,. ,..UDlI17. U 'be ftDIaIled ~. ~ of &be object of h1a'~1 on tb. momept~' llta 80. But wilen ,,~ a(t.nDpt~ to.·f.n on SOmetllpH., bOw..... tbot, ...n waa..dx "Once I could have bought the s ite two bad bMn llytQlfor oqr.arrl~ , ' " tbe DeeD cjf' SoUoltor B"rne..... old, '~or ·to bUy the omameJJt; e.nd lnaMil of Chicago for $4.oq." ....1_'. ·..,,1 10". llll~t lriuhW. "I I. .n( IDJ dati." 'ObUtem bepn Cbllteril. "...ecU"el)', Jut ·by Of Prea!Dted a , ~.lI, which wu doubU•• "I !mow flow It la, old man. Ollce 1 JIIII~rr. 01' wbatAl~ It ".. .... ...... oeD paaaed,·H. aeemed to 0" 'ptith,IDto the' ~'• ."" .w~ more pl~.~nt. aQd wa,• co~.Idere4 • bad, a f!hance ' to buJ' a beetateak far til C!eo..ta a oounl ...... " . . . &0 III ~ ill JI'O"ttl.... " . aU .., ui4 I mar ~ _·almoIt ~olentlJ' I»IDdbl. ·.,ledp...,.. ~ ...... G~
~ ~
The Great Story
PAPE·R No stronger piece of fiction haS been • produced In a decade.
It deals with love ~nd life, pride and power,. sentiment and prejudit~.
'Read the first installment and yoq' cannot fail to . read them all.
'If you~' .are .iDspired by the story , of a woman's unself ish devotipD~ study th~ heroine of this mas·terpiece.·.
TOBACOO FAIR .\ Tobacco Fair will be held in the lower room of tne Masonic Temple in Waynesville, 0., on
14, 1911
In competition among growers of Zimmer Spanish and Seed Leaf, prizes will be offered by the
National Bank as tallows:
First Prize Second Prize Third Prize -
510.00 &.00 3.00
All samples for competition must contain five hands. Three competent judges will award the prizes. Samples will be numbered and no names attached until after the awards are made. Bring your tobacco in before 10 o'clock that i't may be arranged before noon. Growers of other varieties may bring samples for show if they so desire, No entrance fee . No admittance fee .
Spring Branch ?
Brioe Smith one' of our popular
Iblaoksmitbs is still adding Improve
Mr. and Mr!l. Tlmot.by Smith and I ments to his home on east Main sous were entertaiu u to dioner lllst 1street. :-<llnddoY by Mr. and Mrs . . Edward Utto Borniok soon' Sanday' In I Xenia 'he guest of rela'lves. . Btlrhlook :Mrs ElIli. R. ye ~nd dl1ughter, Mrs. I Squire Clark Burges~i. very mooh ll~dwllrd HiufH ok aod litt.le Harold improve~ and will lRave at onoe for were gneets of IIlr and Mrs. Frank Mllrtinsvllle, lad. Curey ~nd fumily at dinner We<llles· P. V. Be&80n, of 'he ·Natlonal liay. Ollsb Register Co., of D~y'oo, spent Mr. and Mrs. Fraok Smith and Sonday the goe.' of his paren"', family enf,prttlined Eifler I.rom WH. Mr . and Mrs. Ed Reason. lillms and wife Friday nigbt. Mr. Bernie Jordan, of Springfield, Mr and Mrs J"lto Hllrtsook eo. was tbe goes' ot his slater Nollie, tertl\ined Ellie; Williams ~nd wife millin~r at Quinoy King'a store. Or. I. N. Sealatill remaina qoUe t;lltQrdtly .nigl.!t. ··fhere will be ~eeting at 'Mlddltl poorly. · Rlln tomorrow and Tuesday at 10 :30 Benjamin weeks baa opened op by Elder Nay, of Iowa. "n implement 8&ore 10 .oor town Mn. Ada Dakin and daugh&era w~loh la mnoh needed, Lois and Ba~el .spen' Friday with !an Zepheniah Udderwood ' died her grsndmotber, Mrs. Diokson at her home In Wllmington Than. Wharton, of Mt. Holly. day .and wealaid to nl' tn the Wil Mr. Goy Chenoweth i8 spending mingt'on cemetery . .-o,n day. III' a few day. · with friends tn ' Xenia. and Mrs, Under.wood bad been mar· Mr. and Mrs Oharles Rye enter' rted only ablut one year . l'be be· tained Eifler Tom Wllliamsand wife reavN hosballd has the eympa'~y Mr. and Mr!l. Edward Morgan and of this commonity. A~n~ ;Rebecca BobUt at dinner tdon The Musie Township I3nnday day. Sahool CoDven&l.a oenvened In the MI88 Faye Bet!8 is on the Plok list. M. .E. ohnrch Sonday electin;t their bot i8 better at t.his wriiing. ' oftlOfttfor 1~11. Rev. I'dnpr pve Mi .. a8rt.bd. Smith spent .everal 'a talk on BundaY·8Clhool work. ·The days in Dayton with her mother letet muaio waa, well rendered and en. wee". joyed by alt / ~ Mr. John ~entlt!8is. vi8iting Mr. .lira; llartare' Levioy I. vieltlng Thomas Bess and family . her daughter Mrs. Daisy Barbook - - -...- . in lJayton. Harveysburg. I Miea MaJ'ia Denny, of Lalloalter, visited her aia&er, ¥ra. W. O. Weloh Satorda" and &unday n'nming Mra. 14a.rtha p, Denny one of oar homl'l Monday. . old oUizens of this ., clnU" died -. ~.--Wedne8day morning at her beauti. fQI home 8&S' of town, and was New BurllnltoD . baried in Miami Oemetery Fridal'. Sbe left m Gurn her 10811 a daugh· Mr: anc) Mrs. J!'raDk MoIntire are ter, Ion and grand804. the parents of a lit.tle son. ,Mr. aDd Mrs. Ohlla, Wintield, of Tbe L8dies Aid of tbe M. E ohoroh near here. have the sympathy of wall ·pleaeantly entertained Thora this oommonity .in the loe8 of thtllr day afternoon by M~ame8 Cowgill, seven·month8 old babe from measles Colvin and Nelhe Lackey . . Burial 'ook plaoe a.t t3prlngtield' M1's8 Barriet Smtr.h 18 the goel' of ohurch·Sunday: M.i u Elizabetli Randall after qoi~ her mother, Mrs. Raohel Smith • . a ~evere siok 8pell is better at this Mr8. Lester Oompton has been on writing. . tbe aiok Sarab E. Wllson no aged lady is - ~ were Mr. and u_ra. W., V . •uaoaey qo,&e siok with tbe grip. among thOse attending 'he' auditor, Harry Davis, a horse boyer, of IUD:l mee'lngs. in Xenia. Greenvllle, :wIth the assistanoe ot . Th'e Friendp' W. F.' M. S. met at Walter Gray, bc;>oght eeveral bead the home ot Mrs. A. W; Reeves on of good horaes here 188t week and shipped them Saturday to his home. t3atnrday. Prof. Roodebush with the aS8Ist- · Kelly.Mendenhal1 sOld his prise anoe bf his entire room will preeeot I winning White Rook cookerel, las' a playat'fown Ball, February 2 2nd·.week to an Indiana fanoier for t25.
7, ·1911
1IrHE Allison Rit<;.h~y Suburban Gardens, 5 :&10 acre ~ tracts, on. small monthly payments, close to Houston, in the rain belt-deep, rich, sandy loam soil. Land in the Houston-Galveston district is rising rapidly in ·price. Private car to Houston. We have.farm land $15 ·per acre up. For further particulars, add~ess .
0. ' O. William$,o n, Qe·n eral Agent
- •
Mi.. Teresa Ryan · vla\ted her grandmother at .Bea.v ertown )118' t;aturday and Sonday. Mrs. J. E. NllgleYand·son Jdehu~ arri ved last, EtidilY' morniog· from Elpo.8.>, Texas to spend bOme timt1 witb h.er · pareo·ts, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rllper. Mr . Daugherty, of 800th of town has purohased the Pepper property on Baut·b Main street . Born to Mr. u.nd Mrs. Robert Weis a daogbt.er. Prof, Roy E Bendell, of Cleveltmd 0 ., will give ~n tlntertainment in 'he'l'own Ball, FrtdllY, Febru~ry 10th, for 'bb benetit of the &hool Library, adwlssion 20 oents. J os. Smith moved into the Bowles property today and Juee Folkerth moved into 'be Finley property on West Frll.nklio street. We are ioformed tbat Benry W eller west of tClwn will soo beoOlDe a resident of our town .~
Utica Mr. Frank Modllon, of t:;llblnll. WIIS the guest of Rev McKinzie two dAYS last week . WhIle here he rented a farm of Mr. Tiohenor And will live ill Leftm . Mr anll Mrij. Modsonillre well worr.hy of beiug weloomed into any oommonity. Mr lfeorge Moyer, of Fl ve Mile, Brown Connty hitS been vis'ttiug bis parents her~ for a few days A. F. Miller booght Il valnable horse of James B!aolr Illst week . We undershnt! Mrlt Olara Kirby Is going to leave the farm and make her home to Labunon. Wm. Moyer mllde & basinesll trip tf) Waverly last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Bathaway is on 'he siok lilit. Jamea Blaok ill in Dayton where be is looking after a bllsine8s propositioD. Wm. Moyer and family, who .. re Uviog on the Olara Kirby farm will move to Middlftown in March. O"oar Black who , is Btaying tn Oay,on ' vll'ii;d his parents Friday. GleDn Framee la improving slowly. ' The UUle daogl1&er of ~v. Mo KinZie Is on the Ilok UII'. ~
Orelonla. ·Mr. ·and 61.... ~~in Arml&age 'ook dinner with Edwin ArmUage and family Sonday . . Iitr and Mr•• Will Mooney spent Snnday wUh lire. )toODey'. ta'her here. : . . Mra. Will K~ney "aa in aarvey. burg .. few days tan "week. . The Mill88H Mary antl Rozelle Wi}. name, of Lebanon, paid a bflef visit to 'betr brother and bls wife I.llt week: 14188 Edna SpetlOl:lr attended tbe dance giveo a' the Elk's Ballin Lebanon Tuesday: nigh' by Mesarl1. Vernon .Tooe8, Ralph Oarey 8nd Donald O'Neall. 'Mr: and Mrs. George Saoker enjoyed a vieit from IIr. Baoker'. pareotl l:ionday. Cedrio Bradbory of Lebanon paid a week·eDd Vi8it to hie brother here. · Irfnt. Mary OOOy . was oalled to OlarUvme·last week; owing &0 the .arlona illn888 of her ai8ter and fathltr. wnUarp Myers, a brother of 0 , Jj' Myer8, formerly of this pl!i08, has be~n visiting here. J09 MoGUl bad the miafortune to lose a valuable oow last Friday, when a s'raw ataok Mved in on·it. Qaitea nomber fro~' here attend ed Roy Daws' sale ' Friday
Spring Valley - lIrs • ..Martha Weller died Friday after aevera) weeks illoesl. Short a~f.vice. will be · held at t.he ho~ae Monday morning . Bortal in Oen terville. Mr and Mr8.D . W. Anabee en ter~ined at dtoner t3unday tbe lIi88ea Eme and Agnes Norris, of Xt>nia, MislI Aml\nda Belt, A . C Mendenhall, wile and daoght.er of this place. · Friends of Walter Balta and wife reoeived word tha' they were the pa~ent8 of an 8 pound girl. Mr.... .M . Blett 1a .lowly huproving. · . . \Mr. Orin Gartrell is suffering from tons.illiti8. . Mre. Walter Moore had the mis. fortone k> 8vrain her ankle 188t week. . \. · A nnmber of farmers in this vioinitT have opened their sagar camp,lI Rev. t;torv will preaoh at ·the M.. E.ohorob next tlunday nisht. Mrs. D. W. Anabee and' daoghter Olive .were Dayton shoppers 8ator day. . ~i'oh C.01l88Y waa a bOliness visl tor in Da, ton last week. .. .. The intant 80n.ol',wm. Orites an'd .~if~ la sl1~htlY · improvfld nig~t
WaynesvUle Mills
Furnish~s ftlaferial for · Palatable. Dishes.
Dennrt me nt 01 Agrlcul turel E xtell81 0n . OhI o Sta t
Unl v raIl)".
++++·H·+-:-1o¥"·'l-+++++t++++ f ·+++
Th e primary objec t In se'rvlng left· ov rs 011 our I. bl!;! Is. of course. econ· omy. Wt' htl \'t.> 9 0 often seen 1er .. · overs unatt rllct! I'ely prepared that we have become prejudiced age.insl them. In the av erage home. fooda that are leh frOID a meal are either put back Oil the table cl'ld or are carelessly warmed over In a frylnl pan. The hOUBewlCe who I. skilled In the use or left·oYeTl provldu many II dainty dish for her table Mld laves herself a great many dollar.. Fal.e Eoonomy.
In a second cookIng ot meat we should do one ot two th1ng. . If the
Most up-t.o-date IViill in OhiO, Indiana or Kentucky. . Being the first to install'
BALL· 8·EARIN6 MACHINERY .and with our system of grading anCi caring for wheat enables us fo make the ' '
BEST fLOUR MANUfACTURED Ask your grocer for'
Albino Flour.
meal I. already well cooked and tenEvery Sack Cuaranteed. der. we should merely warm It up and guard against overcook I!),:;. which render. It less dIgestible and We have a large supply of Flour, le81 palatable. If the II)ell.t Is under· cooked and tough. It will be more Corn Meal, Bran, Middlings, palatable It simmered slowly until Dairy, Hog, Horse and Chicken tender In Its own atock or gravy. or Feed, and if you want results, tn water. \ In the working up of left-overs satisfaction and reasonable there are no hard a.nd fast recipes to prices, deal with the follow. The housewlte must learn to us. and to combine acceptabhr what•. ever she may happen to have on hand. It Is not economy to spcmd flfty centll and an bour's time In order to save five cents' worth of leftover meat. The result should a1waYII prove worth the time and the extra materials bought. Meat Which has been cooked has NOTICE TO FARMERS HINTS TO FRUIT CANNERS lost a part ot its flavor, therefore In the second cooking we must do someAir Is not tho cause of the spoiling The Waynesville Canning Co. is thing to .upp1y the lost flavor. For ot canned fruits and vegetbles, but this reason we season left-over now ready to contract for corn and It ' Is due to tbe plants known 8S tomatoes for the year· 19t1, at their dIahell more blghly; lIometimes we molds, yeasts and bacteria, which are acld lemon Juice, onion juice or to- Waynesville office. floating In the air. mato Juice to give an added flavor. ' 'Waynesville Canning Co. The IDS!! of canned trults Is due t o Yeasts and molds. ~hese. together Helpful Sugge.tlon •• J. F. Snook, Sec'y. .~.~ wlt~ their seeds. or spores, are eas lly In following a recipe for a left-over ' killed by one heating. For this rea"Pin. and Needle •." dish. we oftentimes do not have· all After belog for II- long time In a son the canning ot fruits Is. relatively of the IngrEldlents called for, an4 In simple . . that caBe we must learn to sub.tI- oo.Dstralned atUtude a peoullar -numb. The success of cnnning depends tute on~ thlog tor another. In mOISt nea anei prloklng IS often felt in the upon the kUHng· cif all yeasts. molds, arm, les o.r toot. This Is oaused by cases macaronl may be used Instead and bacteria. and their seeds or of potatoes flud rlc & may be used In some loterruptlon· to the clroulatlon sPores. .and also upon the sealing of the place of It ilEr. . It neither rice and can usually be removed by rub'. the ,;tetlllzed tood In cans or jars nor macaroni !H P all hand. stale binS or exercise. that are germ-tight. The reason of the sensation. which bread crumbs 01' -racItercrult!bs may Bacteria are tbe cause at the sponI.. deoldedly unoomfortable while it be used.· Ing of vegetables . . Thes require The rollowl r.~ u!!'!?' stions for the lasts, Is that pressure tor a certain u.e of left ·ol·e !' men ts . mllY prove length of time deadens the sen8Ibll·· more .heat to kill them. For home canning vegetables sbould be beat d 1t1 of .. nerve. When this pressure h.lpful to th~ hous wite: Is suddenly removed (as straighten· . on three successlv days to. Insure Cottage Pie. their ke )ling. Ing out the leg after slttJng with It Place a layer or· hot mashed pota· doubled underneath the body) senslA .team cooker Is an Ideal contoea In the bottom of a buttered bak· bUlty gradually returnll to. the nerve, trivance tor canning. Th re are lng dish. On this place a layer of and u each . nerve-fiber compoBlng many kinds on the market. ranging chopped coo}l:ed beef moistened with the trunk regains Its normal condi- In price from three tolJev n dollars. gravy. Cover with anower layer of tion of .enslblltty a pricking sensa- The ones opening with a door on tbe mashed potatoetl and brown lo a tion Is felt. and these euooesslve prick· side are the most convenient for quick oven. sterilizing. and l)old from' twelve to IDp from the successive awa.kenlngs Minced Meat On Toa.t. of the numerous fibers have not In- elahteen jars at a Ume. Tbe kind of jar Is an Important Chop or grind cold cooked meat.. apti7 been called ··plns and needle .... factor in the keeping ot canned Heat with lIotne ot the · gravy. Serve 10ods. Glass . II! better than tin. on thin .lIces of toast dipped tor an Light does not' cause th spoiling of Public Sale lutant In salted hot water. fruits or Vegetabl s. Wide mouthed Croquette •. Baving deoided to go Sooth 1 will jars are easier fill d Ilbd cleaned. Make a very thick white sauce offer Itt pnbllo. auotlOn at my pll,od Screw top or Mason jars sh6~uld be (about six level tablespoons of fiour ut residenoe lin wbt.Lt i~ kn own 11£1 used for preserves or such fruits as to one·halt pint at milk). ,Add cold tbe Gld Jaoob SJnclltir furm baok of keep easily and one of the more chopped meat -and shape Into cro- the QUIlKer ohurch a.t Wuynesville, modern vacuum or spring·top types quettes. Roll In crumbs, tben ·In Ohid,o'u should be employed for the ca.nnlog eggll, then In crumbs again. and fry .of vegetablea. In deep tat. CrClQuette • . may also be February IS, 1911, at 9 o'c1ock M~S. C. W. FOULK, made b1 mulnl meat wfth mashed Departmt!nt ot Agriculturj\l ExtenSix horsee-l gray horse, 12 years po~toea . or by mixing with bread _Sian. Ohio SUite University. ' old, good Ihie borse; 1 gray mare, cruba . and beaten egg. 11 yeBrs pld, . driver a nd wOlker; 1 8calloped Meat. b~y horile, 11 Y IUS old, work h orse; Fill a baking dl.h with alternate 1 bay.mitre, I!)uod wo,·ker; 1 brOWD la1erll .of cooked rice or macaroni geldiDg S years oJd 1 l'ay filly, ~~ ....... %.~ and cho:Jped meat. Pour toma.to .2 yeara old; 500ws-1 miloh.: oow, Ada will be Inserted unClor this h ud for sauce over It, cover with buttere4 7 years 'Jld, II. good one; 1 a yfollr-old twenty.Ovo cents for three. Inscrtlou. crumb., an4 -'-_0 in tb- oven. WbOD USIDg not moro thaD !lve IlDes. cow ready foi beef, 1 heifer, doe to ou.lf in J oly ; 1 steer, 11> months old; - - -........ 1 heiter oalf, 3 months old; 30 bogs; - - ....-........~ Now IS the time to get the Gazette :$5 f!ill pig!'! 5 S'J WS bred to farrow FOR SALE· in Maroh, 3 tlheep bred to lamb to ________~-----April. b'arm Implements-l road Wllg()O, T IHRUE PAPER-If yoo want any color of tine tissue paper, 1 farm waguo, 1 ruhbor tire oa.rrillge Ilnd pole n~arly llew,l bug~y, 1 sur- o"U a' thll (lazette offioe. We h!lVe ry, 1 spring wagon, a oulttvu.tors; It on ha.ud all the Lime. ZIMMERMAN'S 1 tobaooo plow, 1 gu.rden plow. 3 _po IANO-fo sell or rent Suitable breaking p~oWI'? 2 oindel"8,3 harrowp, ..for parlor, lQdj;Ce or B~hoOJ room '; Good Things This We.k 2 wheat drills, 2 mowers; reval vin~ Inqllire at this office. . • bay ralte, 1 Osborn hay tedder, to. Je~ey Sweet Potatoes baooo letter, 7 barrel tank,1 'l'ig"r TOWN PRUPERTY-DesiTllble Fresh Crisp Lettuce , o)rnplllnter eithe,· o\leok or drill town property in good r~pair. , California Celery witb 80 rod Wire, hllY fork, rope and iocated on Fourth s&reet. For furth_ Cranberries, Cabbage, Bermuda pulleys, hay. ladders,1 gra.vel bed, ~r informatlon inquire at Gazette Onions. Apple Butter, Mince 1 tielc;l roller, 1 two hol'S,;) sled, about. oftl Je. , . Meat, Fancy Prunes, J qinbo 50ba. of oorn in ortb, 4 sets work hal: . . . . . . Peaches, Dates, Figs, Raisins, Delle, set work nets, 1 II At; buggy hti.. pAPE~ N APKlNR-The G87!e'te Maple Syrup, Buckwheat, fanness doubl" lI~t oarriage h8rne~, 001. offioe hundle!! the plato wh~te ' oy AppleS, Sweet Navel OrlariJ, bridles, lines, 1 dinner b~lI, ml111land oolored nllpkins. n alld Elee , I!onSe&, Lemon&. bOX, aboot 18 rod 26 in . feooe pooi. them. ·8 .1bS; Kidney. Beaml, a oan ..... l0c try be~Ung, 1 grind lit one, lR ft lad H9R.SES-Bor~es fQt' sale sln~h' WayneSVille Flour, a Sack ... .65e dor,.logohaJil8 . .barrels, boxes, forke, or in pairs. . InqUlre or J. B. ;.Buckwht'at, 10 lbe ............... 380 · shovels boes blankets and robe~. Ohapm~n WayneSVille Ohio Lenox SOap ..•: .......... ~ .. 3 for 10c Household goods-2 bed room . '" ' • !,o~ts, 1- iron bed, 2 .b"ds~ads with Maple Syrup Cans' springs, 1 nlfw . ve100r' couob, 1 .ANTED ' loonge, 11a~g'e mirror, 1 hal! trr.e, 1 . W .. . The beSt' made, wide mouth, get . .. . .' '. .'o ur pri~es, · ca~ save 'YOu m~n~Y. · kitohen ~&~h}e~, oopboard with gl~e8 doorsl . exten~lon . tl,rble, r.ooDd oak 'Mt\N ; pasf30 . witb .hors~:and bag. ' range,Ood as Q e '!Vrf?t1r bor.n er gas_ . gy 'to selLstook. of)ndi.tion pow_ oltn~ . s&ove ~~thnew · bven, one der In , Wart"~n Coonty.· Salary, 170 ' <?ler~ont beating 8toye,.l s~eet i~oQ j)e" ·.miot~'li , ." ~dc1r888 ~01 . ' Unity . · ltove, 00!,1. o~l ltove,~let of oane seat- isldg, Ipdlanlli.p0!l8 Indllin.. " · ed ,ollain, J(ltoheo :. chairs . writiag -. ' ,.' p , ' ; I " . ~ r.. . · d8ltk, rqokinK'. ,oJlatr'8, .. m8'~hlg,'· oar.: . - . t . ' • , ~&8,' a fe. diJbe.,- g.au fraU jar., 'BQilI8~rator ~~nr~, ot.her ~hiDgs · 'too DUIil",rona &0 tilentlo)l. . . . I , Tel'lils~. big 1m\.. : .. pOcKETBoOK.-oAn 'aligator beX,k " ( . ", . . '. O. A. Barnet oon'al~ing· be.t~een. 1l,5 ..n'lU16, O. T. Ba~~e. A\lQIi. ,a~d a fe". ·otber'rtlo~e.. .rtb!-, ~~9 W. B. Kt,' - .lOlert. .0. B.~np~1l wri"en.labOOk . i'tndIi:. .S. ~Ild.et ~ .. er retorD lb tbte .oftlbe ..04 reGaivo .' I;dmob ~. b1I1, •• Lad•• Aid _at&able ~ward• .' . '
Olasslfled Ads
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,lXl\Y-~ . Ec( . ND 'Y EAR . , . . . __ _
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DE:\TH OF T. 13. GARRET . 0:'1
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S~~i~l- E;;';;-i
TOt"'fNStHhIPwSCHOOTLS h' -,'.' epor 0 e ayne owns Ip Schools for the month ending Jan- . - - - - - - : - - - - --~- • --_-~ uary 27,.1911. The following pupils Misses Naomi and Orpha Hor'kett Mrs. Sarah Crispen Zellers, of Euwere neIther absent nor tardy. entertal'nLd at d 'lllne r l a~ l Thu l ,,1I11.v, banks, Ky., is visiting relativeR in SUGAR GROVE Mr. and Mrs Thorn tnn r:ai n, Mrs. Franklin. Brnest Shutts Hal'old Earnhart Vaughn and Mrs . E:iza Haine:>, "Lowell Thomas Everett Thomas Marcie McLaul! hlin Clark, widow Marie Surface Elizabeth Null of James G. Clark, died at San Diego, Ernest Earnhart Eva Prater Cala, on January 29th after a brief Opat Gray Russel Surface Mr. and MrR. r rA.nk Zell ent.o-rillness. Enrollment .. ........... " ..... ",." .. " .. 19 · tained at dinner Sunrlay Mr H Itt Cases of tardiness .. ... .... .. "... . ..... . 2 Mrs C, T. Hl'wke, !VIr ami MI·s . Go to Zell & Son for Tobacco Box. E. H. Colvin attended the Corn Alonzo Burton, who is now located preparation for a new tenant, He Marguerite Monfort, Teacher Cha.'! Cornell , Mis..'Ie.'l Lu ell a Cornel l show in Columbus last week. in Middletown, writes that he is die~ of hear t trouhl.e possibly induced by an attack of indigestion es. K. D's., $1.15. MT. HO LLY and Helen Hawk e. pleaSantly situated and likes t he from which he suffered at times. He Elmer Rogers, (If Ferry, has been The Beilharz Entertainers will Bertha Marlatt Velma Marlatt place and his work fine. come to us on F~bruary 16th. was in the basenlent of the house very ill for ten days , Martin Marlatt Lena Marlatt Lester Dill Misses J es~i e Marlatt and Stel la Adelbert M. McKay, a menlber of when the attack came upon hi m. He H , L. Galotzki, of the Morrow Enrollmen t ... .. . ..... .... . " .."1 •• " • •• " .. 26 Geo. W. Hawke was in Dayton g the floo r of a room had been sweepin' Lemmon entertained the "500" cll1b Earnshaw Camp, S, ot V .. Dayton, Wednesday on business. Tribune was in town-Saturday. Casell of tardiness ·~ ... · .. " ........... .. 10 at the home of t hp. former, last will address the pupils of Ruskin and had made considerable p rogress. Pearl C. Hill , Teacher. Valenti nes to suit the tastes of a\1 Thursriuy evenini. At a seasonable forward, the head Mr . and Mrs_ W. H .. Allen when he lunged school Friday, February 10th. in were . LOWELL HILL at J . E. Janney's. hour refreshment.'! were served. and face striking the brick waIl of in Harveysb urg Friday. honor of the memory of Abraham the side and the cement floor. Beath Helen Harris Lincoln. Mr . and Mrs. Howard Hopkins, of Enrollment ........ ... .. .... .. ... ... .. ... 13 possibly occurred at about three Miss Mary Latchem has returned Dayton, spent Tuesday with rei a- Cases of tardiness .. :.. .... ... ...... ... 14 We are indebted to W. M. Harford o'clock , The watch taken from his home fl'om Miamisburg. Miss Adah and Mr. Robert Furnas tives hHe. ~ Henrietta McKinsey, Teacher. of New York, for a handsome souve- pocket had stopped at two-filty· five. entertained at their home east of nir, printed by. the firm of Munroe I T~e body lay upon the floor as it fell Frank El bon and Fred Schwartz Mr . and Mrs. Willis MarshaiJ, of HAR'MONY GROVE town laRt Wednesday evening, About & Harford Co Roy Harford, son of until the arrival of Coroner Eugene wer e in Lebanon Saturday. New Bu rlington. we re in Waynes- Anna Furnas 50 guests were present. Games and Mr. ~nd Mrs. W. M, Harford is a !CheesOlan, who was summoned to Willard Wright, of Lebanon. was vill e Saturday ' Enrollment ... ........ " .. .............. ... 18 ~ocial chat were indulged in u.n til ·a member of the above firm . Imake examination. When Mr. Chees· in town on bus iness Wcdn{>sday. Cases of tardiness ·.. ... ··. ......... .. . 8 late hour, and an elegant collation Mr. and Mrs. Roy I rons and son, Mary Davis, Teacher. man turned the budy ovel' the lifeles was served. ,h d fll E'<l th b om The Chas. Michener, of the O. S. U. RoSE', were guests of relatives in Miss MattIe Butts - was married an s I g rasp e ro . h ' of h k Spring Valley Friday. . SPRING BRANCH Saturday, February 4th to Paul D . cause of death bei ng evident, no in- was h ome t e latter part t e wee . Geneva Curtis Clara Bf'!rrybill Beurcbell~, a .native of Paris, quest was held. Mrs. M~ rga~et Martin', of Dayton, See tbp $1.00, $1.50 and $2,00 LestElr CurtiS . El'nest Braddock Mr. aY\d Mfa. Will Frame enterFrance but who has been a resident The body was fou nd by W. J . Page, is the g.u es~ of Woo. Frame and wife . t rimmed hats at Mrs. G. L. Smith's, Herman Conner tained at dinner on Saturday in honSaturday, February 11th. Enrollment.. .... .. ........ .. .. ... .. . ".". 18 or of their gue. ~t, Mrs. Margaret : of Pa;ton fo'r the past ten years. who resides al ~o . 950 Ninth avenue After a ·brief wedding journey they west, a short dlstanc east or the Se-a J anney 's di"pllly of Valentines. Cases ofJ~t:'ii.W~St~~~~,·T~~~h;r. 7 Martin, of Dayton~ . Those' who enMI'. and Mrs. Harl'Y Hamilton, of J'oyed their hospitality were Mr: and will return '.to the Gem City where Garretson property. He went to the They will please you . . Dayton, attended the funeral of Mrs. house to I00 k f or Mr .· Garr~ ts on, m they will go to housekeeping . . Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sarah' Hamilton Saturday. . COLLEGE HILL Mrs. Thad Zimmerman and famBy; r esponse to a telElphone appeal from Bro~, n~e Lue)la Nutt, a son, FebCarl Squires Ellis Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Retallick, . I Mrs, Garretson, He went into the ruary 1st, F. J. Snook left Saturday morn- Frances Squires Walter Squires Mrs. Sarah Smith and Miss Helen ~rs. C. .Hoqgh, .after several house and down the cellarway. and . ing fo r Milwaukee. where he attends Enrollment .... :... ... ...... ............... 11 StokeS. y~ars oj , fait hful SeI'VlCe, has ten- there on the flool' saw th e body Iy"( Sl. Mary's Guild will hold a mar- h N' 1C ' Cases of tardmess ,... .... ........... 8 - ---- _ ...- - dered , ~el;' resignation as organ.ist ing . '?4r., Pag~ ~as startled. He ket in t hE' TOWlltihip house Saturday. t e atJOna onventlOD of Canners. · . Helen McClure, Teacher. IN MEMORIAM and .' leader of the Presbyterlatl made only a hurr iAd' examina tion, February 18th. The drawing of seats for the next R ED OAK ~h~rch choir . . Mrs. Hough has ~il- eno ugh to Imow . that the body was By all means visit the bargain sale L cture Course will take place at Enrollment :........... ...... ............. . 5 . The following beautiful tribute to , hngly and Without compensation lifeleS::l, and so reported. ' . the TO,wnship HOUSel Saturday at Cases of tardiness .......... ........... 3 the memory of Mrs;"Mary E. Sherserved . the church through all these The mal') was fi!;,st missed at his of millinery Sat urday, February 11th 2 o'clock. Eva Davis, Teacher. wood was read at the last meeting '. years, feltsbeshou.ld be relieve9 home about six o'clock in the eveh- at Mr:l. G. L. Smith's. . . GREEN BRIER of theW. C. '. T. U. by Mrs. Anna ... ,;,.TIt.. re will be a- ' demonstrator at of , tIie bu..-den· The :h~r~~h~ 1'.1 ing when he did not com e for his Th e ground hog saw his shadow Hawke's g roce ry on Saturday, Fp.b- George Warner Cadwallader: .w~Y8 appreciated the ehg t u mu supper. Mrs. Garretson was worried the other day, and to prove it he r uary 18tll demonstratl'ng Monl'o"k Enrollment .. ............ .. ... . .. .. .. .... .. 17 "Peace, perfect peace, with loved . , display ad next week... Cases of tar d iness ... .. ... ............. 0 • sic furniahed by h d the choir P funderd when he dl'd' not arrl've home at five sent more co ld weather. roffee. See f . }I~. nO)Jgh's irection ro . an O'clock, Qr near dusk, as was his CU8'Eleanor Earnhart, Teacher;ones. ar away, M~. Cleland have been elected. to tom. Supper was prepared and he Mesdames Chas. Rye and F. C. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Elmore, of CinSUMM1\KY In Jesus' keeping we are safe and fill the vacancy.-Lebanon Patrtot. did not come, nor had she hea rd from Cal'ey Rpent Tuesday the guests of cinnati, are guests at the home of , they/' I • • Mrs, Lester J ohns, of Lytle. M d M J M ' Th M Enrollmel')t .................... .........126 . f 1 1 r. an rs . . . ompson. rs. Neither absent nor tardy .. ...... . 27 Near the midnight hour, e I as eep him by phone, Mrs. Garretson waleDEATHS . ed until after six o'clock and then Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to Elmore is nursing her father and Cases of tardiness ............ ·.... · 52 at her home in WaynE'SVille~ Ohio, mother who are quite sick. . Per cent of attendance ............ 807:; Mary ""'. Sberwood, on Sunday, Jantelephoned to Mr. Page. whom she the new Morris building. P 'th b t CJ offices in Mrs. Sarah Hamilton. ·widow of knew lived near the house where MI'. ar cent nel er a sen nor ua.ry 8, 1911. The subJ·ect. of this next t o the posloffice. Lebanon. All winter millinery must be. sold. tardy ......... ... r ... .. .. ......... .. . 21Ye I\osepb Hamilton died at her homE:' Garretson stated he was going tv ' memoir was the daughter of ~ohn M•. j sOuth;of here laSt'Wednesday morn· spend the afternoon. MI·s. Page was Mis Naomi and Orpha Hocket and Trimmed and Un~rimmed hats will NOTEi and Mary H. Chamberlain, and waS . k d be sold regardleSs of cost . Feathers . ' . . in&' at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Hamilton ill at the time and Mr. Paie could Mr.. Mary Young were wee · e n . d f T g '11 gO There IS much slckness m nearly born in Warren County, Ohio, Jupe Was al,l aged and respected citizen, not go at once. Mrs. Garretson then ~u estsof Mrs. Moon (If Morrow. wmgts an d a~e vellMn . Wl G La all parts of the township. . '21,1839. She was united in marhaving spent her wbole life here. rs. . . M'ISS McK'mseyatLowe11 d'lsml'ssed riage to Frank J • Sherwood August · pone , grea Smit:h, re uctlOns. summonedF ran kE . N owe Is by 'h The funeral took place Saturday and a searchil1g pa rty was orgallized MI'. and Mrs Clyburn and MISS two days on account of all fer pu- 23,1860, and to this union were },lom morning at 10 o'clock, from the Chap· and the 'phone freely used. bu t did ,; Ia ra Lile, of Xenia, were guests of Misses Edith Mosher. DonnaHawke pils being sick but three , four children, one of whom with her el, Mrs. Elizabeth Larkin officiating. not discover the presence of t he man Rev. and Mrs. J , F. Cadwallader Stella Lemmon, Jessie Marlatt and A number of pupils were out of the husband· and three brothers, survives She leave§ two sons and a daugh terto Ilt any of the places he was wont to Saturday . Messrs. Edward Ricks, ·Dr. J. M. Harmony Grove school on account of her: In early life 111e. identified hermoum. their loss. . . . . visit. Mrs. Garretson' t herefore felt Mrs. Ethel ooper and Raymond Miller, Ronald Hawke and Raymond colds and pneumonia. self with the Methodist church, and - -.certain ~at he must be at the vacant WilJiamsOll, of Dayton were Sundav Davis form~d a mer1'l' party Friday Glenn Frazee, of Red Oak, is.able continued a. faithful communicant Word ",as received here Manday bouse and she again .appealed to Mr. g uests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. ev~ning aud attended the institute in to be back in school again, after be~ the same, un~il calle I by death 'from by)ialllon Ridge :announcing the 'P age. AB soon as tie repor ted Ml', Harry Williamson. Centerville. ing out for a month with an afflicted: the church m!litant to the church at .., 'death of .bis sister's husband, Mr. Nowe,ls secured the coroner and went For barg-ains this month go to arm. rest. Qeorge Amman, of New York City. to the house. The body Wa!! brough t Abe and Wilbur Dakin, of Middle- John A. Funkey's Shoes to please The teachers are all strivin~ to The writer of this sketch has little 'i'h telegram. says the body accom,- to the city and taken to the under- town, were here Saturday. Abe is anyone, prices to suit all purses. If make the work of this year a great .to guide her save a .slig~t acquaintpanied by Mrs. Amman, will arrive taking establishment about nine suffering severely with his eyes, and you are a lover of bargains come and success. ance, and what . was wrltten on the here at 9:80 a. m. today. o'clock. . may·. have to undel·go. an operation. see t he cut in prices throughout our The I;Ionor roll of Attenda~ce this facf! of the deceas.ed, ;.vhich.ismore Mrs Charlotte Edwards and Mrs. large stork. We'have to make room month IS small on account of SIckness often than otherWIse a sure mdex to T. a. Garretson was one of the uldCatharine Royer, aged 62 years, est busin~ss men in the city. He H. F. Presnall, of Fairmonut, Ind., for Spring stock. and inclement weather. true worth. To look into and study died at her home west of Mt. Holly was a pioneer of the earli~r forma- were the g uests of Mrs. N. H, I .. Great rivalry is shown by the pu- the face of Mrs, Sherwood it was . tive neriod of the city's business cir- McI{I'nsey and daugl..te r 'last " 'eek. HIGHLY HONORED pils of the various grades in securing easy to read, that she was of a retirlate Wedhesday ev.ening. The funer~ I, •• cles and he has been active in one or a fine Honor Roll. ing disposition, but ye,t possessed , ," al was held at Spring Valley ·ceme· . . , te'ry Rev. Scarff officiating, Satur- another line of business ever l:lincE'. Misses Lu cil ~ Cornell, .Alma WaV!e received a letter. from the E. R. Colvin, Supt. with rare strength of purpose. ExHe was well known as a member of terhouse, Henrietta McKinsey, Ona OhIo-Columbus Cf'Jltenmal Bureau • - .. ceedingly practical and even matter day after:noo n . She leaves a hus- the old firm of Hawkins & Garretson, Strawn and P('of. C. A Bruner at- last week announcing that we had TAKEN TO WORKHOUSE of fact iri the ordinary afff;lirs of life, band. son and d~u~ter. musical &,OOdb, insurance, sewing ma- tended coun ty examination at Leba- been appointed a membE'r of the the other world was yet to her the chines and real estate. He\'1as a suc- non Saturday_ Honorary Bo~rd of Commissioners of "Beecher" Emley was sentenced great reality There she lived and S?CIAL AT LYTLE cessful'inventor, having secured (the Ohio· Columbl;1s Centennial. Dil to 90 days fn the workhoule and $65 there her soul had sweetcommunioO: 'Xhepupils of the L~t1£ school will a number' of patents at di fferen t . This month J ?hn ~. Funkey's en-l~on B. Wilson. of Lebanon, was also fine Monday by Justice Jameson, of and daily drew its strength • .·'have a social and . shorb entertain- times the most euccessful of which tIre Shoe stork IS prIced to walk out named. The commission expects to Lebanon. "Beecher" had ' made A resident of our community but .mentatLytlo Hall February 18th, was;'patent dish d~ainel' whi ch hi i.nahurry No halfway measures.I find exactly what part every county a visit to Dayton anddhaa b;ught for a short time,yet quit~ fong for the be.efitof the achool library. 3tjll on the market with a conside.l - Clean cut reduction. Surely you ' l and prominent family in that county a quantity of wet goo s, an con- enough for each of us to realize that Admissioll 5c. Refreshments served able degree of s,uccess. He is one ot buy ~hile these ~ext t~ C?st figures Ihas played in upholding of the .histo- clu!ied th? b~t way to carry the in the passing away of this estimable al:differentprices. Everybody come the oldest l'edident members of th e prevaIl. 400 paIrs ladles $2 Dress ry of the State particularly as that same wa~ m hIS stomach. He had wo~an there closed a life of useful. d . Frl'ends' church· 'a nd a member of th l! and Calf Sh o~s whil e they last, $1.33. relates to the activities at the Stale :rotten as far home ~ Jos. Hormelt'F, ness , Her gentle character made we assure you a goo tu~e. ." h 2 d k' , Iowa Yearl'y' Meeting·. GIrls ' Shoe. , $1.25, $1.50, wort $ . capital. A numbe:- of t~e leading Ivhen he got down .an .w as ma mg her presence felt in whatever cir:cie . . • _~ . . THe.' 'House ' PR.OBLEM·. The deceased h~avesa widoW, t hree Boys' $2 and $2.50 Shoe for $1.75 and men of the. Stat~ have been chosen to the air blue, when Constable Joy. was she mingled. 'Intensely . loyal to'her . !, . daugh,~ers·; . , ~ahie, or .M rs. Mervin. $~. ~ en's Work Shoes, $1.75, $2, act. on this honorary commission and cait'ed and ~rres£ed him, He was frieQ~s; . 8sa neighbor ,Kind and char, ,I_ Tli~re .~r.e very fe,w e~pty' hO~!.1es Worth. of AI~ia, Miss ~ett~al1d Mi~ a l~d $2"50. The la:ge assortment of it se,e!"s·to us th~t some fit;ting rec-. ~ken to Xema. work , house to labor i~a1;lh~: !lS a . wife ana mother affec, "; i ':,,in'toWn; and maily.people:are anxious .~ucile:' wnQ }ive . ~t· hqme, and Olle FI~eI?ress. Sho~ WIll be s~ld .a~ ~reat o~mtl?n of the work ?f.. the.st':lrdy lh tha.br~Q~ s~~. .Uonate and faithful, . I :" iy'aeekin.r them~" ,.It would be ~ gO.9d son'~ H01'"er,~f S!~Qx·C~t)'. AJ;lother ba,tga.Jtls. .All our ~,pron Gmgh~ms pIoneer wo~p.n . o( ~8!2 should be. . . ' DOLLAR SOCiAL The, ' Woman's .Christian ·' T~tl)per.. - plan 'for'some, enterprising capitalise daughler.,:S~ll!l, (Mrs. Ned R:o~) , a t ,cahco.prlces. utmg Fla~nels, 6c, R.ade. a~ t~e celeb~ation. , , " . -,.;..- . ' anc.e Union ever l found in her ' an' , ~ .;" " f d' d '" . 1'" ' . " '7c.arid9c. 20' Boys' Duck Coats, 58c. . " - . - .. ," . . .' d h U ' . to ,r~t: ~ fey{, ·1.'bere ..~re p~~nty 0 .le.. sev.e~~ .y ea ts ago. ,'. " .'. 'A ' I t' mtm'~ $1.50 Duck Coats,' 98c. . BASe ' BALL " ORO'ANJZ~TION . ,.The . D~,llar ~cnll " . h~~d ' by,; the ear~~t .sup~rter • .~ 1: e . . ~~~~ gObc;l. b~UdinJt .site& .hefe;_.,. . ' h ' . ' .~' . -.-" " ~,f ~ 75 D ' ·. Su~ ta' 46 ' G eat · .':. " .. , . . Christ~an chu rch last' Frldaylllg~t, .. wh.e · a gues~Q.f~erhomei, waslnth,e ... . e .. e " . 'I ~ \ , BuUOHT PRqPER TY lueu s· c · fe s un , .' e. r . . . .. .' " ' . . Al l ' f Ii fl" nd ~In her death 'th~ \ ~', .l.it.: . c~it 'in. G.orduroy 'Pants, COIits,or.'SUits. .. As atmoul}ce<!' in the' 'Ga~ette last, was a ~uc~ess ln, . ever~ way: , . - 1 ~s" , le , ·. .. , .' , . ".: ,·V)\L~NT1NE .~CII\l: . "', '. R ' , '. h d I. .' ("! : t 'L " S I t' 8' ,w eek a crowd of . fa{ls' and ball play-: :thoug~ 89!1ltpver.e kept away by the UIW' u .eal ~s 1\ ~oSfJ"but lS co~ort- " .;1 Ohas: , ye ,pure ase t .e, ~ae ·O.qr t,i(>(l ,. ac~ ,~~ cOlJ .~~?es, c, . t h 'R k d Lew' b ' $torrri 'yet 't bey sen t in thtlir hard ed, by tbe thouglit. that in e'Verf, r,e'" > . The C~ , .', tWcletY of ~he Ohr:i~~8n; W.ii~~t' p~op~llt1. :I~t.-,Vleek ttit!ou~h' , 10e, l~c l~ae~ .~y ,s.t le or;. ~ld~h fot' ~t:B Ol:t.aJ . e aw . e ~~, . d' I~ ar- earni~is 'which Was tQ ~ gotten it'; jation 'her lif~' w:~ ex; mlllilrY, and" , ch~tch wjU·hold · aV'l:'t~mtine $oc,i.I .ir;t . Mahlon Ri<l~~,; a~e'p~·: .· ~t. '~e ~III al'nic~Ie.· Men.'s ·DlTel\S Shoes.~~ ic- ::r~' ~P' '. ~~ d e~Jltff~ ~ eO:ct .- ~me·. w~ other the:r.egu)ar in- ,its end was Pea~e; '\"'!' ',:,~ ... :' tb'eTo~p Hou~"rileli~ay evenin.g I .~e po.ssessiol);,t~e; 1.st of ~a~c~ . an.d ,~8 'to ·sel.l at OIlC~. 4~ ~g 9arpet . an bo~nl~a on . . .0 J~.' C as~ Come. The" ';"aperi~rlce'" 4)i Some "G~aht her, '0 LOrc;t, .te~ ~t, m .t~e l.and fo~ a~. . ~ur S~r'I~t-rr~, m~n~er' ·"~· rp ~rt -'waSceltainl~great. Thechureb 're- and .let H~ht perpe"tua' ah~e:upon -February 1.tl:l~ . :SaJldwiches an4 ItJ-pv,e hls ·fanfrly" be.r~, : Rnd lt ~ hIS the ary i re~~.j ci.;;... . . elrc~ ;" ~'tbeneatli~• .aumofoverf'O. ber." · cotlee~"ed at .1Q.C Obildr~,J~' jntention·.~Q~ '~remod~1 tlie )i'Pu~e S~r~w,~att1t1a:W111 be closed out at . wrlg. .••JsecY.:t.e ' . ,;.<1 E\''"~ iil~~1 .. ' .• thr9uah?\lt. . . . '. ·.~2X'C, up:ward~ , ~rer, :e8118 ,.' w a, ump"... , 1I!o' 1'·' '" '.
I Former Citizens 1
Thomas H. Garretson, pioneer resi+-- - ,- - ,. ,- ,., _.- • - + dent and business man of Oskaloosa, aged near seventy years, di ed sud- Valenti ne's at J ; E. Janney's. Roy Irons was in Dayton Monday. denly and alone Saturday i,n the base· ~ B. S. nowell ""1m. Thorpe, of Dayton, was in was in Cincinnati ment of an emply tenement property, tOwn Friday. Tuesday. ' No. 1120 Ninth avenue west occu· pied until recently by the Sam C. Geo Zell made a business trip to R. y. Cross was a Cincinnati visiW e~t family. Mr_ Garretson, who Lebanon Monday , tar Tuesday, owned tne property, had gone to the place in the early afternoon to preValentines from I e to $1.00 at J. Call ~nd see Janney's fine assortpare it, making minor repairs, etc., in E. J a nney's. ment of Valentines.
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-The Miami Gazette
WA Y l\,""ESV1J .t..E,
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The defendant .In a cue before Judge Bacon, who objected to being described ~ 11 gentleman, . may be commended on his retusal, to be 'labeled with a term which even Sir James Murray Is shy ot d~ftnlng, says ~e London Oh~onlcle, Ther e Is the ~ld legal ~efl.nlt' on, "all above the rank of a yeoman," and there Is Sir William Blackstone's description ot a gentleman as "one who cap live Idly and :wIthout labor." There Is also the IIlstotlc definltlon .glven' by a witness at the tria l of ' Thurtell for the mur· a er of Mr. ' Wea re as "one who d rIves a gig." And ' the cabman prb ba.bly ex· presses the average opinion as to what c'o nsUtutes a man. a gent leman when he says : ' IYou're a gentleman, sir," t.o the s ptmdthrlft ;Who does not ~slt change for halt a " rown on a shilling fB1'e. Two of the r Rre dollara of 1804 have b een found. It Is aftlrmed that only four of these coins are In existence, and numJsmn tologlsts attach great .alue to tbem. The last coin ' sold brought ,3,000. Dut of course It they c ontinue to be found In this fas hion the discove ries are likely to "bear" the market. Radium has also cOnle dow.n among the other necessaries ot lire. a grain of It having r ecently sold (or $72,000 Stili. at that rate, the tlU1e Is not clearly In sIght when fanlllles cnn at· ford to lay In an entire winter's sup. ply wllh r educed prices for cash. yt!ter lnarlBn on Long Island fu sed to t ake an anaesth e tic tor an oper a ti on because he wished to watch it that lw mlgbt get surgical points. A man !IlIa this Is JUBt the kind likely to InflIct needless palu A
Official Figures Furnished By [th e Secretary of State '
C o l1mubu s
- SoO! tary
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262. Lmm . . . ... Li mav ille . . ....... Lln,l e:n H clght ... .. .... .. .. .. . : ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ~ . r, I ;; •• Ih;(h<ey 1!!11 '...I nnda.lc .. • .. , " 1.1126 1 ~ 1 ~1>o 1\ . ..... . . . . . .... . r.>n • 1, ll h o P<>l\s .. . . .. ,., ... a~1 1 L i lt lo S a ndu k y . ....... 110 fJ lc kburtl .. . ... ...... .. . .. . , t. ~a~ Look.l l'I gton ....... .. .... .... l ~. fili(l T.,ock a.l,1d .. .. .... . . .. .. . . 1.M'\ Led) . • . ... . • .. .. , .... ......
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7.0 r.71 32Il 1 ;ISG 13-1
~ ,I
If.'()n.. .. .. .... .. .. ...... .... .. .. ...... .. ..
New Pa.rl s
. . .. . .... .. ....
No w P hUni1 II)hla. • .... . .. .... N e w ntc hm o m1 . .. ... .. .. .. N e w }/Jt'g I ... .... ....... sro N e w S a l m . .... .. .... .. . 314 New S l r~ l'avl l\ o ... ... .. .. .. 399 N e w VI ~nn l\. . .... . . . .. .. N e w W n.3hln gtnn . .. !t7 N ew W ate11\ Itl .. ......... . 1,'56 N e w " : ealo n • .. ... ... .. .. 2!':rO N C'\\ a l'k .. . .. . ... ...... . . . .170 No \\ burgh . .. .. .. . ..... 414 N e wburg H l'Ighls .. , .... . 1 S33 N o ,. t on . .. .. .. ... .. ... .. . 435 Newto n Fnol1s ... .. .. .... . , H 9 N ew ~(ms \'Ule .. . .. . .. .. ..... 1, 6 Ne y . .. ... , .. .. 32:! NIl es . ... .. .. .. . 455 N orl h .BIlJt1 m ore .. .. ... ... . Norlh B end t..... . . ... .. 6Sl N orth LeWl aiOur~ ......... . ~ .r,20 N o rth Olm trtctld ... . .... .. .... 650 N o rth R a m t,<t.lI .. .... .. . .. . . :'liS N oMll R o bi nso n . .. .. .. .. ... 37.. Norwa.lk . .. .. .... . 4.535 N o n vlc h .. , .. .... .. .. . .. ....... S5!l N o r\\ oolt . . .... .. ... .. ..... .. .
8.1>42 3.733 all\ 149 ::.212 0;03
609 2\i8
~'5. 4Q4
5. S1:: !loW
DoW TI'>7 142 lll8
::,r,(k$ 560 793 1.<ro
II:! l r,.-; -=-.S58 l SG
J fl . l ; 1 237 N o t tl norha .tl1 .. .......... . .. . . !.3S7 2'i1i O \lk Il:Iirbor r n69 O a k JIm .. .. .. .. . .... ... . 1.14 ,lOt ()al(!ey .... ....... .... .... .. . .. 1.\l:l11 ~r,5
Qak wooll
431 Oakw ood l'u ulr1 l l1g 1.230 OberUn .... .. . .. . 983 O Cla . Io.~ Oh Io . .... .. . .. . 1.70S O lniSl c,o.a(l l~'s . .. Nl n g~vlIlo .. !1. tl.~ 0 1'1'1'1110 . .... .. .... . 113 O Sborn 4 .fl'j~ O ~go od ... ..... . . .. ...... 6.4 O lln 'Lbll rg . .. 77 Ol!ot r 1l.lIdcl' . .. .. . .. ... 1 017 Oltl~w n 1,2IlIi OUe n 1110 . 1/ U9 Ot'\<XlV . . . 7'ln O~fru-a " ... .. . . • :m Pa ln e.'lI' lo1Ie.. . .. .. . . 'rO!! P a.lutrt.J n c P llndol'a . P tLltl.s k a la. ... .. .. , P ILl! r ~on , P a ultllng P ay n o .. . .... . .. . .... . P echl • . . .. .. .. . ....... . . P omhc rvll 1(. . P e nins ul a. . . P err y sb u rg P I'rI·!lI' llI o . . .. ... .. ... P hllll p tJl)U rg . Pl ck orln g~ o n
~~~n PI r1n1""r
3.<;fi S.10! S66 214 41S 431 ~ .I R:l
~H ~ .OI7
f. .WI
7 ~1
f>5!i 1010 6 W7 f ill
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503 414
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1 .~ 3 1~ ~ 12
1.1 I
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4:.'0 499 :!3ti I!Il 1. !~
4.18 144
~ .370
11' IS A
; .074 W e s t ~.:J
\YI'~ It' rn
Many have the Idea that any thIne This Is a great mistake. True, a few sales mlgbt be m nde by ad vortls Ing aD. absolutely wortbless article 461 but It Is only the Ilrtlcle t.ha t. 1" 1.2O.l bougbt again and again that pays . An e xanlpl e at tbe big success ot a a60 worthy artlole tl the enormous sa). un that haa grown up tor aeca rets 41>i S87 Cllndy Cathartic. This wond erful rec1i53 ord Is \ tho r esult ot great m cril suc611 cess fully made known through per3!I'S sistent Ild ve rUstng and the m outh·to543 290 mouth recommendation given Cas:r.4 careta by Its trle nds and user!. ]0.989 Like nil great suocesses, triode pi1.700 29a rates prey on the unsuspecti ng pub131. ~~ lic. by marketing fllke table t s similar a;;:.: ID appearance to Casoar ets. Care 3.6~1tj should always b e exercised In pUl'.'$1 6".'ll chasln~ well advertised goods , e s pecially an nrtlcle that haa a national sale like Cascarets. Do n.)t allow a Illbstitute to be palmed off on you. THE EASIEST WAY.
300 221. 400 7.167 247 1 .369 1.tiS!) 368 324 3.073 6.:\49 1l.0Sl fil l: 366 . . 277 007
.. . ..
n:1ly.. .. .. . .. .... .. ..
'i06 642 2.131 61lm 7.769 1.000 38G 1.285 231 446 1,.043 SolO :lf13 1.288 466 913 191 1.207 147 642 l ,® !lI;Il
3001 l .'lf..l 3.915 11.62:1
468 374
103 2.14 1.864
613 723 54l!
2.!J9.I .1)45 6.146 740 3:IS
216 &10 S03
lapt Jack-I understand that rou'r. engaged to one ot the Bulilon twins. How do you dlstinguJsh one from the other! Lady Kltty-I don't try.
Star .. . . ... Ut I G.4RO 'V(l' 1 ' r"Ule ..... .. . .. .... .. . .. 1,!.IO'J OM \Veston . ......... .. .. .. .. ... .. . 91:: 1.6:11 W har1.on ..... ........ .. .. . 4S5
An "ptloal 1,lullon. "I epecks Mlstah 'Rast\ls Plnkle, 's In tropble:' said Miss Miami Brown. "Laa' avenin' I , saw de teardrop, IItreamJn' down his face," "Dero ",arn't t~rdrops .. j replied blsse') a little splo,ttered up ftll1n' hi, P'Uss Cleopat'ra Jackson. "He des ' Col Christmas Bit' fountain 'pen."
S2:i Vv hltehouse ... .... . . " • r,oo ... .. , ... .. .. .... 200 WllIln.m,P,bu1'g .. . . ... ... ... .. . 9-Ilt 342 WIUlarn spurt .. .. ...... .. ..... .. !io16 4.a12 W1llou g h,b y • ... .... .. . . 2.072 l~ WLll<hl'1"o .... . .. .... .. . . . Gr,'! W ll mJn g t o n .. .. ... .. . . .. .. ~ 4.491
(;:!8 ' V II k osI' II 10
'Vlln.ot .. . .. . .. ... .... .. . : ...
... WrlncJle s t cr .. ... .... .... .... . . !l'rl 1.!lt1\ Wlndl'a.m . ..... ...... 261 9dS ·W oo<t... fl e id .. .... . . .. ... 2.502 :!:.! I \Voo<\ s t ock .. .. . .... • . .. . 310 5.) & 'Yood "lIle .... . .. .. ... . .. ... . 807 401 W oo~ l r . . . . . . ..... . . n,13(1 2,122 \Vo rlhlng l on . .... . .... .. 1>17
3m W re n .
.. .. .. ..... ... .. .... .. ,\Vyomln g '" •• . ,. . . . . . . ..
81noe the Price of Egg. ROl •• Hewitt-How did he make hll fo,. tune? Jewltt-He kept a hen.-Woman·. Home Comp,anlon.
l ,SOO S.076 . I.nr.o ~ I O YOllll lf" to wn . ..... ... ... 70.1)',r, 4(·'1 Y orkshlro ... . ... " 1 2 7.fwookl .. .. .. ... . ... 47(; Z n.nesfl p,ld ........... .. ... lIfiO Zn nt"S\'Ule .. .. . 28.02r. Zon.r . ... .... ... .. 1 ~
274 2.000 X~nll.L . . r..1)2 1 y ",\l o w Sp l'ln gs . .
Avoiding the Executioner.
"Why does a hen crOBS the roael!'" "So aa to avoid getUne tntq 01. chIcken ple,.....o..Ju~ge. , •
1.000 r.,qO
--'-- -..-r'-- _ ____
Seven Hurt In Sled Accident.
3M~ ~ II)
n 17~
1, 7 J 43'1.
P o rl ''in.hl ngO'l .. .. .. .. ..... . .... .. ...... .. . P " l't ng~ . .. .. . .... .
Ann A:ri>OT, Mich.-Seven studen'ts or }Hchjgan w~re In. jUl'ed, !lou I[' serlous-ly, when a 1e.rge bobsled coasting ' down 'h HI Mewed r·ram a .bridg e and plung«l Int o e. cuI vert ten feet de ep. It ,111 .beUeved t he hobe were ronnlDg a.t torty mliles an bOll.r, Four of the coa 9te~ were YOUIli
Nev~r mind-you can have
I'i2!i of 100 UnlVE!-I'&it>y
],407 21 fi
r,o; 9.:;~
t .1!\':lTO 2::!! 4.639
4Z 1 2M 5H 17.510
Ha.m1lton.-Ennls Giffen, &" brother or ,Judge Willla.m S. OUfen . of lJhe cll'cult !Court, dIed o.f genel'al debll)'tr, aged about 68 years. HOlla,n Will Addrelo Stud~nt~ Columbi.ls Made Headquarters.
.. . .. . .. ,. . ..
R :.w e nn n. . .. .,.. .. ........ .. r.. ~10 R iLWl'On .. . . .......... ... .. .... . . . 4711 Tten dln l{ . . , . .. , .. .. . .. . , il.!lAA H e n ,l v llle ... .... .. , . ...... . i\~
R. "hwuo.J, .. ...... .. I ... . .... " n l,/!
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r. . ...... .. ; . .. ......
~ ~1
::12 1 2O:l
1,7211 A:!1
P' \ule\ . .. . .. ..... , ... . ...... 1 ... 1.R.O RI ~I"'I: Slili .. . .................. 1i/l9 R o(,lll'jot.er. . ... ...... . .. .... . .. • ] ~ r. R~ C r ook .. .. ..... 1 . . . . . ' .. . . C~· ,.
ft n,,~tll!'O'l "R(lcltno~l'·
. .. ... .............
.. . ........... , .... . ..
ltv Rldgltl ... " .. ... . " .. ....
:Rortlf ........ .. ....... ,........ ..
It'''' Mn . .. ... . ..... . . ........ .. ...
1t"~ .. vtllf .... , J'lo, b\l~
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, 471:
1:1 ~ 1.2m S.ti!l J~Mr.18
~nt'l(v Rh-flr ., ...... ~, .. _ ...... l.~l .kr...t ll .... . . ,... ...... . ........ :WI
!'~If IllY,
11,. 2Ii1
....;." j 4U ~ . m lDter....UQila 'celebrlty a1'nlcJlt«
lJtt~, "'Or~ for ddt , mUttellj ~ln.Ir$t.cr ot ~1 I -a1~ '"'-'i. _ ..... mba ....
t Ie ~~K preacht!4
.t· the- ScbooI t1ie Deal S IM1II¥ f.ll dead at the u~oia alaUQIt \I,
'Ill"", " ..... ,,118
Without . a Cook? good breakfast if there", a
" pa~age of
Train Kills Engineer.
Republic .. , . , .... . ....
w1ll sell it advertised strong e nough
Liber ty ...... .... . .. ..... l\~ h cst er .. .... . . M lU\ s fl e1d . .. . , .. .. .. Millg r o ve . .. . • ' " MJ lto n . . ..... .. .. .. . Rus hville ..
Of Cours ••
"I see that the Inmates of a Now York lunatic asylum are going to Is· sue a weekly paper." "Yell, and I'll bet every fool outside will think he could edit It better tban It Is edited by the lunaLio inBld."
Lmpme .. ........ .. .. .. .
SflJ e m . , . . . U ni o n .. . .... .. ..
1 ~4
' Vest W eet W es t W CIl I 'Vest 'Y st W: t
- '
I'ew people rell1118 the grllVe daDo ler of Derlectlng the kldneye. The .Ua-htellt kidney symptom may be N.. tufa'8 warn1D5 of dropsy, diabetes ot • dreaded Bright's dl • ease. It you l\ave any kidney umptom, begin uolng Doan's Kidney Pills at once. W. P. Miller. Pen· der, Nehr.• says : "I spent over $1,000.00 trying to get well. but my life was de~;;;;-.-:;;;;,;::a.;;;;.... spalred at. 'l'he do o· tors said I hlld torn the ligaments of the kidneys apart. 1 beglln us Ing Doan'S Kidney Pills and they were the first remedy that helped me. W ere It not for them, I would have hlld to give up work." R emember the name- Doan's. For sale b}' all d ealers. 60 cents a box. Foster.Mllbur!' Co., Bulfalo, N. "f.
:nll 2U
S l ry k r . . .. ... .. .... . 1.200 Bu gu l' C"'-....·I, . '" . . .. . SS9 SU l\'ltr Gr'ovo . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. 3~ ~u n lln I n cl tl .. . .. ... . .. .. . 4 !l fj unbul y .. .. .... . ..... . .. 4X5 S wt wll o n . . , .. . .. 1.060 S V N~m o re .. .. . .. .... ... .. .. .. Syl l'u,I1I .~ .... .... ... .. . .. ..... 1 .()(),~ 'In r llo n . . ..... . ...... ..... lire 'l'uylo n 111" . ... ...... 4'15
We~ t
2r.n 7.46R 3 it61 rr:J2 1>16
P (.rt William
~ A.r"e n
2 ~'SO 1.1103
29 'Vny n fl Id . .. .... .. .. . ..... .. .. 100 W onyT\ fi el d .... .. ... .. .. ....... ~.30:l \\'ollln gton . .. . ... . ' )!j ' Vetil I on . . .. .. . .. .. . 824 " 'oll ilvi ll e . ... ... .... .. ,VO"l AI ')Ca.ndt'la. .... .. .... .. .. .. .. \ Ve>lt al l'O . .. .. .. . .. .. .. J8.167 West Ol\rrol\toll " . .. .. .. G.!lW W('!It E l k t O'tl . ......... ... .. . 'Vest 1<'ll.rrnlllgton .. .. , .. .. ... ' Vost J c treol' aon .......... 73~ Wes t I .a.t n.yel t.(). • .. .. .. ..
! lti ijli2
421 !!9q 4FtO ! .H4 Purtilmolllh ... . . .. . . .. ... 2:.l.4HI l.j~'\l Pow twl.~ n n Poi nt ..... .. .. .. lISll ft&.1 Proctorvlll ~ ........... .. . Gi7 ~f:Ot SIPt\:lnl .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. :~~ ''''6 1::;'1 ' n- nv .. ....... . , . ... .... J". ' AI Qll l\k er City . ............ .. .. .. ioW :>'1 .72.1 Q n.l m ' )· .... .......... .. ... . . ' . r>!4 1~ R.nph:>e .... ,. ......... .. .. .. . r.40 m4
834 8!JO Wa useon ....... .. ..... .. .. ... . 2.&;0 G.213 W o.v I'ly .. .......... ........ . 1 .~ 1.916 'Va.~·no!lb\lr!f ...... ... .. ........ 700
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400 456 :11 2 '1 {>t' N U,'C P o I k ... .. . .. .. .... 440 232 'I' ho<>m v illc ... ,.. .. .. ...... .... 411 1 52l 1'I' ltfl n . .. ...... .. . .... 11.894 1.:If>4 '1'lppe-:n.n 'IIY ... ... . . 2.0:18 Ml 'I' ll 0 .... .. .. .. . .. .... .. . 331 (r'i!\j 'l'o led o . .... .. .. ..... .. .. 168. 491 US6 'forLlogany .... .. ... .... .. .... 314 G.1l33 Toron lo . .. .... .... . .. . . , .. 4.271 7'~~ Tr(!nton .. .. .. . ..... ... 6&1 ';81 'l'rlmb lo ...... . .. • . .. .. . .. . 7U 'J'\"OI'WOOO .. .. .......... . ....... 348 1. lIti Tro y .. .. .. ... .... .. .. . .... .. 6.12:! 16;1 'l'uscru l\ W ;lS • . . . . ... .. .. ... 471
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fi ll'!
I'lq U IL
15'{ :11r.
4116 4.af05
1. 2 1~ 1i1~
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17 U h l·lch sl'lII . .......... .. ...... _'68 n1011 ty.... . .. ..... .. ... . .. Nn.varre .. ..... .......... .. .. .. .. l :lS4i U nd on opoll s .. .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. N l'll l . ...... .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. 1.33 Un1 nto wn .... .. .. ...... . .. .. N I o n ,,111 .. .. .... . . I;. ~t 5.421 Un.lol\v llle ....... . .. ....... . .. Ne, ada. . .. ... . . . . .. . . lI$SI , UplX'r S lUldu s ky .. , .. .. .. .. . N vUl e .. .. .. ... .. .. ...... . . ~'OO 2eli Urtb-.lna. ... .. .. . .. .......... . N e w A dl ' .Jn y .. ...... .. . . .. .. . ::.to :!!N LiclL .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ........ . New A t h e ns ... ...... ... .. .. .. ~lG 435 Va.n Bure n .... ...... .. .... . ... N e w H arlin .. . .. . .. ... 666 .... 1Voa.n daJ I1I. . .. .. ... . .... .... ...... N e w .Hl oomJngtul\ .. .\ .. .. .. .. 301 J9'J V a nlu e .. . .. .... .. . .. .... .. ... Now n ton ...... . . . .. .. I . .. , l .85B . Va.n W ert . ....... N w Ilrom en .. .... .. .... ... .. 1.li8U 'l.31!! V e n edocJn. .... .. .. . .. .... .... . N II' Qa.r Il3Ie . .. .. .. . .... l .ms 995 Venn1l11 o n .. .. ... . " . ........ N · w e o mers l "'m .. . .. ... .. 2,943 !!.... ;5~ V ersoW S .. ... .. ..... ... .. . .. New ·ol1.oor d .... . .... .... ... 6SU u V lonnn.. .... .. .. . . ... . ..... N e w H oll a.nd .. . . .. ...... . 8()o1 0'92 Yln t on ... .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. N e w Kno)(v lU o 487 4:J\1 W'MSWOl'lh .. ... .. .. .. ........ ;t;!7:!2 1 W apn.)(on l.l. ...... ....... . N e w l A'iMnon .. .. . New Lohou.n o n. l\1on tgo rn r 'J \Varren . .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. . OU lI t Y) .. .... ... .......... . !!O!! 145 'V lll'IIllW .... .. . .. .. ...... .. ... N cw J~ex1n g lon . .. ... . .. .. .. ~.r,/;.q 1.701 \ Va.shI ngton .. .. .. .. , .. ... .. .... N e w 1, on(l o n . .. .... ..... .. 1.5&7 1.lilO ' Vasll'lnglol\ ourt Hou se .. . N e w Mu.Uunoro.s .. .. . .. .. .. ... fU 817 ' V o; M lIgton\' lUo . ... .... .... N e w l\tlLdl&on . .. .. .... ..... .... G(!S 500 W a le l Vill e . ... . . . .. .. ... . Nn
f'U rul b UI'g . .. . .. .. .. . .. fl ll'U t hru-s .. .. .. .... .. .... .. ..
St d ljlUl' l S IOM C r ook
l!8G 2.:15;1
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"Fashion decrees that men muet r. hu·le81'II\e . : I ~2s roHo6:I lIropose on their knees h ereafter," , :1{" elll ",I • • leH lu n ri H ..tgh t!! :? !lM says o:n esteemed contemporary. Fash: 0 11'\('8 .. .. .. ...... . .. .. . 1m !!j!1 2s D. "dame ." all rlght-<lr Is ehe t. Ctlrl on ... . .. .. ...... .. . .. .
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The meanest man has heen found In New J ersey. In a quarrel with hi. wife h e took the false teeth trom her ,mouth and kept them. sayIng he htld C hl l''';;fl \\' . hll ll (' t h e paid for th em. Naturally, In co uri f:1 n I nno : I . .. be made a biting charge agaInst him C lrc lpv lll e ..
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O urs Is the forc,most coun try In th& world in t he reclamation of Its arid land. To th e unlrav led east erner the e:r.tent of th irrlgaUon or w e 1ern lands under dIrect government Sll ' lIer villlon ts unknown The w ork o r 'iDdfvld ual and corporate conoerns nJses the a ctual r e la.mat\on of ar id .fluld 18 the west to nn enormous t o1&1 a creage. Most of thI s ... ork h as b een t.ccompli6hed wltlJ!u the pn.st deca de, wh ile each yoar th plaua for stl ll furj.her pushing t he c nquests ot ar ti ficial Irri gation a r extendf·d. SII YS the P ittsburg Gaze tte-TIm es Tha t the prestige In t hIs Important depnrtm ent of home bu ilding belolljrs to t h& :United States la further de mons l nlted :by a requ est r ecently subm it ! II to tbe state depar tmen t by th A ustra· I lan gover nment Au st ra lia bas . ev· eral wide e:r.t ended areas o f arid land. The r eclamation ot m uch of 'this bas been underta ken. but the flnt dIfficul ty that contronted the govern. m en t was a lack of pxpert k nowledge ot t he- act ual work to he don e a nd 01 the m eans used to secure tho lar ge!t BDd surest ret urns Ol.' tb e money In· 'Ves ted. In th is dilemma Australla turn ed to the Unlteu States. where Ir· ITlgallon ,on t be broad es t Uues has !been ably demonstrated }lDder g OY' ernment control. Workmen tn demollsblng a n anolent " ouse 's ltuated In th e n ue de Slras"ourg, opposite t he old Mont de Plete ",t Nantes. ~ve m ade an Interes ting JJlsco·v ery wblch Is likely to aUract ~on sl d e rabl e a tten tion, since the fl.nd /Was a t once disp ersed by the men. It Fons lsted ot n numb~ ot gold and 611· " er coins ot dl lrerent epochs. The lnost Inter esting bore the eIDgy ot AlIlhonso vni., k ing of Oallcla and Cas~ Ie, :Who r eigned from 1126 to 1158. trhey bear on the e:r.ergue an Inscription In Ara bIc 1n these ter m s: "The . Emir of the Catholics Is aided by Allah, and 'Allah protects them! ' The ~d Is bteresting In more ways than one, and It Is likely that economic writers will Dot fnll to make use of these coins to show the b'ade relations ot, Nantes about the period ~t ·the Hundred YearlJ War.,
-•••••• ••• •• ~ .. .. . ... :::,02:8
, WHA, .. IN A
GO,vern or Marsha ll Caatlga tea Book Publlah er. Who Attemp ted to Foist County Uniform ity on Graded Schoola .
overnor MarsllaH ,
Ind"tanapolJa. -
In his messag e to tbe Indiana genem!
, A Simple Quip. "TholI11\s W . Lawson 's Thaok ;ltp tng proclam ation was a very Soo4 piece ot oratoric al wrltlng. " eald .. Bosto'n bauker. "Lawso n Is alw~. tulJ ot qUips , "Not long ago I attonde d the funeral of a mllllona lrl) "flnan cleI'-O ne of those !'eal 'high financie rs' wholle l ow melhod s Lawson loves to turn the _ _ _ _ . light on. "1 arrived at the Iunerel n little Into, 1 took a seat bes ide IAlw80n nnd whi spered: "'flow far has the aervl e gone7' "Lawso n. nodding towards the clergyma n In tlle pulpit, whIsper ed Ilack: defense : " " 'Jus t opeued , tor the
assemb ly went a[ter the hlg school book eompan les that sought two years Ilgo, to (oist county uniform ity oC text ~ooks upon tbe schools of In· dlIlIlA. ' In his messag e, Govern or JIIarshnll says : "Two ye ars ago the revresc ntn tlves or Corelgn Bcllool boolt llUlIlt slllng hOllses opened up a lo!)!)y iu Ind inua ll' for Pruoils , llr lemllug tha t the pres'u '0 o r Reslnol Is a Perfe~t Remedy x· ritus' and All itching Skin Trouble s. lhelr represe nlative s bere ,~as cluslvely IJliilHnthroplc and tbut the y oa ll come iUlO Indiana 10 sbow us how Have u.~ e d TIeRlno) with tho utmost lietecllv e our schoo) sys tem \\' 1;1.8 , 1 r,alls ta.ctloh.. A case or Pruritu s philanth ropy Yulvne wblah soemed to defy all I!lwuys sus\Ject tbat which results in large l){l(;unlary gain Jtnown romCtllcs was , once re lieved to the phllan hroIlls t." also ncted In It d, cure roIDptly tJ nnll Clo\,ornor Jl1ursbn U's s lanu will de<! He-Yo ur CamBy bas a grand name, manne r ' In a s evcre case of 111[6 n. at· from hers publis bool, school t or )flas Vere De Vere! had almost driven the patemJ)t1ng to jlln! a county unlform lty ~ c v.cm n t hilt She-Y es, and yet I'd prefer almosl It 1s Indispe nsable to tbb cruy. tient measur e through t.he legislat ure. any other. day nod g neratlon , Uniform ity Bill In Ohio. F, 0 , Imes, Phlladel['1tla.. Pa.. Coiumb us.- Sellator Youn hns in· .\ GIrl'. Way. provld· senate troduce d a blll In the "Uut," he complai ned When a be hat! Tell Wellma n. ing for county uniform i ty or school r OrUB cl blm, ."YOll have given mo ev, yO\1 havo a. new Idea for a dI· "So t cxt baolis. It applies only to tho rlglbl& Mllooo 7" ery reason to believe you care d for ' m ," . , eleme ntary schools In the rnral dis· "y b, 'Malte the equilibr ator larger, cilies trlcts and villuges . Becauso "l do e re for you, Georg ," put a mot\1c into It. and lot It pull th. are left out farmers Bnd educato rs aTe balloon ," "Then wby won't you be min e ?" Ollposlng the measur e. Their argu · "I want to le t YOur stuok·up mother mont Is that "If uniform ity Is bnd for and sisters underst and that I don't Don't part wltb your muslon a. conside r you good enough for me," tbe clUes it is jus t as bad for the When th ey are gOQe you may sUIl ex· country ," and that It would cost mil· 1st, !Jut you have ceased to IIve..lions to Install county uniform ity. Mark TwaIn. NURSE TELLS OF SKIN CURES The Yount measur e would give c:ounty commis sioDel's and probate For o" er fifty yonTS Rheumntism, Neo"I ha'VG s en the CuUour a Remedl es have Judges power to appoint the board rn 19in, nnd otht\ ptlinfu1 nilments ~s ed w'lth best r esults during the past fa mattoI; of b ell " ured by Ha.m1iM Wi~rd t)jl, Itno. The books. selected tbllt nurs61 a. as work my In years, !twe nty a good ho nest remedy and yOIl will from w110lly talten be would n seloctlo r unde u.te. for came regre t hul'ing a bottle rendy many sWn disease cases the bands o r boards of educati on and my observa tion, and In every In· , s school superin tendent It Is no uso holding up 'tl! divine .tance, I always recomm ended the Senator Yount's argume nt for tbe throne It you're treading 011 thcchU Cutlcur a Remedi es as they always mensur e Is that it would suve money dren'l:; t009 to do I~. £"nve enUro satisfac tion. Ono case In to the lip-OllIe whlle the oppone nts In· :particu lar "WQ.JJ tha t or a lady friend slsl t11Ut It would lhrow the s chool at· o n ~t i"a lion enus ; and serlouslv nggra. was olJlld, (l. 'When lOr mine who, thoro'lgh1y oured book ques tion Into politi s; tllnt it I.f\ \'Il l ~~ w on)' <I i 'cae<!f!. It L~'l'iny ber ;ftlcted with eczema wblch covered .\lgur-ooated b y Dr , l'lcrcfl's Pellets. would it that and rule; home against face and hands e ntirely, breakin g out Ilrnnul s. com· lng tal, d boar l' suit In a county at inte l"Vals with severer torture. She 110 brief Many think they are 11gb,tlns sm ngal nst the Re-I 80 many dltrcrell fa ds that uo Ih tu ple te charge of all school uffairs, in· could not go to school as the disfigur e· p II b Ii can can· article would suffi ce to catalog cludlng b,lrlng of teacber s and control wh n lbey are bavlng a good time ment looked terrible . I told her to get nil. How ve r. the form!!!' Ill' s \denl ot the l111ys lcal propert y or a Bchool stabblD g Dlnn rs. gr ssmen. S ecr~ at once a set of Cutlour a Remedi es. attribut 9 m!lch of bis en el'gy a nd In· ' district. A similar measur e was deth ~ Navy of tary was sbe Rot one onlY After the use of anoth· te use Intor sl In llte to the fnct that teated in. the legislat uro last winter, 1s Meyer llerteot ly well. en· be n'o t on ly has 11\ uly or fads tb alball base r e "A grown lady friend 'Wal' affilcted for that varIety which is th SJl ICO low Secr thusl3.llt. The Wise aishop. tw(th. salt rheum In one of her thumbs , e but Is alway attempt i ng eXistenc of War [ 0 Y r 'l\ t True charIty wlU seek to pudtr the To the brillian t Episcop al bls hop ot a Cutlcur the by ,md she )VIlS cured UOIV, olhlng a SOl a Gall.or, has F. on and not rest content wlt11 paint'rliomns well Dlcklos Dr. see, Tennes dry Remedi es. Still anQther Indy had Alexand er Gra ham Bell : inv ntor of Memph is man o[ rather narrow views Ing the pump. , pencha nt .ar fln e jo\. • JIIalt ,r heum In both palms ot her b~ds ry ot SlAto til te l phone, has for some years Jlast charity balls. every tall of the year. Tbey used to three out-doo r hobbles , golf, motorin g borses, alike to Secreta with' rifle had 1, lte flying as a fad and haa compla ined about quite reveren t, be It Ir shot doubt crack "1 a Is wet ely and be 80 paInful sbe could scur nnd . horseba ck rIding, HIs chief In· Knox, sorts of In- bisbop," tne man said, "to give n ball all wltb himself busied ber ,ba,nds until she began to Ilse the door hobby Is grand opera as render. , and revolve r. ents with a. ne w for the purpo\jc s of charity, " Former Goy ~rnor Folk of Missour i, te restJ ng experim Cntlcur s. RemedI es wWch oured her: ed by a talkin, machin e, He has in tria ngular shaped kite which of type But Bishop Gallor, with a savl,ng Oem· pOssible a as up looming Is who children tho cure I bave also seen tbem his "comer " of the Blue Room at ~s experim ents burst of common sense, laughed and ed, develop has be In nt preside tor te taces candida "Pbr o~ nine ~r8 I 8utJe~ with chlOl'lle " ' of .rIngwo rm. The cHildren 'S WbJte H oulle one of the finest of the ocratlc pet e\'en Includin g the operatio n of wlr.e- replied: cotlstipnl lon and du~intr thia t~" I he4 to take would be all circles and rlogs around mQaern sound rellrodu clng Instru· 1912. has horseba ck riding as a leBS telegrap hy via Idles. Emil ~er. "WhY, my dear fellow, I'm sure, If ,. n Injection of ann wa~ once every , .. boun the eheelts, , nnd the neck ,and after m~ta and wUl sit by tbe bour enjoY' pastime and Seldom allows the weath· linl'r, anoth r famoua Invento r, who It would do anybody . any good, I'd before 1 col1ld liave ,lID action OIl my bowell. with e Jnter!er to eJse g anythin and or er Itrl~ C.1Ca~ta, and today l am .. '!feU treatme nt with the Cutlcurs . SOIlP In, the voices of Caruso, l).ls sPe.clal ontribu ted to tbe pres nt day tele- danae the whole le ngth or Memph is In llapplly Govern or Judson man. During' the nine Year. befOt'e X·uea ~ Olnnne n't 'the1' wOl"tr't!omplet,~nt' cured. favc;rUe, Mme. Tetrazz 1nl, and other his afternoo n ride. C.ocarels 1.u1ler<:d uotold misery 'wllh Inten>aJ possible phone and pbonog raph , is now dab- full canoni als," 14,. husband bad rheuma tism on hla opeW'ntic staTS. Anothe r promin ent Harmon of Ohio, another plies. Thonk;a to you, I am free . from all that . bling wIth alrsh.lps as a pastime . 0(' highest nation's the for e nom1.4e Oint· a canth OuUcur morning. YOIl can Me thlt 10 behalf.. of this mom and I used the man who delights In twentie bls from Heart. reller finds Aching to Allko ss Thomas Edlsou .ullerlD&' bumanlty . B. P. Fitber, lloaDoke , xu.. ment. It mnde hlp :arm alT limber and tUl"J mUlllcal product ion 18 CaptaIn flee, confess es an eSl>e~la l weakne fu. of . or oth autonio long broudcl A waistco at of Pin· h{gh pressur e worlt by Die , wherea s It was quite atlff before Peuy ot North Pole fame, who for fishing- the fad of Gilford Pleanot, Pillatable, Poteat. Tute Gooci bJle lours combin ed with campin g ex· tlan Is nllke tQ an ilching heart. aud and nd Clevela r Grove Do Good. ~ov r Slcken,W eaken or Grlpe. late the cbot, nt. piano. Ointme the player a apply to cush· ,I b egan velvet in amues hImself with on ",-_ _ __ sleeps merrier rally no lite he laugh we wilen es perlenc Oc.25cJ SOc. Never .0Id.!Dbulk~~. l strenu· a lead who men other toe ng many rth, Ingrowi an - "Ln.st 'May I had nine lanlet stamped ,CC'"L~uarlUltoe.nO Represe ntaUye NIchola s Longwo than we <lId on wood n hairs. Iqns optln. the I ' Il:1O back. former , m~De)' ),our Hughes or cure Justice Mr. Dall wWcb was very painful, as the who married AlJce Roosev elt, is an ous life. As almost every newspll per re",der governo r of New York and newest 8Jdo ot the , naJl was edging right accoinp llshod violinis t. Y the ohlet fad of .T. Pierpon t TO CURE A COLD L.... ONE D4'l\lblr-t5. knows States Su],AXAT1' VE BI10'AlO OulnlDo down in the side of my toe. I cut The hobbles of the vice preside nt membe r of the United , the flnanci r. Is pictures and Taka Morgan .rotund mono)" If I~ f AO.. 10 uro, E. W. JJrul'II'l~ In ns vacatio his ' and spends 25c, the nail Ollt of tbe cavIty It made, ot the United States are home-gar· prome court, other art objects, but he Is also \'ery ~nUv)lj"l:! &1lrnlllUrU I.• on eD~b box. or courso applied the Cut! urn. Oint- denlng and basebal l. Mr, Sherma n campIn g and mounta in climbin g, Jus· fogd of yachtin g, John D, Rocke(e l· Army of Tel egraphe r .. ment to tho part affeot d. It sootbea does not play ball himsel f, but be Is t%:e Harlan and Justice McKen na are ler 18 another well known man whoSEI famous golt ronles, telesrap h compnn les of this Tbe of ond it and In less thnn t en nights It was No golf, Is alJlng horses l fiue especia Gen , Miles Is a lover 01. Is , how· employ about 30,000 persons . ctJllntry ' all healed through con!\tan t use of the an enthuljl astic "tan." There Fenatol g a and delights to drive a spankIn g pair, promln. ent men, includlu Is who man not lnclude lIle raUrolUl ent does my promin This had one 1 ever, ago days Ten nt. S,'nator Olntmll Dewey , AdmIra l Aldrich , Thomas W , 'Lawson , l Admira does as ThIs ability. boll· genuine of with .enlce. player burned bull l eft hand and WTlst ,Indulg. , In a long-dI stance walker, who La Follette and olhers ing lard, and CuUcur a Ointme nt baa Is John K. Tener, former congress~n Schl y Is as a fad , Book collecti ng Is farming of becnuse odds no ask to comple tely eurod Ulem. I have just from Penn8~lvanla, who has been 3'..~y Is obliged n In public lifo present French am· the hobby of many me had an esper ecomme nded tho Cutlcur a Remedi es promin ent In the public eye slnc.., his his years, The long hUs Icycllng nnd United States, Mr, J. to anoth r friend, anil she Is pleased ele9 t1 o n 8S ,govern or or the Keyston e' bassado'r to the ,aclnatl on for AssIsta nt Secren, Garfield, to,r- cial of wltb the results nnd Is recover ing state. Mr. Teuer was a professi onal .T, .Jussera nd, James State Adee, wbo goel! t.o Eu· tary 01. and , cabinet the Dicely. 1 will ' gladly furnish the ball player . beror,e he went tQ con· mer membe r of year and devotes some every rope us elt are known names of the people referred to above gress Iloli last year he got up that 'fh adore Roosev lIn~ on the fine ronda wh to weeks a fad, althoug h U anybod y dQubts wbat I say." (Sign- memora ble ball game In which the having tennJs as of ~Tance and other countrie s. h~d has or has course. of lt. played Rooseve congres smen ed) Mrs. Margar et Hederso n, 77 High. Democr aUe iand Ave., Malden , Mass., Oct. I, 1910. T S8EJ~IS as tllough almost eyery body In an Amerka who alTord to- a nd it does not a lways r eQulro mucb money Is comlllg to ride some so rt of a hobE s pecIally Is by, tllitl tenllenc y 1I0tl e· Ilblo among proml · nent JUen III ( all walks oC life. Th re , cause for rejOicing rather Is, than otherwl so In this tendenc y for n hobby- always sUPDOl!lng It Is not rid· den to death- as a means ot dJ\' rslon and r ela xation. nnd It is boun d to provo dlatlQct ly bene fiCial to th e man of Rrra lrR whose mind It r lIevea tempora rily from the stress and/stra ln or offi cial , bus Iness or professi onal cares. It Is doubly fort unato that many or our c lebrlUe s whose work keeps them Indqors much of tbe time have selected hobbles that lure them ' Ollt Into t he open. Preside nt Taft. tor Instan ce, hlUl
",Two bottles
Cured, My
Rh eum atis m"
Motherl y AdvIce. Marger y was playing scbool with ber dolls, The class In physiolo gy was reciling . "Now, children ," she said, '''what are Tour bands for?" "To lteep clean," WllS the prompt ' \ repl,. , "Yes," r epented the mUe teacher , "hands were gIven us so we could keep them olean, and 'membe r, too," she added, "we must keep our feet acclclean, 'callse there might be n. dent."- Metrop olltan MaglLZine. HabIt Grow.. "I hate to see a lIltle country buy· ,t og its first batUesWp." "Why?" "Remin ds me of a boy taking hIs lIrst smoke! ' Commu ning. by the Wayald e. Adam Zawfox -Jevver gtt through a winter 'thout workin' ? , Job Sturke y-Yeh; I spent ono ' win· ter I~ a workbo use.
l* How the Coast Has Been Dug Over in Hunt for Captain Kidd:s Gold i~;: :;: : : : :::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::::::::::: : : : : :: : ::::::::: :::l~ !l:::~:::::\;::::~:::::~~<:::::::::::::x::::~:~::<:::;;:::::::::;:~;;:-;:;:::l::::::::;::::~~;::~«=:::::::;::~:::::::::~~:~::::::::::::~;:::::;::;:~~:::::::::::::: ::;::::::::::::: : : : :: : : : : : : :$30,000 at regular rates Instead lead to build earned a soore of by the camper s of Cod '! "There are more thoneastern the of ' the few nlsted aud battered old for cuts fin and ments embank MaIne the of •
were dlscove red In spots along the cout grading of a railroad 20 miles In coins whloh spot In 1789, and which ,where CaptaIn Ktdd Is said to haTe that nt ground hunters the It length. In other words, burled hla treasur e previou s to his dl&- tor Kldd wealth bad hired out with have ,l ed to the wasting or so much alltroull voyage to the coast of east " railroad contrac tors they could have human energy. .AfrIca," satd F. R. Johnson of Wlscaa· set, Me., accordI ng to the Waahln gton ,Hllrald. H , One of the spots where Oapt. Kldd ~s satd to have burIec! treaaur e is In MUIIselridge channel , at a poInt 600 econom y, At Accordi ng to modern analysis , as or eereall! In lhe human ,rods toward the South Thomas ton obtaine d In be to are ceJ;8als time this nal traditio nded ..bore from Twobus h Island, and In well as to well·fou forms . As le palatab and varIed maily of e d Is a n amplitu jthe center of a triangle formed by knowled ge, there ctured there Is an Intln,lte va· manufa In factors ·glvlng strength and potent White ~rawlng, a straigh t line trom and other va· rioty ot them which might benefici ally Head .to Twobus h "lUlOther trom T'Y~ flats, corn, wbeat, rice product,S be turned to account In the dally regl: ferous bush to O",l's Head, and a third baQk rletle~ of the gromlnl y men, The objectio n may be urged maInsta n as use ir the t warran to Head. White at ,to the starting , point that Immedi ately tbls Is done the new been has Bread food. of staple and "Hundr eds Of men In boa.ts have damlUld will cause a rise In prices, l;lU telling the In zed recogni s dr.edged and dragged the waters about tor centurie such reasoni ng would be faHaelou lite," of staff the this spot tor' a cent~ or longer, and popular ph'raso as " In vieW" of the two.told fact that tbe found· usually a.re phrases popular and the from wealth It "anyone has found nce. the Phllade l· manufa cturers of , cereals hav con· labor the fact' " not olrculat ed w14ely, ad on sOu.;ld expel1e Going back tp , ducted In their hite.rest a campaig n, says. ph through the fisherm en and clam dll' phla Telegra e, our word the feature of whlch ' ls a, flxed price gers ' c'o ntlnue to labor, and hoPe In the roots of the languag Anglo- Sax· for cer.eals and that. the BUlJplY ' ls too the ,from 'derived Is "lord" ts. spite of mani discour agemen loat keeper ,ample ,with our yearly "bumpe r "Th~ second place fixed upon aa the on words ·'loaf.w a,r d-the of Qourse, an ,crops:' " burl."l spot qf p,lrate wealth. 1& on, Cod· or dlslIllns er, who was~ Tho Roman - - -- -- figure. feudal nt Importa ,01n8 creek tead marsh 'where Marsh Afraid of Trade. Not r es"-:fo clrcens et , 'pan~lI!cried 'penobs cot ;I~er, lIht' mlles 'lnland ' trom mob ~s Vander bilt, tbe dow. h Corn Mrs. , strlc· ':the !)esplte Thl~ ' ",aln and ,pleall.ure. , I 'U~ JunClti~D',:trlth I'~Dobllcot bar. SOCiety lead~r In f'i~w Yo~k; doea ~gP.t SCQtch the. O~IYI~f ic dY8pept of tUfes surthe , aJlove place ,Is about 80 feet ten cakes, and oatme~ not seem to be alarmed at the "thJ:eat· face or' the salt muah' 111 Ita highest with , their '0a. race, . 'th.e cned Invasio n ot the part of New,Yo rk 'piace ' and hold. 'about two acres of porridg e are, a ro~uatl'ls j!ourlsh~ whIch s1)e jives ,by 'tl'ade,speo.Ple. for cen,turt laDe!. . Thoulh', It, wall ort~all:f clad, Ohlne,s e have l Ame7: Sb'e' llayli tbat. sbe h&8 ,no InteDtio n .ot f na abot1g1 the rl6e;, 9 fare a on e treasur tti.e in w0048, the anltlet7 at tbelr chief ~004; glVing.u P her hou~e 'alt.hough the elt;, lleeker.s haa 'been so great that not ICIUl8 J:lad maIze n,' pepple, JlaJltake ma, cut down 'her frOnt fence ~d natLatin nl haTe the trees beetj cut a".y and the lIouthem ti atid ~e Dorther n . row her lawn to widen, the "street. 14111' :s~ for tuei by, the bunfA,n who hal'. malnly ot spaghet b~ad m.de or va" ,Helen Goul( .lIved In the nel.bbo~> thel!' eat ~, peuan .hou· .0U~ camped C)n. the .Pot. 'but the bood~ ~her.e he,t: father bad bad blS .' ' . ..,114. of tou ,bi ".I,..to hu'bMIa aboY- IIlou.>~IDS. home' for n lQng, time a!tlll': trade had mulUb$ ml~llt And ,.0 e~plee elect oter man, tim.., It 1I'eftl _te4 O.rtI)t tn, but ,ahe 1ftl1.J bad to ~o, value the .tteet &0 ttlr IIlCl.8~l ~Uec1 i tiaUle bea _ Gal ~ eutb
The Sta ff of Life ."
"I havo been a sufferer from rheumat ism for about two years, and have use~ many lini· ments and patent medi· cines which gave me no relief. A lady friend of mine told me she had uscd your Linimen t and found relief at once. I best Linimen t a persoD the. is it think I got two bottles and they cured me. as long as I can have in the house. I shall always keep a bottle lD my house ' Va. ns, Morriso CE, WALLA R. E. S. get it."-MR can
Anoth er Letter.
of 1216 Mandeville St., Ne~ Orleans , La., writes :to you that 1 bad a pain In my arm for Dve y~ writing in pleasure take I MRS. JAMES MCGRA W,
and I used
for one w~ek and was completely cured. highly."
I recomm end your Linimcn t vel}
Sloa n' ~ LiIJ.i~ent instantly reliev~s .stiffne?s of the Joina;, Sore T~roat, Hoarseness, Sprains, : N ,euralgia,. Sciatica and' Lumbago.: : Better .and ~heaper ' than porous plasters. I
' , .
At AU '»rant ab•. Prtoe 2150 •• QOa. ~d.:.t.()O , ~'. 'J'rea&lae
0. u.. Bon, "D"~,
.--~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ , .~~~~~ !
·County Courts
Real Estate Transfers. ,
David a nd Mary A. Ebri@ bt t o
W/l1 t r K nriok, 20 o.or es in W a yne
, I ' Appro. chlng a Walled City. . E. V ~ BARNH I\RT, tt r the drab outskirts ot Plsa, Ut O '. l\1:ar.emma Rntl the dyk d road. I gain' N !)tary Public · ad Caa Ina. a wall d, ar c~(Ie d lown a t , the limit or til Vl co P lsan\>. ~'t'ny ~Jj It IUtl N III N " III I'.V 9\ ""k : P ' u"hlll within a Ted husk ot wal1s Inexhaust!. W " rk l~ 1"I1),' p, 10 It,\,. bly 'plctureaqu ; th e~ c~m Pont .dera, wa.1I d agnln- nhd with I\ 'h a 'lhrl11. T hat Is a thing you may couut upon- that ilutter ot ex pectancy ond Its fu ll r ward whenever you app roa h Good for Nothinii bu, the Evea a', wall ' d town by road. By road, ob· ser1'e, but not otherwise. SeeJi thul!. the wall must be negotiated; you must pa ss through lhe gales with olh r wuyfllr s. A wall d city Is like II. ve iled bride. What I ~ one about to mbrace? There are no g.rn.dallons, no 8traggllng line of suburbs to wat r down the type before you reach the hart. 'rhe truth Is flashed upon you, plump and pla in. You leave the fi elds, you cleur the glltes- here Is Cascina. here Pontedera tor good or 1I1.- From Hewlett's "The Rood In TUlicany."
township, '1 a nd other oonsidera tions . New Suits Vil lenti ne M. a nd Rebeooa go lit. ~xeo\ltors, of t h e estate of 'l'h o.m n s hrist·ie filed sua WilHam B . H oblit to Aa r o n B I Producti~n ngaln t t::hllritls tt. l:Ieude rson, Mary Cb!,odler, p roper ty i n W aYliesville, li e nderson nnd ' hade a Mo nr o~ ' 122 5. BY AL FR ED VIVIAN , ay J . A . BOWNOCKE .. , t tl r cov r ,,200 \.I n promil'sory nott! · R ft Jpb R t:: hadwiok to ,Jasper E Professor of A grlc ult urnl ChemIstry. . Prof...or of Oeology Ilt the Ohio . OhIo tlltC II lv r dlty. All\ l' UIl L ~ p no 111011 /fo lt Hg llbl8t !lWe University. :-;t u mp, 13 ' 73 lores in WI4' blngton ++++++++++++++++++ ....'+++... ++ I.. ltu'·o 'P" " 0tl ~"fd lv o r 'uo u g rouod8 \o wns bip, ' 76"0 In a recent book the author ad· ,)1 willf u l nb.el 1:6 , P~ I i t1 n 14tHtes Mar y A. South ard to Fra nk W . vances three principal at'~ument s In When the white ma.n began set· I,h ,. t oo o p le weI tl mur rled I\ t Maiotl ou t hBrd t raot in Turtlecr lek ' OWD favor ot beauUfy lng the home sur· tlIng In OhJo he found It dear tb of v \l l ~. Out ber 17, lllO", bu t no c ull. rouDdln,. by the use of tree., shrub the hecellmes of m e, and amoag sb ip, I I ot,o .Iran h avtl been born. Ell uoth . Lontsa and Douglu.s Gillis, J!j mma and ftowera: First , the Increased these was common 8alt. For some ~" pl e " r a a t t o rneys fo r pla inti ff t:: ~ 0 8~ a b l e, I da and F r ederick Frie- value ot the premises arl. lng troln yean the 'I upply had to be tranlJ' '1'. t::. Pel tierI' l ~ fl ied 8 111' Bga inllt ber, t o Andrew .l aoksun Boyd, 65 lucb Improvement; second. the com· ported acrolls the Allegbenles, and for,t of the ocoupants of the home, C) M. Be r I W to r eoover fees of a cres in Ha milton township, 1500. due to the restful sbade during the naturally . the price ,WIUI blgh. reach· 12'60 In 8alt! cf t elll est8t.e belon g ing Ada and David Wa lker to Andrew beat of summer ; and 'tblrd. t.be In· lng, It II said , 10 cents a pO\Ul.d. to defe ndlln t. Geor«e Youn g Will! Boyd , 65 aor es In Hamilton t own· fluence tbat beauUtul surrounding. Brlnel or rock salt In Ohio were un· may exert upon th minds of chll· known, and many t bought that the Help Wanted Il ttorDey for pliointifJ. ShI p , ' 500 , dren., as they unconsciously develop absence of tbese substances would ~o r t h at coug-b Get Ii bot,t le fl f M, Rumely om plln y fi les peti tion Da vid Hoell to Ch a rles Goodpa8ter In t he child's mi nd th e love of bome proy. a permanent handicap to the D r . a Il '~ Pi n e 'far H oney H is th p t '\ error Iigai nRt J ennie B. B nnt.e r development of the 8tate. and of the beautiful In nature. lot i ll Cozaddl\le, ' 25 . beHt . praying for rev.)rsQI in d tlolsion o f Pioneer Salt Furnace •• Paint, Plant, Profit. EJizllbeth and Cort Goodpaster to t ile Magistrllte'H court , Elt,zrotb & Ohllrles Goodpaster, lot in Cozad AI the wll4ernsss waa exptored, T he first argument Is the least hn· Popula r AdmiratIon. Maple are Iltto\'neys for the l)IIll ntiff d il le , ' 1, eto. portant, and yet It Is 0. valid one. A salt sprlngl were occasionally fouod, "What Is It that the people admire the mOl t notable having boon In certain fa rm In Ohio t eaches a pointDsmollthenes Weer, ex ecutor of ed lessoo In' this connection. Tbe Jackson county, with le.s Important In that man's speeches?" said one Court Proceedings. the e ta te at Mary ' Ann 8ta ley to house 8urroundlngs were un tidy. and ones !n .Iveral counUea In tbe south- campaigner . "I don't tmow," replied tbe ot.her, COut'S orde rs Methodl8t B.ome fo r F r llult O. Kinder, traot in Franklln tbe owner, wishing to sell, could not eastern part of th'e state. Naturally "u11le8s It's his nerv In advocating the plonelrs were qulok to take ad· t.be uged to oonvey premi f S to T . tow p8h lp, 101)0. dispose of the property until a man vantaae of these, and the making of sueh extraordinary _ _ _.... _ opinions." .. - _ _ L ' Bro wn the puroh aser, /)u ri Louis Eisenmenger ~ t:iusan . who could see the posslblllties ot tba place happened along and bought salt began about 1798, It was learnThe Rev. Irl Hicks I' ll Almanac Case of J erry ~arkhm VII S. W na Meeker 10\ in FrantUn, tl. eto· It at a low figure. He spent two ed a little later th at by digging shal· Witbam 18 d h;miHsed and com pro Amanda F . Dr~ker to Mary 8nem hundred dollars In painting the low wells, a stronger brine and a The Re v lr l R Hlokll Alman60 ruised . ening and Carrie W. Sieker, lot in house, - paJntlng and repairing the larger s'lpply ooold be secured. These brine. were evaporated In Iron keto fo r 1911 , t bh.t lZuOordlan Angel in fron t felice, t rimming the trees, and 10 t h,e 0 8 e of George M. Curry Leba.uon. '1, etc. tidying up gener ally. Wltbln six tles, wood 'being the fuel. The ..1t a hnnd r ed th 011S,\ud h om es. is now V8 Ur. Oorry CII-nce r Core Co et al weeks be sold the fa rm for six· was black and dirty, but It was ' a1to r eAd y. Not m flnv 8 fi'\ n ow willin e phllntltl' i8 givl"n t en da.ya to .a.mend Commissioners' Proceedlnls. teen bundred dollars more than nevertheleH_ .t.o he with nut it Btld t,b e R AV Ir) R .~ 18 peSit.ion. The Industry Expands • he paid for It. He had not add· William J. Koaoh A petition signed by Ellis IrOQ! ed 'lne whit to the orop-produclng In tbe O,l l'e of From this centu on Salt creek, In RlokR Mllga,zlne, Word .. nd' Works and ot!lel'8 asktng fer the placing at power of that farm, and yet the seoJackson county, the good work The two are only One Dollar 1\ :velll' VI. Bllrry C. CoUlns, et ai, the plaintiff Is direoted to r eoo ver B proteo\ion on the right bank of ond purchaser gladly paid a good spread until . furnaclls were fQund at Tbq Almana o i8 850 prepaid . No the LiUle Miami river opposite the price for a farm which had gone beg· frequent points aI far north ·as C0- bome 01' offioe s)-oold fail t o senn $271 80 on promissorynotfl8 , lumbiana county. Among the Impor· , Cr k di glng only a few weeki before. point whflre Caesar s ee s The third a rgument, however, Is tant centers of production may be for th ~m , to ' oharges its waters into said river aa unquelltlonably of tbe greate.s t Import. mentioned the valley of the Muskln' Probate Court. Word and Works Publishing Co,. w111 prevent the destruotion of 't wo ance. I recently took a somewbat gum below Zanesvl11e, Ye llo ~ creek St. Lonls.Mo • Mary E Mul fo rd w,a a.ppolnted bridges and the 'pnbllo road rnnning extended trip oyer a part of Ohio In Columbiana county and Leading creek In Meigs county. T be brine , administratrix of the estate of Juhn p:lJallel to oid river 'Pe\ition was wblch was once covered with beo.\1· At Mulford, deoeased,' a't, bond of tUul fore.t treel. At this time there waa secured larrely from the salt ordered plaoed on fllA was scarcely a tree to be seen, and sand, whose depth varied from about ', '~O,OQO. Btl.rrY Cowlln, J llme8881- Bills -Lebanon Pdriot, bll;'nh we pas~ed house afte r bouse bullt on 600 to 1,000 feet. Itr. and Fred Lo~e ue AppOinted for juvenile'oonrt, $4 '; Columbqa the severest type (like great dry As the demand for salt Increased appraieel'''' '1 Blank Bookt::o, mdse ,1' 50 i J goods boxes), and set down In a con· the Iron kettles we re replaced with A " C. Vail, aaUng coroner, tiled \10 i 'snp lies 148.15' 'l'he Wa8t. fusion of unkempt outbutldtnp, wltla long rectangulat wooden troughs , . ' rr s, .. P , . not a single tree or shrub In the beated with steam pipes. and these bi.- 'desoription and inventory of ern t:it14t:. job work, $122 00; Samnel yard; I have betore me a program are sun exte nslvp,ly used In Ohio lind proper~y foond 00 persoD of 'fhollllUI D. . Henkle, fees and f' x penses, other rar ts of the coun try. T h ' salt accu.m ulates on the bottom of tbe , . Walab. deceased. '144 26 ; The Franklin Chro~iole. trougbs and Is re m ov ~ d by band wit h ADd lIIe ChlHtIoa of Ueorge 11=. Yonng, 8ealgnee of the letter hellds, '2; S. Fred Co, aop. ahovels or Is scraped from th e. bot· liON Egg. . . IDI~ .ohio Te,, ·t::o. flied hl8 Inventory ,up plies, '10. 6.8; Corkins Chemioal cO" 1 tom by rakes attached to endless You c:.nBOt fore. a fo,..1 b.S'ond ·praieema.t schedole of de"tfI and d t il '2" ..... S C kli II. "ltaUI7, but ,.QD CIQ Ite, ,, tb.t chains. The last of the old ke ttle Of m se. or lll, u; AlAA. • on D, "llaU", at bl.b.at Jlolnt ud furoacea was at Durant, In Morgan .Iole bill aod a11"""e r80orded . stamps, 15; B rrett Bros. blaoks, belp a..lmllale lb. foodslbst ducelb..... county. It wai abandoned about &I~ bll_UQr tbe es~te of L . L . '2, 50; J . I. Holoomb Mfv;, , Co. anp. ' 1908. J CONKEnJ ' J Daff,. c)eoeaaea ws~ 'flIed by Emma piles,.a i J. "B. 'Smith, 'brid,e lum lAYING TONIC •., Dotley. admlnilihatrlx. .'" ber, ,.0 36; Berl--Rtted. _br1dge re t5ca la.. thM till... la 18 110& .. food 8DIl bb.r18l ,Middletoo, administrator pair a, .23 60; Inquest over body of lute 110 8Uer, ba' ml".. wlell lOU cnra 1 "danger Iligoilol ,!ld Hhonlrt not ' food eepPb M.bome pd_ of 'be eetatt' of .Eatle Snell, de. 'fbomas Waloh, $11 80; Dr. H. J . Keep' most of the plllnling on th e bor. be neglected rake Dr a.. lI ·s P lOe. •• II Were . "'Ior . ...... b'ill ' deft! and preserve In the center an Tar, Boney lit. once ---" fll ed hi a saIe It all Oo:Vil in ce&aau, . Death, post mortem examination of. open ezpanlle of hi wn. loulu - Ill be~. OOIr.... Atops the cnugh and ToIllO p'o......... .. JUIIQ_ _ • u.s hMlI _~rl •. la . IDven~ry and appraisement of ThomaS Walob, $10. Inqnest over' ot a Fanner8' Institute recently held flam_fitton. heals 'h ~ membrlto l1A, bl=' 1IH'Iu·fOCMla .:ta... , 8s te $he . !A of Charles D. J~nney, In. body of Matthew Foley, '9.05. In t his locality, and one of the .ub- 1oe.. " '81 .re _ bloo4la lefhlcb I .. _·...uillll . lanB WIlS fllecl by ,J : E. Janl1ey, Contraota-Plana and 8peolfloa. jed8 thereon ·l. the tollowlng: "Why . .4 &be h ... 1&1. une WIly, .Anyway. PRlca-l3( lba.: 25cl S~ lba., 800: ~rai~, . ' .," , ' tions tor pillng proteo\lou ...t6 ' Knl. Do Our BoYi and Girls ' Leave the , 7lb.... ,1: 2l).1&'- PaU, ... My little .on. who was just over two ',' M U(.. di f M ' ' Farm?" I am stron&,ly convlnoed lore , alJ oer.. ~uar , an 0 Ill' ~erry I!tree,t ,b rlltge in Lebanon were . tllat nothing 1'111 do more to make yeKrS old, one day while at dinner Oar -f[.~:::~.~ " lIoeriteP. ;Moel'7.; minor, fl.l ed ~he approved and ordered po8\ed in au ' 'the boya and girls happy and con. used - bls ftngers lnltead ot' a spoon. t\=r:\::..~!.II.. rOIl1' mo.., bcIoIl Ieoood ~~ flnal aooouDt. ~: ' dUa r'a ofti~e: Sealed proposala to tented ,?n the tarm than to make the and tbe following dialogue ensued: 'Ask 'or 'CoDkey'S Boolt OD Poa&o it)'. FfI~ to 1'011 . WUU~m .. Et, ~oCaiD, ad~iniatra be received Febrnary 13. old home 'a bea~ty sport of whlc.1 ·Father-.-Don't do that again. sonny. Son-Me, will J For BILle by' *()r ot &he eetate of Wtlllam J. Oil.... A 1 t ' t t --" they ma7 be proud. Every chUd bas Fath~WeU, don't let me Bee you. 1 . genera con r~o waa en enN within him the latent love ctf the Son-Shut 'ou e1el den. *~h, .deoea8ed, 'flIed his luv81Uory iO,t o with Ed Fox for repairs of beautiful, which may be developed In aod ~pprataement,. bridge8 aD roade east of Great Mi· such a way as to make. It one of the , AI~a Bill flied dne. proof bf 'publl. ami river Ilnd north 01 Clearoreek most powerful Influences for . gQQd. R.mlnd.... of' Troubl•• oation oUbe 'noHoe of his appoint in Franklin townehlp and where di The cultivation of this 10,Ye ?f !he "I thouebt you told me & sea 1'0,.. ~en* ~ admlnistra~r of ~he b8~te rected when the 008' of snch repair .~::~:Ulo;h::!~y b~h~l:.a~~;t t~:~e e~ age would take my mind off 1117 of, E. C , Martill deoea~. ou anyone bridge at an,. one time no place where this part of tbe troubl••," .a14 the. unlucky motori.l. "Didn't Itt" . ' .' . , Th~ inven~ry and apprall!ement It;' one year doee-ti'ot coat , ov:er 110. chUd's 'educatlon, can be 80 effective·.'!'Jo• Th. Ufe preaenera strunlr D~ Bell's AntisepticSalv8 of tbe es,.te 9f Phoebe Merohanc • _ ,. ' 11 given as at home. .Ione the raU of the ship looked ex. , • . ' GOod for all Sian Dlse..deoeu~ waS flied bV George E' Li-e Saved at Death's 'Door Many of our flirm homes fall woe- acU, like automobile tires." , , , . ' . I' . tully sbort In attractlveness, espe. Yo'Pll'. admlDistrator. "r never felt so near my grave," clally In .the houseYll'l'd. One can Dnd Emma H . Danforth was appoint. wrlte8 W. R . Patterson, of Well. a 'good many houses whIch are more ed uec.ntrix of the estate of Horaoe ington, 1'ex., IlS when 110 frightful or less attractive Inside. but which P. Da.n forth, deceased at a bond of ooogh and long ' trouble puUed rue are set down among. the most unat'flO 00t down to 100 ponnd!! in spite of dOo. l tractive surroundings. When one , • tor ''3 trea.tment for two ye"l'8. My considers the posslbllitiea of the Name of Itlargare.t B. Sp~~hrle wlla fatber, mother and two sisters died country houseyard; he ean but be ohlloged to Margarlte .Imlra. Nlebel of oon8omption. and that J ayo allva amazed that so little Is made of It on application of f08ter parents today is due solely to Ur. Klng'8 ' on the average farm, especially when Borace ' F. Compton exeontor of New Disoovery, whioh o) mpletely \' he contrasts this average hQuse lot tii tate f M E " 't d oured me Now i weigh 187 pounlts with thoBe evolved by a few men 0 ary . ",amp on, e · and htl.ve 'been well and strong for who haye risen above tbe mere dee ea ceased. flIed due proof of publica- years ." Quiok safe, sore, its the sire tor gain, and bave realized that 'ion ,of notioe at appoin tment. best remedy on earth tor 00 Ughs, thjlre are things In this world worth final account In the estate, of oulds, llljl\ rippe, asthma, oroup, and I even more than dotlare and cent.. l4innie Ltppincott benefioiary WQS 11.11 throat a.nd lung troubles. 500 I .ellct Hardly Plant.. flIed by C. W . Ra.~dall, trnstee . . andS100 . '1'rial bottle free Gua.r"But," you sa,. .. ..we bave .neltber .~ OberIi n, goard tan a r te h Qnt eed tyall droggist8. the time nor the money to 8pend 'on • _ ..._ _ __ Pe"",r these things." The truth Is that a ea&ate of John Oberlin, insane, flied place can be beauututly planted and Tough on the Germ. bis fifth aoooallt. Parents who own the mean little cared for without much expenditure The flrllt acoouDt in the estllte boy with the frightful ~ueh ot either time or money, If done In of hfldhood th Uttl the right way. Tbe secret Is, to. seof Sebastian MLtol4g, deoellsed. was c ,e e boy who lect hardy plants wblch call for little fll.,d by Frank IIond~. MAil'" Ildmln ~ream8 when othera .mlle and who atten""on atter they are once planted. ' P! lUcks his fond parents on the shins '" t,trators. , and 8creams when the, are tmng to Fortunately. the hardy plants give the t B. W. D. K eever, Ildministra. ·or do some1lblng nice tor him the little best etrect. In couotry planting and oUbe estate of Abbie E. Keever, de boy who &trects all other p~ople ' with a the least expensive. , Tbere 'a re I oeiaaed , flIed his flnt and flnBl ao Ia burning, gnawing pas.lOti to smtte so many beautiful hardy plants ,th,at , him , on' the spot with an elmwoocl, ' It Is not wortb while to bother with oonns. , . , ' clapbovd. not padded, Ihoald take' any ,plant wb\ch needs coddling. Some WI11 of Matthew Fol.ey, deoeased, ooUl'ale. Their little boy, laya Dr. E. of the most beautl,ful sh.rub/, are ns.wu,flled and probAtE!d a.nd J ohn P . L. Mathias of Kansu Qb', t. the 1'10- tlve to Ohio and '('an b~ obtaln~d for Feley wa. appOinted execntor. U~ of the groueh 'Prm. A ' real prm no.thlng trom the neighboring woods. , . . ' . I. pUtw1nc bO. him, . maklDe him .The &mount of labor requl.rl!d · to , ~~ , '" ' '11.'_ ''' ..... . L " m~r than cUrt !Uld orae.v than a ! tor. the shrUbs atter pl!lDU~g ~m ".ot • " .......~ I~, ' tied.Up dOc. .' ,: be, more ' than ~ few . hours for the . "W.u. .per_a: . ,' , whole season: '.;. "", '." '.' \ I ' , • _ .' ',\... ' Pia" the PlantIng'. 'U 8 , Wife f T Ad 'I " Car.efull, pr~pare your ' pian'tine Wanieevl)le. , . . , . ;, . ', . 0 , p o~ V ~ ,' , .plan, ' t~r notb~ng' .worth, Whll.~. ,1. aoWa1De . lIoOoy, 23, priuter ' of· My wtte WlJlhld me t,o ta~e 'our. ,compllshed by hallhazlird .met hodi. Bloomlupou, .Oblo and Anna Bar. boy ~ the doctor .to cure ~D 1IK!J. 8o:meone ~nB BJilld, "The completed " " boU, writaa D. ' ...n~eI. ot ,8troud, plantinl 8hould reprtlSeDt framed '...., II. Of 1I1ddlebor:o . Okla. "'I aat~ 'pu* Buoklen', Ariit. plc~ure, Tlttl ·house. Is ' tbe picture, . .!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oa 8&1"e oull,' Sbe did 80 aud 1* the lawn II the canvas, and tlle trees ' ;II . curJHl ' she boil 10 "abort time, or and Ihr,ubbery rerm ;sl nt the trame.' " . Quioken healer ' of .B1yoaa. Soal~ Tty 10 iO plant as tl) hide an Ugly I~ the .. right Cute, CQr~, Br~, 8prafuI, SweW thIDp. In ~he l.ndB('a!1~. at llle BAnte , ~.. . time to lob- Iln.a. , .... Plle.~ou""h . Try, ,time belDg care!ul nd ,to hide aUy. ~lDl aua**,. it, 0017'' ' ' at. draal*. thIq that I. bea'uu tul. . ,
, .1 .J,nmon Pleas Cour'.
' t I Ori&\D and·Development ea f Of 0foamen a Planting. . of in.Ohio. I
-- --'---
' ., ~ 'lc Hville'8 Leud\np 0.,,.5111' ' )fflce in K~Ytl 81d le. M Il ID
A. MAFFfr, Undertaker and Embalmer, Will be fOnnd in t he o,l d BAlik BuUding. Oppoll"" the Nlttionlll Ban k, Telephon e in h OURfl Ilnd or· floe where can be C&l lAlt
dlloY , Ir "1 Rb f.. 'V lI l\pv ~ h n" p 14-2.
Main Stret't,
Waynesvill", Ohio ,
. r. f.-' .f 'sPine-
..... _.............. ra
~ ._. D4.
----.. - ..- - -
,SAMPLE COPY FREE Add,... NIW YORK CL.I .... 11t . New Votll. N. V.
___ •• I '
. ~vould lIke to supply r • ;~ r table with, this highr('ad~ silverware free of nst, writ~ us for our , ffer. Addr~
(o. . I 'U·'S DOD f~VR SInd. .NewY.tI.N. Y. . . "
. ·a"..Am
___ '
. '
•• _ •• a.' , 'I ,
i I
~. II
a 11'
' ,
YourSale Bills
Printed for you in a good style, black ink good water ,proof tag , board, ~nd ' ..~ady,',,~ for , yo~ .whe~ promised, no delay.- ene. price to all•. Do not _~t them u..t_1 -you. .nd·get.,Qur ' pricea~ ;I.
* \
II ,I I'
GAZETTE ...••.... t ................. ··
- - AI.\ IN
The ~ Range for W'oman"sComfort
._--'------ --- -
I U.
To Be Erecte(! fh is Year t t . Rates of 'Subscription . ' at the. 011 '~ State • (Htrlctly lu ndvl1lll·o) . . .. . . . . ~ J.(I O Unlversltv i 1"le UOPY . . I..In••••• ......O•••• ~r . . . . . .n.. Rates of Advertising . t h "ea r y
D. L. e llAN!!: , I!:d i-tol' n.IIU Manager
OIlO Yoar 811 ..
• • • "
-~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~ ? ~~~~~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . '" ·0 ' -
••.•••• , • . • •
•. •••• • •
O' J
n I ReadIng LocniR. per 1I110 . ... . ... . .•.. . 61: I .vc rs lt y hi ~ t() I'Y Relldlng Loculs. blnck tnco. 'iler 1I11o . .. ~ He 1).1 I 1'001118 in CllUlSlfled AdH. 1I0 t ltI oxceed Oil ve Ililoa
I ( u.\· s
i Timel~ Topics For- the i ~
Tbroo Ins rtloDs . . .. ..... .. .. . 2fic no w called Obl~ullrle8, II vo Inehes treo; o\'er 11\'0 Inoho8, lIor 1100 . .• . . . . . •• . . . .. Oc OanJ ot thnnks . . .... . . '.' . . . . . . . . . . . . 26c was II ete d us hOIll for th e geO· R6II01 u Lions .. ............... . . . . .•.. . OUr 10KIt'u l mu,e u m. roOtliS we re 111'0 \·ill. Socllllil etc. where charge is mntlu . .. .. . . Display Advertising per luch .. . .. . .. . , . ~ 6r cd as " te mporary (jll ortC'rs" for t he H)C li bra ry. Ve ry few pe rso ns at tlt u t Dlscouo t~ glvuo on cO lltrnc ~. tim e t ho ug ht t hnt "I ' Illpornry " woul d cc m E' to m nil a imM I t we nt.y years . J~ EBR U ARY H, 1911 . Last ye ar lh p tl'll . t ees asl(ed (0 1 $GOO .uOO to r a li brar y h" lldin g The
Moore R nngc-the handi est ra nge eve r. made , The' Moore R ange practi cally costs you n othing. The savin g in fu el it aff? rd s no t only pays f~r it,. but. really pays y:ou a profl~ soo n aft e r yb u buy It.
i' !~
I I .v."xtl·OS ;.:. H . IDA ROS T, tment 1fT' eu t ur ~p8r , Ohio Sta te on nh· c r s lty.
t !************************* •
th e lIbrn ry oecu· Ihe ma lll bui ldin g, l ' ul\,ers lly Hu ll , an d
Here's good news ' for the women of this town.
We have sec ured th e age n cy h e re fo r the famous
SO:De tro u ble may be had {rom t he dam nt " ng o'ff of pl a n ts In permane n t tob acco bed s . Tht. tungu! dlseasa
ca n bs grea tl y .r edu ce d or overcome Moore's Controller Dampe r lint o 'nl y c o nt ro ls the hea, by sterll zlng t he soH. For this pu r· but co n t ro ls th e cua l. It pus itiv 'l y saves on e -third o f the pose one a nd one·half pin ts (o r fu e l. A nti l\[ o cJ re 's Ran g-c::; arc 1 ~1l; o nl y r; n g' s h av in l! tl. ll& pou nd ) of formali n ad de d to fit ty c o ntrolle r damper. gall on s or water !lnd thomughl y s llr· Moore's Everlasting Fire b ad{ enabl e s y .a t o burn coal red may be used. cos tin" at least two-~h.ird8 less t h:t Cl l'lla l '" T h is so lutio n Is pr ferably appli ed used in other ranges. I I olre r;; a !<llll rurIn the fall of th e yt'a r . Spa de the th e r saving by provirl in g fur th e bu rn ing grou nd to t he de pth or sIx or e Ight up of th e s tU o k e and soot, t hu s g ivi ng In c hes . All llly th so lu tion to th e you th e aova n tage o f t h" extra h 'at nnu spadcd s urface a t l he rale or one e nabli ng you to s:l\'e 011 yo u r f llf! !. Wi h a mo lln l of man y ask ' t1 for was II h ..... 1\1 k t this wo nderful ra nge t here is D O . tU okcA pin h tl ll I I " b,'tt I' I.hflll II IIl i.! Inrg bec'au !;e lh e \:Rriou s a ct h 'ltl e s ga on to t e sq ua re .vot. a e a 11 0 soot- no gas. Yv u call kl.'cp ),f)lIr lea st tw o appli ca tions with the halld. of a moder n un ln'r: ILy li brary reo I k ll I d t ilth kitchen s potless. Moore R a nges last long er beca use they are the o nl y range~ lOade hav ing - - -_. - qui re a lar;:;!:' build ing W h' lt lUll s pr n n g pot n or e r 9 a ow e three-wa ll constru cti on throua houL . . s olulion to satu ra te t he 5 011 and n ot What W,:, 11 1:'1"0 Ib l'lIlIlierVllllOU l'l I !,'is lat ll r tnnd :hl' n P fl rOp rll1 11 0n' l run o fT l he surra e Ap plication In ..t our oonV &r .. u IH Hi bow vc r . o nlv :lo.O .()OO ror a co m· . I ____ • _.. pI te tnll ing wa. gl ven the sprln with in two w!:'eks of seedLet u s show'nnd explain to , ou the many aU l><lrlor cleanest. ligh test nnd most sa nit nry on Iho "",rket. '1 be bulldln s is La be of th e r. Ing may dama ge th vitali ty of .the fOl\tures of 1\I00 I C'~ vcn- how It absolulely nrcYou ought to sce the O... nThermom t.,. C"id 'on All Skin Troubles g S ,t1 Th e formnli n m ust have tltno vont "dead spots." I\nd how the CI... Ove n Door 'Ihls stove. It waS prcpared hy Mr, Surhh 'l'\sun nalss n r.e sty le of archdcelu reo co n· . . . vercomeR tho nec 8slty of opc nl n~ the oven I\ nd Rorer. th o acknowkdll'cli fure mos t cook "f Ihp cOLIn· Ar e Il V ro Iii ,,. Il ~lfl' Ur B,·\I ·" structeu ot Jn d la.tl ll IIm esto n '1 It wi ll to vlLllorat fr om the soli b [a r e t he loslnll heat every tfme )'ou want to seo the condi tion try. exoluRI\'oly for Moore'. Kll n!,!c. It r:I\'''' Ihe seed Is sow n of tbe food I"sfde. tIm e reQu f r~d and tho hent ncCtl ~Sll ry fC)r I.> uki nrr a ll Antlt!e\.l t lo l"Il 1VU It tl'\ tl'" 1' 1 t.\1I~ 1I 1l 1 Evcrillstlnll FlrebaClk . . Then there's tho nlckel'pl ated oven rack (tho only kinds of food. n on'! miss 6celnrr Ihlg mnrvelouu to olle :; \Ju n - l'I:!tI m nllil b g il tr tlU- staud in tbe w at !lD d ol t he o val , KeepIng Tobacco In Case. one OD UIO market) lind the aluminized oven, the ranll'c. Cn ll now whllo ou r stock Is co mplote. teed to gl v a tl tt t hlfuo t.lOn .250 u box. Probably the b s t m e th cd or ' lceepMoor.'. Ranlle. can be had in either Cad Iron or Ste ffl . ..... In g tolJa 0 In ras fol' s t r ipping, \ Downoas t lD e n s e fe w of the aeru· w ill be bu lk ing dow 11 In what Is planes of h opt' . k nown as s q ua res. T h Is mean s pll· -------+.--~.------Ing up do u ble U e~ ot t" haeeo on t he I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ la t h, tl l)S to tips . P ia e t ll ese s quares One kind t 110 econ omist: is obi, s ide by s ide so a s not to leave a ir to wake a IIt,tI e \vork gl') Illong wav WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES space be t w n the m. U s e dam pen d corn fodder for l he c ove ring ot the f/) A BeautHul VVonnan St. Augustine's C!1tholic Chureb. a: bulk. Co rn fodde r Is clean and er· UJ Father GeorgI! MI1~ e ohoe re r , PUHtOr Must h ,va I.t b " "ntlful s kin . D r. f ecthre, m a kin g It t he Ide al mate rial > M"~" e.Vl'fY SIlCor.<l . ondllf o f the wonth a &11'8 AnllllPptio '''Ive r e Ol o ves pimto use. Ul1 1J z ples, bl !t ok IWI'\" . Ob ,l""' , lind .. ou ~ lt U t he tobacco wit n t a k en down is ::> nesil, le ·l v ltl lr t·b ~1,ln ~ ru "l th T ry r ather low In case rrom Inanfflcl en t ~t. I\la"y's Episcopal Churenit On o u r I! ll ',rtl li t..... covorl ng, t be case may b e Improve d Hev. J . 1'". IJI\waltadcr. Ituct", by sp ri n kli n g warm water o"e r t he ....,llIli uy \'11001. I) :30 (I . m M nUll!: ser b u tts ot the stalks and cove rin g w ltb Mlln \" Il m Ull ',. .. U (:OR"'I It~" v e!t It. oil : Jc;o. IU 'UI a . m . Ilolv ComlDu nl on tb e II rIOt .unll a\, I Iluch IDOIl LU. ter ,.•,,4 t t · it 111, tn 11l1! II ~ pI' b i'l H. ~n o d a ml) fo dd er. a re mus t be used not :x: to wet the loav s , t bus cnuslng d a mOl u t ..,. Merhodist E piscopal ChllrOi . o I age d tobacco. .....~i In th e m tha d where the tobacco Rov. B . W. BnlJoy. PIISt.ol l8utherland's Eagle Eye 8a1ve Sa" &hOM ~nlr. w'-in&'. IIIQIIbIa'. e( Sl;nduy ' cbool. If · I ~ a. m. 1\10T lI ln R ser Is talee n oft' til lath a nd bul ked, t he IIW'Ollen-headed fow18 wi~ ... ,. 11 I l!l I II I . , . • let! . 11l :30 a . ·m. 1':jllI'unll r.C(\lCuo. 7 :OU p . > en denry will lJe to h at bad ly In a III . 11; \'c lIln l: H,·n· "'f-. ';' : 00 p . III . .\l hlwIlA" f ••,.. .... " t l1 11 11 f , r '"' ' . t. ' '' V \; h " ex: short .tIme. . Inch tobncco Is d amP r lyc r t\1.' eLIO I(. 7 ~ m. :::::.- I Oilion tel !,'IIII , ',.. , 1\ r ill , '" '111.1 11 11 ~ aged In this W ilY. f4 ,11I1 1' l v '(. I) · "n(l~, .. ·d 101 o ur t' IH . II I ChristiClJ1 Church . en Handling Stripped Tobacco. d e H/.. .... ::1).- If ' 11 II,' Rev. L. O. 'l'tlOmJl6(J D. P 88k •• T b oft n r loba 'co Is hand I d lhe It 1dIbI the .n-.e ......... the II&d. Di ble Sctlolli. 1I : 3U a. m. oeJa! m OO~lnlJ , ~YOlUpronta. , It 18 a{venlntbe b tter tb ~ qua III y lin d dl t l' Ib u II on 0 t ~ drinldnc _ _ without trouble, and .. lo:a o a. m. Ohrl Llnu Eodeavor. 7: 00 p. m. III WI' n .. m I l I I " 1' " 1II Ik WI'IlI' , . el'WOll by p twtor \'ery n l~erll ato unday '" mois tur e til rou 'h out th lllass. aeed In~elYIlIt:edCOU1lbTot th._1eI Z lO :S O a. m. aud 1 : :10 11. rn . Pructl ca l tob . co "rowers bulk AI THEllANDARD. YotlrlllODQwiIl bo ... mllld p(! 1\1 II d ' :. ' " • \' llh II II I ,., tarDedltDOtutl8factory. PrICM liOeud " ;.• ,. mJ U:ing ~~ctall Putt~rna dowu aft r s tr ipp ing. and bo x t he to· l1-§Ocalw _ _ 215..uoullf medlclM. Hlc'l<site Friends Churcl . defilliti r)fl '" '1\ • !ol IO ' ---1(,.. ,::,,11'. M. , .. I .. . wlll bacco after It Is nllowe d to cure In CONKEY'S CELEBRATED 480PAGE F ir .tO ay I tlt! tlnv. 0 :0 0a.m. Ir lr8tDay It. ·(.. ... 1. ;j M: (i,\ZINf. III i II f'~ 11 tire,,, styl-----.--~.----bulk for some time. After ea ch day's BOOK ON POULTRY cLoul, I] :0(1 fl. In Fou r~b Day lIlee tlofl I., I. I), Cil 0 Dle,derate WII...,-practleaJ poIntottbe baaln-. 81ght Too Va~uable IO : I} O a. m. ,p>' llcn:. by k Cl IJ p 11l1l s tripping, ve ry b'and should be s hako.lSi'BEI!lCioo4Q':caUorHlld".~ )" . 11 p l . S t ~d 011 tbe To h... II I-/< II " .. d l-ur,lIerlnnd '~ e n out, before k n elng on tbe bulk. '011 ULC . , 11I'.H f.1. hl ons In Orthodox Friends Churc• . Eilgle E., rtl :-\·,1"R WIl l 00" '" 1\.11y ('.I1 ~" ('I" l: \I'n II ltd b illS. tiO Too m a n y grow er s pride tb e m.I. - - - - -_ . _ . 4. ---AIrs. EUZI\lJoth Larklo. Pastor /\I'IV F I ' ~ hlo ll ' iJllllliO' selves on bow qui c kly t hey can ~re '!I ~ , ll rll l ll1tat ~d lill . 0 ptll " 1 I II "neh t suo. A Iso Sabbath Sch ool , 0 ::10 a. m. RC l(ul a r ohurcb Tortured for 15 Years tr a nsfe r tobacco fr om tb e bulk to the Olio. or "I'V i " fl..rn e d oon (htifln of t.ilf· CorWin, Ohio. Vlllllll lllo Informatloo serylce, 10 ql) n. 'Il. CbrlHLlan Elndcavor. 11 11 ull bomo nud per· eyes Pltlnl bl's 8' HI bt'rrnl liS 21i; by a oure defying stomuoh tro nb ' e boxes ready for . th e market. The 7 ;:10 p_ .ullu l 111111181'11. Only 0. to btl 8 f It 11 ri p .. IP r l-l tbat bllllled doot o r A, lind r e INt d lacle ot p roper s ha kIn g out and packWe i1 yoar. Includlnlr Il froo IIRtt ro. /lubWALT E R LlJRE 1111 remediel' be tri e d , J " bn W, Mo d Ing of the toba co a ccounts for its ""_,_ ..... _ ...... s rl l.>o tollay or seDd 'About t.b llI t1 n wh o t,hlnlt R b l derf.il, of ModdarHvilJe, Mioh , s eem ed bad appea rance a nd poor condition fu r froo samplo cop,. ~ . W.HENDERSON,M.D kDowII It, 111 1 t.h .. WI) I't t.ll m g I hi. dO 'l rned . tie hlld to lIelJ hi £< tnI'm at the tim e ot Inspection by the M<Ca1l P.lt..... wi ll ellul.> lo you to mate III ,our nW II hOIDI' , w il h you r own hnnds. clothl02 (or Anti give . up w o rk. Bis D ig hhors buye r. Pun t!ral Dir~': tor . tnubliity t~~ Iif'P P h jll hilt: yo u (\If nnd chltdr n wh ic h will be II freet · Waynesville, Ohfu. W1Jen trans fe rrIng tobacco from Baid, "be OIlO't live much I n g Elr " i ll IJtylo n nd il L. Prl c - uun e higher LbIiD J6 lhe bulk to bo. es on a enning day, CO ll IS. Scod (or fTee PUllorn Catalogue." "Whatever I lite diRtres ed OJ ," he CrouP. Valley Phon'" 153 Main Strc!' w. Will Cive Yoa Fl•• Pre_If for Rotting lubwrote, ·'t·ill I tri d EI ctrl o B itte r s, e" ery b a ud s bould be shaken out bescr lllllo1l8 RlUonll YQur frlcods. Send forf,.. T 'lt-p h one do \' or lIignt Cau!les Unf'lIHV Dig hts but, If y ou whiob worked such wl)ode r s f' lr mil for e repacking. This will distrIbute l>r IO lu lO C'uUl l oguo ourl Cash Prllo Otror. Va ll ey phontl No. i . )..oD Il will use Or 'B a ll'lI Pine-Tar Honey that Ioun now \:lot t· hill~s I oou l d t he moist ure, or case , more evenly, mE McCALL COMPANY, 23911249 Wal m a. NEW I0Il it will relievo In" fa", mluates. not to ke for yc urs. 1t.s · tir ly and put the tobacco 1n proper shape Di 8 t,~n ce No. 69- Q-. "---~-----_'" There i8 nnthing bettnr . Guaran A grand fAwedy for tOrDlloh h' J ulJl A for packing. _ ___ _ _ _ !!2!!!s Mdby all dealers . Care must b e taken to kse p Lbe WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Just a s gl)od for tho liver und ki(lmiddle fuJI and firm while packing. . ..------n.e ys. Every b ott·le . g uuTllot·eed A IQose, open middle will allow ' th e Br!1nch Office, Harvey I bur~. O. If Joor h I \~" i ~ n ot: utls :Botor,r. Only ' 50c !l t !ill d ru f,(l.C i. ts hot a ir or gas from te rm entation to I joat lP e~ t,inn the fnot to him ancl -------.~~ pass upwa rd , the r e sul t · beln.g spolled 1 ~=====:::========= perhllPB he will p .. rmit, YOIl to r esign Oar Idea of f.l l ool UlRn is on e wh o tobacco through tb e' pOrtlOnlil of Lhe gets mad in ItO 1l1' 1I U,m ent u.bon t r a box wb e re the aIr ha s e scape d . . It 'DR. BELL'S A NTI-PAIN Asthma I1gloo . the box Is packed prope rl y tb e hot For Internal ane! Exte r nal ·P';un... )-s '8(Il:;1.rt' .. iotlnlZ dl l'4snHA Dr all' s hould esca pe through th e butts -~---- --8ell's PlnA 'l'ur H Olley relieves 01 of th e hands, thus Ins urIng wId e di smos~ Instllnt.1v WA ~ Il tt.rllntet' It t el PACKJNG FRUIT FOR MARKET tribution ot th e hot air a nd preventgive ~atillf 'l ('ti ') " . The' fact that Mste rn el tl s have Ing damage throu gb continued escape I been flooded wit h f ruits from the far at anyone poInt. Alwav8 kl\ the I.rLit.h-but. it, ill wes t ruarks a cha nge In Ul e m ethod s ----_ ~ ~ 4._-=__ 80metimetllldvlsllbltl to u~~ R long • . ot m arketing. In orde r to ' r nc h 'the Falls Victim to Thieves eastern markets. th e weste l'll grQwdistanoe phn'16 . W Bf' ltd:: . o f CUld C lt.y , AlII, e rs are .compe ll ed to ' produce s u~--......---cal U :'.' 1' ~ r II ~t.: '(t bll~ ft, jus t·itl ,l h le gri tl vttnce Two perior frulL ThIs nl!cess it y bas led The Miami Gazet.te is the bellI:. t ' d e v ;; l'I t l Ie h ili h enlt.h fOl'- t.w e lv p to a high dev elop men t of t he a rt at Pay ing; FlIP Gym :.) r. 'l'h l~.v w li r n livflr ann It 1ft :ven r s fruit g~owlng In all o f Its bra ll ches. tl ey '.r n n b l TIJ f-! 1t Dr L{ ' n~ '~ N ,~,\' that y 1_ wi 1 en je y aJ: 1 Nbwbere are or c l ll~ rd !! 11 tt r cultiLife Pill ", throt,tl d th ... m B 's .9p IJ vated, pruned or sp rayed; g rudln g at home. Write to-d«y l' u ow U nl'iV(l. llld f Il l' 'o n!'tipllt iQn . and racking h a~ recelv d e ve n Ma lnri", Beu r1,rc he, Dy"pepsil1 . 250 -1" .Addrlss • more attention . ~ Th c ap ple ba rrs'l Is Since 1847, the year 'Rogers Bros. originated electro-silver ut ull !lrlll{g i!lMI almost unknown, th e box b ing the plating,silverware bearing the trade mark"OO ROGERS BROS.The BuUerick PuIJlIshmg C<). universal package for a pJl I >8, penrs has been renowned for quality, wearability and beauty. ' Butterlck Bulld ln!J, Ne w Vork, N. V. and peacbl:ls: Th e frnl t Ig rigid ly graded tor slzc /lnd S OtU u ti1l1 S for CARRYING GOSPEL .TO MINERS color, and In muny In!;tllll c ' S 'ach fruit Is .wrapped In tills ue )lap r. Pittsburg Evangellllta .Have Novel PI.n This attention to detail has b e n for Religlou. Work In the Depth. DR. W. MII.LER, made possll)le only by organized e r· of th. Earth. stamped on forks, spoons an4 fancy .erving pieces is • tort. end at .th e p L:esc nt li me Il ear ly Kuar~~tee. of. heavies~ ·plating, perfe<;:t ~orkmaDihip ancl e\(ery shIpping point s UPPOl'tH al The carryIng of the Gospel bundreds ••. DENTIST ._ exquIsIte deSIgn, assuring long and satlsfymg service. Any IcelaaStltono.ne co,oJX!rative s h ip ping aBSO· of feet underground to miners toiling I' In ·the dark.ness and gloom wIth tbelr I Omce In' article of ~~verware mar~ed .. ~ R08US BRQS." may be · d' k Ea$tern· gl'ow ers m a y we ll /l'eop t picks and sbovela Is tl~'e latest IIchl!me I NntloDli1 Bnnk Bltlg. aelected WIthout funher IftYeltlgatJoll. .r . Old peopIe, tIre, wea, some of those m ethO ds 1 1 fact, a ot the Pittsburg evangelistic commIt- ""!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send lor catalope run .down eeopJe, deiicate good 1:eglnnlng III thi s dit 'etlan Is toe. ----It C-L 00 tbowing aU patterns. , children, fraIl mothers,. and being mad~ iil s e\"(~r.ai localitl6li In 'MIla movomtlllt 'I s withoUt precedent.. .UIDU ••'I"'J~ • • CO. . . .'ld. . .·· CO... . .Ohlo . . Cuftural _ metj:lOds are I' cel,,- ' In the history of the ·rellg\.ouI! world. Co...SQoe-or.) . .. th~s'e rec<?v~ring froni ~ev.ere Ing lJlore attention t ban eve r bctore. It wUlb<!. e~thusllUltl?AUy backed by lU~ess, thIS IS a facto box paekages are belllg Iu t roduced , . m~re than. -: ..oore o~ ~en prominent f • t and at · ~east two 'clH>pe'rati ve slJl~ , tn the bustneaa. ftn~cl&l and protesd Th . . ousan SO .ge!lu 1ne es- ·plng associations are pow In succes s- 'alonal walka ot l1f~ of that cit, . . tim~nials f ro!'1 re1.1ab 1e peo- ful operation. ' . .', .No ~1ne tn the P~ttaburl " d1a~ct .p le 'prove thIS' c}atl1l, and to .' This ~ovement JIl. libund to grow ' will ~ overtook,.s . . Jt ~ expected . t~ further sup'por:t .the fact and . rap~dly ..(n tlle neartutu,re, and Yf)l. eu. . h~...e a ~ enoulh~....~d: Of workers a maJorLty of 1 Qur growers leam to enPied' to e~le we cP~ltte. to prove <;>u~ .f~lth.~·m:what' we :. prod"lce ,first·clas8 fruit, and ,to grad!! ' tab the Goepel ,don ·th~ ....rloua we unhesltal1hgJy de- . )Iones~ly and paCk carefully In at- ah~ ~tQ1'6 lone; upec~ to clare that anr one who will ~ril.Qtlve; pa ckag e8,. Obl,o wlll also be· haYe the, Gospel worke... en~8I' the , - L" come noted for 1ta "rna try valuable or- I mIn_ ,.durln« th. m1n11lS h01lJ'll &D4 An ounce of ~ a bottle 0 ·VINO .wtll chards as .well al for ite. wealtllY make their .thrOqh the "Uioua Prevention is Juive thei.. monef. returned ' " frtllt rrOwer8. . .' paaaq8!l,-1...ytq~ph1eta and ~ worth'a PQUnd ...1:.. ut uestion if th~ are WJIlNDELL PADDOCK, wtth 1h~ wO....JII. . of cure. W1u~O ·t ·.;.a:d'-{1.. ProfeelOt' f?f HorUculture. Ohio State At~ the noon h~ an ·~ not satisfi a It u& ~Ulem University. Iq 1rD1 .he ~ A4ctreIIiIeI ··WlU be J;.. to the mID.. III dllf....t • Tbere , ' DO fool JUte 'be fool w~o ~.!! ~ tbeIr
~';I p~.~~~ 11J~(I'dl~~Ia::n H ~:l~ [~am~~I:.
C a II an d S ee I ts Many Ad vantas;es
For sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio __
_______ _4.______
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Keep Your Profits'
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Subscribe for the Galette
" Siiver 'Plate that Wears ·"
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Will Build. Y o U ,U P and Make' ,VOU Stron'g
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CASTORIA • t UII'Illtllllllllllllllll1lllf1I1111'IIIIIU llllI11l1IunIIIU11 ' 11.
:i~~ ·~:~t·=,~,~~~ ~'O:1:'?-=·-f·.·~
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The Kind You Have . '. Always -'Bought
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For Infant. and Ohl'.dren; .
_':=_:" _1'-(0 .
nllllu .... " ••• ,IIII I III' .. ' ..... 'tln' .... " I " " I I .. III'"'II I '''
A\~idable Preparation for As·
!imilatlng thefoodandReQuJaling .he S.omachs and Bowel! of
BeaI'$ ~the,
SignattIre .
Promo~s DiCZllion.,Cheerrul·
ntSS and Rest.Contains nellher
face, 9I' a!l standing at the news stand Opium,Morphine nor Minerlll under tiJlI Park place oloVRted station. NOT NAR C OTIC .' Quickly Howard e:ttende d his Land. "I'm N. G.-that'lJ a cinch ! The) Rwt)w .rOld IkSANVElIm'K..Wff.· " He llo, Coxo !" he exolnl.m d. "What .ooner I chuck It the better!" ~loS_J.? on eartb are you uolng 111 New York? Caught In the awlrl cif tho busy 'Alx.J'_ • • ' Who ver would have eXJ;ected to ...r.",..u.s.n, • e lty's midday rUllh, engulted In Rro au· moet YOll In thla bowlln~ wllderlle .. T (j".:,.s..J. , way'. swltt movln, flo od of h usUlng How's everytblng at Yale'" humanity, jostled uncer monlouKl,. I 0$..,1 • Tbe athl ete erlnned . the careless, Inl1llfp,ren t crowds, ~ ,f"n: "Yale be hanged ! 1 don't car. a discouraged from stemming furtb e r 1 "'~If. i'7"..,.,' ... d-. You know J graduat d IUflt June. the Ude of pu!!hlng, olbowlng m en (lnd Aperfect Remedy .for Consllpa' I'm In bUllln 8 11 now-I n a broker's of· womell wbo burrl d up and down lba tion, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea, flce ' In Wall atreet. Say, It's great! Cl'eat thorougbfare. Howard Jetrrles, Worms ,Conyul!ions .f~verjsh We bad a s ml·panlc lut week. Price. Ured and hungry Rnd thoroughly dill' wellt to tbe devil . Stocks broke 20 nels and Loss OF SU;E~ custed with hlmset.r, stood s tili at the points. You should have Been the eX' corner of Fulton street, cursing the ifac Simile S;gnlltu... oj cltement on the exchange Iloor. Our luck whlcb had brougbt him to his football rushes were nothing to Il I present plight. ~ tell you, It's great. It'll got coll ege It wal the noon hour, t he Important beat n to a t ruzle!" Quickly he time ot day when nature loud ly clalmlJ added : "What are you doing?" her dUll. wheJl business aft'aln, no Howard nTerted his eyea ,and hunl matter bo lV pressing, must be tembls tiead. J)orarlly Interrupted 8 0 tha t the hu"Nothing." he answered gloomily. .anan rna hl ne may lay In '& tresh IItore Coxe ha d quickly take n note ot hla .of nervo us energy. From UDder th. form er classmate's sbabby appear1l0rtllls of 'preclpltotus omce buildIngs, ance. He had a lso beard of hili e. mnmmoth blTel of human lndustrlel, capades. ""hlcll to r ight and left soared dizzily .". ~ ~ " Didn't you bear?" muttered Howf rom str~et t o sky,' ewarmed thouard. " Row with governor. manlage cande ot employes ot both aslteeYeung at the Bus lne... GOOD ADVICE. and all tbat sort of thing? Of clerke, stenographers, ahop girla, me. General Howard WIUI an Invited cour!!e," he went on, "tathe r's damnae;lger boya-aU moved by a common guest at a dInner glveu by a boye', a bly unj us t, actuated by absurd pret mpul ... t o satillty w~thout further depatrlotio club. "You eat very weU. judice. AnnIe's a good girl and a my boy," said the general to It doughtY . lay the animal atavlnp of their phy. good wl!e, no matter what her father young trencherman. "It you love yoW" leal naturea. They atretle along with was. D-n it, this I. a tree country I fiag as well lIB your' dinner '1ou'11 04u1clt, Ilervous step, eaoh chatting and A mnn carl marry whom he likes. All make 0. good patrlol" :1 augllln~ with his tellow, hlterested . these Ideas a bout fam ily pride aud "Yes, sIr," sald ths boy; "but 1'"• or the nonce In the 4&,1'. work, mafam ily honor are old world notlonl, b een practicing eat:ing twelve )'elU"lt 1tln, 1I1an.I for "ell~arned reoreation (or Ign to thllJ soil. I'm not going and 1 ain't owned a gun ltnt st« when Ave o'clock IIhouid come and to give up Annie to plealJe anyone. montha,"-Sucoeas MacuzLne. <the uptown ltampede. for Harlem and I'm a.1J fond ot her · DOW al ever. I ,Jaome be&Jn. , have n't regretted n. moment that 1 A Scarecrow. , The yoUua Dian. luUenly' :watched H~ WI, a Typ. Not Sesn Every Da, In the Commercial Dlstrlot. MIs9 Brush-I suppose you d~" married lier. Ot cour!!e, It hilS been the loene, enylou. of the enerlY and mind my being in your field, Mr. activity fJI all about hIm. lIlaoh one tue was notbln~ to bT1llr abouL It I open arms. WItb a youth or his 'pro- hard. Father at once IIhut. dOWD III the lie hurJ'71nc throu", he thou,ht w.. euy to be t;ood wben not ex· cllvltJes and inherent weakneu the money supplIes, making my turthl!lot Gobel?" Farmer Gobel (heo.rUly)-The Ions''lIttterly to blmlelf, ".. a valuable posed to temptation. But for those outcome waa Inevitable. At no time stay at Yale Impossible, and I wu er you stay, the better, mlsll. Fa.ct I .. "Unit In the prosperity and welfare of born ·:wlth the devil In them it oame oTerfond at study. he regarded resl· torced to come 'to New York to leek the birds 'ave been very troubles om. , the ble to.-n. No 'm atter how humble hard. It.,,1UI aU a matter of heredlt,. dence In college as a most desirable employment. We've managed to ~ tht.a season.-Lon~on Tattler. hla or ber pOIlUlon. each played a and Inftuence. One'l vices aa well as emancipation trom the reltraint of up a small ftat in Harlem and now, part.JD the b~lnel. Ute of the Jreat, one'I ', vIrtue. are handed down to us home life. The love of bookl be con- Uke Mlca~ber, I'm walUDI tor 10m. elty,- e,ach waI ali unleen, unknow.n, read1\ made. He had no doubt that lIidered a pOle and he -ICO,"ed at tb.e thin&' to turn up." . I'tLltS ll!f " TO 1& DA.T~ , Yo.rdruala~ " refund monor It PAW III'l'o =7et lodllpensable coc In the whlrHn" lil the}Jelrrle. family lIomewhere In the men, who took their reading serlouJlly. M.KN'l' ran. to 0 .... " . 0410 uf l t6blll&", II.ndo Coxe Dodded lIympathetically. BIeecl1.aa Gr 1'ro l'llee In II u> 16 daJ,. ' IJOo,. ,complicated lDeclJaulim or the VAlt UDBavory past there b.ad been a weak, The .universlty attracted hlm mostly "Come and have a drink," he lIald 'world lIletzopoUa. lntultlvely be felt vlelous ancestor from whom h. bad by itll mOlt undesirable features, I~ cheerl1y. Ferdlnand-She 1.1 all world to Love may make the world go round. 'that be WUllot ODe of· them, that he inherited all the tralta which barred .Sportll, Ita lecret societies, Itll petty Floward hesitated. Once more h. mel Wbat would you advise me to but It doesn't alw&yll seem to be able llad DO right eYeD to C)onslder hlmIelt hil way to lIucoelll. cliques, -and ItI! rowdyism. The broti.d' remembered hIs promise to Annie, but do? to make both ends JIleet. The crowds of hUD~J' workers «Te " spirIt and ·the dignity of the alma 0.1 long as be had broken It once hi t heir equal . He ".. utterl;r. u.tM!leas William-See a little more at the to anybody. He".. "Ithout poaltloil blcger every minute. Every one waa mat., he l&1lored completely. DLrecU,. would get no credit tor refusln, now. world, old chap I Modern lite pushell a man Into th. or money. He wlia deatttute even at a elbowIng bla way Into nel,hborinC he went to Yale he started In to en- He wal horribly thirsty and d. mud and then cbldes him for ma.bred of lieU-resPect. HAdn't ' be reltaurants, crowding ' the tl\blel .and )01 himlelt and with the sophisticated preslled. Another drink would chee, Dlfforent Now, of Courac •. terialism. J)romlsed Annl'e not to tdbcll liquor buffets. aU ' eaUnt voraciously 8JI they .Underwood as guide. went to the him up. It seemed even wicked to "Ch1l service reform . has given UII apin ,before be fOUDd a '0~1 Yet be talked and laughed. Howard I wu de't'll tuter than any man be for. him decline whell It wouldn't cost him .A splendid army of. civil sarvanta. U lIad a lready Imbibed aU the whiskY rudel,. reminded by inward pangs tbat . In thjt entire hIstory ot the university. anythln~. wasn't always so." "blch the little mone . left ~ hlB be,. too, wsa famlahed . Not a thIng Reading, attendance at lecturel, b. The speaker, Mayor Whitlock ot ToThey entered ' a .bar conveniently 'pocket would bu,.. had pasaad btl Ups since he had left came only a convenient cloak to con- close at hand, and with a tremuioul ledo, smUed. IUld b. compelled to pa,. to ,.ourla1l4lord moet profit" Own your own Involu ntarily, lnJIUnoUv.ely, J hI! hom. In Harlem at eleht o'clock that ceal his turpitudes. Poker playing, hand Howard carried greedily to hll "Whe n I was writIng my firs' ehoJ'~ of ,.our 'h.rd-earned '.rm. lecuro a Free liom • • te.d In .hrank ba~k Into the shadow of , moroln,' and he had told Annie that automobile . joy rides, bard drinking lips the Iniidloull liquor which had s(orles," he res umed, "we had civil M.nltoba, S.tkiat cbewa.n or Alberta, or purch ••• doorw a 1 to let the crowds pass, The be would , be bome for lunch. There became the dally curriculum. . In undermIned bls bealth and IItoleD' servants of I!. different stamp. An l.nd to ODe of the .. ••vemente were now filled to over- wa. no Ulje staying downtown any town rows'and orgies of every descrlp- away hll manhood. elderly N1ildent of my native Urbana dl.trlat. and ....... __ J • I!rofll of S 1 0.00 o. 1I0wlng and each moment newcomera ·loncer. For three weary houra he bad Uon he was loon a recognized leader. "Have anotherT" said Coxe wIth • sought out, back In those dllY'l,' hJa ~la.OO .D .ar. from tpe sldo streow came to swell trudred from omce to omce lIeekinl Scandal followed IIcandal until he wu ImUe all he law the glasll emptied ae congressman. "'I'J/ ' ~. LIlDd purch.eed • tbe human I tream. He tried to avol4 c"!lployment. anslferln, adverUlle- threatened with expuJalon. Then his n gulp. "'Congressman,' 11e lIald; 'I support. "ea,. .~ at 110.00 an obsenatlon, fearl.Dg that some one menta, asking for work of an,. kind, father heard of It and tbere wa • . a ed rou a.t the poUs, and now ~ ~ peot .cro b •• reoontly "1 don't care If I do," rep1tei! HOWl o h. DIr.4 b.nd. at might recognize blm, thinking 0.11 ready to do no matter wbat, but aU to terrible soene; Jotrries, Sr., ,went Im- ard. Secretly aaliamed ot his weak. you to get my boy .a good civil lIerv.25 00 aD acra. Th. could read on his faoe that he was no purpose. Nobody wanted ' him at mediately to New Hav:en anel there ness, he ehumed 'uneaslly on bls feet. Ice job.' crqpllrl'OWll on \Le •• 1. n d • . w.nllDt the " 'All right, frlend,' the congresa· & BOt, a eeit·con.fessed failure, one of any price. What yorall the good of a tollo:wed a stormy IntervIew In wblch "Well, what are you goln, to do, adV1Ulca. Yoa ca.o life's Incompetents. In his painful man being willing to work if there Howard promised to reform, but olice old man 1" demanded Coxe ' lUI hi man answered. 'what can your tloy dor . elf.consclousneslJ he b elieved blmoelf was no one to employ llim7 A nice the parent', back was turned things pUlhed the whisky bottle over. "'Do!' snorted the otber. 'What the cynosure of every eye and be look·out certainly. Hardly a doll~ went on pretty much al before. There "I'm look\nl: tor job," stammered II,. c.ttJotalelq:elalrylntr,mlllrd winced os h. tbought he detected on left and no prospect of getting any were freBh !!candall, the smoke ot Howard awkwardly; Hastily he wen' can he do? By crlnu8, man, It - he f.rmlni!' .nd .... In cr!Owlnc In tho provtDC" of , M.nltob., .certaln (l1ces side glances of curiosity, more. He hardly bad the courage to which res"Ched as tar as New York. on: "Jtlsn't so easy. If It was only could do anythIng, do you think I'd be S.oblcb.wac. aDd Albert•• -commiseration and contempt. return ·bome and tace Annie. With a ThIll- Ime Mr. Jeffries tried the plan myself I wouldn't mind. I'd get alonm bothering you?' .. ...... bo.... , •• d aad . • mp-ttoD well •• ' or t\'t.\8 IHI altogetber mistaken. muttered exclatnatlon ot Impatience ot cnttln; down the · ~oney lupply and 1I0mehow. But there's tbe little girl, beld b,. railWAY Anel lanel comMore tban ono passer-by turned to he spat from his mouth tbo ·halt·con- Howard found blmself financially em- She wantll to go to work, and I ·won" .M lny Feel So. p.oIea, will proVI•• bo .... 101' mtlllo.... look In bls direction, attracted by lIumed cigarette whIch WOol hunglnl barrassed . . But thil had not quite bear. ot it. I couldn't stand 'for that, "I'm 110 sorry about It, but my hu. Ad.ptable aotl. h •• Uhf.l his pocuUnr ppearance. His was a from hll lip, and crossing Broadway, the effect dell I red by the father, for, you Iolow." band actually hates music." oll...t., .pl.Ddld .chool. CIiDrcli.,..lIood rallw..x•• "How strange! " type not Heen every day In the com- walked listlessly In tbe direction of rendered delJperate by hll Inability Coxe feared a ''touch.'' AwkwardlJ Ilte~~~I,~et~':.'i ~~~I~: "Isn't It His vrejudlce Is ' so etrong morcial dlst r lct- tbe post-r;raduale Park place. to secure funds with which to carry be said: ~ reach tile OOUD~r:r an4 olber P"l that he bas to jump up and leave th. college mnn out at elbows. He was He bad certain ly ma de a mesl of 00 his IJprees, the young man started IlC/tllAn, write co Sup", of 1 _ • (TO BE CONTINUED.) theater whenever the orchestra Is ~"~Yu.OUawa.· Claua4a. or CO U. 1Imooth.(aced and apparently about 25 things, yet at one time, not so long In to gamble heavily, giving notel for 'Qoy_OII~""" playing an entr'-acte." year6 ot age.' Hie complexion was ago, wbat a brll lla nt future Ufe his losses an\! pocketin& the ready Qt\dUII.aJIEIJ, . . ,....... , III1i t__ I!lUllonl. fair Bnd hi s face reflned. It would ssemed to haTe In I tore for him! No money when ,h. won. It fa true we labor under many n. CHEATED FOR VEARS. bave bee n handsome but tor a drooJ)- boy bad ever been given a better Then came the suprem_ leandal ) 1ng, Irresolute mouth, wblch denoted start. He remembered the day he which turned hll tather's heart to luslon., but If these :were to be done · ,PreJudlcl Will Cheat '\Ja Often If W. Let It. I more than average weakness or char· lett home to go to Yale; be recalled steel. JeffrIes, Br., could forclve m'u ch away with we Ihould blrdly deem It. acter. The (ace was thin, chalk·lIke bls tather's kind worda ot encour- In a ,young 'man. He bad been young worth our while to labor at all. AlmoBt noile of the thlngl which 1n Ita lacit O~l color aDd deeply scamed agement, his mother's tears. All, 11 hlmsolf once. None knew better tl1an You will be astonIshed to rind how wltb the t eYI· al lInell or dissipation. hll mother bad only lived! Then, be how dlmcult It Is when the blood man 10 ardently pursues 11). the belief largel,. you are Influenced In evel'7 that they ,,111 make him bappler II Dark cIrcles 'u nder his eyeR and a maybe, eTerytbln& would haTe been ta rich and red to keep oneselt In way b,. unreasoning prejudice. In 1>ecuUa r wat.cry look suggestqd late different. But she died during hta control. But there wal on. ' offence really capable of dolDI 110, ani! 7.81 it many case. you wm alao ftnd 'that th, llours and overtondness (or aloobollc freshman year, carried off suddenly which a ma.n proud of his dellcent II needful that be bep up the purlult prejudice has swIndled rou, or rather, refre sbmenl His clothes bad tbe cut by hoart failure . Hilt father married could not condone. He woulil never for the lue ot wbat he IDcldenta111 made you swIndle ),ourselt A cue -(If eltpcnslve tailors, but they were again, a young woman 20 years hllJ torgive the IItatnlng of the tamllr acblevel In behalf 01 deltlny. Th. l11ulllons :we labor UDder P&l'o In Illustration: Sllllbby and needed pressIng. His linen junior, and that had started every- name by a degrading marrlap. The "I have been a constant uller of, was Rolled and , blB necktie dlsar· thtng off wrong. Tbe old home I\(e newlI came to the unhappy father U.ke take. In fine, of the nature of unItary Grape·Nti~ for nearly ~ree years," condltloD., tbough they cblefty affect ro nted . H is wbole appear/lnce was had gone forev er. He had felt like a thunder-clap. Howard. probably In lIays a oorreilpondent. "and I . am hapcnrelc!!s nnd Buggested that reckless- an Intrude r tbe ftrs t time he went a drunken spree, had ·marrled secretly the health of the spirit. and b" that py to 8ay that I a~ ' well .pleased wltb bave no municIpal tunctlon!lfY apo 11 BS of w ind which comes ot general home and from that day hll father'l a' waltresll en.ployed In one pt the the result ot the experiment. tor euch odenwralizalloD. root had been distasteful to him. Yell, ' ~sporty" relltaurants In New Haven, pointed to look T"lctlantly after them. It bas been. . . . . ,Nor, In fact. do they Deed any such, Howard Je ffrI es knew Ulat be wu a that wO's the beginning ot his 'bard and to make the kDesalllance worse, since providence, has been 10 'klnd as "Beelng your advertisement III al· tall u re yet· Ilite most yount; men luck. He could trace all bls m,lsfor· the girl wall ' not eTen ot rellPectable most ail or th~ perlo~c;als, for .a 1011$ mentally weak, he Insisted tbat he tunes 'back to tbat. He couldn' t stand parentll. Her father, Billy D61m\>re, to' lee to It that tIlulllonll w. Ihau al- time I ·looked upon It aa:a hoax. But ·.way. bave.-Puck. ' .(Iould not be beld ' altogether to blame. for stepmother, a baughty, selfftllh, the poolroom king, was a notodoua 'atter yean ot suffering, wIth gaseous S ecretly, too, h~ deRplee.d Ui.ese sober, s jlpercUlous, ambltlbus c~a~ure who ,ambler and had diad In .' conTlct .a~~ , bitter, eruotatton8' from my. sto~. ind ustrIous people who seemed con- had Uttle sympalby tor her preliecea- stripes. F'lne sensation that tor ' the "ob, toge~er with mo~ ~r.. Ie.. , 10" tented wfl h the crumbs ot comfort .IOr'1 child, and n.o scruple_ In sl1o.- yellow pr.eil. "Banker's Sori ' Weds ·of ap~et1te nn4 "&lib, ',,1 conc)ud~d to throyo'}l to ttt m. What, he wondered ~I It. . Conv.l ct's Daughter." So rali Hie lr1 Gtape-Nuta .fOocl for· a ""lIp- time Then, a~ co~lege. he had met ltober:t "scaTa ' heads': In the idly, 'was their leonat or' getting on? \ ~d note the re8u~~ " .... to • . How were ·they able to lel¥l .lIucb well UnderwOOd, the. popular upp.r cll1ll- . That wal , tbe l~st straw for, . "I toun4 . lt ,~~lIiS~I>Ulf an~ l lt ".s ~ot regulated live.s w~en be, starUnl out man, who had . professed : to ; take ," riel, Sr. .lIe ,ternly" told l:Il.· lI!on tlfa~ Ion, .tut I , 1)egan , to experleu.c" the .:wlth far rreliter advabtages, ha4. great fancy to him. He, a timid younl he nev'!r wanted to look upon .hl. race benellclal- .!reet•. ' MY ' stoftla.ah .retall~ ? Oh, he knew well wbere the treshman, was naturally ftat~red . by again. HQward bowed hll ~ea« to 81UDed, ita nonna.l' ltate, ', tbe eruc~ tnluble 1ar-,ID bIB damnable weak: . the tr~endshlp of .th.,dasblng, tasclnat· · t~e .l;lecre~ and he·, h.d. nner lee hl_ tfou ' and "ltte·~eIl8. cealed ,a nd' I have Gelll of character., b ll love for drink. Inl sophomore and thUI colQll).enced father IIlnce. ." ~ _. .'. \ .: plneet" all lilY lost weIght b_&o-" . ~hat wu reSl'lonllble for everything. that untortunate Intimacy which had All tbll tbe young man wail re"e:w. '.,. , am s,o· well laUl!flftd "'lth th.· 1J\lt :was It hili fault (~ he ~ere borD 'brought about the climax to hIli tro. In h':B al1nd when luddeDI,. hU ~ reahlt ~at 10 lobS . . I mQ' It.... piS ealt' These people ~ho bahaved blu. The luave, 'amiable Underwood, IectlOINl " .... dllturbed, b,. a friendly retaID in,. 1'eU01l Gnpe-Nuta ~ theltl~(ltves IIlld got . on, h. .neered. ' whom lie .oon ,dlllC9'f.red.to be a .eD,- ball. . .' '; . cCnWUtQ.te quite IlL porUoll ~, Iql. ~. wer • . C\llm, commol)"l ~e tempera- .'Uemanl,. IcoU1ldr~l, bor!.0"" Ida "S-Ho,. .r.trrte., . old IJ)Oril 'non" food" · ' '. _ • •lItH y; 0 f(lu ntl DO dlft! ult" 10 COD-IInOD"" ud in~uce4 him. IDto lb.· you bow a f.IJDw- Int wheD ~ou •• _ . ''TIW Bod to-Wen.me," troUOf tbelr ba8er IIIl1tlDcta. Th.,. "sJlOrt1"' ..t. &II nclDIIIYe ~e IDw blm!" _ t . , . 'tf,bt simply be4:&u8e the, (oUDd :wbic, ~ to bIa ll.ral aDOW...,. It. loobl g. A 101IDC ",...-0::--."",:,...,.1 r lba~ In 4D wroaa. ~.. .UtI.do 11.... wItIl • '1...... · CHAPTER t.
~u~ .,..,,;J
In Usa For Over 'I6kty Years
--_ _--,
Why Rant a Farm
' ~l'!a 'Bicome
'OIN. ,. .... ".100_ ".
'--'- - The Mod.lt Modll. '!'be late Julia W~d Howe. tbo1lp • W0tllan ot "ery gOOd appe ..rance. W .. II extremely modelilt. "She on e posed tor me." lIald • BOlton painter the other dll.,.. "But abe hOliltnt d a long time before COD. lentlng. '1'0 uree he r on I said: .; 'Don·t be afraid. I'll do yoU ju.. BuIJdlns Shown' In Illust.ratlon and Used, at. Mat..nc· Experiment. Statton, Affords Satisfact.ory. Means tlce, mud am.' of Vent.UaUon • .. 'Ali'. she ans"'ered, 'It Isn't juatlce I ask for at your hands; It·s mercy.'''
Not JU5t Off the Shelf. Little Marget hoe tbe chl1dl8~ trait ot curloelty. especially In regard to the IIgo ot her elders. ' "How 0\(1 do you think t am, dear'" counter'QUGstioned (be IIplnsler aunt to whom Ule child had Pll t the Impe~ tinent Query. The UUle , Irl consld. ered earnostly berore rOLllllng: "We ll, r don't know, AlInt/e- Allce, but yo u don't look newl" INSIDE HISTORY.
Some Self.Explanatory Letterl. Ballle reelt, Mich., Jan. 7. 'U. Dr. E . H. Pratt. Sulle 1202. 100 State St .•
hlcago, lllinola. My Dear Doctor: "Owing to some disagreement with magazine several yean ago tbey have become Quite vituperaUve, .nd of late have publicly chal'ged me with falsehoods In my etatemeot8 that we have genult,e testimonial let· ters. "It haa been our rule to refrain trom publishing the names either of laymen or phYSicians who have written to us In a complimentary way. and we have de lined to accodo to tbe ciemand at alloroeys that we turn these lell rs over to them. "I am asking a few men whom I deem to be trlend~ t o ,'lertolt me to reproduce some ot their letters over their s lgnaturell In order to refute the falsehood!!. "We have h undreds of It'll rll from physicians. but 1 esleem the one that fOU wrote to me- In 1966 among the very best. partloularly In view of the tact that It recognizes the lI'orlt I have been trying to do partly through the lltlle book, 'The Road to Wellvllle.' "I do not sel! or att.empt to sell the hl,her thought wh1ch Is more Importa~t. thnn the kind ot tood, but 1 have taken considerable paina to extend to buman.lty such facts all may have come to me on thle lIubjClCt. · "In order that your mind lDay be retresbed I am herewith enclosing a copy ot your good letter. alao a COPT or the lItUe book, /lnd It you will &tv. me the privilege ot printing thll over Jour Ilgnature I will accompany the prinUng with an explanation a" to why you permitted Its ule In publl· cation In order to refute (alaehoodl. .nd under that method ro' tJ'eatment I feel, 110 tar as 1 know. there ' would bt no J;lreach at the code at ethics. "I trust thll winter ' weather Is trllil· Ing you .....ell; contented and enJoy In. the fruitS that are. yours by right. . "With all bellt wlsbel. I ..m." \ Yours very tl'uly. C. W. POST. Dr: Pratt, who Is one or the mOlt prominent and sk1llful surgeon. la Amertca. Yery kindly ,ranted our reQuest In the cauae of truth and' ju. tJce. ' _ Ctilcaco. Au,. 31 , 1908. )Ir. C. W. Post. ' BaWe Creek. Mich. My Dear Sir: "1 write to expre"s my per601Ial apo predation ot one ot your buslnese ~ethods, that ot Bccompanying each tlMkage ot Your ' Gra,pc·Null 1)rodu()o Uon with that little booklet "The Road to Wellvllle," A more "pproprlate. clear beaded nn~ e~ecUye pr. lIentation of bealth·glvlng auto-su,,,e. tions could acarcely- be penned. . "Grape-Nut. 11 '" Dod tood In Itself. but the food containt'd In t)1ls little ~tl1.. tJet,ter IItuff. I . ~ommend . the practice becauae I know ifat th • Creed and .trenuouanela. the t con... . it d tb t thl ' ..uent 11'8 an.· 0 erI hi ypea t 0 . e,,' 11 11 I d eT)' an rna:b COUll'edmb s~ I e' I Inti cenera y . can never4" a cur ~ e~ a "~aotion. . "The. only hope for the betterment t ot tbe . race reI e In In dl v Id· ua I 10uJ. culture. "111 tak1n,~ a atep In tbl. direction,d Jour ' procesll ~•• b~n 110 orIC Inal afn.
WEST BY 1920
A Mecflca' Co!:"promll.. "Yl1Q bad ' two doctors In coolulta- · Uoq last night. didn't you?"
~e:~~ did
t'bey nyT'"
"Well. one recommende" one thtn.C :~8~. ~,he other. recommencSed somel.l)ln g
Ho'a d's .
'. • ,'.
Sa rs a par III a
"A deadlock. eh r : " Eradicates scrofula and "Toronto Star," Dec. 16th, 1810. "No. they finally told me to mix . other humors cures all their The 1»' diction i s made that betore fr' k 'th hI d rich 1920 Manitoba, Saskalchewan. Al· 'em!"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. e ects, rna es e 00 berta and British Columbia will have The main dIfference between a pre- and- abundant, strengthens all ten million people. It la made not by a san~ne Western journal but by fesslonal mao and a tradesman Is that the vital organs. Take it. that 'Very sober busln01la newspaper, a great many times the tradesman can Get It today In lIeueJ liquId torm . . buy aod lell the professor. . ehocolllt04 tIlblota oaUe4 Sereetab•• tbe New York Commercial. It 111 based upon actual observation, upon 1-- - -- - - - - - - - - - -________ _ ________ the wheat-growing capacity of the Canadian West, and upon the prospects at development following the buildIng at railway.. The writer showl how the position at leading wheat market or the world . passed from Mllwaul<ee to Minn eapolis and thence I to Winnipeg. Canada's wheat·growl ing belt Is tour Umes greater than that ot the United States. and only five per cent at Caoada'swestern agrl· The Open-Front Ken HOlJs •. ultural area III under cultivation. There are 170.000.000 acres of wheat The accompanying illustration sbows two curlalne In front of the rOOtlt llre lande which will make these Western one at the curtain-front houses In use each 15 fe et loog and 30 Inches wide. Provinces richer. more populous. more The Change of Life ' is the most critical period of a .at the Maine experiment station. Fresh They are hinged at the top and opeh dependable tor toad supplies than the
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
..Ir bas been a big consideration In the ~~~ !~t~s~~e room and fll.8ten up when hulldlng at 'thIs ,bouse, which has a At one end ot each pen nre plae d curtained front to the house lIroper 12 trap nests. and elgl!l at th o other and a curtaln·tront roosting room. pf(). end . Several small boxes are placAd fessor Gowell, expert In charge ot against the wall 1',2 teet above Ihe poultry ra1Bln( at this staUoo. has floor for shell, grit. bone. etc. The Lound thIs . method ot ventllntlon very doors betweeo the p os are wood 0 eatla[actory. fram s cover d with ten ·ounce du k The buUdlng Is 120 feel long and 16 and are hung with doubl ·action spring f eet wide. The front wall Is 6 2·3 feet hinges, 80 as to opeo In Ither dlrcc· and the rear wall 51A1 feet h1~h from lion. Tight board partitions llre used the floor to the top ot th 4il plale. The belw n the 11 ns to avoid draft roof Is ot unequal span. the ridge he· .lng four fe et In trom the [rant wall , and the h eight of lhe ridge above the ftoor Is nine feet. 'rbe sills are 4x6 Inches and rest on a rough stone wall. I The floor. conslsllng of two thl k· nesses ot bemlook boards. rests on 2x8·lnch tlmbel's. whlcb are placed two Conservation oC Soil FerHllt.y t et apart. The rest of the frame of by Rotations .Toget.her With the building cO~8lsts of 2x4·loch ma· Applications oC FertU. t rial. The building Is boarded. potze"s Overlooked. pered and shingled on both roof and walls, and In addition the rear wall and four teet ot the lower part of the F w farm rs reatlze tht? difference rear roof are celled on the Inside or In IncolDe that may be produced 00 the studding and the s paCG packed their farms by the sy tematic Intl'owllh dry sawdust. Outside of the ducUon and rotation of clover or building a three·foot platform extends other legumlnolls crops over the en· across the ends and :llong the front. tire area or their tillable land. Th The house la divided into tour SOx16· planning of rotations to meet certaln foot pens. I.n the front side of each feed requirements and to gro.w crops pen ant two twelve-light wl.n dows and wh\c'.h shall be the lTeatcst Income a dOO1" 2% 'feet wide. The space be· producera under given conditions Is tween the window and door comes a problem that Is not easily solved close up to the eaves. leaving an un· by all tbe ' Illers of the soil. The' can, broken front three feet high t:.elow the servatlon of soil fertility by approeavel. Tbe openln~ Is :lxH feet and Is prlnte rotations together with appll· , covered by a woo den rame. covere d cations of manures and fertUlzers in with ten-ounce duck, This curtain Is such manner as will maintain a per· hinged at the top and Is swung In maneot system of agriculture ~as been when ~penea, and It 'l s always kept largely overlooked by farm ;)wners in oben. except on stormy days and win·. the past. Farmers' Bulletin 37(1 a r tel' nights. 1lla.eh pen Is .of suitable slsls the farmer In solvlng'these dlf· Ille to accommodate 100 towls. thus aI- tleulties, Bnd a copy may be had tree lottlng •. 8 square teet ot floor space on application to a member ot can· to e&eh bird. . gress or to the secretary of agricul· A roost platform four feet ten Inchos lure, Washlngtpn, D. . 'fhe bulletin wide and three feet above the fioor ex- discusses a run·down tarm in 1111nols. tends along' tbe rear side for the entire and llialls six different types ot farm · 80 teet. Three perches ot 2xS·lnch mao Ing tbat mily be substituted for the torlal are placed on edge ten Inches usual one of corn and oats now prae· bove the platform. The rear perch Is tlsed. so as to raise the Income /III 11 Inches out from the wall. and the the way from two to five times as Ilpace between the perches 1.8 16 Inohes, mucb as that com manu' receI ved. and which leaves 15 Incbes between the at til salDe tlmo Inm ~n e the ferll!· front perch and the duck curtain. The Ity· of lhe soil.
HAY GRADES MAKING GOOD ~ . ROW MARKER ARE FIXED Good Job on Winter's Day 10 M • .k. This l10eCul imple. lD.n~ t.o be V 'sed on a Jl'arrowln. Plow.
Ttmot.hy Has Lead. Espec.tally Among City Jl'eClders. Because It Is Not Only Nu~rtttou8 bu t Pa la ta blo.
:;:~~~r~t ~~:~Ss~:~e:::y b;~~~~a~:: to Canada, and 25 years more will give thIs country (0.000.000 populaUoo west ot Ontario. All these estimates ot population are In the nature of guesses, and must not be read too li terally. But the enormous area ot wheat·growlng land. the rapid construction of railways. and lhe large volume of ImmIgration are tacts which must be recognized. They point to the production of an ever,lncrenslng surplus ot wheat and other cereals. However rapidly the 'urban, tbe Industrial and commercial population of Canada may Increase, the Increase of home consumptloo Is hardly likely to keep pace wllh that ' at the production ot wheat; tor a sin· gle aore ot wheat will provide for the average annual consumption of four people. While production In Canada Is thul running ahead at coosumption at a prodIgious rate. consumption In the United States Is overtaking production, and the surplus for export Is growing smaller year by year. It Is true that the limit of actual power to I;5roduce wheat Is as yet far away. By methods of Intensive cultivation. such as prevail In France, the productlon could be greatly Increased . . But with the overflowing granary ot Ciln. ada so close at hand, it seems likely that our neIghbors w1l1 begin to Import from UB, turning their own en. ergles more largely to other torms of agriculture. hlle It must he remembere d. th at w the Northe7n Sm'l es l'esemble Canada In cHmate and products. the relamblance diminishes as you go southward. The wheat belt «Ivell place to a corn belt, and this again to leml. tropical regloDs producing cotton. tobacco, cane-sugar, oranges and other troVlcal trults. ' The man who secures a farm In Western Canada at the present time lIecures an Investment better than the best of bond of any government or bank. It Is no unusual thing for a farmer in wester CanadlL to reallze a profit of from $5 to ,10 per aci.re. There are thousands of tree hamesteads ot 160 acres each sllll to be had, and particulars can be obtained by writing your nearest Canadian government agent.
Father'a Vocal Talent. Eddie's' Aunt Emma, wbo had been traveling ~n Europe. was expected to reach the hOllse at midnight, and Eddie begged' 'to be allOwed to stay up to greet lier. But bls mother ret'Used to give cOWlent. '. ··No .... she s8.ld, decidedly. "It would be 'five long hours aft· er your bedtime. and you couldn't posslbfy st.ay 'awake as long as that." "Oh. yes. I can." Eddie ~aUed; "I can If papa wlll sing lullabies to me." - Woman's Home ,Companion .
woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease, Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period ' as ~ydia E~ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native. root~ and herbs. Here is proof:
Na.tick, M88S.,-"I cannot express wbat I through during the Oha.nge of Lite before, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComI W88 in ,such a nervoU8 condition I keep still. My limbs .were cold. I: ,....·AI'I.V sensations and could not sleep was 1lnally told by two physicians I had a tumor. I read one day of the wonderful CtlJ'CS made Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oompound decIded to try it, and It haa made me a well L~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~i My neJgbbors and friends declare It h a miracle for me. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Oompound III ·worth Its welgbt ~ gold tor women during tbls period of life. If it will help otl,lers you may publish thls letter."-Mrs. Nathan B. Greaton,31 No. MalD 8t.,Natick,l\la811.
ANOTHER SDIILA.R VASE. ()ornwallville. N. y._flI have" been talldllil Lydia ·E. Pinkham's Vegeta~le . lome time for Ohange of Life, ~voU8nese, a fibroid growth. " Two doctors advised me ' to go hospital, but one day whUe I was away VIlJnllllg,,~ I met a woman wbo told mo to take Pinkham's V~getable Oompound• . I 'did 10 ,know It helped me wonderfully. I am tIl ILnktul , that I was. told to 1Jry LydIA· Pinkham's Vegetable Oompound/'-~ OornwallvUle, N. Y OJ G-reene 00.
The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound have · thousands of such letters as· those abovethey tell the truth, else ~ey c(;)U,ld ~ot ha,:e been obtained for love or money. TIns medICIne IS no stranger-it has stoOd the test for years. For 80 ~ Lydia E. PInkham" V~...ble Vc::.s0UJid ba. been the s_dard remedy .for fe ' .,. . w.. No ' sick -woman doee justice to herself whCA..wIll not try this famous mediclne. Made exc11Blve1y from roOte aJUl ,ber'bs, aD4 baa thousancls of cures to ita ~ '. Mrs. Plnkbam' lnVftes all II. womeD to write her tor advice. Sbe bas . sui . eel thouaancls to health tree of chqrge. Addref$s Mrs. Pinkham, Lynu. MUs.
DI8T'E'MPERI'~~~~p~:;·F~~~z:Otlo\ & Catauba' Fevtllr
II...... ~ ....." .. "MltI •• .,........ tho no .... tte' .. o.bo ....... tan'IIOo1fO .... Inr..,~ O1'''u~. '' Llquld.IrI ••b.OD til 0 t.OOII'''. J aAlUon \Ii. Blood ";d 01...,.\, .~pel. ~~:t P<l111O .... u~.rrO ... lb~~Y. eu ... D 0Ie1D""" III Dol(I aDd8beep aDd C1'o'"ra I" 1'0..1117. ..' ...lIti1CIl,••• Iot)<J'ft"' .....,. ,CU . . . . Otl_ amonlfbu_n belnl(tl\ .od II .. tln~ l1"oy ..mild" Mlc and II '" bot,lol .6 &D() 'IG .. ~~.on. Cntlbl_o.'" Jf.o"'P II.. ~ bo" 10 7,0u,drugl.·!., wbo will pUUo"ou. F ..... BoOkl.t. -DI''''II1~t'. O'...,...IIdCU ...... • Special AP'llft ...
.SPOHN' MEDICAL CO,; .~~':'\t\::I~~_ GOSHEN. IND~, D,' s. A.}
We L.' D 'Q UGLAS '
~''!'" '3, ' ••&0 '" '4 SHOES ~o~o=~=
IF YOU COU'L D VISIT W. ~ DOUGLAS LAR,G E FACTOtUE8 AI' BROOK·l'O.l'l{ MA:SS.,· . atll~ 800 bow carefallyW, L. Douglas shocsllre m;re, ,you woultl ·\licn Wille", IItand' why dolla! :tor. dollar iheyare gwuanteetl to bold Ullllr Ihape, look and Jlt btltt.er and wear lanKer 'than any other 18.00, '
A' good job on a wlnter's day Is to The rul es of t he National Hay &.SSO.make this row marker to be used on elation recognize 23 grades of . bay. 13.l1O or &1.00 IIh~ yoa cl\n buy. QnaU~ cobnl.s . ~It haa maile I ft'hlch seems to tall Into "ve classesW. L . Doaltl," shoos a hou~c hold wati! everywbero. . a furrowing plow. It Is very eas Iy " u made by anyone handy with t 00 Is. A tlnloth", , clover. mlxe/I timothy alld W. L Doug'., .. ame and the .retall price ' 1l1"O IlalulH'd' on tbe ~tt.om, .... blob I... "(tlpard alf_lnl" flub,UlnlAl •• I t. a piece ot old w.agou tire 6 Ix Inc h es clover, wild grasses an(I alfalfa. Choice tbe true value. of whlob are unklln"u; RerUNf" ,oJl t b _ When the suffragettes get In power long with each end turned liP an d a timothy hay must be sound. properly lub.Utnt4!.. you ..... entItled to tile bCllt. Jnllet upon "avID&' I.b. genulneW. L. D"Dlrt. . IhlNlll. !:oole In e&eh ena tor receiving lhe pin, curet!' at bright natural color not the otnee may really seek th!! man. mlxed ft'lth more than on' .. ~twentleth simply because It · Is trying to dod&e Ir yonr doaler MnnoU .. ppl, ,on WUh IV, 1.llQo.luMlloeL W tefQI'. ,.. Ordet 0&1&10,. W. I.........1_. IU _ _ 1& N&.., Drcek"'D, _ _ , b. The Illece, a, Is securely f a s t e n ed" . , • to the plow . beam with two screws. C at other grasses. and well baled. Low. the woman. ')s a piece of a {Yagon tire coiled at grades of t1molhy are NOB. 1. 2 and eue end so that pin b, can be Inse rt.ed' . 3 and "no grade." Clover bay has ' c 18 bolted to d, which Is the arm at two grades, No.1 and No.2. No. 1 unique tb .. t It mUllt lIet a pooe or the marker and may be made of a clover must be medium clover. sound, Hne ,.. WHk heart. dizzy feelin~, oppressed ' other concerna until flnallthY the WhlOl. 1 by • Inch pl.e ce of wood sIx feet properly cured. not II)lxell witb more breathiil, after meal. P Or do you eJlperieace p.io colintry gets ftnvored . wi ,enu ne. long••ays the Farm &nd Home. than one.tw nUoth at other gi-a.~see over tbe heart, .bortneas of breath oa goillg up-Itaira IIraoUcal CbrllUanlty. At the extreme end are several and well baled. Choice alfalfa hay lad tbe mlUlY diitiellin, ,ymptom. whicb iudio.te . "I IIhall do all that lIell 111 my ·POW- holes bored ·' In this arm six Inch.es must be reasonably fine, leaty alfalfa poor eircul.tion aad brd blood P A ·heart tODic, er to aId In the appreciation of .Grape-b apart. By means of t.he pin wblch fits at bright green colot:, properly cured , blood ·.Dd body·bulJder th.t h.. .tood the te.t of 40 Vein of curee it Nutl not 80 much tor the sake at t • sound sweet and well baled. Other tood : ltseU ' as for tlie Ilccomp.. nyln. grnde~ ~t altalflJ. are Nos. 1, 2 nod 3 .uggelitlo~., . " and "no ·g rade." Theae rules are used The beart becomel re,urrr .. cJoo1c~*ork. Tbe red "VlslUn, Battle Creek the.other ·day by most cities thal have oruclal In . blood corpu.olee a,.. iacreued ill DUmber-.nd tbe . wltb a ' friend, "Dr. Keny, at Evanllton. spection. , Will buy 1011 .. the o.ore truck 'AMIl 10. tbe Den.,. ill tuna, Ire. well fed, The .mriea a,re ~~Ied 1l1Inolll. while 1 wal collllultlnr with A large percentage of the timothy -tAI1\OI1" PW8'U!l1la DI8~rl ,,' of Flnrh)... ID .. ewt wilh',ood riob bl09d. TbatJ. why ne.;volll debllaty, 1I""r a Ifl'OWIDIJ ~eaP<lt\ ..... d mMo 1000",. Mr. Greeory, m,. friend 'filited your on tbe market Is grad~ below No. 1. irrltlbUlti., faia~ .peU •• di.appear Ind aro overOUAro.nteod markel.. tree " ... Icea of floll tI", 'actOne" anil came awa,. Ireatl,. The reasons are ¢J!at .many meadows p"rt an,1 p • ...,tlcal · demonstratlou farm. ' W. eome by WI ·.lterativo extract of medioUaal rootl wan'1I.o,o fnYIIJertl aDd ,.111 help tb .. m make ~DiaZed;' nbl 'only at the, luX~rloue tu~ are eut tor years l.ntn they become pat up h, Dl. Pierce without tbe Ule of .lcohol. ·lI'ooil. W,lto today for O\\P iletlCripUvo IIler_ b'lIb~ng.·cit the oftlceil len:era~ly and weedy and mixed with other grasses. . Alk your Delabbot. Man, beva been cured '" 'ore telllJlIJ wbat own. ha~e dODe. IcrofOloUI oonclltiOlll, "lce'n, ·"ever-lOree." white .".UIp,., etc., by ta.kiq the leneral .equlpi'4 en.t ot the place, and that the hay Is often cut too late, PENSACOLA REALTY COMPANY. Penucoll. Florlt. Dr.' Piaroo'l ·Diaacwerj. ~ Jaiit tbe I'IIfreabJ.aC ud vltallsla. tonia DeedocI ~r . but with the .weat SPirit of courte•.,. . Detalll of Row Marker. 10 that It loses the bright natural col, eJl~va it . . weid., In COn.uelClllloe !rom· tne .... or for,raa-do_, 1.-mIO, and kU:lltnell~bat , ~med t~ fill tbe. ' " "• i, . or and. peJatabUity. . tbIa.bJooded~. Stiok to.W. '........ _ releedy ' nit fthuIe all .. jale .:al:''With,.. ...IIPJr,tt}JlI :ozone.:that . ,ln~ ,~~~' hole. th~ ~dla~~ef ~tw,e~ ' " ~9thy , ha's the lee,d • . ellpeclll.lIy . al CoOcl" ki~ OIl• .,..·.., the dNl., wboJa I~u.. for a .IlIr,". 1).-o6t. NodDaood to b,reathe. . . . • " rows may be regula~. 'F II ~ lz,lnc~ , 'i!.mong qlty teeden • .,ecause It Is not iDtwill do yHl ...... ~ .PIlI~ u Dr. PICtoe'I C;;oIdeD ~odiod Di;-Wl'J. "The prl~cl~lell e~pre.~ ,In the I,board Clut , a . PO.I~t at the to~ard onir. nutritlouis ,but palatable and non. 4 little' ~ook1eti ',:!,lJlt Road to Well· rend wl,t h ~ bole , ~O~d In this end laxative. and the llarse Is' no~ 1I~ Iy W \'l1f~,' 1 well know ' are practlcai · and _h-:e a line !Day l»&. attach~d • . This overfeed. Nevertheless, otlber klndll (t ' they' war In bUllne" ,of. aU ' kinds. t.n'· line til laate.ned .• t the ot~er end to hay woulli' otten prove better tor the cludlng "lanltariums; a. wUJ \>e t.lr1, ~e ~ ot the' b!UDe.. .. 9 ,111. • plece .ot feeder. Alfalfa. for Ins~t;lce, . has high ta.ted ~fore. time 'II do 4!.:\ ,',. ~~ .•'era~ Itbn c\tJr~ed·. 110 lUI to- drq inus~le.bullcllng "quaU(les :a.nd : Is: e Ipe".~ '··j', J.c)iow JOu ",:,!1 r,tiot recard th~~ t;t. . tbroull1 . the ground e~I!Y. an~ . ~li.rl;\s .clal'l)'> vahlabbdor draft , ll'qr~es. 'It la tei- ~ot . app~eelatlo~ , . . ~ Int.,.tll~1 . the next ..-ow. .' blgl1l~ r~lIhed. howe~er. and tb ~n,e. It I!I , .lm~JJ ~u .alutatloll .of · hOrH~ ' mllr overfeed. ' . , &ood feUo'wlldp to " ou trolD,.. ~ maa . Makl". Butt.r. . " 'Who . alUiou,h M ha. De..t ·...n YQU. ' • ," P I I 1'0 .. • feel' dra-.al to 'ou by the klD.hlp dlean mll~ '8Qpd toOleand a ~ef!l) . Le~vl"a ~rl" ". "_roun... . · J ht. " . . mtlb,r , ,ate the tb* pi1Dclpal ~clO~ ' Pal'llblpll wt~l · . bear many' baru ~'J.'J.. ODty ~ that ma"..·: . ' maa , l~~.klng ~ .b\1~.!hUlng 0 pm·' fri!elelID ·the, l1'Ound ~a db not have , ..., . til ~.b~ of ' bl. au' .... ~omen II til.' mpet prutllAble the ~t n~vor till late to ",lnteJ', Tb, '\\le .: ,... ~I. tile IOci\I that WQ' oi marketlDC.. M,. e .,..,t'wa, to baDGle tbem; ~xcePt ' Iq !~ dGeI .. 'leur pciIIUh III tllJl ~ . H .... poaDda a ~eek, . .,.. "_ writer ID .~ north .. I. to allow ..~em to lIt . ....dab14i .... 1 ..... to .• . aD acbllDP.. I u.. .yet? UttJ.e com- ,r. the prdeu· eoU IUId d~ them 8 • • .. -• ..:... . meraJal.b utter colo" ~.N11 e"~ to thQ' are 'W@te,dfOJ'u.. attltn."bea ~wa • maUorm tlD~." . . . tb. · JrOUlllS fa bot· CrollAI'
~====================~~~~~~ . -~
Dr. Pierce's6oldenMedical Discovery .
Y:: '....
Cow. ever..
- - 'J:larv~y s burg 6
.Ati 8 'brhJt,Il...·~ K"lI y. of Ulpo\n I n ti, WIl8 the ·gup. t r relt1t,ivos l1ee ~ ' 111 t ,,"eek. The MII-..k ' ~( I I i give n by t'O (lm Yo 3 of 0111' hi ~ '. ./l Ollo 1\ YIll!:! en , j .v d hv ttl-I ,H, l jinnnOl,d ly' WUR 1\
E. (),dtin pllIl'tlinu o'f B IUl!;!:' l ) " kl a. 1111 b 1I ~ , "old 11 \8 f~ rlD nnd r l it 1111ui "tH tl1 'l ,t t,b n Gmy wbo " II 10 ' 1 U()tbM ~, lir be u. ci tlzoD of II i " , IS v OW H , F " ~n k ~ hlu,Il!" r purchase d 1\ fi ne c1 rl vlng h orse F rlr\l\y . Mr ,8hidllker
...--... ---*- -
ZIM.MERMAN'S SYRUP CANS Maple Syrup Cans. large mouth. Get our prices before buying. LARD CA"IS 25&60Ib.Cans; 50 lb. Wood Tubs t-Jew Lettuc • J ersey ""weets. 'abbage, BAr mud a Onions, Celery. Cranberr ies, Oranges, Tangerines. Grape Fruit. Lem Oil S, Washing ton State Apples. Special Sale Saturday DEI..AWAR E PEELED PEACHES
Nice peeled peaches in large ., miles good OUt·>!. g.pound can!. Special price for . 'l'wo h llT8e 1l 'Iyers fr om Xenl" one day only 11 ,a!{ht ~o mtl hll r-.;es here last week, 10c a Can WrlH" m 'rho" pA, ot Beilmont These peaches make a 'nice des. sert and something fine for pies. o ~Iled on fr'Imdt! bere Fr'd~y. U P u dd y So gan , of Mr . an d _rs. Dressed Cat Fish Friday. tibrbook Town , ~ pen t tiu turdlAY alld tiunday tbe ' Buest of Mrs. Bogan's It pay!! to trade at 8is~er, Mrs. Chlls E1U9. Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Cortis bave reoted their furro Bod will move to tJhillicoth" the first of MlAroh ' From reports over t he " wirel es~ ," we are soon to lose several of 001' Spring Branch r e liable Bnd trusty oitizens, Our Mills2s Altoe Cbenoweth and . I OS8 i"... som e one .8 gtun Bertha t3mith entertained Elder Nay , Miss Lilly Nedry, of e or wiu, vis John Davis and Ella Rye on lut ltAd here last wee k , ' ... d t d' , IlUon lI.y a Inner, The Zion Baptis t ohuroh ill hold Mr. and Mr8. Nathan AOI"n en, lng a protrlloted meeting hert) and tertained Elder fieorge A. Bretz 1<1 meetln!( with gretlt IIU008S8. Saturday night. Mr. ILnd Mrs. Llnonln KIDg yl l'l ted Mr. ant Mrs. Mont Hoblet was Mra M.tlry Haw kt', mo ther of Mrs. sorpri8ed bv Mr. ~nd Mrl, Charlae King, Sl1ndoy , Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Morgan Mr. lind M,.s Ell rl Bockett and and dangbler Edna and80n Coleman dll ughter 8pent ~undll.y with Mrs, on 1.'lt Tuelday nlgM after churoh. l:Iooltet'8 ptlre nts, Mr. Ilnd Mra. Ed They aU had a goo t time. Rlial4on . Mr. en' Mra, Frank Dakin and Mr. Ed Dakin oame near ba ving family entertl'ined Wm. Gordon and ari OU8 t:roqhl('l with bl8 family horee wife Sunday for dinner . by getting lIoared 1n driving from Mrl!. J. H. Chenoweth was the t he oount.. y Friday. Mr. Dakin hlLd 1\8 his gnests Mr. Fred . Dakin guest of Aunt Lydia Austin Satur. day nlgM. nnd the vHJage.mayor when tbtt ao· MI- a e8 A1ioe • 'henoweth and oldeDIocourred , .... v I Mr. SUDon Ward oae of onr high. Bertha ~mlth entertained 'Mo Ite 6_" , 1 red ItI ill Collins. of Dayton, Saturday and Iy reapeo~ , 00 0 , 0 . zen8 • Suuday. Maroh lit, mO're.lo t. he city of la· ,MillS Alice Obenowe6h' 18 on 6he ... - W rd h th '-_ftt . . , dt a n apo1i a. ~. a , as e uuoo I wi h 'f b ' 8 0 1i: 1'-6 ... a 'tl . me 0 f thiI wri.' .. ng. !t 810 t Is oomm~nity. M188 RoeaDavla waa'be 1 1I88'of' Mr. and MI'I. Frank Barris ~pen' Mi8888 Bena Joale and Elale Smith Bonday thtt lueat of Mr. B"rrls par... t d ' t h 6 t8 )( dM G i f on ...& ur ay n I •. en t r. an rs . . eorge , rr so lIrs. Frank Smith il on the stok t3pringhill. . li8t at the time of ~bls wrUlng. Mrs. Ida MoAdama was tbe gaeet Irl'auk Bowers and Chu. Scroggy, of the Valley Telephone Co., of Leb· of Mr, ud Mre. Newton Smitb to , anon, tr&n.ao~ bQ8inelll here Sat· Snnday dinner. urday. • _ •
MillS Lnoile M~80n Willi in Leba· non &$nrdaY. Mr. and Mrs. Zain Armitage spent & t urday night a nd S andu.y III the 'Kueat8 of Mr. and Mrs. T. ·R . Spe1J eer in Lebanon. M rs. George 'Mote o.n d 8a os. of C01. umllUs " pout Bu nuny with Mr . flnd Mrs. R. B, E mmous . Mrs. W ill Kersey W r.!! in Xenia llAst week to see h er mother w ho was i n th h o~p i M I t b ert', Ui 6S Ma beI S h "rwood spent the .. week end at home, M rs . George aoker enjoyed a Vi8 it from ber pare Dt8 t;unday . Mrs. C. Ii. Sherwood, of ~bll" non, oalled on relattve!! here lilst wee k. M ra. B enry K ersey i s s uft'er I og from the effects of a fall 8u8tlltnt'd last week . Uyril Noblt1 and Verno. LeFevre, of Lebanon, wese tn town ~unday eveoing, Mi8s Luoile ~hson is 8peodtni tb" week with Mrs. Horaoe Wilson in t3prlngboro . Mi88 Lizzie Hlithaway spent Sun. d sy I1S th e gues t 0 f h er is t s er h ere. rurUeore9k was represented the Young People'ameeLlng t3unday night by Messrs, Bruoe t;teddoUl. Ben Jeffery and Lester aollingll wortb. ' The C. E aooiety is preparing for a progressive business and sooial meeting next &tard'a y evening The program will be divided int,o 116r kl, and given lit the hlmes of 'he various membel'8 wbo reside in ~wn Let all oome I1nd bring their frlend8 • - •
Spring Valley
Mr. Floyd Allen and wife of Eaton 8 d were guests over un ay of hil par ents, Cha8 Allen and Wife. ' Mrs. Collins, of near Day too wait a guest last week of Mrl. Elizabeth H 1 aRenee. OJ b oed hi V. Der8 ey oommen a t ted i h M E pro rao serv 08 at t e • . . . ohurohSundaynigM. A orowd of about seventy of our people attended the Blederwolf meet . iog at X~ota last Thureday nigbt, Kin Belen Ball. of Xenia, apen' aeveral daye last week with Arob Copsey IUJd family , Tbe~ Is a number of 08lae of ohioken pox In onr vloinl&y.
Waynesville Mills
st. Petersburg. F la .•.F eb. 1.1 911 To t he. Mi~,mi Gazette: - "?ur city of sunshme, S t .Petersburg l~ calle? The lndependen~, a ~aper prm ted m St . P et ersburg IS g iven away each evenin&' the sun don't shine. He has only had to give two. issues away since last September, five months.
Most up-to-date ' Mill in Ohio, Indiana or Kentucky. Being the first to install
H. B. Stokes, wife daua-hters and slim. of Lebl\IlOn, Ohio are here for: the winter. H e has kept a diary of the weather ' taken at 12 o' clock each day since the 7th of January; the bighe!lt temperature 80 degrees. the least 721 so you see the temperat u.re is pretty even. Dr. Ward and wife. of Harveysburg, Ohio. are pleasantly located on Srd avenue South. and are delighted with the climate. He intends to go to Cuba soon on one of the excursion!' They run an excursion from Port Tampa each week; round trip, $30, &,ood for thirty days. St. Petersburg has grown so in the last three years that she does not look lih herself. The census claims .. 168' per cent gain in the last ten years. The bureau of informat ion claims ~rom 10,000 to 12,000 Tourists her. now, they claim 16.000. They h f . h are er~ rom every s~te 10 t e Union, Ohio among the first, if not the first. The tourist is kind. cheet· f h ul. sociable; t ey make one feel like he is among friends and not strangers They amuse themselves in various ways excursions, boat riding. fishing and &ames of all kinds. • _ . C. S. Sears NEW MARSHAL APPOINTED Council, met in regular session Md' R' b I on ay evemng. outme us ness was .attended to and bills allowed. The resignation of G~rge Thompson h I b ht wi. d as mars a, was roug Ut' an accepted. Mayor Cartwright !it. once proceeded to name Oma.. LeWlS for the position, and' it was confirmed by '1 d M Le' tl counel, an. r. W1S promp Y sworn l·n. • -. MARRIED AT PARSONAGE
BALL BeARING MACHINfRY and with our system of grading and caring for wheat enables us fo make the 1
BEST flOUR MANUfACTURED Ask your grocer for
Albino Flour Every Sack
We have a large supply of Flour, Corn Meal, Bran, Middlings, Dairy, Hog, Horse and Chicken Feed, and If you w~nt results, satisfaction and reasonable prices, deal with the
mills 8hovela lioaR blankets Bnd robe!!. Household -goods- a bed room sUlts,l iron btld, 2 bt!dstetids wi th springs, ~ new velonr cOlloh. 1 loonge, 1 large mirror, 1 hall trr e, 1 kitohen otlblne t , oupbollrd with glll "l1 doore. f> xteDtllun tit bl e, round OBk range good as Dew, four burner ollue tlto ve with Dew ove n. une a iermont h est lng stove, 1 h . . et Irol1 IItove, 00,,1 oil !ltove, set of Otlne IlUt ed ohillrs, kitoben chair!! writio'" detlk, rocking obo lrs, mlltti ng, Oil r. pet.s a f.,w dishes, g ht8>1 fru it jll rs; B088 8eparator Chl1rD, other t hings to numerous to mil Lion. T~ rms-oee big bill. C. A. Burnet C. T. BBwke, Auot, I"I k W. B, Keys A. 'B Uhanrllel \ v r , 8 Lonob lJervAd by M. E Ladl e" Aid
Lunob served by Ladles' Aid. Benry Prater I1nd SlArry Prrter O. T . Bawke, Auo •. A . B. Sides Clerlt . I will offer: at publlo lI.uotion , at m y re idenoe · 2X mllAs north oJ Wayneaville on the Chen oweth road on Tuesday, February 28, 1911 "
8 eglnnlng at 10 0'01ock a . m. the following : . !'wo borsel? oon 8i Atln ~ of one geld Ing.15Y" tlT80Idllnd ·ooe brood mltTe 17 jfeartt old; 30ows; ,,11 well bred . .Jereeys, 1 fres /} one, 8 yea rA old; 1 to yetlrs old, will be fresh io MI~rob, Mr. Edward Roland and Mrs 1 2U Yf'ars old to be fresh tbl mont,h Edith Surface were quietly married 2 broqd sows, will '"rr.o w tn MILY ; by Rev. L. 0. ThompSon at his home 8 uea\d of sbeep. teo bush £')8 of (JOTO Wednesday evening. Their many band .Borted. 10n bushels oats 1'bese friends are now congratulating them. oete belog about ~wo weeks early •_ • will be excellen' for !teed A lot of good tlmpthv.. htlY. alas_HIed Ads' MBellbrook. IIr. JohnSmtth, of Aear Bellbrook, NOTICETOFARMERS Farm Implements-2 two· horse ew ur n ...on lpeat Sunday with ble SUlser, Mrs. . 1 ""-- b .... ____________ '!" __ .......... - _ -, w"gons. l sprang w",~<? n, ' '=Uto . Mr. and Mrs , Jesae Hawkin8 a.. Mrs. A.ron Gregg and daulhtere Halnee. Th W '11 C . C • olipper breakln~ plow. 1 riding AU» w ill be tnscrLt'd und r Lhls he:ad ,for t eel t3 d f oftl k villit Mr. Bru08 Smith, of Da...ton, ,e aynesVl e annmg o. IS brsllklrig . plow, 1 dra g , 1 dum b lu twenlv · OVtl cen l K CQr Lbree InK'rlloll' tended the fUDeral of Chu. Urite_, re ~rn un ay r a wee a ho S d " w a s, now ready to contract for corn and row. 1 spike tooth , h RrrOw. 100rn w he n usi n g n Ql mDns ll1.tl a live Li neR. ~ former oltlzen' of our vii!age whioh In ayton. ' me over un ay , tomatoes for the year 1911, at their planter. 1 I(,nllml.o tob~oo, trane. _ ...............-......- ... . OOIIured Snnday a' Beeoh (;ir~v8 hie ' The infant daughter. of Mr. and Mr.. ,Oatherine . Royer . died WaYnesville office. plllnter. 1 MoUormiok m owar, ~ !!(lts ',FOR ,SALE late home. '. . Mre. Rober'. Weil was buried Ia8t, Wedneeday night at her bome near Waynesville Canning Co. work hllrness. lellthe r t n g~, 1 Ret. . '! 'he remains ef Barry Thomas Tueeday in the Be~lbrook oemetery. Ittt. Boll~ after se~eral week,moeu, J F S k Sec' boggy harnes!!, OhACk r em,., breast ~on of tbe, la~" J .. a , Thom. ..... of, tho Mr. and Mrs. Uarroll BAve~ and Mn,' Lena Barrett wu a Dayton . < noo , .-!~ strllps, Qh Jk.e straps, lead r~l n , cr'\1· ,MU<.ES-Four p!,irs of. S.yellr·old h .... ... ' h SAt d lars and bridle . 1 eet lOb bol l!ter~. mules from 14 hand s, 3 In. t o Zoar neighborhOod. were,i.terred hl ohUdren of Uentervtlle, spent Sun. I opper ur ay. The Joat m"y DOt mllke thlt man , skids Ilnd blooks; htlY fo r k, r rope 15 banda, ' lln l 10 ' heig~t. <:iood tbe cemetery east of 'town Snnday . day with her parente, Mr. _nd KI'8. The last number of the leoture but it oertainly heJp!! some when tbe a nd pol1eYtl j Internat~Ollal 6 1ls01l ne onae unorllkeu·. Call G E . Riley .~ d hi E Earnhart oonree .. leotura by Mr. Klng will be eogine, feed grin, del', fodde r cotttlr, Lebanon,O .. VlI.lley phone "8-2 i . B ., ~ . hiI hiY eateemau an I . , .. . meroury is flirting with tbe zl:'ro " .., /~ 'deatll 08lt Itt wave ' of sadness over M.r., John <:iibbons, who live. Friday evenlnR in tbe Town Hall. mark. oirole 811.W. 11.no 8hatt, pull.ye. 50 ,t. ' ' ... sed.- • 6 in belting. mowing sythe, olot.hfll! 'ONE of the be8t · banding Iota in the ~Ure oomruunity. ea~t of town ~as ,p uroha . Ole • -. rllook, kraut outter. IiBrroW ' obaln,' Sown. ' Flrie looation. ' Goo(1 .' .JeIee Hawkln8, Chas. Mendenhall Harper f.rm near X~nla, oonlll&ini T.n Cent. BoUfht a Ruliena. Public Sales double trees. Bingle .t reea, hog bOx, dr:t'tU,,"8. 75 feet froot. ]nquirIJ and dlarenoe ·ltoK&y ~ttended the Of 10i aores of whloh. he wUl 800n ' America wW .ooll haft th. ntu.Ial hog shute. meat benob. jocky stioks, a' this offioe.· ' · , , A . . ~ . L. convention at Columbua take po8l8@8ion. of a hitherto UDkDowIa ploture ItT 1 spring se" t. ~. sets springs. 1 8tabd Barred Plymout)! ROOk ·Cooker· the fore var~ of las' week. Protractedmee'ing w11l0ommenoe au"". which baa .,.. 1Jiq for · We wilt offer at Poblio !;ale one be~8~usehO, ld good"-~ ' b,e.d 8teadil, e'ls . aqcl. qozen Barred Ply. . .II. , C. R6eves : ant family , who at the M. P. ohurch ned .Tuesday " ..... ID the I8I'Nt 01 a boUe fa tM mtle trom WayoesvUle on ·the Xenia mouth Book ben8 'l'helle Ilrs a hig h moved to Kingman in tbe fall moved event g . , .mall towQ of ~ Pofaall. pike on ' 1'.edxt~nhslon h,a. ble. ~ h~atlol! st~ve8 . baok to tOliVn ,laHt ..week. 1'4ey are n ,' . 'na. 0WDer of. tUIIooyend Ila 'ot er , t t ngs , .00 numeroas to grllde stouk of B P. R. bee me sOo,n ., if you ·want ttle~. JOleph .......upy'ng the J.on'" property. Mr. and Mrs. John Pennewit vii ' It 14 t h'll .~~ __ .:.... I Wednesday, February 22, 1911 mention. uuu ~ uu ", ace eD W ......._ &\n" am, ferDis"':"'Alllums under .15.' oash '. y"tl~bni" "Yilyneavlllc, Ohio. . , Mlae Sarah 'Bradford is on an ex ited at tbe home of Mr. an~ Mr... her to. ..Uto !Po ·hawk.: 'l'hiD.k1D& It Segining at 10 a. m . the foJlowlng 8UQJII ot '5, or over, e. oredlt ()f Dine , . teuded visit witb her parents in Frank Carman at Ferry laet Tburs· wu a worthleM bit of oW cUYU, lhe property: months will be ' gi ven ,by p'u rolulsef ·S. C. 80ft. ' ~KhornM , ·the . day. parted YItllIt for tea oeDt&. Tbree good general purpoe8 horsell SOoth 'Charleston: ktn~ that lay . The8e have "v. The hawllllr had U tUPtra.t10D. 2 of tbem gr~ys and make an extra giving Ii baDkablR Dote; 4 per.oent eraled .g elga a day all winter. Allfo Mra. F. D. ,Comptcn has been The W. C. A. met at the home or' wubeel the ant layer or' cUrt off anci good farm team, I} head of oattle~l discouot'tor_oash Dnn Oline " few " ooolrereh, ' ,oh8ftp. RU8sell 0 , very.alQk: with tonsi)Uis and Kri~pe Mrs. U W. Kempa last Tueeday' toot the - - to an U.1an ...... w'ho good .1ersey oow, 5 AberdeeD Anous, Tom Dlll, auo ' t. , Ml8sJ,o sephineReevesentertaiDed ' _.. .....-, .. A B ""Idell Clerk ParlE!tt, R D: 2, LebaQOD~ OhIO, the D. A. 0)88S 00 ' t3aturday lifter'jnight. recop1l8Cl th. Rubena IDltlal In Oil. 1 oow with oalf by Side. 12 year old • . "" • • - • , corner. JIlqIertI MJ' It 11D4OUbtec11:!: bnll elilCible to regl'ster. ~. you08 Lonph 8t-and reaerved. noon. Famous A.merio~n Women Now IS the time ·0 PIANO- ' f 0 se1'10 r ren. ' t S nI·Abl • get the Gazette the work of Rubeu aDd a TVJ' bulJ .. , 10 moot bs, old; a~ut 800 - e waa .t he ~oplo ,for ,the day . . : : .peclmen. too. . bO'lbels ~f yellow oorn in orilt, 3 or 4 B~ving decided to go South 1 will . , lor parlor,1od~e or sohoofrooui The plottire reprenn" Salom. hotel- &008 of nice hay in mow, undivided offer at pal;llto aootiloD at my place Inquire at thi. Offi08: 'AO h ·k ot reaiden06 on wb!lt is , ~nown ' 81' tnr th. head of St. 101m th. BaptUt. b Il It 0 f 21 acre8 0f ~ b el\ t', .. ,8 00 , 8 the old Jaoob Sinoltllr fluJn baok of. TOWN . 'PROPER ' . b Q . W ' TY-DelilrlLbl8 8alom.!. ,ftpre .. ·particn1Arl,. .be&utl· of fodder. ' tul.. '.. ' Farm implements~2road wagon" t e uaker ~h'qroh at uynesville. ', town pro~rty . 1n good repair It. prelent OW1ler 'II' ha~ It thOl"- 1 Milburn 3,in , tre~d; 1 Brown 2 tn . Obio, on lo~"ed on Foarth s'reet. For furth: oUChly cleaned: W.4t6De, he Ie aoiq 'reHd : .~ . top . b~~gle., one of ~hem Februar, IS, 1911, at '9 .o'c1ock ~di~f.orm~tlon Inqoire Ilt Gazette to offer It to America, beeauae, ' he n8&r]y new; 1 sp~inl ,,~gf)n. 1 bob .a1l. "mlUlonatree from 'the .t.it. .Ied, 1 plabk81ed, teet of hay,1adde"'; Six horSe8- 1 lray hOr8e, 12 yeare '~PER ' N APKlNS-The Gazette ctye bett.r PrSc. than ~ 1.1)eerloll bind~r;: iD:· ROod oooditl, o n. old" ~ood line horse'; 1 gray' mare, : , office htlndlell the p)Iltn white , prlnc..... , ' ·2 Deer ng mowers. one of tbem new, 11 ye_r8 old, driver and wOlk,er'; '1 tind oolor8cl 'n apkins. ' (Jall and see • _ _ , .1 1 bayrake. 1 havfork,.1·,wbeat drtll, bay h~rtle, 11 ,years old. work h~I'8,e; ~be. m ; '. . A Tobacco Fair will be held in the lower room , 2 corD planters, one of them new; 1 bay male. ~ood worker; 1 brown of the Masonic Temple in Waynesville, 0., on Ca1led for Glory Dlj}ri.. . '. ' ll-.horse oorn drill. 1 rtdh:,g Bu~" geldiog 3 yeal'8 old 1" ,l'ay filly, HORSE.~Bo~~e8 for ,8 "le' sinlly Amonr the ets"tomen I~ eyeoult~vator, l, toogoeless·" nultlv~ •. 2 years old ;'. 5 (low~l tn,llob cow, .,' or In pairs, IoqUlre 'or l. B. &tore· coo4ucteCI b,. ' ~ . J/lppl.... . tor, ~ breaking. plow8, on!;' of. th~~ 7 yeur8 'lId"a good, one ! .~, a y,.ar-ol~ Cb4PD\aD" ~ayn8l!vUle. OhIQ. . ,.,,' . Twentieth aDd Berke tItNet8. ODe cia,. a steelbeam "Uppal'. 2 h!lrrow8, 1 oow l'ell.dy tor beef, 1 J;telfer • .due to ' ,'" In competition among growers of Zimmer 1ut WMk. wu • lIttl. Klrl. ;,hO' II ile.d . roller, ~. drag. 1 etalk outte",1 oalf,ln J~ly ; 1stijer, 15, ~ontJts old i l T .:1t3RUE ~.*PER:~If , yo~' " ~ao' Spanish and Seed Leaf, prizes will be offered known to her pla,m.tee in that ..1- cobaOOQ plow, 2 dpnble 8e~ of. ~ork L beifer oalf, S montb.sold i SO hOi{8 j , ,auy, oolo~ of U~'" "i~ue paper. by the clnlt,. u "PenY." .... , Ihe atooiJ barnw, oDe Of. t,bem ~ealrly; ~e~:rl ~/) '~I) ,pig", ~ S? WS bt ed ' to : fllrt~w, ~n at ~be(;ia~t,te, office, V!e have ~, ~IUq tor. b... turD. It 00al4 be -1l~ Retal, ",or~' fly.ne~s., 2 lIete 0' boggy in Maroh, S !!lieep bredlo ,lllmb, tn lp>n 'han~ ~1l tb~ t.f~~ .. tlced .that .~e :wail' repeatlnC·tom" hai'nei!.s; 'one o(t~e~ robber in~~nt , April, , : 'I .,," ": ".:':i' ': . =.=:::::;::;:=;:::~:::=:::;:=,. Will unller .her breath. ID her , ~ ed.and new; collar.., Jines, bridles Far~ ImpleQJente:-l road ~ag ,0, ' , as follows: to ' remember what her ioother"bad 'l\Dd lia1~8;' 1 ~ad~.e, :cl8~t8 6"do~b~s 1 fa,r mwagon.1 ru.h~rlf, the ~rr-i~ge:" ," aent' Jler to buy• .' :',' ','. .. ' ' .e eeli a'"lot of slpgletree!l, 10goha1ns, lind. pole n~arly ue,w,l ~ug~y., l·.8U~. ,,' ."". , , FI'r st Prize "10.00 "Mother,"waiata' aYe oeaia' 'worth, or breast dh~in8, ~bN,. for~s, . <8hQ,ve~e, Iy ,.,l ).prlng ~4gon, ;I. onlt.~vatl?r,~; . ..... '," ,I', " ', .. : ,'" ", , ..• , ·8,,00 Second', Prize" • 11~r,. ' cU~e.~ ,'<'. , ' : .• ' '.:. , dee. C~..cut la",,~ a 'lot Of, '8 mall l , ~baooo plow, 1. , g~rden pio~ :, S M" AN paat '30 with-horae aael bog'. 1a14·.•the: ~ ·cterk '~~i •..,,,,:'., ;.;;., .... ". "'.' "',' ,y. ," " br8&kl~R J)low~, 2biOd~"8,3'~a~row"" , , }gy t08'1l.tOO,l"'oonc11tI0~ pOw• , "Of ·wbatf'! . Third Prize ' l . 'who .wai ;atall41nS 'tJiere... tf, ~ " .Bou~e1;l01~ . gOt:Jd,,":,,2 r ~~4stea~~, 1 2 w~.,... drilla. 2 ~~W81'8. revol~i~g .de" ip 'Yar~eq County. ;~, B'alary 170 ' , '. Al1 samples f~r ~o~Peliti~~ ' must ' contain ., five' 'b~ a. .bnr blo~' of a ~1IaIl , bat( ,~r.e.u. lli~nd, ,1 8ei o!, o~ne leated bay ~iiet -1 ~sb!J~~ , baV l tedc;l.~ __ ,,,P·, ip.ar, ' mllnth:' AddrMs. ~Pl ' Unit , ", Three competent judges-, wiU .award· the· PrizeS," ~m~)e8 ' '''G!~I'J' 4l~e. Ito" ~;tM,~ ~ Ph.Jrt~ 1 .at . 9f , kito~e. ' ohatft!, • ~ ,..tter. ·7 il.arreL $a~ki'1 ';rtg"r. hldl:,".In(1iaoapoJlI 'Indiana. . ,. Y tile repl,. III a 1od~ YOIce ,,~ Wlleil' roaDn, 1 ~lntngrOOm table. 1 cook. ~J)l~nter eitlier ' oheolt>'· or ' drill' ., ,~". .>!.. \ . ~ .~ " '. '. ' will be numbered 'a nd 'no . names attached untif after the " . ~ 'Swards 'are m8.de~ '\ '\ ,." ': . .' .be ~ ·~. , the ~l '~ 'f • • aO';elD~ jOQ!i ,~¥ldiMon,D~. ,e~t~ '·~'b aOrod Wire, hl'Y fo.rt, rO~ ,abd' ---.. ' . ' ,. ":: ~., Bripg Y9ur: tobacco ,in: before 10 o'clOck that~ it may , ' ;·"1''Ou li44 ~. ," )acnU ~ ~ er w~ or,,~~I; 8 b~ttDi ..tdVeft~ p,ql1eyli, J;l~y ladd"r:" ' ~ gl'av.e l. bec;l.J , , ' ~ 'IA)$T I ' • •, , , '. be arranged ·before. n·o,on. . , ' '. your motile}! wtt~, It ,dowIa, 011 PaIlM'. t.o·~ them barn C'!P&I. :Jli:lft'o,f: ,~~~ 1 flel~ a:'~.~lel:', 1 two lio,". aled,a1)out , ~" . .: Growers of olber varieti~ Ji)v bring: p'plea for MOW 1 'l!foo4'be~"r; . 1 ore-m 88~ '60J.jb. ofoorn Ibort~'eeta wotk little Pd," ..... \IIe 'C1lerkt ~ that I. the &ti'l wu ~ 'nM to ~~ ·"".th ......for, ue "Uh _tar, 'L ....htDt nfll, eetwork'De"~ bQ11Y, har 1 pocpl'BQOK....An, all,ator1»oOk ,·if they lO 'desi,re. ' No en~ce f~•.. No ~ibf~ce tee .. Uat. . . . " ~1iliae, 1 met' barrel. 11~nde".e t DeII8 double eet'oarrlll81aarneee, 001· oont.i~~1 between 'illS and:'18, 800a ... Nt..........., . .'lnlf~. lliokle jriader"J 1M ·')e"I_., ....d ~ brtdl~, llD,~ l .dtb~ tie." ~n !&nd,. few otherad.olee. The a.me IIOtI ~ tIfte ct. . . . . . . .1' ,, "J!tre _o,.o&bei' ar"ol. . .. IidlO1ll,to l boZ,abOal18'r04 'Ua. fe~ , .'POul· O. B. £aptoJl wri'teniu bOI)'k ,IDd. of . ~ _ :lIIMl.~. ......... ', ' . ' I : , . .;D'1: ...."ID1', l ....n4 $IUI, tA ft. ,_ ~ er r.'uo &O~, omoe a~ ~ve
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Tuesday, February 14, 1911
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After gle with disease, Mrs. Dale Williams Underwood passed away into the Great Beyond on January 27th , at 1:45 p m. For more than a year she had been in declining health. At the age of sevelltf'en she began to teach, and she took her work so sed· ously that her zeal surpassed her strength. She followed teaching during the school months and the study of art during the summer months up until her marriage to Zephaniah Underwood on February 19, 1910, at which time she and her husband went to Hereford, Texas. to make their home, but soon after con· tracted a heavy cold which devel, oped into bronchial pneumonia which · became ch rODiC. In the hearts of her husband and f amily f ear alternated with hope a 1d The d'Isea~ I... '. mos t un t I'l th e en. h h d b t k d t b If se seeme 0 e c ec e • u er heart, weakened in her youth by . ht d ' a tern ' f i e eyc Ione, was f rIg urmg k She knew · unabl ~ to d 0 Its wor. that the end h8.l1 come and while
e--- -
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11 \
.I- .....Social Events
The of the ~ -~ -~ ..... ~ ...... .-.. •• - - - - - - - - WRyne Town, hi p Farmf rs' Club wa. helrllas Thursday at the pleasan t Dr. and M.rs. Cooper n~A Ethel Th art.! Club will m et at Ih e Saturday, March 4th. Sides' 6th I reo, Zell took in t he Corn Sho~ home of Mr, and Mrs. S, L. Cart. Williamson, of Dayton, al'e in Chicago, home of MI'. and MI'. , U. M. Whi te Annual Salt! . a co uple of days last week. wright. It was an id eal wi nter day for a couple of weeks. Wedn e. day night Go to Zell & Son for Tobacco Box. Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smi th is in Cin. and all but three fa milies respond d ' to 1'011 call. At noon a sumpt uous es. K . D's., $1.15. ri nnati atten ding the millinery open· 1'b', and M I's Fred H. Sherwo d. dinne r was !'erved, Mrs. Prank Zell, Mrs. M. M. Hale, of Topeka, Kanings, Mahlon Ridjl'e is out again after a Mrs. e has, ornell and Mi Blanche M i s~ Do rothy and MatH r Chalme r sas says in her renewal, "And of h r wood we re g u :;t8 of Mr, and course I can't keep house without the serious attack of grip. Mr, and ~rs. F red Elbon attended Ri lev a si. tini,!' th e hos tess. Gazette." the Corn Sholv in Columbus last Attn' the tables had been clear d M,·s, E V, Bar nha rt a dinller Sun · Harris Mosher and Dean Howell wet!lr. away , promptly at 2 o'clock, Presi· day. . were in Cincinnati Saturday. dent, Carl Duke called the meeting to We are indebted to our old friend, Mr. and M rs, MOll t Hoblit, of Miss Stella Lemmon is in Dayton, ord er, Rout ine business was at· W. J. Ro&,ers, of Denver, 'Col., for a The Beilharz En tertainers at the g uest of Mr. and Mrs, J as tended to after which the program .' pring Branch. E.' nl('rl ajoed at their paper from New Mexico called the hospi lable hom > 'u mh y, Mr an I School Hall Thursday evening , St ops, . of the af t !'noon was taken up. Santa Fe New Mexico. Mr. Rogers Mrs, Edward l lorgan . .\'iI' , an d Mrs , d' Mrs. Carl Duke g ave a reading on is at prtsent in ~anta F'e. working Miss Sue Crane re turned to her Mrs Lina Devitt is in In ianapolis Chas , Rye, I "Birds." I he CI:II'r nt Events , which for a calendar firm. for a monlh's visi t wi th re ativ~ , I . C' , t' I t TL d lome In Inc mna I as (mrs ay had been prepared by Miss Ma ry morn ing. Miss Nellie Wilkerson . of Spri ng Swayne. and l' ad by Mrs, Alfl'ed IVl r . and Mrs, e has John!!, o f Lyt Ie Hill, is visiting with reJati vf's here. Swayne. were a clear and conci. e BC' tieligh t fully enl erta iLed Sunday. Mr. The many friends of Miss Mellie MI', and Mr . F rank Elbon were in co unt of the world's doings dUI'ing and Mrs, J . M. KeYll, Mr. and Mrs, Cnuner were shocked to hear of her Master Alfred Wl'l'ght spent Sun- attendance a the National Corn the past month, and showed that the I Arnus Gook, Mr, an d M rs" C M . death, which occurred at Blanchestel day WI' tIl }'elatl'ves I'n Cen tel'vl·lle. Show at Co lumbus: wri tpr had gi ven time and attention Houg h, Prof. L E Carey, r·l1('s." r03. January 14th. Miss Cramer former· t o the matter in hand , Warren Keys and Kenneth Hough. ly made her home here with her Cad Hopkins. ot Lf'banon UniverMrs. L. S, Rhoades and daughter Mrs. Chas, Hough read a poem, cousin' Prof. D. A. Ferree. and wile, sity, spent Thursday wit h relatives are the g uests of relatives in. Leba· "Why Do You WOl'l'Y" which wa S and was a member of our High here. non fo r several days , I Mr. e.nd Mrs, Jl!son Sheehan very ~bool alumni having , graduated in h 'I t t ' d last Sunday very muc 1 t,o the point. g parting from her family expressed a Miss J osephi ne Ogle bee of OxA di.cussion led by Messrs, W. W. ~ ahrmm Yf Ben 'terShamhe of Center 1897. · t d b t all her St. Mary's Guild . will hold a mar· • r C T H k r'Th m onor 0 er ee an, . deslre 0 say goo yo · ket in thfl Town ~hip' h () use Saturdav. fo rd , has been sp nding several da}s ", I'ano and . . aw e on e 'II h ' d to M'ls" Stella oJ , Be t Me thod!I 0 f l\K'l ak'mg and Keep· VI ed, w 0f Swas' marne .~ Mr. Georgo M. Hammell, of Cin· frl'endo th roug'h the columns of t11'""" February 18th. WIth her parents hert;!. .b las t Thursday ing Up Good Roads," was entered Ree ,y, 0 prmg oro, I 'd fo a ll'm cinnati, has recently been appointed paper. M'Is, E va M'II d aug hter.. mto . a, · P u t man C0 . , M0 . . Sh e was b orn In Mr. and Mrs, Joe Wh ite, of Day ton J el' and by all present and add ed much evemng . Coverswere 'd fr ' d ' Fielcl Secretary of the qire<!t Legis· February 25, 1888, and moved were weck.end guests uf Mr. and Ml'S, J . L , McCune visite d relatives t.o the interest of the meeting. It ited number of cousms an rlen s. on lation League, of Ohio; an associa· witb her parents to Ohio in 1900. Mrs. F rank Zell. in Bellbrook last Thur day, was lhe concensus of opin ion that tion of wh.ich -Herbert S. Bigelow is the roads should be buil t of nothing After the regular session Monday SeCretary. It is the purpose of the Was a member of the Wilmington Messrs. J. C. Haw ke and C. M. Rev . Horner MiddletllD . of Yell ow but g od mat l'ial, properly rounded night the members of the Eastern Jeacue to secure the election of dele· High School class of 1906 but gradu· Star were entertained by Mesdames gates to the Constitutional Conven· ated in Grant's Pass. Oregon. being Robi tze l' at t ended a social in Ly tle . pring , wa the g uest of Mr . and up and properly kept in ordet' . temporarily I~cated there at that Saturday evening. Mrs. F. H . Fan Su nday. Rev J. F. Cadwallader was calJ~d Schwartz. Zimmerman and Mosher. tion who'shall be publicly pledged to , support the Initiativf.t and Referen- time. ' In 1906 she returned to Wi!St. Mary's Guild will meet ThursMiss Luell a Cornell has been the u pon and in his chl:l racterh.tic manner A dainty luncheon was served of , rYuest of hel' brother ', M, A. ornell. made a hear ty speech on the. theme bread and butter heart-sh. aped ~d· diam. ' To accomp'li&h this. arrange- mington, Ohio. and commenced her vacation in I day, afternoon a~ the. rector A '" f d ffi I did hed th ment:S are being made to publLsh In', teaching, spending 'n tbe Thomas school large attendance IS desIred, of Dayton for s ve l'al days 0 our s tate an C("Iuhty 0 1Cla s an wiches and sa a , garms WI (\f . ' . how to judge their works. Mr. Roi heart-shaped heets, which made the itiative and ReferendQm articles in the study art I Mrs. R. A. Cross was called to Noah Beilharz in his impei·sona. Reisinger gave a shor t · and interest· tables look a 'a St. Valentine. newspapel'6 throughout the State. at Detroit, Mich. and at Chauql.uqua Columbus Saturday ' on account of Lions is hard to beat. See him at l,ing talk on Canada and her r('.sources , ---"- . ,~d ~ hold meetings in ~he interest N. Y. of' tbemovement. If Waynesville , She was a rare woman. brilliant. t he serious illness of a sist er. SchoorHa ICThursdaye;ening. After singi n 1 America, t he meetdM 0 J ' Burnet en. rl , and. a II depllrte d f ee1- Mr: an rs. . g 11d Journe ' I a Iways f oun d' tn d' wen. the 12th of desi~ to hear Mr. Bigelow on this ed uca ted , th oughtfu, Mrs. F. J . Brown. of Leban~m, The Beilha"t·z Entertainers at ' ing that the t ime I',ad been well epent . tertamed ~t mner ~~ dM 8ubj~t"!lD opportunity may be had ' in the front ranks as a student and by conferring with ,the Field SeCre- teacher. and having a good grasp on was the g uest of her daughter, Mrs. School Hall Thursday even ing are of l The club g rows in interest every February. m honor dO . g anB ~s. le . the best in their lille. Go and see month. and it m embprs feel tbat Clem Burnet and au er desBMrs, . tary, '. Direct Federation Lea&"ue, the problems of Jifeanu living, She L. S. Rhoades, last Wednesday. M ·· ' d' .. ' ,an d on Iy tl·lem . . Mrs Louisa G'Burnet t hey cannot afford to lose a smgle' . ' r. an h. , Room 62, Bly~y!r Building, Cincin· was re t mng Jl1 .Isposltion, . ' . , . , Francis A Hartsock sons and daug th ose wh 0 were 111tlmately acquamt·naU. . Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to . E' meetlnv. f rom the fact tha~ each suc. 'd M I C Harvey -.-~--.-----~ 'e d with, bel' knew her ability and ofllces in ~he new Morris building. .Mlss mm~ ~Ielg~w~y returned eessive m etinl! is better than the ter; Mr. an rs. ~r. ~ DEATHS worth. So young ancl ~recently mar· next to the 'postoffice, Lebanon. ~ome f rom Cm mnab Monday , hav- 'ne previous. son and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. St.a mg been call ed there by the death of The g uests were Rev, and Mrs. cy M. Bumetand sons. :rhed~ywll1 ried with everything to live for, she of Mr. Yerd. Sellers. of dun&' eagerly to life. But at the Mrs. Priscilla Compton, of Dayton, her aunt. J . F . Cadwall ader, 'Mr. and ' Mrs. be to all of the,m a brIght pIcture Sprinirfjeld, was brought here Friday . ' f I h M rs. J ' ,: A F untey. I 11'{ . th e approac h 0 f th ~ mevd ,seemg en was the g uest 0, ler mot er, Dr. and Mrs. H "Q. Al X'anderhave !,.r. an d M rs. R0'' hung on Memory s wall . and interred in Miami Cemetery. she met bel' fate with pf'ace Mury atterthwalte a few days last retu rned to ' thei r home ill Elid a RelS1l1g er, Mrs. Hannah Rogers, Mr . .-Bal. J., F. Cadwallader read tbe itable, Cui reaignation. ' week . MI'ss EII'zabeth DavI's celebrated Oh io. after a pleasant viRit wi th rel-' and l\tr'I rs. ' D " L Crane • (omtnittai aervice at the·lrrave. Mr. The funeral was held on Monday ..... - .. - -her 68th birthday anniversary SunSeUe~ lived in New .Burlington for N. L. Bunnell arrived home Sun- ative her e. . KINO DEAD h a t 2 0 'I sf temoon J anuary 30 t, c oc k ReAPER day. Several of lier relatives an d many. years, but was well known by from her ' late residence on West da;y from ,Milw~ukee . where. he at· Jane Hudson Beilharz has a rich friends came in ' with well filled basmany here. Lucasatreet, Wilmington. and inter: tended the NatIOnal Canners Oon- cont ralto voice, anli is pleasing in W\n. N. Whitel y, the Reaper ketR to enjoy the day \Vith her. They ment was made in Sugar Grove cem- vention. her sketches. At School Hall Thurs- King. of Springfield. died at his home were, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson The three months old child M~. etery. Mr. and Mrs. Roi Reisinger, of day evening . Wednesday, ana the body was taken of Lebanon, Miss Louise , Bruker. of , and Mrs. John Tewell, of Lytl~, died At the time when her friends were to Cincinnati Friday and cremated.'. Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs , John V~n· 1 Piqua,~Oh io , are guests of Mrs .. Reisearly ' Monday morning and wal endeavoring to pay t h elr Mr. Whi tely was a well.known man able. Mr. and Mrs. Val Vepable, Miss nat reWm.,Smit h, son of MI'. and Mrs. inger's . parents, Mr. and Mrs, Elias buried in ' Miami cemetery Tuesday I h b spects to her 'eart Iy ta ernac e to Oglesbee. . l·'r ank Smith , who resides at West in Ohio. Eccen tric to the last degree Elta E/t.Jley and Saml. Davis. The 4 'afternoon. ' ' ' whicb they had become so attached, arJ eton. is seriously ill wi th typhoid \ he had a tender·hearted and sympa- afternoon was spent very pleagantl,Y ~i and w'hich tbey felt could not be giv· Messrs. B. S. Howell, J esse Burton. f ever. ., thelic nat ure, and all Springfield and Miss Davis w,ill remember thIS THE TOBACCO SHOW en up, there was found great conso· E., V. Baruhart and F. 'E. Sherwood . . . loved. him. This was attested to birthday above all others. The Tobacco Show JPven Tuesday lation in' the request that she made attehded the Automobi le Show in MI. " E lizabeth Stewart arr1~e~ Sunday, when thousands of people in the M~nie Banquet rObm, sur· du,r ing her last moments, that we Dayton Monday. ho f mhe Iu~sdakY af~tehr a p!easB:ntDvIslt were turned away from the Fair- Miss~ Clara and Emma Hawke Pas98d all e:lf;pectations. Tbere were get our thoughts above this clay. 0 tree wee s W I re latlves In ay- hanks theater. where a memorial ser h' h t at a Val, • ' 11,{ J C H k C M R b't ton and Hal\1i1ton. . ' wer~ thee armmg 08 ~ , f~i't~-nirie entries, an~ some hand. ULessrs. . , awe, . . 0 I , vIce.was. . held.. . . entine party M , onday. evemng at the L. A. z,' mmerman attended Mrs. George Stroud is at· her old H IS mventlOm 10 t he Ch amplon home of the former. Those present ..... 8CC<9 ,!las exb'b't""'" . I 1 ~. The ThIS ' d"v .., that. ,our memory holds so zer' and. , ·.,.!Orne, ~.!..b , Judiii,1rlesSrs. ' J. O. Sale, · Wilbur ' dear. . . Masomc lodg.e In Harveysburg last hom e near Falmouth KY ' where reaper and mower and other useful were Misses Glee Hess, Ada Furnas, , Clark and,Ed Rog.,rs baci' , to work Was beautIful, pure and fall' Wednesday Dlght ' ., • th ' . th f ')' d h'· Sh d w' hard;' as the tobacco shown was flne. And the soul that flew from ita bond-I . .she was ca!led on account of ,the t 1I1gs In f ~ ~r~m~h m;, ma e ~ Jose?hm~ Oi Ip.sbee, Ell~n Herwo\, "r ~_ . age here Mrs. Ida Keever, of Centerv.iIIe, serious illness of b~r mother. allonce a rleh~ 0 fe. ar m 7r • w dO Nelhe WIlkerson, Justma art soc d' ",alwr Whitaker took first premi~ ' . ' . ' a mourn lln as a nen d mdee . Lucile Cornell; Messrs. Ra~mon umand:C. S. MaXwell, second premTo that falrer world on hIgh attended Quarterly Meetmg Satur- M' PIC I . I f t M d - • B'l J h St n f . ff ' d day and was the guest of Dr and ISS ear 0 Vln e on ayeve· Conner, Emmor al y" 0 n raw, , ' A d f ium orr aeed,leaf, . n , ree rom Its su ermg an Mrs A T Wri ht . ning for Whi te Chapel, where she HAVE YOUR POULTRY SCORED Lee Earnhart, Lyman Silver, Ra}', On spariiSJi tobacco, W: A. Sur.worldly care . . .. g . will join a merry crowd of young · mond Davis Robert Furnas Fred, ~ay ever hov':-~l~h. Messrs. WiI.bUl', Ch.arles and Har- I Peo~l ~ .for a series of sugar camp .J udge Overholyer, of Eaton, Ohio. Hawke and Ralph. .sm. it~. The dl" ,face took. first premium. Walter ry Sellers. MISS Addle Sellers. Mr. festlVl L~es. WIll be at my place Wednesday Feb· version of the evenmg was cards and . Whitaker. ,second and Frank Dakin, . thircl~" A full ,Ust will be publisbed W. F. M. S. and Mrs. D. Q, Fox, of S p r i n g f i e l d " . ruar~ 22nd" to score my stock. He a dainty lunch was served. . and Dr. B. F. Lackey. of Xenia, at- I M,~ Mar~u en te Thompson left will have some extra time during the '. ,neiiweek. " '. There was a 'large crowd in atMrs. L, S. Rhoades anli Mrs. R. tended the funeral of Mr. Ferdinand ITuesday for Cincinnati where she day; and will score birds for anyone. h nd Alice Cartendanee, many c~mi~ from a dis· G• .cro~ were the pleasant host~ses Sellers Friday. will enter the Nurses' Training De. at lOc per head. You cart not tell MIsses I~ma ~OUg a h . : ~e4t. , ". to the Women's lo'oreign Missionary partment of the Children'S hospital, how gbod your birds are until they eyentertamed 111 a .most charhmmjl' ~--•• - . Society last Wedhesday afternoon at O. J Ed~ards was .summoned 'to 011 Mt "Aubul'n. are handled by an expert judge. He manner Monday evemng at t e orne POULtRY ~SSOCI~~ION the home of tbe former. The Vice· Dayton Sat urdal night, owing to the I ,. will be at my place in. the forenoon of the former. ~he amusemednts a~: . , pr~ident, Mrs: Funkey, opened' the serious illness of his sister, Miss Mar· I As we go to press, the conditIOn of and uptown in the afternoon , Bring forded were mUSIC, games an a va ,.Miami:Valley Poultry Association ' meeting by ~adin2 a·part of the 46th garet Edwards. ' Miss Trillena Ed. M rs. T. J. Browll is most critical. your birds to whichever place is the entine box. At the c1o~e of the evewUI~eet ~turday afternoon. Fe):>· 'Psalm and Mrs. A. M; Larkin offered wards who has been quite sick. is up For a w,epk past she has been unable most convenient. Write or phone ning . delicioull refreshments ~ere ." rqary 18~ 1911, at 2 O'clock. Meet a beautiful prayer. Afte~ roll call and a;ound. t tal,e·nourishment and her f,riends me for further information. served. The guests were: MISSes ,;". " i:l)~ will:l?e beld ~f ToWJ;iship House! and r~drnl' of the minutes, an in· f eel that the end is near. H H W d th ,Louella Janney. Edytha Maey. Grace Mrs. J. L. McCune left on Satur__ • . , . a ~wor '. Smith, Leafy Emley, R.es:lie Smith, :Quite a"number .of ,members from tereating program was rendered aq ,:n (orrow 'w llrbe,preaent,'and buainesS foI1.oW8: Pj~rio solo, MIss Pearl Col · day for her new home .in PrinCE-ton, WESTER:\' STAR CONTES], Phone 44- 4, WaynesV1l1e. OhiO, Elsie Gustin, Anna Vandervoort: • _. Masters · Caius Tho~p!lqn, Milt,on · 'ofjmpOrtan~ 'Will ebme uP 'for'con- vin; ' (;irn~ood' an-d Womanhood of W. Va. She was accompanied as .: ./ ,slderation. ,Evert inember"·is ,Africa,. Mrs. Mao,r ice Silver; "The far us Cincinnati by her mottier, Mrs. The. contest closed Sat urday evenA , FORTUNATE ESCAPE Thompson, Alfred W.right, ' Howard , , ·qu~ted.~" be p~nt~ ' b~ne8s Pocket Teet~ment League,", Mrs.~ , Eva Miller. where they saw Mont- ing and Miss R~ th' Wells got 1st and Gustin, Lee Lemmon, Carl McClure " . - ·rtf:, otiIDPoftanqe~w.til .,.com~ .up ·tc:ir cq~. 'L. Bunne~l: ' v~al B~10,· Mrs. L , S, 'gomery and Stone at the Grand'. .', - ~iS9' Ruth a olmes '2nd prize i~ the Mr. and· M~, J. B. Chapman 1'lar. ,-. ...- - aidentiog.· Ev..~ . mem~r i~' ,~e- Rhoadet; readin~,: "The Deacon ,and , ' .. ~ , ' ~Istricqro 2., In dis~ric~ ~Q 1 Chas. rowly ' escaped a serious 'accident I SOCIAL AT' LY],L~ q4.ee~ , to 'tiep.re8ent; ~ '.' ' His Daughter," MI'6. C. A.. Bruner . A. B, Sides' wIlI hold ,hIS 6th linnu- Frazer,got l st,and ,Arthur ,Steddom, Mond~y a(ternoon; , As they ~er:e 11;..,.\y.ad8w,o rtli, ~'y.'" .Mrs. J., A. Brow,n, ,· ,of Leban~Hi. al s,ale of rarrrl i~pl~ment~, surreys, 2rld . .The l,s t pri~e w~ ~.Buic15· ~u'n- ro~bdij}g ,th~ 'corner. at t~e ~athan The pupi~s of the L~tl€ , schpol will ,. <;\ .. , . .. ~ • . ' ' . '. mothar. .of ,M.-&'. ' IS,. · L. Rhoades, ,buggies, stock food~, whIps, hoes. labout and ,the' secong t~IPS to "Ber- Jones, resi~~l1ce, the horse ,beca,m e 'have a .soclal and snprt f>Dtertain~ , , . ~ \ ;'\\'R~LBSTATE TRANSFER \ gave 'an,inte.resting talk': 'descriptive ra keg' et(: , etc .• on ,Sat~rl,iay I M~rch inu(~a. .Qtlier ~tizes: dist~i~\l~ ~n ' frightened Ilt the' la,r 'fe b,owlder on ' meilt at Lytlo Hall February. 18th: , ,,,' ;','.,.',' '.. ' ot'the work o'f tbe.' Leb'an~m society' 4th • • T~e8e sales have ., become pOP- th~ way of diamcSnd ring\! a~d . ~atch. t,he:eorner and ,jumpi1'l~ to the other for' the beJtefit of th~ BC~o~l hbrary. \ 'W. O. Raper has:, sold bis lots on A 'p leasant 'social ii·o ur folJowtld ular' lind buyers look 'for'wa r9'. to es were, awarqed to-'Mi8;S ·.Est~~r 'Rei· side of tbe 'BtteetfelI: into the, ditc~ ': A.dml8S10n 6c . . Refresllptents s~rved 'FranklUi. JtOaci tcl s. L. cartwright. during which' r~fresbm'ents we~'e the~ \Vitl1 pleasure and ,as a ,proat to ~ld, Mason, Mi~ Lol~ Wpod' ~b~~, ,o vert'ill:n'iDjl'·, the ,buggw; ,Fot:.tunat~,~ atdiffe~en~.pl'ic~. ,EverybOdy C,ome, , ser\ped,," tlfe{Ilseives. ,. ' , non. ',"", ~" 11 the 'OCC~pants e&ql1),OO injury; . '~ e assure you a' &,ood time. '
. ...
. .
,~ ~~--~-,~~------~------~--~------------------------~~--~----~. ----~----~--~~-----
Stopa Pall, In the Bladdl'r, Kidney. and Back. Wouldn't It be nice withIn .. woek or 80 to bqgln to lI&y goodbyo forever , to thl! Ica1dlnll', 4rlbbllng', strl1hl.lnlJ', er too frequent plls.age .of urlno; tho forebead and lhe back·ot·the·hend aches: the stllchol and palnl In the bnok: the crowIng mUI· ele weakne811; BPOts bl'lfore UIO eyes ; yel· low Ildn; slug&lah bowols; awollen eye· UdJI or anklel; le8' cromps; unnatural short brenth; Ileepiesanells nod ths doIpondency' I havo a recJpe for. tbele trollblos that you can depend on. nnd It you want to make ... QUICK RECOVERY, you ought to wrIte and got a copy ot It. Mnoy a dootol' would chlll'go YOI1 f3.~ Jus t torT wrlUn& till. presorlptlon. bul I hnvo It and will be &Iad to lend It to you enUre11 ,tree. Just drop me .. Hne IIko thl.: DII A. E. RobInson. 1(-251 Lu~ Bulldlns, De~lt, 1IIIch.. and I will lend It by return moll In ... plaIn envelope. All you wUl see Tillen you cet It. tbl. reolpo contalna only pure, hnrmle88 remed'lel, but It bal creat hoallng nod pnln·conQuorlnl' tiower. It ' will quIckly sbow 118 power onco you \1.10 It. ao.-I thInk l'OU hl1d belter'leo what It Is without delny. I -eend you • copy tree-you can use It and cure yo\i.rlo ~f~~m~ .
Hill history of every I!;l'eat man, declares a well·known writer, begins at hIs mother's knee. Be· hind every great' endeavor and unsel1lsh deed, every noble 0&reel' of every lllustrious man wlll be found a woman-the frail and gentle creature whose name, \,Ierh'o.ps, remnlns obscured behind the glory of her son, but stream,s. And when sprlnr came they dUI the who began to teach blmhlgh hard, stony ground and plL'lted wheat and thougbts nnd Ideals and to llsp com. Thus tour years palised-t.nur years ot har4 \he words of "Our Father, whloh art,ln heaven." Abrnbam LIncoln's oareer began at the toll and hard IIvlng-nnd then Joseph Hanki died. Not long afterward the mother, worn ~ee of Nancy Hanks Lincoln, hIs mother. It as she who taught blm to r elld from an old with toll. followed; the brothers and dll.ugh· 'ble he came to know so well, who told him lers tnarr.led, and Nancy, lett alone, was taken In hy her Au.nt Lucy-a sist er of her mother, o storios In Aesop's fablos and helped him who haa married Richard Berry. This home , to study the "Kentucky Porceptor." was a happy one and Nancy greW up, cheerful It was sbo who taught him the ,letters of and pretty. the alphabet and first tralned his ,band to Wh ~n NIlDcy's father dIed be left a will. It !sorawl tbem. It was' she wbo Insttlled In hOO Js still on the r ecords of the Bardstown clerk's 8. hatred of elavel'Y and bY her own gentle loveliness Inspired a regard and esteem for office, and IlS will be seen, Nancy was the proud heIress of one heifer, n pet called Peld'y, ......omen wbloh lasted throughout bls life. Tbe will, which was probated May 14. Nancy Hanks LinCOln, one of the great 1793, quaint runs: I>resldent's blstorlans declares, was "stoop· "In the name ' of God, Amen. I, Joseph • houldered, thln·breasted; sad- at Umes mls· Hanks, of Nels?n county, state of Kentucky, ~r:\ble;" a gentle, kJnd, uncomplaining' wom· being of sound mind and memory, but weak ~, wbose life bad 'been one of' hlU'd labor, rwtth few enjoyments, and who died before her In body anel ~al1lng to mind the trallty of all (prime. This was ,Nancy Hanks ,LIncoln, who humllIl nature, do make nnel demise this my will nnd testament In the manner and iny on her deatbbed, tired and worn, her fnce last ~orm following, to wIt: !Wan, her thIn, bony bnnds cl~plng those of a "Item: J give and bequeath 'unto my son Illne.year-old lad, whol$e deep·sunk eycs were XluM wlth ,tears, and who, when he later be· Thomas one sorrel horse called Major. Item : I give and bequeath unto my son Joshua one ..oarne "a liberator of a race of Dien," declared: "All that t am or ever '1>ope to be lowe gray mure Bonny. Item : J give and beQueath unlo my son Wl1llam ono gray horse called 'to my mother. Blessings on her memory." From hJs mother Lincoln once told his' GUbert. Item: I glvo Bnd bequeath unto my Jr'lend nnd law partne..., ,WllUam H. Herndon, son Charles one roan h01'se oalled Tohe. Item: I glvo nnd h eq~eath unto my son Joseph one ~e believed he inherited his power ~f nnaly· 181s, his logiC, his mental actlvlty and hIs am· horse called Bald. Also 'the land ,whereon I \bitlon. Her memory rel1Ullned with him. one now ll ve containing one hundred anel fifty ncres. , ot the dearest things of hIll llfe-"" n~ble type "Item: I give anel bequeath unto my daugh· of good, heroic womanhood." ter Elizabeth one heifer yearling called Gentle. , Nancy Hanks ·wall live rears old when her Item: I gtye and bequeath unto my daughter ,parents sold their f~ In Vlrg),nla a!ld went Polly one helter yellrllng called Lady. Item: pioneering westward toward KentuckY. Nnncy I give flnd bequeath unto my dau~bter Nanoy ;was the youngest ,ot a famlly of eight chll' one heifer ~earllng called Peldy. Item: I give hon. Her father ~as Joseph Hanks and her nnd , hequeath unto my wife Nnnny 0.11 and mother NlUlcy Shipley, a daughter <!t Robert Illn,;ular my whole ostate during her life arter· Jahlpley. Nancy was born February &, 1784. ward to be equally divIded between ~ll my The journey westward was a per~lo\ls one, children. l~ Is also my w..sh and desire that .and It Is said Nancy waa lltolen by IndIans the wbole ot the property first above be:While oller parents were on the way. Roads queathed should be the property of my wife :",ere bad; In fact, there was only a footpath during her lite." .through tbe wilderness, where llaBaed the lonl Here, too, can be found a record of the seed IProceuslo n ot women nnd children on horse''back, men trudgtng beblnd driving the cara-- which budded so nobly In Josepb Hanks' grandsou. Joseph Hanks, unlike most of the '!Vans. pioneers, owned no slaves. When Nancy Picture to yourself the processIon, deHanks later married Thomas LIncoln they -ecrtbed by Justice Robertson-"through prl· bought no slaves and never owned any. vatlons IncredIble and perils t}l.lck, thousnnds Nanoy's lite whUe she lived with her Aunt <of men, women and chtldron came In succes· Lucy WDS happy. Sbe grew Into a young miss .alve caravans, forming continuous streams o,t of unusual beauty and became the belle of the humnn beings, horses, cattle and other domes· ·/tIc animals, moving onward' along a lonely countryside. ' She learned to read and write, ;nnd homeless path to a wild and cheerlesl nnd was consIdered exceptionally accom· [.tlshed. When she married Thomas LIncoln !land. ' sbe taught him to spell the letters ot his name. "Cut your eyes back," he continues, "on There are but few and meager desorlptlons that long processlon ot mlsslonarlel! In the of Nancy Hanks. One learns tbat she was ,cause of olvlllzatlon; behold the men on (oot, slight of figure, 'that bel' balr was pale golden, -wIth theIr trusty guns on their shoulc1ers, drlv, al,most flaxen, and her eyes were blue. Her ing stock Rnd leadIng paok horsell; and the wit wae ,nimble. 'Women, some walking with palls on theIr beads, others riding · with cht14re~ In theIr Suitors thronged the parlor of Aunt Luoy's' laps and other ohlldren swung In baskets on farttl. But Nnncy loet her beart to none; she borees, fll8tened to the talta of others going laughed gally at their 'protests, plU'rled their before' see ' them encamped at nIght, 'e xpect· Importunate proposals with Jest and was 110 lng to' bo massa.cred by IndIAns; behold them good natured, so Jllirthful and fUnny about it In tt>!! month of December. In that memorable that 0.11 remalned bel' friends. fleasoh of unprecedented colli 'cl!-lled the 'h~d ' . Nancy often w.ent to the farm of Joseph wlnter,' travellng two or three mnes a day." Hanks, at Ellznbethtown: , where 'she e.w her And ImagtllG ·Uttlo Nanoy Hanks, spindly· cousin, Thomas L'lncolD. Thomaa was a car· legged and golc1en·hlllre~" shtverlng> DB Ibe , pen tel'. and If tho records are true, the best In Muggled under "blankets, . pursUIng the ~ 'the country fOr:'DlaDy mUes. " ,' of the ,pioneers. In ,the chn~ who w~ to I " He not only hacked and hewed and cblseled ~ecome the mother of . Abraham Llncolll wU , wood wltl) skUl/' but be did wb'at none otbers DOW developed a QPur,ag~ ~n.4 ~"J'severnnce 1!ad sUcc8!;ltied f.n dolng-cblseled hla way Into which WIl8 ,t o be Inher feel aft~ w~!oh after. ' the heart of Nancy. ' . , wvd' mlU'ked 0'00 of the greatest of men. Thomas LIncoln hact &' varIed career. He Tho family lettled In Wasblngton county,was stro~g 'an 'ox, temperate :tn. hlJ habtta, Ky" wfo,ter. Hard work conrrotted them, an atten~ant at church and "faa ' bitterly OJ)eVGIl privatlon. Trees had tie be ,felted, a ~og posed to .slayei\t. Both he and Nanoy q'teed. cahtn bultt., IUld shelter erected for. tlie stbok. , In ' that. .Th~ cOuple ente.r ed' Into a mUTiqe Little Nancy, With bel' arsten, ElIzabetb , bOnd on JuDe"ta, 1808. ' On JUDe the oOuple aDd ,Polly, helped theIr mother, ~Jdng and wer~ married by a Methodtat preacher, the .ewlUC IWd preparing, the rode home. while Rev, Jel/IJe Head. who besIdes beIDa • eler..,the broth.n, Chatles. JotIhua, WUllam, Thoro· man, "DB an edItor, country judIe and' car. . and 1",epb, weDt .bont with the father, penter. eulDfl tl1 J&ftd ror cnlttvattoa tn' the aprlq. Ap4 a wecicllDs IIIIDW ' aolJU1a and 8111ed III tbt .cold Ut4
nnd her sbouldert stooped. But hel happy spIrit neve~ lett her; she had . a word of cheer fOI aU her nelghbora StorIes are told ot 'how sbe visited tbo sick comforted them, and bow, whell ber neighbors wcr« In dltnculty, her ten A Wom_n'_ Rea.-on. ' del' heatt wal ""Why," asks the InqUJsltive person, m 0 v e d nnd she helped ' tl:tem as best "do you enjoy having 10m.' one ten yoll that you are pretty, ,When -you she could. Her life was hard. !mow you are not T Does tt make you But there WRS cause beltevo that you are '" "No," ,he answers readily. "But It for ;Oy tn Nan 0 , LID"coln's life. L\ttle makes me ,believe thAt be . beUovel , Abe was her con, am. : '~Judg!!. «tnnt delight. At Important to Mothera night, . w h n he. ExamIne carefully every bottle 01 work was over, she CASTORIA, a safe and sure r~ed7 for would open the "pr90 truants and children, and s~ that Itceptor" book Bll4 , Bears the ~ ~j~ ~ , teach the two chl\ dren tbe letlers oj Signature O f _, the alphabet. WI~ tn Use For Over 80 Years. 'ibe Kind YOll lIaTO A!wqa BonaJi" ' what tenderness an~ love she must hav. A Robber, watched them at "Wore you ever confronted by • tbey stUdIed-so bard to memorize the A's, B' • robber?" ' , lind O's-and with what doting fondness sh4 "Sure ... • must. have tralned mUe Abe'" tiny hnnd , U "And did you pln.y tbe part ot ' a trace the letters on a slate! hero?" Dearly Nancy LIncoln loved the Bible, an~ ' ''No, Intleed; yOU ' cnn't throttle ,. there were readings from ' the sacred bookl gas rueter." there was told the old, old story. And tbos~ storIes Lincoln never forgot. When, In attel ONLY 01O!l"BnoMO~~" . life, he eleotrlfled ,the world by his eloquencq 'l'Imt It LAX.A·l'IYB 'BOOM . .. t f 'hI> 1Il~"tll~ ot Ilk W . on8~. . ~ '~wOrfl hts mastery of pure and perfect English an~ error to Ouro. (;0111-1n ODO~J'. ao. ' bls tempestuous oratory, he retold the sam4 stories- the stories he henrd at his mother'. It Is better to l.os8 In lovl.n,; thaD to. goln by sclt·sceldng. ' lenee. Life was not prosperous with the father. H4 left Kentucky nnd went prospecting In nllnol" where he took up land on LIttle Pigeon creetlj In Spe.n ccr county. And again the hard·worket wife -,vas co.1led upon to move her home. In Sl.talo~..an (W..t.m Canida) Wltb their furniture pQ.eked In a wagon 800 8 .. al",_I. theIr cow behind, the family started on theJI long pIlgrImage Iii 1816. During' the winter 01 18~6 and 1817 the family lived In a camp. The ,winter 'was rigorous: ' J1ncomplalnlngly the tender, gentle wom~ bore her lot, but her health slowly gave waYI her face became more wan. A rougb cabIn Will begun In the spring and life opened anew: Land was. cleared. Thomas LIncoln piled bls tTad. among the scattered Inhabitants of the solltaT3 regJon. They be"gan to prosper. But the life had been too hard for the tender, loving wlf. and she sank under the burden. One day In October, 1818, as she lay In hOI . bed In the little cabin, she called her two cbl1 dren to ber. "She took the hands of ' Sarah and the thin, serloul\·faced boy. "Be good to one another,~ she sald, brokenly, with Inftnlte tenderness Then she closed bj)r eyes. • The wonderful smUe deepened. The sunllght faded Into even. lng, Rnd little Abe, leaving Sarah kneeling b] , !he bed:. crevt away I\Dd climbed ,the pep In the , wa,ll to the garret, where be flung blmself 011 the ,mattress of leaves. Nlgbt fell, nnd from ,the loft came a .aUIle4 sound of sobbing-sobbIng repressed, checkeo1, restrained, yet so poIgnant, so keen, 110 hean fotlorn that the father, returning home, paused helU'lng It, bls heart sinking. He knew the 8no, Ught of the boy's life had departed. Many years art!!"ward people wondered at the sorro~ moUlded IndeltblY on the face oJ LIQ.coln-lIke agony graven on a: 1II\1re of stone. . Before the next, December Th<'mas LlneolD · married Sarah BUsh Johnst~n, a "Idow, ';'h~ It Is sald, ' had reject(!d hl,m many ,years before' In later ,7ears, ~hen Lincoln,'. Blalu "hJ1)ude4 . ' In so~w, sat. br ' the bedild, of .hf' ,lIttl. IIOD, Willie, 'who. was -dylnr, ,he cried In . d8llPali'~ "~~Is Is the bard est trial or my . Ufe: ~r.' II It? , Why. I. It?" , A nurse who bad· 1o Bt".her ' bu band 'and, ,chUdren tOld, h.m Qf 'tiel" ._ ,. ....... ,, 1 ;r:~;~,~:i/~ J~ I'But I trust In God, I rely UlIOn 'hla !" coin sbook hi. he_II eidJ>'. On' tbe daY ,or the fUnera1.be asked the' ouNt' !Ul~ ..ome frIends to pray ' tor hlm.< ''I wUl trJ' to 1O.,to GOd with my BOrrows," he sald. ' '1 wtali I haa that cblldllke faith lOU lP4!u 'of; I ~" Gocl ",Ill "va It to"me." · " , Therl hi. memory traveled back over tbe y~- ~d bll ant loss by death came • hlI ml"a, , Be t91(1 of bls mothor'l .~ftd8Dt In the "IMoua of God. ''I NIIlelDbel' ber ...- Ie . lD a low .at.,
To Arrange Flowe .... Here are five golden rules whlcb abould be observed by tbose who often' arrange lIowell. Ue& plenty of foUage. Put your Aowers In very lightly. Vae arUstJc Ilasses. Do not put more than two 01', at the most, three dIfferent kinds of Aowers In one deooratlon. ArraDge your colors to torm a bold contrast or, better still, a 80ft ba~ mony. The aim of the decorator ahould be to show of! the flowers-pot th. vases that contain them; theretore the simpler ones are tnr preferable to even the most clahorate. Glasses for a dinner table should be elth'e r white, a dellcate shade of green, or .role col· or, accordIng to the flowers arrallle4 In them.
c1le11s, Sbtpleys and Berrys, Nancy's cousin II, relatlns lind friends from tbe country round· about. In a pit near the house a great 1!re w~ built, ovor whIch a sheep was placed and barbeClued. During the morning It roasted, covered by green boughs, and after the wed· ding It was cut nnd served for dhiner. Thero wore venison, too, nnd Wild turkey and duckn. The wedding was remembered for years. "There was no Mnt of future glory In the wedding or bringing home of Nnncy LinCOln," wrote NIcolay and HIl3'. "All accounts repre· sent her as a bandsome young woman of tll'cnty·three. of appearance and Intellect su· perlor to her lowly fortunes. She could read and wrlte-:-a remarkable accomplishment In her circle-and ,even taught her husband to form the letters oC hIs name. He had no SUCh valuable wedding gift .to bestow upon her' he brought her to a little house In lli\lzabetht~~, wbere he and she and want dwelt together In fourtee~ feet square!' For two happy but needy years the couple llved In a log cabin on tbe banks of what ,was, then known as Mill creek. Picture to your· self that home of the young brIde-a sIngle room, with a huge ftreplace, where logs burned In wlnt",r; an Iron pot suilpended from a crime, rough ohalrs hewn bJ" the carpenter husband ,of logs, a number of crude . benches, a bed made of roulh 'trees from whloh the bark bad not been removed, a spinning wheel by Which the Industrious wife Bat and wove tbe material for clo,t hlng; a room la.ckl!lg In comforts, trolcal of the plon~r cablne , o~ those days, wIth an opening above Into a 10ft, reacbed by a ladder, where things were stored. There, one dn), In 1807, Nancy's Ant baby was born'. It was a ltttle girl, and was called Nancy, after the mother. Later the llttle girl's name was chnnged Sarah. Tbat was when Thomas Lincoln married- his second wife, e. rah Bush. Tbomas LIncoln owned a farm near Buffalo,' which be had bought In 1803. During the two years he llved on Hut creek he cultivated the farm, Improving the 81'ound, and ' there ' he moved the spring fol1~wtng the blr~h Qf Sarah. I~ their lite of, Lincoln ~lcola1 nnd HBY write: "1'bomaa LIncoln aettled down In thJs dlamo.l flolltude to • deeper Pove~y than any of hfa, name had oyer known; and there, I~ the mldlt of the most unprQmlllng ,.clrcumatances that ever witnessed tbe ·ac1vent of a hero Into thIs world, Abraham Lincoln was born 'bn Feb·
1.2; 1809." . ' .. -,' The 'tamlly, however, could 'not bave been
extremely ''destitute, for. we are told, they had a cow Rna a calf. milk and .butter and a 'feather bed.. What wealth! 'When Abrahilm Wa. ,four tb.e faintly moved &gaIn-this Ume to a cablD.. altualect 'On Mnldraugh'" ~11. Tobe,ea third ' ~hlld wal born. which dIed wbeft ' a few montha' , --, old: ' ~ . Of th~ life of , Nan..ct 'Lln'cOln at tlilii 't ime noth1D~ bas been w:rl~ or JlIs boyhood' Lincoln hhnseU .eldom 'spoke. ' But one can lmagtn~ ',t\1e , putleut, wO~an, atobe ~d 1lD.~ elated, ,Ileriorinfna, th, 'work of ber JlQulebold" , teD~ID' .the cows and Dlilldn, them. D&Jdng butter, eleantn, the meagerl, fClIllJahed· cabin , In whlcb the tamll1 11'".4. GOOkia. anei iplnnlil, cloth of whlcb flhe ,JQI.de tbe 'Pf}DtIlta for . ber bQ!Jband Uttle ad AM.
Iled ftOlil
het' Ob1.~,:~ttJ~~~~.f,_",· ,f: :iI.:r:4:IIIt~ r
SplendiH Crops
111ft: rol1i~'tN.....·, ..ttlc·l
Gil",,'" ClaIm. Pre~en\ed at W••h Inllton Are ,Contradloted , ~mlrloan
Christ's ' Most Marvelous Miracle
Powerful Weapon Brot:;,ht to Be.r In the Fight Against Tube", culosla,
Th.... Ie ' Probably No Other Known R.mttdy the Fame of Which Be· oam. World·Wlde With · So Llttl. Advertiling ". ,Rellnol.
Just how serious a problem tQbercuThat'. what it COIU to get a-~'. Waihlncton~ 'D, 0" Jan.--The cottoD treabDen~f C.\SCAJlIfl'S. They 10sla Is t~ the Ilverage oburch. and In ' Joferlt won. ~ol did the wor~ - ..,.o'Wln• • tt.tel are p&rttcularl:r Intel' do more for you than any medlclDe ,ust what ways pastors are called up· . .k( In Utt., potnlh oontroversy beIt cured where' other remedies foiled . on Earth. Sickness generally shoW. to mini ster to those suffering from on , tween th. State Department and BerIta · grateful user told the next /lutrerand starts firet in tlie ' Bowels anel. thlil'$i!sease, Is the subject of an Inlln,' since the future price of fertilizer little fi\lth man 'has III er. and he In tutll told another sutrerLfver; CASCARBTS cure thcee ills. vestigation which tho Nat!onol Assa-It's 80 eaay to try---why not .tart tob 4lreoU,. alteeted by the outcome. the unkno wn ! As soon sr, And he anotber, and sci on nnd on clatioh tor the Study und Prevention its fame spread by this magical verbo· and have lielp in the mornin~' German Interes.ts bave ,fUlt made rep. . as he Is bl'ought near or Tuberculosis Is conduotlng In can· night 'res@tatlon to ,Secretary Knox similar lhe unheard.of and the graph u~tlI It encircled tho world" CASCARBT8 roc: a boz for a wm'. ., tor Tuberculonoction with Ita plans treatmeut, all drugsrlata. DJa9t IM!lIer in etrect to thOlo assertions made by unfam iliar his hah' be- The world knows n.ow' that Rcslnol ill the worl4. MWloIl boKa a month. sis da y on Apr il 30, BtaUsUcs are torturing disease, ciroular letter to the mmers through· . glnB to rls on end, In. WUl cure that beI ng gathered fro m thousands of out the '!touth clalmtnl' that the Ger- stead of lnklng It for granted tbat God Eczema, Your druggist wlll confirm It.. ministers regarding tbls subject, and KNOWN SINCE 18l6AsRELlABLE tell you that It is a quick mlln potash law, wbJch placea a pen· Is In tbe unknown, and t hat therefore and olso a mong other flgures the number ot and certaln cure for Erythema; {or alty on mlnes BeJI~s beavlly 'to Amel' Il Is fri e ndl y. Itlnd, and helpful, he deaths lnst year fro m tuberculosIs In Tetter, for Herpes, tor Psorias is, for fcam at a lower price than has for- sees In lhe unknow n a horri ble spec· the cburch congregation will be given, morly fu)ed, fB merely a part of tho tre, and screarus In t rrol', If John ErupUon of Polson Ivy, for Impetl· It Is pla nn ed to place these statlstlcs, ORCAPSULES and all eruptlve skin diseases, It go .~meral COllSe"atlon policy of Gel" or Peter had seen a fl ylng·muchlne " Mummy, darling, will you tell me togethe r wIth oUler educational ma- SUPERIOR REMEDY FOR MEN I TC ~ 1, is perfecUy harmless and Is the best many. dnrUng a 'ross from Gadam to Belhte rlRI, In the hands ot every minister "TDH\ Ir.(~,~'F, TIlI AL €lUX B' MA I L 50' somotb lng?" Accordmr to Ochslmus, a leading saldn, they would have bad the same appllca.tlon for tbe chafing of Infants, In tbe country for hi s use In connec· PllI"'HN 9 .H11 tlRY :;T bfiCJOIIIY', r-;, ''Well, wbat Is It, dear?" Q~rman I'eologlst, there ore oboul tear. So should w , a few years ago, for Milk Ra.s b, Bcnld Helld BIld other "Arter I've finished scbool, what tion with Tuberculosis day, Millions Infantile Ikln troubles, It slops the 89;000 square mUes of potash In one If t hey had seen Il. atel\mboat plowing shall I do wbllst I'm waiting to be of cI rculars and pn.nlpblets on the pre· A COllNTRY SCHOOL fOR GIRLS' HcUon of Germany, each of these Ita way from Dethsaida to CapernaUlil, Itching of Pruritus Ani or Itching married!" 'nllltltJn of tuberculosis will a1eo be In New York Cily. Best features of COIll1contalnlDg some 60,000,000 tons of they would have b en equally frlghl- PlIea Instantaneously. Its e fftcacy for Issued, botb from the national offioe try and city life Out-of-door aporta .,. trouble alono has m. a de It Indeed thlB ,pure potasb. This same authority ened, as we IIhould· have been a few and from the h eadquarters at the .60 echool park of 35 !l-CJ'cs near the Hudsoa One'l; Own Heaven and Hell. a boon to humanity, Reslnol Soap .tates that the nnnual output from decadea ago, Who kll OV,'S what mys· Most of our grief comes from wltb- anU·tuberculosls associations who wlll River. Academic Course PrimaryClasato these mlnea Is about 600,000 tone each. lerles that now cause ollr fl eBb to contains the same medication In a In- we torlu re and torment our very co·operate In the movement. GraduatioD. Upper c:lass for Advance4 Special Students. Music and Art. Writ. and be ftgurel that If the annual out· creep will by next yoal' becoDle com· modllled torm, It la delightfully ra- 80uls, Each man makes his heaven fresll.l ng for the bath, keeps the skin for catalogue aDd terms. 'put ebould Jump to 6,000,000 tons nn- monplaoo In ollr lives? - each man makes his hell, Each man An Invarfable Assumption. IIIss ..... KIIs'.......... . - . _ mr. SL.lcst.l .. DuallY. It would ellll requJre 621,600 Indeed. was not t ho air, lIerllUlls, as alwnys pure and maintains the rudd y knows wben and wbere he Is right, "It must be dreadful to have any of rears to exhaust the lupply. · . ' ramJUar to Christ as the water? Who glow of health. It glvel luster lo the JUSl DS be knows when and where he your relaUves become Involved in Another of Germany's ~sertlonB II knows? On t hose night!! whlcb He hair and keeps the scalp free ot dan· Is wrong. Each man realizes jus t e oa Ddl~1." The most democradc thlnB In that the lay doel not discriminate spent by Himself In prayer among the druir. Reslnol Salve and Reslnol Soa" wheN! Bnd when he Is weak, and when "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne, "The the world qalnlt Americana. The brief of the hlllB may He not often have moun~ed are tOl" sale in all drug Itoru, R. and wbere he IB strong, But' many only possible compensaUon is the ex4merlcan potuh buyerl committee to the sk ies, and thus have withdrawn inol Cbemlcal Co" BalUmore, ~". tako ontl rely too many lib erties with tent to wblcb It causes you to be 1m· .uhmlttad to congress polntB out that, Hlmselt literally from the freta of mediately written about as a member tboDls Ives.-Exchange, ." under the law ' aa recently passe4 by earth Int o the "erenlty or Heaven? , A Tr;anuctlon In Stampl. of the most exclusive society," The stamp vending machl n I In· German:r, . the mlnel of the potash Do you think that the possosslon' of WORLD OVER KNOWNTHB Crutches or Bier., truat .Jn that country were allowed a Buoh a power would hav . separated stalled in many stores and IIbopa about Diphtheria, Quinsy nnd TonailiU. bejrin nl hard roker, at 0. dinner In New proportion of ou~put luftlclent to sup- Him from us? No more than walking the city ale not favored by II. worn lin Yorlc. xpressed ' , D. distrust for aero· wit h sore throat, How mucb better to cure a sore throat in n day or two than to ply the world, while tho \ndependent on tbo sen, And we may dp both who hurried Into a drug Btore In Mas· planes, ' be in bed for weeks with DipMherin. minoa that had made contracta to sup- SOlD day: bot.h mny be a mong the sachusetts avenue several days ago, Means an IndepeDdence tor 1It8. BeVf.Doo "There's Il othln.( und erneath tbem," ' Just keep Hamllll8 Wil.ard· Oil in the teen cente a day will buy a five ~ , ' ~IY the United ' States at a .roduced "greater things" tbat are reser ved fo r where there la a branch !lost office, he saId, "If the least thing goes bOUle. tTUok farm In tho Penaacola District.: "How do you sell your t wo-co nt wronl!', down they drOll. pl'lce were Umlted to one-fourth at ChrlaL'R dis Iples, W hy limit th sub· Our Boll expert and demoDstratioD tarua, Enlightenment. their actual eales alread'y made to us. dulll ~ of Jlatu re to which Ood com- stampst" ahe Inquired Indignantly. make. mill takllll Imp0881bln. Come to "I suld 10 a Londoner tho other "A burlesque," said the occasional land of SUNSHINE AND SUCCESS &all' "Two centl apiece," replied Bassett. day: In addlUon a penalty ot $22 per ton mands us? It Peter could walk on wo wLII help you make good. Write ~ "Well. that's· all right." IIhe replied, 'Was Imposed for overproducUon.. ''thua the waves, by falth, and as long ns hlB •. 'How I!' you 80n getting on since theater·goer, ' ''J. n sort of take-otr, day tor our cs:cclltional olrer . Isn't It?" while IIhe fis hed In her purse tor a he bought a flying machine?' the "lleDaltJ_ faUs ,ejclu81y~IY upon faith endured, may not we aleo ? PENSACOLA-REALTY COMPANY, pUllcor.. Aorl_ " It Is," rap lied Miss Cayenne, "It coin. "Thls Is the ftfth place I have ahipmenta to this country and mdi,Walking W.lth Christ. "'On c rlltches, like the rest of you judge It by the costuming." rectly upon tho consumer, And trul y: thougb It mny not b 0111' vlslled after s tamps. At all the other them: tbo Londoner replied," C .ln118 FActORIES FOR SUI AD. eltort Is apparenUy being made du ty or our prlvll ge to ·wnlk out on places .they had those slot machines F•• '."",., L. ... Cemmu .." trca ••• T ...... 16.u..l'rioIe W create the tmpresslon that this c9 n· , this mystery, ther Is no reason why where you have to spend a nickel tor Dr, P ierce's Pleasant Pellets 1'C:lUlate 185 to$850. Capadds .. bllth . . trovel'sy Ie really, ,, contest between we s hould not ask Christ's perm ission two two-cent stam ps . 1 made up mY ' and invigorate stomach, Iivl!.l' and bowels, 0,000 12M tomaloel ClJ'IO,OOQ ~ tiny granule8, easy to take frullllln 10 bOll1'1l. ~: Jtp..1be polloy ,of the Gi!rman government to walk out towarll Him on thl R or mind not to be held up If I had to os\lgar·conlcd, <:nndr. Five Years of Severe RheumatIsm ~t af1l8dr. or ICII'l!..l.~brp_a.7!!lentll. or foreUltoo and an. Amerloan trust. The fact Is any:- other domain of the unknown : walk' all over the city-. Give me two Wrlt.for Booklet. 11IOL U. BlOWN. 81J1i1d11d. ... I The cure at Henry J , GoldsteIn, 16 that (here Is no lIuch complete and and It He says "Come," I t us not de, slamps." Pr!\ lse Is enooltraglng; It br ings out Barton Street, Boston. Mus.. Is anothTJie woman laid down a dime and power(ul trust In the United States serve the rebuke lie gave \0 P eter, Hood'. SlU'lIapa.r1Ua. the best that 13 In a man and Inspires er vic lory by al th1e German ,ltotaab 1YD4lcate. " 0 thou of IlttJe faith. wherefor dldst hurried out with two 'twp'Qent stamps, him 10 do his duty cheerfully and ThIs great medicIne haa succeedod In mnny CI1l!.es where othel'll have utterly Thla I),ndlc&te actually thou doubt?" To us the toss ing waves leaving six cents tn change lying 011 [n.Ithfull y.- lienry Lee, "I But· failed, Mr. GoldsteIn say.: the epUre potash eupply of the wqrld, of aU the unknown shul be as a level the sl:\Ow case, She did not return ,fered trom rhoumatism fivo YC!llU'S. It IndianapOlis New~, ' kept me trom busIness and caused ex· lave for "the ~o mlnell ~that broke Hoor, It Cllrlst bids' us come io Him Mrs. Wlnslow'lI SootnJnl' tfyrup for OhlIdJ'eD cruclaUng pain. My' knee. would beaway frOm the truJt and iold to Amel'- upon the waters. , Uet.hlnlL'. 80rtell8 !.be IflUIl S, r educe8 Inaamma· come a. .urr a. Bteel, I trted many Unnoe.e ... ry. tlon, AIl6J~ PaiJl •. cure. wbd colic. t:>c 'a boUle. medlolne. wlUlout rellet, then took leali bUJen, In thIa C~~DtrT there In one way of 100kJng at It, t he Hood'. SOl'llallarllla, Boon felt muoh Ind "Do you tell your wUe everythlnc are ' ~bout' '10 different fertiliser manu· greatest of hrlsl.'s mlra!!lea WBS not bettf1r, and now consIder mYBelt eD- I'RIIII OA'l'Al;()QUIJ OJ' BPLBlfDID 1lAllGAIDThe one 'Who fnces the world c:beer- tlrely 'f"oturere olIDI', potash. and of these the healing of any disease, boweve~ you do .whlle she la awayt" . cured. I recommend Hoo(\'.. " B. D. ()llAJI!'IN a 00" 1_, IUabmoncJ. v_ about 7& .Per cent are Independent of severe, alnce the s ick men had Intelll· , "No; ' the nelghborl attenlt to that," fully wUl tn ·the 10Dg rUn accontl'hab Get it today In lIBUal llQuid form or Houston Post. ' much with his ute.-PunahJon. any tnaet aftllJatlOll. gence to which our u;rd could · al)ehocolated tablr.ts called Saraatabs. . . w. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 5-1tt~ Another' claim ma'4o b1 tbe German 'peal; nor was It even 'the raising of commltte~ at ·the White House 'Wal to the dea.d, alnce there w re 'departed the etrect that the American buyel'1l spirita that could be summoned to rebew that .. 1~" 'Would be pU&ed pro- inhabit their old·tlme tenements. TJle. '~EveTy Tt~ fo1"'~en !btl. and pen· most wonclel'Cut' of tbe mlraoles •. as I altle. to be aisee8ed, ,that the), think, wer those tbal swayell Inanl· made ~.. e.eQlllractll with this bowl· mate creation, those that .mastered edge In mind. The' American comQ11tr the winds and the waves, .when He tee stateS poelUvely tb~t this IntorJllll. stilled the st'Orro and when He walked " 'tlon 'Wali brought to tbem after the on tho water, contracta w~re' made, and used as a The , walking on the water WIU! a 'club hi an attempt to force them to greater marvel than even Ule sway· &tva UP the contracts' alrea4y entered Ing at the vas t aJr·currimtB of the ~ ot(), 'Which would ~ave reduced the 'world, since It was a commanding ot prIce of lertlU,er materlallT In thll gravity. a force ' beyond tbe world, a country. " forc e tbat some hold- to be the cen· , A~ oIDclal htgh In ' the governxpent tral re8ultant of all forces. the power bere II au~oHty '01' the stat~ment that unites all the plallel:1J and stars , t'hat the cost of this controversy mUlt of the universe, Gravit y Is stili, after 'noccssarfly tall upon 'the consumer, ,all , these centuries of thougb t and In· '. a~a that It should;' therefore, be set· vestlgatlon, the one deeJ)est mystery ' tIed gulcklY. While the 4me~lcan of nature: yet Christ ,,~ a9 as enslly eompanlea payIng a penalt, 1!ave D'et ,master of It IlS of the l a y 011 which , the pncee made ,by tho German trUlit He walked 01" the cou h on wh ich H , that ~ya DO pen~lty thIs baa een lay down. I dODO at a 1081; and stould 'they witbE"II Temptations. . '4r~ from, ~e field beca~se of thl., it :fs tnt reanng t.o note that. all of the pHce or fertiliser ~ this eo~tr1 tho ' tm e wrong t hi ngs that bl'lst dictated by "the GermlUl was tempted to do In lhe wlldcrn , ss he , wou14 " did' later when they were righ t, when , a1'onopoly u,ll1trammelled IIi Berlin. no teml>Ung of God or yielding to Satan .Waa Involve~. He dId not make bread from stones tor Him self, but W eary is.the back that bears t4e burden 6f kidney ills. There's no rest or peace for the man or ' , DIfficulty 'In Eu~pe ,~uc~ellfLl.lIY · Ollel' He made bre'ad from prnctlcally not b· woman who has a bad ba<;k. The distress begins early morning. You feel lame and .not refreshed. 'Ing for 9,000 persons, He did not do , come by the. lxercllo of 80me It's hard to get out of bed. It hurts to stoop to tie your shoes. All day the ache keeps up. Any sudden ," I?lplo'll~),' .' ,!!Omage to satnn to win all the k ing· _ doms of the world, but B e won them movement sends sharp twinges through the back. It is torture to stoop and straighten. At nig,ht the f!uf, In the eltrl~ da,ys--tlf the ~Ign of the by wa.y of the oross: "A,nel I, If J be ferer retires to toiS and twist and ~ro.wn. Backache is kidney ache-a throbbing,: dull aching In the kid- J , , tat, K.tq Leop~ld ot Oelglu!n a seV' lifted up, will d!'a\v all men uuto m'y· neys. Plasters or liniments \Von.t do. You must get at the cause, i.nside. ' . '. flntb son wair born to a Brusaels wont· self." ·And He did not dery gravltn , t .• un, and ~hen ' the 'king heard of it 'and tlon for th e Buke ot Inen's applause, was told that the boy ,vae ~o seventh, throwing Himself from tho Parapet of sl1cc~s.sly,e one ~nd that no girl ba4 ' tho' To'm ple, but He defied ' grnvltatlon ,< (10 to tbo family, he aeked ,t o bQ.. the llone t lh) JesH, walldng alone fit night ., ba~t8 «Odfather: ~\'er slpct? , ,then ' over the abysses ,of' the sea . 11. Is oVe." . sevenYl IOn born In Bru~sels thus with many Qf the Devll'R t mpla.COMPLETE&;.Y PROSTRATED. ;' ;'b. liK4,tlle"lIame' honoa:, and the, Q)o~· tlons: they are evil only while he Is WEIGHEI) ONL V 80 POUNDS. have. rec~lv8d gms In It.~plnl Itssoolated with them. " W!tb I thetr ' Itation In ' life: King AI, ":::be".t, I~ carJ1'bag out, the old adage . 8 Byron DenneUe, 1018 St. Clair Aore., Painful SymptOJlll: Backache, sideache. pains . . IIhort tlme ' ago, . had aome dlftlculty Chrllt's Wltne.. es, £&at. J Avervoo1. O'j 6&YI: "I W1UI bel,,'when stoopin!! or mtin!!. sudden sharp CIl8 in bed with kid, "~cauie the 8eventh BOJl. ,Was . twlna," Every ' conf~ssed ' follo,w er of Christ. ney trouble. I ran .res, rheumatic pains. neural!!ia, painfuJ, '. ..q(lOl'lIl~, 'to ;the ~an~urt~r ~eltuna· I. dally bel ping or , harming Christ's do,rn Ullti1 I wciah· scanty or too frequent urination, dizzy spells, ". ,"'ij4) CQ!,ld~.n9t stand fot bothb<1Ys, , cause among , men, . 'While those who but 80 pollDlll and dropsy. . everyone thought I tl8Uae,I'that wQuld give 'tbe ,famfly .t wo h"ve not accepted Christ are ufiller had consu::nption. A , , Iberfs, ' The: 'remedy" was : found by just a8. mu~b obUgatlo"n to' do bls Urinary Symptoma: Discolored or cloudy speciall.t gave mB ; Queer) , ElIu~th,', who '1 u gges ted ' tbt 'Wll1.as those who hD,ve accepted him, urine. " Urine that contains sediment. Urine up and IiO did Ill1' ,~ bet 1lttle , aon, t.l!e, duke" ~f, 'Br<~ba~t; uevel'\heless It Is t:o ·, hi!!' fo~lowo,rs home physician. sur. that stain,Sthe linen. Painful ~assalles, - Blood , bet"e go~fatber ;, of. ,the elgh~b b01, that 't he world properly 100"a tor ev!. PrWnlL u it may or shreds in ·the urine. Ut .3 bottle of the -m. I WtuI aple to . " ho' f''!ita~,~~p" r.ecel':,~4 .Jhe ' na~e C1~'pce in fav()r of,:~r agal~ljIt Chr,l~t's leave n:Iy bed after mornihi urine: stand for 2~ hours. If itshows of; ~c:p,?l,d ,\, '" -. .. " clalml, It . has , beeri :<~ld that ' "the . IIIina aix boXCII of cloudy fleecy settli~lr, . o r a ' ~yer of fine a ~. '.' . Christian, very fi'equ~nt)y . 18 the only Dom's Kidney Pill. and for aix )Ul'I v.ijns, loce br,ick dust. the kidneys are probahave remained b-ee frOm kidney traU· , Wb',re E'~r la ,8t~che,~. , 'Blble Uiai:' tlie world be indtlced , , ~1." , ~ly disordered.. .' , . . tX> 're~d.i' , ~tile pages ,of out' JlCe ' .. Ki,ijcl(!~Ji~y ~t lI.tenlnt ~ ~6at t. " ,' . ' '. :..~ i. . , 'P.~lent,p.g) ' or, m illril)resenting, our ,;~SK'~e~~er l~ve tn , a ·flat w~Ul " ., Sa.v 'our .'to the ,,"'Orlet? The world'l . '::.1 . " to read "ill .. ,Bb'<Jng alljl ' ~~II , dum b ~at~eIl1 my ~ltne8aea" II , for the UblnStlans ot .t.od'ay ' ev'e n a8 ,tor 't tle , t ·0 . d . .. '' : .,I.'. . !lpc~!!~lle ..... 0
. C &C
Ai; K
Knees Became Stiff
Virginia farms
Picture Tel13 a Story"
, 'eta
How To Tell ,When The Kidney. Are 'Disordered--
• ~.uer
U._.UIC ... I
_uu . . •.. . · .••uaUUIfllCu_a
Ktltle to Charln 8n.,li, r A NEW BUILDING doreo in. Hamilton tO~D8hip, 1, _ _ _ \*2000. 'or thl Young Ladle. at Ohio atatl . .... . W. D: Sawyer ~l1e8a Archer, Unlyeralty. : om .non Pleas Court. Ot tbl 2.803' students enrolled In 100 aoree, $1 etc. Maria M. Romine t9 Ella.. Og.l68-1 ttle Oblo State Unl verillty this year • . Ne\ Suits bee, IS.26 aorM tn Ma88ie township, III art women. The number baa .~ ~ ~.-.-. ~..........,. ~.-. 10 E. MOIlOt~ ent.ere~ snit fl, et-o .bown a remarkable Increase In reRICHinst BIII'fY Mo onts tor !t limony . J!'r~nk W. and lSarah L. Idoothard eent years. haying almost doubled In '~nd 0 0 11tS. Petit ion stu ' es tbl\t 'he to WIlliam M . Honter. real l'IItate the lut five. Tbe 6SZ youbl ladle. o uple were W Tn"d' Februar y in Lebanon. t1 eto. are dl.trl butsd among the varioul deII . • ~rtmen ta as .follows : 191 are in Dol 94 at Loveltu:ll Hpd t hllt det endllnt Marrllll'" Licenaes. Ineatlo Bolelloe. 2- tn Al1'lculture. 3 Utl.M been guUty ,"f t'xtrewe or nelty . In Law, a III Pharmac7, 2 In Arch!Htau)ey & ' tuDI .Y lira a Uorneys for G E . Roland, 48, farmer of tecture. 48 tn Education, and 384 are the plllintift'. Waynesville and )lr8. Edith M. In tbe Colle,e of Art.. . It; f S fU i WbU. tb4I 7Gun, lad I.. COD.Utute Wlllltttp H. Newport 8e t'xeolltor · ur a ce, 1, 0 t ca. more than 20 per cent of tb. total of the lallt W ill and testament of Cltlrenoe B l'hompson ,2S, grooery enrollment In thl Unlveralty, tbere Lfll1u-A. Newp.rt, deoeal'ed, filed d ,liverer of Xenta and Bertha May Is Dot one whole bulldlnl of ths 20 eui~ Ilgllinst t ho oommissloner8 of Chenoweth, 18. of Waynesville. wblch are devoted to tn.truetlon&! Warren County et al to . determine purpoa81 that II d.~oted exclu.lyel,. CommiJsJonenl ProceedJn,1. to the younl ladlell and their work. . whether ~ift of oertaln property to Ph,..lcal education. which I. rethe oounty .fs a home for bomeleS8 The aooounts of tbe two deposi. reClulred of all durin, their flr.t two women of gentle birth 1t1 a legal tories the Lebanon National Bank yeara In the Unlverelty. mu.t be gift or not. Brandon & Ivin!! are and the CitiAeoS NationBllJtl.nk for taken on the s ame fioor that the . boys ulle and for this reuon the the ~ontb of Jaouary 1911 were floor must be u.ed from II o'clook till IIttornev!! for p I tHntlft'. Joel Cook filed suit against Frank audited and found oorreo'. noon- the worat hours of the day tor A. Ford.voe anel Matti~ Forilyoe to Finlinolal shtements of tbe audio recreative exercl.e. The locker acrtloover money on five promluory tor and 'rea.urer 'l Ihowlng the bal commOdatlonl are wholly Inadequate. The room (''O ntalnlng them la only nosee w i t h In t erest. J D . Mill er anoes in 8IItOh fand and. aClooon' a~ 17x3'" ftlet. an d th ree g IrIs must u.e til attorney for pltuntl1f. the beginning of the month were a locker that was Intended for onlY' preseoted and or<Jered plaoed on file. ·one. Court P.roceedinl5. BUls-Mamuel Baxtel', hauliug In the Domestic Science depart.. ment conditions almo.t a. unutla· In tbe oa8e of The Uinoinnati & lumber, f.; Oregonia Bridie Co., facto ~y obtain. Thl. department, ~ w _ _ _ .... " ... ~. ~priagfield Railway against the two oontraots, 'lOIS; Ed Beaohler, wIth Its domestic art. and the Deoommibliooers of Warren oounty bridl(e repairs in Franklin ~wD8bip partment of Art, are housed 10 the anti the trustees of Frllnkho town . flO; Alton F. Brown, expenees and two bmaller wlnl8 of Haye. Hall. lIhlpl! t he oonrt dlr pots how grllde oosts, 113 45; R . B. Bmi'h, ooal, whlle the large ,north ",Inl III glveo' over entirely to the . Illdultrial Art or08slngs must be built lind main. 14 50; DombBugh & Bolmer, work ahopll tor the boys. wined lit the OllSt of t he oompany. at jail, USl! i.E. ? Forgy maintbin So with these condltlona It III little Sheriff's report of sale of proper. ing hOrllef!, vehioltlll, board for prls wonder that th~ yOUB, ladles. are ty Involved In the oalle of Cora onere, 19. 75 ; Xenia Workhoulif', going to . the legislature thIs wlntwr to uk that the situation be allevlBrook ve. W. E. Ur~8thouee WB8 boarding ,rl80n8rS, 114 25; J Rated. Seventy.flve thousand dollars -: ' . oonfirmed !=lanter, servloee a8 ohaplll-tn at iu. Is the lum for which they wlll ask. tie should" be 8electeo rrom .. Wife Oot Tip Top I\dvice Part1~lon' of prorerty Is made in firrpary, 11250 j Wilsou Unglellby. and with this .Ilmount they can lilt· .train that haa proven Itself a hlgb the eoit of Al MoCray again8t,·Emma burill.l of Margaret Tindle .75; The cure a building tbat wlll afford them producer of eggs, If .eggs are the "My wife wClnt-tld me to tlike our McOray, et HI. . Lebanon Gas Co , repair8 on meter ample room to hOUB~ all the different product .oulbt In bls offspring. Be· boy to the dootor to oore an ug ly Iloolal and educational actlvlUel In cau.e b. repre.ents bait ot the pen. hOil," writes 0 li'rllnkel .ot trouel, Coor' o. dere B(tministrll tor of tbe at jail, 11 ' 0; TrI18004)S of Po bUo Af· which they are angaged. h•• ho¥ld be of the highest type that Ok Ill. "I said 'put BookleD 'to Aroi tiltate of Uatherine Kibbey, de. fairs. hgM and water,.fSl 06; C. D. The type of building planned has can be obtained. 0& B9lve oult. ' She did st) . IlDd it ()~.Pd to dletrlbute 1110481 among Reed, brooma a' jail, 14,5'; R B the gymna.ium In the center. th. lair Experlmenta have proven that the oured the boil in .Il t1bort ti m "! ,. b8.Defiotll~iee lAnd belfe. BmUh, ooal, 145; W . C. Tur'oll, oratorlea and lecture rooms In on. progen)' of the first croaalng of dlt- Qoiokest bealMf of Bu1'n!!, t'{l ·t\ ..lil, win.. and parlon, u.embly hall and Outs, Corntl, BruipolI, 8 prHh' fI, S well· In the case of Fred Mane VI. ooal for jilU. tllS 50, ollloel tor. the Y. W. C. A.• Women'. ferent breedi la often aatistactory ings. Best t>ilfl Cllr 0 11 ell rt·h Try and profitable, but further breeding Walter U. Cbamberlin and Joaeph • - • Councll and ll~rary .ocletie. In the between cro •••a Ihould never be it. Only 250 lit Ill! (lr u c~iflhl Falls Victim to Thieves other win,. C. OhamberUo, defendllntl are ad. practiced. ... haYe a.l. jnd~ gnilty of contempt of oo~rt. 8 . W . Bends, of Coal CUy, Ala., Plane for the campaip W Poultry Hou .... A Tough Boy. Appeal from lower ooorta WM ball a jaatiUable grievance. Two ready been ' laid b, the oDlOn a Poultry should be provided with InWlIlle Smith. a boy ot fourteen oub8d in tbe 0 r J R thieves slole h. i s health for twelve Council, of which Ml.a Helen Zeller expen.I~.. comfortable and sanItary q ase 0 lUI . weeney .v ellrs' They were a. liver . and kid . 11 prMldent. and acUn operatlo~. . yean old. living .near Coosa, Ga.. was e' al VII Dllntel Gra, et 8) noy t-roable . Then Dr. KIDg's New wm be .tarted at once to bring tbe bouaea. Thllse Ihould be built on driving IL mule tea.m aCTOSS t he ra\)' ground that hu sood natural or artiCoar.t .ast.lne ·demorrer in oaae Life Pil}tt tbrottled them . Be'l Rell matter to the attention of the mem- ficial draInage, for a damp ground Is ' road tracks when the engine ot n fast of AUle 8. Jack e' 81 vs Boeron now , Unrlvaloo for Oonl!'lpatloo Ibe,. 01 tha leplatur.. "We are not cold and unsanitary. The blInding train hit blm. The mules were killed, BoberMon et al . . Malaria, IJeadaohe, Dyepepsia. 25~ .dra'ette.... aa Mias Zeller puta lit. Ihould face the louth, 10 all to re- the wagon demolished. And Willi e WI\8 at ... 11 dracgist8 "bIlt we have aome r1ehta and claIml ceive th. greateet a'mount of sunlight truns a distance of 70 feet IntQ a corn· Report of eale Rnd dill~rlbotlon of '. _ • "blch pre.ent conctltlon. at tho Ow. and warmth for the winter months. field, When they went after hIs dend proceed8 made to caee of t:barUI8 lOf.it, 40 not laU.f,." The foundation may be made of bod,. they found him sitting up and MuUin VI. John B MulliD et 81 SWIMMING ON DRY LAND • • cement and should be several Inches wondering what It was all about. He Tortured for 15 Yean above and below the surtace of the had two or three bruises. but no bones Probate Court. An . Int.... atlnll F••tur. 01 Gymna. by a oore defying etomaoh troub!e level around. Th.ls permits a small were broken. Wben Willie gets n. lit· tlo. at Ohio Itat. Unly.,..lty. that belled doot.orfl, ~nd r:eeill&ed ba~)[ of cinders or gravel ' to be tle older he can play with dy n:unlte. Report of sale and ~ba flrstan~ It .. oDIT roo_ntly that .peclal al) all remedies be tried,John .W. Mod placed around the house and causes - -- .... flnal aoooa.D t in the estate of J . 1::1. paratua for teaehlnl .wlmmlq Hat ders, of ModderevUJe, ~iOb:. 86f!med .urface w~ter to run off, The wall Riddell, de Jea8ed , were filed by ~ten d••I.ed. Dr. H. Shindle Win· doomed. He hlld to lIelfhis farm beneath the ground prevents rats The Rev. Irl Hicks 1~' 11 Almanac Jodie 8. Bidd.a ll, admillletrator, and I.rt, phy.loaJ director at the Ohio and Iil\*e . up work. Bla nelghborlt and other animal enemlell from dIg. said, "be oen" live muoh lonlfer" rln, tnto the bouae. The Rev Ir) R £{iOl'!l Aimanflo approved by oourt. 8~te Unln .... ty, de.tped the ' apo "Whatever I lite diltr8lllled me," he . The aoor may be made of dirt; for 19H, that ' ~Ililr rtil\n AI gel in W. Z. Roll, admlol.trator of 'he paratu ••ome DYe ,eare ago. It COD' wrote, "till I tried Elec'rio Bit5er8, boarda or cement. . Much . care Is 81ta~ of l:iamoel WoUfram Wa.l gtv .1!Ita of a broad bao4' of webblnl for whioh worked 800h wonden for mf' Dece ••ary to keep the dirt 1100r In a " hundrell tibous In t! h (\ m " ~ . j..: n"w eo authority to dlvide 1500 damages .upportinlJ the body and two Beta ot that loan now eat tbinK' I oonl(f .anltary condition. A beard fioor ready . N <>t m 'lDV urn T\ O~\' "' illtn ~ .traps for the wrl.ta and aoklea, all from 'be B. & 0 S· W , railroad and .ulp.nded b, etronl ropea from .teel not · lake for yeare. Ita .urely often becomea a harbQr tor Inaect to be wit.bout It Bud t.be RflV Irl R. a grand rAmedy for 8tomaoh trouble lIeltl. The cemen\ 1100r - can be same Ie divided RS follow :-8N~r aprlnga••0 u to ,lve the utmo.t tr•• 'Joet 88 Il·')od for the liver and kid. .ully kept clean and aan'ltal'y and Biob Mo gnzlo ~, Word and Worke WoUfram, wido \IV, '~70 j Barley, dom of utlOil to the pelIOn. neY8. Every bott·le ~aranteed will be rea.onably warm It placed on The tWll Ilre ool.v One Dollar" yeu r The tbeory ot .wlmmlnl Ie that aU Only 50c !It aU drUlrlilt-a two feet of cinders or grovel. 'the Tb9 Alm"nao Is S50 . prepttld . . No 110; Emmett, flO; Flora Sprinkle, InOTel11ellta .hould be made naturaU, aoor of the .cratchlDg abed should home 9r offioe 8 1 onld fall to send 110. . and methodlcaUr, tree from all 'PM' be co~erecl with several Inches ot for t.hl'm, to Good appoints A. B. Talmage. litter. Btraw. bay. " or b e wood Word and Works Publishing Co.. George DaVis and Charlee E . 1II1ll1 faclnl eutward, havilli', however, a / THE ORKATalT I .bnin,1 ma7 be uled. Oood venUe to a.,prajae at oalh vlllue the prop 1004 ,,·.st tacad•. St. lonls,Mo • latioD without draft8 I. necellary. . The large AaellDI room, or refe ... A hou" with curtain fronta glvel my involved in tb~ 8ult of E . B. enae ball. will be on the lecond floor, .N THE WORJ.D excellent ventilation. These canvaa Dakin, executor of. the Jut will and. and in the wlDI to uae nortb .of thl. or b~rlap curtains may be on fraDiel rtJBLJSBED WEEnY:. ~OO PER YEAR'• • tetltament of Ann B. Kelley, de. will b. looated the periodical room. .0 that the,. can b. ewung ' to the DR. BELL'S ANTI~PAIN ; HOTaLI, DRUOCII'te. .IPaCIAL.I~T" , oeued ".e. Barron 8. Kelley, at a1. the art room and the .tandard Itt.... eelllni or removed durlnl tbe ' aum· OOITUMa .. l, l'RA~a. F'alt" OAB; For Internal ami External hull. Tbe flUh aoooant tn the estate of ature room. Thl. lut I. a room mer month.. They IIbould alway. be AND 'BUI eERVIOa CAN PItOFI1t wblcb 11 I, boped to .make ..peclalfy dropped ID front of the roo.t during BY UIINO .Ta·ADVEItTIIINO COLUfllUCS Xlneey Thompson, beneflolary, wa9 attractive. It wUI be IItted UV lOme. oold nlabta. Too much glal••urface SAMPLE COpy FREE flIed by T. C, PattersoD, traetee. what .lter ·the "*-11. or a ,ood prl. leta out tbe warmtb at nlKht. Have Add,... NaW YOIl" eLi. .alt WIlUam Dana Bo)me8 wal de Yate library. with a larse fireplace. waU. and celUq a. tree u po.alble BY C. R. TITLOW. New Yo~. N. Y. olared iDeaDe and oommtt~d ro the window 'tats,oomfortallle ohaln and of bol.., crevleea and crackl, which Invttln, tablea. Around the waU. A •• I,tlnt In Al'rlcultural Exten.lan. cau.. dratt. and furnlab harbor. for Undertaker and Embalmer, State A8ylum (or the insane at Uay wlll be sbehed, In cood edlUon., the Ohio Slate Unlveralty. mltel and liee. ton. world'a beat literl\ture. It la a room •••••••••••••• Will be foond in the Old Trena M. Cornell Jameson f)--~O to whlcb It I. hoped tbe Itud.Gt. To Int.rlor Arrang.mlnt. .&<>V make a luccess at poultry cui· . \ Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honev . BlInk Boildlng. OPPOI."I" wUl come for the uke of the booJu ·All roo.h .hould be abOut three . the Nlitional Bank, trlx of Ihe estate of Jaoob (JorneJ), tute. a. much ·care and attention feet abonthe flOOr'. About 10 Inchel Po.. cOusha and 901de. Telephone in hooee and Of deceued flhld her flret aoooont. mocUc struccllni. To &CClulre thl. r. must be devoted to the fowls 8.11 to below the roo.ta ahould .,. a tlSht. fiee wbere J can be (8))"" The flret aoooont of the eet ... te of 18ult, practlce in . three movementa III any other lIVe atock. Tht! selection ·.mooth platform to catCh the dropday IIr " igbt. William R. Hobltt, deceased, wal /, necenar1.. Flr.t, ~urn the palm. out, of a breed or rowls ahould be ' care- ping.. Dropping. ahould be removed VaJlev '~hone 14-2. J flIed by Valentine M Hoblit exeou cll!l'7 the arm•• tllr to the IIlde. hori· fully conaldered. It but little car. every few d&7l . t r ' . zontany; aecond. bend the arm. and and attention are to be given Nest. ma7 be placed beneath the Main St.-eet. Wayneavill., Ohio o . legs sharply. brln, the palmi of the poultry It Is possible that the como' roo.t platform or fattened' to the end 'l'he Inventory aod appraise- hands tOiether under the chin. knee. mon barnyard rowl will yIeld . as waU. or to the wall. OPposite' the ment .)f the e!!tate of John 61 Mal , up and at right snllee to tbe body, large returns as any standard.bred roo.t. Gr.at care should be taken ·to ford, deceased, was filed by Ma ry E ae'parl\tfng them but keeping the feet fowla. tor the old mongrels are ac- keep the neets clean and tree from Dr. Bell's Antiseptic8alve Mulford, administratrix togeth~r ; tblrd, straighten arm. and cUlitomed to neglect and .~o unravor- I~ce or mltea. The . hay or straw Good for all ~kln, Clae..-,. . Hyou would like to:supplY · l~gS' hands together and legs wide . able condItions and can better shift used U Deatlng material sbould freReal Estate Transfers. apart, the?' brlnl' the lega tosether I for themselves. But one br~ed should quentl, b• . removed and replacE1d by this. highyour. ta~le . al at firat , ..' be kept on a farm and that breed a clean .upply. gr~de silverWare J~ of Mary E. Ros8 to Kde Brooks, Aft'.!r a student haa liarned to per· , should be well suited to the local Drlnklnl fountaina ,hould be cost, write uS]Qr our,8pe>:- . lot in Lebanon $1 and otber ooneid. form _{hete movemlln~. for 6ft, .uc· cond.ltlon. and the purpose for which placed on platform a .everal Incbee .' . cesslye . IItrok.. h. il .umolen~, they are kept. It sbould also .~t from the aoor to ' prevent the water olfer. Add~ess '. .. eratlon8. trained 'to be ·.reAdy tor· actual pl.:ac- the fanc7 of th'e from becoming dirty. Dlaillaled fowl8 '"'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~ I Uce ,In th~ .wa,t.er_ . i. . . thoulcl never be allowed to 4rlnk _ -":"""-"-0:..,.~.. ,, - , Breedl nil . 8tock. t~om the ~ountaln ·w ben. water . Ia ( , High Hata Bring Pat The hen. ·In the breeding pen. kept tor the . otber towll. Life Saved· at D~ath 8 Door .. A,.Bl'OOklYD eler(YDl&D . who .. . .t. ' should .. b~ yearlings . a~d 811 ou'1d boar .. Fee4 trougb. and hoppe·r. made 'out . "t never : eIt so nellr m rllve" tlone~ 'In 'a parilh tha~ aClJOln. ·a Iar.. tbose pharacterl.Uc~. tha~ Ind~ca~ of common ' b"oarda or boze. may be' . writes ·W·. ' . . Patterson,Yof Wei') ce~etel'J' fa called uP9n ireq1l0tl7 ·bl ·that ..tb.Jr offlprlne will be .bl.11 pro- 1I.ed tor all' teed. ~X"pt 'whoie ington, fe '. as when ~ frightfal , tbe o~etel'J' authortU.. the: 'uc.r• . of enl o~ ~eat, · aa ma, b& l1'alo, wbtcb .~ould be .oattered 00 ' oougn and ' lung ~roubl6 polled .Il\e I b"Urlal.....rvsoe at ~.....;. 01 ~ ::~,~. 1f elll .a r. de.lred, lever&! bleli.. or Uttet. Large 'JVa1~ down to 100'poo ~B, 'In tlpile (doc- W~OM ret.aU,.. h~•• ·.DO ~ CllaVOla ' 0... - o~d . have al~ad~, pro~eD them· 10wtDK ·boSe.. contalntnl -i1l'7 10U.:and ror~., tr.e"'ment f, r two Y'8ftri 8y D~~ TIl.' tMil ~ .~ ~ .Jaave .• eifel 1004 layerl. ~hel .Ihould ~. IIlftect· ubee" are 'very n.~..ary. . .. . f~tber,'.mother an~ two ei,tera died ·baeD .1~"""""7' ~ UId . . . .~ aollve, have brllht · .• ,el, a .IJf,. pacl&;llr tWiGI the wl!lter :,.m onthl. 'o f QOb.a~ptiQo, !!rnd that la'U a.lfvtt. ~~ o.ier.,.. tiM bo,iua ..".,.... ~ ~a~~~.l :eo:. an.d h.ad . d _~ ID ,~' "s.ter · tb~ " ~~i'l.r / . :,.h0.u.ld, toc;tJ1 ta :due sole"" to Ur. KtD.f8 · JaoNe ,- ·tIle~lm_~plU; · ' . , an,d ~I. It I:D~ . ... u f!t.I~I., ~lIe_ co~dltlon. ; New DtaOovery,. 'whioh olmpl8,te l:r. ; ~t. ~ ~; 9I ~ ~q heD,.. .~d ~ ..H,l= ' .lmhr ~ GMt•• ,!' ,p.~ or..• ~.~.er ··· ~!~flol~\o.r_1\ ".ared ~~. , 'No~ i weigh 187poQild~ ,wheal til. ~t7 or . ~ . .Gel ·. . :!:.t~~cterl'U.C8 o~lM*lt. ~. ( ~ :'11 ,,~, ., nrl~)' .qP H4 and com· · ~~~O.t~'J~~~ n.illwly",l~ aDd have,beeu well and etrong for ~e time W'u ~ ·tMI .~panoa T.Il iUl ' ouli " pelilDK til. lowif to.; ourc.\je.. I'owll' l ~ . yean." Qolok late; eore, . It.· the wu JoItbaKI7 aooue4 Of ,!!Ihtq • • .• b II b.&le ..• _.trona". Un iJerMIj.. iS8-. mach. be~~ork I . .. tieI~ rem~,.op earl.b· for OOOlbt, 4 _ _. .". B • .f.a1e4 tIl....... ~t ~.,..:n..:: .tn~r, · b~~~ ~oald .:OD' a ...... o(:~I . . ,.., c ~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,!!!!~!!!!!! oulcll. l~rt.ppe, a.lbma, oroap,aud' tIaat h. wan, a.... DO -.. «;tI!PI'_P. With .' .. I :! - .• '. ." ...:, -. ... '.~, , .. e • 11 tb..oa' aild lou.- ll'OQbIee. 1500 Jaai wla.- oaIJW ..,. ~ ~,. til..... or l.h beU. . . . -eboaId Ie the rlabt . , ; ...4',1 '00.. Trial bottle free " 'Q4' _ -to ... \ . . OW .time' ·t o I1lb.. ·4U
County Courts
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I I I I ~
Y ourSale Bil.ls
Printed for you in a good style, black ink. good water proof tag board, and ready for you when promised, no delay. One price to all. Do not get them until you see
us and get our prices.
__ . .
I I IJeIlKf ____ nIlJlICR.l l a l l . a___ . \ I_ .
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-- - --
Attention Is Necessary.
A. MAfFI1:,
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Ha.ving deolded to m ove to t nwn d farm team. 6 head of oattle-1 l will offer lit poblic !Lllotjou ou my good .lel'8~y oow, 5 AQerdeen Anltll , IIrm thr.ee miles north of Wllynes- 1 oow with oalf by side; 1 2 year old VALLEY TIllLEPlWE--OALL No.' 112 vill e lIlIn Ctfl e mile weRt o f Mt tiolly boll elilirible to register. ~, young ')D Iht {) Id Ht.'lte RUlid lit 10o '0look bull!!, 10 moot,hs old i about 00 bQ'Ibele .)f yell~w OO1'n In orib, a or 01 D, L. CHANE, Editor and Manager tuu t oll wing proporty OEl t ons of nice bay in mow, un~1 vlded . Friday, February 24, 1911 hldf of 2J aores of \'thellt., 40 sbooks Rates of Sub8cription I Two horRPs, 1 brown mare, 10 of fodder. Ono YOILl' (IItrlc~IY In advanco) . .. .. . . . 11.00 yeurs old will work tiny plaoe tLnd Fl\rm implements-2 road wa ~O D8 S1nglo Copy ......... .. .. ... · .. .... . . . 06, 1\ goud brood mllre , wight 1450, 1 Milbur~ trel1d i 1 Browo, "2 in . t bay druft horse, 5 yen.rs old good t reud j 2 top buggle., one of them .... ol'ker. weibht 1500 i :J fresh oows. nearly new; 1 spring wlIgon. 1 bob Rates of Adverti8ing Jer eys two with oulveR by 8ide. 8led, 1 planksled. 1eet of bay ·ladders, R adiDg Locals, per line ... . ... . . .. .. . . Fllrm .imph"ment8-1 MoCormiok 111eering binder, in good oonditlon, ReadlulJ Locals black fllCll _ }KIr llrie . .. . binder, 1 two· horse wligon, 1 di80, 2' Deeriog mowers, one of them new, OluelOed Ad•. DO~ to exceed 11 1'0 1IU08 Throe 1000rtlous . . .. , .. . . . . . . . 26c harrow , 1 Blaok Hliwk fertilizer 1 hayrnktl. 1 hav fork, 1 wheat drill. ooroplaoter ~06d 08 new. 1 50 tooth 2 corn planters, one of them new i Obl~uarlllli, /lve Inchllll freo; ovor /I\'o inchllli. per liuo ... .. . . .. . .. . . . 6c barlOW, 1 toblloco setter, 2 doublt1 11-ltorl:!e oorll drill, I riding Bllck Oard of tbaoka ....... ... ........ ... . . 25<: oultivators. 2 slllgle oultlvlitors. I ev e outt.lvator, 1 tongueless cultivflReeolutlous .......... : ....... . ...•... liOe st el Ure t-uggy. 1 t')ogue less oulti- tor, ? brelLking plows, 'one of th em Socials ot.<:. where chargo III mado. , . .... 260 vat~r, 2 breliklng plow~, 1 rlding l B ste elbt'am olipper, 2 hlirrowfl 1 Dl/IplilY AdvW'~laing ~r Inch • ••..••.• , • lOe bretlkiog plow. 1 .s IAlgh. 1 .tI~l t hay ft Id roll Ar, 1 dmg, 1 stalk outtf! ~, 1 DlIIoounte given on contract. ludders, }. huy rak e, 1 two horse · toblleoo plOW, 2 double sets of work OFFICE
WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. ', ~-----TRY 'St. 'Augustine's Catholic Church.
FMber'GeoJ"l;c Mal'cnl\oc fer . Palltot' . fIlS!! cv,, ~v secoud Su ndar o f tbe moolt> Il U :1)0 a. \I), •
Liverites Prevents,Serious ,Sickness'
Llverlte8 for a cold, Baokaohe and Weak Liver or Kldne.y,.
Mary'S Eplscop,al Churc~
li eI'. J . F'. adwalla(\cr. Hector . S Il 01. 0 :SO a. m Morn ing ser VICIl, lU :i! 0 a. Ill. Holy CommUnion WI Urwt Hund uy 01 cach mO Il ~b. ~ unday
fl\ethodist Episcopa l Churcb. Rov. u. W. Dulley, Pastal . 'ul\(\ny chool. 0 : I!) a. IU , rviorlll nlt ser· vlcc. 10 :80 a. rn. Bpwor~h Lellgue, 7 :Ou p ' m. E;\'c olng service. 7 : 00 il. m. Mldww 1;'r \y er JIiIlletln!:. 7 p. m.
Prevention An ounce ofis
worth a pound of cure.
T a err it! buman to torgive-i~ Dot. - - -.....~- ...- - - Virtue is a fault with som" people . -- . All Skin Troubles Are overOllm\l by using Dr. BeU's Antlseptlo Solve. It is 8S pleasant '0 aile as pure cream and is goaran. teed to give satlsfaotlon. 250a box.
No one de8ervea Ilpplause tor do· 'lng his dot,.
Evewy person h!LS some good poiDt -look for it.
A Beautiful Woman ·M uet·h .ve" hl'ltutiful skin. Dr. BeU's Antlseptio Salve removes phnpIN, bltlok head'!, obl11'\s·. ond roughness, lellviog t,be skin smuoth. Try it on oor guarllot'le. '
.-. .-.
Tbere iJ no fool hkt! the,foo\ who \riel til to'll blmllfllf. ,
A \tuge voice llJ imvres!llve until it gets opprp8slvA
- ----..
Suthertand'. Eagle Eye 8alve 19 the btl"t, v' r III d : .,v r ,1. fer d &h tl " o',h o I t I,. It II0 ' V w h tr p olutm ' ut II .!II ·' -~ , h , 1'1II 1,,.s 'I III lib
Ilul .. lv dealen. 8
1(1l>1I'II11t, I,d I " oorl".
11 11
tu bl'\
A m ll n WIll w 'rk hll;'d for a 8l1 fl. SOIll» .
'1'be Jli 'l whll tel\£Ilng y on.
'~ nll ' t
fl n· t, 18
, "1 1\
Sight Too ValUable · To Elilll ~
lw PI ' '~ :" f:"· d E"" :-; 1 '1 wdl
I" IF b r lhn.!·,.
lin· un, I 'I~' ot Sll r e " . 111.1 11'111\,1,. op Itll mla or ur,,' I" fi 'llll .. cl IO dtt'l ' >I' o f I II eyl<8 ,p ,"nl ..~ !< 'I' lll b rrnl e!l~ 21i, a tuhe n t 11 11 ,\(>,tlp r , •
", I!""
Christian Church. nov. L. O. ThOmpson, PlI8toa . Dlblo 8chool. 0:80 a. m. Social mootinlJ, 10:8 0 a. OJ. Cl1rlll~l o.u Endeavor. 7: 00 p. m. Sermon by ptl6tar every I alt ruat-o S uudllY a& 10 :3 0 u. m. and 7 : 30 p . m .
C· V .'>"
GQO~ ... I • •· .:"'·
' Hicksite Friends Chura.
mtnr . .
: "'~ Bls WI I!1 Q r. ~ : .,
sled, lone horse ooru drill, 1 wheat I harness, ooe of them n '3 nrly n e w drill, 1 larg~ taok aDd framtJ, , ~et8 I Met of work . ftynets. 2 setM of buggy Orthodox Friends Chura. . work harDe::!s, lawn m ower, grlnd harD eEl!l, one of tbem ruhber mOllnt lIJrs. Elll.abotb IArkill , Pastar , bb:uh . ohool. 0 :80 a. m. i1c J{Ular cburcb titone, Jald press cro ~ s out £111 w, ed and new i collars, lines. bridles double trees, single tree~, lo~ obains an d 'h a 1ters. lila ddl e, ~ !l ets of d onul fl srrl'lcCl. J O -~o n. w. Cbrlstlan E udCllvo r sbovels, spades, forks and mllny trel's, u lot of I!ingletre 1<.10gobt1' ns, 7 ; :10 p Sa" tboeo Ineezlnll'. whoednff. mol/iDa. OLht r artiole8 . brel1!4t Obilios. boes. forlcF.l , shovels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! owollen-headed towls wltb '1'erms-A 11 (Jums under $5 OlIsb, lIxes, Oro~ 8-cut SIiWS, a )o~ of smull sums over $5, a oredit of nine months t.oole . DR. J. W. MILLER, will be given by purchaser ' givin~ . Household goods-2 l'ec\stead s. 1 approved soourit,Y! 4 per oent off bureau, 18tand j 1 8et of oune sell ted ... DENTIST, •• for 01l8b. UhB-s Rye ohairs. 1 set of kitobea oha.lr, • n km. the dlll.,1UIO trerlll8. tons the bird. rooke rs, 1 dlningroom table, 1 cook. Office In .nd reetorGl your prollts. It lall'lven in til. Wayoesville, 0 1 will oiler at tbe 6th Il.nnulI.l Pub stov in go'od oonditi n, burns eith- NatklnoJ Do.ok DId". drlnkl~ wllter w ithout trouble. and . Is uoed In ever.,Y ehrilixod cou n try of tho world lio 8&le at my Warehou8e in er woo~ · or oual; .3 helitiog fltoves, AS THE STAH!)/IRO. Your D10neylwill boreWllyne8ville, Ollio. on two lit t·bem burn ooal. OnA of th Elm turnoo it n t l\ut isI ri.Clry. P rices 60c and $1-ooe.!ze m3 kea?~ llallOl'Q of modicln.. is oe w, 1 wood beuter. loreum sep- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' \ CONKEY 'S CELEOn... r'E:O 48·PAGE • Saturday, March 4, 1911 arator, use witb water 1 washiu !; BOOK ON POUI.TR Y At 9 a. . m.. t.):Je following new maohine, 1 mElat bl1rrel. grindstone . tc11s every Il ractiC>\J poin t., ! the blUln_ GeUt FREE t.o-dny; cnllor ecnc140.t.amp.. ~oods: Four Moline manuresvrc:lad lsiokle g,riuder, 2 tron kettloll, and PO" ....... aY ers, 1 Moline furm wagon, 5 Bemie many otller artloles too ttldious to Tobaooo 'l'rllnllplanters, furm truo" mAution. WALTER .I. KILBON, wagons 6 Molino and Blaok ' Hawk Terms made ~tDown onday of Sill We call offer you good Corwin, Ohio. oorn plantf'lrl!,:3 Best ever gang Lunob served by Ll1dies' Ald . Paying Empl oyment p\owlI,l liamilton sulky plow, 10 Benry Prater and Htury Prater brsalung plbWP, 5 di!:lo hllrr ' w8, U. T . ad.wke, Auot that you will enj yand wood I1nd steel hurruws, 5 rhlin~ 001A . B Sides Olerk at home. Write to-day ttVl1tor", Hamilton and Moline, 5 C.W.HENDE~SONtM.D Blimilton tongueless 001 ti vl1tors, I will offer at publlo liuation, at Addreu ~teel·tooth hllY rak s, tobaooo oolti my residence 2X mUA8 nor~h of Waynesville, Ohiu. vators, pump!!, wood und iron, farm Wa.ynesville on the Ohenoweth road \ The utterlck Publishing Co. tluok >!, p,)ultrv lind farm ftlnOt" Ie t 00 Butterlck nulldl.DO. New York. N. Y • Valley Phon.. 153 f looust and cbc!'tnut P,)st!', also Tuesday, February 28, 1911 Main Stre"t I Itl t I,f SOl r:r A,phu tnns,ruhh Ar oJ)u Bag Inning at 10 0 'olook a , m . I he !!!!!!!!!!".'!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!'!!~~~~~~~~..!'!'!.!!!.!!!..~!!!..~-!!-!'!!!!~ .. tllel tlr d bugg\ ... ", gulvuDlz Ii Wu ~f' r : t ,·ought4. t,[I "W fr on t .. , lorm ll p r.m " . f ll110whl g : I' w/) h01'SAi' . oon i tiu l!' I)f on ge ld ", r ~11 iu t. bn g ~ y wUi p!', o ,'uhlt !lilt! '\ 1 1I~ltl t,r , · ... s. W llt( " " j t(~ k'l . II . II lIl!!, 15 .v u rtl u\'l II nrl Oll r;l hrood til II f P, we ll UrA, 1 II'rfl 'I .. I' , na rd (Il l, m il nlll>1 oil Itl II I 17 'v "U I'" nl rl ; 8 C tl WI< • •tll , I I k I I)" d A I"" I ' I o f ~I"~I It l' W ' I'f' .ll'n<f .V • 1 I n ' I 011 \. 8 V Il r:l 01 11 ; I f lilt k1lld"" I! V llllI Z " d w . n ', \VII I.l 10 V.I,"" , Id . wiJ l,bp r , .. 11 111 M rlll l, " I( III Oll ln ~ , I h il l'll. p lltllJ l'I H ,Iu d 1 2X ,\",.11'1'1 IIld t il be ft'6"h t.h i ~ mu n l h IlO lIt r ",OUlllS, fUI·Ii ·, r uK • li utJ tI, 2 \)1' 1) ltd 80 1'118, will fllrro\V iu Muy j li e d t I' h e Pt 100 bu h pI of ol)ro " 10 T I'W ·-A or d l t 0 1 6 mon t h wil l h uud !'orta • 100 btl b e l oats Tb tlse ' )11 1. 1.1I'ling a.bout two w ee ks e'l Irly Save part of YOllr shoe b" ~ I V n hy pnro blill r ~ \v i u~ !l. h HI; w ill h ... excf'l\ tlot tor ~ ad A lot f I hi· n te A R 'I I money and,' get better Ilc.n r! tol mo th V b 'L,v l ' I f-I 'I I' k " • .\ 11 ' 1\1'0 ,.r /i'" r tll h ll plt' nt"rt t 2 t wn h o)·. shoes. ENDICOTT, q . I \ E O ' N .. I 1 , I., ) , I II ' 1/ f U , , \A 'I! " ll ~ , 1 .~I'r " ..! ' 11 !ton , 1 ""OOt h JOHNSON & CO., World's IIll pp .. r 1/"l'lI kl1l l' pilI ' . 1 rldiug b" fclt l .. ~ \,I o w, 1 t1rll~ 1 (11"0 hur largest tanner$' an4 shoew ill uft',' r l\ t U ll l,lI ,d " ' I f It\ , I,) \ . 1 ~I) l k l' I, ju th . tt 1/" o w, 10(lr ll ., "icl\'u" \1 II. r! 'f h n :' 1 :-'1 I'e !.. • 11 makers sell direct to you, ph,"It'! . 1 I ,.11111 "'1 tfllll!. 01' t,tlll) • I->I.,u l r,l Mo , ;.. rmi llk mowtlr, 2 t" !Oaturday, February 25, .1911 -no , middlemen's profits.
Keep Your Profits
Are You Looking (lor a Position?
w llrk h 'L rn SSt lellt.be r tags, 1 ~e,, : h ll!!"r b l \l' n tl~l' , ob f'O k r~tns; hrflR!!t ,,\~ t... Pl' (Ill .k ,'. 'it.r , P", I Itt! rein, cnlI' ll .... h,l l.l I fir! \I UI - ( ntt Itld " · I ". ~ it' I I tl r .l i I '. 1 :'t1 t In!.: bOI tet' ' 1 Repent. nt'.. ) '11\1"_ rl" II rh I" wlw ' ' " Il l'.!, 1 e'l 'VI' . tl,IW. 1 htl, tMI;; ~ \I ,.u d I, j. ·l'lts i h llY fOI' k, 1'(') )" you fie w h · t. '" Ilf .j,. h ll1.l I ,,.~ )11 ., 'VI' . • ) t'~ , l ILII)' '. 11 '1 11, !I.II I, 'j h ,lIr 1I()ll 1J" 'It') ~ j l ',ll' l' ull n 'l u,ll (:iu " lI \1n l' ' . "1 1 o1\ .nr, . " ,, ' ll·' , 1 1\\'1 C ~, JI ' . \' 11 ).( 1/1" I tld ~q, irl e r, t " d r\,. r cnUf'r, Webflv,. h .. ,,1 i ll .J! 11 . 1"11 II I ti ·w" ··r ·,,, 1 !hlllt,.of l:a lt , . ~ · lll . 11 011' 011'1 /III W. hu " tl hll !'t.• pul 1'1.\'8,' GO I t .ollll1 r... 1 ItIl I' ElU ", It ·,) t d z (' 1/11 II GIn b .. lJ,tol! . m o win g s :vthe, 01 ,1111,'p wellth r n'pn r l " ' h il l tl'"id "', 2 11>'(I" I,- ,tl . 1 d , v"' I)) ,r f 2 I' UI II RJ;!!. ut cut.tflr, tillrrQw Qhllin' tl~ \O :
Irt !,{ (ll,
p '
ItlOIt . I·h l'
1,, 1) .. .1'
ENDWELL' shoes' excel in style, fit and wear because they are made by a plan that saves all unnecessary profits, and all cost of procttiction that does not add value to the shoes. 200 styles-all leathers -$3, $3.50 and ~. Insist on shoes made by . ENDICOTT,.JOHNSON & CO. and look for the name on the sole.
-..- ----
' .., ,.h"1· lill I,., j· " 1l1 1 " I · t~ , ' 1\ r .. , t ,~ , 2 II j, ol I" fr ...... ~ . ill l! l f' t n ' fl. hog bllx. ro 'kln g ChIll!,!' , wU ...·11 !1' ,r" II(lh.',· . )) /. g _ hul .... JlI IHll h\' llf' \J. j olok l' tiok~, Cautles IllW ,L,<" fl1~ht .' bu t If you w 1.1l . HIV!,., (1 111 1 j I' ,(lt~ Il '- I' Ltl ... "rtlJK ,..1'11 , 2 sl't" p rill ,!!:!, l' t'lI ntl will use Dr a,,\}', Pltl '- 'I'nr U onl'ly 're rm". II bt ~ it will li "'VI in II HW m l n otl '''; IJr IH I 1 I I K'I i !Ipu . rl!l<l ld g ,11Iti .. - 2 1lE'(1 tltead", There is u ,, 1 hI 111£ 111·1 -, f (1 1;1 r·. II I.' 1 " XI'';'lI"i1 II t·ub ll'. 2 b "u tiul! stoves teed by ~1I rlf'lIlpl''; lind olhe,· things fino uumer /ltls to ......~.ulIltltion w ~ will off rut. Publto "" Ion A woman loves a m i~n stlm~tlm l' rf rm ~ -AIl Il UW!l nudar #5, oll~b i 1l)iJe I'r.'m Wuvnellville 110 tb e X~ nin .pu\ becntulle nil ooe elAe will. tlUIll~ (I f itS, or o ver, R ol'tldlt C'f nrne 'Plk . I,n m on t,h . will ht' ' g lven by pfl.robuser Wednesday, February 22, 1911 When a mon get~ "ba.lf shot" bi's g l VID I! 1\ bnn Kllblt\ O ll t l'1 i 4. per C ot D,1I1 <illne BegjIJ1 Jlg .,t III 1\ m Hw 1, ,11 · 'i tl l{ 1 11 ~ ,'o ut fc I' III ~ b 'family i8 bort. t,IlA \'Vorst T" m Dill, I UQ't.l proper,.v : A. B. ~id e", CItU'k. Three good genAI'll I purpose horsetl Aethma Lunoh st-o.nd 1'e erved. Is a distrA881ng dlljealle. Dr 20f them g1'IlYS und make ·an extra ' Bell's Pi~e Tllr Boney relieves 01. ' most iDstantly -. We guartloteett to been mat-Mea. : gl ve satisfuotion. ILL "(}..r·r-r·rumph!" saId the brakema~ THIS In disgust. Touc~lna DevotIon ExhibIted by t;lew. ''Well,'' ' said the conductor, "you 'Iywtd C.u .... Grouchy ~ralnm.n might 8S well go to work. What YQU to Loa, HI, Temper. ,olng 'to do about It? They got a II I ri,ht to rfde ain't they?" "Are YOU comfor~ble, darling'" the i "No, they airi'u" snapped the ~ake I man asked, bendlng over tho lady on man. "They got no more right to . L .. the tra ..q. The brakeman passIng rtae on a' tr.ln' ,t han ,a m~le'l got to Tired the time, not much thr~ugh the, &1s.1e, burrled along until learn dOlDtooel. Where do' the, get iI he reacbed the platform, where be o,n" Tbe conductor' lau,hed. · gooc;l. for anY!hing, hardly aJ>le to 'ta~ed hJ~ t~e~ togetber like a cof. , . "The1'.;o clear through," be .ald•. te~, mO):~' ~ O,er uP ••on. Tbey won't alway. · drag ~o~n4'.lust. all run down. If )'ou' are, we guarantee our VI.....O'r·N·.r.rl" said ,the .b rakeman. . be Uke that." · NOL will help you. . : It has helped . "What'~ the matte&: wltb ~' OU 1" de- . "You just bet they . wouldn't It I ;.many peqple around here who were manded ~e c~nduct9r, ' emergtng from had allytblng to do with It," grOWled : in this condition.· 'the , forward ,ear with a 801ld 81am of . the brakeman, 'plcktng up hls ' lanterlt Now look here, J'ust try one ,bot. ,the door, He .traddled, the swaying and llamJn1Ilc the door beblDd him. Crack' betweeb the two platforms and I -- - • ' . . · tIe of .vJNOL, and if you are .not .~-:ecl , at bls a.at.tant. ' Help Wanted ; saQstled that it,die!' you gOOd, '.'8Icll:~" hltatik4ld: ' . . . • '..' : back and.. get' Jour monel" , It will _ .. *;N;rf ... remarked the brake~ t.~t\t. .00:mlth . Gt\t It b.otf,l A. 0.' · be r~tumed witb9qt question. "That maD. , "~t coune,' ~'~ .tck.! ,-h«!re's Dr~ a t! 1I : Pille Tar B oney. It is t.bp · is a.fair' propositioD, and shows ,our' a De~ ~in1ed . cou~l. back in th,re." .,b t . , , .f~th ·ih VINOI,;t and that'Ye, do . : The. oo~duQtot: , . s~ · tbro~lb . ·tb~ ,.. • - • .' "n~·'.m··."..... '. , . i. ' ," '" Iil!:8.l' ItlUl Of the ~OOl'. .. .,' ' . Oltr Idel1 I\f 'I l " 0'01 Dla.n 'I'" one who ,J • ·not w.ntlyour muney U <;:>:>)'ou re--. . ,tnn.;." ' ." b .. d \ to ' ted) ' .,.. ! . '.' ..• " •.• , '_~ "&lere. e . • aAe. ' terea y. .,. " " c:ew~ l;iene6t. " , _ ·Th. 'brak,,~·. p~b9d hlm 't o one aide IitA~' m ad In Ifn ar <>oment; about r . , .W~ ~ow w~at , w~ j!re'.' talkin~ ;'. :and poth~ 11 .narl~dll~ie.r: '., . ' . 11 1(,Xl ': ', a1)out: be~use we have, ~Id ,V .. , . ,. "~ ~e ~th a~t ' there.~ be' ..lei. ' . . ,.\ 1 :NO:~ for yWs" and haye seen how cUlpateaJ7~ "the~!!1 a dO¥Bh.{acecl' . ," A 'CQU~ , ' · muCh ~ it ,has done ·among our , thut! there ~lh a wom~ -Sbe Ioo~ ! 1~ .1' dl\n~l}r ~fll:oll~ m.C\tI~o!lld not: · cUsti)mera. · , '~ , ., '~'l~e !l 'caDad bird. Uthl" '~ bEl,"e~1 o~"d ', ~~ Dr " B~ll"lt Pine,', " . ' • '. ' ,!".~ C .. , TIl. /conductor ,p\18lled ,~ouab. ·, ~i 1", r HOJ\-ey 'lit. o·ooe." r~ ~ll",y~jn ~9L is· ~ot ~. patent, . ~ door' lIl~ed :dOWIl'th. ~le, 'cut- I ft' m rna t!pn. ~toP8 th~ oougb 'and . nostnllQ, but . ,. b9n~. thed- and, ~. ibarp Klaii- fro. ald"·,., aide. t bel' I ~ tit . mem brttlJffJ ~ tru&.bodTbuiJd~ uld ~ crea" A.1l.:D.....ct til. ani ~t th. man ,or of wor1d~de lame, deUcl~ ~ .. ·ID the' ,u t clJlDldq PlUo.s back . ,'... . til• . _ . ·Di'lirmUl'lq ~u. I, If ·.. ~i. r-l b . lu.ebe4. wheu 79t\. • p~" . and eUY to tab. COJae, til and .tart .!OUt cUre at· 0DCe. . You ,. fte eoaduotoJ' r.- ·(If Il ~u .loel it" .. aure "gD Uke liQiiIi.' .. ' :.r. 10' tM !ti'abIDaa baa tra 8J ..4. . . . .... (. .
For Sale by
B. s.
HOWt:LL, Waynesville, Ohio~
today " or.
Il ....
'DOth-t .u
. . .. - .
. '
1M ....
~::.'.:~II,:"h$I:,U :r.:!.f7o"rd:~~n:U~.OYl,~:'I~~~~ .n n.w.·...nd •• t 10 ""nil.
hnn. . .
Tilt IPUIlIJE MlJIIIIID CO. 10111alu1l1l
Subscribe for the Miami Gazette
Funeral Dire-:tor_ rralepbone day or lliRnt Valley phoue No. ' . IAlblt . Distance No. 69-"',
Branch Office, Harve,'lbul'lr. C. ~
J...~(lies! Save Money and lee",' in
Style by Jteadiq McCaU', Magazine and U.ing McCall Patteru M~Ll:S
...CaD'. . . . . . Iae will
holp IHIt Iy
)'ou drIllS It.' I· al a moderate
o "I/OOSO b)' keopfDg you \J08\ed on tbll 11I1\JS ~ fasblou. In clothes and batsl 00 !'\ Il IY FtI.~bloD Delima III eo~ IlISuo. Alao
vnlul1blo InformaUoD
un nil bomo and personDI mauers. 001),
we a yoar. IncludIng n (reo pattern. SIIbsc rJbo today or Rod
for ~oo sample coP,. ' MeCa.!1 will ettnblo you to mako In ,OUt, own hOlD U. wllh your own hllnds, elotblnr fllr )'ollrsclf nnll cblldron whi c h will be perfect In 511flo lind 01. Price-il OilO blrber tbaD 16 cO UlS. • ond for freo I'attorn CalAlocuo• •. W. wm Gi.. V•• FI.. P.....II for Re'Unr I(1Ib~ ~I\ rlllll ()n ~ nnw"!! your frleDfIs. Send for free !'r"",lum Cnlltlol/ue nnd Clish PrtllO Olrer•
Sav~s l/2~ of Your F~el , E'xpe~se
With all 'its advantages, Moore's Rapge really costs the )e'a st of any range 011 the. ni'nrket. 'It actu.aJly pa,.. for:, itself on the fuel ' '. . which 'It. ~a'Ves. Moore'. Contr~l!er Damper enables yOu',.to control the lleat of t~le oven tis well as 'y,o u can c01';\ttol the ~~~t 'of ' II. gas oven,. It is tlie .
only coale 's range havlng this advantage which saves ofleast the fuel. -Moor. Everlasting Flrcback enables you to ,burnfuUy coalone-third costing at tllfo- ' ·third. Ie.. than COllI used In.other ranges. 'It.offers a still further ' saVing by ' provlding for the bu,rllin.g , up. of th~s~o~e , a~d . Sc.ot,. :thll~ -gIving you the advantage of the ,el'tra h~at, " atid edabllt;lg you t,~ save on your .fuel. It II , ""', ..tbe only.ranl,te havillg three·wall constructioo throughout. Thls.is Qne of many reasQn .. why Moorels RaD~ l..~ ~ far longer thab any other range made. '. ,~ / .
and curront evenll. Pho'oll ... ~hYt..". m"". elee· trlelly. _.rPllnl'!,IPort l , pm".. nU. boy, whot 10 do an n'o w to do II. l1eaulilull7 n .... tl'lll ed\ and every line In ha rmony ,. llh relln.d
No. Smoke, Soot nor Gas
~~~~11::'~lb.!~':J·e.re:rdl:lve~r~~, r~::~~:etl~rJ';r
You who have never used a. Moore Range cannot realize how easy it Is to keep L\ kitchen clean. . . 'rry to picture a stove which burns up All of Its smoke Rnd soot before they elm reach the · chimney- a slove which ' is so construoted that even when uncovered for adding fuel, not a particle of smoke, soot or gas ' caD ~cape into the room . . And these aren't the only wllys the .Moore Range helps you keep your . kitcheu clean. It does stili more. It has a Hioaed Top which offers the cleanest and handiest method possible for feeding a fire, building a new obe, broiling or toasting. By merely pulling a chain, the' whol. top i. lifted out .o f the way. There's no spilling of fuel. l'he top. wheo lifted. forms a hood and the smoke and smell are dmwu around the flues of the range and cannot escape Into the room. '
' I
For a Spotless Kitchen .....- - Get Moore's' Range
a:. .
.:, .•".
TheBo Ilt th o t 01 . ~ ~ Nil". !. will m a. J,: c a mnn of y our hoy , S ecu re hls Hvuly In h,,'OI&And whllh. .omo dovelopmen t by a lvin" 111 1"
TH! McCALL roMPANY. 239 II 249W..13'1l11 Sl.lIl1nall
'ike' .This?'
;.them in keep the .house ready or use.
Prepared from Pure N ative Herbs. they Cleanse the Syste~ .nd Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS•
F i rst Day Moc lln... 0 :00 l~. ID. Flr8~ Day Scl.uol. I I ;0 (1 a. w. F'uunb Day ~fc(' \ln ll' i 1 110 : 00 a. to _ _ __
" . Chll ,Bnd. ' Se~ This' · Wondedul ''RaRde •
1 - . 1 ,
We !)aven't room here to tell YDU all the supetl~r Then there's t)1e nl?ke).plated oyen r,aclt (tile only ODe . features pf Moore's OveD -;- how :It, absolu~ely prevents on the market), and the &1amlnlled oveu-Ule moat ~l"dead llpotB/' and how ·the Qlaaa ()yen DoOr overcomes tru'y mQ4e. . . .. '. .the necessity of ope~lng the oven and losing heat eveO' Ga,1 'at our ~ore and let us ~ th. . .tatem..... tbDe you want to see the condition of ,the food inSide. We'll not'urge yo,u·to· ~uy. . . . . .. . . . . . . CGII IN "." in dAn CCIIt 1roIt. or !Ilnl
The Miami Gaz ette
lIo~ OBr'61uej3c~ts
Because n man 11all failed In achle ~ Illg sllccess . or beca ~e he bas gODe ven furt her nnd Wilfully recked the . llte ilia t on ce promise d so muob , It docs nOl follow that be enn never e el up Ilgalll. Yet thert) are men every· ",.. here who believe tha t certaln In· cld ents In thel: Uvea have placed th~rn beyond redemption nnd that It Is us.eless to try Illld begin over agnln Sometim es they become Impatie nt for tho !:iuccess that se ms so far away and freq uently gIve up Jus t before It com es wltbln tb elr grasp. Repeate d rn.llllres seem only to convInce them that th ey ca n never hope to accom· plls h anythIn g because of their former mIstAkes. and yet tbe mlrac.le may be Il rformed when least expecte d. It Is wise to forget the past. whatev er It anny have been, and to traIn ourselv es to \Ive only In the present, says the Charles ton News ond Colirler. Some· Umes the past projects Its shadow s across our llath and' for a time we feel helples s anc) think it but natural th!lt !We sbould move lu Its gloom. It Ie ~osslbl e , boweve r, to leave the ehn4· bw behind and step out Into the eWlfJ. S 'f 1-1 I~ maLter of band.ltng !Rblne of the' new Illld untrIed ill.. th , mall on !whlcb spreads 1111 ahout us. No maD Ing a d United ~n hopo to make any headwa y in hll States battleship or other ~uslnes s career wbo coel about with largo naval vessel Is one ~e rememb rance of an unworth y past of the mos t Int eresting at tb IUlnor f otures ot lite ;mnglu g like a millston e about his nflonl hi a wars hip Call!· fleclt. Its ~elghCt will bear him down Dlunlty, and yet It Is one at which ~ he underta kes to beglD the Dew me tha general public on its visits lWlth the memory ot the old .tlll cUng· to the flontlng fortress s !lees little 'ng to hIm. or nothIn g. The activIt! s of a "mn· rtne pos t offi ce" on one of ncl e Sam's j . A RussIan who recently eame to 1rst clu!ls tlghtlng shIps ha\' broad· s conn try and 10catC4l In Pittsbu rg ened conside ra bly withIn the lmst few ecame very Irate because his wUe • ors· for th renSOD that on or the ' was dlsobed leDt and bad become 1m· nm lon's Ull·to·da te balt! s hips or ar· u'ed with Americ an Ideal." ~o he DIO~ c1 rHis I'S cnnles anywhe re [rom reatoDed to shoot the womaD, and 00 to 1',OuO offi c rs Rud men. 'fbls tiUd tear her clothes from her ODd Is hall liS mn.ny aga in as were enroll· ed on the ho t tl esbll)S In our fleet prior ~urn th e~ In the street. Tben Ole to a few years ago, rOUoe took a hand, and tIle i)"verzeaJ. bill lleshlps now . and wh n the Dew buildIng ar In com· ~us Russian was fined $110 and lien· mission a II will ' b!\ \'e conslde rubly tenced to 90 ' days ID tbe worle· Olo r than] ,000 souls t\board . hOllse. When he has paid up and geta Now, os ev rybody approcl at 0, a out he Is likely to have a lastlDg commun ity ot 1,000 . Ileople on laud ncognlt Jon ot the fact that one .an keep a post office pretty busy, and These naval postal derkS ." AmerIc an Idea" Is that a husbaDd floating commun Ity of the same num· tlwrtty to receJve and open ha.ve au· previou s visit ot the naval postman . allllouc hes ·Each ship's mall Is, of course, kept canDot treat his wlte like a slave. And ·or ot people represe nts vastly more and sacks of meJl address ed to naVal entirely separat e and Is transfer red in it he objects be Is at liberty to reo postal busines s. becalille Its patrons are 'vessels ; to deUver mrill; to receive a 81H1clal pouch that goes dIrect to tho turn to the land where tho laws are 111 adults, and most ot thElm are great mall for tronsm.IBBion; to receipt tor vetl8el for which the mall mattor It letter writ rS- belng far more addicte d register ed mall; to seU !esB objectio nable to hIm. to the lett r writing habit than the and In tact, to dlacbarpostage stamps, contain s Is destined . Much of the ge nil the duo mall for the omcers and men aboard Contine ntal United States has a pop· Jame number ot people pIcked at ran· ties of a post office clerk, a meJl col· our warship s Is sent "Care of the Post. explana.tlon of this it hictor and a l(~tter can1er ID Qno. On 111aUon of over 91,000,000. Tbat does ~OD on shore. mlLSter, New York." or "Care ot the may lIot IDclude outlylDg posses&loo8, iwny be cited that the navy men are many of the warship s {bere are OD PostlDa ster San FranclJ co." The vea. from home and consequ ently duty Instend of or In Ilddltlon to the se)s move about so muob that COrNwhich have a \ number ot mliUonll ~ Ir only means of commuD more. The figures put this countrJ ".-Ith relative s and friends Is .bylcatioD Daval postal clerks, ,,,hat are knOWD as spondeDts ashore ftnd It difficult tn mall. "maU orderlies." The duties . of a keep track ot them or to gauge their foremo st among nations having a I!'llr tbermor e, th~ e. dunng the ir mall orderly lU'e much tbe same ~s a letters so as to reac.h them at an1 homo&,e DOUs and united people. There ~v e nlngs aboard ship, In tho "ott duty" navnl postal clerk and Indeed are several countri es wbere the ago period s on Sunday IUld at other Umes layman all naval postal employ to the given place. But the postma ster at ees 'nre New York, for tnstan~ r Is advised b1 r;re.gate populat ion Is 'l arger, iDOlud· ~ lelll'Y of leisure for w'rltlng letters. "mall .orderlie s," as he Bees them land· telegrap h of the wberea bouts at e~cb 'IUd the·y lmprov the OPllol·tu nlty, oft· Ing from the ships with thell' lng China and India with their hun· bulging vcssel every day and a letter sent in lhlles, no doubt, because "there Is notb· mall sacks and later returnin g on Ws care fs sure to r eacb Q dreds of m1l110ns . But nowber e els e Daval des. IB there such solidari ty and harmoDY !ng else to do," The omcers aboard boaI'll wIth otb r poucbes, simila rly tlllstion 10 the shortes t possIble time. 3hlp must needs handle n heavy vol· swollen with letters, papers and lJack· of general purpOse as In . the UDlted' JlUe of The distribu tion of the mall for the official corres pond eDce as well ages. officers on s bipboar d Is usually left to States. We have out little dlfteren ces, as their private oorresllOlldence. and There are ) ller boxes at oonvenlent the Qfficer 01 the deek. ~oUU cal and otheljVl se; but tald ng In man'lo of The master the bl.ejack ets wrlle a lmost places on sbip board. just as there are at arms Is ' suppose d the fundam entals the ' America ns ' a re :Jail to the girl s they left behind . So on distribu te tbe street corners on shnre, and the mall to the crew butto at ~hrlstmas a pr~tty harmon lolls family. .ha t All told thel'e Is a really nbuormll.l mull ol'derltes or clerks make collec· time, when the mall Is heavy or when volume of pOlltal huslnes s to be attend· tiona from these at stated times each a sll11> at the end of a Idflg orulse linds • The New York pollco bave capture d 3d to on the average war ship. day, just lUI collecll ons of Wall arc dozens of bags of mall aWQ.ltlni her. For handlin g lbe ma lh! aboard sblp mad e In tb e city streets. • band of kldn apcrs. ThIs ougbt to Two or three the maJl ordei-llos or postal c1erkl! are n nook below declrs Is et aport a.s the times each day the accumu lated Dlall likely to aftord a fiDe chance to make so sIgnal pitch ID and help distrIbu te , an exampl e of . retrlhut lon that thIs ship's post offie and this Is th head· having been sorted and postmar ked Is th e mall atter wey have sorted It. The qllarter s or ~h e ' mall onl riles," or the Bent asbore In pouches , despica ble form of crI me wlll receive tbat \los tal clerlls and assis tant )lostal dlspatcb ed by rail or steame It may be providin g of sumoleDt United States r to Ifs "a· postage lltamps to supply the wanla • st aggerin g blow to Its IndustrY ot lerks. Enlist d men In the navy, upon rlous destina tions. Mall Is thus taken _or the bluejaQk8ts on a proloDged lackmaJlIng distract ed parents. 8clect,Jon by tb e secret.ll r y of the ashore by one or the steam cutters or cI\llse In foreign waters Is one of the navy. are designa ted by the pnst office motor boats. several at wlilob aro at· responslhl11tiea of . the Wival postal A dlspatoh trom Berlin In{orms u's departm ent all IIn vy lIlull ol erks and as· tached us ':tender s" to every naval·v es· service that the captaiD or the slilp that the kals r 41'Inl18 with "{rankl y s l ~ tant navy mall clerks , and these se l. Often one of t.hese little vessels Is required to 'keep an eye OD, J or let· men take th e oatb of offi oe prescrIbed makes the trIp specially to convey tloylsh enjoym ent." We ar" glad to the tere "for homo" . t.r bearing United :b.~ar that he enjoys H. We were for employe es of th e postal servi ce and maJl. On the return trip this little States stamps, may be ,dispatc hed dl· glv bond In the sum of $.1,000, just postal ferr y . brings the afraid that he mIght do It purely out as do th e )Jos tnl clerks Who work on shIp 't hat has accuDlulatedmall for tbe r ect to Americ a In "olosed bags" In· of patriotIsm. at the near· atead at und1!rgolng the rouUne of tor· r nilway lraln's or In pos t offic~ ashore. est POBt ofnce ashore since the last e1gn mall service. Now England women nrl' prot es ting ................................. . . . $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . agaIns t th e lise of corl, orew curls by . . . . . . . . . . . . .. stage people to porll'ay their type. 'J'llls is Quit e ri ght. New l'~n g l a nd women are no longer In ib dal;.uor· reotype Jlel·lod.
" "m'" .. ou""
FL IG HT OF TH E CH AM PE EN Under He Climbs
tbe Rop;s When His August Pa Appears-Not. iu the Same ' Class.
Sinoe wholesa de prices 01 meat ~ •••• e ••••• o.o •••• o •••• e ••• ~~...... .~~......~~....~~~ ....~~......~......~~..,. l1avc gone liP a cent In Omaha, watcb "What' U we do now?" asked Mlllla,· I ad bUEoln ess wi th three keeo· .uld see ·whe ther your butcher I\oes yed men. not hear of It much more prompe tl1 ne; . Tile trIo batl lieen trying to fiud ,"They ba" e good scraps here. rve his jaw hard 8S Iron~ As he passed Jone's and Ulan be' did ot the precedi ng decline out what IllUuselD ellls the town all,ord· never ileen be re b<:'fore, 'bllt Maddo hiD,). but Scanlan they trIed to· grab he .'shollk them olr. He 'ed between the bOllrs . of ' 8 p. m. nnd 'llIIt me next." oJ a much luger amount . . ollmbed the steps leading to tbe stllga 2 n. m .• nud it was close to tbe latter At thi s mom ent two young flghters and thl'ew oft hIs coat' amid yells anll haul', though. the)' had Eet no lime enter ed the rlug, and a boanie·volced jeers from the crowd. Count de !Jesse ps saYB he ISll't go' limit Oll. tllings. Jones aud -Scan· Individual In his shi rt sleeves made ~ng to fly any 1ll00·e. "It's alt- rlgbt r&r Ian .But ' ''Youn'~ Dempsey" wasn't ~Uill thought a bout It: They decided an annoull cement that the ,vlnner Ing. H~s b ach lars," he 6u ld, "but when a they dfdn· t know . Al so JoneH wa9 woulll fi ght nil comel's In his claBs. t llrned"a r. d face went .wblte and he nd ~blspered BP~ethlDg to 'h!s man lil t nds to get ma rried . well-" sleellY. Then the bout \\ as on. Through the secoDds." , lt ta kes a gncd dcal of co urage t.o do " 'reil YOIl wh ut," silgcste d Mull,,· blue haze of s moke tJie Bpental.6rs "Come on here," said . the old maD ~ ell-ller. ney, "we'll go over 'to It pl ace J guzed sllenlly . The thud or gloved "Oome: on b !'lre;, you.g~eless Imll. I'll. Imow- It's a club- and w : 11 see a flsts against humou fl esh resound ed , pound y ou to smither eens. I've Ucked It " r. ntll;g x \1 ' 0 for stayfng out SCl"'dJ.l or two." and' 11th bollles Slid from (langeI' and YOU' beforE!; nnd f'1I do It again. Come " You're n gay old tlport, 1111 right." swayed In, accom panied hy late at nl"'b w ill nut qualify any mnr. more OD." ) ~ Tied loa n f0r lUt' mbel's hlp In tbe In. IlllIglled Scanlan . "An ybody'd , ~ nk thuds. · , • But the cbampl on wae crawl1D.g un.' you \Vere ' ;1 'Sllort inst ad of 1\ gray· 'V (>u tors' guild, no mattcr how well lho SCBnlan looked at Mullaney . , His der 'the rOl)es, ~he crowd beaded old fo.nilly · man." m hsu s reccl yes hie Inventio ns. eyes wer staring ; bls jaw 'ha~ drop· :Ing and yelling, and finally ":8.11 whoop .. the fat.man Ml1l1aae y lec.! tbe ~y ay to a' Bt.alr~e , . ped and he was r.Un chlng t.he edge of In shirt sleeves got In ' frODt and whel'e stood It Ibln ,IDsn with a Ullnner. bls chaIr sea t: Plainly sometb lng bad 'w.aved his arma" ' A class In a cocl~ lng sch 01 In P rovo , I ove Jd enc had , II Its', mem ber!; poIsoned lhlslooll,( fa sten d to his ' net~k, and · 10 mnde hlin mad. . "The champe.en," he yelled~ "'Won:t . man he'. made talk . .~ Jpnes .. Imd T'heri It happene d. The' fist of one fight his' pal "~ H e ain't . 'ltb , lbelr 'own ooldng. · This was ScmlJlln, heln'g strange In the same rll In. lown and ... n :frl blllion s wift nud ure" ut It gave gue t~' of Mullaney, tood in the baok.' ()f the tight ra caught the .obln . ot cl 8S" lhe otber Gll..d a ronr r.41ilour,ded ... wl111e .~.. b .' .. . .. gToimd unU! the. confjlrellce was fin. ' the !nt milD stood over .. t;rcat lesson to the eomll1unlty. the ,aileD , You at, bl! won t, .snorted .~e 01. lshed. undo r celrlng ' 'n signal. mOlin- inan waving his llrm up and down man,.· yallktng OD hie coat. Ther heilled the del~ted gladiato r. I .gI,t" bOm~.· Apollo Bllortl" Wa1~ll .A S • Loui s rnan made hI:! wlte cut , ed t1le stellS b,ehlnd the other two. g <;ll,lb, An opeDIDg door. lhrew th em hlto a r'rom the ring, and the maD III shirt 18' hRlr. narberlng, ho~ev e r, wlU bub . . , ". bamlllt e hall. a ball thIck wltb ' ~lu8 sleeves rme to IU! I' r be . In clud e~ In any dOlllest!c make ' aD ' annouD:c~, . Then, aean1an Il!ld JOJle• .!leta~ hlm tobacco IIlb.oke, and In the. ceDter ment . . .clcnce course. and bU8t}~d h\m out, the., uproar n"squared rIng of rop~. . ''Y~uns · J)(>ru.PIWY." he. aaJd, "Cha~. brough t .a J)ollce.Dlan, aDd ,who .,po ed' III "H.ero·" whcr(>.)'oU gilt.,ou r mOiley' . peen ot tbe ' 8late'IJ mee~ any bun· bU. beid abd wlnkecl. '. o,,~ quail 'ill) to'!!t. ls \wrth Q • •boJQ . wOl'tb," exulted MulllUley. wbo had dla. ncred'n fol1y " pound Icrappe r ~at "It·,.U right, Jerri," l0III8 'I'l)peared for n te'1len t 'litt) an ad· want. ADY O· bls nme!' Ih~ wild ~ e e lie: ~atd . "$Vel')'tbtng Oleq, ; -lu1118 rc"iu t \t ber be had t,rllDssct. Th~'IlID the aullJ.Qce J'O!~ Mallaaer, ."t·~Ua , ..
Painted Whll.
~el ••,.
of the Tler.ar tenstr....•• plut~orat eoolety to be painted whUe u1eep, wrltee a BerUn corj'e.pond8llt. T,he Au.trla~ Ooun~e Ollnk started the bright Idsa. The well·~oWD portrait lit who had cigen her an appoint ment tor t.he IlttlDg hal the vicioul bablt ot maklDg you walt. Tired ot turning 'over French novel I In an ante-oh am· ber, the beautifu l countes s tell alleep. At last th.,pro criletiD atlnr artllt turn· ed up . IintraDced by the unexpec ted v1slon or sleeplD I beauty he threw off a lIghtnSng sketch and as the CouDtess awoke held It before her astoulsh ed eyes. The drawing was so dainty Bl!d seducti e tbat the delighte d sItter InsIsted upon a comple te 011 portraIt painted while she simulat ed sleep.
~.~Qet Tftelr~all
1\ til the orue of the prett)' laMet
ECZEMA GONe, BOILS CUREIt "My Bon waB about three .weeks old when I Doticed a break1n.~~ ut on hla c~eekB, (rom which a ,,'atery Bubstance oozed. A sbort. time after, his arms, shoulde ra and brelLSt broke out also, and In a tew days became a solid scab. I became allOrmed, and called our family physicia n, wbo at ODce pronouDced the disease eczema. The lit tle fellow was under hi. treatme nt tor about three months . By the end of that time. he seemed no better. I became dIscour aged. and a8 I had read the advertls emente ot Cutlcur a Remedl el ud testimo nJals of a great . many 'people who had used them ..... Ith wODderful success . I dropped the dootor'e treatme nt, and commen ced the UBe of Cutlcur a Soap and OlntmeDt, and In a tew days noUced a marked ' change. The eruption on hIs cheeks was almoat h"aled, and bls slJoulders, arma and breast were declded17 bet· t er. When he wu about seven months old -U trace of the eczema was gone. "During ht, teethIn g period, hie head and· face were broken out In boils whleh I cured with CuUcur a Soap and Ointme nt. Burely he must have been a' great sufferer . DurlDt; the time of teethlDg aDd trom the time I dropped the doctor's treatme nt, I I1se4 the Outlcur a Soa p and Cutlcur a OInt,. ment• .nothing else. and w~en two leara bid he was the picture ot health. Hla complexion was 80tt and beautitul. and hll head a mass of silky curls. I had beln nt.r ald that be would Dever be well, and· r teel that lowe a . great deal to the Cutlcur a Remedl e"," (Signed ) Mrs. MarY W. Ramsey , 22' E. Jac~80n B,t., Colorad o SpriDp , Colo.. Sept. 2', 1910.
GROWTH OF BJPE HABIT Druogletti 8a)' Pr.ecI'lp tlone and N,* Pat.nt Medicin e. the • Clue.. New ~ork.-Blame tor tbe pr.... ruence and jp-owth of the morph1 Il. habit W81 placed on the .boulde rs o.t physiCians, wbo prescrlh ed the drue, at a meetlDg or druggis ts here tonight to protest again at the recently enacted City ordllion ce prohlbltlDS theanle at retail ot ·aDY prepnrn tliln COD' talnlng morphi ne or Its aalts C\xcep~ UPOD a doctor's prescrlp tloo. The ordlnaD oe Is aLmed primari ly at paregor lo and at stomMh rem edies, accordI ng to membe rs or the board ot health who were IDstrum ental In obo · 'talnlng Ita passage. ClLllwell Mayo, one ot tho druggis ts, saId be ba4 made a caDVOSS by mall ot Beveral sanitari ums and the replies convinc ed him DO per cent. of the victims of drugs tormed tbe habit 88 a result or using prescrlptloos given by pbyslclans and only 8 per cent. from usln, proprlo tary medlcln el. W.. Tak'"g No Chances. An amu sin g Inciden t occurre d a few days ago outside Maranz, Austria . A' COW strayed trom the pastura ge aDd came wIthin r oach of the tort. Th. omcilr In comman d luspect ed the pre .. ence or fln automa tic photogr aphic apo paratus , and had the beast seized and closol, exaIDill od. and when he tound nothing to jU1>tUy hIs susplclo nl he turned the anlw&. loose again. underthe observa tion of two or bls men. charged with the duty of fOllowlDg th. suspected bome to ascertai n whethe r her owner wal an Italian spy. There Is no norm ..t bealth without hvman helpfulD estl.
wisely directed, will cau~ ber 'togive to ber little one8 only the moe' wholeso me and beneiicial remedies and only when actuall l' needed, ana. th.e well-informed ~other uses on1r. the pleasant and gentle laxative remedy-Sy rup of Figs and Elixir of Senn.a -when a laxative .is required. 18 it is wholly free from all objco. tionablo substances, To get ita ben- .
The L.teet Golf 8tory, Two ScotcbmeD met and exchang ed the amall talk appropr iate to the bour As tbey were partlDg to go Bupper· ward, Sandy said to Jock: "Jock, man, I'll £0 ,.e a roon4 OD the IJnka In the morrn." "The morrD 1" Jock repeate d doubtfully. elicial efteota always buy the genu"Aye, mon, the morm." laid Band,.. '1'11 go ye a roond aD the links the ine, manma cttUea by the Califor nia Fig Syrup Co. morrn." "Aye weel." lIald Sandy. "1 so ye. Bu t I had Intende d to get married In thQ ~ol'l'n·.'" '
Couldn' t Last a Day. Rowel l-I can tell you bow to live on ten cenls a day. Powell- Don't do It; I've oDly eight cente.
When You Think
0. the 'paiD whlcb may womea ezperiooce with every mODth 1t,JDa.... the ,eDdeuN I ud ~I alw.,. ...oel.ted with womeahood aeem to be "mOlt • ml ....cle. While iD 'eDeral DO wom.a rebell '!laio.t wbat Ihe re,.rd, .1 • natural Decalil l' there i. DO "om ... wbo wowd DOt gl.dly be free from thil recul'riA, period of PaiD. ~I'- Plereo '.
P_eCl' lptlo8 _.~e. ••d .Iell wOlllea .ell•••d IJ/r•• tli, .. "...dol ll trom pal". It ••tllliIJa" •• 1'e~"'IJI'lty. s"bdlJe . 11J1I1I1D~
..... wo....
.aUolJ . "ea/. liIeel'.t loa 11,,11 c",..• .,..
Siok womeD are iDvited to oonlult aa
,. . ~
letter. /rH~ All COrroePODdeace ItMotlr private and bY IIcndly 000- ' fideDtlal. Write without , fear aDd witbout fee to World!e arr. Me4ioa1 Awociatioa. R. V. Pierce. M. D., PreaideD I. BuEalo, N.Dillpcaa Y. '
U you wet . • .book that \die .U .bout wori1U'1 t. IIDd bow to cur. them at home. load 31 oae-eel'lt ltamp. to pay OOlt·dllelllf of w ....ppin, and militia, ...r,. ud we will aend you • Fr•• copy of Dr. Pierce's "..,- thouuD d-pa,. lIIu.trat ed Commoa Seale , Medical. Adviaer - reviacd. 1IP' to • daato editioa la Iaaodeome Preaoh cloth biDdiD4. . •
.Iak, the Poultll, Busioess a Raal· ..Businass , .
hIm wbat hp cbolle. He wondered wbrl h~ haa not tried to resist. The truth was Underwood· xe a strange, subtle power over hf . l;'Ie . had the pow r to rilake him do everything be w.a nt d him to do, no matt r how fool· Ish or unreasonable the requelt. Every one at college us ~ d to talk about It. One nig ht Underwood luvlted all his clnl!s mates to his r~om8 and made him cul u p 0.\1 llinda of capers. He at firs t rc(used, IJolnt blank-but Underwood got up and, st.andlng directly In fronl ot him, ga7.ed steadily In to his eyeB. Again be commanded him to do these ridiculous, degrading things. Howard fell hllllsRlf weakening. He. was sud· denly seized w1th lhe Ceeling lhat he nue. Undel'wood was com lug out ot. must obe y. Amid roars of laughter a curio shop. He explalued burrledly be recited the entire alphabet stand· that he hnd left Yale, and when asked Ing on one leg, 11e crowed like a about his future plans talked vaguely roosl r, he hopped like a toad, and or going In fOr art. BI. matter was he crawled abjec tly on bls belly 1l1te [rigid and nervous-the attitude of a snake. One of the fellows told him tbe man who tears he may bo ap· aft rward that he had been hypo proached for a small loan. Ho wils noll zed. He had laughed at It then evidently well aware of the chanr;e in n8 a good joke, but now he came to his old associate's fOl'tunes, and hav· think of It, perhaps It wall true. Pos· Ing squeezed all he could out ot him, slbly he was a lIubject. Anyway he had no further uso for hIm. It wall was glad to be rid of Underwood and only when be had disappeared that hlB uncanny InHuence. The t ml n stopped with a jerk at his Howard suddenly remembered a loan of $250 which Underwood bsd never slation aud Howard rode down In ilie repaId . . Some time later Howard ele vator to the streH Crossing Eighth learn ed thnt he occupIed apartments av nue, he was gOing straight home at the exclusIve and expensive As· v.' hen suddenly he hal ted. The glitter trurla, where he wall living In great and tempting array of bottles In s style. He went there determined to cornel' 8aloon window temllted him. see him and d emand Ills money, but He 8uddenly felt the,t If there was one the card always came back "not at t hing he needed In the world above all otherll It was another drInk. True. home:' Underwood had alw~ys been a mys· he had had more than enough already. tery to Howard. He knew him to be But that was Coxc's fault. He bad an Inveterate gambler and a man en· Invited him and made him drink tirely without prlnolple. No one knew ,There couldn't be any harm .ln takln~ who , his family were or where he anothE!!·. He might lUI well be hanged came from . , His source ot income, for a sheep as a lamb. Dy the time too, was always a puzzle. At college he emerged from the saloon his he was always hard up, borrowing speech was thick and hi s step uneer. right and left and forgettlng to pay, tain. A few minutes later he was ret he always succeeded In livIng on painfully climbing up the rickety stairs the fat or· the Sand. Bls apartments of a cheap.looklng fiat house. As he
The box·llke hole "here 11owtd'd sat awailing his meal was th" lar g st room In a Hilt whlcb bOllste d of "five and bath," Th ' r was a b Ilroom of equall y dlmll1\1tlv , prollortions and It parlor with wall rIa p I' so 'loud tbat It talke d. Thcl'c was ca re Iy ~ nough " n 80l1\e of the Cltle. and Town. the room to swing 0. cat aro und. The . School Bulldlngl Cannot Accom. thin walls wel'tl racked. lh room!l modate the Inere.,lng Num. were cllrpcUeslS. Ye t It show d tbo !terl. care or a good housekcc·pt'l'. F loors -I and windows wor clean. th e CO\' I' on Ooe of t'be 'most Important faeton the table II POtiCSS. 'I'll furni Shings tn the building of a Dew ODuntry II were as m ag(U:. as th y we ro In gen· the attentlon that 111 paid by the au· lous. Wi t h th Ir sl oml I' purll" lhey thorltles ,to the education of the rISing bad be n able to purchase 0 1111' the AD Relieved by Lydia I B. PInk,eneratlon. Fortunately tor western bure necess ities-a bed, n chu lt· or bam's Vegetable Compound. Oanada, the settlement of that new two, a dlolng room table, a fe w klt ch· Sikoston. Mo. - .. For seven years I oountrr began In such recent yeart n utensils. Wh e n th oy wan led t-o sit lJ1illered I was 1n bed that It was able to lay a foundatlon In . the parlor lhey bad to carry a four or five day. tor thlll work, galn"d by the experl· at a time eTer, chair from th dining room: wll n R own nl J f\ rrl'l l!~ , bll nker's ~ on . unLier month, and so weall ence o~ older countries. ~n thlll viar tlte meal t.irne8 cam lhe chnlrs ha<'J to 0 \'11 InOu" ncll or Robert Unde rwood , I could hardly walk. the very best ~ the resull Through· a t ellow· slude nt fit Yn le , le ude Ii IIln- or travel back again . A soap box turaed I cramlled and had out .the enUre country are to be seen 61811pl1110 n. IlllllTl es th o d a ught r of 0. upelde down lind neatly covcred with backAche and bend. r who dl ~ <1 III 1)1·190 n . lLnd hi dill · the most Improved IItyle of archlteo- S'llmbl ch intz did dilly I\S a dresscr In the ache, and w s. s 110 owne d by hl ~ tnther. H e tri es to cet ture In ' school b·ulldlngB. The cltl., work and talla. bedroom, and with a few pholographs n ervous and weak and towns vie wIth each other In the anll tacks tb y had managed to 1m· that I dreaded to CHAPTER I.-Contlnued. otrorts to secure the best of accom80e anyone or haTe port on a osth tic appea rnnce to lhe anyone movo ln the modaUon and at the lame time IClt parlor. This plnco eORt th e huge sum room. The doctol't "I wish 1 cou ld helll you, old mall. architectural llnea that would appeaL of $25 a month. It might just as weU me medicine to Sumclent ~o say that nowhere Is there As It Is. my own salary b:\I'ely serv es have cost $100 ror all ) lowan]'s ability me at those the greater attention patd to elemeD· to keep me In neckwear. \ Vall street's to pay It. The past month's ront was ought to have an tary nnd advanced education than In great tun, but It doesn't pay much; long overdue aud th e junltor Inolted not listen to that. western Canada. A report just to that Is, not unless you pLay th e game of my husband told IIlore Insolent very day. Dul lh ey nnd when a yourself." ' hand shows that In Calgary, Alberta, did nol core. They were young and Wm about Lydia .E. Pinkham's Vege. Howard IImlled ['ebl y Ill! be reo table Oompound and wbat it had dOD' there are eighty teachers employed life . was still before them . for his wife, I was willing to take It. • and the enrollment 4,228 pnplls. In plied: P.resently An!lle cam e In carrying Now I look the picture of health and "Nonsensc- I wouldn't accept help the Province of ~Iberta there waa a a steaming dl·h of stew,' whi ch Bhe fcelilke it, too. I ciln do my own bouse. total of 48,000 pnpllll attending scbools of that sort. I'm not reduced to so· la.ld OU tho table. As sh e helped How· work. boe my garden. and milk a cow. In 1909. The total enrollment for the lIcltIng charity yet. i guess I'd preal d to a plate full she said : " 0 yo u I cau entortain compaIlY and enjol fer the river to that. But If you hear - ,ear In cIty, town and vllla,e IIchooll them_ I can visit whon I choose, aWl bad no luck again this morning ?" wal 23,883, nnd the total In rural or anything, keep me In mind.'" Howard wa8 too busy eating to au· walk ns far as any ordinary WOIDa!!. Tho athlete made no response. He IOhools was 23,165. There are In the swer. As he gulped down a huge pi ce any day in the month. I wish I aoula t.alk toevery sufl'eringwoIDanandgirL" prortnce 970 schooll with 1.823 de- was apparently lost in thought when of bread, he growled: -Mrs. DElIA DETIIUNE, Sikf.stbn. MOo partments, At the clolle ot 1909 there suddenly he blurted out: "NothIng, as usual-sam old story. The most successful remedy ln thle "Say, .Tetrrles, you haven't got any 11'8.11 a total of 1,096 school districts In nothing doing." country f or the cure of all forms of money, have YOU-say, a couple of the province. Great attention Is paid Annie sighed. She had been given f emale complaints is Lydia E. Fink.. also to agrlcultural education. The thoueontl dollars?" this answer 80 otlen thal It would ham's V egeta.ble iJomponnd. Howard stared at the questioner as It Is more widoly and successfully have surprised her to hear anything belt uses of the soil and sucb other \ else. It meant th/lt their hard bnud· nsed than any otber remed,.. It baa matters aa tend to make the agrlcul· If he doubted his sanity. tbousands of women who have to·mouth struggle Dlust go on. She cured ture leu of a drudge and more of a .. "Two thousand dollars!" be gasped . been troubled with displacements, In. Do YOIl supposo that I'd be wearing said nothing. What was lh e use? It flatn.nJatlou, ulceration. fibroid tumors. luccess are employed. When there would nevel' do to dl!!coul'ag How· irregularities periodio pa.ios, ba.ckache. Is the combination ot good soll, IIplen. out shoe leather look ing for a job, ard . She tried to make light of It. did climate.. and he~thr and advanced It I bad $2,OOor: that bearing down feeling. indigestion. "Of course It Isn ' t casy, I quite and ne"OUIl prostration. after all other Coxe 190ked disappOinted as he reIdeas In the methodl employed In plied : . ' understand ' that. Never mlud , dear. means bad tailed. Why don't lOU trylU agriculture, we see accomplished the Something wl11 turn UII soou. Where "Oil, ot course, I understand you results that bave placed wostern Can· did you go? Whom did you see ? Why ada on Ita present hIgh plane In the haven't It 011 you, only I thought you THE USUAL RESULT. dldn·t yo'u I ~t drink aloue when you agricultural world. The'!'e" to be might be able to ralso It." promlscd me YOIl would 1" . ~ 'Why do you askt" InquIred How· found men of hIgh IIlandlnc In Uter"That was Coxc's fnutt," ulurlcd ary spheres o.s well al In financial ard. lIis curiOSity aroUBed. Coxe looked around to see If any Ollt Howard, a lways ready " lo blame circles who are carrylnc on farmlnlr, oth ers t.or his own short omlngs. not alone for the pleasure they de- one was listenLng. Then In a whis· "You remcmbe r oxe ! He was at rive but tor the profit tbey secure. per he sa Id: Ynle when 1 was. A big, Calr fellow "It's a cLnch. If yOU' bad $2,000, Mr. Adler, a wlde·awake business man with blue eyes . H pulled s troke In of New. York, ha$ a ra.ncb near Strath· you and I could make a snug IIlUe (ortune. Don't you understand? In '~ • • I:ID th o 'vars ity boat race, you remem· more, Alberta. He III hlg.hly pleased ber?" with hi. succesa the past year. He my omce I get tips. I'm on the Ins ldo. "r thlnlc I do," replied ttls wife, In· 1 know In advance wltat tho big men laYII: . dltre renUy, as sbe bellied him to more no going to do. When they start to "On Julr 25th we estImated our crop stew. "W hnt did he wau t ? Wha l's at 6,000 bushels of wheal A week move a , certain stock uv, I'm on .the he doing in New York?" Jater we Increased our estimate to lob. Understand? If you had $2,000, t could raise as much, and we'd pool "He'S ,got a fio c place In a broker's 12.000 bWlbels. . A tew days later we offi o In Willi s treet. I felt a sha med ecaln Increased our estimate, this our capital, starting In the business to let him sce me low down like this. time to 18,000 busbels, but after har- ourselves-on a small scale. of course. He fil ald that r could make a good deal vest In September we found we had ,ll we hit it right we might ma ke n blee Income." of money It only I hael a litlle capital. 10,150 bushela. If that laD't • record, Howard's month wate red. ' CertaIn. He knows everything going on In what Is?" be 8.IIked. be liked Wnll street. If J went In with hIm I'd "This crop was made with practl· ly that was the kInd of 80 Stockbug has bt6Q 00 the be on Easy street." callr no moisture." he contlnued, "and best. The feverish excitement ot street, bus he? What Is be Bp l\culatgambling, the close assooiatlon with " How touch would It require?" we now have a better opinIon of the Ing on?" "Two thousand dollars." fertility of Alberta lands than evel rich Ulen, the promiso of a luxurious "Just at present. I believe, hd II style of living-ali this appealed to Th young wife gave a sig h as she and value our lands higher than speculating on bow much longer ~ him strongly. But what was the use? answered: ever did before." Where could he get $2,OOO? He "I'm afraid thal's n day dream. Only will be on the street." Mr. Adler, who has been on thll COUldn't go to his father. H e shook youI' falller cou ld give you Buch on ranch for about a week, leaves tOI Ignorance. his head. amount and you woulllll 't go to hlm, New York Saturday. Laura J can Libbey, discussing In wOllld you 1" . "I'm afraid not, ()Jd sport," he said ThIs gentleman is conductlDC n farm " ;-.Iol If we hadn't another crust In Brooklyn her appearanoe on nil on a large scale. and hal plenty of as they left the saloon and be held out his hand to say good·by. "But I'll Ulfl house," snapped Howard sa vage- IItagc, said: means to develop It, and hIs may not "I talk In my monologue about love, It in mind, and It thIngs Improve bear ly. "You dou·t want me t o, do you?" be taken aa a talr case. The. e are, marriage anll the other Interes ls ot I'll 1001< you up. So longl" ' he aslced looking up at her qulcltly. though. Instances ot thousands wbo Climbing wearily up the dIrty stairs "No, dear," she answered calmly. the heart. On lhoBe subjects wom en, have begun life on IImall farm;) tn especially Y1'Ung !Vomen, are strangely of the clevated railroad, he bought a "I IJnve certainly no wish that :fou western Oanada with but brains and ticket with one of the few nickels reIgnorant. should humble yourself. At the same the determination over nnd above the maining .In his pocket, u.nd taking n "They rea.lIy make me ililnk, you time 1 am not selfish elloug h to wan t eouple of ,hundred doUars In ready Beat In a north·bound train slarted on know, of the titLle gll'l who was asked to s lund In the way of your future. money ·that they possossed. and today his trip bacik to Harlem. Your faUl er and stepmother hal mt>, by bor teache r: 'are own,e ra of large farms and band· " ' What ca n you tell us of SoloI know · that. I am the cause of you r Tile day was overcast, rain tiueat· lome Inoomea, all the result ot tbelr separation from your rolits. No doubt mon?' ened. A pall of mingled smoke and etrorts on land that was responsive to mist hung over the entire city: From "'Solomon: re)llled the little girl. your fath e r would be very willing l~ the toucb of the hand that held the the car window as the train wound "I Wllh I Could Help Yo~, Old Man." help you If you would consent to 'was very fond of animals.' "'And how, my dear,' said the plow. Instances such as these can be its serpentine course In and out the leave me." teacher, 'do you make that out?' - qoote~ II yo.u will communIcate wlth maze ot grimy omces. sbops and tene- In the Astrurla COlt a small fortune; rep.ched the top floor a cheerful voice 1Iownrd laughcd as he reDlled : .. 'Because,' answered the II t Ue the n~reet Canadian «overnment men til, everytiling appeared drab, he ·dressed well, drove a smart turn· called out: "Well , It that's the price for th6 girl, 'tb e Bible says he had five hun· ---qet, whO wlll also mall you frae ct. dIrty and squalid. New York' was out and entertained lavishly. He was "Is that you, Howard, dear?" $2,000 1 guess I'U go without It. dred porc uplncs.''' IcrlpUve literature. Been at Ita ugliest. Ensconced tn a not Identlfied wIth any particular busl· wouldn't give you liP [or a million eros II· seat, his chin leaning ' beavlly ness or profession. On leaving col· CHAPTER II. times $2,OOO! " A LOST ART. Nothing Much. on his, hand, Howard gazed dejectedly lege he became Interested In art. He Annie stretched her hand sural'S "I don't know whether I . ought to out of the wIndow. The depressing frequented the Im~ortant art sales A young woman hurried Ollt or one ilie tnble. rec,)gnl ze him here In the city or not. outlook was In keeping with his own and soon got his name In the news· of tbe apartments to greet Howard. "Really?" she said. Our acquai ntance at the slla8ho ... state of mInd. papers as an authority on art matters. She was a vlvadous brunette of me(TO DE CON'r;~U E D.) WIlR very slight." How would the ndventure endt His apartment was l1t~rally a museum dlum height, Intelligent looking, with Engineering In Hospltall. "You promised to marry 111m, didn't Reconciliation with his father was out of European and oriental art. On all good fea1-ures and fine teeth. It was Practically all tbe Important . m, you?" of the questloll . Letterll lent home sides were paintings by old masters, not a doll face, but the face of a "Y es, but thnt was 0.11." remaIned without resp<Jnse. He beautiful rugs, priceless tapestries. woman who bad experIenced early the fir"marles and hospllal l> In lilngland . wasn't 8urprlsed. He knew hla pater rare ceramIcs, enamels, statuary, hard knockll ot , the world, yet In have their own electr ic generating too well to expect 'that he would reo antique furniture, bronzes, etc. He whom adverl\ltr had not succeeded in stations, and the size or the Installll· EASY CHANGE lent so soon . Besides, If the old man passed for a man of wealth, and moth· wholly subdulns a naturally buoyant tions would Rurprlse t ho majority (If When Coffee 18 Doing Harm. WaB so Infernally proua, he'd showers with marrIageable daughters, con· amiable disposition. . There was de: engineers. The equipm ent has to be him he had lome pride, too. Ho'd slderlng him an eligible young bach· termination In the lines above her designed with unusunl ('a re, owing tl) A lady writes from the land of co~ drown himself before he'd KO down on elor, halltened to Invite him to their mouth. It was a face tull of character, the IIpeclal condttlons which prevaU ton of the r esu lts oC a four years' use · bls knees, whining to be forgIven. His homes, nODe of them cOliscioU8 or the the tace of a woman who by sheer In hospltal·work. Even where a pub. of the food beverage-hot Postum. father was dead wrong, anyway. His danger of letting the wolf slip Into the dInt of dogged persevera~ce mlgllt ac· 110 supply II available, I be U8e of an "Ever since I can remember we had marriage might have been foolish; lambs' told. compllsh any. talk she cared to set ludependent system Is j\lsUHed on ac- used coffee three times a day. It had count of the security which It gives AnnIe mIght be heneath him socially. What a strange power of fasclna· herself. A smile ot welcome gleamed against failure of current at a. critical a more or less Injurious etrect upon She was' not educated and her father tlon, mused Howard as the train In her eyes as she Inquired eagerly: moment. The Installatio ns are used u~ all. and I .myself suffered almost wasn't anY better than he ought to jogged along, men of Underwood's, "Well, dear, anything doing?" tor lighting. heating, ve'ltilatlug. tole- death from Indigestion and nervou. Howard shook his head for all reo "'It eeeml to me. our Dew maid be. Sbe did not talk correctly, her bold and reckleas type wIeld, esve. phonIng and othe r purposes, and ness caused by It. oqht at leaat to know . how to le"e manners. Jett 'm uch to be deSired, at olallY over women. Their vety darlnc IIponse and a look of disappointment many hospitals have I" undrles op"I know It was thnt, because wheD . water•.·tt abe waa .m' rean with her' time. 'lie was seQl'etly ashamed of tier. and unscrupulousness seems to render croBsed tbe younlr wife's face. erated electrically. One county asylum 1 would leave Lt off for a tew days I But her bringing up was her mlsfor· them more attractive. He himself at ':8sJ, that·s touch , ain't IU" sbe has its own private electrIc rallwa, would leel better. But It was liard to IutempI018f." . . "Well: ,,'.' not: aurprlatq, dear. J tune, not her fault. The girl berself college had fallen entirely under tbe exclaimed. "The JanitOr' was here for conveying lIupplles Crom the near- gIve It up, even though I realized how was straight as • die, She ' bad • ,man's spell. There ~ai no doubt that again for the rent. He UYI they'U est railway station. hnrmful It· was to ·me. bow her ~ e.mllloy••" . )leart. of gold. Sh~ ' waa tar more In. be wall responsible f~r all hIs trou- 'serve UI with a dlsposses8. J told him "At last I tound a perfectly eosr DISTEMPER , telllgent. far more l~kely to . make bles. Under-wood poa!,essed the un· to chase blmself. I was that mad." way to make the ch,a nge. Four yeara The Duration cf Dreams. ~ aD Ital0nD8 ~DI .'U atC of ho~ him. ,happy hom,e ,than ,Iaome stuc~ .canny gift of . be. ~C able to bend peoADDle's vocabulary was ~mphat1o ago I ' abandoned the colfee habIt ami SomethIng regarding the ::.~~~ ~Ttn~~. ',UP. Idl~ ' s~cletr girl .who had- DO pie to hIs w.m. What a. fool ·' he ' rather tha.n cholc8\ Entirely without of dreamll can be gathered trom this began to drink Po!Itum, and r also In· with HN'S D ., otntE. • tbo~bt £0,1" ~Ythll)r save money; had made of hIm at the unlveraltyl education, she 'm ade no pretense at experience of a man who. on altUns ftuenced QIe rest of the. famJ)y to do JDnrY~cli ~y ' ~~.lIOi....'dO::r.OO·800 •. _·l~. dreBB, and sho~; , . P~rba~s If . be bad ,He had been hlB evn genlUl~ th,~r~ being "bat sbe wall not and thereIn down fol' a dental operation, took gal the same. Eveb the chlhlren are aI- , tIOHJIIJ _ _.. _ ~ I ,b een lessybonor~ble ~n.d not ~T1'led was no queatlon of .Ithat. Dut fol" perbaps lay ber cbief cb · A and dreamed. He law hlmlelt IInlllb lowed to drink It freely as they de or8poh toecH:futacturen.' ' he~, his fath,er "f0uld ·.'har. Plou,ht' lJ1eetlng un~~rw~ he DJI,ht have'apo Howard stOo,ped to· Idls herarl~~ AI: bls work. go to the club, leave for water. ~d it har don. \W all great o::'~=~ .clo!flD,> In~'" ,Speo. more hl,bly ot blm, ,If he'd r.ulned pUed himself to, le~Ous , atudy" left the r!!proachfolly: , ' • the IItatlon, tun (or tbe trahi and ml.1 good. .. . I' . . , , ' ' , ' . . . . ,the,.ctd,. no 4~Ubt ~e.wo!ll~ hale been .unlvel'llity wJUl bonors and , be ~ow ' a ' ,"You've be.~ ,drinkIng again, How. It. He returned to hla' cl.Ub and re1'1 no tenger sufter fi'Oq} Indigestion ~ the Blood. ' weicome4 ho e ' with open arms. respectable member of the co~m\lDlty. ard. You ,promlsed me )'ou wouldn't" clIned on a 118t~ee In the I1b~ry, There and my' nerves' are ' in admlr~ble ton~ '\Vun.-AH thOle KentuoQ' bon.. Plba,,! . He JJi}lltt be a... ~r, weak 'H~ remembere4 wIth a Imlle ~at It. The rouq man 'mad. n l' be palled a mtlerable, rellt1el!~ night. B[nce ~ began. to 'u ae PQstUIll. We of .uweT . but was throUCh that he With , ..ture ' setUng graduallY eolder and colder aa never use the old coffee anymore. OU1I~No. li1dHd. ,They never DO- proac:b him. w~th that. Ahnle had 'b eep met hie wife. Some ' of ~ fel'ow~ on Into the ' fiat and tiun . hi' . It th, tire dIed down, and with n pal a "W~ appreclatae Postum al ·. :de:. Uce. ... traID either, but '1 Can't set · Ioral to 111m thtouahout, He'd blnted that . ' bad known d01!n .In a chat, In the gradually crowIng about bll head and IIghtful ' and .healthiul bev",~ge, wblcb . them, ~e4 • lP~n* o~t ..,lO ~ , .to ber: thl'~UI~ thJck. ..~" thin. . her more Intl~atelY than ~e bad. pre- From tbe adJolnlD&', kItchen came. raoe h'om. the hardnel. of·. bls couch! pot oolr InTlgoraiea bu.~ IUPPU8II -'t he ~ mel-PuclL _. " M t~ traln ..wept round tile cu"e 1ended and ha'd onl), passell hel' on tq. we~com.e odor of cooklDIr Ave o:clock ID ~he mOl'nlnc itallm, and _ _""'"'_ at ruty-tbltd ~ .tarted on I~ htm becaule' he was tired at ber. He "Dinner reat1y,·\ ho de~aniied. "1'10. the Iteward roused him to 118)' that belt of DOJ1rishment as wen." Name "ven·. by Postum Co., Battle Creek. the. club mUlt now be clo.ed. Til Ulch. T'wInt1~"" Ve.,. of" rt. lonl. Itrallbt rua ap the Wllat alde, bad nallecl that al a "e. An~le. he devWsh bunsrr." . Go people ha.e .hv(!r , 'If84, ilia Dl:ln~ ,re• .erted to, R,qbert ·U n4er· could 1Iwear, wall as 100d a gld ai , j'Yes, dear, jUllt a minute" repll~d lleeper lcit up f~eUn. .err sutr-to R~d ~'fI!.8 ·!load to .Wepfltle.;' .. "qot. Be bad 1e8D M. old auoclate ever ~l'..tl)ed; biB wUe from the kitchen. ' linen'. 1In4 mat the .Iteward wu hll clenUlt, pktL ' "·,;laere'... -ReuoL It , ad tbat the ·Dlsht'. b., oDlrOll08 alH8 '''TID~ qcftteae. He - . He . couldn't esplalD Unde"!oo4'. 1Iome nlce Irbh lteW SUIt what , aD ,~ ODe at oa J'trt1a .,. 1ia1\1eD08 oyer him He bJ~ d~D' wltb Uk.... · • 011 :luted 010", 4. -.coDdt. ~ . , , " . " . . . . . . . . . ~.~~-...."~'§
, in na ~t ~
~"k . ~, ~ey -:ou1~Q't re~ atlc~
Unde~ood Un~er"oo4'
an . lm~':lent
1:1:' P~~!:d dln~pg ;:~~
.tfeet .
. . . _.t. . .....
11ft . . .'"
Oregonia. ,
SPECIAL Canned Goods Fancy Wi consin Peas. worth 12:~ c . 3 cans .. ·.... · 25c Hand- park ed Tomatoes. worth 1Z,' ~ c. 2 cans .... · .. · 15c Wayne's Victor Corn ..... .. 7X c Mammy's Lye Hominy...... 8c Silver Fleece Kraut.... ..... 8c Fancy Pumpkin .......... ..... 7X c· Vesper Spinach ...... ......... 15c Fancy l{ed Beets ,.: .... .. ... .. 8c Fancy Pineapple ...... ... ..... 15c 3 cans Pie Peaches... ......... 25c 2 cans Yellow Peaches ...... 25c Fancy Lemon Clings, very fine, 3 cans· .. ·.·.. ... ........ . 49c
25 lbs. of Granulated Sugar for ..•.•.... Dried FrUits
6.1b. pails White Fish .. .. 53c 2()'lb. pails White Fish .... .$1.29 3 Fancy Mackerel .... .. ... 25c
Flour Exchange • Bring us your wheat and get any flour you like. Also, Bran, Middlings, Corn and Feed of all kinds.
Saturday, Feb. 18, 1911, Demonstrator C. D. Koeber, will be present at our store and demonstrate the merits and the good qualities of
Higb 1I0hool entertainment at Spring Branch Tow4 Ball Wednesday night. Feb. Mr. and Mrs. 'William L. Harvev rnary ~2nd. Mrs. Ad" Dakin en'tertained Mrs were in Cinaiunati Wednesday. Master ,Robert Ellison bas . been J. H . Oheaoweth and dausbt6r Several yoang people of Waynes Qn tbe siok iist for several days but IBertha Wednesday to ' dinner and . vilie passed tbrough oar town Tnes. is improviag at tbis writing. Miss Mattie Hesa on Tbarsday to day night enroate to (Jo11ett's sugar Dr. 1. N. ~eal still remains qaite 1dinner . ollmp "nd on their return trip poorl " I M.r. and Mrll. Thomas Laoy and through oor oorporo.tlon, tbe air ·re· Ralpb Brooks and Miss Ohua Can . family were the Kuelte of tJ,leir so~nded wUlh tb~ besatlful strains nor transaoted bosinesl Saturday at 1daughter, Mrs. Frank Cook and lam . at vocal mosio. tbe ooan'y seat.' . iJy to S11nd~y dinnel' . Ilr. E . B. DlI.kin of the firm of E. B. Dakin made a business t rip l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dakin · and Welob & Dakin IIrent Tharsday in to Lebanon Taesday. son C,,,1 and daa~hter8 Lois and Corwin. lIr. Cha.. Gordon oalled on his l1azel were enterLlLined by Mr. and Frank Harris and A. T. Moler friends bere Sonj ..y evening. Mrs. Bert Marlatt aotl fa.mily, of tranaao~ bosineasin D&yton Thurs Mrs. Prootor WIlson, of tbe Jun · Mt. Holly. ' day. nile Cou rt was bere Tbarsday dis , Mrs. Pearl Dakin has tb~ grip. Mr. ••~r . an d Mrs. "uan i e I Mor gan were 'd and Mrs. FraDk' ~hidaker at. tributing tb. Tobaooo Law notity. •• ten ed tbe funerul of a relative ot iog the Tobaooo merobants tbe 8 d f IJ .. un lI.y a ternoon 00. ers on mrs. Mr• ~bidaker' lit Troy Tnesday. troable tbey are liable to bv selling M M d b th Le .. R arl' oore au ro er wI s J ohn B aw., Ubatl, obitzer and tobaooo to boys or girls ander .the Murrry, 0 t M t. B 0 II y . L . A . ZI mmerman, 0 r W ayneavl II e. age ot 18 year8. . attended 111180nio Lodge bere on __ _ Mrs. Georgia Gordon was oalling Wedo88day night. .I on Daniel Morgan'8 ~unday at'erI. N· 'Miller and Fred Dakin at· New Burlington noon . teQded the corn sbow in Columbus Mr. unu Mrs. George Pra.tt visited A good mnny of tbe Friend's at. tbeir daughtet>, MI'II. Edward Cook , latlt week. Mr. Dakin is thinking of going to Arkansas to tarm and i8 tended Quarterly Meeting a' I:;pring and family of near Ridqevi l)e. ' anxioos to get a1\ tbe pointers in tbe Valley Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenoe 'rhompso'u, ltn. of farming that hfl may be able The mllny friends of Miss Mary of Xenia.. were the gueRts of the 111' to Ihow ~bose people out tbere wbl1t Carr were sorry to hel~r that she I!! ters motber , Mrs J . B. Chenoweth an OhiO man can do . Mr. Dakin VfllY ill with pleuri&yin Or. Wilson's aod family l-ia.tllrday night and Sun will ~ missed bat our IOS8 is tbelr bospital, Xenia. , ' day. gain. William Harlan and bis friend Mr. and Ml's. Charles Rye enter. .l8&ao Kelley, of Waynesville, Berman Alexander, of Miamisburg. tal ned their daug hter, Mrs. EdW8,rd oMlecl on friends bere Wednesday. IIpeot the week.end with friends Bart-Book and little ROD Harold and. Walter fare.v bas p11roballed a flne here. Clifford Davis to Sanday dinner. drlving horse ot B'r8hk Htanley '£he remains of Ferdinand Sellars. ' J :":Y 'b tb d' . . Mrs . u . 1.1 enowe ' an sons . Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dakin enter· a f"rmer resident of our Village talned 'for dinner '{'uesday Mr. and were brought to WayneSVille for Guy and' Jaoob and daughter Fran· Mrs. J. Harter Shidaker, Mr. and bnrid last week ces t!pent Sunday evening witb Mr. .MH. Wilham ~bidaker and son. Mr8. Clarenoe Bently underwent Daniel Morglln Rnd fl\mlJy . A oommittee' appointed by tbe aa operation last week in whioh the Mr. and Mrs , Chfl.rles Rye and , W. C. T. U. appealed. to tbeoouno\1 arm whioh was broken severallMr . and Mrs. ~dward .Morgan were Monday nigbt askiag for a obange weeks ago was opened, a. pieoe ot entertained last Sunda.y ,by Mr. and or two to be made in tbe corporatlon. bo~e taken out and a silver pllLte Mrs . Mont HobUt. Mr. and M.rs. Isaao Wilson and put tn. Mr. Jesse Bess arrived' hOlDe Sat· Mr. Bnd M18. W. W. Weloh attend Everett H(l\nes is at bome from urdav nigbt from Morgantown Vir ad Friends montbly me~ting at ) Wilmington oollege nursing a bad glnia a.fter several weeks visitlog Spring VaHey Saturday. case of mamps. relatives.
Frank Olea'v er, of Xenia, oa lled on friends bere one day last wel;lk , 'Mr. lI.od Mrs , Zllin Arrnituge fur. nisbed tbe ron io for the dllnoe at BrJoe Worley's Saturday nigh' Mr. W . E, Swartz, (,f Olarksv! lle, Texlls, was in town III t week. Kiss Mabel I:3herwootl spent t.he week· end at home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Spenoer B,nd Mrs. Osborn. of Lebanon visited . r elqtlves hel'e Sunday. Miss Luoilli Mason btiB r etof4ed from a plells"nt .visit wi th Prof . and Mrs. Wilson, of SlJringboro. Prof. Im.d Mrs. D. W. WillitilllS and obill reu I!pent t,be week.end in Lebrmon. L II. Bolzll n, of Kings Mills, vis. lted our ~own Sunday , The " PlOl{ressive" buslnass and 10011\1 meeting of the U. E. 8001 ty was well attended Frtday evening . 1'be homes of Miss Edna S penoer , Mr. ancl Mrs. Will!lI.ms, and MiAtI Mabel SiJerwood were vi !ted, and II pleusant hour s pent at eaoh plaoe
Saturday Morning, Feb.I8 --ATTHE--
The Best on the Market
Clyde W. Reitz, of Day ton , spent Sunday wit.h his mother . 'rheodore Bi9hllll anll daughter, Mis8 Buzel were iu Dayton Buturday tJhllrl e~ Irwio, of n ear Dayton, speot IUlIt week with his old friend. Frank Havens , Arthur Bean and wife entert.n.ined fri ends from Dayton t;undl~y . Josepb Marqoo.rdt fell one day IllSt week, wbile in hill b,.rn and bart himself bat is getting along nioely . Mrs. Susan Havens returned to har home last week after tlpending the wintlir with her daugh t er. Mrtl . Ben James. Mrs. George Bagel' was a Gem City visitor Sat urday . lIr. Sam Obarlton and family spent Sanday with bis brotber A. J . Cbarlton and wife wbo r eside on tbe "Keever" (I&rID. Tbe sooial held last Saturday evening at the Ridgeville;Universalist ohuroh WIloS well attended and finanolally was quite a Roooess e -
We Cordially Invite You to Call at the store at any time Saturday and get a good cup of Coffee. There will be plenty of clerks to wait on you. Come in and
Gel aTaste of ,Good 'Coffee G. W. HAWKE'S Ol.ssilled Ads
Public Sales
...- - -
NOTICE TO FARMERS The Waynesville Canning Co. is now ready to contract for corn and tomatoes for the year 1911. at their Waynesville office. Waynesville Canning Co. J. F. Snoo,k, See'y .
- - _e___ ..._ _ _
The ;'0(\' m"y not muke thC!l Ulan but it certain 1V helps some wheo lobe meroury is tiirtlDg with the zero mark.
- - -... ...- - Like Inlect "'ylng.
Bo far nearly all aeroplanes fly almost like Insecta. The fly makel 300 beats ot. Ita tiny wtnp a 1180004.
The propeUer perhaps one·thlrd u many revolutions. but 'the albatroll and the frigate bird and the bU2:IfU'd make at mOlt only three or tour beata a lIecand.. But albatross and trf«ate can sustafn themselves two or three days without lunching between dat88. Let's bear ·of prizes for longer anc! longer ftl,h tl on the least gasoUne. When ~he thing gets do:wD to brass tacks It may· Ihow that the aeroplane only needs to put on stronr power In «olng up to.lta aerie. ' Atter that It may soar away and use Its 1JU0ltne only , to meet certain unusual con~ tionl ill the upper or lower ,m .
ZIMMERMAN'S ' -S-a-I-t-..;...------~
Just received car coarse salt. the best made; won't get · hard. price right.
New Carden Se'e ds
I will offer at Publlo S(,10 at m y Ada wlll be Inaened undor this bead for home IX miles wt'st of Ly t Ie JU twenly. l1vo cen ts ror tbree Inl>ortJO'l q
Thursday, March 2, 1911
wben using not 'more tban 11"0 lines.
Commenoing at 10 o'olook 11 m, FOR SALE 4 horsefl- l gra.y horse oomlng elev• • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ en yeMs old, weight U8~ Iba ,a good , . line bOrBe 1 gray mare oowlDlI 13 lot of BprlDg Btirley for IIl).le, lt~ y ell rs old, weigh t 1:c!70 lbll , 1 bla ok 900 per bushel. Write .J . M. ('ol1oh h orse o;)wiug 6 yearB old. 1 Und.irwootJ; R. D 2 W,lmio8ton, bay horse, 11 fl,mlly aniwlII,lIl1 t btliltl 0, or pbone HarveYflhurg 16--2 . borses Ilre suund uud gOIlU wu rker!!. • 4 oatt.le- l lleifer with ' olt.lf \.)y lIer DI80N PBONOliRAPB and DO «ide 2 yearling heift!l8, lllll\lrthorn boll, & tltllck hogH;4 tOilS Ill'xed bllY, . some reoords, ' in good tlh .. p ~ 300 b u . sliver mlDes ed 0-\\:.1,150 1m Ilnd ' will sell reti80ntible. .Inqalro ' corn, , l!'"rm IWl'l eij.lOnll5-MoCor. af tbis offioe. miok binder, Deering mower, Miud letowu tobtlooO ~ette l', MOllue cOI' n OrATOE~-lloyal New York plll.n'er, Riob ill ood fertilizer ~, grllin P h ome.grown Irisb pot.atoee, 600 Ilrll l, huy , r~k e , lli IiO, dlso oorn plOw, a bushel. Wri,tt,) J . M. Uaderwoou, {b uus plow, 3 brel1klog plowlI. 50. B. D. 2, WilUllngton, 0 ., pbOIi~ tooth hbrruw. 2-ho1'8e wagon (Mil. Harveysburg, 15-2. borl,l), uuy furk, r ope anll pulleys; elt Juolrlng teaole, Liggetts tobllo u ...ES-iour pairs Qt 8.ye"r.old 00 spray er, endgl4te seeder, oorn multls from 14 bands, S In . ~u s heller, ex t,eosion oarriage pole, 15 hand"" ~ in , In height. Good ,g rindstone, 5 Nett! ar k ha rnes", 001· ones. anorl/ken . Utlll G . E . Rltey, lllrsl linf'8 tl11d bridles, 4 tlet fly netll, Lebanon, O. Valley phone '48-2Ya douole tore,,!!, ijingle tree!!, 2 3 h orse triple trees. " , NE of the best tiailding lot8 in TermB-tlllsums of '5, a.od under town . Fine 1000tlon. 1100 : oa· h, aU 8UlOS over ~5, a oredit of 12 moo thB will bo. gi ven by purohas dr:tiullga: 75. feet front. Inqtlire tlr giving a bankuble nl)te . lnve per at this omce. (lent dlsoount for oash . Lunob stltnd reserved . Barred Plyrnoath Book Cooker. B . M, Clark. eIs and' dozen Barred PIS'" A. A . MoNeil. Auot. mouth Book bEms 'l'belle lire a high Walter Chirk, Clerk ' gtllde stock of B ,P. R. bee . me soon II you w~nt tbem. JOlepb Vliflghn. Wayn8svlllc'l, Obio . .
0' 2
1 PEN S. C.
Buff LeghornM, tbe
kind t.ha~ lay . Th6lle have ilV. Veteran Actor'. Q'ood etory 'o f the eraged a eggs It. day !loll winter . AIS() , The.trloal MI".ger Ind the a faw oookerel8 obeap. Rassell C. IIvlngelllt. Parlett, R , D. 2, Lebanon, OhiO
"'I lunohed in. London with Oharlae
KleIn, the dramatIst 'and author of OWN PRI:)PERTY..... Deslrllble New seeds are in; buy now town propert.y ,tn good rapair. and be ready for early s'p ring , 'The Third Degree' and 'The LIon and , the Mou...• .. said a veteran actor ,ill located cn Fourth 8treet. For furth . planting. ·1t's time to plant New York. "Klem w.. the hero ot ar information inq17ire "t, Gazette SweetPeas . the London papen JUlt then. He hl4 om)e. . , Edgemont Outter Crackers gotten lato a taxloab Onll mornill. and .ald calmly to, the chauffeur, 'JDdill· Receiv~.d fresh twice a week: APER NAPKINS-Tbe Gazette buczb.' It was a trip of a tboulancl 'l'he , ~nly place in town that .. office ' handloll the plato wbite mlletl-'-tbe tulcab record. 'Naturally, sells them. afterward." the actor oonUntied. i'our ·o.nd 0019rOO Dapkins. Oall II1ld ~ee Fresh .Lettuce. Fancy ': Celery, I CODvenation 'turned to ac1vertlsln,. them. Cabbage. Sweets. Onions, 1'. Xletn told me an lntereliUns ' cue, Grapefruit, Oranges, . Tanger. While he ,w.. conTenln. with a 'th. , OR~E8-JiorEle,s for lIlI.le singly ines~ , 'Lemons" Washington atrtca1 manaaer in London eme da7 an H or l~ pRirs. Inqalre or J. B. state ' Apples, Cranberries 10c eftDpUlt wu .hown 'In. 'My dear Qhapmanj Waynesville" Ohio. . IIr." laid tb. tIT&DleU8t (tOthe theatri. :Catfisb oat mallapl'. 'I am takin. not. and Fresh Oysters every day. PA~lI!R-If yo~ w.n' ~tbertq ma~rfal tor. a lecttll'e,oo the T"~MRUE an,y oolor of flne Hane paper, ... Special' sale "Saturday tITUS ' of the 1t&I'8. ' I hear that ''The We, will place on sale for one Blonde Widow;" 70ur sn.lnt attrao.' OIill ~t tbe Uazette o~oe . We h"ve day:.only, ' .,' .. t1oD. " Ia .decld...dlJ-6-belDrlleoaatloli· It oil, band 1&11 the time. ' aI. ¥ay , I uk for a ticket of Adml8: J-Ib. Canned Pu.npkJn ilion that I m&7 pqe Ita ImmoralitY J,i.lb. Canned Kfa~t penooa1ly7' The theatrial manaser a-lb. canned Hominy . beamed With deU.ht. 'Wtiy. certalDly. '. F~C:Y OhIo. C~nlled CQrn . sir. oert&l.nly.' be orlecl. lD4 -.tn. to . .,', . ' , '. 4 Cans 10 .. ,28 cents ~ HOJ'IIt&r7, he .&ld: ,'RUttierfOrd, .MA"N puUO ,with hO&:H and bag; ' . ' 111ft WI I8DlIeman All Cllldel' for & _ IY to Mil .took ooDd,ltlon pow._ It payt to trade at proeoeifGlll .,.. u4 a1larp 1 a to d. d.er IIr'Warren ,00,011$7. Salary flO' .~. mtmah. AddnM 801 UDi$)-· ,- ,••. ' ,_ r 81",., Jadlu&pol"'~"" '
· 4. Ose.
., ~
WBOLE lHT MBE1C. ~ ,,\Jf,
22, 1911.
" ~ - ~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~!·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A WEEK-END OBITUARY TOI\ACCO GROWERS' EXHlBll SOCIETY'S' Again th • funeral chimes riner Personal MentIon Here and There f .,. • • • • • _ _ _ _ _ . -.: • _ _ • The tobacco show last ~eek proved
1+-----------:--+-------:-:-------1 '1-------. ---
In Wordswort.h's CountryDedicated to the Old , School Reunion.
orth. and another whose being was. -+ to be the talk of a week. The Doings During the Past but a few days past, now number among; the mightl' throng of those Booth Lowrey, School Hall. Booth Lowrey. School Hall. Waynesv lle Na tional bank, who pro· Week - Jolly TimeS who have gone before. In the midst moted the show, were surprised bef I'f George Dakin has been quit sick. Little Rhea Dyke is ve ry ill at yond measure at the success of the Reported o Ie we are in death, and ere long present. undertaking. One f eature of the sho w was the excellent manllel' in the feeble struggle of each individu· Satu rday. Marcil 4tll. Sl'des' 6tll al peopling this sphere shall havp lain Annual Sale . F' . C. c h war t z was a C"mcmna t I' which the contestants prepared their Mi~"\eH Et.hel and Luuisa Slokes enBy OEORGE M. HAMMEL~ their burde,n down, and the icy hand vI's'l I or F<t'1'd ay. tobacco for display . Mi '8 !:I Nelli e Wilkerson tertained of death shall silence forever the N . L . Bun nell was i n C'mc'nna . t 'I E. H. Gaver, of near Miamisburg , ann Ellen Shel'w, )d Tue~d~y night. Mrs. Walter McClure was in Day. . busy form. shall still the tongue. and lust Frl'day It was an unanticIpatEd ~ostpo~e- our efforts here will cease like the ' ton Tuesday. g-Bve an inter-esting talk aft!:!r the ment ?f mv .return to America whIch billowy wave that swells and heaves. Walter Elzey is off duty on ac-, j udges finished their work. The exmade It possible for me to see Words- then vanishes f H count of illness. S. L, Rhoades was in Hillsboro on hibit:has paved the wl1.y fo r a much Misses. M ar}' Hawk e. of Lebanor. ' s ,coun t ry.comp Ietlng, . orevermore. et b usiness last Saturday. lal'ger ex h'Ib't f or th e commgseason. . . most whom we mourn as dead today bll I Nellie Wilker"o n. of ;)p ring HiIl' 81H1 worth fittIngly, my fourteen m~nths in'Eu. a few short days ago was full of Commiflsioner Freu Simpson was Those who had tocacco on exhibi- Emma Hawke we re )!ut!sl::i of Mis.~ rope 1 had come to L ' I t in town Saturday. Jeff Tho mpson. of Lebanon, ' was tion were as follows: find 'th t h' Iverpoo ~ lusty life, the inanimate form today in town Tuesday on business. ,Clara Hawke ut dinn er 'u nday. a my s IP woul~ not Ball is but a memory of what is was. G t Zell & S f T b Samuel 'Smith George W. Pratt Mrs, Chl'istie McKill!:ley and d aug l for a week. It occurred to me that Walter Clarence Spitler was born es 0 ¥ 0 D's $111' on ; or 0 acco Box· . . D. A, Peterson of Spring Valley, George Smi th W. P. Hay ter, Miss Laul'a. en terta;ned Sunday no more profitabl f h e use 0 t e t Imt' in Preble Co near Farmersville .:\.. " ,u. could be mad th t th L k " was in town last Wednesday. Oscar Mowrer W. C. Dodd at din.ner, Mr , and Mrs. J oseph Mrs. C, A. Bruner was in Mason John Venable Harvey Burnet e an 0 see e ,a es. Ohio, July 6, 1889, died at the home Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Zel!' And so, on a Friday mornmg. 1 of his mother, near Bellbrook. Ohio, several days last week. I oslmaster -Farr was off duty two C. A. Burnet Joel Stokes davs last week with a bad cold. Chas. Shutts Thos. Prendergast , boolJed passage and. after a run February 3, 1911, at the age of 21 through Frank Pralt was in Springfield C. P. Leak d' F. W. Carman saken p some t off the E most I d God-for· hed years. 7 months and 2 days. Bel' ng M CAP Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards enar 8 0 ng' an • reac a resident of community in whibh he and Dayton on business last week. rs. , eny an little sons Os' D I' L. M. Hend"'rson Windermere vi 1't d I t" C" . I car en mger '" tertained Sunday the following • . lived at time of his death about 1 9 , k. re a Ives In mcmnatl ast George Carnahan Everett Earley guests: Mr. and Mrs. rohas , Sher• Afte~ my ~anner, I.took lodgin~s ve~MI, At the age of sixteen he uni tMrs. Ahce H,awk e.a~d son Vernon Walter Whitaker J. F. Pennewit Mr. Howard , m a pnvate ouse: as Ithappened~ In ed with the Glady M. E. church, and were Waynesvlllo VISitors WednesM' Samuel Charlton Clarence Edwards wood, Mr. Nur Brown. Sherwood, the Misses Ell en and the ho~se o~ the · man who carrIed ever since had been a trusted an.1..J . 1day. Mary of Hawke. of here Lebanon, \1-\J e I wa: ISS th e guest relatl'ves Sun- Robert Friend H. C. Dakin d G Mary Sherwood. the ma11 f ~om WIn ermere to ras· voted member. . mere-a bIt of stone aouae in Stanley H . ed . . . Mrs. J. H. Caskey enJoyed th e day . Ellsworth Smith A, L. Sides Terrace, which quite realized my I ~,umt ~~marrla;B"e to ~ISS Ha- week-end with friends in Wayne _ F. M. Dakin Will Gordon ideal f I d' . Lak I d z~ aIVer, <? enterVll1e, OhIO, Nov. ville Mrs. Dane Hanby . of Dayton. was E. L. Thomas Ed ward Mockabee 0 0 gmgs me-an . 11, 1909, and since had been a kind . the g'uest of her sister, Mrs. Robt. Arthur Thomas Walter Clark Master Frederick Robitzer enterand ntoSat.urday I _went ~o Bowness , and loving husband and father. Mr. Carl Cleaver. of Day ton. vis- Beckett last week . E. M. Casey C. S ' Maxwell tained his Sunday:school class ~turth ~k.:at t~ ~bl~lde-wa~ked About a year ago he joined the Jr . it~d Chas. Gray and fam ily Saturd ay E. H. Gaver Ira Recher day at his home. About fif~en roug I quam streets, out mto Order of American ME'chanics. to and Sunday. Mrs, L. S. J hoades relurn ed home Cornell & Penny C. S. Lamb were present, and they had a jolly the country and on to ?rasmere. which order he was a faitaful memMonday after a pleasant visit with Simeon Brown H . S. Lackey good time. Light refreshments were There seemed no more fitting wa~ to ber. 'Throughout his life he was alMiss Kezia Menitt attended the her parent in Lebanon . P. N . Cornell Frank Braddock served. The little folks were chap· get.o~e's ~rst views of the beautiful ways kind and loving. and ever ~eady funeral of Isaac Kindl~ in Spt:ing· W. A. Surface W. H. Morris eroned by Mrs. F. H. Farr. r~onforever. c?nsecrated by the to accommodate thQse with whom he field last week. Mi s Emma Hawke and Mr. John Israel Satterthwaite --mInstrelsy of Wtlham Wordsworth, came in contact AU w~ know or Strawn saw t he game of basket ball • ..: • ' rain began to fall soon can say is that was a dutiful son Mary's Guild : ealized some - in Leban,on Saturday night.. MIAMI VALLEY SS I N Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lacy and even after I emerged from Grasmere and a loving We cann t dd thing over $16, at theIr markel last A OC ATlO Ifamily entertained at Sunday dinner a streets, and continued to fall until to or extol the . t • f 0 h Saturday morning. J esse Thomas, Bobby Bur~on and The Miami Valley Puultry Associa Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mowrer, Mr, late in the afternoon. This was not ev' . - Vlr ues 0 one w ose , Th9s. Peirce attended t he basket-hall and Mrs. Daniel Cline and family, seeing the Lakes at their best. they day an example of Mr. and Mrs. J. J . Ed ingfield. of game in Lebanon Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob StrouRe. Mrs. S ePlht~IPhh' wI~sedan ac- Mason. are the guests of Prof. and were swathe<t in mist and 'Iost in ~now~:':e~ t!ulth Rachel Strouse and sons Robert, amon to f h' h k'lled h .. w I A e Ivan d Mrs C A Bruner Mrs. Annie Leonard went to the suing year., Charles and Edward and Mr. Ellison 0 0 ~j~O ~ray w,' IC, . I t em mingled with mert. His life was like .... Warren Coun ty Infirmary last T'h us- ,A spirited meeting was held Satur- Robinson furnished music on the A r good subJects but t h t 1 te th t . ' h I was v e . the perfume of summer blossoms at Walter Wilson, who has ~'en" ill day, where she will make hf'r future day at the Township House, and phonograph. tbr n? f~lOg e~ at and morn, that makeS '}S feehad when for about three weeks. was in!town home, Rules and' By-Laws were adopted • ~~n e dCQn~ ant y~,tB eak~oa" the bloom and brightness of their ',aturday for the first t ime. • The association has sixty members On Saturday evening Misses Eliz, an c ean. r as charl1l8 are gone \ Read KilbQn's ad on 8th page. at present, but want to raise the abeth Collette and Henrietta McKin~ me crowded with tourists and When the Rad' news of hi) death Messrs. Carl Hawke a d James Surely no one ougqt to go hungry number to 100 by June. Let us have were hostesses to the '~500" Club sey tnppe~,b~t 1 found f~l1owship ~n- came to hiR friends it was a great ~cClure att,mded a basket ball gal1le with such bargains as he offe rs. your name, and you will nev4!r regret at the latter's home in Corwin. Daind~r dnppmg trees at the waYSIde st-odt. His siclm9SS was of short m LebcIDon Saturday night. Read it cat·efully. it. A look around the cO\~ntn' at pres- ty refreshmenta were servt!d during Wlth a t~mp of bookish tastes who duration. Only two weeks ~JZO 'he ' • ent will show more good chickens the evening. ' Those present were , ~fikedd ,~.lthLosuped rb benthksuaiasm of his was stricken with that dread disease', ~r. ~erslchel FishMer h~s mo.ve~ to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kendall, of and better facilities for keeping Misses Martha O'Neal, Edith Mosher n 8 In n . on 00 tores. I do tYl'hoid fever. and it soon did Its Ollu.:es In t le new " _orriS bulldlllg. DU b lin. Ind .. have been t he guests of not know who he was, or where he work He passed t next to the postoffice, Lebanon . Mr. Chas. Sherwood and fam'ily for them than ever before, Farnlers Luella Cornell"Ste;Ua-Lemmon,-JeMi e . h ' .. .. away a one ars building more houses- and tht>y Marlatt, Donna Hawke, ~Ima Wawas Komg: e was out of work" at o'clock. February 8th. surrounded several days. the tl d I ' Henry Kunker, of Morrow, a t • are epecialll adapted for the busineSl! terhouse, Messrs. Edward Ricks, ed~e, ~n, ~~w ~ess was en- by members of the, family, his moth- tt!nded t he Miami Vall ey Poultry as- ' 1300th Lowrey, at School Hall, -and work among bird~ is improv- Warren Keys, Frank Crew, Dr. gag' If! e pro. e~atlc entel'pli~ er, three brothers, his wife .and son, ociation meeting he re Saturday. March 2nd, has a great rec9rd as ing. No more common poultry for Miller, Harvey Rye, Harold Howell. of seekl?g ~ Job 10 ~ country-Where and her parents, leaving behind a Chautauqua lecturer, and is always Ronald Hawke; Ralph Miller and Wayne Township. even thl~g 18 orgamzed bu~ .. labor. many relatives and friends to mourn Mrs. Esther Ro binson and daugh- in demand. Hear him next week. Raymond Davis. ter, Mrs. Harry Cooper spent a few " Reachmg Gras"lere I dmed or for him WHY NOT IN \\' ARREN? ~~nched in a ver;, quiet house near The young life is closed on earth, days last week with relatives near C. T. Hawke, who fell out of . a hay mow one day last week, and Dove Cottage, and then went to but begun in a clime where chilling Lebanon. ,the old church. I.t was ~? Dove Cot- blasts npver touch the immortal was c.onsiderably shaken up, is, with The Springfield Daily News has the ~he members .of St"Mary's Guild ~e that the poet wrote The Excur. bloom. While we cannot understand Messrs. Raymond Conner. F. C. the aId of a cane, able to attend fo llowing : -spent a mO~,t deligqtful afternoon .Iong, long poem which the sad providence that took so sud. and Prof. C. A. to his duties. , The Clark county commissioners last Thursday' at the rectory. The wmters ?11t~ts, after meetings m denly our brother, we bow in sub- attended the K P. demonstratIOn in are determined to break up the prac- oc~asion was a called meeting of the Ii certain httle country ch!ll'ch 1 had mission to an all-wise F' ther ' h Cincmnati Friday . Andy Powell. Park Leak, Orange tice of hauling heavy loads on the guild to arrange for work during the j read' in a C()zy room shut in from the "d th II thO ' II" a W 0 Rapet· and several other piscatorial public roads during the ,open 'weath- lenten .season. Aiter the business oe a lOgs we . . Iast weekWIt ' h mce ' . er and have eutlined a 'plan whereby ~~ d ISpOSed 0 f M world. Here, too. he wrote "The Mrs. Earl Immell. 'of Lewisburg, ar rI ts came m rs.C ~d wallader Prelude," 'which I now wish I had CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. C,a rl Servis, of Lebanon, messes Of fresh Miami river fish. men will be stationed in various parts mVlted the guests to the,kltchen and ~ durIng those days amidst tbe We wish to t d th k were g up.sts of their ' mothel', Mrs. Say but the fever did spread mighti- of the county for the expre!s pur- upon being, provided with , bowls and . h' h' . . ex .e n our an a Iy! SP(l n t 'd to d' I acen. w IC msplred thegre';\~ poet. our n81Khbors Ilnd friends. for their Susan Cook last week. pose of filing affidavits. against the 0 Ii, were 0 IP map e mo. ' e----'~ However, the poem has now a sig- kindness and sympathy through the to Idwas t bOlllng Ai on' th ... Booth Lowrey, the last number on commissioners who persist in violat- lasses, .WliiCh Mr. an d Mr8. C . A . Burn ett an d • nificance which it did not have while . k d d th f d ing tbe road laws range, In co wa er. ter gen"Widnder" was onl d sh1cbness an ea 0 our ear son. daughter Bessie left Tuesday th e Lecture Course, for thiR, year, ' During the past week the comml's-\ erously h.e.lping themselves to., this y a name, an " their new home in Mi- w'lI II Th ursd ay sioners have received many cora- most dehclous of all sweets. soft the "Lake Ditttrict" was a s t on hus and and . - brother Walter' and e vfor e n i ng for I appear a t S c h 00 I H a, . , PO t e beautIful flowers; also to Rev. . FI TI b t 'I f h even ing March 2nd Mr a map. ' Hershey nd th f th' I amI. a. le es WIS les 0 a ost • . . Lowrey • plaints from the farmers i'll the wox " th ey were ,tak pn to th e d"mmg I did t . to D Co a 0 era or elr conso - of friends go with then' comes heralded as a humorist, satir- county co the effect that the roads room where on the table was placed . I enter no the go mCarlyle ovehome t~e, nor ln~ words. , " ibt," scienl.i s~ and an orator. The were being rumed by parties who hard wax. pop ~rn and. nuts. AlIn Chel M MS' I • dId t C' rd- I rs. sry PIt er Bnd Family. G~o. Smi th arrived home fro m the press repurts are loud in their praise we re hauling heav'" loads. In each though not one of the ladles had been sea nor Emerso ' h , n 8 ome a onco . • _ .. . , of him. . J • • The houses are all commonplace APPRAISEMENT A FA ILURE East Friday evemng. after.an absence . mstance the farmers m questlon have, notified that such a feast was in store enough even though sentiment enfrom home of nearly StX montb..s. ( F k Z I . , been urged by the cemmissioners to for tht!m, there was a goodly num' . Mr ~m'lth looks a th h tl E t ' ran e I created qUIte a stIr fil ffid" . ber present and it I'S n edl t swatb eethem In a certain graceabovEl Auditor T. C. Patterson ina letter -" . s .~ug l e a;; around town Mond y H d i e a aVlts agamst the partIes, but ' e ess 0 say tbeirkind. But th~re was a real to the 'fax Commission has declared had as; reed WIth hIm. ored to get up a c a d· t etten etahv- : in each instance they have refused to that the two or three who were not . b' I ' row 0 a en(J e I d Th . . there will be on hand with the others pIeaaure m ellllC at east near the the present appraisement laws a fail~ . . Biederwolf meeting at Xenia Tues- ' 0 so. , e c~mmlssloners ,say that in the futurp.. , place ','where It ISH unrlIerstood . ' anum b er I all In the county who are . great poetry had " been ure as it does not reach t he equall'za - AIr d M thaI. d Mr, M andL Mts. d"..y evemn,&', an d h ad qUlte . taxpayers . , - - ...- - prodrducedtntbe v~ry village where tion of property in the relief ftaxes 1{,le. ko eahnl r·ball .rs . . est~rlready togo,llut the railroad com- mhterledstedk ID ~avlng ~ood ro~ds . - - - - - - - . , - - , Wo 8worth had hved, in the heart paid in on the same • [cnnc lave "een wlntenng In pany wan t ed t00' muc h money f or IS ! • L A, ' w I 0 ""'1 I ou . Ita e an mterest. In. arresting of the, hIlls and dales, Vfhose , spirit The letter is a puinted one. touch- ~s ~~e ~~thva w.W lea~e ~te~e a special car and the trip was ahan- .aw v~o ato~s who persist ' m damag1 ,.e ~adformed8peechinhisverse. ' Nor ingonthepoints where 'he thinks a out e ,an WI pro a v e doned ' mgt eroa s. .----.----.-.---did I go. into the.old church I did the taxes are unJ' ust, and .~sing War- bom e about t;hoe middl e of March, ' ..... - T. he above is a noteworthy. enterAlbert ' Smith, who has ' been in d h Id , not go ~nto the httle church at Brad- ren county as examples. There has ' . MA8'S1E TOW. ' ~H1P MAN LUCKY prIZe a~ s . ou b~ dOl1e In.ev?ry in~, ,w here the young cottager wor~ been quite a falling off in the tax-list $80.00 per month st~aJp:h.t sal~ry county In OhIO, espeCIally at thIS tIme California for nearly a year, bas reshippecl a hundred ' years ago;. Per- over 1909 and expenses, t9 men With rig. to mDr. S , J. Ellison, of Harveysburg, of the year. when the roads arc in turned to his old honie in Dayton. • -. trod.uce our Poultry . Remedies. was one of the lucky ones who drew such a bad condition . We all cry, haps pc!l'versely, for others were ' c()mh~g and goinK, perhaps for the QDDFELLOWS' I\NNIVERSI\RY Don t answer unless YOll mean bus!- a,(]uat·ter section of land in a recent good roads, but teamsters never The Weekly lolorists' Revi£.w, of , very reason that'crowds were pacing ' ' " ness_ Eureka Poultry ' Food Mfg. distribution made by the government 3tOP t<,> think of such a thing when Chicago, in the issue of January 26th, 11" and ,dow'n the aisles, gazing. at' ,11'e I. O. 0_ F: lo~e ~ill haiti an C. (lncorpor~ted.) East St. LOUIS, in South Dakqta, and will close his' , t~~y want to haul a load of some- contains a highly complimentary \hemem~rialfl bfthe poet, and the anmversary ~Ion ~n thel.r haH n~xt Ill. . office in Harveysburg and remove'to thlDg ~eavy, but. pile the load on write-up of George R. Gause .who symbols 'of that other !' Presence, Monday , ~ven.I~' ~ l~tereshng ,. ,,' that state-about May 1st. and con~quently break the road has been recently ' electa! 'preside1)t , wllich we name "God!' I am .told pI"?~r-am ' ls ~g "Prepar~. · L~ac A~~. Sides will hold his 6th annu_ , " '-":' all to piec-es, esp~ially our gravel o~ the I~diana State Florists' Asso'_ ~t the church has not ' ~n··' ~uftman, Gre.n~ Master; and C. H .. ,al sale, of farm. iml?lements. surreys, M'\~~E SYR~W SEASON roads. . ciation. Mr. Gause yvas born in this " Btored '! .. and that it remains 881~man; Grand Secre~~, will b~ buggi.es, stoc~ foods, whips, hoes~ ' " ,. ' If everyone who has heavy loads locality; having lived on the ' farm l' I as in th~ daYs of WordswoJ;'th pr~~t 1p1d..give:~dres8es. H?WeIl'B rakes etc ; etco', on Saturday, March " The maple sea;ron so far this year ' wo~ld ~nly stop and think what now ,?wned, by ~yrdn 'Ji~oclt. }Ie ' Cel'tainly it has n~ beauty. and (1)8 o!ch~tra ",11 furnIsh the musIc. In- 4th.. Thes~ sales have, beco~e pop- has been a ,~ood one. but the cold 4ama 'le It does , to the roads, our .lias been in bUSllle98 in RiChmond ' , could find , among tti~ niountains Vl~tlo,ns. will ~. sent to 1lll me~pers ular an.d buyers look " forwa~d to I~nap has stopped t~e flow o~ sap. It tu,rn~i~es would be in much better for a t1umber of years 'and is a highly. " , ("'_ tin ' ed ~' ) and their famibes, D. of , R. and them WIth pleasure and as a profit to IS thought that the flow wtlI be bet· condItIon than th~y , are when sum- r~pected - and 'successful business "-IUn u on ,others. ' ' themselves. ' ter than ever when the thaw ~m~. mer comes. ' ' . . , .. '
b~ brot~er
;~Ornt~~I~I~C~~!;~~:~~~S ~oa:~~e4!~:
8i~n," t~at
Sc~wal·tz '
. ,rUUed
I Former
The Miami Gazette D. l. CRANE.
for .a ·Dime
Wh~ II' d ' doU., ",bell 100 bup abo.. o( S R~ at \LIly drull IItoreP Use •• dIRcted-t(ot tbe aatunal, ellS)' rest,d t. Savell many doUlirt UlGat"d on ,medlclnOll ."at do 1\ t ure. ~Il1Uon8 retularly usc CA R81'S. Buy box oow-lOo week', treatment-proof in ~ moro· 9"6
Ench senson brings lUI olqn' sport or pastimes. gam or fad fo l' the boy,. The autuUln and \VIDt r ' are tbe sea· Ions "hen many boys bun t or shoot a creat deal, says the Omaha Bee. This ,hould be th ' tim e, tb en. tor the relt· eration or that old warning about tbe "I.dldn't.kDow.l t.walj·loaded" accident. Boys ahould be ('s reful with their shooting Irons, and never fnU to know wb ther tbey are loaded or noL Two boys 'II'ero out s h<)otlng & few days ago and on . th ink ing his gun was empty. aimed It a t the otb er and pulled the trigger. T bo other dropped I dead . "I dldn' t kn ow It was load d," walled th .ne wbo kill e d hIm. ech~ Ing the wall of scor" or albers wbo I had at sompt!me be.. n as crlm~ nn ll )' negligent as blmself. ="0 boy or man has n right to aI m a fir a rm at aD' other person. Bnd whe n b e does It. whether barm com es of It or not.. he should be mad e to feel tbat be bas donI!! something be s bould not. Parents can welJ nt!ord to d ny guns and platols to th ,~ lr hoys until they bave r eacbed Bucb ages as will make tbem capable of realizing their dangers. Jt tbey must haqe guns. t hey sho Id be cautioned against careless use of them .. It sometimes seems trIte to speak of warning boys against sucb things, but It tllet were warned often enougb such distressIng accidents would be fewer.
P la" ttd F~", A I'll Picked Up Nunds S urro und ing Prison a.t Ande ....onvllie.
couuts Ulllf rm lt y .'arly In tllll "'·$:li lln. Spea.ker \' llliug Sllys the county unl· formlty bill has thf' backing of t h big B ' bool bool, CClUl pl\uies . In n circu lar just 15s u('(\. . e nator Yount cba rges t hat Slat e uniformity would be wholly In the Interes t of lhre or four big scbool book publi sh rs. Senator YUUIIl makes a dlre<;t attack Oll s latt' unlfurm. ity. a llhough a year ago be was the author of a Ult'l\ urI.' wblch pruvided tor this ve ry th ing. In bls ' Ircli lar, S natol' YOllnt say, s late uniformity would COSt til pl'opl millions of dol· lars becnu" It would mean a chauge of all school books; nnd he PQln tl! out that county uniformity would not per· mit on s111all ommi ssion to cont ract for fiv e million dollars worth of books. S nato\' Youn t rhll rges 8rl1001 p ople who 0(1 (10 6 his bill as bein g influenced by "slIlnll graf t." The ed ucators of the s tote are aga in st both U1 asures, and they are active In their oppos ition. It Is expected that pealter Vining and Re presentativ e Gebhart. will mllke an answer to Lbe Yount circular lind sbow up the fallac ios of the YOllnt can· . t entloll s. Small book companies complalu that bOlh the YOIID!. and Vlnlng·Gebhart bills are In Ule Intel est or the big conl' panl es. School ll1'~ n throughout the state complain t!Ull the Yount bill will put lhe qJestlon of selecting scbool books Into polltics. Senator Yount clalDls that millions of dollars may bo sllved by the enactDlent or hIs measurc while lhe opponents point out the absence of any price limitations In the bUl, and assert that the operntion or such a law would Involve millions of added expense wltb DO price reduction.
Plttaburg In growIng at a fairly rapid rate, but wanta to Increase still more swiftly. That smoky to.w n has an ambition to reach the 1,000,000 mark In population, and Is bending every efton In that dlre~t1on. For one ' thing, Pittsburg Is pushing tbe project for a sWp ca.n al from that city tQ Lake Erie, by which It Is hoped to locreaH still further the already great .ndultrlal . ~t1vltY or that distrIct. Other ,scbemes ~clude a big rapIdtransit eystem, with subway attach· menta, brlriglng various points Into easIer ' reacb; educatlollal and other espanelon, and numerous Improvemen't a desIgned to Incre'aae the at· tracUvenesl and conve1)lence of the city and ItI 8uvlrons. . And Pittsburg eeems to bave sumclent public spIrit to carry out, tbe great work suggelted. , The cenaul ftgurea continue to gtve Intereatlng resulta. Mention haa been made of the fact that there are now In the United states 60 cities ' with a popuJat!on of 100,000 or more, a nol· able 'g!ln 'In ten years, as there were but 38" auch cities In 1900. Now the censu'; bureau, havIng complied tbe retUrns, anpounces that there are In this country 19 cltles with a popula· tJOD reaching or exceeding 260,000. In 1900 there wer~ 16 towns Incl!lded tn that class. From this It appears that, whUe there has been marked cnJn . In many clUel" large and amall, the prQPortlon has been createst among municipalities at moderate alze. . Aillo they do lome .thlng'S beUer In Germany. A reckless chaulreur who killed an American woman when be ran Into a crowd ot theatergoers bas ,beep sent to the penltentlal'Y for 16 m~lDthli.
]t Is said tbat one of the prominent female cplleges Is going to Insist on proficiency In spefllng and' writing In the studenta. This looks as If the higher education were meditating a ''Bturn to the sImple ute. Bome New York undertalters are .ald to be In league with preochers and sextons. It might be worse, as there Is no evidence offered that un· dertakers are In league with doctors. It Is reported that there hos been a revival of poetry ' In England, If the poets can manage to get through thla winter there may be a chance for some of them, after all. A New York boy Is to bave a legacy of UO,OOO provided he does not enter the ministry. Isn't that an awful pro,· pect for tbe average small boy to Cal)' template?
The Massochusetts man who saws wood dally at the age of 100 Dnds that be doesn't need any gymnasium ex. erclse, That . Chlcogo philosopher ' who ad.. vocates the eating of tour meals a day provides a long·awalted ' antidote .'to Brother F14~her. A man In Maryland wants a divorce " because be Is adfrald of his w!.fe. Ap· parent:!y. be consl.d ers hi. condlUon unique.
A FrCbchman, -<bavlng 't aken ~e world's altltude. record awa 4~ tram America. that' nation Is entitled to ~e honor 'ot b.e lng the 1IIght1~r. . Povert, cloes nearly every thins. tG • maD. except to Lake aWIJT hi. &po "Ute.
BOUT once In a decade a new fleet of ocean !lners Is 'Iauncbed, setting a new standard for size, luxury and safety at sea.. tbe grcat ships whicb are thought to express the last word in boat building are suddenly found dwarfed by theIr new sisters and relegated to' a second place. The new fleet now under construotion, In tum, surpasses all the great shIps which have gone before. I The world has scarcely become accustomed to using the Mauretanla as a synonym for large objecta, when two. great ships, the Olympic· and the Titanic, were designed to surpass all of her dimensions. No sooner was one o( these liners launched than the own. era or the MauretJ;lnla planned a new ship or even greater lengtb. Now, In turn, comes the greatest of all ocean )lners, the Europa, whIch Is stili larger. WIUl the increalle In length, beam and tonnage, comea a corre. 'spondlng development In the luxury or equIpment. One may no longer call the· great ocean liners floating hotels, sl ce the new boata olrer many more a troctlve and novel features not yet attempted by the builder of hotels. The new liners have all even more than the comforts of' a ' palatial home. . The supremacy at the ,ens In .black and white Is as followa;
berore been attempted on a ship. Ncn L of the staterooms wlll be cramped, as on the early boats. For tbose who care to travel with all tbe comforts of bome, there will be complete suites available. There will be Il ch.olce of dining rooms tor those who do not care for the main dining salon; there will. be a Rltz·Carlton restaurant. a grill room, tea garden and even a rathskeller . Spacious palm gardens. wPlch In winter may be converted Into sun parlors, will occupy the 'Up. per deck. Several ladles' salons tIn· Ished In dllrerent decorative periods wlll appeal to the tastes at differen t natlonalltles. All of these salons will be connected by telephone to the prlvale staterooms, so that those .whose cabins are perhaps two or three city blocks apart may talk with one an· othe r. Th.e gymnasium OD the Europa will be much larger and more completely equipped than any heretofore Install· ed. In addition to the regular apparatus, there will be a running l~~ck, so , that an athlete could actually crOSlt the ocean without breaking training. The mechanical exercising devices al· ready Introduced on some ships will be very complete, enab!lng one to ex· erclse any set of muscles without etfort or enjoy a mecbanical camel or horseback ride. An .experbnoed attendant will be In charge of the gym: naslum to ,olrer I.ntelllgent advIce to VelllM!l. Length. Tonnage. those seeking exercise. Mauretnnlu. .............. 700 ft. 31.600 To Have Many Luxurle., OlympIc ..... . ............ 860 fl. 48.000 A special squash court will be built 60,000 . Europa. ...... ... ......... . 800 fl. In connection with the gymnasium. Statis tics are likely to be stupid Nearby w11l be found a large swimthings and the mere recItal of dlmen- ming pool and completely equipped alons, liowever large, give little Idea Turkillh . and Roman' baths presided of the overpowerfng buJ.k at such a over by skillful attenda~ta. ship as the Europa. The 'new liner The Europa wlll be ventilated thor· will have , a displacement of about oughly by a new iystem. She has no 70,000 tons. In other words, ' the ma- ventilators rising above her . decka,' terial used in thla construction wm wbJ'ch Is so familiar a feature of oceaD weigh 140,000,000 .pounds. It "Could, liners, and her long, unbroken ' declt ,therefore, r equire 1,400,000 men, or Incldentnlly gives her a very trim and about l.he population at Philadelphia. shipshape appearance. Air wlit be each cllrd'lng 100 pounds, to handle forced to the lowermost decks by thJs mllterlal. If t.hls material was powerful air pumps. Every part at the great shIp wlll thus be supplied EUROPA 'with currents of pure alr to th.e prop· er temperature. Thls system Insures I<AIJt:RIN Aucwrc W("TORfA I'lAu /orTAIYlA pure air and equitable temperature throughout the ship. The most powertul telegraph ap· paratus e\ler carried to sea wlll be set up on the Europa, The unusual height or her masts will make It pas· sible to transmit or receive messages over tbe entire width of the Atlantic ocean, so that the Europa wl11 always be In direct communication with land. Ship Dimenslon8 Compared.
loaded upon the largest American freight cars, It would fill a traIn 40 miles In length. wblch, by the way, would extend all tbe way across the Panama canal. The combined capacity or the three lorgest hotels In New York cIty Is 3.235 persons. while the Europa. carries 4,250 passengers, Ship With Nine Decks. The Europa will have a beam ot 96 feet, so tbat her deck wl11 be as wide as Broadway In New York city at ita widest point. She will have nine decks, above the water Une, thus making her literally a skyscraper alloat. 'rhe population of a' small city w1l1 be luxuriously accommodated aboard without crowding, since her capacity Will slightly exceed 5,000. Tlte old famlUar stll.ndard of comparl· son, such as the height ot .the Statue of Liberty or the Washington monu. ment, Is completely outclassed, . . SOme Idea of the enorlnous sJze of the Europa may be had fram the . or· der which has been given ror 2,000,000 f~t ot Oregon fir to be ' u8e~ tor the decks alone. . For .montl1s this luin. 'b er has been lying n~ar Portlan(J, Ore" before being Ilhipped to GerIllADY. Special c~re has been taken to provide only clear, T-ertlcal graIn !wOOd, wlilch has been se~l!Cte!l with the · greatest care: . With the unprecedeoteif amount of catlin and deck space available on the \EUropa, a number of unique featuree "ecome possible . which haTe Dever
Pretty Thin. Tbe tall-of·tbe·sea:son reform tbnt swept over Coney Island might well have considered the welfare at the wretched borees whloh are used fOJ the "dlme·rlde". business. When the season closeR they are auctioned olr, and are knocked down to the bidders at nellt to notblng. Generally they are so sk,elE'ton like that they are practically useless. ' At the. end of'thls seasoq a buyer bought an exceptionally attenuated specimen atter he had been coaxed to bid on him by numerdus promises made by tbe auctioneer, who wound up by saying: "Now, look a'bere, boss, If you buy this hawse ari' you ain't pleased with the anlmlle, you just bring him . back and get. your moneY-see?" . ' ''Yes,'' retorted. the buyer; "but this Is the ' last day' of the .srue. and the beast Is so blamed thin be may cUe on ·my bands. Then, supposing l did bring blm ' !;lack, you .probably woul!1n't be ber~ tq receive blm." "Oh, :Wel1:~ blandl)i, replied tM ana . tloneer, ,ilf you do .brlng · hJm blick ' and ~e alD't here, Yo.u !dn ' just. Ibove It Ulldor the dopr."-Llppln~ott's.
In thE' his mil' Kirk c Ill~t ry lll At· tll'b ru Is 1\ IIltlo tr > tbat keeps ~r l'n til me-u~ury of ex·prlson rs o' war. The sImplicity of the memorial mali: s It Ibt! more bOlLUUCIIl. A southern bnby ok. developing In· to a ttinrdy budy und spreadIng branrbes. Is the lrlbutl' to the faith· tlllel'soll\'llIe and ful prisoners II t Libby wb o, rlltht'r than acc pt the uuloyal t rnl s of parol e. remained In th eir plncE's of confi nement wbere dIs· l'ase and dealh lurked. An acol'u dropped Crolll a bi g tree to th e grouuds nAnd rsonv ille prls. on. Maj. B\'cr ett ' . Horton. one of the x-prisoner. and life presIdent at
NAME NO LONGER A SECRET Meaning of Initial That Haa Baffled Cleveland People Haa Been Revealed,
Another mystery at scbool headquar· ters has been dlspell d. The m1dd'l e name of Assistant Suo perintendent Frank P . Bachman has b en discovered. It's Puterbaugh. Ever since Mr. DachmlUl entered 81eveland school circles some· three years ago to take cbarge of the Nor· mal Tra'9lng school. diligent ' elrorts have been made to learn wbat the mlddle' lnlUal In bls name stood for. Girls at· the Normal 'rralnlng school used to ponder between leSSO}lS on what that mysterIous letter bid from the eyes or 'a prying world. In vain they tried to fathom the darkneJ;s that surrounded the second appela· tlon of their prinolpal. Some finally decided that It must stand for Per· clval. This met with Indignant danlal, howeve r. But no1\' the se,c ret is out. It '\'I'as a citizen of Atbens, O.-Bachman's ror· mer homO--:who turned the trick. Said citizen stalkelJ. Into an omce at school 4eadquarterh the other day. "Is Puterbaugh 'In?" he tnquhed ot Frank Shephard, omce boy. "Puterbaugh, Puterbaugh 1" questioned tbe .omee boy. "We h,ave no such person ' bere. "Surely Mr. Puterbaugh ' Bal~hma'l is one of your superintendents," And then tbe secret was out. Nor. mo.l school girls and others may now breathe easler.-Cleveland Leader.
Yel!pw P'?Pov, ....· One cup flour, one t.eaapoon 'alt: IUt. Pour over It Ilo,w11 on8 nup mllk, beat; add two beaten HPj 'YOlka tlrst, then whtt~.la'.t Bake .1D hot mWflD tina ab~1!t 30 mlnu:~"
Ral.,d M'lffln •• One and one-hall pinta of 1Iour, oneKnow "Ua Grammar. half plut or milk, one egs, ' ontl"tourth "What. part. 01 ' sPeech 18 ' 'dUD r ' cup of bl,itter. one·half cup of J.aat, 9ne' and a hait tablespoons auPr" on. uked the teacher. "Dun," repUed the bright pupU. ... balt· teaapo~D salt. Mis 'at Dltrbt. lD lDorn,lDi put . Into mulla ' aaetl" tbe future ta.Dse or 'du..' · I&p4 IIDW 1I&ht.
• SCA.n .B TS JOC a box fOT • Wf;ek'D Ircellucul, aU dmltrl,ta, DIIt8 ~t ""nrr in tbe world. NlllloA bo$C$ a ru n th.
44 Bu. to the Acre'
Attleboro's Memorial Tree.
the Attleboro association, brought the acorn trom Andersonville after ' a visit there In recent years and the veterans dec.lded that, aided by mother earth, It shouid furnish th~ memorial. Nine yea.r s tlgo, Novemher 6, a lit· tle band of ex·prlsoners met In the Kirk c'e metery and held exercises In tonnectlon wt'th tbe plantI ng of the acorn. These men Qb~ed tlwlt .. Puggl('s-May I 'oller you my long as they Ilved they would assem· 1J.le on the flrst Sunday tn November and forlune? J essIe-No, thanks, dear boy. ' YO' II' each year and hold services abtlUt the oak provided the seed should live. fortunE';s too smlll and" your halld' too larg . Tbe men have not failed to do.
The Sacred Cod. TIle cod was the forerunner ot American aristocracy. He boasts no Norman blood and' hIs name Is' em· blazoned In no Domesday book, but New Englafid heraldry balS celebrated Wm for generatlons. Even dlscrlmln· atlng Boston has deified hIm, and a creature which In New York Is boiled and served with egg sauce Is at the Hub enshrined upon the altars of lib· erty and guarded by ·the holy vestals. That Is to say, tbese' honors are paid to the Yankee ' cod caught or pur· chased In Canadian waters by fisher· men crulsfug under the American flag. A plaIn, ordinary Canadian cod Introduced by a ,IUltlve of t~e Dominion Is not only rejected by good ' society In Massachusetts, but It he Insists upon landIng he Is taxed at the custom house at the rate of three-quarters of a cent a pOllnd. From all this It will appear that . the cod, like ma~, an· other aristocrat, derives bls coronet an(l. his pretensions· from prl vllege. It Is prlv\1ege and not the cod tbat baa been disturbed, Fresh, salted, shred· ded and In balls, the sacred ,ft$h sl:\II reposes lu Gloucester's bosom, Its ~In ' eage unQuestiouE'd,' ita past at leasl lecurfl.--Nnw Yc.t" 'World. .
SOLDIERS KEPT IN TRAINING High Standard of Efficiency Cannot Be MaintaIned In Army Unl ..1 Drilled Constantly.
Lu.c!d!)' Expreased. AI'! old Pennsylvania G 'rmnn Uvlns In the mountains ' had a bard th{'c hours' dUllty walk to a-ccoinpUab on~ morning and be rose vef)' early tQ make his start. He bad gonl) but .. ,little "'ay whon he. wus o.vertaken by an au'tomoblle. which \Vas pro.babl' lhe fIrst that had passed ,1Iung thl\l way. .T he driver · picked up Ule old man and they were at his destlnatlon In about 20 minutes. ' ' "Danks ao much awfully nill dl1 rid . If I ,liad known myself ' \0 be hera already two hours in front of de clock yet I vud be ·at. 'bome fast B!lleep already' to start unless '1 kn VI you "ud not have picked me up ,!!lilC;!"' ·
There Is glamour and romance about war that appeals to the heart of every young m'a n wO,r thy ot th!l name In this country. This Is as It should be. We are a nation of sol· dlers and sailors It Is true, but man, a blood·soaked fleld caD bear wltnees that we are soldiers. When we hq.ve the right man to lead us. A weapon, h'owever, thnt Is left too long In Ita scabbard la apt to rust therein. This A 'H int, wall the state 1n wblch we folind our country's sword when ,the Oery crosl! , 1'encher--·I Ilave been trying fol' waa sent out In 1861. 'We had not som~ tlm.e .to get .t he room so' quJ...e t • been at .war 'for many years be.f ore that ,we could hear a pIn drop . .I have thl" and even many ' of our generals dr.opped ~he pin Reveral tlmea but had forgotten all about the art, sayll you have been ma~lng so. much Doiso a writer In . the National Tribune. thn~ It hns been ImpossI~lf1 to ~ear It. Hence the terrible muddle and mla· What do you thInk we had bettel' do, management witnessed In the war of children 1'; Reddy Backrow- Tle a dumb-beil 10 ' the rebellion. Our poor fellows were sent olr as It nex t time, teacher. empty-handed as If going to a grand The .Selflsh View. promenade, or a soldiers' picnic. In"Do you want cheaper ~08tage ?" deed, but for Individual courage and "f don 't know," replle.d tile. men who good luck the event would have end· 'I'd In naUonal dlaaster and disgrace considers only bls own ·Intereats. "1 , for us. I have no desIre to dispel don't write mnny letters myself, and the romance tha.t surrounds as with I don't see why I should be eager to make It easier for tbe men wbOIi&\nli ' a halo the noble and necessary art me bills... · of war; but ·l tblnk every young' fel· low should know tbat to .be a real • Hear It. soldier It Is neMssaJ.'Y ror him to be Ball-What Is silence. not only .a fighting lllan and a brave Hall- The college yell of the school man In the field. but a perfect camp at experlenpe.-Harper's Bn.l8r. man also; and he can never learn to be so In barracks-but oniy on the tented field In times of peace. In the present generation our hideous sacrifice of soldiers In the war of '61 and '65 cannot be und ~rstood by ·sen· ators and representatives In con~ress . "In time at peace prepare for war." What may happen again unless a high ar 7 tbe sweet, crisp ~its standard of administrative emctenci Is maintained? Tbls cannot be at. talned unlesA tlie necessary depart. ments are practiced In -their dutle • . during tlmell or peace. There was an old saylnli' In the armY i "You old 'fllnt;lock, what ~o you Know' about war?" ,The young. soldier ot today aalutea ua '~ ":You old rarn·rod, . what · do you ' know abou ~ war1" The boy I. rlg~t. , .
II ·You ·Knew ., How 'Good
illiterate. in Fernch A~"'y. ' the Oerman army', shows a con.~lderabl' :&maUer percentage r& cr!llts who, arl! ~~Qbl. to read .or 'wrlte t}l!ln the French al'~Y. stIll, aCCOrdfna to flIP,II'8S Just. Issued, the Jarger num. bel' of Jlllterates . I~ the arlfly ot UJe repu~llc co~e from the districts aloq we . German frontier. Last OQtober. of 2:4'1,028 : men called up, · U,226. about 5.'76 per 'c ent, could Dot tead or write, ~4 . ~na the .Coyemmeut· ~ ParI, there wete allotelber ~ 110 UIlterate J'8C1'1i1t8. ~lthough
GOD UmmMuumuu:mstm:mt.utmu:.
, HE number of gypstee tn
America Is .increasing rapidly year by ' year, and of late yeafs several circumstances have combined to bring them prominently to the attention of tlle pubUo. For one thing, repre· sen t a tl v e s of this ....arthy hued clan from aU parts of the country me t recently In one of our eastern clUes to elect a "king," an event that takes place only once In ten years. Then, too, gypsies have of late yeara been brought promlnenUy to;.the ~UeoUon ot maoy of our cltl· teiis througb the growtb of Ilutomo•tlle touring. Motorists traversing
A :..
L ITTLE moHo-card which
Magnificent stones Set In Crown and Scepter of the King of England.
London.-The larger of the two great Cu lli nan diamonds, Which Is offi· clally known as thfl "Star of ACrlca," bae been set In th e klng's scepter. Tbe smaller of the' two diamonds Is
11:1 1<('en In many houses
Bays: "Thinking good Is thanking G d." .. , "Speak evil ot no mnn ." MUlJyon's Rbeumatlsm Remedy relJeve. wrote Paul to Tltlls. The polus tn the legn, arms, bliclt, IlLlIr or tiwoUeu J'Jluts. Contlllns no morphine. thought 1)1' cedos the ev il word, {,,,luU!, eOI·,lI lJe or dru g s t o d eaden tba and the command Is, thererore prac· puln. 1t [Icll lrollzes the aclr! aDd drives uu t 011 rh umnttu poIso ns trom the Iylttlcally equIva lent to "llllpk ev il 01 t •• tn , W rlle l'rot . Munyon, G:ld and J eftno man," CMlOU Hl~ " Phlln., Pa., t or medical advlc'C, absulut el y tree. Tnlnk good thoughts, ast out all other tl, Tllus w may show in 0. vital way our fculty to our Lord Ilnd nul' CANNING FACTORIES FOR SUE , FerFBrm", LBrgOCOmmu,,', !;ratllud for hi s goodness. tlo" OP TownB. 16 11\zCB. Pr\~ Th re Is nothIng more otfenslv to $86 te $850. Capocltles 08 hlab .. 9.000 cons tcmotoes or 20,000 cana n rlgbt mind Uilln a complaining per. . fruits In 10 hour". TERMS: A pa son, Of course, every on o can Hnd cent of Pad<, or 2 or 3 y""rlx payments. o r Cer caah. Writ. for Booklet. TI10S. U. DROWN, Spriqield, ... plenty to COlll lJlnln aboul. Who has not known peollle with arJpurently very thing around thf'n! to produce On the Sta ge. haprJlnes8. y 't det >rmlned to mourn "Wc've got to get somebody to play for trW s w hich th y hav e not? th Is li ght Hart." "Why 1I0t th e e l (~ctrlc lall ?"- BaIU· Thus II b C:llt llful young wife was mora A merl l' an . greet ed hy D. fri end one morning, a nd Ilnswererl In '1 llIet a ncholy Wa " whi ch Digging 5pruce Gum. led lh fri e nd to say: " You Il P Ilk Th ere wil l bo u 'rus ade ill spru ce s:ld ly, I hope you r hu sban d Is w 111" gnm diggin g in tb o l\ILLlne woods this "Y es, very well." "And thos two wInter. About twenty men wl lJ leave lovely child re n '!" Y fI , thl')' wC'r w n, Slwwh egan wIthin a short time to betoo." Th unha ppy lady's hous hold gi n gllm lliggtng ope rntions nenr Jackwa!:! r e f1ort~d lO h mov tng sllloothly . ma lt . OUn! bas /P'own scarce In t he At hist she burst out : "I know I h nvo las t fow years a nd the demand Is so a de lightful hom, a rle V'Oted husband . great that It hus become II bus iness to hrlght, h :lltby <, hlldl.,m, many frl nds many 1IIni ne m en, La s t year James - but, oh, my dl' R51naker Is such a nre}'. Frank Cronlng and Joe Cass trial! h lTI ak 1:1 me pel'rectly dug 1,300 lJOund s and sold It a ll In "retched ! " 1Ilu lne. It Is estimated that from 50,Ung ratef ul Worrytng. 000 to, 100,OOO pounds w ill be d ng tbls , One day a lY eal thy \\ oman, whoso aeason.-Kennebec (Me.) Journal. =Iouded brow show d thnt sbe was :l eeply worri ed, conllded 10 a frl enel better class of gyp, that she was so mi serable thnt she FRENCH BEAN COFFE~ sles one may now bad lai n awake all night because A HEALTHFUL DRINK Hnd cbln& and sll· orno rugs which sbe ha d recently ve r ware; more sur· bou gbt did not matcb the carpet on Tho bealtblest ever; you can grow prlslng, yet by no which th y were to lie ! It In your own garden on a s mall means all the gpy. Both of Ih ese un gratefu l \vomen patcb 10 by 10, prodUCing 60 pounds or sy hOllsswlves now llI'ere nominally hrl slfans , and yet more. Rip ens In Wisco nsin 00 days, do 't belr own work, tb ey seem d to httve enlirely oV(l r Used In great quanUties In France, eountrJ I'O&ds and ftndlng, at frequent many of t hem hav· ook d the primary duty of tlnc a s lng Germany and a ll over E urope. Send Ing domestic servo grntltud to God. Its proper fruit Is batervala, large groups of gypsies 15 cents In stamps and we will mall _mped b, the W&111Ide., have naturally ants, prlnclpally nee conte ntment, that beautiful virtue of you a packng glvJng ! ull culture dieome to . have a new realJsaUon of groes, who trav el which the old poet so eloquently rections as a lso our mammoth seed. .hat a aumerous element of our popuwith the caravan. wrote: catalog tree, or send 31 cents and get ,Iatlon the8e nomads now CO'1stltute. And fin ally, to cite In addition to above 10,000 kernels Art thou poor. yet h ast thou goldol\ ilium· The a.erqe pel'llon, encounterlnll the at;me of pres· unsupassable vegetable and fiower The Klng'a Scepter. b erS T American opslee ID a ~ual way, obent-day gypsy lux· seeds-enol!gh for ,busbels of vegeh, awe t conl n t! ..nes DO dUferencea .or dlsUnctlons ul'Y,lt may be no ted Art thou rtch, yet ts thy mind perpl cXflln Ln the Imperial crown, just above tbe tables and flow ers, John A. Salzer Oh, punlshmentl between ~ Varloull baada and yet, aa t hat Ilt ma~y a ermine band. Both stones can be tak- Seed Co., 182 S. 8th St., La Crosse, Will . .• matter of, tact, there are 1UD0ng the gypSy camp t he Then h e w ho patle~tiy 'lI fe' s burden b ear! en trom theIr settings in crown and "Romal1l.... I1J miuly aDd U llharply washing Is "sent No burden b ar B, but IB a kIng_ a ldng. scepter when those symbols of power UNKIND. d efined clauee of lIoclety aa In any out," tbls being Oil, IIweet, oh, sweet cOntlmL are not In use and made to form s . other cU~lon ot our population. Aa regula.r r 0 uti n e Beau~lful examples are often given pendant for the queen. The "Star of In other B~tiona of our cosmopolitan among the mo re Africa" welgbs 616 72 carats; the natJonal communltJ:, too, we find some prosperous gypsies of the way In whtch the dJvlne sparl! t th d h If was he rwomen, of gratitude Is sometimes kept ,alive smaller stone, 309 3·16 carats. The no"atheir a w 0own are people, virtuallyorouttwentieth centu.... occasion- bl ac k or w hi t e, can b e f oun d ·near tha in human hearts. Thl' R ev. T , W setting of the diamond In the crown, ocut 'among at pressln lJ '# of the diamond In the scepter and of laut wIth whom the aris tocrats ot the a y travels by railroad, just as he 00' camp to undertake the work. In the Booth t ells tbls story: wandere ... wtll not IlBsoclate_ caslonally makes use of the te legraph same category ot wonders IR the growA stranger was seen one day ap t be diamonds BS a pendant was InIt I'a by no melUls strange, however or ,even the telephone, hJs wanderings Ing practice of the gypsy women to proachlng a neglected grave In Nash, trusted t o, the famo us crown jeweler. if t h IU 'b ' up a nd down th e land are principally employ seamstresses to make th It: "lIle, Tenn. He had a fl ower In his The great difficulty tb.ey had to tace , e e sen, eyond the pale of gypsy- accomplished by means of the borse- clothhig. ' lJand, which hI! , laid upon the grave.. In a ltering the scepter to receIve the ~.~mt:at1B tor pethrcelve thl eae minute dis- drawn vehicles wblch present today Othel1 evIdence or how the habi ts, The warden ste pped to his side an d "Star of Africa" was caused by the ~c ons, or e gyps es are a myste- much th e s ame appearance that they fact that the general ornamentation nOlla and s ecretive people, and tor all did In the days of his forefathers on If not the characteristics. of the asked If hIs brother or' talloer were ha d to be kept 1ntact. burled tbere. that \bey Beem to live so much tn the the otber s ide of th Atlantic, There American gypsies are cha nging Is atThe Great Sacrifice. public eye they In reaLity let the out- Is this dl IT rence, however, that the ford ed by the fact th at many a pros· "No," said 'Ihe stra nger. "be was side .w orld know precious little ra- big sleeping vans-tbelr gaudily deco- perous gypsy now owns a home, or prdlng them. The suspicions or the ra ted ex teriors calculated to stir the more especially a [arm, ,which serves not a r elative. 1 wlU tell ,fOU about SECREr ORDER'S BIRTHPLACE fest of the world directed agatnsl ,t hem ' Imagination or any boy-are more as a sor t or base ot opersUons fo r him . When tbe war broke out I cou ld, WlfeY-1 8Q11ell something like leathfor centuries .have made the gypsies roomy and comfol·table than were th'e him-a refuge that corr spond s In a not enlist'. tbollgh I wanted to. I had ':lId School Houae ' at Eagle Harbor, Mich., Where Knights of Pythlas er burning! Is It that Cigar! , war1 Qt strangers, for all that they gypsy wagons of a rew years ago. Th e sense to, t he win ter quart rs of a " wife and soven children Bnd we Ritual Was Written. .Hubby':"No ; but I wouldn't wonder The wander-lust, were poor. At last I was d;afted. I Deed the mone y to be obtained In bar- cots have mOllerll mattresses and the t raveling circus. It It's the crust ot that pie you just ter or .fortune telling-and It Is prac· up·to-date type of wood burning stove the love of travel, Is so stron g In Ihe bad no money to hire a substitute so Charlevoix, Mich.-Ail · over the vut Into the oven. Uca1l1 Impolslble for a "gorglo" (any has supplanted the trIpod and kettle nverage gypsy t hat he ca nnot be con· I made ready 10 go, le&.vlng my fa~l\y one not of the gypsy clan) to really (If bygone days. tent to remain long In any oue place, to get along as best tlley coula , Just country there are school buUdlnge ·Femlnlne_ penetrate, the rellerve of these peaTo that portion of the public which even though he own t he property and then a young man came to ma and that have been tamed for ono thing A local Ironworker who bas been pIe. Tbelr 'exclusiveness III rendered has been wont to l' gard the gypsy as has fix ed It up emeLly In acco rd wl lll aald: 'You have a la rge family. Your Dr another. The Eagle Harbor s chool the more easy from the tact that the1 atl but akin to a beggar It may come his own noUons, but he w\ll sp nel a wife cannot possibly feed and clothe house Is tamed as being the birth- ma l'rled a couple of years always deplace or the Knigbts or Pythlas. It clared that hi s first son should be epeak . a strange tongue-an aptly as Bomethlng ot a surprise If not a por tlo~ of each year In slIcb tom po· tbem, I wUl go In your place.' "He went, was wounded at Chlclla was In this schoolhouse ,I n 1868-9 that named Mat, after one , of his best termed "black language," which Is al, distinct shock to learn thnt many of rary home If for no' other purpose . ,mOlt never taught to an OUt!llder. these wanderers are d ecidedly well- than to enabl his child ren to oUlaLn mauga, taken to the hospita l at Nash· Justice H . Rathbone, a teacher thon, fMe nds. J",earnlng that the Ironworker and Ville, and h ere he died. Ever s ince wrote the rltllal o'f that order. , For all that the ' gYPIIY In this pro- to-do. In the portable homes of the , some schooling, tbat day J have wanted to come and Eagle Harbor Is the name of t.h, his Wife bad recenLly been blessed see his grave, but was not able to settlement where this school bouse I, with a charming haby. the t.r~end pay the car tare. At la.st I have saved located. It Is a typical fronti er, log !tmlled all oy er his face wben he greetup enou gh for that, and I have come cabin settlem nt, a relic of olrten ed the fath er on the street. ' ''Well,'' he beamed, " how Is llttle rrom lllinois to see my dear friend's times, situated about teu miles from grave." th e point of tile upper penins ula of Mat'" . ' "Mat, nothing," rllJswe red the faT ears streamed down the man' Mlchlgon on tla e shores of Lake SupeAbility to Read Future Simply Result of Cultivated Hun 'Perception of Details cheeks 8S he stooped and set a lItU rior. It ~was ill thlR country that cor.. the r; "It's Mu t tl'ess."- Youugstowu slab beside th e mound, on which were pe r WBS first discovered In nortbern Telegram , cut the words: " He died for me." The' principal means of livelihood pen to coincide wIth t hose of the or- ml 'slons ure the st ep pIng stones by RESUL TI! OF FOOD. It man to man could be 80 touch, Which her " Imow lerlge grows fro m for gnlsy men Is borse trading, al- dlnnry gorglo palmtst, but which the Health and Natural Conditions Come In gly and unselfl sbly gra tefu l, ' what though, as has been mentioned above, most part are not to he found In any 1I10re to mo re." 8h' can , for Instance, Ihould we not do'tor blm who crown. From Right Feedln~ recognize at 11 glnneo t he tok eD!; of .ome ot those who acquire means go written book. dally with bene fit s, and IrUV eth us ' loto the real estate field, and that It Is almost n t lroly upon face read· sadness lJy wblch the casuaJ ohs'rver '\I s life fo r us-Ch ri stian Herald. Man, physically, s hould be like a same Instinctive ' native shrewdness Ing and a cultivated ke en, ready per- Is blind, and wh eth er the t1um i-tnl!· perfectly regu lated mac:llne, each .hlch makes them successful hi the caption of ge noml charact rlstlcs t hat able stamp hI from sorrow by vlsita· part worklng eas ily In Its approprl· horse barter aids tbem to profltable the gyvsy depends. Nothing escapes tlon of doath or the result of bitter ate place. A sllgbt derangement All the Earth Is Holy Ground. Inveatments In tbls other field, Gypsy her quick 'eye. The bear ing of a earthl y disappointment. the odds are causes undue friction and wear, and "The veil ot the t emple was rent iliat ~ h o gypsy wlJl make t he sitter women sometimes , peddle lace and stranger, the dress, speech and mnnfrequently r'uln s the e ntire system. In twain. That does not mean that baskets from house to 'house, but their ne r, the expression and type of fen· tell he r without belug aware of ha v· the boly place was desecmted, but A well·known educator of Boston ohlet meana or money making Is for- ture and a thousand details whlcb Ing done so, found a 'w ay to kee p tbe brain and t hnt al1 Ufe Is consecrated. The s anc. As !l rule, as I ha ve said, she flat· tune tetuni', and thIs Is preferably would be overlooked as unlmp(lrtant the body In tb at harmonious co-operatuary Is not destroyed, but Its limit!! carried on at camp, for the Romany trifles by a gorglo, count with the ters with brave promi ses at fair fu· are enlarged ; Its holiness Is to go tion which ma kes a joy of Hying. sentiment Is that a woman'a place Is Ilomany. She refuses to "dukker" tures. but if displeased ahe may so forth and flll the world. The breath "Two years ago," s he writes, "being Ill, her home. ,Incldent ..l1y It maY' be before more than one penon at a threaten with t.he vigorous, compell· of the dying Lord h a s blown away all in a condition of nervous exhaustion, Ing. dra matic lut or which she Is com· remarked that , gypllY girls are most time, posslbiy on the plea that she ·be· 1 resigned my position as teacber, barriers between the soul and God Eagle Harbor School Hou·ae. c&refuliy guarded and marriages with longs to a "secret order" which tor- plete mis tress that tbe ' horrors con· Earth Is annexed to heaven and every which I bad held ,for over 40 years. others than gypsies are discouraged. bids It, or that a fortune told .n Btlch jured from Imagination stand out be· buildIng Ie a part of the Church. All Since then the entire r est bus, ot "doomed" hea rer with the but In later years about the Michigan fore ilie . The fortune, telllns of 'the gypsies, manner would not come true. These exclusive pri esthoods have passed only people JIving there are fishermen, 'course, been a benefit, but the use ot real elfect of a curse.-Century Mag· or' "dukkerlng," as they themselves statements, though deliciously appeaway and al1 I::e bas become sacra· 9, IIgbt-house keeper and a few hunt· Grape·Nuts has removed one great 'call It, Sa a wonderful thJng, and a tlzlng, are lacking In truth, for the azlne, mental. If th e "glory" has vanlslied ers and tra ppers . In the IiUDlUler time ca use of Illness In tbe pasl, namely, 'p ower undenlabl1' subnormal which tact Is only that sho needs the unrrom between the bending cherubim It It Is a very popular place for camping constipation, a nd Its atte ndant e vils. , 'reada "past, present and future, yer divided attention of the one who con"The Tempest." Is only, that It mny fl1l the world."I generally make my entire breakl>8rtles. 1rl8h an' all yo want to know." But, eults her, ln or.der to get the best re"The T empest" may be callEld the North weste rn Christian Advocate. fas t on a raw egg beaten Into four thouSb the Romany's gltts are JUanal. suits ot concentration of mind. In play of the upper and lower s ides of spoonfuls ot Grape·Nuts, with a Uttle ous, "they cannot IItrlctly be said to be just:ce to the gypsy, It ahould be human nature; tile battle of Intelleot, bot milk or hot water uaded. I like Lut Survivor of '76. Tel~ted to 'P e1chlcfJ phllOomena. Yet t'.a~en Into consideration that the at- conscience and spiritual Qsplrallon Being snd Dohg, It extremely, my toad asslmllates, las t survivor ot Columbus, O.-The tbey are IntereattnC, being delight- mosphete or eceptlclsm which Is apt against bruIn 'passion and appetite. He thou an example . _ . In my bow els take care of themselves, fully human and as rnylterlouily bat- to surround, a gay party uf curIosity Itll leading character, Prospero, typl· word, In conversation, In charity, Le.' the Revolu~onary war was Jobn Gray, I find my brai n power and physical , ilIDg as East 'Indian ,Jugglery. ' . eeeken, Is not conduclve to success In £es tbe "better things," whllo tbe spirit, in talt h, I~ pUl'lty. 1 Tim. Iv, who died lil Noble county, Ohio, aged endurance mucn grellter nnd, I know 104 yeara, on March 26, 1868. He .. ' The H~"qla'nY'a naual method 'of dl- ,tb~ exercise ot , any profession. lower are set forth In Oall uRn, Trln· 12. , came to the Buckey~ stAte early In that the use of the Grape-Nuts haH .lniDg" the f~tur.' ' Ia by the Dalm, . The Rl,.:nany fortune teller Is lin culd, Stephano, et a1. ArIe l Is mer. Know . . " that to be If! InOn. Its ex.istence. For some years betore contributed largely to this result. ' ~oulh It Ja some.tlmes by cards, aome. adept In the art of flattery, for there by the reflection of Prospero. the ffi60 Itely hlgber than to do; that to ·be "It Is with tee~l'1gs of ~atltude that died be drew an annual pension of tliu:.., by droppIng coln~ loto clear 'Va· are few .exceptioDs to the rule tb~t l terlallzation" as It were, of his aU, t horoWJhly tru~ Is • 1I1gller' -.ervlce be I wrl~e this testimonial, and hust it 5500 (rom the governmenl Gen. John ter, and aaain bJ certain charma, 'fa- nothing Is so Intere.sttng as ol)e's self. conquering -mInd alld IIplrlt; and Pro. t~an to spread the truth; that to be may be the meaus of alding 'otbers In rled by trlft1ng ' lIlelght of liand per- The C1P8Y knows how ~o d.r aw out un- pero himself la a reflection of the pUN In heart brtngs you nearer to A, · Bingham, having gotten a speCial their search for l)eafth," Name given formuoea. In the lYPB1's palmlst.rj cQnsc10ua admlsslonll bY confessions mental and splrtual In the unlvers1l1 God, does more tor your fellaw 'II1en, l Ct throuih congress for this, Gray's by 'Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. , ~ather was killed at the bat.t1e of SUll, ~.re II 110 book / leamlD, and IIttl., ~y her ott-repeated, "Do YOU ' on'atan' humanity. ' Prospero wins, not only beara ... more oxcellent tMdt thlln " Read the Uttle book, "The Road 10 water, and he took hIs place In the ..act. . ." 'li1thoUSh .he prof~ell to Die'" aDd "CWl-YOU look me In the eye agalnlt the ItOl'lll, ~nst aa the brain Ille spent belplng others to 'be ,lUre: army, being only HI years old then. Wellvllie," In pkgs. "'l1bere!s a. Rea· attal1Il _e ImportaDOI to. tha IInel aD'..,. It I. not the truth I'm a-tellln' and oonlcleace ,of humanlt)r are even- that to be jUllt Is more excellent .than He served tbrou,b the 'remaJ'1der of son," of ~ beaTt an4 Ute. For the lin.. 10Ut" She fol'lDll the -' acknowledg- tually to triumph over tb. torces of to aid juUae; that to be a 'Clu'lsUan tbe war. His mlUtary record la on Ever Hall a,"",,, letter' A ali.. ' IDCl mo.ata ,D JlIe. b... their 0 ..'0 ment of truths at .llJch ahe · baa al- nature without nil and the torcea ot makel more CllrllUanl tbu to ,pr. .~ llIe at thp omce or the atate coJlUDia. _e ' appeal'll frOID t .... e to ....... f t .." are Irenala.. U1Ie, ••• .all o. ... . . . _ . ., . . . . .. wblOll lOIII,tIm. baD- rfadJ' shrewdly IUllUacl. and such, a4- the animal within UI. tb.~L .Iouer 0 otioldlera' clllhu, ..tnee..
~ ..~-----~~~. . . . . .~. .--. . . .~~~~~~~~~~~~"!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I
At ' nine o'clook 1 bad orossed It bordt'Rll ' ntlxtur 18, us d. a dJWinand r, blld met. ~ hflt "O,he"" lute ~01 11t1()1} of :!, pounda COPI) l' lul, 'who had walked wi~h me from phate (blUe vllrlol) and 4 poundl of ----...:.....-..---------lood ston lime, to 60 gallonl of wa, , , . Amble ide t l;irl\smore, reoltlng ter including 3 poundl arlen ate ot . r uo(l allot' n(\bl t ",brln at Wlucb .. We 6re flE\ve n " Together we reo lead. sbould be eff~etl~e. ' f o rr rd,.,r,~ 'I. II I'W Jill' )" , .•1 btl to lovol> thl In,finlte a.ild Eterni~\. turnell ot t " th41 little hl)rne In The secoD.d Ipray Ihould be Biven , l' 11I' OIS"1f w"o e'stodY"j \ jl'>, . n h t.hoolarLr h I ,dn)t'r,' d. 'I W Iit·,'J mOJ·· ' t.. ct '.le I bloillomi .. tall ' , n.U >" 1.1 ihe 'l'errl1oe On Mund~y 'eve ning t,vo wee...., · aer ~;Q _/l'U· .. tl\l JUJ',v wh ll .. t.IlI'O Illl{l l ~l\~ onto fdoors It.ma.y[)s believed " , 0 with tbe eama solution used In the I ' ,., . 'we lltouti toge t,her on rrest , t b " 11 ... :' juror t.o appall' F I}rllllry rlli ' d hi "/I ltar" out of doors and " I i previous one. . Hi' I , ' , ' h 8Md, 10 Idng d own upon the g or About nine' ween atter the blo. ' 'hort [hI h pr uu d ,.111 verse u~de~ t e on vtew, thO nClxt day we were in soms fall the next spr ~ould be 1 .• eb ' ~tI t) f Anna L," tlA kt I ff d bl slnoerest • , r t so 0 ere.8 ' Liverpoo l, Rnd,1l we k afterwar d ,lven. It would be preferable at Is VI Hl'nr , '. I::!burt,i1. Il lll o tioJ~ for ( prIlYAr~ tber Bow var the grey· were on ttl bit.! h II fI~. time t.p U S8 bordeaux mb:ture, espea J ' t!" ~I " I WII oV'erru l ~l1. ttlwf'red eburob n1"Y be located : one _ _ dally In lIouthern Ohio. It will not 1"'111'Ii Ill n Ilf IJrllpl'Ir't,' lII r.d io \Uti'i he ore tbat the poet a :lt aally · caule much If lUly rU8tret at this time Falls Victim to Thieves and will be more effective than lime Oa eo f A II I' ~ B " JnO'k , e t LI \ ' " B us Slit. ' wit ill it!! wulls !lnd brood d Aln lulpbur In controlling ~ltter rot, al>' , W B d f Co 1 ' t S t" ., HI1 I,,"rt,soo (, 111 OVl'r the meaning of Ufe, I~nd b !ul ' a, jastifit1blt' en s , 0 gri~vt1noe, Il I y, Two 'w,' nle blotcb, an~ Crog-eye tungul. The L' I .. JIl t h ... oo:le of Wllli"w c.o ::,u lwart orenf'd hi ('luI to visions Ilnd vole tl davas s tole bis htllll tb for twelve 10luUon at th I time. for the second y.,. p , :. , l.~ /::it , L Ry 0 , etl Il t the inner world. And so us vetl rs Tbey were a liver and kid brood ot the codling mo!h. can be 'tCj intlJf 11'1 grnnted to tl IJ I\m euded I lo~g I1 S It stl/uds In t.he little town ney t,roable Then Dr KIng's New mixed to Include S pounds copper J)( ' Iti UII. I whi h , it rna t be sai d has no beau Life Pill tbrottled tbem , He's Nell .ulphate,. poundl lime to 60 gallons now . Un rival ~d for Uonstipation, and 2 pound., arsenate ot lead. Probate Court. t y that one t;boald desire it-a town Mu la ria, Headaohe, Dyspepsia. 25e If tbll outline II Collowed carefully, S wampeu In com meroial! m, and 1m Ilt ull druigists . It should give very good results and Ju v~ ntlll Y lind IIppruiSf'Ulent: in m r8eo in hu Inetls, Wordsworth pert'9ct trult: The commercial man ~ f EI ' b I J k d • - • In l ootbern Oblo may find At benel1· , 6 ei'tute 0 IZR at I uo. 1'- l over!! will bUUllt it- to the profit of etal to apply another Ipray the tirlt Ct'lsed WIlS filed by ~'rtlDkie A, brake dTiv ers, inn keepers and a ll ................... "............... of Au~st. • _ • Dllnh nm, admlnlstl'atrll.: loth r folk wbo live off the Bentlment : : lnvl~D tory tlnd oppraismen t in the of boo kll!b fu lk. A Borehead is most always its own e: Itlta of Bortlee P . Dunfortb, de , J wil:1h th at the lIame spirit whioh 1* fault. • -.. ~ : ·, .. ed, was fil ed by Emwa B Dtln hUM kept out rail roads hom the ABRAHAM LINCOLN f r; rb , ex eu trix . Luli e hlld proteoted Grasmere ·' um et! Dlivia was IlPIJoihtl',l nd Ilhurob against ouriosity hunters, OW S In a little hut in the midst, of
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I!IAyfJe. HO.batoauiORLeEdy.,1 a forest olearing nellr Hodgenville, hip : Burely a Wordswortb.lover ~y " one· hundred and two yellrB .. woo ld rtlther kneel b Bneath the old ~go 11lst weeil: Abraham Llnooln be ~ ro()f Ib fellowship with other rever. gon under the most unpromising ~ Aaal.tnnt Proressbr ot Hortloulture. eat , ou ls thUD to st/md in the midst OhIo State ' nlverslty. of auspioes that marvelous 'career of II orowd, going hither aDd thither! whioh the bnllet of the assll!!sin J It was my fortune, while at Ox. " , •••• , " ' , . " ••••• , " , . , Wilkes Booth ended so tragloally in So much has been written on FOl'd '8 Ttielltre on the 14th of AprtJ ford in tho full of 190~ to meet a ven. sprayIng that It may seem suptrflu- 1865. ora hie olergyma n, who had been _ OUI to go over the same' grounds reotor of firltsmere oharoh. 1n his Born to the lowest estate to whloh again, but the numerous errorll made ~ yonth he had gone up from the hltJe eacb y-ear by orchardists or lome ex. maokind III heir, oondemned to.a life ~ . vUllige to Oxford, and he remem perlence, as well as novlce&. prompts in ~hiob there was apparently neUh bered with intlnite pleasure th"t the UII to again call attention to a plan er bope nor sunshine, by the pinoh. Anthlin y Rf n~ e rinj(, Cora Ert,el great poet had accompanied him to of spraying tor tbe com,lng season. ing struggle of hill parents for exist. • .. " " ... ,,"\ a ud WilJlulIl B . Ertel to J acob Rid. the stoge.ooaoh "n'd given him "'ood First. we sbould remember tbat i h til t b .. ... spraying Is only one of tbe faotora enoe n a os ' e ooun ry overron y !rlgar nn li Norll Rldi'lger, lot in advloe. To meet a man who had In the production ot good rrult. We the IIlvBge Red man, he made more C')~ud rlule ., and other oon Idera een Wordsworth brought him near· must feed tbe trees or adopt lom~ of his soant heritaKe than is given WI *Ionll. or to me than to see the churoh in lIystem at cultivation; prune Intellt- to most men and beoame the most • Chlules Mullin t.> .1 ob n 8 . Mullln whioh he hlld worshiped, though I Bently and regularly; thin the fruit majelltlo figure in modern history, ft 11.1 h.Y sheriff 's, slLle, ] 52 aores In wben promptly the crop and selsthoroughly too heavily; OtlDnot doubt that the 0 h nro h , i n Ipray ; and I:;addest and mO!jt unhappy 0 f 1\II ! learoreek township 118,112, RClme subtOe psyohlo way, retaine<i pick, pack and market wit\! close at- the men who have been called by ~" ~ Mary' Edwards et III to Chtlrlotte the impress of Wordsworth'l pres ·, tenUon to details. tbelr fellow oountrymen to shape ~ " Edwardll, quit olaim on property In enoe. FIVE POINTS IN THE STAR OF the destinies 01 the nA.tion, he pre. 'Vay~e township, '1. eto. Returning to Ambleside. I took SUCCESS. sened unimpl\ired 'in tbe highest William F, Grassmuok aud Emmu boat baok to Bownees, and then Know the Trouble. offioe wUhln the gift of the people , Ura88muok to Anna Mary HeiDe walked up to Winderlilere. The very first essenUal In sprnytn, the simplioity of manner and J'ugged . , anan ' trAot 1n Haml1t~n town8fiip, U I:;onday was ideally bellutifnl. 'III to know our trouble8 and the belt honesty of purpose that marked the • ' 1 rambl e d thll combative measures. err ex. at h urn ble rail sp Ii t t er JD ' overa II S 0 f Earlv in th e mornmg MarriaIe Licenses, poInt arid lose the Many labor and through mllny by.ways, and, then pen8e of applyln& the Ipray. ~hirty years bef(1re upon whom was John Albert'heehan, 2 , farmer attended the little Wesleyan ohuroh, Spray Promptly. ' impoeedthetaskoffreeingtheslave I ) ay~ 0 • 0 • (\f Centerville and MlI.bel Estello or ohapel. Who preached? 1 do The lecond cardInal point ts and preserving the Union, J ~eedy, 21, of Springboro. uot remember. What was bis tE'xt? promptness. A few days' delay may Averse to war he aspired to see ~'harlee Gudgeon, 28, millright o'f 1 f orge ' t. mean that It II too late tor a certain hi' ccuntry grow i n peaoe f u I em· i :i~~~~~h:. and (lraoe Me~riok, 20, But Ido not forget theaf~ernoon's Ipray. ee Thorough. nence and take its rank "mong the US walk to Coniston Water. an eleven Thorour;hnelll 11of prime lmpor- moet iDfiaential nations of the world Am~i King, 21, farmer of Mason miles' tramp from Wtndermere to tance If we rallie a hlib \ler cent ot an ambition he was not dMttned and May Lyle 08born, 20, of M.a8on. Bowneas, over the Lake by the fa· perfe'lt f'rult; "hlcb should be the however to live to see fulfilled • Jolm Tindle, :.lS, ' r Jilroader of mons ,Ferry, along the edge of ambition at every fruit crower. How that pathetio sad looking tll.Od, . . South LebaDon and EU/lo Prestoo, 18, Esthwaite Water. throug h B aw k 8· Ule Material. In Propel' Proportlonl. Spray lIolutlon8 must be made upon w h ioh t h e h ear tb ro k en W.fd ows ot I:;outh Lebanon, head, ('awk'8 'ead, as it was pro· properly In tbe proportions reeom· the orph"ns and the mothers of the Robert Bate" 21, laborer of Booill)- nounll8d by a young man of whom mended or the results may be dIu,. nation engraved th9ir tears, woold ~ 'iUle' and Hazel Winfield, 16, ot I. 8skt'd the way) to Brantwood, last pointing and oftentlmel dl8D.1troUI. light up with emotion if he oould ~orrow. . home of John Ruskin. Few pertlons Ule a Good Outfit. today see that. starry emblem he ,I Commlulooer.' n....--... lna.. wereon the road, and the few whom Laltly, a good spray outfit will Rave op his Ufe in tbe saving. fioatIJ"I~ • make thlll as pleasant D.I any work I met beyond Hawkshead, .seemed on the farm, but a poor outfit will be log over prosper01l11 dependenoies ~ • B 11 0 I ,8 - r6gonIa Bridge Compl\ny, oppressed by I!ome oruel solemnHv the bane of our existence tbrou,hout beyond the borders of the oountry I)l • eo~trll.ot, 1402.60 i Or" t:il1stin, that made ~he 'Holy Day a burden the spraylni lIea80n. whose territorial integrity he strove. ~ 'Ititt! brld.gelumber, 186.70 i Robert ~hutta to the soul. The distriot seemed LIm. Sulphur For 8an Jo... so hard to keep intaot. Where let's N ' filii 'b ridge repairs, 15925; , O. B. ,Ctlln, abandoned, as if the very ~pirlt ()f It we liave the Ban J08e scale III than thirty million g/love up th~ la~ .. ~~.~~~~ ~ ~~~~~ . . . _ bridgerepaire in Hamilton, '8,~O; Ufe had departed from it. I have the orchard, it. must be attalckeld VI~. fnllmellsureofdevotiontomalntalD fiR:lr~~IflII!r~~_~~.-r~~_ W, H. Mo(irath, oontraot, 147.39; seldom felt tha solit:ariness of No. oroualy eYery year to keep t n IU.,. it without blemish more than one' jectlon. We can use the millelbl. A . W. Mardis, medical sorvioes, $22.50; Direct Coal Co.·" ooal, 114.72. ture more deBp)y than on that June 0118, lime .ulphur, or whale on eoap. hundled mtIlioo now own allegiance ooriolen08 and an open heart it looka f DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN afternol'tn. The lime lulphur solutions are ua.4 to It, from frozen Alaska to the sun Philip Spence, making g"neralln. F t I t od t th more extensively than any other oares8ed .horl's of Porto Rioo, Sa. with Linooln upon all its neighbors For Internal ancI External PaIn.. ~Iexee, '160; Trustees of Pubiio Af. or a momen S0 a e g_e, treatment. ThlB material can be " WIth millioe toward none. with waU, Guam, and the PhHlIpine Aropening into BrantViood groonds 1al're, water for fountain, 17 i W. J. ' ' either prepared at home or puroharity for all" And It lives and wondering , if Rn~kin ever knew I chased ready for ulle. The ' latter II o~ip'eligo . Wright, defending Willtel' Harlan, h h b I h d t died hi I I d d In our I:;ince he pUlled awa" bis oountry aots as olosely as ,. nation oan the $12', J. W. Moody, repairiD" stamps, tat, w en Ito oy a s a s to ,be arge y recommen e . s ce ......." philosophy of the _ead Presiden' '" "Elements of Drawing," and, that eQ.uipment for bollin, II usually. poor hae had one aiicoeesful war, and oontained in pis Cooper Union $1.50; Johnson & Watson Vo ,quad. I h d I fi t and the amount of time and , labor ~oted IlB 'Intermediary tor .Russla rennial · enumeralion books, 113', when tl wr tten my own rs Involved will Icarcely balance the , spee}h: "Let us have faith 'tha.t rlgbt ... an d h a d re ceived m y pay , I convenience of tbe commercial prod- aud Japllon io settlin" THI OItIATIiT " Columbus Blank book Co" blanks, b 00 .. .. the most dis. mO-kes ri"M and in that faith let us had booght" set of his "Wo~ks'" uct. ' .Atrous international struggle iu all to 'he end dare to do our duty as '2 50; Or. H. I. Fisher, M. A . OnlY for Q. moment, then I started If "' , e prepare tbe mixture , our· history. It naB turned the IndiaD IN THI WOIIL.D . d D B Wi) I . I b J, a m eS"n v an '. son, se rv ces on the return walk. Vesoer bells BelYes, tbe following Cormu a can e from intermittent strife intopelloe- we nndertltand It ... l'UBLlSiIED WEEnY. SU)() PEl TEAR , on blind oommissioner, laO; RoslI. ., ' used : Fifteen lbs. floweI'I of sulphur 1..oDg, ref under of tax, ,S, 51; Frunk were rlD gmg, as I tromped a.long and 15 Ibs. good stone hme to 60 ful punlU!ts, aided the .nations of HOTIL.I, DItUOOIITB, BPIOIALIBTS, the shores of Esthwaite \\'ater, U1,e gals. of water. Boll the sulphur and the world in the establishment o( OOBTUMIItB, T~ 'ANBFllt, CAB Ooke bridge lnmber, '55:67, bells of tb~t "old ohuroh cn ' high" 11me In 12 or 15 gallonl of water for a permanent peaoe tribanal at the AND 'BUB BIIIVICI OAN PROF!':' BY UIIMO ITS ADvllln"Nq OOL.UMM8 •- • "tundlng ou Ito hillside Ilke about an hour. dilute' to 60 gallona, Bogue for the adjustment of griev SAMPLE COPY FREE . Life Saved at Death's Door t h t abo e th yond lipply while hot on the aame day anoes, freed Cuba the oppres Undertaker and Embalmer, Add.... II. W!l 0 ower v s are It Is prepared. .NIIW YOItK C&.tPPIIt ' "I never felt 80 near my grave, " roofs, " Perhaps Wordswortb had I If we purchase the materll!-i It will sive voke ()f Spain, and unde,rtllken New, Yortt. N. ,'f. Will be found in the 0)(1 'Writes W. R , Patterson, of Well b ellrd them, at any rate, l1e ht\d require one gallon of the concen- the oonstruotion of , the Paollmo Bank Bullding, oppoBiitt 5ngt.on, Tex" as when II. frightful pI\ssed nine years 10 little Hawks. trated lime lIulphur to nine Ballonl tJa~lll, the most stupenduf)a~ engi the Natioual Bank. (loogh and lun g t"ouble palled me I d (If water. Apply while tr~1 are dorTelephone in house and or· do~n to 100 pound e, tn spir e of doc.. beud, had gone to schoo there, an mot. If the Infeltation Ia bad, an Deering feat of the age~ , ~ts invflD. fioe where I can be caUed tor ~ treAtment for two Y,eft rs, ~y there began the poet. life, of whose applloatlon late In the tall and an- tiV8 genius has enriohed the world Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-HOner day or JJight. father, mother and two Sl'lt,ers di ed development, "The Prelu,l e" is the other In early spring should be Biven, with A)cXRnder Urahllm Bell'8 teleFor Oou,.ha and Colds. Valley ~hone 1'-2, . , oonsnmp~ion. and that J 1l'1l ~l\~o ooble reoord. Tbe usual time to apply thli 10111- phone, Edison's .inollndesoent elec. today is due solely to Dr KIng s tlon la b'efore ,th9 buda OP4ln In the 'd i Waynesville. Ohio New Disoovery, _w biob o)~ple~ely It WII.S my Illflt BondllY In Eug spring. This will kill tbe Blln JOle trio light, Oeltlny s1001 wor sam n- Main 'S treet. eared me. Now 1 weigh 18. poua!lR land: most , fitt~ng that tbe last and other Bcalell and deltroy tbe ute telepost automtltio tele~raph ODd h~~e be.e,n well and strong for ohimes of ohuroh bells that I I!honld lpore!! of fungus dllleallel. Bome I'0r. SYflt.em, Westinqhouse's marvelous years. QUlok s1lfe, sore" Its the h ear in the old oountry should be ebardtats report good relults In de· meohanioal inventions, the trolley, Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalve best remedy on earth for oqaghs, Itbosa of old Bawksheod oburoh , Of Itroylng the , eUI ot the , apple the automobile, the typesetting rna. ~ ooids, la~rippe, asthma, oronp, God aphld.1 or peen lice. ~ Good' fol' all Skin Dl,e""': r ILl) throat aud lung troubles. 500 all ,t,he pilloes tb'lt 1 lIa w in Europe, r ohine, the oyHnuer pre88 "ndia thou!!. . and 11 00. 'I'rial bottle free Gnar- there WIlS one on the shore9 of T~. ,8umm.rSp ay. h Id and and on9 o'her wond~rs whioh ' I nateed "y all druggists . , . b I d Th •• eeond sprar ,for apple I ou ha 1 '1 d ki d fit "f ' II. • _ ,. ' Esth wal t,e W tl ter whlc ,oovete , be liven juat when the bloll8oml fall ve re ev~___man n 0 ~ orm , TRACiE MARK. 1847 R "'O~tIGS"IGTN .....,a . Stale eggs onoa hlld a oommerolal It oommands a view of that ·'w.eed (not wblle ill full bloom), with either er drudgery. ' . ~." iest:, reediest of thp Lakes, I I IIond of bordeaux ml:Jlture or 11•• ,Iulphur, H has e8tablil!~ed a hundred in: .'. "n,on.lendln, .Ikelell "nc\'dt.eCTlllUonaiit valoe as bl,aokening ~, as originally old Hawkshead h was in thembr ' If Ben ' DIG ' BI k B " , qul~kl' ..certAIn o"r Olil llll,n ~ff" whet.l1er .. av I, ano, or a~ en dustries whioh domiuate the mar I""'fltlnn ,IProb"bl,.IIIU.OlltAb'lo. .. :eomtnllnl-. made of them a.,n dsoot-. art ,rown' mUAb ... -tt.r rel"ltl oan ' '. ,.' • , ' . I UOflalulotl,conOde"tlhl. \lAND lU!/K on P.ten~ · aores 0 f groun d an d a h ome, be leoured' , ,~ , " , lut· ketsoftheworld . lll.,Patente. '." k ~, SIX 'by the Ute. of lime " " ., andrai8edatborui I lentf,ee.Oldeatlllen<llfo'.I)OII, ').>atanta tak.n tbrou"h IIIUIlII&:.Co. ....W"I From it I oould h",!e -alked ,t o 'phur than by bOrloeault 'ml--ure. ... Ilnd millionaires, whOse rapid , Iy ao If you would lik'e to supply 'I ~IIO&~ WI~bollt~bft'lIo, III , e " , ' h ' Wife. Oot ,Tip Top 'Advice Gras~eJ'e , on a lIummf,lr, day, The . are badlr ~I" " " .\ .... . ,numb.r of other varletlel U"L ... oumula,tlng rev~nues ,are be~ng dlsyou' r tab'Ie Wl'th I'S hl'gh."M,, ' '", , My WIfe wan~ed me to take our fourteen other Lakes" would' ,have ·rulleted when Iprayed. WI~h borde~ux bur:sed 'tn the oreation of the grelltOll boy to the dOQtor to oure &nugly . ', ' . ' h f n' I . . h Id B1 ' . ~ . de ,silve, rware free of ,cu.~ ..tllllt'nlQOrtJljatcl,l'·b""'IO.'IPUPBul'~~\\~,n..a., 'II''J.'We~I~~ boil;" writes 'D. Frankel, ot Stfoud, be~D ,w~thin e",sy rea,oh dQring ': tb~ ~~ t :1 ~;wa~h:r!~o:h v: e~teo1enti~o and researo~ ~n~.vElrei. b .... .r. ... _-J Ok,JiL. 'II ,s aid 'pn~ Buok,l en & 'Ar,n!. ,s ummer "d~vs ::;-,1"oould have P , ~to,t,,;... .P,I Pra , ';'" ',,','., ' " , "eeaud p~lllan~ " rophi.,e , th~t ~be . cost, write"us"fot our spe... ' ,L d' O..!8'~~" : "'-I ve on i'.Qh , IIhoul4 be world blls ever , k no.w n: 1~ :":..:i ofIe ' r.· 'Aadresa ' ," 'JI , ' , 1~m.;oe;"". "B~W.t4If " I_,Ii.~" , . oa.,... t. ~ e did 80 an d it ed to my :soul's' cl)ntllnt, ' 'and ,read ~# The oommerelal lolutlon .... f eed II \:'lal ' oilrlld 'he boil in a BbOrt time," Poetry for blah ',pleasure;! Bu' ~Ju.t.ed, ' 1, .',alloll : to 40 ,alloD :of w.. th't,. world with Ita eurplna grain, " , )' ,;, ,Quiokest bE!$ler of Bu~ns, Sollldll, America called me and 1 hadn'l ur, lDclGdln& t"o or three , pound, of clbtbes it With' U8 ootton, and kee~ fASlltN tOMPANI ' 'Cute, Cornp, Br~ses, 8prldns, SwelJ;. , " ,, . , , anenate 'of lead to each 50 ;pUona of "" , tnBS' Beat Pile onre on eadh : ,T ry lenough ' m,oney to bnJ: I~,X ~oree of Iprf.7 to " co~trol, the 'co41lD&' moth, ita ,~1e .ad f~tortee h~mmtnK II-I.'. . . . SIftd, New YIrIr.", Y• . ", On11 2~, at ~! ~ra'gi8t8. 4tke I"nd and a., home. ~. '. ' IWJI1IlIR. ud oilier lpr.dg,~ wt&h l...m~~, With. oJ8IIr ... :.a ;niRt,rlttor of the astute of Nancy I t onght to l'e opened only for w or
DI\ VIR, dec a!.'ed , John A. 8ul!.'e,V was 1I~· pointed ad · Dl lnh'frlttor with tbe willlinnexed of ., e t!Ulate of Ben r y" H""I IaT. cleoeased .. J a , ' Geor ge Th ompson Wilt! appoi nted ' a'1D1l11i ~ ' ~uttlr 01' he estata \If K utt! d d j 'l 10m pson, eC'.ea~e , . t ed V e dII Z H Hynes WI' Ii ppoln '1 f b t fIG • " 'ara /loll 0 t A at' ute 0 L ' b 'I ~' "y n ",1m 01 e Real Estate Tunsfers.
0 ura SIB e 1ell S
I I it I
PriD · t ed f orA yuu· ' In a good, style" bla'ck ink, good water '. f . b d d d
proo tag oar, an rea y 8 for you -, when promised" no .. deI 0 ne prIce . , t all D h i " not get t em 'unti you see and get our prices.
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IU I I I' · I I a Ii I. .. I I I
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A. ' MAFFfI,
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Sll verware
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I .A~ban~'''ll\omn'.I!!11'nl ltT~a/l 'lim !t-.!n••, :' r'
fREE I t " h
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8o" Yn't.,
Published . WIMJI Iy
Coming Public Sales
•• ••
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F r ho. ohing ggs f rom retlrling h eoR !.t re wu t oom men 1 d . 'Ibe . H/lvln~ d olderl t o 1Il 0 V I1 t,o t .lwn 1 Will () ff ~ r fit Pi bJio IIU bion. ut, • - M'l. IN S'I'IlE I£'r I \vll l ri ff, r 'It pqbllo ILoot{o n 0 11 IUY my "e id e ll l:!X lu ilM' nort.h of elliok!:! fr III t h e. a Il r oltLim ed to I'u II I thr IIlIh II lI ort,lt o f W II:v n 8- W ily n edv!ll 'on t ile 'h n lwet·h rou.d u h nl'tli l' und n Hlt" vigo r ou !!, n.l1d Llverltes for a Cold, Backache and Weak Liver or KldneYI. , V LLlCV '1' Ill Lll:P.1:10 E --OALL No. 112 vllit Iln ri Ill'" m il" WE>"' t, II f 1t 'i lI y on 1l 1 \~ t.o wi.thl'tll nd b t f. l' the v iois iii00 ,hfO O ld tit·" lI It Ild 1I t 1(1 0 'c lu(Jk Tue day, Februa ry 2 , 19 11 tm\'u of earl ,V obi k n life. D. L. C ltAN El, Edit r and Manager thtJ 1' l! J\ o wlIl ~ pro p rt,y un An ventio ouncen of ep Pr is \ . Ath ern ir, k ethe B l';.pn o lnl{ tlL 10o 'don" u . UI. tile (Jar 8h uld III be tuken to seleo Friday, February 24, 1911 (,,11 ,\"1n ~ : t h ll ~gg8 of tbe I1r h ~t luyers li S . owfocruLh. a.'Pound '"_________________ : house rt:!ady Rates.of S ubscription' 1 for use. . Two hor~ I'!:I . 1 b r o wn mure, 10 Cwo hol' llli', o n ;li ~ t, llJt! of 1111 g~' lll tll ,' .e nr r! mort' lIkoly t PI'OdUOH Ono Yeur (u ~rlcU y In I1clvuuce), . ; .. .. . 11.00 y ours nJd ~\'lll wu rk lill y pltloe /l nd In/.{, 15 Y'-IiI'S oltlund lI n o hrood m'lrl" a,H ,y I se rtl, wh ile t ue lnt Single 'opy .. ... . ..... . ... _. . .... .. , . 06 ' I ~1I " d br ou 111 111' ( ' . welg hl' 1450, 17 Y(lI r8 o lt! ; 3 C! \"" H, ,III w e ll hred Pre pare d from Pure Native H erbs. they Clean e the System and l bll \' druft h or l:le, ii J 111'1:\ told g ' )f/U .lerl'I'YII. 1 t 1'11$ , on · . y Oll r !! IIld; l ( H I) Il k Iy t,o produco lilt P urify t he Blood and thu l! PREVE NT SERlO U SICKNESS, NOI ',er. wei ", ht l iOO; 1fr ~ b oo w, 10 ~''' /lr~o l (l , WIll b Ir tltl h 1U MIIl'c ll, ~ll rly l'l Y ll\~ !J u llets lI r al so III 0 r . , Rat~1! of Advertising Jer"tly s tw o w ith c lllve!! b.V Bille. I 2~~ yt'u rs (lltl to be fr Ei 11 t b i!! UJonlb Iikflly t 'J b prodnced if the roos t r ll ReRdlug I.ocnls, per line . . . .. . .. . .... . (i'Hrm Im)JkTll f' uts- l MOCOl'llliclt 2 t)l olld W8. w ill fll rr ow in Muy ; \a n , Jm owo t \) of It n /lr lv t,r uin . _ __ _ Readi lli W CulN. blnck Illce. per line ... . 1~ , . . . biotl Hr 1 two· h o rse wllgon, 1 di SC, u eH d o f Hh ae r, 100 bu h els of oo rn . CluaJlIed Ads. not to exceed l1\'e. lIull8 " AYNESYILLE CHURCHES. '1'h.roo IUBOnloWl ... ... ... .. . . . 26c ha, r o w , 1 ~Iu o k Buwk ff'TliIJz Ul' h llntl ",ort d . 1011 bu h Is oa ts . rrb e~ e A s t h p lDa l 1 U!-I m u ch li ke l y t o .lD oOrtllJlno l f'rl(oot1u s DI'W , 150tooth oll tll uein g abou t t wu woe ltSe lL rl.v ll uenootlJ eoh lu'uoter n f tl1ooff!!pl'lo g ___._.- __ Obltul1rlllll, Jive Illch lreo: O\'er 1\\'6 Inches, Jl\lr line . . . . .... . . . . .. . han " w, 1 tobucco set,t e r, 2 d oubl e will be e xct."llo.nt for !lead , A lot Ill' !n K i ~ t he f Ih ul e t he b !;t juug m e o t St. Augustinc's Catholic Church. Oanl 0 1 tho.uku . . . .. . .. . . .... , . . . '. . .. . 'ull vat o r~, 2 slD"l e cnltlvul Ors . l goorl t.lm otb v lt uy . : b l, u ld a.. : e.".,- r OI· p.cl IIl au ~"' I oLing tlll' ~, I:J 1 '~: lll1 cr Ceon:c ~Iurcnho c.. r ('1". P atn or r; ~)f\ t1 ' RellQlutloUII ........ ... ....... . .. . , . . . G... i t:.. , n .: Ete I Ilro I'uggy., 1 t 0u g ue le. s nlt.l«'a rm Im pi.''lrn fm t.s-2 t w o .. l lOr~e l:iid" o f t he IlInllly. ~IIl "' el'nv 'C " lI"J S"IIUII\, o[ lll t' won ll, a Soc1l11s etc. where chl1rge Ia mudo ... ... . mert t,A I 11 .~·t · ., vut ., !', 2 breuklng plo wl', 1 ndiLl g w'l),:on , 1 s prln ~ WII ~O Il , 1 co l ub _ _ _ ._ _ __ \I : OU:l . IU , · msW l!l " ,. ~ m '! .r DlBplay Ad vertislug per luch . . . .. . . . . , . T h C!)'Q Qrc l .1," • ' I. , ~ bro/lkin~ plow. 1 BIHigh, 1 "'fO t bn y Clip pe r b r ."ki ng p low , 1 I'iuiu g ' All Skin Troubles --DJscoWl\S gl yen OU conlrae t. 'will nlh" o II n l" ' l ur • " " ',. J. Illdd l1TS, 1 huy rnkl', 1 tw ,' b or tle ', bnm klng pl ow, 1 lIrn!; . l illsG llur St , l\ a'fs Episcopal Chur(' h. S(!cc. r Q hi )I" e l)' ' " It'rr f ~ I h •. :I~. 101110 do vclopm c ht h ) Io: t VU:' H:' " lell, lone horl:!e ooru U1'11I,1 whe ut r o w,l !I Jli k e t no l h b Hrr ow. 1 00l'n Ar o n VtJ r(J',' llI d ,hy U >lllJg Dr . Boll 'A It,.,· ,I I". ('ll.lnalla.l ' r. IH'cl"1 . Tbe AMElUCf:, J\I DC Y FEBRUARY 22. lOll , urill , llargtl t,n nk I.~nd frama, 1 !lets p!tlll te r. 1 ""11,11 1110. tO lJllt'OO ~'lII n8. ! Antl !:'opt.lc u l \:~~ . It II:! a s. p;ens/Illt \ Su",I.' y SI'I\",,1. U :;W ... III ~l u rl1 ln!: .;er work 110rUe.:l8, Iflwn m o wer, grind pltl nter, 1 MoCo rmlc k m ow I' , 2 ~(jti! t o D RS u9 pn l'.l:l tel\ ~l /.Lnd I,M~g ullrli~. 1: I Cfi . II) : ;1 a . III . " "I v lOIUI1IU nl1l1 til,. I1r~1 r~~~~:,j~~'tth8:c',f;~.sre~;JI~'3v~~~ !~~~. r~II~.~~.~ I~ tJhll~~'lr'y UIIiI currrn t ~ \,,.n l l. Pho tu"n.I"hy. ~L II. IW" ocl e t .. ~tone, la.d press cro;<s .eut, ~ aw, w ork h llrn ss . IOl1 t lle r to ~, 1 ~ to , t oml to giv e utll!fll c tl on . .3 oaa box. SUII"" !, 1 "ol,1I IUUU Lll , Ostrlobell OOllt ~:t60 a plll r . \~II~:~\Y·t~l'Jgcl~'t~dyil~~r:~. 8~'n~9 ·R:;.~!~ft,~'t~·~l{~:~ double trees, single t reo~ , lo g ob !.l ins bo:gy h u rn , ~ , oh eo k. r Oln l'l , b~'e,n l' t'l Methodist -Episcopal Churc.b. t r :Hod, nnti every 11no In hnrm ony \\'lI h " ~ 1 lI'tti h omo Intint n.: ; e ntir)NJed by 1150, 000 bOl'''' 1,,11 rl ll' l r s ho ·. els. splul es, fo rks and Dlllny . tI I Jl8 , ob ] 1<,~ trups , londrel n ,COI ' EARLY SWEET PEAS pnrf' nt s. Scnll ' 1.00 for a fuji year. l .1 .. " I... u l t:)wallows can fly 128 miles an OLhf r n.rtioles . lors and bridl es, 1 s ot l o~ bulsteTs , Ho v. 1[ . W . Dalloy, P(l.~tOI , a lll1 cws-1 1S1l1d rs II 110 cc nl!t. ' HE SPUCUEm USHINCCO. log Maltlllo Iidg .. Dolr.n. MICh. Terms-A II d." h skid s und bl ook s' h llY fo rk r OI e 1 Hweet " {Ill ILl'll II m Oi l ' t,h e m os t su,,,I,,y SclwI,I, j , '. 15 a , m. .'/(.rn l l~ J.t ~c r ' hour. ~ums on er cnB , 1 ' . , . ... '·' N!. 11' ::10 a. II .. 1', pwlIrlh I. c "~ u c . , :no p . ~. 's ums dver 'Ii, II. or edit of nine JUon ths I\.udyo ley !; ; lot rnu t l.OIlU I U ll o h o RI d elli I'll ble of o ur 11 r ly 11 we rs , uli ke 1m. \,.\ "l1ll1 fl "en' ln:. -;: 00 p , Dl . Mit",·!!"" I _______...._ ....'!"'!'''''''!'~-~-!'! will he given by purohllser giving e~ g lt1 ,feed g rlOder, f l\dll" r eo tt r, l fo r thei r f r 1 ' rtl lJce und thei r at- l'r Iye r Moetln/(, 7 p . m. Help Wanted appr ed 't I 4 . t ff Olrole SliW, lin e s haft pulleys, 50 f t . ' . . . ---. !i'or that oough. Get a. bottle o f C)v soourl y. per oen 0 6 In b Itin .. mlJwin '~ y tb c l t!t r<R tra nt.lva for m 111)111 t.h pf!fl qUlilt tlOS Christian Church, Ohas . Rye ." . " ' , ' . Dr. Bell's Pine 'I'ar Honey . It is tbe tor on.sh. ruok, ltrnut uttAr, b ll rr ow c ll HHl , IUllltln~ el!]l(c:tll ll y \' loluu blf1 ti S h n tRov. L . . 'I'hompson. P BS~Cll best. d o uble tre io g l t·r !I h og b l x. , t oni e r 01' fIJ I' 1\ rgol' uOfj u e l s Blhlo School, 9 :3 0 a. m. SocIal meetl"«, 1 will offer ut publlo sa le u.t my ' h ' .' , k ' . l o:a o a. m. ChrlNll nu Endeavor. .: OU p. m. J og s hut(l, m oat b n ob Jocky flt·IC "I.'. 'l'lw it· nll lO u f blno mi n <r clln he ,ermon h y pus lor vory 1I1torn nto Su.udn:v t:lwaDs keep Iltr t'IIms free of wellds . residenoe on Third Street, on 1 Aprin g !lOU t , 2 s t s ~ prlu gs, 1 ta\] r\ t · II I I ' "'d b 10;30 II, ro . nUll 1 ;3 0 p . ro. I; F b m Ll ·El I·ln y '1' Itg 1t· to r wU l v HOW -~.------• aturday, ebruary 25, 1911 II e~s~UAAh ol d ood~- .3 · b d steu d A I n g i u two 11110 II blllf i n oh p ot'" lilt Hicksite Fricnds Chur~. Parrots are eaten by tbe Mexi . I' t I ' I k th f II , g ? ' . . irRl na y Mcc lln r.:. 11 :0 0 II . m. "l r KtJ)ay oan8, ingB~gm n ng a 00 oc, tI 0 o w· 1 xte n IOU t ~lbl e , .. h oatln g sto':tl!l 1n «'t'bro ll ry or ellrly Murcb, tw o r C:::ot. o(ol. 11 ;0(' a, m. Fou nh U,), MCCllnl1 -------.---~.-----. . , lind othe r thtugs t oo nume l' ou s to t,h r tl{l !:leeds in I\. ])ot K ('op 00 1. 10:00 a . Ul Huusebold fnrmture-One sIde- m e ntion . . , . A Coup bOllrd 1 oook stove n ew 1 bellting I' All . d .. " h JIl t IIhove fr HezlrI.< A o,)ld frnm e Orthodox Friends ChurCli . 1'111 ums un e r C' u , CII ; . " 18 a danger sigoal md IIhoold not ~I rs. Elizabeth lAlzkl n, Pa.sto r benegleoted. Tnke Dr . Bell's Pine. stovn, new, 1 haa oloth Bofa, 2 haIr SOlll p of ~5, o r ove r, n cl'odit of n i n l! If C lIIVe otellt, lS w('11 nd ll pl ell fo r !'\ahbaLh ~tbool . !' ::lU a . 1/ . ne~ula r '\)u r h Tar. Boney at once It allays in oloth ohulril,lawo settee, lll wo ohoirs mon t. b .'will be g l ve n b y pllrc lw ser u . e. 'l' r ~l1"pl 'l tl t t o t·ltH peu ~ r o und Nc rd .t'. 10 '.,., II. '0 . (:ll rll,Llan 1 ·:u (J e ~ v" r. fl&m.a~ion, lItops the oough a.nd flow er stund fall leaf tl1ble, 4 smu ll g lvlug 0. ba nkl~bl e n o t e ; 4 p r e n t a s 'l<oo ll /I '; it olin htl eU!lily w ()rk d . ; ::J u p _ ohl,il's. 1 bureau' blilf doz ou.mp dl 0 (lun t fo r 0 ush Dn u {'lin .' g In . 11 t ~ heals the membrllno8. s , e Th e I\ dva nt·lIgA of pll1llt m stools, 2 be d ~tellds, 1 davenport. 2 Tom Dill, .-\ uc 't, feather beds. oomforts, oar))ots, 2 A . B. ' ~id o"' , Cle rk, Is t.Il11t t he phUi f s m u.y b e t J"llnRossiaexports near ly 2,OOO,000,OUO rook ing ohairs, wl1sbbollrd, pitoher, Lunoh s ttl od reserved . Ce r ra w it hout IliM.n r\)i n g th e r ool s egge a yellr DR. J. W. MILLER, wash s tands, fruit jars. dishes. eto . - - - - - Terms-oash , A Beautiful Woman Letitia MoKay The hens of America lay 1160,000, .. ,DENTIST ... hlu !lt h .lve a b , IL u tiful s ki n . 01'. 1 will offer at th e 6t.h Bnno ld Pub· C. r, Hawke, Auot. 010 eggs annUAlly. B ~II' t! An ti !li> pt.i 80 1 va r e m oves pimlio ' Ille ti t my Warehou se in Omee In W ill 0 pl es , bllt.o k Il rld", . Cl111'lS , a nd r o u g hWI(~' n e svlll e , Ollio. on 8utherland'. Eaate Eye 8alve n ,~, 1 ' I vin~ t,ll h in q' m o th o Try Having s lId my property at it on nu l' guu r n n t.'3e. Saturday, March 4, 1911 18 the best eye r flmedy ever ot. Mt. Holly, 3 JUiles from Spring Val· fered the pubho h i~ a snow white ley lind 4 miles from Waynesville, I At 9 n . m ., t·be fo llowing n e w otntmAnt plilnless, hllrmlo8s and ab wil1 offer at Publio t:\u.11l on THE NO ISY HEN g OOd R: Foor Moli ne m'unure s Dr .,~A cl s olutely gUBrantel'd to oure, At all Saturday, February 25, 1911 e r ll, 1 Moline ·fIiTW wng oD. 5 B wis r dealers. 26,0 a tube 1' be f o ll o\ving ver ll !4 can h a rdl y Tobuooo Trl>Dl'pla nte l' , furm tru c~' Beginning at 10 o 'oloc k the fol - \vagon 6 Molino and Blu o k l::.In w k b e I' Ktl rd eUIlM poet.r.v. bu t t ll ey I?XBirds .buu p ostlltmt plaoos and lo wing property: 4 h orses-large oorn plllntM :!, 2 B est vel' gll n g Puneral Diret:tor. pretls u provo lti n g tru t h in t imes. all place8 iufeot.ed by }llagu ~~ . ba.v mare £lound, ooming 11 YOBrs plow!',1 t:lumilton ulky plo w, 10 We can offer you good Gld , aNo. 1 falm mare , ~ gooa gen . brenkmg pIOW£I, 5 dlo bllrro w s , when prl oos nre hiqb Rod egg f \V: -~.------The swiftest anim"l is tbe 08triob, tie ' driver,1 bay. family mllr~, 11 wood lind s teel hurrow!:!, 5 ritling col- N o w egg ure h igh, Oh, N oisy U e n , Telepbone dRY 01 a~g l1t Paying Employrn nt whioh oan do a mile !\ minute years old, a good brood mllre in foal tivutor, Hamilto n lind MOline , 5 I s ee k t o k no w t,be reRson why Valley phone No, '7, l..uull that you will enj oy a11d by Marshll1l'8 draft borse, II. good Humilton , tongu(1 )e s ooltivatorsj! Yoll strut li n d cackle in yo ur p 0 Distance No. 69-9". line mare !lnd gentle drivel, 1 ge n · t I h h k t b It ' Asthma at home. Write to-day erul purpose bay b orse, 1 gra.v 3 . II e ·toot ny r a Fl , 0 ~oc 00 ,I ' Now eggs ure hig h I . vatorK , pumps, wood nnd Iron, farm , 18 a dt t,r eS8I ng dl Keale, 0 r . yelir·o)ct · draft oolt, ired by B a r- truck!.' poultry und ffum feno e Ie t 'Ihat oull o f .vo urs , yo u 'l1 n ot d e ny. OHIO WAYNESVILLE, • AddrclS BeU'8 Pine Tlir Honey relieves al. oett'fI draft horse . of l oo ~st and che~tnut post~, 'also Batok nA frui tage in yo ur d n . most iostantly We g uarantee it to Jj'arming implemtlots-Breaking Branch Office, Harvelf1bur~. . t ' f ti I\. lo t flf sorr yes phlletons,rubher and Or rn the r n eBt . Why d o y o u lie ? , Tbe Bolterick PubUshlng Co. give ea 18 80 on. , plow, toba()()O oalllivator. 60-to th Bullerlck BundlnG, New York, N. Y • • - • harrow, good one-horse wa.gon with steel ti r ed bugg\es, galvrtniz d water Th e r ea s on Is bey ond my keo I In V ,,~ 1'n 1 bunt t'or eg-.'., t o fr y Th e A a s t ra 1If\n moan d b'i r db Q lid S "prin a 8, l' 01 t wagon, lig 4t-top spring ttoagh!l. to rm front. , tormuprons . .. larg e lot bugg y WhIPS, double and . . , ~e blg.g ea\ n !It In tlle world . wugon, top bUKgy, 2 open bugJ1:les, !!Ingl e trt' s , wagon jacks , axl e Or I oH cb o r bOll fOl' hungry nl e o leuther.top oarriage, road oart, bralls grende, bard oil, maohine oil and N ow eggs ure bil'h . - - -- ...- • Save Money and Kee: iD C. W. HENDERSON, M. A pi~eon hilS betin known to fly !lprllY pump, aice long ohuroh benoh stook food . Also l ot of g ranitewl1re -M . G . K uio . Style by Reading McCall'. _ ••_ _ __ 1,000 mile8 in ~ daY8, 6 hours and 17 heavy set sln~le harness, 2 sets of all kinds, galvllniz d Will' , wash· baggy bllrness, 2 sets work harness, Ing mao nines, ch urns . plutforru I1nd WayneSVille, Ohio. Magazine and Using McCall Paltel'DJ The Miami Gnze t,te is the betJt,. minutes. • _ • 2 long Jaddars, oorn shelJer, out t·ing oounter oules, f urk" , raKe~ , hoes, McCoU'. Ih ... I .. will _ 8lght Too ValUable box, ~ orOSB-oot saws, 6 rods heuvy eto. Valley Phone 153 Main Streft M~lL:S MAG/\ZINE h ,Ill you dress s(J'l· wove n wire fenoe, l ot of ohioken Term -A oredit of 6 montb will Ishl y lit II moderate "X I> URO by k(lapill" To be n agleoted, /:;utberland's wire, shovels, h ces, florh~, and ] 26 be gi ven by purohaser Biving a bllnk. The Rev. Irl Hicks I gli l Almanac Yl) 1I pnNted on tb o Eugle Eye t:;alve Will onre Bny case bundles fodder, l X- tons bright n.ble n ote A . B i des I"LUst rll s hfons In , k,lh..~ nlld bulS. 60 , 01 Brlre eY&8, J(rannlated Iid8, optbal. mixed hay, 2p busbel8 !lorted corn, U, '1', Ha ....·ke, Auotion t1ar , 1'he R'i V, lrl R . HloKS Alm a nao ' ,,11' VA. 1l1011 DWlliIlS nllo. or 8ny inflamed oondltion of the 51b box paIls green. 6 doz hi g h \ W E O'Neall III CU(' h Issue. Also HATHAWAY fol' 1911, tllll t gOlll'liiun Angel in eyes Painless and harmless 250 gratle btlrred Plymouth RoOk hens . .Ulerks } J. B. ' Chapmll 0 "1011111"10 fU(l¥T"lI Uon tl huodred tho us'\nd h ome, is now 1111 nil homo aod llOf' a tube at all delllers. 3 Plymouth Rook oookereis . \v " \. 'les vi lle 's Leu.dinpo DeDtte' sOllnl run LtOrs. Oaly rendy . N ot m un .v tire now willing • Household goodtl-Wood oook IiOIl II yonf. IlIcllldlng ()ffice in Keys Bldg. Main S* II Iroe pnLlorn. Sub· 'l'he VOi06 of the naked·throat.ed etove, 3 wood heating stoves, stove t·o h wi t b ol1 t it a nd the Rev. Irl R. ............. '"' _..... sl'rlho toduy or scud I will off r Ilt Publio 'ale at t.b e R ick !! Mngtt7.in , Word and Works bellbird oan be heard at" distanoe pipe, ' large oorner oupbctl.rd, ir on fvr (reo sarul)le COpy, s bed, 2 seta spring!!. told lUg lounge, luta r e llida no of DllV id Ebri g ht, d e McC. II PIUO ..... ",II I nu blo ynu 10 ml\ko In ynur of three milel . Tho two li r e o nly One Dollar l\ yellr (IIV II IWln n. with YOIII' 4 1 ' 11 hA lldR, cloLblng fOf ~ extensiOD tables, Bent wood ohurn, oe!4sed. une mile n o rt,h of .-,y t le. ) )'OIlTRelr and r hlldr II wh il' h wl\llle perloo, Th Alrnlln no is 350 prepnid : No on olook, 2 luge hangin g llimps , g/(SOBARNHART, III SI " /Iud Ot. Prlc<'-II()II BIllllhcr lban If> Croup u \.~. . '/1(1 for (re Pa llorn CntalOlll1e. f 1 ou ld fail to sena line stove, pot8toes, Burlll N e w Saturday, March 4, 1911 CaQl1e!!, une8SY nights but If you \: ork seed potAtoes, O th er lirtioles W. Will Gi .. You Fin. Pr....I. rpr lfetU nr:: "nbNotary Public f, r th e m. to 8"rl)1II' ) 115 I1 //1UII I: your frl II(Is. Soud lor (ree will use Dr . Bell 's Pine.Tar Honey not mentioned. TQ6 f ollo wiog g ood s fl tl d ollattl I'r ' 1111 1111 l ' UlIt l (/Jl ll o ancl Ilsh Prlzo OtrCf. Word and Works Publishing Co., 1t :......wUl-f'elieve _ in 8 few minates. I All kind!! of Nota r y Work . Pension ni p. MrCAll f:IlMPANY. 239 10 249 Wtsl 37th liI., NEW YORr rerms-All soms unde r '6, oosb. a llllr ~e ~1 bay h orse. 11 y ' Ir ~ " id, Tbe re is nothing bettor , Guaran . over /lnd 1 blly h n rse 1111 W or k a tipeoill l t .y .. St. Louis, "\0. II. oredlt of ten moo\h8, pur- 1 bllY 101I1'e teed by all dealers . ohllser giving noth witb two II.p. good wl.rk horses. 100 w a QCl calf, /I N o 1 oow, 10 hel:d o f st,oak h ogs . '~~~~~~~!,,!,!!!,,!,!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!,,!,!!!,,!,!!!,,!,!!~~!,,!,!!~~ proved seourities. lot o f guinens and tu r keys, 4 ~ o n (i.me oooks and duoks sometimes Jose ph V!lughBn. mixlJcJ bay . Ifuw impl enlt.!lJt,8 I~nrl Tom Dill, Auot tr,k'e to oatching mioe, whioh tbev vebloles-2 two-hor86 wlig n~, ~lD e C. L , Myers, lJle rk. devo'lr greedily . Ii- guod one, 1 brA .tlling p ln w, 1 40·tnoth burrow, 1 Pltino bind AI' . 1 I will offer at Publio tsn.le II.t my '['ig r plow. new, ' 1 Milwaukee mnw bome IX miles west of Ly t le ' lll e r, 1 gra.io drill , 1 Tiger t.obn co trllD plante r , 1 Buok ~ye oul tl v l ~to r Thursday, March 2, 1911 Moore'e Controller Damper enables Th ink o f it! ' F i ft y ce nts saved 1 t o btlooo bill e r 1 sh o ve l plt) W, 2 sl o , ·out o f ev e r y d ( I I a r y Ott now you to co ntrol the heat as well as YOll Uowmenoing ut 10 u'olook a . m . , Il; ltl oult ivators, 1 ~prln lo! t,)o t·b lI 'll' can co ntro l the heat of a gas stove. It 4 bo rStlll-l gray horse oommg e lev. ro " , 1 huy f r k, r o p nnd pull l:l.Vs, spe nd fo r fucl. M uo re's R a n g e U I wouldn't take a thousand en yelitl's old, weight '1 480 Ibs , t.L good 2 . nt wor k h 'lroes , 1 ~e t sin g l h r c a n b e nll1 off p oor g-radc co al' is the only c o a l range hav ing this addollars for, the good VINOL has line horae 1 gray ware ouru log 13 ne,..8. bioyo le , gl'ino R t on6, p ick, With a ll these exclusive . (; st ing at leas t t w -th irds less vantage. done me, '1 was told that Cod Livef years o~d, weight 12701bs ., 1 bluok ~ll"V,' ls. h oeil, f o dc"" I"dd .r • Iro n advanta ges the Moore Range saves th a n c oal nccl:!ssar y fp r 0 the r Oil was the medicine 1 needed fOf coaoh horse ooming 6 yeu.rl!! uld, 1 kett l o~ , bftr.re l ~, 100 p ll und ..Jino e r over half of your f uel expense. range s , my weakened conaition and poor bay horse, a family Rnimlll, ull tbtlHe bplI (to. Boul'eh o l,1 ~ 0 01l~ -1 h ~ tlt horses are 80und IlDd good worke r!>, in /! tl t ll V:O, chur D, butt e r prlnl,~ , B ,)S!.' blood. I could not take the greasy mixture, and when our druggist told 4 oatt1e-1 heifer with ollif by her WII . bin!: mnohihe tl.nd wnny oth r me that VINOL cOntained .notonly ~Ide 2 yea.rllng beifel 8, ) shurthorn t lti l)gtl too numer0ns to me nti o ~ oull, Ii stool!: hogs, 4 tons m Ixed hu.,V, ,q'll rms- A \l SUOIS o f IIfld ul)de r Eal:' h mn g-e i~ equi pped willl :tn :tecum! . Ov ...nTh.rmom.ter tonic iron but all the medicinal prop300 bu. silver qune seed Oatil, 160 b u cu.!'l lJ .. OVM $5, a oredlt o f 12 lO on ths :tlld n Thormomoler Gu,de prep.,red (or ~ l " " re ' ~ R ' lII gc exc lu· - erties of cod Liver Oil without the corD. ~i\'l: I \' h\' M/'~. Sorah ' I ' y ~" n R,lrer.1 hc ;:t("knr)wlt' rlgcd [urcmust Farm Implementl§-;MoUor. WI\! be give n by purcbose r /lIvin g co..,k n ( U" 1 ( oll nt ry , It l"'Is th cxn,' Ll 'II!!lh o f lime necessary grease or oil or bad taste, I made miok binder , Deering mower, Mid~ u!1uklible note. 6 p e r oent off for for ba,killl{ /lny kind of l ood , a ud th l; l<: tl1I,crtltll re required. up my mind that was the medicine dletowD tobtlcoO setter, Moline MrD ol1sb. Moore·s Mary A . Ebrigbt 'I'h Mooro Hin Red Top ovel;comes t h ' I rtlllule nncl incnnvcni ' nce for me; 1 tried it and to-day ~m planter, RiohuJOQd' fertilizer 'grldn ·A A, McNeil. Auot. . Stoves [ broil ing ~l<,,, k or tOllsti ng bro: at;! . 'I'hl: whol .. lop CAR b e pulled out oflhe w a y unci the fi re SUrfllCC lIPoscd. Wh 'n lifted, l he I Up fo rms strong and well." drill, hay rake, diso, diso corn plow, Walt.er Keoriok, OIerk . Always n hood onel I hI! smvke lIucI srne\l nrc.drawn arouod tbe tlu es uf tbe Krane plo~, 3 brell.,k fpg plowa, 50. • _ .. Mas. J, T, SNYDER, t:(log'e lIud call1lot OS ape iuto the r oom. Please tooth harrow, 2.hofse . wagon (Mil. Tortured for 15 Years The ",ooro Antl.Scorch Cover p'rm its th e l J1)il in ~ ot milk or snb· Greensboro, N. C; born), bay f<;lrk, r.ope 'and pulleys; . , stances which burn et, 'ily-with no stirrins,t 11l1d wlth ont tb e least .dilOg'er of scorchi ng. Just tile th iog' fo r canniug S(lasOn. t Ob/lO , ·. by n oorb stomaoh trQubJe We......_tee tbe pnulne_.ol tbe self 10QJriQg teaole, Ltagetts " " ..... defYing . . d . Mooro', GI .... Oven·Door saves hal .f the worl: of boklog . . It's aboYe t.NUmonlal, 00 iJpra-yer, endgll.te Selldtlr, ' oorn tbu t bamed dootorR, and resi~te \vill1out cloubt till: hll nd iest inl provr: rnent ever add"d to a cook· . ",. :'. ' ehener, .. ex~en.8ion ' carriage pol e, rElmedie8 be trla'd , Joh'n W, Mod " . . iog range, 1 • . • , i' 'e"~ with the grtndstQn~, hets work,h.a rnes,,; ·dol. ~. ers, of ~·odders.vi1l~, ~Hob" E!!,\erped . lars lint'S .nd bridlb8, '4 tiet fl'y ' n'etB; do om rt. '· He h ad : to sell h is tarm ~rid~!s.'tCl.nding t, ~., if it don.ble~ree~:· single . tree8, .2,3 4qrst.' and'gi,l'.. up ' work. . ~li8 nl3lgbborsl triple tr.,el. , ,....' " '.. .l'hlitl, "he can't ltv.e ·mach ionger· We h'a~e n lt r09m Il or~ to tel.! ~'Oll, all about th e at'urnini zed ov n h -wb lc h. d 6S1l·' t .. hlrn' brown nor fl uke .01T- th e .anli·scorcb n.9~ glV~ the ', pur,c titS r p~r-! '.' Term,~~1l8u~s '5, and ~unqer '"Wbl~tav I' I .ute distr ed, 'ril~ ..:' he. cover' nor lht'.! 'only nick.el' plnt d'ovl'n r~t:k . on , tbe market" satisfaction, oa ,b,' lI'Il ',lOmil over ' '5, a; oredit of wrot ., '~I,i'll' I itri ' d El ot.r~o Bitter , \but if 'you \ViJ.\ ~ !I we will .~l n(j to, shoW !lnd ele' .. , pllUll tbe many feature.s or~1ooro s Range,. ·h·~·s m' o~e~v W-l·thO· ut ~q · ue, s.,tib~. : u mon~bs 'will J:),~ ~~yeD by. p~rolias. wp1ci-h worked 8U p won4~rs fflt ~'e II . _ ~ r gtvln'g,&. banka ble nl)ttt~· Fi.ve per t h at r nan ' noV{ fla.t thin gS" Iooold . , CaU N.OW whit. our .tock " .' Will y.ou bqUle un- ' ~eDt d1t!OOtl~ fbI; oaifh . " . ~not . \R~e., ·for · ~y,eaI'S. l .tS . (uil'er:y,' ~ ~ JJunuh Ita nd ~l'Ved, ' . , it g'~nd 1'8med~, t!>l'Rtom~oh tr ub)e '. der these concijtions't ,'. " .', .' ..-' b~ M, Clark. J Il*lt 8S ·~I)c>d for. the Ii vei' , 8nd kid. ' . , , A. Ii. MoNeQf A~. , .,.. neya, Every bO,t tle guaranteed'l D~I~~ ~r~ 01~k l ' , ' ODI16~~t a~rdr~latlt., , .
Liverites.Prevents Serious Sickness
03 4
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al l Subscribe I
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Miami Gazette
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~N~at~I~~ul~B~a~U~k~D~Id~~~,~~~a~y~n~e~sv~~e~'~I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= Are You Looking , lor a Position?
~.~ ]~es!
---_. - -----
Du. H.E.
·- .
E. v.
---_. _...----
Moore'·s Range Saves
Half of Your Fuel
'The Handiest Stove Ever Built ,
'W ' '. selt VINOL
a,t e dqes.-·,.
'we ' return:
try a
• < ••
'. .call. and See. Tb"is·· Supei'i~r Range'
... wata.
H~ .~OLEM~N,·
W ~y'~~vU"e. .'Ohio ,.
m~nt w.1Il be pJensec! to gfTC Inform .. tlon regardi ng the va!' ellS dl8 trl ~t 8 In. ase! to make herseJr popular rn tl!e ' ~ !nnltoba, - Sas kntcbew an and AI\)t"1',,, smnrt 8 t and she need .d mon y to arry out h e r social ambItions. O'ddwh re fr e bomest eads or 160 a t:l'e8 wealth y widowe r-came ulong and IJhe are availabl e. caught bini In her ne t. UIII.t'S all!" Great &aseball Pl a y, Annie lis t ned wit h l u ~ rest. Sbe g reatest lIl\scbllJ1 "" ' ha l '~a s til nougb . to (eel u c rtal l) VIELDS OF WHEAT Al) HIGH AS I ·~vn s hUlII UIi plllY you ovel' NIIW?" II S1< (I a frl ue! ot A"CRE. PER senile of s!lti Rfac tion 111 hl'arl ng that LS 54 BUSHE t: o" 01'1l0r·('\ 'ct ,John W. Te ll er . lhls woma n who tr IIted her with su h " '1'/1 0 g relll s t piny J '''f'r SlIW, " I'll ld an or g uthlll Olll If R I' ('onl mpt was h l'\ ow that we have nter d UPOI\ t h " l(lol( pill et! In' a n 1110 ilt elJl' gume I'. h Inlrigue r. IT h l;l n l,; of a. lIe w y al', It Is Il u t Ul' ' I tu wn lot Il( Cha rl'ro\' 'rt!O tenms a on to e Olll (' ther ..:or stepmo , on your "How did to look lilt It ove r the PIISt pillyin g on a wet Ocld and 1111 wel'o asked. h ?" know Robort L nil ' \'\\" o t1 Ul t)llqlo!lo of asc rlllinlllg wbut hus outfi eld I' w ho woro R derby hut went "He WII S n \"fl r 111 sod ,ty." AND IJ '(:II do ue . Tbe busfn osi:\ man aud aft ' 1' 1\ hi g h Ily. Hn cnUle to u J\ttle "No," ropll d Howard with a crln. th o ftlrmQr have t u ll n stock. a nd pond an d 1II1{ ln[> hi s (lyo orr the ball I "It was my s t pmotb"~ '"lID p .v.. hIm both, If l!le y are kee n in bu sln e~ s dc - Ill ll d a jllmp 10 rosll It. AR ho waH once WRS e .,'~ rr kn? u Yo . RAY nlr e BY tho S a no lute r !;t, kno\\' exactly tbt-ir I :lvlng t ho bnll s \rut:l( him 011 the TION tml ILLU STRA CDP'rIllCllT, '909 , IIV' G.w DILLlIoICHAi1 COMMH Y The farmer . of en811~ d to hll11. but ~ :"k e It 0(1' 110 tlnanein l position . Ihrough 1.11 ('fown ot bls dad. lie Celt ve ry Wes tern annda Is gen orally a bus !- h ad. Wl1l1t marry ld hIli cou IJhe wltb ru~ture this mnny be made must e He r U~f' lgenl self·lndu lodged th oI'( . Th bnRu run· untl He was hut &ftet' uut r soro ov r It at the time, n 58 mun, a nd in his stock-tn ldug he s out and til fi eltl e\' li nd not gooil resoluti ons and l:>roke th em. Dut fnmlly , ye t som e thln~ wi thin told h bo was seeming ly u wlil hu vo found that h e hns had a 1101' wo tI e bull with his hunds . Can h was not r ea lly vlcklus. He had a thnt Rho was dolog OOd' s work-s IIY' h r marrl nge 'hotl 1011 h cr as e ver- to serve su cC!lsful your. Oil loo king o\' e r a orrsbeat It ?"- Wllshln gton good bea rt . Wltb Rorr.e on e to watch In« 11 mnn 's 80U!. Wltholl t her. How· frl nrll~' with YOI1 imply s Is It . of course. number of reports sent f ro m vnrlous tl po nd IIC' I'lttsliul',. Dls pnt ch. hlOl anti k op hi m In ' .'1 e stral~bt path nrd would have go ne swiftly to ru In. hI s OWl) nds what Innuonc e he hilS with quarter s. the write r tluds that In spite h would sU II g ive a ~""()od a ccount of llJ('1' wns little doubt or th at. His nf· wonderf ul She was con· fp clloll for he r h ad partly, tr n ot her. He exerl"i sl:ls over h er tb e 811me ot tho vlsllatio n of drouth III 11 sma ll Reslnol Ointme nt Is an Excelle nt hlm ~' 1t to th e wor ld. SYNOP SIS . he did over me Ilt aod tld{' nt of th a t. She r ecogu lzed lIlany wbo ll y, r edee med him and wne keep· fascinat ion that SOI·t oC hypnoti zed IJOrtioll of Alberta , Sasl,1l1c!lewnn Remedy for All Scalp Troub les, has to He ble a re good ege. n n oll (' ee b farmers hod He mUllY only . ey Th lrul~ht. tj nnitobu ;\I him. blm :0 r' fr« (,R 01;, sC',' 1I lit r)II Rlltl Howard ,T ~ tTrl cs, li n a csse or love re llol' l s ple ndid c rops . Aud t hese ret ill' \"11 Inflnollce o f Hoto ·n l ' nJ ,·,·w,wJ. wun tl'd fos l 'ring Ilnd bring ing out. to he r e " J' !li nce their marrlng e and b r. 1 don't thlllk It's I slItrere ,j with eruption on my ~cnlp • r~II " W - 8 I U (I (' 1I1 II I Yah'. I ',,,J s 1\ II r~ o!10 T hat \\" lIS why s he ma r ried blm. Sh e done el" I'yth lng to maKe he r com- or anythin g Ilk thnt. but he lIimply ports ("0 III 0 trom d!lTcre nt sections . , fOl" I (j Y a l's whe u Reslnol SaJvo was gets II.nd <I 1><81P II Lion. m nrrl l's l lip dau/th l" r or mb thu his er 011 e ho took a positIon as hold s he r und H nlor ; sb o f{' lt fortnble . cov e rlor: un area of about 25.000 r e(!on'lIl lIdo,l to mo by on e of tlls &,umb lv r wh o 1I1 ~ d In prlM l1, 11 ,"1 1>< di s - \\" a ~ II fe w y ars blH th e el evate d rand. but ber to lin anyt hlng be wants. Sbo IHluln e mi les. As , for Illslan c , at b"8t IOIO W II 111 0 11 III Daltlmo re. Blnc 0\\",,,,11 II)' his (a lllt· r. li e ITle" I n ... \ I hnt s he· wns tb e stronge r men t a l ~ ." gll nrd on I' hOlls . Introd \1 e9 .... or lc n llel fa lls. A f or n ll'r ,,, .II .'g ,' ('hum Laird, Suslwtc hewan, th e c rop re turn s ' he l'llll slde red It was h r duty to cllught cold IIl1d was {orced to give In vlt s h fm to Ii I alll Ji ll lIlu ('h hr tt r !.hllt I h&JIln k l'S " bUHln pss pr t) pI)~ III(\n 1<1 II n w ll n l !lnd lefl. got 'poopl to t nke s how od th n t J . U. P e ters had 12,800 uiling right work hln1 to go. to d him wont She protect to lip. it him, to lifu ht'r 01(' r<l " a ", d o tr"lIhl!' Is prll('licn ll y cllr!',!. th (, m' II -.vllirh requi res $:,000 l' a.~h , u oLl 11 00 In It ut abo laughs bush Is from a:w ac res . or n arly 40 from himself Illld mnke a m'm of him. again, but. he angrily ref U S I'd. Tbat blm lip. Eve ryborly I r. C. J on s , Exteuslo n, Lo.. Rev. 1a hr" I,,', rllltlr\\" ood Is known as Mrs. lIush Is to tbo a ·r. In tl1e Blulne he was not nUrely society. It was 1I0t h r fnult, s he mused, It alone showed that was un· Ho ward J effri es' p l. S\1 h 1\ tblnl L a l\O distri t the fields run ged trom CHAPT ER II.-Con tlnued. A Il" ss lmi sl I S 1\ man \\'ho c lI n' t cn· sh e was not a lady . Uternll y brought de voId of chal:nct er. 1-1 ey wer soon got s Wl\(ed n1I0u t. Tl1at Is the 1 ii to li O bus ll els per . are, Uen re ws JOY tu o b all l ies of un n 1)1)1 bl08son\ lh alllI present at e unat rort had ges 1hI' g llil 1' , what advanta In up New In "You know I wouldn' t. Annie." he sh hnd? lI er mothe r dl tl In ch ild- poor, bu t by d int of Il rs eVN llnce he secret o{ his ti U CC 8s fll l caree r h ll\'1 ng 1.1 !i 0 bus hels from 24 ac res ; b CII lI SC h ollly thlllk N of Ih e puss lble .aid carn s tly. "Not one s cond hav!' blrlh nnd h r fatber, a profe ss Ional wOllld win out and make 11 posItion YorlL As far li S 1 know. 8h 's 11.9 E dmond Trollel' 1,200 bus he ls all 30 II represe nttl. r r~grctt d marry Ing you- thll t' s gllll:ble r, abandon ed the little girl to for himse lf without Ills futller' s help. mil ch Int'aluat d wi th IJlm liS e ver." iI lin S , while t1 Id s of 30 bus h Is were da y!! , but A look of Burprls came Into An. ·ommon . On poo r ly c\l ltlvlltod fields honest to Ood!" Dr. P ien:' ' 8 Pleu '<II llt rl' lI f' t ~ ure c n! tIth e t ndor 'merel s of an Indiller ent Thes e we re th Ir. darkes t Y As long as they nl 's fa ' . To this young womaD. b ut 15 bus hels wo re n'pClrte d. A. faint ilush of pleasur e lit up the \I I hbor. Wh n sbe wns nboul Ight Ilgbt was nhe ad. P" " "n. l"OIi tipa 1lull i ~ I hI' I'n ""!! o f ,,\lill ~ e li nd }"(IU cure :young \Vire's face. For al l he r as- y til'S old b er falh e r was arres te d. He lovod ach other and had th eir health wbose one Iden of IlIntrlm ony wna In Faam Lake (Sask.) distri ct 100 <I I. I!U ~P~ . Cure tbl!to :\U tnkc. aum d lighthea rtednes s she was badly r rus d to pay police bin kmall, was what more was necessa ry? s t adfast loyalt y to tbe man whose bushels of ants to th e ncre were se· th e di casc. Easy uhe name whos nd a Une Mc shaned D. 'Iuddn need of this reassur ance. Ir s he Indl t d. railroad ed to prison nnd died ou, gil eo," Id lire an Roberls us cure d by Ang "Say , Annie. 1 bave Love mnkfng Is ono klttt1 of cold thou ght Howard nourish ed s ecret re- soon aftor In on vlct stripes . There denly blurt ed Ollt Howard . bore, th e re .w as som thing r epellen t nnd C. H . Hart, while the a vernge th m' pi cnIc. en w She eart. mit. b per her III t\ woman crets' It would break was 85 . In whent 30 bushels to t he was no provisio n for Annle's main"What Is It. dear?" she nslled, lIer and nu useatln g >eould stand anythin g. any hards hip. t enance. so at t h e a ge of nIne she r everIes tbus abruptl y In t errupt d: ling her self to be til l ked a bout In that 601'13 were quite commo n on tbe newer way. Ibut not that. She would leave hIm at fo und It rtl elf toIling III a facto ry, a land , bllt 01T 16 ac r s ot Innd cultl · " I m ea n r egardin g tb at $2,000. YOll IOnce. "Doosn 't your fathe r obj ct?" s be "at ' e! fo r tho past three yoal's George the brutaliz Ing sye- Imow all about that $250 which lance of tim vic lpless he In a way she held herseH respon- t m ot child slavery. which In spIte E . Wood secured 495 bus hels. l\1r. ood. I never got It back. a sked. alble tor hIs present predica ment. She cf prohibi ting laws s tili disgrac es the I nt Underw been after him many "Ho J ames 'frnY llor, near Heglnn (Suslt,) Howard . laughed haw!" Ps " I've h olthoug 'bad felt a deep senae of guilt ever nlted States. Ev r s ince that t ime Urnes for It. H 's a s llpp ry oustome r. doesn't Bec whllt's going on under Ills Is s till 011 th e s budy s id of thIrty. '!Ilnce that afte rnoon In New Haven s he bad earned her own living . too He hot! 50,000 bus bels of grain Inst e But under the c Ircums tances I th in k very nose. He's too proud a roan, Impor· 's "when. listenin g to Howard th r e were It's worth anoth er determi ned elfort. s ure of his own good judgme nt, to be- year, halt or which was wbeat. Its bard, been often bad. road he ~unltles and obeying an Impulse s times whe n sh e thougllt s he wo uld be better flxed now tban lieve fo r II mome nt that the woman markel value was ~2 ii .000 . He says Cures all hum ors, catarrh" and Iwas powe rless to resIst, she had fiung hav to g lvo np the fight ; other girls He seems to He's living at the As- to whom he gave his name would be be is well satisfied . ulde her waltres 8' apron. furtiv elY she had lllet had hinted nt an easier be e ver was. Strathc lalr rheum atism, relieves,that tired Somers of Art.hur a social splurge and gullly of the Slightes t Indlscro tlon ot making trurla, with ~eft the restauf ant and hurried living, but she all that s ort of tblng. He must have that kind." ng !!5 bush- feeling, restor es the apr>ctite, one's averagi res. earning a Qf 100 d way threshe IhJm to the ministe r who declare d had k pt her courage, r efused to listen AnnIe was silent for a minute. Then els to the acre. Thomas Forema n, of cures palene ss, nervou sness, money. I'll try to borrow the $2.000 them man and wife. ev il oounsel nnd a lways manage d from him." to Illeston e. threshe d 11,000 bus hels of said : she of . mistake a . Theli' marriag e was uns ullied. She le ft name ber ep ke to Uqand 3.000 bushe lQ of fl ax olr builds up the whole system that wheat. prosthink e b you to maltes appears y I'Wbat certainl "H course. Howard was In no position the factory to work behind the counUS Il I liquid .fonn 0 1 tone. in rs todn}Weathe it 'V. ,ct . the land Qt have hIs acres you see 600 t I le " uld derwoo d wo to marl',. Tbey should have waited. ter In n Ne w York dry goods store, pe l'OlIs," r eplied Annie. time. money? " ot Strnthc lnlr. threshe d 6.000 bushels cbooo!nted lablets called SarsBt ab8. Tbey botb realize d the ir folly now, Tben about a year ago s be drifted to nam e In tbe newspa pers all the he J at Ollts fro m 96 ac res . John Oonwhich at It. got affair an ho's hardly untblnl{ · Is J be e ere not Th "Becaus But 'what was done could took the position ot aud Haven New ot Gillies, about twenty· five miles tllln, way " same present. obliged him once In Ule done. She r eaUzed. too, Ulat" It was waItres s a t th e r estaura nt which the Is ' not of Rosther n. Sask., h a d 180 bush· west what him don·t to "I ; plain ex Howard for would I was it growled mysell. than "Yes." Howard fOf worse college boys patroniz ed . 3 acres ot wheat. Mr. Oontrom is c once at his see on will travels He at e H ts for. It. It prospec does want he his I . iller. It bad ruined among the see how was ood Underw l average at crop was Robert genera zilla's him offer name I'll His thing. that it Is a good the oublet ot his career and threat- stud ents who came almost every day_ cbeelt. principa lly. I guess. to lhe ncre. Ben bushels 40 over ened to be an Irrepara ble blight on He made love to her from the start, was among those present at my step- a good rate of Interest, and he might Pain~ bor. average d 45 busbeIgh n a Anyrulse, It. night." have me t other le she to the e that glad musical very realized s be She mo&er' lite. biB entire ed libertIe s whIch A. . attempt W day es. cr a one 23 and from acre the to els the how trying." harm "Tbat's done no had added: how. there's BItterly be 'Was largelr to blame_ She ct. s he WIlS prompt to resent In a way world goes. IThere Is no place for Annie said nothing . She did BOt Rose. of the Walder heim distri 'Wrong to marry him and at times she he let that After reUsh. not dfd he root, but that entirely approve thl6 Idea of her l1us, threshe d 6,000 bushels of whe at fro m There father's my er und e m lreproac hed bersel! bitterly . "I of 25 bus hels. her alone. She never liked the man. w.e re days when tbelr union I18sume d She knew him to be unprlnc lplf,d as blackgu ard Is welcom ed with open band trying to borrow money of a 240 acres, an average r fallo w and umme s on ' WAS es so Ilcr take was 100 ther stepmo orlme. arms!" man In whom bls tn her eY~8 the enorml ty of a well as vicious. One nIght he brought bushels . He hnd also an plens-8he should have seen what a social "I thought your father was such a much Inter ested. On the othe r hand average d 33 ant. restaur the to Jeffries Howard bushehi ot oats to the 6'1 of face the average In these them All "How stared them. AnnIe. me in on ted between starvati , Interrup la. gulf ·man." proud cronies _ of closest the Th ey seemed Wm . Lehman , he come to associa te with peo- It Howard could get bold of this $2.000 acr on a 50·acre field. taunts and Insults "from his family _ _. .lilli_i ii_wr iting n, and she was sorry to Bee what bad does and start In the brokera ge busineslil who has a rarm close to Rosther which she now endured she had fool- Influenc e the eld er sophom ore had ple like Unde rwood?" to you the to ls bushe 27 of new had an average tshly brough t upon her own head. But ove r the young freshma n • . to whom in pain ia "Oh. pater's an old dolt! " exclaim ed It mIght be the beginni ng ot a neuralg a had I that acre on Gil acres of summe r fnllow. for them. ahe had not been able to resist the arm for five years, aDd I attracte d. Eve ry Howard Impatie ntly. "There 's no fool life my once' at was (:.Ian.) she Ity Rapid of ?lIdsky. _lr. her ' Into she he's sentemptat ion. Howard came "Well. do as you like. dear," time they came she watched them and like an old fool. or course. used your Linime nt for one threshe d 1,000 bushe ls of oats from lUe when the outlook was dreary and s be noticed how und er his mentor sible enough In busines s mattera . He said. "When will you go to 111m?" weck and was comple tely acres. 7 would blm catc,h to be If time best hopeles s. He had offered to her what to-day "The became more hardene d. He wouldn 't he where he Is s Howard varIetie t I recomm end your differen the cured. ot yield cruelty . The the Howard against eplled 'r seemed a haven It comes to the be In th e evenIng ." dra nk more and more and became a weren't. But when Linime nt very highly, "-MRS . sh ~ s ug· of wheat p r acre at the Experlm ontal ," a as to-night go blind as 8J)d selfishn ess of the world. Happl· then, he's "'Vell. question woman reckl ss gamble r. Underw ood seemed F arm. Brandon . ,vas: Re d Plfe . 28 J. M CGRAW , 1216 MandeviUe a man of bla gested . ·ne88 for the first time In he r lIJe to exercise . a baneful spell over him . bat. Wbat right had a. woman 20 not bad ls; White Fife. 34 bushels ; Pres· she bushe and reach head. hIs St., New Orlcans , La. within shook seemed marry Howard and go to age ruIned be soon would he She saw that don't thInk') ton. 32 bushels ; early ned Fife. 27 I . only she to-nIght the moral courage to say "No." not course or "No, junior? bls years a for ood with such a man as Underw If AnnIe had no educati on she was constan t compan ion . Her Interest In married him for his money. Every- should find him In. He's out every bushels . Cured .Q uin.y Sore Throa t The crops at the C. P. R. demon strasenae he. People night aomew.h e re. To-nIgh t there's an· had except She that knows body benot without braIns. They grew. student young the ore (Albe rta) MR. HENRY L. CAULK , of enough to reaUze that her brIngin g Ull came acquain ted and Howard . not laugh at him behind his back. Instead other big receptio n at my father'8 tion farms at Strathm the Swe dish 1242 Wilson St., Wilmin gton, clulet., peacefu l borne In bouse. He 'll probabl y be there. I prov d up to expectn tlons. or the laok of It was an unsurm onnt- realizin g that s he was older than be. of enjoyin g 110 bushels to Del., writes : -"1 bougbt a bot.' able barrier to her ever be ing ad· was Immedi ately captiva ted by her th e d edlnlng years of his lite, be Is think I'll walt till to-morr ow nIght. Variety oats yielding two row ed barfarm the At home at acre. him tbe en's catch and to Howard sure house of open nearly of Sloan's Linime nt fOl' the keep I'm' to tie ed the Inner circle compell mltted common her and charm s vivaciou Jey went 48 % bushels to tbe acre. sore throat and it c",red famtly, If her husband 's tatber had sense views. Th ey saw each other tertain people who are persona lly ob- then." quinsy to 100 bushnot married again the breach might more f.r e que ntly and their fri endShip noxious to hIm, simply because that Annie rose and began to remove the Yields of from 60 bushe ls shall always keep a I me. were quite .bave been crossed In time, but his grew 'until one day Howard asked ber sort of lite pleases his young wife." dishes trom the table. Howard non· 'els of onts to tho ncre the bouse." bottle n RIver Settle,new wife Wall a promin ent membe r of to mllrry blm. "Who ·wa·s she, anyway , before their chalant ly lighted another cigarett e commo n In the Sturgeo But a). (Albert on 9 ted Annie. the llmart set, a woman full of arlstoand, leaving the t able, took up the ment near Edmont While she sometim es blamed h er- marrlng e?" Interrup Sitting down last year 'was uncomm only good and newspa per. -<:ratlc notions , who recollod wIth hor: "Sbe evening replied. he " nobody. a y "Oh. willingl too listened self for bavlng Wm. ror at having anythin g to do wltb a dressed comfort ably· In a rO"lr4lr ~y ijle win· the hundred mark was plIssed. to Howard 's pleadIn gs, sbe did not was very attracti ve looking. of oats from a mensyield a d a h smoke Crnlg ..:t!ue eloua a In«lrl guilty of tbe enormit y or earnIng blew get to he dow. enough cleyer a ltogethe r regret the step she bad well nnd was ured plot, whIch gave 107 busbels and air and said : her own living. Individu al me rIt, InIt was most unfortu nate that troducU ons to good people, She man- up In the taken. l· amlabll er, 20 Ibs . per acre . charnct ... of o to-mon nobility b e r e nt . "Yes. that's It-I'll go Albert Te~ l(ey. of OId ~ (Albe rta) ty of disposit Ion, nnd a p'rsona l r epunight to the 'Astrurl a and strike Oob d 11 100-ac re. fie ld which Yie lded threshe tation untouch ed by scanda l-all thIs 000." $2 that for ood Underw ¥ of oats per acre. and Jobushels 101 UED.) went for nothing- because unaccomCbNTIN BE (TO gives ins'tant relief trom rheuseph. McCart ney had a large fi~ld panied by we Ith 01' socia l 11Osltien. oats . matism, lumba(Sask.) posItion nor Cupar equally good. At. Annie had neither wealth Smuggl ers' Ruse. On acre. the to bushels 80 d tbreshe atica, neuBhe had not even e ducatio n. They go,sci utl An Ingenio us method of smuggli a fiveconslde~ed 'hor common . Imposs ible. d etected at Etre the 'fraqua irs farm at Cupar. n bee bns a, croup , ln ralgi sllcchar wheat yie lded [if They were ever r eady to lend an ear Austral ia. wbere seven men acre plot of MarquIs genz. , ton~ throat sore her g ce while Lnuren to certain Ugly litorles r egardIn were arrested for Importl nglarge quan· bUShels to the acre, to Fife Red of ls ebushe hoars 87 had l past. none of whlc.h were t.rue. After silitis, Barkne titles of contrab and. Whon the Oeneva their marrlag o, Mr. J e ffri es. Sr., and arrived at Bregen:r: tbe the acre. At Wordsw orth, Reeda' chest and expreSt;l ness Munich bushels to his wife absolut ely refus ed to receive statlon master had a coach contaIn ing Bros.' wheat average d 33',i pains. 32. Wilan's McMiIl W, her or bave any commu nlcatlun with and acre. th& the from ed seven traveler s uncoupl '-,.,J"'( d threshe a) (Albert AlI~ h e r whntsoe ver. As long. therefu re, of . ]{rafit express and detaIne d for examin ation liam 'UI ,,600. Prlan,260 b{'r. to faltbful d 19~ orr r£'malne wheat as Howard winter had been warned by telegrap b 1.042 bushels H'" never 011 could book 810...•• the breach wltb his family from Zurich that seven smuggl ers of acres, or about 63 bushels to the acre. h"I'Ie•• Clattle, IllMp High be healed. near !, DIl\toll, of tt large poult,,: a nnd with Lnycro John Geneva were In the train lree. Adclreu "Have some more stew. dear," she quantity of sacchar in.' After an es· River, Alberta , had over 1,100 bush· huer be for eald, extendi ng her hand Dr.. ;Barl S. SlolD, baustlv e search the officials failed to els of sJlrlng wheat from GO acres. '. band's plate. E. F.· Knipe, near Lloydm lnster, JIoJtoa, ....... v... A. find any contrab and and were about Howard shuok his head and threw to apologi ze to the seven traveler s for Saskatc hewan. had 800 bushels ot down his knife nnd fork. tbelr detentio n when one customs In. wheat from 20 acres, W. Metcalf bad spector acciden tally kicked a bot over 31 bushels to the acr~. wl1Ue S. "I've hud enough. " h e s a id d{'spond8ntly. "I haven't much appetite." water pipe In a first . class compart - Hender son. who was hailed badly. She looked at hl!D 'WIth ('once rn; ment and the secret was revealed . had an average return ot 32 bushels of All the hot water pipes In .the carriage wheat to the acre. . " Poor boy, you're tired out!" were In duplica te. differin g In no dsMcWhi rter Dros. nnd John McBain . As she no ted how pale and dejected tall as to ' Iength, breadth aDd color. ot Redvers ,. Saskatc hewan. had '25 be aPl1l1lred, her eyes tilled With but one set was of metal and the bushelB of wheat to the ·acre. John She forgot the 8y~patheUc tev.rs. be set made of papler mache con. Kenned y. east of· the Horse MUls es other cigarett of nppallln g number talnlng saccbar ln, which Is ' about distrIct ~ear . Edmont on, . tram fO smoked a day. nor did · s he realize n.lne times as expensi ve In Austria as . acres 'ot spring whe"t got 1.767 bushbow a buse of alcohol had ~ poil e d his Swaz.~rland. 1n od. fo solid for ols. or 44 pushels ,.to the acre,: stomach . J, . E. ·:va~d~rlJUrgh. ne~r . D~slow, "I wish I·knew wh~re to go and ge t , thresbe il tour thousan d .bush. Alberta . . monger that $Z.OOO," muttere d Howard , his , For tho Scandal acres, .Mrmind still preoccu pied with Coxe's Tbe Orleans . museum has JUlit been els of wheat trom 120 threshe d'tep. thou: propot!lt.lorl. LIghtin g . another cigaen r lcihed with a curious rello . of the I)·Aroy. neal' tpere, bus~ellJ .(maohl ne rette, he .leaned baok in his 'chalr and past w:hl~h lome workme n I~ maklns sud "and. fltty-elg ht ~ve hund.rill! from. ",h~at Qf/ ~) mllallur . It . ~cross lapsed Into ellence. came excavat ions tn the c~ty s11ty acrea only this of out a~d . acres, g wish'A nnle sat · and wa.tched blm, is 'a etone.. re"rese nttng a' grlnnhi . , . ' figure, Ihowlng ·the teetb, the coun, wal ~ew. land~ , . tng she could s\lgg st sotpe way 'to . A "'''nter '. Bask.. . .... Flemln JQ him, . eno.ugb. .. truubled t that repellen problem being the tenance .alve At ,.~ • . .. this way the loquaclo u8 Woman, the ber She loved ber hus band wltb .wheat alorage d 39 bushels to· thQ' aore ber to' hrou«ht wal , monger scandal heart and 10ul. His very ' weakne ss r,epor.t heavy lensel. . 'T be stone, .suspeD ded b, a and severa) ' other's '>Gr eharact er encIeal' d· hfm th(! more .WU not .oll crop '" WJnter Mr, •... yIeld pd De.,k. bel' round placed ' chaIn. wa. of .I...4 to ber. · sli WI\S not blind to bll pl~ : . on but fallow; 8um~er to ' ed compell 80 accoutr ed .be wa. tallhl, but sbe cx:clllJeil them. Hisl broken In .18BZ 'and .I"ld 'to, be lb.llra t .be wb1ch III loWn the ·round. walk g .lce8, his drinking , clgar~tte 8~0k1D c cIlltrfct . ' . IIve4, The .tone la auppoH d to datt b~k~1l In the l'I~mlD -.nd c~nera1 8hlttlc~Slln(!S" were, .h6l1 "Not One Second Haye I Regrett ed D soy.... cabadla ·lb. of qeDt The I ' about the .Iz~ ceanUI'J equed. the t'u.ult or bad UIUCJat.eL Godl" /
·.BvCtIAJ.at:S KLr IN,
ds oo Sa rsa pa rill a "Cured
Your Liver ii·Clogged up
J,NCREASED PRODUCTION OF OATS IN UNITED STATES Crop Ranks Filth tn Value Among Farm Crops . Being ceeded by Corn, Colton. Wheat and H~yUnnols Leads.
Practical Fashions. LADIES' COMBINATION.
ItL, I(JWif
tvlS. . MINN.
6 ,311"
:I.IUY. 3.61,. .J.36¥
NDIUt S./JII/t'. TCJ(:
MtJ. ' DNLA.
1 .IISy' 2 . GI 1&
I. ~" I . G9 y"
10. .10J(
of the Total O~t Crops of the United States for the Pa&t Ten Years Produeed by the Different States,
{Dy C . W . WARBURTON.) th ' se figur~ s , no atutlstlcs being avail· The Olll crall rank s fifth In va lue able tOl' Sou th Am er ica and for a among the fUl'm crops of the IIlled lal'g IlIlI't of both As ia lind Africa. States, being exceeded by corn, cot· 'I'll' produ ction of on1l:; In Africa Is ton, wheat and hay. It Is tblnl smaU. but In South Am !'len. and In among the eel' Is, helng exceeded some portions of Asia for which no only by car. nud wheat. Tho acreage flgul'EIB are published ,t Is conlllder· devoted to oats Is slightly larger than ab le. The 1909 crop of the world was 1he coliom acreage and Is mucb about one-fifth larger llwn that oC any snml!er than that or tb other crops of Ihe pr vlollH four years . reaching mentioned. Last year's oat crop. a. total or 4.295, 66.000 bushels. For !>lIghtly (IV I' 1;000.000,000 bushels. th fiv e y ars the average European was about 270.000.000 bushels larger production of 'oats was 2,393,005,000 tbat tbe Wheat crop of that year, \Jut bushel s, or praotically two-thirds of lhe value was only $40 . •000,000, as tbe Cl'Op of tho world . Russia. Ger· compo.rt!d with $730,000.000 for many, Franco. and Austria-Hungary wheat. The corn crop was vulued at aro tbe leadIng European countrl~s North ,1,650,000,000, or more than four · In Ihe produ ction or oats. Umes as much a s th e oat ~l'Op. The America produl~es 1,17%,124.000 bush· fnrm value ot all cereals for last year e ls, nearly (ou r·fifth at whtch were was estimated at $3,000,000,000. ot produced In Ihe United States. For 1910, the firlh crop In the whlcb amoUnt tbe oat crop repre· nlted Slates In point of value Is oats sented about 13 per cent. The average produotlon ot oats In the val ue ot which Is ,380,000,000, or tho United States tor tbo last lon 12 per cent. above the average of 1.ears was 869.954,000 bushels. pro· the five preceding years. In QuanUty duced on 29,643,000 acres. The corn the oat crop this year Is magnlflce~t. The rop exceeds 1,000,000,000 busb· ~ rop for the aame period was 2,453.· e 160,000 bushels, grown on 1)6,028.000 ls, the preolse estimate standing at acres, Ilnd tbe wheat orop 659,600,000 l,096,S96,OOO bushels. or 22 per cent. b~shels, produced on, 46,6'18.000 greater than the average of the five preceding years. . acres, The producUon of oats Is pracU· The five states leadIng In the pro- catly conllned to the temperate zones. duot!on at oats for the t a·year period The crop does b\.'st In cool. moist ell· were l111nols, Iowa, Wisconsin, l,flnne- mates a nd will not thrive In the warm· sola and Nebraska, The diagram er r egions unless the water supply Is s hows the production of the total crop ample. of the United States grown In each of Oood spring oats are seldom prothe states producing more than 10.· duced In the southern part of the 000,000 bushels. The 16 states shown United States or In southern Europe, grow nearly 90 per cenL of ' the wbtte t he northern limit of productotal crop. illinois ' and Iowa each tlon Is near tbe arctic circle, In Nor· produced nearly 14 per oent.. while way and Alaska. The CNP Is ., ry approximately 9, S alld 6 per cent. generally grown In the central and were produced In Wisconsin. Mlnne. northern portions of the north tem· sota and Nebraska. respeotlvely. In IIorale zone. • acreage devoted to oats Iowa BIIt;btly The Areater portion or tbe (lat crop exc:eeds illinois. Wisconsin, Minne- of the United States Is fed ou the sota and Nebraska follow In the order farms wbere It Is grown. During the named. last ten ' years only 28.7 per cent of The world production of oats In the crop was shipped out of th. secbushels ia greater tban that of ei ther tion ot the couutry where It wu corn or wheat. but as Its weight per grown. bushel Is much less. the total produc. . . The average annual shipment for tlon In pounds Is smaller than that ten years was 246,000,000 bushels, Tbe o felther of those crops. '{'he average smallest proportl,on ot tbe crop ship· annual world prodllctlon of oats for ped out of t he country where gt"own the past Ove years was 3.694,702,000 was ot the amaH crop ot 1901. 19.5 bushel; of corn, 3,(43,169,000 bushel,,; per cenl., and the largest proportion and of wheat, 3,336,789,000 bushels. was the C\'OP ot 1909. 32,7 per cent. The actual world production of all The largest 's h\tlment of anyone crop these crops, particularly or oata and was ot· that of 1909, nearly aso,ooo,OOO "heat, fs considerably larger than bushels.
The combination has almost entirely displaced underwear at other kind, composed ot separate garments. Thll suit consists of a corset cover and apair ot drawers. The corset cover bas a round yoke In front only. below which the matertal Is gathered, In th e bock tbe garment Is plain. The drawers are provided with a circular, fitted yoke Rnd below this the garment Is attached plain and flat at tbe upper portlou and banging with a s l,l ght degree of fullness at the knee. Nainsook, cambric, muslin and long· cloth are the materials most often used for undergarments and em· broide ry or lace for the trimming. The patt rn (6294) Is cul In sizes 32 to 4·1 Inches bust meallllre. Me· dlum slzo requires 2,*, ya.rds of 36Inch malerlal.
ADtmalThat Had Been Worn OUt Manure Spread After Planttn. &a-Servtc:e ot ToW'n Fire Do· ShoW's Bia Improvement Over partment ~It to Re· Land Treate. in WinterSDOnd .to Alarm Smothers Weed~ .
(By B. COVERDELL.) A great mllny farmers argue that manure must be spread during the wlnt I' In order to be ot any benefit Ie) t he ground the following season. Our' experience disproves tbls argu· ment and goes stll.1 a step furth er, proving that manure spread even In the lute spring wilt greatly Improve the crop thut season. . Last s pring after our corn had been planted straw manure and re'f use from tbe feed lots were hauled out and sp'r ead over the corn field, Partly as an exper.lment we chose a little slope where the ground was tllin and gravel· ly. . When the corn came up It soon took on a deeper and healthier hue where the manure had been spread and the growth ot the plant was more rapidly prompted than In other portions of the fiell Also. this particular s pot was·almost, entirely free from weed pes~iI o~ any kind during the whole season, the mauure tomilng a sort ot mulch ·whlt:h smothered out the w~da. . . These ' favorable " conditions were maintained till corn.gatherlng; when . ' there was a "mal'ked . dIfference In . the Remembered the 81l1nal. yield of, co~n hi certain po!tlon of ' . \ .. the 'fleld, t.he. difference being several b9~e hltcluid to a IIpt ' .w.ag~)D, ~cl. bushels more per ·acre iii favor, of th~ the buabl'ed deslrlns to attract hi. gr~)\ln'd ., 'on '.which the manure '''88 , wlte's &ttedtion, ' rang 'the dinner' tielL . spr ad ' attor planting, ' '. " LIke'. iiatb the borse wheeled arouna Ud duhed back. to the ho~se, jeanng ·ti.ul1~11 Man",re.' Regu,~rly • . tbe"rulUr'e vitfe and her load' ·ot pro~anuie can ' be Iik~led '!.' an4 • ac~t . ",;duc!e 4hl~b~ted: along the -road. .. ter.ed over il poi'tlir.l of the fa~~_ e,er7 'month ~t the year.' to JOC)Cl,\advantage, ~ellln~ Bad Ellga. ~t III .m uch 'better to ]tIaye it on . the &elUDe' bad ' en!J Is no'w a crime lD l~d ~n In, tb~ · baJ!D1~ o.r I,ll pUea P,eDDQ~ 'm PhJ1ade1.l1blla 'Wo 'U~. th~ (attn buUdlliP. Tile mauur8 ..... baY.4'~ ,.pt to prtilOD 'for ..ii- .preader la' a ,woDclertul belp tn light· ...........t for foo4, 91ie- an ea· eDin. the_~ w_ -o~ woac1lDa and. 01»A farmer In Perulsylvanla recently . bought a horse that hud been worn .out . In the ' service ot the town fir e department. The horse now nllstakes the eound of the {arm dinner b~l1 for a Oro alarm, and every time It rings he ",blrls around and makes a beeline for the house. One day th e farm· er's wlfe ' started to market wl~h the
4..w.r- IIIld the otMr· • ~
Had an Eye to the Future. "I would probabl y take many generations or ad'e.rslty to lJaln A'merl cll.Ds Into ·the fl4rseelng thrlfUn'e ss ot my people," 'ollce obaervl;ld' an Amerl 'an or Scotcb birth . "I remember a use ot 11 Scoteh womuu wbo· had been promised a new bonnet by a lady . Sefore she undertook the purchase tbe ~ady called and asked tho good woo man : . "'Would you r ather Ila ve a fe lt 01' a sua w bonne t.. i'll'S. urmlchn.e l T .. 'Weel : res ponded l\lrs. Carmi cllnel lboughtrully , '1 t hlnl{ I'll talt' a tltrae Ane. It'll mayb e a mOlltbtu' to th e (~OO when I'm don e wi' It: "-Llp\llnco~t's Magnzlne .
....uIoD .'
8ftIi dJaUIINU_ '..
OYer -
To procure thlJl pallern send ]0 cents "Pattern Department." ot ttlla paper, Write namo and address plaluly. anti bo Bure to &'Ive Blze and number or pattern.
NO. 5294.
SJZE, ............... .
NAME." ............................. , ...... . TOWN .••••••.•..•.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••• STREET AND NO ............. ........ ..
"I have suffered from the same trouble (paill ful Onger nails) at different period s o( my life. The first time of it s occurrent , perhaps ·tw nty-five ynars ugo, afl e r trying borne re medies wilhout ge ttin g helped. I asked my doctor to prellcrlb e for me. but It was not for a yea r or morc that my nails and fllIg(~r s wc r'p well. The inflamma· tion and s up,puration lJeglUl at Ihe base of th e fi nger na il. Some tim es It Wit S so pulnful tbat 1 had to use a poult Ico to Indu ce suppuration. Arter tbe IlllS was dl sc hargod tb s welling would go down unt 11 th o n xt period ot Inflammatl ou, ' poss!bly no t more than a w o k or two ufterward s. These frequent infl nmmnl loDs r esulted In the loss of th e n u ll. I hud sometim es as many AS tbree fingers In this state at one tim e. "Perhaps te n years later I began again to Butrer trom the same trouble. Again I tried \'arl~1I remedies. among I hem a Ill'escrlpl.ilWl from a doctor of a. friend of mine. who had suffered from a llke trouble. This seemed to help somewhat for a time, but It was no t n permanent cure ; next tried a prescription from my own doctor. but this was so Irritating to tbe sensitive, diseased skin lhat I could not use It. I \Jegan to use Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. I had used the C\llIcura )Intment previously on my cblld ren's Bcalps with good effect. 1 dId not use the Soal'l exclusively, but I rubbed tbe Cut\cllra Ointment Into tbe base ot tbe nan every night thorougbly, and 3S otten beside as I cOllld1 I bnd not used It but a reV( 'weeks befor e my nails were better. and In' a short time t/ley weI' apparently well. There was no more suppuration, nor Inflam· matlon, the nans grew out clean again. One box of Cutlcura Ointment was all that I used In effe cting a cure." (Signed) Mrs. T. .T. Horton, Katonah. N. Y .. Apr. 13. 1910. On Sept. 21, Mrs. Horton wrote: "I have had no furth er r eturn of tbe trouble with my finger nails."
BTATE ......... ,........................... . CHILD'S BONNETS.
IlIne .. at the Zoo. An unexpected r esult of the Portu· guese revolution was the Indlsposltlon ot the animals at the Lisbon ~oologi· 001 gardens. They al1 l)ecame 111, hav· ing been so alarmed by the bombard· ment that they refused to eat and drink. . Careful Man. "Pretty (,.8reful, Is he ?" "Pretty careful. H e lett a partly smoked cigar In my office the otber day, and a IltUe later sent his clerk around atter It."
.5320 Little girls are very much more r.omfortitble In wlntet- If their ears are protected trom. the cold and bon· nets made In tbe styles 1\1ustrated are stylish and becomIng. The pictures speak for t hemselve's and the tace of the little one must decide which style shal\ be .adopted. Plush, velvet, sUk and al\ of these In com· blnatlon wllh lace and passementerle are appropriate materials. The pattern (6320) Is cut In sizes for children trom 1 to 5 years of age. To make In the 3·year size the fancy bonnet will require ~ yard of 20·lnch material and H~ yards ot ribbon; the plain bonnet will require % yard of 20·lnch material; 2% yards of Inser· tlon, of a yard of edging and IIJ1i vards of rlbb~n : .
100Portant to Mother. Examine carefully ever)' bottle of CASTORJA, 'a safe.and sure 'remedy for Infants and children. and 'see that It
To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound • I W!1ont to teB LyillaE.Pinkbam'. Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash 1130 ve done me. I live on a farm and, bave worked very bard. I am fort1Qrown-What your Bon n't know five years old, and about horse 1'llclng lan't worlh knowam tbe motber of Ing. . t h I rteen children. Walk r- And whAt h (' do C'!; know ;:;;::,,~~'!!il. MallY people think it. et,range that I am ..boul It Isu't worth ku uwlng, e ither. not broken dow n wi th bard work and Care;CS!l and Cappy. We bave und rtllke u to blf' ntl In L.l..1...:.....:.....u~....l....:..lWth e care of my famone the best of th ' I \\,O prov .. rhla l ily, but I tE'll them of my good friend. your V egetable Compound, and tha.t conllitlons- to be ca l' C\ l e~s a llli ba ppy , th re will bo no backnche and bearing hairl ess and CUP I))'. \\-e urI" n o w hap· down pains for thorn If they ,vill taka py and Cl\PPY, lind fre qu e ntl y ('al'\~ l eas it as I lla ve, I am scarcely ever wit~ a s well. A PI' tt y tlgUI' IJ mllY b ('o n- out it in tho bouse. .. I wi1l say also that I think there fa jured up- a figur e In I af-g l'e ell s atin vfllled with rose and allv r Rhot gau ze. DO b et ter medicine to be found for The dark ball' Is covered by 1\ sal- young girls to build them up and make strong and well. My eldesfl lor's cap, point and all, \\'01'11 f1 ll t Iy dthem aughte r has taken l.ydia E. Piok... over tbe wbol bead, the poin t falllllg ham's Vegetable Oompound for pain· at tb e back. ln lilead of being mad ful periods and irregularity, and lthas, of s('arl t ca shmere, It Is of th e gOllze, alwa ys helped her; over s llvel' ti ssue, an d s tudd ed with "1 am always ready and willing to· pink and yellow topaz . while It Is bor· speak a ~ood word for the Lydia E. !lered with great' gray pear·sbaped Pinkham s Remedies. I tell every on8 pearls, these. of ourse, hanging I meet that lowe my h ealth and ha~ to these wonderful medicines. around the bs k of the neck and over -piness M ra. J. G. J OBNSON, Scottville,:M1cb.,.!. t bo soft hall' In tront. B .F.D.S. , We have token to caps. J"ydla E. PInkham's Vegetable COD).. pound. made from native roots and h erbs, contains no narcotics or harmTO CURE A (JOLD IN O:!Oo'E DAY Take LA.xATIVI'l DROMO Oulnlne Tablet.. drugs, and ~I\.y holds the reconl IJrulllrt.ll .... rnnd mOlle, It It tan. ton oure. R. W. ful for the lar~8t number of &ctual curet ~\(U\'I'l·t! sI ~nl1ttlre II on OI4cb bull . 2610. at temale d1seaaes. Naturally. "Does your husband go In for golf?" a sks Ihe caller. "No." she nnswe!'lI . "He goes out For Lhe fo.rm ers ot the Penso.colo. Dilltdet. Sevente n cents a day wUl let you for It. In on 0. nve acre triiek farm. Write te> U8 today tor our booklet describing hoW' W I) h -Ip our turmera' make good. OUr Stiff neel" Doesn't amount to Dluch, soli expert lind demonstration tlU'm mall. Imt migbty disngrcentile, You wiJl be Bill" mlslakes ImposBlhhl. pril!Cd to sec how quickly Hamlin. Wizard Oil will drive that 8liffness out. One PENSACOLA REALTY COMPANY, Pensacola, FloriA. uight, that's nil.
'Harvest ·Time in Florida
NAME ••••••• ~ •••.••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••.
n. 11. (JUAJ!l!'l N
metl",., "/".' •• , •• Bat ,oa.,.. ,II,./r,., 01 0"'" 80t 'lie,..' IIotb'.; "/a.t •• ,Dod" l or ,0". S., e ••
II ~0.I' fl••'." otl.,. •• fI," It ,. pl'Ob.bl, IIettel' FOR HIM... lt p.,. bett.,.. tbo
. No . Chane. ' There: , Klnd·Heart ed .;'Woman (In , count¥;, Ylllage)-A.·man strong are ought tp 'b e able to ·ftn:d wOIk. Ha.v., n't you any.l regular occuPlltlon! , . , ,~. Wayfare r '(wlth )I'n. ' mol.i:u i ',full)"..: Yea'm;'· 1, :Wash '- th' wlnders' 0" sU'
as you
~-A .Double Hol1d~y.
-II: tw.o
are ' better
.' JulD )
too;· be • ...., wbe ·'So. '80!" .....~ It CIOIIlIDB . wJtJa · two bndar·
ousht not thI. comln. ODe,
,II. protlt, ••
'. \
Dr, Pierce'. Common Seoae Medloal Adviaer, In PlaiD Hn.liah; or, 'M. lein. Simplified, 1008 pq_. over 700 ilIultl'1lt.lonl, newly revi.ed up.to.dl" EditiOD~ ,clotb.bo\lDd, IeOt for 31 one· cent .tlmpa, to oover OOlt 01 wrappiAt and mulInl ••". Addr... : Dr. Jt. V. Pleree. 8\4l1'alo, N. Y.
ml\lennlum comes there
Will be schools to which janitors and
railway porters wUl be sent . to learn s'o methlng about ventilation: PILES CURED IN 8 T() 16 DAYS
Tonr«1nJlIlCI.L wlll ,refund moDe,. It· PAW OINT&! HINT tall. to com no!, CIU.. cof Itcbln •. Bllo4. BlolldlDll or Prutrullioa 1 lloll 10 GWI. lIaJ.. /iOo. j ' DoaBting of aaylng what yOU think 19 often an excuse for not thinking
what you say. U.... WInslow '. Sooth1olr S)'TUp tor Oblldren teething. IWrtetJ8 Lhe gum " . rnducCli Inn,.mm ... IJOD. Alln),,, pilla. "nrc" wind colle. ~ A bottl~
~'''7., '3, '3.150 • '4 SHOES ~o:o=~: III' YOU COlILD' VISIT W. L. DOUGLAS LARGE FACT9UIES A~ BUOOK1'ON MASS., ullli IItlO bow careJl1lly\V. L, Dougl'" Afloos lue wade, you wou"} tlten IUldo .... .tand why dollar fer dollar they are guarantcell to holll 't heir shape, look &lid Jit bllt~r and wear longor thau Rlly othlll,i 13.00, 13,lIOorS',OO IIhoos you canlJuy. Quallty .coulIls.- lt hWi mad.e W. L, DcnglM 8h008 0. hou8ehold word oVlIl'JtWhere, . W. 1..' Douel .. n.me "od the ret.n prIce ..... at."',led ' 08 the bottom. ",hteh II 8. •• felftl.rd apln.t Mub.lItute., tbe true v.toea of wblch .re onknown. Refuae an th" e .nb.tltn.... You a .... entltle,l to tho be.t. ID.llt upon h_aYlnlr tho &,,,"uluo W. L. DuuJ(I". ahoeM, BoV.' SHOES Old" 'oonT deat.r ""nnot ';bPI.I,,0" ,,1111 IV. I •. nOUKI,.. Rho.I," Ie tor .. .Ialol· W . ... .P.. 1406 8pur" ,1& •• Oroe""'_, _ . . . t2.0D .2.110 ...8000
.', CONSTIPATIO'N'-TRY IT _FRE.E SImple way for any family to retaIn th e good health of ilil its membera.
aTA~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
HII Tender tiea". . ~mster (looking over Cqlmlre's lawn)-What has become ot yoUI' big sweet apple tree? Culmlr6-"-I had Ii cut down. Lomster-Wby In the world did you do that! Culmlre-To save mYBelf from bav Ing any m6re heartaches. You have no Idea how dreadful It· used to make me feel when little boys wbom I had arrested tor stealing apples, were se'n t to the reform IIchoot...
co., 111(1., RlehmODd, v~
The ,rest ~uccea. of Dr. Pierce'. Ooldea Medical Dle. COl'ery ia ourin, weak Itomacb., wa.ted bodia, week lwall', IUd ob.tinate and lin,erin, oou.b., i. based on the reoopition of the fwadampli! truth thlt •• Golden Medical Diacovery" .uppliea Nature with body· build· '''', ti"1M'-repairin., muscle·makin. materilll, ia condeaaecl Ind concentl'1lted form. With tlue tlelp Nature .uppliea tbe nece..ary Itren.tb to tbe .tomacb to dige.t fbod. build up the body Ind thereby throw 011' lin.erin. ob.tinlte ooa.hI. The "Di.covary" re·eatabll.bes the dlllati.,. and nutritive or"01 ia louad healtb, puri6e. Ind enriobe. the blood, and nourl.be. tbo aervel-ia abort "labli.be. .ouad vi.oroOl bealth.
TOWN ••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••
IlTnmET AND NO ........... . .......... .
Alas Nature
AR~DE R-CURES,~HIS-----SIZE .. . ............. .
conscience--on others" affairs.
To proeure thIs pattern (lcnd 10 entl to "Patte.m 0 partment:' of this paper. Most concerta are aU right, It there Write name and address plainly. and be .ure to elve alze and nu.nber or pattern. are no cats In tbem. NO. 5320.
Virginia farms BDd Domes OATALOGUB oW'
A dead' hellrt enjoys being 0. Lively
Bears the ~~--. Slgnaturl;l of _ __ , In Use For Over 80 Years. ' The Kind Yo,u Have Alwll1/i1 Bought.
The editors or "Health Hints" and "Qucstions und Answers' have one Question tha t Is put 10 them more otten than any other, Il.nd which, strangely enough, they tlnd the most difficult to Rnawer. Tl)at Is "How cnn · I cure my constipation?" . Dr. .Caldwsll, nn eminent specialist In I1I.eases of the stomaoh. liver 'and bowel. has looked the whole. nel.d over, has prac, tlaed 'the speClalty for forty yeara and Iii convinced tha.l the Incredlenls coptalnet'l In 'l'hat , .Is called Dr. Caldwe\I's Syrup P~paln haa the best ' claim to ' attentlon ~rom conatlpated people. • It.1 IUCC(1JlII I the cure of Itubborn conaUpa.Ulin' bu milch, td dl.plae~ the
lise of lalts, wa ters. sl rong catharticlI and .ueh thIngs. Syrup P epsin, b~' train· Ing the stomach and bo\\'ol · muscles to ago.\n do theIr work naturally, and with I\a tonic Ingredients strengthening the tiro. nerves, brlnga about 0. IWltlng Among Ita atrongest Bupportera . nre . Mr. John Graveline of 88 MllwQul(co Ave .. DetrOit, Mlch .• Mr. J . /:0.. Vernon of .Oklahonm. CIty and th ouBands of others. It enn be obtaIned of any druli'ghlt at nfty cents and one dollar a bottle, or It you want to try It flrst 0.' free samplo bottle can be obtained by writing 'the ·doctor. -For the tree lIample addresa Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 201 CAldwell building. MonU. !!ello, 111;
A OouAtry School for GlrlslnNewYOrkClty Best Fealuru of Country Ind Cit, Llle Out-or-door Sporta on School Pllrk ncres near the Hudao'n River. Full Academic Course troln Primary IlI.Ss to Graduation. Uj'lper Cinss r;;t· Atlvan 'p.d Sppclnl Students. Muelf: o.nd A rt. Summer Session, Certltlcate admit/! to ollege, Schoo) Coach Meets Duy Pupils. liss "CCS uUiss \011... livtr. . Aft•••., m. st. West o~ U;;
~~ _
$# T H E
~ .
.. . ~
ST,( ') RE $
." " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. . . . . . . . . ." " " " " ".........." " . " ' ......." ' ' ' ' '
S2uSg'labrs·foofr. G ••ra.D.U.i.a.•
$1'.O~ . •.~.. .• ~
$ $ ~
· d F·t Drle rul S
Fancy Wisconsin Peas, worth l l:!%c. 3 cans ..... · .. 25c Hand- packed Tomatoes, worth 1!?}., c, 2 cans·· ··· ··· 15c Wayne's Victor Corn .... ... 7X c Mammy's Lye Hominy...... Bc Sil ver Fleece Kraut ......... 8c Fancy Pumpkin ......... ...... 7X c V~per Spinach :..... ......... 15c Fancy l{ed Beets .. ...... ... .. 8c Fancy Pineapple .... ....... .. .. 15c · P eac h es .. · .. .. ·.... 25c 3 cans P Ie 2 cans Yellow Peaches .. .... 25c Fancy L~mon Clings, very fine, 3 cans.......... · .. ....... 49c
4lbs. Hominy ... ........... ... . 4lbs. Rolled Oats ...... ... ... 5lbs. White Corn Meal .. ... 24}; lbs. Premium Flour ... 10lbs . Buckwheat . Flour ... 10lbs. Gra h am FI our........ 5 lbs. Whol Wheat Flour
10c 10c 10e 60c 39c 23c 19c
ac ere .........
k d
our Exch ange
Bring us your wheat and get any flour you like. Also, Bran, Middlings, C9m and Feed of all kinds.
2~:~' pa~~s ~~~:e ~s~ .... $l~~ 3 F' pal sM ~ e ; s ..... 25 ancy
H l<'eed Per 100 Ibs .... .. $1.95 O:.n F . I~ ee, per 100 Ibs ..... 2.10 Mas Feed. per Ib .. ..... ..... 2,Xc Oyster Shell • per 100.......... 75 c G dB G roun dB one, f Sper 100 .. _.. 3.00 roun ee craps, 'a 100 3.00
Choice Evap. Peaches, alb .. lOc Fancy Evap.Peaches. a Ib.12X c Fancy Apricots"a Ib._ .... ... 15c Fancy Prunes, 2 Ibs ......... 25c
m~~ng~h er~me n~r Ca~u's
Creek church. The d ceased was an estimable lady, and leaves a husband and a host of relatives who mourn her demise. The funeral will tak I place at 10 o'clock at t he Caesar's Creek church.
Charcoal and Pearl Grit,. Conkey'S and Pratt's Lice Powder, Laying Tonic, etc. Gem Incubators.
Walter J. Kl-lbon
Gem Brooders. Anything you need for the poultry farm.
J I' M C d b ISS U la c om.as,. age a out ~ 67 yeal's, died in Miami Va1\ey hospl'tal Monday moming at 4 o'clock
Pa': lnips, Onions, Fancy Box Apple6 Navel and Florida Orange8. 'Lemons, C r~nberri es, lery , J~tuoo. Onl~9 a~d Hadishes. -W":e'::h=a::v::'e:;p='u:""t-i-n-a-n-e-w-M-is-t-V-e-g-etable btalld 0 you will always . find fresh, crisp vegetables here. See it in the window Special Sale Saturday We will sell for one day only,
She had gone to Miami hospital to'be .operated on for gangrene, but it was not t houg ht at the t ime to be necessary. The funeral will take place at Miami cemetery today about 12 o'clock.
$ $
For morl' Eggs and healthy Fowls use P a rl Grit. ' We have it iTt three sizes. It is better
baby, Je~;~i~~~~;:';~hot~~~.,
t wo-yea,-old Mrs.' Ann Mills, aged aboQt 73' 1' wl' fe of George M'lls dl'ed Monday I , '
C )s erea
· . ~t her I· ; ' ZIMMERMAN~S
late home nearRI?ge~ll\e·.last:[hur!i- 1 Pearl Crit
$ahusband and $ .$ P I S I· OU try upp les $ ~lJ
day. and was bU\'led In MiamI em- , etery Saturday. MrR. Method wa I ~ about 26 ye~rs of age, and leaves
Canned G00dS
DEATIi~ ~etho?,
. Mrs . .Edward
o Syrup; c1ear as crysThe Wh Ite . IIlrge 15[. cans. Th e fi nla,I In est syrup made. The great Candy Syrup. You were never offered such a bargain before. Special price
9c a Can
Remember, th~e are the large cans; andonly, this low price is f('lr one day
. See Window Display at Isaac Kindle, of Springfield, Ohio, I ZIMM~RMAN'S died at his late home W e d n e s d a y , _ an~ wJ buried in Ferncliff cemetery at · that place Friday. Mr. Kindle, who was a former citizen of
~ """"""""'''''~~'''''''''' ~."'''''''''''~''''''''~~ Wayn~vil1e,
Olassifled Ads
was a an. relative Mrs -..--. w ..- .......... - ...._ ..... w . - S. L. Cartwright; d MissofKizzie Merrltt,and was well known by many AWi will be InserLed un«l r Lhls head tor lwen ly·nvu cc: nt ~ Cor ~bree loserllol1' of our older citizens, Mr. Kindle whon uslngllol moru lh an live lines. served th rough the war in the 44th 0 V I - -..... ,------~ • " • _ • LOST
-DVlrF. AT SE, - ... u.ing wood more attention 11" M. E, CHURCH Harveysburg. DMlnary to get best relults, but tbis 'fhere WIlS quite au exoitement in fIlel baa the advantace of. needlns no Sunday School at 9'.00 a . m. Mr. unrt Mrs Ch;LS , Winfield and I celt tor heatera. About IIlx 1004 Ilr 0 14' lD IIperit Snoday with' Mrs . Sa.rah our ittle village last Tuesday, when aUou of eord wood wlil IBat tour to Pr~aching service at 10:30 a. m. MAD 000 SCARE Bllrl&n lind Mrs. Lvdill Harvev. the house of Geo, PeMla caught fire lift bourl. Tbese ItlokB are piled Dr. W. A. Robinson, of OhristhorMrs AnllLt Elcook, of ClnoioDllti but it WBS quiokly exttn!{uitlhed with wilb U.e adl dove-taIled together, pi tal , Cincinnati, will preach at the KiD GLOV E, for left hand, be. tween my home and Uorwlo, Cri es for help coming from a box aD4 are puahed w«ether aa the end. II! vhdting h Ar m otb er. Mrt! '!ur\gor- little barm done. . M' Eli beth 0 11 't d buu off. In '8Ome dlatrlct. where morning eervice. car on the track here S~turday nig h t "tst ThurCldllY A rewt&rd w ill bq et Llppincot.t, 18se~ sa 0 e~ e ao oU an4 coal fire. h.ve been tried Evening service at 7 o'clock. This brought a bou t an investigation dis- ~Iven for Itl! ret,ulD J"ho Cum. MrA. Uorll OJ liver I S s r end ing Miss Edith Mosher were guests of bel 'ot" cord wood .re.x>referred. service \\ill be a union' meeting of closing t he fact that Roger Morgan" .uioga, R. D 3, W"yne~vllle, OhiO. 8 few w eks in Duyton t he. gnest of Benriettu. MoKinsey 8aturday night Coal need. lell attention than , the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Flaftery, Mr and &1r~ Frllnk Fornt!h 11 Mr , and Mrs. F . Graef ~ere in wood, .nd oU leaat of all, .nd ~orthls presidentofthe ·G r . t W C our handsome second' trick operator . . eene cou~ y . . wastr~d by a mad dog. Marshall , reuon, elpeel.Uy, many large or- , Mr. 'aDd Mr!l Aaron Bar vey OolnmbuR one day recently. FOR SALE Miss 1 ' '" , ch.rdllta prefer the 011 'heatAlr" IT . U. wIll be pres~nt and give an ad· moved to 'their new homa on the bis ~.avis, of Cedarv11le Col T~e .. wlU buna on an averase of one dress. Gopd mu'sic will be be given T. W. Biggs went to the rescue with livenue lege 8peD ~ Satnrday and Sunday quart of oU per hour. El,hty burners by a choir of thirty voices assist d a shot gun loaded for mad dogs and • IGB ~VORINl:i White Leghorn frightened the dog away. Still beEmmet MoQo.rron will gi ve with hor ~other, Mrs Sarlt.h Davis ahou1d protect one acre ~t orch.rd, by the M: E. orchestra Ing in a hi gh state of exciteTl'ent EltCgs. t1 00 per retting . . Mrto. a d&ooe at Town ball Thursdl1Y Mr, and Mrs. Chas . Reyooldfl were 'blUDlDc at u.ta with the outllde E verybod y co rd'la11'y l'nvI'ted to A J . 'fhorptl,' pb'one 83-5 --tur .. rate, 10w aa ·0 d . 't..... Morgan proceeded to gather togeth· visitors Baturday, . ... r a . elreell. h .' Lebanon bight, Febroary 2a,d. . ' Th. am~UJlt .' or oll or · other fuel t ese semces. er a posse with 'guns and lant.erns "to Mr. Chtll'l~ MUlti. of Xeuill, spent Mrs. LydIa Gordoo has returned that 11'111 need to be Itored beforelot of Bprlng 8 "rley for sllle. lit ~ -----hunt the rabid creature down. several daYA lallt wtlek on his fara home after an extended visit in hand wUl d.pend upon the probable 900 per bushel. Write J . M. CHURCH OF CHRIST He was found lurking about the Und..,rwooo, R. 0 'a WIlmington, DlIoyton. . nnmber of houri that· the orchard bellr here. ' W, J ~ Ktlbou is preparing wUl need proteotlon.. Thtrty houri a pump house aboHt midnight, and Mr. o , 9r phone Bllrveytlhurjf 15-2. Mr. Barry Shi4aker olerk at Mad. seuoo woule! be an extreme nu.mber, Preaching by the pastor both denl grocery hilS been 00 the Biok r uise p lultry o~ ~ ~xtensive scale. .nd 1a maay casea it would not be morning and·night. This closes our Morgan had the pleasure of killing DISON P£:lONOliRAPB Bod 90 him . The same dog was seen on liBt lI~veral days Itt.st week . . over I i houra. Tbll would take 250 year with the Waynesville and Ferry some redOrds, io good tlhape Bltra. Ed wi'n Smi th wa" oaUe<t to EdgewoOd ,allona of oU or one ~nd one-haH churches. There have been 36 addi- Corwin avenue about 8 O'ClOCK by l will sell rett.t!ontt.ble. Jnqntre ton. or.. coal per acre. Homer Carey and T. W. Biggs, and • tb ia offioe. otDotDDatllas~ week on' Ooooonot of Th. 011 heaters .co.t from 16 cents tiona at the former, 40 at the latter when Mr. Biggs refused to give the Mr. lind ' Mrs, Max Granzow. of her mothers serlou@illness . to .0 centa ••ch by .the hundred, and place. The work generally is strengthorATOE8-ROYIII New York ICntertainmeot at Town Ball to be Dayton, spent 8uoday with the lat the ooal heater•• omewh.t more than ened. , We have accepted the call to road the dog sprang upon him knockbome-g-l'OWD Irish pota l>oetl, 6Uo liven by 8arv'e ysburg Higb t30hool, cerS' puents, Mr. and Ifra. U. J. th.t. Some caretul experiments have remain io the field. We ask the same ing him to his knees. He escaped in• bnshel. Write J . 114, Underwoud jury other than a good scare. been made, however, and Indlca~ Wedneeday night, February 22nd. Marquardt. R. D. lI, WIl,ulolottoo, 0, .,h oll ~ Council will PWI!I an ordinance muz- d" r.veysb ur~, 15-2. Mr. anl1 Mrs. John Parker, of .Walter Beel, of Dayton, 8pent Sun. that pl&10 ~eet iroo potl, w~lch can spirit of unity and eo-operation we be made for from i centa to 10 centl have received; gtven, we may expect zling all dogs. A R~porter. MissilSippl, i. tbe guell' of Mr. ·and day with hi!! father, each. are jUlt all aatllf.ctory aa the still .greater &avances all along the O. L: Unke called on 880m Charl- speelal onel now 00 the marke~ M.r s. Dallae . Brown, of 'neal' here. u uES-Four pairs ot a.year.old line, Ev~ry one try to be at Bible ., " ton Saturday. , ' THE TELEPHONE FJ(ANCHISE Orchard beatln~ II jUlt Uke 'any mules from 14 hands, Sin . &0 l5 bards, 1 in In .ht!igbt. Good .MfS. Jane Charlton lIud 1100 other work, howe:ver; It mUlt be Uk- . School at 9:30 a. m. Boost and we Oregonia. L. O. Thompson. rhe council of Lebanon is having ooe~, unorukeo . UIlIl G E. Rl\ef. Frank were In WaynesvUle &'or. ell up In a bu.lne ....lIke manner. The boost you, . fuel mUlt be on hand and dlltrlbutec1 ......- - quite a t ime with the Valley Tela- ~eb/inon, O. Valiey phone "8-2y' Mr. and Mrs. L. H. HolzUn, .of day. aU arrangements m.de for flrlnr SENDS IN ' .T.iRESTINO PAPER phone Co. By their action in the Ktn~elli1l8, ·w ere tn towD ·Sunday. A. J. and John ('''harlton'e sale and Quickly at Just the proper time, and a: matter they find the company has ONE of the best bailbing Iota in Prof. and Mrs. D. W. Wllliami w~ioh wall held lallt Thonda.v was then the fire. handled .0 as 'to keep . . town . Fine loua\ion, Gooc Dr. J, W. Ward rememberad us the ·temperature just above the critspent 'wo days of last week in Lab well a$tended. been operating In the county with- draiullge. 75 ,feet front. Inqnire Ical point, Bome 10 to 15 Ie.. fires last week by sending a paper from out a franchise, and the commi~i9n- a' this offioe. anOD. Mr. aDd Mr8. Ammi King, of Ma- to the 'aore will be needed Iii or· Mrs. Zain Armitage has been suf- soo spent 1I\8t week with Mr. aDd ch.rda of old and full·headed t~ea Havana-',l'he Havana Daily Post. ers are trying to find out why they It is an int~restinar paper. Dr. and are using the public highways of the Barred PlyrnoQ th Roo .. Cooker. ~ering with gather.,d ears for the ·Mrs. W. A. Ktng, of near Rid~vi1le, thu In young orcharda. Mrs. Ward whoar,e at Havana, are county, Tamperaturn. D.ngeroul to Frultl, . ' . els lind 8 qozen &rred . Ply. paIS' ~eek. ' , Olyde BeitZ, of Dayton, s~ent ~OD~ ne ability ot trult budl to with· having a: fine time sight-seeing. It is to be regretted that the commouth Rook heoe 'I'heMe Ilre a high Mr. and Mr• . ' George Baoker en• .day with hts mother, lin. Frank ataDd unfavorable tAlmper.turel sa af.... has seen nt.to raiae the rates 'in :~~:eif8tyO~~ C:"BnO PthR ' beJe mhe pany joy~ It Vi8it from Morrow rela'lv.,., '~keBI at thl8 place. . . , feeted very much by . the weather t' l'' . ... em. osep th ~unday, John Gibbl, of Dear Goehen ep80t condltlonl ImmedJately precedln& ao I~ sec lon, 08mg a great ml\ny of Vaughn, Wl1ynesvllltl, Ohio. WIZARD IS DEAD ' their subscribers thereby. It is also Mr. and Mrs. Wlll Kersev ~d a part of last week WIth his Sister, th.t It la not possible to ,I.. temL. G. Woolley, a nephew of the to be regretted that part of W~ren pAPE'R N APKlNS-The G . tt perature values that wll1 apply to all ohildren apent Sunday with E . C Mrs, Samuel Charlton, condltlonl, .' late C. D. Woolley. died at his late County is cut off from us on acrount offioe hlmdle" tile plllln Jeffery and family. • ~---....oh ... of the trade made with the Bell ComClnd oolored napkins. Oall aod tlee Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Emmons enWhen peach' buda are fully dor- home in Kenton, Ohio, Iaat Friday. them, tertained Mr, and MrR. Sam Brommant they will .tand a 'temper.ture He had over 300 inventions. some of pany. I . - ••- - - of .bout Ii d.«reel below Mro. them being used today with areat ley, of ·oear Uinoinoati, Sunday. ORSES-HorReR for lillie stogly When the -.udl are appreciably 811'01· success. LECTURE COURSE Mr. and Mrs. R, B. EmmoDs; Mr. or In pflirs. IoqUlre or J B· len lero la the danae-roua ~mper.. --=-...- ...- - and Mrl, Sam Bromley, Mr. and Mrs. tu~. . Wheo the budl .re showtnc The Beilhartz Entertaint'rs at Chapman, Waynesville, OhiO'. • : . NOTICE Will Kersey, Miss Luoille Norton, p&I1k It II about zo cle,r... : when alSchool hall Thursday evening was and Measrs. John SherWOOd, Robert molt open, 36 cl.sr~.: when oewly 18RUE PAPER-If you wan' the best 'o f the preSent course and The Detective and Protective As26 delreel; when petall .re opened, . ShuUs, and Zaln and Verne Armibealnoln, to taU, III deare.a; when sociation 'will Dleet at the Township it is. also said to ~e ine best eve~ glM'v- 0,,11 ~t~te c~~:'~:e ~m:!~Su~:~~!; tage attended the surprise danoe on petall are aU oil, 80 delree.; when House, Saturday afternoon, Febru- en In any prevIous cou~, r. It on hand /ill the time. Guy 8herwood 8aturday night. the' ;huckl or oalyx tubel are beiln~ ary ~5tb at 2 o'clock . . Election of Beilharz in his delineations waS flne, BY J. WARREN IMITH, DIIli to fall, that III, JUBt af~r the -----.~-Profe.80r at Meleorologlcal SoIlnoe, fralt hal tormed, the danger point 18 officers. A. full attendance i~ desireti and each numbf'r was just a little bit Ohio ~tate Unlverelty. WANTED Sprfng Valley better thall the ' other olle. His indegree.. Th. lurer tbe peachal ............~~~~....44~ II .re the leu CClld they can atand terpretation of Miss Viney of M. W. OF A. Orch.rd heating t. the heatln, ot wltholllt dam.... (Dehiyed) "Kovey Mary" and Riley's child MAN' past ao with horse aod bn . Miss Gertrude Salsbury is very l tbe Air' In orcharda trom lirel made Appl ••• gy to seli stoak ooodltton po.l slok with tonsillitis. . of 10m. ealUy obtained combustible When tully dormant, Apple. wUl The Modem Woodmen will hold p,oem were gems f{'om h~s setting, Born February 10th to Mr. Bnd material. Coal and crude petroleum stand any temperature that w11l Dot' their regular meeting TuesdsT, Feb- The Pennsylvania · Dutchman was der in Warren Couuty. Salan' 1'10 I ~r mlloth . ' Addreu · 301. Unity Mrs. Ray Ett.gle II. fine daughter. have hen mOlt extenllvely I1led, but k1l1 the treea. W.hen the petala .r. ruary 28th. AU members are reo also par ~cel1ence. 'rho Friends h~ld Qllarterly Meet- flrel may be made of wood or oth.r bec1nnln~ to......how the dal,l.i'e r point questt}i 'to be present as there will Mrs. Bel'Ih arz pOSSf'.BSeS a - go cd bldg., IndiaoapoU8, Indlan~. ing last baturday bnd Sunday. ' m.terlal. . la 22 delree.; In full bloom, 29 d. • • . . mez~o·soprano voice, and sang sevMr. and Mrs. Oliver Moon visited Th. COlt of Orch.rd H••tlng. 1T'l11; wheo petall ' are droppln, and be bUSIDes8 of Importance. eral pleasinar selections. • • friends here Saturday Bod Snnday I In 80me experlmeotl c.rrled out the ' loun, fruit I. klcreasln, ·ID 1118, ..,.----. .. 'In the welt the coat per .cr. per 83 dear.... At tIiIa· polDt, .nd .. the Choler. In Indl •. The IKst n~mber of the leotul'e nlrht, wltb the i1re. burnlnl four applu locre... In .IM, th.· atem' HAS 'BOUGHT LOT Cholera was first recognised by the .oourae wes enJoyed by m/iny . houri, locludlng labor of dlltrlbutlng are In more ducer than . the apple. Quite a uumber of oases of Ingrlppe the fuel, attending the b.eatlnl. uad tbemsel:v .., aDd ~ w:111 not atand· a Port~guese Ip India 8.11 tar b~k a. the Fr8Qk Pratt p\1rchased .t he Trout mIddle of the .Ixteenth centuO'. It Sublerib~ are reported. . Interelt on the orlltnal COlt of the temperature below freellna. lots last week, and intends to erect ba. the pecullarlt7 of follow In I a P.a"'. . . A number of our tenoh ers at,tp.od- equipment, w.. U followl: ' wel1-delined route, with progre•• JUII ad telWber's meeting u.t Xeni" Idat- Crud. 011, eo pot. to t~ aor.........:OO When In bud the dauser ~olnt sa .quAl · to' that· of an average journey a new house thereon as 800n aa ,weather conditions are ' right. . is urday. . . ,Dlat,lllat. .. 80 pot. ,~ the acre. : ...... 01 18 degreel; In bl~8Om. 2V decrees; OD toot. and Mrs. T . M. CO&J,.O bee.~... to th, acre, ....... In aetUn, fruit; 29 de~.I. 14rs. Aroh 'CopsAY ~ good IQC&tiotl" for a home, and' Mr. . WOCHl, .6 pllea to the a.or-••• ;'1.00 to '.00 I Pratt is to be -'c ongratuillted in hi.s · Gartrell were ' Da:y to'n· shoppers Th. C-olt of th. ClOal "sa baled on . . .. ·Ch':rrl,.. ' , selection. . . ,T hursday, . U81al ' 150 poUlld. per &ere per boW'; 'In bud the dao.er polDU J9 cieIr ldultrlel or contca. Mr, and MI'II. D. W. ,Anabee were Ooal bslD« worth ,. per ton at the ,reel; 10 blolsom, 81 deS1'eel; In ,-be tWt princIpal lJid~trlel. lD th. , Xeoia vlsi~ors ~borsdBY., woel. ~ 'Dbe co'" he.t.... will burn '..tUng fru1~ 81 dell'Ml. . 8'rench IliUld ' ot Oorllca,are the man· ' NOTICE TO FARMERS Mr. James Boaton who works 'iD abo.ut 6 poundl of IOft·co.1 per hour~ . Plum.. '-. utaeture of chestnut ...004 estJ.aCt and ' ..;.'- - Dooyco.n is home for Il few days; aDd this wUI rain the temperatv. Whell fa bll4 the dan,eroua tem- the ",akl~1 of cheele.· The W~esville . Canninar Co. 'is I Wi'lillm Dill mov d into the J"mee 10 . to 11 4e~.. where. 110 IaftterI pera~re Ia 10 dear.. ;. In ",bIOllOm. . _ I r lSe,r. . ; In Bettin, frUlt, 31 deWiokersham proper y. pel' cr.......ed, now to ~ntrict tor com and ne COal , bal'Dera to ..eDeral ... .,..... . Just I. Easy • tomatoelt. t 9r the 1911,.at their James Wiokerahllm moved 1n 1a014 II &0 I. ~ Of 'coal. 10 ~ Th... "alllU ~ DOt , ~te, bat It would prob.bly be J~t .. __ to W~leomce.' • . tbe Booia property. tM7 lui". . . be Illecl e"17 rov to wID tunalali a ....... .1Il ~ttei'IDIaIq Ion a rich atrl .. a poor one U'ti.. Waynemtle Cuminr CO; Tbe IUaml ala....... It sa oon...,end tbat.. . . . ·so .aan tile · INI ,. . . . . . . . . ." 10 ____. .,....,... _ G::tt; .. ,. II the"belt. taor, ......... ___ er........... ·
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Wbat,It Is and Its Cost.
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It ~' Saqak,SW,.
,- - ' ---------, --. . -T r Personal Mention Here and There-, .
I, 1911.
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W . C. T. U. MP.ETlNG
WHOL}i; N t'MBE~
H ~li
----_. _ . _ . -+----- - ----r r Social Events During 'Past W ~ek
The New Century lub held its The union temperance meeting F brual'y meeting at the hospitab le which was held in lhe M. E. church +------.-....-.~-~ •. - -- .-.+~~..-...-.~ - - -~..-.. home of Mrs. C. T. Hawke on la. t 'undayevening under t he auspices MI'. a nd Mr~. U. M. Whitp.. MI Booth Lowrey. School Hall. Booth Lowrey. School Hall. [' I'iday aft~l'IJ oon. . Mr . and Mrs. N. B. Hich enter· " ' . D t ~ d G . of the W. '. T. U .. was every thing tal' n d Mr has. Gray and 'faml'ly at an d Mrs. J. H. (;olema n wer ~ue~' \ 0 to Zel\ & Son for Tobacco Box· Tw en ty members re ponded to roll· t hat cou ld bede ired , both in interest di nner Sunday. C u rtH lSey was 10 ay on .. atur ay of Mr und Mr'l F. H Hell<!erS()11 ~ ~ . . es. K. D's .• $1.15. call by g iving humorou sayi ngs. fol ' and atlenda)1ce. . g. supper T ut'Sday even1l1 o n ay or was a Dayton VI9Itol' , ThJ had T I '. lowed by th reading of the l11inu t ·s A large choir of thirty voices unur ay. John M. DaVIS and daughter of last meeting and a 'short bu sin es~ d el' the direction of Mrs. J. A. Fun. Mt·. and Mrs. Lindley Mendenhllll · ay. March 4th. SI'des' 6th move:to k cy, and assisted by the M. E, Sun- en tertained at a umptuous dinner Wedne day bei ng R M, Smith':-\ I d their new home in Mt . HoI- session. Saturd It was an aftern o{}n wit h " Mark day·schoo l orchestra rendered a song last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Edwin birthday anniversary h i ~ man ~' fri end I nual Sale. y to ay. Mrs. Flatter, of ' Xeni a. was the Twain" and Mrs. Mendenhall r ' ad sel'vic . afte r which Mrs . Eva Jone . handl er and daughters. throug h lhe kind n ''';lo f E V Bam , Edward Woollard visited the Cllr · guest of Mr, and Mrs. J, E, Jann ey a carefully prepared papel'on " ketch local I resident, read a por tion of hart r memu{' nd hi m Iw II J)"~l · Cllrd win lICbools Thursday. Sunday. of the Life and Writings of Ma rk Scripture. and Mrs. A. M. Larkin in· :Ihnwer, Mrs .'11 i i h al.·;) :Js ;:\ !'u ". Twain," which elicited mu ch praise. v ked a blessing. Mesdames Wright Miss J es e Marlatt handsomely en· prise fo r him iJ ~ld pr p ,{rt.. d a bOll '" Mrs, C. M. Hou gh r ead a shor t and Gran sang a beau tiful duet . tertained at di nner Sund ay the fol- tiful dinner and Mr . and Ml'~ 8 V Walter McClure made a business Fay C. Smith, of Np'.v Yorl<. i. .trip to Springfield Saturday. visiting his father, John Smith. for a ~ketc h from hi "Innocence Auro ad ," " A"ul'd ' With Me." The speaker of lowing g uests. Missefl Emma Heigh- Bamhart were invi t" I a"'S/:Up , IS or After cucrent events by M1'11 . Barn· the evenill!:. Mrs. Flatter. President ' way. Edit h Mosher. Donna Hawke the nccasion . Thur"r1 a,' beir g E V, few days. hart bring,' ng out cl arly the topi cs of tl1(' Greene Co. W. C. 'r . u .• was and Stella Lemmon. Dr. and Mrs. Clagett have re . . . Barnhar t 's ann iver::lary. Mr Sm: " turned to their country home. Mrs. Viola Haw,kins. of New Vi of the day, Mr~, Ev.ans c~ncluded int roduced , an d fot one hOl:lr land retaliat ed, and Mr, Barnhal1: WiH enna, was the week· end g uest of re J her talk on her European tl·lp . . he forly-five minutes held th attention besieged wi th post ca rds. MI' . and Miss Winnifred Macy visited rela- atives here. di spla~ etl wonde.rrul d esc r i~ti~e I of her aud ience while she. talked on Miss Emma Heighway had as her Mrs. Barnett prep:t. ed a fine turkey tives in Xenia Saturday and Sunda)l. powel s and a usua l sho~v ed hel ex · t mpel'ance and other things, She gu e~ts last Wednesday evening at dinner. and Mr. and Mrs . R . M R. A. Cross left Monday to attend I'ellent cO~lI'~a nd of En,.. IIsh la ng- u a~e den ounced OUI' repr enl<.tti ve. Larry a delightful supper. the Misses Donna Smitp and fami ly were invited' to George Bocock and family have the Hardware Convention In Cincin ~ e r descTlptlOn of t.h: l'cenes sh,e VI S- \ Lungdun f ul' voting in favo r of the Hawke. Edith Mosher. Elizabetb partake of the s:\me. These two 'moved int9 the Zell propertr on Tbird nati this week. Ited W rul made so VIv id Lo her lis ten- I Dean bill. tobacco users a nd society Collett and J essie Marlat~. days will long bE' remembered by ~ street. them. Miss Charlotte Antram, of Middle- ers that they found th mselve tra card players, She said that we can Miss Louisa Stokes waR the guest town. is the guest of Mr. ·and Mrs. versi~ g with her the streets of P~~r! s . n v r have prohibilion unti l distiller~ross1l1 g the E~gl!s.h channel . VIS) L- ie ' and b rewe ri es a re pu t.. ou t of ex ist- . Mesdames Harris and Mosher very of Springboro relatives a few ,Jays George Hartsock. Mrs. Sam Meredith planned and In!l' London With Its fa moll s West- en ce. , he also talk ed a t length of pleasantly entertained tho Carel Club last week. carried out a successful surprise on last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. S. M. Sellers. of South minster . Abbey a~.d her d partu,1'1! the advisability of women voting. her husband Saturday evening. the A reading. by Mi !' Luell a Cornell . This was the last meetin2; of the For Sale- Two Poland China sows Charleston. spent Saturday the g uest from Ll\e l'\~~o l. lh e clu? and Its occasion being the anniversarv of g uests, certa m~ y. appreciate Mrs. \Va' rendered in her usual capable cl ub for the sea on. At the 'close of at A. B. Sides' sale Saturday. They of her father, Mr. 1. E. Keys. his birth. For once Sam was caught Evans. enterlalTll~ ~ . tall< and w as manner, Aft er a song by the choir t he afternoon delicious refr eshments are gooclones. napping and was completely taken We want the farmers Iht have sorry 1I1deed to have It ended. Th , v the cungr galion was di miRSed with were served. in. Mrs . Meredith trpated the ?,lisa Mabel Babb, of Spring Valley, our fence stretchers borrowed to fell they could listen to her for hours a benediction by Rev . J . F. Cad wallaguestIJ to a bountiful spread in the was the guest of 'Miss Pearl Colvin bring them home at once and obl ige. in her inimi tab le way of bring ing the , del', - - - --+- - - . ' Cross Bros. old world to the ne w, I MI', and Mrs. D. L. Crane enter- serving of which she was assisted by Monday ni~ht. VISITE D O. s. & S. O. HOME , tained at supper Saturday ·evening ht>r daughter Winifred and Miss Fol.lowing .t he m ost interesting , Miss Mary Gray was t.he guest of "Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner, Mr. and \I1struc tIVe pr ogr?m an hOUl' j - -. the following g uests: Mr. and Mrs. Stella DauthertY . Among those • the Misses Laura McKenzie and Ellen and Mrs. A. Maffit and Mr. and Mrs, was spent socially and a delicious two ,MI'. a~d Mrs . A. M. Larkm, of C. A. Bruner. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. present were. Charles Cornell, BurJ. C. Hawke attended the Pythian course lunch was served by the ho ,t- I Wayn esv llI " we.r e gue~ts at ~he Rhoades and daug hter. Catherine. ton Earnhart, Elias Oglesbee. S. L. Sherwood last week. Sisters anniversary supper in Har- ess. I home last friday, and . ~hlle s*roll~ ng Mr and Mrs. Fred Henderson and CarnyrijZht, Thad Zimmerman, U. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haines, of veysburg Tuesday evening. The guests were MrR. Lal·k in. !frs . . ~round the gl'o und s Vl sI ~ed th ~ prlJ1t- daughters. Kath !!ryn and Esther. M. Boblet. C. S. Maxwell, George Xenia, attended the 1. O. O. F. an· Frank Zell, Mrs . Geo. Haw ke. Mrs, Ing d epal·t~en.t.. M: - ~km was Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman and Daugherty. J. A. Scott. J. O. Cart: niversary Monday evening. A. B. Sides will hold his 6th annu J . C. Hawke, Mrs. R ber t l 'u:; . very lIthuslastlc m hlspralsefo:the Mrs. Louisa Woolley. wright and J. E. Janney. al sale of farn. implements. surreys' Mrs. L , S. Rhoades. Miss Morford . home and spoke of the many changes Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. of buggies. stock foods. whips. hoes. Mrs. Alice Hawke. of Lebanon. and that have taken place in the pas t Dayton; were the guestS' of M.r. and rakes etc. etc., on Saturday, March Mrs. J. J Ed ingfield. of Mason. quarte r or more of a century . He I. F. ANNIVERSt\RY IN MEMORIAM Mrs. Mahlon Ridge Sunday. 4tb. These sales have become pop *** spOKe of his being called here on - - - -.-.- - ular and buyers look forward to busines.q thirty years ago and whil e The 63rd anniversary of the OddThe funeral of Miss Julia A. Mc· Dr"H~hel Fisher has moved to them with pleasure and as a profit to ST. MARY'S CHURCH h~ had expected to see some modern Comas was held a~ Mortuary Chapel fellows in Wflynesville celeoffiees)n the new ' Morris building. brated Monday evening . • A large themselves. Wed d M h 1 t . tJ· improvements he had not been pre • at Waynesville on Wednesday at 1 • Mxt-to--tho~toffice ~banOJ!..... . nps ay, arc s , IS .118 year pa t ed for such a n agreeablesurpri e, o'clock. Rev. Kestle. of Lebanon audience was present and a splendid Hazel Gustin's frien.d...- remem. t Ahb.eautiful program was received the first day of ~nt and J'l call ed ' ''~'h .. h 'd "It' b' ' t ' ffi I k b M A h W d d . n y e sal .'I a Ig CI Y In a M. E. church. conducting the ser- good' time was enjoyed by all. At b8ted her .anniversary Wednesday, aAdt IbIS!l ce sent e nes ay . fro m the old·tirne c IalOs 0 f'ts . M ast M wee K f D y r. s I own , ru Ied by i oved an vices. Interment inMiami cemetery. 8 o'clock the following prQgram was amd"deluged her with post cards ' e prt . cay, 0 ayton. cu tom of puttmg ashes upon th ot th d " d f' h rendered: , The program announces the SIlver forehead as a symbol of sorrow for n 'd e 1'0 " . an con )~.ulng e The following obituary was read: Julia A. MccOmas. <laughter of, Music- Orchestra .Georie Thorpe and wife. of Rich- Anniversary !If Earnshaw Camp. sinT' h f Lb' Thomas B. and Julia A. McComas Invocation ................. Chaplain Farr mond, ,lnCi" are visiting among their S. of V., .f Dayton. Mr. McKay, e season 0 ent egms on a . "I d'l born at Waynesville. 0 .• SeJ)tem- Address of Welcome ...... F. H. Farr j is one ,of the speakers for this occa. W d d . d th .. saYJllg, can r ea I y understand many frlenu8 here for a short time. . . .. e nes a~ . 111 or er, at Omlttmg why vou have so few desertions and bel' 24th, 1848. She lived at Waynes· Music-Orchestra fi d f tb ' slon. and under the captIon The Sundays. Just forty days may be ac· r. Y ' . Terrel Macy left Sunday morning i>rinciples'of Our Order," h~ takes complished before Eas ter. in humbl e W,I' ~~~ , n s so ma~bYI 0 POSI~t~X-P~' ville. until she came to make her Apdress,Grand Master Isaac Huffman Music-Orchestra ior--Monongahela, Pa., where he has the response "Loyalty." imi~ation of t,he Rfldeemet·'s fas ting pi S 0 mgt rfesPthonsl e Id Idons hln home with mother and sisters at .i' '1 . I 'Id every par 0 e wor ,an w y Franklin. O. When quite young she Reading ..................... Clara "'Hawke accepted a POSit on m a ral road m t 1e WI erness, . We at- S · As 11 Wed nes d ay, L'It any. theyI are so. anxIOus thehan· united with the Baptist church at Music- Quartet offi ceo _. . . desire to call our readers' . ervlces' ,. to . attend I " tenhon to Cross Bros . ad In another P em't en f la I 'omIce an d H0 IY Comm u· nua reumonstIS sImp y to t em Centerville, 0 .. but on ' coming back Addreas ...... Grand Secretary Lyman H S t H .. ' to Waynesville, there being no BapMusic- Orchestra ' .Miss Mary Gray leaves today for column. This firm has been doing nion. at 10:00 a . m. Sunday. the om~. wee om~.. . tist church.she united with the ChrisDayton , -here she will enter the business here for twenty years and fi t ' L ' t H I C ' d Mr . and Mrs, Larkm r emamed ovSupper ,. , rs m en. 0 y ommumon an F 'd . . ., Nurses' Trainin&' Department of Mi- tbeircul3tomershavefound that when sermon at 10:30' Evening Prayer and er 1'1 ay mght and retUl:ned to theIr tian church and on coming to Franklin Both of the grand officers present , ami Valley hospital. they sayan article is good, it is the sermon at 7 p ,~. S u day School nt home Saturday mormng .- Home to make her home. she brought her made good t.alks. telling of the good letter and placed it in the Methodist _ . . best that can be purchased for the 9:30 a . m. Every body invited to Weekly. - ••- - points of thp, order, the state home. church, under the pastorate of Mn. C. E. Rldenour and daughter. money . They have a large line of all th ese servICes. . , . LINGO'S 81G SALE and why men should become memBrother Clemens. Though not perMi ld r ed ,of Sprmgfield, were gUeftts implements. buggies. surreys. hard- Th" 'ft f G db' k bers of the order. 1 of Mi and Mrs I ra 1 Satt th · t · . saCl'l ces 0 0 are a 10 en We wish to call attention to J. W. mitted to attend church. her interest er wal e ware, fencmg. etc. and make theIr spirit: a broken and a contrite heart. . • : ~ e The supper, served by the -Daughseveral d~8 thiS w~k. prices to fit your po~ket.book. Call 0 God. thou wil !: not despise.- Psalm Lingo's ad in another column. Mr. was with all things connected with ters of Rebecca, was as fine as was Lingo is the "top·notcher" of all the church. and often expressed ----nooth Lowrey. at School Hall, and Bef\ them. __ • Ii. 9. ever served ih that hall. Everything implement dealers in Warren county. a desire to be permitted to attend M~ 2nd, has a great record as SUCCEsSFUL ' ENTERTAINMENT St. ,Mary'S has been f or tunate in and when he advertises he means church once more. 'Sbe died at Mi- palatable was placed before their a Chautauqua lecturer and is always securing Miss Pearl Colvin as organ· guests. who partook of the same with )J '!n demand. Hearbiiit nex'1""W'eek. The teachers, pupils and patrons ist. Mi ss Coh'in is ve ry elficient and businellR. His immense sale ,March ami Valley hospital in Dayton, Feb· grea t gusto. of the Lytle school are congratulat- with Mrs. A T. Wrig ht as leading L6th, 17th a nd 18th will be the feat: Iruary ,20. 1911. Her death leaves _, The music was furnished 'by HowC. ~ler is here visiting ,friends. ing themselves on the success of the soprano. the choir is doing very good ure !lale of the season, and will con- five sisters to mourn her loss. A eU's orchestra. and we are proud to · ist of everythin g that the farmer vacant-chair no ~)Jle can fill-may He ,Mr• . arler returned .from Eugene, social given in the Lytle Hall Satur- work. _ __ have such an organization in our has to u, e- bu ggies. s urries. phae· who uoeth all things - well. give us , ~ 'Or~n,las~ summer and has since. day night, February 18th. A well midst. About 160 persons were ELE';TED OFFICERS tons. runabou ts. ha rness. blankets, strength to say. "Thy will, not mine resided with a son at Hillsboro. ' . filled house enjoyed the varied pro present. · f m ' f r obes, rangeR. stovee and gasoline be done. ---gram and best of all every body reo Th e annua I e Iec t Ion 0 0 lce rs 0 . , . - -- - - ...- - D ti eng ines, '1 h sale Will be under can· · John H. Caskey. of the Wat:ren mJlined and bought liberally of the tl1e .t'1'0 t ec t Iv DEA.THS FOR THEM LOOK OUT e a na elec ve asso· . . . . ,. vus. and l'am or snow WIll not mterCo~,tyChildr~n!sH~me, spent Fri-jrefresbments placed on sale at the " .wa held at A. Maffit s office f ' ' I ' t D ' . tl' I'f clatlOn I'e wlL 1 ). on t mIss lIS Ga e I day m town. on busmess, but took Iclose of the ~xercises. Over twenty .aturday afl l'nO n. Th e officel's Some funny things are seen in Mrs. Dora Baker. wi fe of Mr .In n eed of anything . on your '1 you al'e ,time to can. on many of his friends five dollars was taken in and aft el' eI ec t e d were: E mmor B al. y, p l'es; f . Waynesville almost every week. butf George W. Baker. dropped dead at here. . , ' Ithe expenses were p~id a neat sum Dr. P. D. Clllgett, 1st vice.pres. ; 8 1 m. the limit was reached last week when her home on the James Zell farlll on __ ..._ _F. B. Sherwood came marching into the Harveysburg pike. Monday ' M C M 'U b'tz ' d' L ' A was' left for thfl Iiorary. This is a ~'rank Zell. 2nd ,v ice-pres.: J. C. A DIRECTOR HONORED eB8l'8. • ....'0 I er an .' .h progresslve . commum.t y an d th e peo· town with an extra large maul. morning at 8:30 of heart disease. Cornell, J. W. Hawke. eec ,. Chas. . Zi.mmerm,n ~tte ~ d ~d th~ Sco.tt111 pIe willingly support any plan for Hartsock and A , Maffil. t rustees. The pages of the Enquirer were Fred says the big coal lumps will She was attendhigto her usual duties ad om ed on Sunday with a hMlf-tone have to suffer. but some of his when death so suddenly called her. A large amount of business was at· ~h~:=~v: :;;n;:~a~i:a:I:a:d the betterment 2f.!h;ir school. tended to. and several new laws p or trait of our townsman, R. A. friends think that perhaps he may The funeral will be 'held at Mortuary 'a ,l arge attendance. , IS RETURNING HOME , . enacted ' The a:!Sociation is in Cross . who is one of ,the director s of have an enemy he .wants to put out Chapel today at 11 o'clock. th e Ohi Hardware Dealers' Associa- of the way, a floudshing conditioil. $80.•00 per month straip,-ht salary . ' d " t '" 'th . t ' A card from C. S. Sears, who has Saturday L .. S. Rhoade3 was seen tion The annual convent ion of this ~~~~~, 0pme~.:'l Reng'ed0. m - been wintering , in St. Petersburg. carrying a lantern ,on the streets. body is in session at Cincinnati this CHANGED HOLIDAY Amanda Hagerman, wife of David ~uce our , OU .... 3 m leB. Fla . "W'll I th' S Mr. Rhoades says ' he wanted it to Don't 'answer unlesa:you mean busi. " ~ys. 1 eave e unweek. Whitney. died at her home in Rockget in his coal at ni~Il~. but the ford, Ind .• February 8.1911. -aged 60 Eureka, Poultq ., Food Mfg. shlDe city and s~rt toward ~he old 'The Lytle 51 hool took Friday the neighbors had best watch their chick- y'e ars. She was born ,in Warren C.' (1ncorpo,r ated.) ' ~t St: LoU18, ~;Ck~ye State nlS week. Will stop 24th. as a holiday instea'd of the 22nd WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY I, Ill. . r ' 0Yf,e ver, at several places en in order that the superin~endent. Mr. en roo~ts" Co~nty, ne~r Ly~le; .~~~ removed, to ...'.- - , oute.. _ • Carey might spend t he week·end at .' Washington'~ Birthday was celeIndiana in 18~2; after bet marriage. KILt:.ED BV ANELP.VA10R ~t)l ~wrey. the tl!St num1?* o~ HAVE ~YOUR .BIROS SCO~ED " ~is I~ome in New ' Vien~a. While bt"ated in the different rooms of our She leaves a' largefamily, ahl1sband. .~e Lecture ,Course, ' for, this .year, .. _ . ., " _ , his way home Mr., Carey had an at·, school,by' r ecitat ions and songsap· ' Mrs. M. C. Lidtly' received.' w,ord two sons. twO' daughterS, ~velal ~U appeafa~ Sch~l Hall. ThurSd,y Judg~ S. G. the sam~ 'w ho tack of acute indigestion and his propriate for thp occasion., A"num'~ last wef'k of th'e death of 'Peter Re-: grandcllildren, ' twc> brotMrs. Chas. ev8niDl, ~rch 2nd. ,:M;r. Ib.w..rt;y. jud~~ the reeentstiow, will be 'a t condi,~ion ~or a Liille was· quite ser~- ber ef parents ~n'd friends attended, .!m,at Springfield. Ohio. M~. Re: and Wm. Hag~i-man. ' ~Ci'a ,ister.." comes heralded,~ a bumol'iat, satlr- .m~ ~~Ul!e, Tuesday. , March 7th! tq ous: . H~ was unllble to retUl'n to blS ~ut noras many ~.thf;lr~ ~1)ould have was ~iIIed at the 'FairbanJcs MrS. Whitney will be.remember8d ,tat, ~ient18t and 1U) " orator. TAe flCore~irds.. 'Partieswhohavechickl school, duties the firsilo:f the,week ,been. Occasional visits from the gan building' by ~ e)eva~or. _ He was a I bY' a great many qf ou~. readera who ' .' J)~~rta are l.oUd ~. tbeirpra~ ens,·t!.tey ·wisb scor8d will please cal- and the' p~incipal, MiSs -Elizabeth parents ~nco.ur~ge both teacherS and relative of Mrs. Liddy's. ; will be ~ned to hear ,o f h~r <lemile. Ofbbd,. orwnte~e. . HojH. ·WadsWorth. Cbanc;ller, took Charge. pu~ils. ' ...-..-..-..-...... -
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f e ll o w' sturle n! 'It \"111- , IN\,}:< a II f,.' of Jls"'pntlon. m:1rrle8 ti l l' daushl e r "r Ii Ifl\mblor who (l1 I'd In I)rl80 n, llnd Is dl ~· I>wnlld by h is (alh er, Jl o trl.'\9 to gl'l \vorl, and Ca ll I!, A (o rm e r ('oll ('go "'turn 11I81, e~ a bual nrs6 flr oposi llon to 1I 0 " "rd
wblrh requ lre8 fl.OOO ('no.h , find lI uwn rll hroke. Robert l fll lk rwoo d , who had been repulsed by Huw nnl'" wl(,'. Ann l.. , In his college dn)'s. nnd hll d 0 " ') 0 Il(lt' lI nnANged to Allcle.. Ho\\'nrll's I'1E'1l1ll01l1(!r. 1'18..\ a partments aL lh o A8lrurll!. Illld I. ~pplI.rentl)" In ' proaperoul' clrcumulJlnce~ , J'ioIVard reca ll s 1\ ~JO lon n 10 Ullderwuod ClInt romnlns unpaid, ancl decldell (0 a.s k him (or the . 2.000 he necds. Ie
The handsome townhouse of How· ud .Teltrles, the well·known banker, on ,R1verslde drive, was one of the most tltrlldng among the many Imposing 'IIlilUonalre homes that line the clty'_ • plendld water (ront. Houses there .. ere In the Immediate proximity wbioh were more showy and had 'Jost more money. but none as completely M&tiAfytng from the art lover's stand· point. It was the home o f a man who studied and 10Yed the bel\utlful tor its w n ~ake and not because he wanted to utQnlsh people with what miracles . bill money could work. Occupying a larle plot on slightly elevated ground , tb" house comma'nded a fine view of tb. broadd iudson. Dh:ectly opposite. I!.r.I'OSS the river. busy wltb steam and tI~ing craft. smiled tbe green slopes f New Jersey; , In the purplish north '~f()wned tlie Jagged clllrs of tbe preclp· It41ulI Palisades. Tbe elder Jefrrles, fristocratlc de8(/eudant ot an old Knickerbocker family, was' proutl of his home and bad spent large ' sums ot money in benutl1ylng It. Built In colonial style pure white marble with long French windows and lofty columns '\l.Ppor,Ung a fiat, rounded roof, surroanded by broad lawns, wlde·spread. Ina; sbade trees and splashing founcatus . It was a consplouous landmark tor mUas. The Interior was (ull ot architectural beauty. Tbe stalely en. trance hall, hung with ancestral POl" t.r$lts, was ot noble proportions, and 's superb stalrcRse, decorated with 'lltatuary, led olt to tastefully decorated ~ ceptlori rooms above. To-night the 'bouse was brllllanUy illuminated and 'there W8S considerable activit)' at the .fron t eqlrance, where . a footman In '''mart {Ivery stood opening the doors of t ile carriages as they drove up In I1lck succession. I Mrs. Jeltrles' musicales wer9 always hugely attended because she knew tb secret of JIlaklng tbem Inte resting. tier hllsband'$ wealth aI\4 her fine bouae enabled her to entertain on a liberal soale. and she was a tactful and di plomatio , hostess as well. She 'Jot only cultivated' the right kind of 11 ' oplc who were congenial to e8ch oUle r. but she always managed to II ,w some guest of special disti nction W UOO] c,very on e was eager to mee t H er ow n wid e acqualntanoe among t,h Iromlnent operatic artists and her h u",band's intlu utl al positIon ' In the w rId oE financ e made this pOlicy an (lOI:l Y way o f rurthel'l ng he r so lal amb! Jons. Shl' would always Invite ROn1<9 one ' whom she could preseut as 11)..1 lion oC tbe eNenlng. One w ek It w(luld be a t - liOI' frOID th e opera ho use, nn·')tlJ " r time a !'alllous vlolin ls l Tn tJ~i r, way s he :nanagl:!d to create a lit· I.!' ~lJt i !l tlc salon on the lines of the r UlI)U S polltic::! 1 sa lons In ",111cb lhe brlUia llt women of lh e e ight cnth cen· tU I'Y mol!l ed )luLlk opinion In l"ra n e, !\ h C'f a kn l'w she was cleve r and tiS she ": 'lod ndmi l'ing he rself in front of f\ full I ngth minor wblle awaiting the a ': ivai of her guests sho congl'tit· l\J atl.'d lJ (' n,elf thnt sh e had mad e a R U Cf:I'S S of ber life. Sh bod won ~ho s tilln/;. which mos t women holel dear -I'VE'!I ith a n(1 !\ocl ul 110!1 ltion . Sho had lil a rrl c d n Dlall ti ll a did Dot love, t\ {\' cI rue , b ut other women h ad done Ulll t II . fore lieI', If s he had not brnllg ht her husba nd lo ve she at lea st W1. >4 no t Il wife hQ ceed be ashamed of In li pr Paquin go wn of gold cloth , ,Wi t h sweepi ng trai n a nd a j eweled \ I,t r- lu h e r hair, she considered ber· f,l (t l f ha nd some enough to grace any " hill'!l bOlUe. It was indeed n bea uty wld eb s be saw In the mirror-th (' face 0( 8. woman Dot ye t 30, with t he fea ' urC!l reg ular and refined , The eyes were large and dllrlt and the moutll lI,od nose delloat ely mold!:,d. The fu ce ..,~ ~med academically i>erf~c t , Ill! but tilt" u presslon , She laid II c old, cal· ('III tl tlg look, and a cynic 1l11ght have c h,1.n:e d' b'e r with bC!lng hC'artles!l. of Sf [loll)~" at nothing to gaill' he r own
~u e ssp tl bow un happy she was. She kn e w lhllt by h r own Indiscretion sbe was in ' lIanger of losing all she ha.d won. be r Ilos iU on In society, her place In th e alfe lions of ber busband, ' verythlug, Whe n she married Mr. J e ffries It wa s with delibe rate calcnlatlon . Sh e did not love him. but, being ambitious, s he did not hesitate to deceive him. He was rich, he could give ber that prominent position In society tor which she yearned. Tbe tact that s he was alrendy engaged to a man tor whom she did care did not deter her for a moment trom ber set purpose.
She had met Robert Underwood yeaN before. Ho was then Do college boy, tall, bandsome, clever. She fell In love wltb him and they became en. gaged. As she grew more sOjlblstlcat. ed she saw the folly of their youthful Infatuation. Uuderwood was wltbout fortune. hIs fut)lre uncertain, While in this uncertain state of mind she met Mr. Jeltrles, then a widower, at a reoeption. The banker was attracted to ber and being a business man be did things Quickly. He proposed and was accepted. al!, In the brief time of-five, minutes. Robert Under. wood and the romance of ber girlhood were sacr!.ftced without question , wben It came to reaching a prompt decision, She wrote Underwood a brief letter ot Carewell, telling blm tbat the action sbe had taken was really tor tbe best Interests of them both. Underwood made no reply and for months did not attempt to go near her. Then he me t 11er in pu'bLl c. 'fbere was a reconcilla. tlon. He exerted the old spell-on the married woman. Cold ilnd Indllterent to her busband Alloia found it amus. , Ing to have ber old lover paying ber court and the d~ger ot dlscovel'Y onl1
pQ9.keted tbe money. tcnwettlns to AC)count to tbe owners CC'Ir the lIums they ·brougbt. ,Th dealers d manded restl· tution or a s t tlement nnd 'Underw,ood, dreacllng exposur e, had to ' bustle around to rals nou h mOney to make up the de ficl(!ncy In order to /I.\'old prosecutIon. ]0 this way h lived from day to day borrowing rrom Pete r to I:! ttle with · Paul, Dud on one or two occasions he lIad not be n asham ell to borrow from Mrs, J etrrles berself. Alic ia lent th e mon e v mor because she f a rrd rldlculo thn~ from any real dC'slre to ob lige .t udel'wood , Sh~ had long since bccome dlsgustl' rl wltb him , Th e muu's real chllL'Oct r was now plainly revealed to b r. He WDS a D adv nture r, llll! better tbull a com· mon crook. qhe congratulated h r· self on h el' narrow escape. Suppose she bad IUllrr,.,J him-the horror of It! Yet th o next Instunt she was fill ed with cons teroation. Sbe had allowed him to become so Intimate that It was difficult to break olf with him oil at Ollce, She realized that with a man of that character ttl In· eyllable must come, There wou ld be a disgraceful scandal. She would be mixed up In It, her hU!lband 's eyes would be open ed to ber folly, It mIght ruin her e ntire life. She must end it now-once for all. She had alrendy gl\'~n him to unde rs tand that theLr Intimacy must cease, Now be must ,s top his visits to her bouse and de· s ist trom trapping her frI end II Into his many schemes. She had written blm tbat morning forbidding him to come to the house this evening. She was donLl with him forever. These thoughts were res ponsible tor the frown on tbe beautiful Mrs. Jot· frl eu' bejeweled brow tbat particular Saturday evening. Alicia gave a sigh and was drawing on her long kJd gloves before the glllss, when sudden· ly a maid entered and tend ered her mistress a note. Allola knew the handwriting only too well, She tore the leUer open and read: Dear Mrs . J crrrlcs ! I rccel\'cd yolir lel· l e r teillug me lhat illY presence LIt Yol ur house lo.nlght would be dl$lnsteru l to you. .AJJ ~' ou ('u n Imul>lnc. It WWl 11 grcu t shock, DO li '! you understa nd th e harm thl8 will do me? EvcrylJody will notice my nbsonc , 'I'hlll' will Jump to the ':oln· elusion that there h Ull b en tI. r up ture. und my credit will autrer ImmeLllllt"ly with your Mends. I cannot an:ord to lot this huppen now. My aITal rs ur In such ' condltlbn lhal It , III bu fa tal to me. I need your BUPI> rl and tI'l ndshlp more lIlU n ever. J tln,Yo nOllced tor 60mo Um o
.. .
..' " dll , To-~Ighl Alicia had every reason to
, r 'l' l j ub ilant, She ll!~d !:;ecur d a so· , r-i : I Ion. th at all New York would talk al t",lt-no, I ss n 'persoll than Dr. . Renl l.P..It'1,: ,(he celebrated psy bolo' f!i~1. hie' orlgin'ator of th'e, tbeory o( , ilj:IO\ll lfh: ' Pllychology. ' Ev orytL~J ng 'I'<! '~ Iri d to .gO tbe' way ,8h e wished; h oI' UII I Ical(:s 'w(> r-e tbe tiilk of the t own; tlt'r It Illband had just prE-se nt d ber \\! " I l hl' k w I r,I Uara whl h n.ow ¢'II :,-\1 hel' ~eoa.: there lJeemed to be rh'! ' ~ in the worlel -tbat sbe . ould [j/) '
!i!' ,,' :i~ not happy, and as IIhe
lit Til I~ I ""
rnar' t"!le ted befor!> h(:r 'lb" "'o"der(d Ir tl! .... orld I
, ~
had end d it no'Y. notOh> (t wae ,." late" Thero might have been a Bllal dal, and that she muSt avoid af 'lIon ' OBt. Mr. J tTrl r.s, she felt certaIn would tlot tolerate Do lIoandal at fln) kind . be felt somethlnl All nt ".nc brush b r cheek. Sbe turned quickly Tt was bH husband who had enterel the room quietly, "Oh, Howard," sh exclaimed, pC'e v Ishly ; " how you fright ned mel YOl; s houldn't startle me like that" A tall . dls tln guls hed·looklug mnn wllh whlta mustache anel polnteo beard stood admirin g her In s l\encl' l1is erect fi g ur , admirably set. orr In a well ,cut dress coat suggested the soldi er. " What ar yo u doing a lone her e. dear ?" he sa id , " 1 hea r pnrrlage>s out· side. Our guosts ilre arrh'log," "Jus t thin king, that's 1111," she rlt pli ed, evas ive ly , lie noU ced her preoccup ied 10011 nnd. with some 'oncel'll, he demanded: "Th ere's nothing to worry you, IS there'!" "Oh. no-noth ing like that," IIb ~ sa hl. hasll ly, H o look('d a t be r closely and s he al' rted ber eyes. Mr, Jertries otten wond ered It he had made a mi stake He felt that this woman to whom Ire had given his name did not love him. but his vanity as much as his pride prev nted him from acknowledgln, It, even to himself. After all, what did he care? She was a oompanlon, she graced his home and looked after his creature comforts. P erh&.llll no reasonable man should expeot any· thing more, a rel essly. he Rsked : "W bom do yoU axpect to·nlght?" "Oh, the us ual crOWd." replleli Alicia. languidly . "Dr, Bernateln is comiog- you Imow be's quite the raga just now . Ha has to do wltb psychol· ogy and a ll tbat sort ot thln~, " "So, he's your lion to·nlght, Is he?" sm ll ed th banker, Then be went on : "By the bl', 1 met Brewater I't the club to·nlght. lIe promise.! to drop In ," Now It was Alicia's turn to smile. It was not varybody who could boast or having such a dls tingulsbed lawyer as Judge Drewst r on their calling lis ts, To·nlght \ auld certainly be a success-two ilons Instead of one. For the moment she Corgot her WOITY, "I o~. delighterl that the ludge Is coming, ~h e xclnlmed, her f;:lce beaming. . Ever~ one Is talking at,out him s ince h is brilliant speech tor the d fe nso In that murder case. " The ba nk r noted hie wife's bUll' Uful hair ond th e whit transparency of her sldn. ' His gaze lingered on the g raceful lines of ber ne k ,nnd bosom, g'lilterlng wltil pi'ec lous ston s . An exquisite aroma exuding frOm her .per· Bon r eached ",here he stood, His eyes grew mol' ardent and, paSSing his arm a1feoUonately around her slender wais t. he asked: "How does my lllUe girl like her tiara?" "It·s very nice. Don't you lIee I'm wearing 'It lo-nlght?" she replll3d al· most Impatiently and drawing herscU away, Before Mr, J eltrles had time to reVly tbere was a commotion at t.be other e nd ot the reception rOODl, where rich tapestries screened olt tbe main entrance hall. The butler drew tbe curtains aside. "Mr, and 1\'l rs. Cortwrlgbt," he aD' nounced loudly, Alicia went forV(nrd, follow ed by her hU!lba nd , 10 greet her guests. ('1'0 B I~ '0 'TTN ED,)
DANGER IN LICKING STAMPS Practice Has Been Known to Cause Acute Inflammation of the , Tongue.
1_ -
H.. -an Old "ellc of, Wa.hlng~on. One of the mOllt Interestll;lg, rell08 of Coor&~ WashingtOn l8 owned, J>y the' city CIt Salem. -It Is a medallion in \\'ood, carved atter a sketch from lito. The same artist executed both sketch and carving. ' whlcb gives the relic added value. He was Samuel McIntire, native genius with a gUt tor portraiture. ' He studied Washington when the father of his country visited Salem on his tour of the east, Blld mnde the medallion shortly afterward, to adorn the arch over the west en· lrance ot Wasblngton square, Salem. Here the effigy remained troUl 1807 unlll 185 0, when the arch WS8 tuken down to give place to an Iron fence, stili In U8e, This Wushlngton relic Is kept In the flre proof room at the Esse7- Institute, Salem, whero It Is frequently studied by artists and others as An odd and striking like ness ot the ~reat Amerl· can whom no two artists plctured a llke.-Boston Globe.
Story That Contain. a Moral It Might' I Be Well to Keep In MOl"'ory. A little Kln j; Ctiarles dog, .n pet In
a fnmlly whel'e 1re bad been the play· mate of a lIlUe boy, slipped tbrough an opan ,door some time ago 'a nd dis· appeared. Servants and the ohlldren of the house searched everywhere, asked quesUons at all places wbero It was thought possible the dog might be In biding, but to no avail, and the nnlmul was finally given up for lost and I here was deep mourning In the nursery. One day recently the woman who owned the dog met 11 neigh· bor at a florist's sbop, who had on a lensh a dog strangely llke the lost pet, and nsked wbere be came trom. "Why, he ran into our house a tew dnys ago and we don't know wbere ,he belongs.' The dog knew his old IIlls· tress nnd was quickly surrendered. 'You mi ~ht bave had hIm sooner, had you advertised," said one woman. "And you could have found the owner soon· er had you adverUsed," said tbe other - and the newspaper man wbo heard the story added the moral.
- - - - - - - -- -- - - - -I
CURED HER BABY OF ECZEMA "I can't tell In words 110w ba.PIlY the word 'Cutlcura' sounds to me, for it cured my ' baby ot Itching, torturing eczema. It first catna wben sbe was between three and tour weeks old. appearing on her haad. I used everythIng Imaginable end had one doc. tor's bill after anotber, but notblng cured It. Then the eczema broke out so badly belllnd heP ear tbat I really thought her ej\.r would come oft. For motttbs 1 doctorp.d It but to no avail. Then it begun at her nose and her eyes were nothing but sores. I bad to keep her In a dark room tor two weeks. The doctor did no good, so I stopped hlin coming. "For ahout two weeks I bad used CuUcura SOIl.p for her every day, then 1 got a box of Cutlcura Ointment and began to use tbat. In a week there was a marked Improvement. In all 1 used two cakes of Cutlcura Soap and one box ot Cutlcura Ointment and my baby was cured of the sores. This was last November; now ber halr Is growing out nle Iy and she has not a scar on ber, I can not praise CuU. cura enougb, I can take my ehlld anywhere and people are amazed to se~ her witbout a sore. From the Ume she was tour "'(leks old untll she was tbree years she was never without the terrible eruption, but now, thanks to J CUticu. ra, J have a well cblld ... • (Sign. ed) Mrs, H. E. Housebolder, 2004 Wil. belm St. Baltimore, Md., May 10, 1910. , _ _ _ _ _ _ __
R'o ots
Barks Herbs That have grut medicinal power, are raised to their highest efficiency, for pnri-fying ,and cnriching tho , blood, 115 they' are combined In Hood'. Sarsaparilla. 40 .366 , testimonials received by actual count in two yean. Be IlUre to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today In u8ua.1 liquid torm or
chocolaled tablets called 8ereetebe.
The Farmer's,Son'. Oreal ,
Time for Stilinelil. ?vI rs. MacI_achlan '\Yus ktnd to ber
American boarder, but she did not propose to allow her, to overstep the 11m· Its or a boarder's privileges, alid sbe mode It very clear. On e Sunday the bo&rder, returning from a walk, found ' the windows at her roof, whl ob she bad left wide open, Ugbtly closed. "Oh, Mrs. MacLacblan, I don't like my room to get stulry," she said, when she went downstaIrs again. ,"I like plenty of Cresh air." "Your room wlll na' get stulty In one day," sald her landlady firmly. .. 'Twas never our cllstom. mIss. to bae fresh air rooshln' about the house on the S wbath."-Youth's Compa'nloll. A &ucco ... Byker- ,I attended a successful IIlelgh t-of·hand perCormn nce last nlgbt. pyker- ReallY 7 - Byke r-Yes. I lent a cou1u&'er a co ul1t er~lt hall dollar and he gave me back a good one.
The W~tc:liedneU of ConetipatiQo
.e. quidlY ,"
- - - - ."
The broth ~r,hood ot man does melUl better wages, but it also means bet· tar worl;,
She at L l'.l lit Was Not _ Wife He
ga ve the Intrigue add itional zest and elln rm, Sh · dill not lead Und erwood to b li eve tTJat he could Induce bel' 10 f()l'get bel' du ty to Mr. J ertrl es, but she was fuul1 s h onough to encourage a dangel'()us intimacy. She thought she was strong enough to be able to ('all a bait wh enove: she would be so disposed, but as Is often the case sbe overestimated her powers. The in. tima 'y gl'e \\!, Underwood became bolde r. cluimlng and obtalnlng special privileges, J Ie $ 001; reallj>:ed that he hnd the uppe r hand and he tra<\ed on It. nder her patronage he was In. yited c\'erywhcre, He practically lived on her 'friends. He borrowed their money and cheated tbem at cards. His real charact('r was soon known to all , but no one dared expose blm for fear of olfending the Influential Mrs. J e trrlQs. R al,l zlng this, ,Underwood contloued hls de pl'edatlons until be beclfmr. a sort ot social highwayman, He had no leg itIma te source of iii· c~)Jll e .. hut he Looll asu'l te ' of apartments ,at the> expensive Astrurlll' and on I'edlt fllr'lIlsh e!l ~b t oi so gorgeous, Iy that lhijY become the t~lk Q.t the to,,' 1\ , The I,nll:;illinee and newapa· Ile l'l! d vo1ed , columus 10 t~e magn!.ft· <:etJc\,! 0[ , Lhelr, furni's,lI\,Dgs and ' tbe' art t rensur:es 'tbey ' contained: ' Art -deal· (~ rs ~Il ov I' 111e CQtlXllry oltered, him liberal t'omml s lon8' If he would ' dis· p~I" of, .'XJ'Jc,IJ sive ubf ts d 'art t~ · his fl'l I\d. If \ e n'ff' l'V,j In ,business relalion willI !j~" I'al' rtrma anrt' s~oh , ttl, rOllDlS bOClI1Il Il ,:Terltable bazaar fOl' nl·t c:llrLos .of all ')~llIds. MIS. Jeffries' 1'1'1. uds Jlald ~or~ltant prJces . ror wOllle of the 1;1111'/ alld" UnderwO'HI
Need Be Ashamed Of.
that )'our m n n n (' r' to me has changed, ,Pcrhup$ YOU hav e h,':lo\'e,l snme ot lho Rtorle!! my eocmlC:i ' have clrt:u laled nbout me. For th e Boltl) o[ our old fri endship. A\l ~ Ia. . don 't d es~ 1't m e now. n cmernber what J one') w al! 10 yo u lind l et mo corne to your recepti on to' 1Ilgllt, There's n rcason why 1 l1lust be seen In your house. Ynllrg Il (' \' o l e dly, nODEH't: UNDERWOOD.
Alicia's fnee flu shed with . anger. T'Jrnlog to the maid, sho suld.: "There's no ans w r ." The girl was about to close the door wben her milltress suddanly recalled ber. , "Wait a mlnute," she said; "I'll write a line." Taking from her dainty escritoire a sheet or perfum ed notepaper sbe wrote hurriedly a s follews: ' ' , "rt you dnl'c 10 come near my houlle to-night t will havc you put out by the servantll." ' Qulckh' folding the note, she crushed It Into an enl'elope sealed' It, handed It to tbe ,girl, and said: ' ''GI ve tbat to tb e mesaenger." Tho serrni.Jt disappeared anrl Alicia resumed bel' work or drawing on' ,her , '" ~Iovc~. In fr:lnt oC ber , ~Irror. HC)~ da:-e !Ie Write }Ier sucll. a' letter? 'Was h!J: house. to ~e ma~e t~e h~a~qt1ar. tere (or his svd.n~lIn .. ~cnJ!mcs ,? , Did he wallt to cheat mCJre Qr ber, (rlends? The more \lhe thOi1'gh~ of nl! . he had done, the angrier ahe 11 Ilflme. ,' Her yes 1I8s~jed and be,r bosom heaved wlWl tndtgnilUo:J, Sbe ' wondered, ,w bat ~cr h\lI~b'and., UU~ , soul of bonoI', wOllid say tr he 'Buspeoted that sbe hall permitted a man Underwood'. cbnracll!r to' ulSe his home for bll ~l., bono,:f. pracU.'ea. She. .... ,lad abe
'ou' tipntion is I1n nvoidRble miliery- take Do the people wbo :leer "t the cau' tlous ones who re fuse to lick a pos', GarlicJd Ten , l'a turc' Herb lallative. age stamp as "oranks" know that there Some tombstone inscriptions are too Is a defined disease known as ":he good to be true, postage stamp tongue?" This Is an acule Inflammation of tDe tongue. directly traced to the germs t.') be found on the gummed side of lIulmp or envelope. Other and more serious dlsease lt bave been caused by this ha !?l t th:.t I. so universal and seeDlS so harmless One throat specialist In a bOllpltal declares that ' many chronic altectlon. of the throat are found among person~ wbo have as their livelihood the ad· dressing and stamping of envelopes, Bad s kin diseases have ben known to follow this bablt. nnd It bas eYeD caused pulmonary troubles. It Is atter all but a bablt, and _ bad one. It takes no more time and 1£ gulte as easy to moisten tbe slamp with n damp sponge or rae, Where many letters must be stamped and sealed there are good patent Inventions by wblch the sponge Is kept moist.
lh. ,Kind You Havi Always BaliBbt
Hanging 'on the Wall, "The way plctllt'ell are hung make. Buob a lot or dJ~erence In the appeal' ance ot a room, said an Interior deo orator, a tew days ago. :'Tbat faot I. .tbrullt npon me nearly every dill. • go Into Borne parlofs where the pte u "D are hung 80 hlgb that all pe" Bpective 'ls l,?at. a,nd tbe contng .ee~. to b~ ho,p elessly blgh, Otber tolu bang tbelr~ so low t~at It hurta your spine to lo~k at them, ~n addItion to atraInlng ,y our, eyes" Ipolllng lbl b~auty ot, the re~ll'!t and takJn,l tro~ the ,vulue ot th~ p curl.' "All plcturell. should not be hung 011 tbe aamo level, IlB · tliey so orte~ are, yet all shGuld, be 8S 'uellrly 'on ' the Jevel with th~' eYeS BB posa"~I., II , _qus,r e and t)blong pictures are alter, t d I regul!1rly wltb ' rolind-' lind oval ~:e~ th; beat posllble eltec:~ ,ls , &alned:" ' , ' .. ' Accou"tl';-D for It. Art Lover (a ndlDK before, "Tal Batb")-"Dld TOU iucb ,
I' t-
.'er ...
1I'bl1tsUDe,-"Nb ",-onder, ~u mu.· remem!,er tb"t tll\t 1&4-, .ID't tlil'Oq' wubtr._ beraeU,. ,.&.":-.hld.e.
B'e~,,- the,
Sign atmG ,
Run. on the Bank of England . Even lhe Bank of England b lls not been e ntirely rree tram runs Dar from the necessi ty of saving Itse lf by slrat gy. I.n 1745, fol' ins t.ance, s't WOI forced to e mploy agents to present notes wb leh were pa id as s lo wly as possible In !>Ixj)ences, the clIH h lJelug Immetii ately br ugbt In by a noth r tiO OI' lin d paid In ugnln, whl l fluxlous hold ers of notes vu lnly trletl to Becure alt uLlon . in "1825, too, only tbe acciden tal discove ry or .00,000 £1 notcs. saved tll o bank from stoPlllu g paymcn l.-Lond on Chronicle.
PEACH TREE CREEK BATTLE THE SHORT ER COUHS E. Hurry U18 baby 118 fRst lUI you ca n. Hurry him. worry hIm. make ;\Im n man: Oil' with hIs baby clothes. gel hIm In pantll, 'Feed hIm on brain toods am! fI1 tLke him advance. Huallo hIm, soon as he's able to wn ll" Inlo a gram ma r 8chool; cram hhll with talk. F ill hIs poor head Cull oCOgu'r PR and f 3('18. Keep on n· ja.mmlng th em In till It crnclt •.
Mnry mUAt sIt Once bOYR gl'OW up nt tI. rattonal r rtt,, : On the Krass for a bIt. Now we d \' elop Il mlln While yo u walt. Ru sh hIm lhl'OUll:h co ll ' I:I:, COtll P I hIm to Ant! Tom my rHUsl run wIth Y fts. thn t' s a ll righ t : . grub ' o w I'll 1099 Ihe k ite Of every Imown subject II. tllp and a dab. Up, up, on th e bre(!ze'8 wIng. Oel hIm In husln('.s lind afl cr the (,ROh It w rl ggl ~s It s tnll All by Iho 11 m hll cnn grow a mus tac he. O'er t ho mendow r o ll, J A t hIm forget ho WIl S "vcr a b oy . Yak gnl,) hIs gnl' a n l UI Jln gl" hlK joy: And ", h.., 19 about In UI C ILIr; Then up to Ihe slIYKe ep hIm n· huB tllng ,w d dear ou t of It "/111 soon puss by breat h The 1n.1' k th o t Is caroling ther .. Until Iw wlnll- nervou8 proNlrntlon and death. t p , up II Olea '1'0 t ho clenr blue Rkl ~ R. Let's Rl t on tho /;l'a"~ ' . 0. r ow, And wat ch l iln ftl ~ ; .. TWO SMALL BOYS IN GARDEN o r OUr fin new Icll" As tar II.S Its slrl ng will go. John and Frank Brown of Clyde, Kan., Make Money In Raising .and Sell· Ing Vegetab les, SUPPORT FOR WEAK ANKLES lle re Is the garde u story at two lit· Steel plate Fastene d to Skate and tie boys nt Clyde, Kan ., their picture Running Up Along Heel of Shoe and a wagqn load of their prize win· Will Benefit Many. nfng produce , grown on a plot of ground 100 by HO feot. For people with weak anklC".3 the John and Frank Drown are eight support C:!eslgne d by a Canadia n will and ten years old. Their fath e r II a b'e found a great help In skating . It travelin g sillesma n.· Mr. and Mrs. consists o[ a steel plate attache d to Brown and the boys becrune Interest · tHe back of th e s k ate and running Ul ed summe r betore Inst In gard en stories. The boys attende d the meet· Ings of the farm ers' institut e arrange d by the KlUIsas State Agricul tural ct'l · lege through Ita agricult ural extensio n JeplU'tm ent, and they listened ' to every luggest lon. . Mrs. Brown encoura ged tbe boys In eVery way whon tbey announc ed one day their Intentio n ot cultivat ing the lot upon whloh their hOURS stood and the one adjoinin g It. Sbe hired a DlllD , to · plow and harrow tb ground and she bought two dollars forth or aeell . A t this point th boys showed much cor...:ern. They knew t hat· land neede d enrichin g, some one had said. s o, and they coullln' t !lITorll to hnve It done-It WOllld cost tab much. The boys haul· ed manure- for days , after school hours, until the ·w hole 100 f et had iJ. fairly BI\t1sta ctofy j:Ov rlug . Then In the spring th y planted ' lhe seed and through the long vacaUon , In Ankle Support . the hottest wenthe r, th ey lolled like me n, weedlhg and cultivat ing and ped· a long the heel of the s boe . At a point dllng tho1r s urplus vegetab les from the above the he I. or wllere the foot re· dn wagon. quires some III ny, tile s upport When the farmers ' Instit ut e of Clyde double hInge, thus pe rmittinghas a free met, John . and Franlt loaded ' tb e wagon moveme nts of the ankle, while at the 1\'tth oholce samples from th eir garden same time Ilrevent lng It from bend· and went 'to th e meeUpg. The farm· Ing tar enough to cause a sprain. ers were surpr~sed . No provisio n had Many peopl who are very tond of been arrange d for s uch an exhibit, but sknUng are 9nable to enjoy th e sJ1Qrt the omcel's ot the Institut ion gave the because of weak ankles, which per· boys a ,silver 'dollar and their appro- slst In turning . It Is this turning , too, baUon, and told th e m how proud they which makes It so hard for Ilome people to learn to skate, there being dlt· fi c ulty enough In keeping a perpen· dlcular position without having to watch the feet. This ankle s upport will be found useful for beginne rs tor this reason, as It will give them more confiden ce. A IItrQDg strap at the top ot the Rupport buckles around the top of tho wearer' s shoe.
Sergean t Newber ry Tells Interest ing Story of Fight He W itn essed From Ravine.
S to p r
bf Or J> ys c: 01' g . U~t.: oL -":'1 wb!ch makes Y,?u W f~ instead of curlllg. Cathar tics do cure-t he y irritate and weaken ~ bowels. CASC ARRT S make ......... bowels strong, tone the muscles, IfO I they crawl and work- when ~91 k'
'd ' h i
t~ 109 lqUl
I PlUS, that
I do this they are hearni y prodac UJg r ' bt results • ~' Ig . , CA SCARllT S roc sa boK 101' • week'S trel1 tm~ nt . All druwlllJl . Bigaeae el"r lhe world. MnHou bo ...,. • 1D00t..,
Mll ny P oplc hnve rl'ccding gurn.. Itub Il u tl llin~ \.V izurcl O il on I;U'"S n n.! slop tI,,· On Ju ly 19 th e Fourth corps lind tieeR \' : c hn ~t' the Ili ~~/I. 111.'1'1110 w ith .. . Consid er your peI'IIOoat· Fourtee n t h corps nnd til FIrst and mOlli h w ll~1o of a few tiJ'opg to a ~pootlCul appeara nce . . Secoull divi sions of th e Tw 'ot.1e lh of wnter. eOTlls c ross d Peach Tree creek to th e In th e fulftllm en l of du ty we hav e a eaStern sid e and i'Ol'med lines , whl\e sense of blessed n liS , even ill hours at. th o .Tbll'd divi sion 01 tb e 'rw e ntl e th warin ess tlnd s lmllle co rps r ema ined In camp Rome !lito: uduran ce.KNOWN llIE WORLD OVEa Taylor. miles o r more froUl th e butLIefi Ill . Ou l:lbe- How's your wife? th e m ornIng of th e 20th I was ord red H e- I·h ·r b ead troubles b er ll. &ood GOl'fil.'h1 Tl'<I h ilS bl'olll!bt goo,l h l' n lth to to tak o 15 men and u corpora l an Li Col · dea l. tuou.o;UtlU :l ! "clJualcd 10" c(lu. tivntion. lo w the lin e of marcb of th e divi sIon Sh ~Neu rnlgl a? a nd th e baUe rl es and ammuni tion He--No ; sbo wants a new hat. Il sam tillles happens tha t the black wagons, a nd gathe r up and brlug sh ep of a family Is a blontie. How Pat Proved It. forward u ll who might fall (Jut ot Bnd raults. All Irlsl1mn n was onc se rving In a h' ll.mlQ OATA L(J(1U1l Ob' f\Pt.1UlBLD BAno .The ' '''!I, Ill'st ndvicc: t al;/' Gat'fi eld Te'L n. U CDAFB It waB a very' bot day and UI! tb e rt'Ki ment ill l'udla. IN 4\ VO" 1.no; , lUcbm ood,_: NOl liking th e wh cn'ver u lllxati,'e is n e~ded. , - - -- . Pat trl d to e ~' olv e a tri ck by . 1 line of march wns through WOO,d s the I climate, whl 'h It (:ould get home. Accord ingly !>hade wus some pMtection . \\ e had I h we nt to lhe do All til world's n !ltage. and llle Is ct or a nd told him advance d several miles, and tb bat· his yeslg ht WRS "DaFIA NCK" .. .uPulo a QUA bad. The doctor tb e greatCf.; t on ea rth . terles an d runmun lUon teams co uld .' fo llow th e division 's line or march no I 10~dl{ e d al blm for a. while and tb e n fartber because of obsl rll ctlons a nd sa ; "How can you prove to me that had to move orr to til left, an d did you r eyeslgll t Is bad?" not join tbe division unt il the ba tt.1e Pal looked about the room and at was over a nd the victory won. Inst Bald' "\\ ell docto r do ye Ilee I conclud ed my orders required me . tbat nail '00 the ~yall ?" ' to follow the line of march of tb e dl· . "Yes," repli ed the do ctor. vis ion, and I did so. We had gathe r· "'V eil," th en l'epll ed Pat, "I can't." ed about GO who had fall e n out on achlcugo Tribune. co un t of th e heat, and came to tbe creek about 11 a. m . We crossed a nd the va lley beyond was tram 200, Not for Mortal Underst anding. to 400 yards wide and waa ov r ed \Vhat rond"lDotller has not. at some wllh growing corn. W e found a s pring time, said; My child, you are much d h d I d h Il d f dl too young to e ve r underst and; you will an a sa y pace, nn a e or n- find ou t when you get older--a ll you ne r, writes Jose ph B. Newbur g, ser· wish to know w11\ be explaln ed." And geant Compan y I., Seve nty·nlnt h Ohio, how many of us are sUIl waiting ror from woman 's ailmen ts are invited to write to the names now r esid ing In Montan a, In the Na· the r enson for some and one to explaln addres ses here given, for positiv e proof that Lydia tional Tribune . Alter eating I went are we s tlil too young? E. pjnkb Wlt Perhap s wo V egetabl e Compo und docs cure ferilale ills. up on a hill near the right. flank of are, and again, perhaps we are DOtTumor Bemo.e< t. the Fourth corps, and, look;ug down pe rhaps it never shall OrsanIo ~ • be eJCplaln ed to Elm~!I~o....Jdra.8arabJ,8,uar~,n.F:D.)l0.2, Black Duck, JIl1aa:-'Ilr& . . . . ADIamD. the valley, caught sight of our b ead· us'; there are things wrappe d In voicePtoorla,l quarter s flag. lI.-Mrt.Cbrlltlna ~,lmMoundSt. Wedn:M l\;',PA.-M I'II. Jofaaje~.!..1Ll'.D I g a thered my men, less mys tery. . 1. NAtIck, Maae._1.1ra. IIp.\.han B. Oreat.ou, lIl Trwton, JdI)._Mra.W. 1'.1'''1'1111))._ U-hI and we got there as quickly as we North M&1n St. .Avonull. Milwaukee WI ..- Mn,EmmA ImIO,833 hest. "'--d COUld. It was now about 3 p. m., 11 N.J JrJ-El .... T~_T_ OWcl\lto, I11.-'Mra. AlvonaSperlh1i, lt68 Cl r- ........8t~' - - . - " and there was a rapid skirmis h on From Pain to Plealur "'-_.,# . e a Quick TranlJ. bourlle Avo, Chlo"llo, m.- .1lrB. 'Wm, !l'oDJ'. tOII2 ~ Galeua, Kan. _lIIf1.R.R . HUIIY,713MlneralA.. the rid ge on the east side and our ....venu.e. tlon. Vlct.orla,lIIIA8.-MMI. Wllllo Ed"ards. division In line of battle at Its base. CiDclaoat l, OWo.-Mr•.W. lL Holllh, 7 Eaa~ PalJlfll1 Pedoc1I, , I sent th e men that I had gat hered now A:v" Cha.. of Lire. I s uggeste d Resinol anll gave a CaloooDlti Wla.- Ul'1I. PIa. 8ollattDer. n.-.~, to their commnn ds, and th e n . as bul. n eighbor one at Enplnc, N .n.Ura .. iJloJla R SLeTeo.. Bolt • your sample boxes tor • .. 8ueator,lll.-!lI'l!, J . B. OlUUpbell, lIOONortb .Adria n, Mo,-Mrs . 0, B. Xuoo",R. ' lets were flying around us, I wus or. a clllld of II. t ew months .. Second St. whose lower N. Oxford, M .....- M .......melJa.:80Ilo. uuo~ 1,t. Brooklrn , N.Y. _ Mra, Evens, 82G BalMI7 St. de red to take a tow prisone rs that Ilnlbs were broke n DalLlmOre09blo.....,ra.A.A. out with a ras h re.D.t. Noah, Ky.- Mr., Llule Holland. Neaaunell.. lltlcb.-1Iln.:MJVY8e~~~lUI' had been capture d back Il<lross the sem bling Eczema . dIOClk 'I E I n C-- ,b III0 0 ... ,,,-.~ dO."lIIe, uhlo._ Mre. K. If. Wegner. ..dr.&. The sample was ~ ......... - ~ re. va I\r .... r...... • n . AtwatM Ohlo.-lIl c reek and out of range. I got my appll d at once nnd . 1.1l10nl e Hue'baup t. 01rclevlU~, Ohio.- Mr., Allee KlrIln,1I33 We.. J Oblen,WIa..dlrs. l'ralrloau changed th e wall JvJ.laKDlllchcGk. n~t.on~ . Olen , and with tb e prisone rs s tarted of pain Into sm iles. &N~L 8"lom,ln d.- lIJrs, LI ...la8. nlnkle,R .R.No.S. Two jars we re Y-~-""t)'. Now Orloans, L.".-Mrt . Oll8wnBl onlleau,lB U toward a big cottonw ood log tbat lay used with complet ~ • ..,._...... e r ecovery In the _1 Te.pslcho re fit . · Bu1l',,10, N.Y.-:Mr across the c hann el of th e creek . As [ slIrprlsl ngly .s hort a. <llaraDa rbrakeJl. arI&o MIal,awa ka,lud.- Mra, Chas, Bauer, Sr" 1I!!3 time ot two days. mont s •. . Erult ..arlou St. n ared tb e log a soldier passed me Tha,t tired mother'li WlncbOlltor, IOd . -.Mra.lI!a:rDo&1.~Nb.J. ! Ioollli! and words RacIllo..Fl~.-1I1r•. KatleKJI blk. R. 2, Box III. st. Il.e1rlal·aU " N ,Y .-Hrs.J. H. B with hi s gun and all of his equ ip· I of gTatltud e "Were (rom or!!•. Dc&vor JraUa,P". -Mr•. W.P.Boy tl,2U09U the heart . . .....". Ompnle~lll. - Mre. J 08810 801011&1', I\.~' meots . . 1-1 • had but a fe w steps to go Geo. E. Ames, D. D. lIlAUlrbltl' Trouble... Hudson, uWo.-M n. 000. &l'laklOl'" Bo Nilo{I. S., BOUld er, Colo. Brooaqgh , Mo,-MM'. D, F, Alesblre, Box 32. • Pbonh:,lL .I._ Mr• . Wm. O. Kln{l, Box 282. .. Ovarlaa '.I'IQ~blo. Oa rlat.adt. N.J._Mr• • Loua FllICber, 8'J Y onA Sad Face. MurraJTl lIo, nl._lfre . Chili, JlfOOf'$"B. JL 3 . 8onrge8~~rOI'!.'J !o{o.-Mra. CI ....IOI A. Auetln. PW'::,!:rm:" !>a.-III.... OIla8. BoeU, 2210 H e--W bnt a sweet, snd face ahe 111· 8cbenect. ady,.N.Y. _:'dz• •H.Portar ,7112,A,1INwl' has. 1D.I1n tlllpolls, MIlJn~...v~ ' .Joba 0. JroIdaD, 8t. \lUll Second 8t., No She (In a huIT) - Enougb to make ." Ta710ml le, Dl.-Mn. Joe Grantham , 8Z 'W. lTndlOn. Oblo.-M n.LoaiA oelno,JUl'.D.1. anyone sad to bave sucb a fa ce as OInCr::::~~~I~~:":M"', Sophia Hoft',616 )It>- "Wo.twnod, M<t..dfr& JohnF. Wohard ... Mloken Avo. t hat. Deujamln , Ko.-u,.. ,JulIa Fran~ BoW'». L BIg Run, Pa.-M.u. W. Eo P ooler. Jl'emaJa W~
Virginia farms
h •
Exactly . "Papa, what Is Hatte ry 7" '·Pralse at other people, my ·80n."Doston Transcr ipt. ' tJ8E
A8E antiseptic powder to b e sllu.ken Into lbe shoe... lL mllk<!11 your fecLtecl eMY and fortab le Bn(1 makea walkIng u. delIght.. comHold c ,·...rywb e rt·, $c. RI/us, ",oztt't"lr6 . For tree trla.l pa<:lulae , address AlleIl8,O lmsteu.d,LeBQY ,N.Y. llle
Policy, H e- Darling I would die for you. She--D earest, do you enrry mucb Insuran ce?
A good WBY to keep well is to t.nlte' Our· field t ea frcql1ently. It ilUlures aood he.a ltu.
Appara tus Arrange d 50 That Several Persons May Take Part-M arble . Into Chute.
Duty makes us do things well, bul love makes us do lhem beautltu J\y.Phllllps Brool{s.
Ther apparnt us shown In the 1I\1IS' \ tration consists of nn Inex\len s lve de· vice which mn y be played by one or P itched Forward on His Face, Dead more persons . nnd wblch involve s th e principl es of th o ga m o of bas eball. At 10 I'ca h t he log, whe n h pitchell for· one corner at tbe board Is a c'h ute war ll on hi s face dend . Aft r gelling up on the rltlgl' OD down which n marble ' may be rolled, says the Scle ntiO c American. The th e west Tn s ide I seut lil Y mell with mnrble Is r equired to pass through a th e corpora l [tllll pris oners a !itt! barrier, and If It 'Ca lls to do this th e way UII tb o c r eek luto n wooded ra· Bo ys and Vegetab les, thl'OW counts lUI a 'tl'lke. If It stops . '!Ine, whe t th e y would U' enUroly ou t In th o ('.rea marked "out." this ellm of dauge r frolll the ~ull eL,;. I th en were to bav two Illtl boys In Iylle 'took my pos ition w,h r a I could see that we ren't a fra id of work, the wbole lin e of our dlvlsloll os It The. bOys ,put $J :I tn I.he bank, the charged 1111 t he ridge, a nd t be Dattle result at theIr- peddlln g, nnd they SliP' rou r began at a boul 4 o'cloele II. m . plhid the fapllly table all s ummer and A aborl lim e a fter ward a fin e you ng · far into ilie fall. Bes ides, th e Bi"own soldie r of omJ)any ,for whose Ca· fllmlly cella r contnln ed for wInter use : ther I bad built a wat!l' tlnwlI)l1\ In ODe and one-hal t bushels at popcorn , Clinto n cou nty, OhIo, In ] 84. cam one ,busbe.l oC beets. tbree·fo urths bush· near to Ill !) without elthe.· gun o r el pC carrots. twa bush els at Ilotaj,oe s, equl pruon ls, and t lll1led to look at the . , twelve or IIfte n pumpki n s, nnd a lot figh . Bcrora be had s tood tb e re a ' ot cabbag!'!!. The re wer e e nou gh minute a hull l sll'liclc him on tbe cannod • lomatoe s .to keep th e family right thigh , and· he die d six dnys nH· supplie d ' for .monilis . crwards. At abont 'j p. m. th e rattle of th e rill Ore slnc kell, a nd the shouts of 'i letol'Y c'a me loud across the valley. Dolls' Factory Comedy . EarlY In th e mornin g t w nt to Wl111e a .fire · wns raging at a. rac· )\' 11 r t il u(lad were gathere d ro'!' tory at Vince nnes , the rumor spread hurhl \, u nd cou nted 214 delld of our thnl , Q '1ln'ge number (if children were ' Gam~ Appara tus for Sa.ebal t. division a nd 4GS of th e oll red e m tes .• bel'nlf . ~urned to. deatb. rowds ' 01· lna.tp.s tho player tempora rily. It It th at o ur men had galher d. Tl\e olluse I~ctlid, and It was seen th:lt what of .such , a dIfferen ce In loss w~ s th a t " 'iooked like !bodles were ' being ' t hroWn stallS In tbe number ed ' areas the 'falue Oon . Hood S~lIt his Unes three. 01' four of .I.b. e thro~ 18 Indicate d ' b y the num· i' {rom ·the /wlndow s. . But It wa'll soon lines deep In the . harge, and "Ix.. am, ber •. .dI8cQv.e J;~<l that the plaoo wns n 'doll p;\ ruel{ . bt the One Hund red nnp 'lj' lflh 'taoforY. aud the 'lbQdles " w ra tholle · l\Ilnols were armed with the" -H eury of 'large " dolls,. ·ot w,hlcb over 2,000 Prettier Picture s, rlflQs. ompany K used .th Spepcer were destroy ed. A IIttie. girl went. visiting one da)', 1'16e. On of t,he . captain s 1 lIad ali aJl4 after a .-tlme"w a8 &I'fen the album prIsone r told me tbat they tearn..ed of famtlJ photolr apbl to look at. She ' of the gap l~ our li~e8 on the morn· Wh.~ Auntr CO,uld Carry. turned, tho )tlllcvea o.ver . ~etully, ~d lug of the . !lOth, apd thought tbe, "Well, 'l'~mmJ'," .aid bls Aunt pretty lOOn cloaec1 tbe book. would Clome out· through It and swing , Man'. '18~J' 1" ea"?, your ' biLt &Del .. ..~U • ..c!ear,"" aaked the , bOitesi , aud ' rather a few Acoma '(the badge ·crfclk.~ ·.1ump l for 10u ttl: \ !'dI4 )'ou ~k at tile album T'~ 01' the Fourteen.th .oo~.). but whatr '" • !'.NPA aU!lt7.~Ulu." . repll..t tae 1ft. '-ob, )'• • ~w~red tile UtUe maid, thlt), came to the gap theT saw 111. · tie [oUnw. ""e:. tarry bat' an' 'tUDlPL brllbtl1 . ''an!! .we'ye ~ olle 'sactlJ .tea4 the. Stara (batlp) the Twea. .'..t ~._- :_ Ian'1 mer" Ilk' it,. onl, tH-,1I~ . . ~'Uel'."· . ti.~ corps.
1I.s. Wlnalow'. Rootblnll Syn,p for Chlh'ren l ('Iethinl[.
Uo n. ollnys pain.
th e Kl llflJl;t. re dlt(' ~ K l oflnmmn. c u r~ ..
P ...-u.... 1.1, Jobnat.ou , 210 Sle,el St. B .... k.eb(O. P8orl~ TIl. - Mrt. ClarAL. Uauwitz, R. R. No.
Augu.La Mo. _ M....W1lll1eld DIUIIl, n. F. D. 2. Mlnn. _ Mra. B. M.. 8ch Qrll, lOSS Woodbrid ge St.
, St.. l'I1U,
PUtaburll i Pa.- Mn. G. Lelaer,1!219lDuk&1d Ke':::'·~~~o. _Mra. Thomas Alburry. Blue bland! III.-Mr.. Alma S~bll'artx, a . Uro •• St. Eaat Earl, Pa.-1.fr•. AuirUltus L70n,n.F .D 2. OpernU on. AYoldetJ . I!lItoatoo,lIio.- MI'II, Doma BetbuDo. . GardIner, Mo. _ Mn. B..A..Wllllam., lt2WubInlt.on A~e, . Oblcaco, m.-Mra.W m,Abrena,2':!30W.2f.t.St. Bellevuo, Oblo, -lItn. EdUh WIeland, 2;J8 IIfoltrOe Sit.
Do11'0'0I~ ~WI 8 .... l\Jr8. Anfltt!te Veipenna DD, D~xter, lliUl*'UI. _ JIlra. Llluo Sautt.
Perhap! I i\lohnm med went to the mounta in because It was c h nller tha n " en ding his vacation at the seashor e.
Dnn't \\'nrr~' nbont your c:omplexion.ake Hnl'liehl 'I'('n. the 11100,1 pllri.fiel·. Too ofte n sermon s hav e too muc h 'e ngtl! ;J ud too little depth.-Judge .
8olwrtrel'lltown P ......IInI.~&rIIL Creuon, Pa.- Mre. BIaB;.A. II . .FIW'.~~oo,P_1Ilrs. IdelJaA. no.
N_ ~ K.nonll\e,lowa.-Jrrs.OIa~II~": Oro09lfO, M~ -II".1I11O :u-=~ VamdOll; N'.J.-Hn !. W: P.V ' _LiDcoin A~n_ Muddr, UI.-Mra. JIa),IJoJIm. Drook,,1II 0. 6blo.- Mre. R. Klon1IQD. IrIttlbvUIo; Oblo._1t rllO 0. 0010.
Phllrulol'p hla, Pa._ Mra. PraaJr. Clatk.. lU5l1;
These women nre only a few of thousa nds of Hving witness es of the power of Lydia E, Pinkha m's Vegeta ble Compo und to'curo female (iisea.ses. Not one of these women ever r ooived compen sationi D,anY form for the use of their names in t his ::ulverti semOl1.t-bUt: ar(rwil l~ ing that we should r ef r to them becallse of the goOd th~lM do other RlUfcri.ng women to prove tha t ' J..ydifl. · Eo Pllilt'hnf Y Vegeta ble Compo und is a reliable and hOlleilt l Llc lticino, and ~Jlat li"a" tho stateme nts marie in OUl' advert'is lllonts regarding' its medt am the trut h !lnd lIoth ing LlI t tile t rut h,
'U'Jud colle, 2Uo n boUJo.
L et li S mal,e Ihe best of our fri e nds while IV' have the m, tor bow long we 31mll keep them Is uDcerta ln.- Seneca .·
W.Terr8 U.nto;In tL-¥", AnloE.BI IIIUcon.
Elmo,lI'o,-HH. A. O.'J>u.VaulL Lawren ce{low"._'i\fn~IIllA.8nO'!i B. Nf).8. UtJaa, Ob o,-.Hn!, lIlA llIIvlwfno, .H.JI'.J). _'Dellene, Oblo.-Hre. 0 JII7Vba P-. lLJi:. D. No.7. EI«I8'io UI.-Ml'II.lltmPJ ~beqJ""'A4uuI
Plnf<JEye. Eplzoo Ua
ShlpP'n /! Fe,\ler
& C.atarr hal Fever
A Coun try School for Girls in New York ,City, Be~t Feature
. of Country dnd City Life " Ou t-of-door Sports on SCholll Park of 35 acres ne:!r the HtJdr.ou River, FuJI Acadellli c Course from I' ritnary Cla.<;s to Grad uation, . Upper cla.ss for AllVllncetl S pec ial Students . Music and An . Certifica te adm it!! to Col1elie, S\~ haol Coach Jllee~ Day Pupils. Mi.. Bana,an d Mi.. Whiton , Riverda le Ave .. near252 c1 St., Writ
Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription It the · beat of all medioiDea for the cure of dileale8 , disorder s aDd weakneaees peculiar to 'WarneD, It il the ooly preparat ion of itl kind devised by B re&ularly grsduated physioia n-aD uperien oed end 'skilled Ipecialiat in thc di.ealea of womeD. It is ...ufe medlcm e m GaY coaditi9 n of tII.e .Yltem. THE ONE REMED Y wbieb coDteme DO lIloobol e.od no iojuriou a babit.fo rmine dru,1 end whicb
$1,000 Profit par lent
Is POHfcllblo on 1\ IIvo ac~ ll'UI!Ir fa,", In th }'.. n8aC 1/\ Dlstrld ot Ploo·lda., WIJ olrer r ,. limIt d' timo ,OyO tl Cl'O fnrms tlO· tWPl'n l WO r ilron.Ja nIno mltOtl ltrom Pda· 98.('0 11) fOr RGVe ntnc n ()i:~ U . d{l.¥; Wrlle todny ( 01" lit tatuN) n.btlut Perilla 011\ 11m} Itll W,'1lI. 0Pllo"lUnlllCl.! fol' tr~k ; 8rowl.g t or Inv"stnumt. • PENSACOLA REALTV COMPAIfY, Pensaco\4. FlC!rtco
cre,t•• DO ciNYm, (or 'l Uoh stimula au.
THE ONE REMED Y 10 '~ . that itt mttkelG are DO~ afraid to print Ib e.-ery iqredic nt 0':' _oil oubido ' bottle -wrapp er . end a~t 10 the tl'utbf~ of tile ~o ODder' oatti. I, li .old .by medicin e deeiera ~bere. Ilnd IIny cIeater huo't; it cali get· it. Doo't bib • ,ubatitp te 01 uuknow n compoeitioD for wbo tbi. medicine 01' ItNOW,,., (xunOlm oM. 06aaterfeit it u ~ . u the pnuiD.e and the druUilt 'Who ..,. so.m""hloi. else Ia '~~t as Dr. Picl'OO·... ia either mi.blke o or I. t~ 10~Ye you for his Own eelfisb benefit. Sacb. III8D i. DOt to be trilated. H. II trillq with your moat priceteu pcaeeAl OD-you r ~tb' . .y be JODI' Ule ItIeI£. s..,." ~ ,~ tift for. '.-
,ood ..
. -..:.-..........-.... ----r--'
"J:J T.......oI'. EJI Wi",
. 11 =~~d..
W. N. V.. ' C&NCtNNAT" .NO• .~tnf.
'- PU oT NA M ' FA ·D EL ES S :ny tj :r~-='WI'I.'Y:.-::;r"':;"~::
'1:1:~'~"MtM~.,er~="U!~';=~! ~=~~.
w . . . . ---- ---=- "'!~ -
.·.Coun.ty·. C,o urts ':'" !
. Common Pleas Court. , New Sulti The
lo~ ' ompul1 ,v entered imit a gainst Em / 1I1l
Moli'rt rltlne DWIre to reouver
' 5\10 wltb Int e re~t, ' on a promissory Ii 1If! . Set,h Brown it! utt.()rn tly for pl ,t! 0 titl'
Bille-Dayton l:3tenoi) Works, stHmp Ilnd ink for auditor, t55 i Job n Wolfe, bridge re ' lair ~ in Massie town· GoOdldeDl, Goocl Enlr.rlalnsbip, 50 i I!'rank I::!toke~, contraot, menl.Acll\'!: lJse 1158110 i Walter ,1ones. bridge re. DI. WltsandJlls lIand. 111eso ure thu thll1". which will mllke a 01 0 .. of yuur boy . pair!' In Bl\rll1n townlhlp, I~O 45; A. •0,~~c~'~:.'I~~~:f w~r:I~I:r.~:b"la •• Maffitt, burilll of Sara.h Hamilton, The AMERICAN BOY 175 i VallAY Telephone JOmpllny, ~~~~~I:;'~'b.:~~:'e:e~,dl:~ve"i.~~~. f~~~,~et,~rlr~ rents and tolls, 124 15 i Mrs . Her. and Qurron t event. . Photoaraphy . l ll m~ elec· carponlry, 1lI0rt., lIum ... T eUI bOJ' \UJ I bt'!rt KenuAdy, reftmder of tax on !rlelly. wbat to do a"d now 10 do It. Beautifully II u.· dog, $1; Stllte 'O f Ohio vs Th,llIIas Irntud~d overy IIno In barmon,. with .... flt' d ~~~~Io. ~I~~J :,~g:~erd :~.ii\0';:OJ.OYA:":J~·!~ W . rho~p~on, oosts, 14.25; inqueSt .11 newI·oIandl a t 10 WIlIo. 1li0ii. TIlE IPUCUE PueuSNIIIG CO, 100MaJa\1D over body of Thomas A. Thompson, 95 i lnquest over body of Oha.rles ~ Mayne, OOlite, ,10'5 i State of Obio vs. George Reynolds, oosts Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalv$ 30; 8tate of Ohio VS . Mrs. John Good for an Sldn Dl.e...... Bon ley, OO!!tll, ,l4,50; James Fallen 8r ., salal'Y, '60 i R , Bar@bbarger, ~~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~~ !!all\ry,140. ' ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - . . , Contraot-A oontraot was entered In&o with Willia.m P. Hay for repair of bridges on tbe upper Spring. boro rOtid a.nd where direoted in West Wayne township when the cost If you would like to supply of 'luoh repfllr on anyone bridge your table with this ,highflnv one time in one yellr does not , oost. over ten dollars , Vulld until , I grade silverware free of 'e ~. tem ber 22, 1911 cost, write us for our spe-
CArl J. Miller was appointed ad mini.trator of the eltate of Esther MIner. deoeased. Brewster Ellston. Charlel Weloh and James ~rllY were appointed apprailler!!. Eanny B. Greely, guardian of the estaie . .,of Mabel Greelv, Ininnr. filed her sixth and final aooount . The first aooount in the elttate of Mary ~nn Staley was filed by De· mOllthenes Weer, executor. 'rhe will of the late W,iIliaru W)l· son was probated and reoorded.
Silverware ,
- - -...
B,~ggies, SDrries~Phaetons
- ..- - -
cial offer.
Is tb~ hQars£O, @ttlrtling oough ut ohild, L'luddenly atta.oked by croup. Often it aruused Lewis Chamberlin, of Manchet!ter, 0 ., [R R No , 2) for their fouroblldren were greatlv lIob' 'ject to oroup "Sometimes tn se· vere ,attacks," he wrote "we .w ere "fraid they would die, bu t since we pr~ ved whllt a oertllin re~dy Dr. King'S New Disoovery i8, we have no fear We rt;\lv on it fllr oronp Knd for oough s, ooids 01 any 'thro t or luog trouble" So do thousa.nus of 'others t;o mlly you AstbmlJ.. Ha,y Fever, L~Grippe Whoopln~ Cough', BemorrhaRes Ay before it. Glo and 11 00 Trial bottle free, Sold by 1111 draggists '
Address ·
1%·t6 Vandam s~ Ne. Yerke N..Y.
DR. BELL'S ANTI.PAIN For IntOmai an4 Extemal Plan.. .
$4.oc)'m ~
Use the sausage . meat wbloh HOtEL8, DitUCCIST8, 8PECIAL.ln, oomes in bags, Cut It in slioell OOITUMIl1t8, TItAN.FIlIt, OAB 'BU8 8ERVICE " C~N :, PIt~FI' "bout one tbird of "n inoh thiok, AND IIY USINC IT. ADV,EItTIIINQ OO&'UMNO 'lod cork tbem quiokly.oo eaob eide . SAMPLE COPY FREE Lo the fllt remaining in the pan lay . Add"'. NIW YOItK OLIPPER . New YOrk ••• V. .pleoes of, bllnan~, out In halves eaoh WII.Y, and oook th m until "delioll.te brown cn euoh side / . . '. Serve II. piece of banllnli on eRoh. ' '. , ' ..1 , slice 0 r L'laUIIIlJ'te Th~ will brown Dr. Bell ~ Pine-Tar-Honev, wJthou~ fioQt.-Mllry J Lincoln. For Coughs and Colda. . • .... • 1 Dr. Bell'. Antl·Paln A sudden attaok of· Cholera. Mor. bal! is dlulgerou8 Keep Dr . Bell'. of appointment of WIl1fam B. Mc Anti.Pain Il,t hand. a dose relieves Cain IU adminiltrator of thit es'ate almoe' IOlltant,ly . It also: cures Di. of William J. Dt}atnsh wal dIed. arrhoea, CrllIDps, Flux Ilnd Illi. BowA} Frankie A. DUDham certUlod he, Complaints. • -: ••_ __ appolntmen' as ·admlnlltratrix of The man who oOD@erves his con . TAAt;£ MAlIK . ..: . . ' theasthte of Ell_beth Jao.-, · de versll.tion always has som~thing' to oeased. . I say .. :[)r.SIGN8 '" Mn If rd fil e d h ar proo f ' . . •. - • . ' . . . CO"YF c:.HTa &a. . Mary III. An,on.,endlrl,,'UKell'h"nll ."'~arh.tlQtl/D.' of publication of appol' nted ad Wba"s bred In the bone· ,makel qnlaid, ... cortnl ll ollr'.of·""'"\ fr( ~ whl'tI'e~ . . h,.~ntl(ln prllhllbl, I'I"CO" 111>10). (lc)mmnnllll'ate of John just that muoh less mell t to tbe tlonutrlaU, con,lnonU,u. 1~I\NI1 UO )I( .OU .. R....nla mlhistratri- of the ..... va... .ant (rce. Oh1 Itt O)lol1(,Y fur 1'" ' !Nit lhg p.l.~~lt.a. · ...... ad. pound • . hlteltll Patent. lll~en u,rou ~ h 1I1 fl.lll ' 10 Co.l'OC4Il.,.... notke, wlt.hout ChntllO, 111 1 10 Mulford. M. dec Dult proof of pnblicatlon of the A 8m~c;th "In t . Sdtntlfl~ JHan~, apPOintment of Emma B, Danfor*b, Blaok BAads, Chli'Ps, Pimple!!, A han"8omol, I1ht~I •• ,P.<'I \';~rl", J,.l'/!_ ctr. " 1h di I t cmlnthH1 (1 f nll1 ~1 'IU' ILll;J ~ .t. II\',II ILI, 't.lo.r1H;. ••a. 11 d S exeoutrix of the e.tate of Borlloe P. ores "n a unaell t y oon t ons ,\nUr:NfnUrhll\Clltoha.8'.61.1 ..l>ro\Jla'~=.I. \;'eO"w.dy",Ij"r'l., Danfortb, deceased, was filed. of th'e skin "we utlsil\bt),V Ilnd deN 'u nl traot from tbe .looks Buy a bl'x of 1!r.o~8'tnce..'1r 8L.W" ·'" ill,,~,.n.~ Dr. Bell's AntiRep'to SI\lve, a oreamy ~~~~~~~~~!'!"!!~~!!!!!!!!! Marriqe Licenses. Rnow .whlte ointment, apply 8S dl. = Albert A, Irons, 3', m"n carrier reoted and yoar skin will be 813 olellr of Lebanon and Lena Malford, 18, ~~i:e:~be'S' At ~ll dealers in med. of Lel>anon. ---- - • . Good for NQthlns but~. . . . .; , William C. 8pellcer. 45, farmer of The R4'v. Irl Hicks 1911 Almanac . , t;onth Lebanon and Mrs. 'Eva F. The Rev , Irl R. Hioks Almanao 8p~noer; 36, of Mouth Leb~non . .for 1911; ~hat ~~l\rdI8n Angel in I' Real Estate ~T(,JIlsfers. a hundred thoos"nd h'ome~, is now '. ready. Not many are now willing U . ndertaker and E. mb~me~,JOleph Wheeler to Anderson Welter, 25 ,aor8S tn Ole~roreek town to, be w'it~out It 8Dd the Rev. Irl R:_~ Will be fOUD'q ~ tn th~ oui ", Ihip.1450, H.l oks Magazine, Word and Works Bnnk BntldtQg, oppoei&.t · Jamee 8 . Brown II.na Eliza ' J The twq are .only O"eDollar~ yelir t.h'~ Ntition.e.l' Ban~ .. ·.: . ", ', G ' t' B . 10 i ' Ths Almanac t,, ' 350 prtlpaid, ~o Telephoile ·io ·h.o.n se and Qf. : .Brown eo ge rown, Ilore~ q. . . . .' flce where J can be called ··~wnshtn 1200 home or Qffi.Qe ,sl oQld fatl ., to send fA i ' Harlan IIV ..., ' " " , . ,.. day or n g b ~. ,. . , .. . o n W . Ben!Jerson to JoUa M: ~orwthedm, td W' k· P bll hi " Co ' VaJleyPhope . 14-2; ' or an or IUS ng ., I ' ,, . , ...... Henderlon quit olaim O'n 88 ao 8 , . •. re . St. \Louls, Mo. Main sq.eet~ Wayn~av"l.; . O~o .
Of All Kinds Uled' by the Farmers.
a.orge Butcbinson was appoint ed administra\or of tbe estate of Laoretia Henry, deceased. The first and final aooouQt In the eetate of William Mnrrl'Y, imbecUe, w&:8 filed by Li••ie BttiJ,erd, gUllr dian. A..O. Vail, J. P as aoting ooroaer filed his deeorlption of Charles JIl. 'Manye, deceaaed. Will of Anna M. Uafter'y wal ad mltted to probate. Howard W. hinl wal appointed execut.o~ witb J J. Gallaher, IDtr;I&n Monger and Maa E. Emlt:!y 'as appraill8~@. Due proof of publloation of notice
1847 ROgen
A Fierce
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AU~M.m~oowdaw~n~du· = 8Ontrix.
'8 ,9
Probate Court.
===:::::;:CONSISTING O F = = = =
CommiSSioners' Procee<tlnl8.
Tbe Cll88 of. lIlliztlbetb F, Chd.p man Vii. Theodore D. Lyon et 141 is dismissed beouuRe of lack of prose. outlOn, Th\, defendHnts in the oase of E1izabe~h G, Ballard VB. Ghlistinea Garner et al were grants i lea.ve to file th'Wir supplemental answer. The oase of the Interna.tlonal Har· vester Company VS . C. F. Bnrnll was oompromi~ed and dismillsed. A writ of partition of property was granted in,the case of Ella Linder vs ' Martha Kirby et al. Gllbe of Sallte Morton vs. Robert W. alorton ie dismissed beo!luse al. legatious of plaintiff'" p.etitton are not sustained by the evidence but that ,he plllintUJ voluntarily aban. doned the defenda.nt . . J)ivoroe i8 granted ~Da Kitobpll from George F. Kitchell on grounds of grosl ne,leo& of duty and defend ant is rf.qniwed to pay 15 a week ali mony , • Rpport of privRtellR)e Ilud dilltri b ,lLlon of nrnceeds made io th e Oll Eitl of Ulara Ulluller, guardiun v~ Etb.l Uo Iner, et 1\1.
oth~~\ W'ALTE'R l\tlc('LuRE.
towtlshiP. 11 Bnd .. , John BOBwell .1r., to Albert Gh.rtt'· SOil. 1 ,2.3 nore ,1 eto, . ' Albert (iaritlllon to fi'tllnk :\1 'Shookey, lot in Avalon deigMs, nTfll phone dny or ;llItnt-. eto . ValiAY photlA N {), ' . I..oQIl ' Wil\lum A. Lewi!", Pet, r B Low\@ Di~ tnn.o · No. '6!l-Q~ , and Ptll'UY E L\~ wis to M Ba th'! Lew\. Hud G ru ee A . L wls, G7 a ar Elt-! WAy'NESVILLE, . eta , Branch Office, Har~ey' Iburi(. 0 •. .In o h Buntflbllr ~r to I::! pnry W , '. 1 ·t;i ker lot, In Fr nklln, St, eto. oon!\ider,Bt" ~n ~. ·
Court Proceedinu.
.- --- ,- r-
and RonaboDt~, Darness . Blankets and Robes, Ranges, Stoves and . Gasoline fn~nes
And anything the Farmer wants ip '- the Hardware and . Impl~ment line. Never in the history of my busjness have I offered such an immense stock of good's fo~ sale as I am offering .at this Spring Opening, and I doubt if any dealer ever did offer as much as I am offering. Most all of our goods will be shown on the streets under cover, so that RAIN OR SNOW WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THIS SALE. . Special Prices will be made ·on all ' Goods during this Sale, .and no person who expects to buy goods during the next year can afford 'to miss the sale. ,
Will be. given to all 'purchasers of goods during· this. s~le . , '
: · Tb~
Best .
_ . ' ,
Opening! . "
·,'; ,I N' .,,'" 'S'" .0"" Ii , ~
, .
" , •
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' ' " _ .. ,
I~!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!~!!!!!! A. MAFFfI. '. I
pal, Ohu, B : 'Allen, of aYlvA·nla,' Cia ,is '~hus told by him ' tFor mnre 'h.n·1bree years," he wrlte~, "1 sof. fere'd · Indellorlbllble " tortinre 'from
,' slom!'oh : remedial .railed' till I used, . Bitters, but. f~ur bpt.ilea of 'ht~ w9n" . _ . derfn'l remedy 'onl'ed me complete' . ' 1,.'" 8uo~ . "e'sult", at", common. , . . . ' "ou.-and, ~1~ them' ·t.o r :onrlrlg lSOI;O"ob uonblf, 'em~e oomplalnta! kidney dlaord",.. btl1onsaeu, ' aliO for De" hel\Uh: aDd vigor , . Try 'ODb" ' .~ all 4ra1ati_. "
~ttacka ·School Principal '
Co~e . to
A se~ere attaok .oil liohool. prinoi- ~.....--~..TR·Y
.Everybody Should
•• 'J
THE ' MIAMI .GAZETTE : •• • ••
•• ••
Coming Public Sales ----_-_--_--
~..,..,~----- • • • • ,.,.~ . . . . . . . ~.....
A profe
or in the U ui ver tty of
1 will oiItr I~t I ublic
ale' u.t. my v·at,or'lI:pnmps. wood a.nd iron , fl\rm Ch icago ' t o ld bis popil ' tbat he F.FIOE - - M IN STRE'ET bome l X 'mlloR weli~of L yL le J II truo k~, 1)'\Ultrv ,und farm fene. , le t s h ould oonsiser tb m eduotlted i n Thursday, March 2, 19 J I o f loou t uud oh o~tnut pns t~, 0 1 0 tbe b est gen se of tbe ' word wben VALLEY TEL.E l' HONE- ALL No. ·ll~ u l o t o f flll'l'rY s pbu tons,ru bh t rA n d {h ey cOlllU slly :res t,o ev ry one of CrilUU It) 1I 'ItJg IIG 10 u ' look 11 m. Mt el t ir ed btHplt\>I, 'glll vn nizhd wltt t' r fo urteen ques tion t llll t bo ah old D. L. C~ANE, Editor and 'M anager' 4 Ill) II tl, , - l r.(rti V UOl'tlfl otlm lu j4 e1.. 101: I ( ' )og b .. , .. ,.Ilrm f r o nt, ~, 8to rm II pr,nH' , n J boll! uld, Wf' lglJ t 1·J U IbN, !l 'g o ll" IUfr.( t 101. tJug~y w bip!'. d Ollbl II l1 d IJIlt to tb ill , It wa y i1l tere~ t y u wu g "l1 j ll ktl, nxlll t.., r eap t he q u est,lo nti . B e ro t h ey IIllA;1 h' r.. 1 f:{ru y mti/" lJUIU I Ut,( 13 .. lllg la tr "es, Rates of Subscription .\' elll'l! 'lid, w"l~ht 1:t7U Ib ~ . 1 I)III CI< Io! rea 1", tln rd ni l, II I/) ht o, (,II 11 li d, IIr : ri ll" pclucttti ou g ive n y o n " YIIl _ One Yeur (strIctly 10 advllnce) ... , . . ,. '1.00 ( lluch IH I /' ~' l1 J '"I IJ~ I) 5' 1' /1 1',. , ti d , 1 ~r " l\ l{ t , 'n(1 ,\ 1,." IlI r o f grllultflw ll l f." • ," ' Ib 11 . I . I · 1 1. ,. 11 u ,y W I n guo....1 tnt! s nlt c It lu t I Sillgle Oopy .... , , . , ... . , , . .. . . . . , , , . . . o~ UII ,\ ' bllr .. . ·, II [" "11 1.) 11 101 11 1(01 . I, ll tlh'H ' , I ,I 1 1<1111'. , l!tI ' V,' tll Z ·1l Wo)l'. , . w lI ~ h Bn i t m nde U,)r!! I' H 111' Ij " u tili IIlJd 1,;"0ul1 ..vO l ktll' ~ . I U ~ 111 11 1111 11 1111:1, p hll )' 1 ", pl ut llll' UI IIII U ,r ll ll tl " P O U !-lfl t,llt Ill? I J lIutt"/tl-1 lH:llfel' wltll ollif b lll' r onUT t r so d Cf:I. f w ' k , l'tlli~ . 110 :;, \'o~ p oLli c s pi ri ted ? li us i t liu ue Rates of Advertising .v o n n bro t It r t u th e well k? H a ve Reading LOI:nI~. per 1I0e , .. . , . , , , . . .. . 6«: "id e 2 yearling h l:lifelll, 1 t'l.wrtll oro tll e Reading Locals. black fnce. per lino , , , . lOe 011 11, [) Btook hugs , '1 tO Uli m 'x ed hay '1' . rm s--A oredit of 6 ,m.ou t bs will yo n 1 aru ed b o w to ma,ke friends <lIIUlllUled Ad... not io exceed !lve lIuea 3CO bu, sl) ver mlDe seed Ou ttl, 150 li~ beglven hy porohaser elvlD g l~ bnnk. A , B '5ides an d k eep hem? Do you know Threo Insertions .. . .. -, .. ... , .. :Ilk: ooro, FUl'm Imp1emelll ti-MoCo l'. ab le Dote Obltullrles. tlve lurhos freo; OVllr 1I\'0 U. '1', Hawk~ , Auuti o n qer , w hat it is to be Il fri tlnd yourself ? miok binder, D"eerillg mow e r , Mid _ tnchea. per line . , ..... ... , . . . . lk: dletown tobucco setter, 'M Oli ne cor n Ulerks) W , E. O'Neali Can y ou look an hOD st roan or <lard of t111~nk8 •••... • .. , .. •• , •• • , , ..• 20c I J. B . Chapmun 11 pure won,nn straight, In tile eye? Be.olutloDB . . .. .... .. . . , ... ... .. . , .. . GOe pll1nte r, Rich luolld fertilizer gruin Soc1a1a et.c. where charge Is mude .. . ... . 2lk: drill, bay ra.ke, disc, dit>o oorn plow fl o yo u see anything to IOv6 in t.L lit D1splay Ad v6rtlstng per Inch .. , . , . , ... . l Oe Kruus plow. 3 bretlk in g plows, 50: t Ic ohill? Will a lonely dog follow . . t oo t h barrow, 2-hors e wagon (Mil. , Dlsooun~ gIven on contrllct. burn), bay f ork, rope and pulleys; 1 Will offe r at Pllb~I O o rll.e li t t. he y ou in tbe s treet? Cltn you b tl blgb self looking taaale, Liggetts t obtlO . late resldooctl of Oa vld Ebflgh t, UtI m ind ed Il nd happy in tbe menner MARCH 1. 1911. 00 spray e r , endgllte se der, corn oetlseu, une mile north of u y tle , 0 , • rlrud gari es (I f lif? D o y ou think sb eller, ex t,enslon carringe pole, on Wllf:lhiog dis hes fwd boeing oorn grindstone, G sets ~or k barDes ~ col Saturday, March 4, 1911 Young men wbo stay oot all night lars, linps lind bridles, 4 et fly ~e tR , ju t ns computible witb bigh think · The followiug g ood tl11d oha tLles: ing Il S pla oo p lflyiog or g olf? Are will 8000 'be all in , double trees, Single trees, 2 a borl:'e tripJe trees, 3 h or!les- l buy h or s e. 11 y ellrl) old, ~n u gOlld f or l\n y thlng to yoursEllf? Thi harness for two horses with either Pigeon wing, Terms-till sums of nnd uode r 1 bay mnre unc! 1 btly hf1rse 1111 Tbe ma,o with a long head is able or square bl'ind brilde, 1 ss collars good w (. rk borses, loow tLnd calf . • .. n Y Oll b I b ll PPY alon e? Gun you - $16.50 080' h. 'all sums Over ~5, a oredlt of use It on sbort notioe Body part for one horse 12 montbs will be g ven by purobas. u No 1 oow, 10 b eud of stock h og!!, IOllk a nt o n tit world und Ree a ny 5.00 e r giving a bankable n o te. Five per lot of guinells tlad turk ey s. ·1 ~ n thi n g e X':9pt d ollAr!' and centR~ A good heavy sweat pad The Colda That HanK on .25 mixed b n,.V, ~'4rm impl e nl ~ u t ann f: nn y ou loo k int o 14 mud puddle by cent discount for cusll. A good team bridle Are readily oared by Dr . BeWs vebioles-2 t.\Vo-bo r p.e W IH~ n!' t . :lnA 1.75 Lunch staDd r eserved fI, good aile 1 br :lIdo. pl o w 1 t be w nysH.l d IlOd " e n c lollr sky? Plne·'for Boney It relieves tbe Check lines 1 1-, inches by 1 feet f:i . M. Cl!l.r lc , 3.25 40-t ootb bu;ro w, 1 Plun o bin de ~ , 1 ell U yo u !' e a nythin g io the pudd le oold and stops the oougb . Tbere is A. A. McNeil, Allot. R u bber mounted buggy, harness, the kind most deal only one' genuine. Tiger plow, new, 1 Milwaukee mow [bu t mud? Can you look Into the WlAlter Clark, Clerk ers sell for $20.00, our price 15.00 er, I gruio drill. 1 Tiger t,olJacoo ky nt. n igh t £Iud see bl'y o nd t b e Happy i8 'he man wbo is too bosy trnntlplante r. 1 BuokE\ye oultlV tLtor . ~ t.ll fR? Gnu yo ur s oul cla im r ell\. We also carry a fu ll a nd complete line of a ll kin ds of Harness 1 tobaoco bill r 1 I)I1Ovel pl o w. 2 !:l In , . and anything n eeded for the horse. devote any time to worrying I will offer at tbe 6th annual Pub. gle oultl vators, I s prln~ , t o tb hur II ns bip wit,h tbe r MOr? -Kun " • - • lio Male "t my Wu.rehouse in ro~, 1 h a y f ork, rope and pu lle y s . I:'IIS 'i ty Stl. r , We deliver all goods to your nearest Railroad or Traction stop, Great things oan be aooomplisbbd Wllynes vllle, 01110, on 2 set w urk h.unes", . 1 set Hin g le hurfree of charge. by great m~n with but little effort n e ~ s, bloy ole. grilldll tOIl. piok . Saturday, March 4, J91J Kills A Murderer --. .... sb/) v els. h oeR, f rko:! , ltLdd r • ir o n Clve. Prompt Relle' A m el'Cl lel'll Dlurd Ar fl r i App rlUdi , At 9 a , m ., t.be fo llowin g n ew k ttl o , barre ls . IOO p uod (lioo e r W tI II 11m tl Doug las, J r ,of W tl.sb- " oods : Foor Moline manure svr c.- ad bell etc. H o u . e b ol.1 ~ood s -l h e u t 0 11 1 w lf,ll m il ny VIC t im s . but Ur. ington. D. C" saY8: I tllke greht e r!!, 1 Moline furw waKou, 5 Bemis In g s t l) V", churo, butter p r int/! B ~" K io~' New Life Plll. kI ll it I).V \)1'8, plenure In informing yoo I bave robllooo TrllDP'p lsnt rB, ftlrm t ruo l-' , w/l s bing maohine Ilnd mauy 'ot her vI"' Il t,IOIl Thnv ge n th' stiwl1lftte tODlIl l.l, live r a,ol1 b WAIR. pre ve nt uaed Dr. Bell's Pine-Tllr-Honey. wagunB 6 Molino and Billok Hawk tbings too numere us to m nti on Ilnd llnd r iog t,h a t ologgin g to nt in vit,s t1Pand it gave me almost Instant re- oorn plsnt .. rs,:.1 Best ever gung I Terms-A ll sum of c nri n g 'ooSt'1pn t l nn, plows,l tjamUton s ulky plow, 10 ,06,s h, OVflr $5, a oredlt of 1,2 m onth s pe nd i iti. Uef. breaklDg · plOWII, 5 disc burro ws, I WIll be giveD by purohaser givin' lif' ud UCl.le. Bili o u n CRs, Ch ill l', 250 ut Opposite ,Wayne Ave. East of Canal What we know is one tbing and wood lind steel barrowlI, /) rltliog ool_ l l.Jankuble n ote. (j per C6nt: oj.J fo r 11 11 dl'uggls tli MaryA . Ebrlgbt One half block east of D. & D., D. & W., D, & S. U. and Southwhat we t,btnk we know is ~aother tlVlltors, BamUton and MOline, 5 · oash. ,Hamilton tongueless ooltivators, 1 A A , MoNfliJ, Aaot. ern Ohio Traction Depot. - -. MO RE CROPS ON LESS LAND Walter Kenriok. Cle r k. Some men are 80 rioh tbey OI\D -teel' tootb bllY rak~s. tobnoco oulti even afford t.o be UDlted t:lt!l.t18 sen T be proble m iR not bow mnoh ators. blod y ou have . but bow well you avoldec' by tne uzn:, 01 " " ' " <ouuu.,. .... ++.+++4~~"" boll r. The tireless cooker Is a low- cu ltivate it, Milke the hay land ~or Croup WAYNESYILLE CHURCHES. heat method and Is eXl:e llent for p roCluoe nine tons per lIor.... lIod HATHAWAY Dr Bell'... PlnE!-Tar-Honev Is tbe o nls requiring a lon g time ror fuur for fiv e. a o res of h tty will be beet known remedy Uo not flXSt. Augustine's Catholic Churdl. ooklng. II Is especially adnpted t.o a n o u gh MAk e t,be po rn h.nd pro\\' '1 ,y'lesville'e LeadinJi' Della. perimen' get the genuine Dr, BeI1', , Fatber George II1Il\'enbo fer. Paator tbo. e ontll.lnlng a blgb per cent of Pine_Tor. Honey. Main 8* cellulose whlcb should be sottened, d uce 200 bu 'll e1 pe r a c rtl lind cut Mllss every second Sunilar of tbe moplb a Offioe in Keys Bldg, ' 8U h as oat meal or wbole wbeat (lawn tb e area, to 0 0 ,fnurtb , Do 0 :00 a. lD. Bow muoh b etter a thing toetee grains. I t b.!} snme with other or .) ps, and you St. Mary's Episcopal Chura... wben the dooter forbid8.' tbo Bllting How to Cook Some of the Common WIll soon fiud thut y u con bave Rev.. J . F. Oadwallader. RectOI'. j ot it, BA~NHART, Cereals, muob m o re land tban y ou cun p'OR Sunday Sobool. 9 :30 n. m Morning ser -., Since ce reals aro so mallY times ibly CUltiVIlOO , vIce. ru :80 a. m. BOll' Comm union tbe tlut BY CL.ARE WEST, Every time U DlBn bonts for pleas under oo~ e d , directions once rnlng _ _ __ _ _ __ __ undny ' ot eacb montb. Notary Public Department of Agrieultul'fti Elxtenure be bomps .nto Ii "Ketlp off tbe the cookIng of a fe w common ones III Oft, OhIo Stille UnIversity. All kinds of Notary Work . Pension There 18 Only One Plne-Tar-Honey Methodist Episcopal Churdl. 8~aa~" lilrn • • + ma y be ot Int ras t. Work a t:lpeoillity. Ri ce. wh lcb has I ss r ' lIul oso In Thut is Dr Bell's , It is the orig_ Rev. H. W. BeJJey, PUt.ol, ++++++++. . . .++++++++++++++ .... Sundl1Y Sebool. 0 : U :l. m, MornIng eer· cranulated Eye . Llde Tbe term "cereals" Includes many 'Its structure t han tb other ce reals. ioal tlnd oon be relied on in oroop colds Imd all lung and bran' ,·Ice. 1U :80 a , m. ";pwonb League. 1 :00 p00 not need '0 be cauterized or of ollr ' oommon graIns, as corn, s hould b~ coo){ed 45 minu s. [, mi n· cougbll , ' - m . Evenin g service, 7 : 00 p , m. Mldwoolr utell over tb open flame and 40 mi n· c hilli troables Look for the beJJ or! Pnyer Meetlug. 7 p, m. eOltorined by a physlotao. 8uthtlroat., ric., etc. Starch Is tbetr wheat, utes In the double bo'ller. Tb e usual t h B otJ) e . land'8 Eagle Eye t:lalve i8 KQllranttl.d - -Christian Church. San Moaey and Keep·in to oure them without pain . It il chief eon.t1tuent, and for t his ' reas0l! amount ot water for co kIn g rIC Is Rev. L. 0 , ThomJ)60n. Putol F F SEeD barmlell8 and a l'ure oure for granu. they are known all starcby toods. three times I s built- on CliP or rl e W ATCH YOU') ( Style by Reading McCall'. Bible School. 9: 30 a. m. Social meetlnr. " AL AL A lated lids . ~6c tubes at all dealers, The starch Is conHned wltbln tbe absorbing th l' e (' ups of water, Have 10:30 a. m. OhrlstlalJ Endeavor. 7: 00 p. m. M.,aziae aDd U.illl McCaU P.ttem the waler bolli ng and salted (one every Many f Rrlll e r s ore WI'I I"IDg t , tu k e Sormon grain by an outer covertng ot wood y taMpoon of salt to the pInt of walo:ao a, by m. pMtor awd 7:S0 p. m.alternate Sunday" McCall'. • ••• aI •• will It's easier fllr the average girl to Hber or cellulole (In wh eat called ter). Add the ri ce slowly , and I1nls b risks In buyiog nbenp Blfalftl Reed. ' M9('ALJ:S MN.AZ11iE help you dreM stylHid<site Friends Chu~. Isb ly at . a moderate tie Ito bow than h ie for her to get, bran), and the starch proper consists cookln $' ccording to directions al- wbiob fr eqt;lently oont-alns e n ougb exponso by It e o pl n" irst Day Moetlnv" 0 :00 n, m. FIrat Da7 herself ~ied to a beau: you posted on tbe of microscopic grains made up of al- ready glv n. wl3ed seeds to aft'eot t.bo Rttlnd v r y ·bool. 11 ;0(1 a. m. Four~b Day Mee\lnjC lotest fa s blons In In making corn starcb mold. I lh ~ 10 :00 a. m. clothes and tials. 60 S riouBly . ternate la)'era of ce llulon and starch. Russiau tbistleoan bardTbe mao who 'olaims to be always tablespoons of corn starcb Is allowed N-cw Fasblon D8Iltrna In oa b Issue. Also Orthodox Friends Churc:ll. rll(bt i8 al ways slow to acknowledge Cellulose Is not nutritious nor digest- to one cup of milk. The time allowed Iy be d t eoted in alfalfa seed , n or valuable InfonrlaUon Mrs. EUzabeth LukIn. PlUlt.or fot cooking In the double boiler I~ 20 oun it be blown out or removed by Ible, but It" Is valuable In that It sup0 11 nil bome and pertbe right8 of othere. lIonal mOlters. ' ' Only Sabbatb cbool, 0 :30 a. m. Regular chureb minute.. Corn starch rllshes ar pilei the ~ece.Bary bulk ot tood. sator ening, Bnd It is tbe sl1me way I!c rvlcc, 1 0 ·QO n, W . Obrll!tlao 'Endeavor, roc a year. Inclndlnll oft n unpa) n.tab le and ttl t!lste ' of a free pUllern. Sub7 :;)0 p _ with tbe dodd 13'T , Ilfle~ the feeling of nunger, and acts _ _ . _ Wft ..... s 'rUm todaY'or IOnd 200;000, Tube. raw star h Is \' I'y 'notl e nble. Thi s for froo snlD1)lo copy. aIJ a 18xatl~. can be overcome If t be tim of COOkOf Sot.herland's Eagle Eye Salve McCall Pattor.. will ollobl )'OU to mnke In YOllr Cerealll eat en In til Ir raw state Ing !s prol onged. were aold in 1908 lind not ol)e word OWII bOlllu. wl tll your own hUllds. clotblog f<lr yoursolf nnd Illlclrctl whIch wl\l be perfoct Roll ed oats Is bt's t If cool, ed from ...ot..oomplatnt, tbougb every tube are much harder to digest than when III style nu'd fit. Prlce-nono blgher tban 11) C. W. HENDERSON, M. O ! DR. J. W. MILLER, Wlt8 eold under & positive ~uarant8t' cooked, Tbe cellul ose structure pre- 30 minutes t.o thr e-qu a rters ot a n cenlS. . ond for !'roo Pattoru Call1leguo... It i8 ,good for nothing but the eyes ventI tbe proper actio n oC the diges- bour. W. wm Ci.. Y•• Fl.. Pnonb for Rotllng Bubscrlptlons amoog your frIends, end for froe Length of Time to Cook. Aak your Dru~gl8t , Waynesville, Ohio• .•. DENTIST .•• Prumlum l:6ln IOl1uo and Cnsh Prlzo OITor. tive lulces on the starch which It en-------.--.~.~----In rreparlD g wbole wheat grains THE IcCALL COMr"NY, 239 It 249 West 37.. SL, NEWYORI and raw starch Is very hard closes, OlTlco In Chewing gom may. not be 1\ ai 18 as a cereal food. I he tlm p. ror coole- National Bank B1dll. Main Stref t I WayneSVille, 0 !Valley Phone 153 to digest. Ing Sb01lld be [rom 10 to 12 'hours, babit, bnt most people would rather Effect of Molat Heat. Tbe bran mu s t be thoroughly softlee you doing It tblm listen to you In cookIng ce reals tl eat ,iroduces ened to allow th water to )len trnte , lIlt, certain delllrable change~ In the Rnd sotten the sta rch grains within . grain. These changes Ilre turthered Wbera wh eat meals are used . the time fO l' cookin g can be shortened, when beat and moisture are com- for onl y th s ta rr h g ra in ' are to be blned; thus moist he at has oacome r eckoned with , Corn me,,1 mush Is man y time s un. , a common metbod In cerea l coo kin g, Moist beat not 'only softens the eel- derco)ked and thi s whol e.ome ce rea l luloBe bllt also causes tbe tiny grains made unpa lnta bl , Oo o.! old t s t In The Moore Range is so handily built ·to Iwell and become POI'OIlS. making maleing co rn meal mus h \\' 3 S to cook It that you don't have to s tand right over dlge.tlon easler, lin II I' h lei t he spoon u. d ror st Irthe stove to feed a fire orbuild a new one. Cere&ls Increase In bl1 k when rin g, Th !::; Is not long "ilu ugh, 'l' lle By pulling lightly on a small chain ' tl I t ' molat heat Is used, many cereals abo roo kl At advanced age the organs ' ng s IIO U Itl I) tl xwn I 0 t ~ l' ' attached to the Patent Hinged Top, the I I th· th sorbIng two or , three times thei r bulk quart I'S of an, hOl: r 0 1' a l~ hOll l', Hnd whole top is lifted out of the way. more s ow y an In you • CircuIn, water. Allowance must be made e v n lC'n gt'l', \\ 11 (> 11 Ul ush j ll lI lHf e r. This convenient arrangement makes it ' Jatlon becomes poor, blood thin and tor thts In their cooking. Finely ook ':lel til last ot' I'lt IV s tarch Is possible to ' ground cereals absorb less water very I,otlee n hi , watery, appetite fitful, . and digestban tbose Cooked tn tbe g'ra1n and )n 111 coo l\l lI g or cercn l '. thl/ n, t£on weak. . This" condition ~eaves the system open to disease such as 'less Ume Is required for 'tbe pror,:ess Is bes t to k p In mill d t hot t h ~' Coughs,' Col!;!s, Grippe, PneumobecauSe of tbelr fine stare or division. mn st be cuul< d sulli e! Il tl )' 1.0 Rort II rna, Rl),eumatism, etc. I..ow and HIgh H.at Method.. ~ h I,' cellulose s t l'U tu re nnd ~o o ! ; I;; c VINOL is ihe greatest health 'E lther blgh temperatura for a ;tnl'ch prE-sen I uotort' they a I' ' a nel pa lf1 ta _bl e._ Thel1e's no sp illing of fu el, Rnd as the top creator and body builder we know I bort per I0 d ot time or a low tern- ~ ns y to rtlgnsl _ _ .... ..,-_ when lifted ·forms a hood, the smoke, soot and of ~ for old , people; as it supplies perature , tor a longer period of time odor a re drawn around the flues of the range . J eeded can be . uaed . In tbe cooklDg or Has Millions of Friends nnd can not escape into the room . , thevery e ements., n . to recereals. Cooking in tbe ' double boUer ' With ¥oore 's Range Ihere Is no smoke- no build , wasting tiSsue apd replace ts ~ low.beat method (tbe tempera- , Bow w onM vou ilke t o nnrpl\er soot-:-no gas, And yet' with. all its c;:leanly weakness w~~ . 5trength. . , " ture l~ ' the Inner velie, .ot exceed- your.: frlend8 by m illi ons n.s Bockand tIme-saving advantages, this wonderful range really costll the least of aoy range 00 the.' . ' , ' , BEBB'i8TBEPBOOJ" '" tDI the 'scalding point)" and the leu rs Arnioa Sa lve doe!! ? It.a ' B F~arket. It actu'o lly pay. for ilaelf by cutting . A _ wNoOrded In A.baD,, · N. T. ~f time 'ot" cooking ' Ihoulil · be longer to"nding ontes' in th e iJil8t forty. '. , ' ".B"'~ ' down f~el expens,:., , • WODl!llll wbo . '.It 'abe wq, \; ....II'D. ' ,.' ", ' , , v. pars made tbem Its t,he best aal va .• cl~ by ~ ..4: w .. ~ootiIecl to 'tb. ( than ~,~er ~.e 0P,SIl Il~,me. ,The d01:1 ble boiler ·11 , ~r1 ~elul , In the cookIng in the w.6rld fill' soreA, uloers, 'eoze weait .a4" ..ble «!Olld.lIon of'old people. :=l'1=~~~:a~~f~~:!;' 'of .~r. .rs In tllat Iurr-IDe.I. 'avoided" mt.l. hurtle, boils, sOllld@'. ont.!, ·~IO.ld8, ......ADd .tro.a.... IiIICI.Ja. Rat.. .tllat,."e the , oookin« tJ eYeD, and the w~ter 1I0rfi eyell. sprains, aw~IlIn~s. brlllsee, I::::,r:~::-- ~ ~cu.s 1Mcan tte: a~lo"be~' without the ' danl~r ?old !lor~~. ~~f\I no equal fo~ .Pi1~8 . W' '. "k ' .. ~ . - lJ... of tbe cer!W' ~urDlp.. Dllrlng t~e ~50 at all drngalste ' . Mo!,r;':.,C~n!n>lier D~per e!1ab1cs 'YOU t()'~O)ltro) t~~ 'bent " '~~d soot, '~bU~' gi~iDg you tbe.,adv~~e.o; tbl' extra beat of thu a v,c n a.~ · \~ ell liS you elln controL the beat of. a gas and :tbe extra. -saving on ynnt. tuel. 'It Is tbe only raDge . e as ~very l16'"U\ penon 111 "bo~ ' proc", .. of CooklDg c·ere&ls ,. ,. ' • - ••- - - -oVl,!n. ' !\1oprc's Range 'is the only coal tang~ h:aviog :tbis having tliree-wali ' eonstrqction tIIrou~ This ' hi 00. this nel,hbQrho.odto try a bOttle ,over the OpeD' flame a larrs Quantity , d Vl\nla g:c, anil il sllves' fully oue-third i the tile\. -' reason "by Moore's Range I..ts longer Ulan' any otbet, of VINO~' witl,1 the ~derstancling of water , Is, 'ue4 to' prev~Dt burning. \ , An anqeJ of Il wife Is one w hI) sees Moo..,'. E,."rI..tins Flrebac,k cn~bll:s you to burn coal costCall at o.u r· stOl:1! and let .UII abow y.ou the many esela. in!; at le1ist tw(o-thl rds I 55 tblln eoalased in otber ranb-.:.s. ' .slve features 'of Moore'. RaDge. . Call .NOW ""bile ~ that we re~ thelr money if it Wbeu tile' ~.ereal Is c~_ed, the., ~x- Jo t1.le worldly oom,fort8 of , her Furtbermore. it prOvides for ,t he burning up of. tbe smoke !Stock is oompfete. .,' .. does. D~ prow benefiCial. cel. 'of ".,t er ' . IOmetJmes draloed apoDIa. , . . , , .. Mo.".'~· R:att... can'" 'AaJ in Cad 'I,.. ·or
·-. .-.
·- .
C.' E .
413 , E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio,
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---_a - •.----
I D u. H.E.
Their Composition and Their Cooking.
· ------ ----
..... '.
MadaDl, Don't Stand Over a Hot Fire!
-How Old People May Prolong
Their Lives act
: '
Broil and Toast
'Easier an~ Cleaner
IM~ore~s.i-;'~~eSa\'es Time jUldMoD~Y.
JANNEY, - 'Dru_lat t"~~;:.:::~r:. !~ j
~he. MIa~t G~t;' la'~h.~ ~t.
I '.' ·
:FQ~' ~le
by J .. ·H. ' COLEM,AN, .Wa,p.vill~·; ~hio
A W£t:K IN FfiltfmT:r1 EXIT RURAL CHUflCh r-~ :-' . ~ Bt;LGIUM
Pathos in Abandonment of the Country Meeting House.
- - --
Tbere used to be tn almost every ru· ral home In the country a s acred room -tbo "parlor." Every reader Is prob· ably familiar wIth It, for It sUlI exlsl8, though not so univers ally as It did years ago, wben no bom o In the land. in village, hanl let, or on farm, WIlS conside red complet e or we ll-oQulpped rwlthout this dismal IIplU'tm ent-care Ju Uy sbuttere d In against R.lr and sun · light; a jar of waxY'0r k on the center table; a collectl oa ryf curto us odds and endu on the what ·not In tbe corner; mottoB Ilnd ohromo s on th e wall: aviv· 1d ,IngraIn or Brussel s carpet on th e Door. Tbe sound or festivity sol· dam pcn etTat ed the gloom of tbls par· lor. says tbe Philade lphia Press. At rare IntervnJ s dIstingu is hed villi tors were r eceived In It- witness es of wed· dIn g or funeral. It was never a lJleasan t room: It smelled damp and dllsty: the ch ildren stood In awe of It: and · yet It was their mother' s pride. Jiapplly tbe day of tho pentup, un· I.ON , " Ir tch of g r at whit eavory parlor Is tast passing away. buildin gs looming at you The children , going out Into tbe big· tbro\lgh th e haze Is you r first ger world with obser vant eyes, bave Introdu otion to Os telld. As ,e turn ed to the ho mestead and Insisted the st eamer approac hes nellr· upo n Illnglng open the door. and win· ' I' llnd near to Ihe landin g s tage, th e dow. and admittin g a burst of sunligh t outlln R or column and gabl e, tower and a rush of puro air. They bave !llld minare t. bal cony and arc b, and made a living· room of a tomb. In th e sound of dis tant mus lo come to their childhoo d the kitchen was the you; and then , as t he buttrcss s or most comfort able place In tbe hOWle; It the pier absorb your view, yOU are was scrubbe d every day, ventilat ed al· greeted with a babel at Fren cb and oways, made light and airy and clean FI mls h, and all the bustle or n for·. " Ign port. You begin to r ealize th e and hospitab le wbile the ghastly f ord lights of having arrived at the most bidden precinc ts of the varlor were beautifu l summer olty In the worldRlIOBed to sanitary senrch not oftener Os t end. than twice a year--d urlng the Inev· For the momen t you may be be· ltable _prlnr; and faU housecl eaning. wlldere d with 0.11 that you see. Your dinner Is be ing se rved to you In a vast It la only recently that they have dis· chambe r fill ed with exqulslt ely gown· covered a way of canning decayed ecgB, and there are bakers In the large cltles who are 10 devoid of hone.ty that they 'Would a8 BOon use rotten e&'P as frelh onet!. Thu. a market 18 ereated . and hut for the fact that the .tate UDder Ita pure food . law. can Btep In and condem n this product all unfit for consum pUon, the problem created by cold storage would have been rendere d more complex as the year go by. says the Roches ter Herald. It Is not beyond the bO:lds of lIOsBlblllty that meat which bas been cold·sto red to the point of decay Is treated In the same manner . No one ever heara of It being thrown away.
'Jnce Not Only a Pl ace of Worshi p But Center Around Which the Commu nity's Social ,O rganl· zation Was Built.
.Avo id Fear as a Cala mity
n .
rmlm;::tuusmmuuum,s,umnuum:~~~~~gj1 EAR Is Ii. ",'T al calam· Ity ." It Is closely relat·
ed to all tb e sorrowS of lire, 108 Iy II nkcd MUO!'OO' 8 C.o II I }!(· lI1rrJ.\· nrll ~ T~R to nll th e c rimes of tblll bend tbront II l1ll J IIU I!~ " IIIIO " t 1lIlIlIe,lIl1tbe Colum bla. r.lo. -Tbo pilsslng of the te. world! On of lho I • 'bec l:H Fc\'er~. sl ,lllH ))1 ~l'Il ll rll"s or country hurc h 15 a pot III ca uSO of bl , 8elngs of true Ch riS tl,' 1I0S('. lultl'N uwuy nil OCI Il'R HUti 1IIII ns c'nuserl ul ~saU s rud ion tbat is he lping to rerllr,'. OrlV nn, 0 11· tlnnlty Is the relens,» stluah' I".otis.:" 11IH'111 6.uurtIt Ilr" "" 111 s ) u(\ uIHunlll. du e the p01>u lation of oulltry dis· It glvcs from fear. Wrlll' I 'rot. MUII)"c\U, n:I ,',1 111111 .l c,fTc rs oll But alas! true !';tH.• P h il .... 1'0. , tur Illl'dk ul IIdvl c u\). tril.:ts. ChristIa nity, true Ch ristian faith, ' and solutely t rcc, ~'. U. 1.1 umford, dean of I he !\'\l ssourl UIC pl·csent r ownrds of tbese are flat Agrlcul turul co ll ege , SllOk of Il as Il \'c ry ('om man ven In Christen dom. T AKE !:'l O GE OF catis fo r lX!ople I nvlng tbl.! fUl'm s. PelY llllow tbe meani n g of tbe Mas· Ucorg . 13 . 8111 s, (01' tell y III"S s ecI' . t 1'1"5 words, .. orn e unlO me, all ye tary of th e ~ tllte board or agricult ure. that labo r and arc h eavy lad en. and I THE BEST says It Is a r s uit rath e r than a will g lvo you r osC" F ew appreci ate for COUC HS ~ COl-O S CHu se. Wuller Williall ls sa ys It Ie the ass uranco, :If the Son shall make both u caU 6e anti II I' s uit at tho JQ~S you frec, ye s hall be free Indeed" :'11011 ), III II e llJoy a dry ~ wollO . Wby of farlll Ilopulati oll . (~Iott. 11:28: J o hn 8 : 36). , II0t a d ry dl'llIl, '1 !Jut 111 stril;l ng fllct Is that It Is F ea r has It s found ation In sin. 'We grin!; all. Tb a t th e number 01 mllY he sure that lhe o nge ls In h eaven I IlI rll.·I.I '1'"" 1'11 "; ["' . tit" 1,1,,0,1 '"111 ,·r:"li · chul" hes In the ountry that have know no. fenr. After Adam had dis· cates I'hClllllut i.llI . I b 111,,, 1,' of J1 l·ru~ . uee n abandon tI wi ll reac h loto the obeyed the divine comman d In Edon huudr 'ds Is the de clal'Utio u of these lu' ft'a r C'd his Maker !lnd Reform s hid from him. me n. all thr of whom have stud ied Simllnrly , t ea r affects all of Adam's \\'o uld rnth conditio ns c'ul'cfu lly and Int Illge utly posterit y, bec.ausc at tile gene ral r eal· Ihe 1>-o ICe. Prlnllng , with til resld DC ot the for yea rs. Iwllon thl.t .. 11 are s inne rs." gl" at Antw rp cltlz ' n ju s t as he U SI.! d On at the deu ons of a n a uundou ed It may be 'asleed, Wby Is It that tb e ~on ~ tipn l l o n cnusrH mnm ' Ne r i ou~ fii... to Inhabit It, and II vernl picture gal· church was a sl,ed by a fellow m IU· MI1S1el"s cure Is little conside r ed .. 1t i ~ t h " ro\ll! hl ~' ('ured hy Or. to- "ns~ I r les cramm ed wleh treas ures. \Ju t bel' of his denolUl nation what lhls llllY? ",'hy are so few pointed to I'ierc(" s 1''''n nnt Pellcls. fle n l u x n til' ~, Antwer p Is the city of pictures , nud three for cutbnrtio. chango Iu ohurcb attenda nce meant. Christ, the Oreat PhYSici an, tor the you must wat h your time. You "I'll tell you." he sP.ld. ··It has rcst and peace nnd com1'o rt Il/TId JOY Always WorryIn g . s hould wl~lk a long the splondld doc Its bee n my obse rvntlon th at r lIglous whlc'h he promise d to hlB follow e rs Tho lute John ll . 1111'1 I' o r :\\1 h· - til re nre ra1s d stone t rraces ror worshIp Is 110t the onl y mot Ive for go· eight ' c n centuri es ago? Havo bls Igrm Ity. wno .left lL fortlln e of or r promen ading- and In the midst of th e Ing to c hurch. With some people I' words proven untru e'l Are his pro- $30.0()O.000 to h is H ·y a l'·old d n~ , g ht~ r, uU I! t1e or mighty com mer ce tu're Is have thought It WIlS not the motive fessed foll owers nmongs t tbe most was strollgly oppo s· II 10 s p eulatlon . th e old stee n Ca stl e to to xplored . at a ll . Tbe social side has been a an xious and trouhl ed nnd ove r cbarged ·'00 not s pec uillte: ' Mr. Harlle r once the tormer fortre ss of til., port Rnd fR cto r. I have more thtlD once heard and slel, and sorrowi ng and f(1arful st\ld In 1111 oddre ss' 10 youll g 11 \(' 11 . .palace of the Marque sses or Antwer p. men start negotia tions for a home of our poor, groanin g c rea tion or It so, .. peculat ors s tund 011 s bakY gro ulld. Here Is a coll ection at all man ner of trade al ch urch serv ices, after the what Is tb e l'xplana tlon? ~ must They lenow no peace." mediaev al marvels , mWilca l Instru· se rvi ces were over, ~r course. The oncede the Infe re n ce. We must ad· MI'. Darllcr smiled. ments, beds, .torture ·maohln es, a nd a women passe d whate-/ or news they mit that tbe four llundr d millions of ··In fact," he said . "a s\J eculator I ' variety of horrlllle 'dungeo ns In the had back and forth among themsel ves, profess ed hrlstlan s are much more always worryin g nb Oi n lhe man Y depths bt\low the bn.seme nt. 'm d the you ng men got on o pportun · un happy, muoh more fe arful. much market, while bls wlf' Is always wor· From Antwer p go to Liege, about an Ity to talle to the girls aner chlll·cb. more n e rvous, pE'evlsh and slekly than rylng auout tbe marl,el ""olley: ' bour and a halt's journey . but the The te lephone In tbe homes o~ tbe th e twelve hundred millions outside views tram th e train will r pay you. families who have most money has of Cbrlste ndom. .. Granite In the South, The old olly or the prlnce·b lshops nnd made When an end one speaks of granlto the or any Boclal Ulle church Christia n Only In Name, the birthpla ce of harlema gne is sin· going served , and the poorer people mind naturall y reverts to V flnont. It gularly free from smoke and noxious Th e explana tion ot this " ecullar elt· are not stron& enough to mnlota! n granlt with Mllon Is !hat Cbriste ndom Is not Is diffi cult to assoclu t vapors and other outward signs at Its any section of North A ITIcrlcu o utBlde the church. " comme rcial activity , thanks to Its sit· ::hrlstla n; that the nnme hrlste ndom New England , y t It mu s t now be ac· To men who spent their early IIV!!S III a mi snom uallon. It Is built In a sort of hasln er! Christ's kin gdom does knowl edged to In the country there Is no one phaso not prevail hetween the hills around It ; on th amongs t he clv1lize d one- thnt Oeorgl!l the cred it of th sou th , NortIl aro llna. Mllry· slopes of th e hills are the factorie s . of this gradual reductio n of countr) fourth of bumnnl ty. For centuri es now land and Virginia Rre produci ng large populat ion that Is more [lath~tlc iban Rnd all the unpleas antness blows ove l hrlstend ol'n has deceive d Itse lt and quantiti es ot s ton e of good quality the abando nment of the hall seriousl y mlsrepr es fit d Christ, Which the clty. Insures the s outll a pll\ce In his teacMn gs a.nd his promise d king· the market The Palace at tbe Dls hops, tne unl· at tlnY ,·ate. verslty 'and the elta,de l can be done dam at rl ghteous nel!8 for which still The an nunl output I!I now worth \\'e are prayIng , "Thy kingdom come, about by you, with lunc\!' between , alld In $3,50 , 00 aM til Industry 16 thy will b e don e on ea rth ." Our stand· growing the later afternoo n you CRn catch a . It may be of compllr atlvo In,; armies, prepare d to dest roy each Int r st train for Spa !lnd arrive at the celeto kllOw tll l~t w England 's other; and our Drent1n ougllt navI es, output Is brated city ot springs In time to makt> ubout $9, Ot ,\J uO worth of pr par d to bl ow each other to ntoms ; slono annuall yoursel f present able for dinn e r. y. a nd our submar ln s and our nylng At Spa you are again In the midst ma chines, our great cannon s and tal' of the best contine ntal socie ty, with UP TO ALFRE D: ppdol'B- a ll prov tho mistake of call· the usual spri nkling of Ame rican mil· Ir:g 1I0naire human s cl\rlllza a nd English "m l1ords;·' a nd Uon Chrlst's king, And now the. London police have ('om. . It Is Wednes day evening In your discove red that the prisone r convict· Similar ly, the worry, fenr, str:lfe week's holiday . You will find Spa ed by finger prints, and who, It was reHotel de Ville, E!ruges. nc,'vous ness, etc., at Christe ndom al.1 fu ll of amusem ent, ror It Is the sports jported, had establis hed his Innocen ce prove tbat the Great Teach er's anti· ce nter ot Belglu[l1. YOll can n,ow tnleo by Indispu table evidenc e that. being' In ed women and men, mostly In evening Ihe raHway to Coo, where there dote tor t ear and worry has not !:leen Is Type a of Abando ned Church. dress. Throug h the open French win· ~e army· at the time. he could not taken by th e masses of Christe ndom. dow s a great crowd Is passing along waterfa ll of wondro us beauty, and you have been guilty, was, after all ,a the Dlgue, find yoursel f amid th e wild scenery church. In the ea rly pioneer days of We' hold that the Oood PhysicI an's the magnill oent roadwa y of the Amblev e river; and on tbe bor· the west wheo tne Sunduy school In remedy tor s in, corrodi ng care, worry, fakir. He stole the army records of which stretcbe s nJong the sea to the ders of Belgium 's miniatu re Switzer· lhe ountry schoolh ouse grew big roar Is just as e ffective toliay as It another man to bol.ter up his defense ,'Igbt and left at OsteDd, to France on and came very nearly getting away me side, to Holland on the other. land, the mounta inous paradis e of the enough the people' would arrange for was e ighteen and a halt centurie s ago, preac hing and then a IIltie c hurcb Tbere 19 only the' one divine remed) with It. The police are doubly pleased \'ou hoar every 'l anguage , and you Ardenn es. From Coo you can take a would form. All over tbe west a ror this harmful fear. That r emedy drive to Remouc hamps, a little town. at tbe IlIBcovery. since It prevent s a ,oon notice every type at nationa lity. ship facing tb e Amblev e rapids and quarte r of a century ago or more Is ' a SBoclate d with the ,gospel of CUllty man from escapin g /lnd re·estab · but always the best of that nationa l· lying In the midst of scenery at extra· these little orga nization s were busy 'Ilrlst; but tbere are numero us subIty. Ostend Is the congres s ground of Jlahes the finger·p rln.t theory as Infal· putting t.he white frame building s on terfulteR . Some drown their tears, disordinar y ueauty. the aristocr at from everyw here. Every· lIble at least so far as experie nce has conveni ent fnrm corners )n th e neigh. Il[lpoln tments and sorrows with alcoHoweve r, your w ek Is coming to a body, laughin g and happy, everybo dy lone. But tor a time the fakir had living borhood tor the moment , forgetfu l of tho close, and so YOU had best take a villages s re mote from the towns and hol or vnrlous nllrcotlc s. Some seek . That ··mcelln g both the London police and tbe finger· before. and house'· to dro,,'n them with sensuou s pleas· Jemelle , careless of the arter yards. train from Rem ou~hamps served really as t\. "meetln g house" as ur s, some with busines s actlvlty , on th e main print theory "groggy ." line again ot tbe state Only Ostend, Re in e des ' PI ages, can produce s uch . a scene; nowh e re In all railway s. and manage to r eacb Nnmur, well as n. hous e of worship . . It was some with church · actlv1ty , some the world Is It equalled . The u, oa to tra v lin g th e wblle through one at the the center around Whl h tJl e social I\"It.h "devil·m ay·care" unreaso n. Of She- l know , Alfred, I have my Secreta ry Dickins on haB just ISsued most plctur s qu a dis tricts, not only lu organlzn~j on of the commu nity wag late a conSide rable degree at sub- (aults. a report on the militia of this country the station, for you are going to see hullt. If fllx ed s tand ards for the terfuge success has come along the He-Oh , certainl y. that sbows how IIltle the minds of as muoh or Delgium a.~ you can In young men and the young wome n of lin s of decelt-< lenylng the existen ce your week's holiday. Sbe II ngrlly ) -Ind e d? Perhap e th e commun ity. Hnlf t he courtsh ips at sin, denying the faots ot pain and Americ ans are turned away from YOII'II te ll m'e wbat they are! In hall an hour you are In Dr\lges, of the country people of the now out· liorrow and death and, contrar iwise, peace and toward war. He announ ces th e old, old City of Flande rs, "The going generat ion began In (bese coun· a fllrmln g that everyth ing ' (s good, reo tbat In 1910 the strength of the organ· Venice of tbe North," us HERED iTY s he once try "meetin g houses," The mal'rlage~ glHdl ess of the unlrutb. fuln ess of this ized militia forces of the nallon 18 only proudly called herselr, when s be could C .. 11 Be Overcom e In Casel. were often solemn ized t here. In oroposl tl on. 119.660 men, a'n Increase ot but 3,113 boast ot 200,000 Inbablt ants, or a BaVthose church es where Infant hOllilsm Mystery of. tho Gospel Age. Th e Innuen e of he ,·edlty cannot, or Sn seven years, says the Boston Olobe. e r Ign's urillian t court. and or mas· III practlc d tbe chlld r 11 we re brought To at ta in the hi ghest blessing wlllct, course. be success fully disputed , uut He d08s ' not I\dd thut tbere are almost sll' e walls and a powe rful army allle to bo "christe ned." an d !;Iowl y In the Ood hilS to offer at the present tim e IL can b e mlnlfnlz ed or en tirely overt o a tbousan d aa many clergym en, to defy nn empero r's wrath. Now rear of ve ry country ('hurcb the '; e rtaln diffi cult require m ents must be come In so me cases by correct food printers , manufa cturers. grocers , butc h· BrugeR .hUB nothin g llut be ,' thrllllllg graves nccumula.leel. The Intimat e complie d with. Sin must b e repente d and tlrlnk. A Con n. Indy says: ers, s te nograph ers or Ulasons In Ule romanti c past and tbe Ines timabl e ossocla tlon of th 'ount.ry hurch was or h eartll , and, treas ures of art which ev II he r coo· "For y nrlJ while I was It coffee so far a s possible , J nation as 'there are citizen soldiers . lIut que rors second only to t he family re lation It· restitut ion must refrain ed from t ailing. be made, whi ch dl'lnkel' 1 sutIered from .hjllous at~ be fact 18 true'. selt. • m ea ns that sin must be forsuk e n to l acks ot great severity , tram which 1 In Ghent you mus t sce the (!utllec!l' nl WhatevElr soolal or econom ic condl· tl\(l extent of ability. Faith must then used to with Its world·fa mous a ltar· plece "Th e emerge as white I\S a. ghost tions may have decr eed It~ decay recognl zo the "Lamb of God A Dutte man who Is b ei ng Bued for Adorn tlon of the Lamh," by the brotb· which ODd vet·y. wenk. Our fnmlly physl· tbere Is unrnlsta lmble evld" Dce that takoth away tbe sin at the world" clan gave me breach at promise Is charged by the ers Va n Eyclc, and the tOllluS of ror· VurlOU8 prescrip tions for In th e olcle r countie s or this stute that tho sacrific e for sins was mer bls bops, wonder s In ca rv neces· IlUl/rovlng the digestio n and stlmula t· ed mar· plaintif f with having called her "My the country church Is or less 1m· sary, and that Ood hlmselt provide d Ing the liver, which 1 tried faithful ly Dear Tobacco ." No wonder she wants ble. Nor mlist you fall to pause a fe w portanc e today than ten years ago. It In the dcath or Jesus. minutes before the town ha ll, where but without percept ible result. $10,000, since he was not explicit Tbe bare fact that In one county It la you will view tb e Btone pulpit from Tb. properl y underst and the Bible as "He was acquain ted with my famenough to say whetbe r she wall of tine which possible to name ten c hurches tbat a w'hole It Is necessa ry to disce J Rcques Van Art eveld e, "dellr Ily history for severnl generat ions rn that Guild Hous1!s, Antwer p. c ut, or a mere plug. have bee n wholly or pattly abandon ed God has foreord ained two lsrae ls- the I)HCk, and once when 1 gossip and ally" of Edward III, ad . visited him he In the last ten years Is a matter of earthly and the heavenl dressed his turbul e nt fellow· burghe rs. nelglum y. Both ure said: 'It you · have Inherite d one o( , but In all Europe. Namllr , no small Importa noe to the commun · preciou s, both are "elect." both are t boBe torpid livers you may Returns trom the New York public Afte,' dinn Qr YOll had be Uer cateh Is tb e :lIlclent always fortress wbl ch has fig· lUes Involve d or to the state as Ubrary Indicate that fiction fell air In your train for Brullsel s, for you will ur ed In 9 ro be used at the Lord during Mes· !!ulrer more or less tram Its inaction . the wars of history for more whole. arrive slab's kingdom reign- the one on the We can't dOdge our Inherita nce, you at thecapl tnl long befor e mid. t ha n s ix centurie demand as compar ed with books of a s. heavenl y plane and t~e other on the know.' ,historic al or sclenlill c nature. This ulgbt, and yoti will ' ha ve ampl e tim e Nomllr, ind ee d, Is encomp asse<! ,vlth earthly. A mistake has been made by "r Was not so strong a believer In should spur tbe India na school at nov· 1.0 see somethi ng of night JJfe In " Lit. Lhe fa irest charms that nature can reo Blames the Sunday School&. somc In recogni zing the enrthly Israel heredity as he was, howeve ellsts to renelVed elroTts or some- tl e Paris" before you go to bed. r, 'a nd, be· veal. The lovely vall ~r.s and b1Us of Poughk ee psie, N. Y. -That tbe $un, and not recogni zing the heavenl y or ginning to think fOJ· my sell, Brullsel s Is more or less familiar tbe Meuse, th e I conclud · Lesse and the Ourtbe day schools are largely respons ible spiritua l thing. Tsrael: Others have made the ed to stop drinkin g coffee; g round to everybo dy who hRS b e n on rIvers, th e grottoe s of Han and Roche· for the spread of contagi ous disease s mistake and see of recogni zing the heavenl y what etrect thut would have, . I.. tbe conllne nt. e yen If the r e!;t or 131") ' fort, lind many feared oth er ,·ofiJanUc attt:ac. Is the belief express ed by Dr. F. J . or spiritua A San Francis co man 6ays he will glum 18 not so well l Israel and not recogni kno'wil. Having. lions in the way of fe uel a) \'ulns, pic· Mann, m edical Inspecto r of tile pub· the earlhly Israel. "The promIsezing It would be a sev ra trial to 'glve It Tot before he pays alim ony to his dl· breakta st6d, you will start of up, but when ] t90k PostulII and bad ~arly 6n I u r esq lie ca!lcallc s, fairy glens, and IIc schools of Pougbk ee)Jsle. The do(Jio Ood' ls to be sure to both the vorced wife, but It Is bellevo d he will your slght·se eing, and If YOII have n ot seeds of It well made, It complet ety filled my noblp forests can be made a menu of tor refe rred to a present epidemi c 'ot Abruham~to that wqlch is a.ccordl n/; need for change h,e mind before decomp osition heen to tile Belgian capltnl be f~re dally s lght·see n hot beverag e' 'and I ·grew lng. to be. prolong ed or whoopi ng bugh and says he bas to the promise , lbe oath- the spiritua l very ronU of It. · you will begin with th to wn hall: ou rtalled as yOUI" ~et8 a firm hold o,n him. holiday permits . Thl' traced It to the 'Sunday school at· SMt.l-a nd also to t.hat which Thll9 r emarka ble Gothic building rlntl's r.ol'tr-6ss of :-Iamur, ac "I have used Post.u m (01' t~ree years, with the Tllmpar tb tached to 'one of tbe wealthi est oordlng to tbe from the fourt ee!ltll ,c entury, lind wit. ond ,u·tbwo rles, Jt may be theon'U 'nlly pOlillible to whlcb were so tormld· churche s. He adds ·tbnt tbere are (Roman s 4 : 16), law, the natural seed us ing no medicin e. During ' all tl}at n ssetl the executi on of Counts Eg. abl In the days time I .have hn'd .absolut ely none at itra,nepo rt 10,000 m n across tbe Alps when Wlllmm oj many d ealhs from wboopl ng cougo Tbe IIplrltua l seed 1)lust be devel. ·the bUlous mont and De Horae by Alva'. You Orange besiege atta·c.k s tbo.t I used to Buld H. al' 'n ow portion aDd declnre s that some measure s 1n aeropla nes, but wltb the (lxam ple lIlust· , do tll!i cath edral jlDd picture or the publlo pleasur e should be {ilke n ' to ' protect the Bun oped' ' flrs~ because ground . tbe blessing will' fer tram, and I have been entirely • ot Molsl:mnt and Hoxley In t.helr minds gallerie s. , " proceed from the. beavenl y seed to tbe fr ee '[rom tlte ',IIaln /lnd dej)l'U tatlng . During your week of rapid s lght·see· day schOol pupils. ef'the cban es are tbal 9,000 of th em will , ear.thly seed then trom the . earthly' fectll, fhat ' used Antw rp IR only half au bour's tra in iug yoU will have . dlscove to result from the~, . t,ed that Del· "It 19 not the ch~ld I~ .~eru8e 1.0 b e transpo rted In' that way. from FJ'·,ussel s, and YOIl should schOOI 'ltbat; . see4 ~o · all ' nllt;ions. ' Tbe .. bl ~sslng g ive It glum Is not only · the .' 'country that dies of ;:rbooll! ng cougb" "The cbange Is surely very great. says Doctor upon all nations will consist at the a tUIl day, at any rate; so artlve as seems to have and I ant cO!DpeJlea to gl've PQstum bee n the ceotol,' plac! ~ann, It Is the baby. at. bome thaI oportu~ lty that will be otrereiJ then. lhe ea"ly as . you <;an tro,m Brussel s, and of the world's bls tory eltohislv e credit -tor ft," Name. ChJua eYer .. Ince ,bls, dies, The same chUdre n bat,red frop! , of beooml will s~t) rlflce . 100,0'00, 000 ng member .s of the earthl) 'glven begIn with tbe cathedr al, If ,o nly to' tory began, but 't hat by pastum Co" Ba.tUe Cl'«!ek., every Inch of It! the public scboo~. becaqlle 0 cpnta- aeea qu us for the artlfl o l~1 balr marke~ tbls see the Whillb., ultimate lY', as 't he sandt Mloh. Rubens masterp ieces ... There tenltoFY Is romanti c .. nnd InstrucU vll gious disease s are permitt ed to go to -of tbe 8~bore • ,. year. and all will be sent to Americ a. , ar fino or ·two Olora , wtllinc iude the Ia~ed . Rend ,cliUl'clJe/ii almost Its natural beautie s and pertect acce/l Sunday "Tbe Road to WellvlU e," s~boo1. . In Dl.ost of the ~.un· or all Dat1onIf-:-llU ,~OU1ld wortb,. 'I'h jok on tbe hlnel;e " s that they , at erl ual lute rest, one oC whlcl1 of av. ·pkgR. "Tber¢' . a Reaslon :' can. s,bllity from end to .end make It 011 day scbools ,the . . ventllat. .!0n Is mucb tll'lUtin g life. ..j b."o coiisUtu ted ~Oll't know th a t pulY!! have ~one O'lt ot talrltl tb.e-flltnl1y mausole um of Ruben BTep s. Jnost enjoyab le tOfjrtst and !loUcla' .poorer than 'n tlie public I~tt. . r ... __ schOOls ADd theo a Cather of ~an7 [w;blolJ now. 'rll .'Il .,. .. nations" t 1l1!l ftpp...... tl ill the ra,ntlD Mu.eum of lnnd In all EurDp•• fro. tl.e to fl .... • .... _ " !.he dlselll1ea are thul Quickly a»reAd. ' .:11). ..... jtPll.b." , UII • .... 'oU ... III ... ,rl'~.I.
H.. ...... .
Birds, Sanitary ButIdlngs and Care in Kl1llng Is Secret of Success - First Class St.ock Is Needed.
BOTTER.) The majority ot tallures In this bllsl· ness are due to the fact that most breederB do not start orr wltb properlymated slack. They have either bought che6.p stack. or else having paid enough for good birds. they have been swindled by dealers. If you cannot start with . first-class st.ock. do not start a.t all. A pair or common barnyard pigeons. rais ing squahs that will welgb from six to eight ounces each. will eat and fe-ed to 't helr young as much teed as a pair ot good homers which will raise squabs wfllghlng from nino to fourte en ounces each. It possible. make It a point to see your birds before you buy them. If you cannot afford the time or money tor this. Insist on getting a guaran tee from them that the birds are 88 represented. or that your money wlll be refubded. The sanitary condition of the lorts hal[! much to do with the success. We do not ad "ocate running through lhe plant all the time looking for filth . The manure from a pigeon pen Is worth about sixty cents a bushel as fertilizer. In cleaning. two rounds' are made of all the pens. In the first the manure IB all gathered, care beIng tnken to keep It as free tram feathers aa possible. it should then be bagged up and scnt away. On 'the second I'ound the nests are all cleaned nnd th o 4\00r thoroughly swepl Where the squabs are very young. or there are eggs. tbe nest must not be disturbed . If a nest has squabs In It old enough to get along by them· selVes. the nest Is cleane d Ollt and tbe squabs replaced. After thorough sweeping. spray the Inside of the pens, covering every crack and cr vice with a solntlon of one part carbOlic acid and two parts water. There should be regular dnys tor ldlllng. Before feeding In the mornIng, every squab of the size fit to kill should be gatb ered liP and taken to the killing room. If any of the birds have a little feed left In their crops. malee an Incision wllh Ii sharp 'knlfe .and wash the crop clean. As a rule. squnbs are ready to dress at four weekB old; but some parents (By F . .A.
It wall a matter of wonder that INch an ambltfoul, ' aggressive mother • 1 Mrs. Kent should have such a demure daughter as Estelle. Yes , the mother was very aggressive, and the daughter wall very. very -demure. Tbat was an opposite other mothen <lOuld not help but remark. At seventeen MIss Estelle was sent to Vussar. She might have preferred· another IIchool. but her mother lIald Vassar. and that settled that. Mrs. Kent was a widow with an Income Done too large. but she had plans and tJchomes far ahead. At elgbteen. and nin eteen Miss Estelle was sUlI acquiring knowledge, but at twenty she bad finished. Sbe bad had vacations. of courlle. and there had been no change in her d .. murenesll. She was given three or four dan In which to draw her breath itJter gettln'l home for load, and then ber mother called her to her side and aald: "Eltelle, you are now twenty yean old." "Yea. mamma." "You should be thinktnl' of matrl· mony." '1 am, mamma." " You have a handsome face and a 8'OOd education, and yOU ought to marry well." "So I Ihould mamma." "But the trouble Is," continued the mother, "that tbere lU'e no eligible young men JU'ound here. .That Is. Done who could suppOrt you In the atyle you deserve." "Not one, mamma." "But there Is a lentleman. after all -a middle-aged gentleman-a man of wealth who has been attracted to 70U. He has leen you on varloul occasIons durIng your vacations; and Ilas become smitten. He was bere the other day to ask the privilege ot calling on you." . "Yes, mamma." "And I granted It. Estelle, you at •least know of MI'. Henderson- the aentleman who owns the Golden tBrewery7" "Yes. mamma .... "I bave heard It 6ald that he Is all of fllrty·elght years old, and dyes his whlakers. Those Innuendoes are al· way.. thrown out against the rich. He Is a fat man and baldheaded. but
"Estelle, Isn't He Just Splendid 7" ,YOII d!1n't think that counts against blm. do you '" "or course not. mamma." "Fat cao be reduced and bald heads covered with Wigs. Mr. Henderson may not be as well educat Id as some. but he's a tborough business man. I th<l\Jght you might be' prejudiced agaInst him because he Is a brewer." "Ob. no. mamma." _ "Of courBe he doesn't rinse out tbe kegs and bottles and refill them again. nor does he drive one of his wagons. He stays In the oIDce and counts the casb. "Yes. mamma," was the same delnure and dutiful reply. "Mr. Henderson will probably call within a day or two. He has put'cbased a beautiful auto. 'and as soon 'al be can flnd a chauffeur to run It w~ are to 10 tor a ride. I knew you would think al I do about this mat· ter. but sUll I want to praJae you tor "our 100d common senle." "Thanks, mam.m a." Mrs. Kent, smiled' wltb saUstactlon Sbe hugged berselt In her ClOmpla: cepc),. Sbe belleyed the match .al sood ail t;nade. · Within a radius of len mllea ot ber were a bundred other mo~erl '!Vllo ,could hare told ~.er tbat · It ·, w...,' the , de.mute .)'oun' la4y to baTe an eYt! o~ •. but the cau..' lUo.n "",auld ban done n~ , &0Qd. That lame evening a letter waa .malied .to IIOmebod, up the atate wblch COD'talned tbe tollowln. lentence: ' ''Come at once' aDil blre to bIm .. • cbauleur. . Yoii bow how to run All auto. We'll plaD · the Nit after 70U let be...." ,
DeIiUlftl ,...~ p~q
• lit-
tle lebeme. It ~ .." . mamma," to .....,tbbll• .at ml.DUDa OaoaPt ..
wig and looked his age, no matter what It was. No. be was not an edu· cated man. He was just a millionaire, with a loving heart. and when he made this announcement he laid his hand on his right side. as Ir his heart bad moved over. H e had hired a chaurreur that day. and could Invite mother and daughter to go out ror a spin with blm on the next. The chaurreur was flne·looklng and 1I'0uld be a man to do credit to him. After his oall bad lasted an hour. and the brewer Who dldn't rinse his OW1l bot· Ues had rendered blmself as agre&able 8S he COUld. he bowed hlmleU out. and the mother turned to the daughtor with: "Estelle. lan't be jUllt IIplendldr' "He Is. mamma." was the reply. "Can )'Ou find any thins to erlU.. else'" "Not a thing. mammL'" "Then let me ctve you a motherly kiss." And just one hour after that moth· erly kiss had been Implanted on her demure cheek Miss Estelle was walk· Ing and talking with the brewer'. chauffeur In the reading room of the town Ubrary! They talked atiout 80methln& that both 1m lied and giggled over. and the ' decelUul young lady almolt whistled the air of a topical sonl' as she made her way homeward. The "spIn" was taken next after· noon. Truly. It was a ftne auto. and truly It was a dIstinguished lookIng ohaurreur. The ladles ocoupled the tonneau and the brewer sat beside tbe driver that he might show off his Cat back apd red neck. Ten-twenty - thirty mUes an hour, and then a stop! The auto had gone dead. That was the way with all new autos. the chaulfeur said. The boborank got foul of the jim crow . or lIome such thing, and the matter was easlly remedied. All four persons got out. Mrs. Kellt and Mr. Henderson sauntered up the road a bit, and Miss Estelle. the demure, sauntered down, while the chaulfeur crawled under the mao chine to be& of the bob crank to behave Itself. "Ah. but she's a sweet girl I " whls· pered the brewer In the ear or the widow. "She surely Is." . 1'1 Qu.1te ftatter myself that she has taken a liking to me at ftrst' sight." "(t surely looks that way." "You are . my fdend. Have yOU spoken to he!'?" "Most certainly." "Many. many thanks. In calle sbe makes me the happleat man on earth-" B~th happened to glance dOWD the road Ilt tbls Instant. and both saw that the auto had dlsappelU'ed. They ran to the ftrst turn In the highway - no auto! "Oh. what can have happenedl" exclaimed the widow. "( know-~ know!" shouted tbe brewer . "They have eloped. Nothing 'aUed that bob crank. It was a put. up job. He Is her loyer'" "Oh. no, no. no! It can't be !" "But I say It Is ! The d em ur., lit. tie cat has ma.de a fool of me! I s ee It a11- I see It all! By thunder-" "Sir! Don't you "wear in mT pres. enca!1: warned the widow. "Yes. s he 's 11 ca~. and I beHove you are either a scheming woman oror--tt "You fnt. bald-headed vU::prlan, how da,re YOII!" It was three mil es back to II farm. house where the widow could hire a conveyance to talte her homa. That night at ten o'cloclt, vt1en the demure Estelle brought her new. lUade bushand back and Introduced blm. the widow almos t hugged him DS she exclaimed: "I'm glad ot It! That It!!/: washer at a brew er called me a dodo and my darling a- a cat!"
Squ;JIbs Ready for Market. :10 not care tor their birds as well as others, and It w 1\ thererore take their squabs a few days longer to malure. It the breast Is well filled out and the feathers under tbe wings have started to break open and split at the points. the squab Is ready for market. The wings of each squab should he locked 'b ehlnd It by crossing t'hem twice. and' thh bird hung by the feet head downward bet\veen two nails driven closely together . . A sbarp pOinted knife In· sel'led In the mouth up to the hase ot the skull severs the jugular vein e,ud the squab quickly bleeds to death. The bird mUSL be thoroughly bled before picking. or elso tbe blood will congeal In spots under t.he skin wbere the band at the ploker touches It. and the bird will become "blistered." as the breeders term It, and Its value greatly reduced . Wing and tall feathers should be pulled llrst. then the neck. back and breast. care helng taken not to tear the skin nnywhere. ns torn squubs spall the appearance of the shipment. After picking. the bird should be a.llowed to cool In ordinary cool wa· ter. for bait an hour or more. It must then be tbor'oughly wasbed, tlie crop cleaned out. and place. In a tub of Ice \Vater until frozen. then they are ready ror packing. Pack In a clean box or burrel. I.Jne
Burned Out" Squirrel Family. C. H. Brown of 1\lalden kindled a fire In a parlor stove that had not been used before this winter and as 8 reBull a fnmlly of squirrels waa burned out of their bome and the fire deparlment made a hurried flslt to the Brown residence. Near by there IB heavily wooded land where squll' rels abound. The squlrrels's nest in. cluded a bushel ot Btlckll. leaves and mOBS and the chimney was effectual. ly ~Ioeked ' when Mr. Brown attempted """"".w'" to start the fire. WhUe the Inmat!!a ot the house were wonderllig at the smoke that ftIle~ the rooms paslerbywa. BUI' prised to ftnd ftamee shooting trom the chimney and he 'rang an alarm. No serious damace . was occaalone~ and as no· ~eall SQuirrels were' found It II prelnnned ' tha.t theT .el«!&i*t.Boaton 'Transcript. · . ,
th e sides an d bottom with a lean. whll paper. In the bo ltom place a layer of lWO Inch s of Ice. then a lay.er at squabs. then another layer of one Inch of Ice. alter nating IIntll '~Ith· In six In hes or th e toP. a nd the remaining spaces should bA tilled with Ice. Th e express com panies allow 20 per cent. ort t he lotal weight for Ice from
Pair of Homers. lbe first of March until the first of Novemb r. Place clea n. white paper o\'er the top and cover with burlap. nailing it firmly to t he barrel. Place a tag on the burlap top and another on th e side and sh ip In tbe evening whenever possible.
INDUSTRY OF FRUIT DRYING Pic:kinsr and preparing Immense Crops In California Gives Employment to Many Thousands of People.
(Ily C.
Til packing and pr paring for the mark t of th e vast quantf tl s of dri ed fru it s hipped from California an d OUI r fruit raising states Is interesting to all thos wuo live In localltl 8 whc l'e little or DO fruit Is rai sed for the IIlllr· ke t. /lod wh re nooe I:l dried. Plcldng nnd marketing tbe imm,cnse fruit crall!:! In CaJlrornla give employ. ment to lI1any thousnnds of people throughoul tbe s um mer months. The plcldng Is don e by men, but tbe pack· ing Is done almost nllrely by womeu a nd girls. herry paclters lJecome very exp'3 rt. the swiftest workers earnIng as high 88 $2 .50 per day. Ordinary packers mak from $1 .25 to $1.75 per day. 'rhe apricot crop gives employment to more people than the cherry crop. partly because there Is a largor acr.eage of apricots than of cherries and partly because the bulk of the crop 18 drle(j . Tbe "cots." as they are called. are cut smoothly In half. th e pits laken out and the halves laid. cup side UP. on trays for drying. Before being put out in the sun to dry the fruit Is subject d to the fum es of burning sui· phur for about thirty minutes. This blon. hes the fruit. kills nil germ s that may have found lodg ment on the ripe fruit and hastens the drying. A great muny Crult growers hnve very ext naive drying plants. but tbe procl!'9s of drying Is about th sam In large ' an d small plants. AIter the trays of apricots nre fill ·d. nch tray III Sl)rlnkl d with salt water. This fills the. cups with j~lce and tho sa lt hi ps the su lplwr to take <'trect. The tra ys are PIl ed on to cars wblch run on tracks ULI'ougb the packin g sheds. nnd are taKen by the Japanese workm n to the sullJhur house: Thi s bas los t compnrtm nls jUf;t largo enough for t il cur to fit ·In . T he sulphur Is light (] In the pits In thf' g ro\lIld volld th e doo r at th e clos t closed . Frequently. many s ulphur closets are lcept cClIslanlly In operatio n. Artci' the sulphurIn g pnlCCSS tho cars nr whee lell out In to tho c\ r~'llIg fields nnd the trays are luld fln~n the grou nd . Sev ra\. days are r equll'ticl to dry the fruit. Rccord lng 10 the weather. I'eaches nre dried tbrough mu ch tha same process as apricots . . Pruncs Ilre not sulphurec1 88 are penches and npr l· cot,s . bu t before being placed on the trays to dry they are given n hath III hot lye wat.er. Defore bclng sent to the re-Hll le rs the grent~ r part ot dried fruits lIro sorted. wnsbed and pressed Into boxes at tho packing houses. This gl\' ()s the fruit a finer nppenrRn<:e. but pl'Ollle, who JIve In the fruit reglqns prefer It just as H comes tram the dry er.
-- .....
... ... ...
"1,, .............
"Sh~lI · we.' ~Ie as ml~Uon.lr.. 01
u ' foreign dukel at the' ~oten" .
io At the latter.; . boy. : milo UObalres, we . might be ezpeetec! . to dlspla, , .ome .vldenoe. •at wealth. But u 4ulte.;· bOtioct)' caD poqlblJ It amln It:-••JdP.'~ . . ,
In response to II. Query as to how a comblnaijon pou1~ry house should 'b earranged, Mr. T. R, Thomas In .. the 'R ural New YorkeI' makes the fonow· lug reply:' . " -In the dIqram'. A show" run '~by 16; B . rooeUng hOWlel. 4 b)" 4; ' C laying ' houaell, " by "; 'D ~ry mub boulle. ~ b)" 4. Cut boles to admit f~wl. at X . eac:~ hou• .&; Bach vertical UDe on the plall lithe ~D4 ,ot e&eb rwl or house .:at each houte . or run cab ~e mQT~ . . U the' pt'u' ..... • lIDe
... _
~l'FZ~~!:1 1
. Part of' the' Ro,':
uny 'way. The 'n 'aBon the bouses are 4 by 4 Is thnt they can be ' moved by one ' mati or lioy. ' or even a woman. and being buUt ot on~Jnch b~8.r!iB would be too heavy It made laq;e... Also the begf~er can star~ ' with 16 henll, one run;: one ron8Ung b.ou~e ~d one laying. houle. an~ ino!"8&se as he wtBhee. The outalde .hape and Ilze ~fall houle. ue the lIIl~e. ,E IIbo:wa lleltl. II' drY maab. ' Make ho'e. X • .1Il dlqram large eDoUcb to adlblt light. but.uot larp eaoup to admit raID 011 .... u.q ·are.IIOl _ _e41D: til.......
A~p.ltt Canada IB to the fore, and hall sec ured at th u Naf.lonal Corn Exposi· tion jURt close d at ·olumbuB. Ohio. the magnlU cant Colorado silver trophy valued at $1.5UO. for th e bost peck of oats• Tbese oats w r grow n by Messrs. Hill & Son. of Llo ydrnlns t er. Saskatchewan, and. as may readily be uuderstood, were of splendid quality to hnv~ been BO s uccess ful In a ontest open to the world .. and In wbl ch competition was kcen . At the sllm c Exposition there were e xb lbl t~ of wh ent an d barley. nnd In all these cOIll\1eU tions. the grain . shown by Canada secured a wonderful amount of attention. an d a lso anum· ber or awards. Durlug r ecent exhlbl· tlons at which grai n from \Vestern. Canada was given p ' rmlsslon for en· try. It a lwa ys took first place. At the SpollUne Inte rstale Fair. last taU, whe re t he e n tries IV re very large. and the competition keen, the Province at Alberta carr I 'd oN' the s li ver cup, glv· l\lllny at . th e dresses ror Htlle girls eu by Governor Hay. for the best state thlB season Ilre showIng the long or province dis play. and a score of waisted effect. Our model Is made In . 'thls style. The body portion h; very prizes was awarded Canadian exhlbl. L_1f and produces a princess elfect. tors tor d iffer nt xhlblts ot wheat, strnl>8 ouUinlng the pan els In front oats and barley th reshe d and In the and back. The short skirt Is plaited sheaf. .Vegetables alBo received high all around. und tbe opening of the awards . A pleasing f nlure ot these dress Is lu the center of the back. exhibits was they were mostly made Serge. cheviot. basket w eave cloth. by farmers who had at one Ume been a nd even satin and "elvet nre appro· American CItizens nnd were now farm. Ing In Canada. Th e Department of prlate for this fro ck. Tbe patte rn (5324) Is Cllt In s izes th e Interior Is jnsl In receipt of a mag· 6 to 12 years. Medium size requires nlficent diploma gh'e n by th e Trl-State Board of Examiners at t he Fair held In 2% yards at 44-lncb material. Cincinnati las t full for agricultural <lis· '1'0 procure thts pn.ttern aend 10 cents to "Paltorn D epartm e nt." at Ihls paper. play by Canada. The Surveyor-Gen eral of Canada haa Write name und uddress pl a.lnly. and bo Buro to give size und number of paltern. jus t comploted a mUll sbow lng that a large area of land was surv eyed last ' year In the north ern pori.lon of SasSIZE .......... _•••.•• NO. 5324. katchewan and Altierta in order to be NAME ......... _.............. _............. .. ready for the rush or homesteaders to that district during the coming spring TOWN ..........~ ...... _..... _.............. _ und summer. Jl Is uud erstood sur· veys coveri ng sllve ra l hundreds of STREET AND NO..................... _. lliollsunds of acr s wlll be made In 8TATE .. ... _......... _ .................... . nddillon to these during lhe coming summer. A r eturn just Issued by th e Domin· A NINE·GORED PLAITED SKIRT• Ion Lands Uranch sh.ows that 48.257 homeslend entries were made lus t y ar as compnr d wllh 37.061 In 1909; of this 48,257. 14.704 were mnde by Am rlcnns. r\orth Dakota coming firs t on the list witb 'I. 10. Minnesota gives 2.528. South Daltota 1.133. Wisconsin I. 745. Washington 730. Mlohlgan 706. ". Iowa G45. while otbel' stat es show less, but wllh the 'exe ptlon ot Delaware" Dlstrlct of Columbia and the Indian Torrltory, every state and tenitor1 ·contrlbuted. The prospects for an abundant crop in all pnrts of Weslern CaJlada for 1911 are sai d to be excellent. In the districts that required It there was an ample rainfall last autumn. and the snowfall durin g U1 El present winter Is greater th,an lu Illany prevlolls years. Both are esseutlnl f clors to the farmers. who look upon the moisture that these will produce us being highly 5S19bene fi cial. For a walking s ltlrt lhere must be A large Immigration from the United a certain amount of play around the States Is expect d. a.nd the demand lor boltom. nnd In the model lIIustrat~d lite rature aDd InFormation from the va· this is provided by two small rilalls at rlolls Government Ag-e ucles located at each seam where the nine gores form- different points In the States Is the ing the s ltlrt are joined together. The greatest It has ev r ben. f!'ont of the s kirt fO I'ms a panol and In Since tile abovo was wrlll n ,word th back lh !'e Is the usua l rev~rs box plait, and he\'e the closing Is ar· has been r ecel cd t4at In addition L() J ranged. ,{,his skirt wlll be handsome bonors won at OhlOlblls. Ohio, Cana da won first and E ond on wheat aDd III some of the soft woolen materials now being worn. s uch as vicuna. bas· first nnd sec:ond on oats. as well as ket w aye clotb. hillon. broadcloth. dlplolllUS. Normnn Ch orry of pavia. Saskatchand the Iflte. '1'ho pattorn (531!)) Is cul In .slzes . ewa n, who was in Lh e reserve for first; 22 to :12 Inch es waist DI a s lire. l\{~ on wheat., secured tb award. with O. dium !;Iz I'eqllircs 5% yards of 44- H. Hu tto n o\' Lacombe. Alberla. second . J . . IliII &; en& got first all Inch maler ial. ants bcs ld{,R I ho sll VOl' t.rophy. G. 11. To procure this patte rn lIena 10 cents t o " 1'Utlern D t' llurtnU:lIIt." of this papl'I·. Hutton took second in oats.
"'rll e n:U11 0 nnJ .Ilutlrl' ~" p la inl y. a ll (l be suru to give ~Ize and number ot pa.llern.
NO. 5319.
SIZE .................
N~ME . ........ .. ............. _............ ..
TO\VN .... . ................................ .. STREET AND NO .... _................ ..
And .n th e Meanwhile. Lady-- a n'l you lin d worlt? Tl'atnp- · Ye:R lIlIl; but e ve ryone wanLs u r fure ncl) from my las t em· player , • Lady- And ('an't, yotl get olle? Trll mp- :\o. mum . Y OI' see. be'. been clead Iwe uLy·clgbt yeal's.-Loudon Puucll.
STATE ... ... ...... . .............. _......... .
In E:oston. Mrs. BounD-- ll ow rapidly Emerson b'1:Ows! .f Mrs . Cod- Yes ; he wlll be lu short specs ve ry sooll .- Harper·s Bazar.
Why. Indeed? little nep hew li st 'ned open I:' OUt h" d at the description or u rail. roud uecld ·n t In which u ma n was very s rlous ly Inju!' d . . When one of the Tb e man In tlte church with the family remurked. "I think he cOllld roving eyes }ooldng· over .t he bulbous gel damages from tile railroad." the . nose Is pl'elty sure to be Btrong on littl e fellow wus puzzl ed and broke tbe doc t rines. out with. "But. father. hasn't he got dalUllges cnollgh now?"-Dellneutor. Great Home Eye Remedy. for nil diseases of the eye, quick relief fr m u si n~ PF.l'TT'I" '. EYE SALVE. All Too CIon Now. drugbrists or Hownrd Brol!.., Buffalo, N. Y. Subbubs-l don' t know anybody Happiness grows at oUr own .firethat my wlte hates more than tbe side and Is not to be picked In strano Jenlilnsons. Cltimun....,.Wby. she used to . think gers' gnrdenB.- Douglas Jerrold. pretty well ot them. .Subbubs- Yes . .tllat was before they Drink Gal'fichl Tea I\t nigbt ! It insl1I'etl mO"ed next . door to ·' us.--Cathollc nO~U11 adioll 'oi IiVCI', \"-iune,1I Illld howe.Ja.; StUDdard and Times. The . saint who saYB he cannot sin . may' be an eamest ' man. hut _it la 'n Much tile Sam'e Boat. wisest t.o trust some other man WtUi "If we .d ldn·t ~nv'e to glva back allY tbe fund's , o~ the churcll. . cbange. think of the mOney we mer. chants would' make." "We aU hava ONl!l"BRO.O~171lnNE." our .troubles.'· 'sald the magazine pu~ ' Tl:l&t omy I, I.Au·rlVB BUOWO Ot 1'1 •• Lookfor &be Id~tu"" or 8. W. I1ROVlIi. _ &be Wor14 Ifsher. "Sometimes It t~t.9 me'. to rIO Cure .. Co14 lu~. Dar. Il1o. ' bave to print anr 'rea4lng matter. but· I !II'pose It" "must be done."-Kanaea , Angelfood cakes sel40m manG boy.- . anc.Uc.. . . ". Cit) Journal. My
Women ~Dru",m .....~ . It has been 'estimated that wom.... Corm one-half of one pet cent. or the total Dumber of tb. commercial druJD. .. . . ill til, 'l.JlIIte4 iRA_
. Take GlU'ficld Teat Jdade Of Her... it .. . pure, pleasant. and heaJth-py\lI&. . .' JlfYOl' bear of II: pe.rl 1>eiN ioWld . .
, ·oJt,.rcb
tal" 07tted
tr '
.... ....................
ss ·Bttos
The March m'Seting f the W. C. Lost ·between Harv ysburS, New Burlington and prlDg Vil li y, T. U. will be held Friday the Srd, at The best pi ace in town to buy · AT TH~ Ii plush robe . l!'tlldar 'wlll plol!Me DO the home of Mrs . E!~th e r Stout, nor h your Gr ceri :-l Our regular tHy Willilun Jj'itob, t:;prlng VItI1 ~y I w prices al'e lowt!r toan many Third st. ,' at 2 p. m. All are cordiallive ryman or Il'mnk Wilson HardE-alers' spedal prices. . ly invited to attend. . veysburg lind ~ecelve reward, 261bs. Gran .. ~ugar .. .. ... .. ... $1.25 Press Reporter Tbe dllnoe ~lVen lit Town Hall ' Lenox Soap, 3 bars for .. ...... IOc rhursday night was a 8000089 . Grap Nu~. 2 pkp:s for ... ... 25c ADDRESSED HIOH SCHOOL hreddedWheat Biscui t,2 for 25c H . E . Wihiou. of OIlY to n. spent Mothe rs ' I-\ts. 3 pkg8 f or ... 25c 8undll v \.118 guest of h18 plLrent,!.' Rev. ,T. F. a I wallader gave an inWay.n twill om, 2 for ...... Hie Mr. A Jr. Patterson reprose ntioj! \ho Frenob Bros. Bo r Co , transaot teresting and instructive talk ';0 the 1 LeWIS Lye, 3 ('ans for .. .... . · 25c 3·lb anned Plums, a can .. · lOco ed bU!<1 nellt\ hera last week . pupils of the Hig h School last Thurs. 3-lb. Kidney Beans. a can .·· 10c Beglnnln& wltb less than 200 atuFronk Wilson trans uoted busine!!s d~y on ·'Habit.~ _ . Pie Peaches, IOc, or 3 for .. ... 25c denta and rIfting within . Ix years to in Port William this week . . Victory Spinach, a can ·· .. ·· .. 10c 840, tbe Summer Se8slon 'If the Oblo Yr, Willtam Nedry hi nlo Iy 10DO YOU W:\NT TO GO? ! Victory Sweet Potatoes , can IOe State nlverslty bas become a most Orl.ted In t·lle Mt\dden Building Ree:! Alaska Salmon,can only 10e Herbert Edwards, of Wayne~vllle, Important feature or the state's chief Ohio is to a reprcsenta. ! Quart Jar Mustard ...... . .. .. .. 10c Qual·t Jar Sweet Pickles ... ... 15c educaUonal Institution. More strIking attended the danoe her e Tborsduy tion of one hundred and eighty·four night. Special Sale Saturday . than 'ts ,rowth In numbers bas be n at the Thit'teenth Triennial Sunday Carter Hallley, of Sprin~boro. WIlS 4 Big Sprcials for one day only It II development In standards. From School Convention, to be held in San on friends b ere Thursday we offer. the f1rat It has maintained a blgb o'l)ling Fl'anciRco, aiifornia, 'J une 20-27, 50 doz . fancy ~igh.grade Glass rank both In Instructors and meth· and Ilttended t.be uanoe . FrlLnk Perrlll represent.lng the 1911. It is expected that the full ods, snd at present oaly the best Tumblers regular price 40c to Dahl. MilliMan Grooery 0, of delegation alld sevel al hundred vis· teacb ~ra that can be obtaIned from 50c doz, our price l DOIOD the UnlTerslty and nel,hborlng raeul- Wa.shingt,on. oalll\d. on friends horl\ itors will attend from Ohio. The for one day .. . ... . . tlea are employed, and practically all Wednesday, l nokln g very thin, delegation is now being formed. 2000 Ib~. best Lump ~ l~s counos &Ive credIt toward a b.,ach- oli.o!!ed by He'leral weeks' sloknell!! Sunday school people who are willing Stv. rch .... ......... .. Mr and Mr~ . Eatl Hookett eu.llerl elor'a or an advanced degree. The 50 dozen cans Karo Syrup, the to become members of the State del· &raduate work has come to receive on MrR Hookf't's parent!!, Mr. and r ep:ular 15c size, clear ~ egation (at their own expense) are more and more attention. until last Mrs. Ed . Rtlilson t:;aturday. lIummer nearly one-flfth or the total Meusll\s are on tbe nmpage bere r equested to send their names to the Cgreat attendance wal made up of those anll If you have not hlld tbem yoo Ohio Sunday School Association, Laundry Soap; our first Bale of holdlnp; degrees from the UniversIty, bad better look out I Churches and Sunday Schools may this soap was a t! t. or some 50 or 60 other leading instiMrs . Ann Finob, one of our pio independently send "visitors" to the corker. For:l day j IIUS lOr iI~C tutions. Although the amall Inci- Deer oitlzens. has the menllies ut dental fee (there Is no charge for tuI- Sbe I,lge ot 87 years. J . M. Disbro, Convention, or they may submit to Fresh Dressed Fish Friday. tion) has not been raised .. the term ber grf\ndson is also down with tbe the State Executive Committee, Fresh Lettuce, Onions and Rad· blls beEn extended one-tblrd, and the measlet!. names of s uch persons as in their ishes every day, in our new work to&» treen arranged on the same Mist Machine. . Bomer Sima is dangerously siok judgment will, if proffered, accept basis u that of the regular lI~s810n . with the measles. official appointment as delegates. Opportunltlel. Ernest Baynes is duwn with • Official Delegates" are apf}ointed I The full work of half a semester the meli.sles. only by the State Executive Com· may now be covered In the summer, Mr and Mrs. ()htls Curt·ls. of mittee. ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and If a student chooses to limit bll range of subjects, a year's work can Wilmington , "pent ounday in thill delegates, visitors, and any Ohio . be completed In any ot several de- vioiuity . one who wishes to do 90, may travel partmentl. Many - IItudenUl or the " Mr . and Mrs. Warner Cartls ha.ve on a special train, atgreatly reduced ............... - - - . . . . - - - - - - - said goodby to the1r friends. Ilnd Unlve:-Iaty and the colleges of Ohio and the lIurroundlng states are mak- ha ve moved to lJhlllicotbe, thel r f are, making sight· ~eing stops AIhI will be IU8"n ed uull er Lhls head for enroute at -Colorado ' Springs, Den. twen ty·Uve ce nts for Lbre" Insertlou. Ing the most of thl8 opportunity to foture b ome whon U11lnll not more than U\'c lines. shorten theIr time In college, and Frank tihidaker aold a very fine Vert Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake Icores of teach era have thus tound blllo\l: horse to Ed CunninghltUl, of City and Sacramento. Particulars ~~ ...... tbe way open to complete theIr col- Cinoinna'1 Mr, t)hida.ker ulwtiys LOST lege traIning wIthout losing their po- bas some~hiog gl)od to sell in tb ~ as to the Convention, the prOi'ram, Iitlons or providIng substitutes. the route of tra leI, cost etc., may be borse line. Ch.,..cter of the Work_ Mr. and Mrs AnslIolem Dudley li.re obtained by applying to The Ohio 'KIO GLOVE, for left hand. be. The shops and laboratorIes, as well loollted on the Clagett farm . Sunday School Association, Col urn· tween my b ome Bnd Corwin, aa clus rooms and Ubrtlrles. are open Illst· Thorlldli.Y A reward \V iii b~ Rev. Fringer. of the M E, ohurob bus, Ohio. , _ .. .,;heri for Itt! ratum ' Jubn Com. to Itudeo..ts whose courlres reClulre administered SBOrli.ment t o the mings, R. D 3, W llynent\1e. OhlO. this work or to such .1 wllh axtra me mbers of t,be M E ohuroh bera Inltructlon of thll klnd. While but Sunday. A NEW BUILDING f.w preparatory coline I have been We will hf\ ve Ii. vaol\noy iu thp. retained, ltudenu Ilot Quite prepared marllhll.l't! offioe Mllrcb 1s t. ollu!!ed bl FOR SALE to eDter the Unlveralty have found our pres ~lIt Marshlll' moving out 0 1 For the YounlJ L.dle. at Ohio Sta'. University. lome opportunIty to make up their town. Ot the 2,803 students enrolled tn d.flclencl... Bellldel the reBUlar aca.i FOR SALE j?o!ld oorn 8nd tnbllCoo demIo lubjectl, courllel are offered the Ohio State U nI versity this yel!,r, Utica fnrm 0 1 97 tiore!! ; Jlltlnt..vof bal n for teachers In the history, philo. aliI are :women. The number baa ' ooUJ, never (ailiul{ SJ)r\ "J(K. gO(l rl ophy, pl1.chololY, or,anll.tlon, and Mrs. MoKtlOZie who bll:l been slclr luperylalon .of "ueatwa. The yarl· witb pneumonia fl)r two week I~ Ihown a remarkable Increase In re- bouse of 11 rooms AddresH Box cent years, having aimoat doubled In 164, Waynes'lillt>, Obio. ous .' ph.... of the teaching procell maoh t.etter. are treated, and an errort ,. made to Mrs. Clarll. Kirby who hilS btlen the lut five. The 632 young ladlel (SUHBELd good f4prmg Potu. prepare teachen ln profeSSional sub- ou the I!iok list is Improving are distributed among the varloua detOftS for 81l.le. Rlobard Brown jeCtl lor examlnatlonl for certlficatel. partmentl as follows: 191 are In DoGet>. Moyer has moved hi gooch' mestio Solence. 'I In A ..rlcullure. 2 W~ynesville, Oblo,.!!:... F. D. S. For Teache.... . from Brown lJo., to his fBtb,ITs prE'In Law, 3 In, Pharmacy, 2 tn Archl· Hl,h Ichcol teacherl find opWr- paratory to going with tbem . IGa SlJORINlj White Legborn. tecture, .8 In Education, and 38' are wnlUI. tor reTlew aDd advanced Eag8, 00 per ..et.tln&{ . Mr~ . Rev. MoKenzie will preaob "lIer. m tbe Colle&e of Arts . work III their IpecJlLlUeI and for dl. mon at Uttoa next Sonday JD futore A J . 'l'borptl, phone 88-5 While the young ladles constitute coverIng the best methods ot teach· poni8bmeo t. more than 20 per cent of the total ln, their lubjects. Allo sUP9rlntend· lot of Sprin" Ruley for sll-le. at Ed Moyer togetber with the b~l· enrollment in the University, there .nta, lupervl80rs, normal school I.D.' 900 per bu~bel. Write J . M. Itructorl and lpeelal teachers haT. anee of 'he DI;Ilgbborbood was in Is not one wbole building of tbe 20 Und-lrwoor), R . D "a Wllmin8tou, whIch are devoted to InstructlonliJ their waDtl met by the large variety Leba nOD 8atnrday o ,or phone' BarveY!lhurg 15-2 . purpose. that Is devoted excluslve' l y Mrs. Carter mOves to LebrIDon of courees In art, domestic SCience, to tbe )'oung ladles and tbelr work. drawing. music, and manual tratnin&, 'bis week . . Physloal education, wblch Is re- EDISON PHONOliRAPB · and 90 and by the attention given to the The ringing of the .lnvil wjll be required of all during their first two some reoords. in jitood Rhll.pe problems tn achool law and admin- beafd Again In Utloa years In the Unlverelty, mUlt be 'IUd wlU sell rellllonllble . Inqllire Iitratioo. For teachers and advanced Ed Moyer Bold his drivln~ horee taken on tbe same fioor that the af t,bls offioe Itudenu of 10()logy aDd botany. In for '150. boys use. and for tbls reason the addItion to the work In' thOle sci· Rev. MoKeDzle reoeived a Dice lIoor must be uled trom 9 o'clock till ences at Columbus, the UnIversity uES-Four palra of a.yen.ol,1 malntalnl a lumm.r laboratpry on donation from his oongrtlgl\tion at noon- the worst hours of tbe d&y for !pllles from 14 hands, 3 In . t.o Orego)nh last l:Jandli.Y. • recreative exerclle. The locker ac· Lake Erie at Cedar Point. The atall' to hands. lin In . beigbt. Good commodations are wholly InadeQuate' . Geo, CarDihan is buying tobacco o.f tn.tructol'1l there Includ.l & nu·m· ones, unoruken . <AlII G E . Riley, bel' of the beat and mOlt esperlen.ced Mrs. Mariah Surfaoe is on tbe The room containIng tbem Is only Lebli.non, O . Valley pbone .48-2X" 17x34 feet. and tbree girls must use teacbe.. of botany pel 1001011 from atok 1\s~. a locker that was Intended tor only the dlhrent colleg.1 of ' the state. Mr. Fry will move to his 'farm NE ot the best building lots in one. Ftetd work IJi olvll enllneerlng and 'htupring, tOWD . Fine 10tJa.t ion. Gooc In the Domestic Science departoUlIll' opportunlU.1 for enilineers In ment conditIons almost as uusaua· drliiullge· 75 feet front. Inquire different ' lines '· baye allo attracted New Burlington facto ~y oIJlaln . This department, at tbis offioe. JUD)" .lltarpr18tD, atudenta to the with Its domcs L\ c nrt, and the De11XIlDllr coureel. Barred Plymouth Roo. Cooker· Thll .lumm'''1 S.. llon. Oar schooJs were elolled on WaBh · partm ent ot Art . are housed In the two bmaHer wings ot Hayes Hall, els IIond a clozen Barred PlyAbout 1Z6 courBe., coverln, the iDlton's birthday while the IlIrg\) r.orth wlug Is gIven wldelt of Illbjectl imd enrag. The W. · F. M. t) of the Friends ove r entirel y La t !IC Industrial Art moutb Rook bens l'beRe Ilre a high gnde stook of B P R . be. me tn, th~ Ume of 86 01' 70 prof.llors, ohnrob me' at the home of Mrs . Ira ahops for ·th l) lJOys. . soon if you want tbem. Joseph will 01 pen till. lummer. In IUldl- &roggy on t:;aturdILY · . So with th C:!F "011111110n8 It Is little Vli.nghn, Waynesvlll." Obio. . Uon ta the replar Unlverelty ltaft, Wm . Devoe aDd famny bave wonder tha t 1h'1 yo ung Indi es are Baldwlll, Buchtel, D.Dllon, K.llyon; moved into Jas. I:Jtewli.rt's b ."losa. going to th I e 'j ];\ lu l"e th is winte r Ob&o Wellll7&D, Ob.rlln, Peabody Mesdamea .lobl). aaydook, T.p08. to ask thllt th si tuation be nllevl- pAPER NAPKINS-The GazeUe offioe bli.ndle!l tbe platn wbUe Normal Colle,., and other well Haydook, H, O. Whitaker and Mi88 ·ated. Sev nt y·nv ~ thousand dollars bow. lnaUtuUoDI have furnished Jennie Reeves were bO!ltesses to the Is the sum ror whl 'h th ey will !lslt, II.rid colored napkins. Cll'Il !lnd lIoe ' lOme of their bnt teachere. Out.ld. Ladies Aid t:;ooiety at tbe home ot and with this dmo unt they can se- tbem, the inltruCtiollal corps, a let of leo- tbe latter, l.'bursdaY afternoon of cure a built1lng that will afford tbem "rerl, IncludlDB lOme of the molt· laat week . . ample room to house all tb e dUferent HORSE~HorRe8 for ~aie singly E. M. Patttlrson and folmlly bave loclal and educntlonnl activities In 41IUal\lilthed men of the country, or n pairs. InqQlre or J. B. bays been arran,ed tor. Amon& them · moved to a farm near Centerville: which they are p.ngnged. ChapmaD, WayneSVille, Ohio. will be Prealdent Nicholas Murray Mr. aDd Mrft J. W. l::III.y.dook ao The type of building planned has Butler of ColumbIa, PresIdent George ed the gymnasium In the center, the lab· E. Vincent of Minnesota:" Com mi. oomptl.nt them . 1SRUE PAPER-if you .wan' lioner David Snedden of MallachuMrs . Jas . Ruffman was oalled to oratorIes and lecture rooms In one any oolor of fine tissue . paper, wing, and parlors. assembly hall and .ettl, Profellor E. C. Moore of Yale, Wilmingt.on la'3t week vv the l\Jness 01ll0es for the y, W. C. A:. Women'l o"n at tbe tiazette offioe . We hue ProfesBOr Thllly ot Cornell, and oth. of ber mother, Mrs . Overholse. Council and literary socIeties In the It on hand al! the time. --. en .,t \Ike reputation. BesIde the other wing. Edgewood larg. Tulet1 of courles ordlnarUy ot· Plans for the campaIgn have 0.1· fered. a variety of .peclal couraea WANTED 9 yde W . Reitz, of DaytoD, spent ready been laid by the Women's l sucll u teaching of a~rlcultur. hl 8unday with bie motber . Council. of which MIss Helen Zeller hl,h and ellmentar1 .cbools, hom. II prelldent, and active operatlonl makera" course in domestic scl8nc8. AN past 30 with horae and bug. JOh.'l tllmpson and A. J . Cbari on will be ltarted at once to brIng the lliatory of art, manual trainIng, book· were tn the Gem City BatardlLY. matter to the attention ot the memo . gy to sell stoot oqndltton pow~ blndillg. ehemlltry or foOdl, phYllcai Walter Bj6I, of DaytoD, visited bis bers of the legislature . . "We are not · der in Warren Couuty. Sli.lary t70. chemlltry. hlltory or philosophy, eth- fa t.her lli.st Bon day . ( luffragettes," as Miss Z~l1er puts It, per mtlntb . Addres~ SOl Unity ICI, rultory of matk.matlcI, teaching C. . L. Duke o.a l)e.d on Horaoe -but we"bave lOme rights. and clalml Dldg '. IDdtanapoJt.i IndiaDa .. . :. . . of .mathematics, phYllcs, and other on;i day If\Bt week. which present condltMtmi at the UuJ. I !lUbjeeta ' have been added this year. Klrby'e Several fro~ bere were in Day. ter.Uy do ,not satisfy," . - , '. ====:;~==~=::~:.':===~ Th. C.lt. ton Jali week, • ~ • • The term w1l1 lut eight weeki, , : U from JUDe 11 to Au&. 11_ The only . A dance waR held 188t Ba.turday ' Il)du.trloil or Corllo•• ebarge, outllde of DJaterlall Uled. In night at Mr. Beokett's who resIde The .two prIncipal Indultrles In' the the cbemlcal 'Jaboratorles, II an In. on' Mr. "George Hawke's place pear French hiland ot CorsIca ar, the mu· cld.Dt&l fe. ot ,. for the whole ee.' Ridgeville. . ' uracture of chflstnut wood extract and I ' . lion. TlMi womeD'1 dormitory; Oxle1. · Miss .Goldie WbUaora who is in tbe "'Ilkl~& of cheese. Hal" wW · b. 'open aDd under the ' D~;Y, ~oD apeut 1.1tS" week·end wltb I c1lar,. 01· t~ replar au,ertnuDdent.. her pareDt.. . E..y. . . JUlt M!n eaa "'0, obt&1ll room~ at~. James COok's were 1D LebaDon 18s' If would ·.p.robabi)"· be. Juat AI . . . ., to louble ratel lD tM .,.~ of the Saturday. _ IOTe a rtch ,srI .. a poor OM If u..... wuil't 10 _ . ~.. . 00 ... tM . . ~ot . . . -...s. __ lin. Dr. LaD.I, of Bl<llre'fiUe hal 17aInrItt7. 1 ' - cIoUue llllouN \ ... ""111 . . . . . . . . . . .bMD qul.. .1101£ the pial' ~11:,
Opportunities Offered to Ohio Teachers.
! ..........................
Are preparing for the largest
Implement and Vehicle Trade -
for 2Sc .
This Season that they have ever had in their 20 years of prosperous business in Waynesville.
(U E
Olassifled Ads
The Milburn, Troy and Weber Farm Wagons, a fine line of Buggies, Surreys and Breaking Carts, Hoosier and Superior Corn Planters, Also the Victor EdgeDrop Planter, Oliver Gang and .Sulky Plows, Oliver Steel and ' Chilled, Syrac.use, Jmperial and Shunk Walking Plows, The Iron Age, Buckeye, Kraus and other makes of Riding and Walking Cuftivators, Di.c and Spike-tooth Harrows, Field Rollers, etc. Also, McCormick Binde~s, Moweri, Corn · Harveiters, Manure Spreaders 'and McCormick Repairs. •• •• •• •• ••
-----_. - --- ---
Call and See tbe Goods and Get
Prices before you'. Buy.
. .
The Anthony is the BEST FENCE Made. Sold by us for 5 years and has given un~ver8al SATISFACTION!
5 bs'cr.·be"
. fC)r th.,
.,.,.p.~~~- -_~~.IIIiI _ ~ -.
___ ......I
-:. '
OHIO~ ~_
are handling all of the B~ST CRADES of goods to be had In the different lines, consisting of
e--·- --.. -.--.... :
O~n!~ 'Citize~s I e-I F----------e ,
. , Mrs: Jesse ~eers, . tormerly MIFS Hattie Hawke ..of Ci)lcago, who has been very ill of diphtheria,is getting , alQng nicely at last ac~.ounts. -_..:-' .' . ' . MISS Mar~aret ~ussu~, daughter o~ Mr•.and Mrs. Will. Russu.m. of J?ayto ,was co~firmed I,n ChrIst Eplicopal church 10 that CJty Sunday. ·
Ml88 Ann~ Marshall writes from
Gra!ld Junction, Col., that they ~re bavmg .fine w~ther and everythm~ so fa~ IS favorable for a fine frUit crop In the G,rand Valley. Marion E. Campbell, of Sardinia, 'Ohi~,and A. B. ~essler, of Ci~cin. ~atl, were transacting le~l busmess III Lebanon on last Friday. Mr. Campbell. was formerly Ii resident of Waynesville where he has many friends.- Western Star. '
THE LECTURE COURSI':: The last number of the Lecture Course for the season of '10- '11 came Thursday night in the pr-esen· tation of Booth Lowrey , who gave his lecture "Tolerably Goor. People," rhe lecture bristled with good points and anecdotes. and for more than an hour kept his hearers interested. The course was decidedly a success this year. The five /lumbers were ail good, and the management are congratulating themselves ~at they did not have to go down in tbeir pockets. While the lectu'e numbers were well attended, the vaudeville numbers were the ones that brought out the crowd. It is to be rt'lrretted that Waynesville does not have an opera house or even a casinO. where vaudeville or dramatic efforts can be put on to s'htisfy the public here, While SCbool Hall is a good place. an opera house would be better. Here's hoping that by the time our traction comes it will also bring a play house of so~e sort. -.....,.--_• ._ ••- - _
MARCh . ; 1911.
Mrs. J. M. Tay lor is vel'Y sick wi th the grip
Dr. J . T. Ell is is q uite sick. Miss Evd Davis was a Dayton visitllr Saturday . Sheri ff Fo rgy was ;n town Satur, ' d a),' on Iuusmess. Mrs. Harriet Lincoln is r ecovering from a seve l'e illness. Mr. and Mr" J. . Hawke weI' Dayton visitors Sund ay.
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Edwards wer e in Dayton Sunday viSiting- relati ves , Geo. Waterhouse and Carl Hawke attended a d.ance in Lebanon Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McClure. of Springboro , were g uests of r elatives her e Satul'd8:Y' Mrs. F. W. Hat haway '\ as caught ina post .card sbower February 28th . She received 81 cards.
Go to Z 1\ & Son fol' Tobacco Boxes. I . D's .• $1.15: Walter McClure transacted busin - in Day ton Monday . Mrs. Miller mother of Dr. J . W. Miller is vel'y seriously ill. · ~ ..
yond words Thursday morning when it was reported that Frank Pr.att had suddenly lost his mind. He has been ailing for several years with diabetes, and his malady has been g rowing steadily worse. The first symptoms f this change was made a pparent when he wen t to Day ton Wednesday and purchased a lot of lumber. Mr. Pratt had just recently purchased the Trou t lots on Fifth str eet. and he hacl bee u busily engaged in excava t'109 a CPo 11 ar an d 0 th er wor I<
Harris Mosher r eturned to
ington, Monday morning . where he will spend the spring and ummel' 1<Jffecting an entrance throug1'\ months on the farm of his uncle, a rea r window burglars Satqr<lay Robert Mosner, night secured $15 from the cash dl'awer of t he Xenia library. The ME)ssrs. J, .M. Cook. J. ·B. Pence, drawer also contained over $1.000 Fred Gons, J : E. J anney and D ~ L. wor~ h of old coins, but these ~ere not disturbed . .
. - -- - .
RepOi;t of ~arne Townsbip Schools
for Month Ending February 24, ,; I
' 6. · 1
67 '
,7, . 9 ".
127 44
__ . ..-..,
Misses Donna Hawke and Luell a Corn All ent rta in pd the " Card Club" last 'Friday evenl11",.
Mrs. Fl'an'< Long- of Columbus. and Miss Em ma Heighway werl.! Mrs. A. T. Wrig ht and SO:1. Master g uests of Mr and Mrs . W. H. Allen Elliott spen t Saturday in Davton. about the place. preparatory to at dinner Saturdav . bu ilding . and it may be, that this worried him a great deal Mrs . J , W. Whi te spent Friday Messrs. Fred Hawk and Ralph and S,a tul'day with friends in Dayton. 'On Saturday he was very bad. not will be hosts at a select dance Smith knowing VI hat he was doing at all , to be given in I. O. O. F Hall. and word was sent to Sheriff Forgy, R. M. : mith w as the guest of his mother in New port, Ky .. Sunday. who took him before Judge Boxwell. Wednesda:' eVlming, March 16th. who had him taken to the State Hos· rvt iss Mal'g ll el'i te Thompson arrived pital. Mr. and Mr . Fred Hartsock en-' home Satu rdHY evening from 'CincinMr. Pratt was one of Waynestertained at dinner Sunday. Mrs. nati . ville's bf's t business men. He had Edith Harris, Mrs. Laura Mosher, served as a trustee of the township Miss Edith Mosher and Mr. Harris Henley Kendl e, of Newcastle, Ind., for several '!Years, and was an Ilfficer Mosher. is the gu est of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. of rare business ability. At his Sherwood . trade -a stone mason- there is d I t II of tho Mj.1IS Donna Hawke wa.q hostess at Mrs. Oren Strawn went to Colum- none b e tt er, an a mos a .... d r htf 1 nt) t S t bus Monday to visit her daughter work done here waS put up by him. a e Ig . U • I e supp~r par y a M' 1 h 0 S U M P attis a prominent ' Oddfel- urday evenmg. The guests were . r. r Mr. ' an d Mrs. CAB ISS ay at t e . . . fW . ~ Lod . . runeI', Mr . an.:!II low. and secretary 0 yommg ge MEV . B ' h t M' Ed'th Frank Ellsberry. of Brown Coun ty , and a g reat worker for the lodge. Mrssh ' . d Earn a~ '. hisses M I was the g uest uf 'VIr. and Mrs. W , H. • -- 0 er aTi mma elg way, essrs Edward Ricks.and Ronald lb.wke. Madden Monday and Tuesday C~RD OF THANKS • _ •
- - --.....
Mr. and Mrs. . A. Bruner entertained Mrs. Mauri ce Silver at tiinnl'r Sunday.
Dr, Herschel Fisher has moved to HAD VERY FINE TIME The choir of'St. Mary's church is " preparing a lenten can. tata, uThe offices in the new Morr is building. R· A. Cross returned from Cinch- Story of • 'alvary," by Schnecker. nex t t 0 tlle pos t 0 ffi·lce. Le b anOl:. V nllti Thursday. where he had been in to be rendered on Palm Sunday afMiss Pearl Riley. of Ridgeville. attendance at'the convention, of the ternoon. ' Oh'10 na d' rd ' Mr. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jk. _E. ware. Ass ociatlon. The choir has been augmented by Janney a couple of days last wee . Croia said that he had the time a few of our best singers. The enof his life• . The Cincinnati people semble is as follows: soparnos- Mrs. William and Ada Michener spent Mrs. R. A. Cross was called to ColMany th'inks to the 248 friends were there, tteating them royally, Alfred Wright, Mrs. L. S. Rhoades, the week· end ~n Columbus, the guests umbuq Monday on account of the who remembered me on my 61st an~ abou.t a~tend~ t?e theater Mrs. H. Allen. Miss Lucy Emley , of their bl'Othel', Chas. Michener. death of her sister. Mrs, Clux~on. birthday. for the beautiful post-cards one eVf'mng~ The ~clatlon started Mrs. p. J. Edwards; altos-Mrs. J, each one carrying' an inscription of " 12 years ago w~tb about sixteen W. White, Mrs, . R. M. Smith. Mrs. l Mrs, Ed Bergdall, of Dayton. was l Mr. and Mrs .. Alii: Hol.e, w~o good will and cheerful thought. It mom:::, but this year the roll·call C. A. Bruner., Mrs. D. L. Crane; the g uest of her paren ts, Mr,. a nd have spen~ ~~e wm~e;. In ?a~lf~~ma, may be ~h~t a :;an w~o llves for s~l! ~asTh '. '. CI I d te~o~-Messrs. FrAnk ~arr. Lou Mrs. Philip Hopkins, Saturday and srednow VI Itm:}e a IV~ m n ISana, alone, WIt . ad beart 0 '"~t?ne, wfou t ec:onven~onmeetsm .ev.ean ~rmtz, F. B. Hend~rson; .bass....:.. Sunday. an are exoectl;'U t oarrlve h e re un- :notbeaffecte ya .asL'owero pOS next.year, and thpy,are begmnmg to· Messrs. C. A. Bruner, F. B . Sher- ' day. Icards, such as I received. Be that as 'plan forital~eadSr. wood~ U. M. White. and D. L. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hawkins reit may, I want to say that when these - .ICrane. Miss Pearl COlvin, organist. turned to their horr.e near Sabina .Mr..and Mrs, . John Hutt, of tokens of friendship ~e pouring in COUNCIL MEETS .. - • Thursday, after a very ple!lBant vis it RldgevtIle. were. In town Sunday. upon me from all of my neighbors. .l • , ST. MARY'S CijURCH with relatives here. They took the tram here fo r the East. ,friends 'a nd relal ives in my own comMrs. Hu tt.w~ ;ormerl y the Baroness munity, togetJ1er v.jtb, ~t;!l9.l!4! from CounCil met Monday evening with ,aJ 'JP~~J;J . P~t. BiUs 'to the Sunday-Second in Lent: Morn- The E lks at Lebanori'c leared over 1ge Rottenberg. Franklin, Middle~wn, Miamisburg, &iit~u.nt of about $100 were allowed, iog Prayer and sermon at 10:80 a. m. $3.000 at their fair last week. This S 1 . J Davton, Waynesville, ' ~vtle, Cincinandbr.de~, pai~. , ThreenewTu.gs- Eveni.n g Prayer and address at 7 p . was doing fine, and their new home J tan ey :m~·30bn. son d?fd~' SA. nat·i, Lebanon and all the small vil., t.on llir"ta are to. be added on the al- m. is now an assured fact. ameson. 0 , e anon, Ie l!l t. la!?,es around me. besides some from ~ leyson Miami, .North, an<1 Tyler. Wednesday, (this evening.) Litany. Pet~rsburg, Saturday, .and Will be West Virginia, ' Indiana, 'and Michi.. ~~matea will be received for re- Penitential Office and address at 7. Mis's Leah Smith and little charge, burl~d at Leba~on today. Mr. gan, my joy was too great to prevent . pahiI on th~ Miami street sewer and p. m. Master Morrison Waite, · of Cincin- Jameson was a bright, younst man, a flow of tears. God knows that I . the t High ' street' sewer, Marshal .Sunday School every Sunday morn- nati. are visiting her parents. Mr. and had many acqu!lmtances here. love yOU all and I hope that my L~wia . made one arrest during the ing at half-past nige~ . and Mrs. George Smith. treatment of you, fer years to come. 1n~nth. ' . ' \ . Come and upite with us in these Mrs. Frank Long •. of Columbus. may be such as will always keep your · ., " .- • services. St. Mary'S Guild will meet with who hadcbeen ~ttend~Dg ct?e ~ard~ fri'e ndship as true to me as it is to~uT, 'I~. ·NEW STACK ---.. Mrs. Barnhart on Thursday after- ware onventlOn In lncmnatl day. My sincere wish is that God's . fOR' BOOTlEOOlNO noon. As in former Lents, the ladies stopped t ff h~re Saturday for ~ ~ay, blessing may be with ' each one of will sew this year for t he Children's and was the .guest of Harry' Wllham. .J. R Wills. 't I Is. o n a nd famtly. you., ! H OSP) a . - .. _ • • ~ •
-\ -~,..
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" . 1\\. e. C H U RCH ness. Eureka Poultry I·ood Mfg. .' ---C. (Incorporated.) East St. LoUIS. .Rev. r ran:k Leever. of ~orrow, Ill. ~. Will · praac? at the M. E. ChUI.ch Sun. Iday ~ormn~. In . the evemng the Sam Meredith attended th~ O?IO /servlCes Will be In charge. of ~he Leaf Tobacco Packers' ASSOCiat IOn [' Brotherhood , A .song servIce With banquet at the Phillips House, Day- a shol't address WIll be rendered. . k - ton, Tuesday evemng. of last wee . . A large cro'Nd was pl'esent and an I DE~TH enjoyable time was had. Mrs. Leah Welch, widow of Isaiah •:he Misses Eleanor Earnhart, Welch, died at her home in Morrew Sthel Stok '8, Ruth Miller. Lucil e Tuesday morning. 1he funeral will Cornell. Ona Strawn. HenJ'ietta Ibe held Thursday afternoon at 1 d McKinsey. Elizabeth Chan,ller an ,o'clpck. . Massrs. Ross Hartso!!k, John Stl'awn • - .. . and ·Prof. C. A. Bruner, attended NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Teacher~' '~xamination at Leb :lnon ::)aturday. We 'will not accept for shipment, nor deliver freight after 5:001'. m,' . Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart re- 'Please bE! gove!;Il,e d accordi~gly.. . turned from Chi~ago Thu~s~ay even. T. R. Smith, ~gt"
, Mr. Frank Miller was , married to Miss May Woollard Thursday evening at the home ot the br.i de's p~r. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woollard. by the Rev. L. O. Thompson. The Gazetteextendstotbenewlymarried couple its best wishes. .. _ • TEN.CENT SOCIAL The C. E. Society and the Ladiel:! Aid, of the U. B. Church atioOregonia ~.ill give. ~~ :ren-Cent Soc!!ll at the home' o.f the Misses Kibler, .o.f Green Briar, on Saturday evenin" March 11th. EverY, o~e is invit€d •
IIr . B. L Dakin one of our, high . ly eateemed oitizens bas for severul day~ past been ·quite sick . . W. W. Wilson, of · CinolnnAti, spent several dtiYs latlt we.e k . the gnelt of his parente. Rev. and M.rs: A. . K. t5!Jr~'en t have r )aohed' Jaoksonville, Floridli and wjll rem"'.n in the south. for sixty dbYI!. . .' , Mr,.E, ·B. Dakin, of the firm of Weloh & 'Dakhi aooompanied by POULTRY ASSOCIATION MEETS Mrs Dakin & Mrs, Weloh attended The Miami Valley Poultry Associ8':o the Hardware lJooveotion last week tion met Saturday.. afternoon and beld to OioolDDtid aDd ' reported an elected new officers for the ensuing exCellent time, . Miss Lilly Nedry after spendiDg year, This meeting 'was the most several w~eks with relutiv811 here enthusiastic one that haS ever been rMurDed ·to her eister's home in. d l ' 't Corwin 1811t week , . held an sev.era ,VISI ors were. presMr, and Mrs B*,Djl!miD Week~ e~ ent. tertillned their ohildren . aDd grandobildreo for dinner SlLtordu. y . pres., Mrs. J . B. ChapThe W. C T U . 8ppoint~daoomman. 1st vice, W, C. Welch. 2nd vice; mlttee to visit .001' 11001 room 'a ntl H. H. Wadsworth. secy. ; Miss ~ary reqoest that he tlLko' down his 'oot' , Cook, asst. !lecy.; H . . V. Harness, ta108 so aDYODe may' .~ee ID. · Mr treas. Dr. Henderson, Lafe Nichol- Horoiok who is protii1etor is 8 genfIeman oonduots his p lace a<;oord· 80n. K. E. Thompson, Mrs. Mary ing to' the ordinanoe of onr .v.ilShumaker imd Mrs. B. V. Smith, ex. lage aod expre8ses himself beinl-t com. ready to do anything for the be~t. The following were elected as del-lOur autr;lwobtla owneJ's are rnD . egates to the central bod~: . A. C. ning their maohines, . Tomlinson. H. H. Wadsworth, Dr. E . •J. Campbell was up ,ointed Henderson, Amos Allen, Mrs. Em- marshal oaosed b~ the relligl1,1Lti n . mor Daily and Mrs. B. V. Smith. The of 1~larshtl.l Adllm C!lmpbell central body is composed of six memt;IDlo~ W!lrd aDd wife left th '" b from Waynesvill o and five from oommunit Y afte~ ltvllQi g hehre lD"MUY ers ~ years for I ndian"po 8 were r. Mortow. These delegates will meet Ward hal!" position "s uiinistAr of here Saturday and elect officers for one of the B~ptist ,oboroh"l8 Rev . the coming year. and Mrs. w'l.lrd.htl ve o,o r best Wi8hes. The Association is endeavoring to Joot MQrri!l, of Tiffin, tI.~d !\dr . . . .' Wbltoomb. of New WasblDgtoli. raise the membership to 76, and ·by obio t[l\olllloted ·bUB1D~IIS here ~ · t:lG the 1st of April it is probable that week. nutnber will be reached. Two new Mr. Clark Burgess afLt'!r .an 'a b names were handed in Saturday. seuoe of 8p.vElr,,1 weeks retorn~l l Thp. Association is in a healthy con- home I:)....orday muoh improved iu dition. and plans will be laid at once health. . f b . f 19 2 ' .Mr. Cbllries 8uft', .oDe () t e fllO for the !3how Q 1 ' p l o y e e A ·of thl,l W I1m,ngtoo. pOBtoffioe .. ~ • 'oa116(1 00 friends. here SODd"y even MAsONIC U>DOE · tug: . . Dr . I. N. Ideal still 'l'emalos .quite
v~~g~~:()':\1,~:~~it°~e~~~: p~~~:~~~ W~IOb;' of:~a8t ~~oond~t.t·
66 ing: '141'. Barnhatt, wM, . ,buying , '. "" '\ ' .. 29 a stocl{, o~ haperdWilhy-, wh.i~h " pe ,.ip- ' " ~. \.Tuesda evening ' M~rch 14th: . So- t!', 91lt ~e. siok Ilt tbis. w~~t.iDK" ' . . ' '. .' '. tends to putjb'in' eonn~ction wjth . ,. ., '. ' . , .' " ',:... . .. ~ , . ! I· . .,. , UalT1o ' Edwardi t. 'bl'ell,1l1ng . bb' . < .his la'rgestock ofsho~, ~i1d i.~ will . Rev . r.e~~ Mills . ,Will · preach..a~ t~e J~.urnm8' :brethren , !lr.~ ,c?~dlall~ !~- tit_e. ooil9~ m"re-to .a.rb:e,· lIod. ·.ban VJ~~~~~~~~~;;;';~~~~~~J;;~;J~~J¥.J:l!i:~ be u~tQ·date stO~~ •. ~ ..He \\'1I1 proba- O.r.th.odox:· c?urcb' Sun~a:y; , Al1" ~re v}teQ .to ,be .pr~nt. . . . "' ~rok~ wtlt be it. vert d88il'ah.le~oim".l j
1 ",0'
~~.~e r~y forb~in~~a~.out~~~~I.J. ~~~lal~V lOV}~~ .,to c~rhe ·. arid: hear. . '~..y. :~~~7.n, W; l.'I' "'~~:~.~~~f~~:ot:ateil:~~~~t\:-~'
,Th~ Miami Gazette 11111.1.111 i III III I i 111'11 TRAPPING OF M'USKRAT Sticky Sweating ft"ach d' L eah ' · IS QUITE PROFITABLE Palms e ian ,' D. L. C,.ANE . " 'WAYNlIlSVU,1&.
Desc. SIUOG Brlog Good Price, Espec lally In :Londo Q Wher e
after talC!.ng snUB or cathart ic waters -did you evor Dotioe thu weary an gone teellng -t.he , palmi of your bands eweat-,and rotten taste in your mouth - OaLhart ica ooly mOVe bl IIweatin/l your bowels -Do a lot 0 hurt-Tt ·y a CASCA · RE'I' and sea how much el\8ler the job Is done - how much better you leel. 1101 CASCARETS JOC • box 'o~ • week', treatment .•11 dmglCi . Al_. nil/re.t u\ler
Most o{ TheDl Are Sent- Flesh of: T.oo Sl.ron g Thirtee n men were ):tiled whUe on Tilste {or More Refine d. Jlunling excurslona In thl. stale In the Iniel open season. That Is the num· (Copyr1a bt. liU. by Anoclal ed Literary Pres&.) be'r 01 young msn IdUed In footbalJ In (By WA1.TE l1 B. LEUTZ, ) InclJ es d p. C8.l!t Il the chain to a SybUJa burst explosiv ely Into tbe IIpeecb, an In the whole country this year, or lUI London alone takes over 4,000.000 s take or 1101 • I'cacbin sight tha~ wils ' critical, g to d ep wn· 811m,. Pennsyl vanIan. as have dIed slUing room, shoutin g subdued ly: Bnd worse sUlI, a reckleslI regard for muskra t slUns every year. nuel most t r. Tbe \lule, lilIan wblch the ring "Mothe r! Mab! Everybo ot thele dy! The the truth, tI'om thla cause In a century . These al'e sblpped fro m tbe cited of tb cbaln Is to s lide. should ill \lie ",,"14. A11l1l~ bo;;;a: a mODUa. havo flgurea are olrered not to l,rove that new mlulste r Is comlng -I laW blm In Tberefo re wht!o Mabel asked ta~ States. Tbe demand tor muskra t skins a Cork at the outOI' end to prevent It football 'la without a certain amounl at the lane-an d you know the road Iy : "Well, Misl Smarty , where hnve Is constan tly lncrena lng because of the from slipping otT. Tbe otber eM doesn't go anywbe re eille." you been aJ1 afterno on 1" she answer ed clecreaa lng supply of mlnk, beaver and sbould be st uck IIrlllly Into tbe bank. 11ak, but to abow that all human 00· "Dear me! And thl. room In sucb with a lovely flush, but olear·ey ed and other .kina, Fuslen thc bult to 11 stick Bct In mud cupatlo ns are accomp anIed by some a c1utterl " Mrs, RAy cri ed, droppin g high-he aded : "Oh, out riding with Only one other animal In the world. so that It Is about Len a Coot above the dangers , saY8 the Pbllade lpbia InQuJr- ber lowIng and glancin g at tbe shreds Hampto n. He SI\W mo up In the apJ)le the Europea n ra.bblt, now exceeds the Ilan ot the trap. Tbe animal, In er. Tbe ~aw ot average a Is a remark· ot pink IIlIk, the tatters ot tulle and tree muskra t In the number ot skins mar· Ing Cor the bait, 6~t8 the blud reacb and aald ht!'d gIve me a cklve ror ' foot able one. It Indicate s tbat about a snJppet a or gau,s that littered tbe rug three Ted apples." keted, upon the pan and Is caugh t aec urely. certain number ot persons dIe eacb and clung wispily to ' e"eryth lng. The common muskra t Is about four '!JUlt all you II.re! My!" Mabel An open barrel sunk near the bank "Tbat trock does look dance-y ." galved, glan -Ing 7ear tram tortulto us causes and If at Sybllla' s faded tImes lUI large as the ordinar y brown ot tbe stream Is saId to be an effectiv e Sybilla comme nted-bu t ove. r ber rat. It one class Is lackJng the otber supplie s lives near streams and lakell trap, althoug h a lIoatlng Berge frock, scuffed IhoeB and bat· barrel , 18 should er-ebe wa. on her !mees gath· tered ha.t. the detlclen cy. Parenta wbo are erlng ' up the olrendln more general ly used, A hole Is aawed g shreds and Sybilla smiled Bottly, afraid theIr boys will be Injured or tatle.... "But nodded and In the side and a strong cleat Is don't yoU worry, mother murmu red : " I don't belleve Len nokUled pla,.lnl' football may be encour' - L'11 whisk everyth nailed across 'ljch end, upon which ing out of bllbt. ticed what r badon -he wu too busy boarels. longer 1han tbe barrel, aro aged b,. the tact tbat It Is proved to Besldea , I believe hili reveren ce will nailed, Enough water Is plo.oed In be one ot the mOilt Innocuo us or sports. be 110 taken up looking at Mab be looking It me," "I never heard lIurll losolenc e. the barrel lo make. a flo at with tbese Tbe dancer trem death or slivere In· won't see anythin g ellie-n ot l! It waa Motber , IIhe'lJ be the talk ot tha . The Breed. platform s lev I with the sur race. Ap. 4ur,. in any college sport Is not any· .a bIg .s a grown dog." town. People bave lIald alwaYI you Stella- Is ber coat Persian lamb ? pies or cal'rols are plnced In the bar"Hush! You dreadtu l child '" Mn. couldn' t raise a forw ard dau ghter, thlnl' like 80 great as that ot being run Bella- No; Podunk mutton .-Judgt !. but rel for baIt. dowl1 b,. an automo bile or trolleY car. Ray reprovn d. I'm atrald- " Trapper s In Ohio. IllinoIs end some Mab, the beauty ot the family, pout· l'illhtn e~8 &C1'OI8 tbe cheat mC1l1lll 0 oold ~man lite Is preciou s and must be "They won't keep saying Itr othor middle ,states are r JA)rted to on the lunKS. ed visibly. "I do hove be won't stay Sybilla That's tllU dUl1lter vil{Dl\L Interrup ted. "Wrong, boney Clonserved. Science bas done much for long. 11 be uble to earn from ,.00 to 1900 duro :Ure that old with Hllmlin! Wizard Oil he doea my new tr(lck will Len saYI I'm all IIhy &8 I'm sweet. those wbo err In certain directio ns" never get done Ing tho season ' from January first to before it runa into Consumption or Po \I' In time." Ihe srud Mab, dId be ever mODia. eay anytbJn~ mcer but It haa notblng to offer those who anxloua ly. about tbe mIddle oC Murcb. to you!" eulrer trom pure accIden t. Full·Gro wn Muskra t. Cheap Form of FUIII. The All ot , Sybilla laughed outrlgb t, Baying proowner of ,a ] ,300'acr e tract of "1'11 lend you to ecbool day after \ A Welsh rabbit may be cOoked on whJcb means that wbat Is needed by vokingl y, "And It It IIbouJd n't-why , tomorro w," Mrs. Ray groaned . "If wbere water Is always at hand. It III mllrsh land . with the aId ot bls son, an olectrlo nJ cbaflng dIsh at an 8'1· secured over 6,000 muskra ts In one rouDg and old Is slmpl,. a modlculD ot tho Hampto n pound cake may turn your poor father does say It's no \lie, a Itrong Bwlmm er and Is cblefty o.c· pen!:le or l'l.l cents tor current seaeoll. wplch were common senl8. It Is not to be fOI got· out all dough I" sold for $2.300. you've got to go-" tlve at night. Wblle they may occaifabel tlus~ed angrily. "You de· Th o skins are lIorted Into blllck and ten that the mother who kept ber boy "Thnnk y, ma'am -I 've wanted t(. sionally be seen buildIng tbelr bouses lerve to be No bannful drugs In Gllrfield Tea. Na brown bofore being s blpped to marsent to boardin g scbool - this ever 80 long," bome tram scbool because he dream· In the daytime. 1D0st ot the work Is Sybilla counter ed ture's Inxntiv it is compole d wb olly of· only you're ' such a savage you might undaun ket. tedly. "Not for what books done after nightfal l. ed he had died was an actual mourne r cleau, awe 't, healtblliving Herbel disgrac e the taJDlly," ahe laid levere- will teacb Baltimo re Is a good market and me-I can get tbat at lloma ! Their houses are made of gra81es a tew hours later because he fell otr Iy. Tben Ibe lurnjd , pays tram 36 cents for brown to to her mother. '- but 10 as to rub olr the anglel 46 Woman liS Bank Cashier . and rushes and roots, with the bottom the root. Let us aU act sensibly , wltb "Wh,. can't you go upltal ... and cent8 tor black. St. Louis Is also a sew? Miss Ethel Boynton Is cashier of lIIOUJ'qe, faith and proper cauUon . 111 make out you've got & beadac be- maken me sweet and .ltracU v&-lIk e resting on the boltom of the pond and large market. Mab. and prices nre' general . the Nationa l Bank ot Bayside. L. I., the dome rising two or three feet ~ose who take the most paJns to es· and lend tbe Rev. Peter Benn aWB7 Iy a little hlgber there, the only woman In the stato boldlnl' Sbe ended with • laugb of genuine above the water. tape acciden ts are apt to be the worst 1D a lltry." Muskra ts taken for the Cur Ihould such "posIti on. She saY8 that amulem ent tbat had yet a Bound un· to b From the part "You ot ask the me to do everyth ing elr like ber lutrerer a, but It II certain that boylsb usual bubblin g. Still, sbe had above tbe water a.n InterIor structu re bo trllpped , not shot or ·speared . It trustwo rthy a man or woman mUlt chambe r tsken alive In a trap tbey should be first be kind, ,port. are ' not dangero us compar ed cept your lying," BybUJa bubbled , ber her way about the trock after then be cannot find It In all, In· la dug out, from whlcb two or three with the moet ordinar y avocati onl ot eyel danclng . "I Ilke Peter Benn. citing ber father to exercls e hUlban d· I passage s his hellrt to betray the truat that l lead downwa rd thro,!gh tbe Why clon't you leave me to, enterta in feposed In him. Jdulte. Wm' He'l almoet as ruce al a ,b ig Iy authori ty tor once. and send btl mails to tbe water, reachin g it at wife to bed beUme l, points 'below tbe trost line. It the healthy two-wee ke'-old calf.'" All next day she '\IfU singula rly water la shallow the A Dry Wash. "You forward thing!" , Mabel eJacu· muski'ILt digs a gentle, Iingula rly willing -not once ebannel to deeper parts • A New York chautre ur. 17 yean old, lated. Repres ntatlve Livings ton' ot Oeor"Mothe r. eend ber upstaJrs . , If ot th pond. did sbe lIay a brIer,. thing. nor fall at .gill, who. dlsguate d at the batb·tub de~vlcted of m8D8la ul'hter tn the lee· you Tbe young are seldom born In the don't shell make me Cry-" bate 10 Ute houle recently . propo.le d en.d cleCree wblle on • Joy ride, bae houses, whleb are used cblelly to store "No Ibe won't-c rylng m"kel red doing the most exactin~ duty. that a little money mlgbt be made by Rested and refresbe d, Mn. Ray did tood and for sbelter In been .entenc ed to .pend 16 -years In nOBe8 for little Mabel- and Ihe doesn't the winter. marvels wltb the pInk allk. When It renting the batb tubs out, eaJd recent.When banks want the Elmira reforma tory. even ot streams a ministe or ponds r to fee her 10," lay comple The judIe ly. apropos ot this subject : Flolitlng Muskra t Trap. te upon the bed In the are blgh enough Cor the purpose remark ed that the next jo,. rider Sybilla flunc back undaun ted. wblrl· the "Wear spare room, Mabel lIurveye d It with muskra ts burrow Into them. The cn· killed by a sharp blow across the back Sprlggl e now a good deal Ilke BUl brolqbt before him would be sentenc ed a happy smUe, and eveu said to By· trance to the tunnel ns on a lero morning . Is almolt always oC the bead. Trappe rs usuILlly carr), aD BinI BInI', addln.: "You are on11 billa: "Bill's valet entered hiB bedroom under water, and the approac h II by 0. sbort club Cor this purpose . 17 years old, and It Heml to me that one January mornin g and said with a "Syb-w hen your tlllle comes, I'm channel s deep enougb to prevent tbe' Muskra t skins Intende d Cor tbe m'sr· shiver: the ••.ate 01 New York Is lull17 It· ' going to see to It that you have riew Ice from closing the passage. ket s bould he "cased, " not opened "'Will you take your bath hot. or 11811 in . permltt lng, auob a youtb ' ae things- and real pretty onel. It Is very dlftlcult to locate a musk· along the belly. Of In Iklnnln g. trap- cold, sir?' ' rou to clrlve an automo bile on our pubcourae I'll be married then-b ut 1 rst channel . for this reason. Some- pers begin at the beel and sUt up the " ,' Tbank YOU,' saJd Bill; '1'll ' take It. shan't forget bow nice ,.ou ,can be times the tunnels extend upward into mlddlo ot Uc thol'Q,\ lhfares. " . The judIe was t.be hind leg to the to.l1, for granted .' .. when you try." the bank above the level of tbe wa· around It. and rtcht both In 'lntllctb lg the penalty and then down the other "Thank y, mo.·am," SyblHa said, her ter, and extend back from ten to fitt y leg to the heel In hI. ' comme nt 00 •the reckles lnes. In the samo way. No eyes teet dancing Into . tbe "B hank, and termina te In other cuts In the skin are ut Isn't It lucky. I NOT QUITE THE SAME that permlt.8 · children to band Ie these needed, never cared for clothes? 11 I did care a large chambe r. though many trapper s pass tbe knife powerfu l macbln es. , lays the Indian· If would spoil all my tun tonlgbt. I've Usually two tunnels lead from t.he around tbo teet. wbere the long fur .polla Btar. it II not until adequat e nothing to wear to tbe hop, but my Dest to tbe water. and often a tunnel ends. Tbe skin Is tben ' turned bacll: panJlhm ent Ie meuure d out to carepink organd y-and I've bad to let bas two branrbe s or outlets, over the body, leaving the fur side lese automo blle 'cU-lvera th~t tbeir dl. down every tuck In It." Althoug h tbe animals do not blber· Inward. Tbo skin peels olf easily to "card for public rl,hts wUl be cbeck· "You must have your joke,:' Mllbel nate, and mak", llttle provisIo n for tbe front Ceet. The trapper cuts ed. At the lame ~me It Is worth wblle winter food, they become said smJlIng Indulge ntly. very active closely around nose, ears Clnd lips, so to rememb er that not all the meD}' aeSybtlla also smiled. "U you take It as winter comes on, buildIng new as not to tear tbe skin. It bits of eldents by any means occur 'When that way- I'm glad," sbe saId. "I bouBes. adding to the old ones and fl esh adhere to tbe skin about the deepeni ng cbannel s. thought maybe you'd be mad as Tuck· ronn, drtY8rs are In cbarge. There bend, they may be scraped olr, but Tbere Is mucb dllreren oe ot opinion tbls Is usually loft er over my golug, but when IAn asked a. the Anderso n case for exampl e. r&tor tbe Cur dresser . as to the number of young raised by The skin, InsIde me wby, I Just had ,to say yes." ported the other da,.. wbere a buslne. e out, Is stretcbe !J over Mabel stared at her WI If paralyz ed. each temale. Some observe rs say the a tbln board or a sblngle of the proptoan ot mature year. turned to look "You~you don·t mean to tell me you're muakra t bas tbree litters In a season er shape, and a tack or two 18 Inlert· "ack wbUe driving hll macbln e. anel going with Len ' Hampto n1" she gallp- and from three to 8even In a litter. ed to keep ·it I.p posltlon until dry. at that momeD t ran clOWD and killed a Tbe norther n Indians , who were close Sklna should be ed. "Why! I-I was sure- " dried In tbe o'p en child. . "I know," SybUla nodded . ~'B ut 11on't observe re, say that two litters are aJr-no t betore a dre or In the sun. born the ftrat year and three tho suc· 1'0u mind Mab. I won't ever cbeep to him wbat, you thourht . He'8 go· ceelilng seasons . Canada haa cUltom bouse trouble l The muskra t lives mostly on roots Inc to tak~ ' us botb, and Mrs. Dean Housel for Winter Farrowl nll. ,also, It seeml 80me of the fair dam· and herbs, and sometim es will eat ani· IDto tbe bargrun Provide good Individu al bouses for --:hls car Is big enougb ..Ie and matron l ot the DomlnJ oo yeu know, ' though we fton{t actually sows due to farrow in cold weather . l't.~. bav. the habit ot comlnl over to "the "Of Cou .... I'll Be Married Then. need a chapero n, now .we' re enlaged . A canvas or burlap curtsln bung In . Hubby -Have you noticed Statel," l'ettlDI' new ~w nB and wear ho", ~uch. Oh, 18,. Mab, will It be too much out the door wiU keep out tbe cold and better 1 test after a da,.-I OaJUDg? ' IDI them back acr08s the border, with· 108 about u ahe talked atld reducin g ot plclure make It 9Je I wear lIouse my dIamon d more conltor table tOf' WJCey-'~o: but l'~e notJeed how I out iolnl tbrougb the form ot parIng the chaoe to order. "You're Mill ring wIth the pInk orlPUldy the young litter. A lantern bung In mucb easier you lie after 1" 00081e, aU rlgbt" aU rlgbt-t rylnl' to a day'l duty, saYI tbe Troy TImes. And It II put Mabel ' sald nothing . the sowbou se on very cold ' nl,hte flab~n, tblln upon 'otber In tact, just It ov.r me tbat way, when you d,8,Y8. more than hinted that the ladles not blow I know yoil tben wben It appeare the pigs d come to ber will there temper the was 80 well-" ' Muskra t SkIn Stretch er. rnt~nently Indulge In smuggl lng In atmosp here aod aId In saving the lives "Hush! I won't hear lucb languag el notblng lett to say. But when next' IT'8 FOOD of some of tbe pigs, other wa)'l. So tbe Canadia n , collect· 1 don't see where you ever learned itl" Sunday Peter Benn preache d about mRI food. That Restore l and' Makes Health Wben located near gardens Loo.h and Racbel, she, of all tbe can· ors have taken a leaf trom the book ot Mra. Ray Interpo sed deBpalr l.ngly. they do a tremend ous amount ot In· Poulble . Sybilla looked contrite aDd ran to gregatio n, underst ood blm best. Collect or Loeb at New York . and at Jury to tbo crops. eaUng corn wben Flledlng Dairy Cows. There Ilre stomac h 8pecJaUsts as the .more Importa nt Unel ot travel to hEIr mothilr, pushing lier down Into the It Is in the roaetlng ear and destroy · The cost ot Ceedtng the average well al! eye ' and Ing vegetab lcs sucb WI beets, turnJps and trom tbe DomlDlon have estab· easiest chair and smooth lng her baJr ear and other 8peclal· daIry cow In the United States tor Ists. deftl,.. STEAMER DID NOT TURN BACK and 'l'lrrots. 1 llshed extra vigilant CUlrds, Ilasillted 1\ year 18 $21, accordI ng to statistic s Mrs. Ray got up, saying, IrritablY, One of these told: tf young lady, ot " tn the souUl the muskra t Is a great gathere d by one lIy women searcbe rs. The result bu , "I wm ot the bIg dairy cat· New Brunsw ick, N. J .. to QuJt 80 upltalr s-but mind, Mabel, CaptaIn Robert Flage's ScrIptu ral R. e nemy ot the rice planter. As It bur· tle societie s. With medi· IIeen some clever capture s and a con· If you keep Peter too long the low prtces of cinea and eat Grape-N uts. I can't do tort to "Perlec rows IDtO uted" She sa),a: the French embank ment, it allows grain. the feed bill tbls year eldefsb le ' addItion tl) the Oanadla n very mu..:h. That left slde·for m bas will run to "For about 12 months Ilutrere d 'letbe water to ftoOO tbe land. It also from five Mission ary. revenue . From all 01 wblcb It will be be Bet In dllreren Uy and without you to ten dollars below tbeBe verely with gaBtJ'IU causes s. I ' was' unable great damage to Irrigatio n dis· figures. Even at that there may be to retain eeen tbat trying to cheat the govern, to fit it on-" Capt. Robert Flagg of the Yangt.se trlcts. Ice ponds and river levees. cows In the herd that do not earn stomaoh much ot anythin g on my "I kn(lw! I know! Only go," Ma· ment Is a pra~t1ce con1lned to no one , and consequ 4mUi waS com· North Americ an ' Indlanll eat the their lleep. River Steame r Yuen·wo came to Cblna hql Interrup ted. clime or country . pelled to give up my OCCUPAtion. muskra t. but Its strong flavor makes a lifetime ago trom the State at Maine. As her mother vanishe d In tbe wake "I took quantltl4lB ot medicin e, anel It unpalat ot Sybilla, whose arms overflow ed He bas been dead several years, but fined taste.able for people ot more rebad an Idea I was C\leUng, but I conProport ionately , It Is said, the num· with Inchoat e flnery, the mllllst,l r bls memory Is dear to all ..... 110 Collow Chinese Corn. tlnued to sutrer. ' lUlil loon ' lost 'II) Muskra ts are easllyoIA trapped . They The departm ent ot agricul ture Is ber of Insaoe people In tbls country Is knocked , Mabel welcom ed him warm· tbe ~Ivers and tbe sl:!a, Capt, HEUlry pounds In weight. ' I was 'depre8s \ld take any eultable balt readily. Tbe experim enting with corn sblpped trom ~creaslng fast~r th the populaU un Iy-she hsd a warm beart toward any Pybus ot tbe Empres s of Japan ' was trap shnuld be set under water In spirits and lost intereet In every· so once China. Capt. man Flagg's Plants who .pllot raised admired on last tbe her. year line so warm, In t. tbe anImal wtll aver· tblng general ly. ' My mind III growing , takIng asylum statistic s tor was so ' ar· quickly drown, 8S they It. Even at that, there Is 'scarcel y a fact, It WIIS three hours beCore she Hankow , In China. lIe tells ' thla tear foot·loo se nnd ,escape from the aged less than sixteen Incbes In Cected that It was Impossi ble to bestory: helgbt let Peter leave, notwith standIn g the wltb an average of 12 green tellow but will de tare tbat tbe come Interest ed In even tbe ' Ugbtelt state or the pInk silk frock. leavel at tbe tilDe One night while the vessel was feel· trap. An ordinar y steel trap No. 1 Is best. eara average d ' 5~ of tasselin g. The readJng matter. tums d'o n't get theil! all, eltber. "You can llnisb It by twelve o'clock Ing her WILY up the river a cry In brok· Incbes In length Sink tbe trap In the trail partly 'In and • 1·3 tonight -and 'we'll sleep late · tomor- en English came over the water: in greates t circumf erence. , "After sutterln g for ' moDths I , de·' mud wbere wnter II two or three with 16 nnd 18 rows of small ,grains. , c1ded to go to a stom.a ch ' specl~lat. "Stop dat sblp! lIf, dere! Stop dat A temlnln e Iclentle t wants a motb, row." she e'Xplalned when her mother 'He put me on Grap&:N~ts ' ~d , ~ . . . . . . . -............. .. ........-.- - _ ~ ship! Ta~e me on I" ....... _ ___ _ _ _ _ e ...' courae establis hed In colleges . complai ned ot wasted time. _ _ ...... w _ _ health began to Improv e Immedi ately. Sybtlla, Tbe who steamel, had just ' 'Slopped come In stood : A sampan Stili, the old·fash loned mother appar· It was the keynottJ of a ilew lite,' wltb . t:ienche d hands, ' "You' know swung alongsi de and a very much " enU)' underst ood her busInes s very . "I found that I had lJeen' eating too motber ought to be In bed early;" sbe scared and ' relieved wblte man caml! well, and probabl y present.day 'selen, said. ber mU,c b 's tarcby lood whicb X dld ' not divoIce singula rly restrain ed. over lhe side. gest; and that the ' cereals , which I !lad tlflc Infants are not 10 bappy as her "And lIbe sluill be "tbere, tOG-(N "Take mol to Hongko ng!" he en It tried bad been' 'too heaVy.. 1 soon cuddled ' a'ld petted babies. you go ,to the hop In your old blue. tar. IIcreamed. "Turn de ship arounT provell that it 1'3 not tho quanuty of . latan." "Wbo are you?" askEAt .the captalDt , tood th'n t one eats: bul. the quam,.. Mabbi glared at"ber younge r sIsterA ' prlsont: r wl10 stole 16 cena wal "I am de French 1J'118810~",. Mj '''ID a ,ew , weeks: t wu' able to I!lsobar ged by ~e judge. That 18 a Bbe wus badly Ipolled, and all along mIssion hal ' been burn'. I baye . been back to' illY old bUBlneB;8' of dfllng ,cler.. creatd~pPolntment to the o.utbot. had tyranni zed over everybo dy, 'elpe- ston",' Take me to HOD,ko nl'!" leal work-. I Il.,,,e coDtiDuod '"tQ _ ' "Wbat ' klnd ot a mJaslo n.". .... . 'CIt weepy poetry, who naturall y ex· "Ially this cawky cr~ture. wHllng u ' Grape-N uts tOl' both the morubi g Inel ehe "al gavky. Now, IhA 'wae' grow' your uked the captain , '''and 'why do Sleeted the otrende r to btl' 8entenc ed to Iltg unbear eve$i meal. , I, wake. lb tbo' mQnU " able-at seve~teen ' a 'girl you want to go to Hongk onl''' ' 'iDlpril onment for lite. with a c!eu mind anel teet reateel. I IIbould Imow better than to b~ Sallc,.. , '1 tell you de1' ave burn' my mi. relalne d roy; 'Ioet weight III a abort Bybllla bNl , taken eaet:otr clothes, lion. J am a mlssloD ary of de Ba1100r time. I am weU and happr ,again anet: ' Freocb aylatnrs fell 800 teet in an etudle41 In .,..t-otr ·booke, waited on Lord Jelua Christ. Dey •....e Rone me. _ owe It to Grap.~uta:~ Name Bivelt' aeropla ne od were not hurt. Fate everybo dy_ ~d _teD at tile INCODd I go Honsko ne to get Frellcb I'UIIboa f , Pollutec l water Ia· ueeedl q11' com~on table, unmurm urillg. ,Of Jate elle 'bad tor to punjab deml Turn evf!llt OIl fa'rml wbere 1t-.,~llbt be ' ,by ,oat~~ ~" BatUe creek, de ship'" 1!I1cb. • , •tavora the bold. but. tben fate Is 111ao IJ'OWD rutJveexpecte d that tile purest IJDPPly would be tound. Typhoid --the ' troeb were too teyer Is 'abD Read The 80ad te.· WeUvlf ie.' Ih "Dltt the' Ba'ttour I~d ,f.-su Ohrll' commua icatecl b,. water from 'llotorlo aal7 capJ1clouo, 80 ellperlm ents IIhort-M abel w. . aeverat aballOw well.. The germ. m,1' be eam" mche. lower tet a FreDch CUDboa\ when pql. "Th,"' , a .. JDaD7 rode fbroUCh the 11011 and If well 18 eltuated lower than , 'Deed Dol II> on, dellend Lu on thaD ·.he. Then. too. Ibe had devel· atoDaG mm r' asked the eetlpoo l ' ..:':; ..:: the captain . ~ the daDler 11 vel'7.. .... ft, W.tratl oped & qualllt IUld re&d7 Idu.na_ .t oD ahowa position of . , . Ad UDMtI a", ......~ &net . . . TJut .teame r 414 not tuna WI5. .
t::.: = .-_--.._...
Take Oorneld Tea t arouse Iiver-u.l1 dJ'uggislR Hell it.
Hr •.
Lh u KUW M, rt' l hl CCR IDt1 ~mm .. palo . UII""O w Inti cull '. 2Uc /0 00,110.
A man may go ltD when you klok him , bllt you ·u.poo-- claim credit far ki ndness.
Grand Army Post of Clay Center, Kan .. Sta rts Movement to Build Suitable Monument.
T ki ng O~rfi" l d T "tl will prevent the r&eurrencu uf ti l"k· hcndac hc. Indigestion II.Uel . b i l io u ~ attack". All drUgl\~ s t8 .
Literary Atmosphere. "Mark Tw ain wn ll 1I0t a wid ely retul
man. How 110 YOII sllpose be ever managed to tlll'lI out 813 much goocl Sbe-You puckered up your Hps so I'tul't ?" .il ~ n that I thought you wore gOI Dg to " ( don't knD w, unless It was because kiss m e. be smoked so much." He-No; I go t some grit In my mouth , England's Oldest School. Sb e-Well, tor goodness' sake s wal· A controversy hus arisen In Engtancl low It! You need It In your system I as to wh lcb scbool hus tbe right to clnlm greatest age. The ro are two Protlably Got Off. schools whIch wero founded In the Apropos or certain unfounded early part of the seventh century-the cbarges of drunkenn ess amo ng the KIng's school, Rochester. and the naval cadets Annapoli s. Admiral Kln (;'s school. nnterbun'. Justus, on De wey, at a dlnller In Wasblngton. his appoIntment to the seo of Roches· told a slory about a young sailor. ter In 604, made provision for a scbool "The sailor , after a IDng voyage." In conneetlon with th o cathedral. Au· he said. "w ent ashore In the tropics, gus tine established the Canterbury a nd , It beIng a bot day, he drank. In school about t h fi! same lime. St. Pecertain tropical bars. too mucb beer. t er's nt York dnles back to the el61'" As the sail or lurcbed undor his entb century. heavy lond aloDg a pa.lm·bord red avenu . hi s caplUJn ballod blm Indlg· nantly. " 'Look here: the ca ptain snld, 'sup. pose YOIl we re my commander, and you me t me In such 11 condition as you're In now, what would you do to me ?' . ., 'Why, si r: sall1 tb sallor.·1 would n't cond escend to take no noUce of you at all , sir.' "
Hard Luck. The big stono had rolled to the bottom or the hili again, and the bystand· ers were jeering at SIsy phus. "Boys:' he groan ed, tackling It once more , " It you C,\Jl't bDost, don't knock! "
Z7f2 1V~# UPE-.£.:1 0"-
EV.I'aY.I'M:? A U:/'eYV"e~ J'KX/~ .
transporting horses for the riders ex· Shetland ponies-notoriously steady plains why one sees so few bareback of galt and so small that a tumble riders with the average small country trom the back of one Is not so llkely circul. It needs the wealth and In· to result In broken bones. A very In· come of the big show to support a genlous contrivance has been perfected for giving ·confidence to new ragoodly company of rlden. From one standpoint, the high sal· crults among women bareback rldera, aries of the circus riders appears to It Is. tn elrect, a swingIng pole supbe juatly de.erved. Riding Is the ported at one end by a pole corremOlt dltllcult of all circus stunta to spondlng to the center pole of a elrmaster as well as the most dangerous cus ring. This pole swlpgs round and to perform, onco the knack ot J>Olllngj round the ring, keeping pace with the on a gallopIng hone has been master· horae galloping around the ·sawdust ed. As has been mentioned above, arena. At the outer end of this pole the average new recruit In the ranks 18 a .contrlvance whIch grasps the tim· of clrcus rlden comes of an eques· Id rIder around tbe waist or under the trlan family and consequently be or I arms and whlcb will enahle her to she has the benefit of capable Instruc· take her entire weight air tbe horse tlon at home. To attain the greatest at a moment's notice. The reader will proficiency In riding, as In any other appreciate that with this support ,n acrobatic line, practice should begin resen'e the rider need not tear over· In childhood. A youngster under In· balancing. If she 'd oes loso her bal· structlon under sucb circumstances Is once the pole will hold her up and en· Urted by the falber or mother onto able ber to regain her proper position the horse upon which lbe adult rider on tbe back of tbe horse traveling dl· Is practicing. At first tbe beginner rectly underneath. must be held In place on tbe horse's. Olrcus rid ers exercise sreat csre back, but gradually confid ence Is lin the selection of their borsesgaIned and the new rider can main· "rosln·backs." as tlie circus people taln bls position wltb no aid save a I call tbem, because at tbe powder tbat stead)1ng hand wllen there com9S a is sprinkled on tb elr brand backs to sudden l.urCh of the plunging mount. \ Jlrevent the riders from slippIng. Tbe Finally he Is able to take care of him· Ideal bqrse for bareback work must selt unaided and then gradually there be good temp red; steady and unvary· are mastered all the tricks of mount· lng In galt. and beavy enough to preIng a horse at a gallop and the fea· 1Ienl a brpad back as 8 moving plat· ture work such as leaping over ban· form (or the performer'8 feata. Clr· ners and ' through paper·covered hoops. CllS riders, It may be added, not only Some circus children s erve an ap-I ride In the circus rIng, but also In tbe prenUceshlp as bareback riders on dally parade.
dllrerent states were distinguished bY different forms or paralysis, as well as by entirely dllrerent mornl procllvl· ties, and there Is the curious cllse of Miss Beauchamp, a patient of Dr. Mor-
people who have them, 'are real epilepsy, but one Is recorded by Or. t hinKs, and that loss of memory Is a I Drewry of Virginia, 1896, of Mr. K. ton Prince. a full account of which real thing, and that double personallt)' Mr. K., while apparently In perfect was given In the International Con· health, went to a .northern town to gress of Psychology. Paris, In 1900. Is a real thing. ot the losa of memory many cases ' transaot some busIness. whIch he did Miss Beaucbamp was a neurastbenla nre famtllar,' One of the most curious Quite ably and rationally. He then but •.clever young woman, who over· was that of a man who had been a disappeared. He was gIven up for worked at college. She was of a mor· cork cutter In England. SD18 the Lon· dead. Then, six months afterward, he bldly conscientious and rather redon Dally Oraphlc. and went out to was found, brought home agaln, a Ilerved disposition. Sbe was hYllDoAmerlo!, leaving a family behInd him. changed man In mind and bodY. Tbe tlzed In order to try the power of sug· He wBIJ wrecked and 108t all memory sis months Interval was a blank to gestlon, and ou.t of one of these byp· of lils former life. He became well blm and always remained so. He bad notlc trance~ emerged a new Misl to do and prosperous and It was only spent tbem Ii an odd job man In a Beauchamp - a person entirely by tbe ac~ldent of going over a cork southllrn state. . His recoyery dated dllrerent fr01Tl the origInal Miss Beau· autUng factorY that be recovered tbe from the breakIng down of a growtb cbamp In manners, Ideals, education olue to bls former personality. HII In his auditory canal. which had un· and temperament. This new MIss thinking bratn was unstlrred, but that do.ubtedly alrected his brain In a pby. Beauchamp was called "Sally" Beau· part of tho brain which dtrect.8 mua· lcal senso. champ. and one of tbe peculiarities of cular action enabled him by an act But of the more curlous caaes of her mlchlevous temper was a proo( un~on8ctous memory to cut a cork double personality, which did not be- found dislike of the "otber Miss Beau· --sn act ~hlch no unpracticed perlon gin and le~vo olr suddenly. but whlcb champ." Tbe case Is too complex and coulll . do. It waR clear then that he endured for a numl;ler ot years, tbere too curious for complete summary bad «lnce been R cork cutter, and the are a number of Instances. One waS here. but It presents the amalollng facl InsUtutioD' of ,further inquiries flnall,. M'.s Mary Reynoldl. Who tor 16 or that In one brain may reside tbe pos· . td8Jlttflei him. " . 16 years bad two states 01 existence. slblllty of the existence of two en· . To re.turn, ltowever•. to the cases of In one of wblch she :""'P' a melancholy, ,tlrely different beings, different In duple.x personality. The first one of 'morbld young· woman and' in th~ other mind, tbought. disposition, health recorded historically fa ' that of a a gay. , hysterIcal. mischievous child. and temper. . , toUu.· Datped 'Sorrel, tn B...rla, wbo Tbe alternations. In whloh' tbe,chlld Q'ulte aplut from any attempt to de!W'U aD epileptic. ~d III one of the re- .ta~e J~~ed ' fr.om . ftye 10 siX weeka. celve on the, part of Jluoh "abnormal" lapeea 'Into criminal ' fra.me of mind contlnued at . tnterval~ ··.of ·. nrrlne casel, on~ of the sYmptoms ,oJ brain 'Wbl~ fQUowed on ,hie -epileptic aels- leJlgth fot 15 pr 18 yea.... but ftnally Injury or Incipient bral~ alrectlon 18 JaIled a .woodcu.tter. He made ceased when Ihe attained the . age of \he real ablllty to dlstlngulsh between no .ttelQpt ·to· dflfend orr..hlde bls act. thlrq·flye or tblrty.. lx. leavlDc her tbe real and the unreal. One of tbe chUdtahly IxPlalDed It. He con. permanelltJy In ber leeOlIdart · or ao- '. authorlt,lel In ~Ildon on brain recent~Duecl 'thus for a week alter .\be qulred . atAte. The embtJ61laJ ' uppasl- 1, naked' a young slrl who had been crlIIe. when' hla flnt perao~Ut' Wu tlOIl of ~e tw;o . • tate. bad, bowenr, decelytn, her 'parenta for some yeara teet,orec1 to him, He then oompletel, bec!omit ' Jrad~ly ' reduced, a ..d ua. .wlUl fablel .. to Imallned Incidents 10rI0t1' all the oceutrencea that bad third 'I~te at 'Which Ibe e"eDtualb', .and , lm..-ned 'acqualntancel w~at wa• ,...ceded or foUned the Munier. At- arrl"ed w.. a ratloDal atate. nMo'NCl ' tile dUrereDce to ber between thea. tboalb tlWI cue took place Dear17 100 from both of tbem. Ima8inar1 thlQa . aDd. tbe rul ezta. ~ -.0 ilia ..... OOD"lDoed fteN are .... or analtIpIa I*" teIloe. for eumple. of b1aIMU and of .t 'Is lDDoc:eDee. 8orp1 llterwucl ......tT. or "Illcb tbe ...., bOWIl.. tIa. room where 1tie7 were ltaD4IDI , . . . . lllUdo ..,taaa. .Qat of tile .,u.,uc LaIIo Vt"."baII "NOIII at aU," . . rtpU...
""8 Rootbtnp: 8yrup for Ob Udt'l'll
Wln ~ 1
~I .. y
In Ka nRRR, the state whi ch furni s hed so mlJ.ny soldie rs lu the ' Ivil war. ve ry few mo numen ts, bave been built. and little bas been don e to leave me mo· rials of tbe war and to serv e as In· cenUves to palrlolls m among the youth of th stnlo. .How ,·cr. within rlH~en t weelts the Grnnt! ArUlY POll t of Clay enter, P hil SberlellUl post, has s tarted a 0I0VO· men t to erect In the court. hou se s Quur In Clay Cen ter a monum ent lu t heir com rad es. and the work Is lI0W well uncl er way. It ' !s Illnnned to spend about $2 ,500 or more on t ho monum ent. Th e foundation alr~sdy bill! been put down nnel oarly In Iht!t ~tl rln g the monum ent will be built. t be
l~ Dual Terson nll·',·es We may accept as quite well estab·, The larger number of theae Instan· 11 h d th f t th t h II I tI a a uc na ons, t Ices f d un1 person alit y r 11 w on . s e e ac
Lt~e'hlult. t40tlenH
DlfficulUes ti ro often the barnnclOll that ~I' OW on d' iny d duti es.
ASILY th moat ad· mired of IlII the cirCUli performers are the bill'&back rldors- malo and . female. No acts ao thrill the spoctators as do theirs, unlosll possl' bly It be the r~uRntio nal trapeze perfDrma nces. eacb engaging the lSBrvtces of a large "family" aero batH of foreign whiCh bave of late yearll hecome a feature with the largest Ame rican clrCu8es. Howeve r, not even the aerla lis 1.8. protected by nets, brave the dangers that con· front tbe bareback riders. wbose single mta"tap or wrong calculation may result a fall more serious than tbe tum· ble of a trapeze artist from a 10Cty bar, Moreover. the riders In additlo~ to the dangers of falls bave t be ever· IPresent mennce oC the fl Ying horlles' hoofs and the possibility of l!lcks Crom horses, for even the most de· pendable of circus steeds have their momenta of 111 tempor wben th yin· dulge In kloklng propenslUes. All ~e8e dangers are braved not only by the arUsts known as bareback rid. ers. but in no less degree by the men and ""omen who present thoroughbred horsclI In "hlgb school," or La Manage act •• wbJoh means. of courae, the put· tllg of high steppers through a va· rlet, of pacea, the Jumping of burdles, tho rearIng of the mount on bls bind leI'S and other dexterOWI fcats of ma.terly horsemanship. Not onl7 Bre the equelltrlan stars t.be most conspicuous performers In the ~Yea of the general public, but trom the atandpolnt of the circus people themselves they are the arlstoorata of the communIty that centers , a round ': thE} sawdu8t ring. SocJally they are In a claaa by tbemselves aDlong the performers and this caste • fl generall7 reCOgnized . Famllles d. vote themselY08 to circus ridIng through generation atter generation to an extent unknown tn other branches of the show bUlllness. Young members of these old equestrian fam. i Uell mlgbt almost be eald to grow up on' hgrseback; they marry In their own little circle; and herein tbey find heir ~lfe work~ unUl wben too old for rIding tHey retire to a peaceful life on a farm. The equ9strhinB. forming t be ex. cluslve "set" ot the traveling circus comll!untty are accorded the best etaterooms In the sleeping cnrs In whIch. the perform eM trave l, and some of them further emphasIze tbelr posl. Ion by putting up t Rt a hotel ·In each cJ~y visited by the circus Instead of takJng theIr meals at the big dIning tent "on the lat." With such a situ. atlon It only to be expected that the rIders should receive tbe highest salaries. of nny of tho performersthat III takIng the Individual average T blis DIlIttl!rof silary combl~ed with the further . problem of obtaIning and
A good h,ome tl tbe belt exposltloa of beaven. .
Monument at Clay Center. unveiling to take place next Memorial rlay.
The monument !s being built In front o f th e Clay county court house, within tbe court bouse square. ,It wl\l stand to tbe south of the maIn ola.lk leading away from the court house, In the aame r elative I)osltlon In tbe square which is occupied by the can· non which wns placed In the square about 12 years ago by tbe Women's Relief Corps of that City. This big cannon, whlcb was grven to the wom· en by the United States government. II a hlg gun which did servIce In thp w'a r a.nd W8.8 dIscarded by t he gover,,· menl many yenrs ago. It rests on a stone base anrl 'Nas placed at the nortb s ltl c or tbo court bouse walk In 189 •.
There'a Many a Slip. "What Is the name of the song the lady Is s Inging?" . ,. 'Meet Me In Heaven.''' "Don't you tblnk sbe's taking a gr at deal for granted 1"
MIIDYOO'S nbollmotl ~ m nemedy relleT_ lInlnl In Ule lcgl!! orms, bnek. IUIf Ol"
swollen joints.
cr80n at M.. J>blln.. rll., for medical ad. nee. abllolutel;r tree.
The Human Hearl The heart I. a "onderful double pump, tbro,,'" the action of "hieb the blood ,tream i, kept ,weepi... round and round throuth the body at the rate of leVeD miln aD bour. .. Remember this, that oar bodies will not 't.nd the ,train of oyer-work without ,ood, pare blood aDy more tbaa the eaaioe oeD run ,moothly without oil," After many ,,"ra of atudy in the active practice of medicine. Dr. R,' V. Pierce fouDd that when the .tomach wa. out of order, tbe blood impure aad there were .ymptom, of ,eoerai b.kdown •• tonic made of the ,Iycerio extract of certaia roota "" tbe belt corrective. Thi, be called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Bein, made without alcohol, thia .. Medical Di.oovery " help, tbe atomaob te o ... imilate the food. thereby curin, dy.pep,ia. It i, e.peciaUy adapted to diaeun attended with exce'live tilluo wa.to. notably in convalelcence from varioDl feven. for thin. blooded people and thOle "ho are ·alwuy • ." catchin, cold." Dr. Pierce', Common Senle Medical Adviler ia sent on receipt 01 31' onecent stamp. for tho Frenob oloth-bound book of 1008 pagel. Addrcsa Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663 Main Street. Bull'alo. N. Y.
Gener;al Grant Gives It Trial of Three Days and Makes Favorabl _ Re· port to Department. During lh recent tbree·day pbysIcal tests or army officers, Maj . Gen. Frederick D. Grant, commandIng tbe department of tbe enst, tried out th~ new (lmergency rntion. General Grant carried three packages, on e for each day, and returned with two of the IJackages unopened, having used but one on the entire ride. The gen· er",1 says he sulrered no Inconvenience whatever and found the raUou sum· c\ent In all respects. Out::lde ot the raUon, General Grant took hot coffee tn the morning without sugar or milk, cold tell In the same way at lioon, anti bot water In tbe evening: One· third ·or the ration was palatable and sufficient during tbe 72 hours, and he experienced no III effects or craving for foods. The new emergency rat!on Is com· posed of cbocolate liquor, nucleo castln, malted milk, desslcated egg, sugar and cocoa butter. It 10 put up In elght·ounce, IIgbt blue Un boxel. Each box contains tl:!ree cakes, one ~ake being s ufficien t ror a meal. Would Draft Autos. A plan to make all private nutomo. biles available for .mllltary service In time of necessIty was s'lggesled b. Major General FrederIck Dent Grant In his annual repor: "It 8eems to me," be says. "!lint It would be wise If tbe national govern. ment passed laws that would cause tbe ' registration of all automobiles capable of transporting four or more passengers. and that the owoers of these machines be obliged legally (0 transfer them, on demand, to the. gov. ernment for military uses, for a su'm of money not greater tban the original coat of the machine. ."It this wer~ dOlle the government would ha'v e at hand and wltb,Out cosl to maintain. a 11'.aanl of transport.. UOIl for the rapid movement of troops." Statue to War ChaplaIn Corti). Where Chaplain' Corby, 88th New . York lntantry. ttoad on la roek an4 ...,. abl61utloD . to . the Jl'flb t,r..-a. before It weal tDto tbe bllt at tbe .,beata_Id.t Qettyeburc.ln July. 188~ & .,.tlle to blJD .OOD wlU be erected.
l;onlul nll DO morpblne.
OplUID, eocnlne or dru gs to denden tb. polu, 1t o e utrnllllC8 the actd and drlvetl out nll rbourunUc IIolsool trom tbe 1711teID. Wrlle J>rot. MilD yo n, IS:ld and J etr·
"It Cured My Back" " t
twenty-nine years I have \ been at intervals a great sufferer from rheumatism. During that time, no telling how many galJons of the various kinds of liniments and oils I have used and with but little relief. Recently, I w~ confined to mT. bed helpless. I tried Sloan s Liniment and used it with such satisfactory results that I sent for two l~rge bott1c:s, and 1 have up to this time used about half a 50 cent bottle With splendid succeSS,"-JAME.5 HYDE, Beebe, White County, Ark.
Got Ease in Leu Than Ten Minute..
E. ALEXA.NDER, of North Harpswell, Me., writes: _I' I am a horseshoer and subject to many strains in my back :md hips which .has
brought on rheumatism in the sciatic nerve. I had It so bad on«: D1ght when sitting in my chair, that I had to jump on my feet to get relief~ 1 at once applied your • ~
to the affected part and in less than teD minutes it was pelrfec:py 1 think it is the best of all Liniments!'
Sloan's Liniment does not need '~ny rUbbing. les a ' ppwerful penetran~ "Try ' it for Rheumatism. · Sciatica, Sprains, Chest Pains, and Sore,rhroat. It gives almost ' i,nstant relief. , . ~oe ~ lSOe.. aDd
el.oo at All Deal. . .
.... 'or ......... Il0011_8_
A ......
~'~~~ "~ I --~~~~~,~<-~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!II!!!!!~
. ...aa..........•
V. BARNHART, , Nptary , Public
• A ll oIll la dy IUl d h er dl\ u~h e tltopped ou tside t,h e uycellD,l th Arlter ec"nmon Pleas Court. to study t,he unn u tloemeo t OOOOtl r,D' AJl' ki [l ()s of Nl)tllry yYOI k . Penslll,? New Suits' log the pnntomim e " Wh o'l! t h e W Irk a HPAOi lllt y. . W i \li lLDI Il: S war t", HO d ill Pltt;l.1 ",111 flS pluytl Ui 10 vier 1" Itskel r,b e ....... hlll'll' , Cinl'in ll tl ti , UhlClll:O uud 8t,. II hl IlIft.v. ".) ', n~ R~' r p , " r~rll.\ ed t h I~ 10ill ' RILl l w,,,' oo mpa n y fIJ I' ,1;;OU d'lugh t er . '.J II U ~, E r I" exolltllll Pd d " IlI 'I ~I! tI "'!lh ·\lI tllrl'! . t c\lllUliu g liHlt t he 01rl In dy in UrnnZ(llIlen t, " \Ve ll, n 'l inl'''' (HI t h e l' OI LO Il f th.\;I O UlI) Lil y whut plLrt , fll r U'oo lll es S'Ik fl. doe!' Undertaker and E'mbalmer, !<;a.t\t Lynm,'p1l\\' ?-Lnna rm Opinio n II t, fl U t il h i '! 101 I Il ropf1rt,.v Il t Ore Will b e fonne l \U t,be OlCl g o" j" ~ ftt II \V Brc) v n, BI" n!lotl B,", k . Blllld ing , oppo~a.,·' A Fierco ~ i ght Alarm t h e N 'Lt.iOOlLl Buok. & I VI Il t; III' IL t l orn ey t' fI ll' th ~ p lllln . I II Ih El h OIl.r t; , At'lrtlillg co ugh 01 Telephone in house lind or· 'ift 1\ hil d , !'uddeul y At taokell by cr lJ or. flce wher e ] CIloD be ca1100 Court ProceedlnlS. Of ten it aroused Lewitl Ohamberlin , day II\'- ni ght., William J . Rouoh \vas orde red to of MII.Dohellter , 0 ., [ R RNa . 21 for Vulley ~hone 1'-2. reoover trom Harry C. Collintl de- ~, h e ir fourohlldreu were greatly sub· Main Street. Waynesvill ... Ohio fendan t in his sutt, the 8um of ject to oroup "Sometimes in se· vere attaoks," he w r Ifl " we were ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $271 80. IAfrllid they w ould d ,j t since we In the case of William Thacker pnwed whllt!\ oertl1ln remedy Dr. et al V8 . Emma Mo1!'arlane Dwire King 'lt N ew Di soovery i8 , we bll.ve oour' orders t.hd the ph,intiffs re- 00 fenr . We rely 'on it for croup lind for coug hs, co lds or aoy thro!lt oover $505 .19 With interest from 00· or lung trouble." ~ o do t h o u sl~nd8 tober 29, 1910 from defondants as of others. tio mRy you . AsthmlA, Hay Fe ver. LnGrippe, WhooplD ~ olaimed to be due ta petttion. In t.he 01lge of Dan P. Bone vs. Coug h, Hemorrhages fly before it. on 'frilll bottle free. B. & O. S· W . Railway Uo., leave is 500 Ilnd Sold by all d roggists granted platntiff t~ file amended pe ------ ~~.-----tition forthwith. DISTUR8ED PEACE OF SALMON Plaintiff is gnntad leave to file Ilmended petition in Otlse of T . O. Some queer oharges Bre brought Patterson vs O. M. Bercaw for from time to 'tme in the polioe money olaimed to be due . courts in oonneoUon with gnme tind I .1 . A. Runyan Jlftd J : Warren fish preservation, but thll.t brought Wood are appotnted trustees in oase acains t a oollier a ~ Oookermoutb o ~ E . Becton Soott, VS. Wallaoe E. seems to be unique, The man was Scott et al. chnged wi t h disturbing salmon on Dr. Bell's AntisepticSalv8 In the (,Rse of Al MoCray vs. tbeir "pawnlng-beda by wlllking up Good for all Skin Dlao. . . . Emm'. MoCruy, J . W . McCrn .v t ,~l. fLu d down t he river bunks It was COlli t confirms sllle, onltl r of depd tIlted In evidenct'I tllll.t tll ~ fish wel'a ~!"!"'!!~~~!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!~~~ and clit· t·ri blllion o f pr O l) ~ r ty . "0 u nm <1r ll llS tha t SJDl e \.f them h arl ilel' ll d n v n l'iKb t into I,h \.· side to 1847 Rogers, Probate Court, "PILwll. ,"'lcl Tll ll! II .v ensad if uoy W iI ! ,I I ' ! f! lIrv li . Il tl ile r 1>1 'pl' t.o d .v ' ~t \l od on t ltA bti OK Il ... d lllokf'd I 1I uid uoll Ellzl' bet h '1' HI, lI . r a t th e m. Tb i" Sll lln dil rill her hke eleottld to t.lke unde r tbe 8awe. If you would like to supply II Rclentifio fll.iry ta.le, but th e m(~g t 8 · Jnventory l$Od appraiSI:lUlf' ot I!.I your table with this highthe estate of William M . 0 rwin, t rllt.es believed it, and fined the 001 Iier 15 . t or prying int-o the domesgrade silverware free of deoeased was flled . by A. U. Vail, tio Iltfnirs of t.h ~ lIfl lm onidal I take cost, write us for our speadministrator Perry E . Kenriolr guardian of the it tha t the mnglstrll tes imugined cial offer. Addr~ astate of Anna Leonard, Imbeoile. that hiR intArest was not purely otentifio, for it 8eeme diffioult t <. filed his sixt.h acconnt . STANDARD 'FASmON [OMPANY oonst,rue walkin g on the river banks t 2-1 6 VandlUll Street, New York, No Y. Will ot William Henry Heigh\vav '. was proba~ed and M E . C'llulpbell 1i8 an o ff~ nRe und er t.be !'alroon fisb is appointed ndmini st-rator with the ry act .-London Truth.
.. -
FREE Sil verware
MARCH 16·17·18 ====CONSISTING OF'====
Of All Kinds Used by the Farmers.
. Buggies, SUffies, Phaetons and Runabouts, Hafness Blankets and RoiJes,Ranges, Stoves and Gasoline fngines
And anything the Farmer want. · in the Hardware and Imi.,lement line. Never in the history of my business have I offered such an immense stock of goods "for sale as I am offering at this Spring Opening, and I doubt if any dealer ever did offer as much as,l am offering. . Most all of our goods will be shown on the streetsunder cover, so that RAIN OR SNOW WI,LL NOT IN.TERFERE 'W JTH THIS SALE. .Special Prices will be made on all Goods during this Sale, and no perso~ :who expects t.O buy goods during the next year can afford to .niss the sale.
Will be given to 'all purchas _:i1'5 of good. during this sale
. Tb~
B~st ~f
music ,will
will annt'xed .
Dr. Bell's Antl·Paln
ad ,M. E. Campbell is appointed " 1 A RU dd en Il t ta o k 0 f Ch 0 Iera ml~istrator of the will of JulLa hu. III danger ouR Keep Dr
M BELL'S ANTI·PAIN or. BaH'1l 'or Internal an4 External Pam.. Helghway. deceJsed . . An ti-Puln ut bflDd, B dose reliev es "lwl.s t iD ~ t.ant1 y . It 111110 cures Di. Real Estate Transfers. f\ rrhoeti, Cr amps, Flux und all Bowf\l . . • . Martin Simpeon til Charles H. Uomplaint!l: ------~.----..-----and Phoebe L. Campbell, 1 4 5 S~~A \,INO FOR SAN JOSE SCALE Ilores in oounty, $11,009 . L lura E. Harkrader te E. MartlD THI 'OREATEST In sprayin g for Sun J OIn ~oA l e and tiimpsan. Jot in Lebanon, $1 and ~ o n r fv s'oale on d ormAnt treml wit;h otber oonsideratfons IN THE WOItLD oomOJerci.a l lime s ulphur prepara. Mary.J. Bradstreet lio Warner C. PUBLISHED WEEnY. $4.00 PER YEAl tionR, the dilution sbould be 1 PRrt Penoe lot in Idpringboro, ,I, eto, HOTELS. DRUCCIST., .~IOIALII'n, of mixture to 9 to 11 parts of wdar William Idhumaker to ' Iren~ V . The ext\ot d el(ree of dilutlou need pd o 0 STU M • R 8. T It AN. II' I It. 0 A a AND 'BUS SERVICE OAN ~R.OFI· Osborne, traot io oounty, 11, eto. may be determined, If dai irad, by BY USINO ITS ADVERTISINO OOl.u ...... Irene V. Osborne to WHliam Shuhydl'ometer tflSt. 'Y ith oll j, te I' SAMPLE COPY; FREE maker, paroel tn oountY', 11 eto. Add,. •• NEW YORK OLIP~EIt 1 to 9 is reoommendfld. John (J, Winters to George McNe. ·York. N. V. Lane, lot in Franklin, $1. A 8mooth Skin . Sarah E. t:findman and David W. Blaok Bflads, Chal>S, ·Pi 01 pI ell , tiindman to Josephine C, Kendel. Sores-and ull unhellithy oonditions Dr. Bell~s Pine-Tar-Honev 21aorel in Hamilton township,t1700 of tht' skin ue unsi~btly and de. For Coug'" and Cold.. Miamisburg BuUding & Loan As. trllot fr~m the loo~ Buy' a box of 8001a$100 to El1let.a M. Eaton lot in Dr. B.ell s Antillep'lo Rl1lve, a ortmmy • Rnow whtte oint.ment, apply as di. , Franklin, t1, eto. reoted ft.Dd your.8kin will be as olear ·Thomae E. Bell, et al to Tru8tees as a 1mbe'!I. At &11 dealers in med. of Clearoreek town8hip, 'raot tn loine8. ----oounty, II, eto, HIS KIND Mary E. WUson Lowne8 to Mary Ellen Lownes, mo' In Salem town"I lIuppose ·l awyers 0,8 a rule, ship, $1, eto. to cat8 and pets." Kate Stewart, Wm. Stewart et a1 "What mates you thi~k that?" i. to Wm. Shumaker, parceJ in ooun. "Beoaulle I should think they ty, n, eta. . would naturally go to some&hing in MarrIap Licenaes. the feeUne " , Charles E. Sweney, 25, farmer of i.Jebanon and Ethel L. Null, 25, of Don't marry a lover of musio ; pel'Franklin. petullol harmony wlll' eDd in aepll.ra Vernon WHl8,22,laborerofFrank_ tton or nenous hrellkdow.n . liu aodlEv.. Waller, 22. of Franklin. Rolla Cook, 21, papflrmaker, of The Rev. Irl Hicks 19111 Almanac Franklin and Clara Taylor, 18, of The Rev . Irl R. Htoks Almanao Franklin. ALTER Mcf~LtJRK~ ' Luther Bhflde, 24, molder of Day for 1911, that guardian · Angel in 6 hundred ~hons"nd homes, is now to lD and Edith Marie Ro,!s, II, of ready. Not many are now wilUng , Funeral Dire-!tof_ Red Lion. to be without it and the Rev. Irl R. Harley Tharp, 28, teamster of Yt. Orab aod Mllggie Tirey, 27, of Hloks Magazine, Word and Works Telephone day or uilti'~ The two are only One Dollar a year' KinKS MUls, Valle! phone No.~. LoDR , ~ Ths Almanao is 350 prepllid, No CommiSSIoner.' Proceedlnls. Dista~oe No. 69-'p'. home ot: offioe s1" ould fail to send BIUs-Randall & Monger,oloth for them, to WA YNESYI~LE, • ,,' . OHIO . lng for prisoner, '2 50; E . ~. :on . . ~ .: .... ,.' Word and Works Publishing Co., lin, stamps, $5 ; Dayt.on OiHoe Equip St. Louis, Mo. Branch Office, .HarVe;f1bm:a.· O. ::.' ;~'" ment Exohanl1;e, typewriter rep'lirll for olerk, '5 25; Barrett Brothers, blankA for ooronflr, 16 15; W 0. '~rton, coal for oourniouse, .15 .5 ; James V. Hankinson, lumber,
... - ----
- ..-----
I~~!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!!"!"'!!~~!"!"'!!.~!"!"'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! W
Everyb9dy Should ·Come to th~s Big"·Opening!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"2~;~W~&~~&~. , ~al i for' )ourt 'bouse, $50 59; D'Jmbolugh
w. '- LlNGO .O h-l.o.
& Bolm"rj repairs at oourt hous~' _8' 90; .Horil,oe Idhield, ~timllte on oont,raot, *10.0 j . Horaoe tihteld, e8tlmate .:>0 contrao~, $4:;l8 54·; ~tate of Ohio VS, Geor:ge- Ayers. oo8tl'l ....Z State of Ohio va. JOh'n ROSI, oosts, tlO .80 j ·.i:;tate of Ohio va Harn~y Moore, 15.01) j State of Ohio va, Ed.
Bmw,.. '6,80~
. An ounce of , Prevention is worth a pound of cure. " ,
~~;;;~~~~_"• •""'.ft!!!~~"'''''''''''''''''~!!;;
In u villuS '} of ltlll v, yellr~ a go, • AttAnti on iA invited to the quality UV« " iORurllnoe pI·o bahl .\, OIlU PI' the Stut·e Fir MtU'foIhul'", otnu mOte u gOlld king huo g '1.1 b 11 in the lllur. ()f lus t yeur's ooro orop wlth refer. Sl'R~E'f UllneOfl 8M,\' t.r (/Uble lIud lab r tblltl ket.pln fl a.nd ov r d it witl'i 1\' shel. Me to se d purposes. It I h.a ld
aL WaynesvLUo, •
"A[ i\ I
HlIRnESS BJlRlililns
- - - - -- - - - - - -nn\' .ther ~ir ,,,,,lU IAIIO ooon cted No. 11 ~ \ II h tiro'" , The terlJl 'llver.io ' ur !\U IJ • • our,.1 1\ It,.. rtlt:'lIuln!,! \ Il il:; fill' D. . L. CHA,J)IE, Edito r nnll Manager · bllt If\tlt [11 1'6 be BOUIe wllU rlu nll l V ..\.LLEY
teriu ' r ouf . I'll n llin~ his p plu tug ther, he tolll th e m wbut. he b u.11 ll " UA. "'1'bi~ i.'l th Bell f ,J It" ' li l'," bf'!!lIh.l. " \Vll never a \\r" .. :.! i~ lI onl) to IIOY m IL 1 1 w!ll 01111 I hi> jntl gtl to m llku it ri g ht-if hn 1.:1t I1 n~tl the !!rallf uoll in the - q llll : " .. With ~II g HI!lul1d ju .. t I k l/l~( 1 0 fl ill pl" of I IHI vi ll ll l!H liv "11 h 'IPpi !y ~Ite bE'll c!lIl1l·u the ju1g(, Wh ll U!:! I' !I!' wro ll !;: wus dou e, IIDLl b a h eltru II II oomplllints . Aftt1r Illuny y IlTS tho bel~.r ope wall w o rn UWIlY by \l ila . It h u ng o ut of reac h' uu~11 BOIll.a t)[\ i:l , pas illg by, m e oded it Wltlt II wllu
tll ut Il v'lry Inrg propo rtion of Il1l1t year's rn d i.d not rip n sullici utly In tU ll lc tl fi r s t ol l ~tI t!eed . In IIl11UY In . tun cf' wiJ I'll th e kern I 100 itS 'I t' li on th r" ou t ~ iLl e o n the II I' it Is ·. Ht au thtl under Biill . t'rf1(lll ntly
u ll(.hm~tllotl its import it mll y be; x: Rates o( Subscrilltion plui nerl t hnt It I:l1mpl~ UUI UIlS ir.,Hl1' Ono ear (gll'lcLly lu advllllcll) ... .. : .. • I.on lll1ne ill un am n UIJ ~ IU XC"I'H Ill' t·\I. ,' \','n ~ho\\, ln g lll t 1<1 SllIglo \.JOllY . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . ... . , .06 I vulne lit th tl pl'Up rt..v III ,.. UI·.,tl 11. I" A ~ "n y .1 Ipc t lfJ £1p d ,.ITI:! Is vital. I Il buglluoo t il iD t< urIlnUtl IO ' IIIH,nl. ·", I, th., y ll un~ plll nt., () ell if it oo m I Rates of Advertising tl.UU t h i!! otnUtl ulike, i.Lnt! it tletl w im · up llt 1111, it ill of t h o greu. ~ u t. im. R toatllng LocnlR. pcr lino . .. .. . . .. .... . Ik portnooo thut over y enr ~o be used lleluling Loealg. black fal·o. per linll .. . . IOc pl)s!llble to enLirely \lrUln llle It. IUIlIIlIld Ad~ . oot to exceed Ill- liueII UVt'r iOl!ortl.uoe II! sO lO l'till1tl inD O fo l' plunting 1/ cur full .v OXlI1l11uerl, 1'hroo Insertloos .. .. . . . .. .. .. . 26<' oeut, but il! generlllly the resnit of lInd thll t nuno bu t tlltl Botlode~t be ObltuarlOH. live luches free; o\'er 11\'0 used . The yo ung oorn plant if InchOll. per lIuo ........ ..... . . 6c deliberute frsurt or orimiou l int n. Owof Ulllnks ..... ... .. .. .. ... . . ... . 2 lie ti o o . Somotimes, uod iodl'ed mO!lt wenk frODI uoy ouuse neve r grows Reeolutl0l18 ... . ..... . ... ... ... ... , .. . 6lk: _ liol.o 8uoll vigor as will inllure the Socials eLe. where chargo Is matlo . ..... . 26c fr E'quently, it Is due t ) OllT Illssn68~ vine. . ~ow I t hap~eo erl t~llt Il fllm oos' \ lle!<t c rop . Dt.splay Advertlslug per Inch ..... . .... . t Oe of the a·gent, and Ilgllin it i the fault D~UMH given on coutrllcL. I t will be well t,o b egin iove t lgll o f the Ils8ured alone. '1'he r emedy knl~ht dw e lt ID t.h e villn ge. Wb u 'l W A y Jun /,I ~o had mn~.y h.oulIll !! I li ,) l1 u nw while tLJ e re is yet 1\ good hO I! in· greuter o!l.re au the llll.rt of he d : On !,l liD s pe nt I!I tl W t! 10 ~up pl y o n hUlld . If 001'0 is defonti v MARCH 8. 11111. insuranoe ugents in wr\ting u rltlk. un But even if tho ul! ent n e tb e ut buotin g 11n(\ feR tlOg, bu t· when h o it <lI lly UO w l' lI to urmuge with I beCllm f! ItO old Ul IIU_ 11 0 h ll d n o ! lI V 1\ n ol"• l1bo l', who:!o c orn waR fully , ,, Also it is n '3 ver too early t o mend UJost ('are tltlll " fnudultmt llssureu , i might, and fr e que o t ly d Qes in fa c t, for uuyt.il iog but ~o ltl. t-)o h e s tl ltl ripl nud In!lt full f o r I.he n 0 ssarv ------~.~-his 11 0ull(ls, gfl VO up his nch gnrt! tit! lI11pp ly o f H«C'll ~ome m e o w eur themsRlves out hring abont tl oondition of ovel·.io. . This harn ess for two h rses with either Pigeo ll will).; aod ktlpt but one hor!:le, thllt st.IHV f' d __ ____- - lind others !lImply rost 8uranoe by spiriting aWllY a stook of o r square blind brilcle, .less col lars . $16.50 ' Kills A Murderer I:ood!l Ql' by allowing It to b ecome in t.h !'table. At h,n!-{tb bo beca me Body part fo r one horse The Cold. That Hang on A In'f'rell{',, ~ tllurd tl rAT is A 11 pon r1l 5.00 deplet.ed. Tbe ugent c.lDnot IIlwuys 80 greedy nnd stlltib h t.hut h o grud t:;etl A good hea vy sweat pad Are refldllv a u red by Dr . B t: ll '~ prevent tni8, but II. r eallonable the pOOl' Iler 0 hi.~ oan t ", fo od Ilnrl 1'1 11~ W ' tli mll ll .\' \,I oti lll~, bot Ur .• A good team bridle 'Pine ·'far Booey It relieves tbp 1.75 • I turo (1 bim (JUt til f · au ia the str ' Pt . K I D:.! ' " ~L'LV 1,11 11 Pill~ lull it by p.e· wutch oould be kept which might cold and sto~s tllfl ooogh . There is Check lines I 1· inches by ] , feet The p oo roreutnre wand rEHluUtlut- \· ,· I1 I I.m T il 1'." g' II tly . till1n\llte I 3.25 dave muoh proper tv lind money . only one genuine. noc!lrtd fo r unfed fl/ul fUn!tLk ~'Il . >I" )lI1 l1c 'I1, livl'r.fl ll'l howc>I.'". I.' revont Rul.Jber· mounted buggy harness, the k ind most deal · c I Some glaring ins~aoces of over .i n· , I 'n~ th llt. c1 o!!l! lJl g' tbut, lllVltt';l I'p. ers sell for $20.00, our price Olle !lU rnmer ufte rn ,00 , n;l tb pl ' ocl ll'ifi"!, I'llr ln g 'un,,\1plltlOn, 15.00 ~ The best r emedv for tailure i~ surtlnoe have reoently bee o bro u ght plenty ot hard, oon08ientious work. to the a.ttention of tbi~ Departme ut lIeople d ozod in t.heir hOUf"flR th ey . lil'll(IIICI1P. l3i li Il U;lIl(''''', l'lllll~, :350 lIt We also carry a full and oll1plete lin e of a ll k ind ' of Harness ~I h I1 r d the cull of t be B e ll o f ,JuRl ku. 111 1 drn l!glslK ------- -.~.-----and anything needed for the horse. ~: In' II. oity of this t:!tatll, a I'oloon or ---~ Be alive al1 the time, and flspeoia) . rather tbe stook of go.)d~ 'IInd fix. Tbf ju,lg hll stelled to tb e III Irk t \\ e deli\er all goods to your nearest 'Railroad or Traction . lop, ~ RA TIONS FOR. POULTR.Y ly when you work. Enthusinsol ture8 Wll8 insured for '2,000 . With pluoe wbere ~be grent u o ll WIIS ri ll l,(' free or charge. '. lug'. "Wh o hl1. th b()e n wron g d ? . oren t·ell eOfun y . io a m onth the pla.oe W.lf:! hurnell Thn J1 n nl tr~' is II ;l " nr ee of cn n!'ifi· ---~ and H~ the t ime o t t.he fire $300 would heuilkell., But, 1'f~ llohin g the b lfl',\' , ornbl i Il C' I III1 (~ rlnri ll L: til wint!lr Qlves Prompt Relief h e SItW on ly Ihe h o rt!e trnggliug t., l lnth " ., wI t ' U it ,~ give n !,;()I)tl O.H tl ; hllve oovered everythio ~~ i n the I11 Willium 8 . Dot1 ~h~s , Jr ,of Wllsb. re.lch til ViUA w bioh h lltl b e 0 1,\.)(1 ingt.oD. D. C" say!! : I take greul plnoe, I'll WIll i tlw cP lll i n~ " f • tl'll lllu r to It b~1\ rOtJe . ' All I" s!lid tbeju!l:-:e pl1l8t1Urfl in informing you I bn,ve In tile s~me oi~v .. fire ocour ed In tlvo r v\' llllv g d,. htl · v 1\' 11 11 otlwr cuu\\e w ' ll . used Dr. 8ell's Plne.Tur.Boney 0\ store receotly . The llropri e t nr "Ille teed plea ds hi wll rlr I1nel ~ll " LJ h i cl{('n~ IIr" kit t,o flDd it gave me almost Ins tllnt re. Be has been forsaken by t.b e OUISt r uarrled ,9,OOU insoranofl on II. s t ook ~ertl l fl h fn r . ;h l' Ulspl \'p'~ Ie'rom No. ltet . a!'lk~ for ~ of goo 18 whioh Was , afte rwa rd Ill> whom b e served ILnd h v IlJilc l' uu t il .\IIIY Illfl h en~ I1ftl f Ii Opposite Wayne Ave. East of CanaJ justioe, .. 'tne honest worker demands more praised 8\ abotlt t1,80P. 1 1I1 rn ln g i'l t iul1 nf w h eat in the The people bt~d gathed in the Ill flT· ne ha~f block east of D. & U., D. & W., D, & S. U. and South· ot himself than his employer ever The objeot ot this bullet in is to \i tt r; It In rI. h of slllull potatoe ket-pll1oe , and ' among them the em Ohio 'fraction Depot. espeots of him. warn the losocing public aglliot the IIl IXIlLl wi th ooou rh III fu,1frt leu VI' '' knight. The judge spok gr v e ly: -. danger to thePI' 'reputatlon and tbe ~I lth rt1rl froll) th b ~lrn fl o or to Think 'UO)6~, but that is not annoyance a.nd the embarrassment "BereOtlm06 the s teed who erv ed mil ke it s ill', for 1\ nC"nn food, aud enough; think it so hard that it be. they miRht have to endure shonld bis m sttlr well, yet who was 11~ " O !lllfl\lrd corn ill th litter ut night. oomea aotloD. a fire oooar with theil' property over · doued and lorr:otten. He pI ad . [tH· Bee f ornp i:i k pt b fore them ut WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. inlured, 11'or 8Ulpioion is bound to justioe aud t.he Il1 w deoree thl~t t.he a.ll time,;, nod gree n f ood furnl!!hecl 'or Croup • mlln WhOlll he serveu shu ll pr u v ,d e by oabb l. ge , sn Lynr bee t Hnd otbe r Dr Bell's Pin .Tar-Honey is the arise in the minds of neighbor8, in St. Augustine's Catholic Church, \~ ' l ) '. lesville's Lea.dinp: DeDaal best known remedy . Uo not fiX· 801'",noe adjusters, members of the bim with fooullutl !lhelter, tb lLt he vegetll bl s ~I\ ved from th o gllrdeu Father George Marcnboefor, Pastor 'Maln ~. periment get the genuine Dr. Bell'.. fire department "nd fire mnrshals Olay a bide in comfort ... MMR everv seconll Sundal' of the montb a ( )ffice in Keys Bldg, Pine.Tar.Honey. o: OU a . !D. Has Millions of Friends when II. tire thus ooours ",nd Is is Oot. ?he .kl\l~ht, ashamed, led b om.e ... - - --, !! h iS fUlthful horse . The kin g ~p. St. Mary·s Episcopal Chur(;b. 'l'he mlLn who Is too b08y to make olearly shown to be innocent Th n proved the righteou jnd ~rue n t t!tly. ! Bow .w Oluld vou Ii~e to nUrtlpe r follows an investigation whiob may Rev . J . P . Cndwalll\der, llectm . . g, y our frleolls by millio n!! us Bnok. friendft seldom suooeed". uoday chool. 0 :ao II. Ul Morning 'ser ----___•• __----go tnto yoor pri vllte bUillneS8 1lffl11r!l Ing ." My bell mdeed WilY be culled len's Aro ion. ~a l va d OA!.' ? It ~ !I F. Good for Nothlnc but the E,.. ,·Icc. 10 :ao a. m. Hol y Communion the Orat Even wh£ n obtlrity beRins bot home Il~d OIL use yon and thi8 departmont: t h e Be ll of Justice. It plllads the tOflDdiog cu res i n tbe J1I1St fo r ty undllY of eacb month, l1use even uf the dumb, who oannot yeurfl made them It!:! rhe best !ill I ve it usually ends with some foreign 6ndl68s annoyanoe and mooh uunec· speak for themselves, ,,_ 'eleoted in lil A world fn ,· sore~, ulcers, ec~e · - Methodist Episcopal Churdl. e8sary labor. missionary. _ _ __ 4 _ • Wll, burns, hoilR, soald!!, 01lt3, colds, Rev, H, W. Balley, Paatol. .... for Ga~ette the Subscribe Over·in8nran::le is to the nn80ru· There Is Only One Plne-Tar-Honey !'lo re f'ye!l , s prnjDl', swellin gs. brois " unllllY Scbool, Il : U a. m. Mornln/{ ser· Q~anu..ted Eye LId. poloos a oonstant temptntion and Thut is Dr. Be ll's. It is the . orig. oold SMes. BIlt! no eq IlR I fo r piles . ,·Ice. J 0 :UO a . m. EpworLh Lengue, 7 :00 p . ~bo Rt 1111 drugg ists . 111 . Evening 8en·lce. 7 : 00 p . w. Mldweelr 00 not noed be oooterized or .tornishes a powerful motive to the iOl1lund ca.n 'be relied 00 io oronp, __ _ - - Pr ryer l'4eeLiol(, 7 p . !D. l!Iollrined by a physiolan. Suther. dishonest to dtspose ot their prop. oough!', ooIds and all lung and bro n. HA Y FOR CHICKEN' S ! ,~' WINTER land 's Eagle lCye Salve i. Koaran~d o hiul t roubl e L ook f or t.he bell on Christian Church. Save Money and Kee",· in to oure them wUhout pain . It i8 erty to tbe lnsurance oompanies. the B ot,n . Rev. L, O. ThompeoD. Pastot . Style by Reading McCall', hBrmletls and a (lore oore for grada. EveD to tbe hone8t it may lead t 'o Bny j a r 110rl>e!'. for COws, f or I'lheep Bible Scbool, 9 : SO s. m. Soclalllleetln•• 10:6 0 a, m. , OhrllltlllU Endeavor. 7:0U p, III. Ided lids . 25c tubes at all dealers. ollorele88D888, Feeling 8e!lure against SPONGI NG MATTING Magazine and Uaing McCall Pattel'Dl {' very hody untl crtlt lLudl::l thu t . The Sermon by pllBtor every , alternate Sunday" IOS8 the eame preollution Dl '~y not b .· McCan'. Ma,.d .. will Ut1e generally pees Olattiu rr out in kr:owledge i in grniued frow eurly 10: 50 a. m. II.Dc,l 1:80 p. m. However poor your work i8, it ia 'u.lI:en aluinst ordina.ry fird du.ngers . MgCAL1:S MAGAZltiE 1I1'II' yo u dross styl· Ishly nt n modemte Hkksite. Friends ChurQ. the right .,hape auout nnusulI.I cor · vo u th. MiJli'JD of t.ons ore pre Dever hopeles8 . You are a suoOes8 It haa ocourred 1n the experienoe of "X I'o n ~o by k e 0 P I 0 It irst OaF M oc U ne;. (1 : 00 n . m. FlreL O a~ ners or 1llooveR, in whioh oondltion p!lred unoh ~'etlT fo r tbedQ aoimf\I~, you l1oSLod 00 lho it you make It a little better eaoh ttlts department th~t men feeliog choo!. II ; 0(1 a. m. Founb Day Mcellnlt "lI a~ t fns lli o ns In But h o w about h ay for ohiokenf! i' 10:00 a. m. it weill'S und rllvel ·te r y euslly . In Il,l h 's IIlId Ijll18. 60 day . thua sec ore have innooently r e tloy t orus and co rners thi.s met·u oo For the m 00 1'11 , nnd when.t., und Ollt.~ , Now Fn.sblnn DClIII!ns In I'oeh Issue. Also Orthodox Friends Churell. mllrked that if . a fire did o~onr th ey of prooon u re mt\y be necessary, btl t Hud mRny othel' things ure consid \'0111111110 luform llt\oll 200,000 Tubes ,;'~ Mrs. Ellzal>oth Larkin, Pastor 1111 1111 hOlllo nud por· were fully insured . 'l'ben a fire before doors, II. long bia edg es u lld tl l·. tI th,o ur oper fo od. Bnt how Diy ~"'"l1 l IIII1IUJrs. !;abbaLh ohool ,!l :80 a. m. Ite'l:ular ohureb Of SoUle rl8nd's Eagle Eye Salve r.t • II y~nr Includlllg has foJlowed entirely innooent in its /lbou t fir e pltloe~, thtl "l'lnttlng may be 1\ bl,nt, bay? It took p oultrymen R'rvlee, 10 ·110 n. Ill . Ohrl8~ lau Endeavor, were sold in 1908 Bnd not one word II frell pUllorn. . ull· 7 :30 p _ """ ....... , .." mwn. n..- . scrlbo lwlny or send of oo~"laint, though . every tube origin so far as the owner was 000· thoron glily wet Wit~lll pooge, o r u lo ng t·ime to learn tn teed green fur rr 0 SllIlIplo cOPY. wlIs'sold uoder a. positive ~uaranteE" oerned, Then his otlreless remark '1 pi oe qf white LUU lin wlJi 11 hn ll v~gHtllbl e!i , I\S Q(\bbllge and turnip I . ~ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ McC.1I P.uo...., will ollubloroll to mnke In YOII r It i8 good for nothing but the eyes baR been repoated to some m embe r OW U~ I ml,,-wllhyollro,,11 hltllll •. cl{}thlnil fur been dipped in \'Ht·or 'rhls WOl!>t to t·h eir ch ick ns . But now they )'flurso lf ami 1'l,lhlron whll' h wl(\ be perrec l .. ..: Ask your Dr.ll~gillt. 6 ' of the depu.rtment Ilod in oonnec. lit sl~' l e Rn d ilL. Prl CH-ll oun hl uh o r thnn 1 C. W. HENDERSON, M. D po i og makes the tit ift· HII w of tllO Me ooming t o ffleding buy. -, (·Oll ts. Selld for froo PIIIIMII Gnlnlr,gue. f!' Many II. ~an makes a noil!le lite tion with the fll~ts of over · in ~ll r mllttiog 80 limber tllnt it cau. b W. Will el •• Yo. Fl •• Pn.M." ro r I:otlln lt Bub "crlt'tlons 1I1l\""~ )'ollr rrll·ncIN. Roo(\ for fre e Whell Ill HY Het 00 the sCldes if! Waynesville, Ohio. .. virtue to drown the olamor of ht8' ance raised a I!t·rong rms plOioo bent in It n y d ireotiou with li nt ur euk Pn-'militn C:it. lu ltl 6!uO nnd ('1I!';h 1"rl ze O tr~r. About t,ll e only time 80me m e n eVf'r against the owner; yet the , fi'r e wua THE McCALL COMPANY, 239'0249 West 37th St., NEW YOR I lug-, Rod ' malt 11 oeut, . ub tUlltill 1 vlce8. Main Stref't ! Valley Phon'! 153 .a ooldeotal bat it t.ook m .ooh noneo edge . Evlm ( 'hiall wllttmg, whic h h l\Vb t.I1 l:li r ow n weigh. - - - - - - _ - ....- - - ;.r ·, 'l'he man who is blind to his ow'D essary time flnd work t.o prove It is ll elL vier a n d It\ 8 plitlble thnn \.he What i8 tht> remedy? Let th e Jllpane e, \llln be trellt,ed in thi s wil y in~reats lIeldom tnterl.'sts anyone h onest man who I1pplief! for iUl!ol' 81\t.lsflloto rll y, liS 1 hnvo pruv l' u by ell!l8 tlooe see to It th\l.t h e fu.irl y stlLte~ turniug 10 II br elltil,h 0 ; biot !:! lllutting tbe "alue ot hili prope rLy I~nd Kiv tl before IL dour nl,.u y , t·im g. My . tho aRent all the : uotl! in rell1litln J 'tp l1Uelle OIl1ttltll{ I '; tl)lll" d III ub .I\1I, the .. eto and inform llim if he oarnet' . " fir tl plilotl nllt! ,ti l Ihrl'e !llc\es LJ1 U~ . or.expeots to oMry ottltlr p\lliOl il~ tl nd bo tl.1 tlo o rwlI Y lIud fil' Llp lllCe lo ut! -AThe Moore Range is so handily built Wit·h tbe dit;uonetl t appllouut th e II\jUt lIud /lt~rtlot;vo -~ ruru W I·Ill. t h a t you don ' t have t o s ta nd right over agent "lonsc(~n dtlllolllllu iu ordlu' L,l 1111 ' S llU1I1 1' ;ll UJpa Oll n lu I" 1\:1 rcb t he stove to feed a fire orbuild n new one. o.o pe with tbe di s h r' n " !:1~ h tl QlUilt iu - .- --- .. - - - - . , . By pu lling lightly on a small chain ALM I\N o\CS We don't mean just stop the irri- speot oarefully all biB risk~ lIod k t'tlp attach cd to the Patent Hinged Top, the I tation in your throat--but cure the an eye on the .]llngerl l U I:\, OUOI> "I t or. Tb e lti ~ t·or ,) 1 "lmlnl 'lO:! goe:! baok ~hole top is lifted out of the way. underlying clI:use. ward, Jno, W . Zubtl r, t·u very tLD C !:lilt tID\f\t:l ·rtlt~ G reeks This convenient arrangement makes it Stu.te £C'ire Mn.rsll ,Lj uf Alex'ind ri u certllinly 11H.d th e m, Cough syrups cannot do this. It po ss ibl ~ to ,.. takes a constitutional tonic body llitbou~b th <lute of tb <iir first np builder to do the worIC properlrAttacks School Principal puo mQce iu l'-;nrojJo i~ oo t koowu and cure you to stay cured. V mol A severe atta'o lt on sdhool pl'io ci. with oert!uoty. · 10 tue Brir.i~b mu is the remedy you need. pll.1, CbRS . B Allen', of Sylvlloi ••, so um th r e llrt! s p eoi m elJ~ of 1l1l1.nu. Gil ,is thns'told by him , . For Ill ll r tl . HEBE 18 PBOO.. There's no spi llin g of fu el, and as the top thtln lbree years," ue wri teR, .. J Sllf' I!oI rl pt Idm t l100:l dlL~lDg froll ' tlltl Mn. Minnie O.poll. of Olen I Faua, when Ii£ted Corms 11 hood, the smoke. soot nnd red tndslloribl1ble torture froUl th lr tepn Lh aud tho:' fot1rteetltb oon. fe N. Y., wrltell:·" After trTlnc lMIyeral rem. odor :\r~ t1!'~. lI'n around the tlues of the ra nge rheumatism, liver I\nd I'ltoUllloh turie9, but th e fi rst p rint d Europ an ..tIM for a bad ClOUlh and (\()l~lthoat and ean lOt escape in to the room . . Wi lh M ore's Range there is'llo smoke- ·no benefit. J ' ked to t~ VhioL U trouble anp distl9Sed kidne y" A.II 1l11111l~I\O tb t unything is ku tWU 1 worked like maclo, It CIaNcI my cold remedlel\ failed till I \lSlld Eleot'~lo b t Wlla 0 mpll d by t.h e Ilstrono cco( -/10 gas. And ye t with niL, its cleanly and. '00..1i and I pined la' bealth and :lOci time-saving aovAntngell, this wonderful Bitters, but four bottles '?~this w o n. I\. 0 0 . • 'range reall y costs the leaJit of any raoge on the · .. • h'eD!rth. I CIO.D.I~er I Vlnol the mH' del'fo. remedy oured me oOloplete. m .l f Pnrbllob, Il ud IIp, pel1[t1tl OLUe . wonderful toD1o and ·lbrlr.ra~ J eYer Jll:lrkct. It actually pay_ £01' itaelf by cuttillg ly . ~ ' ~nQb reSults are' oom~oo . time b tw~en .the yea r 14GO und 1461 _w," . dowll ':uol expeose; . l'bool!anjls bletf8 .t.hem tOl' ouring It WI1S, b o\veverPorblt.Oh 's pupil . -If we ~not stop th~t " Cough . 8tomilCb trouble, fe~.ale 00Ull,>II\int8, R.flgiom.>n'tl\nui:5 who In:ou ght out, kidney disorders. btliou8ness, and ' . ·with.',VINO.L-qur delicious cod for. hel1lt~ , and 'vigor : Try tbe fi rst Illmtl-nao of rea l impor.~ance liver and irqD tonic-which is qlade ··them.DOWOnly : . 500 '. 11~ :loll ~1'~lgi8t8 It g!L'V~ tb&uKqal.fl8tronomIClo' llOtor."itho,ut' oil--we . will .not char~ " Mooro'. Controlll'r. Damper enablQ!I yon to contrc,>1 the hent and soot, thus giving you the advantage o.! t~e extra heat -:-~--. • . Ullltion not merely for one yetlr .you a c:e~t for :the · m,~iCin.e y~u o{ lh u Qvc:n as w~1I AS y(,)u can cnntrol the beat of a ·gus o~ d tbe extra saving on your fuel. lt is the only.range A woman i8 )Ike ,an a.rmy""::'she i. tlb~odl bot for ,th~ 57 y~l1rd 147iL......1G.Sl Yen. Moore's Range is the only conI range h vtng tb. baving three·wall cQnstrnctioD tIuou.\Ioat. .This .IS ODe buy. . ThiS f!,eeII1S li1ie a pretty fair dl'llntage, Rnt;! rt s:aves Cully one-third of the fu el. . reason why 1I100re's Rllnge lasts lonlter tban any_other. iOllt it ahe h&l.\ no reserve , egfom()nta.'tfu~ <WhOt!8 fauuly n~m e propositi~and-ought to-.be acMoo~,,'. Enrl.. tin l Flreback enables you to burn coal cost· Cat ot our store and let us show )lOll the ·maoy· e~clu• - • was not eo ' big II. wQrd, but ,.i mp,le Ing tit least two·thirds I ss than coal used in other ranges. sive . featllres of Moore's Range. Call NPW· wblle our ~pted.- Don't ~u thin~ sol,. With the bur!1lag up of thesmo1ce slock is complete. . ' Funht!rmol'e, 1t provide!! for WomeDnover oome of age . R e". Johann Muller, or ;John MiI\&r), be . this unc:1erstandlDg we ~' JOU .to 'Moore'~ ~ can ". 4tu1 in ei,ler C"., Iron or try a bottlo'of VINOL. . 1OD 'lrrt"'t~ &bem; len'lpaonli 'g aides .taed being a sreat ast ronotrl8l' . bishop.. '\ R. .JANNBY, · Drua1at - .
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~1 25 .~
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c. E . HAGER_ 413 E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio,
·- .
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._--... ...-----
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Don't Stand Over a 'H ot Fir'e !
Stubborn Cough
. .
Broil and Toast Easier and Cleaner
w" ..
Moore's Range Saves Time and Money
;..' .
For' .ale by 'J. H. COLEMAN, WayneaviUej··0 hio··
YEAR. Figures recently Iss ued show that tho ·.v h al receipts at Wlunipeg Ins( year w 're 88 ,209,330 bus hels, IU! compared with tbe !llinn ' l111o \ls receipts of t ,l11,410 bushels, this placing Wlnnip g at the head of the wbeat receiving markets of the cODtinent. Following up tbls InformlJlJon It liLl found that tbe yield s throughout the provo Inces or Manitoba, Sasl,atchewan lind SVNOPSISont aft rward lhat be had b en duped Alberta, as given the writer by agents Proc -dings were threatened; but ' 1\ or tbe anullian Government stuH o_rod Jetfrtes. b ank or'it derwood mannged to hush th e aUah tioned In differe nt purts or tbo Slutes, we oyll · lnOue nce ot 'Robert Und l'r wool.l. by re tul'lIlng purt of th o ilion y." bave been splendid . A fe w or the ,a rallow-student at \'0.1<" 1(\lltls n 11ft' o ( dlaRlpaUon, mllrr1M the d (w ghl or ot 0. In anolh r part of tbe 1'00 m n couple Ins tanoos are given : tJ1I.ln blcr who dIed III prl s or.. n lld Iii dl~ weI' di. cu:;s lng ;VIr. J effr ies all he Near nedvers, Sasle, Jens Hortness <Jwned by hla falh er . U(, I l' l lIS to gct w orlc .. ....nd talla., , A: 'fbrm r 'OOI\('!:" ch um m ll k~1i stoo\1 tall,lllg with Judg Hr 'wster . thresbed about 50 a 'res of whellt, av· " l. tlUUitle8ll. proposition 10 lI ownrd which " Did You no l lce how 1r. Jl'tfrlcf; hn~ ern;:;lng 20 bushels to the acro. Near rOQulreli J2,OOO c3sh. n n d l!owa rd 18 broke. Roberl Und rwood . who Im ll boon reaged ' rcc nll y'! He no longer sec m ~ Ellplll;n stone, Saslc, many of the crops Clulsod by Howard's wit<'. Anlli u. til hll' or oats would run to nearly I no bushthe salllo man." ,. \108'0 d a ys, and h ~(\ on r(' \) oot! l" ,!:nged AlicIa. Howard's et !1pmotllcr. hilS "No ;\Condor, uft I' all the trouble c is to the acre. A Mr. Muir 11••d about ft.parlmonlB at lho A strurl... II ncl hI n p hc'>! bl1(,. or conrse you know what 0 200 acres of this gralu and be estlf<l8.f'ODtly In pr08pcrOUII clrCUlnlilnnces. Roward rc~.a\ls n $u,o 10lln to lInll erwopd, dis npp ulntment his son turn ed out 1" matcs the yield at about 00 bUBcels that remains unpilid. and clcrl /l e/! LO n sk "A 'lcnm p, I IlUtlerstand . Married II P I' acre. 'Wheat we nt 35 bushels to Mm for tho $2.000 h e n l'olIs. Unl.l ~ rw,)ol.l, t&k:ingad vant(l.ge of .h ll1 tntimacy with chorus "il'l and all that sort of tblng." tho acre on tbe farm of II'. A. Loucks, Mrs. JoO'rletI. Sr.. becomo!'l Il tlO rt or :'o('ln l "N o, exactly, but almos~ as bad. near Wymyard, Snsk., In the fall of ·hfgbwa)' millt. Olacove rln j!' h i .. true clll.l r· 4I.Cter !lhe d onlos hIm th e hOUIIC . Th o girl was a waltross or sOlDethlag 1910. K. Erickson Imd 27 and P. like that In a r s taura nt. Gbe's vcrr Solvason 17. In the Dompster (i\Ian.) CHAPTER IV. common ; ber fnth r died In prison . di strict last year, wheat went from · 'The rlchl,. decoratec1 reception You can Im agine tb e biow to old J r- 25 to 30 bushels per acre. Fifteen fries. He turn ed th o boy adrlIt and Ilcres on tbe lIIacltenzle & Mann ta rm ('ooms, brlJllantly illumInated with ott Incandescent IIgbU! I1rtl t!cally loCt him to shift for hlmsel!" today went forty.tbree busbels to tbe Alicia npp roached her husband, who acre. In the Wainwright and Batue-I a.rranged behind banks of flowers, were fillod wltb lleoplc. In the air was stili talking with Judge Brewster. river districts y:olds or wheat aver. was tbe familiar buzz always present She was lennlng on tbe arm of a taU, aged fo r tbe dIstrict 26 bushels to the t n a room wh,.. e oaoh porson Is trying bandsome man with a dark '\ an Dyke acre. M. B. Ness, of the Tofleld, Alto speak at too same time. On nil ben rd. borta, district, got 98 bushels and ~ldos one beard traglUentJ:I of inept "Who nre YOII dl scllss ing with such 28 Ibs. or oats to the ncre, while near \';IDnversatlon. Inter s t 1" she demand ed, all she came Montrose, ove r 94 bushels of oats to ·~'So t> ';'DOd · of #w.nu· up with ber escort. .~ to conlc!. r-Io\~' well tbe aero was threshed by J. Leonie, !,.ou're looking, my dear." "We werc tnlklng of Capt. Clinton notwiths tanding the dry weather of "r.Jy busband 7 Oh, lI C'A at the club, and his detestable pollc methods," Juno. Further reports from the Edplaying poker, as us ual. He hates said the banker. monton district give Frank McLIlY ot music." "Judge." said Allcln, tur:llng to the the Horse Falls 100 bushels or oats ' 'I've such a terrible cold!" lawyer, "allow me to Introduce 01. Bernstein. Doctor, tbls Is Judgu to the acre. They welghed 45 Ibs. to "Trouble with s ervants ? I should . ,.ny so. I bounced my cook this mornBrewster." the bushel. A 22-aore field of spring l ng." The stranger bowed low, as he rl> wheat on Jobnson Bros: farm near Agricola yielded 40% busbels to tho 1 • '~Aren't t~ese alfalra awful\y tire- • "..... pII"The ed courteous someT' I fame ofy:Judge Brewster hal acre. Manitoba's record crop for 1910 ' . was grown on McMillan Bros.' farm "I was so glad !:O come. (alwa),s sprea d to every s ta te In th e un Ion. ' '",njoy your musicales." A fatnt smile spread over tbe face near Westbourne, who. bave a total " Dr. "l,leM)stelll coming? How per. ". Don't Know Much About Music, M'm," of the famous lawyer as be extended crop ot 70,000 busbels, n etting $40,000 his hand : olr 2,200 acres. O. W. Buohanan of f ectly delightful. I'll ask him [or his utograph." Judge Brewster shook hls bead and the girl went free, but think of "I've often 'heard of you, too, doc. Pine her Creek, Alberta, bad 25% dubiously. the humiliation and mental anguish tor. I've been reading wltb great tn. bushels of No. 1 spring wheat to the "Wbaes P8}'cbotogy 1" "SomethIng -to 'do with religIon, I "No, sir, we lawyera never rest. she underwent! It was simply a terest your book, 'Experimental PIIj- acre. Mr. A. Hatton of Macleod dist.l.l lnk." We can't. No sooner Is one case 411,· repetition of hlB old tacticlI. A conylc· chology: Do you know," he went trlct bad wheat wbJch averaged 21 "Haven't we been bavlng dreadful posed of than another crops up to tlon, no matter at what cost. on earnestly, "there's a lot In that. bushels to the acro. B. F. Holden, weather!" olalm our attention. The trouble with "What do you hope to brln~ about We have still much to learn In that near Indian Head, Sask., threshed 960 ,. this country Is that we have too by this slltt?" . direction." bushels of wheat trom 20 acrell. " I saw .you at'tbe opera," "Does'n~t flbe ·took sweet?" mucb law. U I were to be guilty of "Arouse public Indlgvatlon, and "I think," saId Dr. Bernstein, quletOn the Experimental Farm at In· Oh, 1 think It's just lovely." an epigram I would Sll)' that the coun· · If possible get. Capl Clinton dlsm,l ssed ly, "that we're only on the threshold dian Head, wheat baa gone below 40 t00t " bushels, . while People now I\rrtve~ In quick 8ucees. try has so much law that' It Is prac• from the force. HI s recor d I s none 0 won d er f u I dl . IICoyer I es. . . ...... . veral , such as 't he ' '810n and, tormlng ' little groupo, the tlcally lawleas." , savory. Charges of graft have been Pleased to find that her two dilltln·' Marquis and the Preston, have gone room soon ptt!8en.ted: an animated "So you're preparing another caso, made against hIm time and time gulshed guests were congenial, Alicia as high as 54 bushels to the acre. , At /lcene_ The women fu their smart eh?" said Mr. Jelrries, interested. agaIn, but so far nothing bas been left them to themselves and joined Elstow, Sask., the quantity of wheat ~owns and 'the- \ men In tholr black "What Is It-a seoreU" proved. To-day be til a man of wealth ber other guests. to the acre ran, on the average, from '!ol\t.~madea pieplbg picture. "Oli, no!" answered the lawyer, on a comparatively small salary. Do "Yes," said the lawyer musingly, 26 right up to 40 bushels per acre, . " My ~ d"ar..llT8~ Jeff~les. how do you "the newspapers will be full of It In you suppose bill money could have "man bas studied for centurIes the while oats In some cases yielded a mechanism of the body, but he baa return of 70 to 80 bushels per acre, \10 this evenlngT" exolalmed a rlcb, a day or two. We are going to bring come to him honestly!" t! ep voice. Bult against the city. It's really a In another corner of the salon lIeglected entirely the mechanlsI!l of with flax giving 13 to 14 bushels per The hOst088 turned to greet an el. test case that should Interest every stood Dr. Bernstein, the celebrated the mind." acre. dy ant." distinguished-looking man citizen; a protost agalnst tbe hlgh- psychologist, the center of an excited Dr. Bernstein smiled approvingly . W. C. Carnell bad a yIeld of 42 crowd or enthuslastlo admirers. "We are just waking UIJ," be repl1t:d bushels per acre from six acres of who had just entered. Directly he handed actions of the police." " ume In voIces were bushed, and on The banker elevated his eyebr(\ws. AlicIa approached a group of chat- qulokly. "People are beginning to breaking. Nell Callaban, two miles . ~ ve y side one heard the whispe'r : '''Indeed,'' he exclaimed. "What tl'rlng women. ElI,eh was more elab- look upon psychology sel'lou8ly. Up nortbwest of Strome, had a yield of "There', Judge BrE'wster, tile fa. have the police been doing now?" orutely dressed than her neighbor, to compnratlvely recently the layman 42 bushels ot wheat per acre_ Wm. ,ous lawyer." The lawyer looked at his client In IUId loaded down with mre gems. -has regard d psyClJology as the do· Lindsay, two miles east of Strome, There was a general craning of surprIse. They at 'o nco stopped talking as tbelr main of the phllo!;opher nnd the bad 1,104 busbels of Regenemted <.le ks to catcb a gllmpso of the em I''Why, my dear sIr, you must bave hostess came up. dreamer. It did Tlot seem possible Abundance oats from ten aores. Jo"It was so good of you to come!" that It could ever be appllod to our seph Scheelnr, 11 miles south ot e ut jurIst wboBe brillia nt address to seen by the papers what's been going: ~he jury In (\ recent cause celebro 00 In our city of late. The paper!! saId Alicia effusively to a fat woman practical veryday life, hut of late we Strome, bad 12.000 bushels of wheat ',\1 d snved an lm\ocent man from Ute have been full of It. Police brutallty, with Impossible blonde balr nnd a have made reroar\<able strldcs. AI· and onts from 180 acres. Part bf the ":~lcctrJc chair. illegal arrests, assaulta In station rouged faoe. "I · want to introduc'e Dr. though It Is a lomparaUvely new oats yIelded 85 busbels to the aON), Hi hnrcl Dl'cwster was a fine ex. houses, ' star-<:bamber methods that Bernstein to you." science, you will probably be aston- and the wbeat averaged about ' 40 I\!llple of tbe old ,lIchool statesman. would dIsgrace the middle ages. A "Ob, I shall be delighted," smlled Ished to learn that there aro ta.day In bushels. Spobn Bros., four miles faw yt\r of tht1 Henry Clay type. He state of affairs exists to·da,. In the the blonde. Oushlngly she added: tbe United Statel> 50 psYchological soutbwest of Strome, had a splendid holonged to that small c1asll of public city of New York which Is Inconcelv- "How perfectly exquisite you look to- laboratories. Thllt Is to say, work· grain yIeld of excellent Quality wheat, me u who are ' Indepenileilt of all able. Here we are IIvlug In a clVIl- nlgbt., my deal"" shops fully eQui})lled with' every de· grading No.2. A. S_ McCulloch, one ,ot.erles, whoso only ambition ts to Ized country, every man's liberty Is "Do you think so'!" said Alicia, vice known {or U.e probIng of the hu- mile northwest of Strome, had some d C l'Ve their country well, who lmow guaranteed by tbe constitution, yet pleased at the clumsy Hattery. man brain. In my laboratory In Oall- ,,-beRt tbat went 40 busbels to the n ot her duty tban that dictated by citizens, as they walk our streots, are "Your dress Is stunning and your fornla alone 1 h~ Ie as many as twen- acre. J. Blaser, a few miles BOuth· t heir oalh and cOR@clcnce. A brll- In greater peril than tl\e Inhabitants tiara simply gorgeous," raved another. ty rooms hung w.th electric wires and west of Strome, threshed 353 bushels Hant and forceful orator, there waa of terror-strIcken Russ ia. Take a pa. "Your musicales are always so de- equipped with a~1 the necessary In- of wheat from 7 acres. Among tbe no office tn tt.e girt of tb.e natton that Hce omclal of Capt. Clinton's type. IIghttul" exclaImed a thIrd. struments-chroLoscopes, kymograpb, tood graIn yields at Mncldln, A\:.:.u,!a, , ' t a c h i s t o s c o p e s aad ergographa - inmlgb t not have been his Cor the allll- His only notion ot the law Is brute . At that moment Mr. Jeffries caugbt struments which enable us to meas- ftlport~ are: D. N. Tweed19, 22 bushng. but be lIad no taslo for pOlitics. force nnd. the night stick. A bully by his wife by the arm and drew ber at· ure and record the human brain as els to the acre; John Currin, 24 bushels wbeat to the acre; Sam Fletcher, etff sen'lng wltb houor for some nature, a man of tbe coarsest Instincts tenUon to some newcomers. With a accurately as the Bertillon system." year15 on the bench he retired Into and enormous. pbyslcal strength, he laugh sbe left the group and burrled "Really, you astonish me!" ex. 20 bushels to the acre. nrlvate practice, and thereafter his loves to play the tyrant. In his pre· toward the door_ Directly she was claimed the judge. ;'Thls Is most InAt Cral"tlll, Sask, Albert Clatk name btlcame ODe to conjure ,.t1tb In clnct be poses as a kind of czar and out of earshot, the three women be- terestlng. ThInk 6f laboratories sole threllhed from 60 acres of stubble the law courts. By ahoor power of fondly ImagInes be hl18 the power to 1gan whispering: Iy devoted to delving Into mysterlell 1,890 bushels; from 20 aores of fal· hi s matchless ora to ry and un.answer- administer the law Itself. By his I' "Isn't she terribly overdressed?" ex.· ot the buman bruin! It Is wonderful!' low 900 bushels of red fife wbeat that ,\ble logic he WOll case a ft or caso for brow·beallng tactics, Intolerable un- claimed the blonde. "The cheek of He was silent. for a moment, theD weighed 65 pounds to the bushel. uia clients and I Is l\ tribute to his der Angla.Saxon government, ho Is such a parvenue to wear that tiara," he said: ' Charles Keltb threshed 40 bushels to 'lam£' to re~qrd the plalu (act that in turning our pOlice force Into a gang "Her face Is all made up, too," said .'''It Is quite I'laln, I think, that tbe acre fitom 40 acres. Albert Young, otU hili cnreer he never cbn mpioned a of ruffians who have the city terror- another. psychology can prove most useful III of Stony Beach, southwest of Lumec!l\us·e .'o( wh~cb I~o need be flshllruM. slricken. In order to further bls pollt"These affairs of hers are a.vfully medicine. It Is, I take It, the very den, tbresbed 52 busbels per acre owerful finnncini In terCl.;t8 !lad at· Ical ambitions he stops at nothing. etupld, don't you think so?" piped the foundation of m£ntal beallng, but wha': from summer fallow, and George lempted to secure his I3c rvicea by of· He lets tbe ~ulllY escape when Influ- third. else would It do tor humanity! Fo~ Young 5,000 bushels from 130 acres of fe rs of princely relalul'rs, but with- ()n~e he can t . resillt Is brought to "Yes, they bore everybody to death," instanoe, can It help me, the lawY'lrf stUbble and fallow, or an average of out success. He Coughl tl1~ t rus ts bit· be.lr, but In 01 der to keep up his rec- saId the blonde. "She's ambItious Dr Bernstein smiled. . 381-2 bushels to the acre. Arcb Mor· terly el'cry time be fuufJd them 01" ord with the department he makes ar· and likes to think sbe Is a social lead· . gentlemen of the law havt a.' ton got 5,600 busbels of red fife (I'om "You l) rosS Ing hi s pro f ess iOIl. rests w iIhout tho s II gMest justifies· er. I o!llv come here because It 160 acres. James Russell got 8,700 "II c Il\ a d \'l\uceu.• w Ith ox('u t d 1b d scoffed at the very suggesUon bushllts trom stubble and late break.... (J( an . tlon. '1'0 secure convictions be manu· alIlU!:les meJ to ' see what a (001 she wa"s J "Tbl s Is Indeed k'nd ' lth t b 0 a Id of . hili detec· makes of herself. Fancy a woman of bringing pSydlOlogy to your al~', lng, an aver_a ge of 23 lL I , j.. uug o, .. 6 h 0 ex· (act uret;, w • busbelll. "I t IYOS, 'n II kinds of per j ured evidence. of hel' age marrying a man old enough but just think, sit, how enormousl Jv It -.:I · d wlth".. grac Ious sm IIe. \~ la Ime • dl d d h tl t I l mIght aid - you In cross-examining n At Rostbern Jacob Friesen had 27 .un ~. are opo ' la my" poor mua· To paraphrase a we I-known saying, to be her father. By the by, I don't witness. You can tell wltb almos' bushels per acre from 80 ac~es on , Ie'h wouIdId Ib 0 so h onore hit; . motto Is: ' 'Convict-honestly, If see her beau here to-nIght." II dd . dI scientific ' accuracy If the witness I new Iand and an average over bls l e 0 awyer am e Coo -uUIDor- you can-but convict.' ' "You mean that scamp, Robert Un· h I f t>d.lr as htl replied gallantly : 'I ' t " telling lies or the t.rutb, and the lIam·, woe arm of 21% bushels of wheat. ., db n'~ :know. mucb about music, ' • I' t IS;U rsgeous, said Mr. Jef- derwood?" would be olear to tbe judge and tb. John Schultz threshed 4,400 bushel II . , .r eo " 0 one can approve such "Isn't ,It pertaotly s<;andalous, the jur". Just think bow you'r power1 trOln 100 acres, or 4f busbels to tbe ru'm; 1 C'ame to see ~IS_" Looking me tl10d s. Of course, In d oa11 ng ·wIt h 'way he dances after ber '1 I'm sur~ 'WOuld J be Inorea'lIed 'f ,by your skill I, acre. John Lapp had 37 bushels . per roundbere-" !lit!! added : "You've got a nice th e cr Im'Ina.· popu 1a tl on 0 f . a grea t i • pr M sed r.' 'J e ff ries al I.ows him to come P8ychologicalobservaUon you coul'. acre from 200 acres. A. B. Dirk had illilce . cIt,., I hey calnnot wear . kId gloves, but to the house." . conv,Jnce tbe jury that your eUen,. .2 busb,els per, acre from 25- ac,r es. H spoke In bls cbal'aoWrlstlc man· Cap t . CII n t on cel' tal n 1y goes t 00 far. ' 'Maybe t I lere's ' b een a row. Per· who was nbout to 'be cOl>vlcted 00 cIT. Robert Roe ot I'l.rand Coulee threlbed oer- s l\ort, nervotis, oxplos h'o Elen· Wh a t Is tb e spec 1ftc comp 1a In 't on - baps t Iiat exp 1a Ins w b y 1Ie "s no t here cumstant'ljll evidence alone. was re .... l.' 45 It.uushel8 t 0 the "! acre from 420 ·acre8. {.(,Dcell. 'w hlch had oflt:n t t'r!'i fled his w hi c b th 0 su It .i sase b d1" . Sediey, Balik., . .Is. .stlll another. dis· . to-nl,h l ) t 'II. the .first t Ime 1' ve known Innoc'eDt o~ tbe crime o! 'w"lcb he .. "C np t . CII non, ' t " · rep Iie d t h e j ull,e, hi m a bsent f'rom ' one 0 t 'her , mu~" 1- charged. •Why, sir, the poroad .w.h1('J: triet that . , . " "ponents ''' LawyersIn .court. aro . such flatterers," haa caul'e ' to be ' proud of , 1 II All I h fli r d "made the mist,akc or persecuting a (lales." psycholol,'Y opens up to . the lawyet ~a ttfl!t9 ,of ' botb wheat 'and flax. l.\\IgW c a as s e nervoll y anne , yount! wollian who hallpeuild to be tbe ".He's conspicuous by hili absence. 1s' .well-nlgh boundless. 'Don't you UM J. Clevelblid got 30 t!us~els of 'wheat e rs If, .and ~loQked around to aee I( daughter ot a wel,llthy client of mine, -Do you k·no.w:· ~hat I hel.1rd the o~her h I" h per 'acre 'oo 10, 0 acres and lIr bushels 'hf'r guests were watcbln ... · " ~ . t e Bert! lOll syste~ ' ~ m~asUf~ · t 41 ' .. . ' , ' . ... Ogc of bls detectives Arrestod her an day', 1 was told that Un,der:wooo had body? ,Don't you rely o~ thumb, prllit'l ·of flax on U~ acres.. . !ll. Dundas',' Identify the baitd 1, Iiow, 40 Ten! so~thealt of Sedley" 40' bushels per . l..awyers only flatter w.hen . they ' a chargo of ' IIbopUftlng . The girl nga:ln been CIl\lght 1:!:teatlng nt· cards , ","'llt to," 'Interrupted Mr. .,J'effllles, mind yoU, Is ot, excelle~t fami.lY· a:~. nnd .s ummarlly :, expelled ~ro" m the club kllOT (hat we, pllych. olo"'ls~ a~ "ot. acre' on 80 Bet... M.E, Miller., 3" ,"\l (10 bll4 Just joined the group. D " • _~t1t.la turned ~ .greet t\ now arrival IrNproac h a bl e, c harac t er. . My c 11eDt - klc k e d ou t. , SO>-t 0 spea k . . ablfj \fMllfiY lcrteat the lodl· v t4Ul cUF biiihelli .per acre- on -170 "iW,;c-2 :l"'l\]' "I'~ !lot lit· aU surprt~tld. I ~lwaY8 f\lrellCeS of men,?" ' . ' ble, anel 35 lIulhela ' per 'acre -Oil ariO nnd his lawyol' .tr.l ed to show Capt. ~t1d the Ib'yer cOLtlnued chatting Clinton that he had made 11 serious bad. D!)' doubts a~ut him; He - !D. ~O BE CONTINUBD.) acrea ..faIlQw: W;-.A., Day bad 'S2 1)\\lh. wlt~ hIt b~t. , blunder, but be bralened it out, claim·: "'ueed 'a friend of m!DQ ,to . buy Il picela per acre 0.0 200 B.llre- of lit"bble, "I IUltposeRIA,ou'll It. rl\et now, In'" on the stand t.hat the ', Irl was aD ,ture, alld got Ii- tremendous prlC', for T" .. .. of fallow: .. . #, d' d take It" td t.. ., ... the Man of Honor. and -35 bUllbels OD 250 .erea ~'~'::!..ry.our . .. _Il. ~ cory. 118 . ..... old offender. or ooline, be ..... It OD the ',talae representation thAt It 'Bale 111101 ate &Ill um8 • . . . .. . J. O. Scott had 80 bllllbell ot "h_~ .,. _ .. forced at last to admit b18 mJataU . 'aa a aenll'ne CoroL ltlJ (rlead foud -Healad. ' .,., aero Oli 200· acrot. . . 18 bull-
ell ~ flax per \lc~e ~ S~8 aoNllr James Bulllck aV8rnied 2t buaheiB ()f wheat; '1.. All n 80 bushels; Jos. Runlonll. 40; Alex Ferguson. 118; ' W. R. Thomllso n . 35, all on large acrea~lI . The fla.x. crop ot .1. Cleveland rnther R. wontle r, IU, h is lund bits yleldo(l him $60 por 11 'r In two yearll wltb o.n~ plolll'hi ng. HUdsell , Mun., farmerll thrC'shed :Hl bllllheis of whoat nnd Oil (0 SO butlh ' IR of oats. A. D. Slenhouso. nonr I elrorrl, SUlik., had an av('rag A yl('1I1 on ' ]:l1l.J acres or new' Innl!, li:1~~ bU8heis or Preston wheat to th o ncro. 1Il!ct.or W. Swanston, 1\ fnrmer IIrUI' Wa lwYII, SuslL, bud (;,150 bus bel!! of wheat from on quarter 6 lion of luud . .1olm lIte1.oall. who owns two sections. thrcshcd 12,860 busbels of wla'n t.
- - - -- --
MIGHT HAVE COME EARLIER Admirer of Musician Mu st Have FI!t't Truth of the Amlwer Ho Received.
Signor Pllcc lul, nllhol1J;h oolebrnted al\ over tho world ror hla operns, Itl stili 11 you ng man. On tho subject or his early suc(:(>t;S th o it alian comllos ' r snld recently In New Yorlc. "I have been vorl' lucley_ RecogulUou 1'01' nrtl RlIc \\'orl, comos so orten art r one Is too (Jld to enjoy It. . "I rOlll ombl'r one or my eountrymen, a contenarian, who, hlld hc died beforo s eventy, wonld never bave soen :wy of his operas prodllced. Luckily he lived to su grMt nn lise that he recelvcd for mSIlY yenrtt the ndmlrtlUOll he deserved. Naturally euough . ..... 1on dl d ar tl s t regre...., t' ~ d though. l hi s !II' hIs yrars of obscurity and neglecl. and he l'TeQuently spoke bitterly ot his bad rortune. "Cns~, 'l ~ ~\'.rl ... rJ end of his lon~ life, nn Eng::a}; man entered hili box at tho opera In Romo, and said respectrully: " 'I have traveled 1111 the way from Londou to s 0 the author or my r.. vorite opora.' 'Th . C ve t eran compuser, wIth a Ill.alloloUB s mile, r eplied : .. 'Well, my trl ad, J bave glvon you plenty of tllDO to got, here:" Willie Knew the Quadrupeds.
Teacher-Willie, are feathered Ijuadrupods? WtIIlo-Yes, sir. .Teacher-Name flne. WIIlIe-A feather bed. TAte
TO CURE A COLD IN Om'! DA V L6J:ATIVlll BROMO Qulnlno TAblet... monl' Y If It r.n. to ellre. 11.'-:.
J)rnmrtl1.r~fun ~
ORQVlil'S allIn.Lurel. on ....C1Il bur. . . .
Magnify your personal rlgh.ta and you are sure to create some socIal you are sure to create some social wrongs. Your working power dcpenda upon your health I Garfield T en correctH di80rdel'lJ of liver, kidney., Itom"ch Rnd oo\ve18. AmlctJons mark th e dlfference. b ... tween Iron and steel.
By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .
Ottumwa, Iowa.-"For years I was a constant sufferer from female in all ita ful forme.i
paina au bOdY. IIfck he81Qa(:1le. s p t n a 1
dlzZineu. ton, and thali W"
",..,,~ ....+hlln ..
me doctonr. It my duty to you these facta. My heart ia full of~~~e to you for ID1 cure."-lolre. E. W AlU'LER,_ 624 S. Raneom 'Street. Ottumwa, Iowa.
Vonslder This Advice. No woman should submit to a IlUrgf. cal operatloD, which inay mean death. nntllshe baa given LrdlaE. Piokham'. Vegetable Oompound a fair triaL Tb1s famous medictna, made only from roots and herbs, bas tor thirt,. yeara proved to be the moat valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. Women residing In almod every city and -town In tbe United ~tatea bear willing testimony to th. wonderful virtue of Lydia E. i>Gi~ &mts V~getable Oompound.
, Mrs. Plnkha~ at Lynn, ~ invites all sick women to write her for advice. Her advleels I~ couftdentIaJ. 'and alwan belPfuL
OAT8- 2.5, Bu. Per Acre.
'MInt III the ._worn to )'ield of 'fb..odore Barln,B, ~ Cu.; Wash. had fr Salzer ~ ReJuven ntlld While BoIlAlW l ~
and ' yon 11 ilanUtKUne 80 acre lann. Other ON) IH bU ll. 119 bUB 103 llU. ebtc., bllli by tamlers .cntt.er d th roughou t t e U. S. & 1u;1"tt I'ed ilm!tl lJarley ' max 'om Oatil, Whent. POlutoes . O ~ 8R' 11;",\ Clov: ere . are fUlllOl18 tho world over f or thei r purIty IUld . ll'l'.llICllll oU8 yi leUns.: qunlitie.e We n ~ cnslly Ihl! lors.:cet !:1'OWCTlI of [anti leerlll In the world . Our en tal()" I.' ristlins.: wit.h seed tru thl freft for ~he oslonl(. 0 1' send 10e in ~tumpi an \1 r c(,lve 10 'p.ncku!,CH or (I\rm 8CI'c1 noy. aU, !I lind ral'ILie@, IIIclucling n110\'0 mil l'veloUlI ott1A!. t I!cl hr a- with bilt en lOll. Joltn A . Snl~p.~ Seed 0. , 1 2 South 8th Ell La Cl'O l C. 'W 18 , ..
I ,Practical Fashions
Jill II II Iii III R1111111 111,,111111111111111111 Ii III
lltg YIeld.
Bear s as God 's Ave nger s
It is Impo rtant that you shou ld now rid you., blood of thos e Impu re, poiso nous , effet e matt era, that have accu mula ted In it durin g the winte r.!
m=um#mum=m=m#~mummmm~~ NE of
tbe BIble passo.ge s that Innd!.' Is criticise most The secre t of the unequ aled and really wond erfuls ucces 8 c:pf! botly is the story or the Id11ln~ or 42 Bethel children by two ,bears becllulI6 the children had Insulted the young prophet Elisha. " How c ruel!" CrutChe t or Bieri. as a remedy for Blood Humor s is tbe fact that it combin Richard raker, at 0.' dinn er I n New cry the CrltlCR; "how· dlsprop ortloned es, not simpl,. York. exprc8ued 0. distrust tor nerothe penalty to the otrense! What a earsap arilla, but tbe utmost remedial 'values of more than twenty ingr.,.. pla.nes. ' bloody, unjust book Is the Bible!" dients-:-~ootl, Barks and Herbs -know n to bave extraor dinary effica~ "'rhero's nothing underne at h th m" But the criticism reBults from mls· in purifyi ng tbe blood and buildin g up tb\! whole system he so.ld . "1! tbe least thin g gO~S apprehe nsion. For, In the . first place. . wrong, dowll they drop. we must rememb er that the episode There is no renl substit ute for Hood' , Sarsap motoris arilla, ts seem no '.'just as good" to "I Bald to a London er the other day: was at the very beginni ng of Elisha's think the ordinar y ped8llu hma are be- mediain e. Get Hood's today, in Liquid form or tablets called Sarsata ba. "'How Is your son getting on since career. He was III a dlincult position neath them. be bonght 11 ftylng machin e?' as a young man succeed ing an old Harrr-W ell, they often are. ..··On crutcbe s, like tbe rest or man, a pupil succeed ing 11 teacher , a tbem/ the Londou er replied. " man with little or no reputati on tak· tog up the work of the acknow ledged The • Handy Remedy for Eruptio n leader of the nation. In such a case Cau.od by Poilon Ivy or Wood the first momen ts tell on all succeed· Pollon I. Reslnol Ointme nt. A _peedy and econom ical treatme nt Ing da,.. If Elisha had allowed rldl· cule aud contem pt at the Btnrt, hi~ Utll for disfigur ing plmp)e . la the follow· This s lmplo but pretty suit will work would I have U! d Reslnol Salve fo r sevIng: Gently 8mear the face with OutI· have been ruined. eral yeal'S. [was badly broken out ,)1 ase any little boy. and a8 It needs In the second place we must re- cura Ointme nt, but do not rl1b. Wash with enlptlon s e.auRed by Polron Ivy. vcry little materia l and very lillie IIi· membe r off the ointmen t In five mlnutee with that it wnll The itching was unbeara hle. My doo- bar to make It, tbe motller should also f&:1ts that Insulted not a 'horde ot In· Cutlcur a Soap and hot water and EUsha, but of boys / be saUsfied . The coat of the 8ult Is . tor reeomm nded Resina\. It did Its oM enough to know better, and per· bathe treely tor Bome minutes . Rework fine. Ding subject to wood pol· cut on plain IIBcque lines. opening haps even peat mornin g and evenIng . At other of young lon, I now keep a jar of Reslnol on down the center of the front and trim· translat ed "childre men. The word Umes UBe hot water and Outlcur a n" ts appUed to Jo· med at the neck with a wide sailor hand. I have told otbers of it who had seph at the Ume when he interpre ted Soap tor bathing the tace as often as Uke results. Jno. H. Kohl, Benton, Kan. collar. A small pocket Is Inserted on Pharaoh 's dream, to Solomo n when he acreeab le. Cutlcur a soap and ointtb e left breast ' 'rbe sleev 2s have a grOIlP of tucks nt the wrist and ore was 20 years old, to Joshua when he ment are equally Buccesstul tor Itch· A Qurc k !)Ideste p. slightly gatbere d at the shoulde r. The was Moses' chlet assistan t, and to Je~ Inc,· burning , 8caly and CTlIsted hu· lIfer()hant (to wldow) - l am wlllln,. pattern provide s for small trousers 10 emlah when, in his young ' manhoo d, mors ot the skin I¥Id 8Calp, with losl to buy your hus band's workJng busl· the of haIr, from Infancy to .ge, u8ually ~nlckerbockcr style. and these he was called to be a prophet . D& ness and good·wl11 ror $5,000. nre mndo without a fly . Galatea, linen. sides, the boys were doubtle ss reBect· affordin g Instant rellet, when all elBe Widow -Well, but I happen to be pique. velvetee n, serge aod other wool· lng the commo n sentime nt and were falls. Bend to Potter Drug & Chew. part of the ,workin g busines s. en fabrics are appropr iate for this backed up by the opluJon ot all Bethel. Corp., Boston, Masll., for the latest Mercha nt- Tben I'll take only the suit nnd Ibe Cutlcur a book on the care and treatcollar lUay be of s ilk or Term of Peoulla r Reproac h. Cood wlll.-F lIege nde Blaetter . ment ot the aklD and scalp. ot the suit mat I'lal III Ii COlltrn.sting In the third place the cry, "Thou color. bald . bead," , was peculia rly offensiv e, Import ant to Moth... No Purcha le Recorde d. Tbe pattern (4596) Is cut 10 sIzes :l, since the Orlents ls regard baldne8S Esamln e carefull y every bottle of 4 nod 6 years. Me(Hum side requires There wal a dealer who tried to lell R8 a dlegrac e. It CASTORIA, a safe and lure remedy for 2~~ yards of as·lncb Is not Ukely that a horse to the late Benatqr Daniel materia l. of EllIsha, being a young man, was actu· Virginia . He Infanta and. children , and 8ee that it exhIbite d the meritl ot To pro uro ' tblll pnttern eenel 10 cent. ally bald. The term was equival ent the horee, and said, "This horae II a Bears the ~ "Fattern Dcpnrlm ent." ot thIs· pllper. r-, to Decide now, to W11te n!lfTl" c.nCl o.dclrelUl ptolnly. n nd bo to "Thou unclean ness, thou leperl" reprodu ction ot the borse that General out in the Great Northw est where Sisnatu re ot • In the fourth place the cry of the Washln l"ton rode at lure 10 a:1ve al&e Dnll number or pattern. tbent i .. room to rrow-w bere tbe climate is healthful the battle ot In Uae For Over 80 Yeare. boya was a direct Insult to Elisha as Trenton . It has the ped1cre and where the bir crops of wheat, rrain and e that win The w.cl You Bave Alwa,._ Bousbt . are Q prop}Jet and. to the God whom he Ibow be descend ed from that horae makin r people prospe rous and indepe ndent. NO. 4595. .IZE .......... ...... . represe nted. "00 up," the mean In, and loob like him in enry parUcu• The Teet of Intellec t. Tbe cbeap logged-off lands in MinDesota, the fertile II, "as you Iylngly say Eltjah went up; lar." NAM'E .......... .......... .......... ~....... . "I wonder why Mrs. FUmgil t regarda prairie s of North Dakota , the million s of acres of, Free and the BOoner we are rid ot you the "Yel. 10 much 80," aald Senator her husband as stupid. He has been Homes tead Lands in Monta na and OregoD and the rich TOWN . .......... .......... .......... ....... . better!" Daniel, "that I am Incllne4 to bellen very success ful 10 buslnes 8." produc tive fruit valleys of WashingtoD peed' QleD ~J In the flfth place It .. not saId It 11 the same hOI'S .... STREET AND NO .. _.......... ......... . "Perhap s," replied Mr. Meekto n. brain, brawn and energy to develo p them. Go thi. that the bear. killed the lads, but "he'l Uke so mnny of the rC8t of UI STATE . ......... .. .. . .. .......... ..... ........ . Spring . Take advant age of the Great Northe rn's ooe-wa7 only tha.t they "tore" them. They who can't Iloselbly learn to keep the Simpre, Rather. would be lufflclen tly punishe d by the score ot a bridge game." He-You are the only woman I" eyer rending of their clothes and their loved. A TWENT Y·FOUR ·INCH COAT. flesh. LADIES {'AN WE.tR I!IHOBtl She-D o you expect me to believe Daily IIarc1a 10 to April 10, 1911 ODe Rtze IIUIAl\cr &t""r ualnjf Allen'R Fuo"'JCa~. In the sixth place, the opportu ne that? c.be anURepll c powder to be IIhu.ken \n\o tbe To points ill Montana, Idaho, Washington, Orel(Oll aDd Brttflb. lnterven tlon of the two bears Is prpof UDell. 1& make.. \lllhl or new MOe. leel He-I do. I swear It Is true. Colombia; good for stopover and good In Tooriat Sleepiq Can R«I"'" ",Ilui',,'' '' i'or Free trial pa~ ad· thnt aD Ood was .on the She-Tb sIde of en Eltsha, I bclleve you. Any man payment of ~.lertb fare. dN .. Al18ll1:l. Im. ted, Le 80" N. Y. and In crltlctsl ng tho event we are who would expect 0. woman to ,belleve Very 10,., " 'Settlen " fares to polntll 10 North DaIrota ad IDUlJ crltlclsl og God. that cannot bave been much In the paints In Montan a-March 14, sn, 28 and April 4. II, 18, IgsL Ready With Proof. In the seventh place, If the bnppen· compan y or women. An earnest prC{lcber In Georgia , who log bad not commen ded ltaeIt to the has a custom of telling tbe Lord all common conscie nce a s just-=-an d coo· Not the One. the news In bls prayers , recently beThto1J8h from ChiCl8o , Kansaa City and SL Paul to PacUIo COMI. "elence s then were much as they are "One of them actor fellers wanta a Electric lighted, leather upbo\4tered, equipped n a peUtlon for help agwnst the with all com,eruonces flO that passenger. can now- Eli sha's InOuenc o would have doctor quick." progres s of wickedn ess in his town preparo their own meala Selld for froo bcen ruined; but he seems to have "There Isn't a doctor handy, but tell wltb the state ment ; book on the stale in which you are intereste d. been more beloved o.nd honored than him he might c:itl the grocer -be "0 thou great Jehovo.h, crime le on Wrhe to mo tor tuII IDrormatloD abo.. tar.. the sterner Elijah, and the general cure. ·ham.: .. the Incrcllse . It Is becomi ng more bIDm 70as to~ Impress ion we galn tron. the other prevale nt da lly. I can prove It to you E. C.LEED T R. J.SMIT II PILE8 cmuro I" e '1'0 details ot ' his Ute Is ot a kind, mild· oQrd." by sl.aUsUcs."- Everyb ody's Magazin e. DA.n o~ wUl rehsnd moo.r I PAW-OII ft\. Gnera! ~t Ga, ImID\4ratloD A£eat ~IDNT t:ft'~to manner ed man, all of whose miracle s BlMdlna oa,.. 1.l1.1. ca.. or IObl"., 81Jnd, or l'rolnllllDC ~ lIll \0 U tIaJIo; _ 411 TractloD ,Bl4 St. r ..I. Ill... were deeds of helpful nulI, maln!y Real Courage . Ciaciaaa li. O~o ~oncern ed with such small matters 3S He was tho small son of a ministe r Keeping 011 Fire From Sp .... dln ... ~ 108t ' ue and his molbel' was teacbln g h.UIl the head, an unhea1t htul Milk wm Quench a fire cauaed by ' pring and poisone d pottaga meanin g of courage . an explodi ng lamp, water only Ipread. "Suppo sing," she enid, "there were In« the oU. Rebuke of Irrevlre nce. The ch'aract er of Rebecca , In Scott's twelve boys In one bedroom , and eleven lI'Inally, conlldv ed from any view. got Into bed at once, while the other point, the inciden t was • powerfu l reGarfield Tea cannot but commend lbell "lvanho e wna taken from a beautIfu l knelt down to so.y his prayers ; that buke 'of Irrevere nce. It must have 8ent to tboee deliriDII a luatiye limple pure Jeweas, MillS Rebecc a Gratz cir Phlla· mild. potent and healtb-a i:m . boy would lib ow true courage ." ' , delphia. Her Iteadfas tnes8 to Julia· awe through Bethel anct all ,Israel. The ll 11m, when related by Washin gton Ir"Oh," said t1cIe young ho;eCUl, "I entire Dation became Olore thought ful True plea.ur e cODlllllta In olear ving to Scott, know sometb lpg t.hat would be more won biB admirat ion and and lerlous becaule or thole beara and thought s, sedate af!ectlo ns, Iweet reCauaed the creation of one of his lin· coura8e ous than that? Sup pOling there the punlshm dectlon ~nt of s; a those mind even rude and abll. stayed, and est charact ers. A. strUa.h lItUe jacket, in the latest were twelve ministe rs In one t>edroom, dren. true to Itselt.-H opJdnl. ' and one got Into bed without sa'y tng aty1e, Is Dlctured in our l11ustratlon. 11 Sball tbe lesson stop wllh \..he d"YII Is cut on box lines, with seamles , Preachi ng proauce s 80 llttle pracUce this 'I!ray.er sl" Dr. Pierce'. Pellet., IlJlIllt aupr·contcd because people back and straight fronts. The clos· at Elisha? It Is Burely needed now It look on It as a perIng Is very low down, at the walsl sver. With our new teeltng of liberty, ...,. to take al candy, re,UJatll and Iuvig.. formanc e. orate .• to!D1ch, Queen Mary'l Troul.e au. liver and bowel. and cu.re mr new regard for chHdren , the new :Ollltlpll tlon. line, In fact, nnd tbe opening ot thf Queen Mary Is followin g the 'ex· freedom and natural ness of family neck To correct duordera of tbe Unr, take ample set by her motber, the duchess rollingis trimme d with a handsom e lIfe, the fatber's absorpt ion In bual, Two piece slecve ~ Be who co.nnot do kindnellll without Garfield 'fea, the Herb Luatlve . or Tcck, who o.t the time ot Ur daugh· comple collar. ness nnd the motheri s devotio n to her a brass band la not BO 8crupul ous ter's weddin g with the present king s\lltablete the garmen t. Till !; COllt l ~ club One might llCht a ll. and stili nat B, cblldreI : are allowed . In the about his other del1l1ngs. ror bl'oo.dclo tl1. satin. ,'elvet, doclare d that for tbe trousse au "not a and tollow the truth. for various woolen weo.ves. home, church, Sunday echool nnd on yard or cambric or linen, of tlnnnel or The t wee(!, of lnco or ribbon should be to 42 pattern (5327) Is cut In sizes 31! the street, a familia rity and Indepen d. 1'UR Inches, bus t mensure . Medium ence ot manner that would have bought out.slde the .klngdo m." and who elze require w,n.oa rau.t.AS If SWEE'IrJa AND ct.r.AHSES ntIt SmDI IIOU ImCIINTLY ' 2% ynrd3 of 64 Incb rna· sboclced our grandfa thers beyond MD kept to tIer word. Queen Msry Is hav· t erlal. _ 'AllIIIOU I'I..EASAHI' 10 TAU. . mt.!8sure. To their elders also the min· Ing hel' coronat ion robes and gowns To . prO ~ ll ro lhls putten. se n,l 10 ccn tt Ister Is 110 longer the great man of thr for courl [un tlons us . well u's the o "1 'altern Dcpu.rtll lcnt. " or this pap r. 'vlllage and tbe church Is no longer , opening of po.rllnm ent gown mado by Write name nnd nt!d,'c8S pl a inly . ant! b( a place for reveren ce and tbe Dible Is n DrWsll firm of (Ill British materia l. !!lure to "lve IIIIIEI nnel nUOIbc r ot pO Ltern. tumbled IS 11fE IDEAL FAMn.Y LAXA11VE, AS abollt like any other book_ She hns ol'dl'red eight dresses , so far, On every hand ·we hear the cry, "00 GIVES SA11SF~CTlON TO ALL, IS Iwd work all UJ em hns commen ced.up, thou bald head!" NO. 5327. SiZE.......... ..... .. London corres pondenc e New York SlIn. ALWAYS 'BEN£fICJAL IN ~ Bears are In tho woods- two mighty .AND PERFECTLY SAFE AT ALL TIMES. NAME . ...... bears! Irrevere nce leads to two rreat . evils. infidelit y aud despnl r,*U·i'.'#I.~f4@1 roWN .••••••••• •••••• ~ •••••••• __ •••••••.• "wIthou t hope and without God." STR'EET AND NO ....... , ....... , ....... Those beare teo.r not our clothes nnd A LeTT I:R rROM HOW I:LL our flesh but our very souls. In 1(18 Circle STATE .......... .......... .......... ....... . . COUN TY, 1'!ISS OlJRI Ab, let us cover our moutbs ant'! of Wo ....,0 ttlmll\,.In . to Mil 7011. w. baT. U>4i thosc of our chtrdrel l. Let us Itlllrn o.... m of \be loo~ hili. oOIlUlem MlDDJ aJope to remove ollr shoos In the holy plnce of \he t&nrouO ll.rIII. IUC,o&\IJ!Io Step-sa vers Bnd. Time-s ayers. t&\ an tree aa"'....... . Short·L lved Joy. 0 4a1",,oU I,,,, anlfy. MIld lnd .llIt.IIII to bend aD/I ,_ ou\' ..... aDd stubbor n backbo nes W U1JA.IU ORUCCl!StS SElL ntIt OIUCINAL AJID \Vlfe (who ' lalit week Quarre led wilt 'ahlo' po a \I., .,""Uono~ 'boll.no '! Let Fl~ us tow~n ge t that f ea:- of tbe Lord wblch ~a~ MlNOarl. (load waler, IIno 'fA her hus iJand and , now seeks 1111r CIMIIHB WHEN CALU!) JOlt, ALllIOUCH THEY COULD trom 110.00 to _00 per I.Cr.. WII'" for pt! among his compan ions nt the Inn)- Is at len.st tb e boglnnl ng of the love or IIAU A LAaCat PROFIT IY SEUJHQ lNFE.IUOR PlU7A1tA. lewell eeaat, Lad ee., Wesl the Lord, and the Initial pOint of nil Can YOtI forgiv e me. Edward ? 'nONS. YET THEY PRUEIl TO SILL '01£ c:.&NUINF. IlECAUX wisdom . Husban d-'Well. ' you used me ver, 'rr " IlIQK1' TO DO ,so ANO FOR 111& GOOD Of THEIR I .. , . ., 'owT. ., It-.o ....... _ ........ w... bndlY- bu t let It go! ~ell! CUSTOIIEU. WHEN IN !CUD or MflIICIICQ, SUCH Wife-H ow I th ank )'OU for 'lakin!! 9!ory of UI110n WIth Christ. DIlUGClS11 AU THE ONES TO O£AL WmI. AS YOUR me back! A.nd neiw you'r coming We are recc.gnlzed even In our 01& HEALTH MAY AT IOM£ 1111& DirEND UPON straight ' ,home with me! What busl !8rLhly IN NEW YORK OI'l'Y...... ,"'..tares <tf lire seated ' with Christ In euaat'J Rnll cl\y We_ ,1'HIa SIW.L AND WlA81U TT Ou&.-of· door O",rI_ 00 ness bave you alttlng here till eleve!: heavenl y ' places 10Il001 ""r~ot 109D 161.C_ D" t~be natiOn RI'fOP. and Invcste d already Acad/lmlo UrM Primary..OluatoQr acluuOn. WHEN IUYING at night ?- Fllegen de B!aette.r . ' 14 ... 10 an4 ' , .... 110. _ .... "Ill~ with the dignitie s and glories ot our .J : is fully..co~k~d" ready to serve · ,uture inherita nce. This la the f41th direct from tbe packag e with New Ule for a Crypt. which God require s fror;n ' his people cream · or'· milk, and is a The Rev. e. ,Ff. ·Chard. rector 01 and whJcJl htl is wiJllng to give tbem; ,Spltalft elds" oas cODverted ui. CI'JPI IUld tnileed nothlDI but : ~delidQusly (OO~ , par:t , of, a~y fIatITID·S11WCHT ACaOSI,NEAII 1H&. MITTOIII .;UD at 'the SpIrit of of his ()hurch Into' . Ito.re wbere .pool Ohrrst ·hlm811lf within us can enable meal. ' , 111& c:uta.LJI EAIl1ll£ TOf' 01' &VIIlY PACKACUw11l& ' ,. acrea brinli tDd~ru!eae. for Ute. 80. UI peOple whose ·homel ~re broken u~ upert Ih,"" 70U how. Canft*nl f ta.ct~ CIIMIII& 0 . ilia, ClllLY. fOIllAU Jiy AU. UAIIaI$. I A trial packag e ~suaJly ' ma, ,d eposit ~elr tUrDJture free eM \thUI to believe and ·teIW,. OD property ·,par~t... mnrket ~ >-~ lIGULA&. ft!C& .. ru IOrn&t ,J./.&4)O ~".P. establi shes " it 'u a fa~orite cbarp untn the, are -Uf a poalUoD tt a year. Two rallroada tlu'oUSn. tbll ...., , ~ C!! fIG! A!!D !U!!I!! 0. _ A II 1MB GIlLY IURCT ,Aa.Y LAU11W arty. 000cJ tet ap hoUM apln. At 'PNMIl t thl " tireBkfast cereal. PrftIM'l I . , Iffebtln , t'-e Devil. ~ rr _ .... ONI aamw WIKII AmI ... A 1lA1'IIMII. ...... rlllNlWG WAY .dvanc~ eGO", ' . 'W tOllay. . · - ".fIII · ~t II ·rull 01. tunaltq re.-LoIl Clol The deY1i eiltera the .Gut of 1IWl, . . a,u,.. " . ........ wmeour UIftIAIA NI' MI'IIt.Irn iC'n .AND '1IlAOO Ulmt"l MY, .......... . ~ ~ ~ DllUl'A'I IIIG . . . . . . . __ "ulDs Stan4U '4 a IUD ~rqqb · hi• . AaOatll, hi_ 87_ ~ , . . . . . . . DOD IlOl' . . . . . . . . AItf ••• " MemorY' ....." .. WAY WIllI _ ~fa ...... TIle 011 . . . . . . W II ac ;_ ., ..... ,. . . . . . ,~ . . . . . . . , . ~ VAUI& I'OSTUH CBlUUL co.. Ld.. tbouI4 Dab • bolT ooMaan t With II.. "':i'i:~c:;;.-r.i. 0DlT 1eIl ,,1aM ALWA" _ _ _ _ . . . 1I1IIGM L . . . '10 _ _ . IDON tIIaa eoaJ , ~t" erwtr, Ka.II. . of taste. ldabt ud b .........fat'llUn. ' fa
Ho od 's Sa rs ap ar illai
Go W es t Thi~ Sp ri . ro
Spe cial Colonist Fares
Daily Tour ist Cars
Women Appreciate
onev e"l Pacftage
Post ,Toasties
the Genuine.
IIDI!. dar.
a. ..... ..... .......
~~f. ' :!ou~!!!~~~1'!! acree In truck lVl1 net J'ou "to
.a._.. . . . .,.
fI.,_ ....
ACountry School for Glils1
m...... . •
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: • .+++++++ .......++++.:..:..:..:.oj••:••~.+++.:. ,
•• _.~.'!'~~"~~~~~~~~~~:~ !sTATEU IVE \ .IT1ESJ
S ·S ltOS Are preparing for the largest
Implement and Vehicle Trade This Season that they have ever had In their ~o years of prosperous business In Waynesville • .
1 are handling all of the BEST , CRADES of goods to be had in the different lines, consisting of
The Milburn, Troy and Weber Fclrm Wagons, a fine line of Buggies, Surreys and Breaking Carts, Hoosier and Superior Corn Planters, AIB,~ ~he Victor EdgeDrop Planter, Oliver Gang and Sulky Plows, Olivet Steel and Chilled, Syracuse, Imperial and Shunk Walking Plows, The Iron Age, Buckeye, Kraus and other 'm akes of Riding and Walking Cu.'tjvators, Disc and Spike-tooth. Harrows, Field 'Rollers, etc. Also, McCormiCk Binders, Mowers, Corn Harveste~s, Manure Spreaders and McCormick Repairs. •• •• •• •• •• •
Call and See the Goods and Get
'Prices before you Buy.
SprIng VaHey
- Nagleya.nusonJo bull.
Mrs Wm. Trout"nd d~.u ... hterof ~pri ngfi~ld are ~uest of het parente Mr. "nd Mrs . Cbarles Alexander.. Mr . D, W AnlLbee and daugbter, Oli ve were Xenia visitors Saturdll.Y· Mrs . Aroh Cop ey and daughter were >ienla gue'ilts l:)aturday. Airs. t'hllip Hawke sp&nt S.unday wi t h her ~ar ( nts E . :\1 . Copsey and wife. Mrs. Ed Ellim ill visiting io Wash ington. Mr . F. M. Hiett visited r e latives l oot week l' n Dlly ' on and Sprl· nutlald . Mrs. Harriett Wlokersham i8 very Ilok. <00
Mrs , J. E. wWeereek .v ieit iug r elatives -i n Xenitl lu ' t ' +~ Mrs Bril:id Cuslo, who Ims been' ve r y poorly , remain8 11bout th e 8 1101 • 1'be Far mer 's IOflti t,u t wh ich W it h eltllas t Wednesday a nd ThnrsL111y in Ule M . E . ohnroh WI1S we ll Rt tend d . Mr. Perry Mills and duugll t nr, Mi88 Maude, lit Dayton, are visiti ng' relRtlves at this plaoe. Mr . John Bluok, of WAst of to wn moved on Il .furm s outh of Xenill lallt Thursday
Mis8 Helen Ball, of ~nia. was the guel' last week of Mrs. Atob Copsy . Mia8 Cll\ra Smith was 1\ Daytl)n shopper t)l1turdll.Y Mr . George Vetters Is slowly 1m proving. Wm !::ltLl8bury Bnd family moved last week the Charley Hawke farm near Waynesville. Mr . 0has Mtlyer and family, of Mt . Bolly moved to our vUhlge lust week . Mary ~nn Duok, of Bell~rook, "ill move soon to the property 8he pnrcha8ed of D. A. Peterson. - -- - ----
J . F, Weaver and son have pur. ohased a 40 horse power stl1tioDary engine for their 811 w mill . The K. of P . lodge oelebrated tb eir eighth annlverl!ary with II. banquet whioh was held in the Town Ball last Thursday eVenlnK' Prot . C. R. Titlow, of Columbus, was t,b e prinoipal speakor. Mrs. Minuie WHtkins and dllug h. ter, of uear J 'l mestown, Bre visiting ber oousins, Mr . and Mrs. WHIton Spahr east of town. Mr . and lIdr~ . Joseph 8mitb moved on the Shoup farm Ill.st week . Bmy Rpitler of east of town if! very ill ~ith t yph oid fever. Mr. and Mrs Orvel Berryhill htl ve gone to 'h ,usekeoplu g on th e Va ug hn farm whioh they reoently pur. oblt8ed . < Miss Wanda Bockles, of 1)a ,vton, I, visltlng her oou"ln, Ml 8 Ze vu Morris
Spring Branch
Mr. and Mrs . Nath~n Austin aud family entertaloed Idu MoAdamtl, of Dayton, b!lturday night. ( Misses A lice ' Chenow~th and Bertha ~mlth bad 1108 their gUdst!> on la8t Sunday. Mr and Mrs . Roy ChEnoweth, Mr. aDd Mrs . NewtoD i:Jmah snd in the afternoon Mr. lAnd Mrs . Frank ~ams and famlly . Mr. and \1rs . Frank Dakin and f.mily entertained Mr. Frank Mar tin from DaytoD I::!aturd!lY night. Mrs J. H. Cbenoweth W8S the guest Of lire. Frank Ba.wes to din· Der Tuesday . Mr, BDd Mrs . ThOJnR8 Bess and family 'had as tbelr guest. 1\ few days Il1st week, Mrs Jutlson Hess Mr. aDd Mrs B, C. I)likln .. nt·er. ~aiDe(l their neigbbor. and friende at a wondohopping and oarpet rsg sewing. MisseK Alioe Chenoweth aDd Bertha Smlth entert"ined MislI Josie omlth Saturday night . Mil!ls Florenoe Laoy is on the siok list. . Mrs .•1. B Chenoweth and fami. ly entertained \Ir. BDd Mrs Clar enoe Thomp80n, of Xenia, ~aturdllY night and !::lunday. MI8s Frances Chenoweth, tlrrived home after spending a week with her:8ister, Mrs . Clllrenoe Thomp. 80n.
. -.
Mr. J . W Whar'on of Chil ioot.h", .. 00u81n of Rev. MoKeozle i!l vi.. it in" at the Pll.l'soD Rge tbis we k . There was a good It t tencr,l n E:I n n · day Rt Utioa to h ell r the !ler nvm nn fut,ure punishment In tw o we k tl t,b e subject willlle, Wh.t Are Til ey Doing i. Bell. Wm . Moyer m oves to 8prin gblll'0 'bi~ w ek. Mr8 McKenzie is il.uprovio ~ rILl'idly. Wm Mover wa!! in Dllyton !::lMur. day aud ~Q'lday . Mr Norclike, of India na, is vitllt itl!2 biR ooullil1, Mrl4. Cll1ra Kirhy. Geo. MOJ el' ILnd wife , of Brow n oounty attend ed oburob Sund flY Miss Essie Carey bas ret urn ed from fln extended Vi':lit !it Rpri ng lloro nd Franklin .
a tree.
The ory of fIre waR heard on our streets again last Ba'urday about two o'olook . Tbe roof of Mrs Ban nah Williams' house caught on fIre froro palsing engine. With the time Iy Ilssb.tanoe of nelgbbora I' 'Will soon extingul[lherl It high wind Watt blowing at the time . . Mrs. Alioe MoKinsey and IItaspr, !\tisl Lillie Nedry spent Beveral days I..., week in Morrow guest8 uf Joe McKinsey and famtly " Mr and Mrs F Graef 'Were oalled to Troy, 0 last Wedneeday on ao. oooot of the 'death of Mr Graef'lI brother. Roger Morgan baa been OD 'be Itok list Mrs Mary An80n, of Xenia, visit· ed friendl here liS' wAet IIr aod Mrs Cal McBryan" of Dav· ton, spent &tnrday and Sunday with Mrs Naomi Barlan W J Kilbon was in Cinoinnati one dllY la8t week Mrs Charlea Reynoldl villited in Morrow last Sunday Mrs Walton of Sprtng Valley, vis ited her sister, Mrs 8enj Milll lut !
The usual sprilll moving hilI oom . menoed WeI Biggs haa moved in ' whh S ' Eyler Robert Beoke" ball moved into the property vacated by Biggs JIl8 MoDon!tld hilS gone .into the Grange property Franois Hen. derson has moved into his .proper'r Vll.cated by Mo' ).:>nald .
"The Anthony is the BEST FENCE Made. Sold by us for 5 years and has given universal SATIsFACT·ION!
BROS., -:-
Fien and Chick Feed- l0 Ibs. for 25c. Special low prices by the 100 lbs. sack. Crushed Oyster Shell-70c per
100 . •
Pearl Grit-T\lis is the best Grit made and we have it in 3 sizes. Charcoal-:-3 sizes, NEW CARDEN SEEDS
Onion Sets-Yellow and White. Bulk Sweet Pea.Seed. ·,
Special Sale Saturday
Carqulnez Lemon Cling Peaches Carqulnez Apricots Extra fancy Oalifornia canned. The greatest bargain of the season. Special low price for one day.
18c a Can Cash only, none charged at this price and not over 1 dQzen to anyone customer.
It pays to trade at
..Sil"er Plate that' Wears"
The ladies of the Friends ohuroh realized about twenty . dolJllrs from their provision 11(118 in Xenia Satur day. . MitiS Mattie Bill hlu~ returned to the home of her brother, .Iohn, after slM'ndinl the winte'r io Wil mington . Mrs. Coyle, is at tbe home of Dr. Whitaker, where she is taking treat· ment. Carl Jnnes who has baen quite eiok is ftetting \)ette.. · The Friends .SondlLY Sohool blla . entered the Xenia Gazette piano oon· test.. . F. B. Blair and little 41lughter 'were guest:a of bls p'.lu' ent8. here on ... d . oun &.V. lIrIi88 Loll Whitaker' is quite lick With grippe. ,. Harry 'Nicker80n ' en~ers.tnf'd • partt of ·frienda a' bi, lUlsar 0 amp Yond"" ni8~' of l~' week·. ':. . ._
.t: I
Their Origin and En= ~.t . do_wment. i. ,
ThOle who seek perfection in silverware in· variably oliooR forles, lpoon. and fancy lerv· ing pieces stamped with the renowned uade mark
. XS ROGERS 8D,OS It .TlIPU In Ql14l1ty ahd beauty of deSi~, thil weU· known sJlv.er i. unlur· pa_d. I ts remark· able durability hal won it the popular title ··· Sil"". P/4,. dat~:::i:.dla• . de. leu eve~· where. 8ead Cor c.talogue"().L"
.bowialr an , . .... (1a~II!'A~ deal pI.
.;-1, • • .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
't .:
t Organization of +
the Ohio ~: .. I :t . State University. I + ' * ' +·++·:·"·ot..:..loot·..·"..:..H..:.-:-·:..H·+ot- +... 1'''..~ B'
Ig Sprl'n g Opening an
The fi rst Inw prol'ldlnf( r('del al aid to stato Insillutio ns or leuJ'uln g wu.s passed by ('ongl' ~s nnd receIved . Pr sldent Llncoln 's app roval tn t . . I mp IeIt III known as ue 1\ I 01'1' II I A Cl a nd Of a ll kinds 0 f F armlOg prol'lded th ut th ere should lJ grant- I ments, V ehicles , Gasoline E ngines , E E ed to each state an amount or IlulJ IIC Harness, Ranges, toves, tc., 'te. land equal to :10 ,000 a 'rcs rol' each senat:) r and 1'1l11l'eS ntutll'o In can· gress to which t he staltl W U8 entitled by t be apportion ment oC I he census of ) 860. T he proceeds arIsi ng Crom T his~r i s t o be uy fa r the biggest the sales of this laud were to can· stl lu te a fun d that shO Uld b come a Sp ring ~ Openillg I have ever held . pa n of t he Irreducible de bt oC t he Good s will b e shown nnder cover, stat and the In come arlt!l ng there- so that rain or SII OW will not interfrom should go to t he malntenall ce or fere with this sale. a 0011 ge. providin g tho stll te. by act We are going to make Special of Its legIs lature. would . ncc ' pt the grant and pled·ge ral th Cul perform- Prices on eve ry,thing we sell duringthese three days, but positively will anc'o of its pro vlslolls. The college th us fo unded should, refu e to sell the goods after the wltho 'lt exclud ing IIclentlfl c and clas· sale at any othe r price than our slcal studIes and Includlug mIlitary reg ular prices. scIence. teach those lJranches at Ev ry farmer li ving within twen learning related to agrIcultu re and ty-five miles of LebanQn , who will the m'llchanlc arts. In But'b manner be needing anything in our line, can as the state legIslature should prescrIbe, In order to promooo a liberal not afford to miss this Big Sale. Good Music will be furnished ancl and practical education of the indusFree Souv(·nirs will be given . trial classes. Ohio Accept •• In OhIo, GOV'llrnor Tod trouI'ht the matter to the attention 01 the leal&latnre and In February, 1864, the Delano bill was passed accepting the grant. It was over six years I at'll r, Lebanon, Ohio. however, before the legIslature paa&ed the laws necessary to carry loto etrect the provisions of the Morrill Act In order to estab\lsh the college. In 1870 an act to establish and maintain an Agricultural and Mechanical College was passed. The will be Inse rted Uoder tbls be lid Cor institution was located In Columbus Ads twenty·llve ce nts Cor tbre e .tullorlioll and 'Vas opene d tor the recepUon of when \LIinK not mor e than IIv ~ IIneM. students In S ptember, 1873. The State Unlvoralty. In 187 8 an act reorganizIng . the FOR RENT school was pnllsed whiCh, Rmon,g other things, provided that the Dame thereafter should be "The Ohio State l'ORAGE Room, large and OI1U Unive rsity." With t he reorganization store lot .. 01 goods , CI1I1 at tbe came a larger and broade r view of the state's relation to the unlverllty, Gllzstte cffioe for lpform8tlon . and financial aid began to be given by' dIrect a.pproprlatIons, In 1890, by act of congress, a permanent annual LOST grant of $26,000 was made to all the land-grant colleges. After 1912 thll amount wlll be $50,000 by act ot 1907. KID GLOVE, for left hand, bp. State Ald. tween my h ome and Cor Will, . In 1891 the st ate legislature eltabIIshed a perm an ent annual grant to l ll~t· Tburlld"y A rewlud will b., the uoll rslty bflsed on a certaIn .:Iven tor ItIt return . JI)hD Cum. per _entage or the gen rnl tax dupli- iillnil', R. D 3, WILynedvillo, Oll1 J cate. T his 11 rcpntage has been tncreased from tTW to IIm IJ until it r€jach d the pr ' 6 ut rate of III centa FOR SALE fdr ea ch $ 1.000 on lh o !;ell I'al tax dupli cate oC tilt' s l !l l~l. In other • wo rds. for ' evt' l'y UIIJ lliland doll nrs' ORjSALE-8.C W. Lt'ghornsegg8 wort h of prop 1'1y I'e l uflwd to the h'om pllze winnen $1 per lIet· assessor fo l' lrl);ollon. tir e own er pays t.lug o~ 15; Barred Rook eg,(s (Hen. 1/\ "'''lIf'' lax to 1I:lI lt llalll t he State ry Kduker and E. B Tbompson Unive rsIty. strllin) at 7110 per Betting BilBy It he Colleges. Grandview Poultry Farm, Phone 86. As ol'ganlz d ut present, t he Unl·· T8rstty comp rliles se ven colleges: OU~E and Lot for . eale F"I'. A&Tlculture; Arts, Philosophy and furt.her partioQlars as to' prioe Science; ' Elducation ; EngineerIng ; Law; Pharmacy, and Veterinary and 'loootion apply at tb~ (2llzette offioe. Medicine. The CollQge of Agriculture offera OR SALE good porn and ·tobllooo COUIOS In all th e various lines of In· farD;l of 97 aore8 ; plent.y of bIltn atruoUon related to agricultural suI>jects Bnd domestic science. Over 70U rooUl, never failing springs, goOd Itudent8 are enrolled In th'e college house of 11 roomlt. Addrel!s Box 164, Waynesville, Ohio. . this year. The 'College ot Arts, PhU080phy and Science offers those Courses that bUSBELS good sprmg Pota are dealgned to furnish a student tOf\S for sale. Rioha.rd Brown wbat II commonly known as a Uberal Waynesville,Obio, It. F . .0. 8. education, The work Is In the lanpacee and literatures, the sciences, lGH:SCORINli White Leghorn mathematics, philosophy. htstory, Egg8. $1.00 per settinR. Mrtl, pOlitics, administration, econQmlcl, .ociology, and commerce. Eight hun- A. J. l'borpd, phone 83--5 , dred' 8nd twenty students are enro)1ed In this college. lot of Spring Barley for sale .. at The College ot Education Is dVIlgn900 per bushel. Write J. M. ed to meet the needs of those who UndHrwood, R. D. 2 Wilmington, wish to tollow teaching a8 a prote .. o ,or phone HBrvey~uurg 15-2. alon. Its purpose Is to assist the Itudent I.n acquirIng a knowledge of APER NAPKINS-The GazeUe the brancheB he wishes to teach, to office handletl tbe platn white give him a right attitude. toward education and to establilih In him a sk11l and oolored napkinlt. Call and tlee In the use ot efficIent methods of them. teaching. This college hu 63 stu· ORSE~-Borlles for sa.le singly dents. The College ot Engineering offers or tn PRirS. Inqulre or J. B. Instruction In eight fields of engl- Cbapman, Waynesyil1e, Ohio. neerlng worJU Architecture, C'Ilramlc, cbemlcal, civil, electrical, mechanical lt!RUE PAPER-If you wan' and mine engineerIng, and Indultrlal any color of flne tissue p~per, arts. Eight hundred and torty . stuoalllLt the lill·zette o~oe . We bsve dents are taldng work In this colIt on hand Ill.l the time. lege. . ' The College of Law meets the . deairel ot tbole who wish to enter the practice ot law as a protesllon. One WANTED hundred and a!xty-jl1x studenta are' l' enrolled. ~---------~"'!'"";.. . The College ot Pharmacy offen ~ .every tacUlty' tor a trll.iDlng In aU MAN paet 30 with borle an4 bq. that pintarna to t.he subject of phar' gy to 8ell Itock .condition pow., macy. It preparel thOle who "lab der 'in Warren' COooly. 8ILlary flO to practice the prote.slon ao that per mQ.nth . Addreall 301 Unity they way pa.. the required ezamln!'" Bldg •• IndtanlpoUa, Indiana.' . tiona for ' registration, Tbla . oolle", .. . bllJl 87 Itudents.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tbe CpUege of V.terllW7 KecucIDe alUle.Tora to eQulp 7Gaq men to D Ia 'he filb • meet ~. &TowiDe de. .d tor e1dlle4 &~ OW lIrA. to nbo fttMbI.&rIau. TIaII co... 1aU ID iot'''' for JU-ps' G...... ·
B'Ig S' SI pnng a e
March 16, 17, 18,
Classilled Ads
New Burlington
April 7th has been set apart f or Arbor Day by Governor Harm n. Let everybody remember and plant
' ~eet
:-ht N
'JQJIDa • • ~
W!!! ... M f"r: ~
The .
MARCh 1, 1911,
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LE.N P M ~E1t i)"IlR
~eeks, o~r~nt.iringand
Edward Everett Lackey, fourth D. W. ac· child of Horace and Adelia Lackey, . commodatIng mall carner, who hal' Friday is St Pztrick's Day. O. W. Hamilton was in Dayton worked so hard for the patrons of .MiSs 'Co~ a McKay I~ft Tuesday fOJ was born near Lytle, Ohio, SeptemMr. aud MrR. Jason Sheehan enter-. Sunday. the Waynesville post-office, is en· tained at a three cou rse turkey dill ' California w~~re she expectst<> spend ber 4, 1893, and died at his home near Ray Hawke, of Dayton, ', as in deavoring to raise money to bny ner Thul'sllay in hO'1or of Miss Mary tbe summer wiUt her broth' 7:, Clark Ferry, Ohio, March 8, 1911. aged 17 years, 6 months, and 4 days. town Sunday. Nul' Haines was in Cil1cinnati a . new horse. Web has taken Pine, of enter'dlle. 'Covers w'e rr! McKay. On Sunday, February 26th , he beTuesday. the agency for several publications, laid for thii·ty. such as the Cincinnati and Dayton came a victim of the fatal and treachHomer Carey is out again after a Mrs. Amanda Sutton, Dayton, l'I'p. Wm. Daughters was in Dayton papers, and if your time is about to ·.. of the g erous disease, pneumonia, and after sl'eae says: ,"My time :is nearly out, and I Joseph Hawke .was in Dayton on Sa turday. expire send !1 im the money and hE' '\11·S. Alice McKi nst;y and daught r do ot want to miss a' single number ten days of unt<,>ld .sufferini, passed into the eternal sleep. business Wednesday. Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader was a Daywill furnish it to you. and every sub, entertai ned at dinner Sundlly, Mr. of ~our. valuable paper, as·I love to He united with Ferry Church of tOll visitor Monday. scriotion means something toward and Mrs .. Jos Hi:ley, Miss Mary Cres· hear from y,old home." "Christ about fOl,lr years ago, under Go to Zell & Son for Tobacco Boxa new horse. well, Prof. elvin and wife, and Mi&l the ministry of George Hall; and has es. K. D's., $1.15. / Miss Donna Hawke was shoppin~ This is a decidedlv good way ' to Pearl Col vin. since lived a splendid christian life. in incinnati Saturday. spend your money in a good cause. 'J!hursday, February 23rd, Rev. He was an ambitious young man, F. C. Carey was in Cincinnati Don't forgt:t him \\ hen you want to Nathan 'English, oH..exington,' pro- and was ever faithful to his duties, Thursday on business. Mrs . .A. Maffit was the guest of renew your subscr iption to any of Mr. and Mrll. James Johns, LY .' nounced. tJ:le woras that made .~Mr. whetber in the church or at his daily relatives in Dayton Sunday. these dailies , tie, entertained Sunday the follow· Web's horso has certainly earned ing guests for dinner: Mr. and )41"'1. ,GrIlD4 Palle~t and Miss J~tinie .W at- wks at home and s('hool. He was Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Ridge were in kinson man and wife. M!'. Pallett i8 socially inclined and ' circulated Dayton Monday on business. Otto Hornic~, o~ Har.veysburg , a much.needed rest. The horse has Chas. Rye. Mr and Mrs. F. C. Carey, wel~ knQ.wn in this part of the county.. among a host of friends. He lived a spent unday WIth hl~ famIly her~. to make from six to eight round Mr. and Mrs Allie Hole and family: h.vm~livedhere' anumOOrofyearB- life in many ways exemplary. Why Mrs .. Ed. Hanby, of Dayton, visKenneth Uidge, of Dayton, is t rips daily from the station, and has Miss Pearl Carey. of Dayt.on, Miss b) E nt erprlse. ' n Edd ~'11e, (N , e. . such an one in a world amid so manv ited relatives here last week . spendmg a few days with relatives' to carry some pretty good loadt; at Alice Carey and the Mpssrs. Fran k Millll Watkinson .i8 ~he da,ughter oftt>mptations; before which so man~ BO'rn- To Mr. and Mrs. Sam\. ~imes, and.as it has been in the har- Thomas, Harvey and Clarence Rye. the late Mrs. Ehza eth Southern fall should be taken is a question Hinkle. March 7,1911, a son. SL. Mal'Y's Guild will meet with ness for several years, it .ought to WatJdnJOri, ':Y~J~ llnown to many. ' we' are ' unabie to a~wer. But we Mrs. Barnhar t Thu rsday' afternoon have a ~ood rest. Wayneavllle OltlZen8. do understand that such an one is Mrs. Angie Miller, who has bpen at 2 o'clock. •- Mr. Eddie Woollard pleasantly enbetter prepared to enter into a bet· very ill, is slowly convalescing . TEACHER'S ASSOCIATION tertained a number of his friends in ~ ter world. And hard as it is to give Mr . Mary Hartsock is very low at his new house Thursday evening. Mias Sarah Sellers, daughter o{ him up, _we resign to God's will in Mrs. L. S. Rhoades was quite sick the home of her. son north of town , The Warren County Teachers' As· 'l'te occasion being hill twenty-first ~r: ancl Mrs. Stal)rey M. Sellers, toe consolation that perhaps his un, Sunday, but is much better now. wi th dropsy. sociation will meet at University . birthday anniversary a post card wbo ta attending the Ohio State Uni. timely death may be the means of Chapel, Lebanon, Saturday, March shower was tendered nim by his oo ~aymond WI'III'amson of Dayton Mrs. Miranda Crane,' of Cincinnati 181911 The folloWl'naprogram h ..., venity, was one of ten. girls out of impelling others to accept the' Savior n. " . • • guests. M' uSlc,an d games were f /::a~ spent Sunday with relatives here. is the g uest of ·Mr. and Mrs. R. A. been prepared' t f th . 480 , ' to reeei .. • Va ··th.· decoration of an that proved a blessing in his last . ures 0 . e evemng, an d I'Ig ht ress for a short time. 000 A ' M f h ed . r.r ., ·'A." It IS a highly coveted honor hours. . res ~ Little Louise Smith, daug hter of . ' 1: - menta were serv . amo..... the students, and desi'"'atee He leaves to mourn ' heir loss. a Mr and Mrs T R Smith has b een Devotional. ........... Rev. E. G. Walk • - ...- - W. S. Bonneville started Monday f tbe on. &elected as Aid , the award father, mother, three sisters and o n e ' .\ . . , , "Teaching as a Pro ession" ......... HELP FELLOW lOUGEMAN . quite sick. for St . Henry, Ohio, to visit his J R' C .... -Ide on u a d ..... ree in recog· brother · ', an I·nfant br,other having . .. ....... ...... t.: ............ Ice owan , bein... -. ~. daughter , Mr . Chas. Barbeau . Mrs. Cynthia Evans and Mrs. H ··The Purpose of an Education".. . Affliction has come in abundance ,Dition If proftcien~y in study and preceded Jlim to the spirit world. excellency of <leportment.~ uth Besides these are many friends and ~. Hat haway wl're Dayto n visitors r. Herschel Fisher has moved to .................. ... Charles Roudebush to William R.. Spitler, a well known C , hlrleeton Sin inel. · relatl'ves wbo 'eel tbey have Ql1ffered Th'.rsday·. Round Table ......... .......... .... ...... young farmer of Sugarcreek toWl)J, -... offices in the new Morris building. t - - -... - • an irreparable loss. .. ............ Conducted by V. S Loer I ship. A few w~ks ago Mr. Spi ler h<!O UTIONS next to the postoffice, Lebanon. d . R~ L His was a.life of poust, and sweet Miss Clara Lile, of Xenia, was tb Noon Adjournrr. ent lost his wife by death, an WltIlin "L' bt Bea "B'bl I as life was to him he as the rest of week·eDd guest of Rev. and Mrs. Henry Kunker.and Mr ..Hunter, of 1:80 P. M. two weeks his brother fell ill and f Th th~ F IIr S :rs'&h I, e cs: us cQuld scarcely be . sa'tisfied with J. F. Cadwallader. Morrow attended the Miami Valley Musjc died. Mr. Spitler fa now ' seriously °th ~e I e;:Y .. un t&Y 00 pa bis'life, ,",orb and associations; and Poultry' Association meeting here Address- "Educational Paradoxes" ill himself, suffering from tl phoid d peak " . Dr. and Mrs. Witham, of Kings Saturday. Prof, Ralph R. Urton, S1,1pt. Middle- fever. He is a prominent member e ~Ol Q.,...Qif .. e&o u ti ona: un. It Ii' ' I sed coul he s , would vOIce the Ren· M Il S d ts f M npe~ as pea our L' t f th 1" i s, were Un ay ' gues .o r. town Schools. . of Bellbrook lodge of Knights o! rl_ven1n ~ther to QU _It to hlS' re- ~lmen 0 ese mes: d MASt . n_ an rs.. .. oops. Mrs, John Brown and Mrs. Clara E. C Van Winkle, Pres. Pythias, and bis fellow lodeemen, ward one of the charter members of Whilst sailing o'er life's rug; ed sea, M J St d H I Montgomery, of Centerville, wer Alice Cook, Sec. anxious to assist him, ,gathered 'at our Lackey . . the stormy' b'd e, 'ly Mrs. L UCl·11 e B. Berry ~ h·IS home a f ew days ago and cut . .et.., Everett . .' who , by Tossed . oy f Drs.. toas. oops t than son, ek' 0d me~, .t! guests 0f T.J. B rown an d famI h ' ., 'aunnv Ail8p08ltiQn, won . The tempest does not trouble me; 0 ay n, spen e we -E'n Wl 1. las Thursday. T. H. Rogers Ex. Com. a large quantity.1>f wood in the perthelove:8Dd etJteem of all who met My Savior's at my side: Mr. alid Mrs. A. Stoop'}. · - C. f.,. Bruner formance of which work had beep him., He e' ll'ivesmepeaceand righteousness, Messrs. W• H-. All en, Ch as. C01'- ..taDr. A DESTR:'C-Tl·VE FIRE ena ........ ed when he feU itl.-Xenia Ga· . th 'tedand to th Mrs. h H. f E. M 'Hathaway dM .., Be I~ ~1¥ ed I Tbat In e nome ' My needs he doth vrovide; . 11 d ' H Id H II · . s l' e ome 0 r. an rs. zet~, ' ne an aro owe were In B B t S d d th . • - • ao1_.... 0 f OUI' beloved b rothe~· we And when I 'wake in His likeness Lebanon liIridayafternoon. arvey u~ne on un a~ an . elr Saturday eveninll about 7 o'clock . . ... auto brea~lDg down, tht:y had to the hon.e 6f Mr. Frank Hartsock POULTRY ASSOCIATION . bave ~oat ~ faithful member, a will· . I shall be Satisfied. ~ worltor, and alpyal frie~d. H. B. Hill, of the U,n ited Mercan- make the J, Qurney on foot. was burned to the ground, -ith alBeit l'8IlOlv.ed,· That we extend I've labored in life's harvest field, h' .. The joint meeting of the Miami .. , A t·d-th ld . ' tile ~gency, of C icago, was In .tow.n Mrs. John Brown, of Centerville, most all of the contents. Members Valley Poultry Association Saturday oQr .,mpathyto ttie bereaved fami.!p ego en.gram:. severa'l days last week on busmess. was called to the home of T. J. of the family had been home all d~, d . ti Th ly. _~mmeild them for solace, to l 'f61thful did the SIckle wleld, 3r , was an mteres ng one. e our l!.,aveDly- Father, B;itp whom And suffered ~eary pain; Rev. J. F'. Cadwallader .was in B~own and ~amilySun~a.y on acc{)unt :~~~~~ origin of the fire was un- following officers fortbecentral body Everett trusted, who d{)eth all thinp But the" my works and righteousness Morrow Thursday. H~ offiCIated at of the serIOus condltlOn of Mrs. . were elected: 'l'hos. Hunter, Morand bealeth ....11 sorrow. 1 cannot but decry, th f I f M Lea'h C Welch Brown who died Monday morning. Mrs, Hartsock b,d been to Har row, Pre!!.: Mrs. E, S. Bailey, Vicewv. . u _. III e unera 0 rs. . . ., veysburg and on returning home P H H Wadsw th 0 __ ' Beitfurtherresolved Tbatacopy· Only my Savior's true likeness, res.; •. or , ~ y.; .0lth. . resolutionS ~ sent to the' "My soul can satisfy. This is .the week of Lingo's big Mrs. LinaD~vittar~ivedhomelast immediatelyuponentering~heho~se, M. L. Golatzki, Aest. Secretary; J. . sale. Don't forget to attend it if week from, In .' I~napohs aft~r a ple_as- h.eard a crash, an~ upon !:lvestlga. O. Cartwright, Treas. ,The next famUt and the, _f!le pqblished in the So o'~r life's stormy sea I sailyou are in want of anything in the ·ant month s VI~lt with re!a~lVe8. She bon found the entIre roof I? a blaze. meeting of the assocf~tion ~ll be • local apers. " d ." Wbence are the true and blest, farming line. . wa accompamed by her SIster, Mr:i. A!l alarm was sounded but It:was too Saturday April 1st. Everybody in'. ' ~ Wilbur ~Ol1NuW Hartsock 'Un friends on earth can not avail . Julia Donavon, who will visit rela· late to save anything except a few vited. "~' . .'. , . Committee MY80UllS not at rest; C. G. Williamson , of Cincinnati, tives here and at Springboro. .pieces of furniture on the 'Iower ' • • . Ernest Rogen See'y. . , ' • _ • ' Wheq I ' shall neai the righteousness spent Saturday and Sunday wi th •- • floors. WILD ' DUCK SEASoN Of Christ the crqcitied, friends here. Mr. Williamson had DEATHS It is supposed that the origin of 'Accordinll to the fish an.l "'ame LANDED A lUG ORDE~ the tire was a de'ective flue. ... '" • . 'When .1 shall 'wake in His likenesS. a very' successful Texas trip. Then 1!11-be sa'tistied. . . . Milton Smith, aged 78 years, died :rhe building, which waS owne4 by laws of OhlO, 8~nng \8 . on~y a few . '_rd8~!~ Wfu~°abrtipbm'elanntdl'nedSe1!tebmii L o. T. Carolyn Rae, 'li ttle daughter of Mr at Ms' bome in Harveysburg Friday, J. W. Hartsock, and contents de- dayshoff, ~.d WIll be usber~ tdod8Yk ' .... -6Ionr .. "'&~ . r-' • • a.nd Mrs. T. R. Smith, was baptized March 10th. The funeral took place stroyed amounted to about $2000, at t e opemng o~ the s,~n~ ur SCORED CHICKENS in St. Mary's ·church Sunday after- at his late h me Sunday afternoon· at partially covered by insurance. se~n. .Along: WIth the wild duc.ks, · bert 'l'i)e. ~rder Utf"ne frem ~, man ·T.ai, ' ",.Ii,? wants 500 ~Uets, noon by Rev. J . F. Cadwallader. 2 o'clock, Mrs. Rebecca Merritt, offi- It is the intenti(\n . to rebuild on theh,d will be hf~ed on the. sh?9 tmg ~hie 18.> an, ~~~o~~Unaryorder, 6')• . S. G.. Case, of Shreve, Ohio, was cjating. Interment was made in the site this 8umm~r. Meanwhile 10f wll~ ge~e, rall, shore bIrds, plovMr. and Mrs. M~rion Clark and Miami . Cemetery. Mr. Hartsock baR rented a house' at er, smpe, wll~ swan an t, mud hena. · ~11~w~en ~ef~l~ds are y~t to b~ in" town '1 lJesday. Mr. Case was h~ed, cared tor and bro~ght to called ~e~e by som~ of the ' chicken Mrs. Rachel Lane moved back to Wellman, where he and bia family The season WIll close AprIl 20th. ~~ribt• .~rl. W~worth, howev- financiers who wanted their caickens Lytle last w~el<, after spendi))g t~e . will temporarily reside. •- • ... er,wtUbeeq!l~ltoltand expects to srored. Mr. Cas~ made a remark winter in Dayton. Mrs. -Clarkhas Mrs.!homasJ.Brownafterapro. .-. . EASTERN STAR , .. ' thi)t 'h e bad never been in a commu· been very 'sick but is' better at prell· longe? !lln.ass of almo~t four years DAY LETTER SERVICE sbip the·bitd,'(lt that ti~e. Mr. Waa.w~rth also landed a bIg' nily where there were so many high- ent. ld uratlOn,. m the82nd year of her age, Eastern Star lodge met in reguJar ear~l}liPment, UiOO" to be sent to one &corina- pure-bred birds as in Waynes. . . enter~d tn~O ras.t.at 1~:~5 Monday The Western Union Telegraph session Monday evenJng. ' Routine DWi.D.xt w~k .. " . . ;' ~lle. , 'ntis , is surely a .compliment ' Mr. and Mrs: AlI.le ~~le ~rlved r mOr~l~g. The mfir~mb~ o.f . Jl~r Comnany on March 1st, inaugurated ~QsineN was the ord~r of the even'Vie want .to call the atten~lon of cQming from suoh high authority as home from Cahforma Frlday. Mr. dec!mmg years and pamful affhctlons a day letter service corresponding to 109, After the eesslon M.;!8dlUlles :oQr~entohi8adQn:apother~88'e, Mr. CaSe. ~ " J' . IHole has rented a farm on the Da~- made herlong to ~e releas~,YEft she their night letter service, Letters Colvi~, McKinsey and Arnold were 8eOres of ~e ~f his. .I )lyiba:t~,· . ' .. '- • .; ton and Lebanon ~ike.. H~ ~n~s l bor~ them all . Wlt~ a patleJl~e and may be·left at the office to be sent the hostesses at a d~lightful 'lunch iida; . . .. " . " BASKEl pALL that Wa)'ne Township . m OhiO IS fortItude beautiful mde~d. ' . when tbe wires are not busy. Full and a. gen~ral good time. ' ' . : !f. It .... - ,. , ,;" . ' i a pret ty good place to live. I ~or lohg yearssh~ w~ tbe associate 'rate messages will however 'at all . ' ...'__e _ · -:rwO ~UNAWAYS The ~ boy;s.and girls of't:h.e HIgh , '. . edltor of the MiamI Gazett~ a~d times have th~ preference. The . NEW ORGANIZATION .'. . . School went to Harvey~burg l:'riday . $80 .~ per month, stralgh.t s~l~ry gracefully chrOliicled the comings day 'l etter rate is one and on~balf ' . ; .~ Wedn'Mda.r, ' ,ee,orge ~art;.: even'rig.ana oamehomevictorioJs as and expenses, to men with.ng, to.m- and go ings, the doings and. happen. times the night letter rate. . For in. Warden Jno .. C: ~peaks'. ot the . .ock1J(C) beCilP8·~ghten~a,ausual. · troduce our Poult.:Ty RemedIes. ings · the marriages and deathsof ta ·f th . ht tel"20" for80 StateGame ·Coml1119810n, wUlOOat . • . h'bUd Witb a.. _"'~-r_'_,.....ft .'ip be, was The lv.. ,\"" won to ·Don , t answer un l b " this cpmmuni'lY. from week ,to , week. . s· nce e mg r ~b . Tuead ay, Ma rCJI ,1. 21 t ' t'" . 'goln, . "",1S f rom Waynasvme ass you mean USI· rd J the day letterrarates willr 0030, ,LIG an~n, s, v , ~ ~~ It ~ fJie ~ at . h~ hom~, the ~ore. of. 2~ t9 1Q. ' ~his mak~s n¢ss. Eurel<a Poultry Food ,Mf~. Possessing a ~~rong, cultured and 70~ ~~ help orga?ize. a coun~ ' '~?,e a~d ' . aild ran a~. ... ;Ttie' h~~e ran:as far tbellft~ successlVe victory for / o,Ur C. (Incorporated.) East St. LoUIS, well stored mind, herswasthepe!lQf Agent.T. R. Smith informs US fish orgam.zation. ~e me~t1Dg WIll . ... ~. power .~'b~ . w. ere It was boy~; ,.... . ' . \ , 11 I. . a read.]' writer,' A more. ~xtende4 that-the Ipcal 'office is now prepared be ?'eld ~t th~ Msyo.! S office thereat ' " .wp~., N~ ~~~ ,~~bb~' , , ,r:t:he gJ'r18 play~ a f~t garrie and ., S . t d t memOIr of th~ deceased wdl ·a ppear 'to'receive and care for all such mes- 70 elock, and all lDtere~.~ should · l' ~' Sa.rface:JI .teapq~ .Ie ~ ~~ at' ~on to the ~ore of 20 to 2. . . Mr. Lesh.~ C~rey, l,lI?~rm en en in our next IsSue. .. " .. ' :.. . .: . .. attend the meeting., ' . Benecke.'. wateho~ge, was ~lrhten,~\ ' " ~ _. : '.., '. .o~ the Lytl~ :;Jch?~ls, Warre? coUnty, . The fune~al ' of Mrs; Brown 'Will be sugel!. , . '...• ' _ • ". . . . . . , . ' - .. I •" \i eIlI and :ran o~' bat w~ . QAVB' HIS REASONS ~s rapidly recovermg fron hIS sjv~re h~ld fr,0rr heriate ~oniethis. Wed~ee. ·ST. MARV'S CHU~~~ , WILL 'MEE:T SATURO'\Y ahHD front of W.o ij. Madden s ' ," lllness • . Dr. CQnard deserveS hlgb 4iay afte\"noon at 2 o'clock. ' . ' . ' '. '.: • aum~rJ81'd. Nodam~w.as done. Ai\ 014 darky, who h~ QQi.tthe commenda~ionfbrthe8ucC~he~as . . ~ - , ', · Su~1ay. liarcli19th,.tbirdbi'Lent: The Executi~e' committee of tile .~ - • M~thodilts and j(jin~ the Eqiscopal . aCihi~vea in h~4lil?,g .' ~ls ..di'eadflll '. : iOW~SH P TRUSTEES , ..' Morning Pray~'r and sermo.ri at 1~:46 Wa.1'!en Cou~ty Sunday ·Scbool.As. church, was asked why he .m~e the case of ptomame. p~)Jsomng. Mr ..· · a. m,;Sunday'Scbool at 9:80; ,Evenmg soclatiol\ will mee~ at the, ofl\ce of i... . . cb8.nge. He Said, "We is mOli'h od- Car~y wi1lspe/)'o 'a few. (iais'with his The trustees met in regular session I;>~er and,adli~eI8at7p. m.~Li~y, M. A: Jam6'Jo~ in Lebanon, SatiJrday W. WiU .Dot acce.pt ~or .hipmen~! derly. in 11~ Pi~l,)f!llers. We ·. hab' father and sis.ool',. ~d ~n 'all. proba~ .M;onday evefiing. ·, N.othinll of .im- Pen~ten~a1 Om~e . and ,ad.d~ ~bis M~ 18, at 8 p. ril.AJI ~~'telWt~ · . . . d~lftl' ·frelaht atte 6:OP p, m. ,respon~ble ~In's an~ Roman can. bility wjll .enter altaln Qpon ~Isschool por'tance was done,. except .t he paJ- Wednesday ev~mg' at,.7 p. m. ¥9U ',in $unday School work are m\dt" to . be..w~ ~IDr"" ' . dl.. on de' jltab; 1U,l' w~ burn insec work :~rly next ,we~k.,..;.Ne'w Vi~nna tp~t 0.£ ~e tepla~ bille. , ; ate inVit~ to all the Re1'Vieea. attend. ' ' ., '. T.·ft. SQlitb,~. ~4~r" , ..l:- . Reporter. , .
tb. .
A WOMAN'. KIDNEYS HI wondered U Altcla .,oule! 'Iporl hli lotter or it sbe would -. come to blm. Surely .he cOUld not be so heart. A... Often Re.pon.lbl. fo~ Untold fj lcslI as to thi'ow hlm ov r at such a a\.lfferlnll, moment. Orushed In hie I rr haud wu a copy of tho New York Herald . Mrl. August Wltten~erg, lOBS Hop. contaIning an elaborate nccount of the klns St., Milwaukee, WIs" says: "Ktd~ almo.st b,~, brflUunt ree pUOII and mus lcalo 'g iven Dey trouble came 'on tho previous v nlng tit her Ilorne, fore 1 wila Q,ware ot It. There wal a conlltant \~, l~cUnatl9n With an Cxcluluatlon of Impatleilce he tor the ktdn ys to act roso trom bIll seat, throw lho paper and. U10 secretloJ1s · {·rom hhuo-Ilnd beg;lln Lo pac tae floor. were accompanied by WitS this th ond (If 0 " rythlngf burnlns anrl scald In,. AND Had bo rcn bed tbe end ot his rove? The headnches and He mu st puy tbe I'eckoni.og, If Dot to· giddy feeUngs that opo day, to·mOI'row , As Ws eyes wan· prelsed me . were al. ILLUSTRATIONS BY RAY WALT:£R$ u red Ilmund tho 1'0010 and he took most unbearable and' COPYIItGIIT, 1909, III' G.w. DILLINCHAM CaMPA"" mentnl InvonlOry of ach costly ob· life loon lost all In, resldenllal dIstrict, It took precedence to the clasl whloh paid social Ylslts joet. ho ex pl'l'iclIc d a sudden sbock terest. Doan's Kid· ovar. ull tbe other apnrlnulDt bote Is 'of to te nants 10 the Aslrutla, He wal as be reca lled the thIngs that we re Dey PillA came to my attention at that Mrs. Gumm-And' wbat 4',er thInk the me tropolil!l bB the biggest and rather soedy looking. bls oollar was mlsslllg, How could be explaIn thlllr critical time and I used t hem faith. of ' that there Jon,es as la moved .11l mOBt splendidly appolnt~d bostelry of not Immucuillte. Ills boots were thick nbsen e'! The 81't dealers were nl· ful1y until entirely cured." neit dore lint br.e lO )'ou T Ita kind lu tbe world. It waB, Indeed, a nd clumsy, his clothes cheMp and Ill. rendy suspicIous , They WOl' O riot to Renll'mber the name-Donn's. Mrs. Jawltln--.Why, I don't Uke a small city In Itself. It was not neo. fitting. be put orr nny longer with eltcusea. G For sale by al\ dealers. 60 oents a 8YNOPS IS. essary for its fortunate ' tenants to "Is Mr. t nt.1erwood In'" he de. Any mom ent til X migh t insist either box. Foster·Mllburn Co., Bu·rtaloj N. y, talking about my neJgbbor&; but as to ..,.. Mr, 'jone8, IOmetimee L tbl~ bd lenve It unless they were so mInded, mandell. on the Immediate l'eturlI ot tb h' propli o,..'ard J !'frIes, lJanker'8 s on. under Ev'e rytblng for tbelr comfort aod then apiD I don't know, but, after "Not borne," replied the attendnnt erty or on paym nt In full. He was Aattleanaku Appear Early, thP ovll l'nOllon 0 ot Robert I1d rwood, • ( 1!ow·slmlollt at Yale, leads 0. lit or pleas ure was to be had wllbout tRklog Insolently, nft r a pause. Like most In the posllion to 'do n'Ollbet'. The 'fbe unusually warm weather all, I rather gueS. h,'ll turn out to bo ' 411181rulllon, marries the dllugh I ~ r ot a the trouble to go out of door·s. On bnll boys, h e wok a savage pleasur.a articles had been sold and lhe mone! throughout central Wyomlog the lut a 'good deal luch a IOrt of man .. t WillllJler who died In Ilrlson, ollil Is dig· ' lost gambling, Curse the luok! Every· few weeks bas caused large nilmben taxe him to be, own d by hla lather, He tries to J.:el work tbe ground 'floor were shops at all Ln saying tbat tbe tenanta wer,1l out. ~ncl fllite. A tormer college chum milk E'S kinds, wblcb catered only to the The caller looked annoyed. tblng had gone against him of Inte. of rattlesnakes to leave their denl and tl IJlIslnes8 proposltlon to Howl\r(J which "He must be 10," he l3ald with a Tbe dealers would begIn criminal pro- many hove been killed by rsnohmen ' "'(l(I IIII'cs 52,000 cush, and Howllrd III brok(\. Astrurla's palrons. Tbere wera. also 'Roll('rt Under ood. who had be n reo on the premIses a bllnk, a bToker's frown. "I bave an appointment with ce dings, disgrace and prison stri pes !lnd otbers, Not III the reoollectlon ot plllsEid by Roward's wlte. Alii Ie. In his office, a balrdresser, and a postal t ele- him." would tollow. There ' was no way out the oIliest Inhabitants have rattle" <:Qllcgo days, and hn,d onoo be .1 ng ged to AII t'Ja, Howard's sleplUoth ,', hlUl graph office. A specIal teature was This ,,'as not strictly true, but the of it. He bad no one (0 whom he snaKes appeared so early In the year. s p rtm"nto at tho Astrurlu, nud Is ap· could turn tn this crisis. - Cnsper correspondence Denver ReJ) ~rtlnlly In pros!) rous Ircurnstnnceo. the garlien court, contaInIng over 30,· bluff hali tile desired effect. Howart1 recalls a r.so loan to Underwood, 000 square fee t of open space, and "Got an · appoIntment! Why didn't And now even Alicia had deserted pllbllcan. ttl t romalns unpaid, and decides to ask him. This was the Inst straw. WhllEJ 1\lm tor tile $2,000 he need.8. Underwood, tastefully laid out with palms and you sny so at once?" taking n('lvnntAgo ot htl Intimac), with 110wers. Here fountains splashed anll Reacblng lazlty over the telephone he was sHlI able to boast of the The Subtlety of Hlm. ~ f,{'f1\. Jeffries, Sr, beoomee a sort ot loclal "Jobn, dear," said Mabel, aa ber lord 11lghwllyman. Dl.coverln&, hi. true chllr· an orchestra played whl~ the patrons swltchbonrd, nnd Without riling tram frl ndsblp und patronage of the art .. &eter s he denIes hIm the bouse. Under- lounged on ·comfortable rattan chairs his eeat, he asked surllly: tocratlc Mrs. Howard J eft'rles he Rnd master eutered the house, "I've wood's absence from n tunctlon cau.e. or gossiped with their frleods. Up on "What·s tbe name'" could stili hold bls beud high In the IUlt hlld n letter from mother, and 41 ",mont amon&, 141'8. Jetrrlos' "ueelS. the , sixteenth floor was the cool roof "Mr. Bennington." world , No one would dare Queslh)n she Is coming to visit us. It Is' a pret· CHAPTER IV,-Contln~ed. garden, an exquisite bower of palms The boy took the transmitter and his Integrity, but now she had nban· ty expensive trip tor little Muddy, and roses artificially piWnted by a spoke Into tt: doned him to his fate, people wonld be- I wondered It we couldn't help her out "In a word." laughed the judge, famous French arUst, with ttl rech. "A parti called to see Mr. Under. gin to talk. There was no use keopo a lltUe." "'you mean that anyone traloed to ercbe restaurant, III picturesque wood" Ing up a hopeless flght-sulchl was "Ot course We can," !laid John, gly. ..end my mind can tell just wbat's tzlganes, and Its superb view of all Th~re was a brlet paUle, as If the the only WilY out! hi" hll wife a generolls' klal. "Just ltiasslng tn my braln?'~ Manbattan Island. person upstairs wae In doubt whether He stopped In front ot a mirror, you write and t~ll her that I'll b. only ' f ":PreolseIT," replied the doctor with The Astrurla was the last word In to admit that he wal home or not, starUed nt wbat he saw there. It loa glad to pay r~r her railroad ticket .. 8mlle "the psychologist can. teU with expensive apartment hotel building. Tben oame the answer. The boy was the face of a mnn not yet 30, hut back bome again as sooQ, ' 811 Ihe eSeImolt mathematical accuracy juat Arohlteots declared that It 1\'as as tar loo\.ted up. ' apparenUy much older. The features cldoll to 10."-Barp4!r'l Weekly, ow your mental meohanlsm Ie work· a, modern lavlsbness and extrava· "ke says you Ibquld go up. Apart. were drawn and haggard, and his dl\rk ng. J admit It sounds unoanny, but pnce could go. Its Interior arrange· ment 166. Take the elevator." hair was plentifully streaked wltb If It'l Your- Eye U.. PettIt'. Eye •• ~ It can be proved. In fact, It bas been menta were In keeping with Itl ex. gray. He looked like a man who had for inflammation, ..ya, itchina llde; ey. proved, tims and time araln." ternal splendor. Its apartmentl were In hill luxllrloUl appointed rooms on lived two Uves In one. To-night bes acbee, defect. of vision alld HDiitirity to li@hta. AU druaI.t1 or HoWard i Alloia came up and took the doc- ot noble dimensions, richly decorated. the fourteenth floor, Robert Under- face frightened him. His eyes ha~ a atrone 81'011., Buffalo, N. Y. , tor'l arm. and eQulppedwltb every device, new wood sat before ·,the Ore pumng ner- f\Xed stare like those of a man bf "Oh, Dr. Bernstein," she protested, aDd old, that modem Bolence and yously 'a t a strong cigar. All around had once seen In a madhouse. He Conlulted Him' Oftlrl. " oaD't allow the Juqe to monopoUse bunden' Ingenuity could s)lggeat. That him was a litter of obJeta d'art, luch wondered It men looked like that when !tlrs. Benham-=-){ealtb' II weAlth. Come -lth me I the rents were on a s""le with th. al -ould have IDled th.e heart of aft- th y were about to be executed, Wae ou In tbls W "" Benham-At th, rate you have tile ..". • .,....,.. .., not his own hour .close at lian"? He ant to lnt~uce you to" a mOlt ,. doctor y~U ought to ",et rlcb Quick." ICbarmlq woman who la dylq to wondered why the elook was so noll,. ~eet you. Sbe 18 perfectly craaT OD It seeme'd to him that the ticks were Dr. Plerce'll Plea..nt 'Pellets , I'l!8ulate p!ycbolol1." louder than ' usual. He started eud· and invicornte atomaeb, Ih'cr IlJId bOwell. ugaNlOAted. tiny, eranulCl, UI)' to take. "Don't Introduoe , me to ber," denly and looked around fearfully. He . laugbed ' the Judge. ''I aee enoqb tbought he bad heard a lound outs'de. 00 no~ jp'ipe. iCraq people ill the law. courts." He shuddered as he glared toward U1e II Ie possible to bave too mucb of • Dr. Bernstein emlled and followed little drawer on the rlght.hand side' of his desk, In whloh he knew tbe!'e wu good thing. Tbe dog 'WIth the IIhorteet b1s bOl~". Judge Brewater turned tall ruus the least danger of havlDI to chat with the banker. From the CUI' a loaded revolver. tin cans tied .to It. l.ant ,:nulo room came the sound , of It Alicia would only relent e~l'(I.pe ~ plano .and a beautUul loprano voice. might yet be possible. It he dl4 not lIrs. WID.low'. Soothllllf S,mp fol' OhlJ4Nft 'Tbe rooml 'w,re now crowded , and hear from her it m'u st 'be for to·nlr;ht. tee~hIDg. IIOt~. the ImD8, l"fJ(luee. In/lamlD'" .newcomers were arriving .~qh min. One slight little pressure on tll8 lrlg· UOD, .. I~. palA. cure. _104 (folic:, ~ .. bOnle.. ,ute. Benante lIallecl in and out aerr. ger nnd all. wo'lIld be over. , . 1t i's sweet to 'Leel by what ~ne spun ing Iced delleaclel and ohampagn.e . Suddenly the bell of the telephone Suddenl,. the butler entered the connectlng the apartmedt with the ,Ulrends our arteotiOD.iI are drawn towon and, quietly approaohlng Altoln. main ' hall downstairs rang violently. &etber.-S.te~n!!, • bnded bel' n letter. IIi a low tone Interrupted thus abruptly to tbe Dnlpts (!~erywhere sell Oarfleld TIlR be Aid: , midst of his ' reflectto., Underwood tlio Herb laxntive. 1t aoLI a. a IlCmtlfl aid "Thi. lettA, hal JUlt come, m'm. jumped forward, startled. His nerns to '&ture, The , mea&Q~ger .Aid It was very 1m. were 80 uustrung that he- wan e'Sf ~l\ta~t and J should deUver It a' apprehensive of danger. With a trem, Can ' lf wowan become a member of IOnce." 1I10us band, took boid or the ra- the Daughters of the Revolution just Alicia turned pale. She InstanUT celver nnd placed It to hts ear. As he \)ecause ber ancestors murdered the . 1'8COpiile4 the ~ndwrltlng. It .was listened, his already pallid face turned '!lng's English? from Robert Un4-erwood. Was not her wblter and the lines about his ~outb Wt melJAAle' IIqoughT BQW dare he Ughtened ~ He besllated a moment be. addre.. ,ber ",atia aDa at such a tlmeT fore , replying. Then, with an ertort, ~tlrlq ,to an Inner. room, she .t ore he said: IOpen the envelOf)e and read as follows: "'Send him up." Dear ,Mra. .r~tr.dea: Thl. Is the lut . t Dropping tb.e recQJver, he brlgan ' to \lme I .hall .v~ bote you :1\'11·11 my Jet· walk nervously up and down 01" 'e~ You bave forbidDen ' m. to aee you room. Th~ crisis bad come sooner tllalS -.aln. you hut have.. .entencel! he expeeted-exposure was at II' and me to , 'aPractically livIng death, I prefer 4eath .hall not be partlltJ, but fuU nnd This man Bennlngton was the man The tamlly ""Ith "(tUIl, chlld~n thq.t II IJtUo .tomMh mueel... oomptelo obUvlon, 1 take th" moana of ager ot the firm of dealers whose without JJlckneas. In the hOUie now and coi:ract thll trqUb". lettJi1, )'9U k\lOW that unl .... you revoke a I, rare, and ao It t. ImPOrtant thlLt T.hl.l" 'not &10M olll" ODbIIoa tillt th~ then )'our cruel, sentence ot llDnl!lhment, I goodll he disposed 0(. . e could not' the head o~ thll houlI8 Ibould know what of Mra. N. HI Mead of 'JNM~ x __,"' '. ahall make an ond of It all. I aball be make restitutiou. pTosecutlon was In· to do In tpe little emerceblliea tha~ a1,'l1.. whQl'O' araDI1lI&u~btu II.. be8W taldq. I found CJeacJ, Monday mornln", nnd you 'evltable:' DIsgr~ce , and prison wOllld A ol)lI.d with 0. .~rlou, allln!4ll\t needs a- .uccetllrullt IUIIIW O~ra. ,.' ~R. WblOq It Is true, but In' tile majoritY ot of .J.<cna, WIi. "rho Y" It,to ~ chllil.... know who .. I'CSPOOlllo\e. follow, He could not sta.nd It', he doctor, Inlltnncea, , 0.1 any; dOolor kRQWBi the cl1lld and ' tJLltea It' ~ . Jl~'Ie IOI4.ta 1lft1 YO\lte devoteil'y sulT. e ra from lome 1nte.UniJ ~l'oubte. oent and ·0'" iloU." bo~ ·.ev1 17 ROBEI\T' UNDERWOOD. would rather 'klll hlmseU. TrOUble was c;onlltlpatlon. . , .dm&'. .tOu, but If ' OIl ~Jt CO'!teet 'lt ta An an(l'y exclamatio.\l escaped very ' close at hand, that was certain, ulually There Is no senile In, stv~n" It a pili or your tawlY beto"" YQU bur' It iMftct ~. AUcla'. IIP8, aile! crushing tbe note up How could he get out of" It? Paclns' a· rellledy containIng an op ate, . nor-1 _IIl, addrees to Dr' (;fat4wel1 aile! "'. wtU foi'. nushlng of he bowels to bo always rec- wai'd D'· .unpl" tree A#I ..,, _ _ ./ , tn bel' ', band, ahe bit ber fips till the the floor, he bit 'bls lips Ull the blood ommencled. Rll,ther give It a limall dose . . . "l # ~.1r! of a mild, gentle laxative t.onto like Dr. . For the ' f~ile 811,niDt,~4~ <Dt. " JJ. blood came. It was just 1\11 she feared. calne. Caldwcl\'o Syrup PepsIn, whIch, -by clean, Cnldwell, ~l C6k1w~1 bUll., lfoDd· The man was desperate. He was not _ . ' There was a sharp ring at tbe frnnt lnC out tho bowela and strensthenln&, the ceUo, nL , . '. to be got rle! of so easily. How dare _ , ' door. Underwood opened It. A8 he be-how dare he? The coward-to recognized his visitor aD the thre.h· think thaI Ihe could be fI'lgbtened by " ..yel, I MUlt 8ee Him at Onoe." old, be exclaimed: . ' such a tbteat. Wbat did sbe care It , "Wby, Bennington, tbil! is a SUI' be' killed bl~eln It would be good ,grandeur of tbe establishment' gQes connoisseur with joy. 011 paintings prise!" ' . riddance. Yet suppose Ire WWl In without saying. Only long' purses Iii heaV1 gilt frames, of every period The mailager entered awkward·ly. earnest. suppose he did carry out hili coulCl atand the strain. It ' was a fa· and school, RembraDdta; Ouyps, Ruys: He had the constrained air of a man . , (breat? " Ther~ would J>e Po terrible vorlte headquarters tor Westerners daels. Reynoldses, ,Corots, ~enners, who ' has come on . an uJ;I.llleasant , ortc&ndl;ll, an Investigation, people who had "struck It rich"" wealthy aome on ea~els, .some resting on the rand. but wants to be as amiable al would Wk, her ne.me would be men· bachelors, and 8uccesltul actors . q.nd iloor; , handsome French bronzes, I the olrcumstances w111 permit. tloned. N<>-n<>-that must be pre- opera ' singers who loved the limelight dainty oblna oD Japanese teakwooCl , "You didn't exp ' ct me, did you 1" h. "ented at all coats. on and off the etage. tAbles, antique furniture, gold em. ~ began. ' • DlJJtracted, not knowing wbat course Sunday ,evening was usually exe~d.. broidered clerical vestments, banc!· I Shutting the (ront door, Undery,rood to pursue, she paoed the fioor of tbe Ingly quiet at the Astrnrla. Most : ot painted soreens, costly oriental ' ruga~ led the wa), back Into the Ilttlllg rOOm. room.. . Through, the closed door she the tenants were out of town over the rare ceramlcs-eU ,were . conCusedlY/ and making, an effort to co~trol hlJ ciould hear the 'muslo and the cb8tter week~end', ' and as the "restaurant ant! Jum~led together. On a 1P'aDd plano nerves. sald: . . . 4f her ~gueat8; She m'tiat go to lie, root garden were only 8l1rnly patron. 1n a oorner of the room stood two tall "Sit down, won't you?" . ,Under;wood, at once, that was certain. Ized, the ' elevators ran less' frequen*ly, ololsonne vales ot almost l~e~tflX!9le But Mr. Hennington Dl,er~ly bo,,!e4 and ~er . visit must be a secret one. making less ,chatter and busUe In ·qor. value. ,. On a desk close by were piled sUmy. n was evident that he did not 'I'~ere was already enough talk., . , . mrnlatures ' and rar,e Ivories. The wlllh ' bls call to be mlsta1ten fdr a ' aO: . If her enemlal ' could bear ' of her vis. rldors and stairways, Stlllpess reigned wa1l8 wefe covered with tapeatrlei, olal visit. ", ' tUng .bUn alone in his apartments that' ~verywhere as It the ' sobering Inftu~ armor, an,d trophies ' of arm8. More "I baven't Ume, thank Y9~. To h. would be the end. . .e~ce of the ~abbatb had blVaded even Uke Po museum than a sitting room,.1t frank,''my mls810n Is 'rnther a deUcate "Yes-I must see hlDi at once. To· this e~cluslve domain of the unho~y wat the borne Of '8 man who made a one, Mr" UndeJIWood." . • morrow Ie Sundliy. He'f! sure to be rl~!I . . rhe uniformed attendantl!, hay· buifnes8 ot art or made of art a bUll. ' (TO BE CONTINUJj:D:5 bome In the' enning. He 'mentions lug nothl':l-g to do, yawned ~ny to DetlB. ' i , N d ' I g ' 'T' " III till be the deserted . halla. Some eve~ , In, .' , on ~yrlmlorn ,n · . .....herle w S I .. dulged In surrepUtloUl napa in corUnderWOOd stared mOodUy at the tl me. go an d see m t o·morrow. · , .,,' , . "MI-:tal Alicia!" , ~el's, confid~nt that ,~~ey would ·n'Ot ' glowl.ug lor;l ln tbe open chfm ey· The door opened' and Mr. Jeffries be disturbed, .C"pers were s~ rare plaq~. ,HUt faoe was pale ' and :. de, put hi" Il~ In. ." ·that when some , one did ent~r ~om. termlned. Af~r com!ng I.n ftopl the "Wh.t ~e y~u doing here, my tho str~t,. he wal, I~ked: upon I·wlth r8!Jta\lrant ' lle had chan~d ~18 , 4ear?': he , aSked. .' "I was' looklns 8Uf!\lf~,lon. I . ' • . ' • • edo for \lie more ,eo~f9rtable 'bOUle ~verywh.re for you. Judge Brewster . It waa shortly BIter seven o'clOok coa~ ~othlnl cRlled 'hlm that ,.,tlehea . to ""1 good·nlght!' . ' th~ , day 10110'Ylng ~ . . 'J effrtes' re- ' p&rtl'Cular B~nday . even,ln.,', "I wu pxlnl' my balr, that's alV' ceplJion when a man came)n )b,Y the o.ne Wal li~e~y .to J dJ.turb bl~ 1 . replled Alicia with IKIr(ec~ comPOe' ' B1aln entrance tro.m Br.O.dwa,. , and bI,s man 8el'Van~; ~d, · taken hie ure. ap~ro.lehl,Dg one of ,the ballI, bp", In· Sunday o~ aDel would not retUrll qutted for Mr. Ro])ert Une!erw~. piJdDl,Iht. The apartment was The boy gave hi, Inter1oautQi' at:I the IJf&Ye. It "'U- 10 hlgb aboye ~ CHAPTER V. ' Impudent ltare. 'Ale,re wu IOmetbln, atreet that not a lOund r8acbed up Amotag tile many huge caravall88rlel' abOnt the ~ler'a dresa and manner from the noll1 Broad• .,.- below. Un· tbt of "808nt ' Yf'arB have 8Pl'11ilg up which told him' tnattnctlvely' ~.t be 4erwoocl Uked tile qutet 80 that III New York til prOytde luxurious wae not, 4ea1lq lrJth • . ~1e1t9l' !,bom, could tblDk, and be ".. thlnJdnC , quarten ~UII of coat for tboaa he mwit treat reapeetfully. No, one On the Gat den at bla elbbw • lao .... dotcl to III.J' for tbe beat, dl,1Dea • or IOCIaI cJalD~ of bJaoJE _ _:-ItDaoa14 ate . In llIe 8tatl1ll ar _ted . thaD . .:,ar:: ..-Jiildl*·~ I"
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I' "
CANADA, , ~. COUNnNG 'IT$ " GOu) Practical fashions
Orop' condltlbn. t~~liout ' tbe 1fUt of panada were not ea.. bof notwlth· Itand1n.C t~!I.-e ~ereexceuent C~PI. • Rei>orta come froan dUlerent ~ to the .,enta of the Cpadlan 'lo"ern'ment, "boBe ll~rature , tel18:'& ' Iood llllrt of tbe, ltol'f. that the cropi ~ mQllt ~IGceS were. Ip~dld. " At Caltol'• .Al~'l, Ji'. Gallowa,'l oat crop tbresbed 8~ "busllel/l to the aore, machfne measure. and •• bWlhel" b1 weight. Alex ' Ro~erlBon of DcIlllle, Alta., bad 20 busbeta to the acre on 876 aoro/f, fJr. &I H• .Clark. 17 bush· ell to the .acre"1)n 77 acrel. Sheldon !\4ml.ll 20 t· bUllhel,s on' 160 acrel. J. ,Lanti thre~hed ·3.600 buabels ot! 200 ':cr~ J. HamUton. 6,200 bUlllels ot! 2U acre,. Mrs, ' Hoalller had an II,V' erlLl6 of 26 bushels per acl'8 on 100 aCl'8I. ' .Chambeni Bros! got 13,270 I. , bUllhel1 ott 650 acres, . FertJre 'Valley dla'trlct, O. Rollo, bad an average ot 26 f)uebels to the acre OQ a total crop of 10.0QO bushels. E. Brown of Pincher CNlek had a ylel4 of aa buab~lli on' bla w1nte~ wheat: W. Walker, l.{lss Walker and John Oo~rt_ a)1 had an average yIeld of 26 bUlbels : Mt, Fftzliatrlck. 23, and Mr. Freebalrn. 20. Cbarles Nelson ·of Bon Acc9r<l. AI~rta, )lad threebed bJl crop' of 6,000_ bUahels of grain. wheat, oat!l ~d ba~Je1. from 210 aQl'e. or-old ground. Wm • .LOgnn ofl 4eoord lB rtfported'1OJ1ave ·thr.hed '00 bWlbel. of whf)at f,om 9 aores or new break· lD,e, iiI-. oata It tl I&id ;riel ding over - 1..q0 bube11 t o the ~te" Robert' Mar· tin of Belbilck, Balk.: from 100 acres sO!. ' bela or wheat. Oeo. A. O.mpbell o.t Caron, ~aslt" from l30 acrea luupner tallow got .0- bushel a "" acre, and' trom 60 acres stubble got It ·bWlhela Pel" aOre. One ot the farmers of Col01UlaT thresbed out 88 bu' jl or wt)e.at pel' aerefrom 1110 acree .ummer tanow, and another 83 bu,bell per acre. James , Olen .ot DrJIlQater•. Suk., b8d 36~ llUshols 'pel' &Cfe; 40 acrel 1U~~er .fa1,l0w,. It bual!.ela .,." acre: ..&0 aores stubbie, IT JNabeJa per acre: toW. 6,680 bubell off ZOO actee. .t,be Wlnten o~ "e~lns has : U buabela of 'wheat · per aCl'e. .At QoYan, Benjamin Arm· ~roli8' lid aa bullela to .t he 8ore. iobn Olamlln, U bustieJa, Qharl8ll La~ . busbela. J. K Taylor, 36 .buJl.... W. Small, t.060 bushels on '0 ~ ~. 1'. Moore. 6.600 buabel. gn 116....... J. 16cLeap, 1,600 bubo _ '13 acr,.. W. Bopwooa, 1,7611 · ti'aItieIa ~n 80 acN8• . W., Or&1. Ifill hlbeIJ _ ao &ONt. W. Ourtln, 860 ~ Jon Me,.,..
Alway~ .DiVinely. . .
,. Oloyer w. !Mala of hard,y IU~. ~ 1M_ nerrw\tere and brinp two to »'ge rolWDI crop. moually. vIaorou., healthY, kind p1aJJted ti:r
SprlAI Medlcl ...~, . .e
HOI"d of WilCQnGn and thou ..
other IUcceeaful fUJllen thron«Jt. U. B. We are tbe Jaraeet 1Il'0W~ crutel . teed oate. ·",beat, potato... et~., in America. In ws mail you:
Needed Now, and the B~.t . Is Hood's Sarsaparilla
Pkt. HI ,Lm~~nl~~lra~~l:A1falf& Which purifies, enriches and ~evjtalizes the. blood as DO; HERE o.re the estraordlD 1I Pkt, 10 TonC1~r. wender. 8r1 pulplta. And they ~. I Pkt. Bu per A. other does. 4°,366 testimonia'}s of cures, ip two yeara..· 259 Bu. not 80 by mere chanoe 1 Pkt. Neither did mere human I Get it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsataba. l DDelu:-·tDO effort make ' tIIem s 1i'4 or mol'll Impure Blood is common In the Root" Blrk. .nd Herbe-Hoocttl . Nor did providence by U.. Doveltl" or ranUee. tqaether O"~I' bl, J\I for Iprln" because ot the unhealthfUl Sarsaparilla so combines the l1'.eat t self atlcompUsh tIIle. But eatalol, brlttlinlt witli Ieed lOe In .tamp., or eend 2& a .",e add the co-operation of tbe bu· abut big pacbsre fllmou. French betul coffee! model of llvlng durlnc the Winter. curaU.,e principles of rools, barks aJl4; Ullin wJtII the divine lave John A. Selur Seed Co., 182 Soutn 8th St" and It II the cau8(' of lbe loss of berbs as to rn.lse tbem to their hll~ I WIJ. them WI dlsUnction. Ood cannot 1& appeUte and that Ured feellng u e8t emclency tor lhe cure ot all spr~ ' make an extraordinary pulpit alone. well as the lores and eruptions that humors, all blood diseases. and ru. But' God alone can make It luch, ProvPOINT OF VIEW. occur at this time. down condlUons. Idence hu been ve" JdDd to suob pul· Be Bure to take Hood's th.ls spring, There Is no sublitituta for HooQ'. pita. Tbey have beeu endowed .wltb superior natural ablllties. E;sceptlonal· Ellen Terry', Joke. Iy reaoorceful In tbelr intuitive facul· When Ellen Terry was presented tiel and powers. Intellectual sianla. with a Fouudel's' gold medal at tbe Able to dllcourse In a masterful man· New tbeater, New York, recently- an ner on tbe profoundest subjects of the The Man-Geel The water · ls Dne honor contened In recognition of her time, Blessed with more than.. or· g!'eat serv.lces kl dramatic art- sbe . dinal'f oratorical powers. They were today. The F1sb-Tbat·s all rIght, but wh,at waa called upon to make a speech of "colden.mouthed." Their names bave acceptance. It eo happened that the This prelty walet recalls tile baby Jecome synonyms of eloquence. Tbey I want to know Is how's Ule land? actress was exceedingly hoarse and . waist ot long ago. although It Is Quite ;lOS des Bed rare ablJlUes for leadersblp. she was tberetore forc~d to cut ber Tbelr Influence over the mallles was COULD NOT STAND SUFFERING dlt! rent in cut. . remal'ks short. So she told this etory: almost ma,teal. ' Tactful In the perThere is n yoke here. but It Is "A frlclrld ot mine once bougbt a parFROM SKIN ERUPTION .tn 'ono with the upper part of tbe ((irmance ot every duty. To all thla rot and gave much money tor It with sleeves. Below it tbe material is fair· there was added lometlmes an 1m· ''I haYe been using Outlcura Soap the understanding I!hat It could speak Iy full In both back and (ront Ind posing personality. Ood made theso and OuUcura Ointment for tbe past fluently, but wben he reacbed home the clolJlng Is III tbe center ot tile m<:>n and tbese pulplta. Wby does he three months and I sm glad to say with It he found to l1.ls dismay that back. nut make more suoh' We cannot 'pos that they cured me ot ' a most annoy. the bird was dumb. So be took It This Is a blodel which demands Ithely lay. But we do DOW that In Ing .skln eruption. It begsn by my no- bacle. 'This parrot cannot say a word: 110ft materia], at least (or the low· all profeBSloDII there are but few who tlclng red blotcbes appearing on my he said Indignantly to the bIrd fancier. er l)ortloD. Tbe upper part may bill tower head and ,houlder above tIIelr face and scalp. Although they were 'It can't talk at all.' 'Talk! ' tile deal· something SubstBDtlal. A good com· contemporaries. rather dlsflgurlng, I did not think any" er exclaImed. 'Come to thInk of It. I blnatlon Is silk for the yoke and net The Of'dlnary Pulpit. thin, or them until they began t.o get know It can't. bllt Ii's a de.,n to tor the balsnce. AIlother Idea Is to There Is the ordinary pulpit. There scaly BDd dry and to Itch and burn think.' " uso Ihien for tbe yoke. BDd Bome- la ' no virtue In being ordinarY. Neither untll I could not stand tbe suffering. thing embroidered for f.lle rest of the II It a dls!1'ace. Or~llnary pulpits are Tben I began to use a dlt!erent soap. His Light. wn.lst, Agaln embroidery for the yoke found everywhere. Ever;r denomlna· tblnkln, tbat myoId kind might be . Ella-He Bays that I am the lI,ht and dotted IIwlss tor tbe full portion. Uon II full of them. They are of, hurting me, but lbat didn't seem to do ot his llte. The pattern ~6369) 18 cut In Ilzes dlnary, howe~er, In ~ limited sense. any good. I went to two different dooStella- That'S cas. 32 to 42 Inches bust measure. Medium Ordinary, perhapa, trom .. human tori but neltber seemed to relleve me size requires 2% yards of 86 inch m. stundpolnt, but never from a divine. anT. I lost many nlgbts' sleep I con. The hlcl\lto FIfe ould havlI been pro· terla\. . \ Yet an ordinary pulpit never has an . tinual scratching, sometimes acratcb. nmtcd wilh ODC 11 il of wllter, but the w,, ~ r w os not handy. Keep a bottle Ilf To ' ptoel.\.fO thIs pattern send 10 cents ordinary miB8lon. The work la not Ins till I drew lbe blood on my face WiUlrd Oil bandy and prevent to "Pattern Department," of thlll paper. ordlnar;r. The responslbliltles aie not and head. Then J started In to use Hnmlin. the fiery pains of infiammlltion. Write name and addres. plalnly, and be ordln~. The results to be acbleved the Cuticura Remedies BDd In two sure to give .Ize and Dumber ot, patt.ern. ftre not ordlnar;r. Here are found ' lbe months I was entirely relieved ot that And mnny 1\ man never reallzes the more bomely «ttts. There Is nothing awful pest. I am 80 delighted ove.r vnlue or his home until he hIS oeca- . spoetacular abou~ sucb pulpits.' Tbelr my cure by Outlcura Remedies that I sloJl to collect the fire In8urBDce. NO, 5359. UZB ••••••••••••••• •• deeds are not heralded abroad. The sball be glad to tell anybody about N A.ME •••••.••••..••••••••• 11 ••••••• , -:-•••••••• field of operation II mOre or lea8 cll' It." (Signed) O. M. Macfarland, 221 GlU'field TeB pm'iAes tbe blood, eleanee,s cumloribed. Their tame Is only 10- Welt llGth Bl, New York City, Oct. 6. the aystem. cleal'8 the compledon'aeradl' TOWN ................................ __•••.• , •• cate. disease and prdmoteJ Good ealtb. cal. No antiquity. popularity. beauty, 1910. 81"REft A.NJ) MO ....................... . Cutlcura Soap (26c) and CuUcura ' wealth. attaches to tbem. But wh1 The, mensure or · what we ealJthem ordln&l'1' Are tbey not dl· Ointment (60c) are sold throughout eTATE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,Inely allPolnted and commllsloned T the world. Send to Potter Drug 41: admlro 18 the mea8ure of ADd when the pulpit is doing ill dt· Ohem. Corp., lole props .• 136 Colum. worth.-Dob8on . meb' . appointed work It Is not or- bua. A. ve., Boaton, tor tree book on A TEN;OORE 8KIRT. PILa CUBED DT G TO 1& DAY. ._ dina". En;' true pulpit II divine. Ilr.ln and Icalp diseases and their YODrdrillo . d .t .. III NIlIID. <l moDe, It PAW O~ IIKIn' fill. to aure ."1 ett. . . of llcblo~, BIlD4, Bad men are to be made eood, and ~atment. Bh.ed ..,.. or P~I.nI~t.oc I'll.,. 10 II to It rood Ilien ~tleT. . Soule .are ',to 'be - - - - .- - qulcke',ed, cJieere4. buUt \lP, and The Flna' Settlement. Inconsistency often meBDS thoBe helped heaTenww. Thls ,la the trult "A 1'8rdlct tor $10,000 Isn't ao bad," deeds In another whlcb I only half h; lItiiKI .0D!lJM. 'reporta It" 'l"bich lB the end of eve" true pUlpit. said 'the junior partner. "How . much understand. ~. to tbe acre. 'P, P. Epp of 'fbll Is God's standard. thJs . tl the shall we elve our client?" ' ..iI'I.... . 1lU 8& 1-8 b\l8llel8 per. lIuprelDe telt. Doea the pUlpit ineaa"Ob, sive him ISO," answered the Garfield Tea 18 the beat remedy for con· T~i a1 bUlbe)1 per ure up to this' It la, II It then or- aenlor partner: "But hold!" Gtiplltion. Take 11 cup before retiring • ~ Quia Dear. Ii buabeJa per . T The p~plt 'bould be conti.. "WeIl1" un fIenD .. urea. Wm. T~el8(!n, A woman always Cears sbe won't be "Don't be hasty. Promise to give ually warm~ with Pentecostal .. re. I ~ . . . min 100 aorea. P. P. In time for the bargain sale. And tbe 11re sbould eJ;lkindle ~e in· him $60." % \. 8cbulb, 1, bUlhel1 ~r acre from 100 1m· 'rense whlcb alcenda up into Bat. H. Wlotu or Manor, I Our ' clienll who acted 00 our 'advice 'medlate 'prelence ot God. The fire In· ·SUJr.. Jt.a4 18 bubela ·1tbea.t and '15 fn tha purchase of only three lllltabdlcatell true terveDcy. , It Iho.wa that }jahed dividend· paylug stocks JIlado ~ cIC daUI '~1 acre • . 1' d Cobb, the pulpit. Is to be known Y Its ardor. 92. 2% 00 their investment »etweeo to bualleJa ~f wheat and 75 bubell ot rt Is a token or deep Iplrllu~IIt7. It HOUIIewQrk i. drod,ery for the weak wom.a. 8bI bruabAugust 5; 1910 and February lof, IgU, oatI , . Jac~ RoblnlOn, '89 e., due.. nd acroba, or II OIl ller feet ell day ...... CO I. not enough to bave con:ect view&. 01 or.at the rate of 184-2% Annually. • bub,elI or w~t 'per acre. Wm. Kin· the m.ny detair, of the boUMbo.I~. her b.ck achln~, her OhrJat ed the atonement. to J) &1 lD We ha.... preJlarc4 .. baudaoine lJookle.. cl.., or ,.lIeatQQe. iJask" had 88 buah· \dUOlr bow tid" ....... done, ellpl.II'bI. U.e temple. throbbin" Den" qulveriDC lIader the .t..... of tbe Dame ot Jelua Chrlet our Lord, .to operatlon ot trndlng in U.e etock Dlll'ket. paiD, pollibly diZZl' feelin~.. 8om.tilDes rea. la bed Ie ... bt ,wllq pell aaN. R. J i Moore. I and .bo.... lng bow_onnoUJI profile can be have o~thodos vlewa ~f an exceptional Dot refreahin" beoauee the poor tired Derves do DOt perI made wrtll .. minimum ot · rta'k. THI8 40 1QIae" (,t ~heat per acre. MartJD /lort The pulpit must be sacriftclal ll00ttLET '18 J'REE lI'OR THE A8JlING. ail.· of refrethin, .Ieep. '1M real .aeed or weak, aenoue Rodd1,18 '_hal. of wl1eat per acre, In all that the word lJDpll«!s. Wlllln, to WAITE '-OR IT t:ODAY "omeD Ie "ti.fied by Dr. Pieroe'. P."orite Preecrip'io.. i. b; . 81ft01l of MqoBe Jaw" bad 87 · sacrlftce everythlns tor God's ,lory CHARLES I. DOIEHAI • CO. . . . . . wbeat per aore: oala. ~O .bulb. It Makes' Weak Women Stronll OOMMI8810N BROKER8 and for the sake of bumanfty. Wu se Bro.d New York 0", ~ IIeII ~re' a~, U bUlhels to the not the minIstrY of Jesul of tbtl na· and.Slck Women Well. acre. .Jobo Smith qf New Warren r ture! Let the pulpit be consecrated, rli'• •• Pre.er,,,tloll" tIl. ·e•••• " At This skirt 18 one wblch we would .f Iff• •" . . . . . . . h ••I. ,.".,.. had II baabell of wheat pel' a9N!, recommend for summer ,fabrics, as It sBDctlfted. holy. Let It be equipped • •UOII ."d .'eer.,'o", •• d ellre. tlJo •• Be matter of your own time. by lbe Holy qholt. Then l~t It be orRelaDa w. Lal~' hacl 85 bWlhel1 Is well adapted to narrow widths. w.......e. .0 "ee,,".r to wo.e". It "'.lIq,,'lIae. tIl. IIerr••, .neour./Je. tIl. U. . . 10 tN ~"I WI H. Dunc~, wheat, It 18 cut on tJle latelt Unee, with no Illnar1. And may their number ~ In8/lII.llto IlId"o •• re."'" b~ . . Uie ,0 0... 18 bUlhe11: IUPIlrftuou8 material tn It. The front ~reased and Dlultilplled. Dr. Pierce I. perfeotly willi", to let eYer)' one kno" wbat G. JJ: 'BeIUbeat, 36 lI~"s .to the BDII bllck uremado as flat as pos!llble WhcS · I. Fit for Honor' hi•• , Favorite Pre,cliption." coottlina, a complete lilt of ..cre~ti, 7'() bushels: 0.111. ROUwell. by tbe use ot panfills BDd the side Who shall ascend Into the bill ot iil,redien" on .he bottle-wrapper. Do Dot lei .oy unlcrop• 1& bU. . . ·to the '.c~: 1. Me-Kinn,s. 8eams uto jotDed together In the usual the Lord? Or wt>o. ,s hall stand In h\1 uloue .dro"i.t .P,e~ulde J'ou that bil 8ub.titute Of UDknowD . . , Wheft{ 15 ~u.tiel.luuimer t~low i 20 compOiitioa il ,1< Jrut .. ,.u" la order that be mlY make holy · place? WltJl wJlat ' trem.en~ou. .b'UaWli .tu~~k; oats} 80 bUlhels; J. w~hl!l skirt offers a particularly force this question c~tnel to us. It • bl"er p·rofil. JUlt imile ud .bake your head I Dr. Plercie', Pl_nt Pelle.. curca liver ilia. a. .00D.y'~ .8f bliabel. or:w)1ea\: 80 Dne modt\1 for linen : wbloh can be demands ear.n est cpnslderatlon. It .j< buabili ' . o~ lJtubble, . At Tel!lles, richly oitibrold.ored, ' and It Is also suit. clambrs for an aU/Iwer': Who Is tit rot J ofthi. papetao.. W~ had•• 1Iushels wbeat'to ·lLble for "'lngb"'m,' pong. , ni.adras, thll holy fellowship? Who ' ,s pro ttie utrace.· 8. bUI~el.. . • . .. -.,. ,irio_ pared to enter ' upon tbls tranllcendent • Inytbill!ltoedbll)' __ 81 ·bll.,belll '1;heae were cheviot and. serge. , '1?1I"""~UUII~el' fa low1 .'Major BrOs, .• The pattern (6'191) la cut In SIZCD 22 service? Be wbo baa clean bands, tiled in itt mlumlll .boule! ·ind IIJMII' "8t:ulllbl8" ~.u .Xt 'l'uford Sask" ,~o. 82 inches, walst measure. Medium and a pure beart, What a concise banna what they uk let, ref1IIiaa all ~Ib~~"'lq '~ 37 ' ! J~ea < sue :reQ\llres a~ yards of 4f Incb ma· yet· all comprehensive statemeut' 'reeubcIitutea !- imiwio.... o. At terla\. 8peoting the character ot the pulpit all parts ot tho city, ~nd ot tho gfl~at IIbrarles -' for attendanco at publlo cnterlalnfDcotB ot prooure itt.. pAttern send JO. eeD~ Iii It pos!llble -that tbe .o ccupant rua, become omclal, perfunctory. a mere to to' "Pattern Department,''' ot fwa paper. ,;.....;..'ii'...nuATIVE TRAINING, ruornl, Inlell ectulU and ."''''ro,'''I,," In ,very departme nt, Unis Insurlnlr d etlnlte .,tla~~tb~' anlt)tlll'r W~lto 04"'''' (ODd .&ddre.. plaJnly. and be. actor In tlie ay. Of. exp.resslng lIentl, .• 'Ure to 81V",lu ; ~nd number of pattern. mentl in ' Wblch, IUs soul hilS. no . I1~rt! :. __.:.0, ..... : end pupil.' Allllred the lndlrbat he Jieeps Uie vineyard ot o.tb~rtI, ......·...."·IlVA ., DEPAnTMENTS' also a. l,nd hla own 'b e .does n,ot keeJl? , Of . SIZe y .••••••••••••••• for g'l'I1duate and apeclaJ ucb OOd once asld,'''What hast thou. a congenIal aOcll.l l atmosof aoolnl graces and ror (0 do to declare my statuteIT'! What ' Is .. largo degree fl'ee trom 11 teai1ul posslblllty 'trom .bloh ~~J avaJle.ble tor lbe Itudy of Music. Art, the Lord graciously deliver lisl--llI. C' mw~d. tn Fovan~.llcal '~eBSenler.
,' ~
Make the Liver't, Do its Duty
8/'." .,
4&,...... ,
---- - --
....: i'l
HOusework /)ruclgery di.,
Miss Bangs 'a nd Miss'Whiton;s
. .'
ODe . T;
, School'·' lor Girls
, County Courts· ~
nmon Pleas Court.
'rbe foll ",iu " gr(llld Ilod peti& to jurol's were cltawn out: .
Orand Jurors. Ralph Fox .................. Franklin Mentz ........... .... F'rankliD Honce F. OOmlHOD ...... Wliyne .I ohn Sinolair .. .. ... .... CleRrore~k l :ha. 0 ~nham ......... Wayne l!l W. Kendall ........... FraDklin Harley E. Warwlok. Turtlecreek R . N. · GunniDgllam ... Deerfield I ) .1. Swink ........... Turt.l ecreek Frauk L . B"rnett ...........&lem Adam Bridge ....., ........FrankUn . W. B. Null ............ Vlearoreek George Van ............. FrankUn Adam Roe80" .............. Franklin Ueber Perrine ...... ..Turtle01'eek
A010unJa were approved, allowed and oonfirmed In the flItates of Jobu' Maraha,lI, deOea.e4. Crystal a1l,d AI. verda Wyle, minors. K"rrll A. and 89ma M. Hatnes, mlnorll, ,Dndley L . Baines 4eoeaeed Jobn 1(0Cann ' " , deceased, Georle W. Bellkle, de ceased, .Tohp· ·N. Irwin, minor, Ohrle. D. Janney, Imbecile, Mar. guerita P. Morey. minor, Abbie E. K eever, d eoeaa ad • J 0b·n Ober Ii 0, I ? eane, MiDllte Ltpplnoott, benefioiary, oebastl8n Maag; deceased, Joseph S. Riddell, deceued. .
I'ollowing are the dales of near-by oounty fair. for the year 1911: '. '. .....Xenia, AURu8t 8, t, 10 and U. Carthllge, Angust 14,15,16,17 and 18 . . ' . t:!prlngl1eld, AugQst 15,.16, 17,18 Bellef~nt.aine. Aogustl5,16,17,18 London, AogU!:It.22, 28,24, 25. Urbana August ~2 23 1>.4 25 .' ' I .. , Wauhlngion O. B ., Augnat 2S, 23. 24 and 25. Owensville. August. 22, 23, 24. 25. Wapakoneta, August 29,30. Sllind Sep&ember 1. Obio Sta'e Fuir Columb 8 A . .. I u, n gust 28,29,30,31 aDd 8eptember 1. Newport, August 28. 29, 30,31 aDd September 1. Dayton, 8eptem ber 5, I, 7. 8'. Marysville 8eptem ber ' 5 6 7 8 , , " Connernilte, September 6, 7, 8, \) BlaDoheater, ldeptember 5, 6,7.8. Ken'on, 8eptember 5, 6, 7, 8 . ;Abl&non, September 11, 12, 13, 14, 'froy September 18 19 20 21 22 '. . , , " Ea~n, September 26, 27. 28,19 Hamtlton October 3, 4,5,6 Rlohwood , Ootober 3, 4, 5, 6 . .. _ .
North Rly... In One NIght Moved lu . Mouth Three Mllee to the , Northward. Th I - -" ere a a "tr~m In thJs atate called the North river. It starts In a pond near Hanson and rUDS to tbc sen at S~ttuat~. IUs ten 'm1Iel by air line from Haneon to Scituate and the river la 40 miles long. This rtver Is probably the moat remarkable body of water barring tbe Dead aea. on this footatool and bas .t~ .more abuse and bo.cl language . lhafl the ChJca&o river. *hen the tide S. comlq In the river rune upstreAnl and not 0Ill7 that, but the upper part of It,. whloh la treah water alao rUDB UP. &ll.d the apectacle of ~ tresh wa. tel' rlYer beattna It up hlll la alone elloUCh to call attenUon to ltaelf. But there S. much more to It tha9. that. . Thla Nortlf t1ver Is noted .~r. 'beln, the acene of the laat 'lndll4 1I&Id on the cout HtUementa. notable tor ba't'1Dc slven blrth to the Ihlp co! lumbl&, WhOM captaln discovered and named the Columbia river and waa the llnt American 'Yels.,l, to clroum_vlpte the world. It Is notorl· oua tor havln, audden17 changed Itl mind on Ita coune on the night of November 27. 18t•• when It moved It, mouth three mn.. to the northward, pr..ented the town ot Manhfteld with a deep harbor. killed three men and converted about 200.000 acree ot prime meadow land Into a Alt mal'llh. But the chlet thIDa about thla river la Ita crookedneu . . ThJa river S. so crooked tb~t ~t double crollea ltaelf.
Tp. Tp. Tp. Tp. Tp Tp Real Estate Tranlren. To. ' B. D. MoVay and "linDY B Gree l'p. Iy.. executora of the will of WUUam Tp. O. MoVay to Harry D. MoVay, Tp. tbrtle traots in Deerfield t.own8hip, Tp. t7..0. Tp. Harry O. Miller to Allee ~ . Tho~p. Tp. SOD, qu" olaim on parcel in oounty, Tp 11 Rnd other oonlliderationa. Tp J . Lee and Mlny F. Thompson to Board of Education of Mallon Village Petit Jurors. School Di8triot, 1.76 acres in Deer. .1. W . Baker .............. Hamllton Tp ' .750 fi eld •.ownsb Ip,. . Vlayton Wbitaker ........... ~)em Tp. S. L. Montgomery to Eva Pa.ker, John Taylor ............ Olearoreek Tp tract in ijaleol town8hlp, '1, eto This harness for two horses with either Pigeon wing . 0ball. T. Elli8 ................ W<,yn8 rp J. 0 Ro~er8 and Amelia Rogerl or square blind brUde, less collars -. - - ~ - $ 18.80 John W . Wilson ........ Deerlield Tp to Wltl&er Gray lots in BarveY8- MANURE-HOW TO HANDLE IT Body part for one horse 8.00 , George C.lmp ........ Turdeoreek 'l'p burg, 'I, eto. A go~d heavy sweat pad .28 John '3harte ............... Franklin Tp. N A. Bamll~n, admini8hator A "rUor who knows pllh It in A good team bridle - - - 1.78 J . B . ~heets ............... lI'ranklin Tp. of tbe estete of WilUalD T. Parker this way: . Check lines 1 1· inches by 18 feet 3.28' W. 0 Gr.. gg ............Olearoreek Tp. to ~ttlpben 1. Gebhart, n&o's In . "Milnure, wbat il it worth ADYW. V . Weloh ..................M1l8 ..e Tp Franklin townshipi ,'680. Rubber mounted buggy harness, the kino most dealway? It is a lot of work to handle 18.00 . ers sell for $20.00, our price - - - . Burton Earnha~t ....... ..Wayne Tp .llludora B. Holmee, ,Joha G It W1ll it pay?'.' You a8k thll, ~:r:ulsd::! pb~~:vl~ ;;':V:~h-:! Frank Hlok8 .......'.......... Barlan Tp We also carry a full and complete line of all kinds of,lIramess Bol'1)88 et al to W. B. Pagt', traot and Thorne of Ohio, and Hopkins of by makin, three loope the rlnr moves ~ B.. G\imore. ,............. Salem Tp. and anytpjng needed fOil the horse. in PleaaaDt Platn, 11. . Illinois. antl.Wer.: 'A. ton of manure toward the ·I'& tor a distance of al· JI,oob Shoemaker ... Wa8hington rp GeorRe T . aod Mary ' A. Wbth ~ may be worth iu general farm or~p moat ftfty feet and meanders about We deliver all goods to your nearest Railroad or Tra~tion stop, Ed ward Sq alre8 ......... FrankUn I L'p. Vinoinnati & t:!p~inll'field Railway returne as mlloh ". fOllr dollars' tor 16 mU.. In dolna It.-Boston Tran· free of cha:rge. . " script. OUnt Oleaver................. Ma.te 'l'p. company, 14 28 acree In Frankltn That II perbaps au extreme estlma&e Arthllr Pressley .....Turtiecreek 'l'p; It la never wortb 1888 than two dol. towD8bip, '20,001. :: , A 8mooth Skin George Klng .............. Deerfielc1 T', Floreaoe A. Coleman. I'annie B. lara. A hOrle makes at le"st twe~ .B laok Baads, Ohap8, Pirnplell, Elder R. Br.w£r ........ Deerfield Tp. Greely .n'd .Ji'anny M. Gifford &0 ty.Jlve dollan' worth of manure in Sores and 811 unbealthy oonditions Elbdrt uon............... Union Tp. Barry D KoVay, 1.3 aorfllin Deer· a year, and usually ooDsiderably of the skin are unsillhtly lind deNew Suit. field toWn.hlp, 11 eta. more. A l&eer makes twsn,>, dol. traot from the looks . Buy a box of (' " Amanda J. Bone etal to Perry lan' wortb and a abeep two ' dol . ~:~~~~t!n~~:rio ~alve, a orea~r l A~ ,!"p~al wa. "ken' ln the oour' V. Bone, traote In Tnrt1eoreek town. "I'll' worth. . Yon keep a good many reot-ed and your S':l~n ~ili~~;s ~~el\; Opposite Wayne Ave, of !Ilagt.'ra~,.meeon to thi. oollrt .btp, ,1, eto. · OOWII, honea and sheep. Are you 8S a bt.be'tt At aU dealers In med. One half block east of D. & U., D. &: w., I;>" &I S. Southh~ ~he oale of F. A.. Braue}' Sonlof 1. B. Vanden-oort and Rath B. neglecting this, tbe bettt of all rev' 10in88. ern Ohio Traction l>epot. . CtDo1!lnatl aga lna ' John Apklnl in Vandervoort to B. Jlt Vandervoott••nu." Btllt beoauae It remai1l,8 - - -•• - • wb.i oh tbe verdlot wall for the de. 117.7-1 alrea, '1, etc. a permanent a.set of fertlUtyon BANDITS' SCHEME IN CHINA fendant, The amount olalmed due MarrIqe ' LIc:eDJeS. your tand . It makee your farm Robbe,.. Thamaelv.a Conduct the II 140 'On merohandlse. wortb more. , Bullln... and ~ollaot PremIum 1Illmira 8ml ~led sutt against Eddte Ol'llborn, ' 20, laborer of • _ • at the Inauranoe au,...u•. Hannah DowmaD, Loni.. PotEl, etal Blanoheet~ and Stella .'MoCartney; Dr. BeII'a AntI.Paln DR. BELL'S AN11·PAIN · to mate 'bem Show wbat lntereet Of, Pleasant Platn. A 8udden attaok of Oholera Mor. The bandits ot Manchuria and Mon· For Intemal an.cI ExtemaJ PaD. .U ley bave In the property deeorlbed Frank Andrew., 23: restaurant bus Is daogerous Keep Dr. Bell'. golla ' have adopted a new way ot ac· aDd that the platn't~'a titt~ be qui leeper oi Lebanon and Lorrana Antl.Pain at hand, a dose rellens qulrtna at I ...t a portion- ot the ,oods d BamlUon, 23) of Waynesvllle. slmod instantly. It also oures Di. ot the traveler. The.e mounted hl,b· e':,."'Vln W. .. dl .' agains, .00tfford t:!hookey, 25, farmer of Flux and all BowAI wa1lDen In· banda not onl1 constanUy attack the .peaceful oAUve population .lohn 8uIUun for the -apP,Otn'mt?nt LebaD6n an.d Mn .Blltzateth Shook . • - • but even rob travelen In broad day· of. ~ver t(. tate oharge of ~ra. ey,32, of Lellanon. CONFINEMENT NOT OOOD lI,ht. . ),H. CItUTaT . ... a pronaton ..aIIlat this danger, neniblp propel ty and 'a&8eU and '&0 Frank L. Miller, 48; blaok8mlab of IIlTII the Oriental Economic RevIew, dl.paM of t;he ..me lUI tbe oourt Wayn88vil18..a.Dd liar Woollard, 28, 010s8 oonfinement of fowl8 i. not may order and W ' dil'trlbnte tbe of Wayn8lvilJe. be8Uor malDtainlng tbelr vitaUty. an lnauranee bureau. w~e one buys IN TH. WOItLD a banner, at a coat of about 1·600 of rtJBUSIII!D WEEnY. $4.00 rEI YEa prooeecla. Wtllllrd J, Wright, at 'Boraoe H. Bowlrer, 34, carpenter Benoa the boast of an adverlleer the yalue of the property to be In· wIth . toney for plalDtl~. of Leland lnd Mabel Camp, 18, of Who olalm. to b~V8 done a '1,500 ured, S. _tabUahed there. lIOUL" DItIJOOIIT" . . .CIA....,... COITU.lltli TitAN • ., .... OAB b1l81nNS with 60 henl on Rround 40 OrelOnl&. • This banner .carried by a traveler . AND '.1.11 IIItVICI O~N PlIOfl':' wUJ .ave him from the bandlt·s at· Court ~I& B. t!. ~)oJlo,er, 41, bardwarl mer feet aquare, aod tG maintain 5,000 , BY UIINO ITe·ADVlItTlIINO OOloU.". tack; tor curloual,. enough they them· In the oaae of David Wal~er VI. ohant of I'raDkltn and Karle chain. ~Breed hens on leu than half an selvea SAMPLE COPY FREE conduct thla Insurance busl· II Noll '" ~l the cOurt, Iraota .... de. l>erltn. 8(, of Lebanon. ' aore of JAnd, Is to be taken wltb ne... But lthaa Ita llmltaUon8. , All for only Add,... NIW YORK OUPII!IIt .New VoN.... Y. (eDhntlleave to ruQ amendm'Dt. ~ • J. G. Wee', 6" jarDier of West a degree of outton . . That they Oan "We paid 'our premtum at the In· . aa.wer. boro and Iln. 'Mary lIl. Goodwin, 63, be forced by apeo1al fetldtnR to .urance bureau," 8ay. a Japaneee • Tile defendant Is gr&oted flve of Mlddlebor.. . •.... a large amount of I.Ylag there I. no traveler. ".ecured a red banner. and our party then ltarted from · Harbin; days &0 'Ille D;\o"onalo 0&18 cf W. B.~, . dO!lbt;. But the oonfinement ~nd. using _vera! sturdy ponies tor ou"': Dr. Belrs Pin~Tar-Hol1ft JaokloD ,va. "nley Thomp80D. .' ProceedIDp. ~ weaken tbe vi&aUty and .the bl eed. aelTe. and the carrying of our lug· 00u,,1ia -"cI Leave lalran&ed plalntiff'a &0 flle '!'he aoooun~ of tbe two de~lklr. lnl ..lue of the ltook. The JDAtlite. cace. AtUn', travellng about ten mUee ...ended petmoo ~ of SpeD~r I. tbe J...ebanon. Natlonal "nk and nanoe of a hardy vl,or req oitres we reaohed a .mall town c,lled Taldu. . . , . See D. W. Aleeks, & MOnroe va. the P. O. C. & ttL L. the (,,"ttisenl Na"onal Bank ..eN abundant; exerolse In oven Rround where we put up at an Inn tor the who will take your 8ubseripntabt In order to 40 bualnela with bur ~. R. Co. . . audited anti foulUl oo~ for the • - • ClUItomeni there. tioll, and ' help him get • _.2 month ot-Febmary ltli " A Fly..... Joke. , "Several ot these C)uetomers y e Alber' Anderson 18 .ppolDMIU rrW.._ fl . 'Hubert Latham, the ADtotne~' new horse. ' goardiaa of &be minor defendaDlelli ..&'~ ~~I .~tem.n• • of the _' , wa. talking, at a tea, ~. LH A.A. to ... u. In .the evenlD' anc) warned 1lII that there were many mounted tbe OIee'of liUv Ill • .Bady va. ~dee ' audt:k)r and t~au"" .howlnl the, ....., to a pretty CaUfo1ll1a IIr1. _ P '1' '. .0;; balanoe in 8801& fand'and aoooDDt.. "Mr. Latham," laid t.be 1Ir1. .. abe balldttJ III the nelghbor~ood. Wilen ...... enoa ea. ""'be DlDetHiiQi waI the .be8tnnlDK of. tbe. .month ..en r . Il aad let. we told them there w.. no cauae for ProNte pr8Mnteci &nd ordered n1aoed ~ tuoe un4wich. '~eJl Ill", d ftJ1q &JlI1et7 on their aecount becautle of the In.uranee, the,. tntormecl ua that 111 ' ...,,; require &11., partiCUlar ~Ppll.catlonT" Edward O. Weer. adDl1l1iatra~r of e. , '"Well. no. DOlle In puUcular." Mr. b, It our .&tet, was paranteed only ···te f J H W d BtIle-Xenla Work 801118, 1KiA'd Latham aDeweNcl. "AmJea or bone on the bJ,hwaya, but tb&t the ' bandit tb e es_ 0 . &IDea . 881'' e , log prllOnere · ......... bureau w.. not rft»onllble tor what ' during I'e b mary, Uillme Ilt -1)ne•. . . e _ . . aDOtJa ...." oeued, dIed ' dOd proof of publica. .0 25 ( ..... R pel • - ...- - mllht happen IIlas4e of an; buUdlna." tl f hla . in t .., ; .., aan en ;0" pen. I)r . .• - ' o;h~ I appo t~en. varloU8 oftloere. 118.75, W." . .Blt Rulna In Yucatan. ~h·e u.~~~t;?ryf AU a!Traot.~~t zrotb, lumber and nail., '7.70; AW, ' 'l'bere Ia III Tucatall a chain of Mila Oooee a. · . Pet. o f II .88_.... O . . D~ - . &uw"y, ,B. 80pphfg, ~rpenter work.• t oeun aoo mn.. lona, where once.tood Dut1ng a reo&nt Ylslt to BridUngtOn. 4eoeal~" 'W1l81l1ed .by Boward W. hOMe . aDd jail "8 89' AI&<) ~ 1'. bu114tnp riehl, deooratid and erec~ wrtte. a eorreapondent ot Countr:v Ivlnl, exeCutor. ' "~ with a nat amount of &Nlbltec~~al Life. I wa. much amused to come ' .. L. P' L I ~....11 Brown, ex pen..... prOleou"n~ ..' mowle4Se. The 'b\dldlnCB belonced acron a lal'l& ,oole that had been LT'E R L IT BE • ..DlID& enaan& was appo fnouu , arney,.v _ ..no ; O• 'J . W ' 1111 am~" e,x to·... ._ben the · ~marllabie adopt.ed .. the .,nat o'f a .mall bo-me 'ln A. I_t trl f th ' .-te J Ule ............ w. a d m In~ f a X 0 e es_ 0 ~ preu on book....1 J. L. Warwick, flprea In atone were caned With the older part ot the towo. It tre· leph Penkana, deoeued ..ta ,bond Qf tit fill ' ."S 16' plecea. ot fllDt. The people ot thla quentl, followed Its' maater OD the Funeral Dire,,:toi'. "00. . repa r nl WOo & DR caa. , ~ 'ace 'had Ilot the Ulle of elthe.. broue pier and In the Itreets and might •• cJ I ~ f 1...0 Pltnam 8on., IUPPU" lor OJ' Iron. otten be seen waddling after him with 'I nv.n...,ry an IlppraF'!amen. ·o 000...., h 11"u;. J R . 8 uU· t •- • .• -~- ' f .... "h I k, .... I enoBrap er, • I ow, meuure d steps a I ong the counthe ea __ . 0 . .a.. ew 0 ey, u . . try' 1anee ••ome Umea waIklng e, I h t . Telephone day 01 ntght. _ _ _ _A • 111 I b J h P ... ·1 er, aerVloee u cb ap1-1 ...n a 'I n fi rma...... J'.., EASY L1FTINO Valley phone No. 't. JlOnK ~'.l!&8 . e . y ~ n . AlO ey, '1250; Frank P. I'orgy, boII.rd and and ten milel at a atretch. Distanoo No. 69-9", 8xecu...,r. I Two years 1180 the .lIve goole wal ., W B Si frl d I ted washtng for. prt,onera, Ig2; Leba. PatienOt'-Thil novel say8 eyes .eDt 1Ii Noyember tor ' the Christmas , . . eg e · was IIppo n . DOll, Ioe & Coal Co., 00&1 for oourt; .. ere riveted to,the floor for an hi day dinner. a d~Uny which was never WAYNESVILLE,. ' '. adqllnlltrator of ~e,etltate of . WU' bO\l8e 116 65, 'I'rank P I'or- a"'nt bat be quiokly ral8ed them ftllftlled. a. betore a week had paSled ' deceaaed. . 1 ' • It'" ' . • , B h 0 -81 y b"- n l lam Murray u CuD ' 'i Ii ' d i m"tntainlng bol'888 aDd vt!htol88, 126 Patrloe -MDlI' have been weak It bad become the pet ot the fa1lllly. rane ce, H arve'l ...... v. . " U F 6 • • fa:' t ~g fam ' a B~ ~atra. N . W. 'ltliDufllotOrinll" 00. ~aiu" .ort rlveh.-Yonl!:.erl t!f.a·teamu. walkln, ·In and out of the house at It• ...r 0 ~h I) 88 a"", 0 S enry . u'zar, . lelaure. It now often takes lte food deo.a8ed . flIed bIB firet and finsl ao. '750,; WalterS, Wbitacre,oon'rao', . • - ,. from ·the. chlldren'e hallde 'at the dlli· t" . 135.26; Msrioo Uordon, brld,. re Tbe firat tblnl 'bey know 18 tbat ner table &ll.dClGnatantly · perch.. on ooOo~n . t th I R be t J Sha p!&ln, IUO;' Olint Ktpbart, oont;raot, tbey are 'Pretty, tbe laat tblD; they the 'man'• •houlder as ',he ait. and . Good for all Skin DI........ ur au , or lIeS 0 r . w- fjl 30; C. "M. Hopklus, brldlE' r& 'learn II ·tbat . tbey are old. ' '.--d. .... The old bird II a popu 1ar t a· han and ~orge ~r8Y, ~xeo1J'· Ir. 18 65' , Slim U. Renk'l e ·feee . ' . ,. _ .. YOrlt~ I~ Brldlln~n, where It la tors of tbe e.ta • 9f .10lin V. Jaok, pad' ' . - IlSs 55' The Rev. Irl Hkka I'll Almanac well moWn by the name of John de08!'eed, &0 purobaae a bond of 15()() ~ expen8~ .1 .,urT,yor" '" WUlIe. • 1'....IIIiIIII!I~IIIJIIII!....-II!III... I.. f th l ' f w. B, Anderson 00., mdee., for , .. ' " t D the wa 6...-1' WOr~ f) e 0 ty 'o . . " . ;; ' tt . .,,~ . The Rev. Irl R. Biob ,AboaDao ·N , , . proaeou D. a orne". IN oen.o' , " i..b ' ... MI ... d Aft • H' :r I or.,9Od. , " ' ... ' . .. : I , for. 1'11, tbat luat:J1'an AnRel In ... .Im.· n,..a ~ er ' \. " .1. Tb d f h . .!a "bo yOu : ~k. this woman to be e 8800n : account 0 t e eatate Hu.MJUloDi"of Frfeadl' ... h1Uidred thous"ou homea. il nOW 10U1' lawfu1l1~w.ctd~ wifeT" Mlln. of Baymood Conover, et ,1 mlnon . " . ready. 80t; many are ' DO,"" wllllDg.... -'Ili"b th b"'d' - ...61..... .by " . 1'. M-- ....arcJ'·_.... Jiow'Woulc), you like to nunlber .1._ . be -lthou.l. and tbe ' D __ ,or-I' R ..... uu .....r. ,r en · e . ... esroom, au ,• ......, e - l~ ,o~ ' frleod. by , millio..... Book. IV .. • • ~w • . U ' . IIr. OheeUo Stox. the .mlDlllt ~ Sale of property was reported In len'• . Arnloa *lve doe..? ,.l It..... Bloka . . . .Ioe, W~rd and Won. elar. interrupts with: ' "I dOIl't. I'8IIlAmber." the OIle C]f N • A• B "':1111 'OD, ad • ~UDdlng 0UI'eI In .I.~be 'pu"orV The two are on1y One Dollai a year vmln"trM\)r~ . .JohlJ T Parker,et at ,eara made them Ita abe belt Al.e The Al.anao Ie 8Go p':"'-Cd. No Then. ~s the to.ota or amue: In th Id f l ' ........IDent Oil the faon or all. h. reaUaea .,...... .ale of perllOnal propnty e ..or or~, u oen. ease· home or ~ Koald ttU &0 Hnel wberi be"~ and escl ...... : . ... -.... .. , ...ma, burne, bolle, _Id~ oub, oolda, . o r _ _W .O_IT I. ......ere<t b, 8OI'e 8Y_, .pntne, IwelUDp. brnl8el, ,or tbem, &0 "'I .... 1OW' pardCIDt !'or tH IDOOOGrt.... ,..lttoDo'John p , 8'oley, oold eor~. a., DO .,uJ for pilei., WonIaacI Workl ....bIJibIac Co., ID8D& I 'Q8 thin kiDS aboat., tItaI ~, ' :160 ~. &lldrQalli". ,.". It. LouII, . . ~ 0ertaIn17 I ~......."-' •1 1
41,3 E. 3i-d St., -Qayton, 0hio, u. aDd'
Day..toit Daily N~W8 11IEATRICAL PAPER Country Life
Two Dollars a year ~~~~~~~
. ..
W ..
Dr. BeIl'SAntiseptic'Sa'y~
Col.. '
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I' ~IAMI GAZETTE THE . PAT , ... THE C.ALF MADE HOPS · FOR .PILLOW FILLING I. WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. ., ,I .
Wooltly . ab
- . ~ -----------~-
' . L. Rates of Subscription One Y nr (st,rleLly iu ndvauce) . .. .... . 11.0n Single COllY .. . • • . ...• . : •• .• .•• •.. .. , : 0 0 Rates of Advertising Roading l..ool1.1s. per ·Ulle .. . . ... . . . . . .. ~. Retldlng Locals. blllek flleo. per line . . .. 10..llUIIIlflod J\tls. not to xcood J)"e /lu Three Inscrtlons . . , ... . ... . .. . . ~ ~c ObituarIes, five In hos free: oVllr live luehea, per fiuu .. ...... , . . .. .• ' lie Onrd or tlulllks . • ••.. , ••. .••• , .. . . .• " 21ic' R8IIOlutloD8 . . .... ......... . ...... , . .. 1101 Soulnla etc. where cblll'gO la Wilde . . ... .. 2 60 DIsplay AdverLlsing per JIIch . ..... . . .. ,. lOe DI/I(leUULS glv! Dou contract, MAROH U , 1911,
SIl ve yo ur r eR rets of yesterday untll tomorrow.
.. .~
DOD't atte mpt to weur u hllio. until you get ,Vour Wings. ----.~--
tlny through the lirtn, Yll i wood ,·ull. walked home. as goO(! t:al v shoultl . nut mo.do a trail. nil herlt askew; A' ketl trull , UI< all cu.1 I'll do. Ilic then two hrllulr d Yea.rs ha\'o 1100. _-\ lId. I Inrer. tho cnlt IR dellu. llu(' Gt.lI l he lorr l)(lllillu h lK I rllll, AI\ thor Il.\· lIuu/IlI n 'Ilorl III llLI . '1'1111 Irllll \\us tlLlcOi I ti ll u ox~ rillY By n IWlfJ d Ol; thnt \)IL!ISU() thnL way, And Ihou ll- wlNO blll ' 1" Lher phoop Purshecj ' ho Lrrlll 0" r ynlo ullll 8t o. nli drew Ibu flock I)olllnd hIm . LOO, '\Ngood boll-wethers alwu\'s do, Alld rrom that !lny. o'ur lim Il.ud glnde. Through th05u old \\100 (18 1\ pllth wus made, :\ lId mllny 11100 wouml lu nud out :\1Il1 dodged ILllt.l t urlle" lwd l,J IlL "hout. .\ntl IIttorod worda at rlghtoous wrllth UOCILU,SO '~W811 >u 'h u croQlccd path : /lut stili tboy (o/lowed- do not 1Ilugh'rho liNt mlgral lou or tha t cult . A nd through I,he wludlug woodway stalked /lecllU8e be wohbllll.! whon he walll U. 'rhls fOMl8t outh h nOlo a ( IlliU That hout IIntl t\JrU I nnd turnll<l nllaln : 1'hll crooked lono becnm llrolld Whore mnny II poor horse. with his (a nd . Toiled 011 ben a~h th ~ burning au n Aud (,rnveled Bomo th ree mll in 0111.1; nd thus n century allll a hllir Thoy trod tbo footsLOPS or that cnlr.. 1'he years passed ou In swJlinc88 fleet, Tbe road bectlnte a vllloge ~trect : And this. be:ore mun wero aware. A CltY'8 crowded thoroughrurc. And 800U tho centr&l Ilreo~ was thIs or!\ renowued metropollM: Alld meu two centuries and IL halt Trod In the fOOtllt.-eps or that calt. I£ach day a hun rlred thousand rout (l'ollowed the zIgzag cnlf ILbout; And o'er his croo.ked journey WOllt The traffic or a coutlnellt. A hundred thousand men were Icd By one c&lf near Lbree co.uturies dOlld. Thoy lollowed 8L11l hla crooked WilY. And 10lt oue buudred yelLl'S a day ; For 8uch hIgh nlVereDce Is lent 'ro woll 08tabllabocl prscedput. A mornl'IP880u thhl mIght t.-ellch. ~-:: Were I ordained and calletl to proBch: For meu are prone to ItO It blind Along tho clllf-paths or the mlud, And work away from SUlI to IUU '1'0 do what other men have uOBe. They follow ill the benton track, And out and In. aud tort h. IWd bllck; ull 8tlll their devious COllrse pursue. 1'0 keep the path that others do. But Iiow tho wlle old wood gods Inugh Who saw the Ilratprlmeval ctlllAh. m&uy things thIs Lulo mIght !.elICh, But I am Dot unJalued to proacll : -S&IDuel Walter ]0'088 10 AtlchlgM Stnt·o () Il
There Ie Only One Plne-Tar-Honey That ia Dr. Bell 'a . It is tbe orig. inalll.nd 000 be relied on in oronp, oougbll, ooids and all luog and bron. ohial troubles Look for t.he bell On the Bot~le.
- - -... ....._ ---
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..- - -
St. Augustine's Catholic
Falher George M.. r e Dhoefor, Pa",<!r Mass cvt'ry sueo",1 HUDO,,\, of lhe 11\001 \1\ I ~I : UU a. w.
:fJnnouncsmsnt who wish to be authoritatively
informed of what th e world of Fashion
will wea r this ~pring , are especially inv ited • to view this gathering of the choicest n ew design s produced for this season.
Eplsc()plll Churc"
MethOdist EpiScopal Churca,'
Hov, H. W . Balloy, PuLa) Sundny chool, U: 16 a.~m . Mornltl'! ~ " " ,,'~e. 10 :30 a . \11 . ";pworLh League. 7 :00 I" m. I, ,"cllln l( Rervl ' C, '7 : 0 J p. m. Mt(lw(1"" Pr ' ye r MI·eLl ng. 7 p. III
Christian Chur<:h. Hev. L.' O. 'l'h,"npson. PIlliIA. Blhlo lichonl. 9: ao 11 . m. SocllLl mooth I. 10:30 a. m. (JhrlsLltllI Endeavor. 7:0U p. tA. Sormon by plIStor evory altornate Sundtly " 10: 80 a. m. nud 7: 30 II m.
March 16-Thursday March 17-Friday March 18- Saturday
tl'('ksitc F.ril'nds ChurcA. i' ~ 1 lJay M cc Ui n' . II :UO:l. 10. fl'lrBL oa, Ro l. ool. II '(H' a . Ul l~o urLb Day MCtl lQg , 10 :00 a . u1
Orthodox : Friends ChurCd , Mrs. EllzlLheth Larklll, Pastor f;ah bnLh Sub"ol, !I :au a . tn . Hej(ular abU rl' R . I'\'l u". I 0 ~ " a .•tI . ChrlRLlan Endoavo r •
7:aO p _
Rev. J . F. ClIll wulhHI r . Recll" unClay Sohool. 0 :3U II . m Mornln If ".' ,' vice, 1U : ~ O a. m . f!ol~' CODIWUnl,," ~h u fir' '. !Sunda'Y 01 eacb month ,
I W 0:\fEN
.... .I.: EJC'I'ION
Waynesville, .Ohlo•.·..... ~ __ !Valley Phon .. 153' "
' Ma~n Stre ' t ·
MAFFI~, I Undertaker and Embalmer,
~ rten ~treet
' t)m ebod.v w hu seems to think that. r lL'iRin g ohiokeurl is n ot ull fuu
!J •
Will be fonnd 111 t.he ala Bauk Bunding . oppoai ... the N tLt.iontLl Bn II k Telephone in hOUI'IA I1nrl or . floe wbere J oo.n be oa.U~ day IIr ni~bt. VtLlley ~hone 14-2, Main Street.
WaynesviUe. Ohio
Butcher AttrIbutes GenIus of Arti st ~ i va u tternnoe t the f o llo wiog and Actress to Fact They Eat BA~NHART, ru u loull1ow: HIs Meat. All thi ngs 000 ider Ed , from begin : Notary Public It Is no t altogether easy to Imagine ning to e~d ing, i All kiodR of Notary WOI k. Pensiun a Lad y Macbeth ealing cbops. Yet t ~ Work a I;peoiultj'. her greatest Im personator got her In· fiut~lli 19 a nd a.a hing, und feedtng uull t t;' ndmg, s plratlon trom them, 11 one may rely on an alt9getbar deltghttul author· 'bu si ug ond killing, Bnd soa ld ing uud pioklng, Ity. On a certain occasion, writes 111 r. 8 . V, Lucas In hIs recent book , "The T ber e's t\ g reat d en l of wo rk about Dit.H.E.HATHAWA'· Second Post," the painter , Haydon rai. ,og 0 oh i )ken . pa id hI s butcher, who reciprocated by WAY'lesviUe's Leadinp .DeDIISI xprcsslng great adm.i I'nt Ion' fo r tile Watohing tb(i h e n wbile .:!h e's doin g Ibe butchiug, a rti st's paInting ot "Alexander." Office in Keya ,.Bldg, MaID ~~ "QuI te alive, slr l" said the bu u-her. Wat uhi'll( b l:lr too , while 8be'l'I eal. I " J am glad you thtnk so," said t he . ~~~~~~~ - . iog lind 8QrIltoh l ng, nrtlst. (j u ~rdiog 'galnst btl. wk ~ an d puleo!l.t s Of all kinds of Farming Imple"Yes, sir ; but as I ha ve orten saI d ments, Vehicles, Gasoline Engines, 1l,D() rills, to my sister, you could not have paInt· Harness, Ranges, Stoves, Etc., Etc. Good for Nothln« but the E... ed tbat pioture. sir, It you had not eat Driving off orows a nd stran ge dogs my meat, sir. " and outs, "V ry true, Mr. Sowerby." Al w~Y8 reudy to give so m e thing "Ah . sI r, I bave a taocy Cor gan'us. Subscribe' for a lioklng, sir." The r 's tl gl'ellt d eal of cu re "Have you, Mr. Sowerby?" Ilbout Tllis·[is to be by far the biggest Tlllsi og Ii o hick en . "Yes, sir. Mrs: 8iddons. sir, bas Spring:Opening I have ever held . ea t my meat, sir. Never was such n Coods will be shown nnder cover, WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES so that rain or snow will not interwoman for chops, aIr! 'Ah, sIr, she Save Money Keep· in was Ii wond er[ul Cral"ture! " ._ _ _ - ... Style by Readiq McCall's fere with this sale. First ullnive r'3llt'y, oot t on; t!econd, "She was, Mr. Sow rby ." We are going to make Special "Ah, sIr, when she used to act t hat pa,per; thi rd, leathe r; fifth, wooden; Magazine and u.in:!~~~~~~ there chara.::ter-but Lord, such a seventh woolen; tenth, tin; twel.fth, Prices on every~thing we sell during MSCoAU:5 MAG.UIHE bell) you dresa Itylthese three days, but positively will hend, as I say to my ' sister- that Ishly nl a moderate there woman. sir, thnt murde rs ~ s ilk und fine lin e n; fift 6nth, c rys. refuse to sell the goods after the expense by keeplnn f )'OU \losted on U.O r king between 'em." til l; twen tie th, ohiofl. ; twenty fl ;th, sale at any. other price than our Inlcst fR Slr t~IlS lu "Ob, Lady Macbeth." . si lve r; thirti eth, pea rl; forHeth, regular prices . clolllUs ulld bala. 6C i N IV ~·llSblon. Dll8llUtI t "Ait, sir, that's It--Lady Macbeth . I t'nby ; tift,' t b , golden: seventy· fifth, . E very farmer li.ving within twenIn eacb. Iasue, Alao f used to get up with the butler b eh ind d lumond vnlullblo In(orm&lloD., ty-five _miles of Lebanon, who will on 1111 home and per· • hen carriage wben sbe acted , and I ____......____._- - be needing anything in our line, can IIO nn\ maILers. Only u ed to see her looltlng qui te wild . flOC a yoar. lueludlnlt A GOOD STOVE POLISH not afford to miss this Big Sale. a frl'() piltLOm. Sub· a nd nil the ,neople (Iulte fright ned . .... "",_._ t!Crlbo . loll,,), or eend , Good Music will be furnished ana 'Abo, my lady,' say T, 'It It wasn't. (or (roo sample copy. Mix the tOVA poliEfh with I~ little Free Souvenirs will be given, tor my m ' a t, though. you would n't McCaD r.I",.. will 0 0111)10 YOlllo mako In your s)UP solut,i ill (801lp sbavell Hne Ilnd own bomo. wllh youro\Vu bnllds. cloLhtnl for • .r b able to do t-bat!' " -- YOUU1'S o~· yuurs Ir IlIId clllldroll which '11'111 be perreot I ·"..... pnnlo n. dissolved in bot wutel'. ) This will In style and nl. P rl c~nouo bllfber tbln l6 co nts. S' nd (ur troe r UlLOrU aLaloj1ue. loti ve a vary fine 111 tre. A h es from W. Will Gin Y•• f ... rn...b (or !folllnlt subt he a s h l)lm n tL pi ece o f we.t oloth BPrl!,Llons omong your trIoluIs. Seu1(or tree .... Wate r-Elep hants, "rpUllum Cl\IIIIOgu8 nod Mil PrIze vtrer. The existeD e ot a hith e rto uo· will be fo und exoell eo t for the teel TIl" McCALL COMPANY. 239 It 24"'... 37110 SL.IIE1 ron Lebanon, Ohio. known beast, the water· lepban t. bRe t rimmingll • Clvea Prompt Relief recently been dlscov red. No specl· A good olgar IS tbo beat dJainfeo men of this 8nJml\1 has as yet b<*ln WillillmB . Douglua,Jr.,ofWu,h _ brought to Eu rope. nor has Its skele. ntlor l1l , tfllI;lper tbat Is uaed in ingtoD, D. - 0" says: I tllke ~reht p enure in informing you I have · ton come Into tb e hands or s ci ntl Bts. t~e bnsioelltl .wprld. used Dr. Bell'8 Pine-Tllr-Boney . and not so mu('h us 1\ photogra ph or It . . t\nd it gave me ahllollt 10lltunt re- Is known to ·exlllt. . f. Le P tIl,an lIef . explore r, came aoross fh'e, ou th " - - - _ . - ...- - - banlls ot n 1nke In lhe pper Congo. ". As soon as he approacbed they di ved Dy IiARDlNESS OF PI:ONY Into the wllter an.d SWRm orr. leavin g Moore'. Glao Oven Door is without doubt the haudiest only Ulelr trun l(s abov the wnter. , HBR~ IS ~ Amo~g t~e vulul, ble q'lalit.ie of Th ey lO'e, he Bay' S, nbout six and a improvement ever added to a cooking range. It saves halt' the ' .. I suffered so long from stomach ·t e peony is its pf'rfeot htlrcli tlefl~ holr ree t high. with long necllS, shol·t work of baking, besides insuriag better results, It enables yo,u trouble apd iri9igeSti()Ii,~that I lost It If~8l1 through the !!t.:Iverp~t. willtel s ears. l\nil sliort t run1(B . .J ud glng trom the condition of the food in the oven without constantly flesh rapidly - VINOL . cured me without proteotion; An ulhe r 'lu ,di - their tracks. their toot dirt' r con· stooping over and opening the door, which causes con::" U __ everythl'ng else'had failed. It t I i I ' I 0 I 'sldembly from those of the ordinary iUlCl' y • .~ t)ng .1V ty. . 00 I Mta) elephnnt. siderable discomfort as well as loss of heat. strengthened my dig~tive organs- Usbed it may be expeottld t o bloom gave· me/ a hearty ap'petite,' an~ I on an indefinite 'number of yenr!:!, can eat anything without the sli ...ht-· . '. .' HIs Bones Easily Broken. 'b neadhlg only tL libera.l dr~s8itt~ of lCnown l1a the "glas. s·bone boy," est distress. .:1 db not believe any· . ch b",rDy,ar4 mtLnure every fall. .Tumes Loertsch of ald well. N. 'J ., .thing equals VI~QL. for stoD;la . _ . __ .. . I( pt uP ' his r ecord when he tell ou trc?uble and indIgestion:" QD;le' men II.re so bad that t.b pir the sidewalk In tront ot hi s borne really cost~ you nothin$ in the end. It more than pays E. W"T~RHOUSE" .. d b k hi 1l'Ionds ba ven 't time to 1Jo un y ~bln~ I a few ' days a~o ~ . ro e B Ilrl!l , for itself on its fuel-sdving. features alone, Each. stove r • " , • r~rtland, Me. bot rUlih a r ound and explu.lu thttt · This Is Jllmes ' eighth bone·breaklng i~ equippe.d \Vith a Controller Damper which positively saves ....- Th G Wallace of Deh.-ol't . I , ; " ".. . .·1 fe at In the eight years ' ot his Ute .PIU. as.. , ... " the poor Qbllps are miat1nC\a rstood. and his ' third ' within the last five, one-third of the fuel. Moore's Ranie is the ~nly one h~vini a ConMich., 'fVrltelJ, '\I .sufferJ!<! for ye.ra • - • mouths.. In Septembtlr broke tro ller Damper. . from a ' chroJilc stOmach trouble. ~ Attacks School Principal J!lght leg In klo1j.lng a tootball , In The Everlasting Fireback; which is part of the' ran~et still 1 VINOL entirely ~ted ' lJle a4et November,. when lie was stRnding In e-.....b. iour n else ,had. failed . ," , A levere ~ttaok pn lIobnl>l princi. . further reduces your fuel expense by pr<?viding ~or th~ burni~g up of all smoke, soot aua Itas. pal. Obos B ,. ~lIep , of Sylv ni9, a wngon,,' the hO~8e moved, unexl'ec:t· • ... 7· ~ . Moore's Range actua~ly teaches cookjng~ It. l!! eqUIpped wlt.h an accurate Oven Thermom. . If is the t:urative,medicinal e100 1 18 thua tpld by. hlm . , ~: For ~,.re edly and jolted him to the w~gon beet a Thermometer GUide, prepared Idr Moot:e's Range exclusl.v ely by' Mrs . S~rah Tyso~ I{oreri ments of the COd'S'Uver, combined. tbun I,hree Y9ara, '! lle writes, '"J tlUf. The jolt did Dot roll hIm ·from·· the ' the acknowledged foremost cook of the oountry •. It tells the exact len,gth o£bme necessary for wi~ ·tho- itrengthening- prope~ 'fered i'ndel'ol'lbable tortulI('I from wagon, ' but broke ' bis lett arlD. bakin g any kind of food and the te,mperature requrred, . '" 'Of tonic iron contained in VIN0L, rb~umatI8m, It'ver and. stom Hall Kills -M:'rderer whidl~maJreS it 10 luccessM ~ rOo trouble and di8eased lddneylt A11' . ¥' storing perfect digeStioq, and\' at.. reJD~t('la tailed tUl I U~8cJ mleo~rlQ A meroiles8 murderer' is Appendi. tb timebnild' thewealr. ttent, ~tfonr bot,t.lee9f~bls WOtl.- l cltlM with many :yiotl.nil!. bnt Ur, We haven't room here to tell. yol1 all about the aluml- no stirring and without t~e'i least danger of ~rn1aI'. ~~-do.Wn:!UP - , dtdu~ r~mMy o~red me oornp\'u-'e- K.ln2"s ~~w Ufe PnJ!I klllit by pre. Died oven whIch Is the lightest and most sanitary on the · There are dozens of .0Uler ~cluslve' featura of the 'market'; or the Moore HiIipd Top, which' ove~omOll the Moore Range whleb "" will be glad to &bow and ~ ~ run " ' .. . I.V!' ~u,," ~.trl&:s are oommob vp-ntlon 11ley gently ' .tlmolate troubles and Incooveuiencejl of brQillng steak or toasting to you If yon will call at our store. ~a bottie'ol VtNOL ~th tbe J.1hoWllllde, ble.. "bem· lor ooring stomach,1 liver And bowel •• fll'event bread' (lr the MooreA:atl.sGon:bConr. whlcb permltstbe . We won't nrge you to bny. C~ NOW whUe 01Il' ~tb&tJQUl'mODeywiU. 8'olnaob fl'oab oomplaintM, tnl(tbd tbat inYites AllboOlne of milk or eubitallcu whieb but:D eaaDy, wltb ' stock ~ compl~. ' 1IiI1iturJMMI. ifit doea 1IOt h~ you. kidDe,. alld . Co~ipa'h)n. . . ' Moore'............. ""'.111 .alter c.t INa ., ..., P.1• •q ;;..t1fOl'_~~ Gltill't 110 ~
- - -...
- ----
A mll n who surt red from 61 ple ~ 1I n Ul vr,1i. d up III Au tr Ia r cently wh a t 6e ' metl to him to be th b st r mc' dy he hnd "er found. It wus llolhl ll g mo re or I 8S than a pill IV nlull' II with !lops. An Austrian pe :\~ ant womaJ.l recorum nded 11. no t ulo'1 llS Il s l(>(>p producer but all a bel\ll'tl· I fier ail weU • R t urtling to this coue I'y the mun bought some New York hops, rn· I mOil s for their beer making qUailtleH, ! but to his surprise they did not worK as well liS' the hops be hM trl d I abr o~d . He found out by expe riment . that hops tha.t made good beer didn' t ' Ilec ssarlly produce good aleep. Afte r be hnd sampled a Ic.t of dlfTer· I ent kind !! ot hops he found that by mixing hops grQwn In Bohemia wllb I hops grown In California and Oregon i he got a. combination which seemed I to ans wer all purposes In the sl ep ' prodUCing line. He d clded that he had hit It righ t when he took Il coujlle or pillows be had stull'ed wltl) this comblnntlou In t . his office dow ntown home with him on the ele"ated. He got In at Rector s treet carrying the pillow and sat In one ot the ~ouble seats. Two men I and a messengcr boy eat with him. At FlftY'nln th street all three were In profollnd slu mb r. Several oth r . persons who had beon reading news" papers nORr him were In evident dis· tress In their ettorts to Ie ep awake. Inqu iry at dltterent drug stores seemed to Indlcate that the hop plllow Ide.. was a new on e, though hops ha ve long been kno n to have sl ep ind ue· Ing quallUes, as shown parU oularly In ' the oa.ae ot beer. According to tho e who have tried hop pillows, you g t nil the soporHlo qual1Ues of the hops In this way without breakIng aoy tern· perance pledges or suffering allY harmfu l ettects.
.Nothing trollbles B handsome man lik~ the 108s of bis good looks GazeLle. _ _ _... _ ._ -- - - -.....~..... A Fierce Night Alarm Anyway, t.he mlln in jlLil doesn't Is the hoarse, IItartiing oougb ut have to worry about tbe' weat·ber t\ ohild, suddenly attaoked by or oor. Often it aroused Lewis Chamberlin, ..or C!OUP of Manchester 0., [R . R No . 2) for Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar.Boney Is the tbeir fourobtldren'were greatly s ub beat known remedy Uo 'not ex. ject to oroup "Iometimes in se. periment get th~ genuine Dr . Bell's vere attaoklt," he wrote "we were Pine-Tar· Boney . ' . .frllid they would die, bu t , si noe we ~proved hat a certllin r emedy Dr. The heutte of men oanlJl)t be Klng'a New Disoovery I•. we have warmed with oold.tltorll,e sermODa. no fear . . We relr on it for oroup nd for ooughs, ooIds 01' any tbroat ..... O f ooor8e a womlln oau't rem 1m- r 10Qg tTouble." So do thousands of othera, 1;0 mlly you . 'A8thma) , ber very ftl r bOOk; 8he Isn't old alloY F. ever,. LuGrlppe}. Whoopln ~ 8noogh. Uougb, Hemorrbages ny before it .-------. ------5 00 and t1 00. Trial bottle free . Cra"ulated Eye Llde Sold by all droggists Do not need &0 be cauterized or -------. 80arined by a physioian. 8utbt!rYOUR "DEAREST FRIEND" land 'a Eagle lCye Salve 18 goaranttled to ou~ them without pw.in . It I "Blrds,)f a feather flook toget,her," harmlelts and 8 sore oure for gunu. the proverb tells u s, 80 the world lated Uda: 250 tubes at all dealers. unthinkingly judges , wbloh if! one Tho .Hence of ft mlln may be more of the mllny rellsonll wby a girl eloquent tblln t,hl) apeech of II. w omllD ahoold be very 80re ·of the w orthlnesa of an acquaintanoe b efore s h e Every time It man goes wrong the gives her fri dn(iship . WOlDon In the neighborhood say, "1 The average girl Is apt to give her. told you 80. ," . self Impulsively, to oredit the dam ael she elects 11.8 her "dearest frienu" 200,000 Tubea Of Sidherland's El'gle Eye Salve pro ~m with every virtue \lDder were sold In 1908 end not one word the aun until ahe 'disoovers otbe r. of ooml,laint, thotl8h every tube wise, and tbeD ooato.m , habit, the wUJlold under a poeltlve ~narll.nt6f' dlffioulty of breaiing the friendf!hip It .isgood. for notblng .b ut the .eyes. holda ber in oh.ins. Ask .yoor Dro~gI8t. Nevertbelesa the effort should be -~.----OooalllooalJy a. woman is unhllPPY mllde when it Is' found tbat the becan,e ahe tblnks otber women are friendship is unsI\tlefBotorv or harm ful. A foolishly frivoloas gJr.l not as happy 811 ahe ie. friend, for Ins'lll;1oe, is 'no friend tor . One exoufle oan be found 'Ior the 'be serioul maiden intent onmak' miser. . Be isn't a8ked ~ bead 10K her way or a blld temp red, every @ob a<!i-tptil1n list . strong willed clamsei for a sensitive . -. little la8sle. Suob friendsbip$ are The COlds Th8t HanIr on positively harmful, and the girJ Are ,relldtlv oured by Dr. Bell's P ,·ne!far Boney. It re11eves tbe who findsoontlnued assoolation with oold and...atopa the ooogh . There is. b 9r aD-Ollllejl "deares't friend" ta ket! only one genuine, her on patbs she would rather not· tread or dolls her Ilmbitlon o r-mllkes lIany a husband saUe, .dangUng her in !Lny way le88 happy should to fame in thft graap at an arnUII,lUI"1Yt sever their friendllhip instllnt.ly. wi te.. .• _ .........,l.I_ -_
- --
Aust rIan Peasant Woman Reeo~ mends Them for TheIr Efflclonoy 018 Sleop Inducer and Beau tifier,
1S RLt: L T T fAIR
· Spnng . 0 penlng . and' B19 Big Spring Sale
-------..-- ..------
· -.
IUTlERLillD'1 UftLE v, • EYE '1IL',..
March 16, 1 7, 18;
the Guette
.f ' f
.- .
You Can Look Into This Oven' Without Opening the Door
Stomach Trou.bles • Cur,ed
Moore's Range
:L et Us Show'You ThiS Wonderful
. J. H. COLEM4N, W
:The Miami Gazette ' D. L. CRANE. WAYNESVILLE.
OUT OFTHE FARM. 'I"h. urban concepUon of the faTlll til winter la one ot snug comrmt and
droway ease, Ita external appearance ~owlng, as In the ramlllar plotorlal Ideal ot a anow·bound farm bouae, with • Iboveled path leadIng througb n pte to a radiant . window, through which one peers In ranoy and discerns • happy tamlly clustered round a lamp, says the Philadelphia Pre's8. The Idea Is that the tarmer has lillIe or nothIng to tio In the daytime but sit insIde hlo hom" and teed the 810ck; the wife knlls; the children go to • chool. It Is a chnrmlng picture, not always true to life. Tllere Is no time In the year wben there Is cessation tram toll on a farm . It Is different In wInter; that Is nIl. The daY8 are aborter; the ",'ark rougber. or course, much depends upon the character ot the !aTlll; consldernble 'l elsure Is pas· Ilble where few cattle are kept and leneral trucking done. But always there are the "chores." A remarkably elasUo expressIon that - "doing ~~r,""" It may mean much or lItlle. Bome dairy' tarmers, tor lnltance, whoae serioul bualness In Ute la milk· Ing cowa. may potter around the tarn\ after the morning's milking and tao ting the mornlng'l mJlk to the cream· ery or raJlroad atatlon, eat their nool' 4Ione.... mend aome tence, look over the b~ess or' haul out manure, pot. ter -!'Gund lome more, and then lay: "G~eaa U'a about time to do the chore.I ;" meaning to milk two dozen !lOWI or eo-the real hard work at the da,.. Following Chicago'. .cbool for policemen coines New York's schoof for Ilremen: It wID open, according to the . announcement ut the city's fire oom· lIlla.loner, frnmedlately atter the new ,ear. All present , employes ot the department. al well u all new hands, Will ' be required to attend, and onl1 "graduates" of this "fire college" will h eUstble tpr placel on the torce. ~me 'fifteen .ubjects, embrscl.ng eveJ7th1Dc.,appertaining ' to the work, will be inclUded In the currIculum, I&1S the ChIcago Record·Herald. As the .automobile ' haa become an 1m· portant part of the up-to-date fire equipment. the manqement of the paollne motor car will be taught. And .., calQ.llltiel tend to lncrease 'In num· bel' and In lerloulpes., there wlll be InltrucUon In ftnt aid to the Injured. • comprehensive coune for the beneat or the fire fighter aeema' as ad· I Yantaacous u one for that of the pa· trOlman. An exohange of viewl and experienc6s between New York and Chicap might reault In ,alnl tor both clUe. ~d both lentcM.
Protection of blrda which do beneIclal ""lce to. men Is coming to be · lDore than a matter ro~ atate action. Reprelentatlve Weeks of Maalacb"u· letta. " ltate which reaUzes tbe mi.· chief .involved I.n the destruction at the m.ect-eatlng birds, bas introduced In con,greaa a bill maldng It a lI1I,de1l1.;ano1', punishable by 60 day,' tmprllonment or $200 fine, to kill or haTlll coveys or lingle apeclmen. ot blrda ' on ·their migratory flight trom ,ou~h to, north. The Hat of birds which It Is deelgned to guard Includes geese, ducks, pigeons, swans, snipe, doves. robins, bluebirds and various kinds at waterfowl. These 'are trlendu of man or valuable game-birds, Bnd al the whole country ,s Intorested In their preservation ' It seems to be In orde, for congres's to take actton. School girls In Atlantic City are re belling ll4lalnst an edict of the domes· tic science authorl~ei .that they muat learn to make hash. They are afraid proflolency In this art may 108e them the hearts at admirers wbo know hash only through the boa.rding 'houses they ha.ve met. The girls oPenly aver the~ bate to lose ·the homes they may make happy by "reeding the brutes" It tlie Bald "brutes" learn beforehand that prospeotlvo wives have been encouraged to put hash on tho daily menu. A New Jerseylte boarder, not Ukln! bls dinner, attackfld 1111 landlady, ohoking her. Other boar4ers Interest· ed 1n this summary protest will bl disappointed to learn that the ao· counts sa.ld nothing about his choking her Into submlsslou. A Kansas man hugged his wite so bard that he broke two of her ribs Some men n,ever seeJ]l to l~rn . that there;s sucb '8 thing as overdoing " ~o04 thing. stnoe the ·recent tragedies, .avlaUoJ1 may now , confine lts experiments to ~rlng acrpss the eartll Instead of .UI tn~o the clouds. There certalnl) leems to bo no ule(ul or pra·cUce.1 pur pose aened by et!orts In tbe ' lat.te, 4lrecrtlOb.
A tenor IloSU In Detroit sll'l1lne, for • high ll<Jte and 1antl'ed in 8 hop If be II an)'tblDg Ilke InOIt. 0 • Inlow l~ ""el hlz,
AOoal Mun1 , in Washington TWAS a bright October . . .. morning, aud the sun was rISing over the roothUls ot the Cascades. spread· Raid at Frederlcltlburll Officsr and Ing Its glory ov r the ElcOrt, WIth Trainload of beautiful Wen a t c bee Tobacco, Captured. lake, and tho valleys leading to It. The vines, ' On March 4, 1865. the Tblrd Brl· marlles and alders In all gade, Tbh'd DIvision, Twenty·fourth tho small canons wore COI'PS (tormerly the Elgbt enth clothed In theIr gorgeous Corps). composed of lhe 68tb and Ilutumn oolors, varying' In ' 188th Pa .. 40th Maas., 2nd .N. and hues from brIght yellow 21st Conn., broke camp neal'H. Fort lo deep purple. aDd Inlaid among the Harr\eoll, on the James rIver, and emdeep green or the plues and cedars, barked Qn transports for Fredericks. making a magnIficent laodscape. As burg, then In possessIon of the Con· we ascended the mountains we came federates. "'Tltes W. R. Schaffer, o[ Ullon a camp or Siwash Indians, and Voller. Pa., In the National Trlbun . judging troDl the number of buck In· On arriving at that place we slll'llrlsed dlans with them It appeared cortaln und captured the l,rovost·mnrs hul. to· that they would kill all the gnme lu i' ther wltb all esoort of cavall'y lind the hills, or drIve It so tar up to the a train loaded with tobl1cco, l:t!ady surumlt ot the mountains that a white ror sllipment. '1'he provost-morshal man would not be able to get a sbot.. was round hiding in an upstairs room We u18de up our minds to go atter under a bed. but our boys lound hIm . lho goats at Ihe earliest mom nt. atter After destroying the tobllcro and reaching camp, which we In tended to setting the place In repair, we r · 'e tabll ' h at a hIgh elevation, because embarked Cor Fortress Monro. meet· t~~ mountain goat Inhabits tbe least tng with some opposlUon on our way accessible ,solitudes. down the l'lver; but our guubonts Tbe North Fork ot the Wbtte RJver soon opened tbe way with sllot and runs through the camp ground, mak. 611ell .among lIle surprIsed Johnnies, log a narrow and deep canon at sev. who were not aware of the large guns ..,..1 hundred feet with the most exqul. on board. We soon arrived at ForI· etle sc:enery, con/llstlng of waterfalls I'ess Monroe, and went on to Norfolk dashing over the cUtrs. nnd through a and Portsmouth and coaled up tor smo.U meadow ot streo.m grass and further orders. Our next move was I"lsbes. LookIng up through the up the Potomac river to K.lnsal~. Oo1non we could see tb e glo.o1 r peaks where we marched Qut In the forenoon from the (oot of wblch springs tbe with strict orders to touch nothing White rIver. _ Our guides, Dill and John, beg~n guide anll. drive t.h other threo goa\.8 rnn for bout 20 rods and then went along the I"oute, But alter some bot gathering wood for the nlgbt, and pre- up th tl calion . noss Joined Nell nnd Into a mapl clump that was nearly cot!ee for dinner we marched back to dge of the thicket and a had as the alder and wtllow brl1sb 'OUl' boats on the river. roc Ivlng or· (Jarfllg supper, while Nell, 'Ross, and Bill on th myfo.,U, atte nded to the reotlon ot together they b gan to cli mb a small we had raw led through early 10 the ders to take anything eatable. arid we morning. Nell lost his' hat. Then a certainly did Qurselves Justice tn tbe th e ''lnts, and a general InvestlgaUon ridge III front of U1em. "Dy J ove," said Bill. "tho e fellow s lImll or 1\ treo sprang back and struok ,aUng Une. ui 0111' surroundings. Ross and I Ou our return trip we marehed climbed up a dizzy summit that hid are goin g right Illto a goat If th 'y iny for head, knocking me Into a our camp frow the main bill, to see It don't loolt out, a nd non ot 111 m fle l1l ' wood bu 'k's den. \Vhau I came to through a trIp at thl k woods with tb{'re \Va~ Mr.' Goat sitting a tew yardl heavy underbru8h, where a band of we could discern any " game. On to see him," Bang! , Dang! rRck ! Ping! from Ul,e, hatt rlpg as If I h~d plun· Confederates lying In ambush 8t\'Uclt r aching the top or the cltt!' we did not " Now they've don H." snld Bill. dered hili orohard. 1 took out my Colt the rear company of the 21"t Conn. se the s ign or a goat. bllt stood scan· nlng tho hills tor hlllf on hour. Pres. "Look nl him go ; the rocks are full ot (. volv l' and settled his hash. as I (the rellr. ot the column). nnd before ently we saw a white spot leap across t.hem . Grent Heavens! whnt ames!! thought. At tbe racl( or the weapon tho l'eglment cquld resist several ot th y hnve s til'l'ed up, Even OiRt goat , 'ell cam hurriedly up to see what th comapny were killed wltb ilie 11 narrow opening between two ciumps of busbes. about half n mile from liS Is going; they haVe only crlpp)ed him. wag ho,PV Ding. and fe ll at! a log he laber. The Contederates fled through -aDd weH up on the' range to our right: Now. look nt him hiding behind that WllS clinlblng over, and skinned his tbe brush and made their escape. 00 , elbow 'on a rock. 1n the meantime the OUr arrl al .at the river in the after· Then we saw another, and sUlI an· rock." "Yes," saId I . "bu t Ros8 sees blm ; goal, hobbled Ill) the mountainsIde and noon we rec Ived orders to butCher other, and then the fourth goat. While we were watching these, a herd of he has a bead on him now. Bang! lay down upon a ledge of rock about and eat. Our supply cOllslsted of at· 200 yards above U!!. Tbe way w. Ue, hogs, ducks, chickens, tur1(eys e ight goats passed the opening, and He has got him," Ross laid cjown hIs gun. look out bls went up that 1'0' k sUde on all toura nnd honey. and It was an easy maher ' made their way leisurely down to a slide, .where they stopped and began knlle B/ld. 011 reaching tbe goat, at- woulll surprise a Siwash. We got up 10 prepare s up'per. Before embarkreed-Ing. We lIaw that It was up to us tempted to take hold at a honi to wIthIn about 26 yards ot the rock and l\lg tor the refurn trip our gunboa~ W plan our strategy to ,p in a post· 11ft up Mr. Goat's bead nnll bleed blm Mr. Goal stuck his bead ovel' the opened (>n t~e guerrillas, who .m ade Uon abov, them where we could begin when his quarry made a leap ort th~ ledge as much .as to a8k where we themselves too Prominent. At Rort· rock they were on and bounded ca me from. res 'lt~onroe we r s led at anobf;)r over o~eratlona. , aronnd the other sid e or tbe cliff as "Shoot him It yelled Nell. The mountaLn goat Is extremely cau· though he had Just woke uP. "Shoot nothlrlg:'s ald I, "I can't tlous and observing. and when pur· shoot a flo ck at balloons-shoot him "Haven't those blamed fools got sued will never go down hili unless when wounded, when they will otten that goat killed yet?" said Bill. "Look yourself." At this the goat thought It waa his hide In a clump of bushes, or In the at him go; he'll get away sure,!' The goat was making across tbe move and bobbled off the rock, pass· crevices of rocks, rather than expose 811de where we had seen them the Ing Nell within about six feet : Nell themselves to punishment. d a handful of wool and lost r bave ofte n watched a goat try sev· night before and was headed fOI' a grabb bls hold. He then 'made another lunge eral t,mell to let from one cUrt to au· thick patch ot Umber. a0(1 ' stllbb d his toot and tell flat, and Bang! liang! otber, ~hat were ,separated 'Uy a small "Well, they've got him down again," as be fell chanc&J to grab the goat's chasm, which It could easily leap across" but ro.ther toan talte R. chance, said I. "r guess they have got him bind leg. ' He was J"'agged for about 20 feet, yolllng for bdtJ at the top ot It would walk for hair a mile out of Its tbls time, eo we mlgbt as well go hIs voice. Finally the p.at fell down way so as to raach the other side In ba(lk to camp." 'and N,-ell got up, stm h~nglng on to "Well, don't be In a hU1'1'1," saJd safety. When hard pressed by hunt· the leg, Be managed to get his reBill, "we're not s ur yet. Where are ers It will, at course. ta~e leaps that volver out. but the g'oat kicked and It would not otherwise do Ln Its mo- they now? Where Is the goat? Tha't 's floundered so that he could not ban· ments of leisure. A. goat, when pur· w!Iat·s botharlng me." die both. " By .Jlngo;' said I ; "there he Is, Bued, 1\111\ climb along shelves of rock By this time I had got to him and on the walls of l)reclplces. with appar- heading this way." We were 80 e"c1{ed' at the prOSl)eot lie gay mc ·the goat's lei to hold, and ent unconcern, walking In places that the goat , to would completely shatler the nerves of the others losing the goat that nn- then stellped In front or anyone wbo attempted tp tallow It. d r a shnuitaneous Impulse we both get a sbot at his head. M;r. Goat did We had breakfast about four o'clook 'climbed down the precipIce luto the not apllrove at that alid made a lung the neltt 'morning, and packed our canon below, aull headed for the sideways that uP,Bet me and I was IU liches, loaded up with ammunItion clump of bru8h IDto which we had dragg d about 15 feet. Wben 1 in an· aJ ranged our gunnysacl(s and rope~ seen tbe goat disappear. Here Is aged to ,get right side up I fouud that on our Il'ack straps, and started for ' where our troubles began. for we had the goat ha.d wedged himself between Ibe hll,ls. We agreed that myselt, to try our hand at climbIng up a steep two l'ocks and bad 'to stop. Here III with DIll, the guide. should worlt our' rock 811de tor 'nearly halt a mJle, We whe ' \ e killed him at rast. way a~ong the crags au the other side (If the sheep and secure an ad. vantageous poslUon above then) while 'he Provolt Marlhal . Wae Found Hid. noss, NeH and Jobn sbould get' below them and drive tbem up past tbe post. Tho olher day, when the elevator w~re out ot service. Wblle the porter Ing. tlon I would oocupy. Dill and r climb- service In the S ta ndard 011 building, was Jlti.steolng on this mission, Mr. 'Qlght, and on ' the tollowing day OUl' ed to an almost InaccessIble position at 26 'Droadway, New York, ga;ve Dilt, l;'lllgler was gayly cllmblng the statrs expedition Went up -tbe Yo'rl' river ap10na the crags, overloo\.tlng the the newspapers had cous lderable and shortly nppeared, on the twelfth Rnd, the PumunkY ".·to Wbrte Hd1,18e oanon, where we could see both the amusement over the fact that the mil· tloor as unconcerned as ever. W. H. ~ndl~g a!,d went .lnto cO:fI1Il~ We rehp,rd find our companions. Iloifall'e tenants of that building had Beardsley, Mr . . Flat/ler's rIght-hand palre~d the bridge across the . river. ao With John leading the way and to walk tram two to fourteen flights of man, tells an Interesting stbry about Sller.l dan coUld cros~ bls cavalry com· Ross !lnd Nell followIng. they made a stairs to get to their offices. In this a messenger boy who WIIS to have de·' Ing uP ' from the Shenandoab valley, detour and got below tbe goats and connection an amusing story Is told livered a message to Mr. Flagler, but to join' Gl'ant at Petersburg In the lathere' Illey· b~gan to shout. The' herd about Henry M. Flagler, one at tbe who declined to climb twelve ftlghta ter part ot Marcb, 1865. ' ,of five broke up Into two secUons, two oldest of the Standard 'Oll pioneers. af stairs to do , so. "Howald Is the , A.tter restlJ)g hie 'army a tew "days of the .anlmals headto~ tor the canon While approaching the age at 81. he Is boy?" asked Mr. Beardaiey. "Sixteen," at White ' House, Sberldan continued that 1 commanded, and the other strong and stalwart, paylng ' regular was the reply. "Well," said Mr. Beards· to the James River. ,and our brigade tbree broke ort In a westerly dlreo- attention to hIs large business Inter· ley, "you Can tell tliat boy 'that a ftn.e marcbeCl across the penlnaula and lion, heading for a thicket ot alder and ests, both In ' New York and In Florida. old genU man approaohlng hIs eighty. went Into camP' "on Sprln-g Hill. neaf willow, wblch ot!ered them tor the IDs office Is .on the 'twelfth floor ' of first blrth.day. bas 1.ust cUm,beci . th. For~ H'arrlso!l, within a tew mites (It time l'elng complete security. the Sta~dard 011 buUdlng, and It ,was t el III bt f ~I • Ith t t l eUr f~rmer camp. :.At this inoment BlIl, the guIde, with thought that he '\1'ould ,not care to do , w ,ve" g sal' 's . rs w ou, u~~ ng , ROSf, made a, tree Une for the tblcket what man~ yonnger man would a balr. Turn ng to Mil. Flagler, Mr. the slleep were ' heading for, ' tn the shrink "from, and (10 -0. porter was aent Beardsley remarKed: ' "You ha.ve taken .hope Of Inter.oeptlng them while Nen to meet him at the dcor and advise the conceIt out at a ;good many today." " fired bls gun at tbe two' sheep that h.lm 't o establish hIs office temporar- So much for goOd h4blta and rilM Jly. were rapidly approaching my posl. lIy on a lower flonr. as the elevator. Ing.- eslle's. . tlon. The animals were soon WlthlJl ... _":'.,.;" ·w....w"".,.._.,.~,,.-_.,___."",..,..·._."'_..._~•...;~.........._.,..:...".........._ _,..,.._.,..._,.".._ _ _...,;.___.,..._ _ _..... rang,1 and, at course had no suspicion that I ,was located right above them. Taking Garetul nlm, I singled out th~ leading goat. and fired. , I knocked blm " 'I I;Ilways thougbt !!, homing pigeon down aUd he. tell on his' side, klcldng ' would go straight h6me," ~ald a ~y.n turlaunly. T.be· other goat was wound" who kept hls couutry ,h~use o~n tored by Nell : who was In hot pursuit, the wiuter ·Week·euds. "Ihlt 1 was :QP aud after taIHng_ to tl1e ground', got at my place a while ago d tbe' gar· on Its teet again, and kept on J1e~dlng dener told 'me about 1\ cJ,l,rlous excep· tor the top at thl;) canon. Signalling tlon to the rule. He WllS 9.~t 1u the to: Nell to go after the goat that 'WII.8 cbam one daJ when In flew IL' 'plgeon lying on the ground,' I took another through the ' open door. After. It bad shot at m'y quarry' and succeeded 1n flown from one »ost to anobher, he kee n~ him over. As SOOD .as Nen ap~roacbed It gently and caugbt It, ' got up to the goat I bad dIsabled, ·he Then the bIrd waa leen to · be a put a bullet througb Ita head, ldlllng homer, with a silt band on. ODe leg the animal .completely_ It and two aUyer on.1 on the other. Aa three more sbo~ from JIlJ' It was towlU'(\ alght, prdener (ho b~d)' anim.rth~ ~ w.ol'klDff: way Into .
A , Lost
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:=a; .. . . ., .
and The, Boy,
}!'UDYQU'I Col4 Remedy Reline. tM bead throat and IUD,a almost Immedla~ I,.. 'Cbecks FeveTi. atop I DllICbul~ of fbe noao, takes away all a('bell and pallll cllused hy cold •. Jt eurel Ottl) 11011 ob. . ' tlnate Cought!. IInl! prevents Pneumonia. Write Prot. 1oI\IU100, Mrd ond .JelTenoll St •.• · Pbllfl" Pa.. ,( or modlcal advIce ab.
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SS5 toS850. Capacltlce .. hlzh .. 0.000 CAM tomatoee or 20.000 ealIII trultaln lOhoul"ll. T£lUIs: A per f!'Itof~. or2ar~1yp_annen~ orf(>reuh. ..."*-rQl' Booklet. 'I1I08.1L 1WlWJf. SPrlqW.....
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I Thompson's EVI Water ,
Some men will do anything tor Ihe sake of a lltlle newspaper notoriety.
True Humility. "I .uppose you are tempted to put. on airs since you own a motor car." "I s hould say not," roplled )tr, Obugglns. "A man with a mota)· car puts In most of his lite a~ologl z IDg.
Important to Mothers Examine carefully evcry bottle ot CASTORIA. a late and su~e remedy for Infants and chUdren, ..and lee that It Bearstbe ~~ Signature of . ,. ~ Iii Use For Over 80 Yean. . Tbe K1n~ You Have AlW878 BOUlht.. Ha,ve to Pull Them n. . Ella-There are just as lood ft h In the sea-Stella-But you have to bave a l1ul1 . t9 land them.
Advantagel, "You must have found Ule arcll' II'cle very unpleasant." "·Yes," repUed the arctic explorer: "but It has Ite advantages. T.ho cU · m.a te Is disagreeable, but the p ople aren't alwayl . worrying you nhollt pl'oofe."
, .
Uncle Joe'a Check • . 01: Renry' arson. sergeant-Ill,urml of the house rep~tau'ves, hll the orlgiual check given by Speaker Joseph G: Cannon a few years ago to a book agent, and -about which an In· terelt!tlg Itory bas, been told. An agent vfalted the speaker al1\1 In· terested him In an , Ia borate edition or something wblch Uncle Joe dtdn't want, but bought. When the ' bookll arrl,v ed ncle Joe eXlIomlned them nnd decided at ouq.e that sometblnl;' , hac' been put over on hJ~. When 'the oc6rlt. came tor his money the speaker ' de· tormtned to malta blm lndorso-a ters sentiment on' bQOktl, BO 'Ile \vrote out u check for $73. tbe-amount duc-. and 'on' the back Of It be fn8crlt>ed: "Pay to the order ot Mr, Blanle, LlI [uJl ' I)a'yment for an edjUon wbleb wa, not worth a d- , and dear at that price, but tor the ease Illld grace with whl h he put 1t ovel: your ;Uncle Joe !t wl\s w 11 ' worth be money.' ·- Hn. loan ·LUe.
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Encased in the W"}rld's Largest Corinthian Column.
Many Slmple Rules and Methods Cor M1UdnW ~roduct. Requiring Little Extra Labor Which Wlll Increase Keeplng QuaUUes.
Ancient Triumph of Architecture Which for Forty Yearl Hal (By L. A : ROO ElRS.) Evoked the Admiration of Preventing cha nges in mil k is a Visitors to St. Loull. qut:!lItion of p)'eve ntiug tbe iu t rod uctlon of bacteri a Into milk lind of Bt. LouJs.-Tbe old wate r towe r, ~ hooklil g th eir growth or dest roy'lrlg the first nnd orlginul, hils go lie out ~bem wh e.1l they nr e present. T he P.I0' of service. Its usefulness a s well aR dUCttOD of milk reasona bly free f rom n cd In tbe mlll:nlllcent ..... ter system bacteria iMa simple question ,of I au· of at. Loul8 Is a thing ot tho very IIl1es8. recent I>a-st. In tho anolent water Th re are many s imple , rules and towe\' the city ot St. Louis posscsseH methods for bandling milk. requiring the fine st nnd taUes t Corinthian col· little extl'U lahUl' and no added ex· umn lu the world. pense. whi ch will materially Incre aso '- 'l'here are not 100 persous In St. the bealthfulness and keeping quality LOUiS, even thoso who have knowl· of the product. Any precaution that reedge of tho flner' and nrtlstlc eltr duces the dust In the stable at milkmenls- those that marlt ' for grandeur Ing time reduces the Inillal number of nnd perfection In symmetry-who bacteria In the milk. The cows should ever r ealized the value of Uie tower not be red beforo milking. . Cobwebs as a ~ork of utility aut;} beAuty: Few. e.nd otber dirt can he easily removed Indeed, arc aware tbat the weBtern flom the ceiling, The stable fioor metropolLa. to\" (l period of nearly should be so arranged that the dirt forty , years, pOBBessE!,d a triumph In on the llankll and udders of t.he cows architecture which bas again nnd wfll be reduced to a minimum. The ngaln evoked the admiration of vis· dally use of a ,brush will add greatly Itors trom Europe 'and other parts ot to tbe emclency of these precautionB. our own country . Cilre should be taken that the cows do 80m forty years ago, wben thf not bave to wade through filth In the waterworks SYBtem was limited and barnyard. lll\'en with the greatest precaution tn Its Incipiency, Jt wall deemed 1m· peratlve that a means of relief for the senlce llUmps and tbe clals of engines In use be estab1Jshed. About tbat time JOIeoh .P. Kirk. wood. a noted eastern engineer, be came the chler enclnser of the St. Louis waterworks. Mr. KIrkwood wa. in .expert In waterworktJ mechanJlm and engineering. He went to Europe Ln ~at period to make n Btudy of the best waterworks s),stems In' the big capitals, and came back wfth much lnf0rn;tatlon as to high ItandJ)l~s. It waa along la 1868 that the ",ater board decided to ereot a . hlgb stand· pipe at Grnnd avenue. At first tt waa pl,a nned to bold the "Ipe In place b), means ot guy rope., hut Mr. Barnett, the archltec't of tbe department, suggelted Inetoslng tbe Pipe In Tbe ldea wal • column of brick. adopted by tbe engtD.eers and the commIssioners. , The work of bu~ldlng the ,pipe and tbe CorInthian column- wal by con· tract. It was started In the tall of 1869 and completed in JulY, 1871. when the first gallon of water was pumped Into the big standpipe. Tbe heIght of the 'pipe from the ground to tbe top of the tower-the bottom or the capitol. wbere the observation platform Is- Is 164 teet. '£he column proper. encllsing the pipe. Is 155 feet 'inches, The baae of the, column Is
H E IHns), s aws I~ th e mahogan y oceM port.
There We logs ar plied mill, ara going da)' an d night on the bench to wa lt for a vessel, and at this s Mon of , t il year, wh n It com es are rolle d bac ~ Into th Th I" are season.5 during which water and r afted and 11u1led out to t il onl y Que day runs are made, but hlp's 'Ilde, always a dangerou s under, tile strain is on j Ulit now, and the mo.· taking, for the wate r Is rOllgh. 0 ilce 01l1nery n ever sUms. During the 24 beside the vess I th e derric ks are put bnurs 60.000 fe t ot lumber are Cllt In to work and th e 10gB ar IIftod over the mill. Month ar t r month the s hips ono by one. lowered with much dint· 'orne over, at least 20 cargoes a year cu~ty Into the hold, and when enough coming to Mchor beslde ' the gunwale. logs have come aboard the vessel Is There III no such thing as bringIng tho ready. , It mllY well be believed tha t maho;;· logs in ballas t. 'l'bey compose the ship's enUr cargo: A great' mal11 any does not claim the respect In Its llbips are 'devoted to this enterpriae, ,own land that It does In ~ours . Tbere IUld to ~hem tbere Is no other obJeot has been much comment on the tact In life but to get tho logs trom ttie that It Is used tor railroad lies In the tropical por\ll and bring them to New lands acrols the gulf. and this may Orle,ans and unlolld them and go hack Well be. An Immense amount of It la ~or more. Ten million feet a year of. '10 far from 'the coast and from any maholJ&UY comes Into New Orleanl, present means ot transportation that alld Is pa.rtly manutOJ t~ed be~e . ' , It practilllLlly II valueless to the owner In MeXIco. Hondul'u and - Central of th~ land, 80 be views the waste of Amedca the contractor gtves ftve dol. It with coml'an.tt'fe $ndUl'erence. lani for a 'siogle tree. This i. cbeap True titahogany Is the only species enough. But It la tbe expenie of let- of the Bwleteola mahoganl and Is dis· Hng it out tliat"collnta, and tbat makel tlnctTy ' a native of troplc~l Amer.l~a. mahogany ~ expensive lumber. It but ocoulona11y small speclmena have standi doep in the forelt In the midst been tQund In BOutbern Florida.. and - of an aImOit ~mpenetrable Jungle. a almllar tree,. never reaching the There ~ no srovel of them:-the belght of tbe ~erlcan relatlvo. bowtr~e~ are scattered. perhallJ not more ever. baa been located In India. Thll than two to an acre. It may be that awletenla has been planted I.n BOutb· ther~ II ' ~o water '~urae at hand on, ern Florldl( southern Oallfornla and wblch llie logs may be floated to the parta of Merlco. but onlY-ail IUl orna. port. 'rhe tree bAS to be located by. mental tree. bowever, because it Is of slow gTowth and reClulres for ftill tile •....hunter... whose busine. It II to roam tbrough the forest In searen of maturity luch natural surroundings, mahogany treel and to blue a way to that for cpmmerclal purpos s it would them, . ~ that t~ey may be round seem Impossible of cultivatlQn. It Is a .88llln. Then the workmeu , must cut giant among even the giants of a trop· their laborlou. wa~ to tbe tree. uBlne leal forost. It towers sometlmes to a for the l)urpose the deadlY machete, height of 100 feet. The trunk a ol\e Is often fiO feet In length and 12 feet In diameter. and It dJvldes into 60 many hure arms and tlirows the shade of Its shining B1:een leaves over so vait an I ......'''''' ••• of surfaoe that a more magnlf}cent or more useful object is not to be met with In the vegetable world. The precise period of Its growth Is not /\c . known. but 88. when large, It obllUlt~ell Jlttle during tho lite of man, of Its arriving at maturity Is not less than 200 years. The "Swiot~mla" wns glvljn to mabpg. ~7' 'In bonor of tbe celebrated Baron von Swieten. physician to Marla Ther. eeL The' early Spanish called the tree "Cedrela." a species not unlike " the ~abogaily In, maD)' respects. and toune) also til about .t he same natural sur. ,roondlngB, but t~e Engllsb mistook ( that name for cedar, applymg It direct\ 11 to' mahogany, the 1'e8)1lt 'belng that ( ' "Spanllb ,oedar' " a term ' still ' heard occasionally or read without true un. lI"lra~lUlllllnlg In ancient books of travel and discovery alonlC the Suanlsh Main. Only the .,J)es~ aud biggest logs are esport.ed: tb~ smaller ones and Ute remnants ot the sawed tlmber , are uti· ....... ' t _ 0rdlna..... ' 3 , lu m be r on th e spo 11s .... ",Itb whiCh a number of for the consiructlon of bouBel! or the countrY pl!"fe Un~lea8ant d~ratlo}l o! ."mall vessels. -so that aloog 10 1898. ' 'J'he- machete . tumec! In_the ttpplca th~re can still be seen Illto '. pruning hook makes ' a vety ef- th,e lolld ma.bo~by furnIture which t I ' . 6rlglnally made the wood 80 famous. • eet• va :weapon, ~£AI '-ndon ls the mab'og'auy center' of r 11 th however, IUld b In .the. course 0 \ me e men 'get to t a the world. Here 'p~lces are let and , Tb,ere iii nO lIuob tblpa ail ,;. th; c,bar4LC~e", of wood decided. Beauty lD.bO~Y: ll'he p~ne tr:~, loves Ita Qt ' gralll Ill, .0t-cOurse, ' tbe chief char. Idnd, planted .lUId . neyer , thrives ';than th' at', wlilch by nattfre or lIetter by man. one acterl-s tlc. and ~ _ ' at onoe ' when, tree Ilext to the otilf~r, oyi;r;mUe aft.... r&DO It above otJler weods either . for masonry. Joliet stone, ,8 t.t thtck, -r con.tructlv.. or dec:otatlve purposes' From tbe top of the masOnry tbe col· ,"mUe o~ II'Ia1q. or · ~oubW~. Qtber tr,eeiI ,• .,.., , .Is ,ftgure"or( pattern,. 'umn was oonatl'Ucte'd of , brick. be. ' ate found In :aJl)vell or chimlJs" 809m. allied to J,)eauty Ing to ~orm lltl.te settlements wJthln' ~h d .WheD the tw~ hie combln~d. mta. ~nlling with Ii thfo\cDes/J' of 2 · feet the woo(1s • Tb ah gaD , t b;r ogany th en .,b.acomel supreme. Sbee s 3 inches 'at the baae an4 gradually . e m 0 y ree, 0 • of ,m~Qgany 9~ woild,e~f~I ,' tbln\1ess reducing, by BuccaBslye stopa •. to 1 ~ be ,cut 'f~m .the parent Io'r. with foot:"l Incb' at the bottom of the calli. ed by tbe: sDulltel" trees and den., very .llt,' Ie ~q8S. . ';.'I ,' • tol. the ornate ellP of tJ.le toWer, dergrowth of the tro'plCal toreat ' B~11lDg mahogan". loga by 'auctloJl Ie standi tbe ObS8l'VatloJ' platfol'JD, The . sttn th~ habit In. vogu&-' In the' great diameter ot tbe bale crt the colilmn. the. centet-':-~ndon~f ' tb~ trade. a cua. tbe ~asonr{. work-II .i ·leet. Inherited trom- gener-tJoDs o( buJ. 'I Betwe~n tite ItandpiJ)e and tbe cOl.............,. " , seUln4:/ 1;0 \hea~ t; prl,n clpal umn 'on the Inside-Sa s sPace of a teet ni"'rliiiitJl'.·'1In ~lJlancr mer.~b!'flt8 como 8 Inchea. and fr. thll •• pace waa . , tor the pJek o. sp~ral ltalrw,a)'; ",lnlltn.c alwaY8 b'e tound tUre, and .leadlng, to .the clua, of :10111 from on the capitol. The heJght tronlC111.1 ,., ... ,.rl<.R are .c¥ri8d qrst ~o of the" capitol 'II 19 f~~t' 8 iilches. or lhem sold to manu· FrOm thil polnt ,thouaandt, of .tMll'8lIIna the Unl~ ~ta~., to be ' who wer,e willing \0 braYe tl1e.,.!at!gu'8' thrquab tb. AtlantIc of cll~blnl ' t.be . ,nat:rOw ' clelU'~'~l.lleabo.lrd', th~ liaYlfl( travel d , hrl" 'Way have had a fine vtew the the, OCeaD ill thelt ~OU1'll" tloom and til., lIurroundlng 'c ountl'J. < The to. forest-to the taOto"...' tal ~t of t .n e old w.ter tower WAI , br,anoh811 at " It 8 " ratJIYln, to kD,w tba~ tU,6U, And tlie city conlldel'ed It Ie DO ~holeaale ct..truOUola Of • m _ io04 Inves:tment. ' ,\oaaD.l' rorptl. Tbe 10'&11 U Iw When the tow~r wa. ~oin.,leted to be pHae"ed, . At oa . t Itillen. 0' St,: Louil reprded It' as • tbe Jaw that ao 'tre,. I mODuptent· 9f hl~ ' eJltei~~lle to ~ .~oh lquand ...... til.. I' prou4 ot. but lew realized thfl, Teat quite a I11'II trtt, .. OD m.rtt' of thl! atructure .. ,. .pJl!ndld but that ,b as·. . . . . . . .~... • example of 'lOOd ,eqtja.,t1IlK and ter. . .ct tNeI ....... ohltetl"~ ~auty. . '
eo .......na
IIItcllCll should no t bla me ilia milk, for sour mJlk. hem I a ls ha vIng a n Injurious ef· Cect on hacterla are somet 1m 8 used to retard th e g rowth · of bac teria In mil k nnd thus prolpng the Ume with in which i,t llIar b sold. This practice
Inftuence of Temperance on aacteria Ordlnarliy Found In Mill<.
Rod-Shaped Bacteria. IB unive rslllly condemned by public opinion. Heat Is trequently applied to milk to deslroy a part or all of the bacteria. Complete destruction of ' all bacteria in any substance Is ,sterlllza. tlon; pasteurization Is a term used to deslgnllte a proceBS by which milk or otllel' lIulds are heated to destroy' part. but not all, of tbe bacteria. Pll8teurlzatlon may be "contAnuoul" or "Intermlttent;" In the first method the milk flows In a continuous stream through the pasteurizer. where it Is heated to a required temperature by steam or hot water; in the second method the milk Is heated In a similar way, but Is beld at the pasteurizing temperat'Jre for lIome tlme. ThE! temperature for pasteuriZIng vartes greatly. AS a general rule. to insure good resulta. the temperature must be Increased as length ot expos· ure Is decreased. When the milk Is beld for twenty to thirty mJnutes tbe temperature may be varied trom 140 degrees to 160 degrees F. The former temperature Is the lowest point Ilt which the bacllluB of tuberculosla Is destroyed. To make the destroctlon of this bacll1us certal\! the milk musl be held at 140 degrees tor at least twenty·five minutes a~d be constantly aUrred. Milk may be eIDciently pasteurized In the household by setting the bottle of milk in a vesBel conta'l nlng water, aud beallng the water until the milk reaches a temperature of about 150 degrees. It may t hen be removed trom -the stove and allowed to stand for twenty-five mlnutes. The temper· ature of the water will be above that of the milk, and while It slowly coo19 the-milk w,lll he tlloroughly hea led
some ba.cterla get Into the milk. and further precautions must be taken to prevent their undue multiplication. The practical way to accomplish tbls 18 by control of the temperature of the mHk. Advantage Is taken of tbe nat· ural law governing tbe limits and ra· pldity of growth of bacteria at different temperatures. The milk should he cooled at once to a temperature ' as near tlle freezing point aa clroumsta)),ces will permit. OJl farms wbere water 18 supplied by $ wlndmlll It la very easy to ar· range ilie water trough ao that the water flows trom the pump tbrougb' a aacteria With Hair-Like Appendage .. trough or tan.k In which the cans of It should then be chuted at once and mUk may be set to cool. This Is kept cold until used. MUk inay be sterUlzed by repeated bomngs: This Is usually accomplished by steaming on three or four sue· cesslve days. After each boiling It ..: sbould be held at room temperatUre -~. for twenty·three bours to allow the •• spores to germinate ' and reach the , .. veget~Uve stage. • Wblle bacteria are in no way eBsen· Ual to mUk. they may be conSidered as normally present in milk. cream, 'Ice cream, butter and cheese. They may even occur In milk or Its products In very large numbers without makfng It au unsafe food 'or hL any way det. _' _ crelllln& Its tood value. aacterla of SpherIcal Type. Bacteria known to ilroduoe diSeAse are seldom Isolated from or counted ,Ilow metho'd, but mqoh. be~ter than In .milk and bacteriological counts llothlDI. IIhould be taken merely as indica, r t 1a 'not' 8uftlclent merely to coo) the ' tlon of the way In which milk has rr~8h' milk.. - To S~lure good resulta, been collected or the temperature at It mUlt ~e kept cold until ul~d: The ",hich It ' has been held. Hlgh num· liousekeeper wbo leavea her 1i0tUei ~f bers usually Indicate unaanftal'Y con· mllk in tbe Bun or standing 10 a ~arm dltlona, CjjI.reless bandllng or old milk,
_ _ - - - .....
"''' ' ' 'l'tA<lI
e., dV.
• •
RELIEVES URINARY AND KIDNEV TROUBLES, BACKACHE, STRAINlNG, SWELLING, ETC. . Stops Pain In the Bladder, KldneYI and Back. ' W ould n't It b e ntce w it hi n a
week or 80
t o 11 gIn t o 8Uy LCOOdbyo (or e ver t o tho
8cnldlng. Ilrlbb ll ng, 8t r nlnlng , or too rrllqu nt pltQsng at urln o: tho for .111"1(\ a nd t ho bll'lt-of-lh e- ll clld Itch es; t ho titltChCB nnd p:J.I ns In the back ; t he gro w ing m Ul/· cle W I1lmC89; apot. b e ton, t he eyes; yo l· low ak In ; s luggle h b owe ls; IIwollen eyelids or nnJdl!ll ; leg crnOlpe; u n na.t ural short breath ; 81 ecp l essn(l~8 !llld t h o d eapo n d ney? I hnve 0. roelpe ror th eBe troub les th llt you nn dC Jle n d on, Dllll It yo u wnnt to mako II. Q U I 1< R ECOVERY. you o u g ht to writ nnd g e t 11 COp y ot It . !linn y' B doc to r w ou l<l c hnrge YO U $:I,CoO Just t or wr Iting t h lll presc r lptl on , bllt I h ave It nnd will be g lnd to send It t o yo u e nUroIy f r ee. J ust drop m e II. 11no !I ko thlu D~ A. E . R obinso n, l(-2U I Lu clt D ulldJnr. De troit. Mi c h .• Qnd I w1Il send It loy rotUrn mall In I}. plnln e nve lope. As y o u will 81le wh e 1l y ou g ol It, t his r eclpo '01ltalna onl y pure. h a rml ellS r e m ed le8., b ut It ha. great h <!allng and p nln ·conQuerln J; power_ It wtll quickly sho w Its pOw !!r o n c ~ yoll. us e It. 80 I thlnlt y o u h nd b Itor lIoe what It 18 wUhout d elny. I w ill eend you ~ copy tree-you co.n use It a nd curo ),OUI'eelt at h o m e.
Assistant Manager-What shall I do 'WIth the amount the cas bier took; charge It to profit and lalla' Manarer-No; put It down aa rUDnlng. oxpen~es.
If the Curative VIrtue of' Rellnol Was Generally Known It Would ae Uled Exclullvely for tht! Cure of All Skin Dllnl••
,A grateful user wrltes from lllngland as follows; "Pleaee accept m)" heartfelt thanks tor bringing out Reslnol Ointment. Having been a sufferer for the past four years from tbat dreadful disease. weeping Eczema. I can now heartHy reoommllPd this great remedy for It has ~ured me as notblnl else could. My condition. was moat ,d istreSSing: nearly everything I ate made me worse. Since I waB advised to use Resinol I have gained a new life. so to say. Surely there are thou. aands of suffering people who ought to know of Reslnol Ointment and Soap. I certainly recpmmend ~very" body to keep a jar of thIs salve at .hand. Gratefully yours. Lee Carter, Rutland Hall." Reslnol Is a sldllfully· made ointment with almost magical beaUng and soothing Qualities. It la universally recommended for the re. Uef and cure of Eczema. Herpes. Tinea, Barber's Itch. Acne. ,Eruption from Polson Ivy. Bums. Sores and abrasions of the skin of any kind. Itcblng Piles and other dlstresslnl lrrltatlons are relieved Instantly by applying tblB salve. Reslnol OIntment Is sold by druggtsts everywbere. ReII' inol Ohemlcal Co.. Baltimore. Md. , CrItic ... "Opl), competent critics .cnn
give competent critlclsms." IIllld Admiral Mahan, ot the Immortals' recent reception In New York. "Tho IgnobleI' the critic the Ignobler the criticIsm-even of the very finest thhlgs'-tbllt be w1l1 l)rOnounce, orA man In :l bar was praising a famous American journalist. Il justly famous JournaI:st. a journalist - who gets out a relllly flne paper. "'Yes,' the bartender ogreed. 'hil paper Is a good one. It picked two winners last week.' " One Happy Condition. . "Wireless 'Is a wonderful thing, Isn't Itt It's going to take the place of everytblng-telegraph, telephone. thought transference-why, tliey even transmit newspa.per photograpbs tba't way.'"
"Yes. but there's one tblng they'lI never d(\ with wireless." "What·s that?" "Wire-pulling." DISTEMPER In all ita forms among all sga. of honea, .. well all doge. cured and otbel'8 in sam. ~tt.ble prcvented from hllvin!L!be diaeoae wit/l SPOHN'S DIS1'EMPER. CURE. EYery bottle gUA1'8ntecd . Ovcr 600 000 bottleR lold last year '.50 and '1.00. Any gopd druggia~; or send to mllnufacturel'8. Agentll wanted. Spohn Medical Co .• Spec, COntagious Disel\ael, Goshen, Ind. a.-tween Octotlenarlanl.
'I}, 'un~erstand they s-elltenced bt'w
Ufe Imprisonment?" .. "Well, n9; it ,wasn·t·'88 bad 8S .. that: He got only 99 yt\ar8!"-Ptlck: V!tB " ....BN'S
Ill. alltlaeptlo }lQwdt!1' lQ be IbUeil ID\O Ill. lIboee. U ma"eB roul' fetl~ Yett ....7 ~ .. d OOID' fclr'\able a .. d malle. w&l"latt a dill!lrbL 8014 .T~wh.re.l.I&c; 'R'hun.~lIit"'<i. J'oI'free VIal ,.c~, &CIQI'8IIIIA1leD&Obaalea4,LfBoI'.N'I Y.
Sympathy iometlmea ,meanl al~t~ , .n .. car and llBulnc' ~ut '80ft words to ~~ ·rolk. '
'****•• *' ** ••• ***~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No. 2220
i 'the onditftHl of the itizens Of the Condit ion of the W~nes ville National Bank, at Waynes · 13ank, 'a t Waynesville in the StEle March 7,19Jl. {tBl:!O • HUES
o erurUIAI. li4!Cured
a.nU WUI<lCured
1 512. n
• ij. Bouds t~ 1leCllr6 clrcu1a~lon . ~ 110. 000. 00 real CIlIatE! ••• • •••• • • •• $ "1.3H. OO Bonds. securille!l. et.<: .....• • .. ..• • 61. 866.115 L..>1Ul.8 on collat raJ .. _. .. . . ... . . ~ . 647 . 00 Baukl.ug hoUll6 . . . . . . . . • • • • . . • . . 3.1100.00 other loalls lUll discounts . . . . ... 82003.6 7 Due trom approved..-,rve agents 2' ,95 . ,00 .. vrdrurt~.... .... ...... ..... . 31a.6 b k81Uld other clI8h Items . .... 7.70 :, ate, county nn(\ lIluniclpal OlAlil ot otber National Bank8.. .. 89 0.00 bon'\lll l\Ot Illcluoocl In reserve 9,00 0.00 .'ract lonal paper currency. nickels. 1I.ouo.oo ()~ hllr bonds IUIIlsi IIrlt Ius • . .... . and CODUI . .. . . ... ... . .. .. .. 82 0: 78 ,' urnltlJl'6 anti II . turt:'8 • • , • •.•• , • 2.6911,0 0 La"tul Money Reserve In Bank.vlz: 11.700.00 Spocle .. . · ....... . ..... 9. 11 9. 10 Ither 1'6611l111llte owned .. .. . . , . f lU from \"C6Ilr\'Cl bUIIII$1 ,100.2 . t,.egal-toDdcr notes .. . .. .. 2.0 00.00 11. 119.10 b IIl1j!'l'Ol tor cI 3\111(/; ROCIompt.lon lund l>1th .8. Troll8190 . • 3 hOIlJ)6 • •• •• ,... .. • urur(O% 01 clrculatlon) . ..... 2.500.00 t; U.UU I,olll colll ..... . .... . . liver dollars .... ... . . . H 7, OO Total •.. .. : .......... .. .... 3 8 ~ . H7.65 )rractloulll coin . , . . ... . 192. 6 LIABILIT I ES . . . IUld Nal.lonal bank nOIAlil ............. 2.776.00 12.926. II Capital stock paid lu .. ... . ... .. . 00.000.0 0 Total. ... · .. . _. -.. _.... _. . .. $ 99.772.70 ~'!:'Sl~d~n~roili4: ·Ies.i . ~ 75.000.00 LIABILITIES and ~1UIl8 palll .. .. . . .. .. . .. 11.1611•.1 9 N atlollll.l Bank notes outllta.DcUng 50. 000.00 ·~pltallt.ock paid In .. .. .. ••..• . 1 2(;.000.00 Dividends unpaid . .. .. . . ... .... . ~ 1l0 . 0 0 surplus fund. 1................ . 1. 200.00 lDdlvldual deposita subject to Doh-Ided pronto less e.xPOusel. incheck . ... ... . . .. . ~ 88. 7.:1. 68 terest and taxll8 palll.... .. . 1. 06 S. 0a Demand certUlClte8 . .. 8. 6H.94 191 . U8 .6 ~ IncUvldual de=ts IIUbJecd H, o Cl1n~:-:' " . 166. 6 73 .0. Total . .. . . . ... ... ...... . . S 8 ~.671 . 6 11 O eman oert ca..... . . . 9. 9 I 2.76 av1ng8 deposlt8...... 11,1125. 7 72,(;09. 87 STATE OF OH IO. WA RREN OOUNTY.S8: Total._ ..... . ...... .. . .. . .. ,199.77270 1. J. O. Olll'twrlaht. Ouhlerot t he above named b ank. do 80Iemnly IIwear t.hat t he STATE OF OHIO WARRE!N OOUNTY. sa: above lta.temeut Ia ~e \0 t.he beA of my I . P . O. H~. Onsh..ier ot the above- knowledge and bellet. named bank . do IOlem\lly swear that tbe J. O. OARTWRIGHT. Ouhler. above lltatement 18 true to tbe beat ot m y Sub8cribed and . ",orn belore me thla lOtb k nowledge and b6I.Iet. day ot lotareb. 1911. E .. V. Barnhart. 11'_ O. HARTSOOK. OaabJer_ Ool'l'llCt Attest: Notar)' Publlc. 8nbecrlbed and 1W0rn to betore m e thla 10th J. W. WHl!¥" . .. h 9 W . H . ALL~ B . V. Baruhal1o. I S. LE V OARTWBIOH'L. d a,. 0f ... arc . 1 11.
\,,)111111 011
N ot&ry Public.
......... ,..--..:..-- ,.,
•• ••
BY L . M. MO NTGOMERY , HorUoulturll \ Dcrnl l·llI1('nt. Ohio
Still e
lnll·l· r"lly.
: :
***********************•• *
Chas _ . Sheehan. of Center ville, For b Bt I' !;lulls In th veg tablo made th e Gazette office a pleasant garden, no matter how smnll. some call Thu rsday . deflnlte~rerul, Int 1I1gpnt planning Mrs_ E ugene Foster, of Butter- must be done In advanc of ttl growworth Stat ion, spent Sunday with Ing season, at«!' the earlier . this rerelatives here. ceives attention, the better will be the results. Orville Colvin. of Lumberton, was 8 1ze of Ga rden. tbe guezst of his p~rents, Mr. and By a ll means pilln to d vole as Mrs . E. H. Colvin. Sunds.y. large an area to t he garden and small frui ta as spaee will allow and lhfl Mrs. Edith Harris and Miss Edith needs of the household requ!t'e, wit h Mosher were iUests of relatives in & surplul for good measure. If there 18 time and Inclination, make the Cincinnat i last week. garden large enough to produce a marketable qu antity of freah seasonMessrs. J. C. Hawke, L. A. Zim- able vegetables, w hlc n may be di smerman, Chas. Cornell, F. H. Farr, posed of at a goodly proUt. F. B. Sherwood. Thos. Pierce, Jesse Shape of - Garden. Thomas. J. B. Pence and Cliff Smith This may seem a small matter, but Dfree1Ors. went to Springboro Friday eveninl' l ome &ttentlon given to · this particuto attend an iniat ion of Orientals. lar w ill give ample rec·ompenee •• A class of twenty-nine was initiated, th rough ease of culture and economy ot time requIred In attention . •• •• and a fine supper was served. To raollltate the work of prepara-
The Neighborhood News •• .......... .,. ....................... ............, . .....,.. ............ . ..,.........' ....... .
•• ••
H. Coleman, F. B. tlon Mld subsequent cultivation the plot lliould be at least twice as long Henderson , C_ M_ Robitzer, L. A. al wide, partl~ularly In those IIU'Zimmerman. Saml. Smith, J. E. dens up to an acre In exte nt. where Clyde W . R eitz, of Dayton,lpent I The C E . boalne.. meetin. a .. d Jannev, F. H. Farr, H. A. Cornell .the work of preparation Is performed RonlJay with his mother, Mr•• Frank . Bocial were beld __ t tbe ohurch on and D. L. Crane were in Day'ton bJ other than hand labor. Stokel. \'Wedne.day ev8nlQa: Wednesday e veninK' attending the Arrangement of Cropa. Tbe D. A . olau w" pleuantly en M,se Baz"l Bisbop W-\I in the Gem inspection of Dayt~n LodK'e. F. & Thought be,towed upon the proper Cl' y &torday. . tertained by MiBl NanDle .bam of the plant. to be grown Mra Bam. Obarlton and Hazel baogb on.Satorday afternoon. The A . M. Work was 'e xemplified in the dl,polltlon w111 promote satisfactory relulta Kirby vlBited Buobye Bohool ont! oooaBion waa a paroel Ihower for E. A. degree. A fine .lunch, fine both with respect to culture and prou{tfl rnooD last week. Mi8s MlLttie 8iel. tbe teacher of the speeches, and a flne .time generally ducUvltJ. 111 all gardeils not conFrank S tokee waa In Dayt.on 1"., 01a81. was had. . lined to small back·yard areas, the I3atorday. Flora and William Barilla apeDt - - - _. _ • r plants should be d"posed In rows W. W. Crane Pekin , tooll: hi t b e week-ead at home. . &Jld not In bedl. .. Is common In ORANOE MEETI~O tob~ooo north of Dayton Jillt wee k David l..esbel' was qoite tloll: l..t manJ gardenl. This lIves a mul"nd .180 b ..d a delivery a t Lytle lliB' weell: ' with etomaoh "oable de ta mum area for tbe ule 'of the plants The Grange will meet, Saturday and enhance I ease 1B culture. As ·I::!a\ ul'day. . • '. improving . tbeir hall. much of tbe arduoUol ·labor· as polIl· John Charlton ts agaio io onr Mrs. Raymond Beevee enter.tned evening, Marcll 18th, ble ehould be aYolded bJ the use of mtd." bavtn 8 moved bllok uPO.! the leveral friend. to dlnDer on SnDuy The proi1'8m will be as'follow8: Tibbal.' farm witb his broth llr S!im . tn honor. of her birthdaY ,aDninrsa. "How Many Men Actually Succeed Ylleeled plows. hoes •. weederl, eto. Such linplements are Inexpensive At va Creafler and lady friend. of ry • in Life?" _...... ......... A B: Chandler aDd, "here the .reawlll ,uIUfy .their Dayton. llpent Monday with his par Mrs. Samoel Wilson haa a. ber eD,.. · guelt ber , motber, Mrs. Mill., of Reading .... .: ............Blanche Sheehan ,.... they ·are. to- be preferred. Thll dOls not linply the disuse of "Noteworthy Men and Women 'of , Several from ~id gnUle attended New Paru.. Ohto. . . Our COmmunity ........ Ruth Janney the hand hoe and rake where ntleded. tlie fUD,ral of Everett Laokey OD Boward Leamiqand ,famUy wbo The arranrement of the ro ws ot lut eat.rday. moved to Texal lut fall ' have lold Music ................... .. ......Oren Strawn plante with ' relpect to their order and Mr. and 111'8. Horaee Klrbv helped their property tbere and returned to • • dIrection will need consideration. MC'.4Ild IIH. Jal . Cook move one Ohio. Tbey are at tbe bome of· Mr. HOGS FOR SALE The roWI 'maT ext~nd . 1B any day 1ut weell:. and Mra. J . S · ,.Leamt.n l. den. but 'commonlJ a north and Mr' . a bd Mrs, A. J . Cbar,lton • - • Seven good brood BOWs_ ('All and aouth dtrecUoll Ia to b. preferred. aa moved to Bloohestar las' week. , Benbrook. see the·m . II. H. Wadlworth.. that admits of a sreater and more They Will remde with Mra. «.,'b"rlThe 8igb Scbool . . . Ball olnb _~_~.___•_ _P:...:h:...:o=ne 44-4. eVeD dJltrlbuUon of lunshlne. which ton '. parente. . give. Box 8oo1al In tbe Town Ia a matter of Importanece In clolely lin, Dr. Lang .who baa been l ery wlll Hilt.. A_ Oregonia crowde4 gardena. elolt Is !lot mooh Improved. • The 'rowl .hould further be ar" nex, o;;atur...y eveDing, Marob 18tb. , .: ranged In orcle'r of ' the probable -. , Laoy Peterson and wife vieited hta "1'8, (}eorKe liaoter enjpyed a viI hel,ht of the plants to grow In them. Spring Branch \ parentI, ·Mr. and Mre; 3. It Peter- "from ber ei8ter. Mi88 Callie Veldt. 1I'or "ppearance . .. well 81 for em· lin. tAb Smith W88 the go..t of .on lut Sonda, . . of Morrow, Snnday. elenoT the taller srowlBg kinds should M~., Bertha 8ar\8001t, OD Friday. .,1In 'Le.aa ,Badlley, . o~ Payton, ChRrlee Aherwood, of Lebanon be grouDtd and 411poled In the back· , MrI. Ada Dakin , and ,d_ngbterl, h~a bet)n vt,Ui"g her ~renta, lb. oalled on relativee het:e one day I.., ITOnnd. If po1islb,e.. ' At anT rate they ~~ , lmd Basel a'ld MH. J. ' 8 , and XH, Wm. Da~l. ..' • w:eet• . . 1 ahquld be 10 arranged a. to calt as Obeoowetb were very pleuantiy MIA MeUa and NanDle 11m. were KiM Helt\o Ullum, of Lebanon, llttle .ha4e u ' poal lble upon the ree entertalDed by Mtunie Marlatt lir.9t Dayton ehoppertll •• t SAtorday. @~nt Bon" ay wah her grandm.lh. malnlng 'fegetatlon• . Perennial crops . !loa~Y. Mr. Earl BUrneU, of Deaa: Lel»anon er, Mr. Areoa Kersey. should be placed to one · side of the , Ib and Mr•• Gladman Em. and b ... .1poved Oll the IIUt'I farm nortb Mis9 M"hel Sherwood 8pent tlie tract 110 U not to Interfere with the fa~Uy . eDter$ailled the woodohop of.$owu.· .' . ,week end Ilt lrome. . ' . . Clulture of the remalnd.r. '. panG. Thnrsday to dinner. ; IIr. anel Mr• • Eeom·Earnhart:ria. Oregonia an~' vlolnity turned ~nt Varletl.l• . lllee ElIte Smith bu been very I Ued ~el, d·" nghler, · lb•. · . Carroll en masse ~~torday ntght ,to atten·d · T~ II ' wide cholc. Ib thll mat. e10k bnt lA baUer at tbe time of thl. t:8avanl aDd f,mily ne.r CeD,a ervUle. the T(m Cent 8 9Ot_l iiven by till! tel, but· the amateur as well a:a com· wrltlna. , l· l • tt S~D~Y. . C. E . an~ the Ladies' Aid ~etlea . . . . .1 .ardener whl do well to eon· KIae MaUte Resl haa gone 10 Qntaea tarp crowd Ctf younl peo- at 'be liome of .Allen Kibler. ane .bill atteIlUon,. to a few choice XSnla to oulat ber brother W.ller pIe at~nded a party liveD by IU.. • - • I Tart..... Or .uch plant. .. likely, inmQviDg. . IBertba,pur4om.ther hpau~ . .rlh AloDglDMarob winter, begine$o 10 II" the ....ateBt · relurn and IUD" Mr', and Mn.. Thoma. and of ~oW1q~t batorday evenlnl· . , Sarah Bernhard t-in otber wordl p17 the tutet 'of the b01l8~bold. ComfamUr Inaertalned Joshaa ("'beno- I D1~k MUon hal beeD on . the Iiolt make tnnamera~le farewell lippear. a.rdal pr(leDerl mUlt co~Bult the we.h 'aDd wife and daughter Etbel 1tat. anoes. . - tutel of lila patrone and plant &'Cand ~rl. J. B. ('''beDowe,b and BOO • • • _ • 0ert1ll.17. LttU. apace s,bou14 be Jacob .and daughter Fran ...... ..... · "0 din. YVOOOENWARE 11.... Dew ind untried varleU.. • When a wom&nlovel abe forllvee . to. ".ner 8unday_ . . ~r . 107 .....d · ot .. P1ant. Contln~ the X d ~Ten orime. "ben .he love. no ..Ieotlon ' to atandard nr1etlea .. no A a , D,.lrln and ohlldreQ and Obopping traYR,'mooldlDR bQard., ahe do.l not oven forgive vlrtne.'-:' Hlted 10 the 'Ne4 catalogue. Alid ·re<> Mra. 6!'OrRta Gordon were SODday Isto" ahonld never be dried near tbe . om;"·aa-" by local -rdene'l. --callerl at Mt Bolly 000nt888 Vera de Talleyrand ~ -- # .. .. fire. If expoaed to heat while wet Bome lpace ma7 be dnote4 to Mr. Goy Chenoweth waa the gueet ' . • - • NIal of ~r. Daniel .Morgan and family I tbef will warp and or,acll:. ODe Iwanow doel not make a eDln- ~ .... new nrla.t le', but the,., T ·- • mer, but f. coaple of cold wave. and Mtae F>loreooe Laoy Is very boarse 00 . QUen marriage oon81.t. of an ioe 8torm mate a very fall' hul- .,..it:.• hunt to ~eard ' It for lOme.: and hu been s:) f;jr three or foor a perpetnaltng of war between op· "'tlon of the SpriDg8 we bave now!'_ thIIl,' .lie. O~ the ~th.r hand, be weeke. poslng aelflabu/JII . da,s.-8onday . Magazine of tbe . . . . to lo. ad.utale of aD7 Pt".borg Oispa"-". ~ yarhitT . that haa' proven IIUU worth7. -
Value One Thousand DoUars
Miss Lillie Nedry attended the f u· ne ral of Mrs. Leah Welch at Mor row Thu rsday .
Single Comb .Black Minorcas .-
Should Be Planned to In(rease Results ·and seve Labor. ~
. ville in t be State of Ohio, at the f' rank H art.sock was the guest of close of bu siness, March 7, 1911. relatives in Dayton several days last RESO UROES. weak. . Loans and DiBcOunte . ... .. . . . .. .. t2 Ur~' (). 69
of Oplo, at the close of bu iness,
Messrs. J
New Burllndon
Again Wadswonh's Bluc Grass Stmin, provc they are in a clilS3 by tllemselves for highest qualilYand grat egg-l!roduction:
Z,Pe n 2-9 Birds, Value $800: , Here is more quality' of tlte Blue Grass Strain. and I don't know of a pen in the Hlgh~st Exhibition Quality in ~tate ' tate of equal number except pen No. I, that has such high quality. I have what 1 belleve to be the nnest pen T his pen is headed by a Standard weight of birds Ln the State aU breeds competing. 'ock, good type nnd cblor long back and low This pen is headed by IlJl extra line cock. tail, lie won lst as cock. lst in pair and well upon legs, large 9 lb.. good comb was in the grand swecp stake cvent. at the and w!lttles, and line shape. judge as;' of gre~t. Miami Valley sh~w, j anuary 5· 7. Shreve, scored him March 8 and said "'he was T hIS IS one of the nncst bird, tllat was ever the best cock bird (Min6T~a) he had hand: produced in tI." county. . led this year. .. His tail and wing feathers ~"ted to hIm are 7 fen~alei the quality of were badly broken from being cooped yet which can not be questIOned, tltey Icore ~e scored 93 ~ . he: is a good 9S point bird 94 ,9"~ 94 ,94, 94 " 94)(, 94. T he If put in show condition. above bird. were scored Marcb 8th. by Mated to this bird are nine femllles of ex- judge Ca.se, t hey were caught up out of the ccllent quality. they were scored March 8th. breeding pen. they were' not groomed one by j udge Case and their score wal as fol- iota. for the job, thcy would score abol·t lows, 95, 95 ~. 95 ~ , 95, 95. 95 , 9S ~ . · a ~oint to a point and a half higher if they 95 ~ , 95)( . hail been put in show condition. Th, above scores spells out quality in big We will l~are a few settings only of this letters, do you know any one who has as ·valuable matmg at $8 per 15 . good? All these fe males were bred and Utlllty Birds raised by me and have no blood in them bUt tltat of the pure Blue Grass Strain which Betides the above matings we have about hu taken years of experience in scientific 450 bead, we a.re selling eggs from at '2 per IS. T hese bird. have quality and the mating and breeding to produce. I can on.ly s~re a few lettings of eggs same breeding 'as the above bird.. Owing to from this Jl!.I'e mating at $10 per setting of the great number we' have them divided up 15 eggs, and I want to say thesc' are the and placed on 12 farms. MOlt all of them c){eapesl eggs I have ever sold qUillilY con- have free range, t ey Ilrc stout. hearty and sidered. vig~rou •.
! !: ! ! :! !
*' ! -!
If you have anything you want to sell or buy, help wante.d or situations wanted, the Miami Gazette dlrec.can _get -them for you. . Try us once.
ALESMtUI w8nt~d to' l~k "f~er oa r inte re8t In Warren Gnd ad·. S j 'loeot ooooties. BA llryor (lmmlsion . Addretos ThA Viotor 01l 1Jom. pariy , Oleveland : 0 , '.
SEteD OA~ for lalo. Swedi.h 8e ,leot. Produoe ,,-ee r y , we'gh b l'uY,450 per tio ' Com~o~ Oab. 3Gu peJ' bo. Pbone 6/;..... 3" . F . (J. tJ&" ln, WII.Y~ ~lVllle, O. '
=-I!:u!~ ~~~'t ,:!e:a ~
· ANgy past 3Q.w lth h9~11~ Dull bbff , fOR~A.LE~S 0 W Ltlghornulis ·to sel1 l1..~ook M odltion pow. from p' l~ W~b1Jer. 'I per Bt1 t. M del' 10 WBJ'ren Ooa uty. Slll~"'v ''70 tiug of 16; Barrell. R uok e,,~ (Heo_
per IL<lo t b Addretls SOl Uni),y ry,J Konker . ~nd t Eo B Tbompson bldg , 10diao~poJle Indiana. ' 8train) at 710 per Betting BliUr I , GraDd~iew Poultry Farm, Piloue 88'•.
===;::====;:~-== ' , for.; 881e , Fot '.' HOUSE aDd ~t . for 'ber Par.ttoulars aI to prioe FO.. RENT and looatloD apply ' lit tbe Gazette
• ...:....-.:."""'l"'---..;...-----omoe.
STORA'~E Roo~,
8A~E ~OOd
The Miami Gazette . Printers of
Fine Stationery, and All,Kinds,of ,.
'ConUnercia1 Work
New Garden Seeds in pkgs. New ~ Bulk Garden Seeds: Bulk' Sweet Pea Seed. it'ancy Yel low Onion' Seta, 6c. qt. Fancy White. Se~ 7c qt. .Genuine Red River u.rly Obio Seed Potatoes. -Irish Cobbler Seed ·Potatoes. , .
Hen and Chick Feed, Oysu-r Shell and P~rl Grit. Charc9al. ·tJ<,arae Salt, the finest ·,ou 'eVer , . laW wont .ret hard, o'lly $1.20 .
'. a bbl.
' . . F~cy Evp. Muir Peaches, llc lb. Fancy Prun~ ... ~......:....: It~c· lb.
M~t 4pncoti ....... :...... ~ lb. ''That GOOd 011" Moore's,'15c ,at Sweet Nave I O~gee ........... ~ i __"_"._••,;;.; ..,;.;. ...;;;.••.;..;, ••.;.;. ,.••~...;.;: ••?X)e~.::to;..4::Oc doz. -. ~ .Freeb ~ Lettuee, Oniona and .
~Fre8b O:.& ' 'n tbli w=k: nn.ea. Cat. Bali FrIday. ' Ever;tiiiDi
aooa to eat at
llir8e and oan l FOB corD IDt\,tobaooo . I,<>r~ lot.. or 80ods: Call at tbe farm Qf /d1 aQre8 ; plenty IMrn Gazette omcs for IDfol'~ation. rooll" bever failing Bpr,jbp. good honBe of 11 r <Rrm e ' Addreea Box WaYD~BvtU~, Obio~ .
1-8'. 75 .
" LOSl' t
A KID GLOVE, tor left band, be-
tWfi'8n my bome antl (Jor~D,. lut Thur8day A reward . will be given for ittl return, Jobn CUQl., mlng8, R. D. 3, Wayne8vtlle, , Ohio·
pAPER NAPKIJllI!l--Tbe ' Gazette . offioe hllJ)dlelt tbe plain white and oolored napkJD8. Call and flee them .,
for sale HORSE~Borf'e8 or pairl. Inqnlre
lingly J. B. Chapman, \yay.neevll1e, Obio; ' .
BUSHELS ·goOd spring Pota t~ fo~ iale. Rlphard Brown . W"yne8viUe, Ohio. te.. F. D. 8.
0 dl'p~·..e of , Way~e!l'yl1l~ MUk 'T' IB~01!l P APEIJ;':':"'If 'trap' Roote, ln~l1l ..e of J ., L ~eo ~ . any. col~r of 1n8 tiuoe p&l»!'r, denhan"Pbone 16S --~L 2'S, Way nee- ) oatt,lI.t 'be 6asette"...offioEi. ' ' We' bue ville,O , . .' '.. ·It\on hand aU the time. , .'.
22, 1911.
:SU~ Q
--:-. r Social Events t_ - I
strong convictions and with thecou r _1 11-. ~ .• , ~ - - ~A OBITUARY age of them , she was always found .. with voice and pen on t he right side Sara~ Nedry Wh80n .w~ b rn (Publllhe d by I'OQU8IIt of GMUlae) of every moral and ' social question. Augus t 26, 1837. near Wllmmgton e-- ___ -..-. _ _ ... ___ ". Mrs: Una Wr;lht Bur h, of Sid, Clinton County , Ohio. She was t he ney, Ohio, wriU!s us to continu *, My first thought.l\ ora this subject Mr, and Mrs, Thad Zimmerm An . Mrs. Bfr;~was,a~vot~ co~mu- younge st of eight children. John. J o, ent l"rtained at dinner Sunday, Mr8 sendiU the Miami G azette, as she is were dollars " the accumulation of mcant 0 t. ary s urc , a~ ere seph and William Nedry, Mary Ann Christie McKillf;ey and dau~htl"r. aiwaY8jntereat~ in the home news. wl"alth, the millionaire and all his we c:"~ot ~o b~t~e~:an.~lvedher Welch, Eliza Wales, and Lydia Mi~s La ura and Mrs, Mllry A. Ed , luxurious miserie!l. ?W\ eCtrat.;~n 0 ~:I b ~ e? : - Haynes . Her parents were It is no sin to be poor, but it is ex· James wards. ~ng t ~r as; 1 n~: ~I~ve m e and Lydia Antram Nedry She was E. \'. Barnha rt received a car~ tremely inconvenient at times. _ _ _ . oc rmes oun e on npture, as married to Thomas Wilson April 13, Mond~ momin t announcing t,he It is no sin to be rich, but to Borne, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye entel' mterpr eted and taught by ~he 1859. To this union was born on~ bi~ ofla daught er to Mr. and Mrs. it is a dire misfor tune-a calami ty. son !ained Sunday at ~linner the folll)w , ~hu~ch . f I. ~ave dendeavore~ : hV~ Frank, who survives ber, her hu~- ing gu ests. CUlt RicJge.in Cincinnati Saturd ay, Some of us poor people are apt to Mr. ann Mrs 1.0' . C Care:, 1 t Y \ at • an ~m sustain dan band having preceded her S4 years and daught March ' 18th. The baby will be bemoan our lot, and rail at some erR, Mis.lles Pearl ami ob· r com or~ In e~ m.mg years an un- She was of that disposition chriatened Amy Constance. ject, imagin ary or real, as the caus~ that Alice Carey. der pamful 8ffl~ctlOns, by the hope she did not complain of the toil of our .....If I'nflicted troubles. and ,,-- - -.. , of "" the of the body, and I b th t . Edmun d Retallick rec.eived notice 'red of her Her t h)"fResurreI ctlOn Mr and If we are rich and miserable, we t' Mrs " W'th Fred Henderson en ' a or a w clS reqUl . , . e. I e ever as m,g. I many industr y aUd frugali ty continu lut week bf the death of Wm. H. are continually resortin g to some ~d 'tertain ed at supper Saturd ay even . exen.nchments, her hfe ~ad a~~ many during her whole life. She was H~ who rileides near West Alex- pedien t to drive away our miaery and con- ing, Mrs. Nora Hunt of Hiawathn trla~~ and much physlcal ,wealt?ess. tinually doing for others' benefit . Kan., anchia: Ohio. Mr. Henry' s demise purcha se happinel'lS with our Mrs. Miranda Crane, of Hyde wealth. But It .had a s~rength and happmess Her school educati on was occurred ill March 1st, and the ailvery Park, aud Mrs . R. A. Cross. A man's good habits are an asset. ~hat ,did no!- 1'all. f J.'~e sec:et h~r limited, but it was sufficient for her JIlent whiCh caused his death was but his bad ones are a backset , so as Mrs. Thoma s J. Brown JOy ~ sorrot , h 0 er s r~~g 1~ to get great comfor t from reading S G Joy and heart d~eUe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry we cannot all be millionaires let us Entered into Mrs. Kauffman ent he r est of Pa radise, wea eas, 0 ' wUI be -"mb ered bv quite a ~~..I er generosl y an her Bible She was a devout mem· uvu consider the subJ'ect of slJccess Uom " . . cl' " 11 M d a fid.eli ty in "a every condi~ion was simply ber of the Societ of Orthodox ~rtained at I ' at her home in svi e, on ay t hiS: She walked WIth chtck~n pot pie mner JDaIl)' of our older cltlzeM. They a condition to God all the F ' which we al can attam. mornin g, MarchWayne _l Sh y eat admire r m honor of th~lr guests, C. W. 13, 1911, Mrs. Thom- days of her life So the immor tals rlen\lS. lived weat of town, where Clarence The more we realize the tremen e was ~ gr , E Ha lle8 and family of D~ton, the dous as J. Brown. in the 82nd year of her gather in the blessed land. i t)f h~r three gr~ndc?lIdren, Har!y ' followi Surfac e DOW resides. ng Mr. Otto Lewis, wife and r~nsibility of our intelleetual age. Lord make her to • - • be numbe red LoUlse sphere N. ~nd the Wilber better w. for Wldlsodn the world , c}1i1dre of n and Miss E. B. Moore. Sophia Anders on fourth daught er 'th Th' OBITUARY . ts' I I t' always havmg a kind word an a mankind and f or ouraeIves. 'Mary Hambl WI Y sam m of gory Beal Cord, ever as and mg. ... eton , mmlste nng go od moraI ad' The soon'e r we teach Iittle 'children Stinchcomb was born at Owings vice t 0 • I J. Mary, 'daugl\ terofJo hn ~dEliz- what a miahty truth lies in F. C. them. The life of a dutiful daughDr. and Mrs. A. 'l'. Wright enter_ the Mills. Balti~ore County ,Maryl and , abethWeUer.,wubornApn18,I~. phraae "Asam anthin ketb, so is he" Octobe ter, a good wife, and aforgiv ing tained , at supper Thursday, Mr;s . _ r 22,182 9. May23 ,1861 in The funeral of Mrs. Thomas J. mother . was ended March 17, She WU Dlarrl...~ to~uel Haruo ck the better fpr future genera 1911, Julia Done,von, of Indianapolis. Mrs, tions St. Barnab as church , in Bal timore, Brown was beld from her late home she being aged 78 years, 6 months Lina I)evit~. JanU@l:t, 1849., To this union were It may not be possible to' teach 'she Mr. and Mrs. Emmo r was united in marria ge to Thorn- I~t Wedn~s day afte~oon. and, bom aiX cHtldrea th, oJdest daugh- a chl'ld w "love eve....· neighb not- and 21 days . Baily, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J, B. Chapman. or a.a J B _A ..... ~ • I' . Oc·ndmg a terrIfic wmd storm The funeral was held from the ." as . rown. Th e ne-I tar, Laura de.... M>U th18 .. y wedded wlthsta Ire lD Master . - - himsel f" for that i8 the most diffi- couple t th Charles t' Chapman. a~d EmI I ' tbegan their married life on ragmg a I'J e Im~, was arge ya Friend s' church Monday mornin Hi- 18te. One dauaht er, Mrs, Eu" eult ot the commandments to follow "Cotton g, mor Bai y r, wood Farm" near Ferry, ten~ed The servICe was c?nduc ted March 20th. at 10 o'clock. Sertice s pbemia Hougb and four SOIW, John, to ilie'lett er; but it is possible l _ __ to ex- Green County, Ohio; here theit: two by th~ rector of St. Mary s church were conducted by'Amos Cook~ most P,~. and ~k are left to Pel .hatred from a nature if we awak- daught Mr. and Mrs, Fred B. Sherwood Annie Urith and Mary o.f which Mrs. Bro\\ n w~ for a lo~g impress ,lDOum the lOll ot a faithfu l motbe!, en sympathy for the object of dislike, 'Thomasers, ivel., and in accordance with plnnned and. execute d a neat little were born. In l S79 the fam- tIme a de~oted.. COmmU?IClI.nt, . WI~ the belief and lif('! of this I~vely old surpris e last Sabrda y, to remind qecbe r with lIIVenteen g~dchtl- for t1iat . which we pity we canno~ the l1y remove d to Wayn~ viUe where two ~:Ie~tions. ' Lead..Kmdl y LIght. lady. drea and ftve ~t I'randchlld~n . hate. Whatev er ia out, of harmoD The p~o~ession wended its way busy doctor that he h~' reaetaed anY tbey have since resided. and Abide Wlt~ Me, . ~ung by a trl,O to the beautif ul city of the . After several ~ of sufrenn g in our little world has been caused dead, other milestone in life. The 'presFor a long while not strong , ~d ~rom St.. Mary. s ~holr. Inte~e nt froa b~ trouble ahe was called by man's substit uting 'h ate an~ fe.ar, Mia~i cemete ry. Here were .ym- lenoo of their genial neighb or and , fJ'Olll til.. ,Ufe t~ her E~rnal Home for love and faith. Right thmklD ~ as a result of a fa1.I, con.fi ned to her I~ ·heauti ful MiamI ce~~,tery- The pathizi ng hearts waiting; tender, \kinaman, Frank J. She(~o bed for almost fou r years, she was Ci ty of . our loved ones, ~~e od. she quiet gr~tin'itS were exchan aed to the pleasur e. The grandc ~ded ~ 18, 191.1 a,ed 82 years, 11 p,ay.lal'ge dividends: It our life be yet patient" uncomp hildren laining and even r~t8 WIth dear ones, ,friend s and betw~n neighb IDOntla ~ , 11 , ~ys. For many broken let us m~nd It and go ors and friends., The though t it great. tun, 88 did th'!ljr along cheerfu l under her \!arious .trials. nelg hhors gone before. pall bearers were Harry E, Wilson, grands ire, espemally ' ,the 1eart:l be w,.. a fa\thfu l attenda nt at bravely and with eympathy and dainty, love Anothe r marked charact eristic, was ,. Fa ther, in Thy graciou s keepin g her grands on, W. W. and Thomas toothsome dinner. the Baptlat chufCh. and wu .. ftm, in our hearts, determ ined to help The absent member K'ratitude for the many kindnes.~ Leave we now Thy servan t sleepin J;jeUever In the Ba~tfat doctrin e, ~l- everybody we ~ and to better g." Welch and Calvin Edwards nephe~. ber Bent his congra tulation our es and attenti ons shown her by her s o~ thp. • vdIcm bl pac:e. but never una~ condition as !Oon as possible . of .the deceased. who alow,ly and ten- doubleanniv~rsal'Y and ~hemom loved ones and friends . She never ' with ... church . Her husband ,dl~ , What'do we 1>eli~ve to be thed~rly ~ered the _JoI IXl of. one-who UPNIIII'brough t a ,fi08 likene18 lng's real wearied of telling how good and kind ' CARD OF THANK S was indeed beloved, into . the grave- sa~e. The little tota express of ~e • , .~'" ~ ••,....... -p~)IS to objecta ' of life. To ed tlie be happy and people are. Patienc e, oheerfuln~ Especial thanks are due ~o all th,~ prepare d. Tears and blessings hileS_ til ~ lince, then allehaa been succ_ul~ Th~t is the i~ea. fol- wisheS of all on leaving, wh~~ they... of and ' gratitu de! ro have all these people of this community, as well u lo~ her, a v~~c.e Ite:drb at l~~m., ~ many; meanwhile others (judgm . wilhed their ~~parent8 ,many g loved . 1Wpec . ' a '. er nel - from their actions and appnra nce) graces so distinguishil,gly is a great many others absent from here, who A rea b rd . tho life .to bear returns of the clI!Y. distinction: But to theee she added have been never, failin g in contrib .~ ~. fUlUltal ut- ;:c k ~ I~;t .~s b::r "t solemnly' w~ belieye the object of this life is to be_ generosity. dispensing charity as lib- ing to the comfor • - • heW en Thand a,. March 15 at e miserable and t of our beloved Stan~ uona~d ~a:k' ben~tJl it stead: full of sorrow , that erally as 'she could. Many a mother - dead during WE KILLE D THE BEAR (?) the years of her helple&JMid......RuD~ptietC.;1thlli~rch condduthct- th~y may weara erown of glory lessboy found in her a mother and nellS and.intense suffe:i ng.and alsoin eel bJIW tar 1:. • -w ~, .an F~lasnoYt'forsorrow faltern ot for Last Fridq evening 88 Meears. e hereaft er, ' in her house, a bome. the mamfold expressions of love and, at. remaiDa ' , Lawrence Evans and Horace Stump , oor:; \ Would it not be better that A woman of rare ·intelliK'enr.e, regard which were received llimost ...,., She,w~ loCU\4er y . me. alize that the ~ object in we reB t sm, rd ard till the goal of Spring Valley, with their lady life is pleasing and instruc tive in con versa- daily from devoted .friends , continu - u onwa ,upw , ,tier ~t ~ 'place by h~8~ the building of ebaract er? Be who friends were coming to Waynesville, tion, though t ful, ready and gracefu l ing. to the very. end o~ her life, all .of ~. Her .~ on ea la starts in early youth with that ambt- in her literary w6rk, you win. they met what-they though t was an added whIch was receIved With an apprec laend~ b,1I ~l CARD OF THANKS 'd ~ry i~dmade'taGnother tion and purpose, and keeps to it, greatly to. the streng th andsheefficien Italian with a ?ear, on the road' ~e cy tion that c~nnot be express ed in I w'lsh to than 0Df" ox tbe.o eat re&l ent60 reene will " ' k the many friends horses got fnghte ned, as dl . h' b' Ie -lied h ' not only attam IS 0 Ject, bu t of the local press d h ' e f rd unng t years 0 w~ S, an d ·wh'ICh cas t . b' countr ' .... right sun_ for their kindness in th~ sickness and drivel'll, ~d th~ stopped at Wynne , ome. h" will too, attain happiDe88 and her connection as a&!oci~teeeditor of shme over her bed",?f palJ~. OARD OJ' THANKS death of my mother ' trne 8ucCess; for there is no 'such the, Miami Gaze tte. Possessing Salsbu ry's · and procur ed,a lant.!: , ~h os. J. Brown and daught ers. hbors 'Frank Wilson , and proceeded to go back to kin e ' We deeire to'thank our, neia om thing,a s failure tor the man or w ,8 I) -and frlenu 'for tlaeir kindness du~ of bear ning the .- - • true charac ter. We sometimes By for thisfrighte time several of horses. the farm~'" , _ .' _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... thulct kn_ and' teatb o( our mother . call a man successful" who has accuORANOE MEEtl NO ers along .,. - - - - -,.... - the road had gather ed, Ill1d '. , John an. ~iza Hartso ck. mulate d ~tortune, or achieved fame t , , ~re going of back The meetin g of Farmer s Grange cause ' theyfright. and a po~tion by doubtfu l means . • _. _ _ ,~ _ _ _ • - •. soon discove red the the It happen ed ' ' A DlS!'STROVS FI~B No. ]3 held Saturd ay evening Charac ter is the resultu f the cultivll , Feb· odd L_.:I hi Id ' . . . ! , ruary 1St", .' W88 well attende d. At- that "Dumm y" tion of the. highes t and noblest qualMrs. Ray Smtth was a Dayt on VIS' , Go to Zell & A r Tobacco Box ter the transac tion of business the hog out feeding D s IlAU ' S 0 ' A. ~re a t tt-De.h0 me of R•M • and itie- in human nature and putting itor along the roadsJde, Monda K y. D' $1 : es. • s., . 5. .r&rl Puke laa~ Friday tbreate ned to th ' • and as DOdds is a poor talker, they, following progra m was carried out f 1 b all thei 'b 'ld'mga As 't W . C?Be q'ua l'ti I es to prac I~a , use. Fred Barnar A B' a Dayton visi- I". C. Schwartz was in Cmcmn ati The 'paper b B mistak en him for a man apeak. L ed UrD,,-_ . b' I sh: ; There aJ:'~ men of brains, wealth and tor last week d was Y roo . . Ch andl Itr had ing in a foreign tonpe , and the , tb~u.nI, "-:&~~ 1111 ,to ' I Tuesd~ y on business. &Ceo ' Position who are failures , and t h e r e ' , on the subjec t "How Many Men Act- that had reared on ita hind . lepbea~ and ' " ~leken ·ho~ were b,u med to: are,men of limi}ed abilities ually Succee d in Life?" was good Ilnd in Carl Duke was in Frankli n Satur- John ~quires was i? Dayton . ,~grOQIl~, wi~ a1m~ all of the 'humbl e plac8lt, who ' one and we hope to have it appear in tried to attack thel1l was are yet success- day on business. nothing bq' ' day last week on bUSiness. ·-tL these columns. ' · a hog, ~.... t' D~ to tb ' ful, becaus e they make the utmost M d M E H Colvin spent Mr Chas Smith and Mrs ' 'Frank The 'only damage, was to the "Class Prophe cy" by Blanche ' t e otthem selves' andthe iroppo rtuniti es I . ~ utWl'U ~ - .~td:I ~ e f) " ~ " emoon It makes no difference how lowlyo ur as Sheeha n intf!res ted n the ay. . ' . Sister Ruth Jlnney read a portIon ' " to, ens, when she found ththe spber; in lifell)&Y be, no matter how Mr. and Mrs',. W. H. Allen were Miss Jean VanDyk~ofMason, is the of an excelle nt address " hVJDo w, In. ft~t8. Sbe pve . e limited ' our environ ment, by Ex-Gov A SLIO·HT- ·8L&ZE we \ pleasan t guest of ~r. and Mrs. C. A. Harris before the State Fanner . ... al~ aod the DIlJlhbors were ~n build our charac ter if we will. can Cincinnati visitors Thursd ay. s' We " . .. . Bruner . · j ~Jtp-~~tb~. -Sever althnws neea no outlll1 of money, , lnstitu teheld in Columbus Januar y, no assistMrs. U. ~hltev . l81ted relative s 1909. r , Of "'U8.l,"~ I. ,tobacco .ete,,' wu ance from those ' in power. Then at ' . A Maffit received word Wed~,es-: Dean, OhlO, Monda y and "uesd!ly I Mrs · F. J. Bfr0Mrwn, 0df MLebaLtl0Sn, but ~ and farmm l' Mi aa Mav Strawn rendere d, two day that the home olbia sister. ··ld h ' ( t be ', I. • , Mrs. \ il)eDta wentiUp ,.. smoke: ' Implawas t he jluest 0 • an rs. • • , bql e arac~ ~r .. &.~ppy,~,nd s~c~es.: .... h' h Mr. and Mrs. Carl Servis, of Leba- Rhoades last week. Bud Lloyd, who recently moved east ,. '. Tbeor iainof the ftrele not known lut It· ~~f oeeD sa~d: . selectio ns on the guitar w 10 was of Harvey sburg, had burned to the a~ non, visited relatives in Waynesville ' 'tn' FraDkr d · ' ble reei pe or happmess 18Thedm much enjoyed. ir9und . ,' Later, to 0 go Su received the ua' " MrS. Nora Hunt, of Hiawat bll, 0Ql D;uQ w.. ' " all an no and th. ihfallible recipe for doing . n y. ~he Grange w~t o~ rec~rd as op- word that it washea mistake . ,T he Kansas , has been one had' the , guest of her pQBed to the ReciprOCIty B.m before chimney ,caug~t fire, ~ut promp the , barn for .rood:!! to abide ,Wltl;i our spiritua l Miss Elsie Hartso ck spent several aunt, Mrs. R. A., Cross. t ac•• 108111 about ,12,500 life. nuf81r to the tion IIOOn extinguished it. The dam10nes ·'self is not days last week with near , ~teoy~- b1' ,inluraaC8. ' '. , . ' thenoti lest aim of rfel, It is rather Spring Valley. _-. age will not amoun t to more than $5. ' Wanted -~ tIdy,l .. ' MaV.~vetooll ...re':~troyed to l1\ak~ ~hi.ppy,' th~:place where one • • • • _ • ,, keeper . Wnte or IF" ~ ~~. , l'1..., vatu I~. I;fa.d Uvea. It is a great gift to learn to THAC KERA -CLAR K CHUR~H OF ,CHRIST . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Iron and son I:.ang,~. D. 2, Leb , 1"1 t I W6icl usual elljuy tlie I to get there is Visi ted relat ives Lebanon Mrs. Jan'e Sides spent , Sabbat b at ,I, ,. Last Tuesday the , house obt: of it 'and- thiitk' of today: as urday and Sunday at the raeBible School at 9:80 a. m., preach ; . her farm and enjoyed a delicious tory, Rev. J . ·F. I' pro- in& at 10:80 a. m. and 7:8(1 P. m., ' , iI. H, Wadsw orth spent Wedne. '\with Mr, . , and Mrs. , Hathaw ay. . ' the words which united 'fu Subject 'for the d"" it all these' let us T rsd ' at New Richmond ' ~), their ~pa.t:hY In .~ th~1'I b8Kintioma marraa _e, ' Mr. Harold Thaeke ra and Letter. " Let eac;h membe r be Loye: now to te&cll ~u~lvea, tpia d,ay an~ h~ ; y t .. f pte&; , , Rev. W: ·E. Put~' of , Cedarville. Miss Viola Cl..-k. Mr. Thuke ra ,is 'ent at Ute' il'to.rnblg eervice ~d '''OI~ubl~. " " ' areat iJ1. ' T~ 'be '.able to , enjoy and 9 t .er sou eas em owns. if ' ... -, .pretlcb ed"at't\ le M.' E. ,church ;811nthe 80n ef Mr. and ~rs. M,arcellul poeaible bri~g • fri~n.d. T~her ".. 'fill ~.!t once ~ ~bund. Beaven . one m~t leam ft~t to en- , F; J. Sherwood, who has been .' the, day ' a~d was the . gdest of Mr. 'and tbaCke ra. of.'sprlJ'agbo , ~ci~ lDost ,Trainl hg Friday · 7:80 p. III. at! the . joy eit.rt!i':" We ~Ilr. aiWayB find, h~uest of his soh~ Pllof. Sher~o ro od~' of MtB. C. A. Bruner at .inner. exemn laryyo ung maq. Mn:T,htck- home'o f thil putor._ ' .~ . ') ,.~ , the ~oit. ~ ~h a ,b~Ir~~r aPiritu Wilkil!~bu~g; . Pa,. ret':lme . d b9me " M~r8 ~ CoMn, O. A. Brune~ era'is th~ da1ll'bter oU41'. ~d .Mn" ••~.I&ll Wish. tb~u~ · ~~~ iii,_ou~ ~Jt livea that ih~ sma~l Tu~ay evemng. , • ~ , . ' ' S. L. Rb08j;les, ,J ohn Cumm inp IH~ M. , C~rk, ot Lytle, ,aDd 'Is a very ,', ' ·Gtiett e. to ~' hla, iii. . tl1 our patfen~ ~il oUJ' HOGS FOR. ~LE . V ' ' 'a Misaes Edna Stout 'and Anna Van- ~1oun~W'Qman. The1QU "... . .i,fOl' the cl~,ttul ~' ,.t~ piON than the gleate r 9089. pa . • Mr /Ultl ·~rs. H. • Walter an dervool't ~ttended the ~ Warre n Coun- cOupl~ , went · immediately to ho~ "!l_IQ"1~ 'the' '. . " "-qti- Hom,~" llke b1lll~ life, ~ ~m~ !IOn, !»an. of LebanC Seml aood.br ood Wa. Call • )Q'bl~ ~ on "~- ty T~er'8 Aasocirlttori at Lebanon keepln , on the fann' of ~. H. M. ::;;I;;=~ bestow- uPQn pOled of an accll~U1atloD of tn8es. .• tives ...re Sunday. T. e'J ~me tee the.., II.. W , ov ,j r I'd ..... Clark. (CoDc1uc1td nm week) , 1n their new aQtomobJle.. . ~ Satu Q~ ,r
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T.he Miami. Gazett~ I --~
Conlllderable satisfacllon " ' Ill be felt b y mankind g nerally at the nrgunlcnt ad 'Bnoed by n marrl cI woman In a .uIt Inv olvin g another woman that "a husband Is properly to a wire nnd n family. and to \\1n blm away Is noth· Ing short of st nllng. " So It Is the busband and nllt t.he wIfe ,hat Is the "buman bnllel." Th e ndm lllsion con · troverts the theory upheld through generations of r mlnlst protest against the serfdo m Imposed lJy man on his domestic parl ne r through un 'lual mllr· ringe laws, snys the ,'ow York Hernld. Tho honest cont sslon thnt the ('o n· tm ry Is t.be case bas been s c ured al Inst, but at n cosl 10 femi nIne con· ~Istency wh lr.h may be . pected to bring lis proper rebukl' from very woman's club In lh la nd . The talr plalntItT to secur hl'l' own e nds bns proved fnlse to one of the cherIshed fjrlncl)ll es of her sex . Hut tho truth Is out. II Is man who Is the chattel, po6lesslon of whom Is gai ned by the marriage ceremony an d the right, Utle and Interes to whom has been estab· iJshed in suits for non ~lIupport or for abandonment during marriage as well as In alimony proceedings o1terward , His status as matrlmonJal property has. to be sur , long been a matter of court record. Here Is high valetry nnd variety 'W.l th a vengeance! A room clerk In an uptown palace hotel ' tells of a pal· ace revoluUon that double dllcounts a jerked·beef mutiny In ~lo Janeiro. says the New York Press. He eaYI: "'l'he valets and maids we get here are tar mor.e dlffioult to deal wIth than their masters and mlatreases. Most ot them InsIst upon having rooms wlt~ private batb8 and t\Jrn up theIr 008e8 at anything else. It baa bappened at .tlmea that the servants' rooms were oc~pteC\ and we had to put a valet or a maId Into ·a room with a bath, a regular gueat room, charging the reg· ular "ervant ~te. The r~ault la tbat every 'gentleman'a gentleman'· that comes bere now demands a 'babth' as b.ls Inalienable right."
generaUon, In our cities at le~t, Ii likely to have a more liveI,. appreciation of the ' value' of (resh air than the one that baa preceded. Within the past three years nearly fiftY' clUes bave ea~abllsned open-aIr sCbools (or the benefit of ·tUb~culous " . . c~ldren, tays tbe Boston Transcript. Providence began It and, ot~er mu· ntolpallties have t'>llowed on, thougb not all bave develoJ).ed· tlle Idea to' the tame ·extent. Bo~ton, for ins lance. might profn.bly carry It fartber than' ahe haa. . Pawtucket. R. 1.. not only haa a nne open·alr school, but proposes to bave at least one open·alr room In 'every school buUdlng In the QI~Y, where delicate cblldren can receive the tonlo Inftllence whlcb, nature 10 bounUful1y providell, ~ The
A. woman surgeon Is attached to tbe WIl!lalllsburg bospltal In New . York city. bltvlng been appOinted becatis~ abe surpassed all mate contestants 10 a compeUtf vo examlnILtion. She had been an ambulance BUrgeOn only a feW bou'rs when she had her first- case. It waB cold and raw. and the experl. ence was ·a ny'thLng . but , agreeable, but the lady doctor was equal to tbe emergency and took excellent care of tbe' ·patlen t. And she says sbe bas learne d jlu·jllsu and Is not afraid ot "drunks" .. 'a nd D. T, victims. Thnt energetic ladY . "appears to be abundantly able to ac· compllsh what she wIshes without goIng Into the sutlragette business,
Practical Fashions
Teacher . That Turned Away H'is ·Scholars
HERE Is a romantic flavor re:\I ly qull pl entlrul, though llerhnp" about tbe wor4 badger t hat be- not 80 much 80 as tn bygone Urnes ' long8 to no other or the nam es that Is to say, It the tules one hellr~ ot animals found In Britain. 1 to be trust ed, Perh:.t>s a better supposo 'it (s because this Is Indl oatlon Is that there are plac s their only large carnivorous, genu~ne- nnmed Brock holes a nd similar nalOes Iy wild I\nlmal; the fox, the only oth er where no badgers are found today. wild beast of any size, Is In many, Yellow or sable badgers with pink perbaps 1 ought to say most, dIstricts eyes have occurred In this part. and io carefully preserved tbat It .owes sOPle Years ago an old female thus Its existence to man, Instead of, like colored. together with · her two babies, the ,badger, existing In spite of man. came In to my posllesslon, .The young Then. too. "the brock" Is hardly ever ones we re the ordinary gray and .een alive and· tree, but comes and white. but charming little creatures, goes ~ysterlouslY In the dead ot nIght, utterly unlike. tbel r savage mother, leavIng but tew traces behind It un· who sulkily resen ted captivity. As less someb<>4y 'notlces '8 large dog· soon as they were waned they were like track In the mud, or where a given bread anti milk to eat; occasion. wasp a' nest bas been dug out, for It ally bits f dog biscuit and other revela In the daint y meal ot wasp Rcraps were added. In the end we grubs. Many a time have I tracked parted ~lth tbem. al$ the "highe r au. one from the scene ' of Its nlghrs ~1-L'u.uJ:J.UI!H:..'-1JWlllgDlt they were not satoa work through muddy ' gateways and They may not have been; but I down damp woodland rides, noting theIr; temper In every way. t&.' bow 'the heavy creature bad dragged 10ng and slid. and the BPots whe.r e It had by a collar and chaIn, and carried turned aalde to scratch and root them about, ope under each arm, that among the moss and dead leaves, Ulen Is to say, unlll they got too bIg and on to the streamslde--the badgers al· , but they never seemed to mind . ways ford the ltttle brook I am SPeak· • Another pet ·badger was-half grown ing of at the same place--and througb when J acquired It; the poor tblng had been caught In a trap, and Hs leg was rathe r badly hurt. A keeper brought It to me, knowIng that I was always willing to give a home to any stray animal; 80 I took It, fed It well - I have never had any anlrni! that could ea t so much- and did the best I , could for ft. Ol'~mbles, for· so It was christened, bad to pose before the camera; but man y hours were spent and :nany plates wasted before lob· talned any charaoterlstic pictures, tor th e badger took no Interest In the art of photogrl1phy. It was not like my tl1~e owl, Old Hoote r, who, at. the .
dance a jig on tile bellows. In the end the baclger was released. I -let It go one evening In the woods. It trot· ted oft In a deliberate way, and I thought 1 should never see him a;galn; but about three months later some neighbors complai ned or the mysterl· ous way their bulbs planted In th ' turf were belpg scratched up nnd eut· e n, It appeared the y wel:e planting a 'large number of crocuses In theIr gard en, whlcb was done by removing with ~ patent Ins'trument, a sod grass In shape like a cork. dropping In a b~lb and replacing the "stopper." Tbe 1\ext morning every cork bad been "drawn" and all the bulbs had dlslloppeared. A badger was eventual:
"Grumble••" hedges and across lIelds. once more to plunge Into big woodlands, In the heart of' whlcb Is the great earth wherein many gene rations have been bre ll. In these particula r holes th\! badgers are ·The Newtoundland government bas fairly safe. The tunnels are bored In ~~~a~d permJsslon to American fish· a layer Qt sand lying between strata 6I1Jlen to buy herring for the purpose of clay and rbck, and run .1n every cU. of · filling contracts. The requf;!st was rectlou for hundreds of feet. There made because of a poor season whlcb are only two visIble entrances, which prevented the Americans from obtain· are Inconspicuous holes, without even a heap of soli to distinguish th'e m Ing wbat they wanted In' the waters f accessible to them under the terms of rom surrounding rabbit burrows; for being situated at the top 6f one of The Hague dec'lslon. Newfoundland the sides of a' very IIteep an'd deep val. ' ly blamed and the, culprit located In Is within Jts tights In taking lIucb a ley, or dIngle. as they are locally a dry drain. It was dug out. Jlut In a .tand, Still, It Is not Indicative of the called. tbe soil all rolls down to the sack and sent orr to me. I gladly gave best or most neighborly temper, and stream below, where Il Is Washed It a horne and had It turned Into a the Dcllon seems to show that thj3 re- away, In fact, the sole Intimations of kennel. Two days later the owner sult of the fillherles arbitration bas badgers are the path.ways formed by of the crocuses came up to see the not b('en accepted In th.e proper frame their .always taking the 8ame. road hi badger. . A man went ' Into tbe place their J.llghUy wanderings, and which and brought "brock" out by his tallof m1nd. lead up to tbe two entrances. Some thls t~ the only part of Its bQdY you two . or three year,. ago. II. fox, hard can hold a badger by- then I saw the A jUry tn New York, In the case ·of · PJ'8ssed by bounds, took refuge in this bad leg, healed 'now, thnt my poor a young wire wbo had killed her hus- e:lrth, and lhe master and ' whip, not Grumbles had ' sutle red from. It was band, brought In a verdict of man· .knowlng tbe place, sent for spal1ea Grulllbies home agaLn! i shall have slaugbter' only, Perhllps they felt tbat and ten1ers' and, commenced obera. to keep h.l m ' now. My h~pe Is that by . and by . I shatl be" able to 'obtaln a In the summary takIng off 01 partners tiona to get him out. To .. cut II. long story sho~t. tlIey 'dUg mate tor him. DOW 110 fa.eblonnble In ' dOIOestl9 elr· clea, the woman ought to have some , tJll late at night, and finally hOUIlds' I One ' ot tile roost mysterious and .how. were taken home; . but orders h~d a armlpg 80unds 1 know III tbe cry ~r been lett w,lth men of the dlstrlot to a badger h.e ard In the stilln.,88 .of thEi . finIsh thu Job .next da>:. These men - nlg~~. J. have only ,heard It "nc?, and The Un.i ted Statell IIBYS tbrough ODe dug st eadily tot, tbree ':daYs; they i'e- then J . a~ aure It WI'I' II m~ther. andof Us courts that ' the hen Is no~ a . 'moved ~ariy tons ot "soli, but . the c~bs. for .I t Instantly recalled the bird. but that iln egg. Is an egg IIi the Nrther ~e.y got Into the cIHf tbe more cries of .the two cap~v", ones, wbole , • beU ' 01' o:ut ot It. Now It remllins to tunnels tbere were. , In SOlDe- holes ordl~aruy nQll!be.st were bt tbe gruntlnf; on oce&b'e aeen wbether modem solen e wlil they found neat be~s ot .'g..ass·; aiuL d:,cr;tPP~ik put uncle Sa m In the clas8 or nature tl!rn It ~' to be gt~en up, tor . ~e ~o;:' · :: bad~:rs' Y~y a~qu::~:~ wa8 Hekerculean; It would haV'e conftned their "conversation" malnCly fakers nr :rank him I.e an dpert on ,wor ._oo reQuu we s to reach the extreml. v - . . • fowl decision.. ,Ues of the ' varto,J' holes. A .hon to a 80rt .?f sru.mbllng grunt, whlcb time ago 'I ·vislted the place ant;! a~ ,\ometl'me., wben annorea, the, tnrned . "W~men wreck t)lelr nerves by tallt. .pnrel\tly the bact«en are lUll then into a loud .Don ot anget". FRANCia PITT. h toe) III11cb," declares Dr. Enrico foJ' It Ibows all the Ilpa. of btdQ LondoD, _JaDd. 8erdDL Not to menUon tbe eJrect used. to tu part of Bbroplhlre hliDted by A olab"-·-.-P-Ja-oe-whe--N-. maa .." tile Ilenel or til. poor llusbUct..
U;\0 CO:II\ !t
eatlaDd MIlA"
bidseta .__ . bIa "_,ate" mao.
EW Indeed have be-en t~o 'W I'ld's leaders that have given a cordial recognition to the leaders that were , gr ater than they,. They have not thernselv s be n enough to do t his, especia lly whon recognition of th e greater lead· er meant of necessity II loss In theIr own pre tlga and ·followln g. Dut John the Baptist was one of those rew exceptional leaders. When he saw J eslls approao hlng, nnd de· c1ared solemn ly to his own foll ow I'S that J esus WIIS the Lamb of· God, the long· x[lf'cted Messiah, be knew 'I\'ell enougb that his follow ers would leave him for tho new te~cher. He would have been a shamed of them If th y bad not done so. He would ha ve b en ashamed or himself If they had not done 6 0 . tnr It would have meant t hll't he had wholly rnlled In his life work. thnt he' hnd been prencblng John the Baptist rather than Christ. . And yet It wns by no means easy ror John to lake tbls step, I am sure, For many yeal'1! I havo been se retary ')t a college rac ult y, and I know how lard It Is ev n for coUege professors :0 advl e the brlgbt students away 'rom thei r own classes. Knew What It Meant. But J obn the Baptist dId It, though It meant lon eliness. though be kn e w that the wbole world would go a.fter the new teucber. He did It. though It meant prJson and forgetfulness tor hlmll It. He was glad and proud that ChrIst was to Increase, though It meRnt of necessity that be s hould decrease. And John t he Baptist did not spenk under hIs breath, tha t few might hear him . Heralds muat have loud voices. and he was the chosen herald of the MessIah. It was an ear-filling utterance. we may be certain. wben tbe second Elijah made proclamaUon 01 the, King. Note, too, tbat the Bapttst recog·. nlzed, nnd would bave all m.e n recog· nlze, the distinctive character of ChrIst. He did not Bummon men to tbll great miracle-worker, or the great teacb er. or the great preacher and propbet. "Bebo'ld," he said. "the Lamb of Ood!" Chrhlt was divine. and be was a sacrIfice, and neither without tbe other . That Is the one message of all that follow In the footsteps of Jobn the Baptist. "Y kn ew him not" sald Jobn, Int~ duclng tb E\. MeB8ll1,h. That was the tecond dftncult thIng he did, to ac· knowledge bls past blindness. Tbts difficulty kee ps many from confesslns Christ-tho confession 18 an acknowl· edgment th.llt they have been wronr;. "I have secn," saft!! John. He beheld the Holy Spirit from heaveD" and he -heard tbe Spirit's testimony. John the Baptist bad had nn experience of hIs own. No one can bear wItness to anotber m(ln's exp~rlence. or be s herald upon another man's say·so. Put Ch,.lst Before Hlm.elf. • And Jobn tbe Daptlst dId tbe same tblne tbe n ext day. A less slnc(lre man 'Would havEf satlslled his con· science wltb one proclamation. and WOUld bal'e kept his scl\Olars. "T)lere's the truth." most wouid said; "take It or ieave it." Not so John the Baptist; he fairly drove his scbolars from hIm to Christ, That Is another reason why be ,was chosen to be Ohrlst's herald. Th~s It Is, to4ay as .I n the day of John, that true teBobers pass on their 8rll'0lars to other teacbers that are able ' to carry tli ~ m furthel:, and min· theIr church to otber min· Isters U1at can preach the gospel more rrl!shly. and friends Introduce their friends to new acquaintances tbat w\11 rllsclnate them, and parents 'glve up their children to entfl" Cbrlst's service ten thousand mUes away:. And thus It IR, to take the lesson from the other side, tbat ybu and T are called to leave friends 8nd parents aDd. el\se and possesslon8, yes. anll our John the BapUsts. and enter with single ness of heart the one eompe11lng al· legjance of Jesus ChrlJlt. For he Is the chletest among ten thousand, and ' he One altogether lovely.-Preacher's 'leIper,
~D'E8 ' 24-INCH·L
.MBOds ·Sa.r saparill.a Will purify your- .blood, clear } our complexion, restore' your appetite, relieve your tir d feelin g~ build you up. Be sure to take it this ~pri n g.
Get It l~ 11 8U"\ liquid form or cblX'ola.te4 t.bl.,ta _ned, Saraa""!>,,, 100 008 ~
The Point of View. Th!!1 Is n true story. A certain belle W8S Ilresent at a cer t.al n hopW recltnl.· During tb "larcb F\1fI '!lr ," be ' y S glis ten d a nd her whol attltu of rap t attenUon was lIB It 'the tnllJllC lIad entranced h r very sout. Her· who l , face was ex presslv of odo.llratlon and In tense interest. When th pianist hall fini she d, th escort of MIss "Bell ., turued to her and snJd: "How b fl.n· (I flll! .. To whloh sb repll a: "y ~s " Tho smart little coats wblch are now Indeed; do esn't It flt b 17 exqUisItely In being WOnt wi th ""ulldng skirts are the back? How mu~ do you suppose It cost In ParIs '" extreme ly a la mod , Our model shows one which has the fronts me Ung In a center closIng and The Euler Way. tbe s id es and ·seamless back trimmed "Y()Ul" wile and )'OU 8eem to get af tbelr lo~'er edg by ' a band which alo~g. so boautlfully 1o~ll ther. Don't I'W1S around the coat. The neck bas you ever bave any dltl rencGs or opln. 1\ wide turnover oollar nDd rever s lon7" which torm a pointed · outline. Tbe " Oh, yes. eV4try .day. but 1 don·t let s leeves are of the usual coat style. ber find It out," vlth a little t ulness at the top and A Oenerous Olit none near the wrist. Pro( BOr l{unyon jw;t. iuued .. Tweed, serge, double faced c1otb, mo t beautiful! u~11l and complete al· velveteen aud other soft tblck coatings manac • . It captains nqt only all tbe ~i · are appropriate for this jacket: Braid ntitic information conc.ernjnl tbo moon', Is perbap8 the most etlect!ye trimming. phaaea, in all tho latitudes, }jut haa il· The pattern (5;311) Is I!ut In slles 32 lustral. d .rliolea on ' holY to read chornolcr ~,. llbrenoloi);, ~lhlatD' and b irth '0 42- Incb s bust m asure, Medtum .month. It also UIlS ill abqut Card read· s l ~e requires 1 % yards of 64 thcb rna· .inl, birth .tone. and their mca,nini, and terlal and 6 yards ot braId to trim, iivl1ll the interpretation of ·dreams. It t~aQhea . beaut, culture, !\'lanicurinr, To procure thlll pattern Ben~ 10 c nt. giVe. weight.. and JDeuures anti antidok.. tD "Pan rn Department," ot litiS pap"r. for poilon. In fa t", it ill a MOIuino AlWrite n ame and Mdroaa plainly, and be manac. t ~ n,ot only ~ yea valuable in· lure to a lve sl.ze and number ot pattern. fonn Btlon, 'bti~ will aftont m1JCh amuec· .m~nt for very meml>er Of 1 b'G famUS, ('Ipeeialll. for partie. and evenIng .e ntertJlnmcn , Farme", and people in the NO.53l1. BIZE••••••••••••••••• rum] dl trict. will find thi,t Almanac al· most invaluabte. NA ..m.~............................. , ...... _ Ito will be' ~nt to anyono a~hitd1 fr:ec on a JlPlicatino t o tb., ,MuMon Rem· T<>WN ••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• edy olllpony,.'Phu.dfijptu&. -Pa. .
---,- ----- , hn..
IJ'rRE"E1' A,ND NO •••••••••••••••••••••••
STATE ................................. ,....
L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---I '
Give a Wom.n a Chanc • • Qmpulaory militarY lellvlce . tor ~en. urge. a German 'e~le advod.t. or womeJl!e riCh should be otrset by compulsory domeatlc lel'yfce for WOJll· en. On the theory tli~t ,1It~ in bal'· rack and drJII In ~ be Dll1nUal of lirm have benefitted German manbood. sbe a kll, ",by will not ute in tbe kitchen BDd exercl.e III t~ ~'l!le f lIOle ' Ii pan • •slmUarly raise Getman woman.
hood? 11 Oermany ev r ~l~ a stanel· Ing army of CQClks It may force an > Europe to fOUow Ita It\Ild. Culinary conscription Is a .evel'e meaSure, but wh.e n enforced In Gennll,ny other· n tlonl might be ~Xl>e led. to adopt ft. There would " ~ more reason 111 doing ' 80 than In follOWin g , eJ,many's lead Illore' real In mtlltarillm. There need of cooks tl;te ~orld over ~ban soldiers. -l~ Is poisll;ile to ge t al()n& • without ftgbtlnc, but nOl -wlthou eat- ' Ing.
There Is no escaping the peas.a nt of· feet In dress, and the Uttle frook lUu.·, trated show~ one of Its adaptatiQns. The waist has the opening at .one side and tbe sb.ort 81eeve Is 'cut In one wtth the sides of the bodIce: In the oack Is a small box plait. The skirt '.8 kilt illaUed all aroun"d, wltb a nat panel In the center. of tbetront. Cashmere, cbevlot, sel'ge. challis and Dany other fabrlos will make up nlce-.. ,y In this style and braid will . make ..In . etlccUve trimming. Tbe .IHlttern (tia04' Is cut In sizes 4 to 12 years. Medium size requires ?,% yards of H Inell materia.!. and SY., ards of braid to :·trlm as ' pIctured. .
Simplifying Life.
To procuro thlll pattern Bend 10 ,. ,e l\ts· It III a great and helpful ,thing to tD "Pat'tern Department," of ' tbb, p aper. recognize the soverelr . of Ood for Wrlte name anI!' addrsaa plaInly. Ilnd be tbls and all worlds, In the Ufe whlcb ture to l(ive alse Ilnd . Dumhel!' ot pattern.
now Is and In tbat whIch Is to comi' By recognizing hIs role In, and over NO. b304. SIZE .............. : •• . UII the way nnd work or lire becom .. Immensely simplIfied. All qqestionp NAMIl.•••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• •••••• of casuistry resolve tbemeslves Intr TOWN •• ·••••••••••••••: •••••••••••••••••••••• .the simple question or the will of .Ood for us · and tbat, to · one who ITREI!tT AND NO••••••••••••••• '•••••••• steadfastlr ' sets 'himself' to ' know the will of ' God, Is never .tong In doubt. Tbe source or most perplexity. In ·tbl!! ,.,' .' ' world Is 'a ' divided alleglance-Oaesa r No Posltl~e Ind~pencien'ce. and God. Singleness', ot eye ·Is -the The feuces of ndjolulng farma . teUs foundatJon or clearness ot vision:. sin· glenells . of beari the foundation of sue. 'the f.a ruu!r bOJi mucb lan~ b~·i lol' EV4!n'thlng Is 'tle~ fasl to somethlnl ees'8tu) ·ll,vln·g , ;'. , .else, and all .a·r e· tDte~dt!pendeDt.
N~ ·come.B~C~'''~
.. ' . · Clvllb:.~IQ". ", ' I . "-.:' . , . , 1. ' CI1tll~tIOn me/lhs ' not .o nly the "Poo.. Cbolley Snicker has met wltb pres!,rvat1on ' or t~e . bes,t · berltiJ.g~ ot great ·mlsfdrt·UJle. He bas 10's t hi • lobe past, . b~t the QPpll.eation of forcel. mli;uJ~ uw .' .' '. ' .. ' ( J ..J wble1\ i'th~ b.r1;iaric man did ·not know 'bow 1.0 utJl,ze.-Rev. Caleb B. ·8. J>u . "TheD he'll lIever regaIn It;' for no ODe wbo fo~nd It would ever think of toD, U~lt.t1all, ~ktyn, N. ·Y. ad\l()rt1l1lnl It f9,r a I'~W~d." .: ;<
--=11==;=' ~
Society Organized In England to Solve Mysterious I nfluences Govern· Ing Little Folks.
ll' there was a gold mine
In your back yard or on your farm you'd hustle I to work It, wouldn't you? rl You wouldn't eat, or ill /II sleep; or drInk untll your spade had fJegun to toss • \11) earth. You'd work IIko ten men, and you'd dream ot the "'ork nlghtll. And why? Because you're after gold- 'ijlo yellow mtttal. If It was In a cruder and le88 l'OlWllltiC form you Vlo uldn't work so hllrd, and that 11\ wby-t(>day-thel'o ta a "gold mine" not so very tnr off from very hustUng, brainy, ambitious . young man In tho United States." Those were the words ot John D. Rocketeller, reo ntly spok n on Ute 8ubJect of "o)portunIUes." And be t1,nl.llhed wJlh, "The time of our grel\t· est gold and sUver discoverlcs, of our Yulrnns and OUr Cal1fornlall. are gone,
, bas s for oIntments, cosmatlcs ancJ fibre lubricants. In ' only a very few clUes' ot the world Is gar bilge made of value today. 'W hnt the "wastes" at the American hous wICo may be made to yield In cash has recently been demonstrated by Paul I}ruet, a German, In London. Bruet says that he started 4)n $1,200. He began burnIng g~rbage In large verttcal cylinders, surrounded by steam jackets, and evaporated tbe seventy-five per cent ot water In the garbage. The fatty substances were dissolved. and as a result ot the proc· ess he produced a fertJltzer which 18 worth fifteen dollars a ton. So suc· cessful were hIs first operatJoDs that he started a small company on a capItal at $10,000, and last year this $10,000 Investment made a profit ot
Th ere I:! III Land ou. Englanll, no or· gallizRtlon known as th e Ch ild Study soc! ly, memu rs or which devote their tim e to stud ying lh mysterl· D Ull wQI'klnga of childreu's mlolls. Our· Ing th IllSt two years, for Ins tallc , t hl! assoclallon ho!! ueen cooductlng an IlIqulry to MC ' rtaln what gurues (lntl whaL tuyS English ch il dren lik e u e~l and wh y. .. r.:lne Iho usand tonus have been Ills· trlbuteoJ to school chlldrC'1l u tween Ihree and th[rtoen yenrs nf age, and th e resu lts arc now announced . Both with glrlH und boys "Ring of Roses" WRJ\ an easy first favorite anlong games uetween the ages of three aud s ix. A omOlon reason for this pref· erence WIl S "Because I like 10 fa.1I down." Atter that skipping, for girls, came next, but the boys were strong for cricket nnll football and horses. In 1I1llte of rumors to the contrary the 01011 rematns the favorite toy with Eng. IIsh girls. Next In popularity came a doll's arrlage. and third a. doll's house. Boys. It seems, are much more IIheral In their tastes and go la lor engines, horses, bells nnd magIc lantern s. Books are hardly ever mentioned. Tbe reasons given by cbUd ren were often quaint. One child volunteered the statement that "games take one's mlud olt unpleasant thoughts Ilnd duU ~ . " Others gave reasons such as "ke ~p8 children from worrying their parents," or, "keeps me tn at night," n to lhe age of ten love of power was tbe prevailing sentiment. and rea· sons for preferrlng one toy over anothe r trlok the form of on answer such as "~I like to muke It obey me."
Wh"n ~he wl,,' er mornings ('orne, And tthe Snow ttl e \"crywh e l"o. Whlto ano] c ri sp; and Ice II! felt In uS ' h biting br alb ot nlr..
Ch lldr .. 11 lo~ e I 110 oiled, 1, " I' lho room 18 'old an,1 dim: ,\ no.! tI, e, WlUl h-wuter In tl .. howl Is n lwuya
to the brim .
l ,ow ~o ld IIr 8hne~ nml clothe. I uh, Ihe sh iv e rs up nne'a bac k! Wh 11 Olle SIl'lJs UpOIl the fl oo r "II lhe buurdtl und r u (LcMl cra.ck.
1'hpn It I" that
mem "J')' scorn more brl/:ht: Though wInter ,II1YII ure not 60 bllA!: It 114 th llr uo](u l WI llI r nIght! OI1U'S
TRADING KNIVES IS HIS FAD Superintendent of Philadelphia Sun. day School Develop. Queer Pas· alon in 51> prt Time. Days are not alone In their love of swapplng things. A Sunday school superintendent In Philadelphia told his class recently that he had coatracted the disease a few weeka previ· ously nnd that be had It bad. "I never play cards or any other g!lme ot Chance," he saId, "but I slm· ply can't resist trading knives. A friend of mlne held hIs kntfe In his c1$sed ha nd and offered to trade It for the one 1 had In my poc'ket. .As my knife had all the bladeo broken I didn't see how I could get the worst of It, nor did I, for hIs had one whnle blade. Since then I have traded kniv~s nine times and I have flnally secured th rough varIous stages a real· ly fine knife with a psarl handle. Yet If I come across a man who wants to trade I don't think I could resIst, ai, though now I would be pretty sure to get · tho worst of tho bargain. It would Berve me right tr I should be stuck with my original, old, bladelells knife,"
Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound. Creston, Iowa.-" I was troubled for u long t ime with inflammation, palnll in my sid e t sick . ;'.;. headaches ann nervousness. I had taken so man!. medicines that I w a B dis('.ourageti and thought I would never get well. A friend told mo or :Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound and it restored me to bealth. u~..JlI..J...L.I-.l-JI ba.ve no more my nerves are stronr.er and I can my own work. Lydia E. Pinkham's ' Vegetable Compound cured me after overytWng else bad failed. and I recommend it to other suffering women." -MBs. WM.SEALS 606 W.HowardSt., Cre8~n, Iowa. Thousands' of unsolicited and genuIne testimonials like the above pro've the emeiano", of Lydia . E. Pinkha.m's Vegetable Compound, which is made exclualvely from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from those dIstressing ills should not lose sight of these faots or doubt the o.blli~of Lydia E. Pinkha.m's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. .
Il you want 8peclal advlceWrlto to :Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. aile wUl treat your letter as
strictly COnfidentiaL For 20yea1'8 sbe has been helping 8ick women In this way. free of charge. Don'~ hesitate-write at once.
The reward of a thIng well dene 11 ht~ihe times 'ot our more valuable world three or tour decades ago, 1mto have done It.-J!lmerlon. :dJacoveI'Iel'--dllooveries' of gold In mense areaa at Canada are today. other forml!l-tiave just dawned. For- For hundreds of mile .. east and west Garfield Tea 'haR brought good health to tunes are elUller made today thun 'yea- at the Superior shore the aawmlll Is lhousanda! Unequaled for constipation. terday." the ute of almost every town settleMountains at sawdust lay Mr. Rockefeller, wbo has devoted a ment. I honor any man anywhere, wbo, 10Dg lUe to suceea.fulJy graaplns everywhere. Sawdust Is a nulsanoe, In the conscious discharge of what His .Promotlon. "colden mines of opportunIty," t:ave 18 carted away at large expense, 18 be believes to be hIs duty. dares ' to "How are you getting along at stand at'one.-Charles Sumner. DO apeclftc dlrecUonl as to just where a whIte elephant on \he lumbermak. Telllnll Time. school, Johnnie?" asked a t ather ot I. reW mines might be found, but he era' hands. It a man should appear to "Whal . time. Is It, Grace?" asked hIs slx-year-old hopeful. "Guess teacli· hit the n~ "quar ly OD the head jUlt anyone of the lumber manufacturers TO CUlll!l A ClOLD tN ONB UAY LUATIVII nnOMO QuInIne Tab~ three-year-old Eva from her little bed. er's going to promote me," replied TUG the same. The modem fortune-hunt· 'tomorrow and say, "I will contract to $1Il,OOO! . Druca.t.,tV.. fulIl1 mOil", It It fall • .., "".... •• w:. "A quarter to eIght," Gnice replied. Johnnie. "What makes you think so?" UnOvlS'~ all1Iloluro Ia oa e&Cb bIu:. 26c. ar does ·not carry a Ilx.shooter at hIs take all of your sawdust for ten In many places throughout the "No; I don't think It Is." belt D4 .... 1 10 t I It "ears," the owner wnuld be delighted United States, and especially In the aske d the proud tnther. "Be~auae," a .. ,...p ma 01' accuracy n Sol .. Canadian northwest., there are splen. NO STOP. "Yes, dear. It Is," answered the precomous youth, "she WIO notoJJed In the ~utt or It. He .dl8· to gtve it to hIm for hauling It away. "Well, I'll look when I get up In the said today that If I kept on I'd soon Uk.. bloOdlhed, lovell good dInners, There are not only thousands, but did opportuntues tor the wide-awake llions of tons ot It. Tbe mills do American to make money In the es- morning," be In the criminal class," COOl to th eat res an d ,as f reQuen tl y a8 mi tabllshment of a new kind of twinenot; 0 &I.l.to~o~1) ' perhaps he Dot bum..1t In tholr ~umaces, as many makJng [a.ctortes. Farmera are now atrlltOI a 'mine" In the mIdst ot ~ Amerl~n , manufacturers are now do- using a bemp or jute twine for bind. ground about ten Inches deep. Near v orowded street, or be hits upon It lng, because the' have more· wood ln g their gratn'Jt the enormous cost BOY MAKES NOTABLE RECORD the first of April I hjlrrowed It both ., ",bUe IJs~enlDs to a ,S und.a y sermon In trimmings than they caa. use. of from $120 t $180 Jler ton. It Is cbutch. It W.atI there, while- bowed How can this sawdust be used? Eas- now round that an excellent twU)e can Earl Hopping, 15--Year-Old Arkansaa ways, then marked off the corn rows both ways with a single stock plow, prayer, that one at ' the most val· lIy enough, and profitably enougb. too. be ma4e from ordinary matsh grass Lad, Ralaes Fifty Buahele of und dropped nnd covered the corn by uabre U1a to wlrelel8 telegraphy A method haa now been found where' and from the c'ommon "wire grass" Corn on Rocky 5011 . hand. 1 then toolt the goat and his C&U\e to its Jnventor. by sawdust Is easily and cbeaply 'which grows abundantly over millIons cart and hauled about three hundred Last year the country Jlaved about moulded into briquettes as hard as of acres of western country. It remained for Earl Hopping, a 15- ~art Jonds of manure and pu t on th4 forty', million dollarll In the utOlzatlon wood ItseU, !Uld· capable ot producing Along the AtlantJc, the Pacific and lear-old boy, son of 0 , P. Hopping, croases. 01 wbat, up tlbUl 'a few years ago wall a heat as powerful as that of coal. "When th corn became large living three and a half miles from Rogers. Ark., to rab" fitly bushels of enough to cultivate I took an ol~ Tloket Collector-We Ilame there 'Is probably none whIch pressing It, a beautiful artificial wood It is often tour and five feet In de pth, corn on an acre of ground conceded onion, or garden. plow and the goat offe~ greater ' opnortunlUe' at tbe Is made, which In France called and In France, where som" of It Is to be the rockiest acre at g round In stirring tho ground abou ~ fOUi here, sir. . Montague Swank (wbo has just .. now beIng used, It Is found that It Inc~l es deep. J o,u ltlvated the con presellt tJme to men of 'very small aa bois durcl, nnd whIch possesses a wUJ gather beat wbere large stones Benton cOllllty. given up a tlcltet)-Stop wbere? The. ground Is lit mill' overed with five Qr six times, plowing It flrsl well as I~e capItal, than this. Tbe bea';lty o~ appearance found only In nre placed within tide-mark on sandy Ticket Collector-At the pawnbroone way through then turning the oth tllnt rock, says the Kansas City Stllr, ut1ilza~on ot wastel.- Is not an entire- ebony. rosewood and mahogany. shores. In this country there Is as ker's. ' I, .new Idea. It has, attracted a great Today the "paper Question" Is one yet little thought of putting seaweed Earl Ropplng says that no attempt III er way. 1 do not remembfr ho .... deal of atten.tfob ~ur1ng the past six' of national Importan·ce. It has been to use. nnd yet it Is one at the rlcbest made to clear the ground of rock's Ulany timeS" It raJned during ~ he Illst . HI. ",splratlon • season, but It was not a very goo( . lOars. ellpecfnlly, ~d Its "wonders" pointed out a hundred· times that the 'a nd most productive of all "wastes." smaller In size than a man's head. Richard, aged 12, Warburton, age4 orn' year. The ' plece or ground 'Ol H, and Q«;>rdon', aged 10, ",ere discussThe boy culUvat d his acre accord· ha-.e been ellplolted many Umes-the newspaper. magazine and popular One tQn wtll produce eight pounds of "'oDders. ·tor Instance, ot coal tar. by· novel reader Is responsible tor the go· Iodin e, large quantities or' chloride at Ing to Instructions 'from the Untted which 1 raised m)' prIze corn Will! Ing what they would do with a mUlion produots, of Ink made from the rusty lng of our torests at a rate which potaSSium, four to t en gallons at vola. .States farm ' demonstration de[lart· farmed two seasons. previous to last dollars. season. We do not botber to rid the RIchard Bald: "I would buy a motor hOOI"l ot otd baNels, of silk ties made ')Vlll leave us pretty nearly treeless a tile 011. three or four gallons of nap. ment. He was assisted In hla work by his wound at stone ull ~es8 they are so boat." ot the JImbll ' of trees, I\nd ot tlie re- few yearslrom now .. And meanwhile. tha, and 260 to 400 llounds of sulp/late Warburton said : "I would spend my marpble,\:. uUlltaU<:>n of enrythlnr because of what we can, class as notli- of ammonia. Only about 70 per cent goat. The goat hauled the rock. from large that the double shovel or cultl· 'fJ'Oni hoor to tall In .our slaughter· Ing less than IgUorance, tbe people or or the total mass Is actual waste, and the ground In the homemade wagon vator cannot roll tbem Around; any million for musIc and theater ttckets," Gordon: the 10·year-oJd, snllled at ·! ioUA•......Jt ~.. b.o en es~mated that this country and Cllnada are coolly the remainIng 30 per cent In ellch ton aud hauled the manure to the ground. thing BS large BS one's heild we throw Il hundred mltUon dollars could be destroying an enormous ' paper supply Is worth between $26 and *,,0. The It dragged the cultivator and was as In plies. then take the goat and hit lhem ,lel'lslvely. "Humph!" said he, .iLve4, Or n;lIic1e, ' each, year by uttllza· eaeb year. For straw, after a brief proc· faithful and competent as any other cart and haul Utero olf. I do not know "I'll buy an Ilutomoblhi, and spend the tion of ~s' instead of fo'r ty mlllltm, 9SS, III paper. , Last yeilr 1 pe rsonally highest value Is ronclied when It Is rest In ftnes!"-HarI1er's Bazar. turned In gelose, or vegetable Isln· liJld , th~t 'IIUO~ 'a department would ' saw. thousands of tons of straw burn· "Jass, Rebelled. ' 1Vtthln Ii te",. yeaH be as valuable lUI ' ed by farmers on the Canadian pralr· Science. the wIzard or the century, Mrs. EJchfllllCk- John, I want you to tb,. ~p.f~e~t rot Agriculture, which les, , Twenty' mUllan tons were burn e~ touches with his ralry wand the blnck, buy a lIew parlor sutt. baa orked Ii revolutJon In the farm· between WinnIpeg and the const. viscid coal.tar from the gas ' retorts, MI': .Rlcbqllick-Marla, I've been ~* l'!1Q~oali of the natlon. Thle de-,' Tbe value of those stacks, In paper, . nnd from the 140 pounds ot gas.tar In ngrceaule enough so far to get dIfferpartment would be ' of valu'e not only ,w ould be tremendous, and the figure a ton of coal science today makes ent clolhes tor morning, noon, after· ~ the' 1'4t~ man~acturers Btld pro· would be doubled by those wbtch Bre aniline dyes numbering over 2,000 dis. noon aud night; but I'm consarned It dueer.-. "Who nre Qie. sole "waste prod· burned In .our own western states. tinct shad es. Of me dicines, antisepI'll change 'em every time I go Into a u~." uttlli~rl\ today, but would open Scattered evenly over the graIn fields tics hypnotics nnd fever.allaylng l)rep. clilterent room:' mines o~· profit I thol,lBands , of mer- the burned straw would not be a total aratlons It furnishes quinine, antlpy. , chant., . ~b~Joso.le\ men, amaJl dealers loss, as it wO~ld be of some assist· rlne, atropine, morpbtne, exalglne, wi~ tnl\9I.uf~c~urera," and would open /lnce to the soil; b~t burned ..as It Is. somnal, salol, chloralamlde, bypnol, up. as ~ w.~I'! ,new fielda for elth· In huge atllcks, or w1nrows. It does and a host of others. It furnis her ' ~r. II~ or latge ,c apital. It would more ll)jul"Y !han (liood to the soli. pertllmes-hellotropln~, clove, queen [n the United States there are hun· at the meadows, C.l nnamon, bitter al. ahllW '\fliblellale dealers bow the thouct. :ot , bU.sb,~ls' !lf 1ru1~ which spoil dredll of ways In, whtch money I~ monds, vanillin, camphor. wIntergreen ~ thew liandl eaoh season could bo made In the uUlIzatlon of wastes- an'd thymo!. It has given to the .", I e to lillY ' .he, wages of t~e1r work· most of them thus far being In the . world be lUte and plcrlte, two powerful . IUIr 1o,l'eesl bpw ~ the' great dry gCX?,ds bands at moneyed men, like millIon· explosives. It supplies more than 20 mercbut c~ Id(add a' good percentage alre ~anuracturers, packe:.s, steel pr? flavoring extracts: Is the housekeep~ 1l,l8 VN1!t by.!/iutJllzlng" In varloug ducers, ~d ~,o 0~I.1 .. The poor man s ers' ally, with benzine and naptha. the way. abd It wpuld show 'where. ne,,"' opportunlUes have not yet been tak- Insecticides; supplies the farmer with ~~:p.rotluCi\, lIullneas CoUld be ~~rted en advantage of, Todny, for Instance. ammonlal fertilizers, and ha,lt.clven to ~d: ~ailrle~ " Oll .at .o. proftt In, every t.her~ I.s sCfl;r ely a cIty of any size In the pbotographer bls two developers, The Boy, Hla Goat, HI. Implements and Corn He Raised. oItt: po.ntect ·qut, that practtcally' the United States where 'a man with b d Inan e and lIkonogen. It yIelds the o"\y. "utilisation :ot :waate'f bUll· trom two to fiv e thol1sand dollars at y rmoqu creosote nnd pitch' materia'I animal would have been. possllily exactly how many hours per day I i • "' • .l' .. I ' " .. t '1 ' hI .. Id t t b para n. , Have a daint , sweet flavour nell. _ ~.tn . "JUch, the- mas.. 0 ' P89P e · I c,ommapu call ' no ee up a y. for artificial paving; saccharin, a Sllbsuccessful, because of Its size. worked In the corn. 1 do most of the ' are 'C¥l'hdll.t*!~~, ;~~ In . w,)llob they p~duct tactor; In .",aste ,fr)llt that stance 300 Urnes sweeter thl,ln sugar. more tbat pleases the palate and farmIng. We get Into tho field ap Its daInty. caretul feet ran less whlle . ,te.~.PUt"'lI tli&~. ot ~I~ paper and old .~.ould pay hIm large ~Ivldetlds on hIs It gives us lnmpblack, material tOI: r~d early as the dow ,will. allow. My fa. I;lsk In injuring the stalks durtng the satjsfies particul';lr folks. · ..... t .' ., ' " , . ~,o~ey . . What a lar~e who!esale. fruit Inks, lubricating oils, varnJsh, rosin, ·ther does not believe In cultl· cultivations. , '. . tn ~e ·emptor of ~_. CanadIan' KOV- ,' mer()ha~t h~ ..carte~, aw~y t rom his almost our entire. supply at ammonia, Inte Hopping' bas wrltteh his meth· vatlng any kind of crop while the dew ' emment, , ." ,.,rl'lter. I!,P8llt a pat1 pf ,baCk d~r as . waste ~oqld. pa! the and oUler things wbos~ names would odEarl .of procedure for ' The Stnr and has Is' on. I would work all day It It did ~, ~' ltu47 of tb. altuatJon lsa1aJ:l~ of hI: emplot.e:s. I~I t;?rne~ fill a page. tha~ each year increasing • be~'\:\(.n th,~ nc)1tlti .aJ!. 0 e "of J..!l,k e )BU· nto v ~e!f~r" a~ors ,an . 0 a,an Not 'many yeRt's. oro, when a "beet" told graphIcally how he worked to- Jlot get too hal fo'r the gO!lt, turning out In the 'evenIng In Ume to do the accomplish such results on apparently thou~ands use this delicious , . ~ aile! the p.olfto 'ClOast. Tbe' bill- each ot these by.produ~te , would be up k1ll d 40 per cent at the anIma' ground, .' chDres ' befol'e dark. The only error~s tory .of the' ~tl/o~e. ~aa ta~cht ClIJ)a~a tQ ~e blg~~at standard_0;' ~e .pure ' : : : wa:te: Today 'nnthlng Is lost -'worthless food good evidence of its Inc1dentaUy. It tnay be remarked we ~re rnaklng In the way at sucoosslIiat tt..~ oolllle"atl~ ' of the "Iurt~ce fOod regul~on81 ,for deca)' In fruit Is "but Its dytng breath." . popularity·. " hat the letter la gIven exactly ILl the (Ill farming. Is deep plowing. plenty ot ~" .qt .. ~uDtJ'~ Is ... trem(tndoll" a ·cheJDlcallr h.a rmlell,a clll~nge. It .Is true, I\s ?tIr. Rockefeller saYII, bil,PO't¥t m.,~tter, and the KOven·. to another ",ay th~re are ,oP.PO rtu · that today "tbere 18 a 'BOld mt,ne' not bo)" wrote- It. There w,a s not an ;error manure and plent)' at -culU V\ltlon to Post TOllSties -are ready to s1)ellLng nor In gram~ar, and ~~ keep tbe weeds out apd the ground .tat-" ~UlDI lf8at etforta I to : proftt Dltttjll tor , 8JUI'll. cap~tal ,In the "heep, 10 very ~ar from e~ery hU8tUn,;, In sene direct from ,the pkg. ~.llta~e" ' J ~ .plte of then."· ral.~ d18trlct/J of the Unlt~~ B~tes brn.lDYj. ambltlous YOUll'; man In the wriUngwlis 1)eyond crttictsm. Which loose. We bave not sold, our crop. We teed It. Cor.n here Is bardly ever leadl to the tilde remar.k that Intem· , with cream milk-a coumUtloJiI ~ c1qUars are fleln. an4 ~n.da. Not man" 1ears nso' U Ited 'States"-and mallY Cd ' theBe genee Is round In Uie- auccessful fa~· ,,"orth iess than ~lty cents 'per bush· venient. wholr.some breakfl'St e lilt be found In tb'e uUUztna er as lurely 'as It I. ·found In the 1\100 . 411." dish. 1l<~~.~~.~~.u4 :&merlcaD braSD. ..." that w~ en. a ehee'p ~ .....sh84 ~e <ot waates_._ _ _ _'--_ onlrul maangeemnt oj any bUBlneae; The accompany.ing. 1l1ustratiOll tIlarl Httpplnl writes tbat be farm. 8bCJ",. , a stack, of the fpdder, a bOx . dlrt1 .water :wblch_ cleaDH4 ~e Wool .. 01 niue, and . The Ea..ntl.1 .l'IIp. :.. •• bls father- ta~lbt blm, and bls tau.· of lbe corn, aud the·rough ground. The M.mo.., L.....n"· 1fIU 'tat" ~ luc1,......cu·t 7011 and :roll!' liUlibant er wa. ratled In abown ".,. ~. onl)' 0De1 uaed Oil. a rana. .. u.,. ....pp!b' wltlaoat a.tatIN? tb1I aore. plow to
=fct~n ::lc?~~~':'R=:efe~~er a~I*~ ::~ ~~~:~e S:~':~,S\lI~~tt~y:~~:i~c~~~; ~~ese~~!e~a~e:~~ u~~~o~eo~a~::' Ie
The Taste Test-
The Fact-:- .
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1_~ _
fit....... f f li11 ~.'J\UJ\U('.U.IfIUUtcutc! I r' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _III!!f~.11It'!ill9llll_~-...- . - - _ ; James Davis "'" proo , 0 po ' Use and JUis 'se of the Stom ' 8ch Coun~y batlon of bls appointment a. ad· ' I'l " of tbe , 81t&te of Nanoy l' All that the hOiu.a n stomaoh bas --J . DaviS, deoeas.d. , ~ .__ __ to suffer from tbe abuse of its pOP. Co n ,non Pleas Court. ' A . J, Boyd filed proof of pobUca.. , sessol'S would make' a traglo tl1le, It New Suits tion of his appointment .. adminis A #I .. is overfed, improperly fe\'1, underfed trator of the estate of tlophia Boyd, and starved, and thon d;vspeptlo in Theodore Senli lel filed' suit deoeased . valids wonder wby t uey buve 10A t, a1Rin llt the BOll rd of EdoO{lt-lon ()f 'l'he first and finlll aacoont In the hea lth and temp~r, TIl'e ml1rv el itl Milson Vtllllge ~bool dllStrlot prll ~- estate of Wilham C. MoVay. deBY PORTER ELLIOTT , not that there are 80 Dlllny Ruffer j'lg tb.t 1\ tetlt,rAlnln, order be III oetlsed, wR l4tiled by B. D. MoVay beparlmpnl or Agrl culturnl Exleners but tb"t t.be patient Ilnd oo n til.! • f slon. Ohio St a Wl: n" ' .. ralty. ," ;lUI'd to pre ven t t,he bonra rom and Flmn.y B Greely. oa.l1ymlsu86d 8tomaohsof tbousoodll n htln Jing thtl 1,1 aMon of the sob 0111 Wtll of the late William S of otb ers do not r e volt !lnd lDfiic,t h on8e as proposed. o ll\lwl~g tb It Grlffitb was probated and reoorded, Nature has been rather llberal In nature 's penult.v for the violation of .. noh a ohange woold tmtlul grell.' R. B .' Snider wal exeontor named IItocklng most Bolls wltb the elements nature's laws, . 1 8S and. t,hat the n~w loca\lon II n?t and 8. F. Gallaber, ~nowden Roel needed tor plan t growth. Even the The Wa.y8 to oure or prevent stom 8' gO( d A8 f,he present one . '''al. and William Sabin were appointed so - CAlled flXh8lll st d solis contain Rch trouble and to iD'ilUre good }O\rd J . Wright il! attorney for the appraisers. ,large amounts at plant food . In many bealth Ilre ~s many as bumon nature plaintiff. Frank Pratt WBI I)ommitted to casel. bow ever. thiS, Is not III a form is v.ried . For instano(>, Dr. Henry Raymond Gonover and Edgar tbe Bsylom for tbe In81lne at Day'on available to the plant. The very bes t S Tanner oelobrated hie Stat birth Oonover tiled solt against :Walter Charle8 E . Eaton and W. W. methods or I!raln age anI! tillage will day at 1..08 Ang~les a tew day" ago Conover. et al for tbe partItion of Stiokleman were appolated by the often tall to lupply enough available by bSRinning a fa8t: whioh be will certain desoribed real eelate. AI: ooort to examine the county treall- plant fo od for maximum crOlls. For try to hold for 10 dRYS. will be bert Anderson is dtorney for plain urer and prooeeded at once opo'! this reason. an I!ver·ln crefls lng- nuOl- reoll1led that in 1877 Imd again in tiff. . their dutiell later filinl t.beir report ber of rarm era are resorting to tbe 1880 he a68erted that be had fasted M: H. Hou8ewortb, G. Lewe, W. whiob was oonfirmed. use ot comm ercial fertll\&ers to supply 40 day.. Hie theory of aUlliDing Oha.rlell Jonea and Frank tI. W,U. In available torm the elements lack, perfect health III to ont o~ two thirds T Coleman, Frell Woodrey, William DiU, R. M. Cox, Fred Conover, Gee. exeootora of the eetate of Thom.. Ing. Th ere IS no doubt th at rertl· 'of one'8 food. Miller and Oarl Woodrey, trusteee JODE'8, deoeased, filed their tbir. JI~ers tJavp. a place on very many The New Baveo Union Is quite This harness for two horses with either Pigeon wing of the Metbodil.t Ep\sllOpal par80n. teentb 8ooo.nt. rarins. bUL It Is In order rOT' us to ask rigbt In laying tbat Dr. Tanner'8 or square blind brilde, less colla rs - - - - - S 16.80 age o~ MaBoo filed an ex parte 'petiThe 8eoond aoooont in the eBtate ourselves If we are saving as care' plan I'n ita literal applloation 18 Body part for one horse 5.00 tlon praying tbat a deoree be ill~oed of Amanda O. Lyon, deoealed, wu tully aa we might Lhe pll1nt, lood In freaki8b . A homan being common. A good heavy sweat pad .25 by the coort authorizing tbem t~ filed by H. S. Stevenson, exeoator tbe manure produced as a by-product Iydies in five to eigbt daylt without A good team bridle 1.75 le11 and oonv~y lot No. 95 and for Dissrlbotion waB &Dake of tbe aDd at no cost on ever)' tarm, food. With water. bot withont Check lines 1 1- inches by 18 fect 3.25 otber relief. Elt-ZTOtb & Maple are prooeeds of a81e of property iovolved Furnllhe. Humul. food, the basis ' upon whloh Dr. Rubber mounted buggy harness, the kind most dealat'toroeYB for plainti\ff. in O&IIe of E, B. ()"Idn, exeoutor, TB, In order to lave our manure Intel· Tanner'" experiments have been ers sell for $20.00, our price ' 115.00 lIgently we mull know tbe .ouree or Court Proceedlnls. Barton H. Kelly et a1. It. value alld tbe wa, aD wblcb ttl conrlucted, there are well authenti. We also carry a full and complete line of all kinds ofJIarness H. H . H. Hiteeman, admiulstra- crop-produclnl pow., t. lost. Manure oated instances of survival for and anything needed for the horse. Distribotion of proceed8 , WIlS tor of the 6IJtate at lIary J. Hite.. " valuable tor Itl or,anlo , matter about 30 days. Claims of longer madf'in tbe ca8e of Ella Linder vs man, deceased, filed hll firlt and aDd Itl content ot nltroaen, pbo.pbor- fasts than that most be reAluued We deliver all goods to your nearest RaUroad or Traction stop, U~rtll4 Ka'rby, et al. final a-ooooot. ... aDd pot&.88lum, It tl the organl. ith i ion free of charge. -.. .. matter '" barnyard manure wbleb tD w S08P 0 . In the oa8e of William J . Bolan The first .nd final aooouot In tbe maD, oue. ,lve. 1\ an t.dyanta,. As a h~altb mflasure when cllrrled .ger 'V8: Ka't e M. Bolan gel', defend- t-atate of Albert KeeTer wu filed by over comm.rclal l.rUllur.. Mo.t to an extreme, fasting fs about at' ant was given leave to file anawer Lydie E, KeeTer, execotrtx. lolla. e.pedall)' U Lonl tarmed, are logioal as it outting off 0 jal from on and or088 p6tltion. . Emma L . Penkana, adminis.,.. lD ,r.a' Deed .t lome bumul form· engine beoause thtl maobln e r v Dilltrlbotion of proceed8 wall made trlx of the e8tate of JOieph Penkaoa, ID, material. and tht. the or,anla oreak8 In I' minor way fasting ba. matter of manure wlU .uppl,. Any tbe O!t~e of E1i",bet~ G Ballard decea8ed filed pr.>of of poblloa"on IOII ' ID lhl' dlreetioD .hould be care- been a fad for m Iny years Wowen VI, Cbrlltlne Garn8r, et Rl . of the notioe of bel' appointmeot fu1l7 ,uarded a,alnst. Th. amount often find it easaer to deny tbl)m . ,Defenda'n\ was granted leave to (jeorRe t:iotchill8on filed proof of 0' or,anle matter tD manure mar b. selvel br'eakflU5t' than to work or East Canal Opposite Wayne Ave. I file hi8 an8wer within 15 daYI in poblication of ~ll appol.otmen~ a. talrl, elltlmated br Ita bulk, It •• a walkoffsoperl1ooos and undeslrablt' One half block east of D. & U., D. & W., D, & S. U. and South· «l88eofJoel Cook VI. Frank Fordyce, admintltraior oftheee&a&eofLocre matt41r of the commoDelt observation fiesb . Their nnused mnsol "s sink ern Ohio Traction Depot. 'w G d d B D d·...a tbat, Ir alk)w.d to 11e ID the lot down ond~r e--eroi8e nuosual for Hon. arren , al' an o. tta fteDry, eoea"""" throllrhout tb. wmmer, tb" maDure u ... , MUtcn 'mark were on tbe beach. Tbe fir ..t aooonnt of tbe eltate of pU. ,brlnka Dotlceablr. Ortell p~rsone with languij babita. Daily Ca1ll8 ~'8 ad+jodged to plaiotUf in Karl Bone ~anly, minor, wal filed tb. lot whlcb bad a coverlD' or two walks would turD 81eepy tissne the case ' of 'Sarah ' 'S imon too 'Ila., by .l!'rallk B. PaulY,gnardian. or ·three teat or manu... lD early 10tO an aotive pulling foroe. Willi Ilm, Si mon,t on. 0 an il IA th Inted ad .prlna wlll I~OW ..Il , or The ordiDar.v error, however, e r 0, waa appo ' twenty Inche, ID' tbeoDli fall. elgbt BOplaUmes, BELL~S ANTI~PAIN . 'In the, caee.of Tbeodore Scofield mlniltrator ' of tbe eetate of War:ren U the maDur. III very coarle or vllry cloes Dol lie in the direotltln of Il,r ENGLISH BEAUTY SECRET OUT DR. For Internal ancI External P ...... Ye. Board of Edocation of Malon E . Artho1r, deceaMd, at a bood of larle amounta are to be applied, al Tanner's prolonged fa~ts Ma n, In Dally Bath Is Given at One Reuon for School di8hict tlie oourt dilaolved '" 000. ' til gardeDlal. I~ t. belt, to have the his bours of graDdeur. mlly m etlSUre International Laurel. for relttr~ining order. . ielbor Jackson, waB appointed ad manure rotted to a . oertalD extent, the stars, bot his ~omE!nts of Ii t,tIe Beauty. The jodlineot and divorce ' ren minletrator with the will annexed bllt for general rarmlnc beat re.ultl neRS 8re only BS fllr removed us his are lecurecl br haulIn, to the field A recent Interview of Mme. Ltna dered iJl Daee Laura" Ba1'lan V8 .• of the estate of J. M. JaokBon, de as .oon u practlcabl.' att.i making, dinner tnble. Eor tbe person who Cavalieri, pubUshed In a Paris paper, WaUer aal:lan was vacated and eet oeased, at' a bOnd of 12,800. aupplle. aam. Klem.nta as Comme,.. Injures his health by pr llonged fllsl- found Its way to Berlin-to the omce Mid,. Marrtaae Llceaaea. , cia' ... rtlllz..... lng there are a bost woo' 81llIer fr um of the B rllner Tageblatt- wh'e re a , In UU; da:DlI,ge IOU of R!tolpb Van ' . Th. Jola of nltrogeD. pholphorull Improper diet or exoellsl ve P!lting writer Rlgnlng himself or herselt "AmaMe&. againBt the Interul'ban Rail· Roy Priokett, 21, farmer Qf M~r- and potalllium (thele are the ele- The le@so& Is of cour8e tbut t~e Ills" reproves the prima donna for prOw_,; '&i 'TermiDal ·00., tbe defend. row and ,lIlleanl)r Blanohe Brown, 17, m.ntl boug,h t In oommercli.l fertl· truly ht'altbfnllivtll ill he .vhn pruQ. claiming "Englishmen, and especially an' mov.. thaG tbe plaintIff "Dake of lIorrow. . . 11.el'l). while more serlolil In most tice8 moderation and exeroi!1es oom Elngllsh o~ce r s. to be the handsomest and generally the most beautiful speci, 32 f f cuel, ta .ot .0 eallly detected. In hil petitioD morn definite. Harold Tbaclrara. , armer 0 faO\, the onlr prao~oal war of meaa- mon lIe_n_II_8_ , __ • _ '....._ - - mens of manhood In the world." Court. 8prlDIboro and Viola Olark, 26, of una. thl. 10.. Is by cla.mlcal analy"Amad ls" admits that Englishmen m'ay be entitled to International laure'ls A Fif:rce Night Alarm ' Waynesville. , .ta &ad t ••tlDIr the. crop-producing F. M. 'CondeD truetee of tbe e. . . ".w.r. or the mallurtr In Que.tioD. Is 'he bearse, IItarUlng oougb ui tor beauty, "because- tor the renson tate, of 'I_ao Jonetl, deOMled, filed Real Estate Tran"'" ~bablr the first precauttOll to be ~ ohild, suddenly attaoked by oroUI ·. Signorina Cavalieri puts torwardt.th aoooon'. HotlltOe C. Keever and IIlliza~ih lakeD ID guardlD, against loas In Otten it aro08ed Lewis Obamberlln . tbey bR.tbe oftener than oth er men." But opinion s differ radically. however, manUrN I. to Ban UHI urlne. Wben The Arlt and fiaal account in the Keever to Arthor Danlton an I we consider that thll cODtainl two- of Manohe.ter, 0., [~ R No , 2] for on Signorina Cavalieri's deductlol,1 that their fourohildren were greatlv tlub _tate of· Veda Van Riper wal filed' Benie Iiaolio., lot in South Leba thirds of the altrolen and three- jeet to oronp "Soinetimes in see English omcers are especially usetul by.l. BeDry Winner. ~ator. non, t181O. . fourth. of the »otuh 'folded br the vine attack"" I t be wrote , -,'we wertl members of human society. ''We men of other nationalities are W. E. Knapp guardlen oUhe el· . 8tepheD G. Carter to L \l.urel E . anhnal,' and that UII food is ID .Olu. "fraid ,they would die, bu t Binee we tate ,o f Cleo and Olyd~ 'Upton, miD- Carter, qoit olaim on paroel of lan.:t, tloD aDd more re.cUlr avallable to proved what a cedllin remedy Dr. duly ashamed, but we ' console our- Dr. Bell's Pine-TSf"':'Honev For Coulha and C~ldI. , crop. thaD the "me food In , the King'l New Di800very fl'. we htl ve selves with the reflection that men , on, filed'hil tirftt aoooDOt. dilD8, the , Importaooe of taldnl an,' no fear. We rely on it for ' oroul' are not expected both to be good look, Report oj I.'e of real eetate Betty Spencer to E11l!,&a M. ElltdD atepe .eoeasary to lIan It I. at OD~ nnd for ooUgh8. colds or ari,y 'hro!l1i Ing and to strive tor glory of another , amoonting io "G08 wal flied and Jot in vUlage of F.aDkU~, 11. ntMIlt, iD most oue. thl. wtll mean or loug 'rooble. " tlo do \bpJl8andtl ldnd. Important men are never handd.b1bo'ion of pr®8edll made ' in OweD S .' BigglQI and Peter 8, water tlillt iloorl and ampl. luppllel of otbers. & may yoo, Aet,hm4, some. Goethe and Alexander the Bay Fever, lAQrtppe WhooPIb~ Great who ' combined genius wltb a , oaiui of N I A. BamUton, , admlnle Donbam to MaTlare' u. Noah, lot of 'be4dtq. , 'beautiful exteriOr, were the exceptions trato~ "1. JOhD T. Parker,.,t 81. . in Le\>anon, Ii. " Bacteria, Cau•• LOl. of Ammonia. Coogb, Hemorrhagee fir before it. which prove tbe rule . . ~etyon :you~ o,n '" • • • _,: 500 aod '1 00 ·fri..l bottle free . (~~~\1 judgment t.o , Will of the lale' Aun p, MUll, de- EUzabeth G. BaHard to Almon Another .erloua 101. I. dlle to tb4! Sold by all d rnggis~ "The other notnbl£ltles ot .hlstory, It pallern. but re. . . d llberatlon of DltrOlell In the form of they could be lined up, would reseJDweo ber durablllt,., oeued, WIUI p~obated aud recorded Ferr!~, 103 acre.s 10 W.'hlnR~D aD aIIUIloDla and Dltroge. la. by oertaln .. ble a collection of Barnum's freaks . I. the moill ItQPo'- ' TJle fin' aClon,n t in tbe, eetat.., of Ma.ie townablps, at Elherlff a , sale, clall" of baeterlL In the horst' ta.ot feature. " Naturally. Yet they are the men who achieved Isaao Garoer, decea.ed. was filed .'7,1'7. stable tbt. 101. la eul1r deweted by John Kendricks Banp. at a ban- tblngs and left the Imprint or their per· by Ohriltlne Harne;, exeootm. Jobn C. Ad!lma to Mary O. Adami the Do.e, the ~Itrogen comlDI oft In Quet 10 New York, pleased hta fellow- sonalltles upon their epochs. One George E , i'ryburger filed proof lot in Ftanklin, the form of amDlonlL The '.M of dtneH with an eplsram at the ex- limped like Byron, ot~ers were crook· ' a 'mall amount of acl.d pholphate or pen.. of one of the foreign "hIgh- ed like Bcblller or Leopold!. Btm an, of. publloatlon of bll appoln,t ment Theodore tianderl aDd Bernarn.ia fioatll III the atable I. etrecttve In ' BROS~T~ pther was bald like Aeschylu8. Anothpla~htl, al admlnlat,ator de bonis non o~ tbe Sanders to ~Ing Powder OompaDY cbeeklnl the lOll. The u.ual applt- brow" II the Dame .~mp,ed '_ "Of courae," said Mr. BaniS, "he er. like Socrates, was frlghtnened by lhe bBC\c of 'poon'"Io,r ltl' eltate of 'l:IItle Snell, deoeased. 'and PeteJ:'1 Cartridge Oompany,16 ~5 caUon I. on. pouDd per day per tbou-, tblnk. that .be I. lu"rlor to hll horses. And not one ot them was torid I Bud foucy '.ervin&, plec:eII In . lIver plate of, p.R lfta !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~\ I acres In HamlhoD townlblp, ,1. " land poulld, of animal or forty 'b rother craft.men, especially to· hla or ablutlonary exercises, not even the I quallly ~ WUU&m Wbeatoo to tlim04 pouDd. per toa of manure. brother craftJimen' In America. You ' Apollo-like Gothe, who semi-annuallY , Belldea .aViD, IlltropD, thelle BUb- know how It is. When a man deems entered In his diary, "'Ith unmistak. " $ il"" ·I'IAII Light.Der and , Mary ,t.igh'ner, 60 atance. w111 furiliall phospho..u., blmlelf one tn a thousand, he natural· ' able relief: 'Bathed today!'" thai W,ari" , aores In Clearor"ek township, 1 1. which II "1'1 leaually oe."ed br .,. looks on all the rest as ,ciphers." Wide lalltude fo~ ch.olee or any Sickness Is offered hl the many Wa.rner C. PeDce to Mary Jane the eoll. of tbta and nelghboriDI , { esqul.lte a~IJr1I'" ' Brad8treet, lot in Springboro, '1. ltat.l. In cu. there I. aDr t.ar of Sold by" leadln Kills A Murderer deBle... ' N. B. Rloh aod Sarah O. Rloh to damqilll the boofa of nlmall, th. WALTER MOflLtTRE, Bend for ~a',B'OIJ(ll" HERE IS PROOf acid pholphate ma)' be applied In A meroilees morderer il Appendl i'()'L" Ihowlq Oakley R . Ungletby, 19.77 aor,B In tb • •tall before the bedcUD, II put cUill witb , mllny viotimll" bot Ur. , 'dcai,... "Mer a long,attack of Grippe, Yusle townsbip, II. clown. III looBe, dry pUea of muure J[lng's New,Life pm! kill it by pce. Funeral D, i re,:tor., D. 0 , B09k to Robert 8, Van there .. hrth.r 10.. of Dltrol'D ventloo. 'l'hey gently Btltnulate Mrs. Vaught seemed unable to reo cover her 'strength. She was very Camp and D. Clark. Van Oamp, lot cau••t br aDoth.r ela•• of bac;terlL stomacb, )iver aDd bowels, prevent weak and had ' no appetite. VI· in Frllnklio $1-. The, are relponalble for wbat , II IDg tbat cloggiDg tbat Invite8 ftp. Telepbone ~av or night. NOL rapidly iD)proved her condi" fi kllown u bot ferm.lltaUoD, alld when pendioUil, (loring , Constipation, Valley phone No. ~: J...oDIl tion and restored her to health. I William L. BrowD to_ EI e1" It. thll ha. coae far eDou~ to at'fe to Beadaobe, BUlonBneNl, Cbill8, 260 at Dlf.'tfI,noe' No. 69-'~. . sincerely recommend ~ts use during Eaton, lot io FrankllD, '2.,0. ,. lIWlure the charaotert.Ue ftr.fange4 all droggl8ts. ' . convale~ence or any run down appearOC8,we have reuon to b.' • - . ., ViAYNESVILLE~ • • OHIO conditio~." \ , CoIpmlJltonerl' Proc:eedlnp. lIe..e that there Is 11m. nitrolen left AORICULTURE IN THE SCH09lS " ', '. , JunGE C. N. VAUGHT, Billll-·]amea V . HaDklnson,lum. In the pUe. " Braneb Offiee, Barve1f1 bura. Huntsville, Ala. ber,.'~, A " M . Monfort, eleotrlcal pre.,nce Thelo bacterIa workthis onlyfact " tn lUI' the ' 1N rat,, exp~riment8 In , growing " • of air, aDd , ' !!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!i! Miss Adelaide Gamm, of Water- repalr8 I&t jail, '53.20 I 'l'roltee of, p.t. a metbod of combatUD. them: oroplt Bo.o h as '9prn, pot.toea~ smllH town, Wis., 'writes; "Mer a sev~re . Poblio aff.irl\ liRbt and water for ,AnY , .,Item of ,torlnl the. manure frolk,. vegetables or fiower~ Eaot;l ----~----.,r'lv attack of the Grippe, 'my system jan and ooort hooBe, 162 It '; Direct which will , keep tt. ,lDotllt anel com. popil, 811001d have .... Ilm!ll~ plot.' of , was ' ~ a very weakened, nervous, , Coal 00 ,ooal for' 90Q~t boUl8,,,. o~'; pact, and he~ce , free or aDr ,sreat gt) ood at' home( if nQtover one bll,l f run-down condition. I took VI:. r-wyerB' cOo"" , ratlve <,Poblllbtn D amount of al ... wtll go a 10DI way ~o- ') ' .'... ' d ' OO which to grow somp NOL with the best 'of results, UIIt ..e ward prevenUng lOll In , thi. dlr~· a eqqare-r,o , ! ' , ," ' 1 aDd it made me feel , bette~ and , do, law book., '2t; Ma.eIDfD~nl & t10Q, , ',. ' " orop for wbloh' he sh"ll., bl'! entire y .ttonger than I have been for years." Sleter, mdse.," 8; FloreDoe'R Au W~e~ever l~ IS , ll,ot possible t~ baol r~poq!,ltile. 8eqqnd, ' oliBer,vatioD ' We have never sOld in our store tin, boilen for lewer, '2'; Viall., th'e .manure , t~ the fteld, a? made.. It an.d collection , work, igolodiog ~ b e a mqre, valuable' heaitia restore,d or: Telel)honeCompany, reDtealid tolll, 'ahoul,4. be made '.aDd ' IItored un?er IdenWloaUon 'of' oommon ,w~edB, , , OD a watertight ftQOr. kept . -, f " h kl wtak and run down perso~s, than '2Q. so. '' cover molat and ,compllct, and t~elited with birdll,~, aDd oseeh, t e m~ ' n,g, VINOL, anc!. we ask such people in Ie ;'ne-T"-Hone~ acid pho&fthllte or ft ' ate 'to r hec\l ofilohool berbarhl~1t ADd oolleotions this vicinity to try. , VINOL :with . , ,., lOll of ~lt'rOgell And at the ~nme tim· 'of OOmmOD ~.8d leedS , 1'bird"
Valuable 'sset of the Farm.
HlIROES$ B1IRG111 OS ' '
413 E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio,
.,1. .
After Grippe
Vlnol Creates Strength
""ere onlY .;,;
r-· ....ed ifthat it . ·d ...• _money .... do 1lnd~tandi~ their ~II
,· ....!II ......
.'ww, UIIO
.for it. ,
J~ f1. J~NEY~
I. ~
i· aD~ IDa rt!lled 011 the in orODp, adel ftholphofUI t{le m\\DUre. Jf lli t;- r 0 worlt tD dom8lttlo art. conBla,tug kl d '.r.h at II0811 Dr_beBelp.. to the In rather santy Sl,l1l of 001llM, oolde and_iliaD, ,Dd bIOD. :o..utlOns are oltil~rv{jd, tilt! 10 ,- 1':1 br• •kIDl', butter ma ng, .aD .ohlal troubl.. Look for the bell,OD l ,ftl1ie of f resh and lto.red .. Druu1at' lbe Boule. , 'd i .,. .... lm"4 to a miWIIlUDl, . -
Prepand from Pan ' Native B'~.J . '::'=£:~~5'!~ '~=':!!' ~'=I.~-==:~:=!!iil~i ,' Purify the Blood aDd til paB'fDR~'
. ..
Week ly nt Wl1ynllll vlllo, OhJo Den trl'i\ rk School Children Muat Bathe - - - - - -- - -Beroro They File In for Prayers I(FleE - - · MAIN THlm T and Rec lta'tlons. . D 1,lmark Is onl;! cif th cl eanest coun-I V.\LL!!:Y '1'.I': I.EPIIONE- O,\l,L ' No. 11 2 trl S .Irn:l "'lua bl o. In a ,op nhllg e n - --~--IIUbltc ~ hoo l one may ijee nn In t.e r s tD. L. CHANE), Editor and Manager Ing IS-ht. Mo unting tb e spotl f;lsl:I elo n t tll -- tI t tIl I s tall'ca ' se 0 '" rs g It ve ry mOI'O!r'lg you may flec at eigh t o'clock Rates of Subscription the chlldre Q assemble and an s we r to 0110 Yeur (strleLly Iu aUvl1uco) . .. . . . .. Sl.O ~ UI Ir nalllos an d t be n marc h to u Single Ctlpy . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. · . . .... .. . 06 dressing room. H e r e th y unclress, anll ach cblld n eatl y fold s Its clotb ~ and puts the tid y bundle a ll t be fi ool'. Rates of Advertis ing Toon the childre n go Into a small It ndlng Locals, per IIno . . . . . . ... .. .. . ~. I Hendlng l.Alcrus. black fnce. per line .. . . 10(" square room with sh elv es nil a round und on these shelv s are In n um r able ChwdUod AdA. not to cxc\.'CU Il ve IIJl(llf Tllroo Inserllou8 . . . . . . .. .. . . . . wopden tubs, s uc h as we use In AlII c r· bltuarles. Il l'o luc:hlJ8 free: over U\'o Ica for washIng with two Iron ha nd ;; Inches, llUr 11110 • ••••••• • • • • • •• 6c around ' th e m. 'Everything Is In 1m· Card of thnnkll . . .. . . . ... .... , . .. . . .. . 21!c maculat d Th t h I e or e r . e euc cr g ves HllIlOlutlona ... ... . ... . ..... . . .... , . . . 60<- e ach child a tub and he or she tuk e:; It SocliliB etc. whllro chllt'g6 Iii mnde . . . ... . 26<: Display AtJ\ocrtislng per Inch .... . ... . , . I De to an Immense and \\:ell IIg hl d wUF;h room . . Dl8counts gl vcn on contract. Of course the boys and girls are h d ~~: :bl~~~::a~~y~:::~, ththYe p~~~~:: l\JAn B 22, 11111, ones coming I1rst. The floor of Ul ewash room Is ot cement and In th e Beauty nndu o rned mU!lt be A No oenter Is a lattloed wooden fl oo r . 1. Around the top ot the walls rWlS a nicke l sbower pIpe, th e water of whIch Self,oolJocit is the tWin s iste r of' 18 regulated by the teach er. Under these showers at tho b elght where the vanity. ----..~~e~--small 'f lgurel can reach, are nIckel For Oroup s land's with Boap and the s Utrest hc,g Dr . Bell'M PiDP.Tar-Bon6V is tht' bristle brushes whIch make one shiver. best koown r a m edy - Uo o ot IlX- Nearby 1e a faucet Eacb chlld putl hIs or her tub und er perimeo~ get t.he genuine Dr. Ball 's the taucet and poura the neceas llry Pine. Tar. H o n ey . amount of water Into It and proce eds R oae by I\oother ollme might NUll to sorub--not himself or herself- but the ohlld In front. Wben all are clean be an Am e r 1clln BMUty. ~ the teacher turns on tha showers and Published
Con GUmptlon, Sl')1 a ll pQ x and Othe r C nt ag lou s Dll1el;lses Su re to Spread In ThI s Ma nner.
'St. Augustine's
No t Against the Autoora t, But tho O",tgrown Social institution.
~thollc Churcb~
Fillber Ueorue Mu r nbo fer, Pa .. \ol' Muss eVI' ry oondgnoduf' of the III "\h a
9: 00 a. w.
/Iot," Is he mo to of t e St. Mary's Episcopal ChurC'h'(.rll 'H . lIr.aHb or,l;!anl7.ntl on, oC w hl 'h . Tt Is nnt the au tocrat , but the out· Rev. J . F. I,uj \\'ntltlll er, Rec ~, " I rrB~ J TU"I!(' 11 1{('lll! n of Cl ncinn'\l 1 gro\\' ll 80 uin l Ins LlluUon, aga in s t w blcb utlday . ohool. U:00 'I . Ul Mormn g ~~r I:; .rt.'slcl 'nt. 1\1 fS. Hech Un xplal ns <. 0<'1 ,t~· r quires pro tecti on . ot the vlcD, LU ::JO a m. Hol v COllilDu nlon Lh t! tl r -If-glt;iI tllr 01' the ex cutlve but th e undllY 01 each montb , !ha t Iha ohJ "c of the m ovement 15 to ""IHllilu ti on an d the preva lll ~g j udic ial 1')Slil' n Ibe sLlrend of ons uml)tloll :1 n IllS! ts ' th at I he " KIRs not " p l l!d l~'s 'HI ad min Is trati ve proce(\ur , are In Methodist Episcopal Chul'&.:P. sh ould b 11Ikf'JI Hnd kep t by eVd'y tlil' \\ ay of progress; or rathe r, car ry. with Rov, H. W. 8ulloy, Putol schoo l I llch ci' In IhQ Ol \ II try. In~ lh e fl_nn Iysl s on e ste p farth er , our SundllY ·ctlOOI. II : U :t. lD . Mornlnll n U l' · ,·Iee. I U :30 .\. Ill . F;pwo rLh Lengue, 7 10 0 p' "Ten Iw rs a ud pupils bo th \\-111 (l1Hlculti ps a re not so rnu' h with the m . F; " c llln ~ Hen·tcc . 7 : 0J p . m. MIClw rf''' b ' n efit by It," dac\ar s Mrs. nech tln. ('u n: tI LUl lon and proced ure, as with our Pr Iye r lIIC"'Llnll. 7 p . Ill . "A ow n l' Iuc lance to am end and modern· s wcet-tltc ed kI ndt' rga rten t e acher Iz th KId kI ss d he r pu pil s good-by, saying, ' 1 I .e pm . f nowh e ge alld convi ct ion ji Christian Church. All for only Hoy . L. 0 . 'J'hul1Ip!IOn. PlI8to \\'Ill t It k C a goo d r(,5 t tb ls summ e r. I n \.iI v<.' I gone dsrh u Iead of existing JU('. l h e ra il 1 w ill glv you moro ~um es ; ~~ a ~ Bill a n I b ab l The clash Is llo ne Dible School, 9:S0 a. m. SocJal mee""" . l o: a o a. m. Chrlslin" Eudeavor. 7:00 p. 01. l hey ti re me no w.' She di e d of CO Il- \\~ ~~s rea ecnuse It Is not b et~'eon , S rmon by pll.~tor very alternate Sunday'" Fu mp llon In Ih o m lrtd le of Augus t. I a s tln ct classes, between u ruling \ WO 10: 8U a Ill. and 1:a o II m. dUllS nnd a v It I I f \V r" t l o childre n exposed to COll I I t re 0 ng c us, or e xa m· Hicksitc Fril'nds Churet. s um ptlon ? lI ud the dl sea'se been d lp h- Il~: ) u t ra~~er between our own , i r~ l nn M ~ l· t1I1 .. II :00 II. m. Flr8t IJ.. v the ri a or small pox would they hav e so ves 0 t ra t on and habit on tha • cLool. I I : 01'1 a. III I"ounb Day MCl'li1l1( lI ecn expos d to It? , O IlP ha nd , a nd ou rsel ves of the present IU :OO :t. m "SIn e you ca nnot quarantine I el1l1 ronment and new standards. Th ese ~ agains t consumption, . nor m ecln n.te Co nftl (:ls "l l h our own In herited tra dl- ~: See D. W. Meeks, Orthodox Friends ChurCli . as-ai ns ('o nsum ptlon , h ow wIll we con- I UnnM,l lld ha bits a r e p rh a ps the most who wIll take your subscrip1\l rs. b:llzaUeLh Larkin, PWltor t rol It ? xILa pul'atlng a nd tra gic or all. . d h . !'\abbaLh 011001 , \I :iJO a. Ill . -Rel/:ular oburcn sen-Ioe. ''It tal<es whol e fam ilies to t he tlOO, an elp hIm get a 7 ::10 p _10 "II II . til . Cbrt"Uan Endeavur. g rav e. We get It In to our syste m Chi nese an d Vaccination. new horse. throu g h our nos9 s and mou ths. As far I " "ni p!:,!! Il ls a bs olute ly necessary I as poss lbJ we sa fes-uard our nos es by I IH' \" 'r 11 1(1' to get a hlnama n s tart('d W. HENDERSON, M. D avoidi ng dust. \ Ve b a ve no way ot . on th p vacc ln n.lI on ga.me because he protecting ou r mouths. Quo.rnntine never k nows wbe re to stop," said a Ihem, f! I m ay be all ow d lo uSll 1be 'n, jq'! 'ln uI·Y. "H e fi ght s aga ins t t ho Waynesville, Ohlu. word In thi s wa y. T Deh the littl e Inltilltl on wit h nil tbe ' stubbornn ess or ones to quara ntin e I b('l, mou t hs. 'Wl th hIs urienta l na tu re, but once he beMain Stre· t Valley Phonlil 153 a lan d t em ln g wi th consu mption w l'oml'l1 conv ln 'e d at ilie efficacy of s hould a lwa.ys lovo o ur r elatives an d "acdn virus he goes on th e prln Iple f ri ends. 'l' eac hc rs nnd a l b ra w ill 01- tha t you a n't get too muo b of a ~ ood ways lovc th e littl e folk s, bu t should thin g tlnd WILlIts a dose of If t or very . lo ve tb m too well to kIss th em . ill tbnt be~ct.s h im . T h hl nam an "Our hea lth oru cer SIlYS ' KI only wbl) has b'e n on ce vaccl na ' cl wunts Undertaker and Embalmer, - - -__ .e- -- they are all thoroughly rinsed with your e n l' m l S.' I do ne a ll ov er aga in eve r y tlm lJ he -The milo who c,.o oot 100gb doe!l first hot and then .cold water. Eacb "We hove II. v ry pretty club bu t- . g ts a bad helUla he. It is pI' tty Will be foond in t.he Old DO' know wb ll t It m ea08 to live child Is obllred to empty Its o wn tub , ton benl'log our malta, ' Kis s Not,' In toug h au 'h ln !ie children wh ose pa· BCnk Boilding. oppoaih the National Bunk tben the clean, rosy lltUa bodIes dry I' d I tt rs on a w hltc bn clcground. A t'''" S ba vo forme d lbe vacclntLtl on -----.-~.----themselves 'WIth rough towels, IJtand· p romi ne n t ph ys lolan saId : 'It one or ha It. If lh(' ro ls -Ionarles an d docTelephone in houfl6 and or· CranUlate.d Eye LIds flee where J can be ca.UM Do Dot n eed &0 be oanterized 0 1 Ing on the wooden latticed 1100r. Each those bu ttons auld b e put upon lhe tors di dn't wa tc b Out t hei r IIltl a rms day or night, Boarined by a physloillo. Sutb~r tub haa to be carefully put away , th e bib ot vory n w-bo rn bllby n.nd wo m I woul d b In a slate of erupti on halt Vu.Jleyl:'hone 1...2. land 'a Eagle Eye t;alve ISl(oliranttteo chlldre.n dress themselves and they till the child Is e ig hty YCll rs old th e re . Lh Lime." to oore them wit-hoot pain It I@ tile In ror prayers and tbe bus in ess or :r~UI!dba~..~,ore old peo pl e t han th e re Main Street. Waynesville" Ohio . li ttl e Will' A I harmletl8 a.od II tlore oora for grl1nu. recltaUon begins.-Youth's Com panIe ga n. lilted lids, 25c tubea at all dealers. Ion. " I'a! " came littl e Wlllle's voi ce Child's Pathetic Suicide. from th e dark ness of the nursety . BARNHART, Po gnve a bad Imitation of a s nore. A pathetic tragedy t ook place the It is tb e oalltl that hold up tb Has ~llIlons of Friends other d a y a t Nun aton -(Warwi ck), He wa s ti red and d id no t wi s h to ba meatlog h ou , e-not the steeple. Bow would you 1ik.a to numb r the vlc ~ lm being Sarah Ann Farme r, I d is turb ed . Notary Public your friends by milli ons as Book- n child ot t hirteen, who c_o m mltted ' P a :" ('arn e th e II Ue voice again . Bome very 0 I po ble mel,) are n o t· len's Arnica Salva does? Its Uf All kindR. of Notary WOI k. Penshm eulctd e by drowning berseit In a I " Wh Rt Is It, Willie?" replied his tao ........~~.-,;,;~..;.;,;.;;;;;,;;;,;;",;;;;;:.;;;;.:;.,;;::.=:;.J VV or k a ~peoi iii ty . only dogma: 10, but boll dogmlltlo ~o .,odiog oures in the post forty canal. The child lived wIth her moth- th I' . s l ellll y. \ yellrs made tbem Its t·b e best illl ve e r's brother and his wIfe. She start"Tum in her ; 1 want to ast you ~~~~~~~ In the world fnr SOrell, uloe r s, ecze 200,000 Tube. d work a t a NWle~ton factory some s li m pin'," said the little voice. IUtI, barns, boils, soa Id s , outJ, colds, months ago. but was dlsoharged after 0 va 1'08 0 u p from hIs down\' a nd, or But·b a rland 's E!&Ille E ye Blllv .. ~ora eyes, 8pra.tot(, sw~lliDg .. brui es, H.. RA~B A WAY Substribe for the G8Le~ were sold in 1908 lind oot one word cold Bor es. B&8 n o eqoBI for piles a tew days. SInce the n she had tri e d p~ttln g on his ba th.r obe a nd sJi pp rs. again and agaIn to obtain work else; ma rched Into the nurser y. of oomvlaiot, though every tobe ~5 0 at all drugllls.R. _____ • ___ __ I-'tR .y'Je8 vine's Leudin., DeDDII' wbere . but always un s uccessfully. Re- t .. ~./ II wh l I It ,1" I k d was ,.old undar Il posit.lve ~ulullotel' e ntly. the allnt's son asked the girl ; " ' ..a snow. 1e ~.B e . ')ffioe in Keys Bldg. It ia 8004 for nothing but th., eye . Main Bt to cle an hIs boots, and when she re. 1 So.y . pa. said IIlUe W illie . If you Ask your Droltgillt. Sue Money and K~p in WILL BUILD RUSSI~N CANAL fused he struck her an d told the girl was to fe ed the o w Oll soap would -'Style by Reading McCall'. to "'0 out and get work. When s h,, 1 s h g ive s ha vlng·c r a m ?"- Ha rp e r's There" ar many klod" btlouty .. "I I Weekly Minimum Depth of Propoled Canal Be- retuJ'ned bome In the evening the re ! . Magazine and U.ing McCall ratteru and ~any benuties whl) ." re noklDd. tween 81ack and Baltic SOai to was furthe r unpleasantness, and evenGOod for NothIng but tho 1:... MtC&II', • a ... I•• will MfCALL'S MIl.AZIHt: bulp yell dr9111 Ill' 1tuall y the ohlld made her way to the Me ntal Fag. -- - • 8e Fourteen Feet. Isb ly nt a moderate Belluty lIS uuly 8KIU deep, medium i , f y b rlghtcst pu pil s." says a young can al and In th d a rlmes B, drowned expenRo by keopl nil' A committee haa been tormed at St. be rse lr.- London .1a ll. helg~'. aod very small olroomfert utor, "ha ve occa sional weeks at )'ou posted on tbe h'te.~t faslilonl In Petersburg to prellare for the conbl a nkness . which resist my 'most su b· enoe. clothe!! and .haUl. IiQ etruotlon of a oanal between the Blac.k ------- -.~-----New Fublon DelIllO. tI e methods, and 1 have come to tbe SO(T1ethlng New In ClaIrvoyance. Sea and the Baltic. The engineering In aeb Issue. Also TIle Colda That H.,. on conclus ion that they are su lterln~ at valuable tnform.tloe A n w proble m fo r s cboolmaste rs Is Buch times [rom a form of mental hi· project, 'Which has been prepared hy 011 all h(lmo aDd per· THE CItI:ATE8T '\ Are readllV oor.~ by Or . Bell :~ sonal matUlI'IJ. Onl) re ported from Okaya ma, Japan, wh er e di gestion. M. Ruptachel, ltI to build 'a canal They bu\'e b n taught P,ne 'far BoDey It rellevt18 thtIiOQ a yoar. Includlull' a boy na m d K a wasaki , aged sixteen , nOllgh and n ad r es t before their wltb a minimum depth of,14 feet. The 11. froe pt\lUlrn,' Sub· ooluand IItOp8 the oO,Dgh . 'I'heze b....... _ _ ..._ scribe lOday' or Mnd original project waa to have a canal has de velou d girts of cIalrJoyan e minds .w lll receiv e Bnd s to w away an y IN TH, WOItLD only one genUine, . for froe sample copy. 31 feet deep, so aa to allow the p88sa.ge whl b a rc d '.In r d [0 r end er examina- more fn cts. A couple ot daye IVorle .. rUBUSHED WEEKLY. $4.00 PER YEAR llceall will ollllble you to matte In YOUt tion!! fuUl e. necently h foreca s ted of large war.hlpl, . but the government wonders, and , even on e da y Is s ome· own bOlDt). wlib YQurow~ bands. clolblnl for Beauty ill 8upposed tu be a m"tte, younelf and cblldroll w11lch will be per~ I;t rejected thll on the «round that sum .. accurate ly all t ll qu es tions set In sev- times enough. But It Is hard to make HOTELS, DItUOOIST8, SPEOIALISTS, In lItyle and lit. Price-none hlgber tban 16 of tll8\e, but with SODle It Is a lllok c1ent 'Water could not be fouqd to teed ernl examinatio ns , wltb the res nlt the mothers u nd e r s tand the Import· OOSTUMEItS, TRANSFEIt, OAB (lonts. Sond for {roo Paltorn Calaloi\l8. AND 'BUI SERVIOE OAN PItOFI· that his lassmates all scored full nnce ot these holi da ys . n.nd some at BY U81NO ITI ADVEItTISINO OOa.UMNS of tillite. such a canal. w. Will CIye T.. ~ P...... (or Rottlnl lub8crlplioos amontl' your frl onds. Send for free The total lengtb of the canal trom marks by learn ing th e aI!swers to the m begrudge th e loss of even a feW Promlum 8tnloiluO anel 'n.,b Prllo Olrer. SAMPLE COPY FREE Wben you are movtld to do" good . Riga to K~ereon Is 2010 veratB, a verst theee que stions by heart and nealect-· lessons." THE IId:AU OO.rAIIY, 239 It Z49 Will 3-,. ... lEI ron . Addre. . HEW YOItK CLIPPIIt . ina any other preparatlon. measuring 3,601 feet. Of th1s 485 dMd with 00 &eUish .motive, God i Hew York. N. V. j versts would follOW tha bed of the knookin g Rt your door. West Dwloa from Riga to the vUlage of Brelhenkovlcbl. From there th e canal would follow a new route for 9 . Clves Prompt Relief. WllliliID ti Uougla8,.Ir ,of W"sh- vereta, joining the Dnieper at the' to\\-n In ;~OD. D. e" sllytl': I take grf'l. t. ot Koplus. J3'0r the . remaIning ' 1.520 1"'!~III1.ure ~ hlIormt vg yon I -have verst a the Dniepe r would be' ut1l1 z (1. Uti' d Dr. Btlil's ' P lde-Tn.Boney. except at the rapids, wher e a n w : cavated. tllJd it gave WI:! almost. IO£ltant teo canal would bave ' t.o b . The: Dnieper wpuld r equire dredging htlt , at many points. The Dwlna would hnve N o matter whethe r you are an experienced housewife or a yeung woman just learnin2' to cook, Oar gettiol( to hell v.ou Is goIng to to be rol\de Into a canal for Its entire length and would requlr 16 locks. The you w ill find Moore 's Range the best stove 'that you could buy anywhere at any price. d el1eod a I{ood delloi UII whut, '...·a do water ",auld be drawn (rom th e Ber esl· t'J belp someuudy ''It'e get thtlre . Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, the acknowledged foremost cook of the country, has prepared an no. by ~ .canal 126 versts IQtlg. The cost o~ the canal Is estimated a t Oven Thermometer Guide exclusively f6r Moore's Range. It gives the time required It would pozzlt'l ~ol')D1on to mOkl' $160,000,000. The plan Is to r a ise and the heat necessary for baking all different kinds of food. This guide is fasteued ou' why an · e xtr..l bright womtlu .. o m.oney by bonds on the torelgn m arket, !ight onto the s tove where it is always in plain sight. . bu.t t~ oxolude tor,ign ers from hol ding otten mar,'ies a. milo as null 08 Bny of the share capItal. The govern· Moore' s R ange ' is also equipped with Moore's Oven Thermometer, which is Il boy's bof, ment I" to be asked for a guarantee. mounted clear through the door, thus giving the ex~ct tem.perature of the oven. -----~.~-~~.~~'~ , --and 01\11 Rue.lan labor, material and Then there's the Mc»qre Controll~r Damper, which enables you to keep a uniforql Dr~ BeH'. AntI-PaIn machinery are ·.to be used. The pro· A sudden IIt-taOIt of Cholera Mor. moters rely on a gross annual rev enue temperature or to control tb~ heat, as is required by Mrs. Rorer's ThelJIlometer Guide. bOI! 18 dangerous K eep Or. Bell'" ot U6.960,OOO.-Lonclon Correspond· This dumper gives yotl practically the same control of your ran2e oven as you would have Aoti-Pain lit baod, a dose relieves ence New York Bun. of a gas oven. I\lmult Inlltant,lY : It also oures DI1" Moore'. Fire-Tested Glass Oven Door eoables you to see the ~ondition of your food 81'1'hoea, (....umps, Flux "nd all _Bow~l Uomplaiot8. A 8mooth '8~ln in the oven without opening the door aod causing discomfort as well as the loss of heat. Blaok B""d81 Chups. Pimp!!', With these advantages you doo't need to spend nearly so much time over the stove, and 'I'he devil is not throwl~g any mud Bores and all unbe"ltby o(IDditJ 1111' your cooking is boun~ to be a success re2'~rdless of your .experience. . of the skin .are unsl~btl y lind cit'at ~he prel1obe.r who ifI \ trying to traot' from ' the looks, BdY .11 b ox or proye thataal vft~iOll. begins arid ends D~. B~U'8 Ant\Mep'lo :Sl1lve, a. orco tn ~· . In the head. "now wb1te '.oint·ment, a.pply u8 di rflot:fld "ad yoor skin' will be Rt! 01 II r .Notblng 01\0 m~ke' a ·o ooked man as a bI.~'~ . . At all dea1er8 in m~d. The Controller Damper not only c'b ntrols tbe heat, oo~ditlon 'rlght 00 top of tlie fire. tbe oxygen miJIes saving advantages? At leut drop fn to ou.r store and ~,. but al.so controls the coaI: It positively save.s one· wltli tbe smoko, soot a nd glLS' as soon IlS th ey are let us.sqow you· how perfectly ft works. Let us ex. feel 110 maoh Uke " ramrod as marob 101n88. ' - - - - " ' -- -~ tIllN oC the fuel. And Moore's Ranges are the only ' formed, aod all are burned u p rlgbt tb ere tn the fire· plain tbo many valuable features wh ieb .we haven't ing behind a .rouod 8hoalderbd pH ranges having tbls controller qamper. box, tb us ov ercomi n ~ ' the smoke apd soot nuisance. even room to mention here. 'l'bey will astODllla youl But this isn't th e' only saving on your fuel expense , By hurning the smoke, soot and gas you get addl· Bllt come DoW. wbile ollr stocle is complete. We IIrlm!D a prooeltllio o . - . ,.Q.reat In More Y{ay. Ther. : O",e. tionnl heat and your CuellastR longe r. Owing to tbe will Dot try to urge you to buy. All we uk ilJ th.t wliicb the .Moore Range offers. yon. The Mowe Ever. "One pecnUarity of automobiles tbat • - .. . lasting r1rebac:~ 'means anotbe r s,,"ving. The 6nes i'n ' peculiar con~truction ot tbl! .Everla!,ti ng Firebaclc, you look at the range. I Att ""Sch I Pri':l I ' -I don't remember to have beard ·me n· . , . this flrebaak are .Mooru's Runge gives btltter satisfactIon I ae, . 00 n .~ t1one4," ; laid, ~ ;·man.,.wht;l' had jtliit r---~~-----'"'"':-"" so . con!;tl,'Ucted ' with , half a firebox of coal tban it will /I __ R . that the air from . with·the fltebox filled with coal and it's orer'a Thermometer Guide . ICII A sev.e~ "ttack on' 8ob~01 'prinol- eent a lult c~othe. to the clearier the' draft open· tbe ciru;·range on earth tbat wil. Thue . , ........ If . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • l . paiL ObRS · 8 . Alleo, "of -SylVClt~i,8-,· "I~ foUJid .'fn. tliel1' great 'blltty ati . mud ing Is admitted you are not only savea: eonsl!lerllhl~ ~--j.;'.::::.-~~,:"..;.::.-:::::~.:='::".=t.':'~"C:''''-''all8lnst .be sides ~ ex pense, but also cODs!derable, tronble '. _ .• ,....... I· • ~........ . . 'f • G~ • tlltl8 told b~ him . •, For mnre .aI)4 · 11usJi Iplalhera, ' : . • an.d. on top of the bt carrying coal fewer timeS ·and le~ _':.~~~'=-~~t"..::..~.,:, - ~':'='~\:""''':::~~-'''-tban lhree years, " ' be -wtlteR. "AD o~AiDalV narrow rimmed wheel,. fuel in st ~ l1d of . \ fA. a tt'me. ~~ , ,.~' . .... ~-::;':o. ;:~-=-::-"::;- ==~.., ~ , r'..:,~.~. ~fertid ind8\lorlb)lble tor~ore · ' f.rom cuta' tDt.cH~ud ' ~d l1uah' aDd dOesn 't I througb. tbe bot','The Moore Company are practically • ::: • ':";;'.~.. :: :ftl:-;;:~ : =~::'::;::!::::::::I::~i:J '~:::theom_'ism, .Hver · . ·. n.d.. /!I'om ~ oh lcatte,-either .0 -!ouQh, .b~t t.be 1)rood. tom of It, Where. tbe OJ1ly stove manufacturers iii' the ~•.:.. .. .:..... :!;~ :"::i:' ~ : . - ;;.:0:".,;:::::::::: . .::. ...... • . troQbl. and dlsell8ed .kidD~l"' . 'Ajl . tound faced tire of IU;l _utofuob!le ' tbe fit.e all'elldy' . cQUatJlfwbodQnotba'vetoadvisetheuse . ~ ..~.~:!:::::::~ : .. .. : . : ;;;Ii~::'''''''''''"' 1· .. -0 . nmecit81 failed t Illllld li:lec'rlo mO't'Jg raP(dl7 throwl WIde Iheets hall a good slart. of goo<1 grade coal. The Moore Range -."OiI:iOi/::::::;:,:::;:::: .:; :::::.·~_:i.~.;~.:.·.~ .~:. =' :.'::."1 '::,• • • Tbe air Is beat· caD be .,an on coor costing at l~t'two~--.;;;:::::::: . .::: . : -BUtes:a, bot ''!ur bott.lee r,f ~b1t1 W(ln- and. IpraYI :tar out from It. 'Wheels. ed III co~t,n UdnIalcllthanCloalpaedln~tberr8Dge.. =Cfol~·"·;ii:.:;· ;::: ,·;:·:::it ~ :i&~iI~~ ....de~!al . l'flmedy oared m~ ooanp.let.p- When 'OU lee all a~tomohUe comlnl th~ugbtheflue5 . Now. 'b owlng tllat the Moore Range ::T~:=..:~~: • : . ~~ .... ,~Ilrebrlblc,;,and by' will more tban pay for Itself by. redue..;..!!..;~.~:~: ::~ : . • .......... ;::: :::. 11· 8aoh relQl" are oommoD . swiftly tIOn, a muddy or slulhy botDgdlacbargecl till' your fuel upeDSII. wby 'IMuld you , . .... -- . ,..- - tbouabd, . bleu tbflm tor 708 Wallt to _'-Dd- back-'1V,a;' Ii thb be~ed be Witbout ' ita lD&Dy·tlme ~d trouble'-ck. Tbla · I hav....rned b" ex.
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Moore's Marvelous Ran~e . .Actually Teaches Cooking
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Costs Less iban One-Half as Mucb to RUD
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"Oh. that's aU rlSht, too, If they'll mate bad, certainlY ChOB~1l Consum ption Spreads In Syria, • It»d tnne only gJve me thno," be cried ' desper; to come a nd as k .hIm for mon~, Bow· .... QQ'mmll ti \'GIi )1\ S)"'ln ar 11' al II ntely. "Good God. YOU don't iroow ard mistook tho cynical gayety fOT todny mll 11 III .thO' BalUo "'")' 1\8 the what It means to me, BennIng ton! The goOd hllmor, Not only pleasant and refreshing to :&1) '1'£1 hnve been for -th · ' last 2,000 pOSition J've mllde tor myself will be "I said '('d cheer ' you up," be w nt y II \' S, '}'ub rculot!ls 115 8 'OIllDlU'atlve- ahe taate, but gently deansing and sweet. swept away and-" on. "I don't wa nt to remlild you of ty ree nt tlhleu-s Illl\OQ' th Aruba IUlCl ening to the system. Syrup of F \IS and Mr. Bennln gtonrem alned distant thnt IItU · Ulattet' ot two hunU.r d and Syrlalls, but 0 railidly bo.s It s pr 0.(1 FJixir ~ is particularly adapted and ' unsymp nt.botlo and Underw ood fifty bucks willoh you borrow d CrolU that 'th nn.t Iv II uro In gT . at · .f UI' of to ladies and children, and beneficial in tbrew hlmselt Into a chair with a ges· me two yenr ngo, it. 0 11 11 QU lIUy wlum l\ m ml> I' or all 1 sUllPose you've cases in which a wholesome, strength. ture of disgust. , forgo tten It, but- " fl rnm ll . Is ItllOW1I to lin" th dl tlCn.se, ' ening and effective laxative should bo "Somet imes I don't tblnk , I care A look of Ilnnoynt,ce cam OY r Qu· hI' IB fl'l'IJ II ntly cust ont nnu. OUlll II d used. It i. perfectly safe at all times and wbat happens ." he exclaIm ed. "Things d rwood'N face. to lil t) of X ilOB ura and want. A s mu ll ' haven' t been going my way lately. I "W II, what of It?" he sna JlPed, bOl:lpltu l for consulJlpt Iv s bas b on dispel, cold., headaches and the painJ don't care a hang wbethe r school Howard toolt another drink b fore oJl ened li t l3eyrout unller th e dlr lion roused by indigestion and constipation 10 keeps or no t. I! they drive me to the he continu ed. promptly aud effectively that it is the OM or Dr, :'tll1ry p , Eddy. wall I'll do somethi ng despera te, "I wouldn' t r mind you r>l tbe loan {>erfect family laxative whicb gives salis. 1'11-" Reason Enough . old chap ; but I'llI up agninst It. When faction to aU and is recommended by A 111'1;1'0 II A rin g at the Cront door bell inter· lile family klclled mo oul for marr~ arrl'st.ed ror ar X nla, 0 ., had ·been millions of families who have uaed it and rupte c1 bim. chicken stealin g. He bad Ing lb Onest girl that ever IIvpd, ml sloll:O l1 so many ·that bls crlro htl.l\ be· who have per$OnaI knowled ge of ill e.tt"Who can that beT" be exclaim ed, fath er ('lIl me off with 1\ pikIng allow· ccltcnce. Olll g l'llIlli lurceny, startled . , He looked closely at his aneo whloh ( told hIm to put tn the He WIIS lrl d and conVIct ed, and Ita wondetfu1 popularity, howeve r, hat compan ion, as If tryIng to rend In his church plnte, I told him I Ill' fert'ed fa ce If he were deceivi ng hIm. led unscrupulous dealers to offer imitaInd e pe ndence, Well," be went OD brotlJ;b t In fot· sen tile. " !J nve YO II any renson ' to ot'l'er why tions which act uruatiaEa "Probllb ly your frl e Dd or the tele- with sorlo·colU lc gravity, ctorily. There"I got my In· t ho jlld gm lit or Ule court shoulll not fore. when buying, to get pbon ," s uggeste d Denning ton , d Ilentiencc, but I'm- I'm d end broke. ita beneficial be pllSlleil upon you 1" he was asked. effects, Und erWOOd openert the door and You might as well tln tters always note the full name of the land the' sltu· "W ell, j<'llge," be replied, "I 'ain' t Howard ()U te-re d jll ntlly. atJon pla inly, I can't find any busl· go Cornpa ny-Cali fomia FIB Syrup Co.10 julJ now, 1I0how. I'm "I-! 110, fellers, t>ow roes It? .. was neBS tha t I'm fitte d for, and Annie sha ' k out yo nder, au' t jus' build In' a plainly printdd on the front of every caln't go .lila joculur greeUnr;. threaten s to go back to work. Now, 1111 1 gi l Il uon a. YOII kin sholy s e package of the genuine Syrup of Fiat He was plain ly under tbo Influenc e YOu know I cnn't SUIOO any',hln g \lice tln.t."- Phllnde lpbla Sunday Evenin g and Elixir of Senna. ot liquor. When he left bome th nt that. I'm t oo mU 'h or a For .ale by all leading druggjat.. Price evening he had sworn to AnnIe tbat s upporte d by nny woman nlnu to be Post . ." 50 cents per hottle. he would not touch a drop, but by th e He loolw UnO rwood In a HEAD SOLID MASS OF HUMOR time he roacbed the Astrurl n bls cour· stupid kind u oftoward way, us It looking for ase Called him . He rather feared Un· sOlUe sign or ap J)rol'ul, A Signific ant Selectio n. but derwoo d , and he felt tho need of a appoint d. Underw ood's h was dis· "I think the CuU(:ur a R ml"dles are "That wa s a mlgbty tncon.sl derate fnce was n otimula nt to brace blm up for tbe study of suprem e inull'fer nc. He did t he bost remedie s for ecz lOa I have bl'ass bnnll that screnad cd me 00 erec, "strike" he was about to make. Th e not even appenl' to be listenin g. Some· ever heard of. My mot.her had a child tlon night," r murked the de teated back door of a sl1100n W8S conveni ent· what di sconce rted, ho had a. rash on its head when It mombe r ot congres s. ' Howard again Iy open and while he was refresh ing raised the glass to his was real young. Doctor called It baby "What was t.he trouble !" I!~ nnd thus himself two other men be knew refreshe d, we n't on; "It didn't play nnyt~IBW but Hom .. rash. He gave us medicin e, but It dropped In. Before he knew It, balf ''Then I thought of you, old chap. did no good . In a few days the heod Sweet Home.' " a dozen di'lnks bad been absorbe d'i You've 'made a rousing was a solid mass; rllnnlng sore. It and he bad spent the whole of $5 got a big name as ort success of !tcollect or-mad e was awful, the c hild cried continu ally. wblch his wlte had Intruste d to him ; lost of money and all We hnd to hold him and watrh him that-" out ot her carefull y hoarded savings . U derwoo d impatie ntly intet"rUptod \0 ' keep him trom. scratch ing the When be sobered up he would r eal- him. sore. HIs sufferin g was dreadfu l. At Ize that he had acted Uke a coward "It's Impo sible, .lcltrl s. Thlngll IU' la s t we rememb ered Cutlcur a Rome· and a c ur, but just now he was feel· II. little hard with roe, too, just now, di es. We got a dollar bottle of Cutl· Ing ratber jolly. Addres slng Under· You'll bave to watt for cura Resolve nt, Il box Of Cutlcur a that $250." wood with Impude nt fam11larlty, he Ointment', and a bnr of CuUcur a Soap. Howard grinned , went on: . .. 'Taint the $250, o~d man, I dldu't We gave the Resolve nt as directed , "The d-d boy didn't seem to know want tbat, I want a coupl of thou· washed the head with the OuUcur a tr you were in or not, so I came up sond ... · Soap, and applied the Cutlcur a Ornt· anyhow ." Glancin g at Bemiln gton, Underw ood could not belp laughin g. ment. W had not used halt beforo he added: "Sorry, If I'm butting In.'' "A couple or thousan d? Why not the child's heud was clear and free .. I have ueod Underw ood was not in th1! humor make It a mUlIon 1" from eczema, and It has nover come Sloan's Liniment on to be ,,·ory ,graclou s. Long ago young Howard 's demand struck him as be- buok again, His hend was healthy a fine mare for apUnt Howard Jeffries had outgrow n hIs use· Ing so humoro us tbat and he had a beauttru l bead and of cured her. Thb hair. he sat down con· rulness as fa r as he W.a8 concern ed. vulsed with laughte.r. I think tbe OuUcur a Ointme nt very makes tho t h I r d ' He WIlS at a loss to guess why he bad h a rae ('ve GIIred. Looking a.t him stupidly , HowarQ good tor th hair. It makes the hall' Have recommended k to my aeJp. come to seo blm uninvite d, on this h lped hJmself to anothor grow and preve1;lts falUng hair." drink. . borsfor thrulh and they aay It Is fine. particu lar Sunday night, too. It was "It seems I'm a hit," he said with 8 (SIgned ) Mrs. Francis Lund, Plain I find it the best L1Dimmt ( eyer wltb studied coldnes s, thwefor e, that grin. City, Utab, Sept. 19, 1910. Send to the used. 1 keep on hand your Sore he said: Underw ood by thliJ time had recov- Potter Drug &. Chem. Corp., Boston, Colle Curo for myself and nel&h"Sit down-I 'm glad ' to see you." Mass" for tree Cuticul' a Book on the ered his compos ure. bors, and I can certalnIy reclom-' "You don't look It," grinned Howmend it for CoUc. "-5. Eo SUlTH, "So you've done nothing since you treatme nt ot skin 'nnd scalp troubles . ard, as he advance d furtber Into the left collbge? " he satd. McDonoilgh"Ga. ' room with shambl ing, uncerta in stepa. The Lady and \he Hobble. "No;' answere d Howard . "1 ·ICll' t Cured Thruah. "Do you think the hobble gown will Concea ling his 111 bumor and prom· seem to 'g et down ~o me:' He halted suddenl y and faced aVNOP 818. Mao R. W. PA-aI8lI. 01 Bdstol anythin Benning ton. "or course, I'm much Ising blmself to get rid or bls UDwel· ideas won't stay In one p,ace, g My remain long In vogue?" Ind.la, No.2. writes: -"n•••e;;d 1 got a U. ward .Jol'frlea, banker's 114n, under obliged to you, persona lly, for this come viSitor at the first opportu llity, "U It doesn't yoU can cast It asltle." Iota of your Linimen t for hOl'1lell aud job as Unre-ke eper, but t dldn·~ keep .tt1 I,lvtl 'Intluenc: o of Robert 'Unlierw ood, myaelf. "Yes; It Is the best Unimen t iD but I bato to waste time Underw ood Introdu ced tbe two men. It down II. week. 1 kept 6 . fel1ow-atudent at Yale, leadll 0. life of friendly tip." the world. I cured one of my horae41S81patlQn, marrlCJI the ' daughte "Mr. Bennln gton-r.l r. Howard Jeff- right, but It wasn't tpe the Ume all learning to bobble.':-Subu rban LHe. Dennin gton sbru~ged bls shoulde rs. rlg)it time." pmbler who died In. prison, and r IIIotdls-0. of thrush. Her feet were rotten; "The w81'nlng may give you time rles, Jr... ' owncd by hili father. a:e tl'les to get work Again raising the glass to his Ups, 00 the 'frogs 'came out; ahe laid dowu ud falla. A former college chum makes either t& raise the money Reslnal Ointme nt la Used In Every Mr. Benning ton had heard of the added: "They'r e so beas or to get tbe lDost of tlie ,tJme. I lholl8b~ .he, tly partiou· • business . propositIon to Howard whIch Count'r y of the World as the Beat older Jeltries ' trouble with his scape· lar." mull'8ll t! 000 caah, anQ a:owar<l III broke. things back." would die, but I used tbe Lirument JI,ohert Uitl\erwood, who had been Remedy Underw ood's dark eyes flasbed with grace son, and he eyed, wIth some Infor ItchinG as directed r Piles. eand she neVef 1Ies down "You keep pretty good time wltb DUlsed by HoWard'1I wife, AnnIe, In hili 10 the'daytime now," tere!!t, thIs young man who had made that," laughe d Undetw 0011019 daya, Ilnd had once b en ngag d Buppres!ied wrath, 8S he retorted : ood; polnUng to to Allcln, Howard 'II IItepU\other, bas I wns terribly annoyed with ItchIng sucb a fiasco of bls career. "or course, I can get tHem :a11 the whisky. 9 apartme nts at the AetrurJa , and Is up- In time. Damn it" you fellows back Piles "Oh, for twenly· flve years. I found I know Benning ton," exclaim rentl¥ In , prosperoull circumstance!!. ed Howard grinned in drunken ta"llion . don't oward recallll a $250 loan to Underwoo(l, know wbat It costs to rUIJ this kind Howard 10vlally. "I bougbt an ele· '1t's tbe one tlling I do punctub. ~ ly," such great relief with the first appU· at I' Dlalns unpa.ld, and decides to ask cllUon ot Resinol OlntD;lent that III fu. of busJnes s success fully! One has to phant's tusk at hIs place In the days he hlccoug hed. "( can !'ow, , III (or the S2,OOO he neede. , Underwood, sWlm, ture 4klng advunta ge pt hIs Intl!Dacr. with spend a s'mall fortu.ne to keep up ap· when I wail somebo dy." With mock play tennis, .footbal I would not think of being with· l, golf Bnd polo as 'Mrs, Jertrl t'l!, Sr., becomes a lSort ot social bI"hway man . . DhlcOverlng his truo chnr- pearanc es. These s<:>cJety people won't sadness he added, "I'm nobody now well as anybody , but I'll he damned If Ollt It. An occasIo nal a.ppllcatlon II acter 'sbe denlell him the house. AlicIa. buy if they think you really need t~e -could n't even buy a collar button." I can do anytbln g quite as well 'as I 'all tha~ Is necessa ry. nicelvee a note trom Undenvood, thrco.t.''Won't ,you sit down and stay can do this;" Christo pher H,ol.mes" Brookli ne, Mass. should be in every stable and apmoney. I've had to give enlng suIcIde. She deoldes to go expensi ve din· Ilec blm. ,He Is In desperate financIal nne! plied at ,the first ,sign of mmene ss. stl'lllts, ners and spend money Uke water even awhHe? " said Underw ood sarcasti c· "What do 'YOU want ,l!,OOO ll#?" deSWfz:nm lng Hole Defined. to get Ulem to come bere and look at ally. You don't need to rub, it penetra tes. ' manded Underw ood. CHAPT ER V.-Con tlnued. Mrs. Suburb- What Is a swimmi ng· "If you don't mind, J'11 have a drink the things. ,You must give Die time Will kill a spavin. "I've got an opportr mlty te. go lrit., hole? to make a settlem ent. J need at least ftrst," replied Howard , makfng his busines s. I want $2,000 and curb or splint, reoI want Underw ood laugh'd nervous ly. Af· a month." Mr. Suburb -A body of water enU,Ntway to the , d esk and taking tip the it deuced quick." du~ wind puffs ' t~t1ng to miSinte rpret the other's Iy surroun ded by hoys.-S ub\lrba n Benning ton shook his bead. There whisky decante r. Underw ood shrugge d his and/sw s· l wulder6 ollen joints, . J"leaning, he said: Life. ' Underw ood did not conceal his anwas a hurd, uncomp romisIn g look In "Why don't you go bome and IUIk and is a sure and "Yes, you're right. T,h e art and an· his face as he repl1ed caustica noyanco , but his angry glances were your lly: father?" be demand ed. , speedy remedy for tique bUljlness , 's a delicate busines s. .... DIEI'! CAN W.BA8 'SnOBS "They'r e coming '[01' the things to- entirely lost on his new ,~slt9r" w~o His visitor see'm ed o'ffonrled at the 0l\e size .nhalle r atlcr, using A.Ile u'e Foo,,"XGs ", Qod knows It'a a precario us one!" morrow . I thougbt It fair f i s tu 1a, sweeney, was rapidly getting the IlntlBepLlo powa r to be Blakon InlO Lb Into a ' maudlin ,sugges tion. , Iih6ea. It makea Llgl" or lIew ..boe. C 01 e ..8,.. Reachin g for the decanto r, he added: know . r can do no more.... to let you condltlo~. founder and thrush. Address ing Bennin gton "What! ' " he exclaim ed, with comlc N(f_ ':f"h,lit../ n For .'rne trlnl packnge, nd· 1iave a drInk." with familiar ity, Howard went on: Underw ood stopped short. surprise , "atter being turned out like" dress AUen S. OlmIJc.etl, Le aoy, N,. Y. Dut MI'. Benning ton refused to un· "Say" do you rememb er that won- dog with a young wife "To·mo r ow," be echoed faintly. PrlcfJ, 60f"'1.nd Ir.Oo on my hand. I Intend. to Be BOil, band. The proffer of refreshm ent did "Yes," said Benning ton grimly. "You dertul set or Ivory chessm en mY' , old Not much-n o. I've injured their 81..... boek 0Ii Maud;Do you Intend oO,t tempt bim to swerve (rom the ob· might as well underst to marry or ho~ -UIe, abeep and the situatio n man bougbt? " pride, You know futher nlarded 1\ to 'retain Jour libe ~ty,! aDd poultr y "lit j€ct or his nUs810n. While Underw ood thoroug hly. '1'he gamo's Benning ton smiled and n~dded. second time, loaded roe do,,'o with a up. The firm t .... Add.... Ethel-B oth. was talking, trying to gain time, his has been watchin g you "Yes, sir; 1 do, Indeed.,, · Ab, your stepmo tber. She's 'all rlgbt, but she'll Dr. lWi S. Sloan, eyes wero takIng In tbe content s of Whon you tried to sell for some time. fatber Is a fine art critic! ' these things to so confonn dedly' aristocr atic. ¥ou IoatoD., 1Iia., V... A. the apartme nt. Sore Throat is no triflinll nihncnt. It H~ward burst Into boistero us laugb· know bel', Bay, old Defri es CDI' one·qua rter their real didn't you and she- "Till somelimtlll cllrry in fectio" to the cn· "Come, take a drink," urged Unde\'· . va luo be Instantl y recogni zed where ter. wasn't there some sort of an engage. tire Myetem throullh the fool\ you cat, wood again. "Art critic'!" he exclaim ed. ~'I ment once? Seems to me 1-" ,Hamlins Wi1.,rd Oil curos ore Thro(lt. they came from. He telepho ned "No, thanks, " replied MI'. Benning . s traight to our place. Underw ood rose to bis feet Ilnd ab You've been should say he was. He's a born ton curtly. Take This to Heart, shadow ed by detecUv es ever since, critic. He can orltlclse ony old thing ruptly turned his back. -every Some men work harder .trying to old thing. I don't caro what Sudden ly be turned squat'e around. There's n man outside watchIn g this "I'd ratber you wouldn 't get person It Is, be can criticise It. 'When In doubt al," he sll.ld curtly. now ." SItting down at a get out ot doing a thIng than It would , "Let's get down to busines s, Mr. n· Illnce "My God! " exclaim ed Underw ood. -critic ise; is nailed on father's ea- desk, h e began to rummag~ with 110m" take t!iem to do It.-Exch ange. d erwood, " he exclaim ed, "My firm In· "W hy a rc lhey houndin g me like cutcbeo n.".. Bowing with mock cour· Dapers and, turning Impatie tttly slats on the Imm edlnte return of their this?" to tesy to each be raised the glass to biB Ho. ward, he said : prL1~8 CURED .IN 6 TO DAYS lour4rulll ll, t "Ih relllnu lIIon01 14P.A.ZQ propert y." Polntln g around th e room, OINTApproac hing Demllng ton I uJckly, he lips /lnd said: "Here's bow!" M.IINT t",na to ellro illl, Cl\.1\6 of IfIlchln" BUDd. , bo added: "Everyt hing, do you under· gras ped hi s hand Be nnll.lpto BIce4lDa o laughed or ProtrutUD good vlllol humore hI ~ W 1.4&,1. , We. d. "Say, old man, I'm very busy nm" . <> You'll h ave to excuse me." stand?" "nennln gtoll," he ly, and turned to go. What sculptll nl Is to a block ol ir Howard had beeD sober, be w<I\Ild Und rwood was standIn g In the Kha · i "YOU nnd I've alwayssaid earnest ly, "Well, good night, Mr, Jeffrlee . have underst ood that tbls marble, educatio n Is to a buman soul. been on the was n dow fie the lamp so his vlsiLor did not . square. Can' t you te:! PJ'et. Oood night, Mr. Underw ood." the m It's all b -Addison. Underw ood followod the manage t to ty strong hInt fox: blm !lotlca that he had grown sudden ly r lgllt? Can't you ge t to be gone, ul them to give me very while, and that his mouth tim e,?" In his besotted conditio n, be did not the door. For constipntion, bilioulIDeI!e, liver dilt propose to be dispose d of so easl\y, t wltcl.ed painfull y. BI<Iktl.t_ ,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .·, Dc for e th e manage r could r'e pl)" the "Good night!" be said gloomil y. Turning to Un'derw ood, be burst out turbnnccs nnd diseasee TCRulting {min im· "Why; what's the trouble? " h e starn · t I phone bell rang sharply . pure ' 8usaIl blood, PUI, s~ take Oo.l'ficld , 'fcn. Small Pd. . Underwith an 'air of offende d dignity: uH! recl "Haven 't I got prices for YOUI' wood slarted. An express CHAPT ER VI. Genum e ion I111III_ of fear Signa ture , One kind ot a b;"te is a man who re"Underw ood, you wLU.lldn't go bacll Tle ople t hat they would n·'\'v r have I;ot· 'Rill e over bls face, Perbaps tbe firm The door slumme d, and Underw ood on me now. I'm an O'Jtcast, a parlab, Cuses to,llattc r a :woman. ton '!" had already sworn Ollt a warnln t for returne d to the sitting room. Taklng a d erelict on the oc~nn of life, as OD .. "Yes-w e know all that," re plied hi s UIT st. He picked up the receive r no notice art'll, WInslow'" ,Boothlnll' Syrup 101' ChlldreD , . Mr. BennIng ton Impa tientl y. "To he to an swer the call. of Howard , he walked over of my highly respec( able uncles wroto teetblng,I Iotl.ell8 Lhe fCum~, r~dQr.ell loll",!,o"" to the desk, fl'o nk, Mr, Und erwood, wo've. received slowly selectod ,,.lI a .. clg~r )'a pilip, euret! wind COIlIl, 25c .. \JoLLIe. "What naIDe Is that?" he demand ed me. His grandfa tller waR an Iron puel anq ligbted LIV! ,STOCI AId, dler." ' With a ' druntjen laugh Informa tion that you've ' Bold IUany over th e telepho ne. The he wenl name was reo him foolishl It. Howard lc~oked up ~t MISCtLLAlI!OUS ' r I k ? of tbe valuabl e o.rtlcles lutrlls led to fJ aled nnd with I' y, not· , It Rnowln Is more g wbat disgrao to eful ' , to distrust In·I'""'~" on : "Doesn "rI ty fOfllaloatU,.,lowce prlMlli, a gesture of reller he say. 't ft make you a e. m than to be, decelved."";'Rochefoucaullt, you for which you've mnde u n accou nt· exclaim ed: His frequen t libation s had so wamUII.., ..,.,uom'1 lNIOII, 111",._11 &., 0.1 ..... no good because ,I !narrled the girl. If f ug at aiL" ~~~~~~~~~~~, ' "Howa rd J arles !-wha t on earth hefuddl ed him that he had almost for- J had ruined h';l1 lite 1'~ sUIl be • -~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .( gotten the object of hlB visit. "That's not tru e," exclaim ed Untl er· does he want'! I can't de.c ent membe r ·of soclefy, " see him. Tell -..11' ;~ ~~b "Excus wood bolly. "r have Recount d for him ('m-" ',' • X e my butting In, old cbap," ~~b.,,:.1' .' , (TO 'BE CONTIN1.J,li:D.) Wl,",~ "' ~ J. Vt.eu t;U a llbost ev rythlng . '}' ll rest or lhe Benning ton took his hat nnd turned he stamme red, "but-" Sa~dlnell 'S uggeste d It' l things are he re, Of course, tbere m ay to go: Underw ood made no at)fwer. How· 'W ore ;"'e., perfect; ~hloh ~ DOt. ,~edlcillCi would}. ard stared at him 'In comic surprise .. be Deeded. ,. Buf aince our .,.teiDa bayo., ~\ Rlch~rd " Cmkolr,: at a lunoh8C?n , at . 'Dot of btl 8. few thlngs-" , ",'-' e ll, ( mu s t he off," , come, -freak_ a;' hD~red u~ brokiID doma through , 1'oldng a box Of cigars from the "Don't go," exclaim ed Underw ood, He as not so drunk 8S not to be hIm: Boacb,' was : rel.filnded , by,,' indleotetloDa which ' dOlll( he offe red It to hIs visitor. '4000 00' from . the' early as ' h'o hung up the rec~lver 'mechan . able to notl,c e ,that someth Ing wa~ courHa of grllleii ' sa~1~<e8, of a stpr.y., cChrou4b ,oouhtle 8i ~ODlt 'ieQdi . ,~ , beeded ,.to , wrong, ". '0, thanks," 1'6jllioJ Benning ton IcallY. "You know, of collrpe," h'e a'atd, "th. "(t's only tbat' Infernal ' ass '!lid, Nature iq ~ co~ ~OUl' ,~,~~ e,ad 9~""'" "Suy, <;Id fellow," , he gurgled : Horse Guards at ~Wh1tehall IJl LoMoR. ' , 'acquire I¥'lclly, ' puehlng back Ulf3' proffere d Howard Jeff.rles !" , d wea~;·" TC!. reSci,ti ' the' l!ed .of ' .'0P.Jaob "you're 'Il. regul~r Jim D,u mps. Wily 'llhel are- the' fl.ne/Jt English l'egt'me box. 'Weali.a ... 'and OODlHIQueat dlgeetlv.e troublC l j ,thore ill , n~ ~ 'I must," said the manage r. As' he so, chopfal len, so-, ', M)' I wbat a ,long Every man , is over ' six: teet, from tll'l UD'(hl'Wood was fllsi lo~ng hls self· went tOward the door be , ..IlOthiD'1IO pxl 'u Dr. P~oroe'. 'Go~ ,~~ICel ,D~!. ,., made '/1 c'ose ia~e! ' 18 that ' QOntr&. Throwi ng away bl~ cigar wltb ~ruttny ot the walls the W8y you' greet a colonel down. alid on: guard , be~Orf. ",cerio 1=0mpqllDd;~ from ~i:lVe"III~ " ,as If searchi ng classma te, ; ~ ,rooQ~l Old for ovetfo~ _ n with· ~t, ..~.~tloa to all ....... Por an ~ngry exclama tion, he beg,a n lo (or somethi ng that , fellow Wbltebi ill: w.ttb their: ,ack: bootS,; th'e !, W illi not, <there. ,you ' hear' my hard-luo'frat? Walt til) Weak. Stomach r"'Bmoma wolle up aud down: snowy k .~LI"' story' buclaikl . . Comi!l 1'hat'U n bre~hes ahiti-P . aiD 10 u., StOmaoh)tfte~=:!i their enol' " lOPl)lng short, he' said: ' HeartburD, Bla Brea =Pi of food. OaroQJo cheer' you ,u~. W)io ' was It ' said: mous abakOes in." ~olr brw' ~rea8cl '~ia~_ aad ~ I "J cnn accoun t for verytbll lg if you "I don't. see the Velasqu ez." ~"'bt ,tile .. to II e, tbiaeopl'O Yeli 'u 4 mG.t, ~ 'Therels noUljnl @ive me t.llne . . You 'must give me tlme. cheer. us up' &0 IIlqcb p'late~, the,. l'Qake OD their ~ne lion... "No-no ,'" stamme red 'Underw ood rile lferiullle as other peuvle'a mODey!"" ReacblD I an lmpoltDW ..tlht. Oa ,"" I'm bud pressed by my: clredlto rs. My nervous ly ' . '1t's out-ou t on probll. ollfiilde . """'P "'" III. for fue wblsky bottle, h~ went oil: , "Once. ali J motored past :\Vb tebaU. t J'.pcDlles are enormo us and caUeetl ons ~loD. , Oh It's all right. I can account .slJfa.1ltiijoj , "Flrst I'U pour out another ' drlDk. ( aaw ', a IWJ6 .treet urch.ln 18,llplD, ", . \ . ~llceedlp.ll, ,dlffl<!~lt. I have a large tor everrtb lng." , ' llOWUD t pf mOIl.y outstand ing" !-fter doWn before one of ' tbe .tate" !lfr, DenDln gton continu ed hIs ID,- You I8eJ I Deed COU'88e, o,d mM, l'ye got ,a faTC)r to uk., 1 w\Ult 8Om.t B\lard" tn bl.'Drllrbt. bulliDl -b~ aur I1leasan t bualnea$ telaUon s It flp~cUon. mono,. 1 not waut '~lD.f aba"rd aud 1I\0st UDlalr that nee.4It. " pJlllfte,&Dd all.c,utlJir. , "J don't see the Oob.Un tapl8b7 ," Unde~ ~laUlh~~ fO'&I'.arm Mould take tbJl ltaDel "1*. 1&e.ald lacoDic all, " 'No"w. lq lauih-. .t HIlI.. Old
Particularly the Ladie~ 0*
Don't Persecute yoUr Bowels
E'LEO'l 'RO!! '. litES
err •
Bill AIi••t.
HII Statement Should Oonvlnc::e th. MOlt Skeptical.
Owned by Farm,er in Ohio Th'at May be Bullt at an Approxlmate . Cost ot $2.800 to $3,000,
Detallecl DeS(:rlpUGD
(Copyrllbt, I\ln, by AMOCh.Ud Literary froM.>
Andy Morgan bought a 'colltrolllng Interest In the Arlington "Morning Arrbw." and realize d a cberlshed ambition by lIettllng down to the non'e too prosaic Ufe ot an editor . . Arlington was a thriving' little city of nbout 12.000 po pulation . The "Arrow," und er the old editorial tnllnagement. had long been a sluggis h dispirited sh eet. with limi ted patronage and little voice In civic arrn lrs . The town smiled broadly when Morgnn ~ortlf1 ed hhnsolt behind t his de cadont 1.1m b r . D tore An dy r.toJ'ga n hal1 gOlle a way to COlli plete Ills colle go course h e bad b6en more than ord1narll y Interested In pre tty Priscilla Wilson . His re turn 10 the borne town found PrlBcllla blossomed to IIoS dainty a flow e r as ever h had boped to see. Morgan's s ubjection was comple le .• Dan Wilson. fa the r of Prlsclll,a, WIlS a politician of some note In t he community . " Ho nest Dan" wus his sobriquet. and hla "square" m ethods were matter s of pride with his coustltuents. Wilson WI\9 one or the first callers at the "Arrow" sanctum under the new control. "Congrntulations," he said. as he entered tbe presence of the young editor. Morgan Ill ughlngly wave d th e older man to a seat. 'Walt until I've mnde good." . be cautioned . "It Isn't goIng to be ' uie eas iest thing In the world to steer th e water:logged old craft Into the current ot.. prellent. times and Wethod8. and even when this II cl • IfO one wl\1 care to shIp on her u til I ile hall 'vroven heraelt Beaworthy,." "JUlt 10." agreed Wilson. "But I. tor one: .!lave confidence In YOl,lr abili tY to hapdle the tu~ . . Just bow. If the Question IlIn't personal. do ' you stand In polltlclI!" WilsOn ' "tared straight at tb young man. "I abOoU affiliate Dl)'selt 'wlth ·no party." came. from Morgan. "The 'Arrow' will be tor the best man. always." "Quite rlgbt." approved Wllllon. with keen glance analyzing the new editor. ".But sooner or later, my boy, you will find that Inflllence will be broUCht tttbear upon you to brln&:' yoli
me well enough to do lIomethlne tor me? . To sacrlfioe something- tor ui7 sake?" "As), m e," crled Morgan. "Are you positive that you wm grun t mo tbl8 favor !" "Dearest, how can I help Itt" "Then li s te n!" The girl's clear eyes were on the youth. "You are ohnm plonlng Anderson Dorn for congresslDJin fl'OID. tWa district. are YOU not? " ··Yes. but--" "I wuut you to turn against hfm, and support David Kennedy. the candidate ou the other ticket." . " You wa nt me," exclaimed Morgan, hardl y beli evin g his own eara, "to ' I ulfe' the logical man for th. oll1ce. nud worlt for that-that lCOundrel, Kennedy ?" An Attractive Farm Dwell ing, "Just so." answered the girl coldCRy :1. E . BlVOGl\tAN.) ligh tin g plant may be In stnll u at Il ly. "but I already know what your a nswer will be. Your love tor me Is One ot the most convenient and cost of $3i fi. not strong enough to allow you to modern farmhouses or moderate cost As both t he h('nti ng an d lighting grant me thIs s light favor." the writer has seen Is owned by a plan ts nr nUr .)y Qaf, allY to op rIt Is comfortable ate ami lh e expense of running them "Slight favor" repeated Morgan, Carmer In Ohio. Irorucallr "I ~ould hardly call it and handsome. and th e fa rmer a nd less than tile cost of operating or UBt hat. Prl ~cl1la. It 1 acceded to your Ws family enjoy prac tically a ll of the Ing 011 lamps aud stov s. It wou ld Wishes. 1 would be put down al a advant~ges that are to be found In seem that t heir u e would pay. to s!iy political sharper hnmedlately. and aU I city homea. The house has few an-. nothing of the udded comfort and my J)restigo In the community, my gles and corners nnd It may be built plensure d rived fro m th m. bard-won reputation for honesty and at I an approximate cost of $2.800 to The fur nnce will without tloub t pre> s'qual'e dealing. and • .above all. clean $3,000. and contaIn many of the 101- vent muc h slclmes!! If t he fres h air polltlcs would be gone. I can·t do It, provemnnts essential to comfort. utll- shaft Is pro perl y Install ed, and th e girl , I love you. and I will do any· Ity a nd beauty. gas II gh tR will save the ~ou se wlre t hing In the worid within reason Cor The main or front part of the house mu ch labor; also yo u will h ave n light you bllt ~ I can't besmirch my own Is 28 fe et squnre and the Idtcben and eq ual to Ilny city light . (!ectr icity no t na~e, I don't unl1erstand It. What pantry 14x20 feet. The lower story Is excepled. put such an Idea Into your head,f" 9 feet high and the se ond s tory 8 Th e cellar baR an Inside entro nce "All that Is Immaterial,'! came teet 6 Inches. The exterior walls IInder th e main stairway_ also an outfrom the girl crisply. "It III lum- are covered with shiplap r nd lap sld- side ntranre. clent for you to know that I asked- Ing with building paper between. Tho Roo t cellar. front room, etc.. are Ilnd ';you refused- a favor. 1 want roofs are covered with best grad~ at provld d In the bnRement. you to believe 'me when I lay that I 6 to 2 cedar. shIngles, that Is·. IfIve of The pantry Is so located that It prewill nevor aak anything more from the ehlngles. when placed together. ve rtts the heat from enterin g the dlnyou • From ow on, we are atran- will measure practically 2 Incbes at lng-room during the !! ummer mon ths ger~ " the thlcl. ends: Tbese shingles will Imd contains china t.loset with doors , "PJ;hJcllla, y~U can't mean It!" cost slightly more. but they will also opening to dining-room. »cu pboa rd. .... 0 but I do ' On second thought' j last about tbree times 8S long as tile flour bin, etc. however 1 wl11 clve you a chance. 6 to .2 shingles. . All rooms are of good size well I will ~llow you ~nW Saturday to All Interior aid e walls and cell~ngs lighted . and ample closet room Is prothink It over. If you decide to do 811 receive thrf.!e coata of plaster with vlded ; al so a good-slz d lIn GIl loset. 1· ask come to me and-and I wm white finish. All floors are quarterThe living-room has an ope n fi relove ;ou forever, otherwl_" sawed yellow pine. The trim for dln- plaoe which also hns smoke Oue tor Morgan took hla hat and plodded lng-room. living-room. hall and 1\- the furnace. Th e la r ge arches rondIsmally from the house. He could b.rary Ie · of birch with mahogany necting the dining-room. hall and IIvnot understand it. To his knowledge stain. The kitchen and pantry haa lng-room causes th ese rooms to 8 m "Honest · Dan" Wilson and thIs Ken- hard pine trim with 011 finish. \arger than th"ey really are. aurl wll h crook politician of the worst Entire second !loor bas pine trim eultnble rugs. curtains. etc., a beaut!neely type: :OUld, have nothing In common with .nat tints except bat,broom. which ful effect may be obta ined. with each other. bas enamel finish. The house haH no fancy work, but The nellt day. Wl1lon cantld at the A good lolld limestone or cement when neatly painted will present II "Arrow" omce . . "My daughter," the foun,datioD Ie placed ~Ilder the bouse very good front and will not 100)( out poJitlc,an 'began Nuntly. · "asked a and a basement excavation under the at plnce Oil almost any bUilding lot. favor ot you lallt even log. Don't you front part. A hot-air furnace is and for ma ny reasons this building think it would be wise for you to placed In the basement, also a hollow Reams e specially adapted to rural dlsgrant It?" wire lighting plant. The furnace and trlcts. "1 do not," came from ltfot'88n _____ * _~ _ _ _ . , . . - _ _ _ _ ~_ ..... _ _ ......... ~
Ihortly. "Nor do I care to talk about the matter." , "Honest Dan" bowed curtly and .left the om e. "Now." ruminated Andy, A ' aa he watched' the older JiJan stride p'u t . the window, "1 have antsgonlzed hIm. Well, he may al well Dec:1toe to PODulatjo~ Sho'Wu by ,know bow t ·sta"d." Laat Ceua~s in Air rtcu It-ural On Saturdar evenln~ a disconsolate Areas Due to DtBcouraae· Andy called at the WilBon home. meutotMarrted Workers. Priscilla glanced at the visItor keenly. "Well''' ' she Interrogated. They -er'e a' lone 1n the' p' nrlor_ (By C_ R. DARNS.> .. The pitiful story was told recently "r have come to say . good-by." an· In a northern dally paper ot an InnQunoed the youth sadly. "r can't dustrlous and capable ,fartp laborer do all you wish me to do. Prlscllla_ who had answered seve ral advertlse1 wouldn·t be ra~r t o ~yselt. It I did." ments of farm ers 'In need of just suoh The ~rl came swlttly aerOS8 the experle\1ced services QB he was able ~om • .and to the astonlsbment at to rend er; but whose application was Mor~n~ her . t~lr . hend Buddenly bent reJected. In each Instance, be calise he over his sho~lder. "Nor did ~ be- I had a wlte and two sQlall children. l1eve .. yoll woU1.d ••~ou big boy. she The 'f armers wanted .nelther women . rled eX\l~t1ngly. . Father Is 110 skep- nor children about theIr farms. So tical ,In re(erenoe to political honesty this competent (arm worker was t~nt I-I , wa I' ted to show .hlm that blt ed to accept employment In a you could~\ he brlbe~, nnd- and- I ~Ity gstable. YOll couldn t, . . It Is to be feared that this Is by no Two a~a were Buddenly thrown means an Isolat.ed Instance. Humau arqund th~ .youtb'lI neck and a nushed kindness has been so far elimInated. face bid .uself from his hsppy eyes. In many cases from the r",lationshlp bet.ween the farmer and his ' hired ' has been h e I p, an d that relatlon"hlp Men Are Poor H . ort., ,. , ' . ,- . " p u t. flO exclusively on a hard business 'Dld you have ' a good tim')? Quer, b. I that the complaint Is common led the friend ~t t~e girl who b,d at- . -t::t S'''the' farmer cares more' for the tended a .studlo tea. . t rt and happiness of hIs cattle "Oood time!" ' echoed the other c~r hOgS than he does for the well~cor.nfuJly_ "Men don't know the first :elng of his men_" thing about .. entertalnlnl: and after Under .. healthler condItions In rural this I'm gOing to avoid th~lr ?ld par- Ufe the married workman would reUes. He greetetd me charmingly and . cel;e the same preference that he seem~d so , gll!ld J bad come, but, do generally does from employers In you know, that cre~ture never IDtro- 'mercantile and manufacturing pur.d uced l a mOon to. ,me, and he h~a met 6ults; as being more ' reliable and less load.s of girls at my house. He show- likely to seek a change, If talrlr well ·ed:. me all hIs ~ew~.st. pictures, I>l1t. treated, than the single man_ Aside never o'tfered me a thing to eat or from this, however; there is a moral drtnk, tho!Jgh tJlfilre :was a bIg 'bo,,1 of ' .
to the editorIal aid of men not capa· ble. I, have a- pretty "een InSight fnto thlngl, and 1 can see It' coming. You mUll ' remember YOur~ best man platform then." "Trult me." promised Morgan, and "Honelt Dan" left the office. Andy Morga'o called. otten upon pre~tY . Pr,ls,ClIla . Willian. Their frlendlhlp lI,Ilrlng Into an Intln!acy that bade fall' to 'Iead : to' matrlmony_ The .tall. you\h with his Jl6rloulI ' ldeas or Ufe, aDd bis. IItl'Ollg Oo~eeUo.n tor ~er too plainly "een- hi hi .. ~yes. was encourapd by ' the trim IItUe maId: }»dscUla WIJ'son; despite her d(llotlnen .and Jlttlene8a, wal allo .ot a _rlOUI trend of mtpd. . 'l'be ~'ArrqW:' uJl~er ItI Dew ~ap agel'. prospere!1 frQm . tbe lltart. Ad. nrtisera (ncrease!1 .. their. Ipace 'a nd Morgan:. rail' \ method!! and the luiproved' appe'a~iice~t tbe paper ad~ed De" BubleBbers, , .'''Prflcflla, '~. J)egan t~e J~uth one 'evenlngi "'ft. . Is now almolt a yeBl' Ilbee I took the 'Arrow:' I have llie> : ~ed-', e:veli ' beyond my expect&tlonl -and they ' were ' not modest. The-re . I~ only Q,~~ tiUnl In tbe world/ now tha~ C&D lDake m~ iiapphieS8 com. ' -:..... . '.' ~ . , , plet~." The .~rl b.~}j8il. " I~ ! more than ~llb \. I (~at·.' Ihe . ~~rmlled th~ .q"~I' tto~ I ~Q • .«tOme.' · 'l)h~: ltemlDlbe InlUnqt, .. 1lJpabt~ .of m,'lch .. t. And that I I - abe ..tte~, bra~el', " . -. "
~-ou,,, ·
. Pri.clJ\ll'aJ tPJI :"43l'e 'I~_t. and ' th. lush. ~ddeDll faded from her cheeks, l~av1D. ·ltht!m· Ittaopl;o'pale, After a UttJe she .~ke. "Yoa ~b to ' ~ me'" .be
uked hl a low tolce. , . "PrIecID&.~_ breatW
bGianel7, .....,.
10* Mlrt ·
!:{~:!e.a~~~J:!~:I::edc:!e9. ~~dc~~~:. but that's: jUst the difference between
~ati and 8 wo~aq. Howher great a genlull a woman <may be, wheo she entertains, she 'knows w.bnt to do ' for hfilr guests, nnd 46ually Q' man -(foeln't. No more 'men's 1>a~le. tor. me! Where ,I~' t4e nearest ,sOda fountain ,OJ ,
and social obllgnllon, resting at least strongly on the farm er as on any one else. to encourage family life among workers. and Ufus to promote stability In rurnl populations and to discourage thll nomadism among laborers which Is the bane ot our asrlcu ltural enterprises. It Is altogether probable that the actunl decline ' In population, shown hy th e last cens us to ha ve taken place In extensive agricu ltural areas. Is due to the discourage ment of marrlage among farm workers, and the re(U!ml ot employment to men with families. . That way lies tbe decline of states and the ruin of d emocracy. ,r we want growth In popula tion. and the perfect working out or t.he Democrallc Ideas underlying Ame rican Instltutfons, we must reverse our methods. welcome rather than r epel the man With a family. and be willIng to share with him some portion ot tbe opportunities ot the farm. 8S
Utmost Precautlonl Needed. Impure milk will be Ihe result If the utmost precautions are not ta.ken In handllng It. and Impure milk necessarlly means that Its products will also be Impure and have v.ery poor keeping qualities. It should be rem einbered that all contnmlnatlon depends upon some form or bacteria. Which are present everywbere and which multiply very readlly under certain conditions nnd temperatures. Japanele Farmer..
or Japan's 46.000.000 .peoplb , 30.000" 000 are farmers. The whole body II Bupportell. by a cultivated area of but 19.000. square mlles_ EvN"Y foot of soil Is utl1l~ed; the fanner Is a t;~eclal1st.
COW' TESTI~G ""I-S---~VAL-U-A"""""'B~L(~E' . .
KIdney sulferera should take fresh courage In reading' the ",tatement ot Rev. Marlon S. Foreman of Oreenfield. Jnd .• givqn below. He s peal,s for the ben· e1lt of Buttering hu· manlty. Says b : "I had kidney trouhle In a bnd fo rm ane! waH un able to g t r lief untll i began lh U8~ of Doun's Kldllf'Y Pills. They did such good work thal I strongly r ecolllmend t hem_ I hop my testl moulal will .p rov e of ben e fit to olher kidn ey sufferers." R m mber til 1l1l1Tl1'-Donn's. For sail' hy all denl £'r!'l. :.0 ('ent s a box. Fo ster- . lII~urn '0. , ll uITI\lo. N . Y .
hundred thousand peopl~
take a CASCARET eveor ni:~ -and n'se up in the momin 2. and them blessed. If you dop't belorigt~ this great crowd of CASCARE'lj takers you are missina- the ~eates~ asset pf your life, . IIW CASCAIUtTS toe a box for a _ k ' . trTlltm~ ot. a ll drugR'IIt.. Biggest seller ID t bc' world. MllhoD boIce. mODth.
44 Bu. to the Acre
WorK and Ma rriage. rn th e Ne ..' York ourls I' cenlly a gi rl, ag tI 17. on llf?ln g told by bel' mot hf' r th nt she waH olu nougll to go to work. r" pUoe! : "Work. I will not ; I pre r"r Iii marry ." \\' IIN'OU1>Oll she was Illl\.rrl"d h" for f' II lgh t to a you..ng IlInl1 e8 rl1l\1~ $ 11<, r week . TI.ll1t It! lIf Il pier wl lh Ih l' rt'ILlllllll ng or ano th er girl who. lJplllg Illtor ro· gill d by a frl nd. " Wla t' rl li re you work ing now . Mam l ?" Iltll;wored promptly .. " aln' t werk in g ; I'm fIlar rl ed."-BoRton H er ald.
FRENCH BEAN COFFEE, 1 CENT A POUND It will gro w In your own gortlen. R ipeni ng here In Wiscon si n In 90 days. Spl endid h alt h coffee Dnd costIng t o grow obout ono cent a pound. A grent rarity ; II. he.ulthtul drink. Send us t oday 15 c nls In stamps and we will Ulull yo u JIDc1wge above . coffee seed with filII directi ons and our mammoth seed nnd plaut catalog free. Or send us 3 1 cen ts and wO add 10 packages al gant fi ower an d unsurpassable vegetabl e s eds. sulll c1ent to grow bUShels of vegetables I and flow e rs. Or make your r emi t tance 40 cents and we add to all of above 10 packages of wond erful farm s ed specialties and nove lties. John A. Salze r Seed Co .• 182 S, 8th St.. La. rOBS. Wis.
~---------- -~-~---.-
92 % IN 6 MONTH'S
Our clie.nts who acted on our advice in the purchase of only th e e established dividend· paying stocks made 92.1 % on their ill vestment between August 3. 191 0 and Fe.bruary 14, JglI, or at the rate of 18.1_2% ann'ually.
Wo b(we Ilrepllre ,. bl\odl!omollooldet telll ,,//: bll'll' ~hlll '11'''8 dOli ,CJlploilllotr tbe operoUOD ot IJ'ndlllg In UJ loek m .. rko ~, and abowlDIr bow e"orUlOlJiI Pl'Otl t8 caD be millIe .. I~h a minlUl UID ot MSk. TWS DOOKLE'1' IS FREE R '1'BJii 4SKlNG-
The entire object of true ed uca tion Is to make people no t merely do the right thing. but e njoy tile right thing. -Ruakln_
Dr. Pierce'! Pellets. small. Rugar-coat~. nay to take BS cllndy. reRulll te lind invigorate etoma'!h, liver lind bowels. Do DOt pipe. Common sense In an uncommon degree Is what the world calls .wI Bdom.Coleridge.
OOMMIS810N BROKER8 How York 0";
ae Brold 8treet
A COUNTRY SCHOOL fOR GIRLS' in New York City. nest (ealura of country and cily life. Out-of-door sportl OD, school' park of ~S aerea DU.f the Hudson River, AcademIC Course Pnmary Clauto Graduation. Upper class for Advanced Special Students. Music and Art. Write for catalogue and terms. . . __ """WUteI.,Rhm* A'tIIt__ m"Sl.~lI.l ·
A eup of Oo.rfield Tea before retiring will insure. that rlil-importaul mea8ure. th e daily cleaning of .the system.
'Many a man ' who swea... at a blS mODopoly Is n«.>~~,hi~'~~ , a ) tUe , O~~' I
W, . , N. U., OINCINNATI, NO, 10-1911.
~---- -----
Fortono."re IIl~O 10 paUlO"'. l'r<o....uHour J~"'L rill JI'lIObool! f~•.~ W. T, ntacerald. ()o. , ."bIDIl'~"" V.V.
'l"'--'---------CISTORIA ;' I'or'* t s ana 0hIl4m!,
A~dable Prtparal;on for As· similating the 'OOdllndR~uJa·
ting "" StollNlcbs and Bowels of - -- --_._----- -
The Kind 'You Hava Alway,s Bought ·Bears the
'. ,
IN1 .\'J ·IS : (ttlLVIU. :\
Ptom9tes,Djgestiorl,Cheerrulness and Re5t.Conlains neither Opium.Morphine nor Minnal NOT NAR C OTIC &t1jN I/'OItlIJrSAIflIElIfTrRIt ~;'S..tIAlK..r_•• Nw""' ,
S.Jb -.
liII • ~!:'J' (C",..,..,.JM. •
--_ _---1 _s••11
C'• ..t;MJ',.~
1fi""'rN" "/'7"...,.
Aperfect Remedy for~onsllpa-. Uon, SOU~ Stom;ach, Dlarr~ea.
Worms ,ConvulSions .feverls~ ness and Loss OF SLEEP. '~Simile S;gNtllN of! ~_J/~
~_~ _ _. I
In Usa
For Over ,Thirty .Ysars
~~'JIQgIA !
,+ -- -
.1About_a___ ,-.People _ _ _ .. _1
----""'~"'''~''''r'~'''''''''~~''' atuttday'.s Sp~~ia ls 'at
Best Granulated Sugar • • 5 lbs. of Pure Lard
E -:-
-.- -.- -.-
Small hould I • per Ib ...... ..... ...... l3c Small Hams (. weet as n nu l) ........... 16c EJ LI'u Fancy Bu on· .. .. ···· ..... .. ... ....: 20c
Dried Fruits Choice Muil' Peach 8, per Ib .... ..... ... Fan cy Muir Peaches. pel' lb .. ... .. .... ~'ancy Apricot. per Ib .. .... .... .... .. .. Fanc), Prunes, 40 to lb ........ · .. ......... Full pound-package Raisin .... .. 3 fo r Currants .. ..... .. ..... ....... ...... ... .. .... .. Mince Meat ... .... .. :... ........ ... : 3 for
llc l <! ;'~ c
15c 12 ;,~ c
2lic 10e
F ish
6·lb . kits Fi ·h .. ........ .. ....... .... ....... 4!lc 18-lb buckets Fish ............... ...... ..... $1.19 oufi h, Salmon, Sardines.
$1 .25 .59
Try Rockwood Cocoa. 25c full half-pound .. ... ... .... ............... 19c 15c size .. ...... .... ....... .... ......... .. .. : .. . .. . 10c We hav lhe best 25c Coffee in town. Try ilo
Buckwhe'at Flou r . 10 lbs.. .............. ... Mrs. Austin's Buckwheat or Pancake . Flour. 3 p kgs ... ....... .... ... .. ... .. .. ... Mothers. Quaker or Toy Oats, 8 pkgR .... Prem ium F lou r, 25 los ... .. . .. ....... .. ...
Leu' rion und
'II .
90c 90c 90c 25c 15c c
Vesper, that mild, ~ood.tasted CheeseFresh Vegetables and Fruits all kinds-Bau man's Bread, like home-mai:le-Ed~emonte Crackers-A large assortment of Cakes-A good line of Cereals-Heinz Sweet and Sour Pickles - Confectionery! Oh, you Necco Sweets!- l1am, Dried Beef, Bologna, Bacon, etc. !-'-Dried Fruits of all kinds and grades, cheap-Baker's, Lowney's and Rockwood Chocolates and Cocoa- Coffee I and Teas, the best that money qm buy- Delicos, like Nabiscos, in bulk, 30 for IOc •. A full line of Crockery and Flower Pots. Apples! Oh, how good! They are Newtown Pippins. A full line of Oroceries at the right price
We solicit your patronage ' and give you a square deal.
25c 35c 15c 10c
R. F. Moshe r, of Cardington, Morrow Coun ty, is here for a short stay '-\ ith relatives.
Wanted - A tidy . intelligent bouse· keeper. Wr ite or phone Dr. M. W. Lang. R. D. 2. Lebanon, Ohio.
you 'l'et the best results at least · cost. You will remembertbe high quality loni after you )lave forgotten the cost. Get colo,r cards ad pampbJets atoDce,
A host of friends w ill be glad to know that Elmer Rogers is slowly recoveriIlg from a serious attack of acut~ in finmatiot) of tbe kidneys.
-For sale b~-
.J. W. 'White,
We will publish 12 hig hly interest· ing lettar from the pen of Mrs. Isadora Ward next week, entitled, "B~lmy Cuba." The letter came too late fo r this week's edition.
Waynesville, - Ohio.
Miss Pearl Carey, of Dayton, was the week-end g u est of her parents, Mr' and Mrs. F . C. Carey. Miss MAW R 1 " b r s . . . Beie .• :V18 ,Llllg ef Carey is taking a six·months course SOD Burry mond ', Ind . and ftlln11y, af Rloh in stenography at the Jacobs school r . ~ b e Delta Alpha OIIlRS held 11. pro in Dayton. VlSllln Ulllrket In Saturduy ,. . Among those from a distance who {b.e patroDi 0 0 this end of WilY' n.B .vllle l1urtll R uute 2 ga,v6 t he ollr attended the funeral of Mrs. T . J. rl6r 11 po t ou.r 1 sll war Til u r dllY Brown last .Wednesday 'wer(> Miss of In t wtlek . Clara Mu rphy and Adelbert McKay, Mari on Ioen howe l' Wll S It Dlly l on of Dayton; J. Henrv Thomas, Sidney; visitor aturduy . . Mr. a d Mr~ Fred MoKinney, of A. P. DeafeDbaugh. Bellaire; Walter Xenia" sJllitl l. ~'ul1duy w ~ th r eilltiv 8 H. McKay, Columbus; Miss - Jane N b'tt 0 S & SOH X' here' es I , . , . . o~e, ema; A weddl - g of more t,h l~n "l"ua l in· Mrs. S. M . .Sellers, South Chal,jestflrBst oc I1l"red n,t th e home' of J ohn M Hill, We nesduy ut fu t week ton ; Mrs. C. 'E. Bratten, Kings Mills; wben h i. ist er, Mi ss Mllt tie Bill ft'..sqr. anrl Mrs. John T. Brown, Mr. WIUI nni t~d in mllrrill ge with Ed. and Mrs. Raymond Mo'n tgomery, ward Steud om l'bBY hav~ II. wide Mr. and Mrd. J. Milt Keys, Mrs. olrole of fll Illhl who wi h ·them all Jennie- Elliott and Mr. Wm Elliott, hllpptnllf:lB Ilull !:I lloce!1 . . Centerville; Miss Olive Morris, Mrs. Mr. aod Mrs J. 0 . Com pton ent ertaj ned a p l~r ty of friends to dlO Frank ThomllS, Bellbrook: > Mrs ner on t:!aturduy in bonor of Mrl'. Aaron Crites and Miss Addie :.rhomas, Oomptoo'sl>rother, Edward Ste4dom Spring' Valley, a nd bride. . ,,~ .~-.--ST. MARY'SI.C HURCH
Joseph Story, the singing ev angelist, who conducted the singini ser· vices at, the M. E church here last winter died suddenly of heart disease a~ his .bome in Greenfield, Ohio, . Monday evening. Mr. Story had many friends here. who b'e !:\hocked to hear of his death.
-------Road___ Notice -~~
• ~ I;ven t b.Ilt Ilt tho meeting No tJ ce J8 Ilerooy g!,~~~~. ~~~% u~O~~J~or.~: ot Warren
lit Day of ~Y,
Thore will be pl1l$ented to aald Oommlaelonera a petition for the _tabUsb meDf, ot a ,County Road. :Beginning In the Lytle and Pln1.en6Y Road at Llte~. E . (!orner ot W. H. Duke'. laud .l')IlInll1/f ·nortb to the , . W. cor-
Sunday - Fourth in. Lent:· Sunday Seh 00 I an d B'bl . I e .oIa!!Ses a t 930 : a . m; . . Sermon and Holy Communion at 10:30 a. m.; Even'ng; Prayer and ser· mon at 7 p. m. Wednesday at 7 p. m., Litany, Pen. itential Office and addreSs
- - _. . Special co~munication of WaynesVille L(>dg~ No 163, F. & A. M. Monday evening, March 21th. Anual inspection and visitation of District Lecturer. Work in the E. A. degree. Sojourning brethren are cordially invited. r.. F. B Hendct'!lon, W. M. E. V. Barnhart, Sec'y.. , • - • n is on ly. when II. pclrson \8 very old Ilnd very rioh t·bat be or sbe bt r egarded I\S foolish ' for wanting to marr v , IlglI.in "
"~~-e~ ~------ ---~--.~" i'
80 lOOn
tboreatoor lUI the MUle can be reached.
W'ALTBR UNRIOS', ' . ~paI pe*loW.
$80.00 per month strai~ht ...~ and expensea, to men with rig, to troduce our Poultry Remedies. DOlft answer unl. . you mean bUs1ne88. Eureka Poultry Food Mfg~ . C. (Incorporated.) East St. Lowa.
Be I h -b- • Ib "'I b aoty . , e 0 ~8e W t 0 a woman b"l~her m.'rlmoDtal'~P'
• _.
Be good i r yon wonld be respected : be KOod Ie oklDIr if you ""ould ~ lond • _ ..._ __ Beao'y may be an aootd"n~, bn' no one 1UW ever taken 0111 In.granoe ugAlne.l. .... t ~
If you have anything you 'want to sell or bUy, ·help wanted or situations wanted, the 'Miami Gazette ~an
get them for you.
Try us once. FQR Sm
!I- NCU8~TOR-Gem \rood ••
' "
SALESMAN wonled .. look ...... IDoalM'<w, 270 . oor interest ,In Warren and ad. I : egp. ae". uHd 001, o~e jaoent ooonties. Malary or Commta- 88a~on. rite A B. m.l~lo'" O. sion. Addre88 The Vlotor Ot} O()m. 1, tJprlng Valley, Obl.O, tor Intor~" · po.ny, Oleveland, 0. ' 'IOD.
SALE-Two teamll ' -1101••, AN past 30 wlth ·boree 8nd·\lag. oomlng 3 veara old, onbroken, The Lenten services are bemg un. . gy to 8ell 8tock oo'n dltion pow,. ROod ones, 16~ baad. hlgb. Pboiae usually well attended. Come and 'der in Warren qouuty. S"lary 170 448-2Y.. (;). '.iii. Riley, LebaDOD, O. per mllntb . Addres8 301 Unity help us and. let us help you. . Bldg., IndianapoJiIi, Indtllnll. . SEED OA~ for 8&10. S"edtab,Se. . 1eot. Prodoce )feav" . weIgh beavy, ~50 . per bu. Phoae· 65-3Y.. F. C. ~wta, Wayneav1lle, 0. FOR RENT' dl.pO~ of W.J~8nUle ,Milk . Rooce .· lnqolre of J. L, Ilea· Pure Northern Grown Seed RAGE R I d denball, PbOUf 188-1L IS, WaYIl." oom, arge an 08n. ville 0 Potatoes ' 8tare lot·~ of goods. Call at tbe , . .. ' . New Oarden Seeds Bulk and Gazette ('moe for tnforma~ion , SALE good oorn and kJ~ooo Packages ' " ' . farm oU7 ao~ i plen'yof barD •I roo"m, never f.mal IprIDp,. lood . Onion.Sets boole of 11 r.o oml Add1'8l8 Box . Yellow, 6c quart. LOST . 181, Wayn"'1Ue,·Obio. White. 7c quart See Fun~y J~nglel~d Book. . . ,. 7' BUSi:lELS I~Od Iprlal Pota. ' · we are ,giving· away..~ with KIP GLOVIq,forleft, h~nd, De· t~for ..)e. BlobardBrowa KeUogg's.Toasted Corn Flakes . . tween my hOm'e and Corwin, W.yaelVtIle, Obio, ". 1'. 1;). 8. ' . . , IllS, Thund8.y.. A reward w\11 'lie ," . ..' i ' . , ' • Lettuce. ~dishes; ' celery. .:... given for ittl retnn~. J(>bn .C um. p "APEB NAPKIN8-TIi. C~0 I' ck and' Hen~eed, Grl't, Oyster ' mings, R. D. 8,. W~yne8vme, "I':''' . I-A": 1.' • .' Ohio. , • 0 ftl De b aDu _ tb e' p IUU • bU~_ . : Shell and Charcoal.·· , lAad ~lo..e4 aapktul. ~.D4 ,lIee .' ~ them. . \' Fresh Oysters again tllis week, FO~ $ALE , . Dl'es,soo Oatfish ·.Friday. " . , I . sm""Bo- for ••·f Ilft~l. I, .. • " • .~ ~SlVV ~e -- ~ BriJ)g US your Eggs. paying • ' . or ID petra. ID,quue or ...J. B. , I. 50 doz~ p" . R.... "'L""s ,Ii.':n LelbOl'D'. e"'" Cb . apm'aa,' W.-D ..vtlle,·OhlO. . . DA iii- V ,"'ee.,
W':n~rct;8 %,:~:r~~°ltU:~1-;ct;:cl~I~b:~t~ \
~M~~~~~~ftg:tieJD~ o~au~~ha~~~ 1
Dr. Hel' chel Fisher has moved to offices in the new MorrIS building. • next to the post office, Lebanon.
You Paint:
1. The paint is a small part of the cost. It', the painting that ·counts. 2. It costs less to put on good paint than cheap, because it's made better. If you use LOWE BROTHERS
Mr. and Mn. J ohn Stanton , of Franldln, a re the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Meeks.
Remember Two ' Things
New Burlington
====GOOD TO" EAT===
Miss Marguerite Thompson, of Xenia is 'spending a few days with relatives here.
25c 25c 65c
for Inside Floors
and Cement Walls.
C. W. Haines and family, of Dayton, have been vifiting Mrs. Elizabeth Kauffman .
On last F'riday our oommunit,)' 'R M Wa!HI t ar tl ed b y t h e news th at Duke's b!l.rn was on fire When Mrs. C. ' L. Duke went ,~ . glltber' I1gg!! ehe found the elltlre ha.ymow in flames: The wind being 1n 8 fav orable dtreoUon was all that eaved the hoose. Bam IlDd John Charlton was in Dayton ~~turdIlY. Mr8. Theodore Bisuop was in the Gem City Saturda.y. .l:'re,\ohinB was held at the RidgE'ville Universalist ohuroh III t ::lunday by Rev. BUstren. I
"Hard Drying Floor Paint"
Me dames Vaughn and ain, of the F riends Home' spent Monday in Dayton,
a clear white enamel for
. F urniture, Bath Rooms, etc.
Edgewood '
"Extra White Enamel"
. -.
for t~e out-
side of your homes and other buildings.
Chairs, \Voodwork, etc.
~~",. ~ .""~~~J""~~"'"""~
I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______
======IFOR EVERY NEED======
St. Mary's g uil<l will meet with Mrs. U. M. White Thursday afternoon.
$ Bring U~ Your Produce. Poultry, Eggs, Bulter. =
"Mellotone" for plastered walls and 'woodwork. '·Vernicol" a Stain and Varnish for F loors, Tables,
arah Z lI ers . of Euoanks,
Paint, V~m'ish" a Stain
Ralph Howell, of Springfield spE'nt Sunday and Monday with fr iends here.
On Gem Incubators and Brooclers. Now Is the time to hatch your chicks. We carry a full line of Poullry S:-,pplles and Remedies •. Try Conkey's Laying Tonic- makes hens lay. Use Conke}'s Lice Powder- lice kills your chicks.
We have Enamel
"High Standard'" Liquid Paint
. Mr. and M.rs. J . K. !:ioeneer spant MundllY wtth T. R. t:!penoer and Mr. aud Mrs. George Sacker suter . fa m ity 10 . L eb a.non . M I' S8 Ed Olt w h tAtne 1 Morrow re ln.ti ve.. SundRY . ay h8R been spending a few days there ... . M b ' retnrned home wi th them. ' ....IS8 . a .el Hherwood was down from Mtatnl burg over Suod~y . ' P rof. and Mrs D. W . Williams Bnd sone 8Pflnt the week-end in Quite a namber of ouroitizens atLebanon. ttlnded Llng.'s big (lale Ius week.
111 Tu esday.
Miss Phoeb Mj randa visit d . reialiveR in Ci ncinn ali unday and Monday.
Our Spring Ifne of Calicoes, Oinghams, Percales, Mus1i ns.~ Also a large lot of Tobacco Cnnvas. Get our prices. Also a fuJI line of Oem Shirts. Overal's and Jackets.
Ed Ross .visittld bls futher in Leba. [ non SundtlY.
Mrs. Mary Anson. of Xenia, was a Satunlay ' visitol' in Waynesville!
An~ No~ is the ~Ime to Paint
Mr .. and MI' . W. H. Allen wer in
.A"Higb Standard" 'Paint Store
I y., visited f riends here last week.
Canned Coods Fancy Tomatoe:'! , 7X c p ' r can, per doz.. Fancy Pumpkin . 7 X c per can . pe l' doz .. Wayne viII orn, 7X c pel' can, per doz ....... ...................... ...... . .. Fancv Pl'as . 3 cans ... .. · .. .. ... .... ... ... .. .. ,;pimich. pel' can ... ··· ........ . ... .. . ..... . ,. Mammy'lI Lye Hominy........ . ..... .... ... Fancy wed P otatoes , per can.. ...... ... Yellow Peaches. 2 cans .. ............. .... .. Lemon ~ Iings. 2 cans· .... · ... .... .. ... .... ,. Mason Jar pur ~ Apple Butter .. .......... Horse Hanish, pe l' bottle .. ...... ...... ... ... Fancy Mustal·ds. Catsups, Sauers, Oli\"ps. P ick l s
II'. . ,A. Bt'un ·t· was the ~uest of relatives ·in Mason aturday.
~ ___-·E ·· I)AYLIGH •
- -.-. - - ------.-....-.. •
___________..- TO
I ', .A
' -'I
Ie' T1t5R'U1l P~lf . waDt .D.d B.' B. TbomplOfa , &D, . oolGI' 01 .... - - paper,
from prize wiDDen. II per
It ·pays. to trade at '
tt~g oJ 16 i Barrell a~k ..~ (Hea.
r.y, KQater
., 710 ,.. IettiDl· . B6ilJ"I}aaD ..t .... ~ oIIoe. W,laIvt '-~""''"'!JM'~--~'''''''''-' . "~a1D) Gr&Dc1vtew PODI"'''''''~'''''. GD·~,'" ...... .
L __
20, 1911.
WHOLE .r:I/tT~BEl£
lSto! '
. The .¥c~ , Cent.ur; CI,ub was de- The annual inspection of Waynesb~ 11ghtfully ent~rta1l1 d at the home of ville Lodge,No. 163 F . & A. M. took As Mrs. H. E. H.atha\~ay on last Friday place Monday evening, Notwith- Concerning the CominJ(s and Goings (If Our Cit. af.ternoon Wit h eight!,! n memb rR standing the xtremely bad night, izens Told in a Brief Maimer---Man Visitors Pl.esenl who respond d to roll ,call quite a lot of Masons came out. In Town Among Friends With too~h som e r.eci p eR. Aftci' a Work in the E, A. degree was con, short bUSiness session . t he follOWIng ferred upon ene candidate, Wm. H. Ediwt MianH GaZ~tte:-One ofpr~gram w~s ~~en up: Boyd . acting as inspecting officer in Prof. E H. Colvin has been very L. A. Zimmerman was ip Dayton the most: Interesting ocean trips imOBITUARY Dome~tlc ~cl ence- Wom~n' s No- place of G. L, Coleman. who was sick. ' on uURin u!>S last w~ek , , ~il!ab~e is ,that to our: Iittl~ sister Ja ad P1;'. Hockett, the second son blest alhn g . d bMW was the subJect of a kept at home on business. Robert Crew. of Oxford, was home C H S f ' S' l'~ubhc or CublA, whIch lies only of Jacob and Rhoda Hockett. was pa~erprepar: y 1'9 . : H, Allen, The ladi s oftheEasternStarlodge . . ur ace was In Idney, ninety mile&frQm ol 'rmainland. We Ohio. Mond ay on businesR. born January 13. 1857, near West- wh ich . waa listened to With closest furni sher! an elegant supper in two Sunday. left St. 'Petersburg on February 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Burnett were in Hat'vey GURtin and son Howard with ei~h een others from the same boro, Clinton Co., Ohio, and died attentIOn: Mrs .. C. T . . Hawke fol- ou rses. after which several good lo w~d Wi th a.n mter~,s~lng o~e th s'peeches were made by the vi ~iting Dayton last week. . D 24, 1911. little city, five of whom, Mr. and March t subJect of wblCh was Ed ucatIOn for brethrpn. were ~n ayton ~atul·day. Wilen Jared was abo t f Mrs. Carter, of Thornton, Ind., and our een th 0 f th e paper!> crea ted years of age his pare{ltsu moved to 'G'Ir Is " . B0, Tho~ pr sent from a distance Mr. J. W. While was a Dayton A full line of Men's flurnilliLing.'J ~r. S. S, WilHamson, of Miss., beWarren County and located ' o n ' 0 much ~IScusslon , . , I were: Wm, H. Boyd, H. L. MitcheH ' visi ter Friday and Saturday. on dbplay at Barnhart'll. longed to our immediate'party. The farm near Waynes .... ille. Since t hen Dunng the enJoyahle social hour and W,m. D. Black, all of Dayton, greater nU1Dber of, persons who go to he has lived in thiscommuni~y in the the hOd~es8 serve.d a deli cious two __ • hMr .. and, MDt'S. OscSar Mdower were D M;. an~l ~ts. C. A·dBruner wel'L! Cuba #rom St. Petersburg travel in near vicinity of Waynesville and Har- course lOne:', as'1 ted by l1·s. urrURCHAS'::D NEW HORN s oppmg m ayton atur ay. , ay on VISI ors satur ay_ parti~ of five an~ by that arrangenet. Mr'. Evans and Mrs, Bruner. mentare able to procure tickets, or veysburar. o 0 tob 3 ]882 h Th uests wel'e Mrs , J)ollavon. of Collars. Choice Brands Good ma- Mrs C. T. Haw'k e and daughter. Miss Sybil were in Dayton Saturday. \ rather a ticket · (as all travel on OM {I c er, , e was mar- 1 d' I' M A T W' h The Cadet band has purchased a new terial. 2 for 25~. Barnhart's. ried 'to Ida M LeMar T th n lanRpo IS. 1'S, . rig t b d , ticket>....a~ a reduced !late. We see : • 0 em were Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Ho\ ell, Ml' , G: tu ~,an will .commence practicing agatn after s veral weeks' vacation. Miss Blanche Riley WP.II a guest Call on Mrs. Eva A. Darger for up: they are now 0!f"ing the same rate born two chlldr~n., a daughter and W H . k . d M B t. ......... S · h d La . aw e an rs. urn to date Millillerv. Opening April 1st u' _ The boys are preparing for thei r sum- aturd ay 0f M, rs, Laura Henkle. to parti~ ' of two as the season ia so son , Pearl H ock ett RIC an tar-aaY&n~. renee Earl Hockett. The famlly mer campaign. Good Material makes good shirts Mr. Clay Warwick, of Toledo, was St. Peters,?urg.!s 212 miles up the that God gave him are allliv,ing to XEN fA HAD BOOZE RAID The band boys expect to give Ihat is what you get at ,Barnhart's. the guest of friends here over Sun~out from K~y W~t" ~Qd the r~de mourn for the loving and ever kind weekly concert .. this summer. They day. on the,Gulf of ~eXlco 18 IOmethmg husband and father who was so sudDetec tives made a raid on Xenia intend to ~ta rt t he seasoll as soon as Rev. J. 1. McKenzie preached at everyone can enJoy Ulually. whether denly taken from them : He was "blind tigers" Saturday night, and weather cQnditions are right. ThIs the M. E, church Sunday evening. , Miss Mary Franey, of Columbus. the, are 8~d sailors or not; but jU~ very devoted to h~s family and was got six saloonists in thei toils. Two is a good move on t he part of the Wal! the ,guest of relativ~s hf're last St. Mary's Guild win meet with week, l~t me whisperit to you that the eyer ready to do anything and every- dray loads'of genuine booze was cap - boys. and they will be none the losers Mrs. George Hartsock Thursdayaf- 1 thereby. nanetir ~i1E18 t~!:ough the 9traits is thing within his power to promote tured·. Miss Bessie Hamilton, of Kings anoU!er 8lol'Y,1 ~ \fe went over we their welfare and happiness, making -=~.~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~==~~~=~= ternoon. MiIlR, was the guest of friends here ,experienced a side motion of the a great sacrifice quite often for their - - -'- - ,Miss }{owena Wright, oflted Lionr last week. · boat which Bent 8O~e rolling from ple~ure. The great , love that he , is the guest of Mr. and Mrs E. V. their impromptu beriha, ~ all state- had for his grand daughter, Baby , , All that is new and novel in ElalIter Barnhart. I'OotDa were full, which , made it nec- Jean, R. Hockett, waS ext...~mely \ at Mrs. G. Lincoln Smith's millinery, , EI8IU'Y tUt lOme be accommodated manifested at times. It may be said Miss Elsie Van Harlingen, of Dean, April 1st. , on couches, and tlieo..e not being ar- of him tbat he was a man of very has been visiting her sister Mrs. U. ranged u the berths are with the strong attachme~ts and being once ., . , We sell the famous Wilson Bros. hijrh.Bide ra~ling. ' the staying on your friend he was a friend indeed. HOrrible m all Its detall s wa . the The horses continued on their mad M. White~ Shirt and Elirl & Wilson CoIlsI'. them ~e quite a problem; in He was a member.of two fraternal death. of J. E. H?ckett. , Friday flight down the hill, narrowlyescapDonald , Allen. of Cincinnati, was Barnhart's. ' fict De they were unable to solve orders 'the Knl'ghts f P thO t mormng. who left hiS home about ing trees etc., and ran into a buggy the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. , H . 0 y . las a 9 ' t k 'tl I d f t h •from ~rta of some of the party. Waynesville and the Pythian Sister:i 0 c:o.c WI 1 a oa o. 0 acco. to in front of Kilbon's store, throwing Allen last week. Mias ' Irma Brown. of, Lebanon, ' ~0i1 ~ur return voyage we had an- at Harveysburg, The association be de~lvered at the freight house at one of the horses and this checking was the guest of her mstEor MI'II. L. S. other ~rience. Instead of the and work in these t~o societies CorwIn. , t herr. " The team was not hurt, Miss Florence Lacy and Mr. Harry Rhoades ,laSt week . • de ~otion. we climbed the waves seemed to afford him great enjoy- . Mr. Hock~tt had several ~oxes on neither was the wagon. but the bug" Lacy spent Sunday 'with ,Mrs. Jas. and d~ded i~to ~e valle,s! We ment, arid '.he was a great favorite hls wag0!l' 10 fact. t~o t~ers. and, gy run into was completely demol- Chenoweth and .family, Wanted-A tidy, intelligent bouseatpod AI'It ol1GUr '-f- and then on with .the memberRhip of 'them. ' ~a~ commg down .Corwm hill. when ,ished. The horses have had quite , keeper. Write or phone Dr. M. 'w , ' on 'out" He had a ' birthright membership It .IS supp.0sed hlS horses became a reputation for running away, this 5000 Ibs. of "Pride of Ric~ond" Lang, R: D. 2, Lebanon, Ohio. . " feet an4 then on our heads, for near, with the Hiclarite Frif'nds Church at frlghtenE~d and s~rted to ru? The being the tbird time. Tobacco b1xPS and ," White Satin" Flour Just rely ~veryon~ including the captain, Waynesville. rub-I.o~k on th~ wagon was m bad wel'e strewn all down the hill. Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to ceived at White's Store. the u.ilon ah.d the stew~ess was From his earliest Childhood bis life condltlon a~d .d~d not york well. , In The family was immedjately sumoffices in the new Morris building• Wanted- A tidy, intelligent hou. next to the postoffice, Leb,anon • ._ .....!.'I., ~d thil beinir the case, of course was spent on a farm, at which occu- some way. It I SUPPOiS ~. he fell off moned to the scene, and heart-rendkeeper. . Write or phone Dr. M. W. .' )'ou can imagine the condition of th-: pation he' was very successful and the ,~agOnt ont~~h~ to~g~e ~nd b,e- ing indeed was the grief of the wife Miss H.tzel Gustin, who fell on the Lang, R. D. 2, Lebanon, Ohio. paalengers; but u soon as Key West being a man of very strong physique. commg en ang m.t e arneB~ wa so suddenly widowed. · tt ded' ice early in the winter .and injured was ~ed ~m08t every one was treat energy and untiring effort, he dragged down the hIll by the fnght Mr. Hockett was a prosperous L . A . ZImmermQIl a en 10-' h i m ' · 0 f Mys t'IC Lod te,. F & A. M er ee, 18 able to be out on crutchw.eIL anil happy again and out on worked up to the last moments of ened horses. ~ farmer. living about two miles east spec t 100 cle;c:k enjoying ~e baloiy ' summer is life until the l!l8t beam faded- . Mr. ~?cke~t was released from of Waynesville on the Haryeysb~rg in Dayton Wednesday eve~ing. es. , breeze., ;" faded to shine no more, when his lite hl~:~Sl tl~~ m f.ro~t ?f. Chas'd ~er pike, a man of wide acquaintance. Miss Ethelyn Jones, of Oxford Miss Sybil Hawke win ',return t~ Cuba hu been rightly called UA was brought to a cloSe l~ a 'very sad?O sd~·esIIQnce m bortwmh' an . dP a loyal member of the K. p, lodge, · Winter, ParadiSe," for it is at this manner which,has east 8 gloom o'v er, Imme late y came, u w en plc,:e and a devoted hu"band and father. colleJle, spent the spring vacation Del.aware ~ay after 8pendJng the spnng vacatlon very pleasantly with I8IIOIl tb~t th,e natural beauties of the whole community in which he up was dead. The body was came? Nothing has stirrlt>d this community with ber mother Mrs. Eva Jones. her parents. the. island are at their best. We lived 'and , moved and 'had his ac- to the home of Mr. Reyn?lds. HIS for years like his tragic death. found ,t he ~l~~te vel1m uch like that quaintance. I • hend and b~e~st were hombly manThe Guild of St. Mary's church M Wal MC ~f St. Peterabuqr: arid .that is pay_ ',' gled, .and It IS thought that death The funeral of Mr. Hockett was will hold a market in the Township rs. ter c lure, M,I1. Ohas, 1111 Cuba>- a very ~i8h compliment. C~D _OF THANKS • was almost instantaneo~s. held ~t the house Sunday afternoon H(.useSaturday nlormng at 9 o'clock R~e, MI'fl. , Franlc Carey and Miss for the clImate bere this winter l'fu _. The famdy ,WIth to eXpress theIr There was no eye wItness to the ! at 2 0 clock, conducted by Rev. Amos ' Ltlla Benham were shopping in Day, been ~p11 all that could bewlabed: smcere: than~for the great~indness affair, and but little can be found Cook. A quartet. compo,s ed of Miss Mi'. and Mrs. Lawrence Cartwright non Saturday. OD17 QDJ ct..y "ne~ we came here shewn by frIends, neighbors. the out all being conjecture. Pieces of Lucy Emley, Mrs , Walter Elzev and of Datton, were ~uests of Mr. and the latter part of December, 'thattll~ ,Brothex: Kni~htsand PythianSisters·. hai; and scalp we~e picke~p for ' Messrs. I''. H. Far: and OrangeRa~er Mrs. I. E. Keys Saturday and Sun- Mrs. W. H.: A,lIen, ~rs. F. B, Sher~nWDohhone.. Wehad.~o 'little Also t.o the sl~gers tor th,beautiful se'ver~l rods. and iUs thought the ~ :mg two sele.ctlons: The Pyt~lan day , wood and chI,dren, Messrs. Donald · 8ijrri. wbenJt was ,cold enough to selections rendered and ·to Amos accident OCCtll'ed abou t half way on Istet's had thelr serVICes at the house . Allen and Ray Mills autoed to Daybate a titue fire ' for ' two or three Cook' and Matilda Underwood for tre hill. and the K. of P. at the grave. Some of the up·to-date shades in ton Saturday. ' ~~,a time;':, ' ' . tb~ir w~tds of, comfort. . Neckwear ean be seen in the Fur". ' GR.II., it is pretty wann in Cuba Ida M. Hockett and Chlldren. _-. nishing Deplt.rtment at E. V. BarnMr. Stokes ~I1ve~. of Cincinnati, :l~ , ' , • • -. . " h t' and Mr. Geo. E. RIley and family ,du~ the JDiddJ~ of the <tay,' there ' " ar s' , were Sunday visitors at the home of i8 ....,a a tood breeze and if a pel'51. MA~Y'5 CH URCH " J . . . Mi~ Margaret Zellers has re- Maurice Silve.r and family. lICIIIl. iil9~ ,too, ~~rge~c and takes . ' .' . . (Continued from lasl week) . turned home from Cincinnati after ' hll ime he need not be uncomfol'bL- Sund~, ,FIfth, to Lent, Passion a I'leasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Spahr, of Xenia, preached at bl~ .~I.'~~' bour o~the 48Y. The Sunday.: ~unday ~chool .and B~~l~ , There are people wh~ , bear great The man who wishes to 'control Will Zellers and family. " the M. E. church S~nday morning So_ bete'are conlltructedl for th,e cl&,!!8ea ,at,9.80 a. m , Morn~ng Prllve~ sorrows with resig natIOn lJut who circumstances must lovt: better . !and was entertained at dinner by oUiDi.U~, too" the wa11s being very and sermon ~t 10:~0; livenmg Prayer are utterly vanquished by tr'ivial an- things than money before he can suc- Gail Hussum, ·of Dayton, who is Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. . ~,. rdQfft of ,t~ling. ' ceUinp very and sermon at 7 ~. m. ' . . noyances. Sickness. povPrty and mis· ceed . He must love, respect and be- attending a dental college in CincinMrs. Esther Stout was called to ~ &Jl 'b~ilt around a court Wednesd~; LItany,. ~emtent1al fortune ar~ borne witho'll '; compl' in- llieve in his Creator_ and trust thE! nati, was the week-end guest of Mr. Harvey.burg last Thursday on ac;~~DI,tb.D.\"ery c,ool • . The ftoo!'8 OfficfI aDd a(Jdr~ at 7 p. m. . ' , ·ing. But if dinner be Jat~. the coffee ,' Divine Man within himself, and he and Mrs. O. J. Edwards. , count of the serious illness of her of marble and of, Everyb.odyin~ltedto theReS6rV1CeS below thestalldard, if our eye glass- mu t prove this love and trust by sjster-in-law, Mrs. I. N. Seal.' and to8ether es are misplaced. or our toes trodden his daily conduct, in his home circle Paint! Paint! Now's the time to "+~';A.,ht,.f';""" '.ceilipga and upon WfO become raging lions and and in his business relations. brighten up your homes, inside and Mr. and Mrs. T. Jeff Smith, Mr ......1,11'; "'... th ad I d A h? S J k out. April is to be the ..'High Standand Mrs. Lewis Atkinson and Miss ',tbliakrO.J.m1pg ~nto . e court, ",e h ·Eli F. Irons, of Lebanon, di~ti Sat- our how lings dl ive the affrig lte ' re we un app.l .. top an as our'Wf~lIty in 'k"pmg,comfortable. urday at his home. ,Mr. lron'J was, housJ!hold irto d,arl< corner. selves why. If we are unhappy over ard" paint month at White's Store. Nellie Atkinson spent , SundllJ with ,:UDelOf.lt1le P ~t l'~llec~iohsof a well-known man in th~ Qoupty. There have been n.eighbo rh?od ~etly wOl'l'ies and trials.we are ~earMrs. J. H. Hawke and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hollingsworth ' IT(~tl~m~.D~I:tilID· .,vr.; meetill8' WIt) 9r, having been l'Iuperintendent', of ,the angels who watched beSide the dying' m~ ourselves to no avail; and If we Miss Clara, were Dayton visitors Sat- and family, of Oregonia. ,~~~~lf!IllI9~I((V~n~',thft Cu~an minis~er CountY Infirmary for 'many years. sinner, sustained orphans and wid ows al'e allowing small things to irritate urday. Miss Clara remained for!:, I. N. Stou~ wri~ us from Cali_ .. w~o ocCupied the "iu~xt He was an uncle of Miss Edith H'a r- and en~tlred great troul:)lps sublime- and harrass us and, to spoil the beau- more extended visit with her si8tt'r roo~· ~ , ~ Being an M. D. and ris of this place. . , ly like ma,r tyrs. b),lt if a dusty shoe tiful days for us. and , our families Mrs. John Fromm. fornia as follows: "I receive the ialIo .~~n hea,nd, Dr. Ward , . trod upon a freshly washed 'fioor. or lets,take ourselves In hand and change paper each week from home. and ' lOn, ~tti~ acq.uain~, \ '.' busband or ,cblld came tardily to our ways. We can do, it if we' choose. Robert' Mosher and Miss Phoebe though among the beauties of the l~tI.rJd ldm ,~ be verY, polite, Miss Annie Koern~r" daughter, 'o f the , br~kfast table, the a~gel be- Clear our minrls of ,every gloomy, Moshel', of Cardington, Ol~io .. Mrs. Golden state. i~ is always a welcome co~rteopa, _t~em~ty i ~d kind. 14ic~ael and Annie Koerner; died at, Cllm,e a turb':llent woman, again 5:nd- selfish angry or revengeful thought. Edith Harris, M!ss Edith and Harris ,vtaitor." HIt • . , eft.. iCU!Id as ~ar interpre- ber home in Chicago Sun<lay evening, ihg all hands adrift. To be k1Od, Allow no reBeIltm~t or gruda-e to- Mosher attended the' funeral of Eli ter and ~ u.'ln· ~ WQ8, ag~ 67 ~ears. ~he body ' was 'means to be thoughtful. The, kind- ward '!'lan or fate to stay l~ our IronS at Lebanon Tuesdu,y. · " Word ,was received from Rev. H. '~.1Jr.w..r )rery; mUQli ' pleaa.. brought .heretorburial;arrivingat~ estahdmostlovingheart willsome- , hearts over nia-h~. Wake in the ." ", , w. Ban~ytbathe " ancl Mfi/ Bailey . , ' him. . I ' .corwil;l TueSday morning ' at 8:30, times forget ~nd be ear~less, ' but It morning ,with a 'blessing for every, Schum~~r'8 Little Chick Feed. 'Yould leave Flori,d a. Monday, and ' . do. not ira ou~ and wu taken to the Chapel, where can~o ' ~e ,perpetu~llY f(\rietful and living, :thrng <:In ollr lips an.d in o.ur , ~othihg ~tter ~n , the . ~rket, would be '~o~e ijle- lat~r ~..rt ot the, ' ,,~ fOI' __~red\ldnl the mid lie ofthe Rev. J : F. ("ad'IVal)ader condu,cted careless of'another s ~ishes and need~ s~ul. Wherever follows thIS recIpe Made from corn, m~lIet, kaflir cor,n. ,week. It, IS very , 8r8tlfyi~ to Rev . , ~ amilila the "Parque the Services Interment was ma'qe even in the Iller~t 'trifles. Fir&t, cannot fail ~f happiness. good for- ~~eat, charc~ and ~ro~nd marble. ~ailv's friends ~ ~ear that ii, baa Nthelt p~ctpal park, ,Is in Mi~i cemetery. The, Koerners last and 8lway~ the eeser self must tune ~d a us~ul ~fe. 10 the ri,!ht, proport10n tQr keeplnt cover~ fror.n.h18 dln81!16 and ",01 00and , ei~hel' 'were formerly, reaidena,of Harveys- be supjugated, and ~he weak and (Wr~tten ~nd read bY ',A. B, Chand- your ehtCD ~ealthy and strong. cupy h18 pulplt next Suilday, bo~ (CciDttaUtlld on .... 6) bunr. unworthy qualities overcome. Jer at the Granp,) . .Bold "t White 8 Store. morniq and even!q. ,
How Man"· Men Actually Succeed in Life I
<lI ar",
-_..... WHERI!!:~~
l\:~~.::N~azette (K[(Q)GJ@[@(u)~t~ 1ftXl~ WAYN:S~:~: TO OHIO . @'~~[~ ~mm @~CoJ(f~a~6j
Too tIppIng evil !las been dealt a crushl_s blow In th placo where, above all oth rs, It hna fiourlsl:ed ram· pantly In tills country, In )ll w York, where evory personnl scrvlc(l, no mat· t er how s ligh t and \""Je11 pai d tor, cal~' for a gratuIty , the dlscC'ver y has be n modo that tbe real beneficiary Is not al ways tbe peraon tb e gl.t Is' Intended for, bot n kind of sma!! trust ~ blcb hna t)ee u form ed to rake In this easy money. Iu lOnny places or pub!lc reo 80rt I_ New York, fr ee checkroolDS are P1"O'tided. From tbo majority of those whom be Ber ves each cb cit boy re celves a ti l}. A concera came to t he front Dot long ago and contracted wltb the proprl tors of many or thelll) places to take ch arge or tbe check roo m!!. Tbe rest was easy, says tb o Cleveland Leader. The boys were paid two or tour ttollars a week for their wo rk, and ordered to tu rn In all theIr tips. They _ere provided with pocketless unl· forms &.lid were und er the eye of other employe&, who acted as cashIers and monJtora, mach boy was expected to coiled at least five dollars a dar. 61 course, now these ch eckrooms 11'1\1 have t. go. But New York and all the rest of tbe country has agaln had Its attenUon drawn to t he fact that tip· ping Ie a European custom, born of lervlle oondltlons and entirely out of barmollY with American pride, self-r eIP ct U\d Independence.
To Incline Toward Mercy, 1101 .ha d b en ~far fruin, a /5'00(1 1)0, durfol;f til d~}' 1!-Uil,· LOwru·t! 1I 1g ll tfnll lie r a\l1. d th'e fnot, tully. ' U hlp well a cq1Jnl,l Ited wlbh. III wOI·},h'lil.l of ~I!.D'· l1y (JIll ' 11111 HI, Ito fi ll d a Utllll ,dl" lom.MY. . . • ;, hall YQ\1 t U rather (lbol1t In ~ be IJlq~~I· a of his m ;1 h l'~ , .. rtninly I shall tell 111m ," \'t' pond· ed bls moth '" with sOl'r ,weul firm, , ' ness. . "Shall yOU "tell hl01 iJ r rc dlJ)nol' or a fter dInner ?" asllell Lil u1jll·!t. "After dinner," W;IS til all llQIlV
SMALL TRAP BAGS RABBITS '\IIa fl Y Boys Use Device Shown In IIlua- ' t riltlon to Capture the F~.stlve Little Cottontilil . .
m~n l.
".Mother," and Jim gllv 11 wiggle ot nntlclpallo~, "couldn't you bave ~ blueberry pudding ror his deijll rt. Couldn't .you 0 thal DIll '11 for , til • mother1"- Youtb's on1Pllnlo u,
Boys living In places wher e rabbits are to b founel are ha vlag gay li mes since the l;now r ' II t.rappl~g tl\C clln ·, nlng cottoutnll. The de vice \;sed Is 0. smnll box auoII! three feet long wl~h WOULD LIE AWAKE ALL NIGHT a drop door suspended aud resting In (S ~ :.-: , nl£ N B MAY.) • grooves. An ordinary stick connects \ Vh), dO Il ' l \\'0 ",,1\,' o u r baby '" vole. WITH ITCfUNG ECZEMA tbe c100r with a trlgg r 11 Id In place A·,·I II,;III!: lhl'ulll;lI lho hull ? by nnoth r Y sbapod s lick. Ttle trig· Or 8" " hlol. Rl,ln hili IIt'W red top, "Ever since I can rem£'mber WiLl r h-ny ly t OB 1110 ball ? ger has a not b cut in It and extend II a ' terrible suff rer of 'C l\eJU and Into tb e tril l} from a snlail b ole cut In ". ' II, ) 'm n Ol 8ure. but I think other Irritating sk ill dis ;II,;oS, J would '['lint I!h nllid w e sly1 r p eep lie aWl\k all nlglH, und IllY Bull'erlng til e top or th e box. Insid e ot the trap a.nd uack of til trigger Is placed an 1111 0 hi" dlu" t}' IIlll o · rlb. was IntOle rable. A SCld l' h U11101' sel· W ,,' d lind o ur p el as le p, tled on my flack. and .\)e lng but a elil' of corn. nunnie nosos around t,o OME day Khartoum wlll be tb world. YO ll como to the markels, rows and som thing to eat, 1008ens tbe trig· child, 1 naturall y s ralchcd Il Jt garden city ot Africa.. It has aQd ro ..... s of straw huts ..... Itb a Ulan or te r nnd th e door drops. The rabbi t was a burning, Itchlug lll'l1l;lI t1on, and HOW TO MANUFACTURE PAPt R been laid out with tha.t v l ~ w . \ woman squaHlll g Ip. each, ready to utterly Intolersble, III foct, It was so The Immensely wide stre ta are ~ batT r In termlnahly fo r the eggs or Some Interesting Fach aa to It. Origin that I could not pOIISlbly forget obout bordered by small trees which nmatoes or til l~ hlck eus or the green tt. It dJd not tak luug befor It and Material. It I. Made ofmake the hot, dus ty ell.panses of rondo ,tuff sprend on t he grounll outs ide. As spread to my shOl1ld m's and arms, and Its Many Usc •. way seenl dustier II.Ild hotter by mocic· you wander through, look along ever y I was almost covered with n mass of log the wayfarer, as If a thirsty man , treet of low mud hous s and you will raw flesh ou account of illY sorate-Mng W derive the word paper trom the Ihould have a thimbleful or water of· see It str tch lng away dead stralght to o LaUn papy rus. the name of an Egyp- It. I was In Sll h a. conc)ltlou that my fered to h1m. But growth Is rapid here. whe r th e towu ends 00 the desert. g • tian pla nt, from which the ancien ts bands were tied. Before many years are past th se sal)· For R, comple te contrR,st go over to Om· "A number of pb)"sl I U8 ware all· made a very' desIrable material tor ttnp 11'1\1 spread their leafage wid e, du rlTl a n. Elev el'i year s ago thIs was writing. Almost every species of ed, but , It seemed b ~' onc1 Ulelr med· and everywhere one will walk beneath ;tlll th Dervl sb canltal, the residence tough, fibrous vegetable' has at one Ical power and knowl E'dge to \Ire a 0001 canopy of whispering leaves. ot the ful se proph t who made !Jls pow· . tlme or another been employed In the m e. Having tried , mIDI, rous treat· At present nobody wa.lks. The firs t ~ r telt o\'e r nearly half Africa. It wu manufacture of paper . J!lven tbe roots ments wlt.hout deriving any benefit J110rnJng I was here I made a gTeal a. slave·tradlng center, a. vast prison, and the bark of trees, stalks of the from them, I had given mys If liP to mistake. [went out for a stroll rouud where e very man felt hImself a cap· nettle, the common th istle, the stem the mercy of my dr nclflll malady, but ,to get an tdea of the town. Frankl y tlve and ku ew that a turn of Fortune's of the hollyhock, hay, straw, cnbl.lage I thought I would take t be Cut\cura I thought It was a detestable place. wheel ' mlght at any Ume number him treatment as' a lllst r ' ort. Worde stalks, willow, sawdust and wood shav· oannot eXnrPAs m)· gralliude to the AccerdlDg to figures prepared by tbe '-rhere Is about enough 'here.'r 1 said , among the victims who were banged Ings have all been used. ' Trap 'BaUed. "to make a decent·sized village, and on high gallow s In the market place one wbo crea ted 'The ulle\lm MIra.toroner"B otBce. 18G homicides occurred In the library of the British Muthey have spread It over an area big every Friday to strike the Khallra's In W. nlty In 1910. One hundred and enough for the site of a City." It was terror home to eve ry heart. It was a lso Is then neatly trapped withou t be ing seum there Is a book, prLnted In low cles.' as I have nam d th Ill , for now 1 feel 8S If I nev\)r sutrel' d from veD eight JM!I'8ODS were shot to death and yery hot. It was also windy. Dust lay a vast harem wll re wOlDen raided Injured and the young trapper can cap.. DutCh, that · ontalns no less than tlfty· a pimple. My dl el\so WIlS ron1,ed by Ight specimens of paper, all made of Oullcurs Soap I).nll Olnttn nt, ruHI 1 lInettcally all the other Idlllngs were thIck all over exce pt 1D the very mid · trom many tribes were herded togeth· ture the hare alive. "I've caught s ix rabbits this '1 Iijter," 'e ntirely differ nt ma te rials, the result s hall ne ver ens prais ing tilo wonderdne to the tolerance with which the dIe of the road. 1 saw no white peo· er to give the fanatical Baggarn II. foresays a boy li ving near t he city ot of one man's xperlments as far back ful merits ~h e y contain. I wl11 n v r ~nblto Jooks on the vicious habit of pIe about. I came back to the bote l taste of their bestial Paradise. Eleven years ago It was death or Chicago. "1 ate one Christmas day, ns 1772. be Without t b 10, In tact, 1 cnn almolJt ~1io« concealed weapons, says t~ sticky and tired and In a bad temper. Whateve r the mat rial UB d, t he pa- dare any skin dll{ ne8S to aUock me But after a cool drink In a long cbalr captivity almost worse than death , fm but the oth r five I'm keelling [or pete. . ~ew York Tribune. It II a melancholy per making process Is the same: The At first they were badly 8 ared, but 11 so long as I hav Cutl urn nomedl fact that the restrictions placed on the on the balcony looking over tile river couple of t he m hav grown tame now rags. bark or fi bres must lirst be fn the 1I0use. I hop that this lotler aale and use of deadly weapons are lind over the great stretch of desert and I am going to ke p them until next mad' Into a s mooth pulp, the pulp Is w1l1 give olb r surt I'ers an Idea ot , practically nil in effect. Any purchaaer beunded by fascinating far·off hills, I summer and theu raise some YOllng put Into the paper machine. nud In a how 1 suff red, and also hOl'e that , reflected nnd began to understand. In with Ole price can arm hlmself with a this dry atmosphere thirst becomes a short time is -conv rted into paper: ones. th.,y will not pass tll • ullcu rn Ut Th e so·call cl rice pape r of tl.e bl · Saving- StatIon.''' ( 'lgn ~ll) C. 1..0111. revolyer, tbe favorite tool of the crim· habit, and it Is necessary Ito drink otten "I have four traps s t, one a double nese Is not made o' f rice. Cfhe name can always tell when there Is one. I Inal a~ut to commit a burglary or of lime juice or lemonade. As I cooled Oreen, 929 Cb stnut St., Philadelphia, • a prisoner in the trap without look- Is a misnomer tl1at orlglnat d In a Pa., Aug. 29, 1910, .' either crime of violence, and of tbe off I ·became more reasonable. 1 nQIng Inside. The t.rost around the trig- mlsta ke. Rice paper Is r alii the pltb paranolao about to resent an fmagin tlced the gatberlng of donkeys and ger bole on lop of the trap w~1I be of a water·pllLnt Imow n to botanists as· BI'1 grteYance. Instead of compellln, of 'rtckshas drawn by small ponies PROOF POSITIVE. melted with the rabbit's breath. Some- th ara lia tmpyrlre ra. · The ' plant near tbe gate ot the hotel on the rivthe buyer to show a license, present times the trap Is sprung either by the gro ws, us ually , to a height of twenty· references of good character and other er's edge. Everybody who went out wind or by birds lighting on the cross- flv teet. By · mans of n long, tbln, took one or the other. Since then I wlae establish his responslblllty, the bar. It's tough to find tbe door down ve ry s harp knife, t he pith Is (lut have done 'lIkewise, and I have DO furcommllnlty permits him to equip him· #1.round and. around from the outside and nothing Ins ide. ther complaints. There Is ooe walk, nlf anel ro'a m at large u a potential and a very pleasant one, ' left-handed "Two years ago, when 1 was living towards the cuter. !J'he largest taker et lite. in the country near Springfie ld, m., 1 Sheets' that Cfln b obtained in thla along the river toward tb~ poInt where \Vay a re a bo lit fifteen Inches In longth the Blue and 'W hite Nttes meet, keepand about te n Inches in width , These Reports rrom the Cooper hospital 1D Ing each Its distinctive color for many ,Water Carrier•. I s he t8 of pith have 8 commercial C&mdeo gIYe surprisingly gratltylng re- miles down, and when the steam ferry value In ChLna, (or there tbey are pilei to Omdurman on the further any white man found In the KhaUfa's sults la the treatment of tetanus, used In the manufacture of mll.llY useWithin the poat month, It II said, three bnnlL But no one would dream of sphere of murder, robb ery and rapine. ful nnd ornamental articles. paUeatB who had genuine cases 01 walking even here under the palm Today you step Into a steam tramway As soon as the s heets are cut the,. trees until the sun bas dropped lo}\'. car In Khartoum, whlcb takes you to a Be-Oh, yes; I writ verso 0 nslo. lockjaw had been cured.' Two of these are spread out, all little holes In them ' ally-but I tear it all up as' soon 31 'RIdes In the early mornjng fresbness steam terry; and frQm that again you were ,c hildren and the otber a man of over the desert sand and lawn tennis are 'carefuly mended with bits 'o f mica, I write It. · board another car and are set down tn , lorty-four: In the latter caSe the die- 118 soon as the shadows begin to the heart of this once-terrible Omdurand they are then made fiat by pres· She-Ah! 1 knew ~ou w te c1 \' , sure. The smnll, Inferior sheets are ease bad reached the Itate where tbe lengtben-that la bow we take our ex- man Even in what la aUlI a completebrllllanUY dyed, and the n sold to man's jaws were lock~d and his whole ercise In Khartoum_ . Among Coneaguel. . ly native rabbit warren ct a city thero flower manufacturers. On the large "I am Miald that mlLn 81ICaltll b' tote nenGUs system WII.8 temporarily para· The 'distances would really be dim· are signs of the tidying-up process on sheets native artis ts paint Quaint, be thInks." . lyzed, lays the Philadelphia Inquirer. cult, eVen If the roads were not so every side. "Police Post" you see brlght·hued pictures of Insects. blr,ds "Imposslblel" The treatment used Is an antl·tetanlc dusty and hot. You are told tbat some written up at frequent Intenals. "Oov· and flower., and find a .ready market "Why ?" lerum which Is sald to act very quick- place you want to go to Is "at the end ernment School," "C. M. B. Dhipen, {or them, iJoth at home and abroad. "He never thinks." of the i3treet." This means at least a sary," the placard of an English fire In· ",. .... -~ Q1. ly alld leue no barmful results. This ~ ~ It would be next to Impossible to 111 lie, and sometimes nearly two. Yet surance office on a storehouse, ' the dfsease is one t!lat bas bamed medical tell ·ot all the ways In which It Is posModern ' application Is likely to exthe buildings are ,scattered only here Trap Sprung, aclence for centuries &I,d If a speclfio and there. There Is but one good Eu· tall, splndle-shanked, but eminently sible ~o use paper. We ' are told that tract the tec.th of ~n old £lA-w. soldierly Soudanese sentries at the , bas beea discovered .. ..,e of the most ropean shop. There are bits of pave. barracks, the numbered armlets which It takes but twenty-nine Iiours to conInsidious and most senuus menaces or ment In places, but for the most part the donkey bOYs ' must wear-all tell bad a tllnny time one morning willie vert linen fibre Into a Jlaper <la rwheel, lUaking the roum!., of my traps. In Ufe has been' overcolJle. It has been road way and sidewalk have not yet the same story, not ot "civilization," ooe 1 fOllnd the door down and thought The wheel Is composed e ntirely of often said tbat medical science Is not been separated. Consequently one has but of straightening out. Whether In I had a rabbit. ] raised the door cau- pap r rings, which, w en plied looseprogres'Jlng wltb the sama rapidity as thE' sense of, wandering about',a suburb Its crowded, narrow, awnlog ,hung tiously and was just going to stick my lY, stack as hlgb as' t~le shoulders of Its allied branch, "urgery, but. tbere I)h\ch Is stili In the builders' hands bazaars, where you greedily aeek aUt· hand Inside 'when I saw It wasn't a a man of averugf,l height. Thes rings, seeOls reason for believing that experl. -Mld only just 'beginning to be occu· tle shade from the burning sun" or rabbit, but some othe r big and ·woolly under tnlatmen t , sink to the thicknes. desired, end arc then 6e·· urely fasten·' mentation will In the next decade or pled. Well, for "suburb" resd ·'elty," down by tbe river, where the-. export ilDlmal. I was scared and rushed back !Lnd that Is perfectly true of Khartoum. trade In gum ond groin Is busy, Om· tor my tather. It didn't take him long ed by means of bolts, and a steel tire 80 work wonders In this line. [t has beeu planned with an eye to the durman seems to be s tili heaving a to discover that] had trapped an opOS' ,Is put on them. In RUssia and Gerutur e. sigh of reUet. The people or'3 cheerful, sum. Atter that 1 was more careful many pap~r car-ralls have ulready A legislator In. Missouri proposes a "Some day," tb ey Balel to themselves. hut tbere Is a shade of apprehension about sticking my bare head Into the been used to some extent, and have line for the railroad station agent who these far·slghted ' Englishmen and In the ir faces yet. And hU'e, far mOlle trap. It Is a lot easier to catch rab,- given satisfaction. Enthusiastic paper retuses to answer the Questions wblch th un In Khar.toum, with Its English bits after B snowfall. 1 always watch manufacturers tell us that paper the traveling publle may tire at him. "'nrdeos and English faces, you realize tor their paths along 8.< fence or ravIne hOllses, paper furniture of e very de· why. This Increases the probability that and then put tbe trap rIght In the run- ecription and paper 'clothing of every H, HAMIL.TON FYFE. lIQD1'OD'I ' nlleulD4tf~~ the hurried Inquirer may promptly way. Any I,)oy ,!an make B trap wtth k1nd 'will be- In use In the near tuture linin. la tbe leS. arm", leal'll that the six o'cloc;{ train leaves .wolloD joIDt... Contnlnl 0. tew boards, some nails and a ham· Ollluw, coca IDe or drug. to . Wclghtl and Meaaures. at 6 :419. BUGLE CALLS IN MEGAPHONE mer." ' IInID. It nOllti"nltzea the lelil" London has wbat New York bas out all rbeumlltlc 1'0t1OD" trom tern. Write Prot. UnDYOn, G3d .,.: "".~_~~_ not, namely, chenp and easy access to Sound Carrie. Two or Three Times a. enOD The Mlnn np c; lls womnn who got Il St~~ P hlln.. Pa;, tor meu ...... ' authoritative standards or weights and BOY BEATS SYSTEM OF BAN'K ~lc .. abaolutel7 tree. Far a. In OrdInary Way-Paesed dlvorce because her husband darned measures. At the Royal observatory From Point to point. Lbd mend ed OD the lawn In tront of of Greenwich these standards are ~Ieveland Lad Evolvel UnIque 'S cheme the bOll8e, disclosed another advantage fixed on tbe outslcle walls. so that any The megaphone as an adjunct to ,the to Get Around Rigid Rules and ot sex. No husband y/III have the shopkeeper or householder or other bugle, Is becoming. Increasingly Impor' Depo.lt Half Dollar, hardIhood or disposition t.v get a ell· doubting Themas can go at any time tant ib army lite. Bugle·calls hlown vorce becnuse his wife doee that. and get Information nnd an easy con'I'bls Is the story of the boy, the science without wnltlng fort4ns pectora bank and the system. or red tape unrollers. T{e varioul The latest stunt of avlallon Is thl! The boy came Into the bank and lengths are decided at Greenwich by berdlng of cattle with an aeroplane. laid a half·dollar with his bank book passing the measure to' be testecl beBefore long, possibly. we RLall be rals· Egyptian Cafe, 3n the receiving teller's window. tween raised points In metal plate!l. Ing a wInged-breed (If cattle, and with "We don't receIve deposits or'leBS There Is a, pound balance there by hanging prairi es tor plldlures and Bcotsmen and Irishmen, not forgetting ,which any weight may be verified. In than a dollar," saId 't he teller. aerial cowboys the land will be left to Welshmen, "some day thIs vast coun· Trafalgar square there are standards The boy yielded reluctantly to the the sharks of finance. try will, Instead of being mostly desert, ot 100 feet and one chain (60 , feet) on 8yste~ and drew back. But he dId be covered with wheat fie lds and cot· brass plates, with accurate subdl· not leave the bank. ,He croased t.he Dame Fashion has , de'!reed that ton fields: Work and water will turn vIsions. These brass plates are set III corridor and aeated himself on a setwoman In the future must. wear noth tbe barren sand Into one of the great the granite steps 'on the nortb 'aide tee. producing countries of the world. In The teller noUced him sitting there, Ing bat b ~r own ~alr. Just watch the that day Khartoum wtll no longe~ be ot the square. There are other sets ,of • and also noUced the reflective look on Bug\e-CalJl Through Megaphones, dear girls arise a8 one arlO proclaim tbe bead place of a prOvInce wblch ,Is stundard'S In Old Palace ' yard. .New his face. loudly unto' 't ho world: "Every bit of stili looked upon as the Cinderella of York might cave them outside the city hall and In the public squares here ' The boy waited for some time, think- through a megaphone carry two or this Jutl ill ~y . o~n ! " ,0 rats; puffe the British empIre and treated accord- Ilnd there. Ing ,It over; ~Inally ,he aros~ and three Umes th e distance of such a ~all Ingly. .wd 2\witcll <>Ii r' " , went to tbe paring ~eller's window. b_own tn the ordinal\}' way. At the wost· "It wLl\ be the cal>ital' of a rich . and . ~nd Yet He Lived, fI. DlOD}erit later he confronted the re- ern army posts, · wbere the sendln$ New York tv BarUn by rail over the powerf!ll domInion. Whether It will "Spotted fever" recel ve,d . somo qu~r ceiving :teller. · . . ' of bugle caHe to distant points III oCten . . Berin g sea route Is the latest · project. bEl fitted to play .th,ls Important part treatment In John Wesley's. day, ac' "'I want deposIt this dollar· and a desired, megaphones and bug'es are In ,the world drama. and set an e' x am. cordl~g to Wesh~y's .Tournai of Septerb halt," be said. By the tim e It Is completed there 'wlll . situated at polntl about a mile Ilpart, and the calls are paslled from Plijnt tv be plenty of a roplanes 'IlI,ttlng hither · ple to other capital!:'" dep,e nds ' upon ber, 174G. A lDan named John Trem· The tel1~r, IP'lnnr.d. I1S," sald thelle Britons, tilled with a bath had the fever and Wesley wr:ote : pOint. " , , • and yo_ across the deep. ·The boy ' had' just drawn a dollar great hppe and pride; and they ~ap-, ··It was the, second ' r9.1l\pSe Into the from his Jj i~te balance and w"" uslDg ped out the plaoe ACcordingly. spnttell fever, tn the hlllgbt of Whltlh Her' idea of . Chrl.tenln~~ Perbapa even tho Atcbleon man who Even in the DJltlve town away back the.\' gave him sack, coLd mUk aaol It. -.. an entering wedge for the 're-o A lltUe girl wbose father wu an ..,. be hi w poor tbat he oouldn't bUT from the river 't here Is order and de- apples, plums, as much as he oouhl ler:ted balf-dollar. . And so tbt. system waa beateD by M. D, waa told tbAt she wal goln, t • round or amn'unltlon for an airgun sign. Pasl'Jng through t)1e vast OPED 8,wallow. I can see no way to accOllJI1 I he boy aDd . a eon.lderable ecceaBlbD be chrlltene(l tbe following Snno .. ·' apace 01 Abbo. aquare, whlcb wlU In for bls recovery, but that be bl4' ftot au t,n tb make of aD automobUe ., )f hookkee,~u5 labor waa the price of SooJl aft-er Ibe aaked ber mother l Wue rank alii one of. tbe lIleat In tile blabed bli work." tar .. be Gall . . . It.
.....··-----D· ---_ ... -... ···. 1-
~~"[~~. Ai ..:.:.:..:.... ---- -'.-_e. ___ ._. -_,
abe mUlt b. cblDnt(Dl'JIl'sl drat. '
Rheumatism Advi ce
Give. Promin ent Doctor' . aelt Prelorl ptlon-I I £.llIy,, ,,txed.
"Oot one ou~~ of IYrup of S&r..P" o.t , Tort.8 rHla. compound and one ounce ,compound. Then .et half a pInt ot coot In&re4l~ lwo whJtlky and put the other oorul ent.. Into It. Tako a tab)eapo and moal thl. mIxture betore each lied Ume. Shake the bottle before laO cIty aa ' lhl. In Ing." · Thl. 18 not new Ul" many ot the WOrBe casell of rbouma cured , by tt. an.d back-ache have boeo A.~ day, ftret .. th come rOllult. Oood sandy so\1s aa In clay soils, nnd there. druagl~t hlUl th08e Ingredlenta on hanG tBy W. L. SPOOS.) will Quickly I:llt them from h1B Ths mixing of sand and clay as a for e need not be so carefull y guarde~ or wholosal e hou.a. JuvJ one can mta Indica. any t I , eless, Neverth receivagainst. has ction thom. torm ot rond constru pre. ed carcful study and Is ot great 1m· tlons ot these springs are (ound, How a marrlecr man does n't enJo1 portan ce, eSlleclnUy to the Atla.ntlc caution s should be token to conduct some by g to one side of a spoony tel. ditches listenin side tbe to out water through the where states, and ·Gult ation. convers phone alnage. underdr ot Ilrnc· form aro clay largo areas s and and Whe n the drainag e has been prop. tlcnlly the only materIa ls availab le for Garfield TCIL i.e Nature's llIutivo an4 erly l1rovlded, the roadbed should be road building . blood purifier; it overcom es consti patioQ bpen has It crown. a to con· ho brought t ' tbat said be t ailmentll. It mny sarely first and its mllDY Ilttendan structlo n of sand·cla y roads had lIlISS- found more econom ical to crown the nearest The Ol.cove re,.. ed t1le experim ental stage. It hna a section ot the road boen provod that they are well adapt· Of tau Its a Beeker be would be, ed for light tralllc, and are leslI noisy, or recomp ense he tounll a dearth, Bave In the truthful 'lla lm that he loss dusly, and more rcsillen t thau Had pIcked the eas\est job on earth. the average macada m rosd. Evon un. der heavy traffic ' they hav e proved to Cross SectIon Showin g Lump s of Clay on Sand Subsoil and Covered With a great xtent satistac tory. There SPOHN 'S DISTEM PER CURJ.~ will Sand. eure IUIY pOllsible ('ase of Dll')TEMl'ER are aand·clay roads In the Soutb AtPI NK EYE. and the like 1l0V)11g hon~ lan tic (lnd Oult states over whicb of all ages', ilnd prevents all olh is in tLe ot load nrst Tho clay. farm tlie other ot and r:;Durco henvy loads ot cotton same &table from hl1viog the disca.~ c. AIMO sccd prepare this on product s are hauled througb out the day Is du mpe r! curcI! {'Licken cholera, and dog di"temper. supply YOIl. or send year with but li ttle rosultln g dam. tlon at th e point nearest the clay bed, Any good druij{iat can$1.00 II boLtle. A"enlli and cents 50 hnul· mire. to being us th load kind ecting tills of succ ss each cheapne age. When the Free bonk. Spohn M ~fli II I Co., wl\nled. Should Care ng. wlJl l,recedl It ed over t.he of constru ction Is con Sidered , Spt:C. ContagioUll DilielUlcs. Goshen . Ind. be seon that for certain 10cnl1tles at be taken to spread each separat ely and evenly as soon as It has been doloast It Is preferab le to macada m. A Way to Keep Lov. fn. In all torms ot road constru ction the pOSited aud b fore It Is driven over, Mrs, Honey bird-B ut, DIckey, dear, Atter spreadi ng the clay It s hould the fiat Is 80 tiny. Why, the wlnd01V1l most Importa nt consid eration Is that of drainag e. It nalural drainag e doc!! be covered with a lay er of clean s1,lnd. are so smnll a mouse couldn't crawl lbroug1l. Mr. Honeyb lrd- Tbat Is all the bet· ter, dear. ,W hen lloverty comes tD love can't fly through the window. . Subsoil Sand Deep on Cro .. Section of Road; Showin g Clay Cover &rough t the Tea,... An unusual Inciden t markq.d a .... not exist, artificia l method s must be When the rJJad has been opened to The n'Fe Itartus d. The best natural drainag e Is traffic a sufficie nt amount of sllud cent fire In New York. y tell. ftve-ator a ot cellar to the time In to ed Ume or from ed gravel add be loose a should upon usually found lshed oxtln«l1 wal It betore and prevont ment and smooth the surface keep the a sandy Boll, especia lly when In the building and all grade of the road Is somewb at above the formati on of mud. Both tbe thick. the 18 tamllies firemen were weeping coplou. lT the surroun ding country . It the land ness and the width of the layer ot clay tbe walHn. InftalDe d eyes, In the cellar been' from bad the buyer by the ned Long determi to His are . enough spI'ead locality be deep t to Is dry and the sand tor • mor~ Ignoran to com. or onions had been stored. to bags man many young certain which a for tramc s of t er Pari. bo~e Wall selling long toreade absorb qul.!kly even tbe heavies Volume and charact e man allowed the tenante fir' chief ' The of standar d blond and brunett e at $18 hIm. special attentio n need he giv- the road Is to sustain. In tbe building . assurin g remain baTing seeD , rains, no to man, young the Now tbem m'ak. provide to to hair than tbe · oUler and apiece, en to, drainsg e them that tbe flre was conflned to to stroll by. wu averall n, ·,12. Tranlfo rmatlon s tbe miller, happene d the propel' crown to the surfaoe of Cost of R.lling 8tock. cellar. They did not stay, how· llei! the QuestlQ ?" cutting tho you "Rave ' of the same tintl and Quality, were tbe finished road to divert the water Tho cost of raising calves and pigs ever. when lbe onions had lot well ~enlq at betw-.n ,26 and 60. Wigs the buyer. trom It. Frequen tly. fn tide-wa ter re- t:-om birth to maturit y Is discuss ed "No,!' the young mlln · anlwere d. '" gions, tbe country Is so low and level hrlefly by the omce ot experLm ent sta- e,fire. w.re aelllna at between UO and $flO ' It Ull I know p.r Wo. y,i ber. were sltll with refuse to uk her for that the -surface or the road Is likely tion. In Far,m ers' Bulletin No. 202, FAMIL Y PRIDL wound her teel· I... th.tD balf a kilo , on tbelr your price. I will not to be kept continu ally wet from seel" nlong with a number ot other sbort my sell not will I y, uselessl Ingl leiS met, for be to Ihorn ents!' has be n to experim conditio farm hudl 'r efuatng age. If this' ;'govern ment Put on stamped thaD 180. DO not be aurprl~d ' at. girl's hIllr for a trine. n Is necessa ry to dig wide ditches on Some dozen Instanc es are recorde d of I and $160 glv. will you that paper side of the roadbed and raille the raising nnlmals along tbe varied lines these GlUteI!, They are modera tetorget tbat eacb so t11/1t the crown of tne road actvocated by dllrerell t growers , ot for , lIv... balr cut trom vlgorou l Eu· wUJ f;ee about It. Don't grade naturall y wavy," 8ufficlently high to shed water which accurat e account has been kept. be wUl ro.,~an ,IrIs. The cheap artlcl. 18 mY., JIrl's balr II "Absurd !" crled the buyer. "Here, tboroug hly before. hauling any clay At the Storrs (Conne ctlcut slallon) brlttl. from Itrong chemlcl ll treattruth . "All . It. ment-a nd dead Chinese women! Half 1 will tell you the whole elgbt calves gained on an average of It your upon g. matchin the on s ,depend from I come balr tal.. . It Is very Importa nt that no stumps 1,31 pounds per day. On the basis of the pre'ent .prl'a hair does not match my lample or branche s of tl'ees or other matter the r ecorded data of various tenls the ' " Ohlna. s wlll add ~ubJect to decay should be overloo k ed cEtlmat ed cost of ra.lslng a calf unUl 'S ome comell from all ' Illand In tbe lI.bsolutely. natural wavines ash·blon d balr fine to $20, say -yes. mao mOlt the wbere Ilea an alld lett In the roadbed . as at such two years old Is $33.20. with tho procaribbe of a kilo; why, valltng prlcos ot fe eding StilI! In Con. IIpant leprosy caaes are ilent by the -say three-q uartera high vll1uatlo~. ne ctlcut. Cuban authorlt ll,ll. A little while ago $20 Is .a ridiculo usly on Itampe d pa· tbe b.ad of the elov. departm ent ot I\ut I will write down In some extensiv e cxperlm enta wltb In cale the a New· Yorw ,departm ent store pur· per that I will pay $100 pig feeding It was calcula ted tbat o~ Crol' Section of Road. Showin g 01 .. an average It to!)k 2.77 pounds of dl· ebaled a switch In the fal •• 'b alr (le- sample matche s." George l Ibook hll head. placem ent of Lump. of Clay When gestlble nutrien t at a cost of 3.12 partm.n t. Wlthlll two weeks from "One Jlundred and ten dollan -I Subject ed to Travel. cents to produ ce a pO\lntl of gain wltb the tim. she bepII to wear the switch Vlgs trom birth to maturit y. the upper part of bel' body wss ' at· can not do better.... . de· be to sure Negatio n. ,T he young man did love points weak plnces are , dlseale which several tpi'~ tacked with tim e. AIof course the In veloped And how am we get•. I:3tot'kRun Pror. Poultry: doctora atter consulta tioD pronolin ced her hilt. te t· be Cultiva much Is e drainag natural "Ono hundred ,and twenty dollars In though studies, ErnesUn eT pow· our grent with has on tp be l.prosy . ting earth ed turn In Fresh clay. on ter on sandy subsoils than s." d to the flTi cu promote tho been and you filth Cheap false balr ·fa daJlS.~u,. It case th. sample matche of Have ion ion ot the ers of absorpt And love conque red-lov e of don· clay district s the co nformat of an un· tivatillg of the poultry runs Is advla· Ing class yet1 all com.. from Indian and Ohlnes . be ,0 1 likely niore Is lalllbs, turkeYIl country Is sllUlll for ~ple. It Jon mull ba.~ lalle batt, keys, beUel'll, gOats, Little Miss Quacke r-Oh, no, pro(\ulatln g or roUlng charact er, thus llble. Elven It your spnce soli the of Mother has dec ided that I turnIng .88 to It that It la U,e lialr. It will ohloken s. fessor. eluent fr by Tem· runs. ed. "Wtlte It down plain," said tbe-' lurn lshln~ a natllral wntersh weather " you are assured of san itary conditio ns shall not take that course. She Bay. ~ coat more, but Wa ..te. It Is aald "wet d so·calle or porary gltl'" young man" who also loved his It. anybod y can fly-but only the beat t.f«n1.1~1Inl'\, that there are three qualltlel l of hair ·b. had the pa. .prlngs are not so likely to occur In tt you do In the mark.t: One' lott hair. cut trOJD tresses. Then, when fawlllea take to water Jlatural l7. ' he added: the beada of live wblt. girls. ch.ap ller lafely In btl pocket, In give "Now write what you will EDITOR BROWN E hatr that. Com.a from ' 4ea4 women of not match ." Rockfor d Morning Star• otber racel, and atm oheape r ,:whlcll case tbe sample does The Of Next market day at 'Salnt Martin mad. Into lO~lIed "rata" aDd II their with ..Id to fterlv. Ita beiD. mOltJy from ll'Urlag e tour glrls ltooci the atone ",About seven years ago [ ceased g coffee to glve your Postum a dUferen t klDda of animal . and to be splendi d balr down around drinkin ' bench opposit e the mnl. ·~a1th,.; bea.t1y .tuft." trial. "Be sea~ed." The radiant buyer "I will {put a notice In the "Place" "I had luffered acutely from vadOW! d to two of them. motione dOUrl. Martin of indIges tion and my stornacJa (orms that 1 am IQ91ttlDC SalDt He put $elr ~.armB through tbe &0 disorde red as to repel become , had .... a~r next mark.t day," tie I8ld apron. over every 60rt of substan tial food. to ~ollielun. the ~1I1.r. "The young sleeTes ot a bar~er'l al'Dost rs. ho tied My general health WIlS bad. At cl08e men are .t&ndJn c In th,lr own lI~ht whl,cb, ~round hi. shoulde Ostensi bly It s I would Buffer severe attacks bot· to order their own glrlli to come a black muslin cape. Interval wal to help' him cut. In trutb It Q~ ' and ,.t,the lr mon.yl " which confined me In bed for a VI'OO" con· tbe halr's or more. Soon after changin g from , "The young men.ar e .willlD, ~o HlI," "as to help him Judge .actuallr coffee to Posfum the Indiges tion repll.d tlie mUler. "but the, yearn for slatency Of tint before be uncann y, looked and In a short time cease4 abated, bett.r prl.c es. ~ poor girl's haIr la 's beared It. But It ot an executio n. . I have continu ed the dallJ entirely ,her manlag e portion ; but at the rates like the prepara tion Tbe first girl went under comb lind as sat• . 011 .ber h••it use ot your excellen t Food DrInk &Dd you offer, It tbe two side. o.ssure you most cordtau i tbat I am You can alwa,.a' walk down to Gren. Iheara. · Straigh t down each half fell Indebte d to you for the reUef It baa oble 'ancr.' 8ell ,It at need: and ' mean· of her ~bead-llo tbat man combed er-th. Ihould a over ha.,. may ... brought me. whtle more Ilberal buyer at the crown. "Wlahin g )'ou '\ continu ed IIUCceaa . I ,pell aIODI'. Our ,.ounl men know that al1 her trellel. parted -I S·II·I·_ Yours very trul,.. ' am up.", ope •• s J1alr Tb. ahe~ made a )Pili. contlllu · J. Btanley Browne . ' ''A, little knowl• • II a cla~erou. s-and tn bl. Mano.glng Editor." 'thlna," the buyer anekerwc!. "Bltcau .. OUI ' Iqubd; no. Inlpplnthe cirri haJr. Ot coul'lle .. when .. man's health b..,. etveD h"-" Prlcel tor t.ft hand he held balt I B·...·--! shows he can &taD4 coffee without a f ... rani ~..cll, the,. mUlt DotInthink Tbe 11rl Wall Iheared . the trouble. let him drink It. but moot tllat comma )lair II learce. . N.st girl! , highly orpnls ed braln·w orkera aJm· Oatt. H.len. Th. n.xt IIrl wa. npt flUap I ,wtn ~d · t1(eDt,.. ~arrl· cannOt. ply You would not lI.v. dreamt tnt ...." .....1A lfho .aN: w1111n1 to trade drup natural to the coffee ber· Tbe abe pride la., In Diehl al1 wept .he e olr .. ~elr ~..I.~ · locb for tIl.prlo the atomach and other orplll affect ry ' .. or '. JOun.: dODk.,.. b.r b,-« tbrew pllll, , four out took to the comple x nenoua hll thence Nta.t~ and w«mld m~ller the tnew ,He back. pv. a aIIake, and down eam. . -' " :-... Iya.tem. throwln~ It eut of balance and CUnl bll10wl wa,.,., . r1ppIlDI the ID miller talk on ,mar&.t da,.. 'AUe produeln~ 4lsorde r. In vartoul part. ftre and p . . tb... re~ot. C41~ten I. ~e ~D...,J cade. Th. aun atruck the body. Keep up tbla dally poll' of pa' of strip .1 .brlllg ' p14 reftecta from Ita asb.blon d ,1017. Th. aooomp anylni line drawln l rep. this outfit by placing the ell~'. ID~III' . peuant ab. and .erioul disease ,enera11 1 ~~~;;,;!;: both.r." 'onlne .. cyl. the .ucb II above name ''Hair ' the the ing acroll contain per h~m to an piat ~ IINeloa t ,thetr ~ releota the method of J. H. Rlnel, tb. ne.. So when man or WOMIUI "and' .up.rve : since bravely beloW', ~umlll of , Instead laup.d Clo~ ~ clont., a back.;, take hOIlM • third ID eastern dairyma n, ot k.,ep!ng records Inder opening coftee 'ls a smooth but dead· that ftndl ree. the Geore" keep to om ',11 ~c,ur. 1Pl~ ,trad~ the reat\ Not t~~ce _ey II .mpqrta nt . . I bope the Orange It wl11 be eaeler thus iearnl ~f the dairy berd. lays enemy and health Is of any value " ,.iliititllf~U.Z1.-i.It1l" t~$~.'"rrel~, W"a· t JI. be Iy on wbeD cmd roil mucb the II\.tnd QO won't both clean, tw.nty l., o~ds ap. Grenob to CO Ilmple they very o 'a ~r cl, • m,. JU.dd Farmer . Jt .. a This device can at all. tbere Is but one road-Q ult. back, 1111 ,tb. ~nnu~· wbat I am dolne. He 10 lov.. paratus . The roiler la round cyUo· the It rip of paper. ;n;~!tol~mitf, .'~~IIDir'J~tal'e811~. ~I~ dOW~ , and. . ' U} s easy to find out It coffee be tbe 'hair'" ln ~oullta at a very low the and of erable ,te.p Jacell of wood, loto whlcb I., Inserted an be made at home ier ~~~:>Lt.i _I:..... of the troubles , for If left olr 10 . cause ' n . unknow lid. . fte, fear. the cltJ'. lroo' han!!le. :Upon the cylinde r Is COlt. Postu:n be ured In lla place and dayS The buy.r kD.w thll when be' which , A lubtl. ,Deduction. wrapJ).d th~ sbee~ of paper uPq~ , al)d disease d condItio n. lick the , ' ',~, . and .' , Tiel. -er Wood added: 80ft olalmed, Sherloc k Holm... tbe recOrds of th. oow. 'are kept. This ... "Ha'" the proof Is un· dlsappo to begin k. f OrenI .t . 1lJ~ .... · "care ty 0 · oa 0 n accoun t o......~ , !'M ',or the .lIrla .. ' ar, anlwem ble. ~·Tb~t' me .1. mam.d . He . llaa may b• "plain. Ih.e.. t of paper, wheo Jr. oblei ]rb~. "e HUel bah' to Gren9b l. 'been mariied fot more thaD ' 'w. l'oatum Is not good If made by IIhort chestnu t and other ""Id.wo od , Umber .' . .. put,Qo tbe ·c yllnder. After \,Iacln, the commo nly ul!e~ for rallroai l ties, tall· bolUng. It must be boiled fun 15 'mJn' ' , readJ' 'm,c!e uP.!" '.' ,.eal'l."'" ''the g by revolVin oyllnde r 10 l.he BUt the bU~I"' "ou1dnot I..,. Saillt tully uBlnl', utel atter bolling, liegins, "'ben the "00/ ,.o~ know · him r asked cyUnd. r and holdJil'r a pencil sga Olt ' fQada have been success ~~Il d'Uri... · 'Withou t .' . certain WhartoD.· ' bBYe been , crisp 'flavor anll the 'food' e lem enta are . the paP,er, it ~ll make a ltialgh~ Hn'e the "titter woods, which , ~N. as oreo- brough t .o ut ~t" lbe grains and ~he bey' such la but chemloa ~Im; with .a" be(ore tr~ated r &~ ... n , ",~~' around tbe cylinde r. The horlzont , , IflOur cUe~t Iii ". mlllIOll aire Am.rI,' ative , erage 'Is ready to flllf111 Ib mlesion 01 Preserv ~«! etc. . that &10 t chloride UI ,Bote, xln'1, ...... the ~ balr:c1reaaer , wrot.\ I b,ar4 blm ..,. a mom.llB~ V:al.ntl DI. line. can ,be lI\.ade with ~ penCllbbY bOx oaok palatab le cOm tort snll r.enewln g' the red beech. treatm.• nt can .make II, IDa ,t~e edge of the openlDg In t e '"We' caD- oll'er:'FOu .olle hundred ' per .bad torlOUep. aU abo~ tie. ceUs and u,e"e ceDters , brQken 40. . oak white a_, outlast tie pIne or . l'&1t. l1Iultra. wu the It I~ , u ' a IIt~g!1t edge. . ' OIl lbe lowut pPl.,.. JOu ha.e to day untU rr b I IDstead 9' 1I~lkes acre. of use The placed II "hleb Uob Ule strip of paper H Reuon 110 Jog ~; aDd a. tbe , :.::;. •• hi y to wood 80ft the enabies qlk.a nan FUtil. AeplratlClJl8. OIl ' the box juat b.lolf th. opeDlu , 1lU ...... . u ~Ith pl'I,cUean,. Get the Itttlno o" j'"ne ftoa4 I!aa...r-l ~b w. CC!Qld appJ, te UUIowrh lfbleb "lbe CJIID~er aptJeU'8 realet the-Itra ln and hold til. rail. JII I ';111 Dot ~_ceal ilt." In pJr.. "WeIlY IIkel, la Od G If. soft or •• U n. place, Tbeae troD" CII ClOD. le the of oantlalDa the Dame. . KI.~"" tIItlL .... ctel4ll~ tile prbaclp ft~. til. IIh,.. I..... ' . ' ~ .... tho.. for market tbe . namea areopp ollte the coI~ on the to Improy ..... tI... _. . . .~" _ pv lbe for aultable timber of 1I'8d" ro 1 "lier. :tbelt· record II kept. A J'rId4- Wbal I, tlaatt '. tM ...... ad laU ., . . . . .
Bandi to Deriv ed From Clay- Sand Highw ays 'Shou ld Prove Incent lvo t'or a. More Gener al and ' Caref ul ~tudy of Subje ct.
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The undersi!!ned have !ormed a co-partnerh ip for.hc gencralpractiseof la\ underthetirm namc of Wright & Thompson, with offices in the
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LUCK ( Uy )\fa
Wrighl - \onger Building, lebaoon, Ohio. Any business entrusted to our care will . t tt Ii receIve I)romp a en on.
j@W.G. THOMPSON t}t)F.PART,\\EN·T~FA-O-RI-CU-LTUR~ Econo . nizes Over Other Feeds. ::i:ji WILLARD J. WRIGHT_ ):)::: 1. ;~:~~'iou of ••••••
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. BV OSCAR ERF. Da I ry llC'pn rinH' IlI. ['lll h'gt' (If A s r', ('ult urI"'. Cnl Un) lJ\I~. Ohll):
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=!!.-'"!-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H·lti; F01'C1ig n br"d Ul'Ilfr., l Ol l ;
'U r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . ilCnn hl'lld (l ntft,. 1::?1 1; Ot.hl.' t" pure ' n Own I'S or cows sho uld consi der . ',l mt ov e rrllied the llernorrer l 3 . hl'( dl', ::l3~; ukn ow/\ orollfllllt{, I the IlIl lol'lnnc of r (' d~ng more ceo. O. , thfl oa~ ofT . C. Plttterson v Plln hr t',1 I\ nll~, (u ll bre<H I.') 779 1 nomlcally tbun tlley have In lhe flasl. M. B l'OI!U · PIll t:l bn,.ll).,IIt''I. (1111 b l'£, ' fl \l ) 125-1Q , SHag ' Is one of th reeds I bat sbo uld Probate Court. Pur('l h rt'd \',IIJ)I<, (u!J breell , 17430 not be Igll ol'l'll by the R"erag dairy. .:::0. 11 nOll Picas Court. \ V Z. ·R oll til d proof of publiol!. P,,' r ' ullt, .)f d ifYcJl'erH, Br e rls of oat man. l \'t'n I hO ll h h Is til(' owner or New SuUs • tl (1n of bls npp Intml)ut as lul min is tl -Sh UL'f h" I'1lS, 10 :;/ ; Aberd e.1 but t n COWIl. mllh fll l4 !:Iuit lignin t tmlOr of tbe 8tllte of tillluul'i Augu i', 1 n; Her,>fo l'd , ~I 46 ; P()\lf'd i\. Ul an uwni ll g 1\ farm of 100 to J ps. jp O urhlltni:', 2 ;13 i G llow ll,ve, 43 ; .Ie t·, ]GO Ufl!?!! u!;uully has tlasture for G) 01 IOHh fu r tli v')roe on tbe Wulffrum, deoeused t r: 00' BIt ins 6 :l6·' R e pooslblr 12(; days In til y a r. During g l'OUlU),,' o t ~ ro!'s I I!' · Itl to of du t,,')' · 1 nurt order",d thtlt. the property SAY , .,. , C) • , tho ua lnllce of b time, 240 days, tll " t eou l,le ,q"lre Ili vo lved in the O,tSE' of Gorge Poll s, 1.73; G n r n lleYR, 6 ; Ar r. wh ich Is tit f' edlng till!'. Ilsllnge P litl rm tl\t . VOIlS, ,3 1 i Brown lI110u lll play an ·Impo rtant part. mllr i~rl ill (jhs u ~. K ntnokt, July '1'1l0mp8on, "dmini8~rlltor of the es :l llil' El, • Hi i 1)( 'willE' , 07; Uw er pUt'e breeds, 81; I Th L probl em Ulay b Il lustrated as 2 .1, .03 uU .t 10 t hem tw,? oht·lcl rentt1te of Kate Tb:>mpson VS . Georgf'l run e;, 3715 i Ntttl\'es, 13 56 fo llows: Th nruollnt of silage necea. , lIu Vtl b iAn born .Jan !' S Wtlf.. on , O{!Ad . Thorn p on et tll be apprllised by Ed P • t qf d ill" r8llt breed!! of sary (or ten (!OWS for lh l\bbv fi nuc1 18ry 0 1111, a/{f'rl 2 Pluint.1ff R etalliok John F . Co.dwn.llader and ,er c e u . .' perloll . assnmlng 'bat the cows are tor oustooi v of ollUdreu B S , H,. wAll finei return mlldf;l f(lr -4Wln -B rR !llI lI'f\", 10.1a j PolR on fed un average ot 40 pounds pcr day. p)'ay 'Jhilla , . 2903 ;Cbf'. 1 r Wbltflll , 17 37; wu uld 'be 4 tOil S. A tll ll' average WI'igllt rrhomp 011 'I re- uttor n .V 8 confirmation I II Will Of th e lnteEllzabeth Me 'lung Ouroo J ar 6 .\'1< , 175 ; YOt'l1 hir , yJe ld of gr en ('orn p r acl' S 1 ' 01' p iu luf.a'l'. 84 ; R'1ml>~hir II, 3:3; Ta mw or t h, tons. At ' thls rate four uc'r s would Andr w 8hlmp fi ltlCl >'u it. ngnim t WII filed f r probn~e . 93' U I ~24 .HI fur nish a slim lent amount of sUnge I' B enrv Bel 8 t" fl' OOV ' [ 12400 . The ea SI'1i of the Clnolnuati & .--, n mOWII, . to fe d ]0 cows fa I' 240 (!lIYs. o nlmed u ., to u .. to b d ul" ou p r ulI1illAo ry Springfield Railway Co. aSHiost Pe r oe r of diffa r ot h'"o d!i of A.c or"ln'" Sl~t.lstlcs, It costs I I, a ,l ; French S13 p r acre 1'0 raise 111, corn; n otl!. P!l1int.ift' l',rft y thlLt .Ul rt George T . White. George 0. Mount It fl p-:-\l dno!". th e tour. I-ately ncres g aae on propel't,Y' owned !'y d ef nd a nd M rgaret. Deo.hant were d i~ Merino, , 2 61; C tswnl!l"', :.l;} j Ule hence 1 bthe ... ostIt of Ls ford 0 WgA. 2· 8; Sbrnplihir wo u d e $ c.. os apIJrOX ,. , .. ant be foreol t4ed , in !lILYIllUO t. of roi s d bt the ocsts of tb~ pll1lntlff 76 cents per ton to fll) a sHo. nlaktng "I deb\ Hamilto n & Brown tlra ttqr ; Mtlrtin A Jama80n Wll8 appoInted D wnll 14 n j B !l.mpsbue t lOW !'I . the total cost or filling the silo In this t ' ff f th f I.:t Ii n 1'; ~ utlt I) C»VOil, 4. 6: Lino 101'. Instance $36. This would make a rleys f Or p 1a.i u ~1. . " d m \n i I! t ra.t r o e e8 t·a t eo",
County 'C ourts
'this harness for two horses with either 'Pigeon wing .ft or square blind brilde, less collars - . ' - • • S 18.uv Body part for one horse &.00 A good heavy sweat pad .~& A good team bridle I .7& Check lines 1 1·8 inches by 18 feet 3.~1S Rubber mounted buggy harness, the kind most dealers s~ll for $20.00, our price • '. - I &.00
We also carry a full and complete line of all kinds of~Hamess , and anything needed for the horse. ,
We deliver all goods to your nearest Railroad Or Traction stop, , free of charge.
413 ,E. 3rd St.,' Da:yton, O~io,
W. ,J . Nelderlunde\' fil ed >lolt in ley N . Jamel'on at a bond of 'lO,OOO error Il/Co.iost the tlt.lte of , hio from Louis F Coleman, .lobn A .l ame80o ' the coutt of Magistra te J ,uue oo's an4' John E ·Dunha.m wer~ l\ppoint,. onurt on sentence f r vlolll.tion of ed apprui' ers, Ohio glu)le 1 We, P'ltri4)\c G yoora The will of ' t~e ' Iate Louis E ., , . I'" . b is attorney .f or plllln t u .· Simonds WOIl flIed for pr) ate, Court Proceed lnllS. '. Marria2e Licenscs. Waldron 0,
~ilmoor wlla grlll1ted
W Parry Oliver. SO, engine r of B88 ie • (Jllmour lBlunObester Rnd Elina R!1.eY,18 of on the Jt1'Qunds of wtllfuillb enoe of Morrow. . . defsndant. John We ley ~eters, 21, railroo.d In the .case of W, . J. Nelderlunder er of Chillioothe. and Lula .Mal' " vs , .the StBte . of .Ohl~ entenoe wall Steurer, 27, of, Pleasant Plain.
a. div.p.l08
fr,o ~
East of Canal
Opposite Wayne Ave.
One half bJock eas't . of D. & U., D. '" W.o D. & '@. . e .m 'Ohio Traction Depot.
II........._......~........~~.,~~......... _ _ _I __ _ . _____ ____'
G3; Dor eik, 5(l i • bevlo t. . 07 i total cost of $ tbe cost or silage WHY SOMf CORN. BLOWS OVfR. Mixed Blol)ils , 24 37 i tirades , 2 50 tor to oows for ' 240 days. T \1e 0 dcost . " N nt;e-A bovtI report oompll d of sHag tor one ow for l!4 aya ' , . . , df 035 al would be $8. O. Somll farmers wonder why corn I r 1m re~.urn~r~oelv t r om rnr I A.u qull'lll ut or food c nterlnl lu bloW8 over In SOnl~ f1ellla ' \lIld ~~t I~ t·own blPI! 0 \ , 10 !ltll \'}. timothy hll,Y would b ]2 tops. whi ch ctb rs. It the corn that ba. ow . -. at $1 per I)n would cost $2 16. roak· over Is In a fleld that haa been In There Is Only One Plne-Tar-Honey Ing a co t of $21.60 reetl one cow corn for two y ara or more In suc· 'rhll i Dr B(lII' It, is tlw orig- for 240 tlor s, cession, probably the corn root worm inl\l li nd call b r e,liN1 on ill c ren l , I To (urnlsn nlllTt .nts Qulv a.! nl to la the oause of the trouble. , This tn. I QU colo f\lld all uurl b ro D. all ga. il will r (lulre 11 tOM of oat sect has been a 81!rloul pesf tn lome o hi,,1 tronbl Lool for lh b 11 on hay. which Is worth $16 (let ton. sections of the atl,lte. Dartlcularly t bo Bottle. I Tbls would amount to $176 fq r th e where rotation ot cropa 18 not regu· . ' .0 cowa or $17.60 for ' one co w tor larly praccuced' t w D THE SQIJELCHER SQUELCHED 2'10W~days. . om ,,00 orm. en .. not' legitimately' compare f the com root wQrm are. " ..... " Tbe eggs 9 When th e ~oQhr'e tt~ oame down clover or alfalfa hay wltJ:t silage. be- laid In t, he ground ne"ar the base of
e1l.8• ..rbleb _.V lm oaton ,. tDe I?110Wl1l5 .prlng. . The nOl'them ' com roqt worm Is ' II l1t!d ' because the larvae :::d YonOO:o ~oo~ except thON of the corD, 80 a Ijmple rotaUon wlll ltarve t T' be DumbeJL 'rroworml per them Oil . .,. rUOn to btU 'I ncreuelcJn dl ..~t p. , PO , bal the number . . . .IlIIit!~iiI tbe louthern corn ro~t worm w as great an extent, b,. caule" the larva of thll lpeete8 feedl Oil the roota Of. ot~l~ta . . Plan a rotation ~or ne~t year 1I1 lucb' & way, that com wm ,Dot be til, the lame fteld that pro~ced COrD
~-:-Ill ~:i c:,~trol
suspended until the petJtl<~n or er Gtlorge ,- Thomp80n, 42, hone botbe footl ' ~htll ro , in(; !Jer song, cause the protein In tbese feeds d'oea the st~lk some time In the fnJl. The laat ,.ar, and you i ~~yeDt the wtll rOJ: will be beard . Iliboer of 'Waynes'1ll~ ~nd Nora Oas" a. young wan, of Jengtby 100kE', not compare with that In the sUage. eggs hatch In June . and "the worm ~O" trom the ,root·, worm; . toyed with tL taok in th e op r8· ohair evTo~·nheroeoCroenoem,~deO!t t~e:~~g ;::pg=r~.~ · first feeda upon tire am~J1 rb'oote , of QEO. LJV.INOBTON. ,P aJ tition of property WIlS made person, 541 of porwjo, I r WHIt am Bn tt ~rwor th . V8 ' the gr()Wlng cornonea. I?lant, Th~ then tool urrows. DeaJ' c"'-te T~""lferl. a.nd began a rattle of ooo ve" ct!lt.io,n with rations In• which tlmothy or oat Into tbe larger aYI" . _.a.-rtoultural ExtenstoJ;l "De~ent, Fn ~e k S~ B ~ LOOUI .... f . hi\y, corn or' bran. ' O. h.lo State University. ra~ . u.·terWO,r th . to his oowp'lonlon . . In the mi d I eo replace the en· tem Is aeriously Injured If tbe worm II ' In the oa8e' of Theodore So,?fielc;l Henry G. Buntemailn and ~rtan the prelune an elderly hdy. annoyed IIlIage, ·as· tor illustration: are plentiful .. and a rain with 80me vs. the B.oard of,Eduoation of Mason. Lewis :. Buntemalln ,to Abrabam touohed him ou the sboulder. 14 pounds of timothy bay wind wtll cause the corn to ,blow ,tb'e oour.t orderedthllot .t he plaintiff Kanin'eky; traot In Hamilton town. IIA8 you are not II. musiQllI.n, it \vi,1I 8 pounds of clover bay . over. The worms are about one.half • .t ki . f f th ' 6 pounds ot bran Inch !n 'length. with a red or brown give an un4ertl1 ng In avor 0 . e 8hip, 12800. , be very kind of you to keep 'still and 4 pounds ot . corn head. In late Bummer they. enter the . adverse party tn the sum of 1500. Battie O. Oulss.l nger to Freant E, let otl1el's hp.Br who are. 1 pound 'or :llnseed mea.! pupa £tage and 800n' come out aa . ' Judge-We'et, of Wilmington, heard Frazer .and. Emma Frazer, .Iot in "Madam," 8t\.id he In his m08t I ' adult beeU a. abcfut one-(ourth of an the divoroe OIl!le of Laura Harlan Lebanon, 11. frigid mttnner, "yon may 'be lIll.r 40. pounds ' of allage Inch !ong. r . ve. Walter Harlan g~anting.- the John W: &u11 Jr " and EmmIL J. priged to leurn tbat I am the oorn , 58 PpOoUuDndd"a~offclbqrvaenr hay ,. The adult nOl·tbern corn root \Vorln 1 iff Is ~HLlln ' grass el). while of p ,aint' a d' , tvoroe on th e. groun d 0 f Soull to The Maeon Clinnln, 0001. poser of t·lle sQDgllbont to be flUng. .. . - 4 pounds ~r cern thea southern corn.gr root ",orm that la yel. 1mon y pany lot in Mason, Ii. groY neglect of duty with a1 . Tbere WIL~ tba,t in his tone wbloh j 1 pound or linseed meal lowlal\ gr en ,vitII' tw~lve black of 1500 and I' per week for ,the supLeo.h C. Weloh . to Tbomas C. ' made it evident that he was happy The above ra,tlonB contaIn approxt. spots on It back . 'rhe larv.a e ·.or th~ po.rt of ohildren of Whi)h the plain- Weloh, Ellther P. Weloh and Martha In the opportunity to Impart the in. , mately the same fbod material •. but s pecl s are v ry similar. The . adults tiff bas oU8sody.. W · eo, 1 bI . I : A f ter t h e song I at pre. sent prlcea l~e first . raUPo . 0t In"·.. orrow, II '" formation to 11.1. , I feed on . the corn silks In tt~e fall. I.n t.he callil of William J , Roae,h ,-' Th d i .~ t t l .. t would coat '33 per cent more lhan'tbe i' and the farmer otten thlnlf9 Iiey are ueor~e ompeon . a . m nt8 ra or w~s 8ung tbe Itldy eane" over ·0 second . . This saving would amount sertously atrecUllg the COl'll. but by mo- of the elltllte of Kl1te Thompson.to say: to about $18 per cow per year. or lhl\t ..time they have ' d,!llle all or .the . V8. Barry O. Colllnl! et a.1. tion of the .defendant to set aside FrMnk C Robilltlon, lot in WIly.nes7 ' ·,·i don't wonder you dido't oure to $180 for the 10 COWl. damage they can except to .Iay their the judgment bydefllult and order ville, ,325. , , to Jl8ten .."-J, B. Vl1ndawork~r,. _ of. sale the oourt gnnted tbl8 motion George TbomplJon to Frank C. ludianftpolis j 11'\.1. I ": , . , ,
The oa.se of .Toel Oook V8 , Frank Robinson, lot. in 1325: A. Fordyoe et III was dismissed, lilliza.beth B Iw~an und Jaspe,r B.
How'' to Cu' re Chronic Col.d s
an d
Bowman, to A . E. MouQt and Alary traot lin H~ml1ton town 8b1P, 11. . V . O. d,.ir o.nd Imogene Hair to J , F , Snook lot in South. 'Lebanou,
B rODe h Iet·IS ,,1.FrllnK . A.
-= •
Has Millions of Friends
Ma dam',
Bow would you like to numper ! your frlen?8. ' m!11iO[)8I1l1 Buolrlen's Armoa ~n.lv e does? It.!! as. tO'lndlng OureR In the ))Ilst.fort.v yellre Olnde them ~ts f.h e"be!'1 tiltl)Ve io til" world f' 'I' s or e!!, U loers , e z lUll, burn, b9il!!, 011 1(,\", on t.l, 001 Is, Rore ,Yfl. , !!prlllD!:I. S W IlilJg, . hrni es, oold aM 8 , Blt:< no quul for pile ~50 at tAll druggIst • ..... EXPRESS CO~\PANY STUCK
~on" t .IJ" . ,
Stand Ov'e'" .', . · ''I a ,H 'o t 'F Ire &;
The Moore Range is so handily built · that you don't have to stand right over the stove to feed a fire or build a new one. By pullin ~!¥ht1y on. Ii small chain attached to the Patent HID8ec1 Top, the
F ordyoe to J o~n E. Bl lleva 1e, 0 n., t M a 4, 19T 0 • York a,nd I,ena York, 57 78 aores in "I sick for two y ars with a Frnnkltn town, 8hip • .11. , whple 'top is lif,ted out ol the way. ' chronic cold and b ronchit is and a G eor.ge . w. J oaoings to Corrie This conven'i ent arran'gement 'makes it consequent run-down condition. I Jenning!!. 2 25 aoreslD Salem town· . possible to . . received no' benefit from doctor, I sblp, $1. and had to give up work. VtNOL Lillian ~ . . Ba.rford, Lellie~. Bar. The Adtlms 'Expre!l8 oOlllonoy was recommended and from. thes~c- ford Mary D . . Harford tlnd . Barry t1gont ill his oltv bitS 1\ Tex'ls pony. ond bottle I commen ced to Improve M. lll1rfo'r d to Fred t:! . Slmps.o n, ou his hand8 whloh is as l.Ouoh ,of - I gained in weight anel strength; . two traotll in ""alnm town8blp, Ill . n. l)roblem 11.8'. the "rov~rbI81 whIte . Id d b h '" ., " Ieleph ' nt 'l'b " PI) u'"y WtlB . "111'p"ed There's no spllHna m}' co an ronc ·l:t I tl·ou hi e d'IS. . ... of fuel, and as the top' d ' .. lifted fornis a hood, smoke; aoot and . appeared, an I am a t wor k agam. Commissioners' ~roceedlnlts. jfr III >n, .p iht it}<> T"X(I w, ll er ., it wa , • when odor lite dr/lwn around .. thetheflues 'of the ,range and cannot escape into the rooln. ,: I want to recommend VI NO L to anyone who is in' need of such a Bi~la-Wurreo C"\~nty Tim es; ,Wighed,tn us m t' r h nn,dl a, tlnrl the . With Moore's Range there·isno amoke-no medicine."-THOMAs HI lG I !,\S. pobli~blng statement of bli.ll.I.noes, !ob nrgAs of $50 \'lit-I'e p Hil) by th e pll r. &oot'--no gii;s . . Aq.d yet with .all .its cleanly . It is the combined acti n of the t2-3 25,' John A . Blufr, "old do, st for , tie. tllt:!Ie ' .At OinOlnn Iti th e W lly . ' 'and time-sllvlng advantages; thia 'wonderful ., r~nge ,'really actually costs thepay_; leastfOJ' of'any ontlnr tb.... . Le'bun'o n IbilJ WIlS \ r 'st ,0 nJ 8 . i ohllll g d e..'c . '· 'I~i.~ai5E! marl>et. ill~rang. I:>y 9tit .curative element' of lht' ods live rs con'rt house, '2 50 i The aided ,b y .th~ . blo d m~lcing al~d . ·Pl1tr!ot., publlshlDg repuit ot eXIlUl- !. pr~ - oOml;lttnifl lit r,hlltpolnt he. &! ~~wn ~el. e~pen~. · .. i ' '\ ~trell~h cr~attnf; propertIes of to?IC inaMon of treasury, ,. S5 25: ,W", t:(. &aiuial'\VlIS re we~~l\ ed & n I wu foun.d r-;.;.:.:.,....~~-;;....~:.-.;....~~~~~-:-~......--~_____:-____~~ ;ll'on ,co?tamcd .m VINqL whIch Stnno.ge &I 00. ablltr let reoord ,for , to be' hl)~v!f!r tb lLn th,s pony 0111.6, mabkes It SOld" sU:,cdesbsful Ihl~ .curing Iluditol' taO' bond ' reocj~a tor audi I pulting It iuto th~ clll . s of,l)ve ~took stu born co sail rone IllS, . ' ., " . ' " . . b' d ' "I ' b ""ll)'1 mha VINOL is a constitutkmal rem, tor. 'S2 .50 i ' 'pomba'~gh, 86 , B~1~1er, W~io .mtl. e.,· 113 0 I.~rg~" ~.. ... cdy f6r chrooic cough, cold b ton- .repalr.8 at oO,tirt hQulle andj~il,. ,Parties ~~ thiS end gf tb~ hne ~e .. chitis and pulmonary troubles, not ' .7.45 i Stttkalt~ ~en Co, p.~qB .f9r IfI;18,e d' to acoe~t t.be, }?ony Il~ lIuob a' Pl.l1Jiative like c ugh syrups. . recorder, fl.:l>O i md8e. for. oonr$ rat.es wl;1feb left.. ' the l1.nlroa ltD th Try a .bott!e of VINOL. If y~u ~eDogr .. pher. '115 i J N RObbins; ho,ndf!,.<>( the oomplLoy. A:~. 1"' .t r _ don'.t ·thl.q k It be.!!>ed you, \ve. wiU - bu~lal of Oorbhr (lolc;lsbl1ry. · .175 j )p.ort tbe--pony. 'Was ' oo~tll)~ the~. retUrn yoijI'm0De1. " T . O. Patterson, ~xpenses t~ ColaO)- r eS8 compa 60. cflntif a day fer ~ JJ\NNEY J Druggist bl18 bel'ore tax oonllbillton, '~8 ·20 ( feed.-XeDta Btr~l.J,
~;;IiIiiIIj• • ~ -~8roil
and Toast
Easiei· ~d~Cle8ner :','
at WI&)'JlMvlUe, Qhlo
Balmy Cuba
A olr.imflDt for p polar fIl9~', 1 known 10 ttl Allum, vl1)J~y,ls0811 the B8Dlpllbire, At r oent inter "Doe t,rivl~1 Ilnd o tbs r sh "w8 t.hl ll bog bit ott,rll h'd moob fllvorable .t t d I th "'t b II u !!II ,11)0, .\ n . 8 , oug u y om to be tllH o O 'olu~ bog, , AUl OD~ t bll nltllms m .. de for It ITe a it6uter Il"rdiuefls tbnn 18 pOtl8essed by nny ather breed IlDd therefQre "~eat r , '" e ability t o resist . diselltl6 'I ft g reat"r " reoundity, sows uapu lly pr dooiQ~ two large 'ittHr of pigs 10 a Yflar i a hj ~ ber quality of flesh than thllt, f ' h b d d I I . eeH OS8 10 o !luy o~ er ree, an e llulhk'rlnR, so 'hilt paokers plly form 10 to 25 oents per 100 pouods, 10 form Ilnd uarriage, they nre sdd '0 be 'h t tt t' "" t 11 • e mOt! a roo 'v", 0 a breedl. In oolor they are blaok. wi~b a. whit-e belt Alttending aroond 'he body, inoluding tbe rront legs The heada are emall bl(l o~ brolld , and or oniform widtb, with heavy hams and 1I00all bone.. • - • 1'01" Croup Dr, Bell'e Pine.Tar.Honey te the beat known remedy Uo not fiX. perimeo' get the geouine Dr. Bell's Pine.Tar.Honey. _ _ _... _ '.
Snobbery 81fted Into F.~.tlcal Rellg. loul Faith Pale Deacrl~tlon of OFB'lOE - - MA IN STREET here or on t he . "Mu1600n" tb ere i8 80clal CO \lditlonl. Il free btlDd oOJ;loert a very Tuesda.y, . VALLEY TELEPHONE-OALL No. 11' '1'b arjl(lny, l5o,turdllY a n d Sunday Firat of all cas~ Is a question or t:l v6o in /;ta and Buod~y I\fteruo on I hirth, and th re Is flO ent;/')' except by , . ' . birth. A worker . In a coal mine mll.1' D. 1.. CRANE, 'Editot and Manager .Ourin j( · tbi~ conoert you must P'IY become a part owner thereot, n.nd hi. five oeots tu. oocopy ne of the dnughter marry a peer, and ~19 grand. Ratee of Subacription tbou 81lnde of . oh air; with whioh th e son become a peer or En,land . ,N o pu,rk III fur nl h flcl OobtlDS ure mJlllons, w\JI ena.ble lhe low cast", Hin· ~lIe Year (strictly III adVllnce). I ••• . . . U.OO h' b d . du to marry Into a Br.ah.man fam ily or 81og1e Copy .. .. , . ...... . .. . ' . . . . , . . . .06 muo. mc1e te to Alll erlo!l. fo r t,lle eve n IcO t ouc h th e h an, d or th row hi a , • beltuty 01 thelf P!1 rk8 , for {\ ~r l I t shadow on the food ot a Brahma.n 10 Ratel of Advertising deBl of ~jle wflrk wn8 ~ n duri ng India. ReadtD« Loca\a. per Une . . ...... , .. . . . 61' the Amerioa n Elooupa ncy of the il! If a man Is excommunJca.ted by hll Readln, Local•. black f ace, per 10e Ilmd. In t be evenlD g a lso every caste fellows In India, no one of the (Jlaalftecl Ad•. Dot to exceed five nee . . caste will eat with him , accept water TbJ<ee IDIertI0Dl .. .. . ........ . 2lie person who IS 80 tortuonte BS to {rom his hn.nds or marry him. HII ObltuarlM, five inchoa free ; over five pOlleliS an !tutu or a carrillge m l\y own wUe will not touch him or spea.k lllchoa. per line . . , ........... . lie be eeen driving Ilroond Bnd around with him . He Is dead to his family. (J~ of tbanka • .•....... , . .. , ....•..• 2lie R8IIOIuiloDl ..•••••• . • • •• •••. • . •• • , ••• II De Refinishing Floors and Furniture will bring you more the pllrka and tile "M~l eoon " theIr The barber even w1ll not sbave him, or cut his hair, or hla toe nalla. 80dala etc. where charge W IIlade., , ... . 211c pleasure and abiding happiness ir your home than anything boulevard. Ther e seems to be no A Brahman clerk haa been known Dwpla,. Advertlalng per IDcb . . ....... ,. tOe you can do about the home for which you will spend any such small DlIcounte liven on cont~t. speed limit, but witll all thair re ck to distribute legal documents by amount in time Bnd money as will be the expenditure in this work. lese driving we IIft W DO aooidf\nts . lh rowlng them down at the end of 'J here oro so mlny plaoes of inter. tbe village street In which live bl. MAROH 28. 11111. UDO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU CAN ACCor,'iPLlSH?" i d B low ClLllte brethren. Let~r carriers eet 0 an aro~nd avuna tbB,t. inan have been known to refuse to enter 'I.rtiole like thIS tb et',e i8 only. spn-oe lhe houses of, or to pel'mlt themselves HAPPINESS for tile mere mentio n . Among them to come Into psr60na.l contact with are :-Tlle oU forts, old ohurolles, those of a lower statUI than them,. The editor lid 10 hle"eaay chair"hoepit81~, botllniMI gardens, park s selvell. No doubt yoo've heard 'bat befor.. I bId P i If one could picture to oneeelf a()o ani ou evar s. rom Of' nt among clal 8nobbery lifted Into a f~natJcal He &hooghtfully 80ratohed bis pallid th ld r M C .. eo orts are" orro ustle und religious falth, It would be a pale d&Is permanent in ita color, never fades, positively durable because it is made the "Shark's N est" onder its WBI!S , scrlptJon of the Iron subdivisions of of beat materials, Old painted RoofS made to loole lilee new in aU beautiful While hIs teet shamed on the flooT PLANT YOUNG TREES Caoonlls if'ortress, Principe Cas t,lb , enste In India. There Is no patrioUsm, shades, such as Mahogany, Antique Oak, etc. Malees old woodwork and the dungeons of La Fae rzlt. and A I nnd can be, none, In a country thu8 The ... t of bie ohair waa made of , , old furniture as good as new. "IS THIS CLEAR TO YOU 7" dIvided against Itselt.-Scrlbner'a wood, Everyone plantiog an orohard de oares Castle, wb.ere Crittendlln and Magazin e. po .. eAL. BV sir81 to ~ee hia trees bearlog froit bis fifty ,K.,ntuoktans were abot And the baok W8a badly bent. - - - -... - ...- - -. Kills A Murderer ' He WAI wrt.loR a story of mUllon ILt 'be earUest po~elble· period l'be old Catbedral where the bod y .lretTherefore wheo he goee to a norsery of Columbus Illy', OolOn oemetery, A meroiless murderer i8 Appendi . Waynesville, ' Ohio. to buy' what can be more ndarll l l'he Markets, PrellldAnt's Pllla.oeand citis with many viotims, bot Ur. Tho' be bad nary a oent. ,ban to 8eleot. the lllrg~r ,,'zed two m ny other plllce'l whioh 1 \vill not iring 's New Life P1ll!! k11llt by pre· illII!IIII.... Bil Janky form beut over bis deek, and tbree year old - trees? To hho to. ke tl me to men ti o n . vfl n t Ion . Tb e y gen t I y 8 ti mula t e ':!!'!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!~!!"!!!"!~!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~ stomacb, liver and bowels, prevent Bl, OQont.enBnoe all 8glow, they give pr~m'ee jost th.t much There ure mllny dflllgbtful exoor ing tba t ologging tbat invitee apWAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. ror next to hie heart In· Ilia rnmpl,,;l tiDle pined, SiODS out from HavBnn. One of the pendloitl, During (Jonstipation, veat, BuUhe faot ie tbl\.t. j\1st h ~ reo me<lt popolllT is t o Mut a oz"s fifty - HellClnobe, Biliousnells, Chi lie, 250 Ilt St. Augustine's Catholic Cburda. Undertaker and Embalmer. tie bad two- 118&" for sbe ahow vereets true . In four or five year8 our miles ea llt on the Atlantio Ill) dru ggist!!. . Falher Georgc Mavenboefer, PaatQr ---,--Con Maakey in Typographioal the yoonger, ' or pne·year old treel, 8erl' are t·he wonderful BeJillmlloT Will be found in the OtQ MIUIY cvt'ry seoOnd SUlldn1' of lhe mODlb a Joornal u : OOa. m, 8Ilnk BoUding. oPPOS'&oi ' He Sailed on the Conltltutlon. will be larger tban either the .wo C~ves ,and here I\l so is tire B e r. the National Bank . mitllge of Monserrn.tio, wbiob John Lowe, who ofce was a ·memor three year..olds. St. Mary's Episcopal ChUJ'da. Telephone In honsfland of · Granulated Eye Llcla t o Mfl. tanzus sh oold miss ber of the crew of the _hlstortc f'rlgate rhe reaaon tor thts il tbllt in dig no visitor fioe where J can be oa.l1M Rev . J . F . Cndwallnder. Reell'l . _ . onsUtutlon, has died at his bome In Do Dot Deed So be cauterized or day ' Ir nigbt. School. 0 :30 a. III Mornin g aer eoartn8!1 by a: pbY810lan. Sosh"r. rlog up more or leae of the root SY8- ' seeing . Tbe vIew o f Yumuri vall ey Portamouth, N. H ., after II short 111. "IeSunday. , 10 :30 a, m. Holy Communion the On t Yallt'y'Phone 14-:? land" Eagle ~,e tlalvel. Kuaraot".d tem of .he older trees remaina in from Monstlrrati was mooh ,more of ness. He was born In New York . unduy oj eacb moutll, 10 oore sbem wl~hou' pain It i ll tbe grouad; wbile with the VOQoger a treat to me than t he·shl·ioe. It is January 9, 1824. Wben he was BevenMain Street. Wayneaville. Ohin barmlells and 8 (lure Oure fo,. graou. or·one year-old, the roote are almost, Ii t.l r ee hour·'s . run by trttin tl> M II. teen years old bot h of bla pnrents Methodist Epl~paJ Chua. died . After a limited amount of lased lids. 250 'ubee at all dealerll, pel'feotl, teaketi np, aod the tree tK nZ!\S fro.m 8ava n ~ through th schooling he learned the trade ot a Rev, H. W. Bailey. PutOl , Sundny School, 0: 111 a. Ill, MornIng aero (Joel not receive eo sever 3 a shook mOElt f ert lle /lud beautiful porll n stone mason , but In 1853 be enlisted vice, 10,30 a. m. Epworth League, 1:00 p ' THE EGGS EOR SETTING S.ve MODty and Kee~ ~ of tb~ Ililand, where KB ~e l ooked In the Marine Corps at Brooklyn m. Evonlng acnlce. ": :00 p. Ill . Mldwoolt ae do ,tbe oldpr trees from the oar windows we sa.w mllils navy yard and after 'a Rhort st"y at p n yer Moctlng, ~ m. . ==~' = = Style by Readiq McCall', ~.-----AI many tbl:u8ande of heos of tall pl1lms nodding their plume!;1 the yard barracks was assigned to the Christian Church. Mqwe aDd U.ing McCan Patteru "amooth akin . .Constitution, then commanded by R L. 0 Tho P want to .tllrt f"mtl1es 1PlSbln t·bp ev. , . IlIJ111On...toe beads In e very direotlOo leavlog Commodore Isaac Mayo. 11he shl McCaIr•••• 1\ .... "Ill Blaok I BAade, Ch"'Pe, Plruplel', nes' few weekI! it will, eerve a wl .. e 'r I i I ' . . P BIble School, 9.30 a. m. 80claI meetlq MSCALU MKisUllt£ h olll POll dr851 Ilfl'.res Ilnd all oohealthy oonditions s belLutl 0 tro p ,CII picture 10 one s 800n left New 'Xork for Glbraltpr ,anll 10:80 .. m. OhrIstlan Endeavor. 1:0U p. m. IShly II I a modera\.O parpoee to give t·bem .. ggi o'lly from " f the skin are nl)ej~btly bnd de- m emory , We were fortunate en ougb a cruise In the Mediterranean and re- ~g~oo:. ~. ~-OM6~ ~,Iternat.e Sunda)''' expens by Ito,e ptng yOll po ~ t o d OD Ule the beet layels, 'rheae egge may t.rIlot from Stie looks: Buy, 1\ bl)x of Iftl(l5 \ fashloD. In to be in Cllrllnll at the time of t be turned to this country In 1855. On ! H' l..Lelte Friends Chu- • . ~ l o lh O!l Bud 1Hl1a. fiO nu' be laid by tbe ellrllea' lethre, Or. Bell'e Antttlepsio Bill ve, 8 ort!amy the expiration of his enlistment Mr. , .... N9tV FllShloD DetllJ'M< irAt Day Meetlnll(. 0:00 a. Ill. FIrat Day AI "be bess laye,. will be apt to OOD "dOW whIte ointment, apply as di. Illst service otthe "Ma.ine" a.nd hact Lowe, TEHlnUs ted In 1856 and went .to 1n eacb Issue. AbO rected and 10nr et n will be as clear we seAb n otbing e lse ' we -abould the Portsmouth nav.a:1 statJon In the SoLooI, 11 ;00 a. m, Founh Day Meellnjt vuluablo Inform,"on tlooe fM' lnto Lbe . 8ummer, . while "a a babe ',. . At all dealers in med. have felt th~t we were amply reo vesael when 's be wa~ sent there to be 10:00 a. m. on all home and perIlOnal ma~t.ers. On\)' lOme of them will nevttr want to loioes. ' paid for our journey. rebuilt. He wBe transferred to the . Orthodox Friends Chul'Cll. 600 a year. Inoludjnlr a froo Plllt.ern. Sub- • Nt at an. 'l'be ben tba' lay. from _ _ . _ ._ _ . _ 5crlbo WIlay or I8bd AIrs. EliJlab6th Larkin, Pastor Boate were pro vided to ooovey marine barracks at the Dl\VY yard and 101,to...2oo ellie tn a yeal', il vl'ry TEACHING AGRICULTURE for froo fIIImple copy. • the ~"'ople out to the wreak R'n d served out his 'second t erm of enllst- Sabbatb SohOOl, 9 :30 a. m. Reltulilr ohurell ....~ ment. Horvtoe, 10 ·QO a. Ul. Chrllntan Eo4eavor. McCeII Put.. will onablo YOU to mako til ,our I 1t.11 never to b'!Oome broody, bnt· • _ • 7 :30'p _ own hOIIlO. with 10urowII hnuds. 0101111011 ror, The ohtef ee84!nttal tor tllklng up b&rge.s were thue for t.h eir aoool1')e· youmel' and children wI! I 'b wtll be perrllc~ ihe t ••he beD wbORe 8811 you wanJ da.tion dpring the servioee 'rhe Dr. Bell'. Antl·Paln In slyle and III, Prlce-noue billbet Ibi~ Iii CO UIS. oud for f'reo Panern aillogua. 1;' for ""inl tr you Wllnt to r'~ the ~ork of , Alrioulture io tbe vice president of Coba, Alfredo A sadden attoQk of Cholera Mor. loh )0, ii, II that 'b• . leaoher be in w. Wi1I em Y.. fIaa r - t . (or lteUln, sub- I a 1100)[' o ~ good layer., IlOrlplloD8nmonll YOUf frl nds. Send 'for Cree l Zllyas, headed the distlnguiehed list bUt! is dllogerous Keep Dr. Bell'. C. W. HENDERSON, M. D I,mpatily with the "ork Jo order to r ' ba. ffi ' Promlum 1l1llloilUIl and asb Prlle OlftJr. • Anti.Pain at hand, a dose re1ieves TIl! IcC.W. OlIIPW, 239 .. 24!1 .1113711 Soollll ~- ' 8nOOOr&R8 and ' ...las the pupill. o Cn no 0lal8 at the memorial, almust inst.ant.ly , It also oores Dl. 200,000 TubM Waynesville, Ohio. whUe Ameriolln Mioieter Jobo B arrhoea, Cramps, Flux nod all Bow~l of , t~e , ma,nment · , Of 8utherland'l Eaile Iilye 8alve The.aooe.. \ ' Jaolteon aiut Past ' Uommapder in (Jomplaints , were IIOld In 11.08 eud DOS olie wora depeod Q~ the ie~ober PopUa Valley Phone 153 , Main Strer t . ~-11!1 W -------.~-~.~----of oomlllain', tbougb every . _abe n8natorally toS_ted tn the thln~s ohiet, Col. Gillon of the United Span wu .nld ond.r a polltive ~oar.oie.. "Ith whloh they ue ~onl&aotly IlS ish War Vete'r ans held preetige ov~r DOCTOR'S IN JAPAN It I. good tor notbing but the ej., loofated 'and 0011' .119 enoonr tbe Americans a.t t be ser vloee Bu t WR,)''3esville'. LeadinJl ~_ . " . . A.1t 100r Dralgiat. . PhYllclan Recelvel a Prelent of •• WALTER MCOLURE, aiement t~~lr: teaoh~~ to take u,P mnn met miu~ on .equal ,footing snd ---~ Much .1 Patient Can Offioe in Keys Bldg, Malo 8t . 'be '''Ork , 80thullailtioally. The together witb several hundred of Afford •• 'HAD 'JUMP P uneral Dir.".:tor • moet Ideal oonditlon for the work American womeo .suared in the A Japanese doctor never dreama ot "Did 10U lump when be kieaed " \0 be fouod 10 tbe oentn ltzAd grief wblob made the lllst deoorl\. ti f th d d tb k J> t aslrlng a poor paUent for a fee. There . )'on under the- mistletoe?" . "Sownlhlp IIObpols. Bere .\"e pupil 00 ~r e ea on e eun filn II - Is a. proverb among the medical fraterTelephoDe day or uilht. Good for Nothlnc but the .... . "1 bad Sc>. Be is Ils tee' two and of tbe IOwo, blp are brought toglltb. t,letlhip an ocollflioo Havana o.hd nlty In J apan: "When the twin ene· Valley phone No.1. {AnR er 'aDd eoooab of thEnn who 'Will be, (Juba. will perpetuate. Inlea poverty and dlseaae Invade a ~ am only fool' ife' lix. " Distance No. 69-9... c .. ' - • • ,. RI~ ~ talte-np tbe ~or't oaDhe e&fI. From the top (\f the turret above home, then be who takea auaht from I'" found. In tlie diatrt(" a.a hoole 01 tba water 00 the wreck wlla unfurled that home, even It It be lIven him, Is a WA_YNESVILLE, • OHIO 'I'M COIda That ..... on .., h f i \b h A ' robber." Are feadill' oared by Dr, Bell ', towne11ipe. ·uving a townehlp saper. to t e 80 t trop ca rees~·t e mer · "Often," remarked a recent leoturer Branch Office, Harve11lb11llr. PI....Tar Boney. It rellnes .be IntendeD••·.be work may be orgllo. 101\0 ft~, and a larga floral wr..iat l;l on "Lite In Japan," "a doctor will not oold and at~p8 tbe oOligh. There Ie lsed witb member.. from the 'differ. iu honor of tbe deAd was suspeoded .only ,Ive his Ume and medicine free onl, ODe geDnine. ~~t 8/?tioola. · i~ tb~ di8irlot. I!oh 'Ol~ JUII~ 81 the boate conveylog the to the sufferer, but be w1\~ also live . Wlitnr 0 no" bave towtlahip aoper. people out to t~e wreok were relldy him money to tide over his dire neces· Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey PROPERLY NAME.D ... hi h h bo h b slUea. Elvery physician Is bls own dis· vt81~ ~ it may . ,be organised by the to pos .oto' e ar r, t e 0001 penser, ~nd there are very few apothe. For Oou.gha and ColA "You oall Sht. Dew flyle of .boe &eso ... and 'ahhoogh b~t four or of 'he gune of the Frenob fIlIgahip, carles' shops In the empire. tbe Amnlt1 ?" • Bve chUd'r en 'engage iu it tbe' tirat "Gloria, " souilded near &lorro CaRt} "When even a rich man calls 10 a "y81~m. , You will notlO8 tb.Ube jear~dole~t worin;&n he don'e a'od and"a delay was . made while tha t ~~:::e h: ~~~Bf:ro~:~~~~:~I::a ~!~ .0188 are maiel: " .' . maDY more will want to talte it up crui,!,~ and AdmIral Aabe .8n i the [act no such thinK 88 a doctor's bfll Is -.;.;;...-.:-..... . -• .. • .notb·e r ,ear. • ~nde steamed slowly In to tbe bar. known In Japan. althoulh nearly all ICllv. . prompt It..., ' > • • bOT. Tbe Oloria took her ' positloU modern ' practices are In vogue tbJre, WlUlam Dollgln, Jr"of WIiah.. ' whhin elley dll!tdnoe ~nd the Muine Tlie strict honesty of the' people does ". 1 • .:. .. ", .' Bird. Killed by Golf Ball.. k d b h d ad I J ki ' not make It necessary for the doctor _.e g.... No't lonl ."0 one of the players In wreo an er 00 r e.. o ao ell OIIOD' D• C " --y.: pl ... nre bi iDforming you l have a ...If tourn-:meo' at Melro,,se while were seen standing 1n mut.e feflling to ask a ·fee. When he has finished his _ - A .Dr ' Bell'. ' Pine Tar Bone" D~ , visits to tbe patient a present, II made ~, , •• J' makin" an ., approach ', shot kl. Ued a fortbeb,·avemeo ·whosedeath8Wete to him, just as much as the paUent alld Itpva me . almOl' IDlltan" ·re. Uef. Hapl' , ~d another pl~yer on com· being moornfjd. It ,Wae a splendid can ' afford. THs doctor ' smlle_s, bowe. BAR~HART, _~__... ' •• - • Ing ' o~ fI"P!I' 'h1i , drlTe found that he sbow o'r brotherlY love fr:o~ a fo'r thanks his patient, and the transaction rHANO.e , ',SQUIRREL: SEASON. had anolhllated a weuel. 'Buch, In· eian w-shlp orew . ' Is settled. Notary Public , ~ cldota not ~cominon: • .. . A. pl.'.e r th" Klrltd~e ,lInkl drlv. A never to be.forgotoon pioture --.,..----, All kinde ot Notary Work , PeJ)eil>n . Quartz MIlII . I'n AI.aka. , Ing fro~ the t~ Itru~k wfth hll ball spr4?lld out 'tiefore us In the f<lre Work · .. MpeoillitY. a ' bird at a 'dI,s ttnCe of about forty arQ QDd the wreokad MainH a'lid tho Alaska .has produced more than 200 , ' ~rda: The ' ban tr.a••l~d op, -with great, grliY Fren,o_b wllr Jiips ' ja~t mllllon ,dollars In gold alnce 1868: . 80 ~:'::=~=::::"==::':::'=~:J 'scarcely .ba~ed lpeed. '. The blr4 fell . ' '. far only placer gold has been mined, , . . S ' I to the 'I1'OQnd . and ,w heo plcke,d up ~~y:on~, wb~le ~n. the · ba9 k g r o uu d except ' at Treadwell; ,but .new Quartz . Dr. Bell's Antisepttc a va ';'a• ..~~~~ \i~t . onJy to,·be ·dead. thllt . roSe ·grlt~ ~orro: a~d C.b~n,a . br18.t; mining .h a,B,assuJDed Gnt Importancel Subst'ribe 'for the Guette . GoOd, for all Skin DI...... ,w•• e~pected ... but neat1y, d~capttated ling wUh ~Ilnnoli , and Bmid J bese ' and Quartz mUla are ping Into ,Alas. ~ouot~'~de Month,lr· rro'o ndln·"'I " a.i( we listened ~ ' the' ka in',great !lumbera; · For, more than , I , . ..... . ' eo ""' .I . ," " Ij, decade the trail to the Interior, W8.I • VIERITES . l ,,"" ' y BOOKLJ:TS . ,etrt" lna p~:~lu~bi", ond ~~r Bpao7 ::Uned .w,lthwearl· men ~':rrYlng their LI ' . . .ARBQ~DA .. " , .," lIed Baooerplayedby a Quban baDd , :packsall.dstumbllngalong.over .roc\ltr. kti ' ""', ' dl~' fJl -men a.ud ·womeo : t6geth~r" bowed ' ..ledgeil 'now ' .f9und 'to ~contain more ' r' ~~'r Au "tobor, 'I ' ~ e~t' on . W· , . ,tll-elrtleadB and wept. "., , . '. ".' gold \tha~ t~e, dlatati~ placen., ,A• .. the , , ' . ., .. '\ ' , ,_ ; ' . h t a,uppl:V o. ", ok etil, ' rC!m e , , . 'I' l' • • ,s teat ,Quartz !pInel! In ' the BI~rra, Ne. . ' , ., " , SOn()()l oobtain. \ thiS: arttol~ l~,~eomtng '. o~e .pt:p "a~... 8uccee.d~8d tile placet" c;al!llMl of . i a,jYertt..- for .. cOld, ~. .~ and ~~~er. cir 'K~~ " . ' ,. ob8er -po~Uon. ;!,nd I,ItUq' feel . thaq~av.e · qallfol'Jl'~ '10 .t h... .Qu~rti mln~,.ot V-.J; " . , ',.' . , . . . . , .' , .
"Hanna's Lustro Finish'~ "Made To Walk On"
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Da -bobe In moat cases III kldn .,. ache. anIJ u_uallyaccqmpl\Dlod by ·Ir· reglllarlUclI of the' urine, To remove the pal~ Ilnd woakno.1l9. YOli must cllro kldneya. Do so •::I~~~~ the with Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs, Rosn Weln· maun, 1927 Oreen· wood Terrace, Chi· cago. III., eaya: "So wero tbe Intense rheumatlo pains In my back, I telt 'lIke screaming. They Firat Lady- How vory hap py the ILLUSTRATIONS BY WALTER$ grad ually becwne more sovere until bride g room looks I Really It Is pIau COI'YlIlGlIT . 1909, SY r. .W. PI.LLINCHNI COI1Ml4Y • t hey r an all over my body. I could t t youn" man lookln. .0 not sl p nnd could bardlyruove. J. an 0 see a • steadily grew worse until I could I j~~':~~nd T.I8dy-Husbl Tbat's nol sclll'cely open or 1)I08e my hands. No th t' a ntiemlUl Nllef was obtained uutll I bogtln us. the brldogroom; a s ga tag Doan's Kidney Pills. Soon 1 felt the bride ~Ilted 81% months ago. you OIusl 11I'olUise me sole mnly oot to 'Let ter Rn d er B lon g the paIn left." No Apparent RUlon, SVNOPS IS. Rem mber the name-Doan·s. mnke any attomp t nga lust yo ur 111'0." Reporter-Colonel. you Ilnd I know For s81e by all dealers. 60 cents 1\ t hore w as money used In el cline LIt. . " 1 prom ise notblng," m uttered Un· 1 Toward J crrrl cs, \)011)( , .. 0:04 /"<olin, un dj ·r lOX . Foster-Milburn Co .• Buaalo, N. Y. tlebrayne. How much did It cost blm! dorwood doggedly. Ih" ('~II I nIIlJf'Ill'" 'If n ll lwl'l l ' n,kr w ""J. I) (\~ llo w-s '"iI " "l III lui" , I"'hls 1\ IIr\· " r You may all weU tell me, for l'm golnt "Dut you mus t," li h IU 81s1 ·li. "It IIIKSlpllll o n . 0I1I1'r u~ Ih,' ,111111'11 1< r "r u Oars to Be Happy. glllllbler who dll-oJ In {..I"""". "n ,1 Is ,II.· would be a te rrible crlOle, not only to find out. Lel llil neVllr be tltrald of Innocent " ' I'III,d b), his ( Ilt 10,'1'. I " (I'II-~ 1,\ /:,, ' 1 w or '< Politician-What makes you thlnll ngo lnst yourliolf. but against oLbors Joy ; God Is goott and wbat he does Is n u" ( '111s. A ( o rll ll' " C·l ll h. ~ • ~hll l1l nltll(t · ~ 1\ uualn 6 9 I'rOP (I~ltln l\ I " lI o w " .-.1 ", III!'Il there was- er- brlbery! You must give ru your word." well done; res~ yourself to every· r;' q llin's $!!.O()U l'n II. li nd IhJ\,"rJ Is hrnll . Reporter--Why, blame It. man, hi Unde r wood shook his hllBll. U ob(" '1 On(\ orwtll"l . wll \ hatl lJ ~I\ r c· t.hlng, ev l"~ to happintlss; ask for t he 1' \ II'> 01 b~' Hull'nl'.I '" wlr,,, Alink. III his "1 promise nOlhlng." s pirit or sacrlftee, of detachment, of wus elected! {JIIC"~c (lays. u ntJ li th l Il ! 0 111'1"1\ l flY· 1J.{C" lI "But you must." persIsted All cllt. " I renuncloUon, and above &11, tor the h Alicia, I Iowan I'll 1I\[' III nlllll" I" hu s tlTHlr llncn t s n t tli r· A tJl ru l'iu. and I f' np~ won't s tir from ber c IIntli I hllv tl your spirit of joy and gr&Utude, that gen· "u't.- ntly tn "r'l!"~l'rouH dt " ·lIm~ l ll. r lC · ( ·H. promise." 1('\\'lI .-d r CI.'II1i!l U ,.!.",o 1",ul t ,) I mll·rw,'(lli. i htll ulne and re ligious optimism which re main>! unpaid . lIn,1 t\l"'hl<-~ Lo /15 k He look d at hel' curiously. . sees In Ood a Fatber, and asks no ,Inl tor th e $!!.I)()(} hu n Ql· (.h~. 'n d (! I'wt'·u ,d. "If my life has no intereat ror you. pardon for his benefits, We must Biggest organ of the body-the l RIllng ntlvnnla a;c of his 11I1I1\l11~Y willi I\frfl. J elTrl 8 . r . b cco ," ~s n sOrl (I( "')(' Iu l why should you care ! " he asked. dare to be happy anel dare to coufes!! bowels-ar d the ~t importanthlghwny m a n . niH ("ol' erlllt: IIhl t1'UlJ ,·hll'·· There was a note of BCOI'D in his It, regarding ourselves alwaYB as the ·It's ~ to be looked after-neg.ecl "Ill e r 9JIO .knl ea him th e hcoll se. A 11<'111. T ect·lv .." n note from U n lll' rw uo(l , l ll ... ·,ll· voice which aroused his ' visitor'!! depositories, Dot as the authors of our means suflerini and years 01 enlu!( s ulolde. h o <l"ddcs III go nnd ~N' wr h. Crumpling up bis lettel' In bel' 0\\'11 joy.-Amlel. 11110. Hl' I In d elipl'lHll' IInnnclu l :<Irll ll ~. misery. CAS CAR E T S belli Arl ct 'nIHB tor wh o m h o hns lII'c n n e ll ll l> hana. sit oonfronted him angrily. aM ('ommI8~ loner, d pllI nnd lUI IlC(·O llnl l"I'(. nature keep every part of IOU! )I I' ('""nol mak e gO(I\l. lI "wll rJ .J t'!r ,.l c8 "Shall 1 tell you why I care?" Ilhe • • nd School. Hom allils In n n Inloxl(' [lll'd ("011111 11111. lit· IlMils cried. "Because you accuse me In this Home and school are two dllrerent bowels clean and strong-thell Ul1lh,l'wood (or f2 .000. letter of being t.he cause of your death spheres and ha.o of nec8!lslty dllrer- they act right-means health ta CHAPTER VI.-Contlnued. - ·1, who have 'b e n your (rlend In ent duUes to pertorm aad dllferent ,.our whole body. GU H e helped blmself to another dri nk, spite of your dishonesty. Oh! It's des· work to accomplish In the traIning and CA9CAR1fl"8'Ot' a boz for a week'. tl'8t· til!> hand shaking s o that h t' CQ,lld plcable. conte l~ptlbl e ! Above nil, It·.· teachln, of lbe chJld. But unless the lUeDl. All dru. iIIta. Blilleal llelln lD hard ly hold the declint I'. He was 1M worlll-lUilloD bcatl a 11100""" a 110-" . Ideals are the Bame and unleBs there fas t approaching the s tate CIt complete Underwoo4 shrugged hIs shoulders. Is 1\ systematic .tutude at mind be· Intox ication. Underwood made no at· Cynlcnlly he r eplied: tween parents and teachers. the bost tempt to' Interfere. Why should he "So It wasn't so much concern (or rtW1lt cannot be achieved and tbe ' CIII'O If tbe young fool made a sot ot me as for yourself that brought you chTid muat eulrer.-Mrs. E. L. Frank· lJim se lf? The sooner be dl'ank blm· h ere." lin, Secretary Parents' National Edu· . l' lf Insensible the quick r he would Alicia's eyes flashed. us Hhe nn· cational Union. England. 'et rid of blm. swered : "No, Howard," be suld; "you'd ne ver "Yes, I wished to spare mysetC this A TMilnod hu ....•• .Experlenc.. with wake a decent membe\' of society." Indignity; the Hhame of belag SSIlGR.llnol Olntmlnt. "P'r'~ps not," hlccoughed Howard. clated In any way with a suicide. 1 " How does Aunle take her social was afraid YOll meilnt what you said." I appUed RetJlnol to aD ulcerated 181 IJ traclBm 7" Inquh'ed Undw·wood. "Afraid." interrupted Underwood of six months' standln&. Almoat every· "Llke a brick. Sbe's 1I thorough· bitterly. "tha t some of the . scandal thIDa bad been tried to beal It. Made br d. all righ t. Sho's all to the good." might r each a s tar a s the aristocratic two applleatlollB & day for four weeks "All the same, I'm sorry I e ve r In· Mrs. Howard Jeffries. Sr.!" and leg was permanently healed. trod uced you to her." re plied Under· Her face flushed with angel'. Allela I haTe used Reslool OD ohlldren'. Sank Sleepily Back Among the 80ft Divan Pillow •. wood. "I never thought yo u'd make paced up !lnd down the room. The faces to beal eruptiona and (or every· u h a fool of yourself liS to marry~" "Hownrd. wake up! confound you! "You love no one but yourself." man's taunts stung ber to the quick. thing that seemed to.need an ointment Howard shook his hend in u maud· You've got to get out-there's someUnderwood advanced neare r to her In a way, silo relt that he was ' right. with aaUsractol")' reaulta In every cue. lin manner , us be replfed: body coming." . and the l'e was a tl'emor In his voice She ought to have guessed his charac· Mrs. Isadore E, Cameron. " 1 don't know · whethe r I made n ter long ago and had nothIng to do He , sbook him roughly. but his old RS he said : Augusta. Me: (Graduat~d Nurse.) (001 of myse lf or not. but she 's al1 classmate made no attempt to move. "'You have no right to say that. You WIUl him. He seemed desnerate r ig ht. She's got In her the makings "Qu.lck. do you bear! " excloJmed remember what we once were. Whose enough to do anything, yet she doubt· A Aullng Pa •• ion. or n great wow nn-ver y crude. but Underwood Impatien tly. "Wake up- fa ult Is It that I am where I am to- ed 'if h e had the courage to lUll ,him· "UDcle 'PlncbpenDY spent a great ljU Il the makings. The only thIng I s om e one's coming." day ? Wben you broke our engage· self. Sbe thought she would try more deal of time at the home of George <!bJ ct tp Is. s be insists on going back Howard sleepily half opened his ment and married old Jelfrles to gratt: concl1latory methods, so, stopping Washington:" to work. just as If I'd permit such a eyes, . "Yes. Be 'couldn't be perspaded to He bad forgotten entirely [y your soolal ambltlon, you rutned my short, she said more gently: thing . . 00 you know wllat 1 said on wbere he was and b ved he was life. You dJdn' t destroy my love-you "You know my hulilland has s ulfered stop looking for that. dollar George Is oui' wedding day? 'Mrs. Howard J elt· on t he \.rain , for be h~swere d: couldn't kUl that. You may forbld ·me through the wretched mllfl'l1lge of his sa.l.d ~ ha.ve thrown across the Potorl cs •. you are c nt ri ng onc ot the old· ", . "Sure. I'm s leepy. Say-porte r. everything- to Bee you-to speak to only son. You know how deeply we mao." . I!t;t families III America . , Natur bas make up my M d." you-even to tblnk ot you, but I can bolh feel this disgrace, and yet Y9u tltted you for socia l leade rship. You'll His patience exhausted, Underwood n ve r torget that you are the only would add-" • . I,) a petted, pampered m mber of that was about to pull 'hlm f:'om the 's ofa woman [ ever cared for. If you had Underwood laughed mockingly. ,IIelect tew can ed tile "400." · and 110";. by forc e. whtl'n there waa a l"ing at married me, r might have been a dlt: "Why should I consider YOUI' hus· damn It aU. Iiow can I ask her to go the front door. rerent man. And now. just when 1 band's feelings?" he cried. "He didn't. back to work? But If you'\I let me ' Bending quickly ove r his compan- wnn t you most •.you de ny me even your consider mine whon he married you." have that $2,000-" ion. Underwook saw that be was fast frI endshIp. What have [ done to de- Sudden\)' be nding forWard, every By Howard wns beginning asleep. There was no time to awaken serve such treatment? Is It talr? Is n erve teuse, tie continued hoarsely : Lying back on the him and g et blm out pr tb ~ way. so, It j ust?" "Alicia. I . tell you I'm desperate. I'm Mr......·AI>,ilAd to make h imself Quic kly, be too)c a !,llg screen and' ar· Alicia bad listened with growing 1m. hemme d In on aU sides by creditors. Tbe · chap wbo' gets a tree ride In a dollal's !" laugbed I'anged IJ. around the divan so tbat patience. It was only with dlmculty YO)! know what your triendship-your , man, I'm In debt Howard could not be seen. Then he tbat she contained berselt. Now she patronage means? It you drop me patrol wagon Illn't carried away with . hurried to the front door and interrupted him hotly: now, your fri ends wlll 'foUow-tbey're en~rJUelasm. bls condillou enabled him. opened It. " I broke my ehgagement with you 11 lot of sheep led by you"":and when All d~gi6t.e ae1I tho famous Herb rem· gave a sturt of SIIl·pl'ise. Alicia entered. because I found tbat you were ' . my creditors bear 'of me they'll bl! edy, Garfield~" ~t correots cOl1lltipation. up !" he exclaimed. Pointing Ing me-:-just ~s you deoelved otherll." down on me Ilkd a fiock of wolves. Bl'ound th room . he sB id: " What's CHAPTER VII. "It·s a lIel" broke In Underwood. "[ 'I'm not abhi to make a ' settlement. A woman'8 club sometime8 remlnd.1I -o\ber 1I.• rcb". 001, I ~IIICI-::an;n.~~:. ouo",,_mn price aIId 11 tbls-a bluff ?" Fo)' a few moments Underwood WRS Dlay have trilled with others. but I Prison stllres me in the face." 11 man ot a hammer. uDIiFIAHCII" .8 8UPI'UOR QUALITY • too much overcome by emotion to never deceived you ." Glancing 'around at the ·h andsome . 11o,derw ood nodd d. ':A bluff. that's Jt. Not u picture. speak. Alicia brushed by In haugbty Alicia rose and, crossing tho room, furnishings, Alicia replied carelessly: not a vas , not ~ stick bolongs to silence, not deigning tOl look at blm. carelessly Inspected one of tJle pic· "I'm not res~onslble for your wrong· . . mao You'lI hltve to go to your fa. All he heard was tbe soft rustle of lures on the wall. a study of the nUde doing. 1 want to protect my. frlend ll. V tiler." her clinging silk gown 8S It swept by BouguereaQ. [f they are. 1\ Ipt of sheep, as you say, The aprelliou oocun 10 m~., timet! In letten fro·'Never." sa lll Howard despondently. along the floor. She was Incensed "We need not go Into that," s~e said tbat Is preCisely whY .l should warn Ilok wo~," I wu compl«:,tety dllcoura,ed." And tbe;; Th e sugges tion wnll ev idently too with blm. of course'. but sbe had baugbUly. "Tbat Is an over now. I them. Tbey have Impllolt confidenoe fa ~-,. ,cod !Cl1lIlOD (or tho di.oou.....meJIt. Yean of Dl uch (01' him. becnuse he stretcbed come. Tbat was all be asked. She came to ask you what this ietter-thls In me. You have borrowed thelr mono 'IMUO. ~d .~epng.. Do,ct9 r after dootor tried. in niDI ont bls hand fo r hi' whi sky glaRB. "Fa. bad come In time to save blm . He threat-meaas. Wbat do YOU expect ey, cheated them at cards, s tolen 'from M~cm.. dOinj no lUling good. II fa DO "onder Ibat t.her·l; . done with mc." he sa id dole. would talk to her and ex plain every· to gain by tnklng your lite unless 1 them. ' Your acq'u alntance wlth Ole has &be "oa;a~ feell'(lidcouraged. fu lly . thing an"- she would understand. continue to be your' friend'? How can given them tbe opportunity. But now ' Tbou...ad. of tbelle ....eak and .ick women h!lve foUlld "He'l\ l'l' ll'nt. sugg~st . d Under. She would help him In this crisis as 1 be a friend to a man like you? You I've fouud you out. I refuse Bny long· IIeIlIh aad courage regained u the rcault of the "" aI wood . she bad In . the past. Their long know wbat your friendship for a wom· ~r to sacrifice my friends, my self' reHoward s hook bl~ head drowsily. fri e ndship, al1 tbese years of Intimacy. an means. It means that you would spect. my sense of decency." Angrily I Toucblng hili brow. be sa id : could 'not end like thJs. The re wae drag her down' to your own level and she continued: "You thought you could It ..bhli.bea regularity. hcalllo1llUllJUtioa ~d Ill.., "Too mu ch brains. too much up s UII hope for him. he situation was disgrace her us wel1 as your~el[' blutr me. You've adopted thllj cow· doD, ud cun. "cabell. . . here." Placing his ba nd 011 bls heart. not as desperate as he feared. He Thank God, my eyes are now openeil ard's . wa~ ot ,forCing D!e to receive' rr .utKa·WE1IK IVO_EN "7'RONQ lIe went o'n : : '1'00 lIttia down here'. might yet avert the shameful end of to your true character. No selt·re- you against my will. Well, you've liND S!"K WOMEN Weu. ' Once he s e ta a n Idea. he never Icts it the suicide. Advancing toward ber, spectlng woman could atrord to allow faUed. I will not sanction your rob· ~o. he hold s on. Obs tinate. One he said, In a hoarse whisper: her name to be associated with yours, 'blng my friends. l,vm Dot I\Jlow you . ~ .•ubetitul..·.oll'ered by aaaorupulOUl druUIata Idea-stick to it. Gee. bllt 1'\' 0 Illude "Oh, tbls fs good of you, you've You are as Incapable of disinterested to sell them any' more ot your high· slok ' fOr thia retaRlo remedy. come-tbls Is the answer ' to my let· . friendship as you are of (lommon hon- priced rubbish, WOlD. . · .... b...ited to .000lull bt ler...:r. /rHo AD oorrnpondeaoe a mess of things, haven't I?" etrictl"_"rin.te . iaad eaol'edlr OOIdid.entilll. Write wi'''-t r_r .nct -.: •.:._d ..or permit you to clieat Uaderwoo(l looked at him with con. ter." esty." Coldly she added: "I bope you. them at car S. fee to WI dd J)i R V P M unlU .\.. m ........ t e mpt. Alicia Igno.red hlR extended . hand quite understand that hepcetorth my Underwood listened In sllenee. He Dr 1 ruJarG8· • D." ~rea't; 8utr.lo, N. Y. . L_"~_ " ~...~.~ .:-.. ,re, te ~d aovlprate 'Iomaob, Ofti' ... . "You've ulRde Q mess of rOllr life," and took a seat. Tben. turning on bouse Is olosed to you. It we bappen stood motlonlesa, watching her flusbed _w~ • .- - - - - . UMJ' to take .. ' lle said hl tterly. " yet you've hud some blm, sbe exclaimed Indignantly: to meet In public, It must be aa stran- face 'as she 'heaped rpproaches on hJm . ..:.,. . ~~'~ ' ~~~F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=;;==;::=rueasurG of hnpp!ness. You, at leust. "The answer sbould be a. horse· gera.'·, She was practically pronounclnl -narrled the woman you love. Drunk· wl1ip. How dare you .send me Buch Underwood did 'not speak. Words ,d eath yet he could not belp " -, . en btlast as yo u are. 1 e uvy you. The a ruessage?" Drawing trom ber bag seemed tofaU him. HJs face 'was aet thlnkJng how ,pretty sbe looked ' When ' . . ',' . , WODlan I wa nted marrlod SOlIIO one the letter received from him that and wblte. A nervous twitching about she bad finlshtia 'he iald ' nofblng, . but " ' . ' ' . ' ., . " '. .'.: e lSe, damn her !" evening. sbe demanded: the mouth "howed the terrible menial 'golng b} 'bIll desk,l!e.·o~ede'd a small &I Howard was so drowsy rl'om the "What do you expect to gain by I!traln which the man was under• . In drawer .and took ·out a · revolver. u.tl e trects of tho whisky that 1J'e was al· this threat?" . the excltemimt be had tQrgotten abOut '. ' AlIcia recolle~.: frtgh~Ded . . , ." -.. . mOllt asleep. As he lay back on the "Don't be angry, Alicia." Howard's presence on the ' dlvan be- ' "What are you gOIDg to do?" .sho ~;-n .·. o~I". BOra, he gurgled : Und~rwood sp~ke soothingly, trylnK blnd: the screen. A Uetener mlgbt b&v, crAed.. ,. . . .' \:, ~ "SllY. old lUau ; I dldu't come here to conciliate ber. Well be knew tbe detected the heavy breathing. of the llnderwood sailled bitterly. . . '. ' to listen to hard·luc1( stol'les. I ('ame Reductive power 'ot his voice. Otten steeper, but even Allcla· benielf \Vas . flOb, don,·t· be . afraid .... '. to tell o.a e." he bad used It and "not In vain, but too preoccupied to noUIl') , It. . It ·.whlle· tou ."re -lIere. . In ap~te ~~all ,~ !If In maudlin fash iou he begllll to s lug, to·nlght It fell .C?n · cold. Indltrerent wood extended hts a~ms flleadlngly: , y.O?:v~ , 'sald : tQ::,m_e, ~. ~tl1i:~ think tpc "Oh; listen to my tala of woe," while eal·s. . .. AlIcla:......for the · .ake cf auld . lang' m'l~h·.o! < YQU ~o.r that ., J~eplaclng t)le Underw"o~ ant glaring at him , won · "Don't call 'm e by that name," sbe. synel" .,,'" pistolll'l tbe dr~w~r, ~~ ,addea: ~:AIli:la, derlng bow' he uu ld put lLlIII out. s napped: '. ' ....., ,If ' you'~desert' me now •.,'Ybu'll be )oiT) As be. r .acbed tbe last vc rse his . U~d~rwoqd . made . Qo ·: answier . . · He wantto .forgetth~ . past. Tbe.old to t he day of ·you'r death." ...• ,I'. ~eacJ begar. to nnd. Tho \vords came I tlIrn~el sl ~ghq1 'p&ler and, foldlng :·bls .9rles are dlstasUif",}. ,My ' only ' . 'Hf~ -r~,BJtO,... l~k~ at 1i1~.In sU~Acl thickly ' from his. lips and h e sank a rms, j!l$t·.' l<i.o~~d i at her, In sUenqe. Ln comhig' bere .to,nlght. w~ TJleb, ~?llte\~PtiloUsl,." . 8he. sa id: r ~leepllY \)11 k OIU 11& tbe soft divan There ' waa ·au.··awkward . priu~ e. t~~ 8ft~~.tlOD I!laln to you ' :, . ": " . tTO.· ~;E ,~ONTIlIf~JCI)' )1 , 'Iowe: At l/ls t ,she. said: . " , rou · to pr9mlse"' rn,e b'Jt ;. , . . ' }, .J at that motU lit t b tel phone ·"1 bope. "you updetstand 'that· eY~rT·your threat· to ' kill .bell ra . ud rwoo~ quickly picke d thlng's ov~r'~ .~_e~w~eln · us.,. '. O~ ac- :s~ouJd you .tdll,.fo'iirscIU up" the' r Ive~ ;. . I qualutance hi ·:!"t. ,~n ~n~." i ' , . ,(16 that, 'Beca:use',19u " II1,. I~[)ut~le7~ Who'e t u 1 h asked. .(\8 be "My (eeUJl);8. .t~W'aJ'4; ' ,ou . can ne,ve-: ''l'bat ,Is: tbe cow~r4',s , wiy out. bearc1 ..t!1e 81lf. ·I. ~ ? 11ls fac~ lit up aDd " h~e," . i:epIJ~ U.l!de..,..,ood · ·eal'neat- New York. , Oo ..whete i9U . repl~ecl oo\l('rly: "11rs. J If'''le~ Ii' . :' J lov:e yo~l 8hall :al",.• ,e love k~o~n, ." yo)i ~,. atl~ yo"n·8'. -)"e~, 1 II .~ru,o Ii WII, No, ' w ll tt,t!' tb jou ,. . : . . ,. ' . ' ". Ilfe ore...~hi" 80~ewl1ere cO~. ~p, ; . " Alipl.a .p l'8 ~ ~ IIttf~ ·.. !JhtUS o~ b,r. " ancw!. to\v~.1'!! ,,:llim. 8be Haallnlt UQ thl> reoe h'er, be. h,atUr.. ~holJlder8. ~~I'" .or \I(~er mdIfi'er: '!Jf..' YOU wilt 'dO' tJia I wUI lit o\,rc t" the dlYnn .and · ShOOkj eDce, ... . , ' , ; , ,I lIo",rw.ttt to. ·ie, ~~u ...... I "LoYe! " abe nclalmed ~C)CIdIlIb'. tl'r ~ot tJ) tbtDk ~r ),1)'11 aftl1da41y
~[!TIrnCIDIJ)(D)rr..n1T~~ IUHm
TtiIW DmOCr; jYc~s KLrlN,
30 ft. Bowels-
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Th, Farmer's Son'. Iraat
CT\','scoura'ge' d
Dr Pierce's Favorl'te Prescrlplon. , t'
PI! .. 'Pl:::"P.u;ta· ..
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l'm O.· TED 'FA.RMS •m I.·G.) I"ALlI"ORNI',A'
A.:I11:'. -.~ .,~.,.'-.,_.· ·.G.·. .y;:.e,·Il. .A-w'.!aY.'
------_. ---- " ,
Practical FashloD$
. ,Ii...
Corralling a Quarter Section
By M. J. PHIWPS (CODYrigbt, lIlU. by Aasoclated LiterILl")' Preu.) Arthur Brant was conscious of an rondercurrent ot hosUllty in the sod cabin of Ule Pen tons. The mental atmospbere W8.8 as crisp al the breatb~elll cold of the February nlgbl- a cold 'Wblch clutched the Dakota prairlea In !ron fingers. Brant was ' 0. sby YOllng man where 'Women wero con ernod, and though iJle telt neutely that for Bomo reason BUda Penton, her VIlI' nts and he r ten-year-old brothe r hall turned again at hJm, he could not bring himself to o.sk :why, or to worm the reason out of them by Indirection. Tbey had moved onto the quart r aectlon adjoining his own fino farm Q few weeks before. 11 0 had not lear ned to know them well. though he bali .ormed the habit of dropp g In on them du rlng the evening. Bllt now he W&IJ unwelcome. Jim · Penton, usually dablo an' ~nrrulous. smoked tonight In grave. . e. Ho k ' pt his gazo on the crocl,ed stove. which was glowing red with Its el'forts to beat back tho learchlng cold . Mrs. Penton knitted without looking UP. and little Jim, who usually bung adortngly about Drant's knees. was buddled In a corner. though he peered ateWthlly at bts friend lUi often as he
.ared. A& for Hilda herself. beyonll the merest monosy1lablc r eplies to Brant'l efforts to make conversation. she was Dmlnoully Quiet. The constraint gr w &II ebe wWllled tbe supper dishes an 11 tidied the three Uny rooms ot the cabill. . WIle" bor work was enmpletell and II 8at down oppos ite blm. ber blue e s were sparkling. and her volco I'eminded Brant ot tbe crackle ot trosty snow unll er foot. "I unders tand. Mr. Brant. that you lWere down at the county seat Friday looking up the title ot our QUarter /tee· t1oo." "YOI," replied Brant; "that's ono re&lJOn I came over. The hmd'8 bo 1I ~vertls ed for unvald taxes. . It'1l to ~ sold Tuesday." "ADd you're golns to buy It In?" . The contemptuoull tone cut like a wh. ·"No." repllell Brant. simply. "Well. we can 't 'r edeem It. We bad barely enough to get It. A.nd that mls· erable Sim Drockway cheated us. H
r Bentment weUed up within ber. For there. muffled to his eyes In ' a fur coat beblnd a SwlrUy jogging borse. wlLB 'Artbur Bront. He was headed for the county lIeat. '22 'm iles away. She bad nourlsbed a B cret hope that Peter Snyller lied; that Brant would not seize th e ir land. But Peter, whom she dis trusted deBplte his plaus. Ible tongue. hali told the truth. Brant oared more ror .th e lr land than for tbelr-for bel' -r gordo Her lips trem· bled pltltully as she turned from thll
Exhorting the Ducke. There are two tiny boys In this town whose mother s ings ofte n to them at th e ir re quest. and os she Is an ardent church woman. the children hear as many bymns a s anytblng else. The other day they were vlaylng with tbelr wood en ducks In the balhtub, and strang Iy enough tll e ducks were more Inclin ed to Iloat sideways tban In the approved mann er . After several at· tempts to keep th e misguided ducks Itral gh t the older boy s hou ied : "Stand UI) , du ck. stand up!" TheIl two·yen r·old. noting the familiar phras'. leaned over th e tub and ex· hort .d. "'Tnnd uP. duck! 'Tand up for J es us!"
OAT8-259 ItU. Pete Acre. : That I, the swom toJ>ield ol Theodore lial'lnllll. Lewis Oil., WllIIh. bad from Srllz" II Reju'Jtlnatcd White Bonum:a oat. and woh a llIlUdsolOe 80 acr fartn. Other, til!; yieldJI are 141 bus .. ;US bllJl.~ 103 bu"., eto" bnd by' f rwenl lIC8.~tered turoughout .the U. S. &lzer'¥ PedllO"ee Barl~. Flax. Cqm, Dilts •. Whent, PotlllocS, G!'IlIllCS and Clov· !rB are fllmou,s tqe world over for their pu rity and tremendoull yieldin" qUll!itiea. We arc e~811)' the \ar"e8t j(1'owere of fann "eda In th o world . Our cataloA: bris linA: ,,·itb .eed truths tree for the I18klnll. or send 100 in tamPI lind rcceh'e 10 pnc\ullles rf fll rm seed noyeltiel ond rarities. including above mllrv~lou8 oats. tOl1ether with bill onloloi. John A. Sa\rpr Seed c".• 182 South 8th St., La OrOll,e. Will.
The storm oame apace. There WII.8 II wind thal flew with the speed ot n bul let. It tore tho snow Into needle-like atoms and hurled tho Slinging partl· , cles resIstlessly before It. Great drltts 5369 tormed. Tbo little window disappeared b hind a thick fllm ' ot trost. Outside Tho very s imple styles In wu.Jsts ar It was Impossible to lee a lengtb never out of datel and tbe tIlustratlon ahead. A ' genuine Dakota blizzard proves uo exception to the rule. was hammering the great northwest. Her Wedding March. This waist Is Quite plain , with GlbA Bcore of times during the day an ;;on tucks ut tbe shoulders In front and I;. young girl who had never heard UDconfessell anxiety Mew the girl to ",Ith a yoke Cllcing of fancy outline as CIt Mendelssohn's "Wedding March." the window. There. melting a bole lhe only trimming on tbe back. but was familiar wltb the more popu· Inotbe frost with ber breath. she peered The plain sh irt sleeves are gathered laJ' parody on It. was a witness to a Into tbe storm. It was a bad day even Into 11 Cliff. but tbey may be cut off "eddlng ceremony In an uptown for an enemy to be out. Sbe tound lust below the el bow If desired. cburch recently. . As ~he betrothed herselt late In tbe afternoon praying This waist Is suitable for silk, latin. pair walked with dignified tread tothat Brant would stay In Carltn U11 the Frencb flannel. linen. gingham and ward the altar to be wed and the orstorm abated. He bad a blred man to sim ilar materials. can pealed forth MendelBsobn's Inlvlrdo tbe cbores! belnr unmarried. tbey The yoke faclng may be omitted In Ing marcb. tbe younc girl was plainly kept "bacb ball" together. He did lhe back and one of tbe new' style IIhocked. When she arrived at ber not need to hurry back.. And yetstocks, with jabot attached worn In home abe told her mother of the cer&Another fruitless ','n\t at tho blanlt plnce of a collar when tbll. waist form s mony and innocently exclaimed: white wall of flying snow. "Wbat do you think, mother. they part of a tailor made suit. . At eight o'clock there came a muf· The patt rn ([;309) Is cut In sIzes played 'Gee Whiz! I'm ,lad I'm fled knock_ Hilda hurrlol!d to tbe door 32 to 42 Incbes bust measure. Medium Free.'" rtnd threw It oren. to recoil In I\maze- size r e Qulres 2~ yards of 3G Inch ms· WHEN RUBBER8 BECOIlE NECJE88ARY ment. for tbe mild. patient bead of a terlal. .And 10ur ab"". plDCh, AlIcu·.1t'oot.-.lllaae. We ADUhorse projected Into ·U'. ...abln. It .cpU o IKI ..dcrto be alullulD Into Welboel.l.s Jo aU be To pro ure thIs pattem l{encJ 10 cents \llIOIr to 0 ..... Try I~ fur BrcAklDIr ID No .. Sboe.. was Brant's horse. to "Paltern l)epartment," ot thl!l paper Sold oyo.,."ho"" ~ Sample 1I'1lBm. A4l1reos A.8. With an exclamation lib. wade" ~te nome ond n<ldre8R plnlnly. anti be OImIlOd,lAlloy.N.Y. ~ .. 'lcuupt_.ulut.U .. u. through tbe snow to the cutter. Thera sure to Itlve BI\" ancJ number ot pattern. was a huddle d, fur·clad henp In the Plenty of Time to Fatten Up_ Cbeerh.1 Old ldlot- I say. you'll exbottom of the vehl.,lo. SlZEl . . .. ............ . NO. 5369. cuse me. but d'you know ~hat you ore As ber cry brought the olhers out the thinnest policeman I've ever seen. barebeaded Into tll'e storm, a shape NAMJ!l ..................................... . ~ Robert- Yes. I'm a new hand. and del.ached Itself from t!J.e rusblng white gloom-Frank Oleson. Brant·s hired TOWN .................... . _................ . haven't g~ to ' know the cooks yet.London ~Inlon. . man. The Sw d tad been search In,. STRE£T AND NO .. , ................... . afoot. for hl B iJlll!!ter. STATE ............................ . _....... . Constipation causes and aggravates many "He bane fr eejl:lng!" he. crted, and IOrioU8 dillealies. It i. thoroughJ>: cured by f 11 Ullon Brant like a bear. cuMng, Dr. Pierce's Pleo8llDt. PelJet.s. rhe favorshaking anll worrying him back from GIRL.'S DOUBL.E BREASTED COAT. ite family luntive. th e ve rge of the drealled sleep which has no waking. The Practical AgrIculturist. Brant roused reluctantly and looked Adam sn iffed aT. tbe book farmer. , "I don't behey*, In spraylng tpple about him. at the faltbful Oleson. at the Plutons, Bcarcely les8 concerned. trees," he sllJ)rted. at the cabi beyond. warm and ' \lgbt and cozy. His face cbanged as at an Yon wiD ' ~eC%e; perhaps feel chilly. You thinl, you Ilrc catchinq; cold. Don't unpleasant memory. ",nit untilJoo know it. Take .1\ dose of "Take me bome. Frnnk," be said. R nmlins WllaU'd Oil and you ju.t CIlD't In a tone that brooked no disobecatch cold. dience. . A man who tbJnks his work III worth And for the second time within a dollars a minute wUl spend an bour week Hilda Penton cried herself to looking for a dime he dropped In a aleep. The last veaUge of bope was room . .gone. He bad bid in their land. That 1.& why be would not trespalS on Do To. 11a" l!l7e Sal"' their hospitality. ,. ApplY' only trom AIIep Uo Tubell to It was tbree days before little Jim Prevent Intectlon. Murine Eye Salve In 'l'ubt>8-New Size 25c. Murine Eye LIQ. could go to tbe pOBtoMco. two miles uld 26c-600: Eye Books In eaoll Pkg. away. He came back wltb a letterThe longer we live the more we nn omclal lookIng article from tbe realize wbat we might baye done but county seat. WId a budget of news dldn·t. that kept him jumping up and down In excitement. ..... WID.lo ... •• BoothlDII' !!Iym" It1l" CblldM!D Tbe envelope wos l!.ddressed to ber t.eelhloll. IIOIIf'nRIb jlUmM. red .. .,.... IDn"mml\' father. but Hilda tora It open. caught "-. allaJa palo. "\lrea w1ll4 colIc, 2bc .. bcltU.. the sense ~t a glance, and dropped 5358' weakly Into a chair. . Loud apparel naturally proclaim. It Is by no means too lale In the sea· "Mother--fatberl" she gasped; "It's the man. aU right. We won't lose our .tarm. son to cons Id e r the mal,lng ot a new coa t for the little girl. All tbiOugh tbe Mr. Brant has loaned us the money." ONLY ONE ··ISRO.O QUDQlOt. .. 1& I.AXA'l'IVI!l DROM.O QUl.NlNB. Look ten . Mr. and ,1\1rs. Penton. graying beads cold wet spring sbe will ueed It. and Tllat lbtl ·e1Cn.tu", of S. W. ORnV .... UIOIl \be World OT.,. 10 0..,. II CoIcllll 0110 lJay .. S5o). • b~nt together, laborlout\ly gathered 'off and on tbroughout til sutnmer. Tbld mode l Is tbe very last word In that · James Penton. by , bls agent, Ar· rt shows the Every man Is a comer until he reach· thur Drllut. \lad . paid the sum tbe pohit of style. $142.79. being tbe full aruount due s tylish cM of body nnd sleeves In one. es a certain age-~hen he's a goer. for back taxes and penalties on the and this cut 18 quite a s becoming to In the Sprin}t elCllnse the sytJtem nnd so uth east one·qu·arter of lectlon-. lhe very youthful wenr er as It has purify the blood by the use of Garfield Tea. Oh. It was all there, to the last letter proven to be to her motber. _•.Is coat Is also an excellent deSign and ' ft.gdre of the description I Every pen~y saved means one less Cor R real· summer garment. made of Meanwblle. little Jim. by tbo extlle very lightest of se rge or cheviot. pang of foreboding. pedlent o( wbooplng at regular In· t ervala. at I(,st attracted tbe family's or even of pique. The pattern (5358) Is cut In sizes G atlentloa. to 12 years. Medium s ize requires 2* "Listen to rot'. listen to me!" be yards of 44 Inch material. with one yelled. "Lemme tell you about the yaJ'd uf saUn 20 l/lcbes wide to tr.lm flgbt over to Car,ln Tuesday. Bill ,· itS shown. Samuelson. he 8aw It,'·
Was a Bad Day Even for an Enemy Be O\lt."
Bald tit tltl was all right. Now we're to have anothe r samplo of Dakotl! frl ends hhll " Ang r sw e pt away Bran t's shyness. He rose. , "You mean ' I'd trt to get your property on tax.title?" ' "We wer e told that's bow you came by yonr la st two quarter secUons." . wWbo vcr told you that l\ed." sold Brant. quietly. "Tbe owners hadu't paid taxes, 1'\1 admit. But t gave Calr value for every acre. just the same." He knew who told th e fal80hool1Peter Bnyr}llr. fat.facell, sblfty-eyed
In Ita Due Order. Champ Clark. at 0. dtnner III Washtngtoll pI ndl!d Indulgence for a lIomewbat rambling HP nker. "He'll arrive." snld the D mocraUc 1 ad r; "It you' lI .o nly give . him thue, He I" like ·Dr. 'fhlrdly. "Dr. Thirdl y was dIviding up 111H sermon Into Its appropriate beads one Bunday mornin g wh e n a member Qt the congregation sll.outed Irascibly : " ·Meat. man! Give 'us mall' .. 'W ell: said pr. Thirdly promptly. 'bold' on. then. Ull I'm don e oarvlng.''' Cause and Effect.
_S,p ring Medicine
There is no th r se8.l'on wll('n /Tl~d}.. cine ill BO ~l1 ch n(!eded llS ill the "lIrin... The blood ie hflPllru Rnd impp v ri8hCd~ ()(1ndition indical 'd by pilUnl e.~. boils 1\ other ·.ru lltions on the fB~e ;1 1l l! bo~y • defidicr;lt vltn]ity, Ipsa of oppetite. ·Iock Itrcnglh. The \..oe t Spring medi ·inr. II-coorciillJ! to: the eXfwrien Il lind tnst.imollY of· \hoilMo.lf! nllnulIlly, l .
Hood's .Sarsaparilla Jt puriO
nnd nri!'\' ('R til ... hl. )o\l. "lll'Cll bllildJi up tb sYijlern. • Get it to lay in U In 1 !iqui ri (o rm 01 choeoll1Led l blcts anowlI as BaNi t.u bs. arupU o n ~.
"I s ee froIU lh e pap p. rs,'· sai d Daw·
Ion. 'that tll re Is a srent scarc ity ot chorus gi rls t his year." "I was afraId lll ' l' , woultl he." said Wfg~l es. "It'g only another ease of calise an d effect. Th Frencb cbam· pngn crop has practically fail e d. and lobet r s are scarce r lhnn hils' tee lh this seas ou ," - J larp r's W oe kl ~ .
rn. ER CU RUD IN It TO 14. OA'Y8 Yonrdru KJ;'. ' wIll ,elll na wun", It I'A ZO OINT14 ~N 'l' 1aJlij to ('11m IU', 4.'n ~ u f h ehlna. 1t llQ ~ m".d loa or l',.utrud IDil l-'lIos In Gw U d~I". c.uo. All Depends. "Want a good nnecdole statesman ?" "Was be r e·el ct ell?"
Garfield Tea corrc:r.ls I!onatipatlon. cll!Q I\8es I he system nnd purifies the blood. Good h 61th I S mnint.'lincd by itll use.
Il 182 C..,ntraJ AY~.• _ L n N. J. "an~ wep and ..0 IIILXl0Ui to oarll load oomml slllon w .. rile a' 0
Improvidence In trifles never made a millionaire nor Bwelled a bank account.
~~~I:fLF~Mo,-t~ plctnre 111m. 1 oen'PIIl' t 1 . • W . 1:1. l)AVlI:I. Waterto_
Restored to Health by lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound' A 'woman who is sick and' suffering, and won't at least . try a medicjne which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's·
Vegetable Compound, is; it would almost seem, to blame' for her own wretchedness. Reacl what this woman says: . Rlcbmond. MOo - "'Vhen' my second daugbter _as.elghteea months old 1 was pronounced a bopeless invalld by speclallste. I bad a consultation of doctors and tbey said I bad a severe ~ of ulceration. I was In bed for ten weeks, bad slnldng spell.., Gnd was pronounced to be in adangerotIB condition. My fatlaer lW1ls00d that we try Lydia Eo Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. and brought me Ilx bottles. I loon began to inlpl"Ove, and before It bad all been taken I was as well and strong as ever,-m7 friends' bal'dly recognized me so Jl'l.:etLt 'Was the ch8.Dge." -)Ida Woodson Branstetter, Rlc4monCl, Mo. . . Tnere are lit~rally hundreds of thousands of women. iD
the United States who have been benefited by this ~OU8 old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over . thirty years ago bya woman to relieve wo~'s suffering. Read what another woman says:~ Jonesboro. Texas.-"I have ~ed Lydfa E.PlDkham-. Vetreta. ble Compound for myself and da~bter! and consider It une-quailed lor aU female diseases. J WOUld not be without It for nnything. ' I wish every motber In America could be pers~e4 to use It as there wonld be less Illfferlng amonG'_ our lex then. I am always glad to Ipeak a word of prafae for 'Lydia E. PInkbam's Vegetable Compoun~ and ;rou are at liberty to use tlala testlmonJaL"-Mrs. James '.1.'. Lawrence, Jonesboro, Texas.
Since w.e ~uarantce that aU testimonials which we publish are genume, is it not fair to. suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegebble Compound had the virtue to help ~hese women it will help any other woman who is 'S~ering from the'same trouble? . .
. For 80 ;rearS' Lydic. E. Pinkham'. Vegetable Compound . has been the standard remedy for female ms. No sick woman does Justice to herself wbo will not try tbls famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and haa thousands of CltIl'e8 to Its credit. u the sllA'htest troubl"appears which you do not nndcrstand, write to Mrs, . .. tnk~am at Lyon, :lUass., for her advice-it 18 free and always helpful.
A Country SChOQI for Girls In New York City Best Features 01 Count" and Cit, Lifo Out-of-doot' SportB on School Park o~ 35 ncrcs near the Hudllon Rlvor. Full Academic Courso' trom PrImary ClllJIs to Grsd\jlltlon. Upper CIBBI for Advanced Speolal Studenta. Music lind Art. Summer Seslllon. C~r Ull '01 " IHlmltR to College. Behbol Coach Meots Day Pupils.
"Hey 7" said ' his tath Elr. raising his To procure thIs pattern Bend . 10· cents man,. of the til. ot women are due Pepaln. It ta a woman'_ favorite laxa.eyes at last trom tbe maglo paner. to "Pan rn Oepartm nt." of this pnp"r. to'80habitual constipation. probably bo- U'·e. You will lind that YOI1 can do away Write name and address plnlnly. ond bo "A fight-who?" cause of thalr talle modesty on tha sub- with !!olts. strong catharUre. etc .. which ,ure to give alze and number ot pattern. jeet. tbat thall" attenUon cannot be too are entirely unsuited to woman'B require"Arthur Brand and Peter Snyder." strongly cal\ecJ to the Importance ot kepp- menta. cho.tt,Ered IIttlo Jim. "That mean old IIss _114 IIss , ..... IMr~ Aft.. _ m. SJ., tal Ing the bowel I open. It II al~ays ImporMrs. Katherine Habers troh ot McKeel Pele was there to get our land. and NO_ 5358. SIZE._ ............... tant to do tbat, reprdless ot the .ex. but Rock!!. Pa.. -and 1111'S. ·A. E. H errlelt ot . he had a check al\ made out. But It Is especIally Important' In women. Wheeler, MJch.. who WIlJI almost paraPete. who bad. e lEcted blmself first Mr. B~aiit came In and said he wa& NAME .•••••••••••••••••• " ................... . From th e time the girl begin. to men- Iyzed In her stomach and bowels. are now IlOO to acres. to llOi• aen •• 600 rluh aud 840 8U1UOtb, rrtend to sh irtless Jim Ponton and oYer 8lz-tA)e1) milO'll t IItrua.te until me'l"truatlon ceaSeil Ibe has cured by the 1180 of tills rcmetly. A freo pretty. bluo·eYlld Hilda. And Pot r your agent •• Pp~t an' ltil' add htbl e 'm°ln e1' TOWN .................. _...... ........... _•• rall ...:uuA. U ..... l QOrD la always vastly better prospectl ot coming lamplo bottle can bo obtnlned by o.dtlresu- Oomaqulcl<, JOHN W. OARl'JlN'l'l!In. l lIoUnT. . . . was notorious as 1\ tax.tltle shark. He rendy. An e e co e maar, through healthy It Ihe watches her bowel Ing Dr. .Caldwell, anrl after YOII are con. STnEET AND NO •• _ ....... _ •••••••••••• movemcnl8. tt you One! youreelf consU", vlncecS 01 Its m e rits buy It or your ,tlrug- - - .--- - was 'g e't Ung rich by taking advantage anJ Mr. Brant. told him · he was a pated. with bad breath, pImply complox- ct-t at tiny cent. nnd one dollar n broUle. 11 :'T.:~~.~~} Thompson'. EJt Wal" of th.6 laud-poor. tax·tltle sbark. . BO Pete slruc\r at ST A. TE ................ "........................ IQn. headache.. belchlnA' gaa and other For the free Rample adcJNI~" Or. W. B. B ~nt op ,ued · h Is mout h to deno 1IDco blm. symptom .. of It)cJlgeBtion and constipation, Cilldwell. 201 Caldwell buUcJlng, MonU- W. N. U., CINCINNA;:i~ NO. 11-1911.1 "And. 'then they fought I\nd knocked take II. small dOlle ot Or.' caldwell'a B)'l'up cello. III. P~and closed It agn.in without over chairs. an' tho clerk climbed up Ipeaklns: ~e 'oouLdn't flgbt- the will' onto the Il\!sk. nnd. Mr. Brant,'blacked MlstresS-NSo~:. ~n:;.; a policeman • scoundrel wltli · such weapoDs. TIle bald tru'th ,.,ouid easily com'lnca them P t o's eyes and bloodied his noae. In the pa rk today kiss a baby. I bope of :eeter·s . rookedness; ' but tale.bear. An'YOIl will r emember my objectlons to ~~...........tit. 111111..., ..... t!Je. 0.. tOo ...u ..........u..... TIl" thai. eo""'" !litter lIIall.!', atll.,!Iye. Y•• eu . . lng, "11188' oul' of _bls line. . Little Jim "topped, the breatb such things. . .. " ." .' .......................... DA ......... ~:....._.G~.G. " . " . IIG •• . .~. "',..... Nora-Sure. ma·am. no pOliceman ':Our hundr d and sixty ,,·ould om. squeezed out ot his body. For his als· pl~te :Y,.o ur . . etlon';'; drawled. ohi Jim; tar. her' e)·.es shining like · twin staN!, would ever thln\c Iv klssln ' yer ' baby .. "1 don't won.,ler . You . w~nt It." . ' was fiugglng him t'1 her breast and . whUe I'm nr~und. " . . , "' , BrAn~ ·turn d 'o n' biro. !1J don't' want laugb~g lID.d - crying ~t ,the ' sll~e . . . • .... " Ian.'""" .. .. II·16 ..sal"'d~"/' "Bllt. '"I. you . don"t .. \Ime. '. (. - "d ;t ' 11,'" R'aising ~Ia~\( F,.o.x.. :.. .. '. , YuUf" " '." " h , . jA' ,. 'r aise hU J;lIJr"ld ' llDd ' Corty dollars br ' J!m. 11 , e s/l ..!'. y~u " g~ ,n n , . e, On F.·rlnce '~d'war,ti: .1sJQntl /~boilt ,. 25.:: Ttiep'~~Y ortEi'll . ~f "Il; that's Artb~r to come O,yer"!l reo I:-:-we,--wo. 'ODD., m(ls}t~ats. 60!) D1!nks, "1,000 '. re,11' J.. .; j • • I · . . ' , . ' '. ",' \v.an~ to tlfapk blm.~d beg h,ls .P~ .' foxes' 'and n .fey. we8'sels' ~rll , 1'llIed ·· aU~. , - I . , . I, , I . . ,. ".. . • . ' 'I'b' bl Ii r i b .' d ui . Fie ' ~t~'qde" out'·an'd 'clo ed . .thd cloor dOlL . , . ... , c. .; . . ' ' . •• . , 611,ch y~ar. ~.. a~ .. ox s /e . .ere. belltDd llilft ., PerllllJlS . hili tnualngs . ·"TaI~}t... n~ ~~y, . ~.plled . Jim. by f1eop le w~o fkeep~ t~~lr imethods sL>: wouid '11 va been."Jeas b'i~~r ~ad .he ~r!ggllng tt~; ~ 1. ~k?,d him ~yselt. ;~r.et.. A. gOO~ b)aC'k fO~AJ~n 11, ~~~tll .knQ,vD J1i~t allila fj~ cried sllentiy,for An h S" eat~. .e d _.come-. _ . _$1.500. . . ali ~ur. a~te)', goln~ \0 ·· bed--and· li'~r te~-wer IU)t a1tQg~tber ,for. the qomlDi 10ll~ of ·the . fult.. . . " • 'l'~-.day dawned . clou~y, cQ1d; .• ,tt.cmia.. In ~\o~; -:Aa .Hllda lOOked bl'olld p.l lrn or, UDd~latf~c
.Larlte Farms
aild ' a.1t. .dcJ~ ...
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The, Neighborhood News .
U un /l ~II ,
. Now is. the time to uy your frs . . A. Bl'\ln l' and ,B J'Il- March 22nd; to Mr. an9 ' Carden Seeds I 1.H'g-eU, Hugh !ll +s. Cynth ia Evans wer e gues ts ef MI·S. J . M. C,?ok a son. Seed'Potatoes Ill l'lI ett,' b:1l Dr and II':;. H . E. HaLhawtlY at S ' ]'Ul'llI.'tl.; ()wen d' 11' 'd ' pring N ckwear.- What makes! . . Onion eta HU l lul'\ '0 th, am mn ·1' l? 1') a~ venlng. We have a larg supply And our B:.lIly. Em rnor What val ues! Barnhart's. p'rices are right.
~ r. and
)'. L.
•• ••
•• ••
New Burling:ton
Mr. and Mr" ...ewis ears and son .Boward ll000mpl1nied by Olyde Lev. ioy motored co OilY ton Satorday r eo t.nrnlng Idooday evening. While f.h~re they were entertllined' by reI ntlvps , ." farmers In thlp Sfl)tion are , bney with thllir plowing. vdry
'I ugett , P. D.
1\11 . J. E. J an n e~ , Mrs. J. T. Mrs. T. J eff Smith spent Wednes· Ellis anci MI·>1. Liuul ey Mendenhal l day and Tnu'rsday in Xenia. spen t Thu rwla. vel'y pi aganLly wi th Mrs. Eva A. Barger will have l\I 1':>. Will F rartl e. a display of Easter Millinery April 1st
Bulk Sweet Pel! and Nast.urtiam Seed , See our I2X c Prunes. 11 Fancy Muir Peaches .. .. ....... , c Evp Apricots ................... .. Inc Choice Rio Coffee ....... ' .. · ...... 22 2Oc Santos Coffee .. ... ......... ... ... . c Chick and Hen Feed. 'Cracked G' 0 t Corn for Chicks, rlt, ys er Shell and Charcoal. . Oysters again this week. Fresh Fish Friday
M M 'Id H ' M" Eth I Mr. and l\1r~ . F rank Zell ant r. . rs. atl a OSier, ISS e t ainetl a t din ner Sunday J ames Hosier and Mrs. Euphemia Hough speJlL Tuesday in Dayton. McClure amI Mr . Iua May Kelsey. o f Bell ul'o ()k , Mr. and Mrs. Will Din· For correct Easter millinery, see widdi~ , 11'. and Mr . Walter Mc luI' Mrs. Smi th's display Saturday, April ant! ~ O 'I a l'l. 1st ,
): I'OW II,
e·l--'- - - -:"'--- .. - - - .• '- ,- ~ - - - ~. ----TO
All ell, w. tl . . Bu.l'Il. tt, 'F l'ank Burnett , Walter BurneLt, harlcs Rutt rworth , E .
- l'BAT-
-Wayn To\ n hip P I' t. eU tect iv 'oci ation :
hau llcy He. n . Arth ur BrudJuck, F rank 'erryhill, ilbur . . Bu rk "Lt, .1 , V. 1..\' u:\nl. ' 1'1'011 BU l'kett, J os li:u'Il :1a l t, K V. D !'nard , Fred l "rn~ ll , Wm 'orn II , ' harl s hallllle , Btl wi n l' }' )' 1 ' ·11 J1 1'" h: , .~ . lll!IS , . . 0" Wm ('(Jol' , Phin as ~ 'arman. Frank I I '<.1\ ('I' , Cli n t " ouk " elh 'ask 'y , Joh onner . l1aymond Ch,\pman. J o , (·om pt f)ll . \ III Clark, Ch;\s, 'auwllllllder, J.F. Co nw r ig-ht , J. O . Clark . H, 1\1. ·pull. ::;U
' j' I
l 1111" 1', C11:n"e'
'reti well, James Uau r ,"l ly, Ceu. (',a rr. WIII r· aVI..' , \'. . \ ' . Davis , Saml llidwioldi" , James Dinwiddie, Will. I iL1l1n , Will Davis, J ohn I: 1\1111, Fra nk Drake, W. H. (':1 j..; , l :lad ll1 a n "'II ' J J' I I' r . IS, . • '. ~a rn w r L, )ur ton Edwards, O. J. l~m l('y, lI a rry Earnhart, E . E. Edward s, 'harl es Elli , Charles I-';\'a ns, J (),a~ n h Elli ott, Web Fli nt:!,;. l':olw in Furnas, Seth F".'t . I\ il'X Fryo, Chari s :1'. l.'ln1,;V S. Frame, W. T. ('\l ~ I I I1 , \ \ . l . Graham, J onathan ( ,jU\)'1 , , ,Ju hn (..Justin, .J ohn (;'D.\' , ,Iathan Jray, Charles Ilir. II , ~.\ll l ' raY,Walt(lr li l.l,·k , ll , ])anl H a~v k , C. T. 11 :.; '\' , ,J \\' . Hockett, Ea rl Jl til \W.1Y . I!oy Hisey, J. '. lIurl,,', 'k , ;.,ylvan Hay. Wm. P. H r tsn 'k , ' harles Hartsock, Wm Ha l·I.'oek, J l." e Hartsock, J. W. tI a I' c, J . ' . Hartsock, George Houg h, Ed I~ough, Churlft!\ H tl (j u r s o ll, Otho Cl "" ..
Doubl e the wear where the wear Mrs. Allnn. B. Cook and da ug hter ~o mes i ~ our motto in Children's Mi;s Mary oo k enter tained at din- Hosiery. E, V. Barnhart. nc r Sund ay, Miss Mal'y Fra ney, of d M G' b L d olumbus; Miss Margal'et Wan t , of Mr. an I'S I son owe an l ' 10l'row. and MI'. and Mrs. C. E. son , Harold. am niece, MIS."I Berea'", J ohns of Lytl e. and Earl Cox. of Mason, visited Mr. Ulld Mrs. C, A, Bruner Friday af· t ernoon.
New Tomatoes, Cabbage, Let· . d Rad'ISh es • tuce, 0 monsan Everything hgOO~ to eat at the rig t prices at
ZIMMERMAN'S _~ '"iJ"r __ _ :;
11'8 . Israel Satterthwaite enterEaste~ Display of t rimmed hats Well IIIUltratod. la ined a few fri ends at dinner 1'('"Somo tlm s 0. vIrtue can be ell/II!' Satu rday, April 1st. at Mrs. G. cently. Th g uest wel'e Mrs. Dongera.led uoW It become8 a vIce," .a.ld Lincoln Smith's. avon, of Indian apolis, Miss Monimia the earnest advIser. " I see. exactly what you're comJo' Bunnell, Miss Emma Heig hway. POULTKY MEETING at" replied Tarantula TIm. "Wbereu.a, Mesdu lll !'I Lin& Devitt , Emmol' Baily, fo~r aceB 18 a bleuln' an' &r"'U, to be There will be an open meeting of a.dmlred, J . B. Chapman ..nd G, W. Hawke, tive OIl ' _ IdA o,.at. unthe Miami Valley Poultl'yassociation ItaK tJaHoalolL" aturday, April 1st, at 2 o'clock, in - - the Township House. This meeting Mr. ami Mrs. has. Euward nte rtain cd a li ttle house party atur- will be open to the public and as it d ay nig ht and Sunuay. T hose wh :> will be the last meeti~g held for some Notice Is Ililteby _given t hat a.t the meethllf e nj oyed their hospitality were t he time, the members are . desirou~ of ot the County OOUlmillllloneni or Warren County,OWo. o_bo hold on the having as many present as possible, Mis 'es Minn ie and Laura McKin ey, Alma Watcrho.us , Ell en and Ma ry orne out and hear what the associa1st Day of May, 1911 herwood and Bes e Hamil ton, of tion is doing and is going to do. There ' ,,111 be pre.'I8nted to said Commie· II10nell a. petition tor tbe IIIItllblJ.lh ment or King'S Mills . HAD NAIL AJ\\PUTATED -"" a County Road.' BeglnnJng Ln the Lytle and PLnkney Road at t ho S. E. corner or W. B . Dulce'. land runnl.nx uorth to tile N, W . coro( A. Cornoll'. lot thenc, wJth W~~-Il MI'S, Emmor Baily and Mrs. Lina . Lee Hawke had the nail of his big ner Kenl'jck'. !lne to w, nutley'. Ind . thence to the MOlltilOmery County Iloe, and tbat AId toe ampu tu ted last week. As a result Devi t t entertain ed a t dinner last petition wUl.taud tor he1U'lng on that day nr of the 'operation he has been making 80 8000 tberea.ft« &II the ..me can be reacbed. Tu esday in honor of thei r guest, WALTER KENRIOK. a desperate effort towalk straight. ill'S . Donavan of Indianapoti Tllose PriJIc\paI petloloner, present were Mrs. H .. E. Hathaway, Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs. Israel atterthwaite, Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Mrs. Geo. Hawke and Miss Emma Heighway.
.. ~
Born to Mr and Mrs. LiOWllrd Carr Sunday, Maroh 19th, 0. son . h I h d f il h 1111. om ower 8n am y ave moved baok to town. Boward Leaming Bod family have HHart:>lock, Fran~ B H ai llel::!I' W E' moved baok to Wm. Hawkins' farm amI ton. orwm ow . . . Hormell, Clarenre Hat ton. H. E . Mrs. Jane White fell on Wedues- Harris, Frank· Haines. J o 'eph d ay h 1 nlg t of Ilst week nnd bl'oke Harv ey. Wm Hatfield, LN. Rft.neY8burg K of P . 10 lge W Il8 her hip , 1.:1 a th away, F . W , Haw,e, I D. y, P . r. " well. represented W m . '"om i f, h an d w Ife,o f 0 a.yton, H aw k e,J. H 11 d . n.t ~heJ j ' \loeral Jlj ... of , ~ am :' It 1111, If '1. t hml" . eoe,.ed brother, . uook were ::;unday goeat8 of his mother, Hartsock. Byron J ann y. J . E. at'. Suoday. ' t~'1 Robert Dymond, of Xenia, Irons, Leroy J ones, e h d es R. .Aev.: Jeae EJ"wkin~ preaohed nt prellohed at the Friend8' ohuroh on Jon , Nathan ,James, Benj J'rlendsohuroh Sonday 'Ma.oh ,26th, t)onday. J oy, . G J uy . Chad ~ Mr. and Mnl. Pe~rl IdteW,lrt, of Jo eph BI~ir Willi on t he slok Ii t Jordan, Wal ter ( JY8 • .1. M. Wll...~ton, vi ited friend!! here I k Keys, H. P . I nclrick. ~rry ~ .. k ast wee , I W H "C' " . M eys, . . .l" I lg , .L. 1a.tw~. U'_ ".....n... 1 f M . r. IUld' Mrs. Ed. teddom spent Kilbon, Walter Lang , Dr. ookl .a ter, r , the wee ' k ·en d at t h e b ome 0 f E 0 . -,a . IIAI verI" L WI'''",Oma r Lukell", 'Homiok'. buline&$, Mr. Horniok is ' ., Ed. . . Hill and fllmily n ear... Cedarville . LewI's, Cllar'les LI·llcoln. t. W. to be oong....tnlated in seon~lo8 Mr . are keeping hou e io. the Linder, J ohn 1\1 nay. Harry Can 'A eel"vi oes lI.a 11e is Ii go od man They Beeves' property. Matllt, A. i\l olTi , W. A. for the plaoe. , • Mre. ,:6:0108 BlUe and Olark Oavi8 Tlie W. F , M. S, held a mite box Mullen, James . 'lcCl ure, Wa lter , . opening at the home of Mrs. B. F. Mason, Emerson Macy [':d ber l»ro,her were operated on 11~ Oompton Saturday ' Mc IUt·~ Howard Mal'6h nlJ , F rank lVirs. Annie Thorpe entertain'ed Mi:lVleUao'. B'ospl tl1l, of Xenia. lallt ' M h I J 1\(( t I 'd w,eelt ~ua, reports from there are " Mrs.. ~e ·.;oy1e under~ ent a~ ars. a , u . '.lot , :. very pleasant ly last Wednesday af, , tbey.are leUhig along nicely Bnd operation 10 Dr. MoOleUll.o 8 h pl- M~rritt Albert [athel'~l. Cha!'1 s ternoon. ards and mu sic\vas the ,1I1.peedy'.reoovery is expeJted, tal11lllt Friday, Mott, Foster M ore. ' . J . a musemen t provided and deliciou _Dr,~: J. 1l'llteon pne ,of our p~om. Stooents of Wilmington oollege ,Mills, George D. McFarialld. Ed ~ are home for spring vaoation. M!3ndenhall, L · Nu tt, J ohn . refreshm ents were servcd . 1'he ,i,en~pbJ'IIoi~os will leave for South . Null, Frank O. b !'n , Marlon g ue t. we l'e Mr . Stein, MI·s. Huff· J,lakota io view of m aking it his fn Mr. Rnd Mrs. Eel. Boglln enter. Nutt, Edward Pralel', Harr y f..re home. He has t-\1e' best Wi8h e talned reI&tiv-6s from near LebBDon, O'Neal, Wm I ober t'on, Ueorge man, Mrs. H. E. Hathaway, Mrs . of tbiaoommopit.y. Sonday. Pennewit . Joseph It tall ick . J ohn ynthia Evans, Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, lil.-. B . Oakto ttansaoted business Thefriends ·)f Mrs. Olarenoe Bent- Raper, range Lalli ck, EJ Mr:-.. G, W Hawk':), M1':;. I rae I ID LeDA~PD ~hursday . , ley ' (nee EIIl'na Oedrio~) ure di . ' Retallick, Evan leh, N. B. Sa tter th IVai . Mr, Emmor Baily, ~r..~ ,~aiy . 8~1 .is q uite slok at oooraged aboot her oondltlon . Her Rich, Wm B, Rich . I ra 1\1 1'S. Lina Oevitt, Mrs. ~ D navon, her bome'on &oond stree t . arm was broken above the elbo w in Rich, Wm Rol unct , Ed Mrs. J . .B .. 9 ha pman and Mis~ Em, t . " runa,w/.Io~ BCo!dent several months Rich, J ohn Ri g , M· lcolm .. r .()reg:on(a. . tlgu. It did not knit prop~r.ly n.nd Roland , Silas Rug'c rs , Elmol e ma H ig hwuy. , ,. B allver plnte was pat In . ' It hll~ R bitzer , . ~f. R I lan d, J I·t·y W 1\. lteraey l~r~ Sdor.d",y for DOW. beoome n606I1Stlry to remove Rog-erR, K B, . hidrlk 1' . Frank ao eUe.-is_ VI81t In Cllieago. a pieoe of the bone snd insert IL sll. Reddick, Fra nk ' l:'l, J C. .........-...-.~ --. ..........-.,..;.......... ~. ,Jobll ..0. Bradbary. "of Lebanon. ver tube. ::;he w1ll n ot be able to Shi~akel', harles :m! th, H,onj lpeoU3Wl48y with his brother here. leave the hospital for severtll weeks m!th, Ch arles tn !tli, utorge r ., Mn.. :"' ; ' 6. SobeQok, of Xenia, • -m!th, Cal'} ' ~ mlth: aml .~~.- '""-' ...... -...-. r wbo Iiu beeo 'yjeitlng her sieter L~FT MONEY TO 0000 CAUSE Sm!th, J IT ,hutts, Ib l .....0' HMurda..r with Oregl)n~ SmIth, G orge ,eal'!:1 , . harl es Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Sams, who .... . J ' J h d W I H . hutts, Frank m . l"mnk IneolH,. . 0 n an i111\oLll Ilmilton of Smith, Brice " h ehan . J ason have been Jiving riear ' Mo rrow fo r lin. George ~~er 8):ent BondllY Hanover, Ind " ~wo old bllchel rB, Satterthw aite, 1. ~qll il'tl?, Fra nk a coupl e of years; have moved to with 'M~row relatives , who lived 10 almost primitiv s ty) " Stokes, Frank " he~wood, F. B. Pleasant Plai n, Ohio. . The U~ B. a~nday ~ohool eleoted gav-e aWI\Y to a.id the work of Chris- Sackett. Pel'j'Y S:l'ouse, Jac b ' , tbe folloWiog oftloers for the new tian eduQation in Xenia 'l'beologi c!b l St rouse, R bt 'attertil wa ite. C. 'er~ ~o SundaJ': 80perjnC8Ddent, Srieelhen John Silver , !:3tojws Mr. and Mrs. , Wm. DaugQters, Min 1IldDa S~006T; Allsistant, Mra, /:)eminary, and in Mnsklngllm uud Surface, Warren SI,l'Oa..,; , Cha rl el Sarab 'Ker8'ev; IIeoretary, MI8e Ger. Cooper ool1eges IDore thaD UOC OUO, SurIa e, Lest~l' uri c~' , Pod who were called to Hannibal, Mo., CLASSIFIED AD, ' trode .Keney ; Treasurer. Mre. Will 'Thitt a~oont WIlS aooumuhted oy ' urface . Charles ' ho ll1p~'l\>n , leo rge uy a dispatch stating that their son, Nor't oo: Organle', 11ls8 Mabel Sher· eoonomy and oareful hushl\ndln g of Thom pson, J. S. 1'hom a"', rlhn r Oren, was cl'itically ill, h~ve return~d woocl;andutbrartao, VtlnRetalHok. oapif,lll aDd ncorning interest, When Thompson, J ohn Tud f, Ch a rles Mr. and. }fr., Walter Underwood Thomas, Ed Vandl' rvo n , Jas. home, They were accompanied by If you have anything you want to sell or 'buy, help mo'ored up from Oinoinna~i. and the la8t one p"8eed B.way thera were Underwood, Z. \\, ite m fL , C; ' ·orge thei r son. who has nervous Drostrawanted or 8ituations wanted, the Miami Gazefte spen' , 8uridt.y with Dr. and lIdls. iso,oOO inveflted in 3 per oent U. ::'. Wilhelm, Carl " Itt nna n, C. tion.-Xenia Herald. E . .p, Krteghojf. tonds and '20.000 In the bank, White, U. M. W a~'d , J ohn can get them for you. ',Try U8 once. - - -•• • -.. Ward, J, W. Whlt.al 0 1', John Spring Branch Th 1 William~on. Earl Wrig ht, Ur. ere are better p aoee for a man Wilson, Walter WiJ.'on, J uitn The nuptials of Miss Mae George, WANTED FOR SALE make a. fool of d himself than ' i by W Ison, I saac Wuo II e.v , urIs r 1 •Iter 0 f Mr. an d Mrs. A~. K . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • ~d Mre. Thomas Laoyand toItchl Mr. t (aug lamily aod Mr. and Mrs. Fraok D&. p ng 1n J a oon uotor for d oing Weeks, Roy Zimmer man , Wm. George, (for)Tlerly Miss Nettie Lip'. kin .od. family were entertnlned b.y his duty on 11 street car. Zimmermall,Thad Zimm erman , L. A. pincott) a. nd Mr. William B. Ran· N h INCUBATOR--G I b to' 27 .... F - - -- - . . Zell. Wm Z,'lI , ;C'll'gtl M A past BO with orse 8nd bug, . em nOD" f, 0 Mr . ,an d _re . rank Cook on last , Zell, Frank Zell, .J!)hn neils, wel'e celebrated at the home of ~.1. gy to sellstook oondition pow. ,egg8, good as n,.w, used only.one Snliday: Zell, James the bride's parents, on East Locust der in Warren County. SIlJarv $70 season . Write A. B. ElUote, R. O. Mia AJioe Ohenoweth WIlS the stree. t', Dr, Conger, of the 'Methodist per m'lnth. · Add~6l!s 301 Unity 1, I:Iprtog Valley, OhiO, for inlorm,, · gneit of her aunt. Mrs Amandtl bldg, IndianapoJis, Indlantl, I tlon . church, and Rev. W. C. Ilouchins, . I I:Im"h and Rebecoa OrlLlner on Ia8t Sund.a v. T A K E NOTICE' of the Walnut Street Church of ~ FOR SALE~Two 'eamR lIole., Mr. aad Mre. John 'Hartsook were • 5 sets single and double H I1~gy and Christ, o t'Jieiliting , It was a bome I ooming .a years old, onbroken, the gueete of thllir lJOO Edward and wedding, only members 'of the im. FOR R~NT Igood ones~ 15X' hl\Dds ·high. Phone wife ldoDday dinner . Wagon Harness. . mediate families being present, but 1448.2X. U • .E, RUey, Le,baOOD.O. -U A handsome d ark d app1e gray 2 Buggies -One good a new. with the appointments of the festal oc. I _n. W a 1tel" Dak in entertained on ' , Thursday Melldames H. O. Dakin, ' Percheron Stallion, 17 hands high, Star storm·front a ttached . . , b'f Th • t SEED OA'fld f.or sal0. 8wedt.h Be- . J , B •. Ohenowetb. Adtl Dakin, Pettrl weight lS00'lbs t . d b t l Spring Wagon. caslon were very . e~utl ~. e STORAGE Room, lurge und Oan leot. ~roduoe beavv, weigh Dakin MiaeetI Loi. elod Hazel Dtlkin .. ,ex ra goo s or 1 two-horse Platform Spring Wag. home was deco,rated In JonqUIls and I .. s't ore lotI! of go?ds . '<:Jan at the heavY,450 per ba. Pb'Qne 61S-By', M"&e~. Ruee81 and Harold ' Dtlkin . back, with flaring ribs and flanks O~ wit.h stock rack8; best light stock the color sche~le . was yellC)w ' and Guet.te .omoe for in ormatlon. O. &w.~n, Wl4yne'~~1!8, O. ,MrA .. J U: 'Q~enoweth bad a" b 3r down much better than the average wagon in the coun ty, and all other gl'~e~: Th~ bridal couple a~eamong . • dlepose ' of Wa~ne!!Vme Milk :::~t~~:~';!L:~;~er Mis(I Flor. Per~heron. Clean fl~t bone, good eq uipment for a large private stable. Wllmmgton s most. popular y~ung J Ronte , JnqQ(re of J. L Y80Mr. and Mrs, }I';"nk Daklu alld sIoptng shoulders, wlth .neck and , p e ople and have the best wishes of FOR SALE .' denhall, Phone l6S-'lL 2S, WaY0etl. .. _ .. GEO ZELL a host of friends. ' 'J,:hey will make " :':"" ville, O. " . , falriU, .peD', SOtl,~y in Mt. Bolly. head o.n top.of 'it; \tot one of the . '. ~- ' d th hi h their home in apa'r tinent, at .t he ca· , . '.' " . MI"; a~~ ~ .... Ernel? t Dakin all~.KlD at , s cad wan~to ,r on in ': rhemllD WhOb!L~UO f !til ,in him p.PER NAPKlN'R--T , Mr'l Wal,' er Qakig Uttn8b,oted boill. tbe ground but a 'well arched neck , .. If ..' III '" 'b . t l..i t pacious country nome of the groom's . , ~' m ' , . ~~ ~.Ze'te, . I 'Stl W uever n o'" tiny u lJg 0 . ... CI' 'C' ' 0 .' ' . ', '. , "~ '. 0 oe handJea tbe plaiD .bUeJ oelS'ita Dayton &tnr.d y . Iarger . . -'" . , "than pass 'i , " . ' parellt,s.Il')tq,n. _ Ol1nty . emC?~rat. \ "", 'UMBE~R 'of flne Maple . tre- · ,,'nd 'oolored n,a'p.'"iDl '· .' . Q!!l~. u • . " G OV "'''h . th 'II d a eye and shorter ear " . . , ~' . .. "'"' • .I e~owe C'II. e .00 ' " , . . . ,. - . ' , ' lor' shade. EoI' '. Iblor.ation ·them. Uaatel 1101",&0 RonMy: most horses m hIS :c1ass: . yea~s . . . ~--";--'A. born belluty: ~~a.n , of~ellev~d~ o~U 00 Perry' Pen:e, Wsy;ne.villei . ,. ." ." <. , \11' i " 'Pro,tt "ntnr old, a reproducer of the noted fame Nothing In ~be. wor ld h s, done d b · f db ' " u '" ,Qhio. HORS&s-B-o-efor .-Ie' ..... . , . . . ., ' . . . , Q. nty at manu aotura ellu~.e8 .·, ' . , ... " " ' ' ' eloll'" oT 'he ogT4.Qr~. tly .o f .Percheronsanqthemostfat· tloymoreto help. t,h6 ~() Iln.11 r'6I1orD,)·, h· . · .. 'fl ' .." , prlopaits ... Ibqtl,re ·Q~ J C .I • . ' . . r ' !.\ f ' : pa,y a ell.v(V t .. rl ' ", ' , .' , . ' . ,", ' C" " W ·' tI 0 ' • PJ "',7::1iU:";IIDIUIlI' l~~ting colo ted stallion ever ' seen . h~S:; 8t\.~arytQa~ · tle~ 01l0f' lt. . , ~ . ,'.-:- .. ," " . ' ~R8A(jm=...;SC.W.Lelboro.egB' _ H,~P,Il~O, .. n.naevl., :D.o. ,· enter· ,here. . .' " I •. < '. • r · from pH", wiDDer. 'H~r: M~ .....~, ~he Lo~4-1Oveth ache rt'nI- giver Some a~e bom be"lltffol, some· ttug of 1& ;'Barr.s Roak<'~p (H.D~ T~a.II~ARI\-I" loa' "Di F~r bills and p~,rticul~rs see . 'a.nd a man whq rai ses thunder: wheo achieve b~uty by home treatment. EY KU,okC!!r -a ..4 E. B, ThompllO~ ~y oolor of . . . ._ ",... 't.hioKeare~l.ng tllokeD aWllyfiom aodeom.,ba.vebea.uty , ~hrnet uPG,o :~.r!lDJ,a'160 per ~tl», oaIl ..Ube~'.otloe. ·W'_~ :.~.:' .him. · ,.them,1n a beautY'P'flor. · " ~Yl'e)w f!c)f&lDt~h~f~0II8:8a. l' ,oIa ,~'"
Road Notice
I Former
-- .• -.
. .....
rarmers, . .Bree.ders
--- -
For Sa Ie
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']-Former ----------. . -- Citizen~ - _.-..I
WHOLE NUMBElt ill(11
6, 11111.
. -' -. . . . . Personal Mention Here and There
I ••
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-- -
·1·~~cl;l~ E~;nt;-'
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While looking over some neWRpa· , , M. W. Earhart, aged 73. one of .--~----.the most prominent citizens of Franl{- +..-. ..... ..-..~~~.-...-....-....-. ..... - - - - -- - _. - _ .• -. per clippings we found the following . - - -- - _ . . ' _ • 'f Mr. and Mr3. H . D. Drake ent(>I" J. H.. Caskey, superintendent of lin , died at his home shortly before Roy Irons, Of Dayton, was hom e Fresh lime for whitewashing, at account of intere!lt. Through the thoughtfulness of Mr. tained Sunday at dinner Mr and Mr:-i. the' Orph,an Asylum at Lebanon noon Tuesday. He Buffered a stroke nnuay. Kilbon's. S. W. Rogers we have been permit· Albert Drake. writes: "We have 34 chilJren at of paralysis about a week ago and it _ __ F. C. chwa rtz was in Springfield, L. A. Zimmerman is in Cincinnati ted to see an old store account of present and 'all are well, this is say- was seen that the end was not far Elenor Hockett, giving purchases at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lac~ had ::l'1 today on business. away. Ohio unday . ing a good deal for eo large a family. Mr. Earhart was a public spil'ited Mr. Rogers' store in 1842. Asacon their dinner guest !; Sunday. Mr. and The President of our Board wa Dr. John Hy att w as a Cincinna ti Ray Hawke, of Dayton, IJpent Sun- trast i.n prices between the ~os~ ~f Mrs. Jacob Lacy, of Dayton . buried ThQrsday of this week, a very citizen ever looking to the good of his g rocenps at that date and thiS, It IS his fellow citizens visito l' last week . day with h!s parents he re. home town and sad loss to us, and to the institution. board of He was a member of t he well worth preservation: · Mr•.Cartwriaht was made President Mr. and MI'!I Frank Cook en terDon't fail to read the article on '. M. Robitzer was in Springboro directors of the Warren County Orat our last board meeting who I think 3 lbs. cotton chain .. . ......... 75c tained Mr and Mrs. Jacob Lacy Sat;· page 5. "Lest We Forget." • last It'l'iday on business. is well qualified for the position and phans Asylum and Children's home, 15 Ibs pork ................. /I 2c aoc urday night and Sundav morning . will ably continue the business to the in which position he had served ef- Hen Feed. $1.86 per 100; Ch ick Richard Beckett, o~ Ci.ncinn~ti. 6% Ibs cheese ...... .. ...... Be 21c -ficiently for a number of years. best interest of all concerned." Feed, $1.!l0 per 100 at 1 ilbon's. spent two days here WIth hiS famdy. SIbs. butter ...... ........ @ 3c 9c Mr $lnd Mrs. Frank ZeJl had the Surviving are a widow and ~on, E. butter ...... ........ a 41! 12c Mi s.~es Ethel,Vn .Jones and Eva Mor· a . los. I{ESOLUTIONS OF. RESPECT r.. Earhart, prominent druggist of . St,'Mary'd Guild will meet with ·Franklin. Mr . and Mrs . J acob Lacy , of Day- Mrs. W. H. Allen on Thursday after- 3 Ibs, butter .............. " 5c' 15c ford as gupsls for tea Saturday eve~ bu, corn meal .. .. ........ ..... 6X'c ning. In metnory of .Jared E. Hockett, The luneral took place at his late ton spf'nt the week· end with friends noon. X gal. vinegar ......... ..... . ..... 12X c wlu» died March 24, 1911: residence Thursday. and was largely here. 7 Iba. sugar ....... , ...... a 8c 56c Mr and Mrs Nathan Jones enterp Once again the Suprem Chancel- attended. . Mrs. Ed Macy spent last week X gal. vinegar ........ .. ....... ... 12X c tained Sundav Ilt dinner Mrs. Ev!\ lor of the Universe hath summoned • - • Mrs. Mollie Edwards, of Dayton , with Mrs. Mamie Cummings, in I X Ibs. butter .............. It 4c 6X'c Jones, Mr. snil Mrs, Frank Zell and through death, a Brother Knight TO USE SOME CEMENT is the g uest of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Xenia. . 1 cheese, 6 Ibs ............ n 4c 24c Miss Ethelyn Jones. · from the labors of the Castle here to , Edwards. the joys of the beautiful Castle in Twelve thousand barrels of cemen t The rainfall during the month of Mr. And Mrs. Fred Hartsock 'haei By an accpunt with Thomas Phi itJae New Jerusalem. He has com- will b.e used in the . ~o~struction of Messrs. Roy and Raymond H art- March as measured by Willia m Michlips in 1841, it seems the price of as their Sundav gues~ at dinner Mr. pleted his labors of friendship in the Rlke-Kumler bUlldmg at Second sock spent Sunday wi th Ralph Dyke, ener, was 2.73 inches. a day's labor was 60 cen~s; by the and M",. 1. L: Hartso('k, MI'. Bert belpiaac his fallen brother, of charity and Main and the contract for it was of neat· Lytle. month $10.50. Buckwheat was 3n, c and MisS Ruth Hartsock. U1 relieving the cries of the distressed awarded Saturday to the Day ton ' Miss Pearl Carey, of Dayton, spent , and in ~nevolence in ministering at Builder's Supply company . The con. ! Mi~s Myrt le Opp has accepted the week-end wit h her parents, Mr. per bu.; oats. 15c. The date of the paper from which Mr. and MI'R, Ed Cook entertaineil the bedside of the sick. As a recom- tract calls for Universal cement and I a position in Toledo as pi ani t at the and Mrs. F. C. Carey . the above was taken is not known, Sunday. at dinner, Mrs: Susa~ Coole penJe of his servics · under the tri- wjll necessitate the equivalent of Lyc um theater. \ G H. Ellis. and daughters. Martha and Jennie, ee)ored banner, he has received the a wagon train three miles long to Miss Ethlyn Jon es returned to Mi--and Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt. , plaudit "well done" from the Great haul the cement, estimating t wenty Mr. and Mt·s. Mall ey, of incin nat i ami University, Oxford, Monday Father, and barrels to the load. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F . C. mOl'nil~g to resume her studies. OPENING OF OLENTANOV PARK ' d . When the floors are "poured" 80 Schwartz last Friday. Wh ereas, Th. e a 11 -WISe an mercIOlen tangy Par'k and Theatr'.... Col- Mr.. and Mrs. W. Z, C;h. enowpth. barrels of cement a day will be used . Lee Hawke and family are moving ~ . f u I F a th er h as calIed our be Ioved --Dayton Hfrald. umbu!!, Oh'IO, has' announced the of. Spnng Branch. enterta . med Rev. ~_..I ' ted B h ' d Horse and Corn Feed. Something into the house f onnerly occupied by awI!,..pec rother . ome, an •_ _ h B T k open'lng of I'ts .10 th season on Sunday, and Mrs .. .~, O. Thompson and. ROn . . "reas Heha' b t new. c eap as ran. ry a sac . Mf. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner. <> d M FI La t d , Wh 5 0 , . ' vmg een a rue ST. MAo".,S CHunCH Apn'19th, and " has provI'ded II. num- an JI'S orence cy a JJmer ad faith.ful Brother of our order ~I ~ $ 1.40 per 100. at Kilbo';'s . Wed ~..I therefore be it Miises Effie and Zola James, of ber of new ana novel attractions for n~ay. Resolved, That . Crown Lodgf:, . Sunday before Easter. P.alm SunMrs. S. Allen and two daugh ters . Lebanon, were the guests of Mr. the opening day, in additjOn to the A surprise was tendered Mr. many former amusement f eaturea. F k H rtso k t h' h . No. ,518, K. of P !, in testimony of day: Sunday School and Bible class· of Dayton, were g u sts of Dr and and Mrs. Roy Irons Sunday. t 930 S d H 1 Mrs. J ohn Hyatt last week. Among the new featur~ will be ran . a c a . IS orne n~r our loss tenders to the family of the es a :. a. m; ermon an 0y Mr. Robert Mosher, 'Miss Phoebe the "Double Whl'rl," the most sensa- ' F.erry Th. ursday evenmg. ,that ~mll.' decea8ed brother our sincere condo. CommuDlon at 1.0:30. .In the a~ter. h b thd Th b t t 3 30 fte b f d t I Mr. and Mrs. C. A Bruner have Mosher and Mr. Harris Mosher re- tional of all ,rides, and the "Electric I JS Ir ay. ~re were a houd len.c:e in this deep atHiction and that noo~ a : , a r a ne. evo IOna turned to Cardingto Th ad Au.tos," a very entertal·nm·.,. and forty guo ests present, and....all 1\ . • ~y of these resolutions be sent to serVIce and address, a chOIr of fif teen moved into the property lately vacan .u r ay. • fi t .... l.ly voices will rende.r a Lenten cantata, ted by Miss Letitia . M cKay, '<> E B ' Al nleaaitlO' form. (If amusement, a ne Ime. D. • owman, of Iiance, Ohio, t' #'0 thef_ . . •'. • ~ C ·B Lewis "The Sto'r y of Calvary," music by was the guest of ~r. and Mrs. S. L. Over one' hundred different attracMrs. Ellen Marlatt, ' of Mt. Mollv. Sheriff Frank Forgy W(lS in tOWll Rhoades se eral days last week. , tions will betfound in this big Park. entertained Sundav at dinner thp. 'cSmi'ifttt!e . J~m~ Benham 'S~bnecker. All <lurin '(' Lent tlTey Ralpb Miller have been rehearsing for this service Satul'day . . He had forced occasion and all visitors are sure of an &bund- I>LO11' t· Mr ' and Mrs . J . . • . ~W1ng pes ! . . • - ••- - and have attained a degree of profi- to visit several of our citizens. Mrs. John Fromm and daughter. ance of e?tertainment. . D. Marlatt and daughterS, Jessie A CARD OF THANKS ciency that will make it an uplifting Katherine, of Dayton, are the ~ests . Open-aIr band conc~~ are given and Helen. Mias Eleanor Earnhart I and a profitable one. Come and hear Mr. and Mrs S. Lev. Cartwright of Mr, and Mrs. J C. Hawke. all afternoon and eveDlng, and a sad Em Ea hart Dear' Editor:-W4! desire to ex- the story of the Crucifixhn sun;r. attended t he funeral of Mr. M. W, l~t orchestra will furnish mURic i~ an e~n rn +' prellllUw.r. ~hank8 through your paper • _ • Earhart at Franklin Thursday. Henry Prater was in .town Satur- the Dancing Pavilion. . to the ministerial brethren of the TO BE MARRIED day for the first time for several days Five cent vaudeville. with motion Miss,~helyn .Jones ~as hos~ at Sprirwfteld District, Rev. McKenzie, Dr. Herschel Fisher has moved to he having been confined at home pictures, songs and novelties, will be a deligbtfijJ party Fn~ay eveDlJlg . . o~ the U. B. church, and the hospital .Announcement has been made of offices in t he new Morris building. with the grippe. preaented in the theatre during the About fourteen guests were present · DUconess wb!) so kindly preached the coming marriage of Mr. Alva R. next to the postoffice, Le banon. first four weeksof the season after and had a fine time. Games was the for us du,ring our absence; to the Vance to Miss Anna S. Haines, Mrs. H, Harlan returned to her which the theatre will be occupied by diversiotl for the evening, an~ Iqnch Mr. J. J . Eding fi eld, of Maso·n. home in Mt. Gilead Saturday after a high class musi~ and dramatic pro- was served ata seasonable hour. · Brotberhood who supplied the eve- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jonathan ~) serviceS and all who co~tributed Haines, ThuMday evening April 6th, spent sevel"ll ~ays her p. last week 'short visiL with her sister Mrs. Edith ductions . .to maJ(e the Prayer-meetings go; at the home of Miss Haines' uncle. with Mr. alld Mrs. C. A. Bruner. Harris and family. It is anticipa~ed that this will be Mesdames Warren Barnett and ~. aleo.to.' Dr. Story who superin~nded M d M SUM ' h 11 t the "banner" ......QI\n at this big V. Barnhart entertained at a four ,. r. an 1'8.. o. ars a, a M d J E J Ch Wright & Th(\mpson, of Lebanon, ~~ .it all eO finely. We desire to express Grand Junction, Col. Mr. Vance is es ames . . anney, as. pleasure resort, and preparations course dinner last Wednesday. The oUfsrreatsrratitude to t4eonewho a ranch owner in Colorado. ' TbeGa- Hough and Eva Jones attended have formed a partnership in the are being made to entertain immense guests were Mesdames Emmor B!Uly. meeting• at Sprl'n cy law business at that place. See their crowdsontheopenmg . day. . Donavon, AT"" • ht · 8Ugested and to a 11 themembersand zetteextendsheartycongratullit ions . "... WeT . . , U. ,I LinaDeVltt, ' • n-rlg ted V 11 1 t F 'da ad in another co lumn. "b sogenerous• _. a ey as rI y. • _. G. W. Hawke, Israe]Satterthwaite, ~ trlendsw hQcont n u 1'y ~ make our home coming a deFAST tRAIN DERAILED Annie Therpe,,,G.eo. Stroud'. Misses light by the Ileniallight and warmth WAS MAnE PRESIDENT Mrs. Christie McKinsey and daughOyster Shell, Ground Bone, Beef Emma HeighWbY and Rowena i our . home, the kl'ndly greet'i ng ter . Miss Laura have returned to Scraps, Charcoal, Mica Grit, Egg Th E ' n' S d says' W . ht O,I. At a meeting of-the official bo ard W F e qUl~r un a y . rIg . '. nllen w ' ear' rl'ved and the ell filled theil' Corw in residence, after sp~nd- Boxe~, ate~ ountains, Feed and A sh d' ta th f Ki " of th~ Orphan Asylum of Warl'en Grit Hoppers at Kilbon's. t a ort 18 nce sou 0 ngs t{lblesotfreighted. with all the ~ood County Friday, Mr. S L. Cart. ing the winter her e. Mills . Ohio while running between Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrfght enter40 an'd 60 m'1'1- an' hQur Saturday tained Monday evening, the occasion thJ·n .... to eat for many days to com'e wrig~t was made president of tha t M James McClure is nursing a b a d l y . . .the . . .engine of Passenger belnil the customary ce1e b ratIon . f H. W. Bailey, rs. e'. A . BrU\1e r, of Wayn esevening 0 Mrs. H. W. Bailey. body. This certainly was a wise ville is enjoying a week' s visit with mash~.finger, the r~ult of having Train No. 34, on the Pennsylvania the birthday anniversary of Mrs . • _ • choicd, as we well know that whatev· her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ed- had It caught between two cogs at Railroad left the track shortly ~fore Wright and Mrs. Crane. AU o'clock · SUMMER CONCERT~ e~ Mr: Cartwright. attempts?e ca.r. ingfield.-Ma 'on Appea\. the Enterprise office Saturday. . 6 o'clock Saturday evening, and after a delicious three course dinne~ was rles through to Its completIOn ll1 tearing up the ties for over 500 lIerved. The guests were Mr. and · 'The band 'boys are practicing reg- a ~tisfacto~y . ma~nel·. It is also Mrs. Frank Fl'uche who has heen The town was full of people Satur- yards was finally brought to a stop. Mrs. J. H. Coleman; Mr. and Mrs • L. . ' ularly now. in anticipation of the a ~Igh comphment to Wayne Tow,n- visiting her paren ts, Mr. and ' Mrs. day, and the millinery stores did a The train is a throu&,b one, and left E. V. Barnhart, Mr. ami Mrs. coJi~rt.t this summer. It is gratify- shIp. • _.. J. H. Opp .left Friday f or Wheeling, 1'11 ?ing ~usiness .. both stores having C.ncinnati for New York Dortly Crane, Miases Rowena Wri&'ht an,l to' the community to .know that W. Va. to join her husband. their sprmg opemng ~at day. af't er 5 o'clock with several passen- Emma Hei&,hway. COUNCIL MEETll\G , tbe weekly concerts will be held. The " Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey ar- ger coaches and sleeping ears well --. Reduced . PIICes on Incubators and . d h Th d y . f filled with passengers An Impromptu but very pleasant , b~neSs men will ·build a handsome' Council met in regular session Mon. ' lrtand and every thmg will be n,ade Brooders. Now is t he time to start IF'llve'd ome uBrs 'la ev~nmg 1 rdom . The tral' n arrived ~t Way''nesvilJe ll·ttl. a#al'r took p'lace at the hom"'- of .. _.. b"1 f 'h day evening with all present but one. . b t . All h' t on a. Re v. al ey we are g a to I 1 1 ' " couu.~rta e or..t ~~" Routine business was enacted . an mcu .a 01. mac mes go a say is much improved in health. \about 4X hours late. . . Mrs. J. H. Coleman last Friday eveAn order was issued to have the cost and everyone guaranteed. See ning when a few of her neighbors MASONIC NOTICE sewer OD Miami street made a nd Kilbon. The condition of Mr, E. H. Colvin: WERE .A LL POISONED ' and 'friendssrathered i? ~ sew car'...;~.larolUt>mmun· ieat'l'on of Waynes. work will begin on that soon. E h CIt d ff h who has been very sick, is greatly pet ra~, ' each one brmgmg some &-..... w Council also gave the business men t an 0 e~an S oppe 0 ere improved since last- week, and his : . M~n h~d a poIson c~ last week, little refreshment, . such as candy. ' ville.Lodge, ~o. 163, F. & A. M., privilege to erect · a band stand on Sh~turday ehvenmgtfrOC~ ~Ium.bus 0ld1 1 friends hope to see him out soon. l ID Whlcll SIX or seven people c~e pop corn and apples. But what .' Tu~ even.i ng, April 11, 1911, at Main· street. . IS way ome. 0 . mcmnatl, an , near losing their . lives. Mrs. Lillie p~ov~ to be the most deliithtfulof & o'clock. Sojoumin&' brethren in· • _. spent Sunday With hiS fa ther. J . H. . ' . . . Guttery who operated a boardingwas the arrival of Mrs 'CadwallR. .' \ vited. ' Work in the F. 0. · degree C I d 'f MISS Zola Wdod and COUSID, MISS . ' • 0 eman. an WI e. Nell Henderson. of MiddletOwn, and , house ~n Mason, had some oyster der, with a ~n of n,olass.e s from . , VALUABf-E HORSE INJUREO ·,F. B. :Hendei'sort, W. M. Lieut . . Sw'a nger,' of Leba~on ' were plant m the ~arden. She pUll.ed .which was concocted a most delicious E V Barnhart See'y Sunday morning when .. Elmor. Otto. Hornick .has ~cc~pteO a po.i. . some roots ahd cooked them for dm " f t "Th n had b told . .'. . ' . ~ !. ~ . Earnha'rt went to hl's stable' he found tlon With th~ Sllve,r -KIng Novelty gday uests of Miss Wintiifred Miley Sun- "nero ' Immeqiately . 1;. f thso wax. e me een all Wuo ate 0 e by their wives they ·"we~e not in it" .' . ' R~lhlr\g for 'Tralnl, ., hi" vahi.a ble Purcell dfiving 110rse in Co., . otfh~ianap'olis, . and . left ~ues . . roots became sick"and docto~ were but .o ne or two of them smelled the .o.-erbrOOk iKn; Oharle. WhitneY, who ·Uns .h~ I'ts stall W'1·th a broken leg. He can- day· m?rn. m~ to assume ~IS .rlUbes.a.FI . ed It d . I th t . , 'h ed ' . f' h 'aDd Wbo.. hU~~'Dd' comell Hi I Miss Josephine Oglesbee; returned summon ,'. . eve 0 .' . a sev- wax, ' gat e~ . ·up as manr o : t 6; , ~ ..·teWil ,~tel'1. 'lqornlDl, l ulled the not account for the accident but it a . travehng salesma;n. s faml y to Oxford. COllege' this week, ~~r el:al button-weeds ~ad \teen. c~Gked ?~~rs as coul~ be found' and arrlve4 '. ..~ "~L~ftI~" wI)th ~, a,ther Uo1t~ WII8 ~ Q~ ·oqe•.... H«?,. thinks . th~ 'f r p,c- ~iJl l'~~i~ her~/or'the summer at a' pJeasan~ vacati.op. spent with her WIth .~he pl~nts. ft w~ ~~r~n.te 10 time to .get a very large sh~e of, , UU"IIUWOIIIO " ' tu~ ean be 1'.... .J uc ed 'a nd .the ani,m.al le~t. . . ' . ' . . . . lthat such 'a ' --~II amount of the th f eshmen· Thoa.. p'resent :.< >; •••-0.... i'~bt .. ab; '14141 ,"1 h,dll't ",t:Q pa~ent8, Mr •. and· Mrs. Elias O~les" . ' ~IUU . ' .. ~ re r . ~. . . ...... . , .: '. ~0e4 bo'f \Iat. U 'll. , G~. u~!--1." saveii~ · . An interestin~ m eeting of the Mi- bee. :' ." weed.had ~n, cooked ~r the result w~re: : Mr! ~ and, ~rs.Vf.. H. ·411eo •. " . . ._ i teD., Mr~ WbltDer to !larry ,. or ami Valley PoultrY C'l ub was held in . ... . would bave-been differe~t. All h~"e, .Rev. and Mrs. Cadwalla~er...Mr. ,n,~" . ," Iae"ll mJaa ·tiW tra1n.'~ , '.' . . the Tow~5hiR U6use Saturda~ after~" Visit Kilbon's ·Poultry; i>l~t • .< ~e rec~ver~~ 'M.re: E •. Y. Barnhart; Mr'. ~d ,~~. "'~",::rb!IID;:a~a~~ . The... W. "C • .T. U. JDeeting 101' no~n; Routine oU8in~w.~ attended ha$BOrn~' ~f tl)e. ~n~t birds in th~ 1 ". . . . .~J. E., J8I)ll~YI .Mil,· ~nd M~. D. L, . ·~l~t.. the ~Petrult ' jut ;ohtalde ' ',A Pt,i! ~i11 be' hel~ ~t the home of ·tQ.•... after which"a' shout :pro~tam·.w~ sta,teo il\cl}lding, ~d prize. .Buff', O~- t Gre;at men are'eeldom appreo~a~!Kl Crane, Mrs. GeQrsre ~artsnek, .re· . tM ...., aDd th' Ohopa OIl · the ."P U 'H . • . M' ..... t A '1 7 iven Sevel'al intereshll .... talks tlft-re plDgton Cock ~t Madison Square I ~bt1e aUve. Even '~e HeTfor ~ ~red Hentl.enon, Ml_ Annie:and .,.. " mra. arns 01\ 1m Ill1lee ....l1prl ,&' .. &> ~, ., G " f ' ,11 ~oiI' ItlDecl of lDen Manl B ' Em " H I-b .....a . '. , . . ad ~ ro~ ad cotr~ .0.11 .tJa: 1911. All made weic.otrte '" _ '(made and much valuable information .arden N. Y;; anil lat- pri_.JJ~ I OD"O · e ,_ma . e rown~_ rna e.. way..,.. . .. . . . ~.:.'" -~ ~~.10 ~ . . ' . . Frees ae~rter. 'was gaiq'e d at this ·m.eetinK. . . ()rpin~n COei, at Det~it" dvtn, llle. , .Rowena Wrilh't, .
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The 1\11aml Gaz ette
TRAPpiNG IS PROFITABLE -.. Wo..k While RECREATION IN WINTER You Sleep' - - - -'"';".' Minio o' oC People haft CARE TS , do Health for ,au tried grvat I
Few Hours EacJa Day Darlo s Dull Seaso n on Farm .DevOUM S \ to Captu re ot Smal l Fu&' Bearl ns ADlID aIs , them. At'for ds Sourc e ot Reven ue. t~ia
TlLe historIc r eluc tan e ct Oriflnta ' If have never races to In dulgtl III reforms 141 little unhealth maker -Get __ lOc derstoo d , hilt tittle and axp()rle nce will box-a nd you will never, use ali,.., uplaln. These races are old In oxper(By M. A. COVIilnDEl~L.) a fow In hes, place the trap at the other lioutel medici lence and In ",Jadom, Therefore, they ne. Commo n rame traps are now lIsed month ot lit the bole, and cover aa are alwuye apprehAnslve ot tbe ultl, almost exclusiv ely by experie nced nbove . CAilCAR.ST8 roc • lIcIs for a ~,.'. mate ends to which any reform will treatlDe;Dt. ~li4runt.l&' Blqest ~!~ trappers . They are easily moved iA lbe _14. xffiloo baaua Drive st.nkes In the giound, fprm. mo_, r ea h, bays the Detroit News, Japan about trom place to place. require but Ing 11 cIrc bas mod erni zed rapidly, It en'oYI the a momen t to set. and may be secrete d opening Inular-sha ped lien, lea-vlns an 'i 1aJ£YE$ one side large epough to anywhe re desired, on land 01' under admit the benefits of 1\ ,ery Im proved form animal. It the ground TllfD EYES Is water. governm ent. Out or tbls cbange de, frozen., build a square pen of lUcks. For G en eral purpoee s we flnd a Cover th e pen with brush, Put the -velops a gradunl rlso In the status of A on silled nrgume nt never t' t.· No, 1 trap, at standar d make, to be bait In the masses and one of tho conae, the back part ot tbe pen, set very s trenuou s. very sal!sfactoTY, (some URe 1~ tor Quences Is • discont ent ' Alexand er ·11, raccoon s and similar sized aniot Russia emancIp ated 23.000.000 serfs Con~tiplltioll. indigestion, eick-heada'chl' mill s, ) and bili/lIIs conditions are Qvercom e .by to In the sprIng ot 1861, a.fler giving all Where beaver ,otter and such laree "<June of Oru1ield ore&. Urink on .rehTlIlll . ~andownera and 8crf masters three anlmals are lought, larrer traps must ;years' noUce to prepare for the flvent of course be obtAined, Good CUltom er of America . , and lIetting his own serfa tree &I an It ,Is also delilrab le to provide some Morocco URea about two 'thousan d lIort of smnll 1irearm s for dispatc hing Trap Sot Level With barrels 01 Americ an cotton seed 011 II!xampl e. In 1881 the Ions and daugh· Surface of the animals .after being capture d , A yenrlr. ters of the emancip ated lIerts, having Ground . %2-callber revolvfl r Is well adapted to !enjoyed thfl benellt ot educatl on and this, as any larger ball would dama,e the trap In the 01) nine and cover EYES thereby dIscove red the wroDgs at the WOULD BURN AND STING tbe skin and lower Its value. lightly. J1ut and the oppresl lcnl to which the Always shool the animals about the This last Is tlle most lIuocessful "It poor were still subject a.t the hands ot head and It in the eye or the ear, so met bod we have e\'er employe d, and ter IB just a year ago that lilY sl,· came over here t() us. She had the noblell and great land owners, ex· much the better, lUI there will be may be practice d with equal resull! beeu here ouly a few ~resaed their dllQOntent by kllllns tbe fewer holes In the Ikln. In captul'l ng any ot ,our commo n rur· eyes began to be 'red, weeks whfln her and to i)urn,an d IImperor who bad lifted tHem to the The rule Is that bearing any montb conanimals . Bait In short. ORED by the lovelln els of Nor- rend history or II. pe ople which dwell taining lln "r" 1a suitable tor trapping . low logs, with a trap at each end,hol- sUng as it sbe had IIjlDd in them. 'tatU8 or tree men aud women_ Rus· I.e Tben we U/led all of the home.:..emeway's flords and grown weary :u the midst of t his primeva l foresl Thl.e I.e true; but In all temper ate also a very effectiv e plan. ~Ian dIscont ent was tomente d by ¥'" ot the sott beauty' of the ltaltan ages ago, dIes. She washed ' her eyn wlth lalt climate s fur Is not prime aa early alii pbUI Bakoun ln, the founder of terrol' A brief mentlon ot the hauntl, food, water, \lsed hot and the rugged grande ur of tea to bathe them At Lake Amatltl Bn we flnd 8e:-tem OUI' ber. One must be guided bait and proper plaees t~ trap for wIth, and band~ged them Ism In RUSSia. Japan haa ber Bakoun, the Swisa lakes, the blll8e seJves on II. much vIsited over night lake. largely Tbf by local cllmaUc condltlo nB In each Individu al animal will be necell' with tea 'n In Donjlro KotDlru, a publlcil t ot dl. globe trotter turnl In aearch of some borders ot leaves, but all to D() purpose. this lovdy body ot water, selectin g tbe pr'oper seaaon for trap- Sal·Y. l-ontent. ' Recentl y a band of 86 con· new enchan ted IPOt, wbere the reallza- 'lylng only 18' mJles to the She went to the drug store and got soutb 01 Mlnk-H aunls streams . Especia lly some salve, but ahe grew ilplrato n were arreated upon thfl tlon that It Is leen for the first time ' (~uatemala City, are the playgro unds active aromid bridges . cult'erta and wOl'se. She was scarcely CODstant!" charge ot plotting agalnlt the Ufe of lends again some leat to lite. able to look ot the capital. Situate d at an altl· drifts. Feeds on fish, blrfls and ' all In tbe light. At last she deolded Tbe world II faIt graspin g the tact tude ot uearly to the empero r, and 12 of them lIavfl a)2,000 feet abovo the sruall anlmala . any of wblch make go to a doctor. because sbe that In the compar atively small lpace level of the s ea, Uld hlady been execute d. Thele terrible 12 miles long and 3 good bait- the fresher the better. Set hardly work any more. . The between docto:' blunder s seem to be unavoid able con· Panama Mexico and the Isthmus of miles wide, It Is very deep and gives trap along the edges of streams , two snld it was a v~ ry severe 118fl. al It were, a Land of rlBe to a river, disease, 'Boll the Guastoy a, whlcb llequen cel of a change In the ltatu of Promla~a promlle to four Incbes under water. Balt traps If sbe did not tol1ow his ordera of weal!-h incal- has Itl outlet In the PacUlc ocean, 12 the people of any nation, but onlT the culable to the realm of commer as directed . Secrete the trapli In , run- 11 sho might lose her eycslgh close' t. He ce, miles south of the port ot San Joso, ways, under Toots and driftwo od aloar made her oy 8 bum and applled ~perflcla1 obceTVl'r could condem n all through the cul:JvaU on and develop ,elecwhere It Is 12 miles wide. streallJs . where the animals are apt trlclty to them, and gave b attempt s at progres l beeauN , In gov· ment ot marvelo ulIly rich and fertile r vnrlou" A curious phenon enon, whIch 18 a to pass. Disturb things a9 Uttle as ointmen ts. In fhe two and a It,"f or ~rnmeJita .. In . railroad ing, they In.. countri es which are being opened up yearly occurre nce, general ly during possible , splash " tater over your three months that slie went .nth wonder ful rapidity by the net- the month , ~olve a certain elemen t of danrer. to th of March, Is an flruptlon tracks to removo signs and kill human doctor, we could see very work of rallroad l that are Ipreadl ng wWch takel UWe Jma. Bait. place at the bottom of sC, e nt. Handle the u'aps w~th glovell provem ent through out the five beautifu l republlc lI .. Rata are reprJle 4 u the moai dan· the iake, and great quantlt iel of luI- pins: and also learn , , "Then we bad read 10 much bow that the furs ot on. roua propaga tors of the buboul0 ot ,Centra l Amertc a. MOrf! than a land phur rise ,to the surface of the water. some animals become "prime" later , Muskra t - HauJ>,ts IItreams. L!Vetl 'people hlld been helped by OuUour a ot promlle to the 'arobaeo loglat, who ThJs, for a tlme. Is the death knell than that of otbers. lque that I.e raglug to. the. Jllaat. an' hal herf! a vaat field for rellea~h of " mostly on ftsh, trog!!, roots, etc. Po- that we thought we would tl'J' it, ancI ' the flsb_ e matter bu been under colUlldera· whflreln to unran} the It the flesh Iide of a fur turns a tatoes or carrots make good baIt, al, we cannot be thankfu l enough thAt :e mYltel'J ' 1{hJch boD by tbe RU811an mlUtU , authorl· surroun dl the hlltory of the anclent In the boiling "pring. wbich abound dark blue after belng It retched a day thouch we do not ullu.lde r bait at all used It. My sIster used the CutJcur a ' ~~ eaat or tbe C&ueuu e. They b. Amertc an clvtJIat lon and throw lOJDe Is done the laundry work ot the city, or two, one ahould ,top trappin g until neceljllary, IUld find the muskra t , ex· Pilla for pn'tilyln,g ~e blood, bathed 'tho women taking advanta ge or thIs the weathe r Is cooler !len Ih kiJllng off tbe rata to checll: light upon the ortgln of the ;people . . . blue furs tremely easy ' to ca.,ture . Stili, one only willi CuUcur a Soap, and at Ili,bt wate)' heated by nature and ever bring only about hal. f the price of must know how. Trap at the foot o' atter was bing. ahp anointe d ber eye3 the Ipread of the dRe.... . BullOm e of whole .1'onder tuJ works are eT1denced ready for use. Oronps ot dark-sk inned pt:lme onea. sll4es and near tbe water'. edge where very gently on the outside with In the rulns,o t prehllto rtc, cltles tou.nd JndJan women, . the method s they IlTOpO" to emplO)' tbfl In their gayly corored The one thing to rememb er In they frequen t, carefull y settling 80me CuUcur s. Ointme nt. In one week, the "f'tll U'C;)1l8e the IPeclal wonder ' eYeD of hidden In denle tropical forests. A native costume s, kneelin g by the deep trappin g for an an' mal Is to study that Ilnd 'of b~utiful realltle l to even the swellin g was enUrely go~o troJll the aD age which .e acculto med to rematk · blue waters amIdst the plies of snowy animal, Its ha,b1ts, haunts ordinar eyes; and after (\ month there wu no ' and food, able dev~loll'mentl. The mllltary tn· cesllbley toUrtlt, wbo finds e&llly ac- linen, present a most attractl ve and and trap tor It accordi ngly. louger any mucua or waterin s of the a wealth ot Icenic beauty un- fssclnat lpeetor of the dilltrtct In queltlo n haa surpaal ed lng picture. There 18 also a We do not taTor den tr14pplng tor eyes. She ould already ,lIee ·bett~r. and a , P\i1ec~o . of ~l novelty about a plcn~!l~..wben ~ggl\ (llln &DY animal, ' b!!Caua~ the CiTst aD order In whlch' .1 set fo,th mate rarely eq~aled. Thb o. and tn Ix wtlekJI sbi\ Was c\ll'8d." , catch 'I,partl r" b~ QOpted without , trouble by merely may , scate aU the other Inmlltes "the bypnotl o Inftuenc e of .mulle, .. larly true of Gu"tem ala, ~e m~8t (Signed ) Mrs. Julia Oseplceka, 200r. ot employ ed by wlsarda ' and wltohu ,· norther n of the Central A1nertc an re- droppin g them Into one of Mother Na- the den until' they wlll leave and seek Utah St.. st. Louis, Mo., Aug_ 26. 191c). ture's ever-bo iling pots. other quarter s. ed It II .remark ed that ill..' ahould not publiCI and our nearelt neighbo r after It bas 'been my good When a den Is located we prefer to be 'IIn01'ed. fact, the 'meijl9d a b, Mexico. It ia !,'sached by a three days' many lakel In dIfferen fortune to see LEADIN G QUEST ION. Ono of the ,But. B, Bait. t parts ot the trap a Ihort distanc e away In tbe WWch rat..eatc bers can lure "thelr pr'lY dellghtt ul uti on tbe ,Gulf of Mexico world; but never have J seen h ~>De more paths 'lnd runway s leadIng to snd wet leaves over the trap. from the hldlni placel are Ipeclflecl. fond a10ns tbe c~aat of Brltllh , H~n- exqulal tely beautifu l than the curious from the den. It a spring Is near the trap as rar from the bank us Stake t e auras. . the .chaln ~4 the order conclud es with tbe . . crater lake of Atltlnn, Incomp arable den, a baited trap near Upon our the water will ·wlll admit so the weIght o( thfl trap eumptlo n that "it IQ '~ty pol'llble that we oonclud arrival In Puerto Barrios tor grandeu r ot scenery and pertec- be pretty certain to catch tbo whole will drown the rat ,an they sold<;lm reed, to vllit Lake Yzabal be- tlon of cltmate_ tn tbe very bl;'art ot den of' animals In a tew nights. tbe &aldlers ' at the Caucaal an fore going up to the city of Innln In ' a trap long WI they gnaw Guate- the mounta ins wo find mlU~ dllfrtct there a,re luoh wlx- mala. this lake, SO Always aim to select a IIPOt ror their toot off and esoape. Lake Yu.bal lies about tlfty miles In length and 10 miles In a baited trap where there are udl." 'It ' there ts' a pled piper In the miles Inland and a regular ' line o,f good Opossu m-Hau nts both upland and breadth . Althoug h many streams empJ\uallah army he may now prooeed to stilame ra ply betwee n Llvlngl ton and lowland woods and aloJlII IU·eams. 'ty their waters Into It, there Is no cet In18y• .' PanxoB, In tbe Interior. on the PoloBatll most any kind ot tlelh. Easily chic river. Enterin g the lake proper, vllible outlet and Ita depth Is un. S aPbtuii'tedd by any nObfatItheed at~~~e :r~pupn!i known no soundin gs ' having been a beautifu l picture Is before us-tbe A n c or an 1I .. , , Ecuado r, baa reJec~ the proposl tlon made ~lth a line of more tban 300 lovely expanse of water with Hs wood· lu a stump or ~onow log,. has often to lu~mlt the bounda ry dlsputo with ed Ihores fathoms . No fish live ID Its Icy wa· ~ rtslng gradual ly t<> the f\l8' proved as eff~ctlve as any Uj.ethod we Peru to Tbe, lJague tribunal . Colomb ia ,ters, and ber~ and t h ere upon its sure ver employe d. C haa lent _ forc~ of troops Into terrI. Raccoon -Haun ts and food pract!. face mineral sprIngs bubble up from .\" ._~~ Its uofatho ~;~~ ~=~ mable depths. cally tory clalm~ ,b y Peru, . War aeeml In· tho same as th~sEl ot the mln~, '. J(' It III Impossi ble to describ e . the eVitable ' between ,"I£".J r \ tbose perennI al helng es~claUy fond of flsb. Set traps oharm and witcher y or thll country , III ...·II!:Ie" . /llL\~... aquabbl enl, RalU and Santo DomlnlfO. as for mJnk', also long logs 'In thO bathed, In moonlig ht, the ' scenery at ,And what looka 3 watel' whe re the animals feed to'l' . a pretty ' full. ' eacb step becomi ng more Impress ive, A, Forked Stick. . Bait, 12 to 8 cra w.f1sh. A trap nenr tbe WAter I Inch.. B, Gedged revoluti on fa under way In High. We Corded ruBhlng, tumblin g mounI I f tI th edge, wltb a br ght p ece 0 Hondur as. aaya the Troy Tlme3. It n on 0 . Grnco - What taln stream ' I. lookIng lIke caBcade s ot ' ot ~Jmals; tben bnlt would leem that there are several un' , a dis· pap.'prqves . silver. and we rode through silent tn- IlplI. Ca. mos,t eff«!oUve lure for weatbe r. Jacl(l tance above or beyond the at trap ac- curIous Mr., OOD. nily -chlldre n In tile Internat ional tam; . , Jack-Y ell, It ' Is, Would dIan villages , where tho, Inhablta ntll cordJng to the size of tbe animal. We Skunk- 'l-iaunts mOlltly blutfs, hoi· to try II.? Ii,.. 0; the weatern hemllph er", who wer~ sleepin g In rront ot tbelr strange have practice d each of ' the followin g lows and uplttnd woC?ds" Fond, ot t~~' ·Jlttle bamboo buts. The only sound plans luccess tully. O'raCIr- DCl)r me, need a little wholeso me t,llsclpllne to Ing up abode under unuled building s, lIghted! to brea'k the' sllenco was the plaintiv e make them b~have themsel ves propEmploy the same bait and method . call ot the "·hlppo orwill. Worda,. are . Tie a piece' o~ game to the butt of Jack-Q.do you think your' . tntti· r ' erly. Tb '" a tr~e, a stump or on the side. of a log, as for opossumd. ' he po1ec at (civet . Inadequ ate to portray the acene which let ' the trap dIrectly under It and cov- cat) comes u.n ar t 0 IIBme headl"" would lend me his' hors~? W ns before U8. Tbe great elt"anse ot · -.. .. as oer skunk. lightly A woman, Vflth a mandoli n and a with flne lellvea, dust or dead water lay like molten silver In the g,ass. PrOlific. - _ _ _ _ _ __ guitar. bas salled from New York on a A censlls· taker 'while on ber round'8 . moonlig ht. the mount.a lnl, solemn and Take it. stick from 12 to 36 Inches wager that sbe can make a trip around called Ilt a house occupie d by t6 I Prepare Good W'h itewailt . awe-Ins piring, st.andln g In serried Ir. Ie.ngth. thrust It Into the gTolJ n d a To prepare a good wbltew asb, tak Irlll.h family. 000. ot the . q~esUon. the world on what Shfl can earn wIth 'r onks ltke giant sentine ls to guard few Inches, attach a piece .. bel' music. Perhaps , Those wbo d,o this treasure . A BOft, pearly mist the upper end and lIecreto of ga.lDe to half a Ilatl(ul of unslake d lime, add" ahe nflked was : the trap. cup of salt, then pour In enough lOur "How mnny ml1lls bave yOU In tbls , not appreci ate It may be glad enough hung over all, but not so dense as to Dig a small cavity family?'" ) ., , bide th e pertect outline ot tho thre"! a stream, cover withIn tbe bank along milk to reduce It to the right consist. to pay ber to move on. bark, wood ' or ency, stirrlrig briskly all the time uutll Temple on Shore of Amatltl an. The II11 SW r ' c~m;e without be ' ltll e:rrat volcano es- the two AUtlans and moss, throw a lliece of tion: bait back In It dissolve d. . '. : San Pedro. These Aviator s engaged to be married are ged ,S Ierras de Ins MInas, to the soutb, rise to the height stupend ous giants - _ " Th'r ee t\ (1I1Y~ mum!" .. " ............._ _.................. of nearly _ ..... 12,000 ............ . ... _ feet .... -".-.,." .. ". .. _-"...,..".... and ..... -".-.,.., the ..... Santacr * ............ -,,.-... -....... uz _ _....... mounta ins, to the and _ ...-....-... __....*...-.................. ... wltbdra wlng trom aeronau tics at the Call In one unbl'ok en 8w'e ep to tht' comma nd of, their flancee8. No one north. Here stand the pictures que wllt$lr'e edge. , ruins the old Spanish tort of San can blame an engagcd girl for object. Felipe,orbunt The filmy veil of mist wblch Is In 1525 by Hernan do CorIng to her lover's being In the clouds .tez during his march charact eristic of this region during .trom .Medco to the greater part of the year occa.,lon· In any other rash Ion than Cupid's way. Hondur as and erected to protect the approac h to the town of Yzabal, which ally melts away, and QII we 8tood on "Chicag o baa limited all Its Iky, at t.hat time wae the prln91pal port of this spot., speechl ess betore the won· ICraper s to 200 ~eet," says the No.. entry. Large braSil cannon, bearing der ot this pano~ma, It leemed for York Telegra m. 'Not all. Merely those the date 1498, have heen found scat, our benefit alone to have crept silent· to be built between the time when the tered among ~he ruins at this old for- ly away In the night ~nd earth and 's ky and wator were perfeot ly reveale d, ordinan ce goes Into force and the time I.HlcaUon. Neither pen nor brush enn outvyln g eacb 'other In deepest tonea w"en It sball be declared of no effect. . do Justice to the wild beauty ot tbe of. blue_ But even Ba A paclqlge of we ga:a~d 10tt Polocbl c river, and thOBO In searCh ,of clouds tormed In the v"lleys below , hew sensatio ns <:an enjoy tbe uq.IQue The No. 13 Is still looked on &I • experie nce ' of tnneJJn g In perfect and crept steaUhl ly up, 'wrlthln g and hoodoo In Borne quarters , althoug b It Is larety throllgl l twlsUng ltke great white snakel, un· a troplcd wlldern esa, 'til once ·more they had enolrole d Ule bardly probabl e that the mOllt lIuper. w\lel'e gayly colored parrot_ ~d flUtious person would turn dO"11 gltt QulalUve monkey ll cb,atter, at the. In- mounta ins like giant Iflrpfln(1I 'whOle of '13,000, while some would not aerl truder from overhan ging branche tl and . po:v,'er even th~ ~eat hUls co.u td rot tbat , O\\Bly object to ua. nl'Qcodtlee. with wide open ' mouths , "ithata nd. ' Natnre seemed to we ' Fuid look~d ' ,alr~dy ~90)~nJ upon ' , IIfl basking In tIlfl lUll. , ' ' ' hel"' secret trealure e, and 'lIoftly bllt · In , the norther n part ot the OOUDtl'7 awlftly · Ibe' again' 'drew Bround Uiom Flies are to be extflrm lnated In WOf' lIeB lite great 'l~ke ot, ,Peten, ' or ::San, th.e '&J1lym antle I'll "!'fMc'h . exc~~t at eea~er, Mus. 'A oollese blolo&ist there Andrei, o.f wll.lch oompal'lltlv~IY haa tormed plan. for thll exterjnl na: I. kno-,rn • .e1j:8~t to antlqua rlanl..lIttle rare ' . 'InterVals; ahe teflpa th(ftll Sit, tlon, and the Itudent a ",IIl ' catcb the uated In a :Wil\l. aJiDoilt uninhab ited .wtappe d . ..• ' flies. it remain l to be "'flU ' In the ' ,",,I;'t .of ,th~ CQuDtl'Y, perba'p i -U~~ rteh· contel' ltayir lonpr lD the rtar- lit III all Guatem alt. I~ Is , dlm~t ':of aocell., Thll ImmeD le body : of lresh. br tbe Itllclen~. . ·" ,ater. 27 ' mJl" JOD~ and. .havtn& · a ,horl llne of TO mmr., - ~ 80",118 '" planter hu clom8lt ieated , nUIDVOUI 1.1aD~. ' On II clotted with the I.......t of an alllptn r &J;Id JI WlIn&· If tor • tbel. II the ~ . or J1!IorM, wl~ "'walChtlolO" Howeve r, our lioUon of about 11,000 Inhablt antl. NflaJ' no~~ aotJalq to have ninllSN atauDcI Ut, .re tile MIUI ot a buried ell)" 1I'1~ . Ilone 1m..... aDel II1ODOJlthl COTeted ~ IIouH
Sav es
Breakfast· Wo rry,,,:,: ' "
u.. as..
I ~1t~ W.ro.l~-,b'~,
UdIIl l tb. lilt-
YONEl call t 1\ w1l I II JOI is going mad Bud l,re·
\' nt
from , doing
Practical Fashions
\larm. Tile symptO!Dtl 'll
\letop ove r a p riM of three to- eIght daYB AINT PAUL II peaks' or tbe before the bltlng mo.nll1 gospel as 8 dispens ation selzelJ hI m. lIleanwh llo comm itted unto hIm. That Ie gives a bundr rl wllrn· Is. he was sveclall y called . Inga. All that Is n ces· .,u r~ 'Is ' t,cl cbllin hl n::. and the gospel was com· Munyon'. ('oM nemedy n"lI e •• 8 tbe be Ad. th ruat anll lu ug" ullilost IUllllcrtlat.emllted to blm tbat he That tbls piece ot Inror lrnt lon h.IlS I{· . ('h" ks I,' e,·ers. '8 10p8 l l i schu r ges ot Ill'each It t o all people. The 1,jot Q n Slv n publicIty before, :c· t ile JH\R~. tuk ~H awny 311 IlI'h ~s li nd pol ull r.U8~rt hy ,·old •. Il ('lIr(" gusJ)cl ot the GenUle s was commit ted Grip lind oh· C Qt In the elise or a fow New Eng· stlllat' Cong". ond Ilr~\'en tM Po~uDlonln. to him; tha t Is , he was set apar t to lima tow ns . 18 duo to th e gen 1'01 In 1.l Wrl'" P ro f . MUliy un. C.:lrd lIo d J ·nour.on SI&" rhllo ,. }'11.. tor m edlcnl Ild1'lc'O ab. preach lhe gos)lel to the GenUle s. a..& .c~ caution , bu t, with tb ularmln s It · IOlutelY tree. Pel er wns' cOllllu \ssion e.1 silecllllly to cr. nse ,ot l'Dblss .both In a uilna ls Bntl \.I r aeh lll o gos pel to th e J e ws. ' He , tUOn, It · has become sllen Ilal. T oo exhnrts Titus to keep that good thin g · many <lOgS are olng mnd very day, which Will! commit ted t o hIm . the ~ Someth lnR. wlli hllve to b dooo about (rust given him . Paul himself fe ll un· tt. ,The cllsease Is now ~o prevale nt and be compelled t o p ay to your la ndlord most of your h ard·ear ned profits? Own your own der consl ralnt ; ho was nOl II fre e man. hilt It pOl'tincmt to nsk : farm. Secure a Fre .. Homesteo d In bllt a senaut of tho Lord J es us. to M r4ni tobn, Snskatch cwlln or h, your dog going mud too! Alberta, O f'" purc: hnae ,whom was com mltt d the mIni stry o f Tble quesUo n may s tl'llce YO\l ns un · land In one of thue reconcil iat Ion. lie felt that n di s' rlou and bank • oesslty nec-:,ssnrl1 y alarm ing. spcclllll y If YOU proUt' of 510.00 or was laId upon hIm to pI' I1cb the gost'.ppen to live where tber have nev r .'1112.00 . . . . . ., •• pel n.s It was reveale d t o hlm _ So every ),ear. oe~lI any mad dogs. tn thn t aao yon ' Land purch.oe d 3 strong WIl S ' thIs sense ot obllgaUon .!!ore to be 'congrn tulated. P laces wIth veRn 0,0 III .10.00 lin tbat he sai d. "Woe r!.:'iIIIIII!E II me If I. acre I preach hoa r e c en t I Y " ltcb a record nre becomin g I'Ilr . Your chllnce d handa a t not tbe gospel." tUrn tUay be next. '25 00 an acre. The ~865' Thla Idea ot a trust und orlles the crope ,",own on these Lett to' ~[lread nlS rar us It might. 1 • n d. warrant the ministry No woman . The neell gospel comliial Is "commi u that tted" she advance. You can wJth Jlr~ c ll ca lly no attempt to. stop It. to' tbe ministe r wbo Is oalled to ~d; bas not time nor II klll to malle h er rat)fe, during the pnl:lt few y ars haR own shi rt Ills waists a sacred wh e n she clln pro, trust. It Is not som thlug become thick ly dhH!em ln nted over the given to hlnl tor his own usc, but ror i:ure s uch a sweet and s imple moclel as wb~te or the Unltell Stat's. xc pt th o the purpose defined In his commis sion. the one pictured. flU' Weet. Along the Atlunll c coast Tbe wais t Is hlgb In the neck. whlcll Tbe servwlt s we re placed In trust and in tJie middl e WeilL bolh Nortb whon th tal ents were commit ted to Is mado with a banu finish. so that · and South, there Is harclly u district them. Th o laborers In th e vlneyarcl either oollars or the stock Ulay be worn unaffec ted by It, and each addition al clld not own It ; It was commit ted to wlt b It. Tile closing at the waist la In dog that goes lUad 19 carryln It as tbem ill tr ust for the owner. Tbls the center or the front In tbe usual far all he clm trovel In two or three band. At each days ' timo. n baa nrrlv d at. the polut wh en tlle mornin g COUles, lie Is foum· Dr. Rambau d d ecrlos because , be says, cannot be too Beverely Impress ed up· group of short shoulde r tbere Is 8 tucks In (ront. The on everyo ne 'ng who at e nters the mouth the ministry -n mad <log. Th bit· H gIves n fal se sens e at aeeurlt}'. But . "'hero tt thl' nt flS everyon • nnd .. If It back of the waist ts plain. exeopt tor w are not for th twenty· fivo or more Ing mania Is on him , and he attacks Dr. Anna Wl1Ilums. wbo Is devotin g He Is no lenger bls own master, but a a tew gathers at the belt. !nstttut ions which ore no w gIving the e verythin g. catlle, horses, dogs , cats, her lifo to the study of tables In tbe servant to clo the Lord's will. Tbe The sleeve Is sllgbtly gathere d at 1!;0BPei children Is commit . ted Fortuna to him t.ely tor th others. only ollieI' researc h laborato ry or tbe New York 'Pal\tour tr atment In the nffected dIs· t he armhole and tucke d to make It 11t trlcts the numb r of human deaths anhnnl which g ets the biting mania is Donrd of Hai t h, says she Is willing He may have a call of God to a partlc· the arm above the curro ular place or to a certain class of pe<>the , horse. Th e dl Ke~8e Ii; spread In to luke her cha nces ....ould b starUip g. all cauteriz ation pie, Tarretas , percales . madras , linen or almost but that overy means case Simply by dogs. that tbe it tho wouud Is not too deep. . Tb~ Three years ngo rAbtes b egan a pongee and also cashme re and silk gospel Is g1 veIl him In trus t ror that Aftor two or tbreo days. If he bas avernge person, bowe prcIIS Its It "pon public attentio n. Up v r, will prefe r will be Bultable materia ls ' for tbls a that' ·tlmo It had nev r appeare d Qot meanwh ile been s hot, b e comes to take t he Pasteur treatme nt. Since Held or that class, and woe Is unto waist. tiack. hut, by this time, he has don e Its cll scovery In 1 him it he does not make known tbe ~ mtich of a dnn ger In America , al· 84 It has been tried The pattern (3866) la cut In sizes thougb mad dogs had II bown tb om· 1Iis damage. H e Is w04k In the hInd on more than Z50.000 people, and of riches or grace and persuac le men to 32 to 48 Inches bust measur e. Medium legs. thon In tho fore I{-gs. HIs eyes ~hos c who took be reconcil ed to God . In thla he may It only one·bal f or one JI lvee at Int rvnls for more tban a become covered wlth '6 HIm and bls per c nt have dI ed. oall Into service all his ablllt·"!II. he sIze require s 3% yards 27 Incb mao eentu17 . Each In Itself bad always terlal. under On tbc s ubject of the disease Itse lf may comman d all the knowled gti' gain· been a terrifyi ng object. but tbe num· generaljaw bangs down . B for e lon~ paralys To procure this pattern .end 10 cantil ed is !n sets tbe In broades and he t studies. d les.but all for tbere Is not mu oh room for question . bers wer compar atively scarce. Exercis e. . The warnIng whIch cnn hardly fall The exlslen ce the one suprem e purpos e-the gospel to "Pattern Department." ot this paper. of "I'm afraid you don't get enough ex· the virus bas 'Coo8er vaUve estimat es or tbe med· to be Write been name and addre.s plaJuly, and be noticed Is tho howl, and, proved beyond all reasona ble doubt by to tuolle to wbom be Is called. To thll! sure to .Ive alH an4 number of pattern. erclse." anld the pbyslcla n. t~1 men lind boards at health pI8('.e wben bls own'e r h aI's this, It Inocu lating a whole ''Tbat,'' replied Senator Sorghum , series ot dogs, one loyalty to God g1ves gives him joy In the oqmber or deaths . annuall y from Is blgb time to act. his mInistry and an abunda nt reward He can from another . and having "Is because you never saw me at home this dread dllJcase at ao.ooo. be caugbt wlt.bout mucb danger of ve lop the same l'ympto each one d e· In tbe assuran ce that hQ Is servlag tbe t:lO. 3866. IIZID........... ...... . with my fellow citizens JIbed up to ms and die In The question or wbat to do Is al Ba biting. as a mad dog ouly attacks hIs tbe same way. Dut, wbat has stood In Lord. shake hands with me." NA.M1C •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• berore thl ~ country . Two courses are master When the disease hns complet e· the ..... Ily of a gl'eater knowl edge, aside Purpose of the Gospel. open: policing and a study of tbf\ -dl,,· Iy capture d bls mInd . But the saliva trom tbo treatme nt, has been tbe TOWN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ThIs gospel Is commit ted to him In AnnIe Telford , "Queen '. Nune," of eaJIe which may lend to Ita prevent ion. Is already t"lrulen t, and gloves should doubt as to the nalure at the , virus. trust for the church or God. Paul felt Ballyan tral, Ayrahlr e, England , 8TRB:E T AND ,NO .......... .......... .. . J!lIfective poUclng has always meant be worn. Othe rwise a little at It p ne· om e holcl It Is a bacteriu m. tbe low· this. The church or the living God 'W rite. . . Fo\)ow .:• l1gld 'muzzle and 'leaah law and tbe traling the skin or rubb ed rrom the 8TA.Tm~ ....... .. ....... ; ••• ••••• •• •••••••••• •• st fo rm of plant 11£e, and others thnt was ever In bls mind. The gOl!pel la ebloror ormlng of all stray dogs. But hand to a tl'esbly shaved ebln Is It 10 a protozc.on, the lowest form of tor more than the convers ion at lndl· I have great pleasur e In teatityl ns it baa been proved to be succellsfu!. enough to commu nIcate tb.e dIsease . anlmR! life. Bacteri a are subject to qlduals who may bear tbe word. It Is what a valuabl e remedy, In vnrlolJ,ll LADIES After centuri es of terror over rabid ' BUST SUPPO RTER. In dumb rabies the firs t s ign Is the epidem ics : tbo known protozo ans a re tor tbe foundin g and building of the S-k ln Trouble s I bave found Reslnol ' ''UI1UlAll. and , sInce 1897, bas suc· Mopplp~ at the jaw. When tbls bap· 1l0 . The layman cao only hope for church of Gad. Paul gathere d those Ointme nt to be. I have ulled It tn ceeded by' this meaDs In rematnl ngr ld pens 10 a do&" It Is only necessa ry to the protozo on -conclusion. who believed Into socletleB. or cburch· tremely bad cases of Eczema and ,In ()t them entlrely , aIld , only a few place a dlsb at water before blm to The Pasteur treatme nt normall y ell. He commts sloned others to or· pOisoned wounds , aDd always wIth montbs ago when lIome of the virus dlacove r wbethe r he bas ra bies. He consists of Injectio ns into the flank of daln elders 10 every city. 'tbat la,\ to o~ most saUsfa.clory results. I bave tbe n~ded In a re's careb laborato ry will lick at It. If rabid, bllt be wIll not an emulsio n of small porllona of the ganlze cburche s. It Is popular at tbe blghest ' opinion of ,Its cW'8Uve value. .In Liverpo ol It bad tO ,be obtiHne d out· be able to swallow , and the amount In spinal cord or Inoculq ted rabbits dis· present time to spp.ak IIgbtly or . the Ide the countr], . Berlin bas practica l· the dish will r emain the same. solved In a salt solution . For bites on churoh. It Is regarde d as a loosely Railroa d and Dancing . 11'- err:tdtoated the disease within the As be cannot bIte he Is not very Ihe band or body. if the po.tfent begins associa ted .compa ny of tbose of oom· Stuart O. L eake, who bus a lot to do city followin g nn epldeml e durIng dangero us, but bls saliva Is as vIrulent the treatm ent wltbln a week, It Is coo- man faIth, or. on tbe otber band . as an with managi ng a big rallroad In Rich· wblch a dog went mnd on the ~treets as If be bad (urlous rabies. and be 1I1luecl for lssoclat lon under priestly and des· mond. Vn _, Is noted as ODe ot the best even" da1; Paris. overcom ing a sen· hould be kept apart. Usually a dog Is greater. eightee n clays. If the delay It Is contInu ed for several kltlc rule; a minIste r Is referred to as dancers In tbe south. tlmen(a J 'opposit ion. reduced the mad wit h dumb rabies Is believe d to hnv il da ys lon gor. Posteur Wmselr laid tmder no r estra int or obligati on to raOne night someth ing went wroag dop rioin 5~O during tho year 1901 o bone l!l his tbroat. and some klullly down e rules w hlcb have been fol· 5'nrd til e church. or as one ,who bas no wltb the branch of the road over tn lO fb , 190'. ~ Impl>, by compcll lng perllon puts a hand In Ills moulb- lo wed th more or l ess closely ever slnc(l. freedom of will. But the goapel ot which Leake tH.S supervI sIon. ()woera~ to loole atter their pets. lite rally luto lbe jaws of deatb. But expE-rl un ' 0 bas shown that thi s J ' s us Is for the chu rch, It Is In recog· , ;'Where In tbunder was Lenke? " Attemp ts to stop tbe disease In tbls In mIxed rabies th e dog Is more or tl' ntment Is nmch asked the (lreslde nt leS's suocess ful ror nltlon or Its authori ty and tor Its upth o road next . ()ountTY . have been apasmo dlo alld less furious. He s how !!! some ~bf the bit s on the face, wher e the reacb to build lug. J esus )reache d the king· morning . hystertc al. ,tt bas reQulre d ' the death sympto ms or both th olher ro~ms. th nerve enter Is sbor ter. To mc!'t dam or t10d and sent bls dl 9cll)les AS "Leadln g a German ," salt;! the gen· of some : well·kn own person or som e About tbe only oth r disease s to the e me rgency fMe bItes eral manage r. bave given messen ger s for hla kIngdom . Loyalty UU"Rual circums tance to awaken tbe wblcb dogs are pron e s bow them· rl so to. wIthin the "Whlcb ." comme nted the preside nt, Ilast two years a to J esus carrlcs with It loya.lty to his polloe. • ' s Ives In a way not to be confuse d new treatme nt "was a dirty Irish trlck."- Popula r bas been developecl church . Th e . mlnlste r's messag e Is There at'i! tbreo types of rablell; wltb rabies. GastrIc U'ouble and whlcb Immuni zes the patient In twe!ve the messag e Mngazln e. ot the church of God; rnr1otJa. wblc~ we recogni ze; dumb, ,:beuma tlsm appear mucb liS In human days . It Is rat b el' heroic, but It hl\s he Is entru ~ted with the Interest s and wbich we do not; and a mixture of the beings, and dlstcmp el: Is accomp anied be n used a' great many Umes wltbout work of the churcb. Bold ScrIbe. two. The fu'rlous Is tbe most Imvort· by coughIn g and , sneezin g. a hJgb bad results, saving the lives of many "So, hum!" ejacula ted. boneat Farm· Remem ber the Work. fever and running at tbe eyes. ., ~t. . ~' bo bad no time to spare. lntltead of er Horn eak. wbo had encoun tered In The same thougbt carrlel! US Tbe cardina l ,rule Is never to kill a uslog vIrus the virulenc . The fttst aotl~n on the part of a the v1l\a -newsp aper an exampl e or e or wblch has further, The mlnlBte r reeelveB stili As It Is reQuired at present that the bIting hlB dog If possible to avoid It. been nil owed to die out. as In the old ~oc whloh points to furious rabIes Is lhe pervera ' which tbe llnot1p e ftgure sbow ordlnat1 as 1ltUe ou' as from posslblo · the , many church by tbe , • ,marked ' aDd unllsua L restless ness. Catch and cbaln blm, nnd walt to see methocl, the emulsio n consIsts of a proper authorit y, the blsbop or tbe women wear 11' bust lIupport er Instead sometim es dlsp ays. "The editor of ' lie Jumpili 'P ~ntl1 without cause It the sympto ms o(rable s develop . If serum obtaine d from sheep strongly ree,l s Itaelr In trust tor certain pdlcm of a corset cover. It can be drawn the Pla~ndealer nln't afraid to ,lIpeak · " al?~ la hyperse nsitive to light and he Is all right at the end or a week immunlzp.d against robles mixed wltb presbyt ery _ The particu lar church much' tlghte on the figure without In· hla mlll(l. He comelS right out and those he bit may breatbe more free· fresh virulen t virus. " . !loune[. He IInOolls In dark cornera and says: "In our opinion the Han. Thomfeels Itselr In trust for certain prlncl· jury to tbe wearer. lick, eval'yth lnc nervous ly. He be· 11, but,"r be become s rabid. tbey have ' The Pasteul ' treatme nt Is only pre· as Rott haa Iyddaon kzzoun sottttpt pt This model la pIes 'made and work. for a certaIn pbase or with the two ventlve. Tbe serum meets and grap~mea effusive In bla affectio n. and hl8 no time to lose. truth and service, as In Paul'a minis· abort darts In 'f ront anit a long center pn mnwww trabaha ha bawzwz w zens· With tbe Increas e In rabies some ples with tll" "Irus master, ' wonder ing, teels that tbere Is on Its way up tbe try t.o the Gentl1 ~s AJJ tbese should be boned. A klbby.' And, by Jolly! be Bays It as . and In Its ordlna· seam. trouble ; alld ~sks the poor dumb brute knowled gu of what to do for a dog's nerve t.o the brain. Once It bas reaeb· seam acrOBS the bust allows one to If he means it. too!,"- Puek. tlon It commit s thIs trust to those on ' vlcthns Is as essentia l aa a pocl$et sup· ed the nerve center, It defies ",hat all. hlm. treatmn ' t. use embroid ery for the upper yoke POl" wbom tbe hands are laid. They 10 Profel8 lonal forellgh t. , ", ~en. a,1 'nt once, his dlsposl on ply' at potassiu m permau ganate In the But, If you do not know you have btten tlon of the garmen t .t preterre d and forth unde r that rattlesn commiS ake Sion, country and up. Dr. George G. exposed . your first Intimat ion ' Is after ''That fellow has a feartul' nerve,'chaoge e. ' He ."nalls suddenl y. and the gives eaBe 'to the wearer. on them In tbe r eats back tbe obligati Rambau on to tuUlU d. of the Pasteur Institut e or the "Irus Is In tbe brain engaged said the dealer In firearm s. · ' next Inatant wags bls tall In apulogy In tbe trust Thero Is las:ge liberty ot t!le two Bides rorm lonl tabs' whlcb are "Who Is be?" 10r' lIls' "otlon. In a momen t he 8naps' ~~w York. gives the foHowlng direc- Its fateful work. crossed over each other and fastened "An alienist. He 8ays he will give . D >nth from rabIes has b ecome too Individu al juclgment. but the ,comml s· In front ,agatn. Mennw bhe' be eats and drhik8 tions AS first aid, to the Injured : with a tape. sian muet be kept In mind. In meth· "The wounds Sl\ould be rel\ted like conlmon to occupy 1\ tront·pn me (I commis sion on bls bUSiness 'It I Dorma1ty ~d I!.bows no sign of paraly· ge posl· ods of work. The pattern (2144) Is cut In sizes 32 any other Infected wounds , Bleedin g tlon In the newspa pers. In the details of one's will band his card to every wild-e 'a ls, .whlch We bllve been taugbt to Ipok That alone ministr y, tllero Is room ror the Indl· to 48 Incbes bust measure . Medium person who comes In and buys yed should be encoura ged, A S n free flo\" f'hows the prevale nce of the a re~or wben . rableB Is suspect ed. : disease. size require s % or a yard of SO Inch vo)yer." I'ldual judgme nt. but the commis sion or blood may carry orr with Tb.e re.Uess ness lncreMOS, In a way part of the virus, Then It a grent TomorrolV or next week. wben you remains . T.here Is not treeilom ,materia l and yard or Inch wide tho wound renll of little children being bitten on to elastic. · . tbat~ can " har(tly fall of notice, aud should be thoroug hly washed with an)' tbe street. rem ember that on of lreak down. the work of the church In A FOOD STORY theD' salgM comes when he gives lit· good antisep tIc solution "'hlcb one Is a minIste r. Loyalty to . ·ro procure thiS pattern lIend ]0 cent. M.ke. a Woman of 70 "Ono In 10,000." tIe. gasltlng how!e, ' which sound as It coUoldal silver or sllver·s TbQ new"r th,ose children mlgbt. hnve been yours. Christ, loyally to tbe churcb of God. to "Pattern Dr partmen l." at t hIe paper. nlt prepara · Imagine , tben, ' the furiou8 antmnl they bod been choked off In tbe mId· tions are to be pre ferred,' Imposes the obllgaU on of loyalty to Write name and address plaInly. and be The wlclow of one at Ohio's most but. rushin In tbelr g at l'our child, tearIng at bls -ure t. klve alzo and number ot patta rn. , dIe. Anyone who has ever heard this abaenoe , Iodine. a four per cent dlsUngu lsbed newepa per editors Bnd (ace and body I- Is the picture too hor· the eburcb whoae commis sion ODe howl knows Inst1ncUvely that there Is tlon of carbolic acid, or enID solllbears. So . long as be bears the com· a famous leader In politics In hIs day, lemOD rlble? 8oni~tbln'; wrong. ' There Is no conrus· juke, a.r o usefuL" says It ts hapllen lng eVl'ry day.' Your mission he Is tiDder obligati on to sbe Is 70 years old and a "stronNO. 2144 .1ZE ...... . ......... . Ing" It with . th.e ordinar y ' barking at guard and bullil the worl( of the kln«Cnuterl zaUon, t~e oldest treatme nt, child may be next. ger woman than you will find In ten paallng or , ~moglnary objeots, and 'It NAJ.f'J!l .......... .......... .......... ......... . dom at Go,1 811 commit ted t.o him. He tbouBan d," and she credits ber fine lIOu~da nothing ,at all like baylns at I.s a ' minIste r In trust.-U nlted Pre. physica l conditio n to the use of Grape'r<')WN •••••• , •••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••• •• the. '~OOD. Tbe, hQ'Wlo 'are .ensele ss byterlnl l. Nuts: . ' '\ and the hearer rel'lIzea. It. .STREE T AND NO .......... .......... .. . "Many years ago I bad a ter:rlb~e At fret , ,tlte d.og -romatn s near ' the fall which perman ently Injured my STATE . .......... .......... · '10uJi~! , gtv,t~g his ma,s tor !lmplfj time Chrl,tla .......... n ..... Work .. I~ Cit Ie, Needed. Joe Laver lllvoluntlU'lIy discove red Rlloutoll to th~ n~otorttl stomach . For year's 1 lived on Ii aD. HE! bl'Ougbt " In the extraor dinary waking u'p ilr to take ~Uoo. "In , fa~t , hi:!, forcell "tb(f t'tle "beat .place to hide that he ever prepara Uon of corn starob and milk, bls. car tO, a st<:>p. ,When he got out ,he , religiou s forces , which Is DOW being . . atteb Ion , of e'l;er)'on'e ' wlthln bearing came . aerOss, whUe - blde·nn d· found a small boy whlmpe rJng on ',tht\ wltness eH but I,t grew ~o ·repugn 'n.nt to Ole tbat I Cabl In RUlSla. ~'t f: .• and -''Ipreac1iJ n lvaguE) uneastn ess: His J;ee)t ~ltb a numberplaYlng through out' the world th"e o[ '·pla;/ mates at te nder. That Willi Joe.-N ew YOI'll attentio Moscow bas 20.000 cabs and SL had to gh'e It up. Tben, I tried. one I ' bowl, get on'\J{e 'ner.~es 'of those wltb- ThIrd' avenue nn~ One n th'lIt '18" b~ln$,' paid to' the Hunar dth Trll)tl[)e. cJUes Is of Orst · Importa nce. 1'he Petersb urg probabl y tho samo num· after n'm>ther, a dozen dIfferen t kinds In', ~orB and they 111:0 ratller ,. npt to stt.eet, nCAr .nn exenyat, of cerea.ls. but th~ pr-ocess ot dlgee---..'- " call 'c,ut.-tt; blm to b~ stUJ, SOme com. ma.UI: tu\\e .... ·for tbe loll, fO\~ pneu· .ohurch es · appear te' realize that thev bel'. I)Oat office. Joe, tlon gave me creat Jmln. _ Not the Mean., But end. bave , onlr been playlpg at the city 1D~t Is pt'b~biy, ma~~ ot( Ilie l.!e~ullRr w~o lii- foui ' 'y ~rs . old : d!Bappe are'c\ • UalOl'," th o b'eautJfu l ,g'trl In,. problem .:·In Its blgn!!ss "It : was not unUl 1 b egan to . UII. , A Dog Hotel. ';ffect :bla bowltnj t ,bas . .A ~mld mexp , ftV~ tbe ;1(00 of )g[1,,)ore ' <;I~d tar rtlacb· RC)ss. who ,qlllrell. ,, 'al'o, YOIl In fll vo'j- ,(if beIng ' 'n~ .c;ol1~~I !Jeef bono b'r otb nnd , g~Oll. SOIIO<1 Grllp-e ·Nuts foad three yenrs ag'o that b,t .of the boasebo ld 8uggest s that tll'0 ;"'38 'J'U;: ,1.'111 cotuPI teh' lCllOeS ther ~re only now as tbllUgl( be elec eel .b}- ~ \(1 cllrect votes of the peo, be~nnl dos Is spine iJiiLd, but , the Idea ' in had helln d\'awn Intong to 1T1'81) It. TJl,ere ,1& 'DO food are served In warm, ' well·alr ed I tou'n d' .r ellet. It hl,ls ,Proved, with tbe" th o fuli es. But It III :. ., fll'3.ver ~~~" 'Questio n confron ting 1:wenUetb· roo.ms to the halt : hundr.ea or so dear Lord's bless ing; a gt'eat 1)oon to '. ' .. ~ ,. WAS' lIot tlro 'tub,os thnt got bllU. "i\! y d91l Y , O Ullg III1Iy." tbe £ta teF<' centulT -C.brl~Ual\lty tban ~hts ODe 01 _dogs In .:the J3rltl!lb do~s' 'hot~l. ',near me. , It brougM lIIe · health .and vigor : ', W~ep thIs lIa ' ' lone oq- bait {be .~ "tlilsy;' had '''jIlGt (ln lsl,,!!! c:n ;nl i:, · ~Jau ,;,£-pl! Il. "J I\U1 nthus lastl ally In ,hoW ,to ,e ftect tbe rescue d the qlt]P SOUth!,Yppton. wbere the boa~d at llg ,sjlch M I ntlYeT eltl"(>c ed to ' agli!n en'· !Ugbt. Ud tbe famlly' ls dlatrllu lht .to'( ~wbQo ·ilr, !',4l1gl,t BIght or Joe duckin g .fa or Qf b lUg oledeu ' thus or In an, from ' the tOl"e1!\1 or e.... l "'bleb ~1'.' rl ulture tal<eo care for 'a certaln joy. anl,l In gratlt.ud e ~ never 1all to I.cli ot lit,ell, the~bow~8 berttl to liro. .bob . Iud r. 'J1 h1r\l, ~v,ell1\1) 'ra r . l:i() .\\·as lathe r w:ly ~hnt on 'b ' lelllth of time of' afl dogs brought Into. SQu,nd Its pral~~ ." Name given. b1 8rl'ango IC' • their atron.bo lcla t;herejn "'!'tor 'atld th~ .f amlly t~lIR Into 0 ijot, sur". 1/.11~ ran nl'ql:"d t;Jrltal,n. so 8S to make . sure that b~· Po,tum Co Battle (:reek. Mich. to th~ oIl" .. , -~ ." .....,.,. . .• lHl). , B~ the dbf baa K(JlIo • • We lIf the C:ll'.~ "~k., --.;.;. -....;. "Tbere's , a Reason. " 4rophob ia d~ Dot ere,p In. but th I'C wss .' 'l'he w,?rld I~ dl~lt!o~ tnto two til • • ! We read about' edU~Uo.--a • .,.to .OD. . ~e 8urroUl ldlni CO~D' .lJQ JQe there. . (ssy D&1 mlulon . Look ror It In 'tb.e lItt'e bOok, iI'l'IHl ' "'(lnt nnil tOld el' tho!! who 10 al\ead 0"., 40 Bomer Uld ' medical mlS8lon . and' mlulo 8, for Ii bll'lidte d Dille•• iJe Joe's Roa(l'to Wellvil le." to bQ founll JD pkp. bo, was . lost. Movlnll PI.nte. I\lid th08C who alt .un and (D· '. w_tl!l1 alml...,,., tile,. dlae&lo griP. hJ~"II motlle.r we Ilot . Ie:;! ...... fttilll teo............_'Iett.... · A - ,., 'IWIlY 11 nnmlJt'l' of bot• .ran o'it quirt'. "Why w!ian't 1oI11l7 plaD~ llaye tbe power tc. ahlft ' It tlQUe tlto otber ODd.m eath It '1111 Ie tile OD aIm '.... :MiDtlahC*..- ~ bJ' . bo~r. and, cfr' :~t('d""t the tronl of the ~ 1Ul!1 "'11)'," -0. W, &111:." tbelr Qllarten . 'he orobld ClIUl lIIove __ .".~ ..... ta- tft ta.... ...... rca' brfni ea1YaUOD ' M . . . . . . . ~ ... lUI' .Ver)' ,..,. .,.J·oin
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+ ............d CRI=AM SOUP
. J tltues A~ 81 II n II e 6n d Mary E ' ."." . 8bioklR t. () Bnrry A . . J~nes, 1 Ii 1n ';;;
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B1IROIUnS ,I",., :',.,l::::~~,ltOE:~:::~~ :;!~::: Food Overlooked L " ,~ I.~ i.I:. ; by Many , In::!:,:.k~~,~~;:~;,M'::.b:.:~:~ I:' t ' In Planning Meals. " ' l~i i I" I ~, ~ ' i : . : : .1 .llU~'4 ~: nopn~:ol~A,~rE~;~~I~~~~N~ten. i' ~~} + n )i', • • k I," t.W" hlp U ,
WR·IG·H 'm , I. I.[~.:I.!:· I ,&TROMP,SO
", AttorneysoatoLaw
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. . . . . . . . "'.-:. .... Ai .• I The u~.dersiRoed have formed a co-parlner-ship for the general pracUseof law undertheUrm name of Wright &: Thompson, with offices In the.
WIIII!ln; ' . kKmnoy t o .D . vid r am of vegetab le 80UP. made of :::::: Miller. It'a ot in W,.yne Mid Hnrilln I veget ble pulp and thin white sauce. :::::: \ownsllip. ~l. ! Is a (ood that Is ov rlooked by many:::::: >,r th F ob, trno t .I' poopl III plan~lllg meals. Ir proJr •••• .:.:.:;. Wrlghr-Monger Building, tebaaon, Ohio. lJ.ltLr. a. ox t 0 d ill R e S . will kll' township·l 1 F ::::.: . Any busineal entrusted to our care u ran n , CI '. rly mnde It Is very palatable aod' :::::: t tte U ElltL A , Elu.rri und .Iesse' S. Hur tlas hig h f 00 d vaI taccouo o '.. :'.:'.:'. receive promp a 0 00. ue on r ll! to William H. Newport" lot in the milk that Is uBed In the white ~~1 :::lprin~boro. sauce. Meat soup Is sUmulatloi .•.••• De Estang Gith os t o Frederiok ::.::::.. rather than nutrlUous except When El~urv tlnti BIHOOY Ulllenbrook, lot ::.::.:'.' Buch food as vegetables. rice or mac· to Fraoltlio. $1. aronl are ndded t.o the meat stock. :::::: John L. PltWI'l to George Uhlen. 'roam soup served with crackers or lt~
brook, lutd i 0 F1'Il U k lin,
:...... . : .: .
:'.':.::: RIGHT WILLARD J. W ::::~~: :'
crou tons Is a well·balanced dl8h and :::t:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:......................:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.;.:-:-;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;:;.;:::'t: olay form th e I' rt n clpa l p art of (l 1.*;_:_:_:_:_:.:_;_:.:.:.:_:.:_:_:_:_:_:_:.:_:_:.:_:_:.:.:.:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'••••••••••'. ". • light Ill eal. but shou ld not be serv ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!!"'!~!'!II~~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at a heavy meal. M ~ at soup lervcs c
CommiSSioners' Proceedings. A P titiou tlil( oed by 'z, 0 W or loy. \V . D, 'urwlU Jr., .Juhn Wore IllY IIOct D C ,la ck WIlS presen t ed nnll placed nn lil e . it follows: We tbe u ntie r Rig n ~d owners of all the foot I r ou tllge of the prs p rt,.\' f\ buttin g ulJon tUl\t part t)f t h e 8 1LS t urllnah f th a Wblte IOak 15.00 IIlte dt;\ ~ orib ed IliI foll ,l WR, to · Wlt: Bellinnillg ut It J,Joilit io tb e E 'lst. We also carry a full a.nd complete line of all k inds of_Harness B~o.o h uf tbe White Vult pikl' and anything needed for the horse. where the w tllli liue of D. C . ,ruok '" We d eliver all~goods to your nearest Railroad or 1'mction stop, fltrm oros eil Sd id roa.d in ~eotion 2. free of charge. 8alem t wU!lbip Wllrren oo unt,y nnd ruoni ng thenoe' elist.eri.v, ftlllowinl/ the present Illid . ut road RH olos(J ly I\S thought advll!llbltl to seourR , Il good luollti on to a poiut In tht' Morrow !lnd Mill Grove pike IIJ o n~ tbe furms of Z. O. Worley Bnd W D. Corwin Jr. und there ending, be East of Canal Opposite Wayne Ave. tng a. diHtanoe o r f\.boot three fourth8 o a mlle more C'r le'!s, do petition One half block east of D. & U., D. & W., D, & S. U . .and South· ern Ohio TractioJ) DepCi. your honorable board to gradt>, draain lind improve said rart. of said r ad (Jont·rllot wa eotered into with Z'lin Armitage for puinting an d , Writ of partit.iou ordered made in olell nin-g "erta.in designa.ted bridge", the 088e of William J Bolanger vs throughout tbe oounty Bill -Bert R eed, bridge r.epll.lrtl, Embru T . Davis: ~ 116 GOj V . J . Zentmyer, bridge r e Probate Court. pairll, . fH 2?; J F. Spubler, lum Common· Pleas Court. ber; '$241.24 j Gallon Iron Work .. Will of late Miri ... m L own6s. d e Many mipor Oil tiS were disposed . Co, oulvert pIpe, '7 .50 j John of in the oourt-s t he past week pre. I oeast-d"was .entered to prl)ba.t,e anrl Wolfe, bridge r pllirt'l. '21.75; paratory to the opening of the April reo~d. Marlon Whttaorie taUd Frank ' 1!'ruukUn Ubroniolt', publishing reo , '1'. "bltaor. were appo n ed. exeon . . . lerm ned Monday. rhe slate 18 L W port of eXamlDlltlOn of t·reusur~v, OletlDer tban it hilS been for quite tors With W. E . Knapll, · 11525 j 'fh 3 Oiooiunl1ti Enqulrer. a time and all is ready for what Smith and R . Evans 8s1aPdPrjaiSerR advertising fl1rm for sl1le, 12 3 ; R. Sale of propertv \bvo Va I n oat'e E:!urshba.rger, soup f Or ooura h OUell ', .. prom18e1 to J>(l a ItreDuoull sellslon. of George ThompsoD: admtn strator 11; slI lary, ~40 I .Juroes Follen :::ir, New Suits', of the es~ate of Knte Tbomp!lon VB SlI.llll'Y, 50; George B. Anderson William J Bolanger' filed Bult 6eorae 'Ihoropson was confirmed burial of Gfl orl( Pllyne ,75' Frank ap'QI~ Embra T. Dl1vi8 tor parti- and prooeeds amountin~ to a8 '15 Wlltkll1 P. b~I'i4 l of David Er~el, '75 i tton of oertain' real estate and to reo wereordereddfstributed. Flrstand WileoD Uog lcl!uee, burlll.l of MBry E oover hie undivided one halt part. final acoount was tben ~led . Burns i am D. Benkle, fees and tteth W. Brown 18 aUorney fo!' George E Fryburger w~s appoin t. expense!!, U27 10 i Dr. Oharles Rook •. ad to Bucceed Oharles , Middleton a8 hill, P6st 'u r treutment., '200; John platDUfr. , administrator of the estl\te of Estl e H'l 11 d board ' *39 65' A CoUrt Proceedln,.. I::;nell and real estate was ordered 1 gen, room n , . , Cue of Oltlzeni National Bank VI. Bold. D. ' Bond, brid~ r.:.p!lrs. ,63 7p.
16.50 5.00 .25 1.75 3.26
:!:::: •
This harness for two horses with eithe r Pigeon_wing or square blind brilde, less collars - - . . • $ Body part 'for o ne horse A good heavy swea.t pud A good team bridle Check lines 1 1- inches by 18 feet Rubber mounted buggy harness, th kind 1110 t d ealers sell for 20.00. our price
:::;:: . . :~::: . :~::! .:.:.: N.:. .:.:.:
the purpose belt of
as the beglnnln~
c~,: ";:;::;yb:I~:::.• I.
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III. cookeu below the boiling point of water. This Is accompllsh!:d by heat· Ing milk in a double boiler. A double boiler may be improvised by placing a smalI pan In a larger one contain· Ing boiling wate r. Til heat In ~e smaller pan will not rench the boU· Inl! point. Boiling renders milk Indl· gestl ble. Tbe pulp of any of tho fo llowing vegetables m ~y be USEd : Corn. pota·. to. ' bean, pea. carrot. celflr y. aspara· gus or cauIHlow er. Cook t he vege· tables In boiling anltcd waler and paBS them through a straJner or veg· etable press to t ake out the COarse. stringy pa rts. Small QUl\ntlti el or vegetnbl s Jeft from another meal may be used In tbls way. The prepared vegetablo soup tl added to tbe white sauce. It the veietable pulp Is (:old It may be rebeated In the white sauce. 1t lS not advisable ' to use this method In making tomato souP. for the acid of tbe tomato will r.urdle the milk Ir the mixture gels too bot. Usually about one-eJght~ teaspoon ot loda Is added to one t; Up of bot tomato to counteract the acid. and the tomato and white sauce are taken from the fire before mIxing. Th e ordinary proportions used In making whIt 'sauce tor cream soup are as follo ws: One cup milk. one tablespoon ' butter. one tablespoon flour, on e·balf t8aspoon salt. Methol\: Heat In double boiler till a scum forml; add fl our mlxed to a thin paste with cold milk; add salt; cook fifteen mInutes tn a double boiler; then add butter. This makes a thin white sauce. but It Is thick enough to bind to~ther the different Incredl.ntl and 80 keep the vegetable pulp from settling. UI· ually. two eups of white ' sauce are Uled to one cup of "getable pulP. but these proportions may be .,arl84 lome according to the amount of In· credlentS on hand.
c. E. HAGER, 413 E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio,
County .Courts
[:~:~~:S~:T~E~··MATERIAL ITO
i: Ji i
Ollpo.. 1 of Kitchen RefuII. Waste materials IUch aI parings. bones and meat scraps. unless tbey
ALT~R j, uneral
M f'
01 ...:'.... "
Telephooe day .or nlgllt. Valley phone No. . 1.0. Distanoo No. 69-9".
.re used al toad tor a.nlmals or col· WAVNESVILLE, OHIO • t8cted U B.rb.... are belt burned. Then there II no possible danger of Braneh Office, Harvey/ bal'l. O. their becomfng a soil for tbe growth ot dlsea.. germl. It the food can not be burned. It Ihould be burled In ' , a well·dra1Ded soil. not more tbao a I DR. BELL S ANTI.PAIN foot deep. Bacteria are nry numer' l For Intemal and External ,......,. OU8 In the toP layers of .011 and wll1 Boon csu.e deny. It fa ""ry ··unlan. I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!! Itary to throw 'all the kitchen refulll'l In the same nlace year attar WAVNESVILLE CHURCHES. wltho'Jt resortins to 80m. m.ans for keeping the .011 In • unitary condl· St. AaguJtlne'. Catholle Cbutdi. tiOD. Failure to properly dlspo.. or Father Oeorae WatoDboefer. Pano!' . , food waite fa otten the caule of the MMa eYf'~ 1OO0/ld Rulldar ot the moooUl Il epread of germ dlseas •• throu&h dust II:OOa. m. and flies which carry the lerml to our food. St. Mary', Epiicopal Cburc1lo OllpoI.1 of Llundry, Ba'h and Ollh I Rev J. F.. Cadwallader. Roct.fol , . Water. Sunday Sohool. 9 :110 a. m MOfIlIO, ~r . vice. 10 :80 a , m. Holy Commullloo ,he IIrlo... Where there t8 no drillna,e system. . uoday 01 each mon~h, the dlBposal of liquid Waite Is often a serlolJiI problem. It a ceslpool or Methodist EpiJcopal CbUrcla. drain bastn Is uled. It Ihould be loRev. B. w. Balle7. PaAot cate:! where there II DO cbaace of Suoday Scbool. 9: 15 a. m. MOrQIDa ser' Its contaminating the drinking water. vice. 10 :80 a. m. Ep'II'OrLh [.ear ue; 1 :00 po m . EveDIDg lervlce . .. : 00 p. m, MII1 . ..." U tb9 only place for ' dllposal or Pr ,yer Mee,In.r, '1 p. m. wa8te water 18 the surface of tbe ground. It should be thrown lOme d18' Christian Chureb. . tance from the bOUle. where It wl11 Re\'. L. O. TlIoaiJ*)ll. PMU.. Bible 8cboo1. 1:.0 L ai, ' .... I_IAIIICi ...drain from and not t~\ward tbe weU. 10:80 L In. CbJ1Itclaa EDd'• .,or. 1:00 J. •• The water Bbould be torown In differ- Sermon by putor.ft1'7 atsenall BlIIICIU __ • ent places BO that thb one spot will 10:.0 .. m. aDd 1:10 p . In. not become soggy. If tbe iround II Hlcksite FrIeoOi Cburo. kept 8aturated with water. there can be no air In the soli and the scaveng· . lnt Daf Moetlnli!. 0 :00 aoom. J'I~' DaF Sohool. 11 :00 a. m. F'ounll Day "HUoe Ini bacteria cao not do their work 10 :00 a. m. ' of decay without air. Waste water Orthodox Friend. Chu...... Ihould be tbrown 'where It will be , IIrL BU.a~th LuIdD. Putor exposed to tbe s unli ght. for 8u!lllgbi Is death to cUtrease ~e rm ~. LIme as Sabbath Sohool, 11:80 a . m. Re~ar olallN. .,nloe. 10 . ~() a. m. OIIr1Irtan PJDdiI&'IO". '8 dl Inroctllnt ,.houl d be 'O(~I'Rs lonally 7:30 p _ • sprlnkl d ol'er t he dl''\lnago plot. Sun· light. n.lr. dl slnfcrllon or t he soli. t .!d good draln u!;c wi ll keep the groll!ld where waste w::teTS Il r l! thrown In a· sanitary COl) ltl 10 I .
. For Skin Dl8eue. El.IZAIJ · .... ' J !"~F :TON . lk Bell's Antlsepato Salve il tbe Midnight in the Ozarks best-It iR '" oreamy snow· white Deparqu~\I! oC c\'.• Ir. :tlll' \! B'(tp.u· . TH. O.. utUT . I . a_ f olotmen' pleasl\ut tensicn. 011:0_~L.t" tJrd. u : :ly. 118e and every aDd yet sl~(1ple s Hlram ouRnton, 0 box 18 guaranteed . Prloe 250. At Clay Oity III ooughed and oouChfld EASV Be was i~ th~' mountains oD the ad all.dealers. TH. WOllLO ----~~.-~-vioe of five dOOt.ofS, wJlo fonnd he bad l'UII.ISII!D W!EIlT. $4,00 tIA& TbOBe who see the leall~ in .oth e~. oonsump~ion, but found no 'belp tn "Say, I've bouglit a motor oar.", HOT..... DIIUOciiiii. .".,..~ are the onae who use . ~helr 1'8 tbe ' tBhe ioumafteD' "Kntd ,staNrted rnhome. mOBt. "Oh, that exp1ll:lnslt, II 008TUM ....., T • • ~."." 0 '.8 . ear ng 0 r ng 8 ew 800V "Explains whatP" . • ..D '.U• •allvloa 0"" PttOFr.·,. .-. ery, he ~egan te nHe it "I believe "I'd been wondering what beoame,8V U81 ..a 1ft "DV.ItTIII-,O OOIoUMH.Bank depOSits guaranteed to staod it B&Ved my Ufe," he wr1t86 "for It . SAMPLE COpy· fREE wear,.lind te!l!' would be mighty pop_ made. a new man of me, 8~.that I of YQur ~a'ob anel yonr diamond Mdiee..... VO.. K OL'PP." , loarfpin. '-Cleveland Le~er. ... . YOttl. ....y. can now do good work again, For alar with the people. all. long diseasee, oooghs, oolde, _
D. F. Corwin was d18mil8ed. Oourt ordet'ed tbat .plaiutiff re· '. cover from O. W, lienderson and Julia M. Senderson .the lum of '184..21 'lD the of Frank Detriok VI. 0 : W. BendersoD, et a1. 'Bearing of' petitions for na.tural. ization , WIll b~ held on June 29th "nd November ~9th by order of 'he court. ID the case of Harry M.iranda vs.
Vlotor Van Riper was . appointed administrator of the "Btate of ,Ellz· be h V RI ' t b d f 6.00 a ~ aD per a a on 0 " Sam P. SmUh, Peter D IIatfield and T. E. ~eelor were appointed appratllers. . Odie Brown, guardian of tbe elltate . fit h of Fern. Brown, minor, ed itt S60ond and final IlQOOunt, Inventory and a~praisement 111.,d by W. B. Siegfried admtniB'rator U' d ~~~~j~ , ~~~~~es~~ W ~m~~~e.~~~~~M~~OO~g!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~._~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~~ a verdiot of *170.11 to be paid by ceased., . ' cough, bay fever, hemorrhages, tbe dtfendaat. John C. "!'wae was appoln&e<l hoarseness or quh~.y, its the bes' administrator of the estate of Pru known remedy. Prloe 500 and *1. 00 ~!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ dence E . Bides deceased 8& a bond Trial bottle ' free ~uarantee4. by
'0 ..-------
:1:~~08~d In~entory
IB' dispensed
~n drugglstB .
For ~ Spotless:Kitchen--............ Get Moore's Range
• _ ..._ - -
W. Ohellter Maple, 'ruatee, of the INC~EASF. INIfOBACCOCULTURE
estate of Elton ,6( , Ba~ley. et al, Tbe ordttvRtlon of tobaoor) iu the benefiolaries, flied his fifth account , United ~tB.tes ~~tQR to be ll\rgely nn 8"le of real ostate In estate of the inorease, ,the OdVIlDJ6 from 1906 Letters from Mothers Barriet E. O'Neall, deceased, was to 1910 .belng nearly flO per oAnt "I wish I could induce every confirmed Bnd first aoaount filed . rhe orop of 1906 waR 682:429.000 mother, ~bo bas a delicate. sickly ' First uud final aooount in the es. pOllndll . For eAoh AoooeedJng YAIU child, to try your d~l icious Cod Li ver and Iron Tooic VINOL: It re. tate of WilHa.m V. Bone, deaea8ed there was" stel1rty IUOrl3It-S8 ooMl tn stored our little daughter to health WIlS filed. 1910 it reaoh~d 984.349,000, or 301,. Will of the lllte Elizabeth MoClong 920,000 po.ods over the r)rop of 1906 I and strength after everything else bad failed. "-MRs. C W. STUMP; deoellsed, was probated. Hobert No other large orop grown in t'~e Canton, Ohio. MoOhmg was appOinted executor Uoited Statel! llllll lnoreaased in 110 Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, of Minnelarge II> ratio' in the s!tllle perlo!1 apolis, Minn., writes, "I want to Marrlqe Licenses. .... recommend VINOL to every moth. Tell Your Neli;hbore er who has a weak or sickly child. Arohlfl W . Hpauldinlr, 2~, oivil en. When In . nfled of 6 o()ogb . medi. My little boy was sickly, pale, and ginaer of Hazelwood and Ethel MIlY CIne u lle Dr Bdl's l'lne.·l'l\r.Honev . bad no ' appetite for two years. I Grim!!, 21. of Mason . . It is t,h fl best. Look for the bell on tried different medicines and doc· Cl\lren~e A. Batt, 2il, laborer M the Bott 1f\.j -------..~--- ------tors without benefit, but thanks to MaineVille, I\nd Genevieve Runyan, VlNOL, be is a well and healthy 20, laborer of Loveland. REFORMBD 'bar to-day." ., . 2 C. Allen, of New Bedford, Ml\Ss., Ulllude M : Kelly, ,4, farmer 01,: "My fhst wtffl mar-:-r le .l 'Writes, I! My two puny children gained Mf°:.row, .lI. nd Mrs, Estel!I' ~all, 24>, ,form me. •. .' . rapidlyintlesh'ahqstrengtbinavery 0 J.'1or\\,oo d . ' . . , "Of what.?'" short time after taking VINOL/, ' . "Beiog>,a b.80hel,ol' . " ~e :poll,itiv~ly,kno\v VINOL' will . Real Eatate rr~_ers., "Wellsh,e 8ucoeede~ in thllt, any_ . ~ bu1ld up little ones and make them . . Graoe U . Obristie to Ralpb' B be.tthy, . stro~. and ·r obust. Try ~qyaer;. 19t In LabhnQD, '1 . .., .'. . '. ,'il tI~ould I!I~~ . I 'V? beep mll>r,ried ~one' bo~e, and.lf you are not saw.. WUllam D. Booth l Rtella .J . Boo~\l' twioe Binoe."-Oleveland. Leader Sed, we will return your money. ' et III to CharleS' A. DU8an~ "0 ao~ . • ...__.-----,. ~. J~NI;V, tn. oouo~y"l. ' . . '., , Cu~ICl.'rillP' .t.be beau.
You wbo bave never used Ii Moore Range C4Dnot reall&e bow e&!IY it Is to keep a kitcben clean. Try to picture a stove which bums up all of Its smoke and loot before they can reach the chimney- a stove which Is so constructed that even when uncoveted for adding fuel, oat a particle of smoke, soot or gu «:aD escaPC! Into the room. ' . ' , '. And these aren't the only ways the Moore Range belpi you keep yoar kitchen clean. It doc. still more. It has a Hlq.a Top which off.rs the . cleanest and handiest method pOSllble for feeding a fire, buildJn, a J!e" olle. .' broiling or toasting. By merely pulling a chain, the ...... ~ ia Iift.a out 01 the _,.. Tbere's no IpUllng .of fuel. The top, when lifted, forms 8 hood and tbe Imoke and.llmell are drawn around . tbe dues of the range and cannot -.cape Into tbe room. .
Sickly Children
Smoke.~ Soot. nor Gas ' , Saves 1/2 of .you,r Fuel Expense
- ..- - -
. .
* '
What To Do
!E==!!!!!!!!e , only range ~avlng far longer than any other
With all Its advantages, Moore'. Range really costa ·th. leut of . BOy' range on the market. .u aCtually. pa,. for. ItMlf 'on the fuel . which It saves. M_,..'I CoiatroU. D...,w enablei"yob to cootrol <tbe beat of tbe oven as well as you cau control the heat of a gas oveOI It .. 'the .O'.~lyJ,Joo~'s coal range.havjng adva~tage wblc~'lavea . .tJDnlpf th. ·hiel. Everlasting this F.lteback . enabl~you to'bumftilly· coal.costiogatleaatlW'Qo" tIiInIa 1- tban coal used ~n otber rl!Lnge.. . ~t ~freJ'll a Itln funher iaviDe b.J •. for ~be ' burning up .of, t~e · smoke ' and ~t, tbui giving you;tbe · aO'irIUlIUUAI of tbe atra' beat, aud enabUne you to save OD your fuel'• .'It ~ . throaPo;at. T~li. ia ODe of maliy ~D~ "hy M.oo~'. Rania ... . . ,.. 'r .. ' " ' " ".
,\ cau . ~d~ ~~e ~ .'Wo~de~., ~8p,4t!, ,..,'i,,» '
. . 'We iiaven't room bere~o .. tell. you all' tJle superior TheD tbere's tbe·nlckel.plated OYeD rack (tbe OD~ ODe features of 'MOore's Oven :"- boW' It ab~lutely prevent. , on.the market), and tb8 aluminised oven-tbe mOlt .....
·;~te:~=ltt~'~f~~:~~~~th~= ~=h::~e:~ ' .~~~~i~ou~'~ote' ~cftet UI ~~~.~ time YOll want to ... the coDdJtloD·of the fooc;lID~de. We'U DO~ ~vou to bar. ' .,
. .. . '
"".~-"W.eiI~c..thit_.., .
.Foro·.·..lebr' ~~·. H~ ~9~A~~.<'Y.fD~~
, THE · lW~1 PubUlihetl
You Tested \' our Seed Corn?
- -.-- -
'I'll" lesting of seed (I rn. while III. Suggest ed Trains of Though t Ought to wliYl' ta m tlt'~r of tlf tv, bILl!! ;;uld nJ RI.e Above Reader '. Version • - bJAIN $TIlEl!ll ' 1I I)n gO ntleUIlSII ~y I1 S it III tbis . pring of Author. ' . YALLEY TELEPHONE'-- ALL' !'fo, i'l, ur 1911 Wh hll hu ~kelllll,.t. fil ii 01 rn ollrrl 1.1 You talk about reading Shakespellre, \I Ing him as an expression for the I lll llCh 11 1\ " t· t il . 1I rtl" r-IJ rlll " I '11ll"O I' I high st Inlellect, p, L. C HANE, Editor and Manage l' and you wonder thu t: o Inol 1111 P . 't'w" '" ,, . >I ,'V" III thir' any common: person should be so pre-' I, V litlTO Dt Wil li llllt II I ti l tlll lJl. lUm m i sl1 mptuou l! as to sup pose his thought Rates of Subscripti~n . If you e~ct to do any painting, you are ioteres ted-you should be-in the 1'ltl" iu I t . If would b it Vtl Ill' n H u,. . can rise above tho text which li es beOno Year (IItrlctly llllldvllnco) .... .. .. $1 . 00 quahty of the palOt to be used. fore blm. But think a rnom nt: . Singlo Co))), . . • • • • . • . • . • . . • • . • . • • . • • • .00 '-\ooug b IOJ lillum if l1 0 rmul t ,'lU ch.lId·s I~ any given job of painting, laQor represents .practically two.thir reading of Shakes peare Is 0 Ie da. material p... ra t n r · .hlld PI' v .. ll ed one-third the cost. rI U ~ 4 \). thing and Coleridge's or Schleg(:\'s v oolltir ,r 191(\ bllt! til IlIwt-'t\t. tD Alln reading or him Is another. Rates of Advert ising It stan~s t~ reaso~ that with so much expenae in labor, the enduri ng quality T6te satul'l\t'~ lDli cll or~ IIf llli No v rube l' du r tlon poio of each of Reading Lcw.als. (lIlr Utlo the pamt ...all unport anL . mind dlfTcl's . from 5,· lug 2:l y or!! of the Expflrim cnt ~th thut or every oUler. But n~dlng Locals. blalck t~~"\~; 'I~~ " . Why have the painting done unless the protectioD aDd durability of l Ue J Wink l.t 18 Ihe job OllllllJllled Alia. ooL to OltCoOO Ovo UDes as tru o for the small mind, which ctl n IS sought? Throo IUIIOrtlons . .. . ........ . . 2ftc tlOO 'Il rE'ourdt:!. Very eurl y in No- only ta e up a little, as tor the gr a t How is o~~ ObItuarlOll, flvo Inchos troo: _over /I\'o to detennine Ihe true value and obtain p.amt that may be depended veUibEr mel'OQ1'Y droppe d 100 below one. whi ch takes li P much. lhat the upon for durability? 10chOll. per lioo . •• ...... .. ...• tic . frtlPzln/o{ n&d dllY ut llll' da.v it WII!' suggest ed train s or tbouglll and tee l~&rd of thanks .... . ..... . ....... . . . . . 2t1c f . H~NA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT IS NOT A SECRET, Thia paint has 00 .,/ Ing always to ri se above- not eeolutloM ...... ........ ..... .... , .. . Mk' roUl 1 t o ] 0 beluw frel'ziu " tbe ollght the pnnte d formu la on every packag e. ,., author. but Lbe. · roader's .rnentul Socials etc. whore cliW'8o Is mndo . . . ... . 2t1c These two faotors 'ure wit hout I~ pUI' . version or the author, whoever he may The ~~kel1 have c~nfidence and take pride in the quality and tell Display A~vortW u g per lOch ...... .. .. . the public lOe II l1el in r eoent yearll a.nd s b'J uld va be. the composlbon of the pamt. DlBoountli given on contract. . the oorn growflrll in all pu rts of I,be I I think most readers ot Shakesperu'e IS THIS OF ANY VALUE TO YOU? 'IT OUGHT TO BE. ~t.u Ie for slimple s of corn I rom 100 sometImes flnd' themsel ves tbrowo into FOR eALE BY APRIL 1\ 1911. exalted conditions like those represe lltatlve el\1;'s whioh had b een producedmental by mualc. Then they ma y su. ved for '\Ieed, or for reporttl of drop the book, to pass at once Into germin lltiou te!lts ulretlo y oondnr t tbe region ot thoughl without words. I ed oy tbem . The sflwpl tls rAceiv d We may happen to be very dull tolks, in respuns e to this ca ll bu. ve b you and I, and probabl y are, unless . . een there Is some particu lar reason A BIG FARMER to BUPFEMININE CURIOSIlY . gernunu .ted and reveal Ii ounuiti())\ pOSe the contrary . But we get glimpses We are sending out remind ers to wbioh wllsexp ected Tbe rttnge of l now and tben ot a sphere of spiritual Mr. J ob n Brya n of the oelebra ted Her bus band was 0. merohu.nt lind · subscri bers that their subscri ption I(ermln ation ia from 45 tu gl perc ut posslblUtles where we. dull Way nes ville, Ohiu . as we are "RLv" nlue Furm and IJar~'," n"ar one day while down town she is due. A great many of them are muoh seed wbiob ba d been htmdled now, may Ball In va f. circles round tbe Ynll ow t:;pring 'l, Ohi o has just II Id droppe d into bill offioe. I Valley Phon .. 15:1 past due-so me quite a little time. with oonside ra ble ollre sllowln g be ~a::::.t compas s of earlhly l.nteUI- by telegra p h t o Main Strp t . U. Barber. of " 'Whll~ are a ll t bose b ook s on top The newspa per busines s is like low 80 percen t. Aleron, Obio 40U tons of tLlfalfll hllY of the s lfe? " sbe lisked. I Buoh tl. 8tate of uffairs will result 'every other busines s, we have 30 ut .20 u ton Be could imm ediate "Those are the dlAybooks, my Never Out of Wor!< in a very pI)()r au(1 uneven stand 0 1 ?ays in which to pay Ior"goo ds, and Dr. Bell"s Pihe -Tar- Hone .r The busia t lit tle thing 'J ever ly eU 400 tons more to d~irym e n in d ear," h \'1 replied . plonts In Obio oorn fields, unle 8 lt takes money to run the busines s. mlide are Or Klng's New Lifa I'tlls . llliooid if hI.' had it . Be lll tlO had For CoUCh . and Coldl. ,.A Ild where llre tb e lli~ht h ooks?" every ear of oorn intende d for seed Every '{>111 is & saga r oOllted globu le orelers of one otlrload from Colo m "Night boo ks?" h e eohoed in 8urTo all those whose time has exbe careful ly tested to determ in e of h ealth, t,hot obnn~es waltkne s bUB, one cli r tram Penusy lvan F la. 50 prise . pired- or about to expire -we hope whethe r in to str ell gtb. lon g oor i nto en ergy tons f r om it will grow WlI s bingt,oo C. B.,Ohi IIYes," she rejoine d, "those you you will be liberal in sending or In oonneo t.log tbl'! germin ation bru.in .fag iuto men tOol p owI' r i cUrin g lind one inquiry from Le~d viii , hllve Oonst.J to \V'ork pllt\ on. over 8eadl1o at nlgbt somehe, Ohill s, Oy!'bringin g your subscri ption in at test it is importu .nt tbat the o~ndi pep!>ia, Mnlaril~ . Onl y 250 lit nil o )loru.do . Mr . BI'YLLn has Dever tlDle~ when you lirA kept bere uotll once. Unde rtake r and Embalmer, tiooa whioh th~ oorD will bave to druggi.AtS. . url vertise d his bay hn e. but it sbo w" 20'01 ok in the mornin g. "-Chi oago We need the money, -and we need ndure in the field be dupliolLted as alftllfa is rigbt bere unu he urges Newl' . Will be found in t be 010 it badly, else we wouldn 't put forth Dearly as poslibl e. Cond em n even NEW KIND OF brme l'S u ot t,o tle ll le<l thlin 1>20 ---- Bank Boildin g , Oppall' ''' SPEED F'IEND the Nlition al Bank our plea. When five or even twen - 8tr of low viblUy to tb~ ffled troogh 1\ ton. Mr . Bryan b \laves he will OOM ESllC BLISS Teleph one in hou8e and ot· ty-five subscri bers get behind a few where it will orlJve of 80rnl' vlliu , Explain . to Gullelea . Friend Ho~ He out. 600 t o n ~ tlliR .vear tlnd 1000 t.onA fioe where 1 ()l\!l be oalJ~ Happen but if ed Mr~. used to Be Kun~1l for Arre, seed 1'-1 ted will Six 0 remflm lu~e n ext ytlltT He is io telegrliphio Ii 108S bsr the ·weeks, it doesn't matter much, but day or n igb t. TIme .. of from $1 50 to i5,(l0. ooulmu ulcatlo n with the puroh'l sing t.imfl whtln you were just orazy to you are one of two hundre d , and if Valley l'hone 1'-2, Wba,t. oan tbe oorn grower do tha.t A few weeks ago a. man who "was oomwi 'sltry of the United Sta.tes Wllrr}' 1JI1l . we get all of them it will put us on Wayne svillv. OhiB will olll.ke birD aDY m ore m ouey Ured of motoring" sold his macbin Mr . Ku~g!!er-So do I. but I di In't Main Stt'eet, e to A rmy. lind will probab ly ship b ls "easy street" for a few days. .. ~blln to weed out the~e worthI es (lead a gulieitMl8 friend. r elLliae it at tbe ti rne -T? wn Toptos 15()OO bush ls of potatoe s direot to , A slight thing such as a newspa - 8urA?- Obio Agriou ltural Ye:sterday the purchas er a.pproached th Ilrmy in TexII.B. Experi. T his one Ollio the man from whom he had bought per subscri ption is easily forgott en, ment Sta.tloo . Sa.. Mooty uoI the car with '" troubled express Ion on fli,"mer . will furnish nearly ODI:l THIS WAITER WAS SATISFIED but when you realize how hard we ----~-.~-~.-------hIs race, and In the tone of one who bu h li l of p ottJtoes for eooh I'oldier. .-Style by Reacliq McCaU'. Old Neg ro Receive s One Dollar for Kicked by a Mad Horse try to give you your money 's worth 'has determIned to do a dleagr.eeable -Xe nitl Republiofl"). Magazin Every Cent He Collect ed From e a~d U,in, McCall ,alteru Milmoel B1rOh, of Beew wn, Wis duty, and do it at once. and how we have to pay our bills . Wealth y Man, ~ had ~ m st narrow e cape fr!}m lop. "Look bere. Jack.," McC.n·, ..... a1 •• will i The ingredl entl' ure on t.he otlrton. he began, on time, it ought nC!t to be so easi- 109 bls "you'n! M~lt:S MAGtUIIiE bolp you drou atyl- ! leg, 118 no doo\or cOllld h eu l a rrlend at mine. and I- I don't 01'. Ball 'R Pi lie To·r. Boney oontain s Ishly want In II modotale . "The shrewd ly overloo ked. waiter will accept t he frig tfol Rare tbllt deveJop ad to make any attac.ks on a oxpooso no hnbit by k'oe PI.l1g ..-( pr ndllcl n g drugs. Ilnd Ill· tip, your ver· no matter how U 1 small 0 pOSl~e It but d OD Ole I Is, lit nnd last Buckle D's Aroiotlo Sit IV~ seity. But you told mo tha.t you had ways glv B lIatisflioti on Look fo r , Therefo I:e let us hear from you lat I (ublon . 11\ pretend 'that he Is satisfied," said a oured It'comp letely. It t h e great ! been srrcst~ six times tb bell IOlhe,'! on lind t"e bata. I!C ' Bottle . l.n that autowithou t delay, not next week, but hotel mana«e r yesterday. "Whe n I J\UW .-IISI! Ion D0II 1~ i s~ bealer of ulcers, burn", b l)ll , m~,blle YOt! sold me. lit cllab 'u uo. AI80 hear of pel'llons giving extraordlnartly rig~! ~ow! 'Olem'l . SOtt]ds. oot!!, corDiI, o ld. I vn!1l1lblo loformal lon' ::ow, J va trle~ my best., and I EARLIEST NEWSPAPER small tips It reminds IDe of an old ne..ores, ' t)"oiees "lid pil.'s on earLh C>U IiU bomo and peran t get ber up to five miles nn bour. IJ(JDal ma~ra. On I)' I ' • grb walter we ussd to have at Palm rr,Y it. 2ic at all druggi !lt8 SaV&.-d His ,\Iother ', Life . VI ould you mlod telllng me how you 000 II yoar. IncludlD8 I The first jlaily neW8ptlpe r WAS Beach a tew years ago. His . happene d to be arrested ?" n8me a freo pattern. Sub- ,' _ .... _ _ _ ._ scribe today or fiend "r9Ut' dootor8 had given me' up, " • - ~.-----The purchas er bad no sma!) a.mount 0. man usoript letterw ri t teD by slil. WIIB Winfield Scolt. wri&el M.r8 Lliur" ~lI.ine8, of A,vOOlA, for freo sample coP,. . "A wealthy but eccentric New York· of sarclIBm In his voice by this Ume. aried oorresp ond en ts and forwar d ed VIEWPOINT OF OFFICE BOY McCall Pattm. wll! ooable you to make In }'ollr, -"and my obUdre n and all my bu t bls (rlend'a answer came read- b V them every twent,y .four hours er arrived at the . hotel early In the ow o bomo. Wllh youroWIl bands.clolbln8 for '- . friend. Wdre l<>okinlJ tor me ~ dlft, yourse lr nM cblldro'l whlC'lJ will be perfeut t lIeason, In stylo and fI~ }'rlce-uo IlO hl,ber than 16 tole Ule edi~r in?" asked t·he m ll n lIy: fr ow London to tbe provinc es. table. and Scott took charge at bls when my aon 1Ilals~d ' tbat I 1l8f' He took hi. three meala at "Certainly." said the man wbo had COOlS. BOlld for !'reo PIIHom Oalilloaue. . · IIleotric BlUer. I did .0, aod thev -!'h th~ oObarb ered M\r and shiny got rId ot the motor Thtlt WAS in the daya of tbe early the ISme hours each day. W. Will em Y•• flM ,....... for letllnlf At the end car. "tba,'s all scrlpllon s amoulI' your (rlontls. 80nd rp~ 1UbhllVe done me 8 "(I.r ld .f fi:' od 1 o"a' 1M! he ftabed " roll . of free right 1 was .arrested six times. It ~tUlll' t8 , Oariog t.he oommo n.weul tb ot tbe first he solemnly handed the pappf Promlum Ca u'lo~ue alld Cub Prtae Olntr. wiU prlliae them" El ·otrlo from bi. pocket walter one cent. Bcott 'tV . . wise, so was tor obstru!!ting the highway." tbes8 letters TIl! ItCAU COIPANY, 2391tz e'_»UI.. lIIWfOIl ! were printed in type Bltten i. .. prloelbas hl8tlldng t" "No," repUed the oftloe boy uBe a nd oiroolt1ted in larse numbe rs . be bowed a.nd showed ht. teeth and ------women trouble d witb faIntin g and said: 'Thank yuh, Even so l ong ago as 1680 the IlI.wof meal the 8ame thin.luh.' · The next dizzy .peU,., b!lokacbe, headac he, ba. ju.t RODe ou'. " For Sixtee n Years happened. and weallne e8, debUUy, conetip dion or uThla i8 the third time I've oalled Dr. Boll'd Pine.T ar Rooey has libel was suoh 8S to be oharao terlzed 80 on to tho end of three mooths, kidney die orders Ulle them and to eeeblru , "growl pd tbe o"Uer, "and btlen tlsed by millioDS of Maple wi th by Judge Sorogg s 8 S makin i any when the vi.ltor wu about to leave. HAT HA pin Dew health, IItreog th and vigor eaoh time you have told me be hu perfeot satisfa ction . For . :ollghs n ewl:!pap er publica tion Illegal and Scott waited on htm with the creat· · They'r e 80a"an teed to allti8fy 0" est puncUU Oold~, ouanea. Asthm at a in every fllot meal a.ll throat ud I1nd tending to provok\:l u. brllncb vVa.y'!1esville'. DeDsan · 'DlonHY: refoode d Only 500 at all just ~oDe o'?-t. What's the expl~tl8. brouoh illl trouble " . of .never hloted that the Up he lot was Oftloe ill tiun?" Keys Bldg, pelloe. dluggi8 ts .. lIalD 8. -------.~-not pertecUy lIaUstactory. , ~ -----"I don't KDOW," &uswer e I tbe "At~r he bad ftnlshed bll lut meal GOVERNMENT WHITEWASH boy; "bnt I gUllS he must .htrVlil PERIOD OF FEATHER GROWING FARMINO .VERSUS ORAMMAR the vi.ltor aaid to the walter: 'B<:ott, how 10Dg ha.ve I been here" beeD born under a luoky s~ar. "-Chi . There Ie Con.ldl r:able Variatio n In ."J8II' 90 days, .uh,' wa. the an.wer . One of the bard of ednoati on, The lIIxeoutl ve ManBlon, ~he )Iome oago News the Time Requi red f9r IndivIdu al . .. Good for Nothlne I)ut .... - . . .. 'I have Klven you aometh ine after going his ~oanlls . put alld oftloe of the Pre8lde nt ' of th .. the foilowi llg .---~.~----Fowl. to Comple te Molting . every meal, baTeu't U' qne1uio n to ISo soholar In It .ooootr y 'Unlted 8tatet!, Is known to all tbe If yon have Bore eyel'! of any kind " 'Yea, .uh.' " sohool c ~-a&4h6"White Booa8. " Far ole Suther land 'a E Ii~ le EyE' Halve. It .. 'How much doea it amount tor' "Soott told him. 'HaTe you cot all " Bow d o you parse the sentenc e, baot in tbe hiatory of the house it H Is good for notbtD I4 ba~ ' he a 01'. It ie painle8 s Ilnd -hlirml tbOlle pennlesT' the visitor ·uked. and ill ' 'Mary mil ked theoow ?' .. was oovere d ·wlth a 'white pigmen t. pol'!ittvel,1 the beat If ess, you doo't "Scott .aId he bad. and the vi.ltor Papil- Cow .is a n o~n, feminin e told aDd that oolor ha~ been reDewe d 8ay 80 we will refllnd yonr m oo ey him to bring them. Bcott regeoder , singula r numbe r, third per. turned with a bar ot pennisI ocoulo nallv all time demlln ded Try it "ud then t o;11 ~onr 'leigb bor . and 80[1, Bnd tands fo r Mllry. handed thom over. 8u' the ooverin g is·not what la or Sold everyw bere. 260" t,ube . "'I'll take ~e m,' safd the ma.n . He of th e . BolrTd- 8to.nds for ~'D rll' called paiot., that ia \t ill not· Ma n l' Now. how do you make 'Now this Is youm,' and he handed WHl:N A HORSE BALKS ~e up )f oii and le!ld, ordinll ry over to the w&lter $90." thllt out? Ume helnl the JbiAf ingred ient A baU"io6 bf) rs(l is not. Il POllrOe of Pnp ll -Be on u~e, tr tb,e cow IUdo't d 'lO"er like a ltioker Bt·\Od 01'. for M~ry, how on eArt.h oould 11 rl1nlLWII ~ Every Bottle Ie CUllr .nteed Bnt. bi8 beb~vi( )r is Ml1ry flb out milk ber? t>qulI.\Iy . Eyery ' boUle of Dr. Btlll's PlDe • - ....0:----- -Tar BoDey i.s gnarlln tl'ed to · I(lvtl provok ing It. ill really put·betl c to ., •·..lIifaobt on.io all throllt !lod bron see a man hlllr.tng I'n the m1drlle of , In line. . ohl,,1 ,roublf\ a. tbe street. tryi"lg to 0011 X . p~rso 8 d fl. Suitor- YoU!' daughter, sir-well. er O'ljole, or oomPeI :his h~i'se to .Boble " on -that -is- shc told ' ma to come to more of til" oudest 8tyles in while tbe brut ~-Iflt "You-sb e S8YS youn ~ clill it ~omjD'B .dr8IJs Itre OD tbtl WilY oVI'r Ii brilt.-B lmp1.v Pater-Q ulte so- I underst and. and uplInlnt el.v ra Let'R se • are you Mr. Bronson or Mr, .. f,om )'raode . fU86S, It doell not kf~k, nor , blte, -------.~~ W,ibbtes? . nor run, notbing but· elmplv st.an t Suitor- Why, I'm ·Mr. Hotchk lll.at.ill, or bit.olc, if to') severel v pro' Brooklyn Lite. Nota ry . Publi c voked. Mean white a'orow d' gat·her, . All kindE! of NQtary Work . Pensio n and w,,~ lau'gbln g, and jeering ; I1nd Work a ~peoililt:v . udv!()(I, mo\ttt t.he lIitnatt on for tpe tetter, rhli"or Dl, eozemft, .-nilo,D.lnlf lo;ellll nd 1II1I .• kin dlse&IH'1I ,owne.- poeitt ve!v de.per ate <\ntiaeptiC' ~lve I. Muar . -------" .,....---,-. Bell's Antis eptio'SalvA gl ve Blltisfaotillo or you .Su bs("ribe for the G~e te Good for aI' Skin 01.... .. . money ' bIlek. 250 eyery-
Hanna's Green Seal
. 01~ll'rOJll
"The Made-to-Wear Paint"
. .:
Lest We' Forget ...
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohi o
--- -- ..----
A.' MA FFI 1,
~-.... -----
---- ----.
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Lop;;' "
..- ..------
D I~. H.E.
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W.A. ~
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E. v,
: , -
At ~ d uel ' Lhe' oooibata~i! dlsoharge d-their pt!ltols~ithont '8ft'~t; whereo p'6 0' .one ot tbe a900nd s i n. ' terfer:e d. ~nd propos ed tha.t .t he doel; ' lttts a.llb old,ahli-ke. h"n~s: . . . 'Do thls;&he;otli*"r.'8eOond objecte d "8 nnU"C8/IBIlI'Y: ... . ' . - ... " . "Tii~ir hande." Bald b~, "ha(feb een' ebakiD g ~~t8 , bai~ llQor. " : •
He tbought be bact beard a woman 's ~()~ the first stAlt:ClIoI Ie 1'(llen tie All 8nakth Are Killen. \,oloo..,.a volc:o he knew. P erbaps thilt beart! shouts behind But: all stnk s, gre3t and !llna11, are him. wall only n d'r nUl. He must have "Murde r! tOll lhl t! Stop tlAl&t klllers. All of thelD at ' l' a lures b een , 8sle p Bome Um , becl\\lse the mllu! stop thnt whl 11 they IIlay. Non eat vog l11blo man! " lights were out and. scemlng ly, everY' There was a rush of feet nod hum r od of any kind. Nor wl\1 they eat bOdy hal!> .:one 'to b ed . He wonder ed or voices, ' blch malie an imals whl b the), Ond .deHd. T hat what the noise whlcb started him a ll t b fastor. He leap Howard T\l:l Is n r eo.8 01'.!!~ doub t. wh )' t h 'y d down [our could have been. SlIdden ly ho heard steps at a tlnte In hjs an Vf ,a lways b Oil s bUllued nnd dreadtlnxle~y to g t a groan. He list n "d Intently , but a\l away. But It was no ! d b y human belugs. watter d was . stilt. Th'e sile nce was uncanny . acendln g 80 luauy fligheus'y ts of Glalrs. n Now thorou ghly [rlghten ed, Ilow· took him se\'eral mI nutes to roo. b tha. CURE THAT SORE THROAT ard cau tiously grop ed bls way about. main fl001·. trying to find t he e lectrIc button. H B y this Um the whole holol \Vas Sor thront Jo Inflamm atio n of the had no Idea w\Jllt Ume It was. It aroused . Tele phone callll hl\d Qulcl(- mu OliS mClUbrane of t ho throat, nnd nlust be very late. What a n ass h e ly warned the a'ttenda nts, who had It this membr.llne happen s .to be at all was to drink 8 0 much I He won dered PI'omplly sent for lh police. Dy tbe s nsltlv a predl IIOBI~lon. to sore what Annie would say ~' bCD he dldn 't tim e Howard rea ch d tile maIn e n- throat wi ll nist. . r e turn. He wa. a bound to le t ber trance be \\'us inte rcept d by a mob PaxU ne. Toll t Antisep tic Is both a sIt up and worry IIlte that. Well . lhls too num.erous to res lilt. Elwood , Ind.-" Your remedie s ha VB prevenlBtI~e nod a ouro for sore would b e a I sson to h l m~lt was the ('ured IDe alld I have Qnly tak n six Thln!;9 cerlrunl y 1001 d black for th roat b cause It possess es ax trnor- b oLties of Lydia E .l'lnlth am'lI Yeget3last time he'd e\'or to uch a drop. Of him. As he sat, wblto and course, he had promise d her the !lUDle IInder guard til a corner trembli ng. dlnnry cleansIn g, hea ling and germl· ble (Jompon nri. I of (he c o· cldal q\lalltle s. Just It little In a glnss w as siok threo thing n hlludred Umes before . hut th Is tl'ance hull. wai ling for tlJ e arrIval of of water. used as a gargle. m onths and could wl1\ IJnlelc. tim e he Ul etlu t It. HI drinkin g was t1l pollee, tile valet brcathl~ ss l y gave Iy relieve a ll sorenes s not wal k. 1 sufnnd strength en p.!ways g t tlng him l/lto some fool lho sensatio nat part! ulara to tile rap- the muco\ls membra fered o.U the time. ne of tb e throat, Ilcrapo or olher. Idly growing crowd of curlou!! on· nnd thus Tho doctors sn iti I overcom e all tendenc y to He waB grad ulllll' worklug bll:l wct.y lookers . H e had takon could not get. well bls usual Sun· 601' throat. along the room. when Buddenl y he da y alit and all returnl withou t an op()ra.nl> bOUlO at Paxtln Is far superIo r to liquid alltion, for I co uld stumbl ed ov r R;OID thing on lhe floor. midn ight. us was hi e custom. had lis 'ptlcs or Poroxld e for all toilet and hardly stand tho It was a man Iybg proslrn t. Stoop· ',ct himself In with bls latchl> y. To hygienic uses. paino in my sides. lag. be re cog-nl7. d tb e flgure. I\ls as toulsh ment he had found thIs my right Paxtlne may be obtaIne d at any "Why- It's nderwoo (\!" be ex· , /Ilon, tho prisone r, about to leave the d own mT drug s tore, 25 o.ntl 50c a box, or sent claImed. premise s. IUs maunel' and r e ma rks I began postpaId ttpon recp,lpt or IJT'lco by The At first he bel ieved hili classma to were 1i0 pecu liar thn t takon oply they at once Paxton Toilet eo.. Boston. ( Jo,ou)onnCl. but kopt ou MaBI, was 8e l ep. l'ct conside red It strange aroused his suspIcio n . He hurrIed Into Send for a free sample. 50 o ~"-Mr8. thnt be should h ave selected 60 un · the apartme n t . and found hla mas t er SADIE M ULLEN, N. St" El. comfort abl e a place. Then It occurre d lyIng dead on the fioor Nothing under the Bun ha ll do no wood,l nd. In a pool of to blm that he migh t be Ill. Shaking blood. In hIli uurry t\Je assaSSin had wo re to help th e rool Itiller eurn his . Why wlll women t.'lke ch:m aes with him by the shoulde r. he cried : dropped his re volver, whIch WII.II lyIng sa lary than InordIn ate selt·con celt. nn opt'rati on or drag out Il sickly. "H y, Underw ood. wbal's the mat- near the corpse. ~!i far half-bea rted existeu ce, missi ng threoas he could ter?" sec, nothing had been take n from the Dr. Pierce'" Pleasant Pellets fitft t put up fourths of the joy of livill~, whon they apartme nt. Evident ly tha man waa 40 yea re 08. They regulate and invigor· cau find health in Lycli~}1 Pinkha m's No . respons e cnme from the. pros· dis turbed at his work n s ud. Ilt~. stomach , Ji"cr 811d boweld. S'ugar- V egetabl e Compo und? trote figure, Howard stooped lowe r, denly surprise d. had and. For thirty years it bas b een the mad the bluff coated tiny ·smnule., to Bee b ttor, aud ncclde nta lly tou ch· standar d remedy for female i1l3, anti Ing Underw ood's [ace, found tt clnm· that ho was cal\lng on Mr. Under· mao who 1 ts well enough a lone bas ctU'tld thousan ds ot women who wood. They had got the right man, 0 The have been ' trouble d with such all. vcr gets very rar ·a head. my and we t. He held bls band up In tba t was cerlaln . He was caught r ed. menta as disp1alle.lllents, inflamm ation. tbe moonlll>hl and saw that It ""8S ulcernti on fibroid tumors , irr-egu larl· covered wi t h blood. Horror. strlcken , handed. and III proof What Waa the Good of Regreta 1 or wha t he said, ·Ta.kio g Garfield .Ten keeps the system ties. periodi ho cried: c pains, backn 'h , indigestbe va let pointed to Howard 'l! right d eRn the blood pure Bnd t he (!cneral Uou, and nervous proatra tion. hand, whlcb was still covere,d wltb health good . Buy f~om your druggl t. "My Godl He's bleedin g-he's blood. If you ]u\ ve tbe slighte st doubt tlUlot L;rdl.a. E. Pinkh am's burt!" "How terrible ' " exclaim ed a woman , Some men, like Dome roosters , are table Compo und will h IpVege"Vb t lI ad happen ed' An acciden t you. v a . a lways crowing hyslanil but er, what's avertin write ·the use ' g her tnce. "So to Mrs. Pinkh am at Lynn. {\f1i)rln 0'fl"ON r'l:" 17't\fCi" -or worse ? Quickly bo felt the r\1.1Ul·lI young, too!" fj NIN.l\JLU 1)[1\ 8, for advice . Wv;.lU V L..I'. \.UILr Your letter d t b at. Under pu Ise. It h a d '",,111 be absolu tely ooJilld entlal. N1f'i''UI 1\)(TT\f1 fYn'\ n I'ILES OUR'IID IN If TO U DAY~ "It's rul a mist ake, 1 t ell you. It's Vtm,c)ruR l\ N _ wood was deadcease 0 e ll1atwlll r~lun<l mouoy Ifl'AZ"O [N'J'o. and wuu;, U W\UilJ" "\lVL!:. U ruN_ the advice free. alENT t ..n. to u U,," 1)111 " ..... o f ltohln.. IInCI, . _ nil a ," cried Howard . almost 6wo<IIoa or ProtJ'U4IJI1f toilet 10 6 \0 IUU• • 6tIa. _ For a momen t Howard was too punlc.smIstake trlcken. "l'm a fri end of Mr. much' overcom e by his discove ry to Underw ood·s." · Cleanllnes)i Is next to godllne ss.- 16 PREny POST CARDS -IOc ' . I know wha t to think or do. What All klud .. bl, UIIortm"n t, 10 [>.,1\ CAnlolOo:fiO for;rie. "Nl oe friend! " sneered an onlooke r. robn Wesley . )(o .. allu.... TIll you.ua CA •• CO .• u.., .... ow• . i dreadfu l b 'ngedy could have bap"Tell that to the police." laughed .:.:.:::.:....:.:...::....:~-----------,..., pened! Careful ly groping alon« the anothe r. mantelp iece, he at last found the elec· hm~ "Or to the mlU'lnes' " cried a ·thlrd. : I the chair ror hls'n!" oplued a A D l W , UnderWood, with ' a bullet hole in his r left temple, from which blood bad was By crowde thIs tIme tbe main entranc e bal] d with people, tenantl • ~n~ ' flowed freely down on bls full-dress nnd passers by attracte d by the unRA'Y. WAJ,;~~' shirt. It wa.S a gbastly slgbt. • The wonted commot -: CI.~ D\I.~'HGlfNC ~ A scandal \n bleb . ~an'lI wblte. eet face, covered wltb life Is always fon. /F'tM caviare to the lenS8' .' SYNOP SIS. "It'a DO use battling against the tlde. - . crimson stream, made a revulsiv e . ' tlon seeker. Everybo dy esclt8l)I y The stronge st swImm er must go under spectac le. On the floor near the bo~y qui red of his nelgbbo r : lelrrlea. banker' . BOn, under some time. I've played ~L'.lU aIllI.W~ my laBt card wall a highly pollshed r evolver . still ~ "What Ie It? What's the matte rr e ",Quenoe of Robert Und~rwood. and I've lost. Death Is better , , th'an smoking . Present fe~:;~tud:~'! )~:, =It~ 1I~ ly the rattle of wheels \YaM .~l.J going to jail. What lood is Ufe any. Howard 's first 8upposl Uon was that beard and a heavy vehicle Ibler "",,0 died In prtaon, an4 .. 411- way without money? driven furi. -- -----------Just a momen t'. burglar s h.a d entered the place and 'ously II,. eetmok.. up at the sidewal k with work nerve and it wUl all be over." d ... hl. A . fatber. tormor He. colletrllllfto ..e oltum that Undel'Wood had bee~ killed whUe a je'rk.drew It was the police 1»uIIIn... Dro~IUon to Howju'4 whloh _ Opening the drawer patr~: In the desk. he defendi ng his prop.ert y. H e remem· wagon, 11M "GOO cuh. and 80.a1-4 I. broke. and In It were the captain 01 rt Untjilrtroo4. no ~ l)een re- took out the revolve b ere d tha t Inlhi drunken lIleep In 4~ . - CI-1 8ie r again. He turned now l , the precinc t and a half dozen g<)llc&o "" IIowlU'd'. wtfe. A:nn", In ,hi. It over In his band and ,-IN ft __I..."'-a .....1' regarde d tear. he had heard voices In angry aHerca- men 1'1_ lne. and detectives. The erowl1 ""l=;:'l::a~~ o~:p=th:r?a~:: fully the pollsbed surface of the Ofteve J'1lrA W(WO UWI.U In. tlon. Yet why hadn't be called for pushe d forward to get a ' better view 8D at tbe .A.trurla., an.d .. IlP- strumen t that brIdged Ilte and . ; death. assistan ce? PerhapB be bad IUld he of the burly . represe ntaUve s ot tll. ar:~ ~11!~'::n ~:a!~~: He had complet ely forgotte n Howard 's EAL ER hadn't beard him. law as, full ot authorI ty. they elbowel t t rell'&IM unpaJd.,. l1nd decidu to uk presenc e In the room. DO NOT LET ANY 0 . the thresh· He looked at the clock, and was their way uncerem oniousl n~J-':n~ :rt\\':4ntlg~~:rw~& old of a terrible deed,Onblstbou y through OEC EIVE YOU ghtl! s utllr1sed to Ond it was not yet mid· the throng. Pointin g to the leade r, <A ' . 'o1,,1h1ea. Sr.\~mell a BOrt of Boclal weJ;e leagues away. Like . a man who nIght. He bel1eved it was at ' least big man ' ., :n plain clothes . with a . . ~~r;n1~"~ri;efJ': ~~u~~· ln~ra Is drownin g, and closo • to death, he five o'clock In the morning . It was square , .,etnl a noto -from Uod,erwood, threl1l- saw with sUr'()rlsl determi ned ~ nnd a bullaog SYltUP or fICS AJa) ' DJXDl ~ SEJO(A HAS civDt '''''iliIH:n lli1tlnilrng dJsUnct ness R evident that U1.1derwood had 'never Cace, ... thpy whisper ed one to Another : .Jrn. 116 He" lulcldo.In She lll decl4C111 to ' go l ana lee k a Ie Id 0 ecop I0 ," Iew 0 t hispas t Ilf e. H gone to heil. The UlQVEJl5AL5A11SI'AC;I'IONrORIIOlI1HANTH1ln1'YEA:zs,_,'~.:..:.c~ dCl.lper/l.! .o' noancl.a .tralta. .:,:;:o:=:""'11 e shootin g bad ocrt deale,. for whom he haa been ru:Unc saw hlm6eU "That's Capt'. Clinton , chief of ' thn ........... ... m WOICDERfUL IUCC!SS HAS LID ""'III~~~~~~ an Innocen t, impulsiVE! curred either wblle the angry dispute ..... , ....... preclnc t. He's B terror. It'1l go hard 1m ~countlnG'. sOhool boy. the nrlde of a devoted ac:aUl'ULOUS MAMJI'A cruRDlO PtMn'A1 1ONSTO o commllll cannot lloner make•. (lemaqd ~olL Howard Je ft1el.. was going on" or after the unknow n with any prisone r ..11lI tn an Itltoidca.t6d condition. He oakstmother, he gets lu hili 1NfDI0il PlW'AllAT IONS UNDER IlMJLAR the happy home whero . a~~:'tg.~ l~:rl:'i"{f r):~r J~ ~ldlll~Yc::.~ epent his childhood. Then ,come htl v1l?itor bad departed, Tbe. barrel of clutche s!" CXJS1'lNG 111£ DEAUIt a.ms. THIREfO U. ,WHEN the the revolve r was sttB warm. sbowlng Followe d by bls uniform ed m~ oward drink. hlmaelf Into a maudlin assocIa tion with ,b ad complUllons. the that 't co,tld only have been dis, ndlUon, andannouno goetli toedsleop a dlvl1o. ft t t l caller III pushfld hili !Iond onUnller",o · W&I,.~_"a.... od rs e ep n wl'ongtl 0 Ing, s t en II ng OU t charged a few momen ts before Bud· mldons , the polloe official raw. .. lIereen around the drun~en of a comrad e's pocket way to the oorner w b ere lIat H OWnl'd , In school, tbe denly It nashed upon blm thAt .Under· dazed and tremblLng, and stili Buard. ~~T~;, f~~h,~ntr~:'t hs:~~,~~r~!k: 'de'a th of his mother. I~avl~g home- \'\'ood mIght have co:nmft ted sulclde. ed by the valet I life. polnu~ to the dllll{Mlce that with and elevato r bOYII . . dow award progres s until be grad· But It was useless to stand tbere oul~ "What's the matter here?" demand . , attach ,to ereelt. UndQ rlwUood reo ually drUted Into bls present dlshon- the orizing. Someth .u.·to. promise unlClall .he ~ renew ing mUflt be done. . ed the captain grumy, and looking r patrona .... est way of \lYing . . What was the good He must alarm the hotel people or from Ferris to the whlte-fa oed ~ow· of regrets? He could not reoall hili call tbe pOlice. Ho felt hlmseU turn ard. The valet eagerly told hili stofY: C.H APTER ~1,.-cont1nued. mother to lUe. He could never rehab- hot and cold by tl.\rn as he realized ". came bome a~ midnigh t, sir, lind llItate hlmllelt among decent men and tho serIous predlc",m~nt In which .-( don·t beUen 70U Intend to carl')' be found my master, Mr. Robert Underwomen. The world had suddenl y beblmself was placed. It he aroueed wood, ' lying dead In the apartnu t your threat, I should have known rom the ilnt that your objeot was to como too small Cor him. He mUlt go, the botel people they would find blm sbot through the head." P':)lntln lnt, ~ to olld quickly. bere alone with a dead man. BUllpl· Howard , be added: 19hten me. The pistol display was "Tht&; ·man \Vai Fingeri ng the pIstol ne"oulI l,.; e cion would at once btl directed ghl,. theatric al. but It was only a at him, hi the IU)lutme nt trying t4 get AWAY, " tuft. ¥ou'ye no mor~ Idea of taking sat before the mirror and plaeec! , It and It mtght he very dlflleult for him You see his hand Is st111 coyored with against hIs temple. The cold steel to establls b bls Innocen ce. Who would . blood." our lite than I baYe of taking mine. . He won· belluve that he could bave fallen VlU fooUISh to como bere. I mlgbt gave him a sudden sbock. Capt. Clinton chuckle d, and ezpand. ve spared Il)yselt the humilia tion of dered If It would hurt, and If there asleep In a bed while a man killed Ing hili mightY., chest to Its fuUeat, would he Inatant obUvlon . The ' glare hlmsel.f In the same room I clandes Une Interview. Good· of the electric Itght tn the room dis· prepost erous. The wisestT It soundedr licked 'bls ch~PII with satisfac tion. ght!" concert ed hIm. It occurre d to him blm would be to get awa,. oourse. f9 This was the opportu nlt he had been Sbe went toward tbe door. Under· hefore any· looktng tor-a sensatio nal murder 1n that It would be tiaslor In tho . dark. ,body came. ood made no Rttomp t to roll ow her: a big apartm ent botel, Reachin g out hIs arm, ho turned the Quickly he picked up his hat and very heart of his precincright In tIle a ,hard. str ' 0 voloe, whlcb be t! Nothln l electric button, and the room was 1m· mode for the oal:cel.Y recognl zM as bis own, he door. .Just as be was could be more to his likIng: It WI" mediate ly plunge d tnto darkD.8 S, ex· about to lay band on . the handle there rloh ~ mlln's murder erely said: , the best kin!! cept for the moonlig ht whlcb entered was the click !>f a J "Is that aU you flave to sayT" latohke y. Thus to attract attentio n to himself , The through the 'lVJndows, Imparti ng a headed orr. and not know~ng wbat "Yea." TElpUed Alicia, as sbe turned to senaatlo nal ,newspa pets would be fuU r;hostly aspect to the scene. On the do, . he halted In painful ~t the door. "Let It .be thoroug hly un suspens e. 'of the case. Tbey would print col· other I5lde of tho room, behind the The door opened and a man entered . umns ot sturr every ~erstood that your p,resenc e at my R EATB8TOPPORTUNITTelDceunclelun'."..,.nd day, togethe r with d I d.ylllntbeMI....JI~Vall.,.. Wa ue <IIffer.nt (rom Ho I oke d 8S surprlB ed to s ee H w bouse ' ls not desired . .U you force ' croen, a \'e g ow rrom the open fI ra t e • . kl I1d onrrl.atlo any cr 9 • bls portrait . Tbat was Just oth.r lrrl•• ore. WeCouDtfJ'\ :ell bave a lclaho on the tho record sleeping form 400,000 of Howard aortlon •• In theDilation. Brd Twill Pall. as the lsroul'Belf upon me In 'any way, YO\l J II I latter was t~ see hIm. He of publlcJt y he ' needed now ·that he at aco.to(u pwud.o f,en mUUOD 1 11 dolla.... W . . bal IIPCDdJ sha 'en e res. and neatly dressed must mke the «lnsoqu ences." was c e n· ,. bl much , wns wlre;.pullIng tor an Inspect or, ~. •• ,he "i:ram~to v . ney. C.JHb,ol •• to Slowly, delibera tely, Underw ood yet dId not look the geptlem malte oneorofmore the In 110..( r,ural communltl .. hi the world. i Underw ood tlUwed. and W/l8 sllenl. an, IDs They had caugllt the man :'wltb tlll:! rn lsed tho [llstol to hla t emple and appeara nce was rather You bave a creet ac1nntq e In bvylnir,an Itrl••ted rann that of a serv- goods" -that was Yel')' clear. .!La nowoDovrten-ye ~he die! not Bd~ the deathl y pnllor 0 1 upaymeDtplll,o. Wlt~a.mal1paymeDt ant. All th ese d eta lls ft as he d b e fore . promise d blmself to hi s face. Opening the door of the \Ired. down . ~u can make ,h. r.nn eena all tbe rest of the Howard 's mind before he blurted out: rest. ConViction was attend' to Ul.e ·ment.. It Ie bette, than .imlna a Qonmm cn' IIuro ilr ~llrtmeDt whleh led to the hall, she what he (\rat lIotblna. bee.vle ....,. 'iilr.. d,. hay. In»luted In nee....." CHAPT ER VIII. "Who the devil . "ra you?" after ' He'd e.l'Il1n turned. see that no tricky lav.rwel Impro .. emti..:t ... n.moun t'qualto ...,....lth.... ,.ourllrn . .., . Thou .. nd. or lIere. The man looked astonish ed at the got the already 801d. The mo.t proI "Tell me, boforo I go- -you dldn't "Hel\o! What·s thaU" best 'Of him. Conce aling," p.yment lltab'• . claIuo- rqioa ID ,h. wo.rlcl. An ullucelled frllIt que8tion and e)'ed his Interloc utor well as be COUld, his Alta" wbat you said In you r leUer, did satisfac tion, lae . count,, .,' Thl IInf!.t .lralf. Startled out of . his Gargan tuan closely, .. If In doubt u to his Identl- drew hlwselt ·up' and; wltb 'bluster il:1 rtau'" s lumber by the revolve r'. loud report. ty. In a cockney ::::~=tt~~a=::t aCCtlnt he said show of authori ty, Immedl ately ., tOcJ.l, =:~~~p ''I'll tell you noUllng ," replied Un· po~etoe.. bIa".ora nff)\hen pec\al Howard sat ul' wltb a Jump and loftily: d ..rwood dogr;edly. comma nd' 'ot thE) situatio n .... Turnl,, · rubbed his eyes. On the other lIlde i!1:ctsr;:;,~~~A:'~O: "I am Ferris, Mr, Underw ood's man! to a pollee sergean ~;h e tossed ber be'ld scornfu lly, t , at bls etde•. IA - proml....... a11backe d 1>7_" " of the screen, conceal ed from his ob· air." Suspicio usly, he added: "Are "I con!t believe tb.at. a ma n ,-.-ho 1s Bald: ".' . . , and ple"t,. of ~t.' , .We b~. . dealt servaUo n, tllere was a heavy' craah of you a friend of Mr..'Under·w ood,'s, slrt"· "MalpDeYI this fe1\o1'(' .m ay huol'C blil! ::~~~': ,",ward enough to ' vl'lte a letter Uke :,t'\::~~».~'W:!::~ body falling . with r\ chair-t hen all t his has Ule. courag!:l to tarry ou t bls awas He mIght well ask the Questto~, for an accomp Uce. 'J;'atm four quiet. s an~ JOG• . Tltl. I. YOQR a~PIlC!~rbl9~~t,..~.J~~~~ Howard 's dlshevel~d . appea~ n.ce ~n~. watch ~very exlf-'ft'om . the omcer. ·(hr4lI\t." , Slulling the lo t~ol" back lnl.o ;~~~~~~~~~~;~;!~ · 1l0~el. ' ~ . .""oQttb.II01,Ip6D~1i4 ~1~"', , Seared, not Imowln g where he wal, ghll!?t1y face, st~1I dlatort edbr. terror. ' rest onybod i atteml't lng to.; leav~ ~. , lI.r bag, she adde(. :"T ehould ' have Howard jumped to bls feel For a was anythin g but reassu,r lng . .Taken building . ,: Put ' two "omcorl! to wa~'; U'.ro\\'n It in the wUllte-pl.1PQr .b!,sk!:lt, tl~ l on , sccond UlQ'JSbt s, l tblnlr l'U leet bls senses. It was , too dark to what to say, and like . most people . k i "p ,It. d ood·nlsh l,!', ' root:' G,,!.i ,t.. . di scern t anythIn g plainly, but he.'tocou;d momen he sUll; trying ned ' at 'a ·· dlsad'Van~e.: col- Questio by surprise he an~ , Howard , "Oood'n lghl," ' I!chued Un d ~rw ood 'dlU,lly mako not k now. 'Ore escapes . ' Send ' olle ma.n or out outitnes of aesthetl o B",ere,d ioallsbl t: <' . ". '" he '~cbntJlca.\ly. furnItur e and s. ,Ab, tIe : reo "Matte r! Nb. " Wbat IlIlliltes · ir0U l:t . Will lied ber go ,d own the lonj; ~embe re4 now!·blhelot He wos In ' Under- thl,n k anytb,lng, Is the ~mattor? ·.~, .. ,,, ,., ';lU'd; b,.U\\,B.Y I\nd dl ' PlJlJar In tbe el ovatDi'. wood's apartme nt. ', ' Brushin g, 1)a:st .tlie . mon,,' ho·· add~d: I.,r, -~. ,~- ~". " TJifD . . sb\\4in g the door, he came '. Rubhln g ,his eyes, be trIed' to recall "~t'8 late. 11 m 4101.0,.;: '. ,',' ' . I : Blowly bl\Ck' !ntn the. room IUld s~t how h~ cum/! there, and slowly his be. . " Stop B _. minute! " crl~d ' ~e. ''m8.n me! down lit blB (lesk. }i'or ~en mtnutes he fuddled brain began to wor.\(. . -1{e lIervapt . .. There wai lomet~lna In look ' nt ,. t~.lrQa~," , . a4. . \001'0 m'oUbnl alls; 'bJs hearl bent mem)JGI'e(l tjll(t bo lIeeded $2,0.00, 'and Howard 's mnnner thl.lt ',he dld , Dbt Uke, . f9l'\l'tIrd, every . )Imb rolaxt'd. Tbe~.~ t;hat. hc "Il~ ca lled on ('D') DE GOlf'!'IN umD.) , lWbert 1Jnder~ Pasliing ~ulcklY ' ltlto the IiltUn,' .t . ..... deOl) .sloace, brokeJl O~ly by ,low, wood to 'l, • tTy and borrow the mUDey." be called out~ 'Stop a miDuw IIl;Oom, ,,. But .' .. 4' re«u11U' breathLDg all,l.l tbe lo,-d Yell, tie . recalled , that pel'[e~t1 ThrtJat Up... Hmo· 7 well. Howard dill n~ot Itop. Terror p~. men ' are bol'D . "rlc!1I.t ikkl,- .. of tbo ~kJck. ' Then b and UnderwoOd ' go,t drh~K(nl . blm wtnp and, wlUlont , .~tlDI for '"J\Oi -Ul up." ~. Uluttere d to hlmaclt. apd talking, and he b&4 ' tlillen ' maleeu. '. tl,o eley@otor. he . . . atread7 IaaIf • ..,
WasCured byLydiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
7J J ti l.
11CHAW RL:cs , ../h{
e/ -, . ,AR
,nT.t lnRA TION 4; BY
P.19 a'sant. .•O I -0,---es------.-;'--o, ...
i~~~r:~~~:tca:e~ ~U:tn~~ ~:e t~~o:,lgI!; fO~~:.
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••':I.$t .j$l1
·Alm ost Given Away G
Sa lte d' ,G ho st s
To Plague the Farmers of the
Country This Summer.
Ho od 's
Sa~sapa:f;' ill . For
All Spri ng Bloo d Dise ase s and Ailm ents
Pest, Which Cau •• d Posse sses medic inal merit Pecul iar to Itself and has an Great Lo •• , on L•• t Vilitatl on, I. Llt~rary PAM ORIGIN OF FIRE AT COLUM BIA Ready for BUllne unequ aled record of cu res. .. ,-Grub . Found Take it this spring , in u md MN! , George Armstro ng, re lict ot awaken ed by sound., that made ber In New York and Kana ••• George Armstro ng ot the villa,. ot alt up liquid form Corpo ra or l William tablet s G. known Baugh, Sr., Telll as Sarsa tabs. In bed an4\ gaap tor breath. BrunSWiCk, had passed her year ot Her bedroom (If Confl agra tion, But Sheds ,No window looked out 00 Xew Yorlt.- The sevente en·yca. mournin g, and thore were gossipi In the garden, New Light. ' , Spring Humors nrc <111e to the imand the lIash was raIsed. locusts, "\Vhlcb are due to return to Hood's Sarsapa rilla the village meun enough to say that pure, Impove rished, d e~' ltall2ed condi- for clennsln g the brood hae no equal "WIdow Armstro ng," saId a voice plague tbe AmerlcOJl farmer thIs sum' and I,h e was In the market again. Of t.hat wus Wben 1 "I' ull In Th e 'atlona) Trill- tion ot the bided brought aboul by the humol'll thnt accumu expeJfiJ?Jt certainl y not bumllD, "I mer, after being nbsent since 18S.. , late dU1'ln oourse they did her Injustic e. No am uno the Q lleMlIon, "Who Old Stm"! the Ole unhenlt llful modell of IIvlug bero to warn you!" have made theIr appeara nce In lhe wIdow 18 ever In the market. It It so Fir 1" I at ColulllhlnJ. 1 feel lMt It Is Ing the winter, too closo confillemdur- tho winte r. It etreets Its wooder fu" Sbe looked out. Uoder the apple vlolnlty of New Yorlt city. ent. curell hecause It combin es the utmoSt , bappen s tha t women contrac t a sec- tree stood Curator Ditmars of the New York my t'J I'" to writ e, I have omrade too little outdoo r air and exercise . too l ' medioJ values of more thau twenb' ond marrlng e, It Is a matter ot sur- the vapory,a ghost. It was none ot L!yen:i's (,,·lfth Iowa) "Olory of u Sol· heavy diet, Hood's Sa l'supnrl gbosta that wave for- Zoological iiocle ty 'h as discove red the prise to tll m. Tbey didn't plan to, ward dler Under Gra nt and Shermn n," pub· them and builds up the whol lia cu res fill! I' nt ingredie nts, Insist on baviDS e system, Hood's. It haa 110 substitu te. and how they came to do It Is a mat- but 1\ I1Jld backwa rd over the ground, first grubs, several thousan d I.n num- 11 8 iJ e~ by th e Nationa l Tribune some SOlid-looking chap 10 white who ber. In an excavat ion near Nyack, N, ter to puzzle tbem. time n&o. lIerore m e Doubtin , At thi g s Hie dur Word. stood firmly on bls leet. Y. By the Ume !,he fros t Is out of the It wall true that the widow ,ArmTwo Irishme n occupie d beds In lhe "Widow ," continu ed the voice. "be- ground Wese tbousan ds wUl be mll· lunny !!\'cnts that huvc escnp II our ~rong was looked upon with favor memory some tends to revIve tbst Bp lrit of room, My and by one of them by Bev,eral men , There was the plano ware at the plano tuner 1 He Is 1l0DS, he says. Plltrlotlr:!ln th a t entered Into our IIv s woll e uJ>. doomed to During go mad! th" last Beware previou at s vlsltaU the ons 'when We wer(! callt!d to c1efend, our tuner that came down from Clevela nd "Ml k ," sRld be. "did you put out every two or , three months on his butch.e r! He will slay you as you the locusts I1lerally covered s uburban countT) 'n un ity, and the feelin g Is just lbe Clll?" sleep, If New you marry hIm! Beware 01 YOI'k, strlppln~ trees. 'busheu, ao s trong no\\' Pain~ rounds ot the Villages. She had no "I did," saId Mlk£', In our later y aI's as It plano, but be called and di scussed the IIgbtnln g rod mIlD.. He wUl get h edges, Is wnll ancl truck farms Qf wns thell. How mucb good the IncIAn boul'" later Patrick woke up crand opera with ber. He had long your last dollar and then abando n everyth ing green and then, moving 10 dents wrlll~n by our comrad es at Ihh~ again , balr nnd wild eyos and dnndrut r on youl 'Beware ! Beware l Beware !" yast clouds, which obscure d tbe sun. lute dill' do our old 80u l8 c,annol be "Mike," fi ald he, "MIke, dId you Pllt And then Mr. Ghollt retre'a t6d to fresh Ilelds. eel hl8 coat collar, and he bad tbrown laid. They revIve U $ to a youn ger out the cat'!" Chinato wn wlll welcom e tbe vlslta· lire, anll IURlce out hhlls that hl's artistio soul longed noiseles sly and ,ave the frighten ed "Sure 1 did," 81\Id Mike, sleepily . us bcttE'r G. A, R. take wIdow a cb~nce to get her breath. tlon . The ChJnese cook lnakes them comrad es and uet ", ,. cltl:Gens for a mate, , writ s "Ou me word or honor." pleas. orjloru) \VlIIlam G, Baugh, Sr., omTben there WI.8 tho sewIng machin e AU the relt of the night sh. lay wIth Into pies, roasts them. eats them as a Some time later Patrick again ure in man. He had .hort balr, tame eyes her head covered up and expectl og s n.lad and dresses them in many mys- pany, I, Seventi eth Ohio, In 'fhe Nn· wa ked up, writing terIous the Bummo ways, and nl any eveD New York ~~8, tlondl Trlbuue . momen t, and she "Mike," salll he, "Mike. ye ulyvle; and no dandrul !, but he had bls good to 'You pointe. He bad commit ted pages and was 11 happy woman ."hen the roost- bnve found some ot these dishes Comrad e ByorA says that Oenera) ye did not put out the cat." that I had a neuralg ia pain ' in pallltab le, pages of Shakesp eare to memory , and ~rs b,egan crowIng for dayligh t. "WeI"" 8lLld Mike angrily, " It yo Sherma n lefl Wllb hI s army th day my arm for .five years, and 1 The sevente en·yesr locust w\ll al so after th e 1\1'. Thul Is Did she rusb , olf to tell the nel,bbetween tho way h could spout them not altogeth er wlJl not take the word of honor of n used yout LiDim~nt for ono and repair a sewing macbln e was bors as soon a8 she bad eaten her visIt Kansas within the nex t ,two or correct. 1 Im ow that our compan y glntlem nn gel up nnd put b el' out 'Week and was corppletely sometbln~ to make & widow ' sit up breakfa st! Not a bit of It. If she \.hree montbs , accordI ng to a predlc· (I, Sev nty·sh:t b Ohio) did not leave yersel!." had told of tbe ghost she must have tlon of Prot. P. A. Glenn ot the d e· for several days. I speak Ud think. cured, I recomm end your (or only my She partme nt of ~nioD1010gy at the Unt- compan y, I do not know at thIs day And then Ulere were tbe village repeate d tho ghost's words. Linime nt very highly."-MRS. wa8n't going to t eU of thoBe three verslty of Kansas. Sevente en years how many otb rs remnln ed butcher , the lightnin g rod man, tbe Try This for Colds J. McGRAW, 1216 Mandev ille In the plty , druggis t over at Liverpo ol and the ofreN! of marriag e and let other ago this spring KnD-sas experie nced We of tho Firs t Drlgade . First )livt. Prelcrlp tlon Known for , Re.ulta St., New Orleans, La. tongues 1he last to waggin "I sltation g. And of the, pest known slon, Fifteen th Corps, entered the city before noon IIULn who ~ame twice a year, to sell Rather than Large Quantit y. to came sclenUs sbe ts as cicada. All Indica- early In the afternoon. I do not claim began to doubt tbe ,host. &be fanners rei'llllzera and labor savCured Quina ySore Throa t She wont out to tbe apple tree, and tions here point to their sevente en- we w re th tlrst; Gn to )follr druggtst Wld gct "Two Inr machin ery. we , got tbere, all ounces of Glycl'rlnc and hnlt an OIlI1CO For not being on the market, fUld abe found tracks on the soli-tr ack. year proverb Ial visit. the ~a m e , and ht'l lped to ot oncentra t MR, HENRY L CAULK, ~f compollnd, Mill 'rhe agrlcult urlll departm ent In tIre. I rentcmb r waitingput ou tbe lhcBI) with halt-\1 a Pine ror a woman wbo dlcl not in the loost of bOOts, or IIbe didn't know trackl of good whisky. 1242 Wilson St., Wilnliogton'. upon the Shake well. Tllk., pint one to two teaspoon wbeo Wa!;hln she saw them. Some one had gton wlll lesue Instruc tions :>~hel' s ill of the river while eneoura ge the Hauery of ma n, the our bat· fuls nCter each mea l nnd at bed Del., writes :-"1 bought a bot· widow Armstro ng was well provide d wrappe d himself In a sheet, and how to cope with these deBtruc live In- terles w re sbelllng the clly, and Smllller d08ell to children ll<!cordlnQtime. ' to tie of Sloan's Linimc; nt for ~ age." A til' one can some prellllro sects. one had Benzine lhls held at , gaRolln a peach e or turpent ine could see the stnle house pll\Inl1 he- homl'. This 18 81\Id to be stone , 10 'or. The Illst, hut not least, of her tho Qul<lk st quinsy sore thtoat arid 'it cured mixed, hie mouth with whUe he talked. animal ferUI1.zer, cor- fore we crOBS d. We entered the city cOllgh and ('old curo known to the .dmlrer s wa. the vlllase carpent .r. m diM) proCession. Be lIur to gel only me. I shall always keep a When a man trltlaa with a 'widow rosi ve sUblimate and nitrates have b'iltore ulght. We had the honor HII nam.e was Phillips , and he wa, or Ihe genuine (Glolle) oncentra Pine. bottle in tho house." "bache lor. He was a coy man and he doesn't know wbat he 18 gOing to been found ~frectlve heretof ore In being ' Illaced at dltrereu t building s, EJach halt ounce bottle com 8 ted In n lin G rew-top sellied get. checkJn cue. When It g this the the ravages drugglat widow 1 Iby mu, Of course he COUldn't had decided ot the pest. doing guard duty, as so many of our 18 out of atock be will quickly It Sevente en years ago the lo.ousts set- soldie rs were goIng Into the tbat she was belog CUyed 'by &ome trom hl8 who) sole hous. Don'tgel tool stores be- with uncertain mlltturca. it Is rlBl,y, One 8he went &eros. tho etreet and tled tn New J ersey. strIppin g tbe rore tbe tire reached them, taking bbrro..ve.:. a sbotgun to shoot cats trees. husbes, hedges and lawns or whate\'e r tbey wanted, as the citizens F<eck,e••. with, and paId a boy ten centa to seemed to have deserted everyth ing. "Plpps c1oesrl't car e what he buys on load It wIth powder and All and I wns guard nt a bank, aOd, tlurlDg tb e show her how to tiro It. nIght was rlgbt 10 the midst or the ' recllt." "No. You would think tbnt every No gbost clUDe that night or' the I fire. We succeed ed In getting an old . , next., ,On the third day 't he Liverpo ol band e ngine on a street, !Jut we were day he Uves 18 his last day on enrth," druggis t drove oyer ' and 'eased bJs unable to UB the hose and we abangives in.sta~t.relief troQv4e~ hnpon ant to Mothe r.. palpitat ing heArt by a confesa lon and doned It. I sun have a scar on my matism, lumba ExamJn e ' y overy bottle ot a pr9l)osat. Hls tracks were hardly hllnu from a cut by glass In the door, CASTORIA, acarefull Bate and sure remedy tor go, sciatica, neucold when In came the sewing mao which ftlll out when I closed It. Arter Infants and chUdren , nnd see that It c hine man. 'He imust tell ber ot hie 1;"algia, croup , tile building had burned we hunted The Sevente en-Yea r Locuat. love or perl8h. , He was permitt ed to among the ,rulnR 1n tbe ceUar for what sore throat, tontell. The ' fe.rUU~er man had meant everyth ing green: and then m9vlng In \\'e could find . I got several cbllnlcs silitis, hoars eto ,be ftrst. but came In thlr(l, belnl vast clouds which obsoure d the sun to of melted silverw are as Inrge aB two Yn URe For Over 80 Years .. unavoid ably detaine d by The K.l nd You Hnve Always Bought . ' ness and chest Deacon tresh fields. The IndIvidu al locusts 6sts. I carried It for some time. bu t Robinso n. He also loved and had ' to lived only a fe w day., pams. but eacb female It became heavy, and I threw It o.wny tell of It or .run the rlak ot an ex. tn t hat time found Ume The Beginni ng. to lay about to make more room fol' hardtac k, I hlldren learn pl0810n. to creep e re the)' can PrIoll,26\!o.&Oo.I S1.00 600 eggs on the branche s at the de- -got some olber plec s of silverw are learn' to go,-Heywood. , To each of the last three the widow nuded trees. When the Innae hatched 81_'a b001l OD returne d the same nnswer aa to tbe they tell to. the ground bn..-, _&tie. all..,., and bUJlrowe!l ThoU/mnds of Con Rump Lives ' dit'! every and pooUr :t Hil" ftrst three. Sri proposa ls In a week, straigh t' down for more' than a foot. tree......drW yea r, Consumptinn re.~1I\t8 from B negand six m('n golnl: away fairly happy They ba\'e rested for sevente en years 1 ted cold .;in t he lunW!. fTllmlins Wi7J\l'd Dr. Barl S, Slou, Wben It Is figured right down. anll beloro the process of Oil will cure these cnldA. ,Juflt rub it Into hatchin g was wIdow Is a blessing to the IUd. tho ehest and dmw out the inflammation. ~"",l1:"L complet e, nnd as soon as the frollt Mldnlg bt again. The widow Arm: leaves the ground tbe y will dig their Dost thou lo,'e life? Then do not strong tllee(ls. The shotcun leans way to the 8urface and appear al squande r time, for tlmo Is tile stuff against the wall,. The ' ghoat oomea small, oblong shells. These she1ls lICe Is mnde ot.-Fra uklln. across tbc garden with noiseles s teet. span burst open, IUId the winged, ~u Oats take ono brlet glance and lIy 'for ' steal and r~venous locust appears ,to, ASK FOR ALLEN' R FOOT-E ASE their Uves, ' devour everyth ing In sight, and lay tile JIJIlleepUa po"d e nu 8111lkOI01O yourahOO , Re"WIdow , I am here to warn you more eggs to be hatcb«:d Uon. (JorM, lIuDlon., 10,,,, .. 10': NIl11s, 8.. 0110 0 Clod out about the ~.-I e...... tlo. lee!., BU8141'8 "nil o..lIolia 1 pota , Bold again! Do not marry the sew Lng ma. ey I'1where•• &Q. Von ' toe.'111 Iln1f ,,,b.llt .. ',. & ... pIe SIUIilII. Addre •• Allon 8, OI~tc4, Le lloy. N.Y. chine msnl , "no not marry the drug ltore man! TOWNS VANISH FROM THE MAP Fly for 1~h' Live•• You can otlen tell what a woman ,(Do flot marry the terllllze r man!" More Than 1100 In the 8tate of Ne&lwl78 run Rway when he saw .. really means by what sbe doesn't sny. The widow slipped loftly out ot brailka Have Dllappe ared In WOmaD ('(Imlng, but he tnlked a.l lllttle There Twenty Year.. •• ho- CO Id and got awnya s soon as the apple tree.stood the shost under ' TO CUIU!I A COLD IN ONE DAY He had the same 'rake LA.XATlVB SHOMO (lUlo ' , bet.. coY.l.lL:.Jie lilnlo't married 81m,ply wblte lDO Tab)",.. J)tullllot. rclun4 moner II l~ IIheet around hlm-sa W, <lure. lIl. W. me peach· Omalln, Neb.- More UlIOVK'8 aI" ...."' ... la OD L....,b .an. because be was shy. Ito",. _. stone In his mouth! She 'r eached tor , ,bave dIsappe ared ' Iromthan 600 towne tbe map of It was when the wIdow Armstr ong the old gun, and as tbo gbost turned to Nebrask n wIthin the The breath o( soanllal Is respons ible pllSt 20 years. laid ' ,o lt her weeds that a great event b. sWIl~lowed up In the rueht, she The majorit y of these for much hreezy conversntlon. were founded In < 'u'pl!~n.d In. tbe lite ot Mr. ' PhillIps . fired.. There " was 0. yell snd a tall. , tbe great boom day~ . He tound hlms If thlnklDg ot he~ the weat and "rt>. WI D~low'/I SoothIng fl.v rup for Chnarno riot , thiokln g whethe r sbe wanted a Tl1o , «host bad be.n plted. ' Boots represe nted more, "hopes" than actuteeth I,, \!, I;\o(ten a til" Ifum • • reduces In" .. romn· 'Iumme l' liltchen buill 00 to her hOUle, and legs kicked the aIr-the sbeet aUties. Howev~r, Dlany of them reach. ,.lou. was alJ.a.Y A J>" ..u.c u,·ftII ...·wtl colle.:!Sa .. 00,,"10. ,thrown .ofr, and the next minute ed' goodly jlroport lons or the" plci'llt fenco ,repaired, bpt of the ,widow W8S out door and bending started 'down tbe Incllno.before tbey , bel" a8 a" pro ~pectlve wife. He thought . Railroa ds Even a littl o tria) Is a hlg on If YOll and rumors of rnllroo.<ls were respon. ,and bluBhed. He thoug bl and dodged. , o~er a man and saying: ha\'e no olhers, "Why wby-It 's Mr. It,. thO\ISht and felt , chills. It waa Wby-w by-wh at on earth,l " PhIllIpI! sible for hundred s of tb.ese near·to~~., but otbers were founded on good bUill· 1l0 ) U8,8 to banJsh ,Ihe (.boul:hts! Onoe Nntllre's 1" .~1t h·" " O:lrticld Trl\, i· mt\de "[-I didn't want you to marry ness principl es. they SOt a footbold they stuck by blm of clron, sweet, b"nltb'giving ll erbs: anybod y but meY" 'b o exclaim ed .u he Tbe MIssouri rIver was the enllle of 'Uke porous plaster. ' But what the rise and faU ot a number more. I could ' tile, 'poor mao do? There be struggle d to bl& knees. There never was a good war or a ','But I didn't know you cared tOI' III ~nlUlY cases ; after the towns had pence,- Fr .nklln. wae, bol"11 BUy and ooy, and the widow beo~e W. N. U., CINCIN NATI. NO. 12-1911 . ,"I Wall O~ Guard at the Bank." well establlsherl on Ita banks, the old blJSht ' marry 2~ Umes over be- me I" , "nllt I'do!" Mlssour ( seomed to resent t.he en,i'(pre 'he wOl\ld dare to tell her ot his "Well, come In and tilt down. and croschm en't or C.-vllJllI.tlon, , love. · Be did brace himself to walk an4 "Iltartwe'll see h'o w badly ~'Ou are burt." ed ,afte r" the houses wblch bad been Jbi b,e r ,h ous,e. and ' to bow to her, and I "Bllt I can't--e an'( sIt down I" bulll close to Its muddy waters. And to" sIt In the pow behind ber at "Then ' ' come over tomorl'OW anti -wben the Mlssour l 'underto Do you (eel weak, tired, deapondent, h.ye rrequent head. , cburch. but nt the samo time he realok to wash Gobel, coeled toogue, bitter or bad bite ii, moruiD., bed that widows ' are not won that stand up lind tell me you want me tot 1\ tow'n away, the 't own eventua llY dis.. heart·bum ... • belcbiD, of gu, acid riliDIi' in throat after D; wlfo and. 'maybe I'll say yes!' RPpenre d, ' There "'Y' He even wen~ so' far as to Pllt Is no fighting the c.tin •• Itomach taaw or burD, foul breath. dizzy .pelle, a, hinge: on her r.ate ' and make her a poor or "ariable appetite , naulea .t timea add kindred "Mad MlsBourl." , Women Vote ... on Defenae . . 11r,.sa-board gratis, '- . but '/I'!UI ·that _JIIIptOID. P Omaha, today, Is "a olty of 160.000, The Women lotera ,0(, Wnahlngt.orl with 'suburb s on all sIdell. " edurtlng an,d t .. \Ung her that lie 'could But when tf 70U ",y. aay co.wel .nbl. IlDIIlhe.. 0' .... state · ba.ve fonn~ 0. commit tee to de- Omaha was au ' indian , Got Uve without ,her? '. \11J~ three abo". a.,.ptol Da 70U ar. auft'.ri q hom llWo_ tend , ~e~"e'I ves from , mlsrepl'eaentRr- Nebrask a towns were vyIng " ~d aU tho wblle Mr,_ Phillips W,IlS D .... torpid Iiorer with ~eatioia, 0 .. d?elMpa with each Ia~ UDn by ' per8ODS o'Ppoeed to womall ,'o ther for the state capital. ao1lbq, auil hopIng ?nd dlspalrl ng, D ... PI..._', Golclaa Modi'" Da.-.e lT Is made dne at up 01 tile molt nlua"l . modloi ad, prindpl ee N lieaflng from , the go!,slps h.e .uftra«e . A~ Gt meeUog b~ld the other theaeto wns hos dlsnppe ared trom the day , ~t, Se4tUe repre.e,nta.Uvee , of, the face bo_ to _clio.! lei_CO '0" tho piermaa eat tIll~ ''elr that man waR layIng tbe eartb and the tarmers ' _ " of aacb .baona al ooaelld p.... It ill '. molt ' ;JtdoWls ,' beat't. J~t . DO,8nEld ~uffrq8'< cjlUba Of th~ 8tate' orpn1& td 'pIQ!i iio~ passes ove'r . tho spot Wbe,~e cttoiea t dftr ilwfCon to.., atomaD b toaio. bowel the conimll~ whlch conal st. o! one l,tll la\,ges~ bulldh~ga stooa. *,e IIKt41ried ' to the ~lr. '1'he Becgnd:' ...,uJatOI' .... ",""ltreqtb~r. ' , _ (rom eMlh of the lIuf· baa' Ii'ecQm." ,a mere v,lIIage, atth(lug to wbim It . ~ II: "s~.a1l1 to reply opce w~ ':Uie rlvp':l ot Omaha tor htt Ui!" ', l1TIU'1.''' , ~~P',I.~41 '~&I'dlnl BJ}Y ' ter'\tililuB, ot the': Union ' Paelfl~ Of ,~e v~ . of women I~ ; til' ahd th~ ;,:slt~ \)t ,th~ b,. MissourralJro~d i rive!, "an,. ,~.culB;r :cr.n'4'date bridge. .'1;h'e Uil~d ' is today a' 'suburh " I.: ,\ t "j or.'tho u1ty wblcJ! WM anl'ndla n vlllage .. r', , • .1 ~, ,.' . ~. ;' wht!Jl' tliat to.... Itselt boa,ted '0' being' Pf'lt',IcJ.,," E'1joy. lJlrg~t place In ~e ,Ita.t~. ' ' 'I'; PI1!IldeDt' Taft " . ,.tbe' tlallle of a' gooil,(be other ·"OI.b£ In '1'1,.. bull on t.he MIll, , ~t belOw Otllalla. Bu.~ :l!owlDg-. ~y .1UI·. . . y·'. ,."" ~ UI;I .1l·;the b011J,U.~ ••r'O CoD Copyrlc ht, U10, by ANoclat ed
"Cured ,
Neuralgia " ,
Your ,Liver is 'Clogged up
What Ails You J
hlm ,
..- - -___- - - - _ - - -...~-_= _ -- - - - -
t r ceived ]OOO~lbs. lar t ' hipment ever
Yellow Onion Sets .. , .. .. . , ..... .. . .. .. . .
White Sets, per quart ................. . .
Bring us your Produce
We pay 14c for Eggs
• •• •• The Neighborhood News ••
• oodll .
l <iAd um~,
,[(1 1\
•• ••
Spring Valley A number
'Mills i\lllbo) Sherwood \s home from Miamuiburg for a week 's VIl08tjon . .M.r. ~lld Mra, George Backer sp nt SatorclllY and ~undilY with her p r,· nLd iu Morrow. The Misses Laura Kibler Itlld Ed. nil Spencer and Prot. 0, W Wil lIam8 attended 'he Teaobers' Exam. inat.loD in Leblluon Stitl1rday. . Mr. lIod Mrs. 'wnl' Kerley ent(.r_ talned Bert floUioKsworth Ilnd ohll. dren, of Tortle Cree~, d dinner Bunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bt'ioe Worley, Mr. ari4 )(1'8. Vlotor Worley, o ( Leb,,~ 1100, aDd ·lfr. ILnd M,s .. Cla.ytOD Mul'reU Bnd 800, of Clllrk)vtlle, spe~t Suoday wtt.'l D, W. Willia.ms and f/tmlly SQod",y . The yoo'o g ladles pf Ore,lroola 'wllJ give II rhe Spin ters' Ooove atloo" at ~be ~ohool B oul!fe th fift an to of thil month. Teo oents adm1sslon' will be obarged, Ilod the money d _ natpd to the 8obool ao(i tbe C. E . soolety. Come and ha'Ye the heartilMl1i laugh of 'VO'lr life time fo r the stqall s~m of ten oents.. .
),fIo and Mrs . Carol BaveDs and ohildren are speDdlDg a few days tn
New Burlington TIle Delta Alpha Cla~s WIU) ·pleas. an'lyeDtertained by Miss Florence Bayoook on &lturday afternoon . . WOrn. Compton was ' t he reoipient of ,a. post card shower on Saturday, 111 hODor,of his blrtbd~y an oiversl\ry Misa Bernice HaWkins wa" the goelll; of MiN Uraoe Boff. L~ee. burg, pver SUD~ay. . Mr. Earl Steele who spent tile winter with his son Boward a& the home of Mrl, Esther Compton, has returned to Mi~neapolis. Mn. Elijah Bawkiil~ a.Dd Wm.' Mendenhall are among the eiok. ' ,
OlI1 ~i nna'i.
Quttea good maDy farmers around here delivered ihelr tobaooo a' Cor. win last Thursday . Mr. Jacob aoro1J ot DaytoD but tormerly of t,bis plllce, whose death ooourred Ifl!lt MondllY was burled here last Wednesda, . 'l'be 8, B. Base Ball ' olub pb~yed with Beaver High BobO()llllst J'riday afternoon. l::Ioore I to 4 in fll VOl' of Bellbrook. ' Mr . aDd Mrs . John Blao)c, of nellr Xenia , spent Saturday and Sunday with Willis Blaok Ind famUy. Elmer Gibbons, wife and fam ily, of Ulmer P ark, hll.ve moved in wi~h J ohD .pmer. east of to ~l\. Wm . Spitler who has been down with typhoid fever for the paat five weeks does not improve very fast. Fru.n\t Weaver visited hill daughasr, Mrs. John Harnes8 aud fu.mily Dea), Xenia last SUDday, ,Ml8s Josephine Anmstrong, of Xenlll, is visitinc her Irandmother, Mrs. J . A. Tornbull. Mr . OIi1Qd~ Lawson wh "formerly lived here is vel'y low ~t. hts hom in Kentuo~y. ' Bn.rvey Saokett wal a DI~ytoD vis itor la8t; Sunday. Born to Mr . and Mrs . Wm: Gl08 ser, a fine ,8,irl. , , Ed wa.rd P epper, wife und two sons, of ' Belmont, visited Mr. 'and Mrt\ . Frank BttrtRook, of near WnynetIVl11e, las(: SundU:y. The K, of P's are remodeliog their building wWoh they parohllsed r e oen~ly OD Mll iD 8treet !lnd Mr. Ed ~tarliDI will move in it 800n an d iun a first· class r estll.urant. · Milis Bertha. Pu.-dom nerth of town hils been sick w~th theohioken pox. Miss (i~aoeTurner has ret,orned home from Il pleasant visit in Spring fieJ.l with relatives. .
Barry E. Wilson, ' of Dayton, called on friend8 here ~onday. Jos. Davl8 and Ray Hawke, of Day'on, oalled ' on aCqualntanoes here Saturday night. ' Clem Foley, a resident of lJaytolJ, for the pa8t year, iE Ilgain at home with his parents on 'he farm.
N ow is the time to think
n:' DtlytolJ,
MiR'; J!~IlY E:ln ~R is vi i t in g h er hroth l'r, W It HO I' H e .. nud fam ily Of n lr X en!ll . 1'I1rs . AlIl ~\lIdo ' OI it b li nd illt.er , Rflbll Oil ' I'll til r \'i " it(1d M r 11 nd Irs R ubert Bl'Udll uc k Bnd fumily on la t Sunday . Mr . Imd MrA O;lolH. Mowor nt er tninod Mr unci MrK . Dlln Cline. nf M t . Bolly. f\t dinner ~uDday . Mr. and Mrs . JosapU HRines en t,e rtlllDed f,b (\lr nephAw Borace Muyels . of I),~ y t o n, Ill st Wedne8dny lit dinner . MesdRm A!I H . C. 'Dllkin, AdlL Dnk in und donl?ht flr LoiS trnll!Ul oted bus i. n eRS in Dll yton on Frirlny . Mrs. J . H Oil now tb wns tlJ e Au ellt nf Mr MIII'Y Iltl lind fBmil y t dinn rl,'rid IlY .
...... w
We lu!,ve them Old Dutch Cleanser, Bon Ami, Sapolio, Scrub Brush~, No Dust, H. & H., Urescent Carpet ' Cleaner, ' Carpet Tacks" Matting Tacke, Lewis Lye, Lulu Scouring Powder, Ammonia. Breams, Mops, Carpet
1\00 "MJ'$! ,
lr:! ,
VIIS n t. rtllill Pu h y Mrs Fr nk , ' lIlith and fllmil .V 'I~turdny ni g h t . ·~1.I :,l \:{O!!II DU \,H w as t he g UO!\t of· h r t'.1~tf' r Ell .. :-;11 111It nuu r" lUil y ~ut ur c1'I Y lIi ght
--SPECIAL ---..
1,,..----------. _--~---------------------~--""!
. . about PAINTI~G. You will , Mr ~nd ~r ·. If rnnk H Il\\'Il!4 wen' I find a freSh supply of Lowe tll" gn ' . ,.:0\ M 1111 i r f\ unghtA'r, Mrs !\Ulla r .lI hnd ,l Oll f ll lll i l~' :'utul'clny fO's. "High Standard " Paints, lIight•. Stains, Varnishes, a nd Brushes
This is til sam off e we 11 ve been selling for six months at 20c in spite of advauces. It is as good a coffee )'0 \1 a rc pO.) iog 25c fo r. Try a pound and you will want more .'
6 quarts
.Nat,hlln · Aust~n Jl . I' 'A ll a h 't)owetl\ no I B rthf\,. ·uli.lh u n Ia t \lOduv . Mr. ltudMts l:!ru'r oro 1llmd 'RI) " CO,l'm n r 6 ~J1J ter tI' tu d by 'Mr. lind, MI'R, Dnn Cline Imd fnmil l; \
a ntos offee, the iv d at tlJis t lltion.
Spring Branch ,
t-(' I't.tdUE'd ~\
f :PUI'C fC C
L..!. _ _ _ 2!!!ff'
of fri nrlR of MrR. E. b er Ii v leaEiant "urprise ThursdllY The W. 0 'r u. b elcl [In ,,11 day m eeting in the M. E. (Ihnroh FridllY. In the evening 1\ Gold Meda l ooutAS t was held . .' Word w~s r oceived by fri end .. that Mr. and Mrs . Carl Hes8 (nee Emma MOOD) of Dayton. were the p&rents of f\ little duughter Rnth Em mll. Aroh Copsey WIiS a Dayton sh'lpper Toesd l ~y. Mr. Thomus Middleton hilS been n victim of tbe grippe. Bruoe mith, of Da,y ton, spent und~y h ere. Marie Barper returned Monduy t,o xford after spendiug her vlloation with her parents.
M. Cop"ey
-----... ...-----
COfFEES Chase and Sanborn' s high Grade CO FFEES, at 20c, 23c, 25c, 30c and 35c ~~ a lb. Sold only at
.• White's Store..
----- -- ...- ---
00 '
MOlt of the Chagrin and Remorae We Got for Ouraelvea la Due to Impatience. Walt! Is there anything In the world so hard to do? And Ie there anything 80 necessary to learn T Moat ot the chagnn and remorse we get for ouraelves Is due to Impatience. If we bad waited the clouds would have passed. If we bad waited the fatal word would not he-ve been spoken. If we had waited love would bave turned again. To walt does not mean to be Idle or Indecisive. It means, time your ef· tort! What 18 Impossible now may be easy at six o'clock. About four-ftlthll of any success is the Ingredient of time, To lrnow when, Is tully aa 1m· portant all to know how. Walt tor the boy to «Tow I Wbat you , cannot lead him to at ten h'e .Ill come to at twenty. The best things In the world grow. Th y mature and ripen. 'You can build a house In a few daYB, but It takes a tree years to be complete; and a tree Is more wonderful than a house. The higher the srade or your thought and teeUng, the more you nlled to learn to walt. In education, In government an'd In religion especially we have to reckon with what Emerson Calls "The IIlow maturing ol th e buman mind." I read somewhere the ,whlml), lay· ing of a wise, woman, that there were thl' e th tngs that amused her : The tlrst was climbing trees to Ihske down the fruit. which It lett alone would tall by and of \tseIr; the sec· ond was gOing to war to kill men. who III a tew years would all die nat· urally. and the third waa that men Bhou ld run atter women, when, If the mE'lI would walt, the women woull\ run atter them.-Dr. Frank Crane.
If every penton did all hill ~ on. Poaltlvely Rudel BeeaUN Ihe wanted everybody ebe poience dlotate8 the DeDSUI 8I1U' ''''' to mow aa well a. Ihe knew that IIbe ator in hAdell woold 1008e hil J.:.b had Imall feet the woman who had olrered to lend rubbera to a friend, added apologetically: "But they are 10 btg I don't luppese you can keep' them on." "Oh, I ruell 1 can," laid the fnend lerenely. "I haYe bllf feet, too. Since then the woman with Imall feet bas refused to llee her friend. even when she brousht the rubbe ..1 home.
Tbelate Frll.llk Worthing, the well· known actor, was the s ubject of a recent discussion at the Pen and Penoll , club In Philadelphia. A dramatic crit, Ic said: "Worth1ng, though & 8uperb actor, hated adverse crltfelsm-hyper·crIU· clsm he always called It. To , lome adverse criticism of mine he retorted one winter night at the Majestic, with' a George Washington Itory. "He said I reminded him In my erl~ Ical remarkll of a. Boot Darned 9&Und· erB. .. 'Saunders,' said an American, 'did you ever read the history of Amenca ,. ", 'Aweel. I can.n a say I hev,' Saund· ers replied. . : .., 'Tben I~ll lend you the book: .ald the AmerlCM. 'I'd like you to read ahout George Waehlngton.'. "'What about him!' Saunders III.' qulred coldly. " 'GeOrce Washington,' said the American, 'was celehrated In hiltory as tile boy who 'couldn't tell 1\ lie.' "'Could he no'?' said Saunderl. 'Man, th.e re's no muckle to bout aboot In that. He couldna lle"ye ea7! Noo we Scot's hae a higher standard '0' veracity. We can lie', but ·we won't!'"
farmers, Breedeis
V.lueL Mrs. Scrapplngton-A clerpman No _Ina " or . 10. tor marr1lll.s a COIl' ole, and by and by a law,er II palel '100 for SMUns a diTOrce tor tIl.1IlMr. Scrapplllgton-Wen, tt'l wortll that much more, ain't ItT-PwaCL
Road Notice Nottce Ie hereb, dven tba' at the ~Unl of &b. Oounty (lOmmlMlonWi of Warren Oounty. Ohio, to be held em the .
lit Day of May, 1911 There wtII*be
to aid Commie-
llooen a _"Ion for tbll • •b1Iabmut ot
• Oounty"Boad. ~~ In tbe L,tle ud PlnkDe, Roed at tlUi 8. B. c:o~ of W. B. ,Duke'. land ru.D olu north to lobe N. W. cor.Der of A. Oorne11'. lot thenee wltb Walte
KeDrtck'a IIDe to W. Burle,'. llUId. tbence to tbe MOD'«C:I1DeI7 Oounty l.1De, and ~t aid petltloD WIll atand tOI' bllal'lq OD tba~ 10 IOOD t~
u the lUbe caD be W ALTaR KENRIOK.
A . handsome dark dapplto ' .. Percheron Stallion, 17 hands nigh, weight 180011bs, extra good short back, witb flaring ribs and fJ(U11 .~ down much better than the a·I(· .. " ;': Percheron. Clean fla~ bone, goo,l sloping sboulders, with nc.-c . .. ,: bead on top of it; not one 01 t il e kind that ~ head wants to run in the ground, but a well arched neck, a larger eye and shorter e l' , ',n most horses in his class. ',':' . old, a reproducer of the noted tam· ily of Pefcherons and the most fascinating colored stallion. ever ~en here. . For bills and particulalrs s ...
P;riDcIPal petioloDlr.
Actor Retorta to Crltlc'l Opinion With a George W.ahlngton Story.
From the Blue BIrd. Maeterllnck's "Blue ' Bird" littl e Tyltyl goes .to some , far-off heavenl y pl!,lce to ,learn that love abldel wltb him at home. There he meets 'Mother Lov.e. He says he Wiahel! to Btay with ' her always. wb r e sbe lookl so beaut!. rut to hlm. Sbe answers. But It's just th~ same thing ; I am ,down be. low, we are a ll do,ro below. . . . You ha\ e coma up here only to realize and to learn, once and tor all, how to Bee me when you see me down below. . . . Do you understand, Tyltyl, dearT • . . You believe yourself In heaven; but heaven I. wherever you and I kiss each other. . . . There are not two motherS, and yOU have no other. • • . Every cblld has only. one; and It Is always the same 0I1e and alwaYI the most' beautiful; but you have to lulow her and t9 know , ,pow to look.
White's Store••
If you have anything you want to ~eJl or buy help .wanted or situations ~ted, the Miami Gazette c,n get them for yoo. Try us once. ...
J' • ..,.....,..... • •
30 w.U h horae and b~.II- NCUBATOR-<\em Inoobatol', 270 MANgyp88t to eelllltook oondltlon egp, goOd as used 0011 p~w_
. Uti
der ID WarreD Cponty. &llary .70 l18aloo. Wrl*e A B . Ellion, R, '.... per m'lnth, Aadreell 301 Unity 1 Sprinl'Valley Ohio for Int.> nll\ . Blda. , IndlaDapoU., Indiana. ,ion. " ,
, roR
SALE-Two &eams
~ l l ....
I'" oomiog S yeare old. uobro~ t
1(000 onea, UiX baDd. hllh,. Ph, - - . . . . . ; ; . . . . - - - - - - - - - : - . 448.2X., ~. "if Rilel, LebanoD. U.
TORAGE 1\00m. larle and 'oao S .&ate of goodll . o,all a' 'he "1"0 eU.poee of .Wa,n8flvIll8 Milk GaseUeoftloeforID'ormatlon. a .'. Rou~. Inquire of J •. L ~ "" . 10M
deDhall, Phooe 16S-lt 28, Wt.1'C; wville, U. "
APER NAPKINS-The GalieUe P oflloe bandlelt tbe plain whl&fl and colored napkins. Call ' and
NUMBER of fiDe Maple treee I'hem, . . . for ehade. For Info.....'lon call on Perry Pen '38, Weyn.ville, HORBES-Bol'llell for Mle slagI,. Ohio. or 10 paire. InqUire or J;- B CbapmaD, Walnesville, Ohio. ruRSALE-S C, W. LEo,horDlI eu. I'" from prt.ewinner. II pel' ... , . When ~alenOia ,W.a Plety.~lug of 16; Barred Rook .,1lS (Hen': l~UE PAPER-If ypu \o'ln,
In the days of , the Purltanl the ry Kunker and E. B Thomption .~y oolor of floe ....ue ~.p.' r, stocks were not unknown as a penalty "raln).t 710 per ' ."Inl Ball,.:. Cl"11 a' 'he ~set*e 011108. W •. ). '.. ~ Beaters. Mrs. who forsiok, 80me Th e HI g heat KI te FI I ghta. for 'Iooklng too healthy. Ruddlnesl of Grandview pouU-·'.rm, Phone 86. It on hand all Uie time, , time hae4Dn been Finch, dangeroosly is -J See our assortment of Dried verymuohimprovedllttbiswritmg. The 'art of 1Iylng kites Is carried to complexlon ,waB a crime when a gaunt .. ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~ Fruit. The goods and prices Ita greMest perfection at the large visage was regarded as an outward = tell tae story. Dr. VaDdervoort and dllughter, aerologlc&l observatories. and the sign ot sanctity. Doctor Echard, ,wrl· LouoHe "re . now located in tbeir best records of altitudes up to date tlng In the early eighteenth century. '. Fancy Baldwin Apples, sweet summer 'home on the avenue. . haft been made at Mount Weather, remarll;s: , ·'Then 'It was they 9'01l1d N~ve) Oranges, crisp Cu.rly (, MillS <=1m, one of ollr 'sohool te~oh . Va., and Lindenberg, Ge·rmany. The scarcelY .let a round taced man 10 to . Lettuce" fancy Red Radishes. erll spent 8atord,~y at her home in former station Is 525 meters above sea . heaven . . It he' h~ but a little blood In Fresh Oysters again t his week. ", Cinoionll.ti. ' level, the la.tter only 120, a circum· his oheeks his condition wal account· Friday ,we will have dressed :: . Btance that Bhould be remembered In ed dangerous, and. I wllJ assure you, a catfish, Ches, gay Shad. HerApril 1st' was l'e1) observed . comparlng the r eoords made In the very bonest man of languln~ complex· ':::. ..•. ring. Flounders and Haddock. .', Mr a.n d Mrs. B,oraoe Wil 00, of two places. The following list ot the lon, If he chanced to come n!gb' an of. ,'. " Leave your orde.r s at once. 8prlng\)(lro, were gnest8 of MrlCl. hlghe&t flights, recently published by flclal zealot's ~oul!e, might ,be let In " Wil!lOD'S parents, Mr. and ~rs 1 N. Dr. Assma.nn, gives the alUtude abon the stocks, only for. looliing fresh, on a . . Everyt1:ting . good to eat at \1i1ler. the cround, not a.bove sea level: 1, frosty mornt!1 g." 'Few of the January Mount Weather, 6,74.0. meters; 2 Lin· ,fac~s to be seen I~ ~ .. Lon~on Itree~ . Welby Carter. t,ran!,~oted' business deuberg, 6,660 meters; 8,' MoUri~however;' wou~d: r'Up allY rilk' of ·4ra!-. 10 Dayton S"turday. Weather, 6.519 meters; 4, Mount", ~ d~wn this, pena1t1., Mr .. r.nd Mrll. Robt. Taper, of Day. Weather, 6,484 mElters; 6, Llnden,berg,. • ~ . . ._ '..._' ~--,-_ ~!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~ I ton, spent sever:al day's here recent-, 6,380 iileterl; 6, MOl1Jlt Weather, .6,37.9, ly the gUSI!t8 of Mre. Tuber's pn· meters: . . ents, Mr. ilod Mrs., A . d . ·Ans~n. ''.!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~ , Pro~ . Brown, .of .Wilmhigton 001)ege. filled· the p.ulpit at the Ortho ... ,dOlt Frtends ' cbnroh Sunday to 'lin interested oon'gre~af;ioD . . ' ' . '. ' ¥re ,<.!\fand, AndersoD and soo, .Carlt~D ,. pf Oay.to,n'l are ' the. gneilt'" Iof . t~~IlMv~8 . b,ere f?r severlll d~~8 ~ • Mr. .J ollah Rogarll, ODe 01 our .Pioneer oit~us, W8a ta.kell qaite dll.ngeroully 810k till turda;r. mOI'Dt~lI, • . ;bot is th'oagbt to be som. ...~her. a* ,' APRIL. '8'~ wrUi!2g. Mr, and lI.... TUI'Iler Weloh :.~qtlleP'ill~ 8:48 a.m... bo'h qOUe poor17, : .
' 'N'S ' . ,ZIMMERMA
$ 140
12, 11)11,
' 0 _ ... -
I~~~§t~~i p:~: :~~d:: yw~ a::~;~:t::~ I-p;;~~l M~~ti~~H;~-~;d- Th~;-r --
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Social E vents
Headquarters W. R. Hoel Post No.230 Dept, of. Ohio G. A. R. : • _ _ _ _ _ _ '" - - - . observed at St. Mary' s church. ----~------.-+------,---+ Waynesville,O., Aug. 7, 188.5. \ In the morning at 10:30 the recto r Mr. and Mrs. Matt .Anderson and Mrs. Hann ah Rogers is visiting reI· F dday is Arbor day . To his Honol', J A'. Irwin, Mayor : Mr. and Mrs A. B. Sides, were 80n John. spent Sunday with Mr. delivered a strong sermon, and ad. atives in Day ton. Sir:W. R Hoel Post, No. 230. !g uests uf Mr . a nd Mrs. J . . Hawkt! ministered Holy Commun ion. In Edmun d Relalli ck w as in Fn ui l<'in and '¥ri. George Gilliland, near Waynesville.-Clinton ounty Oem· the afternoon at 3:30 the ser vice wa'3 Thursd.a y 0 11 busin e. s. 1\1 1'. and Mrs. W. H. Allen were G. A R. w ill hold a Memorial S~ r· at rlililler Sllnri a\' . vice in honor of Gen. tJ. S. G rant at . as follows: A short form of Eveninlr ocrat. ill ' inl'i nnali Friday. the M. E , ChUI·ch , 011 Saturday, the - -- Prayer, and add ress by th e recto r . Mi ss Maria Stou t, o f C l'eC ll P Co ulily Fm nk Shidaker, of Harveysburg, 8 ~h. inst, a~ 2:30 o'clock, p. m . All Miss Emma H ~ ighway was the Mrs. Kate E. McComa.~, of Parker. The otyertory solo "The Palmg" was spent SunJay a t hom . w a'l in town Monday . sung by Mrs. A. T. Citizens Without regaru to crp.ecl or ' ueot of T .. J. Brrl\vn and family a~ beautifully Col.. writes us to send her paper to Mrs. Robert Bradtl ock is very ~ i ck f1 Wright, the regular soloist of the party a re earnestly requested to atdinrit!r Sunday . Hamilton. Ohio. Her many triends lay Warwick, of Dayton , spent tend. a t hel' home eas t of tow n. Respectfully, here will be glad to hear of her reo choir. Su nday with friends here. J. A. Kearney, J\t the close of th is service the turn to Ohio. MessrH. . L. Bunnell and Hay Post Commander. "Story of Calvarv" was sung. Th e Mr . and Mrs . Geo. Hartsock enterchoir was augmented by sev eral of Mills we re in Dayton Thursday. Th og. Pi el'ce and D. L. Crane at dinner SundllY Mr and Mr::;. tained . . d h w e n~ in Cente rville Thursday. • D~vid S. Burson ' died Monday, 1 I b ErnpE't Hartsor k and daughter. Aprll Srd, at his home in Richmond our est oca musIcians an t e r eno Cross Bros. have th e BEST Q UA I.. dition of this beautiful cantata was lTY of goods at th e low st pri ces Em est Martin. of Dayton. is th Mayor' s Office, l1 Ind., after a few weeks illness fro~ fine . A large and apt}reciative con· guest of MI'. a nd Mrs. Lindley Men. Wa · e.c;vi ll e, 0. , Aug. 7, 188:' . bronchitis. gregation was in att.endan ee. MI·s. J . D. Marlat t amI daug htr r. denhall. J. A. Kearney. Pust CommandE"r: Mrs. W al tel' K~n rick delightfully Mr. Burson is remembered by OJr The personnel of the choir was : Miss J ess ie wel'e shop ping in Daylun Sir:- In compliance with the above entertained the young ladies of the older citizens as instructor in the old Sopranos, Mrs. L. S. Rhoades, MiRa Monday. MI';:;. F.1l 'n Mannington, of Spri ng request. I, J. A. Irwin, Mayor of Lytle M. E Sun lay Schoo!'on SaturAcademy in the building in which Lucy Emley, Mrs A. T. Wrig ht. . I Vall ey, was in town Saturday call ing Waynesvill~. do respectfully requel!t day afternoon fronl "two until five," Mr. S. Lev. Cartwright now resid es MIS. W. H. Allen, Mrs. O. J. EdMr. M d Mrs. John DaVIS. of Day· J on f rienus. that all citizens, during the hours of the occa...ion being in honor of Mrs. in the year 1848. wards; alt6s, Mrs . J. W. Whit, Mrs. ton, vi sited relatives her e a t urday such Services, will close their places C. A. Bruner, Mrs. D. L Crane " and 3unday. Anot her car load of the celebrated of \)usiness as a tribute of respect to Kenrick's Sunday School class. She was assiRted by Mrs Charles Johnt! The marriage of Mr. J. O. Arnold, tenors, Me!'ISrs. F. H. Farr. Lou Sayers & Scov ill Buggies received at the memory of the Nation'S' most and Mrs. Harry McGinnis. formerlyofCnrwl'n but no wengag ed P I'm . t z, F . B . Hen d erson; ' b assos, C. Miss Nell Morri 'on . of Cal'tha" ' . .ro~f'., Bl·OS . honored citizen and soldier. P' • b Good music and a guessing contest i~busine88 at Ripley, and ay0ung A. Bruner, U. M. Wnite, F. 13. wasthe Sunday gue t of Mr. and Given under my hand and seal this of their own shadow profiles furlady. of that place took place last Sherwood. D. L. Crane; organist, Mrs. F. C. Schwartz. Mr. and Mrs. George Zell, Mrs. 7th day of August, 1885. nished amusement for the afternoon. _..1 M A Wm. Zell and Mrs. Frazer were in J A I . r. mold was for Miss Pearl Colvin. . . . . rwm , Wed nalUay. many years a traveling salesman for ... - • I Mr. Martha Wald, of CenterVi ll e, Day lon Monday. Mayor. Dainty refreshments of the Easter colors were served. a drug company. and made regular HI\D NARROW ESCAPE was the guest of MI'. and MI" O. J. • - ••- - Thot:Je pre::.ent were: Misses Hazel trips to Wilmington, where he is well Burnet the' paRt week. Dr. ll el'sche l Fisher has moved to EASTER~' STAR INSPECTION Bishop. Fern and Beulah Snyder. ' and favorably known"oy man"" CI'tl'~ George Mills, rural carrier on . . onLes in the new Morris building, Th H b' E S ,J R. t 5 h d f Crol!s BI'os have the largest diS xt th e postoffice I ebanor e prveys UI g astern tar Stella Githens. Helen and Janie Jones · ~.-Clinton County Democrat ~u t e .' h~ : nar~ow e~~pe ~om ! play of La\~n Mowers vel' seen i n ' . . .. . , lodge was inspected last Friday even- Ella Fuerst, Ethel Chenoweth, BerThe many friends of Otho in ~ a h mlj:!:Th ~e een a ~re ca ~s. 'I Waynesville-up stairs in the Hall I :'\'11' . a nd MI'S l .has. Co.rnell, Mrs . Iing by Mrs. Carmonde, of Morrow. tha, Beulah and Ruth Coon, Grace W8)nesville will be glad to learn of Mr?IPI e ur .a~ mornmlg'· rd' . , J. A. Col ema n. Mrs. Euphem ia After inspection, a fine lunch in three Carman, Minnie Hall, Elsie and Reba his rna. rrlage. . I S was M 's. Est I ' . h'l EI' Bd rIvmg' fa coi t 'f .anh I ler S tou t 'IS home fro m )I Hough and J e se Burton motored to courses was spread by Chef Merlltt. Earnhart, Luria Burnett, Zilla GithTwo candida~es were initiatPd w Ide at I urnet~ s arm, t frtl~ t \ Harveysburg, where she has been Dayton Monday . ens, . Blanche Cornell. Esta Stacy, ene ~t m~n sa;mg 0hn a a ~n for several weEks in attendance upon Those present from here were: Robert Shute died at his home tree. ust ey?n was t e sawyer R a sick sister, Mrs. P ro eal. . Me. srs. J . E. Janney, A. Maffit, Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Cornell, ·Mr. Mabel Strait, Estelle Irwin, Lola and near Richmond, Iod. Wednesday. wago~, at the SIde of the road, and J ohn Pence. Dr. J . T. Ellis, r.. M. and Mrs. A. Maffit, Mr. and Mrs. J . Irma Cornell, Leona McGinnis and April 6, 1911, from the effecta of at thIS also th? horse s~ared .. It ~o n01 fail to attend t he Domeslic Robitz 'I' and L . A. Zim erman will E. Janney, Miss Luella Cornell, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines. Ii stroke 'of apoplexy but a few swerved ~o one Side, ·and Mr . . Mills SCIence School, at Township Hou. e. leave WEdnesday for Dayton to at- L. A . Zimmerman, 'Mr. and Mrs. F. W. C. T. U. MEETINO hours previously, and never regain- who w~m a cart, threw out hiS left Apri l 19, 20, 21 and 22. The pracli- tend a four· days' meeting of t he H. Farr; Mr. C. A. Robitzer, Mr. ing cODsciousn~ss after the attack. hand whIch slru.ck and was caught cal demonstrations will bl> of e pf!cial ~ ScoWsi'. Ri te Mason. They antici- ! a nd Mrs J. C. Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. Last Friday quite · a number of lnwnnent Saturday afternoon in on a barbed· wire fence and. wa'\ interest. I pa~an enjoyable time C. A. Bruner, Mrs. Edith Harris. ladies met at the ' home of Mrs. Richmond cemetery. lacerated badly. He fell off the back t:!!!. Miss Abi Young. Mrs. W. W. ArHarris to transact the business of Mr. Shute was well known here ?f ~he c~rt~ however. thus perhaps - - - - - -- - nold, Mrs. Christia McKinsey, Miss the W. C. T. U. After the devotional having spent several years in Way· services the routine business was leeed ic,elr by . hi, t and Mrs. John nesvill~ and vicinity, and moved taken up. 1--"--- "--'-- f6 nrS tormer home at Rich· time from the cart, and started up . The topical program under the -- - - - - . - -, _.- - - ---. DEATHS mond about two years ago. with his the road. but Mr. Burnett and SO il , leadership of Mrs. Silvers followed wife who was Miss Sarah Lane, of Cliff, who were working along the The springtime flood is bor ne along Prof. L. G. Fessenden, of Xenia. and instructive papers were · read. Waynesville. . road, stopped it. Beneath the ever wid eninir sun. . - -died at the home of his son in Spring- The Union was infor'm ed that through Mr. Mills came back to town to Orchestral strains of wood land son g , DEPAIHMENT OF AORICULTUR E field, Ohio, last Wedne.'\day. aged 96 the efforts of Dr. Mary Cook .Jh.e have his hand dressed. Lee Hawke And meadow ca rols 'melt in on cyears. Prof. Fessenden taught music ladies of the community will have in c One chant of pure. ecstat ic joy TheroIIowing rf'port, referedOfl who had been informed by Postmast· in Xenia for several years, and was the near future the pleasure of er Farr, m8kin~ his rounds. That b!>nds of death are swept a'Nay. to whelt Rod other orops, Is com well known in Waynesville. having a course of instruction in Domestic MrJ Mills was back on the job nex t That winter's hosts no more a nnoy, pUed from retorDI recel ved from tuned pianos here for several years. Science, While every path is turned to May. blllotsl oorrespon4enu of this De- day. but he didn't drive the colt. Ml'1I. Bruner, leader for next Interment was made in Xenia last --partment: meetinJ{. . Press Reporter. F riday. The aureoled twig the buddin~ leaf, A UNIQUE SERVICE Whe~t, oompared with average, The genial south wind's tropic speJl Clarencf' Crane, died Sunday night HAD HAND BADLY MASHED 8' per 080'. And freah g reen fields, bereft of grief, A very unique servict· was held in at his home in Lebanon, after a long Winter Barlev, oondition oom· The summer's opule nce foretell . the M. E. church Sunday evening. John Squires. "ho was sawing illness, ef dropsy. The funeral will pare4 witb average, 87 per cent . We hear the brook's exultant fl ow It was given by the King::! H~ralds, wood for Saml. Starr, near ~al'veys. be held today aUO o'clock. Services . RY,8, ooaditien oompared with av As , mad with JOY it sweeps away. a missionary society of the M. E. will be held at the Utica church at burg Monday, had the misfortune to erag8, 87 per oen t. No more the bonds of ice and snow church. ~omposed of the young girls 11:30, and interment will be made in have his right hand caught in the Oorn, oondltion in orib oompfued Rille us\yith t heir relentless sway. and boys. The meeting Sunday Miami cemetery. Mr. Crane was belt of the gasoline engine. . His witb averagf', 8~ per ooot. I;)vening was simply the regular busi· hand was badly mashed and lac.e ratUpon this sacred Easter m rn . well known in Wayn~svil1e. .Fruit Bud", winter killed, 8 per ness meeting of t"e Heralds given in ed, the skin being torn off in places• 1'0 earth and man an eq ual boon , Of ut. . public. FARMERS' ORAN9E NO. 13 It ' .. ill lay Mr. Squires up for acouple the worl d arise, new born, W see The present oondltion:of the grow_ The president, Miss Irma Hough , of months And birds and flowe rs with life a·tune. iag wbeat orop i. estimated Ilt 84 _ at _ least. - ... _ .0!1!.===called the meeting t() order, and The Waynesville Grange will meet Blow. gentle south..,wi nd o'er' the plain; pal' oeDt oompa.red with a.n Ilverage SODgS, recitations, dialogues, etc, Saturday evening, April 16th at their C" THE FARMERS' CLU8 Bend , kyo today your deepest blue, 1~hhl is a declioe o ~ " per oent oow hall. Mrs. Georgia Mendenhall will were rendered. Fo r sin aod sorrGW'S saddened reign p,,'r~ witb oooditl"n ODe mODtU ago read a paper on .. How far is each inThe Wayne Township FarmerR' Mrs. F. H. Farr who"has the HerMust yiold and all be born anew. Whtle rep.rts fl'om many seotioos alds in charge, pre~nted a dialogue dividual responsible for the moral Club will meet at the home of Mr. of 8tate are, quHe lIatls~llotory, a mil and MrS. W. W. Crane, at Pekin, which was very entertaining. tone of the community?" jllrity of tbtl oorrespondents note It was that of a Chinese school, Each member will be obliged to Thursday. April 13th. The essayist !l URCH ORTH ODOX FRIEND AT ST MARY 'S CHUR CH t ~ot of the deoline In oondition ot how they had their recitations and tell what kind of wild flowers they for the meeting is S. L. Cartwright" plant, due to DbfavorAble weather Nt. this church there will be pecial Ea'lter Day: Holy Communion at have seen, a paper, editors, Miss Mrs. Frank Zell, Current Events and the way thEl" sang in the Chine e condittonll during munth of Maroh. language. It was a very clever relJ- Easter mu:ic at a ll the services. 7 a . m .. ; Mornt~g Prayer, sel'mon and Blanche Riley and Lyman Lilver, and P . D. Clagett and G. E. Riley will Uuring . that period it had little or Pastor Larkin will preach sermons H oly CO-,mm.unlon at 10:30; Sunday a reading by Miss Luria Burnett. discuss "The Labor Problem." resentation. 110 snow prot·eotton, nnd in its ex· ..-._-SC'h oo l Festlval ~t 3 .P. m. . A good attendance is desired as Rev, Bailey made a few remarks, appropriate to the day . posed oonlJition suffered hom the A OOOD RECORD A~ the 10:30 serv:ce the followmg the program wnI be rich in thought also have and pronounced the benediction, The Sunday-school will freezing wellther. Considerable m uSleal program Will be rendered: for Grangers. after which the congregation wen t a special musical service. Thad Zimmerman had a pure_ _ damage bal! 11110 been cllut>ed by III to their homes, well satisfied th at roce ional .. .. .................... Lissant P tAlrnate thawiog Bnd freezioj{, .and Come Ye Faithful. Raise the Strain ATTACKED BV HOO blood Duroc sow hAst sprinJ{ that their children were imbued with that tbe OODSeq nent uphenal of the ruota P , gave birth to six sow pigs. . This . 0 spirit of Christianity t:lat makAs t he Clm st ur assovel· .............. Ct·amer H k f M d' n AT M. E. C II U~ II Notwithsttl.ndin~ ~Jlrly reports, Gloria Piltri .. .... ... ... ... ... .. .... Simper Alan artsoc, sok Of Wrl'l an 'spring these seven 90WS have &llivwhole world akin- the missionary fruit blUl suffered nC) materilll dam . T 0 Mrs. F . A, Hartsoc ,() e man, ingpigs, ail fine healthy fellows. This . I spirit! 'ervlces at J e t 'leum ... ... ..... .... ....... .. Woodward was attacked by a rna1e h oJ{ TI1el'e wil I b e specla Ilge. Tlie present .prospeot is esti. ' } I S d . wh'l 1 e is certainlY .a showing for a small - - t he 'M. E . Sun d ay Sc 100, un ay u)J ate ........ . ... ........ .... ...... Simper feeding Mond 'mg. H' mated at 88 per oent oompared wil,b ay mom elsnow brood. . BASE BALl. i\priI16th. at 9:15. The parents ant~ HYI'ntl ..... . ......... .... .... .. ...... ·Worgan confined to h'IS b ed Wit . h a very sore . ... - ••- - 80 average,whlte damage to fruit The Wayn~svil1e Hi opened the tho~e who are not members of any Jesus Christ Is Risen Today knee. EASTERN STAR LODGE bud. by betng winter kIlled is reat Harveysburg Fd · other Sunday School ar e cordially in· ' Kyrie E leison ......................... Elvey • base ball season ported lit bQt 8 per oent Frnlt gen EASTER MARKET Eastem Star Lodge met in ~eJ{ular orally w~s not far enough advanoed day afternoon by attaching a scalp, vited to be present. The Sunday Gloria Tibi .. .. .. .................... Garrett School orchestra will assist in the Hymn ... .... .. ... ...... .. .... , .... Palestrina The ladies of the M. E. church will session Monday evening. Routine .uffer ally ill-effeot. trom freez~ the score being 17 to 11. It was.8 good clean game all the music. Also special singing at chu rch The Strife Is O'er · hold ari Easter market Saturday I bUSiness was attended to. One apl~g weather dnrlog past few weeks One yeat' ago the frutt pr.llpeot was boys playing splendid ball for so se rvices. We hope to have a large Gloria Patri ...................... Robinson morninJ{. Ap'ril15th, at the Township I pli~ation was received. During the Offel'tlll'Y; Christ the Lot:d Is Risen house. They will also have for sale S~.Clal hour the hos~sses for the ~vaeeUmated' at 90 per oent compared early in the season. Hawke pitched attendance at bolh services. I Today .. ............ ....'...... : .. Stephens e. nic~ lot of bonnets and aprons anrl mnr, Mrs .J. T. ~Ihs, Mrs. J. E. Jan,,1\h 'an average, hence in oompar'i a steady game with but one baa in. Mrs, A, T.·Wright .. . . some quilts, . ney and ~lSS Abl YOUDJ{. served ra1100 Prelent ' prospect l~ qnite opti- ning. Waterhouse caught a good g!line though that is not his usual ·. AT CHltl!,;TIAN CHUIt H I Doxology • - • freshments. mi8tio. ,.Sanctus .. ..... .. ,............... ..... ,Gar~~tt ./\ NEW FACTORY. '. ~=--.---.-. _. Reaul" from 'he tea'o blnfll of the position. Burton led the field with three hits. Onlv; one or two puncThe Endeavorers will have charge I Agn~s Dei' ... .... : .. ... ........... ... Gilbert . ... . • HAVE YOUH'EARD IT? ;, 're~D" .,rioultural tt:aio, oonduoted tered the. atmClsphere. A ret\lrn of the service Sunday evening. The I l GlorIa In ExC'~lsls ...... ,,,,,,, ,,, .. . Zeuner Mas. o n, Ohio • . h~ • new canning · • . . : .' ~,.. tbtll .Department, are ma~tf~' in A .weddmg on Th~rd Street 18 will be plaYedatan ea. rly date. topIC, "The ~pirit of the Resurrt~c- Nunc l)imi.ttis ........ ....... : ........ B8.t:rY, factory: ,that. , will 8tart this yea!. 'he D111Dber. of oorrespondents ra- J{ame . ..1 •• • _ . '. • tion" will 'be discussed and there will Hecessional .. ..................; .... ~.Holden They a,re havlDg,the: people send 10 scheduled to come.o~ 10 the near fu~·poi.ttDI tbat spray-log of (rtiit tr.ees .. Good ~uck 8eemS to stumble ~igh t be special Easter qlusicatboth morn- All Hail the. Power of j .e sus'. Name nam~ for the two brail~. of cO.m ·ture, We are:not, ~t liberty . t9 tell : woQicJ be ' very geilsr" 1 tn $beir ODiP the bU8tler: . . . . ing ~nd eveniilg services. . Org~nist. Miss Pearl Colvin 'they will put up~ . who. -owaeblpe $b1.',8HOD• .
In to
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j);; s;;Vi;;$--h; Ch~;ch;;rt ~~:"McKinsey at .-•
.- ..
The Miami Gazette D. t. CRANE.
A New York lecturer In a I"C nl ad· dross unde rtook to demonstrate tbat soma or tllO pm lie t! ot hurulgrllots 10 tbis co uotl'Y, which nre troublesome to the Buthorll! s. hav e their or· Igln In tb e best luI ' nllons , !lnd nloy 00 "as!ly orre!' t 1I when tt, e require· Ul(' ut~ of Ih o AIII ' ricnn en\' lronlllcuts are mad clen r t o Ihl' n w nrrlvuls. 'l'o 1II1l1ll rnl hi s point be told on In· tel' s t Ing slory. A certain ImUIIgra.llt mol her 'of numerous otTspr!ng was 60 era l tilDes hnled to court and fin ed fo r hurling her ashes Into tb e city !;tr et 011 wblch sbe lIv d. says tho Mllwau ll 0 Evening Wisconsl u. With phllosopblc submls!llon to arbitrary governmental t yranny she paid h er IIncs and went her way. FInally, a barltnble person. el:plalned to her, lu her own tongue why she sbould not tbrow her Llsbes Into the street. It then appeared 't bnt In the lillie Pollsb Yil iage wh nee she camo she and her n eighbors had been r equested by n local authority to throw their Dshes into tho road by way of Impromptu street building. Then he related a contrasting anecdote as follo'Ys : "1 once heard one of the found ers of the City Club say that whim he came ot age he as ked his excellent father to &;ive him some Idea of what might be his duties as a tull·fledged citizen of this great city.· His fa the r r eplied : "My Bon. as a gentleman and the son of 11 ~ent1 e mnn, all you n eed know of municipal procedure Is that In orde r to h a ve your ashes properly cared for you must bribe tho as hman." Who says the U nited States Is not e nlightening the world? The manu· facture of what Is called Ame rican· style furniture has become a n Important industry In Spain, whe f\ the peo· pie have a great likIng for the prod· uct. TbJa country was tho pioneer In turning ,out attractive furniture at moderate prIces, aa It has b ee~ thQ Jeader In many olhe r Innovation. that have contributed to dom estic comfort and enjoyment, . and the otherll are eatchlng on. It Is reaching tb e point where that sincere flattery which takes the form of Imitation In becoming more and more pronounc d. Ameri(;Ol n Ideas are be ing adopted "er.,. where: The biggest submarine y et built ' Ie the Seal, wh ich WI\S launohed at Newport News. Va.. the other day. She Is' classed as a "cruiser" and Is ' 131 feflt long. The Seal, ' It Is expected, will \:e capable of making long trips und er water and Is so well e quipped that she will ;Jot be convoyed by a fighting craft on the s urface. as Is now u suall y the CDse. The s ubmarine "cruiBer" will be n unlque addition to th e American navy. Whe n the proposed Deroplanes nre constructed for the same branoh of national defense it would seem that our navy would Jack nothing for service on. IInder or over tJ>.ot water. T elephone "ruhbel'lng" will be dis· couraged In New Hampshire should a bill p~diDg In the legislature become a law. This measure provides a pen· alty of $10 for each olfense when a person breaks In on a telephone con. versaUon. It Is aImed especially at the "llliteners" on party wires, whose curlosAty leads tfl e m Into attempting to hear talk nof Intended for their ears. The practice Is not confined to New Hampshire, bllt It will be Inte r· estlng to <!bse rve the degree of suc· cess attained In the Grunlte State in denl~g 'wlUI the olfe nse. .A. New Yorker has bough t for $a,600 a prize shorthorn cow III Canada and has brough t th e animal bome In a spe· c lal car und In charge of two veterln. ary surgeons. It 141 e vide nt that there is money some whe re In the milk and butter bus iness when ,IJrOllc rl y con, ducted.
Every Iypew rltlng machine has un Individuality. says nn expert. We have ooUcefl that some or th em are wretch. ed spellers. In three months la.st year 321 per. lOllS were killed In rullroad accidents. And then wo shudder at the toll of the aeroplane! A New Jersey judge Sill'S dental work Is not a luxury. He was r eferring, no doubt, to the, W:lY a victim feels In II de ntist's chair. Professor Goode wants the coal supply conserved: The' landlord ot YOUr Oat building will subscribe to that doctrine.
SQuie ,lay st eallrig a hot s tove ~Iay he r egl'll'ded as tame and
Imexcltl ng lIeslde stealing the (amit y c hunlt 'o f ra.
, R~"il.v",r, we fear that I hp " r{l slI Not.... oampalgn will not gal:! II \':ho lo . . Jot ur pO\llllarl\y 'lUllong our )'Ottn~el
" .lemont
Qopper F cedins,t Found to b e Best M ethod a s PracUca lly AU o( Feed is in Dry Form- B est F eeds a r e Alway s C heap~st.
, "William," Intc'r rIJPled Miss Anne. Senator Dollive r of Iowa Enjoyed Tel~ "pl eas s it uo wn again. I wont YOII" ing T a le Abou t DIstinguished adv\('c- fo r 1\ f rl nd. You're llO t 1;00 Genera l of Lnte War. Ing to leu v us rl~ht nwa y?" "Oh. 110; I (~ IlU 'ltay tor- tor a lillie Th t' lat H nator Do\1lv r of low. tlm~ . " . cnjo to el t !Iiug thi s s toTY about n, "T!lrcc mOll t hs- four monlhs?" Th~ J o . \Vh cl er, t be dOBblng confederatt gl rl lea n~' (J fnrwn 1'<\ cfl!;f'rly. ('nvulry ornc r, a Ilhlli nguished gen, I \ " ,; , , , ' I Illjif~~4-, "Well , I hard ly thInk so. I wnn t (> TIII of the Spanl sh·AOlerlcan wur a nd :ktliR~1k.. \~\~ I\/{Q'(\~I I?,j',..# to g et ('s labli sbCII IH'fora t he eUUlllIN /"' ~\'" , f th PltlllplJln IIl Sllrro lion, nnd for a IB 100 far ndvulic 'ed." Ion I,: tim a me mbc'r of congress from Style of Hous e U sed by Mr. Mi s hler. "Oh." A [):lUIIC. " SO you 're goInG Al abama . writ s A. J. Wa trous, lie u· Inlo IJ USi11c'S8 '! " n "l'ry Ulull dru\,(>. If thoy have tl'na nt culoll ul U. S. A., reUred, In th e ' II )' Lr. VI :\!ISHLER.) "y ('s; Ih nt Is, t thlnl< so ." \\' 0 hav o fo unll tho bes t III t hod ot to fre d to go to ",1t (,11 IIt(' y fall to \\' ush ln gto n lIt>rultl . " Is that eo Jl r!;u ll ul lhll t yo u dlcJn 't fe ellln g to ho what Is te r m d hoppe r Ihlll pI nl y lI y f raging t b('y wil l gaI n .\1 1'. Doll ive r sa lt! : " I wos passlll g wan t 10 tell me '!" 'I'IJ E' re \ ' US UU 11(" fecIllng. I' ruelle-ull y all Iho fe u Is lu In s lz much fas ter. du y alr,lI b P,'llnsy lvlln!l1 a v e n\1~ th r. usln g ml)htl!Jls on lh e " me." As the chick g ro ws In s lzo th o larg· aft . r wa r WIIS c1 ed n md In 1898 811 d tti o rtry fo rm. For small ch i ks UI> to Dou/-:lnslI ulu Ilot III tempt to answ('r. elgllt WeekR olu we llava ne ver found r s l7.o of chil' ll feed Is u. (.(1. Along nwl 1' lIdc' Joo \\'h l' l(' r. Tbe most 01 "On of my gI rl rrit'nrls lloP::II ·t a n yth ing wh ich will put on mortl nbout ba n ' esl tim w begin to place us a lwa) s n lll ('d LIlli 11nc le Joe. Illid know just what tv do. \\'l llI ll m . You growth l han t he h igh · Io.ss gradcs of \\'h at, whol or rn{'kec\ , In on ll s c· hI' I':IllI pr lik ed It. Uu cle Joe ~ ll d Be , shp's - s b(j's -- In 10\ .' . ' You urI' just thE" UlIl II ( want to tlon of t h I\() PJl!.'T ; In lIuo th e r. t'm k· commercial c hick feed s. "Oh!" mE' to the White Rous~ . 1<'or the first few days I sprlnlda ed curn, in o th er seclio ns. be f· "That' It' was dreu tlfully T101 \1'0 m· the smallest s izes of this C ed LII Ic1!· scrnp!l, 0 'stt'r shells. chnrronl (chlc!k mlttal , " ' l1lililTI . Aren't you lllter· Iy wbere the you ng chi cks ar . so th nt s ize) , nnt! n dry mas h cOlUposcd 0 / ell lcd ?" every lim e llt ey plc:k they ge t Il grain. I) lial ports of bran, mict ullllgs an d " Why. yt's, C'C'rln lnly, Mls8 Anil e." As soon as they b gI n 10 com out· grounll oatil. " W('ll, !lho do es n 't know whet her side t he cooP. which Is In t,wo or till' OllIS III Oll e of tbe he. t ft'etis ona the yo un g ml.n Is- Is In love wlt lJ days. all tho t ed Is placed In bop· CRn gl\'e t:h l ks for grow l h, Imt It III b r or not ." pers made on the s amo ge neral prln· hard II! ge t In li ultnlll e fo rm for fced · "CUIl 't she fell?" In g 10 poultry . One elf tlte best m th· cl ple as our larg r ones. "She ISII 't sure. Sb Ihlnk s he IIk c~ ~Jany furmors neglect to furnish ods Is to s proul IL A lIal1 of ats Is h er, but-" th Ir chicks with meat food , This Is covered with Wll.tl.'r and allow d t o ::'I'S 'l" CBS nUal If one ....'nllts to get t he prop· BO!ik ubout lW\.'Iv hou rs. In wInte r Oh , thE-rc IIro mpllcaUonll. WII· er amount of growth . It Is best Sli P' we use \Val r ",bl('\1 Is heated a nd lI am . he .18 rich . IIn rl ,the ,yo un g mcm I plied In the form ot b ef scraps. Don't just cool ~ nou gh tltat you can b nr Is poo,~ ' I->lte fcpls he s to proud to get a c hcap scrap. Tbo bes t ba lun 'es your bund In It: In '1I 1U1ll r. cold 8P~~;I." the ratio n so Ihat you will ge t th e wall'. Afte r soa kin g, tho oats are 1. b st llosslbla b ne llt from th o graIn pour U Ollt Inl o t rays 'two fcet wlda " W 11. what 15 she going to do! feens . and th reo feel lo ng and two Inl'hea She's-sh e's crl d h erselt t sic p, We pln ce Ulls In th hopper HO tho deep. Th e bl1ll oUls of th ese t rays nre t '~ afrnltl, Ii good many I Lm cs; :lUll ch i ks clln he lp th IU se lv l'R. They uO mado uf gah'nnlzcll on e- rourt \I·lnch· y t the re does n't Bcem to be an y wu y not eat mol'c thM th e y wi1\ n ed. Tbe III s h wlr . en' n, We start a bu k· to mllke him 8Ilca k." William look Ii Th e dark ("'es feed h oppe rs s hould Dot be .allowed elful or Ihe Oll ts e\' ryday pili ng th · up. J to get wet or LIla fecd Is liable t o trays on to p of each olh er until wa gazer1 Inn oc nl Iy nnd p rp lex till' In to hi . s poil. Good hoppers and a li ttle cUl'e have tonr or fil' e. Mennwhilo wo lUus t th o roughly sllr ~,;; n. I 't . J' f 11 " will prevent this. The feed Is a lw ays lere sn nny waY. m a TIl ( • clean and there Is always f cd ready tbe oats In eacb truy e l' er)' day and ' . he Bald. wIth a n un conscious sigh . 'I th ' hi k I h" How wet with wa te r. 'l'h oats Will, no "ll th I It l h 't \\ ,le n e '. s unglY. I:l man las se · respec , e cll n much bel tor th an for the chicks to doubt. ,heat some; and thl makes be 11 fo rtune hunte r. He must m ak e his own way b fore he clln ask th go around balf starved fo r several th em prout fast . bu t If th cy, have 0 girl to be hi s wife." hours a nd then wbe n fced Is fina\1y t end ency to g t 100 hot. cold wa ter "She's thou ght of thnt. too. But It thrown out to them the y w ill gorge CQuid be u ed to k t' p t b m cool. By Ihe fourth or fifth day Ihe sprnulfl are seeme co foolish! They may have to themselv S. walt year s. und- J::row old nnd with. We have often b een able to ge t perhaps on ' ·half to on Inch l o n~ . For s um m I' fe din g whon th e sloc k ered wh il e he makes n lot of mon y from th e baker a lot of stale bread they don't need. Isn't marriage lin (not mold y) . This bread us ua lly sell s ('an get pi lilY or gra!'is th('), will cat eq ual Ila rtn e rsh lp1 Why hasn' t the at half price or less nnd Ij about as the oats r Ildll y Ht thi s slago a nd It "I am A f ralu t-:e Does Not Tak. Wife the ri ght to bring money to the c heap as the l'omme rclal (filicl, feeds , Is as guod II growIng feed as can be KIndly to It." \ union 8S h e r hu sband?" pound for pound. This bread ' Is obtained. Th o s prou lfl nr H' ry good ror ar l), {'hicks fha t an get no g1'OSS, I wunl ). 1I 10 RII Y a good word for mt "From nn Imp rBonal standpOint. soaked In milk nnd then sq u ez d out In fe eding (or ~ rowth aUlI ea rly (10' 10 I'r sid 'nt McKlu l ' .' she has," r p11 d "William, "but If ( dry and r <1 to the chicks avery day " ' 1 nm willing to 0 -,~"","",""~J:""" we re t hnt young ma n I wo ul d fee l or tw o us an extra fe d. 1t Is OIl C ve lopm nt. r e men b r th at lil t' b s t ft' ds ar th 'heap s t, fI~d that plenty wllhln lhc bounds of reason, lJn ch as he fe e ls. He cllnnot In honor' of the best g ro wers one can get speak w1l11 hJs moU ves could be It does no t pay to feed c1leap teeds of clean Ce d of slIc h variety to pro· J ot'. bu t. what do you want me to de mls onstrued. IIer f ri ends would or sparingly If one wants to make duc o a balanced ration , and ple nty of or say ?' .. ' I wa nt TOlT\o ask the pceald III 5ay-" good profit o ut of their poultry. It pur Wil t r. wil l milk YOli lIlore pro fit "Both er h er fri ends! " Mls8 Anne Is a mistake to tb lnk that poultry cnn than If Ih birds a rc scanti ly fNI a ncl 10 mlll<o III a brigudle r general or vol looked conf used when Bhe rPlIllzed pick up Its own living , durin g th e nllow d to s tar lu lilt by (IUarlor:! und unteers aad, send 1lI 0 right to tb £ fron .' the em ph as is sho had put on the earl y s pring mo nth s unless one h as pes t re d hy lice. .. 'Oh. \ :n I ,loe. YOll don 't want t( three-words. but only tor a moment. --.""""''''' ___ ~~_ _._-- __ do HU)' morc IIghling. You nre top old Then she added: "That's tho WUy to Pllcoun t r the ha rdships of a tl\: s he feels. Sb says she has a ti ght H(' I'\' I In thpe. of wnr.' to ber own bapplness, no ma tter ,. 'Th ' I' 18 where you are mlstakou. wha t peopl e th ink or say. She Is Senator Dolliver. I um sUll as lough satlsll ed h e Is not n fortune hunter; UB n Ilin e knot. W1II you go?" that h e Is upri ght and hono rnble. .. 'Of I'ourse I will, Uncle Joe,' nnd and th e man nature Intend d as h er we wout. 1 told PreSident McKlnle) ma te. Why can' t h o be sens ibl e lind "How I've Longed to Call You 'Billy,' wh a t \ IIcle Jo had sj1ld and pu t in speak?" She Said." as AlI'ong on a ppeal as I could ror hi Sho leaned forward In her chaIr, a ppointment. I thought there was u this summ er, or plow for corn ? 'Ve'd he r lips droppin g In childlike por· dUUlvn ess nbout PresIdent MoKinley' better decide. It this weather Is go· plexlty. Douglass ,got up hastil y and Ing to stay." eyes I hut WIlS a llttle unuBual Ilud that backed away. He did no t want to 10le tht're was a tremor In his voIce when Without. the low hills , we re ta· his r a refully acquired grip nnd make he said, 'Oeneneral Wheeler, 1 w\1l king on a tender greenery, and two a fool of himself. That's why he WAS let yOU know In a day or two.' toblnl made Jove under the window. leavin g Thornybrook- to keep from Miss Anne, being . young and whole- making a fool ot hlmseU: He fumblp.d " When we left the White House lome and pretty, was pulsing be- his hat and turned to the door. Uncle Joe was still a JltHe nen·oua. neath the call of spring- and WII. 'I'm .ufr ald . he do es not take klndl), "He co.n't, that's all," declnr~d lIam ·WIlS talking about plowing I to It,' ho said. '1 think he does, tIll Ie DouglasB. When his ham) had clos4!d "Whatever yoU ,think best, WII. on the knob. "It's an Imposslblllly, Joe; ( !Jell eve he w\1l appoint you: Uam." And then, suddenly turning MLBs Anne. It YOU were In his plM" .. ·Senator. I hope so, with uU m\' her dark e yes tull upon him : "What you'd realize--" He stoppe d; he henrt. .lotblng In this wide worl;l did yoU really want to see me abbut, was confusing the other man's cae., could pOfls lbly please me as much 3!1 William?" with his own. to huve tb e right to put on the liu l. Douglass gasped and ftoundered . "Don't you 'I\'ant to know who the fo rm or th e a rmy und lake n pa rt In Then, risin g. he placed a little pac k. girl Is ?" aslted Miss Thornton. un. Lllls wnr.' a ge ot papers In her hand, and said': steadily. 8ho had risen and her f.n· A sImple torm ot seed tester can be over Ute kc rnels and cover with t wo "'Po I 11 thtl 80lemn truth . t hert' wus ".B enJ's n statement ot thlngs-of gers were' Inte rtwined. made with a box two feet by ' th 'ee t~et Inches of JUo\t; ten od earth or sawdust. 11 ualll pness In lilY eyes. and 1 did not YOllr nlOn e y and slocks and your "Why. yes." Douglass som ehow Imd six Inches dee p. FlI1 about half Arler t1v duy s th,e kerneltl may be nlllke UIlY reIlly \ 0 Uncle Jo 's r . farm s. I'm going to-to leave. Miss felt the nam e ot that girl t.o be tho , 1\111 of mois tened sand or sawdust examlne cl tor germination . mll rk . Anne." most Important thing In the world. 1;el1 pre8sed clown so that th e re will .. A few days after that th e pr sl den( 1' he old clock In the hall tick. The robins had ceased their blllll'\g be a smooth s urface. Cover wltb s ~ e llt a lIaldl ot alJpolnlments 'of gen. Fore8try Garden Ing. locked pff ages of silence. Douglass aud cooing to listen. But he fenr~ d white doth th o Rlze ot th e !Jox and , In some ot the agri c ultural lIobools L'ml ll to til senate for confinnatlon, kept his stubhorn glance on the sun. Mi ss Anne's words w.ould be drow/wd rule ott In squ a res half an Inc h ea ch or Wisconsin rcgul a r coursoll In tares. nud In Ih e 'batch appeared th e nanUI shiny landsca pe beyond the broad by the thumping of hl!f hear t. way. Nail tbls over th e box and dis· try and land sca po gardeuln g ll.\'e of Ilnr- le Joe as a ma jor general of window. Miss Anne studied the top "It'e-It's-" Il e r voi ce di e d awn ", tribute lhe kern els from the different tnught. The IIc hool grounds w ill ho yolunteel's, II hi ghe r rank than ho of her Jlttle slipper. And then It began aga in, broke and enrs to be tested. Lay another cloth In.ld o ut (Uld planted by students. bad asked fo r , , "Going away." sh e said at last. as wen t on to a trl u m phan t con c1usl on : ~"'''''''''''''___.-J''''''''''__''''''''''''_'''''''''''''-'''___'''''''''''''",~""___""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. As you knolV, lhose were ~lrr)'lni It to he rselt. "You are really going "Oh. Billy. you stupid, stupid boy! tim es. \ Tn lCl Joe rus hed aroun(l aud lo leav e us! Why, William?" It's- It ·s Ann e Thornton!" after th e mille given. ' Give the calv el J.:o t hi s unirprm as 800n flS Possi ble " It·s a private maltel·. I'd- well n little good alfalfa bay. Do not de- was given a division to command. IIntl Douglass sta red unb elieVingly. ' saw l'd rather not say. Miss Anne." • In her (ace what h e hart n eve r darnd pend upon drn gs, but rely upon cleau. he lved. to win glory for the Ameri caI' "Is It salary, William? You know to hope ' to Bee and droppcd his hilt. \Il1 ells. freshl y COOked milk and fro- army nnd t he American nallon. both ('ve tried to make yOU take more." He rU8hed bock,. qut'nt c hanging of the ca lt penB. It In Cuba ;t nd In the Pblllppine Islonrt., ,, "No," returned DOllglaG6, d'e clded. The nex t mom e nt she WliB In his How LItUe ADtJnal Should be It! well to encourage the eating of !y. "I'm paid more than ('m wonh, anns! halr·laughlng nnd hlllf·cryi ng. grain and hay a A mn ch us possible for Treated aDd What to FelldProspective Value of the War, nO\1,.." Druaa Should Not be "Ho I've longed' to call you ·BlI· tlle calf does no t begin to ruminate An offi cer trom l..oulsville led ollC ot "But )'ou'ye done splendidly Wil- Iy!' " she said. DepeDded ODe until It has solid food In Its BtOIn. Ro secrans' regiments Into battle, bls liam. When we hired yoU as 'mana: "And how I've longed to c all YOU ach. supe rior having been cal1!ld to otbe\' ger. mother and 1 had no Iden of bur. -da rling!" said he. l!.uty. In the, advance thle man's Bon (By R. O . W EA T HERS1'ONF..) denlng you with our tlnanchll affairs Food for POUltry. fel1 by It. confederate buliet. The tatber too. And now we're depending o~ Infectious dlarrboea Is quite dlffi· Expecting Too ~uch. you to make our Investments." cult to eliminate from a place. New· , E,'er,' month during the winter soa. S3 w 'II Im fall. but could not stop to cure "I thought you enid that the furnace ly born calves should be removed son the poultry building s houlll be 'well for him. Narrntlng the clrouDultance "It's all right, Miss Anne. I've you sold me would heat e\'er}' room shortly atter birth to a lot or pen a8 supplie d wltb ('lean StTO":, leaves or th-9 be,rt'a,'ed fattier said, wi th' Ch ' Uked to do It." "Uncle Robert says YOu've made us In my house." hollered the man wltb far as possible from all I~rected cal- litter of Rome kind. Into whloh thl teal's tas t fu11illg from his eyes: " ~y boy, yOU know, Is gone: I WIi S richer than ever. And a share ot the blue fingers. RS he threw himself ve.. Feed boiled fresh milk, Imme· feed Is thrown In the morning to kee p .. . In t.emporary command of. ~ the regl·· that Is yours- " , . into the tlnner's flhop. dlately atter blrt~ tie the nan: ".)ord t,he he ns busy. The Cowls w ill .need plenty of greeu ment, and as we were Pres.l·ng on' r ' "I did. and It will." retorted the three Inches helow the abdomql .\·It.! "No," said 'Douglass, and he meant It. "It Isn't money." , ' proprietor. who withdrew behind hla a strong cord' that )las been bo~d; Iltutr rrom. DOW until gras!! (~ om eB-C el . saw my boy faU. I could ; not· tur~ "I'm lorrY," laId Miss Thornton counter for satety and grapsed a hnm. then cut off the cord below thl! knot er, tops, cabbage! cnt clover or gronnlS back to him . so' l ss'l d to a · soldlel' ; 'Look 'to Johnny,' an4 went . op, a'nll plalnt,l"eJ,.. "We'vo been . very happy m e r tor defense. "but the trouble with one-half Inch and "prinkle over the "lfnlfll. They must havo some ' meat subsU. we did tho, work- we went to do.;' fogeth-" Tr William had" not been yOU is YOIl have been t!'ylng to 'make: remaln'lng cord 0... 4 belly Borne of ·:Do· YOIl sUll hold to. the Idea ' yoU" 10 bUllY wat<:hlng the ' love.making the furna ce heat ali , the I'oome at' Ulls: Tannic acid, olt-e ounce; boric. tut ~ tor the WOl'roB and bugs which roblnl he would have noUced a little once!' acid one ounce; lodl(ol'n. two drams they will get on the range later~beeJ expr ssed whe n, you and 1 talked over blush t1.ng~ hlB employer'B , chtle1ts a8 well: . For the ca~"'es alread'y sc ra ~, green cut bone Or ment 1lleal. the questions of this .war ' Wore? Do .he lIubltltUted: "Everythlng'(I been you re~l now as yoU dId then 7" Accepted. Inf~cted ., keep them awa)~ 'trom all 10 harmonIous." "Certainly; 1 feel we aJ'e doing tbll "The position ' requlr.es a hlgb "e ,. others. ('bange their pen often and Healthy Ch'cks. "I know, MIss' Anne. ' ' Thai's what gree of courage. We must know that clean out ,aU the old pens frequently. Keep the chloks scratcJ:ling III 481" WOrk for ourselves' and chUclren, aDd make. It hard to go, 1 never cAD you Jlo~Ses8 1t~" for thoso. who are to come after u.: Of Kee'p the calves 'In olean, dry Illaces. light and sleeping stretohed out ~ank ),ou tor 10ur IdndD.... Tho•• "Well, sIr, I ran a m01'lo • . ploture Give only fresh, boiled milk-whole night, and the moat ~fficult problem GI coursll. 1 am very sad, but the ca&1se "spera will dll,l aln tbJDp w 'tll. Dew show tor six months (a a coli.... or .kimmed-aDd • Uttle ,bene4 cona poultr7"ralllq .... bee .oInt. . Is jus~ 'toe Hllm'8 •• beto,.....-onlJ 1110';. ' mlln .'" Incrl'd ·.haD I'vf!r." tOWII."
Wllllllm Dougla ss, manager of Thorn ybrook. sl rode to lhe t lellhon e limes. A lovely Bnd rang threo voice. with a li lLIe yawn In It. an· Iwe red. "May I lice you a fcw mom(>nts . Miss Anne?" Que ri ed Douglass. '' It's a malle r ot Importan ce." " Yes, William," returned the luve ly voice. "Come ri ght o"er." Anne Thonl ton, owner of Thorny· brook. a wa ited the ma nager In a sun·flooded room In lhe handsom old house. Miss Thornton was good to look upon. In a rumed. trailing morning gow n, and wlhl d wy Cycs that looked fort h content edly on II pl easant world. s he WIIS r av ishing. Or so thou ght William Douglass, anyway. William wus In love with his employer. His hom ely, trustworthy fa ce was pale and his eyes w re dark·C\ln~ed. He had not slept mil ch for two nights trying to decide on just what he was gOing to say. Now he (ou nd his speech c uriousl y hard to. delive r. "Miss Anne ," he began. "Yell," encou raged Mi ss Ann e, . In a tone of vo ice she r eserved (or Douglass alone. "I am golng-I have decldcd- th at Is, we--you have a cha nce to buy some more s tock of lhe Du QUOin NaUonal bank." "Well. what do you t hin k ot It?" "1t Is II. good bu y." W l11I nm . on familiar g round, was not em barrlUlsed now. "Th e bank's well m a naged lind Is ma king money. " "'rhen buy It, Willi a m. You know I trust all those things to you. any· way." The unbappy Will ia m perspired. "That's what I cam!:! to see you abom. r've--I've been thlnltlng about the back farm. Shall we pasture It agaLn
Practical Fashions KEEP RESINOL OINT·
Thanks-giving and Love - Gett ing
thePJ ctu re JQ ue Isaac A.. Mannin
And' Keep It Where You Can Put Your Hand on It at a Momen t'e Notice. .
Tb e prompt appli cation of Roslao! olntmcn t to burns or scalds will noC :lVE) ' IS the gre atest trcas ure only Boothe and henl but prevent th& lifo ('a n y ie ld to soy human forru ullon of dlsH g urlng scnrs. Realbeing. becnuse the most nol ointmen t 18 the grea test of all va l uab lo thing that an y emerge ncy re m e di es ror home use. m an possess e s or can POB' It Is tb A be st dress Ing sess III blm self. and tho for cuts. wound s an d a hrnslon s of the skin o~ vnlue of th at m ost vnluabl e pos· IIn y kInd . I l Is U B]loelfic fo r varloull B s s lun dopends u pon t he qua ill y of It. forms of enlllUv o ski n disease s. ec· 1.0\'0 18 the force tbat en larges a nd !lem a, t · lt C I' . h e rp es , erythem a, ring. en rte1lp3 hu man na turo nnu makes a WOI'Ill . 'hurb er 's Itl' h . erysipe las. polson. ma n a t retl611re t o hIms e lf." Ivy . t! t ln (;;; of Ins pcts. e tc. Re slnol "Ue lovetl . let U8 l ove ono a n othcr" slope It c hin g In510 1l11 ),. atHl Is tbe InBill'S J ollU . " Co r lov e Is oC Go d ; au'd d lcnto.1 l' marl y for itchi n g plies. pv 1')'0£1 0 thnt lo\' tll Is b ego tte n ot R csltlOl olu l m lit (,Olllllln B II.) harm~ (lod , nll d know eth (l0(\. Jl e thn t lovdoubt lite m ill< lI.alh.;nu <l fit\. POI!!OIlOIt R or Irrl tatlug In g rc dle n t. elh tlot l( flOWelll not (jod ; tor God Is Ilort of a ll nulh 1\llI c ril'a Is R es l nol soup Is n. he alin g I\S \\'e ll as It. love." 'iVo b oc-orne God -Ilko Ih e r eforo La Guulrn In \ \' l w~ \lI'IIl . (']e fllls!n ~ l'O mrloIl IHI.' II l1d s hou ld bcJ III Ilrnporti o n liB we Ico rn 10 love. Is nol th worst pIn. f' In 11](' us.-d wh n It Cl'ssn ry In (!o njlln ctlon. Bu t tit lovo whl cb brin gs UB In to world, ye t a ~"Iltl l'nl:\ n f ' nt with Heslnol closer reln ointm nl.. tlonR wIth HOB lllol God Is not moro out by u d £' part " " 'lI t of Ill., comes III o pa l jars at nfl y ecn ts and nll turn l ntl'er Uon for Iho se w ho IOV6 nlled Stntes govl>rulO (l lI t to l'u l1 f'cl I on dollar. A t a ll c ~ u j:;g I R t R. Resinol UB In re turn. "If ye lo\' o th e m thnt 5189 II:rorma tion l'ec('n lly n r rl v.'d JUSI II' I lovo you. whnt r ewn rd llave ye?" Th r o is no Illalu el' waitlt I hun thll!. Chc mlcal CO .. Uo.ltlmo re. Md. tim e. by runulnll' . to IIl nk ('lJ nnf't: UlJn t; I J esu8 Rs kell. "do n o t eve n l he pu bll- Ilnll yet It hRH th e lalt's l novelty In with the train for Cam(':I». HIHI dr. I (,u 118 h SR me ?" " Lov e your e nemi es, Ih r \lpn suul cut of tll n !lhllllld e r, wher e The P ro gr ess of Music_ \larUng Wtmt out wltll th c' ~ all1 f' Si ll "" \. and pray fo r tb cm tbat persecu te botly li nd s l ee v,~ a r e In one. To 1011 1( 11 A Ge rlllan ha k ~ r In \ I'S I I'b l lad el· In respo ns to th e questlllU (J~ 10 hi s YOU," Th e IOV6 th a t e nn o bl s a m ll n lh e 1It1lng or 1 ho wa ist usr a goro ph la hus " yo n ~ bOll ful who Is beobject in n eg l(lcUn(; rO IIlIIl' ·r<:l:.I (,011 ' 1 ,HUons of tbls port. h ' Slittl h" wa H Is tho love t hnt h' ads bl m to mnke Is plal'ed und e r tbe Ilrru 111 tb e wal lli glllll ln(; In yu uth t he sl ud y of th e vlo1 I L a (;"a lra \l'a s Ih" 1'1., ' 11 ' of tbr In · t.old to "avo Id L3 Gllal m, b'!la Il H 110 6tlc rlfl '(,B thnt others may b e he lped IIn ll it oh;n fo ll ows t he und r s id !) o f lin. 1-10 ln kes w(l(' Ic1y lesso ns Bnd t he \' n ll""' n H i n 1' 1' IIlIl n: ' o( lil I' cOI1:, plrmnn could end ure Ill! lI £'!l l; I wus flf'S' I pllrt' lI ts m 't! srt n!':ulu of h lH becomlu g a lOI'H 1)1' I iiI' \':\1'1(111'< 1lI1'\'(' n!l'lItS IJ(, ' u r h"l1!'n l['d , th e lovn thnt tell c hc s th o aleove to I h very <' urr. 'fhuB tit re tllent1a l." Muny pcoplt, lin In l.i, I 11\'1'1 '11 17!1I; nlit! I h' fI",, 1 1111'0\\'111 1; orr hi m to sympatb lze wlLh olliN peo ple Is IIU bUll cil of m a tC' r\1l1 IIn ,ler th e a rm , a g r eat muslda n , Gualra nil tholr IIv os. u nll I kU 11 1V a A fri e nd s l1'olletl In(o th e bn.kesho t) Ther!! ts a SOH III down lite cnter o f I l)f SJlnlli ~ h d Ollll nltJl1. In I 10, l,ad tht' In thc lr wl' nk ll osses nnd fa il ures. numb e r who I\r 1I0l I1E'aJ yt'l . Th c tb ~ oth e r ua y !llld InquIred of t hll I li n blll'k Drawn a nd th tty e c Love. los In g If! in th l e 'I cen I'lll"ll'al ' dlln g"o Tl li \\ nt'l c t ht':; prt ,,· lloetry a rormer Am e rl no ('un.H aI ona~ H ow ran t hlR 10 \' e b o acqu ired? t{·1' o f Iho fro nt. Thll H th e r e a r ~ no g nl a l G 'nlllln wllltt progr c8s tho bo)' 1 1IIll'l'h "1'1'(' li 'lll IIlH lp r th t' tit l' !.:.'I,"droppc d Into" entlil e d "_\ dl .. . tn til ' " On ly br Christ. II I') k nows all auo ut It \'er y lar ~ t' pi COB t.o cu t anrl ordInar y was m altIn g . "I'll I' th l' .~I':I \l'illl. T IJI 'Y ha n' b l'f''' J ,II Guulru ." Is yet 1\ f lUlwUt! to xt "11 0 prelty t:!;oo rl g ts a l o ll ~: ' ('I\ me U P rHE ~ "-.F 1I1 s gr ell t wltllh ll nf m ate rl nl will SlIfJ\ CU. d '~ l l'Oy, 'd III lall'l' .Y(·llrH , alt hou gh ttw nUrI Is \, I('adi u' r e I' ),0 11. t ~()C(l wbo do 1I 0t r eall y kno w t h ' · Si lk. H!ltln. IIn on. pongee. mnllrns. t he ba k l'r's nss llrln ~ nns w r. wllh a n cu. 4 \ II lItllll" t3 .. r ~ "IIlI ' ,,1 I hI" , II I l'fllH'I'H lIIay b ' I1rt Y -Slrtls ro r }·ou . H \ ' Ill not fo r ia d . \, ., M" ' II In t Ill' II' '10, wlllt- h Kl't' P J l' Bu ll you. I) n 'll l ti ll ll Otll I' wa h m at 1'1::1 19 will clevntio ll o r lit ' c hI n und a Bwelllng P ce, an Olay () e It \V llt' \\ 1'1':'(: wll l' n \\ bl'lI I It · I ropic I' III!' " OIUI' dOl\'n t 11 " . • ' . ' . ch 's l. " Il l" plllY 'I\ OI n<', Sw eet 1I 0mo' ~~onsul Bird "noP PO(1 hiS wll1f;tI" a.buul .WI'\'l~ ,xt:l! lI ou t ly lUI' 1;1' .. ' Ollw - <"o m e-cO!lH '!" h,' t; lIl ln '" - • ((I I' tltl H wah, \, 1 11 111< , 11 11 (1 ,,;. l,lIalrn ''I'l' l'ic \\'lIblll Itl< 1.II 'd . l ts "calles" nnd " pt;lperln ,;." And Ihey r om t'o Allrl thev Tile pa ll ' l'n (5 1 9) 1>1 rut In &Iz 8 32 wit h s ll t'h SWl"ct n ess lhat mak ell you lh orO Il ,.; hl arc:" for bllrros alit! foul lias. I ,\ 1111111 ;: I h'" olel Ul)'lO1'1 I! I'o lnt s It til common t'.rrOllb comnt r clll i s"II~el''' ut 01lJ('1' tl Jo'lIllerlnIld_ And, by in Ilt l' sflw duBt-"G Ol.l's '~nw du s t tn I:! In C'h c!; bll ~ t meas ure. l\1 (llum ,,;Is\l for th lll '''. I l(> re~ Llu ;.; to Ill £' 1I1 0d " I'n Sllllll'lIt u nl \\I;,NP ~o lly. yuu oll g ht to b ear h im pIny tray I 1'8 , s peclnlly fl' 10 lhl' P ull c r! III brus h a fi. " 'jzr' 1" ~ ' l lIll'es ~~{, yards of 3G In c h ma· La ,1If1lm \\!1 1l cl:ilablhdl<' II olll.III ' Il'IInl " I. \lu lh lug ftC'( ' CU li 10 III qulti' thnt ·N I·nrer. Illy Go d. to Yo u.''' StJ.\\eB, tornllt nnd fIlve a t La C;\Ia h'I\'~ i'ol'all ~~ll!;l y with Il'rllll: 11 re woo nn 0111 mlln wit h th Iltl' lot';\t!ult I,r t I... ~',' WIII' llIy r "tlf.' u tion n!l tlf{' h Olls l' /lmnto lind co ndill o ns. lIut t h!' <"I I, eaplla l of \' lIewe 11110\\'8 or m ' '''Y wllttl' rn dn his bow ed la lit ('''!'U('fl • up to 'Ih l 'h nl)w ol',' lIjJl's i h·· t,< !t,. III 1I1 IIrnrouro llll. pal ('rio ~ (' nll 10 ('cnta . mllte or La Gun.ira Is ('ully n ~ ag1'1 ,(.. II'hl (' h periud . Ill s 1'al'o W:\g r, ~. lIl l.' d w ith ha rd t oTo"l'...l Lh prin clpitl ' nu'Y pO l'! DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA :~I'd"" '" \\'h ' 1'. , 1i\· ·lI . til ' ;o;p".uh,h r:o~' hIl p:Jd lt ..'rn n, p a rt III l'n l. " lJ ( I h is p apdr able, as one Ond s nl nllY Jl o rt IJ f t Ill' huu 11' ' n fal·tltor rlPs of y etiI' o r bI tt rness. ICl Ih " I\' ,.·t wl\l'd. Ih(' e.1Il "r, :' 0 Uldl)' .~I ';;I'l'I bli d III h.1 ~."s \~'}· n h ou r " '1'1 1,· lit'nl O !lnd ," I.trl'"8 pl .. ln!)·. und b~ :I be·fo r e h hod tried 10 pl'e r In to the su rf! t o give slzu u nd nUlnbc.r of v u tt e r n . " Our Hili boy GII() lIame latltud . Tbey 'Il uk fro m a \lrl n Ip a l cc n t r of Illc cl)lInll'Y ()ill ~ f,lmOll~ L)lIll le. \\ " ,;t wanl 11 0 . ol't was ,trouble d r I", flllur o bu t coul t! sre nolhlllg day's eXI)tlrle nce ; 1 wrlle fru Ul n v ' l' a "nl clI cla. a rD ens llu \,lllg lJl'l'n'~ Iau' nlll 1!(1I1S1' W Ll" \1ol' t1>l1ly d~;;Iroy( with O{·W lIlo. wben b ut n. f w weeka hil t c ha o s '(l L~ y n,.'~ C<lntinuo us r esldl'rl ' • IlIiU It Id II h d. howo \'~ r, Olltl col'l nll;h . C\OIl' there h a d COIllO old . His IItU fu co was ' 0'" r d with. III Hili/. II. bl.'C lIU le til l' tt'lTl bl e urlllq u; kl' wl~lch alJ~ tl ml s!' 'pros IIted . It Is nn Ol'rval\n g II 'C SBitry tu fiud N'o . 51 89. SIZE .. .......... .... . sores yen to uack o r hi s en rs 'fhe. n n 't\!'I' r sen ClllI. n.lllIo~1 Ih e loUd II p· t ruc lO ll of La In to hI!; hart. lIke t i) e ghuld e ulng climate {or a no"'b ern Dlttn If h o sla 'S [II'C' 1I 0 11 , nnd I\ssuml \l~ tlmt tb jill' Gualra , '011'0 Il~ . !Iu d uthcr Cll l s of SOIlt; of ~pl'lng. a wond r rul promise . NA!ltE .......... . .......... ....... . ......... . ' \ poo r lIlllo fl' l1 ow s u ff el'ed v ry' much. too long:, but It Is de ll clonB at tim \ Dy lltl,l Bld o Btrocle a lillg 11 'a<llalld of np c Ilhlll 0, wlli d l ;.'11 'ZI~~ la Oil Ii Th sores b Oglln as pimpleB, hIs lit. b Rr d l '6S ol y ·l'h lll'15day . Mar 1I sn d rarely s voro. TOWN .......... ....... . .......... .......... . h'l' fOl'mij a c Il s ld,' l·ttbl e ul g h t, _G. 1 1-. hu t the j)l'el<ellt youlh . I fo wor a GI' k lett- r fraUe fae .Jwas di llngur ed "V ry much : 51,1' 1 I lll r . r c· ' ''Ilh k t tT woulll otTe r protecll ull to s hillS thl g hu i1l Oil th e old W o bnrdly kn w wh a l h o lo oked lIlie. .. a r mar [uu lI(\:tllo nH, l!l evl· t roity pin . H wns a coll ege man STREET AND NO ........ . .... . ....... .. varlet f Itse 0 d ri ng a , lInll' l Ing wa s Ullld. · tlt o 1 01'1 , .. to n II y 6.'1111 II Cronl 1\ C'hrlstla n bome. whoso early In 1 The £u.co l ook ed lIle raW' m eal. We .. ar yo ru COIl :llr U ,t I un lint I lUI vegetab les. many . ' I rnin ll1 l; had h en th e b B't. But he rurm to th oth er STATE . .. . ........ .. .......... .... . ....... .. f them uot IIs unlly found In l rop[('a l ti ed little bags ot cloth . over ' hi s It Is dl t; ta ut ov I' lIl e mo uilla in fi uu t ports; with d Heious tr s h fis b rlully, eig ht nill s fro m . hnd r1rlflecl out Il1to th e gre nt o cean hands to prevent blm from Bcratch lng, Caracas . 'l'h SvuuThc garde ns. t h l' n ag ,,;.\'l'IUonttl, und othe r commod lUos n ot for m rly la rds cons lrur.ted He was v ry resti ss at night, hilt n brldl , pn th over a nd th .. g1'll\" ,1 ' 0 \\' 1', lIt Il'au lllg f rom of self·m r!ul gcn ce. on the sbores of ~ be had, tHe Is not alt g t h or un. t ho hills 10 thul c ll y. wltll tbe n ' V~: WITH NINE GORES . wbl c h 11 0 the w r ck s or thousan ds or lILtle face Ilched. t.h e Ii as hore'. :1r' 110 1't' o r l e~>I us tbl'Y pleasan t,o.s Dlany s eo m lo thInk. yo un g \I v B , and ove r Lho angry bll· fnhlflg cob hleston s fO l'l nlng tb e bed , 1l\\l8t 111\ \'(' llcc n "We consult ed two doctors at Chi· w he t. the Am yas lows ot Situated at the bas and ou th e Ove r It th e armam whI ch are hideo us derelict s rago, wh ero we r esided at tbat time. e nt , IIUlU1un ltion L e igh of the stor y caUl with hi s drIfting . Ho had Bee n la gge d edgos of cliffs or Itlgl 'd and m e r chandis e of t hi s ItnllortHflt h rol h e r F·rank. the beacon After trying all the m e dicine or tho who s oug1t t hl H lady li ght. H e b nd lUounla lns which ri se almo tl. d~~ggLlY Bet hill hand to th'l! aplla l w~r trnn spor t · d fo r many h or e, only to find two doctors without o.ny r esult, wt) the "nOBe of 'ror· ,_,~ the breakin g surt of t he '1\I'Ib. ~. [11'8. 111 1796 tbe klllg of Spa.ID wbeel 8.nd was stoerlng Into the read of tbe Cutlcur a Remedi es, and at. uu· rld gtl " i ll \lossoss lnu of hI!> (,Dew y , b ean Sea to an ele vation of fra il 4000 thorlz d the OOIls once bougbt tbe CuUcllra . Soap and lrunlon of a cal·t Don (j1l 7. lIIal1 i\larla Magdal e no Soto- haven . to 0,000 (eet, lI S loontlol l I.s xt:el~elY nrol nd from La Gualm Saved by God'. Work. Ointme nt. Followi ng tbe directio ns to nmeas and m ayor de Sotl), Th' boulle Btlln a ll to pictures que . Tb town Is di vided Into "God blesB you, my boy." Doctor so the Improve m ent of L a Gllnlra th carefull y and promptl y we saw the rea tward of LI\ qualm proper, on Chapma n h ad Been him and thl'ee or rou r villages of ' hl b L (Jort, bllt tb work wa s ahandon d. a n e mln e nc ovel'luo he took sult, and o.ft.er tour weeks the dear klng II.we h of th Oualra proper Is the ~ent his banrl. His r ejoi cing could not stretcl~ ho authorl tl's at 'arncns fea ring It lown chUd's tace was 8.S fine and clean aa and c omman ding Illl exce ll nt havo b tn ..along th....!! narrow sh ciC at th e base \~OUld s impl y (acllllnt een more sInce re had tbe yo uth any little baby's tace. Everyo ne whl) a ecells of Ih elr vi e w 01' th e h a rbo r. Th l.' Macuto s team or tho , bills for a dis tance of f II' b ee n bls own s on . ene mi es to th e l·Rlllla!. Thi s was con- trn\Uwn y a nd th 8aw Gllh e rt arte r usIng the Cutlcur a tl I e elect ri c IIShlH ar c Ol or stl'ucte d Int 1' . bowe ve r They . we r o " settling It with their a bou l th on ly thin gs o no flnd ~ n ea Re medies wns surprl8e d. He bas a ve m les , ncompa sBlng Malqu tla on r O. . moth e rs' J It s uffi ci ently blzar r l' 10 destroy Ih ' sus." the we st amI th e Ven 'zueltm, Hilde u head of balr wb Icb Is 11 pride roJ' aD.l" _ sorlu VIII gas Is sa id to huv been Baden , ycl e pt Maculo, o n tll T hen Ernest Nartzgc r began ousl. r, 51lonslb le for tbe to fo u nd n llon of La cU lw e lt of harld ng ua uk to thllt ('arll c boy ot his nge, three years. We can ..n .. l I r tI 11111\,1 . for In lillI e e ls Is Lbe ImOle· !lIng "Memor i es ot ?foth c r." H e bad It It were "Out W es l" I wou ld s urely ,tla I'll, or 1'1\ l e r f only r eeomm l~nd the CuticlJr a Re me0 a Ilo r t ulong dla: e "WO II O I I!un g the Im n!; s co r eB 0: times b e fore d bo nlckna m e ll "Strlng t()wn " b t It thi s h Ullledln le die s to eve rybody. " (S igned) Mrs. H. shore. Here W lt ll of· lange . g Ives bom es a nd mploY lll ul'l t t~1 ten f '.r od e\,e l'y fa cllll sln C'e th b .g lnnlng of the great evanY fo r d cfemlo, ()ut. Albre cht. llox 8S:!, W es t Point, Ne b_. Th ere arc t h ree tl'nll s 0 \' r th or twelve tbollsnn d sou ls. ge li s ti c ca m po lg n In hl co go. but thi;; 11',llbal, sc vl' ra l yea rs f1fwl' li s s tt lp- 1II0u ll t1\ ln lead in Oct. 26. 1910. g fro lll I. a Gllnl r a III II I '\ lIIhI H PI' SIOII , who IIC(,O IllPi! ' Cal'n(' n ~ h y will ch o nl' lIla y l'\:'ac h tbto£' tlmo the m e lod y eal'l' led a n ew m Q &Scnd to Potter Drug & Ohem . Corp., The t.own s of La Gualra nu d l ul- nl d Sir F'l'lIl1 t'1S Dmkc , Il1n dl) d at capit snge. Th e g r ea t bariton e looked down a l 1111 h o r!'t'lHIl'k in fo ur o r tiV I' Bol e props" Dos ton. Mass., for free 32· quetfa dllTor but IIl0 on the Im eelln g I hroug . and he was fro m 01 h er ~1 f1cul o Rn d I d 'IOU IUNI o ver a hid . huur s . Ill'(''' lIt1l1!: ,I. las o page book. a guIde to aWn an d hair. f cXfju lslt e panl$h lOwns. with cobbl 't:;[on e- tlru t l'3 II, gu ltlerl lIy A Spnn ls b pr ls. U 11nty. '1'11<' 1Uo~t Iii ·ttl r squI' pruu. lo~ ehe d a s he I.Hld neve r been tou cll ed hea lth. pave d streets. opening o ut fi t unex- 0 11 I' nam ed VII\ UIHII·do. nnd \\'hl le th e n ~ y If. \'ill li allp " n . II 6tna ll ylll np! 111 h t'loro In hI s li fe. h o so ld a!te rwaru ll, pecled corners In to coo l·luo king parks Spanish Iroolls Ilf f1 r u 'as awaited by th e w ond rou s lI (,Ss of t be IIccn o en· True to He r Nature. till' Il n I ' vati()l1 of :thou ' 3.0(10 fee l. frolll 1\8 s urprl slug nnd wc lco llJ :to oa Kes 1~ 1I f'! li sh 011 I.h o atah ll h ed 1<ln g's w il lch Cnl'a clI s all l he o ne l> ld e nnl! a teel th oro before h Im . l\Iau d- lJlcJ lUll lIe lll' tlle n ews? ' In a desert·. 'I'll str eets 111'0 fla il k ' d hI ghw ay. Pr(,s to n apJl en l' ·t1 within T ('ars I'ome Into bl s eyes_ HIs lItllrlge lI ns e lopea. t.hllL lh Caribbe an ~ tl o n tb e oHl er ar l" b y brick or adobo stll e(;o d buuses of cit y, \V h e\' , li p cnrri(!t1 to \'ol ce t l·cmhl cd. but t h o Inspirat ion of .Ia clc - ~Inrl gc 0 11 IIYs was a ntghty compl teo \'l s l() I'. on e OJ' t.wo tl torl e!; : th e frollL rooms ncst! th lI s lIal CIIslotll H of th If 1\ woman Is at al\ s lout. or Ir Shl 60r t or a g irl. ga y Tb l' a rn cas 1" II way o ff ' rfl a l 0 a th s co n o l e n t a n ew zea l Itl his sing· f reque ntly s I'vllt a s gIlOIHI. sto r es 01' UII C'o n e r. He tlten mnd e hi s w'ny mo sl d ' li gh tful trip, rI s In g lo nn (' Ic- In g. Ther w as d ee p e:' lon gl ug ex· Is u s ln!; n a rrow mnte rlal s uch as taf_' "pulp£>rlas" for tbo _ sal oC fr~lts, bnelt to hIs slJlps. ' sca plng fe tas, for Im; t l1 nee. ~ h o ' will do well F or a rl isortler ' d !lvl'r, tnke Qarficld Tea,. with tb e \' a Uon of 3,!: OO f(' L in :11 m il s of dl ·· prossed In bls eyery tou o. vegotab les, ma t.che. , beer. wln £'s, 1.Jooty and ,,,illl t ll o loss of but lo Hele ' t a sld!' t of mnny gores. Tbo Ihe lI ert. laxal ivl' . All druggists . fc w tah oe. It is 1I s ll c .. e~sl on of s hartl " ( moth r, wh ~n Ihl nk or Ih06 liquors, and highly colore d C OltOIl~ m e n , ntlmero us lines form ed b y tlle seaots c un es nnd te ' P gr ad es, nud n s It ''1'1. bul. n OI l'" tor Cnlvn ry. • Ilnd a\par~lltu s . tho r or ruom s 0.\)(1 Tlie bU!l ies t tbln!;;' In the world .. g l\'o an ap pea run ce o f sleml a l'll ess to FI'r. n h plmtcs und I' ono M. Gralll- c llmlls th e m ou nt a In Tllv g,'lIt lo h01ll1 upo n nl\' b row s ide on<' t!n colln· I !i ) eurling m " Lo l l! U9 n tiw. second storlcs b eing th e I\ vl ng rOO lllll mon t foullli LII Guulra {'asy Idl e c urIos ity. I h. ~ ng llro lind th e n umue r of gor es pre y In te l'S s(~ 'n ry rnl'O In It >; \'nrl '·ty. Tb ' ': m ('" mln g h n m E' J toy s in beset. ot tbo Cnmlll S . does away with il lcclng In narrow 16 0; bllt th e Dut-'lI (in liO:!) ami th e s ea , th o haruur. t· "'It' J 1' 8 11 S 10 \ '('" rnl" f\, 'P Il y o t. Ow town s of ~I )' rn o lll l' l"~ III"" ltrlllf(s homo t o m e La Gua lra Is tb e pl'lu clpol p o rt of English na\'ol forc es (\n 1739 . an d wldlh ;,(0009. (.unlra 'and 1\'I "lque tla, and tb e flat T ho Greu l e r lo vo r tit Cu.h· nry.' uorther n Venozu ela. nnd tho port of 1H~) w e r e drlv n Off. tho fortlft n· plahHI The uklrt pictured hns th e gor es arof Cuo Ulau 0 III' C far heluw , IngresR aud egress fo r the caplto.l. tiOItS at La Gulnl'll by thut !Ime hav- ColT Thousa nds of peopl e hal'e bowed ra ng ed so that ench on e la lls a littl e e lll nntn t lon s nrc pass ed. nnd Caracas . th e " Paris of South Amer · Ing nstlum ed con s lderublo proport ions. groves th ei r heads nnd We pt a s Mr. Naftzge r over th e O:lll hack of Il, whi c h bUll the of h a nana trees "'Ily e In tb e ica," with which It ls con n ecte d with The y we r e st rong because of tll plr Iweeze. bas s ung tllat so n~ by Hob c rt Hark· cdgtl drawn In a 111 ti e. so thut th e ef· The IIn c croo ps aruunu tb a wonder fully sce nic and plct urosque comman ding position s on the hills precipit ous c llrr~ of m noquoro n . wltb nes s. But ns h e s a ng It there waR feet Is or a box·plal ted skirt. stllc hed We tell you abou t bow good you'D railway . It e njoys 11 large Import and overloo king to wn und hUI·bor. th o hom es of gontherdR and Callary BCJ\·r cely .u dry eye In tbe tnberna cle down a t the upp e r part. ')' hl s Is one t cel afte r taking 1\ CASOA RETexport trade, with nn avornge of 20 which was fill ed with all manner or of I he beHt lilted at recen t Il tyl e a. The rc ar e In I1bsolul e ruin nnll Is lllnd tru cl( [arme l's In the gulli us far that millions of people- buy, US" Hb lps engnged In inte rnationa l com · abandon all tb e bills above La Gualra Blleb materia ls as tn tretas or other b e low , Th c mnjest Ic mounta in s tower m en ·- r epr esentatl ve of nearly 6V~ry and r ecomme nd the m-But that's merce making It n port of c all month- wbat wcro no do ubt w el\-arm -:od bat- high nnrrolV goods and also linen , pOIIgoe , talk- you bill! a box now-ta ke as ubov . and ca nyo ns s t l' tcb out s t ratum ot buman soc iety. ly, whil e th ~ coastwi se s nilln g craft, terl es to the numb e r of si x or se ven, pauama and gingham can a ll l.J o used dIrected to-1LIght IUld gilt tbe proof benel1lh wltb thread·l Ike rlvul<'l s fl owmany wIth thIs 8S their home port, nnd tour o'the r rather oo mmand lng po- Ing In makIng this s kirt. In tbe mornin g-After you know along th e Ir BIlIldy betts, Th ert' Is Christ LIfted Up. arc Innul!le rable. It IR a dull day I.n - sltJons o.ro still mllint alned as mill· mltr'h CASCA RETS you'll never ~ Tbe plltte rn (4795) Is c ut In s Izes 22 tbot r cm lml s ono of th c sceni c 'Vh e n .lesus wnB born In Betbl ehem to :12 Ilt ch es doed In La Qualrn harbor tbat flnd s tnry posts, wh e r e nre now two mod wltbout them. waIst mel\!\ur e. Medium · 'ha nges of the Rio Grandt' 111 t: tab of .lud ' a , tbe wise men carno from s l z<~ r.~ '1ulr es 5 tA. yard s at less t!Jan 15 or 20 . small s loops and orn cannon. S ee ing th ese old ruln B :lnll CASCATt I':T9 10e a lx'" f or 3 week's H In ch ma(~olorlldo. but tb e low Enr, lIs b e n · nfar. sn ylng: "We hav e seen bls star te rI a I. tr""lme li t. "II drllllfl\s ltl, LlIIl(reMt""lt~r s chOOI·. ers loading or unloadi ng cargo Ollc can we ll lIllprecl al o how th e " lOt'S, the fl h rt train of smnll coaches . In the c ast nnd 1Il the WQ1'ltl, llltlluD 1>0""9 to mon~ hav e come to worfrom the c08st towns or Lhe adjacen t Guolre nos we re aule to u lit ort th e littl '---e r eEe mh '{' th e ello rmo us traln s shIp . blm," From To prO<'ul'o thlll plllt~rn send ]0 cent. th e e nds of the Islands. sblps of wnl' of that tlm o, of that road . eartll m ell arc 8tl\1 co ming to "wor· t.o " Pa tt e rn D p pnrtmc nt." o( thl» paper. Tho approac h from tbe soa Is pl cLf\ Gnulra has bl\(' n frpqu ' nt1 y th " 'rlt e na mtl lind adtlres!I plnlnl), nn,) be Aft e r a tWlI·hou l' cll mh th e SlIlUmlt "hlp 111m ," Thore Is only one Christ «urc t... Illv\! s ize a.nd number of . pUllcru t IIresque In the extreme , and h e s ight Beat of ,val' during Its Exl st t:' ncp. ri nd If.! pasl:lNI WUl ret DCA lun"m~d• • tralned. . . and Ihe trai n 1 1t-hou('h~~ s worth of wors hIp. th ere Is only ,,,vollen "'enduDIL . I .. ' C n e uta. liS one steams Into tho harbor (or foreign warship s tbre atenlng Its de· Into one , 1" U (HI 1 o. ur Urnl.,,". •• the rl c ll \,lIlI e y of th e GlIir l a , Hcdoem er dr aw ing all men (;ure Ute I1nto blm· o ut of It) fs one not soon to be for· I!trllctlo n o.re 1l0t unknow n to tbe prcs. \\'h l·~ r(' ln ll e~ Ca r ncns . hut tha t Itl o.n· self. The mngn e ti sm of ~·~u.~t!'s13e an~n:~~ n~~~ J;'U;ln~ NO_ 4 795. SIZE . . .......... .... . th e Christ ~otlen. .~ It g.veB 1\ curious Inter- ent g ene ration . No bUst er . Uh hulr (tuno. Horse enn be. I o th e r :;Lory . u 5Od. "l a. 1.K,Ulo tl.HUYf'lrod. V"80rtt>& and th o cr oss hns I10t ceased. mlngllll g Idea of the vlllagea uloug tb o Out ~ After 1:~::'k ~S~ft;.,~ll\l lU8t..ruotioD s &.04 N A lifE .......... .......... .......... ........ . It IB 01 01'0 than a m tlgnet.is mIt Is n ltnllan sbores of the Mediter ranean A naonUI NE, J H ' ,,11n lIolmont f o. man'lnd.. l domina n ce. a moral maste ry Rel.hl C-ee &tmlnt1t1, turn i Ii(B,l1l t- O:.ft\ olllu.rw~d glJLnda. TO\VN .......... .......... .......... ... . .. -•• :lnd of the Hopi eUI'l dwelle rs , SIGNATURES ARE ILLEGIBLE t he leUp r In r el)l y thus address ed In spiritua .01n8 or rnu I1C14ul- bon.h, n il-em- a ,,,,8 p;&.1n.. ('rloe Vo'blch tho Ch rIs t ElJ:e rclses. HIs .~ .oo .. bOt tlo at. da.hn~ u r ll e UTorud . Tho streets wind and ' weave up the til!' ma ll hox IIlld le t t h e PIJs tolf\l!e STREET AND NO .......... .......... .. . W.F.YOUNG.P,D.F.,3IDTompleSt..Sprlll1ltleld M.... tl I~al· tlllellt puzzle tb' sig na i liro Oll t. cross controls bl s ton·. not that e very· gtl11les from the Beashor e, and n a rrow STATE._ .......... .......... ....... . .. . .... . irolls and stairwa ys zigzag along· t.be Clark Would Compel All Govern ment If It rea ches its man. we ll ilLld good , ono Is lI\'lng In Bight of It or In Ihe Officials to Have NameB Print· t eJ) hillside s to where little whlteIt w\11 tn llo /I mlrf! 'Ie to n~ 'Il't· Ollt love of It. but that It Is with referTho~ofthe , ed on Statione ry. wasbed huts breRk the monoto ny or whose name thI s s lT"w l r tl \lrt· sen ls. I, enc e to tho work tUld the worship of In Now Christ , York. tbat . God _ _ will eventua lly judge 11m going 10 intr uduI'e u bill th al w!ll the red Iron Btaln or the barren "Tho womnn nCI'OSIl t he hall Cram the world and Is j lHlgtl1g It In a sen s e . Chump C lark, th ' profl llecUV' h e lp (Ju t us ton gr ~s m c n in pll g- It l5 decU"iUfj,B. \lOW , m en b c lng olth e r i"stlfied or con· us Is <Io a ll," s peaker, talks of intrutlu clllg' lind pu sh- Ilk" .thl s , \\, 1' U1ir,hl It \\, ·11 h avo .I h e The old atol\Y of narrow 8""e ta of .. How diel you I1nd thut ou t 1" dem lied accordin g to th e ir attitude to WORLD OVER me dieval SpanIsh towns r e p nt s !l- Ing tbrough congre!l s a bill cO lUpeJlIII~ ~lglI:.tt1ll'e Or gfll'e rnlllc flt mf'ial~ Ill' "W hy . l hallP ' I\ ~d 10 ~ee It iu t he Ihat of Chri st on Culva ry. ' IeU bere. " Laid .out In tho centurie s all offioe rs of Ibe gov ertlui II I to .Ie. ddat"d ." s~ habits of cnc~gy-initiation I'll per . " - LIf~. of turmoil and strlfCl,' all .was with a clal'e III printed forlll 011 n ll statlontrry ProlJa1! ly lit worsl Hlgn'lilu l' In al l The h eat.hen h ;Jve no Joy In t.helr vlaw, to defe nse; but to La Oualra the ot the governi lent u~e~1 ' by th'lll 0111- WlI s hlJ.l t{ IQU Is 1I11tt or S,'Cro ary wll , Saxon Sta~e Dinners . The Iho ug ht ot en joy ing olel story ls slightly accen tuutnd . :.1nllY the s lgllat ure o!' he h lid or tll 1i0 ll o f th 11t:'llar ll ll II I of ,\,;l'Ir· u illlrl'. religion s. , At axon dln11er!l BUcca ot bread Tbere is"one boul yard r a('blllg frol1l offico III whose nam ('ol'l'e sPoll d ~ lI (je Is It la jO tll " r. r ic!' of sl!111l ing IIn08 ~'orshll h i to th m In cQncelv .\ble, \\,e' r e "tll e subs titutes for plates, an d l't av le r!! t ell li S of th o path·e tlc aad· Malll'leU Il tllrollgh La Gualra 'to Ma· being ca rrl eO 04 UII,a , Plllttluul !lrly III th a I look 101' a ll t he wo rl11 lik Ih esD general ly went Into tbe aIm!! th r nt'ss ' t he lettel~ sent. that Is wTl tten dpw1ng Q,C rh l' l (JU to, and all the r st fIor.e jllst, "<ut Iles. on the ~aoes of bas ket It of n ><:! \\, . -jo)\1t ", nft e rward. Grandeo s. Wel'e · tbt' ::;on-Cb rlstlaD r,atiuns of 'th earth, or pa.sS8~eways . The wide I' (Ii, hese "Look at th, s lgnalnr or Ih lotI":' [.o1'211e l' III Ilo tOil .\ d vt'r tl ~;(' r . lreated to a sliver platter placed hoBut Cbr!i:it cnUle to brlng tbe fulness . f il about twelv(l feet acrosB n'ml tl.1 C that ha b cen sellt to me by som on nea th the bread. wblch las\ In courllB of 10), IntQ human l!v S. At Our Fa· 'OfO Bevetal ~oo uarrow for th ree peo· In the trellSllr y departm en t." It snid . of ~Ime became di s carded as people thC!r's right q nf!de[1t h:Ul'l are ' pleaaur8 tll for ,came to recoglli pIe to walk abJ'e a8t without bl).n'lplng "f wlll d efy any lIJIID on ill'tb -to Youth, ze tho 8uperlo r adilgalnst doorste ps ,and th omnipre s- make It out. ,I am golllg "~I>' lJc'Y, 'rO\1 a c l'i O\ ' IlJg 0 Inrr:~ "ermor e. vaQtage s or metal and pewte r. do with ent. projecti ng Ia'on'bal 'red window! !. t his letter what J 40 lO, all ' lett rs , I CI'Op oC' \\,Jl d 0111'11." A fOOrolgn mls8lona r),:. 88,. Dr. A. T. The cobbles tone pav,e ments are the· reefl!", ,wbose 8lgnatu re. 1 canllol"Don't w!)l'r),. 1111". !I. Vllvt Improvl.), Nevar Get There, "'OTIt of a period "when tb memQr, . malte. out. I cut the signatu re Ollt n emt In t r. "V 1! 1In~ l1la C'blnc J')' hat Plerllo~, is ~ fellow worker with lhG The pe9Ple wbo would have done .:. maD runneth n ot to th_ contrar y." and paste It Oil the env~lope Ilnd put J:eell' rct'Ord e'] hI th(> Inl> t tCf' Fatber. a fellow sufferer wl\b tlJe Soa. IOoBDd-l\O. II the, bad . beeD &bere. \'c"n .' QDd • feUow wltDefllll wttla t1ae 8111ril aevor pt tIl.he
of I
479 5
PR OO F in the Mo rni ng I
· IJ 6 -
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g.11I n ESS BlIRGlilnS
WRIGHT &' THOMPSON li( Attorneys-at-Law
The undersigned have tormed a co-partnership for the general practise of law under the firm name of Wright &. Thompson, with offices in the Wrlgh(-Monger Building, lebaoon, Ohio. Any business entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention.
Tb H tir.~t, IInJ ti, III ncoou nts In t he estHtf)o f Alett y M . B otb , da06nsed, W(\ l< fi l tI b.v J ohu H . Uootb . nt1 m in . 13trutor. The s oml Il(lOOlln t lu tho EI!l t n,t.e of Henry Bu r n", im beoi le, Wll ~ fi led h .v Th otnl~!I A n n ter, KOllrdlnn . GAorge L S ve r , 11l1m i ni ~t rat, o r of tbe e!:!tllto of t:l fl() r ~ (\ l oClur , deOtl ll'leti fli ed h i:.4 first and nlOlI l llO
Into wi th WIl!ter N. Allen for oonr ete tl)e to stone Ilbutment to b r idge pn U pper S pringboro road in 'IElllrc r oe k t ownbhip at estimate ,aO ,4 1.
Con trllot WIlS en te r ed into with Heur y Kipp for oer tllin designa'l:!d Inmbfl r I1nd also with Leonard Monn t!;1. Bill - V , J . Zentmyer, bridge re pa irs in Deorfield t o wnship, '29 6ri; O rego nill Bridge Uo.. oontraot, 15434 0 ; Bert R e et! , bridge rtlpaln in Deerfield t ownsh ip, '900 ; Alvle Wl'b b . b rid go r e pl\lrs ln Salem town sh ip, $30 50; Z~in Armlt"ge, oon. trao t, '95; R Wilds Gilohrlst, rent for l'roseon t tog Attorney's offioe, f. 25 ; Philip Spe uoe, generlll indexes, I '17 ' 75' Oli n P Bone clerk oosts .'. , ',' ' $~S 9ti ; Dlreot CUlll Co , 001\1 for Clou r t hO Il<!8 , $9 10 ; Al to n F Brown, » ro ~ po a ting ll tto rn ey , expe nses for
I n t h e ~t ' lt l\ o r Benj lt ill in Knl l, d eCOIIMB(I, t,lI A tlnll l aocon nt WI\;I tll tltl by Frn n k A Hone Ilud L. O . I(e ll , Chauffeur ~s Critic. WALTER MCCLURB, e lt e u to R "Dramatic orltlcs could take a lee. Th e firr~t UCClollnt in t ho A~tl1te of son from taxicab drIvers In the art of da.mnlng a play." said a weatern Funeral Diret:tor. Chollto r H . N ll W Ul IlO , m ln ur , wns mnn. "In a.ddltion to theIr capablllty I fi lEHI by W L Ki r by , g Ol.l rllian , they have a peculiar opportunity for I LydiA W rig h t . px ,~ n t r ix of t h e exerclalng their talent. The other I Te lepbone day a. nlgDt. estnt of l::I(1tlllfl tV r ig lll, d ecofl ~ou. nJght I told a chautreur wbo ha.d drlv- I V II h N ' J ., en us to a. certain Oleatei' that be a ey pone 0. . .u~.. fi lod ll ( r fir !:! t 1111 ' \ tilHll II CCu llut· ~Ight call tor U8 and take us home. ' Distanoe No. 6\l-9~. W e also carry a fu ll n ne) complete line of all kin ds of. Harness Mll.r tln A Jnm o!lIm filed d ue pro,,! " 'Very well: said he. 'About what and any t hing needed for the borse. of pobll 'Iti U o [ hill n tic of IIptime ? At the end . of the second act?' WAYNESVilLE,. OHIO p olutm ollt Il r 11llru ini trtLt Ir of t lle MI~r 'h , ~t O[) .. 'Wby at the end of the lecond 0 W e del iver all~ goods to your n~arest Rail road or T raction stop , - - -__ _ .. act" I naked. Branch Office, HarveJ11bura. • est,l te of ::)tnol uy N , Jn m e~on. de free of charge. &,ueS8said the he. rnt 'AllYhow, of tbe play III ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=oenllerl Fo r tette r , rinl,t wo rm, eozema, no"Igood,' a good .= Hor lloe F . Com pton, udrniol<!t ra tn r run n in g s or II and 1111 skin . diseases · tb dl h the ... part ot e au ence loeB orne 11 . of the es ttlt A of Mary E . Comvt on, Dr . Be ll's , ntise ptl(' "alve is guar ~e w York SUIl. ,IDR • BELL'S ANTI.PAIN d eoeased, ' flI od bhl inventor y , Ill) a n t.e d to give BIlUsfaoti on or y ou __ • For Internal ancI External PaIn.. ~6 t yo ur m oney blle k. 250 every. praise m ont and fi rs t uooount. wb ere : Midnight In the Ozarks M C , Ca mpb 11 filed due proof of and yet BI"Aple!ls 81rllm Borant,on, of publiOlltion of hi!! nPPointments tiS DRA W DEAD MAN'S NAMF. Clay City, 111., ooughfld and oou"hpd WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES· Be was in the mocntains on the ad East of Canal administrator of the est a t es of Wi!. I Opposite Wayne Ave. Ham H. He ig hway "ln d Jnl i!~ Helgb. ! T h e nBme of 1\ m an d ead 'hrae vipe of five dootors,who foond hebad St. Augustine'. Catholic: Cburell. WRV bot h decea Red , months was drl\wn from t·he jury consuwp'lon, but found no help in Fnther GeOllle MaveDhoefer. PIA_lOr One half block east of D. & U., D. & W., D, .& S . U. and S outh." h i ' th U 't d St t 01 t i t t,he ollmate, lind started home, Mnss e'lt'f, 800 011(1 Snndar of tbe wO"lb a ern Opio 'fraction Depot. Acooun ts wer e approved , allowed w ee 10 . e III e II. es s r 0 Bearing of Dr King's New Dtsoov 0 :00 a . lD. and confirm ed in t he foll owing es oourt Duwovery of thla was made ery, he began to t,llle it "1 believe tates '-Kinsey Thompsou be ne T hursday , when Deputy MI\rshal It 8~Ved my life," h" writes "for It St. Mary's Episcopal Churdl. fioia.r~; Jacob Corne ll, d~oeasl'd ; Ma gnire re turned from Port,am ')uth, made 1\ new man of me, s~ ,that I I Rov, J . F. Cadwallnder. Rec\1'I .. :' . 0 wit h a summ o n~ for Thomtl8 ('~n now do good work again . For unday Sohool. 0 :30 a. m MorOlor aer RaHway oompany file i fluit a galOst Wilham 8 . Hobltt, decousod ; E. t Ie ' . all lang diseases, oough!!, oolds, vice. 10 :80 a. m, Holy Communion ebe lint the Commisl!ioners of Warren ooun ~nell, deoea,sed , Mu be l l:ireely, min Blake. Maguire htLd Journ~yed all Iflg rippe, bstnm" , oro up. whoopi ng Sundny 01 eacb montb, t)' to obt ain permission t o eli tabUsll or; Ma.ry Aun S t ley, d eoeased; t h e way t o P ortSlDouth t o lIer·ve the oough, hay fever . hemorrhfljlf's, Methodist Episcopal Churea. a grade orossing at Oxford r oad in William ' Murray, 'imbeoile ; Aunll Elom mC'ns, and then learD ~d t.he death h oarseness or quinsy, its tho best Re H W B I P . . of the veoirem l1 n . Martlhal Lewis kdown remedy. Prloe 600 and SLDO v. . . at ey. utol , Common Pleas Court. Franklin t ownshIp . L . •1. Huokney, Leonard, Imbeolle ; Benry H , I::Ilzar, . . . " Trial bottle free Huaranteed by Sunclny cbool, U: u a. m. MOfnlOjl lJer. The -April term of the WarreD Frank L. Little and J . E. Smitb deoeased; R tLymoud Uon ove r, e t III r eoalled a 'SllDIlar 100ld~nt In auoth all drugl!li(lts ~~e, i~~:~n:' :~VI~:.w~~~~ r:.a~e'M~~~ P r lye r N Bet Inil. 7 p. m. County Common Plea8 oourt opened are "ttorneYIl for the p I ainti'ff . ! minors ; I SlllLO J ones, d ecell.lIed'" ; , e d a er t!illtrlct, wh en 1\ depu ty fast.ened • - • · 1 Ca bl e &. JUDnu.c ...f V nn R iper, d eoease d , t h e Rumm ons on the I[rave of a man It doe·n't take muoh of a baok. a.usplotously Mo'nday morning with I Th.e - N I1tlODa Christian Cburda.....___ ;..; the .onorable Milton Clark presld. turinl Company filed 8Ult agliin st Marrlare Licenses. wh o hl1d died, The depot.y deolared bone to avoid 81ns that never t pmp' Rev. L. O. Thompeon. Putoe JAM t t 0 $145 40 he WIlS follo wing orders, as he you . Bible 8chool, 8: 80 .. m. 8oc1al meetbIi ' in8· · A fo.ll membe r ship of legal ' . oun 0 reo ver • WlIlil\m Theodore Wogenstahl, ser ved the Bumm"ns at the man's • _ • 10:80 .. m. Ohriatlau End.vor. 7:00 Po.: fiatarntty of the o.o unty were preil with interest alleged to be dne on 34, iron m older a nd Cla.ra. O. Meier, "IHst plaoe of r esid ~nce. "-Time8 I"or 81xteen Years ~o~ ~rf:~ ma.'ternate 8UI1ClQ sa . ent for the a8slgnment of CAsell. acoonnt. Wright & .Th.~mpson are ~8, of 'Foster. t) tar . Dr. Boll't! Pine-Tar Honey ha.s Hkksite Friends Chura. The session promis68 'to be a very attorney.8 tor the plalDh .' Ernest E. Os wnld, 21, undertake r • _ _ b.,en used by mtlltons of people with it irat Day Meetln ll[. 0 :00 • . m. Flrs, Dap . Maggle K eever fi led sui tagll. busy one ns 'f L b on d I ' 0 a Cbeseldine Th ' dl t h t perfeot satisfaotion For 'onghe, Sobool, II ;00 a, m, FaUN Day Meell"1t e Lanb on z r D Be llnl~rep ' enThsareaon t e oarta°tn Cold .. , Ast.hma In f>lot all throat Rnd 10 :00 a. ai , Thr- 'vaol\noies were found in James E . Bercaw to reoover 1741. 26 0 ...., 21 , of e anon . r e s Ine r· onay con n8 1bronohlal trouble8 thegund jury plI.nel a.nd after these with interest alleged to be dne on Phallis J. Vorhis, 23, ftLrmer of no habit produolng drngs, and al' ..... _ . Ortbodox Friends Churc.. were filled the jurors were sworn mortguge note given in pay m ent for German~own and Hazel Evans, 16 ways gives !latI8ftlotion. Look for A ma.n gets to .h6 front IIometlmes MnI.Etbabeth Lukin, Putor wUh C. W. ;Randall as foremlln . alo't in Muon . O. B. Dechant is of Frllnklin. the bell on tile Bottle. Ibybeing 8hoTed by those Inthe ~abbathSobool .O:80a, m. ReltularohUnlll' • - • service, 10 ' '10 a. 111 . OhrlAUan· EDOeavor, lIaoe Ball was appointed oonstable. a tt 1rney f or p1Ii In t'ft' 1 • Fr~nk Bowman, 24, farmer of rear. 7 :30 II _
This h arness for two horses w ith eithe r 1'igeoll : willg - - - - $16.50 or squa re blind brilde, I ss collars 5.00 B ody part fo r o n e hor e .25 A good ·heavy sweat pad 1.75 A good team brid le 3.25 Check lines] 1-8 inches by 18 feet Rub ber ,mo unted b u ggy ha rness , t hc kind most deal· 15.00 e r's sell for 20.00, our tJ ricc
c. E. HAGER,
413 E. 3rd St., Dayton, Ohio,
a. 1
County Courts
The oourt ~hen ohlirged the jury Ii e f at!sault bnrglary a I ong "he • no, ' larceny, stoning railroad train", oonveying saws '0 prisoners in jllU! d violalors of liquor laws an oon· duoting of buoket shops. Many 01Ul88 are coming up for oonsldera · tion and 'he jury will be in 88s810n all this week and perbap8 a port~on . 0, f next . The jury is oomposed of '. C. W. Randall, Solomon Fred. E . Trovlllo, R. M. Cunnlngh!lm. Ralph Fox, ...... Mentz, Horaoe F. Compton, J ..,.,..., iohn8tnolalr, E . W . J[endall, Bar . ley E. Warwiok, C. J. ~wink, Adam Bridge, VI, H. Null, Adam Roe80h, Beber Perrhie. New Suits The Cilloinndi and Springfield
Court ProceedlnrSo ''ourt appoints John R . HiteR. '-' .. milD to suooeed Mllrtin W Earhart deoe n - - ' " at! a membe- of 't he bo~rd' A....u , w of I:!oldiere' Relief Commt88ton .
Cozaddale and Chloe '3impson, 21, of Morrow . Ch 1 E 0 nes 22 dalrvm"D IU es . ow , , I)f L sbanon and PetUl Cotterill, 16, of Lebllnon
Ell~ Gudgoon was granted a di.
Real Estate Transfers. A U d geoD on voroe f rom Hi ram .... YO. Eliza L , P eok to Da.vld Staoe, lot 'be ground of willful absenoe lor in Fra.n kUn, ~3,00 0. three years. A. and Henry C . MoNeal to t .638 . 71 i S d ue. th e R ~allle Conr t 11n d s th IL. On i osa K y bit z, t·rao.... n H am I'lto · D pillintiff in 'he 01\88 of the Windi8oh. towDship, 'S,OOO . Mulbaoser Brewing Co ,vs. Emma Ueorge C. Mount to Tile Cinoln. MoFarlano Dwire and same wat! or d d P id nati & Springfield Railway CI), ere a . traotion Franklin township, '3500. Probate Court. Margaret Deohant e~ al to the Inventory aDd appraillement of Utnolnnil'i & .priDgfield Railwn.y the estate of Esther Miller, deoeas ed, Co., traot in FrankUn townshi~, was filed by Carl J . MilJer, admtn. '21 ,000. · hltrator . Gideon and Clara A. Hoggat.t to Frankie A. DUDham was a.ppoint. Emmll E , S . West, three traots, '1, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ ed administratrix of the Wilbur HAerle A. Bunnell Graham Bnd La. Jaok, deoeased, at a bond of '800 , fayette R . Graham to Clarenoe R. M. Ounningham, guarllilln of Pearson, lot tn Lebanon, $1. the estate of R. T. Ounningham Mrs . Lillie Hm Clark to Allan minor, filed hiB first aoooant. BillIot in South Lebnnoll, '1. First aooount for the eat ate of Alfred C . Fordyce to Robert Ross Wilber H. Jtlok, insan.,., was filed b y and Emma. R )S8 , trllot in Tortle Wllfren <J . •Ia. [)k, gUtLrcllllD . .oree k t ownsh i p, • 1. R B. 8 nyJ",r,. exeoutor of. 'he T . A . Hill to Alle n B ill, lot in estate of William S . G timt h, d '. t:iou th Lebunon, oeusej, filed bis inventory and apNettie R. ::)to w to F , M. Shookey praiBement . Jo t, in Avalon Heig hts , $l. Willi Lm J. Bolanger wns appoin t. Commissioners' Proceedlnrs. Old people, tired, weak, ed adOlinisbutor of I·he estate of run down eeoplc, deiicate MAry S. Paull, deceased , at a hond The aocount,1I Jt tile two dep08i children, fraIl moth ers, and of $2,000. Adolph Kelley, William tories The Lebanon N a tional Ba,nk those recovering from severe r. Bill and Frederiok Keller were and The Cil\zens Nlltioonl Ban k appointed l~pprai8ers . were andl t ed /lnd found oorreot for illness, th is is a fact. Mary A. Arthur W ,aS appOinted the month of M!!oroh 11111. Thousands of genuine tes- , guardian of the e8tate of Roger W . Tile fioaDoill1 statements of,· the . timonials from · reliable peoLee and Helen E . Arthur, minor!! auditor and t r eas urer showing t.be ·ple prove this claim" and to lit a bond of '800 balanoe in ,ea oh ·fund aud .aooount a,t further support the . fact and .E. B. ' Dl\kln~ gu~rdian of tue es. the beginning of the month were prove' our faith in ,,,hat we tate of Banks Ilakm, imbeoile" filen pre8et1~ed , It'ud ordered plaoeli on fil~ , say, we unhesitatingly , de- hi. second a"oount. 'Bl,lrveyor 8 . ' D. B e okle as ,tax , 'clare that anyone who will A ~istribution of .209" wall made map draftstD,an W!l.~ orde re,9 to plat try a bottle of VINOL will 1~ the e8t/lt.e of W arren E , " Arthur ~ Wayne, Cle8rore~k and .. Fra~~1in . l}~ve ' their ' money returned deceased. Daniel Ar.tbur Wtt.8 lop townships Ilt the fol1o~io g rateR :· ,""vo and on~ half cents per aor~ f or ' witho~~ question if. they are pointed admhlistrator: Oourt 'grant ed leave to · Emma. farm land; bight Otlo ts per ao~e for not aatiafied that it did them gdocl. .. Danfo'r th: eXe()otrtx of the estate oj ,farm land oIdeI,ed surveyed and' Bora)e P. Danforth, de0e&8~d. to , seD oents per tra Jt '~n town8. . Druallst aell oe~talD !!toct at prlv.te sale .· Ooutracta-Oontrllct waa entered!
Will Build You Up and Make You Strong
Botany Bay. SIr Joseph Banks was t he man who Inv ented the once familiar phrase "Botany Bay." He was the botaolst attacbed to the expedition ot Captalb Cook. the "Australian ColumbulS'" Landing at this bay. cloBe to the prel' ent city of Sydney. he found such an ab undance of stran ge plantB and flowera that he allsoclated the word "botany" with It for all time. For a long time Botany Bay and Australia we re s ynonymous In England. Sydney bas Rpread out to the historic bay, and you can travel by tram car to "Botany." It waB SIr Joseph BankB who made the kangaroo and other Australian animals known to Bclence.
• - • We guarautee ~utherll\nd'S EaR le '" Bal ~ye ve t " care oommon 80re eyes in 24 to 1J6 hou l", This seems lIt·r ange, bot: it is baoked b- onr .I I UlI,rtlntf'e. You ron no risk and it only oosts 250. • - • The man who 'rles lind tail8 is of more value to 800iety than he who say. be oan 't and suoeeds at it . I • .- . For Skin Dleeuee Ilr. Bell'. Antl8ep'io &lve III the best-It 1M 1 oreamy 8UOW white ointment pleasflnt to use and every box Is guaranteed, Prioe 250. At all delllers.
Moore's Range Saves Half of Your Fuel Think of itt Fifty cents saved out of eve r y . d 0 11 a r YOIl now spend for fuel. Moore's Range can be run on poor grade coal costing at le as t two-thirds less than coa l necessary for 0 the r r a nges.
Moore'. ContrOller Damper enables you to control the heat as well as you ~an control the heat of a gas stove. It IS the only coal range having this ad. vantage. With all these exclusive advantages the Moore Range saves over half of your fuel expense.
The Handiest Stove Ever 8uilt
Each mnge is equipped witb an accurate O~.nTh"-_Ift' Rnd a ThermomelerGuld. prepared for Moore's Range exclu. si vely by lII rs. Sarah Tyson Rorer. the acknowh,dged foremost cook ~ f the cou~t ry. It tells the exact length of time necessary for bak ing any kmd of food, aod the temperature reqUired. 'I' he Moore Hinaed Top overcomes the troubles and inconvenience of broi ling stel1k or toasting bread. The whol.lop caD'" PIIU ... out of Ih. "'.,. and the tire surface exposed. When lifted, tbe top forms a bood and the smoke al1d smell are drawn arouod the flues of tbe rnnge nnd cannot escape into tbe room. . The M~re Anli.scorch Co.., permits tbe balling ef milk or sub. stances which burn easily-wltb no 8til'ring and without tbe least dabger of scorching. Just the thing for caonlog seaso~. , Moo....•• GI ... a...n Door saves balf the wprk of baking. It·s '!I'ithout doubt the handiest improvement ever ·added to a cook109 range.
~all and See This Superior ,Ra,de
Moore·. Stoves AllYa)"s ,' Please :.
We baven't room here to tell you ·all abOnt the alumInized oVen ' -which doeso't turn brown nor flake off-the antl·scorch cover, oor'the ooly nlekel'plated ovell rack 00 the market. but if ~ouwiJ) call we will be gla~.to Ihow and ell' • plain tbe 'D;lany feature~ of Moor.• '. Ra,nge, . . CliO NOW whil. _ .tOdt ie . compI.t•• (19)
Wapt.vme. oble»
For aale.b1. ~~ ~~ <;Q~AN, . ,
GAZE TTE ~,*,*,,*,**,*,*'J!c'*',*,*,:1t'i'
...." '. ~
I\L Wayn08vllle, Ohio ~
O-FFIC~' - -_-
'~* I
-----' - ___ _ . _ . '¥' D. L. CHANE, Eqitor and Managc l' Rates of Sqbscr iption
*-**'**'*'*'::. * .,***, ' .'j{C
A Few Clippings Taken from a Miam i Gazet te. of Fort~-Si){ Years Ag-o -Man y Items Interesf ing to Our Readers.
".-.!r;'''''''''''''''''++'''''''''''''''' '''.. ".•." '. +........ to!"", .11\0 .11'- 011".11'...-' ,..,,.. .11'-' ~,,.. .11'- "''''''''''A'.~' .11'- .I1\o" J!i.'' "'''''''~ .11'- 011"- ~~A'.~'''' '~'",r.-' .!.' ' * t:' wlc
Ono Your (strictly In ndVllnce) Single Copy . . , , ........ , . . . .... .... . . .... . .. '1.0(1 . 06 .11'- ""tip.. ",.. ",..
Hanna's G re en Seal
Has stood the test of time and has becn improve d in quality ~ith the passing years. Many brands of paint are offered ro~ sale and quite orten careful scrutiny is not given the subject with referenc e to the quality of the paint to be used.
EXPERIENCE IS A GOOD TEACHER. TEST THE QUALITY. \V fl .. rl\ i nt\ l llJl,.~ ( lt t. ' l )1' 111 17. fo r ~ O lJ 1 0)1 1 i~, ,,, ,f tlt i 'l ~1I ! 1ll GI1Zl;ltttl Th ", uLle w ( Oil( ) t r , "u '·b \" w"k 1;. 1, ." l I , Vd 11 \) r :'; I ' Ii ., It is a good idca to learn the composition of the paint you inteftd to \lIe_ There IBllldUoo Ads. not to exceed 1I\'0 111108 I O~ The ,.llIpf'r Urli tOlt o f ~,)oU rtlllfhnl< { Ulllt.t, 1', ulld '1) ', I><1"io ~ ... 1111' is a differe nce. 11 111 I h " " , 'rlu'OO 1t1llertiollB ..•. .. .• • • . • . . 26,· d'I1VS balitlve d ia odv e n ,ising, a!tlltJu gh tuu J:'a,to:< wu m (I g:e t Ll .. 1l. 1 11 g 1" 1' bltuaritl8, Ih'o (ndll'S froe: over Ihe luchtl8 , lIer line . . .. . ... ... . . . , Gc Uf the 24 oolumn~ priuted l(; u t Ihe" ~ 'UI' Iluv " rll "; lflg- IlI ,,, t,lv }j , ;tUI! Ow of thuuks ..... . . .. ..... , .. . . ... . 2G.' au terpri!le s. R08Olut,loll8 . ...... . .... . . ........ , .. . 60(' Five 0 !umos 'Wel'B df'vfltt1 d Lt ' cuu nt,,)' pdllflll g-I,IHI SocialB et,c. whero charge 1M mllllu . . ... . . 11'I '1I4Url' r DlHplay Ad vurtlKlug per lueh .... . .. . . , . 20<: Riohlud Lookoy , pri 0 ti ul-{ t,h e CUllDt.\' tux }jilt nllt! till' UOIUllI i,."i \)u, I" s el:· Thi. is an evidenc e of sood faith and attests the confide nce the makers have DlsoounL8 glveu on coutract. 10e Ilibit, O. C. Maxwe ll, AuLlitor. , Alm ost e Vtlry outline ·s ill tuwn hull on in their product . Il.U in the paper. Firms 8uch APRIL U . 1911. Allon & Rontlu! l. Dudle.v & DodRon, ' . 0 W a ll \' (at Corwin ), C .. dwallu der & Co, Rmwbe rry & Nenl , ,J . Crisoin , I h: Key II, D. B . Eberly, Me rritt & PrIntz, J oel EVllne, Dr . 8 ,I , WIiV, Dr ·A. Jone8, J A. Irvin , .J W . Key!!, Il.nd 8 ve rnl o l,btlrs f Ill e m n mentio ned, bat oae is Iiviog o ow-I E. Keys . W . I:i . C!eml nt,s WIIS _i pre8ide nt of the Lit·tle Miu.mi RtLilroa d Imd A . D. ClldwlL llllder, ngent . QUEER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Blue ROle. The Miami Gazet·te WIl.S publis hed by l:)weet &, C->\lett. , and W. HEND ERSO N, M. 0 .... nurserYlIIa n at Painesv ille. Ohio, We are sending out remind ers to the sab Flute Made From Bone of Defwnot has del' 'Ioped a blue sOriptio n prioe 'wus f,2 11 year . rose. ThIs has Enemy and Drum Cover From subscri bers that their subscri ption been II Quest of florl cullurls ts. 1:10 the The' followi ng olippio gs !Day interes t our readers : Wayn esvill e, Ohiu . Skin of Leader. is due. A great many of them are new I'8.mbler Is II. triumph of science. The green rose and lhe black rose Valley Phon" 153 past due-so me quite a littJe time . Main ShE' t The GulldCord gentlem an's dlscov· are Interes ting freaks, but they are I The newspa per busines s is like e ry tbat a tolE'rable tu,n e can be not beautif ul. The From (\.n eultoriu l we olip Ibe folblue rose, how · M A RU\JW ph}' d on It bIcycle pump Is not so ever. should be lustrous every other busines s, we have 30 lowing : . It should 10 Wnvn !lvl1l e, on Thurs by , Oc. wonoerful , arLer all. DId not ~Ichard uliv e about It that velvet glow which Th Reb I (;J I Ii: 11 days in which to pay for goods, and ' Dr. Bell's Pine -Tur- Hone y " IrtLlI 138 Incluue n scb:oolmnst r 8 cline Illakes th o "Bllell of roses e· ~ enera we .WUII 11) , tobor 21t h, by R ev .~ J. W" Mtison, . In the In ili o orch IllMl for tao pe rforman ce minds it takes money to run the busines s. Phtlllde lphla Itlst week, getting of pocts and For Ooughs and Oold&. mystics the hlue tln : Mr. Benry B. King to Mi s:! Frtin R8 of "El ecLm." !Lnd a new In strume nt rose has long shed a fragran ce over To all those whose time has ex-- ,!-rtlfioilll substi.t ute for t·be leg he 1 Coope r . nlled lhe tteckelpbOlllI!!, whJch sbould Ihe garden of dreams . It wos ssld pired- or abou t to expire -we hope 108t at Antieta m . In this I e~ p llot At tbe r esldeno e of t'll e bntl e 's toe' useful In el clione ring ? Buffalo Ibul wboeve r bad heen aroused by the hili examp le has teen folio \Ved by ' you Will be liberal in sending or 'fh borns, of course, have often been util· wIld sweetne ss of the fat.ber, near Wtlyn6 sville, 00 perfllme tbe orfl - Izod for Illor or less musIcal pur· hltle -rose wou ld never rest agaInofuntil bringin g your SUbscr iption in at numero us other Rebel officers , froUl duy eveniog , Nov"llI be r 2nd, by poses. and In Ul olden days fishes' ,I he hod found the far clear heights Major Genera ls uown, aDd Ylinke' l Rev . J . W . Milson. once. Mr . Evernr d D . s hell s and the shanll!; and sh in bon es Uti whl(:h thIs rose 18 blown. It was Unde rtake r and Emba lmer, skill ill now repairi ns the dumng es Rober t.s t,o Miss 81lllie Kelly, all o f of anlrnH.ls weI' made to gl\'e forth ~ Illd tbat We need the money, and we need dooe the hlu rose cast by Ylin,kee prOWAS!I No one this vlcinltv . Bpell Will be foond lU the "10 tunes of s orls . DurIng the Mu.orl wa.r over all who lou ched it badly, else we wouldn ' t put forth d th t th k f It. and that. . Bunk Buildin g . OppO!l'~ we dlsl'ove red a OttO eoy nnt h'e cWef a with (\ & wor lit was 0 recoun('ver again I 1n Lehn.oo n, o n the 1st iost ,fit very tolerab le ,flule same. WolI, our plea . When five or even twenthe Nl1tionll.l Sa ok fasblon ed out of \ the blu e rose will at lbe struotl on is ~oiog br velv forwflrc l, the M. E. P!lr801luge, lust bo common by Re v . L the bone of a d funcl enemy. hut If among Teleph one In hoo ..e !tnd nt. ty-five subscri bers get behind a few wben 'he leaders io the r ebB men . but the drea mer will stm lIi on i1re Oluk. James SttlOO I\nd Oeboru b anyone has fioe where J (l8.!\ be oalJoYl doubts as to the music 11ft hl ~ face 10 the s tal·s.- Los Angel68 weeks, it doesn't matter much, but oomiog North to hil.ve their own Cox, both day fir night. of l!'rankl io. Ohh) . 1 that can b gOt out of hones, let hIm TIm es. you are one of two hundre d, and if p., reons reoond trnoted . ' . pay a Valley Phone 1'-2, s it 10 an)' En~UBh .seasIde . In tbls plaoe, 00'1,hOr8dn y eveoln g re ort Invi Ih comIng summer . DurIng we get all of them it will put us on Novem be r 20d , by Rev . J. \V . M IL one of the Sen'la n Main St('~et. Wayne8villv, Ohio camplll gns BOme HII Probabl e Fate. "easy street" for a few days. BOO MI' Phlli.p S~ith, of Mia.mi'! DEATHS twenty y are ago the troops marche d " "Vaal. some ways I'd like to an' bnr'g ~ A slight thing such as a newspa Or) Welloes dBY, the 1 t io st. io . ' to Mias [.l1ura ~isoo , of W/l,yn es to battle makIng WdeouB "mu.slc" out some ways I gue~8 ' I woulda'lo" sold of old saucepa nll lind kettles, lind honest Farmer Bentove per subscri ption is easily forgott en, thlB pItlOE', Mrs Eberly, r ,when tbe mother of 0 Ville . wh en .Tobn ZI ska.. the ~reat Husslte tl uave dlspen8 er or encyc1o Save Money and Keep'" ~ pedla.s bad but when you realize how hard we B. ~berly, aged 6' years. WAYNESVILLE nUllKET S l' ade r, dIed, hIs sldn was t.anlIed and pa ust'd In hIs siren song. "Ye see, Ir Style bY ,Readm, McCall' • . 1 try to give you your money 's worth Ne1U Wuyne ville, Novem bor lit,b, made In lo a drum cover In the hope I was to sIgn for thet 'ere cyclope dee Vbeo t, p r bu .......... ..... '1 eO«'11 IHi that the reBultan t "music" Magazin e would and, , and how we have to pay our bills Juhn Chenow eth aged 64 yeur Vainr McC.ll Pattel1ll ' In forty· even parts, Includln ' the In· ,Rye, p er bu ......... ... ........ ........ 70 serve Jl8 n magical InspIrat ion to the dex an' append icitIs. I'm sorter afraid McCan'. M .,. aI •• wi 1 II In Waynes viJlE', At bl8 flither' s Oa t8, per btl ........ on time, it ought not to be ,so easi.......... .... ...... ;w troops. Only a. fe~' yearB ago the I'd M§('A1I;S MKaAZ1tIE hulp you dress Slyl- I h.v to work 1\0 r e'lldenCle, Beptem ber 28, 1865, Fr di t' IshiI' o( a moderalO ; ly overloo ked. Auslrla n bands each ca.rrled five or Ih t I'd be too tiredhurd to pay fer It BurltlY, per bu .......... .. .. .. .... ...... to Ion ex enjoy pr n ~o by kooplnl l \ readln' . sIx "ser pents" In the tront ra.n.k. It ; whll e If I rea d It t Ieesure. you pOSled on tbo Theref ore let us hear from you Shewll lter. aged four yettrs Ilnd foar Corn. ptlr bu ........ . ........ a. my ......... .. 50 These IOt05\ ra sb lons III In ·lrumen t.s were In the form as I'd ort lo, In order to glt the good withou t delay, not next week, but daytl. Flour , per bbL ... ........ .. ....... .... . 9 50 of a snake, the bell clothes Ilnd billa. IiO beIng shaped to of It, I wouldn 't hev time to earn the No\\' Fasblon Desll!'nl Flour, per owl ......... ......... ........ 75 repre ent Its moulll, lu Ilil II (ssue. Ali!O ' right now! and patnted price. So, all tblngs consIdered, I The "nndllY l:)ohool meetio g on B \'alunblo Infonnalloo' Ib '" 4() blood·r.e d InsId e, wIth huge white gness I'll hev to dtloy otter, per ......... ......... ......... ou all home .Dd permyself the prlv. Wednes dtlY evt>nin g l!tst Wus we 11 Lard per I" I Loo"teeth t and so",,1 Ilk a manors. wagging Oult' r tongue, THE FKESH-A1R BRIOA DE which \lege, .... SOl' er e u........... .... · ........... .30 moved up and down at ever Itep.- rain olfasto tthewere. flOc a yoar. locludlnlr "ttende d, notwit.bstand iog t'he in- Eggs,, per doz northwe st. don ,t I." n tr !'tee .......... .......... ........ 20 Tlt.Blt ... pattorn. Sub· ....... _ _ _._ scrlbo today or IKlnd • 81n& a song of I:Ut'eplng Poroh olemen t wellthe r, Prof. 8mith, Pottltoo s, per bu .......... .......... .... GO IDEAS AS ror (roo IlIlInplo COpy. TO ADULT ERATIO N Reve . L . Cllrk and J. BradeD ' were Dried Apple8 , per Ib a family of Freab-A tr, McCall will enRbl n yOIl to make In yonr ' Many Dogi In France. ........ _l0" 12X own bomo, wllb yourowlI hHllds. clOlblntr rur I Seds are vaCAot 10 the hOQse, peo present and entertB in'ed the ll.oC\itors Cbluke otl, per doz ..... _.......... ..... Thore are yoursolr more Bud chlldron whh'h will be per~ct dogs 10 France 300 How Differen t Agel Change Opinion . In style 8nrl nl. Prlce-no no bllrbor The exeroi8 es were inte1sp ersed Ooffee, . per Ib....... .. tban Iii lhan most pie everyw here, cou n·trl~s. Thus It appelU'8 <:0 0 lS. Sand ror !'teo Pnilero Calalolrue. • ......... ......... 38 -HopI Once Conllde red 8. that to one thousan d Inhabita nts there On 'he roof, and on the po.r oh, on ~lth 1'00111 and instrum ental musio, New Orlean s l:)ugar, per Ib ... 17" w. n em Y .. flee ,....... ror «eUlull IlIb· Harmfu l a. Ale. 22 scrlptlons amonll your rrlend~. are 75 dogs In France and only 38 In Send ror rree and the ocoallio n was one of plel/8- N . 0, Molass es; per .erand a, too, CatllloKue L.PremlulD _____ _____ aud ' 8.,11 Prize OJrer. _____ gal .......... .. 1 35 _____ ____ ~ I£ngland , 31 In Genna.n y and 11 In "DUfe rent age8 tHE hue IIcW.I. dllfereo mIIPAIlY, 23,.. U9 lat m !l..Jnr fon t Ideal Sweden . SUll, hydroph Blanke le oovered thlok wl'h snow, ore and benefit . OoslOO , per gaJ.. ... ...... .......... ... 110 as to what obia Is ex· constitu te. adultera Uon," W...o. do no' know whethe r the I n0888 pinobed and blue. 18.Y. a writer. "Moat people now- tremely rare In the departm ent ot the r ..'ber'8 bed Is on the roof, of the melode on In use on thiS 0001\810n is '1)Ul\J: TABLE adays resard the hop as a staple In- Seine, the last' eMe obeerve d daUnc the proper ty of 'he sohool or not i we gredien t of beer, but in the 8eVlln- bnck to the year 1905. Doctor M.artel kitchen ell ; Trains 'E ast says Ulis !food state ot thlnp hu hope teenth it IS; century tbe ctty of London pebuttf not, wonld it n<lt: be NI/lht Expres s ...... ..... .... 12 :18 . )Io,her 's undern eath a drift, where K. BAT BA. WA"Y 1\ m been brough t about by the Ia.w for titioned parliam ent acainst ItB UBe IlO excelle ot move to procur e one? I "'Ci ocinntl ti ExprEls s the snow ·fiakes fE'll ; Illlllng not only every mad dOC, but ........ 7 :0. n . m in breWing, delCrlbhl& Vi R.tUeS ville'l Le&d1nJIf DeIll1ll i Bro'he r takes his BI~epiog-BRg dOWD "Moslo hath cbarms ," I\nd 8v~r ex: Moll a nel Aooom ........ .. .. . l1 :.6 a m. weed, whIch spoil. theIt as a 'wIcked 0180 for killing every dog any mad drInk and en- dog may have ()moe in Keys Bldg. bItten ertll 80 elevati ng and refioin g infiu- Columb us Aocom .... or played Maln 8' with.. amoDg the trees: danlen the UVel ot the people.' John ........ 6 :28 p m But sloce thhl' law cannot work out Silter baB a Windo w-Tent to oon- ence, Wayne sville is bec . l\lln~ veo- Pitt8bu rg Expres s .. ...... 8 :56 p . ill Evelyn waa a stroDg support er ot the to ~rfectl on the Frencb a1ao ex· antl·hop crueade . HoPI, he declared . erable, and !!be cmnnot afford, for centrat e the bree.e . termIna te all stray dogs. 'l'~llinll Wellt had 'trll.nllm uted our ale Into beer and the sake of a few greenh ox, to j op .. ~:ltti1 nnn Aoc om ....... .... 3 :08 a . m . dIJublle Though they lIoorn mo and deride, I ss mucb altentd our constitu · ardlze what littlA prestig e mllY be- Night ExpreR s ........ Good for Nothln l: but the IE... shall not begintlons.' He allowed that their use im: .... .. 7 :29 l\ m Fewer Foga In London . proved the ftavor ot the liquor, but 're-=:: t:lolnflone ' .. got to watoh the hou8e, loog to her. 8he mBy be up with 'o lu!Dbas Accon ....... .. . 1 :30 a . m "Twent y years ago there were 115 the times, and ho ld h er b eu d atl Pittsbu Tg Expres s ....... 2:27p , Ul . pa id the pleasur e' wIth 'tormenUn~ foggy da'ys In London durln« the win· -eoI' m sleepin g in. .. dl sease8 and Bhort life: He appeale d ter monthl, wherea l In 1909-10 tllere -Robe rt 8el\ver In Woman '8 Bome proud tlnd high IlSl\oy of her neigh Ci nclnnll tiEx!)r ess .. .... . .. 4 :26 p m . to all loyal Engllah men to drink cider were only 11 durIng the same period . boring 8isters , Compa nion for April. .. Do not stop ulllil this dan,ero u8 "dro~.' 'was The fog fiend has been scotChed, It banl8hed from the brewerl el. It was not killed," saId Blr James CrIchto n· the anclent a who aboTe all dell,hte d Browne at the annual dInner ot the Saved His Mother 'S Life Kicked by a Mad Horse before you pu' it IJllOk Bnd dlRcnld to '1111 up the glUBeII with treacle Sanitar y Inspecto rs' assocIat ion . The " " F our d octor8 h 8 d Ki'v en me up't:ll1m uel Birob, of Beetow n, Wis . ruthles sly broitl'n und OTlloken and ink and anythin g else tba.t I. reductio n In the number of fo,s he wr1&ee Mrs. LtiUfll. t:1tiine8, of Avooa, had ~ most nlJ.rrow pleasan t to drInk.' In order to pre- attrlbu ud chletl,. to Improye d II&nl· epOllpe fr 0m lo!!- pleoes. vent acidIty, heighte n the 1iaTor' or taUoll. La "and my ohtldre n and all my Ing hl8 leg, BS no dootor h eul .. Wbfln you put your chinn on the Increase the durabil frl~nd8 were lookin i tor me to die, the frlgl trol Rore t,btlt could ity ot lnterior ... devel oped, abel ves us e OILre io Its 'arrung e ment when my 80n iosiated t,bat I use but at last Buokle n'lI klnd8 ot wloe, they put Into the culra Beroio deeds Bre poor onl1ate ral Arnica 8nlve Electrlo Bitters . I did 80. and they Tall pleoe8 should go Ilt the b liok, such seallonl ngs as sea water, turpen- to try to borrow money on. done mea world ef gt.od . I oared it oOlDpl etely. ItA h .ve the grellt I\nd s,o should piles of t;!8.uoers anrl tille, pitch, tar, resin. vegetab le ash6ll, est healer of uloorll, buros, b<lil", gypsum , lime, almond s, parched salt, wlll It.lwuys praise them" Ebot,rio eQzema , 80ttJds, out", corof', cnld- rll\tes. Be careful not to mlike the goats' milk, cedar cones, gall nuts BUters I. a prioelto,s s blellt!ing to sores, braises nnd pil .. s on eu rl,h . ri1e~ of plllttlS t,o tull. Plates 0 1 and blazing pine torchell --not to men- I women trouble d with g aDd I'r17 it. 250 at al1 dru 17 gist,s. dizzy .pell!', baokac he,tamtln b.t ~el1daohe, f liOn polaono us salts of lead. They J ., d e lioate ohinll 1\ t the o .· 0111 0 weakne M, debility , oontltlp lltlop or were fond or mlxlog perfll.med oils - - II fltllok' may be crncke d lind brokeo Jddoey disorde rs . Use tbem and with theIr wIne before they drank IL SPRINO H'OUSE-CLEANING bv tile weight of the ohin upon Even In gain new health, strengt h and vigor the Homeri c age It wal conth e m. Torn the gj ~stles Rod t.om sIdered that wine They'r e guaran teed to alltisfy or WB S Improve d by , "The easiest wliy to oleuo h ouse is hlers nptoiu e clown. havi ng goat milk cbee8e grated OTer money ' refund ed Only 600 a$ all , to do it ali at onoe. torniug every"G o over th o oonten ts of your it and bellig s prinkled with flour." dlnggl lta, • • • thing upside down, having nil Ollr ~idebollrd, £I8peoinJlv BARN HAR T, the table-li nen, Women leldom lIuft'er In ,s ilenoe . pets taken up at the I!ame time, ull Inyiog 8.flide suob pieoes I\S need The Doors of ' Old South, Nota ry Publi c - - - -... - • the wlndow lt w!tsbed in tmooess ioo, d th it d put The restorat ion of the Interlor of IIlfmtlin g an ure wor A oentipe de I. leldom on Its 11l1t al\ the paint. sorobb ed the Old Sou th met-tin&, hou8e II rapAll kinds of Notary Work , Penshm In o'n e pieoe t.ing the hop eless ly worn noobjElols Idly progres sing. l"rom ma.ny o~ Work a t:lpeoiI11ty. leSB. • .- • ot ""ork. If the f!tmily oan be ban nside WIth your store of old lineo Quarter s parts of the old turnl8W ngs -~ ~ t d it!hed,t his plan mtiY be follow ec,1 , WI' peoutt heside boiudd Everawerf land hove been coilecte d and placed In ., Bottle Ie C\MIr an ee Ivery ' bottle of Dr. ' Bell's Pine bat when tbe or Hoary bnsioes s of ' 1p It d b f theIr original p081t1onl. Th e pu let Ihem get Dr~ Bell's Antis eptic Salva e ntire ly ry e or~ of 1857 Tar BODer ia guaran teed to give the hQme hilS ~o go 00, saoh druBtlc laying III fresh pupers und restori ng winegla Is there, with the mahoga ny Subsc ribe ss reading desk, but. oaretul Good fo .. all Skin DI. . . . . .act.f&O Lton \n all throat and bron· ~ea.nres sboO'ld never be praotls ed the linen to Its pilloe . U . e, t)lt1 in .eilrch and InquIry tailed to locate the ohle. tro-:.;u:..b.;..I88~,______ The hous8 I!hould be o}flaned a TO ' m seot.po wder, bere , too. two mahoga ny doorl whlcb tormed ......- - - - - -... • - • at a time, bufbef ore ~olog.. to thtlse TRY LIVERITES,--------~ • .- • the entran , ce to the pulpIt on each 'I to' blow .. boot I?avmake Ilttaok lD8 been ;on It.like on the toot ' NevC!r Out of Work Chi8tin'o 'ferhun e .0Io8et!!,. Berrlo"k slly sIde. These ' ills. door.would werebeof ·peclI1la.r curved ;. - • Ihape and quite Ule- I .1.'he bm.!iest little tbiugtl ever les8 for any other purpole , '. . Thll haa . Woma n'. Home Compa nion for mllde are Or Kinft's New Litg 1'1118, given rIse to the . . . :AnWwAw' Adam did. 't trail around hope that they are 01 J April.' • I . ' Evers 11111 is a, sugar ooate d g I" ..... t lth t ouU e still In ex Iatence a.a d t ... on )lve'.-a pron stringtl . .w . ~-"De.ot e one day to the ol~ina-oloA. of h9alth, t,hat ottanKe Llverlt ea for a Cold, lSaQkache and Weak Llver'o r Kidney ,. s weak':1e sM er publlcl t, ot the need the on. In '. ' . - . ' et. Ta.ke .'h .e Jhlne.a nd· Rla:es oilt iot" stJ'eng th, longao r into you ha-'ve lore eyes of an,Y kind , ' whose posBesalon . they now a.r. will . bt8r~n fAg Into mental' power;energy oorlng be tOllnd. -Boston Transcr ipt. nee 8utberlab~'• .EaRle B:Yfl tiltlve. put it on . a ~ble "DI\: t!oour tho Preyen tion ;. Const.i ptitwn. BeRdllo he, 9htlltl, Dys: • _ • tbetn In the IS I. aood lor i no'bln1 4 bot ~be eye.... helves. .Have 8 blow.g od. and An ounce of 10- pepllia, Malarill . . Oo\y 250 Ilt all keep worth a pound , Ten. Your "el8hb ora bouse ready ' •• Ie pa~Dl. . ail4 h .. rml~., .. and. ~8jJt\O' inleot. p.o w,ler Into of cure. any: oraoktt druRgi sts. , '. ou for use. When ' in nfled of a o01,1gh medipoIl"••l,. th~ beetd ,!fr don' ·or ·'o~vlaea.of the ..,belves 'all It. dl tt• -Olne U8e Dr Bell'8 l>tne.'I ar.Bon ev -y 10 w:fll 1'8f n ;:'D~erhb:: ooorageQll!lnll ' to lnvadiD I tnaeotll Prepared from ~ Native Berbe, the, CleaDM the ~~_ and The min who i8 ~~ 'tobe fquareL, I~ IB tbe beit. Look for the bell o~ 1~~,.,~b:.!~ ~'pe. off' ~vl!lf1' llleoe Of &ablewar dON DO' ll.ve to .neak 'roud. PDrify the Blood aDd thu PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNB88. ' 'be BO"le. Rates of Advert ising
Heading Lo",>ls, per litle ... ... . . . . . . . Reading Loenls. bin k tnl'o. I>cr lillt! . . • .
The print ed form ula appe ars on ever y pack age of Hann a's Gree n Seal Pain t.
J. E. JANNEY, W aynesville, Ohio
Lest We Forg et
-------_ c.
A. MA FFI i,
. .
E. v.
for the Guet te
6o~e' men
I'~ Ll VE ' RIT' ESIAI""~
. :If
:k we"
l:,. mJ.
LI'V'er"ltes Prevents SerIIODS,SI' 'ko'ess C
...-----ICASTORIAFor Infan ts and Childre1l;,
The Kind You Hava Always BOUGht
AVtietablc Preparalion for As-
5imilatin g the Food llnd Re\i!u1a ling Iht Siomach!; and Bo,,'Cl ~ of
Bears the
SYNOP SIS. HO\\' :1"" .TeITriNI.
f llf~'
vii in ftu c- n C' (I t
b lln', Ir '" l t o h f' f'"t
n . u" tl or
lI IHh\,"W('I o d .
.. f II ow-Hlud on t nt Ynlt, ' l', \(I ~ II II f" ,jlfiSll'nll on. mnrrles lh ~ ,IILUI:hl(' " o f oue ,.amble r who dletl In pr"."" , Il l l ' 1'1 ,1 1:10 ...·1\1'(1 by hIli falh or. Il l' Iril-8 10 !;c l w orl<
" 'lei fnits. A r orm (\r (..oll('~(' ," 1\1111 In n lu'~ ... bu ~ lnoB8 ProPOH IU O . n to I I O \\' :t~,l whl!'!1 r ' Qulr 8 $2.000 ellll h. (\,,/1 I In WI"" I. L r u lll ·. R be rl Unde rwood . w 11 0 h lUl 10(>" " rf'v u llfcd by lI ow" r ,I'8 w ife. A""I ,·. III hl ~ collego dILl'S unci had on (·." lHX'1I ,·n f;" .:",1 to AlIcln, 'UowRr d's 8I CIHIW II,,·r. h l\ ~ .pltrl men l s III t hl' A~lrurll\ . Il o wIl l d d O.: I<leo; to nsll Und £' rwoutl r\o r th !' $~ .OOO h e " 8ods. Underwo od. t .. ll h ' l\ 1I 1"' Il"~II "" hill lullma('y ",lIh Mr8 . •' (·fTrh ·... Sr .• h I,f l'comes 1\ 80rt or 80cll\l h ljfhwlLY01I1I1. UI ~ CO L' rtfli!l' hl a lru hametl'r s ho tl c Ill o,.
him lho houst'. AlI cl n r 'celvl'l! n 1I0t O (r n lll
·U nderwoo d.
n"'Oll l ll nlns auldd " . dealors tor wh om h o hIlS b(I['1I 1U't\n.S' Art oomrnls8 10ner, dom a nd nil UO(,Ollllt ins . H,I>, u eannot
makel: ood . J l owlL r tl .I u rr r l,,~ 111 nn Into ~' nl ('d conditio n. 11.· IL-ks ttderwoo d ( or St,OOO and 18 \" hl I')' 111 ,· , Itor th R.t he Is In d r,b l lsI) In hi_ (·)'r~ . "[ownra drInks hImse l f Into n 11l111 ,,1I11I c-.o n dJUon tLOct goes I II 8 1 ~o p Oil 1\ (I \ ""n . A cnll Dr' I s nnno un ' ('(\ II lId t l ll.I'·1\\'0",1 dra\ys l\ I:.Ccrcon uraulu( lh l' u n ln t c rt ulooppr. All 11\ f' nl ·r... S h ~ <1 ,' 11 1111111_ 1\ promlAe fr ont him thnl 11 0 w il l 11111 1111\ (' "Co pol n Un g \ 0 \I " , (1l ~ " Ihll l ould attach \(I Iwnw lf. \ 1".I(:rI"' ,·r \\'\' o l1 acs Co 111"0.'1116(,\ UII)('SR Hi ll' w i ll rt'np w e r pILI ron n!:'€'. T his " ho rAtIl~('. III d o . 1ndurwoo d 1e.IUs htrn s(.'If. ~L'h c' r" l wr f n t' lhe t,laLoI a wu l ,orl N lI (1w Il rtl. I h ' H\III1) I,le all ~
." er the dtmd bod)' ot Un ,Il'r "" ,," \. \( \·,,11 r:llIg hl8 predl am ont h o nlt c lllp l~ n Ull nnti III met by U nci rwoo d'H v ,, \,·\,
CHAPT ER VIII .-Conti nued. Howard was ut no t.lm(' 8 1\ Ilt hl ' te , hnd now, contras tod \vlth th o burly l1oUcem an , a cOl OSSUB In s trong lb. b e allied like a puny lJOY. His ' ringlng, frigh tened atUlIid e, n s he l ooked up III \he captaIn 's b ulldog faoe, wus Illtthot· 10. Tho crowd of bystnud urs could bard· I, contain their eagerness to t.ak In Cf'ery d etall 'of the dram atic Hl tuutioil. rrhe prisone r waB Bobor by Ulls time, IUld thoroug hly alarm ed . ''What do you want m e {or?" he cried. "I hl\ven't don nnythln g. Tho llllUl'S dead, but I dIdn't ktn blm ." " Sbut your mouth! " gl'Owl d tbe ca~latn.
Draggin g Howard after him, h e made his way to ilie el evntor. Throw'ng bls prisone r Into tbe cnge, h e turned to glye order s to Ius subord-
: "Malone y, you com e wl1.b me and bring Omeer DelaneF ." Address ing th e other men. be said: "You other tellers look a[ter 'thlnge down b ero. Don't !let any of these p eople come upstail's ." ~l'hen, turntng to the el ev ator boy, be ~av& the ('~mml\nd: "U p with b er ." , Tho elevato r, with I ts passen gers, sbot upwar'! , stopped with a j erk nt the fourtee uth floor, and the Cllp t aln, once more laying · 11 brlltal band on Hownrd . pu sh ed blm ou t Into lhe corrldor . It It could b e enl cl of Capt Clint on that bo bad any sy sl om at !L1l . It WC\!; to b e all brutal as po ssibl e witb 1·I'l 'ry· body unlu cKy enough tQ fu ll luto hl f; hnnds. Instead of r eglHdin g his Ilrls. Ollers as Innocen t until f ound gullly, WI they are j u stly on till ed to 1'0 1'0, garded under the law. b e took til dl· r eclly opposite at.and. U ' consid er d n il his prl sonera liS guilty os b oll until \they h ad s ucceede d I n 1>I'0l'iug t h em· .. elves Innocen t. Evon tll\'(1 110 1I:l(\ hlB doubts. When a jury urough t III II verdict or IlCQtiHta l, h e s h ook his ll.ad and growled . H<> bad tho great· !I',t contem pt for a jury th at would n c\Quit and the warmNi t r egar.1 for u jury :which conylcte <i . H e " b l~ li ed and mal · ~reated his prl80nt>rs b eoau se he firm · Jy b elieved In underm ining th('llr mar· al and poyslca l r eslstano e. Wh en by :deprivi ng th em of lIl eer anti f ood, by IOhoking tbom, clubbin g th(lOl and rrlghten ln!; them he had r edllced :them to a state or nenoua t(·rror. to I(h(' border or l)hYlllca l collapse. he lIwe w by experie n ce tllU t t.hey would Jl o longer be In conditio n to withs tand hie lIlprcilesB ' CrOf:l8·ex nrnlnIiLlo JHI. D e· lIlornliz cd, u!lstl'un g, th(,y would blurt ~'ut lhe truth nml fl O con,' lct th e mB('lv {' s. Th e ('L"Ja o( ju sti ce w ou ld t hlls b{l Bcr v ('rl . C1apt. CHuton prided hltn s ·H Oil I h e HtOr ousb lUaUll er lu whl cb h cund liet · {'II tbl'H(' exam lnati oll!' of I' c r ~(l n s li n · " <'1' orrt'~l. II wa s a l aboriou s (lrd plll, l lUt alw ll y!! S II C(,CArul. 111' I,w{' d h h "rest'lll 1'081110(1 un th (' rOI'c(' 10 thl' .. kill wltb whl cb h e IJrowhl' at hi!:' I'rls· ~)o(' r ~ IntAl "co lll<· lI~I (lnf! . " 'o\'lIh 1I1 ~ ~· thl rr1 degrut''' II IJ a 11 I' ('1,1 til' It l'l'l vcII at 'T~ !lu l lu bott l'r an.l· 111 (1 1'(' Ilulc]lIy tban '11l lIur o t.11 " r way . All hl ~ co n\'l c tlJJn ~ ha" lIel'u RCCllrcrl I..y th t·!Jl . Th e press Al\d l1\('d d l h lg lJllsyhOlli\o'!! l'alk'd hl 8 4<;I·stt·0I l.mrl ll\rO\lR, a n' ri val of t h oltl tlll.\e lorlu r c hlllu\.l ('r. ""'bal did h e "'t'~re whllt I hc' 1'('(l pl r' Hnlel lU! l ong as ), rou\'icLC'd ht !; Hl an 'I Wa ~I'I ' l Ib at w l1nt h i' w a R paltl rOI '( II ", W Il H th'l'o ( 0 011<1 til e' w lt l'd !'rer. nnll 11 . w aa go· l Il t: ((1 \10 II . I I I'I1 P ltl ' (1 II II .w .IS Inti) I he.' apar t· .ft,·' ll • f\l Il\' I·,·l ·ll 1' 10. (' I .~· lJ,v MultllHI ), Hnd th o UIt \llll i (·(:IllCII ,. w hu <I1'ogged lon , l il t' ulllt·:qq .y' 1I0ward . 'J'b' d e<l d I n » !sIill I llY wh ' 1' (' b e l)i\tt (all en . [lilt . 1I11tol1 Klo 111:)(1 tlown , bu~ mad t nip! \0 tou h tit > con !lO, m er o· t\ ttsfyhl~ bllll flcJr t hat U od lJ rwood o (\ all. 'I'b\)n, aft('r 11 ' 111jlll,1 l:IlIrV y 'he roOm. h n sR~d to bl l< 1i~ ..g\)llUt: 'W 'oD't tOuch n l.blng, . Maloti y, 1\ 1~ lb.' COt'On r Arrtv '. 1I ~' 11 Iw bNe "Uy minute. lUll' l\('·I1. Khc.: t il order
The Pers istence of Hi s Stare Made fot· the lind r Ink 1'. Y:7l1 can cull up he! dqunrlc l'B so tho neWSplllJeT bOYll gel th Hl ory." Whil th o se rgeu n t wimt to the t ol e· phone to carry out these ord er s. Cupt. Clinton llI'ru ed to look at Hownrd , who h ad co\lapsu d, w bl to and tremlJU ug, luto a ·halr. " What do yo u want with me?" cri ed Howard appealin gly. '''1 assure you I had no t bin g to do with thi s. My wlte 'l! eXIJecl lng m o h ome. Can't 1 go '! " "Sbut up! " t hundere d tb e catlta ln. His urms fold d, his eyes I!ternly fill d upon him, Capt. Clinton stood confron ti ng th unfortu nate y outh, Blaring at blm without say ing 11 word. Tbe lIe r slst 'nco of his stare made Howard squirm. It wa s d ecidedly un· pl ea:mrlL. li e did n ot mind tb e d eten· tiOll so much lUI .tliis mnn's uverbea r· ing. uullyln~ lUUntll'l' . H e knl' w b e w as hllIO(·l:'n t . Ihl' rc flll' l! It bUll notb l n g tu f ear. [l ut \ hy Wilt; Ihlll p olice ca pta i n !1 l a rl ng a l. him " 0 ',' Whl 'hev ' r way lit' ·H I . \\'lIi ('lw\'or WilY hl o; yes turned, h 8 U W thl l:! hllii!log-I'n' ' Ii polic man 15t a ril l ~ sli ' lilly III him. lInknow n to hllll . I.' apt. ('Iintoll had alrl:aUy begun Ihe d rcatl c il pulll: onil'al know ll u s till' "(hlrt! d cgre .... CHAPTE -R IX.
Flf wcu nt lnlltos pa ssed wltbout a wo1'11 l Wln g ~ po lwJI. Tbcr<l w as (I eep sl l t' u('e III t hn rOOm . . I t wa s so 1]\1 1' 1 tl1l1 l 0I1l'(1 ('flu i d ha\'u h el\rdll IJi n dro(l. 11 ,1l! II cll!; int c r l.!!'t ·tl SlleclatO i' LJ ' en t he r 10 \\ltl1e l:ls ii , h e wo uld hnvc b{'(' ll at o ll ce IlIIprossed by tbo d r a· mn l.ico 111 1) 11'11 11 presen ted- Ibe dead IIlIlIl ll ll th c noor. his white f:! h lr ~ fron t I3 \1H l\cr 'd w ith bluod, the cringing , frlglilL'u \'d bny ('rouch lllg III t.he cbalr, t he lowl'r i ng llglll'o of th e l'oJi c CliP' talll ~ 11 1i1l!'; ,;I ' n'll y eyeing hi s hapless pri son e r, and at tile fur ",nd of tbe I'oom n et c C'lh'o Sl:!rgtllln t Malone y UU HY t;elllling Illll'l'lc d l1le s~ ag es I hrough th tc l ~ llhon e. " Wh at did YOII do I t ror?" th undered tho e:a"plnln ~udue n'y . I llllvanl'H 10nf:' lI.c c l\H'e to Ills pllin te-. HI' cUllld s(·alT cl y .artlcula te. 11 wa s lu nol' u l, of' (:O ll r>le , but t h ere wa s :;ometh lllg III t hl ~ IIIUn't:I ma lluar wb l'b mall e him fl'al" lh "t h e might . after all. have hnd sUlll ct hing to do wit h th e tl'Hg(; c\ y . Yl'1 lie wall pos ltlvu that h e WIIS ll>; I f'C' 11 UI1 t h e bt'd nil Ih tilll e. The qlle);t1o n If:! . wO llld IIn ybody b elie ve him? li e :; hool, his lJ ' nll puthetic a lly, '" dillll 't d o it. R eall y, I didn ·t." "Shut you r lII ou th! You 're lyin g. li n d YOII kllUw YU II · I'(. I y lllg . \Vult till th e (:o r Oll el' I:UIU(!S. W tl' lI fix yo u ." ,\ gHi ll t h er e wall 1:1 11 'li ce, Hud n ow be· A'a ll II I II II f:', f ('ti loll s w u lt, bol h m un r e· tll iniu g tli e·) sam' poslUon l:l, Ibe cap· tu in w t ('h illg his pri sone r all a cat wat ch t'H , ~ 1Il011BE'. . li e.wIl n l ·s li lcn ta l an gul .h was al 1110 , t lln (·nclill'llU lc. H ' t hough t of his I,oor \V ifl! w h l' nlust b ' wrlitlllg up f ol' him :t11 t hi s IImf', , on rl t' r ln g w ha t h ad III 1'0111(, o[ hill!. b1) wou l d hnngln lh II 'Jrs l , anti tho r WIll:i ren I Illug , h ili !s ll, ' !lIig ht. do. If ou l y b t' could t: t. 1Y1l1'I1 tll bill'. P f' rh al'S sh o would be uull' t o ' vlatu Uilogs. Then h e thou rb t of his fnlh 1'. Tb .)' had Quar rel 'II, it W IS lI'UI ', IJIl nf t.e I' ;\11 it was hll;! UWI! lie -h a nd blood . At t:luoh a ··r! , lc'n l s it ulttlun Ul/ thilj, one forgets. Hli! faUI r CQuld h~rdly r tJ[use to come to hi t; II./islII tance. . must' get . Il lawYI'I', luo; t o protect his Interp!lt s. TMs polll.'c chptalD had no right to 'detaIn 111111 lik e thill. He must let "ord
Howard Squ irm .
10 Annie witbo ut del ny. SUlUmo nlng up n il hl~ courage . h e said b old l y : "You are u e tai nln g III l1er/il without warmn t tn Ill\\,. I Iwow OJy ri g hts. 1 am lhe Ball of ou a\' tbe m ost in· !Iu nUnl mell In the c ity ." " \Vbnl'!! your nllm o?" growled the oaptal n . . " Howard Jeffri es." "Sao' of Howard Jeffri es , the bnnk·
r ?1f
Howard n odd ed .
The caplll in turned hI sergean t. "Malon ey, Ihi s f lier saytl b o's t h e son of Howard J etl'l'i es, th e baoker." Malone y l ean ed ove r IInlI whl sl )ered somel blu g in t b e cUl'taln 's eur. The captain sllliled g rlll;lly. " 0 yo u'l'o 1\ bad c h arao t er, e.h·f Fa· tb e r Illrn ('d yuU out of doors. e h ? W h ere 'l:! bh at g irl you I1ln nway wltb ?" Sharpl y b , add d : "Yoll !lee 1 know YOUI' rCaI'd ." 'Tv don e nol hl ll g 1'111 asham' d of," I' e [lli~d Howar'd ca l m l y . "I m arri ed th • ,:I ri. S he's wll ltin g m y r etul'lI 1l0W. Won ' t yon pic nso l e L m o ·tl Dd her a tn s!;:tge?" . Tb o ('llptnlo J' rl Howard BUSpl c l om; ly for a Illom n t, th n b e turued to h is I:l rgenn t : " M ulo ncy, t ' I ' ph II t hi s muu 's wHe. WbUt'R Ihe number ?" "Elgh tY's lx Morulug llld ." MIII('ne )' agai n got bu sy with tb e tel epbulIl' Hnd lho w earying walt b ego.n once 1II0re. The clock soon !;truck twu. For n w ho l e hour h e bad b een sllujeet 1I 10 thi ll gruellin g lJroceSll. und 1' 1111 th e · I y nx·eyed ca ptain sa t the re w atching hi s Qu arry . , If Call t.. Cli n loll had b eglln to have any doubls wh \:ln Howurd told him wb o bis fatbc r WII S, Mulone y's Information Imm ediatel y put him lit his poHle. It \\,lUI a ll clear to him now . 1'11 - youth hnd n ever b ee n any good. lil t! OIVU f:llh er b nd kIck ed him Ollt. HI:! WII S In d CSIJl!rat e flnunci al straits. H e b ad co me lo this lIlun' s rooms to mak e a d emllud for mon ey. U ntlerwood hud r efused aull lhero II'Ut; U ' flu Hrl'e l, an ti h e sbut biOI. Th or o was Jll'obubl~' a dispute ove .. th e wornnll . Ah, n' S, h it r em embere li now. Thlt! girl h e lIIarrl{!d WI\S fo rm erly u sweethea rt of t'ndtl r\\'ood ·~ . .I pa lous )· was beh ind it as w ell. B esId cs , wasn' t h ' cUlIf:'bt , ~· d · hand e d . with bluud on his ha nd o, (r,l'i,;g to escape fro IU tbe allllrt ol\' nt '! Oh, tb ey lind blm dl'ad to righ t s, all .. Ight. Any Illnglstl '!lte \\'oll id hold him Oll suc h evidenc e. " It's th e Tombs 1'01' htm , all right, all J'ighl." lIIutl(' \'I d th e {'u ptain to himse lf; " alld m aybe prulUoti on f or
me ."
Sudd l'nl y (h er(' wa s a commo tion at th e door. Th l ' coronel' enter ed , followed by thl:! uuclel·tu k er. The t w o ll1 (1 n ad\'utl(led Quic kly iuto th\:! room, 1lllu (uOI( a l ook at th e h ody. Arter Illaklut: u ha 'ly eXlulIln utbn , the cor0 11 1:'), tllrn'll tu 'apl. 'lillt.·III. " W ell . (:a lJtul n , I g~les: In! '!! dead,
u ll ti g ht ,"
"Y 'Il, (i1l(1 \\, p' I' e got 01.1' mUtl, too."
''l'h~' l!OI'OIIl) I' lUI'1I0U til l ook a t tb e
prison I'. ' aught h i m r ed ·haLded , eh? Who. ill h ?" Ha wnI'd wa s llu:)Ut to blll rt ou't. n relily, w hen th .' copta{n tbl:nder ed : "Silence ! 'J To the cOI'on 1', the ea'p tain ex" plailled : . "Ue's lh(l sc'apegr ace Bon of, Howard Jeffries , tbe banker. No goodbad eu. Ills fatber turned him ou~
of d o r ~ TIlf'r!' I" n o q lll'stiun uhn ut hi!! g u i l t. I.ou k at iii" Iinnll :. \\' ", 'uII g ht h i m I ryl n '~ to I;,·t aWIlY . " Tli p l'OrU11I' 1 r ll ~(,. 11, b"Ji ~ I' e d in doing thlllg s p r u:nptly . " I L'oJl g ru(lIlat,· yuu ~.:llltIlJn . l~u ll'l( work likl' t il l ~ oll!: ht to do "0111' rt.! IIl.· taLlo n 'f,;ood . 'r :l l' 'ol1lnlul ::ty O\\',·s a ul:'ul t o t he o m 'NS or th Iu W If th Y slllT(,l' d i n IlP IIl'c lw nulng l' rilnlnf\h~ quit-kl y . Y ou ' 1'" UN' n g\' ltillg Pl'l' l t y uard kl lOt' k ,., luI ':y, but I YUll luow YOllr hus ln S5. " Th e <'I\ (llili u gr i nn er} brondl },. " I gll l's: l do. Uon ' t w e. t\l nl 1l I:' Y: " "Yes, cn p.," f; alrl fllu lon cy , 1]11 h·' lI y . T lt tl nlrtlll C' r tll l'lH' d to ·g o. " 'V 11 . tb or e's n oth i ng mur ' for m 10 do Ue l'l' . Th e man i cI ('n d . LI't jus tice l a k Its 'Ullr c." Addl' cs~ l n g til O IInd l'l'tn k ' I', ho said : " You r lln r Cluove tu e body." Th c m c n so t ebo\lt the ' w o rk 1m· 0 1 dia[t'l y . Carr y i ng th e corp"'c I n t o I b inn r r OO lll, th,'y com ru ' tl C d tb e work o f layin g i t out. "I SIlPIJ' e," su ld th cn r o n r . "thru y ou'lI t ll kl' yo.\l r p ri ;;U II (' I' illllll edl llt<'ly to th l' statio n h OUSl' . lind hei'on' tJJ'l u Jn~ l st rat {' lo·nlll\T uw m oruiu !,; '!" " ;0.:01 jllst Yf' l ," grinn t' d th u I·u pt a ln . " I WIIU t t o put fl f ,\\. 'lllesllot is t o u lw firs t ." Tb cn ro n r sm ii II. "You're going to Pllt him throll gb Ih 'lbird d g r C'<': u h ? I!:\' 1")' on ". beard or your s tur-' hamb or I'd ala Are I h ey r pa lly so ort'a dful?" " Nonse n so ! " l augh ed tht! captuln . " W e wOuldn ' t b a rDI a baby, would we, M !llunt!y? " Th sergenn Qui c kl y IndOI'll rI his chief's opi n illn. "No, Clip." ' Tllrnlng to go, lhe coron er 1",ld: "W 11. good-nig h t, cap\.nltl ." "Good·n lgbt, Mr. Coron >r ." Howard li stene d to all this like one tra nMtllI ed . They seemed to b o talkIng about him. They wero dlscuss lag some fr ightful ord eal of whic h h e was to b e a v i c tim , W b at was tbl !! 'lhlrd degr ee' tll y w er e talking nbout ? Now b r ememb ered . He hlld b eard of Innocent m en b ein g ·bulli ed. maltroa ted. dllIJrl\' ed of food and sl eep ror days, In ord er to forc them to t 11 wlJ at the pOlice were anxious to find out. H e had beard of socl'et assault s, or midnig ht clubbln gs, of prlSOllp. r s b ein g (:bolled and brutally kicked by a g an g of rufHanl y pollcem n, In ord er to force them Into som e dnmagl ng adm ission . A chtll ran down hi s siline as he rcallz d bi s utt er h e lpl asness . If h could only get word to a lawy ~ r. Just atl the ooron er w a dlsallpoarlng throu gh th o door, ho darted [onvllrd nIHI l ai d IL h a nd on hi s a rm. "Mr. oron r , won't ' you lI slpn W m '!" he exc laimed. 'fhe caro n r startl ed, drew bacl,. " 1 cannot Interf er e:' h e said cold ly. "MI'. Uml erwood w as a {rlend of mine." xpl a lned Howard . "1 came b ar e to u onow money. 1 rell asl e p on that sofa. W h en J woke up b e was d ead. 1 was frighte n ed . I trl d t o get away. That's Ule truth , so h e l p rue God!" Th e coroner looked at blm sternly a nd made no r eply. No ana c ould e v er r eproach blm with sympat hizing wi th orlmlna l s. Wa\'lng his hllnd at Capt. Clinton , be sai d : " Good-nl ght, cap tain: ' " Good-ni g bt, Mr. Corone r." The door slamme d and Capt. ClIn· ton , with n twist of lils powe rful arm, yanked his pri sone r bac k Into ills seat. Howard proteste d. . "You' vo got no right to treat me like thi s. You exceed your pow ers. I d em and to be tilken before a magis· trate al ollc e." . The ca ptain grlnncd , and polntec1 to· the elocle . "Say. young f eller, l ee wftat time It Is? Two·thl rty a. m . Our good mug· h;trates arc all co mfy In th Ir virtu· OllS b ed s. W e'll ha ve to walt till lIIol'llln g ." ('1'0 BEl ' CO l'OTIN U ED.)
Profitab le Glas. Eye. "Nobod y Is going to pok e out a good eye just for tb ~ sake or getting a g lnss eye," said ' tbe city salesma n. " but I knClw a mlln who makes money on hlB glass eye. Ho goes to Europe tbree times a year 00 busines s. While there lie does a little trading In Jew·. c lIO as a side line. It Is on the home· ward trip that he turns his glass ye to good account . In the cavity' back. of It b e carries two or three smail but valunbl e .dlaillon ds. HaIr the duty sav d Is hlB commis sIon on these slones nlone . T.he custbms Im,pE'ct ora lIave nevel' got on to ' h'ttn. Natural ly ·t h ey can't go ' aro.unll Jabbit:g tl llllr fi~g ers luto peopJe's ·eyes." -New York Sun..
" A Chanco In Any C ••••
Murie l (lettlug bIOI down ' eas )-t should advise you . not" to take It to beo-rt. . [ mlghf prove a mfJSt uudeal... able wIfe. Marriag e la a I,ottery. au
Maleolm (bltterl y)·-It .• trilla. me .. inore like a rame. Ooe man ,e!JI lbt, prise aDd tbe ol;bera aet ~. ,ban;;;.. '
lDulrt SeL
Promotes Digeslion,Clleerful'
nes5an d Rest.Contains ncilh~r Opium,'ttforphine nor t-1inrral
Pu."V'/"" S"tIAlxJ,,,,, • ...
AArllrS. IlI .. A,...../t •.f4lJ •
In Usa
/f,.",,.,,, ..,.[ -
Bi(;,rJ..,l If4t..t. .. II;"'" of... -
<",.""'" .r"r..' m~4'Y,.",.
- -- ". _ - -Aperfect Remedy for ~onsll ~·
I ion, Sour 5tomach ,Dlarl'ho ell ,
Worms ,Convulsions. fever i~ h n C5S
For Over
ilnd Loss OF SLEEP.
'fae Similt S;gnalu~
Thirty Years
'1M_ ec".v. __ .... WY. .. .
From "The Bluc Bird." In
) 10101
r llnc k 's "U1u e Ul rcl " lI u l
1')' 11 ), 1 go !o t o som . far-orr h el\ \, ollly 1l!.I (' C (0 1 a rll lhal 10 \' e ubldes wIL li
h ili! III h o m .
Th er a he mee(s flluth er Lo \,(\. ll,~ ~aY ll h e wi sh es 10 st ay with h (' r a l wa y, . wh o I' he look!! so bNIUIlflil 10 him . :::;h fi ll S W rs : Dul It's ju sl Ih SHill Ibillg ; I II IlI down b . l ow, we ar all down b elo lY. You hav com up h 1'0 only to real· I ze an d to l ea nl, on e Cor all , bow to se me when y ou se rue down bp· low . Do you und rstan d, T y l · ty l , denr? You b ellevo your· s if In h en ven; bu t h eaven Ie wherev r y ou and I kiss ea.oh o th er. . . . Th er o aro not two mol h ers , n nd )'OU have 110 oth er . Every ch ild baB onl y o n e; and It Is always th e I!amo one and a l ways the most boau· tiful ; but you hn ve t.o Itnow h er Ilnd l o know bo w to look.
Splen did Crops In Sasbtohewan (Weste rn Canada)
aoo Bu ohel s
of wh~" t
from 20 ao res W UI
ret uf n
he , ' !
(ru m" L1Qrd · m it: l t c r fn rO) in \hr
.. o. on o f 19 10. Mon y fir hl :.in th a t
n~we lt
ol her dl;lr!cI. yl.ld-
ed fr a m 'z5 t o 3S bu · ..h el l or whe t to t hen.c rc. Other erain. to proport io n.
..re thu a d e r I .. " d fro m th o t' RE ~ STEAD LANDS
C BD.d ••
II awwln«
I .-nd
Lo". fOf World
TIlat I. LAXAT IV. DROMO O\1lNINIIJ . , b e .I.nI\lure
0 1 W. W . OROn. (;10<1 Ibe o . .r t.o (,;ur• • Cold ID 0... Jl.. , . 2/10.
Seems to De Wrong. Howel l-Wb atever Is Is right. Powell- But s uppose n f ellow soao y ou with hi s l elt T " ' hencl'er thrre ill
pntion .
~ i e lt · h p. nfiadle
cup of Oarlield Tea.
" ( Us...d a ...... """fUll TOIL) JrI
tendency to cOMti ·
hilioIl8ne8~ .
AlI druggis ts.
LlLke n
ACountry School for Girls
T own cr lors were aboli shed wben wom n'B clubs ~vl're organiz ed .
IN NEW \ ·OU II. C ITY . lIMt f ... t~r~.. of eu un ~r,. auG '-Il, nr,., t)ut ·n f - doo r s porUI on
s c hoolpl"k o f U6 aor ...~ o "'ar lho l hutflon H ly", r. Academic (..'<'tu rao J'r1mn rT. '\n u wr:r:&dunt \un • . MWilc
ao<l A rt. a;." IInOB .. 4 a18! IfIUTO'
Even tll' tr.uth may lIe told with to deceive.
ln ~ention
SPANIS H. AMERIC haY<'~ VOLVN TEERS h"lr..... r Kcn l l1 C_ i."'CAN 80,DO <In
W I!l1l1Jo ulldorwrl cln~
----- ------ ----- ----- --
i ll r 70u.
""'1 n.Loul •• llh' ,Kcntuck ,
There i. one mlUl in tbe United Stares who h•• perhop. heard moro womeo '. cecreta thlln any other man or woman iD tbo country . These secrets are Dot secreta of guilt or ahllme, but tho secretl of lIufferiog, aDd they bave been confided to Dr. R. V. Pierce io the hope and expectat ioo 01 advice and hclp. That few of these womeo have becn disllppo ioted io tbeir expeotatio n. i. proved by tbe faot that nioety-e i,ht per cent. of aU women treated by Dr, Pierce bavo been absolute ly lind eIto~other cured. Such Ii record would be remarka ble il tho calea treated were numbere d by hundred s only. But when th.t record appliea to tbe treatme nt of more tbln b.lf-a- million WOClen, in a practice of over ..0 ye.n, it is pheoous enal, IUld entitle. Dr. Pierce to tbe grutitud e accorde d him by womb, .. the fint oJ .peeiaUa ts io the treatme nt of womeo '. dille..ca. Bvery sick womlUl may ODnlult Dr. Pierco by letter, abeolute l,. without ch.rge: All replica are mailed, acaled io perfcotly plaiD cnvclope a, without ao) printing or adverti,i ol! whateve r, upon them, Writo without fear .. without fee, to World'i Di.peDH rY Medical Aaaooia tioD, Dr. R, V. Pierce, Prat., Bull'alo, N, y, .
M&J5~ ~0aJ.s. ~OZQOJt1
aa-o ue.
"i.o& . ~~ ~-u.
IRRIGATED FARMS in Glorious CALIFORNIA Almost Give'o Away REATEs T OPPORT UNtTY alDee Uncle S.m', eree lana
day. ln the Mlul ••lppl Valley, .We ."re d\fr~rent Rny othe~ IrrlC.tlon o,."nl . .tlon. W" have a from ollrrllfaU olt ~,OOO .. cree 10 the Twin Palla Cou~\rYi record . at a coat ofupw .. rdl often million doll.... We s hol Idaha Rl'lend .. much o r '11ore In· the SacrAme nto Yalley, CaUfornla , to make' one of the Ii"est rur.1 communl Uet In the worlc1. You .
h..ve a creat .. dyaot.ce In buy!nl .. n Irrfratw farm ·now OD our tcn-y,ear payment plao WIth·. ,man lI.ym,ent 'you can.mlllee the mnn earl! rall-\he ·s:ut of the pay-
. better . a oOv"~ nm"Dt farm for' ha". ·Inveat.w In neeusclfY mi:'ro":e...er.t.... D.• iI,.;ull't eq"a1 to aever.l ·tlmes your lint · D.,Yn'.~,t , 1:boUIIU\C!1 of acrH already .old. The m 1>at !I rathe ,.....,rld. An uoc.c.el1ed ault .
, .'
JUST 80.
T III I III PO. ss ilJl e (or II IUYIl I. AIIl ' r l-
:\1 a lne hnd her fut:u \\ oun lls \\ til !Je
RtIlUe! Ilu ywhc re in or '-X po!!ed . Ilhout HavlLOIL llllrllor IJ.lld look The con str uc·tlon or Ihls sl: rl cR at oul on I he tow I' o r the MaIne lind cyllndeJ '1i Iii III work now und er \vH )" . til<' tw isted SIN)l thaI a lice formed Half of the 20 cylinde rs are down h(' r llull nnel nOI fee l n senK of indig- now. Tb y nre mu.dc of La ckawan na lIatlon li nd a convl 'lion thllt what ful- s hf'r t Rte I pilings and aloout J GO pil s lo wed wns a Ju s t re lrillullo n Cor 110 nl'e needed for cllch . Each yllnuer ull)l turdly un net, If th o . pnnlnrd ac· I" [00 teet ' In dlruuete r unll eac h plle lllt.lIl y ('omrult t.eel tho el ed . II! 75 .feet. In lellgth . One 1e,' ls n kind at llel"Sonnl Int , I" f>t eam hammeI 'll mount ed on bilrs ' F :;t In the vOtise l th at curried In ilag nr!- used to drIv e the llo plies . an d four tor }'l'I\.I'iI, th at IIgu r d In th llll tl onu.1 .of t he m lire nt wOl' k a t tb o same time. drll ma SO trag ically, that mus t for I' e l' Tbe bed of Illo ha rbor I sof t down io al'p.'llr In fh~ 1I0n uis of our country . n.uout Ii feet. n e low tbl ~ l he pll s Wh atllf~ r or not Lh e Sp!UJlanis were mu st be driv e n Int o froUl ]01015 fe t guilty oC lh ves ers deRtru t'tlon Is ox- ot tllr cia)'. A the cylind e r>! are II t d to 1 d 'vl'loped when tb e hulk .·ompl ted ell ch If; fill ed with c hl y, 1/1 uncovor d. scooped up by I\.D Imm e nse Sle:un 'I'h o blltll hlp ?[n.1u wns ll unk In dr dg ... from n banle nellr R gla, Ha\"llna ha rbor 13 yem's ugo. The Tb o yllnde l's al'e conuocl ed llyn wrec k ef lh l! Milino c:oulel hu e llee n nrc on In out tlld e, which joln8 eacb blown UJl nnd thus elispo d of at a ylluder by a "three-w ay" pll. Th IMlit of 120.000. Tbo Cubun gOY rn· Jlo cket bet\\" on th e arc and the cylln· tnf'nt want d to do that In order to d e rs will also be filled wlUl clay and detu' the hal'bo r. lIut nele Sam thus vr vent leakllge b tween the cyl· would not hlwe It, and 60 for y ars 11 Inde\'S. In ollier words, thel' will lle n lass of twist ed Iron, senti neled by n 20 big, l'Ound al'l'a lrs that look like lone turret, bill! grinned , skull-Il k, at gas \.(luke, filled with clay aDd lock d th e passIng world . Cong ress, aroused togethe r around th e sunke n wrecle. It Hna lly to nctlon lly pu bli c sonUm nt. will take, It Is calcula ted, about tWi) IJppropr Jated $300.00 to be "pend d days 10 Ilump th water out ot the In rais ing tb e Malnc. s pace ' within tho drcle oC cyllndrl al Tho MaIne at th e ti me of till' exp lo- gIla tank IItralrs a.nd more limo LO ilion was sw inging with he r lIose to- J:luck tho mud out. ward tbo Hn \"lUlU shor ,lind th e wrec k Aft I' the vessel III "expos d." the II In a lin e al lIIos t west and Oll.8t. work or mlslng th MaIlle will llegln. llow and slern . Th buoy to whl b she How 1.0 proceed , what COli rile. to pur· was moored was abollt tbr e-elgbU ls sue, what etlulpm e nt will be regu lrelt, of 0. mUe troul t be w s t sho~ of tb a ll Ihese are Questio ns thnl. only time ha);. The WI' ok li es In about th cen- alit! the prelimi nary work of expos ing ter of the ha.rbor. th e wreck to vie w call answer. F'or On the 15th of FebrUllry euch year 110 ono knowli th vessel's co ndlUon . Ihe Amerl IUS In H a vana have visit- No ou can sn.y wIth accuracy whet ll· ed Ihe wr ck IUHI d corated It wltb er or not the vessel can be floallld . If It b humunl y possIble , the holes In the s hips's sides \\'1Il be plltched I"P, th water let in throu g h th e dam of cyliodo rs, and the hulk floated . It the bow Is boyon et I' pnlr. tne Malne w1ll be cut in two, blllkht'lld tuu! stern float d . . The Cubal1 gove rnm e nt Is n s lstlng the t nlle cl Slatos In ·thls work mos t coruiall y. A wharf or sufficie nt size, COil "enlenU y located In Cnsu Blanca, just b eneath tho walls of the Cabana wrealbs and otr<!fed proYf'rs for the fortress , hns been set asIde for the men who were swept to deatb on Ibot work. To place the cylinde rs, ordindl'~adful Februar y night. ary I'ound plies ar,e drh-en at the axlll There are conlll cUng reports as to ot each. Around this central pile Is tho conditio n ot til hUll. A Spanish 1\on.te d 11 templt't at wood, made In board ot 10\'est!g aUon officially report- section s for ease Qf removlll . Too ed to the Spanish governm ent that the sheet plies are shipped In lengths of bow Is io one plnce, whlle a ubnn 25, 35, 40 and 60 feet, and are bored board located It In anothel· . A United and provide d' with fish-pla tes and States Investlg lltlon ngreed with nelth- bolts tor assemb ling Into lengths of e~ Tbe--wn te r acpth Is from 30 to 37 75 feet. The piles tor a comple te cyl· tOf't. 'rhe vessel Is (or was) ' about SS Inuer are set up around a templet and tMt In height- that Is, to the top of then drIven to the requlrel l depth. her decks. The deck Is now 19 feet After any remains or the dead found below the surface of the wnter. Tile In the wreck have been remove d and nlllinma al oud th e fighting t op :ll"e ox· the necesslU'Y examin ation has been l108ed- -also a part of , tbe hOIlSC, maele, the actunl remova l or the wre<:k turned upside tlOW li . will be beglIU by whatev er method Is Artel' the ir long lJ eglect (h bodies found most econom ical 1UI(1 advan· of the unfortu nate seame n, w.h o weul tageous . It IIOW seems probabl e that to theIr death ou tlln.t Februar y flight Ihls will be to sever the tl hattered par· ] 3 'yoars ago, will find a restiug place tion ot the hull from the after part, to In the .A rllugton NnUooo l cemeter y build a bulkhea d · aeI'oss the cut sec· 'Ir.de r tho stump of the fighting mast tion. to remove the shattere d parts whlcb now lhTusls Its top nbo,-e the pIeceme al lind finally to fioal lIll' tInwatera, of Harann bay, The deec nctes brok n end away froUl Havann . wl1l thus be sntlsfled . But It Is not tlentlme nt tUon!' whIch Is ellrectlQg tbe The Way Sueee.a ward. activiti es af tbe governm ent engl· " Success Is never easy," Said the n eers. If It were only tbat their prob- late Da\'lu GI'altum Phillips ut 1\ din· lem woui u be Immens ely s Implifie d. ner at the l'rillcet on lub In N(lw 'rh cause of th o ex plos ion re mnlns York. "If I laid ~'ou ~ow mllny maga" nknown ; In tile wreck Its If th e ,en· zlne stories of mIne were rejected glnCt!rs bOlle to find ev1den e WhIch before my first novel m ade a bIt, wlll explnln the mystel·)". All their you'd ne\'or believe It. IlllUl8, 1lC,~ ordingly, were laid with n "Succes s Is like skating ." said Mr, view to leaving such \'Iel ence as PhllIlJls . "When t was a little boy might exlost undistu rbed. In ~ludlson, another lIlUe boy sllid , ,B riefly and non·tech nlcally, tbe plan to , me envious ly one wlnler day : beln~ USI.'11 to rolse the \'ossel Is us 'How dId you le'!orn · to skate so tollows : A series of cyllndcr 8- 20 In well?' . ' numbel '-lormll ig a cotrerdu w, ar tle.. 'Oh, just by ge tting up l' I'y tilnO tng .sunk tn the water, silt a nd .m ud I 'f ' ll down,' I Bald ." around th9 wreck. Tb ElsO cylinder s, when complet ed, will form al\ eggSideate pping. :ehaPed dam, encircli ng the wreck, ·Thls " !!ow ' old would ' rou glH'S!< ID to ,dam 'YtIl 'b o made watertig ht ond the b:l ? ' . '. }Vater imido pUlIIpe!l ou~ ~'YdrIlUll() wouldn 't s'u~ss; , t gO.~: cl?ne look· " pumps will' stlcl[ Ollt th(' mild om! the Ing for lrouble l ('ars ago. .' '" . '. " "UlI
W omen sufferi ng from any f orm of lllness Me invited to »rompt ly commuuj c~te wilh M.rs. Pinkha m at Lynn, Mass, All lette rs arc rer.civ ed, open ed, read and answer ed by women . .A woman can fr eely talk of bel' pri vaw 111n oss to a woman ; " II o always waR a bad egg, bil l thus has bl'cU estllLlish ed this cou- nobouy s N' lll Ctl to nollco It wh ile he tid n ce betwe e n w a~ ri ch ." " " el' . 11 wns all right \lntil Ill:! was Mrs . Pinkha m and tho wo men of brol,c." Americ a. which has lleVl' r been broken. DISTEM PER N eve r has she pubI n :.1 1 01. fl1 l'm R nll1 C1 ng all ag~5 of L OI'~9 , lished a testimo nial or us d a. le tter w ell "" d('g>1 . c\lrpd and olhers In !lAme withou t tbe writ te n consen t of the as ~t c pr~\' ~n t ~ d frolll hr" ' ing th e d i8t!!I~~ WTite r, Ilnd ncv e r bas tha ' ompany wila bl h ' 1'0 11:\ ',' ()I S'l'EJl1.PF.R C I RH: . Rllowed these con fid e ntial letters to Every bott le l!1tnrn 1'('(1. Over 600 000 get out of their p ossessio n! as the loolt le ~ Bold 1& l ~' ea t· ntS.5O .. nd $1.00 . .1\1 nr hllndr('d s of thousan ds ot: lhem in goou u r ugg ist . or ~ tnd t o m.a nu fa cturl!1' . Agen l" waulPd. l'IJoh n )led,e3 1 Co ., Spec. l.h ' i r ille!! will attest. <':ODI".,.,'I\l8 lJ wt'll sc" Cw\'Ctl. I Dd. Out of the vast volume of experi ence which Mrs, Hnkha m has to draw from , it is m o ra than possibl e that she Why Maria Laughe d . haa gain 'd t 110 ,,('ry knowle dge needed IIl mlll pUllse nt t hll d oor a nu bol11In yo ur case _ Hho a sks nothing In ra- In!; np 11 Il l.'!'1 uIrull. saId : turn ex ce pt y til' good will, and ber ".lI al'lnr, " h(' u yo tl s ' f' I hi s trap arlvl'e b as h c lp('d thousan ds, ure ly ugaln it \\ill hon! a sk un k In It." nny womau , rich or poor, sbould be) I Plf l" <'11 mlll ll l<:t; la t e' l' hA r eapglad to take advanta ge ot this gcner- I llea red ,QUS offer ot a ssis tance. Addres s Mrs, " ~l a;I!JI''' II I' '\'l .1\ tl " \'0 r OUlf' h r(' PiIlkha m, care of Lydia. E, Pinkha m " e, . 11 u edicine Co Lynn M '~ss I nn d IOllfil'n IJI tj on l of th is alHlrC'll ,... ." . . 1 1rnp ," Every woma n ought to havo And til II h e got LydJa. E. l~ln bam's 80-pa! :,o l.H:'c3\18e s he laugh ed . m:lll ut "lIla.rlar "
Text nook. It is not a. book tor genera l distrib Ution, as It i8 too expe nsive. It 18 free nnd only obtain able by mall. Write tor
tttoda y.
Up to Him. T um - I'm dead sore.
J lost $5 today. 1 feci lIhe' someboe ly ollgbt to k1c l. me. 'reBs (absentl y ) -,\\ hy don 't you ask fathe r for my hand louighl - lle's ri ght In tbe library .
Someth ing In a Name. Ella-li e's " e ry narrow. Stella- What do YOli expect of • tlat?
No wonllin can be happy who haa too mucD Ume to think or things that are non e of her busInes s.
TTnllllilt8 \ Vi1:11'<1 Oi;
n Inn y \)h \,A ic i nn ~ .
lir nnl
n Lottle
rpc'onl mend NI h"
It iH UHCtl in 111Un\' puh· privntr Iil",pit nlR. \\"h v n<l l l{t'~ p OD
hnnd ill your o,,-n hOllle?
Yesterd ay If! ce rl aln; tomorro w, c I'laln ; today, haH nnd half.
Cau quicldy Lo o-m'Come by
..,hc, Dizzj.
a.ea. and Indiptioo.
do their cIuJy.
Sm.U PID, 5 • .n D_, S..aIl Prlc.. Genuine II1lIIIbctu SignatmG
~ff CE. 1 '~ A B!~ ~ $4.00 PerBRtUJAN c...L MOnn""1:8 GREAT
I J UaL Frue_
solid gold 14" , ,1.00 \.0 ,12.00 HonL C. O. D.
to naOllo.llon. lUu 9tr&t~d prien
Y.on la, Oblo
-.~.:-==..==~---;;;..... .,
FREE SAM PlE OF LAXATIVE CURED THEIR CONSTIPATION When 0. perRon hM beco me dlocourngnd t hrough yea r~ ot tallurn to find n. c ure, nnd tlnally, perho.PII, gives up tryIng, It 18 small wonder lliat htl b comes Ilk ptl cnl. And yet, l O n il who have c on stipation, we would ,my, "Try just (J no th ing more." We wIs h yo u wou ltl lry Dr. Caldwoll'" 8y,·up PepsIn. a laxatlv o tonic that ho..'1 b een u sed ror rL g on e l"uUon. *rhousnn ds are \U~lng It; s ur Iy some of your frI ends aInon g the num ber. You co n buy It ot nny druggist III nrt r e ·nt s and ono do llar a. botUe, but better s llll. scml yo ur name nnrl ruli1r~s!! (0 Tlr. ('a.!dwell for Q. tree somp\o bott! . 'H wIll tiN"! YOll ennu!':'h to co n"llt(:c you ot Its me rll.s, and th eu tr you IIJ(C II, you ca n bu y It of ~' OU I'
(IruggIAt. Mr. J . J . Petty of UnIonville, lifo., MI'. 'Oeorgo W. Ztmtnen nan ot Hal'I'I sburg, Pa., nnd many others of both ~(lx e ll nnd In nil parts ot tho OUlitry llral uRed Ilo HDmplo bottle nna now Ito.vo II )'egulnrl y In tlto hOllse_ " YOII will Icarn to do away with salt., wot erA and cl\thartlc 8 for theBe o.re bill temporn ry reliota whllo Dr. Cnldwel Synlp P~p6ln \8 guarnnle cd to curD p l'" I"ma ncntly. It wtll traIn your stomach ann bowel mUllclc8 8 0 O\at they will do theIr wot'lt aga.ln naturnlly without outsldo 1lI0. Cas t Wlldo your skcpUcls m and try 8)'.rtIp P('psln . POI' Iho frce Hnmplo address Dr. W. B.. a l(lw('II, 201 Co.ldwell buildIng, MonUl cello, 1I1.
....~_~.._ ..~~... A TRIAL
~ \, i'!
Restore d at Lalit to Perfect Health ' by Doan's Kidney Pilla, Ml'll . Nal'ci'ss n WaggoDcr. arte;'vll le, 1I1., n. F . D. No, 2, says: "For o\,er ten years I &;.:l::'e!'ed tenlbly with bn.::knch ea, beadnch es, nervous and dIzzy s pells. I was restless at night, and in the momln g arose 80 tired os to be almost unable to do my hous&work., The kIdney secretio ns we re unnat. ural nnd gaYe me a great deal or. trouble. One day ] Buddenly' tell to the fioor where I lay for a long time unconsc ious. Three doetors wllo t.reated me diagnos ed my cllSe aa. paralYS is nnd sald they could do nol,blng for me. As a last resort J b egan using Doan's Kidney Pills and was llerman ently cUI·ed. 1 llln' stronge r than before In mnny years and my1ddn eys 'are In perfect condIUo n ."
Teat Do.u'. Kid· ' DeY PIU. Yoursel f Cut out this' ~oupon, it to F.oster-Milbun'i ~iII.~• •iIII• • •!II~."iII."'Co., Buffalo, N, Y; ~ trial of DOm" Kidney Pills ~1Abe free mailed youpackage. oromll'tlv_
_r:.III__ _...__r
...... .. ..
. . . . . . . . . . ._ _. . . . .. . II
DOAN'S KIDNEY PILL SaId Ilv all deale....
W. N. U., CINCIN NATI, NO. 13--1911 ..
Febru ar), March and April are the backa che month s, becau se they are month s '0£ colds, chills. grip and pneum onia, with their congestin~, weake ning influe nce 011 the kidney s. Colds , chills, or grip strain the kidne ys and start backa che. urinar y disord ers and uri<!acid troubl and have heada che, dizzy feelings, achy muscl es and joints ; too freque es. You feel lame. ",,-eak and tired etc. Chills hurt the kidney s. Likew ise well kidne ys often preve nt, painfu l urin.ary passages, sedim ent, nt taking cold, by hc1pin g to pass off the waste matte rs of cold conge stion, Doan 's KidlJe y Pills art; very month s, They stop backa che and urinar y disordcfl\, keep the kidne useful in the raw winte r and spring on .the kidney s. Stron g testim ony pro\'es it, What better eviden ys well and preve nt colds from settlin g ce could you ask?
Co. •
-- - - - - - - - - - - - Jj .':,~~~~8~~~ I Thompson'. EJ' Water : .:.... _ . -"':.-- -
Colds an d Chills Bring K id ne y Ills
Lebanon , Ind., Man Gives Vivid Dellcrip tlon of His Sufferin g. .1ohn T . .\ndllrso n, 61!l W . Main St.. Lebano n, Ind .. says : "I 1I·a.s tnken sndllenl y wIth agolIlzl ng palns through my kid neys, follow ed by a stoppag e of the mine. 1 ca1led In a phYSician, but' he gave me only tempora ry rellet, by drawing the urine with a cathete r. I was soon In such agony 1 •:ould not lie in bed, and for fOllr we eks sat In 3" chair, propped up by pl11o,.s. After about a montb, it seemell as if someth ing bUI'st nnd J passed a , regular 1100d of water, mixed W.lth blood and mucus. .:.'Jter that 1 lIad not Il particle of control ever the secretlGns. The doc lor said he could 'do no moo re for me, and everyone tb()ught I woul.d die. My friends marvel· at wy y. . Nine uoxes ot Doan's, Kldliey PUhl saved my lite andrecover made a perman ent cure. 1 gained 28 pounds and bave had nO trouble since." '
/~~v DIAMONDsl
I '"
It must ha"e been n flpln stel' who Bald hat some wldoWR wear beavy veils to conceal th eir joy.
Ac ti ons, looks. w(1t' d ~-s t P fl s from th e a lphabet hy wl li .Il you s pe ll chara (' le r .- l.a vu ter.
The Wretchedness of Constipation
2'YlNT PlC7'fIN£ T/UJ ASTOll·
I '"
R.a, 'W I.ery Eyes an d Grnnula 1 for d No Smartin g- Just El'e ComfortE>"~\ld". . Mur in Eyu Salve In Aseptic '[ubee NlI\v 'Ize 26c. Mur lno Eye Rem dy LIquid %lic and 50c.
Calli . ld '\'('1\ ~I im ttl l\tl'~ Il, P 1,,'(,1'. corrects "onst ipaliolt , t"icn Il6('" thl' ~}'~ lellt a wl rid til , uloud uf Itttpltl'il i,'". A\I tll·lt!(gi, ts.
Many a young m un eflrns n Ih' lng lly working bl s foth e r,
SBAK E JSTO 1'0 ROOK S A llen', "~oot · Rll "e . t hn AnUfiopl (n powt.l ~ r rur 'l"trM!. . l~.blna . R " o)l ~n. n e n oua f'eflL. 0 1 r " r etH. ana c<Jlu!oJ1.. MUll wa.llIlng" rteltflht, 14 .v.r'''b '· ..... %:>C. I.Iun·L Ilcce VL 8." .ubout"t". "'or ~' nIQII .""'plc. ad4.., .. AJlen !l. OlmllleCl, Lu Ro" N. Y.
Tn" MorJ.e ET" R e mt!dy
Dr. P ierce's Pleasnnt P ellets relrll!ate .'tId in" illomte ~totna c h. Ih'er and bO\\"el@ ugar·('out ed, tiny l:T'aDllleH, eatJy to t~k~ U c,s ndy.
Perha ps Not . An 11I >:! (rn r tor III a ch urch ~I ! Il( )o l wh " r e m udl nll l' lll lo n \\'l\ H paid 10 sa cred It Is tury' (I we lt pllrt io' ulrll'ly on th e I'ltrll Bt "A m! 1-:l1 oc' h WII S lIOt, fo r God t ook hIm," So IIIlIny IhneH Willi tltl ~ r l' l.I\'all·d in " Ilnnt>\'lio lt w ltlt th o ,"' lI lh of hn ol: h thll l ll\~ Ihl) u1: ht e v n tin ! dull est pu pil wo uld :lns wt' r (·o r· r ec tl y Wil t' ll ll~k (ot) III ,·x:unIItHil(.n : tnte lu th e ('xuct. l an~ung l' of th o Blbl wha t iR Hn ll! of Enoch'.' deat h. Bu t thl ll wall lh - an \\ r h,· I;o t : "Enoch wns n()t what <:od took him for ," - Ul'oo klyn J .He.
M r>. W I"~to .. '~ """tlttnl\' l'lynlP for C h tl ,lr.,. o t"' .. t o tDR'. "nf t.· ut'l th o KUru s , r~du ("e In Mamw a.t.l oll. a.1la Yfi p 8.ill. l'Ur"R vdud c oli·.!r)C " bol t!~ .
Cheerfu l Ant ici pation . "H a ve you spen my ' J) sc nt 1nto If ell?'" ash , d n poe t. " 1'10. " said 'urrn n. wa rmly ; "I s ho\lld be d li g ht d to SPe IJ ... ·- From larl(s "Emine nt La wyers ."
Shorlly after her murrln.g e a woman pa ks her Ideals aWRY In moth balls and puys no more IIttentio n to tbem nntll she hecome s a widow.
TIl b etllt'bi KL ver ; you ca n g T OW Il in YOIII' o\\"n garde n 0 11 II small pnlc ll 10 by ]0, Jl rodudn g roo pouuds or more. IUpcl1s In W is com;in 90 day!'!. Us(' d In gren!. qu olltltl N\ I n Fnm e, Ge rmany ancl a ll OH' r Europe . Be nd Hi 't'nts III slftlllps nn tI wo will llJoll th e ure of :111 spring ailme nts,1 YOIl a pa c k ng gl \'1 Itg full (, li lt 111' 0 cI j. hu rno rs. loss of appeti te, tha~ r ectlon fl S also our mam mot h 'sel'u til' d feelin g, paleneiJs ano rota log frC' e, or S 'Il d 3 I COnt R all li g t nervo usness . Take it. In addition to abo ve I ,000 k .~ rn I ~ ~I C.'t it t<lday in l1RlIn.1 liquid Corm uns urpassu lIle v jl:pto lli o anel 1I0wol' IiPeds- cnoug h for bu : 1t -\. of \ 'l' g(O ' clio a la It' l tllbletll ca lled Sareat abe. tnlJl e!' a nd nowe rs . .J ohn A. Sa l1.f' r .~ Seed Co., 182 S . til St. , La e ra 's '. \V Is.
Foma-HILIURM Co., BafraI." , N.-V., P1qJrletOrI ..
i: +-------,--,.About People , 1
W,l lter 'Si lverfi one of our pqpujllr ' ."" ••••••••• • ¥¥o-¥i ••••• 'Aln • . +- ,-
~\::i~h;~:f i SOPPl~.:iUg _'li~rkHVI1 !f LIMING THf SOIL Mr ,
·l!n~ . Sohwlut z Wlt~ iUO IlI'
villll "EI last w
k tra nsaoti ng bu i - ::
Iue~ ~, 11nd Mr . Ed . McF,trlno ca ll
c1 'i
- - - - - ,- - - - - e
'*'................... J
.. - ...----
..- ..----
-----. - ...- --------.• ...- -----
·D omestic Science Meeting
:Practical Demonstrations . Dilly.
fFREE ~Q ALL '1IIIiIIII.........
Apk1Jltur&t lb.t~
c.r. ....
Viii. . . . .
C"mcmna t 1'
.. White's Store..
~Ae((,I" ~A~i~
Dayton Tuesday.
F'. C, Sc h wal' t was . aThursday on businfJss.
Corrects Acidity and Makes ~ I'J' Dr , Mary 'ook ~as in Lebanon tl Increased Crop Yields. iUS ay . Possible ~ Mr. a nd Mrs. W. H. Allen were in
fr i eu<1~ her 'Ii turM.v. , , Mr . /lod Mrs . •J. C. OrllY are n Ow -iI.' ' .. 'pecif)" tJle word "ATLAS" located iu ooe of J osiuh R ge rt;' • .. when bu ,ing ment, and 'ou • BY FIRMAN E. BEAR, , " Vf o portio'5 on Mllin Rt,H,a t . witl gl't tJl b t. I ~ .\ "" I"" l~b~ .l~,:tl~'\I~.(l'I"V~ Dr"CI 11 } ,~.rtm0n t. , t .. ~ . ,j 'I'll is but Oll(, g rad.e of , .1 .1. Bll tl f' r tl ll<l '1-1 . E .· Wil M01l . ; of Ou .v t·,l1', ('1,j\Ad 011 rllll\tiv~l:I 1111 '1 ............................ ATLAS PORTLA ND CEMENT 1fri end herA ·ull(1.1 Y· l.illlo Is one of tIlL' clements n C08· ___. _. _ .. _ _ _ - the be. t t hat cnn ue m ade sary \11 ol'ery soli It llIUtl t eIther be - the sam e for eYer. bod y . New Burlington thero natu mlly or mu st be suppllell. Sold at' A orn r.e F . Compton i!l Al1rvi ng nil Solis I okln, lim e are acid 8011 :1. ;:\ow Is the time for those men whose th ~ g rtlntl ju ry in Wurron 'l1u uty Rol lR kre acId to thlllk !\!)out a.p plyin g Mr s . Blllle Cu lvin bnn n "<'l Vtlre nt· lIu.18. tllek of ({n ll .llt-oueR Mo nd llY ni,ht of 'rhe Ilrst thing to be determ ined Is la"t we .. k . LFFREE fo r t he a ki ng- a MiJ:lfl F10r11 A nr lllll Wlltl flt bom ," 'IV hother or not the 5011 Is acid. Two ('ontt1tloM Inrlicatll l.lle la k of HOl e; book on Concrete Construe · IIl:;L w llok f o r !' I'n n g vlI (\ll t.ion Mi ilI'I 8nrtth U" y cl ook WllS co nfin ed firs t. the Inability to grow good cro ps tion. to he r bAd With t'ODSl lli t JS t.h " for fl of ol 'wer; aDd .se ('o nd . tllO appear· part (If 1.IRt w.~e k a nce at sorrol In placlilS where tb o lo"er has died out. Roi ls 1n eastel'D Mi,.;s Lnnrn Wood h ilS Il p osition 0.10 f,re In most C(\ S6S acid, because as cl erk in II stor e. in Dllyton. Harveysburg. Mre. Russel Bentley was otlli ed t o t hey have been liNI verl from the breakln&' dow n or sandstone and Lilbanoll It\ ~t wt3ek by the death of sbale and are nlilurally low In lime. Mr. and Mrs . I::llllllue l LloVd, a f 1 a sIMt·e r . '''estern Oh io soIls Ilre gl:! nerally near B iekoryvi I Ie, WIU! in our t own Th e l~ ntlies Aid of the M E high lu 11 m . 8aturday tt'Bn suoti ng' business. Soil'! :\1'(> su ur ll Slll\lI y loRCatlSe or .Mr. B. L . Dakin lost II v.d ua ble oburoh are prepari ng for an Easter acid s formNI in t11 r. " l' a y of organic market. matter Ill\(·t.rlll IId l ./-: :\bollt th la. m llk oow In t week . - -d ~('a y . 1 u' an.' uII,,~)ll' to deve lop The EtLstern 8tar Lqdge gave Sprl ng· Valley rur 11('1' III 11.(> fl •.. " .. ", o( t h Ir own Il. ·ba.nqaet·tl.t W. A . Me rritt's Frlwa ste 1'1\1 :lI (' t s. 1.1 11" I;; I'ffec llY,e In (hy nig ht. Miss Ann .. Anabee was a Xenill nEJutrulIli. .g 01' " ,." I'(;yl ng these \{r1 W"lt.er L'Icv, after being sh opper Saturday. prod ul'ls . d·ll.ogerolls l V siok'. is very muoh im 'r o huy I" 1 'n~l , "-I j.:\t lt.~ \· ally one Mrs. Emma MoGrew is very poor must .. t '. I1 · I' ( :; .".-1 II' rh r· furm of proved tLt t.his \'\<riting . Iy . Iround };,,'(," Io nt' 01' q '. , (' I.1i 1. (' WTbere heing 110 vaoanoy in onr Mrs. J oho 'Reeves is improvin g can not a l ;'d.: til !, II ' 11"11 ' J' ,\ 11 lher n{)unoil oaused by res\gnation. G . M . nicely after a two weeks illness we will buy ii i ,',' .',; • Itr '1 lli '.' klill' l' Ed wl\rdll was appointtid . . Mr~ Bnd Mrs . G. V . t:ims were 4epcD(ls nn th il' ('. · iJ lli ·. ~ \'!1~ 1 whe(J A . K, Pa.tterson, af she Frenoh visit·ors Batur~ay in Dayton. applied. An :lp pli(' ul ion or UJ e ton Rrota Boer 00 ., of Cinoinnati. tuns · .T ohn Ree "esJr. was the week ·end et qllicklim' g l \" ::; l'(' H" llcally the same rellults as two toll!:! . or Ihne· noted bneine!l8 here I::latudllY . gu at of hi parents. elone. l{ lhE' dl stnn ' C to haul is far, WilltLrd Wright tLnd t wo chtld re n Miss Georgia ~ no ok Wft.S a Xenia It III Itlluall y more onoml 'al to buy tl.utoed t o oar villtl ~e 8a ndt&.Y 10 gu es t t:!anda.y : th e l1uickllm e. 'ompanv wit h the sberiff. Lime 1.8 exp nsin'! . consel) u ntll' .\lIss Bllrriet Noah was a Dayton we can not areord lo usc It in E'xces· MetL81es are In abundanoe here. shopper I::la turday. everal new oU.se~ a ud more ex peot Miss Olive Anabee was the guest lIve qua ntities. bnough 10 d slroy t be acid present Is all t.h ll t i:l nPC! s· d. of Mitis .Esthe r Shanbaugh la8t week . lIary . Little Is gained hl' ItP lllylng I:Ipeoial E ILflter ser doeR 'Will be all eIC8SIl. A ton of qui cklim e or MilS Lilzie ~troup tra.n Maotf'd bu . • held at the M. E. ohuroh t:!unday t woo t(,IlS ot lImetitoll p r ac re 18 a iness in l.ebanon Mondll.Y . fai r amount. Ohas. Robiq.son r epresaotia~ 1'b13 evenin g . Aller the 11011 has been plowed. the Smith Brol:l. Bard wate 00 , of Col lime IIhoqld be ap pll d on th e surface MortificatIon Well Earned. um bus, . oa.lled on his tmde b ere An Englishm an. alone with Richard· 80 as to be well work ed Into the soI l fl' oesday. son. the novelist, saJd to him : "I am In the cultivation w hi h follow s. A Frank P erril, of WashingtoD, C. ha.ppy to pay my respects to the au· spreader, fertili zer drill. or a sbovel H , WIlS shaking hand8 h er e with thor of 'Slr Charles Grandison.' fo r may be used to adva11tnge. If qul clt·· at Paris, and at The Hague, and In lime III to be spread wi th a shovel It f rlendll Wednesd llY. should be put In small piles and al· Mrs. 1. N. Segl ~t,il1 r emains q uite fa.ct, at every place 1 have visited, It lowed to alrslake before scattering. III much admired." siok. I RlohardsOD appeared not to notice Mra. Ida 'ra nker is very :liok a t I the compUment, but, when all the FEEDING YOUNG STOCK. company ' were assembled, addressed thi8 writing Olle of the most s rlous faul ts to Ed Uarr. is successor to Otto the gebUeman with: "Sir. I think you be tound "dth mnny s tockmcn Is the were saying lIomeWns about 'Slr Hornick in tile pool rOalD , Charles Grandison.' .. underfeeding or young stock. Otten Mrs . Jon8ttbun Murris, of Tiffin. "No. sir," he replied. "I do not r&- men wbo feed to the limit. maturing i8 vtaiting Mrs. S. G . Elli son for member ever to have heard It men· cat.tle. bogs or borscs, will let their Uoned."-From Arvlne's Cyclopedia of YOll1'lg atoqk get along as be.st they a few daY8 . . Sherriff Forgy caroe up Hllnd uy A..necdotes. can tor a few months, even though they get ".stunted." a condition from and called on several of our Oi Liz ~n s which they never fully reC6ver. ' It Is and on MondllY they r eturned the The makings of a oigarette 'are IU'suad that fee(i led to young stuff cllmpltment by oalling lit the oonn- often the unmaking ' of the U8er. ooes not give returns. However. there t,y seat. ~ lallUla rloubt hut that fep.d contain· plen ty of bone and muscle l;lUlld· When money t.alks it usually ge.t s Rev. Frin'ger filled the pulpit here er Is l111ed to beUer a.dvan tage by the an en oore. Sabbath afternoon . youag animal than by the nnlmal duro fa« any other period at the feeding IIrocess. , !ilnM nat.u re provldell all of our domeltl o:ated nlmals with a good appe' tite for milk, the dam 8hould be t ed pleaty of good clover or alfaJ!a hay, together with SOUle green feed, such a8 slIaie or beets ; and this lIupple· ment" with a grl!-In rattan or bran, oU meal or cottonseed meal, and a lIUle oom. Oats also ' are good, but In mallY places are too ,high h price to be red with proflt. FOCldl!l ot this Dature Itlmul ate the milk flo,,, and, b es ll~911 keeping the dam well nour· i.hed, turulsh enough to01 for the yoU~ until they are old enough to Qat 'clovel' hay. bran, or crushed oats. Two Domestic Science Instructors Lambs !!lOon learn to use a "creep" provided tor them. and It bran and F~om t~e Ag ricultu~al Ext. Dept. of Ohio State University , oats are kept there. they easily baJWill be It1 W aynesville on April 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd. ance their own ration and form the The m eetings will be held in the Township House. Every habit or aolng to the rack for their woman in the community is urged to take advantage of so teed. excellent an opportunity to increase her efficiency in the art Calves and colts soon learn to nib· of h ? m ~, ,?aking . than which no work is more important to ble bay and al.o to go to' II. box where the mdl vld ual . the community, the state, the nation . .bran, oalll and oll meai are kept. EsThe lectures will be FREE TO ALL and full classes ~:~Iral::e 1:1~~s a~7~a~~. th~~t a~:I:eg~ from the begInning are earnestly desired. the nutrients In tbe feed do th em Preserve this prog ram for futun.' refe rence : goo!!, but thll hay helps to distend the dlgeltive tra.ct and develop the Wednesday, April 19th middle, tbul preparing the ·way ror .a a . m.- "Beverages" . p;ood feeder. . 1 p. m.-"Starchy Foods • Corn 8hould torm but a 8mall part of the ration for young animals. for Thursday, April 20th the rel.8()n that It Is very low In pro9 a. 11I. - II Vegetable Foods" 1 p. m .--"Milk" "Eggs" teln B.nd ash, two of tho essential muscle and bone . builders. Pigs otten Friday, April '21st get nothing but corn aDd poor pasture :.n~ ILl a result ·make slow gaine 9 a . m, - "Meats" 1 p. m . -'IFatty Foods" at a I'lgh CO.lt. and otten "go down" •'Sanita~ion" 'on their pasterns. Tankage, mid. dUngs, Iklm milk. 'and clov er pasture Saturday, April 22nd make good lIupplemeutary reeds tor 9 a. m .-"Bread" 1 p. m.~Household Decoration pigs. . . "Left- ers" ,'. "Care of the Sick" . , We shoula ~l ways ' keel) In m.ind the fllct tbat the chea p.e st and quick8st. ~a ns are made ~ith ~6ung. a"imals, alJd tbat it we are to get the '1!10~t out o~ . ~ur -stoo)< 'when mature, ~bey must be weI! fed from birth: , also th.at p<!Or developmef,1t resultIng from underfeeding cOl1t1nued tor lIeveral lJ~neratlons 'W lil gatP a; c~ulaUTe . p..eet agong enOPlh 'to d..~,. the lIlerit.a f?t best blood lin... 1· . . . . . . . . . . . GEO. 1'. STORY.. Oil
T he " old reliable" White Sew.mg Mac h ines for sale by Cross Bros
Herber t Edwards is spending a couple of days in Cincinnati on bu siness. Miss )3el\e Myers. of Spring Valley visited Miss Glenna Smith Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. W. E. O'Neall and Miss Mart ha O'N eall were Dayton shopper~ Monday. Mrs. Chas. Edwards. and Misses Ellen and Mar y Sherwood were Dayt on visi tors Monday. Cross Bt·os. have a fine line of popular makes of Bugllies. Surreys and Br eak Carts. See them before you buy.
.------------------------------------------, Road Notice
Notice la hereby _gfven that at the meeting
Don't forget we have the larJlest and beat selected stock of
ot the County Comm l(l8ionera at Warrell
Northern Grown Seed Potatoes. Bulk and Package Seeds. Seed Sweets, . Onion Sets, 10 town and our prices are rl2ht.
bt Day o~ May, 1911
Co unty. Ollio. to l}e hold on the
There will be proeented to aaid Comm t.· aJonera a petition tor tbo eatabllabmtlnt o f a County 1l01Ui . Deglnning In t he Lytle and PinKney .RolUi at the S. E . corner ot W ; II . Duke'. land running nortb to the N. W. co,', oer of A. UorneU'8 lot theoce with WI\Jt e Kenrlck'allne to W. Hurley's Jane\. tbence to the Montgomery County line. and that Aid petition will atand tor bearing on that day or 10 lOOn thereafter lUI the saroe can be reacbed. WALTER KENRIOK. PrIncipal peLltibner.
New COoda Thle Week Will Lippincott returned home Voigt Cream Flakes. 6 nice tea· Monday night from Piqua, where he spoons free with each package has been at work for the past four • Bulk Wheat Flakes. Its new and weeks. cooks in 10 minutes. New Fat Mackerel. New Vesper Cheese. Lettuce. Onions. RadMrs. C. A. Hough, and Mrs, Nellie ishes. Cranbf!rrie9, New PotaDakin French, of Lebanon, were toes. New Cabbage. Apples. g uests of Waynesville friends Sunday Oysters again this weC'k . and attended services at St. Mary 's Fresh Fish Friday. We will have church. Shad. Herring. Flounders, Haddock. Dressed Catfish. Get Newton L. Bunnell, of Waynesyour order in early. ville. one of the gentlemen interested We are selling "Seth Richards" in the Mason Canning Co., was lookcelebrated Cala Navel Oran~es forflavorand sweetness. Seth ing over work 'here Tuesday- -Mason Richards Oranges beats them Appeal. all. 250 to 40c doz. Notice our lemons. Mr. J ohn Fromm. of Dayton. was Everything good to eat at t he week-end guest of Mr . and Mrs J . C. Hawke. Mrs. Fromm and daug htei', who spent the past wf'ek I with her parents. returned with him to their home Sunday evening. . Aoting so as 10 heep out of trouble ...---iii a lIure sign of oowllrdioe. , ST. Mr\RY'S CHURCH
.Notice of Appointment Eatate at Ellen Dakin deceuod. The un'· del'llJrned h .. been appointed and QuaUfled aa a.dJpfulatrator with tlle will annexed at thl! Mtate of Ellen Dakin. latAlot Warren County, Ohio. deceased . Dated thl8 6th day ot April. A. D. 1911. Edmund Retlllllck. Admlnlttrator Seth W. Brown. Attorney
You · will always find it an easy ·thing to get GOOD 'TEAS HERE. We buy ouly the best pos':sible quality, and the assort· ment is large. At
. _.
'Service Wednesday. Thursday and Old Flrearml In Hlltorlc HOUI •. Good Friday 'at 7:30 p. m, At the Much excitement prevailed the Good Friday service t he cantata other morning when the historic old • re81dence owned by C, E. Burd was "The Story of Calvary" will be re- destroyed by ~re . Within the walls ppated. of the structure were hidden a 8m all Saturday. Easter Even at 4 p . m. arsenlll ot firearms. rtftes and pistols. • _ • ' all loaded . and when the heat of the hulld1ng reached them a regular Fourth of July bombardment began. Oregonia. The house was ODe of the old land· Don 'li forge t the "Old Maidll ' Con- marks of the town. having been buJlt ven tlOD at the Orpgonill sohool hoU!!e before the , Civil war. D. Orrett, a l::lat ardllY evening, April 15th . southern soldier. had recently writ· ten to the owner ot the property that . ~iss !,.abel ' 8 herwood returned the Confederatel had stored gune and SQuda.y to' Miamlsbnrg after "pend- ammunition In tbe walls of the old Ing her spring vaoation at home Rtrueture durtng the war, but)· Mr. Prof. and Mrs. 0 W . Williams Burd was unable to get at· the rellce owing to the tact that the bufldlng entertained relatlv'e s from Lebanl)D had 'been remodeled and strong waUl S.n nday . had been bullt around the old onee. The much prized rellce. conelet1ng Miss i..IuoiJe Matlon and Bomer Deatherage at·tended the dtl.noing of ante bellum firearme of the crud. eet make. were hi~den In th~ walle I!ohool.oonduoted hy Vellos Worley of the old IItructUrte In order. to get lato\t Saturday night. them at the end ot the struBle.Ztl.in Armitage is p.iQtin~ T R Enterprtse Cor. New Orieans Time. Democrat. ' . ~ptinoer's house in Lebanon. Miss LuoiJe Norton spent the weeK and with Ml'II. Will Mooney. Mrs . Fred Gove and danghter, OR.' J. W. MILLER, D(.lruthy. o r: Betbel. are visiting Sue Sherwood aDd fumily. -t. ... DENTIST..• Mrs. Wi! Kersey is tn Harveys Office in bnrg with her mother, who is ser I Waynesville, National Bank Dldg. ously ill. Mr. Kersey aDd little John joined her on Sunday. Mr . and Mrs. GeGrge Saoker were in Morruwover Sunday.
~. White'8
Long.Llved Engllih Woman. A woman named Margafet Buml of MllIva.le, about ten ~l1es (rom Newry,
celebrated ·her bundred and ninth birthday yesterday. Sbe Ie Itll1 able to relate etorle8 of many of the IUrfmc events which occurred durin. th. early part of her life, and can mo.. about the ~-Londnll m.q,...... Land of the Free. 8tranler--So thla il a ....1. " Un bu~.
OIUsen (of Golnpome)-You jut · bet It 1.1 Why, we've collected ' a fat fund to encOurac. a'flaUon partiee to land herel . 8tranle~lever Ide..-what 1.Ildueementa are you olrering' CiUlen-F'ree landa,e. tree plOlIne and the freedom of the clt'yl-Dlul. trated Sunday Kap.llne.
- ..----
O.l Subscribe for the Guette
... - ..----
FT. THOMAS ABA~DOSED Tbe U. S. government hus form a.lly abandoned Fort Thomtt.It, netl.r ~ewport. Ky . E'or more. thaD fort'y years thito\ home of o.rmy troops waA oOlJsidered on~ of the mos~ beaoUful !lud helLlt.bful army posts in the country. l'be onoBslon w ..s marked by fitting oeremonie~ and by the formlll flLrewell of the army to the fort, wben OoL E . F. ' Mansfield, io oommlLnd led the 80ldiers away fOf a long and tire80me journey to the dll.'Naiian Isl&n.\s. For~ ·Tbom,.;!' was 'one of the mostio\ereeting .. ud . popular pllces of interet in tbe vioin 'ttyof ClnoJnn·a ti. When the wOJ:4 was reoeived' that the fort'was '0 be , . ·"bllndoned every e1for~ ",ae made by C . 'inoinnatl pe'l,)ple td' have the.or..
If you have anything you want to . sell · buy, help wanted or situations wanted, the Miami Gazefte can get them for you. lTJ'Y us onee. ............ ~ .... ___•• _
.................. ..- ••
FOR SALE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
M, ANgypast 30 w~th horee and bug !INCUBATOR-Gem Inoobator 270 to selll'took oondition PClw- \ eggll good a8 n ..w used 1'
der in Warren ~ounty. Salary .70 ·aea80n. • Write A . B: EIU "n ~ )~fl per month. Addrees 301 Unity 1 ~ r l V . 0". . Bldg ., Indianapoll., Indi!ln". . tiol ng alley, Ohlo, for into (mAo . ======'.=====~-====
paR SALE-Two teams Malq,,; coming 3 v.ears old, unb~kea.: . ROod one8, 15X handa high. Phene 4482Y.. u. E. Rtley, Le~on. O. . . '. .. . , pAPER NAPJtJN~Th. GazeUe " '. oftloe handle. the plaID whiM" alid oolored napkinl. 0&11 · and' "ee thedl. . .
" POTATOEa-:,..Rnral NewYorJr and }Jarmen No. 8 'potatoea for Bale I f~r 8~ I)r &able use .... a !fell.ooble 4er revok~d. A commutee. wa;~ price" J . W. at8~1! WaynUiville •.O, 8ent'to WAo8biDgton &0 an11s. 'h~ aUl P~~ne16~72r. . . 'o f tbe Pre8ident In the end-.vpr to ' oontinue',hi, a.rmy JJqlt, but~othlnl ~NE' Ye!L~.~id Ueldi~g. :' Add*. 'HORSE$-BofNfi for 1'8~le Ili~gI7 ' ooulil be done, It ia, no, .knowI) U -.. To"'UnlOD, W8oynenille, ' Ohio~ or In pairs. InqUire or J. B ,' ' or pDone 6~. ' '..\ . PhapmaD, . ~.,':l ville, Oblo. w,b at d~p08ition, the · government " .' ",111 ma~e of thi8 valuable prOper", ,. .' t1II b~~ it i8 Baid t~e bDUd,. 'wt.ll ,b e . BUMBIIB of be ~le tt.... USR .P APJII~1f rOD ""all' torn down and tlui' la"d ciiill .. , or the b.UdiDI.of 'Q1nIrbail~ 'OJato.. .. .' : '_.--' It .. ~ ... _ tIM.
. .
.: .
.. '
~foI'''::'ad~~.t .~.!.~~. caU.~=~~ IW"'~
' ,'
-------- -+-: :~~~:-:~~;;::::-I
Cl~~~el~~~n;eg~~::~u~;'.:~~; ._~!,~O_~~~~_~~~~.~~~~_~d.. !!t~~e.. t'~~.~I~O~::'::.o:':~~.:;!:: Oregonia.
Social Events
S ::'L W" 'h 0f W. W. Crane on Th ad ay. ~r. '_«photov ter plU,lr. tlmm~t on ,ome s A '113th O' to the bad ur ' erville, Lebanon. Wavoellvll! I Bar. leadi"1 weath~ Mrs Mark Davis is still very ill. Ralph Smith was in Dayton Tuesapher • . was elected prl wmg veysbo rg. and oor neighb orinr oom Thomas Laey and wife were gueRts !.- f6L 'D..J t . I Ph to ar several .membe day, rs were unable Id Md ' at to Ed Furnas and son were in Leba· secre-the home of Eli Burnet t " la t 0 ' ~·~1i0 ~Iona monitie s, 0 attende taftbera.Jf Iociety g b d the "0 of Ohio. ,at Cleve. e present... ,.II s bUSIDe8S ' . non Saturd ME ay on Barnh ar t was 10 . . Day- Uonve ntion" here Saturd ay nlaht , Sunnay. rs. V " lan' :'.a laat -k' ' Th' . h' hl D The presIde nt called the meetin g 1818 Ig Y com· t ton Tuesday. II u •• -w....... d 2 I I k Rldioulous oostomes, snd fu :ms d fte 1 ' 1 Harry Wellin to M S \. gton. of W Z Chenoweth and wife were Chicag o. h vis· 't' 0 or er at 0 C oc ,an r ro speeohes kept the Iluditmoe in rOltrp ::: . w en liSt call and reading of minuteas the , , d folited relative pleasan s 'here last tly enter tained by Mr. week. ~Olllll eevu lUI lie IS e youDges I . O. M. Ridge w.as in Morrow Mon- 0f ltlOghte r frQm beglDnlng to an . ed y Mrs. Frank Har tsock and family on membe r of the aoeiety. On his reo owmg progra m was enJbo h: day on busine8l. Those taklDg part were the Missel' S d CI U b JQe Thompson. of Cincinnati. tu... flom 'Cle,veland Mr. Spahr RP'ent Mabell1 Dd The Mary first t:ih was ,-rwood a song , Luollfy t be M un ay. , spent Sunday with his parents . d••~ . Mrs. W. H. Allen was shopping in f II ed b C nt Events y rs ow a ay ..u"""h· y ur Wi ..... IS paren,,re. .... near X· 601a.- 0 11' Mailon, I .U01110 Norton , Edna ~pen Day· ton Tuesday. . Clinton County ,Democ rat. oer, Lillie, Laura I1nd Myrtle Kibler. Mr ' and MI'". S" L Uartwr Ze . lgll t Raymo nd WiIliam . 80n. of Dayton The questio n for discu8IIion was spent East 1r day with his parents. Edna Dellthe rage aod tiertrn de Ker and Miss E,mma Dan Cline, of Mt. Hol,ly. has been ' "The Labor PrGblem." Dr. Claget t here. ts f M tr a MerrIt t at dm ' inhis old neigl;lb ' orhood sey. strippi and ng Mesdam toe~ Jnlia ~herw o('ld g uesS 0 d ISS neZI not being presen . I baceo. 1be Chlcipbati Commercial of Sun· the discussion. t Mr. Riley opened Miss Brtl.dbury. Maroil!. Sherwood Em ner un ay. Gertru de Hawes. of Spring . mons, EVI11ee a V~idt Saoker, Ulf\dYII dq u,y,a: , The essayist. S. L. ight. Valley. was visitiJ'lg frieRds here Adelbe rt McKay. of 'iDrciwned with suicidal intent. " read a very interes tingCartwr Dayton . t;peDo" r .Armita ge Rnd Ullorrie Ironl' MissAl ma Wa'erh ollse enterta ined paper on Saturd ay. Sunday. the guest of T. J. Brown Williams, Rnd Ma·. Will wu the corone r's verdict on the "How Can a Rich Man Give Kersey the Card Club a t her home. assisted His and family. death of Benjam in Evans, the aged Children the Advant ages of They were. allisted by ltt.tle Mitis by Miss Stella Lemmon. Friday Those of Mrs. Emma VanHo m, of Mason. eveAodrey Ool11ns, and MeIlSf8. ZatD ning. The evening was pleasan rttlred Cincin~tj ,pork packer; a Poor Man. II. tly has been the guest of her niece, Mrs. Don't fail to attend the Domes whOM body 'Va found In the water After more vocal music the tio and V tlrn6 Armita ge. spent in "500," and was followed by club C. A. Bruner . Science lecture s at the Township at Pebbb' ~c1 Catalina. T~ur:s<iay: adjourn ed to meet in May with We Ilre 80rry to lo.e Prof. D. W adelici ous luncheon. Mr. .. House this week. The bod, will be taken to Cmcmn ab and Mni, C. L. Duke. Wilham s 'and his uharmi ng famny. Ell Kmg. of Acton. Ind .• has been who moved to Lt!blloon last wl'ell for •- • the guest of his father, Henry King. Messrs. Dr. Ellis. A. Maffit .T. H~ BQrtoD ,Qf Pa:sad~na~ Cal.. and Prof, Williaml\ wlJl finh.h his aohool AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH Miss Emma Heighway entuta ined for sE!veral days. J. E. Janney were in Lebanon T)les- term here. Ud bit wife, a , daugl)t er of Evans. a f~w friends at dinner last Wednes' I day on business. tatUle dtbat Evanah ad not appear ed The Holy Week services were Mrs,. Will ,Ker8ey, who bae been day. 'The guesLq were Mrs. J. well Mrs. J. A. Chenoweth and daugh- . W. dllPOllde'nt. Two DOte. left by the atteude d every night. Good Fridav with har motber in H,uvAysburg. EdwarJ s. Miss Rowena Wright . Mrs. ter called ariel at the :~\valbn hotel indio night the cantata . "The Story of Cal· family'one on W. Z. Chenoweth and , ' Dr. an.1 Mr~, J. W. Ward arrived retnrne d bome Saturd ay . E. V. Barnha rt. Mrs. A. r. Wright ' day last week. home from ~Iorida Tuesda y. They Mr. and Mrll . Gtlorge Saoker speUt Mrs. W. U. Allen, Mrs J., B. eate4 ~t'he planne d .to end hls,life. Vary.... was repeate d. to a large conChapMrs. Edith Harris. MIS! J, F. Cad- are both looktngfi~e. Sanday in CinoinDatl, ODe note to hi' dal1lht er concluded gregab on. . : man Mrs. Geo. Hawke and Mi~s wallad er and Miss Edith Mosher Rev. H. W. Bailey attende d the WI~ the worda. . .I'will mail this and Euter Day servl~es ware as fol - were Miss Lizzie Eiatha WilY. of Leba Marne Brown. in Dayton Monday. meeting of the Scettis h Rite Masons ,non, spent 811nday Wlt:h Mra. • at the ilnt chance and go t9 lows: Celebration of the Holy Com· Will in Dayton last week. ' Norton. ~Y7. Jonee' locker. With love to munio nat,7 a. m. At10:SO, Morn- Mr.an dMrs. / J.O.Ca rtwrig htand MlflR Llzzle 1:1 a tbll way. of Leb&DOn, Mrs. Roy Irons-g ave a charmi all UId everyboClY. your millerable ing Prayer . an excelle nt address by little ng daught er spent several days Miss Nellie Wilkerson. of Spring lath r. Benjam in'Ev.ns .., spent ,tiuod"y witb Mrs. Will Nor linen shower on ThurPday afterno the rector. and Holy Communion. last week with relativ("R in' Dayton on . Hill was the guest of Mrs. Roy Irons too , The'cleceeaed wu brothe r of the The music from 3 t{) 5 at her home on Third of a hil'h order,' Miss . several days last week. ' Ia. Joel EvanS•. and in hiB youth Pearl Colv'nwas Mr. and IIrs George Zsl1. of street that brough t togethe r ~ p~iding at the or~an. ~essrs. F " H. F~rr. J. O. CartWavnE\8vtUe. spent. tiaturd ay night genial glOUp in honor of Miss con. Dved in Wqnet Ville. Mrs. A T. Wrigh tsangf oftheo ffer- wl'lght. an:C H·.st· R~rn:l took d.e. Eloi~ Miss Leah Smith. of Cincinnati. and Sond~y wl\h M.r , and M.ra. R ' tory solo a beautif ul setting of greea In Smith. the daught er of Mr. and Mrs. ottl te asonry In was the~est of her parents , Mr. B. Emmons, "Chris t the Lord is Riaen Today. " G~rge Smith. and the bride elect of Dayton hwt w~k. and Mrs. Geo. Smith last week. Miss V,lllieCrBtldook. of Lebanon", Mr. Joe Thompson. A VO'1 pretty weddiDi' was solem- In the afterno on at 3:~ the Sunday Miss Annie U. Brown . of Xenia. .w.cIa t the hOllle of Mr. and Mrs. S. School Easter ce)eb~ti~n was w"s t.he, 8\1nday Kuest of Misa Emil The rooms were beautif ully d'ecoheld. is enjoyin g a week's vacation wi th Miaa Rowena Wrigh t returne d to line ·Jeffery . 8.1IanIh.u In Fruitva le last evening A ahort p~ consIsting o(song s her father and sister. Mr. rated with green and white, white T. J. her home in R~ Lion last Thursd ay Mias Ra'he Kersev . of Clnoinnati, roses. weddin g bells and umbrel ReV. J. M. P. Martin united ~~ recItatiOns was rendere d ,a fter Brown and la Miss Marne Brown . after a visit of several weeks with spent her brief Ellsler vaoatio iIa.......n.ce Mr. Alva V~ceand Mias which Easter cards n witb formin g the decorations. After and c~lored ea-gB " Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt. ADna JlaIDII 8 o~cIOck. Only the were p~~tetJ to ~e chtldren. her parente here. . shower ing the bride.to -be with many Messrs. Lou Printz. Dean Howell ' . Immedtate relativ e. ahd close ,f riends . The Easter otfenn g amoun Merle B'rlar. of Clnoin nati, visited beautif ul articles , of linen ~ dainty ted to and Wm. Haines spent Sunday afterMrs. Mollie Edwar d, returne d to hie oousin8 bere t;undlY. tIM we~ present. Follow , more than $100. , lunch ,was served by the hostess. nOOD the guests of ~r. and Mrs. her home in Dayto,n T~~ay : after Miss ' Uraoe J Retl11li . ok WII.8 t.be Wedol Sun· Those presen t were Misses Ethel . " ," ~. A WeUer~ of near Centerv ille.. a pJeasant two wee~' VlSlt WIth ~er day goest of ber brotbe dpr w a s . r aDd h~ HoSier/ Ethel Stokes. Ed~th Mosher. M. E. CHU~CH, EASTER son, Mr. O. J. Edward s and fanllly. wife, of 'n ear Oregon ia Mr. \rance ia well known in Grand Stella Lemmon. Ellen Sherwood. Jus. Do you need Pants. work panta, · . <. aDd .' from the 10' Mr, aod \{rs. 8llrry ' Sherwood tina Hartso ek. Helen Stoke!l; Agnes The Easter leMCe s at . the M. dress pants can be found at bargain s eat hIP 1Ch001\ He is the. owner Qf. Do- and !tir. and Mrs, C A. Rpenoer Homic k, Nettie were yery interes tmg. Earnha rt. Elsie . large the "Best Make" Will be !pven dallv at motore d ont from Lebano n &tnrd ",,orc hard io Fruitva le. ay Hartso ck. Kather ine Prende rgast. 10 .:e at of Work Shirts • . The best makes and the House this week. The night ' to attend tht' l'Old ~ and his bride will take up a. m: WI an ~.r , ~n. 8peCIa 1~te8t pattern dressah irts in the mards' Nellie Wilkerson. Miss Kezia ,M erritt. meetm gs are free, and every woman UonveDttoD .• theli' . . . at. once. The brtde ,ia ' Mesdames Frank Farr. Eames t kt!t • . Come and look at the great is urged to attend them. , Little Morrl8 Mote,o t'Colum bos. Hartso ck. Harry . 'very ~ve and poputa r young H. W. Baile,. The preachi,n~ Jes..e assortm ent. John A. FWlkey. , The time has arrive i for everyo ne bas been IIpendillg a few days wi\b Lewis. Fred ~lbon. George Zell, C• 8b8 .... nieCe of Mr. Marshall rice at 10'80, m wu lal'lrelyattend. childre n misses boys ladies YQung his aont bere. I . _cam ebere eighte en mOllth sago edandtJa~ae~o~ b Rev. A. Bruner , WIll Benecke, Geo~ge Baile Mr. and Mrs.~. A. Funkey .had men elderl ~en ~d old'me ...... ..... e8VIU. nto Ohio Rev. C. W. Kurt-z, Ptesldln~ S~ith. A. WV!lClng,~d Mrs. ' She has I .:I·d Easy te Y &nJIII '-_.. y the pleasur • : e of . a VIsit from was a sp en.l WIlbur t' eed r sermon, • Elder of the U. B. oburob , wiH Wtllemburg, of Sprmg Valley. L .. J . taaD . p-:eminent part in the social Sial a mee good up- to-da"music was rendere d b E. H owry. a f ormer par.tner 0 f •Mr. wan or n .... ' I . ah S ·th 'f Ci' comfor table Shoe. We show three preaob here next l:Iuoday t' atld , of ErWtftle. and both abe and tb., pee morn ng MlI~s Le uartet 'J Funkey . Mr Ho,Wry 18 a retIred f lh best ak ml. 0 • ncmna I. l rill1liUd' - ..... ~vorites with the young a qTh th lar~est assortMrs. Heber Hollin pworth visited "g. . was one 0 f'1o· business man. and lives ,in Canada . 0 te ..,,~. e8 ' • _ . , , e eventn sernct l'Jlaced 'be fe0r e the people ber lIister here la8& week. Ml'. and h d d ' men ever - -''Aofttiat lec:tiori . p l DEATH ' terest' d ' fit to th tar S , i d h COD· The two gentlem en n ville No one ever saw Mrs. Hathaw ay aooompan e, " ill t be take " an p~ e ge. talldn~ over old times.a a ~o time 0f Wa y 8r ed '\ (I'ed es. "'lIDoo n w n9 k . ' . ' 'home n ' PreaeJlt; Rev. Badey A. J. Osborn, Qg ~ years, I , such a shoe stock outsIde of a CIty. ........t owing to ethe .;or 'l'b' U E Soolety will hold Us at the home of his dliughter., Mrs; a atrong. prac:t!cal 8fll"II\on ,Mts. Clyde Coleman and son, prices muc,h lower and every bo'.inelS meetlnR at tbe bome Nora. Hillman. ont eef frost and at, Francis . came up from ati pall' guaran teed. preaen the of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ault. 1:Iat-; 8 o'clock. of pneum onia. At the mQmm g sernce a collee:· Thursd ay evenin g and ' Cincinn The funewere the best makes 'file HamIlton Browl} d' I bt . . . ral took place at 2 p. m. tiO? "(as talten for Foreign Missions guests of Mr. and Mrs j. H. Cole- S?oe Co • The Brown Shoe Co., 111' I:Ipenoer Townsend, of The serVices werE! . '\hle~ a~oullted to a g~ly 8um. man They were J'oined by Mr. Von Brand Shoe by 'by, Rev. Harah and Ed- .... l'tinsvi lle 0 paid & brief vilitto Il. W. Bailey. • - • . . Mias Lucy Emley Co W F M S. th le _a Coleman Saturd ay evenin g and, all mon.dS Sh .• thoQah t of the pleasu .. ' ~r ~ I "Doub ' . 0 , bel' brothe r, and • • • his family bere sang two selectiO returne d home Monday momin «. . Service Shoe .natiflicatjq~ it would . afford~ , ns. I~term ent was . oes. ncaa e ow ay- thi. week. . ' . .. ' made in Miami cemete ry. ton. Xema or ~banon. Any shoe ' • _ • the' childre n of S. B. 8 , ~ Mr. T. J. BroWn and daught ers not as represe nted can : returne d. New Burl lnpo n tb_jiQ~ planlned a ~urprise post soc~t!'bl e ~I at ~t1e home of' Misses ' Annie and Mame Brown wt'nt W~ are the only house m southe rn " hirr. on the occasion pro Wallace Tibbal$ died at his home.. f t e8d f. to Centerville Monday evening where OhIO that sells Shoes on ·DU.·........ , hill't:hlitav annive rsary. Mrs. Frane :;:li" stated Coll,ett . of Baney•• in Lebanon last SatuNa y. He had Th as , n. a f they visited relative s. On Tuesday terms. No other house WIll sell you 'borg is tbe goes' of bel' sister. Mrs. been an invalid tor 011 March 'Srd. From ternoon several years and er . momin g the MiSSel! Brown were as good a Shoe., . Come and "h.,old seethe ThOll . Hay-dock" ~llaj)!ne' ~h Obio ' where tpe ear- Jas a paPVan• d ervoor "' death was due to paralysis. The fum~t' 1>lanO . , , r.soI0 YEtheI' J'olned by Mrs. A. M. Larkin and the large assortm ent. Qver hFive,Thou8rIle 'Epwor th Le!4gne rendere d an neral w.as held at his late borne ~,lt..iDliDb:~ years f ead'mg. 'Re ts from ' the three spent the day very pleasantly and Dollars worth " , Tues; ' ' of this ' , veners ble H'· OSler; r , por to c ooee rom. :."t~.~ bad been spent, came an Ch' Ea.t~r . h 80ng eervioe on I:IQIlday ev.eD- day at 10'cloc k. He leaves a widow T M . . very week d' t . t ' dA ti iumc1ub in Dayton . uU returnm g o~e ues· i ore commit 10 e ~L1iilIulCe,IDf postals and ' many let- Ineae IS l'lC • an . n ~p 1 M ' day evening ' . ~g. two daught ers and four soDs. . tel ~t reea.lJed -oerurr ences 'of the by~. F ..H Far~. vo~ John A. Funkey . ¥rs. ,,&ttha Jon68 aDd Mi8s Marso ~ 1'8. , ' i ianna Oompton wel'e lueeLs of relll ;ma; thee In tbitt'or IlJ8bve ek. . hid, fo,gott eri. w ok gave Our commu nity :was sadly sh,ocked erse. MilS " I«ary 18 shower amoD,g Monday when. the news was by .the social hour refresh · that 110 , . "1:J:.... ...iII"the only'·item on the day's ' " her many trleDds beret . . '" .' I Q -, , Mrs'. Lizzie ed by t h e h09 t ess. had • h at were serv Mra. Raobel ' VI'OIriidi~~ Ilt.fiI,an anllui) event ~t 8mi&b hask moved to the. home of her sister M1'8. Amand a b ' •- • Ii 111 bootie , , . " Da~ton w el,e .1I e w , eep ' descen dents to Ridge, in Mt. Aubum . She had ' RE R ANilE A four·da ys' course in Domes tic SciEl!lce will be given it;t for her with a ,fanul)·, ' , . • WILL ' gone to Cincinnati about t\\O . 'lIe April 19th to 22nd by Misses Elizab eth Jeffers on and , , Mary .1'be fanera l, Qf" Mrs. CiIimel. Qn ttii8 occasion the 4inner The ago to visit, her Mills band has been roand While two instruc tors ' the AgriCultural there 'was ' taken sicl( and , became both ana · '!frs with 18 under Coliege of Agricu lture, Ohio State, Univer sity. The instruc tion wijl C9n. :e71 '"... .,.....""" . .: . . rapidly th,:t to her of ofd slst of leetu,es .'\Dd demon sbalion , or .re.,." ,tion 01 \0 : Ii oa, feat ' ''AOOt waeJ)j oyed anon •. It IS t e 11m 0 ... e:l er ''Iq .... hold DecOration, Care of the SlclC. etc. , Bousfa ' Mr:'· apd Atr•. Barry Wilker son and Mrs Clark had spent !. up ,to the t*,e winter has been prc;>cured , and fitted .with the .whicli are tbe ,pron<i' pareD' ; of a litUeso n:: Dayb,n Iii tbe and had , just . ,receJy,ly R , ' . . - •, i1\ with mate'rlal brough t by JiIaiUy, R. M. Emery :.' wi.. ' HIOH' SCJlOOL llBBATE , demon stratIo ns to tb,ei'r home in LlYt!e. , , . .. . . . ' ',,' ' .. ' " .,. " E.. ' , The '" waa , • , Cin: .. ' ,ttris sCIence Institu te' hcl.d.a t ,f alblli. ~d Mn. ~ SaPP. ; The bo)'B and rt.-1& ._f the :HI~.h throug b the scili¢ita tipn of Dr: M:~ry Cooli, and',We.' Agncult~ra1,~"art- , Ill. lid~. ot~e4fwi'h' ~h,.' 88' ~ee&lDn, h~'-'late'home , m<~tr.e. i1j~.-"" totalof,cl~,to\t'!o .Clozen Schoolaenior cia. had a debate Ft!- metlt ' is sending tw.Q , ~f itsb~ ~, ms~cto~ for t~e ~ork. 'fhis 18 ~ ~bb&tl\ week aio. '1 Ii., ,evallgel. ' , ~efu~eral , wIll to 'dinner toJtetb v. afterno on; ,The be held today.a t under 'o pportu tlity for the of Warren to .. ailDqUnoeCi '.000 ha4 l ,p discullBion w... "Reeolveci, .. tb,e aboutc ookiJig anCi nialdng. .. ' ' . . beeQ ' 00 • I. ~ • , J .F. women o~t to hav, the , nahto~ , '. The institu te' is held on. Friday and Saturdar'~~~ the beIl~t ..,.1 1 1M aD, bow .. wom., lU,rna e. ' Th: ~r~, of C:Ou.... won the bigh-ac o~ 'c onny ~T t~" he reaeI,e4~pl'rox. will.,. mad: in~~! ceqteter7• hool litis wllO may wish .to a\t~. . ' ...., . -~ • .,llmed f.JO! of .maD lmatel i 118,00.0 ; hie frteade are DOW" ' , , • &be tim '% .' will be found ' on anothU pace. Cut it out aDd ,redtotiD, fol'-h1'm . . . . aDA... ...,. Thon:J I not~mg th.' oota $c)..the . .: .,,~, In tIut We AIQ8ri~Da. bun ' . eprogra m " t--o.. _ _ • qulot 111e lDpaU h4,. f , . briDg It with you. Remember, tbese M;\OIoIUQ I are r e to $0 • ,tP,8 o1cl .... e . . UDlte4 8 ....... .....'tIl .. few lM
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The Miami Gazette D. l. CRANE.
SELF· DENIALS IN EDUCATION. Speaking ot the drIveling lite 1\ 70uth must unde rgo these daye ond ,many Influences that war with -clean lifo, clean thougbts and llne IlsplraUons, Cornolla A. P. Conner, In "A Letter to the RisIng Gen eration," tn the Atlantic, says: "I don't approve," your fathers and mothers say anxiously, "but I hato to kee p Tom and Mary at home when all the other children lire allowed to go." These parents arc conscientious and ener· getic In looking ofter Tom's teeth and eyes, and Mary's balr. tonsils and lIa· lIal passage, but seem utterly uncon· sclous lhat mental rickets and curva· ture of the soul are far more deform· ing than crooked teeth nnd adenoids , I t th ese chJ1dren were protected (rom a vicIous environment and e ducated Into habits of a pure, clean, sensible life. there would n eed be much les8 anxiety concerning crooked teeth. and nasal passages, says tho Ohio Stato Journal. What education needs to make Itself worth while Is 0. confilc\ with the vulgarizing Influences out· side the home and the schoolroom. Life haa become a bard problem for the children. They are lUl'rounded b)' a cloud of pI ensures and fa.cclnaUons that lead them away from virtue, cul· ture and serious thoug~t. It may not make tbem vicious and criminal, but it doos tend to make them stupid, In· ane snd frivolous. TWs Is certainly evident to every observing ' parent and echoolkeeper.
The terrible Infantile paralysis con· tlnues to be a puzzle to the medical rraternlty. It Is a malady that appeared yeara ago, but not until lately hal it auumed epldemlo proportions. The dJaeaee Is an alrection of the spinal cord, though It Involves the' heart, llv, er, kidneys and Iymphald tI~ues. Ef· forts bave been made to discoyer the germ ot the dlseaee, but It seems to .be BO small 81 to elcape detection, saYII the Oblo State Journal. It Is poBllble, that some time this winter the baclllus wlll turn up, since' lTeat InvestlgatlonB are going on In the laboratories. The devastations of the malady seem to have decreased duro lng the cold weather. but there are npJ)rehenslons~at early In the spring tbe fataJIUes wlll reappear. It Is hop· d by then the germ wlll be found olit and nn antitoxin devised for Its demoUtlon. WhUe this disease Is lI1'one to attack children, adults, too" are lubject to It. It Is said about 20 per cent. ot the cases die. Relief from the exactions or fash· Ion Is aimed at through a pelltlon which hOI beel) presented to the North Carolloa lenate, 'alklng for leg' IslaUon that wlll eetabllsh permanent and economIcal styles ot clothing, In order ' tlJat farmers and 'others with large famlUea shall be exempt from the bardshlJ) of trying to keep up with prevailing modes. No doubt the object aought Is a worthy one. But who Is to be tbe "arbiter elegantlarum." sucb u the ancleot Romaoa bad, to let the pace lD "what to wear'" And what alBurauce II there tbat the wife and children of even tbe poorelt Df poor men would be satisfied with any design 01\ which the arbitration board sbould decl4e? Statesmen In Nortb Caro11na and elsewhere wbo attempt to "monkey" with . the tashlons are quite likely to find soeh action a good deal like dallying with dynamite. A alx·cyUnder optimist Is ono" who pretenda to like all' his wUe's relatives. The matter of reclamation of waite lands Is ' becoming of a8 much Inler· est abroad IU\ In our own country. Germany feels the need at acquiring all tlie U\~ble soil possible, and the ~attcr has been up before the German Agricultural Consres8 at Berlin where Emperor WIlliam wade an address on the subject. From statistics present· ed It was shown that there are hun· dreds at square miles of moorland wblcb may be made aval14ble (or lP'azlng' ppurposes, and His Imperial Majesty urged ell'ectlve acUon along that 11ne. Conservation of resources Is of world wide moment. A baseball team, boys of the Roosevelt ;Grammar Bchool, Ponca, P. R., mar come to tbe United Stales to try conclusions with teains of Its age, If eUftlclent encouragement Is given. Last sesson Its record was 54 games won, 10 lost, Porto Rico Ii American· Izlng ,very fnst. A former Klondike gold seeker car· rles ,150.000 Ip his wooden leg, thereby asllurlng h1mse~f of physical and !lnanclal support at th,~ eam,e time.
. '
A New York women'l eocle'ty plane to beltow medals ' on dOgB ' for acta of laeroleDl, Of course, 'tbe dogs prefer medalJl to beefsteak.. 1laQ1 a lDaD who I. V8J'J proud of Ida wtle kI. 11~ . ' .teet It bavlA' ~ PAT to; oIOUa_
T". Parol, 8yatem. \ thIS SQboIol it. hill
~td.oQ. wMh
ODIC fowbul'c 1Ihalt hAS 1IIlW'l1'Y'9 met w~tth ~ uoN}.yeraal all'l ~ro,"8'1 Vile people--
tUle pnl"OJe S,'ISoioeln. '11be SC\'\1IIc.m ci~ M't<I mttmLion tram tlre tnol tlhurt. aJ'ler 3. 'o oy drs r~lofl'lL'Sed (rom t.b.e hl6CbrUon lila I-s ~l~llII)'ly \'losil d by 'U!le pal'ole JloeJ'8 Illnd ~d un'<lieu' j u I'l lsolkLoWoll of tJlte dnsoht.l,uon IIINd l he aJrri\'~s at 1'he age of 21. Two l)lllrolC otli<:en'S 't iI'a vel over ;ih1i' flbaIt.e, s ul ling p08,I Uons for Il&rol n boys . li nd homes for .h,OTTre s bo) inq \l iI'l' into trll.edT hwl)H.s l~n<l JE'<lld 8 h ' 1 Iti,",~ h{IlI1U wbenever oeeoJoed, l'etlll'll. hll,; ( 0 ,Uh e 1n ,(lflurt,loll 'bOYd who hal't' vi I~L d tb~d l' JI{lII'ole. II ~s dill' 10 lh •• ·c 1Uo('o 1l ernul man., boy!> nr k(~II't t~1 worlc :ll'l)illg 0.11 hon· Something of the History a .,d Work. n eoc:t.e<l WWtJl UIC ~.lh 01. 'Illel'C are t'Wo I'!>t Ih' llI~ fLllU Pl' \'('o!ll e d fl"O'JIl goln{l Ings of the Slate I nstltutlon at Lan. 1'C<gJlmeT1fts, fOll r bMtn!!o'nss and ~ix(ce ll ha('I, to t heir old bablls and mdllglill'l1o caster Where So Much Good OOllIlP:lll'l s . 'l'he six! m c(J.Inl~n1('s. lI'i,111 tJhe &Sl>or.ialcs I'hrut llil\'e o8Jusell Hill Been Accompll8hed COIDI\Xl300 or fON.,)' of the b t ,dJrilloo 11.1ll'tn to be lIre li'nqueuts. 'l'11e syat m For Young Manhood. boYiS In eaClI fn.mi'ly. are Offi cel'CoU 00IIl. ! hrui Jll' \' d a SIICC€SIS (rom its ·Jjllslallo.· pleLely 'by '1IhCJS(l oo)'s who Im.ve mae- tl(m and 11110 1>1.>)'5 II nller ,w e care of l.ancast C.I'.-P I1~ )y one or lbe toerod 'tJhe art of m:llltllry' t.ra1nt.ng. tflle pQ/l ol ofl\<'Crs 10011 tot'\4'6rn with DlD8t interesUng institu I lOllS in Obl o Is Vile Il<Jye' IndJus t:rlaJ. sdbool bere. Tthl:s ooh<>o), 'Slnoo its erootJioon in 1 ;,8, bas madoe w'Ooo6l:ful PI'GgI'(!I9S and now is recogntl1A!d n..'! one oI 1Jh,e f1<>Nml'09'l In Its work. In 1856 Ube legl<glaln1Te of Ohio, in VieW of a:larmlnog evlls of juvellii'le d,e-
Institution Where Ohio's Delinquent ' Juveniles Are Transformed Into Competent Citizenry .
}l.nqUJeIll()Y, OIPValnlle<l a
visiit tile reform scboola or 11hlLs ooun· try, fUIId >to repollt a lJla.ll for a l'efat'lDIIlItnry <fur 'the staJte. 0 OJ of th I s com· m1alee, C. Reemelln, of rtfh,j.s city, soon eA'tm blls appal.ntm6ll't m1S called t o Europe on 'Pri\"aJte 'buf:9in.1(!f,St. WlUle !In lDurope be ~voood mucll ttm-e 00 exB.mtootkm or red'ornlaitOI'les, aud Ibds report "'''as ad~)OOd ,by woe leg· ielaltun'O, wil!lcb approprt,atted '15,000 tor 1ftte purdhase ot ground QIIl!d. the erootion ill 8u'atnlble ,b uildings fo r rthe eohoo1. Ten Cincinnatian. Beginners, . A traIol of l1Iin<l in Fa.trfleold 00Il~ was tpUl'Chaseid cotllt.alnJng 1,1 iO o.crea III a 0091. of ·$14,OGO. SIXJUy adtdJl'tJl'Ona.1 &oreS fh&ve 1ful.ee 'been P\lII'dha.sed. A lDll8iin buUd1ng, four tMDd'ly !lml M· tugs e.nd a hem were erected, I1hre· prem'ige6 prepa.red for ()()cup8!tlkm, n'Dld a IbeS\llmng WIllS madi6 with l\Jen boya from OtoolnDat1. Since tt.II8It 1I!ime
\lI EaBU'l'C to the regllla.r \1Stts madII Cadet.' inspection Rigid. 'l"Ihe <lILdi9IJs are i n spected every Su'l].. thelll. bas igeDt ba.ck lotlO 900iety 8JDd clay m.ilnJiln'g , and tlhe ('olIJlll&n;y t'9C Iv' The chief of JY.III"Ole officers, ,John bli81DoE188 wor~ over 14,000 boyls "'ho ing 1Jh~ mo"t ";;tpOO\al m '1'h oold , 'h M 3!lwu.ys lookl'd after \.he b&ve became Ihonora'ble members of in,teresl'S or the public, 3Jld he lnstl· tthe oommnm1t1~ In w;bk-b otbey TeISI.K!Ie. tl I,ioll OIrld 11:8. re select d 110 ITUIIIl bet.· No Ibdgh Ifen.ces, wo\1s or 1b8lM rete r S1tl l~e cl fol' -t11 purpo::Je. IIib'aln ,tihe boys ti'Om eeoop1n.g, ,but lUnid Officer. Efficient. tree.bneot and jllaloloUJ9 m8lll8lg'eJ'll;et . Thart. the !lJ-oyS sent 1'.0 Uhls In UIru· Prove d:1i9 success, doenlolJlSbrwted d1e1a1l" LIon nll!\JY ha\'e till II li t of every OP' 1), by th.e records. :UiHta.ry cldsoipline [)OnlillilY 1'0 a\'wll t il msclv for their til ma.lo:lained, 86 an fll'Stitut4on of 'IlblJos ' f llLul'e lite, ,nhey al'o 11l'O\·.1<! c-d It.h al· kind, Wll'th so mi:ny bo.)'1S 1n 1!ts oa.re, nrom every conooi'Va.'ble r ture under reqUtir€lS sucll mode or ddIoo\fpThve, bllt 'Ilhe <;ltlrooldon or C'l1II)8.bl and efficient .m own eamIy ruijflll Us cliemla;nUs. 00\001'5. Pl a~ o,f amusem.ent a.re ha-d 'ISpare the Rod" Practiced. ('Or lJh-e m; a d-EII)ll l'torllenl employing twenty tOOJ{'.hel'6 fOT .tihe teIl<lh.l ng 01 R~ m every diepwrll!ntm.t, o1eB.DlJoDe8e, a requ:llremeDlt 1Jo laIbor, W "sdhuol let'Ilol'S/' IDtLustl'1al, l·eliglolls. ebten'l1 9dbool and Cb.apel 8eI'\1Ice&, a.re IlltUlJIIiry anJd oth l' features v.:1.llh whl h 1Iblnlrs l1II8Idoe Obligatory and re<[ulned tII1ey are to oome in contaot In 'the 00U1'OO or lite. of eaclIl "boy. The taot tJba.t many of 14loe :00.18, atber ,being eduoa~ Glt 11b.e For the y>ealr ending NOI'. Hi, 1!l09, 11ldw;1rlall school unt11 tlbtey &'fO bon· , 746 'boY'S wero COnlllTlJ.toled to tlte illst\· omIbly dt9cbargoo, do make lJISeful and 't\)!;ion. or tJh!ls number 479 "''ere comtnd.us\Noluil <1tllizens Is but aoot.ber ev1. m1lIlted by 'lJhoe jllv nilo CO\JiI't, 152 from denooe of. 1be power ' and lbenettt d~ tJbe prObaite COlli!\., fj from the common rived ~rom oorreot teadbii'JJg. and aIl$O lllC'lllS cOIll'tancl 10" wore I' lurned for proves thalt, ea \lll'ouGh a larg>e nUl!Jllber ' \'iolait1an of ·toIlelr pn.role &lId Ii were or ,b oye wfu.en ftrst commLtrbed are not e)llhe·r eent or 1V'8n:t to Vile wtituLion cnlly 4neorrlgiib1e 'but in 'lIJlam' cases I)f .their 0\\'111 accord. very 'b ad, 1lbey SlI:lIlI IDl8Y, wWh 1Jhe care riven, be redeemed from tbe1r vi~ ~j\RK MAYOR F. C. GERLACH. and 'l>ecomoe In after life '\.I.SlEIrllll 8111<1 emJ.nentt men. ' 8uperlntendent of the School-Probate Ohio State Univeralt)' Endowmer,\. and Reault In Many Buildlngl. Courta Say He la Accompli.hlng . Other Funda Produce~Gr~at 80 greart tJbe 8IChievemoots of tb!la Great Good. Revenue •. sobOOl bave ,been since~1:s erecttoo .cba.t.in 1910 the bulldlmg-a ooJll8l!9ted of pro '00 ~le.'\IlI1J.nes8, neatness or clotble'8 Colwnbu's ,-'I1b<e l'eI>Ol'l of t he CXIliOl.o the new adnihdatratlon cotrtBge, ~ tIIDd CII.'I18 .O!f arms anil eQulpmenflB for Inatlon of ' tlle financial 6td:e of the 1riai1 1mUdlog, ~, ~ry, teJt&. 0llI0 )0e3r \Is g1lven Q medlJ:I, 1VIMoh 1s Ohio SLate university as made oby W. creph omoe and deteDlUoo boepttJaIl, ,,'Om by tlII8 caplialn or 'the wl1m.ing K Uaker of th e ogtate dCJ}Jar\JJn<ent of lusp ~(\Non oC ' 1.I ~b llc offices and lo.sld· tllt1'1mS, prre n t>s in a condeJl'Sed torm s na te menl S o[ blla endo\\'1Inell lJ9 of d If· reren t kind'S that l he univel'6'lty 'hll.8'. Tile oriogloo.l 6Jldowment IllS \.be ' r~ suH of ,t.he ()()~esslonal 14-00 gl'll<n1 Is oow $524,1i6.50. ' 'Illie unirlr e r,3ioty rea.llz~ on sa1es of Yil"g'1nla. mWtn.I'Y mnds bhwt were 00t1e<l to .the IStnte 'by ' e:)JJ~!I ... ,lJO,· 261.84 wU!~lCth 'haove ,been adlcJted t-o \lntH the ~ n'ClJO'w<lllel1t ,fund tr.(]m chQ.t Source
't lIfhe
16 $120,649. 9. ' By ('b'8 \Y"~I of .td~ hie Heno-y FolSOOn} Page, of PrclmtWU!f cooo·ty, thE! unlv611slly ~me 11lJOO poSlSe3Slon of boll! (' nlire eslate ll~"gnC'ga:lJhrg II} value $208,491.96. T.Ms makes the total IIimmm1: {j( endoowrucllt tlbo lDlCOJl1e of "'1hlol1 may 'be u&S<,'d M .u,'te ·tTu6'tees of tlte WJlver&H'y '&00 tH, 'Or $858,tl90.23. SpecIal FUl'!ds, In adldlUiou 'lIhe 1Il1'h'(trsi!y ba.Bt a nUUJ'ber of tSl1l!aUel' eDidJoW1JTlcut funtd's 'l\1hoae 'jnoomoo ml\lst ,))e used tor o etSi'lrDll'te.<i 'PII~~)}OSIeo.~. A:mon<g 'tbe.'m are the tfoUowlng: '1u..e Wm. J. Brpun fllnd "OW ag. gregatoo $4i7,34. ThI6 was ol'iglulll'ly ol\oly $250 ,Dllt '~UlOO :no pl'lze hal!' beeulIlWarde<1ln a 'twllT'Jbeor of years I'be lJl'incLpa.I b1li.'i &OOUm\llat<.'~. T,he S htltmau W. ~()IiuTJtS<)n re\lo",", sb1p fund lJOW ~moon't8 !to $8,362.011. 'l'he C. N ()'wlion BrowlIl 9Oho]ar!:ih'~ . fu'nd WIlliS cOlbtri'buted by . i'ormer SoIA)" den.TiS o! Prof. BJ"()I\\li' wf,t.er hlo:! death. It amOlUlifa MW ' to $1,Gli1.21. Help Wort'hy Student., The, 'Ia't~ J. l\lic'IAldn ~,~~bh, a tu:uste<ot the uDII<vCfl1S'i!y, ~"e tJhe un.'I'Vcorsi y ' an' ellllOOwrnent full'<! of S:1I1,163,61, t~e In:com~ d w'h:llC.h Is to 1,.0 lt88d k1 L.clpo fnK ,,"artaly Y'O"ng m~f1 &DId 'RIIOO1\ tc IIltWn ejl\Jution as hhe t~ &EEl n.t. ' 111 JRIlIUl-TY, '1909, Robert. p. Scot( save 'Iibe ulldv ...>nit1 '26,000, (be' 'Ill' CQIJOO or \\1tIch , tJJ<l. tnl1lllNll are to tlS~ In ~IIC W~1 aDIl ~., stu
CORPS OF CA'DET OFFICERS. d&1rr ba.m, slaugllJt.er 4liowre, ibln<:k. cnmlltllllJy on all 'ttpecial ocO!ll9I01llS. 8m1't1h sbop, tfiW'O 9Chodl buIlldA\Ilg's, con· AnJdt.her inlJeN!GtJlng f~ure OOtIIooot. eervatory, plumbing and t1U1JJ1.c g ll'uJ!ldr ed W1i'Ch 1lbe 09dhool )s the reguJoaor SUIU.' iDg, oeD!tnl'i steam plaDt w.reroam .. and tBinor Shop l)uiid1nge: JtJv.'O boIge " dao~~~~g:7 ~'I'::' ,wai~ ie ba.ms, ~ ,b arn, armory, ~I va. 'v'" ' Y a' oom. €9 bosipJIla'I, <two dining WI&, ,the' exeooblng 'the 1)IhY~ rifle dih~hl! ~. tnaIin ~Ull~, gla.rdener~s 11E!S1~8nJoo, ~ , by muStie, by !libo. B . . I. S. gabtlbba~ Ibwlddng, 'Pumping tSIt~on and Oad/elt band, ~. _"""''''_, "'tr " I..-... .' A:InIOog 'i!he otihoer depalltimelllt~ o~ 1Ibe 1n \lUe GUUIUW ..., erent ............b ..... Are 's chool &re ~ . rel1"'I'OUS (ef/Jtu-- tile ClIII1D'hlt· ..n......l\../-_ ~..... " .~ ":' .. AJ1diCIDB eeJIIboI'" rum _ de... .,. • ,~...I"'mru... , e"""' •• ,.... '¥1 a.lI.d m~.,.. j 8'1', IAleS, ,. oban1Ic&\ alg'looerfug, C&r'pe'nter1llgand '~nIImenIt, ~oepu.l, .n.oe -4~eut, 'WO'.IId'WOl'~, p~tI~g, ahoeaJrJIIC, · taUar1nrg, ..JlIllIlIitG.n", ~ plllMit, 6Ot,! ~, J.IILlUlIlng, 1Jlae1lamJtfbl~, plaDt, cu)~ '8IDO paring 8100 nllUS)(). ~, iMYiftng" cookJlIC, beJriDC.. The Do,. ItIOltea18J 8dhool J .. '1I1'111aJ, ~, ,~, &VdeDIng, 1101'1' 1\ DllDtbJy ~bllUlotlon ~\Jed aod ~ ~ dIIIrmIac. IrutdwWlotr, daitylnc )blJed tby bbe ellucWat. of the 8fUJOltJ. ~s v~ tor ee IWRlooi ..a cleq,. '11Ie feMuN lW'CIIIIW1111 ODe dIleI CII8tddt, to tbe 'tIU'1l .. wtLID1l the ~ . . ilio " t2Ie . . hl~ r..... OOfto , IIIIlOiiI it aq:qait. . ./ _ _ Mule. . .,'
• IlWDbtr ,
T rihulation
N THEl world ye Iha1l haY.
trlbuIAtIO Il .... (John 16! S8.) "Many are the aftllcUonl of the rlghteoU8." (Pl4lm 34: 19.) "Man 1a born unto • trouble 8S the IParks 11, upward," (Job Ii: 7.) Young IUJd old, rich and poor, good and bad. all sulrer tribuilltlon. n Is God's w1ll. It Is good for U8. "Jolut· heirs with Chrtst, It so be that "e suf· ter with him ," (Romani 8:17.) What la trlbulaUon T It Is Interosting to note the derivation of the I.erm. The word comes from the ·Lattn. In which language a "trlbulum'" meant a beavy wooden Ilodge thllt was used In threshIng grnlo . he grain was spread upon the hard rtoor. Oxen dra gged tbe honV)' trlbuluIu back nnd torth over tbe straw. '}' hls forced the pre 'Ious grain rrom Itl! hiding 1)la('e In the husle It tbe stulk could feel. Ilow hurd must have been Ibe proceslJ! Dut only 110 could th e best tn lho lllnik bo brought fnrlh. Word's Real Meaning. Wh,nt does tbe word melln :15 ap· plied to our Ilv os? 11 st.nhds tor tho toll. the pain, t ho t emptations. tile dlsapllolntmen ts that como to ev<>ry eo rn elrt Boul In tile discipline of life, The more consecrated. the more cui· tured, the greater the tribulation. Jesus the hrlst Buttered more ex· qulsltely both pbyslcal1y and mental· Iy tholl any mnn can possibly lIutter Why? TIeca\! e of bll higher no.tu:'G. 1'he beust In his stall. wltb plenty ot food. haa no tribulation . The splr· Itual being called hrlstlnn man, with physical and meolal endowments passing comprehenRioll. s lIffers In· tellsely In meeting a Dd solylng hili problems. Wby does tribulation come? Be· cause It Is needed to bring out the best t.'bat II In us. True It comes be· caule of lin. but since we are lin· ners It I. so arrangpd thst our trlbu· laUon. Illa11 all be over·ruled tor ou !ood, What man might bave been IUld bow he could llave enjoyed Heaven had he not fallen. we can only speculate. But we Imow thnt tbe man who Is patient under tribulation reveals beauties or faith and serylce that are most glorious In the realm nnd mind and spirit. As man Is now W41sUtuted, trtbulatlon III Q bleslling. U ••• of TrIbulatIon, What are tbe uses ot trlbulatlonT !t makes man humble. It sends blm to tbe source of all power. Many a foolish scoffer cries "Good help me!" In lime ot sudden distress. 1t makel man uselul. Having lufrered and tOlled, mao knows how to sympathize with B.nd how to help bl. fellowman . It makes man Christlike. "It doth not yet appear what we .hall be; but we know that, wben we shall appear, we sball be like him." (1 John 3: 2.) The tribulations ot the .Inner are to lead him to repentance. . The trtbulatlons ot the rlghteou8 are to develop within blm the Christian crace. and to fit him to enjoy Heaven. "Wherefore llft up the banda _",hlch hang down and the teeble ko~ •. " (Hebrewl12:12.) "' . beheld, II.nd, 10, a great multJ· tude, which nQ man could number, ot aU nationl, and klndreds, anel p"," pie, and tonsues, atood betore the tbrone, and before the Lamb, clothed With white l'Obe., and palms 10 ,their haudl. . . • These · are tbey came out ot great tnbulatlon. , • , The Lamb wblch II In the mldat of the throne .ball teed them, and aball lead them ~to . IIVlnc fountain. or waters, and God_ Iban wipe away all ' teare . from their eye.... (Revelation 7:9·17 .)- Lutheran Observer. . 8ympat"y That Bind., A ChrlaUan lady was pleadlnc with a poor, .Intul girl: lVbo had gone a wa)' from ber motherl God, to come lo Jesl\e tor pardo~ and peace.. Suddenly the girl turned upon her: "And have you been to him?" sbe '!laked. ' , "Yes, Indeed, I have," was the reply. "And has he given you rest 1" "He hal. Oh, thank God, be bas. He Is my Saviour and Frtend." "Then put your arms about me and try to takeme with YOU to blm," mur. mured tbe girl. "It would be easier 10 go with one who lias been before." It '\\'as the lecret of succesl: Man,. w1l1 relent an attempt to draw them' out of evil courses who will be won by that "touch ot nature which make. the whole world kin..... Let It be.rather, "Come thou wl~ UI and vro 11'111 <\0 thee good." .Anotb~r wal relcued al sbe exclaimed, "I don't care what becomes ot mei" by a 'nntle touch on the arm and the Iovtng wordll of, a stranger, wbo overheard and \anISe!' Rtood, "But I do." It wlll be well to remember that Christ hlmeeU was "touched with a lcellng ot our InftrmIUea"-Ule word used in the orlglna~ meaning tl\y.-Chrlstlan Work.
F~l' 'lll that men ha va tru8ted Chrl8t In the past, we , may trust' him . .E ver, trJumphllnt €hrtIUan, nery martyr, uery hero of the 'ajth sDd tbe Cburcb of God ItaeIr, are ali , ,,!!ne.ae. to the truth lbat oUI' Lord I. to be ' uD'VClverlnaly trolted tor nemhln, needful. , ,
''he KJqdom 01 God
".1 predo.',
tlloupt. and 81&0\114 ... oul'l. All 011.. uta sbcndd' li... .
DOl in PaUl's
pn,." "r.., at....
ToM. Ita~1 Ef,.. AlwaYs ., ... Genii... ,
SlRUPil6S 'Il~ " . .
, (
fUXlR~NNA mD~~llie ' a-&tI'S-· 0. ItY all leadln9 , Droqqists .
OneSizeOn!r,sot 0 BoHle '' ,
"Lame, WeU""I wiSh
SlY t h;a I have u s,c,d Sloan'8 Lini· mept on a tame leg tllat bas given me much tr u/)le for six monUls. It Wll8 10 bad that l' COUI(lD't walk somet1m~ for a.' week. I tried doMol'll' mediOine , and bad a rubber banda,e for DIy . leg, and bought everything thatl heard of, but .hcy all did me 1\0 good, until nt last 1. was persuaded to II)' Sloan's Liniment. Tb:e fint application helped In and ~ .wo weeks my leg was well."~ .L. HUNTER, of Hunter, Ala.
•lloan'. book on boraell, caJtle, .beep
all4 poult-Ill' _ , frtte. Acl4..... '
Dr. Barl S, Slou., " . . . . . . . . .,V..... ,
711)(J) CSiill;bID);lcoo)~ ",0~ rt ' L'. l:'lr '. 1[i"'. ~ u~.~ lJ!)~
•. _," J
, *,
More Impo rtant Featu res ot Poult ry Houae Illust rated Ar. Mova ble Roost s, Autom atic Venti lators and Drop Curta in Nests.
Democr atlo Leader Chou for HI. Birthpla ce a Humble Pioneer C.bln Located Among the ,Hille of Kentuck y.
LouIsvill e, Ky.- In the matter of prepara tion tor the presiden cy, Abra· ham Lincoln , In hIs ea.rly lire, enjoyed tew sdvllnt.a gel that the Hon. Ohamp' Clark of Misiour i did not poeees8, While It III true Mr. Clark was not born In a log cabIn, he' did the belt he .' , could under the .clrcum stances and Ifla, , chose rOI' hie blrthpla co ' In the Blu. , graBS Stnte · " humble farm cottage among the cUtrs along tbe Kentuc ky river In Anderso n county. Tbe cot· tage ",all a email atralr, with low coil· Ings, and was conatru cted of rO\lsh clapboa rds . It waa the cbaract orllUc pIoneer home of the period. Tbere ~"""Ii'~ were three roome, the bedroom , the r ••,t slltlllg room and the kltcben and din· Inr room combine d. At the time of CIa.rk'8 birth there were no railroad s In tbls sec lion or tbe country . and the tarmers rode on houeba. ck to the nearest ",rooel' 7 Ground Plan of Poultry Hou.e, 12x34. _tore" and pofItomce ror their supplie s KeyEFr-M<1Vable rooeta. and mall. AA-Or op curtain •. F-Dus t bath. Jam" Beauch amp Clark, Ion of BB-Slt tIng hens. G-Grlt box. Jamel Hampto n and ' Alethea Jane CC-Ad Justabl e door. lUI- Feed and waleI'. Jleauch amp OIart, wu bom March 7, DO-Ad justable yenUlat or . lIl- Blnll. 1860, on a little farm In Anderaol1 county, four miles lIouth of LouIsvi lle. The accomp an71nr plan8 Illustra te way. A n8st Is atlll left tor tbe 1811D' Hla 'father, John Hampto n Clark. a comfort able and, conveni ent poultry hen II, al IndIcate d on section plan. wall a natl,.e of New Jerley, and was bouse to accomm odate about olle bun· Tbe alley aftords room for Incubat ora born w,here Atlantic City now standll. dred fowle. The more Importa nt fea· and brooder s, wbere tbe feed blne are He wall a wander er, and after ro,.lng turel are the movable rooets, whlcb conveni ently located near the water from Philade lphia to New Orleans and are more Ilanltary and more eully trollghs , writes Btlnton Steel" In the up the Mlasls.l ppl and tbe Oblo to oleaned tban the old·styl e roosts wIth Farmel' tl' Mall and Breezo. Scratch · Loulllvl\le he finally drifted to Law- dropplll g boards, tbe automa tic ven· Ing room II provide d with dust bntb Ulators, feedIng and waterin g rack, and grIt or feed trough &8 lDdlcatl I'encebu rg and letUed there. Shortly 'd. aCter arriving at Lawren ceburg be met and more especia lly the drop curtain The house should fnce to the south Aletbea Beauch amp, a fraU, beautifu l ,nesting system, by which neet ca· and have an abunda nco at U,ht and girl, and atter nn ardent wooing ll?ey paolty Is doubled when eelUng time ventilat ion. All II arrange d so that were mafrled . He was an educate d comes. The 1I1Idee or curtaIns AA are no obstruc tions are In the way of man, ·a mechan ical genlull and 8n ar· let back In grooves at BB, the set· speedy cleanin g and complic ated cor· dent expone nt or Democr atic doctrine . tlng hen I. thul shut off from the re- ners for trash are dispens ed with. All John Clnrk, after marryin g, took up malnde r of lhe flock, but IIUlI has an partitio ns should bo 01 Wire. the I\oor tlnkerln s with old clockll and doIng opportu nIty of feeding and exercisI ng of cement, and the walls lathed and dental work. He rode onr AnderlOIl as her neat opens out Into the alley' plastere d. and Washin gton countie s mendIn g old clocka Bod prnctlcl ng dentistr y and ex· poundin g Democr atic principl es. . Mrll. Clark was also well educate d for thOle days, having receive d Ilx years' "II heollng " In a convent . There were tbree cblldre n-Marg ar· et Louise, the eldest, who died In In· fancy; James Deaucb amp, known to the politica l world as "Obamp ," and Elizabe th, no" M.... Ellz~beth Clark Haley. Arter seven yeara of h&ppl·
..... ....
T IL\S been ailmltted by t he state
or CQ/1/'fERCL'
Stops PaIn In tho Bladder , KldneYI . and Back,
'Woultln't It be nice withIn a wllek or Ie b ~gf n to sny goodbye torever to the ICIl(dfng. drtbbllng. at.raJnJIlIr, or too treQuent pl1.18age ot urIne; the torohen4 ane! lh e ba.ok·ot·the-head aclle.; the .Utcbe. and pllllUI In tbe back; the BTowlng mue. c(e weakn08s; apols before the eyes; yal. low sldn; afur!rlsb bowels ; .wollen e,. •. lids or ankles; Ie I' orampa; unnatural .hort breath; .Iel! pleulless and the de. Ifpondenoy 7 I ha ve 0. recIpe tor thelle troubl .. a thllt )'ou can depend on, nnd It you wa nt to make 0. QUI C K RECOV ERY. you ouith t to wrIte o.nd get n copy of II. Mo.ny. doctor would chargo you Sl.W JUlIt tor writing thla pr".crlptlon. but I have " and will be I'lad to 8end It to you enllr.. Iy tree. JUll drop mo a IInll like thll" Dr: . A" E . RoblMon. K·251 Luck Building. DetrOit, MIch., Dnd I will 8111\d It by return mo.ll In 0. Dlnln envelope. A. you will lee when yoU get It. thIs reCipe contlUna only pure. harrnlell ll r e medle., but It bll s grent healing nnd paln.conquerlnr: power. It wilt quIckly ahow It.e power onco you U8D It. &0 I think )'OU had b e tter II~ O what It I. wIthout deln)'. I ,viti aon4 yoU • copy tree-you can UllII It "nd ('Ilr. J'01&l'o 1111 tilt home.
and these de80late shore8 . departm ent In WashIn gton that touchcd by an occllslo nal were onl7 whaler or ne,otlaU onl: for: the acquI sItion of s omo clrcunlDavlgaUng sailor. the the Galap~goe Islanda, oft the archille lago actually remaini A Real Treat. ng no cOae.t Of Ecuadp r . on th o west man's land until Februa ry "Wbat ye entln'?" 12, 18:12. ' ~t C?l Sl';utb ~merlca, by t be UnIted v.'h n the "A dlme's worth 0' .alt wid SODlB rean gOl'eTnment for· state., as a · naval base hav been un· mally tookEcuado peanuts In It. "-Judg e. p08seslllon of the group. It der w~ lor, 'Sbme tlme between the J.a curious to note that tbls act of ocyn1ted '.S~teB and Ecuado r. To relIlOre ~ normal " cLion to li, or , kid. The cupatlo n was Inspired by a North neye, S tORU1 Ch and bowels. t,,118 aarfield "'Ude, :,whlch are aparsely settled . Am erican. a Louisia nIan named Tea, the mild Herb laxatin. All druglliat.•. VII· . _anot be '.bought. outright . becaus e of lamll, who left his native territor y . , claUl9 tn. the ' conaUtu tion of !!lcua. when It came under the jurisdic tion Cle Unfortu nate Allullon • dOll Wblch prevent a their sale. Ibe United States. Bhe--T oo many men expect tholr It I, • .td In ECI1Mor that be t nlled wives to run their homes ou prac· As already slalcd, ' tho Indigen ous 8~* e~. t"Q pay '35,000,000 In animal life of tlcally notblng. They forget that no tbo archipe lago Is In Ita '''ttPt. l'b~\ would be '363,000 a year. WRY perha ps the most one can make bricka without straw. Inte.r esUng In FrOm ,a cotnmo rclal or an ludu8trlaJ lhe world. When Darwin He-My wlfo does-() ut oC f101l'·. first -visited J)OIDt 0' yll)w tit y would be . of little the Islands be determi ned 26 distinct "alue to ;~e ,Unllod State s. Their . s pecies of lalld' blrde, 26 Import ant to Mothe rs of which were Examin e carefull y every bol tle ot , ,., tobi1 atea fa only about 2.400 square found nowher e else In tho w~rld, and CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for UlU• • But they would serve, tbruet slnco that time other naturali sts, wbo Infants and children , and eoe that It out-Jnio the hcUic as they arol t\8 an have studied this feature, claIm that MY!U«:a 'POlt of ' the Panama canal. there nre 68 peculia r species, Bears the ~ '.I""~~ and pos· Anel. wblch Is tbe main point. they slbly more. DarwIn puta forward Signatu re Qf~~ tbe woulCl bot be thQ menaoe to It they hypothe sis that all of these In Use For Over 30 Years. are dewould b6 uDd~r certain clrcunls iancee scended . from a slllgie The l{Jnd You Have Always Bough&. epecl.es, having for tha .D.u.t ~M years. been modified In form and coloi' duro ~, tb~ 'cOmple tion of tbe Panama lug the course Gentle Hint. of ages. He (afte r ollence) - ['U soon ha,.. CAI1&l _lit br1Dg ~e Galapag os I,lands Of the reptllel , the most Interelt lng to go away ou a trip to bol'O wells, 14tci Umells bt of tbo world stago. are tbe turtles and lizards. The fof· Sbe (tartly) -Well, I'm 8ure tbat I. III "moat a atral~bt Une and balf way mer, the Galapag os, are (ound DOa big tmprove ment over borlog poc>l ' trol/1' SOutham pton to Sidney, their fu· where else, and at one time literally pIe. ture . inarltlm e Impor14nco cannot be 8warme d over the Islanda, They were ~U.lpratecJ. ,The Islands, about two huge, measur ing sometim es three teet WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR IT. C1~.' from Panama , stand In the from the breaat to the dome of .ame relaUon to the Paclftc entrnno o the back; slow' ofsbllU movom ent, maktng ~ 1\1 "."'., elba :Weal Indies does "bout four mUel a day when walkIng ; to It. 'AuAtltlQ gateway . It also long, thIn necks and curious ly small ba 110tlced' that they are a little more headl and broad flat fiapper l; their. tbJll batf, Wa.)' on the trade route from Sail Ptlncb co to Valpara iso. \..,;o,....,..",""_ec'lI no prophet to roresee tlla t tbe 110.... a1m08t unknow n arcbllle lago wIU .000 , be A port of call (or tlie ~ldlll of tbe world and their po· -.i. be IIbned 'In Borne degree 10 .that. 01 tho HawaIIan group In he Mnny people fail to get atrawbe rry plaut at the rtsht II lIet too deeply; lIprtbe m Paolfio. Tbe settlem ent on plants to gl'ow atter being let, eaye that at tbe lett too hlgb or shallow, CbaUiam pland will be cban ' cd trom the American Agrlol1lturlst. Probabl y The correct .method Is tbe -Wwt or Ii penol colon}, to tbat or the chief reasons are shown at the center. The crown of theshown In the plant should • .6omllierclal enter. The r a pIdly In· rIght and the left In this drawing . The be level with the surface Clark's Boyhood Home . of the ground. reMAn., trade between the west COllst , ................ ... ....,.. ..................... . or S,9uth .AJll,e rlca and J npan brings ~-"";..:. ........... neas Mrs. lark dlcd and t he body was . tIMM la1andft In the pathway of tbe post wlll last, and the cost of buying laid to I' s t lu the old cem etery tbere. JDerca1r€llll, eaaels of the lat er coun· It Rnd setting It In the ground , tbe She ~' 08 the first person to b e burled try. . conchlll ion Dlust be drawn ,that the In tbo little burylng ground which had osoge oronge post Is the most econom · ~II «foup ,Is r emal'ka bl Iu ruany been s et nsldc by tbe pion eers of An· Ical In IOWa, followed by white oak: '-1.. and'· tije . atory of the Is le (rom derson cOllnty. C&retu l Selecti on ot Wood and locust, catalpa , red, cedar, black wal· Ole prehl8to ric period wh eu naturc Preser vative Mr. Clark was In 111 h eallh at tho 1;'reatr n8nt Savep nut, huttern ut, willow, white cedar and au the throes ot s ome great agoJlY TUno and Money -Aver tlule of the death of hIs wife. and how red oak, In the order named. . t1ltJw ttl'tm "up ,trom tile bed of tlle' . .e Cost . and ,LtCe, to bring up the t\\'o little children wos 'ompnra tlvely few posts of some of ". PutD.e, to tho' tjme of their d'lsoovery 'BAKER...-' a aerlou8 problem . He found an Brlggs -l underst and that Mr. Blgge, these WOOds are used. Catalpa and aGel. o~patlon by man, holds much of aged, childles s cOllllle In an ,adjoinin g , B)' J OHN O. SHAEF ER) buttern ut togelhe r do not constitu te your wlte-a lato .husban d, made everT. tat~":" , l . --, county, who, undol' hIs superVision, . It hOb , been estimat ed by the U. 8. one pcr cent.• wblle whIte oak exceeds thing over to her? l'JotllJq 18 known dellnlte ly of the toolt charge oC Champ lind his little departm eut of agricult ure that tbe forty per cent. From white oak, the Henpec kletl-Y es, and now ahe·• . iate wh_ia the Islands came Into bealster. farmere of the single state of Iowa highest, the number . used making every-thing over tol' me. range down aUIIo ~'!II.A''''II'''. th~t they were of a dis· It was wllh this at;ed couple that use every year $1,400,0 00 worth or new In the followin g order : While cedar, appearn nce than the lho future Democr atic leader· U,.ed un· tence posta. wblch cost the equival ent oaage, orange, red cedar, willow, black COFFE E HEART -,. IIlOllltll:allll ' or ,the South ~merlcan UI be "'Ila 11 yeol'tl old, wben bl. rath· of '600,000 for settlng tbem In tbe walnut, locust, buttern ut, and catal).a. Very PlaIn In Some People. Some. aclenUs ta think them er moved to MackvIlle, where tbere ground. Withou t doubt a part of this A tew posts are cut from other w'ood8. f l',.~'J;DI~liJ~ ., 01 a Dow·sunken conti· was a Isrger achool and creater ad· expend lture 'mlght be saved. The a.'ilpag os Turtle. A great many people go OD sufferin g ' Prelerv aUve treatme nt Increase a tbe ,to · the . Isolation 'Of the vantagell for ble children . Tbe opportu nity for econom y la life 01 all w~en pOlta and more tban from annoyin g all menta for .. lone Ie no aut,bentlc record found, first, In uelng the klndB of posts doublel the Pllrlod wbole appeara nce suggest ing Borne of ulofuln ess of time b~fore they can get their own III'IJIJP'''IIIIlS, but we know that whIch, taking Into account both coet those whlcb are m08tly dwarfed descend ant of the Plelltoc ene d. The consont to give up the lndulge cce voloanlo disturb· age. THE COSTL IEST PERFUME and durabili ty, are cheapes t In the $2,000,000 Ipent yearly byBapwoo Some specime ns welgbed u from whlcb theIr trouble arises. Iowa (armen , wbUe In ' 1814 and , long run, snd, secondl y, by treating In buylnt; and sottlng A gentlem an lD Drookl yndesc rlbea fence posta llJ]llilsb ',' RJrI'nnArlll reporte d the much 8S 600 pounds, .but tbese ,rantl Attar of Ro ... U •• d by Manufilctur- tbe posts ,to prevent Jlecay. When a might be materia lly lessened by are very rare nowada ys. An expedl· hlB experie nce. as (ollows: put· and as late Ill! 1907 a era farmer of Smokin g and Chewin g sets a flost which will have a tlng Into practice tbe tlon that sailed from San Francis co "I became satisfied liome appeare d on James compar atively short lire, he loses not ods of wood preservawell·kno wn meth· ago that I ' owed the palpitat months Tobacc ol. ion of the tloll'. It co eta wblch a torrent of lava with the special object of getUng spe,!· only through having to buy a new POlt, mucb leS8 to treat Imens of t.he Galapag os turtle, after a post than to buy heart from wblch I suffoced nlmoat but also because ot tbe addition al la· a new one and set It In tbe Clilcngo.- Todny the n\'erase pe" consIde rable dlmcult y could only nnd ground, daJly, to tbe use ot coffee, (t had been a few weIghIng 40 or 60 pounds. For· son does not hear 80 mucl1 about a.ttar bar Involve d In setting It. It Is true and In addition much wood could be a coffee drinker for 30 years) but 1 merly, cruisers or ships tbat stop~d or roses BS WIIS the calle a few yearn that In both cases no money outlay Ilaved for otber purpose s. The depart. tound It very hard to give up the bey· at tho 181and had no dlmcult y In kill· back. The druggis t Inltoy be able to may be Involved, for he may set the ment ot agricult ure has made a sped"" erage. Ing great number s of those reptiles , IIrag out a small vial ot It from the postB blmself , after getting them from study of practica l method of preserv · "One day I ran acrosl Ii very senbut latterly a comblna Uon of circum· rear of' a elosot ehelf, Ita quantity . per· bls own wood lot. Of the poste used Ing farm tlmberl , so tbat It II able to sible and stralghU orward present a,lances are .workJn g for thelr 'comple te cbance, reduced by ball with the pasl· lut year In Iowa, 70 per cent., It Is ea· Inform IntereBt ed Inqulre rl how to do tion ,of the claims of Postum , and Ing ot years; hut It Is more than like- tlmated , were grown on the farm I tbls for themsel ves. extincti on. was 110 Impress ed thereby that I concluded to glve It .. trial. The turtles yield 1\ peculia r Quality ly that he wlll have none at all In where they were used, or were ob· "l\~y experie nce with It was unsatof 011 tbat CM be use~ In place 01 stock. What's thc lIsef No one asks talned from otber farmers or wood lot Int,.oductlon of New Planta. ownera, and only 30 per cent: >were Isfactor y till I learned how It ought lard. The medlum ·alzed ones cODtaln ror It any more. But few farmen have any Idea of t trom lumber dealerll. NeverTbat does ' not mocn, howeve r, to tie prepare d-by from five to six gall ODS ot this llrod~ theless, tbe farmer II out bll labor the great work our governm ent II dl)- ror not less than thoroug h bolllnc uet, wortb about 75 cents. gold, per there 18 not plenty of the famous pel' and 15 or 20 mlnutee . Int; In ,the way of Introdu cing new tbe part of ,the product · of htl Arter I learntld that lesson there waa gallon, and as It Is a Yery simple mat, Cume to ' be had. Alk lome big wholeplants and fruits from tbe old world wood lot which 18 used up, even though ter to extract .tlle oil, It ie cully seen saler of drug'8 and be will doubtle sl Into the United States. During the 110 trouble. he does. not payout any cash. "Postum proved to be a moat pnIat.how the turtle bunters would pursue be tible to hiu YOU ' quite a dll'ferent last fiscal year more than 2,000 seeds The average lire of a tence POlt Is able and aaUafac tory bot beverag e, theIr 'aalllng until they bad complete- storY from ttoe retailer . Very likely and plantB were brough t 'In. Tbe de· IllAted I have \leed It evN' aIDce. · ly' extermi nated ·thla remar~ble rep, ho open the door of Q aare and averageto be fourtee n y~ars, and the partme nt of agricul ture haa explore rs' 'cost i3.7 cents. There la, bow· , "The effect on my health hils been tUe. The doga that rOBm the Islands sbow you wllat $10.000 worth of the enr," ,reater d'lferen ce In tbe lalltlne constan tly on tbe l09kout for _,11 kinds most salutary . The beart palpitat ion ' h",ve. 'also contribu ted to the de·strue. preclou e stuff looka ' lIke all at once. of-plan t. and fruit. that seem cap,able propert ies, of dlffe~e.nt woods. Olage from which I ueecf to B:utrer, 80 much. That II n'Jt muoh In bulk, aa It Is Uon of the tur-Ues. of good yleldB . In : our own countl'7 . orange laats more· ~han Dve t1~eJ! a. particul arly after breakfa st, ; haa diSor flO an ounce. wholcsaJe. The Ecuador,e&n lovernm ent haB worth 10nt; al w1l10w, and for length 'Of aer- Tbey are picked up elpecla lly In Man- appeare d and I never 'have ," return of As a nlutter o~ fact, more tban '90,· ylce churia, several 'Umea begun negotia tions fOJ Korea nnil' China. The~, are It beads the lilt of' P03t LlU.U . the dle.poslt lon ot .the IlIlands, and at 000 worth 01 attar ot reoaes Is brought In tbe state, The oompar atlve . . .. .peclm enl from wUd apricot trees It except when I dine or lunch' awa,.. Ufe Tbe of other posta II sbown In the follow· 't en feet In dlamote r. There are wtld from home land drink the old' kind of ba:k all· 1851 the prelimI naries 01 Into tblB country ,every year. tranafe r were arrange d with ' the best Is- trom I'9BI:8 Sl'Own Ileal' COIh Ing lilt, ranging from the " longea~ grapes and wonderfu} . penlmm on8 calfee becaule P03tum .fa not sen'8d snd bush clHlrrle l and other curious I Cnd that Postum Clbee... aDd Invl.· United State., the sum offered belDl IIItanth,ople!" Not only doe. t.ble brln, period to the ah.o rlest:' Red cedar, I~ ,3,000,000- for the right oE-colleoUn8 a higher price than tho prodUct Ot'the' oust. ~hlte' oat. nortber n wblte cedar anll valuabl e speclme ll8 that moit~or orates while It produce s .IlO harmfua IUmulatlon.'" Name gtnn by Poatnm ~ tba BUano that CoUld be found OD til- Bulprl an ro.e Celds, but Its superl· (or artiomt ae) catalpa, bl.aoit w~nut, UI never I)reame d of. Co.• Battle Creek. Michl. talands, For yarioul reallons the deal orlty II r4!cornlsed 117' a" leparat e buttern ut, red oak aDd willow. Ten dB)'a' trJal pro.,.. aD eye opeDe!' clUIUlc atlon ID lb' trade. Whol'tl feU th~ulh. and wblle since t~t The .Yer.. . coat of POltl varlea W., for Itoole. ~.a7, •. ' dDte teltat.v a DeIOUatlolla baYe beeII :loee the ,r.O,ooO wonb at thl. oily tOr differen t "ood" aDd for the .... WateJ II cbeap, bat I,' la a n~ Read Uae lItUe booJr. "The Ro&d to commeDced dnrla. dltrerea t admlDa . ,.-cum e 10' Som• . or It u "bue- wood. In 4tffereD~ locaUtl•• R~d cedar al~ for a"ltall llq ~ Ufo or the WelMlle," III pkla. "Tbeni a..& . . . . .,.. . . 110 deflDlte .....,.. .at .... fOI' other perfum.., aud aome or It t. moat apeUS M, at &II . "bere . few napee t-to tile maDlII _ " , " I ' bMIl nuIlet . aeDti _4 "Wow Oe 1IJIjall ..·1 of Ulold. . . .t .....,.. . .. ,
'Ar e You" Lik e Th is?
B. '. Weakl er appoIn ted FAST TRA IN SOON TO START 01 Tn t(W of HIe e 'to to of FrrLDlt 1 EdwArtl Wae.k) 7 . our,~ IWPoirlt8 1 '~'lJa Hil t f t,be \)p lliug f -8" luning Aprl130 t,h rohe pennsY I- I' Frank 'ory 11, W" 'hestor Mu})1 t141 J.(y PI'l'k, 0 IlllUbus, Obio vu ill LilJe will put nil n w fllHf, all" .Tl1dil\Q Morrow appr~lst:lrs :.11 ,'0 dlllll ged t) ',u ndll. ; Apt:U 23rd, 1]., .lIel tfltio uet ween t L utI; \lld Tjred nll th~ time, not much Th will of t.he la.te Loui", E \t,Wtl W ti lt trOlU r·t:ld.1Y , I nil t.h ~un N. w Y l'k, und pns inK 'hn)~l l( l\ gQ6d f r anything, 'hardly able: to 1m Ild ' , d EO fu!'!'d, \','" "'l(t m ittall (I' lngor o f tho Park lJ!I V~ ' pl' .... ~e deti t DJ~:vto"" ",,11lob will give Q. 24 bflur drag lUounCl, jllSl all run down. , probate. ' mil I ~tl11 furth r IInprov ru otl' rvi betwAftO tha t> rm iol\l p')in~EI 1£ you are, wc' guaran t e our VII(lncl fPC \1 II(Ml llonl\! nttrll tiODd, ud g.lv tbls oitYI1 runnlo g obeuul N L will help you. It has belped J\\arrla<..re License s, I" IH1 pnmll . {l to . nrpllt!S Il It t 01'1'161' I n t 0 N d ~ Y or'k f 16 h many people around here who were oars 1\011 uu , Whit ?O) 'I( 1 1. 1Ynrt~ III llrl)ddl o~ l1tt\u~emaot for qlinutflS, a('c,ordi in this conditio n. Rill jer t I\.oy u OUIIItl, ~, ng ttl ~o nonoun flI I 111'1'113 Ul,V('I'II >l IIH'l r plI.I,r Oll N w.' lQok here. jtlst try one hot- ot 'run klil Ilod m ot. made by U C. 811iDI'i\, di!'t rlct ~l f I kl [ tIe of VI r L, ahcl if you are not 8b I\w)[\n I 'Illi!! wll1 btl llJf\ }::Iths lISOU for J.lIIIH! nl!;er t . "" "gent, Frldl\,v. 0 ' 1'110 til. ev -I' sati tied that it did you g d, come NorUlIIU S well' DIIUlel hI wilI b,e tile frtflt at pas!' tiger 1 10 t' r f urn! 0 1 lit lJl~y ' lIud I!Yllr .V'Vf'lIr tldditloOR , back and gct your money. It will . allli IlIlllroveman t . bll v beeu III fle tl'll i n tie r yio vel' gl ven eremon y. Oayt'JDlu n il I be retume d without questio n. That ~ • E ' b "II ' 2 f f Rud tbe p 'Hk h,IA ,~r WD . III bOrnot' pu bl 10 . v O I D9, tw e n t h is cH,y aDd 'New Yor k, 110, 111' 0) r , . is a fair proposi tion and hows our • U ' I ' fll \'I)r nu.l II It, IR no IV 000 of the mo t ooru!ng to Mr. Baines . I . ( ,ril , faith in VINOL , and that we do W Ayne v ill E\ an d B I1ze.... )In / Ill i mill t II III USI UI . \I t l'osorts of tlle Tue hig ttuln, whioh will be known not want YOUT money unless you re- lU, of \-V uyue viUt'. Rev L 'l'homp son wns /lorn d to porrorm t'n l,ire country l'h vorlety of tit Il l.! No . 30, wllllel lve this olty daily ceive benefit. trnbtloo lit Olelltuu gy is tru ly \von· a l :50 p. m . t1nd arrive in n , k h the Penn 'lIe· now .. at we are talk'mg oer mony . I rlArfn l nod nil lire of 0 olelLn Bnd in- y lvuni/\ term inal stlltion in who tuee New about because we have sold VIReal Estate Transfe rs, tJ nt ohnm' t, r, IIppenHng to the YOl'k 'Ity nt 1 :20 t.he followi pride in the beauty of th. home NOL for years, and have se n how ng Ilf Itt'fl t ()11I~<! 0 ; p ople . With it!! onA t ruoon, eXAotly 16 hoors' c:&D work wonde~ with lIDd 30 muc;h good it has done among our :J nulhllTl Formlll l to Cillrenoo 11 lin ired tlc resofpi otnres qufl gr 1ltludR mlnn tes, T ue tralu leave" St. Louit! CIlstom ers_ .Ii'ClrwnD, traot in 1:1 8mllton (,owosh iP : AUl\ fully neh Il lhln ,\ differe nt fO I' nlS nt. 12 :20 noon tinily, Affording a. 24VINOL is not a patent, secret ~l I . uf nmm!lt ment, it i~ .., Luu Isa o d cl to fur- h tlUr I! hI nostrum, but ' an honest, tried and e( u )e be twe 0 ",t Jnm ss F. Sl1 00 k lind Eliztl-bet·h uitlb nte r taiullI ut prepare for t,bo true body builder and strength crea· ... old nnll N ew York, and a t!o hedule of eight k t U I B l' nrt ln g, 'u tlr1~s •v,, .yo ung , til " ricb 11m} tbe p our . It Iii h ours tor of world-wide tame, delicious ",110. 0 00., J IUl,l 30 m inutes betwee n St. ., and easy to take. Corne in today 8impso n Ilnd W F . IWzrot 't b, lot 10 ,\ ~ r Ill. pl.,a,.nr El ground wh are Illl Louis IIDII t hi!! oity, Old Boon tan be refinished io Mahogany, Antique Oak or ~y c~lot Mr. Baines de· and start your cure at once. You !:lontil L hunon, ~l muy fi n d r ool' liMon , nm n men t, tlnd cln red th'lt ue oould not give no matter what swface you 'have, if you work according to diiediQIl&. take no risk. CHlt the Mary 'ossy to George E . Gibbs rt'~t froUl tho orllillur y O'ires which are simple; and easily foUowed. of lifa ex!\.ct tlob enule of tbe f!let traio , Floreuo e E, (ii bbs, 50 Dore in NnmerlllHI pioni lIud OUtiU~R lira w st hound, but tbllt oo V 0 rugg.lst a.nd J. A••fA NN E, .. HANNA'S LUSTRO FINISH" i. also wed on all kinds of FUll)itute rrospon d · BI~rlau t,own blP, ~a500 . '" I\lrearlv hein~ hooked lor the coulln~ Ing \Y fllllt ervioe would be and Woodw ork in the home. Thi. Finish doea not fade and is abaolutel furnish ed Y J obu M. Hamil tou fiud Ber tba P. SPIlI;(lTl , lIuIl thi R promis es durable, and on this you ma.y depend. Many of the ladies derive ple&l~ to be th e Tll e trlL in will ml\ke but one stop H.amilton to Ad~a A . ZimQ,le rmll n, most Hlloceflsful ye'\r in the in this work of beautifyinl their homes, "WHY DON'T, YOU?" hls tol'Y b t.wee n ludl'ltll\polil:l!lOd ColumbuA, lot. io Lobano n, of tb e Plirk . Pttrt.le oontom plat i ng Dayton belOg tht1tsto POll .AL.• • v p. Arsam us Kirby, J 6ntlie 8be~tR Im:l arro nging for Iln exear ion Ilre in. 10 aduitio n t.o this tliRt pll8t1enger Morrow Sbeets to Niles Kirby nud vi t d t.o write t the 8eor ttlry . ( rvice tbe ·P nosylv ania Lines hilS Co:n mon Pleas Court. ~ Annn M . Kirby, quit oll\!m on t l110t the P~r1t f r ppeoiu l mducem l;!nt.!< j nst put 00, tl n ew limited mllil train. in Clea rcr eelt iownsh ip, I I, Wayn esvil le, .. _ - - ...- - New Sulfs G. 'w. Stan lay, Ella T. StauleJ , Tell Your Nelihb ors Saved His Mother 's Life Ohartes Bartma n sued, ,To eph R. J, A. Runya n aud Marlett R Runyan WbeD in TIP d of n ooug n madi "Fo nr dootor8 had given me up, " LIndsa y for 1117. OIi' with Interell t fot to Alfred ii, I:;nook, lot in Lebaoo n, me u e Dr. Bll lI 's l'ine.'[n r-Bonn y . writes Mrs. Luurt1 t:lu.ioes, of Avooa, POOl' (:Ol1d:t ~ ' 1Il to Slart 07' her year's oertai n labor perform ed on n, oon . $100. It itl th e best . Look' for the bell on La, "nnd my ohjldre n WAYNESVILLE CHURCH~ and all my WO I k. rUlll ~1;J not produc nearly as , td M. Corw1 ' n Drake to James L tb e BoWl'. trRot 'f or 1285 of whioh be Wtl8 .11& fri ends were looking ' tor me to die, well as tho'igh ~h had • (1('1 n given • St. Augustine" CathoUc Chui'dl . oulv ,a . part. George E. Young is Rlohar ds and Flora B. \,v ben my 80n io s i8ted tbt\t; 1 use t he proper t\are alld Riohar ds , n Jio,ycd to .tore CHEAP ER PAP~R "'I t ' B tt I d 'd d h [; attorne y for plaintif f, '" eo ,r10 I ers . I SO, an Falber 4 63 aoree, '1. t ey up p.,wt' , vlgol' tlnd CAt to ule MasR . a ever,G-eorge otJo/ldMa,el;'bo Sundar efer, of tbe bltve done me a world of gl. od . 1 afterstren"tb ·IUOftlb· fr shelling. 9 :00 a. Ill. Anothe rlub, t.anoef rom \v hloh pa- will tllWI~Y8 praise tbem" Ehotrio Court ProceedlnllS. Durlng',a y ar's work the dlgelltlve Comm iuJone rs' Procee dlnrs. per UJa,y be mt1nuftloture(l I1S been Bitters Is t1 pricelt1ss blet!tlin f Eli b' II' .., II' g to Iystem or the cow Is l n "h toed. l ~ e oa8e. St. Mary's Episcop al. Chulda. za e 1 ",0 Ivan Dians.• speolfi""'tionl.l and 6atimtl.ttl df.. onvered h.v a maol1gf'r of women trouble d witb fa-to ting and Between be time ot severely ro dryIng olr and a og~r d lZZY spe II , b 110 kac b a, h d h Rev. J . F. Qld"allader, RCIOlf'l tho' defend ant livee notioe thllt sue for a oooore ta ,ac,~ ea 0.0 6, coming fresh this ehould be given a r ph culvert near the eJtl\te Ilt Trmldo .d, tlooordi og r.o Well Sunday SohOol. 9 :Uo a: m MorillO g se\' ' kness, d ebility. oontltiptt.tion I,lr rest, not by lhe starvatt o n wJll ilppelll this 08S~ to t.be Olll,OU, 't 8enpeok ~hool ' house method, vIce, IU :80 a. Ill, Holy OommuoloD 'be tIr..t ' on th Ora 0 0n8ul FrllnkH n D. Hille, a.t tha.t kidney disorde rs. Ulle tbem and but 'by the hal ' ot soft, easlly dl. Suud~J Oou'tt and rurni hes an appeal b()ud gl)nia and Barvey sbura ot encb mouth .. road , io nlooe. It Is ground sugllr 0 ne, tc glln new health, fltrsngt h and vigor geBled teeds that • .. of • 50t. If have a lautiYe If· . Massie 'townsh l'hey'r ip e guaran leed tio MUsfy ot' f t I th were approv ed a nd whlllh ie addod bamboo fiber. l'b ~ '1 C b Methodist Episcopal Chuta! . . t' F , ". ec. n . e summer tl me no tbl DI I... aDDiog Mil wa~ appo\D . mon :v refunde d Only (iOo d all better - oontrao t let to. John Wolfe at th e dll!oove.r er believe s oMnp than the Re" B. W. DaIlcI,., Putot paatur' e , gralllell . How· tint exoel. druC717h ,ltl._ ____ • - ed 8tlardt au or ~arry Gebha rt, estima te 1102 50 . .. ,., _ IIndny School, 0 : 115 a. m. ever, a8 It 18 ulually managed OIL oro!oll: 1.,1'lent paper will result. Be has mJ\d minor defend ant in the olUle of WHmost farms, tbe cows freshen at a vice, 10 :30 a. m. Epl\'orlh (.emilie, 1:00 p: Bt1ls:""SylV!ln A. L 9Wi a,' tlervioes .paper 'by this prooe R ·ithout IU. I':vunlDg service. p. Ill: , MldWIll\~ c thfl' , period when good pasture Is not Pnyer Mee~ ng, 7 p. IU.7: 00' Iiam'. ~ebha.rt et a~ 'VS Ltlura G,e b a jnfirm ary dtl'eoto r, '65 . 40; Job~ use Of ohemio als of It qu Ii y, nehart: et a): avallable. In such a case succule nt . ' " Q. Baker: servloa s 1111 infirma ry dl oordiog to the report, .that oan oom Christian Churtb , ~ Ii . l~ ' . feedl, sucb as bee ts or corn IUage, . th' e9as~o f J ames F e~ne9y e t a 1\ rector, '3~ ~O ;"' WaI~en Connty Rev. L. O. TbomJ*l D, PIII\C, J~ ' mond the m a rket against wood polp fed wltb clover or alfalfa hay and a va The United BOOl~ty of Shaker s, firmur y,olov er seed spwn Bultable graiu' rntlon. form an excel. Bible, Scbool. 9:3 0 . : m. Sodal 00 ltudy pn.per . 10:10 a. m. Ohrl.8~l.u KDdeayoJ". 1:00 p. Ill. et !i' , bo~h defend ant aDd plllinti tf farm, U2.88; ~obn Haoket lent substitu te for grass. The grain Sermon by putor every alt.ernaloe ~Widu aa t, set'fhi disoove ry w ill serve a8 t he, • Seed . ~ were giTen:leav~ to withdr aw tbe~r vice!! 00, ))ul.'l ...i' oommit~ee, : . .hould consist of easily digested pre;»- 10:10 a. m. and 7:80 p . m. 12; .r. J . basis for atgume nt . to \'lIe I\guinRt Nlg i waivet e tem toods, such as 011 meli\' bran and I .I Hkksite Friends Churct. Wubln gton, 8~, rYiQes on bnrlnl oom tho ~ oongreR men Qnd other peop1 . ground oat.. At present price" oatl • b alD&JIld ee tln v;. 0:00 a. m, .P;....~ Probat e Co"rt. mlttee l $2 ; LeQ~~on Ioe & Uoal 0., who bave asserte d tnllt ahould hal'e a place' In tht' ration of Sohool. 11 : Or. a; . .... oil: I( DilY wwtl , . the' nRW ~everY daIry oow. COl'll shoulll , 00111 fer oourt h onse, :io17 10 i R..B pllper~ be fed 10 :00. a. m .• ore fllvori ng r eoipr Oltv wit.h Anthen tiol\ted oopy of 'he w11l of BY OEO. LIVINQSTON. snarlngly. . . Smith, 0)8.1 ol'urt ~oose, 118 j . J . R C" nadn, b eofLuse it wi,ll llleah A I · ilnt. I wer , Ir1' cuitural Extensio n Depnrtm Abrah" ,m Allen late of 'M ontgom e ry anoter , servioe s R8 obl\plat AB the time for fresben ing draws n ' at 10.., r",tes n pf\p~r lIud wood pulp Ohio 8t&te UnJverlilly. oounty wlis Ildmttt d to pr~bate Rnd firm ary 112'50 ; E Ii Oonkli near, the cow should be carefully n,8temV II If lmpar 0 u ue wildo obsllp I' reoord • 'watcbe d and care taken t.bRt she , '. .'. ·.6 i Frankl in Uhroni ole, b lanks for witl, ugA·r OIHle and bllmboo The 100.. emn t on 0&t I can ' William d Newpo rt. be does no. t become conBtlpated. H fl ber . executo (f pre. . ' " . r, prpbat e lud ge, 10;. H. J Death, whioh 110 tJe h d io t db ' there suoh a tend-en our :l good purowo \HI ven e y treating the iBed oats, be- gatlve la' the e8~te of LaUl'l1 A lucb. as Glauber'sY, "alta e,wpol't wa.s 'medioa l 'ser vices io t he ORse of ·try th '\' 'Tho or I1n. 11 0 rell un 10 t·beir ur- fore seeding, wltb , grante d ,11t,Bve.to Invest 15,000' be LlLur~ Or ell.mer, '5; a formnlln solu· lIeed 011 should be given. At thlB DR BELL Or s~ 1:1('08. IiUi~ g tlHlt t.h pre s , i litio lHnft( u\, tion. Take 'S A'NT I P'AIN a 'pound ot formalin (tor- time' the cow should not be exposed .lonilqg to the e8t.ate. . sewer pipe alld . natls , 15 19 i J . V fo r reoipr olt.v heel1U e it ' • .• \\"ilI Ob8~1l maldeby j de 40 per cent), dissolve It I to cold draught s or. gIven Ice water WilUa~ H , Newpo rt WI'S appoint .. tlankin on, lumbor , " Intern&lanct Externa l ....... 8~ 16', Ohio 0 the prioll of plljlAr d ' d I I in ~ 1Ifty t gallons f th ot ·-t water, f spread tbe to drink. It will pay to take the chili e a m n s.rs. or 0 e es_ ,e 0 Corrug Culver t bo., oulver tpipa 'oats out on a cleno floor, a.nd wet / from,' _- • the water at this · Urn. e, It at no , Oharlee l&edlo ok, deoelUled, at a. bond 1147'" ated D T tt & C . . I ' b Every Bottle 18 Cuaran teed ' Uuno thoroughly Wltll the SOIUtion. j other. Alfew .dbaYS bebfore , g "" . ro er 0 .. • om eT USing about three quarts lc .a galion , grain rat on S ou Id e cutc:aldvtn tbe of 600. Charle s Fitts., ~ebRter '31836 ;B. P Blllir,o ement, own t1840j to Eve ry !lott,le of Dr. B(' I1I's Pine· fo r ea.ch bushel of tha grain. The ' a pound or two Sbee's and l'homa s.E Bell were apo Xenia Work lIouse boardin of bran or ,round g prison 'ru .Bon y is g n l'untelld too ~i ve work can be done easily Ilnd tbor- oats, mixed In a mallh with a half pointed apprais ers. ers, 13 j Frank p, Forg1, board stt.t.1lf1\ Ol·ion;o a.1l t.hrol1t. Ilud bron- ougb1y I.f one persoll shovels tbe oats pound ot 011 , Kath.e,r ine Barke, of Frankl in, ana washin ., t165 11', m meal. For the flut r."d llltal ~ . hig ohlal tron.h lflt:1, ' .' over while another ' appltell the 101u· after oalvin" a warm mBin rd ad , to th Bt t I ~ • of ,round : ~• . tion ~:;l:me:t ~:ton. e ae ~8ane horses 'And with a eprlnkllng can. Then pile oatl Is verY ,deslrable. vebiole s, 125; J erry 00, THE F ' RST AME~ICAN CANNO!" I the oats up In a pile or In a Ions Id 115. R k t E. in d d Greely , lumber , $1(18.48 j Fl'ltnk GI\I. 'F. 'RINEH AIlT, l . . _l'lck, cover over with carpets or blan· A«rlcultllral I!lxtenllon DepartmeJlt, 'tr) oofe~WI\8t:w ,te a lahor,s ervioe sasauo tl on(,eri nRudy That the first oounop maflei X n kets to retqJn , the fumes from the, nIE rata d 0 ted~ ~s a Ob~ Btate UnIversity. °b Jd' E '. t ',O', Walter N. Allen. oODt,rllc t, Amerloll may be brou~ht to Wayne s tormalln, and allow to remain for II >0 e , eaeas , a t a 00 ;a I 0 f ."OJIL ' Warre n two 0 th Connty mimes boro nn(luse d IlS 1\ morker for the h . t III estlm.,ted t hat a ftock of 60 or ev~n over Dlght r Th ree ours :2,100. p. D. Ulaltge tt, Oharle8 blankll . '58; O . J. Edwar d th m t to henl, wben laying freely, will 4rlnk ds. aoting qrave of John Boroe~, or B~rD~, its dry beroree:e::;: ;. T:e ":!tl :~OuJ4 from four to "ght ·quart. of 1Itater a arteook and El1as OglBlb y were ;)OrODer, '850 makElr, a movem ent h,lS b een set. (lD not be returne d to the same bap un. dllY, depending upon COlldltl appoin ted appni8 8 s . ' on.. A . _ .. foot by the Rev . Cyru('l Gort, presi 18s8 they b~ye been treated Edwar d M. Chamb erlain was ap wltb the clean, frelb. water suppl,. .ls· one ot I dent of tlJe Enooh Bro'No Moou soluUon, al,· they may contaIn pciln&ed go~dian of the estate or th,e eBseDtl&la to succelllltul poultry , Midrllght in ~he Ozarks Ul~nt al:ls oo!ntioo , to l oonte tile ILn tbat wiIJ alaln Infect the . oata.spores OUver E . Chamb erlain, minor, at t and yet slaeple8 s BlrIlm Soranto The rnlsln,. n, of i ct II t of drill bo.l l &lao should be .prayed with Cloy City. Ill., oonghe d Bnd oou"be d cent weapon an en ~ tbe aid . a oo~cl of 1280, the solution Be was in the mounta ins on the ad , the British consul nt Pittsbu The ftanks and udders or COWB rg In liD . ' Cou.rt orders tbat Pt1tent Va~oa.n. vioe of fivedoo tors,wh o fouod , sbould b. clipped In order to tadU- ~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!,!~ hehll.d effort to get: the ellnnon whiQb Willi !!!!!!{!:<. , CARE OF THE DR,Y COW. tte Roofin g oomp" ny of Frankl in oonsum ptlon, but found rio help tate ~e oleanlng of thele parts be. In tlltken " into .' the revolut ionary wllr by . y III olai.ms for damage s .to Ed' tbe o.·uwste , "n.d 8tll.rted pa tore mllkinl . boma., B H.. . h HAT e .... inee1 H A iu W ~he A,\,I se' r v " The dairy ' N cow D ~,,' 111 Ch tbe urns bardellt be H ng 0 f D r . K IDg 8 ew ' 1 8 0 0 V ' w 0 was r ".. di an 0 feari -----I' WAr d -. Ilm r I..i n, auar Properly-care " for tbe horae. IIhOUI.\ . worke" or all o.ur domestic .nlmalll. O> O t ' f th " ery, t ' he ntal began "rmyt to use o repnlr it. " "I .. believe ..... te 0 oe 0 th e""" ta e oon me ... Wfl." !lee viII' f Oli ver E . h 0.00 b er· it saved my after tbe da .... - '" " - . 11\~ • and there e 8 Le-.... life," hA writef; "lor It musket s, etc. It waB~ Ollptured. ,.by m,ery vear she glvell from ftve to t.n -...~-s ......... r s -ork .. ., r uvuSl Ill ..... 1 # lain, minor. I ()ffi .VI K ... el I t rou bl e f rom lOre ah ou· BId made R Dew man of me, eo that I the British at Brll.ndy wlne . oe.... eys , g. aod trll- times her welibt I.n mllt, contalDlllg dera. AllO 1M Edmun d Reja1l1ok WAIl appoin ted can now do good work again tbat tbe ('f)l\ars tit. ," For ditlon ~8V8 it was t~keo t~ London al.muc h aotual 'dry matter lUI do the admin iettato i of tbe will annexe d of &11 long disease s, ooughll , , ooIds, . in h T lagripp s, bsthma , . oroup, whoopi ot two or og an d I>\noed three stear•. Wben WAL TER MCO L tJRB·. t e ower.- Phil Ii d e1- bodies we conelde tbe latE!, Ellen UalUn, or FrantH' ;1, oougb bay lever r. that It requtr('s approll1'hemorr hAges pbi ... Reoord , ' mately tbe lIame amount townsh ip, at II. bonl} o,t t1,000. ot energy ' hoars~nB8s or quin~y, itB the best ' . " .' to produce twenty pounds of mtlk u Conrt grante d leave to Barvey known remedy . ,Prioe 500 Fune ral Dlt:'er-!torand U.OO We guara.n tee I::!uth ~ rl !l ud 's E -I.gle It does to plow one acre of . Mange r and Emma Mnnge r ~o adopt 'l'riol bottle free Uuarao land, we teed by Eye Sulve to oure oomm,on so re eye~ get !l oonceptlon . THII O.PTU T , of the enormo1,le Char}., . EdwlI.rd Grat from the Bll drnggi8 ts. 'I'Im A 'l'D1/ " A' In 2J to A 'D1ft) 116 hl?urs. 'rills I , . seems amount ot work the cow d08S. , . • _ ~ Teleph one day 01 ntgbt. straoge , but it IS baokerl by onr " ~'N"""'" Warren County OhU.dre ns Bome To produce well, tbe cow must be AI"-~ iUl\r'ln t~e. You , ... TN. WOIt..., rnn no 'rlsk and it , carefull , y fed . The aonllal lOll to aud ohaDge hill name to Charle s Ed. Valley phone No.1. OATS ~OR GROW ING HOOS (ADIl' , r~ ~Y• .$4.00 PER 'l!lk .l only oos'ts 250. . dairyme n and tarme~s resultin g from Distano o No. 69-'''. ward Muoge r. HOTaL I, DRUCo.m, . .-:-. Orval Htrawn was appoin ted to Oats Oll~ be fed whol~ suoooB feeding an unsulta.ble orlnllu mclent WAVNESVILLE, sfal1y • ~ POTAT O ,HIO OES OO.T AS A UMa. l, T." ....... . 'O~. HOO FEED ra Is quite Illrge, One of the com· take deposit ion of Cbarle s S. F~r.' to breedin g and growlD g ho.gs, but A..D 'BU' 'I £!lVICIl _' OA" nlOri mi8~!lJ(es Is to neglect the cow ber, a witness to the will of the llLte for young .ptg8 they are • 0 ' IV UIIMO ITI ADV~~":II"MQ OO~,UI" •• :~·" · ,[I['d.;!l1:......... DOt: 80 good The va.\ue of pot.atoRs all 0. hog late In lallt;a.t1on, tor tIle amount· of Ell F. Irons. Bra.,eh Oftlee,. BarveJ rlbuq. - ' itS ground oa.ts from whioh the hulle filed bOil been .SAMPLE COPY FRE '.,.;-c .. ,"....., ....., .." tested a t. ,the Wlli,,oon f~ed regull'ecJ. 'a t that time can not d i G Geo~ge M.lIle was ordeted qotifled b av~ bee~ II if Add .... Maw VO." OU"" •• h be gauged , e ntirely by the- milk ftow. Subs nibe for the . te , wh op. '~ake one sin experim ent station , wbere teA uette cow should be turl}ed dry . six or to appear witbln one year ' and tab o.f t~e be8t feeds that OBn ' . ,be seoured ,p otatoes wetE) o,?oked and .fed wi.tb. eight· weekB before treshen lnl.. But !!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!~~~!!!!!!!!! under hi" shar",' of the eet.te·l eft b'y Who~e oats ~~8 ~ very !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!=.!!!!!~~ good faed oorn in' ~omparison \vitb cor~alon.o . just beoause Ihe Is . not 'glvlnl' milk 1& "~I11!11----~-'T Ann P. Mills bill widow . (or b~bo~ sows 'and ad.d 80me ,?lllk It was fouud that I' re~ulrb ~ 4t2 noldgn that · she iloes not need fooi, &0, the feell, b.,e slde" helping, to fur. pounds of potu'toes ~.o ·stl.ve 100'pouild~ Tho (oWljlon practice of teedlul ' 'the ============~~:!!: nish!, . ~el1b~l"noedration .. Whole ofoofnm eRI , A DI\oish cow on straw' and cor4 etoyer·la inc.ve~tigl}:' al!i'yvery, 'bad one. She requlre l food Kicked by a Mad Horae oatlspa tt!,r.9rl thlnlv on .~he' gr~ondtor found, thfl tit re,qulre d 400 POUD<\S ' n ot only ' 'to mainta Ln her own body 811.mnel Blroh, 01 Beeiow~: Wis, or feedt~g .floor ~Ilke ' fil)8 feed' for 01 pott1toe8 to eay.", 186 ' potlndi of and rel,tore b.e r ItreI1;gtb . e,Dci' Tllor, had .1 m08~ n!'rrow escape .from 101- broodsow~ . . F?r fatten.lnK bogs oati .m ixed gr~fu , ', ~Froru tpese re,8ol.t8 it but allO to comple Ing hie leg, as no dootol' oonld .heal are too , bUlkY,,' and "blgh te tbe ,deYel()pmeJlt pr!911,d, to ' Il~ms th~t 4~ bosbeli l of pptatoeA .o f the cp.lf. ·, As ' the ..antmaJ , body the frigl fifo} ROre that .de:v~Jope¢, glve 'tJle liest resnltA .and sl10uJd Dot are worth about the ~ ame for feE!d m,:de up a1~01\t but II.t las' Bnokle n 18 ArDioa 8t~lve .enth:ely' of protetq. . d d " i ' . oured it oomple te)y, Ui ' the glI6at be d epeb feedl r:t~h, In prottlill lJ10Uld be t4lCl at e ~~!. ~~r .Db s purPI)IIP . iog vu~p()8eS1l8 on6_~. htl of oor~ "thlJ time," If auftl.c1!!.n t JI,rotel,D::ta e8f..bea ler of uloeMl, - bllrns; boil!!; ; They iil:ould alway~ be 'ed cooked auppllea In the teed, the COW' ~ ue ecII8lD , on til,pil. IIO .... L ••hl'u~'811 corDS, '. oold. God and People gener.U on -ear'h. y don'*, dose lUi0'f oare· if Arnie Alrths ' thlnge .. - . . both: way.l lllolup they t,bat wora th. the tlAue. of h __Tllell r OWllat.bodr to Hltd fpetUl. . . "lt11c, JIcj a~ all drnntl ts. clll'dlll tIlDe PiariIJ the. Blood ..... tb1III 'f do if b.B dOll" tell the D~8hbon. loater, .,. will be ~r ~4 weak ~ '" In
The Wife or Husband
",HA NN A'S LUSTRO FINISH~' "The Made To Walk on Kind'"
Cou nty Cou rts
- - -
Can Be Prevented by TreatWth ormalin SoluU,on.
. . . . . ,
D H. E.
· _.
, 'filE MIAMI l'ulJlI~hoo
Weekl y '
.. -
V .\LI. EY
lanting of Poor Se d fn Tr i Will ReduceCrop •
D., L. -C" ANE , Ed ito r and Manage r
Rat(>!; of ubscrip tion Yenr (strlcLl)' 11l adv ance) .. . ,.". 1 1. 00 B' u~lo 'oily .... .. .. .. .... .. · . . .. .. .. . 06 On
Rates df Advert ising RendIng Locllhi. l ler IIno , . , ..• , , , .. . • , Rending LoCIIIII. lJl,",.k t llell, per II nl) , . " Ol llliSl lled Ads. not t,o. xceoo II vo UUCi!
ac: I Va
Three IIISertlon s . , .. .. ,. " . . .. 260 fl vo Inchos lroo: over I\\'o Inches, per lIue, , . ... ' , , . , , . . . 60
OUitullri ea.
Oard o t thllnk8 . .. . . , . .. " . ' . " , , , . . . , 2 ~
Resolutl01l8 . , . . . . , " . , . . . . , , . . .. , , .. , oclnlB etc. whore charge Is mudD, . , . • "
~ O( '
260 Displny A d vAlr tu.llljf per Illch . . . , , .•. . , . l Oc Dlscoun t.a g lvon 011 cnlltn lc t .
APRIL 19 , 1911 ,
Did You Forget? A couple of weeks ago we sent out statem ents to our subscri bers that their subs cription is due-s om e quite a little time, A great many subscri ptions have come in but there are quite a good many that have not respond ed to our call. It will be a pleasur .: to us If our rea.ders will kindly remembe r this matter, and let U!I hear from them prompt ly. A 'slight thing such as a newspaper subscri ption i., easily forgo tten; but when you realize how h a rd we try to give you your money 's worth and how we have to pay our bills on time, it ought not ~o be so "a5ily o verlook ed, We will b,~ pleased to hear from you this week .
--- -...
- ..- - -
For ~ tter, rlDiwo rm, eoze m~ , runnin g !lOrE''' IIlId 1111 8klD dl tleasPl' Dr. Bell'8 Antiee ptl(' ~Iv e Is K UIlr an'eed to give !;lIt>isfa~tl o n or y ou get your w,)ney bllck. 250 enr),where.
WHY NOT IN WAYNESVILLJ;? rhe Sprl ngfl"lll aod X e uili Rail. way oompao y r I)m·t s f ur 1910 gros " euolng tf or 17 1,440 Ii! ,0000 ~red with '6G ,827 for 190a. Opent in g expeos u nud fOx es In 1910 \Vare> 15S"a95 l1ud lu 1909 15i,685 ~ dl '18.045 ill 1910, 114,142 in the Y~IJr ~eoediDg In 1910 r,he rOtld ofl,rrled 442,137 pllslen@ ertf , and 396, -151 the ,., . year before 6r08t1 iunoIDe per 0.1\1' mUe in 1910 wu,s 2'.26 oent., liS oo m· p.r,e d with 27,15 oentsln 1909 .
The ingredi ents are on the ollrt.on
Dr, Bell's Pine Tar. Boney oontatn s'
no habit prOdooiDIl drnge, and al. ways gives patlafa otion Look for the bell on t'le 'BoUie,
A good floor f(ll' feeding , mlh-ka t hoga wlll pay for Itaelf in a v"ry 8horb time, Tbe bulk of tbe oorn f ilii 11 fed on tbe ellr Qr IIheJled, and in raiDY welLtbe r the , ho~ 08uaHy III ooQipe lled to eat more or les8 dirt, with ihe oorn, I.lDd io dr, wejl.the r dtl9t J;leoe8sl\rily beea'e n With . ,. goOd feedln'g floor the gt;&tn milY be fed with n I "N1l"tp, whethe r .vet , or dry , Oemont . conc.r ete It. probably thd best Inu-ted,,1 to use for thi ~ ,lurpos e,,6nd Ii floor of this kind wi 1) I~st a lifetim e.
For Skin DI8ea8 e8 Ilr. Bell '8 Antlsep tlo I:it\,lve 18 tbe hest-I t 1" 1 oreumy snow whHe ointme nt pl ~8sllDt to tIIIe 8Dd eve ry bolt is ~QarIiDr,eed . Prloe 250. At aU dealers , -------.~-~.~-----
Moor e 's Ran g,e is equip ped with a Glass Oven Door. This e nabl es yo u t9 see the co nditi o n of yo ur food in th e o ve n witho ut openi n g t he door and causin g discom fort !:Is:. we ll as loss of h eat. , M rs. Rore r, th'e ac kn owled ge d fo re most coo k of th t:: cou,nt ry, bas pre pa red a n Oven Therm omete r Guide excJu .. sively fo r !'vIoor e )s R an,ge . It g ives the time r equiro o and the he at ne cessar y for bakin g all diffe re nt kinds of food, This g uide , t oge ther with Moor e's Oven The ..... mome ter. m akes bakin g nn ass ured su cceiOll every tim e.
BY T. L. WH EEL E R, E 'I lc n tilon D e purl men l,
alloge o( A1O;Imoil tI/'",
III:" ~; l ,10' \' ,", 1'>'1)"
C ,,11I1ll 1,lh.
e ve ry ear or corn plnnt d tn Ohio IIlUdo, bnill g "In\llr 1\ ho x, ::n b y ;:0 th!s s prlu g weI' to [llodu, e" [OUI' 11If'l1(' ~, fln.1 ,.I ll "'! ~ 01' ;\ ,In ell ~ ,li 'l'I' , doll ars 10 ael llal money , It Is \' ery 1111;111 1' 11 \1';1: 1,1"1'/1' ,,", 1'!11 I illf, 1,0'( Ilk 'Iy th e people wbo ,fllanl corn would I1 P:lriy rul l \\ i'h " lIld make 11 gl' at effort to ha vo evel')' Clil' ) sll'C'II'ii l'l,:d~ 0\('1' "I he ";111101 " I'd llll' u I" p. ('l\ch wa y , grow. But wily s bould seed t hllt l:l so as to fOflll ""I\l;lI'C ' R \ wo incH 3 to produ corn be lreated uny dl fIer · 1l1; I'O ~,t T ,(!O; O C·O I'c.IS can lJe fnslell CJJ ent tram wh a t It woul d be we re II / to prod uce Ilctua l money? A good /~, : .. oom cro p, in ilaleable condJt!<? n, " p. ~6/ ' resents man y to the farm er . \'. ':., On" ear of corn of av rage s ize hns ;:-.. ,a bout 800 grains, ea ch of wh ich ~ ~......~ ~ :' Ihould produce a stal k bearing an ,'., ' ), . ' / ear, Thle would mean 800 eare, or ~ / " ,.;0( '- ' about eight bus hels, wh ich at 60 , I"/') // ' ,,' J,,_":., cents a bus hel would s ell fo r $4.00. /~%«:r %.'o,;.i.:1: :,"':::-'Not countin g the Ill bor or car ing Cor ( ''-:'"; , )'(-' ~ ........ .- -'J the crop, t.bat Is wbat ench eoar o r T ~/" , ~ leed ('oro is worth , It requlr s just ,./ /, 'r / ',; ,;.~: -( .-: al mucb labor to plant a poo r ear or "( , , corn BI! It do es to plant a good ellr . , Fi g. 3,-1low t il use val'!l t knife in and tbe pOor one does not give an yI' In vlag' til kernels. thing In return for th e time and worlt. lo nDIIR dr ive n In tne slaes uf t ile The ti me tor planting corn w il l box. !nail wires insteacl of cO l', ls loon be bere. Will your seed cor n will mal, th t t r more perman nt, grow? Have yo u tested It? The Th se squares can be nu'mber d, as Oblo Experim ent Sta tio n has been s how n in II e cut, nnd t he number s making an In vestlga t10n of the se d made lo corresp ond with t he ears to corn In Oblo and find s t hat tbe ra.ng be lested. of iermlna Uon Is from 45 to 96 pe r To make the test, num!Jer t be eun F
E ve r y iI!o ore ' s R a nge is eqn ippt"(\ w ith 1om'c', ; ' o nt ro ll e r Dnmpc !' w h ich e na bl es y ou to k l' p Uilifo rtil t cmpOr :1lllre, o r to co ntrol til " heat. It g ives Y OII p r acti ca lly t he sa l11 ~ co n tn d o f y our r nnge oven U~ you w o u ld h a ve of a g as ove n , bes idc!> sav ing c o n s id c ra bl e fu el.
Cos ts On ly One -Ha lf as Mu ch to Run We
Moore' s Range cnn be Tun on coal costing full y two-thir (ess t hn n coa l necc.'tisa ry fo r other m ug-es. I t bur ns u p ads the smoke , 'oo t Hlid gl1S, besides mak ing' the fuel last COll-ll siderabl y longer, "nd with the s ",ill&, due to the controll er da mpor , '\ll1.lurc's R"lo),{e reduces t ilt! fuel expense \Iver one· hlllf,
have n' t roo m here to t ell yo u nll lllJnu t t he new/alu ni7.ed oven, the M(,nrtl lt i,,~e d 'l'o p , tho Moore An ti-Scomlrch 'ove r , o r t h e doz~ u s of ot her s,uperi, r features of the Moor.
Call a nd let US shnw y" u this wVlHlerfljl rnnge no",wh ile our stock i ' I;l)m pl t e ,
Al oor.·s Range. can 6e had ;n eithe. Cad Iron or Stee'
For sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio C, u......,
"-~t.... I , I"''' :_1'. 1 UT 0 ,·
LI·,r:l' r, _
WORLD S BIGGEST BABY FARM Wo nd erful Foundli ng Asylum In Mo.cow Started Orlg l na lly by Empres s Cathe rine II.
Fa k e 610 I s Are Ac c(! ;"te d, a ut W h en ""'ri,c" S ,:,11 & in a T rue One He Iii D ismi~5ed .
The biggest baby fa rm In the world, Y ars n go Irvill S, ob i" lhe huml))'· Ol;!! '\·l'il(,l'. wa:l a carr ~lloll(hmt [or known locally ,as the "born e of the " nrlo;,.. Oil ol,to"'n papers wbi lL' ploy lng card babies," Is s ituated In wor\, 11'! i ll l'Il1tlcRb, Ky . Kat a gr III Mas ow . '1'lIl s wonder ful foundlin g dL'I11 0 1 'onlllue ne ws for out,of-town asyluDl was still'led orlginal1y by tbe ,o n~'\l' ll'lion I~ mAnufactu r d at E lllIJres8 ntherlu e 11., a nd Is malD1'lllliJc:,It. s Mr. aLb Ileelled t l}e tal n d, oddly, by a tlUt on playhu; mone~', tba6 WlI/l n l!el'lod ll urlng cll.rt1 s. In al1 Borne 14,000 babies paS3 \', bl 11 It allP a r c; d lllllt Paduca h b ad thrc ugh the InsU tutioll every ' year. rcor.!e the nc, ' 8 enler at tb mId· Th e asylum, wbJell Is under the pat- I ...._;.;;;;.;. ;;;;_ _..;;_;;,;;;_;:.;,;_ _~ die \1 csl. Not a dill' p acJ! sed tbat ronage of the royalt y, cons latl of an allle. i\stO IIlItl.\O g story was n t llrlnl- Instituti on standin g in a hollow aqullre I' ell unde r n Pauucnh date. ",Ve s tood round a garden, with lovely trees and _ ' I • for th 11\ ," St id the (armel' telegrnph la wns, wbe re t be cblldren . lIlay. A M d K c11tOI' of Q St, l...ouls paper, lob cause grea t feature of th ll asylum Is tbat all L...~;le S. Save oneyan eep m f til y wer so goo d, even though we th e- s r vanta t her e wenr th e red lIvi'il( 1.- A, aeed corn tes tftr, partly flllcd, sbow ing constru ction --- : - = Style by Reading McCall' • and bow I<n,?w th y wore fal<es. Bu t one dqy ery of t he royal family, and tts acM . d U' M' CUP He ' I kernels a re placed. agazlne an tbe 1l S!l C:11l d me In. 'Who is this coun ts a re audited and kept by the sing e a a l'DI Russian cent. much seed which bas been han- consecu tively, tb e n l'emo \'e t reasury departm ent ChllMcCaW. 11 .... 1.. 11'111 r six ke r- mlln ,t' hlJ at PaPllcQh l' h e as lted. • clled wltb conlMe rable cllre sbowtng nels rrom ell. 11 aI', as shown ' \ M~L1;S MllGAZ1N dren f ,.holll at al l size,S, from wee bablel are you s ly)"Wb n 1 hall o.Usned his tb irst for In tlglt ly M ,Rd russ moderlllo tl'nd d here, a.nd they h'a ve the best 'below "SO per cent. Snell a sta.te or ul'e 2. To remove the x (le n ~llby lt e e"lng kornels , use know\ \lge, b l Id me La fir e obb, 'I t eo tl. au an d goo, affairs win res\1l t hi very poor and a pocket kn ife. Ins rt t be ' TO il Il oS l e d Ou Lbo d wholeso me tood' l lp) lf e- know all the stories be has written III I lt l e~ l rn s b lan a III About fifty babi es are received here uneven 'lftande, uhle88 e'Yery ear blade at ili e edge or tbe ' IUl ltus ~ nd hlJl. r;c h rnel, and nre fake: nld be, 'but 1 cnn't s ta nd . very day and a'ter a sojourn of a I planted IS ' tested to determi ne wbeth- pry It out. (Seo tl gure Ne\\' Fllliblon DosllIllS , ~ 3. ) B gLn fo r th aL one he se nl us yesterd aY. 1 , I III c!I,c h Issue. Also ,mont h n llrses lak e tbem to lbelr OWll I er it w111 ,row. The Sta'tJon warns near the butt of the eal', remove " o ll",blo In(onnall on' one ' IUte ea me an lly evel1 In It fake story. homes. corn irowera th",t the Iltuatio n ts kernel, then t urn the ear a l\tue 011 ntl homo and Oc r· and 'it. m llst ollud 8." tho ugh It might, ..un ul lOBllel'll. Onlt' ',po slbly. ullde r certain condlUons. be • -.. /lOc II year, Inoludlol l RECEI VES ANOTHER GIFT pnr Iy tr ue.' II free pul lOrn. Bub· _ _ • _ _ _ . _ scrl bo I,OdIlY or send "So," said the ex-teleg raph edI tor, " ' ~ ,I J ' , for (roc snwllie copy. , .', Wllbel' , fo roe " Ur.iver lSlty bas re ,I "I tired Cobb. ' He ma.de no protest ,. .. , l l .n; I ..l t ,t Mcc.J1 P..I.... will ennblo you 10 make In yonr , , ' t.(, 'I OWl) bomo. wllb yqurowu IJ nud •• clotblng rur .' , " " " , , about getti ng fi red In a letter he wrote oel ved 0 gift of '1,000 from the BOil. yoursolf nnd c bllclre n whlrh will be per(ooL' 1 ' " ';r " , me. 'It seJ;ved me righ t for getting Uh ai'1 ell 'I'tl f t" brot·h~r of Preslde nt In stylo Rnd Ot. l'rlce-no lto hh,bor tb.n 16 ·onts. S 'lid lOr free P Ulle rn 8latoi ue. alit at my line,' said he. 'That wils 'i'a ft Iln d proprie tor of the Clnoin na. !'Ie- 2.-A~ ear of.' corn, s howing three ke rnels re'moved nnd We Will GI .. Y•• PI.. Pnoall fo r getting sob- I the only story r v r s nt you tba t me tho d of , so rlptlon s nmoDIl your frl o nds. Bend foffree i ti Times ~tar , '1'he 8um will be ap, was ~ u mb e rin g. wholly ' true.' '' - Clevela nd I'rt,tn lum Cnullollu e .od ClIsb Prize 911'0r. plied to t he girls' dormit Leade r. ory fUDd. Til! IIIcCAU COIPANY: p9 II 249 '.31l11 SI., /lEW YOn without a paraliel In re e nt years, remove Molli eI' , kernel II. lit tle rUI'ther Andrew Carneg ie lome Ume ago and Rbould caus e no little can com. clown, tbus going a ro und t he ear In a The Agrono my' Dep,nl"t.me nt, of th e spiral, so thnt the slxtb promis ed a 1& 1ft of 117,501) to the !!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kernel III tak- . If you bu. !!!! ve sor e y B of a,oy kind anivers ity, if a aimilar amoun t oould Col1ege of Agrioul t ul'e, Oblo 'State n from neal' the tip, about In li ne Untvers lty, finds , I.n Its Invest.Igations, with th,e one remove d olle nth rJ und '8 Ell g le Ey ~ ~a l ve. b e seoured by them, making the to. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-H {I'o'm tho bu t,t. onev that tbe germina tion thls sprlog runs Pla ce these six kernels is good f r n OI,h iu bnt rhe e OR, till '86,000 , whloh the , germ up; In It buildin g will For Cough s and Colds. .. It is pl\inleS 8 tlud b lt t m les , Bud 18 from 40 to 100' per dent, witb au a.ver- the square In t he germlnn tor 'carro· Ilosit,iv el y t,be b est If y ou do n't ,oost, age of fro'm 70 to 76 ~e r cent. Is span ding wit h tbe number The amonn t is now o,lmost ~f the ear, StlY!l w e w ill re f und y n r m on ey . r ealizild - X en!., Republ ioan. your corn In the 100 per cent class, a nd lay -the ear oway. HA ndle eaeh Try it R,oel t.ll fl D t ~ ll yOa r '1e,igb bor , b1 the average class, or dl)es , it I'ank ear in a similar mann -------..-.~,-----r. Arle r l be So let , ve ry wher e . 250 It tube . down III the 40 per cent? , kernels are placed III tbe tesler The uDoom moneat, 'k ind of Beose ....~---The m-aD who tollows ' the practlc spread two t hlclmes se at heav y I corum on lIenso. HOW TO PL ANT TREeS of &'Olnr to the ,crib Dod selectin g hi wh ile musllo. or a ny Undertaker and Embalmer, ti aeed oorn jUllt before planting wi ll cloth, that has been di ghtly wo ve n pped in wll ter, 1 'r ho t,r ofld s b oald be 'le t lL li ttle have a poor chance of gettlng ,a gooa over ·the corn , lind au Will be found in the old (op at this Rn erop tb1it leason, unless he tes ts ineb at mois t sand . Bank Bandin g, oppoal te d eeper in ~he soil t b, ' \u t b ey st orl ill 'f ll en sel t ho the Nlition al Bank. ' Good for Nothing but the Erg t he 'nu l' ery r uw, o r w he r e previo u sTeleph one in house and of· I,v !,! r o w n , Tilo oj I 1l)[1 t be wor\; or1 fice where J <i&n be oa.lIfMl . in u nllel'l1 Hll t,h t,ll l lH fj! roo t and day or night, ' t,rll m pt' n lil'lll nbonL t hem, 'l'lJ e·top Valley Phone 14-2. of t,hfl t, rt~(! b'mld bH lell D d sli gb t Iy Main Street. WaynesviU •• Ohio t ) tho !:Iolltlnv l''' t,. TI, i" f1un blas t he Wayn esvill e, Ohio. tree t Il r O'li !l t t il , \] fll' d o u t h wlUd R Main Street "ud h nfo r e t,hn dl) r} uf til fir t S IL Valley Phone 153 ~qU tha t t'1J~ will II , t,nu ii Il~ In I\D Nota ry Publi c el' p.c t p r ll'iUll. It. ill II go Hi pltm to I D B II' r. e s A n t·Isep t·Ie S a1v All kinds of Notary Work , Pensl"D !lll ull n ,It t' tl'etJ :.1(> V ril l ti m es wh ile v Good for all Skin DIse. ... tr,lmpi ug flul lli r t a r ,) und l lle r oots Work a. ~peolalt.v, nod to P:JUI; WII te l' II u ou t tllfl t r E's in or d r t o br ing t h twit 10 con t ,lOt wi t h ,I\vor~' b it· nf r o t S Od /ill S , Af tel' th e \vatl'lr h 'I" b e~l poure rl 00 tl n ot h er ino b nr t w o of dry soil and go d s o r f,lee ~hon ld b (1thmw n n.bO llt I t he t rt e to p r vrmt. lJllk ing . We npeu.t /I.&,: lIin, Hot tipp le Lr('es 3 ~ ' to 40 fM t 'o)J'Ht ea oh w a y ; p euoh trt!p.~ 18- to 20 : pl ulU trees 16 18 ~ lll l\l1e'r growi n g 'Ilpple t~ees fU lLy t)o Heb II.t 3~ j th e ltt r ger Ilt '0, Use , no tree of mOl' n, thaI) tW? , 8ea sou'8 g r o w.,b, fr, UI t he ,t ime of gr Iftiog
r .,
. .. ,. .
----- -
A. MA FFr l,
.-.'. "., For,l?lxteen.' ~ears
Dr, p oll' " .PI ll ' -'!.'ll.r ,H90 y
.... , I
0 d l:!v'm i1 lioD8 of people with peJ;'f et. 'all t~!lffl oti o.n , For , ' 'oughtl , Cold~, A~ blll" .i n f llot an throat ~nd lua n ' hl a l , U:lJu'Qle'~ , I
Atto rney s-at .Law
)'he- undersigned,'bave tormed '. a co-pflrtnership for 'tbe geQeral practlse :of la~ under the 'iim Dante of WrJgbt a: Thompson, with offices in tbe Wright-Monger 8utleUng, LebaQOil~ Ohio. ' , . , , Any 'b usiow entrust~ to our. care will ,', ", receive pro~pt attention. "
. 1D~ ~=:~&~~A\~~.mm
bow ~u can't 4en, ttl I!Jpe&ltl· ...· SavInO TrOuble. !!'be husband of a fashiona ble wom' thunder ed. ,"You did an, wbose SO,"S are at. once the ad· Howard , hliJ yell stJII "!xed on tbe mlratfo n and despAir of ber feminin e ablnlng pistol, .r epented, as 11 roclt· acqualntancell, waa dlscl\lIslng the Ing a lesson: cost of Uvlng with & friend at the CHIL.O' S .DREIS . "I did It!" Union Loague tlle other night. . QuIckly Capt. Clinton signaled tc . "By the way," venture d tbe trlend, )flllone y to approac h nearer wltb hili note.book. 'I'he detoctlv e Berg ant "~er-don't you ha.ve a good deal of took hIt! place fmmedl ately baclt 01 trouble keeping )'our '!Vite drcased I~ Howard . 'I'be ca ptain turned to hie tbo holght of styleT" » The woman' e husband IImlled a.nd prleone r: "You shot Roh ert Underw ood'" then abook his head, emphaUcally. "I sbot Robert Underwood," re "Oh, no," he said, "nothin g {o speak or. NothIn g-nothi ng to tho trouble p('nted Howard mecllimlcal!Y. "You quarrel ed!" I'd have U 1 dldtrt." .ILLU $TRAG.w. TION S BY RAY WAL T£R$ "We quarreled ." . CCiI"'I1IIGWT, 1909, "ILLINCNNI COtIMNY "You came here Cor mon ey!" he kept poundin g the unhapp y youth out bCl ng seen. "I came here for money." You badn't even ., with s~archlng questio n!. stopped to wash the blood olf your "He reCused to give It to youl" By this time Howard 's condItion was hands . All you fellers "About three yearl ago "lIe I waa refused at· to gll'e make It to mistake me." s. pitiable to witness. His face was You reUed on getting fected by white scales on my kneee "There wall a quarrel l" away unseen. white as death. His trembli ng lips You ne ver stopped and elbowlI. I consulte d a doctor who "There 'Was a quarrel. " to think that the 11 could bardly articula te. It was with blood on your hands treated me for. rlngwon n. I taW no " You drew that pistol! " would- betray 8\'NOP SIS. the greates t dlmcult y that he kept on you." Grumy he added: change and consulte d a speciali st and "I drew that plsto1." "No". oome, bls feet. Every momen t he seemed what's the use of wasting he claimed I bad peorlasl s. I conUn· "And shot l,}lm !" HowlIl'\l Jelfrles. banker', . S it", - unll r all this about to fall. .4.t Umes he clutche d the time? It won't IrO so the tw it Innuence of Robert Underwo ued treatme nts under him tor about "And shot blm ." hard with you a ( 1IC'W·student at Yalo, IOBda & IIro od. or table ne rvously , (or Cear he would If you own up. You killed IIlx months until I law Bcales bl·eak· Capt Clinton IlSillalpaUon. marrtoo tho dall.shte smiled Robert tl'iUlnl> hantly pmbler .... ho dIed In prison, and r Is ofdis·n stumble . Seve rnl times, tbrougb shoer Unllerw ood! .. log out all over my bocly ..ve my "That's all," he said. owned by hIli fath or. lIe lrlell to get work exhaust ion, ho sat down. The ,act was face . My acalp was atrected , and my Howard shook his hend . Tbere was Howard collapse d Into a chair. His 'Ult! falls. A tormer oolloge ohum ml\k ~ e almost Involun ta ry. Nature was gly· a pathetic expross lon .. bltlllneM ,.ropo8IUon to Howllrd ball' began to taU. bead wh ic h dropped J then ollanSed forward ot helpless on nesll his breast, requIres 5:.000 CII.ab. alld H o ward 18 broko. Ing wuy. . doctol'l to no avall. I went to two on his faee. 1\8 If he "" e re nsleep. I\obert Unck rwood. who hlUl been reo Capt. CllntoD "I can't stand Ilny more," he mur· .. oIl ed by Howard 'lI wHe. Annlo. In hIs • hosplt.l s and eacb wlUlted to'mak e a ". didn't kill him:' he faltered. "I yawned and looked at bls watch. collese tlays. and had onoe boon e llll'llgod mured. "What's the good of all IItud" of the cue and loemed unabl. tbese was asleop on that . 80fa. I woke up. Turning to Mnlonc y, he said 'I\·\tb a to Allclll. Howard's stepmothor. hus .pllflmo nllj III the Astrurla. Howard d e · question s? r ··tell you I didn't do It." It was dark. I went out. I ,,'anted to chuckle : to cure It or anure me or II. cure. I ('Idee to ask Underwood tor the $~.OOO he He sank helpless ly on to a chair. HIs get borne. 1<ly wife was walUng tried leveral patent medlcln ea and "Dy .George ; It's taken flve hours ,'el'ds. UnderWOOd. toklns for Ildvanta se of Tbls dainty little frock III moat 111m· hll InllJ!'lacy with Mrs . .Jolfrles, Sr., 1)Q. eyes rolled In hl8 head. He looked as nle." to get It out of blm'" ply made. There la a amall roundin g wa. flnally advlH4 b" -a friend who oomM a 80rt of .oclal hl&,hwo.yman. D19- If he " 'ould faint. . bas Uled OuUcura on ber children "Now I've caught you lying," Inter· Maloney turned out tbe electric yoke and & o\"Oring hi. tnte characte r Iho denlelS "Stand up!" thunder ed tbo ca ptain rupted the captain quickly. "You 1m tho houle. Allcla rocelvOl:l a nole from lights and weDt to pull up .the wlndo\1t to be readtlystandln , collar, so cut as alnce their birth, to purchas e the told ·"derWOOd. threatening 6ulcldo. o. m ltted by the angrily. mother Outlcur the coroner you snw the dead mnn and shades, letting the brIght dayligh t who llreters " toalcrs tor whom ho hM beon actin&, Art the low neck tlnlsb, as cake a Remedl ee. I purchaa ed a lUI Howard obeyed mechan ically, al· l eared you would 00 sUsllected ~ 0 ",mI8810ner. demand all accounting. of Soap, the Ointme nt Rnd the stream Into the room. He Sudden of bls· ly shown In our tlIustrat ion. The 'band eanllot make good. Howard J Ifrlea thougb he re eled In the e Re80lYent. .After the ftl'lt app\lcaU on trort. To murder, and 60 trl d to get away un· there was a ring at the tront door around the yoke II a aeparat JOalla In lin IntoxIcated condition . Ho Wtk" e piece In tbe nderwood for P o.JO and .. told by the steady himself . he caugbt bold of the seen.." Turlling to his men, he added: Officer Delanoy opened, and Dr. Bern· the Ilchlns wall allayed. pattern. "Uor that he I. In debt U to hill Dye. table. His IItrengt h was stein fa "I .m still using the 80ap and Oint, at "How ebbing. ent.ered Is that, Malone y ? md the prls' . Advanc ing Into tho o"'ard drtnks hImself Int a maudlin The little ,,'alst la ndltlon, and .088 to s\ ep on B dh·an. He was losing bls power to reSist. oner say that 1" room, be shook bands with the cap- edgell, tbe upper one r;athere d at both ment and DOW teel that none other I. being ,olned to ' ,A. caller II announced and Underwo od Tbe captain snw be wae weakcn ing. aooc1 enoulb tor my akin, The plOr· tain. The s ergeant ~rawa a IIcrOen around consult lod his back the yoke band and drunk'n nnd .h e smiled wllh ll)OPCr. Alicia enlerll, Shethe s atisfact ion. He'd notcs, and replied : "I'm sorry I couldn' t come betore, the . belt. Tbe aklrt the lower ,.o ne to t.,la baa disapPe ared and I everrdema nds a II also pt.bere d romlae f"om him that he will not take 800n g t a confess lou out of him . captain . 1 \11'118 out when I got the 1l1Id la Attache d to Sud· "Yes, Cup', that's what be said." 18 life, pOinting to the . dIsgrace that the wallt ben..th wbere feel better. My hands were I() denly bending forward , so tbat his ","outd RUneh to horself. .tJndorwo call. Where's the Oll body?" re· Sudden ly CllPt. Clinton the ·belt. drew Puff sleevell, wblch may be disfigur ed belore ualag the Cutlcur a from UBtI. to prom lac lInlo... s\lo will rpne\'\' Herce, dete rmin ed stare glared right his hlp vocket the r evolver The captain poillted to the Inner either ahort or lone, comple (Or 4)atronag e. This IIho roruaca to du. which be te tb. Remedl e. thAt I had to wear glovee all ' ndorwood kill. hlm80lf. tbe tlme. Now my bod, and ·'band. report ot Into Howard 's half closod eyes, be bad found on the !loor near the dead room, dres. tho ptste~.a walton8 Howard.Tho fle Ilt umb.lee IIhouted : "In there." are look Ins ftne." (Signed ) Mlu Sara man's body. The supl'em e test was . ,·er tho deall body of tJl\d<,rwo Elt.ber lIucb o<l. wash n uall · materia ls as awlal, "You did It and YOII know yOU Illd!" about to be made. «Inl;' hla pr~c'lhlt,,"ent he uttempta to n e B After glancin g curious ly at How· baUllle, merceri zed Iingbam Burnett . 2186 Flt~.ter St., Phllade l· The wily police or end III mot by Underwood's vQ.lot. lIo \\,1I1ht " No-I- " repllel' Howard weakly. captnln would now· vlay hi. trump ard, the doctor dIsappe ared Into the weight woolens, challis, cashme re and pbla, Plio:, Sept. 30, 1910. ..,.11 I~ turned over to til police. "These repeate d denials are us&- card. It WAS' not CuUcur a Soap (25c) and CuUcur a the like may be u.ed In maklns thll without reason that Inoer room . loss I" shouted the calltala . "Th€lre'a his cnelUles CHAPT ER IX.-Co ntlnued . Capt. Clinton turned to Malone y. Ointme nt (GOc) are sold tbrough out cbar~ed him with emplor ' Itt tie trock. "'Vcll, Maloney, I guess our work. The pattern (6372) Is cut In sizes I the world. Bend to Potter Drug AI "Dut ",lIat'1I the good or sItting here la dono here. We wa~t .. to get the to 10 years. Medium aue requJre . 3~ Obem, Oorp., 80le prope., 136 Colum· In lhls death bouse?" proteste d How· prlsonei ' over to the statiOn, then ynrd'. of 21 Inch malerla l, or 3 yards bua Ave., Boston, tor ttee book on af· ard. "Take me to the station If I make out a charge . or murller . and of 36 Inch, with % yard of 1S lncb nll· fectlons of the 81dn and eqatp. must go. It's Intolerllble to sit any prepare the full confess ion to submit over and 1% yardll of beading . ionger here." to the magistr ate. Have everyth ing Every cburch preacb.ell louder by 'fhe captain beckone d to Malone y. To procuro thlll pattern .end 11) \lent:.. Its ,quare dealtng than by Itl high ready by nine o·clock. Mca.ntlme, I'll to "Pattern l)epaJ'tm ent," "Not so taat, young man. Before ot this paper. go down nnd soe the newspa per boys. Write name :lnd ndllrellB pTalJIJ'y, lind be aboutl'ng. ~e go to tbe station we want to asl' I guess there's a bunch of thelll down .ure _to .Ive else and number ot J)&ttern. . . there. Of course, It's too late for thCl >"u a few question s. ' Don't wo, Ma· Conltipatlon nu," Slid ·.rlousl)' .,"'" 1l.loeyY" morning pape rs, but It's a bully good ntet many dieeAse•. n is tbo~bly \lured by Dr. Pierce', Pellell. tiny lupr-ooa ted NO. ~3j2. The sergean t came o,er, and the story for the afternoo n edition!!. De.JZE .......... . .... .. aranul~. ct\ptaln whisper ed someth ing In his .Ianey, you're r esponsi ble for the 9rls. NAy., . . .......••.• ••••••••• ••••. .•.••••••• •• . It'a 110 Wle a churoh adverUalnlr tbe ear. oner. Better bandcut!' him." Howard ·&hh'are4. Sudden ly Dible when It Is d~dgtnc Ita bill •. turning to hIs prisone r, the captain The patrolm an was juat put ling the TOWN •••.•••••••••••••• "•••••••••••••••••••• 8bouted In the stern tono of com· manacle s on Howard 's wrists wheD ITRBI!IT 'AND NO .. , .......... ........ .. Dr. Bemsteln re·enter ed from the In. mand: ner room. The captaIn turnod. ':Get up!" &TAn . . . : •••.•••••• •••••••••• •. , •••••.•••• • "Well. have you seen your mllli?" Howard did lUI he was ordered . He he asked. telt he must. There was no reslstin l The doctor nodded. tbat powerfu l brute'll tone o~ authorl: "Found a bullet wound 10 hIs bend," LADY'S CORSE T 'COVER, ty. PoIntin g to the other eldo of the he said. "F1esb all burned -must have ta')lo, the captain went on: been pretty close range. It ml,bt "Stand over there where I can look have been a case of suicide ." at ),ouP' Oapt. Clinton frowned . He dido" 'the two men now faced each other. Itke suggesU ons of that klnl1 aft"" a tlte· small table ' alone . separat lng confess ion whlcb bad cost him Ilve them. The powerfu l electroU er over· hours' ,w~rk to procure . head east Ita light tult · on How· !'Sulclde1" he sneered. "Say, dOll ard'.. baggard face and 011 the cap· tor, did you happen to notice wbat talD's scowlin g features . Suddenly side of the .hend the wound was on?" &llW\ney turned 011: every electrlo Made Safe by lydia E. Plnkbam'. Dr: Bernsto ln reHecte 4 a moment . tlglll except lhe light.. In the elect· "Ah, yes. Now I come to tblnlt of . roller, tho glare of which was inten· Vegetable Compound. It, It was the left side." IstOed by ' the surroun ding dnrknes s. "Preols ell'," ·s ro. r e(l lhe captaIn . "I "I wat paulng ' Tho rest of the room was in shadow . tll1·OlllgD ·ILDe Ob:IUlireof Lileand aUttered heard ot 1\ 'sulclde sbootln g him· Ono sa\'1 only these two figures JlervoUBuess sol! In the left temple. Don't worry, etnndln g vivid ly out In the strong doctor, It's murder IIgllt- tho whlte-fa ce'l prlooue r and , an right." PoInt· Ing wltb a jerlc of his Onger toward !lIs stalwar t Inquisit or. In the dark Howard , be addecl: "And we've got backgro llnd stood Policem an Dolaney-. the mlln who did the io!;'" elolle at hand was Malone y taking Officer Delnnc1 aPQt"lIached bls chief Dolel!. ~nd spoke to blm In a low tone. Tho " You did 11:. and. you Imow you did captatn frow.n e4 and looked tOlWard It ~" thunder ed the captain , fixing hla his · prisone r. Then, turning toward eY6S on bls trembli ng victim. tqe officer, he saId: "I did nol do It," replied Howard ~ "Is the 'wlfe downst airs?" • Iowly and firmly, returnin g the police· The officer nodded . man'lI star~ .. "Why Old You Come Hire 1" Surely everr woman III ,lad to bave "Yes, sir; tbey jUllt telepho ned." "You're tying!" shouted the captain . "Then let' her come up," said the her underw ear dainty and pretty It sbe reatorait "I'm not lying," roplled Howard n:ready enough e"ldcnc e ;1on to to send you lug unlawfu l method s In conducU ng captain . "She colmly. may lai.'ow somethi ng." can onlY atrord It. To make a to 1Il8 that for .....;-.,.•. L to the cbalr!" conot bls co,'er Inquisit Ilke orial the eumlna one pictured tlons, DelllDey . returne d to the telepho ne 'l'ho captain glared nt him {or a Ing...omen i a~ wiWng Howard shoblt his bead helpless ly. "StOll your lylngl " he said flerce. Bnd . Dr. Bernste in turned to tbe cap' takes ,ust a ibort length 'or embrol· trouble P11bUo momen t and .then Iluddcnly tried new Weakly he replied: 10 Jon «ered f10pncln g and Iy. an "Toll bour'a work, thtJ letter'.'j~lIRl. · CIU8. ~"'IW~~I. the truth, or we'll keep you taln: tacUcs. , 'This constan t question ing Is mao hore untl1 you dQ. The and there It la aa nlee 8S any.thln e :&P,D. , Granite ville, Vt. "Say what you will, captalD, I'm motive Is . "Wby did you come here?" he de· king me dl~zy . Good that ' could b. bour;bt tor thr.. time. God! What's clear. \'ou came {or money. You not at aU sure that Underw NO .o thet·me dlclrie tOI' woman 'a Dis ood manded . did the use of questJo nlng me and Ques· were refused, nnd 'rou the COllt or more. has reoebe d auch wlclwD read and tin. did the trick." not do this himself ." "I came to borrow money." tlonlng mc? I know nothing about In order to 'mnke the galilDent , flat quaUJl84endo~t.. :80 otb~l' med"Aln't you? Well, I am," replied Sudd('nly prodUcing the revolve r, "Did you get ItT" It." lolne we Jmow In tbe back baa auch a reool1l and holding It "'ell under the light, the captain with a sneer. .Polnllll i There Ie alsothere I. .. cent", leam. of Ollnll ,'_as hai'of "No-b e said he couldn·t give It to LY4Ia .E. Plnkba m'. "Why did YOI1 come here?" thun· so a seam under the arm', that again the rars {rom the electrol ler to Howard , he said: . Vegeta ble' rue." Com,poW u1. · '. dered the captain . fell directly on Its blghly pOlished . '~ Thls mnn h.a Just confesBed to t.be but none at tbe aholUder. The ed,. "'l'hen )"Oll killed blm;" For mo~ than 80 ,earl U baa beeD ot tbe flouncing matea an orname ntal ''I've told you over and over again. surface, he shouted shootin : g." . "I did not }till him," repiled Uoward We're old friends. I came cnirlng woman 'a ilIa Inch aa lnftalJUD&. to borrow At that momen t the front dool finish, an!! tbls Douncl n, III DOW made tloo, pl08ratlon;' fttirold II 08IUvely. . Illoney. Ho owed mo a few bundred tumorS. lrre~ with eyelets "Howar :or ~he d paasage Jetrl'les, of you 1'lb· shot Robert opened and ADnle Jelfrh;. came In (l~ . 'rbus the searcbi ng examin ation dollars when we were ulantle'aj ~rlodlo Dalns.·aild nerTOu bon• at college to. Vnderwood, and you shot blm wltb corted by proatratlon," and It III unequa lled ·tOI' an otllcer. Sbe wall pat. 'Wcnt on, mercile ssly, tireless ly. The gethor, and I trI ed to ge A coraet cover 'of plain materta l, In ~rmbB ·w t)meo Iiaf~17 t IL I've told this phitol!': and frighten ed, and looked ' Umldly al through the flalUO Questlons, tbe same answers , tho YOIl so mnny times. thillsam e style, may be or cambric and peri~ . o~ c~ange ~f Ufe. . You won't be· Howard gazed at the shining aur· the troup of strange a~ci scrlous· look· . . flamo accusaU ons, the same donlals. lIeve me. My brain Is trimmed with 'Valene lenne, lace. tired Un.' Phikh am, bOllr after hour. · The ealltaln was oughly exhaust ed. Plt:aso . ['m thor· facc of the metal as If Casclnated. He Ing men present . Th,cn her eyes wen' L7oD. M ..... The" vattern (U42) let Is · me cut go. spoke not n word, but his eyea be· round the room In search or In IIlsee Invites all slok w.o~p to write tired, but being a Glunt In physiqu e, My poor wife woo't know wbat's the cume riveted on the weapon unUI his band. She saw him seemIng ber hUll- 32 '. to U . Inches bust messure . Me: herfor advJce , Bei' ....~Ia~ he could s tand It. He knew that hili nu.Uor." ly asleell dlum size require s I yarda of'16 Inch ..4 ~wa3'i helpfu l . taco assume d a ,'acant stare. From In an Ilrmcba lr; iils wrll!ts mODBch'd . . vlcUru could not. It WIIS only a QUCS' flouncing. . ~'Ne ver mind about your wlte," the scientif ic . . standpol~lt, the act ol In 'front of . h1m. With a fright. tlon o[ lime when the laUt-r's resist· gro,v led th e cautaln . aac/) would be weaken ed. Then he he.-. How much did "We've Bent for hypnol.lsm had been accomp llsbed. ened esclama tlon sbe spr~~ forwal1\. To ptocur. thla pattern .md 10 ' you try to bor. In his nervous and overfaU gued state. but Olftcer Delnney Int~rcel would stop lying and tell tho truth. row 1" lted ,bet to "Pattern Departmen.t," of' tht.l paper. lidded to his suscept ibility to' quick Capt, Cllntl,lD turned aroqod angriJJ write name apd addru. plainly, and· be That's all he wllnled- tho trutb . Howard wns sil ent a moment , as If bypno~ls, he was now dIrectly wre to ' ~tv. ~I" and D~Diber'·.et .Datl.ern. under at the tnter!up tlon. "You shot blm!" racking his brain, trying to r emem. the InHuence of Capt. "Keep the 'woman qule.t ·tllI Shf~' Ollnton'lI "j did not." bo~. stro,ngel' will. He ""as complet ely reo want'ed !" 'he grow~ed. .. . NO. 4142. "Vou'rc lying!" ~z .....• '...... ,•...• ".\. thousan d- two thollsand. I for- ceptlve. Tho past lIeemed (TO BE (,0I:lT~NUED.) all a blur "I'm DOt Iylog-H '!! tho truth." . geT ' I tblnk one thousllDd." on bls mind. He saw the flasb of So It wenl on, hour aCtor bour, reo . "Uld he say he'd lend you the mOil. steel and the police captaln 'a anlP'7, . , Llk fcnllc8s1y, pltUe8llly, . whHeth o patient · ey~" doman'ded 'the ~ Inquisit . deter"'l or. . . M You '" ned.loo kln, face, He telt he • It. h 'lalone.y, In the obscure backgro und, ' d . II I 11100" "No," rel)lIed lhe prisone r, with hesl· wus powerle ss to resist that "'111··.· nw T e age • ,-:orn, an d ' IU e ~ I' I dt 'Id al took lIot(1S. .. untered 'un es . ...:... Ibn .. er. stepftAd ' back a' nd 'gave oS ~ .r u . taUon. He couldn' l- he-,poo r chal)-' " . " ~ ,,~ d k ' r. til I rk In a n shudder , avertin g hla eyes from the es 0 .: e c e . .aO\1them he·..... 1 '. d CHAPT ER X. and quavete d.:· as he ·dre • .from .. ~b!" sllapped tbe captain . "lie rs· bllndLng steel.. .·Capt. · . fu:red- that led to words. There was followed up his "adl'ant linton qulckl". wa!fet' a feUow . bill, "Friend , wJl' age: .. . kindly 'gIve <me . flve 81\)'er, dollar. III The '10 k ticked on , aud utili the a 'juan:cl , ' and-" Sudden ly leaning "You eommltted, tblll crime, es~ba~ge fo~. tbt • . me~~nto of til.' mercllesil browbe ating ~\'ont They forward until his faco alnlo$t toucbed ' .Jeffrles!" be ehollted u·ft,idng .hlm . lood old confede rate bad been at ,It now fiv e long, \\'e~rY HI,lward 1s, .he :hl$sei;l . )j rather than a stare. To bls . subordi nate .Tl1~ cleiit 'II~~~d laUIiClUJ ' hOUI'8. Tbroug h. tbe blinds th" gray .spoke: "Ypu shot blm! ,, ' &houled : "J;>ldn!t be, M,aloneyT" prolfere d bUJ, .~l1ed to U~IIJI"II,. . dayligh t oUblde was creephi g Its ·way Howard gave an tnvoluut'Bl'Y step "Ue kl1\ed him all .rlght," It JDto' th~ drawer. and tli. All the polloemen WOI'O exhaust· backwa rd, as Ifhe realized the trap Maloo..ey, . : tbe .r,e dollllJ'& ' When ' tb~ ,,,,,,1Ultl~" ed . Tbe prisone r wiAtt on tbe verge of being laId for him. His eyes stili fb;ed OD thoso of. hili IOOklnl' ·liiclIVI~U.1 bid lODe. -oollapse. Maloney and Patrolm an "No; no!)' he cr~ed. victim, and · approac hln& 1.111 l~laDC)' woro dO~lng on chairs, but _ Qulctly fo\1owl'o, U\) his advaDtage, clole to. ~liI. th.e captain IIhoute,,:.face 'eumtn ed tbe;·biiJ be 'hael- jUlt tD. He f~lliI.d til" It WIll. Or 4Japt. . Clinton , a ' Dlarvel :It Iron wllt Capt. ellnton shouted' dramati . "You did It, Jelfrlell! Come on, O"g • iMt ,hysica l strength . ne,er relaxed . "You lie! He was toubdcally: ·U, 8, ~Itbel' .... . tile upl tet'. bave the trutb! You t. 1D,,"n t, l'iot a\lowtng blmaeU floor In tbls room-d ead ..· YouOIl..ere ...... _ ....... , RObelt Underw ood with UlIII ...,rohru,~ l .co' k.. .. . _ow -Ip» or' faUpe. tr7lns to act out of the boul. witla· YOII elld It, aad fOIl oaD't. 4e1l1' Itl -I"_~
'Practical fasbio~s '
TtllID Dmm;r; . ~C~~KLJ:IN:
vt. -
TheAimy~f •
..... '
Fi sh in g g,e·'.funa . :.... . on tlJe
Yo.ur teeth decay because partlcle a of tood get luto crevice s between and around the tee.th and create germs of deoay. Ordinar y tootb powder s Ilnd washes are entirely Inadequ ate to preveut It. Try Paxtlne Toilet Antisep tlo. a delicious. harmles s germici de. J ust a IIlUe In a glass of water. and rinse tile mouth and brush tho teoth tboroug hly. Il will whiten the teeth, 'preven t and remove tartar. destroy all germa of decny and save you dentlst·s bills. Pax tine tboroug hly cleanse s. 'd eodol'l:.Ies and kee ps pure and odorles s ra ise teeth and bridgew ork. PaxtJne Is far superio r to liquid antlseptlcf:l Qlld peroxid e fol'" all toilet a nd hy· glenlc us es. At Druggis ts 26 and 500, or sent pOBtpllld upon receipt ot price by The Paxton Toilet Co.. Doston, Man. SE'nd for a free lampie.
N tl on ti c C oa st
HE AtlanUc tuna, os [[II' 118 I l..-now, h Ull nover been lllnded with rod and ILne, I1ltllOUgll many ha vo been la nded by harpoon · Ing; but the Pacific tunD . wblch Is tound olr . the amornl a coust.- Is regu· larly c.a ptured b y big gnme fishe rmen. These PncUlo tunlL arc pe rhap~ tlle king or big gluno Usb that are cnught with rod aud lIue. ul· tbough some IlPort8men who hll I'e fished tOI' tarpon lUay dIspute tbls stateme nt. '1'11 0 largcst tu na evor landed with r od alld lin welg betl 2[,1 J,lollnds, nn4l WUlI cnught by ' 01. . P. How He Averted a Duel. The COllovdn g Is to ld ot formel' Sell' bloreho\ lBe In 1899 01T the Island or atol' Joe D1aokburII of K ntu clty : Cntailn a. CalifoIo ln. but th e /I I' rage In tb e dnys of his ),ollth tho Ken· we ight o[ tunn ('ought llt C'ut llllnu IIlHt I ucklnn wo s naIl ed hy !l friend to sec· year was about 118 rmllnd s. nud the ond him In a duel. He con sen ted. nnd larg st 153 pO ll nd ~ . ~t s unrI se th e parlles m t al th e ap· The tacl;10 Ill' scrl b· polnt e(1 pia e. ~ow, It waa tbls Ken· ed by t.1l TUlln lull til kl an'li duty to lill Y th o la s t worda ot Brulln Cnt allnn . touchin g th e te rm s ot tbe ducl. But. alltornJ u, Is liS Col · althoug h h o fnlt..hrully perform ed till s lows : "/ wooden !luty. th e du el nev r took plnce. rod oonsls tlng ot II A mllrmur of "W hy not 1" In varlahly Illltt Rnd n tip lind go as al"ound wh e never thi s story Is to bc n ol ShOI'1 r told. whe re upon th e answer is a8 fol· than ti teet 9 In 'h 8 lows : o\' er 0.11 . Tip to h " I··or a " pry slrupl l'eaSOll . When not less thtm [j r et Joe fin ish II s ileaking It was too dark and to welg b nul for 8 due l. "- lIal'per· s Magazin e . more. tbun slxle;, ouuces. Une Is no t IS EPILEP SY CONQU ERED? to exceed the stand· New York Ph.y.lel ans Hav e Many ard 2Hllrea d line." Cures to Their Credit. Althoug h the PII' New York. April 4.- Ad vlces from Itlo tuna' are larg every directio n tully confirm previou s 1)sh tq land with rod r pOl'lS that tbe remarka ble treat~e nt and \lno. the Allan · for E'pllepsy be ing adminis tere d by the Uc tuon are much (.'o nsultl ng physlcll tns ot the D\,. Wnter· larger. ns they run man In s titute Is achievin g wonder ful fl'om 300 pounds up r esults. Ohl and stubbor n cases have to 1,100 \)ounds. ao!l beE'n greatly benefite d and mnny pa· even as high ne Uents c laim to have been entirely J,200 1) 0 u Ii d sIn cu r ed. weIgbt. The smail. Persons s uffering from epilepsY Bst tuna thut.1 havo h old on nnd sce ~' helher It was pOBsl. should write at once to Dr. Waterm an Ie n landod, with ble In any way to Ure hllo out. Institut e. 122 East 26th st.. Branch C3, h a r p 0 0 n, on t be We then signalle d tbe launch ·whlch New York. for Il s upply of the remedy . Novll SCOUIl . oast. bad been followin g us. but Ileepl ng n wblcb Is being dis tributed grntulto uBly. weighed 462 pounds. good thre ·qunrter s ot a mile away. t o an.d the Inrg~~t send tlie dln ghr with some lunch. Chloken . AI! Right. weighed ovcr !l00 T hey had vldenlly been expeotl ng A Camden lawyer walked In to ·a reB· poun(Je. th is signal. beca use In a very few t aurant the other day. 11rapnred to . Now. the tuclde minutes '\\'e were llleased to see the ord e r himself a ch l el~en dinn er . that I used tn try· launch go abead ot us. and parallel to Tbe waitres s approac heil blm . He Ing to land these monstel's consisted and . Vllllam lho coqk. while 8 01101' th e dire ction we were taking In order looked at her and sn ld : ot 1\ rod ot the s:lm speci fi cations as hnrlle carne wlt.h mo In the dory. that wh n t he din ghy was droppe d "How's chicken 7" the 'l'una lily tackle consiste d of two rods and thE'Y would onl y lip I'e lub ot Santa Catalin a, 'II'm . all ri ght." she anl!werE'u. obe r· to row to head ·though I have. us ed a No. 3~ line and reels , wltb soveral spare No. a9 lines Ul! orr. ll}' ; "how's youreel t?" a8 no ordinar y rowboa t could a epeclal 1'001 that I had made to holel of 800 yards en h. two large guffs. one catch us ns long lie the tuna towe d SOO yards of tills No. 3~ Hne. as the lance at tbe end of an e lght.foo t pole. without altering his course. When itchIng Pllea Perman ently Cured by • largut teel that was then made ooly The hook I used wae n No. 11 Van the boat came alongsi de. which It Jar of ROllnol Ointme nt. held 300 yards of tlle No. 24. 01' about Vleck hook, wUh a 12:fool wire lender. could only do when tbe tuna was tow· I;' '.-,-2.2.0 ya rnB of the No. 39 Hne. or snood, but with a t ew IDcbe s of Ing us straigh t ahosd. harHe grabbed About three weeks since I "'as sut· The tuna In the Atlantic are reo chain next to the' hook. Our bait that the dinghy by tbe gunwal e while th" rerlng agony trom Itching plies. I got ported. to be found as fn r south as daY wal fresh macker el. My two rods lUan In the dinghy dumped our grub a sample lar of Reslnol Olnt.me nt and t he N'ew J ersey COllst, and some as were set up befot'e we. 1ert Bydney. a board. It tbe fish does not start to after bltthlng with warm water and far north 88 Gaspe, 10 the Provinc e each with Its reel and 300 yards at raise Oaln we general ly l et the otber applyin g the Reslnol . I waB In a tew ot Quebec, and they are also aeen off tbls No. 39 Une. and J had 1m th1s oc· boat etay alongsi de In order to Sh·. days entJrely relieved of the itchIng cuslon: lUI I ha ve ' had subsequ ently. blm an extra the coaat of Newfou ndland; but I load to tow. and bellev~ I am perman ently c ured. , hall contlne 'myselt to No\'a Scotia about 70 to 80 feet bt line doubled 'At tbe eDlI of an bour and a llnlf I W. W. Evans. Carrollt on. Ky. Reslnol gave the order to the launch to com· and particul arly to the east coast ot next to the holt . Ointme nt Is sold b), all druggiS ts. We rea ched Bte. Ann bay abOut 8 mence to work on the Ca~ Breton, where the t'll'O places fis h. too. '1'h. that I havo Hshed tor tuna are sit· Il . m .. and commen ced trolUng . About luunch. being told that lhe tuna wall A 8lgn. uated, namely, ate. Ann Bay, and Mira 11 a . m . we sighed a large school ot approxi mately 176 yards nhead of UII, "Is your ~· lte stili treating you Bay. Tbe former place Is ' about 36 luna about baIt· way up the bay. Atter proceed ed to run In front of him. and. coWly T" "Is she? Gave ana Ice pudding tor ·mlle. Jio~welt ot Sydney ' by' water. about half an bour:_ vlgol'ou s ro",lng by giving him the propell er "'&ah. ' anll the latter place Ie approsl mately we manage d to get the . bal~ed book would turn · blm back Into tbe bay. dinner." !5" mile. loutbea st of Sydney by rail· just in tront ot the school. AllhoUgh. a.s he was then going out to I ... 1J8J!1 ALLE1"S .OM·KA SB way. Tb~ outer bl\Y at Bt~. Ann la atter you have a ftlh bo~ked. you are With this particul ar fish tbe launoh 11M .AIItI.. pUo pOw4et'to be abakeD 1040 abo.. about seyen mUes long by six mUe. kept bUBY all the time, and have did not have much effeot. exoept to f",tlred •• chloll teol. It !anetbll Uoi out.lae oj ooma a04 blUltOO' make IU14 him ~elle • swim. • • lkl~ deeper. a 4ell,bt. and' 8014 then he wide at the mouth. but there are two plenty of excitem ent. sUlI. 1 really did not mind .~Ut""' . VO r WRltll the launch at all. W. ."6rywbe re, lila. 111&Jld • . beyond the souther n promon · think the most exciting part of. tuna were towed around the bay all day, !rIal plchce. &44re...... e. OllD ..... I.e Bo. , N.Y. tory at the nortli (CaDe Dauphi n) 118hlnl Is jUlt before the strike, ' Dnd general ly Inslde' tbe outer Island (CI. .Occaslo nally or oftener people lead that really make thla bay almost two aa. you strike. There muet have been 'at least 20 tuna In the aohool. the bou Island), but occasio nally " 'e went a man to believe they admire blur tiilles -toIQrer. There ' I. IIlso at Bte: Ann a beautifu l Inner harbol' wltll leader of .wblch was a monlte r. prob- beyond the Islands. somntim es to the when 10 reality they aro only trying . . north side ot the bay and sometim e. Jo work him. plenly or wa~er and BOod anchora ges ably weighin g anyw)Je re between 600 on the louth aide. About midnig ht tlie very well sheltere d. The ohannel en· to 800 pOunde. When the boat W88 tuna took tbe bit In bla teeth nntt Ura. Wln. low'. I!Ioothlnlr I!)'MlP tor hllll""'n terlng thia tnner harbor Is well buoy· about 100 teet In tront of the 80h001 teethlog ••often. tbe !fU1Il". reau{'f" In1Iamm .· edt with spar buoys. and h8a about '14 tliey all leemed to aee It,ia t once. and started seeming ly stronge r than evcr \141D, palo, cur... wt.o d <'0\1,·. I5c a bottle. ared 'from tho I"rface. only to to tow us toward Ingonl8~ Illand feet of water at low tide (the rile dlsaftpe IIgbt .. . t about Reven mllea an hour, or bet. Keepi Horleeh oer. Buey. and rail ot tbe tide b e re J. about 4 reappea r In a momen t when th~ lead· ater. and did not change hls directio n There are used In tbe B1'ltlsb army er wlla only 20 or 30 feet from the until he was about 't eet). . three mlleR from U.600 horsesh oes every month. The t~n3. or borss macker el. all hook', at whloh he tdOlt a wlld plunge It. when he ran toward the IIhore. and the eurface . As I struck. wblch , they are called by .t he local flshe rmen. Io'Yer 'd id as soon a9 I felt the line Ugh ten, gave us a very livel yGarfield T('/l purlfiee the blood . eradi· tlrn& tor about lire ' to be found near the aouthem half an hour or more. .T hen he cates rht'umnliml. !lout lind other di ense9. abore 01_ this bay, almOst any -tIme I ull! to Charlie . "ConCound we started to leave tile shore and go between .Tuly 15 and Septem ber 30; have hooked that big leader·'" oblique ly to sea. taking ue about five Go to sleep without Bupper. but rise . )lut, 1. would recomm end August as the As I$oon as he .f elt the hook strllle miles from the without de bt.- Talmud . sliore. In. h o Jumped practloa ly clear at : the beat month in """Icb 'to get strikes. As soon as dayligh t came I mRde W hen ·It la not too rough, and the wllte't, and. aHhoug h-l do oot su every effort \108slble to gain some line weatbe r 'Is' general ly flne at this tim e "011 could exactly compar e It fo the on the tuna . and after about 30 or 45 of the' year, 1 '''ave neve r experlen cell ~Ild jump of .the tarpon. being more minutes of strcnuo u9 pum pi ng. I manof a somersa ult over the surface of 4\ged to ge t In two nnS' tr'ouble In Hooking a fl sb. or three turns ot .. Three yearll ago I boolted 21 fl sll. the ' water, It would bave mnde a ' the ' double line 011 tho reel. wblcb splendi d picture for a very rapid lena m eant thn l the tun a was within 70 that foUows taking a dose of caltor but :'durlng' that senson l ' was only camera ; but 'Ye. In the dory, did not feet ot us. 1 Immedl ate lr drove a oil, salts or calomel. is about the \I sing a ~'o . 24: and No. 36 line, and did not hnve a drong enou'gh reel . huve Ulne juSt then to thlnl{ ot a cam· '",'edge In to' the thumb brake . hoping worst you can endur e-Ueh -it J <['heI'0 \yere only tbree fish that I held era, e ven \.t ~\'e .bad bad 'one. because , to preve nt him taking more line. but 2ives one the c~ep9, You don't longer illan 20 mlnutes -ono tor S as Boon .a~ he had made tbls jump. h o within a minu te or so ho took It Into have fo have it-CA SCAR ETS hours. oo~" ror 10 houra ·and one tOl" wt\s off In f\ ~ad. rush ",Jth the line bll:! hend to bolt. and tbe wedge Will move the boweJ a-tone up the going out at a tremeil dous rate, oven I'ivped out ot the thumb 13 boura . . brake, 218 It liver-w ithoat these bad feelings. against t.wo ot the brakes . with' which . It had b ee n made ot stmw. TrY them . the reel was ' equippe d. Wben . 250 IIW Twice more I got tbe 4to'u ble line ou yards had iett the reel. lt looked des: the ree l. ' but . each ioc • boK for a _".. time he ripped It . In>>lmCDl, Blft$ Kilti' perate, as he WI\8 sUlI g'oln~ a8 U . he out seeming !)' whenev II! tbe wo.ld.. ~1l1Jen 110&111 er be wanted . • _u&. were ' bound .(011. 'Newro\ lOdland tor a At 6: SO a. m ., whe n 1 ba.d bilC~ the record, 'Bo,l hnme(li ately' tlitew off the rod for about J.9 mortal hours. my , arid gavo him }lla'Ck lIne .."1' lia d bands and arms . were Rcblng so tbat tbls ~tore on' other' flsb o'nd It '1 .w as forced td give It' up; 'but before general ly. ·worked . '. : • . . " dOing SO 1 ns\:ted Char)lt' It be would, Atter throwin g otT ~ho ' brake 1'. 1",•.. lIke . ~o · take a turn at tbe rod.· He · mel,llnte,l y· re~le~)n •.Iln~ as Sool1 ' !lB. he; took ~he rod fOI' ' 0 .mlnutes,and dU1" felt the >tenalo~ : again he atarted liD Ing that lime twice pumped the flab OUler I'!Uti~ but tlila ~\ Ume I~ ;" '8a . to- to 'Ydthh~ ·7'0 f~t the bont. drove 'Wari'll.. ,he ~OI'Y, a.tl4,l '1 had to' reel In the wedge In tlie bra\(e. but, 811 belIk~ nia'c!' ln .orde_r u(it· to· glv~~ hhri any tore. the 'bib took tbe . lIne out again' alack ' lI~e . . ~t "ast th" a holllw ater . ,t:. will. . . 'whlch .be approachO<\ ,drove Jl!m.' (lp l~agi\lll 1 oo~ .~he Toll for about 111 4l~d fQr len' mlnuteB or so ..we bad an' mlnut••• lind at tHe' enlf ot that Ume. , It . . . . ..rly 0l1. a friday mornln'ir. oUler. exolUn l lime ':u DUI , D) •• 'I cut, tlie line and ....11 1D Septem ber lallt year, t'tillt we Ii'e .dlvec1. I th!ln realized ol)~ ~re. a ijttle nfter . (ba~ r ~ 1.t blm SO. ' . ~. . PD 81, cnllalD I launello talnJ, · bad b"keC1 .• .t .. aniS.h~1t. ~t aboard lbe Jauncb..-!.Jotum. St•• ··D n Bay to catcll. 'w. blab baelll••nel.lte r to" ~ ~d ' ID, and the others had ClOD.I
Vp -Se t Steak Fee ling
c.uc.iam· .11.,......
of' ftY. tit till·
.hi tile
'1 IlejSt '1U1
And They Were. Boarder (on Jeavlng) - Mad IlO1, YOIl are one ot the most hon est. persons 1 have ever met. Lnndlad y':""'l' lD alau tollear you Bay th t. sir. Hoarder- Yes ; your bonesty Is ven apparen t on th~ very tront of your establis hment. Your s ign says "Board· ers taken In '''-Stra y Stories. Household troubles; !Teada cbe. Tooth· Earnche, StomAch ucbe. Hnmlin! Wlz&rd Oil curC8 theRe !lcbes I\nd pllin~ ~o why don't you keep a bottle in tbe house. ~ohe.
"The heart l s a small thing, bllt de· elreth great matters ; ' It Is not 8uffi· clent tor a klte'S dinner, yet the world Is I\ot sufficien t tor It.-Hug o. D tt I hell ltl1 I8 l ure t 0 f 0 II ow t ho elise,e r0 r-cncno. the llnturlll Ucrb laxnllvo. Gnrfield Tea . It corrects cOIll'tipn tion . Think all you spenk, but speak not
811 you th lnk.-De lal'em.
Spr ing Hum ors Como to mOHt people and cauee' mil"" troublcs.- }llmplea. bolla and other eru:J)tion ~ . besides 108l! of appetite . tba' tired feeling. bilious.nel!l!, indlaestion ILnd belldBch . 'I'be sooner YOll get J;id of them the better. ntul tile \\. y to Itet rId of t hem GPd to huild \tp the eyalcm III to take
Hoo d's Sars apa rilla
'1110 prill" Medicino par excellencc .... Ihown by uneQualed. radlca.l and perm.a,.. Dent clIret!. Get it todny In ulfUnl liquid for.m 02 chocolnt ed tablet. culled Saraat a., •• 'VI.:I£KL Y 1"",llInll olrcular. """ EARN $26 I4ILlogortlO I]l lur.,,, ""\Olroeert.l ln
~~ ----- ----- ----- --------mrulofrol Uc nt bnl.
SWITCHES or OODlblol(" 1I"lw bea 11.0\) UP. PollelOo II . IW .. ) Maalo J~DlO" i'iOrollOC • .4r•• ____eA____ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ANn l'UII'lf8
N, U ., CINCIN NATI, NO. 14··1911 .
The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach
A milD who bll' G week aDd Impaired . tomaob aDd wbo does not properly ditcat bit food "ill loon find tbat bi. blood has become weak Ilnd impove rished, and that hi. whole body is imprope rly and iOlufficieoliy nouri.bed. DI'. PIEReE "!J GOLDE N MEDI(g :llL DIS(gO VERV
make. tbe stomac h strOll', promo tes tbo tloUl d/~e. t1ve 'r"cell, restore s tbe loot ap,uJt1 te, maltea lI.a/ml latloa perfect , lar/~ol'ates the IIvel' and /p1II'111"s and ellrlcbe s tbe blOOd. It Is "te drellt blood. makeI', lIeab-b ullder Bad reatora tlve lieI've toalc. " m.lles lQea 1111'01111 III body, activo la mllld lIad coo/ 'bI ladJlem ellt. Tbll "Di.oo yery" I. a pure, tlyccrlo estract of Amerlcll medical root. , ' .btolute ly free from aloobol and IIU iDjUriOU •• hAblt.fo rming.ll drug. IDgredienti .re printed 00 it. ,,"'ppe n. It h.. no relations hip . All lie with .eoret lIo.trum. . It. every iagredieDt i. eadol'lled by the leaders I~ all medioine. DOD't aooept a .eoret nOltrulD as •• ubstituto 'or tf! ..the Icbool. of time-proveD remedy 01' aNo~ CONPOIITION. Au: you. N810H80 as. They mUlt 1100" of mlDY cures made by It durina put 040 yee .... rlgbt 10 lIour own World', Dilpeo•• ry Medic.1 Auoei.t loo, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Prea .• neighborhood. Buffalo, N, Y.
w. L. DO UG LA S ~''7-:'1 '2~J!.~ '3 '3,50
& '4 SHOES IO:om
w. L. DOllgIMBbooa coe~ more to make tbn.n ol'tilnary shoes, because hlgbor grado Inll~hero Aro ullCd lI.ud 8olocted with greater care. These are tho rOl\60118 why ·W. L. Douglas 8bOOll are guaranteed to hold thoir shllllO. look and fit better a.nd
\.han any otlier 8hOOll you can buy.
Th. srenaine have W. L Dougle. Ilame aud the retail prko
.tamped 00 the bottom, 'Which Iluarant ee. full "alue and protects th. ",_rer arainlt bi,b price. Gnd inferiora hoe.. Il£FUIIE .uS.TlT UTE8D UIMED TO BE"JUS T AaOOO D' II JODr deaJtt cannol 10""'J ...llll th6genQln e \V .1.DonAI.. Ibllelt wrllAl JM .1&11 Onl.. O_ ..l o~. Shoe• 10U ..,n' dl...... fro ,n tad.,., to _rer.a11 01,....... pnlN'ld. W. L. D.u ...... 1&5 .....r . . .,,' Dr_.u••• M_,
Bov.· aHOre
t2.oo,'2 .1I0 ... a.00
IRRIGATED FARMS in Glorious CALIFORNIA Almost Given A.way I.nd d.,. In the I..lpp! Valle,.. We .r. dUrer.ot Crom G otb.r IrrllfaUoo oraao"aUon. W. h ...... otlrrllr.UOIf RBATB8 T OPPORT UNITY aloce Uocle .8 .m·. Cree M1 ..
In the Twin Fall, CounU7 Idaho .t .eoltoC ..pwud. olt.n mllUon doU .... We . hall apend •• 'm ..oh or 0400.000 .Mea
mike 00.
mor. In the a.cram.n to Valle,. California. to of the floHt rural ~mmunlUo in
the ...o"d. YiI .. hava .......t .dl/.ntalCe In buyfnll .n Irrillated fann now 00 0 ... teo·,..,. paymeot pl.o. With. Im.n p.,meol down. FOU CIlJ1 mue the farm eun thl ,.at qf the m.nt.. It II better tb.n "ettJnlf • aovfll'amcDt farm fo. nothln., beea.... Il...d, have Inve.ted In oec",.e..]/'
w. IlIIprovomenU .n .mount equ.1 to .."er.t't lmo yo... ftr.'
.,."m.ot . Tho.....nda ol •• r.. already ..,ld. The moot p"" ftt.bl. dll." .ea\oo 10 tha wo.ld. An .. ntaceUed' fruit . countr" . Thl flnut .If.lfa eo.. ntr". Hoa>I. poult.", or.nllel. .,..ch ... IIf\lIl....uprbe.....weet R. L BOI.I.I8 TEII .. co.. pot. toe .. be.n. or .ay other _cl.1 crop will m .... you lot, ofmone" AW....... ....... . PI . . . . .eod with Int.1U ... nt h.ndJlnlr. 0 ... laformatJ oo about a..nameota Valley . proO'lleel 1t• • 11 bac"ed b" money an4 ptent,. ollt. We have dealt "_me - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - with thou..nd.o(••ttle"L~~d have lI"'t falth'wlth them all. We""ant YO'" Tht. la YOUR opport .. nlty. lUI alit the eoupoo .od mall today .
Mis s Ban gs and Mis s Wh iton ;s
Sch ool for Gir ls
Wl'rBIN EASY A (,8GS or pnr l . of lhe city, and of tho grent IIbrnrl., nnd museum .. Opportull lt y Kivenil ll Cal' nttendo nctl at public clltel'lnl nmcnls ut,, "du('ntlonnl lUll) nrtlsllc vatue. 'tH OROUG H J\ro;D !ONSERVATIVE NG. moral. Intellect ual un() physical. with ('xp"rl BU11el'vlslon ·In overyTRA1NJ olepp rlluell t. thu8 IIlIIU\'lnlJ definit e Bud cerlaln I'csulls. FACULTY LARGl': . ea ch teacher 1\ spedollel ; un" pupIl9 assured the Imll· vIdual nllcn tlon nrtll.ple<l 10 th ell' rCflpecllv needH. PRIMARY, PREl'.-\RAT.ORY AND A o ADEMIC DEPAR TMElNT S' also ., unique departm ent known lhe UPPER HOUSE. tor graduat e nn/l HP ·ctlll students desi ri ng 10 apena thaso wInter hi Now York In a congenial Bocllll atlllO'" hcre. under Ihe m08t fnv orn ble condition .. for 'ullure ot socllli gl'ncel\ ani! r I' nt 1I"~ .. nl ulh·pn remp.nt. The UPPER HOUBlll I.. In a large delJl'eo tree f"olll the ordinary ru.J.rlctlons of II. 8chool. . B"~ST ADVAN 1'AOES of Nt'1V York &\'&Ilo.blo .t or the study ot MUlllc. Al·t. Elocutio n. Lnng\Jngr.s and Danctng. · , 1'IlYSICAL EXEllC J8EB. Special attenL\on trlven with object Of prom tIng health, grace and easo of mollon and repole of manner.thoThe gymnps( \u ' exerelles pre In cho rgo of n graduate of Dr. Sareent. of Cambrl41Pl. MilliS. SUM· MER CAMP In New HBmp~hlre. l'HE SUCCES S OF' THE SCHOO L h. baen ·~o pronoun ced thnt It hnH r ,· .ceJved the htgheat commendation of the .Ieadln. educato rs ot lho countl·y 11M . well na of the highest o fficials ot the U . S. Government : MI8S Bango and Miss Whiton refer by permission to the'PTee ldents ot ten colleges nnd unlveral U eij and to Prestden t aml Mrll. Taft . Ex·Vlco.· Prellden t and 1Ifr.,. Io'n'rbankll, E ~r..ldenl and 14r8. Roollovelt. nnd tbe Chlef JUIUCIl•
SprlO$' Valley Philip Hn\vke WufI the w t'k nd ~ 1l t o f h r pllr nt , E M • Jl~oy II nil , lit
Before b~ying paint let us give you a chance to
1<'1 ,. 1I Ail l n I lItl
$ $
liss P a rl Carey, of Day ton , spent Easter (lay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. at·ey.
J . T. Lidd y, of Dayton was the gue!!tof hisparentsMr.and· Mrs.M. C. Liddy Monday . Saturuay, April 15th, was the forty.sixtb anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln. .
Ww . ',tI Rlmr ,Y wife lIud ohllure u TI l' r Wt\yu ilvil le, nnd Chilli
EVIII1 . wl fE1 8!:1d
X e uia, wer
lI11 ugbter, of tIl'!II' ;': U l:l ts 'Jf 'IV . Y
Dr. John Hyatt, who has been q ui te ill at his home on Third street, is getling much beUer.
Mrs. F. J . Brown, . of Lebanon, was the g uest of her daughter, Mrs. L. S. Rhoades Tuesday.
Ii: st-e r
Mri!. MIlI' ~ C
p8 Y I'ntertuill ed r. 1 SundAY din ner Hnl't'y CUP!! .1' , wife ddughter , of Un y'lon, W. 'op .y \Viff' and t wo c hil lir n Bud l't)y H nllaud , wifo Dud tw o ohildre n of thiS place Tlw pl'iog V tLl lf\ Y fluh oo! bOllrd Dlet ~Rtlll'dliY night nnct PI otetl th u
$ $ ----------Harveysburg.
W lby Ollrt er
House Paint, Interior Gloss Paint, Flat Wall Paint that wash, Barn and Roof, Veranda, China Lac Varldsh, Wagon, Implf'ment and Buggy Paint -:-:-:-:-:-
$ $ ~
Robt . Garn er at-
urdny. Our Main fltreet has boeo oloaned up tlnd SOO TI repn.lrs will begin in. the way of bl'oker) stones. We are all or should be inters ttld in the town lU whioh we live. Meet wi~h the oouncil Itt its next meetiog Rnd kssi!:!t. in planniog the way that , the e bu provements may be IORue. Rememb6r the date Monday night. MII.Y 1st Wm. A. bturr l ost Ii valullbltl mare FridllY night. R~v , Lovi Mills, of Wilmington, preaohed n. very obll3 sermon to a. orowded house Enster :::;und~y, the 'florld deourations were in keeping with the duy 'and the ludies ~oterp 'ested a.nd displaying suob good t:. ta deserve a great amouot of oredit F Wilson tramlllctnd bu. iuess in Xenill 'fuesdny. Ed Reason ~pent part of It\st week with Mr. and Mr . Earl Hookett" of oear Wllinesv\Jle. Fl'Ilok Shidaker sold a. bellUtitul ,Jeriley lust week. Mr. :::;bidaker h(}s hi s reputatiou up uS a took denIer. , S. J , Ellison is in I::ioutb Dakota, buiiding n h OUS El n.nd his famlly 'will lellve berf! in a few dllYs to mnke
$ $. -I' b -- J K I on W a It e 1 $ ~
. ~~~~~""'''''''~
LOOK OUT FOR CABBAGE FLIES Dustiog libe rlllly with 800t, wo ou Lettuoe. radishes nnd ooioos will require oare(nl watcbing io tlarly , spring to preveDt the ro.vugos of oa.bbage flies. They are so S\Ul\ll us to e88tly esoape notioe, und the first. llusploloD of their preSen :lA will be the disappearanoe of the young pIau" jnst &8 they are nioely start!3d
u!hes or lJir slaked lima will preveo t their work, but it should be done as soon !\.8 tbe plants appear above ground.
A father who makes the rules for the house shonld stiok !i1'ouud a bit nod see to the enforoing of them.
""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'::!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ their future home there. Ml·. Elli
. . . . . ._ • • •'1 .
FREE TO A.LL ••••___a,
· om es I D t C
Meetl-ng ...:
Two Domestic Science 'Instructors From the Agricultural Ext. Dept. of Ohio State University, will be in Waynesvil)e on April 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd. The meetings will be held in the Township House. Every woman io the community is urged to take advantage of so excellent at;l opportunity to increase her efficiency in the art of home-making, than which no work is more important to the individual, the community, the state, the nation. The lectures will be FREE TO ALL and full classes from the beginning arc earnestly desired. Preserve this prog ram for futur(' reference:
9 n. m.-"Beverages"
1 p. m.-"Starcby Foods'
Thursday, Apri I 20th 9 a. m.-"Vegetable Foods" 1 p. m.-"Milk"
1 p. m.-"Fatty Foods" "Sanita1;ion"
Saturday, April 22nd
9 'a . m.-:-IfBread" "Left-Overs"
Practical Demonstrations Daily. ..FREE -... TO ALL
.. ..
Hed River Eal'i'y hio' ~ Irish Cobblers- EarlY Rose Pure Seed- Nol·thel·n .zl'own Nt'w Garden 'eed -pkg and blk Onion SetS- White 'a nd Yellow New Vesper Cream Cheese Beechnut Dl'ied B ef Green & Green's fresh Crackers Hubeg' s Famous Pi s Krug's Quality Bread Heintz Pickles Campbell's Soup~ New good things this week: STRAVVBERRIES NEW TOMATOES NEVV CABBACE
J. E. Osborn and son Harold and Granville Osborn and family, of Ogden , Ohio, were here Saturday to attend the funeral of A. J. Osborn.
Lettuce, Onions, Radishes, Asparagus, Cucumbers. Seth Richard, Fancy Navel Oranges, FilDey Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, Apples
Bible School at 9:30 a. m. Young People's meeting at 7 p.l'll. Preaching by the pastor morning and night. Ladies Aid monthly meeting at Mrs. Susan Cook's Thursday evening at 7:30. All the ladies are requested to be present as it is the annual business meeting. All persona are cordially. invited to attend these services. Plan to be pr~nt at the Bible School anyway.
Oysters again this wenk. Fresh Fish Friday. Everythin'g good to eat at
e -_
• • Round trip from Waynesville ed a surpri e 00 Mrs. Jont Smith CUT ,.HAND BADLY last Monduy. All had B good time, April 23, 191 I and wished ber many more happy Train leaves at 8:48 a. m. Ross Hartsock, while going to the blrtbdaYf. basement of the school house to fiU Miss B&lrtha Smith spent last week an ink bottle Friday in some manner with Mrs. Bertha Hartsook. Blipped and fell on the step.. The Mr. aorl Mrs. Hawes entertained bottle was smashed in his hand, cutMr Rnd Mrs Jerry Roland to din Notice Ia hereby Jlven that at the meeting tinE' that memb~r badly. oel' SundiY, Rnd on tm,turdllY they of the County Oomml.llll.oniln of W..,.ren ----...----County, Ohio. to be held on the lJBd a8 their ~ue8ta Gertrnde, Albert AN IMPORTANT MEETINO and 'Lew\. Hawe8, of Spring Valley lit Day of May, 1911 Mrs. Clarenoe Thompson WIlS the There _til be pl'8I4!nted to laid CommlllThe Business Men's Association 1I0nen a Il!'lIUon for tbe eetabUahmen\ of guest lIl!:!t week of her mother,. Mrs will hold a meeting Monday Dight at a County Road. Beglnulg In tile Lytle and Pinkney Road at tbe S. E. corner of W. H. .1. B. Chenoweth lind fllmily the Township Bouse at 8 o'clock. DUke', laod runninJr north to tbe N. W. QOrMiss Fr.ye Hess is on the siok lisl ner of A. Cornell', lot thence ,,\th Walt.e All ar~ requested to be present as Kenrick', Ulle to W. Hurley', land. tbence t.e at tbe tiw e of this writing. tbe M'ontcomery County line. and lba\ laid business of importance is on hand. petition Will ,tand tor bearing 00 tbat day or Misses . Alioe Cheoowet.h aud 80 IIOOn thereaft.er as Lhe aame can be reacbed: WALTER KENRll)K, Bertha ·Smith were eilterta'ioed by Principal pemlOow. LOST VALUABLE HORSE Mr . n.od Mr~ . Roy Cheuowe\h lOt their soni v rSBry EtUilter Sonday A Maffit lost hi. valuable gray' Yr. Bnd Mrs . Wt\lter Dakin were horse Saturday. The horse was Notice Appointment entel·taineti by Ii. O. Dakin and a good one and Mr. Maffit thinks it famUy . will be a Ion { time before he gets its, E8tate of Elleo DaIrlo deceued. -<rtwunMrs .T H . Cheoowetbanddllu~b derslgoed hll8 been appotnt.ed and qualJfted u equaI • admlnllltrator "ltb the "tII annexed ot !.he t.et Bertha Thompson were $(uest - - - - -... _ . . estato ot EUan D&kio. latoo' Wr.n"'!!D County, OhiO, dece-'of Mr. '''horons Laoy ~nd familv last. Eat,ing 80me .'logel cake mll.kes Dated thta 11th day of Ap.rII. A. D. 11111. Edmund Retalllck, Admtnlattasor Wedoesd'LY· tI. m!l.D tt:>ellike the devil 6elb W. Brown. Attoomey Mrs, Ad" Da.kin Bnd ohildren ------ -. Lois u.nd Hazel were oalling in Mt A man made of oommon cl~y if' Bol\y ~unday Il.fternoon . Dot alwn.ys a briok . DR. J. W~ MILLER, M~. qarenoe Tbompson came ----- ....- -over from Wilmington Il\ld spent' Tbe mao who makes enemlas i8 .•• DENTIST••• Sat,uruay nigbt and Sunday 'with hlB at 1ea9' doing 1'9mething. ------.e____-----wife'!! mother, Mrs,. J. B. Oheno. OIHce In weth !Iond fluully. Waynesville, O. S~bsOri\)e for t.he Miami Gazette Nat.IOlIu ~auk Bldg. , Mesdamtls H. C . ' Dakin. Pearl _ _ I D~kin and sons Russel Harold aod, Carl Dakin were oalling 00 Mrs. J . , a. Cheno~eth Munda.y. '
Road Notice
- - -...
.. ..------
.. -
"The Club." ' An exclusive ' dining ' society II the one bearing tbe arrogant title "Tbe Club," wtlch since Its toundatlon bal been limited to thlrty·five members. Johnson, Burke, Reynoldl and Gold· smith were athong the ortginal members. Garrick and Boswell joined In 1773, and GIbbon and Fox In 1774 . 00 7iJ cllodidates, aft\l1' whioh they or the eighteen premiers In tbe ninewillllttend the blloquel,. gi ven by teenth century nine were members of the club, ' Fox, Liverpool, Cannlns. tne Wilmingtoo Lodge. RUBsel), Aberdeen" Gladstone, Sail. bury, Lord Rosebery and Mr. Baltour. Utica - London Chronicle. .
All kinds of
Commercial Job Work Neatly Done
at the Miami Gaz.,tte office
Reed'. Sarcaam. Senator Lodge. tn the Century Mar- If you have anything you 'want to sell or buy, help azIDe. says: "In 1884 I recall co~lnl acro.. Tilomu B. Rfltitl ODe day In wanted or situations wallted, the Miami Gazette State street just after the oomlnaUoD can get them for you. ~T.ry us 'once. ot Mr. Blaine. The break In the R& . publican party had begun, and I al)l:ee! Mr. Reed what he thought ot. the out· WANTED FOR SALE look. 'W.eU: be said, 'It II a great . comfort to thlnk that the wicked polf· Udanl were not. allowed . to pick the AN past 30 ~Ub borBe ~n4 bug ," cRudldates, and that the nomlllatioD to sell stook oondition pow- POTATOES-Rural New York and was made by the people. The poll, der in gy Warren County. Biliary 110! Oarmen No S po~toe. for 1A'l e ticlane would bave been guided only per mt'lotb. Address 301 Unity 'for seed or table u8e at a re"BoDabla by a base dealre to win.''' IsIdg" IndianapoUa, Indiana. price. J . W. Bisey, Waynuavill., 0 ; Phone 16~2r. .' 'She ~tralghtened Them. Mrs. Glark sent the new maid to ·het' FOR RENT room to te~ch a 'palr ot solssorl. When .'. FOR SALE-Two teamll aa.tlll., sbe returned, which she, did after an -:-.' . " oomlng 3 years old, unbrokec, unaccountably long absence, her mil' 1:'0& RENT-'B ouae pf tour gOod (IIood oneB, 16~ band. ·blgb .. Pb.ne .. trela. asked If s~~ had any trouble In. 'r rooma, eleotrlQ ltgM. water In 44~. 2X. 6.~: RU'ey, ~banon, 9 ,1 , finding tb~m. ..' , t b e Jdtcbeq, It 100 barn and garden . '" " " ~r!:! . Cltl-m Klrhy is on, 'the siok, "~o, ma am, replted the girl, 'but on rourtllat~eet. , inquire ,of Mn: '" ' ~' , list. I whtri I ~ot thlm; they wa,' that blnt", ';A, F.. Devitt Wato"vllle, ', Oh\o. N APKINS-Tbe Queue Mrs. Mariah Surface' is' mo'oh bet n<? wan could uae tht~"ao I ,took. tlitm . . .. , " .' ~.'J. otD.oe liandle.. tbe pla." wbt_ . tef , . .. to t,he kltchen, and. lllit~t~teDecl t~m ' and oolored naplltDB. Oall ,aod lIee • , Uu~le Heury Deoker is 9 n out Wid a ~t1ron. Here ·they , are, them. . siok Ust. ma'am.", aitd ahe h~nded Mr.. Clarlr ,. ' • Put Ketlrns hilS mc.~~d to ,her :muob lnju,r:cI,.m:nt cure ~"IOrt. ' . ' . " ' H9B8JW-Bol'lles for ule .tolly Klogproperty . ," '., " 0'· ws:a y....014 Ge14101. A4d,.. or In pat". IDqmre.or.J, 8 ' . Ed Moier. of Springboro, was _ rbl! man w~o lB. alway. behi04 . . TomIlaloD, ".,ollville, Oblo, ChapmaD W.,OelvUIe, Ohto. p~opes.-l. . . . ' , 'a tlulld~~ viaitol' at. VIm. Rioh's;, ' , O.~ not get atab:~ ~" , t11.: ~k. Dillias Boger waa in onr midst l~~ ," ,. of Baa Maple " tree. week. . ,. ' , Tbe worlel , 18 *' m~ror'"'7Ml4.lU. " I'or lllf. . . .ttoa Boward' Son~b wa. in L8b&~o~ weU tba. 1O...m~b of the bad II Wt~· ....,.. WIJIIII.'I1Ile, IMllae Y!~~J~ 8unday. laelel from·!flew. '. . "
1 p. m.-Household Decoration · "Care of the Sick"
---------------------~>SEED ' SVVEET POTATOES
Friday, April 21st 9 a. m,'--"Meats"
son aod fllmily will loog be remem be red by apr oitizens of this vioini ty, t,beir a('ql1!\intanoe hns been t.he most pleusan t. They bave the best wishes of UIJ 1\ J\. l'he Orlentlll team of Hlirveys. burg Lodge 0 mposed of Frank L Harris, Cliff Bough , Barry Shidaker, Clloton Cle!lV Ol' and Fral)k Wil-
Tile third Quarterly Meeting for ~pl'inghoro circuit will be held_Il,t the U. B. churob at Utioa ued Saturday tile 22nd nt 2 o'~lock p. m. Distriot Hunt, C. w, Ku~t.z, will be present I~ud preach, lind will WOld tile bU8inoss 8ession of thB QUllrterly Confennoe immediately after the sermon, and' WIll go with the Pllstor Huudtl.Y:ll1orniug 'to Oregon ill. Rev . MoKenzie nud little dtl.ughter Mury were in Wilmington l"'~t week. ' James Biliok entertained at-dinner 'Sunday, his fll ther· in-Ill w John Moyer and wife of I:)prio,B boro, John Byron and wife, of Dtlvton. Mllrtin li'rllzee sold a huooh ' of hogsiust week. James Black week. was 1n Dayton. last
Wednesday, April 19th
The greatest bargains in our large THE CHURCHES new assortment of mattings. We are offel'ing all our fine Linen Warp Easter Day was clear but cool, fu lhJ wlng tOllch tl l'R : ' np t " K . E 30c and 35c Matting at20c. Our 25c and the churches were filled at every RSIHln ll ; IISRu 't supt I\rl ,·mit.b i at 18c the 1 c at 12;{c. Come and service. There were plenty of flowinte rm scliatll, H y b: ~,g 1t ; Prilllfuy, supply your wants, you can save ers and the decorations were beautin:on ey by buying now. J. A. Funkey Klite RimR. ...:---...:.-.;... ful. All the churches had specIal E ugelll lIo ll lurie F riu Ltf' r of mU'Jic, and the different pasto"' Spring Branch "iarksv i \1 , wer o Elu~te r gUf'st.s of preached sermons appropriate to the rri nd here t:leveral from this violnity IlLteud , day.
~ transacted blll'lUeSS in Dtl.yton
Andrew J. 0 born ·was b I'n fu' Wari'en County, Ohio, in 1828 'and died in Waynesville. Ohio' Qn' April 12, Hnl. He enlistoo as a private soldier in Co. A, 82nd O. V. I. and !ierved to t.1e end of the war and was a true and faith(ul comrade and a quiet gentleman. He was married in the year 1850, to whicb union four ' children were born~ three of wbolD are living. ' He was a member of W. R.Hoel Post, No. 302, G.A. R. I have been intimately acquainted with him a~d always found him a true and faithful comrade. C. H. Smith,_P_ost.Commander. ~
Luee I1l1 cl wife
f Ri ll- vi!)iteu
Mr. 'rh OR Hullllud ,
$ $ $
_ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _
has. Stansberl'~ and chilc;lren relatives in Dayton during ovu r Eu t er Easter holidays.
"'if ,
mond, \v\Il'l~ tho g n , ttl uf II i Jltll'An t.1:\ '!ltl" A 11 n B nd wifp W,. IIP l· '\l oun ,llul \\'if~ IIr th tJlll' I' t '! "f 1\ hUh ~Il I ~Il ~ 1':11'1. 111('1 h 11 1I 11H1'1 ute rtf~iu (1 ,'1I 1l,1 1l,)' ., ,, ltll ~11"lh IIn ll dllll'ght 1', llf nl'lIr Bellurol) k .Jllnll'" Haines , of O " ~' I O U , lind LII IIlp t il U ... mi tb. of Of'tir t lll~ p11l06. M 1. s ' 1,·1 1, P,~t P I' ''' /lU, of O"yton, w"" u n E 'j,o/ e r j.{ 'l 1,; \ Itl rr~. Tilt] Ii ll lil~,' I\IJ of t\)o M. p , ob nrllil htlll tUeir II 110u,1I 1~IIR ter Mllrk~t In thi1 Town HAll Ll'w 1:l o \luu rl nUl l I'lI lDily, o f ouy. tOil w r og u lI t ~ ' unelll.\' llfLi:! futhel',
I ~ \~_b-_o~_t,_ -_P-_e_~~)~='1
'" lorA
,-; ,\ Ir~
efore u ylng paint let us give you a chance to
('i ' i
It,·1' 1' al' I' l, l~
.11'1' . ( 'l!:\'-I. St:,1I1Sl!l,;I'l'\' alld chi ldr ' 11 , r •Hn' h- \'1.' ..1 ' \ I I'e I :tUn'. ' " Itl Ll aylun ' ., . uUrIng III'I! d. '\II' 'j,,' "Il",I - " \ 1 l' 1",.11'1' I:a:-. tl'l· IlOli,[a\,:< "I'l l 1' . 1,,,,1- ' I,." \ 11 ,·" "lid \\' il ll I \ 'I "1 \! '.I, l ' It .· "I'" 11,' pilI' I :'IIi , 1'l' a l'll·ar~'y. ,f lJa,vlulI . ~ PI) lIt " 1' : I ,. l:a" ll'I' .I:::. \\ i ll l IlI 'r Jl:ll' 'I1t:l. ~IJ'. and I I', 1111 11\" I , \11' ". F
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I L l' '1' .. " II I 111 1 1)1'. J "lill I1 y;llt . who ha.'\ h eclI I. , \\' 11 "1! "I, ,i . 1 I " " IIlI\' . " I' I)"y. ' I\lit,. ill alhi :; Iwnw Oil Third st r ed , f I: I ,\ , ' 1'1' I I I' .... t .. -:-- , i t i l \ I t ! 11-. t I I t )If ' I • . I I. ... I" ~' l'Ll1l1 g IIIU(' I uL!ltl'l'. ,\1 , 1'I , ,,~ 11 "1"' 11 I ,\': 11 :-'''~I ' IJI'' ".:i l' n:I:\ ,'111 1 11"'11 \ I I'S . I: . J B rllll'II , o f L ellanoll , :, '111" 11' \\'1\\11" ,\ 1" ,·. ;llId 1'11', - 1\ . 1;< lh,' g\l('~ t o f IIl'I' JaLl g'hler, [\1I's. I 11'. ,',1 11. Will ' "',.! , , ":!!Jt,·I' , ,,11" '011 I. ~ . Ulh)atl l'!'J 'I'Ll ·stIay . I X " !ll : I , \"' 111\' }·: , ... t r'r "\ I. I=--!:"\ It \r tT I L II"" 111101 \\ I I ,. J ":. U :<UUI'II a'll! SO il H arol d and :-' 11 ,.. :-'lnl \. ( '. I'''' '\' l 'IIII'nllllll·.! ·"I l : r an\,ilk· O!'o llPrn and f amily, o f Og. :-'1 11,,1 '1\' di l l' ,.1' Ih rn' ("'1', ,' \'. WII ,' eI"II . Obi 'l, w e !' · her e Saturclay to allldll ~III"r ,,1 ll;t\·I , oI ' . \\' . 1 '''i'~''. \\'It>· ll'nd tI lt' fUIII' ral uf A. J. Osborn. \ Ili ld 1\\' '1 I'll I I 11', ' 11 Ill ' .} I( )\. II ,jl lll. lI, TIll' g- rf'all'st ll;lrg-ains in Oll r large WI I ,' 11 111 1 IW Il l'IIII'\ /, ,' 1\ III l il l" 1'11('" We ' j 11,· ~ IJlII,g \ ..1 .,.1' ·,,, 11 ·,, I I"PI I' I Il, ' \\' as";lIl'tlllelll of mattings. 11l " 1 :'1l11l1',1,\' 1.1.;1.' If.d ,1"1" " ,( Ih ,· art' uf\\" 'ing- al l uu r fin<.> Linen Warp I f , II 1\'.1 11 ": I ·"d .• " - "Ij'I . I, I·; :lll .. ;ind :: ~'I ' \Ia tting-a :!Oe. Ou r2iic ome an d I: " ..jlll l; 1l~~11 -1 1; '/ . 1'\11 .";1111 111. al I ' l' till' I~ l' at I:! ' , c. yo ur wants . yo u . can sa\'e "lIJ1ply I II I"';Il".jllt' ., I; I ,' 1-: , '1,'; 1'1'I 1I1 11'.\', 11. "lll·) b .\· II\I~ ill~· ll u\\· . J. A. Funk y Kll tl' :""' 1 111 .. \ r \
III ' I \ 1-. II" ~ ' rr II~ " " "I i ( 111'1,-\'111 , .... ·. ' ·1 '· 1';1\""'1' :!\I , '_I~
t 1'\"11 11 . .
Harveysburg'. ( ; ,I I' Il I '
Irll l]"UI' I II 1t1l-111"~~ III liu.\·t ll ll ::i ll t.
CUe Sell
I.lr dllY· Our :\101 11 ~t l' \1(' 1 hl\ ~ h" PIl Oll 'IIIl I'I\ np 11 1\1 1 i-{),) !I I' ppalr~ WIIllJI'Uill in til P WI1 ,' ,,!, 1I /' 1l!\1I'1 !4 t UUl't' . \\' 0 al'e Il\\ or :< h ul1l< l IH~ Inl( 1'(",;tl,,1 ill tllll t'IWI1 III whic'h \\. liv e. ~I ll(lt wil li I hI' (1ol1l1ci l llt It"lIl' Xt In l'e l i ng an d 'L""j,.. 1 III p !il UIIIO!.: Iha Wll .\" th at . th p~ illl p r"\"' m l:' llt ~ I11 ll '7 h l' l !l lille. H em eru I h(> r IliH <1111,' ~l l1 nd l l .ll1ight, i\1tty l~t 11 . A :--1 II l'r 1",, 1 Il vtllnld)itl 1lll\l'C Fr icl,,~" Illght . HI:' L lIvi Jlil i", o f \Y llmi fl g t"' l1. \ ]l lt'lIl' l ll' I H \' l' r y II hI,) Sf n ll(l n t ,) a (' t ' I\\'l iL',J hO I "" E'I,;I('i'l'inndllY, 11 .11',,1 d" (~ I) I' I "I " II:-l wp r", J U kl~ ' ! PIO~ Wil li I lw ,I I'Y 111111 tllA l ud i ,,':! Irlt.nr .. o,;t tI n lid II i,;plu 'i Ilf.! " n c t! "' 11'11 \ t:L~t l ' ll"~ "r \'" U "reul 111ll 0 111 : t. n f (' rt'rli t 11' \ \' lld" lI ~. r " II"" 1' 1 , · d Ln", JJIl':I'; i ll X I'lntl'i'u ('';,]H\· .
House Paint, Interior Gloss Paint, Flat Wall Paint that will was h, Barn and Roof, Veranda , China Lac Varni , h, Wagon, Implt"ment and Buggy Paint . -.- :~
I \\'
il boIl - - - - - --
- --
-- - - - -
IDust.ing Iibl" .dl y
with !:In. ,t. w ,', t! \ IISU ()I:! or Hir "lIL k olllll11 tl wil l preV f ilt Lettuoe, r lldi btl8 .lInd n u hn~ w I I! 11I (llr w or k . li u t i t ;tli uu l lt L" ti un{I .I '" n lquire oar ef ul wn t<:hlll~ in oIj r ly ,;oon ns tho plllut,;t tippo " r n.bl)\'f' "IJring t·n "revent Iho I'UVIl" /" ..,,Il;j o t' g r 'I \1I1' 1. olt bbagefiies. Th eya rO RnHlIllllla!'i --.
I'~ I
H"llll') lI ~ I " qll pn rt I'!' IMI w,·d, I wlt ll :<>11' 1t !'. 11 :-'11''' E II'1 Il "c k o'l tt . o f i " lI l' \\'11\ 1I('''\'11 1 1~ Fl'1I1Ik t-'lnd ,Li:r.or _\Jl d u bl" llll i llll ,I urn'·\.' 11l ~1 , II' ok . MI'. :-; hi<lll!;fll' h ll :; h I,., I'L' PIIII, l l" n lip II 11 ,; l ne k
t,) easily scupe n l)ti ce, ulll1 t.h o llrHt ; I\. f,lth el' who 1I1111{p.tl t b e I'll ]!'H dl'lll., /, . I'IIBIJioi ol.l of t h eir PI'Il ("Ol n will 1J0 I f Co r th ll l i u!'e ubulllr1 ~I l. icl, IlrOI1f1l1 :-; ,I 1':111,. .. 11 I'; 11\ ~()\I tll Dll k n tll. ~ t.he di sn ppear nnce of t h e y J\llll,: 1a bit nnd !:lea to tho A [)f ' H'c io ~ , <I 111I1i"l ll~ 1111"1\,.,· 1l111\ lii~ fJll\lilr \\'ill p la.nts .lUBt us they ure n icely sttLrtorl thpm . 1,'It\' " bl' l'I' I II It 1,'\\' dll~' ''' II) uwl< o l illuil' 1' 111111 " hllllJ(1 I III 'I'll . :-' 11'. li: ll i ~~~~~~~~~~~~__~~ _ _~~~_~'O~ ~ ~~~~~~~__~~~~~=~ :-lIn lIud IlIltlil~' Will 1'l lI g bl' r OIlH' fll
~-· I-I
Domestic Science Mfleting
1 p . 11 1. -" Sta l ch~ ' Foo cls ' '
Thursday, April 20 th " F ggs"
I p . III.- " \lilk "
Frid,lY, April 21 st
o a.
m, -
" ;\) ca t s"
.'( a. tn. -"BI 'nd"
·Pr!lctlC' !II U
. U
a tunlay, Ap ril 22nd r p. 1I1. -H Oll schold
Decoration " Care of thc ick'
1\' NS "
Oem ' on~tr!)t)'ons <l
• • • • • ••
N I'w l:al'l l "11 S 'I·d pkp; al1li blk \ ' OlliOll ~ d" Wllite all,1 Y"l lllw I
N ' w VI',; pl' r
eli 'l'se
Beechnut J)"il!u BC'l,r C;reen S: '1. :1' 'C II' S rJ'l '~ h Crackers II u bt'(( ~ Fallll ll l:'l ['i (''; Kru g-'s liua l it y HI'~ad Il einlz Pi kles Call1pb<.>I I' S(lUP ~
Bible School at 9:30 a. m . Young P 'opl c' :-l m el'Lillp; at 7 p. Tli. Preachi nl{iJY the pa.-; lor 1II0 rning anu night. Lauies Aid m onthly meeting at :\11'. . 'u san CUllk's Thursday e\'ening at 7:30. All the ladi es are request~d to be present as it is the annual bu~in ess meelins:. All pel"sons are co nlially invited to atte nd these services. Plan to be prcicnt at the Dible School anyway.
.. -----
Oysters again this w c(·k. Fresh Fish Friday. Everything goot! to eat at
- - --- -.-- -"!.."!.."!.."!..--- - ,
"!.,-- --...-.. --
Easter Day was clear but cool , and t he churches were filled at every servi 'e . There were plenty of flowers and the decorations were beauti- - ...-- ---ful. All the church es had specIal mU 'lic , and the different pastors Spring Branch preached serm ons appropriate to the :-ievel'H I 1'1' 010 I hlol vieinity III h1JlU ' day . ('Ilil !< lll'llI·j,.O UII hlr~ . Jon t. ~J\\l1 h CUT HAND BADLY II1,.; t, 1\\(1111111 .\". All h llli u ~Jod tim . ,111, 1 Wi shed li t' r fll lln y 1II 0 r o !\lIJlPY Ross Hartsock, whil going to the IIII'I hUll .\,~' . basement of the school house to fill ~ !i s~ I3.·rthn 8mith Hpeot \Jl!<t woek an ink bottle Friday in some manner wilh ~1r :'\ i.s.ol'th l ~ Hnrt!!oclt . slipped and f ell on the step8. The MI' lInil ~I'R . flawl'fI entert.ained bottle was smash ed in his hand, cut~11' Hn, l Ml'fI .l erry R ollln{l to din ting that membpr badly. n t'/' ~n l ll l 'y, Ilod 0 0 Katllrd'l'y they IJ lll1 11,; Ilwi r '.!; \l \!:-lts Uertrudl', Alb ert AN IMPORTANT MEETING Iw rl L pwi" lIuwo!', of Spring- Vn\ley ~ Ir ,; I '1II l'Pll c,' Th n ll\p ~o n WllS the The Business Men'~ Association g uP~t, 11I!'1 ,,'l' fl k o f h er III lltlHl I' , l\Ir:l will hold a meeting Monday night at .1 . 11 . ; h ~ lI u wI· t h lind furnily the T own shi p H ow::e at 8 o'clock. ~ll ss fh.\'t~ II .. "" i:l ( ,11 t.h o Hi c k li st All are requested to be present as ut. Ih ~ I lfU ti ' If lId" writin~ . bu~iness of importan ce is all h and . "'.I I~ ~ l''' Alia Ch no l) w otll anti U" f'111II ' 11l1 1h wnl'll tJllt ertninfHI by LOST VALUABLE HORSE ~\r linn !\Ir" H, ,) y Ch uow til ut t l ll'ir IHIIlI\', r,;lIrv b:u,.;tpr So nday A Maffit lost his valuable gray MI' . !lId bll'!' \VnIt.lI r !Jakin w ere hOI'se Saturday. The horse was e ll tr rl Ii I unrl by 1:1 . C. Dllk in Il[ d a g-ood one amI Mr. Ma01t thinks it l lIlIlily will be a Ion ~ time before he gets its \11';>.1 Ii l' llC'nuw (' thll nd <ltl\l~h equal. i lH lIl'rl llll Thllmp;tllll w er t) guo,;t__ __ ..
"I' :\11' '1 IHHHIIH LHOY tlOU fllmilv III!!t
'J \' r
1'1' (1 111
\ Vilmingt.on ,wd !'i iJeot
brick __ .. -
The Il1fln ,""ho III l1km:! eoem l a!! is . I dllln~ !I'JUltltJin/:. - - .. - -Suuscri l)e for till) Miami Gtlzette
trip from Wayncsvillc
April 23, 191 1 Train
leaves at
Road Notice Notice II horouy ~ Ivon thnt III lho 1110011111' ot tho Couut)' olllmlslIlonors o f Watt II County. Ohio, to hu holo o n tho
1st Day of May, 1911 Thero wilt be ))tOsolltOlI t{) 81110 Conllnl~ · sJouors 11 ptltlUon for tho IlStlluUshlll\jlll u f a County HOllO . BlIl{illulllg III thll LYllo IIno Pinkney ItUtut lit thu:i . E. cotntlr o f W. 11 . Duko 'a lallo rUlllllng nort.l, to Iho :><. W . l 'O r'ne t of A . Co r1loll ' ~ lu t. 1I101Il'e with WaIL .. Kunrlck 's IIno tu W. Il urlu)" ~ lantl . th on('o to \h J\Ionlgofllflry ('o unty 11110. and that s alo ptltitlon wil l HI an(1 fur h ' arlll l( on that dllY nr gO 110011 thorearior I'. tho 81lfllil canlJe reuchod WALT,I;lt IOo.Nlt l '1<. PrIncIplil peLitloner.
Notice of Appointment Estate of Etton D.",lcln deceased . The un· ,lol'!Ilgncd h n8 uoon a(1))UlnI Od nml 'lunlll1od as udmluiHttbtor with t hu witt aunoxeU of tho o'tllte lI f Eltoll Ullkln . Illteo f Warron tJo un ty,
d ecI)I18l~ 1.
Ulitod thia Mil rlny of A(1rll. A. D. 191 I. Edmunci Hl'tatt ick . AI(minJalrutor Seth W. Broll'lI, Atturnoy
~a t lln.lll'y ni ght 1I1Hl t)undu'y with IIIB at I ell'!!t \\'i f e',; Ill o thor. Mr!'. J. 1:1 . Cbenowetli !l1lll flt lllll y . l r!' dlllU tl H. U Dilkio, P earl l)"k i n lIod !:Io n s Russel Huro ld und ,
E'llin g ~crne nll~,' 1 clllw IlHdtPS 'LIII '1 n f,~p l likp tlltl tl f\v l\ - - - - -- A mlln Ulllti~ nf C OIIIIllOIl olllY ill
\\" pdno"d .; y all' /! . A,I,\ U!lkin lind chil{ln:1D L UI;j 'LIllI IiIl ZJ I Wfl r e ctdllng in Mt H ully ~ufllllJy 'Iftornoon . n ot ulwlI Y!I :\lr. l'IHI'I'IH' e ThoinIJ8U II cnll1(1
.•. DENTI(S T ..• 111 l Natlon",1Ofllce Bank I.llllg,
Waynesville, O.
All kinds of Commercial Job Work Neatly .Done at the Miami Gazette office
h u ry . 1.on1 n'ose lJery nnd ~rr . Bfllfour.
'I'll " I lli l'd
( ~ l\ l\rt el'l .v
t.ondon (,hron t r l~ .
;\1.>(' lilll! ru l'
Reed's Sarcasm. SPll nlor Lod ' e. In tire C'enillry Mag. If you have anything you want to sell or buy, help 1tho L·. H. ('\\1\1'<;1\ Itt I , rica ' II' xt :-lat, 17.111<', SO),R : "In 18S 1 I r eco il eornln g wanted or situations wanted, the Miami Gazette rdll y I iI (' :!:! 11 ,I "I :! ,,'d od. p . Ill . Ol'rM a 'l'hollllUl H. R~M1 Otl (' day In ~1 1I 1 (" str(> f' t just ufter Ih e nornlnatiOl~ 1>1 ,.1 1'I"t ~IIJ)I ('. \\. 1\:\1 1'1 " . will j,(I can get them for you. ITry us once. of 1\t 1' . !lI:lln e. Th(> br('n k In t.h e neo 1 l.-n 'H·llt II lid jll ";\C II. 111111 will froid puhll r an porty had h('gun. and I asked .1lli l'I'L1~i l }o ' ~ ~ , ·.~~I II II ,,1' l!r" ()u Il l'll'rly ~ 11' . HN' d what he I hought o( the out· WANTED f FOR SALE j ' ,) nfI' I' JIll'I' 1 1I\l1I ( "~IIlIl'l.Y 1111 " 1' th o l ook . ' W e ll,' he sa id. 'It Is a grelll r.nmfnrt to Ihlnk Ihut tb e wicked poll"1 '1'111 ' 111 , 1111 01 will gl) Willi t h .. PIl,..,t.'lr I ic'i:lnll Wf!r(' liOt nl1 o\\,pcj to pick the :-iun d ,lY;llh ll'O l ll!-!. l· \l ( ) n ·'g ' lll il lo AN past with horse and bug "1I1111tllot f1 f!. and that tho nomlnntloD I t,'v. ;'I),oKl'II/.1t· 111111 liltl" llulI g hgy to sell stock cnndition pow- POTATOES-RUI'nl New York and A n111 de 1I .v the peopl e. Th'e pol!· t'r ,· ~I.tl' .\' Wil l''' III \ Vlllllll1gtu ll l.,;t liWP~ l:tnf\ d el' in Wllrren County. Sl1lary 170 \ Curmon No 3 potatoes for BI,le woulc\ hllve bl?f' n guided only we ,1(. p er llit)nt,h . Artdress 301 Unity for Beed nr tllhle use Ilt II. re·,sonabltJ by It baSI? c\cfltl'e to win.'''' bldg ., Indiunapolls, Indiantl.. prIce. J . W . Hisey. Wayntlsville. 0, JUlllll,,'1 1;101, enllH' t ail1 p d ut llionel' Phone 163-2r. Sunday, I1I H f l\ l l l1'l'in-lll w ,I, )lin She Straightened Thorn. I ~ 1I.Yt' r HIIl\ wll't, 'J ( :-il'l'illl:; b u r ,', Julin 1 111 re. lurk sent the new maid to her Uyr ll ll Ilntl w i r ... ' f I)Ilytoll . FOR RENT OR SALE-Two teamtl ~.lq8, i'oom to f t eh a paIr or scisBors. 'lVhen ~l:tl'titl b' r.IZtlll so ld u buo ch uf sh e r t'tUl'ned , whIch she , did IIlter an coming 3 years old, unbrolc et;, U~)gs IJI~L \\·p Jllt. unaccountabl y long absence. her mlsOR. REN'l'-Houlle of tour good good ones, 15,Y. hands high. Pheuo ,Jaf l Hl H UI II 'I, WJl!:! 10 Dayt,on hl(\t. tr as nl5ked If Bhe had any· trouble In rooms, electrio JI~ht, wllter in 448,2,!{. U. E . Riley, Lebanon. U. w('pk. finding them. the kitchen, g .od barn and gardE'n ~II''' Chi " " K l rhy i s on the sick "No, ma'am:~ r ep lied the girl, "but on Fourth streot , Inquire of MI8 11 ,., t. . wh lll I got thlm, they wa s thllt blnt, A, F . Devitt, Waynesville, Ohio. APER NAPKINS-The Gazette P. I 1\1r ,. ,\ j II I'iu II :-lnl'fI~U t:l 1::1 pi llch bot no \\'1\11 could use th lm . so I took thlm office hundle~ tIle plain whito to the kitchen and ahtralghtened thlm !Iond colored Dllpkins. C~1l aDd ties ~. D k tlle oul wid a flaUron . Here they are, them. ll U "'I,f Y 0 el' is ' Oll FOR SALE 1I sio k nt'l li st. ma'am," undo she handed Mrs .. Clarlr bRSE~-HorRetl for eale' singly or 10 pairB. lnqtilre or J. B b"" TIl( veil to the ,. he; InJtlr!: 3 year· old Gelding. Addre88 .I<;J Moy r, ' o f ~prin gbo ro WIIS he mon w a s.a w~y8 e. In Tomllnson, Wayoeavl11e, Ublo, Chapmao, WayneSVille, Ohio. n .. nnllllY Vlsltur at Will. 1:t1Ob's. 08!,lllot get, stl1bbf\d In the bock. lor phone 65-4.
nI ~;I'1'Illg l, ,, r " c:I l' l'l1 i l wil l III' h pl lllI l
,.Il:-: .
D!l)'ly ,K/~I~\J1'~p l,\~~~!l U
1':,l r h I1l)se 'Irlh ,' r n '.:rown
1 p. m . - "Fatty F ouu s" "Sanitation "
Lettuce, Onions, Rad ishes, Asparagus, Cucumbers. ~cth Richard" Fancy Navel Oranges, Fancy Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, Ap ples
Wedn c:-;da,} , April l!lth
PUI'(' S !'!( ''[ ·
Two Domestic Science Instructors From th e .\ t; 1icullUral Ext . IJcpt. u f Jllil ) Stat e 1' Jli ,·er,.,il\" ", ill be i n \\"ayllt> " "illt , rJll :\ pril I \)th , 2 tl t h , '21 ~ t a lld :l:!Il(1. The J11l'rtin;,:'> \\ ill h<: III 1<1 III th~: T r' \\'II " l lip )l () ll ~ l' . Ev, ·r · lI'oman in the ('(,l1ll1l l1l1 i l \' i s IIrged t o t ake ad,':m l.lg'c oi ~ll exce ll ent an oppo rtullit \, to ill (, l ea"c Ii lr t lli (' i ' ll l 'V i ll' th art of h n lll e' !1laki llg , tk\ll i':ll i ch 1111 lI'o rk is III11r il'lI l'Or tall1 10 th e illdi\' idllul. 11ll' l'(Jlllil1l1l1lt,', t li e ~ 1 ;l1l' . th' l1a tio ll . _; T he Iedlil l " \\ ill h l' I: J(F E Tu ,\ 1.1 . alld ilill du"" 's from the il tg lll1lill '~';L11' 1':1I11 l',, 1I \' Ik -: ifl·,1. l'J'('St' J'\T 1111" 1' 1" ._ 1.llll ir)! 'l'lllllrt' 1" l vll 'II C! ':
I rish ·lI l.J l )" ' r ~
utl l't}tl l )y !lll l' ,:lliZlill fl o f th l ::! vil'inl 'fi l'l D u l{ i n w ra culling on Mrs . J . t y, tlil il' "1' 1I 'II'illllll1{,1 i1n" b ell tho I:l , ' helloweth ~uoc1IlY· IUnst pl1 'lt, LIlli T h ~ y hllv e tho 1m::!t - --w i!!ll E\" ' It' \l ~ 1111 "The Club." All (lxr !uslve dining sociely I s the Th e Ori"llt.l<! I 'ILllI uf HnrvoYH' onll helll'llIg the n rro gRnt title "The bllr~ \,I)() gl' (' '1I I p". IIcl o f F rrlllk L Club ." w i ' 1'!1 sin ce ItB f oundation has l:Illrr i~, (' 1111 11 ," 11-: 11. 11 II I'I'.\' :-ihirlll- h<'f'1l lim it d to thlrty ·five m embers. kll l' , '11111 ') 11 CII'II\"'I' Illld FI'/IlJI< \\'il- John son. lJurk(', RC}'lIolds and Gol d, smllh were IImon~ Ihe original m emo I'i J'o fl Il l' ,. 11I\l 1,·.! I " \\'il lll !n g t l 'lI h r ~. Onrrlck and Hoswell joined In \\' l'U I \('~,JiI~' IIq.dl l III ('!! nl pl' tlil' w urk Ij'j'~. and Olbbon an d Fox In "J774. JU 7;, ca ndl Ji at,·., IIlt'Jt' ",!li eu tlll'Y o r 11If' (1tgll lccn (l1X'llIl ers In tho nln& wlil ltl t end tli e l>11I1f1119 1, !! ivl~ 1I liy i"(, I1 I 11 rC11I 11I'Y nll1 e w(>r e members ot 111(" (' Illb. Pox , J.fv (' r pool, Canning, I ll e \\'llll\ i n~1 1) 1I L Ol l;';lJ. It 'l~ ',, 11. Ah(" rd c(>n. (;Iad stono. Sa lts·
li ,d Itivl'l' End,' Ohill ','
N ell' ~u od thing'~ thi ' week : STRAWBERRIES NEW TOMATOES NEW CABBACE
1II' r t'
I !-: 1Ie:"""
A nd l"\\' J. . burn w ' bl) l'Jl in \\' ar r~n '()Ullty, Ohio. in 1 Z~ all I died i ll \ ayrHlsvill" Uhhl ' on Apl'il 12, J ~ ll. · H e \!Jl li :-l L 'd a a pr i\'Ht ' soldi er ill Co. A, '2nd O. V. 1. and ~erl' til L ~ l e end uf t he war al1t1 was a lrue ami failhful 'u ml'4lue and a quid Irentl eman. H ~ w.u! rnarri ed i n the year I 5tl, to whicn uni on f ou r l:hilJrelt II' ' r e born , three I)f whum ar e livillg'. li e \\'as a rllelnb er of W. H. Il llel 1'ust . Nu. a02, G. A 11. I hav e b een intimat Iy acquaint~d \ with him and always found hlln 1 a tnlt' and fai thful l:omrade. ' C. H. , mith, Pos t Command er. --...... - - -
~:n:cure 8C:B:~'d ONE
. . .-
Dull !l!! B ogor' wus in our midst I~st week'. The world is a. mIrror-and it i. HowRrd South was in Leb~non well that 80 mnch of the bad i8 with· ~unday. held from view. ,
NUMBER of fiDe Maple tree. Tl~RUE PAPER-If for shade. For Infor.atioo OD Perry P8D~, Wlynesville,
caU Ohio.
yon """nt any oolor of Ane 'i88t1e p,Lper, call at tbe ~ze"e office. We .' OD hand al... the IllQe.
VALUE j ~ •.
. om mlssioll 6f hio. sil· tate Boarl! of Equalization '('s/ate at
OIay Warwick, of Dayton
~atu : dtlY ·the. findings for 43 town Sunday.
Some counties had il1' high.' as 90 per cent. I,md 5 per. CC11t. Following is for Warren County: . Jill. Oeerfield and Turtle 't\\tl'"ct",Pnct are incr ased 20 per t; C at'or ek:15 pel' ent; Uni on Way'he, 12~ 'pel' cent; Salem. ilto'1. 11assie and Har!<m. 10 per t'-. Washing'ton , Ii ')el' cent. 0f he cornorations outht Lebanon is ... 337,; per cent; S~lringboro . Inclltused Franklin. Mason, Lel1anon. Morrow and Loveland, 20 pet' cent, &nd Maine.ville 10 per cent and Way~~~'~ij.~m:ron bas lle:;v.ille 5 nl.;ll' cent. The 1' In inde!' of the ol'porations al'o un. . . l'ho total incl'CW e in the is $2,9159.160. shOWl) in ·the above. it \~i11 \;>e
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Hoblit in Lebanon Monday.
Nathan Lupton was a business visitor in Lebanon Saturoay.
B rn-to 'Mr. and .R ckett, a son.
rs. O.
P .. C. Schwartz .was io tincmnati Miss Edith Sheehan h~been quite Monday on bu$iness .. ' ill , but is much better now.
L. Bunnell, was a ~incin.nati A very attractive line of books for business visito)·last,Thursday. ~ ' comm.encement at J. E. Janney's . ' . 1 M d M G ' ZeI1 . Md.'; bt C 1» r. an re. eorge r. an •lYLrS Ro. ross " ere f f ' d . O' . were 1 t i ta 'lVe5 10 . C"memna t''l ',sun- guests rlen s m regoma as gues ts 0 fre k 0 day. . • wee.
M M ' 'I I evera! from Waynesville atten9essrs. a~c~1 ~s hae (er~ an ed the ' Wallace Tibbals .funeral in Gregsr, of ~prlDgboro. were In t wn L b I 't k Thursdav. . e anon as ' wee .
AV,O>Qj ... h1'
seen that Waynesville corporMessrs. Harry and Clifford .. _........ v,. ,, 'l1oaC;'\~lf W~ifltJ".-t:<J~·r:(jjn(~I!lICia is th lowest on the list. howMessrs. F. C, arey. Jescte'l'hprn. f C" f tt ld d the · b USI-. . as an d '.b' W . H amI'}t on were"i l'n of 0 memna I. a el £' ing tliat t h e asse. SO l' Imew h IS Mrs. Marion Clark, W e and had the right conception as Cincinnati Sunday. "UI''''!''"GJ ~ 'teal meaning of the law and , Q'. • e The Misses Martha Burnett 3Ilc1J!I!1e;~o~ ,n.Ol:C!It'JeHN· in ,general. ' II \ltltt a nUn'ibebr of o'ar p d}?le Emma Cartwright spent the day '1'~lOn1lfl!l ......,...."' .~ ----- - - wen 0 H arveys urg to atten m- L b Th d ~J!I;lct'UI~~'~~}l(\~~t;,!.' SQUIRREl. HUNTER spection of the Pythian Sistel1l: ) e anon Ul' ay . "iBt:~~:fn¢:bqE~WS' Pomona Grange will be held Nathan Haw~s and ,9 f Lebanon 011 Saturday, Apdl .
tnJl. "p~\r"'· ' Mr', and Mrs. Frank Hawes. AlI Grflngers are inv!ted to be p ~
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If you have anythin g you want to sell or buy, help
wanted or situations wanted, the Miami Gazette can g'et them for you. iTry us once.
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F ( Ht RENT-E:1ou:le o f fo n r good . g nnd O D e~, l i,X li/lll d!l h iglJ P1I411 6 r Of)Juf:I . ol ee t,r io li gh t. w tlter in ,t 4t; 2 ~~ . l1 , E l{tl oy, L ebllll ou . O . t he ki to ll e u , g ,od llllrn IIn u g fl rdf' n o n Fourt-h Htr eo t _ I nq u if n o f M~ s , A . F Dav it.! , Wu y ne!:l vilJ o, OhIO . APE R N A PKI NH-'l'ha GU Z-fl t tA _ oili eR h llnd IE:-4 . tlt e phdn - w llitll IUlll oolor ell IlIlp kins, C!11l !lOll ~-etj
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ly ......---HORor p ll i rs I nllf ormreAllieor .tling J . .H , - - -- ...... ' . IJolll.nd- I ONE 3 (leldln g . Address Oh io'. Tomlin son, Wa.yne8Yille, O hi O, Chapm an , Wayne ~:;t.~- l:I o r Ae!'
1:-4 nh'n y s ('II II IlIlt gilt, ,.hdl1) l1rl il l 1h o hnrk,
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tre~8 I TU:!F;UE
. 1 NUMBE R of Maple P APER-If . y on _ ""un t 1l11'r r or-ll n d It IS for shade, For inforaat,ion \ any color of flne tIss u e p .,per, ;w 11 thnt' !lo Uluch of t.he had is with· 00.11 on Perry Pen ~e, Wayne8ville, JCBllo.t the (Juzette' offioe. We l:.we I ) Jet f Ohl' O• It on hand all the time. lP r o lU "IElW. '1'1
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Perso1)al Mention Here and There,
Social Events
The 1:,', (·I,mmi;..: -j " II ..r ()lll'l . .,il. t Mary Elizabeth Rog rs . d'1\lgh el' t t Lio)l'cc, a S t~it"l:v,11 "f l':'1I1Ulizalili ll + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - ; - - - - - - - + Iof Empson and Martha Roge r~ wus .~--~ - - - - .. 1 ' ,' \'. "al'\\ 1"1\. of 1>:11 1' /1 I"'I~ .II I ,1'.: - uti :'II f'~ . 1\\. \'. 110 b'ht were born on a farm1:1neal' Waynesvill e ' \) , . I r. a:1 d \1 r:l,I 'I HI"P,' 1 1{r IIrm~ II e ' II, r .. al , (;1 " ar t.·'JIlImb\l ~ 111:111, (la l uhl ,~'at\l II 'Y Llw lilldiol g. fill' ,II . I . . I \ 'I d August 31 1 1 • t.el ain ,d !.I. <liJlIH· r ~u l\da\'. Mr, \I\','n :::iu III :I}'. In ,,(' lalllln il un ay , Sh ' · d to "'urnll"\ I~. ·!lul ,li.· ..; S l' lIl" c'vtlltli· 's IlUI I i!I- ' e was marne ., .... , lid .\11' ... 1\1 ~ Il t '/bilil\t,~ t UIlIJ ' \HI. \~I" " I~I'4 .1 >; lt ijJ,\t a ,; fHI IJl'I' Cc'nl. alld 1:111'1 1- I" .\11'. :tlld ;\'11':1. I t\'<ttlJan l.uploll Wa.S Il \m:;ine:l::. 11'- Elli tt, March 27 . 1873. Tu thl ~ ·,'II H.:,olll ,v r, \.>1 I' ,' 1' 111 . F(O ll"\\,'lIt~ I; '11 1'c'llett, :1 ,' 11 11 . itll r ill !.P[)l\ llll ll.'atunlay , uoillnonechiJd Wf.lS UOl'O Afler s('v· , h,' 1; lldll l:':' f'lr \,\' :11'1'1'11 C'JlIII y : eral years' resi dence in \-Vay n owill(', Ah"u t fifl" !'il ' ,t Ih" Jri .md ~ III , , . I . r " f \\ . 1'1' I ""h h h b ' t d " " I t I ~ li s:ie~'· . \ lillie ,l " !( \ Iame al'OWli ~rJl~ 1 t I' . l . . .: 1\1' :11'1 Z I\'as III l~r:Jldd i I. Ilt't'rl i"I'} a')ld '1'11 1'1;,. 1111 '11111:1 1 ,1';0.; ',I It I " I'f' an as e n 'l I ' Illwy m ve to Ctncm natl. 1\'1(, 1'(' 1 'Y , I 'I I I ' ; ' 1 ' I h l t · 1 · 1~" [ . h ,; 1 ~1I T h ll~' 1\ • ': I'I,in" I 'r",' I, T .. '.\'n;~ Inl'~ 1<1', i l ,' 1', :h," "1 \ I' l' ""II' :.1 .\' 011 'lI!,JI"'''~ I, 'll IS lui!' I!' U'1' lIO\\' . r ('iiH /:,u a '" 101 ,\' e:tl·~. . rOIll en ' ,.. very 111.casall l· ,., H:t : ( ;)<"II"n "!" 1:-, IH'r 1' <'1 1: : 1 , II .. I I hey I11(1V€'( ] to [ pnVl'r, (~I ,,0 o . 11,,), 1.1' I','ILII l h' ·III . I ]',1111111' 11 was a \ ,.JlH'tnll . :l.I .\ I' l'I'_" at t racliv E' lim' of boob for hushand . ' q lortil I 1'I1'('. I II 1 \\' .1 I," . I~ ' ",'I' ,· pllt . , tI' ·II I. , ,. , depart' u t I11" . . I t 'J 'h I ('OlltnH' IWl'1lI ·nl at J . ~ . ,Iann y's o· Af Hll mi l., ,, ,, . I;. ,;.~i " 111 .01 11:111:' 11 . jlll "' 1' I1l1 ~ IL"'" 11.~l l"I · ' a~ ur;:,. ay, March 31,19 6. te r a f 'eWm lll1 llI ' TI1f' IrL'i 1 da ll" 'Ilf til VVaynes ... illl~ .'\ '111: \":hlt ll l ~t 'JI:.::' PI'I'." 'II I. 'Ii' ,\1r, 11I1d . Irs, c.;eor~ e Z 'Il were m thel' and da ll g-h~ el' I' tUI' IWrl to llancillg 1;llIU I 'us g-iven al llil: . . I I . 1\11', all d MI'" /{ ,,],r. CI',)!:!S ' Vl'n' I lw "" rp"l'lI lr'l lls . ,, " IIi " ) 'Llil ' " I' ' " ," ,'. ~1I1: ... L" 'If fJ'il' lId s in Oregonia lasl Cincinnati. r (), 0 , F. hall Friday '" V~l\i1){ " .. ' ) I ,' " ' 1 11 1 I 'l{lh'.'I " ,II rel alll' e:-; In CII1Clllll ati ::"lllll ' 1\·f"C'i< . J llne .,•• 0 l '.J"u , . "II rllal'rl'ct! lo Til '1'0 WI1." :" t;',"i'l Cl'llWd pCe1:PI1 L. of 1h Yl O!1. 1I1'1'('.:,c· J " " I " r Cl'll , , ,,,I' )! 'P ' ' . ,,,.., '" C I\"'U <= hiRIl~~tll'\~RS : 1l"II ·f'.lt l"li:l . :'11:1"011. 1,, ·11:1 111'11 , ~I"I'- , day, F. M. la l'~. fl f Lytle Ohio. He re rile club ha.~ Iml'n very successfUl , i ' [.01' of till" 1'".1 al,( 1.11 ,, ·1; lid, :.:" Pl' I' 1"' 111 ', ' ~ 'I ' 'I . II' , 'I" r r l' (;a i l1u'\!,u l11. nf 'illl'innali, apcnt they resided urliJ M ~ rch, 191(1, wh n this winler. and the·'danc~ have be ' n , I r,." .> III Y n ,\ ,c. u ~e l<ulllJ1 . , I '..l I d Oh ' tI ·.i,' II·II"1 tilt! Itl Il t' I' ('1'111 and \\' ,1".' wa" tl If' umlny guest (,f l'l>l!! C'I ,Ira SUllday Wilh 0 , ,J. ',uWti l'l ~ an thl:!v 10. an In'catly ~njc,y ..; d. by 'all who attenu (:\l . - mov d to Dayton, , I ' ~ .. 1I1,· ;-; p\ ' 1' ,','lit. Th ~' 1" ' . H flwk\"' , f:undv spent one year, Her fatal diReasc lhem, was maniie t ed fil'Rt uy losing h er 11I,.i: 011'1' l l f 111,' l''' !'p' o1'al ;''I1S a 1'1 , UII- , :-'l;'\\·ral (r(Jlll Wayn •.'svillf' :lttend- eyslglt,mpar, . I' t lh d oc t or:l ['1' '''} I f toe \, Ch' .klllg.·d. 'J !II' " I:d 1I 11'I'Va"'t :lltl"' 1 I\ l e~sr.. ~Jan: ('llu .; Tha cI;r>ra:r.r1,\. filing +le I..Ilya[ S onscasso rl OI r.r<>rnr. of Sprin,;horn, IV 're in tuwn I'd tlte \V allar' Tibbab funeral in lo give rp.Ij ef . . '<;OIllIILV is .:':2 ,!I.-,\I . \1,1). Uan ::sunJlly School entertained the Leh;!1\1I1l la,;: I I ' ·ek. 0 n Aprl'1 yL - I1 SIle an dler I d aug ht el', Loyal Daughters c.ra t .\ ' sh"" n in II ., ;tI ,( I . it I II I ll' 1111111',;rl:1 v. at til e horne of 1··AJldil.I·":,. · , 'I\ t!J;H 1\'. I . I II'·~lil l "'·"l'I)\I~·1 ' \ II l el 'lf 'd R'J Rachel went to 'incinnali where Rev. antl Mrs. , O. Thompson ' ri ~ I . ., , • • ., ';;;1'::' :IITV ani 1 01 I ge" ' .~ , J,.J It i,; 11 i;. : lilt' I",,· '.· 1 " I t 111' I i ~r, ~h ,) I'.':\1 ('~>;1'!,;. F . ( . ( il l'ey. , ,J e!'~f' Th,lIn. \ r L" . -t J d II fUllCl'al lle met her sister M r~ . Ridge ;mJ day E).ve·nirig. -;"'fLe~ u short business , II In':111I1:1II. a ell( I' 1 • \ . . ,..l >1 ' 111g- th 'li t l :1- I' "I' 1.11 1\' hi " lith I· :1 0.; anrl (J. \\" Il Ulnill olI were 111 \ f ~I " \1 , ' ('1 ,I' Wednesday ber family . She pf'accfu Iy pa:ls<:\, se!:.!;io ,fa social lime .... as sMnt in a v , I) l'lIll Cl'p ll!. 'II ,(; ('I' rIC" Iln'(.,' ll' ' Il lllla J , ,) ,I H" .lJ'i"n [II" , . laway at 5 s', nl., AI)I'I·I}7. 1911. aguessmg t' ,. 111.1 ;:, ;\1101 hlld t il " I'lg !;lnti~st an d p Iaymg Ch a, I' to tlw l'cill rne:lIIing oj' till' l,lI\ : lid I I The;\ I' .;'-;l· '; \1:1 rt lw Burnell and th e h ome of Har ry Ridge, a~ ed 5.n rades . M~ has. Lewis treated the' f PI'I' \I\'I'ly in g-enl'ral. quite':1 num l el' (, f flur pe' ·I." '" 1':1I1ma ( ' :11'11', rig'hl ,-; )1 1'11 the day in yt:aI'S 7 month anrl16 days . clas:.e :.to maple w x which was v~r.y \I'pnl . t o HarveyshurgIn attt'nd In- 1 L, '\'1' I' . hel eayes to mourn hj3r loss a hus- much eJ1J'oyed by tflos plesent. f h 1) I' S' ,1'u,lllo,1I 1\1 1 " .l~. PC\ ' IO~ ' QlJIRRE1 . HU:,\TER.; SIJ ctl'J11 t ' ytllan , Iste l';; . ban. daughter . siiller.' nephews and __ -'--;- "' __ -"--_._':-_
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U',IUP of \'( hmlt'I'r:- i't '. parents. ~Ir , and ~lI's, FI';Jl1k Ha\V e.~. ·' nl. church \xhen young and never Iof ~etfib\ltion? Has t~~, or;n~ , Todd , of Ohio . changed to any other. Sbe was vlew ofh~lIth~ .BoIJ!)()rt" of mO'.lern silo) d·f 'ndro CincinnaLi from tbe If ~'uU an in need o f Clllllnlenl'eiiII' . and :'III'S. Harry lIamillon, of a gen rous soul, ahvays thinking of s('.hoJur;'hIP, ·as scet;! 111 the American ,ltl ad: ;:; nf tho 1:\111 federate raider:-> mellt PI . ut. don'l rai I t o call ( In Day tun, callie down ,~ alur,Jay after- th~I'8. ready to be of. se r vice to any ' r evjsion of 'the . criptu t'es'? What Illl'inz t11l' 'ivi l· Wlll:. T he tl' flP .J, E ,Janney , H 'can R Urf'lYSUPPlYln"onand~pl'nl,SUndaYWlthMr.and g dullwhocameneal: hel'. Wewl11.i~yout COOc.ePtIO,n of Hel1 ~ Thi s•... '·. \\':1, \;"1)/1\\' 11 a s. the Squ il'rel Hun tt'r~. " Y() lIr want !'l , :\11'" r;en Hamillon . ~ arltn'i!;.q her wl10 knew her. Let 1.\g subj ectahall bescI'ipful'ally~isCuase(1 . ~ ho.u. ~ it lJ al' anJ fl ·J'H.'d wi Lh nolable g-allantl y, I '1'1" t f lOlvn r latives a.nd :b6p~ that our loss.. wil1 be h~' eterna l' at (he Christian church Sunday ni~h.t ' < "\;wfJ~iM,U , ve ,1111g. Th(' hj!1 prnvi,lcs pl'nsion" un '11'. and i\11's, 1\ L PUl1llell' altrl Ie \/\1 n , ..., ,'. . . I 0 Tl't .< . .' , frie nds who a t ll'lldeu the (unetll.l" of ~in.. _ , ... bY! ~hEf,b'.-?astOl',. r,. ~ ':' :"!J ) o~J!:0!), ! h ad .'hlll ~ .0\ a gTad :lt ing ~eale, namely 62 y aI's 1SOil, II r~ch, I. and ~1 r~ ..1\1au rice .'i1 - Mrs. F. \1 arion Cla rk were Mr. and ----- . The}>u l,lC ~ordlall¥ m.y!-tt:U. '1 j Ipu pII,; 01 III ,Id, $::iP('/"l)1 \)1l11; ()5,-:;1~: 6o; ,,:' li1dv , W('I' III nay'''" :-:unoay. lh~ h " OF THAN. K " - - .,- ----, ~ h e .. c l'ci "I' ,'ill and uver' ·Z5. \\' ido\\,,, are a l,.,o I ~U st" 'If W \\' St"kl·:i. 1\1 rs Frank Moorma n, of Winc ester. . . , GRANGE SOCIAL ,~'If'liI""mJo, iI;·i'''U!l.~'''''''~· \d 'II lcll' l' li~';hle fn!' I I:1l:li n lInd~r tho tnri .; H C, and'. Ridge . Cincin-, We d sire to express our thankg to l ,~' pro ' i , jll!l~ of lbe '\Ji ll. The I' al-lOIl :'.1 i. s Annie llt'o\\' n r 't urned tn th nati: ~ll:fI l\1 al'garE!l EI·/:,l'hart. M r~. \lilt neighb~t; and ~riends ~or their A g rahge social w n be held at ,'I'l'ih:r intrlldu.';,d :-;uch a bill is G\'- I), S. &. S, O. Home Sunday to t<~ke Hurl h l'lIn. :'Iir:->. Tom Harlan , 'MI' kindn~ in our ber.eavel)'levt. Waynesville on Satutday, May , ~th , .. '.'1' ~'t.A ~ q )1\;)U I' ,'f.:.t~)(> VHNi.. • • tl1)..heI', se~ tll-- ·w<!rlt nftcI"":;p ralrr.g ffli"bll rg: M.,. : ·E E . f,'v-atJ·, 11- aEon: , if. 'M . Clark ~nd fam iJy. The regular'" aftetn~on meetjW h.as , ' I llit! in hi: di -u·it!L. having- emil;ra l J the vncatloll week at her hllm e here. Mr an d :'III'S. Ed H;lI1by. Mrs. R. - . ' ,. b!l!m,eh.ang.ea to e\7~ning 011 ~~o ' t , , lI ershey , l\11-s, Wiluur Shi~lu l' , M Mi MEN 5 ASS,Jo.l a l. lce-cream ' " d', " ~.ke '",. I . ( .011')\, - -l'(JIllIIh'!'cial Trlb t1.. BUSI NES' 5 /.. . 1' of' t h e soci an - - .. -H rsch I Bu'nnell came home from ',:lI a Elp'i ght, Mrs , J. M, lacy . 1 1'S. " : . . ' ' .. will be sGrv~~/ 'as r efreshments" !i-~ FI. 1)1 \,( i UF (i In. 1) JURV Antioch colle~e F'l'lliay eveninr:- an d Aldu l' l'! lel'lnan. Mrs. Clara Lewis: The Busin s,.• .Mel~ II A~crQtlon program will be!endered aft~r whlct} 'ment Sunday wit.h his father. N. L. Dayton; Mrs, John I rown, Mrs. Ill'- met Monday· ~mn'gm the D.ll·ectors a social time lie enjoyed ; 'AIl :\ II rra nd j IIry rl't.:o rrl s in Warren Runnell returning t.o school Mcnday. olin e Hoger '. 1\11'. H , ' O:,tkin, Leq. roo~ of the .<Nal:ionu! Bank: ~nd' (!r~n~ , ~ and t~eil' filmili~'p,re .cor- ' .;ullidy !'o: mallY yea l':; were broken morni'n g' , anun. transacted bllsmess. The aSS~y1l1tlOrf d1;mY.invlted. The lJ)all admiss io l1 \I'il ')1 till .. \ JJI·iJ g,'alld jury . a~ed _________ basnot, beell, mee~ing ,reg ol):\rly for ofa'drrh~foradul ts' a~'d ' auic-l<"le for -i pl'ubi uh" '1'LIi ,.,:!llY niJ,;ht a nti reported - - som€} time, 'pu ,the m eetitlg " Mon~ Y children wHl be charged . . , LI\'('llly·on' inJiclmenL, Th :ll' 's imI @- - - ,- - - - - - - -, evening, ,was spiri ted. _ - - ---. \I":~" elel'l'1I tl;,y~ ir lenl: th dUl'illg' l t was' voted to ~build' a.stand fOI' Ai.lJ~Nl ME~TJNQ ' ,I'hich lim(' 1.'\,1 \\'itl1t's~ 'S were ex · I the baria, and a commit.~ was !/.p" , . aminrd :HIlI tco Cti:iL'': ig ll ol'e I. AIpoint~ to solici~ fundS' ,~or the same. An alumnI meeti~,washe\(~ a,~ th~ I 'g' ,r! hwlf'~. lIl~'! was inv('sligal'd f ~ • , ;The.stand will be an,ornament to th~ h9me of J. ~, Janney. l,~st ..frld~y . 4 11l'1'l'r h'furc :l11(~ much cr 'di ti" the Mtsses Edmo~lds a~d Jeffe~so~, Two ~raduat.es Gown;ahq~ ,Ulbema~eso thatit can ev~ni~. Alt.houg:h f tlf~ ' rhl'1- , kept · ' .1',' 1' 1' sct.! t1 ol'BI'(Jwnalld th~j uI'Ol'S df DomestIc SCIence, Give Interesting , .betaKendo rl:leasily. ! (. qUite ,a n~mb er away a erYiood lweJve of th' illlliclm 'Ills ha ve Lectures to Large Audiences 'The boys ve dona ed theil:"Ser-, meeting "faa ~e. ld. CO~lpitt~' on vic'es ftlr wt!ekly concerts this ileason refreshm&)ts and progra we1l'~ ,apb '~li' !nutl'e l<Mwn am! th' th 'I'~ \ 'I I b l1llbli 'hed as 500n a lh and it i$-'u.p 'to .t le bu~in~ ~eh and pom~d! . Tiier.e t';.wiJl 1.};e ,' ~iQ,ther . l~ r,~,~ u:'(1 i~ thtl .l~~~lds of,~hel'il~ MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION aIVE , ci ti.zen~~see. ~'} .',iUl.ey hav~: ..~he meeti~~a~, , ~,e, ~Q'm.eof, ~.~ Ja~~y .;. I \l~~\ .,\\h I!:! $C llltjll\g (Jllr lhL I.1•_ _ _ _ _ .... _. _ _ _ prQPerpl~etogjve':'~n~r concert:S~ ,n~rtFrJ(lay~venmg\Vh,~~~v , ~~n~ .;:,;f.: C,llll1 ty al pI·elwr.d il'g th ,.;e wa ll t 'd , Any ci tizen' WhO woul. , like to donate wI,1I be ' conroleted"and mvJ~tlonB " ' ~"'';• I , ' ~ed ... • , 'l'!toHe indict ed arc: Jm, ·ph ?rt'I1t:ll l " ~r e IIHIY Ii\' ' wil h.. u t friends; \\:e may live witho ut book's; to' this worthy cause, cliilJeave thcix: ISSU • _ _ _" ~ 0 " ' '. _'. ! ~, '. ,.... c', " t' ~ lorn. \Y, (:ha r lL'" \\ '1Id cr:l l'dll d 1 Bul ci\'il ized man 'aplw t Ij\'e with<:Hlt cooks." don~tions with;·Ma.yor '!-Cal't~right, I\lYSTE~O'US P'U~E "",·')' jl."i... ' '. ,'" IIl1d I-'ral,lk Wibllll, u~ Fn.1I~ldin, . ,III . ' . .' ,J'.,The asSoci,a tioh also decided to '~ ";' " . ~ &f". ~ .. ,. l':t,: . L. 'I' kce pl1l ~ a p(al.'· \l"n~'I't.! 1I11I,_ 1l':.LTit (UUI' days COUI'.' t! In f) olllt.!stic pann g t.he tough nnJ tender c , t!>; 'g.i' e a Fourth of July celeb};atron Md ' . ' w L n Wmr D"dA . • . I' II J I' ' 'I I b I '. ', . '" h b d b on ay mOIlnng ' Re , ' . ... ... 11l~.lq U r:a,al'l'b.'o l ;1 l'.'!' I;1 l ,a rr, ,,1 ::;,·iellcl!. whic·h \V a" given In t1e l ge)~ ~d) I:!sfttr esuts. "F tt FA Js·' t , ·t~isyear~s'sist~byt e ani tOh~s" went to 'get his ' buggy wh)cfl , lie . . Lt.' :111011, tor 1I1').{ :\1'.1'; '. ~t u e LlIl'r ('u\\'nship HOU 5 e la~t wl'ek , wa~ a . 1'1. aya ernoon ,. 'a ~ uQ~ ~ , It will Qe ·~n a, ~reateli sea f,l an 'keeps i.n T.-i. Srow'p's parn, fou nd ' ~c!l l, go (1) . ~ lit J '. ball()l~ •. f',H' cun \"?'llIg ~HI," '1 t" ' Ill ost lll'ufltable on ' fOl' ~he wOIll Pn . by I\h~s J e~er on, ~vl lh salmon l;'O~ ever attempted before. Ddn 't make the . front·· th~ huggy ~ddy ' bad , . I'! : ' 1.1 8~nt lu l\11 ' \ :llJl'I';l llel.JIt.1 l1l1: J l)hll l ~""'; ' '' I L')\l l hl')f·hi co mmunity , 'l'h e lllslructors, quetle,; as l!l\lsb·atloll~. In her , A.rrangements to , Ieav~ home the ayb kt theseut Mr ' t ' ~..' , b Ulned aw ' , " " . .. " "1 ' J e~ b t" ' " ac , 0 ." ~ . ' , l ~"" I 1I tl l.oft t)il!\.; , IH ';. Leball 11, jill' "1'111111 1.11 a,;~:!u ll: 11 l'IlI'Y . ~[i' ~"'try EJm onds and ;\Oli.:;s J..i1 zu· lin t;al1llntlUn, . !\ I S •• e. .~ .J:'9utth. as you c~rtamly can see Dodd's son had 'used the buggy on < ' .' : ; " '. u, ~ III u\"( autn Ilnd am ' 1'. ')1' Itvd 1.1111\, r') I").{<!J'\· I hrl',' : beth JefTc r~u l1 froll1 l he Agricuil '.ll'- , illlIJr('l'Is d \lpon her hearers th - more her.e for the 'money than abro/ld S d ,.... 'd 16ft til'" r 'oben 'In bu ' t~\ " I · , ." . ' . . ., d· !.l ' '. " un ·a.y .. n " '" " . , , ..1·, I ' r .t ll h.! S 1<) lll e., C" UI~t::;) : J oin \ II I·PI:I·. li;. Od) Inn ,. til E); lension () ' pnrtmel~t ot. th' I porlar.ce of gO(J~ s[I.nltar y con ?!'s . , .. --+ ' . ' the n'e xt m(Jriiirur 'th~ rob,~ w~re " the l. ant 1m to ILlS :-;~()IlIJ1~ a .ll'all !: j'hilli' ~lIll1ey. o[ Ohio Stall' .(lni 'l'l"sity are ltItelh,ger,l t i an~ pl'ope~ ventll.atlOn ,of the ,h m~. " 'I : :~H" ~0l:l.tIEI gone. ': It is Ii myst~l1:-y. howJhefirt'l ' .~~~~-::_ __ ._~_ .• l'anl\h~\. j Ill' I, 11')!lary ',11d lat: 'ny; Iand Chal'l111llg- young worn n a~d 111 , ,~lurda:r mu:.ml~~ M~~ J e~er" n s , I ' . " ' \\ , . ' started ,and hO~.Jit ~as ~t ~u't. ~e~ !\lllC: Cal'.'ull, lar(' l'IIY ; ( ll""l')~(' 1:"'1:4 l', ,' l hei r le.:t.u rl'S g-al'e 1nanv new Ideas . subject wa::! H,.ead. wnlc \ sh~ . The l:l1V\~,b~ys ~..I.I. :~lVe~ PI~ so fore tb~ 'bugiY w eritl;t~ y 'burned. I,f ~l Hille\',i."(' . LlII'\~all'lIil1 ~:. ttl ShIlIl L; ,:llIil\lt "Iol;ing and ho me makin g . :l1il\de ~IP by lwo (hlfer.ent P=, esses; clal 'On ~d~~.~.yeml1g .f',~~r 26~: a~ • '. " ' ~ f If',', '.\ . ,I;1rl(:'s h t.zge"aili . 1\ ~'c IJ IIl).(' a 1·la 'I' I .... 1 1:" t L t 1'lmeadll1g' one loaf tWice, th~ other the 1 . ",~ 10 ,ltl:J,)imQ.uijt¢" ~~I ,.' A WIL ' L Br, ' ' ' SI'X ' ~'Tfi ' 1 Ie .' Irs ec urc . ' \. , d'ff .. .. " " .." D, ' '. a, tare rnu to · ' i witt·l'l'illt" .·icHlil1g· 11It:I"I' ~ <II',' ',) ]d , I threcllme. ,show\llg a ~lg , 1 ,e,-. genel'oO t'l~.e . ?,,· ple , .'_ . ,1ft ", " .1 ' ! ' . Ed d ~- ..; • 'M'ISS st"a 'J.. I ter'ln.tn ' 'me .... . ·• 11 be the·event '• Jhco' ,. r di , to the t gerry' i .~" .' I , ., ( )n \V' ' er1,ne~uay and .rill' :->.·lli llg illll).-i '·,ll i11>( I' 1I1 1l1 ~ , mornlllg' 1,1:-S ·1 enc " 'HIII 1e textur an,...,. e~, •. , , l l , , ,, ' ' e~fat ·< v tl' I'~(' Aycl'~. for ,L-iSII\l11 alld k.lllt·! ) Iltll)lld ,.; del~ \'<'I'ed he l' 1'ctUI' ue\,- Edl!1l)nds talkt!~ on "Left-o , pl,' ~ of t?~t'~venmg,:~~ / ~, , ¢e~te ~o~, ~~,~b. , d'OIumbus:'';wa ;'ren CP~n.ti~\rN} he-ln, : " ~ ~')' I, me 01 t I Ill " \.' ind iet t'J IHI\'·1 ' llr ll ~ I,'I'ag-t's. . he d '10 ,n;;t ra tid lim ler-- \saytng that nolhll1g need be. tJ.U<nwn , a .feast.1s a. verr I}roaU l'rJce" . Y t'h"':X . T'l ' t ·c" """'e' .',' o',; ... tl· s' ".. " :" . . ': . . . , ':;' . "'h' '' ' . ~ d.t. " J..J 1S rl ~. , .r:<" I " " .Wl , 1 ,\, ' fat' pleaded g uil t) allu ;t,.}\ I'l','\11 ~ I!l\' I u.'·~' l,y m~I(ll1g. C()C{la . laway 01' wasted. ' . ~' I~, J~ In a,!¥oo eao:.. .as , ' , dt trict ~ e'~().l~ows" ~;. ,:; ~~i III of lll' .'0 1\11,11\111 1'1,·,,::; .::,\I;·t ' .. } Ill' ,;ubJl:'cl. to): ,t,he afternoon \~as The L ast LeCture '\ : " Isa valua~l~".,~~~ , to ~to~~, . ' ,Clel'm~~. BiV~n ' , wil l L)(:! the lJ U;;IC:-ll Jl) YC:1l :;. -- \\' e..;L· I'l'II'ehy Puo r!", dem,ollst ratml.( , . ' to .c" 1 the b~ys ar?stll~ m d~pttbat Sc·ot3.~ "Re~ubli. 1'1'11 'UII', Il\' ith corn lll eal'ilush . bakllll:powder Saturday afternoon, Housenpdht'enouglj .~0 8,tlf .. the ~ I , < .. -.. bi: 'uitand br akfa't mull-in, . ID corat io!) " by Mias JejIerson, I\fl~ h~lp ' them ,o~~pr.pa IL _-F ATED FAM I t \ 'l'hlll':;day nl orning, "Vegelable \ "CaJ" of the Sick" by Miss Ed'.ll0n~ll. " ~~mb~r "tb,I! : .: '-- -, . F'J us, " i',xnmp les were crea med Both of these lectures ,,:,ere ful l. ~f l W.~klY •.cotlc~d:f .,~"''''''''''''''''~l'''' TIll'. and 1as , Al e): a r\, ' r. o! Il eal' , , ". ,d polatoe st uff tl good advice as wel'e all of the pte- R.;.p' a' y tl.e"";'fn' ~ mi!l1stl re liy l ' If l)Jlltm", cteamle • 1<):::.~ ." '" "r.' C· } l ' ".., :; " 1\. )11.1' UI , Ilave (lee I· j r~ f .t~p 1.UIl ,ve > pot ttl 0 !!. fruit salad , waldorf s~iad ceding ones. ' .' ' . : ' , ~~,pi them' !Vfa~. 26~"'''' .~~"'wI.thln one week. Ihl~ rrMke$ t he an.rI poL;;ltQ salad . At the cJm:l~ of th19 .sesSI,otl) .. ~"'!; " ;J/ ..,. .,ll'!~_"'--~r.!""' thlrdd "uthfro ,-ntyphQll.ltey r that 'l·t 'd' !'le ' oonMissjefferson l ofthankswas}~tend~rI ' to , ." U'~~ :4.I." " J' I " IILlrs aya In ~u I ' I'(JS occ~t . tb'Is f aIl11 y. ni B p.I'Il1)O!.' 'g'llVI? u lalk on .. 111k" and "Eggs' l Cook. I.1sit wr ·thtpdgh ·'-'·' E!lr.lv, U1 l'e. 1'I,IUl·y Waltel' plll t!t' Juring which tinie junket. pudding, .' tion ·that these very etlicien:t'~il"e.~,t;'UC· 3 : '.lI\: m.la,w of Mr. and ~ 11'I, . r VCl' ' l'OOnl of tomato soup, ~oft ctt!:!tard ;\.tors w ere sent· here. 'rh~ , d.}(~d 01 f tYPhold.fevd,e~. tThed d celn~l.ld ]lI'une whip and ~gg om let w l'e1l ten~aQe , at tt!-~e eel;ln.I~.:.sno~~:r';~;enhiii~.' coup (' Rra,Sl)J'S' Vlve ,,,y wo aug . a mal'ken ..a.pp'~.eClaJ;IQ!l ' UllSlllleslS, 'irnl,~'c~B..m~",·be(9~·e 1'~J.u''1'''''· . 1t rs .' PI' parec1. ;~. .... hn'~ni't.A IVI r~~ V ~'Her .p'ltler: and M.ary a.l·v~l' Friday room ing was gillPn over lo ! .otts, · , . t.he. 1 ~~teJ agod about ten ) nr.. , I "Meats' and th ways of p reparing, The w~me!'l 0.£ ~. ema H:)'~ld :. • • . , Mi', Edmunds . giving the lecture. jvicinit Yfeel. t.h~t. 4:":::;'~~~'~;;:'::;;:"""" ,8tH1 aM ' t lor t.h 8'· Guzeit.e tOUllY he howed tile different wa.y!? of pre· spe~t. ':1·ui l.r1 IJY
trOVPJ' 110t'
+----- -_. - .- -
'D omestlc · SClo.e nce School a Success ', t t
t t t
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. :p..
COPYRI(;lIT. 1909. IlY C.W. DIL LI NG/i.lI1 COr-.AAJiY
u SY NOPSIS. Howard Jeffri es. bonlee r'e 90n. und " ,. tlle ""'11 fnftlll'n ce or Uo;)ort Uncl " rWOOli. a fellow-etu de n t at Yate. leads a II to of 4l ealpallon, mnrrle" tho dau s-Iot er ot a camblu who dl,)() In prl~ on. nn ll la d l,,owned by Ill" ( alhor. H o trios to ge t \Y ork al'ld t Qlls. A rorrue r co lteb'Q chum mlLlees a bUllln!!.!!!! proposItion to \Toward which requlrea f2.000 (,lUIh. nnrl How.urtl Is brol10. R obert Underwoo(). wlw hUll be n repulled by Ron-ard'" w[rc. Annie, In h I.. ool lege days. a ll d had ol1 oe b ocn ongllg ad to Ali cia. Rownrtl's tJl l'pmothor. hlUl apa rtmentll at the AstruriQ. How reI dceMes to ask IId erwood tor I he $2.000 hll lIeeds. Underwood. talrln!! Ildvantago o r bls Intlma.cy wIth Mrs. J olTrlcs, Sr.• b eoom es' a Ilort or socltt l hlghwuyma.n. Dlseoverl ng hie t r u e IIllro.c lel' a he d e nt('s hlln thll house. Allolo. r CCIVCB 0. note from Ul'dpr""ootl. threalonln g 8ulolde, Art .c1."ler8 tor whom he 11 M bocn Ilctl ng a.a ~,"mI88Ioner. demand a n u.ccounlfng. t te _nnot muke good. Rowan! .Jeffr,es callll In an tn toltlCl\ted condi llon. Re IUlks nderWood (or $2.000 a n i! Is lold by the lu te,. thllt he Is In debt up to his eycll. award drJnks hlms()!f In to a maudlin eon dltlon. and (:oea to 81 IIJl on 1\ divan. A oaller 1s announced Rnd Underwood Iraws 'a lIereon "found tho drunk en • Ieeper, ~IJ ' Is. enters.. Bho demunds a prom!lIe trom hIm that he \ylll not t ake ble lifo. potoUng to the dllll!roce that would a ttaol\ to }Jars If. Underwood retulles to promise unless sho will r e now .lIer I/lltronalIe. ,{,hts 811e refusC8 to do: Underwood knit! hlm!le)r. The r eport of the JlIl!tolawMIIfIB Howa rd. He s tu mblea liver the dead body oe Underwood. HCl\tI • Ing his ' pr~len m ent he nUemp18 to Ree ana · 11' met by Underwood's valet. Howard 18 turned oJor to ,thO pollee. npt. Clinton . notorloull for his brutal treatme nt !)~t prIson ers. pUla Howard through tho Ualrd de"ree. '.
GH.APTER )(.-COntlnued.
Anble snt tl.ln{(\Jy on n· .chn.lr In ~he , "ackground aM the captain t.urne.d '. -AJaln to the (\octor. "What's that you were saying. doc1Dt ?':
. "You' tell mo the mo.n confeslled,?" CrosslJ.lg the room :to wbere Howard ,~at, Dr; Bernoteln looked olosely at !11m. ' .Al)parently tbe prisoner was ,ulecr.. ul.s eyes were olosed and his ~beatl dro.?ped forward 'Oll his chest. · He was ghastly pale. The Captain . grinned. "Yes, lillo, confeBsed-ln t be . prea· -ence ' of three witnesses. Eh. eer· ,cant. 1" • "Yea . ~!lr/' replied Maloney. . ~ '(You' heard' Mm. too. dldn't ·You. De·
"Sitting There Crying Your Eyes Out 'l(Von't Do Him Any Good."
that, no matter how blael, things looked against him. She wo uld not leave a stone unturned till s he hnd )'egalned for hlni his l jbtlrty. With renow cl 1Iope in her Ileal't RUll r()~o. \ution In b r face. sb e tUl'oed to cou. front t he captain. . "Wbat hos be done?" lIhe df' maTlded. "1<1IIed his fri end. Hobert Uoder. wood ... He watcbed her face c108 Iy to see "::)ure?" de manded the captai n, eye· Dr. Pierco'lI Ple/lSllnt P'l1ets TCgulnte buley?" . . what ettect h is words would have on Ing her nalTon-ly. and ' invil:!orule stomllch. liver and bowels • . '~Yes, captain." her. "Pos ltlv ," sa id A nnIe firm ly. Sugar·coatlld, tiny granules. easy to tal-e SquarIng his hugS sboulders. t he "Rob l·t Uoderwood dead! " ex. as ooauy. . The captain looked puzzl d. - ---"----o.-ptaln said With II. self'ljlltisfied claimed Annie with more surprise "A woman call . 'here last nigh t to Full lire exl;:;ts In th ree dimensions. 'cbllokle: than emotion. see hIm." he said thoughtfully. "and art in two, an,l science In on ; like a "It rooIr us five hours to S!3t blm to . " Yes." said th e captain st e rn I}'. 1 tbought that llsrh a ll,B-" own up, but we got It ' out of' ~Im at "and yoU\' busband. Howard J effr ies lnt ITupting himself. h e went quJck. soUd. a sUJl ~ rf1 les. and a Ilne. laat." . kIlled hJm." • Iy to th-e door, ot the apartmC:!nt nlld Wlnslow'q 'Soothlng B.n lll' f(,T O1IU\tren , Tl\o 4octo wail s~ll busy V(.t.th his • "'l'l18t's not tru e! I'd never believe oall d to some one 'who' wns walUng lh's, t '!ct.b lru!'. "tlfLf"Cl A 1he gUtDt\ , l'c(hlt' C':ot h.Uammu· .. .esamtnatlon. . that..'· said Annie promptly. tlOD , " lIay" v:. 1u. 'U Te" \Vlull eolle. ~ co..lIottht• In the corridor outside. A boy about "l;ie ,s eems to b.e ~leel>. WOrn out. "He's made a full confessIon: ' went 18 years 6r age. I n t he II very ot all Plants bu"c nl01-ell) nt witbout will. 11 &\1es·8.' FIve hours, y~s-tbat's your on the capta in. e levator attendant. entered tile room . anlruals have tl:le w11l. to 1I':e~ h umBo "A confessio n !" s he echoed unea!!l. The captain pOinte d to Annie. ;.method, captain." Shafting hili head. bl;!iogs have tbe wlrl to Uve dlvloely, be went 00: ' "I ·don·t believe In these Iy. "What do you mean ?" "Is that the lady?" an·nlght examinations nnd your 'third "Just what I say. Your husband The boy looked carefuHy, 8t1~ Ib ...~ Garfield TCil nffili's(s ()1'I'rworlmd r1i~e~tiv d egree' mental, t:b~ture'. It "Is bar· )las made 1\ ~ull confession In the shook hIs hend. · . olW\il ~ . (.'QI· r "' \.8 ('o n ~t i \lntilln, . '1 rll n,!eJI tho ,barous. W'hen ; a man' Is nervous . and presence of Witnesses. that he came "Don't think so-no, sir. Tbe othur II)'lllcrn [tnd I'i rl" lho.> · hl o~I(.l of llOIJUn.L~e • *1ghtenCd his b l,'ain ~ets eo .b'e nuE bed ' here to Uudenvood's roo'ms to ask lady was a great swell.'" . ·at · the end . of two or tht:ee 'li,ourtl' [or m.o ney. T~ey Quarreied. Your An institution must 1;10. pro pped ,UD . "You~ I'e SUl'e, eh?" saId the captain. 1 ~uesttoniJlg on tbe Sanl 3 . subject tbat husband drew, s ' pistol and shot him. by precedeqt 'wheu It Is no ·mor e ltp-' "1 think so," answered the boy. )le'8 liable tQ, say 'Ilnythlng; or even He has s igned a confession whIch wlll "00 you remember the name 'sb, lifted by snp. . )elleve' anything. course,' you he presented ~ to tbe, magIstrate this gave '? " '. - --.,..----.-.,..... ~~~alJl, thal .a.f.ter ' 8 mOrnlq~." · .• Eye !!QJT~ ';u A .~P .. ;· Tab.,. "No. s Ir,'.' replied the ' hoy. "Eve! Prey lib. lnt lion - Murine Ey'() al"o Ume the law' of lIuggss'Uon oum.~ntll~c~:l11 Annie' looked staggered for a mo. Rlnce 'you' asked 'me-" In Tuh ~ Cor n l\ my' It\s . N9 Morlihlo , tq operate Ilod-" : . ment, but her fa ith In ber llUsband AnnIe arose and moved toword l.b, A sk Drugglllts tor Nil\\' SIZA 25. ValTh~ c!,ptatn turn.ed to his ser~~a~t wal 'unsbakeable. Almost hysterically door. She had no time to wall to unbl e Eye Book ' in J!lach. lIaolUlgo. and laughed: She' cried: . the re. Every moment now was pre. C.overed. "T~e law of suggestion fHa, h'a l "I . don't believe It. I don't believe clous. She must get legal asslstaneo .... It Y· h t t d b MOlher- Did you paint tb'e table'! Tha t·s a lIood on!,!! I:OU know. doctor, . au may ave . or ure 1m Illto at once. Turn,lng to Capt. Clinton, II ba Father-Yes. r gave It a coat and them ' theorles oC youra make a hit signing something. Everyhody knows saId: two. (lnlrs of trousers.-Harper'" Ba· with colls"'e students · and amateur' your methods. Capt. ~ nton . But "It you' ve no furtber lise fa. n1e. zar. .. ~I>rofessors. Ifut they don·t ·go with thank God there is a aw In the captain. I think I'll go." You can't l1lft.ke & man aay 'yel' when Manncled to Offtcer Delaney and United States whIch protects the In. "Jus t one moillent, Mr~. .Jc ril'll!!!." You nrp. not. 't rl!'ntinlt l.0ul'l'Ip)f or yollr es'c orted on the other s. lde b ,v Ma· nooent as well as punis hes the guilty. Ile wants to Bay '00.''' (,'mily fairly if vou (Ion t keen fJnmlina he said. Dr. Bernstein smiled. loney. Howard made bls way toward I 1l1i~1l get the most able lawyers to Oil in t hl' hou ~e . It· ~ the beBt The face of the levator b07 11\1 It· .Wiu\l'(1 l!ubFtitutc for fn mil ~' dor-tor nnd a mi"hty "I don' t agree with you," he said. the door. Just as he reacbed It he defend him even It I have to sel! my. iien.1y brIghtened up. . good fri e nd in cn,;e of ~m cl1ten cy. "You can make hIm say anything, or ca~ght sight of his wife who. with selt Into sluvery for the rest of my "That's It." he said eagerly. "That', Indication of . W ~lIeve an ythlng-or do anything tf tears streaming down her ~heeks. life." It-J9t'fries. 1 tblnk that was tbe Truth a Trouble ·Maker. . "Why do t hey call tHe .. .' b • .II unable to resist your will." 'WIlS wntchlng him as If In a dream. "Bravo, little woman!" saId the cap- name '!h e gave, sir:' A West Philadelphia man a nd his of wisdom?". The captain burst Into Q hearty peal To bel' It seemed like some hideous taln mocltlngly. "That·s the way to "Wbo'!" demanded the captaIn. Wife ha·ve s6PRl'afed. NOlle f)t their "It stays Qut all nlg'h t · of laughter. ' nightmare from whIch both would tnlk. I like your spunk but t erore (TO DF. CONTINUEl:':, trlends know w·hy. but one. being cu.r l· tell what it sees or "Ha. ha! ; What·s t1le use of soon awaken. Howard. recognized y'o u go I'd like to ask YO~ a Cew (loes. OUB. aske d the ,husband :' cM lloln'? We've', got him to rights. I her. yet seemed too dnzed to wonder tions. Sit down." 1'0 Be Agreeable" "What was' the trouble botweeu )'OU tell you. doctor. no newspaper can ~ow she cam: there He 'slmpl, He waved her to a chaIr and :Je snt It re" uJres tn.ot and Judgm ent. 8S· .e and youI' wife?" ~y that my precinct ain' t cleaned up. lurted out as e passe : oppos ite her. all kn ow to decide when It Is beat to "0. notblng much. Sbe hought a · l>'l y record Is · 0. hundred convictions "S~methlng's happened. Annie, dear. "Now, Mrs. J effrIes." he be~at1 en· talk a ncl' wh en to lis ten. In the "rclI' . nevi hat for $20 und uslted me what· 1 to one ac(\uittul. I catoh 'em with. I-Un def\~ood: - I . don't quite Icnow-" couraglogly., " tell me-did you e vo l' ence n( men :md wOInen of superror thought of It. And I told her . That's tt' e goods when I go after 'em!" ' The pollcem"n pushed him through heal' your hUSban d wreuten H oward w lents and accompltshmentR, or of all ." Under Wood ?" wide experi ence of the world, we must . \ taint smile hovered al,lout the the door, wblcb closed behind blm. 4 octor's ft\.ce. By tbls time Annie hnd recovered be wary aild not let our vnnlty run NATURALLY. "1 ~ow YO UI' r t:"ll utatIon." he said CHAPTER XI. her ,self·possesslon. She kil O'.\, tbal 'awRY with us . To s uch persons Wet , ,,' castlcnlly. lhe best way to help Howal'd Wfl~ 10 runy not be able t o afford intellectual 'l' be captain thougbt the (}octor 'vas tJ llllblc to control horself any Itae p cool a nd to say nothi ng " ' brcll s timllitlR, and thereto re It wi ll be well fhlterlng hl~.'So he . rubbed bls han!ls longer. Annie broke do wil completely was like!)' to Injure his ell 1I S "'. Holdly. to n\'old glvlllgGI~lpg Ollr opinion!! at To see .<'I th satistaotlon. as he re plied: D.n.i 'burli't into tears. When the dool' thel·efore. she auswered: If:ngth. " \UI~ss th ese are (lal lod for. folks enjoy ;, "That's right. - I'm Tafter r esults. opened. and she saw her bus bao'd led "¥ou've no right to HSk. me ' Ulat WIth men ' and wamell of small t a lent ~(ine of them .Psyc!le tb meS for a WDY, pale and trembU.ng. between q·uestlon... . and . accC).(IipU!lhment ,ve mu st also' l!I ·ne." StrIding over to tll(~ 'annchalr those two ' burly policemen, It was as The ,captaIn shifted un e~ ll ily In hi, ,be n O.l,il· . ~u~:a, les t t bey ' find liS <1t. ~ ... ere .. lIat 'Howard, he laid ·' 11 rough If she . oar ed , for on earth hnd ueat. He kn ew s be Wat; 'w ithi n 'hol' dactlq·' nl1d .•wea.rlsoJUe. It Is with 'ou.t Iw..nd '00 his shouldor : gono. out O( ber life 'forever, Oalit. lega l ' r.lght. ~ He couldn't' bully ,Jlcr lutell ap.tua l. egual " .01' wit,h parRons ot , ·' Fley. ' J eirr!es. waite up!" C:,ilnto'n laId hIs hand gent~y ' on 1.:or · Into 'Il~Ying apythlug .( that w'ou ld IiI: ~ gll~el'OI1S : d.l~po!l l tl~ n who , Illce ". to ijoward. op~ned his '~)''''s ,an(\ 'stared should e :. WI~h· lIlore sympathy In h1s .crllI;lInnt e uC? r" husband . . ' , .: draw !Jut .t he tal nts of othe rs . .thnt. • ~tlpldI Y ··~l>our-bbn . . 1'h cClllW ln . too\( fac~ .. ~ba~ was ,Uis ..cust~:n to ~dl!i~ I~J•. '. "1 'mcreIY: ,thought;, yOU; vfoulu m: we -,r el ,thO 'i;reMost -,£1'cea~n; an~ at: ht!n 'bj :thn "collar of liIs coat: . '" ,,,.. be 8n~d: c,'. ',. . i , • . ' ", . ' . to asslJ:1 t , t llo au hOl'lties, t6-" he tl(fn. , t hQ l1uppicst . l'esu1ts.~I1al'peJ:;. " ;Oom~st~d'~ll PI - a riice . no\"I....Nowi l1,ttla w.oman7'",'ta ln' t 't;lo ' ~ncl G~a mm el'ed n·wlr.v:al'dl~: RaO(!l r. 'l''IlXnlnk , to Sergea nt ' ~?IOIil)i. he O( USE! ·oarrying oli ltkE! ,that ! lr· you. • "'fa convict my. liusaand" she 1;1\.\(.1 ' . ' '." . wh H ' H~ .• d·d~a, "'raJ~e. b.1rn ,qv.er i fo ..Hie . ~tQ.UO!l. wn.I;1~' . ~Q . ~elp yo lIt. 1!uab.a~jl , a nd ~e~'. Cahtlly. ~'~~hank .yOU\' I :~;C\'e r.st:l{l((n;y." Ftil!!r ':l:Je;;"'~bC~'e ,~:t:ojn' In' s uOh W'11t~ ~ut 'Lbnt.. o-orifeIJslon ·and .ri1aihj !i!m. ',OIjt , ot : 41!l ,.troubl ~ ~ou ~ant. t~' position." '. ' . • '< '.' .' ' . , ., 1 '? " " , . .: . ... '''""lin' "b" al.... lt ,before .brQAlt.fMt. .1'11 b e g.e~ busy,.. SI,t qng tb l!t;e . ct;ylng your ·f.'you c-au't do '!Um ',v ery n'Uc.lI.hill'n'l 11. I'll . ' Ci B . ,. , . ... ·t'.d" "...'·1m · any '. .. '"oo~.... . said the' .' ~apt'aln , Wltll ,nf·•.' I Secl>nu or (on tlie TllD)-Flr,o rtcbt 'oVer_·'. , . .... , : eyes o,u t, vi . o~ . ., - ., you' knpW\H nll I . ..taWILI'll Bt.runl$d to' .hla -feet o.nd . A~~le t'b~6W , up .Jt,er.'bend. Her eyes .f.e cted ,~OcUlal'l~?:. /j~ baB conf~ e Ii a~. B.-Wlu!;~.I:" . . IIlJone, ..'liolpe,d blm . at:tu:'OgO b1e :'oyene r et1".b u t t~twwerf! dr.y no.w. Het to:.t'be 1$~?otIUg.. ,. . -. ' . . S. ir.:"':'Bo!.'s sRld he'd fire mO" f[ r ~. and, tie. , Offi'eer -Deiliney-' clllPJJIHl was •. s~t ~nd dete.r~~ed. Th,e l.~ don t be lieve , I.t . .. sho saId em .. \\'(,.8ll't back' 11'0111 dis errand '1'" "au ' It. 'hat on h1.a head. Dr. af'l'll.8~(l;in 1;,Cll&pt.1l1n WIlS. ri~ht: GliJr l()9U~b, 'WOUl', Ph.ntl~~UY., '. ' . : . / nilnul.Els · , ' . ' ~! .'. , . • 'blr.eJd to go. ' . an~ waU ',~h 0 01lsfortun8 'frYing a at erent tack, be a(lkl)d . . , ' .__ ~_""""",:,,~ ' "OOodoruQfDJDJ., - a~latD.. I'll make At ·th II' door. ' Tbe rJgh~ ' iJ~l\t cilreleSlJlY: .. ' - Love'. Reco/l 'pense. ' :WoUlen gil bravely Oitt, nnl1. pllt~e a . "01" 7C)u know t think t.herq> is' flo IInrat' rUed lor .. .. light fQr Ub"rty and b01J()r. aow~d, She lteMtated the ' Pa-3' la · o.I"S·· 1l'&;f 01' a~ w~ Lu!l' Sbe 'WDU conrtncecl 01 .
t'Jllnton turned to look at Annie, who had been wllltlng patiently In the baclq;round. Uiir anguish on ·se4llng Howard's condition wos unspenkable. It was only wltb dlfliclllty tlJ8~ she 1'8 , straIned hersolf from crying out and rushing to his ·slde. But these stel'D, uniformed. men lntltnldnted hel'. lt se mad to her tbat Howard was on trlal-:-n prisoner-perhaps' his life was In danger. What could he have done? or cOUrse, be was Innocent, whatever the oharge, was . He wouldu't harm fI l1y. She was s ure of that. But every one looked so grave. and the re was a big Ol'owd gather ed In front 01 tbe hotel w~en she cnme, up. Sbe thought ahe b ad heard the terrible war!! "mur' d in," but sur Iy there' "'8S some mis· tllke. , Seelng Capt: Clinton ' tl'trn 1n h.e r dlreotlon. she darted eagerly · forwnrd. . "May I sueale to him, Ilr? He Is tily husband." . " Not just now." r epHe/\. tho' captain. to"t up1dn dly·. "It·s against the rules. Walt tll\ ,we 'get hlm .to the ' Tombs. You Cllll see him all you want there." Mllle'~ hea.rt sank. Could she have hel\rd . ~rlght1 . . ",T he, Tombil!" sire faltered. "Is charge so ? " all!" replied the laconically. .'. AD.nle 'nearly IIwoolmid. ,flad sbe not ' ca\lght the back ot a cbalr she would hl\ve falleo . . . ' ~he captain tUl'ned to Maloney aod, In ·. low .tone, s aid: - "Qulclt! Get him over to the ata. tlon. We d9 0 •t want 'any famll1 seenes here."
''Yes. 1 kneVl 111m at ono time. He lutr()duce d ruo tc. my husband." " \vhl~ ro waR aut?" . " In New Hllvel\. 01111 ." •.• [l at the coll ege. ' II ? How Ions hu vo YOII 1(l1ow n Mr. Underwood?" Annir look d at. her IlIqul sltor a nti sulu nothing. "SlJe \ValId "ed what he .\\'us Ilrll'l ug at. what IlUllor t all'~ e the C)1I t:st [on had to tU i) r.USI:I. F Inally sbe Paw Paw, Mtch.-"Two -,..... '..,.... sa Id : very se verely with a dISI)IQ.c)el~~I.il~~][~~~Il!lf,l be on my feet for a "I m r t him onro or twice up at Now tr('atcd me fo r s('Iveral nlolllttJlS '\1~~~~~~~~':~~ 1I111-c n. bllt l' ne vor sceu him s ince at last sent ~ my marriage to Mr. J e ffri es. My hus· I was tut}re band aud he wero not very good worse thn·n iri ends. Thllt 18-" to t ry Lydia. Sh e s toJ1ped. rcn!lting that sbo hue! COlmnoulnd. and I did. Rb'nll'fl' aud do nll my made u mlslal(e. How foolish sbe had to Lydia. Eo Pin been! The pollee. of ourse. weru . and advise every woman auxiollS to s how that there was 111 ' y female co~uplaint to fo. ling beLW O'I n the two men. Her nock. It. R. ]So. a. Paw P'••~.l1clr.. bea rt mi ugav he r as s be saw the "There never was a. worse case." loole oC satis faction lu the captaIn's fac e. . . Roclcport, Ind. _4' There n~vct' was a worse case of ~~'. ' lis than mine, and I cannot begin t o tell you what I 8u.ff~~ ' x lalmerl . "Not very "Ah!" ho For over two years I was not able to do anything. I waam _ good friend s. eh? In fao t, your hus· for a mon~ and t,he doetor said nothin~_but an operat1o*",~uld , band dldn't like h Im, did he?" cure m c. My father suggested Lydia E. Pinkham's' V.ta~lo '. "lie didn't like blm well enough to Compound; so to please him I took it, and I impl'Ov~ ,w~de~ ru.n acte r blm," sne replied hesitat. tully, so I am able to travel, ride hOl'!!eback, tnke long:iidetancl Ingly . never feel any ill effects from It. I can only ask otber 8uff~lnlr ' wome n to give Lydia Eo Pinkham's1tVegetable Compouncla trW ' '1 he captaI n now started of! In JUl. before submitting t o an operation. - Mrs. ltlarguret ~~.. . olhe r dlr ·tion . R. F. D. No. 3,.Bockport, Ind. . ' "Was your husband e v r jea lolls of nderwoud?" We will pa.y a.' handso~o reward to any persO}! who Will pt'9V8t(; , Dy lh ls tlme nule bad grown sus· us that these letters are not genuine and truthftil-or that·eit1ie~ of plcluus of very. Iluestion. Sbe .was these women were paid in any way for t. hoir testimoni41s, 01' ~~!f" on he r guard. letters nre published without their permission, or that ·the 0\18_ "J ealo'us? Wbat do you r:nean? letter from each did not come to us entil'ely unsollcirod. No. he was not jealous. There was FOI" 30 years Lydia E. PinklhaJn's Vel!ctnblle lldver a ny I' 05011. I l'cfuse to answer Componnd has OOQn the 5UJ~ntu...,l''U I'UUlltff.ll V a ny more C)ucl'; tIons." female ills. No Rick W(Jm.an Ttl 'caplaln rose und began t,Q pace hersclf who Will not try, t'atOoltS n~9ItlllC)ln~ the (loor. Made exclusively from has thousands o,f cures to "Ther1e's on • IUl e thing mord. Mrs. J effri es. and tllen you un go. You Mrs. Pinkham tn',""'~" to write her ....'".~.~ . ~ n belp your 11l1sband by helping us. tbousands to . I wallt to put on more question to Address, MrS. YOU and be careful to answer truth. fully. Did you call ·at these rooms Good 'br ediug Is benevol ence lus t night to see Mr. Undel'wood?" trines, or tb llrer re llce "I!" e xcl:l.imed Annl wl~lI mIngled oursel v s lu I he IIltie .. ~irrn·":"':"jWWM"""'-'t astonls bm nt arid Indignation. ' "Of r ences ot IIfe.-Chathll.I1\. course not." '
\ .-rr..
S p".r' i n cr' a
LOAD AFTER. Practical Fashions T~AIN TRAIN LOAD OF · .
The qu estion of reciprocal trttde relatlo!!s betwe n ilia Unite u Stat s and Cllllllda hn.s provoked COnsi derable cll Bcussl n and In terest. 'Vllatever lao 111 6 di sc ussion may have done, It Imll urol1P;h t out the fact tb at on tbe Can adian sid (- of the lin e the asrl· .ulturr.l S itUlt tiOl1 Is one thu t forc es 1\ [enti u 'l, and it h as als o broligbt forth Ule fnct whicb It Is we ll to fa ce . tbat on tl)(: Am rlcnn s ide of the border, th r Is n vas tly increas in g popula.· ti on to be feu with !l somew bat de· cfP.:J.Sing proportion of food products. Tid !;; ll rticl ' Is Intended to point out to th o ~ <: who may wish to heeom e or t hoso ., ho cu n raise wheat, oats, bar· ley, flux, cattle anu hogs at tbe least cos t that th e opportunities In Ccntrnl Cunada arc wbat th ey nre seeking. During th e pa.st year tbe official fig· ures s how tbat upw ards of 130,000 America ns located In canada, a nd the !;renteat majorIty of these have settled 'lD CarmR, and when the time comes, whIch Il will wltbin a few years, they wl\l be ready to h elp serve their par· ent country with the food stuffs that Its Increasing population will require. rhe Immigration for the spring hIlS now set In In great earnest, and train load after tmln load of a splendid class of settlers leave weekly from Kansn.a City, Omaha., Chicago, De· trolt, St. PUlll and other points. Most of these are des tined through ~o points In Manitoha, Saskatchewan and AI· iJerta. Tho rlUlol'ls that come from the di rrerent farming dIstricts tbere n.re th a.t the &prlng Is openi ng up well, and th prospects for a splendid crop thi s year arc very good. In s ome dis· trlet.s good homes tea.ds are yet nvall· ab le. The pri ce of all farm lands has nnturnlly had a n increase, but It Is stili away below Its earning capacity. The Immigration brancb or tjle Dominion Government has just published Its 1911 mu st rated pamphlet, whleh may be secured 011 appllcatlon to the De· partment of the -Interior, Ottaw~, Canada, or any of tbe agents of the Dominion Government, whose adver· tlsement may appear elsewhere In this paper.
Felt by so many upon the return of warm ~eath~".. is due to the Impure, Impoverished, devitallz~d condition .of the blood which causes that t i red feeiing,and loss of appetite as w 'e lr as the pimples, boils-and other eruptions so commo'n at this season. It is ~ured by the great constitutional remedy
I, bJ Alilloe~ L1t.erAr1 Press.)
D~ e
tb,e spots In the gown sUH looked big there was a '{ast Improvement In the general appearanoe of ' lhe gar· ment, and her hat, d nuded of Itll plume, which she bore In her hand, Was really presentable, whieh effects its wond rIul cures, Dot simply because it. con tains RUrsnpnri!Arthur 100ke4 at her If IIhe w re In but becausc it combines tb utmost remedial values of more t.han twenty a butterfly. Angelica, turlously an· u/(fcrcnt .ingredien[s. 'There is ))0 rcnl substitute for Hoou's SlU'saparill~ gry, and with solied face and gar· If urged to buy {IllY preparation aid to. be ' just as good," you ma.y be I!lIla ments, wus reli eved of the granter POI" it is inferior costs Ie s to mnl{c, . and Yields tllO dealer a larger profit.. lion ot the visible effectll of Thomas • ,refferson While's blunder, and re· Foresta I led. stortld to a Itate. of partial calm, was District Attorney J. F. larke of rather more than charming. ~ e \V York was taJlclng about the reArtbur was humblenesll fleelt as he cent Iddnhplng cases. bo,,'ed her 'out, and Angelica wall "Kidnapers," be sa id, "are apt to gracloullness pcrsonlHed. After wblch I NineliJDel io 1m when tho_ill"uf. disappear now. They have become lIomac:b aDd bowel. are • Arthur lIat down and made an honellt too unpopular. Why, 11 kidnaper Is as effort to ch~ar away the mass of mall CARTER'S lJT11.B unpopular as a widower. . UyER ,PIU.S on WII desk. But lIomehow Angellca'8 "Widows, now, are very attractive, ' face as he had last seen It con linu· IIlnd, hut6rmJ}' For real comfort, withOut too much but about a widower there Is always pel • lazy an... oU81y Intruded Itself be tween his or negligee In tbe general appearance. l'omethlng uncanny, something almost Go ita duly. eyes and his work until. noon arrlv· th ere Is no garment to com paro with clammy-l mean, or course, from the I CureaCoa. lng, he gave up dellpalr and departed the dressing sacQue. matrimonial point of view. etipatioa. for lunch. laclii_ Take. fOI' Instance, the one shown "I know a widower who Is thinking 'rhen he sought out bll friend Mr. here. It Is Quite plain. except [or a tioa. of marrying again. He thought be'd Samuel Hayes, of the Unlv.,n,al Dry group or ' s mall tucks at the should ers Sick broach the matter delicately tbe other lioadache, ud Dlatnu aftwr ......... Cleaning Company. In (ront. It may be closed Quite up morning to his llttle daughteJ', 110 be • s.....n PlII. Small D_ s-a Nae "Sam," said Arthur, depOlltlng his to th e neC k. and a small turnover col· said: glasl upon the mA.hogany, "can you lar used with It, or It may he cut down . Genuine .... bear Signature " 'Ah. roy dear, how I did lov e your clean purple velvet?" 1\ little and t be edge trimmed with D mother!' , Mr. Hayes frowned medltaUvely at band of ribbon or Insertion. "But the IlUle girl gave him Il sus· the bit of twillted lemon pee' at th, .The materials which are suitable plclous look and snapped: bottom of the glass, and finally an· for this garment a re almost endless In " 'Say "do." not "did," papa.''' Iwered confidently : variety. and Include tbe softest sill,s, "Show me anything I can't clean In ca!lhmore. albatross, challis. sateen, "SPOHN'S." the dry goods line and I'll bhiW you and the lovely me rcerized ginghams In Thie ift t he nnme of t he greatcst of nil to a dinner." all delicate s had es and patterns. remedies for Distemper', Pink Eye, "Henves. Arthur was df:lIghted. A,rrange' Tb e pattern (3966) Is cu t In s izes lIud the like nmoll" nil RItt'S of borses. old mflnts were completed on the spot for 32 to 44 Inches bust measure. Me, by Drugltist8, Hnrnes8 MaIlers, 0\' send to reltoring the purple velvet g41wn to dlum size reQ ulreR 2~ yards ot 36 the mnnllfnctUl'crs. '.50 and $1.00 a bottle. Its pristine beauty, and Arthur bast· inch goods. A"enLi "anted. Send for free book. Spohn • Ml'<licnl Co.. Spec. ConlallioU8 DiscllSes, ened back to his. o!pce. To procure thla pattern lIe.nd 10 cents Goshen, Ind. Two hou", later the velvet gown, to "Pa ttern Department," ot this paper. carefully wrapped by Arthur:s own Write mune and ~ddrc88 plalnly, end be Classification. hands, was speeding via lIpeclal 'meso Bure t!> lelve sl~e Bnd number ot pattern. "Sir," said a. little bluste ring man senger' , to the plant. ot the Un~ver~l to a r eligious opponcI)t; ,'~ sny, 8ir. Dry Cleaning Company. ' NO. 3965. SIZE ................. do you kno'w to what. sect I belong?" If . Arthur Imaglped that bls trou· "Well, I don't e.xactly know," was bles ",ere .ovel' he was speedll.v dis· NAME .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.. the answer; "but to judge by your abused of the Ideal. . The expressed make, sbape. and slz'e. I sI10111 (1' 8ay I TOWN ••••••• : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. conlMence8 of bls friend Sam was not Preventing a Dillturbance. ' y.ou belonged to a clasl3 called ~be In· borne out In deed. It proved an ealY STREET AND NO..... ......... .... . ... . Colon I Scotchem 'Was weary. He sect.'.~ tallk to r ebabUll.llte the hat. but the had had a very arduous day retreating STATE .................................... _.. .. 'gown-ab, the ' go.wn! from tile enemy, and he wished to reo LADLES ClAN WEAR SHOES The stains refused to go. even un· I:OUP Ills strength In order Urat be one al"" emn.lIer ...n er uelnlr Allen')! i'oot· 1llIllMl, tbe ADIJ lMIl'tlc r I<l be sboken Into ~bo .boas. h der tho stimulul Offered bls cleane",. might retreat still further on the mor· 1D!lIrC! UIW~powde or n_ shoos relll OB81 . QI't~~ relit Dno Meanwhlle, Mr. Bayes learned to an· row. GIRL'S MIDDY DRESS. colllfurt.. ut-, W ... , ,,. For FRlIllO Irlal athematize his friend Arthur In a "MacPherson," be said to bls new IMWb"", add",.! AllaDS. Ohl18le4. Lo nuT, N.Y, most wbole·souled manner. Arthur, s rvant, "I'm going to snatch forty Chltllome. oli his part. thought evll things of winks' sl ep. Stay in my tent anc,\ "1 onoe proposed to a girl In Mr. Hayes and took a ftendlsh pl~all' see that I'm not disturbed. .. use in exacting the penalty of the Mac saluted. Five minutes laler the conservatory." "With what res ult? .. dinner, when that genUeJDan at Jast snores of . Colonel Scotcbem were cut "A lot ot expensive plants were nlpt confessed himself beaten. . short by the loud report of a gun. Tben begau a campaign among the "Grent Scott I" cried Ule colonel. by frost."-Wasblngton Herald. cleaning establlsllments of the great "Are th e enemy upon us?" city the Ilke ot which was never scen :'Na, dlnnn fret," replIed Mac, In· before. Arthur scarcely ate or Ilept sertlng hlG h ead r eassuringlY through ' Business was neglected. His face bet he t ent flap, "It was only a wee Red llclng th e walts between .the tor Itlln:tm\I:' Came b'aggard. H.III eyes assumed a mousi e. But us I thought ' he mig ht acts will not lighten a. heavy piny. nI ~ ~ ~ , wild, uneurthly light. By day and by wake you up I silot hlm."-Answers. nIght tbe ·gown was upon his JDlnd'when bls thoughts were not ocupled You Can Rely on Reslnol to Do Its by the 'o wner of the gown, whom he Work Quickly and Porfectly. had seeD several Umes, ostensibly Iii A. abe i. termed; will eadun! bravely and patiently regard to the progress be was making Have been troubled with dry Ec· agoniet which a strong mao would give 1\' 8Y under. In the elimination or the spota. 1.Ima for several m,onths, a nd baye The fllct ia women are more patient thao thcy ought As far as Angelica herself was con· t1> be UDder such troubles. ' tried many diffe rent remedies, but I cerned. sbe bad lost Interest In the Every womllD ought to know thot .tie may obtaio' have gotten more r elief nnd better reo fate of the gown, and her attention the moat experienced medical advlco I,.•• 01 Sulls with two appllc.ntions of Reslnol and in aj,o/.tll collfid,nc, Clnd privacy by wriling to became rathe r forcibly centered in Ointment than n.11 other remedJes. tbe Wodd'il Dispeosary Medical As. ooilltion, R. V. Arthur. ' Will gladly recommend it whenever Pieree,· M. D., Pre.ident, Bu.if:lJo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce • Summer .~'n.a passln~ bY.' .Tbe and wherever I can. A. ~Ha.tch. 11. has been ohief consultiog physician of the Invalid.' gown, like 0. frayed and ott-rejected O. ·S., Cleveland, Ohio. Resinol Oint. Hotel and Surgical Inatitut.e . of Buifalo, N. Y., for ' Tbe "Middy" dre. a Is one of those ment. Is for 8aJ~ at all drug 8to~es. manuBcr~\>t. came back from t be -lallt mo.ny yelln add haa had a wider praotical 'cxpcrience of . the dry cleaners, the pile prac· best liked by li ttl e girls imd tbey 1\11 in the treatment of women's diseases 'than any' other physician ill lhiII ~.. tlCally, gone from' It and the results of look well In 'Il I:lla mediciDu are world· famous for" their astahilbia, ,efficacy. ,, He Might kave Earned a Vote .. This model. has . an ,und erwalst. Thoma!! Jelrei'son White's 'mhigulded The .mo.t perfeqt remedy ever deviled . for weak .ad della Little .ToimuJe stood gazing solemn· efforts blggel'_ and black!31' than ever. whICh Is fl Ued by long. dart s In fronl ClGte women i. Dr. Piel:'oo', Favorite .Pc-escription. lyon the ' decrepit form of an old Arthur called at the home of An· To It Is attached ·the skirt. whlcb Is IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. countryman. Noticing the boy's at· sbe an· gell'c.n, bearrng hiB . personal check. for plaited all around and over the wbole . SICK WOMEN WELL Is slipped the blouse, Whlcb comes far tention tbe old mnn asked: "Well, three hundred dollars. . The many and varied lyml'lOma of woman's peculiar ailments 8~ faD." 8I!It' ruminated. EVen to his ex· Bome hours iater be left. The down on th e s kirt and wblch Is flu· what Is It, son 1" iorth in Plain Englilh in tJ,e People 's Medicul Adviser (1008 pogee), • DewIT "Sny," the InquisItive youngster ',Dllrl,mtICQ . . eye 't he gown lIeemed steps which led, up to Angelica's front ished at the nec k by a hand some col· ~Vi5ed 'aad up-to·dllie Edltlon, cloth.bound, will be 8ent on receipt of 31 _ ' 1;!elng unacquaJnted with mil· door may hav~ been In their usual lar. Ins ide this there is n small s hield asl,ed, "did the politiCians kiss you 8eQt ,tamp. to pay OOlt ot wrappi~ IIDd mailinll oftl:1. Address 111 ,Dove. ,ral!rJcs , . he was not so certain place, but as Arthur floated on all'. he with a standing collar. This may be whell you was a baby?"- Success Magazine. r4:spect to' the hat. Obviously, neither saw not needed them. Also, omitt ed If desired. ~ . Thomas Jefferson's fault. It the three hundred-dollar cheti.t reThese dressell CRn i.le made of serge. JF? Important to Mothers 11, bnrnel!ll never Imd to bo repalTea.: . as obvious that as Thomas posed In bll pocketbook. cbevlot, plaid or plain materials, and . Exnmll'/c carefully every boltle ot It all lenlhC.· waH chent> and gooO 'il.".Piiilln received b~t 'el,ht dollars The (allowing day, the stub bear. also of IIneu. duck and heavy glng· CASTORlA, a sate and sure remedy for 1 r horerl! " eve r rnn n IVIlYIt ac~ld enlll " ver happened 't or his more or leas valuable Ing Angelica's name wli.s marked bam. Infants and children. and see that, It . , T.REN The pattern (4735) Is cut In sizes G ,-lI'iVIC6.1' upon whlah be was engaged "Cancelled," and the next following Any hnrne8lt would do for YOIl Dears the ~ cr 'of luppOrtlng a helpmeet dllplayed the name of a wIIlI·known to 14 years. Medium size requires 4% Eve.·ybody would guaralltee tbeft' barriaaw ..~ All bn.Tnesl! would 'glve 8Ullsractlon ~1Oi'd~'~rClaHin2 numerous and hungry jewelry ' ftrm; yards of 27 Inch material, with a yard Slgn.ature of And buyerH would not be dl811JlPolnled. was ae POSsible to deduct Autumn arrived. Thomas Jefferson of lining and of a yard of contrn.at· In Use For Over SO Years. BUT Children Cry ror Fletcher's Castoria Cheap leather 18 nOl Hlrons and _ ..,.. ~'II.",'~IIl,,,uln from bll ' wage. 11,1 to ex- White, resplendent In a new sutt ot Ing fabric 27 Inches wide. ('omel! brlUle; \J uh, nlla blemlsp'e. CAD . , . To procure this ...tten. Bend 10. cent. from 'a turnip. black and distlngul.hed by hil broad filled alld hidden with flllBle ' and beel bill\. the yl.lble representative and happy «nn, opened tbe door for to "I'altern Department." ot this paper. Badly Scared. ]o'ew people can lell t Ie Quality of ~ WrIte n&me and aMre.B ptrunly, and be mlnga when they are new, and mo.ily ra.-would have to do iome- an eDdIes. procesllon at gue.u at An. lIure "Were you born . with that factul'erB an rifle\! quality to get a dMI8p to !fIve 81&0 .i1d number or pattern. eaalelt WJ7 out of the genea'" home. mer?" Slrlce. ' . THEREFORE "No; J acquired tt In trying to pr~ haye been to write out As the harpera atruck up the wed· To bo on the 80.10 slda. huy barneu tbDa' _ pOlle to a rich glrl."-Washlngton Her· 81·Z E ••• : ............. for the . amoUDt' ,wf~hout furth· ,ding march and the bride ;Uded Into NO. 4735. 80ll' 1\8 JlarnellB ehould be BOldHnrnes9 of known value tbn.t 0081' the ~ , ald. But It uDtortUnately ba~ the large drawing room. a unJversal Inl1.1'k of a \'csponRlblo m8nufllct~. e;a4 N AMB ....................................... . tbree bundred dollars was gasp o( astonllhment went up, when have tho "uamntee attaehed lnsuriD&' ~ that they are what tbey ·h,lok to be. T.he proper time to do a thing Is aUrn ',Arthur 'required . to 'it waa d{scovered tha't Instead ot Ulo TOWN ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• a ·E.MeO Harne88 are ellol1when It sbould be done. . purchase price of a new conventlonaJ white sbe wore purpie EYor)' ut.',c""'tully ID.""r.t~d 1\' tho filetor)'. ~ . STREET AND NO...................... . Whloh be had let htll velvet. . "'1'0 !!Old by 11)'" 10",,1 ,If,. lor I\~ IllI,,,rtlIlOO 'pnc- ~ lIullrn.nlced b, hlmllnO b1 "". lie .. 1Il.I.,e' ..... ~ 'dlsposed .to Take Gnrfield Tea to overcomc cOlllltipa· "wllll •.alo ll/tfroc lojllO D1BlIogOOd 11111 d,,1_' ~ 8,."'TI: ...................................... or \Oorkblon . hlp wllbQnt e~I)I)II." to ",.OU. ft. _ tiOD, clellJllIe sy8tem and mniJltain .. benlth. wttbou~ an eftort. From Dicken. After Death. Inark .. Oomo.... '. f"und on 1\1 bo:a lOOpl! ID fl_OO......... 'what- I'll do .... be 8.Il' J1c ..... 'unr ...onoy'ba,·" I r ''''~ .lltl.l\4)(l. U10...... _ InfllnnaIJoD , ",rllO ".oDd .."cnllen yC?Vri\I!AMr'a~ A woman who has a nose for news I)UIIll:f;tcJ~ ..,oilefUIlb'!.· . ' ''It' yOU ' will send ,When 1 was In Austral,a my .father To Clean Glovea. tHE CRAF·MORSBAC" CO:,:"", if'CINCIDAD-· GIlD " .""'WD, I '-"'0 bave' 8n'd I ,uled to correspond . with eacb . A mIxture 0 t tin · d _.t f u· II usually has a chin for ' te1\lng It .v ... 1 e I y power..... . ,,'. other regularly. I remember recel~ng er's earth and alum Is excellent tor Qgo.I,lClII'" wns 'Dot dtsPOied , t~ b his lalt.1o~ter ~o me after I bad heatd cleaning white c1cives. It sbould be • .'. . .,~.. the news .of hie dea~li. In this 'Ietter 'rublied ' hi well. then brushed. off. ana ..' ··wrltten Qnl; three week. before btl hr. de~t.h; ' he ; wrQte: "You will doubtless tlie gloves sprinkled · with dry bran YOU have seen . Iii many o'f ' tbepapera that aD,d whltln@';. ~~ ~!. r -"----:-....,---...~-::--_o....-~ the po~li:t t 'of ';'l1Ing the Qu~en II gotn~ ,to bestow ' all mali. . PlayIng Safe. . One of the' mOllt 'remarkabie proot:s ;I!f long your ' Ufo by he&)tlIY bowe\ n.d.ion. "00' you ever .wben. you ge . t home In the . om-ce when " ."~ ' nel' ,of ,t itlea ~d ~on~r8 upon me" but .unuBual lax 'Uve merit contained In ; Clogged bowelll Invite dI8C8JI!1: Women .. ". . ~ 'you can :' taie It from me ,. persoDaU, ,' . , Dr. Caldwell's SfrUP. Pepsin 18 that It ,&8 , !lbout to pass' fhl) melllltrual period chnnot , re.~~~.lon ,tlld 'a tli~t clUriD~rlsy, ,life 1 shaU Tamaln ~h~ evimini;' tel~ Y~\Jr ,:"I(e of the pret· eftecdvo not only In peOllte In th~ " pflme ~o "better than UI!O !3yTUP PlUlsln aeverlll "~D~rl·lnflUI.i1i,t~lN'I. ,~ ur Wlc .;~ I I self 'at the nd of thl ,) tt ,, ·tt things In ' cot ng you , bave seen ,o.t lI1e. ' b~t at the e)tttemes or a~-,.AiI 'times a. ;week \IntO <tbe sYlltem baa 8e~ _I" ~WU."' .' gaUanDy a¢ro.. 1I •.~ ~Y . e -.. ' . ' e ~r. during the day:Z", many ' letters are J:coe!ve4 fr,o.m .mothers tlM to Its r"tUr.e ' condition. . " de~p tiow ·.'d uD. ,Be ~,lgn~d-~,t~se~rplal\1 Charlt!1 Dicit· . r tell: her about ,the . clothing. .ropi'dlng' tbe eu .... of eb11d~en, as ,~m . Amoa!f. tha:'8(rOnse,t ' wpport'el1l 01 Dr. ' . I..va~ott. . ~na;'Str!I~ ~ennY80n Dickens, in but li 'l t'oll\ her . ot the pretty thlngs men and women of ' alxtY, .' seventy', M ,d "Caldwell'. ' Bir",.,'· ~ep!lln ·are .JI.r~ W. G, elChty year. ot ate. It rnu-t. be trbly, a Zc?1'Il of ' New , pecatur, Ala., ··'and IIr. • Vlllleillee df thoughtfuln.... • n , .. I.aw In ci9thlng 'she'd be jealoua." wOlu1eT(ul luatly",. . .. ~ 8, 8pauldln8' of ~l\e National Bol. peN'8ptlb17~ .Dd it 'D••erv~d Ttl.;';, . . ' In the cure ' at eonltSpatlon aDd J>iiWIII 4tera' Home, .KanlU, bOth elcJerly ' mm. . . ,. I:l"~==l than, .er qlleeD" , A fla~ A.chlevem.nL trouble,ln old people It baa no ""IVol. 'It "fhe ~J4r 1I!I8.{botUea e8n;be ~ulbt ot GiIdPio~ , Uppe~ c1a1!1\ (oJ M . . . . that· . IIhe H01\'~lI..,..He 1•• !~ &etter, . "l"'undCT8~hd Jobson ba. mia4. a correctai the oonatlpallon. c1lq1ell tire hea4. any c1"'~t atr. fttty cent. an4. ono 401- S~,Stllc1eu". "WlI9' ~ an. ache bJlloullnellll, rae. llrowlln.eu .,t,r · tar. b~ 1& free · IUDp1e boiott1e cali be ~ Go' ~ -and te",* ' ,Uul c~ .the 4001'. ' PoweU-He .w lhl. to 'leC Ule yo"';. lP'eat bit .i a dtalD{ltl~ critic." MtJ~"i ' etc. PeOple 841vaneJac In , ~ ·b,. ~ft4lII, Y'!IP" a<I4reU the c1oct~. .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . later 'It wu a cUt· ~e Is . a. ~.,.... feUow auel.. alWQ1 "How did that happen 1" Ihould aee to 'it tlurt their lIOwell. _ _ For the tteiI M,lDpll a4c1Na Dr. ...., B. , . .~ ,- Jler wtUlI?' to ..-)' uae marat pl'tc:e f* ''He wrote a cr1t1cilm wlt1lou~ U1q freel,.. and 'f · the.y do DOt to take Dr. 0aI"..1I. . . · cal4weU ~14IDa'. IIODUOU4weh'. BJntP • .,... ' You OUI II"" - - . 'lU; iOt.~1_d '''''.4 ~ tile word 'CODylDC1Jl&,' If
Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
Make the Liver-' Do its Duty
~~~ The Farmer", SOI~i Ireat.UIIi'ramlt
----_...... DEFIIIICE STIR".
- - - ------
A Poor Weak Woman
=======================:: : =====,-
wu not
, lIorhis T . H!lWke to lI'ronk Zeit , " IF ( H~D TtUS
. .
l1ud Lllura,.T. Zoll, trl10t io WI) 'He . ' '. ' ttlw n bip, $1.' . . .; r Wh (>n" b·r.).h 1m Lineal" .wilil ' hl~d l:ls A. Ht'llhl~,m, I;u ... l1'll3n n I !i vA'1 U ) It lill\. } h , th
, 1\.'
, t, til t~ O" 'Iid B ' O:.ru.htim ; III Ii I I' ~. N,., 1/I)tl\(EI , n ~ lump, lI n ·ti m bQ h IIJ . gpQd VIN L has ~l ' , " '\;\I, [)I I it i u'HI " ('" I.uo(1, · " . l~ ",stoldt hat od-Live r 'H ' I I • '1' t 1, was 1b m ,I'" harles L . Krekl l-IIClne I need cd {or ton t gm . mOil . el' t .. ~l1illm . ' ' WI rr l)V weaken Ii 'e nnition and poor ' Un\.Cl by, lot in prioR b 1'0, l. , (I 11 I lk. . .
ulan t ·
a thousan d
. . :1 CGllllrn ottn.kethcgTen
when O\lr drugO'i~t told
LC(lflt:ll n~dnotonly
but all thc l11ed i inalpro perties of ~d Liv 'r Oil without tht: , " g}'ea e or.ot! or ba tast<j, I ~l~dc r~~t.ii~~:~~ up my nUl1d th at was the medlclOe for me. I tried it and to-day run strong and weI!." MRS. }.
Greensboro, N. C. We guarant .e
above I e
lO,muJu8 00IJlJO! the
We sell VINO L with the understandi ng that if it does not give the purch as 'r perfect sati faction, we r tum his ~oney w~hout qu tion. Will you tty a bottle under these conditions), ,
J. R. JANN EY, Drug gist
Cou nty Courts
(I ,
, .
"The' Made-to-Wear ,Paint" '.
t\1fr ,1 E AX" lUO ' tO Or ph io, t 1 ?'b !l l1gllt,)r. tl lC'lwr ltJT Ill' he UULtltl by, lOG i n ' Fl'IlDlrl1o, $~G ('O, f\ lJ ot !O I nilh'll wh 1I6\OAr. b co uld ." eorg E 'oddiog tou to)J; uj{('n1 U ·\ , 1111 . 1\1< 1) ( hi. fr,il;'I)lL vcr FOR MU LA ON EV ERY PACI~GE E Dell oh t rllot In ::;i~ l oul t IW/Hi II !I .lJ'U bU ll . os. . • - 500 ' , In /I !'',' If ~ _'\ 1l ~ ln l;( lIull It p l e~s ~ Hlil\Ul ot t to ' hul'! ';I • . 11 .)pWII >' ; Does This Mea n' Anyt hing to You ? ' .. , If I hli d thl:! 'lI' I.hut 1 \ ou lll " kill S, lot 10 Hamilt on town s blp, i l Alfred A. Sellrs nnd J ulio. E. tlurs Vh l'lIl J UIIU o f Arc WII >! It little Lu uitl , to J oseph T . MoVey , no nons In I It elpreUeI the maker'. faith iD the product. u tutond , /It Il tl !!, gOI d, B"dll.n towo!\b ip R f: 'b k AI:d E I'IHlCle Wil l! oon qut\'r l!u n~d dis . Labor i. the principle co.t iD paintiug. The material should be the besL W. ll . Sbrn ;)k uull o~e 3, ~ rao I _. to Ilmuel A. E It, . Inllyt'u Hi. 2' II cres IU I B E t d' t 1 I . " Y ' 1I1ot an s nllU\ or ) 001 , YOU CANNOT AFFO D ANY OTHER KIND. Ma III townsh Ip, he bud 01) wall !th I)f IHlllUlll tlu t ; J osepb M. !SttiO v to Willinm H Alc1D wit h berf Lith th o litt le maid CA rmony IlIlll Mury E Ca rm ony " POR SALI! .v ( , , l ' "'1 I w e ut; trn e t, in Wtlyn a to\"DS \1)1 '" ' ')ora MQrglln to Mar y A . Moure , I And freed her h1tu liS sh(1 Cl) nl ll' l Anll OJ lhlcty 6\' l' h uu.rd h el' ~C1 y , 10t in Mt. Boll S, $t. Inu !i sfl ~s, longing , BllIpty wny _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . am..___ ___ ___
'1 '1.
I .
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohi o
~~I~~ners ' . Pro~cdlngL
'· Iflh ~dthIM
1' 1'
___ • ___ ___I!Iii.._-~~ thll~ [ wo~d . " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
B. B Anderson WU a.ppoio tad to Wb e o yonng .rUIIlI'lS \Vutt li-t by tbe PREVE NT THE ONION SMUT fill t h vllcllnoy in tbe b oard of trus NOT SO AT THIS END firo I teal:! of the Orpll lin Asylu m lind And wllloua u the burnin g WO Od, TIle fllogus disellse ' commo nly Ah me I The work of the grand I Ch Idrell' HODle oaused by tbe dellth B o sa w the kot.tltl'~ Ji(l m ount high known n,B ooioo smut beoo mes ex jury 18 over, Vedurvl1Je and .Tsmell- ; of M . W . Enrhar t. er , oadi ngly tr u nblesem e 10 tbe Boll of town, the h ome ot oivlo pride !lod Pln ns II.nd speoifio ations fur n co nO\), rved lIud u ndel'sto
Fune ral DJa:e':tol'.
od ; fitllds IlU whioh ' onions blVe been virtue, have been vmdtoa ted . The I orete culvEort on 1he 1'0l1d wost from ti b ud n o need f II lllbornt Teleph one day or oli.., ol'Y g rowo ollDt,inu cusly for II. numbe r gr md jury has given them a olean Five Point 80hool bouso nmlor Sl1m 'r o phm the' grellt ttlllUl Valley phone No.,9'. J.JUD~ ngine's of yeut;s. The spores of the Qnion bill of bealth a.n d those oel Boughm un's fllnn In Olearor eek plllCIIS Ilre Dis tanoe No. 69-9". glory i Coin mon Pleas Court. mut live for a oonsid erable time in oow legally anyhow , free from booze I townsh Ip were . a pprove d and 01'' He used hi eyeS!lS be oonld, beoome s 10- selling , No more will the good olt- WAVN ESVILL New SuUs E, .• dered po ted. And b e never ooce was heard to Oootra ct .w as tmtered into with IzenB of those ~tJrg8 ' know any of Branch Office, Harve;lIb~. 0. : sllY. '1'be !!mut spores of the disease these termR: B~rbllro MeIer filed SUlt against Wo.lter S. Whit,lc re for n.o,lnor ete Iu 11 hiftless, th rifMo8~, fllti! a r spread by oultiva tors llr Cbarle s 8. DeobllDt . lUI admio lstra_ Ilroh oUlvert at Windso r otber ..:tewy muddle t:ltlltlon 00 Joyous souae wily i implem ents ; fr queot.ly by the wind Lovely sosh tor of the est u.te of John Scbeer . de. the Bntlerv ille and Windso Gilt edged blln r rOl\d 10 "If I had t.his or thllt., I would " fo r sl10rt distano es; on the feet of Fine dId skBte ce~eed, t o reoove r 00 8~ nursing Harlan ~ownship Itt the estlmu t doldov er men and borsBs, and by d()CILyin g Hpiffiiollted f 08 for' sE)rvloes l'endere d to John ,185 84. All ahot to-If you oow wlll ' relld your b\~tories oion refl1se, which is etten used 11.11 Crying jag &ll£er during his natura llif(l. 'PatBil1s- . V. William s, freigbt Stewed 0 ' l' • 1\ f rtilizer .' Tbe Ohio Experi ment Poll 1'10)( G yoor 18 attoru ey for the aDd (h:nyuge, 62 oents i Bu.rrett uted Tanked Bros " ( As I eurnes tly think you shonld ) ttttioo b ~ 8 Ilisoove red IOnd Ilpplled plaintif f, blanks for Probat e JudA e, Pilralvz ed Fu\ler' n Ii go"t 1j5 j The fllct will impres s you more and a s ucce !lful treutm ent or t.lle soli Ploklecl Court Proceed inKS. W. Ei . Anders on Uo., Wilson 's code Peaoho rlmedg e m re wit h a formu}in flo lutioo to preven t t .' , for prosecu ting attorne y, t.6 .50; All lit IIp Load~d 0 to th" guards HOTaL8, DRuoC 'iii8, 'pnl~U8ft, In the lives of the g reat and good, ooioo mut. 'Ibis n the' 088e 1 Frank Brando n, The W e8ternS tar, sllps of.delin quent That they were those wqp never with 1 pond of 40solatio n is made (Jomple tely s~tnrated Corned for fair 0081U M I:R., T~AII." • •, ~ percen t formlll . ' tro8tee v '; ' 'he Morrow Bt~Wil)g ta%'sale' for IlUdito~, '1; AND 'BU. • ...VlC. OAII adverti sing -Xeni a [Iarald b ld baok • debyde (oomm eroitll formltl in) to BY U.INO IT. ADV ...nIlNQ GOw....a , oompa ny, the . master ootnwl sslon Rlldy fa.rm for sale, 113 50 i mer For cl rcuml4tllno o r materia l hiok- fro m ~5 t,o 33 gallons of w(l,~er. For Woman oan'; :x~ot ~o wake :Albert Andersot;l flies hi replId ohancli8e ro r prodeo utlng SAMPLE CO~y 'REE attorne y, But Ilrose a.nd did whitt t.hey oould o lt! infeote u fields it is well t Ilse muoh progre!!s while 8he we"rs t,b e Add..... HIW YOItK CUPP•• whlob it! approv ed , 'fhe bond is Ie- '12 ; bar d oo kets and r i'l ltionery f9r .And never Ii oUe wa& heard to the more I).)~ceutrated solutio " ' . ,. . . . . . . . , . n hobble skirt, quoad to 1750. _y I> clerk, '64.75; J . t:i, Morri~, suppUe s say T his is I,~pplied b es t with a drip at In t.h e ooee of . David'" Wnlker \>s. '~4. 95; Oolum bus Blank Book 00. In tbe we4lrJ tlurr<'n deriog, doubt tllohule ot to the e"d cl.::itl, M, ~ol1 et al,. the ootitt ov erruled .upplie s, 1485 ; C. W. und ~t Uogles by, tng. wil y: t he rate of 120 to 150 gtilloQS 9f the 'be dem.~lrrer of tb~ pl.llinttff . buril11 of Jllmes IhoWD, '75 j " 'If I had this or thn.t, I would . " ollltio~ , per Oonrt orders that ma~ter of ,vlllt~_ Wileon Unillee by, C. acre lor fi~ld onions, ~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!"!!!!!!'!!'!"!!!!!'!~~~~"'!!!!!!! .harial of Jo lab !'!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!~!!;~!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!~ -Stella . Perz:y, 10 I::!t Nioh~1111f ~nd from 600 t l ' 700 gallont! tty of tbe wll) Of the late Robert, And'6~son, '75 i W , for ooion C. Turto1.l, poa l. • - • ets. ~ook ~ deteJ'~,ined by " .jury in the 128.9~ j Frank J Brown, prem ium AUTOMATIC 'PHON ES ! home. milde Ilttlloh ments IBay be cRae?t Martba Dc.Jlert;y y~ . ..)obn' on 'insuran oe, $107 84; Valley Tel roade from empty syrup oaDS in ' 'Malor;' exec,u tbr., "', phone 00, r ents and 'tolls, $"3 7{) ; Autom atio telepb~n~ with Wire verted using II. pSrfora t'ed fuhber Proper ty Wl\~ . order~ t\~ld at Sam D. Bimkle , fees and expens es, nnder grollnd Bre tbe drellms of the stoppe r in the outlet, conneo ted by ' ehcrU! 'a sale I~ toe oase of ~lllia~ '13370 ; T . 0, Pat~elson, expen le, Va.lley i'elepho ne compan y, whioh Imitt~bl e rubber tubes with, a dr"wQ ./ J. Bolang er vs. ~mbot T, Davis" tl0 so. . are abqut to be r ea.lIzed. · ~ new gillstt tube point at the end ·of __ .__ •• . Probate Court. •- • hom'e may be el ected on the prop~r- Tbts 1'0 bber tnbe will req ulre a pinoh Sav~ His Motber ~s ,Life ty now ocoupie d by nhe telepho ne oook to s bat off the flow Attorney~-at-,Law and the I "Four do.otors bad given me up," exollllnge u.nd reoentl y purcha sed by p oiut will need '0 be set ~o tb'a t ' tbe , writes Mrs. Lllura (:/aines, of .A:vooa, tbe compau y. a' a bond of '200." solutio n falls with tbe t!eed be fort> La, "and my ohlldre n Bnd olhny M.ant\ger ·W. G. Tbomp son is the The wlll of the JIl~ ' Martha A friends wl3re looking ' for me . . to die, . ' . the ' earth oove.rs 1t over. Tbe ,. ' .'" . . when mJ' ou insiste d that I use &llt~or 1ty for tbe plonne d 1mprov e profits from smllt treatm ent whercl pun bam, deoease d woe prod~oed in lI:1e'ctria Bitters I did 80 and they merits. ' Be stll tes tl:u"t it . ' ooor ' t f ' , . 'b is beoom . . ' . . , or tiro at~. . ":;.< . ' , , bave done ' ine ' a world Th~ undersiJlned ha~e tormed il ~partne~ , Qf g(,od . I in ~ to be 11 erl nus problem to em- I.\ony d\sease . ' exult8 ' 111'e \'ery i grEntt Eva Jlitne Polliok flleQ due proof wiil alWu.Y8 praise then)," Ei'.!ctrlo ploy hello 'g irls th t Dore efIiOlent. I~ d .f or thl& reltl$on ship for tbe general practise of law ' under the firm ' t~e Expel' men . tmeDta , of pnbUo atlon of ,her, !lPpom iai bl.e~, EI i ng t,0 s 'Bittera. pr i oe ~ss The StatIOn work name I reoomm of beoomi Wright 6: Thompson, with offices in the ends n so It mOl!t strenuo strong us admIDidratiU:ofthee8~a",ofOhrlS women tronble d with . . g ood ' b " . b ','. " d . b' d . , - diziy epellil. backQ(lhe,falntlO f Jy .-Expe rlment Stu.tlOn, Wooste r. Wright -Mong er Bulldfng, lebanon, Ohio. ~ h eadllohe, at t e sWIt.oh oar s 10 t III ay 0 , • _ ..._ __ topher Pollook , d~eas8d: , we'a kness, . debilUy . cOMtipt1tiou or hurrya ncl hustle, that Any busines s entrusted to our care' will glrl~, wh,o For Slxt~en Yea,. , Charle.e.':Mld~leto~. flIed due p r 9 0 f Jridney disorde rs. ,Use .tham and reallyd osirt\,to bold <lown th& Jobs receive pro~pt attentio n. Dr. BolI'lt Pio e-Tar Booey hilS of pu.~lt~ttoil of his ~ppointment a. gain ~ew bealth, IItr~Qgt l\ and vigor ollnnot , rj~he IIUt lmatlo IIYRtem hlu! b ben used by million s of , admini strator at the ,e!lta.te of .Estle The~ re o ~uada~e!t ~o people with :~tiSfY ~j pro VAn u \l00 ' 8S In surrou nding porfeot satisfao tion .. For ~'Dell deceaie d. , · :ough", ,' mone~ rtl UD e . ' ny , 0 a~" oiti nd ~ Icl' be II. flue 'thing for Uoldt', Astbmll. io fl~ot aU throat . ""1 , R.nd . ell a, w . , ~uveutory an~ a{l):>raI8f!me~t , of drnggls~s. " • - • s. ~banoD , It <'l oes away with 0Per~. bronch isl trouble • _ ••_ __ , the ~88tate of Ellen Dakin, deoealled, " A SJI\:\P~E SONG tors exoept for the long dlstl\n08 A R8ASON FOR BEINO were . mid. by E4mtlD d Retallt ok, PROUD , servioe . ' JI ' &dlPtD1 , harmol I ,k now Will etra&or. f.i.b J': lIlit F I ' '. " that the Apollo swept )Y from lyre that the8Qoh If; .has b •• t.he intenti on .of the The elght- y;;tMs OQ of Balti- .. " 0 , e a~e,. waa . gods were •• .ol1arme . d aod 1i9 oompa , -A-Itt ed t ' b t _ ' M rons th 'B" teDlng t h e . ny to bllild 0. new,. L.brtllc1lng more physio.ian W08 playing In bis . 1 , , 0 Pfo · a'\ e. t i I . t ar . & ' hIm . deUy of' .song on theIr new proper ty 011 Mulber ~ons ;was appo. n e exeen r x a aD, d. world 6001l11m ry flLt,ber' s offioe wit.h a. friend during ~ . . street and this may be done~. n the the o,bsenc e of the lalah aolli~gshead, Edwin R. Wood l .kn.ow th(\t Orpheu s with mllJtio near. fn~ure I\S larger quarte rs Ilre sndden ly the first. dootor when hLd tbr~w open a~d W. O. Sparks , apprais ers. stram led r~oksand treesBn~ bel\sts even 'now a 'neoess ity,-W estern 11 010"1:l~ d(jor and ' disolos ed to the ,The invent ory and al?prai sement ~o follow hIm and so enthra. lled the l:ital . , . the , angels gazed " ot .th~ estate 'of J . .M. Jsokso n,' de underw orld. that • _ • rrlfled g"ze of hts h ~tle friend an ' oea8ed were filed by Elbur .laokso n f;hereou WIth "l'tioui llted skeleto o ' 1 envy. I koow tJ1at TO PREVE NT OILV S~IN , ' strator with the will annexe d, T'1mot . . . . '. admtn'l · 'h ells ~l1t . h . won rl rous me I0 d y W hen the VISitor bRd sufIlo1ently subdlle d the riotous Alexan der, When ooe '8 I:Ikln is oilr nottry l' oovere d from bis shook to stand Marrlap Licenses. . awoke within hl8 haught y BOlli emo. to conoeal it by exo88s ivedo Ilse of the announ oemen t, the dootBr' a son Georre Gates, 36, saw mill em, tions high as heaven and low ashen powder . It mlLices the fl10e past.v expluin ed that his father WIIS ex pI aye of . FranttU n and M.rs. Mary anlli with skillfu l ohang~ of, ohord and ologs the pores. tromely proud of tbat skeleto n. McOlel land, 38, of Fra,n,~J1n, both ~1Sp ~. )aoed ~pon. t h e ~on.\ro h 8 I IPS .....r '"h e are TI),(IOUS . d r YI'Qg loti on s "Is he?"as ked thd other : Why?" colored . Rev . D. Seymo ur was a sigh .: f PIty WIth a. ourse ot hllte. 'that are pxcelle nt (or tbls ooodHi on. "1 don't linoW," was the answer i named to 'ver~or~ the oeremo ny. I know tblLt Davhl drew from hh. WiplDg off t.he fll.o~ with pitre aloo "muyb e it WI1S hiS firstpa tieat ."eu~rano iug har!! aoonoo rd tbat dis- hoI hIlS 0. drying effeot 00 the skin ,Real Estate Tr.lDsfel's. 's Magazi ne, , IBal'par ' " pelled thl' gloom about tile brow of VlI.ri JUS good lotions. are _ ••_ _:Sll d for Georre E. Day', and Allie Day to 8aul aud flooded Isro-el's palaoe!! this purpose. bllt 9. tea8poo oful of For tetter, ringwo rm, . eozema . Otba E. ttams, 51 acre8 iu Harlan ''With tlie l!1ugbt er of lUusio tlnd t,he bo ax in a basin of witter is excelle nt runoiog -· soreEi and all s'kin dlseos e8'1 town8h ip, 11. joy o&' song. Ikn )W , that , when If YQu feltr p'llre bOl'lLX try this Dr . Be ll's ' Antisep tic I::ialve is' guar. Louisa D: Roblns on to Margar et' Cecehu. sll'ng u.ngela were faoin!l.t , .'.-i ed lotioo : Ooe tlLblespoou :ul of pow o,uteed to givti (mtisfa otion or you , B. ~hinso'n, traot in Frtlnkl ln town . and men eoraptu red. I get your money 25u everyknow tha.t dered borax, two table poonfll is of where. . shll,>, ~6568.Bo. , . . Eleano r 's , trou bl\doul's Ilt A ntiooh glyceri n Ilod IIf otimph or - . . . . .-~' = ___ bEiwitOhed t.he Syria Ilir with the wu.t.er . Dip a asOltqnlLrt GLOVE FACTORV IS OPEN Iioen in this and J\Udnlght In tbe Ozarks , . ballt1ds of tbe South Itni) lighten ed mop t,he ff\ca several tlmet\ a d ,~y . Tbe"Pd 8'r leas move oo~pAny hus And y~t slaeple ss' Hirum ornntoD, of the ~orrors of the SeO?ud Orusad e. D~. n~qt~iu8 .ke the' Dlis~air e 'or using opeD~d jis faotqry ill, the P i triet ClaY.O ity ;)111:,. oougb~ d Ilnd oouqlJEId I kno\~ tll ll~ PnleAtrlUll, ,H ILnllel, ~Pirlt~. of ~ILOlVhol', w.ht~h is diluted Dulldin g on ~nlber ry Iftre.e t ond is Be '\val\.in the mounta ins ou the ud Moz rt, BcethoVIn! and tbe rest ha.ve ,1 0 o.loqbt)lo.nd ~nuo~ tronge~.. Ol1m, no ,~ 'going full lllll.a~. Six s.ew,i vic~ of five doctors , who found he h~~ 'v1l.8tiy elevnt~d ,.tnAn .wlt.h 8ymph on phor w~ter 19 mllde by lettmg two m!lohin es 'opord ed " 0 nllpwp,~Oo, Q~t ,fqubd no help lp ies·Yiub by eleotrio molime. But lknow tha~ 8.11 of . our,es of gum ~mphor st~nd olimate , - Ill;ld , atarted bODle. in t .i k t'i ' 1;1 h '. " ' ," ' . , 5' 1 " f 0 ' Uf , N w t H ' . ' T I 0,'8 ~re, . ep ~ op~~s , on r y :younr these,o omblne d by II. master g~eat .~o.te~}or , tw Il,t y four h~llrlt;. ~rngo " r. ~,ng8 e SOOV ' b lIe h lady. employ h' }, ee ' ·and' . Rome 1" floe canvas 1 -ery,' h~ bllgan 'to ~u!e it \ f " believe e,r tan, t 088 w . c;> ·~.ne bJ.. d ' tedl b ' t ' '. ... , , ' l\8,yet IlIDp c~u " " U, e rA))e~ y a,,} s · gloves "/lre ' belog, in&nuf"o~ureii. A. 1', 8aved m¥ 11te/" hR write£! "for It into one , ~or@ eq.us',- 'rl\aPsod:y, Ived oon. Bi~e ,ill ht~le deorel\'~ed . .. IIaady ,u(arke t is' J;let.ntr found for the bJa(l~ a: ..Dew. ~ap ~f nlf~, BO t~u.t I ' equlll t;1ot tn,e toboh1u gJ oa~eno8 a,tid' ,.'\ O&D now do good WOtj[ agsin. " For .• - • '. ij)utput '. whiob itt, 8eve'r,,1 . hODdred th i 1 . t f 'OOR " So, ' \ A ' "I . 'difj .. " h "', 00 id , ; . . , .... . a 11 ,. ul;I$, . yo ome, Wee~ ells.~(I,, .,,?01lg, ' a, H'f.e s m~ , " e. ma.J~8 I I , '. p)rii's a w~lt: .IUss. •.nooks the eu. _ ( '. . '. ., .. 1~lp~,"8th1D~. 'oroup. 'V,boop lng .: • " .. ., ome. ;' .• _ . . . . Eve':"W hen !V 8 lel1~e ES1eo' we .tf)rpd~,ln~·:~~na~er' qf the Uireot , ~agb, ~ay ,fever , ~emorr,hoQ'e8, read of II. ma n ~ho 'l3lo~ed ougb~ : to" carry away, Bome ' uoareen eea or <1oln y. it!' tlie best . We 8.11U' Coa.~oQtJJP(ton1 ,la.' ~be head, of.the . . " , kDbWn ~8Iiledy .. ' Prloe 5"00 and '1000' wn~ his mother -in law. ~ll~'sl . . , . , , .. .. ' 0 oe n A; bribht futore '18 loom ln ".enh·.. . _.' .~ .~ :r ' .. ,..~ l , ' 'rrtal " tiPUle,"free: . Uual'&Qteed' . . • heroio metl10ll '.of gellins .~ her ' to Adam"7~Q\V' ,!9~d it ,do to hav,~ Ilb,~~.p . tor : ~t. 1~!1U,8ttr-- Weate m III ilta.....1 , leave, .. . . ., , _.., ·cthe-ID .ke 8'U1f~?.. " . . . 8tuo ' , .
,A PItO.,
~: ~:;:::~:.~~~~::;~::.~,,~.:.~~ ~.:o~:.~o: :.~.:_~.~: :~:.~::~:::~::;.~~t.::~:;~:r:;.~:::::~~t~::::~:~~:~:~:~;.~.~'?::~.:~~~,~~~':::~:::~:~f:::~:~r.t~~,l~~~{~'
1I"""'.---------!IIIIIiII.--........... .• -~
R em em be r
backo .- .
Ir ~,
Wh en you wan t gbOcl, p~l~t ing neatly 'done and :quic}tly: executed, that .the .
.PuJJUehed. W kJy ' ut \ ' l'aynOl\,jUe. ()/<' I· I Ol~
D .. L ,
CItANE, Edito r
-------._-..,.... ----
A fri end
AI~\ I ' • :rR J1lET
and ProIn ·Ohio.
and Milnager
Rat('s. of Subscription Year (stl'lcLly In ndvun 0) .. . .... . 11.00 Slugl OOlly .. . .... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . , 06
Rates of Advertising HeRdhlg i.ocnlll. POr IIno . 6c Reading 1..0':1118. blucl( fl\('~"~; 'Ii~~ : : : : lO.c 100000Illed AdH. 1I0t I tll(ceod l"h-o lIues Tll.roo luscrtloDs . 21k: Ollltuarlee. IIvo Inches t~';' ~~~; · ti~.~ .. Inches. \lIlr Uno •. OIU'd of thBUks. . . .... .. . . .. . U I . . ..... .. . ... ... ..... . IlIIO utlous ... . . ... . . ... .........• " . Soclal8 etc. where chBrgo Is maue ...... . DIsplay Advertlslug per Inch .... . .. . . , . Dl1Icounrli given ou cOllLrt1ct. APRIL 26. 1911.
WhEln prosperity strikes yoo , rou . ure very hk ely to feel thut the world is grOWing better.
.. .....
Tbere 1M no ml.l.o- so oolor blind *ha~ he oan't reoognize the 100 II green -------.~~. ~.~-----
Tell Your Nelehbors When In nlled of a ooogh medi. OlOe nse Dr. Ball'e l'ioe-'far-Bonev . It i8 the best. Look for the bell on the Bottle.
.- .
t:Je who take8 thlogs too ellsy 'ometlmes gets arrested for a plok pooket. -~-
Don 'tl Ket to traveling 110 fll8t that. yoo can' ee your oredltors as yoo pa8S by . .
The wao wbo get .. ahead in the world ie the one who makes hay wbether tho son I!hln~s or not .
...or8klnDI. . . . . . Dr. Bell'8 AD tll!ep'io t:!al ve il the best-It ' is .. oreumy 8n~w whitt' olbtment plea8ant to Q8e and .every box is guaranteed ' Prioe ·2ISo. J\t all delAlerli.
-----_e . __ . •..,..----
Tbe good die youog they BaY-lind , tbere 'are a lot of 1i8 'hat 8re no - longer apri.og ohloltena . .
. . ' tIdb8
aU rigbS-bol . . th y are never~b~le.. poor edooation.liD8~itDtion8 for tb' yooth of the oity .
------~.~... .
Every Bottle" CWlranteed . Every bottle ' of Dr: Bell', Pioe Tllr Boney is goarllotRed to . Rive 8atla'a.o~ton tn all ~"ro.' and bron. ohlal tronbl~8 . • ______ ~ ' ~e
6Xpeo~ yoo to cadt bread OP)(1 tb~ w~"'. ooles8
The L.ord does not
tl oompos
wblob w ould rgiv tu ~ e \Hjl)nRofthe'\U vau16Tllt · tu re ot j 4 EILllte r feaR t ,' " 1'h 0 f"lIuwil) ~ J v l' rh y ml M ar add.1 rhe.v ~ h o u l. l b tl tfl u g bl in the. prt m nry 8011 1)0111 :
Hid<site Friends Churea..
- -----
, u ' elsewhere ' i. a "elT a1lnD11"tlIC8IU Welle are and then water drllle4 to poUJ'ecl In Th1.B dlssolvel the ..It' 'Illd the I. then pumped to the .urface evaporated. This may be dOM 10llg rectanl11lar troul'h. or 't n, oval n ...ia made of at..l ud as vaouum pan.. (n tlMse Ute erto prellute ia red1lCed by aDd" the bolUng An offiolal report estImates the polat of the lowered, thus dl~omber of Para robber trees onde r Dllnlahln&' tH Salt la about 0 .. 11 aecenlt,. or oaltivlltton in C~ob in Vhlna ~ ov ... r lit. obWal. rockl that bas 1,000,000, of ~biob ab.Jut [jOO,~OO are DOt DOtaIll:r durlna Ute being rapped. Present plan. oo n past 16 . J'eara. laave ~en template 'tbe planting of 4.000,000 macle to .'I orm but wltbout additional ~l'~es as 8008 as the w ork II(CCMa. TbJ .....~... - ... ,- clue to the . Inexhauatible al1d the e .. e or otln be done -------4.-_.... ____ s8curlq, It. AN OLD DRUM CORPS Ohio ranka .alt production. beln&' lurpassed Ne~ York and Michtaa .. . ' 'Xenia now oontains the oldeRt· olvil war dram corps, in point of continuou8 service, in the United t'Ctlll{,"I1. Its number and per80nnel are j08t. th6n~llrpe oow, aslthey were when It· entered the servioe about 50 years 8g0. The members are: Thomas B. Jobe, fifer; Bort Bop.. kinR, snare drooomer; William B~ffD3r, basS drummer. ~-
A. MAFFli,
Silent Wlreleaa Now. r'~ 1 Men wong the water front ha~e bad ~Jv.flies ! SaVe Mooey and Keep~ in a chance to see an unu8!lal torm 01 Styl b R d' M 1"_11' i wireless apparatus. T.bis outllt. wltb . . e y ea mg C\AII • three seta of ante.n oae Instead ot the Magazine and Using ,McCaIl Patterns ; usual two. Is aboard the UnIted States TA'iJ f.s~~::'. Md:. U·1 M .... I .. will cable boat Joseph Henry. C ,- ~, v" le N T Ike. M~CALI.'S MK.AZ11if 11,,10 you dross 81)' 1I. hl y 01 bya keep wollerIntog The Henry bas on board Immenae Anyone londl"a n ,. " ,.,. ""'1 tI , 'rri lll,n" "'., oxpouso Qulcldr nscc rw i ll 011 ' ,IPI . IU.I, I ff,. "llut h or All rolls of steel covered cable to be laId Il.YOllllou II »f/l"nllly l' .~ . II, llllI ,'0111 " 11111 ."" )")11 PO St d on L '110 tlOItrI.trtcUr cn"Udcn, I." liAHIWOII( OIlPnI OUr. Ini ·t fn Sh I 0 n J! In between the valllous harbor fom. The ,oP!~~~ ~~e~: ~f,~'I:';~I:"~I~;:"::· l7I'u~lf':;~'~·'" ('IOIlIns uml bilUi. liC , wlreless ' of the Henry Is of a variety -elai notlu, "'I.lr ou~cl,n rao. ill l , 0 . Now FlUlbloo Dtl8I~111 ·... Itl encb Issue. .A Iso recently adopted, In w h Ich three lI,eta ~ 711mf)'\'-I~~ne Vlllullblo InronnBLlooof antennae are used. the third set be\1" \. J C , \... 011 nil bomo aod pe1A hllndsomel, 1II11.lrnlNI .. ~"ltl) J.nrpre. clrsou ..1 maners. Oul)In~ placed about midway on the 'malnculnllQII o f ,,01I NO•• LlII • I"'" 11,11 '1·or", • • .,3 . 60c a year. Inl;ludlnll mast. . Thts form ot wireless Is.o armnr: f Ollr m Olllt, • • SV.! lry,. tl o ... ,letl lll.. R frec paLlern. Sub. ranged that the . usual n'olsy crackling &·CO. 3G1DroDdw:lJ, I.....ii.... iiii~ii-_iii....iii-iiiii....... scrlh loday ti1 loud 1 • for frQO SlImplo copy. sound la abient, and the pnly sounds to Branch OmOD. 62S II' At.. Wa'''' gl(.... McC•.UP.tIo... will I1llbhlYOU10 moke In ,yp"r be beard while the apparatus II workown homo. with YOurowu houds. CloLhlbg fo\' In, are tho Be that come tram the con-, ;, yourselr !lnd <:blldron whIc h wl\l be wrfec' In Rlylo nnd ilL. frlcn-nono hlgbor lIian 16 densor, and receiver. so t.bat the rna. "OUlS. Reud for froo Pntloru Olltl\loillIO. chlne la practically nolseles •.-B08toD it. • . ATH A W A '\' w. Will CI.. Yoa Flao Pn_b for ROLLIng subGI b sorlpllons nmotllll'OUr frl nda. Sond forfroe a e. I'rumilltn Cllllllol!u Rnd eMb Prlzo OlTllr. • - • vVn.Y!lesville'8 Leu.din~ DeD&ia1 . THEMcCIUCOMPAHY,239toZ49Wat37.sa.,lIEWrORl Send as 11 for the Gl1zette t oday. Office in Keys Bldg. Ma.l.n S" L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ c
SM&nll.-f UNN
I D. H E H
·- .
Moore's Marvelous Range Actually Teaches Cooking
.... . "
We guo rail tee !:Iut-herland's E'Lgle Eye Salve t'l ourt: oommon 80re eyes In 24 to:l6 bOO f S. ThIll 88t'm8 "trangs, bot it Is ' buoked by onr goar'lntae. You ran no risk and it only COllts 250.
went u an Conetre lhe result of typhus germs: bell will b' cranted Bbnnce, bellnl1lni ~.----A Duluth olergYlDllQ says riwdern proceedll1' to AlrlllllU6 while to .IIllllrolDesm nun.' ·''''''. "man js aD improvement noon Adu.m Old Adam must hllve been" mookey aure eooogb I e •__e -----,
~eVfr, Out of Work
i rSl
lbe mltn who o&n hlind out· taffy '
tt~ld maka it st:lok u 8ually ,.nlll! biil viotim lBuob ' qt)iok~r than ~h\) log! .
You wl)uld hllrdly pxpeot a deaf mate ~o bf) t,he happiest persoo ou earth, but yoo never wasted any time yet listening to one telling abon'. hiB troubJlls
Women as doctors IB not. a Paris cont mp0l'l\ry observes, a product ot modern "temlnlsme." It seems that In An ounce of Prevention is tAlwavs hem ir, keep th \1 the eighteenth century there was a ·Iady student at Flore nce. Sh e cam e J ~Vt~~~:. pou nd ~g~l~~e. read y tram Malta. under the patronllge ot the Kni ghts at the Malta. The ndml n lst ra lor of the Majeur hospl Lal Prepared from Pure Native Herb , th<,y CIl'u n ,, · th System and W Il S .Born what em barrassed. with hi s Pu rify the Blood a nd thus PREVENT Sh RlO U SICKNESS. l1 ew pupil. but he found a m eans out of the dUIlculty·. The chief or the Order ot t h o KnIghts of M.a.lta in introdUCing hIs WAYNESVILLE CHURCHE.I;;. Or. B ell's An i: i 3eptjc~alvfo lady protege ,to t.be Profelilson of th e Good for 1111 Skin DiseasFlorence 8chool ot Mediolne wrote : St, Augustine's Catholic ChurCh " It lleems to me that the matte r (" "Iher Georgc M Ul'cnbocf r. P aHLOr could ~e arr8.Dl'ed without any great e v~ r y t\l!co nu fi ulIl.h. \" u f I \.Ie 11.." .. \11 ~ inconvenience it the youn&, Iady were \I :OMUIl'S EB /\ RNHAI~T" tl . Ill . boarded during the period she W it S sludy ln g Ilt your medioal school with Public St. Mary's Episcopal ChurC"ll. the nuns In a neighboring convent, fOI" He v . •1. Lit , 'utl walJatl r . Heel. J All ki li (J.~ qf N 'rolln' W o' k whlcb we ..... ould pay five crowns a ua y ·lIhool. IJ ::\U II, Ul MI.'rI. II'1l SCI week. In regard to her lnstructlon \·I e·.un10 "V nr l; u 'rw l'lulr,v :ao [I , m. 1I 0ly COIlHIl UOI<l1l thu UrI" she sbould assist in operations at the SU IlUU}' uf c a h Il.ollth . women's hosplW. notAbly those p .r· tormed by ProfeallOr Mannon!. H o Methodist Episcopal Churea . should also ~ve her lIome prlvale I s· nov. n. w. Bulloy. PustOI aons at the convent. tor It appenn to SU Or.\ILY chol)l. n: l 5 iI . - IU . Mor nll l~ ~ ,':r \·I~c . ) (I :i10 a . m . E pwo rth LCIIKue. 7 : 011 p ' me that she should not be present In Ill . !::\'cnln g- ke n ·lcc. ';' : 011 IJ. m . Mltlw,!,'1 classes with you ng men." Pr trc r t48e Lln.;, 7 p. lU . The council of the hospital. belnl; w II disposed to the Knights, adopt d Christian Church. he su ggestion. More than a century nev. L . O. 'l'hompson, I'nsto. Blblo SCbool. 9: 30 B. ID. eoclal mooti ng elapsed before nnother lacly was en· (0 : 80 B. ID. hrlstluu EndoBvor. 7: 00 p. m rolled In the schools ot Florenc . Sh e Sormon by pllator ovory alternute SUUdBY ,., was a Russian and was admitted to lo:au 0.. tn. and 7:30 p . m. the schools of Santa Marla Nuova.·
voo have suffioient to latl8fy your hanger l1ot\1 its ~(\t. ~rn .
0111 per80 •• dIlT .
Li!v~!.!!~o~.!!!!~~!h~ .~de!!~UL~e~!~~~~~S I
In tho Eighteent h Century There Waa a Lady Student at HOlpltal In
lIay Meetln ll'. 1/ : 00 B. m . IrlrKL DOl ' 1)1.001. 11 : 0(1 a. m, l~ nunh Day Met'Llnll Appreciated the "Poale." 10 :00 a. m , A pathetic lncldent occurred In the ..... Waifs' school In ~lttsbu l'g , Olle at th e Orthodox Friends Churelll . WITH WHOLE DAM FAMILY teachers brougbt a beautifu l red rose Mrs. Elizabeth Lnrkln. P II.8(,()r to school, which. holding up betor _ . 'nbbntb chaol. 9 :3u a w . HC l;ular cburch The whole Dam family OBw e to the scholars. sbe asked, "Now, chll- 6 n "loe. 10 ' ''0 .. . lll . .br'61Ian Eodell\'or Dr. Bell's Pine w ' , .... f" ••• ',one} 7 ::i 0 p _ New York yeaterdlty . There were dren. h~.w m? n y of you know wha t ¥or Coughs on.1 Colds. 13 of them inoluding FI~ther Dam this Is? Nearly every little one , ' I ShOO\( his hend. to Indicate Ignorance. and Moth er Dam lind Brotber Dum One small boy and a couple of little and Hister Da m, n ot to bpel1k of girls pip d out. with great Im~'ort. Baby Dam and tbe Dum toy dog. aoce, "It's a posle, please. ma·am ." Good for" Nothing but the E.yes Moreover, they all Qume ftom R nt But no one had e ve r heard of a rose. Undertaker and Embalmer, , Most of the ch ildren had never seen terdllm, on the ~team!!hlp Ryodllm . one betore. The teacber put It In a Will be fonnd 10 tltA PIO Con plooou in the family are two glass Qr water to preserve It, and Bnnk BuUding . OPP08'fot,. 8 tel of Dam t.wins . l'be proud when school was dismIssed each chil d the NtLtional &nk father Is John D~t;D, 45 yt"ars old was rendered supremely bll ssrul by 1 Waynesville, Ohiu. Telephone in hoU!1U and Of· B e i8 a farmer from 1'1 ieur BeYM the gift at a tiny petal. As they flIed fioe where ] oa.n be callAd . out or the door, each little walt Main Stred day or nigbt. land, Bolland, and b e Is gOlDS to clutched his treasure tightly In his VaUey Phone 153 Valley Phone 14-2. P ella.-, Iowa . small hand. while be murmured softly • - e \ to himself the name. "Pltty wose, pitMain Street, Wayne8vill.,. Ohio A MILLION RUBBER TREES ty wose." .
----_. -
this corner or state might .upt,he entire oountry
I\. rby~n.e
WRS high of 011 and gas in , Ohio about 25 years s were sun l! In eve ry On e at Newburg, Wh e u MIll'l'h t h e twenty . firs t ill pu " t, tounet Bome colorless .IORI, wa tch th e .. 1i ve ry Ul .) O U, hat proved to be rock Anc1 wll ull y ou IWtl it fallltt1t1 r o und, later a salt furnace This plant wall later Know Ell/It,ll!" 11 IJ b tH' O Oli n, two larle ODes bave In the city of OIeve- After tb e m o n lIaB rel10h tld its f u ll have boon constructed Th n Elster will bo here and at Wadsworth. rh e ve ry l uud l\Y afte r, and Rittman. Wayue Iu tluoh II nd e very y elll' of these the Indultry salt· and not brlnell, And If ii, hap on Sund u y Ohio. 'rhe Ul oon should reltoh its height, Tl\e The !;undl~y following thi R e ve nt consist Wtll be the Eflster brieht . layers. -Bo ~ton TraDsorlpt. 30 yeltrs ago . 100 teet lUlKneS8 bedded In -------. .--~.------known In If yoo hnv orA e yes of IIny kind (Ltion. Tbe ose Sutherland 's Eng l EYA l:\alve . underlaIn It is good for nol hln~ btu (be e y ~ . IlOt been IUII.t,.Plnt,,.,,, It i8 pulnleBs Itnd hurmleBs, and i tends as pO!:1i tiv ely t.he beRt . If you do 't Bay 80 we will refund yn n!' mon ey Try it Ilnd thAD t ell yo ur "leigbbor Sold everywhere . 250 (l t.ube.
- ..------
in ~
f the Tr~n~oript, "E .. M .
B .,", .wrltAS , hI WR S tlt'trttoted by th('l Btl " g Pb t i(lo i y our pape r tlJi v D.
" T birt.y !luys 11ltlh 'elJ tem !J r, EV l~ r:v p (l r t' n Oli n rl'11l 6 111lt Br i BlIt t i l k n tlw wlHUl 1£ Ht ", ,·'1"\ O J li Puzzletl AVIlIl !lo lu !'IOUl t'!. ·
One of the women 'a onlone hal' declared I1glliD8t toe employing of "nts" in the ooiffore. The i~gredlents are on the ol1rt.on· Dr. Bell 's P ine Tar. Boney . oontain!! no habit produolng drags, and Ill. way8 gl ve8 fla,t1sfaotion Loot tor the bell on t"e Bottle.
or. a father
Ohio .State Unl
The,' are
237 West .E lrhth
Glenn. YOQUC mechanical took th~ wiater He, wu .reared CUI. thou,h MW · a he that he the "wh," and "h~._"':". II of tile oplnll>n ' a 'better dOctOr It be other · thlo,... I'
No matter whether you are an experienced hou sewife or a young woman just 'Ieaniing to cook, you wiII find Moore's Ran ge the best stove th at you could buy anywher~ at any price . . Mrs; Sarah Tyson R orer, the acknowledged foremost cook of the country, has prepared an Oven Thermometer Guide exclusiVely for Moore's Range. It gives the time required and the heat n ecessary for baking all diffe rent kinds of food. This guide is fastened right onto the stove where it is always in plain sight. Moore,' s Range is also equipped with Moore'. Oven Therm~meter, which is mounted clear through the door, thus givIng the exact temperature of the oven. Then th~re's the Moore Controller Damper, which enables you to keep a uniform temperature or to control the heat, as is requi red by Mrs. R orer's 'l'hermometer Guide. This damper g ives you practically the same control of your range ove n 'as you would have of a gas oven. , Moore'. Fire-Tested Gla.s Oven Door enables you to see the condition of your food in the oven witho ut opening the door amI causing discomfort as well as the loss of heat. With these advantages you don't n eed to spend nearly so much time over the stove, a nd yo~ cookin~ is bound to be a success regardless of your expe rience • .
Costs Less Than One-BaH as Much to Run
. ' . . Tbe Controller Damper not only control II tbe beat. condition right on top of the fire, tbe oxygen mixes saving advantages? At least drop In to ~ur store and butl also controls tbe coat. U positively uve. one- · with tbe smoke. soot and gas LIS soon as they lire I\lt os sbow you bow perfectly it works. Let us ex-' alnfof tbl! fuel. And Moorc,'s Ranges are tbe onlJ formed, and all aro burned up right there in the fire- plain the many valuable features 'which we haven't box, thul overcoming tbe smoke nnd soot nUISBnce. even room to mention bere. Tbey wlllsitontah youl ".. ranges 'baring tbis controller damp!!!'. .. "But tbilisn't tbe only savlt;lg on your fuel expense ·By. burning the smoke. soot and gns you get addlBut come now, while our stock is complete. We wbich' tbe Moore Range olIers you. Tbe Moore Ever· tional bent and your fuel las ts longer. 'Owinlj:' to the will not try to urge you to buy. All we ask i!l tbat ~ rtrcbBdc means another laViDg, ' Tbe fiues Inl peculiar construction of 'th <! Everlasting Flreback. · you look at tbe range. .. . ____ , " . . so this fireback are ' . wlfh 1tlcOre's Range better <?n ... -.;._ _ _ _ _ _-..." constructed.' 'half a firegives bOll; of coal s:ltlsfacti tblm it lNlli II-,~==========~=:;::=::;::=======:;-, Mr•• 'Rorer's Thenilometer Guide · II'JIiI . that·tbo air froln wltn·ttieJirebox .tilled witb ~o~ I, an'd,it'll tbe draft open- . tbt\ 0017 I'III~ on'earth that Will .. Tbul •••••••• ••••:.~ .... ,., ............ ........... . I!i!I i'n ~ is' admltte.... ··you- aro _~ot only laved, COD8id~r~ble ......"". ..,....;I=';t:=-~,.~I:.==.~t l':~:.r;:: .. ! ~:.'::· ....;:!(!;'h~:;:~~ ....... 6 u. . ~ I~ bl "bl .. _UD Dial. a AMI ," a , a caoc",,• ........ ' the··1IdcB : ClIi>ense~ ut also coDD"era .etro., e . I" ..,, ::l.•• ,.... =;..~.~ "' h' ••~ ,., ...... ~ . . . , .... . rio art~loa t~ Or tile . I>,y c~rryiDg coal 'fewer,. time, \ ~d leas . =~-:'~:CI~':~\~~~";~ ";'~""'''I:'~.I::'.'I;':;'. ..... !lid ·lnst'c ad of"" ra~ a tlme,- · '.. , ' ¥:mfo:eo.':'~,"!"::J::;di~ ' =~.~;~::::;·::ffi::;: tbroul'b 'the bdt-: " Tbe. M~e " CoJ1lPllny are practicqlly ' : .........., : ...... ·...·.1·. .......':',., =. ~"""'·.· ·· """"l-:.· ..,r.l·...r · rer . lltove ·. manuiac . tl1 I•· iD~ tbe. ~...,·' '-~,,",,"' ::~··:~::::;:f!!!::· ::. ......, -:...' .', • •.tom oUt, whe,e 'J the 0111" l t d a..r......... ! \ .....-'..,.;:;:..... 'the ftre .ure.,~y coUlltrywhodonot bave oa ~ aetbense ' ." ............... ::::-.:::Z.. ..:~.. ~[!<-':" ;:: '::':!:r~.~;~ ..... taU a goocs .• tart. of a<!04 gra4e' COllI: 'The Moore ~ge .li;;O;;;;';::3:::::::::::;~11:. ' : ~ ...... " Tho aids heat· , caD 'be fUn .on 'coat costing at least two. . _ ~~::::::: :;:: • .: . ~~~~:::::~::::: ::;-,~. ' : - ! . Id ID :coming' , - ,Iidrdt._tbancoalu.ediqol~eq·an.g~s. . c;...-A... .......··II·I·~;1& . :::j' ~ : -. -ij;ia;r..... i~-UlioughtlleftueiJ ·· NOWi bowing tllat·tbe Moore RAnge • I: : .... • : - , ~:=.:: I~~"'" , Ire~ and by ' will'lIIore ttilUl'pa,. for 'itself by re.illlc...-:..!.,;~~~~Ui:::: I , : ." =-=;';';;'';;::':'-'';;~~_ ~gdllCharpd' Ing~l' fu"ti~~IO. whyu4,"tl'OJl .bOlild·you I;-.~ bl o- I~' Ja wa beated. be ~uaout ~uY' tillie .
I .tao,,_.... . ·'. · . '. ..::J ..
.H. .•.., __ ..
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· For. ~ ,, ·
r:...;: :'
=... .
~ ~ .I~. cua.~or~'"
'1' ' -' --:r-·' ···li=:. )·:
Warneaville, Ohio
. '6tlrles , T . Rnwket,0 1l'~l\nk - Z611
~IlUI'I".T. ZI)~IJ trutlt' .iu t l)W n 'l,lfp, &1. 1I.1h\
, 'IF ( HAO ' TjiIS OR THAT" ,
. ~~ WhNI brn !) 'ltiJ ' Lin 61~ " n~ II \'Ici . Ull\,d s A, ( l·tlJh,~m , Lll ,- lI,~ II r ':: AII(i, lI tI j 'l) '" h ut; ; in ,rl\6 (1) , '~~ ul t~ Oll .. i~ ' 8 , lh'll!1tX'U1, Ut II fI'l'. , h OI~lfl\, ~\<II!ltI\p , 11<1 thu e b ' 111111, t '., ' . t i,d yut , it i .. ull(1 '\ "~~'1 ' (', JVll , lIl1
IUug l
~ 11)iI\OI :; , B o' t ruc1g .t IWI II ; udl . t ll 1 by, i<Jt in priogbOJ'o, l. o hi It . Alfr ll E . Axnmn t.o Orllhin, 1\1 '1'11 9 htl h ~ o f th 1; ~ rll1g HI' h u -} by, l o~ in Fl't1ohlln, ~!&~\ Ill . AUt1 t'tllcli L"l \ h1lll ve-r h .1 • iMrg E 'oduio J: lid J.. 't'" of Iii, fritl JHll:l ~ve r tou t l!JUi{( 11111 Ii:. B 1I0 h , tnt t in IdI~loUl t ow til, !''',lfli bllu "uy. ~dj(lP . Ln II tllf ~xl'll _ iD~ unrl hop letls . 1111!\U1 'Ot)tt, to hlll'le,,, B o pwu Vi kin,l t 'lo Uamilt oo to\~O H hlp! $1 1 ,It 1 h"d t hl;! I)r t,bll t,l woaltl " AHred A, .Senrs /lnd Jnllf~ E . 8ell1's . W h f'n J llllll of ArC' \Va >I 11 little w uid , to J .eph 1'. !d0Ve YI ' 60 Ort· £I 10 I UUlut,o rn l, ~ 'n ll e, gu"d, Btlfltln town!<hlp * 1 WlIIl o uqn~rtld IIod dis. W. H . I:)hrn ::k nud RORe B. ::lbrRok ,I At~ u frllnce . d . to I\mue l A. 'E III., 1G.0",? oores 10 rutty t> d's Olustor hood 0 En"ln • 1 . .. y ... \l , Ma SIt:! towni! lip , elL. . Rhe bl~u uo \vclIl }th of MmUlll tlut i ,Joseph M . t tlO V to Wilhnm II IAI" e with berfR"itb HI S Jl ttl maid 'Ilrmon y nod Mary E Cllrmo ns, / ( n, t " ,. I t mot· in Wllyno t o\\- nship, $1. And ~re::~i ber hllld llS shEl cun: ,1, I f)~fIl Morgllu tn Mtlry A . Moore, I And Il -luoc'ly e vel' lIuurd h r t'lIlY, lot III Mt. B lIy, flo In II il!4fl eR!I, lo uging, empty wily , b rl s L ; Kreltie r t,
I:1JIlNtntf lO
the Il'
above , .,il Umoul"l .
N. C, or u.o
Vve sell VINO L with the u nderst andin g that' if it does not give the purch aser pcrfeet satisfa ction, we r turn h~moncy w~ utque stion. Will you try a bottle un·
Commi~~ne~ ' Pro~d~2.
" I f lb nuthlS
". ' , .'Hanna s'" Green 'Seal .'
"'The Made-to-Wear Paint" FOR MU LA ON EVE RY PAC I{'A GE
Does ,This Mean Anyt hing to You ? It expreuel the maker'l faith in the product. Labor is the principle COlt in painting. The material should be the best. YOU CANNOT AFFO D ANY OTHER KIND. FOR 8AL. 8V
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohi o ___ ___ ___ ___ ___•
IIS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - -. .~~~
ilitl~( wo~d . " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ W'lItt ~I\ot by the PREVE NT THE ONION SMUT NOT SO AT THIS END WAL
H . B Anders on WIl apPoin ted to Wh en youo g .11I1I1 fill t h vuollnoy in tbe bOllrcl of trus firo TER , teel:! of tbe Orphlin Asylum ond I And watohe d th burnin g WOOd, J. R. JANNEY, Drug gist ChildrAn' Home caused by the death an RIiW the It et.tle The fnDgus disease ,commo nly Ah me I The work of the grand ·t4l1cl Ul ount! blgb known us onion of M . W . Earbur t. , IImnt . become s ex jury Is over, Cedurv llle and .Tame!'. , Fune ral Dlr~:to'" ceadlng ls truuble seme in the soil of town , the home ot civlo Plnns Rnd speoifioatlon8 fot' U oon· er. pride Ilnd 01>, en ed IUld nodol's tood ; filiit.l o~ whioh onions Inve been vi rtue have been vlndlaa ted . T he orete oulvbr t on tbe rOlld w est from tiA ilud 11 0 need f u 1.lb rot,ory Teleph one day or n\gbt g ro wn oontinu usly for 11 numbe r gmnd' jury bas given tbem a oleun Five Poiots school house nHar Sllm 'ro' pl"D the gretlt 8tUlITn Valley pbone No.1. J:.oUat • engine' 8 o f vours. 'I'be spores of tbe QOiOD bill of health and those pll\088 Ilre eel Bn,ngbm an's fllrm in Clearor eek to lory', Distanc e No. 60-9". mot Ii vo for Il oonslde rable time in DOW legaUy any bow, free from Coillm on pleas Court. booze towDsb lp we"e approv ed and or· b B UII d bis evell tlS be could, the oil wilen t bis once beoome s In. selling . No more Vf ill t h e goo d 0 it.. WAYNESVILLE, New Suits dored posted. • And he novar 000" was it ard to feoted. izeD8 Contra ct was tlDtered into with of those burge know any of Branch uy, Office, Harve1 'lbllra. o. 'rhe !'!mut sp res of t.he dis ase t hese termR : Barbllr /\ Meier tiled 8uit ago.inst Walter S . Whittlo re fo r 11 o,Inorat e In 1\ s hiftl ss, thriftle9!!, futile a ra spreAd by oultiva tors or other .-ltewy muddle Charles 8, Deol1ant all tl.dmin lstra. II.rcb oulvert at Windso r JoyoU!1 souse I:ltl\tlon 00 wily i hllpJea; ents i f requent .ly by tbe wind r...ovely 808h tor of th'e esttLt~ ~f John Scheer , de- 'be Butlerv ille and Windso Gilt ed~ed bun r rond In "If J had this or thut, I would " for short distano es; 00 the oell8ed, tl) "e~over '1800 as oursin g Barlan towosb ip at the feet of Fine clld skate doldov or estima te m,en ond borsell, !lod by declLying tipiffiiollted faes for sa,rvloes tendere d to J 'Ohn '185 84. All 3hot to-;If yo~ nllw wllJ ' retLd your historie s ooion refuse whiob is c ften nsed Iltl Orying jl\g &h£et: during bis naturaJ life. Pat. Stewed Bills- . V, WiIlium8, freil:ht, 0 'er _ l\ fortlIiz er .' The Ohio Experi ment Pollute d riolt Gayno r 18 attorn y for tho and droyug e, 52 cen ts i Bllrret TlIonkad t Bros" (As I en rn estly think rou shou ld) Stt1tion h ~ 8 disoove red fond a pplied PlI.rahz ed plaintiff. ' . Fuller' n \I goat blanks for Probut e JlldRe, ~2 1)6 i Tho fnot will impre8 s you more Bnd a £lucce ful 'trelltrn ent of t.be 011 Plokled Court Proceedln~s. Peacho f&oedg e W . Ei. Anders on Ub., Wilson 's oode m ra with II formal in f' olutioo to preven t All lit np Load~d to tbfl guard8 , for proseo nting attorne y, 6.50; In the Iive8 of the grea~ and good , 'onion smut. Tbt 8olotio n I~ ,tbe oll.se of Frllnk. Brando is, ma.de 0 mp}ete ly Imturll.ted ,Coroed for fair n, The Wester n Stllr, ~lIps of,delio qtient That they were those w4~ never wi th 1 p end of 40 'peroen t formlll -Xfloill. [ISl'lLl.tl trQ8t~e , v . tbe Morrow Brewin g tax sale for o.udltor, at; adverti sing . held baok debyde (oomm eroiul form'IUn) to . 0, Rudy farm 'for 81l1e, oom~n y, th e mils t et' oomru i S10 • - k '13 5Ui mer For olrouUll'tano s or Dl/tteri II ok- fr m ~ri to 3a Womlln can't expect to m l\ e gallons of water. For ' Albert Anders on . flies bi replJrt; ohandl se ro r prosecu ting h Add,... ottorne y, Bnt. Elrose ann did what t bey oouid old infeote u fields it is \Veil to u se tn~oh progre@8 while she wear8 t e l 'WhiQh, iI~ ap'p~oved. The bond is Ie- $12; 'bar, dooket s and >illtlon eryfc;>r And never II. oUe Wl\b hellrd to the more ,)noeut rated sol ntion hobble 8klrt. • _ . !!'!"!'!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ , duoed 'o$lSO. - . __ y olerk, '64.75 jJ . 1:;. Morrjii ,suppl1 es .,!,? ~lIe oa~e of DaVId"" ~al~er VS. 124.95; best witb.a d r1pat Colum bos Bltlnk BOQk 00. Is the .In the W ,,1f, Rur reoderi ng, doubt taollme ut t o the ' el1d drtll, BELL 'S AN'n .PAI• tlnd \lot ~. Nol~ e~ QI, the oourt , ovt:lrruJed ,up~'lies, 1485 i C. W. · Ungles by, tg . 0 t ime to snb,• marl log way; the rate of 120 t.o 150 gtlllotls of the' orlDe for rhe MIII.~1 Gazett e ' tbe deQlul'fe~' of tbe plail1tiff burill.l of .rtlmes C. 8rown , $75 j ' "If I hl1tl thiS or thf\t, 1 For Inlema l an4 ~ , ~" I wonld . ·' ~blutlo n per aore t()r fi~ld onl uns, ttyCourt. of the orders \Vi1lthat Of tbe 'l ateotRobert ,valid. Wilson Anders on; ' U niliesby '75 i W,. C burial . Turton of Josla,h , ooal. -Stell a Perry. .. - •1n 8t Nioholll.s tlOU eta. from 500 to 700 gallonll fo r oolon '~.; 000. be detllrru ined by a jury iU the *2 .92; Frank J . Brown , premin m AUTOMATIC 'PHON ES I home, made att.uoh ments n&4Y: be i=i:., ollilft of. Man.ho. D?)lert y V8. John on insuran ce, '107 84; Valley Tele. . . made from empty syrup oans io ' ;::::: Maloy, e%~oto.r . . ' ph,one Co., rents and tolls, 12375 Automa.tto telepho ne WIth wires verted nsing· u perfora ted' t'ubber :;:::: Pro~x:ty, WIlS order"~ L4!lld at 8am D. Henkle , fees and expens es,i under gronnd are tim dretlms , f the stoppe r io the outlet, oounllo ted ehtlriff 'l sale i.n the . OB8e of William '13370 iT. 0'. Patters on, by:::::: expenl es, Va.lley i'elepbo ne oompan y, whioh s u'itllble rcibber t.ubes with ~ dr!l.WD , i:::::I J : BolaDge~ vs. Ernbnt T. Dinl!" $1030. . I1re I1bout Co be r ealized . A !lew- gll\sl:! tube point at the end of euoh ~:::: ' probate' Court. Sav.. A HI'S· -Mo·the'r 's Ll'fe home ma:v be .el eoted on the proper . T his ru bber.tu be will r eqUIre a piooh :::::: ' , ~ Panl ' Wyson g 'was appoin ted ty now occupIe d by the telepho ne cook to l'I but off tbe fl ow and the :::::: h db "Four dootors bnd given me up," exoh !lnge an d r eoen tt-.. ' "J puro Bse ' I, guardi an of Alfred WYSOll y poiut will need be set 80 thf't the .• g, insane writes Mrs. Lanro. ~Ilines, of Avooo" tbeoom pllny. 8 I ti at a bo,Dd of t200. falls with the seed ~fOrtl :::::: La, "and my obildre n and a1l'my Manag er W G Thomp so n Is the 0 u on , . Th ' "Ill f ' h ] $te M th A fri,ends were , . :::~: Jooking , for m e to die, . . • ., . . ' 8 VI! • ~he earth covers . it ., ov.er. Tbe :;: f: 0 t ~ ar a . when my son i08iste d fobl\t I Dunha m', 'deceas use anthorl ty for M WBS produo ed in the d Improv e profits from t!mut tteatlll ent wher!! ::; .;. a t t planne th t it lb Electrio Bitters . I did 80, and tbey m~,n t . oourt tor' p.ob~te. .', .. II . e , II IL 8 " .:The undersllZned h'a ve tormed '8 co-part ner- ' Id f t t : b . I " -' . bl 8 teoom any cllseuse ... ' ext~te, 81'e \.ero.; gre'\.t :':':'.':,: done me a wor , ~f gr,od . ng 0 e Cl er ous pro em 0 em. II. d for tblb Eva Jane Polliok filed due proof b.ave rell80U Will ship alwl1Ys for the tbe genera l pr~cUse of · law under tbe flr~' ..' Experi prll.ise ment tbem :::::; Ebctrlo ploy hello girls tbat n.re effiCIent, S~ I ' ' . t Ion of " lie:r,app oin.tme ,' d itt of publloa - I.tl8S bl.et!l:!lDg .~.,:. ' t,0 The work is beoomi " ntas Blt·t ers i I a , prIce name of tilt Wright & ThomP son, with offlcCs 10 the . on reoomm en s t ng so strenno us 18dm~i8tratrmottheestateofOhr1B. ~om,en trouble d wtth famtin ' . " . mOl! s rong .:.:.: ::;~:. g lind h .' h b . 11 i thi d '. " Wright -Mong f ' Iy _ -Expe er Buildin g, lebano n, Ohio. dizzy spellR. baoko.cbe, b ell.daoh rlment , Statton . Wooste r. ::;::: , e, at t e SWlt.O oar s n 8 ay 0 topber, Pollock, d\eo~ed. , • _. :':::: . weakne88, debility , oonll~ipl\tion or hurry und hustle, tbat , Any busines s entrust ed to our 'Care wUI, g i rl.:I , who For, Sixtee n Years , - Cbarle s Mtddleto~ flIed dne proof kidney disorde rs. Use :;:::; them and really desire to hold down th{1 Jobs receive prompt attenti on. Dr, ' Boll'll Pine.T ar Hooey bas :::::' of publica tion ofbia appoin tment 6S ga.i n ~ew health, ,l Itrengt q an~ vigor OHnnot . 'rbe lIutoma tlo system hal' btlen DBed by million 8 of people wlt~ ::::;: adminl etrator of the estat.e of Es~le Tbey re ~.11at'anteed ~o s~tlSfY or proven II. 1:!1100 ' S in 8nrrou~ding perfeot s!l.ti8flt otion . For :ongbtl :::::: aDell 'deeealOd, mone~ ,refnnd ed, On y 15 0 Ilt alJ itl d. 'ld' b fi \ 'thlng' for Oold~, A8thm aiD fllot all throat8 ndl :::::: ' druggls ~S. . _ 0 ell an w u . e a ne lov8nt ory and a,pp~alliemeDt of . bronoh ial. trouble a. • - • :.:::: LebaDon. It does away ~lth 0Pllrl\. • _. :'::': the 88t~te of Eilen Dakin, deoeaa ed, A SIMPL E SONO tors except fo r t,he loog d,lstBuoa A REASON FOR BE,INO PROUD were filed by ' Edmun d Rata.lUok, service . :::::: .1 ad DilD , I k DOW t ' Eli Ii' I ' tha t the A polio W'il1..'fl'atborl' swept ~&rmon y hom Irre that thesuo , I1sh , It. ha~ b •• n .t.h~ mtentt /on of the , .The elgbt.y , el\r old son of a .Balti· ,...; , , 0 . • .; e a, e rons WaS _ y. to btllid a new L-bnlld ing more ,physio ian was playiog in, a4mJU~d ' to probate .,, ' Martha B, tenIDg gods ~ere oharm,e d a~d the oompan his !!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!" on their· new proper 1 ' ty on ' Mui!>e I t l' rry tut-her' s office wit,h a friend during ti !!~~~~ world aoolalm e him del'y of song rool was . exe.c n r x d all ' . street: Qnd tbls m ay be uon I i h 8 IiiBPpOh 'n d.e Ed . R W d 1 know that Orpbeu s wltb n the the absano e of the dootor maRIO wben ' 8 a 0 sa, WIn . 00 , ' trees 0.0 :1 bef\sts oear fu~nre o,s larger qoartet :s are 8udden ly d W C ngs S stra In led rocks and k i the flrst lad threw open an..... , . .' I h l' . .. topar II, dappra sers. '" led even now a. I DeoeSSI t to ty follow ,Wester hIm n and II. oloRet 80 entbral door Bnd disoloBed to the the . ~ e nveo . ry an appra semen ' . otar, of'the est&t~ of J. ,M, JlI.okson, de underw orld that the IIongels t rrifled gaze of hiB little frleud an Ilrtioul&ted IIgelaton. oealled ' were flIed by Elbur lAoi:80n thereoo with envy. Ikuow g a z e d . - • 1 that TO PREVE NT OILY SKIN .admini' strator with the will ' I" ''' h d m' 1 . ,annexe d Timotb ens with wondro u8 melody When the vis tor R su Olent YI . subdue d the riotous Alexan der, When ooe'8 skin is oily do noi ;ry r ecovere d from his ' shook to stand MarrJap Licenses. awoite wit.htn his haught y sonl emo. to oo~oell.l it by exoessi ve use of· the announ oemen t, the dootar 's son Geor&,e " Gates, 36, saw mill em, tions high as beaven and low as hell powder . It mllkell the flloa pa8ty expillin ed that his father WIlS ex tlI.._ .kli Mary anti with skillfn l ohange of ohord and ologs the pores. p Ioye 0 f I1ntn n au""d'" mr8. tromely prond of that skeleto n. . MoClel land, 38, of Frankl in, both displao ed upon . the m, on6.roh ' I h?" k d h oth Wh?" 8 hps 'rh.re are Tarious dryi,n g lotl.ons 's e 11.8 e ~.:; er. y oolored . 'Rev . D. Seymo ur waa 0. 8igh " f pity W1. tb a. ,ourse of b /lte. t h o.t are exoe 11 ent f 1)1' t I1 It4 OOD dl Moo. " 1 don't linow," WIlS the an8wer j Damed to perform the 'oerem ony. Iknow thl1t Da vU drew from ~III Wipmg off thefu.o e withpu realoo " mllybe itwlI.s bts first plltleat ."entranoing bll.rp, & ooncor d th!lt ct.is. hol hIlS 0. drying effeot on Real ~ate Tr.msfe rs. the skin ('larper 's Mogazi ne. pelled thl' gloom o.bout tbe brow of Vllri}Us gOl)d lotions . are --...- - sold for George E. Do.i, onli Allie DII.Y to Sanl and fl~oded Isro-el's palaoes this purllolle. bat ", teasp onrUl of For tetter, ringWo rm, eczema , Otba E. 't!ams, 51 aerea in Harhm with the l!lug'hte r of musio Rnd t,he bo IlX in a bl\sin of water is exoelle nt Tllnnio ~ !lore!'! Ilnd all Skin disease s -towne hip,l1. joy 01' song. I kn JW ' that . wilen ffyou ,fe"r pure borax Dr. Bell '8 Antisep tic ~alve i8 gUlI.r. try thi8 Looian D, Robins on to Ml1rgaret' Ceoelia sang Il.ngels were fo.o.nl\t ed lotion: Ooe ttlblesp oonrul 9f pow II nteed to gi va sllLisfaotion or you get your money buell. 250 every • . B; Robins on, traot itl Frankl in town , a.nd men enraptu red. I know that dered borl x, two tablesp oonfuls of where, ship, 16668.8 0. Eleano r's tro ublldon rs at Antioo h ",'yoeri n nnd a qMrt of ollmph or , _ _ _ _ bewito hed tbe Syriau tlit wi,th the wat-er . Dip f.I, 'OLOV E FACTORY IS OPEN SOlt Uoen in this arid Aiidnlg ht in the :Ozarks , bo.l1l\ds of tbeldon th Kno ligQten ed mop lobe fn,o(l severa l times a d 'IY · ' The Pderles s move oompa oy 'blll! ' , and yet 8laopJe ss airum Soranlo n, 'of the borrors of tbe Seoond Orusad e. Do not rllllKe " t he mistaK e of using opened I'ts fantor'y . ~n . ,the P-';~rl.t .Clay Ci~y, illl. ;·conghtld· a nd OOUI:IlC~d I know thn.~ Palestr ina . ., . .. • , Handel, ~plrlt8 of ollmpbOl', whioh ill ,d~lu.ted bUlldh:lg on Mulber ry IItr!3 et Bod 'is . Bit wBs:in the m6untl lih on the lid MOzttrt, B'e~thoveo II.nd the r est have in aloflbl"J} q,nd m uoh S~Tl!ln~e r . Oll.m now going ' hill pIllet. Six 8ewlnt;. ,' vloe or five dootOrs, who found he had VtL8tly elf;lvll-te d IUBn with syruph oq ph or wllter .1 ,9 JDlIde bY . Jetting two mtLohlnes opertlte d by eleotrio mo.. OQPsuw ptloJi, ~ot . found ,no help in tes lIub~.ime. , B. ~t I know tbat a,lI ~t ou.nt'.es of .~m .oamph or eta.,Dd in tors Il," re kep' fl~ 'be oUm,a te, !lnd 'sta, ,,t~d: home, i . op,.e r.atloo J)Y yonn, • f t ' t R earlug o.,t Dr . Kfng'~ .New fJiscoV f h 8 The th~se, O,Oln~ n~d , ~y a. ,lDas~r .. gre/,t w~~le~ or ~ 0 y - our, our '~ady' ernploye~,nQ~ Aom~ (106 canvas e ..y. b'~"' beg8,n, to ulle it 1'1 believe er t~~n ~bo.!le ~ho hne.R s yet ,lived' 1~ID,~ o~n q~. u~ed repea~edl'y, ~8 its gloves' l1r~ being m8~u~~~tured. ,.. it save4 my life," h A wi'i tes "for It int,o, one gor@ eOD~.· ~ha.l>~~ dy, ~~, size 1I~ httle lle~r~8=d l~etL~y m8r'k~~ 'ls' teiD.IJ f~ui1d for th~ ~4de &\ ~evrman of 'me, so' thu.', t ,~ eqlJltl not the tOl1ohin~ oade.noe.~~d '. caD noW. do good wor.k again. " For A SQU '- . YE' NIR outp·nt. , whiofi is' se"'ertll hundre d • 'R '\ • I., .1L lobg' c ;Uae&set(, .' 60~gblt.f: oolda, tbe simple,majest ' ~, ~, " y of" ome,·8,w.e!'t ,; .; , Pilirs a week. ' Misl' Brooksl: the EI~'. ~all'lppe, ..-sthDia, oroup! "wlloop lng BOlil~t " " ( . -"'-'. '. -I!l~e-When \IV" )ellve · Eden "we t-erpr.t8in K manag er of the' h~r:~t . cSOagb~' b~'y fever • . h'emnrr hagee, b~_eu ·ilr quln IY. «(til tlle best We read ' at a .mlln who ' fllopl!d ouglit .· fu, , o~rty' aw~y , 10ID,8 ~Ilou. Coal c1ompany: 18 _t the Jl:ead, ~b ' UOWD ~medYi Frloe 590 and It. 00 with ~tl bto~er.in law. , • b' 1 ht f t II loom , Tbllt 's .an :veni'r7 , oonoe~n " ~8 u }l.re ~' bGIUe free. ' ~~rantee4 by 'h"roto D)ethod of se', ," t iDt to w-;"Ad. m-Ilo . woulC!- It do to have Ilns up ,for ~. tndust ry-W .. Nl~""" tel'll .lea'Ve, , ' . . flh'e Inake- stded ? ' Star.
der these conditions'!
Cou nty Cour~8
TtHs ,illl~pplled
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R em em be r
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Wh en you wan t good printing neatly done and 'q uick ly execut~, that the • .
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' ': ROCK'I " S '~ ' [T . : ',I . .1::\ ,' : If . De
'1). '1.,. CHANE, Editor and MIlna'ge~ ftat~s
of Subscription
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ft .' p '
Iscovery arid Productl'OD In O ' ht·o. ;· --
BOWNOCKER, ' PI'ore~'lr of fl,r.t)!oJ:Y , OhIo ' Sta.t. , ,' l·hl\'Cn.lt ).. : BY J . A.
entl .o f,"I the E.14 H.,A, 'frt wi'l tAS, WIlS ~t,trl1oted by the Sllggr'I:! t1Ull i y our pll:par t·lJ,i , v llin~ t'o oompos l\.·rhymewl)loh wourd g iVE! tp SODS of the '111 vallI n ~. , 'I tur s 01 til E 'lste r f Bst .' · 'he . f"lll)whJ ~ 0) . v t' rbymtjt! · a re a dd ,1 rb ey t!llould bH taugh l in the pri m !Hy I!c h ools :
Year (s trlc~ly IJ1 ndvnnco) .. .... ,. 1 1.00 lugl Copy . . .... • ... . ........... , .. .06 ••••••••••0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Thirty dll.Ys 11l1 th
Rates of Advertising
ReBdlug Ux:als, per lIue : ... " . .. ... " ~ IWadlng Loonls. blnck lace. per lIue .... lOe
AdH. uo~ 10 excood II ve- lIullS Three InacrtloWl .. •. .... . ... .• :aGe Ol>I~uarlee. /Ive Il\cl,clI lree; over /Ive Inches. per line ..... ... " . .... lie Oard of thanke .... .. .. ... ............ 2Ge neeolutlona .. . ....... .... ....... . , "', OOc.' Soclals etc. where charge Is made . . . . • .. 2Ge Display Advertlslu$ per Inch ... .. .... ,. lOe DIscOWlt:li given on oontract.
26 . lall.
WhEln prollperity strikes YOll, fOU are very likely to feel thtl.t the world is growlDg better.
There ill no mo.o so oolor blind that he Oll.l1't reoognlze the 10n'l!! green -------.~-. ~.~-----
Tell Your Nelihbor. When In nlled of 11 ooogh medl. olDe ulle Dr. Ball's l'ine.'[ar.Bonev , It ,Ia tbe best. Look ror the bell OD the Bott1a. ' -------.~~-~.-------
tie who ta.kes things too easy l'ometimes gets arrested for a piok pooket.
One of th" women', onions hal' declared IlgtllDst the employing of "rats" in tbe coiffure.
----._-- ...----
The Ingredients a.re on the ollrton Dr, Bell's Pine Tar. Boney contalnfl no habit produoing drogs, and al. ways gives .."tlsrltotion Loot for the bell 00 t·, e Bou Ie.
Don't get to tra.veling po fast tbat you oan~ ..ee yoor oreditors a8 you pass by.
- ..----.--
The mAn who get~ ahead in tbe world 'i8 the one who makes bay whether tboO lion IIhln~s or not. I'or SkIn DI...... BeU'. Antillep'lo l:;alve ie the best-It iA J orellmy suow ointment· plea81lnt to ue and every bor is goa'l'llnteed Prloe 250. At all deelerfl .
...-----The good die youog the, ~ay-~nd ------~.----
, there are a lot of us that a.r e no onger Ipr'.Dg ohloken.
~'U'dbi' streele , ftre , all rigb~bDt th yare neverthttlel!s poor educa. tional tns$ltotlontl for tbe yooth of
::ry IIOtt~7. ::U.rant8ec1
the Every botHe of Dr. Bell'8 Pin,e ' Tllr Boney i8 gnarant41ed $0 give 8ati.r.o~ton 'In all throd and bron. ohtal trooble8. • ~• . The Lord does not expect, you to cast bread UP)l! the wa&El. unlesl voo have suftlotent to ...tlefy ypnr hunger IlDtl1 tts rt.~t.uro,. . • _ • The milo who olin hllnd oot' taffy '' 11 land' "" bill ' oelllld mak6 it .stlo.• usu~ y n viotlai muoh q 1110k~r thtln ~h\) 108-1 .0111 perl.!ul1 dflr. • - • We guarartee t:lutherland '8 E'\gle Eye Salve til oUrt' cummon 80re eyes 11\ 24 to:\6 hou ry. Thl" seems "hange, but It Is baoked by our gu"r'lntE'le. YOll rnn no risk and it' only CORts 250. , • - • . A Duluth olergymtln s~ys JD()derD man i8 an imJ,'rovement ooon Adtlnl , "Old Adam must h .. ve been .. monkey .ore enougb I
YOOWQu>\d ulirdly pxpeot a deaf mute to ~f) tbe htlpple8t per!lou ou ea~&J1, bn~ you never wl\st~d any . , time . yet liBtening to one telling aMut Jila ~roub" tI
When the E'xrlt m nl waa hl ~ h over , tbe dls('ove ry of 011 and gaB In northwe8lern Ohio nbout 26 yenrB aso. deep well s were sunl, In every part of th e Slllle. One at Ne wburg. near Oleyeland. found some colorles8 I 8 bli n ng grll In8 tInt pro\'od to be rock salt, and a ll tll. later a sn It f urnace. was erected. Thi s plaut was later abandoned, but two large ones have t~en Ita lIlac. In the city of CleveIa.nd. Furnace. bave been construoted also near Akron nnd at WadBworth. Medina oGunty, and Rittman, Wayne county. In al\ ot these tbe Induatry II based on rock BaIt and not brlnell, as In loutb arn Oblo. The Territory. The rock salt does not ordinarily consist of a lingle bed. but of .everal layer., that may aggregate more than 100 feet In thlckneBs. They are 1m· bedded in l1meBtone and tbe group ts Itnown In ,eology al the SaUna torm· aUon. Tbe part of northeastern Oblo underlain wltb these depoBlta has Dot been fully de~rm1ned ; bllt It ex· tend. u far louth at least as Woos· ter, and all far west al IDlyr1a. It can not be stated witb certaInty, how· sver. tbat all the terrltoryl north and eut of these place I 18 underlain with the mlnerai-1JI question, tor tbe beda are .omewhat lelll-allaped. I appearing and dlaappearlnl( tram place to place. At ClevelaDd the rock aalt I. found at a depth ,ot about 1,800 teet, but , Uae depth cUmlnisbes to tbe welt· aDd lDOreu .. to thG east and south. The quanUt)' of .alt In WI corner of Oblo fa such that the state mi«ht IIUP. ply tbe demand of the entire country tor an IDdeftnlte period. The Prof.... Balt makin, here as ellewh.re t. a "el")' .elmple proclI.s. . Wel1s are drtlled to .thl! salt ~d then water polU'ed ' In them. Th.11 dluoln8 tbe· ,..It an4 tbe brIne II tben pumped to tbe aurface aDd evaPorated. Thi8 II1&Y be · do ... In ·long rectanplar uoul'h. or In large oval .....ia made of .t..I ' aDd known as vaouum pan.. [n tMBe u..e atmospberlc prellure ia redllce4 by llwopa IIDd the bolUDg pot.t of tile brine lowered, tho 41· IIIIDI.blnl' fuel. Salt fa a.bOut the 0111), Dece.llty of life obWll'. from tILe rockl ·that !au DOt DOtallly r18eo 1D nlue durtna Uae palt 16 Bllfoi'U ' bave been made to Iorm a trust, but without .~eCMI. This Ia probably due to the InexhauIUble .upply and the .aae dt securlnc It. , OhIo ranka third In aalt produotton. beln. aurpalsQd by New Yqrk and Mfch.....
~'~: :~~O· ~ " 'I' • ALL... •
In the Eighteenth Cent'ury There Wa. 'a Lady Stud,nt at H08pltal
Wom'en as doctors \s not. a Paris conl mporary observes. a product of AlwavR keep modern "temlnlsme." It ,seemB that 1n Prevention is An ounce of t h In ir, t he I the eighteenth century there waB Q worth a pound · ho use read y 11 lady Btu<\ent at Florence. Sh e cume I of cure. for use. tram Malta under the patronage of the Knights or the Malta. The ad· Prepared from~--------------------I Pure Native Hl'rb , they mlnlstrlltol' or ,the Majeur bosplta l ?0' 1!.8 BOLD what "embarrassed with his Purify the Blood and thue! PREVENT new pupil , but be rou nd 110 mans out at tbe difficulty. T1le chief of tbe Order · or t.b e KilIghtB ot Malta 1n 1otroducing bls WAYNESVILLE CHURCtlE.c;. Or. Bell's An i iseptic Salv " lady protege to the proteasOl'8 of th o Florence 80hool of Med1clnftw w'rote '. Good for all Skin Disen.sSt. Augustine's Catholic Church "It seems flo me that the matte r Fu l hcr Georal!! MlIl" enbocfer. PUHtOr could ~ arranged wtthout any great Inconvenienoe it the youn&, lady wel'e 1II1\ss ev t'rv 8(' OIH) • Ull dll\' o f the !II("' \" ~ E. boarded during tbe period ahe W Il S \I :OU a . ro. studying at your medical Icbool with Public St. Mary's Episcopal Chur('l1 . the Duns 10 a nelgb boring convent, tor II ' V , J . 1". ·lIdwaU t..]cr. Ree l, 1 whlcb we would pay live crowns a All k h ,c1 ... "f N ,r.ll rv W o' k Sunday '(lbool. 11 :nll 'I. m MI'rnlll!! Ne r week. In regard to her inBtruction Wo r k 11. ~)Jpl' ltdi V ,· Ice. 1U :UO u . Dl . noly COWIDUIl\(III the UrN' ahe sbould assist 10 operations at the ~uullu)' o j c~eh ulontb . .women's hospital, notably thoBe per. ~~~--------.--------formed by Profenor Mannon I. Ho Methodist EpisCopal Chureo . sbould also «ive ber lIome private I s· Rev. B . W . Dulloy. Pll8t.Ol sonB Ilt ,tbe convent, for It npP l'.n rs to Sunllny cho(J). n : I ii fl. ' Ill . Morulli/( ~ c r me that IIhe Bbould not bs present In ,' Icc. J \I :an ~ , III . 1':11WOrt" LeIlIlUC. 7 :Ou p . ID , \J:"cllln l:: He n ' l ·C. ":' : 00 p . !D . NII!WIl,,1 cla,BBes with young men." The council of tbe hospital. being Pr 'yer l\lueLlnl!. 7 p. w . welJ dls poBed to the KnlghtB. adollted Christian Church. he suggeBtlon. More tban a century Rev. L . O. 'l·l!ump60n. Pll8to. lapsed b efore another lady was en· Dible School. 9: 30 a. m. l!ocJal rnootlns 0 u. m. hrlstlau End avor. 7:00 p . ru rolled in the schools of Florence, She> 10:3 ormon by pnstor every a1t.ornat8 Sunday'" was a RUBsian and waB admitted to 10:30 a. m. und 7:30 P. m. the sohools at S!lnta Marl a Nuova.
i ------------------------------------~
evtem !J r,"
' After tbe m oon has I'eaoh d its f u ll Then Ei ter will be here rhe ver y Sunday after, Iu tluoh a nd ever y your And If it, hliP on Sunday 'fhe m oo n 8ho~ld reaob its 11 ig ht, The l::)undtlY following 'his event Will be the Easter brle ht . -Boston Tr8n~oript, 30 yef1f!l Il/l"o . • - • If you bave sorf> eyes o f nn y kind USll Sutherland 's Et\~l EYA I::!tllv. It Is good for n 0 1h1D ~ blH ~b e ey R. It is pu t nle~s und burmle!ls, and i. pOllitlv ly tho U Rt ' If yo u ,dof't MY so we will refund yon I' money Try It and thAn t t ll your 'leigbbor Sold eve rywhere . 250 I. tli be .
tlidcsite Friends Chura.
irKl Sd .ol)!.
!Jay Muc t\nv,. II :00 '1 . m. First I !l' 1 1 : 0(1 a. Ill . Founb Duy MePllnl1 Appreciated the .. Posle." 10 :OU a. m. A pathetic Inclclent oc urred In tbe Walts' scbool In ~Ittsbu rg. ne 01 1he Orthodox Friends ChurCli , teacbers brougbt a bellutlful red rose Mrs. EIl1l8beth I.arkln. PllSto~ to scbool, whic h. holding up beto r SabbuLh ehool. 0 :80 :1 , m. Hc~u1a r chureb tbe BcbolarB. Bbe nsked. "Now. cbil· s~n- I ce. J 0 ' ~n 11. m. (;b rlsLlan Encltlllvnr Dr. Bell's Pin e w ' , _ , "1 . vne} eh'en, how many ot yo u know what 7 ::iO p _ . For Coughs Iln ... Colds. tbiB is 1" Nearly every little on e shook his hend, to Indicate Ignorance. = One small boy and a couple of IIltl glrlB pip d ou.t. with great I m~'ort· nnce. ''It'B Il pOBle. plellse. ma'am ," Good for NothIng but tho Eyes But no one had ever beard of a rose. MOllt of the children bad never seen" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!! Undertaker and Embalmer, one before. Tbe teacher put It In a Will be fonod i t! thA "10 glaBs ot water to preBerve It, and ~W.HENDE~SON,M.D . Bonk Buildi n ~ . Opp08' .... when school was dlsmlBsed each child the Nutiooll.l Btlnk . was rendered s upremely bllBBful by Waynesville, Ohiu.' Telephone iu honllo und OJ · the gift ot a Uily petal. AB they fil ed floe wbere ] oa.n be oo)IArt out of the door, eacb little waif Valley Phone 153 Clay or night. Main Street clutched hlB treasurs tightly in · his Valley Phone 1'-2, small hand. wbUe he murmured 80ttly to himself the name, "Pi tty wose. pit· Main Street, Wayneavi11~. Ohio ty wOlle." .
---_e_ ..._---
WITH WHOLE DAM FAMILy Tbe whole Dam fll-mily caw e to N ew York yelterda.y . There w e re 13 of them, inoludlng Flithe r DUID and Mothsr Dam Ilnd Brother Dum and 8ister Dam, not to bpellk of Baby Da m Bnu the Dam toy dog . . . Moreover, they all OtlIDe ft om R " t. , terdllm, on the !lteamship Ryndllm . COD piOllOUS in the family ore two 8 ttl of Dam twins . The proud father Is John Dam 45 yc>ars old . , , .. ' Be Is a farm er from l'oileur ~eye r land, Bolland, and be is gOlog . t o P ella, Iowa , . - - -- . - .....- - --
A MiLLION RUBBER TREES An offi.oial report estImates the number of Para robber trees und~r ooltivation in C(lobin Uhina 1\8 oVt' r 1,OOO,OO~1 of whicb abJut GOO,OOO a.re being f.apped. Present plana oo n tem-plate 'the planting of 4,000,0,00 additional 'r~ea as SOOIl as the work olAn be done.' '
. -.
AN OLD DI{UM CORPS now contains the oldeAt d war rum , oorpl, in point of oontlno,ou8 service, in the United States. Its numher and personnel are j1l8~ the flll.me now, as, they were when .it entered the servioe about '1
'k ess'
. Llverltes for a Cold, Backache and Weak LIver or. Kidney ••
Wb II MELI'l,h t,IHl twenty.fir~t l!\ pU8t, .)uAt. wa.tcbf.h !lllv£lrym uo u, And whaM i t i'n l l 110(\ r ound, .... IJ J" (I U c~"u ,- v Kno w Ell!!t r 11 be ba re aou n .
,....!"'I'!'I'I~---..TRY. LIVE.RITES~~"""~""'-,; ' ll'V~' r,·te~ Pr'~vents ' .,Ser,'o·u·s SI·C· ·0' l
In ' Flor,e nce.
Evury p r on 0 0 r t-' llI rn hA r ; But, t t'l knOlW wh e n Ii:UHtt'I"!,\ OJnlO, Poz:llh~t! ev U Ilob() hlr!l so III Ii. •
Silent Wireless Now. Men wong the water front have had a cbapce to see an unusual form of wireless apparatus. This out:fit, with three setB of antennae InBt ead of the uBual two. IB aboard tbe United States cable boat Joseph Henry. The Henry has on board Immense rolls of. steel covered cable to be laid between tbe valllous harbor tom. The wIreless · of the Henry 18 of a variety recently adopted, in whlcb three lets or antennae are used, the tblrd let beInlf placed about midway on the mUD' mast. ThtB torm or wireless I. 80 arranged that the usual nolBY crackling sound I. abient, and tbe only sounds to be heard whUe the apparatus la work· Inlf are those that come from the can· denJlor, and receiver, so that the ma.. cblne 18 practically noiselesl.- Boston ~. , . .A. TH.A W .A. Y Globe. ' . - • I "'n.V uesville's LetldinJl DeaU., Send os $1 for the Gllzette today. Office in Keys Bldg. Main St ,
A. MAFFli,
L~aieS! Save MODe1 and Keep' ~
, . , Style by Reading Mccan'. ~ Magazine aDd Using McCall Patterna ; .
McCall'. M.... I.. will
bu!p you drOss slyt· I I.. hly nl 1\ rooderule OXllonso II)' k 0 0 pin /r ! ),IlI' p os l od on the IUI 'st fnsb lons In t:i"I " ~ und baUl. 5C l\('w fasbloll OBlII!III In enrh ISliuo. Also vlliunbio lurormatlon' ou all bom o a Dd Dllr· lIou nl mmtlers. Oul)· 600 a' yoar. Includin/r a froo pu n om. Sub......... _ _ _._ B rlbo todny dr aebd , . fur Croo 81\Ulvle copy. McCall Plllenu will 0111':1110 yon to mRke In Jour own homo. with YOtlrOW'll hands. olothlug fo,' youtl; -If und c blldroll whi ch will bo pe.rrecc In stylo lind Ut. Price-none hlgb or tban 16 (:ODLS. :oud (o r free Pouuru CIHl\lo/ruo. '. W. Will C/,i Yo. Pitt. P_b ror /retUne sub· IlCrlpi lon s nmong rOllr frl nds. Send rorfree I'r mlOm 11 1·,,101:110 Alld aab Prlzo Olrer.
H E .,H
ISO years ago. The membf.'rs are; Thomas B. Jobe, fifer; Bllrt Hop. klnll, an are drommer; WilliaUl m~ 1cC\1l OI.PANY. 239 Ie U9 .... 37l1i SL. NEW YORI t cauus ot 'tropi,oal . dll8ueB til Atrtqa B~ffn~.., bass drommer . I Is to be "tbe work next year of 'Pro· feslor Euirene F. McCampbelf, Ohio ¢ State tinlvenlty bacterlolor;lst. Tile fund. for Ule trtp will be , fUrnl.bed 'by a group of EngllBh pbllanth!'()plst& ' wbo choB~n Profe8sor McCamlt . bell . because. of hla succesB In , 11m Ilar . work tn Meslco last Bummer. Th" Mexican trip w~ very •• ucce ••· ful IclenttJloa,lly, but re8ul~ed In the . de&.tli of .Prot.nor G. L. «onefre, ·wbo ' 'went u aD &ll1I18t8nt. Protessor No matter whether you are an expe rienced hou s ewif~ or a young woman just learning to cook, Conefre contracted fatal Illness al you will find Moore's Range the best stove that you could buy anywhere at any price. the re.ult · of eltl18rlmentlng ' ·wlth Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, the acknowledged foremost coole of the country, has prepared an typhua gel'ml. . Proteaeor . McCamp· 'bell ·wlll b'crant.~ 1\ year'B leave of Oven Thernlometer Guide exclusive ly for Moore's Range. It gives the time required o.b __ ~, be&1n~lnl 'nest June. Before , a nd the heat necessary for ~akil1g all different Ic.inds of food. This guide is fastened proceed'Il, to' Atriqa he wl11 Ipend a right onte 'the stove where it is always in plain sight. wbUe In European' countries. Moore's Range is also equipped with Moore'. Oven Thermometer, which is FATHER'ANQ ~ON IN r mounted clear through the door, thus giving the exact temperature of the oven. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Then there's .the Moore Controller Damper, which enables you to keep a uniform An uDtqae clt'eublstance temperature or to control th~ hent, as is required by Mrs. Rorer's Thermometer Guide. case or a father aDd oon ,ttendtnar This damper gives you practically the same control of your range oven as you would hav~ Obio State f'~nlvel'8I \)' at tbe . same . of a gas oven. time. The, are ' Dr: L.... acoft~ld of 237 weat EI«~tb avellue and hi. lMi, Moore'. Fire-Tested Glu. Oven D()or enables you to see the condition of your food Glenn. YQung Seofteld III a ,Junior In in the oven without operun g the door and causing discomfort as well as the loss of heat. " . Tbe father mechanlcJ,l With these advantages you don't need to spend nearly so much time over the stove, and took the willter your cookin2' is bound to be a success regardless ·of your experience. He' w .. r.a:red' ' thou,h· ...w· a prllCltlpllll' he .ayI" tIlaf he 111t.erelltt!ld the "wh," and "h,n""" , ,'11 II :of 't~e opinion It better 4oeto,r It. b, , 'rhe Controller J:)amper not «?DIy controls the heat. condition rlgbt on top of the flre, the oxygen mlxes saving ad\lantajres? At least dro'p In to our store and 'oUi.'... ' thin... ,.' butlalllO -cODtr9la the coal. l,t IXIsltively savea one· with tbe , sl1)oke; . soot and gas ns sOon a~ they are filt us show YOIl ho~ perfectly It works. Let U9 ex· "I'··' . ." tIdnl of tbe"fUel. And lttoore, s Ranges -nre tht' '01111 f\lrmed, and all are bllrned up right there III tbe flr,e' plain tbe many' va !ua~le fcatures wbfc h we haven't .j .ralli'88 ~~ying tbls,<:ontrol}er;damller. ' box, tiltil ove",eoming the smok.e and soot nuisance. even ropm to mention here. , Tbey will 88lonilh youl By burning the-Bmoke, spot ood gas you get addiBut come DOW, while our stock is complete. ' We -But,thl.1BIi't.the only saving on your fuel expense , whicli the MoOre'Rluige offer'. you. Tbe Moore Ever· ~oDal heat and y,our fa\:.nasts lon·ger. Owitlg to'. the will Dot try to lIrge you to buy. All we ask is that ~ , ~, meA:DI anotber .• aving. ,The flues ill' peculiar c·oDsttuttion. of_th<l E.verlastlng' Fireback. yoti look at the rang~. " " l ,;" •\ this firebac!c are - Moore's Rnnge gives better satisfaction -;r===::::::=::=:::;::=:::=::=:;::==:;::==::;:=~;:::::::;;:;;:i1 ~~~""~~""-'~-'I'---i' so constructed with balf 'a flrebox cf cool than It will' • . tbat the air from with the firebox filled With coal, and It's , ~ ' Mr• .-Rorer'. 'Thermometer Guide ' ,. VJi . ~lie . dt'an open- the 0011 nm~ on i:artJa that will. . Thu. I!fi!J ......... . ing' is admitted you are n,o~ QnlJ' 2 .~ved· cpns[derable ·"'...,. ..rt1. . ;'~Ta!=:-~(!~'r.::::~'.~::;.~~~-:-,.'~:J..-= ...... ·.• .......·t tile Il4cs . Ilxpense. but a15!) CQnsJderable trouble . ...... 'AL ....... • .,oc~. . ~ " I' fe ti i d I ........1... . 9t;L.. _ ........ t"' .....-:;.--;;;;-.;,..... l.'" ...!~" .. iM ...........::. .. . and 011 t9P of' tile by carrYllJg coa . ~er me ~ ell =~-'=':::;:=~;\:?-:::-i=':: , •.•~'_.. ... _ .......~~. ,,_. f ·1aeI .. Jnstead of '..atThe a tln;ae, ~ Compaoy-are '. ,: ' .., V""_ ,J 'through tbe·bOt· Jiloore practicillly ., ·~""'_'''''''''''';I _ . • . • - - .: -:.:::~~ .. ~",,, ,· ....·· ..j ·:·'· 't··· ·l:r.:~,,~~ I
I I I II • I I .1 I I I I I I I It. I I I I I Invaatl,aUoD Inlo the natu~e IUld
M90re's .Marvelous Range . . . . Actually Teaches Cooking
60sts Less Than One-HaH as Much to·Run
0 M . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. , . . . -_ . . .". .
=!!:.~~ :~~;~:!,=m=~::· . ~~ .:?~i.!.r~. ~'.~ :.:=-.:i~-: .~ ·.i ~. \,.~;:~.:.t.: .~.!.t.i·I.il..~'ftq~.c ". .~~-. ~ ~ n 2: ...
°Tbeail'l. h,.eat. · corn1In',g ·UuOu,p.theflued 1Inb&c1r. and by .,...cllac!liarged ' c~~~~~ifII!i~~~~~.. ID tfilI bated' eet la
rnn on coal costing at leut fWO.
Now. knowing ~bat tbe Moore Range
moretbao pa, for I~lf by reduc· lUI( ~tir fuel eapenl8. why Iboul!' you, . be, wltboilt Ita' m~y tillle au!ltrouble-
~~:i:!: I:;;: • II : ~:;: _ _ ,:~;!j'"
'::. • ' :
: '
':i r~
~:. l~-
......... ;;;-.:;~_ .' i.o.o.
. . .N·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••. .··Cullroaaio.....
Je H. 'COlEMAN, WapemJJe, Ohio
' .'
The 1\1iami. Gazette D. L. CRANE.
W __A_Y,... N~El~SV.,....IJ_.J_LE._~_ _~O=H=I= '" -
15 HERE Tn STAY CHI'U Control and Publicity for' Publio Ser~ice
Th deCll.' of French politE- II 59 has b e OIDO n I'ubjcd for pn.ssiug ('one ro <In th e part of th Ii're o h them s 1\' 6 . It lia!1 b 0 fro QI)cn lly r mnrl,c'd lIy " isltors to FrallC'e. who ha l' .... a ll 'sed a chango in Frencll m ll nu rs within t ho period of th eir r<!coll p(' t lon. says tho (' !lIIrloston 'e'l"rs aud Couri er. Tho ~am ph nODlf'n On Is som c rhlng 01· legecl of th e ",catller til !': ' \\' bng· hw d. Sc:l ouUflc met eorologi s t!! pooh· poo h this. T ht>y d ' l:Iaro It III UC a ll O ll t of th e qu es t!oll fo r cllnwl o 10 lie mat e rl nlly HIT ctf' d I'xcept by Imper cer lf ble pro ' ~ SSf'S r equiring ag-ell to sho w res ults. So a s to poli te nes s in Fralwe ; some con tend th a t the c ban ge is more ap pa ren t tban rea l Mos t or those ta kin g part In tb e COD trove rsy Ins ist or ndmlt It to be ' II fa ct. Th eile urge that the causes be Identified and correotlves applied. There Is a disposition. of course. to attribute It to women, "especiall y elegant women whoee lII·manne rs have ne IImll ." 08 one ellpert submits. Is the matter worth serious consldera· tlon? Or, rather. should not . the lIIymptom be welcomed? Is not po· Iitenes8 Itself a sympton of decay, like the beauty of oM cathedrals, the mellownesa of long-stored vlntagea, or the art ot telling the truth? Man In " natural state la not remarkable tor good mann en aud will lie ('heerrully. That school whloh holds that the de· cadence of a people may be traced 'D::f observIng lls cultivation of .the habit ot telling the truth would prob· ably reason that tbe dlf'l'ualon ot po· lIteness Is In the same way slgnlfi· cant, It a less Important barome ter of tailing physical and . Intelleetun! vlr111ty. A robust entity does not bother about etiquette. Modem lite Is compliCated. It Is JWltt. We live at high tensIon. The alns of society people ha vo become inured to them. Neurasthenia, one knows, la often the Inevitable, though mucll·to-be--deprecate d, result of going tho pace, says the Cleve land Plain Dealer. But What Is one to think of neurasthenia In the poultry yard! Comes a publlcatlon which devotes ttseJt to poultry and other topics ot tbe tarm. In It a correspondent writes of the symptoms of one of his bens- llstless, nervous. Indifference to toad and Bornety . And tile editor replies th.a t the symptoms are thosl" of a nervous disease. and be declares that the only cure tor the hen Is the rest cure In some quIet retreat, awny tt:om the feverIsh atmoaphere of the poultry yard. This Is a withering In· dlctme nt or present-day civilization . A 'neurotlc Iren- thin], 01 that! A debutante ot last senson, no doubt, wbo should now ' be In the fu\l feRth· er of glorious youth victim of nerves! The form at Curtiss bipla ne . which t.ravels on th e water and land a s well as In the nlr Is winnin g admiration at . San 01 go. The mach,ne Is a atand'a rd biplan e equlpp<'! d wIth bl· cyole wb e ls anI! a pontoon about three fe et wide by t.welve fe e t In length placed Immed iate ly beneatll the aviator with Its long a xis at righ t- angl I! to th e plane!i. At the e xtre miti es of th e low er plnne are two s m a ll trlun g ul a r coppe r ta nks, wbose fun ction i s to p rev e nt tho planes from c utti ng too dee ply Into th e wa· te r . 1\11'. 'urtlss Boom s to hn ve th oup; hl. or eve r ythin g but a name for hl A no \' e l craft. The suggestion thn!. It be k nown as th e h ydrote rro· lIc ropl nne F.llOWS closer a cquaintance with t he class ics th a n with the habit of th e Aru t'fi can ll('opl!' to insi s t upon ~uttlng lon g word s s hort. The February tirt) loss t.h,IS year In (he United States nnd Canada lImounted to $16,410,000, Whllo a million more than the February loss last year and $300,000 In excess - ot the February loss In 1909 this was five mllllons below the aggregate for Inst month, and some wha't below the avera ge monthly loss during the twelve months last ·PMt. There la nothing alarming nor Is there any· thing encouraglni!' In the fi~ losll fig· ures of the first two months of the present year. On account at a heavy lOllS In January, they are eight mil· Ilona In excess ot the to~al for the firat two months or 1910, liut half a mmlon below tbat for tbe correspond· Ing period or 1909.
Eisht.Year-Old Holstein Cow. Owned by A~cu1tural D&o parc.ment or:Universlty of Missouri, M.akes Great Record,
Theodore N. Va ll, Preside nt of West. ern Un io n and Telephone Compa.n in, Recog n izes Rights of the Ame rican Pu bli c', Pu bllo regu la tion or pub Uc servI ce cor po ratio ns ba s come to s ta y. It ougbt to ha ve COUl e and It ou gbt to stay. That Is th e fl at and un e quiv ocal a sserUon ot Th eodore .'. Va ll , pres I· drll t of botb tb e AIl.!c ricu n T e le ph one and Te let; raph t: 'l Ul pany- and lh o Wes tern t nl on T e l gnp h C0 Ulp:IDY. It came in tbe for m or hi s IUln ual report to t.be seve nty thousand s tock· bolders of the tw o great corpo ratlona. Although Mr. Yall's advocacy or full publicity In conn eoUon with tbe alTair. of such conce rns was we ll und erstood, nobody In financial circles had anticl· pated 10 frank an ,"vowal or full public rIghts In the IIhaplng of th eir genera! conduct. It came consequently a. a surprise, not only becaus.. ot Its novelty and squareneS8, but al80 on account of th e unqualified acqui escence ot a board ot. directors comprl ..In~ such eminent and conservative tInanclen u Robert Wln8un, of Kid· 4er. Peabody &: Co., and Henry L. HI,.glnlon of Boston, Henry P . Dul· aon of J . P. Morr;an &: Co.; Senator W, Murray Crane. George F. Baer, T. Jefferson Coolidge. Jr., Norman W. Harrla. John 1. Waterbury and others. President Vall's declaration 1s her· aIded aa the first recognltlon by those In high' corporate authority of the Jus, tice ot the demand that the publlo be regarded as virtual partn e ra In all matters that pertaIn to the common weltare. He goes directly to the point. "Public control or relUlallon or PlIb110 .ervlce corporatlona by permanent commll\slons," be says, "has COmE' and come to stay. Control or regulation, to be effectll'e, means publlclty; It means aeml·publlc discussion and consideration berore action; It means ever1thlng whIch Is the oppoaite of and Inconslsoont wtth etrectiv. competition. Competltlon- aggresslve, ('ffective competition- means strife, IndustrIal warfare; It mean. contention; It oftentimes means takIng ad· vantage of or rcsortlng to any meana that the con8clence at the contesLantll or the degNe of the entorcement of the law8 v>'lll permIt. "AgKt'esslve competition means duo plication ot plant and Investment. The ultimate objeot or suoh competition la the posses810n of the field wholly or partJally; theraroro It means elth· er ultimate combination on such basla and wltb suoh prIces as wlIl cover past losses. or It meana 108s ot return on Investment, a~ eventual los8 ot capital. However It results, all costs of aggressive, uncontrolled competition are eventuallY borne, directly or Indirectly, by the publlo. CompeUtion which Is not aggressIve, presupposes co-operaUve acllon, under· Itt-andlngs, agreements. wblch result 'n general uniformity or barmony of Action , whtch, In fact. la not competl· tlon but Is oombinatlon. unstable, but for the time etrectlve. When thor· oughly understood It wtll be found that 'contror will gtl'e more at tbe benefits and public advantages, whIch are expected to be obtalued through such ow'nershtp, and wtll obtain them without the public burden of either tbe public office·bolder or public debt or ol'eratln: deficit. "When through a wise and judicIous state control and re:ulatlon all the advantagea without any of the dlsad. vilntageS at state ownership are seC!ured, .state ownership Is doomed ." "If Mr. Vall 18 rIght," say. Harper's Weekl1. In a concise sum· mlng' Up, "then It seem. pretty plain that w(3 Ilre entered upon 11 new el'a In both economics and politics, And it II high time we did It evolutlon Is to supplant revolution as an effici ent force In the development ot clvlll7..a.
Fighting Man. It Is man's nature to fight. It I. hie merit to fight for what be believes to be rleht. Courar;e and bravery are ,not achieved by hIring a lawyer, A tIlan who Is not wllIlng to figilt to th. cfeath for the right or for hll own I. not as Cood or complete a man as ono who Is Is willIng. But opInions aboul thla ·are not ao Important as the tact that It Is man's nature to fight, and that neither resolutions nor legls]atlon nor provision to tet over all kinds of trOUble In any other way than figbtlnl will uvall.-Ellwood Hendrlck'I, In At-
Major Ranson Give. ' Interesting count of Scenes In Tent Night Before Surrender. In Har per ·s. M aj . A. R. H . Ra nson gives an tn tcr sting ItC ount or th e Beetl e nt Ge nera l L{'e's h udl1 uarte rs the night before th e BurrelHler wh en he was s till d otcrlnlocd to strike one more blow, "\\Then I a rrived at hea dquarters, Gt'nc ral Lee was In a tent. ~ Illi ll g with Gene ral IJongsl r ee t on Bome bllndl es of ry e IItl'aw (the: ground b \n it wet from th e rain), a t the uppe r s id e 'of th e l nt, with one candle ror a light. I made ' my report, and th e general told me to wall, a s he wls blld to Reo ChIef Joaephlne" Champion Dairy Cow. ·me. He asked m t! ![ I had had any· thIng to eat, and I told him no. He Thla Is the mllkman's problem : she requires or each la car efully com· "How can I produce tbe greatest puted trom the chemical comJ)/ls.ltlon said be was sorry he had nothIng to offe r me. H e gal'e me a bundle ot amount of milk and butter at the least of the teed It. s traw and told me to s It near the door. expense?" During · the warm summer months Josephine consumed about 30 gallons Chlet Josephine, bNld and owned by the agricultural department ot the ot water dally, Through the wbole routine or her University of MissourI at Columbia. haa come nearer solving this problem dally Ufe Josephine Is never forced to do anythIng; above all, she is never than any other coWan earth. It coats 77 centll a day to keep struck or elicited. Josephine Is no treak. Wbat she has JOlephine and her dally production la done can he repeated In nny normal worth more than U . Thus Josephine makes aa much mJlk'$lvlng e.ow. It la a tact tbat allY cow CRn be dfY each day as the I:verage mechanIc. veloped to give milk beyond what Is She makes more each year than today considered a goo.d average. Jt the al'erage preacher. . and almoat as Is largely because dairymen do not much aa the average college protessor. know the latent p088lblllties or their Chief Josephine Is now a Ilttle over berds that ttie present average Is so eight yeara old and Is ot the Holstein low. breed, otherwise known as FrisIan or All that Is ~qulredUor a start Is a Holland. cow that Is normal In every respect. Of course, Josephine's diet Is careFrom this point man Is the ohlet fully and ' sysoomatlcally looked nfter. tacto~man wIth a traIning such as She Is fed altaUa hay and corn sUage Is Imparted at the college of agrlcul. tor coarse feed and for grain she Is ture at the University at Missouri, given a ml:rture of corn, bran, linseed Bnd at other like colleges tbe country meal and cottonseed meal. The amount over.
A trinl pncknge of Munyon'l Pnw PaW' Pills will be 6ent free to IInyone on reo quest. Addrcl!s ProfcsBor Munyon, Ii3<1 & leffenlOn Ste., Philadelphia, 1'0.. U yo~ are in need of medical advice, do noL {luI ~ write Pro{e$lIOr Munyon. Your communI ' ClItion will be trealed in strict confidence. and yonI' cue will be dingn08ed lUI . carefully 88 though you bad a Pl'l'llOtlnl IIlter"iew: Munyon's Paw Paw Pills are u.n~lke all oth er Inxo.!Ivea or Olltharticl!. .r .. e)' coax the liver into neLlvity by GenUc mothods. They do not 8cour. they do not gripe, t~ ey do not weaken, but th ey do .tD.rt all the secretions of tho li ver nnd sLomllch in ~ way tllnl I!OOn PII \.ll these orgll ns in ' a healthy condit.ioD . ~nd corrects con~t i pntion. In IllY 0lllluon conslipation i. responsible for moHt nllmente. There are 26 feet of hllman bo",els which i8 really a Bewer pIpe. When' th is pipe become8 c1ota1"d lhs whole Il)'stem becomes poisoned" ClIOit' iog ui.liollSDCSIl, Indigestion nnd IIOP.nre blood, whicb oflen produce rheoma tlsm ho and kidney ailmenb . No WOl/ll1D lIuffers wi th conlltipllt.ion or any lIver ailment ClIn expect to hllve a elenr complexion or enjoy aood heo.Jth.. It 1 had my '\vny I would prohibit t.lIe BOle of niDe-tentha of the ~llrtiC8 thu are now being 80ld- for the I"CWlOD that. they soon · de troy the lining of the IItomnch, letting' up lleriOUll {orlli8 of indigestion, and ! O IlllJ'lllyze the bowell that they resecure d In trying to gTow clover wltb. 'fuse to nct unlcsa forced by atronl out first applying Ume or wood 38bos purintives. to the land. . Munl' on'a Paw Paw Pills are a t.ooIo As calculated by' the statlOl), the -_':": ". to the stomach, liver and ncrvOl!. They net r e turns por acre during the first kperlmeats eoa4ucte4 by Rhode invillorate instead of wllllkcn; they cn· sIx years were $279.40. and durhig the Island S&atloD Show Net secoog slx'pear perIod, l~71.4(l or "I Will Strike That Man a Blow In rich tho bloo~ Instead Qt Impoverll h Retaraa-No.Su.ccess iD the MornIng." it; they enable the stolD8ch to ~et 1111 '92.06 in favor of the Iallt. two rota· GroWIa. Clover, the nourishment from fcod thnt IS put tolns. It bad been raining all alternoon, and into it. 1 was quite wet. . I WfiS also ,' ery These pUle contain no calomel, no For 12 years the Rhode Island ex. Life on the Farm. tired. so ·1 put my foot through the dope; thoy are lIOolhing, hcaling nnd perlment atatlon has been making ell' A contented and Intelligent rural brIdle rein ot my mare stnndlng out· stimulnting.· They oobool the 00",.18 periments having as their basis a roo populatlonls the true basis 'of u per· side, and lyIng'down on the bundle 01 to IIot without physic: tatlon of potatoes, rye and clover. The mnne nt agriculture. The re are several Bcguln.r 811.e hoWe, contalnina 46 pilla, rotaUon consists at winter rye the conditions essential ·to the best coun· strnw. was soon a sleep. "I was awakened. by voices, nnd 23 cenhi. Munyon's Lnboratory, Ii3d .. first, clover or clover nnd grus tbe try lite. The success of the farm 88 a looking liP, saw th e colonel I hnd left Jefi'~son St8,. Philadelphia. ·Becond. and potatoes tbe third year. business j!nterprlse Is , 01 p,rlme 1m· In charge ot the troops at th e bridge' , _ On an average lor the whole period portance, It must return an Income In tlie tenl He r e ported thAt l1 ~~~'rc'o:"~!~} E,I of 12 years plat No, 11 received per sufficient to Insure all of the necellsl· standIng the rations haJ not a rrived, and tho acre 64 pounds of potash, 9,16 pounds Ues, most ot ,the convenience's and starving and dl~ouraged troops had of phosphoric acid; 27.2 pounds at" nl· some of the l\lxurles of life. The com· !ill deserted In thQ darkness, leavln8 NATURALLV, trogen and 260 poCnds of lime; plat munIty ' lite of the agricultural popu· their arms tn the trenches. . General "' No. H, 68.2 pounds ot potash, 0.4 latlon must be such will. stlmulAte Lee heard hIm to tht:1 end of hIs a~ pounds of phosphoric acId, 26,9 pounds m'e ntal activity to 'amply ,satisfy the count, and then with a wave at hi. at nitrogen and 232 pounds ot lime, social aspirations ot tho countryman band dls mlss!ld, him. Turning to Genand plat No, 13, 67.7 pounds of potash, and his family. eral'Longstre(lt, be aald: 'This la very 87.2 pounds of phosphorlo acid, ·27.1 bad . That man Is whipped. It Is tbl.' pounds ot nItrogen and 232 pounds ot first tilDe I have s eon one 'or my ot· Valye of Lime. lime each year. Fre sh lime, u'nslaked, weighs abo\lt ticers who had been whipped. It Itl Previous work showed tbat the provery bad.' The conversation between portion of merchantable tubers In : the 80 pounds per bushel, and wlll absorb the «enerl11s was then r esllmed In low potato crop Is greatly Increased . by . about 27 potinds of water from tbe air, tones, and 1 again fell a s leep, J must limIng, even sometimes In cases where tormlng hydrate of lime. It also abo bave slept for some le ngth or time, the total vleld remains the same . . The sorbs carbonic acid (rom the air and whe n I was awaken d by General results obtained 610 fat IndIcate that Is gradually converted Into carbon· Le1;!'s ,'oice. spea,klng In loud ton es. after the thr~e yea~ rotation Is well ~te at lime. One busbel of stone limo louder than ' J had ever hea.rll from started, further liming onoe In six will make ab'o ut throe bushels when him , He was 8aYI~. 'General Long years at very moderate rates wlIl be slaked. Ah' -slaked Hmo Is always re- street. I will strike tbat mal! a blow . ferred to when It Is ~ecommended for In .the morning.' G ~n e ral .Lee some. aufficlent. . -. 'The generallmprove.ment of the' soil land. Sixty bushels ot siaked lI~e Is times spoke of General Grant a s 'that ...... ron ... sboW• . was found to have far less beneficlai a good dressing tor ·ooe acre . . man,' lind of th e federal (ltDlY as And. yet there's n.ot a man effects upon the Ql:e crop t;han upon 'those Jleople .~ , But wants to ilet:i as much at the llOtatoes and clover. ·Wlth the 1m· ' Succe.a With Farming. . \'General Longstreet repli ed In low Performance as he can. proveme nt In the sol1 It was necea· When a family with 100 acres pro- tones, giving t.he s trengtb anU condic' • saty to omIt nitrogenous top-dresslngs duces what It needs. nnd can exchange tion at his comma nd, and th e s trength ITCHED SO 'COULD NOT SLEEP for rye, with the result that the yields eome products for faxes. repairs, 'edu· Rnd position of the enemy, and eon. ot straw were somewhat lessened and cation. etc" and can also maintain the elllde d 'by saying, 'Bllt you ha" c only "I suffered from the early part of those of grain Increased. 'rhe ·exper. land In a productive sta~, It thus to give me the order, and tbe attaclc Iment also taught that it Is advisable solves a problem that will beneflt fu· will be made in th e mornIng.' Again December until nearly the beginning to sow grus seed with the clover, as ture generations, Not only should Its th e conl'ersation WRS resll!ned In low of Ml\rch with severe skin eruptions arass usually more readily survives un· success be announced, but the method. tones, a1ld I fell a sleep. I mus t have on .my race and scalp. ' At first I ' der extreme winter and excesslvo' dry by which It succeeded should be pub- slept for an hour fit leaat, wher. again treated It · as a tr1vl~ matter. But summer coudltlons. No success was lished f<!r the benefit o~ · others. I was awakened by th e loud, almos l after .having used . cast1le soap, me~· cat'1d waahrags~ cold · cr~am. · vanIsh............... ...- ....-............- ...... ... _ __,,,_,,,, ___,,-,,,,..J""""""__ fierce tones of Gen eral Lee. saying, ./ tell you, General Longstree t, I w11l ing ' Iream, etc'., I found no reltet wbat.. strike that man a blow In the morn. ever. After that I diagnosed my case Ing.' General Longstreet agaIn re- as ecze~a, he cause ot Its 4rY, scaly counted the dIfficulties, endIng as be. appearanoe. T.he itching and burning fore, '(Jeneral, yOII . tr.now 10U havtt ot my scalp became 80 Intense that I only to give the ·.order ana tbe attack thougM I shOUld go mad, b!ivlng ' not wtll be made. but I must tell YOU I slept regularly tor months .past, ' onlY thhik It wtll be' a useless waste of 'at intervals• .waking up now and th~ . beoause ot the burntng and. itching ot brave ltves.' "ThInking I been present long my skin. Havlpg read · dUferent !!nough at an Interylew, 1 tlmonlals of cures by the CuUcura ' coughed and up from the 8traw, Remedies, 1 decldod ~o Ilurchase ·" .box ' and dra.w lng the fiaps at the 'ot Cutlcura Ointment. and a. .cake of them " tent, looked Into ' the darkness. Cutioura SQaP: After . a ',ew days I '. , General .Lee : 'Captn!n Ruson. I beg your o 1 bad forgotten .change . In my -cO'ndlt.l(ID~ ' you. Go no)\' get somethlt1ir to about 'two boxes eat and some· I will see yuu tn and be cakes 'gt ~ul~lcqrla. _""".' ...... aDd ·aft~r:.& few the morning.' tree - tr6in· the '. , j ""'~'UI5 . ,"I found my ~y ·. ~zema her side In · due usii1g OU1UI:!IIl'&. .it: w'as ·· past m.IIDI!l;Dt. ment . . '..b, ut t· reHLCIl'~1l IN; wU'hn,l,t
t.. .
Mo.... to the Purpo.e. "Are you in favor of ~ . ten·hour tlay?" "I don't care anylblng about the daYI," replIed young Rounderley, "but Becauee a Chicago man Insisted it wolJld be a jolly good thl.n&, It we upon bel~g a candidate tor trustee could hav.~ 24·hour night .... or one of the large Ne w York lIte . in.urance companIes , tho compan·y MI.gulded Ener.gy. , "I am bound to make a noise In the haa peen obliged to spend . aJlout $50" .000 'In ha vlng ballots and proxJel world," said t he determIned youth, 1)rhi~ In e lev~ dl!,ferept lang'-;lnges . "But be ca,'eful how you go about It." rept'led Mr. Osage Spout,er. " 'AD alld malltng them In sealed envelop<!11 amA.teur with a bass drum can apoU · other to all parts at the world: He Is the tile fine It iymphon1 ever wrttteo/' · .U~e. pnly ~ndlitate on the so·called policy' . PRes holde.rs' tloket, although 36 trustees. HOI~l" JOYOUI Economflt. . ' wld~ are to be eleoted·, It was a wise law "You don't mtnd hiSh priced" ; , whlcb lIIade provision . tor pollcY-1l01d. "No," rejj)lIed the reJolute Pli~ : :.. en' tlckettl, lJut in ihls Instance It pher. "Whun prlca .re blab, "'-C.,.••.•"" . . . Dot been advalltageous from a bow much more1:\•• e1'''~ U. Jbl&Dclal n.,r»olJlt~ at I...t. , .o u Jeclde to Uta. w1t1it*t. . . . ' .... ~I!,"'I!!I!' ' ~." ~
tb..... .:-..
Sin and Righteousness
Oa lay IItood In th e m elt.dow. H r gre at eye!! wldo an d blue , B um blo B o ' f rom It 1'0'" lhe wa.., Pu.st 1I 1tl o UIMY !Io .... n lusy s!lw h im lImIng, Op n e d h pr hI \) ('l "yuH wId e; H o r h e nrt pl t-PIlIlPd toud ly , ~nd Dtt l~y u lm ost \lr! d . Sho f c l l afmld or H u mh tf>, 0 1(1 h"n ('y· u ,.c b o ll! !\' 0 1' I ,,~ til ppetl n Il t ho s IVer'lnl's" Frum flu\\' ' MI . 8h" wan t o ld. n(\ \\,a l< n't 1I1H' It fl n w r A ' ·bl oss.tllI ," p Ulla Hal d~" J\ t ('"n1 i t"r, " ' f! . "'l'c hhJs."qu tn ." H ili " lIl11 ( ; o lden- H f'ful ?" H UI D umbl" B e ll. lIlIlntn I(ul r l1lLI Ny- m a lcl . fl o lY I'U8 1. A -spe ll I "~ 01h~ r fl o w e r~ .
HROVG1-1 all the Scriptures rUllS a conception of sin a8 at s omething dreadful, ~, be yond the powe r of words to expr ess ; and, strange .. to tell the ri ghteo us men who wrote the var ious h[ storl es, propheoles, psn.lms and epi stles that fill th e sBcred volume we re th em· solves one and . all conscIous of sin, and tha t , too, apparently, In proporl\on to tbelr r[gh taousn ess . He who does not know that P atfi was tho cb lef of the apostlos knows but lillie ot the his tory of Chrlstian[ty, Ilnd he that docs n ot Imow that Paul regarded himself ns the ch Ief o f s inne rs know s but little abont Paul. There is no lh[ng IIghtbenrted In Paul's confession or 81n , It comee from the soul. H e had [ool(e d down upon himself frorrl tbe third heaven. He Ichew hls s[ns for what tbey were. Neltller could be s peak at hIs 81ns a s It they we re altogether thin gs ot the past or, In· dced, In any proper sense or the past at all. H o n ever said, "By tbe dev Ice at the Dev il 1 used to be a sInner," but "By the grace ot God 1 am what I am." I deserve death nnd, Indeed, I was dead; yet I live, or rnther Christ li veth In m e. If for a moment he contemplated hImself as apart tram the lI v[ng power and pres· ence of Chrlsl, ho Will! fiUe'!! wltb d[smay nnd borror tha t wrung from hIm the cry: "0 wretched man that 1 am I who 8hall de liver me from the body of tbls death?" Those Who Have Seen Christ. Th[s hunting out of s in seems strange to many Bibl e students. Our evangelists confess their long-past transgressIons very lIght-heartedly and jauntily; our scholars never confess anything; our theologians dlsuss sin In tbe Impersonal way tn which an evolutionist would discuss a tossU In which he might recognize th e remains ot a possible ancestor. Tbere are' excepUons, no doubt. Th er e always must b e. And the ex· c pllons are those who, like PaUl, have seen Christ. No age has ever been altogether without the heaven vision . Job saw and hea rd more lenrly than many oth ers, perhaps b ecause he had come In to th e DIvine Presence tl1rou gh n g r ent flg,llt of ami lions. When the vtslon burst unon him, be said : "I h ave b eard or tbee by the hearIng. of the e 1'; but no w mIne eye seeth thee. Whe reupon I abhor myself, and repent III dust nnd ashes." As IQng as he compared himself wIth oth er men h l'l auld mnlnta[n that lie was r Ighteous . but God had placed before hIm a hIghe r standard. Reallzat[on of SIn; It by some magi al ~ower a beast could become a man, be would at once find himself 0. s inner, tor hIs b east heart would not be suited to buman r elations. Not only would his habits n eed r eforming, but neW [deas, new motives and even n ew In stln otll would be neoessary . If 'a peasant could become a prince, he would need a similar cbange of heart. It a m:J.n hears the caU of ChrIst, and, tollowIng him, passes out of tbe world Into · the kIngdom of God, be fe els as be never felt before that 'he Is a sInner. He teela the need at a mentor that may teach him tbe rulea of the new Boetal plane on which he eS8ays to live. He cannot keep in rIght paths, unless be hears the voice: "This is the way, walk ye In It," . He needs more than a guide and mental". He Med8 a tborough transtormatton. SOI;n ewhere In the tar-distant fature the past mBY be forgotten. The "old man" may die. He tbat sltteth upon the throne will say: "Behold, I make an things new." But until tbat
~ tE !It
DOLL'S LESSON . J'oday '"' I Bat In th~ ~unl n t\t 1l1"y. hourd an uhl mut h ill' hell c O:1 ~la ll t ly
tla y. l u c k - ! ' Iu " k ~
C lu l'l:-C lu ck! "
t o ('oru t!-
11111 ,' c ltl "ks' ~t' llltu r !<l t o ler t nnd r l,;ht. No! I,,' .. dlnf: th nlr m o t ho r . w ho c All ed with I,"r lll lg ht. "C lu c k · C1t: (~ lt : lu l'l< . C l u c k! " f o r' her chfck,' ns to ("om t.'.
Th o
Wipe it off your otherwise .good looking face-put . on ,that goad health smile that CAS· CARETS will give you-as a result from the cu'r e of Constipation-ora torpid liver', It's so casJl-do it-you'll see. CASCARETR JOc n bOl< for " w eek 's h'''''l lO ro n! , aU drull"R"ab' . Bhnl'e. l loller '" the worltL MIUlon bOJU>5 B w olUh.
THICK, SWOLLEN GLANDS ttln t lIluk" a. b u"O \V'hO fllXO , H(ltlT, bJ\vn Th h, k \Vlnd o r l: h u ILO - C'O\VI\, can lll) rom ov.,d " 'hll
0 ",1 \ 0
Anti T 1l, ,,uJ!'ht IIppl" Iree.
Sickly Smile
. ,~O
n nr n un"h nr S"o lUoliC . .N o bll .. L r. lin hu.l r gn n e , nnel
I " t 'nt'(l th th o bIg
~'~I'\C1o"lll~~"P:(,~~ i~'::t'k ft J!:tr"::~:
J[ ow ,",re:L<lCully tlr ~ 1l th d b Id h en mus t
" ;, ,r It .. 1I 11ln' e n t
f lO '
DUln k lDtl.
e~\:1~':;:"~ (V~ltI~~: t~II~:!~~~'.~~o'::nd'·t'.~J~ b~'~I't~1 ~
u l lin/.; . ' 'C lu ': k- l ucl, !" f u r her c hl cl<ons
Clttu.lnrs or d uIl YI, r ed.
t u come.
n ,lOk wllh tMUrou n lults t roo.
W. F. YOUNG,P.O. F.,310Tomple St.,Sprlnofield,Naa,
Ju" t Ihe n m () th~ r rn lle ,", lo u d rro m out I he b nc\< IIoo r. D ut I 1< "1'1 8') NtllI - l hftd do ne It b e -
ill' SAM HO I STON, In San up his cot and cnrry hIm over th e lI n('. "no ll . I ,oi l ~ n Oli . n" II~ " ror h e r fl a ugh-, Auton lo, Tex., to wh ich 20,000 A r w hours la t ' r h e becam e d IIrlous le r 10 co m e. trOOlls were hunl edlY di s- nnd never reco\' e red consciousness. Th volro or my mol h e r r reng out eott Dawn of tho Morning of Death. pat ched, III located clolle to t he nn(l (" II!a r , Tho morni ng 01' th e final attack was LJls tori allot whel'e t he battle of Btl l I "' lis ~(I lazy I p !ltY t'!I not !o h ea r . INFALI.I BL E Ut ll Allunu was fou ght. T bero a s mull a warm, bright SU ll d:l.Y. Colonel Bow[ e "Doll. 0 01 11' Il o ll , Do ll !" ro r her da ugllFOR W E AK for co of Am eri can pIoneers oC tb o died a bout three o'clock. Deatb had ter t o cum '. SO RE EYES southw est fought agaIn st ove rw helm- become so com mon that no one paid Th e n 1 t hought w it h a Slllt'!, as I tu r n ed Inl-: odds nnW death ga ve tho M xlc.J.o· any attenUon to tho dying pIonee r. A IllI D r c h e.) hl me.' lt al In.st 1n0 IlhOUI . army a t emporary vIctory . Th st rong· They were blackened wi th gun pow· H ow tlre<l my m o lhur m u ~ t b e call1 ns W lthl" t il b Ollo m o r It brIar, ou t . With p e t als Ho rt n nd pink; hold wh[thl'r they aro bound bears de l' ; th oy loaked wild from lack or " Doll. 0 11 ~ Ot'l il. ll o ll ~ " ro r h e r daugh - And Dafsy br<'l,lh'd qu ito freely, RA-Sohll c ... • nnd ~n lh, f"8' f"«'n ~lu n nJl jln~lUh'l l ~ th e na me of th e geo ral who brought 'slee p and food: they seldom spoke t ruo. "' . ~. l-H''-1\¥II, 316 U ~ltoU t. . \\'u.6 h llla,:llll\. " . l i, And f t' l t 80 glad to think te r ~o rllc . Ind pend nc to tb e Lon e Stu r stale. a nd a ll tb e[r wo rds and ncts w er e Tha t th oug ht Hh w as " dal ay "TherOlollylu > had [ lS messen ger ot thos e of m e n t~rrlb ly In earnest, The Th e hrlnr h n d m o r e c harm J Jumpc.] up 80 'lu lc k l y . anll ran with nil I Envy Is punlsh[ng oursclves for beFor Dumbl<,. th o o ld bu zze r , llpe a, sale Idea ot eaoh WIlS to Be ll his life d ett'at. A[amo hn d non ." \ \ ' ho ml l{ hl ha\' o don h e r har m. ing [oferlor to our neighbor . To nnd tro m m y mnlher what mI ght be Th[s [osor[lll[QO , ascr[bcd lo Lon} as dearly as pOSsible. Santa Ana de- I-J olc n u On\, llI. he r n eel ; " Macau[y, i ll engrav ed on a monum ent t rmlned to take the Alamo by a s, An!] down III m y h (' n r l I RaId, Il.8 I rrm. G llrfi ul(1 '1'00 will will your apprO\'R!. Jt In the g rounds of the Texas capItol sault. The bond s t ru ck up "Duguelo" I'd n e v ' r. trcllt mOlh or' In t hut w ay li gn in ! b I'l ea~a n L to take, mi ld III ne t 'oa ant! vcry at Austin in comm moraUon at the (n8salls[n) and nmld a boom of call' GAME OF DUMB INSTRUMENTS ihea[th'lll ifl g. [ t O VCfll()1fICS conblipillion, garrison, all ot whIch dI ed IIght[ng non [a dde r s wo'r e brought, the Willis FUN IN SILHOUETIE MAKER agulnst overw helming odds [n th e of t he buUdl ng we re scaled by 2,000 One of Noisieat and Jolliest Pa& An I ndlvlduallat. battle at Ul e Alamo, wlt[ h nded cavalrymen. whil e batt e ring rams time&-Continual Changing Causes Tbe reason for the [ndlv[d un.l drIn k· Affords Much Amusement Olt Small Murc G, 1 36. beat In the doors . Th T exans rnn to Much Merriment. [n g cup bad been lCJ)ln.lned aga in and Socia l AffaIrs-Profile Produced Am er icans In T exas rose in reb el- the ro of., where several cannon had aga in to th e children and they ha d by Aid of Pantograph. The favorite pas ti mes a.mpug the become sturdY s Ulll>ortera at tlle Idea . lion agaInst the gove rnm III of Mex· been stational!. As fnst as the Mexl· ChIn ese are those whIch are suitable ico In 1835, Elarly in 1 36 Ih e reb I, cans moun ted 'they were s tabbed and So It was not s urprising to , h ea r An Ingenious cont.rivance U1at will fol' playing at the table. 'Th e Dumb )[on g rew Into warfa re. The T a a ns the ladders ov rturned . Meallwhlll! H enry calling : "Ma, ma! Melv ille's afrOI'd much a musement at s man soIns trum ents" Is one of the noisiest w re und I' th lead ers hip oC the bluff the 'Mexican rIflemen on th b'l'Ound got my [ndl vhlunl apple!" cia l nfl'alrs Is tho silhouette maker de- and joll[est g ames. In a company of Gen. Sam Houston as IlresldOllt at llle shot down the Texans 011 th I'oot and signed by a Ma.ssachusetts man. 'W[th any number a h takes tbe Dame of new re public of Texas an d IlS com - Lhe battle .ra ged witb Ih e few T XllD S An Ambaaaador's NOSII, [t accurate littl e reprodu c Ions of the som e dlfrerenl Instrument, which he Is mander -in-chI f of lh [r littl e ar my of who stayed On guard b ehind the bar· An ambassador to Russia, fo rm erly s upposed to Iml tnte both In soml11 and a leather mercbnnt In this count r y. volunteers. It , as a darIng und ertak- J'lcade. go ture. Ttl e leader wl1l take the discovered certaIn seoret processes I' . Ing tor a scnnt 2,000 m en to atlem p't After an hour the MexiC'ans h!!.d name of th e drum, whIch Is the most gnrdlng a special kInd of leather man t Q wres t th state from Mex[co wI t h overpower ed th e T xa ns II.nd wer e imporlant In st rum nt; the first man ufactured til r eo He would have b een Its 15,000 drl11 d troops. But the 'felC- s~' armln g to tbe roof. The defe nde rs on hIs r ight wl1l hav the horll, th e 'loolled on with sus picion had It b e~n nns, head d by Sa m ' Houston, Davy retre~t e d down tho Gta[rs, flghUng evseoond the cymbals, aod so on. roclcett, William T ravis and John ery in ch of tb e w ay. Tben th doora lIus pected thnl h e could learn anyAfter a ll h ave perfoqned for a tew thIng or theBe methods. But dur[lIg Haydon, teared no {a llu r. 'rh e M x- below were heat n down wltb hu ge mom nts on ilie various Imag[nary Inlean gen eral, Santa Ana, set out from limb r s and wIth n yell '-he frQ n zled his s ojourn he got near enough to ca r· str um nts tbe leader wlll say, "1 pass t alo factorIes to r egister, through his the RIo Grande northward to Quickly soldi e rs paul' tl In tho ollen[ng. The my drum now to Mr. Ling," ,wh'o may s(>llse of s mell, som Im pressions wi th conquer a nd punIsh r eb II10u T exans. little band of 'rexans was piUfull y In· be sllllng on th e 9thel' Bide of tlle whi ch he was able to worll Qut the His army ot 6,000 m en, after a marcb slgn.l fi cant a gai nst the hord e qt l\1exJ· table. Ther eupo n Mr. Ling begins formulas wit n h roturned bome.of n arly GOO miles across a d esolate CUrjs. 'fb e r-e \ re y ' lls un d unshDts bating the drum, and nch ot the Athilll\ c ·Magazlne. coun try, r ench ed nn AntonIo, confi- lind gronns [ 11 ou e lon g, 1Iid oUs cbootber vlaye l's mUlj t Immedla.tely d ent o C a pturlng that town u nd mov· m s. Not one of the Texans sank to ohun ge hIs Ins t.ru ment 80 that the or· Ing on to the n w capitol al \ Vllshillg- d f th till h e had ex hausted nil his 'A GOOD BET, der fr om the drum s:h nll r emain th e ton, Tex. ' otrellg th . ' oloned ' Crocke tt stood In snm e. tb corner of the ,mnln 1:0am and w ith Unprep3red for Battle, For In stan ce, be wb.o sIts upon the The garrIson at San Antou[o was a. u Uass slnsh d ull who attacked r Ight of Mr. LIn g, who now .bas the His sh Irt was son1(ed wIth pr (lared or Santa Ana's comin g. hIm. drum, must t ollC t he horn, th o secona The first gs of his a ppron h were blood and a b ull tha d pIe rced his to th ri gh t th !' ymbnl s, and so on glv ~ n sentinels post d on t4e ch eck. Shot by a mnn in f ront of ar oun d th l' cirr lc-, -llch In strum ent be---...-;"-- _. ro!'r a amo. which WIlS nn aban- hIm, he lunged forward, seiling 'tIls Lng th e sam o nUll\bcr of spaces trom . doned Franciscan mission, built [n li fe Il,s dearJy as poss[bl e, Colonel lh e drum a s It · [:; was be fl)r e the 1723. It numbered about 1 5 In n un- 'I'ra\,[s was shot through the h ead Silh ouette Milker. cbange. Thl!! contlnuul cba'llg[ng ot der com mand of Col. W Illiam Trn.vls. while defe ndin g the staIrs. th e dr um from on per son to another, No one was spa red, ~nd ,every ono iWh n the newl of S anta Ana's up· sllhou et.tes of me ll nnd wom en p respl'oach reached 'I'rav[s Ite del rmlped at the 'fexa~ s saule to the floor fight· ent ma y be drtlw n by any pe l'son, no and tbe subsequont. end eavors · 10 r em ember wha t [ s the correot ImagInary to make good Hs defense until r eo Ing. So e(,lded Ihe :Alomo. mailer bow li t lle a rti s ti a hll[ty they Ins trument alld play It l)rOp rly, are enforcements could arrive. With him ' Nearly all 'lho InCormaUon tha t h[s' possess, tbe [n\' Oolltor clnlms. A toldprovocallv or great merrime nt. Was 01. J ames Bowie, whose nllme lorlans have con ern[ng the events In · Ing Crame, one section oC w b[ch [s a was alwnys associated with ~[s fnmous sldll t.he Ala mo during the siege has translucent panel and Ihe other Rda plImlfe, and Davy rocket t, the fron - come from Seno ra Dona Andrea Cas· ALTOGETHER TOO QU[ET. ed to 8101d a sheet of paper, [s fa stUe rstl\an and hunter ot lI[story and tarlon de DlIIanueda, tbe nurse of en ed to th e back of th e cbalt· In whIch romance: They had a t ew p[eces . of Colonel Bowie and the sale survivor. th e subject a[ts. A 11gb ted candle Is artl11ery, littl e ammunition, !lO busbe ls 'I'he state of T e,xas penSioned her for plnced at a point wh er e Il throws the ot corn and 30 beet catll , which were 40 years. shudow ot th e head on the translu! hurried wltbin the inclosure. They Remember the At'amo, oent panel. Pinned to the paper on Mrs. 'ewpOll-MrlJ, Jones s ays that From th~t day the 'wor'd s, "Remem· Santa Ana demllnded Im\ned[ate surtho other sIde or t he frumo Is a 'plece only one worua n In a thousand Is c .. rende r_ Travla returned a defiant r - ber the Alamo I" :were .tbe slogan at o[ carbon. paper. By using 'a pantopable of brlnglIig up cblldren. . tusal, emphasIzed by (\ cannpn sbot. A the oampalgn throughout T exas, In graph, which Is a joInted device for Mr. Newpop- I'll bet she thinks she blood red ' flag, slgn[fylng no quarter, less tha!l two week' more tban 600 thn reprodu ction of a design on 11 Is one at the ones. Immediately was raised above the frontiersmen, maddened . by the Dlas· ,smaller sc.J.le, the silhoue tte wblch [s . Mexican c.J.mp and their batterIes B~cre, joined Sam Houston's army. thrown' on the s creen pa n el can he REASONED IT OUT opened upon tbe garrison. Meanwhile A month later Houston, with a torce r eproduced In mtnlat ure on the paAnd Found a Change [n Food Put Travis had dispatched messengera to of 700 Texans, fuced Banta Ana, with per opposite. H[m RIght, Houston and Washington, Tex., 1)5 2,000 soldiers, on the banks at the San mJlea away, appeaJlng tor assistance. Jacinto. 'rhe battle was only an hour A man docs not count as wasted the . WEARS AN ELIZABETHAN RUFF The Mexican batteries attempted n long. The Texl1s force, with a mIghty t.Ime be spends In thInking' over hla and exultant yell, "Rtlmember tho time, at least, the man who haa been , breach In the stone walls or the mlsbusiness, but he seems loth to give a partaker ot the powers of that De.p[te of WIng-LIke Protuberilncea , lion at dawn February 26 . . For hours Alamo!" routed the enemy and cap- , made th e same Rort at careful attention to new world must loolt Into hia tormer Creature I. Not Angelle-Known every day the Mexicans continued the tUl'ed Sant~ Ana, who barely 61caped Ute and self as 1nto the depths or • h imself ond to his health. And yet as "Frilled Lizard_" d hi wm be'. "u no t hi 81ego, In a hot tire which was opened death . Texas lndevendence then was It his bUSj[ness would bo worth mtie established. P , an R song . m upon ,the garrison on the last morn"Well, Henry, how do you like YOUl without good h~alth to c.J.re tor It. A that hath loved us and wasbed UII \n Th:s anImal Is a lizard. He Is not neigh bars 1" Ing In February some at the bombs business mnn tells how lle dId hlmHis own blood. "- Nashvllle Christian "earing an Elh:abathau ruff becauRe teU close to tbo spot where Davy Laughing EyeL "Not a t nIl. Th ey're so quiet thai se lt good by c.J.refully thinkIng over Advocats. the fashion, but because It Is It Is Orockett lay. He sprang up and made 'fhat Wllkesbarre woman who [ dnrtlll 'l mo,'!), or IIlaDIIlI U can't hear hIs phYRlcal condition, InvestlgaUng to apparently a ttacbed to him. hJs way to the ramparts just as tile caused Ihe arres t of a girl on tbe wh at Ih y're saying." find out what was needed, and Ulen The, Love of Christ. The creature Is DO t, in s pIte of tb e Mexican gunner was reloading and be- charge , at the latter used "laughing changing to the rigbt rood. protuberances, an espec[ally wing-like fore' he could tiro agaIn shot hIm. A eyes" to "begullo" plaintiff's youn, "Thou s halt bo a wItness tor hIm "\0'01' s onlo years 1 h il.d been botberToo Lonesome. comrade caugbt up the'ltlatch and ran 80n ex peri enced no sympathy at the. unlo all meo." (Acts 2Z : 16.) The lov'o [a mma sew ing, G org[ c slandino ed u. great deal atter meals . My food , to the touchl;lole. But already a frosh bands of t he court. Tlie judge aaw no ot Christ Is the r eal motive tor all by- Geo rgie : Ma mlll a, did you ever seemed to la,y like lead In my s tomach, , rlfte had been handed the Tennesseean legal 01' moral ground tor the arrest true missionary endeavor. ~t so fills produ cing heaviness and dulln ess and lell n lie '! and he picked off tke second gunner He not only set the girl tree at once, the soul with Its JOY an!1i,.peace that s om e t Imes positive pain. or course S hocked :'otum ma : 'Ve llp rhap~ as he had the Urat. Three more l\,r ex- but ompllm ented Jler on the posse., we cannot bul tell to ~ s the story wilen I was )'ou ng a od kn,e w no bet· tbls l'e n(\el'ed me more or less ·Unt!t leans , made the attempt a nd met a sian of those "laughing eyes." . of this marvelous and"riilltchless love. for htl s i lle s ~ , nnd r 11111.de \lp my mjml tCI' , Ilke fate o.nd tor a time the gun was So tar as ma}' be judged by the pub. We become wtulnSJ o ~!1dure any trial th ::t.t om r'l h ing would h l~v e to be d one. Georj;I(! : Did papa eyer tell a li e ~ "Bllenced. · II s hed J' port o( (:ase, the court ana to incur any 'risk ~ ' rder that we "ftc- f1ecl [on led ' me to the conclusion l\l a mm u : '1 suppose he mig ht havo Colonel Travis called the garrison was emin ently so d and ·wlse. It may be tlu},., tiearers ." o1 this mes~llge t.hn.t o\·r;··eMiDf;, fi lling ·the s tomach dOlle so wh e n be ku w no botte r . about: blm March 3. . He mnde 1\ brief nnytlor\y should b e arrelltecl and · placed to t~08 e who sit in J lIarlcness. rt Is A pllu s e - U(~ o l'gi ' : ,,'Pl I! [ wou·t with indf ges tl bte food, waR \' es'Pon ~ lg l e ti\lk .. t lUn g 1Iis comrades that longer In confinement In conn ection wHh this \(;)VA alone whl. In ter prets the ror many of th e Ill s !Jlv,.t hUOlUU 110sh go to lWIl von ~ hOpe ror asSistance was 'useles8> ' Rll Ii 1\ matter it Is the young mall sa c\,U1cCs wh Ich welJ) lDd women thus nd UI'es , an d t hat [ was puni shing' S h Ocl~ "Q :I nH1 11l1lU: ),: )' SOil ! ~ '~d that t~e Alamo ,should be sllr~ 1M!r. Tho roqng woman to' who'm ~(!Iy JIluke. It ha _ wade the dungeon, 11J n' I r In I hr_l \\':I.I"- t.h a ' W llS "'hnt tlo y c <.1m ? dereCl or It should be ' d fen ,.,.'dence has accordf;ld the gltt ot ~tb erwlse l~aths~'f~t res plendent a~d , : I 1.\ n't wallt t il g o to \\as Il\n ieill !; llla !to <l ull. IJPU\' Y Ilnd UIlthe lut, man was dend. ARE MAK " Oy s Is a blesslng to !~ ~ g[o ~ lou s . It 'has . m~'dO tlle wheel lind ite" 'C'u IS it ,;,' 111 t.' so lone. om' comi'ortabl c. n nd Il nfit. f I' h\1 loesol line ~nh hi8 '8W?rd,on 1ge5 There III too .muc BOt- ,rack softe r t han 'COaches of down. It r r: onclu!lell t trr , rape~~an,l l~bOdY th ru b:; l ' od a nd l; col'ge nftel- menl IUld Bald : .. ' , b' a cas Ion fqr tears in bas made th e fSlP·t and fla me a , trlNul!: food to ~ t; O what !t co ld do f-or . uga'l hitl~to n ! " 'J propose to stf. nman People around to rid, It any '0 tel- um phan t 11ariot ' to bear noble soul! , ktll~. ,All who'W e w'a s daily excursions to the co . or being ~'~eiul1ed" ' t9' glory alld ~o 'rn>d. . kn ~ -----------C\)1ll6 tf .~~la:8Ide "'0 ]l1en's ering the lucious mushroom lc~b~.tr~ tlltY1Q., 'ot . <;lb, rleJa Y4;lur h earts ~oday t ? 'th1s ' 8eDv.er ' Da m Bu i lder. ~Ia~: s~rre~dr. not J' uQti- are lots of th ' d ' h . I,M.e d. lp'- 'sn(e-, It . ~Ightyq~otlve!" 'In lite. amid. itl'. tr[ als.: _ m ll:1I ' IlI' had bl s ' lin Illl:; 1>.!,Wut , side," " . . . 'f e~, a~, ~ ey t , ",. in death llTOld lts ' colduess' nnd ~arIC. Lizard With !lrW\'cr ::; I) i!lg alii t hull (1 (I ilms wa s .' """ Davy Crockf ' , , a very fire quahty thlayear, n ess: ;and, in h a ve ll ' ~riild Ite, trl, tlter1 wltl:t a baby' bl.'a"e r bi , II , ,'I"u\.lll'&;.~phant ',WI ppears chat .;.,' -uJ)lp'ba'n ,tIQnIB and per-r,l ess g!orJ!>p" ~ ' ' " .~ .~. 11 \Jncll m a gJ' at ' pet, bu,\ (2 Wa& allow&1i\, the ftl m!1lissioner ANNO,UNCEMENT ..,., "'A~ . nl(. can s UU Qxult lrtrl".4lecca Dan~els, an aged and '1eno s lg lis ot wlt llting to build ;J and U8 to another Cor, ~ervices as ' F. & " , • ., Iovli' Qf . 1st co~ter Ispected l~dy, dl~, Sund.ay "afternoon I Oll ~ dar ' :t I li lly pu:llfut ' 0 1 d Eq . ._ . the ~r\olC' R, 9 ert StUUllt ~~~· taken at the Friends' Home. where 8h~ has VOTE fiN put 0 11 l it noor. of th e ou t, f 'h B b mem er 0 t " oar of ualizaDr: ~. S . Martl,n, .the, OsteopathiC to tile ,ma , ' '. . , jn Spring be~ forsorne time., The funeral took . v b avel' w s tlH?r . a nti .mOT lha n n baby, Wh£ll tion, of the former Board of Com- PhY~lclan., of Xe,ma. OhIO, w.ill be in Valley, whe ~ms, Oddfel' j PlaCe at ·the Whl-te Bn'ck Meetingj South mi~ioners, but according to luling o,e W ,,11 Oh T 'II/ at"!!' Ot,tO!; 'a cr oss tb e the Supr~me Court of Ohio. theaf F ~y~es , I e" lo.every . uesdayand lows'al1d JUl1i y~ r held ~eir House Tuesday aftemoon at 2'0'clock works bond issue' rut? r ed In to the ynrll ar":ea are not }"lIful, tho at. the flday f~renoon for threE' !D0nths or. ser,?c~, Intermen was made ' in A 'mor.~ axtended not,ice · will be g!v· ~ult has not been . lind. u~gl\ll his work. Hh • m<?re, tHee at th~ Gustin Hotel. ~tmg Valley cemetery. en n~xt week. in all 'probability pl\ll.1\lled nud left ttlf-. at , and, nnd th lit; his 'tfQ.tar. 4nUl he lile . aroud\l the pall. '.
--'-1 ..--'---"~
.11 ':
~ E D NE 'D AY
fil A"¥' 3, 1911.
Net askl':~ ew en ury Cb M
time they were paid the comm ission+~--~~.-.~-..-..~-------+------er R Re t:m to have f ullo wed t he opi ni on ~-~-~ + HA VE HAD A SWISS ST EAl":? , of a lower cour t . By \'o uche rs on til e it a ppears that ----..-.-..---~---..-. .. ----~ - - - _. - - -+ Th e a bo ve quer y IWii b , 'n el u ring th e yea r end in g Au ~ U At 3 1, Of the Committee To Ex- IHI O, th e 9um of $35. abo ut a d 7.en t im es u day in eli lre l'Newes t shad es in Nl!ckw cat' . BarnChni ee li ne of g ift books at J . E . 8 was paid for harts. ent bu siness ho uses during th e las t J an ney's. gas f or fu el at t he j ai l. In view of amine Commissioner's we k. In almost e ver y IIlstanc e t he , U th e decision s of the courtB a nd th a t Mrs , J, A. Fun key w as in Day ton reply has bee n yes. The la I i e..~ wh o IReport Miss Mante BrONn was in Dayton sa id fu el was fo'r tha t part o f the j ail Th u rsday . uem lIlst l'at':'u he re havt.' th lhallk ~ la t Th ursday . used as n sheri ff ' s reside nce, w ueof a sc ore of me n, who a r ) ).!' Iad o f Mrs . J . W \\. lite was hostess tll I\'lrs. C. A. Brun e r is the g uest of Ed Macy was in Lebano n last a chang t' from the old s tyle, To th e Hon. Milton Cla r k , Jud ge of lieve said am oun t was paid withou t uf ~'Il\Jk\ the Nl"\\' l'!'nt III) ' Cl ub last Frid ay Th ursd ay on lJusin e~ . . the Co urt of ommon Pl eas, of warran t of law. Th o it has been t he t'ela ti ves in Mason. ery - especia lly 111 beef steak. I t is ' aft ern uu n A I 11II1Ig-h t he weath r custom for a long t i me ' past to pay Warren County , Ohio: wond rful to heal' th e men tal king I was ve ry d i s: l ~ reea bl e a la rg'p. ma M I'S J . F. Cadwal lad e r was a DaysLl ch bi lls we a re infornl ed that it is Hav e you seen the soft collar with a bout coo kin g lately, j or i ty o r the mean b rs ,ans we reJ to The commi ttee appuin ted by you now discont inu ed. ton visitor Monday_ t ie to mutch at 25c. o arnh a rt' s. -- • - m ll ·ca ll to examin e the an nual re po rt of th e Oth e r than as above specified, we A SLIGH T BLAZE I At th e las t ,ltdl mel'tln g a moti on Mr. and Mrs . Owe n Burnet t we re commis sionll rs of War re n Co unty , ar e of opinion that t he re MI'. al)d 1\11'9, AI. orron, of Daypol·t CO Ilwas mmlp a nd ('!l ni ed to pl'Pfen t in Dayton last Wednes ,lay. Ohio, for the period fr m e pt. ls t, fo rms to the law. to n, ar e the g uests of Mr . Gordon ,tlLUrd ay eveni ng a bou t 7 0 ' lock . a peti t.iun to t lw Schuol Buard .190910 August 31s t, 1910. bo th inclu· to in · J oy. Fo r th >co urt esy shown and ass is tThe man behilld the plow shoul d the ala rm of fi re was sound eu at the clude m usic it' th e Cl)ur, sive, report us foll ows: e of study an ce re nd ered us by the efH cials and wear Ba rnhart' s wo rk J . J . Down ing, f X niu, atte nd ed horne of Mrs. Romin shoes. on No r t h ne xt y/~ar . Til ,,; \V a ", done and it is We have cHI'eful l y examin ed said th eir dep uti es, we tend e r our the fun era l of 'Rebecc a Dani el, stre,e t. Th e fire was Rta,·tes t hanks . by th t he de",ire "f th e patl'ons of the sl'h oul report, the vou che rs , warran ts and O. W_ H amilton was a Dayto n Tu esday. Respec tfull y submi tted, placing of a lamp in t oo close prox- that t h Bua rd will act s tubs and cont racts relating th re t o, fnvpl'ab ly visitor Saturd ay and SUllday . W. Z, Roll , imi ty t o the la e curtain . Neig hbol'R lIp on it. coverin g said period, a nd find; a J. D. Mill er, Lxoam ine t he fin e aRsort ment of I'espond ed to the call. and th e fi re Mrs. F a IT I' po r t II that a comnumbe r of vou che rs and bill s are inAll of our Spring Slipper s amI Ox- boo ks at J. E . J ann 'y 's. Alton F. Brown, wa s ~ oor. sLam ped out, doing but:li t- lI1itlee had waited up un Mayor Cartford definite in not showin g all inte l'est of s are now on display . Barnha rL's March 23,1911 . Commi ttee . t Ie dam age. wrig-ht as king th a t a d ay be set apal'l the county t he rein and in having 110 MI·s. Dillon B. Wil son, of t he Leb - - - . _. as clean-u p day . He ."aid that it Mr. J oe Altoff, of Urbana , III., anon Patriot , was iI, t own dales thereto . Bills Rhould give MEMO IR Wedne sMEMO IR would probab ly be one day about the was callmg on old friends here las t day on bu siness. dates and s how that the materi a ls middl e of May. Aft r th e close of Elm er Henry Colvin, son of James week. and labor was furni shed to and f r Aga in the and Henrie tta H,"yes ilent Reape r has vis it'OIVI' uu ll,Was sin ess th e p rogram f or the tlay l.orn u the county . U F. C., Sc hwar tz is r cll ovati.n g h.is ed our Cotnll unity , and IJlu M d M C f d P d 'k e·U1 from was g iven neal' Wilmin gton, Clinton County , r. an rs. raw or . The firs t num ber was erryan s tore, pre pa rato ry t o puttmg In the bu sy walks Wh en the co mmissi o n e l'~ require o f life an es timabl e a mu s ical monolo gue f amily s pent Sunday wl' th relatl've s a ve ry (l' n e soda \vate r f Ollllta 1. y Mrs. ,- A. l ' n bills to be "0, l(,d," it s hould be Ohio, Jul.v 18, 1 57, and depal ·ted in Le banon. . U cit izen, Dr" J ohn Hyatt. ~ , this life at Wayne svill Brune e, r Warren whi ch was thoroug hly elldone by the pa rty signing his name, Get a coll a r a nd ti e to ma tch , .) ~ D r. Hyatt. wa s born near incin- joyed by her h earers. Mrs N . L. ~ollnty , Ohio, April 25, 1911. aged If you are looking f or a comme nce- atBar n har followe d by his official title. t's . ~.'c nati , J an ua r y G, I H<17, a nd died in Bun ne ll r ead an inter\~s Lillg 03 years , 8 months , 7 dtlYs. paper on . me nt presen t CPO to J. L' Jannev 's. We find, a cl lical error in the re Way nellv ille, 0 ., April 26 , 1911. While quite young his mothe r di ed, II "The " Race c; Problem in the United . Mrs. J. H . oleman , Mrs. F. B. I His yo uth and early ma nhood port as follows : The recorde r is were Sta tes, and Mrs, J. E Janney read leaving him withou t the t e nder care t Mrs . A. T . Wright and son, Elliott, Hend erson and dau g hte r, Est.he r. \ sP charge d with alary received, of f . en t in Hamilt on ard . Bu tler co u. n· one on "Tuske gee - Its History o a mothel" s love, fot' which he often I' sp nt: Sunday the guests and of relative s wer e Day ton shopp e rs las t Thursd ay , tws a.'l a $530.18 ha shown 9643 fa rm r T hIS occu patIOn Its Work." Spiri ted di cussions folh h byId Warran t No . Ionged . He was always doing any- , In . S pringb oro . he f 0 II OWl'! d • 111 ' cunnec lion with vet- lowed the . ' w en e ~u be charg ed thing that came within his power to reading of these papers , . Ice c ream openin g and mus ic a t erin a ry s urgery , in t he with $572.1 5 as p. aid on con tract, ~s cheer and assist the o rphan. viciniti es Mrs. Laura Mosher gave a reading He re' l Memor ial Day will s oon be upon us . Phillips ' next Saturd ay afterno on of Wilmin g ton and Clarksville, until ~hown ,by . Warrnn t No. 9642. T~IS ceived his ed"ucati on in the country The old soldiers will arrang e their and from "Joel Chandl er Harris, which evening . All old friend s and his practic e becam e so e tatal amoun t of $.572,15 was due hIm I schools, then cnte rins xte nsive was very much apprec iated. Wilmin gton progra m !lome time soon. new ones invited , on contrllc t, whIch amoun t h e re-~t college gradua ting with as to dem and his whole time and The prog ram was c'>ncluded with honor from ceived in full, but he is charge d in that in~titution June 20 attentio n, During the last four a vocal solo, "Old Black Joe." 1879 Aft Ethan Colema n, of Cincinn ati, sweetDon't for ge t ll-.at the Cadet Band years h ~ h M bee n a resid e nt of the repol't as havin&: receive d onls g raduati !1g from Wilming t.o~ cOlle;~ spent several day I last week with will give you a big piece ly sung by Mrs . Emma Dakin. of pie and Waynes vill e , Ohio. the SlIlm of $030_18, b:lI1g , $~ 1.97 Ie&! , he entered th e profess He united ion of teach- Mr. and Mra. J. H. Colema n. During a " pleasan t sodal h llur musical treat Friday evt:ning , May wi t h the M. E, church , at tha" "as actuall y paid to hIm. New H"a- a two·co urse lunch ing and practic ally all ' his life has was served. 6th, at the I. O. O. : hall. A ;... th e contrac ts ma d b th ' ven, 0 ., in 1869. On March 6, 1 73, -",,,ong - schoolr oom e y e been spent Wear the Red Man collar once in Guests the of the hostess and were: Mesto . . ' . ., him no task commIs sIoners per t all1mg' he was united in marria ge with dames Walter McClur to rna te 1'1, was too dificult no detail you will wear them always. Get Prob a t e J u d e, Frank AI Carey B II f . b 'd . d too small get p ex oxwe, 0 Kathe rine Starlin , who, with two a Is an d repaIrs to rt ges, we fin to receive his most carefu I them at Barnha rt's 2 for 25c. J. D. Marlat t, Harry Murray , H. C. L e b anon. t d 'm th e G s oppe but a limited numbe r are signed by a ttention and he never azette daught ers, four grandd aughte rs one seemed hap' _ l\j G P . . I ' long enough to shake hands sister anti two brothe rs, s:Jrvive Bailey, A. M. Larkin , Hannah Rogth e contrac tmg eorge eterson , of Mon on- office party, a arge nums ers, L . S, Rhoade s, Emma Dakin, pIer than when he could assist others. 'h'lI'S. W d d . I P d M'", S . e nes ay, " H e was In " ber aPfJear '\ ittl the name of the con- in their studies . town on him. . D. L. C, ane and Miss Vander voort. ga e a, a., an I~S ara Sellers •.of busines s. tractor followe d by "per S D H" H e was a kind husban d, a devoted A t 6 1884 h · .. . d' outh Charles " ton, . .: - -are guests of MI SS u~us '. , e was ulllte In Edith Mosher . and per"S. D. Henkl~, from whIch marria ge WIth Hannah Mr. and Mrs. S, L. .Cartw right, f a th er, an d was h'Ig hI v esteem d b Marie Haines e v it wou.ld appear that S. D .. Henkle , and th.e bappy compan ionship a wide circle of friends and patrons . of 27 Miss Elizabe th Collett , left Fr'lda' Rev. and Mrs. J . F. Cadwa llader. Hi~ manly charac ter was manife st w h 0 IS coun t y ~ur.vt;!yor, sIgn!:! d f or years was blessed with J \ 'ere in Lebano n Thursd ay, thegues t.~ two childre n, evenin g for Columb us to spend the. person furmsh mg labor a~d rna- Orville Carson and Mary in deeds of self-sac rifice and unswer vPearl. His a couple of days with her parents , ~~e~~il~~~n'sM ~~'m~' H. Caskey , at ing fideli ty to duty; and the I!()mmutenals, but we fi~d no authon ty .for home life was an excepti onally haDPY who recentl y remove d there, I . such revrese ntatlOn , accomp anymg one, being very fond of nity, with the bereave d family, has his family. Nelson Brothe rs Shirts will fit and s ustaine d a great loss in the contrac t. the death He was never ab~nt from them Pongee shirts with fancy cuffs and ' feel right, and Barnha rt sells them of this honore d and helpful citizen. We also find a numbe r of written when it was possibl e to be in their one extra collar at $1. Barnha rt 's. Iright. contrac ts were -execut ed after the compan y, and he delight Pomon a GI'ange met at Lebano n ed in takin~ . materia ls were furni'ih ed or labor all care and respons ibility Saturd ay. Waynes ville Grange was CARD OF THANK S upon himperform ed as will appear from state- self and so shield the onea wp.lI represe nted, by the followi ng he loved The fam ily des ire to express their people: Mr. and Mrs Chas. Cornell , sincere thanks to t he many neighb ors Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornel l,ofDay manhoo d he "united with and fri ends who have so kindly reth .. reto, writfen statem ent, Figned the Christi an church at ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornell , Wil'mil1gton membe red and a..qgis1ed them, and by the party. showin g that the work in which he retaine d his Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell and membe rship for tllll sympat hy shown them, durwas fully perform ed by Nov. 22, 1909, to the last but, being daught er, A. B. Chandl er, Sam'l. an earnest ing th eir sad bereave ment, while..the cona-a N shows it was en·' Christi an he was ready Butterw orth, Mrs. Ernest Butterand willing Kate S. Hyatt and Dau~hters. And Calls Three Citizens to His Porta ls- A Week of tered into on Dec, 6, 1909, or about. to do whatev er he cQuld, worth , Mrs. Eli Burnet t, Warren wherev er Keys, Mrs, Oren Strawn , Miss Ona Sadness Among Waynesville Homes Tjlis system seems to have pre- Master , whom be loved and Strawn , John Strawn , MI·s. J. M , served. On Account of Death vailed to a great. extent and may Keys, Misses Ethel and LouiRa Stokes, Our friend and brothe r has onlv have arisen from what they deemed gone a little journey Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Riley, Miss ahead of us Blanche Riley, Mrs. Mauric e Silvers , an emerge ncy, but we .find no au· and will stand ready at the MAN Y BEA UTIF UL FLO RAL OFF ERIN OS thority to sustain it and · believe as a welcom e us when the time portal to Lyman Silvers and Robt. William son. of our de· rule,'it should be discon~in~ed, pal'lure shall have cOlne. U t o - - - , - -. -, COUNC IL MEETS We find that the majorit y of contracts above referre d to have no E. H. COLVIN I The Miami baseball team went to OU, J ::J HN HYATT The regular .month ly meetin g of "onds U filed therewl 'th, tho ' a few I'nCARD OF THANKS Last wee k JUS ' t a f ter we h ad gone \, I"~ar Iy W ed nes d ay mornin g cam Mo rrow, Sunday . but failed to come eouncil conven ed e at their ·hall Monvolving an expend it.ul'e of n;ore than We wish to extend our heal'tfe lt to press the sad news was brough t in the ne ws th a t Dr. Hyatt had breath ed h ome with the game won. The' boys day e vening, all memhe rs being $200, are accomp anied by bond, while thanks to our neighb ors and friends that Mr E. H . Colvin had passed ·his last. Dr. Hyatt had been sick were a little wild, but made hits otf present . Routin e busines s was atothers of like amoun t have none. for their kindnes s toward s us in our away. He had been .ill for seve ral fol' only about three weeks, and hi th e MOl'row pitcher galore. Mana- tended to and bills allowed . Mayor While the statute allows the com- sad bereav ement, the 103:0 ot h'Jsban d weeks but seemed to bp. improv ing death came as a shock to this com- g el' Stansbe rry II ' t in all his pitcher s, rCartw right will name a "Clean ·Up mission ers to enter into a private and fathel·. To anyon e who in any slowly until Sunday when a change munity . He w"a s a veterin arv "o f the but could no t do anythin g with them Day" soon Work will comme nce contrac t withou t publica tion or no- way contrib uted to his comfor t dur- for the worse look place and gradu- highes t order, and was rulled to ev- The score W~Ul 21 to 7 in favor of Ion the Miami stl'~et ~ewer immedi tice, when the amount " involve d does ing sicknes s. For many beautif ul ally becomi ng weakel' . the end came ery sec tion of the c:>untr y in his pro- Morrow , Be tte r luck next time ately. A hand· rail ,will probab ly be not exceed $200, we are of opinion floral designs . Especia lly would we about 3:30 o'clock Tuesda y afterno on fession DI·. boys. placed at the entranc e of the little Hyatt had won many that if the repairs exceed $200, a rememb el' the luartet . and Revs . Mr. Colvin had been a residen t of fri ends in Wayne sville, by , good and sufficie nt bond for the Bailey and Cadwa llader his genial .There is the making of a good team Ibridge to fill a long·fe lt want. for their Waynes ville only about two years, disposi tion, and strong , persona l- here, and after the"boy s have been faithfu l perform ance of said con- kind remark s and ~l'ie .--beautif ul acting in the capacit y of superin ten· ity. BOUGH T NEW AUTOM OBILE togethe r for awhile, t.hey will make tract should be entered into, tho we pl'omis es so ably present ed from dent'Of the Wayne Townsh ip schools , the best The of them funeral go some took ." . place at the are in doubt as to the legal require - God's Word. N. L. Bunnel l is riding around yet in that time he Aad won the con- M. E, church Thursd ay afterno on ment of a bond if the repairs are $~OO now in a new Stodda rJ automo bile . Mrs. Colvin and Childre n. fid tlnce"and respect of all who knew at 2 0' clock. the service s being con· or less. RAN NEEDL E IN FOOT It is a beauty , too, and i's made by - - -him. His efficiency showed plainly ducted by Rev, H. W. Bailey. Fi'i'I n two instanc es we find vouche rs - -.'the Dayton ARE MAKIN G F.XCURSIONS Auto Co. This compan y in the progres s which is being made day mornin g the remain Ev~tn Bogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. putS out a goon cars were taken 011 £Ie, showin g that one man charge s in fact. a fil'st---in the work of the schools . to near Indiana polis where interm ent W. 8. Bogan, of.nea;r New Burlin~- grade lor servic"es as viewer and chainm an car, and a great advant age People around town are making . The funeral took place Friday' was made. tvn, ran a needle In hIS left heel while over other CUI':l-is that the on the same day, for which he was daily excursi ons to the country factory is gath- mornin g at ]0:30 from his late home, coming down stairs las~ Wedne sday. s~ close home, that repairs ailow<."d c~nlpensation for two )nen's erir:tg the lucious mushro Ican be om. There the Hevs, Cad\va llader and Bailey It was though t that a pIece had brok- had readily and Wit~lo.Ut work. We believe this is not justj. are lots of them, 'and any delay. they are of officiat ing. " en off into his heel, but upon examREBECCA DANIEL S ! fied by law. . --'---,-- - - - - a very fire qualit~ this year. The Masoni c quarte t sang sevflral ' ination 'nothin g . could be found and By vouche rs on file j,t appear s· that . MASONIC NOTIC E 1 '_ -selectio~s" and New Burling ton I!.odge Rebecc a Dan!els , an' aged an~ the mjuI:Y is healing raI!idly,. $42 was allowed t() on~ comm!s sloner le' . ANNOUNC~MENT F. & A. M. also took charge . Afte~ 'specte d lady. du!d Sunday· afterno • _ • Regula r commu nicatio n of Waynes and $48 to anothe r for service s as on . : . the l'ervice s here the body was taken at the Friend s' Home. ville Lodge, F. & A. M. NO .,l68, where the has VOTE ON WATE R WOR~S membe r of the Board of Equaliz aDr. J . .s. Marlin , th~, Osteop athi,c to th Friends ' church , in Sp~n' g . will take place T1,lesday evenin g' .een foraom . e time. 'I'hefun eral took tion, .of the former Board of COm-lphY~iCi'an"of Xenia, Ohio, will bein Valley. where the Masons , Oddfel - place at the South Charles ton voted on 'water" ", May 9th. ' WI>\ k in the M . M ·. degree · White Brick, ,Meetin g mission ers, biltacc ording to ~uling oe 'W~ynesvil1e. Ohio every Tuesda y and lows. and Junior Order heJd the.ir House Tuesd Sojourn j.o g brethre n are invited , ayafte~na~ 2 o'clo.ck works bond i8Sue Tuesda y. The the Suprem e Court 6f OhiO, thesf Friday forenoo n for threE m~nths or servIce s. 'Interm ent was made m A more extende d noUce mil be glV- suIt has not been mad~ known. but F. B. Hendel'8On~ W. M. char, . are ~ot lawful, tho at the more. Office at the Gustin ' Hotel: Spring Valley cemetery. in all probab ility will be carried . eonex t week. E, V. Barnha rt, Sec'y.
1 Pers ona l Men tion
Her e and The re I
- --_.- ....
Many Attended
Pomona Grange
~~:~~;at:~h~ ~::r:~~trh:::s·at~~:l sOr~v:~~ly' a
+-- --- --- -- _. ,- -0 -- -I D~A' TH L~NTERS ' HO-M'-E-SL
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\\ i
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lox(\lIue r, of ~ pril1g' Valley , wa_" calli ng- 0 11 t' r it'mls here W edl1e~ ·
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VI e r-'cei,' d a card from Mr L T, Cnl'l \y rig-h l :\l o l1u ay :tllnoun..:i ng his 'are arrival in New York ,
lowtll' l}j'l g ' I " ' 1
~orwln .
,{I'!'I. Aliot3 }lu ' in ll .V :lOU 1'lIn' ~ , .M rs. F. , chwarl z, who has b > 'n ttl' \' i~ \h'( 1 r ' 1,,\ IV,11 III D '~I <W ,',t - . uffe ring w;l h nClI ralgia the pas t we('k , is mueh improv ed n ow. I l r . It o ,l \ l' ,~ F r~l'/lot ~", · •.)t , ' 1:1, E- ),[-F " 30" , Flande rs " 20", Cad ua v In L1tl .\" t o ll . i'tl i, 1,,111 rn • l, tll' \' W I ' t ,$0; 1\111Ii" r It ill. c " 30 " and all kinds of accesso ries
House Pa int. In1(>r io' GJOSH Pni nt, J"lat WaH Paint t at, will wal'lh , Barn and Roof Veran da. hina Lac TarnLs h, ~T agon, I l l)lc-mcnt and Buggy Paint -:-,- -:-
11" '1 I I I
I I ~ '"' , ~ --11 ,11. "
i{1'.VI "
1\ ,
llqll' ' III i 1,, 111 v :t ... ..... '.11 1 I \" cI l il t, :\i:", .\ 1 ', .. ) .~ I ' 'ilp , ',,'t~ ,I.. III "
'" 1 ] ' 1rtl., P. '-'' I!J wllre ", ' I ',
-- -
d [rom St Pet r:;bul'~', Fla, we, k aftl', p nding t.hE:: win ter tilt' ,:olllh
11; 5
{I ' ll.
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Harv eysbu ~g . _____
Mr . nn d
'P H.
'h·, ~'.
· hb h d or 00 News :: .: I [) \\\ " '" .... _ _ """'".......~...............
::: : The ...........
l or sale by Rn rill s , Corwin , Ohio, In l 'lIIolnll llti :-.1.,1111 .. ·,' i\lr, lill ·.l ~ lr :, . \Y. 81!.;:~ ~ Mr, an(\ Mrs, Patsy u rren. o f L> a , ton outurcl tty, r t.ica, have nl\lv d from the Will!; (,IIII~. It,'vIIP ld'l I~ pn'jllln n !! t 'P,I\")P "l'ty to -'I rs, John Marsh~s propIlHl \ ' U hirl hlaei ""!Jl r ll slt o pl\(,1'J. ,,' t h. er y in UU," , 1' Ile l uu II l u~ th'lt 1:. ff't1 n t l.r pl ,: ('h ""'l'lt J~rvil\ Coli it :, of LlImb I' lon, \ . \j,'" '.'ltr " ,I I,l :\1 Ki ll'" .\' 11I1U w,,\::; callcil h l 'rl.l'rU C>Sllay on acco unt " ,\t'll ·-h ~11\' 1);1 \I,' m o '" ,j h.l( k- n il ' nf'i.h' dLical .illne s of his fathe r, ~"11 I ,\iI~ t.ll<' wit t tl.\" io' II~ :1(1i1V'~' :: ['i,. :; '~(~oh:lll. . • Cll l :; U r o II I\n~l f,. ,.tI ,· ' Il ' ';l l ~ ___~ ,.. ! " Jl ll'l" ~ t' f'CI1\l t :y Jrl H" II r'. ' l1t ;, Ilb I Mr·, Hnr:~ec' ...'tokes ancl fami ly I'e-
~lr. anu Mrs , Lf';;te~ Kenri ck, who lH'en in 'ali[o l'll ia all wi n t e r , jowi'1l1ea\'c 1'.)1' t he'il' hom' in LYll e,
,1", ' .1 1.11 1 t lIily II V I' 1l1' 1\' I' tl liB " lU 1' 1I\ (" ,1,1'.'" ",',LY''' , \'I l le. ~ \ !(, I,
! HI 'C
,'lfi ... · Mow]" ,\ ,'I'Y 111111 " lH ~i ll l' bO llt .\ lay !:'oth Utlo r g i u , ' I' . ILlld M n l. gtlrot l'r ,)'wl ~ 1 ll' 1l1, ;Fr idn.\' i ll r IIISt.. I 'I 1Ir'l. 1~'~pll '1 ', ,_,I' :-'1.'1'1' ' \' , 'rill nl I J ~1 '1 Lf\w\'e n oo Vanll l'voort, tlmt dlln/rh . , 'Ph III UII)PI'u ",r 111 Id It 0 [' r("I, \- rel'I ',n ,- u udOl',' \".11 JHr : i!'tl' r , .It l''; n , l ';' ' I' 'I . ' r. JUl1,es , ..: \11'1:' nlnt ak~g \ el', " ' , \.". J :\ " , j ·('Y. 0 1 He Il> roo , w('rt' "~r N elli l:l, of Co no gt.oll, Ky., oll rl l Chu l'I'h It(lV'l Il I" l"lpti "I II ~ r "" U, ' \" I ~ , ,. tht' ~:'\I(',;t:l tlf Walt,t' 0 'I ll U' I1I' '1'0\\'0 Ic lure ami ,'\i r. Il n d Mrs . HI ( I'm 11 Di\ ;C , ~t :' . , lnd~,ll' . .) 1 " I' HoI ll IIJ~ t, 1' 1'11\11\' . ',, \ , '.til!! "t'_ { or " ,arrtrl.\' r , :--, ll ll tiay . f'Lmily ,.ofLeb ~ n () n, !' I'tl nt ~u1\l1IV , tho lll i ni '4 ,'r B.tW ~l', ' rl II ' , IL !i I' " : A tiantll,
I I" , ,'
they wi ll l(>nvG there t (o;, lh eir fnt.nr" ' of ;< 011 ' 11 . :'It r, II nll ho me in D ult ')t'1. 'I'll y lluv o ' Jllrl ttl ~ t \V >I\' f f) t \\'if:!h c!oo I
Mr . J~Ole rr:;on VIIIHIf' r\'{)ilr!' W , f! n giles ot Dr, .1. G ;\lu cS ~n(l ,IH .I' . 1<::. B. Dukln , [;' 1'lInl, ~q)1l 1 111((1 r ':I ntI ,I It m et! 1<; . I::'llurllu kl' r 11':I II.Io ' ,I (' d
:' I' . ~)
WI! h ;111' . 111\11
'11 11
lI,] l'h t
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d,llnll .,'lat.;\ u cli ll \' 1
I .""')
Ono I
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::1 F'S roO. )
OJ'lgina t /ltl
n \he P rlnfing
,"lU!let 101\ W Illuh
-1 :-'
~' lll g u'1U lI\iltrue l ll";
.- ~ , II 0 race 1'ibbal ' return eli to R "0'1':1.1 ElXpl:' n:l.tJorls hll ve b . "n , ~ ~n ~l' , .01., I)n Mon day nfte!' g1\'(' n pr thc ,)(1 'ill of till! p h,..)!1 d' ' I h' ' I ' "Jlb,,1 ,yo.lSr £l's ' d ,d Q's," O IlP 15 th at rcm ,l11 g Lh ~ W e 'K Wlt 1 lS mot lei II I~ liElI'! v £'d frolll 1,11 old (1I~(L!fII ', r ~tn(l :-il:;le r :; In Leuan on . I hh ll ld,<!!; a ~J:J.! llP j1l pn lill ' 1I0 1"1 ' on , \· I.J, ·h \V:t ' Wrt t ' ll P or ( ( 1\ :11 l..~. , Mis:' Rf!bere a Dan iels, of Wilmin g -
pi ul yl' ljuart-a gu.in!lt 1',0 1111111 " o(·r! t ')n \ WH;\ , :'c) 1 Cl:f> torner a('('onlll l g (0 r ile qu n I . . Ilt.v .whl<'t\ b e b ad dl1ll1k; t o b,) r.;! i lllll ', 'J)1~Jtf
I ,Ill), .\h l' I' wago's Ill ;:ht. \lIP
\\'(' 1'0
g lv fl ll
at thl' Friend s Boafi ing . wJay !< last week h el~tn g I tnca \'e fo r h e r aunt, l~eheccaDamels .
, \ Ill. Spill , r who I'; 111 wit,h pll " l'.! Ic ve r I i ll ltH"n'in ),! !! mwly.
"Il l
~t, ul!u."rtl
O:f' Iert,\ ~.
·1.- _-_-,
Springf~el or
, . '
SSe " !
'. I
I'U '
:11 ")11 1
An uther Gift of Mrs , S Cll!, WI' I) I)tit-(·d. \\' 1111 " I'. ",\0 ' at ~ ' ~II I h r' lI'II' S. 1 11 1of" . iI Sa!.:" l! gi ve il $l! 5.'i :ttl ~ \lo ll " UII' !' !la y , II n (' W Id e a IlI11rtg- t Ill' gall' '. . ., r r Il no ' rottmrlll of , 'he c ity J ~IlU! a.." 111)1' , tlJ:lt I !Jllll nv' I" Koo d c nlluKh to whh-b b:'s h L' HI /1('<.;epl cl hy , iI ~ IHI~ ::; IIl ong, writl' S r , ':J : Tb nm a s. In c!pal 1\ 11. c IJl ml~fI! m. IU!'lol.utl oliS I II Il onH-fl l e u.d . 1'11 " Flat ",us made ~o . ill oDtl' cl n'l\ '1, 11\1{ ~'11", S;' II"'. _ II , at, w ill I' ,' nough 10 n llel\ ' a till Y rack \.0 { . \ IN't has t l:'! lJ UP!l Inl('d. i() . 1 1 f.rlre!!~" PUFS (hrough , The !>mall J\(' etlon or J ~:4S 3 . ~, p lu m; am1 'll!! w,?1' 11 1I11) Ill o gate rnad . . Ilt l' haIldlln g ea!l!p.r !If/OO t 'l.\oI Ul(' phllo~
, r p hlgll. t1~lnlc {"Te l' vl'ry 11m. ). Vo'ttbout lWm.
w h l!ll
a - P r.sOO
' wlshed
through , b!'!lld es. les f;en !ug t h
OD toe l:al8 were- U mad
pltSS slrntu
In one apc-
nlann e r as
s hll t
1 f'J~,
e~~e'l ..
'ah I ('!n "n :·
Everyth ing' g- 0<1 to cat it:
MERMAN'S ----------
Notic e of
mo tor ca rs lake no accou nt ot u s ." ('ou ld annh lo g be more p athe tic than
... DEN TIST ... lIIee In
l'i nt lonn l Ul\nl<
\\' II III en 's
'-Jl~IIlH:DIi1~I.~+ .,<, 'f'~' )
luI longer Ihroul. ' I, I crvlce Ih3n any ol/ler becau se t1,CY h3VC 11 round bol$ler, whirh docs QWI.IY w llh 5harp corners (where "lade is 10ined to handlel " h~re wcar \s constant and h ardes t, This Is but onc of manY nolable le:ltuTU 01
'184l106ERS BIlOS~
L ou,
IE,,' St(l\\'Rr l /lnd 11 11 thE! Robl e rm y of III :U'lyrS, ' hrl ll lln o Hos eltl and nil ~wne slng'rs . ('a 1hetlt n e Gl adstone nnd 11 11 10yal-hen r lNI ~v l.vf>s, E li za beth , Bnrrelt TlJ'ownl ng UIl !1 Jl women wi 0 ' Irll\'e Sf'ell tbe InfinIte - In' thjngs. ~I' la B u rdell COlitiS nil wom en H lmou~1'8 of the king a n , Mother CecHe and nil wo en log and large b arted 1n coun~el , ~
Pla te" Kn ive s
\\'ay Jlcs\' ilk.
nhl ~ ,
Trip le
Memo rial to Famous W omen, Tho ladY (' ha\,ll,l o( lit II \. Liver , 11001 C':.tlhptir al , whit'h I ~ ( 0 11 1'1 Ope'll III x( " 11111I I1 I' r . hilS a s(' llI~ l11e o f h ! unll ! "1 ~.n lll p!.1 g lnRs ",I n do \ ' 13 ('o mmclIlorulI\ f' o f It t' Il l) btt, d e"IIl! of good worn , "11. ll ('sld~ 1l th!' f,nu o us wor pe n or rhe h ibl e thl.· followllI !; 111'(> ('OltHl1 l' Il1IlJ'I\· (I'd : !'II' All. ia ;\101'\' ,' 1 Hnt.! lIil who hn\,(> lnl.l 11~"1l'., llll'ir 11\' ('1' fo\' tht'i r Hh , tel'B. (;1' ~ "Unl'll n ,,,,,d l'll COII !':I ' 1:\ " 0 118 n""d ~nB. " .T O>l ' I hln ie l' II nll oil l.mtl'(> (' h !lIO" ll of P Il I y, M:q·y
Irny C' rfljl
be s eeu day or two afte r the pe t! , (I o n was Sent Ill, wh n a rl'port or the
1m )1e r llll r I(' n.lth nSRocin lion Ilppt> r ed In r h nell' spare rs . [; ettlll~ fort h how by' m lUI S of (, llI'a\' lIn If'!" 11Ir~~ ' (',n lln ' p('o pl!' ..... e re bein g urged k e p lb l'l r w indows o p n , MIlII otlH' r ' wlo() lO 11(\ (l pI t hn sImp le men us o pen t o l\re rn 1.0 Irnpro l' th Ir own Ilea l th • lind th lll _9 r tI ell' fa ullll K IIU !! d \I tl l\· e n ls. -Lo nnon >: Il tlo n.
:Sll,h W, Uro"" . ,Hturnc},
thla, fIft eclally com Ing trom 1\ class wbose II I' es are h ard a t th~ best or li mes, and to ''11'1.1001 a ~lellm or hlllIlan sympal hy mUlt be a verllubl au· g e l's v i sit ? ' The Irony ot Ithe slluatlo n was to
knives, which Rive l aMIna
,.c r vicc and salisfactio n. Numerous p a II e rn s are ollclell in Ihls falllous " SII, er Plate tlwtt\Vears, "
Soil! hy lC:ld (nll dcalers ' every.where, SCIllI lor cnl" C- L" showlu2 all
llr OltUC
.. £BIOOI BRITA,,"I. Co. (1n,&"o, lon&1 IInr
Co" RUl.'Ce.uor .) M[.,DU, CotM.
... 3
. "....~
' .'
If you have anyth ing you want to sell or buy, help wante d or situat ions wante d, the Miam i Gaze tte ca~ get them for yon.. tTry us once, ,
pAIR o f
jlBctnoi es, steol f.me~ !ONE ; a .vElllr. :> lrl ~'l l' ldin g . Audr OHS Fmnk CIHO.V'OII.!:IA . F1'huer ; Tontlin Rou, Wlt.¥DOI:!\'il ll\ UI~ ill, ~ Ill lell VA ut tllll Ullzette otIloo, ) l)t· pllon c (j;j-oI.
In n
NU M BER of timl MUIlIA Irr<l!'l . for "'~tldA . For inf o l' tI1l1ti ll lJ cn ll on Perrt Pell :e, Wayne svill e. Ohio .
AN pust ao with. hOI'se and bllggy t o sell t"1,nck a,mdih on powOTAT()E ~-RUll\I . N()\V York lind d",,. in Worren Co unty, Sillnry ~70 ClLrma p~r mf1 nt·h. Atldr (l!;!:1 :301 Unity for Reetlorll No 3 pot.o tO OI\ for till Ie tuhlo n sp. I.t -n. rf\l1~onnbltl bltlg , Indillnn lJdlis , Indiunu . pri o~ .r. W . 8i so y. Wllyn tlsv ille . 0 " P,ili 1'3 lli3- 2r .
fla ~
".sl asll·('p. ----... .,.. \ . r j' ,1 :, 1'1.. " _I', Iho llgh Il l' ith · REN l-B.oU!16 (10'1 1I1I \' lh ll 'l; to N IL
rooms, eleotrio 11 ' .
tM M~heu, ~ ,od b~r C'l\me, linn 1 I: sr lll'li l)n Fourfh at-relIt,. , ,1 ( ,lOll!' I\\tllclt, hilt nll A, F. Devitt, ~' lIr.)' (> was no nt.tuck : o a l
thrOUGh It, the 2x4 is tllIpped baok OD
larger gate, and the boaJl uae4.to keep \.be late close4.
l'llla( "
agnlm1lver, andJ(ra~,pd The 8hort .2x I Is It \'lonQl',19Iaco by strap Iron clips, [uld r,,:;1i:1s the gate rigid. In dotn~ c bortJl;l , wbe~, ~at;slnl to
Appoilltm(:'1l dr-en," they continue , "are always In elnnge r, our things are fu loe.d by tit ESln l ot ~ I It ' t1 l}l\lcin d.·r·rtUhl)d 'I ll., I•• du t , we cannot open uur window s, our <l 1 ' I~iglll1d h it..") h~l ~JI n\lJ)t 11Iltl' ,t awl qll ,ddh ·tj ~ reS l Is s po iled by the noIse a( nlgut," ud l11 i n burnll1r ~\ lfh t a ' "III I\ Jl IW\ I ,t\ IIr I , ~ \.l ~'uto f.. r }I; Ut'11 P ld, lJl laton t ,,' an-I'll ,,1 )1, 1 • . . , " \\' e are only poor peop le, and Oh ,o. d on'uill"1. , J)IlI J ~t". r,!h <I,,) " I .Ip rll . \ . I ' I ' . , . the great major1t y or those ..... 110 li St' E ,ltilUllrt I~ " t ull,..l<. .\0\ IIl1nl.,,·.tl
\V~S' cu:.~ " ", lion . Th£' un t of t he deatl " , t s bllt s n/?alll. t " ,\&tbew eek-en d ,. s ot In Ih l' ~t'OUI'l...f G ' )~ gat\'
New Chl'Pse , New l 'a kes. Fl't,,; 11 (:l' r r a l,.; . Fa n y llri ~d
Ch il dren ,
- =.,IH Y · ~', ' r e
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ,· l·1'. Stokc ': who L ,
Wome n
Nt,\\, Nl>\\'
LIfe M laer. ble and Endang er
.1 " ,11'"
Nuvel h';III){<'S .
1 ~\ll nlbe r e xplnnlll. lon g1v@ lu,, !,.'· f; las, (a rne ll , e ha!!. 1' . Hawke , I '. - , ') If'I(, II" an d H)'[!INI " Oa 2tllto is th:1' [""" )11< Zell . Fran·k El hon, Fred Elbon lit p :;"111 "/1('(' orIginal ly W:lli "bli.n:! 1 . 1 ' I ' 'j' h ' t' t 11\11\.\ ~J li(ITI '), Sher\\ ood attend ed the ' I ' . 1"'11' (IIlIlt S li n! QIH'l1CS ,' ' 011 , I· .... ·; lit Ill:' .,!' g t'Y I,.. Y I ::'l1l11!,!' ' rJ " ' J lll' 1':1 .;. l'I!i' artl liri ll l )(Hfk or haJI' u yl f~ l y.aon " al\' a t Old Lo \\'n last 'J'hul's\10 Ine!'!!> In IJl.lba n (11l H I.Il Il·,(Il.Y , 1.J.l,Vt,O Il. :1 ... '1' 1" 11 ': til l IIA':1\l or oldcn time, (by, Mrs . (.:bils. El.l\\' ul'll , P" tl t ~: :n,.1i1:" I{" .v R'.dlll l:!'! !' . "" 11 " f \ir. /·,, 01 ' A r li!t1lt' IlR r' u 0 b'l In YO~lIe 3 81'01, IltKiD~ ,:\ -'d ilt!' t.l l, ' L<I1"::1 ,tt lt t' r :.11',. ,( ," 1.\,,1 1 111 1:"1' wh"II\' ''!l ni nth In\\ :' " \ I'J i ' lllf'l wt t l1'Jl'Son l o\( I?I ' Ml' .and~ lr:; .Sa IT11 Hul7.a ndfam<lu.u gll t l'r M rri . B " fll ('III'I' \\1:.'., 1 ' ,f' "'. 11 d:"'~ "'~r 'l' LI " ~ d 'l" ,t 111(' uiJlh;ilu III (" cI::r ~ n f, WElI': Ai!: . , 6f l rtd ianap oli:;, and Mr, and M.<rs~ . . , 1" ,rI .. 'r, bl"':l1 l ti\l he ~ llIS up tho lIU e U (!l"' j Mr. lin d :'JI' H. HOII .Y \I I' IP'II .I · II Tlll hl 'a r t I' 'II i , :111'1 I\ ,b 1> : ( • 1[, 1 II iu I,t ' Ill : '! fluta toup uS In Iron •. " f., . ~ L . J . ,A ll '11, of Da,y t on, wel'e calle~ l (' l't t!dr (\D, () f :'Il n r'r .. ". :" \.)l'1'.1 1Ip fl ell \'I . rt- '. " , \ ' 1/1"11'.'" l'l_ t l' lllHS tl I,\' C! uri c,s I<nl );h l glVCtl thl! nll1sl , 11\';'e. Sunday on accoun l of thc s~ l'Ihe r e 011 9 ,illY 111,,1 \\'1',,1, :i l ,I,." «>tl1l4 It! !PI " ' '''11 . ' '': 'J ..''' Y " ' l ",~, I plausibl o oxplnu a lloo, os foll ows: I1ln !:'ss o f Dr. ,f oh n Hyatt. gae.' t rl o f Mr . u llli \1 1'1'. ;( 1\' 1. ( '!II'1' ('11" ~ I J [ll' io'.\· !- IIPtl ! " f to wn t ~ " I have ulways tb ough t th nt tn, ' H.av rlt u \1l[ U l~(1: ' r "! " "" "1 1I 11 (.( r iI,) rlt H ~, ldl II t. llhmtl(\ ':\1 ind your p's f\nC Q 's' WOll <if" ;,h:1, Nanni' Wilson. ofNorl h Lib, Aut u m" lllle l ' '. , "I f' tol'_ • - ' rln:ti from til. S BI'hoo.lr oolU 0\' . 'd amR County , and he t' dHU g-h~ t Ill, W :I~ I,,'r(', 111 :-1 \ \' 0 \' 1. 1 ",Jor!.' pri n tin g, ofllt- u . . Tbe fo rms o r lil li , Ll'l' S. J, Elli soll, of harv(>ysW o m~ n on Schr;o l S oare o. "mn ll p 9 alld Q!; in tho H, ' rnn n tY1JO I , Mrll, " ",f l or \1 ;I ~ i l! \:';:' I'o r I ' " l ' m' I" , I , " ' I f th ' M < Former :1111),('1' .f'· " l ah tJuln cy Bultl nt I IlUve a ).1earIy "uf' en , I' , to ih. 1 fUrl!' "vere 1(' gu ests Q pu? z Ing \. \\'~, €')"I Pll l lI lll' "Ist '0 ', ~!th 11(' ,' I ,. n lll(>c llllp' lhp (JIll !" )' d .\), in nOB10ll ' , , e . eil' .p ~ t c h ild and th ' prllllf'r' S n~' ~'" ni lef'. l nld ll l ~leS R, A, and R, d, Cross Mon! li~A.""" " UC('I1:i.~. 11 ,· i. II!)!' ill ' II the? lu,\\' r.\II'II : d " ·(l\oI n · thai nl 11' 8 , "'.1) : l ll? O ll il tlI O d?~ID_\\'U l'!l HLI'(I 1 p Is 011 t ll'- I da y, '\b"y ". \l'IJn\t': h' 11;,:0 I" ' r ; (II' thu sel t . ,I' 1('11 o r the ovD:1; In t b" 0 1h Pl', Olt the I . ~ . _ _ ._ . . . .... -- ..-..."aozn ......- - . . . -...hoa rl'!. R il IB, w hlle \lumen bll \' II' , light. ,. -. " I lJl'b'I' , g fl nl' "o tln~ fu r $r h ( ~ ' l ('OW' .\' :~f\ Edi th Moshe r left SatuT(iay ". ' o w, wh«l\ , lh e typ e s a'o re\' l;'rsc<i , I . ,. , ( " <' 11 , ,' " a r .ll rn('l\(:'11 Iy s hul Oll t f " ". u t " th f'), (1. 1' ( . wh C' n In pl'O I! ss M Oib' !ll ll " ltg' fo r (.ambt r where she WIll 1i "';11I> e rf' !lI{), as tIl " number nt W OI " ' Il', "bl tflu ll tJwy [Ire 1'f'\HI'D ' d b y tL'I!ad M b,.id e, nwi.1 at the ~ dding 'o f ', r, 111£ Oll'(' f .. llo allYR thn t wi " 11 'r W n 'R IIQr ' to h!f; l'n3(" Iho milld 0/ It 'I' f rif'nd , Mi ss Olive Carlisle , which tIll If"rm ;! of , the TJrMt! lI t m o :nhe r s . '( - IJ, J' O\ Il 1g p I'IJl\ C'r III Jl1l\'.zl e rJ to (\l B' , t: \.1" place on ' Tuesda y evening at " ... ]lI r e 1\ 1\ 1, 011 CI he ,) r.r r nni{e ol l hat I il lit q; LIlf.h; I· . '''1 Ih') C) , f a fl l.)l'I tn r I h h f th II 'I S ' "t I II " lIlt' lI Ie (~ I,~ ' toct Rnd r a'ol1ll1leh tl : n 111 ')r ~ , .• " I el' I 1" .EXCUR SICN T O ll r e 0 e ' 0 ~r plrl , , • . ~ III\', I,G t h ll t. "rf r·cl. ' I' , . .~. \
('ol\ pt li nd al
Tr .e ,?')(JI:; .of hi:;tfll'~ , ui(!~l'aiJhy ' c(J l11pn 'c the as:;ort', 'll J a lll1eY'!l'll' e intens", lyint e r T he .:. r." rn~-T ha the O l p S a yl'- ,g,\ment " , ' < • '
.. ' ~ '.I
11:1' II '
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tJll' \ ;;~/, l'I l .'
New l'al\lJag-.,.
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w i t h Ur. J, W . Y i\ ndlJ rv o I l' t uu l , " hU'glll'l 'f)wd all " I ,It' d Ii (mgb t .1', Lnni Ill, , 'M ' " ~OI' t ho L 1I1 7. 1'1\1 II r up.d " Mr .lwllM rt'l ~'rll n 'u r r,Kh ll lllHl , b'l\' 11 <l Ill A ~' r l tJUI' n l lol' "lJI ,'o~ ,,; t - ~ ~. m arn ,glle ts 01 Mr Hucl Mt' H, .Jlt'" "i It w itlt 11' . ulJ( 1 I S. H( rI e, Jle rMer er, I)f Ellflr ;\1.lllU tr a t. M l':', AI .x t'rlr \,('r W h q ~ l' c1Un f l1 Clyde L evi y \ 'U'- In 'lo clUUltti ' I) CJelll'l'er ] ]n",t ~J.•mdn.\' 'W ll'i ht1r \l '1l l ,u,;t'll k buying- g(lI,olt:! f (l r tlwlr hAI'e IIl~ r Tbur-:.l llv 'Ifl er ll rll'n . · t fI ore, Mr~. [I ,trl ," A l'lil :-l tl·! ,n ;J ll n .1 1 1Itll~:1 1 Mrs. ' . .1 . ~1li8on fi nd llJr E'6 cJtII- t'ur ,JosPpll iul' , \Ie X !l U, c;p.3!l t r'" d r3n bi,l goodhy 1" , th ei r mn I)' (lay 011(1 :-,;" , 1I',.lu,V IVa n h e l' lI w t h " I' fri end .. unu l.C'ft Mll, lIln y In rIIt1il.! M n •. J)r T li rnU11 11. . , fo r NOl'I II Lillor t,y 1I 0 d lU t1. 1' ,1 V\' dl\\""; i\1 ' ~ J LI ( j l 1111
'1'('. :1.' tIl' ions, L f'll ll l'.l' , Unions . ( '", '1 1111 bet's, l{adi. I It''; , S\\'f:'C l Pil :II '" ' .
The village w ome n ot tho Un ited It i: wilh reg ret Ihat we ann ounce J(la gdom uu\' e just petition ed tho tllt~ ,It'ath of E, H , , l\'in wh ich o c- Queen 10 help theru to get BOlUS r ell e r cllred jusl 1l:, \\. , Wl!!'e go ing- ttl IJrCFlS , rrom the motor Ct\rll. "wbleb have made ollr lives n IIlI~oI'Y. '" "Ou r chll,
l 'r"tlt' hl l1.~ ,"'1'-;"' ,''''
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'11..d" .
11 'III
:">l (' w Ton,at <H'>I,
WnYI1t:' sville Mill s .
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II iKht'sl cos h price puiu fo r wh ea t.
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OUR ' °RI CES ARE RIG HT ..., .. ....,---- ---- ---- -
All li inlls of ~ccd!' 111111, alit! !'nel, age
, OIl!
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A n 11l/ I'It: flll'a l,,,,, ' I '!.·, '
:\lrs, J . \Y . \ hit e will enl.et'tain th e b; ' w . Jlll ul'Y 'Iub , Friduy, April :!~th . Th~' race Jll'oLJI ' 0\ will Ut.l the le:m inb'lllp ic
Tit· J I. E. SI nday Schuol will give u I:lwn 1\>1> llll the veiling of ~IHY
,'1,' ' luye \" ning' , l'~. ,' ~-Ij'l ' hl\' <I' I ,. 111 11 ~.j, 4. ~'1 ' Il l 0/ K,-r, Hy .,I ' I, i\l .'" and ~ Ir~, ,J. E. -.J anney :lIld MI-- {;I· ~ t lll k "'t ' '''t 'ltn :-' j J '" !anttl~ s~ Il'llL ullday With I'L'\alll'e !l ~, I K I I" 1, :111 .1 Ii .. \' \; r'1~"11 1.i tl 1\ I d!l .11 '" ne II' :-1pl'nlg -uorll . l I, . "
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11 1 :11.
1'·!.:I1!t '
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Tll e,~day, April , loath ttl ~I ' ,' hilll .. " was bl' u~ht l • _.
f unenll
t Ollk plat.:' 11 th. a\ld th ' body (;l'iI'I\' il l<', Uhi n, for L' illl'ill1{I'v . t 'a rman had
I," ,, · 10,-( \>· ',',,· ''''\1
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1, 1' I 'Il!! lJ'ing ~ t'illil'ch hat eveni1 1~ Th\l r~d:t \" 1','lIilll! [', " [";, '11 Y i, 1 nll It \.' lI'as ;;trll 'I hy an autorno bill', and ' il ~ , ,1;"1'" I·" w jli 111 11 1;" " ~I illl,1\ hi :; l'j,ull fracllll 'cd Heling r ed hUL hoirlt' \\ i II :.t datl'l' t ' l'. I lL' IIl;JI a f"w h\lltl'~ \\'h n rleath . 'arne, 'rhe fl' i,>JHI~ II!' ~ lt, 1':11'( \\'r i ,II \\'L' ,I
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Luria!' ~nh , '('ribc fOlhC ~ 1l in the min , ,l \\ II ,, · ,hy, =-= i: I'." on:1' 50 ye:.l r~ . lI e was LO I'l1 Il clw<!..:, !·II:1llll· 1. l ' q lli l ~ l l·)., ; I the anu rl'i\n'd ill .rcen€' Co un ~y , nCII'r j ,''' ; l nd ' J.)o· rtlmg 1101 Il'. F ! 'IT Y, \\' I\II'lr at t.h at, lim e wa~ culled ~I i ", ill fact ! {('\' , Carman gave the \V . \\'. 'rail' " Id' l'ckin, \\ :l:-i in I'la"l' Illat lIa1l1 e rlu rill g' his residen c e tlH ' rl'. \
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fr ee L l\l y eC1.c.!7 Twn telllllR ~ lll ~~ . dun to lI siriW- r d qi clJ ' uubrok c , 1Ilf'llt dally . l~;\ high ., Pllule ·., !Je with o ut n c ak. Lebano n, (5, tllY wa sh Htand . ~ ', q th e CIlUC Ur:l. R~m·TI)8 Guze tte ·:· '" fc rln g from 6 10111:1.1 pluin white hope yo u \'.'111 pub and' 'I'E'~ !lIHt oth ers may Ie . • .'
it(, ln Ptlt S
rind be
Vn v:d M. Show, cn.re I ' _ : ~/, Pier War Epig r:lm. [;5, N. P... , N e w York Cn~y, Jun e 2, 1910, Anoth er ep t ' a lii ha E' u(o('n ~(<l dpl~ to Cut l c lIra Rel1lcCJfc!; sold e ve rywhere , . war lit f! flllUI' \ Th Tw" n ll('lh h a n· Se nd to sas had tnk£''n ~I po!!ltlnn at (' n looC'an , Uo.,ton, pot.tc'r Drug & Chern. ';orp,. for tree book ou· akin aDd • 1 000 yards nh~a rl () ! th() line. tl"rn ) scalp troublllD, _ __ _ _ _ . Artbur scn t an n l.i1f' lO 0100 (' 1 ~~ston to kJlOW how lopS he '('ould \Ve always like those who admire, bpld the ,· polt!r . Th answer' ,' ume UR; we 0.0 no~ 'always like those whom
back: "Until roy r C'glmeo t 1s musler
eel out.".
we admlr e,--Frl1l1cls DlIc de Roche- '
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REPORT Of tlu'
The Miami Gazette L CRANE.
01110 .
Consider for a moment the bog. The hog Is nature's sedative. He Is the nntlthes ls ot excttem ent and the Ilnesthetlc of worry. Wben fruy ed nerves cry out In protest , nnd the lIre d braIn aches wi th n s urfe ll of are or pleasure, go then to the humble pIg sty and Icarn a lesson of r pose. Whal does the furm r do when the hired man glv s nOlke, ot gniss ho ppers threa ten to lalte th e upper eIghty? lie heads tor the hog lot; and, with his clbows on ttl(? top ra il and one fopt In an Interm (li a le crncll, bo wnlche g the swi ne at theJr e venIng mea l 'lll1 his s oul flnd !> pence. says th e KansRs Ity Stur. A£, U Jncv onllve of n e rvou s prostration. a sanltnrlum, compared to a hog. Is a riot anu t bo se as horo Is an Insur rec· Uon . His' peacetul grunt Is Il lullaby to tortureu ca rs, a nd hi s pladd ob· Uvion of f be fllgbt of lime Is n reo buke to the strenuous. As he pokes ble nos e Into the moi st ea rth - never rurlous ly, but with eal m and Qulet nnd upturns the suc 'ule nt roots t hat he Dlay add welgbt to his hams and breadth to hIs spare ribs, to tbe ultl· mate pro fit of the butcher. we are I'emInded at the futility of c ryin g out agaInst tho ~a lc for wh ic h w (11'0 be· Ing tattened and t.:wgbt to bow the bead In humi lity . Ilca h o ve r tho top of U'e tenc II nll Bcrn tch hi s bri st· Iy back with a ras py cob :LOU Ills legs, unable to support hi s excess burd 11 ot plensure , crum ble beneath blm , and be slnlls to lcep. singing 11 song ot contentment that rumb les forth from cavernous depth s. HI s bumblo lIml · tations bavo not mad e the bog n pc . IIlmlst. On tbe co~trary, be \tl your true optlmlst.
Head of Natl ona l LeaguIW Figures SIl( .Clubs Have 'Even Chance to w i n . Championship.
President Fogel of philadelphia ~ •. tiona I League Team Flnally .Agreell With Manager Dool n.
Presld ' nt T homas J . Lyncb of t.he Natlonlll lenguQ bas fi J!; llred out thaI the m e e (or the pennan ~ this year will be 'the closest and llIus t k e.only (lon, tested In lIl a ny seaSOllS. Here Is bls sta te me nt of tb e s ltuaU on : "Any on ~ of s ix clubs bas 1\ good c hanc to win thIs ycar. Ilaroly bave the tenms presentcd a more eveu front. V. h!le St. Louis ond Uos ton do not seem 'lO be as strong as tbe oUle r clubs, s t III, you nev e r ca n t ell what fL c rowd of you ng players will do, and T e nn f'Y lua y sur pri se the lmse\)all wo rld 'thl s genson. "As ror the oUl e l· six clubs, It Is just abo ut un VI)!) t hing. Ne w Yorks look good :l nd are Rt ronger th a n al lhlR lime las t yenr. Thos who lhi nl( the days of' til Ch lcugoB ure ovcr may hav'c C ~HU!e to chunge th elr opinion '.Jefol'e the sens on c loses. Th ey ar no w a k· e r tbun lust YI'Il.J'. In illY opinion. It wus be c an~e ·the A th leUcs were so J1Iurh fS ll te r than Chi cago that the world 's se rl os res ulteu as it did. "Th e team Is we ll s uppll d with youngs te rs. Tuite t he pnrc hase or Shean; that was a good st rolte of bus iness. Evers may last a wholo senson and may not last a week. MI', Murp hy bas tl seco nd hasemau t o s te p right In th ere. If that happ ns. you tlre like ly to h ear people begin to talk of Chl ctlgo luck and how forluuute It wus that Shean wu s at·ound. No luck abou l it; It was pla uned be fore· buml. "A Je tter reached me th o olhe r day from lh Pitts burg am p saying that Leach, larko and Wagner, t.he big trio, wer e never In h lIer C!lnditlun, an d that Adam s and Camnllz were put· ting them over In great fo r m . The men ure playing toge ther, anll the old figbtlng spIri t is there. I te ll you that Ch icago wo uld not hav e had such un easy tim e wInnIng a pennant Illst year had they not got the jump In th e ea rly monUl s. It will be different tb ls s pring, unless a ll slb'lls go wrong. "Botb P.h lad e lphla and Cincinnati were stre ngt hen ed by t he trade made last fall. It does a'-' plnyer a lot o[ good to be s hlft~ a roun d. It puts more life In him , and many times · a man who has played only average hall wIth a t eaIn' gets In with a lot of h ustling youngsters ~d becomes a star. "The fans like to see ne w fa ces, too, and applaus e Is as sweet to a player'l!
Tbat denI which cam'e nM r di sru pt· Ing tbe ca'bl net wh ich Mlrts the des· tl nles of the .Pblllles Is satia.fal!tory now to all conce rn ed . Mnna~(' .. 00010, who 111l1l("(] 011' the
Unle .. the Right Re'1'edy I. Used.
Eczeula of' th6 scalp Is one ot the most annoying forms of this wIde IiIpread dlselUle. The sure oure tor If 18 Reslnol olnlmCIlt. A. child whose bead ""as so e ncruste(} tllut the bah 1': as almost obllteratod W'I1S vracUcaJ. Iy I'urt'd in e Igh t. days. The s c:\lp wal wa ~hcII IIh R s lnol SOIIP IlDd then fl o ' Inol int m('ut ,,'ns a pplied. Resl· . Dol s to ps it r hlng In:llllnUy, It c urep ecze ma on allY 8urfn 'e of tbe body. Every form of eruptive ski n dl sens& yiel ds to Healnol ointment. It cu res rin gworm. barbo r 's itch, pso rias is . tet ler. h rpes. e ry th e ma, 51'I11d head lind olhe r. Irrltntlng Iln d c r upUve Rkln dl :,;eusE's. As a d ro!:lslng for burns aud IWlI lII s R('s lnol Is 1I11e l1ua Jlcd. A Res lnol soa p s harupoo will sto p dlln d ruIT lInll Its ('d with R s inol ol utment nlways fll l'!Iltl11 eS t.h o e lt~c. lleRl nol oi nt Dlcnt Is rut \l p 'ill opal jnrs In two sizes, tift}' cpnt s and II dol lar. At nil drlt ~h';sts. Reslnol Cbomlcal Co. Ba.ltimore. ~1 d .
Tri umph of Co urage. Courng.' ,wd I till "p~)w l' r or t he hu·
eye." SUYl'd Walt l'r Su r!!c lit. 8 Jlro~ I 'I' t'ous rtl n('ilPr. in t.h e IlI,tlwooll
dl l' lrlc l. Still .JUSI.'. wllf'n hI WlLS con rrolltpII lI y Il hun );ry \1Iou nt aln lion thl ' othe r crellin/!. :,nr/o:I'n l W IIS tlrivln ~ 1\ herd of I'O\\'~ to hi,; h01ll 1 In lh f' foot hil ls wilt' n ht' Do lll;llli til l! oiS cui s talking hIm . As it rt'ollche cl fot' 8 sprlns 8nr;{I' tl l I urn l'd all ti Us 'd til beus1 wilh h ilI I·YI '. ~l ltU it nd lIotl rf'ma.l ned n.' IllI lllolnb!c a:; .;taLU nfl fllr a fe w 5e on ll .. IInti llle n th e animal It:rn ·d 'L I t! Irotled away . WISE, ALL RIGHT,
Manager D091n.
denl with out tb e san ction Ilod wl t.bout the approval of PresllJ cnt H orace Fog I, and who threatene d to resig n unl ess It was permItted to stanll, can· Dr. Simeon Squeel's a. phrenologist of fo re, In m any casell a bit a bnormal. Tho Cblnese, It s eems, are not 80 Tbls Is especially noticeable' In lect·t lnu s to cougmtulate him self. Presl. prompt In cutti ng oft th~ir queues as Hot SprIngs, exam ined Dob Wn)Jace's de nt Fogel bas finally !;om e around . Inl ght . have been eX'Pected from tbe bead .recenlly. The bra in specialist handed pitchers. Most ot the "bugs," . He has made no pos iti ve or dI rec t j)ronounced th e manager (I f th e Browns "nuts," etc., In baseball bave been leftImmen se vociferousness wlth which stat m e nt, bo we ve r. one of the most nor n:lUl mInded men handed pitc hers. Waddell Is a lurid tbelr queue-.cuttlng progra m was h er· be had ever exsml!led. He did not case In point. Tom Ramsey, the grent During II. practloe game with BII' aided to the world. The Nor i.h Ch~na kno w hIs man whe n he made hIs diag· left-hande r of t.h e early da),B, was also mln ghum President Baugh at Blrmlng, Herald says that "so far there are nosis. supremely erratic. • ham r emarked to President Fogel : Wallace's h ead Is abnormally devel"Lady" BaldwIn, Phil Knell, Bert "You people certalI:lly got the bet· only a thousand q\leuell the less In Mr. WIse--Wher e'" the mnn that tcr of t bat Clnclnnall deal." Hongkong, and balf that number the oped on the left s ide. This Is as It 'Jones, Harry Sallee, " Crazy" Schmidt struck my wi re-~vhl!ro ill II ? He was wat bing Ew ing smoke Bys tander-Wh ut'll you do If you less In. Shanghai." Anotber observe r should be, Qr. Squeers declares. Tbe and Ick Altrock. all celebrated leftleft lobe at the braIn governs tbe rIght banders, have been more or Less famed them a cross, and Lebert runnIng tho find hI m? thinks tbo Ins t state of the Calesllal sIde of tbe body, th e rI ght lobe the left for e rratic behavior . Even The odore balles . Mr. Wise-Introdu ce h im to m ~ wlt'h his pIcturesque que ue not cut side. It Is nntural, asserted Dr. Squeers, BreitensteJn, one ot th e s t eadiest of "Yes. Y s'- ' mother·ln-Iaw. off short but only maIme d beyond lhat a man s hould be rlght·banded, the souUlpa ws, was In hIs youth wild This fl'om Fog 1. An d be humed~ recognition, Is worse than the first. right tooted, rI ght eyed, that the rlgbt as a March hare. EddIe Plank and Doc ate ly.. cbanged th e s ubject. Symptoms Were There. tn every part of the world habit baa side s hould be la rger and stronger tban White seem ~Q be the wisest a nd stead"You hU9bnntl might have 1\ IIllJe \ a strong hold on the masses, and It Is the IE'ft. Left-handed people are, there· Iest of the leftslde loopers, solid f<lod lli r ectly he begi n s to mend," not strange that ChIna, pre-emJnentINSURE WHITE SOX PLAYER~ said · tbe doctor. " But how am J to teH?" Inq uIred th IlnxlolHl- wife. Iy a la nd of habIt. should b e s low In money Connie enn show him just "Th e convlIl scent s tagos of III lin · Presldellt Com iskey of Chicago Pro ulaklng a revoluUona ry c hange, even what 11e hRS been a ble to do on every ouza," r e plie d th e Ilor.tor , "are mark (f tects Himself Against Acci dents o ocaslon he went to the plate. 1f the chan ge is favored by Chinamen by a f; !lght irrila hillty." and Illness, OctavIa Carvjal, a Me.x lcan, may be M Influen tial as Wu TIn.: Fan. The next drty h called nnd (ollllil one of Co rn e ll's varsity pitchers. l:Ie tb e putl eut's wife r adI a nt. "Whl1 n I Presid ent ComIskey of tbe WhitE worked well last year (or th e Ithaca In vIe w at the ge neral carelessness Sox Is not taltl ng ' any cha.nc s · of in refUl;(!d to order bi ' s teak nne] on ions." college nine. s he ex plained. " he came luto th H jury to bls star ball p layers. obout fire, It Is not surprising that ChIcago Is promised a hockey league Fred Clarke will again be a play· Men ' like Ed. Walsh, Harry Lord ldtcholl und sm us hed ·fourteen soup lhe annual fire loss ot ~he country Is tor next winter. Baseball tans could Ing manager. Pat Doughe rty , JImmy Callnhan, Ma U) pln.t.es and, II dinner Rervl co; S\), of ~ great. On the cont.rary, It Is morl! wIsh for nothing better as a cold !'~el:ra s ll a solons have passed the McIntyre, Tex .Tones, Bill L a nge, AID C01lrse, I sent alit for Iltenl, at otlce."_. remarkable tbat tb e lOBS Is not evon Sunday op tIonal baseball bill. weather sport. by McCon ne ll, Rolly Zeluer, Billy SuI· Stray Stories. greater. Very few smokers are caroThe Giants are to be .barrod from Ted Easterly has finally won hIs IIvan, Doc WhI te and a few oUlera ful. tbe care lessness a bout matches s purs in the contest for rIght fie ld playing in ' At lanta, Oa ., on sprJng Why? Just Because. who are main spokes In his' base ball trainIng trips hereafter b ecause of Includes every age. sex and condition , honol·s. "Papa," said tile little boy, "why do ma chine l1ave been Insur13,!1 by the 'Old Preaident Thomas Lynch. "Bm " Foxen Beems slated for bet- the row there recently. and yet many losses both of property the y say 1\ woman Is 'setting he r 'ao Ramah "aga lns t s icknesR or Injury. Tbe re are five giant ha llplaye rs on ears a s It Is to an actor's. .When a and life may be traced to these two t e r thin gs than b e n c ~ warmIng this Ever sInce tile Injuries to SulllvaI for n mlln' " 'hen she wants to lDarry th e Cleve land Naps for 1911. Cy Falk· man steals second base and .s heartJIy a nd Blacltburne, Comis key bas bee ~ blm?" cnuses. People t alle ri s l(s with fire season . Joo .lacl,son, the s lugging ou tfielder enberg, the e longated pItcher, is the cheered, he wau tll to s teal thJrd right consi derin g a plan ·to pro tect bls basG " Because. my Bon," ex plains th merely to sllve a little trouble or oonof the . !.lpn, Is sa lu to be weak on tallest. H e Is six feet fi ve inches In away. Both the Phlllies and the Red s 'ball inte rests. A Sl. J~ ouls insurance father, softly , " If she setll her bonnet ve nle n ce, whi c h rl alls are simply a s- th base lines. he Ight. will be factors In the' pellnant 'race this co mpany e nte r ed the fi eld mu ch ilie1 for him she Icnow B hlamed well til I tounding to sobel" second thou gh t , an d Manage r Clarke of Pittsburg favors Red Corrldon, tl1 e YOlingl!ter wi th year. Neltber can Br l,lok.Jyn be count· t he L loyd fnshlon .and look a c~ance price o( It will s care him to deatb," t he r estri ction of n either law no r cus- waik lng and ruifnlng ups tairs to the Browns last tall, and' Pat O'Con- ed out From a ll reports Mr. E bberts The IIl811rance cove rs accidents, IlIneS$ t om are at all adequate wh,en the str ngth en the legs. nor, the catcher recruft. have been re- has secured som e youngsters who will or death. COFFEE CONGESTION Walter .Tal nson's uncl e bas s igned lensed by the Pirates to the Kansas give a good account of themselves · tbls dange r In volved Is conside r ed. It Is Causes a Variety of A:lls. Every )llayer wbo will he a mc.mbel season. n matter In wbJ ch the general publIc . to pltcb fo l' a CalifornIa t eam , but be City Bluc t!. of the team has boon Ins ured. 'fh4 is on Iy 19 year s old. "Every SOas on In baseball seems to poUcies cnll {or $6,000 in case or dealt Although Frnnl( Chance may seem .A bappy old lady in WioconBln Deed a lmost e lementary edu ca tion. A great man:" tans are wondCl'!ng unn ecessarily severe at times, a four- tie greater than the one Immediately by a ccld \3 nt. In case. t he p ls yer Is un BayS: how 15 Ame ri ca n ana National c lubs time pennant·wlnnlng t eam speaks precedIng. I do not think that this able to play tor a week owing to s ick "During the time I was a. (:(JIT(;6 ' A Ilne of Cnnadla n stc(l.msh lps bave waived on Harry Steinfeldt. season will prove an exception, and ness President Comiskey will be palt drinker I was subject to sick headwell tor th e success of his polley. c reated the new oftlce' of " s hll>;8 Southe m league baseball teams do Ilches, sometimes lasting 2 or 3 d~' 8 , E d· Walsh has turned bard and Is look for th e biggest year nnd one of $25 a wook . motb e r," who wJII dross In unitorm, not welcome tbe majors with open writing verses. Doc White will have tbe closest races in tbe hIs tory of the totally unfitt ing me tor anything. .,.o nK nex t to th e cavtai n an d bave arms, as was the ir wont a fe w years to look to hIs laurels or he may be game." To this allliction was added, some Highlander.' New Grounds_ I barge of the femi nin e passenge r s. ago. years ago, n. trouble with my hE.'a rt robbed of a part of Ills glory In the Allhough th e New York Amerl cal that was very painful, accompanied ,Japan ese studentR at Iowa universIty world of poetry and song. pa rtic ularly of th e brid es. At first Noted Horse Is· Dead. l e~ gue club has bougbt the land fo r Itl g lance thi s seems a beautiful and have organIzed a root.ers' club to weI· by a. smothering sensation and faint, From ParIs comes the news t bat ne'\'. park, just ove r the Harlem rlvel ilesa. touch in g Idea, but there Is ·the dan- co me the vlslllng oriental baseball Geers to Quit Driving. FlyIng Fox, the great racehorse which at Kl'ngsb rldge , aud some grading worl team . "Dyspepsia, also, came to make lifo l:er of tl1e brid eg rooms rega rding the Connie Maclc keeps a score of e\"ery Ed Geers, the ramous horse man, Is Edmond Blanc purchased s ome yenrs has been dr,~('. President It'llrrell hal harder to bear. J took all sorts of pat . new ofti ccr as an oIHcia l mo tber· ln- gam e a nd files the record away each to re tire from rllce driving this season. ago for $200,000. Is dend: He won decIded not to attemllt completion o~ ent medicines but none of them he lpod law and on a honeymoon t rIp , too. da y so that when a player comes to H e says Ire wl11 lraln borses for the $130,000 In purses on th e French turf the groune]s, Including the erectIon 0 : me tor any length of timo, a flne new s tadium, until n ext year . 8lgnlng ' a con t ra ct and asks tor more track .a s long as b e Uves . alone. "The dO(\tol'B frequenUy told me Seven and one·ba lf miles up In tho that coffee was not good for me; but fllr the temperature Is 90 degrees b ewlth.o ot coffee 1 (elt 118 It I bad no low zero. J.~uture man, oppressed b:,r hre8.kt:ast. I finally decided abcIut 2 the heat·, will s impl y take a balloon, years ago to abandon the uee of cof· -.- -----£:::: -:::-=- -= -=: ::-"::' '= ' -:=: -==;;=========:== ====r===:===r======T=== -.--.--~--, rise until the t.e mpe l·ature strllfes his fee entirely, and as I bad read a great tnste and th e re rock him self to s leei>, ATPO HTS MOlTH At CH1LLICOTHE "T 1..... ·CAS'fER. AT N EW ARK. AT MARION. A.T LIMA. At SPRI N GFlELD AT HAMII./J'oN. deal about P08tum I concluded to try that fQr a breaktaat beverage. Instead of hu.nting t he lIIusl ve :Jea '~I liked the taste of it ·and waa par_ brceze. ticularly pleased to notice that It did April 20 21 22 M ay 26 'II 28 Mo.y 2 8 May. 5. May 10 11 May 7 8 • Avrll 23 2~ 25· Jun e lO 11 MIlY 29 ao 30 June 2 8 4 June 5 6 7 June 8 • JUli O 12 13 rota)' 31 Jun. 1 nOt 'come up" as coffee used to. The ALL THE A Texas lawyer has declared thal July II 8 July 17 18 19 July 12 18 14 Jul y 16 UI July 9 10 11 ,July 7. 8 . July 20 21 22 bad spells wIth my heart grew ieBl! Aug'. 17 l8 A II&,. 19 20 Aug. 7 1 Aug. 9 10 U A~ &'. 16 )0 Sept. 2 S Au&,. 12 III l' the Bible Is a n unftt ,l ubllcation to and less frequent, nnd bally Ce.at.ed -----. -.--------···1----1 ----·---1---.-4.1 ----pnS8 througb the m ull s, Ilnd nallles Ap ril ~'9 30 lIIay I April 26 27 28 May 12 13 14 May f t> 6 May 2 a May 7 II 9 May 10 11 altoget.her, and I ha.ve not had an a.tJun o 28 29 30 May 29 3(J 30 .June 10 11 May 31 June 1 J u ne 2 3 , Juno 8 9 ,Tune 5 6 7 !!everal I.' a rts as particul arly a p. t.ack of sick beadaohe for more than a ClllJ.1..lCQ'rHE Aug. 5 6 GOOD July 6 tl July 17 18 III July 16 16 July 12 IS H July 7 8 Jul y 8 10 U Seo L 4 4 Au/:. 19 20 Aug. 11 18 AUI;. · 12 1:1 14 Aug. 'Iii 16 Apg, 9 ' 10 11 Aug. 7 8 Jlllcable to his objection. Tbe pr in' year. My digestion 18 good, Ulo. and . April 20 21 22 1 - -- - - - -- April 28 !4 25 May 10 1l May 7 8 II May 2 ft I-M - u.y - .-::6- 0 - -- ci pal effect at thIs decla ra tio n will bo - -- -- -- IJ\lUy 12 Jr. II I am thank.(ul that I am once more n .l une 14 j;, J u n o IIi 17 18 SPOR July 20 . 21 21 . June 6 '6 7 June 8 9 JlIhe 2 3 4 May 81 ,Tune 1 healthy woman. ·1 Imow my wonder, to mnl<e thoso read tbe Bible Who .LA NCI.,sTI·;n . .. Jllly 1 ~ 3 .July • 4 TING Au&,. 5. July ·.g 10 11 1,IIy 7 • July '16 16 Ju,y 12 13 It · CuI .. ~toJ:UtI~n tp health came ' from n ever r ead It before. . Aug. :!I) 30 Aug. 31 S ep!. Bept. • , Aug. 7. . Au&,. 9 10 ' .1 . Au&,. 14' 16 18 Alig. 1213 · quittln~ coffee . and using Post\lin." - - -- - -I AP r-II- 2;li/2--- ~~-'II 28 I~A-p-r-::lJ~29-::-30~---I-----.....:.-I-M -a-y-7-8-.--:........-!MaY 10 · 'i""-~-1 Mo.y. 6 O. 1\lay 2 :I Name givel;L br tbe Pbstum Co., Battle J u n ~ 111 17 18 Ju ne H lr. Ma y 1 Jun (' 12 U N WS 'OF Jun e 8 ~ une ' lI e 7 M ay 81 June 1 Jun e 3 3 • A .Bos ton girl abo ut 0 be mar rI ed N l!;WARK .. , .. July 4 ( . .Ju ly 1 11 3 Jun e 28 2!1 30 .E '.' July 7 I . July 9 10 U July lIB III Aug. 1 July 1616 Creek, .Mlch. . A ug. 3.1 !-\('PI. Au g. Zl zo . Se pt 2 3 . Au". 9 10 11 Au&" . 7 . • " . Aug. 12 IS Aug. 11 IJ; 18 has limited th e Invl tatjons sent out , "Tbere's a ' reason," "and it Is this. ·- - ----,- i MnY l i I~ 19 !M"y 15 lIS ' lIIa.y :lI 'Z4 IS - I!rt '''''a - y'''- It """-:,-'n!.. ' lIS ""'··--~II --r-----;--- .,.,prll 23 2C 21 '. for the cereulony In orde r tbat he r Coff~e' has : a. dlreet.'actlOn on the Uver \.'6. 'n . un 2:1 2t 2!i Jun ll 1.9 ro June .11 ~ . I. THE. DAV June' 12 ta .'. May 29 .80 00 fl'lends wl11 not .feel cOlnpclled to . MARION ...... ,. .June with; sOme PeOpl~. ",nd oou,ses partJal Jllly m ao 31. Allg: 23'; Jul·y 26 27 21 JUIY~". JillY '2() 21. 21 July 1 2 . 'tend p.reseJ, ts. ' It lOOKS reformator y, A ulf. !I. 22 A'lg. 23 'N AUII'. 'II 28 AUC.!6 ., ~'pt.. ' ' : Au&,. ' 17 18 COllg~t1on . qf tbat organ prey'e nting l\y-;:',~"'-I-G---- ~1t8~-~ ~4 ~ M~y 20 11 ,'22 1:;..--""-'- ' - - --...,- 1-:.-.:.;'-:--:-:-__- ,..-- A~·rtr ·20 ~ '2I! but It mlgh,t have been . ju st ns ,eNeil, - -- -- ' - - M ·the .(nntu~at o~Uet of ·the ~cretJOns_ . J'lln ~ ~ 2f !!5 .l li nl> ~ 27 Jun e ',21 '22 ' J .une 1J " PRiNTED :rOne lQ'lt.··, . lJ1len m~ 'f~Uow'. blllouSDess, Ballow tlv~ ~oput o n tb.e C;l1rd's the legend, L IMA .. ....... ... AIlIl. ~ 3 4 ' July \'jI :.'0 al July '!lI 21 %5 July lIB fl. II . ' .. lily 111\ 18, 1'1 iki.Oi beadac1!ea, ec:tn8t1p~D an~ 1inaJ. Au&" :i3 ' ~ I AUg. f1 2'.! . AUIf. la 1II AUIr. n.. 21 ~uC.. ~ ·10 , "NQ gUt..s r celved." 1), ' a ,c.ha:age· 'o( . the, blood cOJ'puBClell - - - - --. -· IM ;1-)'-':''lt-2-4-;~"--'":""7· t'May 21 2'l - MIa,. l~ -!~ May 11 11 1. "nil nenpull prOStratfoo·: · - .... lune • Sf · Juno: 21 2~ J 'u"" l', 20 Illn" ZS i ' !Ii Per~OJ'l8 . who ~ave bad ex peri ence BPRINC1.' I E J.D July. l1$ .2t .~ utI' 12. 11 ' . July ~ 21 28 AU!t. ! U 4 . 'Read the ~ttle book', "The ROiad to Aue: ll II i\ ul:'. 25 2tl A lIC. r:7 28 A lie. !!I 24 are understood tQ be ready to giye pii. · Welh1U~'" In pkp. . "Tb8le'. a R .... aon." : ..ilte .advice to tJle .effect that rea I IUld Mo.y 17 18 lJ ".Y 11 It l.lny l!3 24 26 May 20 '1 :l2 JUDe !I . . . June lIG 1'1 J un(' 21 2'2 INII'maueDt happlnellB Is DOt Invsrlably ,I u n IY 20 •.. · ~ .......... TIIeI Aue.· 2 • t , luly 29 30 11 Jul:- :3 :u 25 _ •• ~ ........... .r uly 211 27 2S t!8CUrecl by mortga&lnc ~e bome to JI .... ·MILTCIN . Aue. .21. II Aue: ' 21 '0 AUA;. 27 :!II . Au". !!5 2G ~ ' Manage r Wallac:e 0 f St. Louis Brown ..
- -------
.., q
- - . - -- - , -
....., "-..... . . ............. ....,.... ...... ....... I.
' I
Re· f B former Must be ~ Christ 'Centered
Practical 'Fashions
mumummUllmmmmmmuu:::m N TilE pro phecy c( Zacharl a b, the olg hlh cha ptr,r and ; .W t we llty·thlrd ,·erse . w ( .g, r ond : " Wo will /;n wllh :uu for w hnv h "arll th a I - ~ God Is wit h you." Thi s for IUO ... scclpture hilS r efere ll ce to .brI Bt. and picture Ilu rpos611 B his ella on. I has beon fulll ll pll, and fi I'CO l\umldlon 11 011, Is yet be In g fulOIl d. Sur ly t he r eo nnd lrnlu him to rorm r ma y hl're fino e nCOUI'II!; me llt s tand ove r PlY flrO H· as w II I1S ~ u gge AtI (J n . trate body, wllll my W e DIllY b s ure th e (,l1d will not bo baby In his mUllth ." ri ght It th e LJ egl nnlo g Is wrong. Such wnR pnrl of nn Success fu l work must havo a r ight c n· ord ur once give n by te r. Ch ri st carne to dt::;troy the work f,:ladnme Plnnka lo '1''' I'F) at the devil . This was tbe object and F1'I1nk Dostocll, lho 1. M. P . Cunlus-I bud a hard Urn. central tbought of hI s adv ent. It Is animal ldng, wllo not thIs morni ng to mll ke u mUll tak' SIO. with blm we must go It Instr ume nta l only exhlb!t R wild Go tz Dllnn-You dou't 8U),! Wbo In des troying evi l. animals blmself, but al so tralus tht: lU was ho'! Reformers som etimes foel that they to ordor [or othe r people. I. M. P . un lus-My taHor, a UfI I are battling alone . 'Tbo wo rld i s or Three weeks afte r givin g tbls or· owe him $100 . course against them. otl\' lct\un leadl:t der, Mn.dame Pianka ex hibited h e r them at tim es to opposo those wl t.h "Herce NumJdlan lion ." Tho a udi e nce AN ESTABLISHED FACTORY whom thoy would deA lre to un Ite. 001' shivered as the savage bea llt cllls h d Pro,l ll ing RtamlnrJ goollq \J ~ ed l,y Mtorell, In g with what seems to he clearly agains t the bnrs of bl s cllge In un Ilt· hU II I~ , f:\ rIIW I'14 an.1 practi ca lly (' \'c ryOOlly, trlle and just, thoy elCllcet all who are tempt to gOL at a mnn slandlng Jusl I~ scnJi ng ill! ~ 1li' c lH l (·cprescnt.a tl\,c to ' , honest to !loe. Wb n It Is oth e rwl s · o pell a ,liH t ril)Utill~ oilit's lo r LII;!! diHtncc out ot re a h-the "hllsbund" whooo In tbl s design we have II. nov I style, . tbe y som etimes d e nounce, ba<:ome and nth. 'r III\0CCllpl <:d lrrri lory n ud d'sin'll "wife," Madllme Plnnka, was cowering In orde r to give the etrect of tho for a r ('sidl'lIt di ~tri :' lIl 'r with $600 to ~ .()()O hateful, s on red or discouraged . This tn a corner or the lion's cng . aeamlesi:I .,hou ld r tile smull pointed in cn~ ", C i'ryill' sIn Ie for illlmediately shou ld not b . While urgi ng the trnt b The Jl g hls we nt out, and tho audl· yoke Is cootlnu ed clown on the arm, li lliu!; Ol'ril' r 6; W ' allu w $100 tu ~10l) mont hwe n eed to be long suffe ring nnd kind. ence sat breathl ess unt II II su dd en II· uver til sllo uld e r seam . Tbis Is nat. Ir rU llljll'II 1UILi nll. cxl m cnlUno issi ()n ~ . ufever remembe ring t hat all good cen· I,,:u nllli o ll ll'r l'xp(m "'!~ , per conlmd, nclumlnation s howed the lion standing t all difficu lt to do, lind It I1dus mucb ,' onlill~ to ~ 1 7.U o f ,1 1~t ri r L nil 0 Ll('r\ unl'! tors In Ch r is t . Ir we are to lead others over Madame Pianka's prostrato nnd to tb e s ty le of the fro clt. s tock cnrried ; pcrn ulllcuL urn.np;e meubl; III t he right w must do It according npllarQntly lIreless body, but holding A smnll ves t fills the ce nter or the rCfl'I'c lIlles reQuircd.. 1£ YOIl cnll /ill ro10 th e divine pla n w hl <: h wou ld movo w;ll e prumpLly . "Liberty " h er baby safe In Its mouth . Wbcn In front and t bls Is tormed by a long qaircmcntll IlIlIufaclul'ing A.social ioll, 230 \ V{'"L liu' In a ll toward tho con t m l life. A II that the ne d scene Madame Pianka, tu ck al euch sid e of It. Anothe r s hort ron /:)t., Ch ieu!;". makes life Awe l an d blessed Is cen · dressed as the Goddess or Libe rty, Slit tuck Is pla.ced ut e ach sboulder. In tf'r d In him . Wuon mon are really with h er arm round th e e rstw~1l 1J s av· lhe back there Is merely the closing Need of the AgrIculturi st. brought tl) know t bls th ere will be no age beas t ow the dignifi ed Brlu'tlh ba nd down tho cente r or th e wllist. "Here I am ," s aid th r E- turn ed wanlodgetl. 1,lon- th e house went wild with ap· The s kirt is of t~ e kill mod el with derer. "hack wit h th fortlln e I said r Keeping Ne a r to God . plause. II. sDlall vunel In t he center of the would muk o and rpndy to Imy tb& Ma nkind th irs t for the fon ntaln or During the tim e between the r I1 lpt front . mortgage off t be farm ." Th e frog pon ds of ear lh an no lire. ~r Madame Pianka's . order and h er I<:lthor woolen goods o r waRb. mate· "Elf thal ain't h urll luck!" exclaimed mora sall fl fy t his thirst than th o first ex hibition with the tully tmln d ri a ls IDay be uBe d In making lIll!! dress th fnth ' r . "A s tim s a re g oln~ ' rros s or wInt e r th o June rose. Do nnd the add Won of the b a nds of can· no w that 1lI0rtgag aln 't botherin' nolion, Mr. DOSlock's trainers had a. ,\'e wh;h Ule n an d womon to go wllh trastlng t ri mmi ng. us sho\\l n, will add body. I'd n heal) rulb e r. have seen busy tbree VI k8. First of all tb e JS, t o n e as we see? Let li S k e p an effect! ve touc h. you broke I1n' rf'u d y to do regular work .1I0n ror the act had to be chosE-n o Clear to him, be fill ed wll h his spirIt. Every animal has Its peculiar chnruc· The patte rn (6383 ) Is Clll In II lzeR for wag IS ." rho magnet thnt nUI'acls us wl1l praw G to ] 2 years. M ecll \~ 1D size r equires turlstlo8, a'ild b efore any attempt nt ot.h rs. Power with Ood always ~ ~ yards of 36 Inch \' Idu material. training Is made these must b known . A Budding S.tar. means power with men. No matter "The tea ber Informs m o that Mary With rare e::c pllons all felln s art! what t he argument or bow we ll '1'0 proeure thts pattern aend 10 eenUl Ande rson Wombat hns cons lde rabl& untrus tworthy ~ and mure or less prese nte d, It 18 not likely to reach the to ·'F'u.lte.rn Dcpartrn ·nt." oC thlD p a p er. dramatl ' ta lent." treacherous. Th ey are afraid or man Wrtte name 0011 address pto.lnty , !\nd hn "That's what. Why, tbat girl can't only ns long as he s tands e r ct. Tho without the COrn , knowing tbat It In thl' Daltllllor fir, a ll or Mr. Bos · heart locked up by years at false Buro to glve slroo nnd number or p:J.ttern. took's fl' rformlng an ima ls were d . rensonlng unl ess the divin o key be r i te .the m ul tipli ca tion t able without. minute he Is down they will attack " 'ould be t ed at the nd. ln the training of borses some very Rtroycd . li e had Ollly tbree months app li ed . m akJ ng the most legant gestur es.~ ' blm. For such a de licate a ' l a s Ma· SiZE ... .... .. ....... . There Is no t.r uth that appear s m01'e NO. 6383. dume Pianka's, th erefore , It w:;s neces· wond e rful things hav been a ccom· In whi ch to get togetb l' a nd t rain th grentest animal brOU() fl 'ever assem · pllshed by Dr. Martin J . Potter, a self evld nt to li S of tl!e anll·se r ecy ASK FOit A LLI~N 'S FOOT-EASE sary to select the stendl st, most doNAME ........ : ................... . .... . .... . tho AnLIJCJ~Uo po .. d r Lo 61lOke low ,uor 8 bool1. Bobled . By mornIng Europe waR being reform tlmn thnt the whole brood or elle, and trustworthy lion that could New York ve t erinarian , who pre pares ItOY,,.. CorM, !lunlono , I nllru .. 1n1J Nullll, 8 .. "Ueo ao4 practically all t he horses that aPI> ar comued wit h 1\ flne comb to furni s h lodges IS opposed to the ri gh t eo us· TOWN ...................................... . S .. ""U nll ( 'c t, DIl.tonl unCI ,,1I0U8 8 pOIII. 80'" b found. him with ne w a nlmal ~. Training w ent ness, Jus tice, tranquillity, humility, eoorywhOI'O, lIOO. Vo" ' tll "Gf,,' IInv 1 ...I>oUtul.. Sa_ Mr. Bes to k h a d rorty lion s. Am ong In special nct.s on Ule Am rlcan stage. pi" ii' IIIHl. Alldroa. Alton S. Olm""oo, Lo BoT,lf.T. STREET AND NO ...................... , on day aft r dny, night aft r nl gbt . s implic ity, aud, tn short, all that these was a magnificent animal which Everyon o :will rememher the Hi ppo· plunging h orses. that leal) d until trnlu rs alld bea s ts wer e rumost 11'0es to make an Ollen, dronl a act Ive STATE ... .. . .............................. .. h a d" outllv d mos t or bls tl9rceness , Praise not a woman ror what she dead wltb fat igue. l~h rl s Uan lire ; and yet, view ing tbe I!,~J which, by mIlch pOSing , had be· ovorboard w ith th e ir r id e rs on th Ir hath, but for what s he hath not, and.; Several of t be groups c!thlblte d millions of well·lntendlng people backs In the course of a battl e, and c~ I,.e liS ateady a s th s l ars. This thy rewa rd sbull be exceedin g grenL SIMPLE AND UNIQUE. tb ar wer memor\lbl e. Twenty leap· founc:I withIn thes e asso lutlons, w Ilon WI18 chosen. The trainer's task sWllm to th e otber shorn. It too!t Gelelt B urgesij. tuds had beon II,SS mbled and ta ught Dnrtor Polt r s ix ' mo nths to pre pare conclude tb e y have fnlled to com pre· '(,,,s tu malce thIs lion s lmulat 11 lito the hOl's s tor tb tact. H b gan by to wa lle ropP!I, slloot guns. jump bur· hend the r eal fscls and ore g reatl y In without beIng ang ry- In tb pnrlance Dr. Piercc's Plell8nnt Pellet8 cure conati· lelldlng thew gently Into shallow wa· di es, rl do bi cycles, roJl barre ls nnd lIeed ot Moses to lead them trom plltion. ConHtipation ill thl! en URe of mnllY of the prefesslon, to make him t er. 'I'he n they were mado to Jump pose i n many positions. Another their Egypt to the land of promise. .tiSl!a~e". Cur the en URe OOlI you cur. "bounce"; to teach him to stand harm· Into It from a small platform. Grad· g rou p, \V hl h cons lsled or s venteen De te rmined r esoluUon Is essential to t he diseuse. Ellsy to takc. lessly ove r a prost.rate human; and to ually the belght of tills platform was a nimals, Included 1\0ns, tige rs, puma s, successful conquest. .bold his mouth whate ver was I am a man, nUll nothing tb a t con· raised to fOllr feet. Whetl the horses bears, bye nlls, boar hounds, wolves Christian Progreaa. vlaced In· I~. Upon the man wbo was cerus a mun do I deem a matter of had gott n accustomed to jumping an d one pllnther. In nddltlon to the it has b een said at some: "The,. are to appear as Madame Plnnla's " hus· indifference to me. -Te rence. . from this, they were taken Into the difficulty of teac hing tb ese beasts to so good, the y are good tor notblng." hand" tell the first taak. He accom· empty tank and the water raised until per form th e re was the task of train· The reformer sees the need of putting pllshed It thus. From. outside the It"" Wloa low'II SoolblDIf SIMIP lor Cb114l"l!. It was so deep they had to swim . Ing them to forgllt their natural In· any goodness be may possess Into' ac· cage be teued the lion unU) the beast t ""lhlng, lIortena Iho II'UIna, r"dllce8 InOIlI1lJDa.The las t stage was to make them slnctR and enter a cage toge ther with· tlon . To do something ' tbat will tloo, atlaT8 p"lll, <lllroa willd cotlo, Il5c .. oottle. IIprang tor him. The minute the lion jump Into tbe tank with dummies In out figbtlng. count against tbe wrong requires jumped, the trainer threw blm a piece Most re markabl e or all th ese groups more than merely giving asse nt to tbe tbo saddle and 8wlm tor the other Man without patience Is tbo lamp ot· meat. and In fa c t tbe mos t remarkable ani· truth. Chrlstlan9 ' should unite as tbey shore. without 011; llrldo In a rage . Is a tad It took the lion only a r w days to "The hardest thing of all to teach mal group ever assembled, was Cap· coullsellor.- A. de Musset. understand that the appearance of the a borse," says Doctor Potter, "Is the taln Bonavita's company of thirty progres8 and progress as they unite. trainer was a cue for him to "bounce," one that appears easiest- that Is, to. lions. Everyone was a fierce black· Christ has set up the standard. Those Whatever you 108e, you should reckand that the fiercer be raged, the make hJm stand still." Many persons maned Numldlan lion . Yet Captain who go with blm must comply with the on of no account.- Publlus Syrus. eondltlopa of enlistment. Oh that more certalo he was ot his piece of wm recall the aerial horse that made Bonavita had complete mastery over meat. To get the 1100 to stand over ascensions at one of the ' big circuses, the m. Probably nt> greater animal we might more fully realLze what Is . Gnrfiel<l T ell contn inA no harmful drup. Compo d of FJ'rhl!. it ill nn idCl\1 laxati". " prostrate llerson, the animal WI18 This horse had no Wings, like Pega· act wtll ever be seen tban that pre· meant to go with Christ. It meana a ftrst put upon hlgb pedestals, wblle sus, and so had to be lUted skyward. sent d wben Captain Bonavita walked 1I1e separated from sin; a lite hid with Man's hest possessIon ts a 8,.mp.. the trainer walked arollnd and under He stood on a small platform with Into a cage wltb the thirty lions and God; a lite out trom' all Institutions lhetlc wUe.-IDurlpldes. him . Gradually the height of the nothing to prevent his jumping otr. put them througb a variety of exer· leading to tolly aDd sin; a lite or haP. 51I8 pedestals was lowered until the lion On hl8 back sat a woman. As the clsos that culullnated In the forma· !llness and userulness here, and crown· This very simple shirt waist Is ons Wils ' standing on the floor Itselt, with animal was hoisted slowly upward tion ot a .huge arm!;halr of lions, In ed with Immortal glory here aDd bereof tbe most novel deslgnA or the sea· tbe trainer under" him. The third the audlonee sat breathless; tor had which the trainer sat unconcerDedly after. Let us go with hlm! - W. B. son, and It Is extremely uncommon la Stoddard In Home LIght. trick ~aa a!!2.. easy of accomplish· the animal laken a single step, he and read his newspaper. Its etrect. ment. A lion, like a dog, has & nat· would have plunged with his rider to Animals so schooled are often Tbe peasaut cut Is used at the shoul· Foolish Fear of the Future. ural tendency tb carry tblngs In Its the earth bel<uv. Doctor Potter trained spoken of as "tame." Animal train· The rhost of tomorrow haunts many der and In combination with a full moutb. One or Mr. Bostock's Uons thnt horse, and It took a world or ers say there Is no such tblng a8 a always "worked" with r. long·stemmed patience to do It. Time and again tame wild nnlmlll. Performing ani· person·s . Tbey tear the future. Th'e y length slee ve. In order to avoid any rose In Its moutb. Madame PIanka's the horse leaped from the platform. mals are trained, not tamed . They worry about what tho days may bring bunchlness under the arm a gore Is lion was given a roll of pape r to carry, sometimes when i't was fifteen teet In do n'Ot reason, but go through ' thelr torth. And by this worrying and placed tbere and this exte nda trom the very edge of the wrl!!t up to the arm· nod each day the !llze of this roll was aIr. But the atage was thickly padded tricks parrot·llke. fretting care they lncapncitate them· hole and down th e s ide of tile waillt Incrensed. In time the lion would pa· Ilnd tbe horse was never Injured. In Serious Indeed may be tbe outcome selves for bravely mee ting tomorrow to the belt. A pe plum Is added to the tlently hold a large bundle . The baby the end patlenco won. or any Innovation mad e while the wben It doM come. The Master wants wnls t to hold It down In pillce. IIsed for the exhibition, needless to Monkeys , becau8e ' ot their agility traine r Is caged with his pupils. On us to trust him tor th e tomorrow • . TheRe waists are made or foulard, say, \Vas not real. and their natural habits, can be ono occasion an admirer of Madame They are his, stored up by his hand, surah,. taffetas, French flann el. c baills, and there fore Inci e n with nothing but Pianka sent H\!r some red roses just From a fierce lion to a tllll1e goose taught tricks that would be Impossl· madras, glngbam and IIlmllnr wash befol'e a performance. Sbe thought· good for his dl scl pl~ s . So le t trust Is a far cry, but It Is IlO farth e r than ble for o.ther anlmal8. By Lydia E. Plnkham~ mote rluls . tbe range of sklll shown by Mr. Bos· Dogs, as everybody knows, can be leasly toolc the m aud e nte red the take the 1llace or tr'.lDl bJ\u&; und faith Tho patte rn (1;118) Is cut In s lzos 32 Vegetable Compound tock's trru.nefs. One of th ese train· tllugh't a multitude or trlclts. But cnge. A lion sprang forward and the [Ill\oe of feal:. to 42 Inches, bus t. men s ure. Medium e rs used to be Clyde Powers, now a dogs nro so easily traIn ed that usually mu(lo a sweep at th e roses, fearfully Rlze rO<1ul res 2% yurdH of 3G inch ma o MIl.- " I send you here. lacerattn g Madamo Pianka's llrm and fitnge manage r at the Ne w York Hlp· a dog's own e r Is It.s trainer as well. of my flfooell year old Pray for All. t erlal. pocirome. Perhnps you may rocall tho A dog will naturally s it up to b p~ <: hest. Sbe thre w th o roses from be r da ugbter Alioe, who Th~ praye r t'Jst d ete rmln lls one's man wbo used to make you laugh as tor n tidbit. It tak os but a littl e just In tim e. For alb I' lions lea ped roal ·Interest In m lss lnn i!. H we lovo wns res to red to To proC'Unl thts pattern GenCl 10 ('cnts to "Palte rn lJ e pQrlltl ~ l1 l, " ot thIs p llper. rrom their ped estals and pounced on h ealth by Lydia E. he wallted about the Hipilodrome traInIng to be~ him to sU IIIl nt corn· th o world with any meas ure or the Wrtte nume Ilnd n ud res8 plaInly, IlnJ be Pinkham's Vegeta.6tllge accompanied hy a goose and a mand. Dogs nre traIn ed 10 walk on til e roses . Th ey had mls tnk e n th em pass ion with wllll'h 'Christ loved It, we !lure I D gtve slz" and numbe r or pat tern. ble Compound. Shit pig . That man was Mr. P owe rs, ami th e ir hInd or front feet mu ch liS a fo r .ment. At nn other time Mr. Bas· shall pmy for It, vo n as we) almos t was pa lo, with dark: <' nta red n ca~ o to be lp Madame toclc th e goose was a famous old bird. baby Is taugh t to wnlk. Tho traluel' Involuntarily pmy for tho!1o most delRr circles under hor .sIZE ................ _ ?:O. 5118. Once a woman wan ted a goos~ talles ·the lel1:8 not In use and s up· Planlta wlt:h a su ll{ y \1on ess. He to us. Except a ChrlslluD l! nd himself c ynll, wen k and irri, table, Two dlll'ercnt truln d like this goose. " I'll Chi\rg'f ports th e animal. It soon lenrns to Ih ou~ bll ess ly s ll'uC'!;: his whip IIgnln !>l prnylng for all the world, h e may NAME ......................... ............. . dootors treated hor you a doUar un honr ~or training /t," balance Itself. Of courso It Is always hl:1 boot. {nstantl y tb e mll t.e of the Ques tion the d e plh and Sin cerity or his lioness, thinking no doullt thn.t ha rm and c ulled it Greeu TOwN ... . . ..... ...................... , •••••• Raid Mr. Bos tock, "with a maximum ro\vard ed at first by a bIte to eat . devotion to that I1nUl:le whi ch was dear· but she Cats can likewise be trnln d'-\f YOll was inte nd d, 6 Jll' a o !~ IIpon ·M r. Bos· eat to the h eart of bls Lord. char~e (if $80." The woman agreed . grew worse ull thE) STREET AND NO ....... . ............. _ tock nnd clown ed him, th en picked know bow. There seems to to some· to tbe price, and Mr. Pow e rs trained a....;;,:IoLI.I...,.,..:II.I~=;....,Itimo. l .ydla E.Pink. tb e goose. This Is bow he did it. ~or thing In the feline naturo av e rse· to blm up In bls monlh Bnd carried him STATE .... . ....... . ............ . .. ........ .. ham's Vegetable Compound was recChrlst'8 greatnes8 19 one s ecr!?t or to Madam Pianka . In tbe llltter's 24 hours bo let the goose go wltbout compulsory work; and the hou s cut ommendod, and afte r taking three bothis missionary 6ktll . No small man band was 1\ revolver, used In her a c t . tles sbe hasrerfained her h ealtb, thanks food : The n e xt 24 bourH he spent Is usually as unwilling a pe rform e r She Ins tantly fir d two s ho ts, wbl ch can be a mlss{ona.ry, for tho Intler to your medicme. I cun recommend it with th e bIrd, tt:ylng to s.aln Its as' her larger cousins. "A oat will do Of Course. must be able to rise above I'aee preju· was the c ue for tbe n e xt act, aOlI th for all femal~ troublO-~."-Mrs, L. Afrlendsblp. Tbe remaining 32 hours anything' ,tor a piece ot liver," 8ald "And ' whY do )'ou cull blm your stern COl\ltHAN. 110S Uutland Street. Baltilion dropped Mr. Dostoek and fell Into dloes and above con(llUons or time were devoted to training. To teach Mr. ·Powers whell pressed tor the se· his a<:customoo pos . To t his bold of . ond plnce ~ He must h~v e the Imag ln · tatber'l" mo~. Mel. the goose ' to follo~ him, he 'dropped cret ot training cats, 'Iand the worst "Tbat's wher~ he spanks me." habit upon tbe lion, ~r : Bostock atlon to .see a man's splrftl\al Deeds, Hundreds of slloh letters from mothgrains qt corn as lie walked, gradu· p\lnJshmeot you can give a cat Is to ·r~gardless of his envlr.onment. The ow d Iils lite. ers eii>re~ing their gratitude for whafl 1~lly lessening ' the a~ount: dropped; .hlt It on tbe tall, That's all there, Is Talki"ng ·to Himself. mUle ' hatards ot .a nlmal tralntn(l kinship of' men .In sin and aalvat\on Lydia E, P~nkham's' Veictable Com.and In the end gIving the · bird It,a to tr8.inlng a cat. Keep at. It until It "What's ~he . matter with. that , fel· pound bas aooQmplished for them have It Is .almos t superfluous to ' speak must' ' lLppeal to him more stro'Dgly doea your, bidding, then give It' some corn all In·.n lump atter tbe Walk. was Every · anImal trainer . t8 at times than' Olelr dllre rences In speech or low ove r there by himself, who Is been recQlved by the Lydia E, Pinkham over, To teach the goose to run rrom lIve1"; It the ,~nlnial' won't leap through clawed and Lltlen. He expects to be: color. making strange sigas 'wlth bls fiD· Medioine Oompany, ;Lynn. Mass. . . '. a boop or tllrough yow'· hands, tall It . point to point. be placed ,little ' heaps It Is all In the day's workl '. Y~ung Girls, ~eed ThIs Advice. gers?'" , ot ecrn at tbese polJ)ts. . Similarly on the tail near'" the body, and It will . "Oh, that's Ii deuf .and dumb mILD . AnImal trainers say that. if .th ey e x· In all our 'stud)'tng or. the herolo Gtrls who are troubled wlth 'painful ' J ump quick enoush." In. teaching' the goose to 'pull .a fire· or ., fuegfi.lar .Periods, baokache" head,. Pel'hap9 the toost t:emarkable au- erclso proper care,' thoy run ' bo great: deeds' ot mlsslon~r.1~8 iet us 'remember soliloqulZl~g... anglne to B conf!qratlon and to rusb ache. dragging-<iown sensations, taint. er risk than do miners, locomotlve en, tbat we are reading not merely abou\. aW87 with We engine aa soon as. th~ compllshinent In the history. at anlD\al . ne~rs, tron·wor er~ 'and Qthe'r m !Dg 8~1l8 orlndip,8tiOIl, Bh9uld take the acta of-milD, bUt of Gpd, -'-Our loy. Can K.ep ~lt Going. tralalDg "W~I· Mr.' BQstock's , prepara· blue was out.. pUes of coM;l were who folloW hazardous ·c .. tUngs, POf-' to blm .hol11d be 8~r.enltheDed aa ·'w. "They're both aceomplliibed musl· lnlmOOiate action and be ~toi'ed tG health by: L~ E, Pinkham's V~ ., placed ~t Intemla, and & blase .was tlon' for the Butralo eltpoIIUon, . He h~'p8 tha't Is true; certainly ' one mlUl ctana." table Oompound. Thouaanda'b'fGiMfea .~ .'a t a 'c orn be.a p. The blale ,waS uDd.er . ~.ODtri'c!t to .baT.e anum· lIon reonrd wbo " handlod ;1\nlmab read. . . "Tbat so?" ber of wo~derfu,l animal' ImlUPP reab · nato~ to health ~y. l~ use. , . ".. timed w last · .. · lOUIJ &8 . the for tile .openlng:. Tbe ' poWer of t~ f the Iti tti ' . "Yel; .w lien W.,.'re Invited out no th~ ~IUon 1D . wt,tIl eziUre'ltnpunlty. HIli name wu ' . Wrlte to M'rI. Pink............. luted. After m&IlT reP,tlttUo". May, OD ~e ·.tW'D~-DlDtb of J,n~, aD!! be lind III til. ark. .~CUOD and pea~ Of aihi ~aU·d. • , . .ODe ell. • ••r p" • chuo. at ·tM ...... , . . . . . . fne. 1Il. 100" leal1led ' to do ,tIlele tricb " . '
fo~r~I ~V I:n:g~.~~Ul~~~~~~~~~!I~I!~!!!!!!~~~~~~~;;;:~;;::~
--- - - - -
H, ow Old PeopJe" May Prolong
. ' i. trat" r witl t.l le will f~ nll ,I , :11. .IlIl'k:.-i)l1. c11:oe;l~ d . l'rl Il l , til' o f pnri'lrlllll.l go (ls ll'l thCl I l-otflltR I f Mu ry , P l\ ul l 01'd" rt~1 1 II,}' Il l( o.1\1rt t o Wilhulll .1 ,
MR. PROPERTY OWNER·,.·Stop! Conlider! Why not ule the belt possible when YOU pay the bill? .
Thel·r Lt·ves
IB\ll lIll~I I'
I'g e {111m nlfl trllt r . .I,)~"pll H ·T I'lm hI" , m:l {I P[loiJit d At ndv:ll1 en ag~ the organ::; a t n." (~\lt r ,If tlw {1'I tlltl ()f o f Loni E 00 Gho '( ' li a un t Swa mps? r\~(' IIH,~d Ilt. II uo nd ur m r' !'Inwly tha n in ),olilh. 'in:ub tiou h 'C('1ll C P Jr, blood th in :Ind . Hllllth, '\'ri ~ h t. tlill No ' .. VM itl-l f O f li~h tu fou r 1I"" lery. nl pdltc Illful, :lnd diges' " ill w r liP . nintH,1 a fllllOl II "vii, wh t1 U th I'~ nrc r a l ( I nud d l'lIdl J jlnril t,1l ~ 'll1ru I)~uto~t tion wcnk. Thi ' ondition It' fiVCS IInl ~ or gr lU HI tlw.m llJ" 1i1l . 1 llllif 'lll~8. UllYO US llUd th :-. '~ km upt'n to disease SlI h :IS 1l1'pr,titllll'!4 ,l o~",,11 O . 'T'dlllhl ~ WIll:! IIppoln tn) low lllndli . 'l'hllf'o nl'n I,ll' mu lllrlll, 'ollg-hs, ·uld .. , C rippe, Pneumot'X I' \'ulor I\f Ih 1' :;1<1111'1 of l Ilch el L gM lI1 tll II tf '1I1l!' lIf..!ue, ohill lIud nIa, Rh cll tll<l ti-.I11, d . HH,JI"'v tit' U!Hll1. tn t'(\C' ' !'ell1,u ~ un fflvH r . wun lw 14, 1\ b es in t h 110116s "IN Ot. is the great st h ealth .• u od LUIlHol uud flIlIy Ind uoe d 'll(lly . lypl.lI.ill. But Elt ·triu Bitten. d 'lcreal r aud bo Iy bllill ... r W i.: Iwo\\' . h /i~ ~il11411111~. t x{'ou\rlx \\'111 of t·l .. Ilte \V. M . .... Dung "tro II 1111\1 I""", ttl (n t, thel'B vi 'inns f for Itl peo ple. :IS il slIppli,'s t,!(\ rlll!-' fJ'OIl1 t'he hi lid. "Til r!' ho t the very clclfl"nts Ileeded tu re- \\' /I~ lill'd fl) 1' prnlmUo'l M"n' E t th 'IIttprtlnv/lit e wns 11<1- t l(J~ Ilruve till tlll 1I1 1l 1llritl {" lI m Illy , build w:lst ing li ssue and replace wrot e INlU , Fr tw nl t. of . , . 1 ~ Y l' t ~1IJ weakness wil h .I rengt h, N l' , d T' \. I J' ]ntlt,!ed \.Il l:!U ll n 1I11l1 1.l0 mollt tt·rl to 1 Ie J' , . ~l1e ' lllI fI. . ' ,' lin \' 1111 10fl ' n £ U l:: I:; TII E l'Il00 F Immn e n:O,d lllll ot olumi.Ju . ,li t h Iwa r Binol . Utle t lJi~ "n fl'. A "1\lI ... 1 ~ r c .. ""Io' d III All",,,,' , N. Y .. of ]n th n ClitiA 0 1 .Wil lill l1l (jebbor t ~ ul" l:l !' elllelly oo b' 500 lit, ullllrllggtH. ta . • \" U IIIIU\ , ,, flo r ... . ,.hel wu - brt-.n k lJl g dnw" by 11 ,.,"0 ...,,1 ,,, .. , 1" .. "w,1 In Iho l t. III VtI L II U l"1l lt ehhll l·tf, !lt ttl thl~ - - . .. I
f llt, h't!
r utH ) it
lU ll
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Stands for everything that is best in paint. The pigments used are properly proportioned and thoroughly compounded .
"' ''I1 I1'If I ~ I,·",,):, n UlI ~ I,, ·
Will (If tIl( 1111" l "III1C I Ill hlJlI!' t WII >; I• STUDENTS GIVE SHEEP PRIZE <i(,, 'l nrf'd \'!i li" I _ __ 'j·II ' .ll1lt!' Lill O' !'!'. !!ullrdin n of t h(~ Belt Exhibit at State Fair by EX.Stu~ ~a~t.ltl) nf Hon rv . Born H. I~beoil ~, I! den t to Take Trop hy. fli ptl hi. finlllll .(· oon!, for !<ll ttl ~ lJ \Ont StudclII!! in the Coli gu or Agrlc ulI ture ot the SHllp l'n il"crsil v hllve dis· Marrial!c Llccnses, , play ' 1.1 their in\ e rcsl . 1 th n ~hl'cp Industry by !:1\'lng !l .\lvor tmph)' r up, ~ '1l'ge IN I os h, 2:1. lu b'rf1l' of f to b ('ontpstf'd ro r at th& Ohio Stat e
.. IIII''. lh''t . I'''
this ncig hborhpod to try a hottle of VI OL wi h the understa l1ding that we wi l,l rl' lurn th ' i r' ll1on~)' if it does nDt prove beneficial.
J , ,
CYCYI· s t Dru ,..,..
Mn lnevil le O11l1 lllltti
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22. I o\'er ~r'll wert ralsud uy the Hadd le • '- ' , Fall'. SlIlJHcrlpllo UIJ amoun ti ng to of Mnin e Yille . and oirloln club Real Estate Tr,lnsfers. Tho 'uv Is oC cla sfllc d sig n and, s tands eleven and Ii halt inches hll.tb o u n y o u rt S t:"nrll h Mllotl to ,I ohn E Yn rk", l ot ) till,? • llsars .the ~ rOllowl~g Ir Scrlptl~n : in Ii'ntLlklbl $1 1 he OhiO :students Cnp, ofl'eled I A B BAII Ill tJ) SIlIlIll'l L. f'al- br tile . s tu d nts ot the C:oll ege of J)nt ,nOll Picas Court. . . ... Al.trl cul ture or Ohio Stule l nl\'er8lty frll Y, lots in }/'rRnklin , ",00. ' Cor lhe best xh lblt at tb e Ohio State Court Proceedin2s. May Uhlll\~y nnu O . G. Ch nn ey t o Fail' of 11 fl ock. consisti ng nr one geld· ~1\J1ie MeN 111 t·hrf'e t.ru o t~ i n HIUll Ing r,m, two y Rrll ng owes f a od two Georll~ ElI.g J.~l'l pl ended not guilty ilton town. hip , ':3.000 eWII lambs. Ihe same breed. pure bred t.o the Obarl{ A of ut.t elllpt;io g to ~hoqtM i1l n B W ik off t o I::Illrr y B nnd -egilltered, to lie bred, ted and I1S namert ill thfl reCll n iodiot·m nt , 11.1' • ~. exhllJlled by a p rson who hAS had b h Ii . I ) d lh ompso u. lot 10 Mil on. $100 I\t lellst one tcrm In nimal Husy t 6 gra n Jury nnc WIlS r e elllle ' Tho(uus H. Rq~ rs to G orge B band ry work In th ollegE' oC Agrl011 ~ bonr! of *300. G Tke. lot in Frnoklin. '2500, oulture. For perman nt ownersh ip, MinOle Burkrad(\r IIn rl lle me ul th\! cup must be won tllr!!'! times." Charl es Fitz~er~ld plead d not guilty to the ohur ges of ~eeping • a plaoe where intoxicatin g liquors Barkrnd r tn .Joseph ,Kin g, Marv King, Lena, KlO g and Au J:l" ust,1l Lo n g F,or all Bowell Troubles are sold and of t!e lling same und U D B II' A t . I~ I R Ii f quit ola im on lUi 3 110 re~ in'r urtle se r II tI n ,\ <"II. n I e was ~elellRed ut 1\ bond of ~60e . • i 111 10 t, i ntlLll nttllleOns 114 ,t1 ... hId d t oreek t (1wn hlp, $2662. 1 • II f 11 kl d 'J b B F osep . r eno p ea e no babll1tl: Amafn to h er oh lldren go ( ex ,.(' rnll y or u • n II I J @aiJty to tbe two oharges or seIling 1 M d Cl ' E Am u pai ns olrl Elvary , h e re t ntoltioatmg an urlL . 11 , · liquors Rnd was reo Char es . , W -1\ 10 ID'1 leli8ed 1m Ii bond of $600. prop rt.v 10 ay n esVl . e, ve I. ' Deserving No Mercy, "H re:' said th poll COlan after he I Henry Crl1mer pleaded guilty to ttffeotion and other Villa Lble aOllSla . t· s had hurriedly en t red the den tlst's thre" ·lon , 0 R 0 hi n son an dE mm", U, I' cepUoo room. "what's goln' on' .. eh~rgea ... " of forger"" , ,°nd " .W"8 . era, Loutstl. oommttted thE' Manllfleld reformt BAt B 10n You'v bad a man to there hollerln' atorv anti! disoharged , 8ridg" 0 e.nry ug~s ns It . ' bloody murder for nearly half an Joseph Carr ple~ded g ailty to t he \172 Hi aO l"(\!1 10 Frankltn towllshlp hour. Why don't you ttve him some-
(<';>Itl lu" )"or , " "IIIG'" LIlli" ti h" tl lo! lJefu l'tl Lllkl"lr ' ·L... 01.. \Ve as k evcry aged person in .
Jtt·Upl ll .
~h ... hllil ""hlrt'II):lh 11t ' I' , hut11111 \ 1111'(' :,\' •• (, ,111(1111'01 .un,'" h.,.vr
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Hanna's Green Seal
,,' (!Ilk :lIHI
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Hulbert Taft, nephew oC President Taft, witnessed a sprayi ng demonslralioJl giv 11 uy th e nh'tlrslty all, the campus rec!'nti y. and ex prell1ed great satisfaction in the wo rk. Mr. Taft Ii conne t d with th e IlIclnnati Tlme.- tar and owo s a (rull farm near Ham1\ton, O.
t H d econ dOl n y 0 arvar .
+ t.~+++++++ot-+++oJ..:-:+-lo+++.§..............
l"lTALTER lfcf!LURE. n l'
Dire· : to~
T elAphono day 0' Vn ll ElY phono Nol . . l.onlJl' Di!lt.u n ee NIl 1\9- 0
W-\ VNESVILLE, Branch Office, Harvey Iburll'. ('
On Friday , April t4, In t he Jud ging The Archaeologl cnl :\luseum.ow neO pavilloo. th An.lmal llusllandry Departmflnt will conduct Its ann uai pub· jointly by the Ohio State oiveraltJ' lie shearing exhibition and shearll1g nnd th Oblo StMe Archaeological competition , The work will belrin at THI OItIATIST an d HI Ii t or Ica I S oc Iety. Is Iocate d i n about 9 In th e morning and will ocPage Hall . where more than 10.000 l'UPY t he greater part or lhe day . IN THI WORLD . square (eet of fl oo r s pRce Is used In T hese exhl blbtions have alway!! lit· I Ing th e coII ec tl on . PUBLISHED WEEXLY. $4.00 fER TEAR (lis pay tracted many vt.s itors to tbe Unl \'er' Acco rding to Mr. W. C. 1\1\lIs. curaHOTEL8, DltuoCi8ii, 'PIOIALlln, Ity, tor ot the mu!!eum, the society's colo 0 8 TUM I: It 8, T It AN. F I: It, 0 A B I ctlon Is th e second larg s t In the A hronze tablet to the memory of AND 'BUe 8EltVIOI CAN PItOFI' 0 i t b i d In BY USINa ITS ADVlltTltlNO COLUMNS nlted Stat s. being surpassed only Dr. Edward rton II 0 e race by that ot Ha rvard ntverslty. This Ortoll Hall and un\' II d -turing eo.· SAMPLE COpy FREE fao t IS not gen erally knowll , even to mencement wetilk 0 1\ Alum d b ni Pday, r The Add,.. . NIW VOItK OLIPPIIt New Vot1l. N. Y. tbe people or o lurub us and Oblo, tu blel will be designe y ro eSlOr a ndI In It tact ru an y sl.udentll of the' T. m. .'reQCb of the llliv rslly, , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ f th d I Ull verll y a re nOl a ware f' e e u· . H DR BELL•S AN TI •~AI'" .' cation al value and lruport'l oce ot tbe Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar- oney. colleotlon. I Cou ...a.. and Colds. I For Intemal and External P ...... In tact the nu mber of specimens 0_ btl-IS reac hed l uch proportions that ~~~~~~~~"'!"!'~'!"'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!"'!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!~
F ..
I::,:::::::::;:::::::::::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :;: : : : : : ::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::;:;::::;:::::::::~l~
charge of burglary and was een· $1 2050 5 , ' titt to Frank V. l::ltitt thing "Give eir present quarters. to him stop som his eth paining 1" to stop ' hie displayed th ey clln Inno thlonger be adequately 'oDoed to the Ohio State Reforooa · Art6ma,8 M t1 ' pain? My dea r sir, you don't under- ', Of the tllousands of sptlcim en. on tory untU dlsoharged, property 10 8S00. ' stand, 1 had occasion to take a lady display, speCial .meqUon may be · . . John W " Shookey tl.od Clara E N ettie Carr pleaded gUIlty of furBarr F, Aoderson lot to IUDch oue day last week~b, It 'made of the beautltul be'\dwork, the nighing saws to her hasb.nd Joseph ~h ookey to ~ Y ' w a s a busln elSs matter, nothing more arrow pOints or varied shapel, the C t iA I hi f ' 'I in Morrow, ..1. - nnd this chap saw me. Well. the coppa.r plates. sbowtn& a mal'ked de- : an 0 a .. n , esoa.pa rom l lu , MEt n. t e ('ft W nex t day he -happened to mee't my gree of mechanical genlull 10 their I John Worner pleaded n'ot g uilty ElfietB. I . "Fo kOI' ~Il on .' . .. wife. whom he koew before she was construction- all vf which were dlsto. having stoned a railrotld train Uoglesby. ot In radDC lOa' ~ g married, and he mentioned he had covered by M.r. Mills In his explora.- , t:;uSlI.n 81L v llge don e, Been me and wanted to know what tions of the mounds or Ohio. The I' f -700 h' e Wus com· an d i n de f au I to.. NIl ' . 0 ",tLVa d to mltted to'the oountv jRil. Luoy Coudell an . e Ie ou en the other lady's name was. or coune, cb ler exhibits, tlIustrnting the life of Pbi] ' S 'd 1 . ddt ' It Clem Couden , lot lD MorJ'ow, ' 1, 1-" prehistoric man In Ohio, are from Ip I ney p ea e no gm y "Oh, never mind. Go shead anO the Baum village site, Gartner mound to barlrlary and llifoeny and In deCommissioners' Proceedlnfs. kJlI hlm."-Ch lcago Record-Herald. ttnd village site, Adena mound. Harfault of 1500 bODd he was oommitted ness mound, Ft. Ancient, tbe lower to the ooonty .jail, Bills-James Follen Sr., salluy .. Scioto ' and Musklnium valleys, John R088 pleaded not guilty to 15. i Ruymoild Borshbllrger, en.lllry, Ecz~ma These are more 01' less 'famillar to -40 ", 0 , K . •r own, premium on inYields r ell.di IV to Dr, BtJJI' s ':A--:r.- tile residents of Ohio through the h t e oharge of orimtnal assaolt and.. septio S:ll v . y ,u Elee IlD impro ve- published reports 01 the exploratlonll In default of $800 he WIlS oommitt,ed surat'106, $165. 50 i James ft . t . John men t /I,fte r thA fir t upplicllti l)n by the SOCiety. '0 the ooanty. jtlil. ,bree maple treeS. t3 i Humewell We guaruut,ee It , It i~ clenn ond Durin g 1904 more than 10.000 speclJames Oarson pleaded guilty to Soap Uo ,oleaning po wder for oonrt plens!ll1t t o n e . 250 a box. mena belon ging to the Ohio State pe", la'r eeny and was sentenced to Archaeological and Historical ,9oclet; were pia ed on exhibition at the ' 40 days impri80nment in the OOUnWOrld'51 FRlr at St. Louis. and r.
' tGeorge ·jatl. Ayers pleaded guilty to' the oharge of assault and battery and was tined 115 nnd oosts . . Court order t,hut Bllrry Miranda
reoover from Zaid mpson the 8um of '127, Jarv finds thtl.t .James E . Dwire pay 1505,19 to Emwu MeFarlane f Dwire.
celved tbe Jgrand prize, Tercentennial, At the ameltown In 1907. a similar reward also I cl'own ed Mr. Mills' work. . Two recent additions to the collecfio n have been received but can not I'
The undersigned have tormed a co-partnership for the general practise of law under the firm name of Wright Thompson, with offices In the Wrighl-Monger Building, lebanon, Ohio. Any business entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention.
f:~::::~:::~::::~:::~::::::::::::::::,:::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::;:':::::::::;::::::::.::::::::::::::::;:::':::::::~:::::::::::~::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~'::,;~ ~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~'!"'!~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!'!"'!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!'
be moullted. owing to .lac\( of 81'ace. One collection, prasen ted by George ; S. Porter. formerly of Columbu •. now 1 -~~!I!!1~• • • 1 of Cb lcago. III one of I'are Oriental ! and ERst Indian Ilrt patter ns, The other Is a duplicate coll!'otion from New Suits Harvard and s equal ed only by Its l\.i1pa.tr :ok.Frenoh trlo toren r Co., counterpart, on exhlllltlo!l at tbat , university. I flle~ suit against W. E. Hull'or and The Histori cal Museum occupies wife to r eoover 1 140 ollli med to be two !arge exhillition rooms on the due on promisl:!ory n ote Brando n tint floor of Page Hall f and com& !vins ure attorneys f or Plf\iotlff. \ prise!! many Ilpeclmens of Inter"lt to :Wllliom t:;.i mmontl filed s nit Ohio 'peopl " .uch as the first printIng pre81 In Franklin county, used In II:gaiIist Lllurll S!m~on!-l for di v orof' . I printing the firllt IS8ue8 of '. the Oblo 'Two were ma,rriol} ,Tllouliry 19,. 11)05 Statfi Jo urnal; original model or Jobn lind to them on e ohild, Dorothy t:;im Fitch's first steam engine; the ~anmonti, aged 4. was burn . Pet,i tioD Ish fl Rg that fioated over Manila at states ' thai defondbut is g uilty the time ot the lIurrend er ; the first mtllstoJl es used In grinding corn at of adultery aDd oit!'. two l'lpecifio EAGER CROWD BOARDING A CORN SPECIA L. Fort HRrmar. 1788; phctograpll •• When you want good print. in8tllno~8. Elt.z rot,b ~ Mllple are at· , SOMr~ Irl ea of the scope and the to th e p op le of Ohio. Six coun try mopelB and pai nting illustrating Uae toroeys for the pJllintltY. . im portance of th c wor k bein g liI'c cO)lfel'l'IH'E'S of I wo.da.\' sesslous early eettl"menta In Ohio. ing n e a t l y d o n e a n d q u i c k l y Probate Court. . done by the Agri cul tural l!;~te n- ha\'c 1.J1!e n ht' ld duriu g 191.1, besides • - • It Startled the World slon department. of tbe Oh io State n large number of boys' corn CODexecuted, that the Ord er of snle of property was Unl \,orsiLy, Is galued from fig ures tests, domestiC' scit:nce meetings, wb en t,be It t o unrling olaimll weI e • • granted ~ IClbur J,,'o kson, admin_ compiled by Superi ntendent A. 13. ':;1'ange meolln gs, personal "i s il's to tirl:!t WIlde. f or tinoklen'- Arnica Graham . Durin g the s aso n of J910- farm s. Ilnd lectures lit runne rs ' !tnd ISlllve. bllt forty yellrs of wonderfU l 1911 the Ex t nsion Dcpllrtment Ca ll- tea IlC)fS ' in slltlll O!l, It ' quests for the oure!' have proved them trne . and MIAMI GAZETTE du cted In Ohio 7!) EXte nsioll sC'hools f sar'vi ces of Ih 'xl ensio'! le cturers everywher e it is now 'known U8 tlw Saved Child From Death 78 of whl .h in clud ed domellti c sci- ure rccei \"ed with each mai l. best sal va 00 8Ilrth for Bnrn!l, B()i1!1, ., After our phi(!1 h lHl Rufi'e r ed fr . m once. For I he s !tHOU ofl !)J 1-]:! th 're fn a ddition to tbe work outlined ~calds. 80'r es, Cut.!!, BruiHefl, Sp\'tlins, severe btODOhial trouble for Ii. y enr" have b e n i ii sneh SC1100ls alroady abovef pl at mnlter on agricultura.l , SW611ings. Eczemf\. ChllP ,lOd hll.n Is , t h t : p l a c e t o h a v e i .t . donee Wl'ote G , T . Rioha rd on', of RlOhard. np p\ipt\ for. 1l' lr! lI g ' 1!1 10 or ha rd slHlj e ts is Curnl s,h ed to H8 county " F.e ver Surfls Ilnd Piles: Only 250 Il.t eon's Mill's. AI" , " we fear ed it htl., p!'ull l ng a.ud S pI'a yj Il l; d Illonslrnllons ·ne\vllrIlPeI'S 'en '1\ mptltl.l ; 30;000 copies uIJ. ~ruggiat!l , . c o n . i d .· con~ um pU on. It bad a bl1d oough 'to ~he nu mbe r of , I j we n · give n an d 'ot th() agricultural extensloi!: bulletin . __.....,;..._ _~ all 'th'e ftjme, W e 'tried many rem t!- 101 d0l110 nHlrati'lnR hOl'r, heen given are being" mail ed out each month to .' Tryi"ng to fqn"i6t a .fretti ni ':~a,by t. dies without avuil. nnd the doot:or 's dUI'!lIg ):11 1. l':xl.lihil!l W 1'(;, made I\t s hool te~c h e rs, public schoof. c~lI. n' b,urd.task, br;lt trYlDg to quiet an eratio B r i n g '·u s:y o.t :\r 1 medioine seemed as u eless. Finl4l- 12 poun y f l' h'!' In ,1 1U olld' :17 re- dren fa rmers and pt11ers ; 6.000 copIes ', naeu ing oonsoienoe is a harl\el' one. . ' . r .' • .' r Jy w·e .tried Dr King'Pl NAw Dil'c v Qu es!; hHn ".',' ll 1·~·! · tI: ( rl fOl' .1.. 11. . es c? of th e Farm rs' Readlng- ' Courle '. ' .' " . '_ • ' ..... ery . llni~a.r·e pJollsed to say that one· In the wl ntrr ,.. " 'I. {HI of 190!l']0 th ~ul1etin and th'l MOOle-Malters' Read-. . "f' " '. ' _ bottill't .~ec'e.d a oomplete oor~. and· Ext nr; IUl . 1)1'1 u1'1 a(f/r~ ('ond~ C( ' <1 ' Ii lo g CQurse ·Billletlt). ~"ere mal~ed out .... Uener:ally It 18 -a1l.J'lgh,t t? take oor Qbtld 'ls agai.n ,etrong 'a nd h'ealthy ngricuJlul'lIJ :ell' >!'i fl! 1i'EIlI)Il , . II n\1 In a 'h nl'onth tor . six Ulont,bs hi . t he .. tb!o'g s ·as they ~me: bat b til dane. Yo.: -o.ongbti, oolds. h O.8rsene~s, la 1910·11 6' uch· !>cruln); + I' e b e n run to ~'eil,l' [I:om Octo.ber LO l\r!lrcb. 1910-11) ' gtiroas too t!l~e a /iroat that. w.~y, .-- . lrippe, aeth~li, croUt> _" n'd 80re date, with 5 1"1'.'111 II'uln - g:l'a'l~d fo r and. Itl,OO_O o-pies each or spe<;Jal blll. . • • _ .. hm,s; ita'.he ~08t infallible remedy. AU~lit, 1911. P,'I\ l<Lica lly" t hc ('nl ire .Ie.tins on corn, gtaln drills, po~trr. It 'iB natural tbAt an e • P~ee 500 Ilnd 1100. montb of AugU t ' \~\Il b tRke.n !Ill. \)y d '!lry lng. drainage, orchard pruAia. 'who baB beencqtoftby.'a·wUl8h.ould 'b~"B boH:Je free, 'Gallrantead by thl. train work, wllirh will ' PI' ltd, Rnd I'I pl'ay lng were p)1lnted tor · '418-. ' " . , til. '~Je1 ol1m"roved Wlltlut ci.a~tur~ · tl'll)Ution on a,liculturlLl ·tllllU. , . I~ar fr.ma laok of lWUlpo",.~. ".
No jQb to·o. l~al1 "for. ll. .
~~~~~~~~~~----~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ THE MIAMI GAZETTE I ....." "....*"+++ •• +••••• •~ t++"'>:'o!·+~·':-~"~~ -r;.~, ·;.++••·1 ••••• • DECIDES TO KEEP A DIARY E. V. ' BARN HART , Womilll Wine It lit Bridge Party and· .. Not~ry Publi c ~ 'Telle Her Hubby All I
~.:::: "oo~, w:::~:::.:: . VEGETABLES i I.60o_. · S~~D ·rl~LI'PIWNE-.CAL~ ~~ ~ :~tA t-lE._Ed~tor and Manag r
V.u .I.!':Y
D. L.
RiltCt! On 91
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of Sul.ls crilltio n
(8trlcLl ~' 1 11 IhJVI\III'O) . . • ...•. ~ J . O(I
~O \l Y . . ... ....•. . . . .• · . . . . . . . .
. 06
Must Be Properly Cooked to Insure Digestibility ± Should Be Used Iii the and Palatability. t Vegetable tiardeD.
BY ELIZAB ETH JEFFE" SON. Agrlo ultllrnl E lIl Pl1 slol1 Tl l'll'artm enl. 0)1 10 Sla l(l l·" I"I:"·8Ity. ~.
1\11" 1,111 11 1
+++++++-:.+++.... ++-:.++
I'rof""." r
. ·(JlIU
of H orUoultu re,
' nl verslty.
All 'k indij .o f Notary W o rk . P ell1llo n
About It.
W o rk a I::Ipeoia lty . " 0 orge, dear. I've got a d lil.ry and mad up my mlnu to Ite p IL" " A II rl illt. lOY love. It'll a habit t ha t Iln l'er become s chro n lo. T he dia ry 13 gil t· dged. I suspeot ?" "Y s, dar. and with a lov el y lim p moro(; 0 ove r ." " And It mlltch ell your now walki ng '·'llt . fir ('OIlI'R 7" " Wh y, liow lI id you know that? And Il hRS a sweet li llie pencil In n unn lng groo.ve,'· "C llllrm lllg. There's a calenda r 10' QI~~tiJ0n(~('urtll:: ~ ::I~t~'ll l ~ : 111.'/1 /,11 ':'~: ;::.II' ::!" ":1 slile. no uoub t 7" IlIv CI IITn ll ' 11 IIrl1 hra h l), , . ,I "01 1 I'HIL.", '01"" U U IIM t4 trl('IIY (,I)nl hh' lIl1l1 1,•• 1' '}'I( "n l "Yes. dea r . And there'lI a t)Ilge abou t , Il!, " ' li t fr eO. ( )hl cl; l UlJ ·,II . · I , .... 1 110 1, ·. ,,\ l 'nLOULS 1"lt OIl t l.nllll' t .\ , fore ign postage lI od lW ngs." :: \."tl. ('I u· n l ·... • ptr.'ul n o U ( ,,~ ,,,If h u ut cI I .• r !I', " I tt "Ureat! An d a li st of th e wedd ing an'w ver sal'l 1:1. from 'soothln g si ru p' 10 ·dl a Ul ll ud .· " A h nlltf ... oIlH' lr 1I111 11 1T" ""I \""" -' \ l "r" ,·"" rl 11111111\ li t fpl\' " I h"li III . I , ',I 'I . I . .. " '" "Yes. 0 o rge. Ant! tbe ilwgllag e or · "11 fl"llr: rIO" r ' III ,III 1111, ~ I. :: ... , I " /I !lOll' rs uud llirths tonee." He CO,MU,O.,.:"". "lo'i ne. And the-cod e ot handke.r hle t I' Urn uch Un1co, ,i',.';, '" I ' . P I,) " h " fl irtatio ns. no do ub t'r' ~~'!""_~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Certuln ly not. '!'low yo u'r e ma kin g I' flln oC me. H's r all)' a deur II ltll) hoo k. Or. Bell's Anti!: :;epti cSalv ~ Uf co urse I cOll ld exc hange It." G d f 11 Sk' O · "Ex ' han go It. 1<: x(' hallge a diar y?" 00 or a to Is enSD" \\·by. Y£'ll . Yo u floe. I won It a t I bridge whist at Mr3. Dumme lgh·s. and It's so nice I think I' ll keep It." E~ "l3u t don 't YOU In lent! t o w rlle In l \. . . .:J . A J TJ A W A '\ II?" 'I "W ri te In It ! \Vhy . I n vcr th oug ht \-V R .~ 'lesvi ne '8 Lelldin~ Dentu ' of t hUlI" ()i'llc'e in Koys Bl dl'{. MIfoIO ~'
St. Mary's Epl~paJ Rev. J .
ullwall~' l er.
Sunllay Suhool. n ::10 B . rn M vlco. IV :ao a . III; flol y COUilIlUllfol1 SUliclay 01 eac h nlull~lI.
Methodist Episcopal
+ .... ".++-10 ... +-:. +++++++++++•• +++++++++++++ nuv . 11. W . DnJley, Rutes of Advert is ing Plung the \'e!;'ela lJle' Into rap l dl~' Sund ••)· Sc·h\",I. H ' 15 a. m . ~ n r·111 rnl·to r Is pro bab ly mor e In· ,·llle. I II ::11\ a III. 1':l)\\'orLh (("llIl1n l:: 1"')l;uI1I. IlOr IIl1 u .•.• , • ... . .... k llolilng wat.e r. and boll a ll Ihe tIm e I'. nll(,I1' lIoi in r-o ll ll'olling lhe measur e m. 1'; \" ' lIln~ ~e l'\'lc" , 7: 00 p . lD. It nlllng Lo ~als . blurk Inl' . pt1r 1111 ... . He cook s. eselabl e, lose PI' Iyt' r ItIr'!Llnll. 7 p. rn. ('o ns ideruhl l' ur "II " .. _ ~ 'II lh e veg ta ble gard e n UIWlSIIle<! A UA. uot ( 0 excood Il\'e II IlIlr< 8tarc b. tl H8 ue buildin g II1111erlll l a lld 'I'h roo IlIlIUrLlo u ~ .. . ... ; .. .... . 2 &" minera i lDattf'r. It soaked Ill' :ltarlet! ' tlllll1 I, .U 0 1' t h Illioli f y or s t"ed UB d . Ollltullrl llH. 0\'0 lIJl'h~g Irc.'tl; OVllr H I'I! to cook In ('o lel wa ter . Thl! cOl'er l' all ll1'tl Ul uy 1'01l1 lI "v . I, . O . 'I' IIO IUpIIO ll. P IIJjU, loc h ·S. J,Hlr 11110 •• ••• •• • •• • • ' " 111 01l 1y be s pe ll d. 6,· s hould bo aJIII' li B th e vegetah lt. Wll h Ih e~" le lt rf< BilJle Sch ool. g . ;10 II. Ill . CUi'll at t hunk s . . ... . . . .. .... • .. . . ... . p.Q·o- r g·e·e-<l. T ho / IU ::'O u . \D . l ' hriallu ll ~ llIl el\ "o r .. 61 cookll; In tbe case I)f on io nR. ('ab ba ...... bes t ~ce<1 oblal R !IOlu tlollll . . . . .... . . . .. . . .. . . ... •. .. ~61>. S II'moU IJ)' P il..ri \U I· u \'er y " lt e r uBte nflll ie Is none too good .. I O;3CJ a III . )Uld , 7:au II ro . 80 Inl8 etc. whore chl1rll" III Illudo • .. . . . . ~ :... and ~trong 8 1ll Ilin g \'ege l ahl e~ . t hp 10 li se a nd no one s houl d make t he IJ lS\llay A d vcrtlsl ng l)(lr Inc h .•• .. .. .. . . I lk' cover should be (l DI.lre ly r e mov ed . mistAke of hu yin g c hea p Sl' for tb o Ols\..'O ulIl-ll gl von 011 ·on tract. DUl'ln, the cookinR fir v"getah l es . ga rd en . It ·s too mu ch like killing the it_I "" y .\t" I· l ln .·. 11 :00 II nt . 1'1 gases are de ve loped whlah. If re ta in. gOOR'? t hat laid the 1':4'LIJdl, 1 I IH' .l. III f'nu r tll [)ny goHien ." . ed ID the food . give n Rtl'o ng Ha vor fO 'HIt a UI 1·I\ ill prl('pd ' seed , boweve r. do Do t MAY S. 1911. and odor. whi ch a re 1111 wh ole!lo mo. neces'ia r il y Ind.1 ate ~ood ae.d. Tb o' In cookln( onion s Rnd rnh bll ge . Ib e prlcc He l!ll Is ~I r,; . b:lill; I'OLh I.nrkln . P asw r I t IS 11 p o, 'r rill " I·b lu w un't work gas tormed Is h yd rog e n " 'I lphirle ga s. by the I pecie R. de te rmin ed lar,el y (' ul tural d lfHoultle s. ,'"hhaL h :-"1\ ..,,1. I I : :j ll a Ill . lIellular the gas cont&ln ed In rut I pn fl gas . T ho tbe r<)s t of hano alw:tYH . <,nit',·. 10 ' " n . ' " . l:hrl AUa n stin g. seasona J odor of cooking Is n ol HO lI olicea bl e ' fl bllndan (Je and vari ~ ' :10) " _ ety. Some k inds What il:! i t thllt wurk!! while we If th e gall es cn peli g rndhall y. Th e I or plan ts produ ce but I rew seed an d veget'lb le kee ps IlS r ol or bet ter tr Ia.rae &c reaaeG muat sl utlp ? Y HIH't. ============::::=~ be grown to o b· cook ed uncover ed. laiD t. ctampa r a Uvely small amou n t . Pine Tarand Honey The vegetab le should ro .,,, until Land lUll! labor muat ~ be compeDlII.ted Buve b eeu u!loll for c>e n~rBt\Onlllll tende~. hut cookln R Rhoultl ~ I o n whil e by compllr a(f ve ly hla1ter prl r. ••. Good for N oth in~ but tho .. trdl\tiDIlC oou~hll Dr. Bell'lI Pine the vegetab l e Is RI III fi rm .. An ri ver. ! Aga in ('er tai n ptll.nts produco an Ttt.r-I:l oney ('o ntoins bo th oomblo ed cookM, wate r'BOll k 11 \:p.:; e tahlu i 'In ' abund a Dc. of - - - - - - -. seed , bu t the cultur!l-I with othe r vtllu ll ble ingr~dlentR pal a table IUld l i S hard 10 dl"es f us , conditio ns ilre so exactin g. or t be Look for the bell tin t,he bottle. Bli one und e rcooked . HOW WILLIE WON THE PRIZE 1 prOCe!l5e~ of Ra ving th,e seeu so lDtri· sure yon ge t Dr B.\ I1'~ An f!xcell e nt II1l' th l)d to lis e In I:uo k. : cllta lUi IA'! Invol \'e a. large amount or ____... _ • IDg the strong Hu vorod vpg ut ahlo ill , lR.bor ~Ilb a rllllultan He Gpt the .$5. Even Thoug h His Idea. Wayn esvill e. Ohlu ~ , t hll!:h cost. The 1'be l.v tl rtll{e ttiX c olleotoT lloesn' , parbolll Dg. Drop l he vt!gnf /I hie In to I high cos t whi c h the g ard e ner needs. DIffered From the Unde rtake r and Emba lmer, Valley PhonA 153 a large qUllDtit y or hnlling Wilt'l l' I1n(1 to look out ror. particul Teache r's. arly. la th a t ride in Ifo tux! olth .bo11 5 to 20 minute R. Dr a in nnll lIn lM h l\s80c.lat.ed with new varistle s. Wi ll b e fo nn d in t h e r) fQ cooklDg ID a sDlallpr Qu a ntity ur " 'nter . Li ttle Willi e. having a ni}' o no eya, Wb a n t.he gardeD Is of .lJfJici'D t exE x tre m e · 01 I ' tit wb e u th e klttl:'li Bli nk BuiJdi nl!, 0PPOA" " .. Boana and Pea.. tent to warran t It, a s mall portion !! t.d not like to ullen!! school. E;ay s pl/t)'11 WI til Il ,. t·~ tI tll fl N l1tio lltil Bank Dried beant! and pea N a l'e \. ry rI c h may be let a.s lde ea.r.h ,\tac k's Nationa l lIIonthly . On uft r· year for test· T e leph lne in h on. fl lind ot· In starch and In prol fl ld . 1)1' th .. ti ll8 ue I In, lIew vt.rlet.le l noon he ~ t ayo d h (lluP. an d hI s mOlher that appeal to t be flo \VIr r ) cILn b oolJ Arl There' s a Reason bulldlo l materia l. whi (, h Is a lRO rami · Individu al IHowp.r. s nt hl1l1 10 the starl' Co r a lou f of but to the hom e llll,y II r Il i j{u t . For UI M 1.lr.c lt I tIIl! IUUI''''dt itng trlll t< liar In the lea n IIR rt of meat. B& gardene r such brea d. 0 11 l h way back he sto r'pl'u at a plaD I s not ot value, VllIlfl.V ph ]11\ l4-l!. of Dr Bo il .. P ' IIO 1.'" I' d UII6Y W ht'n clluse beans are so cheep au d yet I The st&lIdAJ'd 80rU posseS8 autftclllu t lh e schooL Th e e xamln r s we re t her in tbtl Ildtlll ul " o .. u,, 11 m UdlOIUtl trl cODtaln so mil c h of t he t.! lIs ue to award a IJ r lze of fiv e do lla rs In gold Main S(r e ~t. build, mer'lt to warr&Dt crowth until the Wayne svillu, it lind Y <l 1l W ill I(II"W tlltl rtlll8V ~ In&, materia l. tbey are >;o me timeR lIew varietie s bave proven theIr to th e s mart psl boy o r girl In the 0 1(198. - --.1lls t as \\ 1111 "lItor('1I lli e teac hE' 1' h e ir! kDown as "tb e poo r mall 's bp.e r." worth . It ill I!''''HIU~ jJl'lltty hlHU to t e il Beaus contain Ilttle 11 11 ODe fi ng 1'. Then Willi h Id 1If) two fR t aile! al'f' s uIt· What Con.tltu toa Good S.ed. fi . g I·S. This tllII sll h ld up three ontl ill! II" 1m ,, 1,,)1 IlI'r . ably cooke d with pork or hu t t.r. Vit-lllty and Vlablen es8. - These are ftnge rs. lind W ill ie he ld III his fist. Beana and peas nre mu h r 10 primary Qualitie s whlcb pertain to the . hI) h Id II!) an appl e. a nd Willie held Y v U W ill U v ." 1·,,..oll tl..t" ri~ht dige st than llI e al. bel' uus l" hard th ey I;on· ablilty of the seed to deve!op Into a u p t he loaf of breau .. h called h im to ta[n 1'0 mu c h of th , woody fibrE'; new rlallt. A vital seed Is one whl oh II (' d s k lind g v him th e n"e dollal'8. they are thus be tter fi t ted 3 S rOOdR Is oapable of etartlng - --germina tion. T he examlu er s Inquired of lh e tea r b Cor hard workers . What's the U.e while 'I viable seed Is one which has e r why she had a ward ed the prIze to The Roota ' and Tubers. Tho n'OIIt beautiful, suc h vigor as to comple te that pro- \ 'Il lie. She rep lied : Tu .. uff ' 1' WI .11 trur", eY "'II when one m oot .. u mbla Ill lver. Potatoe s. turnips. carr'O ts. pa.rs lIlpR. ee sli lind establlllh the 250 ~ulltl ",I ::lUth rl~U...l ' tt E t,~l u E YIl " I held up one fi nger; m l\Dlng th ere new plant In , p 1.. ted f orks, lpoon. l::Ialve WIlt ouru y v u Vlablen ess ' Is depende nt Is on SUJlrem ' 13elng. He held IUl.I fancy 8I!rVIn il plooe8 We KU'tI'lIotet- bee ts. etc.. that Is. tho roots and lu, the .1011. al')' .l" m~ wttb I.h. reit. ~ on 11M" uil LUlug It 'l:! II. orel1my , bers. cODtalD little nutritiv e malleI upon lhe age of the seed, the relative m a nln g the stllrU ng .of the I'U IIJl t "'0. 'e . Ada m uo1rue4 trade me.rll, bcsldes starch or sugar. Th e potato Amount of s tored Bnow wlu t il tllllllU u t . food within them, an d E ve . I h IfI up three finger s. men no Is the most valuabl e of this group of aDIl cODdltions under Ing F'nlt h, H ope Rnd harlty He hel d whlch tbe,. are The burelD tlllirt. !tlil bllrem-tlo~rum vege tables. It contaIn s a larj\'e per- stored. As a .tfi ual tblDg the large UI> his fl st. m eaul ng In ti nily Ih I' Is cen tage of water and Il fnlr amoun t l eed have a hlgber rig ~o 111101 the 11l1l" t 01 it. delree of TlWlty stre ngl h. 1 held UI) a n ao pl . moa ning of etaroh . On ould nol '1 us t.aln life than small seed. til do wn fall of man. H e Iw ltl up the As to &p, mOtit BROS.T:~ long the po tato tll ke n Il lone as seedtl depreCiate in value bread, m unl ng t he s t art of life. 'I'll D atter one If yon &rtl OD flue dow .! hill hue [00". OD becaulle It contain s lillIe tissue year. and with few exceptIo nyUtla mark only ~"h yon [ give him the prize." DS It Is m~k6 lIt1t1Ltl d lo,tlli/ u lah tll o " , Ii/lnal ' !-let" tlluJlIft lr. building mate ri a l or tat.. • Becallse the not advisab le to plant se8a tUt W lIollera WILf8 (D rat lII "d ~ In :Iweet petnto 1.8 BO mu ch lik e the com· more than two years 1847). and &llUre yourlO lf old. Parsnip s An Arit hmetic Snake.. 250 I. a 8mall Amoun t _ _ mon potato In compoll ition. It Is un- and I)nlons, In particul or UIO 00.1 tn quality. ar, DIe not IIk~ An. En glishma n ha d o ne dll.;· told IInla" a nu dCJlI/n. i IYou l'Woh! U'Jt tluffer 00t! clllY (UI' necesla ry to serve both a t the slime Iy to Klve load resulla afte r the IIrst nn e ditor s av Sold br lrmdlng ra l s na:ke meal. stories The turnip. w bir h carrol. Jiye ~iiiie9 thllt ~muunt. parllnlp . season . It Is alWaYs we ll to test all I'u'", try dealcl'l o.,-er y\\'here. made the ne ws pnpe r mun luug b. and beet. etc .• are Inferior to the potato seed ~or vitality prevIou /:Jntber ll1ud 'at 1i:"1I1tl Eye &1 v J s 'tt' planting . fien d f" r calolOll a. WI: in t hen he saId a s a wInd·up : tunWthl u& nourish ment. uC.L,u ehoWlDa . i UlnIlD'" ,e it to ourtl . u. .• paiolell } Purlt y.- AII good seed must be free "I can 't call a n y m ore to mInd ju s t all dellgIa, . Th. Green Vegetab le.. 8Ull barmie BI. (ro'm torelgD eubst ances such as other at present. My wife lmows a lot or The green ~egetablell. cabbage , let· seeds. dirt and adulter MltamEN .---~.----ations of any s na ke s tories . but I forget.. ·e m. 'By BRITA~NU. co. May oot a mllrri .. ge oet:'emo oy1>e tuce, celery. s pinac h. t omatoes . cu- bind. Large seed are llkely to be bet· ·tbe way . tbo~h . I've go t a reg ula r (1.'_0u..0 1811_ cumber s . etc .. are va luaule ·for theIr ter In this respect t hAn smaller ones. jD8tly olllled Ii t~8nBllotioo In hoodl? t:.. , ........r.) liv ing c ur ios ity down on my place. retresblDA' qualitie s. wood" fibre and True to Name .:.....No seed, no mat· • •rldea, Voouo. One day my elde s t boy was Sitting on e -. for the minerai salts whloh tbey ter how clean or how viable, may be the back step doing hIs sums, a nd he Some bwbl10 ds tear 'he wife's no yield. ~rhe green veget a llies "ontain termed good unless they produce couldn't get 'em right. H e telt s om e· aod SQJDe siand in .weof her kDow a large amount of wate r. 80 th eir plants that are true to name &114 to thing agaInst bls fa ce, and the r e was tood "alue Is low . Boen.use tbey are type. Untortu nate ly, thlll quality can n little snake curled up OD hi s shaul· /:J"lt wtll keep meat bD~it require s .not Dourlsh lng. they an! suitably not be deterlXllned pre vloull to trIal. de r and looking a t tbe alate , In four ~-----TRY " d" k 'od 1 i served with .sll oh ooncen t.rated foods For lhls charact er LIVE RI we mU5t depend minutes he had don e all tho Be Bums. SIU~, to eep .. go retlo ut 00. , as egiS and meat. . upon ·the rella.bll lty of our .eed mell. ~ We've t a med him. BO he keeps all - . . .. -~ . The ooly mlning tbat i. 8Df e tr our no(,, ounts. and he Is the QuIc kest bead a t figur es you .eve r saw. He'll produo e satitlf.o tory retJnltr il kalsOo run up a column eight teet long ! 1 .\ . THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME The Bcty'l Realon, minioa . Llverlt ea for fl Cold, BaCka che and Weak' Liver or Kldney An old man, upon seeing a small thre e se conds. I wouldn 't take a .~ .' prize cow for him." The bottje iel koown by its years, Dog Walk. 140 Milo. t~ Reach Favo": bare·too ted lad playlDg In the atreet "What kind of a snake Is he?" at a western tOwn ODe day, ap· Ite Spat Behind Butch.r Always keep' bllt the- mul!1.-u bettar koown by proache d 'Wm ADd aald: "YounA' man. Inquired the e ditor. c uriously:' Shop Stovo. them ir. 'the "'l' he n e lv', bors clll) hIm nn a uder." it~ e"rs. w orth a pound why t.re you not attendin g s chool tohouSe ready ~-------" Oh , ye B, yes! " sa id t he etlitor. II. _ If you've ever telt the panla of d~y? Some day. of cure. ' . for use. when you grow up. little disconc erted. " I' ve henrd ot the hometllokDeSs and have lODged tor the you wUI re«ret all Dr. aeq's Antlae ptlc aalve this wlisted time." I -Is Huarllole~d r"r t.etter, ring QuIet of a IImall tOWD in contra lit to ".:well. I'll tell yer. mister ." lIald th e S IJec l ~ II . " Prepar ed from Pure N aUve Herbs, they Cleans e the System - ---worm. ecz ~ " '"' oh,q)Jl~d band\! "od . the bustle and bustle of a bIg city I cbap. with a long-dra wn s[gh, "me Purify the ~Iood and thus PREVE NT SERIO US SICKN ESS.and your s),mpal by will go out to Dewey, mudder '. Ilelt. me brother Subscri lips: ,uunln g "ores, uloer81 lod 10 fllOI l)e for the Mltlmi G fl tGette Jimmy 11011 skin dil!fllltiell ~o)d to ulle a.fter (\ white bulldog who plnlDg for hlB brate his ann yesterd ay. and baby's persoDa l Boft spot behind a meat mar- I cuttl~1 teeth, and me oldest slster's 14ba ving. 260 It bnx. I(et stove [D L a: Crosse ·-Wls. walked cettlDr married , and. ••• beside. , there the eaUre distanc e fro~ St • Paul to alD't any school ter·d8O'. Uofortu lIHtely in Il goo.1 man,. It's ·teacher s' that city. . c.Dove.ntlon day. and dat's "the reason orohllr dl the treell are koown by A letter from La Crollse tells of the ~ ~h~ at scbool tel'-day. -Natio nal their (loale .. . arrival there of the dog, which Is the on y. ........ propert y of Oscar Baum, a St. Paul -------Auto m e tlUS to g') lIione, therefo rp meatcu tter, who formerl y lived lD Fame. a feliDe thot_ l)ro~ls ~n the diLrk 111 tbe WillCOOlIlD city. "It la ,t. creat honor tor a statesm an The Moore Range is so ha ndily built an lI.otOOll t Dewey Ie now s[eeplng beblnd the to have bls portrait circulat ed betore th at y u don ' t have to s ta nd ri g ht over stove In the meat market In La the «llEe of --''----- posterit y on 'our natIona l the stove to feed a fire or build a n e w one. Crosse. wblcb bl. master tormerl y currenc y," remark Why Exporl~ent ed the treasury ot· By pulling lightly on (\ small chain owued. Althoug h Mr. Baum brought ncl~ . When Dr Bull'II Pioe.l'l lr BonAY attach ed t o the Patent Hinge d Top, the bal heen tried with sati!4fll.ot.ion fof' the dog to St .. Paul In the express c T .. Ye..... replied Senator .· Sorghu m; whole top is lifted out of the way. over elxtdeu yfl!l.rs In millio0 8 ot of a ta.t limited train and ot'fered hhn "nnd yet dId you ever kDOW anybod y This conven ient arrang ement makes it bOlOas for OOUgb9 , ooldA, oroDp and all kLDds ot Inducem ents and dellca- to hold on to a. dollar bIU lou&, enou&'h. &11 throat Hod bronoh lal troubfe s. oles Dot to be had In a smail tOWD. to know whose. pIcture Is on It 1" possibl e to De'Vey was not happy. Yoa o'''D get It Hnywb ere Look tor · He ran away and appeare d UDexthe bell on the hot.t.le. Keenly Ob.erva nt. pected at bl8 old home. Waggin c his -~.---"Do you think tbat' college protees or short tall furioUil y. he scratch ed aDd N.w Z.aland HTattoo ed ROCke." Is oorrect In sa·yCng poverty bewhined tor admitta nce. . Mr. ' Cle.m.nt WraCce who 'haa In. . The re's n ~ p i llin g of fuel. and as the top The 140 'mlles he had. tramped had come obsolet e '" . ... when-lifted forms a hood . th e smoke. soot and apeaUH1 'W~' . are mown u ' the . "tat· made him toots ore and weary. His . . "I shouldn 't ~e lIurprl8 ed." replied Mrs. Cumrox . "I note even now that tooe4 .rocke." on the cot..,t near _Rag- tongue wu ' banctng odor a rc drawn aroun d t he 'fi ues of t he runge ' tar out ot. bls' !I. III very nn tl C3n no t escape iuto th e room. unrR$hlona.ble~ " ~ ·N....r.e.Ja.nd .·I. d,l.tlnc~lr.or, opln- mouth 'and he wa. · paDtiDC · Dewey' . Ith \\J oo rc' s R a nge there ill lio s tUoke-: bo 'tOD that' tile,. are the .'Work of neUh.r ' eY~1 were bowe~er, and 'he soot..!.no gas. AUd yc t , wit h nil. its cleanly , Tamil bcit .~orl: but. are ~e IDIICrtp- waa . .not too bright. tired til yawu 'ID a trlenda':1d time·sav lng a p vontage s, this wond e rCul ' A Burgla r's Awful Deed Uon. 01' a Yery ancient ra~ of Jluq 1y nilmne~:. ~t b~a. ran ge renll y cQ§ts th e least of'-lm y ran g e on the old . trolted frleIu!. milv DO' l>~ralyze a home · BO ooDi . r.Jli ptaple ' anted.U n, .the &d~ent' the m.r~et .. cat. 1l;J:trket"'r It acfually pay. for,itael f b)' cuttiug , p(~telY ; a~ mothe r's IODg tllties!I. dowu (.ue l expeose . ..:0tile ~aorl 'br 'UDtc?I~Cl ceDt~rI"" :r.be .. . When' .bla t~leilhoned from t$llt Dr .. l{lnR's · N:~~ . Life PiI\8llr .'QltaI circle, on~.; ·· 01'01... . and . St. !Paul that·~a~ter .he :wotild ~ . to .La" splendi d ,remed y for ' womene . . ~I ~ at•..,a,. m!).", alpUlc ant;; ..Q~08ee ~ '·.Bet '.hl~ . the punt ·. ltttle ' ''T~ey gllve me. wODderf~l beoefit io lUI;d ciOD4nD hi.. optDl~1l that l'lew Zea~ ft'hilnlr P.t-w•• s~eel'~.1lI f; the peacefu l oooilttp l\tion and . female -.troubl e," 1 .IJUa d"'''' ~blt~' bT et.rljT .. . aleep of . ~ ",et.~1.. ~t.~een bls . w~ote Mra . "4" C _. DQlllap~ of Lead, . Re 0aut4; !e " tile . ~~CI'{pUO.DB, aria p~!f.• .was .,a . ~ilcarde4. .lIone. , . Mo:..ro~.~trollerD~~u enablell you to coptTor't be heat ' aDd the ill, ·l'eo1l. {falUn g' t~y. them, 2110 11' t.·tbu~ giving ;ou tbe adVRu!a ge o,r the '. . of tbe oven- as well as you elln !lontrol the ~I el\t Q{ a gas . _;Dd·"oo . pro,*bl 1 OODDectecl · wlth th91e at.. .a,t18ft~ aria on ··~III lIod the· uua saving on- YOlll''' fuel. 1t Is lD~~~~~-!.~~' _b~ttl . . carred 1111 drnggl .t8 · dv~ n. _ Moorj!'s Range is ·the only ooal range bavlug . ~ ~" ~cl Central and South face told more p~alDl1 .• this having tbt'ee: wa'll construotiou · tIiro,..1iIoat. ' ~i1aL:"";,fA~ than wo~~ that ad'vanta~e, and it save!! fully _ ..1laiftI of.'th,e fuel. . • _ _ . ,. reasun why 11~r e 's 'Range i'astslon .\ ..... . ·Id ger' tban a . Moor.. E.......thi. FlNback elUlbles you t.o burn cou.lcos.t AtllUl t_ or . he pretetre d, a ~!M'' ''~~ In Cull ql' our I!tore ~Dd ,let us s.hoW YOIl !~~~~:"':t"7 .;,-~--. Lt. . '."" , , ;...... . Ill" wiilD' '.rur.iJler• . ,.t'~. q~..e to p~rt~ho~e .teak ba St. . gtv. " lrig at leost twq.tblr ds )t>liS than coat ""lid In .other ranges. , slve lealur:es of Moore s .. Racgo. Q!I ,.jolt Call ~ . ftod .. Fur.ther mor.. it pl'Ovldes.f()~ t~e bur.nillg' ·up of tbe 5IJIoke stoc" t~a* the J . . . . ~ · ~. · .p,~.,. fro~ .· tIae.· P.a1lI.. .. . :. . . .. . \.:.: ,,!! ctC!mp'lete. .. . ., ' ,' le.~lqgottiI8DI.hQDll'y'breetlm~ . " ~ r. . . . . al~ "~ . ~ ill '~ ' ', ' Moe,.,..·&m.a ~II 6e 'ltGd b. .uAer. .CG.t Iron ~ ' _ . e \ ·· . . • day aDel tha_ be penee
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The Mark on Silverware
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Liveriles Prevents·. Serious~ Sickness
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M ad aID , Do n't St an d Ov er a Ho t Fi re !
Bro il and T9a st Eas ier and Cle ane r
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·'::For...lo b7 Je ·H. COLEMAH, 'W . ~',
Th " 1O I1r11 e l' nt t b o ri~l ocratll' A ll ' drove h urri edly- IlP and SWfr~ '" u.. ur n , th pl' 'forll , wnR hall d by t 1ll' 1 (,u l'b. A yo un~ w man, h ea'vll y v'lIeel. "'rttt' , r F tUI nil l:n ntl ed jllllrnl1l1s t k de, . 'nd II , )) al (I' t h o drl vl' r , an d wn lll r) hh·:,,; l nl~ . nnd t h .1' I)!'(' cd ii i I f) p ln,l ' nll ld(l y tlll'iwgb th gute$ (o wllrl.l tho It up fo r nll I \'11, wnrlh II tb l' hOll $ lI . ff'nlllr"'~1 or :1 I1I'R t. 'l:\ss s <,n ~ a li l'lll wI'r A n n i e tl'lNl 0 f ~' I hrnv o. bll t h er 1':·,·sC'nl. 'rh o 1'11'11 111 . Hohc'rt l ' IICI ' I', hl'lI rt m iH,a;:I I'f' 1](' 1' wl\l'lI RIl .. AIl W thi s \,'" "d , W ' s w (' I! 1<110\1' 11 In po d ty a nd "1' 11'1111111 ~IO Uil' wi lli all I ts ' v l dc' n ce ot I pru1I1 i lw nt art l'<1nn"i ~~"lIr 'I'd> \ ·0: h h . ('ullll l'P IIlId I'l'llil UWl il. It IVO S (1l tll'" \I'll '!'t' Ih ' crlnll' \\I\ ~ (,Ol n ll1lltM t h l' IJ r sL tll ll lJ ,; IIf' h:1I1 PI' I'I' n L r ed wa s nli fir th e 1\lO ~ t ra Hhi'ma ul!' nr It" a tc,;, !1 1th 'ngh I n 11 Im'l\ 'IIr" sh e :-': 1' 11' y (1rl{'.~ h \l';I'· lrJ f'~ . Th,' 1 II" '~' :;npd WU ti (' ntill r d III In'nl( 11\'01l t: II~' h ~ r II H~;I,;!. I I\ \ \'11:1 , II coll .. ~(' II HI II 11;](1 tho / lJwn hOIlIl' , l' .. i·iH\ll l:l 111'1'1'1' RO muc h : I>n .f 0111' 0 1 ~il,' Ill./) '< l \\, !'I dtlly u nd a ;; I\O W ~ IH ' 1'l' all;wcl \l' l1 tll ;1 lI .,t' 1' ,.,-lI il Inll llt'lIlial of 1'\ 1' W ) 11 1'1,' " 1·ll l l.c'11 8. IllY bl' t ll'r "11 I. CI' II l1blm ll d ' ~ l alltllv u n o T ri ll' , th i ~ \I owaI'd J. r1' 1'1r',. , I h l<on , , h 'r~dr, 1' 111::< \', as f\ wo r ld sh ' b llil ";'I S a I 1;l d, :.< lI r ,' p . II h nd hl' I'1I II " 'll r 1\11 (II'.' n- - ;I wu rl d of 01)111 . li t' mix,' d U!' III ri ll Id lt ll l4 ,I' H 'il llIl n llj It ,. I :tIItl l uxu r y , ~n ", d i u no t 1(lI u W ho w sh o I !"', II:;! (1 \\ II f;\l hl'r h.ld IIl'm'll h im hat! HJ1!11 I1 ·. lfH I 11 11 OI J1';t ~,(' l'llO U ~ h to 0111 of !l Olll .' , lind h., II as IlIltrl' l" cl t o :.I I ('(Uli f', y , , ~ 11",1',' II as no tim o t o btl \\'Olll<ln II ho .' l at h r u l (' d In I'r!flon. l os t. { 1II1I:,'d ia l" Hctlon waf' n .' ces. ('(jlli t! n hC'll l' r ('IIl oIld nflt( n li fir d r, !l ;'lI' Y. 11 1)\\l\ l'u III II st ha ve t b bes t CII.l llft an f'l:s fur II n l' \" " I';ll"'r h L' eon· Il\ w y<! rs Iha t ItlllII CY coule! pro('ur13, ~e Jl'l' d ? , r h e ('r i m" Wa ll ti i::H'<1l fo r r il ,I :lI lg(' Il r l'I.. ~t(' l· h at! I. en d 'a f to h r 100 !tlf P r~,' I hl' mu r n l ll g 1' : 1\ 'f' I'~ 10 t' lll l'pa t l ,'s, li e 1\111.1 c\ ('cllned to tnk 1\ alII' lII 1" n tl on of It, but t il u f t " l'noon j l lt (> (' :J ' .' , Shl" hnd no m on fl Y. H ow. P;! I' ~ J' '' n rc &! u b l'und ,; i u\' tha t sh.)o l< n rd '~ fnl hel' lI1 \1 st comr to hi s a ssi st. tl ~" ( , ' 11'11 . A ll t h. , (, I'l'lI l." g pa :'I' r l! h all ant'l'. .·h e' \\'uu l tl p l 'nd w ith blla nnd lo ll: ", 'al" hr all " >'I1I'''l t b ln !-( a I'm; ~ t il I ill sl ,'t t hat i~ w as hl !:\ duly t o st an d " l1 tl n' f l'olll pugl' . w l l h p iclII l'es o r t Ill' by h i s 8,) 11 , HII(' w ond I'erl how h e pl ll1 c:li,n l !-l 1I\\·ll l n ,d ,lII d 10ll g 11I1 l'1" lI(l uld fI!('p iv (' li eI'. If h o wo uld TIII I II t·,, In i g II t I''I/' Ii \\' S wit '1' 1h t hl' l'oJ' on or (lU U ('apt. her out or lin• I'U"u to b t'~ I. L· nlo ll . lI~ rI~ ~rl' Il1l'f1 to h rw douu t t ull t h l t' J'\" I I1I S to ~ hut th e doo r III t h at th e 11OII cl" h ad an s t ~cI t .. e J'i g ht I II C' r f llPt'. Tl nli dl y sll e r :l tl g th tl b ell, mall , n ~ld 10 all qu art .: J':! of t he l' lly T li t' bu ll er op(, ll cd t he door . Rnll sum th ere " as UIII H! • . al !l Yl l1 11nl h y fo r 1\11', moul l1g I1P nil h ' I' co ul'ng f' , sh e u sk r d : " I s 1'11', .h ' ITI' IL's I n ?" I l owlIl'd .I l) rrr l .~ s, . 1' . I twa s l eniule 10 th ln l, t hat I h l s !>I ,1 ' 11I1h!. lI p l'l~ hl To her II I ' I' ;lIliaZemL'lIt th e b utl er m an, II' hog wh ol\' car'''r \Va " whu l'u t o!Tl' r l'd nC' ouj" ct 10 11 to h er ent r i ng , ;~ ;j ln'l e w lo , \I' ho h a d Ml;~ ., e d h i s !'v!l;jl n king hr l' fur a wom an r ('llO rtcr : (~tl n try hsn ll n ntt y l h r ugh t ll C' , ('1 1'11 s(: \'(l ra l of whoJII h nd n lre,ld y ('ulled 5 ou ld h avo Buell d l~;.;r!\ce t ha t I\\or ni ng , h e snid : 1,' "l r , -'! ough t II ll on hl ill III hi .:; olt! !;C " (. 0" 1 It ( III e l ib rary, ' • .' I g I , 11 mll d am : . 1'. v ' r~ l hlllg polL l ed t o II gpl'l' ti y t r i al t lt r ol her Il c w sIlap I' foil, are t h ere " !'<I " • : :l llll f,] ul(: k olll·ktloo . Puull c IlI dlg u[l ' t i on wa s aro tl sr d nl m o. t to a t'rl'n z ~ I p ,lslI f'd t hl oug h t bo 1l 1) l e n ~ltI 1'0 Ption fi n d a l o'utl (' l alUor w c nt u p Ogal n : t h.,:1. lIIarv eling Inw arlll,. at I h ' l aw's dc loy , T oo ma ny <'rlll1 () S t IU 11 Il uliful sta t uary a ncl pio turtl s, of thIs n at ur e, tlcr oam U U;e " Ilo w 11 0 lillI E' I nti lll lda t ed at find ing · IH',·· press, li nd IHu n ali owed to sll l'l y t he solf a m i d su<, h sp l n\lld s urrouncl lnllll good nam e of th ci ty , A. fear f u l ex. ~n t h > l ro f t t h l' l'I' w as n d ool' d l'a pel~ n tll ple l!1ust U m a d n o lIla l l or wh nt I t h h:.l ndsol\\ fl topes tr),. t h stnn dln g 30d I n n ~ c n l " of t h o pr ls. " fl ight in t here, miss ," sai d lhe on c l">\ famil y . Tb us g oati tl on . \ lie butl er . !::i ll e went In , an d f ou nd hers olf I n a cour ts nct tI wi t h p r o ll1 p t n l'~ I'i , T nlwu befor e n mag l st r at f' , H ward W IlS ti t 1'00111 or n ob le proportions , tb o wa lis onco cOlOln l ll ed t o t h e T omh,; 10 i\ ' .... lI l t of wh ich \l' cre l ined wIth book sll el vt's t rial , and t be dlsl rl t a llomey set to f1 11 ~ rt with tOIll('f! 1M r i ch b IndI ngs. Th w or k h n plIoc ling a j ury . J us t l c, lIc' lI~ h th a t ~' n l r ed t hrol:gh th o st aI ned, prom l s d , \\'ould b s w i f tl y don e. O n glnst! Wlll du lI':i caat a s ubdu ed h ilI!· n ' w sl mpcr stn te d (losl tlvf'ly t ha t t il ligh t , WlI l'Jl\ :J.lld r i ch In col or, on tbe f amil y wou ld not In t er f r . b ut w ould rlm son pl ush f urni shiogs. Nca.r the abandon th o scap cg race son to h i s h E-lIvy flat II sk In t h e C n ter of the ri ill y d es. erv ed fat e. ,1Ildge Or w st er" r oom a tn ll , distin guis hed mRn was th o famOlls luwyer , I t w u s tlal d. bud al. stand i ng list ening d llreciltingly t o r eady been approach ed by ' t h e p r l snn. , th e hnl! d ozen r epo rters 'who w ere er' S w i f e, bu t h ad d d i ned t o l a k e b ombardin g hIm wltb Questio ns. I\s th , cn se. Bonk 1" ,Je ffr l s ~ l s o was I Anni e c nte r u t be room h e ,c :"l ·ght Quo ted as say ing th nt th e lI1an lInd er t he w ords 'o f hIs r eply : " Tb o you ng mn u w ho has In ho rlt~rl al'r st wus no l on ger a son o{ bitt A s on e pap er poin ted Oll t, it al'l' lIled my n LUu e · has choson h Is own pall! In n force Ilnd 11 wflst e o f ili on y to have Iir(l. I alll g ri e ved to say t hat hi s coo· nny t r i al at n il. Th a5 uSij ln bad n ot d u t nt coll ege, his lOa r r :a g , 112.8 on l y been cau gh t l'ed.h nudNI, hu t h ad cOlUpl etely sf parated b l m f r oUl hi :! a ctunlly eonr sBed , :'V b y w iIl; t ti m e fam ily, tlnd 1 hol' o quit m lldo up m y ov or a tri al ? True, n e pal! r Umld lr mi m i t bat In no way or mUlln er .:&n sugges tcl.l t hnt I t migh t hav he n a his fn m ll.l' bec om e Id ntlfled with ItDY ca se of sui ci de. Ro ber t U nder wood 's t; teps h m ay take to esc ap th o pen , fl~an ei a l atral n', I t w n t on to Bay. a l ty o f his iliad ac t. I am hIs fa tb er, a lld I SliP po se, un der t ho ci r cum· w el'o In fI criti cal condi tion , anlt I h th eor y or su i cid e w a s born Oll t to ll la nces, 1 ollgh t to say som t h ing . B ut som ex t en t b y nn I n t en ·1 w w ith Dr. 1 hllvo d ecided n o t to. 1 d ou 't w illb B ernstei n , prof<'8sor o f psyc hology at to g ive t he A m erica n public any e:a:. one of t be u nl v, r sltlcs, wb o s til ted eusl' to t llink t hat I am palliati n g th nt h e was b y n o mean s con \' l uced of c on donIng his cri m e, G n tlomen, J t h e prhlOner 's guilt, an d hln tnd that wis h you good-d ay ." t h e all g . I confessIon m Ig h t h ave Ann i e, who had been li sten Ing III, b een forced f rom 1' Im b y th lJollce; t ently , a t once SIlW h er o pp or tu nity, whil e In 1\ h ypno tic stat , T hi s l h e. M r . Je ffrlcs h ad taken n o notl cc 0 1 oJ'Y, belittling as It It l d t hclr pet s n· her presence, beli evIng h er ' t o be II ga llon. did not suit th e poll ey of the n ews paper w r iter I1 ke the oth er s. A. y ellow press, so the l earn ed profes· the r eport er s t ook t lle1r d epnrtuT<1 sor at on ce became th e t arge t ro r edl· and filed out or the room , sh e r oo I.orlal attack . m al Qed b ehind , A s th e last' one 418&1> Th e sen sati on gr ew in hll portnn ce penr ed She turned to tho banker and as t be d ay Cor t h e t r i al approacbed. sai d : AlI " N e w Yorlt wa s agog wi t h excltt.'" M ny 1 speak to you a m om ent 1" men t. T b e band som e JetTr ies ma n. H e turned quickl y fIIn d looked a.t hel sl on on R Iver sIde drive was besl g d In tlUrprl se, [o'or th e first time he b y caller s. T he gui d es on t he sigh t. w us conscious of hel' presen ce. B ow· seeing, coaches shouted t hrough t bllir tn g cou rteously, he shook his h ead: mcgaphones : '''1 .am afraid J c an do n othing rur " T hat's tbe hou se wb ere t h e mttr. y ou m adam- as I've just explained to d er er oC Robert U nderwood III'ell ." yo~ r confrer es of the press." The hnmedlate vi ci nity or l b e house Annie looked up at him, aud sar. t h e d ay t hat t h e cr ime w as m ade pub. boldly : IIc wa s t bron ged wi t h curiou s {I P Q. "r n m not a r eporter , Mr. Jeffri es. 1 pi e. The blin ds or Ihe hOll s!.' w e r~ am your son' s w ife." drawn do wn as If to sbl el d t he i n. The banker started back In amnz. mates fro m observ a ti on. !>lI t t here mf'n t. Thi s WOlO an, whom he baG were several cab s In f ro n t of t h(' ma in t aken f or a n ewspaper r ePOlier, wall on t r ll n CI:' and p assd's ill' stopp ed on Ull In tel'loper, an Impollter ;! t he very t h e si d e walk, pointIn g Rt t he h ou se. A l ast w o man In th e world whom h e number or n ewspap er m e ll !ltoocl In II. wou ld h avo permitted to b e adl)1ltted group, gath erin g frcs h mu t el'lu l f or to bls hou'se. H e co nsider ed th at " bo, the n ext eilltlon , /I r ero r tc r ap. as Illu ('h as fl nyb ody elsl', ha d cnn· p r oacb ed r apidl y f r om Hroarl wa y and trib ut ed to his SOIl'S ruin , Y et what j oi ned hIs cn ll e ag u e~ . cou ld h e do ? She w as th er e, and he " \Vell, boy s," h (' Raitl (' hcer lly , ': A tl y . , was t oo tOu ch of a geatleman t o hal''' t hi ng doing? Say, m y »ap'~ r Ii:; going her turn ed out bod ily, W ond ering at to h ave a bull y st orr IO' lIlOl'roll' : {'om . h i s silence, sh e r ep ented sl,lfUy : p l ete ac cou nt by U nll C' I'I\'cod 's \'a l ' !, 'Tm your son 's w l rC', M r , J efTrics," lIe t ell s h ow he caugh t t he mllrr1 'r cr T h e banker l ool,cd at h er n Qt(}o j ust as h e "" as es cn rll ng f ro ul t h o Qt E'nt. ns If t a kin g h e:- i n from b ead t o apartm en t. \ Ve'\I h a,, \) pl ct lll't' S lIe,1 foo1 . Th en h e saitl cold ly : ever y t h ing . It's fln e, An y l bin g do. " M adonl , I h a\'e n o son." H e · ho!!l· Ing har e?" h(' rl emnnd C' d. tat c d , and add II : " I don' t I' c og nl ~ e- " " i\:aw." r.:ru lJ ,ct th c o t h. ' r ~ In dl a. grun tl ed ton ('s. Sh o 10ol(C d at h ! m pka ci ing l y . lOW saw t l w bllll c r ." sa l(\ one r eo " S ut 1 want t o sp ai, t o you, si r ." 1\[1", ,Tp. n:r i es shook h Is II ea cl , I\~ p or lel'. "anti tri ed ( 0 gl't a s tury f rom him , bu t It o f1u tly r ' f ll s'r1 to talk. A ll mO\'e tl to wur d tll'! door. he wo u l d sa y wu s t h fl t H o \\' ar d .Jer. " ( r Ileat, I ha,e n othln g to !:lay ." f ries wall noth ing to t h e fa 111 I 1,1' , th at A nnie pl anted her sel f dl l'ect l y In hI! his fath I' dldn't cn r e a ~ t ra ..... w ha t patil. H e c ou l d not r eac h th e dool became of hIm ." u nl ss h r emoved h er forci bl y, " T bat's )lrN I y I ,wl' h ~ " H la i med "M r, JeWr l 's." ah e :3u i d nrn estly, UHOl hc l' r epol' IN. " l!,)'S his l'oOll, aft . "plenso don 't r ef u se t o heal' m e-·. I' nil ." p I C [lB ~-" " O,b , y ou dOH't kn o w old .JplTr i es ," ITO J3 LC CONTINU ED.) chi/ned In a t blrd . ,. " hl'n Oll t e the - - - -- - mak es. u p b \8 mind You m ight a. II' Ii ' FItzgerald's Summary. tl'Y t o mov e a bou se," 6 dward Flt zgcrald . th e t ranslator Of The aCt r noon wu s g t tlng 0' : I f t he Per sian puc t , Omar h.nayyam.l\·al tb elr p opel's WOr e to Ill'lnt Ilny t .,l ng It m or e or l ess genl al, 0tlllone ot ol inore t ha L day t h ey lUlist hilS Lt' o o.., n· m at ri mony a s '! s~ate. : ' ,t o w u , , On e day he Raid to bla ' friend MI.I. .. " Let's m ak e on e m ono (l tt tl llllJt to Ellen Churc hyard ' (lodb rldge : get: a talk' out or th old man," r:ll~g· ':Do YOU' kn ow , N ell, wb~t matrlasi'gest d on , 'e nterprising Be r l b , IS 1" ,., , ,Miss Churchyard 'tbought. noL " All right," cri ed t h e ot hel'~ lu cboJ'ua. " You 1;0 oh and . We'/! fol· "Then I'll tell )'OU," Bald be: ""Mar: low In a. body and back you U11," rloge Is stlllldl.ng at one'l d.?I~: nlcel, Paasing t hToU gb t he.,f ront g at !!/ ~hey ,outloled , ',0 work, ',vh,ell a I(1'e1lt hI" rang tbe bell , alld after It b rIef par- bonnet pusbes In at tbe door and ".kl ley Wtlr e admitted to tb . h (lust!. They YOi, to ji:U (or R l\'~l k lI l t,b ,IL""; bael JUlr.dly d liapp~ed I b .n a .lab I ', .QUU". ' :OIUJ:1I nl clIL
Pare nti a nd Children';' F.l! ltJl, P aren ts .ougbt to oollaborato w i t II t enc her s In h el ping to t!c.l l'ol op tho beat In tll elr hJldr en, and COli S'.!' quen t l y t o IImln nte Uto worst. 10' stead oC t hi s v i ew or tbo OIl1 t l r w o (Sill'S 1~ lIo. , W h ~lJ l er, Wil cox) ,fiud VIII" ou ts taIlIng' a stand agalJl!; l iho t uch or w ho tries to t l11k or l be ta ul LM O( th Ir childr II and , dl ~ Cll SS Il r ' IO ' dy, ::J.nd a ll t he work which lhe tpuCl It· er h as hopl'U to do In ch arn t r bui l d Ing t ails to the ,g r o\l nd lI ud ur th u II f te u h ummer or t h e unw l!:lo an d belllgel'ent parent, w h o 111 81sl 8 th at "m y child" , must be . w i t h out fu ult :l. un d t hnt t ho t eacber w bo S008 fll ul w Is IW uemy, not a frl eod. It I s Btl l· dom, Indeed, thal n ma n or a 1I'0mli n o CLlpytOlf the posl tioll o f 11 t eacher IH prejudiced or hns p ersonal or sul ll flh m oUves for crl Uclllln g u c hild ,
The Jertrles Ma nGion Was Beoi eged by Cal lers.
,lftIwDmm:r; Av-CHARL:tS 'KL:EIN; e/ AND ' I
G.II'WWI:IIT, 1ttG9. _ 13
8YNOPSIS. ' flownr4 J e tfrJe., bnnlc 1"" Bon. ' lildc r th . evil Inl1uence · ot Rober t U n derwood . f ellow·student o.t Va.le. I l\d~ l\ lIf ot 111 11' e l.P4Uon, m aniM the daugh tf)I' o r n I,;l1 m · "Ier who d ied In prlllo It , nud Is ulso wn d by hi" fal h er.
He I.. out of work uull I n ' deap er ote . tralts. , U'nd rwood, wh o h Od
been ,enpllfoo lo Howard 's IItup· mother, Allola. la a.pparently lu prollp r Ollll elrc)) ltUIt~~. 'rakI ng Rdvantllg ot , bill Intlmaey WIth Ali cia, he ~om ('" u. . art o f aodal ' bJA1iwa ymao, Dtsoov('rlnl' bIll true c haral;ter , A llola ltenl iW h im lh o bouee. · He aendll 1__ II nolle thr Ul.\ t III OS' el4lc lde. ' A ~ dC'..tt1J'8 {or w hom . h e neWd . .' COlPmr." oner~ dt'llll&a<l an ~cou nLl ~ , lie , C8IIDot j lPRke ,« ooot K" .... rd cal h. It t; ., -hie, ~ltf, In ••• lfttda lcaiCd condl· tfon to r equ est /I. lOAn if SI!,I*)' to elllLbl h im to taleC\. up .. h U1lln elUl J)t'Ollosllion. Underwood tel lJJ h im h I' Ie In debl up 'to 1\1. e ye.. HowtU'd , drl rrke hlmHale I n to Il m_udlln 'conditIon. !!on.! lWetI 10 Hlocp on IL ell•• n. A calle r III Ilnno un ~ ' Ilnd U nder · ~ draw. a ~ft ....ou nd th o (l run lc ~:l ..I..eper. Allctu. e n ters . She dema n d !! n iJlro m lfle from U nderwood that h will 110t -take hr. lire. Un refu ses uniNII al ,e will ITenew ha- p:ur Ona!:c . T h ill 81,1' r uflll! 1.1. 'and tllkes b el' ' \lIlv". Under wood ItllIs ' hlmllelf. The report of lim plSlO I IlIVll'ke n8 H oward. He nn ~ 8 U ndor .... ood (len d, It.eallaln<< bla p/'Cdkt" nenl hOI attempt.. t o n ee and Is me t U nderwood's vn tl't. !Howard I. t.urn.e d over to th pollet". ,Capt . Ollotoo. no lo rlo u8 (or Ills IJI'lIl1\1 Itr~lltmeot of pt'\80 Jl(lrIl. ~luLq H l) l\'llrd lt hto u f; h the thi rd degree, Ilnd Oll,, )l v ~!!lJ< ...., . alle~ (=~ nr_lo n (rorn t he hll;'M8(',] ODce
1I",n. A nnltl,
~ownrd ' !<
... It ." d (' 'hl r c!j her
beUe! 10 h.,r bUlObllnd'" Inllocenc(,.
CHAPTER XI.-Continued .
"F'rom wb at I h ellr," he said, " o ld m an ,Jefrrles w on' t ral s , a fiDger to save hl8 scapl",g ra('o sou (rom golll g to th e ch n ir. H O't! don with bim f or gooll and a ll. " Ch uckUng- alo ud and tulk l ng t o him· !:Iel f r ath r tb an to b l s v l s'·u·v!!;, he mutt reA: " Tbat /li one ", III eonvl nc , t h e jllry. They 'lI arg ue t hat 1hI! boy ~a[\'t be muc b good If his own go back On 111m ." ,Ann i s's eye UnShed . "Preci sel }' ! " she exolnl m d. "But h im. I'll h i s own won't go b ack 0 see t o It t hat t h ey ' d on' t." R Ising and tu r n i ng toward lhe d oor , sbo ask ed: "Hll ve y ou any thing more to say to m e, cll,p talo 1" "No." r epll d th e ca pta in beaitat· Ing l y. "You CII J1 go. or co urse you'll be called l a t !! t· for t be tri al. Y ou caD 8eo yo ur h usbund In t be Tombs w hen yoU w l sb ," No mao Is so hard t hat be has not (t soft spot somowher e. At b eart Cap t. Clinton was not un unldnd m a g, Long servi ce I n t lle pOlice f orce and fl m istaken notton of the proper m ethod of pl'ocedur e in t reating bls prl sell rs bad hard ened .hl m and m ad e h i m brut al. Secretl y he f elt sorry (or 'this plu cky, energetic little wom an who had such uabounded fa i l b in h er good·for·nothi ng h usband , !lnd was r eally to fig ht 1\11 alone I n hI s d efense. I!:y el ng b er wi th r cnewed Inter es t, be u emflDded : "What a re YOll gol ag t o d o now?" A n nIe r eaob ed tb e cloor, nnd draw· I ng ber self li P ' to ber ru ll h eigbt, t ur ne(l and sai d : " I 'm goi ng t o undo n il yo u bave done, Capt. Cliuton. I'm goIn g to free my hllsband lind prove h is Innocen ce hefore t h e wh Ie wor l d. I don' t kn ow how T' m goI ng lo do It, bu t I'll ,do It. I'll fh; lt t yo u, ('f\ pt ai n , to t he l ust ditch aId I'll f eJie ll e m y poor h ilsban d fro ~ YOIIT" cl ull-hes : f It ta.k e!! ever y th ing I POHS('S!l III t il (I'orlel. " Qui '1(l y >; 11 (' or,ened th e door and Ll i,l;;I) I\'NI &'C'(1
"Not t his l ady," said the boy . " T he otller lady. I thln k ah.e sa id Jc ({rl es, or Jen)dns. or lIol11ot hlng IIlce t ha t : ' The cnptaln wa.vell bta bu nd t o ward t be door. " T bat'li all. rlgllt- go. \V c' lI ,find beir nil rl,b t." The boy wen t ou t and t he captai n t u rned r oulld to Allnle, "n'lI be rath l.lr a p ity If It Isn 't , ou." h e snl.6. w ltll a suggeHtivt, s iulle. "How so ?" ~1!1l ,d eman ded , T h e cnptaln IIl,u ghed. "Well , you sce, a womnll alwRYs p t.a t ll A jury mlxcd up. N othing fools .. man li k e a p retty face, and 12 tilUes 1 I s 12. YOII flce If th ey IJ uarrel ed about yoi l- yo ur h ml hnnd WOli l d s l and 110m!' chan e ." ,Pat l'oul zi ng l y Ite at1d ed. "Come, Mr s. J erTrl ('s, you'd b(' t. ter 1('1\ tb c truth und I ca ll ad l' lee fOU Who to go Ill." C H A PTER XII, AIID l e Il r CIl hIH R(' (f li P. tl llt! '.1'11 11 dl t~ nhy snld : T il " A UIf'r lc3n d early loves a son· "Thanks, I'm golJ' g La Lh(' b, ',: 1 1": \1', )4otr J can 1;ul. Not 001" of lho!'[' . 'our( !in Uon .. ;llIcI III B hlg" 'I' lI lIU m ore bl ood. Not b ing Is " OOlU polltlclaus /'t'('OI1 I1II1' I1&l l ·tl lll' n r ll l'(lI f llg i l i ~ (b e lJl'ller . " '}li c(' c~lpt/Jln . I H.nt ,;olnl; to 1l1(' I;urcl 109 1'1' gr ati f y ing on flrl slng In, t h e " ; "'!I t er , II p ' Ji Uw Imi ll H p' ll ); oon Illum in g ~ 1 l( 1 sit ti ng dnwn to p ar take G't't m y b ushan d o lit of t hc T om UB." or II ll ai ll t H" !1PI'I·!.'d broal,fas t t hun to F\el1 ec t l vcl y she <~ dd d: " If lil Y rll l lt er g ll\li('.· h ur r l t' dly over t he f r on l p<lge 113c1 had Judge J1 J'OlVst er to d{ f l~ l1 t1 him or Oll ' !:< fo vorll e n ewspap er alld see It lIw t end of a IC'gal Hhl1l'k. II 'd lIl' v,"r COI'Crt' U wit h 5f.II I·Uing h ea dlin es. , It lUiv e b een rail roa ded to jll'il, U ",'d be mU ll ' l'!'; II lf l (' w bat h ilI! happ en ed dnr. In ~ th n igh\. to shock tlw com Tllu n l t y, a :,1 l'e to·d ay:' 'apt 'IInton g u lTaw ' (] l oud l y , T he fi O lung as It sa Usfi es one's appe tJ te ' nstlti onol 11 WB, It call he a 10ea or clo: ·Jud,;c B r ew ster t a ltln g lbe f or fat al cun fl agra tlon. II f uu T'ru l r ailroad cp.se seemed W am lui e h l n, h ug ci y , , " B rewst er?" he lu U~ h c u bol tl tl' r olls, wreck , a gi gan ti c bank r ohbcry , a hoI'. ,.;, ,..,. " Y()u'd n el'er be nul ' t o ge t rllll e lilli I'll ') &'. or e\' 11 11 8cnndal ous dlvor {'(! cas '. ,A II on e, ask s I s t h at It Brewlt er. ~rstlY, h e's too e xpe l1 ~i v . Secondly, he 8 old man i es· Ill w· ue sOltwl h ln!; bi g, w l l b colum n nfter ' )'~r. lie wouldu ~t touch your case col umn of harrow i ng details. 'Th e U e ~ ILl Cll. " be' ntl ··\'t;lIu ll el·,' ol'e f ully ali ve to whlit Is '.Itll a (ou,Coot pol e. a.:lded in a tone of c on t!' TIlf)t. ' "Sr IV ' ej\;\lt'C l t'll of UICLU. llllt It h! not al ways 8! 'er's no good [n a ca se of thi!; k i nd . cu sy to suppl y the ,demand , Ther e ~ 's ~ constltntlon law yer- oll r of lir e liw !'s Wllcn th metropolis ' Ian• t t.em f lJtuul\tlonal f ell 1>1'$, H e don 't g ul Rlws fOl' new s of all Y descr i p tion. &now notblng- '" . 'L'h",.·", 81'C, no dlsnstr-OllS fires, t rain s . , ",Hn's 'h 001'I r un withou t mlshnp, burglilra g " on a ~ • " )' ... 1'0')'1'\1' want." ahe . , . . , '" r'Ptorted d t.Untlr.edly , 'I'h('u slle w ent vacation" I;ocl ty l ead er s nct Witb, ~ e-. , (ID ,. " 'U ",ard 'K' lk oor nm- I n a word th e city Is d eadly 'B; C). . 0 ~ JI1I1S~ come 1.0 bls ' d ull. F UI·thet' con sIder ation o f tbe t nrl lf Tt'malns the most t h lUI .- I I ,(fUiI. Tb(>" IbUllt s tand ltr h im",-IV 811... _" 1" ng..up C 'rile -ala Ln d t h e n ewsl1nvers eRn fln" to w rite 01_ nt' . abo ~ t.
:11, -.', 1<..' .
.l " ..
or \\
H hodl e-Say , 10e, der e's ou o! de b ost pl ac s d ilt 1'5 0 got on m e rou te. .Joe- You d on't say ! Ilhodl e-Y ",p, d em p opl a al ways buy s d r e W (loo sawed Hnd IIpll L
lIenllh Is th e greatest or ull )).OSl<('8· sl oo s, · u nd 'U s a m axim with me t hut a hal e cobbl er Is a better m an than a sick lu ng, -B l ck ers taff.
BI r d J ek yll and Hyde.
Th e n tblrd ' Is 0 11 1" nor tb ern mock . ing bird . W holl l ove alluo B It!! voloe, tt can w.n rbl e as tc\ w eetl y !I.S the n ight. In gale. You mus t catch It I n on o 'or Its m elting mooll s tr YO \l wo uld know tho chnrm o f I ts liqu i d not es. It 1s not at 11.11 henu tl f ul- no m ore Is t he m oc'ltin g hinl - oll l y a gray·br own. pr rky, r e stl e~ s t t,l ng, of I S!le r size t hall tit' ~ou l l1 , ·,,!lh th e Boul of so og In It . Th e wO IllI ~' &' o f t h< ca t bIrd Il es, of ('Purse. In thl ~. I l S dunl nntur e, At on e tim It IIOP H nbout 8 1' 1' cc llin g COlli' fl l nlJ\ t ~ lIg'UIIl SI th o cl rcu lll alll lJl ent al l'" at II1l 0 Ll (' I' th er ll tltJ'OUJ:l out f r oIU I~ .! el lcnl e t hroa t t be ' s" enco of a dl vl ue m ol od y.·- Phllad etpbia Prest<.
Loss of Appetite \V bich is eo ('ommon In thl! ;opri ng '\I' upon t he retu rn of WRrrn wetlt l",r, iH Illss of \' itu lity , vigol' or t one, unll i. often a f ur erHnnel' of prostrat i nlC di",,,"o, It is ser ious (lnd Cl! p c' i ll ll ~· 8 ,) t ~ 1'('0,,111 t hat must keep up lind doing or [{c t, IJ'~ hinllhand . Till! hest medicine to inlw ( oJ r it i. Iho greut ~n8titu t i o llJl l remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla \V hich p urifies Ilnd enricbes tlo' lolunt/ nue! builcill up t he whole sysLem. Cl't i t todllY in usual liqUId f""lll or cllOcolnt cd tablets called 9areotabe.
V ict ims Among Every ,Age and Condit i on.
- - - -- _._.- ._ -
Don't Persecute-your ,Bowels
Of nil tpe dlse'dses of the sk i n and Rcn l p w hl c'b t or t ure ond dls flguro DIan· J,i nd, thre9· fourilis aro e{."Zcmat oue, Mill i ons or e bom w i th e cz oma. and it Is th e only thi ng o t her mill i on s hn.ve l ef t when IOtly dl~ . N g l eet I n Infancy and c hlldllood, I IT i tating 'ondltions at· f ect lJIg ilie sk in , i g norance of I ts r enl n aWn' , i m p ro p r r emedies nnd mans 0 1h!.'r cou ses tba t m i ght b men tion ed BId:~'" ~ .. .a'lli- bow. h a ve cr at od un ecze ma. w hich, wit h Small Pill, Small DOlle', Small Price' vnJ'y(n '" s verit y , b as am l cted count· l ess numbers dlul ng t heir onUre Jives. Genuine ...... -. Signature l!:m: rna Is a skI n dIs l.BO. I t Is not TOgl1J'cl eu n s b er d l m r y, n or contagi ou s, aI.ld Is h nparUIl lly dlst r lbu te el among , b e rich nnd poor, th hlgb and l ow. rh e agonizi ng itch ing and burnIn g or I h sk In , cau s1:lg l oss of sl eep, Is usual· Iy t he most d Istr ess ing symptom nud Is 'a us d b t t h e lJurstlng or IItl lo v esi cles and be co mp~lI~d to pa y t o y our landlord most your h ard·earned profite? Own yO\lr ow n fill d wit h an acri d l1uld , w hich burns f a rm. 8 ecure a F reft H omesl e.ul I n ns with lire t be denud ed skin N ew Ma n it oba, 8 u1ult c hewnn or A! b~rt~, o r !luroh" • • vesi cl es f orm, fill and bu rst, scal es la nd In o ne of the.., for m upon sca.1 s, and crusts upon dJatrlct s and bftok n 2 . 0 ' 11 of $ IO.O() o r cr ust s uIIlll disfi gurement 18 ad d ed to ~1 2 .00 .0 8 c r . t orture. eve ." )Ie . ... L an d p u rch Dot<1 J Ouo o f th most au ce~ r ul t r eat · y ear'''10 at 110.00 nn Dc r e b lls • ., c en tl y m en ts for eczem a, wbetbe r' applied to o h a n lfe d ~ a t lhe y oun gest Inf an t or t h e ol d st per · 125 00 0.0 ao re. The orop_ljfTown OD the- I., 1l 0ll , Is hot b atb s w i th GuUcura Soal) I . n d. Wan'aot the and gen tle anol n tln gs of Cutlcura oint. .d.aoee. You caD m ent. For m ore thn.n a generati on, t h ese pure, sweet and ~e ntl e em011l· ents hnve proved the m os t e mclent by"attler.lalnr;dal.,.lntr.mlxed farmlq &lid .raln w! owl nl In agents In the s peedy and p ermanent the IM'Ovloc" 'of lII.altob •• relief of all forms of eczem as, rasbes, S......cb.... aad Albert., Fre. bOID • • lea" .... pr• • I tcbln gs and Irr l taUoDa o f t h e sk1n and "'~~I&I._Ptlo. a ..... a . w~1I a . I .. nd scalp. Althougb Cutl curn soap and to! held b7 rall"!'ay and land com, panl ... will proYlii. lao ...... oint m ent are sold by druggi sts and lor mllllo... d eal er s every w h ere, In · ord er tbat Ad ••labl. eon. 1a•• Ubful cilmilll.. APlllDdld aClhool1l those who bave Buffe r ed long n.nd .... Cllaarclae ••• _" nolIW~ •• "OT u n ler.'· ...1<1., d Jlllcri lY e bopel essly and who bave lost faith In IIIe ... ta~lAlt BNt r,0ll, ' b1r" ever y thin g mny make trial of them ~II~':, "rt%"~~~~'t ~~~r. w ltbout charge, a liberal sample of r.~~':a~-, Oanad . , o rtot.be ao".mmentAJeo" eacb will he DIalled free to any ad· CMUUIIIMIIIIIIIJ mY dress, togeilier with a. 32·page p'a mpb· ..... ..... , T_ _ l et , giving a d escription and treatment I • of t h e various forms of eczema., U w ell as other , affecUoos of t he skin. scalp, hall" and hands-8eDd to "OuU· ~~~ CRANlILATED ITCHING utis eura," Dept. W. Boston. CAN BE CURED
. ~~~
Why Rent a Farm '
·aacome Rich
" W~y
Of Courae. are hOLe l bellboys called 'But,
STOll DbeamntlsmmNttllltaWatatloo Jr.IDN&VD It Y IWbere .. , _110 ...,_ _, __- . ....
tons l' " "Because t bey're alw ays olr when you n eed 'em most."
-80ldl......• and 8.. 110....• pen.lon uppllML!ooe ..... W. II:.1Jrown, UIA a tll_t, Wu bIOII<.... u. n.
u~jn8 SYRUP ~rIGS o.nd
tl ~ Jldlll.JA:IKli(4i1:lIUu ,THE ,Pl\INTED STRAIGHT ACltOSS,N£AR
. < ~INI THE ~llICU.N£AR ~ONLy. TO. OF !VERy ONI 51Z& FOR IAl&.ACKAG£.O;TH£ BY AU. WDING '!:!!J.~~I!~I
I)IlUGG&lft: ,
NCiUL.U PlllCE lOr ft.Il
aonu.. '
' ,
aaby Teethes on ,the Table. "We are call d Ujlon to r p.Blr all ktnds at damages," a tllm ltur tI aler tbe other day said. " But the most puzzling d fae ment I v I' SO.W WIUl that wblch 'appeared on n b auU ful mabogany table brought In for refill Ishlng. All nrouDu · II II margin w re row s of Bernt '!lell and small Indenta tions whIch were har.1 10 explain, us the tnbl e wu.s olb rwlse ulllnjureoi. " 'What happ neci to It ?' I nsked wben Ibe Qwnl'r cam In . .. 'We ll,' s ho repllod, '.the bnt, y In· s lsted 011 c utting lJiH l I't ll arollnd the edge ot I t. Of co ur e. It was rather expens lv , but wo both think tUl'r Is nolhlog too good tor tbe baby.'''
There Is No Dallzer Whatsoever in Operating Burner oj This Variety Provided Ordinary Care Is Trav ling through the slate at Iowa Exercised-Common Errors. th other dllY, and Iov,'a I s no xcepThe ulle ot gasoline to d evelop I ype at burner and Is '11 pable at a "S ILVER SPOON" BEN BUTLER beat for brooders has mony points to wider rau ge ot tern perature, Illat Ie. commend It to those who raise [loul- It cun be turned very low ror use In Br.cauac Mme. Hatch Would Not Take tryon a fairly large scale; the BYB- mild we/Hher or ~ 1\1 gl,c a flam e Oath of Allegian ce Her Silverware te rn Involves brood s of 200 chlel(B. so 8uffir.lently large to mnlntal n lhe WlIS Confiscated. tbat It Is llOt nu Jt sblc for those who Ilrl' pe r temperat ure und r tho bovc r wben It Is below zl'ro outside. The Lave onl y small hotd1 01l. . A '::1' at my&tl'ry has ('xlst fl d ror Tbe prin Cipal ndvaTll or:cl' In using burner selec led should bav but one many years ov.'r I he way I h lat Gpn . coalrol va lve . all It Is loss l' omilli cnted lic njamlll I". J)utl~'r sec ured Ih l' nllme alld lellll like ly 10 dOl!;. of "I:'lilvor SpCO!l " Bu tl e r. Tho dta,rv;e Slncfl Ihcoro Is onl . one flame to 200 hus Iwe ll Sprt'/lt! IJl'onu casl t h.lt ",lH'n chi c les, In s l!'a d of 4 a8 In ttl cnse of UClleral llull c r was In ,'om :mwd at usin g kerosene-healed broode r!! wltb , w Or! IInB durl!'!: Ihl! 'I\'II war he only &0 ('hl<:lt8 eac h. Iho rlt; I, of tire <.:o llflB caterl th e s ilvel' wllI'/l of 1\ rl'sl · I I! redu ced to tha t' e:.; l nt. und any d e nt or that tits, un u. Ind eE'd , Ibn ('ar· oUe Inlelilgent enough 10 be t ru sted ! nonlatB oft!.'n lJiC'lnred him WI n(lng with Ite roae nc-h ul cd hroc,I(' ('s ea n I,bout with sliver spoons sli cking OUI lUa:lago gasolin e-heat tI c)!lCS . witb .. f hit! pockel I'i, t; llec\all y dur ing t bc e quul 8n fety . gl'lI rol 'B Inl'mombl e polit 1('11 1 ,' am · Tbo ('ammon poinl s of error whl h IlfllgnB. Hut (\. e suggestions II I WHYS result diSA s trously n rc : allowing too hll\O lackcd sl>ec lflcatlonl!. I Will! mUII much gllaolillCl to run into the gener· INcd luto th 1,;lglltll V l'TTiont ill ll(f; ~ . ating ~ up; a[lplying 8 mal('h to the Till' l'I'ginlt'llt was sblpll d lllhl er g .ltera tlng c tip beCore !he ('ontrol !:'~'!\ l e <.l urd e rs n nd lund cd a ~hlll valve Is closed; ntl('mptlng to li ght il; I:lnd. Th e r(1glm rat WAS unu I' Ih tb e burner nftcor il has blown out In ,. U1maud or G ·n ernl Butler. lIllll I d sarno munner a nd lha bottom oC the Irom Ib (;1I1r of 1'o!c:: I,;0 up the :'1 Is· bU rli er box Is "ov r .d with gasoline . HI 'SI/l(:1 r lvel' h)' Admiral "'ll'I'a/;,:t's All or tho above slJol! ld b e c nreru\ly flt)et, 111111 WII S HgaSl d in hu rd fi~ht· avoIde d . ill~ a~ I'orhl J ackso n a lld HI. 1'lI lll1p Gascll ne Heater for Brooder, Til e burn r sbould nlw a ys bl) lut" eo!d It tlt CIl en !,:!g' d In Ih' ultac k on th e dty uf New 01'1 :t.n s, which was cup· gaSOline mther Ibnn It e roselle arc to OUl und Ih" wh ec l \' ol\'e ('Ios cJ w hlle III red. Aflf.r rCllluln ln j:'; In th lJ I'Ily accu re Il blg he r IOl1lpe rntur a when tbo t a,nk i8 be ing 11I 1<!d. To light th~ lit r e wel 'kll, my r j:';lmellt wus anI rcd DC ' rl 'r! without forcing tb(~ h ut I' < nd burner oneu t be \'oh'o nn d allow til to fill III J!et e !'ullng CliP 10 Algio' r li. Ull lit o oPfloait slda of tltt· to save time uncI la bor by having on e ga ~ olln n early fu'l . tb en cia'\? LiV.lI l ,he , 1l RS lsalfJPi. 111 O('tob(' r a ll l.!tl'('hment broode r bOll se I>ervo tor 200 ch! cks in · IruIn so vel'lll ('o nqlOnl L' ,\~ e l' orde r d stead ot (,0 as Is uSllnll y t 11 ~·as. 10 til s mall tO WI] of (;r 'tnn . It wan Tbe torm of hou sc In whi ch the th e re lith! Ihe 11Il'Id(' llt tbat It'u to tIl<' rm'I'lIltloo of th e sll\' r DpOO IlS a nd l!a80line heate r I ~ uscd l!i ('nl lf' d the (kucrn l Bull r bl' j,:ll!1. On e dllY I de· "A" 1)'J>e or colo u)' house. Thll:! ho use ~s constru ct d 8 r ct squa re. Ins ide d (! cI to have some oru nt\t'a . . There floor meus urem ent. has 12·l ncb side , VIII! n III lilY Qf tll e Jll In Ib l: vldnllY. I \\,1111((,11 II bhGrt dlslal !.' from "Olll\). wulls and Is G foel 11 InchflS from lOp and Iwo ckl 'lI at the <loo r of II 1Il1lltd ion of floor to top of r idge board . It Is In Hnsw c r a F'rPllch c rl'o li ' 'I\JIJN' I'P!l made with Il bevel at each e nd to Hild s uld s h \Va . ml s tr AS 0 th l: Corm run ners or shoes npon whi c h to draw lbo house about when desire d . III II qn. I asl;cu Ii,'r If I ould I ~ a,' Hunllers G In bos lUSh bavo b een 11 few ''b mn ges. Sh sa id : .. y s. " Sh c \)rougbt 111 ' a '1i:L11' to ih e Ilorch fo r used with sntlsfactory results, bllt mc to sit on. A neg ro brou E;hl a I,an more o rten rllllnl'rs 10 or 12 III h s high Ilre used . Tb runn e rs may be IIf ornngcu nnd pluced lb m on Lb [larch. j lt C' lped mys etr, writ s Lle ul. pluced at the Bldea or elld!!. If t he L . W. Bls ~c ll, Eighth V rmOiii, of houseB are to be u Bed In orchnrds, It L ynn, Mass., In tho Natlollnl Tribune. Is advisable to [lin e th e runners on Method of Filling He ~t cr. Aftcr , had en l en all I wanted th tho sides, beca ulle this allows t be house to be drawn b etween the rows hldy, Mme. Hutcll, ordered Rnothel' gMoline nnd a li ow it to burn out . ,tan or ol'llug s brought, alld told lU I:' or trees with less danger ot striking. Open the con trol vu lve nnd holl1 R to com evcry day. B Cor I left M lUe. The greatest of CU I' should be exe r· lighted ilia tch over the tl: P of tbe Hlttch s how ' d roe hE' r poultry and cised In Installing the gas olloe b eat· burner . 'rhls wlll gl\e :1 b right · blue. lumbs, I\Dd ·sald they w ra \ ' hnt her er, as any loose-Otti ng conoe'Uon co no-sbaped Ilume. which shonl cl husbu ntl , who waa a 'olon ' l In tb e· wou ld causo leokag or gases into the n ever be turned so high as tCl show Con fed crnte nJ:my, lived on. and that bover. Tbe torm at burne!' that ha R red. fihe se nl him some wben vcr she been found the most satisfactory Is See that Ih )Jause s nnefs le ve \. If I hought tha t h WOB hun g ry. one that gives Ii. cone-sha ped blnze it Ups forwnrd th c :;asollne wblch t waB glvcn e'hurge oC a suga r plan- dlrecled up luto tho radiator. Instead would flow It the flum e s hou ld be ex· t.nllon some distance '1'0111 cam p, which or be ing sent o ut In j et s at rig ht an- tlngulshed would r m a in h~ I he burn· Ul l'! gov.}rllm e tt had tak en. \, Ith a ,;1"9 to tbe burner. It gl\,es moro er box . Never li ght I" burne r while 'omr:Hle, .John A. B nmard of tbe complete combustion than the cap tbere IB gasoli n e or vapor in tbe box, 'I'wonly-s l)(th Mu sllucbuljett s , I hnd to ';0 out -to thls...plnntrrtlon on 11
tloo 10 th e s tory about to be rlllated, the writl'r was Rhown u farm tbut was offe rcd lhre ' years a go for $260 an acre. That apllearetl to b e a hlgb fig· ur for . lund up on which. th e owner de pend I'd upon lit crups of corn, h ogs Rnd ca llIe t hat ('Quill be r:Ll sed lIpon It. Dut It wasn·t. A C w w e k H since Ihe fnrm l:lIallge d hand s nt $325 an ncre. OVE'I" III ]I\ino!s, down In In· Death. From Wild Beasts In India. diana, up In \ Vlsf'ons in, a c ross the Wild beaRts an r! Bnnlces we re tbe lin e in M IIlIJ('sotn, th~ Bnm ex pe rl - cn ll se of ~ 1,!J04 d ath 8 In In dIa In en c wn A J1lf't wllh . A nu th en atten- 1!l08. Tlge rB 1\iIlNI UOO peolll" , lop, Uon ia dl rN'l r d to C'an:llla, wilich hUR al'ds 302, WOI VPB 269, otbp!, wild uulbeen th e l\I I'('CIl of so mnny hundred mul s GSG, and SilO It s 1!I.738 , whll J\o II Sfl 1111 Am l' ric!am; during lb e l>ast 17.92() wild anima ls nnd 70,494 'mukes faw YCflrs . :': 01 onl y in Eaiil e rn Can- we>r d stroyed . ad a lI us tbC' flr lC'p of IUlllls illc,rpnscd, but. In W I'. I 'ru C'11ll81l!1 . duri ng the Gnrfielr! Ten. H 'I'h rl'ntrdy . rlYCrCOmCR 1H\f;t r('w \l' C'('I{ s, Cnr m l unds IIlwe In· CCllIsli l'nl iOll, i1101 i)(cHti n 1I1l,I Mid h~ad lt ttt' . . re·Rserl fr oUl t il rep to fi\' (' do ll nrs an 'Ve nre Inte reste d In othcl'R when acrE', wit h I hf' p rOBJ1C(' t of 8 s imilar sdvun e durinA' I h I' nE-xl three monlhs. tb ey nre illtf'I'(>I1II 'cJ lit u8.- l'lIbliuB Th e r f':tRo n COl' Ihi R Is v('ry upparent. Syrul! . nnd In n 1f'W word s It rnoy b e pointed out that tb e> lanu " nr wor lb a gre at deo I mom t hilI) III preflE' nt prices . Thl' Northw c" te rn Agrlf'u ll uriRt of Minn eapoli s. a pupe r Ib a t wnn onc or the flr I or the A T1erien n farm papers 10 dI 5('.0\·er Ih e r etl l ml' rltB or tbe lo nd s o f M:lIlltuba, Sa slwl.<:h W2n and AllI NtU . RnYA : "Tile r o>C'l pl'oc llY ached· l.!~ , ule wflltld O(,Oll ra"E' Amf'rir' un fnrruers t o mo" !' 10 ('a nada . w it 1'0 t he " lr' l gin soli III pro,l u.-e gr :1 1 r ('raps of ' grain \l'llh I 56 la\.)01· (IHI Il (' till b e pro· I du f' d in 0111' ow n Ca rmR In the 1\orlll\\,p s t. Th e J'( 'sli it will b e 10 cnhnnr'e I I I ' . " " I....... III1" .. IIII"" ... IIII .. 'UIIU " .,'IIIIIIIIIIIII. lun d "alII B in :wad a ,''' Thi s pa per ALCOHOL-,J PER CENT Is afrnlrt land v:ll ues In C'ul1lldn will be A\~dable Preparalion for Aspnhan ' d III Ih e xp n e or Innd simila'ing Ihe Food and Regulavaltl P!'! III lilt' lAnlted Stales . In face ling Ihe S lomachs and Bowe15 of of th (' fne t t lla t lan d v:du A III the 1 nltf'1l !'Sta t s are Inc r cll ~ ln g; tit - r ea· sllnlng 1" ' 0 rc' Iy h ol ds . Tb e r aso n for anndl nn tIt 8 <1\' :1 11 (' In \'altt f! of Promotes Djs~stion,Cheerrul Innds I partl y n CC'fJunted from the ness and Rest.Contains neilher fact, nc\ mlttcd by this pap cr. that an· Opium, Morphine nor Mineral ada'R virgin soli will prouncfl "greate r OT'NARcOTIC crop s o( gmln with I SB In l'or," But -~...;...-.--P"'P' q;()lrI OrsdKflEurrorUl tbnt Is not. Ihe olily r eason. DurIng tlJ e past I \\, f' 1\'6 m onth s 320,000 p eo· ~ Abi.!'.""• • ple he \'e lU nd nn:Jda th e Ir hout an d ~A.II.!..N6 .. th 6e nl'(> mostly of t be farm ing class. i'S"'I. , ,'lit/itt Tbey WUll t fa r mf;, aud tb e d mand a8 ,,,,_ .f..J well a s the weu ll h ot the soil Is I' gul'(.,,;t;;d J'~~ latlng tb e pr\('C'. A study or the In· w;".",.." 'FI"v6r ... c reaso In the a reage of land put unAperfect Re1T'edy for ~onstlpa·· dol' cro p lu st. year, wbl h can be bad lion , Sour Stomach,DlarrhOea, Cram ony nnadian gove rnment r epre· Worms ,Convulsions ,feveri~h s entnllve, will prove th e point, that !lIe d em and la Increasing at II. greater ness and Loss Of' SLEEP. ratio I han v n tb e most sanguIne , Tile Simile signature o~ 'l'ollld bave predicted.
Crippled by Tuberculosis, AcConllng to a rece nt r eport by Dr. ('ollrarl DI sa laki ot n rllll , there are 75,00 ('rippl eR In the (1 r man empire UUI of a population of GO,500,OOO. Over fiO ,OOO of th A c rip ples ar In n ee d of proper treatm e nL Doctor Bles alskl s lAt B I hat In 1'5 pe r ce nt. of the c rlpplea (>xamille d. t llel r de formity was elu 10 tub I'culosis oC tl) a hones anel jOints. 011.1 that ther were lO',OOO s uch chlltlr 'U In g l' at n eed of med Ica: ' treatment. lie ail vOt~llt s th e eBtabIIs hm en t of Sf-aside sanatoria for thIs ' 'Itt l' <'Ia 8 of c rippl es.
J'(,lI1erlic8 nrc bC6t!
Buy the l..eonard Cleanablei Unl'd wilh I •• fpored.bl ~~ ,htetaleel. all ono p leCft. lief ('f Kit or crcvire f... hide. You (tIn 'l hr.ak, mer ii, ellSiI, " .. nod dith, nina .. alb
bookl.t ..,d
(lOrttlain I iall,.
RAPIDS REJo'RIGF.RATOR CO. .'"'J!3 Clydl) I'uk Avw"" Grlllld JUoida. ..... ---------~
PATENTS ~~~;:~:'~:~~'?I~ :.n P~~~r.:; J(lt~J(<1r.. hl A Co .. lk)1' K, WIU .. l: t.on, D. a.. ll
CASTOIIA For Infants and ChIlctreD.
The KInd You Have Always Bouihl Bears the Signature
In U'S8
For Ovef ' Th'irty Years4
DISTEMPER-:~~:p~:;'F!~O ....., nr··tap'...
,,:~It~ aOft flf:~~~':,'U~~u:J~)C::f~r;r'I' bo«~ It~~I~1:••.~O:='~'~a:':': &,~J:,.~t....:db8:~ 7.0~:-:''i'~~~:,;,,:::::,ll.:.J.ell\ ror~oll . .'lfr .. - l e t , ~
SPOHN MEDICAL CO,. afaho1~\~l~:I~':. 60SHEII. 1110" U. S... !
- - -----,,----
ltQ & '4 SHO'ES Io.:~ '2~&O '3 '3·_ • DOU81~. Spring Styles inchlde more Snappy and Up-ta-Date Shapes in Oxfords and High Cuts than ever before produced. 1876
\V . 1•. ))IIOgl88 warrant/! evory pllir of his 8hoes to hord thoir 6hal)e, look Ilnu lit botter 11IIU woa.r longer thaI) a.ny other IIIAIIO, giv ng YOIl boLter VIlIIIO Cor tho 1I10 1lllY than you can obtalu elsowhero.
I7rBEWARE OF .UBB7ITUTU.-,a The cenul"" .. avo
L. Dnul/rln8 nnroo nn.) . ,lle 1'Ctnlt .prJee "IAmped ,-n th" ""ltom, whic h A"1lIOrl\ntoo8 rnl! "nlue and prnt<tut,. I.he "'<1"""1' ..",.. I,,"t hllth "rloo" n ... llnf<1rlut' RhOOfl. ,4')1]
Bovs' SHOn
wi tt' "hn s:.'f'tnl1l1e W.l k I)OI1t(hu,ljhoeA, , ...ilA)
MP.dlterrnneans, and they arc we igbt, ODd of 'good meat quality tor the table IlIld egg-laying capacity. The email or tor sule. It IB not 80 much tho benB. of which the Leghorn Is a type, breed of chickens you keep as tbtl will lay tbe most eggs, but they 'figure way you keep them. Tho Illustration ver,} IIgbtly trom tbo meat Btand- shows a prize-winning Single-Comb ed pOint. Tbe largeBt breeds do not lay WhIte Leghorn. so mAny eggs, but wben you come to Green Bone Is Valu.ble. eat or Bell one the weIght countB. Gree n bon c fed to growIng chickens 'rbe ,American breeds, ot whIch t1Ht Plymouth Rock IB a type, are splen· as wel1 aB to fu ll grown fowls Is 9 did chlck"DS to keep. They will lay valuablo crentor of blood, muscle and more eggB tban the very henvy strenglh, and It canno t be beate n ur. breeds, although not so many aB tbe an egg producer . Wben It comes to the selection of a
)reed. one must decide betwoen weight
AROIDS MAKE FINE EATING A.a FOoct Staple They Are Decair~l&ed in. E ·very SecUOQ 0/'. Troptc:a- 'i!:xpertmeat& . bUll. South.
In temperate . oou,ntriea · little
found that lhey can b e! successfully grown on lhe lowlands or almost any chnracter, regnrdless of tbe quallt.y 01 thc Boll. An a cre ' produccs from fit· t.een to twenty tons annually III less expense tllan a (' rap of t>ot:l;toes aD t.bo sume land . All a food the Brolds nre just ns :1ourlshlng aB . th e tllmlllar tuber and are saId to be as good to eat nnd l\8 adaptable to various styleB .ot' COoklug, 'There Is no. r(!aaon why iihould nOI ' I~mlt this 'economic pt'odilct Into' OUI l-ata1ogue ~r. t~dstutrfJ ,r Its ~ltUrt works out as suceeosfully ' as lhe ex· perlmenters ' now b~lley,e 'It Wil,. .
1Iu·.... ·....sa·.4 '
~~.r Unlet <a:~~' J!~~·I=:Lill'l5,...r~~~~Aj\~~' :.fr';';'~.;~I,t .~'!!!!~ 12.00,t2,806$3.00
t' , O-ld - tW -- - - ~1.unllry sil de~ eavedr. 1\1 ra ... e BBn. 0 guon, age HevenII ty -f1ve yearB, who runs four looms In or Wanted to Know. t.he weaving depnrtm e nt oC the Yorl M1Btress- Are you fond of children? I Jltailutacturlng co mpany . lit Sileo, lOO,OOOpeopJe laRt yc:\r used NursemaId- Nope. Are you? M.e., and claims tbe d.lstlnct.lon of be · Paxtine ·T oilet Antiseptic .. . Ing the oldest wenver in Ibe United . Rore Thron.t lilt nn trlfllnll: n,lm~nt. It ttates began work In this Illant 6r. TIll! n cw toilet gcrmlcltlc powder mny (,Rrl'Y ri)Ben st' llf'rmR to Any pnrt 0: ' dissolved in wnter as needed. lhe 110r!v throllllh the foor! you cat. 'Vheu years ago the mIddle at this monl.b. For 11.11 toilet IlDd ,hygienic 1IBe8 it Ia VOll ({'('I sore throat COmiDIt on , use Ham· I . - - -- , botter nuel more cl'onomieal_ lins WiZllrd Oil. Constipat.ion slowl.,' ill1pnir" the Il:rn!!r:!1 I!l\ve Ill}'" bClnlUry the henlt,h- Gllrfield Ten Ol'ret!ls cUIl~tipl\t.i"n TotceLll, rllmove !,arta" 1111(1 "" • Words are . wIse men'B coun~erB; l and benelit~ the entire! ~YBt(,ll1 . . prevent d ecny. , they do but reckon by th e m. but they I To disiufed tho mouth , deare the money or tools.- Thomns Ignorance at 04e's misfortune Is I stroy dhsen..o;o g<'l'ms, anti Hobbes. clear guln.- Eurlpldes. purl (y t h o breath. . '}'o Iwop arti ficinl tcet'l and bridgework c1enn, oi1orlol>ll ']'0 romove ni cotino from the iectJ~,:aaiJ purify th e brca.th afte r f;wo.hing. _ 'I'o eru.dicat p e rl! plmLion Wld Ixm,;v , ()(lol'H by tlpon~1 lmth III If. 'rho botlt nlliiscptic W(\,tlh Icomvn. ne ll VCH nnrl st.r(mgthenfl Urea, wellk.• The People'a Common Senae Medical Adviaer, in PI.iD inflnme.lcyc"f. (f enls Rorl! th ront, 'l'rOuP<b5. Bagli.b; or Medioi.a e Simplified, by R .•V. Pierce, M. D., nnd mlV!. 25 1\11,1 !In ctl'l. II. hr)x. arn~,Iri Chief Con.ultiDg PhYlician to tbe Invalid,' Hote! IDd S..,.· or by ·....mll post.pl\id. ·Sn.mlllc Frc~ .lIicaJ ~n.titute .t Butrra\o, " book cf 1008 .Iarlle palle. and THE PA)(T,ON TOILET CO"B08TOft, _ _ over 700 iIIustrstion., io French cloth bindinll. to any _ I'!nding 31 oae·ceDt . Itamp • .10 cover COlt' of wrapping and mailing .. Over 68O,UOO copieA 0' lbi. complete ' Family Docior nook were sold In cloth bindinll at regul!\r . A Country School price of $1.50. AJlerwllrdl .bout t"o .Dd : 0 ·h.1i million eopiel were !liven a".Y" .bove. A new, up·lo·dote reviled edition is DO" fetid" for . mailing. Gir.l$ in New York City Be~er aend .NOW, before .U are' IIODe, .Add ..... : WOIlLO'S DICrllNUay Best Fealure, 01 COUIII" and Cit'; LUe Ml!DICAI: AssoCIATION, Dr'-R. ·V. Pierce, P~.ideDt, S ...lo, N. Y. . Oul-of-ll oor Sporta on Sellool r.ill; o~ 'au 1l '\'CH near I he Hullsl) ll Rly4J1'_ , .: DR. PIERCE'S 'FAVORITE . ),' \11/ A mId _lltlc Ollr050 Crom Prl..mw·. ~ · C
Instead of Liquid Antiseptics Peroxide
known of pol, maltUlg~/ ' a oto, yet the tubers froID which t~elSe . dlBhes are made, all '-t,t tbe. 'ardf4' family, r:eal~Y teed h "many . peOple ' numerically I as wJ1,ellt.. or. rice It ,. '. iJd. 'A.• •a · foqd. staple ·tl!.eY· are ~f.aed· I~ ·eye..,. 8eCUUQ K ·the tropic., ud ··b~.e " '-<Ideal /Hen Run" mote at them ~ be 'ratsed ' ~ the. AD, Ideal plac~ for hens tb Ml,D . In ~~------of peopte. ln the ' .cre ·thaD. pQtatoe... 'the qrU:ulturaJ. co!J1iec:UQn With. the ben hoU8,!, II t<be , . .ce.'tV. who' dODt.'t Ima· depaitmeDt ,tUe . HeeD . ~mel1UJ1& ,lb84 UDder tbe::bartl where the. cow. KID'II ·'1l1l11U' al'e .BOOd _~J'8,. "'hen tbo In the aou~enl IIt:ateII wttll 'fUlOb hue been fed. They pick up maQ ti1uI~ ; ", . ' , _ _.. 01 ill...........4. It. do w~ ~tb .l1Icb • ra..... · I.
book/ett elllwh, .....t.foriL
111- 1
\l'u yn I'0tout. COIOJloHCri ofH"'I'L ,not dnlisl
was vel'y wann and I decided to ~top at Mme. Hatcb 's lind get some Baddlo hor8cB. Sbe Ion ned us tbe horseB, aud wh e n we returned them sbe would accellt no pny. She spread the table and got us 80motblng to eat. She did such kindness to mnny UnIon sol· dlcrs, and nursed some who were sick in bel' own home. General Butl er pasBed a decree tbat nll llersons at clghteen years of age should come to his b endquarterB and take tllC~ oath of allegiance to tbo United States. When Il Clune the turn of Mme. Hatch, she told hIm she waa Mme. Hatch, and absolut ~ly r e rused to take the outh, declarillg she would die Orst. General Butler then de· c1ared thilt her silverware should be conllscated. Fro orde r d 'Major Strong, his chief at Btatt. to Ije!,! that the orde~ was carried out. The major went to th e mansion of Mme. Hatch and, In respollse to his comma'nd, she brought alit her s ilve r plate II.nd a large quantity ot silver Bl100ns. He left lhe' ros't ai'nd toolt the spoons. . . , . . For ber klnd.n e'ss to 'Unlon soldie rs, M1he: 'Ffatch had beCOme very popular om,o us ·our boys, and w,ben the • .,000 ' affair atid \.he story of Mill.e . a.teh'. experience <with General Butler .became 'known, he ""as -caJled . "Sliver Spoon" Butl~hrOughout t)1e army ~ere~ftef. '.
" ... 111 /lOOn become a ,·u•• mdliDe.' dilea,a br."dtnr thIn.. 0",.,...
& Catorrbal t~ s .... "J>OIIlu.~p..,nllu.o.nonl&tleTIloWbo.-& •• tor .... """"" ... I.C~u td . l!lnu o ntbalu/llfUa l.cl.o"\ho·DlOO<I",.. O - i ..,... ... 1 ~)llOnOQ8l!:rD"jrromtbObodY . C:Ure .. Dllrtem~r In Dc?tnt Qn."~pane:~"
{;nrfleld Ten
i~ dimplr, pure, "en tie ill uet ic,". and
Don'tBuya Common Refrigerator.
I r J our dealfr '~l1not ""PlJly
CASCARETS ]00 a bOll for ere_ lm,,"I. AU drulnrlet", S llUelil aelW to tllo world. MlUloD bo .... a mODtI.\.
~ """.t.s..t..--_ _--
ShOp Talk. Tbe u Btomer «(juil(1 seriollsly>.fin' bow 's your liver today., sor? The BlItcher--Flne Rnd dandy, Mrs. Flub e rl'Y'" li nd ' only Urteen cenll! a pound!
Another Pan Brought.
Mnny '. mtUl goe8 brok&-m ~ -\.hen wealth, Blames hi. ~ says It don't work rJght; bllt all " t.(me It's "is /)owe/so They don" WOItr -liver dead and the whole' 8.1stem,., clogged with poison. Noth1nC ldu.t good, oleo.n-cll~ brain Mt.lon like oem.; IItlpation. CASCARETS will relln_ and oure, Try It, now. .,
Cure for His DY8pepsy. Hognn- Phwat IllU\! B ye s~a ll y all your dlnr.er In two minutes, Orogan? Are yez alln' Oil ' U btlt ? Grogan- lt'R fo r t b good av m e dyspepsy. Molk. Sure th rioctlter tould m 10 rist nn hour afler utin', nud how 19 n.m 01 goln ' to glt the bour of rlR in ou less 01 ale lol ke th e ·llvll ? ..
11 -' .
We Give Away Free of Cos!: I,.
mE 'ONE .REMEDY 'o~ woiliea'. peea&r .......u .ood -ad: th •• iu aakel'l .... aot alnill to prill. 'oa, kit ...... WN!,PU lea nery;.ia.tedieat. No 8eoreb~No Deoepdo.. TaE ONE REMEDY fo .. ~1D.a whicll ClOD.... . . alooliol aD4
'!...... . -
bib(QI'IIlia&. dn,.. . Had.
.. .ep ...1JIIaiaeCl .......
'. '
&0__tiY• . _."';aal ·fOrMt
Orl'ld ulltto ll.
'for Advall("cd Spe 11'11 SlUt Illlts. Mb" "fco nnll Arl . . Slimmer 8ctImUIl. <:el'UOento odmlhl · to · " liege . 9i:b~ &n h ~f) hI 'Day PUt\II!1. IiII1 a.. u41bs na.., liwr" Alt., _ ..
m. SL.'"
". l:::~:; ,,~::C~, "."nd Township Scbool Chamb.er of
:.:,~::~·::S:::'~::'l.::' , ;"t:, l': :'n~";q ' It~
" 111 .. ,. 1 , I
Board fleets · Commerce Outing ha~?:,k I
Illl',l I)n f
\~(Ill r , i\ll~,., n ,'"r;!', I • • trol.,·" ',(, I - - -d II l1er i Thl' 'I'f)\\'n!>hip 'chit I board nW I .\l r ,I Ii 'h ,n,)\\'Htl o w ,s tlll"l\l() l1tl :IV aflprlluClIl in rt.'g'ulal'sessiol1
'r I
'olumbu . , Ohio, April ~!) . t!Hl. II Ohiu i~ wking illterC!!t in Lh an/1'1" "& f .\\I .. ~ " A ItPH l 'ltl ll ,lw"t II The It;,!ud w\.'llL lh l HIgh a la l'gl nllal M u ~' ()u lin~ uf the North Id e ' 11 J1 I HArt h>l :-'111 i 1.11 W .,,1 nt",f I ~ amllil III of bll sint';;s. \laY"ll' l~ t. 01 Challlh r II[ 'omnl rCA uf Columu u: . \11,.,. "",.v" H . ,-~ , ,, 11 .. <1 , ti l ;\1 ,... hills I,, ·i ll~ nlll) \'('d Hlld p:tid . and oU - L() he g ·n .. n Pi l VI ~uf1e:;dtly , May 17th, 1\ I .. j) ~ k l " W" ""'.1,' t,U"'II " " " 1' 1' /'(ILIlillt' lHI ·ines..,. l'estllIJliolls 01 at OIt'li lan g'Y t'ark., Cui umbus, . this \lr (fu ' <,: 1,·. " ,· 11 1 ~p" l1 l th .dl'at h of~lIpl. l·; II. (:olvinw eJ'( ' y(:al' a~ lusl. \Vh ' 11 this year 's Oll t\' · ... d n (\~d>l\' with hi" " li lt t-:li, .1> .. \11 pas ·ed. flnJ lIw !Joanl d cided t u ing' p,ls!:!es into hi sto ry , it is quite C II [)owPtl! plHtl· the ulrair;; of h di~t l'kt in tlw li kely that il will b e I'ecol,!n izet.i a \lr 01111 MI'" fllllll; (',) ,, 1; nlld hand s uf ~ li ~s I'earl 'olvin until the a, Late In ~ tilution, l( be looked f o rd, naht l' MU\1 lh , "'"ro' ,."til l " j," "ol ~ I\I"I.' llf tl1(',,('hool y ·a r. wunl to Iii t hc Stak Fair and uthe l' II.\' 1r lind 1111''' ~'rll fl k I lrl kill 1I1lt! Tltl' laX kvy fol' t hl! Yl'llI' was not simila r evenL'l. f ,tlnily lit :-'unlill .\· Mill lll' I' mad,. all his nweting , but it will l" Last year the mayors o f central MrH W,dtHr 1',, '\ulI n nrl "lIl tl flr d01l1.! a t a cal led ml'p\ ing-. Allmem · Ohio eilies weI' invit d to lh e ou tl'\' were th gl1tl'(!,.1 1 1 II (' 11.Ikin !Jer;; \\,l·re presen t. ing, as th c g· ul.'sls llf th North 'ide tf n o flilu ily . 'I'll' fnll,lwi ng- tCHcher5 we re em- Chamu er of 'ommer ce . This yca r , :ollwc:rrd f tim thi" YI (,lnll,· IItl t>1l I pl"ycd in the nam mayon; of \11 Ohi o Illes ar b eing d (Ii :;t r iet~ : ell I,b" fUll n d 'I" ' upt ',01 "'11 Fn invit't1, al'u all Postma s ter s and Ed' Hel n ~ lc lure .... ... ... .. .... ·Distric t ,j d IV . itO l'S in the latc, and with them the Mr UIlI' Ch ., n·l\\, pI h W"l1t t ,) ,I . " I - Lu cil e Cornel l ...... .. . ....... .. .. I otlicial :;ofall 'ha m be l's of omm erce .) lo w Spring" 10th ... t o ", oi l'll fn r ,11I1Il 1'!' Olla t rawn .......... .... .... .. Boa rl IS IIf l ' ra dcan tI ot Il e I' com mpr.. Eth 7 I St ,kes .... ...... ... .. ... . Z·I\ by tl ll' m O il I h . cia I ant! bu siness o l'ganiza tions. If Fleano r Earnha r t ....... ..... .. " 1:1 ----Ma ry Dav is ...... .......... .. .. .. G t he accepLlinces thi!:! year are in I roOrego nia. portion to those of a year ago . pracAlma Wat rh Oli 5> ........ .. .. S tically eve r y counly in th e Slate will H C'l1 ri ita rcl\inse y .. ..... .. 1 () be represe n ted. Mr . n n(l Mr" . \ f'llt·~ " :'v1 nt .. , ,If 'nl - - - -... -+ - - l umbus, ,.pent !::innduv willi relut iYetl Anothe r f eature looking to t h e AN OLD TIMER h e re broad n:ng ()f th Stute's inte r s t will be lh pr esence of the school Mr nn 1 Mrll . Gnor!!t' ~u kAt' PU! Wal ter Smith, whilEi ou t afte r chi ld r n A year ago pupils fr 111 t,Hr tnlned rl'lll l lvt>1I .1' 0 111 Mo rrow mu hroom s Monday on the Upper the chools of onl y a few contral Ohio SllnrlIlY:. " . • prillg boro pi ke , found a land tUI'Mr ~Igl"", .1f X ' Diu , Wit S ID town I .·tl th . 't ' I lOS cities 'N reas kerl to com . Thisy a r te\\,l 1 Inl la s . P ., 18'8" 0 it is propose d to dist ribllle fl' e t ickI "~t we ~ . ~ . ' It is euppos d to be the initials of e ts to the PU I ils of the scho Is of all fhe C . .~~ . !lociety of t Ml UB I amI. Pugh a it \\'as foun d in t he ohure l, WI ll ob,,~ ~v AII'll vers tll'Y ' territo ry whe re he former ly lived. cities within 100 miles of the capital o y Snndnv eve~lnll, MIl .V 71·h. i turtle \vas not a.very large one. city. W)rd WlLS reoA lven hare aodllY, ' The 'd ' 't e ver al comm itt es are hard at Itnooun otng t·h e death of !:iurry WII. consl ermg I age. work arrang ing de tails of entet'ta inIIon,at Oll.yton. Mr Wilson forme r ment for all these visitol's -espec ial .. ly made his h nme in tU e l'ur tlo Iy t he childl'£ 'n-thaL will eclipse even PARIS H MEETING Creek neigbh orh ood. the hig h mark set la t year. ---~.~The annual parish meetin g wa It is practic ally certai"l that that X ENIA M,\N DIES held in St. Mary' s church Mond ay' great Ohioan transpl anted to In· evening . The reports as read sho w diana- fo rm er en ator Albert .1. George Engle, the X' nia florist, conditi on to be very satisfac tory. Beverid ge, who was b orn in High· died at his borne there Sunday a t ter- The followi ng warden s and :vestry land County . will be t he speake r of noon. Mr. Engle was known to were elected for the coming year: the occasio n. The comm ittee in many of our flower-lovers in Way nes- W. H. Allen, s.mior warden ; J. H. charge has not leal'Oed what the ville, as he would brillg his wares Colema n, junior warden ; E. V. speake r will speak about, but he h as fo r sale here every Beason. F uneral Barnha rt, D. L. Crane. L. A. Zim- been in Canada for everal weeks , at .pis borne today. In termen t in merma n and O. J. Edward s, vestry· 'stud>,in g the recipro city questio n at Xenia cemete ry, men. fir3t hand, fro m the Canadi an s tand · point . a nd it is ex pected that he w ill make his first pub lic addl'e'3S on t h;s impor tant subjec t at the North Side Chamb er !)f Comme rce outing,
... -
[~~~~!~?~l~] Will Keep Mail \
nil priceo at n.,n·
MI'!i. I· runk Prall las t wel'k.
Edwlird' Do t('r , of Harvey burg, C mrnenCl:'ment prcs nts in a bun· dan' , at. J . J..:. ,1anney'' '. George Dakin, Jr .. of Midd letown . was a " unday visitor here.
St. M~u'Y's Guil d willI meet at the rectol'Y Thul':>u ay afterno oil. Bunn II, of Ridgeville, Monday on busines s.
was in tow n
Mr . and Irs. A. B. Sid es were g ues ls of Dayton l'elalives Wedn es-
Mrs. L. ' . Rhoades visited her parents in Lc uanon several days last week. Miss Cha rlotte Antram h a;; been the g uest of Mr . and Mrs. Geo . Ha rtsock. WI11. Thorpe , of Dayton , was in t wn • ue day shaking hands with old fl'iemls.
STR AWB ERR IES N e w Cabbag e, New . Potato s, AS'Jara gus, I,IcUmbel·s. LeI· t uce. Ra dish . Navel ranI! 'II, L'lIl)Ol1 S, Banana s, TOll1lito el:l: Special Cofl' e ....... .. .. 20c lb. Fancy Prlln 's only l ')' .. ~ lb. Fancy Mui r P~ach·e~,: : :: .. i c lb . P led Peaches, 2 can~ f Ol' ... 25c 3 1bs Kidn ey Bean:> . a call .... .l 0c
in Dayto;1
wns in lown Monday .
Clerks on Jump
Acting undel' orders com in g dir ct I fl'om PO!'ltma ster G ne ral Frank H. Hitchco ck th Wayn sville post-off ice and all the other otfices in t he countr.y will, during t he month of May, count bl' cluSses all ma il incomin g ' and out~ Coarse alt.- The fin~8t you eve r saw; don ' t get hard . bpec iai goi ng a nd keep careful record of the pI'ice pe l' bbl. .. ......... ..... .11.20 t ime occup ied in such handlin g of the mail. The- ru ral carriers will Special Sale of Chocolates count by classes and weigh all the The finest chltcola tes ygU ever . saw: Rold r~gularly at 40c to mail they hand le during the mon th . 60c a puund- a largo purch ase When it is unde rs tood that t here are enabl es us to make a special sixteen sub ·divieio ns of mail that sale of these goods t his week !it have been record ed separat ely, in I 90 a lb. 5 lb. Boxes, 860. th is repo rt, t he g r eat mag nitude of Everyt hing guod to eat at the work will be r ealized . . It is suppo ed that the Post master ZIM ME RM AN' S General is takin!' this method of sup_ plying himself with accura te data for .~~~~~~~~!!"'!'! ~~~~ use in case the presen t war bt!twee n the p ost office dpartm ent and the Notice of Appo intme nt magazi nes t ermina tes in a gelleral Estllto 01 Ell on Ul\klll dccolUled . Tho unin ve.'4tigation. d rslgned hM lIlIOn
.. ---- --
allpolllled lind (l llll!ltlod IIcLmliil8L rnto r wl Lh the will IInnoxed
I\ S
till! OSLl\te ot E llon Dnkln . lawol Warrell Coofllllly,
APleasant Social Affair
O hio . doceBJIoo . DnLet! t h ia 6Lh day or April. A . D . 19 1 t. Edmund RotlllUck . Atlmiul.L rntor Soth W. Drowu. ALtorney
Jacob Hi sey will leave for t he ... DEN TIST..• West Thursd ay, his destina tion being Miss Edith Mosher enterta ined deWas hington . ligh tfully on Saturd ay afterno on "';atloD~t'I}f:J"Jlldg. Wayne sv ille, 0, from half past two to half past five, Subsc ribe for the GIlLette Ml's. J ohn Fromm and daugh ter, of in h onor of her house guests. Mrs Dayton , wpre guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Peterso n, of Monon gahela, J. . Hawke last week. Pa .• and Miss Sara Sellers , of South Charles ton. A deliciou s three· course Mr. and Mrs . Otto Hornic k went ,.,.,.. , . ...,.... ..................... to Xenia Tuesda y to attend the fli- luncheon was served late in the after· noon. The invited guests were Meg.. Ada wtl! be Inse r ted uD(lor th iS hrad ror neral of MI'. Geo . Engle. lweuly 'Uv ce l\l~ fo r three Illsorll "'I" dames Fred Hende rson, J. O. CartwbeD usln.: nOl more lh a u II1'O lin es, f\1i ss Lilla 'Benha m was out of wright , J. B. Chapm an, F~ed White, -.. ..... school Friday on accoun t of illness. F. B, Sherwo od, R~ SmIth, W, A Miss Blta Em ley supplie d for her' O'Neall, Fred Elbon, C. A. Bruner , FOR SALE F. C. Hartso ck;. the Misses Martha Stockin gs for boys and girls. 25c O'Neal l, J essie Marlat t, Henrie tta per pair. Barnha rt's . McKins ey, Stella Lemmo n, Donna CEME NT Brlok 00 hand All the R ook FtWe Ilod Rop.., Hawke , Elizabe th Collett , Alma Wa· Flloe time Briok aud , ;ems nt Blook mn!lt E-M-F " 30", F landers "20", Cad- terhouB e, Luella Cornell , Eva Ol1vis, be ordered . I[)qulrll of MrK Funk illac " 30" and all kinds of accesso ries Eloise Smith, Kathry n Alexan der Pratt. for Rale by Ray Mills, Corwin . Ohio. and Elizabe th Chandl er. GGS for h~tohing, 500 per 8etHn~ l ee c ream openin g and music at '3, C. B. Minl/fo a. ~. U l3. Phillip 's next Saturd ay afterno on ,..8l1hOro and Wblte Plymot b R ooks and evening . All old frienQR ' and MUST WEAR 'DARK CLOTHES ~re,' Bar~let FurQ1t8, R, I) . 2, WayneSVille. OhiO, Phone IX 00 aa n ew ones invited , . An Absalut e Require ment In F.ctorl e. -------..---~.------Where Work I. Done With Genial A. McNeil , t.h e Centerv ille SEED tJorn that will grow. In GRANGE SOCIAL Gold. auction per, and Rev. Mr. Campb ell, quire at the Kell:v--und TlnD~y fl\rm, Wayoe svllle, Ohio, pbone of CentE'rville, made , us a pleasan t LIght suits of clothes are not fa~or· 83-3. A g range social will be held at . ed In factorIes where work Is done on Waynes vill e on Satu rday, May 6th call last Wedne sd ay. gold. In tact. In many such factorle l 8 yelLr. '\]d Hel~iog . Addre8 8 The reg~lar aftern oon me~ting has Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner were a dark suit ot clothes Is absolut ely r. Tomlin son, Wayne sville, Ohio been change d to evenin g on accoun t in Cincinn ati Saturd ay and in the Qulred and ev n a light waI stcoat maYor phone 65-4 of the social. lce cream and cake lose a man a job, The reason for thl. evening heard The Dream of Knight - Is that nny stray graIns ot gold Oiat will be served as refresh ments. A NUMB ER of tine Maple tr'eell hood , which was given in Music Hall may get on th e clothing can easily be progra m will be rend e red after wbich . for IIb"de . For , ioform " tlOD' by the famous lola K, of P. team of caught on a dark suit, whUe the)' might a social t im e will be ehjoy~d. All get away from the establis hment It oll-l1 00 Perry P~n Je, Wayne 8ville, Dayton . grange rs and their familie s are cor· light clothes were worn . _ Ohio. di ~lly inVl tp.d . The small admission Ed Hanby, of ' Dayton was the That stich a rule waS enforced ,POTA TOES -R.u ral New York 8f)d .' ' . . among gold of a dime for adu lts a nd a nickl e for one man learned Carme n .No 3 potatoe ll for 8lll.., g uest of WIll Hay and faJl1lly Satur- . recently whenworkers a Bohemi an g~ld beater for seed I)r tahle use at a telltlonRble childre n will be charge d. day and Sunday . . Ed camp down to applied to hIm for a helping hand. The price. J. W . ai8ey. WaY0tlBville, 0 ., get some mushro oms, and lu~ surely Bohemian sald that he had only re.. Phone 163-2t . t th em as h e . took home about half cenUy come· to thIs country, that he . had had a cbatlce to obtain a good job ~ 'DRUGGIST, THE MEANEST MAN go a bushel. at bls trade, but tbat 'the place had OR SALE -Two teamfl Ma 'u .. , bee n refused .hlm because he turne<l up Woman Shoppe r Finds Many Thing. ooming 3 vear" old, unbro lr..r,,_, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke , Mr. with a .lIght 'coat and waistco at on. Rood one8, loX hands high. Ph(ue to' Complain of In Drug and Mrs A. Maffit, Mr. and Mrs . a.nd tbey were ' the only clothea he 4482X . H , Ji:.,RUe y, Lebano ~ n, O. Store. C. A. Bruner and Mr. L ' A. Zim~ had. The man whom he allproached waa "Give me a two·cent stamp, please . merma n attende d the inspect ion of APER NAPK INR-T be Gazett e struck by the story and olrE!red to bolp Here's a ten·doll ar bill- It's t he small· the Pytbian Sisters at Har~eysburg him out It It proved .true. office hllndle~ the plilio white est I hav what, baven't you any He went to a down town factory wIth him and Ilod oolored 01lpki08. Ollll aod I'ee more conven ient change than all that la t week. found out tbat tbe man could have the them. sliver? I can't cnrrY that about wIth Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e me. Well, the Idea! Are you supMarsha ll, job If h, 'p resented himself within an posed to be runnIng a drug store, or and son, of Cincinn ati, were guests bour wltli the proper clothes on. Two ORSE~-Borfles for sllle siogly what? Let me use your telephone. of relative s here Sunday . Mr. Mar.. dollars enabled the man to rig blmself H or 10 pairs. Ioqtilre or J, 1< out In the dark coat and waistco at to Cbllpru ao, Wayne svHle, Ohio. No (ree 'pbone? WeU, this Is the s hall was calling on old friends , also. go with bls dark trouaers jumping olr place. I must s ay. It I , and sure have to drOll n nickel In I'll bav.e to He has been an employ e of the Ha- enougb he got the job. 'T 1I:1RU E PAPE R-It yon ,",14n\ hav e cbnnge- -plense gIve me change vens Mallea ble Co., at Cummi nsville, "You may think tbls strange ," said auy color of flue tis8ue p,lper, . tor this five-dollar bill. for nearl'y twenty years. the man at the fac.tory, "but It meanl oan ~t the Ua.zett e offioe Quite' a little to UB. Every .man', It Qn haod IlU the time. . .We 1: .. "~ "Well, they don 't nns"'er. or all clothing Is carefully examIned when he the se!::vlce! I s th ere n clt.y directory Those from a distanc e who attend- leaves here at nl.8'bt, and the here ? - Where? For goodne l!!s sake, ed the funeral of E. H . Colvin were brushe.d. olr whenev er we Bee anygold tbls Is last year's directo ry-hav en't on yo u a new on e? Huh! Give me n lit· Carson Colvin and wife, Eli Haines his ·clothlng. " LOST "It Is....(mllosslble to hIde even tiny tle piece of licorice root for tho baby and flimily, Wilmin gton; Alfred grains to bite on . WllY. this seems wormy- Haines anJ family, Ed Bales and • mixedon a ~8rk background, but take or a light baven't you a sm ooth piece? How do wife, Miss Julia Haines and we might AIR of Speotao les, aSSeI frames , Xenia; ~. easily lose quite Itnsuit, amount ot gold, P you sell your ma gllzlnes ? No. I rlon·t ·C. Faulkn er and wife, Robert in a Fr.lnk Carey ol\se. Finder Wilson and gold IBn't anythin g you want to want to buy on e-~'e subscribe fol' 11 1\ • wUllea ve I1.t the Gazette offioe. . the good ones. flnd you don't, seem to and WIfe, lose, even In small quantltlell." Jamest own. have those. I'll just r ead this on e • - • while I'm waiting tor a fri end . O. and NOTIC E Chlc!<en Bonee for Children. please give me a wlde·mo uthed bottle, WANT ED Monday morning markete rs learned holdIng about . so much. What- fiv e '1.he May meetin g of the W, C. T. U through a sign In the 4ellcate eeen store cents? You don' t mean to tell me will be held at thehom e of Mrs. Ruth window that the proprie tor had choice MAN past that you ch ars tor empty bottles 1 I 30 wUh horse Bnd bag. chicken bonell for 11I101e. know, but wben a person bas been Janney on Friday , May 6tb, . gy to sell stook ol)odlti oo pow... at2 p. m. "For souP?" lome one asked. der in Warreo Coanty . , SlIlar:v 170 shopping all dver ~our store, It seems Ml's. Bruner : leader. , Hope all will "No; bablell," he laid. "It III not eallY per ml'lnth, to me you mi ght b o n . little occom· foel interes ted and be 'in attenda nce. toftnd a nutrltiou8 bODe for the baby &ldg ., Iodlapa Addres s 301 Unity poUI, Indiaoa .
Ola ssif ied ........ ....
_u ... . - . u. . . __ .
.- .
S""'~~~ ~"''''''''''''~
$ Before buying paint let us give $ $ you a cha nce to $ $ Lo ok In to It !$ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~
$ . $ $ $ $ $ tJ)~
$ $ $ $ $
$ $.
( U '" ~
S~II '
$ $ $I
$~ $ ~:::;t n~u~~~~~ t~~t~lr~'o~~:~~s d~~;:= .~~ess ~porter, !~:~~: a ~~~~ru~;n~~raIt4~,: •• $.' .$. "$,.: w'· -,.: 1t' J K" . •. Wh~:I~~:~ ~T:'~:9!o.n~~;:e: ."'.$ ':' a· '. er , ,..' 11....b'.on s'~lng ·~~~~;::~iof~;'~"8al~ ,~itie~ly~ 'iook~ ~~ ~ p~ate.ot lentt.la, .~~ House Paint , Interi or Gloss Paint , FlatW all Paint that wiJI wash,. Barn and Roof, Veran da, . : China ' Lac. Varni sh, Wagon,' Impla ment and .' .. .. Bugg y Paint .:_ ~:~ _:_ ,_~_ . _:_
'~ '
, "
'. ~
.. --
~ .~~~ """""'~~~,
" tbrow It do\vn at on e ! 'It might be'·trelh and tree trom tang. Even the polson you. The re-I'm glad It was Our Doctor." , f&mlly that 'prides Itself on setting a onJ.y a cbeRI> thing, or you might have.. ': Tbe late Couht Tolstol FQR .I:lENT· wR.Jlted me to pay for It because she 8Icians,' ~ said, at !l dlnn.er lpathell ph1.· .pod ta~le may 'bur a . chlck~n whOs,! ,_ In. WashIn g· ,drumaU clt.' la .. too 'old for the child. smashe d It. Thank goodnesB, there's ton, a R~~~lan ' dIplomat. . . .,,'. . . '. ' . E".r.y · 8at~rday I ~1t .whole.o~e cel· ROOM tor re1it"DexUo· my carl W ill youpJe ase b~Jd, the ~rois'l1tore . "YO\) rememb er .how Toistol rldlouJed elT~Iecs ,roallters: Tb'~lr bqnes ·V(hen Addrellll Stthe Phillip e Wash " d pen till we get (j t 1'" " . physIci ans I~. :w.ar an!!. P~ace!f' .W-el,; .. ~U:lpPed , P,lake ·ucel.le Oo! 0 .lJharpen. 'ng~oq' Q. B, .~r. tngoitoi:t'ot Oroa', '. . u ' " " 1. beard blm rldlcul~ . three ot them to' era. for tlI,1f ~abl~.IJ, ~dhHo'?i.h anY 'P1other of a next ~oor~ . ~. , ", . '." . . . . '.' .thelr fae.e s ov,er a vegetar lan,dtun er at fr.etful broo.C1·llIUl· have them tor nezt to · :., " ' 1 .. .. •. !, . ': , . , . . " F>R 0 gradually' driven . from the use ' o.t Ing up· trom a be :- ' , \. -: it . roome, eleotrlo . ltg4\i~a~d I~ ol!.lum , be. IB being eduoate~ tn .the ~lvldec1I~,~ 'two claa8.a ;-~e. l'a4lcall, I~.t~ ollt':lral t:bat a~ e~aDt I:er!=:b~:.;.,a: ti~' :e on8,u~pUon. ot 'cl~arl!tte~;; the' Im •.-,,,hok lll YOudt~ o'~1t:: t1..... 'whOba8~DCQtoffb".1!Il1~oal;ll A WaJD :'"llle po~ or wbleb .ar~ raPld~ locteublc~': wh91e t,.ou . ~.. ~.' tbe Co~"a Ohio,. . ::"'_~""; '. ,~er ~ ••aok _-wm~. ' >
r. v.vtu
.... , .
fOQ~·.gOOd ,
f:HX' f'Y_ ' Il: ' UND YEAH ,
MAY' UI, lOll ,
---, _·_ ·_--- +- --- --- --- --r Pers ona l Men tion .Her e and The re 1
WHOL E NUMB Elt 31 f6 .~~---
r •
Mr. Joe Thompson caJlle up from Cincinnati ' Satl'Td ay evening , and ~....-. ....-----~~..-.....-...~..--.-.. ........ _ _ -- _ •. - - _.- --- .-...+ 1I eld at. IIniver sit y eh ' p<.:l. L 'ba.~-~-- -..-.. ..... ...... ~ 11011 , Ohi o. May 13. Hl11. stole a march on his s by taking M. J . Farr, of Sp rillgbo l'o, was in Mi·s. Harry Cleave r has been quite How Far is Each Individual Miss Eloise Smithfriend 10 'd ock A. M. to the M. E. Waynesville Monday. MI'. anJ MI·s. Walter Jordan ensick . De\'otiont; .. .... ... .......... ..... .... .... .. parsona ge, where Rev . W. H. Bailey Responsible for the Moral made tertaine tl, Mr. an d Mrs. Ed Gray, them man and wife, The Rev. Albert Hu sted , MaSlin, Ohio Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hell Mrs. J ohn Leona\'d is very ill wi th 1\,11'. anu M r:l. l .has. Gray a nd daughTone of His Community? young couple are both favorit es in derson , aturday , May 6th, Co-ope l'ative Edu cation ..... ........ .. a 80n. pneumo nia. t ' r, Eth ·1, Sund~y . ........ (;. r·'. Franz. Lebano n . hio Waynesville social circles. They J. H. Opp , is spendin g a fe w da s Miss Marne Bro wn was a Xenia Add!' !is .... ........ .... .. ... ....... left Sunday evening for 'Cincin nati, in Columb us , the guest of .... ... .. A very charmi ng affair Ia.~t wt!l'k ~elative R . visitor Saturd ay. Pres. S. O. F 8.'1 By Mas . GEORGIA MENDE NHALL . An tioch Co llege lV(1s'th e lu ncheon gi ven by Miss wh ere the groom has employ ment. Horace Pratt, who has been in IIIiL. A. Zimrn rman is in Cincinn ati 1 ::10 o'olock P. M. Louise Walcut t , of GI'afton aven ue. Their hosts of friends were loath to Adures s ....... .. .... ..... 1'1' S. S. D. Fes~ An elegan tly appoin see them leave town, but the best no is all wi nt er , is hom e for the pres- loday 011 busl·neoo. ~ ted menu was wishes for K C. Van Winkle , Pres. a happy future go with ent. served at. No d oubt we will all agree, first of 1 o'clock . the table being Born To Mr. and Mrs. scarDe nl\lfr. and all. that every individual hru; an in them. Alic ' ooke. Sec. beautif ully arrang ed' in yellow and 'I Mr~, B. S Howell were linger, May 3rd, a daughte r. fluence. Whethe r it be for good or (, . A. aruner . whit . • gu~sts of r elatives in Clarksville A. K. Hough, of Harvey sburg. Ex. om. ) Mrs. L. H. Be rry, evil and whethe r our influence be far From a g rac fu l cen terpiec e led FELL OFF BJ{lDGE Friday. \ T. H . Rogers . was a visitor in town Sa turday. reachin g or limited in its scope. yet yello',v satin ribbons to the place of F. C. Gilmuu r. of Mason, was the Little Mary Stansb erry, daug h ter "" I·S. J. W. W'hl'te I'S spendl'ng a each gUC::It, alld upun ueing drawn, the fact remain s that no one lives of MI'. and m MEMOR IAL DAY Mrs. Frank Stansb erry, guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner co uple of days this week in Day ton. who does not in some way influence these were found a l tached to pretty while playing on the foot-br idge at Saturd ay. those around him. ' littlf' Th hand-p ain ted booklet s , contain A MI R ' SS P 1\1ary t '11 G t e . . . os · WI mee t ' a. . hllr home on the Jason Sheeha n ray. 0 f th e M"laml Mr. and . ~r~. S' . D. Everly . of : Vall ey hospital, Dayton . ing minia ture photog l'aph& of Mi"s In childhood we are more easily in- acciden tally fell off on the rocksplac:! , was at home un.lay lo com"le te a rrange ments m be- Dayton , were VISItors m town SUTlda) 1Saturd ay . fluenced and more r eady to imitate I r gurd to Memor ial Day. The full BelJe Troup and Archer A. Hartsoc k, b afterno on . others than we a re in hiter years, o\y,. rea k'mg b er arm near h ' progr am will ue g ivpn in ne'f,t week's whose engage ment was thus ant e Wrist. R" d th D T~ little gl'rl stood the pain hero- t A t C' d M'ISS EI'Iza bCL ..... h C011 e tt nounced, theil' wE:dding to be an b lltwen everoutgrow th IS t en d "a e ay ' on II 0 0 ' S a on paper. ' spen t Sa •...- I h I ency ic Iy,and isgelti ngalon gvery nice- urdaY . - - - - -- - 'andSu nday with Miss Mal'Y I ~ e ast page of thIs paper. It Will event to follow those we admire . . If from of early summe r.- Dayton "ERt"O N'S FOR. GRAD UATES ln te res t you. D'I t h f L b ' our youth up, we could fully realize y . 'II News. • _ • I a us , 0 e anon. 1 M' K th . P d t L The g room elect is the son of Mr. Mrs. David W. Thoma how much our charac ter is moulde d A PLEA FOR MEMORIAL ,; Elss~ls a denGnje renSer?,as ' u- 4, who has been very sick.s , on Route The baccala ureate sermons fo r the and Mrs. J. L, Hartsock , and by our associations, how careful we is a is an li ttle surr oundin g school comme ncemen ts , c.)' rn ey an enna mit h were b "'ould be to have only the best'. Then employee of the Barney & Smith .. . "tors Sun d ay. Lebano n, 0., May 2, 1911. \ F erry VISI " f' etter at present . are as foll ows: on the other hand, if we could realize office force. Arch is well-kn own Ed. Waynesville Gazette :- [ hope . . Mr. and from our youth uP. how the lives of h Mrs. T . R.. Furna'3 Lyllehel'e erm ana his many fri ends extend n J by H.ev. f Jam es H. II Dr. and T. I. Way, of Cmcm- wo sons, of West Milton. called on Denney e rea ers .0 your paper are a nati were Mrs. . at th (' LyLl 1\1 E. church , their congra tulations. others were helped or harme1 by ac tready here Saturd ay to attend f' d h to enter a prutest against the " ' . rl en s ere Monday , .. . I atu rcl ay venlng', May 1,Qth. . tions of ours, how careful w would bill of Mrs , Leah Carey. mtrodu ced 10 the legisla ture the funeral I . On Thursd~y evening of last week, Mr . Alex Mart and Miss Pauline be to have ou~ conduc t above reo about tWQ weeks ago by Harvey sburg-- ermon uy R v. A. .our repre. Messrs. Harold Howell , Russell ' Perry, .of Lebanon, were guests the Misses Emma and Clara Hawke of ' K. argent .at the Harve.vRL unr M. E. proacb! sentati ve. Should the bill become a Pa;lett , Dr .. J. M: Miller enterta and ined at the delight ful country Lou ~elative s hel'e Sunday . [' church . Sunday evenh t,. May 14th. Away. back in the days of our first law t~e money we ~ave on hand for Prmtz were In L~banon Sunday . home of the formet , at a deliciQus Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bunnel l and en t rv ille- erm on by Rev . .F. parent swerea d of the two broth- ~recbnK a mem.or lal to .War:e n foul' course dimiQr, the Wayne sville E-M-F "30", Flande rs "20", Cad- Mr. Hershe illunne ll were guests ers-on e a tiller of the soil and one ~ounty soldier s Will be used of W. E.l:'esc han . at the C.nte r ville In bUIJd- illac "30" and all kinds of accesso lies fri High School teache rs and the senior ends at Leesbu rg, Ohio. Sunday . M. E. church Sunuay evemng a keeper ot;ftocks~ in a ne~ world 109 an armory . Then farewe , May class of 1911. The table ll to for sale by Ray Mills Corwin was beantiOhio where no though t had to be given to our ho,~ of ever' seeing 14th. a suitabl e I •. ' fully '.' decora ted Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. Mrs. with Cluster s of vio8oi) fertilit y, crop enemie s. or the memor ial erected to the Wayne~vill e-The fullow ing proheroe, of Mr. W. W. V! hi taker and MISS A. Maffit, Mrs. Mary Lemmo . h lets 'the and purple ribbon, (purple and n and conserv ation of 'resourc es but were L AI ' 11 b ' d . \ t th ' M E . ' V II M' S II Le 'GOs' The SherwQod clan that aura ,exan d er, . 0 f S prmg . gram WI e I en cree a a ey, c . white . . IRS 'being . te a the mmon class .... ' were colors) 111 . Dayton and plenty and prospe h f M' h S P d I rity C reiq . I' I aned,th. ell.had so ..... any represe ntati've s in that were guests · 0 " cure un ay cven111g . .1 ': ISS ear 0 Vln ast Wednesday. lighted by ' candela bra. The plac~ S t d jealous ly and dl8!ll!.tisfaction crept in Ch 0 .1'\ ' t' orus- nwal'u lrl!> Ian 0ld'le rs cards Ilreat strugg Je. as we II as t h e m aan ury ay' were decora ted with violets Mr. anli Mrs. Frank Bowell and Chorus -Creat i n ,.......... .... and. wh~n the gUiblty Cain , ~as. asked others whose ·Ioved on~s helped .. Haydn tied with white ribbon_ The to Mr. and Mrs. Thomp son and menu niect;. Mr. as to the and Mr Evart I10well of Por t lnvor.at ion ........ · .. He . H. W. wherea oub ,of • "d'" . !lv ·h. b th' Bailev consisted of fruit cocktai - hiS - ,brother. glveu d Co"uO\ler. ofS' s~~e~n"~ .PfO~Jle I '11 e .. were'" Wllham y. ell' M'ld . . l.r~ ' l, creame ' oClaVl d I , were g uestso f MI'. a nd ' QuartP.t- N are r My Gud to Thee he replie am I my brothe r 8. ~eE.p-. self.sac.r1flce m sprmgm g to . the the week· end ~uests of Mr. and"'Mrs. 'Mrs B . S Howell chicken, asparag us patties , salmon Sunday ar?" . FJ'~m that day t~ thiS. th,~ f~ont ',~n 01i~ bour_ of peril; Scriptu re Read ing . .......... .... .... .. should C. A, Bruner . croque ttes, potatoe !. jelly. pickles, . , • questio n Am I my brothe r s keeper rise wIth ' one vOice and . . .. .. ...... .... ... Rev . L. ; Thomp son protest M ' dM W H All hot rolls , coffee; salad, wafers and M Mr. an~ Mrs. Otho Arnold , of Rlp- Chorus - Jerusal em the Gold"l1 has ~tQod for that part of the human against this' ~crilegious .of the Edi(~ ~arri::'·M~. J: H. e;~lem~~J ley, Ob!o, have b~en olives; ice cream, cake, salted nuts guests of Mr' l Addres s .... .. I E:V. J . F. Cad~a llader famdy who, w?u,ld free themse lves fqnd ' sacred .~o the memor y ,of our and Miss Geor~la Haddon were Dar- Arnold s parents and mints, Credit for the perfect ly , ~r. and from responSibility as to ho~ the departe d heroes. Mrs. W, Chol~us ...... .......... ....... .... .. .... .... .. i't I t F'd ' appoin ted dinner must be given to W Arnold , of Corwin . . o th er ~r t ·Ion 0 f th e worId J'lves, or . The State buddR .the arm0,ry All Hail the Power of J e us Name v as fl ay. but SI ors . the moth ~rs of the hostess es, Mrs. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wadsw orth, JlOwth elr conduc t effects those about Lebano n wan~ ~I!omething' - - - - - ~a lit.tle· . Mr. a~d Mrs. George Hawke and Mrs. John Hawke ~. :AlIen and.Mr . Mrs E. ~~ Bailey. Mrs.. A. B. Sides them. UNCLE TOM'S 'CABIN rJ,lore pretent ious and looks With and Mrs. J, O. Cartwr tght They "ere aasisted by Mias Donna and httle and Mrs B. V: Smith attende d The Higher .and Moral .T one ~--loncin r eyes on this money. I kn.ow dau&'hter motere d to Frankli Hawke and Miss Edith Mosher . The n Suna joint meetin g of the Miami Vallev , Afte'!, t he minn ow came the whale there .~i'~ sQm~.;who look disfa- day, where they spent the day with Poultry associa tionat evenin g was pleasan tly spent in 'Tlie higher the moral tone of the vor on any attemp t to with r,lorrow Saturthem all. Harm ount's I3ig Uncle di.vert this friends . day. individ ual, :the more he' realizes that moriey fr9~ the purpos e . Tom's Cabin h \V has billed Waynes- playing games, music etc. for which The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. C. we do not live for ourselv es alone, it·was intende d. We of the ville, and will tihow her e under W. R. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rhoade s were ' J. D. Marlat t started Thursd ··: A. ' Bruner , Mr. and Mrs. L. S. . " ·1 t' C ' ay .. a mamm h .oth water-p d ' ro of tent 011 Sat. b utt h, a t we owel .. oQur reator most eartily isappro veo f It' g for EUD'ene , Ot·eg., to vi it aswe in Xenia Friday . Mrs. Rhpa,des sang mornin Rhoade s and little d~ughter Kather h" .and to the whole ~orld, to live up to are w " , urdaY ,May 13th. . 'orking with all o\,Jr ~nerg.y to ther~ in a contest held in connec tion IS son, Raym~nd. It may be that . The Hurmo unt Co, comes recom- ine, the Misses Elizabe th Collett , the. best that is in us. Whatev the Greene CO, u nty er incr.'~e the fund in the •nope that in Iwith W. C. T·. U. Mr Marlat t Will perman entl t't t ' o~r \vor k in life, we should.do it con. the near future we may see a . y Ioca te mended as the largest and best Uncle Glee Hess, Justina Hartsoc k, M~s, beau- . ns I u e. . A Xenia Indy won the t here, if he is satisfie d With that ter- Tom's Cabin Shuw on the road, car- Ross Hartso ck, Hugh Ridge, Herber t scientio ualy and'do onlv those th'iniis tiful and 8ubltan tit\I 'Memor ial Hall medal. r.i tory rying.a compan y of 35 people, a con- ·Edwar ds, Carl Hawke , Ken'n eth that will not harm a brother . erected in our midst. ' Warren counThe .farmel· of cert brass band; ten great blood- Bou~h and George Waterh ouse. others "shoul d ty sh'ould not be b~hind her sister ... _ ,. .sustain l} nigh moral sta!lda rd : Sur- countie s in thus giving express _ • + hounds , consist ing of six Siberia n ion ,to .,- - ., - : CLEAN UP DAY and four Americ an Red Bone bloodrOlltuled ashe is by the ~beauties, of. hergra titude to ' the.J>r ave ~oysin 'J ' ' H~ Nature and by the animal creatio n blue who Wfmt r.ounds , among which are the famous fo~th ' sacri~cing Wagons for the collection of ashes which respond s'sci quicklv tohi~ care health and even Ilfe for their dogs Ben and Baker. TI~ is with- and other refuse matter will coun visit all and farther from the strife, jealous y try. Let everyo ne take ou t a doubt , t be finest lot of dogs homes in the village on Tuesda it 'upon y May ever seen wi th any travelin g organ i- 16th. Everyt hing to betake and wi~kedness of the busy city. himself to lielp forwar d' t~is n should enterH His Is a 1I0bie calling and one which .prist.. Even the schooi childre zation . The Harm'o unt 0., does not be placed in easy access. n can Enter s the omes ~f Several More Citizens arid ' carry No brush n big , farcial street parade to or garbag e will be taken by these" comes nearest the 'ideal life, there· help .by getting up enterta inment s, Calls Them from Their EaJ.'thly to Their tore in a fa.rmi~g · conimutlity each chargin g a 'fee and turning , mislead the people, but have saved wag~ns. the proEtern al Home. land owner sliould be a help to , that ceeds into the W: R . .C. that extra exp nse and secured good J. O. Cartwr ight, Mayor. Memorial commu nity. His . neighb ors would Hall fund. We are pledged l 'peOP,e and elegan t scenery, so as to Thos, Sherwo od, Health Officer. that not value his aqvi~e and friends hip be-\ a dollar of it shall b~ used give the public a first-ela.ss produc . - ...- - for any lion of that old South~rn drama. EASTERN STAR other purpos e AnnaR .Mull • • With a wife who is capable and Sec. and Treas. ·W . R. C. Memor The Eastern Star met Monday ial thrifty 'a nd w'iII ing to live witliin their . light; the home Qf Phinea s Fletche r, evening . After business Hall Com. a social hour John Emley, aged 65 years, dled at ciating . Interm ent was made 111 th e good old Quakel'; the wild, rocky was indulge means, she ·.too - exerts an influence d in. MesdamES J . C. • - • the ho!"e of hi~ daug~ter. Mi~ Elta Harvey sburg cemete ry. for g.ood. ' For while sJ'le is not called pass in Southe rn Ohio; Mr. St. Clair's , Hav.:ke ~nd C. A. Bruner , MeEL \\ EE-:..DA VIS ho~t(>.ss · >:, Emley, Monday m.ornmg at 8 a clock . upon to bave busines s dealing s of any home showin g the tropica l garden servmg Ice cream and cake after a ·brief illness. The. funeral Mrs. Izillah Mills, wno Jives. north- with its frag rant magnol ia great amoun t witA thoSt! about her, and or- I ~r. Eve~ett McElwee and . Miss t~kes place this afterno on at two ~ • - ".-.- e~t of Harvey sburg, near Kingm an, anJle trees, among which nestles the yetif her home is an exampl e.ofcom : ;Eclltb Dll:vls, daught er of ADDIT IONAL LOCALS Mr. and 0 clock, at the house. Rev. J. F . dIed at her home Satu\'d ay afterno on t ypical plantat ion homes; the 01'for.t and simplic ity, ' if her house- Mrs. Ollie Davis, were marrie d ~n ~adv:'all~der, officiating. Interm ent at 2 o'cl()ck . Th e fu_neral took place I ans levee; the slave market ; the I M,iss Pearl Carey, hold is well manag ed and she is 81- Leb~non last· Wedne sday of Dayton , spent .Thelr 10 MIami cemetr y. , at her lalte reSidence Tuesda y morn- moss-ci rcled road neilr ways found at her post endeav oring :frien,d s remem bered, tht! occasIO Legree 's I Sunday with her parents here. n by ' .. inu: at 10 o'.clo~~ . Rev. A. K. Sar- plantat ion on Red river. to create a home atrrtosph4!rE!' tba~ an. oTd fashion~ belling bee with the ' . Tburs~ Mrs. Ida Tucker : Widow of the gent . . I_ . 6ffl~lat~ng. Interm ent was cotton in fuJI bloom. will be helpful to. witQil'l: ita reach, d~y evening . . . MISS Mamie Robmson, of Wh::_ late J<>hn Tucker , d~edat her h~me made m.Mlam l Cemete ry. then' we have a happy partner ship,. Remem ber, we have cordor table mg, W. Va., was C~I~ he~e .. _ . in Harvey sburg, Saturd ay Olormng f seats the very presenc e 'of which in anY' for 3,500 people. Free band day on :cc~un~ Ok' OARB~"OE DlSPOSAL t e fOat 0 er at 1 o'clock. ~he funeral took place Morris Henry. infant child of Mr. concert in the evening on tl?e main uncle, an s a In . . commu nlty.• tends :to. aid' every ' good '. , :".' " I Mondav m~rning at 10 o'clock . Rev. afld M,rs: Henry Satt;'rt hwaite · '. c8use-::"whose . lives ·as· w.ell,aS whOse. '. , died street by our Concer t Banti . . Prices, .w" ag~~. for. the c~ll~ctton of Levi · Mi11~ o~ci~ting. . InterO)e~t early Miss May Strawn, 'of the O. S. u. Wedne sday mo.rnin g at the 15 and 25 cents. 'You have seen Ii'ps tepeat the'word~i "Thy kln~om g~.r~~ge WIn '. begm .:ma\lm the was in Detroit , ~ich" last ~e~k with g regular was made In MIamr Cemete.ry. ,home of its parentS , near Bellbrook. r est, now !lee the b est. . ' . "' . ' h '. . tnps· Qn 'Monda y May ' 16: ; ., ' com~;, . . the t~f Pharma ceut ical Assoc18tlOn, go· ,,!J11 be Clon~ on eare . as .It. ;; " . 'l'hos.'Slierwood . M: D; 'Th " ) . h 'Id t l' 'I k _ ' S ·h . ""'. d PI '11' 'I t . ' ..e . f I1Mra '. . \yas h .e a 0 c oc , is i~. hl;l.ave~:' ow groun s, ' .•' . ' ,'" 11 IpS 0. , .:, . : " . mg t roug~h th eP"rl'e " " DaLI's' Health Officer. .v . la"or ~ ~ B,~nks Dakl.~ .. ,a~e~. yea~: dle~ ~n.?ay afterno on. 'I,nterm ent in Mi. , I( we ar~ , .t ruly. . abve to".our · r~~: - stories . at.lils home, he.r e, Sat~~day _light at · amI Cemetery:., .M. E. ' CHljRC~ :'. 1 8pO~biliti,tls ~nc(out pri~il~es .'~ r . John Lemmo n·. aft.er a;year' s abo K'aN :\i~~EAT . '., l.1:;JOo'cJoclC. ofl,1eart.',dfs~l · .The, , .: .. J . ' . ' • • ' .':: • • • • " w~I~.,~el~i1~' ear~f~llY c~il!Jider'~h.a~. ::'. .'~ttlC ' '," " , ' . , .... ! .. ' • • . ,wr, .. ,~.,.. . . s~nsfdn .the West" !ret. ' funeralto.()}t,p~,ac~Tlie~IIiY. af~rnoon Mrs, !:,e~h.Carey clied 'at the home Pray~r me~tin~ ~ome " .' ·. ,&p~~~r w~·~!lh'~on.e·· ~bQ~ld giv~ to· . $1,25 .per ewt . .\1 ' : " , , W~dneS~y, 7.3~ Tuesd'ay .mornin g. 'J ohn~·risn~'l.o~ki. '." at S 9'cloc~ from .,the hpuse; .: Inter- of her,.Slste,.r.Jn}>ayton I~t nir. TI:lursday. , po'~'I .Dollar.soclal. F.pdar , ~c:.30 p:m, ~\1e; and ~hinks ·,t.ltbi~liDeati$)Dj :·,~~o~:'far 'i.1i fSa,hll' indi{ :.. ., ..:.....~, Wi'Yb-esvilie ' Mills: . p1eJ.lt. in Miami c~~etet'),·. . the West is th~.pJa~e Mte~ :serv~~e s' . t. h er~ :, Sfltur~ay': .~h~ at the c~urc~; M~t~~g. ~or. ~I.ec~~on: to INe. . , .' '.. . ' . ;.' \!ici,i~l r.es.1:lpil.$ilil.e fQI'~e.'r:nora\ t«?~~ >.., .~ ~ ~.~ " .... ~::' c..,' " -' ... ' "': r· ' . _.. ~~ ~'IJ:B Pl'ou~4.t tQ - ~a)!nesvtlle, .of 'ofliisc()~u~ity?" ·~,-Ollrd~linp. . pa'!)'.:~'~x~~~ e to ~nnua.\ confer~~cej a~. . .. ' ~(;: ... ,jj'!ioo8~'·.~w.\th \:V~yatt Benne~t, of..H8rv. ......... eY8bu~r~ wh~re It~te.r~~nt , w~m?d.~,. by th.e. thedel!gat en~rch.: Frld~ ~.3~ p. m . .S~n.~ ,Mr. I;Uld, M~.,. S.E. Al~de r, ' died' at hl3 ' home tliere d of , hel' 11,l . al)ce of, tl}~~bbatn':"in t!DprJ flg I,,· olilo~, til_ ~'-'n. .. lllil_ day:pr eachm r at on F. M. : :W~ '8tI\Y" :8.v~J\ing... The ,fun~~;J waS h~ld }fori-, ter)';, . Mrs. Carey:, . ~ho. ~pent. an he~ :~f. 1,\ Good M;~th~r. r~ccala~rea~~ Ford, ' : . 0 h- !h e. ~'.M , ..'p, ~~_t 'l1aml'~. '~' otheta:-=i~; oloH:.. _. 1i~8 ~ meet · al~. :: e~eiReD" ~¥lY a\;the' A',' M ': ,A~J . •. 'E ; churth in '~!lf'- ~e ·at Rial&'~vi1l1e, ~as w~1.1~~o:wn ~on. • ":' ' < , J)m~~ :~,,"" :' 6," by Rev.. ~ •.F'. ~~~nader~. Su~~~at t ~ orne ~ , . rs~ " ' 9l... ' , . .• . ..veisb~. Rev. A: K, ~ge~~ _O~- ·here. · .. ~~Ie,. Pasto,r . . A1e~er •..
I Social Eve nts -
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Saturda.Y :sid~
Qu~blUld !dlam~. ce~e-
S. W.
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In the Old Gen'i!!ema,n's EY04 It 'Ou weIghed A" 'Y SI !gh t Error 10 O rthooraph~.
Tb !, old ulOn I:il.tl g lv n hl:i soil " YP- ry rnir thlu aUon,' mid lind la lw n 111 m Inlo hi s ho],. Tbo yo lIng fa llow was o\,M·n\ · uuout a g'rC'lut, lo uny th lll G • 1)1 t I he (nUl r llIad c no C(lru, U\ nt. Onl' 11 :1)' u order ollma in (" 0111
V C!CI a ll o f C3attle of Sa n .,Iac luto Ho n· ored by Tex.:l s Loglslature With .Cio tti Watch .
OOPYRl(;);r, 1909, Dr' Co,W, PIL~ I N "IiA/" l:Of'IMf"(
• 8.
cu. l p·futJr . \ "1 wi s h to gnod oo8s," e.'ColnlmElIl t ho
son. " UllIt ijp'I1,"
W baou wQulll
le uru
"\vha r ~ III UlUtf:(II' wIth It ' " I,,· rl lllrP.lJ tbo rathe' r. heerl'ully . " Why, he 8 VOJtll cortl:O willi !l '1( .' .. 'rh o c'~ l e b r:l U n ll of Ill!' I!(l VllUty "l'I:o-<I oell ho? I nov I' noUcad It." foul' ll SlIlIlv rsnry llf IlJ u bu.ltl o of "or ('onrblJ YO ll novpr dill ." salt! th o Sail J :tcln to, which tool place 1111 ovel' T ex s. wns IIIl ovent or llpe lui ;on , I' ·ttl li ly. " Vou novel' notlc(l a ll YslGnlfl ca nco to AlpbollBO Steele of lhing III", t ba t." " 1 'el'hl\ll ~ !tot. my BOll ," repli ed the Me.'(la. that state. He lij the 1I0le sur· vlvor or the li t tle army of 'r IU MS flld mall . g ntly ; "bul. th 1'0 18 one who, OlUIIl811lhld by Oen. Sam. HOlls, llling l do !totlco, which you wUllonrn tOil, III t lind c: rusb od compJ tely th~ by anLi by. Rll d that I.d tha t Gibson ovorwh clmlng fo rCll ot Mexican 801· PAY !:; ('2IR h ," diers upo n t hat. ImtUutleld. Mr. Stu 'Ie WUll t he reclplellt of !lig· THESE MONEY BURNERS, na l hODors at th o hands of tbe legisla· ture. H o wus vot d a handsomo gold medlll by the state whlcb WilD prE" Bented hi m by :l committ ee of leglsla· tors. A largo llal utlng of Mr. Steele wus a lso purehn!lod hy nct or teslala· l.u1·e, Illld will b' hung In tho Texas "hUll of faille." at tbe s late CApitol. Mr. S teel hn In his poss sslon tbe orig ina l mus ter roll of 'Gen eral Hous· t(ln's army. He has used this roll on s c \'ora l ou smons to dlsproy cln!mR of persontl t hat t hey were In the fa· mous batll . Mr. Steele b"1 vcs au interesting de· sCI'lplioll of the battle of San Jacinto. whl ' lt took pluce on I.bat day . .He
<'l llll'lty . 1'01 uKed to eal'nlnl II vill!;." HoWfttd Je!YriNI . bllnll l'r ' ~ ..,'I ' . ,,, ,,Ipr ·'Olt. \' ~ry wI' II ," r ·llIi ed tbe banker tlt~ (' \ ' 11 lnUuCl lu.:t' o f H o1 1l"rt t' I H"'fW f'O ti. 1111icl<ly. "That's as yoU plE'lIsE'. But r..- Ilow· " llltl(mt lit VII1!'. I(·;' t'" f\ II f .· o f Il l". 4IpILt.!Otl. mRrI·I,' .. I h dll"l:'hl ~ ,' "r 1\ ~ til · r han' your prum lse--yoll will not nt. bier w lln dll'd In p ri s on . DtI !1 It, ,lI ~ ",,,,' d tenlpt to Ill'e him ag!ll l\ ~" by hl~ fl\th~I·. II I' Is Olll or \Vorll 11I1<1 11\ d U p e r lllf! 8 11·nlt~ . Und ",·woo. wh o IH\\I "What ! Not s ('I him ouce U1ore ' _nea b('o u e ngu!; II 10 II 1Iw"n r ~ " h ' p · To suy good ·by·." :.; ite> exc lnlm'd. A m otht'r. A lI l"n . I~ UJlll n l'l'ItI Iy III \l r" ~ I'('r • UB c lrCuIlIHt8. It C N. '!'aldug ..c1 v(l lI l u &, o f brokell so b hnlf CllC?c!(C'lllt,·1' IIttl'runeo. II I" I n.hrlll l·'· wl.1t All c h•. I,e \) (,C'OIIl"ij "S ul'l1Iy yo u ClIlI 'l III Nil I tha t . MI'. J ell'· ~rt ot ISoc:iR.1 hi ~h \Y {tY tl H' '' . U lsC'ov(. r l .. g hili true ,' hnrll ·ter. 1\'11'1 1\ d(,lIh'" h .... 11 1\' rh's ." hou..... Ho t!clldll h" r II no l ~ It ,n'lIl c nlr ''~ Tile buu kf r ~ hr\lgg d It!,; shou ld ers . .ulclde. Al'l d ,·,d I' 1'8 (or wh om h ' .. t'll'll . . com",l~t!lo n e r. 1I1·""tI lC' [I.n 11!'I·o ullling. " I do n't W:'In! til newt:l p..Ill(lI'S filled H e c all1tl.l Itl a ll l' gOI'11. fl oward c u lt ~ ot with ttc nenUulJu l Ilrtlcl .1l a bout t ll c' fil II apllJ'(1Il Itls '" un IlIt oxl ~(l IN' 1· .. ,,,1\ . tlon 10 r~ qtl (,S l Il ' <'lI l1 of ~2. 10 I'lt ll hl ,' ltt'art r(' odlng fll rewell loterr lew betllm to tnl((' liP a btl !tl"f'~" prro,. , '~I Il\ln . tW N' 1I Howard J rCrles, Jr .• nud h!s tJ nderwC\ll d tells Itlrn 11(' 18 I n tl l'''l III' ttl tt,,, p's. 1I0 \\'ur(l "rlnl'I> hltnHc:o l f IlIlu n. I\',i fe - wl th n ' UI' picture on tll~ front maud lIn (lOlldl !lOIl, li nd gol:'l, 10 HI,·!'!, 011 II. pagc ." divan . A t'lI lter Is UII IIOUII I)('d an d tr" dll r ""oo<! drawlI a sl·r eo ll . oro un.:! til dr u llh"n ' l1e wns IIO t listening lo h is Sal" III I!CI}" I'. .'\lh· lo ('1I10rs. She cf Wllllltds a cllsm. prom I.... fl'olll t hld('l' wuoll th llt he will nN take hIs tI(t'. Ho I ' CIISl'!t IInl r8-~ a h l' ",II' "Not e ven to say good·by ?" s be ren IV hel' I)u l to n ll.g. 'J'hl ~ I<ho refll ~ "s. s obb(;d. &lld take>! h o ,' 101\.\1(1. Un!l/)l' \\,UD(J ltills himse lf . 'rllo "I'))(lrt of lI' E> pistol a·.... u. "No ." repli ed MI'. Jeffries ftr mly. lee ns Il" wnr(!. H e flllll ll 1I11dCrlvol)d II all. " ~ot e\'~'n to Hay good·by." lteall; llIif h ll! Il'l'ill Nlln(ml ho u tf e mp l 10 SOY R: nee and 18 1/1 l hy lIn(lon·toad·1! vllll!t. "But what will Ile aay'/ Whlll will lH'owar(! Is (IIrll lO<I OI'CW ( 0 tlo o ~' o ll ('. "AItllr dinner on AJlI'II 21, 8nota Ca pL ~: lI l1 lOIl. 110\(,,'1(111 9 for hIli b rll t a l lie think ?" s Lt cried. Aou/1 who was close upon us , I'e(;elv~ n cntm cl,t of rt1son l'r ll. 1I111s Howa rd "H will soe it is for the best," a n· a bout fi ve hundred ndd lUonal troops truo ugh the Ihh'd d ogl'eo. 1\1\(1 finn II )' SOIH Miss Bond en StockS (at Monte Oar· an ullc':"d conCMlll(ltl (tom thl' 11I1I'H!J!ICO Sl red the bl1nke r . "II hlmllelt will unde r comm alld of a 'lIora1 Cos. We lo) -Wba t luck yesterday? j'tlnn. AnnIe. Howar d '" wlr • ae ' 11Irc8 h cr tllank you for you r action." received orders to pl'epare for battle. bell t III h ". hU Hb/lnd'" Inll ('0n' I . /lnd M.1Bs llLllyuns-I won tWenty tboeflays "1'1,, will (:IN\r hIm. Slto cu lls 011 Tbere was a long s ll e n e. broken Wn a dl' nIl('ed upon th l\fexlciauB ill sand or lost twenty lhoulJlond. I forget .Tatrrlcll. Sr. ooly by tbe sound of the glds sob- th e following order : Hous ton with which. lIlng. Flnnlly she said: CHAPTER XII.-Contlnued . the ur Ul I I'y In the center; tlte cav· " Ve rr well . Rir. I'll do as you . ny," a Iry on the ri gll t, a.nd Oolanel Cher- "ECZEMA ITCHED SO I H b it d i S h look d lip . H er e),('s \I' re dry.' mn.n with his troops on our lett. as If tbo Jin es Ubolit her mOllth 6et R.nd de- . "Tho 1\1Clclcans . had thrown up e . oolling COULDN'T STAND IT.'~ like eto a SCllpe, but th oro washenowould way te rmln ed. "Now." s he snid, "what aro b reas'~work s oul . or their baggago, Gf e);r ss. This d t ermlned.looltlag "I utrereri Willi 6C2ema on my neck .you going to do to r him?" about olle hund red yards soutti or a ,y oung woman bad .hlm 'nt' a dillad" nntage. 'l'h bonker nHtdo a gesture of im· belt or lim b r. Tbere they bad !S Ui· tor about s ix months, beginning 'by Utile plmpl tI bJ nldng out. I kept "I do n~t thin.k," be said icily, "tbat • .• ~ pall IIC~, l1ij It such con Iderr.tlon ll scratcblng till tbe blood oame. Jt 'thei'e fs I,ln)' lIubject "hlob cau be of we to not ,importa nt. " kept getting wors e. I cOuldn' t s leep mutual IntQrQl!l-" "1 (Jon ' Imow yet," It, a ld. hnllght. nigh ts an y more. It kept Itcblng tor "Oh, yos, there Is," she replied ong· " Vou WIll Leave Ameri( Never to Rctur""""" lIy. '''1 s hill! think tbe ' mutter o ver about a month, tben I went to a. doc· .-erly. She was quick to btke ndvu.n. carefit lly." tor nn d got some lIqllJ d to take. It tagq of lb ls e ntering wedge Into i.he "I worked In' a fnctory wbe n 1 WDS She watched hi s u to , sre if her Annl Wil t; fns t los ing patiel!ce. She seemed ilS It I waS going t() get bet· . man's mantle of cold reserve. nine years old, and I' vo ea rned m y words 'were havin g II ny effect, but l'I1r. was wi lling to. s'n rlft c he rself a nll tor. 'I' h It hl.ng stOpped tor about "Flesh and blood j " /lhe went on lIving ' VOl' s lnc. Thero'll no dis grace .T !'fries !lho~ed no sign ()f rei n Ung. ghr up everything she held donI' In three days, but when It started n'gatn -earn s tly, "Is Of ~titillLl Int.erest. YOllr in that, Is there? There'lI nothi ng Sarcnstl ·a Uy. b!! s lIld : life to .save the man shc loved, lmt \Vn~ ev n wors tha u belore. Tho ec· ~1) Is yours whether YOu 'ast him off agaln.st m e pO l'sonally~n()tbln g dis· " tid you toolt ad VlI u tllg >. or the th cold, <I liberate. calc ulating nUl. :.: mil. Holied so badly 1 couldn't stand ar not. You:ve ,got t.o benr me. I am graceful, I mean. I know l'm not edu· tnct aoll married hhu ?" t ude of tItls 1I11u3lurnl faUler exlUl. It nny mor. I went to a doctor an~ not asking an)' thtng tor myself. n ' S cuted. rm not n lndy In your sense For a moment s he mndo lIO r ply. perated be r . he gave me some medIcine, but I . for · him, your son. He's In trouble. of the word. but I'v led a decent ·lI te. Sh relt th repron·h waR not unmer· " But i wnn t to know." be said, d Idn' t do any good. We I:ave boen Dea't rtesert him ' at a .momeut lilt There isn't a br ath of scandal ngaln t !ted, but why ehould ttJ blum ber boldl y. "I wnnt t ollshler (be mat. buYi ng OuticUTa Remedies . In the ' h ". \\' as ' I t ter carefull y.' 'tou .... , :th1a. , Whatever be mal have dOQe t.o m~not n br(>uth . But what's tbe f 01' se k'lIlg appi D(,SS Ie no house, BO 1 d c ldod to try the m. I des~rve your ungel'-ilQu't-doo't d a 1 good of tulklng about IlH:? Nevel' ml d nUUed to It as much as :1.oy other "YOll?' snee red Mr. J e1Trl os . bart befi'n usIng CUticura SOIlP, s() I hlm Buch ' l\. .bloW. You cannot r ealize m!!. I 'm not allking for anything. woman? She had not mm'l'ied l:l IV· "Yes . sJ r," sb r etorl.ed. 'T nl pn:r. got ' m,e a box or C'uUcurn 04ntm nt.. what. ·it mear:ilil In such a critical sltun·· What arc you going to do for blm? urd fo r his s 0C'lal po s I'tlon or I"e il lng dearly for it- with mY- 1\'lth 1111 and w!Ulhed ott the' n1footc(l pait with . . lion. ; E.v.en, ~f.• Yf!u o.llly .pretend ~ be He must bn.v8 tho best lawyer that mor.ley·. In l'act, s he had bcen worse 1 l1a\'8. I WlIlJt to kllo w j ll'lf. what CuUoura SO;lP tlll'mrtlmes a duy, and friendly with bm- you don't need to money can. procurE>--'nono ol t hose off since her ma rriago t han she was )'ou're going to g ive hlU! for It." .then put the OutJcura OIn,Lment on . yeatJy be {r"inds with him. ' But don·t. barroom orat or!!. J\ldge Brewster, befort:. She lIlarrieti him b calise s he H ",as lost in r e fl ection for I~ moThe 14's day I put It on. ft l'ellevod y ou seo Wh'lt the offect wLll bs if you, your lawyer. is tb u man . We wa nt loyed him, and ' because s he lhought ment. t hetl h slI ld. 1l00lPOUS\Y: :n ot Helling GO I c()oldsleep nIl that 111s lathor,' publlcly withdraw from IUs Judge Drowster." she could r lld(leDl bim. and she was "I s ll al1 furnis h t he money fo.· tho night: It took about a . wee14 then I upport?.. , Wverybody ' will flay he's no hlr .. J e ffries sltrugged bls s bould ors. ready t o go tht'o ngh auy , a mount of employment or s uc h I ga.1 t~1 nt 88 cou J~ B ~e tho scnb come olr. I keJ)t' r ellent- my son's marriage w1th sU"erlng to v' ~;'O"b Itel' dlA'nterested . good, tbat he. 'can't bo any gOOd or bill t.he"1 dau U ' " , may be .nece· nry. That's as !ar , n · S I 'the treatment up tor three weok.s, and ghte r of a mlln who died 'rn d tl Q' " tl h Id atller wouldn't go baott on .bltIl . You nrlson-" evo on. UI y, Ih,8 liB : wish to · go in tbe case. It mfJ.t nol my ocz rua was cured. , bow ·what the world Is. Peollie will .. , "Yes, 1 Imow-T dill wrong . But 1- be Imowu--J oannot IIlIow It to 'be " My brother got. hIs tace burne(l She Intorru)1lted lIim. I 1ove hi m, ,,' J e"nes. .. . B~lt ·c<m~elIlu him boca use you coud emn " If. <" eve me 1010WII that' a m help inlY him ," wit h gll·upowder. I\ud he used Cutl. "That W Ol:' h:ll'd luc k-not hing but . t I I II It' I '" .lilm. They won't eltell g1V(1 him ' a or no ove I ro. l:I my on y e s · "l'rl\tst not be k nuwn " I.'rlf'd .. on! •• CUI·a. Soap . and OID lm ~ nt. Tile peo.. to mnlee cllse. I th oug ht 1 cou Id t.a Ite cnr~~ of ·hearing.. For God'lI sake. don't go hard luck You're not goln" 0 . in astonlsllm ent. "You m .an pie aU thought ho WQuld bave scars, . m o r csrlOlI s iulo fOI' tha t. are YOIli' him ~[o needed uqm e on to look .. ' t you ,. . [' ,,' n r" ., l · wou' t s ta nd by him ? You'lI ooly 'llat .;back on ·hlm nowl" but YOll cltn·t soe l hat be ever had ~.. . Y • I S~O't One of the Mc"icanl5 Dea d. Mr. . Jetfrlcs turned and walked to- Why, I WHS onl y e igh t y'c ars old wben ~r hi m; IIe' s t 00 el\~"II y In11 ue ncuu. ou PitY for til lawyer !" his tace burned. It,w'aa slmllly awful . . that hapPE;' uell. Could r have I)rc· I n w bls ba u t e Is ot so strong 'Ward the wlndoYo', and fltood thor(:\ guo Yenlell it ?, n 'ckIElt!s1y s he went on : ( 0It I ht bo . I' C Hr t Idn e tl ~t his Th e bnn kn r podded : tloned t.helr artillery. Santa Anna's to loOk at b rore tbo' Outillura Rem. J;lng on the trees on tbe lawn. Sbe us mg . e 0 m . l~ "T-hnt Is all { ca n nromil.;o." right '''lng 'Wan lIla oll In a tbick edles (Soa p and Ointment) cured It." "Wol1, hlame it on me If yOU want to. f 11 ' d Its t lI es sed to IIYTI ' -dId not seo ble face. but. uy lhe ncr· e ow 8.U ' [ a 00 'e u . She laugh d hys terlt:nlh.'. . grOVE'. Whe n we got. up pretty cl9se (Slgned)Mls8 EHzabeUl Gebrlq, Fo but don't hold It up agnln8t Howa l'd. otl h ' n nd m ko 1 1 do nIt l'lnds ..-ou".. t wltchln .. .... ot bls banda." behlhd He didn·t know It ",ben he married II f thl Z . II a " . He ..Wby .... s lte exclnlm!)d . "I~1 (loult'l Gell · t "m, a the 1 m tl ~ boys . eral . Houston sent word to olonal rent Olty, Ark. Oot. 16, 10t O. his IJaclt, (ihe sllw "tbllt her words J.U\d me. He nevor would have Imown It 0 ngs \lse , A1thougll' OuUcurn. Soap and Oln'tth t 0..n1"'1 b'o . k r , 'er .been do thu ~ myselt it 1- 1 tried bard Sherlnun to ' 'att ack, tbls posiCIon .. ' not be n without~ effeot. She waited but for tb o detectlv.es employed by s(\:"s ( . "Wo wore ordered. to ,movo forward ment are sold by. druggis ts and deal: . t h " n so Incec low I I es . stIH!10\ ed 111m enous.h ." III s ilenco' fO. I~ : btm to aa" /:Iomotlling. you to dig up my lamlly history, .nnd b e s .. me.t s s ., to"'! JUnd 110 v "1 ca ll pl'OIl:1 110111111'" llior ." r. :Uld hold our tire untll ord re we're ElI'S everYWhere,· a liberal sample 'Of I was b Prescntly . be turned /\found, : and abe t bo newspApors did the r~st. God! ccau II., l II'O'Act him plied l\1r, Jetf rlf.,s, cold'v. lO.ven. W hen we got k aI .tl Wl\ghtIl 1r cO(II" .. , wJthln 8lxt.y or each; with 32 7pnge boo,klet on the c~ tl&W that his., face h.nd chllngl'd . 'I'he wen . lon u. ) IA' • "But tha t I ot h" I vent }' 'ya rlls 'va were ordered to and treatment of skIn and hair, be wbut tb ey didn't sny! I never r eal· But !lOW this terrlblo tlling hilS hllP, t sled "I ' s t" entoll g . srle f>~" . look of. haughty pride , ht:id gOlle. She Ized 1 -II'IlS o[ so much Importance. ' I . . v. an )'on 0 CO nln or war fire. Then all <!lllclpll.no as tar., as sont: J)OEttroo, on appllcaUorl to Potter ' bad toucbe{i tho cho' pAned, and tor 1 ~nd power esl:'l. tIt "'ubllch' " I ~ h e rma.n·s troops were concerned, was . rds of tbe fa, They prltited It In sClIr ·head· Unes. It too much me.1 um I can' t figbt htsSand . . . , . J e cI~r e Y..... " lI r til 1P. e, . ~ & C" Corp.• .Dept.; ~oStoD. ' (her's hoart. Gravely ho s:.\id : !Undo a fin e semmtion fo!' the public. battle alone. Won ·t you help me. Mr. you r !lon !! III\locence. I wont YOIl to tin end. W W !:'l' a all firing as rap. "Of courso ')'0\1 r ou\lr.e tbut you. bl.lt It (leRt['oy~d m" 1\~l\CC of mind' ." , Pllt your nrm!;l around him and sny to idly us we could, and liS s oon I1S :we WillIng to "Make Effort. '1'< es?" she me add l.l1 E'adingly. the· world : "My boy Is Innoce nt.' I , t1l'f~d eYery mllu reloaded as qui ckly I the ~cottl8b , "A convlct's~ <Iaughle r!" said Mr. .Jeffrl "Won't you belp ?" d On a lurge e state .n .• bove all · olbers, arc tos J)oof:;l lJlc (or his present posi ti on." . . !mow It and I'm goIng to s tand by a s POElllble, nnd tho ma n wbo flrst got Ijlghlands It was the custom for a She \ViiS nbollt to d lUlIr, bll~ Hhe J effries ('o~tcluptllo\tsly. The ba nker WDR thou ghUul a min' him: YOll won't do that?.. hia gun Teloadcd moved on, not walt- piper to pia}' In front ot the house e beck£1(i herselr. What did she care "He WllS a gOOll man at tba t ! .. abe uto. then s uddenly be turned Oll her. Mr. J effries shook his ' head . fngtol' orders. I rtlllhed In to tlle Urn. e very weel< duy morning to aWake. 'Wllat they thou f; bt of ber? She WDS IlIlRIVC'J'ed hotly. "He kept the squarest "W ill you COliS ut 0 a dI vo rce if I "It Is impOUl!lble." ~er 111111 !Ired again. When t he second the residents. , Atter an ovel'convlvlal flct.tIJl~ to save he r husbit/HI . .not to J)oolroom In Manhattan. but he 1'e· agree to help him?" The wlle 's pent'lIp teel n "6 no., volley was poured into Uiem in that Snturday night . .howev~r,. tbe p lll8 r She loole d at hi m W'ttll dis may. guve way. The utter IndllTe rence 01. tllllber, .they bl'ok snd I·un. forgot the day and began his reveUie m a lrc t he J e ffrl O!l famllv thinl( brttcr ~lIsed. to ftU)' l~'~C bluckmuil, and of he r. Qu{("ldy 1111(0 .IHI~\V(;\red: I e WII S rn I'oa e 0 ' ~~~- ':;' ru;~~~~ There wa, tl'aglc te ns 'ness In th is thi s nrl!'! tol'rat1c father nroused h"r "I was running on a littlo in frnnt (~~n It be J)layed ou the plpea?) Oli "Well, ull right- l'I.n res l1onsible- ' nently s h(' wcnt on : dram~tlc situal.lon- fatile r. flg 4 t1n g .lndlS1Ultion to s uch a pitch that s he or our men whell ,) w aG s hot down. Sunday morning. The o.ngry master ' b ut uon 't pnlils b hIm because of me." sblllgl<,'. hud b "en up In \Vall .street, tor hiS ao n. a woman fi gbt\u g for her became I·eckl '!;.s of the conseQuoncE'lI. J) IIVll Husk. wa.s lI t.nndlng by me .wben shonted to him from the ballroom 'w in . .Mr. J elfrl E:'S looJwd at, bel'. aud he d I11It~C GO dl ~ bofws t mllIlons, husband . They wanted ber .to desert lilm. jUllt I was s hot. 'He told lIome of tbe men d'o w;' "Here. do ,you not know tile W ho Wlll; this YOII[)~ woman who :~t:~~!~:~~~ 1~~~'C~~~lr~~~:!~~n~~~~~ "A divorce !" sbe st ammered. "Why, as they deser ted hi m. bllt 8he to stuy wI th me, but .I toll! him : ' No, fourth c<>mmruldinenU", And the plper~ . r. b,antploued so wannl): hili olVn /;oo? was unfortl.luut{'. \ Vhy. Billy Delmore I nev('l' thought ot snch a t hing as wouldn·t. St: e would sho w th om the tal:e th e.1It on.' t urdlly r oplied: ' " Nne. air, but "It She was Itlll wlfo. or COllrs e. }jut wives W HS the bE'l:;t IUnu In the world . Ho'd that." kind of womllil sbe was . "W hllo I was sitting th ro on. of !',e; .I.I.- hIO-WhUlltle ·lt l'U-hlo- try It'. of n certuln kInd artl QUlctl to de(wrt gl\'o 11\\, ;:.)' the las t dollar he had to " It's the only " ' R)' to SUI'e bim," "So!" s he cried In UII nlllburst or our me n who had been tying down be- • t l.le lr ,1~ll!Jba lld!.l wh en tbry nrc In t\'O\l' n fri end . J \\,'1'1\ to God he wn3 alive snld tht' bank r col(.' ),. ming led angor and gr l f . "So his film. hloll me. camo liP and asked me If 1 "'fh' only wa y 7" s he falt ered. il y mus t desert him anel his wiC. was wounded. I told him J was and hl t' .· I he rc I!lUs t be' sblUc good In tile now ! Hc'd hell) to save your sou. 1 It' Came Too Easy. g irl. after 11 11, bc thought.. [{(·Illtutlng· wouldn't Ilnl'e to cOlne hore to alk "'rho onl y war," sflld Mr . JctT ries mut t leave 1,lm ! The poor boy ITIllllt he ofter d 'to sta y with Iile , Whl~h or. Cashier-I'm 80rry, madam. but 1 ly. h ' 0111(1 : tOil ." firmly . "00 YOll cons e nt ',''' lIo ns ked. s tand nbsollltely a lon e In th o world. t er I a ccept ed. He . wonl. 'll t'lar ~om e can.'t honor tIlls check. Your ~U8 " ~ I could bdV ~\ fOl'I;1vl'u him I ve ry· MI'. J Off. ril'U sh iflcd lInea~l ly () n h ili Annie thre w lip hel' head. Her pulo a.tJ<1 faqe a t rllll for hill l ife ! t 'thal WOle t·, nnd w hile be was gOllo I got up band's nccollnt Is overdraw.n. t.bl ng, eH· I'.I'lhln ~ bnl- " rect fl od luoked away. fu ce WllS full of dete rmination, all she I t ho idea?" to lie If r COUld. wlllk. 1 had lost fJe) . Lady-Huh ! I .thougbt ther& was " Uut IlJC," ., il l' !l/ll d pruUll,tly . "I " YOII don' t seem to ullu ers ta nd ," he replled r eslgn cdly, cate blng be r brl'uth The banke r mllde no reply . ~nap. mu ch blood that J "'as very weak, nnd something wI'ong when lIe wrote tbls knuw it. VOIl'l you 'suppose I fC£'1 It. /;ald iTllpatien tly. "I've l'o roplt>tely cut Ull she IIpolJ.e : ping her 'l.nsa rs. s he went on : (:ould not. go fnr. I sat down by a Itt. oheclt ",1f~Ol\l waiting :or me t d ' "et ' too. li nd don'l YOII tHtI>lIose It hurl !!'I" him of[ from the ra mlly. It·s as It be "·Yos. if It must bt·. I will cor.sent "Well. It hlll't mine. Mr . .Telfrles ! I tic sap.l~ng. and the man who hatt hYs t'erl 'Ill. MI'. Jo:lrles Htllf(llled tip. l.'hls wom· were doad." to :1, divorce-to savo him!" won't consent to a divorce! J won' gone uf or Wa.ter lIoon returned. ,rust " . Important to Moth ..... an ~ns 'o vldently tt'ylug to excite. his Sbe approached oeurer and laid her "You ,will lea\'e tbe country and go lel\\'(' Amerlcu! A.nd I'll see him jUllt .s he han!fed me t he water '1'1 couph. . IJ:xa~tne ' carer~lI"" eyerY ·:.bpttle ,of . tly mL1utldl·S. 1'1H' hll rd. proud cJCprE!e· band geutl)' QI\ tbe banl(e("s arm. abroad lo li ve ?" continued the banker as otte n as I can, e\'@1l It I ha,'e to or Mexicans came run.n lug towa'rd UII. CASTORIA, &'eate'and sure remedy ro.. til on tume back Into hi s face, ll@be nu· "Don't say tbat, Mr. ,lelfries. It·s coldly. BIt' in the 'l'ombs prison all day. AI 1 SU\lPQse they had ' hidden ' 'lii lb... ·Intanta and children, an4 Bee. 'that 'It 8wcrod curtly : wlclted to sny tbat about your own Sho ESltHIE)d all In a dream. ,'hat tor bis IleteC".sf', I'll find somo one. 111 gra!ls ' wh!1~ . ,ou,: .. men .ware . PUSlq'j . 'Beara.the, "':~;;,,' 'j;";'~vzr " J"orgi \'(~ Ol e ror s pllnklug IJlnlnly, lion. He's a good !.loy at ' heart. lina she 'would' be (·onrronted by such an go to ' Judge B,rewster again and If he , They were ,':V~t~ln t1Vel.~ty 8tel)8',0( UI sign"ttire.of~: .:: b ut mr 6 0\l'S marrlago w'l tb Iiuch a he's been eo good to me. Ab,'::tt you slten 1s tl\'o a s this hnd DO\rer ' entered .sutl .r~l9S~8. ~ II go t.o 80~e one 'ellle: "~.foro .t ltey, lIa~ , 'u,s , . ~he!, · qut~~11..In Uie '1!'ol' Qv~rJ ~"Y~1'I:\ ;?<~ : ': \\'oml\ll ua ;VOll ha s made It II1I[IOS8Ible only 'k ne \\' bow hard . he's tiled to get ~er ' .nllnd. ah~ \\rondered .whY . the There- muet. be soma .good,· blg.heart.gd thre'Y . 1l~ tbel.r ,h'an~s .. o.nd .;b~K!l~ .t~. 'Children,I p;.:.J,for :~f.~her8 08stor'ia~'.' to ' \'cn cOllslde r the I)Ut'St!Oll or I·('con·, work I'm sure you'd chang'e tour opln- w"rld was so cruel .hr..d beartless. Yet lawl'er In this sreat 'elty wh011 tol;e ten us sometlilug in Sllanl8h ,b llt. we'. "'. ' ,:. ~~Jl " I \"' ~' ,,~r.'., ," . clllnUotl.... Ion or him. Lntciy 'be's been drlnldng .it lhe s acr.lficemut;t be m~de to save bp.b~s cnse." · ... . . . . <iO~I(l' ~ot ~.9der,,~a~d ~hld: t~y: said. . ' . ,.:: 'Bac'kti~n~ed' One. :'~, " With nil her o.rrOl'tii at self·control, fI little because bQ was disappointed' Howard she . wae ·re&.ty .to make It. Trembling WIth emotion. she read ' ,. 1. told '. the ma~ who . ~ul5 . wlt\j 'lne to : ';H~The :: ire~t-.'tf''i)l1bte'.; wlth, ~Jltll would lillv(> been lDor~ (linn In ~~l gut~lng !Ionfthl.ns· to do. ~3ut "Jo.u ",111 .leal'£" Am'f}rlca ,~nil..n ever 'Justed her \'011 and .WUh ber handk~I'''' ,ehoot >o,~~ of the, ¥e~lcan8, ..lIe ~f!PUM, blOtgb<ii he~~lb' to~ 'U1uclli ,,' hUDl.a n . hud spe not ,·.o aunted the; Insln· !Ie ti'l('d ,(10 · ,haret: · He wallted the r:eturn~ls . that understood? repeated phlef dried her tear'!ltalnt'd ' la.c e: Go- . tha~. l1~ ,could1l)t :~Q It: as :the)" ': wa,n~e~ " uotlon III this: crll('I 'ePec(lli : l''or a fllO' atroets nlgh ~. ~.niJ da:t . . OIj.C(l he :evcn the,. bn~k~I"'" , .' . .. . "Ins to,wnrd the door, she 118Id:. .f' ..... ·. to.:•••urrf.l)l~Ol" .,,1 "atd: ." ..,. ' -,,:., . mellt ' she rorgot · the ilil t)ort.!lll<'C of toolc .a J.lo~llIOna8 g,uRrd o~ ' tho el a, uYe.s. SII·.. slte rephl'~ r~lte~ln~.Y. . , "You nee~ln 't troubie you'rselt 'an, ' ". .Hlo~} w~t., any .,~o~e ' .p.rI"On..::r.8 i wotd. '. ":,,:. ',.0 ' ',:. r . -: :') ~" : .• : : ,.;.\.; ~r;esen'log a.micl,IJlc relllt.loll.,B, nnd ' ehe vated I,'O lUI. .lust tblnk of' if. j\{~: J re ft· .. Mr.. Je~rle~ po d:~.e rvou/JlY· u~ and, ruore, . Mt, .Telrt'les. .W~' 's han't ' i,ee1·. .~,\rfd.. me ,.y.!l~~ . gu~ , ~.nd. I . ~J,tl:.:~~~t ,' H~Ii::be'e foo·· JIitic1i~~.~,11 :'.~n'tl~' , " ' .. 1 ~' r toned: ' , . . ' . rles. y'our s(\,rI-tn sucb straits 'w:e dO~\'I1 the room. For tho, first tJ~e 'your help.' Tbank. you v~r,y ,PlUch for , on.~, ot ~.e~. ; ' .. :-, , . . .. ,. .. ... ' mt\n l tci...InterruPt. . . : . .:>. ;., '.. r . ,"SlI. 1I a \\' 0/l111J)' all mo'? 1'bat'spr"' t· wo retLul;Od-;-but he ca .~gll.t ('old and ' ~e. se.•med. to takll a u Inte. r u~~ tn. Uie the Intervijlw. It was v.e rl' Iqlld. 91 ';': He h.l!-n4ed, me th~ 1J.Ul1",and I. ahot . : .) ~;.7'" " . ' >,'.' ,.. ~ ~..t~i.t.,. ~ J1la ln . .!;lut ~ou'II ' bal'e to sp('ak 118(1 to gIve. It lip. t wanted ~ go t Q Itlt~l'\ lew. ~at.l'o~IZj~. ~IY he 81l1d. , ~Q\I. to Haten n pllUently. ".~d ·:'fter. .~'i1~ o.f the. 14exlo"oll "de~d, .~~e ~tbor . Njl~~lJ" ' lllJr~t'It;e; ,1 Garfiold over• . I!,! n ilion! J)~lnIY,: .Wht:t do TOil 1I1!l4~1 wOt'k .and help h Im out. , I ~1~.tv!!.Y!l "YOtl wlJl l'ec!;1lvc Jl ~?Ilr'y {ffio.... nooJl. sfr:'" . .. .~. ~~r~ o~' , ~:MY. ~o~p~nl(jo, th~D, ~t· ,t',(itnell CQ1'U!tI~t!t!~ ~', I. i(l..it~ ,";i~C),d to. ., . w h 1I yoh ,!fa)··.. Slfoh Ii WOllllln (\8 ·m·e : . ea~ncll IllY HI/lng' be(ore- 1 . m3irl'~cd. a:po.!! lIn ugb .~ lAwyer. . Before tbe astonlsh~d' b.nk~l' conl4 ~ .hdrse. a~~ ~~n;ted me "ul. or t~~ . belt . ~2!~ ,up ,the 1b'II~ I~ :t)1~ 8f:"~" " r~" '.;, .,.':' What hu\', 'I ,t\c>no!" ~ 'J him. Ilut hc' 'wou ldn't I ~ ~ . "~ 011 ...\~Ie t'ls~pd u;> her o:ll1i d',ltlantly. stop' ber, sJ\e bad thrOtrll qac);': t1M or tt~~r•. · .. . . .... . . ' ! .' .~. . '. ."..,. I • • , '" . ' . ' '. " ' , _, ~; ~ '. ,Mr. .!ti trrf If looked Ollt , (r[ the Win· ~?n·t Imow wh!l~ . ~ goOd h~Ut't " h~:t' Sbe w,oulll shf,lw the ~r.1\Ito.Cl'at tt\a~ . tapesf!,)' and dl.~ppeare4 f.libijr~ . i'4t\ '$~eeh) ~Il' uve~ a l! r.i~IA, :rex., . n " ·.,11l t~ iDluQl' IlC~ ~r o~ cfa~. 1<!i d~' ~' I{1lV.\\\ IlnRw.-rhll:, 1l1I)1 .. lte \\'c' nt ~r'I).. n~I'I~ tl(:·o.lI w ll!1l( .orvt f twlJ. b: 'but .h6~ fl'ltuld ~o ~ . tlro.lrd ./18 "0 :~~ , ' doqr, . " ~~r m"~' '1t~~8. Hit b~ 170 de.celltl 1II'e., t~at_ our: ob.ral!t~r II r.vell~ ; .,' ~ ' ' l~ \10 \ \I/~ (\HI;,' a ooy: " I .. ; bah L'l'. tNl(l eltC'lal!J\l'Cl, t dOD t i j ' . ~~" " • t.ta. ,.. _ .' SV NOPS I S.
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In the 'Pasture
In the Chicago Jnt 'r-Ocean of a f w days 'ljiuce ref rence was U1ad to the fact Ul(1t In 1909 the Unite!! States rals d 737,':89,000 blls hels of wbeat, nnu last year gr w only 696 ,443,000, a dec rcase ot 41,746,000 bushela. The article went on to flay: "True we ra.llled last y ear more Ulan uougb wbeat tor OUI' own n ds, but it is appa rent that I,r prodUction continues to 1\1 c reaso lu that l'U 110 we will SOOI1 bco obliged to look to otber 'ountrles fnr wheat to BUllPly our rapltlly In. cfl'all ing populaUan." The purpol)e ot tbe article was to ellow that reciprocIty was to b e do61r d. Th.ls Is n question tbat 1 do not IlrOlloce to d eul with, pr terrlng I to leave It to albers who bave made a grenler IItudy of tl:at econofulc ques. tlon than I bave. Tll'e point to be uODsJdered Is, with tbe blgh \wlce of lands lu the United States, a.nd with the much low l;)r . priced lands of Can. IIda, and theh' ability t.o produce probably more abundantly, Is It not · well for tbe UnIted States farmer to take ndvantage or the opportunJly Canada aJTords with its 100ver·prl ced lands aJld take a part In Ilupplylng th e n eeds of the United Stat 8, wbicb It Is Quite apparent must come aooner or later! It 'Is probable there are now about 300,000 American tarmers tn Western Canada, c ultivating lorge fll.r m a, and becoming rlcb. In the growIng or 26nnd 30·b uabel·to-the-acl'e-w heat., In ))roduclng large yields or oats and ba.rley, lind In mlslng horses fUld cattle cheaplY' on tbe wild praIrie grasses that are there, both sucoulent and nbundant. AU these find a ready mar· kct at «ood prices. Amongst tbe Amerlca!ls wbo have made theIr bomes In Oanada are to be found colonies or Scandinavians, and all are dolor; "ell. 1 have before me a letter trom an American ScandinavIan, now a Oana,. dian, nn extra t from whf h Is Interesting. WrIting trom Turtls Lake, Sa ljkatchewan, he saYIl : "I clUDe up here from F ergus Falls. MJnn., October 24th, 19l0, and thought 1 would let you know how I have been getting along. . We bad a very mild winter up to " New Year's, liut s ince tben It has bee n quite cold and lotll ot 1!ll0W, but not worse than that we could be out 'everY day workJog, even though we bad 65 · below zero a tew thueS;. b\.lt'~.w~ do not , teel , the cold ' lI,ere the same as we did In MInnesota, liS It Is very stJll and lhe aSr Is bJgb end dJ'7. ThIs 18 a .splendld place for cattle raisIng and mixed farming . . Tt~ere is some willow brush and .mall ~ p Plars on part ot the land, whIch IB lUng and covered wI.t h .splendld «rass tn the summer. Not far from , hero the.r e fs timber for building ma,. tcrlnJ. There are only 8 Norwegians here, 6 Scotc hmen, 2 Germans. The lake Is 20 miles long aDd tull or very One ftab. '-rbere Is a lot of land Yet that not 'been taken and room for man,. ssttlers, and we wIsh you would send some . ssttlerll up bere, aa there are fine prollpects for them, especially for th<.'se who 'have a UttJe money to start With. Send them here to Turtle Lake, and we wUl sbow th&1b. the land, If tbe)' ba.,e lIecured plata, Ihowlng tbe vacant lands, at the DomInion Land. oftice lJ1 Dattlflrord. Send us up some rood Scandlna.vians this spring." The CanadJan gov~rnment agenta will trY to meet his wf'sbes . .
PlMN St-ilrn WAIST.
-h.o mc. a round by the rond, a nd tfle N! Isn 't a hOllse n car. My beHt hat wlll be "poile d. : "We 'll have to MlD for It. I guef.lE , ~ Jim decla rfld. " Couldn't w mallO a r.hol't e ut t hrough F arm r (OifTord's pa.s ture?" Jessie s ug~s ted. "HIs creatures are a ll In th e other pasture now, rou J 1I0W. "
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TlJ ' sh lp III wlllC' h OlIUlY fo ntl liorlC's go down I ~ N'url ~ ldp .
'''I'he very t bl ng." Ji m agreed. He let down lhe ri ke ly bars, ,lnd tb e t wo stur l ed aero - 0 tbe field . Wb e n th ey roac bed the mlddlq fit th e Ilastur8 .J ssle como to a fu ll stop. clutch ing her c,om pan lol1'!1 ar~1 I fra nticall y. and shrlnl;lng lo[;c to IllS slde. "Oil, Jim, looll!" Ilbe breathed. The dim outline or 0 m m~r of the bovllle family loome d up buge and . ·l ill l 11=, ( 1Iitl "a l'e mo r .. sty le thlln startling, In front ot tb e m . Ihlf. ~ : i!tl IJ l l' \\'HI ~: If Ul llIle wIth due "It's tbat dreadful anImal of Hen rl' ('81'(' III fln iR hlllj{ li nd of good mllterl a!. Potter'II," J es81e 8budde r ed. "Ob, Ie is lint so mudl tlw ('o ' t of tbe l'abrlc wbat s hall we doT" nil It s hod y Ibn t IllIIIH b loolled to .llm·n face blancbed beneatb Itll tn~. WitI'll UlIl II ILlI; :t I1\0d('1 whlch Io{ as plaiD A Bbu/lder ot fear Iwept througb I\S t.lIl o nne. !\ Hhor t l;Jck Is vlaeed ut blm. He cowered back a step or two. " al'l) nhould I' IIIlII u lung an a iiI eac h Terror was on the point of over- Rid e o · Ih e clo. inS bune] In front, hut mastering him. Then a tbougbt I II tl1l> bac k there I K uo t rimm ing of Hashe d Into hIs mInd. He rem e.m · ny klo d. Tl lf~ ale. vo Is Ih > r gull1llon berell having seen a couple of m en s hIrt slpl!ve, fl nls ll ed ut the wrl !!t with at work 'In tills very lot tbat after- a curr w(lll whi ch linlt b\l(to lll\ may be 0000 . woro Mlldrns. perr'ale, satI n, 1I0ell, Courage fill d his beart. pongel'. et.c., w ill b L' beavy e)l o ugh fat' Hero waB the vtlry cbance be bad Ih ls :lIy l . louged to r-well, not exactly that, 'fh e TlIlltf'r o I f,3!l 4) Is I'ut In s izes 32 but ono that would ans we r aa a make- 10 42 III I I'll hU Ht nlVilSUr '. M(:dllllU shIrt, he reasoned- to show Jes81e Rilt:(' I' I1l1il'l!!J 27{; Y:ll' cJ of ~(\ Inch tU:l· tb a t he could be brave on occasion. I rIa l. A loo k of grim determination ' To Il l' ... uro t ill. 1''' It ... .. fl " n,' W "eots ~e ttled upon hla tace a8 he smothe re d t o " 1 'h t'. ' rn 1 ~~~ pn rl n\cnt." o f •il l.tJ papt:"r. \,' , II I! 1l1l 1ll0l una nut'lnJHIl pl"l nl ' , Bud be a sligbt feeling of IIhame for wbat he ' IlUl " I v 1l1\'9 1\I;L1l and IlU.I.ller or patten!.. was about to do. Tben be called out, "Run tor ' thE' bim." r nce, Jessie. I won't let him hurt fllZE ... ............ .. NO . 53!:4. '. "I'd make you a goocJ.· busband. Jes· you." 8Ie." Jim pleaded earnestly. "I'm not N /\lI-Ul:' .......... .. . .. .......... , .......... .. "Oh, Jim. I can't go and leave you," a balt bad (ellow, and I've a fairl y .J essie faltered. TOWN ............ .. ........... . .. .. ....... .. ,ood education. I'm not afroJd to "Run," JIm commanded In a tone work, either; and to my thInkIng that that st.e could not refuse to obey. BTR!;:ET AND NO ..................... : . count.s for more In thelle days than Sbe ran a8 IIbe had never run ~ STATE . .... ....... ... .............. ........ . (ore, stumbllng over bummocks Wltb. - - -I out heeding' them, and sobbing aloud like a cblld, Crom IIboor excitement. DMNTY AND NOVEL. "How c~el I have been." ahe tbought. ';And to ·thlnk be , In 1IJ'lte of his fear, was ready to risk his lire tor me! Ob, how asbamed I am!" Jim dId not move from tbe Btand he had taken before the buge, gloomshrouded figure, until Jessie had rencbed the fence In safety. and bnd climbed over It. Then be did a curtous thing. He deliberately turned bls back upon bls adversary. wblch. by the way, Ilad apparently not !1;Ioved a muscle since Jessie had first spied It, and nm. Tbe great form fitm stood like a graveD Image where he had lett It. WIth a bound Jim vaulted IIgbtly over tbe tence. "Oh, you are brave." JeRsle sobbetl, cllnglng to him . J'll never forgi~e mYllclf tor calling you a oward. You were splendid. Oh, Jim, I take every· thIng back-e\'erytblng. I do love you." Again Jlnt smolhered a feeling 8 Iii 11 to sbame. 81! he otooped and "'Now, Don't Get Cro .., JIm." kIssed the sweet, tear·wet tace, upmere phYII~1 bravery. I own one ' or raised to bfa. . . T his pre tty little rroek offer' a nov· Good DefinItIon. the bctIt farms around bere, and I On bl. way homo •. a little later Jim elty ror little girls. Tko dress Is mad e A Ncw , York judge l It Will be re- have so.m othlng in the bank · be·sldes. wlUI a slntJ)le panel Iront and tho members'd , recently declared un con· 1 can giv~ Y911 lUI comfortable a , home stopped In at 'Ftlrmer Gilford". "There'" an animal In your BOIIUI side bodIes are attached undel' tbe nUtutional the new 'Iaw' that an auto. a IIrl could wllh. .1 bate to see pasture I'd like to buy." he laid with edge ' , of thla panol. At tbe moblltst, .biI.vlng run over n pedes· you &;0 on drudging at school teacb. Ahould 1'1,1 tbey are 8camle's s, t he trlan, IDl1!rt ,: stop and leave his name. Ing, . :year a~r year, when I know W!sumed carele.sness. "Why, there ain't IlJIY animal tbus s leeves being cutin on e wIth thf) body. Th~ judge said tbat the automobilist YOU detelt It. It you didn't care for bad a · p«!,tsct right to run ·away .and me', It would · be bad enougb, but I except tbat cow sIgn-boar" Potter'!! There Is a belt Ilt ·the waist Une Md leave 'BIe 'mangled vlcUm to bleed to! could bear It like a man, and not Bay men put up there thIs atternoon, the ga thel'ed skIrt IJ nttached to tbl s. death alone for tho reason that, In a word more. It's tbe knowledge that twelve-year·old Willie Gilford burat This would be a very pretty style for batis t '. organdle, linen, ca Ilmere, ! criminal cas ell, no ' mlln Is obliged .to' !tI. only my cowardice tbat's keep- out wonderingly. "You shut up, bub," his father com· challis al1d wash lI11ks. The pane l In bear witness against himself. James Inr; ua apart that nearly drives me tl'ont of thiS .t t'Ock gives a n e xcellen t Halden Wilkes, president· of the De- cruy. If I could. only do sometblng manded 8ternly. Then ho lave JIm an uncJentand· cha lice fOl' the ulle of htUld e mbrol· ft-Dse SOCiety 'or Atlanta, discussed to prove to you that I could be brave dery, or It may be matle entir ely of all this legal decision at the society's - tbat I could protect you from every Ing wink. "Saw you and your girl Kolns over anI} ouWned wlt.h an edging. last n.cetJng, "And that," he c.r led danr:er- but I can't; I can't. " The pattOl'n (IiH3) Is cut In sIzes 6 througb tbere awhile back," he reo hot/y, "Is called justice. Well, In· Jlm'B tones llad become tragIc, and deecJ, was a searcb after justice once his face sbowed tbe angulsb be folt, marl(ed. "I guellll nothing serIous to 12 years. Medium Rize rcqulres :!% deftne.d as 0. bUnd roan l<.ooklng Into a though Jeasle could not see tbat In wO\lld happen It the tblng dtsnp- yaTds of '36 Inch material. dark i'oom tor 11 black bat tbat Isn't t be fast gatberlng darknesl. To prl)r.uro this pattcrn ,,/)n<1 10 cent! . pea red rlgbt now. Potter didn't even Rllk leave for putting It there. Only to ....LI,I.(ern Department." of lh18 pllper, tbere." HIli worda smote her beart, bow. don't leave aily liJndllngs Iylnll Wrlto nome ana ndtl1'f!1I8 plrunly, and be e'f~r, and the teara ftll~ her blue lUre to ~IVA tllze and number ot pattern. around." ED .GEERS "The itrand old man,'! h_ ves. i. called ' for ' he is 10 hone.t hancUinl Juat aa the town clock atruclf "Pleale don't take It 10 bard, Jim," hO~eJl in racC!s. lie I&}'II: "I haTe ued 12 long drawn-Dut stroke. a lIupromeNO. 5413. SIZE ............... .. ISPOllN'8 ' DISTEMPER CURE for 12 .lie beaougbt blm &elf·reproachfully. ly bappy man climbed tbe renco· of yean, 'a l_,8 with best aucce... It .i. th_ "I'd do lUI you want me to In a mIn. Farmer GIlford's Routh pallture, :t.nl! NAME ..................................... .. only remedy I know to cure an fonns 01 ute tr I could. Perbav- some time dLltemper and prevent horaes in aame Ita, loon. by the light of a lantern. an '!'OWN ..................................... .. ble bning the dileue." IlOe and ,I • bot- you11 do .omethlng tbat Is really ax was slnglns to tbe tune of "All', t.le. All druiWlta, or l1'IaJlllfae~urel't. Bpoilla bra.... and tben--" Here ber voice Fair In Lov.e and War." STHEET AND NO...... .. .............. . Medical Co., Cbel1'lilt., GOlhen, Ind. ralteNd and died out. But the man would have been con. Jim , plunged forward In gloomy II. STATE ... . . ............... ... . . ... . .... .. .. . Not AlarmIng. lence. H& "new his own limitation. slderably surprised could be have '.ArTy-I've. 'eard you've got a job, tllO well. Besldell, ber unfinl.hed sen. heard a blushing faced girl wblsper. am. Is It a fac'? . tence shOWed him that her bope of Ing to berself. In tbe seclusion or ller Onl)' One. own room : BtlJ.:..Yue, It's 'true; but tbere .aln:, b",vel'7 on hili part was small. WEal'Y Wa Ucr- YOII ' e got your "Oh I bope 'Jlm will neTtor flnd no causJ Ifor anxiety; U's onlJ tem· Aa Jeslle QuIckened ber Iteps to pory!:-~dQn Ophllo,n : . . } , keep pace with , thoBe of her silent out that r snw Henry Pottor's men norve going UI) to 'lh nt houKo CUI' 8 He l!andollt. Don't you Imow th ey l(eep' -companIon, .be' bearury ""Isbed that jluttlng that slgn·board up. dog? . 'A pin serntch m~y Cauae ~lood . poison, .~e .lInd· ndt 'pe~tted Jfm to Beo ber would nevor forgive me for ltnow· a Tatte r cd T erry- Su,re! What of It ? a ml!ty nn.1I cltt ' Is' very 8Pt;tO' do', 110. , bom". Sbe. mlgbt bave known what Ingly playing him s uch a · trick. Hut SamJinll' Wi~rd Oil' \lIcd . at once ' d~wa , 'Would. ~ppeni .T hls made the third I couldn't help it. r bad to bave 80 Dil lad y III ODe o f !l' se Fle tch c rltes, nnu ::tfter uc dog s its orie' plece of' you out aD. infeetion and makcs blood POUIOD tlDi~ JIm'. had propoI.e d to ber, and It excuse for accepting bhn,:" I s he IDIlIIOB him IDasUCnUI It 103 tIm es tmpomb1e. ~a8, .'fery. hard .f~r her. to keep on b~ rore Rhe lets. )lIm takll ano~er Tbe truth' ls tbat. tbe love ' of lireRs ratusInI" ': . . DurIng the T:rllll. , blte.-}' uck. ' '"'b· "When I dgot through with Is ne·xt, . afl~r drink and gam bll nl', one I. e · two ·0 J ' •un" . . ........ .-~ ple -~re so a" II' 1 "thmyj rs'. curses. of our , country.-.-M..... , ~r~e'd . : b1' their. QWD unhappy marks;" 1Ial "qne ,aw:ve~~ e ury . Just {h'e Oppoolte. ' tbQughtai ·that .t11e,·,talled·to notJce the 'was In teara. · , "YOII ought t 1'eruae thRt ricb man ' .... . ,. ' . ', l . . .. fut ptberlng clouds, ' which ' "Yes;': t:eplled the "they prqb- he iK too old Cor you.'. . . .. . iuI~8 l!Ioo"I~1r '8J'1'11P m OhU4N11 mucb darker liIaft· the :hour warrant. ' ably real\7.ed then that 1 0 ur . JlOO! . "I' m (iQlng to reiUfie hI! I. te.\IIlD.,..,neanbe Ir\\UlB. reclueetl lailamm., : ~, u~tll . Jcju~ .:1'U 'lii'o~ght 1o :. iud, allent h!lsn't 11 -:bance II) the. world ,. .' ~'O;lDg r Ol' nle." , ~~.au.,. paliI: 4Ij!1fY ;wla~ ~Ue. t6e a IIo~U" den' , ...,.lll.U~ of her lIurn;undJn.. '. ;'Too 'young 7" . ' ' 0 80 . ·D . The Amat.ur Ph"nb.r.·' ..' . Wb ·'e ...Jee· .... leunln. In hi. b7 a bl I d rop 0'f ' ra. Q" ' QQ ' h er 'faee, -. . , . ~'S'\lre; he m Ir; h t IIv . t'Wen~y ... HOb I .IDJ" ...... I I do' "':'I,' .. as ,&1. yo, ' . . , --th ' "10-- •...D e· pait" and 1.' dead. !:or .... e'·'. ',e '· .It'.' I 0 Inl ~ . "So·fu.. IU. I )0I0W, ',Tw;. obble . ,,",' .... .. v.. ~y -- ~ . ' to raI~ ~ .be 'c ried, In .dlamay. . 'aolutelY DO' crotchets. , , ~ . . lb. ~u'are.:::-Eurlpl!lt;... "'DI4t" lOr ...~.nm, ~_I blm- ;'On the CODtrl&J'Y. T.wobbl~ ridea one HI. Opportunity. . aelt,. 'and IlcaDl)iD,· the aQ. "'Looll. or th~ .. mOlt exp.eJ1s~" hobble. 1m1liJ· 1 "/ '<:plonel lfal'dC~st '~8 It la . u If •• ' Jl)jpt · ba....:ca1d'- • doWD- &Dable. .. ' _ fOlly . to ' bave war aernpl;&Dcti.,", DiIv.'" '.. , ... ... "Yoti .urpr.... m.. ' " . "Well he needn't kick about It It -··.. ....;.,. . "'Be. .... aD 14_ cq IDeAf 1 will the old hi. cbance co ~... 1f' .. .. ball III • waW ..... . . • bOot foU,.,. u it file •. "
'of. the
"1I00f1' " ~11'HnplU'llIl\ h ll~
bold rom Ily III 0111' hQm 08 l on~ lUI I Clln rc11 1(.!lI\bCI'. I hnv I.ll~ en it In the Kpr/ng [0 1' ROveral yt'lIl·lI. It bns DO ('CJlln I for d~'Hll<illl( t hl) blood lind ex~ . • H un'l .... "' ...... ,.-\. Ult1 tl ulJ",\lltifo. "~ o r ~ lttl:" p<'.lli ng ··thw hnmon' t hat [ll!cnlnulo.t <1UT.GIPplt. IlJ tI • " A 111'0 I!. Ohn ."tIl, 1. Hor. N. Y. inK Ihe wi nter. 'n 'in" 1\ fo rmc]' nlld ('xpo cd to 00,1 WC(lL h~ .. , my "y"'Cm i8 OftcD Thore tu nOlhlng liD ea. Y uul that It , nO'pl! lcd . 111\11· I orlel\ fnl;e llood's :Sort"" tJl:'l'Om es d lm('lIll w h ell YOu d h wIlli l1nr, lI11 wilh 1(00(1 l·cHul (.H." lI ooJ)i ::lnl'l\Sl Llllrill(\ iH }' '('nlilll' to Itself. re III('till! ('tl. - ' i'er('lIce. Th!"I'" 111 n o "jlU.t B" goo<l ." . (jl't it l'llfllY ill IL"Un I li'luirl f llml or C'1I1il·I,1 'rl'lI. invlllU:loh!,- in II .. hDcolat.cll tahlet!! calle.l S oreatabs.
( C II,rqb t, Jgn, b1. A.... ci led Literary Frau.)
filIAl!; F. I S1'() 'l'On R RUO ES All n"A "·oot-~\·, \oil" Aml\ r' lltlu pt.",do-:- r.)r 'l~JrM, " ubto..:_ . " ullro . Il fl r\ nuti t .. t. IV(l'ft l'(!,JI f t una. .:ow1ntt. MaLa.ttl ,," Ik l nw Ii fhll lQ'ht.. tiot4 (I \"f'rywh",..",
--~,---------------------... By EFFIE STEVENS O; I COUld. uevp.r bring mys elf to mnny 11 cowa rd. I'vc mRdlJ or> my mind to , t hat, .l im. l·'atb r says you aro on a , lind th worst of It hi I- J can't tl flY It." . Tho.re was a nol. of sor· row ful r eg,et In J essie Leighton'S 'foit:e 1\11 she uttercd th Is decision. " I lInoW I am Il ('oward," Jim Uar· low ac knowl dJ;cd humbly, as bo liauntered nlong Ibe count.ry lane beIIldo her. " I've b c n · aCmld or thin gs eve r sInce I was frlglJtened 8 1) In t liat horrIble railroad acelcle nt when I was n IItlle cbap. Try as I may I con't seCUl to help It." "Allnt Martha says n mnn that's halt f\ man Ilhould be able to p ro ~ .. ct 11 woman from every dan r,er," J eS8 le continued. as If Ihe bad not heard ber companloD. "And a coward never could do tbat. Wby, .1Im, In baWe you'd run away tb e firs t inlnute y(>u lighted the enelJly, before even a 610' gle glln WIUI ftred. you know you would." JIm Barlow'll bandsome. bronzod face Hushed wltb a nger. "Your Aunt Marlha harID't eve.. needed an,. man to protcct her," he , erked out. "Wbnt does a n old maid know about what a man' should or should not do, anyway! And there lan't any war, Dor IIkellbood of It, that I know ot, 80 J dQn't lhlnl( you nood fret about wbether I could face lhe enemy or not." "Now, don't get crolls, Jim," J ellll '3 negged . ..[ dldn·t meRn to be unkInd. I suppose you can't belp !lot llelng brave. But wben a girl trusts her wbols future to a man's keeping she wants blm to be brave-sb e wants to be able to look up to him aud roS)lect
I Househ'o ld
The Ignorance ot Casey. Oasey- Phw ill kln \1 Il\'- a bar ht n, , • _ . cob? . I Taken In the 8grlng '01' Ye!l ra • , M'ul1Jgnn - t's "'lin tllo l'R be n raised In1011'01y o'n ('om, e Ignom·mlls. R IIlph RUHt, Willi!!, Mich., WI'ilet'e
It will t o I 'urn
1\'. I~
,,""III" n""'8 I
dYHP,' ptlcs P pHln nn.l I .. now 'I1 r .....I.
1',"'1"11.1' I hu L I n tI,,~ ,lplllion I. uo a " "o lll tu " um (0 1' 111-
Olh N ..
l1 u ndr p(l ~
g l,uJl y I(,HUry.
lt 10 U 8 1l1 l rllnf CL~ 1 ur" (or Intll l;csUo n. <:oll"t1I'LL.llo)1. blllo1UHl 'MIl. hcn(\n('h.·". ga.e on Ih" >! II1I11 IW h nflll similar (:011111Iulnts. d, ) 80. 'rill' I'(:m li y 10 Dr. c l ltl,v.' Il's A h.lllio ...... 1.1 0 hllli ut uny .Iru/( fl tur~ S ),ru ll P. · p~lll . (01' tlCl )' '~1\11j 0 1' n .tolllLt·, but It you w1.h \\, ,, 1111 l<now tllfl \nhl(\ of pl1 .. ,. p"psl o to mDI.., n fellt of It fl" ll t 81'n.1 y o ur nd· In ir!<ll grsU.lO, nil" " lid 10 t ills .... Ill" (' x· \Ire.. ., to n.'. l'nlilwflll IWII he will su pply ('('fl llo lll d l !lxu ll v(' Inj,'1'c(lt l' n ll! uIH1 y o u I\. trl'e _amplo bOttle, sent (JIrr.ct to YO\Jr lin\''' n t Tlll y w41 n,lp)' rlll r.'uh' ,ly. MI'. 'C. nlt.lrclIIj. YUII will !lOon Illlmit I hnt you \\' . W n rl hy or F'Msy th c, Ga., got to tho havo fUlind /j(lmnl hlnlJ 10 rt'plo(' o "aIlS, 1'0101 \V h r" Ill' .('(m ld n o t P\' 11 M t or .11- r.n ll,urU Il, )Jrerrt ll pel' fum e" nnd other g eM t vegl'lnblrs nud Iltt c r Dl flny ),CO TfI at temtlOrol'Y ':0 UlitH. 8 ),"lIp [,<,ps ln \\'111 C!ur. &(,.'Idng h41 tou.lIl t ho eu r III Dr. Cu ld- YUIll' pp.rmn nfl lllly. W.,Il·A Syr up P t' p"ln. :'ofr. Rudy ](IlAner or VOT th o tr 1\ IlO lnplo (l.thlrl's lI Dr. W. B. M oU n. lll.. w llft In t h, . snOl .. had pre~ n ldw ('II, 201 t; ah.lwell bull lllng. M ODUdl l'omelll wi th hie stomac h, t ook Syrup 110. III ot
Ih"\l 8 "nol~.
lllgl'x t tU:1 Il nd till ftJl'nuJ uf t'l\l rt lt ll ' h troll ~ bit\.. nllt!. bp i \"1' NU ll . It 18 ,,:uI<I'I," 10tl<\ I n
Splendid Crops
Maybe Sign Wu Not All Good Latin, but She Translated It Without Difficulty.
'In S•• llaIDbe. .... (W••ltrn Canada)
Jack returlled home rrom ':ollege, wb er h.e had won hi gh h0I1 01'13 us n s tud e nt of uoclent lauguages, but he ple nded Ignoru.nce oue dllY wbell bill youllg sistel' askl'd 'hln) to translato a sign uh e bad seen of a n ol1Uclnn's which read tbus: " on I;ultu subo lit yo ur,!y s." Jacl( s truggled manrully wit.h e yeral minutes and gave It up. " Thel'e nrc 80m words III It tha t are Latin . The orhers 81' I\'\. a nyhow . It do sU't make s n Re." "Thal Is what I snld;' replted hIs sisler. "But cook trt\nala tea It with· out any 1l'Oubl. btl Bay It 'Consu lt U6 about your eyes.' " AN ttSTABLI8HED FAOTOR·Y Producing 8t.o ndru'd goods u d by BLor e, hanks, fllrmers und llrn cl icnlly cvel)'body, is sending ilK specio 1 repreu'ntllt lvc to ope n a d i,tri b ut.in ~ otJice f Q1' th is dietrlct·,·
IUId other unO<'l, uplCd It'rril ol'Y aD11 deei:r.t'!l re.qident d istributer :with $000 to $3,000 in clillh. t'nl'ryi ug slock for imlllet1:ntely filling orders ; we allow $lOU to $'200 month· ly compcnsnt io n. e xtra commillllione, of· fice Bod oth r cX1Jl,n SeII, per !"on t.met. DC, cording to size of d ist riet nllotlcrl lind
Ilock CIIrricd;
pernmb eut
nrrn.ngem ents i
H you \!an IllI rnquircments writ · prolllptly. "Llbertyl' ?tnnu f ('t ul'iOI\' Ao;IIociut.ion, 130 WcSl Hu· ron ' 1., (;.hicllllO. r c t l! l'e nCl'8
- - - - ---
What We /It.re Comlng To. .lack - 1 tbough t our Inndlord dldn't allow children. all It Fldo.-HarHenrY- 'Sh! W per's Bazar. "our DruK'ltl.' 'VIII 'l'~1.1 ¥nu !\J1ll'lnl' B)'() R em u)" Rellevcs SOrf' Iilycs. Strc n gthen s W· ..\I1 k Ey H. DO l'lI l1 ' t :;mll r t. Soo t hen ~~)'.- PD.I !'.. Try II In E.l h y'H E yes ror Sen ly F.ycll l1i1 nod Orllnu lnl! o n.
00 0 of the lond sr nr th l) many s trange cri es wblch flll the nlr tOilay Is tL e CI'y fo r univ e rsal lodep rmdcnce. - Mra. H. R. lJ :J.wels.
It you move tu Mother fl at tilia A COllNTRY SCHOOL fOR 61ILS spring you will bay to ge t URp.d to n ill New York Cily.Best feature., of canntry and city life. Out-of·d!'or sporhl 0lIl new aet of Jlol lle!! nno neighbors. .chool park of ~ 5 ncrce neay the lJ"~ Riv61'. Acndemlc CourlIe Pnmary Clu.tl» To CfljO)' goo,l henlth. t. Ite ,nrllcld Tf'o ; Grndllatiop. Ul>per elnss for Advanced it cm'e" Cllnl'l ipllIio l1 !Iud 1·,....l ufnli·b Ijl(' . Speoial Studell.... .)411* aD~ Art. Wrir. Ii rei' IlJ)ll kiulll'YP. Cor catalogue aUll leons ':
No m&n becomcs a lark.
J:lllbird just fol'
IIIs.\ . . .Ulu WIItIGa. IIwl~1r AftlllC, Mil In,. 5l. ....... .
===.:-::..-W. No' U.,
NO. 17..1911.
WELCOME WORDS TO WOMEN WOlllea who lulrer wit4 dilorde" peculiar to tLeir should write to Dr. Pierce lIod receive free the advice of • phYlioila of over 10 yean' experieueo _ lkilled and lucccs.ful llpecialilt io the dl_s~ ol womea. Every leuer. of this eort tJ.1I tbe most careful ooosiderlltioo and il re~arded 1111 8Qcredly ClOftfideotilll. Many 5eII.itivel,. modest womeo write full, to Dr. Piereo "hit they would 'hrink from lellio. to tbe.i r loc:a1 pbyiioiao. ' The lOcal phy.ic!ao II pretty lure to lay that be callOOt do any thin, ttithout "an examm.tioo.·· Dr. Pierce bolet. thlt· tb.e diaruteful cxlmioaboo' are .ellCJ'1llIy Deed. ..... aDd that 00 wom_, ueept in rare c:uetI, .houlcl eubmlt CO ...... Dr. Pierce'. tre.ta_t ""m cure you rlat.c ID die ~ of your 0 _ home. Bit .. F ••orite PreacriptjoQ" .... ClUM lluadreda of lhoueaDdl. ~me of abem tho wont 0' ~.... It II the only medicille or ih kind that I. lhl? prodnct of Q regular~y gmduatecf physician. The only ooe .oed enou~ thllt .1:11 mQlt.ent dare t!' "rant ita nery Ingredient 00 ita ouhido wrapper. There'll 00 .ecreey. It will bear cllamloatioo No alcobol aDd DO habit·fonnln. drugll ore found in it. Seme unsCI'Vp· wou's medicioe deale,. may ofFel you a ·.ubstitUte. Do!!" tAke it. .Doo't tria.S. with your bea1tli. Write to World'.Dlspensliry MedIcal AseOQiatioo. Dr. V. Pierce,. Pre.ideut, BllfI'aIo, N. Y.,-take the advice roceived and·bo wcU. In
GET A HARNI:SS ]"11I4Y'S WORTH WHRLE 'O lll! tllM WI'll 'siolld ' hard mact olld lIt'rd Ii,,/,· (aT(. - lfl Q
Gemco Ha·t n,e's·s
. "The KJot2 Tbat'. ·. Gu.ra.'ee~.9 The )cnther hI (:lIlMCO harne.. til.' ma~... . from Po.CIU,'T s tcsr hldell, to,l(en orr the IItee:f;1t· by ClXp4lrleliced mon whoRo Jl.nlvclt.. don't IIU~. thnre II! riono 'bettor tl1nn~. GEMCO)JAI's: . nclJlt are put 'UP bY. llkl~lcd mcc}umlca ~n" u" , • Intended' to.r II rv1ce. Eve~ ' let I" ctJ'etopT inspect ' d. befol' It lit ·lIe.Tlt Ollt, 'and ~ protecrtloD ccrtl(lcAtll. sIgned by your dco.kjr Q~ lIT, VII III aUa hcll. warrallUaig '1( ' aga1n.,t defect Sn elthet materl41 or ~orkman,'l\.Ip.. .LoOk far th.o · trade-matI( "GEMCO" on
1)ox IooJIL
OEMCO' 1I4mt!1I11 a1:~i' for ~Ie bJ' )'our toni dealer at 4"verttMa prlot!IJ, 'Jot )'ou ~aJlt ..... tl\.Ulld c1elioriptJolilJ of -Ve,.1 dellJ'llb1e ~ I
,,-rite . to .. : t~r bee ·'l""klet . J:lo. . m. . t1On1n• . 'JQ1Jr deal"'_..uite;. Ii. . . . . .wm 00.
co., "'1I.' ~
·How . To Sto p
Boy So CUt'S I\
B~ ;v!n-s-~~~ento~
Mllt'lha FINE CHANCE FOR INVENTORS aud tl.p]>l'llisewellt a8 ex,eout rlx ot stut fEll 1'. 1rOD8. urti.nt Demand for T.lepllo ne Booth . ' -A-V, \, r Van Riper appoiu ted adSliding Door That Will .. " .. lIy Illd.. 'milli tl t,~nt r of estate of El IZIl b et h E . . . . Villi Rrpar. IOTento~ are r~ated by ~trertDl 1lltllea' ThoDlPlLon 13e~.on,. ttle fa~ \ don't IIIC, ~ just ' tt p thl! irriRohe rt M·O. l u n~ ItPPoin ted exeou- New Yorkers to eXircl.e tbelr. lDpAu· moue natural lllt· and wrl~er on ont . ~::t! i n in }' UT fhr.o ul- bnt, cu r~ the t or of e late of E ll zab t~ MoUlun g Ity on a tel\lphon e booth eUdIn&' door door 8Qbjeots, Ilnimal l1. eto . who i8 UI uerlying cnu. " Ev re tt Pe~r on I4PPoIDted uBmin-_ that will really, sUde. Headln l the P8' Ohief tsoout ot .'he Boy Scouts of Goug h sy n ll)S a nllot do thi': I t I tr tlt nr o f efltl\te o f MahI on P la the nalI\e of a woman wbo.baA! Americ a is writin l a 8erletf' ear sou tltlon a curious ' experie nce In a druc . t o r a ' Ink a oostiUltion al tonic body . at 'l' b e will of Hunna h Sa Itb Ildml t booth. . . ,welve artioles of partio~lar lDt~r builJcr to do thl:! lVo rk, propcrlyt ell 10 prOblt le. .l o bn L Brown "r "There are two booth. In that atore eat to fill Boy Scouts . whi' and cure you t o Mny ured. :lh will b~ inol poiu tpd fl dm iulRtrMor wit l wil l an aide by aide." ahe B&1d. "They are publish ed ~Ilrlng t he ooming year . i the remedy you need. D xr d . about al big a. m&t~h bos•• and are In The Americ an Boy, of DetrQU ; Rt::JtE I PROOF •1n llU V H. LeWl9 lind Thornt on open at tbe top 110 wben th.re I. a 'be boYI ' ml'8aZl De thaC ia giylug lui) In str.et nolllel the con"eraatJon In 1\1 ..... 1\(\0010 0 11/00.1 . o f GlonN Fall .. Hi nk le til d eighth acconn t a8 exec each can be beard In. the other. One greaka t atten'to n-to 80y Scout Br• ' . Y., Wl"lt til· " ACh'r t r-,vlnr; ~or"l r e in .. edl • for R bl\d ",111 11b o nd " o hl withou t nt.tl f t! cf th e estat e of George R day when U.tenln l' to a loDl' and In. tivities . . II II c Ol. I WIl& l\ ~ ke l1 In l r y Y'""I. J t H U j!tI tere,Un « commu nication trom the • ~ • w tlrk ud IIko Il1n(l'le. 11 IIre d my 001,1 W . H . N e wport fl ied invento ry nue l coul:h R"d J l:o l ll u,l ill " "nllh Ilud f~le~: ~~~:;I~xU:-'~~: FOR THE DOMESTIC HUSBAND anu IIPPlais6 0l ent oi esta te ofChas . . , ren R' t h. I c un .. tder Ylnul tb o In" t ber of our own telepho n. up town. " ' o ndurlul louie nud itlvlgurl llur I eve r Refin ishing Floor s and Furni ture will bring you more Medloo k. Present ly he old : "Can't you I'et Attracti ve Pattern . Are Ob~ln.bl. aaw .'· A J Boyd wude firs~ and Onal them. Central pleasu re and abidin g happi ness in your home than any~ For the Man Who Will Do T" Ot cour.e Celltral If we cannot stop th at cough 11 Cl'lunt ull ndmiui strlltor of e8tllte couldn' t get UII, for I learned afterwa rd you can do about the home for which you will spe.nd a~y au~ I His Own &ewing , with I N L- nur deli cious cod t.hat not even the maid wa. hom.. 10 of ~o lJhi !} Buyd . amount in . ~e and money .. will be the expenditure m tm. work. liver and iron tonic- wh ich is made Onr new line or pattern a for men .J ohn P HRrkra de r mllde final he r&D .. olf and left the booth.' without , oil-we will not charge "I "'lUI moat anxious to detain blm will be found extreme IT useful for tbe "00 YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU .CAN ACCOMPLISH?" a oooullt li S &,ollrdlan of Roy C. and learn his message. 1 Insulted my sensible and thrltty young man who you a cent for the med icine you friend tor lite by sayinc: "I can't 11. prefers to do hla own lewlng. l"or In· buy. This seems like a pretty fair Bnrkro d Ar ' bur leR L Long mode thirtee n tb ten to any more now,' but mJ,bt juat IItance. No. 9883 Is an eaaUy made propos ition-a nd oug ht to be acepted, Don't you think so? With aoooun t 1.18 "dmini8trlltor of the tl8- aa well have let h.r tlnllh. tor 1 evening autt. Buy Mven yarda- aay couldn't let out of that booth. 1 pull- aeven and a half-of nice. black cldth. this underst anding we ask you to tute Df Andrew Bulrd . ed and tugl'od at tbe door. but It Lay It out on the ftoor and pIn the try a bottle of VI NOL. Will ot W . M . Youni admitt ed wouldn't budge. FInally a druc clerk pattern to It with the blaa told on .1. .p_ JANN EY, Drug gist t o probute . Wil lillw Chaney ap· let me out but tbe man bad cot awa,. , the creaae of the sarmen to All perIs pcnnanent in ill color, never fades, positively durable ~UIe it iI m~de pointed oxeoutor . The widow, Mre. by that u~e IlIld 1 don't know to foratlone are allowed. and the .eam. of best materials. Old painted 800n made to I,ook like new m Illl beaubfuJ day who he wa. or what be 1rt.Ilted to may be run up by band. Trim M6rY You ng, elects to take under with tell ua. Imaline bulnl' to CO throu,h braid and a tew button. . .hades, such .. Mahogany, Antique Oak, etc. Makes old woodwork and Thla model the Will. Ute with _ mYltery . Uke that waolnd . may be ~rrted out ID pongee old furniture .. good .. new. "IS THIS CLEAR TO YOU 7" or tan The telepho ne company cannot equip Unen It p~ferNd . POR 8AL. BY theIr bootbl with movable doora too Pattern 7888 I. tor a man'. kitchen soon 1 think." apron; Tbt. uelul garmen t .bould Virgl1 E. Hntohi ne, 211, physlol an. ; am Inon Pleas Court. ' be made of art tlc1tlns and bound of Lovela nd and C!1rrie H. ' Soh nell. • - • - WIth r~ braid. Cut accordi ng to the Court Proceed lnzs. 22, of Lovela nd. Wayn~svllle, r For all BoweR Troubl ea Ohio . .. p&tt8I'D and place the triple notcb on . Dr. Bel1'11 AD'i . ~Clarenc e J Forma n. 29, f armer, u~ln . Rmltef the Itrtpe of the ticking. Tbe~ I. UTn the 0 ' .4 of ~e tta t:)ear". V8 " 0"'~ t.t uneou8 . 111 _180 ....., _a poe....... of t.ovelan d and Cdheri ne Krebs, 18 alm08' inl~ant pa ""rn, b ut t y ... 11:10081' C. Be~r~. the ooort. IlHowed 21. Lovela nd . four plecee of the materia l ani wen good extern .l1y tor .11 kinds <.t cut b7 W •• u a II14Jl requlrea to be a mat ~~: ~~ai:~lrtI ~:!~::oenal\~: :;s~:~~ A. J . Boyd,4 9. farmer ot Love pains, ~ld e:e::: WAL TER C,L URE . here. :::y:~ke~~:::: ~~:,~.!~ land Ilnd Anna Hoppe, 31, of F08tera apron until all are ueed UP. J ob oliPn . h ... THI: ORI:ATKIT Dwigh t Garret t, 21, DlaQhiui8t, of HOW TO MAKE PULLE Fune ral Dlrer:tor. D BREAD them Into place. and ftnl.b cataUtc 1n tbe matter of alimon y it Wi&e aHl8bo ro !!ond EValyn the top. 'I'Im ' Riggle, 21, of n1:D with a buttonh ole bar. Attaeb lapee at lll& ll found t.bat ~be plaintif f .md defen. llC J;.I\. Reol,. by High Authori ty Mak.. 0.,. the triple perfora tion a to dllnt had entered Into a written King a MUl8. Ue the thine IN THI: WORL.D .,..tlon' .aey and au. Telepb one day or nlgM. on. It la advtaable to wear tbe apron rmstlSBED WEEnY. $~.OO PER YEAR agreem ent on'Nov ember 3,1110 and . Real Estate Tnuule.... Valley phon!) No. '. IA)nll c...,.,l. behInd. aa when worn In froot It la HOTEL" DRUOOln•• IPI:OIA ~ lt baing oonside red fair an d 'Jmpar UaTe. J h M D i .. Ali B to Dismnc e No. 69-9". apt to be lII ' the way. . _~.. . av a.o • OAB ce aw.e, T U ·M I: R•• T It A N IF 1:. Th. lollow lq reelp. lor puUect· b~ '~1l1, th~. oouri ordered its 8evehrial l()t 0in nWayne A knitted TtlKedo dinner coat I. on. ooe AltO 8vtUe, 'BUa fU50. SERVIC II OAIt I. PROFI": Ihen by a bl,h autbori ty: Ha.,e of tbe late.t and JDoat tetchlng of W" YNESVILLE, i oondlti ons to be carried out' YI' OHIO the BY ua... o ITe ADVERTISlltO OO&'UMN8 • n FraDQ68 A. Daugh erty to Charle a ready a loaf 0, doueb .ucb u would be l8uon'a modela. .Choote a cbln~btlla fifteen daya. In I(enerll l . the oondl J SAMP d' Ell M LE COpy FREE 8 h t I t Branch 10 uaed Office, tor ordinar y bread. Dtvtc1. the worated of good quality. Ca.t on HarveJ flbur•• O. tlolls ar~ ,8 follow~ • an one Ad". It . . 'fORK OLI.-PER a ay 0 war Z, 0 loat lato' el,ht equal part&. Roll th... hlUldred and ten .tltche•• purl three. :Lebano n '1 . , N.w Yortl. N. Y. pleoea Inoo .uands the leDSth of tIi. BaITow The <letend aut ia to deli~er to tbe Audra' A. to Eagenl a E. bread pan. Brald theM Itrand ... if backwa twC!, .UP. wh~en, btnd. Repeat, rd untliit I. ftnlahed . Croebet ~!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!! platntt~ ,tbe foUo"! ing peraon al Seaoh lot in'Carter Morrow (bt. Charln the7 were .trlpe ot tape. Pr.. out ! DR BELL 'S ANT I PAl" a . pink border tn .bell pattern, and D B IJ' p. , . p~opel'tv :-Fl.ve (5), I~area of the no'el). $4000. ' T'" Ho nev . • thl. bratdect mu. untll It la about the flnlah with a lilt cord and • Lebano n N~tio.1ll Bank flye (5) tuael •.r. e S Ina- d ~ds. atze 'or Interna l an4l Externa l p..,.. the pan. Let It riM III the pan Judp. S. A. Stilwel l to Agne8 ' Van lo~ ._ For CouSha sharee of 'he C\noinn.at.t , Gilt! and .. tben ·... ~e It 11"41 a .. ord.... - '--'". an Leba III 1 . . ...... ...... .. _ ~ ..... ,..... Eleo'·1 0 00., ten (10)' Illarea. of stock n • - non.. • After it come. from the oven let It "' --' Leave it &0 the old hen to plok ou t •••••••• •••••••• • : .. , .••..••.•••..•••••.•••..-•••.....•-•..-•••-.••••••:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: stand undlatu rbed for about teD or If· of tbe John ijhUlito 00. and five Commi llloners J Procee dlnIL . .:.•...; teen mJnut.., then . t.al' it a~rt' hato'! 'be .:::::::::::~;:::.:~::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:-.':.:.:.:.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::.:.:.:.:.:.: neat &0 lay In. She can do .':;~::::::::::: .:.:.;.:.:.:.: ..• :.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:•.:.::: ............. . ...... , ........ ........ . ,... . ....: -- I
- ,-
:Sto bboro .CougI1, I
"Hanna's 'Lustro Finish"
"Made To Walk On"
Cou nty Cou rts
M ('
'mCAL Pi'
E~;:~!::~:~~~:tI~~ ~!:~:~~j~:;~~~~h~1::r: ~;~~;~; :;.;:~;.~i.~~.::~ ~::: WRIGHT &THOIPSONi : &IIIIII
to Lebano n and ~ oer,,,in no'e of Woodw ard, servloe s on burial oom· h ' an our. Berye b oL Thl • . b-.A 10 'bepeD I with wire netting '1200 ,uoder dat.e of ·Novom ber S 1810 mittell,. • 1; W I 11 . Robl 'rha' .:::::.: ::::: ..:. nsoo, ume, popular with a IOUp or ch.... eoune, w111 tool tbe 'hleve . ..... All riahta ~ t~.ture and fur~bh .~ j Walter MoClur e. burial .••.•• of An maT also be Mrnd at .Impl. IUDehlngl 'are-rel eased bv' him. . . . 1.:. 1.). ~:~. drew Osborn e. 175 i Jamel MoMuH en eon. with cotr.. 01' ehoe9la ' . orn~ys-a., t.. TO be • - • , Tbe plaintif f hi tooJ QUit juat, ri,ht at meal tlme the wort ot HANDLING LONDON'S olaim llud seere ta rY,exp en8ea an d sa Iary 0 f prepart ng It mulot .·be earetutb - timed. LEITERS :.:::: :::::: .I release all · otaer ' rea:l eew.te (tha.n Soldie rl R elltl( oomtoi ::::: ::::: Uee for Th. bread .nould be nadT to IUp Into Some Id.a of lpt·above JDentio ned) and release all 1111~11. '110 i A . D. tha Bill trorce Required :::;:: Bond, brld8e the o".n about on. aDd tbree-qu artera In the Or.at Poet dower aud oth'er In*t!re ab in proper- r"PIlir8 ,F'rabkUn t?wn~hl ::: (. p, 116 50; houri betora tim. for Hrnq. Th. ::::: Offto.. ~:••H.~j ty: now held or that may be helel by Bert Reed, Bridge repaJr!J The undersl ltned have tormed a co-parl nerDee, field ::~ ::~~~rb~~:1' b~ defend ant. Pl~intitr' to pay 008ta. Townll blp, 134.62; V. J. ship for tbe geoera l practis e of law under the firm Zeo'me yer, anT ume and then r.h.ate d wbeD d. , ::~: Sir Henry Tauer. prinCipal archt- •••••• , . . ., name of ,Wtlgh t 6t,Thom pson, with offices 10 the Brando n . & Ivina hlp , · attorne ys .for bridge repairs Deerfie ld 'fowns .....: teet In hte majesty '. ; oftlce ,.Ifed of .worka, .::••::.•.••: , but It 1e not q,*1te 10 Dlee .. IaYe an ·addrea . betore the Royal W M " S' 'ildl plalntt ft• . Sta~ey &rStan ley at tor $~6.10;Iroquis Manuf aoturln Leb Q n Ohio In- .v. :::::: rightAnger u g 00" wheD"1lewlT pr~pared. . ~g, a 0 , . :::::: &tit t t B Itlah A bit tI In Lon .••.•. .. n:eydo r defend ant. ' Any busines s entrust ed to our care will - 'palntf or bridges , 145.'0 ; Gallon Iron •••..• • _ • donu .!c:OtlJ'~ 'd eecrt;t q :: d.taU th~ ~;W! In oue of M. B. Jlouee'w ort h, at Workll Co., 8ewer pipe, receive prompt attentio n. . '22.~0; .E ozema f~~ !lew ' Keneral po,t' olllee to' be known •••••• a1 trUI&ee8 'he oour' found the S 'ate 0 f Ohl 0 VI. G eorge 0 •..... arna h &D, Yleld8 ~eadt1:v , ,l~ ·of prOper , to Dr. BeU'. AII"- .. KinK , lDd,.-ard'. . ' ty to ••••• .. - '~11 .. buUdlq. . .. -, n '..._ be in accord ance ooa_, - .:.:.:.::::.' .. ; . S ..-·te of Ohio . Aa ,hiDC . lOme Idea · of the macnl- .'::;::: • . UlN. I8ptlo··S slye. t)U Ilea : .' : ': an Improv e' led • I..J 75 at t with prevtou & order., it la therefo re B urton. coe.II, ....... ; a eo f Obi. 0. men' after tht' fira' applioa tlon ' tude ..... .work th~re, h• . ment on ::.::: that of thethe remo~ of pro1'1nc approv ed an~ oonOrm ed, It 18 or V8 . Somelr Brant, ooata lal mall. :~~:~: ::::::,.:';:':' 13.25; State We gua,ran~e it. n ilbo0le~D and and or ·th. ~Ia of MOWlt Pleaaan t. • .... dered '~hat ,a fter taxes are paid a.n d of Ohio vs . George Bl11'ton l oolla, p 98l!l'nt to uee. 210 a '.::~:•.::.' x. ' ral1l'O&4 to the main buUdln , requlrecl :::~:: . 14 75 oerklo ilnprov ementa mILde • - • .:..:. '0 the . . . 700 .of the . torce of 1.850 Dum, :::::: ." . I..~ • .-. • ' I " 1.0 In the old ·buDd. ........ . ' . parloD M8 the money s remain ing .' ,. .,01' OD '1 ., u - '.,•• ~ ... ....... ....... . ...::.: , '." •••••••• •••• _ ' 0_. ......... .............. ...~............... .... TO ·AID ' TEETH ................ lhall be held -by lhe t~n8tees in trua' ING .•••••••••••J1'••••s••••~••••:•••••J••••~.t.l.'•••t•••l).~. BABIE S Iq, ' but : the"'.. Do Obc;>sts Haunt Swamp s? at · dat.. ~:.::!:::!::::::::::::.:.:,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:~:.:.:.!.:.!.!~!.~~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.!.:.:~:.:.;~:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.: of ~.: remova ~ l to KillS' ·f·:~' Edward '. butldtn , for' the Me,hpd iilt Episoop al oburoh No. Never. Its .f oolish to fear ' Llm.wa ter 8uppll " Child . , WIth .Iu.t 1,'7110 or Malon., all ranu, tnelud Iq 1,.00 a tanoled evil. when tbere are real What It · N..... at Critical poetm.n . , Meanwblle tho .force at and deadly perila to guard agaln'8 ' . TIme. In case of Frflonk .Wil8on indicte d iu swamp a and marohe s bayonl Mount PleaMl lt had lnereal ed from aud 2.860 to •.1160. Th•••. nUmbe r. were for keepin g a place ' where liquor .lowlan d.. 'these are t tne malaria 8tatJati es proy. that & Iarce propor- exelu.tYe ot the tempor ary was aold tbe jury dill8rgreeli and 'be germ8 'hat cauee ague, fore, emoh1\la and tlon of aU the bablea born dI. wblle plo:red at Chrl.tm caae wae oontlnu ed. u. ' feyer, weakne s8, aobes in the bonel teetblnK. ·· It becom.. a aertoua que. The .work dealt WIth per' ~"ll . and mUlole s and may Induoe deadly tlon to the anxioua mother how .he u tollow.. 1'1. . and a half million . New Suit. typhoid . Bot Eleo\ri u BUtera d,,- caD at!! nature at th1a crltJcal time .. ot . lettal'll, eta., deli.,.rect · In lD. C. . stroys I1nd ont thetle vioioue When the tooth .. aImooR to ~ dl.trlct , and 1,1500.000 to otb.r I'll. The Windis ch Mulha,u 8er .rewin g ger~R froQ] C88tll the blood. "Three bot pear. a Judloloua rubbiq , readT or allowlll , tricta ot London and b7 cert&lnproylnCompa'DY Oled 'IUU aglllna t · Emma tlee drove ull ~he malaria . from my the cbtld to ' bite hard, we lub.taDcetI, clal mall., and JrioFl1rlatle Dwire et al of Mal!oo. 8YRtem." wrote Wm. S.600,OOO:-4i.patchecl to Fretwe ll, of ts often healthfu l and bendcl al. '" lorelp countrl e. and . the colonl•• ; Luoam a, N. C .• "and I've had fine Bon. Seth W. BrowD . at,torne y for heulth Hav. bMn ' .....-m ••• -.... t I all 116000 00 -'-hI ever 8inoe. " U8e ·this eaft!' you bout ne.,er 866 ... a n , , , ,w-. DC a ph,lntU J. Bake a maraha ling of lieD8 sure remed'" onl17 500 ~t 1111 druggl8t~ aome sudden attack or' IleImel l, anit, tonI. ' . .1 .1 and "-ale ot real estate. when 70ur I'OOd doctor w .. lumzpon ed, With repr4 to the coat.'ot th. n.w . • - • had him a1Ilrm the cau.. to be teeth· bulldtn , be tOUDd that If built III the B ~rley Merritt , throng h hi8 attor. Dancea at Oennan Court aall. tnI', when notblq ID the appeara nce ordinar y way wtth ateel conatrueUon ney Arthur Bryant , briDgs suit "Do TOU reverse ?" Wal. a que.tlon of the mouth would Indicate the com· the ·approx lmat. co.t, uc'luil .e of lltagains t Lovell R . Bryaut , et al. of of the '90e. Waltze r. at the Buckln«.' Inc ot a new tooth' W. tblnk any tlngs. etc., would be £866,000, but ·1f Frankl in. Suit in partitio n . ham palace state ballil are debarre d mother who baa tak.n canful obllier~lDforeed concret e £296.000 would from "revers ing." (H,rman court yatiOD w1l1 ~ that otten, wh.n the In probably .uftlce. The I':~ter flgure 'P robate Court. regulatl ona go even turtbe'rT and for- t~th Is llnt fOJ'Dllq, the whol. or- had proy.d to · be comet, pnlsatt on la' more dlaturbect than when ' th.re had been an approxi .0 . that J. C. White. guurdi an B. Marvy n bid waltdn l' altogeth er. mate .ay· Tbte 1'8to datea back to 1869, wben . th~ tooth I. aboutre a4y to make and Lauro. E. White, minors , mllde It. ap. .I nl ot £60,000. and, apart' ·fro~ thla. Empres s Frederi ck, then crown prln. pearanc .. • • con.sde rable .pace bad flr8t and final aocoun ' cess, was tripped up bT her partner Now, how ean We help mattei'll more by the ~t reducUon ~ 1nbee~. pined wall . Wok· In a waltz. and fell at the teet ot l\lan by aupplying a chUd wbat tt. Ut· ne..... . her motber·ln·la W. Emprella Augu.ta , tIe ey.teal moat neect. I~ tooth;m aklDI'T ' The ~nerat " poet omce . b&a fUra despot on the score' ot etiquett e, for- It we take the trouble to Saved Child From Death look lllto the nl.hed itatlaUc a of the ' Y~lettde trat· bade the Inoluslon ot waltz.. tbence- matter we ehall ' tlnd that .Ur)' tooth ftc, .howin , that all reo.o rd. were· .~ Afte~ our ohl,1d bad !InfrAred fr : m forth In all balls at .x' the . '«*Ided ha the hUIe 111.0 Ch'rlatJilal 88vere bronoh la.l trouble for'l1y eflr" So tar the kaiser ba. New palace, I. compoaed larplT cl Um.. · reel.ted the A. Boon ... ~ou'r bab7 . hu ..-chec t "~t . ~.'~ . . . The .".:t ; 'ollle.• > ,II wrote G . 'l'. Rlohar dson, 'of Rlo~Brd. pre!\suNl .b rought. " bear on him . to a awtablt! ....e for euUiD. t ..th, put 'a eq~~IMI • ",t , lon'a Mill", Alll ,J "we feared it htld revive the waltz. to D 4' .wlth ~•. ~~rY,. lateat :'apPlJ- . eln* . at the" few 4ropa ot IIPl.w a~ In hi. mUk at anoel/~ c~nstim~t.lon. it hlld a blld oougb Berlin court alWaYB opeos ~c1 ,a11 w~re wQrkJq up . t,o 'a~Hlie tIme. WfJ tried Dia.nr rem~- polonaise. and . the .I'M,t .ot 'wlth ' a ' .each meal. B7 'thua ,upplyl~ 10ur U1~lr ful~t . ~pacl.~y .durt!1& ~~. dl68 .w itbout a.v"n, .and t~e. dootor 8 graJn Is filled .wlth QuadrlUthe .pro- ~hnd wltb' Juat;,wb at h. ,oe8Cla"a t W • .au w..k. · To lIul~ ~~. 1eD~ ea and critical Um •• TOU wiUai4 n.ture ID her of the bullcllllc medloin~ 8efJmed aa ~sele$8 . ¥iD"I. polkas, tbe ischo.tU.ch·. e"~(,, "con"·T ."'" . ~d u.. work ad . pre.,.nl DlaD7 trouble ~ ao~e, "'.! ' ha!...... In.t,&lIed. ~. o.~ ~d ly w!, .t_rJed Dr . ~Ing I) New - DillO,?V. masurk ,. , . ' -' t " ~ Dot fatal. ~ta. . . . . , . '. .lft1~ ' , .~_tem lor,: IOl'tfq ·.Dti". ,. ~ry. and are pleased t9 say t~at one . ' .al. . .~ ., . • ._ • " " ~ . ".. &lao ' auooeHfull~ " ~. bottle eff~'ed a comple te oure; and . , \ - .- • . .. . . ... our 'o ldld 1a again .tronK~~d bealtb" , Look . . ..i ; '., ' .. •• , . ':'f' 8ospiol .ou.ly , a •. _eglJS Iha' . A creal m~n, ga&el are needed .on . , . . . . FOi'oo qglul. ,'oolds, hoar8ene., ~ la have ' been laid iii :•• ," .. &ole~i u8~t, ilui farm. ' ·TI(ere '. the propap te, 1'ee4 v8I71l "le "~',f~ ~ . ',nptNl, u'hma . cronp lind 80re They .may btt ail right, bu. .~eui ,1b8 funiigale~ t~e tnigate, 'he ab ~111~ m~re oht~~. ·c If 7OU. I ,,,; 'he m ost Infallib le remedy l,. . leat you IMd 80me 0118 joPM the big _~ aDd . the th•• •• made. PrIce 500 and 11.00. oareful little feed .~f~.tuff dOa' '~w it " . ' ~ Trtal 'bottle . ,. . . . ~QU'ao~ by wh.o bnys them t.() ' " the .eed i& i.. a ·; 'htD" that pte.. and othen . that ~h' be ..... , _ , .. .11 d.r~,: . w 111 make your ean barD." atoaecL ~.. _ . ".. •
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R em em be r
:Wh en you wan t good 'prin t. ..i.-.g n.e atly ;don e and quic kly executed~thattbe '
.. 'Is the .pla·c~ to h~~e -i t .don e•.
. 'No job .tOG sma ll for ,.co~.id': ..
eration.:.' BriDg',-us Your·~'Yo~·_~,r.
• ,."
1rdDD4 oi .... boU.l .,..-._- _.'-
TI'lE ·M1Al\1I ------..-
Grange Pape r
LIVERITESS.~ . --~~~-;
ICi:;,:.:,~·,~·~:t.;:.;o ";;:~, I'~,~!: Liv erite sPre ven ts Seri ' ous It· ·Sickne~s . rico ' u re of Ag
l!viu"~ Ilnu ot.her t,lun gs mll(ht btl tI~rut'd, wo 1I0h On -,-- -----~ .- -------~ ; Phanto m Opera" wu written by xeN ,..nmfl IUfin wor, lind )t il1ui vl,l V .\LLI!:Y 'l'E L.EI'Il.UN r. - '.\I:L No. lH liB ton Ler UX, uuthor of the ?nysu II : \, "ft roll ,,~ / tu" .btlt.tor my-fh t' Llverlt es for .8 Cold, Backac he and Weak Liver or Kldne.y ,. , . . t ry of the Yellow Room, " \Vhfo !) in irdltl ·,\ U\, . / ( 1.l1 A 0 11e m~n fi r 'wurn /tO D. L. CItANE , Editor and Managt:l' . ir e lf glvll prowi'! e tbllt his n e w lie· Oll rlll!iu t;u witb oLiJerti who IlI'B a ll Alwavs keep I riul will be o( Ilhtlorb ing intel'es t t o them in thE: ' l. mkllllot L!)w~\rd the ilUpt'ov ement of worth a pound Rates' of 'S ubscrip tion ' house read. Til fpllowi ng report referen oe w the reader ' l)(1itlJ aod politiou l oonditi ons, .sooo of cure. OU6 Your (strlCloly III ntlvllnco) . . .. .. .. &1.00 for use. Sturt with the tirst i ssu e, M I\Y 13th Whfllt. haoorll es f r uit an and influen other oe crop, thllt iR i8 c" far n'Slngl (Jopy . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 r.,nc~lIIg lI.uit WA tllon @ee It com. pli ed frolll retur R receive d frn I nntI we koo\'Y YOll will ooutl nu until Prepar ed from Pure Native Herbs, they Clean e the System and ' rnuuity tllllt Inuuut! for pro~ress uud C)flioia l oorrl'!.'pood ents of thiH DE'- thB end. Purify the Blood and thus PREVE NT SERIO US SICKN Rates of Advert ising ESS. The Phanto m of t h (\ Opera stn,rt,s par tm e n eduouti : on:"lon g allltne s-ll progl'6s S R IIodJII8 Locals. }lilt line .. .. • . ...• .•.. Oc' thut lUoinua t·l Post May 13th WhP.llt, ciouditi..m oowpn red with in The must firHt bAgin w1th thA ind iReudiDlf Locoill. black rue • per llilO .. . . 10c Witb Con gress and State Legi.s Ol~ed Ada. 110', \.0 exceOO (I,'u lIuBH vldoltl mewbo rs of that oommu nlty. averag e,87 pAr cent.. Tbroo insertions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~!ic la tures in session WAYNESVILLE CHURCHES. enuotin g import an t Otlt~, Dr. Bell's Antin eptic Salv& Ilrt"l s()wn thid y ear cnrn00 first ~oosidering my subj ect it. Obl~uarlea, five luch611 rros ; over live law s, you need I\U inJepe udent new· Good for all Skin Disens.... Inchll8, per 11110 • •• • ••• • ••.••• • 6C seemed mostly for oWer grange r!', p a red with UllO, Il-! p rl r con t pl\per, ona t,hat publish es lill the St. August ine's Catholi Oard of IohUnk8 • •• •• . • . '" '" , •••.•• " lGc' bot the more ~prjog ]3l1rleY, urelloO lnpllrf'l I c tbouqb Church l wtth t it over the . R8fIOlu~loD8 . . ........ ...... : .... . , .. . n ews unbiase d witbou t teal' or favor Mlt more I Wb! oouvino 1~II t1wr Geo!);!: Mill' ·nhode r . P a~ tor ed th~t tbl! young latlt year, 9il per (le nt , 8oc;1a18 etc. where charlie Is made . .. ... . 26C MII~8 e"~ry seOUl") Sunllilf or the moulh a The l'ost d Hvered anywh ere Qne DliPlay Advertising per Inc h . ...... : .• . lOe m a lind womeD, boys and girls, yeN, Winter Blu·l ey-Cou dlt.! n oomII : UU a , m. 'cent per oopy D1scouut.ll given on contract. or six oen~B per week . p~r ed wit b averagl 'l, 85 pl:lr cent. even ohildre n have 6S greut a part Plaoe or der with our looal oarrier St. Mary·s Episcopal Church. Ry~, oonllitl on compa. red with IlVIn Iltlllwe rini tllis ques tion as tbe1r Jno . .Stansb erry, now . ltcv . ,I. ro-. ('ull\\,alltu'fer. Rccl", . MAY 10. 1911, eldt rs, tur lire they not the futorl' erllgE', 90 ller oent. !-\ttn,lay chou!. )1 :;;1) " . III Morn ing 'ser ' Clover, aore,,~e sown compar ed ~tllnd.rd beurers of tbe oommu nity ? ,·Icc . IU :;30 a. m . 1101,· CommunIon Llw Mr. I I SUlIcJuy ul with each mouth , • n or ma.l yield, 90 pllr cent. Deserving No Meroy. You oa.n't, overwo rk the harrow . The oornpu nlons they seleot, tbe ~"F1 1\1 E M I (.~I\ ... "H ra." Bald the policem an after he FrUit, pro pect oOIllIlllred wl t·h plelisor es tb~y oho08e, the tasteM ... O eSlel..j had hltrrled ly eotered the danUet' e Methodist Episcopal Churdl . CnpvF IGHTS al e Be enre your wite will find yon they oultlva te now in their yonth n ormlll yield, 91 par CAOt . receptio n room, "what·s goln' on? Rev, H. W. Dalloy, Pu\.o/ . tl'~~k·lon,~~.?l~~r!~! ~ ~,irh O\ :;~~ III'.'."U t;: ~C~r.~lw~;nl&~ Berrie::!, protlpe ot oompnr etI with You've had a out. must sorely leave as Improij s upon Sunduy Selw 1. fJ : 16 a. m. Mo rning acr· man In there hollerln ' IIl\tCII,rnn 'd "rllh ., 1 ' / 'll h ,l' tHi ll, COlJll1l ll1 l10" It'''I'~lr lctlyr,'' '' I ., . ... I. IfntlllOOIK on Pftt~ ,,~ the moral tone 01 tll'e futore Wayne ~ normal Yle)tl, 93 per cent. bloody murder for nearly half an I'lce. to :;)() a. tn : ~: ' )I\'Ot Lit Lcugue. j : OU p. aunt rroe. "' h'P~l ., ., • rur w'elt' !11K "ul8n ~ . tn. E"cni ll g' Menlc·. PIne Tarand Honey P nlOH 8 fnlwl) t ltr 'Ill" 1\l llll U " Live I::itock, IOllRes dnriug wint er hour. Why don't you give h1m some- Pr Iyer MeetIng, 7 p . UI.-;- : OU p . nl. Mldw,,"., ville oomma nity I;h,,11 we not en. h epu'aluoU u, wlthlJut. r i.ll rQO, ' 11 t l O • roell' Save been u@ed for generat 10n81n one thing to stop hIs paIn r" old Ilnd young think where we and spr'i n g, b o r Rell, 2 per ce nt; 01\1. 'rttatin , oought! Dr. Bell'l\ Pine. "G1ve him someth ing to etop his Christian Church . tJe 1per u cent ; s h ellp, mean 3 per to otmt standj hog , wheth er as helpers Tllr.Bo ney oontain s both oombln ed pain? My denr sir. you don't uDder. A hftn~' O"H'lr "f".rr/ll~<l .. ""~ I, . J ... ,"est eft· Rev. L. O. Thompson. PIl8\.oI "Italh. " or n ll W I h tlU ., I"lIn mh 'J'orlllt.t:S . with other valaabl e ingredl ente. or hindran ces to the advanc ement 3 per oent . Dible Bcllool. 9: 30 u.. m. !Social mootlns ~ yunr: Btand. I had occasio n to take a lady f o ur " 11 " 111.1.1 ,.1. cluh.1lJ,."" TI "ec1cmlcrN 10:3 0 u.. ru. OhrlsLlau Endeu.vo r. 1:00 p. m. Ohio's presen t wh elLt pro pect Is to lunch one day lallt week-o h, It Sermon by pll8tor Look tor the bell on the bottle. Be of u11 that. is good and true and help. ev ry u.lt-eroate SWldBY at CO.361 0rODdw:l)r I]ew YDr~ 8ure yon get Dr. Bell's. Ur.u,,1> lIffi co. G'll rr "t- w .. .." wtC'Q. J). 0.. fu). We oan not evade our influ_ Enoour l\gin g. Arlill ill grell t r tHld was a buslneslI matter, nothing more 10:5 00.. ru. Ilud 1:30 p . m. -and this chap saw me. Well, the enoe, henoe the respous i bill ty Is upon growin g oonditi on better thun oue next Hicksit e Friends Chura . day be happene d to meet my Tha' weed right In the hill III your yellr ago .· On April 1st our conditi 8hooll1 on ers. of Shall we not UBe it ir l Day M e ·!Lnll;. U :00 II. ro. lo'lrBL Day wlfe, whom he knew befor e she was worst enemy . I I :011 a, III ro-"unb D\lY It\cc, loll for good. In a few words one of wheat WIlS estima ted at 8t per Ctl ut IDonied , and he mention ed he had S~loul. 10 :UO U. m . eeen me and wanted to know what Ovn't let the weed8 get a st·arf. ou r wri terll hall expl essed the oomp:ued ~ with l~n averag e. Undertaker and Embalmer, 1'he oonditi on of rye it! e!lti mutt'd the other lady's nllme was. Of course. Orthod ox Friend s Chureb . -kill 'em whilE' thEY are aborni ng. tbough t in thl8 way. 1-" at 90 per cent oompa red with nn nv · Mrs. EU2IIboth Lllrltlu. Pnstor Will be found in the Old E.sieet way. "Oh, n ever mind. Go ahead and Slthba th School . 0 :110 a . m . !legular ch urcb Bank Buildin g. OPPOSI ... tiNa san ever rose 'lnd set bot had erage. kill htm."-C hlcugo Reoord· Herald. RHI'loo. 10 ,Q /J " . W . )brl~Llan Eudeavor. the Nation al Bnnk . There '. a Reason 7 :;)0 p_ rhe averag e of olover is BstiOllited its influen oe somew here 1'eleph one in hoa e Ilnd or· Fer the largo aud inoreas ing No 8trellm ever flowed Beawllr d bat at 91 per oent oompa red Nlth' the ---- fioe wbere J can. be oa.llAd of Dr Bell '8 .PIne Tar Boney . When If.rea saeded Illst y e llr some land was gladde~ed Designs Grand Stairca se. day or night. in the need of a ooogh medloi ne try MIss Fay Kellogg III It New York Fruit prospeo ts are estimat ed lit girl Valley Phone 14-2. it and yoa w111 know the r88SOD. No life oan be pare 10 Its purpos e who has great skill as an archl. ~W.HENDEUSON:M.D 91 per oent compu r;>d WI th II. normlll tecto She deSigne aid stron~ 1u it!! strife Main St.-eet, . Wayne sviUe. Ohio d the Bchame tor 'l'oo otten the extl'llv agaDt who And all lite not be purer and tltrong- yield. The followi ng . rpport on the grand slalrcasQ at the Rail of Wayn esvill e, Ohi". fruit ie fornl ('! hed by th" Nursel 'y r Records In New York, start out 1D the p.u rlor.oll r oome back er thereby ." wblcb Is r~· Orchar d Divisio n nf t.his Depart - garded a!! !\ VeT), good in tbe frel~ht , examIlle of Valley Phone 153 ----- Main Stred it. uty . HAT HAW AY ment :"Iospe ctors' ob ervl~tion show IIl'chltertura l bca ------.---~.~--• _ • A Burgla r's Awful Deed WheD yoo bOB.oorn, thin' it out to thllt throug hout southea sterl1 Ohio In hen vy !,oil IOC'4\!t,l e!l, gupes nre ,'In) o:le!"ville's Leadin~ Deaua l not more than three good lotalke to mllV not pllralyz e Il home eo oom and river countie s east of ~oi~lt.o, i "pt, t att~ok young ohiok", el'pecia pletely as mother ()ffioe 'a in Keys Bldg. long illness. lMalO S t tbe bill. Nat.urd doesn't like to be Iiut Or. King's N ew Life Pi)lsllr e apple o~chlifds ~D bill IlIu.d buve : ly wh en q nA rter ed o n dnmp, bA'\VY orowde d " splendi d remedy for womeD . II very hght Stl tt·Ill " of frUit burls, gran ,I d'. In light., s'tocly !lOll!! thi "rhey gave me wonder Lll benefit in undoub tedly dUtl to drouth ,,( J uly rllselltle I S pracli .·,,1Iy unknow n . What's ~he Use constlp at,lon aDd fewale trouble , " Ilnd Augull t of preced i og YP. r . 1n I . To luff'1r wit,h Rore eyes when onft wrote Mre ~l. C Dunlap . of LeAd Good for Nothing but tho t ... 250 ~nbe ~f Bu~ht>rJan.:1 /8 EIi~le Eye ill, Tenn. If atUng try them, 21S0 Ilt nentral und southel lstern 01110, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! wbere ~a1ve w11l care you Apples werE! II totul fa\lure We guarlln tee all druggi sts ~l BARN HART , It. YouriM knothiu g . U's a oreamy , IB~t year, promi lfes are for a full 8DOW white olnlornellt. orop. Frost hflos destroy ed ahout . Nota ry Publi c .Ieep' : -, Utica --== o per St) cent te by of ReadiD peRoh bud, early All lIi, .<1 .. ()f N'ltnry WOI k' Penfolilln , Metall'. It I~D 'Uhe mInk of 11 good teamst er bloomh lg ' pear, plum and oberry Magazine and Using McCall 'P atteru ; W o rk Il ·pClohtlt v . (Delayed) to get lu off ~he road late a.t night, lut fonler throullh harder tht'oug hout oeut.ral end Emnthe rn nor to leave the horses nnourr l9d McCair••• , ......... tIl , aervice than any other beMrs . Effie Roush, · o( Oregon ia.. Ohio. M~CALI:S MAGAZINE cau All se they hllve Il round kinds holi, you droS!! ~l}' I· uf frmtlD nOl·t,h prn for 1"0 or three d!'ys . bolster. which docs away spent the day At the pa.r80Duge IM\"Y ot . lI · modorato ..nd with e8sharp ~ern c:omers . Obio " .~ I n .il, hy keepl u g (where In g Jod oundit Ion \' '" Thursd ay. ~ade 15 joined to handle) )'/I U P0 8 1 d ou lbe ,wd no injury repnrt ed" . A oheerfn l spirit gets on quiok . where wea. r ts c:onstant amI IIIIIUlI ra MhJou s In Mrs. Clllrl\ Kirby who has beeu liard est. This is but c hilli es IIllci haUl. GC • - • A grn~bler iD the mad "il18tio k. slok (or of man, notable featuresone I 01 Nt'w FA!lhlon Dasillna · lome time Is 810wly 1m III ' lIc ll Issuo. · A l:so It Startled the World provin g. valuablo' Inrommllon' .' 25q '- • 8maD Amoun t 1111 nil bomo aud p r· Hrl. Martha Bout WAS a oaller at when tbe as~oundiog olaimEl weI e soonl mlltto~ . Oul)' ~s. which Rive lastinl 'IYou wonl~ not saffer one day for 60c l\ YUBt. Jilclulflng first mllde for Huoklen't< Arnioa ,~ervlce and satisfaction. she par80n age 'l'uesda y. fhe times that amoan t. 'rhen tl')' II rr e VRllom, 8111>- , tlumerous patterns are """-mrD ." ..... 8!!"".ft,M, 8(~ rlho today or seo d , otlcred In this famous .'SIltJother l"nd'8 Eagle Eye I:!alv~ We M.r. John Byron, of O~yton, has Sillve. but forty years of wonder ful (IIr oures froe salllL/lo copy. have Plate proved that Wean . •• them t,rue. and &OarMn'ee it to , oure. H'. pain}.... moved to Lelan. MteaU Pallent ~ Sold by lead In\[ deaters everyw here 1t is now kno",n as the will cnnbln you to mllko Iii YOUt ., " and 'harmle tl8 <,W I! homo. willi your own hBlld~1 clotbln!: for everywhere.. Send for catRev. MoKen zie and family ",ere beet 8alve on eat'th for BurnB, Bot! , l'cml'SCllf nnd ('hlldron whl oh w II bo IMlrfe\!~ aiollUc ,. O-L" 6llowlnll all ------ -. In style nnrillt. Prlce-oOIl hliber thou ~/) deslllll5. It 18 l~ ",ork to . ho~ ,,,,I~' soon enterta ined at dinner Sand'lY at ~calds, Sores, Cuts, Bruiset t, SpTuin s, COil 18. !'lend for free PAltern Call1logue. • IIEIIB. ltT_.1 eo. Swellin gs, Eczemn., Chl\pne d ban Is. Ollver South W. Will GI.. Yoa fl .. P,._II for Ilellloir sub',I. after She orope oome ap 'haD it til 'to ('nlem.tIDnal 8ther Fever /:lures Sorhllion s nmong your frl n116. Co.,8u...-or.) . Bend for Mt, Ora <:iastin baa been very 1111 drnggi sts.and ~l1es . Only 250 at l'rol1ll1l1l1 otlllol/uO nnd asb I'rlae Offer.free hoe :o~oe' atter the weed .. get blgh', 1I~.c-. ' TIl! McCALL COMPANY, 239lt249Waa37i !L,mnO U b~lIY tor a ,few day8 sbippln g 10gll. ~nd it doee muoh mor~ ' good. Mi.. Rose" " Frazee ie at hQme Borrow ing tools, and 8eudlD gtbem her eohool having closed. b /ltDft dtlli or rnat;, doeen' t mllke Millll Iva Carey has returne d from .tile other fellow griD. , Better eave II. vieit at Tiffin . up and }TOnr IJWO. Mise . Chrl&ti Qa Rogers haa beeu I..:.: ' _ - .";". vla1ting at Ceuter ville. D'~ ....'. Antl..ptlc aalve Mr. Oren CIlrt8r, of the ~mr office Is 'jfnarll u'eed tor tetter, ring was aaUml on Bowar d ~uth It\et worm,eczeUl~, obGPpe.d hands aDd week, ' )ips. )'uDnin g More8, ulcers and tn faot MH. l>a1latJ Boger, or Oregon ia, uli 81do dlse'lse lf (~o.>d to use alter Just think , you can get the handi est kitch en range ever made witho ut was villting her aunt, Mr~ . Kearns , shavtD I, ' 250 Ii box. . going to a cent expen se I We have made it possi ble by secur ing the la8t Thul'lld ay. agenc y here in thi~ to'jn for the Moor e Rang e. This wond C:jood oleail rans are II delight to Mr. Oarren s and wife w~re Ban range , not only pays for itself on the fuel-s aving which it offerserful dtiy vi8itor8 :It John Lew18' and at tbeheb~. ' you, but ~-----4.~_~.------_ really pays a profi t withi n a very short time after its purch ase. tended ·ohuroh . Bome'h iles liUer gete 80 fllthy Mr . De&ldn ' •..awls was eleoted ,bat It" wone thaD none. 8uperln tenden t an·l Mllrtin FrlSzee, , a8slatll .a' of ' the U . B . Sund"y Sohool Why Expert ment When Dr . Bell'& Pine. 4r BonAY hae been tried with eati OtlOD for Sprin g Valle y is built on nn entirel y differe nt princip le than . Contro over ·sixteen years In illlon8 of ller Dampe r ,which cna bles you to contro l other rangC"s . I t , can be run on poor grade the hent homel' for ooagb8 , ooids, oronp and as you desire. By contr:o llinl: the hent, (Delayed) coal, costing at leas t two·thi rds less th a n coal this dampe all 'htoat and bronnh la1 ,roable s. r natural ly contro ls the coal and it You oan get It anywh ere. Look tor u sed in othe r ran ges. It burns up all the smoke , positiv Mr . Sdrley . I:lrnlth, of uetrolt. , ely saves one·thi rd of the fuel. The Moore ' the bell on the bnttle. soot and gas, thus overco ming one of the great- Range is the only Miob , WIlS the gue,;t' Itlst week o~ range having . this contro ller -~.~---est objecti ons to a coal range, in additio n to dampe r. hiS aattt 6trs EII~t1be 'b Rlline!! and Taking into consid eration all of its Two 8prlnk~aK8 a ·week wIth ker' making the fu e l las t consid erably longer. ot.her reliJtive 8. advant ages, th e Moore Range saves over half 0lell8 011 .hould keep ~be ho~se free Each Moore Range is provid ed with . a . your fuel expens Miss lillY Armen troa t , of Xenia. e. hu.:Q hileat peatS: Bat be 'horoal fh "ast.he guest over 'SondtlY 'o f Miss , ~etthe eoreens over the window s Anna. Anabee . M~~. Emmll MoGre w enterta ined n'o w, 80 'h"t tntra IeI'I ' will 'DOt d.... The Moore Rang~ ~aves YOll time nnd trouble 'Range is the only one equippe d with Ihis guide. Range exclusively. ~ul)a"y ; Mr. and Mrs Thoma HDiI. .as ~ell as mooey. 'rho Moore Fire-Tesled GlasS Ove.n , tat:b' YO'n r lavor1~!I. :W~·I.e they are Moore's Simmering Covcr permit s the ll SC of smnll '. time you're' down Drop ill to our .store the next Door town and Il! tl t~ S show yon its e.n"Qles you , of to !;~e. New the Leban6 condi.tI.o o, n of tlDd ,the Mr . I1nd food vessels bcing plu<:ed right over the fire. In mnk- . many otber . • tIII~i) _, pl'gbt:" . ~dvantages and eltp.urn why lt lasts ' In the o~en without opening the door and causing ing puddin . Ra.y"Ek gle and family . gs, icings, etc .. th is featu re will be . loDger than auy other range ou tbe market . disc!)rofOrt as weil as 't heJoss of heat. ' · ' .' fouod f!x.ceptionally. valual;<e . 'Mls8 Ma~ie KYDe is s.l owly .' . . TI!eoye n is alu'm ioized. The h~en ra~k is the Moore's..A~ti.Sc!l.r ch ~~e;'c a flbles you to b?il milk, • ODI, nickel plated one ou the' market. ' codk cereals ornnyth lngwh,c h burnsre adrly. with , " M~ore's Rn'n ge ,:equipp ed with Moo c' O .no stirrij:J1t nnel wi~l.bul t,he !CI\/lt dang~r o~, sco!,c~ Tb 0 I 'r " d.-II Ii " Tb . r s yen lqg. '. ThiS' fealure IS especluJ vnlunbl e in frlllt erm me I! an . n, ~,e~ ~~ ~rlUom~ter . Qwde! . whi~~ , cunning season, ~!> j~ .allowslyyou to,. thorou'g hly enable~ ~h~\1~\' tode· CQok n In~t~lb,.pf fruit without. stiI:ring aoc]' b,o iling ,. termlD~atatl· ~imes ·.)t to pieces, '" .... . . the . eX'ae t. limgth' . Tlreii t1iete~s 'oore',· ni~ed 'tcupvhich' pvercom es' of ~1!ne~ ~·ece~sa.r:r tHe.6r{W,lnl'}' tr.oli~le p.n.4 dlsco~~fort of br.Qiiing '.' . ~ fot .~ll1;tl.ng. , any 'ments .and , oastlng bread.. ~bt!l is the , kind of f~d :alid-- nnest ever devised {orJee~fn» a ' firefeature aDd building .thet~,uperatutere,7 a· new ope. ~!ld tb0li6 Gnly a few of the,mll ' . qulted. ~heM'oore valqabl e features whiohare. can 'be fou~d j~ Moore's ~ . .
BX I T u V /'J,:I1l.1t
M.\/ N Inn E1" LIlli I.
I ~~ev~~~~~ ~~
--- _. - ---..
SCieBUUBt ,1ltne··\'itan.
A. MA FFf I,
---_a - ••----
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. --
Trip le Pla ted Kn ive s
E. v,
r-L.i~e;Save Mo~ey ~d
Th is H an di es t of All Range's A ct ua lly Pa ys fo r Its eU ",;:. ,'
.- .
M oo re 's Ra ng e
. -.
Notice the , Glass Oven Door and Many Other . Conveniences Is
. . Moo"·. • i.,,~
Raalle. oaD' be bad .. •. , . " "
,b., lIullll-: Cad froa ~.,"
or Stee.!. ,
Millions_Say So
The Miami (iazette I
When millions of people u's e for years amedkine it proves it!'! m e n~. People who know CASCARETS" value buy over 'a million boxes a .month. It's the biggest seller 1Je-. cause it is the best bowel at?-d liver mumumsumm:::m:smmuu medicine ever made. No matter IE days of our YC ll r fl ' nre what you're usin2', just t ry CASthr e score yenra nnd ton: CARE'rS o:..ce-you'll Sec. 1117
COLLEGE MEN WHO FAIL. In flV r y coil (; there ts a class o. UflVCl'-(!o- lis. gf)n rally coulposed 01 .the lions of t ho rich. T b y go t o col· .lege tor t il li t the re. to take port III 80clal fes Livltics. etc.. o.nd they care -yery l1tUo nbout atudy. College i s to thQIU mer Iy an e xcuse for persuad Ing thelr pareu ltJ to 1lermlt theul to spend four year In rlotouJ3 lazln ss. At some con g 8 there arl.l speclill cour. 418, "ensy cour ees," tor such pupils. The college Is not to be blamed for the Inherent weakness of lliosl! men. although blame does attach to t hem for permltUng students to was te their -opportnnHies and their Um. Tbe "waller colleges are much more careifill of the morals of those In attend· lance than are the ,reat unlverelUes, 'Where students are supposed to bave ..eacbed tlIe age ot discretion. tiays lb. Cbarlton News anci CourIer. D1. ~pllne Iu tbe unhersltlee Is largely a que"tion of surroundings. profes80rs are there to teacb. not to spend their time In enforcing discipline. The re _It .. bad, not because the older men are UIIable to govern themllelvell. iluL lIecause 110 many parents Inslllt on ttendln, mtre boYII ,to universities • :where they ought to be Sflnt. III to the amalJ college, 1Uwblng their work, It aeed be, at tbe unherslty. when tbllY have had enough ' experience to appre~ate tr~om trom rlsld control and ~ laIow bo.w to manage the~.elves. ITo lend a boy of 18 to a university 'Wbere the yut maJority of tbolo III ~tteOd8Dce aro crown mea la to In· "il.e his ruin,
It baa JOD, ' been a favorite that firll are Imarter than boya, espee1al,y in scbool and college. Dr. Tay,l?r. llres1dent of Vaasar, explains tho r .... 1100. "'Wemen," he la)ll, "go to eolliege to learn; men do not. · Whlle a cood matly 'm en do aucceed, there are .many more wbo are Interested In _POrt, and e ven those Who do study do not take any pride In letting the otbel'lI know the" are worlltDs. Glrla are· eonscleJItious; they are fU' more llumlllated by allure than mell." Dr. Taylor a.d mlta there are phJsloloctcal reasons why the girl Is amarter than the man at the college age. says the New York American. But It Is also llrobabl'; that the restrlctlona 1m· posed 'on girl. In the put ban tended 10 make them concentra,te attention en their .tudletl. Conece men bave . . many ' Interests .. their Incftnl\o" tlons prefer; It Is usually not until after . tbey l1'aduate tbat they settle dOWD to making a l!vlng, 'Meanwhlle tbey C4D afford to Yield the palm to their slsten for 's uperiority In youtbluI scbolarllblp.
. A Cl4!yeland man , wbo ,baa divorced bls wIfe explained to ' tbe court tbat be had to buy gowns costing f125 each for the lady, that she paid from $25 ~ $75 each for her ha~, that ber muff set him back $120 and that sbe ,oatsted on bavlng a $250 diamond "Ing. OwIC~ to the fact that he need, ~ a few tblngs to we~ himself, had 10 pay $.010 a montb to.r & flat and keep • maid, not to mentlon tbe necessity of Ilatronlzlng the grocer and butcber,' he was unablo to continue the arrangement 00 'a 1181ary of $1,800 a )yeW'. Some men seem to be liucb poor managers. Platlnum I~ taking paIns to em· J1haslze that It Is "more vllillable than :.old. Its price lIllvlng gone up to Jler ouuce. A Quarter of a century ago Its prIce was practically tbe sarne «1S tbat of gold . but Its Industrial and scientific us bas IncreaSed so as to enhance Its value. The rise In the past sIx months hilS been $10 per ounce. III 190(; It was up to $40, and Q year later had dropped to $20, wblch ,ndlcates sl)cculaLive oporatlons rath. er more strongly than the depreelaUon of gold.
J;;VEN years ago the 1/1'1' Ilortant dlsco~ery wna made that 81eephlg sick· ness WIlS caused by 3n animal parasite. tl'YPI\nosoma gamblense, which Is transmitted by tbe bite of a variety ot tsetse fly. glossina pal· palls. The In vestlgatlon whlcb led to this discovery was tbe joint work ot Cilstellanl and Sir David Bruce Bnd was undertaken on account of the te rrible outbreak ot tbls disease which had occurred In Uganda, 'parUcularly on the northern sbores ot Victoria Nyanzn. Indeed. the mortality was RO great that ft became Imveratlve to un(lertake Immediate action In order to prevent'tbe nativOs from beIng completely wiped out. - At Entebbe ' a laboratory was erected, and bere extensive oxperiments were carried out wblch provoo the, guilt ot the glosslnl\ lIalpalls up to tbe hm. The earlier work seemed· to ' Indicate that the fly merely acts as a direct transmitter ot tile IIIU8slte, wblcb appeared to die out In the matter ot a tew days If tbe fly were not nourIshed wltb blood. In order to determine tbe exact extent of the Oy dis· trlbutlon on the one hand and sleepfng slcknesll on the other expeditions bave been undertaken norlh, south, east ' and west, and alter laborious work It would appear tbat the disease Is much more extensive than was originally believed. The fty distribution Is still greater. and ronghly correspon<ls to equatorial Africa and extends to the tenth northern and southern parallels of latitude. It must not, however. be Imagined that the wbole of this vast area Is In·volved. On tile contrary, most care. ful observatlohs bavo revealed that tbe dis tribution of ths glossina palpalis Is local. Its prinCipal locaIl7.atloo' being close to water or 'water ourRes wbere tbe banks lire covered with vegetation. It Is mrely found IlIOI'O ~an 30 yardB from sucb spots. The problem ot pre venting sleeping slck-
Ou December 24. 1814. l he tl'l~ aty of Ghent was co'ncluded and the war or 1812 brought to an end. That s lrug· gl had been glorlOU8 for A.m ~rlca on the water anti humiliating on the land. The battla of New Orleuns waf; fought after peace hau been made. S!u co that time the United States and Eng· land have lived In a peace that has been proved substanllal by severnl III(lldcnts, notably the WilkeR atralr. which, were tbe nations not genu inely desirous ot maintaining pacific rela· tlom). might easily have brought on arm e.l ellcounters. lJnquestionably the atti t ude of Great Britain In 189R cnused a revulsion of popular reeling in this counlry lind reo
We are told Hlat. a youth In Wash.
Ington Is about t<l wed C\ widow of £;7 years ana $f' .oeo.ooo. Love may laugh at lockfi mlths. but It s wlletl most hooJlDnn tly on bLUJ k 1'0118. They ha'/o just end ed th o tuneral ceremonlt>8 ove r t11e body of t 1e latEl IUDg Slam. wbo .lIed October 28, which r,robably . \\'111 be a great rellet 1.11 hJa fI!any widows.
'!'he first sign at hard Ume8 will be' editorial In some newspaper CD . "Ttae Passing ot the Automoblle." all
1118 WOl'8t abo!lt ~~ man who sayli . "'t /loee wlthout saying" Is that he .nCO·81l·YS It wltb,out ·golng. • TJl'bt U'OUliers are comlo, foto
....iI. but the tallon' blJltI wW r.ttiIe
. . '.. cut .maller.
au an
Every day or two we bear ot some rlcb American wbo bUll rented a Lon. dou llalllCe for coronation week. We have personal atllmranCfJS, bowever. that 11 number of London ers wUl be thore for the exorcises.
and If by reaso n or 1It.1· nb'1.h CAS ARETS lOc. a boll: fot' " w ool<' • th y bo four IIcoro yenrll. U""lro out al l drulril iuty . 1II1l1r".' ~ cll cr yet Is t heir strength Inbor In Uw ",rid. Milliou bo.xcll a mUDUI. nllll ,llorrow ; Cor It Is 800n c'll 011 atlu \ e nl' awny. . So Y C 't CUtOt nOG ""AVIN. Vir Q uAr'r llOlWV«l U I·I I' N .hu& tea ch us to n umh r our days lhat we trl ny np ply our 11CIU' l D IInto wlBdow, Pt!nlm !lO : JO.l:!. Monday_ Come now, Y that auy . touay or tomorrow we will go Into tbls cIty. !lud 6)I .nd II. year there, and trade. nnd get g u.iu ; wh reas y know n o t what 8linll Ill' on I.he morrow. Wh nt Ifi your \irQ? 1"01' ye nr a vn por t hat a pllcarlh f {,!' a little ti m c, a nd th cn vanishal b a way. For Ihnt ye ollgbt to SI\Y, If tha Lord Vi llI. we ahall both lIV8 Ilnd do Ulls or thnt. Jam es 4: 13·15. TueSday. Rejoice. 0 yo ung mun. In thy youth, and Jet thy hear t chee r thee In tile dn Yll of tlly youth. and walk In the wnys of th y heart. and In the slgbt of tblne eye8: but know th(lu. tbat for all these tblngs Ood will . bring thee Into judgment. . . . Rememb r now thy I' Crcator In tIle dnys of tby youth, whUe the evil daye como not. nor the years I draw niGh. wh n tholl s balt sny, 1 hn ve no pleasur 1n Ul m. . . . ._ _ _ _ Tt. n shnll the dust return to tbe It=~t;:..~:! ! TbompSOD', EYI eal'Ul as It W8S; And the 811lrlt shall return unto God who sa\'" It. Eccl. ~sl w\1m,! ~~ol;Jcl-be vary unlnte rl1 : 9; 12 : 1-1. estlng Ir they couldn't talk. Wodnesday. floBst not tIlysclt o~ tomorrow; for 111\101 il';lti ofl !an ~PII nnd 0l:" nl ,-u les 111"'\" thou know st Dot wbat a <lay may "U riCl Ub di ~l'II",·II . H ia th o rou,: ill~' CUI " I br Pit·r. ·'··... PI t!llJIant l'cll cLl<. I'he f,\\'o " )Jr. brillt; tortb. Provo 27: 1. ite flllClily Iu xll t ive. Thursday. It ye calIon him aa fa t bor. who Not Ponlb'le. wit hout respect of per80118 judseth ae· " I I li e]' Il good purUns 1~11 ill cording to each mun's work, pass lhc tJ1Rt pIny ?" lI ma of your sojourning In l ear. "No : t ht! 11I'ro'" ball!." Fol' the limA pnst may 6uffice to have wrought tho deslro ot tbe o e1tUl es. A Jnr of Rellnol Ointment·,. a Hllnriy . . . who s half gi ve account to him Remedy to Have In the House that 16 ready lo judge the lIvln, nnd All the Time. the dead, 1 Peter 1: 17; t : 3-5. Friday. In tw nt y years' cxperlence as a I will reI tore to yOU t.be years that ourse I bave , nevel' found a s good a tile 10 nst hath eaten, . the canker- r em edy tor Skin Troubles, Eczema. worm ,nd the caterplller. and the pal- ·etc., us Heslnol 'Ointm ent. Its cooling. mer-worm, my great army wbloh 1 beallng e ffec!t on sore nlpplco 18 trulysent a~on~ YC,lIl. And yo shall , eat. 10. wond4!rtu L Mra, T. l B. HeniJol'801;l. plenty, and be lIatlsfted, and praise Albo.ny. N. Y. You can get Reslno) . tbe name at the Lord your Ood,' that Ointment nt the drus storo. bath denlt wondrously with you. Joel The Point of View. 2 : 26-26. "I noUce that. you have given UI> Saturday. ' Forget not this one thinK, beloved. the fight tor a cleaner city. Vou used that one day Is with the Lord aa a to be ono ot the leade rs In the oppothousand yea.rs, land a thousand yearll IIIUon to the s mo)ce nuisance." "Yes. I've come to the conclul\lon aa one day. The Lord I. not slack conccrnlng hili promise, a8 some count tbat Rmok cannot btl abolished. It's elaclmeslI; but Is long-suffering to you- uscless to Ireop harping on the .QU Ittion." ward, not wUlIng that any ahould "By tho way. hat buslll08S are YOII perlsh, but that all obo\11d como to reIn now?" .entance. But tbe day ot the Lord "Ob. J"'e quit working for a salary . will come as a Olle!; in tbe which the heaven8 (the sky) IIba11 pass away An lIncl ot mine left me a valuabl Interest in one of our biggest Ina chin. with a great noise. and tbe elements sbOllS." Iba11 be dissolved with fervent heat, . and tbe earth and the works that are , aONE UP. therein IIhall ' be burned up. Seeing tbat these things are tbus all to be dluolved, what manner of persona ought to be In holy living and god· IIness. looklns for and earneaUy desiring tho coming of the day ot God, by reason ot whlcb tbe heavens belng on ttre sball be dlslQlved, and the ~lo menta shall, Bnt, promise, wo tor new heavens and wherein dwelleth Ii Peter 3: 8·la.
Mandarin Ho I{nel Fang. 01' hln a wns s ent to Europe by his gov(, l'I1l1l ~ nt and on hi s return he wrote t\. boule In which he said regardIng ' t ho ·tall houses: "Tbey are so high that a lIlall could end hla life by tbrowlng himself 'rom the top. These lofty' f!ulftces are destructive of the b ~n'lJ ncont s pirits' of the wind and the ' wa te r. 'rhe de vil" of lhe ocean . (guroneaIlR) pay no at· tention to tlle Inlluencell ot tho E>arth Ilnd th genII ot tile air, thougb our mest ·lJ\ustNoUS IItterati and sS"ges aclwoW\edge tb e exlAtence or th lie ·In· fluence's. The reBult' Is that Ins~ead of erecting a pogoda to proteQt themaelves from lllagu~s an'd: fiQOOS the barbarhlllR sqUander their money on drains and dikes. Their Ignorance la the~l' only excuse, Tbey do not kDOW tIia • »80104. keepe awey pellUleno.
ness tbus appeared to b or r elatlveh' lilwllie solution. Tbere were two aspects to tbe case-first tbe Infection of buman beings "by tbe fly, and. lIecondly, th e Infe tlon of t~e fly from Infected human be ings. It was consIder cl, thp.refore. that the dlsoase could be stayed It. tll'st. the cha nces of el: PQsure to the fly were diminished. Bnd, secondly, It tbe fiy were prevented trom being Infected by removing tl1e sick from the fly area. ~ elaborate xperiJnE!nt or 1111s kind W88 made on tlle northern shore or Lake Victoria. Along the wbole lake sbore. trom Buddbu to the Ripon Fallll, the natives were removed, tbe slclt .we re segregated Into camps. the holding., were evacuated and burnt, and Ole banana plantationII' were ailowecl to go to waste. The willing cooperation or the chle ts In t hlll tro'mendollR t.asle Is a. com pi te proot ot the extraordinary hold tho disease has got on the na'\ve population. In Ule segre~atlon amps to wblch the sick had been conveyed various remedies Bent out from .Europe were tried . but with little success'. It Is conceded on all hands that the patient with definite evidence or sleeping aic.k ness upon him Is doomed. The clearing ot ' t be lal(e Rhore was mada on the basis ot , the view tbat tbe tsetse. fly does not remain IntectlvQ for a long period. and It was hoped that when t.he Infective period was o,'er the sbores of the lake could again be I)Opulated. Recent advances bave sbown, however. that this hope Is not to be realized. and that, Indeed, tbe propbyllUls of sleeping slckllel. Is II much more complicated taB\{ tha.n Was originally s upposed. On the extension or sleeping sickness Into German East Africa a commIssion of expe rt8. beaded by Robert Koch. w ent out and stUdied t.be disease on the spot. '{'owards the end ot 1908 ' Kleine made tlIe important discovery that after Il latent IIlt.erval a' ·tsetse fly whlob bad Buck~d the blood ' of an Infected man could remain inrectl,·c for a very prolonged period. In Its body lhe trYllanosomes develop In great numbers. appar ntly 8S the reaul.t lIf sexual congress which In·
crclls s the I)rolonga Ion of tbe Infective period almost Indetlnlt.ely. 1'0 whnt extent tbls period of Infeotlvlty occurs In fllcs wblch bave suci(ed blood Is not yet known. It Ie nlao suggested that In addition to mlln tbe trypanosoma may Ilass its xlstcnce lu the bodies of other vertebrates stich as tbe croco· dlle according t.o J{ocb. and varIous wlld herblvorou8 animals Rccordlng to others. In the last year or two the , ry Important doubt has also been raised as to w)lether glossina palpallll Is tile e~cluslve canier of the human trypanosomell. Thus cases of sleeplng sickness have occurred In the valley or tbe Loangwa. II trlbutary .of Lbo Zambest In nortbenetenl Rhodesta. Up to the prese nt gloslna palpnlls has not been tound tbere. the main tsetsea being G. mors ltans and G. fusCl\, which hitherto have been exculpated as carriers of trypanosoma gamblense. A new expedition Is proceeding to nortbeast Rhodesia to Investigate the subject and the whole question of pos· sible 8presd ot sleel,tul 81ckness In .consequence of the conatrucUon of the Rhodesla·Katanga juncUDn railway from the Broken Hill mIne In northern Rhodesia to the cOng,. State' trontier and beyond. . Down to 1902 all kinds of theorlea were rife as to the nature .)t sleepIng sickness. but since this year we hnve witnessed the !'Csults of the combination ot SCientific and epldermlologlcal observatiolls. Tbe cause of tbe disease In known- Its method of propagation 10' part at any rate. The preventive plans bltherto undertaken are In tbe right direction even If not so conlplete as was supposed, The geographical dlstrlbntion of tlletse ,flIes and sleeping sickness la being rapidly determined. What sttll wants lIolution are tbe studies on the more detaIled life hlstorlcs ot the flies and the trypanosomes and synthetic remedies tor the cilre ot tbe untortunate' victim" of the disease. These stUdies are not merely of sclentt"flc . or humane Interest but of ' Our Own Buryten. vast oommerclal Importance In conEvery man .b ears his own burden. nection with the development of equalights his own batUea, walks in . the torial AfrIca. path wblch no other feet bave trodden. God alone Imows UII through ap.d tbrougb. And be loves us, ae Keblli eaYll, better than he knowa. He has Isolated us from all besldea tllat he alona Dlay have our perfected conndcnce, and tlIat we may acquire tbe lIeved many minds of lin Inhorn or Illis end have already been taken bere. hab~ of looklnji to h!m alone for perheedlessly cultivated IJ a t.r<.'() and fpar ,In England and In Canada. The enter- fect sympathy. He \>;111 come Into tbe of hcr. nefore that tim /! th ere had prise has reached the pOint In con· solitude In which the soul dwellll and been n praltl worth y e rrort to make . gr S8 ot receiving the approval of tlIe make the darknls bright with his school hl slorier. lel;ls bitterly [lurtlsan committee on foreign atralrs of UIO . than the y bnd beeu. Thl!; move ment house of representatives. which ·basln- presence and break tbe monotonoua allence with words ot .love. We have has !Dude grp.at head way alnce the troduced n resolution providing tbat war with Spatn . Definite attempts to the commission for the promotion of blm only to IIpeak to; he alone can Increase th e good feeling not, only be· universal peace among natious s~all understand us. He wtn rejoice with us wben we rejoice and weep with ue t""e4m the peopleR of tbe two cOllntrleA slIhmlt to · congress wltbln a year a rewhen we weep. The ·henrt knoweth port containing a plan for the proper bave Dlct with decid ed encourageIts own bitternelll; Oo'd knowa It too: observanc~ of the ' centenary. Tbe men I. and tbough a stranger cannot- Interrecord Is most encouraging to the adIt tberefore &eeltls entirely appl'onlt'ddle with Its joy, he whOBe temple vocates ot arbitration and disarmaprlate tbat the on e h uudred th a 0111. ment, and In any celebration of the and dwelUng vlace la tbe sonl that versary of tile conc lull lon ot the treaty completion ot a century of peace that lovell him Is no stranger, but tbe soul's of Ghent should be celebrated witb np. may be hod tbey wllJ bo conspicuous most Intlwate and only f rlend.-R. W. Dnle. propl'lato c remonics. Steps loward figures.
Dlnks--Hella, old mun, you're a Bight, you look as thongh you'd been fired trom a cannon! Wbere 18 your auto? Jlnks- I rlon't exactly know, I don't Iblnk It's c ome down yet. D~ME
When the Food ' s Not 8ulted. When Nature gives her signal that Is. wrong It Is generally with the food; the old Dam& Is always faithful and one should act at once. To put off tbe change'ls to risk that 'wblch may' e IJTeparn.ble. . An AI'I-
' lI!ome~hlng
EOno. man II
"For years 'I could not saLely eat any breakfast. I .trled all kinds or breakfast foods, but they were all sort. starchy meSBeS. wblch pye me distressing headaches, I drank strong coffee, too, which appea.red to benoUt me at the Ume, but added to the beadaches aitet:Wards. Toast and corree were no better, tor I found 'the toast very consUpa.ting. !'A friend ' pe~uac;Jed nfe to ' Quit cot· tee and tho starchy brsakfaat foods. and. lise . P08tum an~ Grv.pe.Nuta In~cn.d. '1 shalf nevel' regret t8Ji.Jng his advice_ " . • . . "The chan~e . they have worked In me Is wend, r1uL .. ~ now have DO more of the dlstre881ng sensations In: my lllomq.ch oiler eating, QJld I rie',ver·have aoy headachee. \ I have :'Piiled. 12 POUJlds in wel~h~ and teet' be~l' '''tn every Wll~; GI1lpe.Nuta ' nia'ke G,'de- -, IIclous as well as a . nutrittOU8 d18b, . ~nd I find that POstum .. easll,. dtgested ~d never prOdu_ 4"'Repal~": sYmptoms." . . - , :: Name, gt~~n ' b,. ,~ .co.; '~~ ()reek; MI~b . . Get the li'.tlQ We1lvtUe," :. ' IA
Meekne.., You should make a special point of lsklng God every morning to give YOI,I, before all else, that true spirit of meekness · wblcb be would bave hi e chlldreQ 1)0"Se88. Vou muat also make and attrncts IJrosperlt:;· and brIngs suc- with blm and nobolly hiuglls. He may a firm resoluUon - .t o practice yourself ceRS to tbe candidates of the district even ·carry parcels for her without bo- In tbls' virtue, espectally In your inat tb e literary examinations for the Ing mocked at. And that Is not aU. tercOUl'se with thostl persons to whoD} civil Ile rvl e. , The b:LTbarlans have Men walt at table until th e \yomen are yeu chIefly owe It. Vou must make It Hot. like li S . proved these facts by the seated; Rnd tIlen sit beside them 'and your main ,object to cQnqu~r yourself 'cxperlence of thousunds or year!!. Tbey ehow them nll Rorts or attentions. I In tbtll matter; cnn It tq mind (\ contelhn lil0 whILe ti ger, A:lld ·they. liave ' evcn seen a man ·serve his wife dred tlu(e,, '. durlng the .day. cOinm!lnd(lre unaware tIlat Ihe dragon Cjluses at meals b~toro his own. fatherl Ing your 'efforts God. . . h aeems to m9 thM 110. nioro than flood s an~ thunder and cartblluakee and typ~bon 8." . ' Striking Home: thlll Is needed hl ·order. to subjec;t your . Tlle position of women waif ' equally " . 'sou1 *'ntlrely.to bill' 11'01. an~ tben you "'W bat do you suppose tJ:toBe ' three: wtll become more pntle 'day by day, alal'!lllng:. '''{'he de vils of the oce~n ,have oVeJ't uJ'ned nil the niles o(~ rank ' wome!1' .0 ver·ln 'thllt"corner 'are ,tal~ID.C ·:.trust.il)g .whony In bl~. goo~'n_ess. ' You and respect. I luld heal'<l that tbelr. about?" asked the cu~oU.' Illeat. . wlillJo ""ry happy. my deOl'eat cli\ld. ' women 'Yere more bonored tbBll their "I .don.'t .know.': replled the oth~. ". 'It , you e~ do thll, for God wUJ dwell 'me n; but I sbo\lld never' haye thought ' know it Isn't my. wife. beea~ie Ihe'.: In ,our heart: and ..1Ier8 he reigns tbat thlll abel'ratlon waa 110 general , bere tanl,bt." '. all I, pOco. But ' If lOU Ibould fan and so' profound. Tb",., on a -narrow "Great Scott;.}." ~datmec1 t,Ile . ciarf. and commit .<lme or, your old tau It ... 1t.euoD;.'" . pavement the man always "ve~ Via)' ous peat. "1'4 better SO o..,- ~... do .oat'" cu.h'eart"'~ct, but rJee . ' to tile Inter.or creature. A Ilu"baad &I. aDd Interrupt ~em. IIT '~ ~ .•• ucl ~ on ..... .. · tbqulb JOQ bad ........ ' " - ...... ..-:::-::0"'...:..0:=""'" 109'S hJ. wffe to walk side __ .ilde vtt,d ..u! ~dD't faUeD,-s.lat . , . . de ....
, ............. . ................. .. . =.~
.' nhrnr
1lT'\ 1\ nrr 0 1J!JL.Y)~ID~®· Lt--'I1t1A..1lN alP. .
Unusual Occupations Revealed in Census Report.
Crops ,.i~~~~~s~::~I~.~~:!~ ~~a:~~'Y
Kansas City Mal') Who Bottles Smoke -Un ique T ask Performed by Gov · ernment Employees In Washing. too-Ralao Frogs for Profit.
N MID·NEW YORK lh y I\re worlt· Ing out a mallY s ided problem In .destructl vo an d con~ trncllv e cn· g lneerlng all glgnnUc In th"s days or big achievement>! as wus tho laying of Ule blocKs or tbe PyramIds' on th o sands or Egypt. Proud mOllumentll . or tilo older N fJ W York. wbl ch for y ars we re polntpu out 8S sbow plac s. are tl 111 10 blotted 'J ut that grollte r wond ' rs In nrehlte . tu.ra may rise from II C' W mod e bedt! Ite p dug In lhe clty's rocky uack. In time they count three y 'IIrs or more 1.00 little to carry th wOl'k through; tn money it wl\l be mllllulls- $aOO.OOO .. llOO for ono local Improv' lll Ill! Tb ls Munge Is being wrought b· I.wuen Forly·second 811d Fifti e th Ktreets aud Lexington aud MadIson (tvcnua. It Is a rallrolld l('T1ulllal prob· la m prtmarfly. but nowaday s a railroa d 8latlon Is not s huVly n plnce where ono bu rs tick ts nnd takeM lho ars-It Is n ccnter. a h rt or munlc!· tln l pulsations and wllhIn Its zon h r must be ev rythlnr suggest d hy tllo center. af t.c r th ma nn"r or the ,. Ida sbows at und i he flappin g 'anvlls (In thu clrcu8 ground s. T b Grane! Cent.ra l stllUon los t It B "rnpde ur b.nd It h ad to . ome dow n . Lillewisc the entlro termln:lI s cheme b came plltheticlllly ont of dllt ; a lso th e R:03 accommodation and the 8 : 04 · uburbau and tho 8 : 05 xprEHi l! w re · ro r ever eogog II In :l who'!!' who conro\'orsy on lho quosllon f rig ht of WilY. And lh ero we ro 0 h I' a n noy· (tn e 9, too. So tbe prohle m bocame o ne of jumping fronl u quart e r of a century beblnd the times to n quartor of a 'ootury In IIdvanca nf tblngs as ,bey nr. It If' bclng worked o ut- at cost In eXCODS cf the eatlr cos t ot tlle original rn.1lrolld wlll .h mndo th e tlrst Grand entral possibl . "just novr ll Is a digging prohl m. A rh nnllel Is boing dug In the rock Crom Forty-second street north to FIfUeth tltl'eet a s deep nnd as wld o ' IlS Ule Panama ' canal cut. Imd OV r It II lower nei. Utere wI" arch a t ermina l butld· lng or sunh gt.and proportlo'n s as to mnko th old IItl'UCtUI'O aPlll1ar Inslg· nlOcant. 'rhls will be th k ey~ ton e of ttl gant:lrnl Improvement. On e nch s ide ot thIs building will rise two ot hers, each larger t blUI the old s~ tion tn Ils entirely. ' Th y will on· J'orm to tho general liche me of arcbltect;lrfl. 'rhese buildings. with the term1lials looping beneath th6ltl. on- different levels, 110 that the 8:03 and the :M may not get in the danger light of nch othor's r~d I nterns. are Iteruil:od on the flJ;IRnclnl sheet at '180,000,000. Corlslderl\bl part oC the work bas nlread)" becn done and paid (Ol'. Drains, arUlS nnd mnchl ~ell I\re carrying forward tho worle s till to be don'3. A work day begins every morn· Ing; another beg1n& at Bet of s un . }"cmarkable lUI thill group of build· Inga wtll be, howeve r. they will fo!'m but a small part of the gre:\t. 'hungos t~at are to be made in conn etlon with them. The Park /l\'onllf' a lte ru· tlOll9, considered in conn e ·tion with tbe t.ermlnal. wlll COrnlllet an 1m· ~ro\'e mont more than half 1,\ mil ' long. •This new Park avenu. beneath whloh wUl be a perfect mazo of railroad tracks. forming a part of tho gre nt te~mlnal system. will be n broad, beautiful street. brllllnntly lighted by e,lectrlclty and lined on e ither side by massive s tont) s truc· hll'es of uniform des ign In an:hlteeture. . One of tbe new buildings alrelldy Is III the course of construc.lloll. It Is tho new o.mphlthoater building. which w Ul extend trom FortY's lxth stroet to Fo\:ty;-elghth street and from Laxing· top avenue on one side to' Park ~ave> Que' on the 'otber, ' . TblB' wlll be one ot the ~ost ram(l.rlsat)le ,bUlldlUrtl In the - worl~. In it be an audltorl.um gr~ater ev?n than that ot Madison Squ~re .garden. Wblle the present I)\&ns : do not . pro- ' vJde tor the : bo~4lng of the horse f!lh~: or' Ii clrcua, I~-,:tbe ',new buildIng, , IltiW.JU~':~.h~ . " ,a uld .have , to ' ;lie', .' mndn ,In -itS' Inted.o r ' arrange!p ent t() make .tt: iluttable''.,t0r . 8u~h' purposes. . · ;~be' OD.~ other :Cl:ea~ . ~tn\cture th~~ ·ts.. 'pl'a~Uo8JIY ' as!lur~d \ a~ th,? I)h!,se~t. -. Um~ Is' .the Jlew. '~peta hOU8Q. wblcb . I~: ' I! D.~DIIid to'~,?rec~ In' lh~ . bloclt . be- '
~~ .: ~ :F.ortT-'\t.th '. ~n~: Forty'~lx~ .tiee.,. ~lItJ'etweeJl' M~dl80n · ~venue. and ~Parlt ll"eDu~: 11 is exPE)et~ that -IJew' buU4tul , ~~l taket~e place th~' ttr8'l8ot .~..Metr.opbtJr,.n .. ~p'e(!, . '." . . '.
Central rallrond. tho officials ot which hll v a lready d cld d that In eve ry leuRe fo r bull rllng rig hts on the avo· nu a th e n will II· res trictions govl'rnIng tho char. c t r aoct style of tho tJulldlng. 'Th e cost of cha.ugln::; Park avanu tJelow tho n e w te rmJnal will be DOr" mous. for It 1s no small tas k the e n. /flneers In chfir"'o hav outlined tor t h e lll ae l v~l:I . .Iu th first p lace. U Ut e lr {liau s are alll,lroved. Vandorbllt on' nu c til be mov c.I eas tward a dis· tance of 25 reet, and th uppor road way th at Is to be e r ect d along the s Ide of the t e rmlnnl build ing w11l be liS wide as the ordinary street. 1'bls will ue th e first limo in the hIstory or engineering tbat a clLy street Is liter· n ll y h U1I1; on th e tl lrlp ot a building. Tbe e xpenditure of t hl a e normous sum of money and th e olltlay of year s of tim e In la.bQr are pn t·t or (I plan of Uw lute rE's ts In contl'ol of the New Yurlt Ce ntral ~y m to make tho new terminal bultUlng t h center or the grelltellt botel district In tbe world. Ju st when the e ntll'e work will be com'plot d Is proble maU r.n1. It Is ex· lIe \.cel that 1912 wl11 se the o p nlng of tho lI ew term ina l as well as t he comple tton of t he fl w a.ud ltD rlum and poss ibly t h n w on rn h ouse.
\Vas illngton.- Aa ~ pal't of the I Ilk of complJlug tho Lhlrteenlh C C1l S Ull of the United ~t.it.tell. the burenu will I)ub111111 u report au tbe var io us occupotlous by wh1ch men and wOmen In tb lll cOllll try earo theIr dally b read . Tbo ugh It will 1)1) ' mallY Dlonths b eforo lbis reo port will ho gh'el! to t he 1Iubllc. a conservaLlve estimate plncol! the Itum· bHr of clr.as lflcations or Indust.ry at betwoon 7.000 and 8.000. It seeruu a sufe predlclion to state llillt llillr wl11 be fonnd but one mall In t he en tire country making a Uvlng from bottling III stnoku of burning hickory wood. This man. wbo lives to Kanllas City. contends tbat bls bot· tled s moke. let looso In an nlr tight CODlpll.r tmellt In wblch meal hal! be n plall ed. will produce the lIamB e ffect upon · the meat as though cured by ble kory smoke In tb e usuul manner. NOl' would the uninlt.4I1,ted e xpect to tlnd DroOt In raisIng hullfrogs for tllelr legs. Two New Jersey women. how· ever. aro making a good livelihood by s o doing a nd a certain ell. trornla woman obtains over $100 an ounc.e w holesale for the seeda or petunias. In 8001e oC the reports of the ce nsus e nume r ators In tbo Ileld are ro und tab. ulatlons so unusual t hl\t they require lIO e nd or labor In properly classifyIn g them al. the bureau . One man fl'Bllkly asserted that he wns a "booze fighter." a nd a nother. who works In a
DETECTIVE'S CLEVER SCHEME Method tJ Ged to Break Into CounterfeIters' Workshop In the Mon. roc-Hea d Case. 1n i\!c ' Iure', Mo ga.7.i ne DeteoLiv Dut'lls te lls the following s to ry of the lng ni pufl me thods h u!led to break Into t he coun e rfe lt r . works hop. In th faru ous Mo.nroe- Hcnd counterfolt case: "Tb ountc rieltors had boy lu their e101)loy who Hagged c ustomers in the front olHce aqd who sw pt out and cle nned Itp t he office In tho morning. 1 t hought of a plnn . I went to a costlmlCr's and rented a v Ive t masque rade suit that'd about fit Lbo boy. "Next 11 !.Ioci-et serv!ce OJ n accost. od the boy about fivu blocks frOID '}'Ily lor a nd Ilrpc\ ] 1\ ';1 plnce. " ' Want to mllka Q balf·dollnr. eon l' "'Yes,' said Lhe boy. "''l'he n tak thl!! hUDdle up to Guy's bOtlH ' and give It to Mr. Matthews.' " Tho boy did so. not knowing ' that Mr , Matthews was nls o Mr. Burns. .. 'What do you do ton ight, spn ?' I
naked. .• 'Nothing,' he replied. and I asked him how 'd ' he Uke to b a 's uper' at the Walnut S r eet .theater. I then Invited him up ·to 500 the manager, Dn. other secre t ser vice operallve. and lold tht' boy to ' try on the clothes. "The boy wns taken Into another room. where he put on the clothes aDd was tht~ n taken to soe the manager. Wblle he was gone I extracted his lteys rrom his POcKot . With them I whIrled away in a carriage. whloh had bee n waitIng. to th Yale Lock company. about s ix blookll Il\vay. handed th e pro(le r key to the man In chario and as ke d for a duplicate. whicb was promptly given. whirled bnck nnd re o lurn ed the boy's lteYII to 'hls pocKet without bls knowing."
S hows Olinger in Digging Wells. /lnloon. II yl ed blmeslf as a "dt!stroyer I)f me n." Su ' h occupations as "poun cer." in a hat factory ; "tables," II. maker of Itogies; .. wllittle ..... In a straw works; "dock walloper." a' longs hore mull; "vibra tor." In a lock factory ; ·'tonger,'· In connec tion with oysters; " t aser." In .. glails factory; "llcnbbler," in qut\fry· Ing; " tlosse r." In a corset fnctory. and "dubber," In s hip building. are all unusual o c(.:upations t hat must be listed. In W s blngtoh espec iall y are then> a largo uumber ot persons who earD their (lvln~ by perrol'D)lng unUJi5ual tasks. The mnJorll.y at them are employed by the (overnmen l.· .There III n young man In tho National museum- Henry Hendley -who Is known as the official portrait. bust maker of Indla.n features for a unique portrait gallery of tbe North Ame ri can l'eds kln s. I. B. Millne r Is an exp rt modeler in pa.plal' macho of things past. present and future for the National museum . Along similar lines ill lhe work of Edwin Howell. a maker of mallS. Iu hIs worksbop be evolves reli ef maps at certaIn sections of the country which not only Indicate river/> snd mountalus nnd townll. but all tho milloralil. roc ks. 00wer8, trees . Rnu varying 11011 to bo tound there. One of the 1U0st Interesting maps was made for til marine bOil· pita I a.nd public health service. I t Is Inta ndel! as a warning against allowIng people Ignorant of geologlcul conditions to dig wells, and as a plea for the arto31an well. There are e:tpert tea and colfee tast· er~ In tho treasury department who tell the value and grades of tbese com· modltles by placing a tew grains on the tongue. And in the department ~f agriculture there Is a oquad of young men who eat drugged toods to deter· mine just how poisonous they are.
At. FlrSf. .Yleld Is Success. but. Alter Comparatively Few
bam's Vegetable Compound
WSI1rilc8, Okla.-«r had fflmale troGbles for soven wa!:l all nmdoWll,. Do n d
tiling. The doctors troated me for dltf orellt things but dill me no good. I got so bad that I could not sleep da7 or night. White III this concUtlonl read of Lydia E. Pink,.
Dnn.lnlf rrom " "rnall • " li o n of a (1I8 \l n~~t1 flax slem. 8howlng lh" way th o flax 1TlIl rUnll ll1J IIrolll/l' "'' c ouIIlIeS8 olUnbpl"3 o r "pOrl'8 nil the 8 11l e~ .. r lhe II ll'a ws : B . tiber COIlK ; VI'. w uolly c 1\,, : ,,', fun gll:t thr oa(l" IIr nlrun l'n t ~. Fl. skIn or U,o flru: plan l; B. rn!\LUre wilL r "OICII!! .purllJt. ')' ho ml.l..rnUl e:LlI< ,n o f th" nllll r" on the right I .. 8utn"I""t 1.0 CBUlIe " fIOro" to IIp\,ear apprnxlnll11u l y 400 tim "" Innl:l'" th an t l1~ y really aMI. 1I0LI. ~; i . !IIo"lh Dako t a Agrl .:u ll ural ~>:D " '1I1 0 rlt Statio n .)
(By 11. I..
The hl l::h price of flax seed and Qf [t8 various by-products. aS80 luted wit h tbe effects of tbe 8'l'eat drought which has occurmd In tho flax sced growIng regIons of Ame ri ca. tend!! to Dl&lt~ the question of cropping to flax one of exlreme luterest. The sbort crOI) ot 1010 WUII. In part. duo to tb e excessive drought and In part to tbo very Intense acUon or tho root dis ase8 or flax uuder drought conditions. T he drought not only c ut down t be yield on new lanel whero clean and properly trea ted seed WIU! sown. bu t on those landfJ whl oh w r e Infected by root-dlaeases. It practical· ly eliminated tbe cro\). Many of the finest ficlds that were to be !.Ieen growIng during tills season also suffer d severely by early fr osts. In mos t cases, the fla x was late on these fields. not becuuse the farmers bad sown too late. but becaulle the condition of tbe seed b ed Dr vented gennlnatlon until rain feU Tbls very drougbty year. tll e l'Cforl'. should not be talten as nn Inde x as to wbat can be Clone with tlax ln the fu· ture. And. now tbat: we Imow mos~ of the causes whlch bave brought about the rapid deterioration of the crop on new land8. tbere Is no r aBon why flax seed growtng Qhould not pro!3per In n mannor not pr vlously possible. Jt was long Imown that flax Is su bject to rust and bllghts. bUl It Is only of late years that Investlga· tlons have been such a8 to demon· st rate that plant dIseases Infesting the IIOU are the c hlef UIIS s of tho ropld dote rioration III flax yields on new land tl . ft Is th history or t h e tlllX c rop. thnt on new lands It at Ilrst Is a suc· cess. but that ntter comparatively f w crO[IS the yle1.l r apidly fails until It 18 no longe r profitable. F.nrmers have uSllally assumed tbat th soli 18 depleted ohemlcally. that som'o neceB' sary cbemlcal element Is removed nnd many notod agrlcultnrlsts havo claimed that flax cropping Is hard on th·e eoll . Injuring It tor other crops. These belle rs, 1 beHeve. have been disproved. Flax Is not pn.rtJcularly bard upon the soIl. but the methods of c ropping have usually been c.a.re· 1093 and at such nature that the s oils speedily beoome Infected by flax para· sites. whi c h destroy the plants. Thee'e colllliderations make tbo questions as to wliat to do In order to grow flax on new lands and upon old land s of the greatest Importance. Ir the flax Is not planted after corn. the ground iJhould be plowed 1\8 early In August or September aa possible. and the · plowing should be followed hnmediately by a heavy packer or s ome sort, which wlll te nd to firm down the land . Atter thiS. tbe field sbould be 8urfl\c~d sulJlclently to
ham's Vegetable
Com p 0 U u (I, and '--"-:-~'=~~~ began its U 80 and khamioradvice. In a short had gained my average
Iteep any w eeds rrom growlug. and. II It tends t o become loose. the pa k -
wclght and am now strong and weU." -Mrs. SALME STEVENf.I, U. F.1>.. No.. 8. Box 8I"Waurika, Okla.
e r sho uld be IJut {t'n again . In th e spring tbl!! ground sho uld not be loosened up with & dl s lt. bnt should be only surfur..ed un.! puc ked so as to make It flrm enough to hold tbe weight of the drill w1thollt tho Illsks or shoes cutting any deeper than one In h . The planUng should tollow Immedla.tely utter tbe last stir· ring of th., ground. anll If there la /lny tendency to loosen. 11 hei.lvy roller or float IIhould be put on to fI.rm down tbe Boll around the seed.
AnothClt.· Grateful Woman.
TIuIlLillgt.on. Mass.-" I was in a nerV OIIlJ, run down condition and for thre«) )'C II~ could find no help, "lowe my present good health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and mood Purilior which 1 be-
liove saved my life. . "My doctor knows what helped Jn8 and does not say one word against it."
-Mrs, MARl JANETTE BATBS, Box 134, Huntington, Mass.
Because your case 18 a diffiC1l1t on~ doctors having done YOIl no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COm. pound a trial. It surely haa curecl DIany cases of female ills, such as inflammation. ulceration, displacement&. tlbroid tumors, irregularities. periodJo pains, backache. that bearing40WD Calltua to Antmal WiU Have WoUo feellug. awinervoua PI08tl'a.UOn. dcrlnllnfluence tn BrtnsrinJr Her
Back Into Lane - Method Tends to Increase Returna.
The 8",~1I0.t Bible on E"rlh 0 1:0(\ of a t)I&mp. ~o" ',r ..,,-,tamonL flluALmLtKl. ~IU pago... HMII • 1Oc.. vcr dfJ", 1rto. Agon LR "Anl.fld . 'l'hu blpoll" "on of .r", Tw nnU eLh Uon~ur1.lIot bUBT qulol<. 0.....
(By FRAN 1!:8 J . BOElIi Gt!:1 . '
Each cow should have a name. which should always be spoken when approach1ng her. This one )Iolnt counts tor muoh In the s uccellsrul handling of a herd. SnfJposo the cows are slowly tlllng into lho barn. nnd you see that Rose is about to go tnto the wrong stall. I u qulcl< call of "Rose!" wll1 attract her attention. and she will forget that she was about to go to her neigbbor's stall to IIteal a mouthful or ber feed . It Rose when In the yard. Is about to hook another m.ember of tbe herd. and just ut thnt moment hears ber name called. she will forget wbat she was allout t o do. Agnln suppose the herd Is slowly wendIng Its way down the Illne to the pasture. a nd someone has thoughtlessly left B slde,gate open. leadIng Into 1\ graIn ne ld . Rose Is In t he lead; nnd. · us you see her turning toward .t ho open gate. 11 quldc.• sharll caIl or "Rose!" will exert a wonderful In· f1uence In bringing her back into line. It Is by s uch moth ods that a herd can be gradually taught to do th right thIngs. to save you muny step£l. and at the same time bring A. larger r et.ul'U.
to tbl~ .~ut.
.. , UDoIl
tlaelr· ~.t.n.
"""" Pklla~oIp101a, ....
STOIII A<)1I1 WOOM RhonmllU.mmooLlltsWal..,_ U I I) 111 I'J ~ ' ............'Illa 11 ••1...._ . aarll..riJie, ....
His LImit. .Joshua ball 11U1t Illude I II !!UU stand IILllI. " Fln . !Jul Wt. b t YOIl can ' t make W1III e .Tonos do It;' we orl eu. Herewith he flckllowledgeu bls Um\(Iltlona.-Harper·s Bazar.
t(--~. '"/t'(
Makes a Good Breakfast BetterTo have some
Toasties For a pleasing change.·. . ~ptiDkle
'*1& a ..... "iIeI ....t . . .......... to .. .t 1IIdl ...... Ya&a __',' ..-
promJn~ corlhel~or
Toa.tie.' over fresh 'or' .tewed fruit., the.D a4d aeam and·. yoil .' ~ve a amaU feast.
001, I~' I'ralt
r. " .
Feed the Ducklings. I\-<i:~ Colorell Barber-Is yO' gwlue to de Growing duc klings thrlvo bes t O D B feefl compos cI or equal parts. by cakewalk tonlght't Other Dal·ky-Suah. What do ,.01 measure. of corumeal. grounrl peas. bran and mldllnga. · nil made Into a think 1 got yo' to sharpen mah rasor thick mash. pith r with scalding hot ro'? water or milk, tho latter being the H is Buslne.s Improving. best. " Yeti." fl ule} the 0111 lady. " now u.t !!vrl ng \8 with us bus Juells will [lick: up Produotlve Llind. with the old mall ." We ahould try to make every acre Aal<etl wha t he did fpr I' living slle of tho farm produce something. Ir it re plied : can d nothing e lse. encourage a "Well . he sells mIJl>lt. feE!t for watch growth of valuuble trees for fu t ure c hllrm8 nn' to tltave on hoodoos. an' lumber or ruel. he does flo e with rattlesnako rattlea. bul. h e mltlWll mosl. at sellin' young Ina 'k,\ n' bIrd ... an ' t>rnylo' for rain: '
so n ervoll8 I
could not do any-
German Actor Honored. Friedrich Haas9. the German actor who {lied roc.e ntly. was the proud poeBesser of t tl . Inland ring. which. by the will of that famoUR ac tor. was to OQCH~DD be "worn by th IUOSI worthy." When Augu llt WUhelm Itnund died the ring. made or Iron aod thickly set with dla· monds. was given to Ludwig Devrlent, from whom it des 'ended to EmU Devrlent. The next "most worthy" was Theodor Doring. aCter whose death It (lam A l~tQ the possession ot Frledrlcb. Haase. At varIous times since his reo Stu" RabbIt. WIth Quail. t1rement (i~m the stage Haase had 'j'opeka. Ken.- Stuffing .cleaned rabo OlleNA!;,£) na~cd Mltterwurzer. ~latkowskl and bits with quail ant! shipping them out . Josef ' .K alnz all worlhy of the {mand ot the stl!:to baa enabled m~ny bunt·r~nf:. 'but · tb~y ·all ' le tt the . "stage of- ers 'to' evade ' the quall.shootlng law III Ufe beto~Q Haase. who, atter cQn- Kansas this season. l'rof. L. L. Dyche, ~1I1tatJon \\'Itb ,hlB .'~rle.nds. concluded . alate f1iJh and ~ame ,warden, who hu .to. . ~ame .. A~b~rt ~a~8er~lan~ BIt th. ~usi obtained proof of the v.lolatlopa. rlnlr bel~, and .-he :no", wears It. said warrants "probably 'would be: """'-'-. sworn out for the hunters. O ..llIln OT .. Horrid ·Style.. 'A GhJcqa-. l!~f8tclan, . a woman, baa found ·.·.a . new ·rea!,~D . to~ ~e. prev~n· Not.a d Inns to Go. ,'Ing atrocIties . 'n, feminIne ~ar, s.uet New York.- Two of New bIg ' ~a\8 .and blg~ beela:·. It I", abo.., clty's fllmOU8 hotels-the H.o tbnan '8&Ys; beca1iA~ "orn~~baye~~ tllne tD bouse and tl1e' Ollee}, , l!riU8&'-WUJ' . • ... . ' thlnk abOut ' clotho»: and al~_..aha. close thetr !loon ImmediatelY.. Tbe N.w ieUlera . eat&bUa~1D1 tb"1D-j 'PQH4 to a~nna. !I'ba ' mustrat.lo.n mnkers, dre8em~er8 mtlllne~ to ouae)' boUlM! will be CODY"rted . to eel". ' 9n bonieatea!!. bay. a. ~ Ibow. In a I8Deral wa,. w~t ma,. be ~O~IJ~I ~~ .:(01' talm. That .... lt ~ buslneH pu},poMa. Both ~l. ~ OP~l'(unl~'" ~ plan ~ It'OUDQ . to dQ~ fa pbi~~... tnee t'ID t~ Dorth, • x~tl7. 'naP talk , . much .bOIIt their: d ..., baye had the umee 01 malle. th~ oonnm.leot· ~d to &rrQP w_t ad *t1ltJa. Tlae detaU. can 1M!
tlaeie . ~lap ural. tlafJ ba,~ . . dat, 'maD1 mea
e. P"mk,.;
I Was Cured .by Lydia
POSTUII caR.IlL QO.. 1.Iil.• . Batallt CcM. ~ . _ -
New Burlington
MlsRll: "n'" S J n I' p nt;::,titurday l. A fin e maTe belonging to Bible hool at9.:80a, m. Preach- The following .resolutions of re'. HA:RM.O UNT'S in t... blltl U , • 0 1U18. Molnti re ~il k,loked by Il h )1'10 ing at 10:30 a. m. Owing to Bacca- ,sJloot to the memory of Supt. E. a : Mr. "nel Mrs' G nrg SlIoker au· 11lll 1' W k 1t 18 fetired tl111t MI'. Jaureate services there will be no Colvin were. adopted by the Wayne j yed II> Vltlit ~ r 'lm Mr . n,u d MrS., AI · rM lotir will 108.e her . . preachi'?ll' Sunday night, Le~ every Township school board at tneir meetbert V hl t . , t M,'rrow, l\o dll Y· f ·0 1lr !'1obools Will. I sl\o Frldqy - for i one be pre nt at the morning ser- ing I t k ' . as wee. . Mitis Mil I.l I, h 1'\ 0 11 (\Ilm~ UOWQ . HI ,amm r tl a t.lOll . from MiRmi.llul'g Lo I:I Ll ud th~ \'1 k , Mril. Borace Uonlpt.on i8 tho g uest vic s. Whereas, l'he Great and Supreme and ut benne. Ou h I' Wll ~ 11e . of rela.tive In Wilmingto n t blM - }{uler of the universe has in his intiHtopp"d 0 ar flle the Wgh I:3chool we ~, N.OTlCE nite wisdom reQ1ov~ from among UNDER CANVAS· oonoertM Leb'loocJU . Rov ..A. 1'. Oo wgill a nd ,wif~ II pc)U I us our worthy and esteemed SuperW l\1'a orry. f,o 1011ru of th ueuth ' Il p t1r uf lu t we k In UlnOIn OlL fl All per ons indebted to t he late intendent E H \ Colvin' and Ill&t week o { Mr Will K t !\ey'~ M r A H. Ha.r lau WAN f.h A goue!'! t Dr, John Hyatt will please call at Whereas the intim t' I t' h ld tOoth 11, Mrs Tn:>klir , ut U ,H VflYS· or her '00 'l' M , BUI tUTI n uti fuml- The Citizens Bank and settle prompt,.. ' th I' th f'~; ~e ad 'lO~ e hur~ ~ n.d wltlh to e.xteod our ym l.v in tia.tl~Isbu rg, last weok. ly. F. C. Hartsock, Admr. WI. 11m. In "e al~ u ISC arge 'P-.thy ~o the btlreli \! t311 o ~. I 1"'bvl' r C Hl1ydook: ral,llrnell 8~tKate S. Hyatt. Admrx. ?f hl~ duties With thiS Board makes Mr., and ~tr8. (;l eorg LIl eur spent urd oy from th e hrist liosplt.ul, elDIt emmently befitting that we accord uuday Wlt-~ Mrs . Mary LlIt:)eur innuti where he ptiS d t~T ough tlO o.ur appreciation of him, therefore bere. np rutt on f?r exoPt. halr:n~o goitre, Resolved, that the wisdom and abU~bsters John ,and Ott.o pElo ot3r His mllny friends ore reJoloing over Mrs. Graet spent last Friday In ity which he exercised in the aid of oaml" out from Lebaoon on t.h Ir bl- hIs exoellent r eoovery . Ollyton. th T h' S h I '\1 b h ld" ovcles Snnday . und spent th o dllY -... Miss Minnie MI)T{In~ey spent Sun. e owas Ip c 00 S WI e e In with their unole. Utica. dllv with bel' home fol&:s. grateful remembrance. The C L E . 800i ty obsflr ved itR Mr. Ilnd Mrs. H•. 8eoktltt. oole . 'Resolved, That the sUQden reo twenty-fi!st I:I.nniv .rsllry dllY OOu. 0 hios Ptlrker. of tbe first dis orated tbe formers birthdl1Y Sunday moval of such a life from our midst d&yeveulOg A f~lr t'\l ~d was In t.rict ~obool, E'lst Liherty at 'iooin- by inviting s(, verlll of their relatives leaves a vacancy and a shadow that e 8 t 'n .ndllnoe nnd 8 liberal offeriog tti- nuti WII~ visitio ..\ Rev. MoKenzi p. for the dllY. . will be deeply realized by all the ke l::Illt~rd/lY and Suunay . J bat t d f tb t B d The 'U B Suoday ~cb ool will ob M1R8 N W e Mllxw~ 1 it'; vl~itlng l88tll~?hur81~:; ~oa~i:i t ~~s ~o~ ~~:. ~ar, teache~ and friends, and serve 'l'emperanoe Oa yo n Muy 21st. ber sister, Mrs Charl tl!! Cro!! . ' . Will prove a serious loss to the .com1'0 the f"rm O( tl Linooln L do o Rd I\Y Mills WIlS ID Davton last Sat- munity and the publl·c. v .. Mr Co rio Rnd wife wuo have been progrlJm . l'hitt IR 80methin g new visiting' .) ohn Lew!,, ' hllVO returned or ILy . • . Resolved, That with deep sympa~ in tbe Tempera.ooe OIlU!!El, 'Ilnd . . 0 t Marti"! Hlme, of I:;prlng VaUe.v, th "h'h . bonld be well ILtttlnded. to t h 311' bome 10 IlY ·on . vi Ited last FridllY witb his sister, y Wit t e bereaved relatives of Mrs Floreooe Rioh WllS calling at MI·s. Stileli and fllmily. the deceased, we express our hope tbo ptlrsonuge. ThnrsdllY · Mr . Geo, l:itiles, of Xenill, and that even so great a loss 'to us all Harvey s f>urg. Mrs . Rioo was in Lebanon Sutur' W~ . Stihil', of Minneapolis, Minn . may be tlverruled for good by Him viSited Mr... Hope Stilesaod d.angb- "Whodoeth all things well." Thl8 vioinity hMI been vi itAd by da y R 1 ed Th t f th Rev. MoKenzfe 'ond family were tar lilst MondAY. death severul times in one dlloY· in DA yt.on Wednesday. • _ • eso v , a a copy 0 ese Our hotel is to ohlluge haud!! in J"me Bltiok bas been 'Ilppointed S j V II resolutioa!l be spread upon the rec.. for the Columbia He/lltb and , pr ng a .ey f h'18 Boar, d a copy printed in $b. every nellr fnture . agent ordsot The t owDshtp (lohools will olose the local paper and Ii copy forwardFred 8herw od, ' of WaYIHJli vll1e, Aooldent Insurance Co., of OInoin. MIlY 12th and tbe publio sohool ed to the bereaved family. transiloted bU~lUe8 here Thursday nnti. 'rbe dance I\t t.own hall Friday Quite a nnmbel' from here attend- May' 19th. J. W. Hisey, Pres. '". night waH well p~troniZ6d o,nu very ad the Sunday tlobool oon'lention at ..... A' N I f X . F C Carey, Clerk. R d Lion SUIIda. , _ISS my (\rr a, 0 ROla, WIlS " . h joy tId muo ''8n . e .y~ • tbe 8 uest over ~unday of Mrs, a~y _ _ _,.. • _ __ ,FREE Rev. . Fringer filled the pulpit at Corwin. OBITUARV I( E. Cburoh Sllbbatb afternoon , I Eo.:~~' and Mrs. Lester Bali W88 ,£:::. L= = =IN THE EVENING ON MAIN STREET·= = = Mre llci11ry Elit~oknefof nId oiti~ens . Mr8. St.lle8 and dHughter 8pent gnests 8nodtt.y afternoon of Aroh Rebecca A. Daniel, daughter of . h&e been quite SIO or 80me ~,me , . ~ " I' d f 11 but Is very maob improved at this t)unday in Spring VlJlley With relae vopsayan am y . Robert A. and Martha Hackney Dan. 1 A. C. Mendenhall wife 8nd daugh. iel, was born in Berkely Co. Ya., ~nd writing. . tives Prices 15c and Bouse, cle(uUng is b lag fndulged .Miss Henrietta. MoKinsey visited tor took dinnEll: ~unda.y with U. W mo., 1834. In 1839 the family moved iii by the good housekeepars. at tbe home ot Mr. and Mrs . Allen Anabee and family . to Ohio and settled near Oakland, Peroy Reason' of Dtiytoo • .spent Sh:u~ts Sunday, Juhn ~ood, of Oleveland, spent Clinton Co ., where they continued Soo~a;' the g~e8t. of his .pBrants. W. J ' J{Ubon wae In Cinoinnati ,Sunday wlt.h his parent.s reside until after the death of bel' Show GroUllds on Phj]IiPs' Lot." ' M... aDd Mrs. 'E&rl Bookett, . and, one day lasll w~Qk on business. . , M.lss Ethel Bolland .w bo was op See the Reader daughter "pent Snod~y the ~uest8 ot .Othel1oArnol(l and wife are gues~s e~lI.tEldd Ion fohr appendloltedit at RhtOh- parents, ' when she with her brother '-...----.~~~-.... .AIrs. Bookr.tt·8 parents, 'Mr . . and ' of their parentll, Mr. Bnd Mrs, W mon ., od, as reoover enoug to Wm. and sister Lytlia came 'to Mrs. Jed Reason. W, Arnold. ' oome home. Waynesville tG make their home, lin. JQun V,a.q dervoort spent !:iun. ,Ints Uavis is home from OedarMr. Joh~ Re~vfls, of Dayton, lIl>eDt their' choice being influenced .by their KINas H~RALOS Olassifled Ads day With her bro'he,r 'QuitlOY Ktng; ville oollege. ' ·S unday With G. Val Shn" '8nd famtIl' desire to be near the Friends' Meet..... _ ... . w ..- -..<0 w. The Kings Heralds met at the ....... w '; , . ' ing, of which they w~re lite' long membe~, holding positions of trust home of Miss Aljce Carey Saturday Ada will be IDaer~ed u,nfler tb\ bel1c1 for .' teresting program tweoly·UyO cent tor three IOllClrt!{'u, in the meeting. Her brief illness was afternoon. An ·in wlion uslog nOl !Doru tban /lye i1nes. . ended at the Friends' Home, when was rendered after which the elec, ..., .........., ..., . . . . . . . . ...,. ............. she passed beyond, 4th mo'., 30th, tion of officers took pi ace follows: ' ......~............' ................."'"...............v....v'''''v,..........~... aged 77 'years dnd 2 months. She President, Alice' Carey;' vice.pres., FOR ' SALE was the last of 11 children, 4 broth- Lucile Hormell; secretary, Estla em and 7 sisters.'· ' Hain&!; ass't. sec" Soward Gustin; "Precious in the sight of the Lo'r d treas, Carl MeClure. 'rl\e social' p R SALE-JeJrsey B1I11 2 year!! is the death' of. his Saints. ft · One by hour was spent in playing, 'pmes. , cold. ~nd t~o Y~ltrliug heIfers. one we come to the R'ate of the Heav- Ice cream and cake were refresh- C. 11'. J!;1liott·, W.ytl-$vihe, Ohio R R '1, Some PhoDa 505. Ceuter- , enly Home. It closes on the twilight: ments served. VIlle Exohap~e. ,.I It opens on the dawn. , Some 'go ~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!'!'!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~~ swiftly. others slowly, others with EMJljNT Brlok on hand all the scarcely a moment's wllrning are time. R:Jok FlWe Ilnd Rope Il'lloe Briok liod '~eDlent 8100t mallt bore by the whirling blast. Death : ZIMMER~A.N'S '.. be ?lrd",red. lllqul.rti of '~r8~ ,Frank · has two sides to it-.one sunny and .. , .• . one dark; as the 'round earth is every 'S TRAWBERR,IES ; , k'rIloU. day half suimy and half dark. We F allCY ,Tenn, Berri~9 received EGGS tor h toblng, 500 per IleHing on the <lark side ,call the mystery fresh every day Ihis'week. .' ~. 0 .. 8, M1QOrOIl, tl, U B. Death. They / on the other, "qoking uaqhorn and Wbl.te PI.v motb Rooks. New 'Rose ,Potatoes, New Texas Mrs. liJarrlet Ji'm'nltS. R. D. 2, dC'wn in light, wait the glad Birth . Onions, New CabbagA, ~ew WlLyne ' vtllll, OhiO, Pbone l~ oty23. Tomatoes, Lettuce, Radishes, with other tears than. ours. Cucu,mbers. One of the noblest impulses that Tbb shows the fo~r-doo'r "StoddUd-20" 11·M !.Ourlng car. Thls model alao EED Corn . the.t Will grow. In. Sweet Navel 9rang.~s"Thin Rind ever stirred the! heart is' ·reverence comcs In ~lle 'regular Lwo-door bOdy. Wliool baso. ' 112 lncbes; tires. a:tx3 ~ . Lemons. . . quire Itt the KQUy t4nd TlDnay SPULdod . dU.B! IgnItion. Stromberg carburetor. Robe rail . genera!.Or. 2 gu and Soli the dead. Our service today ill a' Il1IIIp!I. hom. Jack tools and tire repair outftt. We ",III furnish thill, car In the tourtn-rOl, 'w l1yn~"llle, OhiO, "bone , door atyle as IIhown above. with 33x4·lnch tlrl!8. Bosch duB! IJrnltlou 8ystem. Pl'OlItrequ~irrt. It Is a sad yet ple~sQ.nt S3-3. , . O-Llte tarik iJlBtead ot aonorator, nickel-plated trimmings ana tull PanKaote top offerinr to the. dear departed one t . and top boot. . .' , • See our Roasted Coffee at 20c •.. who has left behind all earthly care OR SALE-Two teamll Mal"s, It's as good 8S you have been and 8OrrQw, , In this place she worooqltng 3 vears old, unbro~ L, paying 22c to 2f)c for . . l"I.IIIJ~t:U · with us; and enshrined in fCood 00"8, 15X ht40da high . . PhtlJe Old Reliable Coffee. only .. ~ ... 25c 4~8 2~. H. E . RIl~y, Lebanon, O. her heart .w ere the principles of !i'ancy Santo~ Coffee, only ...... 22c To QUY a' car any higher in pow~r or. lar~er in "Stoddard-Dayton" line of autombilles we have a Charity. Justice and Love. By the Chick and Hen Feed, Charcoal, capacityJ:han you actually require, IS Simply model for .. very pocketboo . and every purpose.· A'PEk NAPKINM-Th~ GllzoUe Cracked Corn, Grit,Oyster Shell memory of her life' may our own be paying the penalty of pride.. If you do not care office blllldJe~ .the pl~in white The prices range from $4200 for the big inspired as we unite in rendering NewBulk' Qal'dennSeed~, Northwhat you receive for the pnce you pay, we have fin ~ ly upholstered and superb four-door Limousand colored nlil>kiD8. (JaJl IlQd lIee ern Grown Seed Potatoes, Onhomage. theDl, no afgumen~; b.u t if you are desirous of owning a ine to $1,175 for .the "Stoddard-20" Roadster. iOJ) Sets, Lawn GraBs !:feed. Perhaps the most ,f ruitful characcar 'that will fill your every requirement and at This includes a body for every person; the LiL Get the Habit-trade teristic of her beautiful life was that the least· po~sible cost, we offer' you tl~is "Stod- mousinc, Landaulet and Coupe for town use; tne lldRUE PAPER-If you " ~Il.n' of steadfast inteilrity to that which ~ard-20." .. , ZIMMERMAN'S Touring Car and Torp~do bodies for country .' ., any color of flot! tj~sue p.. pt!r, tr.ue. Orie phase she believed to be " . Auto'mobile companies, comparatively new touring; tli'e Roadster and Semi-Torpedo for the oallllt the (la.zette offioe . . WE t'rI ,'p. of it was caution in use of words: 10 s concerns, spring up all along the li~e, and put on business man, whose time is too valuable to be It on hand 1111 the Lime. the market models which they .c1alm possess all spent walking' about .to.wn or standing on tlle as to !rive the ' least offElDce, and wilthe virtues under the automobile sun, and offer corner waiting for street cars. lingness to move slowly so as to keep Notice of Appointment them to you at astoundingly Jow prices, but only all . in harmony. Since Vf'ry early in A cordial invitation to people of Warren LOST concerns that have had uplimited experience in County is extended to visit our salesrooms, or, )'f ' th e p l t d U ty 0 f h orne lIlak. dorslgnoo'have Estate at John Hyatt. deceased. Thl! un· I e, easan been appointed and qualltled automobile manufacturing can produce a car of . better, a visit to the factory, where ~ pnrchaser andenterta' f frl'ends was' as admlniatrs.trix and aClmlnlst.tator 01 the osI'ng m inc; ~ 0 tate at Jolin Hyatt- latO ot Warren County. the tyPe and price anywhere near the "Stoddard- is betler able to se1ec~..a car to his own personal enjoyed by her as a sacred duty. And '01}!,~t!f~~i-d ~ay ~t 10fa A . .D . 1911. AIR ot Spl\!)taole~, ilteel frBlJ1eH 20 " and know what must Qt' put in- what must taste. to the very last she met everyone ' f{ate S·. Hyatt io 8 Fr~tik Carey 0"e8. FInder be'omitted- what must not be sacrificed- that . h a ra d'lant sm]'1 e w' h'tCh. was so F. O. Hartsock will leave ,l1t the GazeUe omoe. Wit will be safe fo~ any man to ris.k putting his characteristic of h~rgreeting always'. ~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!~ money into. . She had a higll appreciation of the Price is not always consistent with the We wish especially to call to your attention DR. J. W.... MILLER, love 9f God, d;anifest in the mission WANTED service that an.automobile will render ' in return. the case in which you can get adjustments for any of Christ. ' Sbe ,haa simply stepped , part of the machine. If by ~me unfortunate ac-' from the garb of ' humanity into t h e . e', DENTIST... . " " , eident YOU have a broken pan, It only means a . of ·angels. I '. • ·MAN';'pa,st. ,so .w~th hora8,8D4 'bag, few hours~ time to replace it if you have a Stodomce In Wi ' '. gy to seU 8tOO~ oon~~ttou pow• . Service sho\.Jld be the first consideratk·n of dar~.Oayton, while with other ~akes It may mean aynesville. O. der.,in WarreD COQotyt BIlIary, '70 Unseen dear .Ioved one: but may we N.a tlonal Bank Bldg. everyone ,w ho is considering buying an automo- days or weeks until you ~et It. , ' feel. thee neal"< us 'every h~tir . . ,; . pe'r ' mniith. ! Adil~a ,80), :I'UnltY 'bile. Any' price you pay which is not consistent A demonstration " will prove to YQU t1ia~ As if the darknesS 'beld 'a flower ' " bldg'. ;· ID~,"D ..po1t•• Indiana. ' ' ,', ' . And ' seeinr, not, . we know that it with service.is -Wasteful experlditure, I -, the "StOddard~ Dayton" cannot be ex~el1ed iD rethere ' ". 'Any 'p rice which yoti pay 'that is :more liability, easy riding qualities, b~uty of design, Because its fr8~rance , sweetens all ' tban. you need to pay, to secure a . car that will and last' but,not least, PRIC~. , t'h"; e ,¥r,' . ".. ..-, ",f .I ' ',, ~ , , . , " ~q ' ~1l . that you will ~e,!1uire of "it, is lilrewi~e Just telephofJe 01' Sl ttd 'a postcard ~LliC;l ~e "' .. We .close O\llj eyes, Jlnd 10, we h!Lve • \ ~:l~~e£ul ~per\(;1~tur~. You can p~y upwards of . will be glad to show you jus~ what these cats ,can ; thee here .'. . I '. • "' $4',000 to $6,OOO 'for"a car that wIll do no more do. Let us prbv~ to 'you .tha~ ~e have, tlje car ' ohl" WQrlds apart yet so'. n~r, .so ' ". ~ . . .. ,. .' YOU need· : fOr.YOll t~~ this "Stod;dard.20" .. will d~~ , . . nea ,_.f_:_.,......,.......... . "',...---'_ . ."., , "
Big Uncle 'Tom,'s Cabin
Sat. Eve, May 13.
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Stoddard 2.0
In Offering ' the
An Important .Idea
Service is First
.':"1 • 1
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': ' .
..I -F--o~mer
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- -I -=We are in receipt of a booklet frem our esteem ed friend, '1'. Lt>(' Adams , of ~Kansas City, enti tled "Trade Extens ion Trip of the Commercia l Club of Kansas City , Mo., May 7th ' to 13th. " Th ~ itinera ry of the trip is f rom Kansa City, t hrough parts of Arkans as; Oklaho ma and Kansas , over four railr oads. The bookle t is very attract iv ,espec ially as it shows a fine half-to ne of Mr. Adams . .
INSPEC TED FACT RY L. R. Robinson, pure food state inspect or was here Thursday, and w~nt th rough the Wayne sville Can· ni!1g Co's plant. Mr Robinson bad everyth ing good ta say of the plant - that it was the fin€'st he had inspected . He had no compla int. no instl'uc tions no thing but comme ndation. , While it is absolu tely necessa ry for inspect or to visit our plant, y t Lhev might as well stay Hwav, beca use Supt. Snook knows that it pays to have the plant above the standar d all the time.
171 1911.
+l-P;r;;n~1 M~~ti~;+H;r~-;;dTh;;e~i wm.H~::~s::'E\~~oE::rks fo r --- -- --- -- ---t
o- - ----- ---
...t Soc - - - -- -- .... . ial Eve nts . I -
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-~..--- -.....-. .... . --+ Cha . Reynolds, the blacksmith, at -,. 1\1rs. G W. Hawke was in Day-j' Mrs. W. H. Allen spent Monday ill Corwin , 1iss tell a Lem mon enterta ined on the head · t' ton Monday , arm bv failing bricks from the chlm- a few f her C· mcmna 1. friends Tu(>sday evell' . . , I I Th ney while movmg It ast w e <ing at cards. in honor of Miss ElizaRoy Irons, of Dayton , spent SunMrs. Abi Haines, of Dayton , is the wound happen ed to be only a f1esh- beth ollett, who will soon leave for day with his family here. (guest of fr iends here. wound. althoug h it bled copious ly. her home in olumb us, Ohio. .,..-J esse Burton and son! RoberL , Mrs. J. F. Cadwa llader was a Day· UNCLE TOM'S CABIN were Dayton visitors Monday. Mr . and Mrs Jos. Hawke enter· ton visitor last Thursd ay. ' tained Sunday at their hospitabl e The Harmo unt ' l ncl Tom 's I,lbin Born- To Mr. and Mrs. larence T. H . Zell, of Xenia, was the guest Co., which s~lowed here Saturd ay hom e on the Xenia pike t he followBerryh ill, Thursd ay May 'Illh, a son. of Mr. and Mrs. ing g uests: MI'. and M I'S. Frank Frank Zell last evening , was a good one. The com- Zell and Mi-. Ray Zell, of Xenia. .Wedne sday. Mrs. P rice. of Je,enia, was the pllny were a gentlem anly set of g uest of her sister, Mrs. J as. Kerriclc Wm . Dodds and son , Arthur , show'm en, and mad e many friends Motber s' Day was greatly enjoye d Mrs. Vina Carma n Morrison , of Satu rday. "vel:e I'n Dayton Monda~", and saw while here . , . _ ___ _ • Santa Maria, Califor nia, writes to at the home of Mrs. A. J. Alexan · I C t . ht the Wild West Show. Mr. an·d M rs .S her friend Url th S. Thoma s the . J . ar wrlg del', her child re n, grandc hildren and were in Le~anon Wedne sday ' the II J. M. Hayner . of South followi ng,: Lebanon, great g rand child ren being there to guests of f rlends. I got a paper from Larana c, Mich., . was here Friday looking ovet· the U U spend the day . They present ed her last night with broth r J ohn's obitu. with five dozen beautif ul white Mrs. Walter McClure, Mrs. F. C. Waynesville Cannin g Co.'s pl an t. ~' ary in it. He died April 6th . He cai'nati ons. Those present were: Carey and Mrs. Chas. Rye were Miss May Strawn , of Columbus, was still at Frankf ort at Joe Crespens Mr. , and Mrs. S. , E. Alexan der, Mr. shoppin g in Dayton Monday. 'Nas ' the g uest of h l' parent s, Mr. had intended going back to his home anti Mrs. W. E. Alexan der, Mr.. F. The Wayne Townsh ip Farmer s' Mrs. A. B. Sides, who has been a ' and Mrs. Ol'en. ll'awn. Saturd in about Ii week got up on Wednes Cl ub had ay and M. 'Alexander, Mrs. Milton Alexana very· pleasan t meetin g at , suffere r f rom rheuma tism for several Sunday . day mornin g as wpll as u ual and .. . Sunday evening at the M. E. der and son, Mrs. John Arpp. the home of Mr. and daughI went out in t he yard and in a few last Thursd ay. Th Mrs. Carl Dul(e Idays past is somew hat improv ed . . ~ h f M' CllUl'ch mark d the b~ginning of ter and son, Mr. Clifford Alexander., e weathe r \\ as I .. ' . M:. and Mrs. Clint rSp~ , r. 0 minutE!!' could not walk to the house, fine and only two families IS- comme~cement week. The church all of Middletown, Ohio. failed to Wllhan l C. Procto r, of the. P roctor soun , who came to ~em~ to paralyz ed I sUI)pose.- He died 011 the respond to the roll call. ,.attend I was filled to its capacit y, many staMM Dr. Alexan der, of Elida, Ohio, not As arrange d & Gam bl e Soap Co. , was m town th funeral of Mr. Spa-hi S b .o~~er ' l ing during the entire serv ice. sixth and brothe r Newton on the at the , March me~tin g this being able t.o be th~re remem bered w as a ,Sunday . and ,m ade a pleasan t call on . th~ R~. 0,·.· pa~l', .ar e vlsltmg The church was beau tifully decor. his mother ninth and I didn' t get 'word about , ladies' sessi0o, ." by letter. Mrs. Chas. Hough R~r- J. F. Cadwa llader. ft'lend s m WayneSVIlle. J~hn's death till last night. Now at d wil h pott d plants and the class . tempor ary c~atrman, called .t he meet . the ~? Carme n family are all gone color, , purple and white, and violets, The Junior Class of the Wayne s· to order, and after the usual but Y'I'nk and me. The paper had such ing prelimi nary bnsines s, the progra m the class flower, wer~ used in profu· ville High School enterta ined most a nice obituar y of John, spoke very fnr the s ion . -' pleasantly in honor of the < 8"niors afterno on was talien up. _ _ .~~ highly his christia n life. I never At 8 o'clock. while a choil' of four· last Thursd ay evening . An appetiz We were very glad to have with . . e~ected to hear from him again , us one teen VOiCES sang the process ional, iog five course dinner w.as of ourl former membe rs, Mr. Commencement" Exercises. ~rv~ iri of Different Schools in , the "Onwa rd Christi an oldiers ", the "Mr. Bruner but I am so glad I wrote now. He 's room ," which , had ., M. P. Steddom,. of Oklaho ma City. Neighborhood, and Graduates- Busy Times seemed very glad to 'hear from me He gave gradua tes. wi th th<>ir teacher s a_nd been transfo rmed into an ideal us a short t alk about hi dining , and was so much pleased over the home in the West, the officiating mini sters, marche d up room by the Juniors . The and as usual, his two long for Teachers and Scholars. presen t of the filty dollars I sent hi m talk proved the aisle and we re u hered to their tables were set in .th" form ve~y in t~resting and a\l of aT. . I try to be as cheerfu l as I .can for 1 places. They were tastefu lly laid ·with snowy thproug hly enJoyed It. Comme ncemen ts for 1911 will takej thiS. year. and will give a piliy en,feel that it is all right with the deal' The program as carried out was as linen and dainty silver and n . theEd~tl'hogCram was 1a .The filrst 0M beauti<\eparted_ o_tl_es_._ _ _ _ _ place this week, and many friends of 'tled, /lHis Uncle John." The pro· foHows : plano ao 0 bY IS I rane f 0 fully yet simply gecorat ed with { , graduateS are a1ready arrivin g to ram : lowed t:urren t Events . by Mrs.. the Choru s-On war" Chri&lian Solaif' Ts bowls_o f violets (the , cl~ , flower), . . . . ''''1' . 0 by ~ 1 b t' M OBITUARY Ch R A H K k . witness the f estiv ities. Commence- nvo~ Ion .. ... .. .. e . .,. nt u;I .... . . Sarge I." das ' g e e~: Chorus -CreatI.On ...... .. .... .. .. . Haydn brass candlesticks, and lilies of the ~. as, aw e ment week is always a busy one, and Play-" His Uncle J ohn" .......... .... opened Invoca tion the .. .. dlscu>S ....... l:>n of the que.· Rev. H. W. Bailey valley scatter ed carelessly over the ' .. Banks Dakin had been in failing tl'on "How ' I ' d i E CI~ss , . , cloth. Each of the twenty -four heaith for some time althoug h hip " can we relieve the farln . espeCially so when a la rge c ass grad - - I .... ·P·.. · '''h''':'' .. ........ .. .. Mn fblrel St rr Quarte tNearer My God to lhee . uates The smaller second ·gra e '-' ass rop ecy ..... ·...... .. k d b ti place er's wife?" with a well-pr epared pa· Qchoois a e a . R d' 'do not have gradua tes this Addre g ......... Pres. Albert J . Brown places was mar e last sickness WIiS brief. passing t o per in which she gave the installa ya ny SCriP re ea RelOg .. .. L .... O ... .. T .. h .. tion .. ·.... card decora ted by a spray of violets. P the Great Blllond May 6, 19l1 at the of modern ~ a liances such t t' f O' . ......... ......... v.. . ompson James .McClure, as toastm aster, as t he year. The progra ms for the follow. res en ~ 10~ 0 Ip lomas · Chorus . - J erusalem the Golden . ~p, '" n_oon hou"~of ill,· ght. seemed in his native elemen t. Miss ing neighb oring schools are ruj folwashm g machm e, firelesscool<er, tc Mu lC by WIlmm gton Orches tra Add' R J F Cadwa llder less "And Thou, 0 Spirit pur€', .. .... ·.. ev. . • gdna Janney in a bright and witty as ways in which we could make the lows: LYTLE CENTER VILLE Whose rest is with the lowly, con. work of a farmer 's wife Chorus .. .... ~. ..p.. ......... ·f.. J.... · .... way welcomed the class and. w~ an· easier. . . . . . . . Mra Chas Hough did not think the The mn th annual comme All Hail tne ower 0 esus , ame swered by Ross Hartso ck; who ncemen t The CenterVille High School Fri' Benedi spoke trlte--tram ; . k' f'f ction .. .. ... .... ... . .. . Mrs. Larkin for the Senl·ors. Miss Marie Miller " f 'h d of Lytle High School will take place day evening , has four g raduate s. and ' May h ave 1'11 umed tlle t empI "'. war 0 a armer s WI e any ar e r e ID..JllS tb"~ th t f th Rev C d II d I' prenche d an l'm and MI'ss W ' breast . '''' a 0 any 0 e r woman, so Wednesday evenin\t. Follow ing is the t9110wing progra m will be ren· · I'nl'fred Macy prophe eied . a wa a e . . And cleansed all the stain." pressiv e sermon to the cla..'IS from the- some very Jnusua \ and ,bewild enng she change d her subjec t a little and the pro~am: dered: . text "To every man his work." tal~ed on ':Coun try life vs. City Invocatlon ...... Rev. ~. W. Campbell Invocat events for the Seniors to look forion .... ...... ...... Kev. Campb ell ser~oit applied to their startin g The He has left a kind . affectio nate wife lite''' ' out ward to and in return fortlie irkind" , The LesRon of a NatIon .. ....... ...... Sheave s of Sunbea ms .......... ..... .... from the first ridge in their lives, ness, Karl to mourn hl' S depart ure' they were T "I Hawke , in behalf of his .......... .......... . Kesler Grahllm ' .... ..... :... .......... . Ruth H. Watkin , 1e progra m c Iose d WI'tl1 a goo d · · .. ·. , s did devote d to each other and knew . d . , I d "Wh . J how ill d th ?" b and Amp-ric with a s Christi Won anity er . an as .. ........ their paper entlt e • . stan .... .. Canadt class, did an w ReciprO at 8 an e ci use ty equeatb a II 't h' , y ' ,.. ...... .... ..... . elr . . to impart that which spoke to their Miss Blanch e Riley. . d . I ard fitting themse lves for the higher special hODors an prlve .. .......... ... ·C...... ·I....~lsle. :rn~ar~ eges t 0 th e ... : ..... .. .. ...... :.Harfr y L • ~eard('lrf life. inner being and not to the ' ear. • - .• Juniors . "Jim" took all by surpris e The Panam a ana ... eroy ar oc Medical Inspection 0 Sch00 s· .. .... · Their love for each other was mani• - .. by demand ing that each one tell Dr amers .... .. .. .......... .. Beulah Coon .... ....... .. .. ... ..Lucile Edith Andrew fested ill child-like simpli'city and a funny story and the funny stories Class Poem ....... .. Raymo nd Hartsoc k The Initiati ve and Refere ndum trust. · His fd ends and , kind neigh.... · U , were told . . After the merrime~t Class Prophe cy .... ........ I rma Cornell .......... .......... ... Elbert W. Brewer b\lrs knew tha~ many ideas throng ed , had subside d MiflS Ina. Hamilt on gave Class Addres s .......... ...... . .... ... :.. , Addres s,.... · .. ........ Sylves ter A. Long his mhd, that to t hem his 'pa'sied a ~hoTt and pleasan t farewe ll. Hon. SylVester H. Long presen tati.on of Di~lomas I\pe~Quld noLrev eal , especially Theme rryyoI' ngpeop leadjou rl'l,e d Presen tation of Diplom as.............. . Be~ediction those wbo could not unders tand h~s t.o the High School room. where there .. .... ...... ........ .. Sup~. L. E. Car ey MUSIC by Elhard t Orches tra · He was 1.llanner 0 f convers a t Ion. was music and a surpris e in store for Music by Elhard t l"amily Orches tra --~8ually happy and cheerfu l, always Arrang ements for Memorial Day the guests silhouet.te moviog pic. WAYNE SV[LLE ALUMN I speakin g to those he knew by a smil· are about comple ted, and Owing to the death of Hon. J. T. tures take-offs on the class and t~ach it will be WAYNE SVIl.l.E • The alumni this year will hold 'Mardis owner ing face and assurin g manife stations tull of interes t to the vetel'an of t he Oakwood Stock ers. It was a delight ful evening , s and The Waynesville High School w~Il' thejr session in the school auditor ium and Po~ltry Farm, down in the Blue quite the biggest affair of appreCiation for their tokens of a ll of our·citizen ~. of th~ sort have ten grad uate Thur day even- or:t Friday evenmg . The progra m Grass region of Kentuc ky, his entire that has ever been recogn ition and friends hip. His toil Sunday May 28th the memorial ing at School Audito rium, and given at the High will is as follows : worn hands were proof that he had se rmon will be preacbed lot of both Barred and Buff Ply- School. The hosts, Misses by Rev. g ive a play called "The Stl'ike. " Presid ent's Addres Edna s .. .......... ......... not eat the brea'd of idleness and Bail y, at the M. ·E. church m'o uth Rock chickens was offered for Janney , Merle Ellis; Kathr~ n Gibben s . The Following is the prograTl1 and ca,st: .... ... ........ : .. Eva Janney Long, '84 sale. Our townsm an, : H. H. Wads· Ina Hamilt when he and his wife, on accoul)t of post will assembl e at the hall on , Marie Miner, Winia t ] :30 Invocation ......... Rev. H. W. Bailey ReaCting of Minutes and Roll Call.. poor hell.lth, and failing strengt h, p. m .• and march to the church worth, who is always on the lookou t fred Macy and James McClur . e were Class P lay ......... ......... "The Strike" ........... E lizabeth W. Chandl er, '04 for the finest to be had in poultry had to leave the farm. give up their , assisted by Miss Stella Lemmo n and On Tuesda y, May 30th, the G. A; R Robet·t Belkna p (forom an in shops) Welcom e to Class of 1911........ ...... pleasan t country home and live in Post will ' assembl e at t heir bought the entire lot of Barred Miss Edith Mosher , who served. hall , and The .. .. .......... .. George J. Wat erhouse ..... ... ...... John O. Cartwr ight, '89 Rocks. about 30 head of choice town, it was a great trial. Before accomp anied· by the Cadet exhi· guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Bruner , Band, Col. Dodson (propri etor in Dodo: Response .. .. .......Kennet h Hough ,'ll bition specimens. He has had them Mr and Mrs. the close he could neither see nor will march to the chao I house, Rhoades. Misses Kathwhere so~'s Shops) .. . Kenn~·t~ N. Hough Sharps an~ F lats, Ronald Hawke . '05 sent up here so that the people ~f I ry~ Rhoades, hear, but by .feeble, tender grasps of the exercii?es will take. place. Elizabe th, Collett e, Rev. LoUIS Stephen son (a VIlhan ) ...... ... MemOriam .:.. ..... .. .... ... .......... ... county may get some good stock the hand bade her he loved good by. thiS (Justin a Hartsock, ElT!ma Hawke . A. Hale, of Day Lon will b e the ...... .......... . :....... Ross H. Hartsock In ...... ... Anna Lisle Cadwallader '75 for our next show in Decem ber. • -. speake r for that occasion . A large Alex Stephe nson (overse IClara Hawke Glee Hess and Hugh er in Good Night ...... .... Luella Cornell, '05 VARIETY SOCIAL The rest of the birds Mr . . Wads· ,Ridge, George Wat.erhouse, choir will sing several selections. Karl shops) .. .......... ...... Hu gh C. R!dge Elecl;on o~ Officers and other busines s worth placed on a farm in Kentuc ky Hawke , Kennet h Hough . After the exet'cises at chool Hall , Fred Hardin g (a clerk) ...... ......... , Herber t and will use them in his large mail- IEdwar ds and Itoss Hartsoc k. The C•.:fJS?ciet~,of t?e ~~'riBti~~ the Post will go to the cemete ry to ... .... ... ... : ..... He .. bert S. Ed;vardSj . LYTLE ALUMNI Church Wlll glV~ a~ Variety Boclal decora te the graves of thej order trade. For twenty years the \ ... - r com· Drakes (a dissolu te charac ter) .. .... . .. Wednesday. ev,ening June 7th in the ,rades. The BowerS! will behau; Oakwood Farm bred the ' Ba~red OBITUAi{Y ed to ........... .. ... .......... .E. Karlton Hawke Lytle alu~m Will take place Sat- Rock excluei'vely, a~d their win. Masonic Banque t room. A progra m the cemete ry in 'a large wagon. _-:-,__ Ruman (an accomplice of Drakes ) ,urday . ~ve.nmg at thp. Lytl~ . .tmg 0 f mu~,c, . read'lOgs e t c. WI'11 h al). niogs at the state fair and .other c~t:tals . Mrs. Angeii na Stiles Leonar d was The ladies are' invited CAB to come to FolloWl ........... Og .... IS the ........ progra :... ... . m' . . runt;1r . ; h . 'h'Igh quaI'1ty . , born at . ~e given La~ies .are ,req!leste,d to the ,.Township ~ouse at 8 o'clock' larg~ shows prove tell' . Septem' ber Mt. Holly, Ohl0, , Ariel Dodson (Col. Dopso. n'sdaug h- PreSide nt s Addrf'~ ..:.'"'' .......... . ; 9 ,.bring a box ~It~ IU,nch ·f or tWQ, :~lso 'l'uesdavc mornin g to help' If, you want som~ of t~~ ~irds to , 5,187~, and depa~ted this life M~y arrang e ter) ......·....., ,.... .... Jus~ma' lJartsoc k , .....: .......... .:.: Mmme E. Duke, 9 inwro'v e the blood 10 your flock"yoU' l1,lV , at the age put tne.i~ namel~ box; an? wh~ev.er· 'the fl~wets. · Anyo,ne ,having of" 35 y~ars,-S flowef..,,; Carrie Belkna p (Robert'~ si ter~ ,: " IReadm g .of Mtnu~eH ll and R?l1 Ca11': buys th~tr cbox WIll be theIr partne r 'will please send them to t he h ~rI better see Mr. Wadsw orth at month~ anq 6 days. On sep~e~be'r 'rOWi'!- , .... ...... .......... .... . .... Clara Hawke .......... .... ; .. 8ec y Fern ~nyder, ' . ~nce. for hinch. ,EveryonecordilLlly 'irivit- ship House at·· .ab,o ut that , '. ' 11 1892 'she was Wiited 'in mllri'la ge ' hOUl·. Be~tie (an urifortl!!late,youn~lad,Y) ,I W~lco~~ to ~Iass of.l~ll ....... .. ... :: ed., . Even y a ed~to~ , .got the . 'chicke n to' Joh~ Leon~rd. To ··.this • _.,/ ,. J Ther~ will be plenty of flow~rs this .... ... .. union , Emma Hawke ~ ..........: .......... .. WI.ll1am Duke, ,10 fev~r. andat the - Slgh~ o~ . them he toUr children were born, Fred '15; , . . , 'year, and iUs ~oped· that the citiz ns K~te (Ariel's maid) .... ...... Glee Hess , Respon~~ ........ .,... Elsle Eamh~rt,. J 1 put:ch~ed ~i~,. WE'R E DEFtaA TEP and. ,,?II} hel'!ce!9 rth Uijrry 12; -'. 1vielii3.'I8, w~o died 5 yeara.," . '. 'will be liberid with them. ' , ClaSS Prophec.Y ..... ..... Miss Glee Ress S'prin~tlme ~~d &a.ses ......... . ....... ~ <' sail foh~ a fun;ft~g~. chlc~~n previou s . to tile mother ,' 9. ' . . ' • Pre entatio n of Diplom as ..,•.•. :•. ,. and F;IQI'- .:. ,: ......... : ....,. ;..... ylOla Th!lcke ra, 'J."hf> 10'a team of-I;>ayton-; defE!at!i!d , I ..' . ence8: . S t "C . A Bruner SChool Advan tages of To.day ........·92 craJlk. , . ' und~y, ,by the score of, '. . A1'lNOUNCEM,ENT ,the Ml'am'l"'s"S .. ~. ,' : .......... ....... up:, . • ,.. 1 f M T.An rd T , ..· "t06 O' R N .FOB "Uol. "· SALe Benedi ction . .' T)le funeral 0 . rs •."t'\vna was . l. ' ....... ~ .. .......... ... , C ~. . ~ . -. h Id Sa'" d , • - Q p . ibTf ~.BertL Gfaham afterno on at the rest . . , ' 6r. J. S" Martin , tne "9~teopathic Fib! 197 - MUsic by Stokes' Orches tra. e ,~ur ay . .' ur: OS? 1 ~ le·M .... ~::]· I~UCFy lk' ,~ .. ' . 200 f Iv b • yellow Ob' ear ' 1 1 b ' corn, • on ' the de~ce" ' A mixed "q~arlet sang an4;l . n FOR SALE. . Y81CUl~, 0 .A-:llJ~ Gates Ajar......... a"", . ou 8, v10, Wl e m , ,.. " . . . .. 'Re ...~ J ks Prof L E CIL!' Tibbals fal'JIl just w.t of Buc;keye nnOy~,. c; Cad :"11"'~ r offici·"-.:i W8yne svtlle,O hloeve ry ·Tuesda yand. • ~. w.. !We " . ...~~ . . ' ~lOBlng ' tem~ " 'Earl Ra ~cfl h '~aqhoQl ' eailMn A'f~ lOad ~rsey cows. In1uire Frid.-y forenoon for,three monthiJtlr 'The , HARVEYS.8UR~ i. ·Tibbal •• 1Abaii ol'l"lnt emtent wa8m adeinM~ ·ce~ Harvey ab\ll'lt HJ~h School, ~m.. U:~·W"· of J. L. Men!Jenha11, 'lle nO~~ Obio ~bone ~l~Y, .' .more. Ottice at. the QIII~ lJotel• .Friday eveninw, bas eight SJ'I(Iu etel'1. a_. MUJIlc by e &JIl88V1 a. .,'t"·",-;i:J.iJ
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The farmers' .Club Meets
B i tge acca gure
N.. ·
MemOfl'DI 0ay
Sorne Very '
Observance' . . . . . . . . .
Cool'ce Stock
,j ......... , ..... .....
IPh ..
The Miami Gazette ~
D. L. CRAN~, Publilher. OHIO. PLANT TREES.
10ft INNASION p/
To Run Express From Boston to Washington.
Stopa Pain In the Bladder, Kidney.HE mOllt wldesJlread " 10, , and Baok. Airships Which Will Make Long cust" invasion that thla &=-::......;...::..;;.:~..;:;:;,;;;.;:~;::..;:..;;.=-..;;;..;;.;;.=;;.; at Least 20 Runs Are to Carry country has experienced 'Wou lJn't It be nice within a weel, or at' Persons and Will Keep In "event ' en years Is du e 10 'begin to 's ay goOttbY forever loti ... Regular Schedule. this spring. ecn hllng. 1IribbUng, IItro.lnlng. or too !reThe bug pro,tlheta 01 the qu nt lIassal; of urln ; Iho t"reheud Gnll United States bureau of Boston.- hnrles .T. Glidden , ,101l0f the back-oC-lhc-hel1d achos; Iho /ltltchu entomology have ,Ul5t oC the 'lIIddeu tour automobile II·ol)h):. nnd pnJllIl hi tho baclt ; th o growing IIlU ' framed a forecast ~at Is al work In the C/Ull ou 11 new ell! \\'cl\.l 11 ss; spots t'efore thlll ey R; yel will Indicate to c1Uzens, projcct. He Is s klllg landing lIileY low 6k ln : BluJ;g lsh bowels; .wollen e Yefar and wide, the coun· for stations of tho aerial. passeng er lids 0 1' ,Inl(\ 8 ; leg cru mps; unullturi.: line thnt the BOI;totl Aerial Nllvlga· ahort b r"l1 th : IIlocplessncss and tho lI.· ties In which the In· nl1e. lll' y'f va<1ers wlll appear. tlon company purposes establishing s po r havo 11 r aclpo tor ,hoso troubles tlla l Propbecy. we are told. Is lIot yet an throughout the east wltbln th next YOIl cll n ,1rllcn,1 on, lind If you wnnt to exnct science, but the process of pre· two years nnd Is examining Pblladel· n II I (} a Q le I<: nEe VERY. you UU 11' dlctlng tWs Insect! Invasion Is an !lx)Jhlu, Washlugton and Baltimore. He to writ" Iln<1 get 'Il. COpy of It. Many a cepUon to the rule. has already decld 'd 1I110n sites III t1o ~ l o l' would charso you ~.60 just fo r t never religiously believed tbat It Worooster. Sllrlnl:lield, Nww Haven wrlli ng t hIs pr ·8~rlptlon . but I hu\'e II lIud will bo g lM} to send It to you cnUrt could be done until I beheld tor my· and Bridgeport. Belt In the spring ot 1902. Four full MI'. Glidden Is president of the Bo " !y t r ~ " . Just drop me 1\ IIno like thll : A . F.. n o blnson , K-2fil Luck Bul' l1 ln C. tOll Aerial Navigation company. He OrI!, tl'ull. yeara In advance of tbat date tbe om· !\II 11 .• IIn<1 1 will .end It by re o clal propheta had given me a map ot Is a finu be llev~r In the prtlcl!cnbl l, t u rn mull In a p ln ln onvolop . As YOIl wtll tbe predicted theater of war. I flied Ity of carrying passengers In greut G e~ w he n YOli get It. t hlll r{"(llpe contlllu ~ It away, and wben the scbeduled week aeroplanes, and be thinks the time o nl y I,urt', hl1rmlell8 rem ..lIell. but It h l rolled around I visited a s pot marked bllS come for commercia l airships. g n ' lI l h~ullll g una puln-conquerlnG l>ower 1l will qll k kly sholV Ita power once )' 0..1 os within the prognosticated field of He is posltl ve that In the nCl(t ten years railroads wUl become back nulU' II s r It. IlO I thlnl! YOIl hud better"'j! whtll baltle. Here 1 Haw the enemy ad· vance and viewed the succeedlnlJ bers as for a8 travelers anll lhe millIs It I .. withou t delay. I will Ii ntl you a "'OI" Y frc ~ )'ou nn use It and ur yuur· tumult. It was a sl.ght {or Bore eyes, a are concerned. M If Ilt h om e. 'We s land ready." said MI'. OIidden, Rpectacle to be remembered through· "to buy and start with anything that out a lIteUme. A. MlsalDnlry Tree. can cnrry 20 passengers', and I ex· Dut the hlgb dolnrs ot 1902 were al A mh;slonul'y, during a Leoten t ... pect tl) see the. fl rst aerial fleet said. pointedly: notblng compared "With thoae Wbl~· launched by dIe cud or 1912. The Mother Nature will pu ll ot! this spring "r lIav stubJlsbed mlsslonnry tre tI company will begin with a rOllte rrom all over tbe cou ntry. n ut perhaps YOIl In 38!) counties or twenty-one AIDel'Boston to Washington. It baa al· don't know whnt a missionary tr e UJ ! Ican states. For the first time since read}' luld Ollt tbe way . trom Boston A missionary tree Is one whose profi t 1894 two of the "major broods" of to New York. Stops ure to be mnde goes £>ntlr Iy to missions. periodical "locusts" will simultaneousat all of the larger cities. I have ly appear. "A Roxborougb farmer has In h is ap' looked over the Jrround in New York pi 01' hUrd a golden pippin tree tha.~. It will be the l&at time wlthJn our natural Uvea that auch an onslaugbt helps to support the Cblnele mJsslon. A }<'Iorlda ' woman hns an orange tr Tbe treasure chamber beneath the will be witnessed, nor will our chil· dren's cblldren see tbe IIke, ( for, that h Ips to uplift the cannibals oj 5I&lace ot Necepldades, Llabon, POI'- atnt.ngely 'enougb, two of these "JDajor New Guinea. A Callfornlll nut farmer tugal, .baa been opened and ex~lned broods" w111 not again appear ,;at the de\'oll!s a walnut iree to the apread o~ by the mlnlste.r or pubUc works at the lame time unW a century and 'a halt th faltb III Zanzibar. requ~st ot King Manuel, who feared Ihall have passed. "~Uaslonnry tre s,'· tbe speaker pd· aor the lafety of the crown jewels and The two armies are of distinct races, bto ed, "or very tood things, but prln clJ)le Ulat underlies them need nol Clert&in personal property of the royal the ODe peculiar to the north and the adorned by the colors that will ell .... be I:ontlned to farms and farmers ." CamlJy. The ,ewels and valuables other to the aouth. The southerners nctarlze" them during the winged ltage of their existence. Over night their were found III the underaround cbam· have been Intrencbed under cround Not a Singer. bodies will have turned black, while ber Intact. An lDventor1 alaowed tor precisely thirteen years and the "Johnuy," tbo tea ber 'sald, "bere I. northern' wlll'l1ors have been similarly their eyes, tb.elr legs and the marginal· them to be worth upward of s3,060,ooo. a book. Now, stand up straight lind biding beDeath their cooler soil for velna or their Islnglalil-lIke Winks will Among tbe jewela WIUI ~, · dladeq1 of exactly .seventeen tWelve month• . sing like a IItUe man." bave become tinged orange-red. .. ex.Queen Amelle and .. necklace given Those which now are to appear In the , 'rhe Bong W8S "Nearer, My God." Tbelr life, extending for se"fenteen b.. by ber father. the Compte de south' last saw the .cenel ot their No sooner had the school commenced or thirteen years undersround', ' la en· to sing th[U) a IIttlo girl waved ber ParIII, value'd at ,200,000. There ~IUI birth In the year the Spanfsh wardured for preparallon' for but ftn or bnnd frnntlcally. Stopping tbe sinsfound also .. table ae~lce of 801ld Ger· 1898-whlle thoae that are to Invade Iii wee~s of gladsome life upon the lng, th tencber InQuired tbe cause. wing. By the middle of July all these man sllvet, Weighing o;er .. ton, a110 the Dorth have not pzed upon their "Please, teacher. I think Johnny native heath since 1894. In these patriarchs of the Insect famUy wtll Ii crown and Icepter of gold atudded bave fallen to the cround. But mean with precIous lton~s; also leveral years countless mllUons of tbe respective races went Into hiding be. time they will b~ve 'attended Indusbrtcp, of gold, the largest welgblng Ileath the soil an~ since that time not triously to the perl?etuaUon of their 46 pounds. Tbe minister ot finance an individual ' among tbem bas cbosen lIPee.fes; the female plowing the young anno\lDces that' all valu~bles wblcb to Uti bls eyes above ground. . branches ot ,trees with furrowa Into "W hen my boy was about three ue the private property ot Manuel The two broods will overlap In In· which to phmt the Uny eggs, trom months old his head broke out with" and bla mot-~er will be returtled to diana, whUe the whole or New Jer8ey which, during the coming summer, rus.b wblcb ~ry Itcby and ran a counUesli billions of ant·Uke cicadas of them. Those belonging to the state; and the, District ot Columbia are watery fiuld. We tried everytlltng ·e tbe new generation wlll emerge only ('ou1d but he .got worse aU tho time, Buch u tbe cro~n anc1 scepter .wID marked for tnvaslon by tbe nortbern· to burrow directly Int;o the ground and ers. The latter eonsUtute one of the t III it spr ad to his arms, legll antI be placed In tbe 'natlonal 'lD.useum. tbere await the trumper call of the best recorded of the 17·year broodsUlen to hi.s enlire body. He got YO next resurrection day, wblch for' tbe one whloh bas been regularly reported bad thnt be sme near dylug. 'l'bt< Some peculiar rights are behl~ lIet· In Connecticut every sevflnteen years these wlngless InseCts build In many southern brood wtll occur n 1924 and rash would Itch so tbat he would . The Aerial Expre ... tIed In New Yort. A man recovt;red since 1724, ~d o.t equal Intervals In localities llttle mud cblmneys, like for the northern brood In 1928. scratcbtlll the blood ran. and a tbhl nearly '1,000 dl,\mageafrom a police- New Jersey since 1775. And the south· tbose In the accompanying picture. Schedul es for the appearance of all and vlrt.ually picked the site for our yellowish stuff would be aU over· hi' man tor clubbing him 'because the "rners compose one of the two largest These are sometimes erected six or ot odr cicada broods have been pre- main station there. pillow In the morning. 1 hlld to put man In question kicked In bJs own 13,year broods lqlown to entomologists. elgbt Inches above tho surface . o( the pared for generations to come by "All we nre wailing for now Is tho mittens on bls hands to prevent him cloor. As the mu's w¥e had requestAlthough . others have ' appeared ground, and tbey are built of soft pel· Charles Lester Marlatt, asslst#1nt chlot reports of e ngineers upon various tearing bls skin. He WliS so weak ed the pOliceman's Interference, she ~mong us at more or less frequent In· lets or clay brougbt up from below and 0. tbe Unite!! States bureau ot cn· types of aeroplanes. The re 1l11.t. and run down that he took talntlng )laving lacked the klcked.ln door, tervala, these two exact broods have pressed ftrmly Into place. Just why tomology, to whom I am Indebted for flights In France by un aviator wbo spells as It he were dying. He WIIJI this decision (6r damages looks IIk.e not appeared together In America the Inseot r esorts tq this pecuUar tbe preceding Information concerning carried 12 passengers sbowl5 wbat almost a skeleton and bls Ultle handll "lnce 1690, nor will they again visit arcbltecture Is still a mystery ot sci· tbese remarkable Illsects.. . "'ere thin Ilke claws. oeroplanes can do. " desperate stand on the part ot mere us al the same time until the year ence. Eltber trom theae chimneys or "When the cicada appears In creat "He was bad about eight month "Personally I am bnnking on aero· mID to' avoid belnl kicked out ot GO- . 2133. trom the l1at surface on the ground numbers It naturally causes conalder· planes, for I believe beavler-tban·alr when we trIed Cutlcura Remedies. I metltlc lIupremacy. '('be periociJcal cicada-found only the cIcadas w11l be ready, sbortly able alarm and arouses tea~ {or the machines will be the mode ot travel bad not laid him down In bls cradle In ADlerlca-lIves to be older than any to emerge and take tbelr firlit: peep at so.fety ot ahade treea and orchards," In tbe future. I am not Impressed In tb.e daytime for Ii Ions wblle. 1 A man In Ne.w Jersey w~ lately at· other .Insect known to science. Tbe the sunlit scenE\8 from which they hid said Mr. Marlatt. "Tbe actual dam· with the qua\lUes of dirigibles, ai, wasbell him with CuttCIl", Soap ond reated for assaultlng a nelgbbQr. But two broods which are to appear this themselves back In 189t or-It of the age, however, Is usually aUght. Ex· though I bave one engineer In Ger· put on one application ot CuUcurlC cept 'In the calle ot newly planted or· many studying with Count Zeppelin Ointment and he waS ' 80 soothed, thaI It develOped later tbat ~e 'allallant year bave respective spans ot lite' southern brood-In 1896. Tbe exact date of emergence from cbards, and. even here, b)' vigorous and another In France." wblch a dog and cat could with but be could sleep. You don't know how bad been run over by bls own auto, I . the ground wtll be later In the nortb pruning back after the cicada has dis· .dIfficulty attaln. Mr. Glidden 88ye tb airsblp line glad I WIUI be telt better. It took one mobile, driven by the ne\gbbor. Aa, It Why tbe northern species Uves un. than In the south. In high cold areas appeared, much or the Injury . caused Wlll tollow the railroad tracks In their box or Outl('ura Ointment and llretty would have been clearly superhuman derground tor ' exactly seventeen years, It will appear later than In warm by the egg punctures enD be obviated,. Inter-city flights wb.erever possible . near one cake ot Cutlcura Soap to • elt-control wblch would have checked' wblle the southerners maintain their regions of less elevation. But over ReceDt experience Indll,lates tbat trees cure him. I . tblnk our boy would have an attack under the circumstances, lIubterranean existence tor just tblr. the great built or tbe territory In· thorougbly spray~ wltb Bordeaux died but for the CuUcura Remedlt!s the assault was condoned by a law teen years-never more nor less In volved tbe date or emergence will be mixture of Ume wu.h ..ra apt to be' TftOUSERS TAKEN ON "TICK" and I shall always remain a Orm recognizing tbe IImltaUons ot human !lIther case-Is one or the riddles ot during the last week In May, although avoided by the cicada.'" . friend of them. There hIlS been 110 St. Loull Man GIIII,I Away Wearing return of tbe trOUble. I 'sball be glM science, but Is supposed to be due to In some parts ot the 'ar south they nature. Apparel and Then .Wants Pollee differences In climate-to tbe same will 'appear perhaps a week ear iter. Good In Secret Socl~Je •• to have you publlsb this true state: to Find His Timepiece. If you wish to bebold one of the During his visit to' Boaton Col. wn· ment of his ure." (Signed) Mrs. M. A Bloomington, Pa.. man celebrated phenomona which cause blgber spe· C. Maitland,. Jasper. Ontario, Mny 2";', his elgbty·thlrd birthday by sawing eles to mature earUer In the south most remarkable phenomena of noture itam Jennings Bryan made. a ' brief ad· St. Louls.-Robert Newmon, of 1414 1910. visit some orc~ard or wooded ar~a dresa to the members of Horace wood conUnuously from 7 I!.. m. to 7 than In the north. . Washington avenue, telephoned to po. ' The e~gB which bore the countJesl' where the northern cicadas were plen· Greeley lodge, Knight. of Pythlas, In Uce headqunrters: p. m. · The moral Is to saw wood billions of the two broods to apnear Uful In 1894, or where tbe southern which he snld; "When I Joined the A. Delicate COl"(lpllment. .. "I want you to ftnd my trousers," early In ltfe, and wben you nre 83 tbls spring were laid In the summers "My \Jew gown ·received a very sin brood waB abundant In 1898. Here Knights Pythlas, wlilch w,as. tbe he said. perhaps you won·t bave to do 80. of 1894 and 1898, respectively . . A few just at sunset during ench evening of first traternlty I .ever joined, I wal . "Did you look under the ' milt. ce re compliment the other day," "AI:! to how?" weeks later the baby cicadas-about the week Indicated Institute a close conscious of vlolaUng a 'kInd or 1m, ·tress?" asked tbe telepbone clerk In "The proprl tor of a restauran I I Clubwomen In New Jersey are to the size of minute ants-escaped from watch over a patch of open soli. pUeci promise to my wife. When she the chief's office. establlsh scbools for tbe training o. lbelr shells, fell lightly to . tbe ground Just after sU.Dset yuu will see scores was my sweetheart I rema.r ked to b411 "No!: said Newman. Tben, talklna went Into asked me to sit nea r tli&\ maids. Wben tbey get the girls . per. and Quickly burrowed out of sight, of the brown wingless Inseots emerge .once that }. dldn·t helong to an), secret very fast. he added sometlling wblch window. Snld it would lend tone tv bls plac ." tect In tbe arts of housekeeping and each forming for himself a little sub· from their holes with 1\ rush · nnd societies and so was not Uable to go the operator didn't catch'. terranean cbamber or cell adjoining scramble for the nearest tree, bush, away from home In .. ·· U~e· even.ng. . I cooking tbey .wlll doubtless dlscove. "GIve me the description," he said. Important Mot.hor.. "All right," replied Newman. "The tho.t It Is wlvea they . hB.v~ be.e n t~aln' the sappy root of the tamlly tree, In weed. pole, stump or fence. If YOll did not say It very loud and' waa n~ .E.'Camlne . careful y every bottle of wbose twigB the productive eggs had have seleoted a particularly ravored conscious that ahe pa1~ any particular number on the . case ' Is 6574569 and ~ABTORIA, a safe and sure remedy tor Inc. been deposited for nourlsbment. In lo.callty the ground at your feet will attentio'n to my atatement, but .when· J tlle number on the works la 6,133 .• I~allta ' and cblldren, nnd flee that It this underground cell, at first tbe size' be Jlterally alive with and hidden by went home about dayllgbt after join. &76." Bearatbe ~-Tbat London hotel where no tipping . of a small .grain or bird shot, ,but the' running lnsects. By nine o'clock Ing tbe knlgllts I tClund that it :w al one "What. are YOll\ talking about, a.ny. Signature ot . ,. ~ ta permItted has proved sucb a succesll gradually growing with Its OCCUjlant, the bulk of lhe army will bave com'e of the most distinct reco11ecUons ~ way?" . In Use For Over 30 Years. that anotber like It, tbe largest In each cicada has 'remalned within two out ot the ground, each fastening her mind. Now 'l am a Malon, .*n Elk, "My watch." . :'£ thougbt It ;..'''' your trousers." ~ Ohildren Cry for·Flctc.her'~ Custoria. London, la to be erected at once. And teet ot the surface' througb winter and selt to some selected object, prefer- . an Eagle, a W004man, a Highlander they Bay the service la perfectly all summer burled from sunlight and air. Il'bly a leaf or twig. Then wltbln and many others. , I bave .o bserved "Yes tbe waf& was In the t ou . It has lived thus hi solitary coniine· "bout an . bour . aUer settling. each wUl tb~t . nil' tbe~e fraternlUea are built ers po~ket. A beggar called' her: an4 Not JUllt WI1l11t He Meant. rlgbt, too. ment for thlr.'teen or seventeen years, be seen by . your lantern light neatly ' upon 'words, .phrases an~ !~cblngtl " 11 k ' d me to gtve him a air f, Sbe (at lbe ' mR8querade)~Do you as the case mlgbt be, knowing only Its to ~pllt his parchment·lIke s~en down wlltch represent heart cbarac:terisU'cs, . t:o:sers. ' I cUd. After he was Pgone0 think' my costume becoming? , 1 We are told that the conv~atlon moist eartben chamber, separated the. ~~k ,from collar to waistband. T~ey teach UI the things . wbl~,h bind c,dlscov~rell .'I gave him the .o ne 'With . H~ .(wlth entbuslliSm)-Yes, In'd eed; . of Canterbury proposes to abrldle the tro~ ItI;! bfotberfl an!! sisters, r~rel, , Watch ' clOliely aud you wllJ bebold; ~\,a ~o.gether; , I belieVe these tral:ernl·., my watcb.·· In them. Find that ..be~. but yoU:' ","oull1_ be lovely In any dieten commandments. Evidently tbe cbanglng Its poslUon, save 88 Bome emerging from tbe slit or eacb' sbeD uel nre, amon~ the most pot6!1t inl!u: fl1'" guise. commandments have beeribroken' so accident to the nourlsbl.n g rootlet has wlia~ ~ppeara at. tlrat to. be .a cream; 'ences In bringing mlP1kl~d toge'th~r." r~~S:re,,:y~~ici the operator.: "We'll caused It to butrow further, In search · ' white. Worm with pink eyes ' and beavy .....KaJl88S City Star. run ' h' 1m do.W1J · .'~'. . lllJE ALLJl:. N'~ m'OO'l'-icAsB often that tbey need repai~~nc. . . . ~ Anl1te plolQ "",,(Jor 10 lie 8 b&kea Inw tile _ _ f. of another. black brows. . for UnM1: ..qh\n/r teol. It Ia~o. the·atlD,oat "f'c!lu1I this sepulchral darkpess and aoU· Like tbe moonflower petais l bura~lng . . A V."ue · 1~l'Ire... IDn. . .. New ca~petl' . Heat Rooml. "od IIUDlob. aDd mall..... alJdhr·. 4.Ulb~ t!olQ ':~re vegetarians as.· !'trong ' as meat " I~ . . . {' " \ • .r ". ., eveiT"bcJ:O. \15 ' n'/II .. '''''''"*,,,u. i'or .. RlIIll "What la your Idea'ot the charactef .\ Plsrlsr-Electric «;qrpets tor heaUnlil . trial plWl<ap, 'a411~' ''' 8. ~11II1t.t!Il; t8all.r1, 'lU. eat.ersll" ' Queries a contempcirat,y. tud~ eac~ of tbese lIttl.e grubs Is today lI,pon ' the 1at tice, they'. W 11 Shoot out a,val~Ji~ natu~e'8 signal tor . It to .. until the tree cover. e d by tb~· mYt'llld ot. Lady MnQb~th1" " ' roOms are, aC, c ordi, n g 'to La Llberte, , ; .' Well, the elephant.. t~~ Olt, and ·the ."ReaJly,': ' re;pljed M:r.. Cumrox, ' lIh!lrtly come· .·I~to taihlon In Paris: TakJ'1~ a Chance. , ~orse. are vegetnrl/lns. . • . ' . , merge t~m the ground, ~row wJDls ' tnsectjl w!l1 appe~t to be In b,oo,m. "In the.. m()oilll~~~ ' IUC~ a tree looks ."there Is ao ' muQb go.llp abo~t ~ple Tile .un!;lel' aide or' the' ,Dew ' ca,rpeta Employ~r-So. the~, MIB~ WIlUn~ nnd ·.enjoy' onJy .a te"" weeke of th~ . eo. .,c*\ty ~(i Ita · feUow\!, ·the 'Warmth' and ' ror al1't:b , W9rld' 8S thoug~ it were (aU co~neQted wtt~ the ,. sllig~, that one ' , con,lst~ of a network of lteel wlr... you're Joa.ylng UI5 for good? ' . A seruni c~re for IDsanltY ·. ls report· .brlgbtness .91 the sun. Today these or bea~urul '~blte blossoml In val'l~8 ' .~Jocely mowa 'Yhat· to .belleve,: ' fOrming a eonta~t. and Inllurlllg tbat MillS Willing-No Sir! For ~I't.r w111 thl .,. , . ~ ' tbecurrent Iball be ';Qul'IIy dliltrlbllt. or fol' worsel . . ... e4 to be successhl. Wbat . - , bllllons of waltlnc clclllfaa are withln lItagea of t,raDsformat1~n:" Is ,Ule "fay , frenzied flnance .bankers do for a d. alfout a halt Inoh ot lbe s.oU aut;face 't be 'pJ;!enomllnon wal' once 'deacllf~ed Woman'. Independence: ' . e4 bi aii directions. It Is i\1li4 that ---:-----fense nowT of the twenty-one. states Indicated . .b1 Prof. C: V. RUe), late chlet e.D· • Woman ' mu.t be .lIuIelMlndeD~" tlie eo.t 'at the new By.tem of heating ·Dr. · Fie~. F.Ue~., ~U, aupr.lcOll.td Each Is now-· of the color and shape of tomolo'Kist of , the· government. '" tbtnk .0; too."" wlll 'be .... th_ that or 8Ilf. knowD . .y tq taltC'l . . .Dd,y,~.a Ian., ~Iae ' :etrbnezt mOl'Dlils a~)'OU , "'flreli YlII .~ , , t l . . <It JI ..u_~ .ibld • .roOal =tiPa~~~' liftl' e.,, ~. " .,~od . C\I~ --'In view of the recent activity at th~ 'th~ broWn ':lpOQst abella" ,whJch In IUetJ 1lb __ t1ie . Dew eJ~CI ' , he we auaeat th~ It be allowed l( past year&- )'O~ bue aeen aclheri!ll to wtll' hd the tn. -jUled wtOl tile tette ...tllIl ~ e~pty Ihells and Deatb1 ' " wfli ~ "I will Ii .ipeta o&n be b$lteerat • total 00It ,eplace the . .Ie ~ .OW' ~aUOIlaJ bW treel~ Jut' before ~Ins tt aUrtaa. til. tun, developed clcad... BaW t.o .~ 011
U In 76 yel\.Nl the preseut sUI'Ply ot timber In this ountry w1l1 be exhausted. at the present rate ot consumpUon, the n.dll.l.onltlon to plant trees becomea There II elOQuent ""Ilh meaning. great value III trees, says the KlUlsas . Clty Times. The big lumber fortun s ha,'e been made In the maln, not In buying and seiling lumber, nor even In manufacturing lumber tor sale, but In buying vast tracts or Umber land and holding them tor the inevitable advlUlc s In timber prices Incident to the rapidly decrelUllng 8upply. Now, It would not profit .any man or COl'poratlon to buy large areas of land that could be prOfitably used for agrl· culture, trult growing or gra%lng, and set them In trees'; hut It would be profitable for all who own Umber llUlds that could not be profltably llIed for other purposes to maintain tbem as permanent forests, using only the matured trees and cutting them and clearing tbe slash In such a way as to give the best possible pro· tection to tbe Immature tlmber. Also, It would be profitable to every owner ot land to plant · treea on any part ot It. that cannot be uUlIzed for other pu~oses. It thla great nation could insllt'9 ItS landholde~s wllh this one purpose ·for a given time, to the end tbat all land that sbould be' planted' ,,1tb trees wouJd be so plant· ;ed, tbe problem ot tbe future llUDber . auppl)' would be aolved.
;~'R:~~~:; '~~:LW;~;~ ~N. --
Work 'of Church Practical Fashions Is the MISSES' COAT. Saving of Souls
·"""',F ROM- ·
Headaches. Col&'t Indigestion. Pains. Copstipation. Sour Stomach, Dizziness) Uyou _e not. the trios!
dfeetive, prompt an'd pleasant method of getting rid of them is to take. now and then. a d~rtspoon. "'_"_lIIIift_ft__'--_"'" ' - -......""'--~-"""""'-lui of ~e ever ~efrcshing and truly HOUSEBOAT IS INEXPENSIVE bene1icial laxabve icmedy-Syrup .,....._ _ of FI8' and £Jim of Senna. It i. Whole Family May Be Given Crulae weD known tlirol18hout the 'world as the best of family laxative remedi~ because it acts' 10 gently. and
strengthens naturally without irri· lating the system in any way.
To get ita beneficial effects it ia always necessary to buy thc.8eDu. ine. manuFactured by the California . Fig Syrup Co.• bearing the name of the COmpany. plainly p~ 011 the front of every pa<:kase. Met His Match. Alkali Ikll.- They have just tuken Ronrlng Bill to the hospital. Pistol Peto-What hnppenerl to blm?
Alkali Ike-He trIed to br ak lip a lItrraglsl meeting.-Juuge. A Herford Bon Mot. Oliver Herford and a frleud were tromng through a section of town t hat was plenUfully strung with pul· ley lines on which mnny a famlly "wl\8h" was waving tn the wind. Mr. Herford's companion called attention to the · manner 'In which these gar· nlonts shnt out the sky and otherwise ~18f1gured t.be landscape. Mr. Herford l;azed at them thoughtfully and then g nlly murmured: "The s.bort and and 6tmple ftannels of 1:be poor." Double-Edged. The mnn whose daughter had just Il ' cn united to the husband 9f her chotce looked a little sad. . "I tell you, squire." he said to one of t he wedding guests. a man of hi, own <\ge, nnd blmself the tather of anum· bol' of unmarried girls. "I tell you it Is a solenm thing for U8 when our tlnughtera marry and go away." Tha IICIre 8.8sented uot nltog ther henrUly. e It III," he Qonceded, "but "I BUP I tell you It Is more solemn when tbey don't."- Youth·& Companion. HURT HIM.
of Couplo Weeki In Sum~r Around SOlne Lake or Rlvar.
Bul fow peopl41 an alford tho house· boate one BellS Ulustrnt d In the maga· zlnes. yet wanT would greatly like the chanco to take the whole family and spend a couple of weeks. or more. cruIsIng about some lQke or rIver. A houseboat Is ftl$ured In the a company. Ing illustration that IB comparatively InexpensIve. and still large enough and convenIent enou«h to make a famtly outln« very pleasllnt. In many plac('.8 I.l flat·botto/Iled "scow" can be found. bauled up on shore In Idleness. which can be purchased for a trlnlng. llum. A plain little house nnd awning can be built upon t.hls. of a IIlngle tblokness of sheathln«. sImilar to tbat Bhown In the l\1ustraUon. writes Dwight Wood· bridge In the Hearthstone. This Uttle house has two roomll, one for Ii cook· Ing room and one for a "living" room. whlob cnn nlso be ulled for a sleeping room at night, thougb the "men folks" wl11 very likely make theIr beds out on de k under tho awning. A more hltsx)Jenslve plan stili Is
A Hou.eboat.
shown In th6 second Ollt. It one cnn buy an old flat·bottomed scow. well and good. It not, he will doubtless be able to hlro .o ne for a couple at weeks, and on thIs he can orect a tent. nail· lng and bracing the frame to tbe' deck. A cloth awning can be put up over tbe unoccupied part of the deck. all In· dlcated by tbe dotted lines, when tbe ImprovIsed houseboat, or rather. tent· bost .. will be complete. It may not be very handllome, but lots ot comtort and< a , very jolly time can "be bad, and all at a small expense. Such a boat can be moved from point to poInt by towing with a row·
boat. or a little mast and sail CIUl be erected that will pro've servIceable. A v'll'y small sail wlll move even a large boat ov _r thl!' quiet waters of a lake. and on a SUDliller outing rapidity ot . ultomer-That razor you're us lnl movement Is not called for. IDUf(t ))0 ratb,er old. 'l'he cuts are' offered as suggestlon3 Barber-How can you tell, sir? merel,.. If thj!se I!.~GUS ar~ still too ustolJler-lt has so many ·teeth. expensive for anyone, or out of reach hecallse no nat.bottomed scow Is at A WIDOW'S LUCK hand, there Is sUit another plan. «;lult tho THing That • WitS 6lowly In· Make a pont on by' flooring ' over a Juring Her. Uttle rnft ot logs. making the floor
A woman tells how coffeo kept. her from Insuring her Ufe: "I auffered (or Dlllny )'08rs cbleny (rom trouble with my heart. wlth aeverv nervouB headaches and neu· ralgia; but although Incapacitated at ·tlmee' for my housework, 1 did not Pontoon' -Scow. rea.Ulle the gravlti at my oondltlon till I waa reJectel1 fOt' life In.aurance, be· sufttclently elevated ' and Ie.vel by tho causo. ·the examInIng pbyslolan said, plan IIhown In the third out. and on my heRn waa so bad he COUld/ not pass thlB pontoon erect a. tent. Inexpensive me. pleallures are best, after all. and very "This d.lst.reslled me 'Very mucb. 811 h"ely as much pleasure lI'U1 be had I ,~aa a wIdow and bad a chJld de- upon R pontoon houseboat as the mil. pendent upon me. ·It was ,to protect Uonalre experiences ul.lon bls palatial her futUre that. I wanted to insure' craft. my-life. . .. . "fortunately for me. ·l .happened to · ~ead an 8dverUsement containing & Chemical Prlnte In ,Derkneaa. telitiruon1al from 8. man who had ' been Here's the way to take a plclure tn .It~cted 10. the same way that I waa the dar)( : Draw a picture on a pIece with heart. trouble. and who' waa,bene" of .paper, usln, 3UJphnttl of quinIne In fi!;ed by leaving off' coffee 1j.Ild . USIDI. mak~g tho .outlInes. EXII06e lhe paper Poetum. I gr8.8ped at. the .h.ove this to the aun tor s few mInutes; thon held out, 'and m~de the 'change ' at place the paper 'face 10wn' on a ~Ie~e onoo. ." -of lIen~IUve paper, like that. \lsed tly . "My health begun to Improve lmme- p1l.0tographetll, and place the two , dlately . . '(be headllChes and neuraigta ahe~t~ b.~twe,en tbe leaves of 1\ book. If dIsappeared, I g~ned in flesh, and 'my the IIhe~ts are ~omoved from the)book appetite came back to me. Greateist a few ~ours later youwH! find tha~ nn of all, my heart was strengthened exact reproduct~on or th.e drawl!1K\;w1ll trom uie beglnn.lng, and.. s~on all" tlle have been Impresse,d on the sens~tlve · dIstressing symptoms passed away. No palle.r.. DeS~gnll of any' . E;ort .can .' be more waklng up In tho ' night with my copl~ In tbl.s .. wIJY, o~ " YO~ Vlay 'trace ' beatt tryln'g to fly ·o~t ·~ ~Y: mout~r.' ov<!r a ll~lnted . plc~ur~ ~!' design w!tll "Tben 1 &,gl,11n maile app'l1qatlon .!Dr, Bulp~~~e (If' qulnl~ILaM , by, the salD~ i1te/. lnsurance, and ' had' :no trouble In' .prdtess.,. prQ~~ce 1a W~~ful copy (If the pUllIng medtciLl e~amlnatJon.. '. p.rlbt: \1.:*'1 It. ~ . ."It was seVen. ', yeats agO ) that. I . be~ ,: . ., · ,an tQ u~ ~ um' and I am ' ur.lI~g I~ . ' F.~~er ~ ..·th. ",nll,,"al, atlll. and 8¥1 .continuo to ~Q BP, as..I : rel\ beJ;-,-lohn, of' .~bat: . are lind it a ' partmtee of gbOd health:' ahoes wade?" Name Irt~en Jiy' POlilUin Company. Bat· · ..: B~Y-Pf ~!"il.ther. ·lItr. tJe Creelf. Mlc1a,· ,. ' TeacJier-Wl1ere 'does tho.' "Th"~.' • rea\Qn.·. . -.. come from" . :1lf.tle".b09k. ''The ·Road· .' Bi)~;-FrODl"J*be :blile of tile ox: w ...n.rlnA.", In.. pkp: . ," ~acb~a:--W~t. . &~.l,. th~.
.......'-.=-. -.... '--:t' A.._ ... or::-' BOy-Jon! .......
church to win the world for ' brlst. As an aid or means to that end a great deal of machinery bas been devised and "set In motion," 118 conditions and needs, from time to time. have suggested or dePerhaps some unnecessary 'mimded. thIngs have been thrust Into the field, sprInging trom mIsguIded zeal rather than from need or knowledge. Ma· chlnery. without power and wlsdolD and persistent effort to run it. 18 worso than useless. Tbe most perfect and thorough or· IIlnlzatJon of the forces 18 of no avnll except tho Individual recognIzes hili personal responsibility and engagell hIs energies In the prosecution of tbe w9rk. I1S ·though everything depended upon hill personal fidelity to Ood and . tho Immediate task at hand. The Flrllt Duty. The olllce and calling of every em· bassador ot Christ make !loul·sa vlnl hIs sp6clflc business. That Is one thIng that his calling or Ood In ChrIst 'esus requires of him. To succeed In that respect he must earnestly strIve tor It. The result do s not come as 11 "lliatter of courso." frOID a perfunc· tory observance of routine work. A man must not thInk tbat his first busl· ness Is s.l mply to preach a certain nllmber of sermon!! and to manage thIs and that organiza tion or enter· prl s. 'I'll se rmun Is not all end In Il· s·c lf. It 11:1 only u meuns to what shollld be th e rcal 'end or everything that a preacher does In Ills ministerial ca· paclty. Indifferent elfort will accom· ~lI s h but little. This Is especially true In ChrIstian work. Where there Is nol enough zeal and earnestness to 'bring n man's efforts up to tho poInt of striving to achieve a trensured reo • ult. · there \\'1\1 be no such achIeve· .-.....,......- ....... iDent. It is a pressing earnestness COURTESY TO' BOY'S MO.THER that counl1l. The soul·\\1nner·s strlv· Ing must be expectant, hopeful and Parer:tt ~hould Be Treated" HI. Moa. erslstent. Valuable Poaaeaalon-Klndnea. Duty of the Laity• Alao to Slater. It Is lust as necessary for t.he lay t;nember to strIve to save souls as It Many a boy tails to rise from bill Ie for the pastor or the evangelist to chair when his mother entqrs the ro\)m, ~o so. If the laity would ·take hold at while he wonld get up at once If a the work with some earnestness as stranger entered, and one would BUp' they expeot of their pastors there pose that his mother, who Is more to would be far greater results achIeved Iilm than all the rest of the women· ·In winning souls for ChrIst. '.l'he pew kInd pnt together. IIhould. to say the depends altogetber too much on the 'least, bave from him the same marks pulpit durIng the revival campaign. of courtesy as strangers. In lact, you We do not mean to say that too much can tell a boy's character pretty ac- confldElnce can ))0 placod In the prea~h· curately by the way I'n which he treatll er and hIs efforts. But experIence hIs mother. fo\' 811 a mother ha.s prob· Ilnd observation teach that many pas· ably done and will (to more fo her son tors do not get the help they need In lhan any other woman-with perhaps their 8peclal evangelistic meetings one exception-will ever do. be ought. from the members of the church. In In return, to treat her as his most val· many Instances the pastor must begIn uable possession. . His courtesy. his and carryon his revival efforts with chIvalrous and knlghtly .bearlng loward a mere fraction or hJs membership In her, are never· thrown away. attendanco at the services. Often Sbo sees ' It nil arid thlnkll more of It those upon whom he should be able to than docs anyone else. and he · need count tor best support In hIs meet· ne er tear tbat bls thoulhtfuln01ls Is' Ing's divIde tllelr time between dis· thrown away. Perhaps. occasionally. tractlng social fUnctions and attend· such conduct lTIay to 1\ certain extent, nncc at the revIval wblcb the preach. ~o unnoticed by Bome other women, er to st; !vlng to realiZe. How can the but by his mother. never. Lord gtve the Inorease except the peo· In the same way one's conduct to pie with the preacher strive to aave one's sister Is a· tel!t of good breeding. souls ?-Evangollcal Messenger. Sisler are not mathen. by ·any means;· but stili they demand courtesy tram Wltness·Bearlng. their brothers. Perhaps a IIlster cali The personal witness · to Christ Is be pretty hard . to get on wIth al times;. but nevertheless IIhe III a .w oman. and more than that of spr>ken tesUmony shO" can do cettalll thlngll' IthoQt any ml'rely. ImpottllDt as that Is. The fear ot retellation. beoa1Jse tbe nobility essential wltn08s Is that of character. of ·tho man III the. boy Is bound to reo Tlie Innguage' of the II.fe Is, moro <;on· 6tant and more wnvfnclng tban that IIpect the wom~an In his ·slster. ' Ll!t her tease smd tantalize. but re- of the ' lips. A ' replly renewed heart member ·tho' best way to cure her Is to manifests ItseIt hy puttJng Chrlst'lI treat her so like a lady who could teachings and his spirit Into the con· never descenll to lIuch methods tbat . duct of life. The beauty of hol\nesll she will soon be forced to stop. In or· 'WItnesses to Cbrlst as the flowers witdel' to. live liP to tbe character ' you ncss to the IIfe·glvlng energy of tbe have given bor. Mothers come first. sun. Obndlence to Christ Is much moro than the practice of what the thereforf'. over ail the world. an ters next. TreBt them as carefully a8 world ealls morality. It goes beyond you do anything elae In your life. aud the requlreme.n ts of the Ten ' Com· wlt.h even more care, and then we can mandments. It Is obedience to thf1 dIscuss tha resl or womanklnd:-Har. words or ChrIst. Tba only sate dlrec· tlo~ for tb~ Chrlstiaft Is. "Whatsoever per's Round Table. he salth unto you. do It." The sermon on ' the mount Is not a counsel of pel" AMUSING TOY EASILY MADE tectlon; It Is tG be obeyed. Those who keep Chrlsr'. sayings build on the Fish MAde Out of Paper Will Swim In rock; than" who do not k&cp them Water If Little Machine 011 bulld on tbe sand. la Applied. -~
A Tent Boat.
,r Is tbe business ' of the
7~ ...I~ .~ aCt ..~ to
ea~tfatll".... .
But In
Short Time Entirely.
If you have been amlcted ,,1th rIng· wonn and let it get the start of you. then you'll know bow hard It is to kill the pa~aslte that spreads the dIs· ease. This treatment Is Infalllble. Wash the crusts with wann water and Reslnol soap. Thon apply Reslnol ointment thoroughly over the entire diseased surface. The beneficial reo Bults will be quickly manifest. The Crustll will scale off. the disease cease to lipread and tn a short time disappear entirely. Reslnol ointment cure II nil eruptive IIkln diseases. eczema. herpel!. psoriasIs. barber's Itch, ery· slpela8. erythema.. Bcne. etc. It quIck, ly allays IrrItation and Inflammation. and Instantly IItopa ItchIng on an, 8urface of tbe body. It Is tbe one remedy for itching plies. Re.lnol ointment contains no Irritating 111. gredlent, nothln« to harm the baby's tender skIn. It III lIold In opal jara 5.571 at flfty cents and one dollar. At aU Relllnol Ohemlcal Co .• One of the natty short coals so druggists. much worn th is season Is shown tn Baltimore. Md. the Dccompanylng lIIustrntlon. Noth· Ing could be more sImple than Its can· NOT ANNOYED, COURSE structlon. The trontll are plain and ha\'e no darts and no seams. In like Capt. Butt Wal Merely Giving to Hia manner the back ronns a single panel. Friend a Few Phllolophlcal with side back seams which end at the ReflectIon •. flrmbole. At tbe neck there Is a shawl collar. tapering to a point far down Capt. ArchWllld W . Butt. the presl· In tront. where the jacket closes by dent's military aid . WllS called out of means of a single button. The 81eeves bed at nIne o'clock one morning to are IIlIghtly gathered at tbe shoulder answer a telephone call. a.n d are 11nl8hed at the wrI st , with a "ArchIe." sold his friend on the turn back cun. The trimming ef the other end of the wire, "I called you coat Is braid. Sort finish sprge. coat up to te\1 you that I sball not be able cheviot. dlagoual. saUn. taffetas. von· to keep the appointment I made with. gee and linen wltl all make up. smart· you for eleven o'clook today." Iy by this model. "I'm Borry," sald Butt, hJs tone a The pattern (5377) Is cut In sizes 14, trlHe chUiy. Medium size re16 and 18 years. "Yes; Il's too bad," agreed the quires 3% yard II or 27 Inch material. other. 2~ yards of 36 Inch or 1% yards of There ensued an ominous pause. 50 IDCh. "You know," remarked Butt senten. '1'0 procure tllJa patt rn Bend 10 cenlll tlously, "telephoning seems to be a to "Pattern Deparlm nt." of this paper . habIt. a· bad bablt. In Washlngton. Write narnl! and address plaInly. and be eure to slve 111%0 aDd number of pattern. Peopl.e are tre«lnnlng to Issue theIr Invitations by telephone. They 'phone ' on the · slightest· provocation. The,. don't seom to kuow when not to teleSIZE ........... ..... . 1'10.5377. phone. They oven get you out of bed NAlItE ....... ....... ....................... .. to talk to you on the telephone." "I'm afraid 1 annoyed you. and TOWN . ........... ............... .... ....... . you're bawling me out," aald the STREET AND NO .......... ., .......... . friend. "Oh, no!" contradicted Butt In a !TATE ..... ... .. .......................... .. louder tone. "My remarks are merely a few philosophical reflections Induced by the early hour of the mornlng," The Sunday Magazine. BABY'S FIRST SHORT CLOTHES,
LivIng In God'lI Love. Anyone can make a paper flab that Death shall 1I0t separate us from will 8wim. First of all. dralV on paper the 10\'6 of 'Ood; death Is but a motbe plctur of a I1 sll .. as shown below. Then out 0 channel from the tall near· ment In lICe. an I.ncldent Iii the soul's ly to the head (0). wbere a · round career, and if Ood hath loved us once, opening IIbould he made (A). Place he shall love us evermore and on Ileyond' 'the 'J;loundarles 'or the world. the flsh In a · U-~ ~r.."al\ of wat r :I!lde dQwn •. and drop Inlo the b~ad ' of , lhe' God's lovo ~'llIts';to be gracious Hnto ·channel (A) a Cew d'r opa of sewID~' us. But wbat ot lIfeT Life w'l th Its brightness. Ufe with Its gaJety. life wJt.h all Its temptatiotJs; wbat CJf U:e days that pass so brightly. so busily. 60 fun of InterOlft? All We know Is /..::J ". . , . this: ' Life ehali never take from tbe hef!,r't of t.h~ etetnal QO<l the love' that once be ~ali 'gWen to us. It Is not A Paper Flah: wblit It can do to liS; but what It can d.o ·to God that concerns thl IlSsur· mnchlne 011. . t once ,tbe flllh ~l\1 be; antle . .t\ud nelthel' Itre nor death sh.all swim II!;. the '.D.lO~t re~al·.kable separate U8. Crom tr,e love or Ooi!. 'gln way. the mopon beIng calised ~y . tho ,· , Sprllo,cil.ng of . ~~c , 011 , thro.~gb·. the: chan· . . n i m. - If.tbe chunn 1 be \lllghtly :beill' , Dftn~~I~ation •. ( .). th fi sh w~lI. sWim 'In 'a'- olfele . 'the· dl([el'flnces between deuomlna· tiona nre d·lffei~ncelJ o~t temp~ramenl , A;Joke on' F.th~·r. ". ' :very: hugely. : ' O~e malt.. expres.ses h!s . Jobnnl u~P.apa. you'll let me' cut Ii life tn Due way snd Il"nothcr in another lock or y01.\r I\alr. won't' you? ,,!_y. ~olne . ao~ls : ~lIl;Db up to God by . 1. mY ,boy! . I am ~~ broad •.stalra; othel'~ oome ~ .tUm IlB to I!ee tha;l 1·0\1 hay!! Ba .) mIcb. a' ~ '1IIe8. It dc5es 'not 'matter how ...."rr_ulrln for 'Y~~ p~enta .. 'to~JE 'foi; .we .et. to blm .'11 we love : hlll fellow· lock df.hBlr ·by ...,. of ~_" ibJ\l '.nd ftlk lD .bumUIt1 .tow.,d OUI" , : Johpnle-Y.ou· .... · pa~ )D7,~~. '.,e.lfttIi a.a~ .lJ.ltwer~Dc!~ toward blm,...,. boNe baa loat ita tall, ~d T tI . ~.' l..7m1l bbott, CQD8I'esnUo-," make It a D.~ ....-Tla :QoIIUOiM. lato ·BfOCI,,';;ia. . . ' .' .
-1-619 ·
•. ~
~ot Exactly Patriotic. He was. let UII say. Irillh, wall amons several men of other natlonalltlea, and had Imbibed several beverages. He WWl extremuly anxioua. moreover, to uphold the gloriell of Erln, but W88 not quite so lIure of what was goIng on about him. A foreIgner near 'hlm remarked: "An honest man Is the noblest work oC God!" The Hibernian didn't . qnlte cateb what was saId. "Oet out!-an IrIshman Ie!" be roared. '1
.: i
Wben the tilDe comel! tor putting baby In short clothes It Is well to have a llet on hand. Tbey are aure to !It Rny little one of normal slzo. In this set we gIve patternll of a sacque, 1\ petticoat, drawers nnd a dress. Thla Includes everything. for tho same pat· · lern may serve for flannel pettIcoat. ,If the season requires one. In trlmmlng lhe 'dress Hamburg embroidery III most used as a trlmmlng. but lace Is better for batiste ,and soft fabrics. The edgell of tbe !lannel jacket may be scalloped by band or bound wIth ·rlb· bon, or hemmed and herrlngboned. The pattern (4619) 18 cut In sizes 1At to 3 years. Two year Blze requires for everytlling In the sacquo 1 yard ot 36 Incb goods. for the Mess 1 ~ yards of 36 Inch. ror the powerPowell-Then I'm glad that I'm petticoat 1 % yards of 36 Inch. and for the drawers % yard o.f 36 Inch labrle. In his power. To procure tll!!i pattern Blind 10 cent. to "}'attern Departme nt." of this papor. Write name and addrcll!l pln!nly. and be auro to &lve s lzO and Dumbl!r of pattern.
01. •.•
SUFFERED TERR IBLY. Kidney Trouble and Rheumatic Paine Made Life MI.erable.
SJZE....... ........ .. .
NAME ..................................... .. TOWN .... t ................................ .. STREET AND NO ..................... _ STATE ..... ................................ .. Volt Standard ·Changed. The volt standanl or tbls country has · beeJi changed by the United States Qureau of standards to carre· spond with that .In England . Fran.ce and Germany. The change. while nu· merlcally very sIJgb t. wl11 be telt In the Incandescent lamp Industry. The ohange Is based on the value of the WesWu cell at 20 degrees C. H·a re· torore 'we have rated the cell at 1.091 voltl:l; ·. now the rating Is 1.0183 volts. Our volt Is h nce made eight ten·thou· snndths larger than heretofore.
M. R. Wilson. Humboldt. Nebr., saytl: "I had kidney disease In a very aggra.vated form. Kidney secrotlonll contained a dark sedIment and passages were vety painful. I was so sUff 1 could bardly move. My back ached terribly. I had nervous and dizzy spells, mT Ilmbs were 8wollen and mornings on arlsln« 1 felt weary and depreBSed. I dOGtored and trIed numerous remedIes but IIteadlly grew worse until almollt holpless. 1 began to Improve under the use of Doan's Kidney Pills and It was only a short tJme before I wu entirely wol1." Remember the name-Doan·s. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents ' & box... Foster~Mnburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Well Known . . : Milltaken Klndnea•• ·' Blobbs- Is lIardllppe pretty weh Pett1'nlttlng relMlves or ·fond frIends to give a. chili\" sweetmeats Is mlllta: knqwn ' In YOlir town? ken ':kln~nell';-In DlI~ny ho.meS , of ra-· ,Slobbl:l-1 !)hou.\d ~ay h~ il!: '. He'. 80 . f\n ement 'ohlldren arc taught not 1'0 well known he c~·t even ho.rrow an . . Re('ord. atcePt 'offerlngll of 'thle nalUre. Tb& umbl'ella.-Pblla~elphia , . early year. of development depend rio . You are not responsible for Ute dis· m.ate·rlally· upon strict dl~L posItion y,ou were born' with. 'but y,ou are reSponsible for the one :you die He Agreed. -I con Bider your wife a wOlDan of With.-B~bcoc~ . ~celient . taate." . "So do I." re!)lled JI1lJ:, Iooktnc. Ill ' Let ,-a be\'er be .dlscourqed by aOJ t"e lQirror and ImOIa. appro\"al &to dlbloult7 Wh~ah may attend what •• laI.lelf. . pow to be·· o~ 4utT,-aowdler.
nd E dith Davia, 1(;
Cured by Vinol HERE IS P~OOP .0 long from stomach trouble ..Inri indi ~cst in n . th t I lost fit!sb rapidl' ~ VI. l I . cu red me after ' rrthing else had fail \.:~. It strengt h n·d my di vcstiyc organs g ave In hearty appetite, and . [ < n eat allyt hin ~ willlolll the slig ht· cst dis h'_s. 1 \'10 not ·Ii 'vo anything ' quaIs YI :W L for Momach troublc and ill<i igt'';lioll.' " . E. W... I ~. RII( I \I!- l·: , Ponland, ~ le. Mr. Thos. G . Wallace, of Dctroit, f ich., writes, "I suffered fo r ye:us from a ch ronic stomach trouble. VIN L entirely cured me after everything ebe had failed." It is the cllrali\'e mcdi ina! elements of t he cod's liver, combined with the strengthcning properties of tonic iron contained in V INOL which makes it 0 successful in restoring perfect digestion, and at the same time building up the weakened run-down system. Try a bott le of VINOL with the unde rstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you.
"I suffer d
am er
l!J.u;r)n 'uermau 26, ph ograpli rbana and .Ol'" Be"l-
.111 k. tin, :til. o f PleAsl\ut Plain . •1 1) 'pb '[bIJUlP(I n 26 olerk · 01 n oel F.;luise • U1tth :!l, I)f Wtt lHi ville. 'l'!t rJlnIlR W. F. aIdin g, 4fj,
I" 1I~'f)t"~V1 J1~
ftHllI (lr Ilf Morr ow and (Jar r ie L Kr k l r 40, cif Morrow.
. ChMIel! Br own . n i W,.rreo U OOI , ty, to \,00 Ba ltlm or & hi Sonlhw E) t ro Railroad cOmptl ny l1 00 Mr !l Aug u tI. Leu k of W I1rren C Illlty to Bllitimora & Ohio Bontll. we tern Rai lroad ollmpun y, $100 o r~e E . lJliY. o f W.trra'l Coon ty to BII Jt.lmore &- ()hlo So ulhwes t rn Rttilr ofld OOlpuUY, '75 Thurmlw Cllrlw~ lI ll dln of Wur r6D ' Olll1ty to B Itllll ra & Ohio Sou t hwest rn RlIllr r,"d '200. Donlll~ P Mc Murtin ur Warren Couuty to R!1 Jtimor e & Ohi o Sout-hW Rtern Ra iJro"d, ' 300. I Jared I" Vll n Cleve of Wllrren CO U'lt,y t ") Bfl,ltilUllre & Ohio outh. Druggist we tern Ruilrond, 60 J ohn A Hindley. of Marion oun· ty to Ba ltim ore & Uhlo Northwest ern Railroad oompany. $7ii,
Ch .b f
County Courts
Real Estate Transfers. ;ommon Pleas Court.
CO '
---'1'he Outing C0 IUmittee of tbe No rt,b ' Irle ' bamber of Commeroe III M llJ hu"y Il.rrlLnglD g free en 'sr. tainulfmt for tbe big outing to be ~iv e n b y tha t ns~ooi flti o o of busines8 men lit len tangy Park, Col u mbos, un W dn da.v, MIiY l 7 tb . They bav secured fmator Albert J . Bev ridge of Iodiaoa IU! tbe prinoiplIl peaker of the day and be i~ uxp oted t o I!pell.k on tht! questi on of 'l'be 'Il oadian Reciproolty . A. m ong tb~ free enterta'nment.s 01 r eady seoured, are daylight. pyro t eobniOtl, fire works dlsphlY a.t night b':\ !loon ascensions , paraohote Iea.PR , Il.c robat.lo flotll, four wrestling match. e , the Ol rl GUlird \)ruro Corps. out door vaudeville, movin g pioture!:', b:l.nd concert~, orchest r" mURio. Oil. noe regMtll with other water sport!!, swimming rl>cet~, nthletio ount sta, Finks' oomAdy dog II.nd mule oirou8, Prof, Kllrl Hoenig and his twentv five boy flingers , tlod a number of other speoial fedures . An extra free feature will be Bury HUls, illd tlmers' f~oDtier exhibition, In. oluding trlok I\ od faoov ridhli , trlok roplnt( and laritlt throwing, bookIng bronoos, relay raoell, Bnd the pony express, Roman Hippodrome riding, I\nd the famoQ8 buokiog bull 'fhese wild west perform a06@ will be given free, both af~r. noon and evening ou the day of the outing. There will be something tOlng every ' mlnn&e during the en· Ire day Bnd evening IUId it will keep tbe visitof'J busy to see it aU. The largost orowd ever gathered together in ooe plaoe in Columbus is expected . Numerous Ilooeptances from lohools outalde the olty, also from the mayors, officer8 of1>08lnesl men'. organizatloDa, poet muters and editors thronghont the Ita&8, all of who,m have been apeolallylnvUe.d to be prelent at anti take part in this big May Day Ou.&lng, • - •
Here s g QtI news f~r the women of this 'town • We h ave se'ured , the a~e n cy ' h f fur 'the fa~ous Moore R nnge--the h andle f ran ge ever m ad e , The Moore Ran ge pra ti 'a ll y ost you o thing. The saving in fuel it affords n o t o nly pays f , r it . but really pays you a profit soon afte r yo u buy It.
us shpw Rnd explalo to you the mQoy .uperlor features of Mooro' O ven- how 1I absol utely prevenia " dead s pots." and bow the Cia .. O.,e n Door o vercom e. the necessI ty of ope nlnl: tbe oven Rnd losing beat eve ry tIme ·y ou want to ,oe tbe condlllon of Ibe fo od Ins ide. Theo the re'. tho o lckel'plnted oven rock ('Ihe only one 0 0 the mllrkotl aDd the alumtnlla!d ovon. tho
clennest, Ur.thtcs t o nd m os t sa nltnry on the morket. You ought to see tho On'nThennomele r Cuido nn tbls stove. It was propurtt<! by Mrs SlI rula 'I'yaon tl.orer, the ncknowledllcd forem ns t cook 011 he C(j UIl' trv, exclusl voly for 1>fo oro 's Ru ngo. It gl \'c~ Ihe tfme required lIod tbe hurlt neou.sury for bllldoll "II kInds of food. Don't miss seei ng th is Ulllrvulous ran ge. Cu ll DOW whUe ou r s loc k 18 cO luploto. •
Moore'. Ran••• can 6. had in eith., Cast Iron or Ste.l
E. v.
DR. H.E.
ead t he
.- .
e . l l. . . . .
EverlllStlnlf FlrebllClk •••••••••
For sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, .Ohio
. A.
Call and See Its Many Advantages ~t
Jj' rllnk D. Miller tJ Mary C. Dllr. mody ono·half aor~ in Franklin Court Proeeedlozs. BARNHA~T, township, *1. 8a-rley Merritt VS . Lowell R W . Alonzo Crawford and wife to Notary Public Undertaker and Embalmer, E .lgars, Florenoe F. Merritt snd Jo!!se Meotz, lot In Franklin, 1700. All kinds of Notary Work. Pensitm Nett.ie A. Merritt ao instlne perllon. Frank W. Southard ~o John Town. Will be found in the oJd ~ork a tipeoialty. Partition. send Henderson lot 10 L eban on, 11 . Bank Building, oppoeitd t-he National Bank. Margaret .A4., Prle t vs John R. l Commissloners Prcx:eedin2s. . Telephooe in house and of, Priest. Vi vC'roe . . fice where I can be called . G M. Curry vs . Curry Cancer Plans and speoificatlons for red&y o r night, Good for NothIng but tho E,.. Oure Co., 'It, Wilds Gilohri~t and pair ~nd oonorete door in bridg~ on Valley Phone 14-2. Ernest Kamsey . tiult t reoover Rossbnrg 8nd Morrow road in B&r.. Waynesville. Ohio . Main Street. t4200, balanoe olalm~d on oertain Ian Township were approved, no~ on Monday morning J.udge Bid of lu31 25 from Frank Stokes BATRAW 'A 'T Clark handed down" deoi810n in the to complete timber out and fill with Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Waytles ville's .Leadinll' DeDl1al ahove oase in whioh he h eld that s'ooe tb" break at Bunnell HtU for Coughs and Colds. Offioe in Keys ~ldg. M.alo St a demurrer should be sustained to bridge. County to furniBh and . de,t he'petitlon and that the oontraot liver lumber. entered into betwaen Ur, Curry and Oontrtlot with Oharles Stibbs for the oompany was in restrain t of oonorete toe to ' north abutment of , From the Blue Bird. . . trade ~nd coptra.r y to publlo polioy Ltberty School hOOMe road bridge at In Maeterllnck', "Blue Bird" little "The Club," aud therefore void th t I l Saved Child From Death Tyltyl goes to lOme far-olr heavenly .An exolualve dining society Is 'the place to learn that love abides with ; a un e8S junotlon ot Lebanon and OregonIa lOme amendment oould be m,ade '0 pikes, also putting in 12 inoh corru. "Af~r our oh.n d had.suffered fr . m him . at home. There he meetS Mother one bearing the arrogant title "The Club." w 'ch since Ult foundation has , the petition It should be ~i8mislled gated sewer and oonorete' headwall,! severe bronohial nouble for a year" Love. He BaYS he Wi.he, to stay with t>eeri Umlt4;! d to tblrty·five memb6rt1. and a ludgment re~dered in bebalf and headwalls to 8nother sewer on wr~te G. T. Riohardson, of Rlohard,. h8l' alway•• where .he looke beM1ti~ Johnson. Burke; Reynolds ' and 'ool~'1 of the defe~dante . 80n s MUll, Alai ~'we feared U had fill · to him. She anawera. Bui It's s mith were · ~ong t he ortglnal mem· . . same road at Turtlecreek township oOn8umlltioD t had a bad cougb ju.t the lame thins; J aln down be'The plaintiff 'l attorneys say that at estimate 1188. 26 . all the time .• We tried ~any reme- low, we are aU down below. . . . bers. Garrtck ' and Boswell joIned In 1773. I1nd Gtbbon and -Fox In J 774. the · end il n?t yet. WUlard J. Bille-Leba non Ice & COllI 00 ice dies witbout avail, and the dootor's You ha\ e com. up here only to realize Of the eighteen premiers In the nineWright for defen·d ant. Braodo~ for oourt honse, '1.80 j Ed RetaUtok, medioin~ seemed 8S ~selell8. Final. ' and to learn, once and for all, how ·t'd teenth Qentury nine were members ot & Ivins for plalntlff. servioes burial oommit~e " 1' John ly we trIed Dr .. King I) New Disoov I,e me. when YOU I .. me down J>elo~. the club, Fox. Liverpool. CBrnnlng. " ery an. are pleased to say that. one . • • Do you understand, Ty,ltyl. W oIfe, bridge repairs, ':<I~. 75; Alex bottle effected a oomple~ oure, ~d dear? • . • You believe yout'selt in ' Russell, Aberdeen. Gladstone. ·SaU .. ~New Suits bu.ry, Lord Roseb r1 Ilnd Mr. Balfour. Crosson, oement, '1~0 63; James V. ourohild Is again Itroqgand healthy heaveD; but heaTeD II wherever you - London Chronicle. S.t ate of Ohio ve . Jolfb Ross,orim. Hankinloo, lumber, '1!8 83 i J . W . F~r ooughe, ooIds, hoarleDeu, la and 1 kias each other. • • ' . There inal aaeault, Case set for Thursday Lingo, mdso, for jail Rnd oourt grippe, astbmd, oroup I1nd .sore are no~ two mothlJ'l,:aDd you have no \ Al lunl8, its the most infallible remedy other; • • • Every chua haa only Reed!1 Sarc.llm. bert Andereon attorn~. , hou,e, '432; Lewis Atkiusoo, bridge that', made. Price 500 and '1.00: ODe: and It II alway, the BI1n,e' one Senator Lodge, In the ,Century Mag· , State of Ohio ' vs, 'George Eagle, repai1'8, 15.75; C . V. · Williaml, 'fri81 boUle free. GUl1ranteoo by and alwaY1l the most beaut1ttil; but azine. aays: "In 188( I recall carnlng threatening tn a menaolng manner freight a~d drayage, t3.26: Horace all druggists : you have to mow 'her and to know aero.. 'l' IlOIDU 8. Ret« one ' day In State street just atter the nomlnatlo'p . Case set for Friday. Marion Ham. ~bjelds, final eRt,imBte on oontraot, • - • how to look. of Mr. Blaine. The break In the R'e1883.81: Frank t:!tokes, oontraot, WHERE WE NEED PROTECTION ---__,.-iltQn attorney. publican party had begun. and I asked The Hlgheet KIte Flights. ite&8 of qbio vs . Philip tildney *141.1.; Walter B. Whitacre, conIt Is not the autocrat, but the ·out. Mr, Ree~ wbat be thought of th~ outThe art of llylns' kites ts oarrled to 10 k, ·'Well.' be eald, 'tt III 'a great burglary, .polltponed to gather evl. traot, t185 ,84: Bam D. Henkle, 1ees ~own 80clal institution, apinst which srea&.t ' perfection at the large comtort to think that the Wicked poll· dence by reque:!t of attor~ey Dean aod expenses as oouoty lIurveyor society requites protection. Not the Ita aerological observatories.. and . the tlclans ~ere not allow.e d tq pick the Stanloy. ' for April, 115B. 59 : Frank P. Forgy, le&1s1at~re or. tbe executlve, but the beet record, of alUtudes up to date horaes and vehioles for April, '25: con.tltu~on and the prevalllni judicial haT. been lnade at Mount Weather calldldates, and that the no~lnatlolJ 'V"as made by the people. Tne poll· Probate Court, FraoK P . Forgy, boarding prl"one- and admlDI'tratlve pr~dure,. are In Va., and Llndenbers. Germany, Th~ tlclans would have been guided only the;way of tJr0grell: or ~ther, carry. o . C, W, Unglesby appoioted a.d. for April, '23S,2g j The' BObbs Mer· In, the anar"sls one step farther, our ' former .taUon la ,625 meters above sea by a ,balle il, st're to ",:In/ , level, the latter only 120, a circum· minlstrator of estlite of John 1'J"ge . rill 00" law book for Judge Ch,rk, dUllculUes ·are not so much with the 8taIloe that should be remembered in W. L. WhUaker filed fioal accouDt '2.50; The CoJumbus BIBnk Book constitution and procedure. a. 'WIth our compartng the recOrda made In the She 8tralghtened Them. .E ' . ' own reluctance to amend and modern. MI'1I. Clark sent th~ new maid to het' xeoutor of estate of W. T. Wl;lt Mfg, CQ., reoord for .audltor, 117.60; Ize them. Knowled,e and cODvlctioQ two phu:ee. The following llst ot the room to fetch a pair of sclasors, When aore. Ed. S, Conklin Postmllster. 8tamps ~a,e cone far ahead of ex!st1ng me- . htghMt fli,bta, ' recenUy published by she returned. which she did alter an Dr. :Aaamann. gives the altitude aboTe John A. Jtebold administrator of for aUditor, '6; The B. F. Wade & chanlsm and habll The clash Is ' none the cround, not above sea level: I, unaccountably long all,sence. ber mIsestate of Ada Flenner files first 110 tiOOs, Co., blllnks for auditor, 15; the lelll real because It I. not between Mount Weather. 8,HO meters; 2 Lin- tress asked U IIhe had 'any tTouble In oount. Trustees flf Publio Affairs, light tor two distinct classes, between a rullnr denbers, 6,860 Dletertli 8.' Mount ftnillng them. . clasl and. a revo!tinl cl.... for exam. '''No, ina'am," replied the girl; "but .E. H. Thlrey, Lora.lne M"rsh aod ooort house, '16.82: Truse )s of Pob· pIe; but rather between our own Weather, 6.51& meters; . , Mount whln I got thlm, they was that blnt, I Andrew Daugherty appointed to 1lP. lio Affll.irs, light Bt jail, ,9 55: True- selves of tradition and habit on the Weather, 6.484 . meter.; 6, Lindenberg. no wan could use thlm, 80 I took thJm I' 6.880 meters: 6, UOUDt Weather, 6.379 praiHe estate of Clmrles Henry. t ees of PubHo Atfaire, water '1110 one hand. and oura.lves of the present ·meten. to the ldtchen and Ihtralghtened 'thlm out Wid a flaUron. Here they ar~, I Kate ~, Hyatt and Fred Hartsook 'l'be bond of A, D. Stri;kler. 118 environment and new standards; These Birds Killed by Oolf BallI, ma'am," and she handed Mrs. C.l ar) I appOinted .ldministrators of estate new Infirmary Dlreotor fnrnls' h';''' conftlcts with our own Inberited tradl· t>U tlons and habitS are perhapa the mOlt Not long ago one of . the players It} her much Injured mantcure scissors. \ of John Hyatt. by tbe U. B, Fidelity a.od Gu lrllotv exalperatinr and tragic of aU. a golf tournament at Melrose while .. Natur.lly. W. L. Brown ' appointed admin. Company ot Ba.ltlmore, Md., for making an approach shot klned a J 1m K d 1 k B t b 0 en r c s anp, a a anseagull and another player on com. lstrator of the estate of Josiah A. '500.0 was ILpproved . 25c 18 • Small An'iount . Ing on from hIl drive found that he quet 10 New York. pleased his tellow· Brown , _ - ....- - You would not.suft'er one day for had annihilated a weallel. Such 'In- diner. ";'th an te~~gra~ alt t~~ ex- , Appraisement of tlstat.e of Bau Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? fiye times that amount, Then try cidents are not uncommon,' pen~, 0 one 0 e ore gn hlgh- , nah t:!mith filed a nti ordorcd record No. Never. Its fooJi~h to fear 8utberland's Eagle Eye ldalvs. We A player on the Kirkdale Units drtv- " br~~f Playwrl,~h~id M B I ed. • a fanoied evil, when . there are real 8 U II.rdntee it to oure, H'd painles. Ing from the tee struck with his ball . course. 8a r. angs, "he'l' a bird at a distance of about forty thinks that be Is superior to his J. Lee Thompson ad ministra tor and oeadly perils to guard ngalnst aod harmless. in I:Iwumps "nd marobes, bayous and • - • yards. The ball traveled on with brother craftsmen. especially to his flied first and finll.laccouQt in estate lowlaods. 'rhe8e Bro the mal "ria Chlnelo and Vaccination. scarcely aba~~d speed. The bIrd tell i ~rothe~ cr~~t~menw~ America. You of ,John ,W. Soull. germs tbat cause ague, ohllls and "Unless it 18 absolutely necesaUy I to the ground and . when pIcked up now ow s. . en a mau deems W. F. Moss, gUl\fdinn flied amend fever , weakness, aobes in the bones never . l1ke to get a Chinaman started was found not only to be des·d . that ~I~se~t one I~ ' ~h thousand. he natural· " ed second Rccouot in estate of Ra.y. and mUllolell Ilod may induoe deadly on the vaccinaUon same because he was 'expected, but neatly decapitated . Y 00 s on a . e rest as clph·ertl." t yphoid. But Eleotrlc Bittera dF!. n'ever koows where to stop," Bald a -Countryside Monthly. mond Conover, et aI, minors. In Line. • Everett Pearse o, ·a<lm inistrator stroys I\ud oO-stll ont these vioious mlsslnnary. "'He firbta apJnat the germR from tbe blood. "Three bot initiation with all the atubbornnes. of S~tol'-Your daughtel', IIr-:-we11, e. flied appraisement o~ estate of Mab. tIes drove all the malaria from my his orJental nature, but ooee be be- -that-I.-ehe · told me to COIll. to Ian Peluson and ordered recorded. sYRtem," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of comes convinced of the emCILC1 of YO~-tlh8 saYI you., I. underltand. Willard J . Wright, guardian. filed Luoama., N. V, "and J've ha.d fine 'vacolne virus h. soee on the principle . Pater-!-QuJte 10--1 tirst aC90unt io estate of Rebeoca healtb ever since." Use this SlI.tl' that you can't set too much' of a good Let'. ,ee, are yoU IIr. Bron.on or' Kr. sure remedy only 500 at all drng8i8t~ thing and want. a doe. of It for rtwy Wlbblea T . ' ~R JaDe ·Soofield . ____ --til tha.t belleta ·hlm. The Chlnamu 8~I'-~y, I'm IIr. o)H otchiIS'._11U'I4i'"' Hpward W . Ivins, exeoutor fll~s who haa b~11' onc. l'uclnat.ed .. wanta Brooklyn LUe. · .' . . Our Doctors. .it dllne ap o,l'er apln enry Ume he 1'". . . .. I lillIe bUlln estate of Anoa M,'""UiU. "The late' Count Toistoi loathed Ph).. gets a b1id headacbe. It 1. pretti .. . . . ., .. . .' . ferty, . . ,Iclan.,·· said, at a dinner In WaihIq- tOugll On Ohlnese children wh'OIe 'PIIi' ,. ' " 8urprl.... . i'. ~8ta:t~ of Charles ' Ford, minor, ton, a .R ulsian dl,illomat. . re~ts bav~ f~rmed the "acclnaUon Aren to y01l .urpn.ecI at Lord ·LUT· W, 14 . Ford guardian filed seoond . "You remember how ToiBtol ridiculed habit. U the mlllionariea and doo- "u~ l~r oontracUnS .ucla· e~ormo~ ph,.iclana ID. ~War and Peate?' ~ell, to,rs didn't watch out their little arml: · 4.e~ta?::, . .. . .'. ,and 'HOB I 8QOouot, heard him rid1c~le three of them to ".ould be' lb a .tate ot eruption half N.o, relll~ecI Mr. Our;nr,OIK; "I'm 'not . In elltat.··of Jasper T : Reed, Q. W. Itheli ~es ·over a vegetatl~ iUI11l.r at the U~e." '. . .~..' .'qrpi1sed ~t him:. ODIJ bls credltpr.... P a rnell, tWmtDis~ator 'filed first and" Y..naya Pob,ana. . .. • - • '. --. - . fiual aoooal;lt. ' .. 'PhYllcianl: he 1a1~, bitterly" look· I'or", 1'1'OUbI. . Ing up ,from a plate of lentlla, 'D!&7 b. Uee. Dr. Bell'. ADti. PaiD, Rt,Uef O~rfeediJl.IJ mUlt ~ ·avofci8d. as . . 'Maniqe Uc:enses, dlvtd.ed lD~ two clUI.. th. ~oal~,. II AhuOl' lD".Dtan801l8. I • . allo m1l8'a~0 uD~erfeedlDl. ~tber ('%. who 'kiU 10ll. ,aDd the ooDIIItvaU~ 10ot rul trem win ' lll,.re,' Mo~llw~ 21, blaobmttb, _:trb . o let , '7011 exH 1, ' for ·all klDd. of • .'ant $h. Ift?wth of tho _ . " . paiDI. ' Sold ....17".... .. 701l1ii doo~, . ,
Moore's ' Controller Damper n t onl y co ntrols th e h eac but control s the coal. It posit ive ly saves one--third of the fue l. And Moo re's Ra n gc ~ nrc rhe only ran re s h a vin2' th i~ co ntro ll er d am pe r . • Moore's Everlasting Fireback ' cnaLlcs you to bu rn coal cost in g nt Icast two-third. It:Ss than con i l1~ed in other r:lnges. It ofrers u sti ll further snving by proviclin~ (or the b uru illl{ up of tb e smoke and SOll t. thus givi ng you the ndvaotuRe of the extra hent and clIllbling y u to sn\'o nn you r fuel. W il h lhis wonderful runge t here is no smokcno soot-oo gas . You ('a ll keep your kitchen spotless . Moore Ranges last longer because they nre the ouly ran gel; mndo huviLlg three-wall construction throughout.
QUEER MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Flute Made From Bone of Defunot Enemy and Drum Cover Fr'O Skin of Leader.
The Oul1dtor~ il!onUeman" disc • ery that a tolerl\oble tune can be pl~ed on , a bicycle pump Is not i o wonderful. after all. Did not Richard .Strauss Include I a schoolmaster's CllD.8 In the orchestra {or ' tile performance' of "Electra.." and .. a new Instrument called !.he heckelphon., whIcli should. be Uletul In. elecUoneerlng? Bul!alo borns, 01 course. bave often been uUlized tor more or less muslc&1 purposes, . and In th olden day. A.hee" be lis a:nd tI1e shanlts anel shtn"bono" of animals were made 'tO :live fOrth tU0611 .ot IOrts. During the Maori war we discovered I! na~ve chIef with a very tolerable flute (aabiOl1ed out . of the bone of a defunct. enemy., but If anyone haa doubts·' aa to tho 'muslci' , that ean lie got out o( bones, let him paY a visIt to a.ny En'SUsh ' seaside resort In the comins .ummer. . During one of the Sanlan caInpalan, lOme twenty yean.. ago the troops marched to bl,l.ttle maklnc· hIdeous i'muslc" out ot old . saucepans .nd .k ettles, and · , . when John .Zlska.. the rreat Hu.slte leader. died. his Ikln was tanned and made Into It drum c'ov:er In the hop. that ·the relultant "mudc;' · would Borve 88 a. magical InaplratiOn to the troops. . Only a few ., years alo the Austrian bands each carried flve or six "serpents',' In the fron.t· rank. These Instruments were the form of a snake, the bell' belne ibaped to represeot Ita mouth, an4 punted blood-red inside. with hulte white teetblUld. a Wagginl tOngue, wblch ?It ~ TJ~ka.up ~d down at ever , atep.. . . Polltlve,ly Rudet .. Because she wanted everybody el8e to knQw a. well I1S aho knew that sbe had small ..teet the woman who had otrered to lend rubbers to a friend, added RPologetlcally: "But they are 10 big I don't suppose YQU can keep them ·on." ' '. "Oh. i guess I can;" laid tbe ·frlend aerenely. "1 have ble feet, too." . Since then the .woman with small feet · has refused 'to lIee her friend, even when she' brought tbe rubber. bom.,
Hanna's .Green Seal
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nail's IIf SubsCI'i)lt ion 111~l o
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AUlltrlon . Pe asa nt Worpa n Reco mmends '"hem for T hei r Eff:c;iency as Sl eep. Inducer and .B eau t lf. el .
• /lliil . ,1 1
Ii .0 :, ''' I\\' fa ~. ' d \ " f) ," .V." , A man wbo su l'ff' l'cd from I'le{' p lr .'. 8, ',' Itl>, " . ', ,' .! ' I , I.; i . H. ~ :1 1 h I> br· l, nellR 1I1('lrpd lIP In AWi l! Itt l e':'!l1 '.I.V .J . wllnt 1'''!11 <i to him I n t <' '!Ie I ': t .....1. ,. t ["J
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lilt! Ill UI', ' tll un ~ .000 11eltlglflt,s 111l ! WIll Ii ... p'· l1~ t'- II t.. IlIe1108. pcr lIu ..... ~ . . . . . . . .. G,' Tw ,"lvli H l1l lc1 u ,V 8eh t) II ;';)1 l'illli;';'~1 (lnrd ot t1l11l,1lcH . .... . .. .. . .. . , , ...... . 2!k H esolutlons '; : ........ ... .... . ...• , . . . 5tk i DC In ti il '!~ t,IH I IIIIIDtI!:' I ' f l\)LJur u, II (t mSoolalB te. w h ~ro chllrgo Is 0111(1 0 ••• ' •••• 2C;C 11U, ,\4. c ElI l'C'sh. LIIi Cl oIn, 11. I{, I.
DI!/JJI.IlY Aclvortltdllg p
MAY 17. 1911 . Wa~er- ElephantB~
The existence of a hitherto un. llOown bens~, the wfltel'-elephnnt. hoa recently been dis overed. No 'specl. men ot this animal has as yet been brougbt to Europe, nor has Its sk'elc. ton come Into the hands of scienU fl ts. and not so mu h as a photograph or It 1s known to ex ist. M. Le Petit. an explorer, came across five on th e banks ot e. lake In the Upper Congo. As soon I\.S he approaohed they dived Inlo tho water and swam orr. lenvlng only their trunks above the water. They are, he says, nbout six 'and a haU teet high. wltb long necks. short ears, and short trunks. Judgln~ trom their tracks. their teet diller con. slderably from those of· the ord'l nary ele pbant.
- --- -
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OiliCOunUi glvou o u COIlII·uet.
PI~t, rick ,
Bruwn , WtllHhilU r, '" .. pl' ntel', Woelfkin. lind o IL\I~ rH. UI'(: 6 n gu~e d UH prog r II IU III len t U nmt Men's HI hie Clu t's De mon ::I1.rut.ion-13,OOtl nll1rohlu g D1t:1 n -o n W",dnellduyevt' nin g . Prof . E O. E,Well uod bls meLr. v l UllS pitl.nist, Rope r, will Lave uharge of the musio (e utures 'rhe Convention ' will be h e ld In Memorlul 8011, Day ton'p lurgest Ilud tia e~ t 8,udi torium. Oflioi al deiegl1tell ore 6eleoLed only by county officers but scbools ma y end offioiI11 'vls it-ors 1f they so de sire bundreds of lIohools do this annUl1llV. Uhio railrollds hl1 ve g rnn ted 11 spe_ oiul rate of one and one· h alf far e fo r tht:l round trip from 1\11 01 io point,s. Progrums ready on MI1Y 15 . Ap . ply f vr information to Ohio 8unday :;ohool Allsooillti')n. Columbu s, Ohio.
to hi s s urpl'is e lhey did not W Ol le " I :.ts Lhe hops he hed t r ied ab road. U found out by expcrlm nt Ih at UOPI< that made good beer didn't l1e '( '~ nrlly produce good sleep . Art r ho had sllmplad a Ie L or dlll'ere nt 1,lnds at hops h e (ound tha t I,y mixing hoplI «rown In Bohemi a with hops grown In Callrornla an d 01' gon ho' got a oombln.a Uon wbJoh seoDled to answer all purposes In the s leop . prod ucing lin e. He dt'clded that be had hit It right when he look a cou ple of pillows he had s luffed wllb th is comb ination In hi s office downtown home with him on the elevated. He got in at Rector s treet cal'ryl ng the pmow and sat 10 ooa of !.he double seats. T\\'o men Rnd a messenger boy Bat with him. At Fifty-ninth s tree t all tbree were In profoun d slumber. Several other persons who had been r eading new s. pape rs near him were In evident distress In thelr efforts to keep awalte. Inquiry at dillerent drug stor s st' med to Indloate that the hop pillow lde", was a new one, though ho ps have long been known to have sleep Ind ucIng Qualities, as shown particu la rly In lhe case ot beer. Accordin g to tho~e who have tried hop pillows, you ge t all . the soporific Qual1t1es of the hops In this way wlthout'breakJog any t emperance pledges or su fferi ng any harmtul effects. h ut
Pine Tar and Honey Have been used for generatIons in A Burglar's Awful Deed trl:!a.tinlt oongbli Dr. Bell'ft PineTar.Bopey oont:.nlnft both combined ruav not plualyze !l h o me so c om with other valuable ingredlent.s. pletely IlS mother'S long ' illness. Look for t~e bell on tbe bo&tle. . Be tj~t Dr . Klng'e New Life PilIsllre aore yon get Dr. B 11'8. Ito splendid remedy for women.. "They gave we \.onderfLll benefit in oonlltiplltion ond female trouble I I His Bones Easily Broken. I. C , Dunlap. of Lend Known 011 ' the "ghills' b'o ne boy," wro~e Mr8 James.· Loertscb of Caldwell, N . J.. ill, 'Ienn. If ailing try them, 250 I1t kept · up his reco'rd wben he' tell on 11.11 druggi8ts the sidewalk 'In tront .ot his bome !l tew days ago I)nd broke bls arm Tbls II Jamea' eighth bone-breaking feat · In the el$'bt yean of his lJfe and hl$ third within the last five montbs. In September he broke his right leg ' In ktcklng a football . In l'lovembtlr, when ' he '\Vas staniltng In a wagol)., tbe borse mOJOed l~nexpect. edly ~d, jolted b.1m to the wagon bed. The jolt did not \ roll him trom the Butoher GenlJ,lIl 01 Ai-tlet lVllgon, ~ut I;lroke hls lett arm.
Lady Macbeth ------... - ...- --Loves Chops Bandit's Scheme
There'. aRe_on ,. of Dr Bell '!I PIne 'rar R.oney Wben in thtl need of ~ oou~h tnedioine t~y it Ilnd 'you WIll kuow the reason.
~ ~
Ii. Fiyer'l Joke. Hubert ,Latham; the Antoinette fty· er, ·was ·talklng. :at a tea In LOll An. geles', to " pretty Cartfo'rn1a girl. . "Mr. ~tbam," said Ute girl, as she took ber ' n.llHlteenth walnut and let\ t'uce sandwich, "tell me, ' does flying . require !Lny .partlcUlar application 1" ,"WeIJ, ' no, none 1~ particular," Mr. Latham answered. "Arnica or Jiorse' IInltnerit....:,one'e as good as .another." -------.~~
What'. I ttie Use ' 'To' 811tftlt' with s'o re eyes when one 2.t'Q tube ' f t)titht1rllln~;8 Eagle Eye t;.llve wlll 'oure you, 'We guarRntep It. . ' Y Q.,I:\ riRk no~J;ling . ·. It)s Il orellmy, :m"lW white .oint·lDe·nt .
,., ....
RuIns In Yucatan.
.,' Th~e II'in Yucatltll a chain of ruins 3QO miles long, whore onoe stood buildings richly llecorated 'and erected with " ·.. vast amount' of 8:r~hlteotural knowledge. . The buildings belonged ,to the siane age, whim the remarkable . ligUres ', In IItOJi~ were car,ed wIth ple~" of flint. ' Tbe people' ot thIs age· bad not the use' ot e.th'lr bro~e or.. Iron. I • "
' Wh>,
~~ , .~.~----
·Wh~·D ~ Dr! a(lW~ J?~Uf-T"r HODflY
. has beeD · trt~d with eitctitifttotioD for .over '8i~teen ; ·y·o'ar8 in milHoD8 of hoineldoroongli8, ooIds, oroup a;nd aH tbro·a.t and .bronchlill ·troubles. _Y0I1:o8n get .it.AnYwhere. ' Look for the b"lI o,n ..th~ 'b?ttle •.. ,.
.:.~ ',~
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. We" Illustrated; . . "~~e~m" a vlrt.'ie ~&.p be texag,eratAd uD.U1.lt beCooiee .• vice," ' sald'
plea /lnt t.o u se .
fil's t IIpplicatlon It ill olean und 250 a box.
see "exaet:ly ' what · y.o u're
at," replled' TanmtUI&"'DIlD. ';,"whe~'
creatlr to be admtrod,' fiVe ·of.:.... k1n. ·ci.~ter ',UD~ toW cUaaehlloa.':"· · · ' · .: .' ,: -,
four acel II a bleuin' an'
I ,
Robbers Themselves Conduct tho Buslnesa and Collect Premlu", at the Insurance Bu.reau.
It Is not n.Itogether ellSY to Imagine
e. Lady Macbeth eating chops.
Yet her great~st .Impersonator got her In· splratlon from , them; It one may rely on 'an altogether dellghttul authorIty. On a certain occasion. writes Mr. E. V. Lucas in his recent book, "The Second Post," the painter Haydon paid his butcber, who reciprocated by expressing great admiration tor the artlst·s painting ot "Alexander." "Quite all\'8, sir!." said the butcher. "I am «lad you think 80," said the arUst. . "Yes. slrj but as I bave otten sl1id' to my sister, you could not have painted that ploture, sir, l.t you had not eat my meat, sir." "Very true, Mr. Sowerby." "Ah, 'slr, I bave tancy tor gen'us. sir." . "Rave you, Mr. Sowerby?" "Yes, Blr, Mrs. Siddons, sir. has eat my meat. sir. Never was such a woman for hops. sir! . Ah, sir, she was a wonderful crayture !" "She was, 1\11'. Sowerby." "Ah, sir. when Bhe used to nct that there oha ra~ter-b.ut Lord. Bucb a head, BS I Bay to my sister-that there wom nn . sir, that murders a king between ·em." "Oh, Lady Macbeth!' "Ah, sir, that's It- Lady Macbeth. .1 used to get up with the butler behind her carriage when she acted. 'and I use'd to ·soo ber looking Quite wild, qnd all the people quite frightened . 'Aha, my lady,' sa ys .I, 'If It wasn't tor my meat, though. you WOUldn't be able to do. that~' "- Youth's Companion.
--- - - - - It Startled the World wben tbe astounding ola ilUfI wei e first · mllde for tluoltlen' to' A rnioR, bllllve. but fOI·ty years .of wonderfUl 'onres bave proved them trotl, and . where it is now known lUI tbe sa.lve on earth for Burnsl Boils, ~ld.s,, 80rell, Cuts, Bruises, Sp\'llin8, ~welUng8, Eczemll, Uhl\poed hliDJS. F~ver !:lores· and Piles . Only 250 at ~ll ,dr'uggists. ':
. ,:4, ,' , .•
..... ___ _ ~
The bandits ot Manchuria and Mongolia have adopted a new way lof acquiring at leBBt a portion ot the goods of the traveler. These mounted highwaymen 10 bands not. oniy constantly attack the pea~ful native poP\llaUon but even rob travelers In broad dayligbt. As a provision against thIs danger, says the Oriental Economlo Review, an insurance bureau wbere oue buys a banner, at a cost of about 1-600 ot the vahie of the property to ~e Inaured, Is ootabllsbed t~ere. Tbls banner carried by a traveler '111'111 , save him from the bandit's attack; for curiously enough they themselves conduot this Insurance' busIness. But It baS Its limitations. "We paid our premium' at the Insurance bureau," says a Japan se traveler, "secured ~ r ed banner, and our party . then started from Harbin, usIng IK)veral stllrdy ponies for ourselves and tile 'carry lng of our luggage. Atter traveling about ten miles we reacbed a small town called Ta.ldu, where we put tip at an inn ' for the night In order to do busin ess with our customers there. "Several of the e oustomen came to see us in the evenIng and warned us that ther ,~ were many -mounted bandits In tbe neighborhood. Whep. we told tbem there was no cause for 'anxlety on their account beca.use of the Insurance, they Informed us that by It our safety was guaranteed only on the hlgbways, but that the bandit bureau was not responsible for wbat mlgbt happen Inside ot any building." -----.~-
. ....- Little Willie Again.
J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio
North Ri ver 'In One N i ght Moved Its Mouth Three Miles to the Northward.
Always keep
Prevention is worth a pound
t hem in the
of cure'_
I ~----~--------------~--
hou8e ready for use. I
.' I ..
. ~I' rlb
------ .....----
I' t
10 :00 a. w .
Boy Scouts·
Orthodox . Friends Churcll , 11m. E lb:abeth IJBrklD. paStor ' Sabbath choo! , !l :80 a , ln. Re~u!ar obutOh
Ro.rvicc, 10 ·110 7 J3 0 p _
Ernest Th ompson l::l ton, tbe fa. rpous nat.umii s~ ~lDd w.riter on out d oor snbJl:ll't!l, annual!!', etc, who is Chief l::loout of the Boy Soouts of Amerioa, il:l writ.log IL serieA of t wei V a A r tio) es of pa I'tic u lar in ter . es t to all Boy SoouL. whbh will be publi&h ed during th e ooming year In Thfl Ame rioan Boy. of Detroit., the boy!!" mo g uzlne tbllt iJ giving gren test a tte nt,ion to B oy Soout 8('tivitie9.
--------t.itn~beto r!~~~
Right Now
oribe .for r he Mium i Gazette ~- ~- -~-
O brt8~lan
·Endeavor. ,.
DR. BELL'SANTI.pAIN For Internal anet External f'aanlio
----- -
Waynesville, ,'.Ohio• . I
Valley Phone 153 ·
1P.!!!!I•••••~IIIi• • • • • • • • • •llliliIII.I!I• • •iilllIIIiJ~!!
When"you want good':printingn.e atly done and q~i.ckly. executed, tllat the • • •
Telephone day or night. Valley phone No. 7. IA)D~ DietHnoe No. 69-9".
. WAVNE~VlllE,
Branch Office,. HarVe7riblU'.... O. J •
- .-
, ,
~:t:.~~~;re~ a~~ ~'Id ~~volc~ ~t :III~ .to. ~. ,I". _t: t,'.,. lW ·" " .I .0 ' .BI·,·O:UPPEQ · ;'
.. . "Pa!" came th\, little agarn. "What Is It, Wlll1e?',~ replied hla father. fBlee:pliy, ' ';.' . ':' :. ' . ' " '!flllE CREATII1" ...., ... ' ··.'TRI~A"~ ,f. "Tum In here,~ ' I want : to you ('I'Un \JU., ._ 1t:C, sumpln'," !laid ·.the ~Ut,tfe . voice ... . . . , • . ,' ~ . ,IN ' TH. WOJiI.D· ,-" J ' So' pa i'?S8 up trom ' bJli ,do:rOl Y. and, '. WEEn:r. "$4.00 tEAR puttin, on hts l)atll-robe and ,.Upp.e~II, . .. " '. ~ . " . <, ,'''DT.'''' ·"!'U42C1.T8. . .....CiALI.,... D\archelJ ~nto the llur_ry. · • I'WeJI, wbat ' la it ilo"';'~' he aB~d.l ~Oe.TUM.R~ :F.·ItA lb., OAB , II •• t - n ' . ' - .AND '.UB, el:lt,ICIl CAli PItQPI~ ' l S,~y.,. I!a, · e'eJd, ~ltt!. WUl e, ~f YOIl/ : 8Y ,U.INC IJ1I ADVIIRTlIINa COLUMNe waa to f~ tli~ qoW on . soap" ,"ould: ."M~E; · COPY- FRI£ '. abe IlV~ 8ba~.~f.m?~j-lW.Per·. " ~.r- .w ·YOIUC CU...... ~ .
pIIA'nER '
' -.Il:&ll
An o unce of
Funeral Dire :tor.
"Pa!" came · .IItt1e Willie's volc. trom' the darkne8~ ot the nursery. ' . Pa gav~ a bad Imitation of a snore."
Th ere Ie Q. stream In this state Prepared from Pure Na 've ' Herbs. they Cleanse the System and callcd the 'orth ri ver. It sta rts 10 a Purify the Blood and thus PREVENT SERIOUS SICKNESS. pond n nr Hanson a nd rims to lh c seu at Scituate. It Is t n miles by air line trom Hanson to Scltua le a nd the ri ver Is 40 miles long . This river Is probably the most rerurk ey eggA "et tl1i mon ~b .sboUld l " .~'''''''' L•. nes ! Save Money and Keep III markable body of water, barring tbe giv e g ood su labl e (lRI'CRSSeS for Dead sca, on this footstoo l and bas Cbristmas f alltA . - - Style by ReadiDl McCall'" stood more abuse and bad language Magazine and Using Mc:CalfPattefDI , than the Chicago nver. Whe n tile tide - -- - - -, . . McCaW. M.,ul •• will Is orulng in the rive\' runs upstream M2CALl:S MAG.\ZIH£ 1I <' li) )tQ U (ll'tlSS sty I·" I and not only that, but the upP t:lr part Dr. Bell's AritioepticSalve Ixh 1), III a Qlollerau I i OX I' us by keop'ln l:! of It, which Is 'fr esh wallir, also runs Good for all Skin Disel\s...... rt' u PO II I (1 on the uP. and the speotacle ot a fresh wa11 I ~ L Ci\I(l hioDS In . .CIUlhW:! 110/1 baJ.a;' tiC' t er river bea't lng It up hm Is alone New ~-I\ 111gn DilaIIlDSI· _' . enough to call attention to Itself. But 111 Ciloh · 18&uo. AI$O ' . there Is much more to It tban that. \'1I11l11l'lo Informailoll' WA YNESVILLE CHURCHES. l! Il l! homo and Il4irThis North river IS noted tor being ~011111 mnuol'!l. ODh" f. the seene of the last Indian ra.ld on IiOc a YOaT, l.DeludlDg • II froo patte rn • . 80bthe coast ·s ettlements. . It Is notable St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb. ... -.. _ _ ...... _ todny or 'lieIIll F"lher George MIl\'cnbo 'fe r , Pastor. for bavlng given birth to the ship Cofor froo ia mplo COPY, ?till-'S eV(' fV SOCO l'cI Sundnl' o f lbe moutb a l.umbla, wbose oaptaln discovered M<CaIl P.II.... will o OIlQI 1011. to moke In 10pr Own b OIll • wtth you r OWII h/\lIc11l. cloLblnrror ' and nnm.ed the Columbia river and 1):00 a. m. .youn. If fJ lld c hlldron ",lIloh will hO·IMl .. rfoot was the first Am rlcan vessel to clrtu s~y lo IIn el fli . llrtco.-uone blgbuf 'ban 15 St. l\1a.. .. Episcopal Churcb. l:C)n ls, Son d for I'r . PBtu,rn ul!I~o . •• I_ ! oumnavlgate the world. It Is notorlR ev. J . F . 3dwallnder. Reol ..... w. Will Cin Y•• FI.. P_••10 fot lIolUQa subOUB for having suddenly changed Its slIrl pllf;lIl s amon" your I'rlont,ltl. send for (me ,. SUDday School. 0 :30 a. rn Morning ser l'r mlmD 8.18101100 lind Mh Pr1ae Olrer. mind on Its course on the night ot ,·Ice. 10 :;10 a . m. Boly Communion tb e Urat TN! ~'CALL QI.PANY, ~9 If U9 WM 3~ ~ IIIW 1'IIRX November 27, 1898, when It moved its undu,y 01' each montb . mouth three mlles to the north waft!, presented the town ot Marshfield with Methodist Episcopal Churell. a deep harbor, killed three men and Rov. H. W. BllJley. PIIBt.OI . converted about 200,000 acres of prime Suntlny Scbool. f) : 15 a. m . MOrning Her\·fce. 10 ::10 a . 111. l~pwQrt h League, 7 :00 pmeadow land Into a salt marsh. But the cbJet thing about this river Ili . I!J \ ' ' /l ln g aen lee, ';' : 00 p. Ill . MIdweek Pr l ycr Meetlnti, 7 p. ro. Is Its crookedness. This river Is so crooked that It double crosses Itself. Christian 'Church. It you don:t believe It go and see. Rov_ L. O. 'l'hompeon. l'lIBto, There Is one place In Hanover where Bible School. 9: ab a . m. !!Iocial meetlD,. by making three loops the river moves 10:ao a. m_ Christi au Endeavor. 7:00 p. JD. ·Bermon by plIBtor ovory alternate Sunday" toward the sea tor a dlstanoe of aI- 10:80 • . m. and 7:110 p , m. . moat fifty feet and meanders about tor 15 miles In doln, It.-Boston TranHk:ksite Friends Churet.. script. irilt Day Meetln v.. 0 :00 a. ·m. FIrat OaJ uhool. 11 ;0(1 ji, m_ Fonr~b Day Meetlqg
...--- -
Dr. Bell's Antiseptic Salve " Is Kuarantelld for teiter, ring . worm, eCZ8l1la, ohupped ha,nds and lips, l'unnihg tlGres, ulcers lind in f8C~ all skip dlse/lseH ~o)d to \!,f!e after shoving. 250 a box, '
In Chlenl
and Actres. to Fact They Eat His Meat.
- For 'he 'li.rg· aud inoreo8ing'- .,0,) 0
~Ant after tb~ ~Ve gUIll'llntee It .
. If you exp~ct to do any painting, you are interested-you should be-in the quality of the paInt to be used. I~ any given job of painting, labor represenls practically two--thirds - material one-thud the cost. • . '. It stan~s t~ reaso~ Ihat with ao much expense in labor, the enduring quality of the pamt 18 all Important. . Why ~ave the painting done unless the protection and durabililY of the job 15 sought} How is 0~7 to determine the true value and obtain paint that may be depended upon for durablltty} . H~NNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT IS NOT A SECRET. This paint bas the pnnted formula on every package. . The ~~kers have ~nfidence and take pride itt the quality and tell the public the composlbon of the pamt.
Ecz-ama Yields relldilv to Dr. Bell'8 Anti. 8ep'Uo S!ilve t' JU see an improv~_
. ..
"The Made-to-Wear Paint'"
L . Cr; NP., Editp r nnJ Man ug
. . . . .: , , - .
.y~ :
. , iJ e)
- ,
learched by a matteQ· fM couoetue(l weapons, a bumll~atlng ordeal. . to ~~rn£1J'O~[! ® r r W h lcn even tho richest and 1lI0llt In· N'lr<i''ll'f1f')tn\n!Y1rm 'l\ N 'n 'n",,", ftuen tJa\ \'hsltot:1I must submIt with ae 1NUL.S. U W\YILr'\lLlt.!:o ruIN u.uU' u. good gl'lce 1\11 possible. The lDatron -,vas a bard lookjn~ womim ot aOOut
lJJ'W'.' Df]ORLL' ,
Apprentice Carried 'ou~ Orders of Hili Em ployer, but the ~e8ult
Wall Sad.
"Now, Wl.Ilam." the old farmer 8al~ 60 years. wbdmsympatby e.very ap81 'k ot'been hu· mnn pityIn and had to hI M ne w .ap pr ntleo, "I want t h 0 to killed durIng ber many years of can· !Ulod what I do say to tbee. to bA stant association with crimina ls. The sharp lind attentive und to delay not word "prison" had :lost Itt; mennlng to In ca rrying a lit my lnstrnetlons: ' ,. Ay. uy, )'.ur," r IllIed WlIlla m . A. 'l"&1''''''~ her, She saw nothIng undeslrnble tn I~~ '. IJ W jail lite, but looked lipan the Tombs HOW JOHN MORGAN ESCAPED "First, now, I . want thee to tultll out th old wb ite mare and bave her AN 0 ' ,. W .' I rather as a kind · or bo arding house hi • nUl' T which . people made s hort or long so- :::i1villry Leader and Othere Milnilg6d ilho.d." . to Get Out of OhIo Prllon by Hoi. journs, according to their luck. She .. , y, a1, zur," sold William, aud d In Floor to Sewer. lLLUSTRATION5 BY ~TER$ truated Annie unceremoniously, yet purled. COP"r'IIIG'lIT, 1909, II": r:.,w. OILl.INCt/A/1 co~ not unldnd ly. He returned two hours later aud Ib .. have seen 80 maoy a bsurd 6torles old farmer questioned him, It "'as with 8 sinking beart a nd a could not be left a lone to perIsh with. "So you're the wife of ,Tettrlea, "The bast not been "'lick, In d," dull , gnawing senso at nppr hension out a hand to ea\'e him. Judge Brew. whom the~,e got for murder, eh?" ,bou t t he escape of John Morgan from tha t Aunl e delicended from a 801l th· ster must com to his resc ue. He she ·aald, as she rapidly ran her hand. :he Ohio State penitentiary tl1at I he said. reprovin gly, "bat If thee hast lllve concluded to give you the tacts dono thy work as I ordered thee thou bound Mad ison ave nue car in Center could not reCulJe. S~e wo uld return tbrough the visitor's clothing. street nnd npproachell the small par· again to his omca tws afternoon and "Yes," faltered Annl , "but it's aU n the case, writes C. W. Thomall, shalt be forgiv en, nldst th ~e bavs i ta; .Ddar t he forbiddin g gray walls, lilt t here all ~liy long, .ft necessary, a mlsl.n ke. 1 assure you. My husband's ::onlPany F, Elghty-elghtb Ohio, of the mare s hod, us J tell d thoe?" 8VNOPSIS. "Ay, ay, zur!" replied V.·lIl1lll1l, She ha4 v~lted a prison once before, until be promised to l.nke the case. perfectly Innocent. Ho wouldn't hurt ~I ason City, m., In the NaUonal Trlbbeaming. "Dldst thou not hear tbe ' Jne. when her tltUler died, She remem· He a loll e could save him. She would a tly," Row.l'1I .1eft';tes, b~\(er'8 80n. under bered tho depressing ride In the traIn go to tha laW}' r and beg him on ber U II to the time or Morgan's escape gun ? I shot her myselt nnd I've jU8t 'the woman grluned. MIll .evil '1nflu\lllCfl o( Robert Unllefwood, 8teel knees If lI ecessary, but tlrst ohe must "They all say that, m'm: ' vJlrllbrl· ~h e du ty of guarding the Confederates buried her."- London Answ£!l's, (ello w-.tudcn~ .t Ya1(~ , leads 1\ IItll or dls- to Sing Slug, tho formidable ti marttea tl)a daughter of /l glun"I hope you'l\ be !lad been divided between the reguLar b et' ~o dlod In prlSOD, and Is dIso wned doors and ponderous bolts. the narrow see Howard and bid him lake courage. ously she ndded: prleon guards (who were not soldiers) AN E8TABLISHED FACTORV A low doorway from Center street more lucky than s omo others were," bJ. h", (aliter. ao Is out of work and In cells, eacn with Its IJlvolllnlary occu· desperato ' straits. . Uiiderwood, who had lJaut In degradi ng stripes aud -closely gave aceess to the gray (ortress. At Annie felt herselt grow cold. Wa. lod a guard of soldiers detaUed from Producing I!f.nndard gooda UlIed by StOl'e8, once belen enCaged. to . l;loW4-rd'8 ste p· tlle uniformed the heB\'y stefll gate stood a portly this a sinister prophecy? She sbudo Companies I, F and G, Eighty.elgbtb blUlks, farmers Ilnd practically enrybody, 1D.btti ", Allelo.. la Ilppal'<'ntly ' In p rosper- cropped hnir. llnd ou.a clrcumatnncea. Taking advantago of g uards a rmed with rlOes. She remem· poll eman armed with a big key. Each dered a nd, hastily taking a dollar [rom hlo. The s oldiers went on duty at ill sending itH III)Cclnl reprcscotati"" t o 11.'- lnUnid.cy with AlIcIa.. ho tH'Comes a open a di8triuuti\l~ office. for this di8l~ict eort ot eoo/al hIghwayman. OIIIt'overlng bere d how bllr mothe r wept nnd how trine borore letting people In Itr out' her purse, s llppod It into tlle matron's ,even a, m, and were relieved at sl:l: Ilild other \Uloccuplcd t.emtory: and de~lreI lit. true obamctor\ AUcia denlell blm the sbe had wond red why t hey kept ber he Inserted this key In a ponoi3Tous hand. I) . nl., t he prisoners being looked In a resident d iri.ri bu ter with toOl) to f.3 ,OOO hou~. He C1Cn~a nar a noto till' atoning (h eir cells for the nlgbt at that bour. .in callh, carrying at.cck for immediate!)' " May I go now!" IIhe said. lulcldo. Art dealers far whom he noted poor da·da In sucb an ugly place. To 10 k. The gate would not open mere. 'tilling orders; we allow ,100 to $200 monlhCUI commlsalonor, dam and a n /lecountln .., thInk tha t after all these years she Iy by tu rn ing the handle. This was "Yes, my dear; I guess you've got Iy comp eDlIatioD, extra llUIlIoUlllIioti. ofna cannot milk" good. Howard call" at 'IV:! ! again to 80 through a ~Imll a r exto prevent the escape a! prisoner!, nothing dangerous on you. We have I,c and otb!'r eXI1CII 8C8, per contract, ac"t1"\ls apartmont1l In Iln Intoxlcnted condl· on to ~UMt • loan ot 18.000 to enable perlence. cording to flize of district allotted and who might possibly succeed In reacb. to be "ery careful. I rem.ember once NU"'d -to oodtak0t ,III P abusln0811 proposItion. atock carried; ycnnnncnt 8lT11ugel1lent.a; Sbe had nervcd h prself fo r th or. lng so ta r as the door, but could not when we hud that Hoboke n murderer II _ e a hIm he la In debt up to refereo Il8 rcqUlJ'ed; II TOU enn fill reo ttls eyes. RO"'I1~ (SMnka himsolf Into a deal. AnxJous lUI she was to see How. opeo tbe steel gate wltL:out tile big here. He'-a the teller that c ut his guiremenu write t:'M')mpt~v. "r,iberty" .naudlln condItIon. and gosa to sleep on a nrd nnd learn from hIs lips all that key. W he n once a nyone entered the wire's head olr and Bturted the body Manufacturing AaIlOCllltioD, l!3O \VCllt Hu11"'.n. A. caller ' s announcod Ilnd Under:;~dnl~lda.cr n &fPund the drunke n had happened, she teared that sbe pri son he was not permitted to go out In a barrel. His motber came bere to ron St., C hiCllllo• .....-. .... .. ontoH. Sho clon.ands 1\ from a see him aile day and what did I find ~ml8fI from ·Underwood. that ho will not would never be able to see him beh lnll lIgain e lcept on a signal If t hou art a master. b o sometimotl ~ hltI life. Ho rerUIOS unl\lljs IIh will tho bars without breaking down. Yet keeper, Inside ber stocking hut an Innocrnt - "ftew "or patronage. Thle sho r fU!!!I'''. blind; U a servant. sometimes deaf.~ \Vh D Annie entered she found tho looking little round pili, and tr ~t)D .nd takN her leave. Undorwood kill .. tihe mus t be strong so sbe could work Buller. h1maelf. 'rho I'tJI)Ort ot tho pl8101 nwilOiled with vlslton, please, It was' nothing leils than pr ulIken. Howard He tlncle Ulld rwood dead. to set blm free. So much had hap- recerlUon r"om sic acId. He would bave swallowed it '" ~allJdnlf hili pred icament he o.ttcmplB to pen d In t he I alit two days. It seemed men und women of all ages and ua. ~"" and I, mot by Under WOOd's valet. .• UIOllt l I th II ' h d t and the electrlo cha'ir would havlI .a O"an! Ie turned ov r to the police. D I S nee e po ce a sent or tlonnlltles, who, like herselt, had come Capt. Clinton, notoMouII for his brutal hllr at midnIght to hurry down to the to see some relative or friend In been cheated~ So you see how careful troqtmont of Prlsonere, putll Howard As t nlr Ia , ye t tt wall ooly two daya trouble, It was a motley and Interest. we bas to be." • hrough the third dCKTee. Bnd finally gola an alloged OOnfoeslon from th harueed ago . The n lOrn Inc f a II ow Ing h e r try- Ing crowd. There were fruit peddlers, , AnnIe could not listen to any more. man· A.nnle, Howard'l! ",Ite. declares her Ing In te r r Iew 'WIth' Cap t. ' CII nton In sweat shop workerll, eporty looking The horror of having Howard classed bellet In her hll .ban~'1! Innoconce nnd b h a d men, neg roe/:! and flashy looking wo- with fiends of that description s ickened n 's apar t men t se I!aya ehe ' will clonr hl.m. Sho OIlils on tho dead n In .. etrrIMt • Sr. Ho rofu86I! to help unlOlJ8 tried to see Howard, but without IIUe- men. All seemed calloull and Indlt. he r. To the keeper she lIald qulclUy: .he wIn olln.eht to a dIvorce. To sllve "Please take me to my husband." lIowan! .he coneenla, but when ahe finds oess. The pOlice ,bt'ld him a close ferent, as it quite at bome a,mld the t hat t~~ older J !tries doce not Intend to prisoner, pretending that he might. sinister s urrounc)1ngs o( a priapil. One Taking another dollar t rom b r .talle] .,,. . hl. eOn, exoept 'tlnllnclllily .he ecorn ilIa I.elp. · , make an attempt upon his 1I1e. There ' qr two others I!Ppeared to belong to A .purse, ehe sUpped the bill into the was notlllng for ber to do but walt. more respectable class, their sober lOan'8 band, teeltog that, here sa everywhere else, oue U)U8t pay tor CHAPTER XIII. Intuitively she reallz~d the nece. manner and ' careworn faces ' reflecting llrlvlleges and courteslea. ' Her i ulde In the vt)l)' beart of MllIIhattan right .Ity of Immediately seourlng the 8er- IIUently tbe humUl l1-tlon nnd' shame led tne way and usbered ber Into an 1ft ' the eenter ot the city's motlt con. ele \-ator, wblch, at a signal, s tarted The eiperlence of 1(oUIetbood i •• Seated dlstrlot, an Impolling Mlfico slowly upwarde. trying one to most wOlDen and marks or gra~ lltone, medieval in Ita style of The cells In the ,Tombs are arrnngvd dilti.rictl1aD epocb in thelrHves. No" womaninah~ arob1~t1!~, tow~red high above all In rows hl 't he form or an ellllllle ID t'lIJF.~rEMl or tile eUlTOundhlg ' dluS)' , o'lncee ' and the center o( each of the s ix I~borL to tICl'!at14 ~ementa. Its masllive' <;on. The re 18 room to accommo{late ' 90U "t~ctl0l!- eteep .1'allll, p'ointed turrets, prisoners of both sexes. Tbe men are ~ liarapetAl ,nnd-long, narrow, sUtcOQfined In the n ew prison; the wom 'Hlle wlndowa, heaVily barred, gave It en,fewerln number. in what remalus ot the aapect of • feudal fortreas Inc onthe old buUdlng. Only the ,centerofeacq rruoualF let dowp pluzn.b in the midst fioor being taken up wJth the rowil ol ·t.,onUetb cent\lrT New York. The or narrow cells, there remaIns a broa(} with •(hill . t'oar Of ·' Broadway hu~med 8 corridor, runnln·g . an the way round tor trial ot TlIey Made Therr .Eacape. ooap1e fJf <Mocks ""'87; In', tl1~ dllftatU:e a'nd. flanked on the z;lght by b!&b Walla atnm 180ftl loomed the j lofty.. I ,,",cettll spans of with small barred windows. AD ' obo -,,!M1I1111t. Ihoelt from DroolS" bridge: faJ;Dmed with Ibt opo seryer from the atreet «lancing up at rller was not a 80hIler on pai-d bencoTel'. Follow. ~ Itreams 'o f 'busy Interurban the wlndoWB mlcbt CODclude t~at they t"een tbOM bours, aDd the re~ upon the DerYOUS The adjacent · streeta 'were were those of the celll 'in wblc,h IIrl80 priSOD guard a were stationed ' Inside ItralDof caring ~ · .bilcJ, and. fIHed "lth~the dl,n ' of hUf Q1ng crowds, oners were confined. As l\ matter of the wall/!. The captain' of the prtsoll distinct,change In tblt motbet' resultAl. -the' raltle of vehicles, the erlea ot ven. fact, tbe c l,s bave no ',windows, only a ~uard for the night )Vas !J.D old UllLl1 by , ThereJs nothlng'more cbarmingthan -dort,. the'clang.()} 8tr~t cars, the ugh! . grating which lookS directly out IntAr the name at Heavy. The so]dler • haPPT,and healthy motber or chilaDd indeed chJl<1-blrtli. under rigM · uah!' of epeedlng automoblles. The' ac. the tlrcular corridor. guards wel'8 fn charge ¢ Sergt. J e,!se dren. eonditiolltllood be no hazard to bealth t)ye. pulaatlng 1,1te of the . metrqpolls At the fourth tloor the eleva~or Moon (kn~)1rn ~ BIg .Tease), of Com· cr beaot1. The unexp1S1nable thlng Is 1'SUf8ec1 Uke..,a rlslDg'.:ftood about the stopped and the heavy iron door pany F, Elgbty·eJrbtb OhIo. The( prls. that; with all the evidence Gt ebattered '(;all ~ral, walls, yet tJaere was no , reo swung back. ;mers were conf)l1ed. In a block In tbe nerves anll · broken, beal~h resulting · tlponlie wltbln. Gr~" silent, sln1f!ter, "Tbls way," salflr the k~eper, step- prison bti\ldtn~ 'Which was hi tnrn sur· Irom aD unprepal'~d eond1tion, wO'm en . t ho... c~tY pi1soQ, Po.p~larlY k.no~ ,as fling 'out and .quick], walking ' 6101li rounded by a wan 2Z teel In height. will pemst in going b1ln!U7to the triaL · ftbe Tombs." ..~ellled to 'have potbfog the corrido~. "Ref In cell No. !56." llJach block was senn or e ight celli ' I't isn' t 88 though the experience uPon them unawares. They baTe l~ common w tb :the dally activities of A lulOp rose in Annie's Ulroat. The long, Blx or seven tiers hIgh, tn regu· ' came ample time which '.0 prepare, but place w~s well ventilo:te<l, yet IIh~ latlon prison atyle, the prison being the.r. for the most part, tnult to chance 'the big town In which: notwltbstand. log, It unhappU, played an Important t"ought sue would faint from a cbo- capable of accommodations for about and pay the penal»,_ lllirt. ' klUg teellng of r e.tralnt. All alOT1I; 3,500. Iu ~ bO,m es 'o uoo childless there 'l'hc ,p~ent prl!lo~ Is ' a ,'astlr dU. the corrJdor .t o u te left weI:e IrOll For sllt weeks prior to General MOl" are nOw ,children ~ .of the fact t\':trent, ,place to ,th,e old jail 'from ' doorJl painted .yellow. In tbe .. uppet gan's 'escape ,I "!faa litatloned 88 guard tbat 1.'1&' E. Ptnkhun'. Vegetable (Jo~t.Qld makes women normal. whl b.,lt ,ot Its me~aJicbolY oognomen. ' part of tlie door were .b alt a dOZen 'tt the southwest , COrDell. . !sealtby. and strong. ' , To-dA, "tbere Is' not'·the sligbtest. Justlbroad slits ,through whldl ana coulel The story cuh'ent a t tbe time of AuI' WODlQJl who would Uke "cation for tile lugubrIous epithet 'ap. aee wbat was golng on InsIde. Morgan's escape was about 88 fol· special advice In ~rcl to thlll VI \Cd to " t, but · In the I>ld days, when "Tbose are the cells," ,.olullteere~ lows: "'rhe prisoners complaIned to nlatter 1ti oordlaOy IIlYited to he r guIde. Captain Bein'Y that their cellil were write ,t o lin. Pinkham at Lynn. !lllUl'. inhumanity to ,man WIIS le'll8 a ferm 'of 1~6b than ',. cold, meroiless ADnle ehuddere\l' as, me~taltv, ~e damp. The captain repUed that ·tbey Mus. Ber Jetter...-an IuWl ill t l'Ct. fhe "Tomtis described all intol. pictured "{oward locked up In lI\1cb a could not be 80, on acooaaf of the IeW- *let onnfld~noeo "e:r:tib(tl !lnd dIsgraceful condition fairly dreadful place. She peered througb sr underne'a th i but.from ' Ie.~n a. ,IlL ecurately. Formerly the cells ,n one of tbe suts and saw a narrow «-U DnW aix p, m. he allowed them the ., ,./bleb tbe unfortunate prisollers ware about ten. feet long by aile wide. 'rbe rreedom of tbe corridors.' While the cunll~ed QlI~ awn ~Ing trial w~re BIt. only furnishings ' were a fo\dlna eet prisoners 'Vere marching up add down -ui~d d~ under ~ground and' 'bad nel. with blanket, a wash bow] alld !«ya. tbe 'corridor. . ' few or them woUld ~ ,~Ibt nor ventilattoll. A man tor;. . . Each cell !\ad Ita OCQIlPaQt, 11:,«'11 step In their cell and be gone ,fori -m be gulltles6 of the offense ·wlth and · youths ot all , pges. ,S'o me we'"1! awbfle, and (as It .tterwards deve.... whleh lIe was cnarged, yet wblle reading, 'sollle playing cards. ' Bolte oped) were engaged tn cutting 1\ bole ewattlng a'll opportunity to .prove his were lylng aaleep on their oots, . ~ through the cement floor Into the lew·' "80 You're ths Wife of Jetfrlel, Who", TheY've "Got for Murder, Ehf" baps 'dreaming of h~me" but ~08t ~ er. The brick aDd cement w.ere tnnooenoe be was condemned to spend dS18, sometlmes montbs, In what was them leaning -dejectedly aga1n~ th dropped Into the lIewer and .the hole " hiti~ bette-r than a grll \'e. Lite rally, vh~e8 of a n able lawyer. There wau they felt at their klusman's disgrace. .lron bars wondering when they wou;d covered ~Iui an oid carpet. aack, lbe be was burled o.lf\'e. A purty or for- no doubt ot Howard's innocence, but Tbe smull barred windows .dld riot regain their Uberty. ,. , work probably taking eeveral 'ween eigners 'v1111tlng the prison one day she recalled with a shiver that even permit of much ventilation and, . as (TO BE CONTiNUED.) to complete. ' weTe startled at seeing humno beings Innocent persons have suttered capl· the day was warm, the odor was slckPlant Brea.klng Up an I.'and. I cannot recall tho names -or all wbo confined In such holell. "They look tal punlsbment because they were un .. e nlog. Annie looked around feanully Strengtb Is not a thing ueualJ, co. esca.ped, but among tbe numbef were like tombs!" crJed 1I0me one. New able. to stabl!sh their Innocence, so nnd humbly took her place at the end nl'Cted wltb maidenhair lern, tet Sf General Morgan, Captalu Hlnea anel Vorl). was amused .at ' the singularly o ver whelming were the o,ppearlUlces of the lQng line whicb slowly worked Ita ~oia have Dot lu~clen~ rqom :tlte, Captain 'I'aYlor. The night of the elJ< 'auproprlate appellative nnd It lias agaiust tbem. H e must have the 'best Its wny .to the narrow Inner. grating; break tbe ' pot In which ,the plallt cape Sergt. Jellse Moon was serge"nt s tuck to the prison ever since. In wrer to be had. rega,rdlese or ex- wbere credentials were closely scrutl. grOWII. Blade. of ' graaB will lorc e of tbe guard, and locked the prison· But timEJs chaDgc and Institu tion s pCTlse. Only one uame occur rod to nlzed, The horrol' of the place seized the curbstones between which thf)' ers In their ' cells. DIck Morgan, ,a "Itb them. · As man becomas more her, the name of a man "of Inter nn· upon h~r. She wondtlred who all these sprIng up out of ,tbelr place, ..nd In a brotl}er of Ge'n aral )Iorgan, was con· cl\'llized he treats the lawbreaker tlonnl reputation, the mero mention poor people were and what the prls. single night a . crop or Bmall mun· Hned In one of the ground-floor cells, with more humani ty , Probnbly socl- of wbose name In a courtroom filled oners whom they came to see had rooms have lifted a large atone. La- and during the IOcklng·up proceslI had ely will always need Its prisoners: thohe~rts of the Innocent with hopo done to ottend the majesty of the law. deed, planta have 'been knowD , to managed to excbange phices wIth bls> but as we become more enlightened and the guilty with dread. That mnn The prison was filled with poUcemen break tha bardeat rockl, . . hrother, who ,occupied a cellon one .w e Insist. Oll troating our crimInal' wn s Judge Brewste r. She hUrried and ' keepers and runn,llIg In nud out Tbe I_land of Aldabra, to tbe. DOrua· or tbe .upper tiers. ,The soldier 'guards more Crom tho phy.sl ologlcal and fl SY' downto\vn to bls office and waited an with messages and packages were a ~es~ , o( Madagase,ar, ta ' becomlDg marched to their Quarters, ",hie)) WIlS ohologicnl st.alidpolnts lhun in , tbe hour before he could see ber. Then numbe r of men In neat linen BUltS. smaller aQd smaller . tbrough the ae- \10 Sibley tent, to remal" till mornl.ng, ~ n]el, bnlta l, barbarous mauner or th!' he told ber. politely but coldly, that She nsked a woman who they were. tion or ,t lle mangrl;)ves tbat' grow aJ~n, Arter everything had. Quieted down ~ark ugE'El. In ~ther words tho social· he mllst clecllne to take her case. He "Them's trusties - prisoners that . ~e . root o..f the cUtta. They eat ttielr . Johnnies let thelOselves through <>glal lns lsts that the luwbreaker hall Imow well who sh& was and he eyed hus . specIal prJvJleges in return'. tor 'way' I~t~ tb,e rOC?k' In !ltl, dlrect~oD.I. the hole hi" the floor and followed the' STeater need ?f the Ilhysl cinn t bon he ber with Ilome curloll l ty, but hill man· work they does about the prlson~''' .' and · I~to ,the, . ga~s ,.tbu,! ror~ed tbe ' sewer: . to the wall of the maln . prlsOIl i11\8 of the jal~r. ner was frigid and discouragtng, The credentials were passed upon' w.av~s " t'C?r,oe thet\, way" \n Um~ Utt91 b\llh\lng and ' came up through a hole To,day the c l.t )' prlsou is a 1.0mb Thore ,w re plenty of lawyers In ,~ew slO\\Oly and Annie, beln,g the tWElDt1,e~h ~11I . pr~~abi:v re.du~e th~ tllalld ., Co they had 'provlded;pear a large pile ot In lIamo only , It Is 8(llt\lrab~. <:on· ~Orlt, b fl uid . She must go else· In line, fo~nd It a 'tedIous walt. , In :Ptecell: ' , .; " , ,> coal close to tbe -lemale pr!aoq, 'but. ' fl tructeci. commodlous.·w II veJ:ltilaled. \\ J oUtcly b~ bowed her out: (ront ot her Was a be8t1~ · I.ooklng nit · , Hy~notl.m .nd Will Power, ' stili lnsme the outside wall Follow· 'l'he c('II ' are la rg and well 'lIgbted, Ha:J at a ,Ilre 10tls d~y was nlready · gro. b eI\ h~d.:,her a wo~an ,,:holl.e cbeap ,People , use~ ' to .. Clink ,that persons Ing ' ~he 'w'a11 around to t~e , soutb~a8t 'iUI com C(lrlablc 'cot!! ano nIl the I~B: Judge 'Br:\vster refu~ed the , j welry, ,rollged. ~ace and, "extravagant ,wbo could be bypnotlzed wer. eor:ner,'they -~It\e ,t o the· gat ea. ~~e~'. ~p od, rn su n,l~ 'nrl·(H1g0Lnents. TJlere nsc, To ~1l!J111 C~t~d ~hc ,turn no~T ctre!ls pl'oclalnletJ her profession to be, de-ut In .*111 Pq'Y-el',! that It wb, iom. ' we-re':'tWo ' (If these gate.: 'one opening.' t\ re ' roomy corridors for daily exer cise Tn .tI~R,PUll" a lmus . desr.ern~, she th~ most, an'c lent I,n . ~he ~,o~ld . Bl\t 'lblug, of ,a flUg qla 00 ' tbel,, : . menta! from tlie 'to~ of the_ wall by the guard ' ;lud lu /t'lrlo\l 1l show~r bulh l; c~n b Ob' dro~e ~PtovOl ~ (I Rl versldtl drJ\e 'I,Ind,. at last the ~!l~~ ~as !8a~hed.. AS 'the ,iiQ!1lpui'ent. ·· ,T h'l! ~~pert. know ·bette,. .wlth 8 r.ope and -. pulley. and, t~e other {ailled tr~ lor the MkIM. 'fllete ~~E: l .forced all. nhance into ~4e Jertrle~ d06rl(ecp.cr 'examined her tioket he. i1o~. A wrlt~r In .the \Voma",'.! Hom~ from the Inalde by 't~e ,'trustr~", .. " i all If> (or th' r(lligiou$ly lI'Ic) ln d 110m . Hel(), IlgUlll, she wnll met ~Itb lQoked liP ' nt her ~~th eurlos!ty. : A j o,,~P\nlo~ go\!s ',ao 'fa.r !l8 to 'lllY. that. ' T'he 'I\l*'cle gat~1 Wa, m'a de 'of 4:14 hnd u lI,h rary fQr tho studious. Tile n r bu{~. , Stlll not . 4Iscourlige~, she ·rn1;lrdet:er!s rBrlj , enough, ev.en 'In. the I tb" Ulore will power a ~~r1Db .. b .. ttl,. lanks ' .1'lle · eleanlng . ' ''I80ne,. , food l/:! wlu:losomq aud wa ll prepared t:lllur~le.u to JIII/ge Brew,s t,er's ·omce, Tombs, '~o exo[to , 1I1terest: lind as s~e 'UIC)'J.e',readlly' 'he' caD tie b;,pqotfzecs,._ ~llmMa tbis p~; &lid, wete~then. .. VOl,l lp, a <Freucll 8118n1.", ,'6UDiS tb. 22.toot' 1I!aU. '. T)'tiIg . n' a large, flCl'upul.ous IY CI lID ),dlChen ,He \HI~ <Ilit I\nd !lb~ sal there ,\,n 'hol.lT pllssed on ,t !le attendants WhlllPered'l l ltullted on tlle top I\oor. Cnl1Jing walUng to see him. Nlgbt .ca.A1~ and, ~ mon8 th~Jrl ..el ~e". Bhe kn!3 w they tliat.,be cquld' not b)'l).O~ more ·th@ bl P ik.eta.toc tb l' :tIVbich the, luld .,.ltlOft hll'f! t\.re talklnS about ' her' "but aile ").... , r - ,... n1,· ot ' the 'a_.&~ of UK ..." to~"' .... .:..., ':...e" · · f ... · _ . , , - til e lr , , , Indeed , dtl lllred . the he-I did t t ."c'I~ · tetuM. _. ' AUnoat.,Pt:'ostratec1 tl b " t d . T UI__ uur &lU" ....\JD... '",eJ: '_ l'omblJ to '.'Ie too ]lIxurlbu6, declaring ~ I .n ,1"o.lls ",,1811/1 on, sere l',ne steel~ hbrllelf not to ,ear\l. . It uyillm ,,,nh, wbtcll be ..., COWlDeet., -, ." . ' .' that l'Iubf~\lsJ c rlmlnalll tinjol a eta)' to the ir d'~r.erted little ftat .In Harlegl. ClUI,. a forela .. te of otba, b~mSll.UQU W~ aD. . Enl1laia _~"Dte' 8~C!;l~. , ~ th ~ the b....JlOU aod liotuall1 rt WIl3 going to be a liard fight. abe .. bl~h .l,e muat expect. · ' . . IWIL.s 'VlaaeJlt Iu'PDoUMd'.WWa .... Saqt, J~ IIGOD 1 ~ laat- .1 '!O that \be, ma, .~Jo)' 10m" of lIaw t til. But IIh would beP riSD' I .·A . keoller DO took . cbar"" )f h~ .". _ .~t. Cd ~ . ...... tmeW':or llI~, at ~,. ~. . u, & I~'ta on, II" ,""\te, ~~ what clte\,' au loel het- ~ ,. toom w,bere ttta "(f' 'JDta, . . . .
.lJy;CA e/ -, u
Facts .About , Motberltood ,be
44 Bu.·to Ibe Acra
hp; .
"-Jt_ '- . . ,Dr.
Ho ·,,'
to . of'
wu» ae ....
. · 1that Tired Feeling IN CROP PRODUCTION That comes to you every spring Is a sign that . your bJo.o d Is wanting In vitality, just as pimples
~otrresslv. Farmers Who Recopi2se Value
ot Better and -and other er\Jptlons are signs that .It Is Impure.
M~r. Profitable Yields G1Vl~Z Matter Thor- . - -
oqh and Careful StUdy.
MIss Gerll,hle Ainsley put OIl her hat that SUI1I1Y !ll)rlng day ond walked down tbe road olld over tho creek and up Into tile woo\l s on the bill. Tbere were stntoly elms nud beeches Dud maples; the spice-bush gave qut Its Bcent; there were \ violets under toot ~verywhere, and the robins and blu&birds seemed to welcome an Intruder. Tbere were paUlS running here and there, and as the gIrl took one of them sbe bearl} a queer Bound from the brush on her right, and InvesUgnted to ~nd a rabbit cuught by the 1 g In a Inare. Poor Bunny was bavlng a har.! time Df It, IUId It fright ened him the more ua - the girl appronohed. He bounded tbls way and th nt and into the all', . but the snare held nnd be cried and whimpered and feared for bls life. When tl)e girl had come closer nnd began to cl\ll him poor thing and exclalm tbat It was a burning sbame., the captive huddled c\own and stared Ilt her wllh hIs great / big eyes. She was stl'oltlng It with her hand wilen a boy of twelve CIIllIO runnIng to s hout: "He's mine! He',. m.l ne! I set the Qnare for him las t nlgbU" Up he came. WId was about to 11ft the rabbit In hi arUlS when Miss Gertrude cave him a push and demanded : "What busln 88 have you snarlns the poor creatures!" "Business ! Business!" he repeated. "Why anyone can catch rabbits nny time they want to! He's a dnlsy , and the tellow will pay--tlUy cents for him. Gee, but I'm In 11Ick!" "Wbat tellow, as you call him 1" "He's at the tavern. We wants me to catcb all the rabbits and (lualls lind birds I can." "Then he's a villain!" "He don't look like one." "I don't care bow be loon! Any man that wl~l hire a boy to trap Ruch poor Jnnocent things ¥ rabbits Is a villain, and you can tell blm 1 said
returned with a reply tor the awfu: man. It read: "Sir: 1 reiterate that 'yOU ara 8 villain!" That was al\. No "slncereIY,"-no "rellpectCully"- no "your very ob't servant." Even the Initials "G. A." were IncIting. Mr. Alllsley was away from home. nnd when tbe mother learned what had happened she said: . "Yo II were always that way from a child, and you can't help It. I. SUI> pose, but I hope you won·t carry II too fal' In tills case. Calling a man Il villain Is slsnder, unless he Is a vII· latn ." "nut at course he Ill!" was the reo ply. "Would anyone but a vl\laln ~llre a boy to murder a lloor rabbit? If ho catcbes a robin, a blue-bird or a Quail l'I\-I'I\-!" Miss Gertrude clenched her hllnds nnd breathed hard lUlet leU It to be uuderstood that something very tel' rlble would happeu to the ..:ross·eyed and red-beaded man . Next mornin g she went Ill) to the wcods agaIn. Sb went ,ln tbe forenoon becil.~oa she ~us p cted that boy would set snares over night nnd visit them early. She walked t he paths ond found foul\ and the wires were thrown tar oway. They p had snared no victims. As she was ou her way bome she met the young maD of the day before. She looked at him more closely this time and she liked his appearance. Noxious .Weed5 Found In Farm 8eed .. Sur~IY he WIlS a gentleman. The boy Fig. L - Il, 8and bur: b, wild Ollt: c, cow cockl e : n. p cnnyc r C811: o. tI.e ld pepper· was not seen unttl mld·afternoon. Then cben: 4. darnel : e. quack -CflUl8: f. dock: graM: P. large-fruited f alse fla x: Q • • maU· he brough.t another nOle, and 8!1 he de- 1', : black blndwood : h. RUBsian thistle: 1. frlllte d fals e IIn:o:: 1'. ball lOu"tnrd: .. eorn cockle; J. white campion; k, Wa.dc1er black mustard ; t. Engll~ h cho.rlock. livered It be said: "I was lying up there In 1\ , bru~h. campJon; 1, nllrht-fto'fferlna catcbtly: m, heap this torenoon ~ben you d~stroyed seed would be grown In this country. (By F. H ." IULT...l4AN.) the snares, and ob, wasn't the awful In the matter ot Beed buying the For thi s reason such seed Is undeslr· man awful mad .... ben 1 told lilm of best protection to tbe lIurc~ase~ I, be- able. These results of testa made Sn It! '.' Ue"ed to be ' self-prote~tlon based on t~e' laboratory are fully corroliorated And the note read: the ability to judge the 'q uaUty of the by the experiences ot farmers engaced "Miss Ainsley: I must again politely leed offered. Tbls belief is aupported In growing crops. request that you !lellSe to meddle with by ~e fact that it 1a both pOBslble Beed teetlog OD the farm lDYolves my affairs." and 'fIraoUcable for buyers or col1JUm- UtUe expense, and conslderlnl. the eol" The same name was sIgned as to era of seeds to determine very ac- lithe effort and time required, Is more "1 will, when I carry tbls· to him." thau lustlfied by the practical Informa· "But you won't carry It! You keep tbe o~ lier. but the ' "sincerely" was curatel, their quality.' lacking. Carroll Denton was no longer The Impurities carried - by fann tlon gained by It. bands oll! . It shall have Its liberty!" Ileeds have an Important bearing on One of the first steps In testing "It you let my rabbit go--'" bliLe- sincere. He WIUI gtumpy. A reply was sent as promptly alii be- the real quality of ' the leed. Their seMs . of the forage crops Is to detertered the lad. Miss G rtrude . picked . up Bunny, fore. II consisted of a few sUrrlng Quantity may be sumclent to ,unduly mIne l! the sample Is tl'ue to name, IncreoBe the cost ot the good seed and and It ls necessary tbat these ·klnds loosened the wlte around his. leg and words: "And I must repeat that you ar. a their character may be that ot In- ot seeds be recognlzed with certainty. vlllalnl" Jurtous weeds. . While .. most farmers, as a rul , cnn It WIlS afternoon of the next day V.ei'y few samples ot forsge-crop . recognize red clover seed, for eJ:ample, wben Miss Gertrude went up to the s eds are found wholly free trom 'Weed when they see It In bulk, It Is not so wood s agaln.. . Almost al Qoce she be- suds. The methods of culture anll certaIn t hat they would recdgnlz.e tn· held 1\ robin with a broken wing Out- of barvestlng III vogue operate against dh'ldual seeds of red clover under all terlng about. She bad pIcked It up a pure seed crop. The llroporUon ot conditions, as one must In making and seated herself on a log and was the weed seeds appear1ng Incidentally tests or this ·seed. 'Af\'aln, altalJa seed rying ;)ver It when a salt voice at her In the marketed seed Is dependent on In bulk Is recognized by most farmers, the number and character or the weeds b calise they conlrast It with red, elbow said: "Please give .It to me. I thIng I can In the seed-producing crop and the alslke, and white clover IIced with do something for It." extent to which the seed bas been wblch they are familiar as these seeds alJpear In bulk. I't Is a question, howIt was the young man. He took the clea'ned before being marketed. bird. made a brief examination and Weed seeds occurring In farm seed eyer, It the average farmer would desaid: are of lnterest, to th;e buyer of se~d tect yellow tretoll seed In bulk or ''Tlie wing Is broken, b~t 1 caf1 use In respect to their total quality and sweet clover seed In bulk were It not splints and make It so lind again atter In r.espect to their kinds. In many In· tor t.he characteristic odor of the lata .b lt, Nature Is very kind to animals stances lo~-grade Seed contains so !,er. But clcver seed would be found and birds. Hope that old maid won't much weed seed that the quantity of even more deoelvlng. Tbe chances for deception are even hear of thIs. She'll say 1 used' a club the crop seed Is ther.eby greatly reon the bird and call me more vi'Ualns." duced In a given welgb~ ot seQd. Of greater with grass seeds than with "What old maid 1" was asked, torget- the ldnds of weed seeds 300 to .00 are clover seeds, because ot the striking tlng tllat sbe was facing a stranger. known to occur In the varIous kinds similarity between the seeds of differ"A MI~s Ainsley. She's clole on 'my .of the common crop seeds. Occasion· ent kinds wben seen In bulk. Tbls trail!' ally trom 76 to 100 kinds of weell similarity and the fact that mere cas· sf;'edl are to be f<!und In a sIngle lIam- ual eJ:amlnatlon Is usually given seed "Why-w~" r am the only MI8S pIe ot red clover or altalta 'seed not b:v purchasers making adulteration. ,AInsley, and ~ am not an old .maid. exceeding a few o~nce. In Weight. substitution and misbranding possible. YOll can't be the-the villain!" ' In' some Instances one or more klndl Tbe remedy lies In familiarity wltb (fhen of course It came out. . The' of weecl, seed are very abundant In the dls~lngulsblng cbaract':rs of Indl· boy bad lied.. tor revenge. There WRa the eample. As a rule, however, most vidual seeds. Dy a careful study of no old maid, and there was no cr088- of the ld'n d. are represented by only the different seeds one sbould be able eyed, red-headed man. ·Mr. Denton :l few seeds_ . to dlsUn«n19b the weed seed without was a n.aturallst, an<, be wanted bl. The Important question In· regard to milch dlmculty. specimens alive and sound that, be tbe kinds of weed seed found ' in crop The most conspicuous of the various watclled while be disappeared In the might study their. bablts. ~a9 ~(led Is wbether tbe plants they pro. noxious weed seeds are Illustrated on bushes, Then she. Batd to the boy: merciful to a degree. Miss Gertrude "uCle are Injurious' or rei aUvel y' un Im- this page. The general form and ·" You call at tbe house In about heard his explanations with JJlushlng rortant. Soule ' ot the ,weed seeds structure and the natural size of the two ' hours' and I'll gl,ve YOll the fifty cheeks and downcast eyeB, and ' at the commonly .. tound In soed produce sceds 'are shown. cents, but It I hear of yoli catching end she was generous enough to re- planttl ,!"hlch Are very detrlme~tal to another rabbit, or ' It 'ou · capture a ply: . tbe crop or to the land. Everyone Windowl In the Horae Blrn. bird of any sort rll m!,kc you "Well. that rllakes a dIfference." . . making' tests ,ieed- should ' become Many horses' eyea are ruIned by trouble!" And It did. 'I'he naturalist found bill tlutllllar with the seeds of Injurious ,l.avlng the stable windows so th~t the "Maybe you own the earth '" called way to the bouse to tell her how the 1Veed·s. Most at the weed seeds light comes either from the Bide Dr the the lad' after be was thirty feet away. robin was getting along, and the day round In mBk ng t fls t9 are .seeds ot rear of the horse. If possible, have . "You can tell that vUlalri I do'" tlte .blrd new away on the restored comparatively harmless planfs, and tbe windows In the east. w(Jst or She' hunted for othel' snares, and wing he Bllld to hlillBCIf that' he bud their recognition as to k.\Jld becomes south side, as the light wlll be ntrong• be found three and destroyed them . discovered a "specimen" worth all more n matter of Interest thaD' one ot er and tbe stable wlll ·iliso be warmer ~fter t\ couple 1 of hours Bhe started others put together. pract1cal IJlIporta..nce. . lu w·lnter. The windows ahoul!! be as for ' home. Just 4S she left tile woods Tbe seed of c~rtaJn . tarm crops Is nesr the ceiling as pOBslble, 81 not she passed a · ' yo\lng man entering h n 0 ve.teran Painter 8tlll at Work.' otten Jr.bed w I t h see d 0 t espec I.a II y on I y da th ey g Ive more II g ht weB them. ' He was well dre/:lsed and a noxious weeds, necessltatlng labor placed, but they will not be broken by Itran~er, Rnd :' 1'14 manner In Which 'be B. W . Leader. R. A. Englnnd',S ta~ ,'Oel expense In preventl~g .permanent the stock. When the bulldlJlK . Is of ~Iseil his hat and bls' deferentlal bow mous .palnter of lal;1dscapesj has, at the InJurY ,to tbe farm . Se~d ' may bave a st.one or bri ck the windows should told · her that he Uvea "In tho city.' . He age of elgbiy. put the finishing touches low germinating power due to age or be arger than In a frame barn. w~ staying , In the village with Bome to three pictures by which he. will t»e 'to 'ullfavor"ble condItions of develop- . . re'a~lve~ fOr~ a fe~w d{lYs; l?robably, '~nd .represented tlllB ye~ at the ACad,emy. ment or. of ·haJ:vesting. Seed or TG Kill Squuh Bugs. out for '. strbll, . the. same ns she hali His "February Fill Dyke" Is one of his clovers and' of I11falfa found on .the It Is claimed that squash 6ugl and hen. ' best·kno"lD works. .. I.eader's tllther ' ..... n .. v .. r sometimes cOD1es from foreign onion maggots may be drh'en away by That eyenlng the boy called' at .the wlis a painter ot some merll . . an~ the regions possessing a le88 rigorous the use ot moth balls dl8tr1buted at bouse, His ~ty 'cellta WIlS r:eady: but son 'Inherlted" a strong artistic nature. ell;nate tJ:1An that under wblch the frequent Intervals among tbe ' plantl. ' lie would Dot accept It, Ho Lurl'ng hi;) ~arlY life he was: by forcli of ' financial' c1rcUr!istan.c es, compelled ........ ..... . ... ~- ...... .note to be . delivered ant he . sat ... "'" wlt4 a grin on bla ,face whtle to p':lht ·the. k,lnd of p'lctures the public Gertrmde ·lUlBWered ·lt: It '.read: . • 1l1led . . "~an.fs the time," he atates, '''MI~s ' Mnltley ;,'. ;yOur :\~n.ciuo't ' tbls' ."I have Wished 1 could destroy anum. . . . \ afternoon Irl"the brow-beating a ' young be, \ ~f .J~~sO . cl!l'ly .llC?t-l]ollers ... · . Hlp emploYe 9t mlll.,e) s !lImply reprehenal- tI,~6t plct~e wa~ . exhlb.lt~d ' at th;e ·ble. i -The ~erms In which' :r04 char- ~yal ~c,ademy,.abQut sixty years ago. .acteflzed me alia. no less so. I have I1~ ' l\¥.l ' Tany' )le~~ant mernorl~s .oi ,~t to ' learn I.th.a t' ' yo~ .htrv3 ·:,Jleorl . a'p!' . Constable. an1i~lII~s. 14& may ~e ' ex; . poltIte'ci .~e lo~gal guardian ot·.the blrile pected) .Mr. .,Lead~r, Is a fier~e . oPp'o and·.antmats. !n'this 'IQcaltty.'· ; . .. . . . nent 'Qrtbe .P~st-Imprell!!lonlsts. ,' Tcheu tbe~~ :follCl~ve~, . ~ , j~ l!icerel,.,1 ~, .. ,ftc! tb~ Iiame, .~'Car:rbll Denton}! ' . . "The . "'111111n 1 ·&i(lw. ,dare. lie!'~: ex;ct'lllme4f ilia 'gbll 0,1i 'I\he 'Iooked' at lIi«l DO" ,'· .'; ' • . . : j'Re-I' uWflIl. "011'. "Wbell '1· IIlutrid me out ·11.' jult ' n!L8b~!Ml
.· .aDt4id~
Do not delay treatment; begin at once to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla, wbl h eO'ects Us wonuerful cu r s. not simply becuus It contains sarsaparilla, but h cause It combines tile utmost remedial values of twenty different lil'gredlents . raised to th Ir bl ghest effiCi ency for the curl} of . all spring troubles, tha.t Ured feeling and 10MS of ap peti te. fhere la no real lubsUtute; Insist on having -. ~
Hood's .. Sarsaparilla "I felt tired all the time and could not sleep nights. After takt ng Hood's Sarsaparilla a mUe while I could Ileep well anod the tired feeling had
gone. Tills great medicine bas ale cured mo ot scrofula, wbich 1m.1 troubled me trom childhood." l\Ira. C. M. Root, Dox 26, QlIend, Cunn.
Churches and Tuberculosl •. Statistic!! showing bow serious a problem tuberculosis Is to the ord l· nary cburch congregation have been Issued by the National AssOciation for the Study and Prevention of Tuborculos ls. From reports received t·rOID over 726 churches, wltb a membe1'8hlp ot over 312.000 commutllcants ot twenty 'd enomlnatlons, nnd from 208 clUes and towns In 12 states In varl, 7.000 deaths in 1910, over 700 or 10 \IeI' cent., were caused by tuberculosJs. This means ' 2.24 deaths for every tHousand members or (lommunlcnnt.&. Wblle the percentage ot deaths from tuberculosis compared with otber di seasc8 Is not blgber In the cbUTcliee. according to these figures, than In tbe countl·y at large, ' the tuberculosis , death rate, as shown by the cburch returns, Is hIgher per thousand com· HewiU-I am a ruined man, munlcants than that 'for the general Jewett- Does your wlte know it T populatton In the registration area or Hewitt- No, she doesn't yet realize the United States, which the ~nsu8 wbat she has done. bureau gave a.e 1.6'7 In 1909. SHE WAS THE CAUSE_
CURE THAT CATARRH Our cllmnte with Its sudden changes Is conducive to catarrJJ-whlch Is a chronic Inftammatlon ot the mucoua membrane surface of head-nose or throat. Ol\e month's local treatment with PuUne Toilet Antiseptic wUl con· vince the most slt,epUcal that Paxtlne Is not a pallatlve but a speclftc for all catarrhal conditions. Pa:xtlne Is .• •'periently harmleu an· tlseptlc and germicide in powder form which contains all ot the antiseptic' quall,t les of liquid antiseptics, but 'WIth other valuable cleansing, germicidal, and bealing' ingredients added. Just a IItlle In a glass of 'Water a8 needed-used as a sllray and gargle, will- not only remove the accumulated secretions, but heals the InflammaUon, destroys the germs of disease, and dispels the disagreeable odor caused by chronic catarrh. . For' sale at all druggists, 25c and 50c a box, or postpaid t1pO~ receipt ot price. The Paxtcn Toilet Company, Boston, Ma~s. Send for a tree sample.
. For your own 8O.1ce, don~t walt diitil. it
hM)pene. n may be a bOlldllobe, toot"eRI'II he, nr pome 1>nioful lIC!cident. TInmlinll Wif.ll.l'd Oil will cure it. Get a
.... he.
' bottle now.
\ Conftrm.~ Rnndall-Has t\ reputation for bravery, has he? Rogers-Yes, with every one who bas been his wlte.~Llfe, . IIrll. WIDAlow'a IIoolbjDjf 8TmP
LIttle wlta are otten gI'.e at -De In Roche.
Her Way, Mrs. Woggs-So you keep your busband home: evenings? I lIuppose you .put bls Slippers where be can find 'em? . Mrs. Boggs- No; I put bls ovel' shoes where 'be cnn't.-Puck.
talkers ~
Did yoU · hear It? How embarrassing. Thesestomach noisesmake you wist. you co.a ld sink througb the Boor. You imagine' ev~ryon~ hears them, Keep a box\ of- C:A5CARETS in ydnr purse or 'pocket and take a part of one after eating.· . It will relieve the stoma.ch of gas. ea
Happy Family. Mrs. Scrapplngton (In the mJdst of her readlng)-Herels an account of a woman turning OIl tbe gas while her husband was asleep nnd asphyxiating him! Mr_ ScrapplngtoD- Very considerate of her, I'm su.re! Some wives wake their husba.nds up, and then talk them to death .....:Puck.
tor . qblJIJ ....
ueLblnlf, IIOftene tlie 1fU~. l't!CIo_ IDII...mathlD, al~.ptW>,cure. .. 1D4 colic,. & boUle.
a boa for a
treatment. AUdrum''''' Blae_ladlet
ID the 'fforid-mWJoa boaa a monu..
rpJ\.~~I~~=-~J.~'= 1
Stomach Blood'and LkJett Tr.buhl~s
Mach siobee. ltarts.with weak ltomach. oel' ooaaeqaeat poor, impoverilbed blood. Nervoul aad pale-people lack ,ood, rich, red blood. Their .tomacbs need iD~i,oratinc for after aU, • aim CCD be no .troDpr than his .tomacb. remedy that makel the Itomac;h .troa, and the liver .Clift, makel rich red blood aDd overcomes and drive. oat producio' baoteria and cures • wbolo multitude of diaeuet.
Gel rlIf 01 ,ollr Sto• •e" Weeb••• e.If "'rer by tekl.d • eOUNe 01 Dr. Pleree'. Golde" Medlcel DI.eO'rle,., .-1110 ~re.t Sto",ecb Re.toreUre. · £Irei' I"rl~or.to,. ••" Blood (l/ee"••,.• Yoa cap', dol'lf to accept any mediciae of ••hloell 1!If,./IOIltltlfl . . . lub.tHute for "Goldea Medical Di.oov cry," wbich i. a Pledicina OF r.NOWN COWPOIITION, bavin,
• complete liat 01 in,redicat. in plaia Bngli,b oa ita bottle-wrapper, same beio, DUelted a. correct uiader oath. Dr. PIuI»', P I _ I "'l/~t!J ,.,.",. uti 1",,/pftttI
L. DOUG··~AS·: '4 SHOE' r,:o=.
~,. r/, ,~~ '3 '3~.og.
Ltvcr- eM ~
Sp,rina .Stylea
~P~aDd . Up.to-Date . Shapa m Oxford.·
• h Cub' than ever before
rOducec:L ·
W,.L.Doug wa!TlU\ta evory pair of b.l~ sbqes ~ l!0~ their "l)~Poi lQOk and 11\ ooc:ter and wear longor o~or lua\le, giving 700 'better yalue for the money obtain ~wliere.
TO' DO'ARD . I AYTON II Qntteanu~ber .
New Burli nlton
of Friend l at· I teDd~d _ Qu~rt.tltlY Meetin g at Waynesvllle t;lltnr.l ay and Sond"y . Mrs. Saw bortllc e of Bellefo ontutne WIlS the goest of ber ststtar, Mra. Ed Bogim the · tore l)art of tbe week. Cheste r Towns hip San day Bobaol CI)Dvention was beld !Lt. Cbelte r obnroh 00 ondaya fternoo n. Mem. bore of tbe Friend s ~unday Scbool bere took .part in the exeroieel. Mi88 Berntoe Copaey. of tipring Valley 1'& tbe guest of her nnole Lewis Hollan d and' tamtly, . Ben Vlokere bill returne d bome after llpending several mon'b8 In Detroit . About thirty motor ovoltilts trom Springfield paMsd 'hroug h bere on !3onda yaftern oon . A. C. Blair attende d a sbootin g matoh In Dublin, Ohio one day laat week. . ' Yre. Elijah B"wkl ns 18 able to be uut of tbe houee again
====== 1,"11 m"~"dh~ ls ';7
In Offering the . " ' toddard -Daytoll" line of aUlombiJIes we have a 1I10Ll 1 for very pocke tbo k a nd ev ry purpos e. '1 he prices range from $4200 fo r the big fin ly uphol tered and superb four-door Limousine to 1, 175 fo r t he "Stodd urd-20" Roadst er. 'fh is inClud s a body for very person; the lim usin , Landaulet and oupe fo r town use; the Touring Car and Torped o bodies fo r country tou ting; the j{ adster a nd emi-To rpedo fo r the busine s man, \, ho e lime is loo val~ able to be spent walking abou t town or tandmg on the c.:ofner waiti ng for street cars. . cord ial invitut ion to peoiJle of Warren COlinly is ex tl!nded to visi t our salesroo ms, or, uetter, a visit Lo th e fac tory, where a lJurchaser i betl r able to s Ie t u car to hi o wn persona l taste.
-- --....,- -----*-e r About People " 1
• _ _ _ e'.-..- ..-..-. - - - - . Mr. John Heigh way. of Wellln :n, is very sick. N. L. Bunnell was In Columbus FridllJ on business. Mr. and MrS. Fred Harblock were in 'Dayton Monday.
E. E. Bahn. of Brookville, Ohio, war in town Sunday .
Atlas Portland Cement OO MIN G
_t'S pec ial Price from the Car.
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnha rt were in Dayton Monday.
J. W. WHIT£.
Hawke & Lewis, the barber s, are moving :into the Bonneville room. MifoS Anna Bell, of Frankli n, Pa .• is the &,uestof MiS! Mary E. Bispham
John Emley was born Februa ry 10, Misl Kather ine Alexander, spent 1847 and departe d this life May 8, several days in Cincinnati lalt week, 1911 aged 84 years, 2 mouths and 28 ·---- LIN I:S --days. He was marrie d in 1871 to EXCUR SION TO Miss Mary Whiteh ead, of Xenia, MiS! Amy Knight of West Jefferson, . has been the guest of Miss Maria Ohio. To this union were born five Sprin g Bran ch Stout. children, three sons and two dau~h· or ters, all,of whom survive him except Mrs. Ada Dakiu enterta ined MtII. Messrs. Seth Cook, J. M. Cook and We \vlsh especially to call to your attentio n Minnie Marlat~ Rod daugh\ er Lena Fred Gons were in Cincinnati last the eldest son; who preceded his father several years ago. The wife the ease in which you can get adjustm ents for any week. last 8unday . . SUNDA Y. MAY 21 tclrt of the machin e. If by some unfortu nate ac.and mother too was called away and Mr8. Jame8 B. Cheno we'b .nd Eli'ah Compton of Hamilt on was left him with a family of small chil- Tr~in leaves Waynesville, 8:48 a.m. cident you have a broken ' part, it ooly means a Ion J'loob .nd dangM er rranoe a here ~isitlng relative s' Saturd few hours' time to replace it if you have a Stod· a~ and dren to Krapple with the world. were enterta ined ,on laa' 8un~y by Sunday. dard-D ayton, while with other makes it may mean He was an honest, industr ious man ber daugbt er, Mra. Anna L.oy, ot days or weeks until you g~t It. and was always pleased when try ing Dear Corwin . Notice of AllPointrnent Mr. and . Mrs. Cbas. Cornell and A demou stratio n will prove to you that Mrs 'l'homa . Lacy aDd family en- Mr. and Mr•• Spahr were in Dayton to carry out the wishes of others. To him duty was a pleasur e and his Estate or John Byntt, decoased . Tho unthe "Stodd ard-Dayton" cannot be excelled in retertain ed Mrs. Abner Dill and Mra. Tuesday. dersigned boon IIollpolnt.od and q unll fl d on. e desire was to do his work with aa admlJl Ia~have liabilit y, easy riding qualitie s, beauty of design, ratrix !lud admlulst rato r of Lim OliDan CUne and 80n Vernon , wra, J. late of John RyML. law or Warren County , and last but not lea t, PRJ E. painsta kini care, to do it with that OWo, decelUlOd . a. Cbeuowetb,aoll Jacob and daugh · Miss 'Clara Lile of Xenia, spent the Datoo this Sl'(!. day ol1>1ay, A. D . 1911. thoroug hness whi<;h Just tel phon or c.. nd a postcar d and we gave to him a week·end with Rev. and Mrs J. F. tar Frano~a at cliDnel' Tuesda y. KaliO B. liyatt will be glad t h WY 11 jUllt , hat these cars can F. O. B a r lliOCk truer and nobJer conception of try· Mn. Rebeoca BoblU ill visiting Cadwallader. do. Let u pc V ing to perfect it. One admira ble you thOot we have the car ber lion Mont and hmHy . I, Miss Edith Crane, of Pekin, is the trait he had and that was his love YOU need. Mt88ell Alto. Chenow e'b, Id, f M' ... Ad DR. J. W. MILLER, "k Lib S i b ' " Comme t-week guest 0 ISS and devotion to animals, especially _0 ame _ra. m ~ , _rsj Martha ncemen O'Neal l. to horses. To be associa te4, with Balian Mor~an, Edna, Elsie, Joel, them and care for them gave him . .. DEN TIST.•• and Rena 8mUb, ~r and Mra. Cbaa: unboun Miss ded' Leah pleasur Smith, e. of Cincinn ati, . Rye, Margar et and A.ddte 1'b9 mas l la the guest ot her parenta , Mr. and Office In He will lite greatly mi~ not only ' Rebecca BoblU all enjoye d a lunob Mrs, Gee. Smith. National Bank Bldg. Waynesville, O' by his family but by his fr'ends . who at Middle RUD t:!unday aDd bad knew that a pleasan t 'smile and cor· •• S·I .7 W.Fou rth 8treet . "Iqod sootal ohat. . Dr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Day ChOlera In Indl •. dial word awaited them whenev er Mrl. J a. CheDowe,b and famUy were a'llests of Mr. and Mrs. Cholera was firat recognized b,. the Harry DAY TON ', . ' OHI John was spoken to. . O. eD~rtalDed Mr. and Mn. Clarenc.e Portuguese In India as far baok al the \oiiii__ ____ _________________ _ Tbomp son, of WilmiDgton, on Bat Williamson Sunday~ . His life's work is over_ The battle middle of the sixteenth centur,. . It hall the ' peculiar at followln,· a urd"y nigh'. and Sonday . Mias Johnson. of. Sprini Valle!, of life is ·ended. and as God has called well·defined route,itywith vrogrels jUlt him from eartAly toil and strife, we AI,. and Mra Joeeph Hainee were waa the guest of Ml88 equal to th.t ot an average journoy Pearl ColVin resign his soul into His keepin g, and on toot. •• •• tbe goee. of Mr. aD J lira. Fred Saturd ay and Sunday. bow submissively to the blessed Mas· •• Sawin and family. , , ~......- - - -.......................""",,,,,,,,.-"".."".Saml. Surfac e and family, of ter, and say, not our will but Thy ...r...-....~-_-..........-....-_-....."' ..."'-'" ................-. ..-................................................!!IS__!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;!!'~!!!-~...!!!!..!!!.!!~!'!!_~'_ Meedamee Mary Hawee and Caro. Bellefontabie ~ .. are visiting relatives in will be done. ~ Bellbrook~ Mrs. A. B. Brewe r and 'anght er Une Cbeno.w eth were enterta ined by and around Wayne .... sville. Mi88 Mora, ' of Dayton attende d tbe Mr•. R01 Chenow eth on last TUM . Bora to ),fr. and Mrs Ralpb Bop. }lass Dayex eroises here Iut A NA~ROW ESCAPE Fri day. Mi88 Jessie Clark and Mn. Wil. kinll a fine boy. ' day. MilMII Alice Chenowetll - and Iiams. of CincinuatJ. are !lpendin . Rev. L. O. Thomp son, of Wayne8, ga Saml. Meredi th with three oth· Ada will be Inae r 1.e(1 under this bead 'for • - • aer'ha Mmtth enterR ined .Elder. tew days in Waynesville. twe nty ·i\ve centS lor three Insertlou• vUle, preaob ed a fine 88rmon to tbe er gentlem en, had a narrow es· wbon USing nOl more lllao Uv~ lIoes, HarVeyslwr&'. George A. Bret" and wlftl, of Hunt ' grad~tes last Sabbat h evenin g in cape from death Friday afterro on. T Ington, Ind., Saturd ay night. , Mrs. A. L ..Wysonfl and Paul WY· while coming from Lebanon the Presby terian ' ohurch . There in an Theodo re Lawren ce, of Wllmin g. .k1ln' Be'ban y Cbenow etb i8 vis song, of Sprmg Valley were guests auto. Near John Phillips" farm the was ailio speoial mosio. , FOR SALE ton, returne d .fromC nba and Florida mng bel' relatiY eitu Corwl na"'im e of Mrs. Leroy Irons Tuesday. steerinfl wheel went wrong and the J.'he Towna btp Btgh &hqol Com reoentl y and is at thll writing visit of tbill writing . Mre. Euphem ia Hough and daugh. auto jumped the road, runnin menoem ent wu held in t.be Town in~ hi8 many friende In thil g into oom. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan AUI$ln and ter .Irma will go to Dayton Saturd TO N'B of gooo.lIlixed Hay. Lee Hall las' Tue8da.Y evenin g . ay a barbed wire fence and .tearing Qut mnnlty . For (leveral yean be waa aughte r enterta ined dinner 8eQde~8ou, R . D. 3, Wd.ynCf!. Sun. to spend a week with relative s. followi ng were t.he gradua tell: MuseI' ODe of our foramo et bU8iJle posts Mr. Meredi th had a spraine d ville, Obio. u Olen. day Elder Gao. A. Bret~ and ~te, Alma Maxwell. Roth Maxwell. I\nd should er and neck; and the restof C1aas. Gordon, of Daykln , aPent MIlA Bertba Smitb and Ill'. and Mre. E-M.F "SO". Flande rs "20", Cad· the'crowd .w ere straine li more or MesSrs Jeeae Weave r · and Walter (;unday witb bie parents . less. 1:'0& 8ALE- -'Jersey Boll 2 yearl . Newto n Smith and aon illac "30" and all kinds ot accessories C p}d. "nd two yearlin g heifers . Dinwiddie. Their ~atlon/l were all Tbe baooala\1fea~ aermon wu Mr. an., Mre. Frank aawes were for sale by Ray Mills, Corwin. C. F. ElUott, W Ilyn~lIVtlle, Oblo. Ohio. good. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING deliver ed by Rev. A. K. Sargen R R 1, Borne Pbone 505. CellterIIr,. and .Mra, ~CbaJ'. ,'Brelsf ord en. tbe M. E . obqrob Sunday night. ' at enterta ined by 'beir daught er, lire. vHle.ExobuDKe . Jer~y BoJand and famlly Bnnday . Missel RutA ThomM. of Frankli n, te~ained thetoU owing ~etToesday Mr. and IIr8. Jobn Barlm The dwellinsr·house of R. M. Duke an, of dinner. . and Mabel Moore, of HilIsbor9 have west of Lytle, WBs strucK by and Wedne aday who oeme 0 at. Wilmin gton, epent Saturd light- CEME NT Brlolt 00 band fl11 the ay and • - • been a'llesta 'of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ninfl Friday morninar; about t.nd tbe comme ncemel lt, Mr8. Wm. Sunday the gneats ot Mra. 6 o'clock . time, RJok Face and , Rop~ Margar . 0 I Cro88. Connin gham, ot Greenv tlle; Mrs. It struck the chimney and jumped . Face Brlok and Cemen t Blook , . relon .T. D. BarDes s and obUdren, of Ilear a. WUltt et Levioy.and family. to the roof where it tore the shin .... be ordered . Inquire of Mrs Frunk . Mr. and Mrs. Cbae. Cornell a n Xenia, and. Mrll Barry Weave r an4 d ' Onr 8igh Sobool Comm .noome nt .~ l'ratt · Don't forget tbe ~tnooln Lellion Mr. and Mrs. Clint Spahr Ipent ,' MiN N0fa .rewer, ot Dayton . Sat- lea off i~ g~eat pr~fusion. The loss l wtll take plaoe Friday nlgh&, May Tempe rance progra m at tbe . U. B. urday and Sunday with frientis at was inslgmficant. l(erry Mill8, of Dayton ,. visited 18th a~ Town Ball, uuder the . EGGS tor batohin g GOo.p er eetting rel.Uve a here Friday ·and &turda y. aReme nt of Prof. Roodeb usb, man. oborcb 8unday mornin g, May 211t, Lumbe rton. A farrr.er by the nanie of Day, who '3'. C. B. J4tn~t06, 1:1. wbo at 9 :30. ),flu J. E. ~I\gley and 80n J OIhua. hilS gl veo tbe patrone a very lives north of Lytle, lost two hones Utgbor n and Wblte Plymo tb C. B. 800. Rooks Mr. an t Mr8. George Baoker spent Mr. and. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. in the spe~tThnr8day in Dayton same storm. '088i1fulsobool year. Mrs. Harrie t Furnlls Saturd ay in Oinoin nati. , R. I). 2, J. O. Cartwr iflht and Miss Georgia BorD • -. i Mr. and Mre Alpba l wayne evtlle, Oblo, Phone IX on 33. Ali ti 1Ii ./ A W d i Steven s,.to Mr •. a fine boy. ZlI.ln Arml&a ge and MlslEd _ na Hadden 8utoed to- Leba,non Satur. ss a e nn ar, a p oneer NOTICE - e oltlzen ot tbis plaoe tell Satord ay Bnenoer we~e io Mr. und Mr8. &. M . M artz SEED Oorn tbat. wlll gJ;'ow. ' Inn·' Lebano n &turda y. day afterno on. • All persons tertaln ed the C. E. 800iety of tbe mornin l fraotur ing her hip, indebte d to the late quire at the Kelly lin~ TlDn~y Presby terian oburoh last Friday thle writing ill sulferi ng greatand at Wbtle tbetA MI88 tJpenoer beud Dr. There .will be a &ale of household Dr. John Hyatt will please call at Ifl1rm, Wayn88vtlle, OblO, pbone pain. Fus gtve his add"ell8 betore tbe evenin g. "b Mr. and Mrs. W. 83-3 and other Koods at the residen ce of The Oitizens Bank and settle Welob, Mes arren Coon t y t 880 ere. ' promp t· Mi88 MIt!rgaret Raper, of Dayton , dames Sarah HarlanW. . and Lydia liar " Mr•. wm Kereey baa retnrne d to MI'II. Kate. Hyatt on Saturd ay. May Iy. ie visiting her grandp arents, Mr. vay attende d monthl y meetin F •. C. Hartso ck. Admr. g at her home here. and IIr8. Lewis Raper. 20th, at 12:30 p. m. APER NAPK INS-T he Gazett e Kate S. H~att. Admrx . Mi8" Lorena. Brown , of Dayton, ill Wayne sville aiatorllay. office bllndlell tbe plaia white • ... ~-Quite !l Dnmbe r attende d tbe Mn. J,sse I Burton. fell on the visiting her relativell bera. !Lnd oolored napkin s. Call and t'ee Our fertlliz er plant II verT busy oloaing exeroises ot 'be 8obool last stairs Friday , and.haa been laid up MOVED HIS SHOP thein. runnin g to their fuU oapaolty. Friday . since then. She haS Buffer~ a great Benjam in Weeks has purohaaed .Mrs. Horaoe Willon , of Spring . deal fro.. the effects of the fall. Chas. Reynoltls, of Corwin, moved a beautif ul oream 9010red driving boro, 8pent one day laet week l~RUE PAPE R-If yoo \"14n' witb hill black8mith shop ' across the road T any oolor of fine ti88ue p,Iper, borae, Mr. Weeks lodgm ent tor bel' lister, Mrs Retalli ok. ·Mrs. Joshua HGllaad and daugh· to his aew location last week. <mil at tbe Uazett e offioe. Wf: t" V~ , horsem anship OtLDDot be exoelled • --- • ten, of Xenia. attende d Orthod ox It OD hand IlU tbe time. • .. • Mrs. DaillY Levloy .Barteo ok 're Fancy Tenn Straw Quarte ' eS rly berrl . Meetin g Saturd ay and .• He "·lIed on the Conatlt utlon. .Time to Paint • 8hlp. turned ,t o ber bome 10 Dayton Bat . e an f am· latest thln« In Ibip pain Un, il were goests 0 f D • L • raned , . Received fresh, every ·Jay. John ... Lowe, .who once W&ll a memurday night a.ooompanied by her sis- to The apply no paint at all-not until ily. bel' of the eirew of the historic ' frigate ter MIss WANT ED Mary Lev.ioy . they bave been at IIl1a tor Puffed Wbeat Coupons Conatltutton, h&ll 'dled at hll bome in Many trom her' took in tbe Wild monthl at any rate. The con.tanlome t~ Miss Bring in your coupons. We will Marker , a mi88ionary of Portamoutb, N. H.• aft~r II. IIhort· Ul· West sbow at Dayton ~onday. palnttn« of armore4\ IIhip8 Ihlpi Corea, will talk tQ the ·Women's For- ne~e. ,He was born redeem them. . 'Mrs. Maud Ander80n and 80n. with steel hulll involve. an.and lD , New '. York MAN pa8t so *Uh borse 8nd bug · enor:mous eiin Mission society at the 'reai- 'January 8, 1824. When .be waa ·lIeven- . cost, and _ince it bas been found th.t dance of 'Mrsary New Potatoe s, Cabbage, Lettuce Culton ' Walter McClure Tuea-' ·teen 7~1'1 old botb of h la p.renta der..in·gy to 8e11 stook 'o onditio n po~. , ot Dayton. returne d to when a veHel ill allowed Warren Douuty . Slila~y 170 We keep it crisp and fresh in our 1 • , ' , dled.: After a . Hmlted amount o( per ' mlln'b. their bomeF ridoy nlRh' after sev. patnted for 'several 'monthll tothego un- ' Addr8l s 301 Unity Mist Machine. . .tMt day·aft ernoon . May' ~rd. IchooUoe he learned the trade of a bldg., I~lanapoUs; ~ndlan erB} week8 t Vl8it among friends . Ical~s. : which' "'.\JAlly come 10CMl8 un. ... . Radishes ' Cucum~rs . " . . ' , . I~De ' lD&I9n, ~ut 10 1853 enUlted del' the paint .fford an OpportUD- .. A1b~rt ShIer, 'C?f . ¥o~w, was 10 In ~ Marine Corpa ' at heBrookly . The Zion Bapti8 t oburoh 'gave Ity ' for rust and n to' .attack 't~ 'IUrface, .town '. Thu1'8day ·. ~~pecting Sweet Orange s . . . the l1a"7 ~ '~d': aftti' ••~ort atay at a 800111.1 ' in Town· Hall BatnrdlL' wear oft. ·'· th~ Brittlh «overnm Tliin R;nd Lemons elit 'Ii W~nesyjlie Cannin g Co~. plant. , the .y ard, barrack night. " . ~.Igned ~~ t~e , . '," , experi~.enttn. wltb. unp.lnted craft. The Moriow ,(009. : is eontem platinfl 'ConaUtutto~ then ' , cOmmanded" . ,by: Mr, ' and Mrs. ' ~aoob Raeoe, ot . Special 'Sale Cakes .The.tra . inlnl .hip JIlxI!D0ut~ waa the utti.... ·' m. n~w ·m-:.:.:l.:-etou, like o.1:.':'·t Pommo , dore llue M.yol Tl;Ie p - - -.....- -.... If ... Dayton · Bpent BUbday With lin. ft. J'8 t. one tried . 1t wae liven .. White Clever Honey' , Cakes. I&CIlW 6J' WIA IIOOD. lett New York for Gibraltar 'ship and . -"~ two. , " . Ii' ' . . "'. " . . . ·.month a s -.. at ··lD sea the wtth ' .... no • ...... paint rran·;., . ~pecjal .sale ·thi~ week an. .... 'then ' ':~d " ~ in ~ ROO ere. ,M , for ren~ allx' to ~oIe' ,to~. . ~e s gr.nd!D 0$her" 141'1.. Alh. _liYen, tout Coati In dry dock. gnu - - . . ..~ .. At th" W tunleCt to thI8' eouhtry In '1865. On ' " ~ore, and brothel', Warre~ ' Smith ' eild of .·ftv~ ' 14!an ~re. :1,9'u lca~17 ifr" Ad~re~8 S~e \'e PbiUipe, .~ b. , . 8 . for 6 · ce"t& . J; ~ McCGy , .. ' .~eterl nary tJie m~~Uo n of, ~a eDll.tment: Mr~" and retarne d ho'm e .BDnday ev.niD i: a ·:trace ot w~r ezOe~t at ,the O. B. or .1nqqlre oli<jr~ : ~ ", 'S~ wi~~ow water 8U~Jl. Wathin gton, C. 'H., .Wu 1.0.... re-eo~ted hi U .58 ani! went to ' nex,. . . . . 1lne au th bottoUI" ,) oor. lD rt, Oar fa"merll are, very bQJY ' plant,. tile ~ou~ Dayal .tatlon In 1be .' . . e wa. pe ec:l iD town' Monday Jookiti g ~er tbe 'NIiIIl . ,.. . wbet£, .be wu MIlt there ~ be' 1:'0& RBNT lng norn " . . _ conditio -BoQf n. · 8 The of f~r idea lood ~ .' • . q. ftelcl . • P.repara se.ted by A. C. Bol"pf el, ..Int NlIaDt. ., a • .".. . traUfilr red .t,o , ...... r ' 1:~ •• eleokto 11-'1.* w ~bo bad . tOry to , _~lllbq (ieorg~ . Scrogg y', . ~nl1alag W~I .m:ade .. atUd1 _ . . 11.* til , "fA" or the J!lxmoutb, Uld b~ 1aefe iD a abort .u I'I»~ wma. _r. maIIia. ~cb at tbe Da~ nns i.Dd ~be kI~ If ~ buD' lunok ~.UfCb'DiDB Tllmd,aT ,fter. now: the .~I ·I~pe ..... aUput' aD~ I .o~t' to McCoy II·. andua te of the O. S. V. IIiI'ftI oat bIB MOOD4 " "·of ~ nOQa. . . ' 00 ~11~ . . . . . . ~ . . 1M,)&)[ before W ... pabated. " . . . . .t'Colamb1al. i ~_ .~ .......-. ''"~ ,,_ ____ . , _, At " ~".~-:... , 0.
Springfield, SSe
An Imp orta nt Idea
Columbus, $1.40
' l e' The Dayton Automohl C'0.,
The Neighborhood News
.- ---
Ola saiH ed Ads
................ ............. .
r.t Jt•.
E:]X'j Y ·H1 <l'ND
. most of th em ay her stage appear· an ce.
Commencement of the High School a Big SuccessLarge Audience
work. and was fully enjoyed by all who attended it.
~-!, 1911.
1-------------+-----------1 P 1M'" H
J~; ~:a~:.,,: ~:~l;'a:l~'~~::~ , +__,=~o.?.a _-.:~~~~l.-~~-~~d- !~,~~_ Miss An na '1 hompsoll of Dayton . ,.: . . '. attended Alumni he re 1· rulay nig h t.
Miss Gl ee Hess, as the class prophet was brilliant, and her prophecy was a good one, creating a good deal of mtrth as she prophesied in the years hence of what her ciaslmates woul d be doing after parl.ing from the school and taking their vacations for life. Supt. C. A. Bruner. in a happy characteristic speech, presen ted the diplomas to the class. and the commencement for 1911 was ovel', making it a successful one in every de ~ tail. The Stokes Family orchestra made good music. and their playing waS a feature of the entertainment. •
Mr:;. Edwin Chandl er has be n quite sick, wi th an attack of pneumonia.
10:30 a. m., sermon by t he pa to r, H. W. Bailey, . I' C C. . 2 p . m., Memorial se rm on by the . . aley was tn Cincinnati pastor. Tu!:'stlay on bu iness. No se rvi ce~ at night. Hanll on Dak in, of Lebanon, was in Praye l' Meetir .g Wedne:;tlay, 7:30 town Tuesday for a few hours . p. m, Rev. H, W. Bailey.
----_ ..- - -
AlUMNI Meeting the Rest Held in Many Years- Fine Program Rendered
Thursday evening the thirtv-eighth Mr. and Mrs. Nur Haines , of CorCEMETEI(Y NOTICE Th e t wenry·eight h annual meeti ng Little George Hende l'son is con va· win, moved t () Daylon last week. annual commencement of the WayneH of the Way nesv ille Hi gh School lescillg' after a very seve re attack of ville High school took place in the The lot owners of Mi a mi Cemetery Mrs. John Hyatt is moving to Day- Association will take not ice that the AlullJni was held in the' School Audipneumon ia. school auditorium. The house was ton, wher e "he will make her future annual meeting will be held on th e torium last Friday evening. crowded to the doors. many stand· Cha'l. Lacy, of Dayton, son of Mr, home. A t 8: 15 the goa vel was sounded and Cemettry grounds Monday , June 5. in&' during the entire evening. and Mrs. Thos. Lacy, is home sick. the president., Mrs. Eva Janney Long, 1!)}1, a tone o'clock P. M. The clBE.8 this'year enjoyed the dill. The 6·weeks·old baby of Mr. and of pn ~ umoni a. tinction of having more boys than A full attcnd~nce of th e lot olVn- '84, very gracefu lly and in her char'Mrs. D. H. Hockett is sick with acteristic h'lP J.l Y manntlr gave her girls. and alto&,ether it was a class ers is earnestly desi red . Vernon Hawke and Wal ter La rrick measles. address to the alumni. that any teacher ought to be proud A. H . Harl an, Clerk. of Lebanon , attended Com mence: The secretary, Elizabeth W. Chanof. Their standing in school work ment Thursuay evening. . Mrs. Rebecca Hoblit, of Dayton, \VI dler. '.04 read the minutes_ of the last WIUI of the best, and the community was the g uest of her son . Mt'. M. V. LL BE ONE DAY LATE meeting and called tht- roll, about al<:Jo feel proud of the class Mis.'l Mariana Allen. of Springboro. Hoblit, last week . Owing to the fact that . Tuesday seventy responding. The auditorium was handsomely has been the guests of friends here , Chas. Cook left Tu suay for South ie Memorial Dny the Gazette will not Welcome to the claSH of 1911. was decorated in the class colors- purple during Commencement week. Charles ton , where he will take a po. b~ published untl! W e~ nesday . This given by J. O. Cartwright, '89, and an.d whi te- -and class banners and Mrs Lillian Reed: of Cincinnati, sition in the Loer barber shop. Will be the first t im e 111 tlm~e yeal's those who had heard him on other potted plants, together with happy U was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. t hat we have failed to get th e paper occasions never heard him to better faces of the cla'iS. made a pictur p ,Schwartz several days of last week. E-M·P " 30" , Flanders "20". Cad · off at its r g ular time . advantage than in his welcominll that will long be remembered by all I . iliac " 30" and a ll kinds of accesso ries speech, which gave him the opportupresent. Over the stage was the claES t Miss Mary Smart, of t he Episcop~ for sale by Ray Mills. Corwin. Ohio; nity to pour out his eloquence in a motto, "Nul' ein anfang," done in U U I Hospital, Mt . Auburn. Cincinnati. golden stream of oratory. white letters on purple background ___ altended commencement here Thurs· Miss Mary , Goode, Mrs . Albert The response WIUI neatly made in At 8 o'clock the Stokes Familv or· day. phar and son William, Miss Clara well chosen words by Kenneth chestra. of Dayton, played a selecEverything is in readiness for Lil e. all of Xenia. were week·end C!l~e Hough, '11 and brou~ht forth a tion, after which Mrs . Larkin of· U41 round of applause, fered a prayer. Then another selec· Memorial Day. and it is hoped that l Mr. and Mrs Frank Long and son guests at the rectory. Ronald Hawke in Sharps and Flats tion by the orchestra and the curtain all who can will come out. Tbe Post Clarence, of Colury1bus, we re the will assemble at their hall Sunday week·end g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and created much merriment, he spinwas rolled up and the play began afternoon at 1:30 and march to the W. H. Allen son, Dan. and Mrs. Callie Roge rs, of A Miami. Fla. paper brings the sad ning yarn gfter yarn. "THE STRIKE" M. E. church, where the Rev. Bailey Lebanon, were calling on friendfl' news of a deplol'abl e accident which Mrs . Ann! Lile Cadwallader, '75. 'II pre h th . I Mrs, John McCauley and sons. here Fl'iday afternoon. ed h I k' d "The Strike." the name of the wl ac . e memorIa sermon. Chester and Jack, of Springfield, a re occurr t ere a t wpe . causmg in her usual ignified manner, read play given. was very good. and dealt The program at the School Audi- this week's guests of Mr. and Mrs Osca r Denlinger has rented the the death of W. E. March, a native an excellent pape!;". "In Memoriam:' with the labor problem. a scheming torium next Tuesday is as follows: Israel Satterthwaite. room next to Cross Bros . store. and of Chillicothe. in which she paid beautiful tribute villian and a vein of love running Music ....... :.......... ... ...... CadE\t Band will be ready Saturday to serve 'MTh~, accident occurred at Mr. to the memory of the members rOUgh it all. The vilUan, of America Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright French Bros. ice cream. arc s fruit grove. He had gone whose death occurred during the . . t h' h . dh . ther e in company with two men in past year ourse,1s anxIous 0 secure t e riC Invocation .. ... Rev . L. O. Thompson enJoye avmg Mr. and Mrs. H ; W. b·1 d . man's daughter, who is in love with Chorus- Our Heroes Beedle, of Troy, at their home on It is rumored that Mm. ~ary Proc. an automo I e. an while they were A well-prepared paper, "Good the foreman. and forges a document. J\diiress·.............. Rev. Wm." A. IHaie Friday and Saturday. . tor Wilson. of the Lebanon Patrioe, looking over the g rove, he Wf'nt to I Night:' by LueUa Cornell. '05, .was making the poor forenlan amenable . Chorus- Sleep, CQmrade Sleep will be the nex t mat ron of th e Girls' the auto to get his rifl~. In taking , a fitting climax to the program. to the law. Not only this. but he Benediction ... Rev. J. F. Cadwallader Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Everly. of Industrial Home at Delaware. :Ohio. the g un from the machine, it was I The election of officers for next forces him to try to throw a bomb. Doxology Davton, attended Commencement discharged in some manner, the bul- Iyear WIUI lUI follows: Warren Keys, and the villian shoots, only to kill . here Thurs~ay evening returning Mrs. Harry Cleaver was taken to let entering his brain. and causing : pres.; Anna Meredith, vice pres.; Eva his own father instead of the fore. After the exerc1ses, the Post ac- home Friday afternoon . Springfield Saturday evening where instantaneous death. When the Davis, sec.; J . E. Janney. treas. man. He laY8 the blame for the companied by the Cadet band will she will under~o an op eration in the news of the tragedy reached Miami, After the program an hour of so· killingon the foreqtan. but eye-wit- march to. the cemete~ where the Miss Helen Hawkins. daughter of hospital at that place. She was ac- dozens of his friends, including sev- cial conversation was enjoYed, severnesses come forth and prove his in. graves >yIU be strewn With flowers, Mr , and Mrs. Benj. Hawkins. of companied by her husband, who says eral '.)f the city and county officials. al being present from a uistance nocence and all ends well. --. near Hillsboro, attended Commence. she stood the journey very well. hurried to the scene in autompbiles. making it very pleasant for aU. George Waterhouse. as Robert DEATH ment and is the guest of friends. The County Judge who was in the Excellent music was furnished by Belknap, the foreman, was up on his Messrs. Frank Zell. Chas. Corn,~lI. party, empaneled a jury on the spot the Howell orchestra. The caterer, lineS. and portrayed the strong charMrs. Lydia Rogers Ebright, Widow Miss Reva Wf11iamson daughter W. A. Cornell. ,H. A. Cornell, Henry and conducted an inve,tigation , F: C. Schwartz, served ice cream acterofamanwho,althoughawork. of Daniel Ebright, died ather home. of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Williamson . Prater, Harry Prater. O. W. Ham- which resulted in a verdictof. acci- and cake' Lemonade was se~ed man, was a gentleman, true to hi. 1163 West Horpe avenue, Dayton, of Dayton. attended Commencement ilton, J. M. Taylor. Ed Emley. John dental death. from punch bowls during the evening family, his friends, and htmself- al. Wednesday at 4:10 p. m'. Mrs and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jo·n es. Earl Conner. C. M. Robitzer. Mr. March was a resident of MiAt ' a late hour the alumni and ways ready to do justice to all. Ebright was born near Waynesville, C. A. Hough. Willie Haines, Ethan Crane, and ami for about fifteen years, where friends depar~e~, feeling that it was Kenneth N. Hough, lUI 001. Dod- 0 ., but for many·years has resided many others attended Barnum's cir- he was 'n leading citizen. His wife one of the best meetings they had son, proprietor, of the shops made in Dayton, and was prominent in reMrs, L. ·K. Botkin of New Car. cus in Dayton Tuesday. who is the daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. attended for years. good. His delineation of an old gen. ligiou8 work in her community. She lisle. Ohio, and Mrs. ida C,leman, of Gilbert Hill, former resident.s of Ross • - ••- - tieman, was true to life, and bis was a member of Grace M. E. Urbana,Ohio .. were &,uests of their . Among those who attendl:!d Al G••township, Greene county, is the prolinea, 'while few were spoken clear church. brother. Prof. C. A. Bruner a couple Fields' minstrels in Lebanon Monday prietoI' of Miami'p leading hotel, the and distinct: . . Mrs. Ebright was a citizen of of days last week. evening were: Misses Donna Hawku Halcyon House. Beside his wife he U LOUis Stephenson, the villian, tak. Waynesville for many years, but her Edith Mosher, Stella Lemmon, Nettie is ~I.lrvived by one daughter, Miss en .by Ross H, Hartsock, and his last years had been spent in Dayton. Misses Emma Hawke and Clara Salsbury. Messrs. Chas. Burnett Winifred Mar.ch.- Xenia Gazette. Mrs. E:bright leaves three children, Hawke, and Me'iSfs . Kal'1 Hawke, Ronald Hawke. Edwin Ricks. Harold Mrs. March, who is a sister of Mrs. father. Alex Stephenson. taken by Hugh C. Ridge, were a good pair of all of Dayton. They are: Ella Kenneth Hough and James McClure and Dean Howell, Russell Parlett. C. A. Burnett is well known here. schemers. Of course. their scherri. Ebright, Joseph, who is connected attended Commencement at Spring Oscar Smith, Fred Hawke and Lou she and her daughter Miss Winnifreri ing availed naught, but both made with the Rike·Kumler Co., and Sarah Valley Saturday evening. Printz. . March having visited Mrs. Burnett The a~nual convention of the Warmuch out of their respective parts. D. Ebright. +- - - _ ,- _______ several t imes. • _ • ren County Sunday· School AssociaHerbert S Ed d F d The funeral services proper were' tion will take place at the East Bliptist church in Lebanon, Ohio, May Harding" the dlerk, w;~. os'w:in l~~e held at her late home. in Dayton at with Carrie Belkna was histrionic 6p.m.Thursd3y.• was 25th and 26th. Theprogramisre• d p, brought here Friday mormng. AfM . U h P tQ a great egree. He put a Anap t h t . t th h I th r. and Mrs. C. A. Bruner were I Mrs Henry Satterthwaite enterplete wit good "talks. rof. C. A. as into his lines that made one look up berd or . ~rv1~: c .;pe h e guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T, Hawke ' lained'at a turkey dinner Sunday at Bruner, of WayneSVille, will have and tak! notice, . and . his part while h O bY wdas mderh~eld y. eM~1 e.o er at dinner Sunday. , the home of Mr George Mills the charge of the Round Table on Thurs· . I' us an an c I ren In laml ceme· . . day afternoon. onI y ~ cIer k , was. mstrumenta m tery followmg guests: Mr. and Mrs,. ~IllexpOS1D1' the rlUlcaltty of the schem-' ~ _.. )mor Bailey, Mrs, Lina Devitt, Israel Several. of our . Sunday-School Mrs J D Marlatt and daughters S . ' . . . workers Will attend. ers. atterthwRlte and family, and HenProgram for the MUSical and Pie - - -Karlton Hawke, a9 Drakes. the Jessie nd Helen were entertalOed ry Satterthwaite and family. (Social in I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday • _. dissolute character. made quite a lot U by Mr. ~nd Mrs, Burton Earnhart , , levenin g • M!lY 2~. 1911, for the bene. HIOH SCHOOL BASE BALL of fun by his funny Irish sayings, and fam11y Snnday. Monday being the 17th birthday fit of the Cadet Band. The game of baseball between but anniversary ria-htwas timealways on the spot at the b t t t offi Mitlsf hEdith f' Sheehan. d h Selection ....................... ........ Band Waynesv1'1\e H'I an d H'rv a eysb urg H'I . a Oll w~n~. ve.o er. nen s w 0 Piano Solo ..... Miss Ruth Zimmerman saturday afternoon was a most in. Ariel Dddson, the daughte~ of Mr. and Mrs. J '. E , Janney ' enter- hnd been mVlt,:!d by her sister Rachel. IReading .... , ....... .. Miss Edytha Macy teresting one. but the rain stopped Col. Dodson, taken by Miss Justina tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long, went "" nd gave . .. ......... Orchestra the ~ame after four innings liad ' . to her 'lome ~ , her a Selection ...... ...... ... Hartsock, was the lead of the play, Col. Robt. Cowden of Dayton, the Master Cl~rence Long and Miss Ro- genu~ne surprl~e. The evenmg was P'l 0 \ Miss Ruth l;lartsock been played, the score standing 1 to 1 and her acting was superb. While Grand Old Man of Organized Sunday wen~ Wright at suppel' Saturday ha~PllY spent IJl games and conver· an Du~t ) MissRuthZimmerman at the end of lhe fourth inning. a very difficult pat't of love and bate, School work, will head the big pro. evenmg. satlOn .. Ice cream and cake we.re Reading ......... Miss J)Jstina Hartsock Both teams were playing fast ball. she carried it through, and her audio cession of 1500 men at Dayton on ser~ed at · ~ seasonable hO I·r. MISS Violin Solo ......... MissGrace Carmen and it was hard to determine which ence with her. to the end without Wednesday evenin&,'June 7th, on the Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader Edith receIVed many valuable and Miss Ruth Hartsock, Accom,anist side had the 'best of the contest. ' a fl~w. ' . . ' occasion of the fi(ty.second Annual were 'guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Will useful presents. Selection ........................ , .... ..Band • - ••- - !dISS Clara Hawk~, as .Carne Belk- Cpnvention 'of the Ohio Sunday Benecke at 6 o'clock dinner Monday Big Piece Pie, all for 10 cents. NOTICE na~, was also fine 10 ~er part. Her School AS90ciation. the affair being in honor. of Mr.·BenOne of the pleasant · s9cial events - - .••- - actJ~g and staie bearmg were both 'F or fifty ye~rs 001. Cowden has pcke'~ parentS, ~ of Defiance, Ohio, for the graduating class of 1911 was HAD 810 PICNIC All persons indebted to, th~ late quah~. , a!ld she ~ade h~r p,a rt rarely;. missed a Sunday School Con .. who are .here 'o'n a visit. a ~ o'~lock dinne~ given in their·hon.. '- ' Dr. John Hyatt will please call at ·a le~der of the play. ' . ' , vention in' this state. He has attend. or at the home of Prof. an:] Mrs. C. Lytle Sp-ecial School District had The Citizens Bank and settle promptM188 Emma Hawke, ~ ~ettie the ad everY lnfemationlll Convention . . A~ Brunpr C?n Th~rd, street. , The din- a big time-a regular picnic, in f~t ·l y. ' C. ' Har.tsock~. ~dmr. unfortunateyoun.l~dy, m~ea~od sinc.e 1875: Ohio's · Grand ' Old Man Monday evemn~ a ~ew friends of 'i~g room was tastilydecorat-ed in the -in the Lytle hallla!Jt Friday. The Kate S. Hyatt, Admrx. appearance, ~nd whIle her h~es were ,is eighty years of age' and promises Edm~nd ~tal~ICk, rememb~ring , cl~ col9!:s ~nd the place cards .were .thr.ee 8Chool~ of the district had dis• - .; ,. , few"she I~e them. ,!,~ll ,indeed. welJ to attend conventions 'f or at t~at It was hiS blr~day walked In on m\1l111ture ' P1ctUl'~ of .the M. E. plays of their year's wo~k. and the CO~N FOR SAL~ , '. , Althoqh unfortun"te, .a nd a dia· least the next.ten /years. . ) h1m and sp~nt a very' agr.eeable eve- church decorationsfor bp.ccalaur~te. afternoon was spent in ....dings and . carded lo~e, abe , 'rot ' even bY.d.e-I · • - • . ning • . Tbeywere.M.r',and Mr,s. Thad night. After the, l!erving qf a Me declamations .and"a good social time'j ' 200 bu. 'Y4:11ow .ear . com, on the . . noanclng.the ~emers, There .re IDl)tbera who ,b rag Zimmerman and ~n, Harold, Mr. coarse dinner tbe rest of the evening At noon a big feast was served and 'Tibbals farm just weat of Buckeye M~GI~ B_, I I the maid, had .boa' bo-.;r Q)1Job 'be ohildreD loo~ and Mrs;" .Roh~. Crew, Mrs. Sarah passed quickly with music, readings the patrons· of the scblOls who at- Dool. Call Mrs." TibbMls, LeblDon, Vf1q fe" liDeI. but abe made . the llJ~.1b.lr da4. ' . Smith and Phineas Cook. ~d reminiacence. of school dQa. tended all~ a lOod time. Ohio. phone 216-Y.
Memorl O!ly .Progr!lm
An Acc,'dental Shoot,'ng
Sund!ly-S·h c 00I Assocla ' 't'. Ion
5 · IH
Musl'cal !Ind Pl'e S.ocl'al
t OCla appeologs 0 t e ee +-----------+----------.---
+_____________ f h W k 1
The Gr!lnd .. . . Old' MaD
I .. I
I .
With Those Who Labor Sarsapari,l la For Their Lord Is the specific remedy for th,at
~ T. ''''' ,
QUed willi IIbelves 11IIed with lull' books. III ono corner WU iI 1\ r ooUl wltb gl1Ul8 dOOI' marked " MI'. Br l' w ~ te r , Prlvott'." AI!~u r t' dly no cUlluul vleltor could gU I'Sij fro m t ill' uppe arDnCl' of the pillcr tllll l UII ~ W Utl tlll ~quarlers uf one oC tile DlOHt brlil1~nt legal rnlnd tl In t\w .:ounlry, ye t In thic very offi ce h ud been Ilrt'llul'ed lIome 0/. th e IIl OtH !'N I!ll\tionul vlc-to.lell ever reco rll ed In th' lo w cOllrts. ,'I!lllors t o .1 udg B re ws te r'S oro ce " 'cr not Inan y. A man of lIuoh r e o no wn was nn t ura lly e xpensive. Few could a{ford to re tain his services, a nd In fa ct h was s Id om called upon tllCUn pt to ac t In the Interest ot w ealth~' corporations. In theBe CUet!, of COllrse, his fees we re enormous. H e had verl' fe w private clients; In fact. he declined muc h private pract1ce that was offere d t Q h1m. He had been t be legal ad \' Iser or Howllrll .J efrrl es , Sr., .cor many years. Tht! two lIIe n had kupwl\ each other In their YOllnge r duy s and practically had \\'on s uccess toge ther- tbe one In th e banking bUBlnesB, the otbel' lil tb e I5c rv1ce oC th e law. An 1m· portant trllst company, of wblch Mr. J e ffri es wos pru/de nt, was constantly Involved In all k\ rlds of litigation tlf wblch Judge Bre ws t e r had exelltslv£.' chargu. As Ihe lawyer found thl~ blghly r e m un rat1ve, It was only nat ura l that h had no desire to lose Mr. J effr ies as a client Seclud d in his private , office, the judge was busy at his desk, finishing a le tte r . H e folded It up, addrell6ed an e nve lope, then Ilt a cigar and look d at tbe time. It was three o'cloc k. The day's work was about over aad he s miled with satisfaction as he thought or the automobile ride In th e park he would enjoy berore dressing and going to his club ror din· ne ro H e relt In s ingularly good aplr. Its that afte rnoon , He bad just won In til «ourt a very' complicated cue which meant- not onl,. a hand..ome ad. dltlon to his bank accOunt. but II s ignal trlumpb over ble le ga,l OPPOO nents. Certainly, fortune smiled 011 blm. He had no other immedtntAl cases on band to worry abouL He could look forward to a few weeks ot absolute rest. H e struck a bell on bla desk and a , clerk entered. Handlb.g him tbe note be had Just written, be said : "i-Iave this s e nt at once by mea. senge r ." . "Very well, judge," an.wered tile clerk. "By the by," frowned the lawyer, "has that woman been In to-day?" "Yes- she sat In the outer otllce all morning, trying to see you. 'W e ea'iel you were out of town, but she did not believe IL She sat there . till she ,ot tl~ed , Sbe bad no Idea that you went out by another stairway." "Humph," growled the lawyer ; ". nice thing to be besieged In thla Iflau. ner: It she annoys me much longer, I shall send for the police." At that mome nt "nother clerk en, tered the room. "Wbat Is it. Mr. Jones ?" demanded tbe lawyer. "A lady to see you, judge," said tho clerk, handing him a card. The lawyer glanced at tbe bit of pasteboa'rd, and said Immediately: "Oh, yes, show her In.'' The two clerks le U tbe room and Judge Brewster, atter a glance In the mirror to re·adjust his cravat, turner! to gree t his visitor. The door opened and Alicia ente red . She was fault· lessly gowne d, as usual, but ber mu· ner was fiurrled and agitated. Ev1. dently something bad happened to Ul~ s e t her, and she had come to makb he r husband's lawyer th e confidant ci h er trOUbles'. The judge advance':! pllantly and pointed to a chair. "Oood morning, my dear Mrs. Je!· fries; how do rou do?" " Is Mr. J effri es here!" asked Alicia, hurriedly. "Not yet, " h e ' r£>plled, smiling "This Is an un e xpecte d pleasure. think It Is the firnt time you have g r9..Q~& m .~ Q.mc ~. ~Ith your presence." " How Quiet It Is here!" she ex' claimed, looking around nervousl,.. ..It Is hard to belitlve this Is the ver, centor of the cltl'" Taking the se~ offered to bel', Still went on: "Ob, judge, we are dreadfully WOfoo .ried." (TO BE CONTIN U ED.) wen
P O lIll ~\ ro UIl
}f (l Wll r r1 J ~ rrr h'M, bRII', .. r ·" I ll .. " \' 11 I n fl" "II " o r HO\)I' r\ t n<\C'rw d . r ,·lItlW · HI Udl' IIt a t Y" It' , 1('" lIM /l I (" or (II,; · foC ' nnlli ln, n Ul r rl t'a tile cta u J,:'hh-r (l r fL K 1UU · N " r w ho , 11,,<1 In rrw on, RIllI l it ,lInow.1t'1l b ' his r ll. tl ll\r. I r " Ie nut (it \Y o r k 1\ lld hi al'.-pc rtl l C " l r uIIN. nrtcr wool1, wllo h l\l!
or..... \'
cJl gu.gN I In H OW lU"d'it HlepnrlPn.rcnLl y In l)rolil>l'I''('Ilklllg adv a lltl1go o r hi. h .,it. " " ,y wit h A II ,'la, ho b('('omeft a BO rt • r b.,dll l highway ma n. Uisuovorin g 111. t ru e (' h " I"I"' l r . A lid a d nlC'Jl him the hOUM ' . 11(' "1:11I1H I.or a noto t.hrOllllllllng lIul t'l dr. A rt dcalc" 'fj (or whom he a cted M ~ on lln"ls l on('r, detnund a n ~coulltlng. H e rlln,wl mill,,, good. Howard cl.IIs at hi. apa rtm onlll In a n In toxica ted conditio n to requ es t n 10lln of $2,000 to ona ble blm to tnltl' up II. bus lne8B proPOHllion. UFld l'rwoolf tells him h Is In debt up to hie y e. Howard drlnke hhnfHllt Into a mr. \l dlln contl illon, and gaOl! to H1 ep on 0. " tv UI1 . A caller Is Ilnnounced and Underwood draws 8 scree n around th e drunkon IIk cpcr'. ,\I\cla enters. 8ho d om 'lDdll a pn1nl lsc f rom Underwood that h e will not iOoke hi" Uto. H " refus t!l\ unless ahe will no ne w her patronage. Thls she refuses, a M tnkes her leave. Undllrwood kUla l\lfI1s!'lr: Th e report ot the I'lsI.ol Ilwa-. kens H oward. Ho finds Underwood dl'o.d. ~ e "lIzlng hl8 prodlollmant he altomplJl to tle~ a nd ta met by Underwood's va let. Ho"'ard .1. turned over to the pollce, Cap t . Clinton, notorlou8 for httt brutal tre',lment ot prlaonors, puts Howard thr<'ugh the third dellTco, an(l.finally gelll &n eJlegcd con.t 8slon trom lhe harlUlllod lil a.,. AnnI e, Howard's wife, declares ber bell f In h I' husband's Innocence. 'and Ba ys she will lear hIm. She calls on l off rl s , Sr, H o refuses to h elp unl_ e will cona 'nt to a divorce. To eave owa rd ebe conecntll, but when sho IIndll tat thc elder J rrrle.. doOll not In te nd to '*-nd b~' hIs 80n, xccpt fina.nclaUy 1111& orllli Itla help. Annie appeals to 1u41;O rews t r, atlorney tor ,Jotrrlea, Sr .. to ke Howord'$ CUBe. H e decUn08. 'C it
m o tl ..' r , AII,' I", IH
OWl ,· I n· lIm ~ t ' ''If"''N.
CHAPTER Xfll.-Continued ,
"Where are the women r" asked I Annie, trying to k~ e p down the lump that rose cbokJlIgly In her tbroat. He Felt In Singularly Good Spirit .. "Tbey're In a separate part or the "rison," replied the kee per. nle. Tau kllow 1 a m as Innocent or must sbow that your alleg d confes"Isn't It drp.adful T" she murmured, that murder a.s you are," slon Is untrue; that It was dragged " Not at all," he exclaimed ohecr"Thank God. tbank God !" exclaimed from you Involuntarily. 'Ve must find fully. "Those J}r~onors 'fare b etter In Annie. "I see It all now." tbat myste rious woman who came to prison than they do outside. I wager Her tears we re dried. H er brain was Unde rwood' s rooms While you lay on .ome of them are sorry to leave." boglnning to worle raplllly. Sbe al- the couch aslee p. Do you know what "But It's dreadful to be ooope ll up r eady saw a possible line of defense, my theory Is, Howardr' fD those Uttle cells , Isn't ltr' ahe s aid. " I don't know how It a\l happen ed," "What?" de manded her hus band. " Not so bad as It looks," be laughe d. went on Boward. " ' 1 don't know any "I belie ve you were hypnotized Into -They are allowed to oome out In the more about It than you do. 1 left you making th a t confeeslon. I've read of corridor to exe rcise twice a day for an to go to Und e rwood's apal·tme nt. On such things before, You know tbe bour and there II a s plendid. shower the way I foolishly took l' drink. Wben boys In ' college often hypnotized you. bath they can take:' . I got there I took more whisky. Be- You told m e the y made you do all "Where Is my busband's cell 1" sbe {ore I kne w It I was drunk. While kinds or things agains t your will. whis pered, almost dreading to b ear talking J fell a8leep. Sudllenly I h eard That J>lg brute, Capt. Clinton. s imply the reply. a woman's voice." forc ed his will on yours." " There It Is," he eald, poiutlns to a "By Jove-I neyer thougbt of tbaU" .. All!" Interrupted Annie. "You. too. .oor, "No, tGG." be exclaimed: "I know my head heard a woman's voice. Capt. CIiJltoo Walklnf; ra~ldly ahead ol ber and ached terribly after he got through all stopping at Glle of the cell doors, be said the r e was a woman III It." that questioning. When he made me rapped 10ud1,. on the 1roa &!'aUog and Tboughtfully, as If to herself, ahe added: "We must find ·that woman." look at tbat Illstol J couldn't resist cried: . "Jeffries, :l.ore's ~ lady come to see "When I woke uP." continued How· any more. But how are we going to ~ou. Wilke up there!" . ard, "it was dark. Groping around break through the net which the poI A white, drawn face approached the for the. e le ctrlo light, I stumbled over lice have thrown around me'!" "By getting th e best lawyer we can crating. Annie aprang forward . something. It was Underwood's dead "HowartH'" she Bobbed, body. How b e came by bls death I procOre. I shall Insist on ,Judge Brew"Is It you, AnnleT'" came a weak have not the slightest Idea. I at once ster taking the case, He d'e cllnes, but ..olee throu&h the bara. realized the dangerous position I was I shall go to his otllce again this after· "Can't I go In to him?" abe 88ked In and I tried to leave the apartment noon. He must-" Howard shook his head. "Ieadlngly. unobserved. Just as 1 waa goln" "You'll not be able to get Bre wster, The keeper sbook his bead. Unde rwood's man servant arrived and "No, m'm. loti must talk througll he . handed me over to the pollee. He would never dare offend my fatber the bars, but 1 won't disturb y:ou:' That's the wbole story, I've been by taking up my case without bls perH e walked away and the husband here slnoe yesterday and 1'11 be devil· mission. He won't even see you." :'We'U ~oe," she' aald quietly. "He'll , and ""Ife were lert facing each other. Ish glad to get out." ~ho tears were streaming down An"You ""m get out," she cried. "I'm see me It I have to sit In his otllce qle'll cheeks. It was dreadful to be dOing everytblog possible to get you all day for weeks. I have decided to IItandlng t.hero 110 close aud yet not free. I've been trying to get the best have Judge Brewster defend you bebe able to throw her arms around him. lAwye r In the country-Richard Brew· cause 1 believe It would mean acqultto.l. He will hulld up a defense Her heart ached as abe saw tho dis· 8~er." · tress In bls wan, pale {aoe. "Richa rd Bre ws te r! " e xclaimed How- that will d efeat all Ihe lies that the police have concocted. The pOlice have "Why didu't you come before?" he ard . " He's m y fathe r's lawyer." a s ked. "I saw your fath er yesterday a r te~ " etroug case because or your alleged confession. It will takE.' a strong law"I could llOt. "liey WOuldn't let me, noon." sb e s aid quIe ti,. "You dill! " he e xclaimed, surprised. yer to figbt th e m." EarnesUy she Oh, Howa rd," slle gasped. " What a added: "Howard, it your life is to be dreadful thing tbls Is! Tell mo how " Was he wUlLng to receive you?" you got Into sllch a s crape!" "He blld to," I3 lie r~p1ie d . "1 gave saved we must ge t Judge Br ws ter ." "All right. dear," be re plied. "1 He put hi o; hand to his b Cl\d IlS If It him a plcce of my mind ." It Ul't him. and s he notlccd that ilia Howard looke d at lI e r In mingled can only leave it In your hands . I ey f; loolttld (Itloer . For a mOID l' nt the amaze me n l lind alliniratiun . That she know that whatever you do will be for a gony of a te rl'lble BWlplclon crossed should hav o dared to C01lfront a mlln the ueal nl try to be IIolI patient 8S bel' mind. Wns It l)os l3lblo that In a us proud a nd obs tin a te as his rather 1 can. My ollly comfort Is tblnklng of you, dear." momen t of tdrunlw lI recltless nea8 he us tollndl'd him . A heavy step resound ed in the corr1bad s hol Und<,r wood? Quickly, almos t ' \~'bat d ill h sa}' ~" he aslted eag· dor. The k e per came up. , b reulhlef)l;ly , Hht' whls pore d to him : erly . "TIme's up, m'm," he said Civilly. "Te ll m e qllickly, 'Us not tI·uo, Is It? "I I18I(cd h Im to como publicl y to Annie thrust her band tbrough the Y o u did n ot Itlll Robe rt Uude r wo od." your s uppo r t a nd t o glYe YOll legal H s hook his hc ad . ILSsI s t:1U C' I.'. II I.' l' (uRed, say ing he bars: Howard carrIed It revere ntly to .. :\' 0, " IH! said. could not be placed In a PO!litioll ot his lips . "Good·by, dear," she s ald . " Keep "Tha nk God for t haI!" sil t' f' lt. condoning II UCIt a c rillMl and thnt your c lai med. "Uut YOllr ('onfl'8S lo n- wbat behavior nud yo ur marriage hall made up your courage. You'll know that I am working for your release e very d es that n, ean 1" l)lm was h his buuds of y () U for c v r-" "I do no t kno w. Til ey told OI C I did T",o rs fill e d 1I0 wunl' s O)' OS and his mo~ e_n~: I WOII't leave a stone un · turn e d.'~ T hoy in!<is lcd I did It. H e was mouth qulve rccl. "Good·by, darling," he murmurt>d . >! un' I did Il. H e told me he kn e w I "The n my rattl e r bo\l e \'es me guilty H u looked at her longingly and did it. Ill- 8110wed me tbe pl sto\. He of this horrible crime?" he exclaimed. w as s o In sistent that ( thought he waa "He ins isted thnt you must be guilty, there were t ears In her eyes as sbe rlg ht- tbat I bad tlone It... In a 4eop as YOIl boll confessed, He offered, turned away. ''I'll be back very soon." sho s aid. w h is pe r ho added earnestly : " But though, t o give you legal aSSistance, \ 1.0\1 Im olV [ didll't, don't you ?" but only 011 one condition." A f w minutes later they were in "W ho Is Ile ?" dl!manded Ann it·. "What was t bat condItion?" be dl!' tb e ele vatOl' and sbe. passed through " Th e' police captuln." · wanded. .the hig steel gate once more Into the '·Oh. Capt. Clinton LolLi YOU' you "Tlmt 1 cons ent to a divorce ," re· s un 11gb t s treet. did ' It ?" plied ADDlo qui e tly. HO"'ard nodd u(\. "Wbat did you say'" CHAPTEft XIV, " Yes, ile told me be kn e w , did It "I said I'd consent 'to auythlng if I He kept m e s tanding thore six bours: would help YOll, but wh en he told. me Outwardly, at least, Judge Brew~e 8tlonlng and questioning until I tbat even then he would not copte per- ste r's offices at 83 Broadway In .no .,,'aa r eady to dl'op. J t,'led to elt sooally to yol11' support 1 told blm we way differed- irom tbe otllces of ten c1o ..... ,i; he made me stand up. I did ,,"ould worry along without ' bis aa- thousand other lawyers who etrlve to Dot know 'w bat ' l was saying or doing. slstance. On . that I lert bl~." . eke out 'n dJftlcult',lLving In the ,most . H~ told we I killed Robel't Undot'o "You're a brjlve little womll,nl" oV!1rcro,,'ded of all the profeaaJona, w29'l . He sh~'ed me the pistol under 'rled Howard. Notlclns -her pale. anx· The, tlonBi'sted of a moc!e!lt Buite of th IItrong lt~bt. Tbe retlectioD from 10UH face. he .sald', rooml on the sixth floor.' There.,..as a th poURbed nlc:kel ftaabed, Into my "YI:)\!; too, must han ' suffered.:' amall outer oftleewltb a raJlect.off ~ )'eII , everything suddenl. bebame. "Ob, nev81' mind me," sh! reJplned fqeioeure, bf)hlnd whlcb ...t a bait blank, A few momeDtJi later the oor.·, tlulokly , "What we must do now Is to dOleD ctenographen busy COP7loC Goer cnm., In and Capt, Cltuton told !let ,ou out of this horrid place and le. . l docllments; ae many men clerks !1lim I l!oDlessl'd, Out It (lA't trul', AD. clear t~~ namQ before tbe world, We wltre w"ltint at lieaa. &lid the walla
H m men and religion forwa rd mov e ment Is ItUtting ready to Invade the me~ lro polllll n dlsl ri t and to , ~1\ s tir up th e me n or the chu rch as they n e ve r h~ ve bee n s ti rrer\ up. Tho obj ect of t bo 1TI0velllll ut Is LO bring th o cburcll, and th e ch urc h m e n Into dir ect touch with s ocia l and civic work, to make the churc hes a 1i\'lng vital force In th e II! of tbe community. The o rgn nl zallons participating In th o mov mont are : The Brot.horhood of Andrew and Philip, the Baptist brothe rh ooti , th e ollg r egallona\ Oroth· e rhood or A me rica, I he Drotberhood of D11Icll>l e9 of Christ, tho Qldeons (c\Jm· m e rc la l trnv ple rR). the International SUllday Bchool lLSsoc lation, the Inte r· national co mmittee of YOllng 'Mrm'6 Chris tian MAO lations , the Lutheran brothe rbood:th e Me thodist brot.ller· hood, Ute Ofte rboln brotherhood, tbe Presbyt e rian Brotherhood of America, t ho I'Totherhood of St. Andrew, and t he I rntted Pres byterian brotherhood. FOllr great ronference s have already been held. TheRo have been at Buf· falo, blcago, r\ll.9hvllle and Kansas City. Moving trom the four great centers whero the four conferences bave been beld, the work has spread eut and even th e fringe of Canada has been tou ched. The plans for the future are to push the work all througb Canada, along the Pacific coast and In tbls a c· tlon of the country. But that will not be the end of the work, It 11'1\1 only be the beginning. Once Ihe entire country has been en· lightened as to the movement and Infltructed In Its purposes, will remain the perpetuation of tbat work ; and that perpetuation will be done by the cburcbes themselves. It Is not the purpose to drag the churoh Into parUsan politics bu t It Is sought to place the 'hrl s tlan s!!ntj. ment of tbe community effe ctively behind all movements for civic rlgh tE.'ouIInos and for the uplift or humanIty, .
Tn June, Baptlsls of tbe world are to meet In Pbllade lphla. The re are mil· Jlons of them, one of the largest bod· lee of Chris tians In the world. The principal meeting Is called the Daptist World amauce. Wltb this alliance w,1II be held, on preceding or succeeding dates, tbe sess ions of the Northern Baptist convention and meetings of missionary and olher large· Baptist In· terests. The biBb bon or ot presldeM of the World al\1ance Is In the balance. The name ot the Re v. Dr. Robert 9 . MacArthur or New York has been proposed and Indorsed In Ne w England, tn tbe· west, and spoken we ll or In England. Southern Baptists are, how· e ver, rising to say that they have men fit for the honor, and that It belonp to them tor the double reason that they bave not yet had It. and wltbln the limits or the Southern Baptist con. ventlon are two-thIrds of the Baptists of the whole 'United States. EnSllsb and continental Baptista, who are comIng to PhUadelphla In 'numbera, oon· cede 'the honor to an American. South· ern BapUst leaders mention DO names, but rest their cases on the rotation principle, To thla alUance meetlull are coming Rustan Bapttst mlnlatera, their ' way paid by Americans. It Is authorttaU.ely announced, a\ld said to be Inte.nded especially for pasIIlble pilgrIms and other .Isltora from the Ul)lted States to Rome this year, that the pope desires Cathollca and non·Cathollcs not to participate In the otllclal receptton that may he glYen at the Quirinal or on the capital, It they expect to be received In audience by him. The present year tbe Holy See will observe a yefr of mourning, and no great functions will be held In St Peters er the Vatican. It Is declared to be certall\ that Plus X. will not aocord audiences even to Catholics thll year except In very limited number&.
;01, il todny in II SII I 1i'llIid fc.r m or ci to,olu cd talo lelH cnllctl Sarsatabs.
ACountry School for Girls IN Nt: W ' ''OKI{ VITV. lIHA L r~ LUm<! o f
l'Cl unH, nnd rtL1 urI' Q UL ·o f -lluor fl lJiUrt " 011 w h V\.,I SUHk of M rlu r f"J11 n " n.r lo b " J ludHUlI tttyur. A C"tl d n ull o t) .u nu PrlDll1 f1' lat&!I wU m dlul t lo n . M UMI a nd Ar L. .1 II "'NII ~ .... 111M "HlNI
_ _ :1 _
GETTING DOWN TO BUSINESS Brit ish Housewife Showed How t o Draw the Line. Between Se n t i. ment and Supper.
A prulXIl! u f King Georgo'" coron a· tlon .Iohn Qilinu o f th e lrl!lo Illd tipe n done · leagll u lIald Ille othe r u ay In New York : "T h re wlli he a IOl of e:nJllre talk and 1lIIIIt1rl ullMm t ulk to 8/>01\ the coronation . The F.ug\ls h Imperialis t , you know, pre fe rs to ta.lk about th o elll ' plre's frlngo, of whi ch he Is Ignoran t, ratbe r than about Its hoart, whic h h know il to be t\ls ea s ell , " The e mpire bubbl o wa oll ce pl'l k ed ni cely by an English hous wife . " He r hus band cam horue Il\l e on Ii Sunllay ai'le rnoo n s m lIIug of beer all cl toba.cco and very roo III tbe face. ., 'Ob : be Raid , ' I'v e had a fin e t im I've been t o au e mpire U\lteUug. It Willi grand .' " The u be frown e d and IlI\id Imlla tlenUy : "' What's tit m alle r with II II L1I)Or ! Ain't II r eady yet ?' " HII, wit, who was peeling po toes and holdin g a tlQullwklllg baby, ros e and exl ended th e baby to him. .. 'H e r,,: ah e said, 'take hold of your bl\ of til ('tnplre wblle l f ry t h !lit chips: " A NEW IDEA.
jPollticlan-There were severnl unlTammatlcal sentences In your 810eecb Inst nlgbt. The Candldate-l know; I'm m :\klng .- play for the uneducated yote. The MOlt a.autlful Thing. A newspaper recently Invltell
It" readers to state In a few words what. they conilidered the most beal/Urul tblng In the world, The ftrst prl"., waa a warded to the !lender of tb, an· IIwer : "The eyee of' my mother." "The dream of tl\at 'Whloh we know to. bA Impossible" suggested an Imagln.Uvn _ person. and this brought him s econd (lrlze. Rut tbe most amusing thing was that which read : ''The most beau· tiful thins In the world Is to SoM! a man carrying bls mother·ln·law across n dangerous riv er without milking aoy altempt to llrop he.r In.'' Even Her Mother. Her Mothel"-l teel, Mr. OwenH, that I can trust my daugh(el' to you. Ow ens-You can Indeed, madl\m ; everybody t rus ts me.
It Is a good thing to know wbsrr) Amerlcal'ls and Engllsbmen are tract· YOIl nre ~olng , lIud ·wbat you are gllD~ Ing fanlous pulplteers. At tbe moment Ulere for. tbe Rev. Sr. J . H. Jowett of Blrmlngbll.Dl accepts the foremost pulpit In the Presbyterian church In Amerloa, the Fifth Avenue, New York, tbe Rev. Dr, A. C. Dixon of Chicago Is Invited to the pastorate or Spurgeon's tabernacle, London, tho greatest Baptist pulpit In England, In many respects lu the world . An egg·shaped auditorium seating 6,000, the pulpit In the first balcony, the tabernacle Is located In a residence section to ·the south or the Thames, visited every year by thousands of strangers, anll ono of the reUglous focus j!polnts of the world, The Rev. Dr. Dixon, coming of a Bap tlst family of preachers long ramoul with aeam throughout tbe south, la pastor of for a breakfalt at!rter pro. Moody's churcb In Cblcago. It Is COb. duce it. gregatlonal, and over the question of Baptism the Bame controversy arose And th~'I a lot in ItArting aa arose when the. Rev. F . B. Meyer; I the day right. , BapUst, lent to a London . Congrega. tlonal cburch, and arlises now when You're. bound to h.nd the Rev, Dr. C, F. Aked, a Baptist, happiness to .~eone &I you lOea t~ a San Franolsco Congregation. al church. Each pro\llded a .baptistry, 10 aloos. and ' the more you continued ImmersIon himself, bilt let ,pe the mOlC! ~. · ~n a\allltant sprlnklEi suoh as !ere aat, leflelll w~th that form" If tlie Rev: Dr. B~, a P.~kal.' ·of pi, It Dixon transfers now from Chicago .to, toalti~I ' aod increale the lAndon, he will go to an orthodox Bap.' Ust ,chur.ch-th,t lB. he will retuI'D to ha~ ,.of tile .f...uI,J . ble ow..' It II reckcm~ tbat .he wUi
Could Do aett.r, The lecturs was on the economlOi of nature and showed that her lTeat destructive powee... w.e re Ulttd onl, to transform the elementi! Into othfr channels. "To Ulustrate," aald ' ttie protellor, "there Ie In one of lbe PacUlc leland. a ,yolcano which baa tor 18 ,aan bella pourin, 'molten laya into lbe ,·ace.... q.er a preclpl~ ' '400 .feet. ' hleb aile! eleY,n mll.a iOlle, E8P are boiled I. 10, . Paltoral ~larle. in ltpndon an' the OpeD lea 21 I,DIles a.&l." "11.1 IOOd!J..I!" ~ _ 'emlll_ .mall when 'compared wltb ObJ!'&P. . A lADdoa poetor wbo r.eeetyea . . . . . voice ID the audl8llce. 'Iwbat a rear II near tbe top. ID tNat dUet ~d what. a .ute of are and or ACWVW be ,. Dew . . W-. .&Ild fu.. oyer &, Uw. JIaIa IOO~" ·
*I.,..at. ...
tired feeling so common in the spring or upon the return of warm weather, It purifies and enriches the l:!lo d,
Get the
Happy Mood-
Post Toastles
JOST~" , Cua&L ,
ca.. LN..
a..u.c....-* '.
Br~Qklng I Hobo's Heart. tbe rcsults eaeb year better tbu Manage,t' G li B H urtz wn Mtan dlng those of the year before. near th e opem bo use box offl c' wit 11 Speaking a. short. time ago. Mr. S01' on or tw o Pflnban dl ers wh blld ender said : "I have always s ald tbat we teo:ed til lobby ap pron h d 111m. nnd. have the b st Irrlgat d cOllntry In t be bolditig oul an tilld reRH d alld seal d IUn quickly be. ~ b, Unite d states. Mr. Burl y gllve us II Tho mod st potalo Is not uffidently cbance to prove it. and It was as mu cb en\' lop{·. beg -ed t OI' th price r a CARTER'S L1TILE tnl{ n Into account. as a protl ucer at the opportuni ty 'of showing tha l we Those W 'J:1o Have Perman e nt Hom s Will Do Well to pOt;ta ge sta mp. UVER PILLS. 1}I'I)fi t for jbe man wbo tills th soil. could mak good , us th o money. whieb "It's for me mudd I' bO IS~," h II nl vConsider This Class of Pl unt.s-FBr More el d. " You'tle wOllldn' l ·t urn ,Iuwll ~ t; W . h('u r a bout Ih roman ce o( induced me to go Into this competl· Satlsfact.ory Than .Annu n l s . gll Y fer de IJrlc cr de >'1 alii 1'. would '\ h n.t, the ' kingly I' ul of Carll, tit tlon." ' YCl.IIse?" ' I:om ln I' ia l dignity of Oats n nd AlfalNotwiths tandin g hi s nchl evf' me nt, (B y BESSIE L . Pl·T:-.I A~ _ ) Ol,Hloor 'nrden what the "Never." said tb(, mlHlII,ll, I. d rtly fa, of Bnrley nnd fly , antl we co unt Mr. Snyder does not be lieve' tbot bls For those who have Do t mu ch tim g r l11lilill IS I.. IIH' win dow ga rde n. grns j)ln g th e envelop and Ih rowl ng It t hem B.R sour es of g reat wr aith for r ecoJO(1 wtll s Land . I Ie ha s too gl'eat ;]11 grow It. 11 Is u profuse throu gb th box om r' willelo\\' . " Here , those wbo mak e th e earth Ibei r serv- ' a faJth In the potato Industry a nd In to de vot to the garde n, tb e re Is no A ny 011 class at fiowlilrlng plan ts 1D0 re d esi r- bl onl 1'. I l ' OUll'S III a wid rung e or Fre d." ndressing bims(l if to TreasUllt. Iduh.o to pe rmit lIu ch au opinio n. "I able than the hardy per ennials and ('olors lnlll ll II In orde r to 8 c ure ure I' Fre d oa n, "sl a mll tlJl ~ a n d hav I1I;t. gra ntin g to the grafn s a nu tordo not think w~ have reached tbe limit, herbaceous plants. s...U PID. Small Doe... . SmaD Pri-. Take, ro r tn· be!!t I' "1111, . bllt k ep the iliac nnd it m a llf' d ." . uges the cre dit tho.t Is du e. th re are by a long way," he re marks, confi· stance, tbe peony. mll g IIt a VU lII 'I It" aW/ly from lhe pi nk 'l'be ve loefty of tl e pro e tl l ng fal~ Genuine ICllllbear Signat~ wi de s tre lcb s of la nu in Idabo prod nUy, and th ere a re tb ous and s who One docs not have to a cqu lre Il Itb- nnl l IWIII o-t OJ'l l'. lI u ll"SH you want col- Iy t ook th e panb a nd lf'r'", brea th a way. cluclng 'ash yi elds trom pot.atoes that are familiar wilh that counlry who eral 1I0rlculturnl f'ducaLion In urd r 10 or 111 ~ " "l'li of the; most {ggrosslve Th e n, !lacl{l ng a way t o wh I' b ill partUl llk the average g rOin production of ore reatly to e cho the (lsn rUon . know how to take C81'e at the m . kin d, 11 r awaIt ed him, be wlthlper d : " Notblitotes fanh er en \. app Ill' exceedingly The fne t Is that large profils from Most ot th em will' do we ll In ordina ry In' do ing, uO-th e gu y's wls . "-C l l'v~ Ula ll _ pOlato rai s ing In Idabo are Ibe rule, 50lls and flourls h und e r conditions un· land l..ead e r. \JSEABSORBINE.JR..u:::~ A ntI I bore aro 80 many Ulo'ro acros, not the exception. H . P. Frods ham, II favorable to the satisfactory de\'elopot t h Ilame kind , !hat h8.\·e not yet fl wolltJ '!. Vnrh'0 811 ~' . ,j ,, ~, ) ].0.'" '.NJ: .. farm er In the Ame rt can FAils distrIct. went of annuals. Clol t r tt, Wt u ."out. lu,d 1 h. ,n u u a U e "-" li ow Ill llCh clld Y'~i lJ' :isu wp ig b e ,n gi ven a ('han'c to sho w ' wbat commonly takes 600 bush.us from . aJ) ThOBe Who have p I'maner.t homes ~~~\~'t4n':~~~:~~n', ~'r ~ 1:~~~l~ri,~ ;S:Sif .. ~ (lIdll 't hn v no hay flcul c:i with til y cun do, thut th e money-making l'L"a~ ~rt). tll'lll I "".,"'1 I", h l l l" . ul lll,u, tJ 11c U.l~ • • uc re , his yi e ld pe r acre tbus being, at wtll do well to consid e r t.h m e r Its of ' ) Ih ~ U'U I{'U \l~ t h o tll'U t o r, J'o n b ht oWtlrtb? 10 , yo u lO Ut. But wh pl! I IllllleO h im )losr;lhlJltl cs or Idaho, so rnr nil pota'n~ ntL Lu r e' Lt.' IUn k.., VUr Ill AUt·u 1.. ,n:, ~ . 42 cents per bus be l, $210. this class of plants. leaving Ibe anD IIOul It low cl'cd th Ink '0 111' Inl'lllls." A llu., ,, L,l Bln tind Infhll flu la\t u ll. MIld. k.J:.O t o " alone nre eoncel'ned , 'Ilnnoi he plrll l'\ant, t o n ll4.'-<tul ~ kl )' a b~o ' I,,.,. JJ\l\uTt.»Som eone who Imows tbe condll\ou8 als to thosa who nre be re this sellson ! { Soil I s Not Naturally Rtc:b .. orn e fi Hh," cOlllm enl eel t h oth e r , ttMlim ated. St~bll' Manure Should Be Ap. In and the p088lblllties of Idaho has Ilnd somewhere e lse n e xt year. ti~~;~ 7/fl.", ~~'=~ '.~ 'iJ ~'t.rJ·¥t.~ntl~~rd ,:,~.. w'.lhou! th p quI\' r or nn cyp. itu lb . p1l,,4Helps 1.0 Hol4 MotaIda ho won nallonal publi c ity in 11110 1)(J1 1I.) Ilf oJ "'M II ' d ol l. "" oQ. Uo,," . 0 ~r. .. said that "It Is a. maxim In southern Not that we would advis e Ihelr ne gture tn Ground. " H{!wlncl s Ill ' o! 13010 1' ga ud sJlort I W. r . YO IJ~U , J' . D . r .. . IO T_pI 5....... 8 .. ~" _ liS th e r esult or tbe aw a rdlnlt of pri zes Idaho that the new settler, with Ilttle le cUng th e annuals wholly, h owf.! verhad (l uc k blllltin ~ 111.,;1 rall . I tl rfl d at of $600 l\Jld 12GO, given by Mr. D. E. or no capital or Implements, but with a nock or cl\H' ks nnu gnlherC'd u p fOll r Burley of Salt Lake City. Utah, for a willingness to work, cim plant poto, r do not want to be unders tood as meanIng that- but simply Ihat a eolIlly A . J . LEGO. ' qU ll rt i; or loes."- Clevf!lallrl Plain tit best aud ~e cond best yields of toes on his Irrigated farm the first The> :oIU I'(I <Iu d ha bi t of growth of Doal er . potatoes prodnl'ed on a alngl e Rcre of year and make a good JIving' for hly lecUon ot hardy plants will be tound land In territory tributary to th e Ore- famUy, besides Illying Ilslde money to 80 much mo~e satlafactory, all things the orn pi nt lJ a lu rull y ilU(~geBt s II Of) ,· ~o l i.e K)'~· Sol " ., t gon bart LIne, PacH\c & Idaho North. make.-11 necest!ary payments on hi s conside red, under th e condlUons of fertlllze r th at will t UI'IlI sh pi nly of Appl y o nl y rro Ul /\ ".·.. t .. • 'I' ub"" 10 'Vi\N'I· a,;Il- AI" nl ~. ,,"n"ploD 'oOD,.O'....". ~. which I have spoken. that their Qul- pla nt food tb rou ghout tbe growing ern , Idoho Northe rn , Idaho Sou th e rn Pr ",,~ nl Inre~ t1 " n . Mu r l n .- E~'" HlI l vfl I n IUIH1t' Y .tu Yllu tH "lUll , hoy .. "II"~ ' lJlM p "~ wi1n'U... land." I lIvatlon Is to be urged In preference 81'.11 lion. 1' u b~s - N ew Sl .. ,· ~r,c. hi urlnt - I~y . , Ll rt - I K lu\ht' n IhtrfttotJ \UtHI . \VrU o 11 0 ,,-, 1"1 IULO wh cb Jl\aIU. lind Payette Valley railroad s. y.,u ""0" ANNh! I,WKCIAL'j' Y I'V., Or l _ - . V lo u . 1l 2& -GO(·. E Yl' Bouk>; In " Ill h J>k l;. WlJlIllm B. Kelley, who owns 8 to that of the otber closs menUoned, 1n sf'le ' ti llg a Boll for orn this Th Oregon Short 1.. lne . toge ther mnch near Gooding, says: "We get which I. not saUsfa ctory unl css a point ahoul d hll ve du e cons id ration. with the amllnt d lineR mentioned 1::0 many potatoes to the acre tbat ",'e yo ur part BRAZILIAN BALM ",~~;:, r':r..~~·.irl',:· I~ "t'":,~ good d eal ot time and - labor are If th e 'soll Is not na lul ally ri ch In IIbov • trnverses the slates of Idaho, don't stop to count the sa cks." expended all !t. plant food It II; II. good U!ea to apply s om elim s ' rorge t.s to I'l! t urt l It.. Utah, Oregon, Wnshlngton , Montana Samuel I-ewls, also living nenr Good· U :,,:!! .I~~~~;: I Thompson'. EJII Water 'fhe Impression sellml' to prevatl Ule s tu bll' mll llur to th e land In· nnd Wyoming, so It will be readily Ing. reports as tallows: "Potatoes All th rules that g lHt r liT not . -==---=--=---:=..-.-.. tha.t R.nnuals requJre rtex t to no care, tend ed (or corn. The stable manure lie n thAt the winning 'o f prizes for grow large and thick. Six polatoell 'a nd are there forCl particularly adapt- Is largely compos c1 at vegetable mat· golden rill B. Yhl ch th er e wero eompeliLOrs from so from my field we lgbed 21 pounds. Tbe ed to the use ot tb e woman Who has ter wbl 'h will he lp to hold mois ture \l'ld e a territory was an 8CCOIDIllIsh- crop run II 600 to 600 bushels to the ment of great Importan ce to tb vic- Bcre, ODd can aways be depende<l but little time to devote to gardening. os w e ll a8 furni sh 1,Io.nt food 8S It The fact Is, thllt to grow annllaltl de n ys In tll soli. to rious s tat and of las tin g credit to upon ." \ Anot her poin t In favor of stable well you must give tbem n good deal th SlIC essflll groweI'll. . The price rec Ived by Mr. Snyder ot attention, especially during the mll nur(' for corn Is that It furnish es Th reRlllt s of lbls cont est. parU 1- tor his prlz -winning potatoes docs pa t d In by so mnn y o r jhe most prl)- not by any means r e pl'eseut the "top" ea.rly part of the season-sever a l mOllt pl UDt food durin g the bol Pllrt gresslve farmers In th prescrlue d dls- of the Idaho marke l . Much highe r Umos tbe amount of nttcntion , Ind e-ed of th o sear;on wlte n tll c corn Is mos l Iri t, w re amazing: and t he follow- prices bave been commanded Ilt vari. that will be required by (l good-sized In n e d at a regula r and con stant collection of hardy plants . s uppl y of nouri shm ent. Ing a ccount of those I' Hults. with figInfante ous limes , ye at the "2·cent rate reo Another argum ent In fa vor of thi s Th s tabl e manure IB deficie nt In ures showin g what th e return s si gnify celvC1i by Mr. Snyder bls profits wero clll.8s Is- that once establish ed yo ur pho s ptlOrl ac id a nd It Is a good Iden In th malter of profits from tbe la.nd, very large. plants are good for an Ind f' tlnlte I]i!- to a ppl y fl'om 200 to 300 pound s of t1houl d prov Interell Ung 10 veryone phollphute p r a cr e. The 8up erScores of Instances may be c iled to concerTI ed 1/\ ugrlculturnl arroJrs. rlod . Your garde n does not have 10 be phospha tes nre r adll y avatlable but' Ilhow wbat the lands of Idaho hold 'In made every s eason . . Through Mr. L. A. Snyder. t he first store for those who will put forth the In spring the plaIlts will ne d to t h soli ho lds Vh ospborl c a cid we ll prtze ot $600 WaJI won by Twin Falls c rrort tbat mus t precede success. be worked abou t , and freed from tbe und wh en a ppli d to th e soli It will AbCOHOL-3 PER CENT county, Idaho, ' wltb \.h e "Dalmeny ,Those who have succeeded In this gra8s whi ch will c;>n c roach upon Lbelr b~ It Id ro r th e u se of th e cr op. A~dable Preparalion for AsOballenge" variety o f potatoes. Tbe one tas k of potato roJslng, trace their territory, If allowed 10 d o so. t he soil I h n'\'o mad e It a p m tI a for II eond ptlze or $250 w nt to Canyon ~imitaling IheFoodandReS!ulaseve ral y o rs t o SIlpl y tho s tabl e m a n· Industry, of coun ty, Id abo, through MI'. W. B. GII- accomplishments to ti~ the Siomacfts and Bowels of ur~ to It sad for lhe ·r.orn. Tn t be course, and to' a ~tudy of condlUons ruor~, with· th e "Peachblow" variety. ea r ly Il prlllg It Is plow e:1 und er Illld and needs. But they could not have INl'.\~l ~ / tHILl>KLN I On his winning acre of Idaho land tb g round weJl harro wed. . Mr, Snyd r rals d 646 bu bels of pota- rape d .such harvests If IndUstry and fin d th is to work very ", 11. A few I Promotes Di~~slionJCheerrut t oes, we ighing 38,686 pounds. The de termination had not been fortified tiDl es I ba ve al so Il sed 160 t o ~O{) ness and Rest.Conlains neither ullil weighed -t,150 pounds , le nvlng lJ y Ideal condlUons or climate and 11011 . vounds or a good grn de s up" Su ch condlUons prevail In the agriOpium.Morphine nor Mineral 34,&35 pounds of the fln s t m a.rke tabl phosph I In nil dltio n to t he manure cultural dis tricts at Tdllho. The re Ibe palata s. or about 576 bushc IIj. NOT 'NARC OTIC nnd II nu th a t it pays well for the ground Is dch Bnd eage r. The re tb e At 70 cents pe r 100 pOllnds, or 42 ost !lnel rou b) of Il Plrl yi ng. H«'!w t/'()!rI /JrSAHlI£LPlTCHGR Is ondu. Ive to th e outdoor cllmat cu~ per bu she l. the price Mr. Snyde r Tbo flU]) rpl 08ph:: te Is di stributed !k.,./',;' S••Jtask. There the IIcheme of Irrlgalion r(l~'\led, the one prize aClr produced Abc J'",,,. • wilh til grnill drill, just before Ibe been so well prepared and Is eo has HOf/"lI, SJb In mon ey. tli retore, th e sum ot ~ orn II pla nted, unfaJllng tn -Its '8uppl~ that growing A" •." .t.." 1241.74. besld 8 the 4,160 POI nel K. or llP!.,mt,ioI • Sam fnr mel'8 go tu th e tro uble vf 8i(',,~ae,S.n.. • a lmos1 10 bush Is, In culls. \ bi h cr ops have water When they need It. ing th m nn u r In th e hill but pu t t IIh s • .,t With ",at r, sunshine and cultiva· we re availabl for home lise. (,I,,_~m' J''',V"' Ibis IUllcourllges IJl'OIICr r oot develo p· 'Yi"Ir~"'''. Mr. Snyder has give n to th Com- tl on to lJless th e c rops at propel' In· men t a nd oft e n does not give nil good .. . t rvals, th growing of potatoes, or m rclal Club of. Twin' Fall s sODle f urresul t B as t l\ lJI'Oau(''(Lstlng, lJesldes It Aperfecl Remedy ror<.7onslif>ll' any other agrlculjJlral or hortic llitural " til I' fn sit wing the poss ibilities of r Ijulr l:I m uch mo re ti me :lnd troubl e. lion , Sour Stomach, D.arrhoeD, potato raising In his scoUon 0: th e Industry in Idaho, Is as sure of abun· ] p l'erer to SII ve my owu s cd cOI'n Worms ,Convulsions .Fevcri5hdim\. cn.sb returns as nny of man's country. H reports tha t from three from a wl'lI t s ted li nd RCl'lImated n~ssand Loss OF SLEEP. be. a r S ot land he barvested 89'1i sa cks tasks can ----:~----va rt ty. l~xJle l'ie ll ce t nc hes m thnl - - -"- - of potatoes, averaging' 1 J 0 pounds to ne w v ri Ii s oCten prov e uns ntls· l'~c Simile S ignalurt of THEN HE WENT. th e suck. He solO ] .1i00 bush e ls at. 42 fact ory . c nt s pe r bushel , r e e lvlng $630, and ~ Beautiful Ch.mp of G'o lden Glow. 'b bad 75 socks left for se d. Protect All Game and Birds. An a.v erage gross profi t of $210 per will requlro fe rtll . ~lllg , nnd once In A bill I' enU y Introdu ced In f!!J ncre. wben we eons l!1er how mu c h three) or {ollr years he plants will be Cn llrornln legls latll r e by ' Sen!).tor s malle r Is the average graB profi t belt red by a divis ion of the ir roots. Dl rds a lJ prohibits t b., I!Iho o lln~ of m mo from nn acr e of grain , ,giv s th e r eRdThis Is about all this c lass of pllln ts or ga rliC: bi rds wltb au to mati c s hoter a fair Idea of what th Intensive PI)\' \ Om ask at you . A gre at many CIlD guns or pu m Pl; uns. Statistics com· tato farming opportunities of Idaho be atlended to In a day , you will find. pll d by ('astern organizations Inte rreally are. And the work Is much cas ler than es te d In I he movement e s ti ma te the Going a little more extensively Into that at making beds and pulling outp ut of s hQtguu h ells by th e four . . , ' figures. w may sately I,resumc that weeds. large t Rlll l'Tlllllttlon oo rnp onl os , last the av e rng family of, say, {lve pcrWhere an exceedingly 11cb bo w of year II I 77 fi.OOO,OOO, The numb.e r of Ilone consilmes about five pounds of color Is desired, nothing equ llllj the pum p and aulomaUc 8ho tguns manu, POlat~B per day. That ough·t to be a Rudbeckln or "Golden Olow." Greal fu c: tur~tI ourlrll; the same yea I' was aplibe ral estlma~e-a. pound of potatoes clump of It will be a solid mass of pro xlm:lt Iy 97,000 . . per day (or each member at the famt.bo riches go.1den yellow for weeks. SlY. I~e or sl!l~lI. For cutUng, we have t e w bett I' flowDanish Ballhead. The 38,686 pounds of potat.ces Tlllsed ers. n a r,1 h bullhead r quires a long se a by Mr. Snyder on his prize acre of Tbls plan \ Is so agg ressive In chara c- son . For I he moet severe ccUons of. Idaho land WOUld, therefore, supply ter that It should bave a place 111 the tb north , I he ti eed should be sown al· the potato needs of more than 23 sllch Mr. Bore (looklng)-Graclous l It's background where It can be 'allowed most. II!! !:loon li S the ground can be families tor a year, allowing each fam- ne:.<rly ten o'clock. to spread to suit Itself. PJ(' I)ll rt cl . It Is oustomary to 1i0W In 1ly 1,725 pounds. or 28% bushels. MIss CausUque (suppressing a EJven where only a fe\y 1'001 S lire al- til l' opell with row ll ubollt a ile foo t It Is faJr to say that a $ 30 groBs ya\\'n)-Are you quite sure It'~ not lowed It gives a beautlfullYorn a me nt- uplLrt Ilud slIflI el nt seed IIhould be yi eld from an acre of wheat Is a good eleven? uscd to gi ve three or tour plnnts per a.l elfect. re'turn. So we see that Mr Snyde r'S Every collection ought to In clude III clI('h I D~ b of row . Tblnnlng may be vrlz nere ot potato land brought Keep Clean. least a dozen ot the most dIstinct varle- uel'essllry to preve.n t crowding In lba forth as much money as wl>uld eight Kel'JI your house and your belong- Ues of perennloJ phlox. Tbls plant roW. &<Ires of wheat land . . \ ings \ clean. Let the blesscd sun. the ................... ______ ____,,,,.,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, If Mr. Snyder were to realize from greutest physician In th e world. get """"" ten acres of his potato land as well as 1111 through you and aU about you. be did from the three acre8 whi ch gave Get your full share of the free aIr of him $630. )Ie would have '2.100 at tbe heaven . "Eat to live and lIOt Ilve to end of the season, besides more than eat," as a sage Jlhllosopher of the long A Monopoly_ enough spuds for his own use nnd for ago tellll Uti . Keep your house cle'a n 1 :rblln lH, Wb a t <lid Y(lll (, IIW the next season's plantlng_ In whlcb you live and keep the lhe cit y for? Tbere's "real money" In Idabo lIota- "house" In which your 'lIfe lives Counlry Boy- To ear.n a n toes. clean, and all will be well . living. "The combination that won the BurrbaTlite-T hn t's QII ri gh t _ Icy prIze," 8ays Mr. Snyder. "wos . the Rellnol Ointment Cured When Nothfind no competition. most productive 8011 In tbe . West, ellIng Else , Would.
The WretChednesS ~of Constipation
~ I,.HI hill'
and ChUc1rm..
The' Kind You Have Always Baulbt Bears the Signature
of .
} .,,. --_"it.,_--
For Over Thirty Year
. -
.. ~-
mate unexcelled. plenty of water for I have had a 'breaklng out on my Irrlglltion Ilt nil times, one (If the bes t neck every summer with som~tblng varieties of spuds, nnd a mnn with )Ike I'Eczema. . and nothing ever oured A;ome exp'e rlence and not afraid of It until I Il~ed Reslnol.' Baz:bal'a Carwork." . pen tel', Ogden, S. C. For sale Ilt alJ HIB words make clear the advan- drug stores. lages and posslbtlltles of the Oregon _ _ _ _ _ __ Short Line country, All of the ·farmHI. E·f'fort. e~8 wbo ent()re~ the contest In whlc~ " Now, Johnny ," said Ihe teac,her, -Mr, Snyder ' carrted ' orr· firs.t .hono r " YOII DlBy .try your hlind ·at wrlUng 1 came out · won'd erflJlly well. Mr. GIl- short star),." more harvested "37 •• 76 pounds of , A -few minutes late.r Jobllny handed ,,,peacb~low"l potatoes frOID, the acre . up' bls " lIla~e on wblCh. was written: -that won 'for ~m ~be second Jlflze. an~ . "UI boys all , loves oilr teocber."The .~e4 cbm should not ~e n eg: many,' others were clOse eom.,etltors.. Harper's ' Bazal'. , 'ec~. I,t tile leed does 1lQ,t getmJ.' ,aate ......,,11 .the .tand of corD.' :wll1 not · Added '~cou,rapment: tor tholle wh~ have neve,r tried .potato grow1!l1 as • The ~ate8t cause of ~0ITy ' on "e good and replaliUng ',.,.111 be liece. l>roftt·makl~g buslnel!a fa foun¢ tin the. Ironing ~la.y ~n be removed by uI.ln~ lltu7, The leed \ .hC!uld b f earetuJly • fact' that lIr, fllly~er'8 ~t;at.o upe~~ ,Deftance Starch, whlc.h ,.,..U. DO~ IUeJt te6ted bflfore planting. . '''' eDee bePn 001;y Ive ;years ago. . to the Iron. Bold evel'7Wh.e re, II 011. If It Iii neee.lary to purebase t,he Up to-190~, ·.,beli 'he moved t~Tda~i: ·for ttc: · . tirt. ihould :be done In .plent)" of be-bad ,lI.e4 U~1l 'eaWe ' - and-~ .' . CIDIe to teat It berOl'fl platlUnl. . ranche.. bad ·~. . .ecs ' _ia daJr1, live..,. . '. : • A Dlatlnctlon. . , i' Last .J'~ All _c:tUaI, AeJd, telt ~ aD4 bdIl1q w(W'k, but 'ba4 *oUa~ ez- ,, "J~ ,mQ not ~ - IU~I.ful maD. . tn..llUDpl"~ar .eed, ,(lOrD ~41~ , by petJace . . . ·farmer. He tholr up . . . aald"tJIe, ~ptUDl.t, 1nal.la•• full or. ~ &_Me4amaIl 'b~~_~'1 iHI~ ._ t. -..... · tato arO~ : III . l4aJao ~u.e he s'bUlt\I!IIo" ·,. . til fI1DIe. ' 1nII ms.;UOIl ' III ob.... ftriel, aDd. 86 .,.,
-~. u4 10' •~'l'e......,.," ~, • ....tab.. ~"•• aD~ ...~ tiM itud. , ~ot . oI· ~1iabll
t.I¥JaPt It. citfen4 -
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.. 1
_t. ._IIlatI~ JIl. tile other. f t - 1M , . . low 'III
Strong'Healthy Women u.
woman ·i. ah'on, and healthy in II womanly way. moth. erhood means to ber but little Buffering. The tl"Oublc lie.:.. . iD tbe faot tbat the many women .offer from wcakne~s Rod di_.e o. the di.tiDOtly feminine' or~.. ni8!D a.od lire unfitted Jor motherhood. Thi. CQD be remedied.
Dt"' Pierce~s .Favorite~ . Prescrjptio~
mlna/ton. for 1I(1leot04 'seed by 8 repllto . nbl e see.d house: Tbe U1uljtration ah'ow. .. a sand-tra, tosler. with 'orn 12 'days after plan't~. In,.. .', , .
Wound.< T,..e•. For w(lunda on ti-eel, melt In and pour, tHree pa~ Into· C?D~ . pal( or, p .... vlol1lll, 'w~mec1 Ci'ude.;pefiOlom. nJa will ' ·nClt. J1ln' 10 ~&J'Dl ' weatber DOl' ~ :cold. '. . ~ul orc~fat · ~.ll . lee '1JDfob -baa \beea ;lDJwe4 In au
'·~I'.. ~ auQUoa.
. Care. tlIe weda..,. ,ADd d~rde" of womea. It ' He. diNed:; OD the d~Ucatci a.od_· ·impo~, '. ~ _ _ ~0l'D~ iD motlse..bOod. mom, tbe.. . ,
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wile aDd e..... ·
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W~I:Pult,,;l, Gives Advice r
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Sa ve !/2 of Your Coal Bill and Half You Time
M 1'1 btl A
I ' d , ' Pfll l''t1l.1I,"n . nHr i I I , a d n ut TUll\l rl,f) tioul tlllk o nlnnd .Cll pn lwr ondi- h:tln, p dllt l tt !~ hll' b ()~'R ant! g ir l ~, in t,u Moore 's Ran ge is built n nn ntirc y rlirT,'r L' I1 1 p ri~ c iplc troln Ill':llth. I lu t'sl t e o f ~ lIlin m WI ~on \I J lt tl ~ \ 1\ \l It\l'!:l l1 0 m e 'o mpIlUl nll,' other ran ge , It can be run o n pou r <:l: ade 1:,):11 'us l lng' alJeas tt~C tlur1nrr 0 11 - I. \nlso lt (, xt'c lltrlx. UkU IU Yfll1- t il'" lI. uI,hu!' t ~U'y : "If yo u" IHI! t il ~;g~I.! lii~ rn=~J> two-th irds Ie's than t he oa l n ccc s:ary for ,Ihcr ranges . ,I llY l un d. )wll rr,!'y "n I >lP\lr(u~ lUe n , wlli 11 WU:-. d ip. 'OV r tIle r lllll b !lllty 0 1 th o n ut, Moore's Contr oller Damp er n:I1.. cS Ydll to on l r "J the h e at <,;IJlld il ion. " Or,lt' I't,d r ('\'llnl ,I . \If d , O f!l, I.ll t·n tn IJlli n t . of the 0 n, as w e ll as you ca n onln)l IIll! IWill IIf a g-as \. n. JU I H~ I·; ', . - . \' \Ft.1I r , III lUtitte r \I f t,l! l »!I r tn r hip o f th tll ~ b yru do U llt; Moorc 's Ran,ge is thc only coa l rnngc Ila\'ill l! Ihi ' :ld \' all~n r!'e y drllW y e t·." J1 unl :,\'illl!. _\ Ia. , a lld \\'I b n u M ('1 li ll ud '\; '0. , Antill At w ll, you UIl.y it saves fully ne -thi rd of th e fu e l. T ak in g inl o l,; u nsidc rClti ' tilllltte lllpt to w. rk n a ll Mi:s del:lide G olll1[tl , of \\',llc r- \\' ll:m u eX I e utrlx of it s adv a ntages , tht: ~Iuore Runge saves over o ne-hal fli ed Iuv ntory In CIl1 f. IinuIll/l Y I a rn d!'ltw in~ lt lll! f you r t own, \\ i .. \\rill!:', " Aft e r a ~l'\erC nl H1 I\ppt'tti~ tl U1 t Ilt ·ltt h Wtt fuel expe n se. l' IPain tin g in the ' tlln IHot,urn If :\It:t k uf t he C rippe. Ill)' S}~ t C lll d red r f'('o rd ed . , \'ott can g t the ,.;hn po. of I hjp(·t .~ \\' ;t5 ill a rerr \\eakell ed, ncn' U" , In t;tltllte ,o.r It 'le h RI I" I:!ttdIHY .! flll r1y wel l. nuel a u tl rnn-Jow ll nd ilion. I took \ ' 1t tllt' lU d o\\u T hese pest. of Ihe kit he n nrc nil hl1rn '1 I1p. I n,l N() L wit h t he I ' ,t llC rc 'ults, ,To e ph U 'Irtlt~ hl , C'xec l1tor, flI S(l l lll thei r r e la tiV E:! propor tiou, th td so aren ' t t he. onl), ways th " M ,lI)!'\! Ran !rc ht!lps YOll keep YOllr kitl'lll' l c1 t·:tth a nd it Ill :tel me f e I belle r a nd fillUllleO() Un t wttll vl ucb rll f u rs bL- will do for 1\ hflgiull io g . I1 . It h :lS :l Htns.:d Top w hio:h nfT"rs the clea nest Hnd h o nlli est LU~ tlh1.l \' '''' Il.le "' 1' ' -Cl111lg' tl fire, stronge r t lo:1II 1 ha n : b een for years:' tl ' lJ ont, ()nl( n rl ~t1!1P mll'ld bll.i1lling a \lew one, bro il ing or toasting . By llll'n,ly l'ullillJ,( \ " Y on fl1llY u se Wlltl' !' 0101', )lll:'n o:lollin t he whole top is lifted out of t he way. T he to p, wh cn lifted, form s \ \'c have I1cvcr sol d in our ,~ t nre In E:!!lt,tlt e of Ih b e l L lindl .v, .tf' I~ Ot' 01 1. n hood , nnd the smok e, SVll t " '••111,101' nrc urawll uround Oil:;! rtl'P by fIll' tlt e best thr f1 I1O:S of the ra llge alld cnnuul cs~ape illt o the roum . a Illorl! \ 31 uublc health rc ~LOrer fo r J o::- I h U . 'j 'rimu111 fi lC'd in'o nt o r.y 1 Tho gr H'I, pi lur. ,l' of Ib II is the ollly rnnge Ita"i ll ~ thrce-\\':\II constl'll ction throusrh worltl out. weak rind run do wl\ p e r 'ons lh :1 11 Ilnd IIppTai !'lIlru e ut whic h is o rder d hnv e btl n cl out in t')i ls . It iH lh o \' I ~()L , and we ask s uch people in recordo d lJe@t nl "diutll f il l' I" lu rlen t!" to u!'€'. th i. vici nity 10 I I)' Vr;-.l()L with I II tllle of L oni E l3i01ondl<, b pClI l1 "~ \ t r f'l(llirf'!' lurgtl llllli c1irn(' 1 the untler t:lndin er that their money Jo epb G . Tri mb le, ox cllt o r flI ed will be ret urned if it d oes not do h llndli n g i fn u lt. ure m nre r u ,<1il .v iu ventory lind rt ll prllil!em ollt, whicb s ' e n , ,{Illl if you oun all we claim ~o r it. The Jlloore Fire Tested Gl ass Oven Door enables YO U to see use oil,,; w('lI. Call aDd See 'This Wond errul RaDge y o u e R LI 1"lint 111 " t her Ir .~dil1m s the coodition uf the food witb ut opelllog tbe door aDd cuusin!: J. F._ JANN EY, Drug~ist is ordered r e _a rtled , \\'e hnven't room here to tell y II IIn,,·half f the superior discomfo rt as wet! as loss of beat. I n .!DAtter of F r Bn k Mendo k nn wi th o u t, mu ch ( r oub l . poi nts of th . Moore Rang". Call in lind I<- t u~ l'xo plnln . alt IIbout , 'The ov - 0 is nlumin ized in sucb n way tbat it will lIot t urn tile Ov n T he rmom e te r and Mr • . R or~r· .. Thermom e te r C uide alleged in !<tLDe pa r son e u t, to asy lum : t he _" If y o n cnn Htu lly with n g lJu u brown 1I 0 r flake off. Tile ov en rocl: in tbis rooge is the only Simmerin u CoY"r lIud tbe Anti-Scorch Coyer. 'I'heru nrc exclus ive nickt!t' pl ol"d o ne " n the mark ·1. ,\'he cunst ru tloo of t be ov"" featur e S in th t! 1II,lO r" RanKe fo r inslll e at Uny t on . t hat you n"vo; r dr"umed of. Inluud CIIp e !-en hr r, b,v all m eltl l d o abiolutcly pre\,ents "dt!ud spvts," vcsligatt! th is wonde rful runge now wbil" our stuck IS complete. , I n es tti te of Ma r tha D P e n . 80, If thnt is ,n ot p O@i1i blp , t he re iH Moore' . Ran ••• can 6. had in either Cad Iron or Steel B ow ard p , Early a nd .Jobo B P nce still muc h thtlt yon eno d o by y II r exeouto r or ul r ed to P:lY to' MtHY self, fo r nlltu CD ,tlmOn Pleas Court. I Lecony , $900 in f ull ettleme nt of a n d ever y o ner e i~ t,b e g r eat teuc ber, who want to n nint ola i m . well gO/II! con t nntly to nat ure , Go New Suits An na 80th , g U!lrdla n of E d wa r d, out into th field s, a nd 10 It And l~li rll b Al x:un der VB. T h e O hio Miohae l and Paul K . Soth minor loo k, Bnu th en, wl l h tbEl bpst skill E leotrio Rail ~ay compan y, Pntr ic.k fi led petition to 11 pnrt of r eal e - you ha ' e, p u t. doo,yn whll t vo u se Unde rtake r and Embalmer, G " y nor Ilt.torne y fo r plain tiff, clll im, tate of h r wards . Evor y tim e you I ok aud study you a mou n t of $6000, money only , W ill be f Ollnd in t h e old An o n b r li n , guardia n of Ernest wi ll poin t, bette r for it, a nd eve ry Ban k Halldiu g, o pposl 'li Sa moel E . A lexadd er VS. T h e V , A r t-h u r L . and Emmer s n N . ti m e y o u t:sint, t r ying cn r llfull y to th , Nut.io nlll Bunk , Ohio Eleotrl o Ra ilway compan y, O ber li n VS , ErneBt V. Obe r lin filed r p rodu oe o n yo ur OllDV liI. t h sha pes T ele ph one in bo us a nd at· Pat ri ok Gayno r Attorne y fQ r plai n petition to r ea l es ta fic e wb ra J oa.n ue CltIlAd te o f he r wli rd a nd oolo r!:, of nu.ture , yo u w ill !lee How DIfferen t Ages Change OpinIon . Old Negro ReceIve . One Dollar for tiff_ Amoun t, ola imed UOOO, D!on ey day ur nigh t. -Hop. Once Con.lde red a. I\larriare License s. mor e nD d b ette r. " Every Cent He' Co ll ected From only. Valley l-?hone 14-2. Harmfu l .. Ale. ------- ~-----Wealth y Man. Joho Bergen vs. T be l o t rurba n Henry E , Schr Jooer 29, a n e n glMain St.reet, Waynesville. Ohin " n eer of K ing8 MiJls a n d Nanll ie "Diffe re nt a ges have differen t Ide as "Th e s brewd walter ~' IIJ acce pt Il Rililwa y & T ermina l : orn pa ny . Pra t her 23 of Kings Mill!!. all io what tip, constitu no matter te. adultera tion," hc w small It Is, nnd Cbarle 8 L . B.oppln g Ilttorne y for ' says a write r. "Most people n.o w· pr tend that be Is satIsfied ," snld a pl~inti1f; Oharle s M . L e lie at tor- I Real Estate Transfers. a daY8 regan~ the hop aa a staple in· hotel manager yesterd ay. "When 'I Dr. Bell's Pine-T &r-Ho nev ney,for defend llnt. Amo uD t ola ime d g~edl ent ot b eer, but In For Coug hs Qnd Colds. W illiam a n d Elmer S h eets t o E .i. the s eve n· benr of porsons giving extraard lnarlty 1125 with intere t f r om Novem be r w ard E . . and Ma.ry teenth centu.ry the city ot London pe- smaU tips It reminds me or an o ld neS. 'W oodwa r d , UUoned parliam ent alalnst Its u se gro wal ter we used lo have I\t Palm 28, 1910. lot in Spring b oro. '1. In brewing , de8crib ing It as a 'wick ed Beac h a few yellrs ago. HIs na me Anna Anders on v s. The In terurdRnry ' C. Badley and wife t o weed, which spolla the drink and e n- was W infi eld Scotl. Minimu m Depth of Propoee d Canal Be- danger. the Uvea of the people.' ban Railwa y and Terminl11 Co. Ma ry J. Badley , l ot: .. wealt hy bul eccent.ri c New Yo:-k· 10 Frankl in, ,L Joh n tween Black and Baltic Sea. to lllvelyn w~. a stranS lupporter ' at the er arri ved at the hotel early In Cbarle . L. Boppin g, ' atto rney for Eliza.b eth Wheat. on t o Beufah the Bo Fourtee n Feet. !lntl-hop oruBllde . HOPIl, he declare d, !leason, a nd Scolt tcok charge of bls plainti ff•. Amoun t claime d '5000 Brunk, IGt in Springb OrO, ' $616 61 . ' had ·tran. s muted our ale Into table, beer and ~od cost, He took his thre meals at arah B . Bl1rriso n to EJiztibe th A commit tee haa been formed at s t. doubtle s. much al tered our cons titu- t he siline ho urs each day. At the end Morris P . l:iteddo m vs Blanoh B. Hathor n, lot in Fra.ukl in $161. 50. ! P etersbu rg to prepa re tor the oon· tions.' He allowed that their use 1m. of lhe fir t be solemnly banded the structio n of a oanal between the Black proved tbe Ilavor' ot the liquor, but 're- waller one cen t . Pohng, Howar d J . ¥oling, The Ohio Scott was wl se, B,O CommiSSioners' Proceedini/:s. Sea and the Baltic. The enginee ring paid t he pleallur e' with 'tormen Bafe , Depoal t ' 0 . Brando u & hlns, ting be bowed IlDd ahowed hJs teeth and pr oj ect, which has been prepare d by disease s an4 8hort lite.' He appeale IItttol'uey tor plfl,int ttr. ,'Amonn t. d !!aid : 'Tbank yu.h.· sub .' Tbe nex Obio ()()rrug ated (Julve r t UB, M. Rugetschel, la to build , a canal to all loya! Engllah men to drin k cider meal the same thing hap pened , nad olalme d ,2319 97 and interes t at 8 s ewer pipe, IGS, G' j <..:harle s ~ti bbs, wltb a minimu m depth of 14 feet The until this ~angerou. "drogue ' was 80 on , to t he end of th ree m onths. per cent from Novem 'b er ,1910 fore- oontrao t , $118 25 ; 'rhe Miami Gu.- original, project W 8B to have a canal banishe d trom the br.werl ea. It was wh en the v1sltor WB S , about to lea ve, tt .. <l1225 Th F k clOlltlre and I3quitab le relie f. I 31 t he teet anclent '!leep, 80 as-to allow the plUlsage a who above all 'dellgbt ed cott wnlted on him wi t h the great , 'lOe iIII ') e mn· • I , e, N pr1OtlD g,. .,, ---hi b b J t ' ~ argo 'WIUD ps, ut t e governm en to 'till ,up the glasses with treacle es t punctili ousness a.t eve ry me al I10 ews, prln~1Og, . .,1 .... 25 ; . t). 'or ejected and thla on the ground tlla.t sum- and Ink and anythin g else that III ,VerdIcts Rendered. never hinted that the' tip he Kot W !WI Morrill, supplie s for Court BooBe clent water CoUld Dot be found to feed pleasan t to drink.' In order to pre- not perfectl y satisfac tory. State .,)f Obiov s. John R 8tenog rapber, $114 GO; T he Direot such a canal. vent a cldJty. helgbte n the flavor or "Alte r he had flnb hed hili lallt meal . . . oss Coal (Jo" coal fol' Court House, lncreas8 The the durabtl lty at Ip!erior the visi tor said to the walter: total lengtb ot t~e canal trom obarge 4 WIth onmin alsssao lt , Ver $1' 8~ D E S 'Scott, I t Riga to Kherso n Is 2010 Tersts a verst kinds of ne, they put loto the ca8ks how long have 1 djc~ not guilty of orimin al a8S1101* been here?' n ; ean . tan ey, a torney measur ing 8,601 : eet. Of thIs such seallont ngll as sea wat er, turPen· 485 "Jell' 90 days, Buh,' wall the answer. but guily pf aSIia-olt only, 8enten ced fee, $25 ; Jame8 MoMul len, seoreta ry versts would follow the bed of ~e t.l ne, pItch, tar, resin, vegetab ll nshes, to three months in ·all. , " 'I have give n you aometh1n& tJi.er ' expens es, postage and frejg~t, .20; W est Dwlna from Riga it. HA'J 'H A W A" to the village gypsum , lime, almond s, parched 8alt, every meal, haven't 11' J. Rtt.ndal l & Monge r, olotb1Og' for of Breshen kovlchl . FrQm goats' milk, ce da r conea, sal) nuts there the .. 'Yes, sub.' State o~ OJ.l~o va, Philip Sidney , prlsone r, ' S 50 i B. H.. Bltt.ir and A . canal would tallow a ne w route tor ' 95 and blazing pIne torches -Dot to meo· "'How much does It amount to?' \~n.) 'les ville 's Lendin " Debl••' ,c harged :with burgltt ry. De (~nd- W . MardiS, inques t over blldy ot versts, joining the Dnieper a t the tow n' tlon poisono us salts at lead. They "Scott told him. 'Have you got ell ()m~ in l{,ey~ 8101(. ant ohan"e lf plea to g,ollty a nd is ~lIlln 8of Koplus. For the re ma.lnl ng 1.620 were fond of mixing pertume d oils those .pennles ?' the visitor aske d. ' , , Peter B. Dun u!lm, .entet:'0e~ tio State Reform atory , Stoar, printin g blanks,$6 •i Wellter n versta the Dnieper would be utilized wltb their ""Ine before th ey drank It. "Scott aa.ld be had. and the visitor ; Bu.rret exce vt at the rapids, where a nev.: Even In the Homeri c' age It was con· told him State. of . OhiO' vs ~eorge Eagle, Brothe rs blllonks for Scott reE • . Y. , BARN HART , sldered tbat wine was Improve d by turned ' to bring them. auditor 19' canal would have to be exoav.sted. wiLh a ba" of pennies and ~hbl'ged with threate ning 1D a. men- 6eorge having goa Anders on, burial Oa~her~ t milk chees e g rated over handed them over. The Dnie per would re quJre dredgi ng aolns manne r. Verdio t not guilty ine Titus , 75' Vall Nota ry Publi c Tel b at mlUlY points . The Dwlna would have It and being sprinkle d wlth'lIo ur." "'I'll take them,' , said the man. ' tt Ella. Michen or vs : Will R Lev.. " e y ep one to be made Into 'Now a ca this nal for Its e ntire ' Is your:i,' and he handed All kitttl, o f NQtllry W Olk . P . T ' oompll ny, t'e nta Bod tolls for o tftoes, length and would r equire n!lilln ' 16 locks. The 18 re~surer et-al. Demor rer h eard , '12 05- ', ap"rop riatloo8 over to the waiteT $90." The Door. of Old South. W o rk a pecl .. lty. for defray . water would be d.rawn tram t he Ber esl. d Jed t bl h d f ' " an overro 0 w c e en~llt)ts ing ~xpende of M.emor ial ' Day for na by a canal The restora Uon of ' the lntedor of 126' vers ts long: ---th e Old South meeti ng house II rap. objeote d ~Dd have leave to a n swer Spring ltoro Ilnd Wayne sville ,GO Th e cost of the canal Is esUma~ ed at i dl y progr ess ing., From in thirty days What's the Use many ' odd ' C . ' . ' $1 60,000.0 00. The plan Is to raise q at . on tract .1et t () Ed Bsaobl er for money .P'" of tb Id t i hi by bonds on the foreig n mnpKe t, To lufft!r wi t h sore ~ye whe n one Good for Nothing but tho EVd ,s 0 urn s ngll ~ h,au'Ver ebl'l!een a,collecte Pro,bate Court, d eand placed in 250 tube of Suth tlrla.nd 's Engle Eye olellnin g and p a inting five bridges , but to exclude foreign ers fr om holding their original poaltion 8. The pulpi t !:3!l lve wHI oure . 11~0 : you , 'We g ua. rAntee an y of tb e share capital. T he gOY rn· of 1857 Is there, with the mahoga ny it, You ri!lk nothing . It 's 11 oretlmy , Franki e A . Dnn~llm, admini stra- ' <":ontra ct let to Oregon ia Bridge ment Is to be asked for a guaran tee, wInegla ss .ALT~ ·R resdlng desk, but caretul , snow white oint'Pla nt . trix of tbe 'estate of Elizabe th Jack," f t 1b b 'd ~ Ith nnd only Russ ian labor, msteria l nnd search and Inquiry tailed vO " o r s ~e eam rl ge w con to · locate machin the ery are to be us ed. The prodecell8e d vs. ' Warren J"ck at aI , il ~ ore t e fl' oor a t W Ilynel:l v l e aou. M t . moters rel y on a gross a.nnual reve nu e two mahoga ny door. whiob tormed UlIlim for allowa nce oase continu Fune ral L>ire':tor. ed . ER H II d • , . D "NUMB . 0 y roa , .,1 97, ' FIVE FAT" the entrllDce to the pulpit on each LOOKE of $16,960,OOO.-London Corresp ond· side. ' . These doors were ot pecl11tar George Hutchi nson 88 ailmini stra_ Contra ct le t to Frank Sto kes for e nce New York Sun. curved shape and would be Quite us& Miln Is Disappo inted In Dellcrlp tor of the est-ate of Luoret la Benry a timbol' orib, e xoavat tlon of T elo l)holl6 dny OJ night. ing and fi nis b-- - - .. __ , le88 for a ny other purpose. Thla bal HI. Appear ance In the Eyes decease d VII. Charle s Henry et al. in~ and filling with stone Vnlley phoue N o, 'I. J.obl( on Bunnel l Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps? of Other•. given rille to the hope that they are Apprai sement approv ed an<l ordered B 11 '3 2 DiSt4lDCe No. 60-9". I , 5' 1. 5. stili In existenc e and that with greatNo. Neve r . It foolh,h tu fear er to sell estate for cash. ' 'pub ~lclt' ot the need the one In Many Il man has wanted to know ' d eVI'1, w b e n t ll e re are r en I whose a, f anOle possess ion they now are will how ' Il.e appeare d In the eyeB Edmon d RetaJli ck as admini stra· ' OHIO Quartz M(tl. In Alaaka. of bls WAYNESVILLE, and d eadly p e rils t o gu a rd flg a inst b. tound.-B oBto tor wltb willl1n n8xed of the tls tate •.,n_T.ranllcrfpt. fellow men-n nd been sadly dlsnp· Ala!lka has produce d more than 200 in s wnmps and marc hes, bay ous and Branch Office, HarveYflburJr, O. _ _ _ pOinted to find out. Elihu Vedder, o f Ell en D 8 kl n, d' ecellse d VI.' , Warren million 'dolla rs in gold sin ce 1868. So l OWlAnds, '.rbe!le are the '1\ltllur ia writing In far the only AUantic placer Monthly gold The has , Blue ROle. tells been mined. gElrms tUll S • Dakin et 111 i written waiver , a.p- m(ce pt a t T readwell; but new quartz fe ve r. w t CIlUSO ague, c hill a ' an d a sto'r y at such a man . Ankn ss, ao bes iu t he bo ne pellrlln oe aDd oonsen t of d efe nda nt mini ng has A nurser yman at Painellv llle, Ob lo, Weary <las l,l med first Im po rla nce, Bnd mURol,e s nnr! Illay induce de a hot from hla long sum· d ly has d velop d a blu e rose. T bls hna mer day'8 and of garry M. G'a rwoou ,fil ed. and qu artz mill s are goIn g In to Al as. t,y ph oiu. Bll t E leotri work uptown, he W8.S wendc Bitte l'S d p.- been ' a ques t of fl oricultu ri sts, so the Ing hill way 10 the South terry, BIB In est!lte of BalJnrth Smit b, de- ka In great nu mbers. For (J u t tll ese ViOI'Otl new rambler is a tr.iumph of scie nce. . mo re tban tl'OYS It u;l Oll~t!' " Tbe g reen rose and the blnck rose I home was on Staten ceased. Court oruered admini s tra- a decade lhe t rail to th I t ri Isla.nd. In a.nUol· "e l'ln~ fr om t h e blood . "Three bo t THE CREATE8T e n ,e or was ., are Interest !n &\ freaks, bu t they arl;! pa tl 00 o~• th e coo II ng b IIn£'d with wea ry men ca rry ing thei r tles dr o ve all th e mnltni tl (t'om m y not t or J o h· n L . B rown to sell pe reeze on th e baauUf I ' Tb ' "I r sonal ' packs a nd s tumblin g along over rocky t!Yl't em," wro h '.' bay. wIth drippin g brbw h e slopped to te Ww . F r e twell. of ' u '. I d e ... ue rose, 0 ... - refresb himselt frequen tly, but In P roperty at priva te Bale. e ges now f oun d should be IUlltrous, It shpuld contain ma rl" LllOlltulJ" N . "v , " Iluel I ' ve hl.ll\ finn... ever, , In ,estate of, Bllnnu h Smit h , d e- gold th an the distanttoplace have RuOUt It that velvet glow which vain-fo r It was a ven' hot day. THE rs. As the h eul t h e ve r in e," Uee thi s sRft' ; makes I PUBLISHED IN WEEKLY.WORLD $4.00 PER YEAR cea sed. Court ord.reu adIDini stm great quartz mI nes tn Hla last stop brought him oppOSite the ler rn Ne· :l ure r em edy o nl y 500 ti t ul! dru ggists mi nds the spell of ' roses, ~ In the or poets 'and r mystics John L , tbe Brown blue to a ready-m 11 ade ) clothing vndas establis hment, HOTELS, DRUOOISTS, SPEOIALISTS, d the placer ' camps of to • • -- - ~ pe r sona C Il f s ucceede rose h M long , shed a fragra.nce over and the idea struck him t .. . 'se a oro Ia, so th e quartz mI that hie com- 008 TUM E R 8, T RAN 8 FER, CAB nes a val· proper ty at pl'lVtite sale, dez a re suc 'eedln th d f d g the famous placers ' narativ ely thick coat w·· reepona lble AND 'BUS SERVICE CAN ; PROFI:- ' e ' gar, e n 0 In es tate of Samue l W olffrum . of th e In te rior. There Is reams. It was sal no health'l er, BY U81NO ITS' ADVER11~INQ CO~UMN. Great In More Ways Thah One. that,,~h oever had I been aroused by the tor hll d1soo~ort. Act1Dg on this "One peculia rity ot automo biles that wild sW'~etnetls of ' th~ perfU W ' Z. Roll "dmini strator fil d Bnlll happ er no r more promi SAM,PLE COpy FREE nie of the thou.g ht, he, .tepped aoroll Sing: prospec t 1 don't rememb er to have heard me. • bJue the Btreef! t for a young man of ner,,. r,.o se would never res t ' again until 1 1lI!~ aske4 t!t~ Intell!& tban the n ent attl;!~dlLJlt It Addre.. NEW ' YORK OLIPPEIt soooun . 'f h quartz ledges of .Alaska. ' tl,oned," said a man who had jus t ,e h. s d f oun d , the far In est.itte of , JOSiah A. Br<l wn , New York. N. y. clear ' heights 1IiII!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! sent suit ot clothes to !~!!!!!!!!!!,,!!!!!!!~ tbe ' cl 90 whi ch this ,rose Is bl<?wn. It was 1W . ~, Brown, , admtni strator fi led ' • "Is round In t hetr great blllty a:a~~~ s!lld that', the blue' rose Apprll.id emt'nt. , . . ' cast, a spell ~Read It Startled the Woc.Jd ' a nd' slush splash ers. pver all ~ho touc1!ed It, and that , est ilte of · Wm . M. ' Corwin , A, when ~be a toondiD g oio.ims were "A~ ' or~ltl8ry nar.row rImmed 'wh~l life ~ilB n,~ ver ~galn .;the 8am~ Well, , ' firs t ~lLde f or Huokle .n's . Arnica c uts Into mud ,'soll sll;lsh an:d ' aoean't " t.he blue. rose ,wll\. at last he ,c . O. Vo.iIlLd mlnistr at.or fil~ first 'and, .. alve. bot f ort .. ~mm.0n , ' yeun of 'won'de rful scatter eltber .A 10 much, bllt tbe broa'd a~on~ ,1;l1 l\n" but t he ,dr,e amer -..1l,1 stiP 1 ceo nt ' ' . .J , 'uDa 8 0 . .. ' f oures, have proved lift bis face to ~he stan.-L oa Ang"lea ,tbem true and ' roun d', .f a<Ie d' . tl re ' 0 t . "an .a,u tomobll e, '1'1 . In' esta.tQ of ~ann!1h Smit,h, .Tohn 'everyw pe!e it i8 now' known :or , ~8·. the . mo~I,~ g rap.I~IY, throw8. ,Wide sheets m~s. . • _ • ' . ':" , . ' L. :Brown i a~mI4~8trator 't:!ale ' pro: beBt .salV:!3 on e~r ~h ''fo~ ·Bouls" Bolls, ' a ' nhd S~~Y8 far o~t ~~m b'l.ts ~heels. ';" Tile ordillllTY ' wom~n '8 :VOO~b~ ,, d '. tf " " ~ld8 Bores Cuts Broises Sprain s w en you soo : Iluwmo Ue comIng , . . ': ' cee . ing~ 0 0 0 rme~ . ' _ Swem~gs, ECzetPa : ChapOOd han;:!a: ' sWif~ly_ al~!lg ' 0,aD mU~dy ' or", slullby l".~y · ro.n~ about. 400 · word8- ..!?ut Ib "t~te of C~ra ' yvy Ite, Eva M' F~v.l!r Hyres and Piles .. " Oilfy 250 at 1It ree.t you wa~ to stand bao1!,"""'~ay , .ome 8urp1'i sf~g 1'eaults 'are obtaine d ~ :WYJIQ , ap~OlJlt~ , admtnl~tra,t~ix.,l aH drug tpllt8" . . . . h1a ,. . I''-'~Te . le~rned .by ~~ ,trbm''in.~~.l~e oultl~atlon, '. ' . , '
No Sm oke -No Soo t-N o Ga s
Ra ng e La sts Longe sD
County Cou rts
For sale by J. H. COLEMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
Ideas as ,to ·Tbis Waiter Adulteration Was Satisfied
A. MA FFI l,
Will Build Russian Canal
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Eczem a Yi e lu ~ rrlldll v to 01'. Be \J's Auti . se ptic 8!1 l v11 Y lU ~ee 'UD iOlpro v ment nft I' th C:l fir t. upplicll t,io n We 'gu 11 I'lL \1 t ee It. Jt iH L1 eun und p I Ilsnn t to nse. ~5 u. box.
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flg- I' III
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f Has stood the test of time and has becn improve d in quality with the passing years, . , , \ ,M any· brands of paint are offered for s.ale and qU it? olten car [u\ scrutmy 13 not siven the subject wilh referenc e 10 the q uahty of the pamt t o be u.ed .
I' ll ,
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It is a good idea to learn the composition of Ihe paint you inlend 10 usc, There
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II' ~ tid I ·11 11 t u o .. . ,1 ,dIl IlJl! /, ~tl'l'I' 1 1' 1".''' ; 1/'1 ,. l' V , I' d '1I I1III, !·'il\,i ll!.{ I,I Jl, 1!:'II II II , :-I l,l/l"Y , \ 'I ",, ' tI 1 , i ~ Ihn!,· lIJ1 I, ·~ iu 1 !U~ t ll. (11'1 ' /1111' 11)", L tln t! .JlI , I'l"lId l"" l'd , T i p. T ho g \'t 'll t II1 BUIlt;e rltl If t il I S I'i 1· · I /1' /:11 11 111' CI L~' , L OIJII I) OO, 1I11t! '1I IIl'r III . ;'IlllIll l1~I, t'll" ~,
;'11 111 ,1111 1,,\\,/1, IJ II II' .
tb o Illore I ltlill ·!.II(I() IIlWI iiI. t1 Atln ll l:3 ihh1 lj ill 1<1''; 1,; th p ' tutu i~ rI' ll l10Htcd tlJ i;(4Ull I rt' pl"I'!<ent tl t i vo. Uay l o n Itl on, II> plllnl.lin g t o hll\' 11 ·I.ono rn on i ll 111 1 , li nd It il; (' Xp out!',,l tu n l ot JeuH 1:1, 000 Jl ll)[l will f11l1r ch io the lJ1lrutl'1, tho ~ x h ibiliug tIl( vi rIli ty " f n nnllay.f'ch oo l worll, lI un e lll)1 ltaillhi n ~ thu l Ullm rtllLl ce o f BIb le t\llly Bu nUll, torch li g b ts, t l'fl us pu I'ell ci(l,;, f ed 1t g h t~ , e t o , will chltrllc teri ..: thu tlo lU ons trll ti OLl . 'I' hi if! but'/l slngl f 81Ltn r o{ u. tbr e llllyS' C OLlve n t iou in whi h tw el v e n oted. speoinl i s ts al'e eogll~(> u l'UC'U of
P tl l"lCit l
is a differe nce.
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" til""', w lilli>
---.-. --'I'll e r e are who
el"111 '\ .Ir" ,· '1" ,.1 'I' :41'11111) 1 " " 11 11 ' 1 111 I)' \"" ", 1' 11 " .. 1\" ' ''1\ 1" ,,' d , f I 'I h· Id 1 11 I aylon, ,) n U 't(I ~l " I v 1,1 t ' () l ~ vH ntl 1 I,lh 'II'1 1( 1,,( !tlt" b' lfty
form ula appe ars on ever y pack age of Hann a's Gree n Seal Pain t. 11· ~Thi. is an evideoc e of .i n their pro.duct.
ano attesls the confide nce the makers have
e n" I ~ 0 1 BII ti n Dll tllln ~ !!bort (If ' It !<eu Ilt.I')1\ ill t u wo . 1t \·i~ I ts . cl))1tuin :! th e lIl o!' t f l'lu .lrkuulu c! .:1 Illt'l i,m II f r u 1'0 b en!!1 s u f II n y L 1\ I l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _.... ____.... _~_... v__ ~._~~~~.~~~"' !"' _~_ _~-'!~~~~~~~~~~ 1t' 1l1 t11 ~pIIlY III tuo wo tld, !LUU 1Il llny
J. E. JANNEY, .. Wa yne ville, Ohio HI ]-,1••___ __••• ••• ••
~p. ~cllll(l1lnihw hir cZilO, h nre n o t uu pl ll"ll e d in in Am e ri ca HUY
EU1'lI1'!1 .
Thl! c biof Ilttrao tion b l' r
i~.a rY~lr~~lJ ~~l L1;li:n:~l~n~;~;.
it is th " ou ly gi ru fl' e , I1 nL fulI!:{ro w n, ever se n out·Ri d e t·ll s rl pth ' of t he A fl' icu n jun~ I B. Mlitnre d gil'uIT lir e l:IClu ae
Hold the
fenther Growl'n0h
So,'1 MOl'4l~ture
\ AYNESVILLE CHURCHES. St. Augustine's Catholic Churcb . F"lhcr MH'~
I"vll a 'U .
t. }\wry's Episcopal Church. Itt'\" J . I". 't\,lwall uoe r , rt c LIlI'.
Th ere I s 'Col'18lderahl e Variatio n In the Ti me Req u ire d fo r Individ ual Fowl s t o Comp lete Mo lti ng.
tl n on g11 but tllis youn g.
UCl1 1'1-{'" r'o'h\\~e l1 boe fo r, PnH \ ot" cv t' ry :-.C\.'..U Jld SU lltlo.\"* of th e Olontll :l
If ovar y fHI'Ill Or W lJ ru ~UWI. L " ~l'hllul. U :110 tl . m ~Iornlng ser 1·1l ,'. Iu :J O d. 11'. Holy CouHuun \ou Lh e Ilr.t IIto r i!'.'v ol'th its weight In· gold, tl) lIllu] IInil p ur m 0tl,1 rs o v r ,lOil '101 '0 urng ~uJH11\ y U1 t"adl ruolll h . 'I'll 11 r f() rrnunce in th e ruuio telll h i farm ll V r :..OU b al)out h ow muc h the child r on j Ollk :lrr l ~ -of Wilt l' . . Tt Is vur lous ly uSRc l'lec1 I lln,.. t tl10 is vre~ o l1l d by ·100 of tile worlU 'ti p OI' dllY, b e wo uld gU lf! u ~ spouke like t.h eir dlld. l'!j a'111 iUl:!t l'llc tors, A g r en t Methodist Episcopal Chur~, 8 m e e OIl. , 111110 l'E'llUlr'u fOl' lh gl'Owth or n bllll:'tur and Hev, J I. W. lJalley, l'aatOl, uudn ,v choo l ex h ibit gret1tet lt lrU s t, gllther tl from no c pti o o of t ile ul u .mut of m ui tun~ hodv rentiler Oil It h nlthy fOI~1 1s np. orne of tlle be lles w reuu u boo t . 'u Ullal brllolli, U : 15 a. !D . :orntnlt s er wi 11 ue ope n ed for the ~utly of 'l Jl Illss thun t hirty till' nat ions . '1' he va [Jurfito ll fr o m il L ·xposeu U;Jcnl- flro~ILllnlelY 43 duys , whil e the t ime \'leI', It) ::11) a. Ul. Wllll'orth L ~ !:\Ie, i :00 \1tlon't £jeern to lie giviu g much o t !lotH t·hey ur e OJrll rJu " ur~ no vel un u t l vll ttl U tI.,i1 , Ilt t.1l1H Otl l ~lIt eB 01 o t.eel h m. l..!n ' u l n g /:l crd" cj ';' :00 p . m . Mldwcf'Lr 8n I)U of th e . II cd tl to de'\' lop th countie s Inll It! som· 11 moral t.OtlS to s ocwt .v . , . . ' ., boo ls U1a.y s nil vi Horf wBat longcl'. T il ls rer(>r!; to pluck d I' r I}' r Nocllnu. 7 p . In • O hio not lit nll like t,be II Ct th l\t hu v Vtlu r. . lh \(l VlljJUrtl t llJ l1 VllrJ~~ Ft~ . realh ---er s. T he lIslIal molting perloll of beeu seen in Ame rica in the pu ·t O() rt.llOg tv tb kmu rlltiro llCl. htlv gran teull II p 01 .1 ra t Christi an Church . tlud 'tJ u(ht.t o n. of a II n cannot, how'" 1', b l1c·c urllt Iy Dr. Bell'a Antise ptic Salve Fifty ~l o wn9 furnl sb t b c o rn ot.ly t·hf3 su i l, w eu t llul', 10Im Ho I'. L, . 'l'hompson, l'o.sto. of oll e Itud on ·11 If fill' f o r tll r.loo, . to , 11U ~ ! ('aleuln t d fr 111' thl~ 'n tlmllt E'. [J1 the III g unrllnt epd for tetl,er , rin g Ulblc S hool, 9:aO n. ro, I!Oclal mootlnl , \V.o rm, ecz 'h a , Chlljllle d bond nurl ronnd rip fr o m nil Ohi o 11 ints. and I n t.bi8 r e8pe t the show i th u nt4 l' 1\ v"I ru g ooo l l\l10ll S til l' !tUlI C,'P .rlm 11 un lll'r ('ollsldl' l'IItloll tho I o:ao Il, m. LlhrlsLlnu Endeavor. 7:00 p, m. laug SOl'moll hin g by pnslor every nltornate SW1dll.Y .. s u ooe s o f th e age . ' Alld an d winulLi 't} 1'RJ..Ildlv t\ mwing fro lll ' nver llf:: limo lips. "uouin g 'o r l'S, nlcors Ilud in fll c ! P r rJ~rtlms r endy ou wuy 15th . Ap of (,0111111 (,0 molLlug In 10lS O l~. Ill, null 7:30 p , m, 1111 skill dis 8" a~ l~o ;Jll tu URe u fter ply to Obi o ~llnfl !~y 'ou h Blli: fiGel,s, ('Onwlil in g at tll cn d oC ool AS80ciu th I'e tHe t h ri II wit hout, n llUl b e r tu B o il ill I tur e thllt W I I! b o n etlu ud be bltl ll g season, 215' h nB, wa B 95 aha vi ug, 2!'jc It box, Hid<site Friends Chura. .. tRrt to t h e flni h . 'l'h e h~t r in th e eu o u for oroJ) g rowtb lion, Coluulu us, Ohio. , I daYB. Th flV 1I~ ~e tim ~ I' qul l'ed to irs t Uny M CClI.JI ".. I) :00 t\. in. Firat bny P l'fonnltO co of 'harle" tbe Firs t, It is ju t like tltu.win g d oll 1'8 from I oom ille te the molt or th threc·ye ar· S<:hool , 11 ;0(1 " , ttl . Founb nay Me \InK Be I.L Iit.tle ~lt y or" th e g irl tbnt j) 'ohlmlID,nzee bi yo le rid e r and r oll tile farme r' p ok Pine Tarand Honey ts. oJds WI\R I\t'nrl r 1(J4 (lays: of \.b two· 10 :00 a . w , fool s h er IlI Ut.i.) r to k l' elJ un uppoin t.Bn vo b D u s d for ge neratIo n IrJ er k (~te r, II:! n 0)0 t sensllLioll 1 Slll'No w is he time to pr v e n t tb i :v a r-old s, about 1111 dRYS" ment with ~' n n . :l1ld of the tr ~ lttin~ oo ughs Orthodox Friends Churctl~ . Dr. Bell's Pill e. priso . Til e Elpecl(l.ltl es of Jobn . . ar·oltls, 82 (\:..ys. Du los. . S II ed m OIt!tUl'e 18 VBlll/\b l n , one·y on 'Y Dr.olds 11' n'grd 10 1 hmoltst nrv Tnr-H o ne y contuin s b o tll combin ed 1!Lrs, Ellzu.both Lnrkln, Paat<ir . mo re cll nd or 's bft Jl .I·i o g lo g b o r ses, Win - P'lst reourus s ll ow Th et's IU tI lIluny t.bin g we ItlJ witu oth r . nllb a Lh i!ltool , II ;30 a, nl. Hcgu)ar cbureb t hut an in c h of ijll lci, lY by 33 dllYI< tha n djll the ~ed : vuluub le ingredi ent. , R ntco, 10 ·~ o 11 . w . to n ' ridin g sea If', 1\ brllSs buoll lIf l' iofull lu Jul.v ' m wi s h we kn ew Iltlll muuy l11 ur u t.b," t. n k for Ibe ' b e ll o n the bot.tle, Cbristlan Endeavor, eu.n $5 ,OOO ,UOO 111 !>tnn ·e.rl lwo ·YOl1r,o,l ~ls we~o lItU~ 7 ::1 0 Jl _ B C'! le }lhants , th e K o uy ot f a mily of worth of ooro to t ' ure yo u get Dr . B II 's . w e .wlsh we dHl n't kn o w h st,lte o f 0 1\1 0. urrec te d. \\bUe t il !lLR l\ cd th l ee-yellr . ....---~ . G ermfl n riu ers, tbe Fonelli ft1mily Wblle olds BV ' rug 20 longc r (n molting farm e r CtLOno t lll tlke an \[Ic la thao did th fed11 nhl·srds. 'rh a l'erage For all Bowell Troubl es of Ito lilln aorob ats, the es Oek o of rainfa ll ill J nlv, thdY oo,n c urr y lime r !llllred to l' oll1\,1 Ie tile molt oC DR. BELL 'S ANT I.PA IN Ulle Dr . B 1I 't' Anti Pll ln family of French equillb rists H.l1d a n inch of oil moist·m R eli I ' e over f r om I ho thr 8tS I'V!3d 1101:116 was 93.S is a lm o!lt jn !! ~IIOf, lIll eO \lfl . ] 8 Ill s For Interna l anel Extem. 1 Pain. t.lle ' ingri t l:)ilbo n family ofllsril i s{ M tl)"' unt il July, Ulld thllt m ~u:! the d ays; of tbe three f d flocks, 97.4 good e xte rDlIlI y f r "II kincl l:l ( I ure of the first Europe !lu rank . paios. ' 0111 v ry, bMo . same th i n ~ . dn~~i t his would In lll cnte that tbe Bll rOUIIl Bnd Bail oy carry 1,2 6 An inoh or r niufa ll m onns II :~ t u ns moltln~ )1rOCOflS con tin ue mu c h long. people, 700 borses, 4.0 lOllblln tio, 30 of wate r pe r I~c re A wnrn n ftC11l find !! b EII'se l r we ll Save Money and Keep· If tbi<4 is Il ll ow ~'Ll r tb an Is u su:llly RUppO ·ed , Bnd t hat cUll els, fix.ed finlln oil\lly IIft tl r hllvi.ng ftt.i1 ed 1,000 other wild . nnimnl s , ·to eso/tpe "t the rulo 0 1 200 . - . Style by Reading McCalJ • barr l!l t h('re III I'oll sltl(> l'ablp vnrl ation tn the dVDlllllO pluottl, burbet' !'h ops , tail or per duy, it WIll in LDarJ'in ~tl. relJulre o nl y four t frll or bl'gllln lllA" th molt betw n Denmar k School Childre n M u.st Bathe Magazine and .U$in!~I~.C:~II~~~t:: dlf(l'1' Ing s tllblisb Beforo Intlh'irl llllia ments. They File both and · In parlors for tweon prayeru , days t o I 096 tile '- - - - The, ~(1btJu l (If Expl riun 0 gi\' li e n t.ire inch . }<jv- flocl;s nt of dl.lT!'rel1t :\P; S, nl po be a w Ide M~LI:S MAGAZIN£ 1t1l1ntlrie blaoksw lth IIhop ~, barnlls s e ry farmer wilo .a nd Recitati ons.. h!'It' you dross styl· 'fails t o preven t. varin Ion In 1\; " I np;lh of tlmc It r . n diplolllllt\, :No ~'ne h UH ey r oum· I 1\ Iy "l 1\ moderRIO s h " p!', corpen ter 1'11101)9, deoti~tR , tbtll eVllp rllti on is I)X lllln ~Q lIy kOOllin II 100 lug bi s bare llu lrf'fI I ndl\' i duld~ to ('om pI I the pi ted the full llrri onlnlll Denmar k Is one or the cleanes t oun· dootors , Il lawyer )''''' IIOS I O,f1 011 tb o I.Llld t1 plivl1te p o o f I·b llt $!i ,000, 000, Aro y ou oll e of I"\l~ t fa s hions Ill ' mO il . 011(> I ~ flll'lht>r tmpr!'ss ed \vlth tries Im::tilnn ble . In a Copenh agen cllllhcs II oe f 'rb nlld hllfll. 60· I t t"e loser s? public lIohool olle may see an Inte rest · o roa, 25c Is a Small Amoun t th!' fa('t hn t. EO e maoy ·on s c o v e r u this x pe rl· Now FA"blon DesIgns' m e nt IH ('OI1I,) ('ru d.furth IlS e m cthod of III ent h Issllo. A lso ' Ing fourte s Ight, en MounU flc r e of ground . n, the spotless IIton' Y llq woolrl n ot !'offer ooe c1u:v f or H ow oa.n this eVRIIOI'u.tion U pre · fcr<llng did not. materia I' nll]» hie ·111 rurn1l\tlun~ ll y niter the staircas e to the first flight U ... e tIme!! thnt I~mo unt , every 1)11 nil hom o sud j10r1' I'h n try vented jI By oulti vl1tiog' tbe 0 11. no rma l cond ltloJ1 fl of Surm l 1U1lltcl'S, molt In!; except OD I ~morn In g YOIl may see at · eIght o'clocll l:)uth erl.lDd 'l:I Eagle Eye ~nl v 1 . W Keep the 8ul'fllCe 60C Il YORr. IDclud lng of the soil inl\ fin e, wi t h tbo one·yea r·old fowl s. Caste a Barri er in India tlnarunt~le it to cure . ~t'l! pllinlellf' the children assemb le nod answer to \I frllo pliitorn. Bub· lt~ 08e conditi on , nn"",, " "" "'" """,,nna I:oll ow th e pl o w tb e lr names and then march to 1\ M(~ rl1)O Ltulny or send nnd burrnl s . --_.- .. - +- - - - for rroo sam l)le copy, dressIn g room. Here they uDdress , and with t be hlurow , Burrow th co rn· McC. 1I r illom. wll S nobbery l,cllnhto you 10 mnko In yonr Sifted Into Flnatlc a I Relll' eaoh child neatly folds fi eld Its befo olothes r e tbe oorn is up; uftflr it WHAT SOME LU X URIES and IIW" 1I 01Ih'. with :ruU r ()WIl hnIH's. 'loLhln; for Ho who stenl~ my purse, 8t .I.L COST lous Faith Pale Descrip tion of vlJ" r.;I' II· Il ll tl l'iil hlr n will ' Il will b' porfect puts the tidy bundle on tho floor. is up, oultiva te ofteu tloough t.o k (II> trnsh; bnt hH .who rob8 me ot ru y The n i ll slylu 11 ,, '1 n~. I'rl c~ II"n o h! II IH~r \ball16 Social Conditio ns, tho chl1dre~ go . I~o n smo.ll (,O IlL~. S ' lid fi,. froo PAllurn IIUIIt,lIlUO• • It KO d soil mul oh . pork oh np!' mn kl'l!' mil poor iull ed Don't bo I:!tiogy sQuaro room with shelves nll uround ,I R UlUpt.o n Moor e, m e n bor of W. \VlII Gi ve Yaa I'i.e Preu ... (or RoUlnll sub, F1rst of all cas te ls 110 Question ot lVith ~he UHe of th e oultivu .t u r . s rlDllulls nnll/111: your fr! nd~ . SQnll rorfree nnq 011 t1.leso shelves are innume rable C (IIl /!r , ~s fr o m Pbil flLi e l piJia, h l\s l'r('II\I" ,,\ f'J\lnltl~ u "11(\ CII ~h Prlzo Oll'or, entry except by v e rl ook tll ' miatllk es of otbf)l'B w'ooden tubs, suoh a8 we ulle In Am er, birth, and there Is 'rbe llln Ollnt o f , m oi ~ ture in tU e I Uludoc; lll Jlllfltiol \, u Tilt h\,CAU COMP4NY, 2391~ 249 west 37d1 St,!tEl IOU: ttl t,ll co I of all r e lld\l y 11 y.o n d your OIV I1 ,wd Ion for washing , with two Iron banns birth. A worker 1n a. coal mine mny !j o il thl. ~))ring i8 bolow normal . Ill xllJ'i os become rl ,;n lt i 0. ng part own er th ereof, a nd his as f IIvw!;: IlrOlm d them,' Everyth ing la In 1m· y , IO will fin e! thi:1 old worl(\ " pretty !'Iantill\ t o Jl1RximUIl I "I I " siogl o \' Ill' tlw j \"VI lr y sn ld maculat a ordor, 'rho teaob er gives !la ug hter marry a pcer, an d b.l s gra nd· .lid iti t'lI'e is .pI'tItSn?t pilln nHr I' "II. neh child B tub and he or she takes It son becom e a ' peer of Englnnd . ~~ o or op produo t,ion. . i n t,h i" rO \llltr.v, 'H(I(),OUO, IIOO wOI' t ll, ' f .......... - - to liD Immens e .nnd woll llghted wash· mllllons wUi onahle the low easte Hln· Cous erv ~ your SO Il moi tore. l )o I'CPl'1I lit!' t w i tlo t.lw 1J0!J t. o f th e Bell's A C - - Why Experi ment du to marry Into n Ornlulll1n tmull)' or room . it no w , A . B. Gruullu I, lIoi lt: in ~ of th A 1 11 0 1Il 11 ;" I1Ul, /llld Good for all Skin D1.e.... Wheu Dr . 8 e ll'8 PilH' -Tllr . l:lonAY or oourse the boys , and gIrls are evon t o tou cb th e hnnd , or ' throw hl3 ~up ~ . A g ri c ultural Exte n~i o u , t.h o l1 iold l''' rll' o p [lArl li n f'O d ' L Wtlto r btu! been tri n(\ wilh s lIt,i !l fu otlo o for washed Beparat ely, and the y perform ~ ha dow 'on th e fo od of 110 Bra}llllon In _ _ __ • _ _ India, !'oll ll te r>!, /t uw unt,i 'l L( n $J~ [,.a ilO,OO O, over sixt on :v allr ill tnillll1u!I o~ this ablution by grade, the tiniest It a man Is excomm unicated hy his b ' HlIflS fol' OllUgl.l~, cold!', cr o up ulltl on 8 comlllg fi rst.. The ft.oor of Ule 'll'fl slim ie nt, to os t.n u 1illh II c om pl t e A Burgla r's Awful Deed Illl tbroRt 1111 1\ hr ulw llilll trouble s. wnsh room Is ot cement nod In tho caste fellows In Indta. no one of tho ill lllnd wllitH wu y """tO ll1 . Tll J b o ys caste ",11\ ea.t wIth illm, acc jJt wn to r Il1IlY not p rlrll \J7.e II h OI1l Yon Clln gel It. unywhe rll . Look lu)' cenler Is a lattlceu wO<fen ' floor. s o · ' OUl · /l Oil gi l'l s of -tlle CU l1ntry . "nil tlle toe bell on th e b('lflle. Around the top of tho walls runs a Crom bls blUld s or mAn.,. blm . J lis p] et ely ItS m o t,ho r ' lo n g i llness. o lu, r p llopln to!) , I:l p ell t, ----..... ...... - - nlck~ 1 shower pipe, th() water of·whleh own wire will Dot tou ch him or !:ipoo.k !:lnt L>r . King 's ~;> , 000,000 ow 1Mo Pill s tHe Andrew (j'll'lleg i e UII!:! given ten Is r gulated by the teaoher . Under with blm, He Is dew to hie. fl~ m lly, a. tlV' 6 Udld n 1l1ledy f ol' women , In , t y /lr o n (' lHlwin!:! gU llI . 'l'he The bu.rher tnlllion to pl'um t,a pauco. MO!:lt of these showers at the heigh t ·lI·horo tbe or cut lis even will not shave hIm, "fhll'y u va 111" wonde l'ful \)(111 tl f.i t, in co nntl'Y's oonfec tho o l'Y b i ll 1'0l' 10 10 hair, or his toe na il s. c " nstlll~ti o n unci felllal e small figures can r en.ch, are nickel II!I \~l~ld f~t~ 1 ILt, p Hllce wi th Ill! th" A Orn.hmno cl e rk h a b een known wrot,t! ' Mrt; .1. C . Dunlup trouhl e." u.Ul ounte.l t o >F it' , OO,UOO, or ~!ands with soap and the stiffest bog . o f l.Jofld · wOrltl un 10';8 thAn thnt, --bristl e brushes whlcb make one shive I'. to dis tribute legal . docume nts by il l, '1'el1l1, tf ailit)g try tllem, :&50 ut throw --- ~- - -Ing them down at th e eud of nil ul'tlggi t · Nen r~ Is l\ faueeL Land of the Free, 'fbe persoll who is b on est e n ougb En.ch chlld puts his or her tub und er the village street In :\\,h lch live his Stran~~r-So t lt ls Is a real, live low ClUlte bre thren : Letter ca.rrl ers t,o reful:lEl · pTllh!~ t h llt liB iluowil he tbe faucet and pours the nocessn ry· b urg, h? doosn't ·de!:lIlrv, hU8n't 1" gistero d amount of wat r Into It and proceed s hBve ilee n known to r efu se to entt>r NEW KIND OF SPEED FIEN D Clliz(,1I (or Go l n~som(l)-you just to'scru b- not hlm s It or herself- but b e house of, or to pe rmit tb emse h'es b et It Is ! Wh y, we 'vo nlrencl.:Y coll ecl· wlt,h Di ogen..,R ~ e t . th e child In tront. Wbcu 0.11 are clean 10 come Into persona l. contact with Explain s to Guileles s Friend How He ad n f li t funcI to Ilcou rage aviation hose of a 10"'er status tha n them- I . Happen ed to Be Arreste d Six th e te acher ·turns on the showers nil II pnrtles to la nd 11 I'C! There' s a Reason ~ e1v e s, ' t.h oy a.re all thoroug bly rinsed w ith Times. Slran!; cr-Clev er Iden-w hat In· If one could picture t.o onese lf ~ ()- l For &h l! Inl'J~O 11111 lucrensi nl;: ';1110 fir st hot and then cold water, Each dlH'eme nls are you offe rin g? • C. HEN DERS ON, M. D of Dr. Bell '" PIne T,n t:lon A.v When child Is obliged .to empty Its own tub, ~Inl s nobbery li fted Into l\ fanntlr al A few weelts ago a man who "was Citizen- Free lalldnge , fr ee gasolin e · in the neect of /I oo u~ b m et\lO ill tl tn' lhen the d ean, ros y 1ttUe bodies dry -r'lIglOlls falth, It wou ld be a p;ll ue- , U r ed of motorin g" Bold his machine to nnd tho freedom or t he clly ! -l11us· cl'lption of th e Iron s \lbdivis l on ~ of 11 gll l1el1l~s friend . . Wayn esvil le, Ohio . it flnd yon WIll knol" the r ellt! tl n . them selves with· rough towels, stand · trated Sunday Magnzl ne. _____ I Y t rdllY the purchas er approac h d In g au the wooden latticed floor, llll\ch (,:H, le In Ind lll. 'I' he r e (s no pa.t rlutis m, ____ .. _ _ MilO oon llOt. ~e n'n his COllntr y in tub bas to be clU'efully put awny, tbe ~ nd can be none, In a cou ntry t hus the man (rom wbom be had bOught . Valley Phone 153 Mai~ Streft . ng nlnst Itse 1f.-;-ScJ'1 bller'S the car w·l tb n troubled express ion 011 pllblic !If.lHinnl:! I\(HI duv o t.a t1lf Mmll children dress thems Ives and they d ivid ed 111 tll e f1 ~ht MnG;azl ne. his fIIb f!lce, In for aDd prayers 1n the tooe or one who and the busines s ot he should tu t.ile rltl."" 10plUen t of t,be t.l m e t o s ub . . - - recitatio n beglns. -Youth 'a Compan hus <Iet.ermitled to do a. dlsn.gl'eenble I crib~ f I' !'h e .Miumi GfI:lett e sucoee; ling ge Il6I'I\.t.io n ~l~bsrribe fo r the Gazette Ion, . Saved Child. From Dcath duly, andhore, do ItJnck," at once. , ' "Look ~~~ he began, "you're ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~!!!!~~!!!! ____ __ ~ . "Aft I' our o~ilt1 hlldfluf fll red .. ~ a 'Crlend or mine, and I-I don't wan~ ~~ua r. lng for Trall'la. Se v~re b~'onohlal t.rollble for 1~ y fr ' LIV.ERITES'-----~~~'I ea r to make any attackB'. on your ver · RY !lirs. ·CharJei; Whitne y, who lives In wrotH T . Rl obllrdso D; of R. lc: ba I'l1- neity. But you told mo that yo'u bad ~ . Over.b rook ansl .. whpse huabnnd omes . . d W· MIlls.onMilo to town every :m ornlng, , called: the . SOD'S , " b~d w.e fAured lJU ·uwj)ti h\ld mobile , It been arrested 4' blld It cougb 'Umes tn· 'tha.t .auto· you sold me,. . . Barb e \ . Ire. , maid :ye'st~~day with rathei'. eX'~lted lill tile time. '. We trl e~. Illun.y rem . "Now I've trIed my best; nnd 1 "~ die~ ,wi~h9ut a v~'Il. lind t he doo~orJ~ can't .r;~t ber UJ). to five : dlreQ Ion. . ." . .' mUes an hour. """,~ . , . . . . ~'Ob , , Sarah!" she ·s ald, "I ·hndn'~ In,F:~lIolne seemed as uselet!s , ~\nll'- Would you mind t:ellJng 1D8 how ' you ' Id B k che and Weak I:-Iver or; Kldney.~ GVARA NTEED to ~~ ~ I \\~~miti~D·· noticed how lat It Is, Iy we tt·led , Dr . King 'IiNew D I!COV· l1appen ed to be ·arre-ste d?" · '. Go ·upsta lrs mila blemisbtor .~ · ~~ h ~ \tl~d~' 'and .·' te.ll Mr, ·' WhItne y to ~urry or e.rr Ilnd ~!:~ p!ell~ad ·.to. tl~ I,ba.t on/;' , . 600. ~d $:L~OO 'SI~~ or r~ ~ . °burna . he'll mlss ·Q.ls· train." , The'llur<;hRMr had' nq I\mnll amount ..., butt Ie efi'eC?ted.f1 oompl ete oure, a~d of 8a.rcum · ln .h.IB An a voIce by ,this Urne. . uUt'·cbU d It! again .trong,ft.t.l.d b~llltb~ but ha· frlend'. Prev.ent'lon I s . . ; J . ,·,t Sanh _ anawer house came read . DR COrS PAmLE SS BUSTE R .'. I' prou,d ly, . a~ Eor ' oough"' , colds. worth ho,.rsen a pOllt;Jd estI, III.' 111: · ~ ,sa.):.8, ma ." .. 1\ fo' r Is d' arnn d 'oo cn.r eff ·I I?uts the grapefr uit Juat~m. of cure. ' . outsldg grtppe, III11;~mu, ~roup 1I0d 80re "Cert8J nly." .aJd the ~an ,,<bo ha4 f1p~ ~g~he ~rb ewe Y SPliDi'l the door lind the Cholls on · ·the ·tOl] IOOIl,S, j~8 · tb'e w08t IbfaHib le remedy . ~ot rid ot the motor car! "that's ~ll PUlfa ~T.;ny 'CDi~r~~n'ent of . bone or atep and tl:!e ~na tbat II m~de. Price 500 . lind tl ..00, rlglit. I ",lUI arreBte4 .Lx and ¢ptrl);e on Prepared troth Pure' Native Herbs, theY-EiiiOU~~ii(iitiij"i times; It Dl1llCie, ofJmon ey refUlld~,~lIice 600. IaDcUDc he can· catch. tl,le ~: 10 ttalD. Trial bottle fraj!, . GOilra n'eed by ... far ob.Uuo tJq the hilh....y... Purify the' BIQpd and thus PREVENT ""S..,,_,L.......''t': roIi UI& n ALL HUQ~" al~drogg1ltl. ' _.. _.. " '.
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Where Tubs Precede Books
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The Miami Gazette ~I~I--~~~"----------.-.:"------. D. L . CR A NE , ,Pu bll sh.er.
c)li lO,
The Bayou Bridge and 'C''pid
T h d \ pnrt:rw nt Il( a#;rkullure b al rt'<.: ('Iutl. c'ull!'o IIt t nttoll to. lh badt· wardn ..!!!; of t h l ~ co unl r y n a nr clue· r f lh Ilarllc ulnr kin d o f crops t hnt go 1.0 th e 1l111klng o f 1" 'r fullllls, siws w i ft in Ibo Ule Was hi ngton PO!it. d v lopm nt o! othe r !tHlu trIes, we hav be 11 :l.lr emely negl c lful of our opportun lU 5 In t hIs part! !llnr , since, it Is. clnim tl. we cau ralso In ono J1ar t or til . r n lt ed S tates o r fl nother 11.11 of t ho plllllt.s .needful for IUl IDllum· rable varie t)' or sw eet orlors. fro m y la ng·ylang to a. tRr or r OBes. T his In fo rma lion :l ollbUess I In tf'n dcd to t; rv as ti me ly spu r to our indus: trial lU1Il - rom m relal I t hnr s y. And y t th IW W S fa lls t o carr y v II h It b... y ..:r at Ilene;e of s hame. It Is dIffi c ult to Qi;slgn tbe r eason why tb e possl· bllltl s thus poInt d out produ ce little or n o E'nt hu slll.6 m, yet s uch Is th e ease. It must be b cause t he makin g a t perfu mes Is not Dr -eminently an Indlcatlon of nnUona) vigo r o r gr eat- · n eB!!. Certain It Is that th eir unlver· II&l use by a p ople Is not a sign or .. Inlfty. Weak and e fte mlna te nations bave be n given proyerblally to the \1se ot u nguents ' and ointme nts. whe r eas soap and olvlltzaUon b a e 'Deen Ins pal'ably onjoi ned. So lo ng u we lead In sooP. It m atters little manutactures the aroma tlcs_ A bath In better than muc h vola Ule olls. while civet and mu sk may cover 11 multit u de ot 1I1ns. es pecially th ose fir o mission.
~1_ '
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By NELLIE .eRAVEY GILLMORE . _______________________><:>C..________________..__
"Do I,';et IDP ou \., 511 In t errupted lle t ula nf-l y. fl ln e hlng Itb pain as she gllv h E> r (oot an tmpatl en t twis t. Full of olfcltud " Ch entbam stooped a nd with a ! w delt O1n.n lpu lallon s Succe ded In loosp nln g th e Imprison ed beol. . " A n4 no w," said. h E'~ rl.s ln'!; nnd look· Ing I\l'd ntl y down lot o MaUlda1e decidedly cross f~~e . "don,' t . t de, ervQ some thing t or th nt ?,. H yed'·the let· ter cov t>l.'ously. Bll t t il "It I , sa Id ' olQ\ng, nnd I be d lu 'no t y\(lld .tll }t•. r, !'l \.lIer . . "It·s a!l dressed to me. Isn 't It 1" II rg d Cb at b a m In a t"Tes t fallen tone . " Y s. but- Oh I" J us t. lit th a t lunat ur an a ccommodntin g zeph yr lUted the (' n" E' IOlle fr o'm h er fi ngers and t08sed It out on tbe water, where a Tbere Is a l ways SUTe to oIDe a ti me s till mor e ac commodating curren t bore wbe n a plain waIst Is I\eedecl a nd whe n It aw lftly Into the eddies. Cll atham tbrus t ·lfI s hands Into bls made of fln e fla unels, Fren ch or Scotc h. po 'ke ts and s tood eta rlng at her, or of 80me ot tb e flgu red . challtes. or or allover embroide r y, tbe pla in mod· mingled uJ'loslt y and alarm showing els s bow th e mater lru be tte r t han do on bls g ood-looking face . The wais t mor e ela borate des igns. ' You- you' ve chnnged you r mind ," pIc tured Is ot th e utmost simplicity. he Hald a t 'last. v r)" gravely. aUe r bill T be opening Is In a band down th e recen t t·ltllbernn ·e. ce nter of t he fron \. In Ole back th e r e T he guilty crimson fl owed over Ma- Is a yoke. which extends across t he tIIda's fa :c, a nd witho ut a word s he shoulders and a li ttle over Ole front turned a nd bega n U ' r e t race her s te ps of th e waist. Tbe nec k Is fl nls bed ba(, k toward th e camp. wltb a bB'nd au d a coll a r or a s tock bea th am matcbed blA s tep with ma y be wo ~ n with It. Th e slee'fes hers lI11d they walked along In s ile nce have very little fnlln es9 at lhe s boul· for seve ral minu tes. h >eellass of the de r nnd are finI sh ed with a pla in cuff. mu d and slus h, of ra in-soaked PtTh e pattern ( 6429) I cut III sIzes 32 me nts, ot th inquis iti ve pedestrians to 44 Inc hes bus t IDea ur e. Medium who IUrn ed t o look a t t he m e very now size r eq uirE'S 3'ir yards or 36 Inch The sa vlugs bank fl gtlr of the an d t hen . goods. Co m ptroll r of the Cur rency Rre ImA s tb e y (,1I0l In sight of th e campTo pro li re lhl pOllern • ntl 10 f'c nt~ ers' te nts. b at ha m pauserl and pressive In t heir a ggregat e; th ey are "J;'atl"r n 0 Ilnrlment. " of thIs J)Q P r~ looked s t e rnly Into tbe fa e of (he c lrl 10. JellS flattertil,g t o n a tional thri ft a nd Write nnm 'l nd atldrt'811 plolnl y. a nd be .UT~ to. a l\,11 Ize and numbel' ot patt r n. at h is side. prosperit.y wh e n an alyzed than Is eas· " ' ..ook her e. :Vfa Ulda ." be said In a UY aJllIllm. d trom a casual glance .at voice l' l at was di ffere n t trom any s bel NO. 5429. their t otals,. saYII the Philade lphia ReSI ZE .. .. . .. ......,.. . hod v r hea rd him u s before. :'1 ..te w. On' t be othe.r band . the compo wa nt you to be frank with me. U NAME . ... .. .. .... . ..... _ ... . . ... .. ..... .. . . trolle r 's n gures r late only to ' tb e I ll' you 've m ade up you r m ind to tur n me s tltlltlon s th at b ar ' the n ame of savdown. J wa nt YOll to t ell me 8 0. he- .J TOWN ... ... . .. . . . . .. ..... . .. . ..... .. .. . .. . . . tore I' ve made any mo re fools of myings banks, wblle b er e a r e seve ral STREET AND NO .... .. .. ..... . .. ... ... .. self." H is li ps s hu t w it h a s nap, and othe r ciassel! o( Institutions tha t do STATE ..... . .... : __ ...... . . . . .. .. . . ... .. .. ... . Ole bulldog look came to bls mouth. s am'e sort of bui!l nel!s. an d the " Mallory!" T he exolllJDnUon wall 8&~in gs ' of the people ore far granter shar p, Indigna n t. but Matllda's e Ylls than. the ·a e pof.lts r po rted by the savlifted their sober cur tains long enough BOY'S SUIT_ Ings bn.nks ruone. The comptroll r reto emit a lamb' nt little flash tha t was ports a n Increase In the past fiscal n oUllng If not contradi ctory. year of 311,,000 in th e Dumb er ot de" It yo u ca re to ome Into t he camp pos itors. and , aggregate de posits ot until [ can change tbes rags." she said de murely. "I th1nk- J thin k we 80m tblng over '4,000,000.000. an incan t alk be tte r ." crease of rather more Ulan $300,000.· Cbea t ham div ested h imself ot btJJ 006 au r lng th year. TfJ e a ve rage dera in coat a nd le ft It on a ben ch In the posit II r cal)ltn Inc r eased during th e yard. Inside h e r oamed a bout the year ' from $420 to $445. but 3 Ile r cent. IIltle "rece pt ion porl or " of the te nt ln ter st on t he um du e . de positors a wal tl ng, like a ca ged lion, fo r tbe girl . year ago woul ll accoun t for ha lf or to make her app·enr·a llce. tllis gai n ; tb s mall r enlalnd r Is t il';! She came In at last. gowned In some e J[cPss of d posits over wJlhdrawals. diapha n ous white thing t bnt Cbentham Olougbt mada he r look exactly R ougb ly sf,eakhlg, the de positors ' lI ke a star floa Ung In a gauzy sllvel' loa-In a bollt 3 fl er c nt. a y ar by In· cloud . She was s mlUn g, and h er eyes, te~e st Ilnd 3 per cent. b y Jeposlt s In as he he ld th em t o bl s own, wer e soft excel!! of th e SUtO S taken ou t. In 10 an d drea my with th eir subtle confes· ycar ,he number of dCJ;lositors hn slon. \ In r aseci abou t 60 IJet c nt.. an :l the hpat ham real'bed fo rt h eage r a rma average de po It has i o reas d but lit· to draw he r Into t hem . but th e a polot Ie mor t han 10 Jl r cent .. g ti c e nt r a nc of an e bony-fac ed In· dl vldua l cous d ' him to reconsider for , c n t. a y a r. a mom e nt. {t;;::;:~ "I begs pa rd on. b ut sO'l'l{ehod y wish The brund of "S" fl gures In an exto speak to Miss Driscoll on de traordinary act puss ('d by our pa r lll).phone." me n t In 1617. Any able-bodied man " Be good e nough ." suld Ch eathlUll, Tbe R ussia n Suit seems to be th e or woman found loltel'lng a nd not "t o t ell t he ge ntle mnn that Miss Drls· last word, today . as It has been for coli Is- 18 engaged." eooklllg work for t he s pace o r three yenr • In th e ma tte r ot suits tor little When the dool' had been closed, ,days (:o.uld .b '. s i1..ed a nd brougbt lk- Cheatham .Was SwInging Down the boys. There a r e slight · changes. nod humbl y a nd obsequiously. he turn!'ld Clay Roa~. tore t wo justi ces of t he peace. who. th e model Illustrated shows some ot to Matild a for corroboration. _upan co nfession or on ' t he pr90f _.of ping P a nama, he r eyes wide ned nnd these. The jacket Is double breasted, The n ext minute he 'W as holding the opening quite low In front and the two vd t nesses. "shall Imme di a t ely tbe blood began t o pound In he r wblte cloud against bls breas t, and ca use t be sai d labo re r to be marked tbroa t a nd tem ples. Mallory Cheatha m t he sta r seemed 1.0 ha ve no obj ection neck Is Hnlshed with a wide sailor colthe very last pe rson on earth sb e lar In t he back, tapering to poInts at ,,'Ub a hot Iron In t h e breas t t he to Its n e w flrmn.m e nt. want ed to encoullter! th e beginning at th e shoulders and fDark of ·v· and adj1ld ge tbe said per· laid In s mall tucks at the wrist. The )n he r band was the s UII un post ed .011 livIn g 110 Idly t o the ·pr~ ~ntor. Phllolophlcal Irishman. suit Is also provided with trousers le lte r , addressed to him . It co nta ined t o oe b lR s l a ,, ~' fo r t.w o years. The said onl y II fe w lines. but It had take n be r An Ir ishma n came Into a barber made In tbe usual lDanner for chiltllnv() sball be mad!" t o wor k by bea t· ha Ir the nigh t to ma ke up he r mind sho p. a nd the uns tead y gai t with which dren. without a ny. Cas hme re. chev~ n g. ('hnlnl ng Cit· ot he rwise ." sa ys th e what to say . a nd tb e ot her ha lt how t o h e npp roached Ole cha ir showed that 19t, serge. pIque. linen, poplin. gala~London Chl'onlcle . It convi ct ed say It. She bad rt'fused him, firmly he had been Imbibin g ot the produce tea and gingham may all be used for and finally. of th e st ilI. He want ed hi s hair cut, these little sutts. ( I f nlDn ing a wn y during this pe riod . Chea tham was swinging down the and while the barber was ge t ting bIn' Tbe pattern (4817) Is c ut tn sizes , he jusikes could cause him to be clay road. with a treedom and agtIlty read y went off Into a slee p. His head 2. • and 6 years. Medium Blze reb rand ed on th fo rc head or tbe ch eel! quires of ya rds of 27 Inch material. born of a IIgbt hear t aud a good dl ges. ...'It h t he le lt e-r " S" an d t he n adj udged tlon . His gray craveI;l e tt r.overed him kept bobbin g t rom one side to the To Jlror. ure thi s pI\t1ern Mnd 10 centIJ oth er , and a t length the barber In to h lA muster as Q' I! hi ve fo rever. For from chin to ankle, and he twirled his to "Paltern DSJla rtm'.l nt." ot thts paper. maklns a s nip cut off the lower part Write name and o<ldrc88 plainly. and be TUll nln g a wa y a se cond t im e the lien· closed umbrella In rh ythm with his ot bls ear. Th e barbe r Jumped about lIurll to gi ve alze a nd number or pattern. II lt y was deat h. sJlrln ging ste ps. As he cam e to th e a nd howled and a cro wd or . neigh bora brid ge . he glan ced up and s topp ed rushed In . Flnslly the de monstra' NO 4817. SIZE . . .. .......... .. abort . tion l~ecam e so great that It began to It 1\'o uld bf! f utile to de ny th e grav· The BIght o f the gIrl, drooping hE' lp. attract th e atte ntlon of Ole man In NAME .. .. ...... ... ......... .. .. .. .......... . ry ·or t he lan dslld o; along th e Cui· lessly again st ·th e railing, he r' balr TOWN . . . . . . .............. .... _............. . .. bra ('ut. t 1tte rly s t upl d, on t.h e alb· s tragg ling about he r pale face. a nd th e tb e r h alr, 'nnd he open ed on e eye lind h e ma tte r wid cor b and . It. wo uld be to ov e rrat thell ha t above It sogged In to un unrecog. sa Id. " Wh·wh·at's STREET AND NO . .. _.. . .... .. .... . ..... . i rnport ull f'e. Tbe d scent of Ove hun. nlzable masll of flow e r s a ud (euth CI'S y ez ?" "Good Lord !" saId the barbe r. ''I' ve ru t off tile whole lowe r part of STATE . . . .. . . . . . . ....... ...... .. . . . . ........ . dred an d fift y th o usan d cubic yard s caused Cheatham to gi ve ve nt to ~ YO\lr ear." "Have ye ? Ah, thin'. go " f loose ('In th rel,e n Uy was a n im· Ilrolongl'd whis tl e. th en swiftl y do ubl e on wid ye r bus ln ess-"Ir was too long, p resslve di"as t r , bll t the c ur rent Is· hi li p" ce lO rench bel' side. an yhow !" Satl.fled. . W~J cn he Wll S almost up 'to he r. Mn,. fi ue of th e Canal Heeord stAtes th aI RastulI- J see dat bank dat you bad I \Id a s face gr w scarl e t with blufl hes th is s lid , add ed to t hose wh Ich ha ve Held III(e a c rIminal In, tb e plIIory . Sb~ Jouah money In done 'fall. An' you. Each Inn. "The Dlcken6 Head." (Jcc urt'ed sl n('e last .July, does not ex· r eturn ed bl s look ~r cons te rnation wllh A novp.1 usc fQr [jlckens' stamp wa. was expcctln' silt per cent. oft dat ceed Ole tot al of 6 .1 04,000 c Ul:lic yards on ~ of hellig re nt sile nce. suggellte d a t th e mee ting of tbe Dlllk- money, wasn't you? Samba-Don't YOU knock dat bank. allowed for s Iid l.'8 In t he central dl, Aft er Ch a th a m comprehend ed t he e ns cen lenary committee at London. visIon ' In th r vised estima tes made slt llatioD a s mile struggled thl'ough bls Mr. F . Wells of Dlrml.ngha D/ wrote Dey dun give me six per cent. ob my that, ult hough Charles Dlckl!ils was money back jellt as loon as dey bust· at that ti me, uor wiII t~ e ad ded eJ(: a s t o n l~ b m e nt. " }o' o r heaven's sake !" be eJ[c1almed the best fl'lend Inn keepers and U. ed!-PuclL CAvat!on Inc rease the estima te of 05t . ' cense{! vlctualtzers ever bad In En,. ot· e xcava tion in th e c~ntral division "hoW und e r t he sun- " Up to Him, "Or rn th ' r rain! ': lI.napped Matilda, 'Iand, ·ll.o · sln~le"'nn In the kl tigdoQ1 bor41 ma.d e in Octo be r, 1908. Newedd ' (sbowlng bouse)-Thls ,. with a d ~ Oant toss ot he r h ead that the s lga ot the "Dicke ns Head." · He made the brim of her bat flap I.. dlc- propose!I, the refore, t o ' trlwel from tbe place ""e're to 'IIve In. 1141 fat,he'" . Automobile ' journa ls are now ·look. rously agains t her domp; and' now Land's End to John 0' Gronts: carrylnl ·In·law turnillbed It. wltb him a stock ot 1,100 Dicken. " Frlend-Fumlshed It, Wby. J don" tnc fo r a $GOO four-c ylinde r car of \'cry hot, cheeks. . f."enly or t wenty-five hOTse-powe rBut Cheatham'!} eyes were glue(1 to 8tiunpa, one of wblch Ite ,In.tended to lee, .,o 'mucb aa" ~ kitchen cbair.' 'to e very Inn sign , en rou~e, thUi Newecld-You don't undel'll~d, Re . . . . ' the I tter s b\l held In· her hand alld &U tbls to com.e In 1'I 6_ A car of lUI esul,tant Jliht flubed Into th~m as converting 1,100 places Of. refrellbmeDI fumiahed the houa •• but he_ •• tbta~.~racter ·· now costa about a be espIed hll\ own name In blotted Into' "Dlck~ns Heads," In .honor ot ~ lIle to fuml.b tbe fuml~ure. ~d dollars. B~ t hat Ume. auto· characters on tbe back or It. great novellst's centebary.-LaatlOI "---1 I ..,bUe t1ea lers bell~ve, there will b& "Eg~tlsUcal t.hlh«!" tJ!ought lIatil. Cb ronlc 1e. ~ " ,. .'- y... ~. hu Quite a "PQtaU~ _ a IDlWoa and II, half machlnel hi use. da, readlDI Jila tace like a book "J'm a wtt." . . . JeOple 'fJho crass the IItreet Tim'. Ilad I r~l.ecl )'ou_"· ,. Then He '.a,. T"~np.. ... .I .. Ulelr work cDt 0;11· . "1 '.... ~Dnh~1 to· II'OW. lIupatleDt • ~~, BrunlOn a loud dresaw'" , "TbeD. III' CI01lI'NO PlOP. "qIa .t "emhlD& ... ~. or lour .ulwer, .....:. ..9D1t .MIl IaJa ... aU9A'"
II h hl;'ad bent aud li ps tl ghtl)· com· prl'E;se<i . J'vUH lltl n h urried sw iftl y pas t t he Oam p. do wn n s lee p r lay r oad a nd (10 to tho bayo u brid ge tb a t I d to r ura l dpll\'e ry box No. 33; on tb oth r .. hIt'. 1 W RS a gn s t y' dl agreeabl e da y. At In le n- uIR. th e r a in ' whipped do wn In b eets , a lt e rn a te ly slacken Ing to a li tlr ky. pe ne trating dri zzle. T h e wind tore a t t lie willow b ran ch es t.hat di pped Int o t he s t rea m, nnd the waters of t he It R YOIl writ hed unde r Its vio le nce. Hnlt wa y across Ole brldg • an ·ag~e ss lv c gll st s udde nl y se lz d the «i rl's lIJil br el\a and fl ung It vtcl o!\ s ~y In to tlie turbul ent. black wa te r. ~urn Ing In volun ta ril y, wlOl a fuUl g ra s p a t t h fl yi ng para chute. Ma t ilda nb r uptl y t wis ted h e r feet sideway s. catchin g th e h el ot he r boot In a c ra ck betwee n tbe planks. Ju st th en. an angry cloudburs t broke r elen tles illy upon th e unprot~ c ted bead of tbe hapless prison er. Ilnd with hands tightly gripping the rallln&' of th a bridge. s h e waited. wlOl what patience s h e could ('.ommand, for Its fury to s ubside. Whe n at last ahe could ,.et be r breath. she lltted .he r h ead and looked about b er. struggling trantl a lly to rele nse the mutinous heel. But t o no a vQJI. Every l erk and pull se med to make It th a t mu ch mo re sec ure . Wha t s hould she do' She s trained h er eyes up and dow n the brldlf_ In desperation, but . not a huma n being was In sight. She walt· d. perhaps ftfteen wlnutes. The n she s tooped and ma de a notb er wild eftort to di slodge ~he boot. In so do· lng , s he wrencbed ber a nk le. 8 0 tb a t rurthe r a t.tilmpts to fr ee berself were bolh painful a nd frui tl ess. W ith a 81gh s he lean ed again s t th e ra iling and bit he r white lips to kee p t hem from tre mbling. Presently t be wind ceased , tb e rain sb rank l)ack In to th e clouds, nnd t be lead ot the s ky brQke up In patch es ot bille a nd slive r. With re ne w d b ope, Matilda Bcanned th e r oad fro m eas t to we t. And the n, glory of glorIes ! a ma n was jus t heaving Into vIew on the brow ot t he htIl opposite . She wat cbed h im eage rly. thankfully. Rut as he canle n enrer,_ near enough Cor b e r t o re'c ognlze th e broad. Rtra lgh t s houlder s an d t mas sive h ead unde r the drlp-
'Practical Fashions
up :1
We know of no other medicine which has been so successful in relieving the ' suffering of women, or secured· so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable COlflpound. . In almost every community you will nnd women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege~aple Compound . .AI~ost every woman you meet has . ,either been benefited by It, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at llynn, Mass., are files con' taining over one million onc hundr~d thousand letters from women seeking heal th, in which many openly state over their own si~natures that they have regained their health by taking LydIa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham'. Veaetable Compound is :Jlade exclusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly hannless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism. restoring it to healthy and n<?rmal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such ..as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Celom&. Wisconsin. - " For three yean I wns wltb f e male weakness, irregwarltles,
O:lCKOOne and bearing down I)alns. I saw an ad'", vcrtlsctnelnt ~f Lydia E. PlnkIlBJD'S Vegetable and d ecided to try it. After. taking .., ....,....." bottlc8 I found it was heJplDg me, aDd I say that I am perfectly weJi Do.W aDd can thank you enough for wbat Lydia Eo Pinkh a m'8 Ve8'ctable Compolmd bas done for mo." - Mrs. Jobn Wentiand,R. F. D., No. 3, Box 60. Coloma, Wl8conain.
Women who are st,lffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lo'se sight of . these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVeg. etable Compound to restore their health. ' _ -~ ---
The ImpolIslble. Alldr" w Camegl , Il~ a r e ~ nt dinner In New York. sa id ot a cer ta in labo r tro uble : " It Is Billy of employers to p r tend In these trottbl 8 th a t they ar al ways In t he r ight. Employers are oft e n In the wrong ; oft n u nreasonable. They often- II!Hl Mr s. Smlth·J onesas k Impossible t hIn gs ; • "M rs . S mlth-.J one, t a kJIJ " n v 1110 Il.t Palm Beach, e ngaged fo r a bull r a st ilt ely old colored deacon . "'Now, Cloy,' sb s ai d t t he old fe llow , '( bere are two things 1 must In sis t upon- truth ftilness :lOd ob dlen ce.'· " 'Yes, madam; th e ven e ra ble s rva nt answered. 'and when yO' bids me t e ll yo' guests yo's out wh Po n YO's In , wb lch $h all it be, ma dam?' .. Out of Date. "1 a m goIng to as k your father tOo
nigh t fo r your ha nd In marrluge." "How dreadf ully old·fa shlon d you are." " In what wa y ?" "Don' as k him; t ell him ."
-. _... ----=:...----.
GOLD SfAL ROOT At $2.00 per lb. Send us what you ba ve. Allaire'. Woodwanl & Co•• Bo" 1020, Peoria. DL
One Close Tip. " Your wande ring life a s nD aotor mllst c ut YOIl oft from all ties." "Ah, madam, say not so. The rail road tl6.s are ever witb us ." Poverty Is by common conRent an admirable training for me ntal and mor:.J perfec tlon-;-In olhe r s.-Flnley. I
-'--- - -
A READER CURES HIS CONSTIPATION:""TRY IT FREE 81mple way for ·any family to ""taln th e good health of all Its membe .... The ,.~Itore of " Health HInts" lind "Quel!tions a nd An8 w ~ r8" havo one question that 18 Pllt to th em mor QUen than any other. anti which. Rlrungely enough, they find the moet difficult to answer. Th u ~ 115 "How can I cure my conaUpatlon?" Dr. Cah],,·ell. an t'mlnent liP cla1l8t In dlaeal!(,& of the &tomBch, liver a nd bowel& has looked the whole field over. hIlS prnctilled th e llpeclalt y for forty yean and III convinced thnt the Ingredi ents cont:ilJne(! In who.t 11'1 M.lled Dr. Caldwell's Syrup P t'psln has tho b~8t clo.tm to attentton from ronstipllted peoplo. , Its I!uccess In the cu re of stubborn con· llUpation haa done much ~ dIsplace the
USII of Ralls. walei'll. strong cathartlca and au h thlng1l. 8YTup P epsin, by trainIng th e stomach and' bowel musoles to a p ln do theIr work naturally, nnd 'WIth Its tonic Ingre:tients strolllrtheninc the nerves. brln ..s about a flUlUm, &lure: Among Its I! tron~lIt eupporters are Mr. J ohn Gra vellno of 98 Milwaukee Ave.. Detroit. Mlch. , Mr. J . A. Vernon of Oklahoma City nnd thous",n4a of othel'll. It can be obtained or any druggtst at. fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, of, t( you wont to try It flr8t a. f ree II1lIJU) e bottle can bo obtatnc,d by wrIting tbe deetor. 'For th o free IIBmpljt wldre&1I Dr. W. B. C'nldwI> Il, 201 Caldwe.lI bulldln..; MontlceUo, III. ' \
Gemco. H,arness: ,_.
IV. 8Jl(~LS .~1U.I' BCOO'l u~ BtltClhe4 141 to the In4h, reinforced
. \.
.' .
are 80ld by dealers In almos t 'e very towa-:there Is a' demand far them beotuee P60pls have learned they can depend OB- --GEII(:O Harness to 'glve aatfllfactory' .tvI~. The double guerantee - (that of the local dealer backed up by oun:) ' 11 their protection.. The ' lar.e sah" make , ' t- '~"Ible W ,IIf11l at the loweat percent' .o f pro t , at '~hlct/ 4epeiu!able harness e lLD l!e 4 old;" e' c&I'e' 1Vhlch 111 .rtven to every step ., In the p\aldnlJ o( 'OElMCO Harneall, the' lruipectlon ot leatller when wet. at the cutting bench and of th, hlt.tneaa when completed. mean. '.. lot . Jl. J yqu. When :you Inlow· we pay inel".· tor I_ther so· .. to have, It' free tiiim ucld_tal cuJj• .mote tor threa4 to h&~e '1t stroll". al'd more ~ 1I~" ware '/10 'u fo have the best qU&Jlt~. . ou 1rUl " uudentand why "'we an4 are n=;~~r 0• •~ . IIntee yqur ham_ 0 .-cl e,ny ' 4lif~ __lt ,III .lln~b" .,,~n, ~,rIll be DOne III It. Tou -1, safe 70U i1ibe ur .-pIrtted itOI'M wttn auch h~ ' Look or tbe TRADJC.,JlAax ' "0111100" en die ~t_"MCMIl'~~"'"
w~:I:~,l~r:u~:ut~O~~~I~~~:'n. eg:: M=k .round sta,.., nOM B OOLLAR: I-In. V IhaDlll E
bane!. :- .tnsl. ' I-In.; ,,10): 1·1n. iIo\Ibled allcJ atftdbecl. .t.INB8: ..:d,..ln· aprlns 1IIIcta. 1n. HIP ~P8: ,BRlI1IIORJNO: .'l'IUIOIIN08: nldlel, brua 01' tiIItatioD rubbtl', P11.. . , . . .
~ ' J?-t~~
~k,;:m..::.:a ~lil.r1fa.. / ~t&;:. '
1II&.. ....CI co., -11."
• it
W hon healtby, . the kidneys remove a boul GOOgra ln8 at im pure matter dally tram the blood; when unheal t hy.1tripure . .- -_ _. . mat te r Is absor bed, causing di s aS9S and symptom s. To .aUaln perfect h a lt h k.,ep your filter!! right. You can use no b Her rem·, e dy th an Oouu's Kid· n ey P Il1 ~. Mrs. O. ·W. Ell-win, 308 'l'h l/lU St. , Little Falls, Minn ., s ays: "My . . ._ _..... whole body became bloated an d swoll nn und at n lghl 1 had to ga s p fo r lIr nUl. K\(ln y secr tions w ere In terr ible condition a nd to b nd m y bac k was agon y. L ife was ono con stant round of s uffe rin g anu [ re· n ll y thought death woul d be ll. I'elie r. I began us ing Doan's Kid . y P ill s and tOlla y am /l well , happy womun ." Rem mber the n am e- Doan ·s . Pol' s ale by n1\ deille rs. 50 cen ts a bil l; Foster-Milburn Co., Bullnlo, N. Y. "lIow 18
Between Women , exa s perati ngly clever
Old Ge ntleman - And whut':! your nam e. m y boy? K id-S ch Is fa me ! lie do n't r ecognize de 4fi-pound cba ml~en of t he I Tbolteenth wa rd !
- - - - -
I SCALP sb e
~ ..
P uc l\.
clot h wbl ch rea che s to her kneell. · hIs IIwo1'll Is fas tened to bi ll side . He Along th e bottom edge of th Is are wea rs t ile D,vak wai st-clot h. a nd ball lIewn several rows ot Unsel nnd ot s ll- a su rong on his r igh t IIho uld er ," His brll!ls ornaments. be It said. and vel' coins. be low whi ch llroba bl y hang some rows ot hawk-bellll. whl('h make thos or h it! wome n fo lk . may pro ve of a ti nkli ng sound as s be moves. Round gruesom usc. " It t he cro cod ile will her waillt are se\'era l call s at brass or \I v at lIt-ace wit h hI m. t he Dyalt has s li ver chain. un d t wo or three belts no wl sb to sla r t a quarrel. If. how· made at dollars or other silv er coins eve r. t he cro cod ile breaks .tbe t ru e lin ked toge th er. From he r hips up· and kill s someo n . the n the Dyaks set wards . a s fsr a s her armpits, she to wor k to nnd t he cul prit . a nd k eel' weard a ors t forme d by tbreadlng on cutching and k illing crocodiles un· upon s pli t can a grea t numbe r at til t hllY " lid bl m. The Dyaks ge ne rsman braall rings . a rranged so c losely ally wear brass orname nts, and b y together as COml)letely to hide Wo cutti ng open a de ad crocodile they cane . To this corstlt may be fix ed two cnn easil y Hnd out It he ts t he cre aor tbree bandll ·of sUver coins. Her ture th ey wIsh to punIsh. Sometimes a rmletli of brass or s ilve r extend aa as ma ny 8S ten crocodiles a re k Ille d ta l' up 1\ 11 her e lbow. Aa 11)any rings befor th ey ma nage t o dest roy the all s he I)Ol'Se88e8 are on h er finge rs. a n ima l t hey wa nt"- whlch seem:. and 8 h ~ w arl! neckl aces of small rougb on th e Innocent. beads, wor ked In ve ry beautiful pat· L et It be noted. a lso. tllat fas hion te rn s a nd ftnl shc d off wIth a tasllel at does not stop at clot hea a nd oroabeads. or e lse a large number of big m e n t~ . "Tbe t eeUt a re otten blacksli ver or bralls buttons at rung t o- e ned, liS blac k teet h a re cons ide red a . getber round be r neck . He r eara a re sign ' at beaut y. . .. , T he fro n t teenl decorated wllh fi ligree atllds of s ilver are a Iso freque ntl y flIed to Il point. gilt. with a setti ng at scarlet cloth an d thI s gives tb elr tace a cu r loua behJnd t he filig ree-work to sbow them dog IlIt~ appea ran ce. . . . Another olf. In he r hair Is a to wering comb url olill waY' at treating the front at filigree' work. to whIch are atta cbed teet h Is to drill a hole In t he middle a number at s liver s pa ngles. w blch of e nch toot h. nnd fix In it a brQss gUtter :wIth ever y movement of her stud . I Wall once present when thIs head. She wears hor balr In a knot, operation was In progress. 'I'he m nn Into which are s tu ck a number at lar dow n with a pIece of soft wood lar ge bra ss hal rplus decorated with bet ween his t eth. a nd t he 'dentist' beads. and little tags of r ed, yellow bored 1\ hole III one of his fron t teeth . and w hite loth. She posseases a . . . Tbe next I hlng wa s to Insert bright-colored jat'ket of Dyak w oven tbe e nd at a poInted bra ss wire. cloth; but she do es not wear It- It II wh ich was t hen ti led orr, leavIng a slung ove r her ri ght s boulde r." tlho rt piece tn t he tootb; a sma ll hamAnd wh nt of t be mere man ? T he me r was used to flx t hla In tigh tly. ordinary male uttlre cons ists of a ·a nd . lastly. a li ttle more t\llng was wals t-clol h . a hend kerc hlet. and a seat- done to smoot h t he s urface of the ·ma t . the last·na med 11 use ful part bra ss stud. I am told tbe process is th e attlr~, fo l' In his wande rin gs In so paInful t ha t It la not otlen a man tIle jungle. the Dya k bas often to sIt can b ear .to lIave more than on e or on prickl y grasll or sbarp stones . two t eeth' opera ted on at a time ." Sometimes. too. a s leeve less jac ket III "Shllv lng" would ' seem almost S ll favored. togethe r with a shawl nerve-trying. "The looklng·glass a nd thrown O\'e r th e II houlde rs. The arm tweeze rs are often seen In t he handl and leg orname nts are brasl rIngs . or the young men. and t hey dovote The war-path dress la more elaborate, ever y spare moment to the plucking For teatl valll the man "sports" "a out at stray IIlllrs. Kapu, or Quick· fringed headkerchlet, In whicb are lime, which III one at t he constltufixed feathers of the .rhlnooeros horn- e nt a of betel·nut mixt ure chewed by blll and otller birds. HIs ea1'8 are t he Dyakll. la orten rubbed Into the decorated wltb lead pendants .. Round IIkln to dest roy t he vitality 01 tbe hIs neck are necklaces at beads, and bail' follicles . Among some trlbel it brals or sliver buttons. He hall shell 'Is t he fashIon tor both men and wombracelets. and braea and cane rings en to IIhave tbe eyebrowl and pull on hIli arma, and a large number at out the ' eyelashes. and i.hls gives palm·fibre rings on hIs wrists. Round tbelr fa ces a Ita ring. vacant exprol' hi. watlt til a belt at sliver coIns, and aion."
but ho w consollng ly llome lyl. • .
Kill the File. Now and Keep away . A IJA1 S Y }'I, y KILLER . .... ill .10 it. K ills thUIIKlUld•. tU 8 t~ nil eo HIli \. A ~k yo ur dca l 'r or !!en d :!Oc lo H . SOM· l':R·. 150 Da K ni b Ave., Hr(loldyu. !\ . Y. .Ii
Better DaYI. li e (wI t h n IIttle' s lgh )- T hl s Is th e .Ib lrd win ter hat yOU have had this ye Rr. She- W ell, but dt'Ul'eK I.. s ummer 11' 111 soon bo \here no w. Now .What Old She Mean? At It recent weddIng a ba by had Rhrl eked without IntermlRs lon 10 the I1;rea t a nnoya nco of .the gu esta, etc. A s the brIdal party was leaving the ('hurch a slight delay a curr ed. One of t he guests seized t he opportunIty [ 0 say to tbe firs t brldesmald : " What a · nuisan ce ba bl · s are at a . wedding !'" " Yes. Indeed !" a n swe red t he brIdE'S. luald. !l.ngrlly. " When I send out In· vlta tlons to my weddIng , s hall ha ve 1.Irl ll l " In the corner. '1\0 ba bies e lt· pect d .' "- Judge .
WHY YES, SHE GOT THE NOTE Beautiful Roses Apprec iated. but There Wal a " Fly in the Ointment." A you ng man whollo gullan try Is In
c Bl:I of hIs mea ns sought t o I' medy t his defeot and tu lIave t be expense . t the money requi red for the pur· .. hase ut flowers tor hi li lady loves by arranging with a garden I' to let him have a bouque t from time to time. In I'8L\lrn tor hi s caal-ol'l clothes. So It ha ppened tha t one day he received a bun ch of beautlful roses. which he at on e di spatc hed t o ber house. In sur e a nticipation at a fr Iendl y weI· ('ome he called on the young woman t hat evening. H e gal a fros ty r ecepI\o n. " Dhl-er--d ld you g~l m y flow ers l,Iday ?" be was finall y tor ced to ask. " Yes. and tbe note t ha t went wHh Ib e m." " Note? Wby, dId] send a note?" " You dId. A dlsgraIJe ful note, scrawled wltll a blunt pen cil. on dirt y Ilaper. Here It Is. I don't understand It. and I don't tblnk YOIl a re very h umoroulI.': . The note r ead as follows : " Here's YOllr t1owers, bu t you OWt me a pair at pants for 'e m,"-Cleveland Plain Dealer. FOOD IN SERMONS F'Hd the Dominie Right and the mona Are BrllIl~nt.
, T Is ve ry evIde nt that Borneo Is to be "standardIzed" In the matter ot c1ot bes- lf not In t be ma tte r of bread- and It Is probable that but II t t! time w ill pasli before t he aborig ines at that c o u n try ftaunt themse lves in Euro pean l1tt1 r . lind ' exchange the sliVer coins whose chle t use at llresent III merel y ornamental fo r the gauds and ge wga W!l of t be' men and women of les8 natural ways. " Clvlllzation is coming," sa y~ Mr. Gomes, "comIng quI ckl y ; and all the dlstin tI \'e Dyak customs will Ho on be thIngs of the past. Al re ad y lhe Dyak Is mixing with ot he r ra ces In the towns. and Is changt ng bls dress for western costume ." Alas! s uch Is cI vili za tion ! Th e Sea Dyak of today Is generall y a pict ures que per son. The ma n Is all ga y a s the woma n. Possibly. too. his wa.rdrobe Is more e laborate than he rs. She Is content. as a rul e, 'wlt h a cou· pie or petticoats and a jacket. He r "jewels ." bowever . make amends for anything t bat may be lac king In the way ot ,"creations." On ordiua ry occasIons she will wear a blue or red petti coat with figurin g of white ; a necklace at s mall sliver curren t coins , fast ene d togethe r with s live r links; bangles at hollow Illver or brass, several on each wrist ; and a narrow corset at hoops ot cane. round whlcb littl e bras. rLngs are arranged In such a way that none at the can e Is vlalble. For featlvala she will probably add a comb decorated with s liver fillgreework, a necklace at beads . ear.pendanta, a deep collar worked wIth bead I an~ colored threads, and don a much longer C01'8et hung wIth coins. For her weddIng her dress "conslsta at a short pett iCoat at Dyak woven
_--- . -
Speed 'o f the, Rhinoceros
A conllcJentious, I}ard·worklng and euccessful · clergyman wrltea: "I am clad to be8l' telltimony to the pleasurs and tnQreased measure of efficloncy and health that have come t o me from a doptlng Grape·Nuts tood as on e at m y' articles ot diet. "For several yean I was much dIs· tr~~8 ed during the early part of ea ch day b7 Indiges!J0n. My breakfast deemed to turn sour and falled to dl· g est.· After dInner th headache and other symptoms following Ute break· fast would wear away. only to %1lturn, however, next mornIng. "HavIng helLrd at Orall6- Nuts food, '1 finally. concluded to gh'e it a trial. I made my breakfasts ot Crape·Null with crea.m, toast an,1 Postum. Tbe res ult WIlS surprising In Impro ved healtb and total absonce at the distress that bad, . for so long a time, follow ed the morning meal. " My djge stion became .once ~ore s atisfactory, the headaches ceased, aml the old' feeling at efte rgy returned . Since thnt time t ha\'o always had Grap&-NUts . tood on my brelLktast table. . ~' [ ... ae delighted to find alBa, that whereas before I began to use Grape-' Nuts tood I wae Quite nervoul and became easily wearied In' the work or pr~partng sermons and ,In ~tudy, a . marked ImprC?vement In thlll .reapect resulted trom the change In my diet. . ;'1 am ~on.vln!Jed tbat Grape·Nutl foOd prOducltd· ~I,il result aDd hel~d me to a ' iI.tUrd,;' cqndlUon , ot mental .. and pbyalcal etrength. · . '. '·'1 ha1. kbown 'of several personl who fOrmerl" troUbled. ~ I ...... aDd who haye been helped ae I have . been, ·b,· the ule Gra.,.Nut& tood, 'o~ m7 recoInm6llldatlon.'· Name .lIven
325,000 IN ONE ,YEAR
Story of How One Chaaed a Hunting Party and Then Qat Away In Safety. Out be burst at las t with a craahIng at brusb and timber, reachIng the open Juat In t ront ot Ole ; atopped for a llunllte to anlft the brtleze. then ad· YIInced at a quI ck trot toward my pony. Helng mounted aud Inexperienced, t t elt t\ fal s e sense ot security; he lumbued toward us wIth surprIsIng swttln CS8. yet It. see med ' 80 dlm cult to be· lIe\'e t hIs uncouth animal bent' on mls(!hlet t hat t I!lmply Bat s till and wll tcbed its approach . The pony stood thIs Inaction as long at: its nerves allowed. whIch I should Judge w'a s until t he creature had got " 'Ithln eIgh t or t en yards, then wheeled wIth a most dIsconcerting 8uddenness. and set ol'l like th e wind a cross t be level. Fast though the pon y fiew (and hav· ing caugbt hla panic. I was urging him to do hIs · uUnos t). to my horror and a stonlsbm ent tbe rhIno not only bad · no difficulty In k ee ping Uti, but gained .' , . heard a shot, and then another, and looked back over my IIhoulder bopefully; 'the creature was comIng on tast er than before! A ' third ·s hot. came from somewhere on my rlgbt and l felt tbe PODY slacken hIlt · pace;
evldt>ntly th e last bullet had found a billet 1I0mewhere tn the rblno's thick hide, for to my surprise and r ellet be had wheeled round sbarply, and set orr I\t a clumsy gallop across tbe plain at right angles to hIli tormer dIrection. The whole party tollowed In bot pur· suit. even the IrIsh terrier puppy which a ccompanl d us on all our eltpedltlons rUllh ed all bard aa h could,
"I am more than gra tified by the s uccessful . r esul ts I obtai ned by . th e use or t ho Cullcura. Remcdles. For !levera l years my scalp was very bad· Iy affected wIth dandrutr and scalell. My scalp Itched 'terrlbly nt ti mes nn d my ha Ir fe ll out. .My coat collar would be actually white with th e dandruff that had ta lle n fro m my hend. My professIon being tha t at a barbe r, t was particular a bout having my hair In good conditi on, and was also lJ1 a positIon to try many lotions, etc ., tor the scalp. These bnd little or no et· fect. I had heard so much about tbe CuUcurn. R emedios that I resol\'ed to tTJ' them. I shampooed my h ead wIth Cutl cura Soap twIce a week and altel' dryIng my h ead thoroughly, I anotnted parts of my scalp with Cut!cura Ointment. I was pleased from tbe outse t, a nd continued to k ee p up this treatment. To think that ooly three cake a of CuUcura Soap and ons and one·hall boxes of Cutl curlL Ointment rid my bead 'of thIs nnooying trouble made me t eel Quite contented. I have noW' got a thick growth at balr and I am never troubled . wIth any dandruff or itchIng at the scal p. The re Is no Quelltion but that the Cutl cura Remed ies cured me. I trequently r ecomme nd t h em t o my customers, and they think a groot deal at them:" (Signed) Jolin F. WlIUams, 307 Norfolk Street, Dorchester, Boston, Ma n ., Jul7 28, 1910, A Claaalo Nota. "Archimedes," read t be pupil, "leaped from hIs bath, shouti ng. ' Eurekal E ureka !' .. . . "One moment, James," the tea cb er says. "Wbat la tbe meanIng of ' ' E u· r eka! ' " " 'E urek a' means 'I have found It.'" "Very well. W bat bad ArchImedes tounclr' Jamel! hesIta tes a mo me nt, tben ventures hopefully: "The soap, mum ."- Cbrlstlan lntel . IIgencer. On the Level. "Do you a ssImilate your food, aunty'" "No, t doesn't aab. I bUYII It open a n' bonest, aah ."-Woman's National Dally. Tf II dOM! of Hlmline WiZll rd 011 tateen d nilllbt will preycnt your hllvinlll " bad ~Id in the morninlil. i8n't It II lllood ides to h/lve it ready t o hike the mome Dt YOII feel the cold cominlll!
The sunset of your m e wlll not be beautiful unlesa your home life wu pleaaant durin&' your day of work.Colonel Hunter.
T be r et urns rece ntl y Iss ued by t be Can adIa n Im migration Branch ahowl th at up wards of 32fi,OO O pe rsons arrived In Canuda during the paat t we lv e months. cJ oola rlug tll elr Intention at Lccom lng so ttl ers In tbat cou nt ry. f t his n um ber abo ut 130.000 weI' froUl lh e nlted States, the balan ce b lug fro m t he Britis h Isles a nd Nor th ern E urope. It 'wlll thuB be s e en tba t th s turdy fa rm ing eloment t hat has gono fo r wa rd from t be Uni ted Slates I. bein g s plend idly s upplement.ed by an qun lly s turd y set tleme n t trom n c: r o/l ~ t he s :\8. Th e l ure of Cuuadian wheat , oats. barl!'y nnd fll\% grow n 0 1) th o r l h pra irie or W es te rn Ca nud Is cons ta n tl y attracting mora nnll mnt'c. and yea r by year tbe tide of Immlgrantt.l to th e W s l rn Canada plaI ns IlJ c r ~ as R; lhere Is no ~b b to this tid o. Th C' nnadl un author ltl ell are no t Bur pris d Ilt the numb p, r t ram the United S lates b eing as la rge Ill! It Is but th ey d id nOl look tor so large aa 1m migratio n from th e old countrlell. Stili . t hey wil l uot be fo und unpr &pared . R ce ptlo n halls are In r eadiness at all important points In ManitOba. SasKatc bewa n a nd Albe r ta, aurveyors wore at work durin g t he past s eason open ing up new d istricts all whi ch to plaee t hose n eklng t r ee homesteads of 160 /lere. ea b, rallw ays h ave beeD. projecting la terala tra m t holr nlaln linea. and eYery p~ vis Ion baa been taken to accommodate t he n ewcomer. A r ecent 41. patch tram Antwe rp r eads : " The dl. ve rsIon of E uropean emlgratton from the U nited S t atel to Canada Is sal4 to bo serIously a.ffecting the AUanUo ateams blp IIne8 . . The Red Star today elves up to the AmerlcarCanada line two at the bes t s pecial emlgranll steamers attoa t , the Oothland and the Samland. T hese vessels .heretotore In the Antwerp-N(lw Yor k eervlce are DOW to be operated tram Rot terdam to Canadia n ports." On th& date ot the abol's dlspatcli ...ord came to the ImmIgration br ancb that the "V&.Dguard ot tbe 1911 arm:r , of United States settlers reached WInnIpeg at 1: 30 o'clock thla m'o rnlnlt, There WIUI a saUd train load at et. fects, comprising 41 car10a411 and t'WCI eolonllt sleepArs attacbed to the tralD, which contaIned the members or 25 tamJUes. Elver,. man Jack In the party la a skllled tarmer, and al\ hav. come north pre pared to Ito rigbt 011 the land, wbich waa puroballed laa' year. Ther are equipped with eve l'1" thing th at e xperience hILI abown II n ecessary t o m ake a etar t on virgin prairie. In a ddition to machIne ry and household e ffects there were a · largo number of horsell and cattle. Some of the farmerl:l had also brought. alonll gas tractors , which will be p ut rIght to work on ground lIreaklng." One or the agents or the OanadiaD government ud vlses that It would al)pear as It each month at the llresent year would show a large Increase ovel t he past year. Tbe demand for th. literature at t he d epartment , describIng the country and Its r esOllrcel, II greater tban It ever haa been. Now He Doo.n't· Bellev·. IL man was reading IIOm« Jokes about bow the English weren', so siow as tbey are supposed to b. to get a joke. He beUeved It, too. 80 be tried bla theory on a British gues' ot his. . " Did you ever ' hear Mark T waln', joke abOUt bow the report ot bi~ death bad been greaUy exaggerated f4 he aaked . ' "No," answer ed t he Englishman. eagerly, " but I'll wager It was eoo'd. Wltat was It ?"-Cleveland PIal. Dealer_ A
tumbling bead over b eels upon tbll tussocks at coarse gTas a. and emitting shrill yapa at defiance. We could not get near enough to get 1I1'tI. Wla.low'. Bootbtal' 8,M1P tor Childrell .•on.,n. tbe !ru ..... reduce .. Inftamma· another sbot at the. rblno ; It was leeUllne U08, all..,a palo. cu .... .. lad c ollo, ~ a boUle. amazing that sllch a grea t uJlwleldly Fairly Won. brute could travel at the pace he dId, H e that Is not sensible at another's " Who ga ve ye t h' bla.ck eY8. Jlm~ far quicker _than a bo~s e'8 gallop. Flo · bappllles8 II a li vIng stone .- Beau" Nohody gave It t' me. I h84 ally we had to gIve up Ute chase, mont. t' fight fe r It."- Llte. much to our disappoIntment. tor my sIster Bnd I had been longing tor a rhinoceros horn to take home a s a trophy ever sInce we s tarted on our THE KUHN month's t rip up counlrY.- Dora Vandeleur tn the EmpIre RevIe w. ... ...
Our Teas Not Real Thing
ForeiGn Vilitor SaYI the American than hll ve your Indies In WashIngton Women Do Not Appreciate the or Gotham . Till! moat enjoya bl e me th· Social Feature. oc of tea drinkIng Is tor a group of " F e w AmerI can women," saY8 a fo r- ongenlal women t o meet tn the h ome eIgn visitor. '.' know bow to rl r ln k a or one (If t h em and s Ip t be frag ran t cup of tea . I don't mean t hey J\r Ig- CliP at the Ir leIsure. while d ls c lI s ~ ln g norant at table manne rs. The poin t [ the Interesting e xperi ences of th Alr make Is that they hav\) no knowl edgl' .cl ally life. There Is none of s ucb of the hes t way to enjoy tea drinkin g. chumm lneRR among I ' ew York and illey neither make at It th e Impres· Wnsllington women . 'They make n t a a soclul affair, yet rob It or th e very slve ceremony whlcb It Is In ChIna cer emonial tha t a t leaat would mako It and Japan, nor do tbey dorl ve the picturesqu e . Washington women nnd EoUd comfort from It tbat Is charactholle of some o th e r bIg cities s hould terlstlc of English wome n. Eve n th e take le8801:\11 eIther from the English Fre nch woman, addlc't ed though s he or th e Orle ntals .-Woman·s Na tional 18 to chocolate, and the Ge rm a n, ' al- W eekly. waye a IIlave to coffee, have clearer conceptions of the way to drink tea Vermont Allbestol. In tbe town at Lowe ll large quan· Utles of excellent asbestoll Is being produced. Some for !:y men are em· played nnd there 'Is a W'pmlse of . /l. ODe da, the re was. a'i! amullog In- trIck heen played 7. Wily ~ad e v.ery· production of 100 toni a day In the eldent In,·, the gambltug rooms: AD ' body rUlhed to ' baok ·!7!.. . near: tilture. Tbe' asbelltos . produced EDIlIshman ai'dve!l early; and, sIt: . ' The' orouple~a lOQlled abou~ and sa... In the. Lo'jVell.'mlne la ot a high gr ade tlng dow.n:. crossed 'Ills Ie,s and atuc~ ey'ery 'exe ·dlr!!,eteci. at the Ijlngllsbman, and known aa chryaoUle ·aabestos. one foot out . In. an at(ltude at eue. · w~o, .fhldIDJ blm~e.lt th, pbject ot so .Thla III 'the same Jdnd tbat ia 'proBuddeDI, there was a wllcS ' rueh . or ·tn ~Qh. att~nUoD, btullh~d violently and 'duced In the provtnce o.t Quebec. ..er,liOd7 to the tables, and ~taI~aD . buret Into • .an-ofule-penplraUon. Tben 'r,lIere 'Ia onlT one other @:ine In .the baronI', BpanliJa COUnUlae. and Ru. .• roar of IJUCbter went roulJd tbe United State. Uiat. produces thia kInd 'by Poetum~ OompaD1: Bawe ere.Jt. ..... prtnceaee fou,bt with ~h . other. I'9Om. aDd tbe couJllerl and the In· ot aabewtol, Tbla III loca~ed in W7OMIch. . to let their lold and IUver plecea OD' lpectora ud the .alamo attelld· miD, aDd Ie lun hi the development to 11. Th. -crouplera atarecl, tb. In- aDte III live", johaed 10 It. lta.e, 80 that It la quite true to ltate "There'. a reuon.'· Tbe lD~l.'" .AI expl~ed_ 00 u.at · tb. Vermont. mID. II the onl, tile little booI • ..,....' Road to apector'looke4 0."0\18, anil-wbeD .1 f rime up thl! n~ _td- ...mld P'!tIt- the 8C)le ol.ua•.~........." boqt .w~ oDe of kind hi· tlll-'- coliDtq that W~l"',,· b(JI.... ' . . ~~ ~. baJJPDt4, 1bd dw ·tbe Qum_ "Iii cblk_-:4.. R.'· ~. . . prodl&Cllo. utMttoa OD e . colDmtr,tEl!~!,rt~;~prINl~1f;~f lOt at' · B-" ·. . . "DaaoDet AbroIUl;' . . cia. bull, ~ .
~·LqCky ~ Number
.at Monte . Carlo
Only ODe ,pod1lCef ouI of fiver,. ten Imow. wllat hie IDiIk . ....... him.. If you·are. dairymaa. .take notice! . .. .:l ~ 01 aIialfa ia equal to I powtd of wbeat 1Ire..ill milk valu.. Alfalfa COItI .~ ' b'aD cOlti ~ 10 120 II ton. . . . Scrub co~ fed ~ .-\ilana b~ fa' at ," ~~ of 7c • JICIUIICI.' • ~a1I.. tBted apiDIt aa aDd dried breWer 'lfaID u W 'Ibow. a _ ... III milk COIl of 12.7c pet' . ud 2Jc ~ f'OIItId ira Lunet: ' T. widI od!et. Ieed. are eqUall, .. voRbIe. " ' .,.... , a. . ,. • n................... ' \ '( . ., D ..... _ _ !t1. aI _I _. _II_.L' ...J45r I..... - It't .,'.• .... . • _ _ y 118 _ _ _ "" . . . . . . ... . .,
. w. _ .w.. elf.... 1eDcl.oa which each ...... talo ""'. . . . Cihlfal.. ..,.. •_ cua!aJ!.-,,..,. 1t .......... Saera.
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CaL wllich"~ theJell-- ADD.... _._ __ wiJllIII\W M"eabe...... 'Iocl_· •• II· _ !I!)!IIt:. ,.... o.---;~=,.~ _n81, Mella...,.. ' 'Qt,!'_ ; _.~..,.
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'T he Neighbo.rho.od ~ews . ·1
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•• ••
1'he Hawe8.and Bailey show fu~nlshed B"'usement for our people ..., lll.st week. . ' t.wo evenings Mr . and Mrs. Zain Armitage pll\yed fol' Dol\08 Worley 's danoing sohool Satllrday night. A good crowd attended the Linooll'l Legion Temperanoe program at the U. B. Chllroh Sunday morning. The pledge was eigne 1 by nineteen persons, and :J.collection of Ii 61 was taken. .'
An Important Idea We wish especially to call to your attention the ease (n which you can .get adjustments for "ny part of the machine. If by some unfortunate·accident you have a broken part, It only means a few hours' time to repJace it if you have a Stoddard-Dayton, while with other makes it may mean days or weeks until you get it.
• .'
A demonstration will prove to you that the "Stoddard·Dayton" cannot be excelled in reliability" easy riding qualities, beauty of design, and last but not least, PRICE. ' . Just telephone or Sl nd a pos.t card and we "'\ will be glad to shqw you jl!st what these cars can po . .. Let s prove to YQu that ~e have th.e c~r YOIV' tleed.
T ....lhone. Main 3663
I 15-, 17 W. Fourth 8t~t,
Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Benecke, of Mrs. ' Tom Buroh, ot Sidney, 0, aDd Mrs. Clyde Blatt and little Napoleon, Ohio: who haYe been the daughter, Mllrjorie. at Win\)hester. guests of their son, W . .E. B~necke, Ind ., were glle8ts ot , Mrs. Alioe retu~ed hQme Tuesday morning. MoKinsey and dtmghter Monday. . . Mr. and .Mra. Wm . Beedle, of . Mrs. Tom Burch, of Sidney, OhlO~ Troy, 0 , were guest8 of Mrs. ' Marv ~nd Mrs.Clyde Hyatt, and daughter, Waterholll!e 1a.t week. Margery, of Winchester, Ind~ . wera Mr.' and Mrs. Geo Coleman , of alumni guests of Mrs. Agnes Wright. Indlanapolts, Ind., spent several . days last week With Mrs. Ohri8tie Oscar Denlinger will ~pen his ice M Ki . . o. nsey. cream parlor' this se&80 . n i..n, the build. N IlT Baines moved his family to ing next to Cr~~' hard'w are stort!. Dayton Jallt week. 1 d b Sa Mr, and Mrs . F. Graof left last He wi) be rea y tor usiness tur.w eek for London. 0, where Mr. day. Graef will Bot II.S agent flJr the ne:n two months. Mr. and MrR. John Fromm and . MI8s Lydia ' Graham, of Dayton, daughter Catherine, Miss Nettie has been visiting her parents 'he Fromm, Mr~ Harry Fromm, of Day· past wee~. ton; Miss Mary Hawke, (\f Lebanon, Mr. Geo. Hamilton, of Indiana, and MiRB Elsie Kirby, of Utica, were' is Chas. VisitingReynolds Mr. and M.r'. . Bisey. Commencement guests of Mr. and madftJos a.. business Mrs. John Hawke. trip Dayton Monday. 11lss Ada Snook return~ to he'r Mr. and Mrs. John D~~~er, Miss hOIDf in t;outh Lebimon Sat.urday Angeline Yorta, of Chillicothe, Ohio, evening. Mr. Benecke. of Napoleon, O. is 'Miss Norma Buchanon and Mr. Mar· here looklnl§ !lfter b~8inel!8 interests cus H~ustOn; ' of Morrow, were .ComMr and Mrs. Robert OolleU, of mencement gueSts .of Mr. and jlrs. BarveysburR, spent MOlldal with Byron Hartsock and daughter, · Miss Mrs. A lioe >\o1oKlnsey. Justina last week.
- - - ... /.
.... - --
Mrs. H. ·C. Hawken, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.Poole, Mr.. and Mrs. EatleK. Hawken, their dau~ bter, Miss Esther and son; M~ter Robert, 'of Spring~ field;' Mr. ·and Mrs. ".1. O. Cartwright and Rhea Janet were guests of . MillS Kezzie Merritt and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright on Sunday at the horne of th~ former. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Lydia Ebright were: Misses Ella and Sarah Ehr.i ght Mr. Jos. Ebri,B'ht, . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters, Mr. G. E. Randall, of Dayton, Mr. Edward Ebright, Franklin, Ohio,' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ebrig'ht, of Xenia, and Miss Mira Holden, of Cincinnati.
The C. E . Society of the Christian Church will give a "Variety" social WedneSday,. \ evening' June 7th in the Masonic Banquet room. A program consistin¥ o.f music, readings etc. will be given Ladies are requested to bring a DOX with lunch for two, also put their napie in box, and whoever buys.their box will be their partner for hinch. . Everyone cordially in~it ·ed. • "' ••.;.. ' --HQRSE COMPANY MeETS " ~ .. _ _ . The . Wayne ToWnship and Pro~tiv~ Association will rlleet ." ...... , Saturday idternoon ' at 2 \) clock at ·. the;. 'rownship Hou~. BUsirl~ of im~rt8nce ou¥ht to eaUeve'ri ~e'm. be' : : that af"-r out ,on ~"~r:t~ . _.
HIB Probable Fat'e. "Waal . .some waYB I'd . like. to an' Borne waYB I guesB I wouldn't;'· .ald honeilt Farmer Bento?er . when the .Buave dIspenser of en6yclopedlaa ha.d PlI,used hi hIs. sIren sOl}g: "Ye see, If I 'wll:ll to sIgn tor that 'ere cyclopedee In totty·seven parts Includhi' the In· dell: an' app'e~dlcltl8: I'm sorter afral4. I'd hey to work so ha~d to paY .. fer 'It' thet I'd be too tired to enjoy Hadlo' It;' while ' If t read It at my leesure. as I'd' ort 'to. 10 order to ,It the ,ood DAY of It. I wouldn't he" time to elU'll the price. .So, all tllinp' .c~1i8Idered. I '. .,.', Co . 1U8II. I'll heY to denY1JIYBelf th~ prl". Thunday. may 25th. Holy m· It were. Lookl lorter Un munlon wllf .,. celebrated In St, . ~ 01 to ~e north.eet, cJoil't ltr , . MarTI e,hurch at 10 a. m.
- -- -.
tI'", ..
Notice of Appointme~t
, .. About .Peop~e · .' 1 ZIMMERMAN'S
Mrs. Haley. of Springfield. Ohio, was the g uest of Mrs. Ella Michener '. he Miamis won the ir fi rst game last week. Sunday at Phillips' park again t the Miss Rowena Wright, of Red Lion, N weom rs , of Dayton, by the score of 13 to 6. Steele and Troupe, uf is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. E. V. Dayton, did the battery w'ork: for Barnhart. the Miamis. · , .~-.--Raymond WilliamSOll and friend, Spring Valley of Dayton, spent several days here . last week. U . Val I:Urns and family entAr tained on li!onday Mr8 . O8OBt t;ims Miss Imogene Terr~II, New Vion and daughter, of Cinoinnll:tI, enna, is the guest of her Sister, Mrs.' T ODer Underwood and wife, of Day. ton, a.nd Wl1lter Underwood tlnd H. W. Bailey. wife, of BarveYRbarg . Geo. Hamilton, who is making his Mr. RIlY Krug and Anna Anabee s urprised their friends Sl\turdoy by home with his daughter in Indiana. announcing their marriage whloh is visiting relatives here. t ook pltloe in Xeulll Februllry 20th. The venerable Sam!. Sides is danThe ~ . V B . t; . will hold their &nnu~l banquet ~lI.turday evening Kero usly ill at his home, and the enrl 10 the Town BI~11. .~ is looked for at any time. The pu~lIs of the Spring Valley 80hools gave au entert.ainment Fri. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamil ton, of da.y enolng in the Town Ball Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. Comm eQcement exerolsea were held in the haH I::Ia.turday evening and Mrs. George Hamilton . The claRl! ga VI! the pI ay . "The Sweet Mr. J. B. Lewis, of Dayton, spent Girl Urlldua'e." Sunday with Mr s. A. J. Alexander Miss Ettie Conley, of Cedarville, WIlS the week· end guest of friends and Miss Katherine Alexander. here. Born Fa'idliY morniag to Rev. Mrs, Martha Smith and daughter, 'aershey II.nd wife 8 little daughter. Mrs. Henry DeMu th, of Lancaster, Born Thllrsday to Ed WaUon and Pa., are ~uests of Mrs. Smith's sister wife II. little daughter. Mrs. Susan Eberly. Alber' Lumpktn and wife are the parents of a little 80n. Mrs. Mary E . Cadwalladet', of Mijts Minnie Ar~ntrollt wall the Morz:ow, and MrS. Dora Gallagher, guest over Sllnday i7P Lillian Anabee of Cincinnati, were guests of Mrs. Agnes Wright last '\eek.
The .··Dayton .Automobile .Co.,
Rev. Moremll.n, of.·Spring Valley,. lectured on Telnperllnoe at the C. E. meeting on l5unday livening. The Epworth League held a bon. fire soolal on Thllrsday eveninr. WheQ Will Reeves brough t his bride home on Thur8du.y eveniQg he found the front at his new ' home elaborately (7) deoorated with old shoes Later in the evening a party of young ladie8 g~ve a 8erl'lnade and the bOY8 had an old fa8hlone' bell Ing. lira. Reeve8, was formerl1 Mra. Alexander, of Dayton. 'rbe burial of Roy Hqrley, 80n of B.... and Mrs. J. 0 Burley, of nenr ...., , Lumberton,ooonred tLt the cemetery 8.a st of town OD. Wednesday. The lad ran into the coupling pole of • wagon, while at ,.laY, and reoleved internal injllries whioh spedtly end. ed h18life. Born to Mr, and Mn. Albert Lumpkin, of the Riohland neighbor. hood, MODdIl.Y, M.lY 15th, " son. Joshua and Ashley InwoC'd spent 8unday ot Il1.s' week in Rlohmolld, Ind. Deooration Day wlll be 'ob8erved here next ~undll.)' afternoou. Rev. Sulllvao of Xenia, will deliver the addre88 .
. .,
Off~ring t~e
"Stoddard-Dayton," line of a~totnbilles we have a model for ~very pocketbook and every purpose. the prices' range from $4200 for the big findy upholstered and superb four·door Limousine to $1,175 for the "Stoddard-20" Roadster. This includes a body for every person; the Limousine, Landaulet a nd Coupe for town use'; the Touring Car and Torpedo bodies for country touring; the Roadster and Semi-Torpedo for tbe business man, whose time 'is too valuable to be spent :walking about town or standing on the corner 'waiting for street cars. 1\. cordial invitation to people of Warren County is ex tended to visit our · salesrooms, or, better, a visit to the factory, where a purchaser is b etter able to select a ca r to his oWn personal taste.
....-...-.~ -.-.
The noto rious OLi!! 'Hurley ~ known at the hio penitentiary as the "d . ~..-...-.:.-....-..-..-. 'mon," was arrested Columbus Miss Alice (4lrey is spending iast week for 'hu1'l e stealing. About a week with relatives in Dayton. two ago Y~ai·s he was paroled. and hai; been going a fa~t pace ever since. Miss Jessie Marlatt is at home H is wanted at several places f or Buffering with an attack of rheumahorse s tealin~. t ism.
\Irs 1~~" " d.. " rI.l IHHt wh ) h ud baen l Pu n l R bl\8 u, .1 (JR . Davis, Cbn ~. y .. ry sh'lI. I ~ hl\t t n' 11.1 tl lL \V rlt l ll ~ ; (J .. rrt,m , InL fiurt :!o Ie lIud l:ilury E. iLlll1 :llll' (itl., r "H \\IlI:<on,ot Ily ton,. IIpent In .>lOr .' .. I () B.ITl.'.I.t v MI ' , Sundnv d veu II . v' r I.u r"noi 1.111I1 ' ( f rum til ,' Wi:>~ t onr vlllug r turlllDg ou ay . \\Ilere· tb y w a n t. for bit! houl t h IiIl Ul ln/;; . . , 11 . ill 10 11 kin ' bt!t.t r. Ott.o l:I ornlck hilS sold his poolTh 1'1 will 1.10 tl. pilI gl \' II hor. r om to u. gentl eman, of Bowl'rl!\ ''1 l'u >rl'LY vl,nill " ~11l . aQlh en y!\1 0, lit! will t l1ke poase!lslon ,June tI ~ I , II " U ll l, III LIlI' ''':-; \ I'(' llt,:\ ' ' li t til,) 1RI, lind will ·be'.lome 11 citi7.eo of our 'I'.J WII HILI! by h" " ,,, I,d nt. f'lr tho t OW /l . . 1, ·IH'.li t jjf Ill n ,\1 1' 111"1',,11 lI11lfl ty. " II' 1I 1l11 Mrs BIlUllltOll Ill'll onterOur ('o /llllIn ni l V \VII!' I'b cl{' kocl 1(1 ; tll llll ll J.: u ntl W hoy lit th ir hOlne. II 111' of t il dt".ih l lf MI'II I:itt ~\' 1 1 T hl' reucb er8 of our high sob ool :-. Itl er Itt th e hllll}(lo the1' g ra nd I b O \' \' I f\ft. tb e Vil1l1~e f r thelrVttOBt ILI.her. M,' I·' rort Ilt}I4U Or , III Cent er l io n . it. ill the dtll:llre Of. t~e l"l trooB \ ill e 11I !' t Frillll 'y Ill o rn i u ~ . ttl ll ! t hey m/lY roturn 10 ~eptembelr. I\lr8. All II 0 I \' 1';, wtl tl too k sick ,f ll hn Wur I is btllln t.jf .vin~ his well \'ery s udd enly wil h hOlirt t ro ubl o is iUlpl' nvod home with {laiot. up B.nd nrouud ugn in . Am os B oureh is ilDproving h is Ohner H ll wlufIlJ , of Dll yto n, vi It ed property wit.b puiut . his par ntR he re IlIti t :- nn<lI'tY · l)'lnllold Ewing. of 'ar1isle,l1ttend Will . Lun ni g~ r i r p rted on t.lle etl t.h e COOlllitmCement here Fridav !lIc k hst.. nigh t and wus t,be gue8t of IJoward Paul Our"l, uf l ndHtnnlJllli" , In~ . eurs, roturnin /! howe t;llnduy . . IlI1s oom e to "peod Il t e"" dll ),s wltb Dr . lind Mrt!, Witham, of K lDgS hIS 111 01·11 r, l\Ir NnullI I)" f!! t . Milll:l,llt,tended the oomlllelicement Mr onll Mrs . \ rn V.I VI S enter xoroisOll b are. t liined Mr. 11111 1 .,. I' t! Ha rblll Bllugley 'L'he opp :>rtllnity for running f Dllytllll, IIlSL Wt'duel'lljny Ilnd u Hot I on d Livery 8tl\ble never was Thursday . bfltt,er toun u.t the vresent in our 1'he J U A M L dge cele villtlge . brate 1 h ir fltt elJtb ouniversury Mrs, Ca.rl Va nDervoor' II.nd two Ivith Il upper in I heir hll.1I lust children, of Pittsburg, lue the guesf,fI W "Idnellday ~vening . Mr. W . A. of Mr . VlinDarvoort's father, James, Ultuke t;t.tlt.e COllD OII Jr \VIIS the and sister LUCile, for a. few week8 . s pea ker of ter whioh r efreshmen ts There is no town in Ohio that were sel'vt!d fL nd tho ev, nin g wa s don its colors more in their sea80n well sp nt by u.ll. Th t Mr, and Mrs. Wilfnrd E11I ott of U,lln om town . e pa.lO ers are nijar \OVayut'!w'llI e Ilttonded tb Vf-rY bu y . _ ..._ __ .J 0 AM. r~lld ge "upper lust Oregonia. Wl1dnetldllj v enjn~ . Mra. Ltturn Hinkle , \Vh f) lives I' outb of t,own. Is vi tting relll.tive 'l'he Misses MHud and Ella Vei~t, Itt thill rllloe Morrow, spent Bondll.Y here With - - --.- ... - . t,lleir sister, Mrs. George Sooher. Many 00g8 In Franoe. ll'mnk Cleaver, of Lebanon, called . There are more dogs In France on friend8 here 8undll.Y. Mr Bnd Mrs. Charles Villars and than most countries. Thus It uppears . that to ·one thousond Inbo·bltant.e there son, Gerald, are visiting MrA. Gill. are 76 dogs tn France and only 38 In T. R lind C. A. &pencer and their England, 31 In Gen:no.n~ a~d 11 In sons OBme out from Lebanon to visSw~en. Stili, hydrophobIa Is, eX' it relative8 Sunda.y. tremeljt rare In the departm nt of the Mr. II.nd Mrs. Ira Stutsman, of Seine. the last case observed datlng S· d back to the yea r 1905. Doctor Mart~1 Morrow, were in town un ' ay. . says thIs good state of things haa Mr. and Mrs. Will Kerlley and been brought ,about by the law tor Mi s Edna. Spencer attended the' kUling 'not only every ma.d dog, but Barvey~bnrg Oommenoement Ert· also for . killing every dog .nny mad day nig ht. dog may have ' bItten or plnyed wi.th. . The Missps Lucile MIl80n, Lelia. But sInce thIs law cannot work out Elbon u.nd Luoma .Norton Ipent· to perfectIon the French a.lso ex· l5uDday afternoon with Mrl!. &ok. termlna.te all stray dogs. er and her sisters . . d' Fewer Fog. In L'on on. "5 "Twenty years ago there were u foggy daye In London dUring tbe win· ter month •. whereas In 1909-10 there were onlt 11 d\1l'i.q the same period. The tog llend hail been scotched. If not killed," Bald SIr James CrIchton· Browne at tho annual dInner. at the Sapltary Inapectors' Ilssoclatlon. Tho reductlon ' ln tbe number of foga be attributed chIefly to Improved san I· tatton.
ltlit ..l-e of Johu B yaH . •\ use<' > The (\ 1'81 ' ned ha\' II ' II apl )() IIII~' anli (~Ila\ll .... allllln lSlrll.lrl x a nd aiim lnlstrator 0 .thO t .
FancyTenn.Strawbel'ries R~pe '
lI r ~ltl\'.
O" tocJ thl .. 3,,1 "U )
Received f resh,. every Jl;lY. Fancy
III John Ji Y1>U,. ''' 100 of Warren
)lI io . d '·OM U4.1.
fl l I
\< Ule S.I. 1\I .. u.. ,.'. . 1:luI'l llOek
Puffed Wheat Coupons Bring.in your coupons. We will redeem them. .
New Potatoes, Oabbage, Lettuce We keep it crisp and fresh in our , Mist Machine. Radishes CucumbP.rs New Green ' Beans '
0 01'0 1n
1 l'\ II ~Jon~.1 Bliuk Olll /{.
Waynesville, O·
Classifted Ads
Sweet Oranges Thin Rind Lemons
Special Sale Cakes See window
\ AWi \VIII lie UUlI r this heal! for twenty · llve cent. fo r Lhree lu ~o r tl ou~ whun WIl li g lIut moro tll n n live IIne _.
It pays to trade at
.:-Former _.. Citizens I -~.-..-. .-...-..-.~.-..
.-. - -
FOR SALE .Terley Sweet Potato plllntR. PURE Inquire of 0 R. Hockett,R. D. 3, WlI.ynesville, Ohio.
--. 3
TON'S of good wixed Hay. Lee BeDdersoll, R. D. 3, Waynos· ville, Ohio: Henry Matthews, of Mineral Point, Wis" says "the Miami Gazette SE.'ems rQR SALE-Jersey Bull 2 years like a visi t with old-time frienGs as Cold . tl.od two yearling belfer8. I read the old fami;iar nam~s of C. F . Elliott., Wayn-,sville, Ohio. R. R. I, Bome Phone 605. Centermy boyhood days each week." ville Exohlln~e . Mrs. Sarah Sellers has returned EMENT Brlok on hand Ittl the home from Cincinnati, where she time. R ook Faoe and Rapt! spent the winter: and will remain Face Briok and Cemeni Block WQllt through the summer with her son, be ordered , Inquire of Mrs Frank Stanley M. Sellers, manager of The l'ratt. . . Houston Co.-South Charleston Sentinel. GGS tor hatohing, 500 per eet·tin g S. C. B. I4lnorca, ~, C. B. In some interesting facts concern- L8~horn and White Ply moth Roob ing Burlington, Kan., and its in~ab Mrs. Harriet Furntts, R . O. 2, itants, the Commercial clubs thpre WaynellVille, OhiO, Phone' l X on aa. are to make tI ips into the different t A n g the SEED Corn that will grow. Iu· towns 0 f t h e coun y. mo quire II.t the Kelly and TanndY namaq mentioned we see those of our fll.rm, Wayn68ville: Ohio, phone former fellow-townsmen , W. J. Jan- 83-8. ney and W. B. Mather, C?f the Farmers Produce Co., Carl Mather APER NAPKIN~The ·GlI.zette (in his own make car),/son of W. B. offioe hand let! tbe platn whHe Mather. " The trip oUght to be a very tl.nd colored napkins. Oall !lnd lIee profitable and pleasurable one. them. About t wenty cars will conduct the party. l~UE PAPER-If you "'.Iln" any oolor of fine Ussue p .• per, call 11.$ the 6azstte omoe. W£ tll\'" it on hand Illl the time. -- .~~-
Public Sale
I will offer for 8al .. at publlo aue,to. at .., fiat8 oyer the ~atlonal Rank,on Satu..day, Jun.: 3, 191 I, Beginning at 1 o'dloclr, p . m ,the followin, household goods: 1 Iron ~d, ~pringR ao~ maUress, 1 .prlng oot and mattre8s, f'hlffonier and dressing extra8tand~ goodoak dr.~er Bnd wasb tllble, stand, ol,'k par\(u . table, a ·rattl\n rooker8, " rattan trafght ohair with plush ou.hionl&, 3 wooden rookers, 2 arm ohairs, 5 straight bAOk ohatrs WIth oane 8eats, Ansonia 8 day oll1ok, lamp, tablps, oupboard. refrigerator, oak ' buffet And tabouret, full oha~ber 8et, drop head Stoger Sf:twiug maohlne, 8 ourt~iD polN, 2 door . poles and S portt'ere8,8 pair ,lace ourt ... i~s, 2 pair rumed Swis8 OUrtaln., ball runDer, rUIIB, windQw 8bades, Rtlrbage OIlD. fruit jll.ra. jelly glas8et1, 'ub and W88~ board, and a tnU. line of di8hes and.cooking uten8ils. , . Jessie Clark . O. 'f. Hawke, Auot.
-=============== FOR RENT ROOM for rent next to . :roa~' store Addretls Ste \'e Phlllipa, Wash. inl(ton O. B • .' or inquire 01 (;r088', next door.
Are You Looking
'lor a PoslUon? We can .offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and home. Write to-day J
II The BaUeriek Publishing Co. Batterlek BaUdlD•• NewYOl'k, N. Y.
Remember When you want good printingneatly done 'a nd qqickly executed, that the • • • MIAMI GAZETTE Is.the place to have it ~pne. .No job .too·small for C~Rlid-.. '·eration. BrinJ·us you~ ~w~r~ .